938983;1417392089;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 69476 @ 0.00035537 = 24.6897 BTC [-] {2} 938984;1417392127;cazalla;tandacoin, you run that site with microguy, the goldcoin scammer? 938985;1417392163;mats_cd03;cazalla is a little heavy handed with the criticism 938986;1417392194;kakobrekla;no time for being soft, time for pokemon! 938987;1417392201;mats_cd03;works better to educate, then drop the bombs after it fails 938988;1417392244;nubbins`;<+mircea_popescu> "this is actually the only cockroach in this soup". <<< lel 938989;1417392256;nubbins`;"press any button you want except for the one that breaks it" 938990;1417392264;cazalla;mats_cd03, not reary, the guy was only trying to get an article up on qntra to pump his own site in all likelihood 938991;1417392269;adlai;"our planes may be old, but they're also uncomfortable" 938992;1417392271;nubbins`;"which button is that?" "it varies" 938993;1417392855;mats_cd03;too quick to burn bridges is all i'm saying 938994;1417393238;adlai;depends what's on the other side, or worse yet, partway across 938995;1417393293;mats_cd03;the number of newcomers that have become regulars has dwindled massively 938996;1417393328;mats_cd03;i feel this encourages an echo chamber as it continues 938997;1417393377;adlai;I'd agree in general that bridges burn fast in assettown, although in this case, let's just reread http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-11-2014#938962 938998;1417393377;assbot;Logged on 30-11-2014 23:54:29; tandacoin: ive used them for ages and hashstaker is going to make so much money it sold out in hours 938999;1417393386;mats_cd03;you'll never get a writer that reads chinese and wants to write for qntra at this rate :p 939000;1417393443;mats_cd03;das all i got. carry on. 939001;1417393463;adlai;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-12-2014#938995 [Citation Needed] 939002;1417393463;assbot;Logged on 01-12-2014 00:21:33; mats_cd03: the number of newcomers that have become regulars has dwindled massively 939003;1417393547;kakobrekla;the general discussion here also changed a lot over last years 939004;1417393709;kakobrekla;but i dunno, who joined in last few months that is not worth keeping? 939005;1417393797;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 56350 @ 0.00034869 = 19.6487 BTC [-] {3} 939006;1417393900;ben_vulpes;PinkPosixPXE's downright neat 939007;1417393902;ben_vulpes;i like undata 939008;1417393913;ben_vulpes;adlai...writes lisp 939009;1417393920;kakobrekla;yeah fuck him 939010;1417393926;ben_vulpes;hahaha 939011;1417393980;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29007 @ 0.00035218 = 10.2157 BTC [+] 939012;1417394037;assbot;Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/02CNRT1.txt ) 939013;1417394037;mod6;!b 3 939014;1417394082;*;asciilifeform back 939015;1417394121;kakobrekla;o hi, chan was worried. 939016;1417394126;asciilifeform;l0l 939017;1417394202;asciilifeform;>> the foundations 10btc should be spent on japanese toilets << 939018;1417394208;*;asciilifeform seconds this motion ^ 939019;1417394215;kakobrekla;lol 939020;1417394254;jurov;;;later tell mircea_popescu withdrawals pls 939021;1417394254;gribble;The operation succeeded. 939022;1417394505;BingoBoingo;Dat chart http://altcoinpress.com/2014/11/a-name-matters-cryptocurrency-names-and-ratings/ 939023;1417394506;assbot; A Name Matters: Cryptocurrency Names and Ratings ... ( http://bit.ly/1z5Xb0r ) 939024;1417394727;asciilifeform;dbus in kernel << mega-lol! afaik the (by now universally-known) 'dbus' exploit is still a reliable 'local root escalation' on any and all boxes where the abomination is installed 939025;1417394857;asciilifeform;the undoing of C.. due to its memory unsafety they must decide to either bloat the kernel or suffer the overhead << entirely spurious argument advanced by the poettering folks. 'dbus' is not (to date) used for any application where the context switch overhead would approach detectability, much less really mattering 939026;1417395000;asciilifeform;(what's 'dbus' ? a somewhat clunky message-passing mechanism. for... folks who don't like unix domain sockets? idk) 939027;1417395071;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: frost mage, at your fingertips. all you need is a compressor << notably, as depicted in the liquid helium scene in 'stand on zanzibar' 939028;1417395102;asciilifeform;(luddite girl gets doused with liquid he hose by programmer in self-defense) 939029;1417395180;asciilifeform;'oath keepers' << if it isn't a honeypot, it (from usg's perspective) ought to be. 939030;1417395194;asciilifeform;can't think of a more perfect list of folks for the politruks to shoot come day X. 939031;1417395234;asciilifeform;the folks who signed up voluntarily - are, to use the inescapable usaism, 'not the brightest light bulbs at Home Depot' (hardware shop) 939032;1417395337;asciilifeform;lead crystal << simply a less-leaded version of the (formerly) ubiquitous glass from which crt is made. 939033;1417395355;asciilifeform;in the latter case, enough lead that it appears nearly black in the aggregate. 939034;1417395567;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes, mod6, whoever else: after some hours and a restart the thing jumped << if it needs hand-holding for normal operation (including blockchain sync) it isn't a usable gizmo. 939035;1417395590;thestringpuller;at least we're closer 939036;1417395593;asciilifeform;really. 939037;1417395603;thestringpuller;last time I tried to sync blockchain, the thing just blew up 939038;1417395608;asciilifeform;it still blows up 939039;1417395614;asciilifeform;just more softly 939040;1417395668;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: i'm glad you're here to hold our feet to the fire. 939041;1417395677;asciilifeform;this is a tremendously annoying mental glitch that i see just about everywhere - from '3d printer' enthusiasts to man-in-space aficionados. it being, the notion that solving myriad 'small, solvable' problems somehow brings us closer to solving the 'big ones' for which we have no angle of approach 939042;1417395686;asciilifeform;i also like to call it 'chair-stacking space program' 939043;1417395725;ben_vulpes;i am familiar with this metaphor of yours. 939044;1417395731;asciilifeform;the devilish thing is, solving the small turdlets is pleasurable 939045;1417395754;asciilifeform;one can paint the ww2 tank dredged up from the swamp all kinds of nice colours 939046;1417395769;asciilifeform;but it will not run again from the paint. 939047;1417395782;asciilifeform;but it sure is fun. 939048;1417395816;ben_vulpes;overhauling the engine consists of a myriad of turdlets. 939049;1417395823;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: actually i stole the chair metaphor (from - forget whom? ted nelson?) 939050;1417395839;ben_vulpes;boring cylinders, flushing tubes, checking elasticity of remaining o-rings... 939051;1417395851;asciilifeform;yes, but opening up the hood and taking the engine apart is a very different order of task than paint. 939052;1417395867;ben_vulpes;if the barbarian opens the hood and immediately disassembles the engine, what can we expect to happen? 939053;1417395895;ben_vulpes;similarly, there must be a garage, white sheet on the ground, binder for part numbering and notes. 939054;1417395910;ben_vulpes;this is not cargo cult deconstruction - this is taking the time to do a thing correctly. 939055;1417395913;asciilifeform;not really arguing with the let's have garage thing 939056;1417395923;asciilifeform;but hoping that no one confuses the garage with the mechanic 939057;1417395926;asciilifeform;who is, thus far, absent. 939058;1417395949;*;ben_vulpes rolls eyes 939059;1417395984;*;ben_vulpes goes back to building the engine hoist 939060;1417396028;asciilifeform;so far, not one of us is 'mechanic' 939061;1417396030;asciilifeform;just painters. 939062;1417396064;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: use the python tools to do anything with the Trezor << one of these days, someone should explain to me why a gadget like 'trezor' is necessary 939063;1417396084;asciilifeform;that is, a dedicated box for signing tx is useful, but why does it need to store keys? 939064;1417396104;asciilifeform;why not simply a keyboard jack. 939065;1417396161;asciilifeform;(all the scorn for brainwallets - i say - is enemy disinfo. storing private key in brain is ultimately inescapable, whatever other forms of storage are in use. hard disk? key is - where it is kept, plus decryption keys.) 939066;1417396177;asciilifeform;if you are pwned while using 'brainwallets', simply shows that your brain is defective 939067;1417396199;asciilifeform;'must be this tall to ride.' 939068;1417396256;asciilifeform;so far bitcoin is the only coin that can live -entirely- in a brain, and failure to use this property is a kind of fundamental waste. 939069;1417396320;kakobrekla;one step at a time, those will be going to people who run winblows and possibly a webwallet 939070;1417396336;asciilifeform;(the ultimate logical conclusion of this idea would be the hypothetical thing that is so far the only serious improvement on 'bitcoin fundamentals' i've been able to come up with. that is, 'rectothermcoin') 939071;1417396346;asciilifeform;or, let's keep it short, rectocoin 939072;1417396349;ben_vulpes;kakobrekla: no you don't understand unless it's a perfect solution it's entirely worthless 939073;1417396359;kakobrekla;ben_vulpes i kno :( 939074;1417396371;asciilifeform;where there are 'duress signatures' that are not mathematically distinguishable from genuine spends until broadcast and diffused through network 939075;1417396376;asciilifeform;and destroy the coin. 939076;1417396392;kakobrekla;we just dont understand how the world works 939077;1417396395;kakobrekla;now mp can retire. 939078;1417396397;kakobrekla;again. 939079;1417396400;ben_vulpes;again. 939080;1417396407;assbot;Last 4 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/2ZD862N.txt ) 939081;1417396407;ben_vulpes;!b 4 939082;1417396407;asciilifeform;with rectocoin, you won't need to take the cyanide. but you'll probably wish you had. 939083;1417396614;kakobrekla; if you are pwned while using 'brainwallets', simply shows that your brain is defective < no need to test this hypothesis the result is known 939084;1417396626;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: i do recall. 939085;1417396634;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: and i still stand by the statement. 939086;1417396658;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: those will be going to people who run winblows and possibly a webwallet << if these are dear friends, think again before helping to culture a dangerous sense of false security. 939087;1417396693;kakobrekla;i will not tell them "this is 100% secure" 939088;1417396701;asciilifeform;(published pcb prints of that product show a microcontroller reprogrammable in-band - that is, via usb.) 939089;1417396702;kakobrekla;just "its better than bc webwallet" 939090;1417396708;asciilifeform;i'm not convinced that it is. 939091;1417396713;asciilifeform;better than webwallet. 939092;1417396754;punkman;asciilifeform: you got their website and download signed firmware, which is then pushed to device by way of browser plugin 939093;1417396761;asciilifeform;well, perhaps beats 'your key is safe with cloudhitler' webatron, but not civilian bitcoind 939094;1417396765;asciilifeform;browser plugin !?!?! 939095;1417396767;asciilifeform;serious? 939096;1417396773;punkman;all kinds of madness in there 939097;1417396790;asciilifeform;link? 939098;1417396812;*;kakobrekla admits it hasnt gone beyond asking jurov if its simple enough for my mom 939099;1417396822;kakobrekla;it ? he. 939100;1417396836;kakobrekla;unless i already melted into the box here 939101;1417396844;*;kakobrekla checks 939102;1417396863;punkman;http://doc.satoshilabs.com/trezor-user/updatingfirmware.html 939103;1417396864;assbot;Updating your TREZOR’s firmware — TREZOR User Manual 1.0 documentation ... ( http://bit.ly/1y5QFbx ) 939104;1417396899;asciilifeform;lol! 939105;1417396905;asciilifeform;so not a joke. 939106;1417396918;asciilifeform;or rather - it is a joke. but on the chumps. 939107;1417396931;kakobrekla;well ill attach a note, never upgrade. 939108;1417396959;punkman;they did ship buggy firmware before 939109;1417396961;ben_vulpes;presumably the upgrade can be forced upon one by nef4ri0s micr0 939110;1417396961;asciilifeform;that just means luser won't upgrade on his own free will. 939111;1417396972;ben_vulpes;nevarious* 939112;1417396976;ben_vulpes;humbug 939113;1417397063;asciilifeform;the beautifully dark cream-your-pants future of 'shall be delivered' is not attainable until folks learn to remember serious keys (yes, remember. with head.) 939114;1417397080;asciilifeform;if these are not available, we shall be needing a new 'homo cryptographicus' who can 939115;1417397093;asciilifeform;just like the folks who can't do written language - fell by the wayside 939116;1417397135;kakobrekla;myea its worse than it thought this. a well, lucky for them btc has no chargeback! 939117;1417397152;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12825 @ 0.00034947 = 4.482 BTC [-] 939118;1417397172;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: helluva dicelist 939119;1417397203;asciilifeform;apologies to w. blake, but 'some are born to sweet delight,' and some are born to biodiesel pot. 939120;1417397221;asciilifeform;a dicelist is a list of folks who are to be diced. 939121;1417397226;kakobrekla;still i kinda think its a tad better than plain webwallet 939122;1417397226;asciilifeform;!s killfile killed 939123;1417397226;assbot;0 results for 'killfile killed' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=killfile+killed 939124;1417397234;punkman;https://github.com/trezor too much fukken code 939125;1417397236;assbot;Bitcoin TREZOR · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1tCeqBF ) 939126;1417397236;kakobrekla;which are the first ones to go 939127;1417397238;asciilifeform;!s kill file killed 939128;1417397238;assbot;5 results for 'kill file killed' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=kill+file+killed 939129;1417397325;asciilifeform;punkman: i am still not able to find a copy of the actual code actually running on the physical device. 939130;1417397337;punkman;asciilifeform: here https://github.com/trezor/trezor-mcu 939131;1417397339;assbot;trezor/trezor-mcu · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1tCeEcf ) 939132;1417397352;asciilifeform;punkman: ty 939133;1417397361;*;asciilifeform doesn't need this for anything, but wondered if exists 939134;1417397422;kakobrekla;is there some physical button to enable upgrade ? 939135;1417397435;punkman;allegedly 939136;1417397436;kakobrekla;jurov did you upgrade yours? 939137;1417397451;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: not in the pcb shots i saw. last time i gave a damn. 939138;1417397474;punkman;I don't get their whole recovery seed, pin codes, password mess 939139;1417397541;punkman;http://www.hardbit.cn/ this doesn't have USB, talks with QR codes only 939140;1417397542;assbot;Home ... ( http://bit.ly/1tCfMwf ) 939141;1417397573;asciilifeform;punkman: and where are the circuit and firmware source for this one ? 939142;1417397574;kakobrekla;with scamdroid insides? 939143;1417397637;asciilifeform;lol apparently 939144;1417397650;punkman;asciilifeform: doubt they will open source it 939145;1417397674;asciilifeform;the reason i even bothered to respond to the trezor thing is to share the hypothesis that all of the available products are dumb because the problem they are 'solving' - is dumb. 939146;1417397686;asciilifeform;this is an iron law 939147;1417397692;asciilifeform;stupid problem, stupid 'solutions' 939148;1417397742;asciilifeform;i'll repeat - dedicated gizmo wherein to crunch the bignums - useful. store keys - no thanks. 939149;1417397766;kakobrekla;well you must store to compute 939150;1417397772;asciilifeform;sure. 939151;1417397777;asciilifeform;for a second or two. 939152;1417397791;kakobrekla;well you can enter your own private key in trezor and null it after done 939153;1417397794;kakobrekla;in theory. 939154;1417397801;asciilifeform;ideally would be sram-based, with heated srams for good measure 939155;1417397812;asciilifeform;with no flashable components of any kind whatsoever therein. 939156;1417397828;asciilifeform;only output - public key of addrs, and (human-readable) signed tx-es. 939157;1417397865;kakobrekla;hm what happend to that guy that was last here arguing about random from ram and temp n shit 939158;1417397873;asciilifeform;no rng needed for this. 939159;1417397888;kakobrekla;yes but i cant recall what were they doing 939160;1417397893;asciilifeform;possibly for nonce, you need. 939161;1417397913;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: they were (or claimed to be) distilling bit flip errors from sram at room temperature 939162;1417397944;asciilifeform;you can do this now, find an old programmable calculator. 939163;1417397951;kakobrekla;!s bit flip sram 939164;1417397951;assbot;1 results for 'bit flip sram' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=bit+flip+sram 939165;1417397962;kakobrekla;aha 939166;1417397967;asciilifeform;not a well-behaved rng by any metric whatsoever. 939167;1417397970;kakobrekla;there it is 939168;1417398012;asciilifeform;i bring up sram as concession to the fact that the hypothetical calculator discussed earlier needs a small working memory 939169;1417398027;asciilifeform;what to make it from - is up to the maker. delay-line spool, if you like. 939170;1417398140;kakobrekla;aha seems they are selling the product. 939171;1417398332;ben_vulpes;http://bitkey.io/ 939172;1417398333;assbot;BitKey - Secure Bitcoin Live USB key for offline transactions ... ( http://bit.ly/1tChi1A ) 939173;1417398369;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: this appears to be a 'linux live cd' of a kind. 939174;1417398374;asciilifeform;why interesting? 939175;1417398431;ben_vulpes;fuel for the fire 939176;1417398446;asciilifeform;'Electrum Bitcoin client, incognito chromium, bitaddress, qrcode, zxcvbn. File manager, network and wireless manager. Auto-mounting USB storage support.' << mega-lol 939177;1417398485;asciilifeform;the 'do-ocracy' does what it does best: does. 939178;1417398498;kakobrekla;wait whut, they diss usb but support wifi ? 939179;1417398510;asciilifeform;and usb. 939180;1417398516;kakobrekla;:D 939181;1417398576;adlai;why does chromium need to be incognito if it's an offline thingy 939182;1417398582;asciilifeform;offline lol 939183;1417398586;asciilifeform;it's a generic usb drive. 939184;1417398598;asciilifeform;packaging their turdware in this form gives it a 'hardware' perfume. 939185;1417398602;adlai;"Secure Bitcoin Live USB key for offline transactions" (I didn't click the link, just reacting to the title) 939186;1417398609;asciilifeform;this is not an uncommon tactic among the lowest of the lowliest sc4mz0rz 939187;1417398624;adlai;you must really love mycelium entropy 939188;1417398645;adlai;http://mycelium.com/entropy 939189;1417398646;assbot; Entropy :: Mycelium ... ( http://bit.ly/1y61H0m ) 939190;1417398657;asciilifeform;^ the sram thing 939191;1417398666;kakobrekla;adlai there are pages of bashing of that thing in logs 939192;1417398677;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 60794 @ 0.00034723 = 21.1095 BTC [-] {2} 939193;1417398684;asciilifeform;pete's article: http://www.contravex.com/2014/07/17/proof-that-mycelium-knows-how-to-make-a-better-rng-for-its-entropy-dongle-and-isnt 939194;1417398686;assbot;Proof That Mycelium Knows How To Make A Better RNG For Its Entropy Dongle. And Isn't. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1y61MkH ) 939195;1417398701;asciilifeform;(not sure why he turned that thread into an article, but there it is) 939196;1417398738;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9646 @ 0.0003455 = 3.3327 BTC [-] 939197;1417398768;kakobrekla;for adlai ? 939198;1417398784;*;adlai found it already from search.b-a, reading 939199;1417398804;kakobrekla;fuck that search, it finds too many things! 939200;1417398869;adlai;ddos it 939201;1417398877;kakobrekla;trice. 939202;1417400208;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu, other users of 'opera' - which one do you use? the 1990s close-source turd? or the 'new, impr0v3d' idiocy that uses 'webkit' (chrome) rendering engine ? 939203;1417400214;asciilifeform;*closed 939204;1417400274;asciilifeform;re: dbus (part ii) 939205;1417400276;kakobrekla;'presto' sucks. 939206;1417400288;asciilifeform;the poettering strategy is not an enigma of any kind. 939207;1417400294;asciilifeform;they want universal dependence (yes) 939208;1417400309;asciilifeform;not enough to bake their crap into mainstream linux distos. needs to be in mainstream kernel. 939209;1417400322;asciilifeform;so the chaps 'building their own' distro are likewise stuck with it. 939210;1417400394;adlai;maybe my priorities are misplaced, but one huge problem I saw with the whole entropy thingy is... the printer 939211;1417400485;kakobrekla;well you get a new one without the wifi and when done printing blend it with Blendtec and throw dust in magma 939212;1417400516;kakobrekla;in 3 different vulcanos, just in case. 939213;1417400643;asciilifeform;whichever one of you said 'linux is a corpse, and systemd is a fungus growing on it' was correct. 939214;1417400651;asciilifeform;a living thing - would not tolerate this. 939215;1417400731;adlai;well, just to go off on a while tear here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ho2d1HxtXfk 939216;1417400732;assbot;Terence McKenna on Mushrooms - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1Cwsnvy ) 939217;1417400773;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i have not actually pressed any F key in... uh. months ? << 'midnight commander' naturally. and i have f1-f12 mapped to useful things in 'emacs' as well. unlike (apparently) many emacs users, i don't treat my hands as an object of religious sacrifice. 939218;1417400791;adlai;amazingly, it looks as though these dongles are NOT encrypting the keys before sending them to the printer, so my fears aren't totally crazy 939219;1417400791;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 939220;1417400794;asciilifeform;my ctrl key is where the gods intended it to be (to the left of 'a') likewise. 939221;1417400865;asciilifeform;also helps to have f-keys in 'godly' position (to the left of 'ctrl' rather than on top of kbd) 939222;1417400873;adlai;what about () 939223;1417400885;asciilifeform;[] 939224;1417400909;*;adlai has () instead of <>, in dvorak, aka qwerty's WE 939225;1417400970;*;asciilifeform experimented with dvorak a few times over the years, found that he doesn't enter enough human language text to make the effort worthwhile 939226;1417401009;asciilifeform;it also doesn't help that most non-'model m' keyboards are not readily (visually) dvorakizable 939227;1417401032;asciilifeform;(why? the caps on the alphabetic rows are not identically shaped) 939228;1417401168;adlai;oh you'd actually rearrange the keys? 939229;1417401209;*;adlai learned dvorak on a rollup keyboard that couldn't be rearranged 939230;1417401239;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42300 @ 0.00034484 = 14.5867 BTC [-] {2} 939231;1417401277;adlai;the macbook pro I used at my last office job still boots into dvorak and has to manually be switched to qwerty, last I checked 939232;1417401789;BingoBoingo;!up Grumpy_01 939233;1417401795;BingoBoingo;Hello Grumpy_01 939234;1417401826;decimation;re: Opera << i use the webkit based one, probably offers little protection against firefox based attacks 939235;1417401909;decimation;asciilifeform: yeah I said systemd was a fungus. I agree, I don't see how this kind of thing is tolerable. Politically, I think Linus is up against a wall to some degree, because he knows redhat, inc pays for most of the kernel 'zeks' 939236;1417401983;cazalla;if you have full blown autism, nintendo run the best events, you don't have say shit or look at anyone to collect the promo items they give away 939237;1417401998;decimation;lol 939238;1417402013;decimation;nintendo has pretty much gone downhill since the 'NES' 939239;1417402094;decimation;cazalla: did you go to "electronica"? 939240;1417402118;cazalla;decimation, what's that? a clear no btw 939241;1417402154;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18150 @ 0.00034456 = 6.2538 BTC [-] 939242;1417402173;decimation;http://www.electronica.de/ << the 'world's biggest' electronics trade fair. probably not consumer or games focused though 939243;1417402174;assbot;electronica - Electronics trade fair for components, systems and applications ... ( http://bit.ly/1zH4U52 ) 939244;1417402292;cazalla;decimation, why would you ask me if i went there? i don't get it 939245;1417402318;decimation;well, I guess I assumed you went to some kind of trade show with nintendo present. 939246;1417402368;cazalla;mats_cd03: too quick to burn bridges is all i'm saying <<< i gave him the opportunity but then he started with the gaw miners, altcoins are legit cause he made money with it 939247;1417402394;cazalla;decimation, nah it was this http://www.nintendo.com.au/index.php?action=news&nid=3580 939248;1417402397;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1CwvMdG ) 939249;1417402534;cazalla;dunno why they even had reps there, gameboy picks up the items automatically over wireless, they could've just left their gameboy on the counter and had customers walk up to it, do a 360 and then walk out the shops 939250;1417402581;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51300 @ 0.00034592 = 17.7457 BTC [+] 939251;1417402591;cazalla;gameboy app tells me there were 9 people there but i only saw the reps so like i said, it's an autists dream come true 939252;1417402661;ben_vulpes;is the dosser of the uncloaked still around? 939253;1417402705;kakobrekla;i can try the waters 939254;1417402743;ben_vulpes;if you're bored :P 939255;1417402985;kakobrekla;he is. 939256;1417403056;decimation;apparently our friend's promise to 'move on' was not to be taken seriously 939257;1417403264;ben_vulpes;promises by someone out of the wot are to be taken seriously? :P 939258;1417403279;kakobrekla;;;gettrust assbot slush 939259;1417403279;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user slush: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 3 via 3 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=slush | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=slush | Rated since: Thu Nov 11 10:34:28 2010 939260;1417403303;kakobrekla;one of the two co-authors of trezor 939261;1417403457;kakobrekla;apparently thing doesnt jump anymore but spreads bw 939262;1417403632;decimation;what do you mean kakobrekla? 939263;1417403690;kakobrekla;as far as i gathered it was ddosing one at a time before ratpoison - it jumped to the last one joining. now it just adds to stack. 939264;1417403712;kakobrekla;these are my findings from very short time of fiddling with the thing so i may be off. 939265;1417403791;adlai;why wasn't this one on bitbet? https://www.facebook.com/stephenhawking/posts/735607129859720 939266;1417403792;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1zH6OT8 ) 939267;1417403964;kakobrekla;cause you didnt write it? 939268;1417403984;kakobrekla;idk, wild speculation here 939269;1417404140;*;adlai types too fast to have written that bet 939270;1417404403;ben_vulpes;> written about in regards to 939271;1417404404;ben_vulpes;mhm. 939272;1417404454;ben_vulpes;salud RagnarsBitch 939273;1417404541;kakobrekla;Shabnam Ansar i don't understand a lot of stuff you say, nevertheless i read them all... you are just so amazing n my role model 939274;1417404541;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 939275;1417404558;kakobrekla;Dear Shabnam Ansar: galdgtaglkg kglafk alfalfkfkfkfkfka 939276;1417404563;decimation;amusing: http://aworkinglibrary.com/writing/the-conformity-of-lawns/index.html << " As William Levitt himself promised his government patrons, “No man who owns his own house and lot can be a Communist. He has too much to do.” He meant this quite literally." << the nature of modern us 'home ownership' 939277;1417404564;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1zH7S9s ) 939278;1417405143;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6526 @ 0.00034592 = 2.2575 BTC [+] 939279;1417406912;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 92800 @ 0.00034443 = 31.9631 BTC [-] {2} 939280;1417407577;cazalla;http://qntra.net/2014/12/coinjar-relocate-from-australia-to-uk-no-longer-charging-gst/ 939281;1417407578;assbot;CoinJar Relocate From Australia To UK, No Longer Charging GST | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1v97qBV ) 939282;1417408400;pete_dushenski;cazalla aus has 10% gst?! 939283;1417408403;pete_dushenski;oof 939284;1417408503;cazalla;pete_dushenski, ya didn't know this? 939285;1417408523;pete_dushenski;hm nope 939286;1417408531;cazalla;there is talk of raising it due to budget shortfalls despite the government that brough it in promising the legislation would never allow for such a thing to occur 939287;1417408533;pete_dushenski;is there also province/state tax on top? 939288;1417408569;pete_dushenski;a yes, typical "cross my heart" shit 939289;1417408586;pete_dushenski;have to balance bookz! 939290;1417408586;cazalla;yeah, stamp tax, land tax, fuck you for even being born tax type shit 939291;1417408618;pete_dushenski;i was reading up on the russian tax code this weekend and it's completely fucking reasonable. 939292;1417408624;pete_dushenski;for a european country 939293;1417408628;decimation;cazalla: do you have to pay income tax too? 939294;1417408651;cazalla;and then your local council strong arms you on top of all that as well 939295;1417408653;pete_dushenski;decimation show me a country with no income tax that's not in affrica 939296;1417408663;cazalla;^^^ 939297;1417408668;decimation;that's hardcore, what are the marginal rates? 939298;1417408694;pete_dushenski;i now know a few off the top of my head 939299;1417408701;decimation;some us states charge upwards of 10% 'sales tax' 939300;1417408702;cazalla;decimation, for individual, see https://www.ato.gov.au/rates/individual-income-tax-rates/ for companies like google, 0 939301;1417408705;assbot;Individual income tax rates | Australian Taxation Office ... ( http://bit.ly/1FH732G ) 939302;1417408705;pete_dushenski;germany's top bracket: 45% 939303;1417408715;pete_dushenski;us': 40% 939304;1417408725;decimation;well, those are high income brackets though 939305;1417408728;pete_dushenski;canada's is 55% (in quebec) 939306;1417408736;pete_dushenski;russia, get this, 13% 939307;1417408749;cazalla;defence and welfare are the two biggest costs 939308;1417408776;decimation;wow 37% over $A 80k? 939309;1417408779;decimation;that's hardcore 939310;1417408787;pete_dushenski;russia has other taxes, like vat of 18% and a special welfare tax of 25% on first $14k earned 939311;1417408814;decimation;pete_dushenski: that's really cheap 939312;1417408852;decimation;so anyone who isn't 'living on welfare' in australia is a government employee 939313;1417408878;decimation;I'm okay with a high VAT/GST/sales tax if it comes with no income tax 939314;1417408902;cazalla;decimation, something like 1 in 5 aussies gets some type of welfare, you can get disability for a sore foot if you are determined 939315;1417408902;pete_dushenski;that's pretty much what russia has 939316;1417408935;decimation;cazalla: I assume they all have gov't paid pensions too right 939317;1417408942;pete_dushenski;anyways, this dovetails into today's article: http://www.contravex.com/2014/11/30/agency-goes-to-the-active-or-how-putin-doesnt-understand-how-the-world-works/ 939318;1417408943;assbot;Agency Goes To The Active, Or How Putin Doesn’t Understand How The World Works. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1FH7jyF ) 939319;1417408962;pete_dushenski;rusofiles please to feedback ^ 939320;1417408990;pete_dushenski;keep in mind i'm but a lowly observer... from the clouds 939321;1417409021;pete_dushenski;basically goes over the many ways putin has figured out capitalism better than almost anyone else. 939322;1417409057;pete_dushenski;and how to align himself with a religion, and how to politik, and how to generally run a nation state (at least one full of russians) 939323;1417409075;cazalla;decimation, of course, meanwhile they upped the pension age to 70 from the year 2035, of course, no money for pensions will be available to pay such a thing by then 939324;1417409090;decimation;well to be fair, putin can live off of massive mineral wealth to some degree 939325;1417409101;decimation;of course with the price of oil tanking... 939326;1417409123;pete_dushenski;so the ruble slides with it 939327;1417409126;decimation;cazalla: that's worse than the us 939328;1417409166;pete_dushenski;but he's still king of the roost. low debt, plenty of other coal and gas to offset oil, gold 939329;1417409193;pete_dushenski;decimation but he's definitely in a fortunate position to start with 939330;1417409215;decimation;actually I was thinking while gasing up my car today... if you add up the fact that usg is funded to a big degree by printed dollars, and that now opec has decided to flood the market with oil to kill off drilling in north america, you realize that you have 'oil printing' vs. 'dollar printing' 939331;1417409240;pete_dushenski;last one to the bottom loses! 939332;1417409244;decimation;well, it's hard not to be 'fortunate' when you own like 11% of the world's land 939333;1417409265;pete_dushenski;canada is in a similar position in the sense of resource wealth 939334;1417409270;decimation;if he just manages to keep territory, he wins 939335;1417409285;pete_dushenski;and canada has far more debt, more tax, but more "services" 939336;1417409308;pete_dushenski;well, canada doesn't have vat, just 5% gst 939337;1417409312;pete_dushenski;that's it 939338;1417409312;decimation;well, russia is beating back canada's claims to the arctic, and seemingly doing a good job at it 939339;1417409336;pete_dushenski;canada can only claim a la obama: with words 939340;1417409348;pete_dushenski;no powah 939341;1417409357;decimation;heh yeah. I think they give guns to some of the eskimos too 939342;1417409372;pete_dushenski;the northwest passage is russia's or china's for the taking 939343;1417409401;pete_dushenski;lol ya, guns for hunting moose and rabbits 939344;1417409440;decimation;http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/canadian-rangers-the-thin-red-line-patrolling-our-harshest-terrain-1.1414341 939345;1417409441;assbot;Canadian Rangers: the thin red line patrolling our harshest terrain - Canada - CBC News ... ( http://bit.ly/1FH7xpm ) 939346;1417409453;decimation;lol they have lee-enfields 939347;1417409458;pete_dushenski;what a moustache! 939348;1417409509;pete_dushenski;https://twitter.com/KimDotcom/status/539268825552670720 939349;1417409512;assbot;The next big court event is in Hong Kong. If we win my legal team will seek $2billion in damages for the unlawful destruction of /hashtag/Megaupload?src=hash 939350;1417409531;pete_dushenski;speaking of nz, has anyone witnessed the haka live? 939351;1417409536;decimation;don't get me wrong, lee-enfields are fine guns, but canada has the skills and money to invest in a more modern arctic gun, and apparently they can't afford it or don't want to 939352;1417409544;pete_dushenski;not "anyone" rather "anyone here" 939353;1417409563;decimation;I've seen something that is supposed to be like it when I was in hawaii 939354;1417409567;pete_dushenski;canada doesn't fund it's military excessively 939355;1417409596;pete_dushenski;like at a luau? 939356;1417409609;decimation;yeah 939357;1417409619;decimation;they had 'dances from around greater polynesia' 939358;1417409686;pete_dushenski;heh pretty neat eh? 939359;1417409714;decimation;yeah the most unusual part is the tongue-work 939360;1417409798;pete_dushenski;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhtE4t3Alug 939361;1417409799;assbot;All Blacks vs France mean haka 2011 World cup winners - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1FH7KJh ) 939362;1417409816;pete_dushenski;even the rugbiers get that tongue in there 939363;1417409962;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 56900 @ 0.00034643 = 19.7119 BTC [+] {3} 939364;1417410233;BingoBoingo;!up xinxiwang 939365;1417410239;BingoBoingo;Hello xinxiwang 939366;1417410245;xinxiwang;thanks. 939367;1417410246;xinxiwang;Hello 939368;1417410270;xinxiwang;long time no see 939369;1417410373;BingoBoingo;How have things been recently? 939370;1417410497;xinxiwang;great. How are you? 939371;1417410645;BingoBoingo;Oh, busy 939372;1417411498;asciilifeform;decimation: i don't get it. with what 'modern' thing would you have them replace the 'enfields', and why ? 939373;1417411959;pete_dushenski;right. canada knows that new=bad 939374;1417411975;pete_dushenski;thus cf18 fighter jets are still going strong 939375;1417412005;pete_dushenski;canada also relies largely on southern neighbour's big stick 939376;1417412085;pete_dushenski;"A US man has been handed a US$500,000 fine for selling the StealthGenie malware in the first prosecution of a mobile spyware slinger. Police collared Hammad Akbar, 31, in September after he allegedly sold the malware to an undercover agent in 2012." 939377;1417412099;asciilifeform;serious technical question. how exactly might one improve on a 1890s rifle in the given application (almost never fired; when fired - typically, at large land animals (hence, want full sized cartridge); extreme cold; etc 939378;1417412120;pete_dushenski;i wonder what they're going to slap the dogecoin android miner guy with. 1 trillion doge! 939379;1417412147;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform with electronix? 939380;1417412168;asciilifeform;with death ray. 939381;1417412203;pete_dushenski;mounted on mooseback 939382;1417412217;asciilifeform;'howdah.' 939383;1417412254;pete_dushenski;'hihowareyah' 939384;1417412267;asciilifeform;;;google howdah pistol 939385;1417412268;gribble;Howdah pistol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Pedersoli Howdah Hunter 20-Ga. Pistol : Cabela's: ; American Guns: Howdah Pistol Reveal : Video : Discovery Channel: 939386;1417412337;pete_dushenski;heh or that 939387;1417412349;pete_dushenski;i was thinking more along the lines of... 939388;1417412354;pete_dushenski;;;google what makes the red man red 939389;1417412355;gribble;Disney's Peter Pan - What Makes The Red Man Red ? - YouTube: ; Peter Pan - What Makes The Red Man Red (English) - YouTube: ; What Made the Red Man Red? - DisneyWiki: 939390;1417412646;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4210 @ 0.00034947 = 1.4713 BTC [+] 939391;1417412742;decimation;asciilifeform: well, what about a rifle system that was designed from the ground up to work in very cold conditions: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accuracy_International_Arctic_Warfare 939392;1417412743;assbot;Accuracy International Arctic Warfare - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1rJSSJh ) 939393;1417412777;decimation;my point was less about the enfields and more about the 'barely-exists' nature of canada's military, when compared to potential rivals in the arctic 939394;1417412827;pete_dushenski;the area to be protected is simply too large given the population of the country 939395;1417412860;pete_dushenski;so, why bother? 939396;1417412873;decimation;well, because maybe they can charge gst on chinese tankers or whatever 939397;1417412946;pete_dushenski;lol 939398;1417412959;pete_dushenski;or canada can choose not to spend a dime protecting it 939399;1417412972;pete_dushenski;and charge china gst for as long as china wants to play nice. 939400;1417413020;decimation;yeah, it will be interesting to see how that all ends up 939401;1417413033;decimation;at any rate, I'm off to bed, night all 939402;1417413035;pete_dushenski;canada is just choosing the path of least resistance and will continue to do so 939403;1417413040;pete_dushenski;cheers 939404;1417413134;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31100 @ 0.00034827 = 10.8312 BTC [-] {3} 939405;1417413608;pete_dushenski;https://twitter.com/pete_dushenski/status/539297746084442112 939406;1417413609;assbot;Evry btc company needs a /VitalikButerin or /gavinandresen . /Cancoin has /lastcanal , lead architect & heady genius single handedly winning 939407;1417413629;pete_dushenski;every btc company needs more scam! 939408;1417413637;pete_dushenski;truer words... 939409;1417414476;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21600 @ 0.00035053 = 7.5714 BTC [+] {2} 939410;1417415270;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25311 @ 0.00034181 = 8.6516 BTC [-] 939411;1417415453;BingoBoingo;http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/bosnian-community-in-st-louis-outraged-over-fatal-hammer-attack/article_9f15bf49-c8b7-5bc3-8671-ac291f666084.html 939412;1417415455;assbot;Bosnian community in St. Louis outraged over fatal hammer attack in Bevo Mill neighborhood : News ... ( http://bit.ly/1HQzS0t ) 939413;1417415470;BingoBoingo;^ I dont know why this is happening to Bosnians. We could go around and shoot people, too, but we just want peace. 939414;1417416672;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 77700 @ 0.0003476 = 27.0085 BTC [+] {2} 939415;1417420086;mircea_popescu;http://bitbet.us/bet/1049/silver-to-fall-under-15-oz-before-december-27th/ dude this bet... 939416;1417420087;assbot;BitBet - Silver to fall under $15/oz before December 27th :: 8.63 B (52%) on Yes, 8.08 B (48%) on No | closed 3 hours 31 minutes ago ... ( http://bit.ly/12cCAxh ) 939417;1417420092;mircea_popescu;one of the more wow upsets on bitbet. 939418;1417420200;BingoBoingo;Everything is crashing 939419;1417420213;cazalla;http://qntra.net/2014/12/qntra-s-qntr-november-2014-statement/ 939420;1417420217;assbot;Qntra (S.QNTR) November 2014 Statement | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/12cD3PO ) 939421;1417420243;cazalla;prolly shitcan the coinroll advert 939422;1417420380;mircea_popescu;yeah, as a general policy it's ok to take per-conversion deals with things that for whatever good reason sell themselves. 939423;1417420396;mircea_popescu;but with stuff in oversaturated novelty markets... let em pay cpm. 939424;1417420656;mircea_popescu;cazalla did it actually run the whole month ? 939425;1417420688;BingoBoingo;It came into being mid month 939426;1417420729;BingoBoingo;Oh, dunno that it even had two weeks 939427;1417420819;cazalla;mircea_popescu, no, about 1/2 the month if that 939428;1417420838;mircea_popescu;aha. 939429;1417420867;cazalla;was the 20th so not even 2 weeks but still 939430;1417420893;mircea_popescu;so wait, out of the 10k uniques quantcast reports for a whole month that leaves like 4k people, of which ~80 clicked ? 939431;1417420901;mircea_popescu;are you fucking shitting me, you're getting 2% ctrs ?! 939432;1417420912;mircea_popescu;this is what, 100x gawker ? jesus this thing is sweet. 939433;1417420913;assbot;Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/002MQAA.txt ) 939434;1417420913;BingoBoingo;!b 2 939435;1417420957;mircea_popescu;CTR hasn't been over 1% since like 1998] 939436;1417421028;cazalla;pssh, some of my adsense sites did way better than that but every fkn link was adsense 939437;1417421069;mircea_popescu;im not talking here for whatever made-for-x astroturf 939438;1417421104;mircea_popescu;just, you know, a newspaper. 939439;1417421109;cazalla;i know but point is, CTR could be 100% but who cares if it didn't convert to a paying customer, total revenue this month = 0 939440;1417421125;mircea_popescu;not the publisher's job to make the sale. 939441;1417421204;cazalla;yes, so i vote we remove the advert and offer spots per cpm 939442;1417421217;mircea_popescu;you want to be on qntra, you pay to be on qntra. let all the coin* sites have the "we'll do your job for you" deals. 939443;1417421241;mircea_popescu;i don't think we even bother selling it until it shows great numbers and they come bangin' on the door. 939444;1417421259;mircea_popescu;course that raises the problem of wtf are great numbers. 939445;1417421306;cazalla;just charge in proportion to current numbers, increase as great numbers arrive 939446;1417421337;cazalla;maybe i'll whack up a sponsorship page outlining the demographics per quantcast 939447;1417421347;mircea_popescu;problem is like this : advertising is association. think of it like a woman (the publisher) getting married (the advertiser). 939448;1417421368;mircea_popescu;now, the time flows inversely, because these things improve with age 939449;1417421385;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, take a case like eva peron : prostitute at 15, singer/dancer at 17, 939450;1417421390;mircea_popescu;would you want to marry her at 20 ? 939451;1417421399;mircea_popescu;unless you're peron, she's gonna be a waitress. 939452;1417421424;cazalla;6 months in BA and you're singing don't cry for me Argentina 939453;1417421430;mircea_popescu;lol 939454;1417421448;mircea_popescu;these people are beyond fucking clueless btw, im half tempted to write an article. 939455;1417421466;mircea_popescu;cazalla btw, http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/coindesk.com 939456;1417421467;assbot;coindesk.com Site Overview ... ( http://bit.ly/12cJp1A ) 939457;1417421468;mircea_popescu;gave up ? 939458;1417421501;cazalla;http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/cryptocoinsnews.com 939459;1417421503;assbot;cryptocoinsnews.com Site Overview ... ( http://bit.ly/12cJEtA ) 939460;1417421540;cazalla;i was going to attribute traffic drop to 2014 being somewhat of a write off but ccn is up and up so perhaps some penguin/panda styled penalty on coindesk, who knows 939461;1417421543;BingoBoingo;Coindesk still publishes text.. 939462;1417421624;mircea_popescu;isn't ccn mostly run as an mfa ? 939463;1417421682;cazalla;yeah, various authors so there is your cheap content to publish constantly 939464;1417421865;cazalla;so what is the solution/plan, the site is going into its third month, it would be nice to generate some revenue even if it is only a small amount 939465;1417421970;mircea_popescu;why ? 939466;1417421992;mircea_popescu;what i mean specifically : the site is generating excellent revenue as it is. none of which is monetary. 939467;1417422007;mircea_popescu;the conversion is very expensive, and not really necessary, so why bother. 939468;1417422196;cazalla;because there comes a point where i can make more working mcdonalds and using mcbucks to buy btc instead of qntra to btc for my efforts 939469;1417422291;cazalla;it's not an immediate need, looking more towards long term, do i look back after a year and think yes, on a per hour basis, this earned more btc than turning my mcbucks to bitcoin 939470;1417422309;mircea_popescu;cazalla just sell some shares neh ? 939471;1417422368;cazalla;that's like sacrificing long term for right now though 939472;1417422376;mircea_popescu;what i mean is : qntra is a bitcoin property. if bitcoin does well and qntra does well, it's not possible in a year for it to not be worth btc. 939473;1417422394;mircea_popescu;if you seek insurance against bitcoin doing well but qntra doing poorly, you can rebalance your shares-btc holdings proportions 939474;1417422843;mircea_popescu;http://variety.com/2014/digital/news/new-sony-films-pirated-in-wake-of-hack-attack-1201367036/ 939475;1417422844;assbot;Advertisement ... ( http://bit.ly/1y2qyOX ) 939476;1417422845;mircea_popescu;ahem. 939477;1417422857;mircea_popescu;ew what the shit variety. 939478;1417422865;mircea_popescu;dude the world's gone to shit. 939479;1417422894;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 93466 @ 0.00034163 = 31.9308 BTC [-] {2} 939480;1417422971;mircea_popescu;The theft of Sony Pictures Entertainment content is a criminal matter, and we are working closely with law enforcement to address it, a Sony spokeswoman said in a statement to Variety. 939481;1417423007;mircea_popescu;apparently mpaa is doing so well in its war with the internet, it reminds one of the glory of the us military in the middle and far east. 939482;1417423056;BingoBoingo;Indeed http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11367056 939483;1417423057;assbot;Kim Dotcom avoids jail after bail hearing - National - NZ Herald News ... ( http://bit.ly/1y2rdA1 ) 939484;1417423190;mircea_popescu;jaja he looks like such a total derp. 939485;1417423253;BingoBoingo;Totally, and this is who the MPAA is losing to. 939486;1417423271;mircea_popescu;not even, they got raped by some script kiddy group lol. 939487;1417423321;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38000 @ 0.00034145 = 12.9751 BTC [-] {2} 939488;1417423322;BingoBoingo;Sure in this latest loss, but they can't even win against the derps they catch. 939489;1417423362;mircea_popescu;"He said the US had refused to supply the content of the electronic communications on which many of the allegations were made." 939490;1417423366;mircea_popescu;dude i don't get this shit. 939491;1417423386;mircea_popescu;can i now impeach obama on the basis of some sex tapes in which he's fucking his daughters ? 939492;1417423392;mircea_popescu;im not releasing the tapes btw. so when's the impeachment ? 939493;1417423510;BingoBoingo;Don't see it happening later than august. 939494;1417423682;BingoBoingo;Once the new congress comes in in January they'll probably find something to latch on to. 939495;1417424006;mircea_popescu;cazalla "*This includes a deduction of 175 words" 939496;1417424013;mircea_popescu;does that mean i have to substract 175 or not ? 939497;1417424058;mircea_popescu;the proper way to say it about a negative is "this excludes" or "this accounts for". so which of the two ? 939498;1417424104;mircea_popescu;also 939499;1417424106;mircea_popescu;;;calc 6774+5927+1408+315+81 939500;1417424106;gribble;14505 939501;1417424120;mircea_popescu;not 14541 939502;1417424147;mircea_popescu;a nm, dyslexia strikes again lol. 351 939503;1417424298;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35500 @ 0.00034219 = 12.1477 BTC [+] {2} 939504;1417425213;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 66309 @ 0.000341 = 22.6114 BTC [-] 939505;1417425697;cazalla;mircea_popescu, it means i have already deducted what needed removing 939506;1417425704;mircea_popescu;cool. 939507;1417425711;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/qntra-sqntr-november-2014-statement/ 939508;1417425712;assbot;Qntra (S.QNTR) November 2014 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1z7m2B0 ) 939509;1417425934;cazalla;mircea_popescu: the proper way to say it about a negative is "this excludes" or "this accounts for". so which of the two ? <<< will keep in mind for december 939510;1417425942;mircea_popescu;lol 939511;1417425970;mircea_popescu;it's so disonant for me, fucking summer over here. xmas is coming ? hum. 939512;1417426005;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9650 @ 0.00034257 = 3.3058 BTC [+] 939513;1417426121;cazalla;white xmas in romania? 939514;1417426148;mircea_popescu;always 939515;1417426261;mircea_popescu;http://live.coinbr.com/?mpsic=S.MPOE << monthly chart looks like a fucking coronary 939516;1417426262;assbot;CoinBr Live S.MPOE ... ( http://bit.ly/1z7nJ1a ) 939517;1417426371;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 90500 @ 0.00034087 = 30.8487 BTC [-] {2} 939518;1417427042;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30155 @ 0.00034016 = 10.2575 BTC [-] {2} 939519;1417427221;cazalla;still not a peep out of bitpay despite their promise that this years bitcoin black friday would be bigger than previous year 939520;1417427652;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 65316 @ 0.00033898 = 22.1408 BTC [-] {2} 939521;1417427840;mircea_popescu;awww. 939522;1417428385;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46450 @ 0.00034602 = 16.0726 BTC [+] {2} 939523;1417428973;punkman;supposed to be winter here, a balmy 24 C 939524;1417429104;mircea_popescu;heh 939525;1417429543;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 70939 @ 0.00033872 = 24.0285 BTC [-] {3} 939526;1417430031;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26900 @ 0.00033857 = 9.1075 BTC [-] 939527;1417430400;mircea_popescu;!t m s.qntr 939528;1417430400;assbot;[MPEX:S.QNTR] 1D: 0.00015 / 0.00015 / 0.00015 (297 shares, 0.04 BTC), 7D: 0.00015 / 0.00015 / 0.00015 (297 shares, 0.04 BTC), 30D: 0.00013514 / 0.00013792 / 0.00015 (4411 shares, 0.61 BTC) 939529;1417430410;mircea_popescu;lol the cuteness. 939530;1417430430;mircea_popescu;;;calc 109786 * 0.00013792 939531;1417430431;gribble;15.14168512 939532;1417430434;mircea_popescu;15 btc mkt cap! 939533;1417430537;mircea_popescu;and one of those rare situations where there's more buyside than the whole equity, by a wide margin. even if you discount the penny offers. 939534;1417431547;punkman;http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-30216638 939535;1417431548;assbot;BBC News - Vinyl record sales hit 18-year high ... ( http://bit.ly/1waSq84 ) 939536;1417431625;mircea_popescu;anyone still has a tardstalk account ? 939537;1417431630;cazalla;http://qntra.net/2014/12/michael-mizrachi-aka-the-grinder-to-launch-bitcoin-based-poker-site/ i can just see one of these donking off player funds in some degen moment 939538;1417431630;assbot;Michael Mizrachi AKA The Grinder To Launch Bitcoin Based Poker Site | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1waSNPZ ) 939539;1417431640;mircea_popescu;me2. 939540;1417431713;cazalla;can't remember my tardstalk account pwd 939541;1417432326;cazalla;looks like matonis is a fan of qntra http://i.imgur.com/vnavBv4.png 939542;1417432327;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1waWhC2 ) 939543;1417432451;mircea_popescu;how much stock you gonna put in twitter lists. 939544;1417432471;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27480 @ 0.00034541 = 9.4919 BTC [+] {2} 939545;1417432532;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7389 @ 0.00034622 = 2.5582 BTC [+] 939546;1417432674;cazalla;not much considering i'm still waiting to be unbanned for making violent threats which i did not even make 939547;1417432709;cazalla;least they can do is unban, allow me to make threats, reapply ban 939548;1417433151;mircea_popescu;lol 939549;1417433158;mircea_popescu;care less, live longer. 939550;1417434667;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45500 @ 0.00034543 = 15.7171 BTC [-] 939551;1417434917;adlai;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=01-12-2014#939313 < of all people, you should only tolerate tax rates up to 10% 939552;1417434917;assbot;Logged on 01-12-2014 04:41:18; decimation: I'm okay with a high VAT/GST/sales tax if it comes with no income tax 939553;1417434985;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/bitbet-sbbet-november-2014-statement/ 939554;1417434985;assbot;BitBet (S.BBET) November 2014 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1FHoTTd ) 939555;1417434986;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla ^ 939556;1417435033;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38154 @ 0.00034079 = 13.0025 BTC [-] {2} 939557;1417435047;mircea_popescu;tl;dr : best month since may 2013 939558;1417435237;nubbins`;ooo 939559;1417435296;mircea_popescu;course may-april 2013 15 btc was like 50 bux. 939560;1417435643;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18011 @ 0.00034622 = 6.2358 BTC [+] 939561;1417435650;mircea_popescu;so i was thinking, aren't these dating sites and dating generally completely inequitable ? 939562;1417435675;mircea_popescu;why should companies not be allowed to only hire white people, but dudes dating be allowed to only date women ? or straight people ? or w/e ? 939563;1417435692;mircea_popescu;i hope the rainbow party doesn't stop with the gay marriage victory and goes to the core of the problem. 939564;1417435697;adlai;"this is not even my final form!" - socialism 939565;1417435697;mircea_popescu;equal fucking opportunity dating! 939566;1417435709;mircea_popescu;one shouldn't be rejected merely because he is allegedly of the wrong gender. 939567;1417435715;mircea_popescu;adlai lol quite. 939568;1417435833;adlai;it's funny/perfectlylogical how the biggest dating site is also the biggest gun running site 939569;1417435874;punkman;which one is that? 939570;1417435877;adlai;well, maybe not gun *running*, but it's definitely a brisker trade than SR 939571;1417435882;adlai;facebook 939572;1417435923;mircea_popescu;adlai yep. yet somehow that never gets mentioned. 939573;1417435963;mircea_popescu;"feds close down 5 dedicated bitcoin-based drug trading sites, accounting together for <1% of online drug trade. the principal drug trading hub online, facebook, remains unaffected" 939574;1417435992;mircea_popescu;cazalla ^ perspective for teh next time lol. it didn't occur to me back then 939575;1417436005;punkman;topix is pretty big with drug sellers 939576;1417436043;mircea_popescu;o is it / 939577;1417436046;punkman;or rather was 939578;1417436054;punkman;http://www.theverge.com/2013/10/2/4795430/amidst-silk-roads-takedown-topix-still-a-haven-for-drug-dealers 939579;1417436055;assbot;Silk Road may be gone, but Topix is still a haven for drug dealers | The Verge ... ( http://bit.ly/15MmhIR ) 939580;1417436064;mircea_popescu;aha 939581;1417436081;mircea_popescu;so they even know about, just, won't mention the bezzle corps. 939582;1417436098;nubbins`;sms is full of drug dealers 939583;1417436102;nubbins`;but it's decentralized 939584;1417436151;mircea_popescu;doies tribune still own topix btw ? 939585;1417436239;punkman;example: http://www.topix.com/forum/health/back-pain/T5CM84VAP8M78R86U 939586;1417436242;assbot;Oxy pain meds in NYC - Topix ... ( http://bit.ly/15Mmr33 ) 939587;1417436307;punkman;http://www.topix.com/forum/ca/montreal-qc/T0U013KMGTL5BU2PV 939588;1417436310;assbot;Oxycodone In Montreal - Topix ... ( http://bit.ly/15MmuvA ) 939589;1417436322;mircea_popescu;stil lthis entire "pills are drugs nao" online kiddie kick ? 939590;1417436358;adlai;iirc pain pills are the most-addicted-to drug in bezzland, followed by mood pills 939591;1417436373;mircea_popescu;Topix's main user base consists of posters from small cities and towns in the United States, particularly those with several thousand or hundred residents. Few people from major American cities use Topix. Topix has a large following in Appalachia, rural areas in the Southern United States, and the Ozarks. Discussions that traditionally took place in person in rural areas began to be posted on Topix. Chris Tolles, the c 939592;1417436373;mircea_popescu;hief executive of Topix LLC, said that Topix is very popular in "the feud states". 939593;1417436378;mircea_popescu;ahaha check that shit out. i had no idea. 939594;1417436400;mircea_popescu;adlai i have nfi how you can be "addicted" to oxycodone. 939595;1417436418;adlai;same way you can be "addicted" to heroin? 939596;1417436448;punkman;those idiots actually try to smoke or IV pills 939597;1417436451;adlai;you don't have to own a needle or a crack pipe to be an addict 939598;1417436504;punkman;or all the retarded kids that crush up ritalin and snort it 939599;1417436508;mircea_popescu;the oxycodone aka heorin argument sounds to me like a hipster's bike aka armored persone carrier argument 939600;1417436513;mircea_popescu;sure, they both got wheels. o.O 939601;1417436547;mircea_popescu;punkman back when i was that age, idiots snorted powdered sugar, to pretend like they're whatever. 939602;1417436554;mircea_popescu;movie stars i guess. 939603;1417436582;mircea_popescu;visotsky, whatever. 939604;1417436602;cazalla;i'll stick to nutmeg and banana skins 939605;1417436633;mircea_popescu;cazalla you know most of not-totally-poor africa makes brisk trade in fake papyrus made out of banana peels ? 939606;1417436661;mircea_popescu;they paint that shit and sell it to idiot whitey by the barge. 939607;1417436687;cazalla;i would not know this, i thought jenkem was only export 939608;1417436731;nubbins`;<+mircea_popescu> adlai i have nfi how you can be "addicted" to oxycodone. <<< uhhhh.... o.O 939609;1417436802;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 59375 @ 0.00033786 = 20.0604 BTC [-] {2} 939610;1417436825;nubbins`;"once the initial buzz or hit has worn down, most addicts report that their is little to no difference between H or Oxycodone" 939611;1417436856;mircea_popescu;what do these holy users of all-knowing importance report of the difference between windows and ubuntu ? 939612;1417436867;mircea_popescu;i totally care what a bunch of fucktards report, it's like, tantamout to science this. 939613;1417436906;adlai;well being addicted to the rush is a whole separate beast 939614;1417436908;mircea_popescu;"most people report sun and moon visibly the same size to naked eye" 939615;1417436937;adlai;"most people blinded by mysterious occurence at noon. more news at 1pm" 939616;1417436963;mircea_popescu;wait, no, i got better. "most eaters report no substandial difference between i-cant-believe-its-not-butter and butter" 939617;1417436979;nubbins`;let me try another tack 939618;1417436987;mircea_popescu;i was having fun with this one ;/ 939619;1417437011;mircea_popescu;i was saving the "their" even! 939620;1417437015;nubbins`;you have no fucking idea how people can get addicted to snorting opiates, compressing a controlled 24-hour release into about half an hour? 939621;1417437019;nubbins`;lel @ their ;/ 939622;1417437040;nubbins`;their is three errors in this sentance 939623;1417437046;mircea_popescu;oxycodone is an "opiate" in the sense your average 300 lb social sciences postgrad is a "woman" 939624;1417437066;mircea_popescu;ie, nominally. 939625;1417437069;adlai;what are we even arguing about though? 939626;1417437072;mircea_popescu;NOT functionally. 939627;1417437086;adlai;there are still poppy tea addicts today, too 939628;1417437088;nubbins`;hm. 939629;1417437089;adlai;so what? 939630;1417437093;nubbins`;would you call morphine an opiate? 939631;1417437100;mircea_popescu;yes. 939632;1417437112;nubbins`;suppose i told you that oxycodone is 1.5x the strength? 939633;1417437113;mircea_popescu;i definitely can see how one can be addicted to morphine. 939634;1417437144;mircea_popescu;on what, molar basis ? 939635;1417437164;adlai;probably binding affinity? 939636;1417437183;nubbins`;i've erased enough chem from my brain to not be able to definitively say "yes" to that, but i mean 10mg of morphine = 6.67mg of oxy 939637;1417437206;nubbins`;http://globalrph.com/narcoticonv.htm 939638;1417437208;assbot;Opioid converter, opioid conversions, pain management. ... ( http://bit.ly/15MndwI ) 939639;1417437217;nubbins`;"equianalgesic" 939640;1417437241;mircea_popescu;nubbins` they're rather close anyway, so mass works nearly good enough 939641;1417437254;nubbins`;well there ya go. 939642;1417437264;nubbins`;anyway, with orally-taken morphine as a "1" 939643;1417437274;nubbins`;oxys are a 1.5, IV/IM morphine is a 3 939644;1417437300;adlai;these are child opiates though, let's compare them to fentanyl 939645;1417437309;mircea_popescu;anyway, that's more of a cargo-cultapproach to this science ("i know it's strong because this is how the doctors use it") 939646;1417437314;nubbins`;fentanyl is in the 50-100 range 939647;1417437320;mircea_popescu;as best i can see, oxycodone is more like codeine than heroin. 939648;1417437338;nubbins`;codeine's listed as 1/10 939649;1417437347;*;nubbins` shrugs 939650;1417437360;nubbins`;i can only imagine there are endless clinical trials behind these numbers 939651;1417437376;nubbins`;but anyway. 939652;1417437383;nubbins`;people get addicted to oxy like nothing else 939653;1417437392;mircea_popescu;yes, but geared towards a different set of objectives. 939654;1417437397;nubbins`;it's available everywhere -- WAY more readily so than street opiates 939655;1417437403;mircea_popescu;let me put it this way : make a buffet with 10 lb bowls of pure powder. 939656;1417437409;mircea_popescu;one of each substance you test 939657;1417437416;mircea_popescu;see what % usage you meet. 939658;1417437430;mircea_popescu;how many people will be snorting your oxycodone when heroin directly available right next to it ? 939659;1417437443;adlai;can we fill the third bowl with salvinorin B? 939660;1417437452;nubbins`;HEH 939661;1417437460;nubbins`;adlai salv A only 939662;1417437464;adlai;*ethoxymethyl ether 939663;1417437476;nubbins`;mircea_popescu sure, but this is not an argument against oxy's addictive qualities 939664;1417437488;mircea_popescu;right... 939665;1417437492;mircea_popescu;because logic ? 939666;1417437508;nubbins`;people will choose filet mignon over a big mac, doesn't mean they're not picking up mcd's every day on the ride home 939667;1417437521;mircea_popescu;"i'm in love with X, manifested by the fact that whenever there's no naked swimsuit models splayed on my bedspread, i fuck X" 939668;1417437535;mircea_popescu;nubbins` so then are they fucking addicted to the big mac lawl. 939669;1417437543;nubbins`;love != addiction 939670;1417437546;adlai;there are also reasons outside pharmacology 939671;1417437547;mircea_popescu;orly. 939672;1417437549;nubbins`;^ (let's see what tangent this spawns) 939673;1417437575;*;adlai wouldn't be surprised if many americans addicted to oxy, never took a "real drug" before 939674;1417437578;nubbins`;^ 939675;1417437589;nubbins`;most of the addicts here are on pharms 939676;1417437594;adlai;it's the gateway pill! 939677;1417437596;adlai;that, or xanax 939678;1417437598;mircea_popescu;"oxycodone : how the idiot generation is getting all the drawbacks of opioid dosing with none of the benefits" 939679;1417437606;mircea_popescu;so much of contemporary us is all about being incredibly stupid... 939680;1417437607;nubbins`;there are benefits? 939681;1417437608;adlai;no, that's kratom 939682;1417437616;nubbins`;i mean, sure, if you're a musician 939683;1417437624;nubbins`;take up heroin, you'll make your best work 939684;1417437627;nubbins`;but otherwise? 939685;1417437640;mircea_popescu;nubbins` and if you're not a musician NOBODY WILL HEAR ABOUT IT 939686;1417437647;nubbins`;^ 939687;1417437650;mircea_popescu;still your best work, just, shitty & obscure. like you. 939688;1417437654;adlai;"I think the dark side of the moon is worth 100 dead kids" - maher 939689;1417437660;*;nubbins` claps 939690;1417437685;nubbins`;adlai incidentally i was in a buyer's club for salvia for a period of time 939691;1417437685;punkman;adlai: kratom's pretty interesting 939692;1417437697;nubbins`;mad bulk discounts 939693;1417437699;mircea_popescu;dude srsly, chewing treebark ? 939694;1417437722;mircea_popescu;shall there be no end of this "i smoke oregano the older kids sold to me as a mockery BECAUSE I ENJOY IT!" 939695;1417437725;nubbins`;srsly, lighting plants on fire and breathing the smoke? ;/ 939696;1417437726;mircea_popescu;fucking denial of doom... 939697;1417437741;*;adlai has never tried verified salvia, the one time somebody brought over "salvia" it was more similar to expired mint leaves, and about as potent 939698;1417437744;mircea_popescu;let's all be ironic and smoke cow dung. 939699;1417437750;nubbins`;"Kratom behaves as a μ-opioid receptor" 939700;1417437751;nubbins`;:o 939701;1417437753;nubbins`;well til 939702;1417437757;mircea_popescu;adlai i had a bush in my garden 939703;1417437777;adlai;that's nothing, i had two in my white house 939704;1417437781;mircea_popescu;and no, i never fucking smoked it. 939705;1417437794;nubbins`;also incidentally, salvinorin is a kappa-opiod agonist 939706;1417437797;nubbins`;but not an opiate 939707;1417437802;adlai;salvia is like an anti-opiate 939708;1417437808;nubbins`;it's like an anti-drug 939709;1417437813;punkman;nubbins`: cup of kratom tea, great substitute for coffee 939710;1417437821;adlai;you take one hit bro and you're not addicted anymore, man, you can do anything you want 939711;1417437836;nubbins`;punkman: hit of 10x salvia extract, great substitute for a ten-strip of owsley acid 939712;1417437837;adlai;how is a cup of a mild opiate a great substitute for a mild stim 939713;1417437847;adlai;too much logic in here 939714;1417437849;*;adlai dogwalks 939715;1417437865;mircea_popescu;logic is a drug! 939716;1417437868;nubbins`;^ 939717;1417437876;punkman;adlai, it's also a stimulant in small doses 939718;1417437878;mircea_popescu;love is the logic antidrug 939719;1417437881;nubbins`;iirc salvinorin is actually the most potent naturally-occuring drug 939720;1417437889;mircea_popescu;and addiction is merely bioactive irony 939721;1417437893;adlai;"TV is the first electric drug... somebody else's trip, plus advertisements" - mckenna 939722;1417437894;nubbins`;heh 939723;1417437903;nubbins`;my cells are screaming in pain ironically 939724;1417437912;adlai;addiction is brilliant, for the plants 939725;1417437919;mircea_popescu;nubbins` they pretend like it's painful... but it's not. 939726;1417437922;mircea_popescu;ha-ha. 939727;1417437932;adlai;your brain cells LOVE addiction 939728;1417437939;adlai;maybe a few don't, but nobody listens to them anymore 939729;1417437950;mircea_popescu;my brain is almost entirely made of this later sort. 939730;1417437962;mircea_popescu;no black brain cells over here. 939731;1417437964;nubbins`;so you think 939732;1417437995;mircea_popescu;i kinda know, actually. 939733;1417438135;adlai;I guess nobody listens to you anymore! :P 939734;1417438149;mircea_popescu;totally. 939735;1417438164;mats_cd03;salvia is filthy 939736;1417438214;nubbins`;i'd paint it more as intensely bizarre 939737;1417438220;nubbins`;it's wholly unlike anything else 939738;1417438229;mats_cd03;felt like needles on my skin and dying 939739;1417438233;mats_cd03;nothx 939740;1417438236;nubbins`;heh. 939741;1417438247;nubbins`;i experienced complete synesthesia once on it 939742;1417438274;nubbins`;classical hallucinogens like lsd, psilo, etc will fuck with / change / alter your perceptions 939743;1417438282;nubbins`;"the carpet is moving" "the walls are bleeding" etc 939744;1417438319;nubbins`;salvia just drops you into another place entirely. you're not sitting on your bed looking at your bedside table, you're in the produce section of the grocery store watching people smell your colors 939745;1417438340;nubbins`;or you're a sheet of wallpaper in a strange room 939746;1417438342;nubbins`;or w/e 939747;1417438356;mircea_popescu;eh get out. 939748;1417438362;*;nubbins` shrugs 939749;1417438375;nubbins`;i didn't grok "weird" until i tried salvia 939750;1417438378;mircea_popescu;takes a very impressionable sort. it's more you than it's it 939751;1417438380;nubbins`;i thought i did, but nope. 939752;1417438381;punkman;was a long time, but I can attest to that 939753;1417438389;nubbins`;mircea_popescu i vehemently disagree 939754;1417438393;mircea_popescu;and for that money, you could probably have the same results if you just sat on your back and watched the clouds go by long enough 939755;1417438399;nubbins`;bahaha 939756;1417438409;mats_cd03;ive never felt that fucked up on anything other than salvia 939757;1417438444;mats_cd03;and it will only be that one time in high school 939758;1417438446;nubbins`;mircea_popescu while i can't quantify my "impressionability", you're so far off-base here that i don't know where to begin 939759;1417438450;cazalla;i took 2 aspirin instead of 1 once upon a time 939760;1417438455;nubbins`;salvia puts you on fucking mars. 939761;1417438490;cazalla;i watched some guys have awful trips on salvia on youtube, you couldn't pay me to smoke that 939762;1417438492;mircea_popescu;nubbins` didn't put him on mars, what of that ? 939763;1417438531;punkman;can be hard to get the right dose 939764;1417438532;nubbins`;mircea_popescu the vaporization point of salvinorin is far higher than the temperature of the cherried, smouldering plant. you can quite easily "smoke it wrong". 939765;1417438550;nubbins`;correct method is to blast it with a butane torch while inhaling 939766;1417438564;mircea_popescu;some people get really elated watching theatre. heck, most 9yos spend the rest of the day doing weirdo dance move things after their first action movie experience. 939767;1417438567;nubbins`;otherwise, little to no effects, mostly uncomfortable physical feelings 939768;1417438582;mircea_popescu;"they're superman nao!" 939769;1417438587;*;nubbins` shakes head 939770;1417438615;mircea_popescu;doesn't this thing burn at all ? 939771;1417438620;nubbins`;if i'm parsing this correctly, you're equating a salvia high to a form of elevated excitement 939772;1417438632;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26000 @ 0.00033985 = 8.8361 BTC [+] 939773;1417438633;mircea_popescu;seems to me if high temperature is required the correct approach is not a butane torch but a thermostat hotplate. 939774;1417438693;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 63950 @ 0.00034054 = 21.7775 BTC [+] {2} 939775;1417438696;mircea_popescu;nubbins` im merely bringing the argument that an inclination to be impressed with what one sees and a tendency to get excited about what's directly seen is more a thing of youth than a thing of humanity. 939776;1417438716;nubbins`;mircea_popescu: certainly, and there's no argument on that point. 939777;1417438726;mircea_popescu;in the same vein with "i won a million bucks in the reader's digest mailing, look!" 939778;1417438737;nubbins`;however, i'd taken relatively large doses of several different hallucinogens by the time i discovered salvia 939779;1417438751;mircea_popescu;well if there's no argument on that point, then there's no argument on the "watch the clouds" point either 939780;1417438754;mircea_popescu;they being the same. 939781;1417438755;nubbins`;and i knew precisely what hallucination vs impression/excitability was 939782;1417438783;mircea_popescu;exactly, huh ? 939783;1417438791;nubbins`;and i'm telling you that about 20 seconds after you inhale a lungful of salvia smoke, everything you see and hear and feel around you is just GONE and replaced with something else. 939784;1417438793;mircea_popescu;let's translate this logic. 939785;1417438806;nubbins`;like, completely gone. 939786;1417438811;mircea_popescu;"i know exactly how garza scams, having watched a number of his scams in trhe past, and i can assure you this one's legit" 939787;1417438811;nubbins`;not "o i feel funny" 939788;1417438813;mircea_popescu;something like that ? 939789;1417438820;nubbins`;but "o, i am physically in a different place" 939790;1417438900;nubbins`;or "o, it feels like my jaw has detached from my head and is wrapping tightly around my neck, coil after unending coil" 939791;1417438916;nubbins`;or "o, how long was i out? who broke all this glass?" 939792;1417438927;mircea_popescu;this happens to me naturally anyway. 939793;1417438934;nubbins`;well i guess you don't need to smoke salvia 939794;1417438936;mircea_popescu;!s "how long was i asleep" 939795;1417438936;assbot;0 results for '"how long was i asleep"' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=%22how+long+was+i+asleep%22 939796;1417438942;mircea_popescu;eh gtfo. 939797;1417438953;nubbins`;can't, i'm a lord or smth 939798;1417438960;mircea_popescu;not you lol, assbot 939799;1417438965;nubbins`;HEH 939800;1417438968;mircea_popescu;i know i've said it dozens of times! THOUSANDS! 939801;1417438983;*;danielpbarron has smoked salvia 939802;1417438989;nubbins`;hyperbole aside, i actually cannot recommend that anyone try smoking salvia 939803;1417438996;nubbins`;i don't want the responsibility 939804;1417439009;mircea_popescu;"you forgot your panties in my bed" "but i don't wear panties ?" "oh shit... um..." 939805;1417439057;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron so how was it ? 939806;1417439080;danielpbarron;the most strange experience of my life 939807;1417439087;nubbins`;^ 939808;1417439103;nubbins`;<+nubbins`> i didn't grok "weird" until i tried salvia 939809;1417439104;danielpbarron;and i've done dmt lsd and shrooms 939810;1417439141;mircea_popescu;fine, what do i know. 939811;1417439147;danielpbarron;felt like i became the hardwood floor i was lying on 939812;1417439150;nubbins`;less than you think you do 8) 939813;1417439155;punkman;someone sent mp some salvia :P 939814;1417439165;nubbins`;<+nubbins`> or you're a sheet of wallpaper in a strange room 939815;1417439168;punkman;*send 939816;1417439182;nubbins`;he's a grown-up, he can buy his own ;p 939817;1417439193;nubbins`;i guess it's probably still legal in .ar 939818;1417439215;nubbins`;the concentrates are better / easier 939819;1417439223;nubbins`;plain leaf requires the inhalation of plumes of smoke 939820;1417439232;nubbins`;v hard on the lungs 939821;1417439232;punkman;plain leaf is impossible 939822;1417439236;danielpbarron;i used 10x or something 939823;1417439243;nubbins`;5x and 10x, i tried 939824;1417439255;nubbins`;you need an impossibly small amount 939825;1417439264;nubbins`;like, people would lel. 939826;1417439269;nubbins`;"i need more than that" 939827;1417439277;nubbins`;5 minutes later, wiping tears off their face 939828;1417439308;punkman;I got a bunch of now respectable people, drooling like idiots on video 939829;1417439310;nubbins`;telling them it's okay 939830;1417439335;nubbins`;punkman the DROOL 939831;1417439341;nubbins`;smth else, hey? 939832;1417439360;nubbins`;*sluuurp* i've never had a buzz *sluuuurp* like this bef...... 939833;1417439365;punkman;uncontrollable salivation 939834;1417439367;danielpbarron;salvia does kinda feel like an anti-opiate; it feels like the opposite of comfortable 939835;1417439372;punkman;so it wasn't just me 939836;1417439376;nubbins`;(vacant gaze for 20mins) 939837;1417439381;mircea_popescu;so this is the drug of dog ? 939838;1417439414;nubbins`;if it grew in another part of the world they woulda called it soma 939839;1417439446;nubbins`;punkman massiva salivation and internal organs being pulled to one side 939840;1417439449;nubbins`;*massive 939841;1417439459;nubbins`;is generally how the come-up was for me 939842;1417439492;nubbins`;then generally the room/space/forest/whatever would fill with a heavy static buzz, upward from the ground 939843;1417439505;nubbins`;then you lose yourself 939844;1417439538;nubbins`;man. this was like ten years ago. 939845;1417439538;punkman;first time wtih 5x, I remember having a 20min conversation with my keyboard 939846;1417439542;nubbins`;it's burned into my fucking brain. 939847;1417439550;punkman;yeah 10+ years ago 939848;1417439558;nubbins`;my first time with 5x i had a mental conversation in a language i didn't speak with an old woman 939849;1417439580;nubbins`;who happened to be standing in my bedroom. which was actually a farm. 939850;1417439608;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42100 @ 0.00033834 = 14.2441 BTC [-] {3} 939851;1417439651;nubbins`;"Based on my own experiments using an adjustable thermocouple-controlled heat gun, I found that the ideal airstream temperature for vaporizing salvinorin A from dried leaves is approximately 277° C" 939852;1417439654;nubbins`;well there ya go 939853;1417439752;nubbins`;my oven doesn't get that hot 939854;1417439801;mircea_popescu;how can your oven not get that hot ?! 939855;1417439843;*;nubbins` shrugs 939856;1417439845;punkman;nubbins`: did you ever try a tincture? I always wondered how that worked 939857;1417439847;nubbins`;500F is the max 939858;1417439870;nubbins`;that's what, 260C? 939859;1417439876;nubbins`;punkman never tried, nope 939860;1417439894;nubbins`;i suppose if i set it to broil it'd get however hot 939861;1417439913;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48172 @ 0.00033715 = 16.2412 BTC [-] {2} 939862;1417439915;punkman;well maybe I'll give it a shot after a decade 939863;1417439978;nubbins`;bring a sitter 939864;1417439996;punkman;*another decade, not keen on smoking salvia any time soon 939865;1417440051;nubbins`;it does not lend itself to addiction 939866;1417440070;punkman;indeed 939867;1417440071;nubbins`;i guess i should be binding books 939868;1417440087;nubbins`;we actually sold out on saturday and now there's like 25 on backorder 939869;1417440098;punkman;doing more bird stuff? 939870;1417440107;nubbins`;same stuff 939871;1417440125;nubbins`;http://patrickcanning.ca/ first menu link 939872;1417440126;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1z8bEZx ) 939873;1417440152;nubbins`;er directly http://patrick-canning-ppkq.squarespace.com/birdsofnewfoundland/birds-of-newfoundland 939874;1417440153;assbot;Birds Of Newfoundland — PATRICK THOMAS CANNING ... ( http://bit.ly/1z8bL7n ) 939875;1417440175;*;punkman sneaks off to order some mitragyna speciosa 939876;1417440223;nubbins`;ethnobotanicals.com 8) 939877;1417440295;adlai;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-12-2014#939837 < mdma. dogs be rollin all day. 939878;1417440295;assbot;Logged on 01-12-2014 13:09:41; mircea_popescu: so this is the drug of dog ? 939879;1417440305;punkman;nubbins`: pretty expensive 939880;1417440326;nubbins`;no doubt 939881;1417440332;nubbins`;ordered from them ages ago 939882;1417440337;nubbins`;was surprised to see them still running 939883;1417440346;nubbins`;i think i bought some HBWR seeds from there 939884;1417440389;*;adlai is most curious these days to try https://www.erowid.org/plants/calea_zacatechichi/ 939885;1417440390;assbot;Erowid Calea zacatechichi Vault ... ( http://bit.ly/1z8cJ3I ) 939886;1417440397;nubbins`;is that the dream one? 939887;1417440417;nubbins`;also erowid accepts btc 939888;1417440494;adlai;yes and yes 939889;1417440494;punkman;these guys take BTC, can recommend: http://www.bikhuk.com/p/buy-kratom.html 939890;1417440496;assbot;Bikhuk Kratom Powder - Ethnobotanicals buy direct from the source!: Buy Kratom ... ( http://bit.ly/1z8d5HA ) 939891;1417440509;adlai;well erowid doesn't accept btc in the same way as those guys :) 939892;1417440517;nubbins`;heh 939893;1417440526;nubbins`;nope 939894;1417440565;nubbins`;oh hey, the EU banned 25I-NBOMe in september 939895;1417440601;nubbins`;#bitcoin-alkaloids ;p 939896;1417440692;adlai;elaborating on the earlier theme of addiction being brilliant for plants: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ophiocordyceps_unilateralis 939897;1417440694;assbot;Ophiocordyceps unilateralis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1pGvwDg ) 939898;1417440740;adlai;this is a bit of an extreme example, and some people would claim that humans get something out of the relationship, ie, psychoactive plants are symbiotic, not parasites 939899;1417440772;nubbins`;fwiw i think psychoactives are more denfense mechanisms than anything 939900;1417440792;nubbins`;show me an animal (besides your dog) that eats weed plants 939901;1417440802;punkman;adlai, Michael Pollan et al? 939902;1417440819;adlai;my dog eats weed!? 939903;1417440826;nubbins`;adlai, only when you're not looking. 939904;1417440858;nubbins`;not too surprising from a creature that will greedily eat feces without compunction 939905;1417440883;adlai;he puked a turd a few days ago 939906;1417440888;nubbins`;right?> 939907;1417440893;nubbins`;that's pigeon-level stupidity 939908;1417440916;adlai;to his credit, of all the dogs I've met, he's got the best grasp of newtonian mechanics 939909;1417440925;adlai;there is no fooling him 939910;1417440928;nubbins`;bit of a wash with non-newtonian tho hey? 939911;1417440938;adlai;yeah he was so confused after interstellar 939912;1417440946;adlai;"urf?" 939913;1417440947;nubbins`;heh 939914;1417440953;nubbins`;well don't ever buy him any silly putty 939915;1417441015;mircea_popescu;nubbins` horse enjoys a good beer... 939916;1417441041;punkman;I've seen dog enjoying beer as well 939917;1417441047;adlai;punkman: haven't seen this before. ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Botany_of_Desire ) it's not quite what I was describing, though 939918;1417441048;assbot;The Botany of Desire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1z8flOR ) 939919;1417441076;adlai;or rather, he's only looking at one *psychoactive* plant, and he's looking at it from the plant's perspective 939920;1417441106;nubbins`;oh sure 939921;1417441109;nubbins`;look at orchids 939922;1417441133;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5050 @ 0.00034118 = 1.723 BTC [+] 939923;1417441136;adlai;i'm also suspicious of any researcher who's named after his subjects' gametes 939924;1417441141;nubbins`;there are species that still imitate the appearance of their once-favoured pollinators, now long extinct 939925;1417441187;nubbins`;https://whyevolutionistrue.wordpress.com/2013/09/02/a-flower-hints-at-the-appearance-of-an-extinct-bee/ 939926;1417441189;assbot;A flower hints at the appearance of an extinct bee « Why Evolution Is True ... ( http://bit.ly/1pGy308 ) 939927;1417441190;adlai;mircea_popescu: graphs on mpex have been wonky today 939928;1417441237;mircea_popescu;wonky how ? 939929;1417441329;adlai;they don't all display on the main page, sometimes all do, sometimes one or two missing. sometimes they're missing from the asset page too. 939930;1417441335;mircea_popescu;a. yeah. 939931;1417441339;adlai;right now S.WOL is missing 939932;1417441373;adlai;it has already been established that you sabotage your own uptime to test our attentiveness... 939933;1417441392;mircea_popescu;transient situation. 939934;1417441404;adlai;nubbins`: this is my favorite evolution story: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evolution_of_flagella 939935;1417441405;assbot;Evolution of flagella - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1pGzcEV ) 939936;1417441409;mircea_popescu;(also, swol is not missing, just, nothing there) 939937;1417441438;adlai;well, earlier mpoe was missing 939938;1417441480;adlai;first time I didn't mention it, second time I mentioned it but it was back by the time you asked "wonky how" 939939;1417441490;mircea_popescu;ya. 939940;1417442104;adlai;why would you have a "featured in" section with images of newspapers, but no links to the actual article!? 939941;1417442126;*;adlai refuses to link the site because they don't deserve the publicity of getting laughed at 939942;1417442138;adlai;suffice it to say that it's one of the zillion worthless "bitcoin startups" 939943;1417442315;mircea_popescu;because they saw it on some other site 939944;1417442323;mircea_popescu;or more likely, because the theme they ripped came with the icons. 939945;1417442346;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/mpex-smpoe-november-2014-statement/ 939946;1417442347;assbot;MPEx (S.MPOE) November 2014 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1pGDzQp ) 939947;1417442492;adlai;"Tech, 24.87832294 BTC" awfully specific... 939948;1417442539;mircea_popescu;kinda no practical way to make these not relate to one another 939949;1417442551;adlai;punkman: seen https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=411974.0 ? 939950;1417442552;assbot;Promechard: Proprietary Metablock Chains for Arbitrary Data ... ( http://bit.ly/1pGEgJn ) 939951;1417442569;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/mpex-smpoe-july-2014-statement/#footnote_2_55827 939952;1417442569;assbot;MPEx (S.MPOE) July 2014 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1pGEksD ) 939953;1417442579;mircea_popescu;adlai ^ 939954;1417442611;adlai;oic 939955;1417442723;adlai;!s definitive advertising network 939956;1417442724;assbot;0 results for 'definitive advertising network' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=definitive+advertising+network 939957;1417443028;adlai;lol http://i.imgur.com/kBuk5gu.png 939958;1417443029;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1pGG84S ) 939959;1417443058;adlai;mircea_popescu: why does it want an extra 35.56b 939960;1417443360;mircea_popescu;adlai huh ? 939961;1417443388;mircea_popescu;anyway, that was the van network, it was actuve for like a month. 939962;1417443416;adlai;"Please send exactly 0.01003556 BTC to 1btcaddressblabla" 939963;1417443447;mircea_popescu;to identify you. 939964;1417443589;*;adlai mutters something about the benefits of address reuse 939965;1417443598;mircea_popescu;namely ? 939966;1417443635;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53117 @ 0.00034107 = 18.1166 BTC [-] {2} 939967;1417443642;adlai;one address per customer makes it easier to tell which payment comes from which customer 939968;1417443653;mircea_popescu;right. 939969;1417443780;mircea_popescu;;;nethash 939970;1417443780;gribble;309546849.256 939971;1417443878;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 50 @ 0.10745861 = 5.3729 BTC [+] {9} 939972;1417443897;mircea_popescu;it also happens to be the wrong thing. it makes it easier for ~everyone~, which is bad for user privacy. it requires more complexity, which costs money and opens the door to errors 939973;1417443902;mircea_popescu;as kraken found out the hard way. 939974;1417443945;adlai;and this can't happen with a shitty implementation (or user error) of discrimination based on dust-level change? 939975;1417443947;mircea_popescu;meanwhile using a single address has no cost associated, other than you know, one particular string of eight digits as opposed to another particular string of eight digits. 939976;1417443988;mircea_popescu;adlai anything can happen, but if you don't need a database you have less exposure to the things that can happen. 939977;1417444007;adlai;you don't need a database to associate pending payments to their dust amount? 939978;1417444028;mircea_popescu;nope. 939979;1417444046;adlai;what if shit happens between invoicing and payment? 939980;1417444052;mircea_popescu;like ? 939981;1417444112;adlai;server restarts for whatever reason, first thing it sees on startup is a payment with some amount of dust. how does it know which customer was issued that specific dust request, before the reboot? 939982;1417444176;mircea_popescu;you're aware that when you make an order you get sent an email. right ? 939983;1417444219;*;adlai doesn't have dementia, yet 939984;1417444275;mircea_popescu;so it looks if it sent a mail for that amount. if it does and the recipient correctly hashes to it, it sends it an email with teh code. 939985;1417444289;mircea_popescu;not like it matters if it's rebooted or anything. 939986;1417444300;adlai;"recipient correctly hashes to it" missing piece of the puzzle 939987;1417444304;mircea_popescu;:p 939988;1417444311;mircea_popescu;but i enjoyed tormenting you with it fwiw 939989;1417444334;mircea_popescu;srsly nao, isn't it obvious by now, whenever immutability is achieved without a db, a hash was involved ? 939990;1417444362;*;adlai suspected something of the sort, but hasn't yet received his jump-to-conclusions mat 939991;1417444370;mircea_popescu;aok 939992;1417444415;adlai;and when you're high enough, what's hashing if not a lookup in the database of MATHEMATICS ITSELF 939993;1417444427;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44225 @ 0.00035046 = 15.4991 BTC [+] 939994;1417444439;mircea_popescu;:) 939995;1417444462;mircea_popescu;anyway, as a general point : breaking the address <-> user relation is the most important thing to do for bitcoin's success on an individual level. 939996;1417444479;mircea_popescu;worst fucking idea, not reusing addresses. 939997;1417444485;mircea_popescu;the more ambiguous they are, the better. 939998;1417444538;adlai;too many negatives there... you're saying that reusing addresses makes them more ambiguous? 939999;1417444565;nubbins`;it makes the use thereof more ambiguous 940000;1417444574;mircea_popescu;they're separate clauses. 940001;1417444595;mircea_popescu;not reusing addresses is a bad idea ; reusing them makes them more ambiguous, which is good. 940002;1417444650;adlai;how? reuse ties two transactions together as having been signed by the same entity. this is OK for eg a business wanting to operate transparently, but less so for an individual wanting privacy 940003;1417444671;mircea_popescu;explain, because the logic doesn't follow. 940004;1417444741;adlai;Alice wants to pay Bob a bitcoin. She has one address with 2btc, so she creates a transaction sending bob one bitcoin, and one bitcoin change back to her own address. it's trivial to tell which bitcoin is alice's, and which is bob's. 940005;1417444783;adlai;scenario 2 - alice creates a transaction paying 1btc to one address, and 1btc to another. it's not trivial to tell (just from the transactions) which address belongs to whom. 940006;1417444804;adlai;lots more work for Eve 940007;1417444807;mircea_popescu;so you like to think. 940008;1417444811;nubbins`;i think you are both using different concepts of "reuse" 940009;1417444816;mircea_popescu;moreover, look at it in its proper light. 940010;1417444835;adlai;nubbins`: possibly, i'm against concept reuse :P 940011;1417444836;mircea_popescu;"adlai, you are charged before this court with high crimes of having derped on the internet in a forbidden manner" 940012;1417444840;mircea_popescu;"what proof do you have ?" 940013;1417444841;nubbins`;secnario 3: adlai and nubs each send a tx to 1mpexblahblah. they send their change wherever they like. 940014;1417444846;mircea_popescu;"you've paid to address X!" 940015;1417444849;mircea_popescu;"mnope" 940016;1417444858;mircea_popescu;"well but somebody did!" 940017;1417444863;mircea_popescu;"sure. lots of people. what's your point ?" 940018;1417444933;mircea_popescu;the key to escaping responsibility if being one of a group that did whatever. the way to implement this in bitcoin is through address reuse. 940019;1417444933;nubbins`;"but if all the movies go into the bin behind the movie return slot, how will they know who is returning their movies?" 940020;1417444934;adlai;"this address, which has previously been associated with you, made on of those transactions" 940021;1417444946;mircea_popescu;"associated" how ? 940022;1417444960;mircea_popescu;once this one use per address thing goes away, "associated" is a lolzword. 940023;1417444961;adlai;"you paid for your 1000btc porsche from it" 940024;1417444973;mircea_popescu;"wasn't me" 940025;1417444974;adlai;"kept the change, then paid address X later on" 940026;1417444989;adlai;ok, let's take the porsche then cuz it's evidently not yours! 940027;1417444989;mircea_popescu;"wasn't me" 940028;1417444994;nubbins`;adlai this is an argument against payout address reuse by individuals 940029;1417445005;nubbins`;mpex situation is accounts receivable address reuse 940030;1417445009;mircea_popescu;yeah nubbins has it. there's a difference here. 940031;1417445013;adlai;right 940032;1417445014;nubbins`;which afaict has no problems 940033;1417445033;mircea_popescu;bitbet does the same thing, it reuses addresses liberally. 940034;1417445035;adlai;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-12-2014#940002 940035;1417445035;assbot;Logged on 01-12-2014 14:37:30; adlai: how? reuse ties two transactions together as having been signed by the same entity. this is OK for eg a business wanting to operate transparently, but less so for an individual wanting privacy 940036;1417445045;mircea_popescu;nothing to do with transparency really. 940037;1417445054;mircea_popescu;everything to do with the very privacy of the users. 940038;1417445132;nubbins`;adlai i mean obviously buying $100k of btc from a government-approved exchange, immediately purchasing a porsche with it, keeping change in same address, buying H from silk road, keeping change in same address, buying mpex shares, etc etc 940039;1417445133;adlai;well it also gives transparency, as long as the people looking in trust that the business uses only those addresses 940040;1417445135;nubbins`;is a bad idea 940041;1417445141;nubbins`;but does this really need to be stated? :S 940042;1417445180;mircea_popescu;adlai sure but that's difficult to verify 940043;1417445187;*;nubbins` puts on a t-shirt with his home address and times when he will be away from his house, then goes to buy drugs w/ gold coins 940044;1417445203;adlai;don't forget to label your keys too 940045;1417445208;nubbins`;natch 940046;1417445232;nubbins`;address reuse also thwarts phishing attempts 940047;1417445248;mircea_popescu;certainly. 940048;1417445263;mircea_popescu;and in so doing provides the perfect pill against the hearn idiocy of "let's import heardbleed into btc 940049;1417445266;nubbins`;the forum is riddled with stories of scammers preying on group buys by PMing people saying "hey its me, adlai`, plz to send btc to 1Scamblahblah" 940050;1417445270;mircea_popescu;it'll work fine if we call it PKI instead" 940051;1417445287;adlai;nubbins`: aka the idiot tax 940052;1417445311;adlai;as slimy as phish may be, it's a key part of our survival as a species 940053;1417445330;nubbins`;ehhhhhhhh 940054;1417445335;*;adlai actually heard the words "they said it in the factory tour, so it's probably true" a few days ago 940055;1417445338;nubbins`;key part of our survival as economic creatures 940056;1417445354;mircea_popescu;it's a key part of the survival OF WOMEN 940057;1417445366;adlai;? 940058;1417445391;mircea_popescu;! 940059;1417445392;nubbins`;!s WOMEN from:mircea_popescu 940060;1417445393;assbot;700 results for 'WOMEN from:mircea_popescu' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=WOMEN+from%3Amircea_popescu 940061;1417445407;mircea_popescu;!s drugs from:nubbins` 940062;1417445408;assbot;59 results for 'drugs from:nubbins`' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=drugs+from%3Anubbins%60 940063;1417445412;mircea_popescu;psss 940064;1417445413;nubbins`;kek 940065;1417445422;nubbins`;dat case, dat point 940066;1417445449;mircea_popescu;http://stats.bitcoin-assets.com/ 940067;1417445450;assbot;#bitcoin-assets stats ... ( http://bit.ly/1vbe7Dj ) 940068;1417445473;mircea_popescu;;;calc 59/ 20746 / 700 / 111250 940069;1417445473;gribble;0 940070;1417445476;mircea_popescu;SEE! 940071;1417445489;*;adlai won't look at those until they're on bloomberg (due to customer demand) 940072;1417445525;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 69900 @ 0.00035116 = 24.5461 BTC [+] {2} 940073;1417445528;mircea_popescu;!s men from:mircea_popescu 940074;1417445529;assbot;288 results for 'men from:mircea_popescu' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=men+from%3Amircea_popescu 940075;1417445549;mircea_popescu;well at least i'm not gay. 940076;1417445560;mircea_popescu;!s anal from:mircea_popescu 940077;1417445561;assbot;52 results for 'anal from:mircea_popescu' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=anal+from%3Amircea_popescu 940078;1417445564;mircea_popescu;!s sex from:mircea_popescu 940079;1417445565;assbot;253 results for 'sex from:mircea_popescu' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=sex+from%3Amircea_popescu 940080;1417445578;mircea_popescu;hey, that's actually kinda accurate. 940081;1417445647;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 94500 @ 0.00035156 = 33.2224 BTC [+] {2} 940082;1417445666;jurov;!s oral from:mircea_popescu 940083;1417445667;assbot;14 results for 'oral from:mircea_popescu' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=oral+from%3Amircea_popescu 940084;1417445675;adlai;it'd be kinda cool to work for nsa or whoever have !s over everything everybody has ever said 940085;1417445692;jurov;!s oral to:mircea_popescu << nanotube this should be implemented 940086;1417445693;assbot;0 results for 'oral to:mircea_popescu << nanotube this should be implemented' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=oral+to%3Amircea_popescu+%3C%3C+nanotube+this+should+be+implemented 940087;1417445695;mircea_popescu;nubbins` can you appreciate how damned rare it is, a few occurences over tens of thousands of LINES ? 940088;1417445701;adlai;probably the lizard schutzstaffel 940089;1417445714;mircea_popescu;!up kakobrekla 940090;1417445720;mircea_popescu;as in UP YOURS 940091;1417445772;punkman;adlai, anything interesting about that besided being lisp? 940092;1417445797;adlai;punkman: it seems to overlap, to some degree, the goals of the deeds project 940093;1417445814;nubbins`;mircea_popescu: !s sex http://pastebin.com/FGt21TCn 940094;1417445815;assbot;mf doom - kookies - Pastebin.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1z8yikJ ) 940095;1417445826;punkman;adlai: how does it not destroy coins? 940096;1417445854;nubbins`;or i guess !s jacking off, more accurately 940097;1417445888;mircea_popescu;emails/females ? that's some hardcore rhyming. 940098;1417445906;mircea_popescu;ima off sending some shemales some emales nao. 940099;1417445916;adlai;punkman: "Assuming each of these transactions includes a miner fee of 0.1 mbits (millibits), this would cost the proprietor 36.5 mbits a year." 940100;1417445926;adlai;(from the paper) 940101;1417445937;nubbins`;heh 940102;1417445940;nubbins`;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAYdO30Tcu4 940103;1417445941;assbot;MF DOOM - Kookies - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1vbg3vO ) 940104;1417445945;mircea_popescu;adlai what i don't get is : some group is trying to do something punkman already did, and we're using. 940105;1417445947;nubbins`;if you want it spit instead of typed 940106;1417445951;mircea_popescu;why are you telling him about them ? tell them about him. 940107;1417445963;punkman;also, do you see any benefit in including previous metablock hash in next metablock? 940108;1417445985;adlai;how do you know I haven't told them about him? 940109;1417445992;mircea_popescu;i don't see them here. 940110;1417445997;adlai;lol 940111;1417446008;mircea_popescu;going "oh punkman, you're our idol, bless us" 940112;1417446014;adlai;availability. punkman is right here, pasting links cost nothing... 940113;1417446016;mircea_popescu;so either they're dumb or you've not told 'em and they're dumb. 940114;1417446043;mircea_popescu;yeah, but abusing availability is how availability goes away eh ? 940115;1417446052;adlai;true 940116;1417446237;punkman;while we're on the topic, I want to make a service that fetches a URL, hashes contents, and then bundles and notarizes those. thoughts? 940117;1417446257;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9900 @ 0.00035112 = 3.4761 BTC [-] 940118;1417446272;nubbins`;jurov wrong bot dad 940119;1417446284;mircea_popescu;punkman as html ? 940120;1417446305;jurov;nubbins` my bad 940121;1417446309;nubbins`;np 940122;1417446340;mircea_popescu;it'd be a great thing, page verification, but so many things can fuck it up. like, any page that includes the current time. a theme upgrade. 940123;1417446341;punkman;mircea_popescu: yeah but also other options. screenshots or WARC can also be done. 940124;1417446350;nubbins`;anyway good idea 940125;1417446368;punkman;mircea_popescu: why's that a problem? 940126;1417446388;nubbins`;dat regex 940127;1417446389;adlai;the page will never verify 940128;1417446405;nubbins`;never ever 940129;1417446406;mircea_popescu;yeah, it'll be rare that it verifies so impossible to put to practical use. 940130;1417446409;adlai;if the data you hash includes a timestamp 940131;1417446416;nubbins`;which rendering engine will you use? 940132;1417446416;punkman;the service would notarize the fact that on X date, the contents were something that hashes to Y hash 940133;1417446428;mircea_popescu;yeah but... 940134;1417446435;nubbins`;how about pages that generate different html based on browser capabilities? 940135;1417446440;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50637 @ 0.00035194 = 17.8212 BTC [+] {2} 940136;1417446440;mircea_popescu;^ 940137;1417446453;adlai;this could work better in tandem with something(s) that archives the page itself 940138;1417446455;mircea_popescu;there are incredibly many problems with this. kinda why html is so hated 940139;1417446458;punkman;I've considered fetching from multiple geographical locations 940140;1417446461;punkman;at extra cost 940141;1417446471;nubbins`;i mean 940142;1417446475;mircea_popescu;there's a reason the wayback machine is run as charity. 940143;1417446479;nubbins`;you're going to hash a session id? 940144;1417446489;mircea_popescu;but here's an idea : have THEM maybe use your thing ? 940145;1417446494;adlai;what about contents? 940146;1417446499;mircea_popescu;shoot them an email, hash all their pages ? 940147;1417446502;nubbins`;you and i pull down a website right now using the same browser on the same hardware, we're getting different content 940148;1417446507;nubbins`;it's unverifiable, full stop 940149;1417446517;adlai;let the user (who requests hashing site content) specify somehow the part of the site they want hashed 940150;1417446526;nubbins`;let the user copy and paste it 940151;1417446534;adlai;then your hash confirms that this site contained a certain text 940152;1417446538;mircea_popescu;yeah but then how do you prove it's off the site. 940153;1417446541;nubbins`;bullshit it does. 940154;1417446551;mircea_popescu;pretty much the only way to do this is with sworn testimony. 940155;1417446566;mircea_popescu;you basically have to ask someone to go there confirm your screenshot is correct. 940156;1417446570;punkman;nubbins`: preview before bundling, so you make sure it didn't need JS enabled when you only asked for HTML 940157;1417446573;nubbins`;let the user open element inspector, change the headline on aljazeera.com to say "adlai sniffs farts", hash that and send it off 940158;1417446590;nubbins`;it proves they ran the article 940159;1417446602;nubbins`;right? 940160;1417446604;adlai;that wouldn't work unless I could change the document that punkman's bot fetched 940161;1417446605;mircea_popescu;adlai what if i select every 6th letter and it spells out "i did your mom" 940162;1417446624;nubbins`;adlai think it thru 940163;1417446638;nubbins`;punkman's bot fetched a document, right? 940164;1417446638;punkman;the idea is basically this https://archive.today/ but with signing 940165;1417446639;assbot;archive.today - webpage capture ... ( http://bit.ly/1z8BGfj ) 940166;1417446645;nubbins`;what document did it fetch? 940167;1417446675;adlai;nubbins`: think what through? you can change whatever you want in your own browser, but you can't change the communication between bot and server without compromising somethnig 940168;1417446694;nubbins`;fuck the bot 940169;1417446702;mircea_popescu;actually... sure you can, but let's not get into the entire mitm http story. 940170;1417446702;adlai;don't kick the baby 940171;1417446704;nubbins`;i can do a deed by hand 940172;1417446711;adlai;mitm http = compromising something 940173;1417446715;nubbins`;i can also hash a html document by hand and send dust to it 940174;1417446723;nubbins`;"hey man the bot didn't pick up my file" 940175;1417446729;mircea_popescu;no, because something you can't verify isn't something, it's chtulhu. 940176;1417446736;adlai;no, that's "I created some file, and the bot isn't agreeing with it" 940177;1417446759;adlai;nubbins`: the bot's signature on a file isn't proof-of-existence, it's proof-of-that-server-said-this-to-me-at-that-time 940178;1417446770;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes: (i think) << pretty sure you're right. 940179;1417446795;adlai;back in basic training this one drill sergeant said some words that have echoed with me to this day... "If you ever start thinking something, just stop." 940180;1417446796;nubbins`;no, it's proof that the bot hashed a string of text and sent dust to the address 940181;1417446856;adlai;the whole point is that you trust that the bot only does that for text that it fetches from URLs 940182;1417446856;nubbins`;or are we taking the bot on blind faith now? 940183;1417446857;mircea_popescu;btw, it occurs to me, the one thing qntra would really need would be a resident business/finance analyst. 940184;1417446860;punkman;related https://perma.cc/ 940185;1417446862;assbot;perma.cc ... ( http://bit.ly/1z8CLDN ) 940186;1417446869;mircea_popescu;mike_c how you doin' on time these days ? 940187;1417446879;adlai;punkman: either nubbins` or I are kinda missing the point, can you explain it again pls? 940188;1417446885;nubbins`;so we trust that the bot fetches text from a website and doesn't alter it and hashes it and sends dust to the address 940189;1417446895;punkman;adlai, what you said 940190;1417446898;nubbins`;but there's no way to verify it because we'll never get the same hash 940191;1417446911;mircea_popescu;well, rarely. 940192;1417446913;nubbins`;so we actually have to visit the site at the time the bot archives it 940193;1417446918;mike_c;limited, but I could handle something. 940194;1417446920;mircea_popescu;i think trilema perhaps hashes to the same thing. 940195;1417446922;nubbins`;to verify with our own eyes that that's what the site said 940196;1417446923;adlai;which is why you give the bot a URL and an xpath (or regex, or whatever you like for specifying a part of the document) 940197;1417446929;nubbins`;and then make a note of it for future reference 940198;1417446942;nubbins`;this is retarded 940199;1417446945;adlai;so the bot doesn't say, "the entire document fetched from hashed to " 940200;1417446965;adlai;it says, "the document fetched from contained a section, located at , hashing to " 940201;1417446968;mike_c;you looking for somebody to analyze btc businesses? that's a tough task with the limited information they usually provide. 940202;1417446982;punkman;you also get the contents the bot fetched so you can download for safekeeping 940203;1417447005;mircea_popescu;mike_c lemme value proposition you : if you're going to work now and again, it may work much better to be a qntra star analyst and get shares for that work, than sorta be stuck with a solo blog. 940204;1417447007;adlai;that's working in tandem with an archive, with crowdsourced archives :) 940205;1417447025;nubbins`;so the bot says "the phrase 'i hate newfies' fetched from the url http://iwouldneversaythatihatenewfies.com hashed to " 940206;1417447027;nubbins`;useful 940207;1417447033;mike_c;yes, but qntra posts don't have graphs 940208;1417447040;mike_c;maybe i could fix that. 940209;1417447042;mircea_popescu;mostly because you're not there yet. 940210;1417447080;mircea_popescu;tandacoin: i have read logs of bitcoin assets but i'm not sure how to get word of trust << o.O the cuteliest! 940211;1417447085;mircea_popescu;;;seen tandacoin 940212;1417447085;gribble;tandacoin was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 15 hours, 20 minutes, and 6 seconds ago: you guys have no idea how to do business or journalism, im not going to waste my time with u 940213;1417447085;mike_c;this is perhaps a good idea. i gotta run for a bit. but I think you're right. 940214;1417447089;adlai;nubbins`: "you can't not communicate". that would say that either the owner of that domain is a liar, and said at that time that he hates newfies, or that bot has become unreliable. 940215;1417447102;mircea_popescu;awww. 940216;1417447127;mircea_popescu;that final u is priceless. 940217;1417447136;mircea_popescu;YOU GUYSE! 940218;1417447138;mircea_popescu;have no idea. 940219;1417447172;adlai;how is journo formed??? how page get views? 940220;1417447194;nubbins`;i pronounce u as "oo" in my head 940221;1417447210;*;adlai imagines that the author is french and forgot the t 940222;1417447231;nubbins`;and the o and the i 940223;1417447234;nubbins`;bbl lunch 940224;1417447297;mircea_popescu;you mean lnch 940225;1417447306;adlai;yo mean yo 940226;1417447320;adlai;http://www.justyo.co/ 940227;1417447321;assbot;Yo - It's that simple. ... ( http://bit.ly/1vbntPE ) 940228;1417447352;mircea_popescu;Yoco sounds like a future artist / sextape protagonist 940229;1417447391;mircea_popescu;cazalla: tandacoin, stick around, i need to finish current article and then head off to a pokemon meetup << bwahahaha 940230;1417447425;mircea_popescu;im saving this one in a special compartment, it's too good. 940231;1417447444;punkman;can't tell if trolling 940232;1417447470;mircea_popescu;no but imagine, perez hilton comes here to get my take on shoes 940233;1417447480;mircea_popescu;i'm all like "nigga wait, i gotta pokemon brb" 940234;1417447606;mircea_popescu;"tandacoin:we get 4k pageviews a day how muh do you get?" ahahah this was so great. 940235;1417447611;adlai;that awkward moment when you say bye, then realize that your friend is also going to pokemon 940236;1417447782;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 65700 @ 0.00035268 = 23.1711 BTC [+] {2} 940237;1417447793;mircea_popescu;fwiw : qntra.net us alexa rank 165,888 ; altcoinpress.com us alexa rank 227,200. (larger is worse). 940238;1417447833;kakobrekla;isnt alexa rank like rand()*2/2 940239;1417447902;mircea_popescu;well yeah, about on par with random derp calling ourpages(); 940240;1417447921;mircea_popescu;"And indeed, the output of the CPRNG is very biased. The output of each step of the CPRNG is a number from 0 to 25; you would expect successive outputs to be the same around one time in 26, but my experiments show that the frequency is closer to 1/22.5." <<< shcneier made a cypher. heh. 940241;1417447966;adlai;how is alexa formed? how does blog get viewy? 940242;1417448005;mircea_popescu;iirc they had a toolbar. 940243;1417448016;mircea_popescu;basically it's "how many idiots end up on your site" 940244;1417448033;kakobrekla;so qntra is actually doing worse idiotwise than that other thing 940245;1417448055;adlai;what ever happened to backroom deals with ISPs 940246;1417448062;adlai;they need to learn from nielsen 940247;1417448107;mircea_popescu;adlai they cost money ? i dunno. 940248;1417448119;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla well, worse is better. 940249;1417448144;adlai;they don't have to cost money if you can dress it up as a service you sell the ISP 940250;1417448154;adlai;for example: you've got the data, we've got the scientists 940251;1417448171;mircea_popescu;lmao 940252;1417448176;mircea_popescu;what do you think this is, 1995 ? 940253;1417448190;mircea_popescu;"honey, you've got the tits, I got the canes" 940254;1417448253;mircea_popescu;mats_cd03: i feel this encourages an echo chamber as it continues << this is prolly true. on the other hand, most of the intelligent people that were ever going to hear about bitcoin have by now. 940255;1417448262;mircea_popescu;what's left are the idiots. 940256;1417448299;*;adlai has met a few intelligent people who have heard about bitcoin but are taking their time learning about it 940257;1417448306;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla: the general discussion here also changed a lot over last years << i'd loive to hear your take on that ? 940258;1417448351;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform o wow, you back ? EMAIL ME! 940259;1417448384;adlai;it seems that the general cycle is that these people hear about bitcoin, learn a tiny bit about it, and park it in the back of their mind for a few years 940260;1417448406;mircea_popescu;seems reasonable. 940261;1417448418;mircea_popescu;i certainly do the same with most things. 940262;1417448445;mircea_popescu;"Name Most Important. But it was quite unexpected that the name of the coin does play the most important role over the long term, since its the only one thing from the five features, mentioned above, that cannot be changed, or significantly improved." 940263;1417448446;mircea_popescu;lol. 940264;1417448472;adlai;I guess tacking an X on the end is an insignificant improvement? 940265;1417448478;mircea_popescu;"So lets try to build a rating of the cryptocurrency names of real coins, based on various criteria: Brightness. Seriousness of name (as a currency, the name shouldnt be fun). Whether the name is conceptual (makes sense, dedicated to ideas), or not." 940266;1417448491;adlai;hobonickles! 940267;1417448510;mircea_popescu;so bizarre this. deconstructing it, pretty much the only takeaway is whoa, check out the puritans! 940268;1417448528;mircea_popescu;some esl kid on the fringe of culture nevertheless believes that "as a Category", X "shouldn't be fun". 940269;1417448545;mircea_popescu;apodictically, just like that. 940270;1417448604;mircea_popescu;"Does it have money or financial mental associations, or even slight links, for example, Luckycoin is for luck, that is necessary to become rich, Mooncoin means Moon, and the Moon drives ocean waters and financial flows (as assumed in financial astrology) plus to the moon means also price growing process And MEOW, or BBQ coins have no these associations at all)." 940271;1417448628;adlai;apodiction breeds apodidaction 940272;1417448636;mircea_popescu;"Dick Valis. Dick is an altcoin enthusiast and student of philosophy. He enjoys writing about cryptocurrencies and spending his time exploring reality and searching for truth." 940273;1417448650;mircea_popescu;http://0.gravatar.com/avatar/e2c17ca8e5cb72b7c1f3d2d57561ad10?s=85&d=monsterid&r=G << no way that's actually the author ? 940274;1417448651;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1z8Lk1D ) 940275;1417448658;mircea_popescu;why does he sound like a 16yo vietnamese girl ? 940276;1417448666;adlai;that's philip k dick 940277;1417448675;mircea_popescu;a so it is. 940278;1417448715;mircea_popescu;adlai what's apodidaction ? 940279;1417448746;adlai;apo+dictic = away from speech, unquestionable 940280;1417448750;adlai;autodidact = self-taught 940281;1417448758;adlai;cross the two and you get an unteachable idiot 940282;1417448766;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: the undoing of C.. due to its memory unsafety they must decide to either bloat the kernel or suffer the overhead << entirely spurious argument advanced << no but address the actual point rather than the idiots putting it forth. 940283;1417448788;mircea_popescu;yes but -ion requires a process 940284;1417448815;jurov;;;isup deeds.bitcoin-assets.com 940285;1417448818;gribble;deeds.bitcoin-assets.com is down 940286;1417448823;mircea_popescu;punkman ^ 940287;1417448867;mircea_popescu;adlai speaking of which, i wonder how many people who use "i have no words" in their apology realise the irony. 940288;1417448898;adlai;apodidaction = away/apart from the process of teaching 940289;1417448936;mircea_popescu;moar like "taking away from teaching". apodidactic, "which is away" 940290;1417448964;*;adlai is not enough of a classics scholar to debate this much further 940291;1417448976;adlai;let's just settle on quidquid latine dictum sitis, altus sonator 940292;1417448981;adlai;sonatUR 940293;1417449030;mircea_popescu;well... there's good reason for that. 940294;1417449042;mircea_popescu;they didn't use to teach monkeys and donkeys letters back then, for one. 940295;1417449148;kakobrekla;i'd loive to hear your take on that ? < well my take is that i used to be one of the smart people on the chan and now im one of the stupid 940296;1417449150;adlai;cazalla: you missed a spot, over in http://qntra.net/2014/12/michael-mizrachi-aka-the-grinder-to-launch-bitcoin-based-poker-site/ 940297;1417449151;assbot;Michael Mizrachi AKA The Grinder To Launch Bitcoin Based Poker Site | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1z8NyOv ) 940298;1417449168;mircea_popescu;ahahaha poor kako. tide went out from under his butt 940299;1417449179;adlai;so THAT'S why you brought me in here! 940300;1417449197;mircea_popescu;you;'re smart, the problem with you is that you don't know much. 940301;1417449248;assbot;Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0H33QSD.txt ) 940302;1417449248;adlai;!b 1 940303;1417449296;adlai;iirc it was Dennett who said that ignorance should not be seen as an insult 940304;1417449320;mircea_popescu;well... someone fishing for insults in b-a would get well fed in short order. but no, it's not an insult. 940305;1417449361;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes: kakobrekla: no you don't understand unless it's a perfect solution it's entirely worthless << lawl. 940306;1417449390;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform keeping the old MIT spirit alive. "what's the most important thing to remember about this great achievement ?" 940307;1417449392;mircea_popescu;"that it sucks." 940308;1417449395;adlai;my problem with me is that I don't know what I want to learn next 940309;1417449412;adlai;so I flutter about, dabbling in this and that, and never really going anywhere 940310;1417449423;mircea_popescu;that's a problem. 940311;1417449445;kakobrekla;so now im ignorant? 940312;1417449450;kakobrekla;idk i wouldnt know! 940313;1417449454;mircea_popescu;the only way a good intellect can be used is through achieving excellent depth in one field, that can then be leveraged in all fields. otherwise, if you never anchor, it'll just mush around 940314;1417449459;kakobrekla;cause im ignorant prolly. 940315;1417449475;adlai;at least you've got strength going for ya 940316;1417449490;mircea_popescu;no he doesn't. 940317;1417449551;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 64648 @ 0.00035361 = 22.8602 BTC [+] {3} 940318;1417449560;*;kakobrekla has nothing. 940319;1417449569;kakobrekla;but a barrel (ready). 940320;1417449570;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla: if you are pwned while using 'brainwallets', simply shows that your brain is defective < no need to test this hypothesis the result is known << all brains are defective, is the thing. 940321;1417449583;mircea_popescu;;;google et la tete sur le robinet 940322;1417449584;gribble;Tête de robinet... - Plomberie - PiecesPlomberie.com: ; Robinets thermostatiques, tête thermostatique - YouTube: ; Tête de robinet : Apiman, tête de robinets courtes et longues, avec et ...: 940323;1417449587;mircea_popescu;pfff 940324;1417449596;mircea_popescu;;;google chevalliers de la table ronde 940325;1417449596;gribble;Chevaliers de la table ronde: ; 113. Chevaliers de la Table Ronde (Traditional French) - YouTube: ; Comptine Chevaliers de la Table Ronde 35553 - YouTube: 940326;1417449608;kakobrekla;not homus cyptoheadus or whatever 940327;1417449620;kakobrekla;crypto* 940328;1417449688;adlai;mircea_popescu: "excellent depth in one field" << what's yours? 940329;1417449690;mircea_popescu;"Les deux pieds contre la mureille et la tete sous le robinet." << :D 940330;1417449707;mircea_popescu;adlai physics, originally. 940331;1417449719;adlai;that's like "i work with computers" 940332;1417449740;adlai;excellent depth in physics can mean so many totally different things 940333;1417449764;mircea_popescu;yeah but it doesn't actually matter which specifically it means. 940334;1417449791;mircea_popescu;solid state magnetism, fwiw. 940335;1417449853;adlai;hm 940336;1417449938;*;adlai doesn't see "work with computers" as a good candidate for excellent depth 940337;1417449971;mircea_popescu;no, but any of the toipics that often come up here could make it up. 940338;1417449980;adlai;seems more of a tool for digging into other fields, whether a "hard" science, or just making impossible things hard in other endeavors 940339;1417450007;mircea_popescu;nah, it's an art in its own, not merely a craft. 940340;1417450039;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 83550 @ 0.0003445 = 28.783 BTC [-] {7} 940341;1417450124;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: browser plugin !?!?! << o.O 940342;1417450193;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: the beautifully dark cream-your-pants future of 'shall be delivered' is not attainable until folks learn to remember serious keys (yes, remember. with head.) << this is like saying the frankish empire has to wait for people who can make swords. by hand! 940343;1417450211;mircea_popescu;no it doesn't. charlemagne wasn't a blacksmith, and a thousand years later the orleans that WAS a blacksmith made a shitty king 940344;1417450369;adlai;well, any advice on how to pick a field is welcome. picture a highschool dropout with centipede's dilemma about where to start fixing his ignorance 940345;1417450420;jurov;asciilifeform's argument fits better when it's about wielding the sword, not forging it 940346;1417450428;mircea_popescu;adlai what do you like anwyay ? 940347;1417450451;adlai;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1tFQMjc-IE 940348;1417450452;assbot;Genesis - I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1z8TJ4Z ) 940349;1417450511;mircea_popescu;jurov true. 940350;1417450528;adlai;this is an answer on several levels... music plays a rather large role in my life, although the ratio of consumption/production has been too high lately; 940351;1417450541;mircea_popescu;you like... music ? 940352;1417450543;adlai;and the second level - this is a song about a lawnmower who gets pushed to do fancier things, but he just likes pushing a lawnmower around 940353;1417450567;mircea_popescu;has nothing to do with fancy. contrary to what the uncultured imagine, there's nothing fancy about the products of the spirit. 940354;1417450578;mircea_popescu;no fancier than dung, at any rate, and the results of the same biology. 940355;1417450606;*;adlai has been thinking a lot lately about generative music 940356;1417450669;adlai;most music (increasingly so for more popular music) is incredibly formulaic 940357;1417450677;mircea_popescu;you gotta learn shit before you get creative. 940358;1417450678;nubbins`;;;gettrust devthedev 940359;1417450678;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user nubbins` to user devthedev: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=nubbins%60&dest=devthedev | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=devthedev | Rated since: Tue Jul 15 12:31:42 2014 940360;1417450708;mircea_popescu;adlai go read say 1700s treatises on music for a while. either french, italian or german, whatever you speak. 940361;1417450777;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: the 'do-ocracy' does what it does best: does. << haha buncha progres. 940362;1417450840;adlai;all this talk is silly, though. the simple answer is to study math, and the real problem is lazyness, rack of dishiprin, etc 940363;1417450876;mircea_popescu;nah, math is not actually a thing. 940364;1417450879;*;adlai likes math, at least staring at its ass as it walks by... http://www.explosm.net/db/files/Comics/Kris/same.png 940365;1417450881;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1z8V4Zz ) 940366;1417450901;adlai;math is totally a thing! 940367;1417450909;adlai;math is more of a thing than most other things 940368;1417450919;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: mircea_popescu, other users of 'opera' - which one do you use? the 1990s close-source turd? or the 'new, impr0v3d' idiocy that uses 'webkit' (chrome) rendering engine ? <<< they only moved to webkit last year, version 15 or something. afaik the last usable versions are 10 something. 940369;1417450924;pete_dushenski;;;later tell cazalla the blockquote text is borkt on http://qntra.net/2014/12/michael-mizrachi-aka-the-grinder-to-launch-bitcoin-based-poker-site/ 940370;1417450925;assbot;Michael Mizrachi AKA The Grinder To Launch Bitcoin Based Poker Site | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1z8NyOv ) 940371;1417450925;gribble;The operation succeeded. 940372;1417450934;mircea_popescu;very much like bitcoin stuff, there's a 7-10 space where the thing's useful. 940373;1417450952;jurov;$proxies 940374;1417450953;empyex;jurov: Proxies: mpex.ws mpex.biz mpex.co mpex.bz mpex.coinbr.com Current MPEx GPG-Key-ID: 02DD2D91 940375;1417450954;empyex;jurov: MPEx-Status: mpex.bz (97 milliseconds), mpex.biz (98 milliseconds), mpex.ws (116 milliseconds), mpex.co (217 milliseconds), mpex.coinbr.com (451 milliseconds) 940376;1417450955;empyex;jurov: Health-Indicators: Homepage: √ MK Depth JSON: √ VWAP JSON: √ 940377;1417451060;*;adlai slinks off to splash about in the depthless swamp of website construction 940378;1417451073;jurov;apparently mpex.ws can't be resolved 940379;1417451076;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16097 @ 0.00035396 = 5.6977 BTC [+] 940380;1417451125;jurov;at least from somewhere 940381;1417451191;nubbins`;!s paper 940382;1417451192;assbot;1193 results for 'paper' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=paper 940383;1417451192;mircea_popescu;http://who.is/whois/mpex.ws ? 940384;1417451193;assbot;Mpex.ws Whois Lookup - Who.is - Who.is ... ( http://bit.ly/1z8Wt2g ) 940385;1417451211;mircea_popescu;didja get poisoned or something ? 940386;1417451214;kakobrekla;jurov did you ever update your trezor 940387;1417451230;jurov;kakobrekla: never 940388;1417451237;jurov;i never seriously used it yet 940389;1417451243;nubbins`;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-11-2014#938786 940390;1417451243;assbot;Logged on 30-11-2014 20:23:56; nubbins`: but FYI, i'm negotiating a price with a buyer now for my genesis block newspaper (the times jan 3 2009) 940391;1417451250;*;nubbins` rubs hands 940392;1417451297;jurov;mytrezor.com under linux got broken so i filed it under "fuck that" 940393;1417451317;kakobrekla;cool 940394;1417451323;mats_cd03;TSLA down 5 points today 940395;1417451368;mircea_popescu;wow look at that 940396;1417451369;jurov;dunno if there's bip32/trezor support in any noobish standalone client.. last i checked electrum was under development 940397;1417451370;mircea_popescu;over what ? 940398;1417451390;nubbins`;seen devthedev 940399;1417451392;nubbins`;er.. 940400;1417451395;nubbins`;;;seen devthedev 940401;1417451395;gribble;devthedev was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 week, 3 days, 11 hours, 11 minutes, and 36 seconds ago: https://twitter.com/DevinSenaUI/status/534733650349535233 940402;1417451413;mircea_popescu;Headlines Tesla Stock To Lift Off After Battery Rechargeat Forbes(Mon 1:05AM EST) Demand For Tesla Is Not The Problem, Switching The World To Electric Cars Isat Forbes(Sun, Nov 30) TeslaInvestor's Business Daily(Fri, Nov 28) NVIDIA wants to increase its presence in big data through TeslaMarket Realist(Fri, Nov 28) Tesla Is On The Right Track To Doubleat Forbes(Fri, Nov 28) 940403;1417451417;mircea_popescu;insufficient pumping! 940404;1417451442;kakobrekla;well oil got cheaper no? 940405;1417451449;pete_dushenski;all straws on deck! 940406;1417451463;pete_dushenski;blow men! blow! 940407;1417451465;mats_cd03;seems two days ago musk announced tesla "will not initiate patent lawsuits against anyone who, in good faith, wants to use our technology." 940408;1417451489;mats_cd03;no idea if thats related tho 940409;1417451494;mircea_popescu;cazalla: there is talk of raising it due to budget shortfalls despite the government that brough it in promising the legislation would never allow for such a thing to occur << typical of ALL TAXES EVER 940410;1417451520;mircea_popescu;mats_cd03 somehow doubt it. 940411;1417451559;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski: decimation show me a country with no income tax that's not in affrica <<< easy, that. 940412;1417451580;mircea_popescu;argentines are striking against the INTRODUCTION of income tax. 940413;1417451608;nubbins`;monaco 940414;1417451666;nubbins`;bahamas 940415;1417451668;nubbins`;kuwait probably 940416;1417451686;nubbins`;oman, qatar... 940417;1417451769;mircea_popescu;the arabs have an equivalent of the serenissima tax tho 940418;1417451774;mircea_popescu;technically its an income tax 940419;1417451782;nubbins`;fair enough 940420;1417451815;pete_dushenski;so argentina has never in its long history had an income tax eh? 940421;1417451847;nubbins`;wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit, says 9-35% 940422;1417451854;pete_dushenski;and after seeing what it's done to the rest of the world, they kinda have to strike 940423;1417451879;mats_cd03;http://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/countingthecost/2014/11/russian-european-deadlock-2014113071046562676.html << bets on when Putin lets 'em freeze for a few weeks? 940424;1417451880;assbot;The Russian-European deadlock - Counting the Cost - Al Jazeera English ... ( http://bit.ly/1z8Zobh ) 940425;1417451963;mircea_popescu;nubbins` http://www.lanacion.com.ar/1614483-los-salarios-brutos-de-hasta-15000-no-pagaran-impuesto-a-las-ganancias 940426;1417451965;assbot;Los salarios brutos de hasta $15.000 no pagarán Impuesto a las Ganancias - lanacion.com   ... ( http://bit.ly/1z8ZQX5 ) 940427;1417451968;mircea_popescu;i dunno, it's a convoluted topic. 940428;1417452094;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski lulzy the confused reaction of a social media dude taken out of the eco chamber. 940429;1417452107;mircea_popescu;"excuse me ?" seems typical. 940430;1417452139;pete_dushenski;haha totally 940431;1417452145;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/ipad-kings-bounty-the-strategy-guide/ 940432;1417452146;assbot;iPad King's Bounty, the strategy guide pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1z90BPZ ) 940433;1417452148;pete_dushenski;and i thought i was leading him along nicely 940434;1417452151;mircea_popescu;these fuckwits fucked up the game for fucks sake. 940435;1417452174;pete_dushenski;then he went all "wtf my head hurts" 940436;1417452184;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu game broke? 940437;1417452216;mircea_popescu;the king's bounty thing 940438;1417452296;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43700 @ 0.000354 = 15.4698 BTC [+] {2} 940439;1417452315;pete_dushenski;right. just a new update and all that goodness is out the window or what? 940440;1417452330;mircea_popescu;nah, i just figured out how to break it. 940441;1417452340;pete_dushenski;ha o i c 940442;1417452358;pete_dushenski;what'd it take? 940443;1417452417;mircea_popescu;rune of "why can't we all be equal" 940444;1417452419;adlai;!s TSLA from:adlai 940445;1417452420;assbot;1 results for 'TSLA from:adlai' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=TSLA+from%3Aadlai 940446;1417452427;adlai;:-o 940447;1417452953;ben_vulpes;re qntra advertising: advertising is downright wacky. the numbers say "don't do it" and yet people are constantly doing it. 940448;1417453057;adlai;fb's "Promoted Stories" are but a step towarsd the inevitable endgame: kickbacks for product placement in casual conversation 940449;1417453089;adlai;we've got quite a bit of escalation to go in this arms race 940450;1417453158;nubbins`;ehh i'm not so sure 940451;1417453199;nubbins`;was lacoste's inevitable endgame paying people to wear shirts with little alligators? 940452;1417453223;mircea_popescu;aren't they ? 940453;1417453255;adlai;they "pay" them by letting them associate with the brande 940454;1417453277;mircea_popescu;adlai anyway, it's bnot going to be run as an actual market, because cattle. so it will be run as a star market. 940455;1417453286;adlai;"it's"? 940456;1417453292;mircea_popescu;"tell your friends about budweiser's greatness in narrative form for a chance to win a can of beer" 940457;1417453405;adlai;I doubt people would be proud of such kickbacks, but shame doesn't stop people from peddling shit from carts in malls all over the world... this is just a few steps further, a few degrees further on the frog-boiling scale 940458;1417453439;*;adlai is referring to the national pastime, http://americangoy.blogspot.co.il/2008/10/pushy-israelis-in-every-american-mall.html 940459;1417453440;assbot;The World According to AmericanGoy: Pushy Israelis in Every American Mall ... ( http://bit.ly/1yaNK2y ) 940460;1417453944;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16872 @ 0.0003471 = 5.8563 BTC [-] 940461;1417454580;pete_dushenski;;;ticker 940462;1417454582;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 380.02, Best ask: 380.87, Bid-ask spread: 0.85000, Last trade: 380.86, 24 hour volume: 5838.62655680, 24 hour low: 373.03, 24 hour high: 382.31, 24 hour vwap: 377.722924571 940463;1417454915;PinkPosixPXE;17:31 #bitcoin-assets: <+ben_vulpes> PinkPosixPXE's downright neat <<< Thanks! You are awesome as well, and thank you for the rating! :) I'm really glad my contribution helped out, happy to help any time :) 940464;1417455230;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: all brains are defective, is the thing << elaborate plz 940465;1417455467;pete_dushenski;maybe in the sense that brains aren't rational computers of ev ? 940466;1417455545;mod6;;;rated PinkPosixPXE 940467;1417455546;gribble;You rated user PinkPosixPXE on Wed Oct 22 13:06:41 2014, with a rating of 1, and supplied these additional notes: Helped me out testing ben_vulpes install script.. 940468;1417455567;mod6;;;rate PinkPosixPXE 2 Wrote a script for The Bitcoin Foundation contained in this document: http://f9beb4d9.org/ml/btc-dev/2014-December/000015.html 940469;1417455569;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1A87txO ) 940470;1417455569;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating for user PinkPosixPXE has changed from 1 to 2. 940471;1417455581;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: seems to me like he was of the 'brainwallet can be guessed' school of thought. i disagree. if yours can be guessed, you are either lazy or stupid 940472;1417455589;PinkPosixPXE;Thanks mod6! :D 940473;1417455610;mod6;No problem. Thank /you/ for putting that together. :] 940474;1417455635;PinkPosixPXE;Definitely, any time :) 940475;1417455642;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform to the extent that the vast majority fall into one of those two camps, maybe that'd be the defective element 940476;1417455657;kakobrekla;actually both camps. 940477;1417455671;pete_dushenski;and guessed by who, what? is another question 940478;1417455673;adlai;brains are definitely shitty entropy sources 940479;1417455679;adlai;but they can work fairly well for storing it 940480;1417455699;pete_dushenski;brains store stories well, "create" less well 940481;1417455772;kakobrekla;if you take out convenience factor completely theres is plenty of solutions 940482;1417455949;adlai;wtfireworks!? 940483;1417455961;kakobrekla;happy new year 940484;1417455969;kakobrekla;heard it here first 940485;1417456019;adlai;you know it's a srs display when chickens and dogs join in 940486;1417456046;adlai;http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/qntra-november-demo.jpg <- interesting that ~half the readership have kids, I'd have expected fewer 940487;1417456047;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1A8932L ) 940488;1417456125;pete_dushenski;^sorta hard to "prove" they have kids 940489;1417456137;pete_dushenski;not like it's a browser setting 940490;1417456173;adlai;uhoh, site affinity for reddit.com is 51.2x! 940491;1417456320;adlai;https://www.quantcast.com/qntra.net?qcLocale=en_US#!interests%2Fdomains 940492;1417456321;assbot; Qntra.net Traffic and Demographic Statistics by Quantcast ... ( http://bit.ly/1A89UQO ) 940493;1417456334;kakobrekla;meh reddit... 'reddit police' ddosing bbet, 'reddit bitcoin' retweeting bitbet tweets at same time 940494;1417456337;PinkPosixPXE;;;rate mod6 2 Great collaboration and work done for the Bitcoin Foundation : http://f9beb4d9.org/ml/btc-dev/2014-December/000015.html 940495;1417456339;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1A89WZb ) 940496;1417456339;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 2 for user mod6 has been recorded. 940497;1417456363;kakobrekla;love it or hate it ? make up your goddamn mind. 940498;1417456365;PinkPosixPXE;;;rate ben_vulpes 1 Great work done for the Bitcoin Foundation : http://f9beb4d9.org/ml/btc-dev/2014-December/000015.html 940499;1417456365;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1A8a4rm ) 940500;1417456367;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user ben_vulpes has been recorded. 940501;1417456372;mod6;PinkPosixPXE: tyvm! 940502;1417456387;PinkPosixPXE;you're very welcome! :) 940503;1417456990;rithm;;;ratingsystem getrating mod6 940504;1417456990;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask mod6!~mod6@unaffiliated/mod6 . User mod6, rated since Mon Oct 10 16:26:38 2011. Cumulative rating 46, from 25 total ratings. Received ratings: 25 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 28 positive, 0 negative. Details: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=mod6 940505;1417457054;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35300 @ 0.00035408 = 12.499 BTC [+] 940506;1417457115;rithm;;;rate mod6 1 Deserves a token rating even though bitcoin foundation sucks 940507;1417457117;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user mod6 has been recorded. 940508;1417457196;kakobrekla;oh this is gonna cause so much confusion. 940509;1417457300;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1580 @ 0.001245 = 1.9671 BTC [+] 940510;1417457326;kakobrekla;i see, two soldiers from opposing foundation forces find themselfs in a pitch dark room. 940511;1417457358;kakobrekla;one hears something moving, points the gun in the dark and asks "who are you? are you with the bitcoin foundation?" 940512;1417457375;kakobrekla;the other surprised "yes! ... you?" 940513;1417457378;kakobrekla;"yes me too." 940514;1417457388;kakobrekla;then they proceed to shooting each other. 940515;1417457603;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 74666 @ 0.00033987 = 25.3767 BTC [-] {2} 940516;1417457646;ben_vulpes;adlai: fentanyl: yes please 940517;1417457664;adlai;kakobrekla: cf "allied athiest alliance" 940518;1417457676;kakobrekla;a? 940519;1417457701;adlai;http://www.southparkstudios-q.mtvi.com/clips/2y8xoh/atheist-war 940520;1417457703;assbot;Atheist War - Video Clips - South Park Studios ... ( http://bit.ly/1A8esa5 ) 940521;1417457727;kakobrekla;aha ok havent seen that 940522;1417457730;kakobrekla;ignorant n stuff 940523;1417457735;adlai;there are probably better ways to watch that clip/episode, but I definitely can't send you a url to an external HD that isn't even connected 940524;1417458001;adlai;tl;dw: three competing organizations wage endless war in the distant future: Allied Atheist Alliance, United Atheist Alliance, and Unified Atheist League 940525;1417458028;kakobrekla;aha but srsly i dont think that rithm thinks what he thinks he thinks 940526;1417458069;mod6;;;gpg info rithm 940527;1417458071;gribble;User 'rithm', with keyid None, fingerprint None, and bitcoin address 1FmiRARq96daxufSYKQM6SHDjwagV1J5XN, registered on Tue Apr 1 16:20:33 2014, last authed on Wed Jul 16 11:52:05 2014. http://b-otc.com/vg?nick=rithm . Currently not authenticated. 940528;1417458071;adlai;Dawkins... thought the future war among the different atheists sects, which he felt had "a certain amount of truth in it"... reminded him of the Judean People's Front and the People's Front of Judea 940529;1417458088;adlai;(from http://www.playboy.com/playground/view/playboy-interview-richard-dawkins ) 940530;1417458091;assbot;PLAYBOY INTERVIEW: RICHARD DAWKINS | Playboy ... ( http://bit.ly/1A8fqmK ) 940531;1417458093;kakobrekla;aha yeah dont you mix those two 940532;1417458103;mod6;;;gpg info jcpham 940533;1417458104;gribble;User 'jcpham', with keyid C71FB5ED6ACE04AF, fingerprint F7299BD73879E866613EAB24C71FB5ED6ACE04AF, and bitcoin address 157CrafPv8oGC7f5vVFuLnE1BgDYUND4hq, registered on Fri Nov 11 12:21:29 2011, last authed on Mon Dec 1 10:26:41 2014. http://b-otc.com/vg?nick=jcpham . Currently authenticated from hostmask rithm!~rithm@unaffiliated/rithm . CAUTION: irc nick differs from otc registered nick. 940534;1417458153;mod6;ah. ok. rithm, you do realize that gavin & the power-rangers derpation thingy is different than ours tho right? 940535;1417458228;kakobrekla; ;;rate mod6 1 Deserves a token rating even though bitcoin foundation sucks 940536;1417458229;kakobrekla;new: 940537;1417458232;kakobrekla; ;;rate mod6 1 Deserves a token rating even though bitcoin foundation rocks 940538;1417458241;kakobrekla;fixes all confusion 940539;1417458247;rithm;;;rate mod6 1 Deserves a token rating even though bitcoin foundation rocks the cocks 940540;1417458249;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating for user mod6 has changed from 1 to 1. 940541;1417458261;mod6;heheh 940542;1417458267;ben_vulpes;rithm: f9beb4d9.org 940543;1417458309;rithm;this will never work because it's all plain text 940544;1417458317;rithm;at least use bottstrap 940545;1417458320;kakobrekla;idk what easier to remember the raw ip or that url 940546;1417458346;mod6;tough call 940547;1417458456;ben_vulpes;opera doesn't have browse history? 940548;1417458520;kakobrekla;i didnt claim it was a problem 940549;1417458579;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 915 @ 0.00124945 = 1.1432 BTC [+] 940550;1417459617;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 65700 @ 0.00033897 = 22.2703 BTC [-] 940551;1417459996;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2014/12/hsbc-cuts-ties-with-gabi/ 940552;1417459997;assbot;HSBC Cuts Ties with GABI | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1FHRojw ) 940553;1417460287;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 800 @ 0.00126967 = 1.0157 BTC [+] {8} 940554;1417460288;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22549 @ 0.00034725 = 7.8301 BTC [+] 940555;1417460306;adlai;global allied bitcoin allianca! 940556;1417460319;Anduck;.deeds 940557;1417460322;Anduck;.deed 940558;1417460328;adlai;;;isup deeds.bitcoin-assets.com 940559;1417460332;Anduck;its not up 940560;1417460333;gribble;deeds.bitcoin-assets.com is down 940561;1417460434;BingoBoingo;pete_dushenski: ;;later tell cazalla the blockquote text is borkt on http://qntra.net/2014/12/michael-mizrachi-aka-the-grinder-to-launch-bitcoin-based-poker-site/ << fixed 940562;1417460435;assbot;Michael Mizrachi AKA The Grinder To Launch Bitcoin Based Poker Site | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/12gaBN2 ) 940563;1417460439;mod6;State Of Bitcoin Address: http://f9beb4d9.org/ml/btc-dev/2014-December/000017.html 940564;1417460440;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/12gaEs5 ) 940565;1417460934;adlai;oooh why was I never pointed at http://trilema.com/2013/mpex-tech-stuff/ 940566;1417460935;assbot;MPEx tech stuff pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1FHT7p3 ) 940567;1417461015;BingoBoingo;https://twitter.com/edwardmccabe/status/538723448189906944/photo/1 940568;1417461018;assbot;Its signed, must be legit http://t.co/bX3jlrGm79 940569;1417461093;adlai;hang around bitcoin for long enough and you realized that around these parts, "enhance" is pronounced "hash" 940570;1417461128;adlai;in case you've been living in a dark attic with no TV shows: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vxq9yj2pVWk 940571;1417461129;assbot;Let's Enhance - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/12geIJ4 ) 940572;1417461225;kakobrekla;hehe 940573;1417461254;adlai;best part is when they fucking rotate the picture, I mean... did nobody in the film crew ever hold a fucking camera in their life!? 940574;1417461393;kakobrekla;bitwise rotation? 940575;1417461459;adlai;1:10 in the linked video 940576;1417461463;adlai;just... just watch it 940577;1417461683;rithm;therealbitcoin.org is easy enough to remember 940578;1417461801;rithm;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4s_sZbH4XM8 940579;1417461802;assbot;Why you don't want to watch CSI - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1FHUHHD ) 940580;1417462239;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15500 @ 0.00033858 = 5.248 BTC [-] 940581;1417462792;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform << elaborate plz << what's to say really ? brains aren't made for thinking specifically anymore than html is made for the web. they just got pressed into this service. 940582;1417462804;mircea_popescu;it's a perpetual and uphill battle to keep them more or less in line with logic 940583;1417462812;mircea_popescu;and that's taking a very lax view of "line" and "logic". 940584;1417462839;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: legs weren't made for ballet either. what of it. 940585;1417463123;mircea_popescu;actually 940586;1417463129;mircea_popescu;no, legs were made for ballet quite specifically. 940587;1417463180;mircea_popescu; http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/qntra-november-demo.jpg <- interesting that ~half the readership have kids, I'd have expected fewer << that's not what the data says. 940588;1417463180;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1FHX9hj ) 940589;1417463191;mircea_popescu;according to whatever indexes they keep, qntra is above average is all. 940590;1417463230;mircea_popescu;like, if out of the 1bn people on the internet 100mn have kids, and out of the 1000 people on qntra 103 have kids. 940591;1417463248;kakobrekla;possibly 940592;1417463306;adlai;oic 940593;1417463317;adlai;it's an index relative to the internet average 940594;1417463356;mike_c;yes, and it's 97% certain to be within +- %50 of what it says. 940595;1417463527;kakobrekla;most of the time on average 940596;1417463537;mike_c;11% to 60% of the time 940597;1417463548;kakobrekla;aha hehe 940598;1417463597;mircea_popescu;lol 940599;1417463653;mircea_popescu;anyway, the "no black people" thing was funny. i guess cazalla's putting something in the water. 940600;1417463907;mircea_popescu;<kakobrekla> love it or hate it ? make up your goddamn mind. << what mind ? 940601;1417463913;mircea_popescu;that's why it's one reddit, no mind. 940602;1417464117;mircea_popescu;sooo... icbit is finally gone after all ? 940603;1417464203;mike_c;just hidden. 940604;1417464204;mike_c;https://icbit.se/WebTrade/Trading.aspx 940605;1417464204;assbot;ICBIT Web Trading ... ( http://bit.ly/1FHYYe0 ) 940606;1417464302;mike_c;looks like volume is in the gutter though. 940607;1417464546;BingoBoingo;What, did icbit just pretend to slog along long enough that they won't be down a full month before their Bitbet closes? http://bitbet.us/bet/643/icbit-se-exchange-will-shut-down-in-2014/ 940608;1417464546;assbot;BitBet - icbit.se exchange will shut down in 2014 :: 0.06 B (31%) on Yes, 0.14 B (69%) on No | closed 1 month 1 day ago ... ( http://bit.ly/1FHZxVg ) 940609;1417464621;mircea_popescu; oooh why was I never pointed at << no actually i think you were, like eartly on 940610;1417464645;BingoBoingo;Is the new scamzor MO, "STFU we outlasted the BitBet Bet?" 940611;1417464659;mircea_popescu;mike_c well there's this out of business bitbet 940612;1417464667;mircea_popescu;and ima put a hold on it because srsly it does not seem to exist anymore. 940613;1417464676;mircea_popescu;i mean, broken website "rebranding" and wtf is this. 940614;1417464688;adlai;!s http://trilema.com/2013/mpex-tech-stuff/ 940615;1417464689;assbot;MPEx tech stuff pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1FHZOr6 ) 940616;1417464690;assbot;2 results for 'http://trilema.com/2013/mpex-tech-stuff/' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=http%3A%2F%2Ftrilema.com%2F2013%2Fmpex-tech-stuff%2F 940617;1417464698;mike_c;i am glad i'm not a mod. "out of business" is not so clear in btc-land.. 940618;1417464720;mircea_popescu;mike_c fortunately total interest is like a quarter, so nobodu's losing any sleep over it. 940619;1417464734;mircea_popescu;http://bitbet.us/bet/643/icbit-se-exchange-will-shut-down-in-2014/ 940620;1417464734;assbot;BitBet - icbit.se exchange will shut down in 2014 :: 0.06 B (31%) on Yes, 0.14 B (69%) on No | closed 1 month 1 day ago ... ( http://bit.ly/1FHZVTz ) 940621;1417464794;mircea_popescu;oops didn't see BingoBoingo's lol. 940622;1417464984;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 83434 @ 0.00035558 = 29.6675 BTC [+] {3} 940623;1417465031;adlai;mpex chart dead again 940624;1417465036;adlai;er, mpoe 940625;1417465045;adlai;aha, it's only dead on .ws 940626;1417465154;mircea_popescu;i see it of course. 940627;1417465200;kakobrekla;<mike_c> https://icbit.se/WebTrade/Trading.aspx == https://orderbook.net/trade 940628;1417465201;assbot;ICBIT Web Trading ... ( http://bit.ly/1FI0FIp ) 940629;1417465201;assbot;OrderBook.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1FI0FIt ) 940630;1417465204;kakobrekla;same thing 940631;1417465294;kakobrekla;too much shit when you google their name so they switch my guess 940632;1417465316;mircea_popescu;you don't understand how rebranding works. 940633;1417465325;kakobrekla;im ignorant like that. 940634;1417465552;dub;ignant mafakas in dis #ferguson 940635;1417465864;BingoBoingo;https://bitcoinfoundation.org/2014/12/warning-fraud-alert/ 940636;1417465865;assbot;WARNING! FRAUD ALERT | The Bitcoin Foundation ... ( http://bit.ly/1FI1WiN ) 940637;1417465902;*;ben_vulpes is curious as to the total take 940638;1417465945;*;kakobrekla waits the day bitcoin foundation puts out a warning about bitcoin foundation 940639;1417465959;BingoBoingo;http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/bitcointalk.org 940640;1417465961;assbot;bitcointalk.org Site Overview ... ( http://bit.ly/1FI25T9 ) 940641;1417465966;BingoBoingo;That decline 940642;1417466120;mircea_popescu;"Over the past few days we have noticed a significant uptick in complaints directed at our help desk about a fraud being perpetrated upon innocent Bitcoin users." 940643;1417466128;mircea_popescu;nigga wut ? what desk lol. 940644;1417466148;asciilifeform;i was actually disappointed to learn that the linked piece was not about us. 940645;1417466151;mircea_popescu;where did they find a pretentious noob blogger to write this typical sort of pretentious noob blogger shit 940646;1417466271;BingoBoingo;lol, gawker too today http://gawker.com/magical-thinking-bitcoin-gathers-at-disney-1644521971 940647;1417466272;assbot;Magical Thinking: Bitcoin Gathers at Disney ... ( http://bit.ly/1rOfKr8 ) 940648;1417466424;rithm;favorite quote so far: "That's enough money to create a small industry of people whose sole work is just sort of talking about bitcoin all the time." 940649;1417466437;BingoBoingo;Well, that did happen 940650;1417466539;adlai;if a scammer runs, but nobody in #bitcoin-assets lost money... did it even happen? 940651;1417466566;rithm;define money 940652;1417466594;rithm;losing time might be more precious than time in some circumstances 940653;1417466601;rithm;s/money 940654;1417466632;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 54250 @ 0.00034363 = 18.6419 BTC [-] {3} 940655;1417466655;adlai;this is true, it's quite distressing, this lack of fungibility... I can pay somebody else for their time, but I can't buy mine back 940656;1417466671;adlai;although I guess retiring is a form of buying your own time 940657;1417466768;mircea_popescu;adlai you ever heard of patrick harnett's bitcoin bank etc ? 940658;1417466807;rithm;i would regret allowing myself to listen to the scammer in the first place, more than the money, it's a gut feeling thing 940659;1417466809;adlai;the name rings a bell, I'm sure google can deliver, if it's really relevant that I know this particular scam (it was a scam, no?) 940660;1417466810;rithm;i hate everyone. 940661;1417466838;rithm;the misprioritized time would be devastating 940662;1417466840;mircea_popescu;adlai guy was pretty much a sort of vessenes of 2012 940663;1417466856;mircea_popescu;kept making all sorts of idiotic claims, giving "ratings" and the whole shebang 940664;1417466859;rithm;did the starfish pull an exit scam also 940665;1417466860;mircea_popescu;professional and so forth. 940666;1417466865;rithm;? 940667;1417466871;mircea_popescu;then i lent him some btc he couldn't repay, specifically for this purpose 940668;1417466875;mircea_popescu;and then that was the end of him. 940669;1417466889;Apocalyptic;mircea_popescu, you lent like 200 btc, right ? 940670;1417466894;mircea_popescu;kinda shocking for the idiots at the time, because before i did that, everyone just schmoozied with the scamers 940671;1417466910;cazalla;does qntra's november report not verify? is that what davout is saying in his comment? if someone can check, would appreciate 940672;1417466912;mircea_popescu;as in, you know, rather than book a loss, pretend like it never happened. because if you don't agree it happened, it didn't really happen. 940673;1417466916;mircea_popescu;Apocalyptic something like that. 940674;1417466948;rithm;if you didn't blink an eye and give it two seconds thought, who is to say it happened 940675;1417466956;*;adlai has all kinds of things to say about giving 200btc to such a person, although they're founded on initial impressions so he'll keep them to himself 940676;1417466959;rithm;unless you spent a lot time cementing it into your relaity 940677;1417466962;mircea_popescu;cazalla : the problem is that wordpress fucks up the dashes 940678;1417466967;mircea_popescu;put
 tags around the text.
940679;1417466986;mircea_popescu;adlai was about 500 bux at the time.
940680;1417467002;mircea_popescu;money well spent, because it resolved a particular set of otherwise very pernicious claims.
940681;1417467011;mircea_popescu;just like the entire posters affair.
940682;1417467018;adlai;the guy welshed for $500!?
940683;1417467026;adlai;ok, let's say you weren't the only mark... still
940684;1417467080;rithm;mircea_popescu did better at "more than a car, less than a house" than me
940685;1417467091;rithm;unsecured loans are not a good idea, people.
940686;1417467202;mircea_popescu;adlai not what it was. more of a "couldn't really refuse" sort of thing.
940688;1417467286;assbot;Logged on 27-11-2014 12:56:26; nubbins`: mircea_popescu:well if he did nubbins has some 'splainin' to do lol. <<< nope, in fact, i am also mildly perturbed by the fact that i mailed over $4,000 of goods to the guy and we didn't even get a couple measly pictures out of it
940689;1417467289;mircea_popescu;same principle at work.
940690;1417467317;mircea_popescu;yeah, it cost me some money, but it also established a point. to my benefit, and of course to anyone else's who's paying attention, but that's a freebie for small fish.
940691;1417467323;mircea_popescu;kinda how this entire capitalism thing works.
940692;1417467333;cazalla;;;later tell davout fixed formatting, you should be able to verify now, ty for headsup
940693;1417467334;gribble;The operation succeeded.
940694;1417467339;mircea_popescu;also kinda why any kind of non-regressive taxation is bullshit.
940695;1417467349;mircea_popescu;the small players always benefit more from the big players than the reverse.
940696;1417467379;mircea_popescu;gpg: Good signature from "Jonathan Bahr ayup
940697;1417467433;cazalla;don't go putting my name in the logs lol
940699;1417467451;cazalla;guess too late now
940700;1417467452;adlai;too late, it's there alongside robby
940701;1417467494;mircea_popescu;i'm sure anyone who cares enough could as well have folloed the gpg sig ?
940702;1417467560;mircea_popescu;anyway, who here wants to go to the next porn conference ?
940703;1417467598;rithm;me me me me i like pron
940704;1417467636;rithm;i'm bringing weed, crown royal, lots of blow, and not one change of clothes
940705;1417467641;mircea_popescu;http://show.adultentertainmentexpo.com/ specifically.
940706;1417467642;assbot;Adult Entertainment Expo 2015 ... ( http://bit.ly/1rOn1Hm )
940707;1417467690;cazalla;step foot on american soil? i'm good
940708;1417467701;BingoBoingo;Looks like a job for asciilifeform or ben_vulpes
940709;1417467710;mircea_popescu;aren;'t you closer to las vegas ?
940710;1417467718;mircea_popescu;maybe petey the pimp is going. yo pete.
940711;1417467720;rithm;i have people i can stay with in vegas
940712;1417467755;asciilifeform;i almost fell down. someone showed me a new intel cpu, and it had the inscription 'vietnam.'
940713;1417467764;mircea_popescu;so ?
940714;1417467790;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: I'm closer than alf further than vulpes
940715;1417467836;mircea_popescu;anyway, i need someone to go there and bring me a coupla affiliate managers.
940716;1417467848;mircea_popescu;it's the last fucking stand.
940717;1417467870;rithm;breaking: http://serptonia.com/scoop/
940718;1417467871;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1rOnVUo )
940719;1417467878;rithm;serp has struck again
940720;1417467883;rithm;and scooped the bitcoin world
940722;1417467964;BingoBoingo;!up bettycla1p
940723;1417467967;BingoBoingo;Hello bettycla1p
940724;1417468008;rithm;apparently circle has something called circle red, they've just emailed people, and the checkout allows bitcoin
940725;1417468017;rithm;also coinbase lists "square" as a customer
940726;1417468024;rithm;so you just got scooped
940727;1417468035;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21530 @ 0.00033358 = 7.182 BTC [-] {2} 
940728;1417468112;BingoBoingo;Happens, dunno how much news square can be though. Aren't they the derpy tablet dongle company?
940729;1417468211;mircea_popescu;http://www.playboy.com/articles/playboy-interview-richard-dawkins << this is the worst indictment of dawkins that could ever be devised, incidentally.
940730;1417468213;assbot;PLAYBOY INTERVIEW: RICHARD DAWKINS | Playboy ... ( http://bit.ly/1rOpuSa )
940731;1417468213;rithm;something like that
940732;1417468221;mircea_popescu;dude completely misses the points of theology.
940733;1417468231;mircea_popescu;prolly should stick to familiar terrain.
940734;1417468341;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 61195 @ 0.00033254 = 20.3498 BTC [-] {2} 
940735;1417468462;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2006 @ 0.00115549 = 2.3179 BTC [-] {14} 
940736;1417468584;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34700 @ 0.00034428 = 11.9465 BTC [+] {2} 
940737;1417468645;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1399 @ 0.00115 = 1.6089 BTC [+] {3} 
940738;1417468646;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 84700 @ 0.00033097 = 28.0332 BTC [-] {2} 
940739;1417468706;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1105 @ 0.00115 = 1.2708 BTC [+] {3} 
940740;1417468950;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20942 @ 0.00035277 = 7.3877 BTC [+]
940741;1417470315;mircea_popescu;"In investigating these claims, BitBeat viewed a bitcoin address at Blockchain.info that was cryptographically proven to belong to GAW and in which almost 28,000 bitcoins"
940742;1417470328;mircea_popescu;lol im sure it was.
940743;1417470369;BingoBoingo;Well, note that they express reservation on the point where GAW never showed them any "virgin" coinbase transactions
940744;1417470435;mircea_popescu;it was "cryptographically proven" lol.
940745;1417470445;mircea_popescu;power words!
940746;1417470494;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23536 @ 0.00033806 = 7.9566 BTC [-]
940747;1417470956;cazalla;"single Bitmain order to GAW worth 5 petahashes per second." <<< he twisted this as their latest order, it was their first because hey, gotta scam the funds first
940748;1417470994;cazalla;28k bitcoin yet can't point out a single block they've mined
940749;1417471119;mircea_popescu;who's bitmain, the antminer ppl ?
940750;1417471162;mircea_popescu;5ph = ~ 10k antiminers. they never made that many did they ?
940751;1417471279;rithm;lol at what cazalla said
940752;1417471292;rithm;generation address pretty easy to prove for a mining op
940753;1417471335;rithm;idk anything about it, I'm scamfree since 2012
940754;1417471366;rithm;new coin generation not something to be obscured though, that's for sure for a mining op, huge red flag
940755;1417471383;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: I dunno much other than they seem to ship something.
940756;1417471400;rithm;but iff all they have is a bunch of miners that doesn't imply new coin generation or a pool
940757;1417471409;rithm;just means they have a lot of miners mining away
940758;1417471438;rithm;obv you'd want to run your own block source and clustered hashing for failover purposes
940759;1417471452;rithm;or new coin generation
940761;1417473150;assbot;UN Report Criticises United States on Human Rights | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1rPQ7k5 )
940762;1417473326;BingoBoingo;Compare and contrast to the Miami Herlad version being passed around http://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/americas/guantanamo/article4198431.html
940763;1417473328;assbot;U.N. panel raps U.S. record on torture, cites Guantánamo | The Miami Herald ... ( http://bit.ly/1rPQVWi )
940764;1417473361;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 58200 @ 0.00034106 = 19.8497 BTC [+]
940765;1417473722;thestringpuller;;;seen diana_coman
940766;1417473722;gribble;diana_coman was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 7 weeks, 5 days, 6 hours, 54 minutes, and 28 seconds ago:  I'm to blame for Sweete__ being here, since he pm-ed me about trading and I asked him why wasn't he in here if he was a trader
940768;1417473757;assbot;BtcAlpha.com F.MPIF Tracker estimated NAV per share: 0.00021745 B (Total: 475.53 B). Delta: 0.52 B. Last trade for F.MPIF on MPEX was at 0.000195 BTC [-]
940769;1417473762;jurov;!t m f.mpif
940770;1417473762;assbot;[MPEX:F.MPIF] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D:  /  /  ( shares,  BTC), 30D: 0.000195 / 0.000195 / 0.000195 (4601 shares, 0.90 BTC)
940772;1417475246;assbot;Primus - Wynona's Big Brown Beaver - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1HSVauo )
940773;1417475445;nubbins`;so apparently the paper that we're using for the book covers is being discontinued
940774;1417475500;nubbins`;if any of you live in major metropolitan centres in north america and want something in return for your time, pm me
940775;1417475557;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52741 @ 0.00033646 = 17.7452 BTC [-] {4} 
940776;1417476046;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo omfg check this out, pravda lying about what the un said.
940777;1417476057;mircea_popescu;why history repeats itself so much! boring history! bad history!
940778;1417476109;mircea_popescu;lol nubsy has a trade network.
940779;1417476356;nubbins`;no kidding hey
940781;1417476383;assbot;Bitcoin Blackmailer Given Four Year Jail Sentence | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1HSXqBI )
940782;1417476397;nubbins`;boston, seattle, annapolis on the hunt already ;p
940783;1417476497;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Well, it's why we needed a qntra to serve as the billboard next to the city's gates. Gotta put indictments somewhere.
940785;1417476573;BingoBoingo;Re: lizard hitler, Deposed? http://worldnewsdailyreport.com/usa-hunters-find-bullets-from-american-civil-war-in-185-year-old-alligators-hide/
940786;1417476575;assbot;      USA: Hunters Find Bullets from American Civil War in 185-Year Old Alligator’s Hide ... ( http://bit.ly/1HSXRfy )
940787;1417476753;mircea_popescu;which side ?
940788;1417476858;BingoBoingo;They are guessing confederate
940789;1417476929;BingoBoingo;But... can only trust the pravda so much. Prolly from when Obama's great grandfather was sent on a secret mission to assasinate the great reptillian
940791;1417477104;mircea_popescu;"DAWKINS: No, never. But suppose an intermediate species hadnt gone extinct. Suppose relict populations are discovered in the African jungle. In order to deny chimpanzees rights, you would have to set up apartheid-like courts to decide whether this individual counts as human. Because its a continuum. As a practical matter, the intermediates havent survived, so its possible to give humans basic rights and gi
940792;1417477104;mircea_popescu;ve chimpanzees none. But I think its a worthwhile argument."
940793;1417477133;mircea_popescu;it's a worhtwhile argument that the only reason blacks aren't chimps is that some middle links died off ?!
940794;1417477148;mircea_popescu;dude this playboy interview is one of the stupidest things i ever read.
940795;1417477155;mircea_popescu;i had a much better impression on dawkins
940796;1417477274;BingoBoingo;Everyone gets a dissapoint today!
940797;1417477709;gernika;Anyone who has travelled to Buenos Aires have some recommendations for getting pesos once there?  I assume the airport kiosks are total ripoff.
940798;1417477723;mircea_popescu;!up UltimateNate
940799;1417477736;mircea_popescu;gernika florida.
940800;1417477761;mircea_popescu;should get 12-13 per dollar.
940801;1417477777;danielpbarron;how convenient, the intermediate species don't exist... but the Bible is still wrong because science!
940802;1417477835;gernika;mircea_popescu: Calle Florida.  Got it.  Thanks.
940803;1417477870;undata;danielpbarron: the bible can be wrong all on its own, though science can help
940804;1417477990;undata;As far as *why* there aren't intermediate species left, there are plenty of possible answers. One of them might be that early human populations were into cracking competing skulls
940805;1417478027;jurov;!deed http://explo.yt/public/fmpif_201411.txt.asc
940806;1417478028;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1HT0YnA )
940807;1417478038;jurov;where's notary?
940808;1417478058;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5963 @ 0.00033484 = 1.9967 BTC [-]
940809;1417478092;mircea_popescu;ya srsly
940810;1417478094;mircea_popescu;punkman ?
940811;1417478098;danielpbarron;.deed http://explo.yt/public/fmpif_201411.txt.asc
940812;1417478099;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1HT14M2 )
940813;1417478241;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28050 @ 0.00033034 = 9.266 BTC [-]
940814;1417478364;gernika;danielpbarron: What are the criteria for something to be an intermediate species?  How long does something have to have been around and how large does the population have to be for it to be classified as such?  Seems like for populations that were at no time higher than the hundreds of thousands it would be very unlikely to expect to find fossils.  Google tells me the peak population of neanderthals
940815;1417478365;gernika;was 70,000.
940816;1417478667;BingoBoingo;Neanderthals died for their socialism
940817;1417478668;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33250 @ 0.00032897 = 10.9383 BTC [-] {2} 
940818;1417478742;mircea_popescu;it's nto as simple as a headcount.
940819;1417478760;mircea_popescu;every single snail leaves a fossil. few cephalopodes do. etc.
940821;1417478893;assbot;Coin Fire Response to GAW Miners C&D : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1HT2QN4 )
940822;1417478989;BingoBoingo;One step forward, two steps back with these coinfire people.
940823;1417479127;undata;danielpbarron: you just wanted to shout "bible is right!" eh?
940824;1417479136;undata;strange, I didn't expect to see that around here
940825;1417479327;mats_cd03;wow, scribd is even worse than before
940826;1417479443;mircea_popescu;http://www.xenosystems.net/chaos-patch-38/ << this guy, that apparently binges on trilema, linked http://trilema.com/2014/of-mendacity-mold-bugs-and-other-things/
940827;1417479445;assbot;Outside in - Involvements with reality » Blog Archive   » Chaos Patch (#38) ... ( http://bit.ly/1HT47Uk )
940828;1417479446;assbot;Of mendacity, mold, bugs and other things. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.  ... ( http://bit.ly/1HT47Up )
940829;1417479450;mircea_popescu;and so i tried to read that thing with the eyes of a stranger
940830;1417479457;mircea_popescu;holy hell i have no idea what i'm even saying.
940831;1417479482;mircea_popescu;decimation A more interesting question is: how does 'black music' go from Louis Armstrong to thug rap in 50 years?
940832;1417479482;mircea_popescu;mircea popescu The white hierarchy supporting society collapsed ? How does the French underground go from rengaine to "Irreversible" ? WW2. Most of the better Frenchmen got shot.
940833;1417479490;mircea_popescu;holy shit how could that make any sense to anyone other than me ?
940834;1417479547;mircea_popescu;i specifically meant rengaine as a reference to "Quand je m'endors berce par une rengaine j'suis soudain rveille par des cris"
940835;1417479559;mircea_popescu;which is part of dans ma rue, this thing : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUByZb1CkXM
940836;1417479560;assbot;Edith PIAF    Dans ma rue - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1HT4m1Q )
940837;1417479570;mircea_popescu;a song about forced prostitution and hunger in earlier france.
940838;1417479583;mircea_popescu;now who the fuck could hav efigured that out. i gotta make more footnotes.
940839;1417479610;mircea_popescu;undata yes, danielpbarron is a biblical literalist.
940840;1417479762;mircea_popescu;and irreversible is of course that atrocious production with the 10 minute bellucci rape scene.
940841;1417479826;mircea_popescu;(who, incidentally, only does movies if  she's raped in them, for some reason. perhaps with the exception of that one where she kills herself at dinner with her ex.)
940842;1417479839;gernika;mircea_popescu: I find that if I follow your hints, I can understand more of each of your posts.  1.  Research all references not understood.  2. Read multiple times.  3.  Get better at reading by learning what words actually mean (that is, learning the etymology of each).
940843;1417479868;mircea_popescu;gernika i had a slavegirl apply this process to a few pages of shaw. took her A YEAR
940844;1417479886;mircea_popescu;course, it did markedly improve pretty much any language-related cognitive function in the process.
940845;1417479893;mircea_popescu;but still. takes a while.
940846;1417479906;gernika;That seems reasonable.  I believe I'm looking at 5 to 10 years of work.
940847;1417479920;mircea_popescu;sounds like a fucking degree.
940848;1417479937;hanbot;mircea_popescu she wasn't raped in coppola's dracula, ftr.
940849;1417479941;gernika;Well, first I have to learn Greek.  Then Latin.
940850;1417480006;mircea_popescu;hanbot well... you are aware vampirism is a rape metaphor yes ?
940851;1417480041;mircea_popescu;"Why are you locking up these important notices in a PDF turd hosted on a site with Facebook integration." BingoBoingo because they seek external validation, and they believe inaccessibility and hermetism are a good proxy. like all ignoramuses ever do believe.
940852;1417480043;hanbot;in that case, i suppose she rapes a baby.
940853;1417480060;mircea_popescu;this is a cognate of the guy who bought glasses to read. because that's what he was missing.
940854;1417480071;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1000 @ 0.0011501 = 1.1501 BTC [-] {2} 
940855;1417480133;mircea_popescu;hanbot which is this one anyway ? the 90s thing with ryder ?
940857;1417480162;mircea_popescu;o yeah she was one of the brides huh
940858;1417480166;mircea_popescu;the one with the nice tits.
940859;1417480259;hanbot;mircea_popescu you oughta do billings for films
940860;1417480282;mircea_popescu;it's one of the skills i reserve for the scavenger world to come.
940861;1417480308;mircea_popescu;i will be this codgery old guy with an ellaborate cough, an old german trenchcoat, aviator eye goggles and a sorta-functioning projector
940862;1417480322;mircea_popescu;doing hand drawn posters for re-runs of old films.
940863;1417480354;assbot;Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/2TEXDFF.txt )
940864;1417480354;BingoBoingo;!b 3
940865;1417480372;mircea_popescu;anyway, it's incredible how much bellucci looks like an italian matron as she ages.
940866;1417480406;mircea_popescu;spitting fucking image, she could have sucked cock off via flaminia sixteen centuries ago, only her hair'd be different.
940867;1417480505;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> the one with the nice tits. << indeed.
940868;1417480560;mircea_popescu;how did that go, "if your nipples don't float halfway between your chin and your belly button, your tits ain't big enough"
940869;1417480620;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34800 @ 0.00033373 = 11.6138 BTC [+]
940870;1417480901;ben_vulpes;undata, danielpbarron: things on the manifold of reality find trajectories of stability away from each other because niche specialization
940871;1417481050;undata;ben_vulpes: well said; I have my doubts as to whether this particular one is stable
940872;1417481492;gernika;Reading at a higher level seems akin to using higher level programming languages.  The ability to pack more information into fewer lexical units is powerful.  Just realized this.
940873;1417481734;nubbins`;dat jargon
940874;1417481772;mircea_popescu;amusingly enough, species exist for the same exact reason and through apparently the same mechanism subatomic particles "exist"
940875;1417481804;mircea_popescu;ie, as training wheels on a function wave.
940877;1417482225;assbot;MoneyBeat, A WSJ Blog, Confirms GAW Miners Is A Ponzi | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1zaVcId )
940878;1417482368;mircea_popescu;cazalla can easily be read as "one order was this much".
940879;1417482432;cazalla;easy for him to confirm the rest or for bitmain to do so if they respond to my email
940880;1417482475;cazalla;anyway, his timeline is still fucked up, bitmain didn't even ship scrpt miners back in october nor can you mine scypt coins with sha256 asics despite him claiming otherwise
940881;1417482486;cazalla;only a scammer would mix the 2 up
940882;1417483243;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 62100 @ 0.0003286 = 20.4061 BTC [-]
940883;1417483610;mircea_popescu;that's a point.
940884;1417483611;mircea_popescu;or two.
940885;1417483648;mircea_popescu;"Josh Garza  What we can talk about is everybody, so, we quite literally use every major manufacturer in the world, so, bitmain, we're actually in discussions right now with bitfury, *inaudible*, I mean, every single company. We are in the process of beginning to build our own chip, we do have hardware that is not publicly available that created economies of scale for us, kinda all over the place, probably a less gl
940886;1417483648;mircea_popescu;amorous answer than you were looking for but we actually are putting the finishing touches on one of our biggest data centres yet in the next couple of weeks, I actually spoke to someone a few days ago who saw it and he's never seen that many miners and flash computers in one place."
940888;1417484194;adlai;flash... computers?
940889;1417484225;adlai;... computers with flashplayer installed?
940890;1417484385;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: training wheels on a function wave?
940891;1417485022;decimation;maybe they hacked those chinese flash cards with onboard microcontrollers for write leveling/usb to compute
940892;1417485102;decimation;re: regressive tax < pete_dushenski made me aware that Russia actually has a regressive tax, probably for the same reason you think it is a good idea - the rich are more likely to pay
940893;1417485145;undata;decimation: 13%, the communists!
940894;1417485198;decimation;yeah, plus that highly regressive 'social security' tax
940895;1417485207;decimation;and vat
940896;1417485256;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 54850 @ 0.00033481 = 18.3643 BTC [+] {2} 
940897;1417485290;thestringpuller;;;seen jurov
940898;1417485290;gribble;jurov was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 hours and 51 seconds ago:  where's notary?
940899;1417485301;decimation;!up archLinuxUser
940900;1417485307;thestringpuller;;;later tell jurov withdrawals
940901;1417485307;gribble;The operation succeeded.
940902;1417485315;undata;decimation: woah, 28% on the lowest tier of UST?
940903;1417485327;decimation;yeah, but there's a cap
940904;1417485363;undata;so it seems "half" is the usual amount of taxation wherever you are
940905;1417485372;undata;it just comes with different names
940906;1417485397;decimation;no, the 28% only applies to the first $16k of income
940907;1417485424;decimation;although it appears that there are other taxes depending on which region one resides
940909;1417485551;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 375.91, Best ask: 376.95, Bid-ask spread: 1.04000, Last trade: 376.98, 24 hour volume: 7114.68684683, 24 hour low: 373.03, 24 hour high: 382.31, 24 hour vwap: 378.26456952
940910;1417485879;decimation;!up xinxiwang
940912;1417485900;decimation;np.  I take it that you hail from singapore?
940914;1417485943;assbot;MasterCard's Submission To Economics References Committee Now Available | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1v84HDK )
940915;1417485943;cazalla;pretty lulzy
940916;1417485950;xinxiwang;right. I am from SG.
940917;1417485982;decimation;xinxiwang: I've always wanted to ask a singaporean what he thought about politics in the us compared to politics in sg
940918;1417486007;ben_vulpes;"Currently, digital currencies lack the basic protections consumers have come to expect when transacting online. For example, contrary to a consumer's experience when paying wit a MasterCard product, if a consumer uses digital currency to make a purchase on line and the merchant fails to deliver the goods, the consumer has no recourse through the digital currency's network." << oh lordy
940919;1417486011;asciilifeform;so here's a poor man's mega-lol. i buy two 'eizo' sx2462w monsters. both show up, were packed in new, m0d3rn expanding chemical foam. one - properly. other - with all the foam on one side of crate. naturally, frame cracked, 'bullet hole' of dead blue pixel on crystal.
940920;1417486012;xinxiwang;I study here actually.
940921;1417486029;xinxiwang;but I guess SG is a quiet place. US has a lot of news.
940922;1417486041;decimation;heh that's a subtle way of putting it
940923;1417486058;decimation;asciilifeform: RMA?
940924;1417486059;asciilifeform;thing is, these are $1.5k machines that sold together for 300. what, ask for refund for one?
940925;1417486066;asciilifeform;decimation: secondhand.
940926;1417486072;decimation;ah sucks
940927;1417486092;decimation;maybe eizo can repair
940928;1417486098;decimation;sounds like you got a good deal in any case
940929;1417486098;asciilifeform;decimation: LOL
940930;1417486112;decimation;yeah by 'repair' I mean 'replace important bits'
940931;1417486118;decimation;mainly the whole screen
940932;1417486119;asciilifeform;decimation: for cost of a new crystal - sure.
940933;1417486133;decimation;maybe for you, today, they sell for $1.4k
940934;1417486150;asciilifeform;1.5 - epsilon.
940935;1417486169;asciilifeform;just thinking about the imbecile who packed.
940936;1417486172;asciilifeform;it wasn't the vendor.
940937;1417486179;decimation;did you buy from ebay or something
940938;1417486183;asciilifeform;but instead, a monkey, not answerable for his actions
940939;1417486185;asciilifeform;ebay where else.
940940;1417486208;asciilifeform;only reason i even bother to bring this headache up here in #b-a is that it presents an interesting case
940941;1417486242;decimation;I went to a ebay 'junk dealer' once.  The owner knew his electronics, but he employed a bunch of monkeys to pack, ship, and do clerical work
940942;1417486243;asciilifeform;it was a unicorn, and the usual shipper-insurance/vendor-guarantee combo does not really work on unicorns.
940943;1417486272;asciilifeform;nor a third unicorn.
940944;1417486294;BingoBoingo;You could ask for a portion of the monkey?
940945;1417486298;decimation;still, it sounds like you got a good deal
940946;1417486303;decimation;heh a 'pound of flesh'
940947;1417486305;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: and do what with it? smoke it ?
940948;1417486328;asciilifeform;decimation: all the pleasure of good deal, ruined by getting shafted in a newly discovered (personally) way
940949;1417486335;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Mount in lucite, use as paperweight
940950;1417486366;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i already own a 200 pound paperweight (lisp machine) - don't need a 30
940951;1417486393;BingoBoingo;30 is easier to toss at monkeys than 200
940952;1417486500;BingoBoingo;I was thinking more like a pinky finger cased in lucite, the chunk of flesh, not the monitor
940953;1417486506;asciilifeform;lol, i've quite the collection of freshly minted 'paperweights' here (all the retiring non-eizo panels)
940954;1417486548;asciilifeform;eizo, opium of the eye
940955;1417486553;asciilifeform;once yer hooked - yer hooked.
940956;1417486569;asciilifeform;consumer crystals look like shit afterwards.
940957;1417486656;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: them.
940958;1417486675;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: the gizmos in question were 'sx2462w'.
940959;1417486808;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: i've only just started to appreciate it
940960;1417486920;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: http://www.eizo.se/default.aspx?page=11&product=SX2462WF-BK
940961;1417486924;assbot;Eizo ... ( http://bit.ly/1rPPgFF )
940962;1417486990;ben_vulpes;dunno how i hit enter there...
940963;1417486996;kakobrekla;this will get a bit spammy, but i want to have it in the log, so lets just get it over with.
940964;1417487034;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: i've only just now started appreciating good wines, i don't care to get into "good" monitors too.
940965;1417487042;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: l0l!
940966;1417487072;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: it's every bit as evil as you think. esp. given as (i, at least) 'drink' considerably more display than wine.
940967;1417487166;assbot;f9beb4d9 #1: SUCCESS (stable); No comment.
940968;1417487167;assbot;f9beb4d9 #2: SUCCESS (stable); No comment.
940969;1417487169;assbot;f9beb4d9 #3: FAILURE (broken since this build); No comment.
940970;1417487170;assbot;f9beb4d9 #4: FAILURE (broken since build #3); Comment: result of applying the chicken patch
940971;1417487172;assbot;f9beb4d9 #5: FAILURE (broken since build #3); Comment: initial commit: asciilifeform's manifest and rm's manifest and 'chicken' patch
940972;1417487173;assbot;f9beb4d9 #6: FAILURE (broken since build #3); No comment.
940973;1417487175;assbot;f9beb4d9 #7: FAILURE (broken since build #3); No comment.
940974;1417487176;assbot;f9beb4d9 #8: FAILURE (broken since build #3); No comment.
940975;1417487178;assbot;f9beb4d9 #9: SUCCESS (back to normal); No comment.
940976;1417487179;assbot;f9beb4d9 #10: SUCCESS (stable); Comment: empty folders are required for build to pass
940977;1417487181;assbot;f9beb4d9 #11: SUCCESS (stable); No comment.
940978;1417487182;assbot;f9beb4d9 #12: SUCCESS (stable); Comment: ben vulpes' rm_rf_upnp patch
940979;1417487184;assbot;f9beb4d9 #13: SUCCESS (stable); Comment: asciilifeform's https-snipsnip patch
940980;1417487185;assbot;f9beb4d9 #14: SUCCESS (stable); No comment.
940981;1417487187;assbot;f9beb4d9 #15: SUCCESS (stable); No comment.
940982;1417487188;assbot;f9beb4d9 #16: SUCCESS (stable); Comment: asciilifeform's turdmeister-alert-snip patch
940983;1417487190;assbot;f9beb4d9 #17: SUCCESS (stable); Comment: asciilifeform's goodbye-win-32 patch
940984;1417487207;kakobrekla;everyone survived?
940985;1417487213;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: neato
940986;1417487223;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: i take it turdatron functions to spec now?
940987;1417487226;mike_c;assbot plz send donation to b-a donation address.
940988;1417487256;kakobrekla;ask ben_vulpes about the feed
940989;1417487262;asciilifeform;http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/patches.html << only displays one
940990;1417487264;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1v8bGwz )
940991;1417487267;asciilifeform;or is there a new site
940992;1417487275;[]bot;Bet placed: 2 BTC for No on "Bitcoin to drop under $250 before 2015" http://bitbet.us/bet/1078/ Odds: 19(Y):81(N) by coin, 19(Y):81(N) by weight. Total bet: 9.216 BTC. Current weight: 95,586.
940993;1417487385;kakobrekla;he made a jenkins setup but url is private as server is not ddos ready, so ask him.
940994;1417487466;asciilifeform;the beauty of the everything-pgp-signed concept is that this thing ought to be deadly-easy to mirror.
940995;1417487481;asciilifeform;ideally should come with a script that establishes that a copy is 100% canonical.
940996;1417487487;asciilifeform;(given public keys of the players)
940997;1417487623;decimation;cazalla: I want more winklevoss coverage!
940998;1417487643;cazalla;decimation, they're pretty quiet
940999;1417487682;decimation;yeah, it seems they are already derped by much of of the 'tardstream' media anyway
941000;1417487706;decimation;few actual important details have been released, like "where they are gonna buy bitcoin" and "how they gonna index btc price"
941001;1417487718;decimation;!up xinxiwang
941002;1417487770;decimation;asciilifeform: one thing that annoys me about most distro crypto-discipline is that they pretend that only the 'maintainers' could sign
941003;1417487789;decimation;why should I trust some derp who 'volunteers' for arch over the upstream creator?
941004;1417487799;asciilifeform;decimation: aha, the 'anonymous monkeys submit, poettering signs' model
941006;1417487813;decimation;which is nearly universal as far as I can tell
941007;1417487831;decimation;and note that "Maintenance" nearly always consists of adding some derpy package turd
941008;1417487886;decimation;!up Dr-G
941009;1417487890;undata;I don't see how you solve that problem without having all source packages grabbed directly from creators with signatures verified, and compiling yourself
941010;1417487897;undata;binary package systems would be difficult
941011;1417487916;decimation;undata: true, but how else does one 'convey' trust?
941012;1417487953;undata;decimation: yep, I think it's necessary
941013;1417487979;undata;portage will save us all
941014;1417487979;decimation;Dr-G: are you connected via tor and then sasl, or end-to-end sasl to freenode?
941015;1417487995;decimation;well, gentoo is pretty close to having 'unpackages'
941016;1417488040;undata;decimation: how are you defining unpackages?
941017;1417488068;decimation;'make install' the turd as it comes without modification
941018;1417488103;undata;ah yeah
941019;1417488117;decimation;one of the main problems that linux packaging aims to solve is exactly the issue ascii rants about, that is - lack of a global namespace for code
941020;1417488125;undata;it'd be neat to publish the hash of a given release of a package into the blockchain
941021;1417488145;decimation;could be done with a 'deed'
941022;1417488218;undata;that'd be miles better than just trusting what ended up in the ebuild
941023;1417488246;undata;there's always the hard problem of bootstrapping your build tools in a secure way
941024;1417488303;undata;then of course the whole thing is moot on broken hardware
941025;1417488351;decimation;heh yeah
941026;1417488365;decimation;as ascii says, we don't even have computers yet
941027;1417489630;BingoBoingo;!up xinxiwang
941028;1417489904;*;asciilifeform plugged in the two 'eizo' panels spoken of earlier, can actually -feel- the heat now
941029;1417489994;kakobrekla;yes it can be felt here on 5x27" as well but no tan :\
941030;1417490677;decimation;asciilifeform: price you pay for quality crystal - lots of light
941031;1417490688;decimation;probably affecting your ability to produce melatonin at night
941032;1417490720;asciilifeform;decimation: and aha, these aren't piss-ant led lights either. ccfl tubes - which means they can't be cranked down all the much (and stay lit)
941033;1417490740;decimation;yeah designed for max life at max performance
941034;1417490750;asciilifeform;melatonin at night: for what it's worth, i usually tune the gamma to be heavy on the red
941035;1417490762;mike_c;v2 of the bitbet analyzer is so cool i almost want to keep it to myself.  i'd win all the bitcoins.
941036;1417490775;decimation;probably with sophisticated diffusers
941037;1417490788;decimation;mike_c: are you saying that luck ain't got nothing to do with it?
941038;1417490797;mike_c;not for long.
941039;1417490819;decimation;this mastercard in australia thing is lulzy
941040;1417490834;decimation;as far as I know few/no american tardstream media is covering
941041;1417490846;decimation;it's obviously an idea balloon that they are going to try to use to kill bitcoin dead everywhere
941042;1417490853;mike_c;my credit card company sent me a new card recently for my safety.
941043;1417490859;asciilifeform;wai wat
941044;1417490863;asciilifeform;australia mastercard ?
941045;1417490869;mike_c;now i'm lost
941046;1417490875;decimation;asciilifeform: the link cazalla dropped http://qntra.net/2014/12/mastercards-submission-to-economics-references-committee-now-available/
941047;1417490875;assbot;MasterCard's Submission To Economics References Committee Now Available | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1A9OBOW )
941048;1417490882;PeterL;!up patate
941050;1417490899;cazalla;decimation was pretty clear imo
941051;1417490900;decimation;mike_c: did it have a secret number on the front that you were only to share with pre-trusted individuals
941053;1417490919;decimation;I think this is common in the 'democratic' world - 'venue shopping'
941054;1417490919;mike_c;yes.  and now i have to run around to all the individuals i trusted before and change it.
941055;1417490920;asciilifeform;mastercard << reads like yet another 'let's whip the hellespont.'
941056;1417490921;BingoBoingo;Hello patate
941057;1417490923;decimation;"but germany agreed to X"
941058;1417490959;mike_c;for "my" safety.  except i'm not liable for fraud.  so actually they are being a pain in my ass for their safety.  fucking home depot.
941059;1417490967;PeterL;patate: what brings you to #bitcoin-assets?
941060;1417490989;decimation;when my credit card number kept getting stolen (before I was smart about website passwords), amex refused to change anything other than the last 4 digits when 're-issued'
941061;1417490992;patate;i love discover irc chats
941062;1417490999;mike_c;cazalla: "MasterCard is calling for such regulation regulation"
941063;1417491011;decimation;I called customer service and they said that it would be quite impossible to change the first set of numbers, because that's my account number
941064;1417491017;decimation;I wanted to burn
941065;1417491030;cazalla;mike_c, ty
941066;1417491030;mike_c;this has nothing to do with website shopping
941067;1417491041;mike_c;i bought some fucking lightbulbs at home depot
941068;1417491082;mike_c;credit cards are so bad it is mind-boggling.
941069;1417491109;decimation;yeah I think we discussed the dumbification of pos terminals in the past http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-09-2014#825488
941070;1417491109;assbot;Logged on 11-09-2014 03:44:22; *: decimation remembers every pos and library using said terminals growing up, only to be replaced with buggy-ass windows for no reason
941072;1417491125;assbot;Logged on 11-09-2014 03:44:31; *: asciilifeform also saw this
941073;1417491131;BingoBoingo;Wait, people actually go to Home Depot to buy stuff they'd want a record of buying?
941074;1417491151;asciilifeform;lol, BingoBoingo and his drain pipe howitzers
941075;1417491162;cazalla;and breaking bad plots
941076;1417491163;mike_c;hm? i don't mind people knowing i bought lightbulbs.  it was only a couple.
941078;1417491170;decimation;mike_c:  you know the thing that pisses me off the most?  every retail store/credit card company conspires to record every bit of information about you that they can
941079;1417491179;mike_c;yes. i hate that too.
941080;1417491189;decimation;but as far as I know, there is no service the lets you download your own itemized receipts
941081;1417491199;decimation;like, you know, so you can share in the bounty of their information?
941082;1417491205;BingoBoingo;Still, do you really want some insurer or landlord knowing how much spackle you had to buy to patch the walls after the bacanals
941083;1417491210;mike_c;sorry, your shopping habits are their information, not yours.
941084;1417491239;mike_c;BingoBoingo: lol :)  i use cash for the spackle.
941085;1417491241;asciilifeform;kgb didn't let you grab your own real time bug feeds either.
941086;1417491244;PeterL;there are document scanners which database-ize receipts
941088;1417491247;assbot;Logged on 17-11-2014 04:35:56; asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: they wish to steal not merely the farmer's cow, but to also steal the farmer's "having being stolen from" << usg (and the 'enlightenment') in one sentence.
941089;1417491249;asciilifeform;somebody is confused re: how surveillance works
941090;1417491270;mike_c;this is just marketing though.  or at least, that's the primary use case.
941091;1417491273;asciilifeform;seeing exactly what the enemy sees (and doesn't see) is almost half as good as not being watched
941092;1417491290;decimation;asciilifeform: I don't even want to see what he sees of all people, just of me
941093;1417491298;asciilifeform;precisely that
941094;1417491299;decimation;like, at least the panopticon can be a good secretary?
941095;1417491320;decimation;but even *that* has been stolen too
941096;1417491325;cazalla;yall don't have a rewards card for every store?
941097;1417491339;decimation;cazalla: I use 'generic' rewards card
941098;1417491340;asciilifeform;'Any sound that Winston made, above the level of a very low whisper, would be picked up by it; moreover, so long as he remained within the field of vision which the metal plate commanded, he could be seen as well as heard. There was of course no way of knowing whether you were being watched at any given moment. How often, or on what system, the Thought Police plugged in on any individual wire was guesswork. It was even conceiv
941099;1417491340;asciilifeform;able that they watched everybody all the time. but at any rate they could plug in your wire whenever they wanted to. You have to live - did live, from habit that became instinct - in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinized.'
941100;1417491368;kakobrekla;cazalla not a single one, but i get asked to join various regularly.
941101;1417491385;cazalla;kakobrekla, what? you don't have a rewards card? here is a form, please fill out
941103;1417491404;asciilifeform;every penny i spend is recorded. even at parking meters.
941104;1417491415;decimation;yeah it's almost impossible to use 'cash' in the us these days
941105;1417491417;asciilifeform;(my town recently installed cc readers even there.)
941106;1417491439;*;BingoBoingo rewatching Jurassic Park. I bet John Hammond wishes he would have bought Symbolics instead of *nix.
941107;1417491446;decimation;except - I recall when a massive snowstorm moved up the east coast and wiped out all the telco lines - suddenly everywhere was 'cash only'
941108;1417491472;asciilifeform;decimation: except that not everything is even equipped to take cash.
941109;1417491472;mike_c;that mastercard post on qntra is great.  a good candidate for promotion (slashdot? reddit?)
941110;1417491480;decimation;asciilifeform: yeah exactly
941111;1417491480;cazalla;BingoBoingo, i know this, it's a unix system!
941112;1417491489;BingoBoingo;I've been reddit killed.
941113;1417491515;patate;i love potatoes
941114;1417491517;asciilifeform;for instance, where i live, paying with paper money at a filling station requires a human clerk to turn a crank
941115;1417491531;asciilifeform;hence, lengthy queue where otherwise none.
941116;1417491545;mike_c;<+BingoBoingo> I've been reddit killed. << just being in this channel seems to get a person banned from half the internet
941117;1417491564;decimation;asciilifeform: have you read herr Saltzer's end-to-end argument? http://web.mit.edu/Saltzer/www/publications/endtoend/endtoend.pdf‎
941118;1417491565;assbot;MIT 404 Error - file not found ... ( http://bit.ly/1A9QLhB )
941119;1417491598;BingoBoingo;ALso look at slate bullying the nerd http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2014/12/james_watson_selling_nobel_prize_dna_structure_discoverer_s_history_of_racism.html
941120;1417491599;assbot;James Watson selling Nobel Prize: DNA structure discoverer’s history of racism and sexism. ... ( http://bit.ly/1A9QQSd )
941121;1417491599;asciilifeform;decimation: negative
941122;1417491617;decimation;asciilifeform: it captures some of the 'spirit' of stripping down bitcoind
941123;1417491654;decimation;Saltzer wrote multics, which is the ancestor of  unix, more or less
941124;1417491675;asciilifeform;watson should publicly sink it into the mariana trench, or some other 'black hole'
941125;1417491682;asciilifeform;if gonna troll, do it right.
941126;1417491712;decimation;that's awesome.  I agree, should toss into volcano
941127;1417491729;decimation;or better yet, send it to 1600 pennsylvania avenue
941128;1417491736;BingoBoingo;Dunno selling it to the Winkelvii would be pretty troll.
941129;1417491758;BingoBoingo;Or Mike Tyson
941130;1417491772;asciilifeform;http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/future_tense/2014/12/de_extinction_ethics_why_extinct_species_shouldn_t_be_brought_back.html << another mega-lol from same rag.
941131;1417491773;assbot;De-extinction ethics: Why extinct species shouldn’t be brought back. ... ( http://bit.ly/1CA9mrX )
941132;1417491788;asciilifeform;^ idiot luddite hates (so far, theoretical) 'de-extinction' tech because...
941133;1417491809;asciilifeform;'Thats because wiping out the passenger pigeon, the heath hen, the Tasmanian tiger, and so on, as regrettable as these events were, wasnt the real mistake. It was only the indicator of a deeper moral and cultural malady.'
941134;1417491830;decimation;'because man isn't natural'
941135;1417491839;asciilifeform;this is a deeper idiocy
941136;1417491857;patate;someone here speak french
941139;1417491945;*;BingoBoingo proposes Giant Ground Sloth for resurection
941140;1417491976;asciilifeform;imbecile isn't even arguing that 'it could wreck existing xyz'
941141;1417491982;asciilifeform;but that 'removes moral dimension!'
941142;1417492024;cazalla;patate, voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir?
941143;1417492027;decimation;asciilifeform: but even if you believe man is created by God (as I do) you would still have to believe that God failed to anticipate what man would do to nature, and/or man could somehow outsmart Him
941145;1417492042;BingoBoingo;North America needs moar Mega fauna.
941146;1417492044;asciilifeform;reminds me of... 'The prospect of cheap fusion energy is the worst thing that could happen to the planet.' (Jeremy Rifkin, Greenhouse Crisis Foundation)
941147;1417492068;decimation;yeah the anti-nuke stuff is lulzy too
941148;1417492083;gernika;asciilifeform: I recently read Englebard's Violin and managed to get ahold of a Twiddler.  Have you used it?
941149;1417492098;asciilifeform;gernika: nope
941150;1417492115;asciilifeform;gernika: on account of - not ergonomic.
941151;1417492124;asciilifeform;not hand shaped, no tactile spring switches - do not want.
941152;1417492148;decimation;there was a gentleman who bicycled across the country with a modded 1990's era computer bike - and he had a chorded keyboard
941153;1417492182;decimation;this genthttp://microship.com/resources/winnebiko-behemoth.html
941154;1417492200;gernika;asciilifeform: the buttons definitely click when you press them, but that is not what you're talking about?
941156;1417492211;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1CAauM9 )
941157;1417492224;asciilifeform;can you hear then across a room?
941158;1417492228;asciilifeform;or do they 'click' like mouse.
941159;1417492262;gernika;asciilifeform: also yes it's not hand shaped, but also does n't require you to twist your hand and splay your fingers
941160;1417492303;gernika;asciilifeform: not like the old ibm keyboards that sort of ring when you click them no.
941161;1417492308;asciilifeform;ideal device would have rotary jointed finger slots.
941162;1417492319;decimation;asciilifeform: do you own one of Cy Enfield's widgets?
941163;1417492325;asciilifeform;and adjustable tension switches
941164;1417492332;asciilifeform;decimation: yes. the original 'microwriter.'
941165;1417492400;decimation;asciilifeform: do you imagine some kind of 'data glove'?
941166;1417492411;asciilifeform;not so fond of gloves.
941168;1417492433;asciilifeform;and the notion of moving fingers without any feedback springs is lunacy
941169;1417492433;cazalla;powerglove perhaps?
941170;1417492436;asciilifeform;see above
941171;1417492446;asciilifeform;!s gorilla arm
941172;1417492447;assbot;3 results for 'gorilla arm' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=gorilla+arm
941173;1417492448;decimation;yeah, one needs a 'glove with feedback'
941174;1417492450;gernika;asciilifeform: why are tactile spring switches more ergonomic?  Do they prevent you from pressing with too much strength?
941175;1417492464;asciilifeform;they give an immediate, palpable 'stop moving now'
941176;1417492467;decimation;basically a robotic hand that gently attaches to your own?
941177;1417492511;asciilifeform;i seriously doubt that you can get spring feedback from anything other than an actual spring.
941178;1417492539;asciilifeform;and at this point i don't even care if i'm simply habituated to springs or if there is something 'intrinsic and natural' about spring clicks. i refuse to do without them.
941179;1417492551;PeterL;there are various forms of spring to pick from
941180;1417492562;asciilifeform;just like wearing clothing, or shitting in a toilet rather than in pants, are also 'mere' habits
941181;1417492573;asciilifeform;that one could, conceivably, experiment with forgoing
941182;1417492579;asciilifeform;not interested in such experiments.
941183;1417492589;decimation;asciilifeform: basically the same action as your model-m buckling springs?
941184;1417492605;asciilifeform;presently i'm not even using a 'model m', but a 'northgate'
941185;1417492616;asciilifeform;(switches by 'alps', long ago defunct)
941186;1417492661;asciilifeform;'alps' used leaf springs
941187;1417492686;asciilifeform;not quite as pleasurable as ibm's buckling springs. but the 'northgate' does have the function keys in their properly ordained position.
941188;1417492728;asciilifeform;ibm made a buckling-spring keyboard which also had this, but it suffered from other deformities.
941189;1417492731;asciilifeform;see for yourself: http://www.seasip.info/VintagePC/Images/1390876.jpg
941190;1417492732;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1CAbEHu )
941191;1417492732;decimation;asciilifeform: http://deskthority.net/wiki/Northgate_OmniKey_101 this?
941192;1417492733;assbot;Northgate OmniKey 101 - Deskthority wiki ... ( http://bit.ly/1CAbH6q )
941193;1417492755;gernika;asciilifeform: so is someone who can't get ahold of a microwriter basically just fucked?
941194;1417492755;asciilifeform;decimation: no.
941195;1417492779;PeterL;no control by 'z'?
941196;1417492787;asciilifeform;decimation: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cf/Omnikey102p3248.jpg << that one
941197;1417492790;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1CAbRL5 )
941198;1417492809;decimation;asciilifeform: yeah I like those extra function keys
941199;1417492816;decimation;wait, you don't get 22 function keys?
941200;1417492820;asciilifeform;gernika: 'microwriter' is not so great today. no easy means of getting it to throw output to a computer in real time.
941201;1417492836;asciilifeform;gernika: there's an rs232 jack but, iirc, it only pisses out a buffered text.
941202;1417492847;asciilifeform;gernika: i'll happily part with mine if someone wanted to buy it.
941203;1417492861;asciilifeform;PeterL: nah that's fixable
941204;1417492887;gernika;asciilifeform: ah I thought you'd figured out how to hook it up to whatever development machine you use
941205;1417492888;asciilifeform;PeterL: no 'esc', no status lights, abominable 'plus sign' arrow keys
941206;1417492907;asciilifeform;gernika: no, i did not actually use it in anger. for some reason i thought this was clear from the article.
941207;1417492925;asciilifeform;gernika: i expressed a wish that i had grown up with it, rather than qwerty keyboards.
941208;1417492926;PeterL;I can't quite see, what's in the middle of the arrow keys?
941209;1417492931;gernika;asciilifeform: sorry it's been about a month since I read it
941210;1417492934;decimation;'zulu' was a great movie though
941211;1417492944;asciilifeform;PeterL: key with own code
941212;1417492968;asciilifeform;PeterL: that keyboard was intended for 'glass tty' terminals and cannot be used with a modern pc compat. machine without some custom electronics
941213;1417492981;asciilifeform;(speaking here of the giant 'model m')
941214;1417493007;kakobrekla;that is 'model f'
941215;1417493010;asciilifeform;i have one. it is presently gathering dust. no time to do what must be done to it
941216;1417493011;decimation;asciilifeform: I think sun made a keyboard with function keys on the left, but no buckling springs
941217;1417493017;asciilifeform;neh, model f was the pc xt keyboard iirtc
941219;1417493032;asciilifeform;decimation: sun's type 5. shit keys.
941222;1417493047;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1CAckwD )
941223;1417493056;decimation;yeah but the layout was ok
941224;1417493074;asciilifeform;!s spreading works
941225;1417493075;assbot;15 results for 'spreading works' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=spreading+works
941226;1417493075;kakobrekla;ah, the layout looks like f then
941228;1417493106;assbot;Logged on 20-08-2014 06:37:37; asciilifeform: soviet scientist declares, 'we've invented a shit-to-food converter.' 'does it work?' 'sorta. spreading on bread: worlks!!11! eating - not quite yet.'
941229;1417493109;decimation;lol I like the .link
941230;1417493139;decimation;asciilifeform: maybe they can keep a detached dog's head alive too!!!
941231;1417493165;asciilifeform;lol, that sorta worked.
941232;1417493272;kakobrekla;speaking of keyboards, if anyone has such, wtb: http://shrani.si/f/1U/zK/vTpHQ6z/4381kb.jpg
941233;1417493273;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1CAcNPy )
941235;1417493307;asciilifeform;for what was this one? s/360?
941236;1417493307;decimation;is that from a pcjr?
941237;1417493322;decimation;yeah, too old for pcjr
941238;1417493337;kakobrekla;actually http://shrani.si/f/h/6h/2YfYFZ7j/1280px-ibm-3279.jpg
941239;1417493338;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1CAcRPe )
941240;1417493382;kakobrekla;for the IBM-3279?
941241;1417493386;BingoBoingo;!up devthedev
941242;1417493441;decimation;ah that's a real 3270 term
941243;1417493492;kakobrekla;they do not seem identical but i think they are same, the keyboards
941244;1417493500;kakobrekla;same model
941245;1417493509;asciilifeform;kakobrekla has this ?
941246;1417493517;kakobrekla;kakobrekla wtb this
941247;1417493561;kakobrekla;ofc noone sane will part it
941248;1417493734;gernika;asciilifeform: I find it interesting that you prefer the buckling springs over something like the Microsoft Natural Keyboard that doesn't require you flex your wrists sideways.  That said, using the MS keyboard ultimately has not prevented me from having issues.  I must try a springy keyboard.
941249;1417493818;decimation;I've used both and I didn't think that the 'natural keyboards' were all that more comfortable
941251;1417493830;asciilifeform;i find them a misery.
941252;1417493844;asciilifeform;and that's not even considering the castrated space bar (to fit the worthless winblows keys)
941253;1417493890;gernika;What aggravates me more and more recently is the claim that mac products are well designed, when in fact they will destroy your hands.
941254;1417493964;gernika;both the keyboards and the "magic" trackpad
941255;1417493965;decimation;yeah mac keyboard is shit
941256;1417493977;asciilifeform;worthy of a 'dollar store' calculator.
941257;1417493983;decimation;I find the trackpad annoying too, not sure why people prefer
941258;1417493985;PeterL;I'm suprised you don't reprogram the winblows key to be an extra control to give yourself another batch of functions at your fingertips?
941259;1417494013;asciilifeform;PeterL: i might do so, if any keyboard having it were worth using in the first place
941260;1417494029;asciilifeform;but i have yet to find a keyboard made post-1995 or so that was worth having
941261;1417494032;decimation;I use the model-m knockoff for my mac: http://pckeyboard.com/page/category/SpacesaverM
941262;1417494033;assbot;Unicomp, Inc.: Spacesaver M / Mac OS X ... ( http://bit.ly/1CAeCfi )
941263;1417494064;asciilifeform;decimation: funny that you mention this, a colleague of mine is throwing his out just now.
941264;1417494071;decimation;asciilifeform: why?
941265;1417494073;asciilifeform;spring - gave out. buzzing repeats.
941266;1417494083;asciilifeform;knockoff is a turd.
941267;1417494094;decimation;heh.  mine has an issue where the function key 'negates' suddenly
941268;1417494101;decimation;always-on instead of always-off
941269;1417494109;asciilifeform;real 'model m' goes 30+ years without any malfunction of any detectable kind whatsoever.
941270;1417494113;decimation;I have to plug/replug usb to 'fix'
941271;1417494115;asciilifeform;or any maintenance.
941272;1417494125;asciilifeform;usb lol
941273;1417494135;asciilifeform;i don't even allow usb keyboards on my personal machines.
941274;1417494152;decimation;yeah, whatever chinese intern wrote the keyboard driver firmware was an idiot
941275;1417494174;asciilifeform;i meant, in kernel
941276;1417494180;kakobrekla;i have a bolt moded (ssk) and non bolt moded board and difference is huge
941277;1417494181;decimation;asciilifeform: don't you trust usb security?
941278;1417494184;asciilifeform;don't want multi-keyboard support.
941279;1417494189;asciilifeform;no good comes of it
941280;1417494208;asciilifeform;somebody wake up diametric
941281;1417494219;asciilifeform;i recall he bought, not long ago, a 'bolt modded' model m
941282;1417494232;gernika;This look about right? http://sfbay.craigslist.org/sfc/sop/4778203160.html
941283;1417494233;assbot;IBM Model M clicky Keyboard, 1993, excellent condition, w/USB adapter ... ( http://bit.ly/1CAfi4e )
941284;1417494237;kakobrekla;and it fell apart?
941285;1417494243;asciilifeform;not afaik
941286;1417494245;asciilifeform;not yet, anyway
941287;1417494284;asciilifeform;gernika: that's a standard model m from the photo, yes
941288;1417494284;decimation;gernika: the early 90's model m's were made by lexmark, somewhat shoddier
941289;1417494442;kakobrekla;if someone wants to drool http://webwit.nl/input/
941290;1417494443;assbot;Index of /input ... ( http://bit.ly/1CAfznO )
941291;1417494496;mike_c;kakobrekla: you wtb the keyboard or the whole terminal?
941293;1417494563;mike_c;i've got a friend who collects old crap like that, i'll ping him.  he might know the right people to ask.
941294;1417494577;kakobrekla;cool, doesnt hurt to ask :)
941295;1417497917;asciilifeform;!up badon
941297;1417497938;badon;asciilifeform: Should I paste?
941299;1417497986;badon;I have used several Typematrix keyboards during the last decade. I tried all the best and most expensive ergonomic keyboards, but the Typematrix was the cheapest "serious" keyboard I tested, and it was also the best. It was also the most easily portable one too. I wrote an article yesterday about them, and a few ways to get discounts and free stuff if you buy things in the right sequence: https://www.livebusinesschat.com/smf/index.php?t
941300;1417497989;assbot;Live Business Chat - Index ... ( http://bit.ly/1rRF2z7 )
941304;1417497999;assbot;Typematrix keyboards and accessories 30% discount code CYBER2014 ... ( http://bit.ly/1rRF7CO )
941306;1417498020;badon;It's pretty durable, but I wouldn't trust it for 30+ years like the IBM model M. Of course, I take mine with me mobile, and that's extra-hard on keyboards. I think I'm averaging about 4 or 5 years before I break one of mine.
941307;1417498027;badon;I buy used ones for spare parts, and keep them going. They're that awesome.
941308;1417498035;asciilifeform;badon: your device reminds me of maltron's keyboard.
941309;1417498049;badon;asciilifeform: Yeah, I tried one of those too. I liked the Typematrix better.
941311;1417498059;assbot;Maltron Keyboard Review ... ( http://bit.ly/1rRFkG8 )
941312;1417498075;badon;I spent a ton of money on them, to test them all.
941313;1417498113;badon;Kinesis and Maltron were both really very good, but the Typematrix was a little better, and it was a LOT cheaper and more portable.
941314;1417498155;badon;Plus, the skins make the Typematrix the ultimate keyboard. My keyboard life has greatly increased now that no debris gets in them. Plus, I can switch layouts easily.
941315;1417498164;badon;In practice, I just stick with Dvorak though.
941316;1417498186;badon;I can type on either Dvorak or QWERTY, but Dvorak is faster with fewer errors.
941317;1417498228;kakobrekla;Switch: membrane technology with "double-scissors" mechanism
941318;1417498231;badon;Typematrix keyboards are able to do both. You switch skins to change the labeling.
941320;1417498252;badon;kakobrekla: It's pretty good. I think the scissors are teflon or something else extremely low friction.
941321;1417498257;badon;It feels a lot like teflon.
941322;1417498264;badon;It's stiffer though.
941323;1417498269;*;asciilifeform won't use membrane keyboard unless trapped (laptop in the field, etc)
941324;1417498286;badon;What's the alternative?
941325;1417498301;asciilifeform;badon: mechanical switches
941326;1417498312;badon;I've really enjoyed mine, and it's easy to change out the membrane if I wear one out or accidentally screw it up.
941327;1417498356;badon;Mechanical switches wear out too. I'm not sure they have any advantage over the membrane.
941328;1417498374;badon;The membrane is nearly as tactile, but much quieter.
941329;1417498402;badon;I assume it's lighter, cheaper, and less bulky, but I can't say for sure since I haven't got any mechanical keyboards.
941330;1417498418;badon;I've used them in the past, of course, but that was in the 1980's.
941331;1417498459;kakobrekla;we are still in the 80's
941332;1417498481;*;badon reels up an old Braddock movie
941333;1417498520;BingoBoingo;kakobrekla: Don't worry, soon we will be in the 70's
941335;1417498700;asciilifeform;i've yet to render a single 'model m' even partially inoperable.
941336;1417498730;asciilifeform;'alps' and similar (leaf spring) switches are good for a decade or so of heavy use
941337;1417498768;asciilifeform;for these, it helps to have a sacrificial keyboard in your cellar, to desolder switches from when the inevitable comes
941338;1417498783;kakobrekla;well if you cant amortize a kboard over a decade... you are typing too slow.
941339;1417498788;asciilifeform;(leaf springs develop a 'stutter' as they age)
941340;1417498803;badon;asciilifeform: Typematrix is planning to produce new models. If you contact them, you will have an opportunity to influence their design decisions.
941341;1417498805;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: not a question of money, but of what is physically attainable
941342;1417498818;asciilifeform;i tend to buy 'northgates' in reasonable condition whenever and wherever they pop up
941343;1417498840;asciilifeform;(not so much 'model m' - i used them also, but they do not, for any practical purpose, wear out. so don't need many.)
941344;1417498871;asciilifeform;badon: presumably they have happy customers already.
941345;1417498873;badon;Typematrix is a small company with only 1 engineer (one of the owners), so it's easy to have your voice heard if you've got a good idea for them.
941346;1417498879;badon;asciilifeform: Yes, they do.
941347;1417498898;badon;Still, the idea of a keyboard with ridiculously fast mechanical switches appeals to me.
941348;1417498905;kakobrekla;asciilifeform what the estimated lifetime supply of northgates
941350;1417498923;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: transplanted switches don't have to come from 'northgates' per se.
941351;1417498935;asciilifeform;can be any board with identical switches.
941353;1417498944;badon;asciilifeform: Ah, so the mechanical ones aren't indestructible.
941354;1417498963;asciilifeform;badon: leaf spring switches wear out considerably faster than buckling springs
941355;1417498966;badon;I think I have 4 or 5 Typematrix keyboards, give or take.
941356;1417498984;asciilifeform;(in the latter, the spring has been known to deform. can obtain replacement spring easily.)
941357;1417499001;badon;I'll have to get one wireless.
941358;1417499029;asciilifeform;leaf spring switches ('alps', 'cherry', others) are not normally considered repairable - on account of there being no ready supply (afaik) of replacement springs.
941359;1417499033;kakobrekla;hm, what brought you here originally badon ?
941360;1417499057;badon;kakobrekla: The discussion in #freenode about a DDoS bot here.
941361;1417499070;badon;I wasn't aware of the existence of this channel, and I was going to ask what it's about.
941362;1417499086;badon;I couldn't find a simple explanation in the channel topic, nor on the website.
941363;1417499093;kakobrekla;ah that, nobody knows at this point.
941364;1417499117;badon;I couldn't speak, so I couldn't ask until now, after asciilifeform voiced me so I could share what I was discussing with him privately about keyboards.
941365;1417499136;badon;I'd still like to know what this channel is about :)
941366;1417499140;kakobrekla;its ok, SS is pleased.
941371;1417499185;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1rRJYUu )
941372;1417499191;asciilifeform;^ leaf spring switch cutaway (animated)
941373;1417499216;asciilifeform;(notice helical spring also present)
941374;1417499226;kakobrekla;mx switches werks liek dat
941375;1417499236;asciilifeform;'cherry' aha
941376;1417499243;asciilifeform;i'm not especially fond of them
941377;1417499249;asciilifeform;'alps' made, imho, the only passable ones
941379;1417499271;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1rRKeD0 )
941380;1417499273;asciilifeform;^ buckling spring, also animated.
941381;1417499303;kakobrekla;!s this chan about
941382;1417499304;assbot;11 results for 'this chan about' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=this+chan+about
941383;1417499311;kakobrekla;try that badon
941384;1417499328;asciilifeform;it was, at one point, i think, about bitcoin.
941386;1417499334;badon;oh, haha
941387;1417499339;asciilifeform;(still is, perhaps, when i'm logged out...)
941388;1417499368;kakobrekla;now its just something that looks like english
941389;1417499401;mats_cd03;Chaang-Noi:not talking about anyone anyone said in this chan, just spammers who pm me about random shit << oh the irony
941391;1417499514;mats_cd03;oh wait...brain parsed 'scammer' instead
941392;1417499548;kakobrekla;well, he is/was both
941393;1417499555;asciilifeform;any 'keyboard folks' still awake - there are yet other famous switches, that i have not used.
941394;1417499558;asciilifeform;e.g., http://deskthority.net/wiki/Topre_switch
941395;1417499559;assbot;Topre switch - Deskthority wiki ... ( http://bit.ly/1rRLg1Z )
941397;1417499568;kakobrekla;!s topre
941398;1417499569;assbot;3 results for 'topre' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=topre
941399;1417499573;mats_cd03;o ya? did spam too?
941400;1417499576;asciilifeform;as i understand, these are quite rare outside of jp.
941401;1417499594;mats_cd03;how about that
941402;1417499606;kakobrekla;i was looking at topre board a year ago but opted out in the end
941403;1417499612;*;mats_cd03 goes back to wrangling dockerfiles
941404;1417499718;asciilifeform;a true '$maxint' keyboard would use hall effect sensors for the actuation, rather than rubber dome and carbon (topre, model m, mebranes) or contacting electrodes (leaf springs - alps, cherry)
941405;1417499719;ben_vulpes;mats_cd03: what are you doing with dockerfiles?
941406;1417499729;kakobrekla;i forgot why exactly, prolly no tenkeyless model
941407;1417499734;asciilifeform;these are found in 'explosion-proof' machinery - e.g., to be used in mines, gas pipelines
941408;1417499755;asciilifeform;a small magnet moves near a (hermetically sealed) hall effect junction
941409;1417499780;asciilifeform;(magnet can be suspended above a buckling spring, or rubber doohickey, or whatever - but this is purely for the user's pleasure and plays no electrical role)
941410;1417499818;asciilifeform;i bought a small crate, some years ago, to play with.
941411;1417499818;kakobrekla;a there it is
941413;1417499823;assbot;Realforce 87U Tenkeyless 55g (Black) - elitekeyboards.com - Products ... ( http://bit.ly/1rRMeeu )
941414;1417499912;asciilifeform;ugh castrato.
941416;1417499964;kakobrekla;i have a standalone numpad somewhere
941417;1417499988;kakobrekla;and yes i prefer it on the right of the mouse!
941418;1417500029;fluffypony;so hardcore
941419;1417500031;fluffypony;like an accountant
941420;1417500033;kakobrekla;but havent found the use for it in a long tiem
941421;1417500048;fluffypony;oh snap
941422;1417500052;kakobrekla;actually it was neat for playing dyna blaster
941423;1417500056;kakobrekla;for 2 players
941424;1417500097;ben_vulpes;+asciilifeform:kakobrekla: i take it turdatron functions to spec now? << what spec
941426;1417500126;ben_vulpes;+asciilifeform:http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/patches.html << only displays one << jurov, paging jurov to the turdatron
941427;1417500165;ben_vulpes;+decimation:few actual important details have been released, like "where they are gonna buy bitcoin" and "how they gonna index btc price" << the later is actually public knowledge
941429;1417500537;ben_vulpes;+asciilifeform:every penny i spend is recorded. even at parking meters. << you've got this weird habit of just doing what they tell you. i don't get it, especially given your proclivities and tendencies. it's almost as though you're...an ironic mole!
941431;1417500660;ben_vulpes;cazalla: "Coinsetter is now promoting participation in the bitcoin market to professional market makers by offering maker-taker pricing and a new equity incentive program beginning today. The 'Market Making Equity Incentive Program' will set aside 10% of the company's equity for distribution to institutionally-capitalized designated market makers (DMMs) who provide at least $300k of liquidity to
941432;1417500662;ben_vulpes;Coinsetter's order book."
941433;1417500720;mats_cd03;ben_vulpes: i'm building a dev env for website
941434;1417500733;ben_vulpes;+asciilifeform:and the notion of moving fingers without any feedback springs is lunacy << hardly. feedback via optic nerve is entirely reasonable.
941435;1417500749;ben_vulpes;mats_cd03: WELCOME TO CLUB
941436;1417500749;mats_cd03;annoying piece of machinery, this
941438;1417500770;ben_vulpes;what part is most annoying?
941439;1417500785;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: "refuse" << lolk
941440;1417500807;mats_cd03;it'll prob end up wrangling vagrant, redis, mongodb, memcached, and nginx
941441;1417500846;mats_cd03;i'm still trying to work out if i can do it all through shell script supervisors, but that probably won't happen
941442;1417500895;ben_vulpes;shell script supervisors hm?
941443;1417500908;ben_vulpes;docker will keep containers up on its own just fine.
941444;1417500931;ben_vulpes;mongo ha oh boy the machine in question's what - 3 years old?
941445;1417500934;thestringpuller;mats_cd03: i threw up a little
941446;1417500937;mats_cd03;i mean... management of spinning up/down, and what not
941447;1417500949;mats_cd03;i forgot to mention i have no idea what i'm doing with web things
941448;1417500962;ben_vulpes;mats_cd03: the sj deploy hairball is entirely bash with a squirt of python to marshal aws resources
941449;1417500988;ben_vulpes;build pattern is: "install docker. then, deploy apptuation."
941450;1417501027;thestringpuller;what are you guise setting up again?
941451;1417501028;ben_vulpes;well, build containers for all persistent services (redis, postgres, mongo in your case).
941452;1417501085;ben_vulpes;deploy pattern is "get code, load deps file into docker,rebuild image with that, if build fails bail, run image, smoke test new container, if new container fails bail, then shut down old container and shoop new container into its place"
941453;1417501094;ben_vulpes;obviously there are subtleties with static assets, but you get the gist.
941454;1417501112;ben_vulpes;pm if you have questions. more than happy to lend a hand.
941455;1417501117;ben_vulpes;thestringpuller: i have no idea.
941456;1417501176;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes:  weird habit of just doing what they tell you << lol
941457;1417501211;mats_cd03;i appreciate it, will let you know if i run into anything especially gnarly
941458;1417501215;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: feedback via optic nerve is entirely reasonable << muscles were not made to twitch impotently in mid-air.
941459;1417501229;asciilifeform;!s gorilla arm
941460;1417501229;assbot;3 results for 'gorilla arm' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=gorilla+arm
941461;1417501238;ben_vulpes;who said 'in air'?
941462;1417501283;asciilifeform;go try it. 'type' on an imaginary keyboard, wearing motorcycling gloves.
941463;1417501287;asciilifeform;see how much fun.
941464;1417501298;ben_vulpes;hardware to test this does not exist.
941465;1417501309;asciilifeform;moto gloves + imagination.
941466;1417501313;ben_vulpes;and yet - subvocalization works.
941467;1417501318;ben_vulpes;who said gloves?!
941468;1417501325;thestringpuller;asciilifeform rides a motorcycle?!?!?!?
941469;1417501330;*;asciilifeform vaguely recalls thread originally about gloves
941470;1417501341;*;asciilifeform does not own motorcycle, but owns gloves
941471;1417501344;ben_vulpes;sounds like a bad engineering decision with small radar modules in the pipeline.
941472;1417501371;asciilifeform;small radar modules are 1990s off-the-shelf sop. buy, try.
941474;1417501406;asciilifeform;point that everyone seems to insist on 'pissing on the electric fence himself'
941475;1417501419;asciilifeform;who am i to say they oughtn't.
941476;1417501420;ben_vulpes;that the "computer" i haul everywhere cannot make a realtime 3d model of its surroundings is hilarious.
941477;1417501425;thestringpuller;'pissing on the electric fence himselfi think someone died from
941478;1417501430;thestringpuller;that recently
941480;1417501449;assbot;Logged on 04-06-2014 17:34:30; asciilifeform: 'some learn from book; others, from example; the rest must piss on the electric fence personally'
941481;1417501468;thestringpuller;well pissing on the electric fence is a one time thing
941482;1417501472;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: what doesn't work? resolution? speed? the whole not being a phased array and so incapable of reconstructing 3d?
941484;1417501483;asciilifeform;most modern fences are 'humane' and have pulsed power
941485;1417501500;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2496 @ 0.0011998 = 2.9947 BTC [+]
941486;1417501511;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: consider saying a little re: what kind of gadget you have in mind
941487;1417501515;asciilifeform;if not glove.
941488;1417501535;asciilifeform;(a while ago the 'keyboards' thread touched on the ancient idea of 'data gloves')
941489;1417501545;ben_vulpes;an example, if you will. not the ideal, but an example.
941490;1417501547;decimation;asciilifeform: my 'glove' idea was really a robot hand that would gently connect above your hand, to provide 'feedback' - but I agree that 'spring-like' action would be very difficult/expensive
941491;1417501553;thestringpuller;nvm it was a lampost
941493;1417501576;decimation;what about a video camera watching your gestures 'minority report' style?
941494;1417501596;ben_vulpes;consider the oculus rift. instead of inertial sensors, uses rangefinders/radars to perform orientation analysis and also map surroundings in real time.
941495;1417501603;asciilifeform;anyone who wants this, can buy now.
941497;1417501605;assbot;Celluon ... ( http://bit.ly/12kpayl )
941498;1417501614;asciilifeform;(there were, iirc, other vendors)
941499;1417501633;asciilifeform;it's a misery. i'll do without banging hands on a tabletop or waving them in air, thanks.
941500;1417501634;decimation;'minority report' interface would still have the gorilla arm problem, as it was demonstrated in the movie, but in theory one could devise an armrest of some kind
941501;1417501644;asciilifeform;it's not an issue of lack of rest
941502;1417501648;asciilifeform;but lack of amortizer.
941503;1417501657;asciilifeform;the spring is not just masturbatory, it's an amortizer.
941504;1417501671;ben_vulpes;bruise prevention.
941505;1417501678;decimation;;;ud amortizer
941506;1417501679;gribble;Google found nothing.
941508;1417501693;decimation;;;dict amortizer
941509;1417501694;gribble;No definition for "amortizer" could be found in wn
941510;1417501699;asciilifeform;shock absorber.
941511;1417501706;decimation;ah yes, agreed
941512;1417501718;ben_vulpes;amortizer's an interesting word choice :D
941514;1417501720;decimation;your digits/arms are meant to operate against resistance
941516;1417501734;assbot;Ultraprune merged in mainline ... ( http://bit.ly/12kpdKw )
941517;1417501780;decimation;actually if we want to go farther, an interface that examines very fine, high speed eye movements might be a high-speed method of precise data entry
941518;1417501803;asciilifeform;decimation: go ask an invalid who is stuck using eye movements as keyboard, how much fun it is.
941519;1417501806;asciilifeform;how great for the eyes.
941520;1417501818;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: hardphork!
941521;1417501824;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Back in 2012
941522;1417501828;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: i bow to your wisdom
941523;1417501838;asciilifeform;or rather, the soft, squishy substrate for a hardphorq
941524;1417501859;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: don't bow, try it yourself. only need imagination. try 'air guitar' with keyboard, for perhaps ten minutes
941525;1417501863;asciilifeform;see how feels.
941526;1417501885;asciilifeform;so many of these ideas are testable with nothing more than your brain and a little elbow grease.
941527;1417501909;decimation;asciilifeform: actually, you have emphasized the 'language coprocessor' feature of the brain in the past - perhaps the best interface is a reliable speech-to-symbol synth
941528;1417501921;ben_vulpes;i'll pass on this particular electric fence.
941529;1417501924;asciilifeform;decimation: i'll go perelman before i talk to a computer.
941531;1417501970;asciilifeform;bad enough that i end up having to talk to people once in a while.
941532;1417501992;asciilifeform;let's put it this way - right now, my symbol (not character! symbol) error rate is near zero.
941533;1417502013;asciilifeform;with the best known (or conceivable - say, using human slaves) 'speech to text' - it's suddenly nonzero.
941534;1417502034;mats_cd03;you'll change your mind after a little carpal tunnel
941535;1417502037;decimation;the scene in star trek iv pops to mind https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWH31pUkMF8
941536;1417502038;assbot;Star Trek 4 - The Voyage Home - Hello Computer - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/12kpqgC )
941537;1417502042;ben_vulpes;how much time do you spend typing, asciilifeform ?
941538;1417502049;ben_vulpes;-assets aside
941539;1417502049;mats_cd03;i developed it by 18. sigh.
941540;1417502052;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: depends what one means by 'typing'
941541;1417502065;ben_vulpes;what are the different meanings available?
941542;1417502066;asciilifeform;sitting near a keyboard? 18-24 h/ day
941543;1417502073;asciilifeform;actually pressing keys? less.
941544;1417502166;ben_vulpes;not terrifically surprsing.
941545;1417502172;*;ben_vulpes goes afk for a bit
941546;1417502180;decimation;it's time for me to retire, good evening gentlemen
941547;1417502232;BingoBoingo;Don't worry, retire has plenty of time for you too.
941548;1417503018;asciilifeform;as i understand, 'carpal tunnel' and related disease result from 'poor life choices'
941549;1417503051;asciilifeform;(and/or accidents of fortune, possibly, biological quirks)
941551;1417503075;assbot;Logged on 22-09-2014 04:33:40; asciilifeform: switching caps lock and ctrl << 'Emacs actually comes with a builting Emacs Aptitude Test.  Do you remap your keyboard or the Emacs keybindings before the chords and sequences it comes with by default have wreaked havoc with your hands?  If you do not do anything to make Emacs more convenient for yourself, you may not have the prerequisite aptitude to use it productive.' (naggum, who else. http://www.
941552;1417503207;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28700 @ 0.00033981 = 9.7525 BTC [+]
941553;1417504698;cazalla;ben_vulpes, that's dated nov 13th, bit old by now, must've missed it at the time
941554;1417506239;punkman;jurov: where's notary? << undergoing repairs, about 1/3 done, hopefully ready by end of week
941556;1417507556;assbot;Project Longstrike Launches While Australian Citizen Extradited To United States Over Silk Road Charges | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1HTZCcr )
941557;1417507936;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: training wheels on a function wave? <<< yeah, you know, help you find it exists.
941558;1417508033;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes: "Currently, digital currencies lack the basic protections consumers have come to expect when transacting online " << because what the "consumer" has "come to expect" is the fucking alpha and omega of the perceptible universe.
941559;1417508048;mircea_popescu;this needs to be broken. it's not "o noes, bitcoin wants to replace mastercard with itself". nothing like that.
941560;1417508061;mircea_popescu;bitcoin wants to entirely destroy the things crap such as mastercard even stands on,
941561;1417508067;mircea_popescu;plow it and salt it.
941562;1417508090;mircea_popescu;like the idea that people may be "consumers" anymore than they may be martians,
941563;1417508125;mircea_popescu;or the idea that what "consumers" "have come to expect" is relevant in any discussion of anything nonfiction anymore than princess leila's opinion would be.
941564;1417508135;mircea_popescu;leia*. for some reason i keep conflating her with the dog.
941565;1417508251;mircea_popescu;stupid ass paradigm wherein business has come to mean "serving consumers" and obviously then the consumerness of individual people has to be "supported" by the state, and soon enough you've got an anthill being built want it or not.
941566;1417509234;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-10-2013#345190 lol @last year.
941567;1417509234;assbot;Logged on 09-10-2013 03:46:03; mircea_popescu: i am amused at the noobs that still don't grasp why their average bitcoin lifespan is less than a year.
941568;1417511473;mircea_popescu;!up badon
941569;1417511489;badon;hi mircea_popescu
941571;1417511495;mircea_popescu;ello. yw.
941572;1417511497;mircea_popescu;who're you ?
941573;1417511512;badon;mircea_popescu: Me? I'm badon.
941574;1417511520;mircea_popescu;hehe ok.
941575;1417511547;BingoBoingo;He came here because he heard about DoS bot
941577;1417511567;badon;I'm still here because I'm trying to figure out what this chan is about :)
941578;1417511584;BingoBoingo;Give it a few months
941580;1417511653;mircea_popescu;badon this chan is the public forum of a new power in the world, ie, the people who have been made immensely rich by bitcoin and are slowly but surely taking over the world.
941581;1417511654;punkman;badon, I've come across coincompendium a couple times, is that your thing?
941582;1417511670;BingoBoingo;badon: Should have been here for n00dz bot
941583;1417511719;badon;punkman: Yes, it is. Apparently it's rapidly becoming much more well-known.
941584;1417511748;badon;punkman: It was pretty obscure until a few months ago, so I'm still reacting with surprise when people ask me about it out of the blue.
941585;1417511773;mircea_popescu;"The Coin Compendium needs your financial support to remain in operation for the month of December 2014! Other ways you can help: Donate images."
941586;1417511776;mircea_popescu;what's it do ?
941587;1417511785;badon;mircea_popescu: I was investing in silver when Bitcoin was $0.25.
941588;1417511799;mircea_popescu;how did that go ?
941589;1417511821;badon;mircea_popescu: It's sort of a comprehensive market database. It contains lots of fine-grained data, and it's also able to give a more general overview.
941590;1417511837;mircea_popescu;link me to something that'll make it obvious to me ?
941591;1417511849;badon;mircea_popescu: I used my silver (and palladium, etc) profits to fund investments in rare modern Chinese coins, which I'm still doing.
941592;1417511876;badon;mircea_popescu: Hmm, OK, let me think for a bit about that. Maybe you could read the Fundly description?
941593;1417511889;badon;I hope that's good, but I really don't know since I haven't gotten any feedback about it yet.
941594;1417511905;badon;It's big and complex, as one of the largest wikis in the world.
941595;1417511908;mircea_popescu;well no, if you make an engine and i ask "show me the part that'll make me grok wtf this is" you don't wanna show a leaflet.
941596;1417511917;badon;haha, right.
941597;1417511924;mircea_popescu;i'll think you're a playwright or something.
941598;1417511953;badon;I plan on giving people access to it via a browser plugin, so it will automatically show interesting data about something whenever you're looking at it.
941599;1417511978;badon;For example, each coin known to the CC can be tracked on its journey through time and space.
941600;1417512048;mircea_popescu;sort-of like that five dollar bill novelty website or w/e it was where people kept writing on dollars ?
941601;1417512057;badon;haha, something like that.
941602;1417512074;badon;Well, actually, the CC can track a single bill by its serial number.
941603;1417512096;badon;In practice, the CC only tracks what people think is important enough to enter into the CC.
941604;1417512103;badon;So, ordinary $5 bills don't get tracked.
941605;1417512109;mircea_popescu;so the site will work well if a lot of people external to it put a lot of work into doing things in a certain way it prescribes for their benefit ?
941606;1417512150;badon;No, that was the original plan, but it failed because it's too complicated, and there's too much data that can easily become a problem if it's not correctly entered.
941607;1417512160;badon;So, the CC has a professional data entry team now.
941608;1417512229;badon;"External" people (as you say) can request an account of course. We watch what they do carefully, and I'm planning on creating a class of users that can only edit info, not add more pages. It's much easier to fix mistakes on otherwise correctly entered data.
941609;1417512250;badon;I should really keep a handy thing of usage examples.
941610;1417512260;badon;I'm getting asked this more often.
941611;1417512272;badon;It's really hard to predict how people will use the CC's data.
941612;1417512280;mircea_popescu;so basically you're doing a wikipedia alt-chain, got raped for the one-blockchain reason and are now trying to make it work in a private fantasy world.
941613;1417512343;badon;mircea_popescu: Haha, no.
941614;1417512350;badon;It's very different from Wikipedia.
941615;1417512355;mircea_popescu;dja know what i mean by the "one-blockchain" reason ?
941617;1417512370;mircea_popescu;then how do you know if yes or no ?
941618;1417512391;badon;Because it's not an alternative to Wikipedia.
941619;1417512399;mircea_popescu;but it runs on mediawiki.
941620;1417512408;badon;Right, but it's heavily customized.
941621;1417512423;badon;Wikipedia is incapable of handling the computing demands.
941622;1417512425;mircea_popescu;if it is that's not directly obvious. like how ?
941623;1417512445;mircea_popescu;afaik it copies wikipedia even to the "need donation" point. i really can't discern any structural difference ?
941624;1417512451;badon;We run Semantic MediaWiki (SMW), which handles very sophisticated data relationships.
941625;1417512475;badon;For example, there are 3 main kinds of data: Types, Specimens, and Sightings.
941626;1417512486;badon;They are hierarchical, in that order.
941627;1417512513;badon;A coin you hold in your hand is a specimen. Other coins like it are of the same type. When you see one of them being sold on ebay, that's a sighting.
941628;1417512518;mircea_popescu;this is like a parallel universe look at that!
941629;1417512525;mircea_popescu;"The technical foundation of the Semantic Web is given by the standards RDF - Resource Description Framework (for data description), OWL - Web Ontology Language (for giving the RDF terms a formal meaning), and SPARQL - SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language (as a query language and protocol)."
941630;1417512557;badon;Yeah, we hide most of that complexity at the CC, which is saying a lot considering how complicated it is already.
941631;1417512566;badon;One moment, let me show you a real world example.
941632;1417512570;BingoBoingo;Related, maybe? https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-65Kw_kSem9c/VHkvdNU9kAI/AAAAAAAAEnI/eSso28-Y_p8/s1600/bnw.jpg
941633;1417512570;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1y9DMta )
941634;1417512624;BingoBoingo;RDF sucks. MARC records are better.
941635;1417512629;mircea_popescu;stuff the w3c has been doing long after everyone stopped paying attention i guess.
941636;1417512648;BingoBoingo;MARC reads much more cleanly from tape reels
941637;1417512691;badon;mircea_popescu: Here's a real world research excursion I embarked on: https://www.livebusinesschat.com/smf/index.php?topic=5632.msg38430#msg38430
941638;1417512693;assbot;MCC LIST #183: 2014, collectors, pullback 9 reasons, food, coin-medal-whatever ... ( http://bit.ly/1ybBHlC )
941639;1417512693;BingoBoingo;Set it and forget it. None of that line noise on the audio jack and nao all of your XML is borked bullshit.
941641;1417512704;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1ybBHCa )
941642;1417512710;mircea_popescu;livebusinesschat ?!
941643;1417512718;mircea_popescu;this isn't going to try and pop webcams is it ?
941644;1417512722;badon;That one is complicated, and shows off some of the power of the CC, but you might not understand it if you're not savvy about the particular market we're talking about.
941645;1417512728;badon;This example is simpler: https://www.livebusinesschat.com/smf/index.php?topic=5632.msg38414#msg38414
941646;1417512731;assbot;MCC LIST #183: 2014, collectors, pullback 9 reasons, food, coin-medal-whatever ... ( http://bit.ly/1ybBKOp )
941647;1417512753;badon;mircea_popescu: No, it's very tame business discussion group - basically my personal hobby/blog site.
941648;1417512757;mircea_popescu;punkman bring wet towels.
941649;1417512771;mircea_popescu;badon you run your personal website on smf ?
941650;1417512775;badon;The star of the show are the lists.
941651;1417512777;mircea_popescu;you might be the weirdest guy here.
941652;1417512780;badon;mircea_popescu: Yes, I love SMF.
941653;1417512794;mircea_popescu;;;ident badon
941654;1417512794;gribble;Nick 'badon', with hostmask 'badon!~badon@pdpc/supporter/active/badon', is not identified.
941655;1417512795;badon;mircea_popescu: You haven't seen anything yet. We use SMF at the CC forum as a bug tracking system.
941656;1417512810;mircea_popescu;badon listen, get registered in the wot, i'll rate you just for nubbins` pleasure.
941658;1417512817;mircea_popescu;!s coin
941659;1417512818;assbot;4513 results for 'coin' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=coin
941660;1417512829;badon;I think I'm register in WoT. What do I do next?
941661;1417512834;mircea_popescu;^ there's a lot of coin discussion in the logs, including offers to sell stuff etc.
941662;1417512841;mircea_popescu;;;rate badon 1 Coin guy.
941663;1417512841;gribble;Error: User doesn't exist in the Rating or GPG databases. User must be GPG-registered to receive ratings.
941664;1417512851;mircea_popescu;well, you think wrong. lemme dig the link.
941665;1417512856;badon;Web of Trust?
941667;1417512866;mircea_popescu;http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/first_steps_in_bitcoin-assets <
941668;1417512867;assbot;first_steps_in_bitcoin-assets [bitcoin assets wiki] ... ( http://bit.ly/1ybBQ8x )
941669;1417512870;mircea_popescu;hello davout
941670;1417512878;badon;Check this out, our SMF bug tracker: https://forum.coincompendium.com/index.php?board=27.0
941671;1417512880;assbot;CCT407 Data entry error reports and confirmations ... ( http://bit.ly/1ybBQ8P )
941672;1417512884;badon;IT's a  great way to abuse a forum :)
941673;1417512912;mircea_popescu;im sure the script kiddies in our related webinar will be all over that.
941674;1417512924;punkman;badon: you should probably watch out for that ddos bot, now that your links are in the logs
941675;1417512925;badon;What do you mean?
941676;1417512937;badon;punkman: How so?
941677;1417512940;davout;badon: to abuse bitcointalk a brain is sufficient, no need to resort to hacking
941678;1417512941;badon;You mean our websites?
941680;1417512954;mircea_popescu;badon i mean there's all sorts of kids reading the logs (ie, the "Webinar" lol)
941681;1417512962;badon;davout: That's the thing, it's not hacked, it's stock.
941682;1417512994;badon;We use plain vanilla SMF as a bug tracker, because a bug tracker is basically a forum. Same thing for a  blog at LBC.
941683;1417512999;mircea_popescu;davout wait, wasn't tardstalk run on a newly made software by some one-guy company that got paid half a trillion dollars for that ?
941684;1417513022;punkman;mircea_popescu: no they are still working on that
941687;1417513070;assbot;Mouse Taxidermy Kit - buy at Firebox.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1y9GDlW )
941690;1417513084;mircea_popescu;oh nevermind!
941691;1417513089;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 15 @ 0.10100401 = 1.5151 BTC [-]
941692;1417513152;badon;mircea_popescu: Anyway, did you see the simple research example? It's basically checking past sales prices, but the power of the CC allows you to count the number of specimen appearances on the market to determine rarity. Ordinary price guides would just show a bunch of sales, with no epiphany that all those sales are actually only the same 2 coin specimens over and over. The number of sales alone would mislead you into thinking the
941693;1417513152;badon;coins aren't as rare as they truly are.
941694;1417513170;davout;mircea_popescu: successfully leading an it project: hard
941695;1417513186;badon;davout: Yeah.
941696;1417513192;mircea_popescu;badon i see.
941697;1417513227;mircea_popescu;actually, what i see : you've got a passion for coins and are throwing software at it. nothing wrong with that.
941699;1417513256;mircea_popescu;get in the wot an' talk to nubbins` you'll be like two peas in a pod.
941700;1417513272;badon;what is "the wot"?
941701;1417513284;mircea_popescu;;;gettrust davout
941702;1417513285;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask davout!~davout@unaffiliated/davout. Trust relationship from user mircea_popescu to user davout: Level 1: 3, Level 2: 24 via 14 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=mircea_popescu&dest=davout | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=davout | Rated since: Thu Jan 27 16:22:24 2011
941703;1417513291;mircea_popescu;^ that thing.
941704;1417513298;badon;nubbins :No such nick/channel
941705;1417513304;badon;whois result
941706;1417513313;mircea_popescu;you proly missed the `
941707;1417513329;mircea_popescu;he's special.
941708;1417513337;davout;it's like the IRC nick hairgel
941711;1417513362;BingoBoingo;!up badon
941713;1417513379;davout;mircea_popescu: btw i'd be interested on feedback wrt http://fr.anco.is/2014/11/21/x-eur-november-20th-2014-statement/
941714;1417513380;assbot;X.EUR November 20th 2014 statement | fr.anco.is ... ( http://bit.ly/1yyosYT )
941715;1417513380;badon;#hypothes.is is surprisingly similar to the CC.
941716;1417513384;mircea_popescu;you also can't really be voiced here without a wot.
941717;1417513410;mircea_popescu;davout ask and thou shalt receive.
941718;1417513412;davout;you can't disable the auto-stfu
941719;1417513415;badon;[nubbins`] #bitcoin-otc +#bitcoin-assets
941720;1417513468;mircea_popescu;davout if you're around on the 15th i dun see any reason for it to take more than a few minutes.
941721;1417513492;badon;mircea_popescu, punkman: Have you heard of "the badon effect"?
941722;1417513492;BingoBoingo;badon: He's canadian and a printer. nubbins` is probably SLP atm
941723;1417513497;davout;mircea_popescu: that's if you're around too
941724;1417513526;mircea_popescu;davout yes, but can you find a day i wasn't around ?
941725;1417513563;mircea_popescu;badon nope.
941726;1417513568;badon;Check out this chart here, it shows my influence over the rare Chinese coin market: https://www.livebusinesschat.com/smf/index.php?topic=5632.msg37707#msg37707
941727;1417513570;assbot;MCC LIST #183: 2014, collectors, pullback 9 reasons, food, coin-medal-whatever ... ( http://bit.ly/1ybCgMg )
941728;1417513588;davout;if there's a day you weren't around i would be able to identify this particular day, yes :-)
941729;1417513601;badon;Today I was just notified that someone is sending me a few hundred dollars worth of free coins to me, solely because he likes them and he wants me to write about them more often.
941730;1417513614;badon;That has never happened before.
941731;1417513629;punkman;badon, maybe you should add a bitcoin category on CC
941732;1417513667;mircea_popescu;badon ok, so you're getting some traction. murky market as all hell, will prolly be a challenge to stay on top of everything.
941733;1417513672;badon;The funny thing is, it's a prominent fellow in China who can't even read English. They have noticed the badon effect all the way in China, despite the fact all my writings are only in English. That's like causing a tsunami in Japan by flushing the toilet in Detroit.
941734;1417513683;mircea_popescu;"I try to identify & buy into the hype in the beginning or as it is happening (the pro's would be about 2 steps ahead of me) but not after the initial rush because of the lower potential for price rise."
941735;1417513689;mircea_popescu;sounds exactly like a bitcoin gem.
941736;1417513691;badon;mircea_popescu: It is a challenge, truth be told, that's why the CC is so handy.
941737;1417513694;mircea_popescu;fucktarded us "consumers" ruining the world.
941738;1417513704;badon;mircea_popescu: That's also why the market is so reliably profitable.
941739;1417513721;mircea_popescu;won't be for too long.
941740;1417513726;badon;punkman: That's an interesting idea, but I haven't been able to envision a way to make that work. Do you have something in mind?
941741;1417513752;davout;mircea_popescu: a way to speed the rollover up would be to not wait for each other to be around to perform our respective steps in the process
941742;1417513756;mircea_popescu;badon you're familiar with the various "physical bitcoin" issues that often sell for whatever, 15k
941743;1417513761;punkman;badon, I mean bitcoin-themed physical coins
941744;1417513766;badon;mircea_popescu: Yes, those would be trackable.
941745;1417513775;badon;Yes, physical bitcoins can be tracked.
941746;1417513788;mircea_popescu;davout i can do that, sure. just, hadn't seen you in a while wanted to see if you still move or what.
941747;1417513825;mircea_popescu;" I don't mind over paying a little as the wise man baden always says, to get what I like but I have limits & they are based on potential of growth, 10% is better than bank interest but I would rather a potential 50% - 2000%!!!!!  (savvy or greedy?!)"
941748;1417513828;badon;I could create a project for it at the CC, if someone wanted to oversee it. I'm not qualified to do it myself, and we don't have the funding to have the CC team do it without some major help.
941749;1417513832;mircea_popescu;!!!!! helps in business i find.
941750;1417513838;davout;wunderbar, let's do it like this
941751;1417513846;mircea_popescu;aite, aite.
941752;1417513877;badon;mircea_popescu: Coins from China with a mintage of 100 can be bought for under $200 if you're lucky. The same coin in a mature numismatic market could sell for millions of dollars.
941753;1417513883;BingoBoingo;Is !!!!! the new =====
941754;1417513892;mircea_popescu;what's a "mintage of 100" mean ?
941755;1417513899;badon;mircea_popescu: 100 coins produced.
941756;1417513935;mircea_popescu;seems to me that "mature numismatic market" contains some presupositions that won't hold after you flood it with random coins.
941757;1417513950;badon;mircea_popescu: Mintages of 500'000 are considered unusually small.
941758;1417513971;badon;mircea_popescu: You are correct in your impression, to a degree.
941759;1417513973;mircea_popescu;anyway, do you have or can you get chinese coins from 100 ad sort of thing ? that'd be more on point for millions of dollars.
941760;1417513979;badon;That's why the comparison isn't 1-to-1
941761;1417513992;badon;yes, you can get coins like that.
941762;1417514034;mircea_popescu;http://www.ebay.com/bhp/roman-denarius << wow check out how cheap the denarius is even
941763;1417514036;assbot; Roman Denarius | eBay  ... ( http://bit.ly/1ybCxyU )
941764;1417514036;mircea_popescu;i had no idea.
941765;1417514065;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 82927 @ 0.00034055 = 28.2408 BTC [+] {2} 
941766;1417514077;badon;Actually, the differences between Western mature numismatic markets and China's immature numismatic market, may not be a negative factor for the profit potentials in Chinese coins. For example, important American art might sell for a few tens of millions of dollars. Fairly unknown Chinese art can sell for hundreds of millions of dollars.
941768;1417514103;badon;mircea_popescu: That's an excellent example of why age and rarity alone are not good determinations of value, nor investment potential.
941769;1417514122;mircea_popescu;maybe you're seeing too much into the natural excesses of first generation chinese new money.
941770;1417514125;badon;China goes big, much more so than the West.
941771;1417514139;badon;mircea_popescu: No, I'm talking about in general, historically, not only now.
941772;1417514170;badon;For example, if you look at a wikipedia list of the largest empires, I think the Romans don't even rank in the top 10.
941773;1417514183;mircea_popescu;what's your definition of "largest" ?
941774;1417514195;badon;mircea_popescu: The lists are sortable by land area and population.
941775;1417514206;mircea_popescu;yeah but i mean... who cares.
941776;1417514208;badon;If I remember correctly, the comparison still held for both.
941777;1417514219;mircea_popescu;im sure some sort of something or the other was big in south and north america. so what of it.
941778;1417514229;badon;The point is that comparing China to the West can cause severe under-estimation of profit potentials in the Chinese coins.
941779;1417514254;mircea_popescu;you're too meta.
941780;1417514261;mircea_popescu;profit may be overestimated or underestimated.
941781;1417514273;mircea_popescu;profit potential however can not be either.
941782;1417514301;mircea_popescu;it's a potential, unless it actualizes you never know how well you did estimating it.
941783;1417514302;badon;mircea_popescu: I call my shots publicly. Check my track record at LBC. No financial analyst in any market ever in the history of ever has been as accurate as I am.
941784;1417514312;mircea_popescu;that's a common claim.
941785;1417514321;badon;In other words, please investigate what I'm saying. It's valuable info.
941786;1417514338;mircea_popescu;how long have you been at it ?
941787;1417514343;badon;Since 2004.
941788;1417514352;badon;Publicly, that is.
941789;1417514366;badon;I've been doing it far longer privately.
941790;1417514377;mircea_popescu;not bad.
941791;1417514390;badon;I don't publish everything I'm doing, but what I have published is very impressive if I do say so myself.
941792;1417514391;mircea_popescu;so link me to something from 2005 ?
941793;1417514424;badon;For example, when I was investing in silver, I called the direction and timing of market changes with 100% accuracy. I made a convenient chart of my predictions somewhere, let me see if I can find it.
941794;1417514455;mircea_popescu;kay. unrelatedly, how much is http://d1j7du92h5z3wu.cloudfront.net/ss/banners/large728/perthbullion.gif paying for that spot ?
941795;1417514457;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1ybCRh1 )
941797;1417514551;mircea_popescu;it's the banner on forums.silverstackers.com
941798;1417514555;badon;I don't know.
941799;1417514576;mircea_popescu;o, not your forum ?
941800;1417514584;badon;You could ask them. That's a popular site. They used to talk about my articles a lot there. Not sure if they do now, though.
941801;1417514593;badon;No, silverstackers.com is not mine.
941802;1417514612;badon;Well, I'm not going to publicly acknowledge it as mine, if it were :)
941804;1417514744;BingoBoingo;!up xinxiwang
941805;1417514745;mircea_popescu;!up xinxiwang
941807;1417514760;xinxiwang;haha, thanks to you two.
941808;1417514774;BingoBoingo;I'm gassy. I probably shouldn't have had an entire broccoli
941809;1417514803;badon;mircea_popescu: The silver chart is eluding me. You can see a review of my predictions for 2014, dating back to 2012, here: https://www.livebusinesschat.com/smf/index.php?topic=5632.msg37706#msg37706
941810;1417514806;assbot;MCC LIST #183: 2014, collectors, pullback 9 reasons, food, coin-medal-whatever ... ( http://bit.ly/1ybD5Vj )
941811;1417514821;mircea_popescu;badon 2014 to 2012 is substantially a weaker claim than "since 2004".
941812;1417514878;badon;mircea_popescu: That's when the discussion group was founded. I'm not sure how far back my articles go. At least to 2009, for articles that are still online on the SMF forum site.
941813;1417514907;mircea_popescu;you familiar with how split list scamming works ?
941814;1417514915;badon;You'll have to look, I honestly don't remember how far back it goes. I have hundreds of articles, and I think there's a chronological list somewhere...
941815;1417514921;badon;mircea_popescu: No, what is that?
941817;1417514941;assbot;How to make money on the Internet while pretending you know what you're talking about and accumulating a legion of mindless followers - for fun and profit! pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.  ... ( http://bit.ly/1ybDbfR )
941818;1417514956;badon;Oh, it's selection bias.
941819;1417514987;mircea_popescu;not exactly.
941820;1417515002;badon;I don't have that, because I don't delete any of my published posts, including the ones I would prefer to go away.
941821;1417515017;mircea_popescu;well, how would i know ?
941822;1417515030;mircea_popescu;for all it can be directly established, you wiped your 2004-2012 history ?
941823;1417515062;badon;mircea_popescu: I have a lot of enemies at the china-mint.info forum. They have tried to find fault, so ask them if I delete my own posts.
941824;1417515066;badon;They will tell you no.
941825;1417515072;mircea_popescu;but they're not in my wot
941826;1417515079;mircea_popescu;so they might as well not exist far as im concerned.
941827;1417515081;badon;Chronological list: https://www.livebusinesschat.com/?page=badon
941828;1417515093;badon;Here's one from 2005: https://www.livebusinesschat.com/smf/index.php?topic=101.0
941829;1417515096;assbot;Investing in palladium ... ( http://bit.ly/1ybDerZ )
941830;1417515103;badon;I made ridiculous money on palladium.
941831;1417515127;mircea_popescu;dja know tort uh, i mean, r pietilla ?
941832;1417515147;badon;Myself and a guy in Canada were the only people in the world to publish a prediction about palladium. He got lucky. I kept doing it over, and over, and over, for 10 years and counting.
941833;1417515169;BingoBoingo;!up badon
941834;1417515185;BingoBoingo;badon: What are your thoughts on the plutonium market?
941835;1417515209;badon;BingoBoingo: certain varieties of it are currently the most commercially valuable substance in existence.
941836;1417515226;badon;Despite what Guiness says...
941837;1417515277;badon;Plutonium is directly tied to the uranium market, so rising value of plutonium is reflected as rising value in uranium.
941838;1417515281;BingoBoingo;I'm just wondering if there's any risk someone might start up production on a scale that hypothetically/allegedly would tank its value
941839;1417515296;badon;You can often discern secret nuclear activities by watching uranium valuations.
941840;1417515303;badon;BingoBoingo: Doubtful.
941841;1417515333;badon;It's extremely difficult to produce plutonium unnoticed, and you have to have a military to tell other militaries not to try to stop you from producing it.
941842;1417515347;badon;Well, difficult to produce salable quantities, that is.
941844;1417515387;BingoBoingo;What about once you have it? Hypothetically... At that point concerns about headcount to protect it go out the windows... Kind of the flipside of gold.
941845;1417515401;badon;What do you mean, BingoBoingo?
941846;1417515420;badon;Plutonium can and does get seized when it ends up in private handns.
941848;1417515429;BingoBoingo;Well, a giant collection of plutonium kind of protects itself.
941849;1417515435;badon;No, not really.
941850;1417515443;badon;That protection needs to be rigorously organized.
941851;1417515455;BingoBoingo;Or you make the pile bigger
941852;1417515457;badon;Simply having plutonium just makes you an easy target for a drone missile.
941853;1417515481;mircea_popescu;who shoots missiles at radioactive material lol
941854;1417515492;BingoBoingo;Sure, but also deters other people from walking up and taking the pile.
941855;1417515498;badon;Plutonium's existence can be easily detected from mere air sampling in the general region. You can't hide the fact that someone near you has it.
941856;1417515508;badon;mircea_popescu: It's happened before.
941857;1417515515;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo in what parallel universe do the thorns on the cactus prevent tequilla production ?
941858;1417515528;mircea_popescu;badon where when ?
941859;1417515529;badon;The USA has missilized downed satellites with nuclear material on them when they land in places like Iran.
941860;1417515596;badon;Most of it is secret information, but I seem to recall an event in the 1990's, but I don't remember where. There might have been one more recently too.
941861;1417515597;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: point
941862;1417515641;badon;I think there was a movie scene that showed something like that happening too, which was interesting.
941863;1417515661;badon;Usually they can't be retrieved like the movie showed, because it's too dangerous.
941864;1417515678;badon;I can't remember what movie.
941865;1417515692;badon;It's in my head somewhere, but the problem with having lots of info is it can take a while to find it.
941866;1417515765;badon;mircea_popescu: Can you tell me about this "wot" thing that does voicing in here?
941867;1417515800;mircea_popescu;it's a web of trust. what do you want to know ?
941868;1417515806;BingoBoingo;http://cascadianhacker.com/blog/2014/04/11_bitcoin-assets-new-wot-and-voice-model.html badon
941869;1417515807;assbot;#bitcoin-assets new WoT and voice model ... ( http://bit.ly/1FJfdYa )
941870;1417515846;badon;mircea_popescu: Just how to register with it.
941871;1417515886;mircea_popescu;gave you the link above.
941873;1417515890;assbot;GPG authentication - bitcoin-otc wiki ... ( http://bit.ly/1FJflqG )
941876;1417515959;assbot;Logged on 21-10-2014 00:34:41; BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: And maybe people learn not to visit datacenters uninvited...
941878;1417516066;BingoBoingo;!up karma
941879;1417517786;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27371 @ 0.00034618 = 9.4753 BTC [+]
941880;1417517804;cazalla;so, diff drop or what?
941882;1417518353;assbot;The mobile "revolution", or what consumers have come to expect pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.  ... ( http://bit.ly/1vEVSWP )
941885;1417518367;mircea_popescu;looks like it cazalla
941886;1417518518;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 95850 @ 0.00034265 = 32.843 BTC [-] {3} 
941887;1417519982;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 87875 @ 0.00035414 = 31.1201 BTC [+] {3} 
941888;1417520504;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: it wasn't the vendor. <<< maybe it was the vendor's useless bf.
941889;1417520631;mircea_popescu;mike_c: assbot plz send donation to b-a donation address. << lol troll!
941890;1417520681;mircea_popescu;decimation: why should I trust some derp who 'volunteers' for arch over the upstream creator? <<< so very much this, o lordy.
941891;1417520702;mircea_popescu;it's how the entire "do-ocracy" nonsense got its cognitive start. the rebellion of the cleaning ladies, basically.
941892;1417520946;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: decimation: and aha, these aren't piss-ant led lights either. ccfl tubes - which means they can't be cranked down all the much (and stay lit) <<< this is the deal breaker for me. i actually run the monitors at about 50% gamma.
941893;1417521038;mircea_popescu;mike_c:  for "my" safety. except i'm not liable for fraud. so actually they are being a pain in my ass for their safety. fucking home depot. << haha EXACTLY.
941894;1417521053;mircea_popescu;"for your safety, please suck my cock" is what all those things reduce to.
941895;1417521129;mircea_popescu;decimation: like, you know, so you can share in the bounty of their information? << good point this.
941896;1417521178;mircea_popescu;cutting out like 2/3 of the value of all that collection (the actual guy wanting receipt copies etc) because well... they gotta be weird teenagers about it and do it voyeuristically. not the same thing if you know about it. except of course you know. but wait, suspension of dsibelief!
941897;1417521236;mircea_popescu;decimation:cazalla: I use 'generic' rewards card << but... why ?
941898;1417521396;mircea_popescu;ahahahaha nobel prize eh ?
941899;1417521398;mircea_popescu;lettucee see
941900;1417521462;mircea_popescu;meh, not worth million whatever.
941901;1417521469;mircea_popescu;i'd pay fiddy bucks for one, and that's generous.
941902;1417521474;mircea_popescu;exactly what tits make.
941903;1417521728;jurov;mircea_popescu: how is the foundation supposed to be zero asset corp. when it maintains treasury?
941904;1417521883;jurov;realized while putting together the statement
941905;1417522031;mircea_popescu;jurov why is it supposed to be anything i nparticular ?
941906;1417522091;jurov;i was under impresion it was, dunno why
941907;1417522110;davout;"these are not the problems you are looking for"
941908;1417522111;jurov;will do it as  AN0
941910;1417522141;mircea_popescu;hm ?
941911;1417522226;mircea_popescu;"It is a fundamental misunderstanding of how science works for him to think that his expertise at one level of analysisa molecular levelpredicts anything at a higher level of analysis. The structure of DNA does not predict the workings of a cell, which does not predict the shape of a body, which does not predict the characteristics of a culture."
941912;1417522235;mircea_popescu;check out anon slate expert getting militant!
941913;1417522244;mircea_popescu;NO PREDICTION BITCH! THINGS JUST HAPPEN!
941914;1417522262;mircea_popescu;prolly obama predicts the workings of a cell.
941915;1417522523;*;adlai steals "That's like causing a tsunami in Japan by flushing the toilet in Detroit.", thx badon!
941916;1417522524;adlai;!up badon
941917;1417522547;badon;adlai: Haha, yeah, I thought that was snappy!
941918;1417522630;mircea_popescu;http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/doing-good-science/2014/12/01/james-watsons-sense-of-entitlement-and-misunderstandings-of-science-that-need-to-be-countered/ << check out SA laying down the law of the land. "Positioning James Watson as a very special scientist who deserves special treatment above and beyond the recognition of the Nobel committee feeds the problematic narrative of scientific knowledge as an achieveme
941919;1417522632;assbot;James Watson’s sense of entitlement, and misunderstandings of science that need to be countered. | Doing Good Science, Scientific American Blog Network ... ( http://bit.ly/1pMvB8m )
941920;1417522632;mircea_popescu;nt of great men (and yes, in this narrative, it is usually great men who are recognized). This narrative ignores the fundamentally social nature of scientific knowledge-building and the fact that objectivity is the result of teamwork."
941922;1417522647;mircea_popescu;TEAM OBAMA 4 SCIENCE!!11erleventy
941923;1417522743;mircea_popescu;"knowledge-building team" is it now. a hunter^H^H^H^H^H^H-gatherer perspective on science! there's no hunters, just a buncha women sitting around by a bush doing knowledge-building.
941924;1417522764;mircea_popescu;"Indeed, part of the danger of the hero narrative is that scientists themselves may start to believe it. They can come to see themselves as individuals possessing more powers of objectivity than other humans (thus fundamentally misunderstanding where objectivity comes from)"
941925;1417522792;mircea_popescu;i find this quite scandalous. the "everything of value comes from socialism" narrative is pernicious enoughm
941926;1417522799;mircea_popescu;but that's utter nonsense. objectivity is exactly heroic.
941927;1417522879;mircea_popescu;anyway, basically this entire thing is a "you don't get to have any ~intellectual~ capital either, it all belongs to the state, to be used as slate anon editor directs it to be used".
941928;1417522886;mircea_popescu;nationalize all the things!
941929;1417523023;mircea_popescu;"In order that the unfortunate views not overshadow the big scientific contribution, some of these folks would rather we stop talking about Watsons having made the claims he has made about racial difference (although Watson shows no apparent regret for holding these views, only for having voiced them to reporters)." << and the mechanics of "regret", ie, we won't stop being stupid, the victim has to abjure!
941930;1417523045;mircea_popescu;quite instructive piece on the mechanics of us socialism, all the various bits in full view.
941931;1417523276;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34850 @ 0.00035523 = 12.3798 BTC [+] {2} 
941932;1417523282;mircea_popescu;His views are also reflected in a book published next week, in which he writes: "There is no firm reason to anticipate that the intellectual capacities of peoples geographically separated in their evolution should prove to have evolved identically. Our wanting to reserve equal powers of reason as some universal heritage of humanity will not be enough to make it so."
941933;1417523290;mircea_popescu;anyone willing to argue against that has my full attention.
941935;1417523390;adlai;ah the sciam article
941936;1417523422;mircea_popescu;http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/fury-at-dna-pioneers-theory-africans-are-less-intelligent-than-westerners-394898.html << some thing in 2007.
941937;1417523422;assbot;Fury at DNA pioneer's theory: Africans are less intelligent than Westerners - Science - News - The Independent ... ( http://bit.ly/1pMzlXx )
941938;1417523443;mircea_popescu;such a ridiculous point the soviets have chosen to center their purges around.
941939;1417523456;mircea_popescu;i mean seriously, the intelligence ~of groups~ ? wtf does that even mean.
941940;1417523458;[]bot;Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "Bitcoin to drop under $250 before 2015" http://bitbet.us/bet/1078/ Odds: 16(Y):84(N) by coin, 16(Y):84(N) by weight. Total bet: 10.91760042 BTC. Current weight: 93,949.
941941;1417523478;mircea_popescu;given that clams are somewhat intelligent, is a large enough collection of clams more intelligent than victoria nuland ?
941942;1417523510;mircea_popescu;there's no fucking usable definition of intelligence, we've yet to build a computer model of intelligence, yet these people talk of some sort of statistical intelligence as if it were a thing.
941943;1417523516;mircea_popescu;i dunno how they manage to be this stupid.
941944;1417523566;adlai;it seems completely obvious that evolution of geographically separated populations progresses separately... a more interesting question is what proportion of population A fall behind the median of population B
941946;1417523601;mircea_popescu;the median of an undefined attribute you don't even have a measure of,
941947;1417523604;mircea_popescu;let alone a SCALAR measure ?
941949;1417523605;adlai;eg "the average man is faster than the average woman, the fastest woman is faster than most men, but the fastest man is MUCH faster than the fastest woman"
941950;1417523612;nubbins`;er badon
941951;1417523613;mircea_popescu;what the fuck is the median of a set of tensors ?
941952;1417523614;nubbins`;so many pages!
941953;1417523623;badon;hi nubbins`
941955;1417523661;nubbins`;so you're a coin guy hey
941956;1417523661;*;adlai holds up his copy of tensor analysis, pointing at the uncracked spine. this actually exists and has actually not been cracked yet.
941957;1417523662;badon;My fault.
941958;1417523670;mircea_popescu;adlai no but see, even in your running and geneder example, you diverge. to my eyes, womanhood has to do with a nice layer of fat on he ass, as exemplified by kim say.
941959;1417523678;mircea_popescu;this is obviously counterproductive to running
941961;1417523683;mircea_popescu;perhaps even why i like it in the first place.
941962;1417523690;badon;Yep, that's me. They used to call me the silver guy, or the palladium guy, or the art guy, or whatever it was I was making money in back then.
941963;1417523698;mircea_popescu;NOW, the faster she runs, the less of a woman she is. objectively. how do you get out of that shit.
941964;1417523711;adlai;the question holds for any measurable, or at least "totally ordered", attribute
941965;1417523724;*;adlai really must go though
941966;1417523725;mircea_popescu;totally ordered INDEPENDENT attribute.
941969;1417523744;nubbins`;i guess we can just call you "the guy", then
941970;1417523759;nubbins`;anyway, i can only assume my name was brought up because i have a passing interest in numismatics
941971;1417523776;nubbins`;i've got some neat physical bitcoins, some strange bullion pieces, etc
941972;1417523798;mircea_popescu;i thought it was a defining interest.
941973;1417523811;nubbins`;depends on if you talk to my accountant or not
941974;1417523842;badon;nubbins`: "The guy with the stuff for the thing"
941975;1417523849;nubbins`;my kinda guy
941976;1417523868;badon;nubbins`: punkman seems to have an interest in numismatics too.
941977;1417523881;mircea_popescu;nah, he's just greek.
941978;1417523900;badon;The funny thing is that he had heard of the Coin Compendium before he met me, which is taking a while for me to get used to.
941980;1417523924;nubbins`;so what, it's like a trade/price wiki?
941981;1417523930;nubbins`;sort of like discogs, but for coins?
941982;1417523933;badon;Like mircea_popescu said, "you're getting some traction"
941983;1417523949;badon;nubbins`: It's a sophisticated storehouse of structured data.
941984;1417523962;nubbins`;so.... like discogs, but for coins 8)
941985;1417523969;badon;I don't know what that is.
941986;1417523969;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: but that 'removes moral dimension!' << eerily similar to fundamentalist xtians objections to hymenoplasty.
941987;1417523983;mircea_popescu;kinda shows that stupidity is unpatriotic by its nature. only has one country.
941988;1417523997;badon;As far as I know, there has never been anything like the CC before.
941989;1417524005;nubbins`;badon: "i wonder if this bob dylan album i bought at a flea market is a first pressing?"
941990;1417524009;nubbins`;badon: http://www.discogs.com/search/?q=blood+on+the+tracks
941991;1417524011;assbot;Searching for "blood on the tracks"            within                                                on Discogs ... ( http://bit.ly/1pMC7fk )
941993;1417524048;nubbins`;each item in search results is a different release, identified by catalogue number, flaws, changes in liner notes, etc etc
941994;1417524064;nubbins`;click a given release and you'll see notes, as well as a list of any member selling it
941995;1417524068;nubbins`;past sale prices, etc
941996;1417524078;badon;No, that's nothing at all like the CC. The CC is far more sophisticated.
941999;1417524096;badon;The CC can do everything that can do, of course.
942000;1417524104;nubbins`;can i buy and sell coins on the CC?
942001;1417524109;mircea_popescu;what are you, in love with a fucking site ?
942002;1417524128;badon;nubbins`: Indirectly, yes.
942003;1417524135;nubbins`;directly would be cool too 8)
942005;1417524139;assbot;    Buy Bob Dylan - Blood On The Tracks (Vinyl, CD) at Discogs Marketplace ... ( http://bit.ly/1pMCIO8 )
942006;1417524139;badon;Hmm, maybe even directly.
942007;1417524150;badon;The CC does things that I don't even know it's doing.
942008;1417524159;badon;People come up with new stuff I hadn't thought of.
942009;1417524180;nubbins`;you should bump heads with melbustus on the forums, he runs spotcoins.com
942010;1417524192;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: not interested in such experiments. << try have the girl go naked for a day, srsly.
942012;1417524193;assbot;Casascius Physical Bitcoins - Price, Value, Photos, History, Series, Address Lookup | Spot Coins ... ( http://bit.ly/1pMCZk3 )
942013;1417524212;badon;For example, every sighting for a coin specimen has a venue URL data bit attached to it. So, if you're posting your coins on your blog and you arrange to have them entered into the CC, then yes, someone could use the CC to buy your coins.
942014;1417524241;nubbins`;in the sense that someone could use the google to buy my coins
942015;1417524249;nubbins`;but yes, i understand what you're saying
942016;1417524255;badon;nubbins`: Right, but it's much more focused.
942018;1417524269;nubbins`;as far as casascius coins go, the marketplace is already pretty focused
942019;1417524271;badon;The CC isn't really a search engine. I guess you could call it something like a correlation engine.
942020;1417524282;badon;It takes lots of data, and lets you connect the dots.
942022;1417524340;nubbins`;i've got some coins with very low mintages
942023;1417524342;badon;nubbins`: Did you see the examples that I pasted here earlier?
942024;1417524348;nubbins`;(sub-1000, sub-50)
942025;1417524352;badon;nubbins`: What's your lowest mintage coin?
942027;1417524359;nubbins`;badon they might've been lost in the convo
942028;1417524371;nubbins`;my lowest mintage is a 2013 0.5btc series-2 silver casascius
942030;1417524387;assbot; Casascius Coins | Spot Coins ... ( http://bit.ly/1zdexsd )
942031;1417524387;nubbins`;!up badon
942032;1417524395;nubbins`;;;ident badon
942033;1417524395;gribble;Nick 'badon', with hostmask 'badon!~badon@pdpc/supporter/active/badon', is not identified.
942034;1417524395;badon;nubbins`: I'll repaste them, one sec. I started keeping a list of examples based on mircea_popescu questions.
942035;1417524404;nubbins`;get set up with gribble, why don't ya
942036;1417524404;mircea_popescu;gernika: What aggravates me more and more recently is the claim that mac products are well designed, when in fact they will destroy your hands. << mactardism is a very visual field. it doesn't account much for function.
942037;1417524434;nubbins`;they will destroy your hands how
942038;1417524447;nubbins`;my hyperbole parsing unit is offline
942039;1417524449;mircea_popescu;i dunno, i never used one. his claim.
942040;1417524470;badon;nubbins`: Oooh, you're a physical bitcoin collector. People here suggested that the CC should track those, but the CC would need someone to lead a project to do that.
942041;1417524475;nubbins`;i sort of just ended up with a bunch of apple devices
942042;1417524485;nubbins`;it kinda just happened
942043;1417524511;nubbins`;badon i don't have much time to lead projects, but like i said, spotcoins is pretty much the definitive resource
942044;1417524531;nubbins`;there's also a guy "elianite" on the forums who updates a casascius coin PDF with some rare specimens
942045;1417524543;nubbins`;it's a bit disorganized, but lots of info
942046;1417524551;badon;nubbins`: Only your expertise is needed. The CC project as a whole is led by me, and we have a professional data entry team to do the grunt work.
942048;1417524579;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1zdff8K )
942049;1417524583;nubbins`;oh, right on.
942050;1417524588;badon;I know next to nothing about physical Bitcoins, and honestly, I don't have the time to become an expert in them.
942051;1417524603;nubbins`;i'm the closest you'll find to an expert around here
942052;1417524608;badon;The CC already has over 5000 types.
942053;1417524617;badon;nubbins`: The CC will make you seem like a genius :)
942054;1417524632;nubbins`;my friend, day-to-day living makes me seem that way
942055;1417524644;mircea_popescu;bwahahaha alpha nubbins` ? who knew!
942057;1417524654;badon;nubbins`: If you want, I can create the project for you in the forum, and we can do some experimenting to get it rolling.
942058;1417524688;nubbins`;mircea_popescu i have more than once kicked a violent drunk out of a bar by suggesting that he leave 8)
942059;1417524704;nubbins`;badon i can't promise anything (very busy month) but if it's there, i'm more likely to poke at it
942060;1417524722;badon;nubbins`: By the way, the CC (and me in general) tends to make coins more valuable when comprehensive information is made available about them. That gives you an edge.
942062;1417524758;badon;It's actually a fundamental market principle that information increases the value of the commerce.
942063;1417524766;nubbins`;the gentle way
942064;1417524769;nubbins`;wait, that's judo
942065;1417524772;badon;So, if you want to make your bitcoin collection more valuable, let's start recording data.
942066;1417524790;mircea_popescu;that's such a good hook for the online crowd.
942067;1417524794;nubbins`;badon, i've already made some progress on that front
942068;1417524795;mircea_popescu;not bad.
942069;1417524798;badon;nubbins`: Start with a CC forum account, can you do that?
942070;1417524806;nubbins`;i single-handedly raised the market price for one specimen from 1.5btc to 15btc
942071;1417524824;badon;nubbins`: Ah, so you've had a taste of the nectar of numismatics :)
942073;1417524869;nubbins`;current sale price is 20btc 8)
942074;1417524873;badon;I think physical bitcoins ought to be collectible like any other coin. They're historically important, despite not being "official" in any way.
942075;1417524882;nubbins`;i'm on the fence
942076;1417524887;nubbins`;casascius coins, sure. first of their sort.
942077;1417524891;badon;nubbins`: CC data has led to recognition by NGC and PCGS.
942078;1417524900;nubbins`;these days, everyone and their dog is making "physical cryptos" and they're all the goddamn same.
942079;1417524907;nubbins`;silver round w/ a holo.
942080;1417524920;nubbins`;those kialara bars are the only mildly interesting development since 2011
942081;1417524926;badon;CC can record them all - or at least all of them that are worth the bother of recording.
942083;1417524949;assbot;                    Kialara Physical Bitcoin - Imgur ... ( http://bit.ly/1zdgRiP )
942084;1417524949;mircea_popescu;nubbins` that's at least in my disinterested and ignorant view, the bane of "numismatics" applied to things made after ww2.
942085;1417524957;badon;The CC is intended to serve as a historical record. Much of what we know about many coins would be completely lost eventually without the CC.
942086;1417524961;mircea_popescu;it's not unlike calling "literature" the huge pile of us produced pulp.
942088;1417525002;nubbins`;mircea_popescu look at the royal canadian mint for a perfect example. dozens of new designs per year, almost all of them would be "tales from the crypt volume 34" if they were books
942089;1417525027;mircea_popescu;i wouldn't pay above the metal for any of them either.
942091;1417525043;assbot;Pure  Gold Ultra-High Relief Coin - The Fierce Canadian Lynx - Mintage: 500 (2014) ... ( http://bit.ly/1zdhaKE )
942092;1417525043;mircea_popescu;i don't pay for krugerands, and those at least are historically relevant.
942093;1417525044;nubbins`;case in point
942094;1417525046;nubbins`;look at that fucking cat.
942095;1417525060;nubbins`;if a wildlife officer came across something that looked like that, he'd shoot it in the head
942096;1417525075;mircea_popescu;jesus they need a faster server.
942097;1417525077;nubbins`;look at the font.
942098;1417525091;nubbins`;"fuck it, just stretch it vertically"
942099;1417525105;nubbins`;they produce *maybe* 5 coins worth buying each year
942100;1417525120;mircea_popescu;exactly lol
942101;1417525126;mircea_popescu;looks to me like something a kid made in paint.
942102;1417525138;badon;nubbins`: That's one reason why I like the Chinese coins so much. They're still producing rare coins each year, and Chinese collectors are mostly unaware of them. Canada is not populous enough to make a coin with a mintage of 25'000 extraordinarily valuable, but China is populous enough to make a coin with a mintage of 100 extraordinarily valuable. Make sense?
942103;1417525163;nubbins`;sure does
942104;1417525178;mircea_popescu;i still don't see why some coins nobody gives a shit about would be intrinsically valuable.
942105;1417525180;nubbins`;now in the mint's defense, they really push the envelope feature-wise
942106;1417525182;mircea_popescu;whether there's 100 or 500 of them.
942107;1417525191;nubbins`;colored coins, enamel, glass, holograms, etc
942108;1417525194;badon;The high metal value coins are to be avoided. Perfect example: https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/2npm32/somebody_just_made_an_easy_5k_on_ebay/
942109;1417525196;assbot;Somebody just made an easy $5k+ on ebay : investing ... ( http://bit.ly/1zdhJE5 )
942110;1417525226;mircea_popescu;badon as long as you never pay more for a coin than the metal value you're safe enough.
942111;1417525231;badon;mircea_popescu: It's difficult to predict which coins will be valuable, but I'm literally writing the book on the subject.
942112;1417525244;mircea_popescu;how about this prediction : none.
942113;1417525247;Naphex;is there such a thing as intrisic value?
942114;1417525262;mircea_popescu;nothwithstanding anecdotal success getting retarded kids to give you their lunch,
942115;1417525267;badon;mircea_popescu: Not true.
942116;1417525273;nubbins`;here's another brutal one: http://www.mint.ca/store/coins/50-for-50-fine-silver-coin-snowy-owl-2014-prod2090035#.VH24AGTF8Yc
942117;1417525275;assbot;$50 for $50 Fine Silver Coin - Snowy Owl (2014) ... ( http://bit.ly/1zdi9dP )
942118;1417525275;mircea_popescu;modern coins are worth whatever any modern item is worth.
942119;1417525278;mircea_popescu;Naphex kinda my point.
942120;1417525282;nubbins`;it's like the sculptors have never worked in relief before.
942121;1417525282;badon;The coin in the link had a metal value of over $14k. It sold for $9k.
942122;1417525312;mircea_popescu;badon not my problem, that.
942123;1417525324;nubbins`;altho the whole "$50 for $50" thing is neat.
942124;1417525325;badon;nubbins`: The collectors are fleeing the West. Everybody wants Chinese. Even the Anglosphere has reduced itself to imitating Chinese lunar coins.
942125;1417525332;nubbins`;there's 20 for 20, 50 for 50, 100 for 100
942126;1417525343;nubbins`;exchange your worthless paper for slightly-less-worthless metal!
942127;1417525346;badon;mircea_popescu: Beware big gold, you can lose a lot of money on it.
942128;1417525359;badon;nubbins`: It's all fiat.
942129;1417525362;nubbins`;badon i do know that chinese silver pandas are the cream
942130;1417525384;nubbins`;badon, yup
942131;1417525399;badon;nubbins`: Yeah, but they aren't all there is. The lunars are the original flagship series of the China mint. The pandas were minted for foreigners.
942132;1417525400;nubbins`;but i'd rather my $50 coin have a half-ounce of silver than not
942133;1417525418;Naphex;probably the only thing that has intrisic value is time :))
942134;1417525418;badon;nubbins`: You're too sophisticated for that kind of thinking.
942135;1417525420;mircea_popescu;badon im not into metals anyway, but i'd definitely buy metal rather than you know, fashion, hype, whatever. "the sizzle"
942136;1417525437;nubbins`;badon, maybe so. i've got a handful of x-for-x coins, mostly just the nice ones
942137;1417525449;badon;mircea_popescu: You're also too sophisticated for that kind of thinking (you're in bitcoin chans, afterall...)
942138;1417525449;mircea_popescu;Naphex yes, time does have intrinsic value, but backwards.
942139;1417525464;nubbins`;here's my nicest canadian coin: http://www.mint.ca/store/coin/pure-gold-coin-polar-bear-mintage-600-2013-prod1690011
942140;1417525466;assbot;Pure Gold Coin - Polar Bear - Mintage: 600 (2013) ... ( http://bit.ly/1pMIcZi )
942141;1417525482;Naphex;space might have some intrisic value as well
942142;1417525483;nubbins`;check the weight.
942143;1417525485;Naphex;but you have to hold it
942144;1417525488;Naphex;so that kinda ruins it
942145;1417525497;nubbins`;what, you don't have to hold time?
942146;1417525502;mircea_popescu;;;google a place for my stuff
942147;1417525502;gribble;George Carlin - A place for my stuff - YouTube: ; George Carlin - A Place For My Stuff - YouTube: ; A Place for My Stuff - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: 
942148;1417525528;mircea_popescu;nubbins` did you kick out violent times out of clocks by suggesting they space out, too ?
942149;1417525541;nubbins`;"don't crowd me, 4:19!"
942150;1417525544;nubbins`;"give me a minute!"
942152;1417525580;nubbins`;the whole spacetime thing finally clicked with me like, two weeks ago, hey?
942153;1417525600;nubbins`;stumbled across a perfect analogy
942154;1417525621;mircea_popescu;"As we have learned from the experiences emanating from the Mt. Gox Bitcoin exchange collapse, the existence of a "block chain" does nothing to allow law enforcement, other government authorities or the public to identify the real identity of the parties to a digital currency transaction."
942155;1417525626;mircea_popescu;bwahaha. that's right, bitchez.
942156;1417525652;mircea_popescu;"A requirement that all transactions go through regulated and transparent administrators subject to supervision by Australia authorities (rather than just the current block chain process);"
942160;1417525684;assbot;1 oz. Fine Silver Coloured Coin - Beaver at Work - Mintage: 7,500 (2015) ... ( http://bit.ly/1pMJ3cn )
942161;1417525687;nubbins`;CMYK print on a coin
942162;1417525723;mircea_popescu;nubbins` imo all this "tech" stuff is a waste of time. i might buy a computer today because i want to use it.
942163;1417525737;mircea_popescu;i won't buy something high tech today that has no use, because guess what ? time flows against it.
942164;1417525760;nubbins`;time waits for no man, no machine
942165;1417525766;badon;My personal favorite recently-minted Chinese coins are these: https://www.coincompendium.com/w/index.php/CCT3564
942166;1417525796;badon;Mintage of 99
942167;1417525820;*;mircea_popescu kicks assbot
942168;1417525838;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16872 @ 0.00035303 = 5.9563 BTC [-]
942169;1417525842;Naphex;soo.. does bitcoin - in the current form have intrinsic value? cute question
942170;1417525848;nubbins`;anyway. suppose you're walking at 5km/h, due north. all of your displacement is in the y direction. now suppose you head northwest; you're walking the same speed, but you're going slower in the y direction because some of your displacement is occurring in the x direction.
942171;1417525858;nubbins`;now imagine the y axis is time, and the x axis is space.
942172;1417525870;nubbins`;sitting where you are, all your displacement is on the y (time) axis
942173;1417525887;nubbins`;once you start moving through space, some of your displacement is now occurring on the x (space) axis
942174;1417525895;nubbins`;and even though your displacement through spacetime has not changed
942175;1417525897;badon;They get mentioned here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nine_sons_of_the_dragon
942176;1417525899;assbot;Nine sons of the dragon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1zdkNQA )
942177;1417525908;nubbins`;you're now moving slower through time because of your movement throught space
942178;1417525919;mircea_popescu;Naphex intrinsic to what ?
942179;1417525930;mircea_popescu;nubbins` what is this, relativity 101 ?
942180;1417525935;badon;nubbins`: That's time dilation.
942182;1417525938;*;nubbins` nods
942183;1417525958;nubbins`;nothing mind-blowing here
942184;1417525964;nubbins`;just thought it was a nice analogy :P
942185;1417525983;Naphex;mircea_popescu:  well you can't use fiat
942186;1417525996;mircea_popescu;i can't ?
942187;1417526095;Naphex;what i'm trying to ask
942188;1417526132;Naphex;does the current form of the Bitcoin Blockchain have intrinsic value (without referencing its market value)
942189;1417526133;mircea_popescu;i can't believe half the fucking log is keyboards. you people are nuts you know that ?
942190;1417526146;badon;Naphex: no.
942191;1417526164;mircea_popescu;Naphex yes, but intrinsic to what. see, when i say "kim kardashian has intrinsic value" i mean specifically, the hole(s) in her ass.
942192;1417526164;Naphex;what about all that work and time wasted on building it up?
942193;1417526166;Naphex;and deriving it
942194;1417526169;mircea_popescu;when you say "intrinsic" what do you mean ?
942195;1417526180;badon;Man, the Canadian coins are not very impressive compared to the Chinese coins.
942196;1417526193;badon;They used to make some nice stuff.
942197;1417526198;Naphex;mircea_popescu: fundamental value
942198;1417526203;badon;I collected them for a while.
942201;1417526239;nubbins`;!up badon
942202;1417526248;mircea_popescu;do you mean "value that would be present in any unverse which allows for bitcoin" ? or do you mean "value which would be present in this X thing whether it be bitcoin or not"
942203;1417526254;nubbins`;badon like i said, maybe a couple coins a year.
942204;1417526265;nubbins`;their tree canopy ones are okay
942206;1417526285;assbot;The Bitcoin Foundation November 2014 Statement - serialized delusions ... ( http://bit.ly/1pMLLhT )
942208;1417526301;assbot;1 oz. Fine Silver Coin - Canadian Maple Canopy (Spring) - Mintage: 7,500 (2014) ... ( http://bit.ly/1pMLQ5s )
942210;1417526306;assbot;1 oz. Fine Silver Coin - Maple Canopy: Autumn Allure - Mintage: 7,500 (2014) ... ( http://bit.ly/1pMLPy9 )
942211;1417526326;nubbins`;tbh the cmyk-printed coins don't look great up-close
942212;1417526334;nubbins`;they have some coins that are actually painted w/ enamel that are nicer
942213;1417526377;badon;nubbins`: They copied the Chinese enamel.
942214;1417526425;badon;nubbins`: China mastered enamel in ancient times - and I mean truly MASTERED it. I saw some enamel work that I mistook for being modern, but it was ancient.
942216;1417526437;assbot;1 oz.  Fine Silver Coin - Polar Bear - Mintage: 8,500 (2014) ... ( http://bit.ly/1pMMpvS )
942217;1417526442;badon;The first really nice enamel coins in modern China were in 2008, if I remember correctly.
942218;1417526462;nubbins`;i've been trying to find these coins forever, to no avail: http://www.mint.ca/store/coin/silver-crystal-zodiac-collection-2013-prod1840076#.VH28eGTF8Yc
942219;1417526464;assbot;Silver Crystal Zodiac Collection (2013) ... ( http://bit.ly/1pMMz6o )
942220;1417526492;badon;The started out by "colorizing" with really crapping printing techniques. People thought they were ugly, and didn't buy them. Today, the ugly ones are more valuable than the pretty ones because they're rarer.
942221;1417526494;nubbins`;specifically, looking for a Gemini
942222;1417526530;nubbins`;yeah the canadian mint did a series of Great Lakes coins where the lake bed was carved out of the coin, and filled with translucent blue enamel
942223;1417526554;nubbins`;neat idea, not particularly nice coins
942225;1417526556;assbot;1 oz.  Fine Silver Coins - The Great Lakes 5-Coin Subscription - Mintage: 10,000 (2014) ... ( http://bit.ly/1pMN7JA )
942226;1417526603;badon;nubbins`: Collectors need something interesting. Mass-production commercialization isn't very interesting.
942227;1417526611;badon;Hopefully there will be some cool errors or something.
942228;1417526613;nubbins`;this is why i collect casascius coins ;D
942229;1417526645;nubbins`;and other bitcoin ephemera
942230;1417526692;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25228 @ 0.00035303 = 8.9062 BTC [-]
942231;1417526700;badon;nubbins`: See here https://www.livebusinesschat.com/smf/index.php?topic=5411.msg35104#msg35104 and here https://www.livebusinesschat.com/smf/index.php?topic=5411.msg35112#msg35112 for impressive enamel work.
942232;1417526703;assbot;MCC LIST #182 - The pagoda lesson, goldfish, tactics, slowdown end, CC funding ... ( http://bit.ly/1zdnZfe )
942233;1417526706;assbot;MCC LIST #182 - The pagoda lesson, goldfish, tactics, slowdown end, CC funding ... ( http://bit.ly/1zdnYrG )
942234;1417526728;badon;IN that case, it's on a box, not a coin, but it's ridiculously intricate. Something like that in the West would cost a thousand bucks just for the box.
942235;1417526741;badon;They probably sold it for 50 cents in the 1980's, haha.
942236;1417526754;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1100 @ 0.0011987 = 1.3186 BTC [-]
942237;1417526885;mircea_popescu;i imagine the time to stock up on chinese memorabilia was right before the great leap forward.
942238;1417526890;mircea_popescu;kinda late to the party today
942239;1417526978;nubbins`;that's some nice enamel
942240;1417526991;nubbins`;i saw some sick enamelling when i was in korea too
942241;1417526998;nubbins`;a lot of it on pottery
942242;1417527042;badon;nubbins`: Oh yeah, the pottery enamel is famous.
942243;1417527073;nubbins`;there was this one town i visited, it's all anyone did
942244;1417527076;badon;Korea was part of China in ancient times, due to proximity, so it makes sense they would have some impressive enameling technology.
942245;1417527080;nubbins`;went there for a big pottery festival
942246;1417527084;nubbins`;spent so much goddamn money
942247;1417527087;nubbins`;like 2 months wages
942249;1417527197;assbot;icheon ceramics - Google Search ... ( http://bit.ly/1pMQn7G )
942250;1417527445;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: hardphork! << i never applied that, no sympthoms. so no, not a fork at all.
942252;1417527477;badon;I love that stuff.
942253;1417527481;nubbins`;"you guys forked up big-time"
942254;1417527498;nubbins`;badon korean newspapers still use chinese characters for headlines etc
942255;1417527509;nubbins`;there's a couple hundred common ones that most koreans know
942256;1417527536;badon;nubbins`: Check this out, this is typical of a relatively unknown coin that can pop in value really quickly: http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=2&pub=5574935034&toolid=10001&campid=5336732290&customid=&icep_item=201226509197&ipn=psmain&icep_vectorid=229466&kwid=902099&mtid=824&kw=lg
942257;1417527539;assbot; 60th Anniversary 1985 Chinese Imperial Palace Museum Coin with Souvenir Card | eBay  ... ( http://bit.ly/1zdr5zU )
942258;1417527561;badon;nubbins`: The silver version I sold for $1200. A few months later the specimen was back on the market, and it sold for $4'000!
942259;1417527578;badon;I thought it was a museum gift shop thing.
942260;1417527598;badon;I was wrong. The "museum" is actually the Emperor's palace, also known as "the forbidden city".
942261;1417527609;mircea_popescu;"Organised crime groups continue to make use of darknets to harbour trading in illicit commodities, including child exploitation material, illicit drugs and firearms, stolen credit card and identity data, and hacking techniques." << check it out, hacking techniques the illicit item ?
942262;1417527610;badon;A lot of people got that wrong too.
942264;1417527663;badon;It has a mintage of 200 for the silver version, and only around 10 specimens are known to have survived so far. More will probably show up as time goes by, but $4000 price tag did not bring any new ones to the market, which is strong evidence most of them are either melted or permanently in someone's collection.
942265;1417527711;nubbins`;occasionally you'll find people afraid to offer a rare coin for sale
942266;1417527715;badon;nubbins`: Wow, those Icheon ceramics are amazing. Check this one out: http://www.jstudentboard.com/reporter/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/JSR_Nov23_01_CERAMICS1.jpg
942267;1417527715;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY!
942268;1417527717;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1pMT7C6 )
942269;1417527718;nubbins`;for fear it won't fetch going rates
942270;1417527720;badon;It's cameo.
942271;1417527736;badon;nubbins`: Right, especially in auctions.
942272;1417527739;nubbins`;yup. the town's full of that stuff.
942273;1417527746;nubbins`;you should see the mantles in my mother's house
942274;1417527756;nubbins`;weighted down with shit like that
942275;1417527800;badon;nubbins`: In 500 years - heck, in 80 years, most of that stuff will be broken. The surviving specimens will be the proverbial "Ming vaaaaz".
942276;1417527852;badon;I compared what Europe was producing in the 11th century with what China was producing, and it's pathetic. You have to wonder if Europeans collectively decided to be retarded for a thousand years.
942277;1417527859;badon;They don't call it a dark age for nothing.
942278;1417527897;badon;Check out the Byzantine enamel, versus the Chinese enamel photos --> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloisonn%C3%A9
942279;1417527899;assbot;Cloisonné - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1zdszdp )
942280;1417527903;mircea_popescu;"europeans" didn't exist in 1000.
942281;1417527927;badon;All the cool enameled art in that article is from the East. All the Crayola kiddie enamel is from Europe, haha.
942282;1417528079;nubbins`;i saw some cool byzantine shit in germany
942283;1417528108;nubbins`;!up badon
942284;1417528120;nubbins`;;;help eregister
942285;1417528120;gribble;(eregister  ) -- Register your GPG identity, associating GPG key  with .  is a 16 digit key id, with or without the '0x' prefix. We look on servers listed in 'plugins.GPG.keyservers' config. You will be given a link to a page which contains a one time password encrypted with your key. Decrypt, and use the 'everify' command with it. Your passphrase will (1 more message)
942288;1417528134;gribble;expire in 10 minutes.
942289;1417528148;badon;;;help register
942290;1417528148;gribble;(register  ) -- Register your GPG identity, associating GPG key  with .  is a 16 digit key id, with or without the '0x' prefix. We look on servers listed in 'plugins.GPG.keyservers' config. You will be given a random passphrase to clearsign with your key, and submit to the bot with the 'verify' command. Your passphrase will expire in 10 minutes.
942291;1417528156;nubbins`;eventually someone's not going to notice you were -v'd :P
942293;1417528307;mircea_popescu;http://jim.com/cocaine.jpg << america always had ritalin.
942294;1417528308;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1pMVzsi )
942295;1417528498;nubbins`;shut your kid up now! only $3.50ea!
942296;1417528575;badon;;;help register
942297;1417528576;gribble;(register  ) -- Register your GPG identity, associating GPG key  with .  is a 16 digit key id, with or without the '0x' prefix. We look on servers listed in 'plugins.GPG.keyservers' config. You will be given a random passphrase to clearsign with your key, and submit to the bot with the 'verify' command. Your passphrase will expire in 10 minutes.
942298;1417528586;badon;Ah, there we go. I had gribble on ignore.
942299;1417528590;badon;That's why I wasn't getting anything.
942300;1417528605;badon;;;help eregister
942301;1417528606;gribble;(eregister  ) -- Register your GPG identity, associating GPG key  with .  is a 16 digit key id, with or without the '0x' prefix. We look on servers listed in 'plugins.GPG.keyservers' config. You will be given a link to a page which contains a one time password encrypted with your key. Decrypt, and use the 'everify' command with it. Your passphrase will (1 more message)
942302;1417528651;mircea_popescu;you can do this in pm with it too.
942303;1417528660;badon;Yes, I'm doing that now.
942305;1417529466;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1pN0ute )
942306;1417529469;mircea_popescu;this is actually not bad.
942307;1417529486;mircea_popescu;" The public schools are intended to create complacent "good citizens"not independent thinkersbecause political leaders do not like boat-rockers who question things too closely. They prefer citizens who pay their taxes on time and leave them alone to chart the course of the nation. The growth in government power since the advent of public schools is hard to ignore."
942308;1417529492;mircea_popescu;the two do kind-of match.
942309;1417530169;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 242 @ 0.0065 = 1.573 BTC [-] {2} 
942310;1417530214;[]bot;Bet placed: 6 BTC for Yes on "Bitcoin difficulty to fall before Mar 2015" http://bitbet.us/bet/1058/ Odds: 81(Y):19(N) by coin, 74(Y):26(N) by weight. Total bet: 11.42439125 BTC. Current weight: 60,795.
942311;1417530216;[]bot;Bet placed: 4 BTC for Yes on "Bitcoin difficulty to fall in 2014" http://bitbet.us/bet/871/ Odds: 51(Y):49(N) by coin, 34(Y):66(N) by weight. Total bet: 11.43892981 BTC. Current weight: 7,222.
942312;1417531064;mircea_popescu;adlai: uhoh, site affinity for reddit.com is 51.2x! << i see slashdot.org 151.7x    wired.com 83.3x    zerohedge.com 81.3x    dailydot.com 52.7x    boingboing.net 51.7x
942313;1417531076;mircea_popescu;don't tell me it's giving different numbers to diff people.
942314;1417531103;adlai;something something river twice?
942315;1417531151;mircea_popescu;huh ?
942317;1417531179;mircea_popescu;damn that's a fast river then.
942318;1417531184;*;adlai sees, right now, http://i.imgur.com/UyrDh8M.png
942319;1417531185;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1pN99fp )
942320;1417531206;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39372 @ 0.00033991 = 13.3829 BTC [-]
942321;1417531222;mircea_popescu;o look it has a "more" page. nm me.
942322;1417531320;mircea_popescu;86 wikipedia.org
942323;1417531358;mircea_popescu;106 somethingawful.com kinda interesting this, i wonder how entirely baseless it actually is.
942325;1417531929;gribble;Error: "bc,tslb" is not a valid command.
942327;1417531943;gribble;Time since last block: 7 minutes and 10 seconds
942328;1417531946;mircea_popescu;!up Xuthus
942329;1417532032;adlai;note that reddit binding affinity has risen 0.4x during this riverflow. assuming linear growth at the current rate, qntra will devolve into reddit on or around noon on march 18th 2015. RemindMe! sell S.QNTR
942330;1417532447;[]bot;Bet placed: 1.23372958 BTC for Yes on "Bitcoin difficulty to fall before Mar 2015" http://bitbet.us/bet/1058/ Odds: 83(Y):17(N) by coin, 76(Y):24(N) by weight. Total bet: 12.65812083 BTC. Current weight: 60,770.
942331;1417532510;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this is the deal breaker for me. i actually run the monitors at about 50% gamma. << i did get it down to 30% or so. would've liked even less - while retaining contrast. simply to avoid... baking.
942332;1417532587;asciilifeform;there's no fucking usable definition of intelligence << there are, however, accurate and usable definitions of... stupidity.
942333;1417532653;asciilifeform;sorta how culinary science is plagued by disputes of taste but toxicology is a field.
942334;1417532704;asciilifeform;de gustibus non est disputandum but poison is poison.
942335;1417532786;asciilifeform;mactardism is a very visual field. it doesn't account much for function << complicated. apple corp. is still running on fumes from a gigantic tank of back-when-everything-else-was-a-joke in a number of palpable ways. see also http://www.loper-os.org/?p=132
942336;1417532788;assbot;Loper OS » Non-Apple’s Mistake ... ( http://bit.ly/1pNhFLo )
942337;1417532832;mircea_popescu;i can see that
942338;1417532842;mircea_popescu;problem is any set of stupidity definitions are incomplete
942339;1417532870;mircea_popescu;and "culinary science" is the sort of nonsense you'd expect ou tof english speakers. otherwise l'arte culinaire isdoing fine
942340;1417532880;asciilifeform;incomplete - sure. it's more a set of engineering formulae than a total philosophy.
942342;1417532904;asciilifeform;engineer may not know or give a fuck how magnetism is made of spins, but will use magnet all the same to good effect
942345;1417532936;adlai;... and why is there no usable definition for intelligence?
942346;1417532982;adlai;"ability of a brain/computer to model, predict, etc external processes"
942347;1417532991;adlai;it's far from perfect, but it's a start
942348;1417533002;mircea_popescu;it's not.
942350;1417533006;asciilifeform;this is a subject that i have a little personal connection with. at one point, i spent almost two years of spare time working on what turned out to be 'fried ice'
942351;1417533026;asciilifeform;that is, a mechanized intelligence test that the victim 'can't train for'
942352;1417533061;asciilifeform;'can't train' as in, you could, idea being, take it every morning, and get a useful result re: your mental state on that day
942353;1417533067;asciilifeform;like strength test
942354;1417533120;asciilifeform;for this to work, the problems on the test were to have been mechanically-generated but sufficiently varied that you will never see the same 'kind' particularly often
942355;1417533145;asciilifeform;this was a fool's errand, but in the process, i ended up lifting the lid on an entire 'secret' field of psychometry
942356;1417533160;asciilifeform;turned out, it was still alive, just carefully non-public
942357;1417533170;mircea_popescu;lmao this is the most idiotic thing i ever heard
942358;1417533172;asciilifeform;they won't cross-publish to 'big, mainstream' journals. have own ghetto.
942359;1417533179;mircea_popescu;wait, an unlearnable test of intelligence ?
942360;1417533210;asciilifeform;naturally the very concept of sitting down and solving a picture puzzle is learnable. this was clear to me. but i wanted a kind of 'carnot engine limit' of unlearnability.
942361;1417533211;mircea_popescu;i can see the newspaper titles
942362;1417533219;mircea_popescu;"ten youths from downtown accidentally construct the godmachine
942363;1417533235;asciilifeform;wanted to see where the hard limit is.
942364;1417533252;mircea_popescu;anything useful ? other than socially i mezn
942365;1417533264;asciilifeform;was in the process of revealing what was useful.
942366;1417533278;*;mircea_popescu listens
942367;1417533288;asciilifeform;found that intelligence test design ('psychometry') was still a going concern
942368;1417533312;asciilifeform;with elaborate gentlemen's agreements among the participants to keep the field out of the line of fire
942369;1417533317;asciilifeform;avoid getting 'watsoned'
942370;1417533339;asciilifeform;incidentally, watson's 'public goatfuck' statement is not the least bit controversial among the actual psychometrics folks.
942371;1417533347;adlai;(how do "they" define intelligence?)
942372;1417533351;mircea_popescu;i don't see it's controversial at all.
942373;1417533390;adlai;or rather, what attributes do they usually measure?
942374;1417533399;asciilifeform;they don't define it, normally. but they deduced a statistical item, called 'G', which is the overall correlation between the various tests in use
942375;1417533409;asciilifeform;as well as other factors (reaction time, even)
942376;1417533443;*;mircea_popescu briefly participated in some "transdisciplinary" efforts many moons ago
942377;1417533457;asciilifeform;see eysenck's works for intro to subject.
942379;1417533459;assbot;Human Intelligence: H. J. Eysenck ... ( http://bit.ly/1pNlZu2 )
942380;1417533459;mircea_popescu;but honestly while there are intelligent people trying, i think it's a snipe hunt.
942381;1417533464;mircea_popescu;there's no such thing as "intelligence".
942382;1417533475;asciilifeform;no such thing as magnetism.
942383;1417533475;mircea_popescu;not anymore than there's "beauty"
942384;1417533487;mircea_popescu;perhaps, but magnetism is at least measurable.
942385;1417533491;adlai;there may not be any such thing as "beauty", but "sexual selection" exists
942386;1417533491;mircea_popescu;or i should say
942387;1417533499;asciilifeform;this is sorta like saying 'there is no such thing as strength of materials'
942388;1417533502;asciilifeform;tell that to an architect
942389;1417533505;adlai;ie, at any one point in time, for a given population, you can measure "beauty"
942390;1417533508;mircea_popescu;perhaps, but the label of magnetism is at least applied on some sort of interaction that yields a force.
942391;1417533529;mircea_popescu;adlai that sexual selection exists is very poor grounding to claim beauty.
942392;1417533555;mircea_popescu;and in particular attempts to define intelligence in terms of statistical fitting and survivability yield monsters
942393;1417533566;mircea_popescu;(ie, stuff nobody would intuitively accept as intelligence)
942394;1417533582;asciilifeform;the serious folks carefully avoid chasing definitions.
942395;1417533586;adlai;that's because they're using intuition instead of intelligence
942396;1417533603;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform right, because a field without a definition can exist.
942397;1417533622;mircea_popescu;anyway. i think it's pseudoscience, the whole lot of it.
942398;1417533642;adlai;lol right there in Eysenck's bio... "Definition of Intelligence"
942399;1417533648;asciilifeform;about as much as physiology is a pseudoscience
942400;1417533658;asciilifeform;yes, meat - varies.
942401;1417533671;mircea_popescu;belongs as a subset obscure philosophy, right there with aesthetics.
942402;1417533671;asciilifeform;but there are underlying principles.
942403;1417533702;mircea_popescu;yes. there are. you know what they are ?
942404;1417533702;asciilifeform;and the immediate engineering applications of being able to distinguish folks into rough equivalence classes of stupidity by purely mechanical means - are there.
942405;1417533705;mircea_popescu;whatever you want them to be.
942406;1417533727;mircea_popescu;a pseudoscience isn't that endeavour lcking principles,
942407;1417533731;adlai;chasing "intelligence" might be pseudoscience but you can get relevant results by studying well-defined attributes (eg reaction time)
942408;1417533734;mircea_popescu;it's that endeavour where anything can be a principle.
942409;1417533766;mircea_popescu;adlai ah, this isn't an argument against such stuff. sure, reaction time is even a good proxy for things you may care about,
942410;1417533767;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-10-2014#870269
942411;1417533767;assbot;Logged on 13-10-2014 03:24:29; asciilifeform: Adlai: if i recall, hypothesis involves impedance matching - same reason folks with damaged myelin sheaths lose theirs.
942412;1417533773;asciilifeform;there's your principle.
942413;1417533789;mircea_popescu;wait, wut ?
942414;1417533789;asciilifeform;that's my personal hypothesis, incidentally. handily predictive of the reaction time correlation.
942415;1417533804;mircea_popescu;this is a principle of what ? intelligence ?
942416;1417533808;asciilifeform;central nervous system impedance matching.
942418;1417533835;mircea_popescu;so the best way to be intelligent is doing speedballs ?
942419;1417533844;asciilifeform;probably measurable via purely physical means if we knew what to look for (ask a network engineer how he measures echos on lines)
942420;1417533862;asciilifeform;how do you impedence-match neurons with a pill ?
942421;1417533877;mircea_popescu;well they all fire lol
942422;1417533886;asciilifeform;that's simply 'upping the clock'
942424;1417533900;asciilifeform;the madness - echos, 'crosstalk'
942425;1417533924;mircea_popescu;it's beautifully simple,
942426;1417533934;mircea_popescu;but i don't see anything in it past that.
942427;1417533943;asciilifeform;sorta 'inverse alzheimer's'
942428;1417533981;asciilifeform;an axon is a... transmission line.
942429;1417533987;asciilifeform;quite like coaxial cable.
942431;1417534000;mircea_popescu;that part's uncontroversial.
942433;1417534034;adlai;slight tangent (from reading about impedance) - why on earth are complex numbers introduced as a+bi when (magnitude,phase) is an infinitely more INTELLIGENT way of understanding them?
942434;1417534042;mircea_popescu;problem is i can build a machine with zero crosstalk and i won't have built an ai.
942435;1417534058;mircea_popescu;adlai because they're not introduced by intelligent people./
942436;1417534058;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: recall my brick lisp machine?
942438;1417534075;asciilifeform;(for n00bs: http://www.loper-os.org/?p=405 )
942439;1417534077;assbot;Loper OS » The Simplest Lisp Machine ... ( http://bit.ly/1FJMqD2 )
942440;1417534095;asciilifeform;essentially: ingredients necessary but not sufficient.
942441;1417534106;adlai;aha, bricklisp proves that !stupid ≠ intelligent
942442;1417534122;mircea_popescu;so then it's not a definition.
942443;1417534154;asciilifeform;we are roughly in the position of the ancients who tried to explain why certain objects are flammable while others - not
942444;1417534157;mircea_popescu;as i said, all sorts of heuristics can be useful. i tend to not pursue relations with the intellectually slow, which i often judge in seconds on simple cues such as eye movement.
942445;1417534158;adlai;bricklisp simply doesn't detract from the intelligence of whoever is using it, like "rubber duck debugging"
942446;1417534163;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, i don't call this a science.
942447;1417534168;mircea_popescu;i call it being an asshole.
942448;1417534186;asciilifeform;anyway - who wants to turn it into a science, i just threw in a freebie - physically testable hypothesis.
942449;1417534200;adlai;eye movement?
942451;1417534228;asciilifeform;adlai: see thread from ten minutes or so ago.
942452;1417534233;*;adlai is wondering how mircea_popescu judges intelligence based on eye movement... it seems very dependant upon the setting
942453;1417534272;mircea_popescu;same way carnies pick out their marks, it's nothing novel.
942454;1417534273;adlai;maybe a bit more than ten minutes
942455;1417534315;asciilifeform;we don't have a 'science of intelligence' any more than medicine has a 'science of health'
942457;1417534322;asciilifeform;we do have some sense of disease. and of - stupidity.
942458;1417534335;mircea_popescu;moreover, trying to pursue a "science of health" is the hallmark of pseudoscientific cockery.
942459;1417534359;asciilifeform;but one can see how a medic may be tempted
942460;1417534372;asciilifeform;to come up with an 'average carcass' where no known dysfunction is present
942461;1417534381;adlai;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-10-2014#870297 < this seems intuitive to me, but I guess that backs up my intuition
942462;1417534381;assbot;Logged on 13-10-2014 03:29:22; mircea_popescu: asciilifeform nah, just watch people respond to stimuli.
942463;1417534423;adlai;also http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-09-2014#821631
942464;1417534423;assbot;Logged on 07-09-2014 17:02:37; mircea_popescu: something like that. so one night while in here, i see movement in the corner of my eye
942465;1417534439;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-10-2014#870303 http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-10-2014#870307
942466;1417534439;assbot;Logged on 13-10-2014 03:30:52; asciilifeform: how come we never hear anyone arguing that there is no such thing as 'strength'
942467;1417534439;assbot;Logged on 13-10-2014 03:31:14; asciilifeform: and that a circus weight-lifter isn't the least bit strong, because perhaps my arse muscle is stronger yet than his biceps
942468;1417534453;asciilifeform;thank you assbot, saving my leaf springs the wear!
942470;1417534587;nubbins`;!up badon
942471;1417534664;TomServo;Hey nubbins`, didja see my PM?
942472;1417534696;nubbins`;ah yes, ty, i may have it covered
942473;1417534718;nubbins`;should know for sure in the next couple days
942475;1417535017;[]bot;Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "X.EUR contract monthly renewal canceled in 2014" http://bitbet.us/bet/867/ Odds: 29(Y):71(N) by coin, 71(Y):29(N) by weight. Total bet: 1.51 BTC. Current weight: 11,329.
942477;1417535597;gribble;Current Blocks: 332593 | Current Difficulty: 4.03000303278914E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 332639 | Next Difficulty In: 46 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 7 hours, 49 minutes, and 47 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 40034321698.2 | Estimated Percent Change: -0.65933
942478;1417536478;kakobrekla;>Global Advisors, a firm based in Jersey that manages the first regulated bitcoin fund, has been served notice by its bank, HSBC.
942480;1417537306;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 91700 @ 0.0003592 = 32.9386 BTC [+] {3} 
942481;1417538769;jurov;what's with the submissions to qntra containing lengthy documents verbatim?
942482;1417538781;jurov;they do count into s.qntr shares?
942484;1417539320;assbot;E-book prices may rise as VAT law kicks in | The Bookseller ... ( http://bit.ly/1tIxz5a )
942485;1417540376;adlai;!s mpex socket
942486;1417540377;assbot;18 results for 'mpex socket' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=mpex+socket
942487;1417540429;adlai;aha, shouldn't http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-07-2014#772915 be mentioned in the FAQ?
942488;1417540429;assbot;Logged on 27-07-2014 19:56:00; mircea_popescu: kuzetsa ah i think you gotta pay kako for access to that ?
942489;1417540510;artifexd;Are there any plans for new profit centers in MPIF?
942490;1417540514;adlai;https://twitter.com/mpex1 also seems a little dead. tsk tsk, need to clean up the dead links!
942491;1417540517;assbot;MPEx (@MPEx1) | Twitter ... ( http://bit.ly/1tIBTBr )
942492;1417540527;adlai;artifexd: are you planning to offer any?
942493;1417540570;artifexd;If I had any to offer, yes. Alas, no.
942494;1417540623;kakobrekla;adlai http://q.b-a.link/?data=trades&since=1411033765 or http://q.b-a.link/?data=trades&since_id=12345
942495;1417540624;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1tICjHZ )
942496;1417540624;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1tICmmV )
942497;1417540625;artifexd;I'm just trying to make a decision to sell what I have, buy more, or wait some more.
942498;1417540697;artifexd;And there hasn't been much talk of MPIF lately.  I'm in an information vacuum, so to speak.
942499;1417540729;adlai;the impression I get from lurking around here is that there aren't concrete plans for another profit center, but if one arose, it would be welcomed
942500;1417540841;mike_c;jurov, you still market making mpif?  it seems the bids are below bounds (which I thought was +- 5%).
942502;1417540864;jurov;and nobody's selling?
942503;1417540882;mike_c;well, selling would be bad right now.
942504;1417540891;mike_c;you'd be selling a bitcoin for 0.9 btc.
942505;1417540922;adlai;kakobrekla: thx
942507;1417540945;jurov;okay it's in queue right after vulpes' patches
942508;1417541043;adlai;would've been nicer with &symbol= and push notifications and a unicorn pony but i'll settle for this :)
942510;1417541047;assbot;BtcAlpha.com F.MPIF Tracker estimated NAV per share: 0.00021745 B (Total: 475.53 B). Delta: 0.52 B. Last trade for F.MPIF on MPEX was at 0.000195 BTC [-]
942511;1417541077;kakobrekla;yeah a 0mq would be nice
942512;1417541081;adlai;kakobrekla: what's type:11 ?
942513;1417541087;jurov;oh and i just came around davout's proposal, gonna make some noise around it
942514;1417541089;nubbins`;jurov iirc (and i could be wrong), qntra pays the way dickens' publisher paid
942515;1417541113;adlai;nubbins`: yes, but it could ignore text within blockquote tags
942516;1417541124;nubbins`;should, even.
942517;1417541139;nubbins`;otherwise your article quality's going down the shitter
942518;1417541171;kakobrekla;adlai http://dpaste.com/11MMEJA.txt
942519;1417541172;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1yIkSxp )
942521;1417541738;jurov;davout: see comment on yer blog
942522;1417541753;xanthyos;coinbase makes it too easy!  i thought they'd at least slow me down with a 2 factor phone auth
942523;1417541770;xanthyos;0.25925176 BTC will arrive in your My Wallet account on Monday Dec 8, 2014.
942524;1417541798;davout;jurov: oy
942525;1417541841;davout;what exactly are you disagreeing with?
942526;1417541898;jurov;that X.EUR is to disappear and reappear at any indeterminate time
942527;1417541918;davout;who said anything about indeterminate ?
942528;1417541919;jurov;and there's nothing in STATJSON output to indicate it
942529;1417541950;jurov;you don't like the 15th 12:00 GMT, you want to change it, no?
942530;1417541966;jurov;if it changes to other fixed time, i'm okay with it
942531;1417542002;davout;it's not that i dislike it, it's just that i point out that it creates a hard deadline for everyone
942532;1417542041;jurov;and why's that a problem? french ppl u no have hard deadlines?
942533;1417542052;davout;which creates a trading gap unless everyone is perfectly synchronized
942534;1417542067;jurov;and what exactly was your proposal?
942535;1417542072;xanthyos;life's more exciting with a coinbase progress bar in one of my browser tabs
942536;1417542075;xanthyos;!up bagels7
942537;1417542093;davout;xanthyos getting it !up, that's good news
942538;1417542107;davout;jurov: either de-automate the first step
942539;1417542113;xanthyos;davout: i'm not supposed to talk about that anymore.  started to annoy ppl
942540;1417542116;davout;or do continuous trading
942541;1417542141;jurov;you see - i'm reeling about the first one
942542;1417542188;jurov;continuos trading without balaces mysteriously on/off would the best solution in my view
942543;1417542189;davout;what you're reeling about is coinbr's inability to cleanly detect the gap, whether that's for mpex or coinbr to solve is another question
942544;1417542232;jurov;i wrote clearly how i intend to solve it. x.eur would just not trade in interval when such behavior is expected.
942545;1417542235;davout;yes, continuous trading seems so much simpler, not sure if there's a blocker i'm missing tho
942546;1417542263;davout;kinda non optimal
942547;1417542498;jurov;well.. it's up to mircea. i doubt he ever does anything about this stateless, eventually-consistent wankfest of his.
942548;1417542548;jurov;coinbr has state machine to compensate for it complicated enough already
942549;1417542554;davout;well, time will tell
942550;1417542562;davout;yea i hear you
942553;1417542901;jurov;okay, now i have this off my mind
942554;1417543274;nubbins`;you're just using it wrong ;p
942555;1417543429;asciilifeform;e-book prices << price of w4r3z still == 0. nyooz at 11!11!
942556;1417543621;nubbins`;nyooz @ ~~
942557;1417544429;jurov; slight tangent (from reading about impedance) - why on earth are complex numbers introduced as a+bi << easy addition and multiplication?
942558;1417544651;jurov;http://bitbet.us/bet/867/ haha another reason for x.eur to move to continuous trading, just to screw with this
942559;1417544652;assbot;BitBet - X.EUR contract monthly renewal canceled in 2014 :: 0.44 B (29%) on Yes, 1.07 B (71%) on No | closing in 3 weeks 3 days | weight: 11`277 (100`000 to 1) ... ( http://bit.ly/11Plswz )
942560;1417544668;xanthyos;you can think of all numbers as having +bi but if b = 0 it doesn't matter
942561;1417544762;jurov;yes, and?
942562;1417544840;jurov;1.5*e(i*pi) + e(1.5*i*pi) = ?
942563;1417544858;jurov;hafta convert them to a+bi anyway
942564;1417545012;jurov; you're just using it wrong ;p << lol what?
942565;1417545032;xanthyos;waht's up with the ddos bot?
942566;1417545045;xanthyos;is that why my pms sometimes look invisible or delayed
942567;1417545133;kakobrekla;your bnc is getting ddosed prolly
942568;1417545150;jurov;pms should have same latency as all irc, no?
942570;1417545234;mike_c;qntra authors: coinbase is an exchange now.  http://blog.coinbase.com/post/104112477642/usd-wallets-on-coinbase
942571;1417545236;assbot;The Coinbase Blog — USD Wallets on Coinbase ... ( http://bit.ly/11Pnwor )
942572;1417545276;nubbins`;i kid
942573;1417545385;mike_c;this is too funny.  scamfunding sites now offer insurance!  http://techcrunch.com/2014/12/01/indiegogo-is-testing-optional-insurance-fees-for-crowdfunded-products/
942574;1417545387;assbot;Indiegogo Is Testing Optional Insurance Fees For Crowdfunded Products  |  TechCrunch ... ( http://bit.ly/11PolNQ )
942575;1417545505;xanthyos;it's a shell so i have no idea if it's being ddosed
942576;1417545571;kakobrekla;adlai you want sql dump to bootstrap?
942577;1417545654;jurov;xanthyos if ssh doen't have noticeable lag it should not be ddos
942578;1417545679;kakobrekla;or you know, just get a free cloak
942579;1417545690;nubbins`;maybe i was being ddosed yesterday when my netflix stream quality was slightly reduced
942581;1417545720;xanthyos;if i connected from my home ip i'd cloak.  i don't notice a lag at all from the ssh session
942582;1417545728;kakobrekla;dear ddoser, please add more bots as it is not clear if you are still ddosing or not
942583;1417545734;xanthyos;but the pm with gribble took a while to come back
942584;1417545741;xanthyos;maybe gribble's being ddosed
942586;1417545790;xanthyos;better to know it's a ddos to get angry about than to have uncertainty and be unable to diagnose the problem
942587;1417545806;kakobrekla;get a cloak and you will know its not
942588;1417545838;jurov;http://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/03/technology/once-celebrated-in-russia-programmer-pavel-durov-chooses-exile.html?ref=technology&_r=1 << i'd like to see talk between him and asciilifeform :)
942589;1417545841;assbot;Log In - The New York Times ... ( http://bit.ly/11PqDN6 )
942590;1417545888;xanthyos;at a time i thought all nickserv-idented nicks were cloaked
942591;1417545892;xanthyos;but maybe that was a different network
942592;1417546113;xanthyos;cloaked or not, silenceisdefeat.com probably gets hit all the time, but it's free and reliable enough
942593;1417546556;asciilifeform;durov << devoted cocksucker of u.s. state dept., disgraceful shill.
942594;1417546859;kakobrekla;lol what he do?
942595;1417546881;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: read the linked piece, see if you can decide for yourself
942596;1417546962;jurov;he dared to tweet “67 years ago Stalin defended from Hitler his right to suppress Soviet people.”
942597;1417546979;jurov;us state dept aparently pays handsomely for such tweets
942598;1417547054;jurov;looks like it can be opened from news.ycombinator.com without the paywall
942599;1417548836;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 98350 @ 0.00036048 = 35.4532 BTC [+] {3} 
942600;1417548881;ben_vulpes;dang did you guys really crap out over 1000 lines while i was sleeping?
942601;1417550429;jurov;http://ml.therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/patches.html << ben_vulpes there, another bug fixed
942603;1417550639;assbot;BtcAlpha.com F.MPIF Tracker estimated NAV per share: 0.00021745 B (Total: 475.53 B). Delta: 0.52 B. Last trade for F.MPIF on MPEX was at 0.000195 BTC [-]
942604;1417550665;jurov;;;calc 0.00021745*1.01
942606;1417550732;jurov;mike_c it's actually 1% and i'm outside that
942607;1417550755;mike_c;but what about the low side?
942608;1417550773;mike_c;or am i confused and you don't offer liquidity for sellers?
942609;1417550810;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: i'd pay fiddy bucks for one, and that's generous. << Nobel prize is gold so you can sell it at one of those cash for gold store fronts in the ghetto
942610;1417550829;mike_c;oh, nevermind.  those are minimums.  you can't be closer than that, but have no responsibility to be particularly close?
942612;1417550844;gribble;Nick 'BingoBoingo', with hostmask 'BingoBoingo!~BingoBoin@unaffiliated/bingoboingo', is identified as user 'BingoBoingo', with GPG key id 309BB8D7F3251143, key fingerprint ADD7A9A28F85E5EF1F51904F309BB8D7F3251143, and bitcoin address None
942613;1417551055;jurov;mike_c: no responsibility.. but looking on it, i prolly should actually buy some to prop it up
942614;1417551107;jurov;on another look... wtf?
942615;1417551169;jurov;nm i was looking on another mpsic
942616;1417551223;jurov;;;calc 0.00021745/1.01
942618;1417551984;mike_c;my estimate seems a bit high at the moment.  i gotta do some digging into why.  I would use the october statement as a closer NAV right now.
942619;1417551995;mike_c;;;calc 0.00021638/1.01
942621;1417552089;[]bot;Bet placed: 3.37 BTC for Yes on "Bitcoin difficulty to fall before Mar 2015" http://bitbet.us/bet/1058/ Odds: 87(Y):13(N) by coin, 81(Y):19(N) by weight. Total bet: 16.46240824 BTC. Current weight: 60,552.
942622;1417552449;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo i'd just donate it to germany
942623;1417552484;mircea_popescu; they do count into s.qntr shares? << nah
942624;1417552485;BingoBoingo;Well, they aren't getting "theirs" anyway so might as well for the charity of it.
942625;1417552569;mircea_popescu; Are there any plans for new profit centers in MPIF? << yes. got an idea ?
942626;1417552606;mircea_popescu; https://twitter.com/mpex1 also seems a little dead. tsk tsk, need to clean up the dead links! <<< yeah i guess so.
942627;1417552609;assbot;MPEx (@MPEx1) | Twitter ... ( http://bit.ly/1wlVdvg )
942628;1417552671;mircea_popescu;adlai> nubbins`: yes, but it could ignore text within blockquote tags << it does actually.
942629;1417552784;mircea_popescu;jurov oh right, totally forgot about that angle.
942630;1417552828;mircea_popescu;<xanthyos> [...] your My Wallet account [...] << logic.
942631;1417552861;mircea_popescu; you don't like the 15th 12:00 GMT, you want to change it, no? << nah he just wants a shorter break. than ONE WEEK. which he gets.
942632;1417552871;mircea_popescu;won't be shorter than a few hours conceivably.
942633;1417552893;jurov;we misunderstood each other at first
942634;1417552935;mircea_popescu; yes, continuous trading seems so much simpler, not sure if there's a blocker i'm missing tho << it's nonsense, what exactly is a future that has no future date ?
942635;1417552973;*;jurov waits till mircea arrives at the wankfest
942636;1417553050;mircea_popescu;mike_c> this is too funny.  scamfunding sites now offer insurance!  << so did usagi.
942637;1417553072;mircea_popescu;generally, idiots revel in offering an idiotarian version of mainstream concepts. like, the usg right ? ALSO OFFERS INSURANCE.
942638;1417553082;mircea_popescu;ello :)
942639;1417553159;mircea_popescu; dear ddoser, please add more bots as it is not clear if you are still ddosing or not <<< yeah this srsly. i was half considering replacing the voice model with a ddos model, but srsly, you gotta provide better servcice for free if you wanna be part of infrastructure here!
942640;1417553212;mircea_popescu; looks like it can be opened from news.ycombinator.com without the paywall << see ? CLEARLY propaganda piece.
942641;1417553222;BingoBoingo;Indictment: http://qntra.net/2014/12/changetip-raises-3-5-million-lead-by-pantera-capital/
942642;1417553222;assbot;ChangeTip Raises $3.5 Million Lead by Pantera Capital | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1vefwEe )
942643;1417553231;mircea_popescu; dang did you guys really crap out over 1000 lines while i was sleeping? << we didn't crap them bish. now eat up!
942644;1417553274;ben_vulpes;WHAT IS THIS NONSENSE
942645;1417553298;[]bot;Bet placed: 11 BTC for Yes on "Bitcoin difficulty to fall in 2014" http://bitbet.us/bet/871/ Odds: 75(Y):25(N) by coin, 42(Y):58(N) by weight. Total bet: 22.43892981 BTC. Current weight: 7,089.
942646;1417553314;ben_vulpes;huh rly?
942647;1417553316;mircea_popescu; oh, nevermind.  those are minimums.  you can't be closer than that, but have no responsibility to be particularly close? << well not stated as obligations, but generally it's his job to get close.
942648;1417553318;ben_vulpes;at this low weight?
942652;1417553334;gribble;Next difficulty estimate | 40070721940.0 based on data since last change | 40835307545.6 based on data for last three days
942654;1417553364;gribble;Current Blocks: 332625 | Current Difficulty: 4.03000303278914E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 332639 | Next Difficulty In: 14 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 2 hours, 19 minutes, and 2 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 40070721940.0 | Estimated Percent Change: -0.569
942657;1417553379;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 380.57, Best ask: 380.7, Bid-ask spread: 0.13000, Last trade: 380.68, 24 hour volume: 6448.20538594, 24 hour low: 375.23, 24 hour high: 382.86, 24 hour vwap: 379.491514355
942659;1417553409;ben_vulpes;wow diff to drop
942660;1417553413;ben_vulpes;no shit.
942661;1417553416;mircea_popescu;yeah srsly.
942662;1417553428;mircea_popescu;is it the first time since like 2012 ?
942663;1417553446;ben_vulpes;which would be first time in the asic history?
942664;1417553451;ben_vulpes;asic period*
942665;1417553510;ben_vulpes;;;google first bitcoin asic
942666;1417553511;gribble;Mining - Bitcoin: ; CoinTerra Opens Pre-Orders for First 16nm Bitcoin ASIC - CoinDesk: ; CoinTerra™ announces the world's first 16nm ASIC based Bitcoin ...: 
942667;1417553574;mircea_popescu;pretty much yes.
942668;1417553594;mircea_popescu;the results of that market becoming "usgized", which is to say, they stopped selling to the general public.
942669;1417553600;mircea_popescu;competition -> dead.
942670;1417553622;ben_vulpes;why would the general public buy asics?
942671;1417553627;mircea_popescu;it's funny how the free market naturally evolves towards a corner to wedge itself in.
942672;1417553629;mircea_popescu;i have nfi.
942673;1417553664;ben_vulpes;stability zones on the manifold...
942675;1417553689;assbot;BitBet - Bitcoin difficulty to fall in 2014 :: 16.87 B (75%) on Yes, 5.56 B (25%) on No | closing in 2 weeks 3 hours | weight: 7`086 (100`000 to 1) ... ( http://bit.ly/1wm0LWu )
942676;1417553691;ben_vulpes;+nubbins`:i've got some neat physical bitcoins, some strange bullion pieces, etc << don't forget newspapers lol
942677;1417553697;mircea_popescu;#3387: Anonymous 11-07-14 at 17:54
942678;1417553697;mircea_popescu;What kind of retard created this bet? Closing in 5 months?? why??? a bunch of people are just going to bet on Yes whenever they see difficulty is going to be down during the year, what's the point of this bet??
942679;1417553703;mircea_popescu;bitbet, as per usual.
942680;1417553708;mircea_popescu;"oh, people know teh market"
942681;1417553731;mike_c;don't tap on the fish tank.
942683;1417553772;*;ben_vulpes skips the numismatics
942684;1417553823;mircea_popescu;see ? 1k lines not so painful.
942685;1417554206;mircea_popescu;!up leen_
942686;1417554217;[]bot;Bet placed: 2.49 BTC for Yes on "Bitcoin difficulty to fall in 2014" http://bitbet.us/bet/871/ Odds: 91(Y):9(N) by coin, 59(Y):41(N) by weight. Total bet: 59.42962981 BTC. Current weight: 7,083.
942687;1417554219;[]bot;Bet placed: 4.4999 BTC for Yes on "Bitcoin difficulty to fall in 2014" http://bitbet.us/bet/871/ Odds: 91(Y):9(N) by coin, 59(Y):41(N) by weight. Total bet: 59.42962981 BTC. Current weight: 7,083.
942688;1417554221;[]bot;Bet placed: 20 BTC for Yes on "Bitcoin difficulty to fall in 2014" http://bitbet.us/bet/871/ Odds: 91(Y):9(N) by coin, 59(Y):41(N) by weight. Total bet: 59.42962981 BTC. Current weight: 7,083.
942689;1417554223;[]bot;Bet placed: 10.0008 BTC for Yes on "Bitcoin difficulty to fall in 2014" http://bitbet.us/bet/871/ Odds: 91(Y):9(N) by coin, 59(Y):41(N) by weight. Total bet: 59.42962981 BTC. Current weight: 7,083.
942690;1417554233;kakobrekla;what the f
942692;1417554246;leen_;need to speak to mircea_popescu
942693;1417554246;mike_c;only a few blocks left til it resolves
942695;1417554276;mircea_popescu;kik feeding frenzy
942697;1417554282;leen_;there is a problem with a bet
942698;1417554284;leen_;ill send a link
942700;1417554298;assbot;BitBet - Bitcoin to drop under $250 before 2015 :: 1.73 B (15%) on Yes, 9.79 B (85%) on No | closing in 3 weeks 2 hours | weight: 92`554 (100`000 to 10`000) ... ( http://bit.ly/1wm4weF )
942701;1417554319;leen_;i needed to contact you here someone said to me in mail
942702;1417554335;mircea_popescu;go ahead.
942703;1417554341;leen_;u see that bet?
942705;1417554345;leen_;first 2 bets are refunded
942706;1417554357;leen_;no problem at first sight
942708;1417554365;leen_;THE CALCULATOR IS WRONG
942709;1417554366;mircea_popescu;they are ?
942710;1417554373;mircea_popescu;what are you talking about ?
942711;1417554375;leen_;ITS WRITTEN IN THE STATEMENT
942712;1417554390;mircea_popescu;listen, make complete sentences, i can't follow what you're saying.
942713;1417554400;leen_;Bitcoin to drop under $250 before 2015  The price of one Bitcoin in USD will drop below $250 before January 2015 as per Bitstamp .  If the difference between a given "Yes" bet time and the bet's closing time is less than one week, such bets will be refunded minus fee.   First two "Yes" bets are excluded from this rule.
942715;1417554439;leen_;so i made a bet placing a winning  BTC bet on: Yes pays: 4.39046755 BTC No pays: 1.14220213 BTC  after fees, at current weight and assuming no one else bets
942716;1417554444;leen_;which is not true in this case
942717;1417554445;mircea_popescu;okay ?
942718;1417554450;mircea_popescu;how not ?
942719;1417554459;leen_;if the first 2 bets get efunded
942720;1417554473;leen_;then on a no bet i dont get their earnings
942721;1417554479;mircea_popescu;you're misreading it'd seem. what the bet says is that the first two yes bets never get refunded
942722;1417554482;mircea_popescu;and ulterior bets might.
942723;1417554484;leen_;but the calculator uses them to calculate the profit of the no bet
942724;1417554497;leen_;what does it mean?
942725;1417554511;mike_c;the point leen_, is to avoid late bettors who try to bet when the outcome is nearly certain
942726;1417554522;mircea_popescu;like it's happening right now on the difficulty bet.
942727;1417554526;BingoBoingo;The odds move anyway, the calculator is just to be used as a rough guideline.
942728;1417554529;mircea_popescu;and it's a moot point in any case, the 30th was 4 days ago.
942729;1417554536;mircea_popescu;price isn't going under 250 anytime soon, so.
942730;1417554538;mike_c;(and which is an integral part of bitbet)
942731;1417554541;leen_;so they dont get refunded?
942732;1417554551;mircea_popescu;doesn't seem too likely atm.
942733;1417554555;leen_;and if nobody else bets i get the money stated in the calculator?
942734;1417554569;leen_;i know that will not happen but just as an example
942735;1417554571;mircea_popescu;i guess so.
942736;1417554580;leen_;i guess so or you know it for sure?
942737;1417554593;mircea_popescu;well i don't know the future for sure, as it happens. just kinda close.
942738;1417554604;leen_;and if i win the bet
942739;1417554639;mircea_popescu;but what the bet says is that if bitcoin goes under 250 tomorrow, all yes bets but the first two wil be refunded.
942740;1417554640;leen_;if i place a bet on no now and pric doesnt go under 250 i win the amount stated at th calculator if noobne else bets?
942742;1417554685;mircea_popescu;kinda impossible for that clause to affect you at all if price doesn't go under 250.
942743;1417554698;mircea_popescu;and if it does, no lost anyway, it's just a matter of how the yes pot is split up.
942744;1417554712;mircea_popescu;that was weird.
942745;1417554716;artifexd;mircea_popescu: Nope. No ideas. Just asking.
942746;1417554721;[]bot;Bet placed: 4.99979999 BTC for Yes on "Bitcoin difficulty to fall before Mar 2015" http://bitbet.us/bet/1058/ Odds: 90(Y):10(N) by coin, 85(Y):15(N) by weight. Total bet: 21.46220824 BTC. Current weight: 60,523.
942747;1417554734;mircea_popescu;yeah, turns out running a safe investment fund in btc is harder than in usd. who'd have thunk it!
942748;1417554758;artifexd;At least it hasn't lost 90% of its value
942749;1417554763;mircea_popescu;anyway, i suppose in all fairness the byzantino-rabinical approach to the written text as deployed for the needs of bitbet is a special kind of hell for all esl speakers.
942750;1417554773;mircea_popescu;artifexd there is that.
942751;1417554793;mircea_popescu;what is it under i don't even recall, like a % ?
942752;1417554837;artifexd;I believe it is right around where it started. No up. No down. Or at least not much.
942754;1417554874;mircea_popescu;something tells me this is going to be the biggest problem of bitcoin finance. to earn a living as a rentier you'll have to own a shitton of 'em.
942755;1417555131;nubbins`;ben_vulpes yes, newspapers too 8)
942757;1417555140;assbot;"Mazuma" 8 inch Physical Bitcoin  ... ( http://bit.ly/1wm9Tdz )
942758;1417555147;nubbins`;^ more artisans finding btc
942759;1417555178;mircea_popescu;there;s going to be a flood of these. the marginal cost to make small metal discs is about zero
942760;1417555195;mircea_popescu;the pretense to value through "unique" and "design" and trhe usual bullcrap is supposedly endless.
942761;1417555205;mircea_popescu;exactly the sort of shit castrato usians go for.
942762;1417555224;mircea_popescu;everyone thinks they're steve jobs nao.
942763;1417555228;nubbins`;this one's actually just a piece of wood
942764;1417555247;mircea_popescu;wooden coins.
942765;1417555252;nubbins`;not even coins
942766;1417555256;nubbins`;it just says "bitcoin" on it
942767;1417555260;nubbins`;no qr, no code, no key
942768;1417555266;mircea_popescu;jesus fuck i want a buttcoin.org account. the stupidity bitcoin brings out from i dunno where...
942769;1417555278;nubbins`;anyway, the physical crypto space is at a standstill
942770;1417555291;nubbins`;those kialara guys are the first ones to do anything different since casascius
942771;1417555296;BingoBoingo;Indictment: http://qntra.net/2014/12/united-kingdom-severely-constrains-porn-production/
942772;1417555296;assbot;United Kingdom Severely Constrains Porn Production | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1vM5nT5 )
942773;1417555300;nubbins`;everyone else is all "lel silver rounds w/ holo super cool"
942775;1417555312;adlai;"Hebrew slang for money" wut
942776;1417555315;nubbins`;nobody gives a fuck about coins with holos
942777;1417555317;mircea_popescu;wait, the original wankers don't like wanking anymore ?
942778;1417555340;mircea_popescu;nubbins` dude but if you turn them they change!111
942780;1417555345;mircea_popescu;"get a snowglobe"
942781;1417555359;nubbins`;i want a hellraiser-style puzzlebox physical btc
942782;1417555368;mircea_popescu;so make it.
942783;1417555377;adlai;"For an extra .25BTC ..." < what's the point of getting the damn thing if you don't get the extras
942784;1417555381;mircea_popescu;i want prison-made physical btc. toothpaste.
942785;1417555382;nubbins`;just might
942786;1417555396;adlai;it's just a bloody expensive paperweight without them
942787;1417555449;BingoBoingo; i want prison-made physical btc. toothpaste. << Oh, if I go in I'll have an arts and crafts project.
942788;1417555470;mircea_popescu;actually, even better : TEETH!
942789;1417555486;mircea_popescu;documented prison fight, carved bitcoin teeth.
942790;1417555516;mircea_popescu;and speaking of which, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7n5VbIuh_lo
942791;1417555516;assbot;I'm just a teenage dirtbag, baby. ❤ - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1wmcqV7 )
942792;1417555525;mircea_popescu;given the motto's from there, guess my next article.
942793;1417555530;mircea_popescu;which ima publish in a few hours.
942795;1417555695;nubbins`;speaking of teeth, we got a pig skull the other day
942796;1417555764;mircea_popescu;;;rated adlai
942797;1417555765;gribble;You have not yet rated user adlai
942798;1417555785;mircea_popescu;;;rate adlai lisp
942799;1417555785;gribble;Error: 'lisp' is not a valid integer.
942800;1417555787;mircea_popescu;;;rate adlai 1 lisp
942801;1417555788;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user adlai has been recorded.
942802;1417555885;mike_c;those kialara coins are cool.
942803;1417555927;mike_c;they look pretty sweet and i like that they are "designed" to only have 0.1 btc in them.
942805;1417555953;assbot;Thank You by Röyksopp - Hear the world’s sounds ... ( http://bit.ly/1vM69PO )
942806;1417555962;mircea_popescu;how can ou design a coin with an address limit ?
942807;1417555975;mike_c;hence air quotes.  it says 0.1 on it.
942808;1417555978;mike_c;they come unfunded
942809;1417556011;mike_c;these are all novelty items, so i think cas coins with 10 btc or whatever are dumb.
942810;1417556028;nubbins`;cas coins come funded
942811;1417556032;mats_cd03;also used to be one hundredth the value it is now, mate
942812;1417556039;mike_c;sure, no doubt.
942813;1417556047;mike_c;dumb now, not then.
942814;1417556051;nubbins`;anyway kialara bars would be WAY cooler if they ditched the text altogether
942815;1417556055;nubbins`;the name and the amount
942816;1417556120;mircea_popescu;mike_c you gotta ppreciate, when the cas coins were a thing, 50 btc was like 100 bux
942817;1417556134;mircea_popescu;it made perfect sense to have a coin with something more than nothing's worth of bitcoin in it.
942818;1417556148;mats_cd03;anyone want to play a quick chess game (blitz)?
942819;1417556152;nubbins`;the last series he sold were 0.1btc
942820;1417556152;mike_c;yes yes, i am saying it no longer makes sense to have a 10 btc that is actually funded
942821;1417556160;mike_c;*10 btc coin
942822;1417556160;mircea_popescu;it had its political importance at the time, these aren;'t really remembered today, but at some point i had to go into fucking something awful forums and argue with the idiots as to why bitcoin actualy is valuable.
942823;1417556164;nubbins`;it makes no sense to put a denomination on it, period
942824;1417556172;mircea_popescu;because at the time idiots honestly thought the "internet funbux" angle can be pushed.
942825;1417556176;mike_c;doesn't make a good xmas gift without a denomination
942826;1417556190;nubbins`;well ya know. it doesn't make a good xmas gift with one either.
942827;1417556197;mircea_popescu;well, prolly not anymore, you're right.
942828;1417556202;jurov;wait till some crazy canadian starts making them from mice poop and her genital hair
942829;1417556207;mircea_popescu;i imagine it makes little sense to have anymore at all, tbh.
942830;1417556212;[]bot;Bet placed: 1 BTC for Yes on "Bitcoin difficulty to fall before Mar 2015" http://bitbet.us/bet/1058/ Odds: 93(Y):7(N) by coin, 89(Y):11(N) by weight. Total bet: 29.46220824 BTC. Current weight: 60,506.
942831;1417556213;nubbins`;jurov "his" hair. i'm a man.
942832;1417556215;[]bot;Bet placed: 7 BTC for Yes on "Bitcoin difficulty to fall before Mar 2015" http://bitbet.us/bet/1058/ Odds: 93(Y):7(N) by coin, 89(Y):11(N) by weight. Total bet: 29.46220824 BTC. Current weight: 60,506.
942833;1417556231;nubbins`;mircea_popescu cold storage for the discerning consumer, nothing more.
942834;1417556233;mircea_popescu;nubbins` wait wut ?!
942836;1417556240;nubbins`;i kid
942837;1417556244;mircea_popescu;it's the most inconvenient storage conceivable.
942838;1417556260;mircea_popescu;sorta like keeping your cheese in a truck wheel.
942839;1417556264;mircea_popescu;why not the fridge ?
942840;1417556267;jurov;http://www.upi.com/Odd_News/2003/10/01/Public-money-for-pubic-hair-art-decried/UPI-46201065031891/ << hope that's not you nubbins`
942841;1417556269;assbot;Public money for pubic hair art decried - UPI.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1wmgYuS )
942842;1417556284;mike_c;nubbins`: can you vouch at all for kialara?  i'm going to get one.
942843;1417556297;mircea_popescu;jurov i used to know this chick that wore a bracelet she made out of her pubic hair.
942844;1417556310;nubbins`;mike_c they look cool, no idea beyond that
942845;1417556333;nubbins`;jurov this is a problem, people get all hissy when someone gets a grant for something they personally don't like
942846;1417556342;mircea_popescu;total ocd case, she'd actually pluck her hairs by hand, braid them in threes then braid the results and on it went.
942847;1417556343;nubbins`;maybe their issue is with the grant system
942848;1417556403;nubbins`;there was a big sadness when a band called "holy fuck" got a grant
942849;1417556422;nubbins`;old windbags who'd never bothered to even listen to the band, decrying the vulgar waste of taxpayer money
942850;1417556440;nubbins`;but the thing is, they don't give a fuck that there's grant money being given away; they care that it's being given to a band called holy fuck
942851;1417556462;nubbins`;but, y'know.
942852;1417556467;nubbins`;it's not their say.
942853;1417556483;jurov;i intended tat just for laugh, but okay.
942855;1417556498;nubbins`;i know! just taking a tangent
942856;1417556521;adlai;mircea_popescu: omg thank you tho mutth!
942857;1417556534;jurov;i myself was recipient of taxpayer money for nonsense, too. so what.
942858;1417556543;nubbins`;i fear the grant system discourages artists from putting their careers on economically viable paths
942859;1417556569;mircea_popescu;nubbins` http://trilema.com/2013/what-is-art/ srsly
942860;1417556570;assbot;What is art ? pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.  ... ( http://bit.ly/1wmiPzL )
942861;1417556580;nubbins`;i've read that like three times and i'm out of credits
942862;1417556581;mircea_popescu;there is no economically viable path for "artists" outside of mooching off the sovereign.
942863;1417556589;nubbins`;we even had our own chat about it, i drew you a thing.
942864;1417556599;mircea_popescu;I WONT SELL OUT!
942865;1417556632;nubbins`;you and your capital A "Art" ;D
942866;1417556684;nubbins`;oh btw, nice eulora biology
942867;1417556692;jurov;they can be beggars, too
942868;1417556694;mircea_popescu;guy's talented like all fuck isn't he.
942870;1417556709;mircea_popescu;jurov except then they're not real artists. just buskers.
942871;1417556724;BingoBoingo;jurov: what's with the submissions to qntra containing lengthy documents verbatim? << lengthy documents go into blockquotes, don't get counted
942872;1417556726;mircea_popescu;andy warwhore is teh true artist.
942873;1417556732;nubbins`;he's not a real blogger, he's just a busker
942874;1417556754;mircea_popescu;yeah, this i true in the reverse. bloggers that write for someone else aren't much more than buskers.
942875;1417556790;nubbins`;anyone working for someone else is a busker if you wanna split that hair the rest of the way
942876;1417556809;mircea_popescu;all the oms and whatnot of the world.
942878;1417556819;jurov;i guess mircea meant pople working for general public as opposed to their master
942879;1417556823;mircea_popescu;a hooker not working for someone else is just a bum.
942880;1417556856;mircea_popescu;there's liberal professions and servile professions.
942882;1417556865;assbot;An indiscriminate slave | Flickr - Photo Sharing! ... ( http://bit.ly/1wmkqpk )
942883;1417556865;mircea_popescu;artist is a servile profession. the long and the short of it.
942884;1417556875;mircea_popescu;it's also the one to most famously rebel against its status, but so what of that.
942885;1417557019;[]bot;Bet placed: 3 BTC for Yes on "Bitcoin difficulty to fall before Mar 2015" http://bitbet.us/bet/1058/ Odds: 93(Y):7(N) by coin, 90(Y):10(N) by weight. Total bet: 32.46220824 BTC. Current weight: 60,497.
942886;1417557091;jurov;nubbins` if you're ever gonna make some b-a book, these reich images are very fitting
942887;1417557168;jurov;the book "Listen, Little Man!" is good, too, except for wtf conclusions
942888;1417557193;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34744 @ 0.00036661 = 12.7375 BTC [+]
942889;1417557265;jurov;https://www.flickr.com/photos/esaruoho/15595016198/in/photostream/ hahaha
942890;1417557268;assbot;Your slave driver is yourself | Flickr - Photo Sharing! ... ( http://bit.ly/1vM7INN )
942891;1417557301;jurov;grr it linked other image as i meant
942893;1417557599;assbot;    Some Ferguson residents accuse police of aggressive arrest tactics ... ( http://bit.ly/1wmoPZa )
942894;1417558425;nubbins`;some of these are weird
942896;1417558427;assbot;Inane chatter at your social functions | Flickr - Photo Sharing! ... ( http://bit.ly/1wmtCd6 )
942897;1417558915;nubbins`;anyway, if anyone's interested, there's maybe ten books left in the first edition of our latest, so get 'em while they're hot
942899;1417559191;assbot;Diletto De Bitcoin - Cocobolo Bitcoin Dildo ... ( http://bit.ly/1zMVQM0 )
942900;1417559287;BingoBoingo;Best Bitcoin Dildo so far
942901;1417559293;*;mats_cd03 facepalms
942903;1417559358;kakobrekla;> It was commissioned by a person on this forum but then they back out half way through completion. Original price was $600usd.
942904;1417559374;kakobrekla;buyer : "now that you finally made the thing, you can go fuck yourself. bye"
942905;1417559412;kakobrekla;and then buy it for 150$.
942906;1417559421;[]bot;Bet placed: 1.5 BTC for Yes on "Bitcoin difficulty to fall in 2014" http://bitbet.us/bet/871/ Odds: 91(Y):9(N) by coin, 59(Y):41(N) by weight. Total bet: 60.92962981 BTC. Current weight: 7,053.
942907;1417559437;punkman;he totally had to use his wood-turning skills and make it ribbed
942908;1417559529;kakobrekla;would be more interesting you could screw it
942909;1417559545;punkman;that's not how dildos work kakobrekla
942910;1417559585;mats_cd03;man, 600usd for a wooden dildo
942911;1417559589;mats_cd03;thats inflation for you.
942912;1417559610;mircea_popescu;"If you have ever been F#CKED using BTCitcoin for something this would be a great way to memorialize that as well."
942914;1417559630;mircea_popescu;dude don't tell me the forum muppetry actually fucks itself to memorialize being fucked.
942915;1417559774;BingoBoingo;Of course they do. It's how they have to learn through pennance.
942916;1417559837;mats_cd03;so meta.
942918;1417559871;kakobrekla;but if you been screwed by bitcoin no cigar
942919;1417560012;mats_cd03;now, to look for another distro now that debian's been converted to systemd....
942920;1417560311;[]bot;Bet placed: 5 BTC for Yes on "Bitcoin difficulty to fall before Mar 2015" http://bitbet.us/bet/1058/ Odds: 94(Y):6(N) by coin, 91(Y):9(N) by weight. Total bet: 37.46220824 BTC. Current weight: 60,461.
942921;1417560315;nubbins`;try dubian
942922;1417560352;nubbins`;all the system sounds are done by this guy: http://imgur.com/hVCvAkC
942923;1417560353;assbot;                        imgur: the simple image sharer ... ( http://bit.ly/1zMYmBZ )
942924;1417560357;mats_cd03;;;ud dubian
942925;1417560358;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Dubian | Dubian. A young straight biological male, particularly in his teenage years or early ... The Dubian is indeed a bio-guy, therefore, if you're not into bio-peen, ...
942926;1417560365;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38369 @ 0.00036838 = 14.1344 BTC [+]
942927;1417560415;mats_cd03;> that bears a striking resemblance to an androgynous lesbian. A heterosexual dude who, at first glance, is often mistaken for a boyish lesbian. He is usually of smaller build, wears ambiguous attire, (ie: skinny jeans, Chuck Taylors) and cuts his hair into a faux hawk or other such lesbian-trademarked coiffure.
942928;1417560426;mircea_popescu;ajajaj dubian
942929;1417560456;mats_cd03;my vocabulary grows
942930;1417560536;mircea_popescu;this one
942931;1417560538;mircea_popescu;'s great.
942932;1417560625;mats_cd03;i get the distinct impression there's no good distro left besides gentoo
942933;1417560637;mats_cd03;maybe its time to move to openbsd
942934;1417560654;mircea_popescu;prolly gentoo's the last man standing
942935;1417560764;*;mats_cd03 returns to beating vagrant into submission
942936;1417560900;asciilifeform;gentoo's the last man standing << not standing. hobbling on leg stump like the knight in 'monty python'.
942937;1417561200;mircea_popescu;i dunno who cares about recent distros anyway.
942938;1417561203;mircea_popescu;or why would they.
942939;1417561218;mircea_popescu;but i suppose putting more steam behind openbsd can't hurt.
942940;1417561378;[]bot;Bet placed: 1.5 BTC for Yes on "Bitcoin difficulty to fall in 2014" http://bitbet.us/bet/871/ Odds: 91(Y):9(N) by coin, 60(Y):40(N) by weight. Total bet: 62.42962981 BTC. Current weight: 7,042.
942942;1417561479;gribble;Current Blocks: 332636 | Current Difficulty: 4.03000303278914E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 332639 | Next Difficulty In: 3 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 19 minutes and 35 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None
942945;1417561542;gribble;Error: Problem retrieving latest block data.
942946;1417561562;mike_c;this is exciting
942947;1417561576;asciilifeform;who cares about recent distros << recent distros - maybe no one. recent kernels - quite a few folks doomed to grunt on recent hardware. who don't have the muscles, time, or energy to vivisect the patches.
942949;1417561722;assbot;'LibreSSL Windows port status update' - MARC ... ( http://bit.ly/1pPBbH3 )
942951;1417562212;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform who exactly is doomed to grunt on recent hardware
942952;1417562311;mircea_popescu;https://bitcoinwisdom.com/bitcoin/difficulty << Estimated Next Difficulty:40,010,998,361 (-0.72%)  Adjust time:After 3 Blocks, About 29.5 minutes
942953;1417562312;assbot;Bitcoin Difficulty and Hashrate Chart - BitcoinWisdom ... ( http://bit.ly/1pPEHRV )
942954;1417562314;mircea_popescu;no dice.
942956;1417562634;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: who exactly is doomed to grunt on recent hardware << just about anyone using issued portables. anyone with rented servers. most folks.
942957;1417562676;mircea_popescu;uh. if you have servers you'd have to be insane to use rented hardware oyu manage yourself. either colo your own metal or else have the fucking dc handle it if you don't give a shit.
942958;1417562692;mircea_popescu;and who the fuck takes any electronics from their job is so stupid shouldn't get to live anyway.
942959;1417562712;mircea_popescu;i can't even be bothered to count all the ways that's stupid. wtf.
942960;1417562773;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: stupid << answer then. i requisitioned portable comp, could have asked for anything. should have asked for 486? with 640x480 lcd ?
942961;1417562789;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: remember, this is a box i have to actually live with.
942962;1417562936;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: on account of my profession, i need max disk, cpu, ram, attainable. in portable box. still say 486?
942963;1417562996;jurov;mircea has slaves to carry boxen around
942964;1417563021;asciilifeform;jurov: he also doesn't strictly have to leave home. or do work.
942965;1417563323;asciilifeform;jurov: i even know what mircea will say now - that poor choice of profession, should instead drill for oil in the north atlantic, or fight in syria.
942966;1417563330;midnightmagic;asciilifeform: novena maybe?
942967;1417563354;asciilifeform;midnightmagic: lol!
942968;1417563360;midnightmagic;oh you said "max". nvm
942969;1417563378;asciilifeform;midnightmagic: handmade piece of shit, and made of what? quite recent pieces.
942970;1417563450;midnightmagic;it has an fpga onboard, (almost) no firmware except perhaps for the sdd. it's free-ish
942971;1417563493;asciilifeform;on account of my profession, i occasionally do things like booting up winblows in an emulator. on what would mircea do this? 486?
942972;1417563516;asciilifeform;on fpga emulating a 486?
942973;1417563565;*;midnightmagic backs slowly away and maybe should've read back further than one 24-line screenful
942974;1417563635;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform whatever sarge runs on ?
942975;1417563665;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: need max cpu, max ram, or will hate life.
942976;1417563674;[]bot;Bet placed: 1.9 BTC for No on "Bitcoin to drop under $250 before 2015" http://bitbet.us/bet/1078/ Odds: 10(Y):90(N) by coin, 11(Y):89(N) by weight. Total bet: 16.51760042 BTC. Current weight: 92,130.
942977;1417563679;[]bot;Bet placed: 1.6 BTC for No on "Bitcoin to drop under $250 before 2015" http://bitbet.us/bet/1078/ Odds: 10(Y):90(N) by coin, 11(Y):89(N) by weight. Total bet: 16.51760042 BTC. Current weight: 92,130.
942978;1417563682;[]bot;Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "Bitcoin to drop under $250 before 2015" http://bitbet.us/bet/1078/ Odds: 10(Y):90(N) by coin, 11(Y):89(N) by weight. Total bet: 16.51760042 BTC. Current weight: 92,129.
942979;1417563686;mircea_popescu;maybe i'm missing something here, but, why do you think you can't run "max" whatever they are on older debians ?
942980;1417563701;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: cannot, much as i'd love to, use 486, or bk-0011, or handmade pdp-11 in fpga.
942981;1417563704;mircea_popescu;the cpu instruction set changed or something ? it's the same thing.
942982;1417563718;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: was explaining why doomed to recent hardware!
942983;1417563720;mircea_popescu;no but look, linux only went braindamaged this decade.
942984;1417563777;[]bot;Bet placed: 5 BTC for Yes on "Bitcoin difficulty to fall in 2014" http://bitbet.us/bet/871/ Odds: 92(Y):8(N) by coin, 61(Y):39(N) by weight. Total bet: 67.42962981 BTC. Current weight: 7,028.
942985;1417563781;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15850 @ 0.00036838 = 5.8388 BTC [-]
942986;1417563784;mircea_popescu;it's not like simply ignoring pottering forces one to any sort of anything. so you run 2005 linux on 2010 hardware. you probably don't want the modern crapolade for any serious purpose anyway,
942987;1417563799;mircea_popescu;finding a fucking nat router that's not backdoored by design is a fucking hassle as it is.
942988;1417563855;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: as i tried to explain, recent hardware means, inevitably, either recent kernel, or laborious pick-and-choose driver vivisection.
942989;1417563858;mircea_popescu;<asciilifeform> on account of my profession, i occasionally do things like booting up winblows in an emulator. << actually last i did that it was on... ubuntu!
942990;1417563860;mircea_popescu;fitting neh ?
942991;1417563909;asciilifeform;in fact you cannot run 2005 linux on 2014 hw. not if you want, e.g., video output. or networking.
942992;1417563939;mircea_popescu;im not sure why you want to run 2014 hw at all. but whatever, maybe i don't do enough hi res porn conversion on a laptop to care ?
942993;1417563973;mircea_popescu;something's amiss with this picture tho. i find it hard to believe that you need a lot of computing that is a) physically in your lap and b) exactly fits within the seeming arbitrary constriction of "what 2014 laptops allow"
942994;1417563980;mircea_popescu;but does not fit in the "what 2010 laptops allowed"
942995;1417564013;asciilifeform;did try to explain. winblows in emulator, for instance. i'm a 'reverse-engineer.'
942996;1417564027;mircea_popescu;and you gotta run the winblows in an emulator on a physical laptop ?
942997;1417564038;mircea_popescu;you can't just boot up say a vm for it on a remote server ?
942998;1417564063;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aha. laptop.
942999;1417564084;mircea_popescu;well this sounds like a fucking curse on the level of, "must have sex in my car trunk, no matter what"
943001;1417564098;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: in car trunk, and it has to have room for six fire extinguishers.
943002;1417564121;mircea_popescu;i just never ran into this sort of edge myself. i guess count it as a blessing an' move on.
943003;1417564165;mircea_popescu;(kinda weird how the "stuck with windowsy linux" discussion denegerated into a "because i need to run windows".
943004;1417564176;mircea_popescu;poettering should be good news for you then - soon enough you won't need an emulator at all.)
943005;1417564185;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: l0l!
943006;1417564196;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: not only winblows, though. but it's the 'heaviest' victim.
943007;1417564205;mircea_popescu;somehow i imagine what the us agency of redhat is trying to solve is exactly your problem,
943008;1417564210;mircea_popescu;just for more retarded people.
943009;1417564214;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the single biggest hog in my butcher shop.
943010;1417564288;mircea_popescu;anyway, entertain me here. so what happens if you use 2010 hardware with older linux instals is that what, your shit moves slower ?
943011;1417564293;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: you haven't even heard the rest of the fun. at my other job, also stuck with maximally modern hw. because how many floating point ops per second determines, more or less directly, how we're paid.
943012;1417564311;mircea_popescu;so there's no 1k chickens where you live ?
943013;1417564330;mircea_popescu;here's a thought : two $10 old cpus are faster than a $50 modern cpu.
943014;1417564351;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: can only afford a few dozen chickens before 'bracket' rises (cost of next tier of floor space, cooling, begin to dwarf the machines)
943015;1417564374;mircea_popescu;wait, wut ?
943016;1417564393;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: mircea_popescu: two 0 old cpus are faster than a 0 modern << not for molecular dynamics sim. need fast shared memory.
943017;1417564397;mircea_popescu;there is a lot terribly wrong with the picture you paint. i've yet to see this wonder where support costs more than the hardware.
943018;1417564436;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: visit more threadbare pauper's shops made of shoelace and bamboo
943019;1417564465;mircea_popescu;but you see how from a business perspective this makes no sense ? the hardware's the biggest cost. in any and all dcs ever since the world begun.
943020;1417564528;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: no dc. we're talking about a handful of boxes in a cheapo office. if any more, must have dc cage, then nothing left to eat.
943021;1417564533;nubbins`;i once spent a summer running fluid dynamics sims on a 24-node beowulf cluster
943022;1417564538;nubbins`;what a shit show
943023;1417564563;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform and actually renting stuff like amzon offers is not cheaper than what you're currently doing ?!
943024;1417564593;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: from a 'business perspective' very few of the things folks do to survive make sense. ice cream truck will not make the owner rich. nor the knife sharpener in buenos aires.
943025;1417564612;mircea_popescu;but both of these make sense from a business perspective.
943026;1417564627;mircea_popescu;now suppose the major cost of the icecream truck wasn't icecream, but... windshield wiper.
943027;1417564631;mircea_popescu;i'd be just as puzzled.
943028;1417564632;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: last i checked, rented gpu was not worth the cost. but say i did. then i get: the very same modern hardware... just - rented.
943029;1417564670;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform as i said afore, " you'd have to be insane to use rented hardware oyu manage yourself. either colo your own metal or else have the fucking dc handle it if you don't give a shit"
943030;1417564676;mircea_popescu;trying to peg you into one or the other here.
943031;1417564679;mircea_popescu;not going so well.
943032;1417564739;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: if i were to rent hardware, would have to do most of the management work personally on account of massive existing toolchain crud.
943033;1417564739;BingoBoingo;Obummer comes for your boners: http://www.slate.com/blogs/moneybox/2014/12/02/the_able_act_congress_wants_medicare_to_stop_paying_for_penis_pumps.html
943034;1417564740;assbot;The ABLE Act: Congress wants Medicare to stop paying for penis pumps. ... ( http://bit.ly/1vjzbaP )
943036;1417564747;assbot;Beowulf clusters and high performance computing at the Institute for Marine Dynamics - NRC Publications - Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information ... ( http://bit.ly/1vjzdQd )
943037;1417564753;nubbins`;only an abstract, but hey
943038;1417564808;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform so basically you're running your own metal which you don't want to colo because you figure it's actually cheaper in your own house sort of thing ?
943039;1417564836;asciilifeform;leaving for a moment aside my own piles of junk metal - folks embroiled in scientific computing are inevitably doomed to use modern hardware. they cannot, economically, freeze in time and live in 2008 (or whenever) for eternity.
943040;1417564866;nubbins`;dem recent advances, dem increasing hardware requirements, etc
943041;1417564868;mircea_popescu;i somehow doubt they actually use poettering stuff either, but what do i know
943042;1417564873;asciilifeform;same goes for any other similarly perverse application where 'horsepower' is money.
943043;1417564873;mircea_popescu;iirc there's a naggum on this topic.
943044;1417564883;nubbins`;try modelling HIV spread on a 486
943045;1417564890;mircea_popescu;nubbins` what's to keep you ?
943046;1417564904;nubbins`;my expected lifespan
943047;1417564912;mircea_popescu;dude srsly. where the fuck is that link.
943048;1417564918;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://www.xach.com/naggum/articles/3233532779857997@naggum.net.html
943049;1417564919;assbot;Re: Upper limits of CL - Naggum cll archive ... ( http://bit.ly/1vjzLFu )
943050;1417564925;mircea_popescu;there we go.
943051;1417564935;mircea_popescu;so... if what you do is a good idea, this sort of problem can't possibly exists.
943052;1417564944;mircea_popescu;if the problem exists it's a prime indicator you're wasting your life.
943053;1417564955;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: except the world broke since naggum wrote this. not even the oil prospectors write custom os now.
943054;1417564960;mircea_popescu;this, as a purely deductive matter.
943055;1417564975;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform depends which. the oil prospectors that make money do.
943056;1417564979;mircea_popescu;the BPs of this world do not.
943057;1417564984;BingoBoingo;http://linux.web.cern.ch/linux/centos7/ << Seems some did go for poettering
943058;1417564985;assbot;Linux @ CERN: /linux/centos7/index.shtml ... ( http://bit.ly/1vjzZN7 )
943059;1417564991;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i'm more or less wasting life just by having the misfortune to be parked on planet 3 in 2014. this is quite clear.
943060;1417565024;nubbins`;planet 2's too sultry
943061;1417565037;undata;asciilifeform: oh I don't know, the others don't look particularly hospitable
943062;1417565039;mircea_popescu;anyway, the issue should be addressed irrespective of how obnoxious X kiddo is.
943063;1417565043;mircea_popescu;in fact, it has nothing to do with no kiddo.
943064;1417565080;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i was trying to disagree, logically, with 'we can simply preserve in amber hardware from golden age and use that for everything'
943065;1417565089;mircea_popescu;i don't see you got too far.
943066;1417565107;mircea_popescu;every step of the way of technology is sound and can be rested upon.
943067;1417565112;mircea_popescu;that's the only important thing about technology.
943068;1417565122;mircea_popescu;you don't HAVE TO update anything, and if it sucks you don't update.
943069;1417565126;mircea_popescu;full stop.
943070;1417565188;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: if it sucks you don't update << and lose the contract to the fellow who isn't trying to fold protein on 486.
943071;1417565192;mircea_popescu;seems 1905 steel girder bridges still work just fine, and yes you can do anything you want done on 486s. heck, it's always been cheaper to buy last year's tech and buy a lot of it and network it than it is to buy the monolithic "custom made" tool.
943072;1417565207;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform if it sucks, he'll do worse than you.
943073;1417565212;mircea_popescu;this is the definition of "it sucks".
943074;1417565224;mircea_popescu;if he doesn't do worse than you, that's a prime signal that you're insane.
943075;1417565234;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it's always been cheaper to buy last year's tech and buy a lot of it and network it  << to some extent, the problem i spoke of is a 'two strong oxen' problem. need shared memory.
943076;1417565274;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i am at this very moment running a 64 GB amd-a8 quad.
943077;1417565286;mircea_popescu;that's a what, 2008 processor ?
943078;1417565292;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: if it sucks, he'll do worse than you << find naggum's piece on how 'market can only tackle one dimension of multidimensional analysis.' yes, other fellow will fold the protein faster, while running poetteringisms.
943079;1417565306;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10459 @ 0.00036952 = 3.8648 BTC [+]
943080;1417565372;mircea_popescu;i dun see it.
943081;1417565382;mircea_popescu;i mean it's a fine theory an' all, but i don't see it.
943082;1417565389;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 2008 processor << can get ~2x the clock now. i fully grasp that for your application - there is no reason whatsoever to do this.
943083;1417565417;mircea_popescu;but can you grasp that 2 x1 = 1 x2 ?
943084;1417565445;mircea_popescu;so you get twice the clock, and i get two of them. sure, there are SOME problems that are provably unsplittable.
943085;1417565450;mircea_popescu;there's about five of them.,
943086;1417565492;BingoBoingo;If I sound grumpy, it is only because I have come across too many idiots of the "it can't be done" persuasion lately, the kind of managers who have an aquarium in their office because fifteen brains think better than one.
943087;1417565497;BingoBoingo;^ Naggum
943088;1417565663;mircea_popescu;fuck, for that matter, this thing is universal. so the us only makes "high performance"  bullshit antibiotics of doom these days ?
943089;1417565672;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 47 @ 0.07762629 = 3.6484 BTC [+] {16} 
943090;1417565680;mircea_popescu;wake me up sometime when i care. i've been using sulfmetoxazole forever, and i intend to continue.
943091;1417565692;mircea_popescu;half a cent a pill, indian factories dedicated to its preservation in amber.
943092;1417565726;mircea_popescu;this idea that "we'll gavin all over the blockchain technology and everyone will follow" is out of a holywood movie. not how reality works.
943093;1417565752;mircea_popescu;people didn't use to upgrade worth a shit not even a decade ago, when all the incentives were alligned for them to.
943094;1417565776;mircea_popescu;but that ended a few years back, and "upgrade" is headed right into the "please install our browser toolbar extension" and "act now!" bin.
943095;1417565876;BingoBoingo; people didn't use to upgrade worth a shit not even a decade ago, when all the incentives were alligned for them to. << What happened was Microsoft's "Let's mimic the Auto Industries idea of the Model Year" won even if MS could not execute on it
943096;1417565879;mircea_popescu;they came up with "smart phones" ? fuck them, i never upgraded, i still use actual phones. samsung is jumping over backwards to supply the market. they cost nothing. etc.
943097;1417565911;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo pretty much yeah. and then Dull Gates dragged the entire "industry" of nitwits along with him.
943098;1417565919;mats_cd03;but a smart phone makes me smart. :(
943099;1417565920;mircea_popescu;"prevailing business practices" derpage.
943100;1417565928;mircea_popescu;mats_cd03 im too smart, see ? level cap already.
943103;1417565954;gribble;Current Blocks: 332643 | Current Difficulty: 4.000747027127126E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 334655 | Next Difficulty In: 2012 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 6 days, 7 hours, 47 minutes, and 17 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 56315518647.2 | Estimated Percent Change: 40.76251
943104;1417565963;mircea_popescu;aand it dropped ?
943105;1417565991;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu:  people didn't use to upgrade worth a shit << number crunching - existed. even if you're not involved with it, realize that it was original purpose of computer. it matters.
943106;1417566009;mircea_popescu;i have no argument with that.
943107;1417566025;mircea_popescu;but i recall that even before the first cray, kiler micros did better than the mainframe.
943108;1417566040;mircea_popescu;this hasn't somehow magicked away just because whoever likes to sell to the gubmint
943109;1417566049;mircea_popescu;and nobody seriously reviews fraud that involves public funds.
943110;1417566083;BingoBoingo;Was last difficulty 40,300,030,328 if so then dropped
943111;1417566089;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu:  kiler micros did better than the mainframe <<< noooo.... not for shared-memory problems! not then, not now. please, understand the basic issue.
943112;1417566128;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what did happen was - the 'strong oxen' died. simply died. and this made micros look good, because alive looks better than dead.
943113;1417566143;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no, i know what you're saying, but i think it's much rarer than you make it look, a problem that doesn't take well to chickens.
943114;1417566160;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 996 @ 0.00115186 = 1.1473 BTC [-] {4} 
943115;1417566170;mircea_popescu;not that i'm against oxen or anything. but seriously, trying to sell me on braindamaged chickens with three beaks as a sort of unavoidable oxen ?
943116;1417566176;mircea_popescu;come on, anything turkeys can do chickens can do.
943117;1417566226;mircea_popescu;if your problem can be approached with 2014 "state of the art" killer micro, it can also be approached with killer micro that was state of the art in 2009. that's the whole argument.
943118;1417566240;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: just explaining that, e.g., 2x ram bandwidth - closer to 'oxen' than otherwise.
943119;1417566241;mircea_popescu;somehow having this magical problem that fits just right in this otherwise narrow space seems very improbable.
943120;1417566256;mircea_popescu;but, sure, every broom shoots once. if a broom shot you once, you have my deepest simpathies.
943121;1417566266;mircea_popescu;"closer" is not of this film.
943122;1417566273;cazalla;jurov: what's with the submissions to qntra containing lengthy documents verbatim? <<< anything contained in a 
as those length documents are, do not count towards word count 943123;1417566279;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it isn't a broom to me, but the 'rifle' i carry every day. 943124;1417566280;mircea_popescu;what, and 31 bit registers are closer to functional than 28 bit registers ? 943125;1417566305;mircea_popescu;just cut it to 16 bit and use two. 943126;1417566359;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: multiplier. 943127;1417566393;mircea_popescu;but 31 bit doesn't work anyway. it's either 32 or 16. that's it. you don't get "closer" 943128;1417566417;mircea_popescu;some things are discrete, an' being an ox is one of them things by definition. 943129;1417566422;cazalla;adlai: nubbins`: yes, but it could ignore text within blockquote tags <<< this is correct, it does ignore them and this is actually one of the first things discussed when qntra was launched 943130;1417566441;mircea_popescu;which is why "two oxen" is actually misleading. either it's one ox, or else it's an infinity of chickens. no twos here. 943131;1417566443;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: anyway, bad analogy. i'm speaking of actual problems where higher clock on system bus equals more cash. 943132;1417566465;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12300 @ 0.00036952 = 4.5451 BTC [+] 943133;1417566473;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform if it does, i can't see why you wouldn't have your own, terrahertz bus. 943134;1417566475;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: and memory access is the bottleneck. 943135;1417566517;mircea_popescu;kept you know, under liquid methane or some shit 943136;1417566532;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: if it does, i can't see why you wouldn't have your own, terrahertz bus << because ice cream truck does not bring in the income to convert it to galactic ice cream empire. 943137;1417566547;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: but ice cream monger wants to live too. 943138;1417566550;mircea_popescu;so yeah, you're stuck in a paraeconomic crevice over there. 943139;1417566567;mircea_popescu;whereas the point i was making was kinda you know, in general. 943140;1417566596;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: but forget about ice cream men. ask your intelligence men if, say, LukOil produces own terahertz silicon. is there any question what the answer is? 943141;1417566610;mircea_popescu;wait, no lizard lukoil ? 943142;1417566617;mircea_popescu;only nsa can has ? 943143;1417566633;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: science died. 943144;1417566643;mircea_popescu;wait, only lukoil science died ? nsa is fine ? 943145;1417566668;cazalla;mike_c: qntra authors: coinbase is an exchange now. http://blog.coinbase.com/post/104112477642/usd-wallets-on-coinbase <<< usd is more an altcoin eh, not really news worthy imo 943146;1417566670;assbot;The Coinbase Blog — USD Wallets on Coinbase ... ( http://bit.ly/1vjFU4A ) 943147;1417566676;mircea_popescu;lmao 943148;1417566678;mircea_popescu;go cazalla 943149;1417566759;mircea_popescu;btw, asciilifeform speaking of the fast memory thing, did resistive ram go anywhere ? 943150;1417566765;mircea_popescu;i recall a bruhaha a few years ago 943151;1417566791;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: mram ? 943152;1417566807;mircea_popescu;wasn't it reram or something ? 943153;1417566812;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: can buy it now. (see, e.g, 'digikey corp.') patent lockup, monopoly, ruinous cost. 943154;1417566851;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: speaking of magnetoresistive ram (behaves like eeprom, but no ion migration wear and virtually no write latency) 943155;1417566871;mircea_popescu;http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/05/120518132549.htm <<< this thing 943156;1417566872;assbot;New silicon memory chip may offer super-fast memory -- ScienceDaily ... ( http://bit.ly/1yeFTfB ) 943157;1417566979;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: ah, this - no. but realize, all of these nice things (rebirth of ferrite core, nonvolatile ram) is wasted on unix. 943158;1417566996;mircea_popescu; mircea_popescu: science died. << "and yet we can't conserve tech in amber". 943159;1417567004;mircea_popescu;why wasted ? 943160;1417567020;mircea_popescu;im sure you can have glibc ported over :D 943161;1417567036;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: because the whole disk-ram dichotomy is predicated on volatile ram. 943162;1417567060;mircea_popescu;it's not like there;s an actual dichotomy. you can have a ramdisk or a diskram for all it cares. 943163;1417567117;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the whole notion of files. file systems. memory allocation as a separate thing from disk operations. 943164;1417567118;ben_vulpes;jurov: http://f9beb4d9.org/ml/btc-dev/patches.html << "signed by" col looks a little wacky 943165;1417567120;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1vjHzqU ) 943166;1417567146;mircea_popescu;that's clunk, sure, but it wouldn't ever know 943167;1417567214;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: see also: http://www.loper-os.org/?p=231 943168;1417567215;assbot;Loper OS » Third Law of Sane Personal Computing ... ( http://bit.ly/1vjHTGb ) 943169;1417567264;mats_cd03;based on my observation of news on this front, 'memristors' seems likely its rapidly becoming feasible and affordable 943170;1417567283;mats_cd03;not that i know anything at all about how this stuff really works. 943171;1417567292;mircea_popescu;i thought so too, kinda wy i asked. he seems in the prime market to care about em 943172;1417567313;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform sure, no argument there. 943173;1417567319;asciilifeform;mats_cd03: not even worth thinking about until chicoms shit on the patents and sell them near cost. 943174;1417567331;mircea_popescu;lol stan doesn't want to dream 943175;1417567377;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: not only dreamed, but simulated using bizarre terrorist contraption of fpga+dram+flash. 943176;1417567411;mircea_popescu;o.O 943177;1417567419;mircea_popescu;all this is wheting my appetite for b-a computers 943178;1417567427;mircea_popescu;which can't happen because hey! where is my nsa letter ? 943179;1417567458;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: at home, half written. i'm still at [censored], fighting with crapware. 943180;1417567481;adlai;oh you're talking about that other nsa 943181;1417567499;asciilifeform;adlai: the Real! nsa 943182;1417567516;kakobrekla;nsa check, bitcoin foundation check, ... whats next, usg? 943183;1417567522;hanbot;haha 943184;1417567577;adlai;after reading a bit more about the scamosphere, in my mind, "usg" now gets pronounced "usagi" 943185;1417567593;adlai;which raises the question of how "usagi" is pronounced 943186;1417567611;asciilifeform;adlai: pronounce as approx. 'you shaggy' 943187;1417567639;adlai;usagi-san? 943188;1417567649;adlai;ohhhhhh 943189;1417568173;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 47350 @ 0.00037104 = 17.5687 BTC [+] {2} 943190;1417568241;mats_cd03;it breathes 943191;1417568417;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 134 @ 0.00851058 = 1.1404 BTC [-] {5} 943192;1417568926;punkman;"We never thought a video would be watched in numbers greater than a 32-bit integer (=2,147,483,647 views), but that was before we met PSY. "Gangnam Style" has been viewed so many times we have to upgrade!" 943193;1417569441;thestringpuller;i'm getting solicited to go to a CIA job fair... 943194;1417569444;thestringpuller;~_~ 943195;1417569576;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18241 @ 0.00037128 = 6.7725 BTC [+] 943196;1417569621;thestringpuller;"The CIA's strength and effectiveness as an agency depends upon its ability to employ a workforce as diverse as the nation it serves." 943197;1417569649;BingoBoingo;thestringpuller: Might as well go. They'll prolly station you in Russia. 943198;1417569763;thestringpuller;"Your first assignment is to become friends with this man *displays picture of Snowden*" 943199;1417570880;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo russia, idaho ? 943200;1417570900;mircea_popescu;i like these "as an X" aspirationals. 943201;1417570908;mircea_popescu;how about the cia's strength and effectiveness as a potato ? 943202;1417570911;mats_cd03;nah, your first assignment will be to befriend mp. 943203;1417570974;mircea_popescu;I HAVE NO FRIENDS!!1 943204;1417570978;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Either one. Given the CIA's history of applying diverse hires I would expect thestringpuller to be assigned to somewhere lilly white or otherwise homogenous. Probably in a deep cover role 943205;1417571004;mircea_popescu;wait, thestringpuller is not like us ? 943206;1417571017;*;mircea_popescu reaches for his grand wizard hat 943207;1417571022;BingoBoingo;thestringpuller is blessed in melanin 943208;1417571050;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller you totally have to read more qntra. help fix the quantcast demos. 943209;1417571106;mircea_popescu;so now since the b-a notary system is down, i can't check on wtf taxes mpoe has to pay 943210;1417571109;mircea_popescu;THIS IS BULLSHIT 943211;1417571125;mircea_popescu;we're back to the fucking state crap and we've not even revolutionized yet! 943212;1417571168;mircea_popescu;http://www.reddit.com/r/Buttcoin/comments/2jcfin/analyzing_the_bitcoin_foundations_2013_tax_return/ 943213;1417571170;assbot;Analyzing the Bitcoin Foundation's 2013 tax return : Buttcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1FL0FYf ) 943214;1417571173;mircea_popescu;quite on point, incidentally. 943215;1417571178;mircea_popescu;Page 8 shows the salaries the foundation pays. 943216;1417571178;mircea_popescu;Gavin Andresen, "chief scientist", received $209k of "reportable compensation" + $2,884 of "other compensation", for more than $212k. Apparently the foundation thinks it's better to pay one guy $212k for writing blog posts and giving talks and interviews than paying three guys $70k each to work on the software the whole pyramid scheme currency depends on. 943217;1417571178;mircea_popescu;Patrick Murck, general counsel, received $57k + $6k. 943218;1417571178;mircea_popescu;Lindsay Holland, assistant director, received $160k + $2,512. I have no idea what she's doing, other than writing press releases, uploading conference videos to YouTube and giving interviews about how she's paid in Bitcoin. 943219;1417571255;mircea_popescu;"tl;dr: The Bitcoin Foundation exists so a few people can pay themselves generous salaries and play important. Also, they seem to depend on the Bitcoin price rising seeing they lose money on revenue vs. expenses." 943220;1417571379;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: phoundation - can buy golden toilets. foundation - cannot buy me lunch (even if wanted to!) lol. 943221;1417571399;mircea_popescu;well, actually, it currently has enough for a few lunches, 943222;1417571404;mircea_popescu;but not a path to travel. 943223;1417571534;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: path to travel is that i finish me gadget then proceed to fix bitcoind. but in this order. 943224;1417571546;mircea_popescu;aye. 943225;1417571555;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: for some reason nobody else wants to. or can. or some combination of these. i can't say. 943226;1417571571;mircea_popescu;what are you talking about, tons of people working on it from what iv'e seen ? 943227;1417571590;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: working on the chipped paint on the bumper. 943228;1417571612;mircea_popescu;eh let ppls do their thing. 943229;1417571631;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: lol, i'd love for this to get done without any participation at all of mine. 943230;1417571679;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: am hoping that the mythical other fella who knows cpp, can crank gdb, etc. shows up. 943231;1417571780;BingoBoingo;I'm pretty sure the state of the world is that the one non-mythical person who knows cpp is asciilifeform and he loathes it. 943232;1417571803;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: nah that was poor naggum. 943233;1417571824;BingoBoingo;Naggum now lives in the realm of the mythical 943234;1417571830;BingoBoingo;!up pi07r 943235;1417571990;*;adlai still wonders whether polish is better applied to turds than, say, shoes, or nails 943236;1417572011;undata;adlai: use it as fertilizer, grow something more palatable 943237;1417572045;adlai;what grows from turdilizer is not a turd, though 943238;1417572075;BingoBoingo;My nostrils can testify that this as of this fall turds were still a more popular fertilizer in my area for corn and soybeans than anything other. 943239;1417572153;adlai;http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?PlanToThrowOneAway 943240;1417572154;assbot;Plan To Throw One Away ... ( http://bit.ly/1FL2S5K ) 943241;1417572191;asciilifeform;i can't look at the phoundation figures without spitting with rage. 943242;1417572200;asciilifeform;it could buy planets. 943243;1417572209;adlai;are you being forced to look at them? 943244;1417572217;asciilifeform;adlai: devils tempt me. 943245;1417572302;*;adlai wonders whence the Second Foundation 943246;1417572387;asciilifeform;adlai: know that my own project with mircea, s.nsa, lives in a presently-unheated shed. i shall be installing a propane heater this week. 943247;1417572409;asciilifeform;adlai: phoundation motherfuckers are crapping into golden toilets as we speak. 943248;1417572454;mircea_popescu;kinda why we're here, neh ? 943249;1417572466;mircea_popescu;so their children know not of such bezzle. 943250;1417572486;adlai;that's not really news to me, beyond the details about the heater (congratulations, I guess?) 943251;1417572510;asciilifeform;i've been prefixing would-bes in conversation with 'after the war...' for some years. 943252;1417572530;adlai;although think of it this way - if you shat in gold toilets, you'd start dreaming about building Gold Woman 943253;1417572535;asciilifeform;however i can't promise that i'll be there, in that after, the war. 943254;1417572546;BingoBoingo;We know not when the war ends, but they enemy knows even less so! 943255;1417572564;adlai;only the dead have seen the end of war 943256;1417572626;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39150 @ 0.00037205 = 14.5658 BTC [+] {2} 943257;1417572897;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2014/12/australia-the-tax-institute-calls-for-voluntary-bitcoin-registry-treating-bitcoin-as-currency/ 943258;1417572897;assbot;Australia: The Tax Institute Calls for 'Voluntary' Bitcoin Registry, Treating Bitcoin as Currency | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1FL4pch ) 943259;1417573017;undata;oz competing with the US for "worst former british colony"? 943260;1417573021;BingoBoingo;STFU GPO!!!! https://www.congress.gov/bill/113th-congress/house-bill/5777/text 943261;1417573023;assbot;Text - H.R.5777 - 113th Congress (2013-2014): To protect cryptocurrencies. | Congress.gov | Library of Congress ... ( http://bit.ly/1CDo1CQ ) 943262;1417573179;undata;BingoBoingo: the "protect" has me nervous, but that was the guy accepting bitcoin donations 943263;1417573234;BingoBoingo;Hard to say really what people mean. 943264;1417573279;undata;“Many [doctors] are dropping out of the profession because it’s overregulated. Now, what may happen to the bitcoin community is that, if there’s so much regulation, there’ll be a lot of people who say, 'You know what, I’m done with this. I’m not gonna do it,' and it’s going to crush the industry.” 943265;1417573286;undata;http://www.coindesk.com/steve-stockman-new-york-bitcoin-regulation-could-crush-the-industry/ 943266;1417573287;assbot;Steve Stockman: New York's Bitcoin Regulation Could Crush the Industry ... ( http://bit.ly/1CDoQvm ) 943267;1417573324;BingoBoingo;undata: Very related http://www.gomerblog.com/2014/10/nursing-degrees/ 943268;1417573325;assbot;Doctors Getting Nursing Degrees to Stay Competitive | GomerBlog ... ( http://bit.ly/1CDoRzv ) 943269;1417573375;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: the one of 30 black people of qntra is me 943270;1417573392;BingoBoingo;Excuse me at that moment when the new nurse looked up from changing a bed pan, Doctor Fritz! Shannon yelled in amazement. No its Nurse Charlie tonight, he responded before she could question any further. 943271;1417573437;BingoBoingo;At times it has been a little confusing and difficult to keep the two separate. On rounds the next morning Ill ask my residents what the patients Is & Os were. They will tell me the nurse didnt chart them appropriately. So Ill wander over to the charge nurse and say who was taking care of Ms. Johnson last night and of course it was me 943272;1417573491;mircea_popescu;undata yeah, bitcoin totally depends on the sorts of derps that care what some government says. 943273;1417573504;mircea_popescu;their absence "would crush the industry", except they never mattered in any sense. 943274;1417573514;mircea_popescu;i guess bitcointalk would get fewer posts. 943275;1417573650;BingoBoingo;Oh, Thermos got a subpenis https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=881488.msg9714624;boardseen#new 943276;1417573651;assbot;DPR subpoena ... ( http://bit.ly/1FL5Rvf ) 943277;1417574022;mircea_popescu;it's good he didn't spend all those donations on "forum software" then 943278;1417574069;mircea_popescu;"Hello, sorry if there is another thread for this kind of post, but I couldn't find one. I'm looking for the best and brightest IT pro in the bitcoin community to be the lead developer in a venture backed bitcoin startup company. The ideal candidate would have at least several years of web application development experience, having built applications from the ground up. A solid understanding of oop and software arch 943279;1417574069;mircea_popescu;itecture is a must. Experience in a start-up environment is a plus, or just being super hard working, self-motivated, and creative. 943280;1417574069;mircea_popescu;Compensation can be in the form of equity or a salary, or somewhere in-between." 943281;1417574072;mircea_popescu;ahh the beauty of 2011 943282;1417574086;BingoBoingo;I just wonder how the fuck is this his first contact with the law when the fucking FBI and Treasury Department drove down from Peoria to meet me? 943283;1417574108;mircea_popescu;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=6760.msg159173#msg159173 << also pretty good. "The top is immanent. " 943284;1417574109;assbot;call an end to the rally ... ( http://bit.ly/1FL6GnE ) 943285;1417574116;mircea_popescu;yeah, i'd say the top is immanent. 943286;1417574129;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo could vbe he's lying. 943287;1417574197;BingoBoingo;Maybe this is the first formal subpoena, but... The shit that happens on the forum and his only reporting a DPR subpoena nao??? 943288;1417574334;BingoBoingo;Not... When the US attourney was doing discovery, but NAO HE REVEALS SUBPOENA??? 943289;1417574435;BingoBoingo;In other forum history, the Original supershill https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=15307 943290;1417574435;assbot;View the profile of rlh ... ( http://bit.ly/1CDramb ) 943291;1417574578;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24800 @ 0.00036668 = 9.0937 BTC [-] {2} 943292;1417574697;punkman;https://twitter.com/NASA/status/539814651404754944 943293;1417574700;assbot;We're sending humans to Mars! Watch our /hashtag/JourneytoMars?src=hash briefing live today at 12pm ET: http://t.co/6XtjOi1yJo /hashtag/Orion?src=hash http://t.co/wrf89sn35A 943294;1417574876;adlai;guessing here: you don't need a subpoena to browse the internet during an investigation, but you do need it to take that same internet page to court as evidence? 943295;1417574905;adlai;... kinda like your bot that signs pages 943296;1417574975;BingoBoingo;Dunno for sure 943297;1417575208;mircea_popescu;adlai generally, you only need it to twist the arm of pois. 943298;1417575230;adlai;pois? 943299;1417575482;decimation;lol http://fusion.net/story/5831/jorge-ramos-to-cia-director-dont-you-need-more-people-like-snowden-2/ << "“We actually don’t even recruit spies, to be perfectly honest,” said Ron Patrick, who heads recruitment efforts at the CIA. “That’s television. That’s movies. That’s the general theme about how people refer to what we do here. But it’s not at all what we do.”" 943300;1417575483;assbot;Jorge Ramos to CIA Director: Don’t You Need ‘More People Like Snowden?’ -- Fusion ... ( http://bit.ly/1FL9nWr ) 943301;1417575497;decimation;"The CIA confirmed to Fusion that for the last two promotion cycles to the Senior Intelligence Service, 40 percent or more of those who were promoted were female." 943302;1417575570;decimation;re: two strong oxen << Cray died with Cray, unfortunately, its corpse lives on. 943303;1417575606;decimation;But asciilifeform is right - the raw brute horsepower per watt of 2014 hardware outpaces 2008 hardware, notwithstanding retarded implementation 943304;1417575649;decimation;and by horsepower I mean "ability to perform arithmetic and convey the results in a timely fashion" 943305;1417575683;decimation;and asciilifeform is right, the usg folks who 'compute' have no problem running poettering shit if it 'gets the job done' 943306;1417575961;decimation;mircea_popescu: re: http://www.xenosystems.net/chaos-patch-38/ << a comment at the bottom: "Frog Do Says: IMO, “Moldbug studies” remain one of the more fertile areas of research for the American Outer Right. More interesting info in that “Trilema” piece than anything on Ferguson." 943307;1417575964;assbot;Outside in - Involvements with reality » Blog Archive » Chaos Patch (#38) ... ( http://bit.ly/1FLantI ) 943308;1417575981;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 90100 @ 0.00037398 = 33.6956 BTC [+] {3} 943309;1417575995;mircea_popescu;ha, fancy that. 943310;1417575996;decimation;I don't think what we do here is 'moldbug studies' but I think the channel is at friendly to some of his conclusions 943311;1417576021;decimation;at any rate, people with brains recognize novel thought 943312;1417576061;mircea_popescu;i think that's an artefact of approach. in this sense, my pieces loling at usg feminists are properly "Feminist studies" 943313;1417576088;mircea_popescu;just like you know, pissing on an anthil is "ant deluvionation" if you're looking at the world from an ant. 943314;1417576121;decimation;yeah I buy that. more like "Feminist studies" than bitching about some nerd wearing a shirt with scantily clad women 943315;1417576262;decimation;re: follow-up on those 'oath keepers' who 'volunteered' to guard businesses in Ferguson: https://www.facebook.com/duane.weed.54/posts/988857591129752 << "This past Wednesday (11/26), local police were advised in private briefings that the police (i.e. Federal agencies) now consider the Oath Keepers the threat, not the New Black Panthers, the pro-Michael Brown demonstrators, or ISIS." 943316;1417576263;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1FLaW6E ) 943317;1417576297;decimation;"Early this afternoon, I confirmed (through a private source) what I have suspected since last August. Namely that the daily telephone interaction between MO Governor Nixon and the White House has involved Ms. Valerie Jarrett not the POTUS." 943318;1417576366;decimation;who knows if this guy is legit, but if what he is wrote is true, USG apparently views a group of actual people acting of their own free will to be a much greater threat than rampaging rivers of meat 943319;1417576514;mircea_popescu;lawl. 943320;1417576536;mircea_popescu;of course it would duh. 943321;1417576544;mircea_popescu;rivers of meat are still just rivers. 943322;1417576649;decimation;heh someone lifted a qntra article http://www.ufblog.net/quotable-52/ 943323;1417576652;assbot;Quotable (#52) | Urban Future (2.1) ... ( http://bit.ly/1FLbGZr ) 943324;1417576886;decimation;Nick Land seems to be taking quite a liking to bitcoin-assets thought 943325;1417576894;decimation;http://www.xenosystems.net/undead/ 943326;1417576897;assbot;Outside in - Involvements with reality » Blog Archive » Undead ... ( http://bit.ly/12qaKh5 ) 943327;1417577765;mike_c;no room on qntra amongst the daily australian bitcoin news for a piece on coinbase becoming an exchange now? such xenophobia. 943328;1417578006;cazalla;http://qntra.net/2014/12/new-zealand-couple-avoid-jail-for-drugs-imported-via-silk-road-like-site/ 943329;1417578007;assbot;New Zealand Couple Avoid Jail For Drugs Imported Via Silk Road Like Site | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/12qgBmx ) 943330;1417578056;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 70700 @ 0.00037783 = 26.7126 BTC [+] {2} 943331;1417578069;BingoBoingo;mike_c: Coinbase is not news. They exist. Their changing shit slightly totally not news. If qntra was a thing when they introduced their wallet less node thing, news. USD paypal wallet thing not news. 943332;1417578089;BingoBoingo;mike_c: Unless you can do charts for it... 943333;1417578121;cazalla;mike_c, despite my being an aussie, it's not bias, simply interesting news coming from down under past few days, the coinbase thing is meh, plenty of sites have usd type wallets, who really cares imo, they can add the iraqi dinar and maybe i'll post that 943334;1417578139;mike_c;this has nothing to do with wallets 943335;1417578164;mike_c;it is now an exchange. hold $$, hold btc, trade at will instantly. 943336;1417578170;BingoBoingo;The Aussie stuff though did come as a huge dump. 943337;1417578178;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 30 @ 0.10020039 = 3.006 BTC [-] {4} 943338;1417578184;BingoBoingo;Coinbase was always an exchange... just a slow one. 943339;1417578190;mike_c;now, it wasn't 943340;1417578193;BingoBoingo;That freezes accounts a lot.. 943341;1417578201;mike_c;*no. you couldn't hold USD on coinbase. now you can. 943342;1417578204;cazalla;and i don't want to be seen to promote the idea that holding usd on coinbase is a good idea either 943343;1417578239;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43100 @ 0.00038236 = 16.4797 BTC [+] {2} 943344;1417578254;BingoBoingo;mike_c: If you can news it up, qntra worthy prolly. Just when Australia had an orgy of pieces on the wrong politics... 943345;1417578254;mike_c;this is silly. where do you think US qntra readers buy their bitcoin? 943346;1417578265;mike_c;fucking bitstamp? 943347;1417578283;BingoBoingo;I thought US people bought bitcoin in Tijuana from Sinaloa 943348;1417578286;cazalla;mike_c, buying and holding 2 different things, i use similar sites but it's a one way street 943349;1417578332;BingoBoingo;I'm coming around to this maybe being newsworthy, but as someone without a bank account I think another USian could do a fairer take. 943350;1417578350;decimation;mike_c: where else to us qntra readers buy bitcoin? otc? 943351;1417578361;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1255 @ 0.0011992 = 1.505 BTC [-] {2} 943352;1417578363;cazalla;mike_c, you're always welcome to write it up, pocket some shares in the process 943353;1417578375;mike_c;qntra is not #b-a news, it is 'better than coindesk' news. i doubt they use otc. 943354;1417578415;BingoBoingo;decimation: I actually can see a case for people to buy BTC off of CoinBase and pocket them elsewhere, provided they are willing to lose USD to the machine's quirks 943355;1417578438;decimation;eh, if they sell and deliver, that makes them a worth market participant right? 943356;1417578456;decimation;I think the complaint is that whenever the price moves, coinbase suddenly has 'issues' 943357;1417578461;BingoBoingo;decimation: Or it robs the waterfall of the ability to paper BTC 943358;1417578526;BingoBoingo;ALright I've set my timer. If someone else volunteers to do a COinbase has a USD wallet too nao, I won't give it a one sentence writeup. 943359;1417578536;cazalla;mike_c, it's also a question of priority, there is little to be gained by giving the coinbse news top priority when it is top of reddit and other bitcoin news sites 943360;1417578561;mike_c;huh? I don't want to read reddit and other btc news sites. i thought this was whole point of qntra. 943361;1417578568;assbot;Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/029SB79.txt ) 943362;1417578568;BingoBoingo;!b 1 943363;1417578577;mircea_popescu;<mike_c> qntra is not #b-a news, it is 'better than coindesk' news. i doubt they use otc. << this is a point, but srsly, write it. 943364;1417578615;BingoBoingo;Point. I'll write it in a few if no one wants to give it a treatment. 943365;1417578643;mike_c;fine, I'll write it up. 943366;1417578686;BingoBoingo;Thank you mike_c 943367;1417578707;mike_c;this is what you get for complaining around here. work! 943368;1417578717;assbot;Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0XJBYSG.txt ) 943369;1417578717;BingoBoingo;!b 3 943370;1417578719;cazalla;mike_c: it is now an exchange. hold $$, hold btc, trade at will instantly. <<< is it an actual exchange or continue to be market maker? 943371;1417578729;mike_c;the latter 943372;1417578738;mike_c;with tightish spreads though 943373;1417578744;BingoBoingo;I think they tend to still sell themselves as a broker 943374;1417578787;BingoBoingo;Effect will probably be to make BTC to USD transactions a bigger pain in the ass on their platform the next runup 943375;1417578960;mircea_popescu; this is what you get for complaining around here. work! << real do-ocracy over here. 943376;1417578982;cazalla; this is what you get for complaining around here. work! <<< there are plenty of bids for s.qntra shares on MPEx. BingoBoingo and I can't cover every single story, I have no intention to sell my own shares so anyone with the inclination to earn a bit of btc can cover what we miss and sell their shares if so desired 943377;1417579067;mircea_popescu; Effect will probably be to make BTC to USD transactions a bigger pain in the ass on their platform the next runup << yup. 943378;1417579071;BingoBoingo;Honestly the situation with qntra shares is that if you want them you write, or buy into something kind of bubbly. I mean there's far less shares than BTC 943379;1417579339;BingoBoingo;!up Vexual 943380;1417579344;Vexual;ayo 943381;1417579371;Vexual;what u mean bubbly fool? 943382;1417579410;Vexual;I cream truck don't need no windsheild wipers 943383;1417579443;Vexual;It's sunny out 943384;1417579628;Vexual;I'm not sure how that relates, but it sure is some business science 943385;1417579704;decimation;what if it is raining funnel web spiders? 943386;1417579719;Vexual;you ain't gonna sell no icecreams 943387;1417579799;cazalla;i think i might've outdone asciilifeform's buterin diagram.. http://i.imgur.com/8ydqSV7.png http://i.imgur.com/WcdnKZ1.png http://i.imgur.com/dUc5E2b.png 943388;1417579800;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1HXE2DC ) 943389;1417579802;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1HXE2Ud ) 943390;1417579804;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1HXE3aF ) 943391;1417579847;nubbins`;it's raining funnel web spiders 943392;1417579851;nubbins`;hallelujah 943393;1417579855;BingoBoingo;cazalla: You and your non-z80 based nintendos 943394;1417579984;cazalla;BingoBoingo, i bet this new one breaks within a year or two too 943395;1417580039;*;asciilifeform went home, sat down to write broadcast and ended up reading the eldritch horror on mircea_popescu's site. 943396;1417580046;mircea_popescu;lol 943397;1417580055;mircea_popescu;which one of em ? 943398;1417580058;asciilifeform;both. 943399;1417580065;BingoBoingo;Maybe. I also bet I can get more interesting pokemans in my version blue on the original game boy 943400;1417580090;mircea_popescu;that's what trilema's for. eldritch horrors for everyone. 943401;1417580113;asciilifeform;how even came up with that one. 943402;1417580121;cazalla;BingoBoingo, how about red? http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-02-2014#513562 943403;1417580121;assbot;Logged on 18-02-2014 06:07:03; cazalla: btw my brother had the WR for fastest complete time for pokemon red on twin galaxies 943404;1417580136;asciilifeform;'My dick piece never came off, but I didn't want it to, either. I found a black boyfriend that year, and so I discovered that the cause of my orgasm wasn't actually Tyrone's pee.' 943405;1417580142;BingoBoingo;cazalla: Cousin had red, brother had yellow 943406;1417580211;asciilifeform;can't help but wonder if tale is allegorical. 943407;1417580220;mircea_popescu;:) 943408;1417580222;asciilifeform;for glbse or the like... 943409;1417580234;mike_c;cazalla, how do i submit this turd? pastebin? 943410;1417580254;cazalla;mike_c, it can be polished via cazalla@fastmail.com.au 943411;1417580327;BingoBoingo;mike_c: emailed to either of us works. If editorial at all to cazalla after the pete_incidents. 943412;1417580416;mike_c;email sent to caz 943413;1417580661;cazalla;BingoBoingo, should i file this under scams/fraud? :P 943414;1417580667;cazalla;perhaps even altcoins! 943415;1417580673;mike_c;for the record, i was not really complaining about the amount of australian news. I'm read that stuff and am interested. It was just concerning that coinbase does stuff like expand to 20 countries and enable instant trading with no mention. 943416;1417580687;mike_c;makes me feel like i'm missing out on stuff. 943417;1417580693;BingoBoingo;cazalla: Prolly not. fiat/btc interfaces is prolly fine 943418;1417580708;mike_c;plz. you filed changetip under investment. 943419;1417580720;cazalla;mike_c, it's all good :) http://qntra.net/2014/12/coinbase-allows-usd-balance-for-a-few-us-customers/ 943420;1417580720;assbot;Coinbase Allows USD Balance for a Few US Customers | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1HXGEBt ) 943421;1417580723;BingoBoingo;Changetip did get an "Investment" 943422;1417580751;*;BingoBoingo could have a Coinbase USD wallet if I could ACH... 943423;1417580788;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo banks at First Nigerian Bank of Spam? 943424;1417580790;asciilifeform;why no ach ? 943425;1417580807;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Prepaid debitcard and cash for my USD needs. 943426;1417580815;BingoBoingo;recieves ACH jsut fine 943427;1417580835;BingoBoingo;Simply no need or cause for having a full featured USD bank account 943428;1417580836;asciilifeform;but cannot send ? 943429;1417580848;BingoBoingo;Nope, cannot send 943430;1417580859;BingoBoingo;UNless they changed shit since last I checked. 943431;1417580885;decimation;BingoBoingo: how do you get paid? bitcoin? 943432;1417580895;asciilifeform;gold dubloons ? 943433;1417580898;BingoBoingo;I don't get paid. 943434;1417580901;decimation;ah 943435;1417580904;BingoBoingo;Nomad 943436;1417580908;mike_c;he gets paid in qntra shares 943437;1417580912;BingoBoingo;!s Have tent 943438;1417580913;assbot;5 results for 'Have tent' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=Have+tent 943439;1417580921;decimation;you should under the stump like that one fellow 943440;1417580995;mike_c;cazalla: cool, thx for quick publish and light touch on editing. 943441;1417580999;*;BingoBoingo made the mistake of going to Library school. "All of these old people are going to retire soon" they said. "People want technology skills they said" as they sort applicants by facebook. 943442;1417581127;decimation;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-07-2014#770595 943443;1417581127;assbot;Logged on 26-07-2014 19:37:58; asciilifeform: now, if you're willing to live like a feral dog, it isn't even necessary to leave the country. i recall, a few years ago, an article about one fellow who lived in a dugout in a u.s. national park. for ~30 years. he was caught by pure chance. 943444;1417581191;punkman;http://www.coinsetter.com/bitcoin-news/2014/12/02/bitcoin-difficulty-drops-first-time-22-months-1951 943445;1417581193;assbot;News: Bitcoin Difficulty Drops for the First Time in 22 MonthsCoinsetter Bitcoin News ... ( http://bit.ly/1HXI5jl ) 943446;1417581195;punkman;you got scooped 943447;1417581313;mircea_popescu;yeah srsly, wasn't the bitbet bet here earlier ? 943448;1417581325;mircea_popescu;qntra totally needs a piece on that. 943449;1417581330;punkman;most interesting news for the day 943450;1417581333;punkman;maybe week 943451;1417581369;BingoBoingo;Fuck, drafting a piece nao. 943452;1417581399;cazalla;didn't occur to me despite logs earlier 943453;1417581407;mircea_popescu;mhm. 943454;1417581415;mircea_popescu;punkman has it, it's major. 943455;1417581435;BingoBoingo;It is. 943456;1417581465;BingoBoingo;Fuck, I totally failied to recognize major event is major. 943457;1417581468;cazalla;in hindsight, could've prepared an article for the moment diff changed 943458;1417581482;cazalla;as they do celebs 943459;1417581487;mircea_popescu;yeah, some base of prepared articles for sopme stuff is not a bad idea. 943460;1417581520;punkman;http://technobit.eu/index.php?id_product=93&controller=product&id_lang=1 < "personal Bitcoin lottery device" hah 943461;1417581522;assbot;"DICE" 160 GHs desktop USB miner / blockchain lottery device - TechnoBit ... ( http://bit.ly/1AeaVXN ) 943462;1417581564;cazalla;BingoBoingo, maybe include bitbet odds favoured it despite last minute bets 943463;1417581682;kuzetsa;http://youtu.be/lkaIoH6Um60 <<< warning, japanese people are weird 943464;1417581683;assbot;「3秒クッキング 爆速エビフライ」篇 - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1HXJwOM ) 943465;1417581732;decimation;the us tardstream media *loves* pre-planned events 943466;1417581739;decimation;this ferguson thing is a good example 943467;1417581793;mircea_popescu;ahaha great one kuzetsa 943468;1417582141;punkman;how hot would the flame need to be to do that? 943469;1417582173;*;punkman assumes photoshop 943470;1417582189;mircea_popescu;https://bitcointalk.org/?topic=175.0 << this shit is evil incidentally. 943471;1417582190;assbot;A Heroin Store ... ( http://bit.ly/1HXKV7Z ) 943472;1417582214;mircea_popescu;there's no way to build a case out of that if rigurously observed outside of fed-fiat. 943473;1417582231;mircea_popescu;"we know you must convict this guy and won't tell you why or how we found out. sign here." 943474;1417582284;mircea_popescu;"Yes, I2P or Tor would work for such a website. Freenet is probably more secure because there are no entry/exit nodes to monitor, but Freesites can only serve static content, and anonymous Bitcoin payments don't have a way to include a message with them." 943475;1417582290;mircea_popescu;of course they do. trilema credits uses it. 943476;1417582341;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2014/12/first-difficulty-drop-of-the-asic-age/ << Up nao 943477;1417582342;assbot;First Difficulty Drop of the ASIC Age | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1HXLezI ) 943478;1417582352;BingoBoingo;Fuck that could have been up 5 hours ago 943479;1417582377;decimation;why would usg care if you were the intended recipient or a random victim? 943480;1417582426;mircea_popescu;because if one can joejob people this way ima put nuland in prison on federal drug charges ? 943481;1417582473;decimation;how would one "send" the mail anonymously? 943482;1417582481;decimation;like, you leave package on the postman's door? 943483;1417582527;BingoBoingo;I someone who can graph wants to do a longer piece on difficulty drops in Bitcoin's history... 943484;1417582531;BingoBoingo;*if 943485;1417582878;decimation;mircea_popescu: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berwyn_Heights,_Maryland_mayor's_residence_drug_raid << actually this has already been done 943486;1417582880;assbot;Berwyn Heights, Maryland mayor's residence drug raid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1HXMQto ) 943487;1417583091;*;BingoBoingo working on qntra heroin store joejob piece 943488;1417583567;BingoBoingo;!up xinxiwang 943489;1417583596;xinxiwang;thanks 943490;1417583615;xinxiwang;is there Japanese here? 943491;1417583736;BingoBoingo;Maybe? 943492;1417583896;BingoBoingo;!up Vexual 943493;1417583914;Vexual;don't see much japanese here 943494;1417583947;Vexual;!s magicaltux 943495;1417583949;assbot;105 results for 'magicaltux' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=magicaltux 943496;1417583973;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31650 @ 0.00037145 = 11.7564 BTC [-] {3} 943497;1417584441;Vexual;toyotas up tho 943498;1417584457;decimation;;;lastseen magicaltux 943499;1417584458;gribble;Error: "lastseen" is not a valid command. 943500;1417584466;Vexual;no last 943501;1417584477;Vexual;;;last magicaltux 943502;1417584477;gribble;(last [--{from,in,on,with,without,regexp} ] [--nolimit]) -- Returns the last message matching the given criteria. --from requires a nick from whom the message came; --in requires a channel the message was sent to; --on requires a network the message was sent on; --with requires some string that had to be in the message; --regexp requires a regular expression the message must match; (1 more message) 943503;1417584490;asciilifeform;decimation: mayor raid << this was right where i lived at the time. 943504;1417584499;asciilifeform;didn't see it, but read in local rag. 943505;1417584499;Vexual;;;seen magicaltux 943506;1417584499;gribble;I have not seen magicaltux. 943507;1417584503;asciilifeform;they machine-gunned his dog. 943508;1417584514;mircea_popescu;decimation sure. 943509;1417584552;decimation;asciilifeform: you and the mayor prefer the ghetto :) 943510;1417584556;mircea_popescu; like, you leave package on the postman's door? << pay homeless dude 10 bux ? 943511;1417584568;mircea_popescu;xinxiwang nope. are you japanese ? 943512;1417584573;decimation;maybe usg pays him 20 943513;1417584574;Vexual;sg 943514;1417584586;xinxiwang;no, I am chinese 943515;1417584587;mircea_popescu;decimation yeah. right. 943516;1417584589;asciilifeform;'We've apologized for the incident, but we will never apologize for taking drugs off our streets. Quite frankly, we'd do it again. Tonight.' 943517;1417584596;decimation;lol 943518;1417584615;mircea_popescu;aka "we had fun, fuck you" 943519;1417584621;asciilifeform;aha. 943520;1417584641;Vexual;xinxiwang, why so many bitcoiners in sg? 943521;1417584663;xinxiwang;maybe singapore is a good place for bitcoin business. 943522;1417584708;xinxiwang;the government follows the law strictly. they don’t ban it. 943523;1417584713;xinxiwang;they cannot ban it. 943524;1417584724;decimation;xinxiwang: are people in the prc generally able to hold bitcoin? 943525;1417584739;asciilifeform;even in usa, can hold bitcoin. 943526;1417584740;xinxiwang;surely they can. 943527;1417584752;asciilifeform;even in auschwitz, if it were built again. 943528;1417584757;decimation;xinxiwang: what about the exchanges that were shut down? 943529;1417584765;asciilifeform;fat lot of good 'holding' does, though. 943530;1417584769;xinxiwang;which one was shut down? 943531;1417584774;decimation;asciilifeform: good point 943532;1417584775;xinxiwang;btcchina? okcoin? 943533;1417584778;decimation;yeah 943534;1417584788;xinxiwang;none of them was shut down. 943535;1417584790;decimation;I guess they were forced to not accept bank transfers right? 943536;1417584802;xinxiwang;oh yeah, they have some other ways. 943537;1417584808;xinxiwang;it does not really matter. 943538;1417584845;decimation;xinxiwang: is there a functioning over-the-counter market in the prc for bitcoin? 943539;1417584853;mircea_popescu;"In 2009 Mayor Cheye Calvo proposed a measure that would require every Maryland police department that operates a SWAT team to submit biannual reports on its activities, including where and when it was deployed and whether an operation resulted in arrests, evidence seizures, or injuries." 943540;1417584854;mircea_popescu;heh. 943541;1417584860;xinxiwang;I guess no. 943542;1417584863;BingoBoingo; even in usa, can hold bitcoin. << SO far I can even transact. 943543;1417584874;asciilifeform;difficulty drops << expect others, as usg torches miner farm after farm. 943544;1417584875;decimation;mircea_popescu: tally how many dogs killed? 943545;1417584908;mircea_popescu;i guess lol. 943546;1417584910;BingoBoingo; difficulty drops << expect others, as usg torches miner farm after farm. << USG dealing with CHina and Russia, won't seize but torch. Owner torches. 943547;1417584926;mircea_popescu;truth be told, a lot more swat derps need to be kiled on a daily basis, to balance that shit out. 943548;1417584934;Vexual;dow jones industrial all time high 943549;1417584939;asciilifeform;!s solzhenitsyn axe 943550;1417584940;assbot;6 results for 'solzhenitsyn axe' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=solzhenitsyn+axe 943551;1417584954;asciilifeform;not one dead swat man afaik. not in recent years. 943552;1417584957;decimation;mircea_popescu: that facebook post above demonstrates there are those who fantasize about doing exactly that I think 943553;1417584979;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i know. kinda the problem. 943554;1417584980;asciilifeform;the ss man is bold precisely because impunity. 943555;1417584989;mircea_popescu;nothing worse than an aparatchick with a delusion of invulnerability. 943556;1417584995;asciilifeform;if there were danger, he would be a coward, like usa in iraq. 943557;1417585005;BingoBoingo;SWAT man's advantage in the US is practice 943558;1417585009;mircea_popescu;generally speaking, considering the line of work, a 2-3 year average lifespan for anyone involved would be reasonable. 943559;1417585015;asciilifeform;machine gun a hunting dog? sure. good sport, apparently. 943560;1417585036;asciilifeform;i bet they skinned, tanned the hides. 943561;1417585042;asciilifeform;trophy heads on wall. 943562;1417585048;mircea_popescu;i dunno, i'd personally hold on to acquitting anyone accused of shooting a swat derp, if in his home. 943563;1417585057;mircea_popescu;just on a general "well, vote for the underdog" thing. 943564;1417585088;Vexual;australia gets a lot more people shot in their kitchen for holding a kitchen knife than americaz 943565;1417585093;asciilifeform;if this becomes a plausible thing, jury trial will be abolished in usa. 943566;1417585100;mircea_popescu;so let it be abolished lol. 943567;1417585113;mircea_popescu;take the 2-3year average lifespan to 16 monts, what of it. 943568;1417585127;asciilifeform;presently it's a useful propaganda tool - usg picks pliant juries reliably, gives extra spray paint coating of 'legitimacy' to everything the courts do. 943569;1417585136;decimation;I donno, if jury trial is abolished, one might find many more declared and undeclared 'oath keepers' come out of the woodwork 943570;1417585160;mircea_popescu;decimation like one did when patriot didn't sunset, right ? 943571;1417585170;mircea_popescu;country of cowards will straigthen in teh grave. 943572;1417585173;asciilifeform;this is one reason it is kept. because the supply of pliant cattle is bottomless. 943573;1417585175;decimation;how does one swat raid the swat team? 943574;1417585195;Vexual;re 943575;1417585211;BingoBoingo;decimation: How much are you bidding for the job? 943576;1417585228;asciilifeform;incidentally, this is why 'fergusons' are created. 943577;1417585244;asciilifeform;the very thing that keeps average usaschwitz inmate from wishing for dead swat men 943578;1417585261;asciilifeform;they are seen as 'legionaires' standing between him and the horde. 943579;1417585280;asciilifeform;see also mr. mold's 'dalits', and 'yi yi zhi yi.' 943580;1417585314;Vexual;do i mell tanqueray? 943581;1417585326;BingoBoingo; they are seen as 'legionaires' standing between him and the horde. << Very true in the case of Ferguson particulars 943582;1417585341;asciilifeform;more of a generalized hypothesis. 943583;1417585356;Vexual;jack daniels? 943584;1417585377;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the problem here is that you're thinking this in terms of perception, 943585;1417585377;decimation;asciilifeform: yeah which is why the 'oath keepers' who appeared were a serious threat 943586;1417585384;decimation;!up xinxiwang 943587;1417585389;mircea_popescu;while it's not much a matter of perception. pure thermodynamics. 943588;1417585421;Vexual;legioinaires get a passport 943589;1417585450;Vexual;but you don't get to pretend 943590;1417585459;decimation;if the 'oath keepers' demostrate that peace can be kept without swat/usg/fed/bureaucracy, 'people' might get the wrong idea 943591;1417585483;decimation;the real reason Ferguson was held was to excite the blacks to turnout 110% for hilary 943592;1417585535;decimation;that and to distract from the fact that obama & the dems lost big "we lost but whitey is still racis!!!" 943593;1417585556;BingoBoingo;decimation> the real reason Ferguson was held was to excite the blacks to turnout 110% for hilary << Hilary's not running. Jim Webb. 943594;1417585566;decimation;heh 943595;1417585625;mircea_popescu;decimation listen, the market in security is such that various groups always tend to posture as you know 943596;1417585631;decimation;meanwhile on the other side of the river: http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/article_9f15bf49-c8b7-5bc3-8671-ac291f666084.html "St. Louis police Chief Sam Dotson spoke with residents at the street protest Sunday night. He said he was sorry about what happened and sought to reassure people the killing did not appear motivated by race or ethnicity." 943597;1417585633;assbot;Fatal hammer attack on Bosnian immigrant not racially motivated, St. Louis police say : News ... ( http://bit.ly/1pRgv1t ) 943598;1417585633;mircea_popescu;"we're the one you need to pay for rain and sunshine" 943599;1417585651;mircea_popescu;this is the original spark of mob turf wars, too. it's basically free money. 943600;1417585653;asciilifeform;if a sparrow farts in rural wyoming, it is provably racially motivated. 943601;1417585668;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform depends on the races involved. 943602;1417585675;asciilifeform;any and all. 943603;1417585706;mircea_popescu;nah, bosnian dude was kinda off-white but not dark enough. 943604;1417585716;asciilifeform;aha - racial. 943605;1417585750;BingoBoingo;I honestly think is was stupid for a mixed gang of Hispanics and Black americans to pick on the Bosnians for lacking melanin. 943606;1417585769;mircea_popescu;im sure they picked on them over disagreements as to how to treat bitchez. 943607;1417585821;BingoBoingo;In St Louis the Bosnians benefit from geographic concentration and the part where "white" people love living in bosnian neighborhoods 943608;1417585858;decimation;apparently this video was taken shortly after the Bosian was attacked https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIPZ09WcTWk 943609;1417585859;assbot;Hammers Attack Video - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1ygkK4u ) 943610;1417585908;BingoBoingo;My brother the Dentist in little Sarajevo in St Louis feels safer there than in Gretchen Wilson country where he grew up... largely because he assumes his neighbors are so much more armed. 943611;1417586009;decimation;here's the ny post coverage. dude looks pretty darn white to me (the guy on the st. louis dispatch story is one of the perps) http://nypost.com/2014/12/01/teens-savagely-beat-man-with-hammers-in-random-attack/ 943612;1417586010;assbot;Protests in St. Louis after teens ‘bash man to death’ with hammers | New York Post ... ( http://bit.ly/1ygloPx ) 943613;1417586079;BingoBoingo;A lot of people in the region won't admit it, but yes Bosnians are very white and this worries them. 943614;1417586211;decimation;BingoBoingo: the fear being that the Bosnians didn't get the memo that they supposed to do whatever usg or the local thugs demand? 943615;1417586256;asciilifeform;see also chechens. 943616;1417586275;asciilifeform;u.s. chechen community - remembers. 943617;1417586283;BingoBoingo;decimation: The fear that people who aren't white are so pissed at whites they are targeting people most whites don't consider white in spite of optics 943618;1417586316;decimation;asciilifeform: us chechens probably aren't a fan of usg either 943619;1417586326;asciilifeform;probably?! 943620;1417586342;decimation;heh 943621;1417586379;decimation;such a grand strategy usg undertook, to import all of its enemies worldwide and make them citizens so we could all love them with socialism 943622;1417586389;assbot;Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0F9SBFM.txt ) 943623;1417586389;BingoBoingo;!b 1 943624;1417586413;asciilifeform;their job was to keep rural usa down. 943625;1417586418;asciilifeform;so far, still performing admirably. 943626;1417586432;mircea_popescu;motherfucker. 943627;1417586435;decimation;yeah, this is pretty much why blacks live in eastern urban cores by the way 943628;1417586440;mircea_popescu;so google decided spontaneously to redirect me to argentina google. 943629;1417586453;mircea_popescu;turns out the solution is adding &ncr=1 to whatever string you use for autosearch 943630;1417586465;mircea_popescu;still, annoying shit. 943631;1417586474;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29313 @ 0.00036354 = 10.6564 BTC [-] {2} 943632;1417586523;mircea_popescu;decimation chechens are a fan of whatever empire they happen to have clung to the skirts of. 943633;1417586526;mircea_popescu;they love the russians, too. 943634;1417586544;*;BingoBoingo still amazed white StL people don't realize that bosnians are what keep south city habitable 943635;1417586565;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform rural anything doesn't need keeping down. 943636;1417586572;mircea_popescu;rurality is a dead duck everywhere and in all times. 943637;1417586574;asciilifeform;homo redditicus has no idea what keeps his habitat habitable until - isn't 943638;1417586593;asciilifeform;dead duck with one trump card - the food. 943639;1417586603;decimation;yeah but the us between the coasts (especially east of the mississippi) isn't exactly rural 943640;1417586622;decimation;there are loads of major and minor cities that were hollowed out as part of the dekulakization program 943641;1417586622;BingoBoingo; asciilifeform rural anything doesn't need keeping down. << I embrace it. If the gasenwagen need to burn moar wood to collect me... 943642;1417586625;asciilifeform;until RuBisCo is fixed and you can grow five men's bread in a pot in the cellar under grow lamp. 943643;1417586630;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform food hasn't been a serious geopolitical issue since about 1600. 943644;1417586637;mircea_popescu;i guess it matters in africa or w/e. 943645;1417586684;asciilifeform;decimation: see 'death and life of great american cities' (jacobs) 943646;1417586692;decimation;I have it next to me 943647;1417586851;decimation;no far more important than food were reliable 'rivers of meat' to turn up at the voting-box 943648;1417586887;asciilifeform;point is, city man must subjugate plow man - to live. 943649;1417586900;asciilifeform;the latter needs nothing from the former. 943650;1417586917;asciilifeform;as true now as in babylon. 943651;1417586919;decimation;asciilifeform: except historically the city man own's the country man's plows & fields 943652;1417586923;mircea_popescu;eh get out. 943653;1417586926;asciilifeform;owns - right. 943654;1417586947;mircea_popescu;dude this is like saying guy has to "subjugate" woman, as she needs nothing etc. 943655;1417586968;mircea_popescu;if this patent nonsense had any sort of irl merit, you'll be stuck explaining the crowd at my door. 943656;1417586984;mircea_popescu;"need" doesn't work in this ethereal, abstract way you use it. 943657;1417586995;asciilifeform;folks line up to be subjugated. 943658;1417586997;asciilifeform;how else. 943659;1417587004;mircea_popescu;plowman desperately needs city man because well, his village is so boring watching flies fuck is a release. 943660;1417587014;asciilifeform;but this is perhaps the only thing they 'need' here. 943661;1417587021;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2014/12/bitcoin-history-heroin-store-joe-job-and-the-bitcointalk-subpoena/ 943662;1417587022;assbot;Bitcoin History: Heroin Store Joe Job and the Bitcointalk Subpoena | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1ygqaN3 ) 943663;1417587025;mircea_popescu;it doesn't have to be anymore. 943664;1417587102;BingoBoingo; plowman desperately needs city man because well, his village is so boring watching flies fuck is a release. << Come one, goats!!! 943665;1417587110;decimation;note that no one is actually employed plowing anymore, except by usg, and those plows are automated machines 943666;1417587122;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform take the earlier point re "stalin made an experiment of making peasant life suck more". it's a construction. 943667;1417587135;asciilifeform;decimation: replaced oxen to subjugate farmer. just like lenin did. 943668;1417587146;mircea_popescu;the other construction is that peasant 20 yo kid FUCKING LOVED getting to travel, getting to work on a construction yard and whistle at anon girls in skirts passing by 943669;1417587157;mircea_popescu;that the sheer entertainment value of it al is what motivated 99% of the movement. 943670;1417587158;asciilifeform;or thought he would love. 943671;1417587162;mircea_popescu;the remainder... they're a statistic. 943672;1417587165;mircea_popescu;no, genuinely loved it. 943673;1417587166;asciilifeform;see mircea_popescu's example of hollywood girl. 943674;1417587197;mircea_popescu;genuinely loved it. the fucking adventure of it all, fuck dude, think of it, he's like a hero of legend. 943675;1417587204;asciilifeform;but aha, death in the great belomor canal, or in trenches, is exciting. wish i had some right now. 943676;1417587207;mircea_popescu;the propaganda said this specifically, but it worked not because it said it 943677;1417587215;BingoBoingo;!up xinxiwang 943678;1417587216;mircea_popescu;it worked because it echoed what the idiots in question were thinking anyway. 943679;1417587224;decimation;actually the few farm folks I knew generally loved the farm, hated the city 943680;1417587227;mircea_popescu;"soviets are a fairytale come true" 943681;1417587245;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 'мы рождены чтоб сказку сделать былью!' 943682;1417587246;mircea_popescu;decimation this is a very specific thing, tho. rural russian kid cca 1920. 943683;1417587260;asciilifeform;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksh308RiGzM 943684;1417587261;assbot;Мы рождены, чтоб сказку сделать былью - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1pRmgwb ) 943685;1417587267;mircea_popescu;decimation the best way for you to access that spirit is, read up on koschei. 943686;1417587273;decimation;heh okay 943687;1417587284;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform quite. 943688;1417587291;decimation;a modern us farmer is basically a machinist/engineer 943689;1417587299;asciilifeform;lol, german version 943690;1417587301;decimation;they still generally expect to repair own heavy equipment 943691;1417587304;mircea_popescu;or w/e, http://trilema.com/2010/lich/ 943692;1417587305;assbot;Lich pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1pRmrYg ) 943693;1417587325;asciilifeform;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbW_JaCm05A << orig. 943694;1417587326;assbot;Авиамарш "Всё выше" Soviet Air Force March - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1pRmu6m ) 943695;1417587332;BingoBoingo;!up toffoo 943696;1417587382;mircea_popescu;meanwhile on other side of the bering straits, http://i.imgur.com/H4V6RJs.gif 943697;1417587385;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1ygs1kR ) 943698;1417587414;asciilifeform;lol!! 943699;1417587450;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4700 @ 0.00037638 = 1.769 BTC [+] 943700;1417587485;decimation;maybe he was one of the famous 'bums of san francisco' who mistook the escalator for a toilet http://heavy.com/news/2012/07/transit-escalators-clogged-with-insane-amounts-of-human-turd/ 943701;1417587487;assbot;San Fran Escalators Clogged w/ Insane Amounts of Human Turd | Heavy.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1ygsFyT ) 943702;1417587624;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjF7PcVKYho 943703;1417587625;assbot;Мёртвая страна. 20 лет без СССР - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1ygtyY6 ) 943704;1417587760;mircea_popescu;!up astRocreep 943705;1417587786;decimation;http://theaviationist.com/2014/10/30/spike-in-russian-air-force-activity-in-europe-may-be-a-reaction-to-large-us-strategic-command-bombers-exercise/ 943706;1417587786;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1ygumfC ) 943707;1417587837;asciilifeform;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c17gvKbhVeA 943708;1417587838;assbot;Russia’s nuclear sub test-fires Bulava strategic missile - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1yguxYt ) 943709;1417587865;asciilifeform;^ they are conducting a whole series of made-for-youtube 'yeah they still work motherfuckers' tests. 943710;1417587875;decimation;http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/jun/12/russian-bombers-buzz-us-defense-systems-coast-cali/?page=all 943711;1417587877;assbot;Russian bombers buzz U.S. defense systems off coast of California - Washington Times ... ( http://bit.ly/1yguE6a ) 943712;1417587902;asciilifeform;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFx3gLs9K74 << from inside 943713;1417587903;assbot;Bulava Test: First footage inside nuclear submarine launching missile - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1yguKLh ) 943714;1417587903;mircea_popescu;lol bulava stil lfire ?! 943715;1417587905;mircea_popescu;ahahah 943716;1417587980;mircea_popescu;lol nice static. 943717;1417588061;*;asciilifeform will be more convinced once ru demonstrates a still-functioning nuke 943718;1417588089;decimation;'tzar bomba'? 943719;1417588096;mircea_popescu;i dunno that the bulava pose any sort of threat to anyone these days tho. 943720;1417588097;asciilifeform;of any size 943721;1417588107;mircea_popescu;it's roughly like firing a tank in slow motion at someone. 943722;1417588120;mircea_popescu;yeah, sure, if they wait for it they'll get crushed. 943723;1417588135;asciilifeform;perfectly ordinary ballistic rocket. 943724;1417588142;asciilifeform;what's the slow part? 943725;1417588150;mircea_popescu;half the planes in active duty can shoot one down ? 943726;1417588165;decimation;??? 943727;1417588166;asciilifeform;point of firing from sub 943728;1417588183;asciilifeform;yes, rocket on launch pad - can be shot with rifle. 943729;1417588187;asciilifeform;no airplane needed 943730;1417588192;asciilifeform;but put the rifleman there first. 943731;1417588278;mircea_popescu;afaik the classical approach mostly intercepts them at perihelion 943732;1417588301;decimation;like, in space? 943733;1417588302;asciilifeform;classical approach also has the rocket traverse from wherever to washington in 30 min. 943734;1417588308;asciilifeform;as many as required. 943735;1417588329;asciilifeform;(and conversely) 943736;1417588344;decimation;yeah as far as I know, except for extremely expensive bezzlar rockets usg owns, there is very little that can be done to intercept ballistic missile once it is past its initial acceleration phase 943737;1417588352;asciilifeform;see also the american 'domino's pizza' bunker door ad. 943738;1417588381;asciilifeform;can fire death rays at falling cones but this is what the decoy barrels are for. 943739;1417588397;BingoBoingo;Another /. submission http://slashdot.org/firehose.pl?op=view&type=submission&id=4029519 943740;1417588398;assbot;Bitcoin History: A Reverse Joe Job and A Subpoena - Slashdot ... ( http://bit.ly/1ygxisy ) 943741;1417588406;decimation;right, and death rays are also terribly common 943742;1417588414;decimation;err, not terribly common 943743;1417588419;asciilifeform;in usa, fascination with death rays 943744;1417588430;asciilifeform;potential of absorbing infinite money, the real military win. 943745;1417588431;mircea_popescu;anyway, long story short, i dun think anyone's doing anything with any rockets. bulava or otherwise. 943746;1417588455;decimation;http://www.defencetalk.com/forums/missiles-wmds/what-terminal-velocity-icbm-11609/ << "This 1963 RAND study suggests typically between 7.5 and 9.5 km/s depending on atmospheric entry angle and certain individual boost phase parameters." 943747;1417588457;assbot; What is a terminal velocity of an ICBM? - Defense Technology & Military Forum ... ( http://bit.ly/1ygxvMp ) 943748;1417588457;mircea_popescu;so your "i'll trust them when they use one" is kinda an unfairly distant bridge. 943749;1417588463;asciilifeform;rocket is a 'memento mori.' 943750;1417588473;asciilifeform;for otherwise-ineducable imbeciles. 943751;1417588490;mircea_popescu;decimation terminal velocity is not the point. 943752;1417588519;mircea_popescu;at some point, the rocket, low on fuel, turns back towards the earth. at that point it's damned slow. 943753;1417588521;*;BingoBoingo always imagined a perfect "nuclear power" untouchable datacenter would target DC, Beijing, Moscow, and Mecca for its dead hand protocol 943754;1417588568;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 24 decoy cones. sop. 943755;1417588592;mircea_popescu;even so. 943756;1417588617;asciilifeform;mr bush's bezzlemeisters were unable to reliably pop even one - and fitted with beacon at that. 943757;1417588617;decimation;also, the implication is that you either have an anti-missile that travels much faster (therefore less mass on target) 943758;1417588623;asciilifeform;the entire subject quietly went away. 943759;1417588645;asciilifeform;decimation: the traditionally beloved pill is particle weapons 943760;1417588661;decimation;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_YAL-1 943761;1417588663;assbot;Boeing YAL-1 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1pRqZxU ) 943762;1417588663;mircea_popescu;decimation nah, the implication is that you plot its trajectory and wait for it there 943763;1417588715;asciilifeform;decimation: notice - intended to shoot opponent's rocket during launch. 943764;1417588716;asciilifeform;not fall. 943765;1417588719;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Which lonely place was that video about? 943766;1417588728;decimation;asciilifeform: yes, this seems like a more likely attack method honestly 943767;1417588730;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: all of them. 943768;1417588738;BingoBoingo;Damn 943769;1417588749;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo can make similar film about usa. 943770;1417588758;asciilifeform;no shortage of towns. 943771;1417588785;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: One was already made, torrent "Birth of a Nation" Next step has yet to be made. 943772;1417588808;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: point is not that it is physically impossible to shoot a falling cone. but that it is a thermodynamic race that the rocket man - wins. and the death ray man - loses. 943773;1417588818;asciilifeform;because of sheer difference in complexity and cost. 943774;1417588847;asciilifeform;see also thread: 943775;1417588848;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-02-2014#488934 943776;1417588848;assbot;Logged on 08-02-2014 00:14:28; asciilifeform: imagine you possess a death ray that magically zaps a rocket, from any distance. 943777;1417588850;mircea_popescu;death rays aren't really going anywhere, but anyway 943778;1417588865;BingoBoingo;Shhh.... 943779;1417588881;mircea_popescu;i mean it's not a bad way to waste money, who knows what the reaearching kids come up with 943780;1417588890;mircea_popescu;but it won't be this magical laser thing 943781;1417589130;*;BingoBoingo had a dream... Where the avaians crashed a ship while trying to depose the reptilians and I managed to kit out a fishing boat with their sweet alien gear... 943782;1417589335;mircea_popescu;lol 943783;1417589348;BingoBoingo;Seriously epic dream. 943784;1417589390;BingoBoingo;Lizard hitler has nothing on hawk hitler... dunno I want to disclose how I ended in that scenario... 943785;1417589409;BingoBoingo;!up xinxiwang 943786;1417589980;BingoBoingo;!up warptangent 943787;1417590119;asciilifeform;http://youtu.be/kvm5c1dMmFo?t=4m42s 943788;1417590121;assbot;Ракетные войска стратегического назначения. www.voenvideo.ru - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1pRvYyo ) 943789;1417590128;asciilifeform;^ another rocket ad 943790;1417590354;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: What are the rought loper-os dreams after Chicom memresistors? 943791;1417590393;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: dream will be for next fella. 943792;1417590416;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: You'll live long enough for that. 943793;1417590618;BingoBoingo;Never underestimate chicom appropriation. 943794;1417590805;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 70 @ 0.1 = 7 BTC [-] 943795;1417590889;BingoBoingo;!up RagnarsBitch 943796;1417591171;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30200 @ 0.00036071 = 10.8934 BTC [-] 943797;1417592258;BingoBoingo;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=881488.msg9725230#msg9725230 943798;1417592259;assbot;DPR subpoena ... ( http://bit.ly/1BcfQf5 ) 943799;1417592453;BingoBoingo;^If notary were here would be entered into the record. 943800;1417596356;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9460 @ 0.00036071 = 3.4123 BTC [-] 943801;1417596435;BingoBoingo;!up Vexual 943802;1417596672;BingoBoingo;bed time 943803;1417596829;Vexual;huh? 943804;1417596859;Vexual;i get kicked for smoking a reefer now? 943805;1417596893;Vexual;oh wait, im still here 943806;1417597149;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43685 @ 0.00034269 = 14.9704 BTC [-] 943807;1417597517;Vexual;thats confucingly fair 943808;1417597637;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23342 @ 0.00035122 = 8.1982 BTC [+] 943809;1417597876;Vexual;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DjpNgrocKo everclear heroiin girl 943810;1417602152;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18055 @ 0.0003519 = 6.3536 BTC [+] {2} 943811;1417604438;RagnarDanneskjol;http://arxiv.org/abs/1411.7099 943812;1417604439;assbot;[1411.7099] The Miner's Dilemma ... ( http://bit.ly/1BcLUPR ) 943813;1417604492;RagnarDanneskjol;http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2531518 943814;1417604494;assbot;The Political Economy of Bitcoin by Josh Hendrickson, Thomas L. Hogan, William J. Luther :: SSRN ... ( http://bit.ly/1BcM2Pl ) 943815;1417605270;cazalla;http://qntra.net/2014/12/australian-big-four-attempt-to-build-real-time-payment-work-again/ 943816;1417605271;assbot;Australian "Big Four" Attempt To Build Real Time Payment Work.. Again | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1vMY7X2 ) 943817;1417605279;cazalla;soz for more aussie spam :P 943818;1417605568;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9500 @ 0.00035198 = 3.3438 BTC [+] 943819;1417605858;cazalla;mircea_popescu: plowman desperately needs city man because well, his village is so boring watching flies fuck is a release <<< plowman has ample room for gardening, perhaps rabbits and even other livestock.. plowman is actually plowking! 943820;1417606539;cazalla;RagnarDanneskjol, first beyond me, second looks interesting 943821;1417610104;davout;;;later tell mircea_popescu " yes, continuous trading seems so much simpler, not sure if there's a blocker i'm missing tho << it's nonsense, what exactly is a future that has no future date ?" <<< didn't say there shouldn't be a maturity date, i said trading should be continuous 943822;1417610104;gribble;The operation succeeded. 943823;1417610229;nubbins`;cazalla plowking 943824;1417610244;nubbins`;alternating 3ds pokemon with decapitating bunnies 943825;1417610255;nubbins`;and projecting latent anger at his wife 943826;1417610448;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25750 @ 0.00035504 = 9.1423 BTC [+] 943827;1417610568;BingoBoingo;;;later tell RagnarDanneskjol looks beautiful 943828;1417610568;gribble;The operation succeeded. 943829;1417610641;nubbins`;newspaper purchaser is AWOL 943830;1417610647;nubbins`;giving him 24h to pony up 943831;1417610813;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22200 @ 0.00035926 = 7.9756 BTC [+] {2} 943832;1417612617;nubbins`;http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/riot-torn-ferguson-s-distrust-of-police-flows-from-a-city-run-on-fines-1.2858208 943833;1417612618;assbot;Riot-torn Ferguson's distrust of police flows from a city run on fines - World - CBC News ... ( http://bit.ly/15ONEly ) 943834;1417614900;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6100 @ 0.00036096 = 2.2019 BTC [+] 943835;1417617765;jurov;ben_vulpes mod6 http://thebitcoin.foundation (but the dns didn't propagate yet) 943836;1417617777;kakobrekla;lol 943837;1417617819;kakobrekla;taken without the 'the' ? 943838;1417617846;jurov;yes. everything bitcoin. and btc. taken (except btc.yt which is mine) 943839;1417618011;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2350 @ 0.00119998 = 2.82 BTC [+] 943840;1417618015;mod6;nice! i like btc.yt too, just because it's short. 943841;1417618060;jurov;when entlds started, i applied for some bitcoin.something but registrar considers it trademark 943842;1417618066;kakobrekla;bitcoin.hiv is free 943843;1417618067;jurov;*newtlds started 943844;1417618072;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 6276 @ 0.00119999 = 7.5311 BTC [+] {2} 943845;1417618108;jurov;they asked some documents to prove i'm owner, so i let it go 943846;1417618237;punkman;bitcoin.hiv should point to gavin-foundation 943847;1417618257;nubbins`;heh 943848;1417618273;jurov;anyone who has a registrar who doesn't give a fuck about trademarks, go ahead 943849;1417618293;nubbins`;incidentally, http://bitcoin.foundation 943850;1417618294;assbot;The No Bitcoin Foundation Page | We support the separation of Bitcoin and the Foundation ... ( http://bit.ly/12n3FN9 ) 943851;1417618340;jurov;well, if we have someone with +9 diplomacy skill.. try to turn them over? 943852;1417618384;punkman;register bitcoin founation trademark, try to steal it? 943853;1417618406;jurov;what? 943854;1417619157;nubbins`;https://malialitman.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/white-woman-trayvon-martin.jpg 943855;1417619158;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1ykyNdg ) 943856;1417619310;davout;punkman: "bitcoin.hiv should point to gavin-foundation" <<< top kek 943857;1417619388;mod6;lel 943858;1417619461;BingoBoingo; punkman: "bitcoin.hiv should point to gavin-foundation" <<< top kek << Point to different scamsite every week. 943859;1417619792;punkman;"art installation" 943860;1417619803;punkman;foundation should fund it 943861;1417619961;BingoBoingo;Maybe load scamsite of the week in an iframe below a banner that says "Lol, cocks. HIV!" 943862;1417619996;punkman;could also host "Bitcoin HIV Awards" 943863;1417620071;BingoBoingo;Top Scam 2012 goes to Pirateat40 943864;1417620085;kakobrekla;hiv as Highly UnValuable 943865;1417620086;kakobrekla;? 943866;1417620095;kakobrekla;eh 943867;1417620097;kakobrekla;that doesnt work lol 943868;1417620124;kakobrekla;i mean, it stands for something other than hiv no? 943869;1417620131;BingoBoingo;Maybe? 943870;1417620160;kakobrekla;InValuable is what i mean i guess 943871;1417620162;BingoBoingo;Harrowing InVestment scam? 943872;1417620170;jurov;https://tld.hiv/en 943873;1417620171;assbot; The .hiv domain – Your digital Red Ribbon | tld.hiv ... ( http://bit.ly/11U6zcj ) 943874;1417620174;punkman;invaluable is a good thing 943875;1417620187;kakobrekla;is it? 943876;1417620208;jurov;yes, like priceless 943877;1417620224;kakobrekla;well fuck me then 943878;1417620250;*;jurov probes kakobrekla's orifices 943879;1417620261;kakobrekla;lol 943880;1417620271;kakobrekla;ill allow it this time. 943881;1417620292;punkman;you were asking for it 943882;1417620319;kakobrekla;if i say i didnt id admit to being raped 943883;1417620319;jurov;you'll like it :> 943884;1417620399;jurov;mircea_popescu knows when to walk on us in 943885;1417620402;jurov;ohai 943886;1417620435;mircea_popescu;lol hi ? 943887;1417620604;BingoBoingo;lol https://imgur.com/I36GOfL 943888;1417620606;assbot; imgur: the simple image sharer ... ( http://bit.ly/1ykFCvf ) 943889;1417620610;nubbins`;it's like inflammable 943890;1417620614;nubbins`;which means... flammable 943891;1417620619;kakobrekla;jurov do you know why trezor guys went with "m/44'/0'/0'/0/0" 943892;1417620655;punkman;because crazy 943893;1417620667;kakobrekla;hm? 943894;1417620675;jurov;ask slush or st|ck 943895;1417620694;jurov;they answer on #bitcoin.cz sometimes 943896;1417620716;kakobrekla;oki ty 943897;1417620725;jurov;and..care to explain why's that a problem? 943898;1417620775;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo what could possibly go wrong. 943899;1417620800;BingoBoingo;The fish get constipated? 943900;1417620833;kakobrekla;its not a problem. 943901;1417620918;BingoBoingo;Could be a big problem. Constipation is a leading killer of goldfish. 943902;1417620947;mircea_popescu;hm. 943903;1417621039;mircea_popescu;punkman dude srsly, where do i link to stuff. 943904;1417621048;mircea_popescu;how long is teh notary gonna be ded ? 943905;1417621110;mircea_popescu;cazalla: plowman has ample room for gardening, perhaps rabbits and even other livestock.. plowman is actually plowking! << we'll talk once your kid grows up a little. it's not about you. it's about the Vladimir Lenin All-Union Pioneer Organization. 943906;1417621236;punkman;mircea_popescu: hoping to get it back up by end of week 943907;1417621251;mircea_popescu;sooo after mah reporting ends ? 943908;1417621301;mircea_popescu;looky here : i can't pay teh foundation its tax because i can't link to a justificative document. wtf do i do now ? 943909;1417621438;punkman;link to logs :P 943910;1417621466;BingoBoingo;At least not only MPIF has problems http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-12-01/hedge-funds-see-worst-year-for-closures-since-2009.html 943911;1417621467;assbot;Hedge Funds Shut as Managers Struggle in Year of Two Percent Returns - Bloomberg ... ( http://bit.ly/1ykJtIQ ) 943912;1417621472;mircea_popescu;text's not in there sadly. 943913;1417621575;mircea_popescu;jurov http://thebitcoin.foundation/ << got a signed copy of teh declaration thingee you can put up there ? 943914;1417621577;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1ykJZq5 ) 943915;1417621620;punkman;website can go back up if kakobrekla turns it on 943916;1417621623;BingoBoingo;Oh, look at the job ad on the side of the bloomberg article https://missionessential.csod.com/ats/careersite/JobDetails.aspx?id=14 943917;1417621626;assbot;Job Details - Empowering People: Mission Essential ... ( http://bit.ly/11UcEFG ) 943918;1417621896;BingoBoingo;Also revisiting the why does AK need rails piece http://cdn1.cheaperthandirt.com/ctd_images/bgprod/7-G41026.jpg is a commercial product offered for sale 943919;1417621896;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1ykL7dk ) 943920;1417622008;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> jurov http://thebitcoin.foundation/ << got a signed copy of teh declaration thingee you can put up there ? << i've got a copy of mine with SHA512 943921;1417622009;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1ykLRzl ) 943922;1417622028;mircea_popescu;send it to j ? 943923;1417622089;mod6;jurov: http://dpaste.com/0GS2ZEQ 943924;1417622090;assbot;dpaste: 0GS2ZEQ ... ( http://bit.ly/1ykMdWD ) 943925;1417622093;jurov;just send it to btc-dev mailing list 943926;1417622108;mod6;ok 943927;1417622110;jurov;will be a good testing sample for piling up the signatures 943928;1417622428;mod6;I sent it... hmm isn't showing up for me in the archive yet 943929;1417622494;jurov;invalid signature.. looks like our friend wordwrap 943930;1417622498;mod6;is it because it wasn't wrapped at 80 cols or whatever? 943931;1417622499;mod6;ok 943932;1417622500;mod6;yeah 943933;1417622503;mod6;f 943934;1417622516;mircea_popescu;!up kdomanski 943935;1417622517;mod6;lemme see if i can arm-wrestle with 'fing-gmail 943936;1417622563;mircea_popescu;all email gets 80 col wrapped, if the original isn't so wrapped you can't get it to ever verify. 943937;1417622567;mircea_popescu;mebbe send as attachment ? 943938;1417622604;jurov;http://btc.yt/declaration.asc 943939;1417622605;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/11UgZbS ) 943940;1417622631;mod6;ok thanks Jurov 943941;1417622631;jurov;http://btc.yt/mailman/listinfo/btc-dev << mod6 read carefully 943942;1417622633;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/11Uh6nQ ) 943943;1417622673;mod6;*nod* sorry, forgot that the orig wasn't wrapped. 943944;1417622731;jurov;yes, there are ways how to avoid problems described 943945;1417622801;jurov;lol i realized the foundation's activity last month can be best described as "DNS scavenging" 943946;1417622808;mircea_popescu;lol 943947;1417622888;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2014/12/justice-departments-subpoena-to-theymos-of-bitcointalk/ 943948;1417622888;assbot;Justice Department's Subpoena to Theymos of Bitcointalk | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/11Ui5EE ) 943949;1417623131;mircea_popescu;;;seen badon 943950;1417623131;gribble;badon was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 day, 2 hours, 14 minutes, and 31 seconds ago: Yes, I'm doing that now. 943951;1417623145;mircea_popescu;this barrier to entry :D 943952;1417623185;mircea_popescu;it's like the good days of the 90s all over again. "oh, you don't have a computer at home ? THEN YOU CANT PLAY WITH US!" 943953;1417623204;mircea_popescu;"but but but... i have an atari ?" 943954;1417623206;mircea_popescu;"bwahahahhhaha" 943955;1417623318;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10400 @ 0.00035738 = 3.7168 BTC [-] 943956;1417623320;mod6;ok: http://f9beb4d9.org/ml/btc-dev/2014-December/000021.html 943957;1417623322;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/11Uk5gc ) 943958;1417623362;mircea_popescu;danke! 943959;1417623371;mod6;np :] 943960;1417623389;BingoBoingo;https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2o5tbg/open_letter_to_gaw_miners_and_josh/ 943961;1417623391;assbot;Open Letter to GAW Miners and Josh : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/11UkoHZ ) 943962;1417623577;BingoBoingo;^ Guy bought a lot of GAW stuff, now pissed 943963;1417623598;mircea_popescu;"You have said that you want Paycoin to take over bitcoin a coin that you said you dont believe in" 943964;1417623599;mircea_popescu;ahaha 943965;1417623609;jurov;oh mod6 i forgot to suggest to send it as "patch" so that people can just add signatures.. nm, i'll add it there somehow 943966;1417623626;mircea_popescu;dude such typical scammer behaviour. "set an impossible goal for your ponzi scheme, at least the chumps can then pretend they failed doing something important" 943967;1417623691;mircea_popescu;here's a newsflash : idiots defrauded by garza haven't "lost their money trying to take over bitcoin" anymore than the idiots defrauded by buterin & the us propaganda machine through the etherium scam have lost their money "trying to take over bitcoin" 943968;1417623705;mircea_popescu;you weren't in any sense and at any point trying to "take over bitcoin", or anything else for that matter. 943969;1417623746;mircea_popescu;you just... gave a scammer... some of your money. because you're stupid. whole story. 943970;1417623763;danielpbarron;what's the deal with ethereum going to counterparty? I'm curious as to how your short contracts will play out.. 943971;1417623791;mircea_popescu;you mean my short contracts that NOBODY ABSOLUTELY bought ? 943972;1417623802;danielpbarron;oh i thought one guy did 943973;1417623803;mircea_popescu;for the reason that you know, nobody absolutely had any ethereum in the first place ? 943974;1417623805;mircea_popescu;nope. 943975;1417623824;mircea_popescu;people are internet-interested, which is to say, up until that point when the wallet has to come out. 943976;1417623842;BingoBoingo;http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_world_/2014/12/02/yoan_moncada_is_it_now_legal_for_cuban_ballplayers_to_leave_their_country.html << US office of foreign assets control now impounds and reviews... Baseball players before import 943977;1417623843;assbot;Yoan Moncada: Is It Now Legal for Cuban Ballplayers to Leave Their Country and Join the Major Leagues? ... ( http://bit.ly/11Umqrp ) 943978;1417623956;mod6;jurov: nice work on your Nov. statement btw. ty! 943979;1417624721;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44050 @ 0.0003575 = 15.7479 BTC [+] {2} 943980;1417625392;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16750 @ 0.00034967 = 5.857 BTC [-] {2} 943981;1417625710;jurov;heh i never imagined myself being a beancounter 943982;1417626089;davout;jurov: you're turning jew 943983;1417626119;jurov;oh my... even had circumcision 943984;1417626153;BingoBoingo;Save your self, run to the bacon and ham. 943985;1417626185;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44200 @ 0.00034299 = 15.1602 BTC [-] {3} 943986;1417628015;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13250 @ 0.00036096 = 4.7827 BTC [+] 943987;1417629392;Anduck;!up artifexd 943988;1417629394;Anduck;oops 943989;1417629396;Anduck;!up arij 943990;1417629406;Anduck;arij: you're voiced already 943991;1417629407;arij;thank you 943992;1417629455;arij;can some one please point me in the direction of whoever maintains bitcoin-assets.com? 943993;1417629467;Anduck;i'd guess mircea_popescu 943994;1417629469;Anduck;or kakobrekla 943995;1417629469;nubbins`;maybe kakobrekla 943996;1417629485;nubbins`;various people are in charge of the subdomains 943997;1417629508;BingoBoingo;kakobrekla runs the main site 943998;1417629516;nubbins`;WHY DO YOU ASK 943999;1417629517;arij;thank you 944000;1417629521;Anduck;why is deeds down? 944001;1417629530;Anduck;nubbins`: ^ ansawh me 944002;1417629541;Anduck;you should know ! 944003;1417629549;arij;i wanted to offer hosting on behalf of bitvps for a mirror, or whatever else bitcoin-assets may need 944004;1417629549;Anduck;who runs deeds anyway? 944005;1417629558;nubbins`;punkman 944006;1417629560;kakobrekla;deeds is punkman, search is mthreat the rest is me 944007;1417629562;nubbins`;and i guess it's having issues 944008;1417629569;Anduck;what kind of issues 944009;1417629572;nubbins`;it seems to come and go 944010;1417629574;arij;hey kakobrekla, pm? 944011;1417629576;nubbins`;work in progress i guess 944012;1417629582;kakobrekla;sure 944013;1417629601;nubbins`;arij doing his part for la serenissima 944014;1417629666;rithm;nubbins`, i finally bought a mtte and fram for that print 944015;1417629668;rithm;! 944016;1417629678;nubbins`;right on! 944017;1417629691;rithm;i'll send you a pic once it's hung in the studio 944018;1417629695;nubbins`;some kid named johnny cowabunga bought the rights to use it for an album cover :0 944019;1417629702;rithm;nice 944020;1417629709;nubbins`;heh yep 944021;1417629711;rithm;it's perfect hanging in a music studio then 944022;1417629729;nubbins`;http://secreteast.ca/2014/10/secret-east-tv-a-night-in-with-jonny-the-cowabungas-a-night-in-live-sessions-episode-2/ 944023;1417629731;assbot;Secret East TV: A Night In With Jonny & The Cowabungas (A Night In Sessions Ep. 2) | Secret East ... ( http://bit.ly/1I0xyE4 ) 944024;1417629734;rithm;i bought the frame and matte for my heisenberg woodcut too 944025;1417629742;rithm;a bright orange thick matte 944026;1417629750;rithm;and ornate black wooden frame 944027;1417629827;nubbins`;woodcuts are nice 944028;1417629839;rithm;actually it was linoleum 944029;1417629848;rithm;iirc 944030;1417629854;rithm;heavy stock though 944031;1417629863;rithm;2013 bitcoin black friday 1 of 19 944032;1417629964;rithm;http://www.prinnnt.com/collections/posters/products/walter-by-tucker-schreiber 944033;1417629965;assbot;Walter Relief Print by Tucker Schreiber ... ( http://bit.ly/1I0yuIw ) 944034;1417629968;rithm;maybe on 9 of em 944035;1417630507;BingoBoingo;!up jborkl 944036;1417630699;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5024 @ 0.00021 = 1.055 BTC [+] {2} 944037;1417631468;nubbins`;that's really nice 944038;1417631531;kakobrekla;!up arij 944039;1417631826;jborkl;Hello 944040;1417631843;jborkl;thanks to the ddos bot, real mature 944041;1417631864;nubbins`;there's a ddos bot? 944042;1417631869;nubbins`;XD 944043;1417632048;jborkl;Any story behind all the SMPOE selling? 944044;1417632064;BingoBoingo;Not yet 944045;1417632123;nubbins`;!t m s.mpoe 944046;1417632124;assbot;[MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00034204 / 0.00036449 / 0.00038342 (1070582 shares, 390.22 BTC), 7D: 0.00030027 / 0.00035376 / 0.00041472 (10731263 shares, 3,796.38 BTC), 30D: 0.00030027 / 0.00045549 / 0.00086038 (29859418 shares, 13,600.91 BTC) 944047;1417632131;nubbins`;dat 30d 944048;1417632160;jborkl;They were pushing hard, thats for sure 944049;1417632165;nubbins`;a better question is: any story behind S.MPOE > 0.8 ;D 944050;1417633932;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3400 @ 0.00035103 = 1.1935 BTC [-] 944051;1417635030;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 55450 @ 0.00035777 = 19.8383 BTC [+] {2} 944052;1417636399;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2014/12/new-york-dfs-publishes-all-bitlicense-comments/ 944053;1417636400;assbot;New York DFS Publishes all Bitlicense Comments | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1ygeLS9 ) 944054;1417636458;asciilifeform;'Thank you folks for your work and I do apologize for the likely barrage of angry and childish emails I suspect you may already be receiving. The concept has attracted a couple of groups who can't accept playing by anyone's rules but their own.' 944055;1417636460;asciilifeform;^ lol! 944056;1417636475;asciilifeform;(first comment) 944057;1417636488;asciilifeform;'how the world works!' 944058;1417636494;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12150 @ 0.00036155 = 4.3928 BTC [+] {2} 944059;1417636673;asciilifeform;a large number appear to be identical. 944060;1417636679;asciilifeform;'river of meat' campaign ? 944061;1417636682;BingoBoingo;Many lols indeed, but I really dun want to test the limits of how far a blockquote tage can be stretched... 944062;1417636759;asciilifeform;not readable on account of meat puppets. 944063;1417636760;asciilifeform;try it. 944064;1417636780;asciilifeform;somebody (does anyone give a shit?) could crawl the thing and deduplicate. 944065;1417638429;TomServo;I seem to recall someone publishing a form letter to be sent to Lawlsky; I wouldn't be surprised by tons of dupes. 944066;1417639178;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32634 @ 0.00036165 = 11.8021 BTC [+] 944067;1417639402;asciilifeform;http://imgur.com/GkSO4PZ << for BingoBoingo, other jungle men 944068;1417639404;assbot; thermocouple - Imgur ... ( http://bit.ly/12vuTlI ) 944069;1417639641;asciilifeform;http://islandbreath.blogspot.com/2011/05/tyranny-of-temporary.html << crackpot article with better photo of above 944070;1417639642;assbot;Ea O Ka Aina: The Tyranny of the Temporary ... ( http://bit.ly/12vw4lm ) 944071;1417639660;asciilifeform;these were pre-peltierjunction devices. dissimilar metals / seebeck's effect. 944072;1417639706;asciilifeform;greer's article is not entirely wrong that ancient egyptian tinsmith could have built it, if he knew how and had a reason. 944073;1417640119;undata;oh linux configuration management tools, the wrong solution to the wrong problem... 944074;1417640135;undata;burn it to the ground; this field can't be saved 944075;1417640479;asciilifeform;for serious thermocouple folks: http://www.neazoi.com/technology/thermocouple.htm 944076;1417640480;assbot;neazoi ... ( http://bit.ly/1yhxh7Z ) 944077;1417641252;BingoBoingo;Beautiful 944078;1417641561;BingoBoingo;tap natural gas storage salt dome, build tower of fire, power miners in hedgehog 944079;1417641584;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: terrible waste 944080;1417641599;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: you'd make more from selling the fuel. 944081;1417641602;BingoBoingo;Sure, for whoever put the gas there 944082;1417641614;asciilifeform;this is more of a shortwavecoin apocalypse gizmo. 944083;1417641691;BingoBoingo;But if you want to broadcast, same solution... tower of fire 944084;1417641715;asciilifeform;tower of fire << for smoke signals - sure 944085;1417641735;asciilifeform;for thermocouples - you want more of a potbelly stove, with long chimney 944086;1417641862;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33150 @ 0.00036861 = 12.2194 BTC [+] {2} 944087;1417641877;BingoBoingo;Ah 944088;1417641885;undata;asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: terrible waste << yes but tower of fire 944089;1417642106;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22300 @ 0.00036896 = 8.2278 BTC [+] {2} 944090;1417642115;BingoBoingo;Tower of fire can have a standalone purpose. Making the orc fear that scarier orcs reside at the base 944091;1417642301;BingoBoingo;http://it.slashdot.org/story/14/12/03/1759238/twitter-should-use-random-sample-voting-for-abuse-reports << Person encourages twitter to go to a still darker side 944092;1417642303;assbot;Twitter Should Use Random Sample Voting For Abuse Reports - Slashdot ... ( http://bit.ly/1yguGQp ) 944093;1417642354;undata;BingoBoingo: that's clever, get the peasants to silence each other 944094;1417642400;BingoBoingo;Or they silence anyone interesting, which happens appallingly often enough already 944095;1417642428;asciilifeform;if interesting, get the fuck out of kolkhoz ('twitter', arsebook, etc.) and on real www 944096;1417642518;BingoBoingo;Thing was moderately interesting as RSS for dummies, but... 944097;1417642567;BingoBoingo;Much in the way Facebook was addressbook for dummies 944098;1417642654;BingoBoingo;But then they moved so far from that... I mean when facebook changed everyone's email address, insufficient people revolted 944099;1417642903;BingoBoingo;Now the entire internet from 1999 on needs to be tossed to fix the problem 944100;1417642914;asciilifeform;!? 944101;1417642991;undata;rss is still working just fine for me 944102;1417643010;BingoBoingo;What was wrong with excite.com and yahoo as a phone book? 944103;1417643030;undata;if we're hitting reset on things, can I have a computer too? 944104;1417643048;asciilifeform;phone book ? 944105;1417643103;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Sure you know. Just a dumb directory, except hypertext instead of the cheapest dead trees 944106;1417643151;undata;on this alt-history internet, can we have a lisp instead of JS? 944107;1417643206;BingoBoingo;Why not? 944108;1417643212;asciilifeform;directory of what, and by whom ? 944109;1417643215;dignork;Lovely - Amazon tries to keep out of bitlicense: http://www.dfs.ny.gov/legal/vcrf_0500/20141020%20VC%20Proposed%20Reg%20Comment%20139%20-%20Amazon.pdf 944110;1417643217;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1ygxGfS ) 944111;1417643246;asciilifeform;i propose now a new and improved tax for usg: the -shitlicense-. 944112;1417643264;asciilifeform;no one may take a shit without paying. per gram. 944113;1417643298;asciilifeform;considerably easier to collect than 'bitlicense' 944114;1417643302;undata;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aq-G4HATiC8 944115;1417643304;assbot;TSA Eric Cartman "Toilet Safety Administration" Gerald Broflovski - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1ygxQ6V ) 944116;1417643308;asciilifeform;you read it here phirst (tm) 944117;1417643328;assbot;Last 6 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/3AKGKTW.txt ) 944118;1417643328;BingoBoingo;!b 6 944119;1417643522;undata;this blackjack and hookers browser has no DOM, no filthy CSS 944120;1417643530;undata;you get a canvas 944121;1417643572;asciilifeform;undata: the whole concept of 'web browser' is ultimately braindamaged. see one of my articles - http://www.loper-os.org/?p=309 944122;1417643574;assbot;Loper OS » No Formats, no Format Wars. ... ( http://bit.ly/11VMIcS ) 944123;1417643777;undata;asciilifeform: "It’s maybe what happens when physicists decide to play with computers, I’m not sure." << hear hear 944124;1417643801;undata;then we try to bastardize the thing into an actual programming environment 944125;1417643817;undata;I'm over here hacking clojurescript pretending my hardest that there isn't a browser underneath 944126;1417643819;BingoBoingo;Alternate history internet wish, dominant ircd fork is named arseC, name stick for the protocol 944127;1417643943;undata;asciilifeform: he mentions X; I've pondered coming up with a little protocol to talk to a canvas tag with 944128;1417643990;asciilifeform;canvas tag? 944129;1417643995;asciilifeform;do i even want to know. 944130;1417644076;BingoBoingo;No, you don't 944131;1417644169;undata;asciilifeform: a box you can either draw in 2D upon, or stick webgl in 944132;1417644170;asciilifeform;an 'html5'-ism ? 944133;1417644195;undata;I suppose, though the DOM isn't relevant within it 944134;1417644245;asciilifeform;reminds me of something i wrote once: a kind of simple 'lisp machine' in 'adobe flash' bytecode. never published, because realized that the whole idea is braindamaged and will encourage further braindamage if anyone were to use it 944135;1417644305;undata;asciilifeform: haha, clojurescript is a clojure -> JS compiler 944136;1417644325;undata;abstractions atop abstractions atop ... 944137;1417644385;undata;asciilifeform: you mentioned whether browsers are simply tools to accumulate "market share" 944138;1417644386;asciilifeform;afaik there is still no www browser that correctly implements the whole pile of shit as an invariant 944139;1417644396;undata;I'm starting to see Google Chrome as a trojan 944140;1417644401;undata;for their OS 944141;1417644405;asciilifeform;that is, with a hard guarantee of no deviation whatsoever between versions and platforms 944142;1417644408;undata;every release adds more "OS" stuff 944143;1417644410;asciilifeform;not one pixel's worth 944144;1417644413;jurov; BingoBoingo: you'd make more from selling the fuel. <<< you know UAE does not export much natural gas, just uses it to desalinate water... 944145;1417644426;jurov;... for desert ariculture 944146;1417644444;undata;asciilifeform: seems like there's just far too much spec for that to happen 944147;1417644501;asciilifeform;folks who write spec often forget that a spec is a cheque that someone's pair of hands needs to cash 944148;1417644532;asciilifeform;or it's empty words. 944149;1417644606;asciilifeform;http://arrdem.com/2014/11/28/the_future_of_the_lispm << unrelated mega-lol 944150;1417644607;assbot; The Future of the LispM · f $ [T, T] → T ... ( http://bit.ly/1ygzCFa ) 944151;1417644659;asciilifeform;author says he wrote it for me to trololol over but i'm merely bored. 944152;1417644689;asciilifeform;if he's in here, let him speak up! 944153;1417644691;joecool;so sensational 944154;1417644733;asciilifeform;(no one bothered to tell me about the piece, i ran into it by sheer accident.) 944155;1417644752;asciilifeform;possibly author assumed that i read whatever snakepit he linked to it in. 944156;1417645001;asciilifeform;snore. 944157;1417645022;undata;I was anticipating the clojure plug about halfway in 944158;1417645087;asciilifeform;'figuring out rocket engines is hard work. let's pile more bricks on this here tower of babel. so what if it's already prolapsed in ten thousand places. more bricks, more chairs, old cars, corpses of slaves. big enough river of meat - we shall go to victory. come join my river of meat.' -- summary of this and 100+ similarly idiotic answers to my articles. 944159;1417645108;undata;asciilifeform: somebody has to organize it, and fund it 944160;1417645114;undata;otherwise, shit pile 944161;1417645137;asciilifeform;if >1 head - shitpile. 944162;1417645146;asciilifeform;i stand by this. 944163;1417645157;undata;yeah, I can see that 944164;1417645177;asciilifeform;in practice, a handful of people can be involved, but result must be a 1-head item. 944165;1417645178;undata;can one person create a mass-producible lisp machine, the OS, etc? 944166;1417645184;asciilifeform;sure. 944167;1417645193;asciilifeform;chuck moore did this with forth. 944168;1417645267;asciilifeform;the trick is to realize how many of the 'mandatory' features are actually anything but. 944169;1417645314;asciilifeform;required reading: http://doc.cat-v.org/bell_labs/utah2000/utah2000.html 944170;1417645315;assbot;Systems Software Research is Irrelevant (aka utah2000 or utah2k) ... ( http://bit.ly/1ygACcp ) 944171;1417645324;asciilifeform;see the 'standards' section. then - take a piss on it. 944172;1417645350;asciilifeform;burn it all. 944173;1417645356;asciilifeform;year zero, motherfuckers. 944174;1417645557;undata;asciilifeform: as I've learned lisp, I've started to wonder why there's anything else in the higher-level language space 944175;1417645566;undata;but I'm not yet qualified to express that opinion 944176;1417645587;asciilifeform;because plagiarism and pious fraud works better with serial numbers filed off. 944177;1417645604;undata;asciilifeform: vaguely lispy functional programming stuff in python, etc 944178;1417645643;asciilifeform;also because there are armies of imbeciles (and their herders) who 'must stay relevant!' at whatever cost. 944179;1417645719;asciilifeform;see, e.g, http://www.loper-os.org/?p=516 , http://www.loper-os.org/?p=388 , http://www.loper-os.org/?p=401 , http://www.loper-os.org/?p=849 944180;1417645720;assbot;Loper OS » Roman Lisp ... ( http://bit.ly/1ygB2PX ) 944181;1417645722;assbot;Loper OS » Steam Lisp ... ( http://bit.ly/1ygB5uY ) 944182;1417645724;assbot;Loper OS » Of Lisp Macros and Washing Machines ... ( http://bit.ly/1ygB5v4 ) 944183;1417645725;assbot;Loper OS » The curious incident of the Lisp in the night-time ... ( http://bit.ly/1ygB5vc ) 944184;1417646076;mircea_popescu;;;bc,stats 944185;1417646077;gribble;Current Blocks: 332752 | Current Difficulty: 4.000747027127126E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 334655 | Next Difficulty In: 1903 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 2 weeks, 1 day, 23 hours, 47 minutes, and 53 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 32967993286.3 | Estimated Percent Change: -17.59541 944186;1417646084;mircea_popescu;wouldja look at that. 944187;1417646137;mike_c;don't get too excited. gribble's a little dumb with the estimates 944188;1417646193;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7307 @ 0.00036524 = 2.6688 BTC [-] 944189;1417646216;undata;asciilifeform: oh dear, yet more to suggest that nobody in this "economy" can think 944190;1417646223;undata;and by the way, I have enjoyed reading your blog. 944191;1417646282;asciilifeform;undata: glad you enjoyed. i think there may even be one or two people in #b-a who ended up here on account of it. 944192;1417646292;undata;what I am trying to do in my own work is at least write lisp as the primary thing from which I derive the braindead shitpile 944193;1417646293;BingoBoingo; author says he wrote it for me to trololol over but i'm merely bored. << If it still exists perhaps ship him his Lisp environment of the future. 944194;1417646326;BingoBoingo;The one in Adobe Flash bytecode 944195;1417646339;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: dafuq's the point 944196;1417646372;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Can the trollolol of having done his exercise already not be point enough? 944197;1417646383;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: see, the thing about braindamage is that there is always one answer that costs nothing: 944198;1417646390;asciilifeform;!s nonparticipation 944199;1417646391;assbot;6 results for 'nonparticipation' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=nonparticipation 944200;1417646405;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-07-2014#774690 944201;1417646405;assbot;Logged on 28-07-2014 19:19:31; asciilifeform: 'Learn not to participate - to the point of utter impossibility of meeting the enemy 'half-way' - and you will see that inside there lay a very useful mindfuck: in learning to 'nonparticipate,' in fact you drew out your *will* from its scabbard - to which it seemed so securely riveted by your upbringing. The appearance of *your will* changes everything and forever. With your own will slipped into your 944202;1417646433;*;undata must sing for his supper, and therefore must participate 944203;1417646479;asciilifeform;idea is, roughly, 1) to avoid the kinds of participation that can be avoided; and, 2) try to expand the set in (1). 944204;1417646626;asciilifeform;now, observation: what kind of existing-computing-infrastructure project -is- worth participating in? (voluntarily, rather than because of starvation) 944205;1417646636;asciilifeform;answer: the kind that -removes- chairs from the babel pile. 944206;1417646680;asciilifeform;because the larger the pile, the more otherwise-reasonable folks say 'you cannot build a rationally built structure as tall as this pile, as glorious, without using old chairs and dead squirrels' 944207;1417646722;BingoBoingo;!up markedathome 944208;1417646731;asciilifeform;so, the bitcoind cleanup thing is conceivably useful, because end result could be the book i asked for, and a year or so from now i (or someone else) can read it, and build rational design. 944209;1417646804;BingoBoingo;To pass the time until cheap chicom memresistors? 944210;1417646827;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo is quite mistaken in his picture of the missing parts. 944211;1417646852;asciilifeform;can't speak for others, but the thing i personally lack is - elementarily - time. 944212;1417646888;BingoBoingo;I thought it was sufficiently endowed rocket to enable time and a Yurt. 944213;1417646899;asciilifeform;well yes. 944214;1417646920;undata;asciilifeform: 1) sell cardano 2) get rich 3) fix computing 944215;1417646982;asciilifeform;i'm thick in (1) but 2, 3 are quasi-mythical dream. 944216;1417647061;asciilifeform;even if everyone suddenly desires to buy one, i half expect to be killed somewhere on the road between 1 and 2. 944217;1417647093;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/the-romanian-language-for-other-people/ 944218;1417647094;assbot;The Romanian language for other people. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1ygCUbw ) 944219;1417647098;mircea_popescu;.1 BTC prize involved. 944220;1417647190;mircea_popescu; some kid named johnny cowabunga bought << nfw ?! 944221;1417647264;mircea_popescu; 'Thank you folks for your work and I do apologize for the likely barrage of angry and childish emails I suspect you may already be receiving. The concept has attracted a couple of groups who can't accept playing by anyone's rules but their own.' << exactly fucking right. 944222;1417647416;mircea_popescu; greer's article is not entirely wrong that ancient egyptian tinsmith could have built it, if he knew how and had a reason. <<< electroplating was the reason, and the tech was in fact used in all likelihood in the golden crescent cca 1500bc. 944223;1417647437;asciilifeform;i thought everyone knew this (at least, the hypothesis) 944224;1417647440;asciilifeform;!s egyptian battery 944225;1417647440;assbot;0 results for 'egyptian battery' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=egyptian+battery 944226;1417647445;asciilifeform;damn. 944227;1417647463;mats_cd03;hi butties 944228;1417647470;mats_cd03;how are we all doing tonight 944229;1417647470;asciilifeform;iirc, archaeologists were still holding pissing matches over it. 944230;1417647498;asciilifeform;ordinary chemical pile, though, based on certain finds 944231;1417647502;BingoBoingo;Someone graduated from Preet's stable https://twitter.com/FlitterOnFraud/status/540277211400392704 944232;1417647503;assbot;You heard it here first: Lead prosecutor on U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara's London Whale cases is going to prominent defense firm. 944233;1417647540;mircea_popescu; considerably easier to collect than 'bitlicense' <<< lol what, vespasian v2.0 ? 944234;1417647548;asciilifeform;!s urinetown 944235;1417647549;assbot;3 results for 'urinetown' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=urinetown 944236;1417647549;adlai;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-12-2014#944222 [citation needed] 944237;1417647549;assbot;Logged on 03-12-2014 22:56:56; mircea_popescu: greer's article is not entirely wrong that ancient egyptian tinsmith could have built it, if he knew how and had a reason. <<< electroplating was the reason, and the tech was in fact used in all likelihood in the golden crescent cca 1500bc. 944238;1417647574;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo what else was he going to do you know ? 944239;1417647591;mats_cd03;mircea_popescu: looks like you're planning future work for ro translations of trilema stuff huh? 944240;1417647593;mircea_popescu;kinda how it goes, pretend like you're a tough ass prosecutor for a few years, get a juicy private practice contract. 944241;1417647597;asciilifeform;http://www.iranchamber.com/history/articles/parthian_battery.php 944242;1417647598;assbot;Iran Chamber Society: History of Iran: Parthian Battery (Ancient Iranians, The Inventors of Battery) ... ( http://bit.ly/1FNUm61 ) 944243;1417647600;mircea_popescu;mats_cd03 playing with things. 944244;1417647619;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Challenge Preet in single's combat to take over as Bezzel Arbiter for Manhattan 944245;1417647627;mircea_popescu;noty. 944246;1417647656;mircea_popescu;this is not like saying "go on a blind date with an unqualified woman", but like saying "take a random dude as a slave 5.8mn times" 944247;1417647661;mircea_popescu;i'd rather drink bleach. 944248;1417647682;asciilifeform;http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Baghdad_battery << the mega-skeptics chime in 944249;1417647683;assbot;Baghdad battery - RationalWiki ... ( http://bit.ly/1FNUGBT ) 944250;1417647698;*;adlai wonders how sassanid scientists discovered this effect 944251;1417647708;mircea_popescu;adlai you know how chloroform was discovered ? 944252;1417647721;adlai;wikipedia might 944253;1417647725;mircea_popescu;heh. 944254;1417647738;mircea_popescu;left handed derp broke some lab glass, passed out. 944255;1417647740;asciilifeform;the 'tingle' hypothesis suggests another likely use. 944256;1417647752;asciilifeform;did original artifact contain a cock-sized orifice ? 944257;1417647757;*;BingoBoingo will wait a while before trying this translation challenge. Suspects the subtext is the girl is Andy after Tyrone's empire collapses. 944258;1417647764;adlai;"660 000 tonnes per year, and about 90 % of emissions are natural" TIL 944259;1417647789;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo nah, the girl actually lives and breathes. 944260;1417647835;mircea_popescu;", and no ancient electroplated artifacts have been identfied." << bs. 944261;1417647848;BingoBoingo;Ah, I thought maybe whoever conquered Tyrone took the women and left the dick girl. 944262;1417647886;asciilifeform;electroplated artifacts << since found ? 944263;1417647910;adlai;mircea_popescu: facts don't check out, but 'the story is true': "Chloroform was discovered by accident in 1831 when eccentric American chemist Dr Samuel Guthrie mixed hen house disinfectant with whisky." - http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/science/thematerialworld_20050728.shtml 944264;1417647911;assbot;BBC - Radio 4 - The Material World 07/04/2005 ... ( http://bit.ly/1FNV837 ) 944265;1417647952;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform there's a lot of fucking debate as to whether 1000s of individual pieces are or are not electroplatred. 944266;1417647964;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29041 @ 0.0003618 = 10.507 BTC [-] 944267;1417647967;mircea_popescu;pretending like "no X were found" is, you know, whatevs. 944268;1417647972;asciilifeform;last i recall, they assume 'electroless' plating and rest. 944269;1417647977;*;adlai likes the speculation that artifacts throught to be gold are just electroplated 944270;1417647996;mircea_popescu;right right. 944271;1417647997;asciilifeform;now, if you find an item that could only have been plated electrically - then. 944272;1417648009;mircea_popescu;but i don't happen to favour that sort of standard of evidence. 944273;1417648016;asciilifeform;incas, in particular, were rather handy with electroless plating. 944274;1417648016;BingoBoingo;OMG eletroplating doubters are like intermediate species doubters 944275;1417648017;mircea_popescu;im not in the business of proving to a bunch of idiots that they're wrong. 944276;1417648021;asciilifeform;arguably this got them killed. 944277;1417648026;mircea_popescu;im in the business of trying to form an idea of wtf happened. 944278;1417648086;asciilifeform;(how did conquistadors get the idea of massive inca gold? easy - shown outlandish heaps of 'gold' junk. which was in fact plated.) 944279;1417648148;mircea_popescu;el dorado you mean ? 944280;1417648159;asciilifeform;aha. 944281;1417648161;mircea_popescu;you know dorado means GILT not golden right ? 944282;1417648168;asciilifeform;right 944283;1417648176;asciilifeform;the gilded [place] 944284;1417648176;BingoBoingo;More on how the US treats informants http://www.theguardian.com/world/2012/may/09/underwear-bomber-working-for-cia 944285;1417648178;assbot;'Underwear bomber' was working for the CIA | World news | The Guardian ... ( http://bit.ly/1FNVMNX ) 944286;1417648184;mircea_popescu;ahahaha 944287;1417648210;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform so i'd posit it has nothing to do with gold, olr with "gems" which they claimed the streets are paved with (most of which - obsydian). 944288;1417648227;asciilifeform;inception of the notion - nothing to do with anything but the usual avarice 944289;1417648230;mircea_popescu;it has everything to do with wanting to motivate euros to get the fuck there, much like the wild stories propping up the south sea bubble 944290;1417648235;mircea_popescu;exactly. 944291;1417648244;BingoBoingo;Turns out underwear bomber was likely very cooperative because he thought the CIA would bring the FBI in on this whole informant thing. 944292;1417648249;asciilifeform;but massive piles of possibly-gold kept it going long past expiration date. 944293;1417648268;mircea_popescu;the ways common psychology works, the ways people motivate themselves to do things they'll do anyway... 944294;1417648287;mircea_popescu;take woman with cock in her mouth. she's there because "the guy really respects her" right ? and "he has a great sense of humor" right ? 944295;1417648291;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: notice date on article. the only interesting aspect, arguably, is how the whole thing vanished neatly into 'the memory hole' without a trace. 944296;1417648294;mircea_popescu;not because cock fits quite well in her mouth. 944297;1417648308;mircea_popescu;just so, these dudes were going there because "el dorado", not because... whatever, empty space. 944298;1417648317;BingoBoingo;Oh shit!!! asciilifeform Fuck that was a while ago. 944299;1417648342;undata;however they've done this, bravo... 944300;1417648345;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: informants << ever read 'mother night' (k. vonnegut) ? 944301;1417648364;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: there is also, for the impatient, a mostly-passable film 944302;1417648377;BingoBoingo;Not yet. Need too. Will look tonight 944303;1417648396;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo remember that piracy is theft. 944304;1417648400;mircea_popescu;you wouldn't download a car 944305;1417648407;adlai;"The ‘batteries’ were among objects looted from the Iraqi National Museum in Baghdad during the invasion by the USA and its allies in 2003. It is not known where they are now or if they even still exist." http://www.badarchaeology.com/?page_id=208 944306;1417648409;assbot;The ‘batteries of Babylon’ | Bad Archaeology ... ( http://bit.ly/1FNWcUL ) 944307;1417648417;asciilifeform;a stooge can have no possible guarantee of not being thrown into the woodchipper at whatever convenient later time by his patron. 944308;1417648437;BingoBoingo;Who said anything about downloading... It's probably in one of the piles of processed tree corpses in the garage. 944309;1417648440;asciilifeform;this is what makes him a stooge and not a partner. 944310;1417648483;mircea_popescu;oh check it out, the us warcrimes list includes wartime looting! 944311;1417648507;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: http://schoolsites.schoolworld.com/schools/Cheltenham/webpages/rwilman/files/kurt%20vonnegut%20-%20mother%20night.pdf 944312;1417648509;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1FNWw5N ) 944313;1417648510;mircea_popescu;such rogue state wow. 944314;1417648512;asciilifeform;^ l33t w4r3z 944315;1417648596;undata;I'm still stuck on the CIA having given a bomb to a guy who boarded a plane 944316;1417648603;undata;this being public knowledge 944317;1417648623;asciilifeform;incidentally, the 'baghdad battery' is an example of a subject that is virtually impossible to research on the net - on account of it being a favourite of ten thousand kinds of prolix idiot, and consequently shunned by most thinking folks 944318;1417648636;asciilifeform;sorta like trying to get a sense of the lesser-known work of n. tesla. 944319;1417648653;asciilifeform;at least with him, a good bit of material survived 944320;1417648665;asciilifeform;and one can, if so inclined, read it 944321;1417648686;undata;this inversion of belief and reality... 944322;1417648714;asciilifeform;!s crank bait 944323;1417648715;assbot;15 results for 'crank bait' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=crank+bait 944324;1417648720;asciilifeform;^ full explanation. 944325;1417648800;asciilifeform;crank bait is normally factual material that blows 'official truth' out of the water, placed deliberately in the public domain. 944326;1417648817;adlai;ditto for studies on the objective and subjective effects of 'oiling' the thinking machine with various alkaloids, terpenoids, etc 944327;1417648832;asciilifeform;but in such a way that, by professing whatever belief in it, you write yourself out of 'polite society' permanently 944328;1417648858;asciilifeform;because you 'clearly do not know how the world works' or the like. 944329;1417648859;adlai;lots of interesting data, and orders of magnitude more nonsense obscuring it 944330;1417648871;asciilifeform;that's another thing altogether. 944331;1417648872;undata;what I'm stuck on is this: you can have a hole in the pentagon smaller than the wingspan of a plane 944332;1417648884;asciilifeform;^ prime example of 'fda grade-A' crank bait. 944333;1417648895;undata;there must just be a class of people who are wholly programmable, who will ignore reality completely if told to do so 944334;1417648914;undata;a person who can do that is a danger to everyone 944335;1417648938;undata;there's a distinction there between one who can lie, and one who doesn't know it's a lie 944336;1417648941;asciilifeform;the hole was not a secret (not for long, anyway). but anyone of any note, who believed 'his lying eyes' and spoke out in public - is now written out of the script. 944337;1417648943;asciilifeform;permanently. 944338;1417649022;asciilifeform;this is among the sharpest and most-used tools in the reptilian toolkit. 944339;1417649025;asciilifeform;works great. 944340;1417649037;undata;this, that there's a script which is expected to precede that which my own eyes tell me 944341;1417649051;undata;the religion rootkit, whatever you want to call that 944342;1417649077;undata;what troubles me is whether that thing has a legitimate use, or whether there are particular humans that are irredeemably broken 944343;1417649117;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=05-02-2014#481991 944344;1417649117;assbot;Logged on 05-02-2014 16:46:43; mircea_popescu: logo could be one of those mechanical vaginal pears they had cca 1600 944345;1417649132;asciilifeform;does 'the pear' have 'legitimate use' ? what kind of question even is that? matter of taste. 944346;1417649148;asciilifeform;fact is, if works, will be used. 944347;1417649223;ben_vulpes; fact is, if works, will be used. << so much this 944348;1417649286;undata;"if works" << that's the whole point, isn't it? 944349;1417649290;undata;these do not work 944350;1417649384;asciilifeform;betcha that uterus-extractor works great. 944351;1417649391;mircea_popescu; I'm starting to see Google Chrome as a trojan << http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=27-11-2014#936618 944352;1417649391;assbot;Logged on 27-11-2014 08:57:03; mircea_popescu: decimation: sign, google or apple, pick your poison <<< yeah, isn't chrome basically one of those spammy "toolbars" they had for netscape that sort-of mutated into being its own browser ? 944353;1417649446;mircea_popescu; because you 'clearly do not know how the world works' or the like. << a sword that cuts both ways. 944354;1417649474;mircea_popescu;<undata> what I'm stuck on is this: you can have a hole in the pentagon smaller than the wingspan of a plane << of course. why not ? 944355;1417649498;mircea_popescu;undata> there must just be a class of people who are wholly programmable, who will ignore reality completely if told to do so << yes. this class of people is called "women". 944356;1417649517;asciilifeform;or 'all the security cams just happened to fail that day. act of god. whatcha looking at.' 944357;1417649522;undata;mircea_popescu: dunno, I've met plenty without tits 944358;1417649544;mircea_popescu;"Then, God be bless'd, it is the blessed sun: but sun it is not, when you say it is not; and the moon changes even as your mind. What you will have it named, even that it is; and so it shall be so for Katharina." 944359;1417649553;mircea_popescu;tits aren't really required. 944360;1417649590;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i don't find it hard to believe us security sucks. 944361;1417649602;mircea_popescu;i know this from experience, so does anyone else in any way involved with any aspect thereof. 944362;1417649609;asciilifeform;such on day x, works great on x-1 and x+1, aha. 944363;1417649614;asciilifeform;*sucks on 944364;1417649621;mircea_popescu;eh it never worked great. 944365;1417649630;mircea_popescu;you ever saw asterix & obelix ? 944366;1417649636;asciilifeform;aha. 944367;1417649646;asciilifeform;when it wants to work - it works. 944368;1417649666;mircea_popescu;ever wondered how these dudes in their very distinctive gear manage to go in and out of the roman camp ? 944369;1417649685;asciilifeform;or, also example, the popular image of black-clothed 'ninja' 944370;1417649728;mircea_popescu;myeah. 944371;1417649729;asciilifeform;(in actuality - jp theatrical convention, actor in black is shorthand for 'not seen by the others' on stage) 944372;1417649767;mircea_popescu;right. 944373;1417649773;mircea_popescu;anyway, didn't some dude just walk into wh ? 944374;1417649777;undata;yep 944375;1417649778;mircea_popescu;after overpowering some chick ? 944376;1417649780;mircea_popescu;so then. 944377;1417649795;asciilifeform;walked in. didn't walk out with anyone's head. 944378;1417649797;mircea_popescu;the only reason obama doesn't get a glass shard through the eye is that nobody gives a shit about him and his eye 944379;1417649803;mircea_popescu;not that o noes, sekoority. 944380;1417649805;mircea_popescu;what security. 944381;1417649814;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform because he was just drunk. 944382;1417649819;asciilifeform;and into wh, filled with muppets, and not into [censored] full of [more-censored] 944383;1417649827;undata;doesn't this suggest followers which are too sure of "what is" are not good slaves at all? 944384;1417649831;undata;that was my meandering point above 944385;1417649841;mircea_popescu;undata there's a reason i dun want new york after all. 944386;1417649866;asciilifeform;undata: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-10-2014#856661 http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-10-2014#856662 944387;1417649866;assbot;Logged on 03-10-2014 05:15:13; asciilifeform: 'Winston made another convulsive movement. This time he did not say anything. O'Brien continued as though answering a spoken objection: 'For certain purposes, of course, that is not true. When we navigate the ocean, or when we predict an eclipse, we often find it convenient to assume that the earth goes round the sun and that the stars are millions upon millions of kilometres away. But what of it? Do 944388;1417649866;assbot;Logged on 03-10-2014 05:15:13; asciilifeform: it is beyond us to produce a dual system of astronomy? The stars can be near or distant, according as we need them. Do you suppose our mathematicians are unequal to that? Have you forgotten doublethink?' ' 944389;1417649951;danielpbarron;!up BlueMeanie4 944390;1417649963;undata;asciilifeform: so someone can surely be beaten into this state; what I'm asking is whether they don't become useless as a tool in that state 944391;1417649964;BlueMeanie4;greetings folks 944392;1417649965;asciilifeform;when some bozo walks a genuine master key out of ft. meade (and not opsec garbage) - i'll believe the 'poor security.' 944393;1417649975;danielpbarron;;;rated BlueMeanie4 944394;1417649975;gribble;You rated user BlueMeanie4 on Sat Oct 18 13:17:40 2014, with a rating of -2, and supplied these additional notes: thinks the WoT should be more like an iPhone; http://twitter.com/BlueMeanie4. 944395;1417650004;BlueMeanie4;a 944396;1417650012;BlueMeanie4;haah 944397;1417650014;undata;If I have mastered 2+2=5, there are things completely out of my reach 944398;1417650015;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i doubt anyone much cares bout teh master key, but anyweay. 944399;1417650030;BlueMeanie4;Iphone ... as in trendy tracking device? 944400;1417650041;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: well, i'd enjoy reading, e.g., what the aes weak key class is. 944401;1417650050;danielpbarron;as in, "user friendly" 944402;1417650050;asciilifeform;or whether factoring is in p. 944403;1417650082;BlueMeanie4;ok so it should be un userfriendly? 944404;1417650085;undata;seems like even, especially, and most importantly 2+2=4 is out of reach 944405;1417650099;asciilifeform;or which mathemagicians, from what nations, went desaparecido for refusing an offer you can't refuse 944406;1417650118;mircea_popescu;seems more of a cosmo level interest. 944407;1417650124;mircea_popescu;"i wanna see kim's underboob" 944408;1417650129;asciilifeform;i did say 'enjoy' not 'need now' 944409;1417650144;asciilifeform;if needed this to eat, would've starved. 944410;1417650149;danielpbarron;BlueMeanie4, yes -- where "user" means average dummy 944411;1417650157;asciilifeform;which is precisely the point. none of these jewels ever left the vault. 944412;1417650175;asciilifeform;their security - worked. 944413;1417650176;BlueMeanie4;well that aint gonna get ya users now will it? ;) 944414;1417650192;undata;^ llooooollll 944415;1417650208;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform so why is this piece supposed to bother you ? 944416;1417650209;asciilifeform;(allowing also the possibility of copies residing in ru, cn vaults. but notice - their security, in that case, also - by inference - works.) 944417;1417650241;BlueMeanie4;'here's our WOT- figger it out bitches!' 944418;1417650294;mircea_popescu; possibly author assumed that i read whatever snakepit he linked to it in. << more likely assumed you'll see it in your logs. 944419;1417650296;BingoBoingo;BlueMeanie4: Well, yes. 944420;1417650319;mircea_popescu;BlueMeanie4 i doubt anyone's much interested in "getting new users". what's wrong with new users getting us ? 944421;1417650343;BlueMeanie4;mkay 944422;1417650461;BingoBoingo;Anyone offering odds on whether New York gets riots tonight? 944423;1417650484;mircea_popescu;define riots. 944424;1417650499;undata;hood-shopping spree 944425;1417650500;BlueMeanie4;if they close KFC, yes 944426;1417650536;asciilifeform;Kakasoft Foundation Classes ? 944427;1417650554;BlueMeanie4;any Americans in the house? 944428;1417650577;BlueMeanie4;daniel can tell you what KFC is 944429;1417650590;asciilifeform;found it. recycled food restaurant. 944430;1417650591;undata;I bet he can. 944431;1417650630;BlueMeanie4;the whole thing is a massive media manipulation stunt, seems we get one every few months these days 944432;1417650641;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: I'm thinking something like "Do the right thing" trashcan through windows... prolly at least one good fire. 944433;1417650684;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: funny thing is, nyc probably sees the equivalent of five or six 'good riot' every night. just, not all in one street. 944434;1417650698;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo meh. more likely, a tweetmeet with some politicos trying to be all you know, talked about. 944435;1417650721;BingoBoingo;Ah, New York isn't a serious place like St Louis is. 944436;1417650748;BlueMeanie4;demographically practically different planets 944437;1417650762;mircea_popescu;reading this steam lispo thing, howdja get so cynical asciilifeform ! 944438;1417650784;mircea_popescu;people aren't fundamentally evil, people are fundamentally stupid. 944439;1417650787;mircea_popescu;there IS a differece. 944440;1417650825;BlueMeanie4;personally, I think Russia has a hand in all this 944441;1417650828;BingoBoingo;Stupid is as evil does. 944442;1417650829;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27650 @ 0.00036823 = 10.1816 BTC [+] 944443;1417650834;BlueMeanie4;there's a clear agenda here 944444;1417650844;BlueMeanie4;and its not 'equality' 944445;1417650847;undata;BlueMeanie4: russia has a hand in what 944446;1417650863;BlueMeanie4;in engineering these problems 944447;1417650871;BlueMeanie4;there are plenty of black ppl who think all this is ridiculous 944448;1417650872;undata;... what problems, the "riots"? 944449;1417650881;BlueMeanie4;you just dont hear from those ppl 944450;1417650917;BlueMeanie4;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gc0bINh22Wc 944451;1417650918;assbot;Black Teen Tells Ferguson Commission "Darren Wilson Pretty Much Did His Job" - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1FPCz0k ) 944452;1417650920;BingoBoingo;BlueMeanie4: To be fair when the Despots on the UNHCR criticize your human rights record, there may be a problem http://qntra.net/2014/12/un-report-criticises-united-states-on-human-rights/ 944453;1417650921;assbot;UN Report Criticizes United States on Human Rights | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1FPCBFl ) 944454;1417650925;undata;are you kidding? these "riots" are the US version of the same festering problems you see anywhere people are rotting in socialist paradise 944455;1417650936;BlueMeanie4;the UNHCR was invented specifically for Palestinians 944456;1417650945;asciilifeform;there IS a differece << academic to the fellow sitting on the stake. 944457;1417650945;undata;there are similar barbarians in UK shitholes 944458;1417650951;BlueMeanie4;undata- for sure 944459;1417650955;BlueMeanie4;and there will be riots there too 944460;1417650973;BlueMeanie4;definitely tensions building up EDL, etc. 944461;1417650993;mircea_popescu;<BlueMeanie4> in engineering these problems << the agenda is, "send nuland to dance naked in teh lubyanka. we didn't think the ukraine posturing was funny." 944462;1417651008;BlueMeanie4;ukraine is perfect example dude 944463;1417651043;BlueMeanie4;i imagine as a Romanian you are not exactly keen on 'greater Russia'? 944464;1417651063;mircea_popescu;im not keen on any of the derpy "national sovereigns" 944465;1417651081;undata;these riots play directly into the US govts desire for ever stricter laws 944466;1417651093;undata;I don't see why the Russians have to be involved as boogeyman 944467;1417651096;mircea_popescu;undata stricter laws have a cost. 944468;1417651105;BlueMeanie4;i think personally they want to bring it to such high crisis level they can totally remake US govt. 944469;1417651116;undata;mircea_popescu: strategy being to have us strangle ourselves? 944470;1417651120;BlueMeanie4;the Russians I think are running this 944471;1417651122;mircea_popescu;here's a pop quiz : would you say the "stricter laws" past 2001 were to the detriment of al-quaeda or to its benefit ? 944472;1417651129;mircea_popescu;quite exactly that, yes. 944473;1417651129;undata;oh, to their benefit 944474;1417651132;mircea_popescu;working splendidly, too. 944475;1417651172;asciilifeform;people aren't fundamentally evil, people are fundamentally stupid << is the desire of homo redditicus to be 'relevant!1!!' - at any and all cost to his betters - 'evil' or 'stupid' ? and how does the difference matter? 944476;1417651183;asciilifeform;is cockroach 'evil' or 'stupid'? how about plague ? 944477;1417651276;BlueMeanie4;just watch that video i posted. many regular black ppl think this is bogus, but they suppress that 944478;1417651296;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform how it matters obviously depends on context, but i was merely discussing the principle. 944479;1417651297;BlueMeanie4;tells you that the agenda here is something quite different. They WANT tensions- that is the goal 944480;1417651315;mircea_popescu;BlueMeanie4 that's fairly uncontroversial. 944481;1417651341;BlueMeanie4;maybe for you, but the average mouthbreathing american goes by TV or Twitter feed 944482;1417651342;undata;I don't deny that there could be foreign interest in stirring this up, but there's plenty of homegrown entitlement and idiocy to go around too 944483;1417651395;undata;watching people "protest" in Portand over #fergie was a joke 944484;1417651400;undata;*land 944485;1417651408;danielpbarron;BlueMeanie4, and you want them in the wot??? 944486;1417651409;BlueMeanie4;i think there is a long term plan to break down america 944487;1417651418;BlueMeanie4;this place has become a !@#$ing nut house in the past 15 years 944488;1417651423;BlueMeanie4;everyone accept this at this point 944489;1417651429;undata;the thing that comes after it will be worse. 944490;1417651432;undata;I'm certain of that 944491;1417651438;BlueMeanie4;undata, oh im sure about that 944492;1417651440;mircea_popescu;BlueMeanie4 there are numerous long, middle and short plans to break down anything standing all the time. 944493;1417651448;BlueMeanie4;true true 944494;1417651451;mircea_popescu;there's a bunch of aureus on your armpit hatching one regarding you, right now. 944495;1417651471;BlueMeanie4;youre never one to hold back on graphic imagry 944496;1417651500;mircea_popescu;the important point here isn't that such plans exist, as they always do. 944497;1417651508;mircea_popescu;the important part here is just how weakly this old man is. 944498;1417651515;BlueMeanie4;ya but its getting so obvious at this point, many ppl are like- ok whats going to happen now, total breakdown? 944499;1417651517;undata;that's what I'm anticipating; bezzleland seizes up, and there's a horde of superstitious morons suddenly available as a resource 944500;1417651520;undata;someone's going to grab that 944501;1417651526;mircea_popescu;time to jump ship, because the idiots that persist in "working for the government" WILL be hanged. 944502;1417651538;mircea_popescu;i didn't get too far with my bloodlust in the romanian collapse, 944503;1417651542;mircea_popescu;but i shan't be denied again. 944504;1417651552;BlueMeanie4;just the low level morons will get hung 944505;1417651568;mircea_popescu;no. 944506;1417651577;mircea_popescu;the low level morons might escape, maybe 944507;1417651577;BingoBoingo;BlueMeanie4: That's kinder imagery than the Candida. 944508;1417651579;mircea_popescu;if they find a tyorne. 944509;1417651597;BlueMeanie4;MP: ever seen these videos? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZnkULuWFDg 944510;1417651598;assbot;Yuri Bezmenov (former kgb) Psychological Warfare Subversion & Control of Western Society - Complete - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1FPDDkU ) 944511;1417651609;BlueMeanie4;its edgy but wow, explains a lot if true 944512;1417651610;mircea_popescu;i dun watch videos. 944513;1417651619;BlueMeanie4;only IRC 944514;1417651637;*;asciilifeform seen. snore. 944515;1417651670;BlueMeanie4;its just getting totally nuts here, you have to scotch tape the camera on your cell phone so they dont turn it on and record you 944516;1417651671;BingoBoingo;Spurious meaningless hash: e2686815cd46d6fe0b4212349238868cd8646cda 944517;1417651691;BingoBoingo;BlueMeanie4: You phone has a camera? 944518;1417651693;BlueMeanie4;meanwhile the Californians are like: but it's got Flappybird! 944519;1417651706;mircea_popescu;lmao wtf is this. 944520;1417651708;BlueMeanie4;actually no, i have a clamshell 944521;1417651797;BlueMeanie4;when did romania collapse exactly? 944522;1417651803;BingoBoingo;I alternate between clamshell and candybar with a keyboard for texting bitches 944523;1417651841;BingoBoingo;!up BlueMeanie4 944524;1417651858;BlueMeanie4;Americans are about to get a taste of all this 944525;1417651865;BlueMeanie4;mostly for the first time in their lives 944526;1417651873;BlueMeanie4;they've lived in uber-affluence for decades 944527;1417651940;asciilifeform;taste of what? 944528;1417651954;asciilifeform;of collapse? plenty savouring the taste as we speak. 944529;1417651973;asciilifeform;'you will not know that collapse has happened until it happens to you.' (orlov) 944530;1417651997;undata;I don't buy that our primary enemy isn't our own CIA. 944531;1417652008;asciilifeform;!s meta-nsa 944532;1417652009;assbot;34 results for 'meta-nsa' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=meta-nsa 944533;1417652025;BlueMeanie4;i like Orlov 944534;1417652026;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform re hyalus flexibile (there's no such thing as flexile, and vitreus -a -um is an adjective in latin, directly mapping on vitreous) : http://www.poezie.ro/index.php/poetry/13925568/index.html 944535;1417652027;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1FPEiCP ) 944536;1417652033;BlueMeanie4;he wrote this great article on 'dofenism' one of my favs 944537;1417652038;undata;they're going to cause a collapse then their meat-puppet is going to pull an american-flavored hitler 944538;1417652051;mircea_popescu;tl;dr : architect hired to build monastery, walls keep falling down, builds his young pregnant wife in there, walls stand, 944539;1417652055;BlueMeanie4;something like that ya 944540;1417652061;mircea_popescu;king takes stairs away. 944541;1417652064;BingoBoingo;More spurious hash: ce0f9ddab79c55d0b8ca31252e4f49f262be90b7 944542;1417652080;mircea_popescu;undata how do you define "primary" ? closest ? 944543;1417652090;mircea_popescu;BlueMeanie4 dec 1989 944544;1417652161;asciilifeform;;;google vitrum flexile 944545;1417652161;gribble;New Flexible Glass Will Significantly Reduce The Cost Of Solar ...: ; “Flexible” Roman Glass? | Corning Museum of Glass: ; Flexible glass - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: 944546;1417652170;mircea_popescu;shrug. 944547;1417652183;undata;mircea_popescu: the enemy which is opening the orifices through which our other enemies are barging in 944548;1417652196;mircea_popescu;undata you know, tyrone is not your enemy. 944549;1417652203;asciilifeform;http://books.google.com/books?id=jIQCAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA372&lpg=PA372&dq=vitrum+flexile&source=bl&ots=ISyiWf4qVt&sig=-DRhWHSfwpu_Lis_-Nv4XBdp_X8&hl=en&sa=X&ei=0ad_VKbZHsSLyATxzIGIBQ&ved=0CEsQ6AEwCTgK#v=onepage&q=vitrum%20flexile&f=false 944550;1417652204;assbot;C. Plini Secundi Naturalis historiae libri xxxvii., recens. et comm ... - Pliny (the Elder.) - Google Books ... ( http://bit.ly/12wcrcQ ) 944551;1417652213;mircea_popescu;eh bloody hell. 944552;1417652223;BlueMeanie4;1989? here's what we were doing http://media.giphy.com/media/xDrn9oG797R96/giphy.gif 944553;1417652227;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/12wcuW4 ) 944554;1417652234;mircea_popescu;yeah, flexile esset works. 944555;1417652293;BlueMeanie4;the disparity in attitudes is just tremendous 944556;1417652342;BlueMeanie4;California in particular is going to be a huge mess. they can't pay their bills esp pensions and social services, politicians keep passing the buck 944557;1417652362;BlueMeanie4;then you talk to a californian, and it's like : NEW BMW! something is very wrong here 944558;1417652420;undata;BlueMeanie4: http://nwnewsnetwork.org/post/study-offshore-fault-where-big-one-originates-eerily-quiet 944559;1417652422;assbot;Study: Offshore Fault Where The 'Big One' Originates Eerily Quiet | NW News Network ... ( http://bit.ly/12wcPrK ) 944560;1417652431;undata;maybe that'll take care of the west coast (and me along with it!) 944561;1417652434;undata;haha 944562;1417652447;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i guess it can work as glass too. the noun i only knew as woad, paint. 944563;1417652450;mats_cd03;california's getting fixed, slowly. legislature's getting their shit together, but who knows if its enough 944564;1417652458;BlueMeanie4;oh ya, the ppl who live in the interior LOVE earthquakes 944565;1417652471;BlueMeanie4;they dont come out and say it but they all silently hope California falls into the ocean 944566;1417652482;BlueMeanie4;getting fixed? haha 944567;1417652489;BlueMeanie4;let me guess - you live therE? 944568;1417652496;mats_cd03;earthquakes don't have anything to do with governance 944569;1417652513;mats_cd03;i lived there for several years 944570;1417652632;BingoBoingo;Now Illinois, that's a quality mess. 944571;1417652634;mircea_popescu;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=516&cpage=1#comment-1842 << gotta love this. 944572;1417652636;assbot;Loper OS » Roman Lisp ... ( http://bit.ly/12wdeKW ) 944573;1417652640;mircea_popescu;"how do you avoid screwing over idiots ?!?!?!" 944574;1417652643;mircea_popescu;dude i dunno... why would i ? 944575;1417652668;BlueMeanie4;basically the whole country is a mess 944576;1417652678;mats_cd03;what a novel thought. 944577;1417652806;BingoBoingo;Now that the governor elect here in Illinois is getting briefed on how fucked the state is, I'm thinking he might quit before he can get sworn in. 944578;1417652860;mircea_popescu;lol has this happened yet ? 944579;1417652890;BlueMeanie4;ive heard stories about rural illinois 944580;1417652892;BlueMeanie4;wow 944581;1417652898;mircea_popescu;BlueMeanie4 the "whole country" is only "a mess" in the sense that random idiots are inept, and the model where you run a continent as a centrally planned economy requires a lot more than a conclave of idiots in charge. 944582;1417652910;mircea_popescu;otherwise, the country'd recover and do just fine if left the fuck alone. 944583;1417652929;undata;BlueMeanie4: I could just as easily see this Yuri character as anticommunist psyops 944584;1417652930;BlueMeanie4;ya 'centralization' is the problem, weve never had this much federal power before, mostly the states governed themselves 944585;1417652953;BlueMeanie4;since 911 it's been crazy 944586;1417652960;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Not yet. But he is getting more and more dejected in appearances. 944587;1417652964;BlueMeanie4;now add to that all this spying, social media presence, etc. 944588;1417652991;BingoBoingo;Celebrated winning the election, but... pretty despondent ever since 944589;1417653000;BlueMeanie4;they're using these various front issues to break down state soveireignty 944590;1417653077;mircea_popescu;here's a simple reform idea : take guns away from police. because government employees are slaves, and slaves don't belong carrying arms. that's for citizens only. 944591;1417653091;mircea_popescu;if a policeman wants to report a crime, he gotta find a citizen and get his help. 944592;1417653124;mircea_popescu;slaves don't get to stand their ground, they get to scurry away and seek help. 944593;1417653138;BingoBoingo;http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-30302261 944594;1417653139;assbot;BBC News - AK-47 maker Kalashnikov gives rifles makeover ... ( http://bit.ly/1FPFJ49 ) 944595;1417653139;mircea_popescu;and if you're unable or unwilling to stand your ground, well... you're not a citien either. go find one and hide behind him. 944596;1417653159;BlueMeanie4;fact is 944597;1417653162;mircea_popescu;solves the fake "problems" in all of five minutes, but also exposes the real problem : 944598;1417653165;mircea_popescu;no citizens, no country. 944599;1417653175;BlueMeanie4;in most american cities, esp. most black neighborhoods they wouldn't dare remove the police 944600;1417653190;mircea_popescu;why not ? 944601;1417653193;BlueMeanie4;ha 944602;1417653210;mircea_popescu;go suck off to tyrone, why should the state push things away from equilibrium. 944603;1417653211;BlueMeanie4;it would turn into utter chaos 944604;1417653224;BingoBoingo;Compare to http://rt.com/news/210751-kalashnikov-rifle-new-brand/ 944605;1417653225;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1FPG1YI ) 944606;1417653225;mircea_popescu;if tyrone's the man and you're the woman, wear the fucking cock cage and go about your business. 944607;1417653264;BlueMeanie4;as that last video showed, there are plenty of ppl of all colors who do not want the police removed 944608;1417653291;mircea_popescu;yeah, but that;'s principally because they suck. 944609;1417653292;BlueMeanie4;this is what a lot of these protestors dont understand, most are white middle/upper class 944610;1417653303;BlueMeanie4;they really have no idea what living in a low income area is like 944611;1417653317;BlueMeanie4;to them 'police' are these annoying characters who want to get between them and their pot habit 944612;1417653318;mircea_popescu;there's no such thing as a low income "area". 944613;1417653321;mircea_popescu;it's the people. 944614;1417653328;BlueMeanie4;tis the most immature deluded nonsense you can imagine 944615;1417653363;BlueMeanie4;its really nothing like e. europe, there are underlying tensions that you just dont have in a place like Romania 944616;1417653367;mircea_popescu;BlueMeanie4 let me tell you something. they got bums everwhere here. one night, one prolly drunk dude got rambunctious and started yelling. 944617;1417653370;BlueMeanie4;there isnt the the underlying urge to robe your neighbor 944618;1417653374;undata;BlueMeanie4: I recall some "livestreamer" of the PDX "protest" calling them pigs, then chatting up a girl 944619;1417653377;mircea_popescu;random passerbys threatened and yelled him down. 944620;1417653386;mircea_popescu;this is why this country is safe. plenty of citizens. 944621;1417653392;BlueMeanie4;undata- oh ya , we call them Trustafarians 944622;1417653403;BlueMeanie4;Rastafarians with Trust Funds 944623;1417653410;mircea_popescu;the us... heck, they're so fucking cowardly you can piss in their face and they'll likely limit themselves to complaining sottovoce. 944624;1417653421;BingoBoingo;"They should make Kalashnikov Mobile phones.. With high level of rugged-ness to be used in the harsher parts of the world..." 944625;1417653435;BlueMeanie4;oh sure Romania is probably safer than NYC, certianly safer than NYC with no police 944626;1417653442;mircea_popescu;here is buenos aires. 944627;1417653451;BlueMeanie4;oh ok 944628;1417653462;mircea_popescu;a town 3x the size of nyc. 944629;1417653468;BlueMeanie4;ya the 'hipster' set is clearly a major part of the problem 944630;1417653476;BlueMeanie4;mainly white kids reared on Obama nonsense 944631;1417653484;BlueMeanie4;they have no relationship with reality 944632;1417653487;undata;reared on social media nonsense 944633;1417653492;BlueMeanie4;yep 944634;1417653494;undata;hence what you mention last 944635;1417653499;BlueMeanie4;one and the same with homo redditicus 944636;1417653502;undata;"it's real if it's twatted" 944637;1417653506;BlueMeanie4;see: Tumblr 944638;1417653518;mircea_popescu;so.. yeah, this "police will protect us" thing is going to last what, another year or two. 944639;1417653536;BlueMeanie4;they have no real concept of how the world works 944640;1417653544;BlueMeanie4;most dont even have jobs, just support from parents 944641;1417653554;undata;BlueMeanie4: less and less of that with the economy as it is 944642;1417653556;BlueMeanie4;they are an increasingly ridiculed group 944643;1417653564;undata;the most recent generation is wasting away in the service industry 944644;1417653568;undata;making pizzas 944645;1417653581;BlueMeanie4;yep pretty sad, you can read about what is underneath on 4chan/pol/ 944646;1417653586;BlueMeanie4;and its not pretty 944647;1417653602;BlueMeanie4;youve got a lot of clear Nazi ideas building up 944648;1417653607;undata;yep 944649;1417653640;mircea_popescu; making pizzas << aaaand whose brilliant idea is that "we don't need industry, we can grow rich by doing each other's laundry" ? 944650;1417653644;BlueMeanie4;twatter is the most hilarious for sure 944651;1417653647;mircea_popescu;"it's easier" right. 944652;1417653658;BlueMeanie4;MP: we can grow rich by serving each other Lattes! 944653;1417653664;mircea_popescu;glwt. 944654;1417653665;BlueMeanie4;pumpkin spice lattes to be precise 944655;1417653679;BlueMeanie4;no investment in infrastructure 944656;1417653683;BlueMeanie4;no investment in real education 944657;1417653693;BlueMeanie4;everyone is pushing money around or spying on citizens 944658;1417653701;undata;!up BlueMeanie4 944659;1417653706;BlueMeanie4;danke 944660;1417653709;undata;bitte 944661;1417653730;BlueMeanie4;but no doubt this isnt going to end well 944662;1417653742;undata;it'll end in a dictator 944663;1417653745;BlueMeanie4;yep 944664;1417653756;mircea_popescu;heh. like who. 944665;1417653764;BlueMeanie4;because the asshats will DEMAND their 'standard of living' be preserved 944666;1417653774;mircea_popescu;where is hte painter. show me the painter. 944667;1417653797;undata;mircea_popescu: he's so far unknown 944668;1417653815;BlueMeanie4;it will be King Blue Meanie 944669;1417653849;mircea_popescu;anyway, it's not generally peoples wanting their "standard of living being preserved" that end up with hitler. 944670;1417653859;mircea_popescu;those generally go fight in the trenches for five years. 944671;1417653870;mircea_popescu;it's their thoroughly debased and humiliated sons an' daughters that get the hitler. 944672;1417653887;undata;seems we're headed for humiliation, no? 944673;1417653887;BlueMeanie4;there are parallels for sure 944674;1417653907;undata;worldwide empire reduced to economic crater 944675;1417653949;BlueMeanie4;i can def. see some states just dropping out of this 944676;1417653960;BlueMeanie4;Texas 944677;1417653961;undata;BlueMeanie4: and being coerced back in, I'd think 944678;1417653983;undata;the military though takes steps to avoid a state having its own state-sized chunk of military 944679;1417653984;BlueMeanie4;the concept of the average Texan is miles apart from where Obama is taking the US 944680;1417654001;BlueMeanie4;ya it's called Gun Control 944681;1417654004;undata;BlueMeanie4: I'm actually from there 944682;1417654021;BlueMeanie4;i live in a red state, generally stay away from the blue areas 944683;1417654021;undata;BlueMeanie4: gun control, but they also ship people around so they don't have a group that's entirely from one state 944684;1417654069;BlueMeanie4;ya lots of technique 944685;1417654078;BlueMeanie4;but fact is ppl are getting more and more aware 944686;1417654136;undata;hah, maybe we're headed for a Lincoln 944687;1417654139;undata;not a Hitler 944688;1417654166;BlueMeanie4;civil war? 944689;1417654175;BlueMeanie4;could happen i think, not far fetched 944690;1417654205;undata;yeah, say there's a large economic collapse and the federal system starts to deteriorate 944691;1417654212;undata;somebody rides in to "save the union" 944692;1417654217;BlueMeanie4;well if that happens 944693;1417654224;BlueMeanie4;then theyll start taxing everyone like crazy 944694;1417654235;undata;that could be the new thing, "domestic terrorism" vs the federal system 944695;1417654236;BlueMeanie4;Texas and perhaps a coalition will basically say FU 944696;1417654248;BlueMeanie4;right and the feds will label them domestic terrorists 944697;1417654272;undata;one could see lots of the "antiterrorism" stuff as prepping for a civil war 944698;1417654277;BlueMeanie4;he already clearly violates the Constitution 944699;1417654290;BlueMeanie4;absolutely 944700;1417654298;BlueMeanie4;theyre not prepping to get Al Queda 944701;1417654312;undata;right, they know full well that the economic system is a sham, and is going to implode 944702;1417654316;BlueMeanie4;they are anticipating things getting out of control 944703;1417654318;undata;so they've been getting this stuff ready 944704;1417654370;undata;arguably this domestic terrorism thing has been there in the US since the start 944705;1417654383;undata;"domestic terrorism" redefined as any sort of anti-federal thing 944706;1417654418;BlueMeanie4;no one remmeber Ollie North 944707;1417654469;BlueMeanie4;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rex_84 944708;1417654470;assbot;Rex 84 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1FPOFq4 ) 944709;1417654493;undata;yep 944710;1417654542;BlueMeanie4;fun times 944711;1417654561;undata;times to wait and squirel away nuts 944712;1417654585;BlueMeanie4;any advice from Romania on how to survive economic collapse and govt takeover? 944713;1417654598;undata;argentina might have some things to say there as well 944714;1417654656;BingoBoingo;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot 944715;1417654658;assbot;Business Plot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1w2Ppak ) 944716;1417654709;undata;good old prescott bush and friends 944717;1417654779;BlueMeanie4;yep 944718;1417654912;BlueMeanie4;moving to Russia ASAP 944719;1417654923;undata;I don't see how that's better 944720;1417655017;BlueMeanie4;http://i.4cdn.org/pol/1417652023224.jpg 944721;1417655017;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1FPRwPR ) 944722;1417655019;BlueMeanie4;see now? 944723;1417655146;undata;BlueMeanie4: that it lacks that form of cancer does not mean it lacks cancer 944724;1417655153;undata;hilarious picture though 944725;1417655443;mircea_popescu;actually kinda funny what hoover had to say abgout getting off gold. 944726;1417655516;cazalla;http://qntra.net/2014/12/bitcoin-domain-registrations-shown-to-correlate-with-bitcoin-price/ 944727;1417655516;assbot;Bitcoin Domain Registrations Shown To Correlate With Bitcoin Price | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1FPTvno ) 944728;1417655578;undata;!up BlueMeanie4 944729;1417655654;BlueMeanie4;re. cryptos 944730;1417655663;BlueMeanie4;bitcoin remains a mystery 944731;1417655770;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 87300 @ 0.00037086 = 32.3761 BTC [+] {4} 944732;1417657031;cazalla;BlueMeanie4: yep pretty sad, you can read about what is underneath on 4chan/pol/ <<< in hindsight, /pol/ was a short stop otw to #b-a, once i began to put in more time here, i pretty much stopped putting in any time at /pol/ 944733;1417657111;BlueMeanie4;whats b-a? 944734;1417658576;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 3063 @ 0.00119207 = 3.6513 BTC [-] {11} 944735;1417659094;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://bitbet.us/bet/859/cardano-to-ship-in-2014/#c4350 lol 944736;1417659095;assbot;BitBet - Cardano to Ship in 2014 :: 1.08 B (30%) on Yes, 2.53 B (70%) on No | closing in 3 weeks 1 day| weight: 10`416 (100`000 to 1) ... ( http://bit.ly/1vNG4B7 ) 944737;1417659918;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42700 @ 0.00037621 = 16.0642 BTC [+] {4} 944738;1417659947;TomServo;I've drank too much #b-a koolaid and find myself having to piss on co-workers' msft/goog/appl wankfests. 944739;1417660069;assbot;Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/3KS96VT.txt ) 944740;1417660069;BingoBoingo;!b 1 944741;1417660080;adlai;also http://bitbet.us/bet/1078/bitcoin-to-drop-under-250-before-2015/#b32 944742;1417660080;assbot;BitBet - Bitcoin to drop under $250 before 2015 :: 1.73 B (10%) on Yes, 15.78 B (90%) on No | closing in 2 weeks 5 days | weight: 87`769 (100`000 to 10`000) ... ( http://bit.ly/1vOLw5x ) 944743;1417660088;mircea_popescu;TomServo it's a pernicious cult. 944744;1417660195;adlai;;;later tell kakobrekla http://bitbet.us/bet/859/cardano-to-ship-in-2014/#c4350 http://bitbet.us/bet/1078/bitcoin-to-drop-under-250-before-2015/#b32 http://themonkeycage.org/2011/03/11/randomizing_customs/ 944745;1417660196;assbot;BitBet - Cardano to Ship in 2014 :: 1.08 B (30%) on Yes, 2.53 B (70%) on No | closing in 3 weeks 1 day| weight: 10`410 (100`000 to 1) ... ( http://bit.ly/1vOLM4y ) 944746;1417660197;assbot;BitBet - Bitcoin to drop under $250 before 2015 :: 1.73 B (10%) on Yes, 15.78 B (90%) on No | closing in 2 weeks 5 days | weight: 87`763 (100`000 to 10`000) ... ( http://bit.ly/1vOLJFT ) 944747;1417660198;assbot;Randomizing Custom(s) — The Monkey Cage ... ( http://bit.ly/1vOLM4K ) 944748;1417660198;gribble;The operation succeeded. 944749;1417660399;kakobrekla;adlai ? 944750;1417660425;decimation;re: only citizens could carry guns << that's a very good idea, and probably very close to what the 'founding fathers' had in mind 944751;1417660426;kakobrekla;bb doesnt have a red and green light but it does have a red and green buttons 944752;1417660457;decimation;now the situation is reversed, and citizens must ask police to wield guns. This confusion is at the root of much of what is wrong with usg. 944753;1417660462;mircea_popescu;decimation yes, but you know exactly why it won't happen. 944754;1417660485;mircea_popescu;no us citizen alive today is willing to sucker punch the wife if she talks back 944755;1417660492;mircea_popescu;also something the founding fathers had in mind. 944756;1417660500;mircea_popescu;and that's where it starts. 944757;1417660511;adlai;when there's a deterministic profile for further scrutiny (public announcement of the bet in-channel), those who specifically wish to minimize scrutiny will stay just outside the profile. what if we make it non-deterministic? 944758;1417660547;mircea_popescu;why shouldn't people who want to stay outside of scrutiny be able to ? 944759;1417660883;decimation;http://www.xenosystems.net/the-islamic-vortex-note-3a/ << herr land dismisses isis 944760;1417660885;assbot;Outside in - Involvements with reality » Blog Archive » The Islamic Vortex (Note-3a) ... ( http://bit.ly/1vNPo8c ) 944761;1417660982;mircea_popescu;whossat ? 944762;1417660989;TomServo;I like the cops with no guns, find a citizen approach. 944763;1417661006;kakobrekla;non-deterministic < better to stream comments to #b-a and harness the power of trolls 944764;1417661021;decimation;the xenosystems author 944765;1417661040;TomServo;But shouldn't a citizen also be capable of finding a wife that doesn't require a sucker punch? 944766;1417661070;mircea_popescu;decimation i thought mebbe you knew him better. 944767;1417661080;decimation;TomServo: why would you want to neglect her/. 944768;1417661082;mircea_popescu;TomServo such wives exist only in a world where people are WILLING TO slap them. 944769;1417661082;*;asciilifeform lulz, having missed all the good shit 944770;1417661108;TomServo;decimation: neglect? 944771;1417661109;decimation;mircea_popescu: nah, just been following his writings 944772;1417661121;mircea_popescu;it's like the nukes exactly. kids that know they can't EVER get in trouble grow up with various mental illnesses. kids that grow up knowing they could easily get in trouble grow up fine, and generally don't need to be beaten either. 944773;1417661131;mircea_popescu;yes, exactly neglect. 944774;1417661148;mircea_popescu;i dunno what's more insulting than the plain declaration that "[i really don't care enough about you to be bothered to] ever beat you" 944775;1417661193;TomServo;I guess I don't understand why a beating is necessary when you have a sufficiently advanced human capable of reasoning. Help me out? 944776;1417661201;decimation;lol 944777;1417661215;decimation;I have an AI cult to sell 944778;1417661247;mircea_popescu;TomServo the theory is that you don't get that advanced human in any unverse that doesn't include beating as a possibility. 944779;1417661268;mircea_popescu;decimation shoot. 944780;1417661272;asciilifeform;you might - by sheer accident. 944781;1417661282;asciilifeform;just as a small spot, on some rusted razors - semiconducts. 944782;1417661320;asciilifeform;brings to mind an old thread: 944783;1417661320;mircea_popescu;yes, but because of networking effects this isn't useful. 944784;1417661328;mircea_popescu;just like rusted razors aren't programmable. 944785;1417661329;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-04-2014#617148 http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-04-2014#617149 944786;1417661329;assbot;Logged on 11-04-2014 11:50:41; Apocalyptic: mircea_popescu would retort with "who the fuck wants to fuck stupid people" 944787;1417661329;assbot;Logged on 11-04-2014 11:50:51; mircea_popescu: Apocalyptic men. 944788;1417661341;decimation;http://www.econtalk.org/archives/2014/12/nick_bostrom_on.html this derp was on econtalk 944789;1417661342;assbot;" + soundfiledesc + " ... ( http://bit.ly/1vNReGc ) 944790;1417661369;decimation;"The way you talk about superintelligence reminds me a lot about how medieval theologians talked about God. It's unbounded. It can do anything. Except maybe created a rock so heavy it can't move it. Has anyone ever made that observation to you, and what's your reaction to that? Guest: I think you might be the first, at least that I can remember. Russ: Hmmm." 944791;1417661385;mircea_popescu;lmao. 944792;1417661387;asciilifeform;!s yudkowsky 944793;1417661388;assbot;8 results for 'yudkowsky' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=yudkowsky 944794;1417661398;asciilifeform;^ current hitler of that sect 944795;1417661410;decimation;hehe yeah asciilifeform this guy has to be in yudkowsky's orbit somehow 944796;1417661444;TomServo;mircea_popescu: no matter the level of advancement, always beat? 944797;1417661467;mircea_popescu;if she's advanced enough that she stops shitting 944798;1417661472;mircea_popescu;i shall review your question. 944799;1417661473;decimation;yeah yudkowsky and him co-wrote a paper on the 'ethics of artificial intelligence' 944800;1417661491;TomServo;lol? 944801;1417661496;decimation;www.nickbostrom.com/ethics/artificial-intelligence.pdf 944802;1417661496;mircea_popescu;well ? what is this "advanced" 944803;1417661498;asciilifeform;TomServo: it is possible to play the 'advanced' game, but you probably cannot assemble mircea_popescu's harem that way. 944804;1417661506;TomServo;So you never graduate from beating? 944805;1417661511;asciilifeform;lucky if even find one wife. 944806;1417661513;mircea_popescu;from the possibility thereof ? 944807;1417661515;decimation;TomServo: do you graduate from having to eat? 944808;1417661522;mircea_popescu;how. do you graduate from being sick ? bored ? 944809;1417661526;mircea_popescu;you don't graduate from reality. 944810;1417661537;asciilifeform;trained circus lion 'graduates from beating.' 944811;1417661543;asciilifeform;as i understand, same idea here. 944812;1417661545;undata;I think this is predicated on "beat everyone" 944813;1417661550;TomServo;Is there some definition of beating I'm unaware of? 944814;1417661559;decimation;asciilifeform: offer carrot & stick, eventually only carrot is needed? 944815;1417661561;kakobrekla;since we are pasting links re ai; http://i1.kym-cdn.com/news_feeds/icons/original/000/015/610/48a.gif 944816;1417661562;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1vNS71u ) 944817;1417661572;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform not at all. 944818;1417661588;decimation;kakobrekla: lol 944819;1417661623;mircea_popescu;TomServo http://trilema.com/2011/cum-se-bate-femeia/ ? 944820;1417661624;assbot;Cum se bate femeia ? pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1vNSoBA ) 944821;1417661688;asciilifeform;actually, this is almost a fundamental question. like 'sexual orientation.' how many 'iq' points below yours (for a particular fellow) does 'zoophilia' begin ? 944822;1417661692;TomServo;mircea_popescu: Due to a lack of beatings, I haven't yet learned Romanian. 944823;1417661701;TomServo;I apologize. 944824;1417661701;asciilifeform;i suspect there is great variation 944825;1417661720;mircea_popescu;lol i guess you're stuck looking at pictures ? 944826;1417661732;mircea_popescu;but no, the definition is i imagine quite ordinary. 944827;1417661749;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i srsly doubt iq points measure anything useful. 944828;1417661751;TomServo;How does beating relate to eating? 944829;1417661757;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: call it whatever. 944830;1417661767;mircea_popescu;TomServo they're fundamental in the same way. 944831;1417661780;decimation;mircea_popescu: perhaps not, but one can still measure them, and find that measures correlate 944832;1417661790;asciilifeform;i'll volunteer that i can't easily lust over any creature detectably stupider than self. 944833;1417661791;mircea_popescu;i suppose i should say "through the carrot", for elegance of form :D 944834;1417661812;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i'll bet you you couldn't discern between a well trained and an intelligent creature. 944835;1417661826;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: in the right kind of circus - absolutely 944836;1417661832;mircea_popescu;in the world. 944837;1417661834;asciilifeform;i may even have been to that circus. 944838;1417661836;mircea_popescu;which is, yes, a kind of circus. 944839;1417661854;mircea_popescu;see, in your own imagination, which is boundless or close enough, you could. 944840;1417661868;mircea_popescu;but you're not free, being alive, and in that bound system you don't actually get enough elbow room to really find out. 944841;1417661882;asciilifeform;sure as hell. 944842;1417661930;asciilifeform;not sure what, if anything, i might be surprised by (on this subject) if my bubble were larger. 944843;1417661949;mircea_popescu;most of the things one identifies as intelligence in the field is actually artfulness. 944844;1417662106;asciilifeform;the easiest way to distinguish 'intelligent' and 'well-trained' is to invent something (sufficiently synthetic - as in, requiring grasp of multiple disparate and reasonably deep scientific fields) to apprehend, and then see how much explanation creature requires to grasp it. 944845;1417662136;BingoBoingo;https://twitter.com/NMamatas/status/540320550883586048 944846;1417662138;assbot;How dare the Eric Garner protestors dare try to disrupt a sacred ritual commemorating the birth a man who was murdered by the state. 944847;1417662162;asciilifeform;if this is a 'muscle' that can be 'well trained' - this is not a 'margarine', but a 'real butter'. idempotent. 944848;1417662171;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform> the easiest way to distinguish 'intelligent' and 'well-trained' is to invent something (sufficiently synthetic - as in, requiring grasp of multiple disparate and reasonably deep scientific fields) to apprehend, and then see how much explanation creature requires to grasp it. << bulb battery wire? 944849;1417662194;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: nope. trainable, because kindergarten homework. 944850;1417662200;mircea_popescu;so your idea of intelligence is... culture ? 944851;1417662201;asciilifeform;talking about actual novel concept. 944852;1417662204;mircea_popescu;well done lol. do i win yet ? 944853;1417662244;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Sure trainable, yet... some fail to rediscover after learning in kindergarden when skill is summoned for video 944854;1417662259;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: try this with one of your pets. tell her 'waveguide motor' and see if she is able to draw one that could, in principle, function. or at least say what such a thing would be. 944855;1417662276;asciilifeform;considering the fact that no such item has been built, or, afaik, discussed, other than here by yours truly. 944856;1417662282;asciilifeform;and in none too great detail. 944857;1417662292;mircea_popescu;kind bad example cause didn't we discuss this here earlier ? 944858;1417662325;asciilifeform;well yes. you may have to devise a similarly peculiar example, if your friends read #b-a. 944859;1417662350;asciilifeform;(pets?) 944860;1417662357;*;undata has learned that asciilifeforms reproduce by dividing 944861;1417662383;asciilifeform;they 'reproduce' by popping out of the zero point vacuum for a little while. 944862;1417662395;BingoBoingo;Starting from a drawing of an catecholamine, draw a prototype for a drug that could antigonize the receptor for some sort of catecholamine neurotransmitter. 944863;1417662405;asciilifeform;trainable. 944864;1417662417;asciilifeform;i worked with a whole mess of folks who could solve this one, for some value of 'solved' 944865;1417662457;BingoBoingo;Enough varied "trainable" questions though might approximate a test. Approximation probably necessary because jungle conditions. 944866;1417662468;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo how many women do you know that could do this ? and, importantly, out of these how many are not actually in special-school-for-it ? 944867;1417662493;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo no but look, you're already conceding defeat. why are you building your castle out of my rocks ? 944868;1417662500;mircea_popescu;if you gotta use trainable tests you lost. 944869;1417662527;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-12-2014#942350 << in case you missed that thread. 944870;1417662527;assbot;Logged on 02-12-2014 15:10:06; asciilifeform: this is a subject that i have a little personal connection with. at one point, i spent almost two years of spare time working on what turned out to be 'fried ice' 944871;1417662561;BingoBoingo;4-5 prolly. But yeah. May have to concede this point 944872;1417662583;mircea_popescu;kinda lulzy when you visit a blog with one of those blinky geomaps, and the only blinky spot is in argentina. 944873;1417662663;asciilifeform;and, importantly, out of these how many are not actually in special-school-for-it << ding ding ding - winner 944874;1417662689;mircea_popescu;well so if all your intelligence is in fact trained, then what are ye bitching about. 944875;1417662740;asciilifeform;depends what means 'trained' 944876;1417662766;asciilifeform;if 'trained' is what one can do with a parrot - then, no, intelligence is something quite else 944877;1417662786;mircea_popescu;but i did say that's not what's meant. 944878;1417662799;asciilifeform;if trained as in what a strong man in a circus does to get strong - then, yes, trained (but note, not every man can become a circus lifter) 944879;1417662821;mircea_popescu;trained is what happened to scheherazade. 944880;1417662841;mircea_popescu;no, but every man can either become a circus lifter or die trying. 944881;1417662854;asciilifeform;incidentally, the word 'trained' - i found - means something quite else to english speakers than for folks from the sov blok 944882;1417662877;BingoBoingo; if trained as in what a strong man in a circus does to get strong - then, yes, trained (but note, not every man can become a circus lifter) << Not every circus need be honest. 944883;1417662891;asciilifeform;in the latter, a тренер is the fellow who helps an athlete get.. more athletic. in english world, 'training' is done to dogs and cubicle dwellers 944884;1417662927;decimation;asciilifeform: what I find amusing is the common practice is us business to use the word 'training' when they mean 'education' 944885;1417662936;asciilifeform;that type of training is referred to as 'дрессировка' 944886;1417662939;mircea_popescu;i think this pejorative usage is novel, and not really all that standard yet. 944887;1417662953;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: see, we always had separate words for these. 944888;1417662958;mircea_popescu;hence well trained pilots, and training ai and so on 944889;1417662974;asciilifeform;pilot will readily concede that much of what he knows is trained like a dog is trained 944890;1417662976;mircea_popescu;dressage has the unfortunate implication of dress-up in english 944891;1417662978;asciilifeform;likewise a good, e.g., sniper 944892;1417662981;asciilifeform;muscle memory. 944893;1417662982;mircea_popescu;because well, they don't get wtf french is. 944894;1417663014;mircea_popescu;much of what YOU know is learned like what a dog learns. specifically, where the fuck the control key is and how to make pretty letters on the screen. 944895;1417663020;asciilifeform;damn straight! 944896;1417663020;mircea_popescu;just, much and important don't map. 944897;1417663026;asciilifeform;cerebellum has to know 944898;1417663033;asciilifeform;and there's exactly one way to train it 944899;1417663042;asciilifeform;hence why ballerinas are trained precisely like circus seals 944900;1417663061;mircea_popescu;tell you what. 944901;1417663076;mircea_popescu;to the ignorant, there's little difference between circus seal being trained and you sitting in room flipping page after page. 944902;1417663090;mircea_popescu;same thing, for the exact reason you don't see much reading on tv. 944903;1417663094;asciilifeform;lol 944904;1417663095;mircea_popescu;the important parts aren't visible. 944905;1417663134;mircea_popescu;which is kind-of why people readily imagine training a woman to think with whip in hand and training a woman to dance whip in hand are the same thing. 944906;1417663136;mircea_popescu;they are not. 944907;1417663140;mircea_popescu;they may look similar, sure. 944908;1417663203;mircea_popescu;the difference is that the first's entirely negative (don't do this. don't do that. don't do the other. do something) while the latter's entirely positive. (do like this and like this and so on) 944909;1417663232;mircea_popescu;as a result, there's nothing fucking scarier than the former known to man. 944910;1417663238;asciilifeform;training to think consists of pure 'don't do's? news to me. 944911;1417663266;mircea_popescu;what else ? first you gotta teach her to rule over her emotions, then gotta teach her the modes of logical failure of teh brain, on it goes. 944912;1417663291;asciilifeform;what of the folks who are their own seal -and- circus trainer? 944913;1417663293;mircea_popescu;what the fuck do you think intelligence is other than the ~knowledge~ of what is noise in the psychocrosstalk ? 944914;1417663304;mircea_popescu;nothing of them. they may develop myopia in time. 944915;1417663307;asciilifeform;teach self to control emotion. and to grasp, e.g., group theor 944916;1417663308;asciilifeform;y 944917;1417663336;mircea_popescu;one can train to build muscle by himself. one can also train to comprehend the torah by oneself. 944918;1417663349;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, experience shows pairs work better, because errors average out rather than compound. 944919;1417663357;mircea_popescu;same reason braided rope is stronger than straight rope. 944920;1417663429;mircea_popescu;anyway, thus understood, you will find that a woman trained to be intelligent, irrespective of iq, is quite to your liking, whereas one untrained, equally irrespective of measured iq, is quite unpalatable. 944921;1417663434;mircea_popescu;so... whole story really. 944922;1417663467;mircea_popescu;da fuck you care whether she can do heisenberg matrix calc in her head or not, really. 944923;1417663555;asciilifeform;calculate xxxx ? no. grasp maximally astonishing 'left field' concept without much preparation ? yes. 944924;1417663569;asciilifeform;and when you practice this, yes, gets stronger. this is training intelligence - sure. 944925;1417663596;mircea_popescu;so then. 944926;1417663620;asciilifeform;did establish that we're gnawing on the leather straps of english, i think. 944927;1417663640;mircea_popescu;guess so. 944928;1417663860;asciilifeform;one untrained, equally irrespective of measured iq, is quite unpalatable << perhaps here speaking of taming, rather than training ? 944929;1417663928;mircea_popescu;i dunno. 944930;1417663951;asciilifeform;http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2014/12/minimum-viable-sociopathy.html << mega-lol 944931;1417663952;assbot;ClubOrlov: Minimum Viable Sociopathy ... ( http://bit.ly/1tGX1cd ) 944932;1417664197;mircea_popescu;"I seem to be doing a lot of hyperproductive things lately: explaining to people how to kill the foul beast of Empire, revolutionizing the way English literacy is taught to both native English speakers and the rest" 944933;1417664200;mircea_popescu;mkay, i'll pass. 944934;1417664238;*;asciilifeform thinks mr. o meant 'hyperactive' 944935;1417664277;mircea_popescu;dude srsly, intelligent people want to go a direction ? 944936;1417664294;mircea_popescu;i guess we progressed past the classical philosophy of either rome or the east. a well. 944937;1417664304;*;asciilifeform struggles to make sense of the thing 944938;1417664311;*;mircea_popescu perseveres in his ahistoricity. 944939;1417664324;mircea_popescu;honestly, i dun see how it's even a kilo-lol. 944940;1417664327;asciilifeform;'What this means in practice, for me at least, is that as soon as it starts looking like I am heading in the direction of acquiring a specific job title or job description, or getting involved in something that might require registration, certification or licensing, then I need to backtrack or head in a different direction for a bit, until everybody loses interest. In doing so I sometimes forgo some opportunities for an increa 944941;1417664327;asciilifeform;sed income, but that is the price of freedom.' 944942;1417664339;asciilifeform;^ mr. o is 'having problems' ? 944943;1417664340;mircea_popescu;and speaking of which, given that intelligence is to be measured in tsyans, 944944;1417664346;mircea_popescu;what can be said of the average policeman ? 944945;1417664378;asciilifeform;(as they say in britain) 'a whole policeman!' 944946;1417664386;mircea_popescu;lol 944947;1417664427;mircea_popescu;for our esl (english as a single language) friends : мили́ция = mili-tsya 944948;1417665052;[]bot;Bet created: "BTC price at or over $777 before Sept 21st 2015" http://bitbet.us/bet/1079/ 944949;1417665077;mircea_popescu;why not august 7th lol 944950;1417665203;mircea_popescu;http://sov.ro/ << romanian pseudo-tycoon (the sort of derps that live off govt spending in cvasi-socialist states), meanwhile convicted and eventually released from jail, started his own blog. 944951;1417665205;assbot;Sorin Ovidiu Vîntu – Blogul Oficial al lui Sorin Ovidiu Vîntu ... ( http://bit.ly/1tH3T9s ) 944952;1417665207;mircea_popescu;kinda lulzy. 944953;1417665223;mircea_popescu;say a picolulz' worth. 944954;1417666413;gernika;mircea_popescu are you referring to logical fallacies by 'modes of logical failure'? Also, by learning to control your emtions, I assume you don't mean learning to meditate. 944955;1417666454;mircea_popescu; ^ mr. o is 'having problems' ? << maybe he got made, and so now teh fsb is no longer interested in what was a marginal asset anyway ? 944956;1417666495;BingoBoingo;OMG #b-a impoverished someone. 944957;1417666496;mircea_popescu;gernika not just, but sure. also, i don't care about form. if meditation works all the better. 944958;1417666502;mircea_popescu;if it doesn't work, all the redder. 944959;1417666522;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo tis happened afore. 944960;1417666535;BingoBoingo;I guess it has. 944961;1417666646;gernika;mircea_popescu ah so also cognitive biases. 944962;1417666818;BingoBoingo;!up frankenmint 944963;1417667567;asciilifeform;http://imgur.com/a/llwZ2 944964;1417667568;assbot; Dreary Idiocy - Imgur ... ( http://bit.ly/1zT02cW ) 944965;1417667617;mircea_popescu;lol is it yours ? 944966;1417667621;asciilifeform;aha. 944967;1417667631;mircea_popescu;yeah listen, why is this not a post on loper-os ? 944968;1417667638;asciilifeform;because why. 944969;1417667639;mircea_popescu;i mean, you just gave imgur some money. why ? 944970;1417667639;asciilifeform;it's garbage. 944971;1417667649;mircea_popescu;uh. 944972;1417667667;decimation;asciilifeform: is it fcc class b licensed_ 944973;1417667671;mircea_popescu;i'd rather read it on your platform than on some bezzlatron platform. is that so bad ? 944974;1417667690;asciilifeform;lol. i suppose my site can't get any more off topic than already is. 944975;1417667697;mircea_popescu;right ? 944976;1417667715;mircea_popescu;off-topic is an idiocy anyway. you're writing it, you're the topic, how the fuck could it be "off-topic" 944977;1417667723;mircea_popescu;fuck em. they don't get to say what the topic is. 944978;1417667724;BingoBoingo;Isn't off topic what's been sustaining it these last few years, and even off topic still makes a case for loper 944979;1417667733;mircea_popescu;they'd love to, of course, for the obvious reason. unsheathe that. 944980;1417667735;decimation;or is it class A(industrial?) 944981;1417667785;asciilifeform;decimation: i can't possibly guess 944982;1417667795;decimation;no manual? 944983;1417667837;asciilifeform;manual says 'class a' 944984;1417667855;mircea_popescu;it does kinda look like a sprinkler... 944985;1417667885;asciilifeform;one of these days i buy something that doesn't have to be vivisected to make it go. 944986;1417667955;mircea_popescu;a dog ? 944987;1417667964;asciilifeform;l0l 944988;1417668006;*;asciilifeform beginning to think that networking hardware that behaves sanely out of the box was banned, and no one told him 944989;1417668018;decimation;yeah there's no way it could pass class B without a shield or metal case 944990;1417668034;asciilifeform;metal case on wireless access gizmo? lol 944991;1417668039;*;BingoBoingo imagines if asciilifeform became diabetic he'd keep his own pig for the insulin. 944992;1417668040;decimation;sure, 944993;1417668051;decimation;only need to have antenna outside, and maybe only partially that 944994;1417668077;asciilifeform;funnily, i have a circa-1998 wireless router, that has precisely this form 944995;1417668086;*;BingoBoingo would probably keep his own insulin pig as well, can't judge 944996;1417668099;asciilifeform;(not in service because laughably small flash disk, not linuxifiable) 944997;1417668100;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform but you can't run it because bus speed right ? 944998;1417668102;decimation;asciilifeform: the FCC cracks down on routers with an easily accessible antenna socket 944999;1417668116;mircea_popescu;decimation what's that ? 945000;1417668118;decimation;for fear that 'citizens' might make use of them in a way they see fit 945001;1417668121;asciilifeform;decimation: most of the consumer trashware have external antennae sockets, wtf 945002;1417668130;BingoBoingo; asciilifeform: the FCC cracks down on routers with an easily accessible antenna socket << What, like my laptop wifi card has?? 945003;1417668152;decimation;yes, but the fig leaf that covers this is that they are typically 'reverse threaded' from the standard socket 945004;1417668155;asciilifeform;even my local isp ships router with two screw-socket antennae 945005;1417668167;BingoBoingo;the internal mini-pci-e deal with the adorable micro-coax or whatever they call it 945006;1417668171;decimation;everyone can tell themselves that they couldn't possibly buy a reverse-thread sma connector 945007;1417668178;mircea_popescu;i unscrewed so many antennae off wired-only "wireless-capable" routers... 945008;1417668180;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: you'll notice these in the photo 945009;1417668205;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Still only solves the antenna rather than sanity problem 945010;1417668215;mircea_popescu;decimation alternatively, you could hit it once with a hammer and make contacts directly eh 945011;1417668235;decimation;http://www.rfcoaxconnectors.com/Technical_wifi-interface.htm << "In addition to specialized interfaces which are relatively new to the coaxial market, such as DMX, MC Card, MHF, there are variations on standard RF connectors styles which satisfy FCC Part 15 and 802.11 requirements. The most popular method used to achieve compliance has been to create reverse polarity, or gender, versions of BNC, MCX, MMCX, N, SMA, SMB, SSMB and TNC 945012;1417668236;assbot;WiFi Interface Identifier ... ( http://bit.ly/1zT1T1p ) 945013;1417668236;decimation;connectors. You will also find reverse, or left-handed thread versions of N, SMA and TNC connectors." 945014;1417668269;decimation;the FCC demands that you reverse thread the connector so you couldn't plug your 1 watt router into a 30 dB amplifier 945015;1417668271;asciilifeform;i mean, back to the story, all i had to do is reach across desk and grab a ttl serial octopus. but what are folks supposed to do who don't have one? 945016;1417668300;mircea_popescu;derp 945017;1417668301;decimation;asciilifeform: was there actually a serial console present or was it a bootloader? 945018;1417668306;asciilifeform;decimation: 'ebay' bursting with chinese amps 945019;1417668306;mircea_popescu;this is like the dumbest thing i ever heard lol. 945020;1417668311;decimation;asciilifeform: they throw in trash and burn more money 945021;1417668318;mircea_popescu;srsly, you can't plug it in because it's reverse threaded ?! 945022;1417668327;decimation;mircea_popescu: of course, one can buy such connectors 945023;1417668329;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: he did say 'fig leaf' 945024;1417668337;decimation;but it 'satisfies' usg requirements to make it 'difficult' 945025;1417668339;mircea_popescu;so he did. 945026;1417668358;decimation;it would be nearly unbelievable if usg weren't involved 945027;1417668364;mircea_popescu;lol 945028;1417668376;decimation;there are many such capitulations to reality involved with usg 'regulation' 945029;1417668380;mircea_popescu;maybe this principle could be extended. 945030;1417668406;asciilifeform;ahahaha and the ethernet on this thing flickers in and out. 945031;1417668407;mircea_popescu;for instance : through a surgical intervention mandatory in schools for girls aged 12, they could reverse the asshole and vulvar opening. 945032;1417668410;asciilifeform;such quality! amazing company! 945033;1417668410;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 945034;1417668418;mircea_popescu;abstinence-only sex ed WIN! 945035;1417668444;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: there was, iirc, a record of this very procedure being performed on a woman in (?) mexico 945036;1417668461;decimation;well, I'm certain that some organ of usg would claim victory under such conditions 945037;1417668462;mircea_popescu;what could possibily. 945038;1417668494;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: was cancerous/amputated colon, if i recall, and this novel rerouting was tried. 945039;1417668510;mircea_popescu;well... colonostomy bags aren't any fun. 945040;1417668512;*;asciilifeform does not remember source of this tale, don't ask 945041;1417668614;decimation;here's the exact usg 'regulation' http://www.rfcafe.com/references/electrical/FCC/Part-15/fcc-part-15-radio-frequency-devices-15p203.htm << "An intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that furnished by the responsible party shall be used with the device. The use of a permanently attached antenna or of an antenna 945042;1417668616;assbot;FCC Part 15 Radio Frequency Devices - RF Cafe ... ( http://bit.ly/1zT2GQ1 ) 945043;1417668617;decimation;that uses a unique coupling to the intentional radiator shall be considered sufficient to comply with the provisions of this section." 945044;1417668647;decimation;this is literally the bread-and-butter of the usg regime 945045;1417668649;mircea_popescu;so silly. 945046;1417668662;mircea_popescu;basically, they made a ruling for a purpose. then industry lobbied on the basis of cost. 945047;1417668667;mircea_popescu;then they... mediated it. 945048;1417668670;joecool;hey mp, can you make assbot only use notices instead of msg? I know the ddos is a pain in the ass but if someone is unlikely to respond to notice, they are unlikely to respond to privmsg as well 945049;1417668679;mircea_popescu;average gender of resulting regulation ? "martian". 945050;1417668699;mircea_popescu;joecool i dun has anything to do with it, but kakobrekla might be able to help. 945051;1417668711;asciilifeform;collectors of small arms in usa have similarly entertaining stories about gotchas, thick tomes of peculiar rules, loopholes. 945052;1417668714;decimation;of course there is a small cottage industry selling reversed parts 945053;1417668741;joecool;mircea_popescu: sry, thought you maintained assbot... i'll bug kakobrekla when he's around 945054;1417668752;mircea_popescu;are the pms annoying ? 945055;1417668756;joecool;yes 945056;1417668797;asciilifeform;satan preserve us, i can hear that thing's cpu load through inductor whine from across a table. 945057;1417668798;BingoBoingo;Would be much better if included random kako jokes. kako jokes are the best 945058;1417668819;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform add shields :D 945059;1417668835;decimation;asciilifeform: how did get from 'working ttl serial port' to running bootrom? 945060;1417668856;asciilifeform;decimation: it was booting all along, but not usefully (no way to speak to it) 945061;1417668865;decimation;ah 945062;1417668884;decimation;asciilifeform: maybe you can do aes on it and try to use a microphone to do side-channel 945063;1417668889;decimation;that would be worthy of loper 945064;1417668900;asciilifeform;that would be worthy of first year undergrad. 945065;1417668902;asciilifeform;because - old news. 945066;1417668904;decimation;hehe 945067;1417668908;asciilifeform;it's - homework. 945068;1417668916;mircea_popescu;stop giving stan stuff to do. 945069;1417668924;*;asciilifeform is behind on his 'homework' as it is! 945070;1417668936;joecool;mircea_popescu: it doesn't matter too much though, i like this channel 945071;1417668976;BingoBoingo;!up diatonic 945072;1417668976;decimation;!up diatonic 945073;1417669009;mircea_popescu;!up diatonic 945074;1417669016;mircea_popescu;what, is it like a festival ? 945075;1417669024;decimation;!up Luke-Jr 945076;1417669029;BingoBoingo;!up Yours 945077;1417669053;decimation;!up xinxiwang 945078;1417669078;joecool;luke should talk more, that's always entertaining 945079;1417669082;xinxiwang;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7xP5EFThh0 945080;1417669083;assbot;South Park How Chinese People view to the Japanese - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1zT3Mv3 ) 945081;1417669093;joecool;!up diatonic 945082;1417669094;decimation;xinxiwang: do you often encounter gerkas on patrol in sg? 945083;1417669111;xinxiwang;i don’t have a car here. 945084;1417669126;decimation;well, on the street? 945085;1417669174;xinxiwang;gerkas on patrol? 945086;1417669192;xinxiwang;what’s that? 945087;1417669208;decimation;the Nepalese police? 945088;1417669220;kakobrekla;yes it has to be annoying so people see it. now im off. 945089;1417669249;xinxiwang;Nepalese? SG is in southeast asia. 945090;1417669249;decimation;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gurkha_Contingent 945091;1417669251;assbot;Gurkha Contingent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1zT4cll ) 945092;1417669279;decimation;I guess I take it by your questions that the answer is 'no' 945093;1417669282;BingoBoingo;!t n s.appl 945094;1417669282;assbot;I prepared your canoe with cedar boughs. 945095;1417669291;xinxiwang;uha, I even don’t know this. 945096;1417669294;xinxiwang;interesting 945097;1417669309;decimation;yeah they were brought in to break up the racial riots in the 60's 945098;1417669329;decimation;because both sides thought that the gurkhas were 1.) hardcore and 2.) neutral 945099;1417669331;xinxiwang;that’s funny 945100;1417669349;xinxiwang;they should bring people from china to do that. 945101;1417669363;xinxiwang;for ethnic homogeneity 945102;1417669438;decimation;aren't chinese a big part of the sg population now? 945103;1417669476;xinxiwang;80% are chinese. 945104;1417669527;decimation;http://sgforums.com/forums/10/topics/303042 << "It has been said that during the Falklands War, 400 miles east of Terra Del Fuego, or Cape Horn, South America in the Atlantic, after the Gurkhas landed, it was sufficient for the RAF to drop leaflets over enemy Argentine positions, merely saying that the Gurkhas have landed and are sharpening their Kukris, for the conscript Argentine army to flee for their lives." 945105;1417669528;assbot;How much do we know about Gurkha police in Singapore? - SgForums.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1zT5f4v ) 945106;1417669560;mircea_popescu;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDHDM7PfyYs 945107;1417669560;assbot;Facebook Law for Idiots - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1zT5kW0 ) 945108;1417669568;mircea_popescu;hai preet & friends. 945109;1417669698;xinxiwang;given that the majority are chinese people. I don’t think people from other races can be neutral here. 945110;1417669716;mircea_popescu;how do you mean ? 945111;1417669738;decimation;well, certainly turkic highland folk from the west are not to be trusted... 945112;1417669756;xinxiwang;they are still commanded by local people 945113;1417669795;BingoBoingo;Guurkahs are pretty much the default neutral people, because... Nepal is poor and isolated. 945114;1417669815;mircea_popescu;decimation yeah, the same thing;s been said in spanish about the english lol 945115;1417669924;decimation;xinxiwang: do people in sg generally like the way the lee family have been running things? 945116;1417670004;xinxiwang;many don’t like. but since the family is doing quite well. people still accep that. 945117;1417670031;xinxiwang;people are appealing for democracy :-) 945118;1417670031;decimation;surely the 'mandate of heaven' still smiles upon singapore? 945119;1417670083;mircea_popescu;singapore democracy's gonna be a fun one to watch. 945120;1417670087;decimation;people in the us have democracy, it's not great. the people should be happy with the lee family 945121;1417670089;xinxiwang;i’ve no idea about that. maybe lky knows. 945122;1417670097;mircea_popescu;sorta like manhattan without brooklyn, let alone harlem or you know, ozarks. 945123;1417670132;decimation;malaysia is kinda like their ozarks I guess 945124;1417670134;xinxiwang;yeah, Thai tried western style of democracy but failed. 945125;1417670164;xinxiwang;Sg may fail to incorporate that kind of democracy as well. 945126;1417670209;decimation;the chinese have lived under strong men, emperors and bureaucrats for thousands of years. it would be better to go with a winning formula 945127;1417670242;mircea_popescu;better != easier. 945128;1417670246;mircea_popescu;stop impeding progress. 945129;1417670289;xinxiwang;who knows. if it’s the trend, nobody can stop it. 945130;1417670294;decimation;is your point that it is easy to hand out one mili-slice of power to each sg citizen and leave it to them to ruin the place than to actually run it? 945131;1417670333;mircea_popescu;no, my point is that it's easier to give the police guns and then bitch when they shoot the wrong people than you know, hold a gun and pick and choose. and similarly... 945132;1417670346;mircea_popescu;why not have a democratic political class to hate and despise ? 945133;1417670364;mircea_popescu;buncha people you vote for just so you can expect things not of this world. 945134;1417670398;decimation;yeah, I agree that's the effect. furthermore, those in real power use the process as cover for their own agendas 945135;1417670415;mircea_popescu;really ? lizzard hitler ? 945136;1417670420;decimation;nah 945137;1417670425;mircea_popescu;"those in power" dun actually exist. 945138;1417670425;decimation;they are not coordinated like that 945139;1417670447;decimation;more like the FCC makes rules, and the EPA makes rules, etc 945140;1417670456;mircea_popescu;you're roughly speaking of the "bubbles in power" in a bottle of beer. 945141;1417670467;mircea_popescu;you know, the ones that don't pop, for whose benefit the entire thing is made. 945142;1417670470;mircea_popescu;i never saw one. 945143;1417670486;decimation;heh 945144;1417670496;mircea_popescu;who ? 945145;1417670499;decimation;but each one has a tyrannical journey to the top 945146;1417670499;mircea_popescu;name a name. 945147;1417670519;mircea_popescu;who is the "people in power" in one of these systems ? who, in hollywood ? who, in washington ? 945148;1417670525;decimation;well, look at general alexander, for instance 945149;1417670527;mircea_popescu;ken rove ? that janet derp ? rice ? who ? 945150;1417670531;mircea_popescu;okay. 945151;1417670531;decimation;sure 945152;1417670539;decimation;each of them push their own little agendas 945153;1417670546;mircea_popescu;like all the other bubbles. 945154;1417670550;decimation;which generally consist of 'give us more money and more fiefdom' 945155;1417670552;mircea_popescu;not in power. 945156;1417670572;decimation;I guess it's power in the restricted sense that they are only allowed to act in one direction 945157;1417670588;mircea_popescu;there's one trend that unites all us presidents that i've ever seen. that trend is, that going in they look above average health for their age, 945158;1417670598;decimation;is a child powerful if she pulls a lever to demolish a building? 945159;1417670599;mircea_popescu;and going out they look in shockingly poor health for their age. 945160;1417670608;mircea_popescu;the cause, outside of drugs, is that they don't get any sleep. 945161;1417670616;mircea_popescu;what "in power" is this where you can't fucking sleep ? 945162;1417670623;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform has apoint with the sleep. 945163;1417670633;decimation;that is a good point 945164;1417670633;asciilifeform;sleep is the measure. 945165;1417670651;decimation;my impression is that they constantly awoken so they can be 'in the loop' on whatever derpish retardation is going on in the world 945166;1417670660;asciilifeform;because muppetry. 945167;1417670665;*;punkman slept 13 hours, refreshing 945168;1417670666;asciilifeform;pete thiel - sleeps. 945169;1417670675;decimation;the general response to which being 'do nothing' or 'let the underlings handle it' 945170;1417670681;*;asciilifeform didn't watch him sleep, but believes 945171;1417670698;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform actually the examplke i was waiting for was the iranian, what's his name 945172;1417670701;mircea_popescu;omar ksomething 945173;1417670715;mircea_popescu;fucking ironic, i thought. 945174;1417670716;asciilifeform;kyahamm ? 945175;1417670722;asciilifeform;khayamm ? 945176;1417670722;mircea_popescu;nono, the press derp. 945177;1417670741;decimation;louis xvi was 'in power' in the same way I guess 945178;1417670760;mircea_popescu;guy slept. on tits. 945179;1417670807;mircea_popescu;;;google Pierre Morad Omidyar 945180;1417670808;gribble;Pierre Omidyar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Pierre Omidyar - Biography - Philanthropist - Biography.com: ; Pierre Omidyar: The reclusive eBay founder will battle with The ...:  asciilifeform: the wifi protocol is needless complex is why <<< 945214;1417672464;mircea_popescu;wanna talk about turds, talk about that. 945215;1417672472;*;asciilifeform knew. 945216;1417672478;mircea_popescu;just the successive "encryption solutions" they implemented is enough for humour in hell. 945217;1417672538;decimation;the end-to-end principle would suggest a minimal amount of protocol overhead is needed - let the application layer figure things out 945218;1417672570;mircea_popescu;and what, charge 20 bux for a thing that works ? 945219;1417672578;decimation;heh 945220;1417672581;mircea_popescu;why not charge 100 for a thing that doesn't work, so suckerlifeform can buy 20 ? 945221;1417672590;asciilifeform;200 945222;1417672598;asciilifeform;plus the kerosene. 945223;1417672605;mircea_popescu;;;calc (100 * 200) / 20 945224;1417672605;gribble;1000 945225;1417672611;mircea_popescu;JOBS CREATED 945226;1417672620;mircea_popescu;(in china. which then we bitch at for polution) 945227;1417672643;mircea_popescu;anyway. sleepytime. HEAR ME ROAR! 945228;1417673460;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34500 @ 0.00036989 = 12.7612 BTC [-] 945229;1417673467;decimation;;;ticker 945230;1417673468;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 376.91, Best ask: 378.66, Bid-ask spread: 1.75000, Last trade: 377.3, 24 hour volume: 8465.10747744, 24 hour low: 374.01, 24 hour high: 383.0, 24 hour vwap: 378.493754072 945231;1417673665;BingoBoingo;Such flat, BTC made it to the moon, but got stuck in the sea of tranquility 945232;1417673925;decimation;eh, flat makes those famed 'afraid of volatility' types happy 945233;1417673948;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42529 @ 0.00036892 = 15.6898 BTC [-] 945234;1417673985;punkman;!t m s.mpoe 945235;1417673985;assbot;[MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00034204 / 0.00036087 / 0.00038216 (757862 shares, 273.50 BTC), 7D: 0.00030027 / 0.00035295 / 0.00041472 (10817404 shares, 3,818.01 BTC), 30D: 0.00030027 / 0.00044918 / 0.00086038 (29748677 shares, 13,362.75 BTC) 945236;1417675073;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 945237;1417675076;gribble;Current Blocks: 332806 | Current Difficulty: 4.000747027127126E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 334655 | Next Difficulty In: 1849 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 6 days, 21 hours, 39 minutes, and 14 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 35888211462.0 | Estimated Percent Change: -10.29622 945238;1417675119;BingoBoingo;So, what's the hypothesis. Hardware breaking and mining farms being more selective about the hardware they keep on? 945239;1417675153;punkman;maybe not enough money to pay electricity for a few operations 945240;1417675227;BingoBoingo;Also thinking maybe a ploy by manufacterers with farms to get consumers to buy this spendy time of the year at any cost? 945241;1417675250;punkman;I liked the "personal lottery machine" angle 945242;1417675259;BingoBoingo;Yeah 945243;1417675318;BingoBoingo;I have to admit I've been eyeing the pretty Bitcrane machine as a spaceheater++ 945244;1417675336;punkman;payoff not that great if you win the solo mine lottery 945245;1417675357;BingoBoingo;Eh, I'll point it at some pool or p2pool 945246;1417675413;BingoBoingo;If Mizzou beats Bamma Saturday and I have much profit. 945247;1417675450;BingoBoingo;Prolly skip the miner though and keep building the escape fund 945248;1417675531;punkman;you don't want to be carrying too much stuff 945249;1417675708;BingoBoingo;Yeah 945250;1417675717;punkman;http://www.cascadedesigns.com/therm-a-rest/cots/luxurylite-ultralite-cot/product 945251;1417675720;assbot;Lightest Backpacking Cot – LuxuryLite® UltraLite Cot™ by Therm-a-Rest® ... ( http://bit.ly/1vOInE5 ) 945252;1417675732;punkman;might need on of those if going the land route 945253;1417675939;BingoBoingo;What's wrong with the mud? Also maybe considering saving up for a boat. 945254;1417675978;BingoBoingo;Either in the sense of a literal ocean going craft or the metaphorical Ford Crown Victoria 945255;1417676059;punkman;actual boat is an acquired taste 945256;1417676080;BingoBoingo;Actual boat seems awfully interdictable. 945257;1417676460;punkman;maybe less so with the right flag 945258;1417676568;BingoBoingo;Hard to take "right flag" down the Mississippi leg of the trip. 945259;1417676589;mats_cd03;01:14:25 <+BingoBoingo> Such flat, BTC made it to the moon, but got stuck in the sea of tranquility << makes me happy, tbh 945260;1417676604;mats_cd03;how am i gonna accumulate 1000btc if it goes up again? 945261;1417676613;BingoBoingo;mats_cd03: Sure. Nice place to build another launch pad. 945262;1417676642;mats_cd03;anyway, like mp says, something something usg catching a falling knife twice 945263;1417676807;mats_cd03;my more immediate concern is...wtf is happening to s.mpoe 945264;1417676871;BingoBoingo;That's a good question, but given the options market is hibernating in wait of better price signals some large share dumping seemed inevitable... prolly... 945265;1417676875;mats_cd03;i sold ma shares after it crashed and temporarily recovered to ~0.00075, then bought back at 0.0005 thinking it was the bottom ;_; 945266;1417676887;BingoBoingo;Either that or Obama's secretly had an MPOE account 945267;1417677026;BingoBoingo;Maybe someone who bought S.MPOE round 2 shares finally decided to part with them? 945268;1417677425;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1000 @ 0.0011999 = 1.1999 BTC [-] 945269;1417677613;mats_cd03;what was it at round 2? 945270;1417678042;BingoBoingo;mats_cd03: If I recall correctly its cheapest. 945271;1417678963;BingoBoingo;2433 per share http://trilema.com/2013/the-best-investments-in-the-history-of-bitcoin/ 945272;1417678964;assbot;The best investments in the history of Bitcoin pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1yovoKv ) 945273;1417679029;BingoBoingo;MPOE first round was 9085 satoshis per share 945274;1417679804;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 999 @ 0.00119999 = 1.1988 BTC [+] 945275;1417681268;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1940 @ 0.0012 = 2.328 BTC [+] 945276;1417683952;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44854 @ 0.00037154 = 16.6651 BTC [+] {2} 945277;1417684844;*;fluffypony stretches 945278;1417688388;davout;fluffypony: nice comment on the "blockchain onion gets an ssl cert" derpage 945279;1417688939;fluffypony;davout: thanks 945280;1417688960;fluffypony;that fuckwit infosec "expert" that's helping them irritates me 945281;1417689189;fluffypony;the most annoying thing is that they should have expended effort in using eschalot to create a memorable address 945282;1417689194;fluffypony;rather than fucking around with SSL 945283;1417689214;fluffypony;blockchainbdgpzk.onion is not memorable 945284;1417689235;fluffypony;facebook, of all things, actually spent the time and energy in getting right 945285;1417689240;fluffypony;facebookcorewwwi.onion 945286;1417689247;fluffypony;easy to remember 945287;1417689279;fluffypony;I can't believe in 2014 we have GoDaddy leading the way in managed DNSSEC and Facebook leading the way in correct Tor hosting for clearnet sites 945288;1417689284;fluffypony;it's like a mindtrip 945289;1417689290;davout;heh 945290;1417690113;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33850 @ 0.00036838 = 12.4697 BTC [-] {2} 945291;1417691610;cazalla;http://qntra.net/2014/12/mastercard-not-completely-comfortable-with-bitcoin/ 945292;1417691611;assbot;MasterCard: Not Completely Comfortable With Bitcoin | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1ypm5K8 ) 945293;1417691893;davout;cazalla: i don't even get why they feel the need to talk about bitcoin 945294;1417692128;cazalla;prolly an attempt to use what influence they have left 945295;1417692164;cazalla;reminds me a bit of iraqi info minister, no bitcoin in the city at all! 945296;1417692318;cazalla;fuckem anyway, i use visa 945297;1417692493;cazalla;what trickery is this? XN--B1A4AC.COM 945298;1417693017;davout;cazalla: "prolly an attempt to use what influence they have left" <<< what for? push bitcoin? 945299;1417693030;davout;also your domain name is a unicode domain 945300;1417693077;davout;http://♹.com/ 945301;1417693104;cazalla;davout, no idea, perhaps to encourage gov to crack down on it, seems to be the case given their submission to aussie senate.. sorta like an ex gf that insists on fucking things up with your new gf 945302;1417693160;cazalla;davout, first time i've come across this punani code for domains 945303;1417693168;davout;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Punycode 945304;1417693170;assbot;Punycode - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1ypshSp ) 945305;1417693217;cazalla;anyway, that one is for btc.com, wonder how popular it is for phishing 945306;1417693239;davout;i should put my blockchain.io to use for lulz & phishing 945307;1417694207;cazalla;davout, "Black Friday figures for MasterCard were not yet available, but the company reported in October that it had processed $2.4 trillion in payments in the first nine months of 2014" 945308;1417694251;cazalla;2.4 trillion yet concerned about bitcoin 945309;1417694932;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9250 @ 0.00036599 = 3.3854 BTC [-] {2} 945310;1417695847;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36714 @ 0.00037609 = 13.8078 BTC [+] 945311;1417696362;nubbins`;<+cazalla> 2.4 trillion yet concerned about bitcoin <<< natch 945312;1417698205;nubbins`;hi 945313;1417698216;nubbins`;c'est un copain 945314;1417698439;davout;wat 945315;1417698704;nubbins`;heh 945316;1417701166;mircea_popescu;burtreynoldsismyspiritguide1 ? mmmmmyeah 945317;1417701298;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo soo, chick findsa out that her "father" is infertile, gets fixated on it, tries to replace him, imagines this sort of pathology ius somehow universal or important for people generally. 945318;1417701302;mircea_popescu;why am i even reading this crap. 945319;1417701398;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46600 @ 0.00037112 = 17.2942 BTC [-] {3} 945320;1417701512;mircea_popescu;it never ends either. jesus. 945321;1417701542;mircea_popescu;teach all the idiots how to read and write - get fifty billion pages about how important idiots are, aka the internet. 945322;1417701544;mircea_popescu;could do without. 945323;1417701802;jurov;looks like we renamed "sovereignty" into "sovereignity" 945324;1417701837;mircea_popescu;i cnat spael. 945325;1417701900;mircea_popescu;decimation: eh, flat makes those famed 'afraid of volatility' types happy <<< yet for every 500 guys that went "o bitcoin i can not use it is too volatile" for 3 years going, you don't hear as many as .5 guys today "o, now i can use it" 945326;1417701913;mircea_popescu;instead it's "now it's not volatile so not interesting anymore, can't use". 945327;1417701960;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo: So, what's the hypothesis. Hardware breaking and mining farms being more selective about the hardware they keep on? <<< mining moved away from the general public to "specialised experts". this always results in a drop of quality. 945328;1417702051;mircea_popescu;mats_cd03: my more immediate concern is...wtf is happening to s.mpoe << ya srsly. 945329;1417702138;mircea_popescu;fluffypony: that fuckwit infosec "expert" that's helping them irritates me <<< i don't recall an infosec expert of the webz that wasn't a sort of "assigned female at birth genderqueer individual". 945330;1417702198;mircea_popescu;fluffypony: I can't believe in 2014 we have GoDaddy leading the way in managed DNSSEC and Facebook leading the way in correct Tor hosting for clearnet sites <<< bwahaaha this IS a fucking point. and it goes on : microsoft leading the way for linux, on it goes. 945331;1417702204;fluffypony;yeah 945332;1417702221;mircea_popescu;davout: cazalla: i don't even get why they feel the need to talk about bitcoin << virgins also feel a need to talk about the cock. 945333;1417702225;mircea_popescu;it's psychosomatic. 945334;1417702230;fluffypony;Hearn tried to debate the point with me on Reddit 945335;1417702239;mircea_popescu;hearn still talks in public ? 945336;1417702256;fluffypony;http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2o5ghz/blockchaininfo_becomes_the_second_website_after/cmkutcr?context=3 945337;1417702258;assbot;fluffyponyza comments on Blockchain.info becomes the second website (after Facebook) to have been issued an HTTPS certificate by DigiCert for their .onion address. ... ( http://bit.ly/1pXLZTI ) 945338;1417702271;fluffypony;that's "infosec expert" -> me -> Hearnia -> me 945339;1417702304;mircea_popescu;aha 945340;1417702341;mircea_popescu;i liek nubbins` french. 945341;1417702348;nubbins`;;D 945342;1417702447;mircea_popescu;arrange meeting for today at 3 with kinda shaky individual, have secretary confirm it today. wake up, check, confirmation comes in the form of "in the immortal words of dude, yes, 1500. he'll wait you." 945343;1417702470;mircea_popescu;day slightly thus improved, we proceed to the waiting car! 945344;1417703142;rithm;just make sure the miners have a ul sticker on them tho amirite 945345;1417703400;nubbins`;^ 945346;1417703410;nubbins`;sticker guarantees 945347;1417703544;thestringpuller;nubbins` speaks french? 945348;1417703847;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: i thought the immortal words of the dude were: the dude abides 945349;1417703854;thestringpuller;;;google the dude abides 945350;1417703855;gribble;The Big Lebowski - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; The Big Lebowski (1998) - Quotes - IMDb: ; verbs - "The Dude abides" — what does "abide" mean in that context ...: 945351;1417706888;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43500 @ 0.00036451 = 15.8562 BTC [-] {2} 945352;1417710426;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1090 @ 0.0012 = 1.308 BTC [+] 945353;1417710914;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4791 @ 0.00037105 = 1.7777 BTC [+] 945354;1417711829;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 64000 @ 0.00035833 = 22.9331 BTC [-] {3} 945355;1417714150;punkman;http://techcrunch.com/2014/12/04/uber-confirms-new-1-2b-funding-round-looks-to-asia-for-expansion/ 945356;1417714151;assbot;Uber Confirms New $1.2B Funding Round At $40B Valuation | TechCrunch ... ( http://bit.ly/1vlVK9Q ) 945357;1417714167;punkman;infinite funbux 945358;1417714934;bagels7;i would just like to point out what a burden it would be to marry a crazy woman in today's politically correct world where the woman can do no wrong. 945359;1417714964;bagels7;Feminism is the new fascism and it needs to be addressed before men are entirely pussified from birth 945360;1417715065;bagels7;http://gyazo.com/9232319c36cd8ad0a1d4a6854a8792e8 945361;1417715066;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1vlWzj7 ) 945362;1417716647;nubbins`;bagels7 ah get out 945363;1417716663;nubbins`;ya fuckin wizard 945364;1417716716;bagels7;get out of what 945365;1417716750;nubbins`;here 945366;1417716769;bagels7;i must preach to the 144 corners of the internet 945367;1417716784;nubbins`;preach it to your next can of frosting 945368;1417716786;bagels7;are you brittish are stupid 945369;1417716835;bagels7;since when is wizard an insult 945370;1417716852;nubbins`;!down bagels7 945371;1417716867;nubbins`;what's the use! 945372;1417716887;mats_cd03;move somewhere reasonable, then 945373;1417716943;mats_cd03;your part of the well isn't the only spot in town, you know 945374;1417716947;nubbins`;am i not allowed to down him becaause assbot hasn't refreshed the trust list? 945375;1417716996;bagels7;you have failed to give me a coherent response 945376;1417717007;mats_cd03;;;gettrust bagels7 assbot 945377;1417717008;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user bagels7 to user assbot: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=bagels7&dest=assbot | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=assbot | Rated since: Fri Apr 11 02:04:55 2014 945378;1417717028;nubbins`;it's the other way 945379;1417717030;nubbins`;assbot bagels7 945380;1417717036;mats_cd03;da person to complain to. 945381;1417717055;nubbins`;kekekbrekla 945382;1417717059;mats_cd03;just look at the graph 945383;1417717070;nubbins`;no, that's the wrong graph 945384;1417717079;nubbins`;he could just rate assbot if that were the case. 945385;1417717083;nubbins`;;;gettrust assbot bagels7 945386;1417717084;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask bagels7!bagels7@unaffiliated/bagels7. Trust relationship from user assbot to user bagels7: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 2 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=bagels7 | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=bagels7 | Rated since: Tue Nov 11 00:46:41 2014 945387;1417717084;mats_cd03;dpb << 945388;1417717095;nubbins`;^ 945389;1417717263;adlai;bagels7: 144? you're off by a factor of 36. http://timecube.com/imageFUA.JPG 945390;1417717264;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1tTljPn ) 945391;1417717314;bagels7;I always off by some factor 945392;1417718156;TomServo;http://www.mprnews.org/story/2014/12/04/transgender-athletes-policy-vote 945393;1417718157;assbot;High school league votes to let transgender athletes pick their teams | Minnesota Public Radio News ... ( http://bit.ly/1vRv1ac ) 945394;1417718661;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 990 @ 0.001207 = 1.1949 BTC [+] 945395;1417720679;punkman;http://mobile.nytimes.com/2014/12/04/world/asia/superbugs-kill-indias-babies-and-pose-an-overseas-threat.html 945396;1417720682;assbot;Log In ... ( http://bit.ly/1yryw8m ) 945397;1417721341;punkman;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B3ZsloECMAAdj5B.png 945398;1417721343;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1yrBTfx ) 945399;1417721772;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27772 @ 0.00037538 = 10.4251 BTC [+] {2} 945400;1417722077;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37350 @ 0.00036296 = 13.5566 BTC [-] 945401;1417723339;punkman;"In 50 years, US trust in government dropped from 77% (1964) to 24% (2014)" << is that because everyone was high back then? 945402;1417723503;kakobrekla;yet trust in god remains at what, 90? 945403;1417723584;punkman;;;gettrust god 945404;1417723584;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user punkman to user god: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=punkman&dest=god | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=god | Rated since: never 945405;1417723658;ben_vulpes;uh 945406;1417723664;ben_vulpes;that's a great wot handle 945407;1417723668;ben_vulpes;GET IT 945408;1417723692;punkman;"google @ 40,000 searches per second, 144m/hour, 3.456b/day, 1.2t/year" << lower than I imagined 945409;1417723708;punkman;at least 20k per second must be bots 945410;1417724134;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Because not everyone can Tyrone. link came to you from lulzmines 945411;1417724700;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 100 @ 0.01027433 = 1.0274 BTC [-] 945412;1417728146;punkman;hah http://rt.com/usa/210895-usa-marijuana-smuggle-mexico/ 945413;1417728147;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1tUgu8f ) 945414;1417728345;undata;punkman: ours is way better than that rubbish they grow 945415;1417728377;punkman;yeah because mexicans ain't heard of indoor growing 945416;1417728589;mats_cd03;that's expensive 945417;1417728786;punkman;from undata's neighborhood https://twitter.com/mperham/status/539861729468248066/photo/1 945418;1417728789;assbot;Portland http://t.co/vd3jRdMxqL 945419;1417728854;undata;that's about right 945420;1417728925;undata;needs more rain though 945421;1417729011;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2014/12/congress-man-proposes-bill-h-r-5777-full-text-attached/ 945422;1417729012;assbot;Congress Man Proposes Bill (H.R. 5777 Full Text Attached) | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1CJYs2Q ) 945423;1417729191;undata;BingoBoingo: that he's proposing something in the realm of sane is not surprising given that he's on the way out of congress :p 945424;1417729215;BingoBoingo;Well... on the outs... 945425;1417729302;undata;the guy might as well submit a bill to bring back the gold standard while he's at it 945426;1417729413;undata;I've been doing some reading on systemd; I had no idea just how many services it ate 945427;1417729426;undata;among them cron?! 945428;1417729454;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2014/12/11-bidders-27-bids-in-latest-usms-bitcoin-auction/ 945429;1417729454;assbot;11 Bidders 27 Bids in Latest USMS Bitcoin Auction | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1CJZzj8 ) 945430;1417729493;BingoBoingo;Yeah systemd eventually is supposed to eat the entire userland, so Pulse audio works better or something. 945431;1417729503;undata;haha 945432;1417729583;undata;I like the idea of declarative config, knowing dependencies and whatnot; upstart doesn't seem too onerous to me 945433;1417729594;BingoBoingo;Also it the honorific "Congress Man" was indeed intended over the title "Congressman" 945434;1417729603;BingoBoingo;Openrc might be fine too 945435;1417729612;undata;that's what I'm using locally 945436;1417729625;undata;I tried systemd and bizarre breakage occurred which I couldn't be bothered to debug 945437;1417729638;undata;it wouldn't mount /home for example 945438;1417729755;BingoBoingo;I dunno why if init is the problem the solution also replaces console kit and everything else 945439;1417729797;undata;and it kills the competition between for example various implementations of cron 945440;1417729806;undata;or network fiddlers or whatever 945441;1417729811;BingoBoingo;And don't boohoo about X "needing" root without sytemd, because http://www.xenocara.org/ has done that for some time 945442;1417729812;assbot;Xenocara ... ( http://bit.ly/1CK0QH6 ) 945443;1417729868;BingoBoingo;!up Belxjander 945444;1417729948;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 35000 @ 0.00003895 = 1.3633 BTC [-] {7} 945445;1417729956;mircea_popescu;lol pulse audio still exists ?! 945446;1417729975;mircea_popescu;ndata> it wouldn't mount /home for example << prolly home didn't have the right pid. 945447;1417730081;BingoBoingo;Fuck you Slate http://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/05/nyregion/james-watsons-nobel-medal-sells-for-record-4-million.html 945448;1417730084;assbot;Log In - The New York Times ... ( http://bit.ly/1CK1q7M ) 945449;1417730098;mircea_popescu;lol 945450;1417730113;mircea_popescu;of course it was going to break the record. all "art" is going through roof. 945451;1417730134;mircea_popescu;random romanian first timer sold some painting for ~1.5mn 945452;1417730165;undata;"The sale also became symbolic of a quest for redemption after he became what he called an “unperson” in the scientific community seven years ago; he had told the The Sunday Times of London Magazine in an interview that he was pessimistic about Africa because “all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours, whereas all the testing says not really.” 945453;1417730182;undata;^ made to apologize 945454;1417730186;undata;uh... lol? 945455;1417730214;undata;I dated a black virologist for a time; her prescription for Africa was 30 years of quarantine 945456;1417730214;*;BingoBoingo wonders about all of the angry postgrads with no money wishing they could afford Watson's LSD 945457;1417730246;undata;same chick threatened me with airborne ebola once; I didn't bother to find out whether she was serious 945458;1417730804;BingoBoingo;http://gawker.com/jenna-bush-admits-to-hanky-panky-on-the-white-house-r-1666727070 << Bush daughter 945459;1417730805;assbot;Jenna Bush Admits to "Hanky Panky" on the White House Roof ... ( http://bit.ly/1CK3zQT ) 945460;1417730979;mircea_popescu;;;rated thebroker 945461;1417730979;gribble;You rated user thebroker on Wed Oct 15 15:45:56 2014, with a rating of 1, and supplied these additional notes: Broker.. 945462;1417731014;mircea_popescu;;;rate thebroker -1 aka digicoins.io. Inept and unreliable smalltimer. 945463;1417731015;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating for user thebroker has changed from 1 to -1. 945464;1417731104;mircea_popescu;;;gettrust moo-_- 945465;1417731104;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user mircea_popescu to user moo-_-: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=mircea_popescu&dest=moo-_- | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=moo-_- | Rated since: never 945466;1417731473;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1004 @ 0.001207 = 1.2118 BTC [+] 945467;1417732659;mircea_popescu;!up michiel_l 945468;1417732679;BingoBoingo;!up BlueMeanie4 945469;1417732747;michiel_l;mircea_popescu: thanks 945470;1417732941;pete_dushenski;"Kmart has become the second major retailer to pull controversial video game franchise Grand Theft Auto from its Australian stores... Target said on Wednesday it would stop selling the game in response to customer complaints sparked by an online petition posted by three women identifying themselves as victims of violence in the sex industry." 945471;1417732970;pete_dushenski;no porn in uk, no games in aus 945472;1417732984;pete_dushenski;what's next, no ping pong in nz? 945473;1417732996;undata;they'll ban sheep-fucking 945474;1417733002;pete_dushenski;"no game with the world balls shall be permitted" 945475;1417733008;pete_dushenski;*word 945476;1417733094;undata;I watched a documentary recently on the prevalence of suicide in some dreary UK town. I'm not surprised. 945477;1417733130;mircea_popescu;michiel_l sure. what winds bring you here ? 945478;1417733131;undata;looks like it's called "Death Town" 945479;1417733161;mircea_popescu;wait, someone still buys at target ?! 945480;1417733165;undata;it was among other things an interesting look at how people waste away under socialist nanny states 945481;1417733176;mircea_popescu;is this target trollbaiting in the hopes someone's going to like, go to their store ? 945482;1417733326;pete_dushenski;hey who knows, this stunt might actually work 945483;1417733341;pete_dushenski;people walk in just to see the bare shelves with their own eyes 945484;1417733366;pete_dushenski;then, while they're there, buy something they didn't need 945485;1417733371;mircea_popescu;ima totally gonna go to target to buy beached whales belabouring under the delusion that people laughing them out of bars = "victims of violence" 945486;1417733387;mircea_popescu;"in the sex industree" 945487;1417733425;pete_dushenski;dat ancient profession.. 945488;1417733430;mircea_popescu;hopefully i'll get a price per head, so i won't have to pay per pound. 945489;1417733459;pete_dushenski;pay per pound of bone 945490;1417733466;pete_dushenski;then see how "big boned" she really is 945491;1417733497;mircea_popescu;lol 945492;1417733504;pete_dushenski;target bought all the zellers stores in canada and has failed miserably to penetrate the market 945493;1417733531;pete_dushenski;there's really not much room in the market between walmart and the bay 945494;1417733597;undata;target... recently infamous for a massive theft of credit cards 945495;1417733798;pete_dushenski;idem home depot... usps too iirc 945496;1417733909;mircea_popescu;http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ed/Whales_on_beach%2C_Farewell_Split%2C_South_Island%2C_New_Zealand.JPG << check out derps saving the world. 945497;1417733914;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Binrst ) 945498;1417733983;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 945499;1417733985;gribble;Current Blocks: 332900 | Current Difficulty: 4.000747027127126E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 334655 | Next Difficulty In: 1755 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 5 days, 4 hours, 30 minutes, and 0 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 36810432135.6 | Estimated Percent Change: -7.9911 945500;1417733989;pete_dushenski;bouche-a-bouche! 945501;1417734032;pete_dushenski;if it weren't for "free willy" no one would bother with killer whales, too "mean" 945502;1417734060;pete_dushenski;on second glance, those might not be killers... 945503;1417734060;undata;mircea_popescu: maybe the poor fucks were trying to commit suicide 945504;1417734065;undata;how rude to deny them that 945505;1417734073;mircea_popescu;it's unclear what causes it 945506;1417734080;mircea_popescu;but the part where they put cozies on them is cute. 945507;1417734103;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski i dun think killer whales ever beach 945508;1417734116;BingoBoingo;pete_dushenski: Never forget Tillikum, the great freedom fighter. 945509;1417734183;pete_dushenski;;;google beached killer whale 945510;1417734184;gribble;Nine Killer Whales Die In Rare Mass Beaching in New Zealand | TIME: ; Why Did 9 Killer Whales Die in New Zealand? - TakePart: ; Cetacean stranding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: (1 more message) 945511;1417734202;pete_dushenski;rare =! never ever ;) 945512;1417734246;mircea_popescu;a ? well i guess that's something i learned today then 945513;1417734309;pete_dushenski;whales love beaches 945514;1417734338;undata;they're trying to re-evolve legs 945515;1417734416;cazalla;pete_dushenski, no-one in the history of Australia has ever purchase vidya games from kmart 945516;1417734458;cazalla;and if they did, it was merely so they could take the game back for a refund after copying the cd key 945517;1417734539;mircea_popescu;.l. 945518;1417734542;mircea_popescu;lol* 945519;1417734569;BingoBoingo;,k, 945520;1417734578;pete_dushenski;kmart: funding drm scams since 1985 945521;1417734884;pete_dushenski;"To date, the developers have raised just over $65m from nearly 700,000 backers, which makes Star Citizen the largest crowdfunded project there has ever been by a huge margin. (The next largest, a publishing platform called Ethereum, has raised a comparatively paltry $18m.)" 945522;1417734922;pete_dushenski;$2,500 for a video game space ship... fuck me 945523;1417734958;cazalla;star citizen better deliver the goods 945524;1417734961;undata;it's all about No Man's Sky anyway 945525;1417735023;pete_dushenski;and calling buterin's scam a "publishing platform" is awfully generous 945526;1417735104;pete_dushenski;cazalla if gta5 can deliver, then surely something with a fraction of the drugs, violence, and sex industree can 945527;1417735114;mircea_popescu;lol 945528;1417735134;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20000 @ 0.00036115 = 7.223 BTC [-] 945529;1417735142;pete_dushenski;star citizen will prove, once and for all, that consumers really want good clean fun 945530;1417735162;undata;bah 945531;1417735165;pete_dushenski;undata is that a console game too? 945532;1417735180;undata;pete_dushenski: yeah, upcoming space sim with a generated universe 945533;1417735192;undata;looks incredible if it delivers 945534;1417735196;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14000 @ 0.00035894 = 5.0252 BTC [-] 945535;1417735208;pete_dushenski;neato 945536;1417735282;undata;Cloud Imperium does look pretty badass, if the videos are any indication of where it's headed 945537;1417735316;undata;there's something amusing in there about proles pouring enough money to build a real rocket into a toy, but.. 945538;1417735364;pete_dushenski;real rockets don't provide as many hours of entertainment for as many proles 945539;1417735398;pete_dushenski;it's all about roi where "return" is in units of time mindlessly consumed 945540;1417735444;undata;"The humans then turned their attention inward, creating ever more realistic virtual worlds to live within. The comet hit in 2091." 945541;1417735564;cazalla;pete_dushenski, i can see paying $2,500 for a ship in a game, not as a pre-order mind you. i hope for a game where bitcoin is the ingame currency and players set pricing for resources independent of publisher 945542;1417735650;pete_dushenski;cazalla it'll happen 945543;1417735661;undata;cazalla: if you pay me $2.5k, I will imagine an incredible ship for you. 945544;1417735702;mircea_popescu; pete_dushenski, i can see paying $2,500 for a ship in a game, not as a pre-order mind you. i hope for a game where bitcoin is the ingame currency and players set pricing for resources independent of publisher << it;'s called eve 945545;1417735708;mircea_popescu;2-3k is about what a titan costs 945546;1417735712;mircea_popescu;boring as fuck, also. 945547;1417735801;pete_dushenski;so it exists, trilema guild and all 945548;1417735828;pete_dushenski;undata how incredible are we talking? like built-in-easy-bake-oven-incredible? 945549;1417735893;mircea_popescu;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jc3_Iy1UouQ << for my curiosity, anyone know what this is ? 945550;1417735893;assbot;Mihai Margineanu - Tiganeasca - super tare melodia - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1w4jxlC ) 945551;1417735966;cazalla;mircea_popescu, ya, i know of eve but who wants to fuck about with fiat to isk to bitcoin, y u nao use bitcoin itself already 945552;1417735984;mircea_popescu;actually you can go isk-bitcoin straight. 945553;1417735988;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8000 @ 0.00035894 = 2.8715 BTC [-] 945554;1417735998;mircea_popescu;for that matter, you can trade s.mpoe for isk 945555;1417736029;pete_dushenski;if only the dumper knew that before! 945556;1417736134;cazalla;mircea_popescu, is isk created in same fashion as wow gold? 945557;1417736144;mircea_popescu;pretty much 945558;1417736526;pete_dushenski;so i've decided to join the mechanical keyboard ranks 945559;1417736539;mats_cd03;so hip 945560;1417736544;pete_dushenski;i ordered a model m and a unicomp to see how they stack up 945561;1417736553;pete_dushenski;tres chic 945562;1417736629;mircea_popescu;you people with your retro fashions will be the end of the fucking world 945563;1417736631;mircea_popescu;buncha terrorists 945564;1417736638;mircea_popescu;what's next, mechanical sex instead of virtual sex ? 945565;1417736675;pete_dushenski;lol 945566;1417736701;pete_dushenski;maybe mechanical bitcoin miners are on the horizon 945567;1417736723;pete_dushenski;they could be built to last for 1000s of years 945568;1417736844;pete_dushenski;and what is #b-a if not terrorist central? 945569;1417736978;pete_dushenski;speaking of nothing, my latest: http://www.contravex.com/2014/12/03/to-a-redditard/ 945570;1417736979;assbot;To A Redditard | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1w4kJFF ) 945571;1417738001;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13500 @ 0.00035894 = 4.8457 BTC [-] 945572;1417738493;mircea_popescu;http://i.imgur.com/3S4LVAm.jpg << :D 945573;1417738494;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1w4mHG4 ) 945574;1417738518;cazalla;anyone have a windows phone? 945575;1417738611;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 3960 @ 0.00120942 = 4.7893 BTC [+] {4} 945576;1417738672;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1756 @ 0.00121769 = 2.1383 BTC [+] {5} 945577;1417738733;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 4275 @ 0.00122498 = 5.2368 BTC [+] {5} 945578;1417738794;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 3629 @ 0.001225 = 4.4455 BTC [+] {2} 945579;1417738855;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1301 @ 0.00122999 = 1.6002 BTC [+] {3} 945580;1417738916;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1676 @ 0.00123548 = 2.0707 BTC [+] {9} 945581;1417738977;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34352 @ 0.00035485 = 12.1898 BTC [-] {3} 945582;1417738978;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu cute! that's pretty much what the non-migratory fauna look like here atm. twas -35C last week, though a blessed -10C today 945583;1417738992;mircea_popescu;lol 945584;1417738996;mircea_popescu;it's been 28 here. 945585;1417739041;pete_dushenski;eh i don't mind the crispness in the slightest 945586;1417739052;pete_dushenski;sharpens the mind 945587;1417739063;mircea_popescu;it surely sharpens the cock. 945588;1417739102;pete_dushenski;though i tend to spend >1 month per winter somewhere warm so it's easy for me to say :D 945589;1417739137;pete_dushenski;sharpens, shrivels, shrinks, shortens... 945590;1417739282;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 57200 @ 0.00034255 = 19.5939 BTC [-] {3} 945591;1417739479;[]bot;Bet created: "Gold to drop under $1000 before Feb 2015" http://bitbet.us/bet/1080/ 945592;1417739481;[]bot;Bet placed: 1 BTC for Yes on "Gold to drop under $1000 before Feb 2015" http://bitbet.us/bet/1080/ Odds: 100(Y):0(N) by coin, 100(Y):0(N) by weight. Total bet: 1 BTC. Current weight: 100,000. 945593;1417740325;[]bot;Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "Gold to drop under $1000 before Feb 2015" http://bitbet.us/bet/1080/ Odds: 49(Y):51(N) by coin, 49(Y):51(N) by weight. Total bet: 2.1 BTC. Current weight: 99,979. 945594;1417741151;mircea_popescu;http://rinf.com/alt-news/editorials/thinking-expensive-occupation/ 945595;1417741154;assbot;Thinking Is An Expensive Occupation ... ( http://bit.ly/122oRbu ) 945596;1417741164;mircea_popescu;"Perhaps he was handed the story by the CIA, as German journalist Udo Ulfkotte confesses he often was." 945597;1417741721;undata;http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2014/12/04/the-poor-used-to-have-the-most-opportunity-in-america-now-the-rich-do/?tid=rssfeed << oh dear such lols 945598;1417741722;assbot;The poor used to have the most opportunity in America. Now the rich do. - The Washington Post ... ( http://bit.ly/122qVQW ) 945599;1417741801;mircea_popescu;this is true tho. numerically : the poor used to have 0.8 opportunity, and the rich 0.75 945600;1417741812;mircea_popescu;now, the poor have 0.011 opportunity. the rich, 0.012 945601;1417741815;mircea_popescu;thus therefore. 945602;1417741872;undata;"notice, I've created this graph." 945603;1417741881;undata;*audience nods vigorously* 945604;1417741895;mircea_popescu;"it is made of graphene" 945605;1417741904;undata;*breaks finger upvoting* 945606;1417741924;asciilifeform;'send graphologist now!' 945607;1417741999;asciilifeform;the poor used to... the rich << sentence made of almost pure nothing - like aerogel. 945608;1417742014;asciilifeform;who is 'poor' here, who - 'rich', and what do the latter 'have' more of 945609;1417742033;undata;"And the 1990s, remember, were the good times for the middle class." 945610;1417742036;asciilifeform;(money? 'no shit, sherlock.' buying power? of what?) 945611;1417742045;undata;yes I'm sure it feels great when you're running up your credit cards with abandon 945612;1417742060;undata;feels not so great when you have to start paying them 945613;1417742088;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28850 @ 0.00033771 = 9.7429 BTC [-] {3} 945614;1417742144;asciilifeform;this bizarre fiction - i never understood. 945615;1417742158;mircea_popescu;they've got the opportunity to send their kids to college :D 945616;1417742163;mike_c;totally on topic: can someone tell me how to say "date of birth" in spanish/mexican 945617;1417742168;asciilifeform;what does it even mean to 'borrow' something from somebody with infinite supply of it (printing press) ? 945618;1417742191;asciilifeform;why not skip straight to chattel slavery - more honest, makes immediate sense to everybody. 945619;1417742212;mircea_popescu;mike_c fecha de nacimineto 945620;1417742225;asciilifeform;nacimiento ? 945621;1417742233;mike_c;thanks. that what google translate said but i didn't know if that was just robot talk. 945622;1417742290;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ayup 945623;1417742508;undata;+asciilifeform | why not skip straight to chattel slavery - more honest, makes immediate sense to everybody. << this is "why propaganda?" isn't it 945624;1417742578;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform not sure if you've noticed, but the movement is AWAY from direct sense, towards meta. 945625;1417742580;asciilifeform;undata: let's put another way. if we're subsistence farmers, neighbours, i borrow your horse - then you ask for it back plus p% of harvest, and it makes a kind of hind brain sense because you were deprived of a horse for a spell, after all 945626;1417742583;mircea_popescu;that'd be why. 945627;1417742600;asciilifeform;undata: but let's say you have a martian contraption that craps out complete horses on demand, at no cost, at the push of a button 945628;1417742621;undata;asciilifeform: the metaphor needs the horses to get smaller the more of them there are :D 945629;1417742621;asciilifeform;then the idea of paying back begins to feel like pure rape 945630;1417742638;asciilifeform;smaller, yes. but this is not immediately apparent to the borrower. 945631;1417742642;asciilifeform;nor - often - the lender. 945632;1417742731;mircea_popescu;this'd work fine in practice for as long as the martian contraption owner didn't also have a cock 945633;1417742733;asciilifeform;thing is, the machine's very presence upon the good earth - is death. 945634;1417742735;asciilifeform;to everyone. 945635;1417742749;asciilifeform;but of course any particular owner will disagree. go try to tell him. 945636;1417742749;mircea_popescu;but a state with economic involvement and the custody of the currency is like... 945637;1417742752;mircea_popescu;well, yeah. 945638;1417742810;asciilifeform;comes the day when everyone is not only plowing with horses the size of chihuahuas, but paying dearly for the privilege 945639;1417742859;asciilifeform;(paying whom? 'king hunger', but there are always human faces and eventually bashed in) 945640;1417742941;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 945641;1417742943;gribble;Current Blocks: 332913 | Current Difficulty: 4.000747027127126E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 334655 | Next Difficulty In: 1742 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 5 days, 0 hours, 19 minutes, and 51 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 36794661668.4 | Estimated Percent Change: -8.03052 945642;1417742961;undata;it seems like in state-run economies, when they print money what they're actually manufacturing is ownership 945643;1417742978;asciilifeform;of what? 945644;1417742981;undata;then you can rent ownership from the state, but never have it yourself 945645;1417742994;undata;hence you receive "ownership" from the state but have to give it back more 945646;1417743048;asciilifeform;aha you can 'rent' something from a psychotic terrorist. 945647;1417743060;asciilifeform;until the voices in his head say 'ransom was too small' and he changes mind. 945648;1417743087;undata;sure, then he can either steal from you, or print more, which steals from you just the same 945649;1417743099;undata;asciilifeform: how bout ownership of power? 945650;1417743131;mircea_popescu;meta-ownership lol 945651;1417743133;undata;it seems fitting, the state in this case can issue power, but revoke it at will 945652;1417743164;asciilifeform;aha now we're not simply paying a psychotic terrorist not to kill us, but 'renting' something. legitimate commerce, aha. 945653;1417743168;asciilifeform;lol. 945654;1417743281;asciilifeform;all this 'meta' business - is for the birds. i prefer the concrete. 945655;1417743282;asciilifeform;like snot. 945656;1417743290;*;asciilifeform drowning in snot very conretely 945657;1417743294;asciilifeform;*concretely 945658;1417743300;*;asciilifeform very concretely rages in delirium 945659;1417743308;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46744 @ 0.00035476 = 16.5829 BTC [+] 945660;1417743314;mircea_popescu;lol 945661;1417743333;mircea_popescu;but if you look at it, pretty much all effort goes towards meta. 945662;1417743400;undata;well sure, I pay my landlord to rent this apt, he pays the bank for the building and the state for the dirt 945663;1417743414;undata;seems like the bank and the state both own some ownership 945664;1417743421;asciilifeform;undata: and the state pays thugs to practice killing you 945665;1417743430;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27006 @ 0.00035384 = 9.5558 BTC [-] 945666;1417743439;mircea_popescu;that's not even what i mean. 945667;1417743467;mircea_popescu;you're not "supposed to" beat your own kids. you're supposed to... "be better than that". and do it ? indirectly! ha! win. 945668;1417743484;mircea_popescu;ask some chick if she wants to get laid ? o but... not meta enough! 945669;1417743490;mircea_popescu;what's worse than being a farmer ? 945670;1417743502;mircea_popescu;what's more socially acceptable than playing the farmer on facebook ? 945671;1417743506;mircea_popescu;meta i tell you. 945672;1417743519;mircea_popescu;the only reason hipsters have moved on to bikes is that they're meta cars 945673;1417743526;mircea_popescu;(cars having been for a while meta-horses) 945674;1417743567;mircea_popescu;what's all teh "ironic" trend if not, you know, "i'm meta-er than you ha!" 945675;1417743584;undata;ah when I hear meta I think metaprogramming 945676;1417743619;asciilifeform;metastases. 945677;1417743631;mircea_popescu;just, replace a thing with a label of the thing 945678;1417743635;mircea_popescu;then replace the label. 945679;1417743641;mircea_popescu;and then the replacement. 945680;1417743675;undata;ah I was just ranting earlier about how all american communication has been reduced to marketing 945681;1417743749;undata;reminds me of the Bill Hicks routine where he tells everyone in marketing in the audience to kill themselves 945682;1417743761;asciilifeform;what other kind of communication is possible between chumpatron operator and the feedstock ? 945683;1417743793;undata;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDW_Hj2K0wo 945684;1417743794;assbot;Bill Hicks on Marketing - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/12Dvz8P ) 945685;1417743809;asciilifeform;granted, a particularly demented farmer might sing to the cattle for his own strange reasons, and no practical purpose 945686;1417743997;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the difference between us here is that you seem to include the margin. i say there's no margin included. 945687;1417743999;mircea_popescu;no farmer. 945688;1417744017;mircea_popescu;no lizzard hitler. merely a cognitive disease. 945689;1417744217;undata;"the recovery" << there's a good one 945690;1417744238;undata;it's the economic "jesus is coming back" 945691;1417744284;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11094 @ 0.00035612 = 3.9508 BTC [+] 945692;1417744322;undata;mircea_popescu: does the disease reduce to "can't tell the difference between imagined and perceived" 945693;1417744332;undata;and having said that, I can already see the problem with that framing 945694;1417744414;undata;I can name delusional thinking much more easily than I can say to what coherent thinking might be anchored 945695;1417744565;undata;there's both a bootstrapping problem there as well as a finger-vs-moon thing 945696;1417746053;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20000 @ 0.00034619 = 6.9238 BTC [-] 945697;1417746237;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19527 @ 0.00034619 = 6.7601 BTC [-] 945698;1417746847;mats_cd03;http://phk.freebsd.dk/UCO/ 945699;1417746848;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1ApwmVP ) 945700;1417746958;mats_cd03;'Crypto-CS-SETI Challenge' 945701;1417747118;mircea_popescu;https://cryptoconsortium.org/ 945702;1417747120;assbot;CryptoCurrency Certification Consortium (C4) ... ( http://bit.ly/1ApxIje ) 945703;1417747122;mircea_popescu;who are these fuckwits. 945704;1417747137;mircea_popescu;seriously, "certified bitcoin professional" ?! professional whats ? 945705;1417747137;thestringpuller;lol C4... 945706;1417747150;thestringpuller;does this mean they are going to go boom? 945707;1417747154;mircea_popescu;Mission Statement 945708;1417747154;mircea_popescu;The CryptoCurrency Certification Consortium (C4) establishes cryptocurrency standards that help ensure a balance of openness & privacy, security & usability, and trust & decentralization. 945709;1417747168;mircea_popescu;Board of Directors 945710;1417747169;mircea_popescu;The following people work to set the direction of C4 and the standards against which cryptocurrency professionals are measured: 945711;1417747169;mircea_popescu;Vitalik Buterin 945712;1417747171;thestringpuller;!up Dr-G2 945713;1417747178;mircea_popescu;dude holy shit already. how much derpage can this one dude sprout. 945714;1417747194;decimation;re: mechanical fetish << one thing I don't get are mechanical watches, they have poor accuracy 945715;1417747194;mircea_popescu;and of course diiorio and the rest of that scammer group. 945716;1417747250;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: I wonder if Buterin has an assistant who just helps him spout derpage. "Paid Derpage Roller", much like Snoop Dogg (Lion?)'s "Blunt Roller". 945717;1417747258;decimation;maybe the real bitcoin foundation can apply for a certification 945718;1417747323;mircea_popescu;Bitcoin tipping sees giant growth: ChangeTip exceeds 10,000 tips in bla bla. 945719;1417747326;mircea_popescu;srsly. 945720;1417747352;mircea_popescu;i dunno that there's something chilling me on bitcoin as much as all these idiots "driving adoption" in their idiotarian ways. 945721;1417747366;mircea_popescu;you may call me a codger, but im not the only one. 945722;1417747395;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 94352 @ 0.00034888 = 32.9175 BTC [+] {2} 945723;1417747457;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu> i dunno that there's something chilling me on bitcoin as much as all these idiots "driving adoption" in their idiotarian ways. << OMG SELL 945724;1417747489;mircea_popescu;SEAL! 945725;1417747515;decimation;yeah the vocal derp ratio is pretty high 945726;1417747517;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24250 @ 0.00033714 = 8.1756 BTC [-] {2} 945727;1417747546;BingoBoingo;Ah, yeah I meant seal. SEAL ALL THE CLUBS!!! 945728;1417747565;mircea_popescu;meanwhile, 945729;1417747569;mircea_popescu;;;google bdsm buenos aires 945730;1417747569;gribble;Buenos Aires BDSM : La Casona del Sado, aka Faker House - Trilema: ; BDSM. - Buenos Aires | Facebook: ; Trumpling & FemDom - DOMINA MAXIMA -Buenos Aires- Argentina ...: 945731;1417747581;mircea_popescu;the shit trilema dominates... 945732;1417747599;mircea_popescu;facebook, youtube, you name it. 945733;1417747616;thestringpuller;;;google gpg contract 945734;1417747616;gribble;GPG Contracts – Adler Vermillion, LLP: ; GPG contracts pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: ; Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/18/2013 1:35:25 PM: 945735;1417747655;thestringpuller;that top one ripped off your article and stole your spot 945736;1417747757;mircea_popescu;lol no ?! 945737;1417747826;mircea_popescu;isn't this the guy that's active on like twitter and stuff ? 945738;1417747847;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2013/the-conference-second-edition/#comment-93160 ya it's him 945739;1417747847;assbot;The conference, second edition pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1ApBpFV ) 945740;1417748010;mircea_popescu;http://acti.fi/wp-content/serwer-bitcoin/bitcoin-police-irc.php << wtf is this anyway ? 945741;1417748011;assbot;Bitcoin Police Irc | Serwer Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1ApC3mB ) 945742;1417748052;mircea_popescu;especially the Warning: file_get_contents(http://bitcoin.guylainegagnon.ca/tmp/request.php?ip= part lol 945743;1417748189;decimation;interesting http://www.tristatehomepage.com/story/d/story/liberty-dollar-founder-von-nothaus-sentenced-to-ho/17589/F7ET48RAY0yE7MuvzXcGwQ << von nothaus was sentenced to 6 months house arrest 945744;1417748191;assbot;Liberty Dollar Founder von Nothaus Sentenced to House Arrest for Counterfeiting - Tristatehomepage - Eyewitness News ... ( http://bit.ly/1ApD52a ) 945745;1417748326;mircea_popescu;satoshitango.com <<< shit an' go! 945746;1417748339;mircea_popescu;sentenced to HO ? 945747;1417748372;decimation;I guess usg is tacitly admitting it had no case and is frightened of an appeal 945748;1417748381;decimation;either that or the guy flipped on someone 945749;1417748460;mircea_popescu;dude check it out, #bitcoin00/#bitcoin01 empty! 945750;1417748719;mircea_popescu;https://bitcointa.lk/members/laszlo.59/#postings (lfnet) 945751;1417748720;assbot;laszlo | Bitcointa.lk ... ( http://bit.ly/1ApFOsq ) 945752;1417748979;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2014/12/von-nothaus-gets-house-arrest/ 945753;1417748979;assbot;Von NotHaus Gets House Arrest | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1ApHdPu ) 945754;1417749044;undata;http://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/americas/guantanamo/article4263887.html << more language destruction 945755;1417749045;assbot;Pentagon fears blowback from ‘humane’ Guantánamo video release | The Miami Herald ... ( http://bit.ly/1ApHulD ) 945756;1417749164;mircea_popescu;While the videos at issue in this litigation do not in my opinion depict any improper treatment of the detainees, but rather the lawful, humane and appropriate interaction between guards and detainees, wrote U.S. Navy Rear Adm. Sinclair Harris, persons and entities hostile to the United States and its detention of enemy belligerents at Guantnamo Bay are likely to think otherwise. 945757;1417749200;mircea_popescu;dude freedom changed to democracy. 945758;1417749247;undata;liberation from hunger 945759;1417749284;undata;I should learn latin just so I have something to think in when they're done turning english into shit 945760;1417749367;mircea_popescu;or romanian. it has better curses. 945761;1417749405;decimation;romanians taught latin to socrates 945762;1417749408;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28800 @ 0.00033633 = 9.6863 BTC [-] {2} 945763;1417749453;mircea_popescu;lol 945764;1417749457;BingoBoingo;http://slashdot.org/firehose.pl?op=view&type=submission&id=4034991 945765;1417749458;assbot;Von NotHaus Sentenced to House Arrest - Slashdot ... ( http://bit.ly/1ApJESa ) 945766;1417749518;BingoBoingo;^ Anyone with /. account pls vote up. Will thank with absolution of sin. 945767;1417749581;decimation;dirty papists 945768;1417749638;mircea_popescu;https://bitcointa.lk/threads/hash-sec-throttling-for-democracy.301/ << idiotic reform proposals, as old as bitcoin 945769;1417749639;assbot;Hash/sec Throttling for Democracy | Bitcointa.lk ... ( http://bit.ly/1ApKXRg ) 945770;1417749740;undata;Therefore, why not cap the number of hashes per second? If the operations were capped at say, 250khash/sec based upon system clock and not the available number of cycles, then anyone with the "minimum requirements" could participate << cap the standards of your wife so everyone can participate 945771;1417749760;mircea_popescu;and since im doing history, http://bofh.ntk.net/BOFH/ 945772;1417749761;assbot;Bastard Operator From Hell Official Archive ... ( http://bit.ly/1ApLqTv ) 945773;1417749786;decimation;"we would gladly destroy the rich man's nice things just so we call all have poor hovels" 945774;1417749910;undata;seems like a drive related to being suicidal 945775;1417750052;mircea_popescu;actually i think it's related to forcing whiny nerds to defend their fucking civ1 cities, 945776;1417750060;mircea_popescu;which otherwise they fucking never do. 945777;1417750076;BingoBoingo;http://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/05/health/cdc-warns-that-flu-season-may-be-more-deadly-than-usual.html 945778;1417750079;assbot;Log In - The New York Times ... ( http://bit.ly/1ApMYNl ) 945779;1417750117;decimation;I never bother to invest in military units until I have good tech 945780;1417750127;decimation;but I can be easily owned by aggressive barbarians 945781;1417750146;mircea_popescu;lol 945782;1417750153;mircea_popescu;this is so uniquely peculiar to you i swear... 945783;1417750178;decimation;this strategy works better in civ 5 where your cities can magically defend themselves 945784;1417750206;undata;sprint to nukes, destroy earth, rule over the radioactive wasteland. 945785;1417750247;mircea_popescu;i only played civ 1, but nukes were a splendid tool to destory ships 945786;1417750252;mircea_popescu;no sea pollution, magically. 945787;1417750485;BingoBoingo; i only played civ 1, but nukes were a splendid tool to destory ships << This, in civ2 I loaded aircraft carriers with nuclear missiles 945788;1417750520;BingoBoingo;However many nukes +1 fighter jet for defense 945789;1417750589;BingoBoingo;I always tried to keep my territory under my flag small, clean, and well developed while oppressing the rest of the world 945790;1417750618;decimation;civ5 with nuke subs is fun 945791;1417750872;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3568 @ 0.00035585 = 1.2697 BTC [+] 945792;1417751040;*;BingoBoingo remembers being a Junior in college and contemplating buying a giant pile of Liberty Dollars. Then I go BTC to silver around $100/BTC, Should have got those liberty dollars and went the other direction. 945793;1417751751;BingoBoingo;;;ticker 945794;1417751752;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 368.01, Best ask: 368.11, Bid-ask spread: 0.10000, Last trade: 368.11, 24 hour volume: 12473.27401807, 24 hour low: 360.0, 24 hour high: 378.99, 24 hour vwap: 368.463672328 945795;1417752553;BingoBoingo;Why not just fucking use Free or Dragonfly? https://github.com/bitrig/bitrig/wiki/Roadmap Ah startup money! https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8701936 945796;1417752554;assbot;Roadmap · bitrig/bitrig Wiki · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1vu4vDZ ) 945797;1417752555;assbot;Bitrig 1.0 Released – OpenBSD fork | Hacker News ... ( http://bit.ly/1vu4vUk ) 945798;1417752947;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: the top comment really belongs in the record here 945799;1417752956;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: you never know when the yc shitgnomes will zap it 945800;1417753015;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: I mean the fork they want already exists in Google's "android", a linux built with the OpenBSD libc 945801;1417753030;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: their purpose was to destroy the original 945802;1417753031;asciilifeform;like termites. 945803;1417753034;asciilifeform;poetterings. 945804;1417753079;asciilifeform;There was a discussion about this on the OpenBSD misc mailing archives back in 2012: http://marc.info/?t=133961305400003&r=1&w=2 Theo's initial response to the thread, which may help illuminate the situation, was: "Except for the fact that it is bullshit. They started the fork because they got kicked out because one developer (Marco) hired 5 other developers for his startup company, and attempted to hire around 10 other deve 945805;1417753081;assbot;'OpenBSD forked' thread - MARC ... ( http://bit.ly/1vu6msz ) 945806;1417753081;asciilifeform;lopers in a sneaky and underhanded way. They were told, oh i forget they were "asked", to not tell anyone else in OpenBSD that this was happening, probably because people "including Theo" would be upset. Funny thing is, I've never been upset about the 20+ OpenBSD and ex-OpenBSD developers who now work for google. Previously, many of those developers were in critical positions in the development team. As they were suddenly hire 945807;1417753081;asciilifeform;d with such terms and conditions, they became more scarce in OpenBSD --perhaps because they suddenly got real busy with work, but also to avoid telling others that this was happening. Various projects lagged. To avoid telling a lie, they instead chose to not tell the truth. It had effects. It was dishonest of them to not tell their co-developers that they were creating vacuums in the development process. So because of those de 945808;1417753088;asciilifeform;cisions, they are now gone from OpenBSD. And now they miss it. So now, all these guys who work for the same company have started a fork. And it is directed by the guy who hired them in the first place. From where I stand, that is the truth. Yet none of that is in that article, because the truth hurts, doesn't it guys?" 945809;1417753092;asciilifeform;there. 945810;1417753111;assbot;Last 5 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/27ARP4K.txt ) 945811;1417753111;BingoBoingo;!b 5 945812;1417753124;asciilifeform;notice that the perps ring all the typical 'leper's bells' of poetteringism. 945813;1417753134;asciilifeform;emphasis on 'modernity', etc. 945814;1417753165;asciilifeform;a willingness (and some basic ability) to play 'mean girls' 945815;1417753208;BingoBoingo;Right, and they want to kill big kernel lock, upon which I dunno you can build security. 945816;1417753212;asciilifeform;the thing that shitgnomes fear most is - sunlight. 945817;1417753218;asciilifeform;recall mr spamgun ? 945818;1417753220;BingoBoingo;At least in C 945819;1417753232;asciilifeform;his maniacal insistence on 'confidentiality' with every new would-be chump. 945820;1417753234;BingoBoingo;Mr. skip wires, Wi-fi cardano? 945821;1417753240;asciilifeform;him. 945822;1417753245;BingoBoingo;Ah, Mr. Flappy Plane 945823;1417753271;*;asciilifeform missed that one, but doesn't give a fuck 945824;1417753313;asciilifeform;while we're on the subject, 945825;1417753314;BingoBoingo;According to him flappy plane is a total mischaracterization of his vision 945826;1417753332;asciilifeform;i doubt that the openbsd devs were so direly impoverished that they agreed to serve enemy, knowing what he was 945827;1417753348;asciilifeform;they almost certainly laboured under an illusion of one kind or another. 945828;1417753376;BingoBoingo;I think the entire point of the OpenBSD financial crisis was an allergy to strings 945829;1417753393;asciilifeform;the purpose of throwing sunlight down upon these creatures of the abyss, is - aside from flondoring - to warn the next set. 945830;1417753420;BingoBoingo;I dunno that there's a better reason at all. 945831;1417753471;BingoBoingo;Comming from Transylvania I'm sure mircea_popescu has experience slaughtering vampires with sunlight 945832;1417753582;BingoBoingo;!up gsdgdfs 945833;1417753768;decimation;the only feature on the list of improvements that I find remotely appealing is the fdisk tool 945834;1417753775;decimation;openbsd disk partitioning is kinda annoying 945835;1417753842;BingoBoingo;decimation: Well Hammer2fs might happen before 5.9 or 6.0... 945836;1417753865;BingoBoingo;But seriously OpenBSD disk partitioning is MUCH better than Solaris 9 and 10 945837;1417753922;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48535 @ 0.00036034 = 17.4891 BTC [+] {4} 945838;1417753983;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 73517 @ 0.00037288 = 27.413 BTC [+] {3} 945839;1417754032;decimation;heh well that's true 945840;1417754048;decimation;LVM is annoying to configure but it is highly flexible 945841;1417754063;mod6;it's just old school, thats all. 945842;1417754091;BingoBoingo;Cylinders and shit aren't that hard 945843;1417754133;decimation;well, the whole thing is going to be shot in the head when high speed non-volatile memory is common 945844;1417754205;decimation;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=03-12-2014#943161 945845;1417754205;assbot;Logged on 03-12-2014 00:37:16; asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: because the whole disk-ram dichotomy is predicated on volatile ram. 945846;1417754242;BingoBoingo;So, a lawyer is inquiring what my hourly rate is as an expert witness... What does everyone else charge? 945847;1417754248;decimation;lol 945848;1417754269;BingoBoingo;Super serious here 945849;1417754293;BingoBoingo;Big firm in Chicago so I want to ad a Chicago sucks surcharge 945850;1417754471;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48000 @ 0.00037567 = 18.0322 BTC [+] 945851;1417754484;decimation;my company sells my time at $210 per hour, but that's bezzle rates with bezzle qualifications 945852;1417754494;BingoBoingo;Seriously though, what does an expert witness make? 945853;1417754508;decimation;well, it's a supply and demand thing right? 945854;1417754512;BingoBoingo;I'm fine quoting a price in bezzel dollars 945855;1417754517;BingoBoingo;!up Vexual 945856;1417754551;Vexual;bout 180 should slot you in politely between the photocopier kid and the big boys 945857;1417754808;decimation;lol https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/2014/dec/04/pentagon-finally-details-its-weapons-cops-giveaway/ << "Since 2006, police in Winthrop Harbor, Ill., a village of 6,700 along the shore of Lake Michigan, has received 10 helicopters, one mine-resistant armored vehicle and two Humvees, and other equipment, worth more than $6.5 million." 945858;1417754809;assbot; The Pentagon Finally Details its Weapons-for-Cops Giveaway | Muckrock ... ( http://bit.ly/1vubnRN ) 945859;1417754859;decimation;maintenance on those helicopters alone would run easily a couple mil per year. this must be some kind of laundry 945860;1417754905;assbot;dgeats +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0 945861;1417754920;BingoBoingo;!up dgeats 945862;1417754960;BingoBoingo;hello dgeats 945863;1417754980;dgeats;just make it an even 1 BTC 945864;1417755012;BingoBoingo;The hassel of going to Chicago is expensive 945865;1417755020;Vexual;plus expenses 945866;1417755026;decimation;yeah duh 945867;1417755137;ben_vulpes;;;bc,stats 945868;1417755140;gribble;Current Blocks: 332932 | Current Difficulty: 4.000747027127126E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 334655 | Next Difficulty In: 1723 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 4 days, 23 hours, 10 minutes, and 0 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 36758772733.1 | Estimated Percent Change: -8.12023 945869;1417755157;ben_vulpes;master bitcoin repository repository is currently at 295000 945870;1417755161;asciilifeform;maintenance on those helicopters alone would run easily a couple mil per year << lol maintenance. they get brand new ones. 945871;1417755164;ben_vulpes;a full 100k+ blocks behind 945872;1417755180;ben_vulpes;a wait oom error 945873;1417755183;decimation;asciilifeform: brand new helicopters require maintenance too 945874;1417755184;asciilifeform;as the police choppermeister where i live cheerfully admitted during a public show&tell. 945875;1417755196;decimation;plus I thought they were getting busted down old war birds 945876;1417755197;asciilifeform;decimation: nah, replacement works fine. 945877;1417755199;asciilifeform;ad infinitum. 945878;1417755202;decimation;heh 945879;1417755208;decimation;10 helicopters = 1 flying? 945880;1417755209;asciilifeform;they aren't getting 'apache', no. 945881;1417755225;asciilifeform;small general-purpose choppers with thermovisors. 945882;1417755233;decimation;'little bird' 945883;1417755264;decimation;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MD_Helicopters_MH-6_Little_Bird 945884;1417755266;assbot;MD Helicopters MH-6 Little Bird - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1vucCjQ ) 945885;1417755318;asciilifeform;police choppers don't shoot. (why would they need to ?) 945886;1417755342;decimation;demilitarized of course 945887;1417755373;decimation;probably not little birds though, probably something more like UH-1 945888;1417755461;asciilifeform;actually what i saw (forgot precisely what brand!) was a tiny thing with a jet engine. big enough for two men and a bulbous camera, and two hours of jp-4. 945889;1417755481;decimation;yeah, that's like the little bird 945890;1417755494;decimation;I think if I were to buy an aircraft I would get a turboprop or small jet 945891;1417755498;decimation;due to ubiquity of jp-4 945892;1417755682;decimation;asciilifeform: one wonders how much longer usg can afford choppermeisters when drones are obviously better and cheaper 945893;1417755694;decimation;except in actually moving cargo & humans 945894;1417755706;asciilifeform;when they stop bothering to make arrests. 945895;1417755718;asciilifeform;policeman - arrests. drone - aha, sure. 945896;1417755728;ben_vulpes;"tase and loiter" 945897;1417755745;ben_vulpes;"if necessary - tase again" 945898;1417755752;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 42 @ 0.098 = 4.116 BTC [-] 945899;1417755760;Vexual;they'd be good at atms 945900;1417755774;ben_vulpes;repeat until scoopbot arrives for inert meatsack. 945901;1417755810;decimation;asciilifeform: my impression upon listening to police helicopter chatter is tha a majority of the calls for a helicopter come when either a kid wonders off or some perp tries to run from the po-lice 945902;1417755825;decimation;both of those missions could easily be performed by drone 945903;1417755830;asciilifeform;don't forget the traffic jobs. 945904;1417755844;decimation;eh, my impression is that they don't enforce traffic from the air much 945905;1417755857;decimation;or if they do, it's usually in cooperation with cops on the ground 945906;1417755865;asciilifeform;everything with cops on the ground 945907;1417755890;decimation;maryland is famous for having speed traps where a whole gang of cops wait - bravely stepping into the roadway and flagging speeders 945908;1417755894;decimation;the gang can absorb many at a time 945909;1417755926;asciilifeform;at any rate, once there are sufficiently many surplus rotating wing drones, they will be written off and handed to city police depts 945910;1417755937;asciilifeform;(fixed-wing drones aren't particularly useful in a city) 945911;1417755943;decimation;why not 945912;1417755971;asciilifeform;can't loiter 945913;1417755976;decimation;if the camera has automatic gimble, it hardly matters if the craft is stationary 945914;1417755994;decimation;gimbal 945915;1417756019;decimation;fixed-wing aircraft are much more fuel efficient 945916;1417756038;asciilifeform;chopper can sit down on a roof and film. 945917;1417756043;asciilifeform;efficient. 945918;1417756049;decimation;heh true 945919;1417756068;ben_vulpes;i was noodling on a fully-actuated flying wing last night. 945920;1417756080;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: Tase is part of why the UNHCR is shitting on USG atm 945921;1417756106;ben_vulpes;2 turbines perpendicular to long axis, with piping adequate to vector the thing around any of its axes. 945922;1417756126;decimation;ben_vulpes: was this a remote-control aircraft? 945923;1417756133;ben_vulpes;adequate, but also wicked performance gained by virtue of being able to control angle of attack. 945924;1417756150;ben_vulpes;decimation: it'd have to have the controller onboard. 945925;1417756154;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: are you familiar with china's reply to 'why did you roll up the (tiananmen) students (molotov-armed, by some reliable accounts - also with grenades) with tanks ?' 945926;1417756157;ben_vulpes;probably flight planner too. 945927;1417756165;decimation;kinda like the 'osprey' 945928;1417756220;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: indignant (spontaneously or compensated, either) foreigners asked, 'why didn't you tase them, use tear gas' 945929;1417756222;Vexual;asciilifeform: is it beacuse they didn't have swarms of irritant devlivery drones? 945930;1417756227;decimation;with enough raw thrust, aerodynamics don't matter, can dance your vectoring fighter jet tango-style 945931;1417756254;BingoBoingo;lol 945932;1417756261;asciilifeform;china answered: 'we aren't a d3m0cr4cy111!11, we don't stockpile instruments of crowd control, we're a poor country and prioritize useful things' 945933;1417756271;decimation;lol 945934;1417756281;Vexual;fair answer, they weren't expecting it 945935;1417756292;ben_vulpes;decimation: still gotta get from point a to b - i'd like to see a thing that eschewed flaps for ducted turbine exhaust. 945936;1417756314;decimation;ben_vulpes: well, personal jet packs are fun, but not exactly fuel efficient 945937;1417756341;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-01-2014#461125 << see also thread. 945938;1417756341;assbot;Logged on 26-01-2014 19:43:38; asciilifeform: for instance, they see their country as having 'sat for the same exam' as the ussr, and passed, while the latter flunked. 945939;1417756352;ben_vulpes;decimation: that's why i've always advocated going straight up with jets and then drifting sideways for as long as possible 945940;1417756359;ben_vulpes;decimation: imagine a really high aspect ratio diamond 945941;1417756368;decimation;that's an interesting idea 945942;1417756394;decimation;well, ultimately you could build a rocket that propels you to the high altitude winds of the stratosphere and unfolds massive delicate wings 945943;1417756400;ben_vulpes;two turbines aligned perpendicular to the long axis, with vent outputs from the turbines outputs all the way out at the tips of the diamond. 945944;1417756410;ben_vulpes;that way you have full control over pitch, roll, yaw 945945;1417756423;ben_vulpes;plus your main thrusters for "oomph" 945946;1417756441;ben_vulpes;with this kind of design it's trivial to turn end over end and stop extremely quickly. 945947;1417756464;decimation;isn't that kinda what the f-117 does 945948;1417756483;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: answer then (i haven't any idea) - why is 'vtol' uncommon today ? 945949;1417756503;decimation;my understanding is that it wastes alot of fuel 945950;1417756514;ben_vulpes;decimation: not a "thrust reverser": flip the whole beast around its long axis 945951;1417756519;ben_vulpes;thrust is now reversed 945952;1417756546;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: vtol requires ducting thrust orthogonally to operating thrust vector 945953;1417756546;decimation;ben_vulpes: would the diamond shape generate much lift? 945954;1417756548;ben_vulpes;wasteful 945955;1417756559;ben_vulpes;decimation: "diamond" << wave hands 945956;1417756561;decimation;'osprey' is attempt to fix that 945957;1417756563;ben_vulpes;you can have a symmetric wing 945958;1417756593;ben_vulpes;so long as it has ducted thrust at the tips of both the long axis and short axis, you can arbitrarily dictate its angle of attack. 945959;1417756609;decimation;yeah I kinda see what you are getting at 945960;1417756614;ben_vulpes;(almost needless to say that the vectoring needs to go in both directions) 945961;1417756621;ben_vulpes;no gimbals 945962;1417756637;ben_vulpes;nothing but exhaust valves and delta-f control systems. 945963;1417756638;decimation;no but the thrust control would be complicated 945964;1417756652;ben_vulpes;what part? 945965;1417756664;BingoBoingo;Ah, lawyer backed off from needing an expert in Bitcoin after I posted rates. 945966;1417756668;asciilifeform;http://mlbuav.com/products-v-bat 945967;1417756671;assbot;Products :: V Bat | MLB Company - Complete Solutions for UAS Systems ... ( http://bit.ly/1vuh02e ) 945968;1417756673;asciilifeform;^ peculiar flying toy 945969;1417756702;decimation;so how are you going to stabilize your flying wing? 945970;1417756706;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: that's the only kinda vtol that'll work 945971;1417756710;ben_vulpes;decimation: active stabilization. 945972;1417756735;decimation;asciilifeform: that's neat, would be useful to have stowed in your submarine 945973;1417756772;decimation;right, active stabilization implies fast computers (fairly easy) with lots of fast reacting thrust valves right? 945974;1417756839;mats_cd03;BingoBoingo: what was your asking rate 945975;1417756875;decimation;asciilifeform: note, there's not any external gimbaled camera 945976;1417756880;BingoBoingo;mats_cd03: $175/hr, 30 hour minimum. $5000 retainer. $300 per diem any day I travel. 945977;1417756902;mats_cd03;lol 945978;1417756910;BingoBoingo;I think that's cheap 945979;1417756921;decimation;other than the retainer that's pretty much in line for a qualified professional 945980;1417756939;ben_vulpes;decimation: bang bang pneumatic valves aren't terribly hard to put together. 945981;1417756942;ben_vulpes;pwm control. 945982;1417756946;BingoBoingo;retainer is essential. 945983;1417756955;BingoBoingo;Because qualified professional 945984;1417756971;decimation;ben_vulpes: it is a neat concept. It would probably make a neat little drone too 945985;1417756990;BingoBoingo;If I'm an expert I ought to be making more than the lawyers when I read and talk. 945986;1417757035;ben_vulpes;decimation: it's a wartime project. 945987;1417757043;BingoBoingo;And per diem is essential too, because if I'm going to chicago I'm not staying in a fucking Motel 8. I'm staying in the Sheraton, as a professional. 945988;1417757048;ben_vulpes;artists and armsmiths both need patrons. 945989;1417757076;decimation;but then again, it's not like flying wings are unknown to aircraft designers. I wonder why they aren't more popular 945990;1417757084;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: there. <<< heh. 945991;1417757142;asciilifeform;http://www.fiddlersgreen.net/aircraft/SNECMA-Coleoptere/IMAGES/snecma-coleoptere-prep.jpg << flying arse 945992;1417757144;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1vuiCJv ) 945993;1417757155;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform:they almost certainly laboured under an illusion of one kind or another. << that illusion is "money" 945994;1417757161;mircea_popescu;the sort you can't do anything with but that's ok. 945995;1417757204;mircea_popescu;lol @smegma coleopterae. 945996;1417757214;asciilifeform;that was my first thought too! 945997;1417757217;asciilifeform;when first saw. 945998;1417757237;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo: Comming from Transylvania I'm sure mircea_popescu has experience slaughtering vampires with sunlight << actually vampires are your friends. 945999;1417757240;mircea_popescu;ideally, your girlfriends. 946000;1417757251;assbot;Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0G2S6XR.txt ) 946001;1417757251;BingoBoingo;!b 2 946002;1417757286;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo: So, a lawyer is inquiring what my hourly rate is as an expert witness... What does everyone else charge? << go for 40. too low you won't seem that expert. too high they'll just get antonoderp. 946003;1417757345;BingoBoingo;125 seems the minimum for non-medical with self respect 946004;1417757356;decimation;asciilifeform: the post-wwii era was full of weird vtol designs http://airandspace.si.edu/collections/artifact.cfm?object=nasm_A19730274000 946005;1417757358;assbot;Convair XFY-1 Pogo | National Air and Space Museum ... ( http://bit.ly/1vujihX ) 946006;1417757383;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo you looking at seak thing ? 946007;1417757391;asciilifeform;decimation: 'avrocar' 946008;1417757394;asciilifeform;best airplane. 946009;1417757395;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: looked at it 946010;1417757417;mircea_popescu;Expert Witness Fees for Trial, File Review and Depositions 946011;1417757417;mircea_popescu;On average, experts charge significantly more for their time while testifying at trial and deposition than their time while conducting file reviews and preparing. The average hourly fee for all experts was $385 for in-court testimony, $353 for depositions and $254 for file reviews and preparation. The average hourly fee for trial testimony is 52% higher than the average hourly fee for file reviews and preparation. 946012;1417757422;mircea_popescu;this, in 2004 o.o 946013;1417757428;mircea_popescu;nuts the bezzle world. 946014;1417757439;BingoBoingo;Indeed 946015;1417757468;decimation;heh a flying roomba 946016;1417757505;asciilifeform;!s coanda effect 946017;1417757506;assbot;0 results for 'coanda effect' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=coanda+effect 946018;1417757565;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo so 140 then 946019;1417757567;decimation;asciilifeform: the soviets had a line of 'ground effect' aircraft if I recall 946020;1417757573;asciilifeform;hovercraft. 946021;1417757579;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: If they ask again. 946022;1417757620;BingoBoingo;I'll still have to insist on minimum hours/retainer/compensation from suffering the cold north of Chicago 946023;1417757648;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: http://www.horizonhobby.com/products/umx-hyper-taxi-bnf-with-as3x-technology-EFLU4780 << pauper edition 946024;1417757650;assbot;UMX Hyper Taxi BNF with AS3X Technology | HorizonHobby ... ( http://bit.ly/1vSxe45 ) 946025;1417757684;decimation;asciilifeform: no, jets the fly just a few feet above the ground - ekranoplan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lun-class_ekranoplan 946026;1417757685;assbot;Lun-class ekranoplan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1vSxlMN ) 946027;1417757706;asciilifeform;aha it 946028;1417757717;asciilifeform;normally english folks call them hovercraft also. 946029;1417757735;ben_vulpes;"ground effect" << also 946030;1417757737;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes: master bitcoin repository repository is currently at 295000 << bitcoin ovopository ? 946031;1417757749;asciilifeform;lol! 946032;1417757764;asciilifeform;if bitcoin ovipositor, where is proboscis ? 946033;1417757875;mircea_popescu;isn't jp-4 the thing that gets a lot of static if it flows ? 946034;1417757887;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46700 @ 0.00036609 = 17.0964 BTC [-] {2} 946035;1417757913;asciilifeform;jp-4 << 1/2 kerosene/gasoline iirc 946036;1417757950;decimation;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JP-4_(fuel) << "JP-4 was a non-conductive liquid, prone to build up static electricity when being moved through pipes and tanks. As it is volatile and has a low flash point, the static discharge could cause a fire. Beginning in the the mid-1980s an antistatic agent was added to the fuel to lower the charge buildup and decrease the corresponding risk of fires. Flow rates must be controlled, and all the 946037;1417757951;assbot;JP-4 (fuel) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1vSy40E ) 946038;1417757951;decimation;equipment used must be electrically interconnected and well grounded." 946039;1417757968;decimation;interesting I didn't know that 946040;1417757993;asciilifeform;nonpolar hydrocarbons tend to conduct poorly, news at 11 946041;1417758005;mircea_popescu;oft depicted in media, this problem 946042;1417758032;mircea_popescu;anyway. i thought it was phased out. 946043;1417758051;decimation;it was apparently in favor of jp-8 946044;1417758056;decimation;or 'jet-a' in the civilian world 946045;1417758177;decimation;at any rate, I was distinguishing jet fuel from '100LL' commonly used in small piston engines 946046;1417758191;decimation;LL = "low lead" 946047;1417758270;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes: with this kind of design it's trivial to turn end over end and stop extremely quickly. <<< someone's fascinated with dragonflies. 946048;1417758328;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo: Ah, lawyer backed off from needing an expert in Bitcoin after I posted rates. << how much did you post ? 946049;1417758360;mircea_popescu;heh. you overdid it. 946050;1417758373;mircea_popescu;nothing says pro quite like low rates in that biz. 946051;1417758381;BingoBoingo;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=05-12-2014#945976 946052;1417758381;assbot;Logged on 05-12-2014 05:21:20; BingoBoingo: mats_cd03: $175/hr, 30 hour minimum. $5000 retainer. $300 per diem any day I travel. 946053;1417758400;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: "dragonflies" << well who doesn't love excellent cruising performance *and* agility?! 946054;1417758416;mircea_popescu;you know the dragonfly is 90% eye right ? 946055;1417758429;decimation;natures drone! 946056;1417758437;mircea_popescu;totally. 946057;1417758487;ben_vulpes;http://dpaste.com/2V8C3AV 946058;1417758488;assbot;dpaste: 2V8C3AV ... ( http://bit.ly/1vSz70w ) 946059;1417758493;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: dragonfly << consider waveguide motor. precisely the missing ingredient for practical ornithopter with fully-articulated wings. 946060;1417758519;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: your cable flexer? 946061;1417758523;asciilifeform;aha. 946062;1417758552;asciilifeform;no need for joints, lubrication... 946063;1417758560;decimation;asciilifeform: it would be interesting to see how much heat is lost in the cable flex movement 946064;1417758564;ben_vulpes;0.5.3 is luke_jr's fault 946065;1417758571;mod6;:D 946066;1417758573;ben_vulpes;0.5.3 *wedge* is luke_jr's fault 946067;1417758574;asciilifeform;one day someone who gives a shit can reinvent it. 946068;1417758586;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes whassat paste ? 946069;1417758594;decimation;ben_vulpes: so you fixed it? 946070;1417758600;asciilifeform;anyone verify that 0.5.3 unwedges if magic constant is changed ? 946071;1417758608;asciilifeform;last i recall, it was only kako's experiment with 0.7 946072;1417758610;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: can't really see anything like that working anywhere near the speed of sound. 946073;1417758625;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: i've an 0.5.3 that's happily chugging along with the new db config vals. 946074;1417758629;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: speed of sound - no. synthetic bird, insect - sure. 946075;1417758645;asciilifeform;happily chugging with or without manually masturbated along the way? 946076;1417758646;mircea_popescu;heh. 946077;1417758647;ben_vulpes;the BDB docs themselves say to experiment with the lock number until it works 946078;1417758652;decimation;lol 946079;1417758652;asciilifeform;not one reset ? 946080;1417758672;ben_vulpes;i've not rebooted it. 946081;1417758688;asciilifeform;did not exhaust memory either ? 946082;1417758698;asciilifeform;suspicious that leak would be predicated entirely on this 946083;1417758759;decimation;http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs276a/projects/docs/berkeleydb/ref/lock/max.html 946084;1417758760;assbot;Berkeley DB Reference Guide: Configuring locking: sizing the system ... ( http://bit.ly/1vSzEQ9 ) 946085;1417758781;ben_vulpes;i stopped it at 251442 to snapshot the db, and again at 260*** (something) to provide resources to transfer the blockchain bzip elsewhere 946086;1417758783;mats_cd03;http://meredithmmyers.com/ratmap 946087;1417758784;assbot;Ratmap ... ( http://bit.ly/1vSzHLK ) 946088;1417758797;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: i'll let you know if it exhausts memory. 946089;1417758805;ben_vulpes;that said if it does - oh well. 946090;1417758820;ben_vulpes;there are worse things in the world than restarting the thing occasionally while work proceeds. 946091;1417758860;mod6;well, aside from that, i think the goal is still to rip out BDB eventually anyway. 946092;1417758903;mod6;first, we just wanted to bypass the wedge block so we can catch up to the main chain. 946093;1417758912;ben_vulpes;an 0.5.3 that needs a kick in the ass a few times a day but can still catch up to chainhead trumps a power ranger hardfork with no published and serenissima-signed alternative. 946094;1417758915;mod6;first make it work, then we make it pretty 946095;1417758927;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform would hold that "it doesn't work". 946096;1417758930;asciilifeform;aha. 946097;1417758938;asciilifeform;what other ways is it capable of failing in 946098;1417758945;ben_vulpes;let's find out! 946099;1417758947;decimation;infinitely many 946100;1417758949;asciilifeform;and can anyone even give a well-founded answer to this question 946101;1417758951;ben_vulpes;as we say during deploys 946102;1417758954;ben_vulpes;"what could go wrong?!" 946103;1417758970;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: not i. 946104;1417758975;ben_vulpes;perhaps your "carpenter". 946105;1417758979;BingoBoingo;!up Vexual 946106;1417759054;*;asciilifeform was lying in bed, delirious, and switched on a tablet toy, wanted to read about erasure codes to take mind off snot. and found an article with colourful pictures, sorta explaining one kind. and with horror saw the author: 946107;1417759058;asciilifeform;buterin. 946108;1417759084;asciilifeform;yes, that one. 946109;1417759094;asciilifeform;(what truck he has with this subject? who can say) 946110;1417759151;BingoBoingo;http://www.stltoday.com/news/national/denver-cops-hit-by-car-amid-ferguson-protest-one-in/article_d6668b28-04b0-52fb-be6b-9c45f76c9165.html 946111;1417759152;assbot;4 Denver cops hit by car amid Ferguson protest; one in critical condition : News ... ( http://bit.ly/1vSAs7E ) 946112;1417759152;mircea_popescu;im starting to suspect buterin is actually a manufactured identity. 946113;1417759158;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: i actually met him once. 946114;1417759162;asciilifeform;https://blog.ethereum.org/2014/08/16/secret-sharing-erasure-coding-guide-aspiring-dropbox-decentralizer 946115;1417759163;assbot;ethereum blog | Secret Sharing and Erasure Coding: A Guide for the Aspiring Dropbox Decentralizer - ethereum blog ... ( http://bit.ly/1vSAtIw ) 946116;1417759164;ben_vulpes;"him". 946117;1417759166;asciilifeform;^ the article in question 946118;1417759169;mircea_popescu;some people "actually" met pirate once. 946119;1417759180;asciilifeform;bourbaki! 946120;1417759185;mircea_popescu;no. 946121;1417759189;Vexual;i think i may have met that mastercard derp 946122;1417759197;mircea_popescu;more like, princess leia 946123;1417759221;ben_vulpes;well, someone with the face plastered everywhere. 946124;1417759229;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 59100 @ 0.00037829 = 22.3569 BTC [+] {2} 946125;1417759234;decimation;asciilifeform: you might like this book http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/mackay/itila/book.html 946126;1417759235;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1vSABb8 ) 946127;1417759240;ben_vulpes;i refuse to claim knowledge of anything anymore. downright dangerous. 946128;1417759249;BingoBoingo;http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/ferguson-commission-member-charged-with-assault-of-city-hall-guard/article_b6244110-6ab7-5401-9e02-a07ef7d89195.html 946129;1417759250;assbot;Ferguson Commission member charged with assault of City Hall guard : News ... ( http://bit.ly/1vSAGLV ) 946130;1417759281;BingoBoingo;^ Dude sat next to Obama Monday, charged Thursday 946131;1417759347;Vexual;he looks like danny brewster 946132;1417759359;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: mouthed an insult at his royal highness ? 946133;1417759372;BingoBoingo;Maybe? 946134;1417759438;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: where met buterin ? 946135;1417759477;decimation;mackay kind of revived gallager's work in the 60's with ldpc codes 946136;1417759486;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: a "bitcoin" "conference" 946137;1417759531;Vexual;"I certainly don't want anyone mining technology ... away from my control" <> i'm using Sn/Bi 946243;1417762324;asciilifeform;42/58 allow 946244;1417762327;asciilifeform;*alloy 946245;1417762327;Vexual;sticks like poo to a blanket 946246;1417762352;asciilifeform;co$$$$ts 946247;1417762402;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52879 @ 0.00036796 = 19.4574 BTC [-] 946248;1417762431;decimation;asciilifeform: is that the 'most reliable' alloy? 946249;1417762523;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1735 @ 0.00124992 = 2.1686 BTC [+] {4} 946250;1417762533;BingoBoingo;Interesting machine 946251;1417762534;asciilifeform;decimation: it's decent. chosen because of 138C melting point. 946252;1417762551;decimation;http://workmanship.nasa.gov/lib/insp/2%20books/links/sections/301_Discrete%20Wiring.html << nasa standards for wire wrap 946253;1417762552;assbot;DISCRETE WIRING - SOLDERLESS WRAPPED ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS - WIRE WRAP ... ( http://bit.ly/1vuxiZ5 ) 946254;1417762566;asciilifeform;decimation: will reflow in the equipment i have with very rough time curves and minimal damage to components. 946255;1417762579;decimation;makes sense. 946256;1417762584;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15021 @ 0.00036796 = 5.5271 BTC [-] 946257;1417762648;asciilifeform;i've always thought laser spotweld would make a beautiful replacement for solder. 946258;1417762670;asciilifeform;but no one wants to rock this boat, it seems. 946259;1417762686;decimation;well, literally $$bn have been invested on the current path 946260;1417762706;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30229 @ 0.00038125 = 11.5248 BTC [+] 946261;1417762709;decimation;which is basically the same argument as "but x86 has the warez" 946262;1417762757;asciilifeform;and in 1982 ru, pdp 'had the w4r3z' 946263;1417762889;mircea_popescu;i wonder why no laser welding actually. 946264;1417762897;asciilifeform;there is some. 946265;1417762901;mircea_popescu;could be nicely pulsed, way faster than mechanical... 946266;1417762902;asciilifeform;Li batteries 946267;1417762912;asciilifeform;can't solder'em 946268;1417763072;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1349 @ 0.00124995 = 1.6862 BTC [+] 946269;1417763121;asciilifeform;interestingly, Bi has... no stable isotopes. 946270;1417763174;asciilifeform;http://www.fourmilab.ch/documents/barely_radioactive << herr walker's explanation 946271;1417763175;assbot;Barely Radioactive Elements ... ( http://bit.ly/1vuyVWG ) 946272;1417763218;decimation;huh interesting. 946273;1417763278;decimation;well I'm going to retire, good evening gents 946274;1417765085;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38667 @ 0.00037853 = 14.6366 BTC [-] {2} 946275;1417765284;BingoBoingo;!up badon 946276;1417765351;badon;hi BingoBoingo 946277;1417765353;badon;Is it accomplishing someone to prevent people from speaking? 946278;1417765355;badon;Is it accomplishing something to prevent people from speaking? 946279;1417765379;BingoBoingo;badon: If you register with gribble and get rated you can self voice 946280;1417765397;badon;But I don't trade bitcoin, I have no need of gribble. 946281;1417765411;badon;You could just handle that the standard way by requiring people to be registered with nickserv to be voiced. 946282;1417765454;BingoBoingo;But you have need of gribble if you want to self voice. Defeating nickserv would make impersonating other people too easy 946283;1417765471;badon;What do you mean by defeating nickserv? 946284;1417765489;midnightmagic;nickserv is broken anyway and doesn't have static identity 946285;1417765492;badon;What does impersonating people have to do with me? 946286;1417765494;BingoBoingo;Freenode gets hacked. Gribble's a second factor for identifying your self 946287;1417765501;BingoBoingo;badon: Well, voice 946288;1417765518;badon;BingoBoingo: Right, but why is that second factor critical just to merely speak? 946289;1417765528;badon;I'm very skeptical that's necessary. 946290;1417765529;BingoBoingo;Voice is based on identity and nickserv sucks at identity 946291;1417765546;badon;Oh, I see. 946292;1417765552;badon;Is trading a part of this channel? 946293;1417765557;BingoBoingo;I didn't make the system, I just join it 946294;1417765558;badon;I've never seen anything happen here... 946295;1417765565;BingoBoingo;Trading in this channel is infrequent 946296;1417765578;badon;Hmm, OK, then I'm still skeptical anything at all is being accomplished by preventing me from speaking. 946297;1417765581;BingoBoingo;At least in the way naively concieved 946298;1417765613;BingoBoingo;I don't really know how you are being prevented. You joined and a person voiced you, right? 946299;1417765629;badon;Right, but what is being accomplished by that extra step? 946300;1417765634;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46420 @ 0.00038405 = 17.8276 BTC [+] 946301;1417765635;badon;I can't think of anything. 946302;1417765645;badon;maybe there's something I'm simply not aware of. 946303;1417765653;badon;...like the purpose of this channel, haha 946304;1417765668;BingoBoingo;Purpose of the channel takes a few months. 946305;1417765676;badon;So I've been told :) 946306;1417765708;BingoBoingo;The voice thing though is that words have meaning, and the strength of that is predicated on the person doing the speaking. Hence strong identification as opposed to weak identification. 946307;1417765728;badon;That makes sense. 946308;1417765774;badon;I feel dirty every time I send a password to nickserv or chanserv on IRC, but in my case, I use SASL and the Tor hidden service, so it's not plaintext like it might be for ordinary IRC connections. 946309;1417765777;BingoBoingo;Also nickserv registered names expire rather quickly 946310;1417765810;BingoBoingo;Only a few weeks of inactivity before freenode drops tham 946311;1417765816;badon;Really?! 946312;1417765821;BingoBoingo;Yeah 946313;1417765832;badon;That 'tarded 946314;1417765836;BingoBoingo;!up Vexual 946315;1417765856;BingoBoingo;badon: Retarded is a large part of why, different system 946316;1417766134;Vexual;;;gettrust Vexual 946317;1417766135;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user Vexual to user Vexual: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=Vexual&dest=Vexual | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=Vexual | Rated since: never 946318;1417766144;Vexual;;;gettrust Vexual 946319;1417766145;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user muXne to user Vexual: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=muXne&dest=Vexual | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=Vexual | Rated since: never 946320;1417766149;Vexual;;;gettrust Vexual 946321;1417766149;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user muXne to user Vexual: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=muXne&dest=Vexual | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=Vexual | Rated since: never 946322;1417766159;Vexual;;;gettrust muxne 946323;1417766160;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask Vexual!~x@unaffiliated/vexual. CAUTION: irc nick differs from otc registered nick. Trust relationship from user muXne to user muxne: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=muXne&dest=muxne | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=muxne | Rated since: Sun Jun 22 00:11:14 2014 946324;1417766248;badon;My experience has been that these trust models are useless. They're better than complete anonymity, because they end up having some practical monetary value, but the abuse of the trust always eventually becomes more profitable than honoring the trust. Therefore, if I don't trust you, I don't care what your PGP key says. 946325;1417766289;badon;In fact, my business style is to be suspicious of anyone who insists on formal contracts. If they don't trust me, I don't want to do business with them, and vice versa. 946326;1417766305;badon;That style has made life easy. 946327;1417766340;badon;If someone betrays my trust, I can't punch them in the head with their PGP public key. 946328;1417766385;badon;^discuss 946329;1417766388;Vexual;;use Alcholol 946330;1417766417;Vexual;theres the web of trust 946331;1417766586;Vexual;and i f you were invested in yourself badon, i'd trust you to do business on the net 946332;1417766618;badon;Vexual: Yes, that's how most of the best business people choose who they do business with. 946333;1417766686;badon;A venture capitalist wants to see an entrepreneur's children's college funds on the line, along with contracts to send them off to work in the mines. Then the VC might take them seriously as somebody who's going to do their best to not lose the business. 946334;1417766730;badon;More seriously, VC's like to see a business leadership that is personally highly invested into the business with their own financial resources. 946335;1417766762;Vexual;id wanna see the vcs moneys too 946336;1417766767;mats_cd03;i'm struggling to take you seriously 946337;1417766899;badon;Vexual: Usually VC's are already well-known for having deep pockets. 946338;1417766928;badon;Otherwise, no one would approach them. VC's don't normally solicit businesses to invest in them. 946339;1417766936;Vexual;yeah googles known for deep pockets, do you intall any app with any priveledges? 946340;1417766956;badon;Vexual: I have no idea what you just said. 946341;1417766979;Vexual;me neither 946342;1417767037;Vexual;i kinda work free association 946343;1417767041;Vexual;see what pops out 946344;1417767063;assbot;Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/28SPCZQ.txt ) 946345;1417767063;BingoBoingo;!b 3 946346;1417767066;badon;That sounds like a chemistry experiment. 946347;1417767122;punkman;!up badon 946348;1417767145;badon;thanks punkman 946349;1417767149;punkman;people trade all kinds of things on #bitcoin-otc, so it'd be useful for you to get in that 946350;1417767154;punkman;but it's not a web of trades 946351;1417767161;punkman;so we use it for all kinds of things 946352;1417767167;badon;Oh? 946353;1417767176;BingoBoingo; If someone betrays my trust, I can't punch them in the head with their PGP public key. << You can effectively indict them with the text they've signed 946354;1417767219;BingoBoingo; My experience has been that these trust models are useless. They're better than complete anonymity, because they end up having some practical monetary value, but the abuse of the trust always eventually becomes more profitable than honoring the trust. Therefore, if I don't trust you, I don't care what your PGP key says. << Trust isn't a point system though, it is a name system. 946355;1417767234;punkman;also if by "formal contract" you mean that thing with 50 pages some lawyers drafted, yeah we don't usually like those either. 946356;1417767363;badon;I'm sure somebody has a mathematical model of different ways to quantify trust. 946357;1417767394;punkman;it's not about quantity at all 946358;1417767447;punkman;total rating is indeed useless as a number 946359;1417767473;BingoBoingo;A person's a shithead or they aren't. If they aren't a shithead there's going to be qualitative reasons why they aren't a shithead. 946360;1417767891;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21100 @ 0.00038405 = 8.1035 BTC [+] 946361;1417767964;BingoBoingo;!up Vexual 946362;1417768062;Vexual;you never know how you look through other peoples eyes 946363;1417768069;badon;BingoBoingo: No, that's not true. A person might be kind and trustworthy to everyone except Jews, or people who's names start with Q, or whatever. In other words, there is no predictive value in any of these trust models. In other words again, there is no formula. 946364;1417768078;Vexual;unless you're in the wot 946365;1417768105;BingoBoingo;badon: Right, that's why it's qualitative rather than quantitative 946366;1417768113;Vexual;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbYGRflMgKQ 946367;1417768127;badon;Some criminals specialize in building trust, and then violating it. That's why they're called "cons", with the word "con" being an abbreviation for "confidence". 946368;1417768147;badon;BingoBoingo: In other words, pointless to try to quantify, certainly not worth the bother of forcing it on people. 946369;1417768170;Vexual;you won't find many connable people here 946370;1417768178;BingoBoingo;Well, you have to know people you can ask about people 946371;1417768351;Vexual;badon: if you wanna quantify people you might as well bring a tank 946372;1417768417;badon;Vexual: You misunderstand, I'm saying I DON'T want to quantify people, because it's impossible. 946373;1417768427;badon;It's like asking what color fruit is. 946374;1417768437;Vexual;heres me thinking you're working for mastercard 946375;1417768444;badon;It's a question that is answerable on a case-by-case basis only. 946376;1417768461;BingoBoingo;Sure, that's why you want to identify people 946377;1417768472;Vexual;cool, i suppose we are in agreeance somewhere 946378;1417768474;badon;Vexual: You're not too far off the mark. I'm heavily involved in business. 946379;1417768503;badon;BingoBoingo: That helps, but I don't think it helps as much as everyone wishes it did. 946380;1417768523;BingoBoingo;No, it doesn't but what else is there? 946381;1417768545;badon;BingoBoingo: Cash on the table, everyone around it armed to the teeth. 946382;1417768565;BingoBoingo;Sure, but you still want to deal with a name and not an anon derp 946383;1417768572;badon;Either everyone dies in the next 2 minutes, or they all go home a little richer. 946384;1417768589;badon;BingoBoingo: I'll take the anon derp's cash. 946385;1417768656;BingoBoingo;I dunno I'd want to be around anon derp and armed anon friends, maybe they're dumb and think heist? 946386;1417768679;BingoBoingo;Chance of pulling of a heist might be worth it to anon derp 946387;1417768713;badon;Yeah, this gets into the realm of "how retarded is your neighbor?". 946388;1417768725;Vexual;one time things nearly always hurt everyone invol,ved 946389;1417768777;badon;If you live in Africa, for example, anon derps will risk their lives (and yours) just to get your shoes. In North Europe, an armored car with open doors might not be worth the bother when you can just show up to work every day and earn a good income. 946390;1417768780;Vexual;scam or robbery, it's not what you want 946391;1417768944;BingoBoingo;!up badon 946392;1417769142;BingoBoingo;!up Ralt 946393;1417769150;BingoBoingo;Hello Ralt 946394;1417769154;Ralt;hi 946395;1417769167;BingoBoingo;What brings you around these parts? 946396;1417769172;Ralt;just curious 946397;1417769176;BingoBoingo;Cool 946398;1417769185;Ralt;just lurking for now :) 946399;1417769291;BingoBoingo;Well if you want to lurk faster there's a link to logs in the topic so you can lurk the past too 946400;1417769294;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 89275 @ 0.00038656 = 34.5101 BTC [+] {2} 946401;1417769305;Ralt;BingoBoingo: what's this chan for exactly? 946402;1417769330;BingoBoingo;Good question. It's subtle. Takes time to realize that. 946403;1417769333;Ralt;I heard that there were lispers around, and that this'd be an interesting place. Is all 946404;1417769356;Ralt;so... I was just curious and went in. 946405;1417769363;Ralt;this is about all the information I have :) 946406;1417769600;BingoBoingo;Yeah plenty of lispers, think most of them are sleeping atm 946407;1417769725;Vexual;or making jetplanes with fucked up control systems 946408;1417769775;Vexual;4 joysticks and a bluntlighter 946409;1417770148;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4818 @ 0.00038269 = 1.8438 BTC [-] 946410;1417770313;mats_cd03;what a useless discussion of trust 946411;1417770328;BingoBoingo;Yeah 946412;1417770352;mats_cd03;i thought it'd get better, but it didn't, just one guy derping 946413;1417770359;BingoBoingo;Thought it was going to be a discussion of voice 946414;1417770392;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ROCK] 42800 @ 0.000116 = 4.9648 BTC [-] 946415;1417770819;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 63326 @ 0.00036918 = 23.3787 BTC [-] 946416;1417771978;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20250 @ 0.000375 = 7.5938 BTC [+] 946417;1417773076;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21135 @ 0.00038143 = 8.0615 BTC [+] {2} 946418;1417774573;assbot;Vexual +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0 946419;1417777346;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 62200 @ 0.00038615 = 24.0185 BTC [+] 946420;1417777552;cazalla;!up Vexual 946421;1417777715;Vexual;hey 946422;1417777903;Vexual;i bet vuples could fly that thing, 4 joysticks and a debug panel 946423;1417777996;Vexual;meanwhile aour two favourite female rappers named for rhododhendrons are in a twitter feud 946424;1417778261;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50679 @ 0.00038817 = 19.6721 BTC [+] {2} 946425;1417778268;Vexual;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDBbEG-0pfQ 946426;1417778810;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 61300 @ 0.00038986 = 23.8984 BTC [+] {2} 946427;1417779044;Vexual;;;google chappie release date 946428;1417779045;gribble;Chappie (2015) - IMDb: ; Chappie (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; CHAPPIE - Official Movie Trailer - In Theaters 3/6/15 - YouTube: 946429;1417780457;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38886 @ 0.00039053 = 15.1861 BTC [+] 946430;1417781976;mircea_popescu;badon: But I don't trade bitcoin, I have no need of gribble. << lmao 946431;1417781983;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28700 @ 0.00039043 = 11.2053 BTC [-] 946432;1417781999;mircea_popescu;"hey, I want to do x" "so get in wot" "but i have no need of it". well... 946433;1417782090;mircea_popescu;badon: My experience has been that these trust models are useless. <<< you are wrong. period and full stop. swallow this and change or get lost. also full stop. 946434;1417782227;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37918 @ 0.0003843 = 14.5719 BTC [-] 946435;1417782283;mircea_popescu;mats_cd03: what a useless discussion of trust <<< that's what fucking happens with noobs ALL THE DAMNED TIME. But they know better! But why won't people who do thinks professionally consider their input! But amateurism is a do-ocracy! But reasons! But considerations! But he's not read five years of tardstalk so five years of tardstalk has never happened. Let's do it again! 946436;1417782287;mircea_popescu;etc etc etfuckingc. 946437;1417782303;mircea_popescu;at least they used to rob hayseeds in grand central. 946438;1417782355;mircea_popescu;anyway, anyone got a localbitcoins account that they're using ? is that thing any cereal ? 946439;1417783093;cazalla;used it once for a buy, went ok, seems to be plenty of scammers too 946440;1417783188;mircea_popescu;aha 946441;1417784353;mircea_popescu;http://diariocorreo.pe/politica/jorge-lanata-denuncia-que-consul-peruano-en-242971/ lol 946442;1417784355;assbot;Jorge Lanata denuncia que cónsul peruano en Argentina cambia dólares en mercado negro | Diario Correo ... ( http://bit.ly/1vvxt6k ) 946443;1417784723;nubbins`;i feel like 946444;1417784734;nubbins`;localbitcoins is ripe for scammers 946445;1417784760;nubbins`;something about they lock up funds in a peculiar way, with onus on btc seller to prove tx went thru? 946446;1417785186;mircea_popescu;i have no idea. 946447;1417785200;mircea_popescu;but ba bitcoin market is in complete shambles and im getting sick of it. 946448;1417785278;mircea_popescu;absolute fucking astroturfing. idiot faux-bitcoin-foundation types push this sort of arrangement where i dunno, they buy an empanada to random people to say they're "accepting bitcoin" then populate all sorts of crudiferous web2.0 apps, maps and random websites. 946449;1417785316;mircea_popescu;if you look at it isuperficially it appears there's "hundreds" of places in a 12 million inhabitant town, which is somehow notable (srsly ?). if you actually investigate it, you soon discover they're all fictitious. 946450;1417785343;mircea_popescu;sure, some guy kinda remembers someone buying him a beer to say something or the other with coinsomething in it. last year. 946451;1417785399;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 66400 @ 0.00039229 = 26.0481 BTC [+] {4} 946452;1417785439;punkman;but coindesk said there are 8k convenience stores selling bitcoin !? http://www.coindesk.com/bitpagos-brings-bitcoin-8000-convenience-stores-ripio/ 946453;1417785441;assbot;8,000 Convenience Stores in Argentina Now Sell Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1vvAiEo ) 946454;1417785468;nubbins`;lel 946455;1417785480;punkman;ripoffio 946456;1417785483;nubbins`;"your email address is invalid" "which one did i use?" "nubs@nubs.nubs" 946457;1417785488;nubbins`;"o" 946458;1417785663;mircea_popescu;total bs. 946459;1417785738;mircea_popescu;for the record, bitpagos is some delaware start-up, looking to be bought out. it's playing the numbers game. the numbers are based on what numbers usually are based on, in fraudlandia i mean the internet. 946460;1417785752;mircea_popescu;like whatsapp had 85 billion users, same deal. 946461;1417785766;nubbins`;i do keep hearing buzz about bitcoin in .ar but figured it was just like everywhere else 946462;1417785777;nubbins`;i.e. a couple neckbeards & wizards puffing themselves up 946463;1417785782;mircea_popescu;quite exactly that. 946464;1417785806;cazalla;don't they have a bitcoin embassy in ar? 946465;1417785810;nubbins`;as if argentinians are looking for ANOTHER currency to gamble with 946466;1417785813;nubbins`;as if two wasn't enough 946467;1417785822;nubbins`;cazalla you forgot the "" 946468;1417785826;mircea_popescu;buncha 20something year olds, "designers" and "web experts" and whatnot, with their bike and their 0.18 btc in some sort of wallet that cost them .28 946469;1417785840;mircea_popescu;nubbins` ironically, it actually would be looking 946470;1417785855;mircea_popescu;except they're about as intellectually indolent as the mexican stereotype goes. 946471;1417785910;nubbins`;;;google indolence breeds 946472;1417785911;gribble;indolent ulcer - definition of indolent ulcer by Medical dictionary: ; Full text of "The Indolence of the Filipino" - Internet Archive: ; Corneal ulcers in animals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: 946473;1417785923;nubbins`;meh. my first result was "easy money breeds indolence" 946474;1417786027;nubbins`;o and the first edition of the bird book is now sold out 946475;1417786083;nubbins`;also got in touch w/ the manufacturer of the paper we've been using, they said they have one roll left that they'd be willing to cut into sheets for us... but it's 1000 sheets at $3.05ea 946476;1417786091;nubbins`;which, i have to say, is a fucking bogus price 946477;1417786253;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 71900 @ 0.00040001 = 28.7607 BTC [+] {4} 946478;1417786284;mircea_popescu;uh 946479;1417786301;mircea_popescu;these are broadsheets no ? 946480;1417786482;nubbins`;22x30" 946481;1417786528;nubbins`;that's pretty close to broadsheet, yes 946482;1417786531;mircea_popescu;30 grams of paper at 3 bux, what could go wrong. 946483;1417786655;nubbins`;106 grams, even! 946484;1417786678;mircea_popescu;uh. a broadsheet is like .4 sqm. what's this, 250 gram paper ? 946485;1417786695;nubbins`;precisely so 946486;1417786707;nubbins`;this is the cover stock 946487;1417786720;nubbins`;250gsm black cotton, acid-free, archival quality 946488;1417786725;mircea_popescu;ah 946489;1417786730;nubbins`;two deckled edges, one smooth side, one lightly toothed :D 946490;1417786734;mircea_popescu;well then stop bitching. 946491;1417786789;nubbins`;$3.05 is costly! 946492;1417786791;mircea_popescu;PAPER DOESNT GROW ON TREES YOU KNOW! 946493;1417786795;nubbins`;heh 946494;1417786802;nubbins`;this paper grows on plants 8) 946495;1417786812;nubbins`;i was expecting $2-$2.25 per sheet 946496;1417786824;fluffypony;PLANT MURDERER 946497;1417786836;nubbins`;actually the cotton plant does not die when you pick the cotton 946498;1417786842;nubbins`;(TYL) 946499;1417786848;fluffypony;I'm going to become carnivorous to stop abuse of plants 946500;1417786857;fluffypony;and throw jars of green paint at printers 946501;1417786860;nubbins`;anyway, i'll probably just switch over to Stonehenge paper after this shit runs out. 946502;1417786864;mircea_popescu;direct ab use, anyway 946503;1417786883;nubbins`;the pages are slightly less thick, 175gsm dead-tree 946504;1417786908;nubbins`;FSC certified, fwiw ;/ 946505;1417787351;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 65600 @ 0.00040753 = 26.734 BTC [+] {3} 946506;1417787634;mircea_popescu;o look at that ? 946507;1417787717;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34187 @ 0.00040897 = 13.9815 BTC [+] {2} 946508;1417788394;mats_cd03;it breathes 946509;1417788808;kakobrekla;http://hiddenlolcdn.com/i700/20829.jpg 946510;1417788809;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1zuhoNE ) 946511;1417790976;mats_cd03;http://www.vanityfair.com/business/2015/01/china-worlds-largest-economy 946512;1417790977;assbot;China Has Overtaken the U.S. as the World’s Largest Economy | Vanity Fair ... ( http://bit.ly/1ymtOVC ) 946513;1417791438;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38708 @ 0.00040481 = 15.6694 BTC [-] {2} 946514;1417791447;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla lol 946515;1417791978;mircea_popescu;mats_cd03 wasn't that sometime in 2011 ? 946516;1417791981;mircea_popescu;im pretty sure. 946517;1417792018;mats_cd03;they're finally admitting it to themselves 946518;1417792054;mats_cd03;article's written by stiglitz 946519;1417793207;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39252 @ 0.00041164 = 16.1577 BTC [+] 946520;1417793299;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/mpif-fmpif-november-2014-statement/ 946521;1417793300;assbot;MPIF (F.MPIF) November 2014 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/15SG4q9 ) 946522;1417793939;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21690 @ 0.00041793 = 9.0649 BTC [+] 946523;1417794652;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes thestringpuller you know that qntrra piece came out really good. 946524;1417794780;mircea_popescu;!up jwSchool 946525;1417795668;danielpbarron;i've done quite a few face-to-face trades via localbitcoins; never used their escrow. just used it to post my phone number 946526;1417795891;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 38080 @ 0.00004848 = 1.8461 BTC [+] {9} 946527;1417796562;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45210 @ 0.00041844 = 18.9177 BTC [+] {2} 946528;1417796623;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 78661 @ 0.00042489 = 33.4223 BTC [+] {3} 946529;1417796684;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5929 @ 0.00043608 = 2.5855 BTC [+] 946530;1417797416;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 55800 @ 0.00043713 = 24.3919 BTC [+] {3} 946531;1417798759;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1300 @ 0.00124871 = 1.6233 BTC [+] {5} 946532;1417799551;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7986 @ 0.00042456 = 3.3905 BTC [-] 946533;1417800527;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27214 @ 0.00042456 = 11.554 BTC [-] 946534;1417800771;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6846 @ 0.00042016 = 2.8764 BTC [-] 946535;1417801930;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36800 @ 0.00040739 = 14.992 BTC [-] {2} 946536;1417802784;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 86600 @ 0.00040127 = 34.75 BTC [-] {2} 946537;1417803194;ben_vulpes; More seriously, VC's like to see a business leadership that is personally highly invested into the business with their own financial resources. << lol return of spamgun? 946538;1417803373;mats_cd03;just a guy with an inflated sense of self. 946539;1417803386;mats_cd03;who still worships at the altar of VC cock, apparently 946540;1417803399;ben_vulpes;indistinguishable from similar derps. 946541;1417803407;ben_vulpes;how are you, mats_cd03 ? 946542;1417803471;mats_cd03;kinda bored, i've been holding down an IT job since june 946543;1417803477;ben_vulpes; but ba bitcoin market is in complete shambles and im getting sick of it. << "retail" integrations aside, i found the actual buy/sell market totally functional. 946544;1417803564;mats_cd03;doing different things like studying the windows kernel, trying to learn malware analysis fundamentals and some of the tooling, docker deployment for dev and prod for a friend's website, and working on the courts circus project 946545;1417803585;ben_vulpes;sounds busy 946546;1417803590;mats_cd03;wishing i'd be free of the 9-5 drudgery 946547;1417803618;undata;arbeit macht frei! 946548;1417803628;undata;or uh, too busy to notice otherwise 946549;1417803703;undata;also good morning to you both, or whatever time of day it may be 946550;1417803721;mats_cd03;indeed 946551;1417803729;mats_cd03;whats new ben_vulpes 946552;1417803735;ben_vulpes;dockerizing jenkins 946553;1417803751;ben_vulpes;derpy client keeps breaking the build 946554;1417803769;ben_vulpes;gotta send everyone polite notifications of who's responsible each and every time now to make a point. 946555;1417803830;mats_cd03;of course 946556;1417803943;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1052 @ 0.00124991 = 1.3149 BTC [+] {3} 946557;1417803960;ben_vulpes;dockerizing so that deploying CI in the future is a matter of running the provisioner and waiting a minute. 946558;1417804004;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1662 @ 0.00124995 = 2.0774 BTC [+] {2} 946559;1417804065;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1038 @ 0.00124999 = 1.2975 BTC [+] {4} 946560;1417804431;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20186 @ 0.00042016 = 8.4813 BTC [+] 946561;1417804919;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 74500 @ 0.00042877 = 31.9434 BTC [+] {2} 946562;1417806480;mircea_popescu;<ben_vulpes> "retail" integrations aside, i found the actual buy/sell market totally functional. << cristina's been cracking down. 946563;1417806660;mircea_popescu;!up Simonz 946564;1417806671;Simonz;ok 946565;1417806680;ben_vulpes;i'm intrigued to see if any of my contacts pick up when i come back. 946566;1417807657;mircea_popescu;!up op_testr 946567;1417807740;mircea_popescu;!uop katu 946568;1417808213;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43050 @ 0.00041341 = 17.7973 BTC [-] {2} 946569;1417808507;cazalla;it's a week since bitcoin black friday and still, no stats from bitpay, it must've been a total flop 946570;1417808554;punkman;yeah who wants to buy things at ,,ticker 946571;1417808567;punkman;;;ticker 946572;1417808568;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 373.92, Best ask: 373.95, Bid-ask spread: 0.03000, Last trade: 373.92, 24 hour volume: 7766.05646487, 24 hour low: 363.99, 24 hour high: 374.2, 24 hour vwap: 370.711003633 946573;1417809186;cazalla;that habbo hotel bitcoin conference is on lol 946574;1417809372;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 63670 @ 0.00041726 = 26.5669 BTC [+] {2} 946575;1417809514;mircea_popescu;http://www.global-bitcoin-alliance.org/local-Organizations << submitted to reddit by reddit mod piachu 946576;1417809517;assbot;GBA | Home Page ... ( http://bit.ly/1CNOLR6 ) 946577;1417809529;mircea_popescu;(if you don't recall her, the girl with the wooden block up her cunt from just-dice) 946578;1417809839;BingoBoingo;I thought she spelled her nick pikachu as in the pokemon 946579;1417809872;mircea_popescu;yeah well. 946580;1417809928;cazalla;pika pika 946581;1417810236;jurov;http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2odray/distributed_markets_for_drone_operators/ << i don't see how this ever can go wrong 946582;1417810237;assbot;Distributed markets for drone operators : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1CNR6LX ) 946583;1417810257;jurov;Drones and semi-autonomous household robots could be made to be controllable from a tablet or smartphone. Distributed markets for drone operators, some of them living in mud huts with nothing more than solar power and mesh-networks, could be very competitive! 946584;1417810336;jurov;mircea's drone vibrators...but the mud hut concept is novel 946585;1417810395;BingoBoingo;http://www.rollingstone.com/culture/news/a-note-to-our-readers-20141205 946586;1417810396;assbot;A Note to Our Readers | Rolling Stone ... ( http://bit.ly/1CNRtGf ) 946587;1417811507;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 54600 @ 0.00041015 = 22.3942 BTC [-] {2} 946588;1417811924;BingoBoingo;!up noictib 946589;1417812178;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 56500 @ 0.00042494 = 24.0091 BTC [+] 946590;1417813161;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/fderp-november-2014-statement/ 946591;1417813162;assbot;F.DERP November 2014 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1zw7zP3 ) 946592;1417813473;mircea_popescu;soooo node.js finally dead ? 946593;1417813826;mats_cd03;wishful thinking 946594;1417813834;undata;mircea_popescu: someone needs to tell the js horde 946595;1417813928;mircea_popescu;no dude totally, it's gonna be forked like 6 more times over 2015 and by 2016 it'll be like css. 946596;1417813953;undata;that wouldn't surprise me 946597;1417813961;undata;mircea_popescu: did you see that some derps are forking openbsd? 946598;1417813971;undata;apparently it's not future enough so they're going to add more future 946599;1417814046;undata;https://github.com/bitrig/bitrig/wiki/Faq "fun to work on" 946600;1417814047;assbot;Faq · bitrig/bitrig Wiki · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1zwaC9V ) 946601;1417814056;mircea_popescu;my theory here being that substantial projects benefit from spurious forking, because it soaks up the idiots and sends them away. whereas spurious projects suffer from forking, because well, there's no way to distinguish the shards. 946602;1417814071;mircea_popescu;sort-of like how the same problems that sink centrally planned economies make market economies thrive 946603;1417814077;mircea_popescu;(the problem of choice, for instance) 946604;1417814079;undata;right, I'd assumed that anyone working on bitrig was rejected from openbsd proper 946605;1417814133;mircea_popescu;(and of course my way to distinguiosh the shards - "who's in charge ?" - is exactly acid to the eyes of the spuriomancers) 946606;1417814174;mats_cd03;if you're interested in using fiverr again, mircea_popescu, https://www.fiverr.com/mihaela_predan looks like a solid candidate for ro translations 946607;1417814175;assbot;mihaela_predan | fiverr ... ( http://bit.ly/1zwaWWk ) 946608;1417814187;mircea_popescu;i fucking hate fiverrr 946609;1417814252;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 80606 @ 0.00039827 = 32.103 BTC [-] {3} 946610;1417814260;mircea_popescu;is there a word for the activity of "going through your private stash of girlfriend pr0n" ? 946611;1417814618;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34272 @ 0.00038449 = 13.1772 BTC [-] {4} 946612;1417814679;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 99135 @ 0.00039693 = 39.3497 BTC [+] {3} 946613;1417814780;cazalla;http://qntra.net/2014/12/californias-dbo-we-have-authority-to-regulate-bitcoin/ 946614;1417814781;assbot;California's DBO: We Have Authority To Regulate Bitcoin | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1zwcX4G ) 946615;1417814802;mircea_popescu;mats_cd03 of course, seeing how the prize is ~10x a fiverr, that article is highly arbitrageable i guess. 946616;1417814807;mircea_popescu;bwahahah 946617;1417814912;mats_cd03;ya. i'm going out tonight, so if someone wants to, you've got about a day to beat me to it 946618;1417814946;mats_cd03;found you a translator and everything! 946619;1417815031;mircea_popescu;cazalla http://qntra.net/2014/12/californias-dbo-we-have-authority-to-regulate-bitcoin/#comment-2952 :p 946620;1417815031;assbot;California's DBO: We Have Authority To Regulate Bitcoin | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1zwdPGx ) 946621;1417815351;BingoBoingo;Oh hey, let's expand asset forfiture http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/jurisprudence/2014/12/fraternity_sexual_assault_and_criminal_activities_states_should_use_gang.html 946622;1417815352;assbot;Fraternity sexual assault and criminal activities: States should use gang laws to seize their assets. ... ( http://bit.ly/1zweOGL ) 946623;1417815396;BingoBoingo;"Any responsible citizen can file suit" << Why write a derp piece then and not a suit? 946624;1417815519;mats_cd03;because poor 946625;1417815691;mats_cd03;can't afford to pay to be laughed at by a judge 946626;1417815696;cazalla;mircea_popescu, but they came to a consensus so who are we to disagree? 946627;1417815735;cazalla;btw i logged into the habbo hotel confrence, all the sponsored booths are pretty much bots, hardly any guests either for me to troll :\ 946628;1417815766;mircea_popescu;aww! 946629;1417815837;mircea_popescu;wasn't there some massive thing with that game 946630;1417815846;mircea_popescu;where people kept trolling the players what was it 946631;1417815849;mircea_popescu;door blocking ? 946632;1417816022;mats_cd03;https://encyclopediadramatica.se/Habbo_/B/lockade 946633;1417816024;assbot;Habbo /B/lockade - Encyclopedia Dramatica ... ( http://bit.ly/1zwh4Od ) 946634;1417816078;mats_cd03;ben_vulpes: have you tried out Fig for docker deployments? its nice. 946635;1417816161;asciilifeform;http://museum.ttrk.ee/sannata/DG_magazine/DowngradeN12a.pdf << 'Downgrade' magazine. 946636;1417816164;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1zwhzrv ) 946637;1417816164;asciilifeform;(ru) 946638;1417816188;asciilifeform;who doesn't speak the language - can enjoy the photos. 946639;1417816204;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 62145 @ 0.00041037 = 25.5024 BTC [+] {2} 946640;1417816345;undata;mircea_popescu: "pool's closed due to aids" 946641;1417816448;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21550 @ 0.00040582 = 8.7454 BTC [-] 946642;1417816459;mircea_popescu;hpw 946643;1417816470;mircea_popescu;how's that flaming idiocy in slate under "jurisprudence" ? 946644;1417816478;mircea_popescu;this is like filing swimsuits under fur coats. 946645;1417816520;mircea_popescu;Delta Kappa Epsilons Yale chapter is in its fourth year of a five-year suspension that followed an episode in which pledges paraded through a residential quad chanting, No means yes; yes means anal. 946646;1417816524;mircea_popescu;this is "gangs" nao. 946647;1417816775;cazalla;mircea_popescu, yeah, see mats_cd03 link 946648;1417816815;cazalla;some grandma also thought the meme was targetting her grandchildren https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAo7kRDrUmU 946649;1417816816;assbot;Woman Mis-Interprets Internet Meme as Racist - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1zwjH2s ) 946650;1417816891;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Apparently but this isn't http://stlouis.cbslocal.com/2014/12/05/st-louis-police-investigating-possible-hate-crime-in-bevo-neighborhood/ 946651;1417816892;assbot;UPDATED: Police Investigate Possible Hate Crime in Bevo Neighborhood « CBS St. Louis ... ( http://bit.ly/1zwjU63 ) 946652;1417817238;BingoBoingo;http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/feds-pair-stole-guns-discussed-selling-them-to-ferguson-protesters/article_a0934d77-182d-5f89-9057-ad82a03be51c.html << White teenagers 946653;1417817240;assbot;Feds: Pair stole 39 guns, discussed selling them to Ferguson protesters : News ... ( http://bit.ly/1zwkXTt ) 946654;1417817569;cazalla;BingoBoingo, "When the woman tried to drive around them, the suspects reportedly pulled out a firearm, so she stopped the car." the fuck? run em down! 946655;1417817588;BingoBoingo;That's probably what will happen next time. 946656;1417817698;cazalla;there is a video of that happening late last month https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiziJBg4Odc would score no points in carmageddon though, held back too much 946657;1417817699;assbot;Driver Plows into Ferguson Protest Crowd in Minneapolis (VIDEO) - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1zwmokD ) 946658;1417819083;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2014/12/sergio-demian-lerner-hired-by-vessenes-foundation/ 946659;1417819083;assbot;Sergio Demian Lerner Hired By Vessenes' Foundation | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1vxlGEF ) 946660;1417819214;mats_cd03;lol some kids are demonstrating nearby 946661;1417819296;undata;BingoBoingo: White teenagers << southern classlessness is colorblind 946662;1417819447;mats_cd03;i can hear them from here and they're at least a mile away 946663;1417819454;mats_cd03;http://www.bostonmagazine.com/news/blog/2014/12/05/tufts-students-protest-davis-square/ 946664;1417819456;assbot;Tufts Students Organizing Protest In Response to Eric Garner Decision ... ( http://bit.ly/1vxmjOw ) 946665;1417819491;mats_cd03;i bet 1btc they give up before 7PM so they can pregame for a party tonight 946666;1417820291;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14650 @ 0.00042025 = 6.1567 BTC [+] 946667;1417820599;jurov;mats_cd03: against whom? 946668;1417820609;jurov;the bet 946669;1417820645;mats_cd03;im kidding 946670;1417820730;kakobrekla;no kids or kidding here. 946671;1417821450;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 70700 @ 0.00041886 = 29.6134 BTC [-] 946672;1417821816;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38400 @ 0.00041557 = 15.9579 BTC [-] {2} 946673;1417822121;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9650 @ 0.00042025 = 4.0554 BTC [+] 946674;1417822731;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41450 @ 0.00042848 = 17.7605 BTC [+] {2} 946675;1417825110;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28410 @ 0.00042944 = 12.2004 BTC [+] {2} 946676;1417826000;asciilifeform;http://aklepov.com/index.php?page=elektronika-mk-85c-en (spammer's mirror, original long dead, archive dot org lacks photos) 946677;1417826001;assbot;Elektronika MK-85C | Клепов Анатолий Викторович ... ( http://bit.ly/1ynJjwD ) 946678;1417826031;asciilifeform;astoundingly shoddy en transl. 946679;1417826661;asciilifeform;http://www.foia.cia.gov/sites/default/files/document_conversions/89801/DOC_0000500644.pdf << usg gloats (internally) at great length and detail re: soviet computer industry. circa 1989. 946680;1417826664;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1ynKLz5 ) 946681;1417826992;asciilifeform;http://oboguev.net/misc/vms-great-hole.html 946682;1417826995;assbot;VAX/VMS Great Security Hole ... ( http://bit.ly/1ynLpfW ) 946683;1417827022;asciilifeform;'The hole let unprivileged user-mode program to switch into kernel mode. But more spectacularly, the hole was tightly coupled into unique architectural design of VMS, and in its sly and teasing way...' 946684;1417827038;asciilifeform;(in modern parlance - a 'local root') 946685;1417828391;ben_vulpes;mats_cd03: not enough yaml 946686;1417828953;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21100 @ 0.00042443 = 8.9555 BTC [-] {2} 946687;1417830356;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25650 @ 0.00042808 = 10.9803 BTC [+] 946688;1417831637;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20960 @ 0.00042954 = 9.0032 BTC [+] {2} 946689;1417831897;decimation;asciilifeform: have you come across this turd: http://www.wired.com/2014/11/darkhotel-malware/ 946690;1417831899;assbot;DarkHotel: A Sophisticated New Hacking Attack Targets High-Profile Hotel Guests | WIRED ... ( http://bit.ly/1u1NnjD ) 946691;1417832369;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41840 @ 0.00043457 = 18.1824 BTC [+] 946692;1417832709;mircea_popescu; i can hear them from here and they're at least a mile away << so they're demonstrating good lungs eh. 946693;1417832715;mircea_popescu;cazalla who's this sergio fellow again ? 946694;1417833016;mats_cd03;ben_vulpes: what do you need that for? 946695;1417833021;asciilifeform;hotels, evil access point, winblows trojans << snore 946696;1417833036;*;asciilifeform back to bed if that's all there is 946697;1417833163;asciilifeform;'The key logger the attackers used also has Korean characters inside and appears to have ties to a coder in South Korea.' << lol, let's believe every byte of ascii text in the turd, aha 946698;1417833192;cazalla;mircea_popescu, i dunno, he's in BA, perhaps you can do an interview with the foundation's latest hire 946699;1417833207;asciilifeform;'You have to be very skilled in kernel-level development and this is already quite a rare skillset, says Vitaly Kamluk, principal security researcher at Kaspersky Lab.' << idiots 946700;1417833224;asciilifeform;'Theres no logical reason to use a kernel-level keylogger says Raiu since its so easy to write key loggers that hook the Windows API using about four lines of code. But these guys prefer to do a kernel-level keylogger, which is about 300 kilobytes in sizethe driver for the key loggerwhich is pretty crazy and very unusual.' << imbeciles 946701;1417833228;asciilifeform;SOP. 946702;1417833312;asciilifeform;'When victims attempt to connect to the WiFi network, they get a pop-up alert telling them their Adobe Flash player needs an update and offering them a file, digitally signed to make it look authentic, to download. If the victims accept they download, they get a Trojan delivered instead.' << run more winblows, 'high-profile executives,..., government agencies and NGOs and U.S. executives.' 946703;1417833317;asciilifeform;biodiesel. 946704;1417833383;undata;Here, inject this syringe. 946705;1417833389;asciilifeform;aha. 946706;1417833392;asciilifeform;'certified!' 946707;1417833400;undata;the guy looked like a doctor to me! 946708;1417833463;asciilifeform;'NSA-Level Infection Mechanism,' 'rare skillset,' my arse. 946709;1417833470;undata;!up warptangent 946710;1417833510;decimation;asciilifeform: it seems to me that the advantages of a real-mode keylog are obvious 946711;1417833518;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform well, there's also 30something kinda fat prostitutes. 946712;1417833541;asciilifeform;how are these used ? 946713;1417833574;decimation;asciilifeform: but apparently they broke a 512-bit rsa cert! 946714;1417833576;asciilifeform;(the prostitutes, that is. 'real mode' per traditional terminology is what msdos runs in, not sure how this applies here) 946715;1417833579;mircea_popescu;whatever way you feel like i guess. 946716;1417833586;asciilifeform;512 bit << i can do that here, lol 946717;1417833591;decimation;heh I know 946718;1417833593;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform a no, this was re your "going to bed" line 946719;1417833599;asciilifeform;ahaha 946720;1417833602;decimation;leet h4x0rs everywhere 946721;1417833653;asciilifeform;'yesterday's nobel is tomorrow's homework' was yesterday's proverb. today's is 'yesterday's homework is today's l33t 0day' 946722;1417833669;decimation;heh 946723;1417833735;mircea_popescu;cazalla intel sez he's the guy with the 2013 reports about "discoveries". https://bitslog.wordpress.com/2013/04/17/the-well-deserved-fortune-of-satoshi-nakamoto/ 946724;1417833736;assbot;The Well Deserved Fortune of Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin creator, Visionary and Genius | Bitslog ... ( http://bit.ly/1s3CcHf ) 946725;1417833747;asciilifeform;lol that one ! 946726;1417833778;mircea_popescu;!up jborkl 946727;1417833803;jborkl;Thank you mircea 946728;1417833840;jborkl;Wow, the MasterCard video was a disaster 946729;1417833859;mircea_popescu;anyway, since we're doing that sorta thing, i guess i never linked http://trilema.com/2014/bitcoin-in-argentina-exactly-nothing-to-do-with-the-derps/ 946730;1417833860;assbot;Bitcoin in Argentina : exactly nothing to do with the derps pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1rXLR7Q ) 946731;1417833888;undata;"One of the consequences of these graph is that if the real name of the sender of a single transaction belonging to the entity is identified, then Satoshi mystery identity will be revealed. I bet that this will happen in the days following this post." < hilarious 946732;1417833904;undata;now that I've made these graphs, clearly the hard work is done 946733;1417833977;mircea_popescu;kinda typical derpage. but anyway, fake foundation gotta work itself aground somehow. 946734;1417834090;asciilifeform;work itself aground somehow << thus far there is an inexhaustible supply of... whatever it is 946735;1417834113;mircea_popescu;snot ? 946736;1417834118;asciilifeform;snot also. 946737;1417834122;assbot;Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/1YXMQBR.txt ) 946738;1417834122;mircea_popescu;!b 3 946739;1417834174;jborkl;Nice article mp 946740;1417834218;decimation;lol of the day https://www.joyent.com/blog/the-power-of-a-pronoun << One of the node.js core contributors, Ben Noordhuis, rejected a pull request that eliminated the use of a gendered pronoun in libuv. 946741;1417834219;assbot;The Power of a Pronoun - Blog - Joyent ... ( http://bit.ly/1s3DAK7 ) 946742;1417834232;mircea_popescu;win. 946743;1417834234;decimation;http://blog.nodejs.org/2013/12/03/bnoordhuis-departure/ << "As of this past weekend, Ben Noordhuis has decided to step away from Node.js and libuv, and is no longer acting as a core committer." 946744;1417834237;assbot;Ben Noordhuis's Departure ... ( http://bit.ly/1s3DHVX ) 946745;1417834243;mircea_popescu;lose. 946746;1417834254;decimation;apparently they kicked the guy off the project because of his refusal to commit a pronoun patch 946747;1417834267;mircea_popescu;decimation you understand what's at stake there right ? 946748;1417834277;decimation;now this guy forked node.js 946749;1417834284;mircea_popescu;guys like hearn, gmaxwell etc , as well as guys like poettering etc, as well as guys like that derpy chick whatever her name is 946750;1417834291;mircea_popescu;are "core contributors" because people count patches 946751;1417834295;mircea_popescu;but nobody looks at WHAT THEY WERE. 946752;1417834300;mircea_popescu;astroturfing to the max. 946753;1417834314;mircea_popescu;so the guy prevented a politruk from getting his "contributions" count up. 946754;1417834337;jborkl;Well one of the core contributors for bitcoin flipped hamburgers not too long ago 946755;1417834339;decimation;right, but the guy wasn't an employee of joyent 946756;1417834340;mircea_popescu;which is a major problem, because the us nomenklatura is fighting real hard to get "scientific" credetnials. 946757;1417834362;asciilifeform;nobody looks at WHAT THEY WERE << nobody but a hatecriminal aha. 946758;1417834363;decimation;anyway, it's kinda like the retard version of the openbsd fork 946759;1417834369;mircea_popescu;AS IF the von flondor process won't see through that 946760;1417834392;mircea_popescu;(more likely, so when they get hanged by their own guts, the remainder, ever less numerous crowd of them can falsely claim that we're attaching "science" 946761;1417834398;mircea_popescu;instead of what it is - scum.) 946762;1417834443;jborkl;Mp, did you ever join the bitcoin foundation? 946763;1417834444;asciilifeform;intelligent, conscious tumours, ever in search of ways to embed deeper into healthy tissue (what little remains) 946764;1417834451;decimation;during the french revolution, plenty of scum pseudo-scientists ganged together to hang actual people 946765;1417834463;mircea_popescu;no. 946766;1417834470;jborkl;Lol, joke 946767;1417834496;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform they're just minimaxing. 946768;1417834504;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 59861 @ 0.00043812 = 26.2263 BTC [+] {2} 946769;1417834565;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14900 @ 0.00044214 = 6.5879 BTC [+] 946770;1417834580;decimation;"Joyent raised venture capital for the first time in November 2009[42] from Intel and Dell.[43] Joyent's early institutional investors include El Dorado Ventures, Epic Ventures, Peter Thiel (Seed Round),[44] Intel Capital (Series A, B Rounds),[45] Greycroft Partners (Series A, B Rounds),[46] Liberty Global (Series B Round). In January, 2012, Joyent secured a new round of funding totalling $85 million from Weather Investment II, 946771;1417834581;decimation;Accelero Capital, and Telefónica Digital.[47] In October 2014, Joyent raised an additional $15 million in Series D funding from existing investors. [48]" 946772;1417834592;decimation;for the record 946773;1417834796;asciilifeform;'...empathy is a core engineering valueand that an engineer that has so little empathy as to not understand why the use of gendered pronouns is a concern almost certainly makes poor technical decisions as well.' << aryan physics is best physics! 946774;1417834843;decimation;asciilifeform: whoever the 'jews' are today, they better consider their parachutes now 946775;1417834946;mircea_popescu;dude empathy is exactly anti-engineering. it is emphatically NOT an engineering value 946776;1417834952;mircea_popescu;who the shit writes this idiocy. i want a name. 946777;1417834977;decimation;joyent's pr 946778;1417834988;cazalla;mircea_popescu, imagine if someone really was sent to do an interview lol 946779;1417834989;mircea_popescu;im gonna get the fucking records 946780;1417834993;mircea_popescu;that chick's fried. 946781;1417835005;mircea_popescu;cazalla meh, allow me to quote. 946782;1417835005;decimation;"Bryan Cantrill" 946783;1417835027;mircea_popescu;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2Az-CFtXtA 946784;1417835028;assbot;Don't Take Your Guns to Town - Johnny Cash & Willie Nelson - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1s3FV7Q ) 946785;1417835033;mircea_popescu;he's some kid. nothing to nobody. 946786;1417835045;decimation;https://www.joyent.com/company/management 946787;1417835048;assbot;Management Team - Company - Joyent ... ( http://bit.ly/1s3G3Ea ) 946788;1417835067;mircea_popescu;decimation nah, hewas like the cto 946789;1417835122;decimation;well, he put his name on top. master an man, etc 946790;1417835166;mircea_popescu;this is true. 946791;1417835177;mircea_popescu;;;rate bryan cantrill to hang. 946792;1417835178;gribble;Error: 'cantrill' is not a valid integer. 946793;1417835183;mircea_popescu;no, it wouldn't be. 946794;1417835236;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25600 @ 0.00043457 = 11.125 BTC [-] 946795;1417835368;mircea_popescu;"@KristianOellegaard this isn't an issue of breaking or following the rules, it's an issue of doing the right thing and common sense. This situation is about people, not code." 946796;1417835371;mircea_popescu;dude splendid. 946797;1417835380;mircea_popescu;hanging "progressives" is not a matter of law. 946798;1417835388;mircea_popescu;it is a matter of doing the right thing. it's about people, not code. 946799;1417835390;mircea_popescu;fire away. 946800;1417835396;undata;counts as a fetish too in my book. 946801;1417835432;mircea_popescu;how can you NOT like the real isis ? the fake isis (usus ?) is just as stupid, only much derpier. 946802;1417835527;undata;they're trying to pass this new "street tax" in Portland 946803;1417835547;decimation;at least isis is up front about their religion, instead of being all meta about it 946804;1417835548;undata;might as well nuke the whole state from orbit when better masters own it 946805;1417835561;undata;oh and check out the opposition! http://www.oregonlive.com/opinion/index.ssf/2014/11/portland_street_tax_pers_givea.html 946806;1417835563;assbot;Portland street tax: PERS exemption (Letters to the Editor) | OregonLive.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1s3HHG5 ) 946807;1417835570;mircea_popescu;decimation but it's the same thing to a dot. "fuck the law, we do what we please". well... 946808;1417835578;mircea_popescu;at least rape and pillage if oyu're going that way. 946809;1417835597;undata;were isis dropped in the middle of portland they'd own it in a day 946810;1417835601;undata;it's a pussy-off here 946811;1417835614;undata;who can cry for which special interest the most convincingly 946812;1417835669;cazalla;undata, only way to be sure eh? 946813;1417835678;decimation;our age is awash in antinomianism 946814;1417835679;undata;and serves as an example 946815;1417835700;mircea_popescu;"In a text message, Novick continued that he believes $200 a month means less to people earning $500,000 a year than $12 per month for $50,000 earners." 946816;1417835705;mircea_popescu;this magical math you got going there. 946817;1417835709;mircea_popescu;is it at least ungendered ? 946818;1417835728;mircea_popescu;by now money is compared in the meta-terms of its "meaning" ? 946819;1417835736;mircea_popescu;can you buy money-meaning for your dollars ? 946820;1417835760;mircea_popescu;i want to trade this millionaire benjies for busker benjies please. 946821;1417835779;undata;you didn't build that money meaning. 946822;1417835783;undata;we all did 946823;1417835803;undata;mircea_popescu: ungendered << made me think of some sort of feminist reparations tax 946824;1417835805;mircea_popescu;ok, but i wanna buy it. 946825;1417835813;undata;surely they'll pass that in a few years 946826;1417835823;mircea_popescu;there's no point in holding on to plain dollars if on top of inflation of fact you'll also get inflaiton of meaning. 946827;1417835827;decimation;as long as he and his friends have a strong lock on the bezzlars funneled into sv, he is more than willing to throw his 'own tribe' under the bus in order to appear magnanimous 946828;1417835839;mircea_popescu;what sort of bond interest rate would cover my meaning inflation over here ? 25% ? 45% ? 946829;1417836055;*;undata emits a parse error 946830;1417836072;decimation;meanwhile back in unreality world the dollar just beat all the other fiat at the market today 946831;1417836103;decimation;apparently 'because' usg released data that indicated that some wages kinda went up, and some people might have been hired 946832;1417836141;mircea_popescu;lol im sure. 946833;1417836152;decimation;;;ticker 946834;1417836154;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 374.48, Best ask: 375.82, Bid-ask spread: 1.34000, Last trade: 375.84, 24 hour volume: 8384.72282528, 24 hour low: 365.72, 24 hour high: 377.89, 24 hour vwap: 372.683629618 946835;1417836175;mircea_popescu;it's funny how they're not even tryong here. 946836;1417836188;mircea_popescu;so defeated, so used to defeat... 946837;1417836200;mircea_popescu;stuck pretedning id un exist etc. 946838;1417836212;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30950 @ 0.00043538 = 13.475 BTC [+] 946839;1417836720;undata;http://www.oregonlive.com/commuting/index.ssf/2014/12/defiant_uber_rideshare_launche.html 946840;1417836721;assbot;Defiant Uber rideshare launches in Portland, with City Hall promising to 'throw the book' at drivers | OregonLive.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1s3Lao0 ) 946841;1417836725;undata;sudden urge to go drive for uber just for the hell of it 946842;1417837602;mthreat;mircea_popescu: if starbucks coffee is any measure of inflation, it's been 60% from 1 year ago. My coffee went from 30 pesos to 48 since 1 year ago. 946843;1417837617;mthreat;(in argentina) 946844;1417838408;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17759 @ 0.00043443 = 7.715 BTC [-] {2} 946845;1417839201;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44200 @ 0.00043569 = 19.2575 BTC [+] {3} 946846;1417839384;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 79225 @ 0.00043998 = 34.8574 BTC [+] {3} 946847;1417839691;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3900 @ 0.00044425 = 1.7326 BTC [+] 946848;1417840527;*;asciilifeform finds it interesting that he has never before heard of joyent corp., nor knowingly used anything in their lineup 946849;1417840541;decimation;asciilifeform: they are the 'spiritual heirs' of solaris 946850;1417840551;asciilifeform;how?! 946851;1417840554;decimation;most of the sunos people left oracle's lawnmower and went there 946852;1417840576;decimation;they are trying to be a 'cloud company' with a unique os - SmartOS 946853;1417840592;decimation;SmartOS is basically solaris 946854;1417840601;decimation;SmartOS is a SVR4 open-source hypervisor, based on the UNIX operating system which combines OpenSolaris technology with Linux's KVM virtualization. 946855;1417840608;asciilifeform;solaris was a perfectly-legit unix 946856;1417840616;asciilifeform;what did it have to do with these abortions 946857;1417840630;decimation;well, it was swallowed by oracle 946858;1417840642;decimation;the guts popped out, found vc funding 946859;1417840690;decimation;although like BSD, "solaris" is more of a spiritual matter now than a matter of a particular codebase 946860;1417840850;asciilifeform;'On August 16, 2012, individuals who had provided start-up and development funding to Joyent (and its predecessor, TextDrive) in exchange for lifetime shared hosting accounts with Joyent were informed, via email, that their lifetime hosting accounts would be deleted on October 31, 2012' << lol! (pediwikia) 946861;1417840892;decimation;well, SJW's gotta sjw 946862;1417840904;mats_cd03;enjoy minimum wage earning undata 946863;1417840961;gernika;The post on bitcoin in Argentina reminds me of Bitcoin in berlin. There was supposed to be some thriving bitcoin scene in Kreuzberg. In fact when I went to visit there was a single crappy cafe with a cheap Bitcoin sign hanging in the window. 946864;1417841001;undata;it turns out all these citizen journalists are full of shit 946865;1417841012;gernika;The post on bitcoin in Argentina reminds me of Bitcoin in berlin. There was supposed to be some thriving bitcoin scene in Kreuzberg. In fact when I went to visit there was a single crappy cafe with a cheap Bitcoin sign hanging in the window. 946866;1417841031;gernika;Sorry about that 946867;1417841039;gernika;new IRC client, forgot to page down 946868;1417841096;asciilifeform;'In January, 2012, Joyent secured a new round of funding totalling $85 million from Weather Investment II, Accelero Capital, and Telefnica Digital. In October 2014, Joyent raised an additional $15 million in Series D funding from existing investors.' << and immediately after, 'fuck you' to the 'crowdfunders.' 946869;1417841115;asciilifeform;not because they were broke, but because... they could ? 946870;1417841121;decimation;hehe yep. the names have been entered in the journal 946871;1417841127;asciilifeform;rite of passage? 946872;1417841150;undata;asciilifeform: statements are implicitly understood to be mostly bullshit in modern English 946873;1417841152;decimation;asciilifeform: doesn't it feel like a cargo cult around an os that was handed down by betters? 946874;1417841161;undata;hence "unlimited" data plan = 2 gigs 946875;1417841164;undata;and the gigs aren't even real gigs 946876;1417841197;asciilifeform;no surprise that the scam was a scam; surprising is the fact that it wound down precisely when it did 946877;1417841255;undata;plenty of lawyer money at that point 946878;1417841275;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2339 @ 0.00124542 = 2.913 BTC [+] {3} 946879;1417841290;asciilifeform;honouring the 'lifetime warranty' for all the chumps put together - would this even add up to the cost of one lawyer-week ? 946880;1417841425;decimation;asciilifeform: https://gigaom.com/2013/11/26/whats-up-with-joyent/ << apparently the are only marginally a business 946881;1417841429;assbot;What’s up with Joyent? — Tech News and Analysis ... ( http://bit.ly/1A2EFpO ) 946882;1417841431;decimation;kinda like sun 946883;1417841518;decimation;and apparently they view the legacy of solaris as a great foundation to host ... server-side javascript 946884;1417841553;*;asciilifeform can't shake the feeling, reading this crud, that it was all an elaborate joke, and the punchline is to be read out soon 946885;1417841595;decimation;asciilifeform perhaps you could follow the fate of solaris as a re-invented platform for oracledb 946886;1417841611;asciilifeform;thing is, the degradation of computer industry was inevitable. 946887;1417841617;asciilifeform;read, for perhaps the first time, why: 946888;1417841654;asciilifeform;once the machines were no longer put to work solving actual problems, and just about the whole planet switched to 'solving' nonproblems, 946889;1417841662;asciilifeform;inevitably the mimics take over 946890;1417841671;asciilifeform;because mimicry is cheaper in all cases than the real thing. 946891;1417841722;decimation;that's an interesting view 946892;1417841746;decimation;'actual problems' being things that are critical to eat, not be blown up, etc? 946893;1417841766;asciilifeform;reading for the first time about 'joyent', i couldn't help but wonder - what are these 'technologies' actually for? if they were erased from the good earth overnight, would i notice ? 946894;1417841793;decimation;somehow I guess there is a market for selling vms to folks 946895;1417841797;asciilifeform;where were they in 1970 and who was the poorer for it ? 946896;1417841943;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu had something written re: imbeciles thinking of 'meta' elevation as a kind of philosopher's stone 946897;1417841982;asciilifeform;i.e., that if we somehow do 'cloud' correctly, no one actually has to think about cpu and disk, these can live in some 'meta' heavens 946898;1417842101;asciilifeform;these folks will eventually build arse-mouth systems and try to eat their own shit. 946899;1417842111;asciilifeform;it is the logical conclusion of their thought process. 946900;1417842159;asciilifeform;'We laugh at that fable about the village of simpletons who, when their bed blankets became too short for their growing kids, extended these blankets by cutting off a piece from one end and sewing it to the other. Or the more modern tale of a drunkard who could afford to drink every day because he always took his empty bottles back for a deposit. And yet many otherwise intelligent people believe, apparently not stopping even f 946901;1417842159;asciilifeform;or one minute to think whether what they say makes any sense, that Henry Ford, the American entrepreneur whose worldview wouldn't probably stand much scrutiny from the modern perspective, gained his place in the canon of progressive feelgood policies for paying his workers the back then unheard-of high daily salary of $5, which made them wealthy enough to buy Ford automobiles, which in turn made the Ford company profitable.' ( 946902;1417842160;asciilifeform;ilkka kokkarinen) 946903;1417842295;decimation;the empty bottles in this case being the legacy of unix, in its million forms 946904;1417842352;decimation;really, it's all just an extension of the lowly spammers desire to make money while he sleeps 946905;1417842568;gernika;Man. I used to subscribe to this forum called the Micropreneuer academy. I see now that this was exactly their propsal: spam to make money while you sleep. 946906;1417842675;asciilifeform;a spammer is ridiculous not because he wishes to make money while sleeping, but because he is willing to work an 18 hour day to do it. 946907;1417842711;gernika;Exactly. I slept very little while I was trying to follow their recipe. 946908;1417842770;gernika;These people were constantly working 946909;1417842782;gernika;And at the same time calling it passive income. 946910;1417842805;gernika;Whatever scheme they came up with inevitably ran out of steam after at most a few years. 946911;1417842905;gernika;There was a constant search for some unexploited google search phrase 946912;1417842943;asciilifeform;briefly back to the earlier thread: no one should be surprised if a thing like 'joyent' turns into a vehicle for some imbecile's masturbatory 'justice' fantasies 946913;1417842955;asciilifeform;it was never anything else to begin with 946914;1417842961;asciilifeform;nor the pseudo-industry it was part of 946915;1417843084;asciilifeform;http://anticache.img0.joyreactor.com/pics/post/oglaf-comics-magic-illusionist-1131130.jpeg 946916;1417843086;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1A2HJlR ) 946917;1417843089;asciilifeform;(original site down) 946918;1417843776;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10508 @ 0.00044425 = 4.6682 BTC [+] 946919;1417843790;undata;decimation | really, it's all just an extension of the lowly spammers desire to make money while he sleeps << cheap credit spawned a generation of these 946920;1417843828;undata;shit-garglers like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Kiyosaki 946921;1417843830;assbot;Robert Kiyosaki - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1z5Yuyd ) 946922;1417843871;undata;several generations of Americans at least believe that this is precisely what success looks like: you buy and sell a few houses and your life is on autopilot from then on 946923;1417844239;mircea_popescu;gernika this wouldn't be something called Room77 ? 946924;1417844307;mircea_popescu;mthreat not so sure what starbucks measures. 946925;1417844372;gernika;mircea_popescu I have not heard of Room77 - google tells me it's some sort of hotel site. 946926;1417844381;mircea_popescu; honouring the 'lifetime warranty' for all the chumps put together - would this even add up to the cost of one lawyer-week ? << it makes no sense to me either. 946927;1417844403;mircea_popescu;gernika also in k 946928;1417844458;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform> reading for the first time about 'joyent', i couldn't help but wonder - what are these 'technologies' actually for? if they were erased from the good earth overnight, would i notice ? <<< if node.js were erased you would notice. 946929;1417844470;mircea_popescu;just like if fat women were erased from the world you'd notice. 946930;1417844476;mircea_popescu;better internet, better world. 946931;1417844526;undata;at least it's chum for bad developers 946932;1417844530;undata;you know where they're at 946933;1417844579;mircea_popescu; ilkka kokkarinen) << there is some merit to the ford story, but specifically, that he majorily cut down on staff turnover by "overpaying". except all the other idiots were not accounting for training costs (in the form of, not building anything too complex) 946934;1417844589;mircea_popescu;so it gave him an unassailable advantage for just long enough. 946935;1417844628;mircea_popescu;undata sure, except for the obnoxious "prevailin business practices" bit. 946936;1417844634;gernika;mircea_popescu actually yes, that looks familiar 946937;1417844695;mircea_popescu;prev heard good things of it which is why i asked. 946938;1417844705;mircea_popescu;i suppose it's not time-invariant. 946939;1417844736;gernika;I had a burrito there. It was not a great burrito. The interior was quite drab. 946940;1417844754;mircea_popescu;german burrito ? that's a thought. 946941;1417844789;mircea_popescu;(speaking of which, the doner in germany surpasses the doner in turkey i hear) 946942;1417844915;gernika;I agree - a german burrito seemed unappealing just as a concept, let alone as something concrete made out of that run down kitchen, but apparently at the time I thought that was my best option. 946943;1417845000;gernika;Hmm doner looks good, never had it before. 946944;1417845041;mircea_popescu;o.O 946945;1417845055;mircea_popescu;i thought it's the world's most popular fast food dish 946946;1417845066;mircea_popescu;(in the civilised sense of that term, not the usian sense of it0 946947;1417845075;gernika;The world doesn't work like that here. 946948;1417845362;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 56600 @ 0.00044531 = 25.2045 BTC [+] {3} 946949;1417845423;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18979 @ 0.00044593 = 8.4633 BTC [+] 946950;1417845478;mircea_popescu;and with that i wish you a merry christmas! 946951;1417846765;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 70300 @ 0.00044664 = 31.3988 BTC [+] {3} 946952;1417849083;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43500 @ 0.00044835 = 19.5032 BTC [+] {2} 946953;1417849815;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 81350 @ 0.00045067 = 36.662 BTC [+] {2} 946954;1417849998;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51905 @ 0.00045208 = 23.4652 BTC [+] {2} 946955;1417850364;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34550 @ 0.0004513 = 15.5924 BTC [-] 946956;1417851462;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31649 @ 0.00044879 = 14.2038 BTC [-] {2} 946957;1417854573;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38900 @ 0.00045822 = 17.8248 BTC [+] {2} 946958;1417854767;cazalla;back to ddosing websites by the looks of it 946959;1417854803;undata;cazalla: yep 946960;1417854811;undata;over here too 946961;1417854815;punkman;yeah 946962;1417854915;punkman;trilema down too 946963;1417854996;undata;damn kids 946964;1417855183;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 61708 @ 0.00046595 = 28.7528 BTC [+] {3} 946965;1417855352;undata;needs moar 402: Payment Required 946966;1417857868;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11800 @ 0.00048821 = 5.7609 BTC [+] 946967;1417858050;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22137 @ 0.00047442 = 10.5022 BTC [-] 946968;1417860673;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9852 @ 0.00045128 = 4.446 BTC [-] 946969;1417861344;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8707 @ 0.00048931 = 4.2604 BTC [+] 946970;1417862442;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44462 @ 0.00047201 = 20.9865 BTC [-] {2} 946971;1417862625;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3938 @ 0.00049046 = 1.9314 BTC [+] 946972;1417863099;jurov;http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0047E0EII/ref=azfs_379213722_HutzlerBananaSlicer_1 946973;1417863101;assbot;Hutzler Banana Slicer Cutter Great for Cereal/Sandwitches/Splits/Hot Dogs NEW: Amazon.co.uk: Kitchen & Home ... ( http://bit.ly/1w9m6mr ) 946974;1417863202;jurov;lots of simlar paraphernalia linked 946975;1417863418;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17464 @ 0.00047769 = 8.3424 BTC [-] 946976;1417863764;cazalla;another guy has team viewer installed on same machine as wallet and loses 40 btc lol https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2og50r/im_devastated_got_hacked_and_lost_405_btcs_please/ 946977;1417863767;assbot;I'm devastated, got hacked and lost 40.5 BTCs. Please, help me find who did it : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1u3aoCw ) 946978;1417863845;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12800 @ 0.00050379 = 6.4485 BTC [+] 946979;1417866590;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38200 @ 0.00050379 = 19.2448 BTC [+] 946980;1417867749;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45086 @ 0.00049962 = 22.5259 BTC [-] 946981;1417868542;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19814 @ 0.00046752 = 9.2634 BTC [-] 946982;1417871654;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21900 @ 0.00050679 = 11.0987 BTC [+] {2} 946983;1417873056;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49539 @ 0.00049914 = 24.7269 BTC [-] {2} 946984;1417873663;mats_cd03;;;ticker 946985;1417873664;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 374.46, Best ask: 375.62, Bid-ask spread: 1.16000, Last trade: 375.62, 24 hour volume: 5384.28194357, 24 hour low: 370.25, 24 hour high: 377.89, 24 hour vwap: 374.00473742 946986;1417874459;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 54121 @ 0.00050077 = 27.1022 BTC [+] {2} 946987;1417874642;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5000 @ 0.00051224 = 2.5612 BTC [+] 946988;1417876096;mats_cd03;it rises 946989;1417876655;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22872 @ 0.00051134 = 11.6954 BTC [-] {2} 946990;1417877143;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27301 @ 0.00050831 = 13.8774 BTC [-] 946991;1417878485;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 65598 @ 0.00045971 = 30.1561 BTC [-] 946992;1417879034;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5702 @ 0.00045569 = 2.5983 BTC [-] 946993;1417879547;adlai;it wiggles https://i.imgur.com/U4itS4a.gif 946994;1417879550;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1yq4TWd ) 946995;1417879626;mats_cd03;im not talking about the chart 946996;1417879705;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45850 @ 0.00049246 = 22.5793 BTC [+] {2} 946997;1417880071;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10350 @ 0.00045849 = 4.7454 BTC [-] 946998;1417883205;gernika;cazalla BingoBoingo: https://www.stellar.org/blog/safety_liveness_and_fault_tolerance_consensus_choice/ 946999;1417883206;assbot;Safety, liveness and fault tolerance—the consensus choices | Stellar ... ( http://bit.ly/1G2ZyFf ) 947000;1417883263;gernika;Stellar forked 947001;1417883305;gernika;and has "temporarily" recentralized 947002;1417883412;Namworld;uh... Facebook ads system numbers are dodgy... I got a 35% click through rate. What kind of ads get a 35% click through rate? 1 click for 3 impressions. 947003;1417883454;punkman;there are countless ad clicking bots on Facebook, doing "competitive intelligence" 947004;1417883703;mircea_popescu;cazalla: back to ddosing websites by the looks of it << did it only last 5 minutes or do i liek magically not see it again 947005;1417883746;kakobrekla;1h55m 947006;1417883754;mircea_popescu;heh/ 947007;1417883771;mircea_popescu;duude s.mpoe 50 almost ? 947008;1417883789;mircea_popescu;bwahaha. MEAT TONIGHT! 947009;1417883801;kakobrekla;:) 947010;1417883817;mircea_popescu;gernika: and has "temporarily" recentralized << lawl, for "everyone's proteciton" ? 947011;1417883847;mircea_popescu;Namworld: uh... Facebook ads system numbers are dodgy <<< welcome to the club ? fb is a scam. this has been said here i dunno how many times, but by pretty much everyone ever involved. 947012;1417883909;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-02-2014#488163 947013;1417883909;assbot;Logged on 07-02-2014 20:43:36; ThickAsThieves: facebook ads are the worst performance of like all options, other than for some very specific uses 947014;1417883931;mircea_popescu;etc 947015;1417883953;mircea_popescu;and when he says very specific uses, what he means is stuff like 947016;1417883997;mircea_popescu;;;google how i trolled my imbecile roommate by custom tailoring the ads facebook showed him (nevermind what either having roommates or hanging out with imbeciles says about me). 947017;1417883998;gribble;No matches found. 947018;1417884001;mircea_popescu;orly. 947019;1417884035;mircea_popescu;http://www.adweek.com/news/technology/roommate-makes-his-friend-paranoid-creepy-facebook-ads-160320 947020;1417884036;assbot;Roommate Buys Facebook Ads to Creep Out His Friend and Practice Targeted Marketing | Adweek ... ( http://bit.ly/1G318ab ) 947021;1417884053;mircea_popescu;shockingly, this is in adweek, a wanna-be trade rag. 947022;1417884219;assbot;[MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 712 @ 0.00328156 = 2.3365 BTC [-] {4} 947023;1417884219;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1061 @ 0.00124 = 1.3156 BTC [-] 947024;1417884646;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 849 @ 0.00123999 = 1.0528 BTC [-] {2} 947025;1417885032;Namworld;Oh yeah, that thing. It's so funny 947026;1417885056;mircea_popescu;lol yea 947027;1417885195;punkman;Namworld: if enough volume, you gotta look at your logs and ask them to refund some of the scamclicks 947028;1417885239;mircea_popescu;generally the business experience on the topic being that paying for someone to do the tech part and for someone to do the business part comes to 1-35% more than the value of the refunded clicks. 947029;1417885288;Namworld;Funny enough, it's targeted at both men and women that talk/liked pages related to Bitcoin. 947030;1417885343;Namworld;The demographic isn't as random as I'd usually see, it's 66% males between 18-35 947031;1417885364;mircea_popescu; several generations of Americans at least believe that this is precisely what success looks like: you buy and sell a few houses and your life is on autopilot from then on << in their defense, all generations since the industrial revolution chiefly believed that this is what success looks like : you do a few things and that's that. 947032;1417885392;mircea_popescu;notably, athletes at the turn of the century (their dream briefly came through in the 60s, now it seems fucked again), and military men althrough the 1800s. 947033;1417885421;mircea_popescu;Namworld speaking of nonrandom demos : https://www.quantcast.com/qntra.net 947034;1417885422;assbot; Qntra.net Traffic and Demographic Statistics by Quantcast ... ( http://bit.ly/1G33Fky ) 947035;1417885433;mircea_popescu;female index .13, black index 0.3 947036;1417885442;mircea_popescu;because brothers before bitchez, yo! 947037;1417885485;mircea_popescu;Namworld how much did you pay btw ? 947038;1417885676;Namworld;Eh, $50 for the heck of it and there was actually sales, but I didn't put a tracking link so hard to say. I have to change that immediately. 947039;1417885712;Namworld;Will have to derp some more around and complain for free credits. 947040;1417885744;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9500 @ 0.00051189 = 4.863 BTC [+] 947041;1417885815;gernika;mircea_popescu: "When given the choice between temporary centralization and guaranteeing the security of the protocol and therefore user funds, the choice is obvious. Once the new consensus algorithm is complete, it will be safe to run with more than one node again." https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8709514 947042;1417885816;assbot;Joyce from Stellar here. Yes, that is correct. When given the choice between tem... | Hacker News ... ( http://bit.ly/1G34g5Z ) 947043;1417885934;mircea_popescu;gernika lulzy. i wonder if we see the same nonsense emerge in btc. 947044;1417885964;mircea_popescu;of course, they manage to not even correctly state the choice. 947045;1417886025;mircea_popescu;obviously if given the incorrectly statement "choice is obvious". a whole new mode of rational failure the us invented, "begging "the obvious" choice", similar to "begging the question" 947046;1417886067;Namworld;It might be that facebook ad bots don't tend to have Bitcoin in their interest... at least yet. Hence why demographic looks accurate. 947047;1417886083;mircea_popescu;but the actual choice is between "destroying the long term viability of the coin through introducing precedent - certain to be followed - of converting it overnight into a centrally owned resource" and "destroying the long term viability of the coin through introducing precedent of arbitrarily lost funds" 947048;1417886102;mircea_popescu;neither of these being either obvious or desirable, and their conjunction being why the coin in question - stellar or whatever - is dead. 947049;1417886114;mircea_popescu;Namworld how did you select that demo exactly ? 947050;1417886131;asciilifeform;first comment in above link has it: 'How'd you centralize your decentralized system? It sounds like something that shouldn't be possible unless it's actually centralized to begin with.' 947051;1417886162;punkman;I don't think Stellar was ever decentralized. They just had more than one server. 947052;1417886165;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform nm that! 947053;1417886205;gernika;punkman: polycentralized. Now it's just monodecentralized. 947054;1417886262;asciilifeform;recall the 'software does not wear out' article. 947055;1417886305;asciilifeform;if you can do the 'centralize' trick, it was always defective. 947056;1417886388;punkman;asciilifeform: you could run your own private bitcoin, or private Tor network, or whatever 947057;1417886418;asciilifeform;(not because there had to be a mechanical defense against it. no mechanical pill against 'buy all the coins and throw into the sea.' but attempting this gambit, given a properly-designed coin, should cost above $maxint.) 947058;1417886439;Namworld;Just by selecting people that have "Bitcoin" in their interests. 947059;1417886451;mircea_popescu;o by hand ? 947060;1417886467;asciilifeform;punkman: anyone using such a thing deserves what he gets 947061;1417886489;Namworld;No, just by adding the term Bitcoin to targeting. So basically people that liked pages and so on or occasionally mention the term "Bitcoin", I believe. 947062;1417886534;Namworld;So unless there's other Bitcoin advertisers running bots, unlikely to target bot accounts. But stats still points to dodgy stuff. So I guess the majority is still bots. 947063;1417886539;mircea_popescu;Namworld can you be bothered to run a similar thing for me ? it's been half a year since i last tried them, moar lulz can't hurt. 947064;1417886549;Namworld;I guess there's already people there. 947065;1417886552;mircea_popescu;that's what god invented 0.1 anyway 947066;1417886584;Namworld;Eh, Facebook is either shit at filtering bots or just plain out scammers. 947067;1417886594;Namworld;I guess I could run something for you 947068;1417886600;mircea_popescu;pm 947069;1417886607;gernika;I was able to collect email addresses via a signup page running an FB campaign at one time. Don't recall the conversion percentage at the moment but at that time at least there were real people clicking. 947070;1417886650;mircea_popescu;im gonna run http://trilema.com/2014/bitcoin-in-argentina-exactly-nothing-to-do-with-the-derps/ will publish teh results. 947071;1417886651;assbot;Bitcoin in Argentina : exactly nothing to do with the derps pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1z8pRYk ) 947072;1417887330;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21350 @ 0.00051439 = 10.9822 BTC [+] {2} 947073;1417887391;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1362 @ 0.00123575 = 1.6831 BTC [-] {5} 947074;1417887392;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25100 @ 0.00052396 = 13.1514 BTC [+] 947075;1417887696;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9950 @ 0.00051189 = 5.0933 BTC [-] 947076;1417887742;fluffypony;clever advertising: https://youtube.com/watch?v=SRmgQH0TbJ4 947077;1417887743;assbot;More drama at Mt. Gox - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1z8ufH1 ) 947078;1417888111;Namworld;Drama -> repackage into advertising -> ???derping??? -> profit 947079;1417889160;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46400 @ 0.00052423 = 24.3243 BTC [+] {2} 947080;1417889180;ben_vulpes; ben_vulpes: what do you need that for? << 's a joke 947081;1417889343;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11867 @ 0.00052591 = 6.241 BTC [+] 947082;1417889431;ben_vulpes;"To me, that insistence can only come from one place: that gender—specifically, masculinity—is inextricably linked to software" << or perhaps that that pronouns are gendered in better languages than engris but whatever 947083;1417889443;ben_vulpes;THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE INTERPRETATION 947084;1417889446;ben_vulpes;HEAR ME ROAR 947085;1417889479;ben_vulpes;paas wars are the db wars of 2015 947086;1417889732;ben_vulpes;undata: "street tax" << my parents have called portland a "benevolent communist state" for as long as i've lived here. it's only recently started to pass its inflection points letting the impoverished demand more and more. 947087;1417889748;ben_vulpes;once upon a time it was the schools, and there were bonds, and the people paid, and nothing changed. 947088;1417889784;ben_vulpes;now it's inanities like the street tax to pave the ghetto. 947089;1417889819;ben_vulpes;;;calc 200/50000 947090;1417889819;gribble;0.004 947091;1417889826;ben_vulpes;;;calc 12/50000 947092;1417889826;gribble;0.00024 947093;1417890307;adlai;tl;dr: ripple/stellar are a centralized exchange which publishes its customer database, and uses a hawala fork for fiat processing 947094;1417890441;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 65906 @ 0.00052685 = 34.7226 BTC [+] {2} 947095;1417890513;ben_vulpes;adlai: hawala fork << lol 947096;1417890569;adlai;call a spade a spade! 947097;1417890671;punkman;http://thedoomthatcametopuppet.tumblr.com/? 947098;1417890672;assbot;The Doom that Came to Puppet ... ( http://bit.ly/1tYwdUP ) 947099;1417891499;Namworld;My darn cat just opens cupboard and so on and claws bag open to eat pastas and so on... I'll need big plastic container to store pasta and so on in accessible locations, and keep the rest in places he can't get in. 947100;1417891723;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 59050 @ 0.00052313 = 30.8908 BTC [-] 947101;1417892271;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9828 @ 0.0005307 = 5.2157 BTC [+] 947102;1417893125;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40400 @ 0.0005229 = 21.1252 BTC [-] {2} 947103;1417893308;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15800 @ 0.0005307 = 8.3851 BTC [+] 947104;1417893857;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32700 @ 0.00053111 = 17.3673 BTC [+] {2} 947105;1417894303;ben_vulpes;http://thedailyshow.cc.com/videos/la1hcf/inglourious-ambassaders 947106;1417894304;assbot;Inglourious Ambassaders - The Daily Show - Video Clip | Comedy Central ... ( http://bit.ly/1tYO3qF ) 947107;1417895199;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50527 @ 0.00053564 = 27.0643 BTC [+] {4} 947108;1417895576;mircea_popescu; THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE INTERPRETATION << actually, the deeper reason is that masculinity is inextricably linked to the species, 947109;1417895585;mircea_popescu;in the sense that humanity is either masculine or not worth the mention 947110;1417895598;ben_vulpes;but babes smell so nice 947111;1417895603;mircea_popescu;the various defeated and meanwhile extinct tribes from the amazon valley to the pacific rim being the exact proof of this concept. 947112;1417895678;mircea_popescu;<ben_vulpes> now it's inanities like the street tax to pave the ghetto. << srsly, paving the ghetto, for as long as it uses forced labour of the inhabitants and very rudimentary tools, and it's done in the middle of the summer, is a splendid idea. 947113;1417895703;mircea_popescu;lol pasta cat. 947114;1417895719;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes well of course they smell nice! 947115;1417895888;ben_vulpes;nice (smelling) people for governance only forever everywhere 947116;1417895984;mircea_popescu;you know babes are a vanishingly small sliver of "women" 947117;1417896006;mircea_popescu;this is like saying "honda civics forever everywhere" because "bmws are kinda cool" 947118;1417896147;mircea_popescu;adlai the only somewhat amusing / incredible if you're new thing about that entire stellar debacle is that... people still pretend like ripple's a thing. 947119;1417896182;mircea_popescu;"oh, setting our house on fire doesn't work ? I KNOW! let's set the house on fire WITH GASOLINE!" 947120;1417896251;mircea_popescu;punkman basically it meshes half sentences from the two huh. 947121;1417898859;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21500 @ 0.00053414 = 11.484 BTC [-] {2} 947122;1417899130;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla http://trilema.com/2014/the-weird-of-web-metrics/ 947123;1417899130;assbot;The weird of web "metrics" pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1z9cXJN ) 947124;1417899136;mircea_popescu;you were right kako-sensei 947125;1417900390;scoopbot;New post on Trilema by Mircea Popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/the-weird-of-web-metrics/ 947126;1417900441;mircea_popescu;o wow it's back ?! 947127;1417900450;mircea_popescu;http://www.icshi.net/sevagram/stories/keeper.php << since lots of van vogt fans. 947128;1417900451;assbot;To Be His Keeper by A.E. van Vogt | Sevagram ... ( http://bit.ly/1z9idwO ) 947129;1417900498;jurov;http://www.reddit.com/r/Buttcoin/comments/2oga48/buttcoin_is_sooo_big_in_argentina/ buttcoin likes it 947130;1417900500;assbot;Buttcoin is sooo BIG in Argentina : Buttcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1z9iwYA ) 947131;1417900533;mircea_popescu;lol i bet. 947132;1417901189;mircea_popescu;cazalla https://twitter.com/rogerkver/status/541145062411755521 since you were asking lol. 947133;1417901191;assbot;$296M in Bitcoin spending on Black Friday and Cyber Monday made it the 9th largest payment network in the world! http://t.co/jlTVDinyZf 947134;1417901421;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37242 @ 0.000517 = 19.2541 BTC [-] {2} 947135;1417901626;mircea_popescu;"He studied at Harvard until the First World War broke out in 1914. At that point, aged 23, he returned to Canada and joined the Canadian army in Halifax and was assigned to the Cyclist Corps of the Second Division, Canadian Expeditionary Force." 947136;1417901636;mircea_popescu;im not even sure what's funnier, wikipedia or canada. 947137;1417901824;cazalla;mircea_popescu, that is about as misleading a statement anyone could make lol 947138;1417901839;mircea_popescu;well, what else's roger ver for ? 947139;1417901890;cazalla; cazalla BingoBoingo: https://www.stellar.org/blog/safety_liveness_and_fault_tolerance_consensus_choice/ <<< altcoin, meh! 947140;1417901892;assbot;Safety, liveness and fault tolerance—the consensus choices | Stellar ... ( http://bit.ly/1z9nNzp ) 947141;1417901920;cazalla;btw, in that i lost btc with teamviewer thread, leo treasure confirmed he too had it installed when he lost 750btc 947142;1417901968;mircea_popescu;he had said so at the time iirc. 947143;1417902154;cazalla;ah, i don't recall that but no matter 947144;1417902158;decimation;undata: re: Kiyosaki << yeah I had a friend who tried to get me to go to 'rich dad poor dad' stuff. sounded like a scam, is a scam, etc. 947145;1417902212;mircea_popescu;wait, there's more to that than just a derpy book from a decade ago ? 947146;1417902214;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16400 @ 0.00050626 = 8.3027 BTC [-] 947147;1417902523;decimation;yeah, he went on tour with classes or something 947148;1417902546;decimation;the set of people "selling" how to get rich in the us is large 947149;1417902597;decimation;lol http://www.cbsnews.com/news/rich-dad-poor-dads-bankrupt-company/ 947150;1417902599;assbot;Rich Dad, Poor Dad's bankrupt company - CBS News ... ( http://bit.ly/1vYSLIg ) 947151;1417902641;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 77491 @ 0.00049429 = 38.303 BTC [-] {2} 947152;1417902710;mircea_popescu;lmao 947153;1417902730;mircea_popescu;apparently everything anyone's doing there anymore is some sort of attempt to create a miniworld or other. 947154;1417902737;mircea_popescu;nation of cultists. 947155;1417902795;decimation;well, their forefathers all 'escaped' from europe or elsewhere 947156;1417902797;decimation;it's in the genes 947157;1417902810;mircea_popescu;what was that thing in jamestown 947158;1417902818;mircea_popescu;where they shot a tv producer and some senator ? 947159;1417902869;mircea_popescu;" That relationship generated sales of $438 million, of which Rich Global got nearly $45 million in royalties" 947160;1417902881;decimation;eh? you mean jonestown? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonestown 947161;1417902883;assbot;Jonestown - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1z9rtRG ) 947162;1417902884;mircea_popescu;wow check it out, that bad ? this is like the publishing business. 947163;1417902897;mircea_popescu;decimation that's the onem right! 947164;1417902951;decimation;it was the cult where they all drank the poison kool-aid 947165;1417902964;decimation;I'm sure they got their money's worth though 947166;1417903122;mircea_popescu;you are ? 947167;1417903255;decimation;eh? I have nothing to do with these idiots 947168;1417903302;decimation;every spammer in the us works hard every day to attemp to bypass the bayes filter in my head 947169;1417903322;decimation;the other day I got a card in a hand-written envelope that was from a local car dealer 947170;1417903329;decimation;on my birthday 947171;1417903549;mircea_popescu;decimation no i mean, how are you sure they got their money's worth ? 947172;1417903562;mircea_popescu;all i ever heard about that thing was that it was a dreary shithole in the mud 947173;1417903603;decimation;well, I guess they were looking for some answers. The answer they got was: you joined a death-cult 947174;1417903892;decimation;mircea_popescu: did you see that the 'ultimates' for the sony movies were released as part of the sony hack? http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/sony-hack-reveals-top-secret-754491 947175;1417903893;assbot;Sony Hack Reveals Top-Secret Profitability of 2013 Movies - The Hollywood Reporter ... ( http://bit.ly/1z9voOs ) 947176;1417903907;decimation;"“Currently, approximately $1B in production spending can be expected to deliver $500M-$600M in profits,” the letter says. “Through his continued focus on financial discipline, Doug hopes to improve that ratio to a point where $800-$900M in production spending delivers $500-$600M in profits.”" 947177;1417904030;decimation;not such a bad business actually 947178;1417904199;ben_vulpes;tax man has brought to my attention the tax benefits in this country of leasing equipment to your own companies. 947179;1417904259;decimation;ben_vulpes: like you lease your own property to the company? 947180;1417904306;ben_vulpes;well, corp a buys a machine and leases it to corp b at a "fair value". 947181;1417904319;decimation;is this to avoid the business propery tax? 947182;1417904328;ben_vulpes;hang on let me dig up the language 947183;1417904372;mircea_popescu;decimation wasn't exactly a secret, that. 947184;1417904417;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes yes, it's why/how ibm was originally reorganised. 947185;1417904427;mircea_popescu;general motors did the same thing and mostly survived 947186;1417904430;mircea_popescu;hence ge finance 947187;1417904502;ben_vulpes;the way i understand it is that company a owns the assets, b leases them which reduces its apparent income. lease payments come into a and are not categorized as passive investment income. 947188;1417904567;mircea_popescu;quite. 947189;1417904584;*;ben_vulpes is learning all sorts of things about taxes lately. 947190;1417904584;decimation;this is why it is annoying that usg taxes 'income' 947191;1417904621;decimation;I think usg should go back to just raising money from trade tariffs 947192;1417904778;mircea_popescu;trade tariffs are singularly the most stupid taxation font in existence. 947193;1417904781;mircea_popescu;inflation is actually better. 947194;1417904813;decimation;isn't an income tax a tariff on labor trade? 947195;1417904843;mircea_popescu;if you define labour as per income, then it is by definition. 947196;1417904893;mircea_popescu;the problem with tariffs is that they economically insulate their jurisdiction, and sooner or later you get left out. 947197;1417904912;mircea_popescu;in practical economic terms, the unfound amazon tribes are just keeping high import tariffs up. 947198;1417904966;decimation;yeah there's a good point there 947199;1417905010;decimation;so you are big on 'voluntary taxes'. what if someone was living in a 'voluntary tax' jurisdiction but did not pay? Do they have the same legal privleges as one who does? 947200;1417905048;decimation;my inclination is to say 947201;1417905052;decimation;'obviously not' 947202;1417905064;decimation;but perhaps there is reason for someone to include the little people in the courts 947203;1417905702;mircea_popescu;decimation hyow the fuck are you going to achieve the respect of your peers if you're a loser lol. 947204;1417905718;mircea_popescu;what about when groups of friends go camping and some douche never buys anything ? doesn't last long does it ? 947205;1417905762;decimation;I suppose those who fail to pay tax will end up in the private courts of those who do 947206;1417905768;mircea_popescu;i doubt it. 947207;1417905788;mircea_popescu;they'll just end up exactly where they are now : five to the room, crowded in insalubrious conditions, spending their time voting on reddit 947208;1417906510;mircea_popescu;decimation it's so amusingly pervasive this. so the cbc article you linked punching holes in the rich dad thing ? 947209;1417906512;mircea_popescu;"Allan S. Roth is the founder of Wealth Logic, an hourly based financial planning and investment advisory firm that advises clients with portfolios ranging from $10,000 to over $50 million. " 947210;1417906528;mircea_popescu;as tlp would say, "don't change the system, just shuffle among its offerings" 947211;1417906555;mircea_popescu;WL good, RD bad! 947212;1417906590;decimation;heh yeah. In the us, it is common for 'regular people' to roll over their pre-tax retirement savings to investment brokers 947213;1417906594;mircea_popescu;which, incidentally, suggests to me a simple, direct and therefore likely correct explanation of the previously mysterious tendency of english-speaking thinkers to create acronyms. 947214;1417906604;mircea_popescu;if you acronym it YOU NO LONGER HAVE TO THINK ABOUT IT 947215;1417906622;decimation;they generally charge 1% of the portfolio, and are not even legally held as fiduciary 947216;1417906640;mircea_popescu;and the less you think about what exactly wl, rd etc are, the better, you can just keep derping between em 947217;1417906649;jurov;NLHTTAI 947218;1417906661;mircea_popescu;lol 947219;1417906677;mircea_popescu;decimation which is why all the legal barriers, it's basically free money for the taking 947220;1417906691;mircea_popescu;so they dun want random internet scammers and other non-proper-meta bezzlominds getting any 947221;1417906725;decimation;right, only proper friends of the bezzle get the legal privileges 947222;1417906738;mircea_popescu;"he acted as an investment broker without a license ?! AND HE DID SLIGHTLY BETTER THAN THE AVERAGE ?!?!" burn him!!1 947223;1417906921;decimation;lol speaking of which https://www.finra.org/Newsroom/NewsReleases/2013/P197636 "The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) today issued a voluntary Interim Form for Funding Portals designed for prospective crowdfunding portals under the JOBS Act." 947224;1417906922;assbot;FINRA Issues Voluntary Interim Form for Crowdfunding Portals - FINRA ... ( http://bit.ly/1G0zed9 ) 947225;1417906982;mircea_popescu;http://www.reddit.com/user/bitcoinchamp 947226;1417906984;assbot;overview for bitcoinchamp ... ( http://bit.ly/1G0zp80 ) 947227;1417906987;mircea_popescu;this'd be the definition of mouthbreathing lol. 947228;1417906996;mircea_popescu;http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2ohqse/bitcoin_embassy_in_argentina_is_huge/cmn9saa i mean 947229;1417906998;assbot;bitcoinchamp comments on Bitcoin Embassy in Argentina is HUGE! ... ( http://bit.ly/1G0zskk ) 947230;1417907104;decimation;so, it's just a telephone on a wall? I don't get it 947231;1417907153;scoopbot;New post on Trilema by Mircea Popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/yes-we-can-ya-se-puede/ 947232;1417907780;ben_vulpes;http://mix.msfc.nasa.gov/IMAGES/HIGH/0400007.jpg 947233;1417907784;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1G0CiWu ) 947234;1417908863;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42812 @ 0.00049077 = 21.0108 BTC [-] {2} 947235;1417908970;undata;ben_vulpes: what engine is that? 947236;1417909056;undata;looks like atlas? 947237;1417909248;undata;http://mix.msfc.nasa.gov/abstracts.php?p=2869 ah 947238;1417909249;assbot; 0400007 - RS-88 Rocket Engine Tested for Pad Abort Escape System ... ( http://bit.ly/1G0HKJ2 ) 947239;1417909261;undata;so pretty 947240;1417909382;decimation;ben_vulpes: I got to block 264k or something when I filled my vm's hard drive 947241;1417909517;decimation;will retool and restart. 947242;1417909926;ben_vulpes;decimation: disk storage is the *bane* of bitcoin testing. 947243;1417909946;*;ben_vulpes is in the process of standing up an aws instance with a full TB of storage 947244;1417909946;decimation;yeah. I thought 50gig was enough 947245;1417909999;ben_vulpes;still gonna be like sixty bucks/mo 947246;1417910032;ben_vulpes;maybe i only go with a few hundred gb 947247;1417910035;decimation;heh yeah 1 TB seems like alot 947248;1417911486;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35874 @ 0.0004832 = 17.3343 BTC [-] 947249;1417912685;mod6;<+ben_vulpes> decimation: disk storage is the *bane* of bitcoin testing. << for sure. 947250;1417913804;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7257 @ 0.00048679 = 3.5326 BTC [+] {2} 947251;1417913947;cazalla;mircea_popescu, is this news that Netopia mobilPay enabled 6,000 merchants in .ro to accept bitcoin same beat up story as the trillions of .ar merchants taking it? 947252;1417914536;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4305 @ 0.00048985 = 2.1088 BTC [+] 947253;1417914902;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49490 @ 0.00049173 = 24.3357 BTC [+] {3} 947254;1417915095;mircea_popescu;cazalla from what i hear from Naphex yes, exactly same. 947255;1417915182;mircea_popescu;decimation seems that way. 947256;1417916144;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes incidentally, a server or two to be used as a [l2-accessible?] bitcoin testing environment may be a great foundation expenditure 947257;1417916793;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11465 @ 0.00049515 = 5.6769 BTC [+] 947258;1417918806;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13200 @ 0.00049566 = 6.5427 BTC [+] 947259;1417918928;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3150 @ 0.00049552 = 1.5609 BTC [-] 947260;1417920148;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15924 @ 0.00049203 = 7.8351 BTC [-] {2} 947261;1417920209;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3576 @ 0.0004832 = 1.7279 BTC [-] 947262;1417920392;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20600 @ 0.00049624 = 10.2225 BTC [+] {2} 947263;1417921368;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51150 @ 0.00048296 = 24.7034 BTC [-] {2} 947264;1417921978;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7100 @ 0.00048785 = 3.4637 BTC [+] 947265;1417922222;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4000 @ 0.00048276 = 1.931 BTC [-] 947266;1417922283;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3100 @ 0.00048785 = 1.5123 BTC [+] 947267;1417922415;TomServo;;;blocks 947268;1417922415;gribble;333220 947269;1417922965;mircea_popescu;wow 333`333 soon huh 947270;1417923076;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11200 @ 0.00048276 = 5.4069 BTC [-] 947271;1417923320;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34700 @ 0.00049525 = 17.1852 BTC [+] {2} 947272;1417924205;ben_vulpes;btcd runs with checkpoints as well 947273;1417924292;ben_vulpes;--nocheckpoints Disable built-in checkpoints. Don't do this unless you know what you're doing. 947274;1417924329;*;ben_vulpes wonders in what special ways btcd misbehaves without checkpoints 947275;1417924385;mircea_popescu;doesn't, really. just, slower. 947276;1417924406;ben_vulpes;why slower without checkpoints? 947277;1417924412;ben_vulpes;hm. 947278;1417924418;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22124 @ 0.00048974 = 10.835 BTC [-] 947279;1417924428;*;ben_vulpes thinks. 947280;1417924633;Pierre_Rochard;Made a little script to help with pete_dushenski’s high-entropy wallet creation method: https://github.com/PierreRochard/entropic 947281;1417924634;assbot;PierreRochard/entropic · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1rZWuHj ) 947282;1417925120;gernika;Pierre_Rochard: I was JUST searching for something like this. 947283;1417925282;ben_vulpes;checkpoints or network canvassing. 947284;1417925296;ben_vulpes;either trust the source from which you got the code or trust the network. 947285;1417925347;mircea_popescu;nah 947286;1417925365;mircea_popescu;the proper operation of bitcoin is trustless. there's nothing it needs to trust in a no=chekcpoint scenario. 947287;1417925377;mircea_popescu;otherwise, it needs to trust the correctness of whoever made the checkpoints. 947288;1417925384;ben_vulpes;yeah. 947289;1417925385;mircea_popescu;this is afaik not controversial, to date. 947290;1417925404;mircea_popescu;(ie, the checkpoints are actually valid) 947291;1417925449;ben_vulpes;if i'm reading this correctly, checkpoints speed up the blockchain download process as signatures aren't checked, but they're assumed valid if the signature on the checkpoint blocks passes. 947292;1417925498;Pierre_Rochard;gernika: glad I could help! let me know if you have any feedback/advice 947293;1417925555;ben_vulpes;would it be possible to replace the checkpoints with randomized sampling of specific blocks' signatures? 947294;1417925587;mircea_popescu;you mean make your own checkpoints ? 947295;1417925590;ben_vulpes;on the fly, yeah. 947296;1417925594;mircea_popescu;obviously it's possible. 947297;1417925613;ben_vulpes;just spot checking my own bitcoin technical knowledge :P 947298;1417925627;gernika;Pierre_Rochard: I will probably mod it to work with my 16 sided die to save me some rolls. 947299;1417925629;ben_vulpes;obviously not a thing to work on any time soon, but a nifty idea. 947300;1417925636;mircea_popescu;anyway, they don't speed up the download per se, because blocks are still downloaded 947301;1417925652;ben_vulpes;sure, but processing is cpu bound, so if you skip ESDA there's a speedup to be had. 947302;1417925658;mircea_popescu;but they help with the indexing, which was an issue esp on bdb, and they may also help with tx related stuff 947303;1417925658;ben_vulpes;if i'm reading correctly. 947304;1417925660;Pierre_Rochard;gernika: submit a pull request if you have the time! 947305;1417925669;gernika;Pierre_Rochard: will do 947306;1417925679;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes right. 947307;1417925726;ben_vulpes;i can't help but think that the serial download is entirely unnecessary. 947308;1417925790;mircea_popescu;hm ? 947309;1417925819;ben_vulpes;download the blockchain torrent style, verify and stitch the segments together as appropriate. 947310;1417925842;ben_vulpes;not like it's usable 'till you have the whole thing anyways. 947311;1417925918;ben_vulpes;totally out of scope for the forseeable future but neat nevertheless. 947312;1417925941;mircea_popescu;this is the process known as "bootstrapping" 947313;1417926014;mircea_popescu;still, as a general rule a 1 mb block takes < 1s to download and multipes s to process. makes little diff. 947314;1417926087;cazalla;https://twitter.com/ElectrumWallet/status/541420975716597760 dats racist, don't use electrum! 947315;1417926089;assbot;I'm happy they killed that nigger Eric Garner. /hashtag/Holocaust2?src=hash /hashtag/KillEmAll?src=hash 947316;1417926144;undata;"hacked" lol 947317;1417926158;mircea_popescu;;;ud eric garner 947318;1417926159;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=buch%20dich | Eric Garner or to bend you and take it. I just go Buch diched fo shizzle so my ba Jizzy is all trippin in my ride. or. Peep dis Doto Mite, I just go Buch diched and my  ... 947319;1417926165;mircea_popescu;... 947320;1417926215;ben_vulpes;https://twitter.com/jyap 947321;1417926217;assbot;Julian AKA The Truth (@jyap) | Twitter ... ( http://bit.ly/1u13ezE ) 947322;1417926287;Pierre_Rochard;mircea_popescu: he was selling black market cigarettes to avoid taxes. Got caught by new york police for nth time. Cop choked him. Respiratory problems. Cardiac attack. Outrage 947323;1417926319;undata;can't have people just selling things... on the street! 947324;1417926320;mircea_popescu;oh oh i recall yeah 947325;1417926326;Pierre_Rochard;the cop in question was just cleared by a grand jury of any wrong doing 947326;1417926329;mircea_popescu;guy was too fat to breathe on his back basically. 947327;1417926354;ben_vulpes;http://cryptochips.net/ 947328;1417926355;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1u13COF ) 947329;1417926362;mircea_popescu;undata well, cigs you know. those evil things. 947330;1417926369;Pierre_Rochard;^ well let’s not blame obesity! or too high of cigarette taxes! it was surely just the fascist police brutality! 947331;1417926380;ben_vulpes;plastic physical coins. 947332;1417926381;mircea_popescu;that the free and happy people of jonestown i mean new york are more than happy to pay 18 bucks for 947333;1417926383;ben_vulpes;great scam opportunity. 947334;1417926424;undata;mircea_popescu: back when I used to smoke I would only sell them to bums, never give them away 947335;1417926441;undata;that's how you get free packs of cigs 947336;1417926444;ben_vulpes;nubbins`: http://bravenewcoin.com/news/jumbucks-does-something-a-little-different/ 947337;1417926446;assbot;Jumbucks Does Something a Little Different » Brave New Coin ... ( http://bit.ly/1u13Wgl ) 947338;1417926452;ben_vulpes;do you buy trading cards too? 947339;1417926472;undata;me? negative 947340;1417926472;mircea_popescu;one day they had one of those convict crews doing some roadwork in front o' my house as i went shopping 947341;1417926489;mircea_popescu;so i bought half a dozen cartons of romania's cheapest and threw em over when coming back. 947342;1417926502;mircea_popescu;teh guards were totally o.O'd 947343;1417926502;ben_vulpes;undata: no, nubbins` 947344;1417926507;undata;mircea_popescu: nice of ya 947345;1417926533;mircea_popescu;hopefully those folks got to live like kings for a while lol. 947346;1417926565;mircea_popescu;anyway. at the time a carton was ~$2.50 947347;1417926624;mircea_popescu;http://dragosmone.ro/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/carpati-fara-filtru.jpg < these things. unfiltered. 947348;1417926627;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1u14uD1 ) 947349;1417927731;decimation;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-10-2014#892617 << us prisoners aren't so lucky 947350;1417927731;assbot;Logged on 24-10-2014 04:33:56; decimation: "There's been a mackerel economy in federal prisons since about 2004, former inmates and some prison consultants say. That's when federal prisons prohibited smoking and, by default, the cigarette pack, which was the earlier gold standard." 947351;1417927752;mircea_popescu;well this was the 90s 947352;1417927823;decimation;tossing those cigs would be even more subversive today I guess 947353;1417927883;mircea_popescu;heh. 947354;1417927905;cazalla;us prisons are smoke free zone now? 947355;1417927906;decimation;yep 947356;1417927926;decimation;they trade tins of fish from the 'store' instead 947357;1417928225;mircea_popescu;;;bc,stats 947358;1417928228;gribble;Current Blocks: 333228 | Current Difficulty: 4.000747027127126E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 334655 | Next Difficulty In: 1427 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 3 days, 4 hours, 37 minutes, and 42 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 38795114854.6 | Estimated Percent Change: -3.03032 947359;1417928376;ben_vulpes;http://proofofdev.com/jbs-jumbucks/ 947360;1417928377;assbot;[JBS] Jumbucks | Proof of Developer ... ( http://bit.ly/1u1bsrA ) 947361;1417928393;ben_vulpes;altcoinland never fails to amuse 947362;1417928397;mircea_popescu;ahaha 947363;1417928403;mircea_popescu;srsly, "proof of developer" ? 947364;1417928721;mircea_popescu;;;later tell jyap you have to be fucking insane to send over copies of whatever residence card to derpy websites. 947365;1417928721;gribble;The operation succeeded. 947366;1417928806;ben_vulpes;;;gettrust jyap 947367;1417928807;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user ben_vulpes to user jyap: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=ben_vulpes&dest=jyap | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=jyap | Rated since: never 947368;1417928844;ben_vulpes;sure lol 947369;1417928895;mircea_popescu;no but i mean... the kid's clearly trying, which is good. 947370;1417928909;mircea_popescu;but srsly, "third party notarized" ssn copies ? 947371;1417928920;mircea_popescu;i hope he comes here to tell us how "gpg is not user friendly and too hard". 947372;1417928942;ben_vulpes;!up Vexual 947373;1417929177;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13604 @ 0.00049631 = 6.7518 BTC [+] 947374;1417932541;thestringpuller;whatever happened to notary bot? 947375;1417932570;ben_vulpes;;;seen punkbot 947376;1417932570;gribble;punkbot was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 weeks, 2 days, 5 hours, 4 minutes, and 48 seconds ago: punkman: Queued 1 valid deed for next bundle. 947377;1417932602;ben_vulpes;pretty crucial bit of infrastructure for la serenissima. 947378;1417932624;ben_vulpes;;;seen punkman 947379;1417932624;gribble;punkman was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 11 hours, 39 minutes, and 12 seconds ago: http://thedoomthatcametopuppet.tumblr.com/? 947380;1417932897;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3400 @ 0.00050891 = 1.7303 BTC [+] 947381;1417932958;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 73500 @ 0.00049619 = 36.47 BTC [-] {4} 947382;1417933458;punkman;the doom that came to punkbot 947383;1417933568;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19500 @ 0.00048268 = 9.4123 BTC [-] {4} 947384;1417934575;ben_vulpes;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKTknLD9eWw << bitcoin as written in cpp by satoshi nakamoto 947385;1417934576;assbot;Bert's One Man Band Composite - Walt Disney's Mary Poppins - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1wMsL5K ) 947386;1417935825;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9755 @ 0.00049119 = 4.7916 BTC [-] {2} 947387;1417936091;punkman;re: electrum xintox: i mean its obvious you are incredibly ignorant or incredibly stupid. not sure i want you developing wallet software if your damn twitter account is getting hacked. 947388;1417936280;ben_vulpes;;;later tell vexual great wub 947389;1417936280;gribble;The operation succeeded. 947390;1417937941;Naphex;o/ 947391;1417938038;Naphex;o/ 947392;1417938092;Naphex;cazalla: as far as I know, Netopia atm only added the option. Merchants have to opt-in 947393;1417938509;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7350 @ 0.00050968 = 3.7461 BTC [+] 947394;1417940095;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24350 @ 0.00050968 = 12.4107 BTC [+] 947395;1417940156;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2425 @ 0.00050048 = 1.2137 BTC [-] 947396;1417940627;ben_vulpes;https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs#batteries-included << notice the *complete* absence of lisp. 947397;1417940629;assbot;syl20bnr/spacemacs · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1yD10fs ) 947398;1417940633;ben_vulpes;*any* lisp. 947399;1417940901;ben_vulpes;is the blockchain cpu-bound on ssds *and* spinny-drives? 947400;1417940949;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19350 @ 0.00050968 = 9.8623 BTC [+] 947401;1417943877;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19650 @ 0.0004848 = 9.5263 BTC [-] {3} 947402;1417945890;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8582 @ 0.00049766 = 4.2709 BTC [+] {2} 947403;1417949916;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8158 @ 0.00049974 = 4.0769 BTC [+] {2} 947404;1417950892;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16050 @ 0.00049857 = 8.002 BTC [-] {2} 947405;1417951990;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13000 @ 0.00050963 = 6.6252 BTC [+] {3} 947406;1417952441;fluffypony;!up rdymac 947407;1417952460;rdymac;cazalla you know that twit is fake, right? 947408;1417952549;cazalla;rdymac, the niggers one? 947409;1417952569;rdymac;and the following racist ones, yes 947410;1417952590;fluffypony;well not fake, just not from ThomasV 947411;1417952610;cazalla;fluffypony, why ya gotta ruin the fun i was about to have :( 947412;1417952610;fluffypony;maybe Reddit should campaign to have the hacker murdered 947413;1417952610;rdymac;good point 947414;1417952617;fluffypony;lol cazalla 947415;1417952619;rdymac;by a police? 947416;1417952630;fluffypony;tomorrow on qntra: PONIES RUIN EVERYTHING 947417;1417952639;rdymac;maybe Roger Ver can handle the reward 947418;1417952648;fluffypony;lol 947419;1417952718;cazalla;rdymac, why did you feel the need to point out the obvious anyway 947420;1417952782;rdymac;cuz someone sent me here asking me and @ElectrumWallet to proof ourselves with GPG, and saw your comment 947421;1417952802;rdymac;can't connect his twitter with his nick here, so dunno who he is 947422;1417952835;cazalla;rdymac, i believe that would be danielpbarron 947423;1417952867;fluffypony;gosh cazalla look what you did now 947424;1417952869;rdymac;beside that, if I've never trade at #bitcoin-otc I'm not trustable... what a bullshit 947425;1417952885;fluffypony;rdymac: lots of people have trust relationships in the WoT without having traded 947426;1417952889;fluffypony;it's a web of trust, not a web of trades 947427;1417952896;rdymac;beside that, if I've never trade at #bitcoin-otc I'm not trustable... what a bull* 947428;1417952915;rdymac;I see 947429;1417952991;fluffypony;also verifying you are who you say you are through GPG isn't related to the WoT 947430;1417953037;fluffypony;I haven't seen the tweet, but in the Electrum source in pubkeys/ there are a bunch of GPG keys 947431;1417953037;rdymac;that's what he pointed out 947432;1417953042;fluffypony;well three actually 947433;1417953069;fluffypony;Animazing, ThomasV, and wozz (mr_burdell) 947434;1417953070;rdymac;the three that generates the binaries 947435;1417953098;fluffypony;yeah so obviously whoever is controlling the Twitter account at the moment can't sign a message as any of those three 947436;1417953210;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21399 @ 0.00050189 = 10.7399 BTC [-] {2} 947437;1417953972;mircea_popescu;you know, reading on this people's temple thing... the general pro-state argument is that o noes, donation powered police department and government generally "wouldn't work" because "people won't pay, gotta tax!" 947438;1417953995;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, completely insane and otherwise entirely pointless derps like the jones dude got TENS OF MILLIONS of 1970s dollars in donations 947439;1417954018;mircea_popescu;to... essentially... build an experimental prison camp. or to leave to the communist party of ussr. 947440;1417954040;mircea_popescu;i mean... the fucking commie party of the at-the-time enemy of the us could have lived off fucking us citizen ~donations~ 947441;1417954052;mircea_popescu;and you're telling me the local school or w/e couldn't, IF IT WERE ANY USEFUL. 947442;1417954055;mircea_popescu;seems a dubious claim. 947443;1417954098;mircea_popescu;what they're actually saying is, "you'd never pay for us to do things you don't want done but we do, so gotta force you to pay". which proper restatement of the argument is of course too plain for their taste. 947444;1417954226;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKTknLD9eWw << bitcoin as written in cpp by satoshi nakamoto << exactly correct lol. 947445;1417954227;assbot;Bert's One Man Band Composite - Walt Disney's Mary Poppins - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1wMsL5K ) 947446;1417954379;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes: is the blockchain cpu-bound on ssds *and* spinny-drives? << not really. afaik the bitcoind was always IO bound, either on memory or more usually disk. but i guess some people somewhere run shitty enough systems that it's the cpu. 947447;1417954440;mircea_popescu;;;later tell bingoboingo mike_c "here's how november went for mpex stocks" piece for qntra ? can has ? 947448;1417954440;gribble;The operation succeeded. 947449;1417954475;mircea_popescu;rdymac: beside that, if I've never trade at #bitcoin-otc I'm not trustable... what a bullshit << heh. 947450;1417954843;mircea_popescu;!up mariorz 947451;1417955065;mircea_popescu;!up yrashk__ 947452;1417955518;mircea_popescu;!up jyap 947453;1417955526;mircea_popescu;!s jyap 947454;1417955527;assbot;5 results for 'jyap' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=jyap 947455;1417955554;mircea_popescu;wow you're the guy that sent some blogger a copy of his greencard ? 947456;1417956504;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17998 @ 0.00050875 = 9.1565 BTC [+] {4} 947457;1417956769;punkman;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B4NKUHCIAAAb_eB.jpg 947458;1417956770;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1CUQGU7 ) 947459;1417956835;mircea_popescu;hahaha 947460;1417956957;punkman;"A new Forex/bitcoin platform is looking for responsible people to work 8 hours a day 7 days a week, typing on their chat. You will be required to post every 1-4minutes while focusing on the topic of Forex trading and cyrptocurrency." 947461;1417957063;fluffypony;lol 947462;1417957247;punkman;can I hire someone to keep putting OG on doc's door every 1-4 hours? 947463;1417957263;punkman;maybe a kickstarter 947464;1417957266;fluffypony;hah 947465;1417957734;mircea_popescu;why do you bother poor mr dr. 947466;1417957776;mircea_popescu;anyway, i can imagine the "responsible people" working 8 hours a day "typing in chat". they're like, on the street, in bars, imagining they may talk to women and so forth. 947467;1417957778;danielpbarron;rdymac, hi! 947468;1417957806;danielpbarron;!up rdymac 947469;1417957818;mircea_popescu;actually speaking of which. Anduck need a job ? exactly tailored for your intelligence level, skills and abilities, everything. 947470;1417957857;rdymac;hi 947471;1417957926;punkman;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B4HAyfoCEAA3ZxW.jpg "This is a Russian priest sprinkling holy water on the central bank's servers in an attempt to stop the fall of ruble." 947472;1417957927;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1CUU0P8 ) 947473;1417957934;danielpbarron;;;rate rdymac 1 electrum guy https://twitter.com/randybrito/status/541549806658011138 947474;1417957936;assbot;No, our Twitter account hasn't been hacked. This is Thomas V. I'm just voicing my opinions. After all, this is twitter... 947475;1417957936;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user rdymac has been recorded. 947476;1417957939;Anduck;haha, what mircea_popescu ? 947477;1417957943;danielpbarron;nice! 947478;1417957943;mircea_popescu;punkman they do that shit in romania too. 947479;1417957955;Anduck;you trying to attack me again because of ....? 947480;1417957957;Anduck;lol 947481;1417957964;punkman;I'm familiar with orthodox water sprinklers 947482;1417957964;Anduck;punkman: what's up with deedS? 947483;1417957978;mircea_popescu;greece too huh 947484;1417957987;punkman;Anduck: I'm working on it 947485;1417957998;mircea_popescu;romanian expression goes, "ii bun ca apa sfintita. nici tocmeste, nici nu strica." 947486;1417958012;mircea_popescu;which'd be, "it's good like holy water. it doesn't fix anything, it doesn't break anything" 947487;1417958019;mircea_popescu;course, in the case of servers that may not hold. 947488;1417958023;Anduck;punkman: aight 947489;1417958050;punkman;mircea_popescu: well the racks are closed at least 947490;1417958053;danielpbarron;rdymac, get yourself identified! 947491;1417958064;rdymac;;;oauth 947492;1417958064;gribble;Error: "oauth" is not a valid command. 947493;1417958073;danielpbarron;;;eauth 947494;1417958073;gribble;(eauth ) -- Initiate authentication for user . You must have registered a GPG key with the bot for this to work. You will be given a link to a page which contains a one time password encrypted with your key. Decrypt, and use the 'everify' command with it. Your passphrase will expire in 10 minutes. 947495;1417958108;rdymac;;;gpg eauth rdymac 947496;1417958109;gribble;Request successful for user rdymac, hostmask rdymac!uid31665@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-bfzytzxcmxfkubcc. Get your encrypted OTP from http://bitcoin-otc.com/otps/6930CFE70FA4130C 947497;1417958177;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron who's this guy again ? 947498;1417958192;danielpbarron;electrum developer or something 947499;1417958196;cazalla;it's that niggerguy 947500;1417958200;danielpbarron;lol 947501;1417958212;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6497 @ 0.0005021 = 3.2621 BTC [-] 947502;1417958222;rdymac;;;verify rdymac 947503;1417958222;gribble;Error: 'rdymac' is not a valid http url. 947504;1417958224;danielpbarron;;;everify 947505;1417958225;gribble;(everify ) -- Verify the latest encrypt-authentication request by providing your decrypted one-time password. If verified, you'll be authenticated for the duration of the bot's or your IRC session on channel (whichever is shorter). 947506;1417958242;rdymac;;;everify 947507;1417958242;gribble;(everify ) -- Verify the latest encrypt-authentication request by providing your decrypted one-time password. If verified, you'll be authenticated for the duration of the bot's or your IRC session on channel (whichever is shorter). 947508;1417958262;danielpbarron;paste the decrypted message 947509;1417958265;rdymac;it's been more than 3 years since I started using this gribble thing 947510;1417958270;rdymac;I'm already verify 947511;1417958283;rdymac;check it out yourself 947512;1417958283;mircea_popescu;;;ident rdymac 947513;1417958283;gribble;Nick 'rdymac', with hostmask 'rdymac!uid31665@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-bfzytzxcmxfkubcc', is identified as user 'rdymac', with GPG key id 6930CFE70FA4130C, key fingerprint 637E773CF6DDEE8F009F84616930CFE70FA4130C, and bitcoin address 15Am4YY6uaLi5dpWFRaNvekfby9G9VZsNB 947514;1417958285;danielpbarron;nice 947515;1417958324;mircea_popescu;;;rate 1 electrum developer. 947516;1417958324;gribble;Error: 'electrum' is not a valid integer. 947517;1417958330;mircea_popescu;;;rate rdymac 1 electrum developer. 947518;1417958331;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user rdymac has been recorded. 947519;1417958344;rdymac;thanks 947520;1417958378;mircea_popescu;umm. 947521;1417958384;rdymac;I manage translations, made the complete Spanish translation of Electrum, also help with design and webpage, bug hunter and social media 947522;1417958393;mircea_popescu;https://electrum.org/community.html << none of the three keys listed there matc hes 637E773CF6DDEE8F009F84616930CFE70FA4130C 947523;1417958393;assbot;Electrum Bitcoin Client ... ( http://bit.ly/1CUUZ1I ) 947524;1417958406;mircea_popescu;what happened ? 947525;1417958406;mircea_popescu;ah i c. 947526;1417958407;rdymac;I don't sign binaries 947527;1417958414;mircea_popescu;;;rate rdymac 1 electrum web guy. 947528;1417958415;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating for user rdymac has changed from 1 to 1. 947529;1417958445;Anduck;rdymac: why doesnt electrum gui / somewhere allow more reserve receiving addrs? 947530;1417958452;Anduck;we could move to #electrum tho 947531;1417958476;mircea_popescu;rdymac prolly a good idea to have your pgp key added to the page anyway. 947532;1417958547;rdymac;yep, too many changes and busy devs right now 947533;1417958565;rdymac;we were supposed to launch a new website for 2.0 947534;1417958649;rdymac;http://bitcoin-otc.com/viewratingdetail.php?nick=rdymac 947535;1417958650;assbot;Rating Details for User 'rdymac' ... ( http://bit.ly/1CUVAAi ) 947536;1417959366;Anduck;how much are bitbet.us fees? 947537;1417959615;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30200 @ 0.00049673 = 15.0012 BTC [-] 947538;1417959651;mircea_popescu;http://guff.com/westerners-now-regret-joining-isis-should-we-take-them-back/ << i wonder. 947539;1417959652;assbot;Westerners Now Regret Joining ISIS. Should We Take Them Back? - Wah! ISIS proves to be a drag for first-world recruits. | Guff News ... ( http://bit.ly/1CUYs0g ) 947540;1417959694;danielpbarron;Anduck, http://bitbet.us/faq/#140 Every bettor on the winning side will receive as follows : 99% of his original bet sum (1% goes to BitBet.us) plus 99% of his bet times the total bet by the losing side multiplied by his bet's total weight and divided by the winning side total weight. 947541;1417959694;assbot;FAQ BitBet ... ( http://bit.ly/1CUYvZY ) 947542;1417959840;Anduck;danielpbarron: thx 947543;1417959869;mircea_popescu;!up yrashk__ 947544;1417959873;Anduck;so it's about 2% 947545;1417961010;mircea_popescu;"After a tepid cold open that was" 947546;1417961028;mircea_popescu;srsly, tepid cold ? lol who the fuck writes the bezzleweb! 947547;1417961628;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7137 @ 0.00049752 = 3.5508 BTC [+] 947548;1417961689;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27200 @ 0.00050584 = 13.7588 BTC [+] {3} 947549;1417961872;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21083 @ 0.00050948 = 10.7414 BTC [+] {2} 947550;1417962187;scoopbot;New post on Trilema by Mircea Popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/the-internet-race-gap/ 947551;1417962205;danielpbarron;it breaths! 947552;1417962543;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30100 @ 0.00051482 = 15.4961 BTC [+] {2} 947553;1417963397;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8300 @ 0.00051551 = 4.2787 BTC [+] 947554;1417963519;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19200 @ 0.00051551 = 9.8978 BTC [+] 947555;1417963639;kakobrekla;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsxGrikfm2g 947556;1417963640;assbot;Firework War! - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1s1cLM2 ) 947557;1417964688;mircea_popescu;haha not bad 947558;1417965626;fluffypony;[15:31:11] I was wondering what you peeps think about my new drawing, I did it to show the cute 11-year old girls (and the ones close to that age) how much I love em! Would love feedback! [ https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=806419096066011&set=pcb.806419262732661&type=1&theater ] 947559;1417965628;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1zcRT54 ) 947560;1417965629;fluffypony;wut. 947561;1417966142;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24200 @ 0.00049483 = 11.9749 BTC [-] {3} 947562;1417966154;kakobrekla;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-12-2014#947544 < pls to enlighten me how did ya figure this one out 947563;1417966154;assbot;Logged on 07-12-2014 13:44:33; Anduck: so it's about 2% 947564;1417966248;Anduck;what? 947565;1417966288;kakobrekla;which part? 947566;1417966306;Anduck;why so hostile? 947567;1417966313;kakobrekla;? 947568;1417966335;Anduck;lol 947569;1417966361;Anduck;why the fuck all mircea-popescu followers here have to talk like he does 947570;1417966375;Anduck;like, when someone asks "what?" you be a smart fucking ass and say "which part?" 947571;1417966384;Anduck;just... lol 947572;1417966548;kakobrekla;i was just genuinely interested where you brain farted that you came up with 2% 947573;1417966724;Anduck;i didnt calculate anything. 947574;1417966733;kakobrekla;that id bet on. 947575;1417966744;Anduck;as said, everyone tries to be as cunty as mp 947576;1417966745;Anduck;heh 947577;1417966762;kakobrekla;only tries. 947578;1417966762;Anduck;indeed. 947579;1417966762;Anduck;but you're pretty close 947580;1417966775;kakobrekla;ty, i try. 947581;1417967679;assbot;Last 20 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/3WMHVN8.txt ) 947582;1417967679;punkman;!b 20 947583;1417967876;kakobrekla;also not sure on this one but whichparteism might come from kako 947584;1417968094;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20397 @ 0.00051551 = 10.5149 BTC [+] 947585;1417968287;punkman;kakobrekla: I'll tell you how that works. You scan faq quickly, read 99% twice, so 1+1= 2% 947586;1417968399;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6900 @ 0.00051551 = 3.557 BTC [+] 947587;1417970046;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49300 @ 0.00050684 = 24.9872 BTC [-] {4} 947588;1417970084;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: ;;later tell bingoboingo mike_c "here's how november went for mpex stocks" piece for qntra ? can has ? << NSA statement? 947589;1417970900;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20606 @ 0.00049737 = 10.2488 BTC [-] {2} 947590;1417971327;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1709 @ 0.00123979 = 2.1188 BTC [+] {2} 947591;1417971999;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15091 @ 0.00051889 = 7.8306 BTC [+] {2} 947592;1417972913;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16500 @ 0.00051539 = 8.5039 BTC [-] 947593;1417974133;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2118 @ 0.00051539 = 1.0916 BTC [-] 947594;1417974378;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14611 @ 0.000521 = 7.6123 BTC [+] 947595;1417975353;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25535 @ 0.000521 = 13.3037 BTC [+] 947596;1417975577;hanbot;Anduck: why so hostile? << stop interpreting gracious attempts to refine your idiocy into something usable as "hostile". people who don't make things as easy as possible for you aren't your enemies, they're your teachers. refusing to engage in the lesson ensures you'll stay comfortably stupid. 947597;1417976095;mike_c;Monthly roundup though, sounds like a good idea. 947598;1417976144;mike_c;BingoBoingo: I'll write that up once the snsa statement hits the wire. 947599;1417976163;BingoBoingo;Cool, thanks mike_c 947600;1417976451;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4750 @ 0.000521 = 2.4748 BTC [+] 947601;1417976451;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1844 @ 0.00123366 = 2.2749 BTC [-] {5} 947602;1417976923;jurov;http://nationalreport.net/bitcoin-satoshi-nakamoto-arrested-identity-revealed/ 947603;1417976925;assbot;Bitcoin Founder Satoshi Nakamoto Arrested; Identity Revealed - National Report | National Report ... ( http://bit.ly/1w335A8 ) 947604;1417976949;jurov;wtf,.. above was posted almost day ago and i can't find any discussion about it? 947605;1417977025;BingoBoingo;jurov: hoax site 947606;1417977057;jurov;okay 947607;1417977224;adlai;http://nationalreport.net/bill-cosby-rape-allegations-lead-popularity-boon-india/ 947608;1417977226;assbot;Bill Cosby Rape Allegations Lead To Popularity Boon In India | National Report ... ( http://bit.ly/1w33CSX ) 947609;1417977236;adlai;gr8 site m80 947610;1417977280;adlai;mircea_popescu: this is probably why http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/alexa-trilema.png 947611;1417977280;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1w33KBL ) 947612;1417977285;jurov;the perils of ingesting information via phone on crowded bus... 947613;1417977290;jurov;/o\ 947614;1417977295;hanbot;FBI agents just stormed the building, came in here without a search warrant or anything, Fappy The Anti-Masturbation Dolphin, a mascot for the group, told CNN. << lol 947615;1417977543;jurov;http://oglaf.com/dont/ << please accept this as my humble apology 947616;1417977544;assbot;don't ... ( http://bit.ly/1w34jvn ) 947617;1417977610;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 13 @ 0.098 = 1.274 BTC [-] {2} 947618;1417977611;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10500 @ 0.000521 = 5.4705 BTC [+] 947619;1417977715;jurov;http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/12/01/penniless_and_desperate_wikipedia_sits_on_60m_cash/ dunno i have seen this somewhere 947620;1417977716;assbot;Wikipedia won't stop BEGGING for cash - despite sitting on $60m • The Register ... ( http://bit.ly/1w34G9l ) 947621;1417978281;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16300 @ 0.000521 = 8.4923 BTC [+] 947622;1417979196;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18350 @ 0.00051644 = 9.4767 BTC [-] 947623;1417979556;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo looks like s.nsa will skip a month. 947624;1417979572;mircea_popescu;dunno what asciilifeform is doing but i guess he got sick ? 947625;1417979589;BingoBoingo;Ah, I hope he recovers 947626;1417979633;mircea_popescu;fluffypony i suspek the guy's trying to be fringe & controversial rather than anything unsavory. 947627;1417979716;ben_vulpes;landlording company left a pound of ground french roast on my stoop yesterday. 947628;1417979721;ben_vulpes;i can't tell if i'm being trolled. 947629;1417979741;ben_vulpes;the best part was the awful awful awful christmas card signed by the office staff with nothing but signatures inside. 947630;1417979802;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes you're being hit on, by a bunch of bored chicks stuck in a beancounter job in rural america and the social skills of a box of liverjournals. 947631;1417979816;mircea_popescu;either you, or any other of the however many tenants. 947632;1417979823;ben_vulpes;probably the dyke upstairs. 947633;1417979837;ben_vulpes;i've *been* in the leasing company's office. 947634;1417979840;mircea_popescu;no, more likely to be a 40something gay dude. 947635;1417979848;ben_vulpes;haw now that i'll buy. 947636;1417979877;ben_vulpes;but why rural america? i don't live in the boonies and the company office is fifteen blocks north 947637;1417979877;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-12-2014#947569 << am i the only one to notice the logs are getting increasingly bizarre ? 947638;1417979877;assbot;Logged on 07-12-2014 15:32:41; Anduck: why the fuck all mircea-popescu followers here have to talk like he does 947639;1417979881;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes o you don't ? yaok. 947640;1417979885;mircea_popescu;keep telling yourself that. 947641;1417979886;mircea_popescu;:D 947642;1417979943;ben_vulpes;get stuffed with ennui you seasoned metropolitan 947643;1417979952;mircea_popescu;lawlsky. 947644;1417979982;mircea_popescu;;;google population size of where ben_vulpes works/lives, how many time smaller than buenos aires it is. 947645;1417979982;gribble;No matches found. 947646;1417980000;mircea_popescu;(yeah, trilema actually does get these types of searches. in romanian.) 947647;1417980018;ben_vulpes;~1/15 947648;1417980073;mircea_popescu;dude why does hanbot sound so much like kako! 947649;1417980091;*;ben_vulpes is still reeling from the "rural america jab" 947650;1417980098;mircea_popescu;all you black girls sound the same 947651;1417980132;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes : today in b-a, "best jabs are the completely impredictable, entirely baseless shit nobody expects". 947652;1417980148;ben_vulpes; mircea_popescu: well the racks are closed at least << these aren't the racks you're looking for 947653;1417980204;ben_vulpes;i suspect its the 19yo queer girl who "doesn't put substances in her body" that ordered this miserable filth delivered to my door. 947654;1417980212;ben_vulpes;either that or the whole team just really hates their customers. 947655;1417980262;mircea_popescu;maybe they just don't think much of their cusomters. 947656;1417980285;ben_vulpes;"gotta order n bags of coffee..." 947657;1417980337;mod6;return the favor: leave them a 2lb. of tripe and an xmas card on their doorstep 947658;1417980346;mircea_popescu;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6M3VrPyFyY << perhaps the source of your suffering. 947659;1417980347;assbot;French Roast HD - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1w39ifA ) 947660;1417980365;mod6;*bag of 947661;1417980382;hanbot;ben_vulpes maybe they saved the good coffee to fuel the tractor? 947662;1417980439;ben_vulpes;Y'ALL ARE BEING MEAN I'M GOING TO MUCK OUT THE STABLES AND THEN CALL REDDIT POLICE 947663;1417980476;mircea_popescu;lol his girflriend is a pony! 947664;1417980731;mircea_popescu;mike_c: BingoBoingo: I'll write that up once the snsa statement hits the wire. <<< it's skipping this period. 947665;1417980774;mircea_popescu;OMG GUY JUROV WAS ARRESTED 947666;1417980807;mircea_popescu;(the "AKA Satoshi Nakamoto, founder of the Bitcoin" part is lulziest. have you founded the bitcoin, sir ?) 947667;1417980914;mircea_popescu;adlai this is what why ? 947668;1417981121;mircea_popescu;heh wikipedia, a scam run as a scam. figgrs. 947669;1417981148;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3850 @ 0.00052083 = 2.0052 BTC [+] 947670;1417981361;Anduck;hanbot: what the fuck? 947671;1417981383;Anduck;hanbot: please carefully review the original "discussion" and think 947672;1417981402;Anduck;what you said does have a point but it's not related 947673;1417981444;Anduck;i mean the 2nd sentence of yours, it's got a point 947674;1417981445;Anduck;=) 947675;1417981819;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14150 @ 0.0005212 = 7.375 BTC [+] {4} 947676;1417981841;adlai;mircea_popescu: this is lame/overstretched joke, explaining trilema's popularity in india by analogy to the parody article. tl;dr: this is dog 947677;1417981849;mircea_popescu;aok 947678;1417981941;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17657 @ 0.00052155 = 9.209 BTC [+] 947679;1417981988;mircea_popescu;so today i made the discovery that after sleeping in a half foot long ankle hobble, girl is much more respectful, obedient an' restrained generally. 947680;1417981996;mircea_popescu;clearly the pressure spot for good behaviour is on the ankle. 947681;1417982013;mircea_popescu;i wonder if chinese acupuncture knew this. 947682;1417982429;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40855 @ 0.00051469 = 21.0277 BTC [-] {2} 947683;1417982551;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16122 @ 0.00052155 = 8.4084 BTC [+] 947684;1417982642;adlai;it must obstruct the flow of bad qi up the shaoyin meridian 947685;1417982687;adlai;wow, crap at the footer of https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fc/Chinese_meridians.JPG is almost timecube 947686;1417982691;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/12AZj5m ) 947687;1417982780;ben_vulpes;http://cube-drone.com/2014_11_27-103_Pipes.html 947688;1417982781;assbot;Cube Drone ... ( http://bit.ly/12AZOwa ) 947689;1417983063;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/alexismadrigal/status/450610922730450945 << this to me is very lulzy. 947690;1417983065;assbot;How Twitter's changed. http://t.co/MKxOQuEDSU For example, replying is down. Retweeting is up big. http://t.co/RmEqNSNBTN 947691;1417983080;mircea_popescu;it's not exactly that evil lizard WANTS people to not contribute. 947692;1417983090;mircea_popescu;it's that people, by and large, prefer to just pass things along 947693;1417983356;adlai;"He wrapped himself in quotations, as a beggar would enfold himself in the purple of Emperors." Rudyard Kipling 947694;1417983419;mthreat;https://www.zonajobs.com.ar/p/#!empleo/1492670/Actriz-Pornográfica/Importante-Empresa-Canadiense-de-Entretenimiento-para-Adultos/Capital-Federal 947695;1417983421;assbot;ZonaJobs ... ( http://bit.ly/12B206O ) 947696;1417983438;mthreat;Porn company opening office in puerto madero in 2015 947697;1417983450;mircea_popescu;mthreat i already know they'll fail. 947698;1417983466;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12350 @ 0.00052155 = 6.4411 BTC [+] 947699;1417983476;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: how? 947700;1417983482;mircea_popescu;for the bystander : puerto madero is this overdeveloped zone that cost a lot of money, financed years ago on the theory that whatever, b-a is going to be seattle. 947701;1417983492;mircea_popescu;ba failed to be seattle, and the costs of credit rose fantastically. 947702;1417983501;mircea_popescu;as a result, all those developers are today bankrupt, but... 947703;1417983502;ben_vulpes;oh the big towers on the waterfront? 947704;1417983537;mircea_popescu;they're not actually closed out, because argentina is still very far away from a working market economy. these people'd be humiliated by the market, they're politically and socialy connected, can't have that. 947705;1417983544;mircea_popescu;so instead of the judge selling them by courthouse auction, they keep having lifelines extended 947706;1417983550;*;adlai for a moment was wondering what #b-a had to do with seattle 947707;1417983557;mircea_popescu;which makes most of the income arrive not from renters, but from the state 947708;1417983570;mircea_popescu;which makes the people involved more interested in supporting an image than providing a service 947709;1417983580;mircea_popescu;which makes them completely uninteresting to actual renters. 947710;1417983646;mircea_popescu;the only thing a foreign porn company "rending in puerto madero" does is send the local whores (perfectly happy to swallow for 200 pesos, otherwise) the message that they should overcharge. which they will. 947711;1417983663;mircea_popescu;porn is a marginal business everywhere, and so... they'd be better off filming in ohio. 947712;1417983818;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes yeah, the places everyone tries to sell tourists on. as the only people clueless enough to not realise that... wait a minute! 947713;1417983965;mircea_popescu;and unrelatedly : ever heard of a 37 year old general ? 947714;1417983970;mircea_popescu;;;google florian coldea 947715;1417983971;gribble;Romanian Intelligence Service - Leadership: ; Romanian Intelligence Service - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Pin by Serviciul Roman de Informatii on Depunere juramant ANIMV ...: 947716;1417984306;BingoBoingo;!up ASCII_in_bed 947717;1417984558;mircea_popescu;lol 947718;1417984666;mircea_popescu;;;later tell asciilifeform here's a decent putin joke : "All Vovocika jokes are political jokes." 947719;1417984667;gribble;The operation succeeded. 947720;1417984862;thestringpuller;$conferenc 947721;1417984865;thestringpuller;$conference 947722;1417984879;thestringpuller;$conf 947723;1417984879;thestringpuller;:( 947724;1417984899;empyex;thestringpuller: Next conference starts in 4 months and 10 days. Estimated cost today: 3.49882047 BTC (Details: http://trilema.com/2014/the-conference-third-edition/ ) 947725;1417984921;empyex;thestringpuller: Next conference starts in 4 months and 10 days. Estimated cost today: 3.49882047 BTC (Details: http://trilema.com/2014/the-conference-third-edition/ ) 947726;1417984941;thestringpuller;okay just lagging 947727;1417984957;thestringpuller;My how time flies 947728;1417985014;mircea_popescu;you comin' ? 947729;1417985068;thestringpuller;Most likely. I'm no VIP tho. 947730;1417985145;thestringpuller;I'm going to learn me some stuffs so I'm not so dumbs. 947731;1417985184;mircea_popescu;can't hurt. 947732;1417985650;PeterL;I could write up a summary of MPEX reports for qntra if nobody has started yet? 947733;1417985766;mircea_popescu;if two of you do that's not a loss, that's a gain. go for it. 947734;1417986038;thestringpuller;you ever play sim ant mircea_popescu ? 947735;1417986059;mircea_popescu;simcity ? yeah back in the msdos days. 947736;1417986099;thestringpuller;that too. 947737;1417986118;mircea_popescu;http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6d/Micropolis_-_big_city.png ftw 947738;1417986120;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1vCFrea ) 947739;1417986124;thestringpuller;lots of neat sim games. SimAnt was an Ant simulator, but a lot of people are squeamish so it never took off. 947740;1417986160;thestringpuller;lol all the radiation!!!! 947741;1417986204;mircea_popescu;do you count dungeon keeper ? 947742;1417986240;thestringpuller;that's by the dude who made Black and White, all his games are simulation based I thought. 947743;1417986322;fluffypony;omg I loved SimAnt 947744;1417986343;thestringpuller;Overlord is directly inpsired from it if I recall correctly (Overlord was inspired by Pikmin as well but heavily inspired by Dungeon Keeper) 947745;1417986349;fluffypony;the red ants still give me nightmares 947746;1417986374;thestringpuller;Make sure yo have enough warriors and workers! 947747;1417986388;fluffypony;remember the copy protection on old games 947748;1417986404;mircea_popescu;nope 947749;1417986404;thestringpuller;LOL what copy portection? 947750;1417986406;mircea_popescu;i remember hearing about such a thing in the mid 90s, and being both incredulous 947751;1417986406;fluffypony;Leisure Suit Larry required you to put in a word from the manual at a particular point 947752;1417986411;mircea_popescu;and spending a while to try to find such a thing ? 947753;1417986415;fluffypony;so you had to copy the game AND photocopy the manual 947754;1417986419;mircea_popescu;never managed, gave up, wrote it off as nonsense. 947755;1417986451;fluffypony;and then Space Quest 3 or 4, the one where he travels through time, you needed the game manual to complete parts of the game 947756;1417986452;mircea_popescu;fluffypony i had the one with the "ken sent me" password. 947757;1417986465;fluffypony;subtle copy protection 947758;1417986467;mircea_popescu;but i didn't realise at the time it's what it was, i thought it genuinely actually used it to keep you out if underage 947759;1417986471;thestringpuller;oh wow! Dungeon Keeper ran off the Magic Carpet engine? 947760;1417986473;fluffypony;lol 947761;1417986487;mircea_popescu;the original i think yeah 947762;1417986492;mircea_popescu;;;google larry "ken sent me" 947763;1417986493;gribble;Leisure Suit Larry: Reloaded - Part 9 - Ken sent me - YouTube: ; Leisure Suit Larry Reloaded #4 Ken Sent Me (Lets Play / 1080p ...: ; Leisure Suit Larry 1 EGA: 947764;1417986515;mircea_popescu;i tihnk it was 4. "land of the lounge lizards" or something like that. 947765;1417986564;mircea_popescu;http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5/5c/Leisure_Suit_Larry_bar.png << this 947766;1417986565;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1vCGMBH ) 947767;1417986587;Pierre_Rochard;question on this: http://bitbet.us/bet/1072/bitpay-to-process-12m-or-more-during-2014/ 947768;1417986588;assbot;BitBet - BitPay to process $12M or more during 2014 Bitcoin Black Friday :: 0.04 B (19%) on Yes, 0.17 B (81%) on No | closed 1 week 3 days ago ... ( http://bit.ly/1vCGPxo ) 947769;1417986588;Pierre_Rochard;how will it be resolved of no public announcement is made? 947770;1417986633;thestringpuller;is this where you wikileaks them Pierre_Rochard ? 947771;1417986635;thestringpuller;jk 947772;1417986709;Pierre_Rochard;haha, I’m no bradley manning 947773;1417986711;Pierre_Rochard;ehrm chelsea? 947774;1417986720;mircea_popescu;prolly as no. 947775;1417987248;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21250 @ 0.00052174 = 11.087 BTC [+] {2} 947776;1417987797;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16900 @ 0.00052345 = 8.8463 BTC [+] {2} 947777;1417988478;BingoBoingo;!up nacci 947778;1417988956;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22900 @ 0.00050506 = 11.5659 BTC [-] {2} 947779;1417990032;thestringpuller;;;ud ambulance chaser 947780;1417990033;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Ambulance%20Chaser | Q: What do you call an ambulance chaser riddled with bullets? A: A good start. by Aw yeah October 13, 2003. 568 189. Shop. 20 Words Related to Ambulance ... 947781;1417990159;adlai;http://trilema.com/2014/the-complexity-of-life-a-triad/ < re ptIII, two is STILL an understatement -> http://rosalind.info/problems/orf/#transcription-may-begin-anywhere (click to expand) 947782;1417990160;assbot;The complexity of life, a triad pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1A6EV79 ) 947783;1417990161;assbot;ROSALIND | Open Reading Frames ... ( http://bit.ly/1A6EWrQ ) 947784;1417990187;cazalla;any indians or someone familiar with indian bitcoin scene in here by chance? 947785;1417990193;*;adlai is ¼ indian 947786;1417990247;cazalla;adlai, any idea if BTCXIndia is just some rinky dink exchange or something bigger? 947787;1417990369;PeterL;cazalla: I have an article for qntra, how to submit? 947788;1417990555;adlai;cazalla: https://www.cofounderslab.com/profile/hyderabad-financial-services-business-developer-founder-mupparaju-s-rao-31360 947789;1417990559;cazalla;PeterL, email to cazalla@fastmail.com.au, ty btw, weekend has been quite slow 947790;1417990585;PeterL;do I need to gpg sign it or anything like that? 947791;1417990658;cazalla;it wouldn't hurt, thestringpuller has a habit of clearsigning his submissions 947792;1417991031;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17800 @ 0.00051718 = 9.2058 BTC [+] 947793;1417991041;thestringpuller;i just like to make sure there is non-repudiation for my submissions, ie.e the editors know it came from me 947794;1417991167;thestringpuller;so apparently 1/5th of norway's population tuned into this show: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lilyhammer 947795;1417991387;mircea_popescu;http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/archaeology/archaeologists-find-vast-medieval-palace-buried-under-prehistoric-fortress-at-old-sarum-9898759.html 947796;1417991387;assbot;Archaeologists find vast medieval palace buried under prehistoric fortress at Old Sarum - Archaeology - Science - The Independent ... ( http://bit.ly/1A6H0A6 ) 947797;1417991414;mircea_popescu;!up zaht 947798;1417991467;cazalla;thestringpuller, any good? i miss the sopranos 947799;1417991469;mircea_popescu;adlai what, single symbol notation ? 947800;1417991575;*;adlai is referring to "you know how real live beings' genetics work, right ? You get two strands of DNA. Two, not one. Two" 947801;1417991589;adlai;so you get two strands of DNA, but you also get three reading frames per strand 947802;1417991634;cazalla;PeterL, http://qntra.net/2014/12/summary-of-mpex-stocks-november-2014/ 947803;1417991634;assbot;Summary of MPEX Stocks November 2014 | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1A6Hruj ) 947804;1417991653;thestringpuller;adlai: that is a misconception 947805;1417991661;thestringpuller;it's one strand but twisted into double helix 947806;1417991664;mircea_popescu;ah yes. 947807;1417991675;zaht;crypto stocks leave a lot to be desired 947808;1417991711;adlai;whether the helix is "cauterized" at one end by linking the two strands is irrelevant for this specific point 947809;1417991853;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by PeterL: http://qntra.net/2014/12/summary-of-mpex-stocks-november-2014/ 947810;1417991894;thestringpuller;nice scoopbot is back 947811;1417991933;mircea_popescu;nice 947812;1417991935;thestringpuller;cazalla: yea lilyhammer is almost like norway's take on the sorpranos. 947813;1417991942;adlai;where's F.BFRY? http://www.coindesk.com/bitfury-raises-20-million-asic-development-mining-output/ 947814;1417991945;assbot;BitFury Raises $20 Million to Power New ASIC Chip Development ... ( http://bit.ly/1A6I4nE ) 947815;1417991974;mircea_popescu;!up c0rw1n 947816;1417992002;mircea_popescu;i guess that's a summary, but really plenty of room left for tons of indepth analysis. 947817;1417992003;thestringpuller;and if the sopranos was a comedy 947818;1417992023;mircea_popescu;adlai at least that's a company with a product. 947819;1417992045;adlai;so you're scared to short it? :P 947820;1417992124;thestringpuller;MTGox would be the historical textbook example of the characteristics of DERP. 947821;1417992138;mircea_popescu;no, it just doesn't meet the "entirely vc-fraud and shitvapour" profile of f.derp 947822;1417992215;zaht;mtgox succeeded on many fronts 947823;1417992321;mircea_popescu;so did mike nifong. 947824;1417992321;mircea_popescu;same fronts, too. 947825;1417992323;mircea_popescu;;;google mike nifong 947826;1417992323;gribble;Mike Nifong - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; The attempted rehabilitation of Mike Nifong - The Washington Post: ; N.C. judge overturns Darryl Howard conviction, finds prosecutor ...: {assbot,gribble} 947952;1418007347;ben_vulpes;assbot -> gribble 947953;1418007366;mike_c;#b-a -> {assbot, gribble} 947954;1418007392;ben_vulpes;exercise for the mike_c :P 947955;1418007459;cazalla;adlai, the stats are not really point of article, more so to point out stupidity of this bitcoin black friday scheme 947956;1418007478;mike_c;cazalla: I would like to write an article for qntra with graphs in it. how should I go about this? 947957;1418007517;BingoBoingo;Graphs work as email attachements? 947958;1418007519;adlai;stats, whether an official press release or some guess based on data, are needed for bet resolution 947959;1418007520;cazalla;mike_c, can you use images for the graphs or is it code 947960;1418007543;mike_c;images. but embedded in the right spot. and ideally presenting you with the least amount of work necessary. 947961;1418007558;mike_c;like, maybe I should just have a WP account. 947962;1418007571;mike_c;and I can write it myself. and then you review and publish. 947963;1418007632;cazalla;mike_c, technically you already have an account, i create them for authors and use for publishing their articles, i can change so that you can log in and post a draft 947964;1418007645;mike_c;and upload images to put in the draft? 947965;1418007693;mike_c;works for me. I pinky-swear not to break anything. 947966;1418007693;cazalla;i do that via ftp, wordpress won't let me upload images, i think one of the dir permissions are off or something 947967;1418007704;mike_c;that's not a bad thing. but makes it harder for authors. 947968;1418007725;cazalla;you can email the images, i'll upload and then send you the URLs 947969;1418007765;mike_c;that's fine with me, but you might want to think about how to get yourself more out of the workflow. makes scaling and doing this long-term easier. 947970;1418007822;ben_vulpes;automaaaaate 947971;1418007855;mike_c;no no, we don't need more robots involved. 947972;1418007864;ben_vulpes;wordpress is best robot 947973;1418007876;mike_c;unreliable suns of bitches 947974;1418007910;cazalla;mike_c, it's not really that much work atm anyway and what else am i going to do but play pokemon all day during slow periods 947975;1418007947;ben_vulpes;but what about making money while you sleep, cazalla!? 947976;1418007985;mike_c;hehe, i was thinking more about getting ready for the not-slow periods :) but this is fine with me. 947977;1418007998;cazalla;ben_vulpes, i learned this lesson a few years back already 947978;1418008069;mike_c;also, now that I have access, you just gave me access without checking if i'm authenticated :) and I'm actually the reddit police! (j/k) 947979;1418008078;mike_c;but i coulda been 947980;1418008171;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21080 @ 0.00050585 = 10.6633 BTC [-] {2} 947981;1418008184;cazalla;well difficult without gribble around 947982;1418008189;mike_c;srsly 947983;1418008292;adlai;"difficult" 947984;1418008305;cazalla;still, good point, i have been caught slipping 947985;1418008313;adlai;http://bitcoin-otc.com/viewgpg.php?nick=mike_c 947986;1418008314;assbot;#bitcoin-otc gpg key data ... ( http://bit.ly/12CfYoV ) 947987;1418008344;ben_vulpes;http://cube-drone.com/2013_06_05-Cube_Drone_37_The_Often_Inscrutable_Motivation_Of_Programmers.html 947988;1418008345;assbot;Cube Drone ... ( http://bit.ly/12Cg4x3 ) 947989;1418008843;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 120 @ 0.00870083 = 1.0441 BTC [+] {2} 947990;1418008878;cazalla;anyway, taking a walk to reflect on this act of stupidity 947991;1418009555;BingoBoingo;;;ident mike_c 947992;1418009584;ben_vulpes;watch get gribble get ddossed. 947993;1418009599;ben_vulpes;thanks for bringing her back, nanotube 947994;1418009852;kakobrekla;doesnt seem back to me 947995;1418009863;kakobrekla;is gribbles cloak phucked? 947996;1418009927;kakobrekla;!up nanotube 947997;1418009972;nanotube;looks like someone is trying to eat up some cpu by hammering the web server 947998;1418009978;nanotube;with modest success >_> 947999;1418010386;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2014/12/bitcoin-st-petersburg-bowl-preview/ << Preview of the "Bitcoin Bowl" 948000;1418010387;assbot;Bitcoin St. Petersburg Bowl Preview | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/12Cm60v ) 948001;1418010438;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2014/12/bitcoin-st-petersburg-bowl-preview/ 948002;1418010621;BingoBoingo;https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8714823 948003;1418010622;assbot;Bitcoin St. Petersburg Bowl Preview | Hacker News ... ( http://bit.ly/1w42I8z ) 948004;1418010635;ben_vulpes;yes but who paid for it? 948005;1418010820;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: It's a game. The story is in the teams not the sponsors. No one remembers the sponsors of the bowl games. 948006;1418010992;ben_vulpes;sports games are stories now? 948007;1418011036;BingoBoingo;Marginally. 948008;1418011079;BingoBoingo;It's the Bitcoin bowl. There was an obligation to bring attention to how completely mediocre the competitors are. 948009;1418011231;mircea_popescu;[Namworld] i guess if they're only interested to see where the ads lead, they wouldn't follow the redirect. trivial curl thing. 948010;1418011233;mircea_popescu;hanbot kinda how it works these days huh. 948011;1418011264;mircea_popescu;adlai the exchange-reported tx for that day are small, and the books didn't even hold enough. 948012;1418011327;mircea_popescu; like, maybe I should just have a WP account. << i can see this. 948013;1418011338;mircea_popescu;can prolly set to you know, save draft only. then editor can publish. 948014;1418011370;mircea_popescu;<cazalla> i do that via ftp, wordpress won't let me upload images, i think one of the dir permissions are off or something <<< sooo... set em right ? 948015;1418011393;mircea_popescu;mike_c> unreliable suns of bitches << mp waits patiently for mike to run into women. 948016;1418011448;mircea_popescu;nanotube gribble is down and everyone's butthurt about it. 948017;1418011479;BingoBoingo;https://twitter.com/davesund/status/541803828996104192 948018;1418011481;assbot;No matter how badly your season ended, you are nowhere near the level of embarrassment of NC State and UCF fans. /hashtag/BitcoinBowl?src=hash 948019;1418011494;mircea_popescu;except for me. i'm watching zoey monroe being fake-gangraped and am all zen about all things. 948020;1418011788;mircea_popescu;!up nanotube 948021;1418012795;mircea_popescu;http://debanat.ro/2014/12/afacerist-din-timisoara-dat-in-gat-de-mircea-basescu/ 948022;1418012795;assbot;Afacerist din Timisoara, dat in gat de Mircea Basescu | deBanat.ro - spune realitatea! ... ( http://bit.ly/1CXjH1u ) 948023;1418012835;mircea_popescu;"timisoara businessman accused of romania's outgoing president's brother [who is being sent to jail for a pile of various fraud, corruption and graft charges]" 948024;1418012878;mircea_popescu;article goes on to say that name wasn't released, but that the pracitce of buying information about various legal misdeeds of other people is by now a common practice in romania, for they convicted who are also rich. like a trying to get out of jail thing. 948025;1418012878;mircea_popescu;kinda lulzy. 948026;1418012939;mircea_popescu;anyway, it's ovidiu tender yet again. 948027;1418013172;BingoBoingo;The ways people cope with the law are weird 948028;1418013371;thestringpuller;Zarnescu, interesting... 948029;1418014686;BingoBoingo;http://passcode.csmonitor.com/twitterbot 948030;1418014687;assbot;How I learned to stop worrying and love the Twitterbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1G6C1S3 ) 948031;1418014687;cazalla;mircea_popescu, was not sure which dir to set to write, figured better to leave alone, it's not really a big issue as is 948032;1418015757;cazalla;mircea_popescu> except for me. i'm watching zoey monroe being fake-gangraped and am all zen about all things <<< ya like the blondes eh 948033;1418016457;BingoBoingo;!up ascii_in_bed 948034;1418016486;ascii_in_bed;ty 948035;1418016624;ascii_in_bed;funny how this particular pipe is ddosproof 948036;1418016638;mircea_popescu;cazalla she's brunette now. 948037;1418016661;mircea_popescu;ascii_in_bed it is ? you kept going off earlier,. 948038;1418016670;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller hm ? 948039;1418016672;ascii_in_bed;unplugged it earlier 948040;1418016725;mircea_popescu;ascii_in_bed so whatcha got over there ? ebola ? 948041;1418016731;ascii_in_bed;rather - switched off, toy computer 948042;1418016744;ascii_in_bed;flu variant 948043;1418016753;ascii_in_bed;mostly done 948044;1418016803;mircea_popescu;http://construimimperii.ro/despre-daniel-zarnescu << bwahahaha. 948045;1418016804;assbot;Construim ImperiiDespre Daniel Zarnescu - Construim Imperii ... ( http://bit.ly/1wmbWPB ) 948046;1418016829;mircea_popescu;"Sunt fondatorul uneia din cele mai mari retele de bloguri de nisa din Romania (Stepout Media), cu siteuri precum: www.construimimperii.ro," i am the founder of one of the biggest niche networks in romania, with sites such as webuildempires 948047;1418016853;mircea_popescu;the 20yo makemoneyasleep zombie crowd was funny in 2009, will stay funny in 2019 948048;1418016880;ascii_in_bed;if lives. 948049;1418016881;BingoBoingo;ascii_in_bed: Done as in nearly abated, of done as in the virus successfully poetteringized the meat. 948050;1418016904;ascii_in_bed;nearly done with bed 948051;1418017486;ben_vulpes;mats: today i discovered that docker images have a 10GB limit unless you specify otherwise with dm.whatever options on the command line for the docker daemon 948052;1418017499;ben_vulpes;may you not be bitten like i was 948053;1418017514;mats;i see 948054;1418017581;mircea_popescu;magic numbers dude. so fucking important. 948055;1418017598;mircea_popescu;what would happen if some idiot somewhere didn't constantly put magic numbers into everything! 948056;1418017624;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes check it out, docker is like bdb, except differently named undocumented config file. 948057;1418017666;ben_vulpes;well /etc/default/docker but look at it through whatever lens you like baws 948058;1418017697;ben_vulpes;'tis documented in devicemapper. 948059;1418017716;ben_vulpes;oh and it's not a *hard* limit, just a default. 948060;1418017721;ben_vulpes;but again whatever 948061;1418019029;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1000 @ 0.00123759 = 1.2376 BTC [+] {3} 948062;1418019406;cazalla; sports games are stories now? <<< and yet it got a bunch of retweets lol 948063;1418019861;BingoBoingo;http://rt.com/usa/212327-chlorine-leak-animal-evacuation/ 948064;1418019862;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/12gwv1Y ) 948065;1418020634;punkman;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B4Sm5obIYAArfPw.png:large 948066;1418020636;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/12gyC61 ) 948067;1418021150;ben_vulpes;cazalla: retweets are qntra's metric of choice today? 948068;1418021265;cazalla;tbh i was getting into it, a lil' disappointed twitter is yet to unban me 948069;1418021301;cazalla;on it's own it's a terrible metric but i keep an eye on it just to see if people are picking up the stories qntra runs 948070;1418021848;punkman;;;ticker 948071;1418021850;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 372.87, Best ask: 373.5, Bid-ask spread: 0.63000, Last trade: 372.87, 24 hour volume: 2874.85753656, 24 hour low: 372.85, 24 hour high: 377.5, 24 hour vwap: 375.921112973 948072;1418021974;punkman;http://www.internetisshit.org/print.html 948073;1418021975;assbot;The internet is shit ... ( http://bit.ly/1wmAat2 ) 948074;1418022892;BingoBoingo;http://www.salon.com/2014/12/04/new_york_times_propagandists_exposed_finally_the_truth_about_ukraine_and_putin_emerges/ << lulzy 948075;1418022894;assbot; New York Times propagandists exposed: Finally, the truth about Ukraine and Putin emerges - Salon.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1sb7MD8 ) 948076;1418022945;mircea_popescu;punkman well yes, "fairness" as misunderstood by the butthurt parade is going against a hard limit of the universe. 948077;1418022961;mircea_popescu;you wanna trade, move to fucking ny. you don't wanna move to ny, stfu and snort coke or w/e they do in la. 948078;1418023024;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo wait, salon is complaining about nyt propaganda ?! 948079;1418023034;BingoBoingo;Looks like it. 948080;1418023045;*;BingoBoingo waits for them to say haxxed 948081;1418023103;BingoBoingo;Oh qntra is #6 on google for "bitcoin bowl preview" 948082;1418023192;mircea_popescu;anyway, "Patrick L. Smith" is making way too much of an interview with... kissinger. 948083;1418023195;mircea_popescu;srsly, he's still alive ? 948084;1418023218;BingoBoingo;I dunno he can die, lizard heritage 948085;1418023295;mircea_popescu;anyway, salon and the derpage is entirely irrelevant to why and wherefore "we knew all along" and saw through the nuland bullshit from day one. 948086;1418023321;mircea_popescu;moar plowing flies, didntcha know, some anon derp working for some anon flavour of teh us propaganda has been really pulling the yoke! 948087;1418023346;mircea_popescu;that they don't even mention orlov in there is insulting to the russian foreign service lol. 948088;1418023373;assbot;Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/1NWPWGY.txt ) 948089;1418023373;BingoBoingo;!b 2 948090;1418023407;cazalla;BingoBoingo, #5 here 948091;1418023417;BingoBoingo;Nice cazalla 948092;1418023509;BingoBoingo;See this Salon ignoring Orlov thing is like the rest of the "Bitcoin Press" lapping up Bitpay spending out the ass to sponsor a bowl game while ignoring... That there's actually a game that's now going to be played with teams and stuff. 948093;1418023614;fluffypony;https://www.bitcoinrocket.io 948094;1418023618;assbot;BitCoinRocket - The official worldwide bitcoin lottery ... ( http://bit.ly/1wmI31A ) 948095;1418023619;fluffypony;dose graphix 948096;1418023837;BingoBoingo;fluffypony: Actually doesn't look that different compared to some of the 2012 era BTC sites 948097;1418023858;mircea_popescu;might even be a recycle 948098;1418023858;fluffypony;yes but this one is the "official worldwide" lottery 948099;1418023860;mircea_popescu;seems vaguely familiar 948100;1418023895;mircea_popescu;fluffypony i suppose not everyone's fortunate enough to be on the receivingend of reader's digest prizes and stuff. which is why they keep doing this firstbiggestbest thing. 948101;1418023904;fluffypony;lol 948102;1418023920;mircea_popescu;mendelbaum! mendelbaum! mendelbaum! 948103;1418023941;mircea_popescu;it's go time. 948104;1418023966;fluffypony;first official biggest only best bitcoin foundation 948105;1418025251;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4132 @ 0.00050994 = 2.1071 BTC [+] 948106;1418027468;mats;;;seen thickasthieves 948107;1418027469;gribble;thickasthieves was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 4 weeks, 6 days, 17 hours, 14 minutes, and 31 seconds ago: but you da boss 948108;1418027498;mats;i wonder what the odds are tat went and got a day job 948109;1418027626;mats;i remember some disagreement with the missus on the subject of day trading 948110;1418028389;cazalla;bit of a disagreement on trilema.com in the comments too mats 948111;1418028479;mats;link? 948112;1418028700;mats;hm, ongoing protests in berkeley 948113;1418028891;cazalla;mats, about a month ago, forget which article, wasn't that dramatic 948114;1418028934;cazalla;i'm sure they'll kiss and make up 948115;1418030812;punkman;http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2ok035/whats_to_stop_rogue_programmers_inserting/ 948116;1418030816;assbot;What's to stop rogue programmers inserting malicious code into Bitcoin wallet software? : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1w4GfZa ) 948117;1418030961;punkman;"That's why I love this page http://blockchain-status.com/javascript_verifier that blockchain has. Really makes it easy to make sure what's on their github is what they are giving to users." 948118;1418030963;assbot;Blockchain Javascript Check ... ( http://bit.ly/1w4GBin ) 948119;1418031778;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5061 @ 0.00051063 = 2.5843 BTC [+] {2} 948120;1418031799;*;adlai is glad to have abandoned bc.i before the shenanigans beganigans 948121;1418034584;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 17 @ 0.10607047 = 1.8032 BTC [+] {9} 948122;1418034950;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 27 @ 0.1166655 = 3.15 BTC [+] {6} 948123;1418035865;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 200 @ 0.12947909 = 25.8958 BTC [+] {17} 948124;1418038122;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11593 @ 0.00050479 = 5.852 BTC [-] {2} 948125;1418038122;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 61 @ 0.1497374 = 9.134 BTC [+] {9} 948126;1418040501;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21050 @ 0.00051723 = 10.8877 BTC [+] {4} 948127;1418041172;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 32 @ 0.13668186 = 4.3738 BTC [-] {4} 948128;1418043917;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1997 @ 0.00051629 = 1.031 BTC [-] 948129;1418043978;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2853 @ 0.00052254 = 1.4908 BTC [+] 948130;1418044466;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19064 @ 0.0005234 = 9.9781 BTC [+] {3} 948131;1418045320;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5156 @ 0.00052935 = 2.7293 BTC [+] 948132;1418046245;cazalla;http://qntra.net/2014/12/hashfast-asset-auction-cancelled/ 948133;1418046246;assbot;HashFast Asset Auction Cancelled | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1A8jHWD ) 948134;1418046247;cazalla;late here so not a big write up but seems like some lulzy shit 948135;1418046347;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by cazalla: http://qntra.net/2014/12/hashfast-asset-auction-cancelled/ 948136;1418046577;fluffypony;what assets did they have besides the ASICs? 948137;1418046659;cazalla;boards and shit, which the venezuelan congressman bought 948138;1418046703;cazalla;at least from what i can tell, BingoBoingo maybe you are inclined to look it over a bit more, i'll take another look in the morning , zzz now 948139;1418046774;fluffypony;night 948140;1418046845;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 5518 @ 0.00120974 = 6.6753 BTC [-] {16} 948141;1418046968;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 172 @ 0.10050001 = 17.286 BTC [-] {3} 948142;1418047406;*;punkman imagines future state of venezuela, funded by btc mining operations 948143;1418049407;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15050 @ 0.00053346 = 8.0286 BTC [+] {2} 948144;1418049723;BingoBoingo;!up rdymac 948145;1418050093;rdymac;yup? 948146;1418050416;BingoBoingo;http://www.wired.com/2014/12/da-bom/ 948147;1418050417;assbot;Turns Out the Dot-Com Bust's Worst Flops Were Actually Fantastic Ideas | WIRED ... ( http://bit.ly/1zikOou ) 948148;1418050458;mircea_popescu;ahahahaha 948149;1418050479;mircea_popescu;let me guess, it was only because of evil republicans pushing their obsolete, meanwhile technologically-revolutionized ideas about scarcity 948150;1418050483;mircea_popescu;that the bubble popped ? 948151;1418050637;BingoBoingo;"Were still waiting for Kozmo 2.0. But theres also good reason to applaud the folks behind Flooz.com. They wanted to create their own internet-based currency, and though Flooz was a flop, bitcoin has now shown that digital currency can play huge role in the modern world." 948152;1418050649;BingoBoingo;"Even the Pets.com idea is looking mighty good. The basic notion that people wanted to buy pet food online and have it delivered to their homes turns out to be a sound one." 948153;1418050664;mircea_popescu;cazalla: mats, about a month ago, forget which article, wasn't that dramatic << http://trilema.com/2014/waroflife-swol-october-2014-statement-closing/#comment-109570 948154;1418050664;assbot;WarOfLife (S.WOL), October 2014 Statement (closing) pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1G76mSo ) 948155;1418050666;mircea_popescu;it was over swol. 948156;1418050705;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo yeah, totally, because "ideas" are what matters. so what if flooz.com was roughly equivalent to reddit derps making redditcoin. IT WAS AN IDEA. 948157;1418050740;mircea_popescu;i'm sure all the various 19yos that had THE IDEA of you know, a bunch of naked women in your house, are spiritual forefathers to the harem. 948158;1418050759;mircea_popescu;fuck the arabs and so on. what, 1600s existed now ?! 948159;1418050781;BingoBoingo;Sure and pets.com was an idea, that could have totally worked if the thing actually was budgeted to live off of retailer profit margins instead of a VC funded money fire 948160;1418050793;mircea_popescu;you don't understand how ideas work. 948161;1418050806;BingoBoingo;Maybe I don't 948162;1418050823;mircea_popescu;anyway, wasn't pets.com basically groupon arbitrarily limited for the pets scam only ? 948163;1418050830;mircea_popescu;!up Rory 948164;1418050848;mircea_popescu;ie, "we're fleecing the living dailights out of you for no reason, but if you assemble in large groups we'll fleece a little less ?" 948165;1418050943;BingoBoingo;Oh, it was a whole Amazon.com style retailer I thought 948166;1418050944;mircea_popescu;nope. 948167;1418050962;mircea_popescu;it was just a petfood seller with the odd idea of actually buying warehouses. 948168;1418051003;mats;gambling is a rough biz 948169;1418051034;mircea_popescu;to put a face on "VC funded money fire" : https://www.google.com/search?q=Ann+L.+Winblad&complete=0&prmd=ivns&source=lnms&tbm=isch 948170;1418051035;assbot;Ann L. Winblad - Google zoeken ... ( http://bit.ly/1zinzWO ) 948171;1418051078;BingoBoingo;Oh, the sock puppet sold for $125,000 to another startup? 948172;1418051125;mircea_popescu;uh ? 948173;1418051165;jurov; [20141208 01:41] jurov: what happens when a coinbr account has assets but no btc when you need to charge the management fee? << for now unpaid fees just keep piling up as negative balance 948174;1418051219;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: The pets.com mascot 948175;1418051225;adlai;and is there an api to this thing? 948176;1418051247;mircea_popescu;lol i had no idea. 948177;1418051289;mircea_popescu;but since we're doing "faces of Wasted Money" http://dondodge.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/2007/03/21/005.jpg check out the graduating class of awkward 2010. 948178;1418051291;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1G77WDy ) 948179;1418051291;BingoBoingo;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=881511.0 << lulzy 948180;1418051292;assbot;Gauge of interest - looking to raise 25 BTC in January for inventory ... ( http://bit.ly/1G77TYq ) 948181;1418051464;mircea_popescu;" Very little overhead - because hardware sales is just a necessary part in this service industry." mkay, very logics in this verbiage. 948182;1418051494;mircea_popescu;;;seen jdany 948183;1418051494;gribble;I have not seen jdany. 948184;1418051501;mircea_popescu;hm. 948185;1418051563;mircea_popescu;Oct 13 04:07:13 *jdany has quit () heh i knew i saw the name. 948186;1418051569;BingoBoingo;Amazing how the forum dreams have shrank from million BTC datacenters to, pls halp my store. 948187;1418051569;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 948188;1418051613;mircea_popescu;;;seen jdany_ 948189;1418051613;gribble;jdany_ was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 9 weeks, 1 day, 0 hours, 43 minutes, and 1 second ago: I figured you get fed up, dumped and bailed 948190;1418051613;mircea_popescu;there we go. 948191;1418051614;*;adlai has grand dreams but keeps his mouth shut, mostly 948192;1418051839;mircea_popescu;the pets.com thing, incidentally, was exactly opposite to bitcoin : wildly popular with the something awful centered libtard crowd. 948193;1418051929;BingoBoingo;Sure. They figured if pets.com could get dollars dumped on them, any idea could get them paid. On the other hand Bitcoin even in the earliest days supposed people STFU and get in line. 948194;1418051946;danielpbarron;is 15% monthly gains considered a conservative estimate or what? are the tardstalkers still so gullible? 948195;1418052076;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron these numbers are i suspect based in biology. they're not about to change. 948196;1418052122;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://articulo.mercadolibre.com.ar/MLA-532341266-gane-dinero-mientras-duerme-_JM 948197;1418052124;assbot;Gane Dinero Mientras Duerme - $ 28,00 en MercadoLibre ... ( http://bit.ly/1zitf2Q ) 948198;1418052356;mircea_popescu;"They believe the extreme difficulty of collection that the Debtors and/or the Committee will face in the event a judgment is entered against Mr. Barber warrants an approval of the Mutual Release, subject to the right of the Debtors and the Committee to pursue claims against Mr. Barber to the extent there is insurance coverage available to pay such claims." 948199;1418052357;fluffypony;lol BingoBoingo 948200;1418052359;mircea_popescu;basically guy ain't going to jale. 948201;1418052367;fluffypony;25 BTC is BTCJam loan level 948202;1418052393;mircea_popescu;"Mr. Barbers financial statement shows that he is currently insolvent on a balance sheet basis." 948203;1418052406;mircea_popescu;fluffypony you'd be surprised. it WAS. 948204;1418052484;mircea_popescu;;;later tell zaht http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-12-2014#948202 there you go, close enough. 948205;1418052484;assbot;Logged on 08-12-2014 15:26:33; mircea_popescu: "Mr. Barbers financial statement shows that he is currently insolvent on a balance sheet basis." 948206;1418052484;gribble;The operation succeeded. 948207;1418052537;mircea_popescu;"Mr. Barber does not have the ability to fund a defense of any cause of action and would likely be forced into a chapter 7 if forced to defend against claims brought by the estate. The financial statement suggests that such a chapter 7 filing would be determined to be a no asset case. Accordingly, the Debtors and the Committee believe that absent a settlement, it would be very difficult to collect anything at all 948208;1418052537;mircea_popescu;from Mr. Barber, even if a judgment was already in hand today. This factor weighed heavily in the Debtors and Committees decision-making." 948209;1418052554;mircea_popescu;so the tardstalk schmucks were going around acting as if this utter bum is somehow a businessman. 948210;1418052570;mircea_popescu;one of 'em huh. 948211;1418052589;mircea_popescu;"It also shows that he has no material unencumbered assets, and that his encumbered assets (primary residence and vehicles) have no equity." 948212;1418052594;mircea_popescu;cazalla nice publish srsly. 948213;1418052671;mircea_popescu;so the "legal process" in california is so very effectual, guy walks o jesus. ok, ima write this up. 948214;1418052775;fluffypony;have we spoken about the new Just Dice yet? 948215;1418052789;BingoBoingo;Not yet? 948216;1418052918;fluffypony;I'm still trying to figure out the raison d'être for CLAMs 948217;1418052932;fluffypony;I mean the altcoin, not the seafood 948218;1418052966;BingoBoingo;What's their shtick? 948219;1418053016;fluffypony;I dunno, maybe dooglus can enlighten us 948220;1418053062;mircea_popescu;fluffypony something like http://trilema.com/2012/the-reasons-why-bitcoin-securities-cant-be-regulated-by-the-sec/ 2012 is too far in the past so we don't remember it, therefore must make bitcoin clone to say it's a gaming currence ? 948221;1418053062;assbot;The reasons why Bitcoin securities can't be regulated by the SEC pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1G7bshw ) 948222;1418053096;fluffypony;lol 948223;1418053141;mircea_popescu;but that's essentially it, right ? "your honor, this is internet funbux likle wow gold and monopoly money, stfu and go home". 948224;1418053180;mircea_popescu;seems to me better to defend the defensible position rather than try and defend an undefensible positon that's nevertheless slightly more inland. but wtf do i know about strategy. 948225;1418053336;fluffypony;sure 948226;1418053336;fluffypony;but 948227;1418053384;fluffypony;CLAMs are "special" because if you owned Bitcoin or Dogecoin or Litecoin at some magical date when it launched or whatever, then you can "redeem" CLAMs 948228;1418053421;mircea_popescu;uh. 948229;1418053443;mircea_popescu;wait i recall this thing. why do you figure it's related to dooglus ? 948230;1418053443;fluffypony;so in a court of law I'm certain the argument could be made that it has equivalency, and merely giving it a new name doesn't make it any different to Bitcoin 948231;1418053447;mircea_popescu;i thought he was making some new jd-special coin. 948232;1418053457;fluffypony;nope 948233;1418053463;fluffypony;JD was relaunched as CLAMs only 948234;1418053471;mircea_popescu;eh. 948235;1418053476;fluffypony;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=884724.msg9773474#msg9773474 948236;1418053478;assbot;Just-Dice.com Relaunched! With CLAM! ... ( http://bit.ly/1ziAAQd ) 948237;1418053482;mircea_popescu;that was dumb, bt anyway. 948238;1418053487;fluffypony;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=238613.msg9772760#msg9772760 948239;1418053489;assbot;Just-Dice.com : now with added CLAMs : Play or Invest ... ( http://bit.ly/1ziADLR ) 948240;1418053492;mircea_popescu;"Mandatory Update/Fork Complete!" heh. 948241;1418053554;mircea_popescu;dooglus duide seriously that was the stupidest move ever. you could have just sold the damned site. 948242;1418053609;mircea_popescu;i like this guy, but he has the communication abilities of an engineer, and as a result ends up with the local minimums ffs. 948243;1418053703;BingoBoingo;Maybe that's the point of the clams thing, being a kind of retarded mess that's going to be a huge pain for rgulators. 948244;1418053708;fluffypony;hah hah 948245;1418053728;fluffypony;tell the regulators that the USG owns CLAMs by virtue of them having a bunch of BTC in May? 948246;1418053738;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 127 @ 0.01027433 = 1.3048 BTC [-] 948247;1418053773;BingoBoingo;Oh, I'm thinking make the attourneys or whoever sink fucktons of time into figuring out just what clams are. 948248;1418053782;mircea_popescu;anyway i dun really see this is fixable. 948249;1418053785;mircea_popescu;;;rated dooglus 948250;1418053786;gribble;You rated user dooglus on Wed Jul 2 22:02:07 2014, with a rating of 3, and supplied these additional notes: Truly a pillar of the community.. 948251;1418053792;mircea_popescu;;;unrate dooglus 948252;1418053793;gribble;Successfully removed your rating for dooglus. 948253;1418053858;mircea_popescu;im so fucking sick of asicminerism i can't even begin to tell it all. 948254;1418053872;TomServo;these clams are some pretty good lulz though 948255;1418053880;mircea_popescu;bitcoin brings the worst autist specimens up for air. 948256;1418053941;BingoBoingo;The big flaw with it is that dooglus came with too much quantity of name for this. People are going to be all "let's make clams have value" and dooglus goes back to what he tried to avoid. 948257;1418053955;TomServo;at least they're upfront about wanting to redistribute 'satoshi's horde' 948258;1418053995;mircea_popescu;the onl;y thing i see them being upfront about is being derps. 948259;1418054253;Namworld;The heck is clams? 948260;1418054298;TomServo;crypto clams, yo 948261;1418054311;TomServo;because not every slang word for cash was used yet 948262;1418054330;mircea_popescu;haha. is there coinbread yet ? 948263;1418054332;mircea_popescu;cheezebit ? 948264;1418054363;mircea_popescu;Namworld some derpage https://bitcointa.lk/threads/ann-clam-clams-proof-of-key-3-1-million-distributed.318751/ 948265;1418054363;assbot;[ANN][CLAM] CLAMS > Proof-Of-Key > 3.1 Million Distributed | Bitcointa.lk ... ( http://bit.ly/1G7em5S ) 948266;1418054394;mircea_popescu;check out misspelled announcement JPH 948267;1418054422;mircea_popescu;because you can't fucking write text, it's not what you're saying, it's how you're saying it that matters. gotta make a fucking drawing of it. 948268;1418055019;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8950 @ 0.00053371 = 4.7767 BTC [+] 948269;1418055198;scoopbot;New post on Bingo Blog by BingoBoingo: http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2014/12/08/bowl-season/ 948270;1418055342;BingoBoingo;http://thecryptosphere.com/2014/10/10/exclusive-matt-dehart-coverage-paul-dehart-and-tor-ekelund-interviewed/ 948271;1418055344;assbot;Exclusive Matt DeHart coverage: Paul DeHart and Tor Ekeland Interviewed | The Cryptosphere ... ( http://bit.ly/1G7ghas ) 948272;1418055446;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14300 @ 0.0005338 = 7.6333 BTC [+] {2} 948273;1418055646;mircea_popescu;http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=just%20because%20from:mircea_popescu << i think i found a great way to traverse the logs 948274;1418055647;assbot;276 results for 'just because from:mircea_popescu' - #bitcoin-assets search 948275;1418056005;mircea_popescu;jurov sometimes when clicking on charts on coinbr i get nginx "service temporary unavailable". it always goes away if i reload 948276;1418056005;mircea_popescu;but i wonder how many people don't think to reload ? 948277;1418056045;jurov;it's anti-ddos rate limit 948278;1418056067;mircea_popescu;it always hits me on the first visit tho. 948279;1418056071;adlai;same 948280;1418056072;mircea_popescu;it must be some session cookie or something ? 948281;1418056127;BingoBoingo;pre-emptive rate limit 948282;1418056201;jurov;on the second visit, browser has cached stuff and doesn;t do so many requests 948283;1418056211;jurov;but it's something i must fix 948284;1418056228;mircea_popescu;oh i see. 948285;1418056231;mircea_popescu;makes sense. 948286;1418056250;mircea_popescu;anyway, i was going to link to you and figured graphs are cool, but will just link the root and well... 948287;1418056371;asciilifeform;ddos << there will come the day when folks will remember the 'route to anybody who asks first-come-first-serve' internet - with disgust. 948288;1418056390;asciilifeform;(see also thread http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-11-2014#931927 ) 948289;1418056390;assbot;Logged on 23-11-2014 05:04:09; asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: this is why, in my unofficial wonderland, you can't even open a socket without transmitting an rsa-signed a 'this is me, and my wot' breath of life packet. 948290;1418056408;jurov;asciilifeform you basically want telco network, where every packed knows who paid for it 948291;1418056419;asciilifeform;as it is, ddos mitigation does at least as much damage as the disease itself 948292;1418056432;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform im not so sure. i kinda like it. 948293;1418056443;asciilifeform;jurov: not the idiot 'stop spam via taxation' scheme that everyone is familiar with, no 948294;1418056450;asciilifeform;that just ensures hegemony of the richest spammer 948295;1418056460;mircea_popescu;how do you prevent your system from going there ? 948296;1418056470;asciilifeform;wot at the packet route level. 948297;1418056616;asciilifeform;(or, question of how to prevent owners of large, expensive pipes - e.g., transatlantic - from charging for seats in wot? you don't, if you want them built & maintained, and this is approximately what they have now) 948298;1418056878;BingoBoingo;qntra write up coming http://blog.blockchain.com/2014/12/08/blockchain-info-security-disclosure/ 948299;1418056880;assbot;Blockchain.info Security Disclosure | Blockchain Blog ... ( http://bit.ly/1G7jiHS ) 948300;1418057071;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform not quite. 948301;1418057179;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2011/nsfw-aus-dem-leben-der-marionetten/ << neone seen this one ? it's not so bad. 948302;1418057180;assbot;[NSFW] Aus Dem Leben Der Marionetten pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1yHUvYK ) 948303;1418057897;Pierre_Rochard;!up iang_fc 948304;1418057914;Pierre_Rochard;iang_fc: welcome to #bitcoin-assets 948305;1418057957;mircea_popescu;ello./ 948306;1418057957;asciilifeform;http://cryptome.org/2014/12/david-blishen.htm << flondor nominee ? 948307;1418057958;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1G7lkaS ) 948308;1418057958;Pierre_Rochard;background for those of us not on twitter: https://twitter.com/danielpbarron/status/541999761684201472 948309;1418057960;assbot;This is the largest investment in a BTC company to date. http://t.co/MZl7B4Nj9F /hashtag/bitcoin?src=hash-assets /Mircea_Popescu /hashtag/MPEx?src=hash 948310;1418058140;fluffypony;well I guess he struggles with the interwebs 948311;1418058147;asciilifeform;jurov: you were probably thinking of the ancient classic: http://craphound.com/spamsolutions.txt 948312;1418058148;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1G7lG1g ) 948313;1418058148;fluffypony;no wonder he says we should ditch PGP 948314;1418058262;asciilifeform;'1. ditch PGP, it's a millstone.' << leper is ringing his bell. thank him and cross the street to avoid contagion 948315;1418058337;assbot;Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/2T0QKA9.txt ) 948316;1418058337;Pierre_Rochard;!b 1 948317;1418058520;jurov;asciilifeform: on one side we explain to everyone how wot ratings are to be manually examined and not rating or similar number used... on other side you consider rating suitable for routing priority? 948318;1418058545;jurov;*and not cumulative rating... 948319;1418058567;asciilifeform;where every packet knows who paid for it << those who imagine a wot-routing based net as a rent-seekers' paradise are mistaken. it is today's net that is a rent-seeker's paradise, where folks who cannot abide ddos must buy bandwidth in vast excess of their normal needs 948320;1418058580;jurov;so how do you imagine_ 948321;1418058611;*;mircea_popescu sees his name mentioned, goes to see wtf. 948322;1418058628;jurov;any wot that can be collapsed down to one number can and will be abused 948323;1418058640;mircea_popescu;"as it's what I built & delivered 18 years back ;-)" o that's nice. 948324;1418058648;mircea_popescu;link ? 948325;1418058648;asciilifeform;jurov: perhaps i ought to have explained. not wot in the sense of numerics 948326;1418058653;mircea_popescu;o wait, he left. heh mk. 948327;1418058676;asciilifeform;jurov: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-11-2014#931948 948328;1418058676;assbot;Logged on 23-11-2014 05:11:53; asciilifeform: a 4096-bit rsa signature and key fp fit handily in a udp minimal packet. 948329;1418058700;asciilifeform;jurov: a 'wot-enabled' router will simply prioritize, say, udp packets signed with particular keys 948330;1418058703;mircea_popescu;dude how is it that all these dudes with wild historicity claims fail to back them up ? 948331;1418058720;mircea_popescu;i recall that "badon effect" dude reducing his "2004" to "2012" on the first cursory examination. 948332;1418058725;asciilifeform;(and - optionally - drop others, if congestion sensors are tripped) 948333;1418058750;mircea_popescu;jurov i imagine he just wants a more continuous bgp arrangement. 948334;1418058759;jurov;how will router determine? ;;gettrust self source? 948335;1418058762;mircea_popescu;rather than the very discrete "either you're in or out of the group" thing 948336;1418058788;asciilifeform;what i want can be approximately described as 'internet that does not operate on the rivers of meat principle' 948337;1418058794;asciilifeform;that is, explicitly anti-democratic. 948338;1418058811;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform but still used by rivers of meat ? 948339;1418058813;asciilifeform;used by the users. 948340;1418058815;jurov;"will simply prioritize, say, udp packets signed with particular keys" sounds to me exactly like "either you're in or out of the group" 948341;1418058816;asciilifeform;elementarily. 948342;1418058819;mircea_popescu;answer the q lol. 948343;1418058829;mircea_popescu;jurov yes but more layers to the group. 948344;1418058844;mircea_popescu;currently the way it works is however many people can route you in or out. and that's that. 948345;1418058854;mircea_popescu;(so not wanting to relive the experience of the cabal they mostly don't use it) 948346;1418058857;asciilifeform;used by potentially anyone, but 'deadheads' (non-wot folks) will ride in the back of the bus at all times. 948347;1418058872;mircea_popescu;his idea would allow layers to work better. 948348;1418058978;asciilifeform;i'll spill the beans, if somebody wants to reimplement. basic unit of transmission is 'raptor code' over udp. hence - connectionless. 948349;1418059034;asciilifeform;thus every packet identifies what pubkey (i.e. who signed) and what particular fountain it belongs to (what's a fountain? see definition of 'raptor' and other 'fountain' erasure codes) 948350;1418059036;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2014/12/blockchain-info-discloses-vulnerability-window/ 948351;1418059091;asciilifeform;parameters of raptorcode can be tweaked depending on noise floor values (e.g. shortwave in the apocalyptic wasteland requires more 'leg room' than comfortable modern net under ideal peacetime conditions) 948352;1418059247;BingoBoingo;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=581411.msg9774894#msg9774894 948353;1418059248;assbot;Reused R values again ... ( http://bit.ly/1G7nNlJ ) 948354;1418059319;mircea_popescu;this will be a nightmare for gaming. 948355;1418059334;asciilifeform;gaming already uses udp 948356;1418059361;asciilifeform;just, sans signatures (or erasure code or any mechanism whatsoever for reliable delivery) 948357;1418059361;mircea_popescu;low latency tho. 948358;1418059384;asciilifeform;my scheme, given hardware acceleration for the signer & erasure decoder, is as low latency as it gets 948359;1418059403;asciilifeform;thing is, with a code like raptor, -order- of packets no longer matters 948360;1418059409;asciilifeform;it's a pure k-of-n decode 948361;1418059443;xanthyos;asciilifeform: were you ever into packet terminal on ham radio? 948362;1418059449;asciilifeform;anyone who wants to do this - can go do. vita brevis. 948363;1418059453;asciilifeform;xanthyos: nope. 948364;1418059482;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo heh counterparty eh ? 948365;1418059483;mircea_popescu;qntra! 948366;1418059495;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform hm. 948367;1418059532;asciilifeform;anyone who wonders why this was never done... answer - uses mathematics that did not exist when the net was built (reed-solomon existed, yes! but quite inefficient) 948368;1418059592;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Well, the derps derped about their webwallets on blockchain.info being safe. In the end it was blockchain.info that fucked them. 948369;1418059614;mircea_popescu;"There seems to be a new buggy program that reuses the same R value for all signatures in a transaction. It started around September 2014" 948370;1418059654;mircea_popescu;"Note that the addresses that appear only in the second list still may be in danger, e.g., if they stem from a BIP32 wallet and one knows the "xpub" public key." 948371;1418059669;mircea_popescu;specifically, this gives the lie, exemplarily, to "oh, bip32 poses no threat to your security" 948372;1418059675;mircea_popescu;it does. practical proof here. 948373;1418059687;asciilifeform;the lie was obvious to an alert first-grader. 948374;1418059759;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, we're surrounded by women. 948375;1418059765;mircea_popescu;and women aren't gradable. 948376;1418059769;asciilifeform;?! 948377;1418059775;asciilifeform;women or 'women' 948378;1418059787;asciilifeform;i.e. eunuchs 948379;1418059806;*;asciilifeform is somewhat befuddled by mircea_popescu's habit of referring to eunuchs as 'women' 948380;1418059822;mircea_popescu;why ? 948381;1418059863;asciilifeform;for the same reason that a man who has freshly lost his head in the guillotine is not 'the headless horseman' 948382;1418059878;assbot;Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0DF1PYK.txt ) 948383;1418059878;BingoBoingo;!b 3 948384;1418059889;asciilifeform;and, conversely, one who had a second head sewn on by a demented vivisectionist is not a Yottin 948385;1418059914;mircea_popescu;functionally the same. 948386;1418059922;asciilifeform;l0l! 948387;1418059931;*;asciilifeform 'doesn't swing that way', can't really agree 948388;1418059971;asciilifeform;at any rate, it's confusing as hell to n00bs, i imagine 948389;1418059971;mircea_popescu;but in this line of thinking you're baking in ulterior considerations into an anterior branch of the thought tree. 948390;1418059973;mircea_popescu;not how it's supposed to be done. 948391;1418059976;mircea_popescu;so ? 948392;1418059983;mircea_popescu;let em figure things out. 948393;1418060008;mircea_popescu;plurisemy and syntactico-lexical ambiguity are the actual reasons language is an adequate medium of thought, 948394;1418060009;asciilifeform;ulterior << not even buying the 'they work precisely alike if you don't attempt to fuck'em' hypothesis 948395;1418060012;mircea_popescu;where code is not. 948396;1418060014;asciilifeform;unless i'm seriously missing something 948397;1418060032;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform suppose you are to deliver cattle. 948398;1418060033;mircea_popescu;suppose buyer also takes goats. 948399;1418060039;mircea_popescu;"goats aren't cattle" ? 948400;1418060064;asciilifeform;more of a 'steer is not functionally identical to a cow' sort of thing here. 948401;1418060094;mircea_popescu;if i'm sending it to the mcdonalds factory it might be. 948402;1418060101;mircea_popescu;otherwise, no cow is identical to any other cow. 948403;1418060102;asciilifeform;meat processing experts - chime in 948404;1418060106;BingoBoingo; more of a 'steer is not functionally identical to a cow' sort of thing here. << WHen collected for meat it is 948405;1418060132;mircea_popescu;here's the thing : bug parts are functionally identical to rice, 948406;1418060139;mircea_popescu;provided there's not more than 50 ppm of them. 948407;1418060142;mircea_popescu;the fda says so! 948408;1418060157;asciilifeform;the upper limit - shall be found experimentally. this - we know. 948409;1418060170;asciilifeform;possibly it is 100%. given the correct reprocessor. 948410;1418060253;mircea_popescu;so. obviously for the needs of your own bed you may employ whatever perverse criteria. 948411;1418060264;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, the entire content of chumpatron X is going to be x. 948412;1418060281;mircea_popescu;all people in prison - prisoners. whether "guilty" or "innocent". all those in the insane asylum - insane. 948413;1418060282;mircea_popescu;on it goes. 948414;1418060325;scoopbot;New post on Trilema by Mircea Popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/hashfast-or-why-the-fiat-legal-system-doesnt-actually-exist-and-doesnt-actually-matter/ 948415;1418060337;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ^ also see first note there, oddly on point. 948416;1418060460;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://yarchive.net/med/social_osteoporosis.html << related hypothesis 948417;1418060462;assbot; Social osteoporosis (Steven B. Harris, M.D.) ... ( http://bit.ly/1G7pYWg ) 948418;1418060580;ben_vulpes;re bug parts and rice have y'all heard about the cockroach protein farms in china? 948419;1418060641;mircea_popescu;myeah. one step above shrimp amirite 948420;1418060648;asciilifeform;'land shrimp' 948421;1418060657;asciilifeform;favourite of downed pilots around the world. 948422;1418061007;mircea_popescu;"a horrid sort of gossipy social activism" o ya. 948423;1418061099;mircea_popescu;social osteoporosis. quite apt. 948424;1418061213;mircea_popescu;"tern Daddy-goverment, wars and prisons and all, I 948425;1418061213;mircea_popescu;reflect that it's too bad we gave anyone over 40 the vote" <<< for what it's worth, this is a woesome misrepresentation of the male. it's the beta male fighing for cotnrol, about as relevant in the discussion as the fat female fighting for reproductive equality. 948426;1418061220;mircea_popescu;!up BitLuckInfo 948427;1418061286;asciilifeform;zoological discussion tends to be about the organisms that 'make the weather' - most numerous or at least, most detectable 948428;1418061313;mircea_popescu;by this token a discussion of primitive village demographics will center on the visible males 948429;1418061325;mircea_popescu;whereas the chieftain fathers 50% of the actual offspring on a regular basis. 948430;1418061359;*;asciilifeform did not know that this was a secret 948431;1418061392;asciilifeform;not even unusually high in mammalian world alone - consider, e.g., elephant seal 948432;1418061412;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2011/nsfw-tigancusa-spune-drept/ let 948433;1418061413;assbot;[NSFW] Tigancusa, spune drept... pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1zjfAsA ) 948434;1418061419;mircea_popescu;'s instead consider the underclass teenaged female. 948435;1418061422;mircea_popescu;shapelier. 948436;1418061424;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16423 @ 0.00053474 = 8.782 BTC [+] {2} 948437;1418061434;asciilifeform;lol 948438;1418061434;asciilifeform;sure of this ? 948439;1418061444;asciilifeform;(not where i live, they aren't!) 948440;1418061496;mircea_popescu;well fwis. 948441;1418061521;mircea_popescu;* BitLuckInfo has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) << you know this makes me feel a lot better about giving out voice / ratings to noobs. 948442;1418061528;mircea_popescu;how many failed to get in today, 3 ? 5 ? 948443;1418061570;asciilifeform;incidentally, if anyone bothered to read the packet dump i posted a while ago, they should know that the ddos bot uses misconfigured consumer routers (upnp reflection) 948444;1418061577;asciilifeform;and anyone who wishes can walk away with them. 948445;1418061592;mircea_popescu;kinda the point lol. 948446;1418061601;asciilifeform;(they aren't 'pwned' in the traditional - permanent - sense) 948447;1418061618;mircea_popescu;i wish to see the noob that does that, rather than coming in here trying to derp about how "they did it 18 years ago" 948448;1418061659;asciilifeform;nothing stops anyone reading this from firing up 'tcpdump', logging uncloaked into #b-a a few hundred times, grabbing a dump similar to my own but more complete, and pointing the idiot boxes at, e.g., 'reddit' 24/7/365. 948449;1418061667;asciilifeform;until they all get booted by respective isp 948450;1418061716;mircea_popescu;indeed. 948451;1418061763;*;asciilifeform always thought even a chimp could follow his recipes. what does he need to add, pictures? voices? music? 948452;1418061782;mircea_popescu;you need to add not caring :D 948453;1418061817;*;asciilifeform possesses an infinite supply of not-caring-juice 948454;1418061848;mircea_popescu;let 'em figure it out. the stuff's there, they may, eventually they will, who cares. 948455;1418061861;mircea_popescu;tits. 948456;1418061922;mircea_popescu;http://www.danielalepus.ro/danielalepus_ro_database.sql << meanwhile some more lol 948457;1418061923;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1zji89W ) 948458;1418061964;ben_vulpes;nothing but time and incentive. 948459;1418062002;asciilifeform;the smell of rotting corpse of enemy not incentive ? 948460;1418062009;asciilifeform;not incentive enough ? 948461;1418062044;ben_vulpes;what's the market telling you? 948462;1418062052;mircea_popescu;you srsly think reddit is relevant in that sense ? 948463;1418062064;asciilifeform;'reddit' used as example 948464;1418062076;ben_vulpes;and in what sense does redirecting a ddos actually lead to a rotting corpse? 948465;1418062115;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: if you want the entire recipe that leads to proper corpse, you will have to derive it yourself 948466;1418062166;mircea_popescu;no but seriously, so through this or any other million ways one so inclined could create a ddos network. ok, so ? 948467;1418062166;asciilifeform;for now may settle for the classical 'if you sit by the river long enough, you'll see the body of your enemy float by.' 948468;1418062191;asciilifeform;point is not to create ddos, but to swat a mosquito 948469;1418062197;mircea_popescu;seems to me more like discussing @ cavalry officer's mess all about how there's a bunch of reeds on a riverside "free for the taking" 948470;1418062202;mircea_popescu;"and they'd make excellent stickhorses!" 948471;1418062205;mircea_popescu;well... ok ? 948472;1418062208;asciilifeform;mosquito flies around #b-a annoyingly, and no one swats. i found this odd. 948473;1418062228;mircea_popescu;im still trying to find the annoying part. 948474;1418062246;asciilifeform;well, someone not long ago tried to invite a n00b to #b-a 948475;1418062253;asciilifeform;neglecting to mention the surprise 948476;1418062268;mircea_popescu;but the noob was an online expert. he'll figure it out. 948477;1418062272;asciilifeform;lol 948478;1418062304;mircea_popescu;because the sort of people who "invented it all 18 years ago" tend (in my experience at least) to also be the sort that won't have their venues limited by kids with fiddy routers. 948479;1418062320;mircea_popescu;i could of course be entirely wrong, maybe he's really a woman and needs special encouragement to "participate". 948480;1418062324;*;asciilifeform missing the reference to the '18 years' 948481;1418062336;asciilifeform;is this another '3 ani experienta' ? 948482;1418062358;mircea_popescu;it's in danielpbarron link lemme fish it 948483;1418062389;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/iang_fc/status/541987415997841408 948484;1418062390;assbot;This is the largest investment in a BTC company to date. http://t.co/MZl7B4Nj9F /hashtag/bitcoin?src=hash-assets /Mircea_Popescu /hashtag/MPEx?src=hash 948485;1418062398;asciilifeform;aha! that one 948486;1418062437;mircea_popescu;well that was it no ? 948487;1418062446;asciilifeform;'it was what i built and delivered' minus pgp, minus xxx, yyy, hell knows how many details that looked like 'irrelevant hair' to the imbecile 948488;1418062448;asciilifeform;!s blub 948489;1418062449;assbot;2 results for 'blub' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=blub 948490;1418062471;mircea_popescu;* iang_fc (ae3f267d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets < 948491;1418062519;*;adlai just got approval to work in lisp 948492;1418062532;adlai;speaking of blub :D 948493;1418062536;asciilifeform;approval from whom? 948494;1418062538;asciilifeform;lizard hitler ? 948495;1418062546;fluffypony;steve jobs' ghost 948496;1418062575;adlai;fons pecunia 948497;1418062614;mircea_popescu;lol 948498;1418062681;asciilifeform;'You can buy the assets of an ASIC miner company for the eminently NOT lowball offer of 20k' (from mircea_popescu's article) << let's guess. fabless asic co. ? 948499;1418062724;asciilifeform;if fabless, they owned what? a set of masks, that an undergrad could easily cough up at this point? a list of peculiarly gullible chumps? - anyone with a net connection can regenerate that oen 948500;1418062726;asciilifeform;*one 948501;1418062736;asciilifeform;so what's the asset that is even worth the 20 tonnes usd ? 948502;1418062764;asciilifeform;(walketh there, upon the greene earth, a non-fabless mining asic co?) 948503;1418062779;asciilifeform;^ other than ft. meade 948504;1418062872;mircea_popescu;they're all fabless. 948505;1418062880;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: i have a present for you! 948506;1418062881;mircea_popescu;and it owned... you know. valuable shit. like all of 'em. 948507;1418062885;mircea_popescu;what's bitpay worth 300mn for ? 948508;1418062961;thestringpuller;bitpay is valued at 300mn now? 948509;1418062961;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what is the skepter of lizard hitler worth? the 300mn is simply the figure usg saw fit to write into the work of fiction 948510;1418062977;asciilifeform;they could as easily write 300, 30, or 3e-10 948511;1418063081;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: present << a defunct fabless asic co? you can keep that one 948512;1418063103;asciilifeform;or give to city dogcatcher, it's for the soap boilers 948513;1418063211;asciilifeform;(re: miner asics: anyone who gives a damn can find, in #b-a logs, my reasonably well-supported hypothesis that miner asic never actually -happened.- that is, there are devices, and they - approximately - work, but they are not 'asics' in the traditional sense. more 'hardcopy fpga.' - actual term of art) 948514;1418063231;asciilifeform;aka 'structured asic' 948515;1418063292;asciilifeform;these have approximately the same relationship with 'proper' asic as 'visual basic' turdware has with traditional computer program by reasonably-competent student of 'c'. 948516;1418063309;punkman;re: iang_fc http://www.systemics.com/products.html 948517;1418063310;assbot;Systemics - Products ... ( http://bit.ly/1zjpvOP ) 948518;1418063333;asciilifeform;'hushmail' << checkmate 948519;1418063354;asciilifeform;damnatio memoriae. 948520;1418063437;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6421 @ 0.00053306 = 3.4228 BTC [-] {2} 948521;1418064940;mats;TSLA tumbles another 4% 948522;1418064947;fluffypony;clickbaitz 948523;1418064947;fluffypony;http://arstechnica.com/business/2014/12/mysterious-politician-steps-in-to-buy-bitcoin-startup-hashfasts-assets/ 948524;1418064948;assbot;Mysterious politician steps in to buy Bitcoin startup HashFast’s assets | Ars Technica ... ( http://bit.ly/1z08yaQ ) 948525;1418065021;fluffypony;although this is lulzy - 948526;1418065033;fluffypony;'Such a move baffled the veteran bankruptcy judge, Dennis Montali. "What troubled me was to read that Mr. Ochoa will allow the debtor to buy mining boards?" he said from the bench. "This is like a patient that is going to die from three different things and now you're suggesting a fourth surgery," he added. "Now they want to do a hip transplant? Why?"' 948527;1418065447;asciilifeform;re: bankrupt: obligatory naggum: 948528;1418065448;asciilifeform;http://www.xach.com/naggum/articles/3199109843356887@naggum.net.html 948529;1418065449;assbot;Re: ...and even for those _NOT_ interested... - Naggum cll archive ... ( http://bit.ly/1z09c8y ) 948530;1418065481;asciilifeform;'companies that go bankrupt are a danger to healthy competition. They are able to make their creditors and shareholders pay for their losses and bad management and then to start anew with assets that they essentially got for free, quite unlike the competition that has not gone bankrupt, who have to pay full price for their assets, but quite similar to how their customers have wanted their products, for too little money.' 948531;1418067034;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: nah but a hint, the present is driven by this chip: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ricoh_5A22 948532;1418067114;fluffypony;lol 948533;1418067134;fluffypony;not the Gameboy cpu? 948534;1418067247;thestringpuller;lol 948535;1418067253;thestringpuller;;;ticker 948536;1418067255;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 366.78, Best ask: 367.01, Bid-ask spread: 0.23000, Last trade: 367.01, 24 hour volume: 8639.23100628, 24 hour low: 365.25, 24 hour high: 377.5, 24 hour vwap: 369.680083909 948537;1418067463;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14896 @ 0.00053056 = 7.9032 BTC [-] {2} 948538;1418067863;mircea_popescu; aka 'structured asic' <<< this was true last year. meanwhile tho... look at the hash per power figures. 948539;1418068083;thestringpuller;;;nethash 948540;1418068083;gribble;279536224.11 948541;1418068097;thestringpuller;interessant mon ami 948542;1418068176;thestringpuller;meanwhile http://www.shitexpress.com/blog/how-we-earned-10120-usd-in-30-days-by-sending-horse-poop-to-people-amazing-kickstart-of-a-marketing-experiment/?bitcoin 948543;1418068176;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 948544;1418068510;*;TomServo highfives assbot. 948545;1418068546;rithm;that shitexpress blog post gets my vote for blog post of the year 948546;1418068551;rithm;so HN worthy 948547;1418068601;mircea_popescu;"Anyone who plans to waste the shareholders' money can undercut the competition. The easiest thing in the world is to charge too little, it is just as easy as spending too much of other people's money. Customers will flock to those who do because they are giving away some, if not all, of the value for free. Somebody may even pick up the underpriced goods and sell them at a profit when the stupid company ceases to ex 948548;1418068601;mircea_popescu;ist or raises prices to try to survive after all." 948549;1418068611;mircea_popescu;pretty great. ima save five gallons of twitter for a few years ? 948550;1418068621;mircea_popescu;wtf does this work when the "value" given away isn't even worth anything. 948551;1418068776;mthreat;https://coedtoplesspulpfiction.wordpress.com/ 948552;1418068778;assbot;The Outdoor Co-ed Topless Pulp Fiction Appreciation Society | Burn Bras, Not Books ... ( http://bit.ly/1D0b2eI ) 948553;1418068937;mircea_popescu;mthreat sent them an email inviting them to participate in teh http://trilema.com/2014/ill-pay-for-your-tits/ 948554;1418068937;assbot;I'll pay for your tits pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1D0bs4I ) 948555;1418068937;mircea_popescu;curious if this goes anywhere. 948556;1418069710;mircea_popescu;;;later tell decimation http://trilema.com/2013/and-now-i-shall-be-off-scarfing-smoked-salmon-and-fresh-apple-pie-seasoned-with-free-market-tears-or-why-a-collection-of-confused-retards-does-not-amount-to-a-free-market/#footnote_0_49891 << prolly relevant to your interests. 948557;1418069710;assbot;And now I shall be off scarfing smoked salmon and fresh apple pie seasoned with free market tears, or Why a collection of confused retards does not amount to a free market. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1ywDtJd ) 948558;1418069710;gribble;The operation succeeded. 948559;1418070191;thestringpuller; 948560;1418070196;thestringpuller;oops 948561;1418070656;thestringpuller;~> 948562;1418070658;thestringpuller;~> 948563;1418071293;mats;mircea_popescu: http://pastebin.com/E5NU7nXx and as for subtext, idk that there is any ... the man is powerful and developing a young woman, and wants people at the hotel to know it. 948564;1418071294;assbot;A young tigress is waiting in line at the bus station. Up on her high heels, eye - Pastebin.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1s54dUr ) 948565;1418071733;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2750 @ 0.00053071 = 1.4595 BTC [+] 948566;1418073772;asciilifeform;look at the hash per power figures << who wants to share a link to an experimenter they trust, with valid measurements? because why would i believe a word that ever came out of the manufacturers' mouths (proven liars, to a man, afaik) 948567;1418073817;asciilifeform;'nethash' may give one side of the equation (hash), but other (power) remains a mystery 948568;1418073912;asciilifeform;incidentally, the one time i saw an asic miner of any sort alive, personally (it belonged to a colleague) its actual 'hash/watt' was quite impossible to ascertain - worked, let's put it charitably, rather inconsistently 948569;1418073945;asciilifeform;i.e. 'k out of n cores most of the time, but we promise that with next fw update xxxxxxx [some horseshit]' etc 948570;1418074013;assbot;The20YearIRCloud +v failed; L1: 0, L2: -2 948571;1418074030;TomServo;!up The20YearIRCloud 948572;1418074038;The20YearIRCloud;Wjat 948573;1418074042;The20YearIRCloud;WHat's the trust command? 948574;1418074045;asciilifeform;(i've quite forgotten, mercifully, what precisely the thing was. large rack-mount apparatus, that drew ~20 amperes at 120 v.ac. mains.) 948575;1418074050;asciilifeform;perhaps diametric remembers 948576;1418074061;mats;;;gettrust The20YearIRCloud assbot 948577;1418074061;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user The20YearIRCloud to user assbot: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=The20YearIRCloud&dest=assbot | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=assbot | Rated since: Fri Apr 11 02:04:55 2014 948578;1418074065;TomServo;;;gettrust assbot The20YearIRCloud 948579;1418074066;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user The20YearIRCloud: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=The20YearIRCloud | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=The20YearIRCloud | Rated since: never 948580;1418074109;mats;;;ident The20YearIRCloud 948581;1418074109;gribble;CAUTION: irc nick differs from otc registered nick. Nick 'The20YearIRCloud', with hostmask 'The20YearIRCloud!uid38883@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ktibawvxckycpvip', is identified as user 'the20year', with GPG key id 359D91C634AE8E53, key fingerprint DF515FC27907A1FC3236C7E8359D91C634AE8E53, and bitcoin address None 948582;1418074124;TomServo;;;gettrust assbot The20Year 948583;1418074124;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask The20YearIRCloud!uid38883@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ktibawvxckycpvip. CAUTION: irc nick differs from otc registered nick. Trust relationship from user assbot to user The20Year: Level 1: 0, Level 2: -2 via 2 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=The20Year | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=The20Year | Rated since: Tue Apr 29 (1 more message) 948584;1418074127;The20YearIRCloud;Hmm 948585;1418074139;mats;you have been banished from the island 948586;1418074154;The20YearIRCloud;Guess so 948587;1418074155;The20YearIRCloud;Oh well 948588;1418074207;The20YearIRCloud;So far i've given out 8 posters, so far no one has cashed them in, go figure 948589;1418074222;The20YearIRCloud;Granted none of my renters have PC and none can figure out how to do it via mobile phone 948590;1418074334;The20YearIRCloud;But if you want to retaliate at me for my tenants not cashing in the posters.....then so be it. I've tried to do my part in educating them about bitcoin, how to cash them in and so forth. I realize the print cost for the posters was paid out by someone. But I don't understand why you're getting mad at ME over it. 948591;1418074355;TomServo;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-11-2014#936968 948592;1418074355;assbot;Logged on 27-11-2014 12:56:26; nubbins`: mircea_popescu:well if he did nubbins has some 'splainin' to do lol. <<< nope, in fact, i am also mildly perturbed by the fact that i mailed over $4,000 of goods to the guy and we didn't even get a couple measly pictures out of it 948593;1418074370;fluffypony;did you at least teach them the secret handshake? 948594;1418074427;The20YearIRCloud;I've explained for 5-10 minutes per tenant how it worked, to go on IRCwebchat, and to cash them in. I still have the 42 or so left over still sitting in my closet. I can mail em back to someone if they want. Howver i don't know what I am supposed to do if no one follows my directions or the ones on the posters. 948595;1418074459;The20YearIRCloud;I told them they'd get $35-$40 worth of bitcoins for free, and all it would do is take at worst an hour of their time, at best 5 minutes. 948596;1418074504;jurov;i'd be eager to try one myself, with some phto documentation.. or that was verboten? 948597;1418074520;The20YearIRCloud;Heck, i gave two out to guys who worked for me, and I know for a fact they're dead broke and they still couldn't figure out how to do it. 948598;1418074532;The20YearIRCloud;And that was the last part of October 948599;1418074540;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27600 @ 0.00051884 = 14.32 BTC [-] {2} 948600;1418074624;The20YearIRCloud;I had told MP that it would have been a much, much better process if I ran a contest or something locally for the posters, that way they would have gone to houses where they wanted them or were higher educated. Yet i even had one tenant flat out refuse the poster after I put in their hands because it was 'too complicated' and 'all we have is a nintendo wii 948601;1418074624;The20YearIRCloud;and it doesn't do that stuff'. 948602;1418074774;The20YearIRCloud;Maybe I could give mircea_popescu their phone numbers and he could call em and ask them why? What the heck is expected of me beyond explaining to them how to do it and giving them the poster? Am I expected to spend a hour getting them on IRC and doing it all for them? 948603;1418075191;mircea_popescu;mats pls to put in comment at article tho. pastebins expire etc. 948604;1418075254;mircea_popescu; http://bitbet.us/bet/520/bitfury-eu-august-orders-will-ship-before-1st/ << dja take that in proof ? 948605;1418075255;assbot;BitBet - Bitfury EU August orders will ship before 1st September 2013 :: 14.16 B (57%) on Yes, 10.82 B (43%) on No | closed 1 year 3 months ago ... ( http://bit.ly/1wUaTGn ) 948606;1418075259;mircea_popescu;~1gh/w 948607;1418075299;The20YearIRCloud;Well, two of the posters look to have disappeared, i texted the guys who had em and it looks like after I put em in their work truck they went away or something. 948608;1418075304;mircea_popescu;(i know they failed on that power thoroughput specifically, but it's a year old+ bet. it actually improved meanwhile) 948609;1418075342;jurov;http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2014/december/04/reckless-congress-declares-war-on-russia/ they insist :( 948610;1418075345;assbot;The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Reckless Congress 'Declares War' on Russia ... ( http://bit.ly/1wUbbgf ) 948611;1418075346;The20YearIRCloud;I'm going back and texting those who got them asking for speciifc explanation on why they didn't cash them in. 948612;1418075384;mircea_popescu;by now it's roughly, give or take, 1gh/watt. 948613;1418075429;mircea_popescu;The20YearIRCloud well nothing's specifically expected from you, that;s the problem with statistics. 948614;1418075468;mircea_popescu;it's not a matter of "retaliating" or w/e. 948615;1418075470;The20YearIRCloud;I'm asking you what you want me to do when I've given 8 to clients/tenants and none have cashed them in. I've got a negative rating from you over it, so i wouldn't mind resolving it if at all possible. 948616;1418075507;fluffypony;I still think you should've taught them the secret handshake, problem solved 948617;1418075536;mircea_popescu;The20YearIRCloud i dun want you to do anything specifically. 948618;1418075556;mircea_popescu;what do you want *me* to do. 948619;1418075586;The20YearIRCloud;Explain why I have a negative rating mentioning the posters. What else am I supposed to do with them? 948620;1418075597;mircea_popescu; i'd be eager to try one myself, with some phto documentation.. or that was verboten? << try what you mean ? 948621;1418075612;jurov;the poster 948622;1418075621;jurov;cash it in 948623;1418075631;mircea_popescu;jurov nah, that's done. 948624;1418075647;The20YearIRCloud;They didn't have coupon codes on them, just instructions 948625;1418075653;mircea_popescu;The20YearIRCloud looky at what it says. "If you believe him you're stuck crediting a large pile of very improbable things, such as that no one out of dozen low income renters is interested in cashing ~50 bux worth of free BTC, or that buyers somehow materialize on Havelock to buy shares at 2x the going price for a single IPO day." 948626;1418075656;The20YearIRCloud;At least, i'm not aware of any codes on them, if there were, they weren't obvious. 948627;1418075663;mircea_popescu;now, these are facts. 948628;1418075692;mircea_popescu;what exactly caused them, how they're to be construed etc etc is entirely open to anyone's interpretation. 948629;1418075709;The20YearIRCloud;And I get a negative rating over their lack of effort 948630;1418075753;mircea_popescu;no, you get a negative rating the same way anyone ever did : by making a large enough pile of claims improbable enough. 948631;1418075775;The20YearIRCloud;What do you think I did with the posters? Just put em in a closet to have to resell some day in the future? 948632;1418075842;fluffypony;giant paper airplanes, most likely 948633;1418075853;mircea_popescu;i have no idea dood. how would i know. 948634;1418075892;mike_c;!up The20YearIRCloud 948635;1418075975;The20YearIRCloud;So, in other words : I did what was requested of me with the posters, I get neg repped for them. I did what my shareholders wanted by selling them more treasury shares at a specific USD value, I get neg repped for it. In both cases I did what was asked of me, with proof (Phone numbers and shareholders on my IRC chat) and still get negative rep because of it? 948636;1418075975;The20YearIRCloud;Doesn't make sense to me. 948637;1418076025;mircea_popescu;so your sworn testimony here is that out of however many tenants, not one has a working smartphone ? or what is it ? computers don't really so much enter into it as far as i can see. 948638;1418076042;mike_c;do you see why it would look weird for you to sell shares at an inflated price when your investors could have bought them cheaper on the open market? 948639;1418076052;The20YearIRCloud;Most of em have working smart phones, their statement to me was that they couldn't figure out how to get on IRC. 948640;1418076082;The20YearIRCloud;mike_c: they wanted to invest more cash directly in the company that would go to our bank, and not buy shares from individuals on the open market. 948641;1418076107;TomServo;I'd think your average low income earner would bend over backwards for fiddy bux. 948642;1418076135;The20YearIRCloud;You'd think so. 948643;1418076184;mike_c;The20YearIRCloud: do you list the address of your properties anywhere? 948644;1418076196;The20YearIRCloud;I've already sent messages out to those that i gave em to asking for a reasoning to them not cashing em in. Two guys have already told me they never got em even after I put em in their vehicles. 948645;1418076214;The20YearIRCloud;It's not public but if someone REALLY wanted em, i'd make the properties & deeds available. Around last year I gave mircea_popescu deed copies of 2 or 3 of the properties. 948646;1418076239;The20YearIRCloud;Our board of advisors has copies of our deeds and bank statements. 948647;1418076291;mircea_popescu;umm. 948648;1418076352;mircea_popescu;i remember you promising to put your deeds online but not carrying through. i dun recall this "given me" deeds. 948649;1418076359;mircea_popescu;nfi why i wouldn't have said something at the time, either. 948650;1418076379;The20YearIRCloud;I sent you to landaccess.com and showed you how to look up TIF copies 948651;1418076397;The20YearIRCloud;Since everything is in the company name and the deeds are publically available. 948652;1418076414;mircea_popescu;which nick was this ? 948653;1418076420;The20YearIRCloud;it was either this one or the20year 948654;1418076440;mircea_popescu;;;isup landaccess.com 948655;1418076440;gribble;landaccess.com is down 948656;1418076440;mircea_popescu;that the right url ? 948657;1418076459;The20YearIRCloud;I think they require a www. on the name 948658;1418076476;The20YearIRCloud;Shows that it's up for me 948659;1418076501;mircea_popescu;lmao the www thing still an issue on teh webs huh. 948660;1418076527;The20YearIRCloud;It is with a rural area like ours. 948661;1418076529;dub;its not a proper website without!@ 948662;1418076543;The20YearIRCloud;We had a whole conversation about how we use deeds in Ohio and not torrens titles 948663;1418076566;The20YearIRCloud;You can also use the auditor to try and look up the data ,but depending on the county, some auditors are more than a year behind on their record updates. 948664;1418076590;dub;wow 948665;1418076610;dub;is it 2014 in Ohio? 948666;1418076623;The20YearIRCloud;Depends on the county 948667;1418076624;mircea_popescu;grep -n "landaccess" FreeNode-the20yearircloud.log FreeNode-the20year.log comes up emtpy. 948668;1418076629;mircea_popescu;musta been a diff nick. 948669;1418076634;The20YearIRCloud;There are counties near us that do not have online access outside of the office specific intranet. You have to call and ask for emails. 948670;1418076647;The20YearIRCloud;Possibly, it would have been via PM and not chat log 948671;1418076654;mircea_popescu;all pms are logged. 948672;1418076691;mircea_popescu;anyway, im pretty sure i never actually evaluated either the site involved or w/e it contained. im entirely unsure why is this not public again ? 948673;1418076702;mircea_popescu;how's property register work other than as a public matter. 948674;1418076709;The20YearIRCloud;Those are the only two I can think of that i'd use. At any rate I just sent you links to two different auditors, between those two there's 10 different units. 948675;1418076731;The20YearIRCloud;Because I had threats 6 months back from people online that they'd call the tenants and threaten em. 948676;1418076745;mircea_popescu;nuts. 948677;1418076770;dub;how does murica have unemployment with this insane inefficiency 948678;1418076784;The20YearIRCloud;Not sure 948679;1418076784;mircea_popescu;dub it only has unemployment in the cities :D 948680;1418076806;The20YearIRCloud;The same counties that are intra-net only have the entire county on one giant CAD file that's accurate to within a few centimeters 948681;1418076809;The20YearIRCloud;None of it really makes sense. 948682;1418076943;ben_vulpes;you can say that again 948683;1418077017;dub;I can grab basic detail of any property in my countRy from a single web GIS interface for free, its then $50 for complete records of every time someone farted near it 948684;1418077022;The20YearIRCloud;But, at any rate, the individuals on our BOA have access to bank records and property deeds/addresses. Additionally I've re-sent a link to MP just now showing one county's records on us. 948685;1418077056;The20YearIRCloud;Columbus Oh is like that, the records are fantastic, with additional property photos (not google earth/streetview ones) that the assessor has taken of each home in the county. 948686;1418077056;mircea_popescu;;;ud boa 948687;1418077056;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=BoA | A 17 year old Korean singer who has also learned to speak Japanese, Chinese, and English. Her name is acutally Kwon Boa. Currently has 4 Japanese a... 948688;1418077096;The20YearIRCloud;board of advisors. We built a committe that goes over all the company's financials and details once or twice a month. 948689;1418077111;mircea_popescu;well, any of 'em in the wot ? 948690;1418077157;The20YearIRCloud;I'll have to ask, our goal is to build personal profile pages with things like FB & linkedin profile pages, could include WoT data too. 948691;1418077204;The20YearIRCloud;Big thing has been to have em look over all the financial documents as we're filing taxes for 2014 next month and I didn't want to submit till they had a good idea of it. 948692;1418077272;*;asciilifeform can't resist any longer: 948693;1418077274;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-06-2014#699078 948694;1418077274;assbot;Logged on 02-06-2014 18:30:38; mircea_popescu: Up until recently it was practically impossible to become embroiled into any sort of dealing with the subgroup, their ownership being strictly assumed and their lives strictly subsumed by the corporations competent at dealing with the human cattle : fastfood providers, supermarkets, the government. Both as employers and providers these specialised bureaucracies have the necessary tools, including cat 948695;1418077275;mircea_popescu;dub yeah but the us doesn't generally even have torrens deeds. 948696;1418077294;mircea_popescu;being the most democratically advanced democratic advancement. 948697;1418077294;asciilifeform;(from 'strategic superiority' article by mircea_popescu) 948698;1418077312;*;asciilifeform always wondered if 'rentalstarter' walks perilously close to the electric fence described therein 948699;1418077334;mircea_popescu;!up has-question 948700;1418077445;mircea_popescu;mats http://trilema.com/2014/the-romanian-language-for-other-people/#comment-110501 but hey, props for first try. 948701;1418077445;assbot;The Romanian language for other people. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1yJ0Tin ) 948702;1418077600;mircea_popescu;jurov http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/media/2113/rpilogo-final.gif << doesn't this look sorta like a toilet bowl ? 948703;1418077600;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1yJ1oZI ) 948704;1418077619;jurov;to me it looks like deep decolt 948705;1418077642;jurov;decolletage 948706;1418077662;mircea_popescu;a nipple should be involved 948707;1418077691;jurov;how is that cut in the cloth called in english? 948708;1418077726;mircea_popescu;cleavage 948709;1418077734;mircea_popescu;also used for the skin itself tho. 948710;1418077753;jurov;ah 948711;1418077771;mircea_popescu;"Paragraph 16 of the resolution condemns Russia for selling arms to the Assad government in Syria. It does not mention, of course, that those weapons are going to fight ISIS which we claim is the enemy -- while the US weapons supplied to the rebels in Syria have actually found their way into the hands of ISIS!" 948712;1418077783;mircea_popescu;bwahahaha. 948713;1418077783;mircea_popescu;poor ron paul. 948714;1418077791;undata;I've met him a few times 948715;1418077804;mircea_popescu;i wonder what it's like, you know, man captive in the monkey cage @ zoo. 948716;1418077810;mircea_popescu;he's been stuck there what, 70 years ? 948717;1418077829;undata;I admire old cranky bastards that stick to their guns 948718;1418077848;mircea_popescu;sure. 948719;1418077869;mircea_popescu;"How does Congress get away with such blatant falsehoods? Do Members not even bother to read these resolutions before voting?" 948720;1418077885;mircea_popescu;in a word, members of congress aren't really that far above executive associates at jack in the box. 948721;1418077893;mircea_popescu;they just do what "their job is". 948722;1418077904;undata;poor guy thought the US myth was a real thing 948723;1418077965;mircea_popescu;apparently still does. 948724;1418077965;undata;reminds me of various family members... "if we'd only get back to the *constitution*!" 948725;1418078011;undata;the US constitution and laws resulted in this; this is therefore what a USA *does* 948726;1418078088;mircea_popescu;This dangerous legislation passed today, December 4, with only ten (!) votes against! Only ten legislators are concerned over the use of blatant propaganda and falsehoods to push such reckless saber-rattling toward Russia. Amash, Duncan, Grayson, Hastings, Jones, Massie, McDermott, Miller, ORourke, Rohrabacher. 948727;1418078179;mod6;those ten probably just hit the wrong voting button. margin of error or something. 948728;1418078228;mircea_popescu;ouch 948729;1418078232;undata;there are a small but nonzero amount of US politicians that are pro-market and anti-war 948730;1418078232;asciilifeform;!s ineducable 948731;1418078233;assbot;1 results for 'ineducable' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=ineducable 948732;1418078236;mod6;i imagine these guys just sit there allday looking at pornhub and playing flappy bird on their new galaxy 5s IF they even show up to the session 948733;1418078245;undata;haha 948734;1418078360;asciilifeform;the hunchback will be straightened by his grave. 948735;1418078392;mircea_popescu;!up badon 948736;1418078392;punkman;http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2onm5r/blockchaininfo_security_disclosure/cmosxbw 948737;1418078453;undata;I think one of Ron Paul's best thoughts was to allow competition of currencies 948738;1418078520;undata;this was well before bitcoin 948739;1418078586;asciilifeform;bci << assuming story is genuine, betcha folks will still make glassy eyes 'wtf, academic' when told about rng and ecdsa nonces 948740;1418078647;mircea_popescu;good for em lol. 948741;1418078648;asciilifeform;'what you don't know, won't hurt you. it will only decapitate you in one bite and eat the carcass for lunch.' 948742;1418078674;asciilifeform;!s cold equations 948743;1418078675;assbot;10 results for 'cold equations' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=cold+equations 948744;1418078759;asciilifeform;http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2onm5r/blockchaininfo_security_disclosure/cmotm6w 948745;1418078761;assbot;buddhamangler comments on Blockchain.info Security Disclosure ... ( http://bit.ly/1yJ4KMp ) 948746;1418078778;punkman;BingoBoingo: apparently not fixed yet https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=581411.msg9778074#msg9778074 948747;1418078778;assbot;Reused R values again ... ( http://bit.ly/1yJ4NaZ ) 948748;1418078844;asciilifeform;how is a safety-critical, rng-dependent process living in a www browser again ? 948749;1418078847;asciilifeform;or dare i even ask. 948750;1418078867;asciilifeform;(when first heard of this scandal, assumed it was a server-side snafu) 948751;1418078881;punkman;this joehoe guy made a nice sum today 948752;1418078974;punkman;"Dude you took from my address, I was saving up for my family for christmas and you went and stolen it this morning.. Please have the heart to give it back, PMing you now" 948753;1418079002;punkman;I hope he doesn't give anything back 948754;1418079002;mircea_popescu;heh. 948755;1418079007;mircea_popescu;"went and stolen" eh. shoulda saved for school. 948756;1418079024;punkman;"One of these address' is mine, can you place contact me, I can provide proof with screen shots or teamview." 948757;1418079034;mircea_popescu;holy shit already. 948758;1418079049;undata;please thief, have a heart! 948759;1418079052;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform btw, that's the future. fucking teamviewer. 948760;1418079052;punkman;;;seen dimsler 948761;1418079063;undata;save christmas! 948762;1418079063;gribble;dimsler was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 9 weeks, 0 days, 19 hours, 2 minutes, and 38 seconds ago: lol 948763;1418079063;undata;man I hate people 948764;1418079069;mircea_popescu;what the us ~~~citizen~~~ expects of its government, after the tsa-at-airport free masturbation test drive 948765;1418079071;punkman;last quote was from a "dimsler" 948766;1418079080;mircea_popescu;is to play the teamviewer bdsm mistress for free. 948767;1418079080;asciilifeform;should've saved for burial. 948768;1418079085;asciilifeform;as such - biodiesel candidate. 948769;1418079096;mircea_popescu;there's going to be a special agency specialised in giving orders to random derps via teamviewer. 948770;1418079107;mircea_popescu;"take off your clothes. jack off. vote this on reddit." 948771;1418079111;asciilifeform;'teamviewer'? 'back orifice' circa 1999 is back !? 948772;1418079111;mircea_popescu;ITD BE EASIER 948773;1418079126;mircea_popescu;teamviewer is its own kind of braindamage. 948774;1418079146;asciilifeform;from the last article mentioning it - appears to be exactly 'back orifice' 948775;1418079147;undata;stuff like that is installed on every "point of sale" system on earth, too 948776;1418079157;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform nah, gui. 948777;1418079167;asciilifeform;bo had gui! 948778;1418079168;undata;by people who think having your network use static IPs is more secure 948779;1418079174;mircea_popescu;o it did ? thjen nm me 948780;1418079176;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5683 @ 0.0005079 = 2.8864 BTC [-] 948781;1418079191;asciilifeform;but, as i understood, backorifice was thought to be obsolete since xp ver. 3 when microshit baked it right into winblows 948782;1418079199;mircea_popescu;lol 948783;1418079203;asciilifeform;(yes, it did 'remote admin' or sumthinglikethat) 948784;1418079214;asciilifeform;'rdesktop.' 948785;1418079220;mod6;haha 948786;1418079246;asciilifeform;http://www.cultdeadcow.com/tools/bo.html 948787;1418079247;assbot;Worst Case Scenario ... ( http://bit.ly/1yJ6fKG ) 948788;1418079247;asciilifeform;^ preserved in amber 948789;1418079247;punkman;http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2oo72b/victim_100_bitcoins_stolen_from_blockchaininfo/cmoyiky 948790;1418079249;assbot;blockchainwallet comments on VICTIM: 100 Bitcoins STOLEN from blockchain.info Wallet during the Security Leak 12/7/2014 ... ( http://bit.ly/1yJ6iGk ) 948791;1418079255;undata;sub7 was another 948792;1418079269;*;undata recalls sending friends song.mp3.exe in high school 948793;1418079467;asciilifeform;five minute research suggests that folks began to use 'teamviewer' and similar orifices for remote control of winblows/mac machines from toy computer 948794;1418079512;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform by now it's this very special social behaviour, lemme tell you the long story. 948795;1418079540;*;asciilifeform prepares for a yarn involving mutually-masturbatory use of winblows config menus 948796;1418079587;punkman;"Private Key Recovery Combination Attacks: On Extreme Fragility of Popular Bitcoin. Key Management, Wallet and Cold Storage Solutions." http://eprint.iacr.org/2014/848.pdf 948797;1418079590;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1yJ7hWN ) 948798;1418079596;mircea_popescu;inept "hiring"/"outsourcing" websites, modelled after get a freelancer (which has been in fact on an insane buying spree, they recently swallowed up warrior forum - the epicenter of those idiotic "infoproducts" consisting of yellow underlined text and a fetishistic "box" with reflections and whatnot) 948799;1418079632;mircea_popescu;promote a particularly insane view of hiring, where to hire someone for an hour is essentially a nonsexual camwhoring arrangement. you're to tell the op what to do, as micromanagement-y as moving their own hands. 948800;1418079659;mircea_popescu;the software platform this nonsense happens on is teamviewer (and before that, and to some degree supporting it today, skype) 948801;1418079684;mircea_popescu;so, all over the world right now, tons of people wasting each other's time in pairs, like retarded marmocets trying to move a ball across the field. 948802;1418079695;asciilifeform;lol! i imagined that the masturbee must pay the masturbator, in such an arrangement 948803;1418079701;asciilifeform;never would have conceived of the reverse. 948804;1418079707;mircea_popescu;yeah welll.... 948805;1418079712;mircea_popescu;people enjoy simcity right ? 948806;1418079734;mircea_popescu;it's essentially for the masturbator "play an elaborate sort of sims while pretending to be at work" 948807;1418079735;asciilifeform;but you don't move the 'sim 948808;1418079736;asciilifeform;'s 948809;1418079737;cazalla;mircea_popescu: cazalla nice publish srsly. <<< would've made a summary but was late 948810;1418079738;mircea_popescu;and for the masturbated, "let the superior white man do things for you for a few dollars" 948811;1418079738;asciilifeform;arms and legs 948812;1418079769;mircea_popescu;so it works out great for all the parts involved : corporations pay ; their employees are kept out of trouble ; third worlders eat. 948813;1418079795;mircea_popescu;it's a modern solution to a modern problem. meanwhile actual people can get on with their actual work unmolested. 948814;1418079795;asciilifeform;the enigma of where a creature involved in this perversion would have obtained btc - remains 948815;1418079805;mircea_popescu;but he told you. 948816;1418079806;mircea_popescu;saving for xmas. 948817;1418079821;asciilifeform;saving requires obtaining, nein ? 948818;1418079838;mircea_popescu;obviously the serious ethical violation and outrageous immorality of them having any btc is why I hope he doesn't give anything back 948819;1418079858;mircea_popescu;lemme find this log line for you. 948820;1418079879;asciilifeform;more ethical to give children blasting caps to play with 948821;1418079890;asciilifeform;at least problem in the latter is self-correcting 948822;1418079902;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-12-2014#942523 948823;1418079902;assbot;Logged on 02-12-2014 17:36:10; xanthyos: 0.25925176 BTC will arrive in your My Wallet account on Monday Dec 8, 2014. 948824;1418079917;mircea_popescu;normally it's a tenth that or less tho. 948825;1418079965;asciilifeform;who has publicly cried over a tenth ? 948826;1418079978;asciilifeform;stolen, misplaced, or otherwise 948827;1418079978;mircea_popescu;but saving! 948828;1418079989;mircea_popescu;coupla bitcents every week. eventually it adds up to something worth stealing. 948829;1418081223;punkman;from linked paper: "The analysis is very disturbing: it appears that the bitcoin core client has NOT yet finalized the process of several security upgrades which propose a solution to this problem (deterministic random generation) event though a first solution was already submitted in January 2013" 948830;1418081249;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18500 @ 0.00053584 = 9.913 BTC [+] {2} 948831;1418081365;asciilifeform;'deterministic random generation' 948832;1418081420;punkman;the R value thing, instead of using RNG, you can just hash tx+key or something like that. 948833;1418081428;punkman;so the Android wallets don't break again 948834;1418081460;asciilifeform;Android wallets << why even necessary ? 948835;1418081464;asciilifeform;i just don't get it 948836;1418081483;punkman;me neither, I use dumbphone 948837;1418081519;mircea_popescu;im not all that convinced deterministic generation (nothing random about it) is such a brilliant idea. 948838;1418081526;mircea_popescu;sure, it makes it easier for idiots to use bitcoin, 948839;1418081538;mircea_popescu;meanwhile it also makes it easier for everyone's wallets to be broken 948840;1418081570;*;asciilifeform is breaking his brain trying to grasp who thought it was a good idea, in what application, and why 948841;1418081597;punkman;it makes sense for this little thing 948842;1418081607;asciilifeform;how? 948843;1418081608;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform web "programmers" 948844;1418081625;mircea_popescu;little men in little cubical spaces doing little things in little excel cells. 948845;1418081625;punkman;because accidental re-use even from different users can reveal keys in various ways 948846;1418081635;asciilifeform;ok, the 'who' is settled. but the forensic psychiatrist in me is not satisfied - why ? 948847;1418081636;punkman;so if you hash tx+something, that's not gonna happen 948848;1418081659;asciilifeform;not gonna happen >> 948849;1418081663;asciilifeform;!s randomly wired 948850;1418081664;assbot;6 results for 'randomly wired' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=randomly+wired 948851;1418081687;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the problem only appears if r values are equal 948852;1418081693;mircea_popescu;if hashing or w/e other prngsauce is used, it won't be equal. 948853;1418081717;asciilifeform;unless can factor out 'sauce' 948854;1418081721;mircea_popescu;ofcourse the actual random r is a general class solution, and provably stronger than prng r for general applications. 948855;1418081732;mircea_popescu;well of course. 948856;1418081747;asciilifeform;who recalls the tcp sequence number bugs ? 948857;1418081747;mircea_popescu;hence my comment above 948858;1418081747;mircea_popescu;myeah, somethinglike that. 948859;1418081749;asciilifeform;;;google tcp sequence number vulnerability 948860;1418081750;gribble;TCP sequence prediction attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Multiple Vendor TCP Sequence Number Approximation Vulnerability: ; TCP Sequence Prediction Attack - The Tech-FAQ: 948861;1418082274;BingoBoingo;More random drama http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-tech&m=141807224826859&w=2 948862;1418082276;assbot;'Violating randomization standards' - MARC ... ( http://bit.ly/1qn4GAc ) 948863;1418082326;mircea_popescu;o wait, there be standards ? 948864;1418082340;mircea_popescu;am i the only one that sees the homeric lulz involved ? 948865;1418082395;mircea_popescu;oh the use of srandom etc. myea. 948866;1418082425;mircea_popescu;"The reasons for this are history not known to me, but it might even be linked to Dual_EC_DRBG." <, is, afaik. 948867;1418082439;BingoBoingo;Indeed. "To satisfy portable code, srand() may be called to initialize the subsystem. In OpenBSD the seed variable is ignored, and strong random number results will be provided from arc4random(3.) In other systems, the seed variable primes a simplistic deterministic algorithm. If the standardized behavior is required srand_deterministic() can be substituted for srand(), then subsequent rand() calls will return results using the d 948868;1418082439;BingoBoingo;eterministic algorithm." 948869;1418082479;asciilifeform;for once, i dare suggest that more mundane - most programmers, historically, don't want 'random', but 'random-flavoured but ultimately reproducible' for testing of games, toys, etc 948870;1418082498;asciilifeform;the difference - at least, once was - taught in school, wherever folks were introduced to the machine 948871;1418082643;punkman;" They will suddenly see strong randomization where they did not before. There may be a few broken because the have a deeply hidden dependency on determinism. Sorry, but that is what it is going to take." 948872;1418083427;asciilifeform;http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/patches.html << still b0rk3d ? 948873;1418083428;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1v8bGwz ) 948874;1418084970;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27947 @ 0.0005414 = 15.1305 BTC [+] {3} 948875;1418085785;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: nope its a feature not a bug 948876;1418085799;ben_vulpes;like emacs default keybindings 948877;1418085812;asciilifeform;wat 948878;1418085820;ben_vulpes;identifies the observant 948879;1418085822;ben_vulpes;it's a feature! 948880;1418086030;undata;gentoo/emacs/bitcoind quest 948881;1418086049;ben_vulpes;bitcoind quest 948882;1418086050;ben_vulpes;indeed 948883;1418086078;asciilifeform;what do gentoo and emacs to do with it ? 948884;1418086079;asciilifeform;i mean, they both live here with me 948885;1418086081;asciilifeform;but what else. 948886;1418086092;ben_vulpes;exercise for etc etc etc 948887;1418086115;asciilifeform;perfectly-functioning household objects, not deserving of insult of comparison with bitcoind 948888;1418086124;asciilifeform;wholesome, inoffensive things. 948889;1418086129;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14950 @ 0.00051918 = 7.7617 BTC [-] 948890;1418086203;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2014/12/ethan-burnside-fined-by-sec/ 948891;1418086203;assbot;Ethan Burnside Fined By SEC | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/160VdFO ) 948892;1418086237;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2014/12/ethan-burnside-fined-by-sec/ 948893;1418086327;BingoBoingo;!up PeterL Congrats on keeping scoopbot up so long 948894;1418086354;PeterL;oh, thanks 948895;1418086364;PeterL;I finally figured out what was wrong 948896;1418086390;PeterL;It was taking time to check blogs for updates, and so would not respond to pings 948897;1418086414;PeterL;I put the blog checking onto a separate thread, and now it does not get kicked off from missed pings 948898;1418088396;mircea_popescu;o hey. 948899;1418088396;ben_vulpes;http://entire.spacebar.org/ 948900;1418088397;assbot;Entire Screen of One Game ... ( http://bit.ly/1vy2XE5 ) 948901;1418088397;mircea_popescu;!up PeterL 948902;1418088424;PeterL;o hi 948903;1418088457;mircea_popescu;heh so the sec is settling with all the actual scammers eh. 948904;1418088667;PeterL;what about football scammers? oh wait, the other SEC (I must ahve been reading too much bowl game previews) 948905;1418088804;mircea_popescu;heh 948906;1418088874;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28100 @ 0.00054753 = 15.3856 BTC [+] {2} 948907;1418088953;BingoBoingo;PeterL: Mizzou got a New Years day game. Happy with the lack of scam there from the SEC. 948908;1418088976;PeterL;Mich State got a better bowl 948909;1418088993;BingoBoingo;For some definitions of better. Good for them. 948910;1418089013;PeterL;Mizzou should win 948911;1418089068;BingoBoingo;They better. We need to start recruiting 300 pounders for our lines so maybe next time we can actually make plays against Alabama by means other than accident. 948912;1418089068;BingoBoingo;!up jborkl 948913;1418089068;PeterL;Michigan State will win if they fix the holes exposed by Oregon and Ohio State (Baylor plays a similar spread offence to those teams) 948914;1418089073;jborkl;Hola 948915;1418089078;BingoBoingo;hey jborkl 948916;1418089097;jborkl;Hows it going 948917;1418089103;BingoBoingo;Not bad 948918;1418089128;BingoBoingo;http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2014/Dec/28 948919;1418089129;assbot;Full Disclosure: Coinbase User Enumeration ... ( http://bit.ly/1qnycG3 ) 948920;1418089215;jborkl;Sweet, great job coinbase security 948921;1418089217;BingoBoingo;So ran out to Grandpa's to replace the batteries in his TV remote. On the way to the store from his place say a big ass shooting star with a definite green tint. 948922;1418089239;jborkl;Very cool 948923;1418089275;BingoBoingo;Wonder if the lizards had something to do with it. 948924;1418089301;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29197 @ 0.00055103 = 16.0884 BTC [+] {2} 948925;1418089533;ben_vulpes;noice 948926;1418089625;BingoBoingo;Either that it was the avians comping to displace the lizards 948927;1418089786;mircea_popescu;ahahahaha 948928;1418089799;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo qntraaaa 948929;1418089861;mircea_popescu;meh on 2nd hand this isn't even worth the mention, and also ancient. 948930;1418089864;mircea_popescu;nm 948931;1418089971;BingoBoingo;right 948932;1418089995;mircea_popescu;for a momet iu got excited :p 948933;1418090059;BingoBoingo;It's old news that popped up in my twatter feed again, prolly as part of some cold PR war between the web wallet turds 948934;1418090348;BingoBoingo;!up iang 948935;1418090348;BingoBoingo;Hello iang 948936;1418090370;iang;hi. 948937;1418090377;mircea_popescu;ello 948938;1418090394;BingoBoingo;So in early bookmaking it looks like they are only giving a 2.5 point spread in the Bitcoin Bowl. That isn't even a field goal 948939;1418090498;BingoBoingo;iang: Are you the person danielpbarron pointed here? 948940;1418090517;iang;hmm maybe. Not sure who danielpbarron is tho 948941;1418090531;iang;although he’s not sure who I am either ;-) 948942;1418090571;BingoBoingo;Ah, apparently someone whose nick is a similar string of letters to yours encountered him on the twatter earleir today 948943;1418090592;mircea_popescu;;;ident iang 948944;1418090592;gribble;Nick 'iang', with hostmask 'iang!~iang@skaro.afraid.org', is not identified. 948945;1418090592;mircea_popescu;;;ident danielpbarron 948946;1418090592;gribble;Nick 'danielpbarron', with hostmask 'danielpbarron!~dpb@c-71-232-150-212.hsd1.ma.comcast.net', is not identified. 948947;1418090595;mircea_popescu;i guess nobody's anybody :D 948948;1418090611;BingoBoingo;But... gribble's back 948949;1418090677;iang;yup, not sure I can help, there are a few of us :D 948950;1418090784;mircea_popescu;iang so about this two decade cryptohistory of yours ? 948951;1418090837;iang;mmm… got a decade? 948952;1418090837;iang;I could explain ;-) 948953;1418090875;mircea_popescu;proof beats explanation. 948954;1418090886;mircea_popescu;got a pgp key made in 96 you can link and sign with ? 948955;1418090887;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34153 @ 0.00055572 = 18.9795 BTC [+] {2} 948956;1418090906;iang;hmmm. possibly but I’d have to go digging into detritus 948957;1418090999;mircea_popescu;probably the most important thing you can say right off. 948958;1418091000;BingoBoingo;I couldn't imagine anything more fun 948959;1418091253;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46200 @ 0.0005079 = 23.465 BTC [-] 948960;1418091385;BingoBoingo;People suck at naming themselves http://fusion.net/story/32623/sony-pictures-hack-exposes-hollywood-celebrities-secret-aliases/ 948961;1418091387;assbot;Sony Pictures hack exposes Hollywood celebrities' secret aliases -- Fusion ... ( http://bit.ly/1G8iZfK ) 948962;1418091574;iang;hmmm.. well I’m theoretically limited to 2000 and even that is hard coz gpg doesn’t play nice 948963;1418091595;hanbot;why 2000? 948964;1418091609;iang;the earliest key I have a password for, it seems 948965;1418091639;iang;or, the earliest that the current keyring admits to. 948966;1418091641;hanbot;oh that. still, 2000 much better than nothing. 948967;1418091660;BingoBoingo;Not everybody rocks at data retention. 948968;1418091678;iang;some things should stay buried under rocks 948969;1418091690;hanbot;not one's past. 948970;1418091824;iang;In 2000 I was building precious metal exchanges. And staying out of trouble. Which almost snapped shut on me, the whole e-gold story :( 948971;1418091860;iang;Luckily I’d sent an email to the founders that said “you’re gonna get busted if you don’t fix it” and that told the feds I wasn’t their drone 948972;1418091895;iang;back in the days when we had only single servers and only single operators and only tunnel vision 948973;1418091934;BingoBoingo;Ah, I had recently discovered hypercard around that time 948974;1418091942;iang;rings a bell! remind me? 948975;1418092002;undata;non-web hyperlink programming environment for the mac 948976;1418092007;BingoBoingo;iang: It's the programming environment that shipped on the last of the real Macs. I had picked some up at an auction my school had and was playing with them as my first computers 948977;1418092008;undata;"hypermedia" I guess 948978;1418092029;iang;right… I recall the Mac people were emotional about it 948979;1418092064;BingoBoingo;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=568 << asciilifeform's elegy for the beast 948980;1418092066;assbot;Loper OS » Why Hypercard Had to Die ... ( http://bit.ly/1G8knz8 ) 948981;1418092132;BingoBoingo;At the time I had yet to have a computer at home so I bought a bunch of computers and spares for about $10 a pop 948982;1418092178;BingoBoingo;!up iang 948983;1418092193;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i must confess that i sometimes regret crapping out that piece. i still get mail from folks who think that i liked 'hypertalk' language. 948984;1418092210;hanbot;oh you didn't? 948985;1418092239;BingoBoingo;The language itself sucked 948986;1418092239;asciilifeform;ding ding ding prize 948987;1418092242;undata;truly wretched syntax 948988;1418092252;undata;trying to be like natural language 948989;1418092277;asciilifeform;it was quite educational in that respect (in the sense of demonstrating, to anyone with half a brain, the inescapable folly of 'natural language' programming) 948990;1418092300;BingoBoingo;the environment, and the potential of the environment... 948991;1418092324;BingoBoingo;https://github.com/blockchain/My-Wallet/commit/98d5a7ca59ef04d06ac6aee468634b12975a0f5c 948992;1418092325;assbot;Improvments to RNG · 98d5a7c · blockchain/My-Wallet · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1G8kZ82 ) 948993;1418092333;asciilifeform;actually i did not (as an adult, at least) see any actual 'potential' in it - in the sense of 'what could have grown from it' 948994;1418092350;asciilifeform;more as a demonstration of how a programming system ought to behave in the general sense 948995;1418092544;BingoBoingo;But as a demonstration. 948996;1418092640;BingoBoingo;The only environment I've ever been similarly confident with was the old "Hot Dog HTML" that was included on the web design for dummies book cd at the local library 948997;1418092679;mircea_popescu;iang well alternatively there's always the half year's lurking an' reading logs. 948998;1418092712;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform incidentally, until such a time as natural language works for coding, there won't be the "evil ai" whatever guy's worried about. 948999;1418092771;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: as a boy, i often thought that i would grow up, 'have money', and buy an apple computer - at least to try it (the crippled machines at schools, etc. were an interesting diversion, and i imagined that mac is 'rich man's computer' somehow) 949000;1418092778;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23906 @ 0.0005079 = 12.1419 BTC [-] 949001;1418092814;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: didn't happen. not that i don't own enough junk, incl. apples of every period, to fill a small scrapyard - but i wanted living 'butterfly' not zoological specimen preserved in glass 949002;1418092838;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: the company 'apple' died, in '99, replaced silently with 'next'. but you knew this. 949003;1418092886;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Summer before college I though I'd buy a new Apple on their financing, had not realized company had died. Mercifully was declined and got a used Dell Latitude. 949004;1418092917;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 'natural language' for a program makes the same amount of sense as for mathematics. atrociously inefficient and requires very 'unnatural' concessions of rigour or at least standardized disambiguations. 949005;1418092977;mircea_popescu;yes but you're aware i was discussing danger. 949006;1418092990;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu is probably thinking of a hypothetical machine that emulates a living programmer and can be 'made friends with' and spoken to, describing what he wants. in that case - yes 949007;1418092990;mircea_popescu;a purely mathematical language won't ever matter politically. 949008;1418093004;BingoBoingo;Didn't realize apple died till junior year of college when I got an iPod to replace a Rio MP3 player and was introduced to iTunes 949009;1418093019;asciilifeform;what means 'matter politically' ? 949010;1418093032;asciilifeform;used by men fighting one another? 949011;1418093034;asciilifeform;in that case even 'visual basic' qualifies! 949012;1418093154;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: it is interesting to see how apple corp. (the renamed 'next', not the original) put to use its total monopoly in portable computerized gadgets not immediately discardable as junk to push perverse anachronisms that would have been laughed off if from another (weird proprietary cabling, required closed-source 'sync' apps, etc.) 949013;1418093159;mircea_popescu;http://cdn.collarspace.com/photos/2036091.jpg << said ai. 949014;1418093159;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1G8mMcY ) 949015;1418093178;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform nah, to be its own thing, posing a threat. 949016;1418093186;mircea_popescu;who was that guy all worried about hostile ai ? 949017;1418093216;undata;elon musk and stephen hawking have been saying things 949018;1418093216;asciilifeform;yudkowsky et al ? 949019;1418093216;mircea_popescu;right. 949020;1418093222;undata;yudkowsky worships at its altar 949021;1418093222;asciilifeform;undata: mr y is the master octopus 949022;1418093223;mircea_popescu;they're thinking of a politically relevant ai. 949023;1418093237;mircea_popescu;that's different from a mathematically bound ai, no matter how clever 949024;1418093241;asciilifeform;the others - simply read nth-generation spew from him 949025;1418093245;mircea_popescu;perhaps this latter also different from a purely numeric ai 949026;1418093278;undata;I'm personally much more near-term concerned with ever-cheaper guns/bombs with propellers 949027;1418093295;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Apple, the heritage company was never entirely innocent on the cabling front (Apple desktop bus, etc) The portable gadgets yes did demand a still more grotesque submission. Thankfully pawn shops love Apple shit. 949028;1418093318;undata;things which take lat/lng and desired size of crater as input 949029;1418093398;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: mr y & friends believe in an ai equivalent of fermi's 'ignition of the atmosphere' hypothetical catastrophe. 949030;1418093427;mircea_popescu;undata there's excellent reasons not to worry about that. 949031;1418093433;cazalla;BingoBoingo: The only environment I've ever been similarly confident with was the old "Hot Dog HTML" that was included on the web design for dummies book cd at the local library <<< lol sausage software, my uncle never shut up about these guys 949032;1418093443;asciilifeform;if you give a damn re: what this means, invite one of them in. i can't muster the strength to defend the nonsense, even as 'devil's advocate' 949033;1418093448;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform incidentally, you know said ignition happened once already. 949034;1418093465;asciilifeform;'bang' ? 949035;1418093487;asciilifeform;not really analogous, if it 949036;1418093505;BingoBoingo;cazalla: Compared to the adobe turds at the highschool it was elegant 949037;1418093556;cazalla;BingoBoingo, i never used it, i was maybe 15-16 at the time and muh uncle constantly telling me to buy shares in sausage software 949038;1418093562;BingoBoingo;Also worked on the dumpster 486 packard bell with windows 3.1 949039;1418093825;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no, not at all. 949040;1418093825;mircea_popescu;originally earth was under a methane atmosphere 949041;1418093838;mircea_popescu;then the first optional aerobes were spawned. 949042;1418093852;asciilifeform;nah fermi's thing was about a fissile chain-reaction. 949043;1418093876;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36547 @ 0.00050221 = 18.3543 BTC [-] {4} 949044;1418093890;asciilifeform;he was, at first, not able to show that it would not span the entire solid earth plus atmosphere. 949045;1418093907;asciilifeform;this bothered the more neurotic types in 'manhattan project.' 949046;1418094008;mircea_popescu;yeah. 949047;1418094032;BingoBoingo;!up iang 949048;1418094071;iang;hmmm… you have to sit there and do that every 30 mins? 949049;1418094085;asciilifeform;strictly speaking, he doesn't. 949050;1418094161;assbot;Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/1HQRBHF.txt ) 949051;1418094161;mircea_popescu;!b 2 949052;1418094212;BingoBoingo;iang: You could produce a GPG keypair and register with the gribble bot 949053;1418094256;iang;ah, is that something my IRC client needs to be aware of ? 949054;1418094289;BingoBoingo;iang: Nah, happens all over pm's 949055;1418094316;BingoBoingo;http://cascadianhacker.com/blog/2014/04/11_bitcoin-assets-new-wot-and-voice-model.html 949056;1418094318;assbot;#bitcoin-assets new WoT and voice model ... ( http://bit.ly/1G8pi2Y ) 949057;1418094435;iang;hmmm, you are alleged to befriend trolls 949058;1418094502;BingoBoingo;Pretty sure everyone on the interent is at some point. 949059;1418094528;BingoBoingo;Similarly everyone on the internet is themself alleged to be a troll at some point on a long enough timeline 949060;1418094557;mircea_popescu;on the internet, everyone knows you're a troll. 949061;1418094562;iang;yah. I remember (one of?) the last person I used to talk regularly with gpg would make keys every month and dispose of the old ones. I only talked to him maybe once a month so it didn’t last... 949062;1418094596;asciilifeform;disposed of old before - or after - signing key[n] with key[n-1] 949063;1418094597;asciilifeform;? 949064;1418094622;iang;oh, after, kept a merry chain posting into perpetuity 949065;1418094644;asciilifeform;then why problem ? 949066;1418094660;BingoBoingo;iang: Current best practice seems to be gen RSA/RSA and just make the it huge 949067;1418094664;iang;well, every month I’d send him an email and he’d send me back a request to use his new key :) 949068;1418094699;BingoBoingo;iang: Have you seen http://nosuchlabs.com/ yet? 949069;1418094704;iang;BingoBoingo: yup. I guess everyone’s got the message that the threat is on the node. 949070;1418094748;BingoBoingo;iang: yeah. I can see monthly pub key updates being a hassel if your big GPG use case is signatures 949071;1418094755;iang;ha, no. Is that based on the RNG problems that various platforms had? 949072;1418094787;BingoBoingo;iang: It's actually one of alf's toys 949073;1418094801;asciilifeform;not advertised, on account of being (so far) a null result 949074;1418094862;iang;seems to work better if I give it an RSA key ;-) 949075;1418094896;asciilifeform;also i have several million keys that wait to be thrown in (presently hosted in 'cloud' crapolade, cannot really handle serious work) 949076;1418094923;BingoBoingo;Well, I dunno of any better to gen keys with atm than RSA. 949077;1418094927;asciilifeform;every time someone mentions this, i ask 'btc hosting exists yet?' 949078;1418094934;asciilifeform;and then silence. 949079;1418095019;BingoBoingo;Silk Road auction payout? https://blockchain.info/address/1E9QDjSzUMuYdy4vePXxZhmkGeopkm1VfZ 949080;1418095020;assbot;Bitcoin Address 1E9QDjSzUMuYdy4vePXxZhmkGeopkm1VfZ ... ( http://bit.ly/1G8qKT6 ) 949081;1418095678;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform lol. 949082;1418095889;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 999 @ 0.001219 = 1.2178 BTC [+] 949083;1418095939;BingoBoingo;!up iang 949084;1418095943;BingoBoingo;!up devthedev 949085;1418095967;iang;ha, thanks. but crashing here, later. 949086;1418095989;devthedev;I can't join OTC, strange 949087;1418096560;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31400 @ 0.00050485 = 15.8523 BTC [+] 949088;1418096638;mircea_popescu;!up badon 949089;1418097232;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17785 @ 0.0004972 = 8.8427 BTC [-] {2} 949090;1418097292;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8100 @ 0.0004909 = 3.9763 BTC [-] 949091;1418097336;asciilifeform;https://download.wpsoftware.net << perverse 949092;1418097338;assbot;Index of / ... ( http://bit.ly/1w7rxR9 ) 949093;1418097841;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34450 @ 0.00048618 = 16.7489 BTC [-] {2} 949094;1418097975;asciilifeform;http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1mvqj3/bitcoin_wallet_will_not_sync_past_a_certain_point << lol 949095;1418097977;assbot;Bitcoin wallet will not sync past a certain point : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1z11b30 ) 949096;1418098156;undata;asciilifeform: I am going to have to read your loper-os blog all the way through 949097;1418098166;asciilifeform;lol why 949098;1418098171;undata;I recently worked for a guy who wanted to make a relational end user programming environment 949099;1418098183;undata;sadly it was in JS not lisp 949100;1418098197;undata;the relational part made a bit of sense 949101;1418098238;asciilifeform;https://forum.bitcoin.pl/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=9987 << lol2 949102;1418098238;assbot;Polskie Forum Bitcoin - Aktualizacja klienta Bitcoin : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1z11V8f ) 949103;1418098319;undata;the "mind extender" vector - rather than "derp this until any idiot can 'use' it" - is much more interesting 949104;1418098327;undata;and uh, by god don't make the thing out of the web 949105;1418098329;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22817 @ 0.00048753 = 11.124 BTC [+] {2} 949106;1418098339;asciilifeform;http://freak.no/forum/showthread.php?t=262603 << lol3 949107;1418098340;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1z128bu ) 949108;1418098388;undata;the guy behind lighttable is now headed towards the same, calling it "eve" 949109;1418098411;asciilifeform;same what 949110;1418098418;undata;"end user programming" 949111;1418098513;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32000 @ 0.00050485 = 16.1552 BTC [+] 949112;1418098583;undata;http://lighttable.com/2014/07/18/imperative-thinking/ 949113;1418098584;assbot;Light Table Blog ... ( http://bit.ly/1w7vm8R ) 949114;1418098705;undata;at my old job, we were creating a visual SQL editor as the primary way of fiddling this envisioned programming environment 949115;1418098731;undata;we produced a few cool things, among them this https://github.com/aquameta/pg_meta 949116;1418098732;assbot;aquameta/pg_meta · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1z131RC ) 949117;1418098766;undata;I left the company when I lost a conflict over whether we should shift focus from burning the founder's money to making money 949118;1418098769;undata;I haven't seen them release much else yet 949119;1418098817;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23500 @ 0.00048154 = 11.3162 BTC [-] {3} 949120;1418098828;undata;that pg_meta embodies the approach; for everything, you make a data model 949121;1418098849;undata;you change things in the world by changing their model 949122;1418098861;undata;it was pretty damn elegant; I still try to code that way 949123;1418098982;asciilifeform;undata: what means 'visual' ? not being pedantic, seriously puzzled 949124;1418098990;asciilifeform;strange and ubiquitous marketing word. 949125;1418098999;asciilifeform;vt100 was 'visual' just as much as 'visual basic' 949126;1418099010;undata;we bound widgets to various chunks of AST 949127;1418099010;asciilifeform;widgets? 949128;1418099024;undata;UI components which were meant to say represent a join, or a boolean expression, or what have you 949129;1418099053;asciilifeform;but what kind of 'ui components' 949130;1418099057;asciilifeform;what did this look like ? 949131;1418099061;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5719 @ 0.00047979 = 2.7439 BTC [-] 949132;1418099193;cazalla;scoopbot, go fetch 949133;1418099228;PeterL;hmm, maybe I could add that? 949134;1418099237;cazalla;PeterL, not a bad idea eh 949135;1418099412;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by cazalla: http://qntra.net/2014/12/bitpay-forget-to-renew-bitcore-io-domain-name/ 949136;1418099577;undata;asciilifeform: I don't have any screenshots, but things like two boxes representing tables, each having things you can tap to select columns 949137;1418099590;undata;drawing a line between two columns of two tables and using a venn diagram in the middle to define the join type 949138;1418099602;asciilifeform;ugh 949139;1418099603;undata;and it was 2-way synced with the source code 949140;1418099803;undata;it wasn't bad as far as jobs go, but in the end we invented a shitty version of emacs in the browser in JS 949141;1418099833;assbot;Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/2ZHJR82.txt ) 949142;1418099833;asciilifeform;!b 1 949143;1418099864;mats;https://cryptoservices.github.io/fde/2014/12/08/code-execution-in-spite-of-bitlocker.html 949144;1418099865;assbot;Code Execution In Spite Of BitLocker ... ( http://bit.ly/1z15sDC ) 949145;1418099865;asciilifeform;'it wasn't bad as far as jobs go, but eventually the goats got too tight' 949146;1418099939;*;asciilifeform had 'bitlocker' symlinked with 'cryptolocker' (trojan) in his head, and read this article with a very peculiar feeling 949147;1418099951;assbot;Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/19559A0.txt ) 949148;1418099951;BingoBoingo;!b 1 949149;1418099958;joecool;lol 949150;1418100034;undata;this idea that you can get dumb people to do smart things if only you find a way to put smart behind a single button mouse is a terrible religion 949151;1418100063;undata;that's probably what Eve is going to end up being as well, though I wouldn't mind being proved wrong 949152;1418100080;undata;I've seen "derps" do pretty effective things with spreadsheets 949153;1418100169;asciilifeform;http://www.wired.com/2014/12/obama-becomes-first-president-write-computer-program << mein fuhrer 'programs' ! 949154;1418100170;assbot;Obama Becomes First President to Write a Computer Program | WIRED ... ( http://bit.ly/1w7zHJ6 ) 949155;1418100291;mats;nothing like post-pregnancy scare celebration sex 949156;1418100291;undata;msft is running lots of ads telling everyone to learn to code 949157;1418100311;undata;we can just have an economy of buying and selling apps with each other 949158;1418100415;asciilifeform;why not skip straight to buying, selling: farts. 949159;1418100440;PeterL;now you should be able to say: scoopbot -fetch and he will get the scoop 949160;1418100455;undata;artisan farts in mason jars 949161;1418100463;undata;there's probably a boutique for that here 949162;1418100503;BingoBoingo;Awesome PeterL 949163;1418100539;PeterL;you can also just pm him "-fetch" 949164;1418100551;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: The entire MSFT business model since balmer has been having the most farts that smell on their platform 949165;1418100962;BingoBoingo;!up lolhash 949166;1418101928;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29010 @ 0.00047489 = 13.7766 BTC [-] 949167;1418102234;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 11 @ 0.125 = 1.375 BTC [+] 949168;1418102534;BingoBoingo;!up lolhash 949169;1418102721;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 21 @ 0.125 = 2.625 BTC [+] 949170;1418102827;PeterL;Asicminer seems to be picking up today (up 25%), did they release some good news or something? 949171;1418102888;BingoBoingo;Maybe it is the post-Burnside bust bump? 949172;1418102964;BingoBoingo;I don't understand the nerve of people who won't contest shit at all. 949173;1418102979;mats;it falls 949174;1418102985;mats;;;ticker 949175;1418102986;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 348.29, Best ask: 348.99, Bid-ask spread: 0.70000, Last trade: 348.99, 24 hour volume: 16064.42343601, 24 hour low: 346.15, 24 hour high: 375.51, 24 hour vwap: 364.222355025 949176;1418103075;mats;i wonder if i can get pink eye giving myself a dutch oven 949177;1418103148;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21349 @ 0.00047315 = 10.1013 BTC [-] 949178;1418103186;PeterL;;;ud dutch oven 949179;1418103187;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=dutch+oven | Jonas nearly crapped his Underoos preparing a Dutch Oven for his special lady! by Lution Stackridge Esquire August 14, 2003. 8196 3870. Shop. 3. Dutch Oven. 949180;1418103313;mats;;;ud dutch oven 3 949181;1418103314;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=dutch+oven | 3. Dutch Oven. when you are laying in bed with a "significant other" and you fart then hold her head under the blanket. girl: what did you get me for valentines ... 949182;1418103927;BingoBoingo;Meat programming http://neurosciencenews.com/ketamine-bipolar-disorder-psychiatry-1456/ 949183;1418103929;assbot;Rapid Agent Restores Pleasure Seeking Ahead of Other Antidepressant Action | Neuroscience News Research Articles | Neuroscience Social Network ... ( http://bit.ly/1AYB7pA ) 949184;1418104148;BingoBoingo;!up MiningBuddy 949185;1418104856;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 140 @ 0.13926563 = 19.4972 BTC [+] {6} 949186;1418105039;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23500 @ 0.00047489 = 11.1599 BTC [+] 949187;1418105283;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 906 @ 0.00117766 = 1.067 BTC [+] {10} 949188;1418105466;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1000 @ 0.001295 = 1.295 BTC [+] {10} 949189;1418105771;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3500 @ 0.00047315 = 1.656 BTC [-] 949190;1418106561;cazalla;anyone have a somethingawful account? 949191;1418106622;cazalla;actually, no matter, got behind stupid wall with google cache 949192;1418107113;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16800 @ 0.00047856 = 8.0398 BTC [+] {2} 949193;1418107357;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29778 @ 0.00048315 = 14.3872 BTC [+] {2} 949194;1418108089;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53900 @ 0.00048847 = 26.3285 BTC [+] {2} 949195;1418108735;ben_vulpes;you guys the social security administration website keeps office hours: https://secure.ssa.gov/ICON/main.jsp 949196;1418108737;assbot;SSA Office Locator Social Security Office Locator, Social Security ... ( http://bit.ly/1ItekHm ) 949197;1418108753;BingoBoingo;https://twitter.com/Nicole_West1/status/542205610092023808/photo/1 949198;1418108754;assbot;At the corner of University Ave. and Eighth. /hashtag/berkeleyprotests?src=hash http://t.co/5MoNmviExN 949199;1418108928;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform notice how nobody mentions the "fix your bdb max nodes thing" 949200;1418108934;mircea_popescu;everyone just knows the upgrade mantra. 949201;1418108936;mircea_popescu;because itnernet. 949202;1418110651;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16800 @ 0.0004906 = 8.2421 BTC [+] 949203;1418111842;mircea_popescu; this idea that you can get dumb people to do smart things if only you find a way to put smart behind a single button mouse is a terrible religion << dude so true. 949204;1418111902;mircea_popescu;mats nothing like post-pregnancy scare celebration sex << her first threesome will top it. 949205;1418111930;mircea_popescu;!up lolhash 949206;1418114250;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28000 @ 0.00049118 = 13.753 BTC [+] {2} 949207;1418114616;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11900 @ 0.00048639 = 5.788 BTC [-] 949208;1418115775;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1050 @ 0.0012195 = 1.2805 BTC [+] 949209;1418117788;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38200 @ 0.00047375 = 18.0973 BTC [-] {5} 949210;1418119191;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52300 @ 0.00046554 = 24.3477 BTC [-] {3} 949211;1418120472;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 86700 @ 0.00047939 = 41.5631 BTC [+] {3} 949212;1418121204;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19487 @ 0.00048982 = 9.5451 BTC [+] 949213;1418121692;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 36 @ 0.14201659 = 5.1126 BTC [+] {8} 949214;1418121997;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13100 @ 0.00049093 = 6.4312 BTC [+] {2} 949215;1418122912;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 10 @ 0.12500101 = 1.25 BTC [-] 949216;1418124864;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14672 @ 0.00049142 = 7.2101 BTC [+] {2} 949217;1418126206;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29799 @ 0.00049275 = 14.6835 BTC [+] {2} 949218;1418128203;danielpbarron;;;rate danieldaniel -1 https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=50822.msg1008576#msg1008576 949219;1418128204;assbot;Bitcoin Savings and Trust | Home | Closed ... ( http://bit.ly/1w8QgV8 ) 949220;1418128205;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of -1 for user danieldaniel has been recorded. 949221;1418128399;danielpbarron;!up iang 949222;1418128462;danielpbarron;are you the "gpg sucks" guy? 949223;1418128615;punkman;!s financialcryptography.com 949224;1418128616;assbot;3 results for 'financialcryptography.com' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=financialcryptography.com 949225;1418128981;punkman;iang: does anybody use Ricardo these days? 949226;1418129500;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42200 @ 0.00048944 = 20.6544 BTC [-] {2} 949227;1418130981;TomServo;!up iang 949228;1418131113;iang;punkman: just my company, small use 949229;1418131133;iang;danielpbarron: not really. I might be the “pgp sucks” guy tho 949230;1418131279;fluffypony;punkman: I use Riccardo 949231;1418131282;fluffypony;don't be a dick about us Riccardo's 949232;1418131283;fluffypony;we're great 949233;1418131294;fluffypony;:-P 949234;1418131330;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8300 @ 0.0004936 = 4.0969 BTC [+] 949235;1418131410;iang;fluffypony: link ? 949236;1418131422;fluffypony;iang: my name is Riccardo, it's a joke 949237;1418131422;iang;you might be talking about a different Ricardo :) 949238;1418131478;fluffypony;isn't OpenBizarre (pun) supposed to add support for Ricardian Contracts eventually? 949239;1418131523;punkman;puns are forbidden http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/nov/28/china-media-watchdog-bans-wordplay-puns 949240;1418131524;assbot;China bans wordplay in attempt at pun control | World news | The Guardian ... ( http://bit.ly/1qpoYch ) 949241;1418131527;iang;lol… ok. I’m not sure how far along OpenBizzaro is with Riccys. 949242;1418131575;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6474 @ 0.0004936 = 3.1956 BTC [+] 949243;1418131585;iang;manpunk, you are fof lolly 949244;1418131623;fluffypony;fof lolly? 949245;1418131627;fluffypony;u wot m8? 949246;1418131645;iang;lol funny … wordplay, too bad to ban 949247;1418131721;iang;so, why does this channel use gpg authentication to filter traffic? 949248;1418131745;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by cazalla: http://qntra.net/2014/12/virransom-the-latest-ransomware/ 949249;1418131747;fluffypony;well 949250;1418131749;punkman;it was already there because of gribble and #bitcoin-otc 949251;1418131753;fluffypony;yeah 949252;1418131755;cazalla;i loves me some ransomware 949253;1418131755;punkman;and it's a good idea 949254;1418131767;fluffypony;taking a step back 949255;1418131792;fluffypony;in the beginning when OTC (over the counter) trades with Bitcoin were more prevalent than crappy / scammy exchanges there was a need for an expression of trust relationships 949256;1418131804;fluffypony;so nanotube, bless his shiny metal heart, created gribble 949257;1418131828;fluffypony;a bot that allows any registered IRC user to further register with the Bitcoin-OTC WoT 949258;1418131828;punkman;gribble exists before otc I think 949259;1418131828;fluffypony;either using Bitcoin message signing 949260;1418131830;fluffypony;or using GPG 949261;1418131843;fluffypony;the WoT is a separate entity to the GPG WoT, of course 949262;1418131851;fluffypony;and GPG is purely used for identify verification 949263;1418131873;fluffypony;this channel has taken the WoT and used it for a purpose beyond OTC trades 949264;1418131917;fluffypony;and that is: to vastly increase the SNR by only allowing those in an extended trust network (up to level 2 from the point of origin, that is assbot's level 1 trust group) to talk 949265;1418131950;fluffypony;of course, those that aren't in that trust group can be given the privilege of temporary voice (30 minutes) by anyone within the trust group 949266;1418131977;iang;hmm OTC trading, ok, that makes sense. 949267;1418131999;fluffypony;ratings eg. http://bitcoin-otc.com/viewratingdetail.php?nick=fluffypony 949268;1418132000;assbot;Rating Details for User 'fluffypony' ... ( http://bit.ly/12mMXhi ) 949269;1418132018;fluffypony;or from IRC - 949270;1418132023;fluffypony;;;gettrust fluffypony danielpbarron 949271;1418132023;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask danielpbarron!~dpb@c-71-232-150-212.hsd1.ma.comcast.net. Trust relationship from user fluffypony to user danielpbarron: Level 1: 2, Level 2: 3 via 11 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=fluffypony&dest=danielpbarron | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=danielpbarron | Rated since: Thu Mar 21 17:26:04 2013 949272;1418132227;iang;ah, so is this channel about the discussion of various asset classes? 949273;1418132233;punkman;http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=iang.org 949274;1418132234;assbot;3 results for 'iang.org' - #bitcoin-assets search 949275;1418132255;iang;Perhaps I had erroneously assumed the channel is about tech to do with assets 949276;1418132290;cazalla;iang, anything and everything is discussed here 949277;1418132302;jurov;the chan does not have enforced topic 949278;1418132325;iang;punkman: interesting selection 949279;1418132345;punkman;click on date and it takes you to the logs 949280;1418132549;thestringpuller;;;later tell pete_dushenski lol http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2opywc/blockchain_is_doing_the_right_thing_and/ 949281;1418132549;gribble;The operation succeeded. 949282;1418132571;cazalla;thestringpuller, i've seen pete's face everywhere today lol 949283;1418132611;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33000 @ 0.00049154 = 16.2208 BTC [-] 949284;1418132687;iang;I think you’re right, anything and everything gets discussed here 949285;1418132855;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26276 @ 0.00049319 = 12.9591 BTC [+] {2} 949286;1418132867;cazalla;!up iang 949287;1418132916;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23756 @ 0.00049846 = 11.8414 BTC [+] 949288;1418133282;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7430 @ 0.00048157 = 3.5781 BTC [-] 949289;1418134056;jurov;http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/patches.html << still b0rk3d ? << will work after you finally submit more patches and signatures. 949290;1418134058;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/162QFPi ) 949291;1418134165;jurov;if you want from me to test first with all conceivable smtp/mime oddities, filenames, etc... then that'd be vey long wait 949292;1418134441;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7442 @ 0.00049846 = 3.7095 BTC [+] 949293;1418134685;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1600 @ 0.00121864 = 1.9498 BTC [+] {2} 949294;1418134990;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 59727 @ 0.00048042 = 28.694 BTC [-] {2} 949295;1418135539;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1200 @ 0.00121949 = 1.4634 BTC [+] 949296;1418136149;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5197 @ 0.00049374 = 2.566 BTC [+] 949297;1418136332;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43260 @ 0.00047589 = 20.587 BTC [-] {2} 949298;1418136393;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2841 @ 0.00046432 = 1.3191 BTC [-] 949299;1418136942;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10650 @ 0.00049539 = 5.2759 BTC [+] {2} 949300;1418138894;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1237 @ 0.00122742 = 1.5183 BTC [+] {2} 949301;1418138955;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 10 @ 0.14199997 = 1.42 BTC [+] 949302;1418139077;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2400 @ 0.00123919 = 2.9741 BTC [+] {8} 949303;1418140114;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20300 @ 0.00048045 = 9.7531 BTC [-] {2} 949304;1418140541;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5500 @ 0.00046504 = 2.5577 BTC [-] 949305;1418140663;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22064 @ 0.0004873 = 10.7518 BTC [+] {2} 949306;1418141029;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24076 @ 0.00049302 = 11.8699 BTC [+] 949307;1418141029;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 10 @ 0.14199998 = 1.42 BTC [+] 949308;1418141273;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25100 @ 0.00046504 = 11.6725 BTC [-] 949309;1418141457;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16373 @ 0.00049466 = 8.0991 BTC [+] {2} 949310;1418141517;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18831 @ 0.00049892 = 9.3952 BTC [+] {2} 949311;1418142493;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18500 @ 0.00047606 = 8.8071 BTC [-] {3} 949312;1418142993;mircea_popescu;fluffypony: don't be a dick about us Riccardo's << what do you use him for ? 949313;1418143094;mircea_popescu;punkman: gribble exists before otc I think << yea was born in #bitcoin iirc, 2010s 949314;1418143186;mircea_popescu;iang:I think youre right, anything and everything gets discussed here << http://trilema.com/2013/bitcoin-assets-rules-and-regulations/ 949315;1418143187;assbot;#bitcoin-assets rules and regulations pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1zK66Vt ) 949316;1418143235;mircea_popescu;whoa danieldaniel still exists ?! 949317;1418143238;mircea_popescu;that's some endurance right there. 949318;1418143256;hanbot;mircea_popescu http://www.reddit.com/r/Buttcoin/comments/2oga48/buttcoin_is_sooo_big_in_argentina/cmpoq3j << could be a default trilema noob comment lol 949319;1418143296;mircea_popescu;hanbot lol! 949320;1418143296;mircea_popescu;is it yours ? 949321;1418143316;hanbot;nah 949322;1418143357;mircea_popescu;vpred libertard lmao. 949323;1418144639;mats;http://www.motherjones.com/mojo/2014/12/cia-torture-report-released 949324;1418144640;assbot;The Senate Just Released the CIA Torture Report. Read the Full Document. | Mother Jones ... ( http://bit.ly/1zKcDiS ) 949325;1418144685;mats;embedded doc, though... 949326;1418144804;TomServo;full pdf available on cryptome.org 949327;1418144914;mircea_popescu;zese peoplez an zeir pdfeez 949328;1418145004;TomServo;Sorry for having to ask but: would 'rectal feeding' actually allow you ingest some nutrients? or what would be the point? 949329;1418145065;punkman;TomServo: of course 949330;1418145086;punkman;can't just stick a banana up your ass though 949331;1418145163;mats;nobody suggested that 949332;1418145163;mircea_popescu;TomServo yeah. 949333;1418145197;mircea_popescu;it would suck on the long term unless very carefully formulated, but otherwise... 949334;1418145299;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34900 @ 0.00050023 = 17.458 BTC [+] {2} 949335;1418145847;TomServo;Dumb question I suppose; hoped an asciilifeform joke made it into the report. arse/mouth etc. 949336;1418145957;mircea_popescu;TomServo best way to loosen up neurotic sort of chick is half white wine / half warm water enema. 949337;1418145982;mircea_popescu;demi bouteille of that an' she's giggling like god meant woman to giggle. 949338;1418146276;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14775 @ 0.00049507 = 7.3147 BTC [-] 949339;1418146908;thestringpuller;what does the warm water enema achieve? 949340;1418146944;mircea_popescu;dilutes and doesn't thermally shock the gut ? 949341;1418147148;jurov;relaxes the sphincter? or the vag, too? 949342;1418147370;mircea_popescu;!up LainZ 949343;1418147801;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 160 @ 0.12810045 = 20.4961 BTC [+] {3} 949344;1418147862;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 28 @ 0.12527499 = 3.5077 BTC [-] {6} 949345;1418147947;scoopbot;New post on Trilema by Mircea Popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/noche-de-la-inmaculada-concepcion-en-imagenes/ 949346;1418148289;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38900 @ 0.00049671 = 19.322 BTC [+] {2} 949347;1418149570;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2375 @ 0.00050104 = 1.19 BTC [+] 949348;1418150332;TomServo;https://twitter.com/barrysilbert/status/542340947204648961 949349;1418150334;assbot;Announcement: Pleased to share that the syndicate organized by /BitcoinTrust & our trading division won 48k bitcoin auctioned by US Marshals 949350;1418150434;mircea_popescu;heh. 949351;1418150719;punkman;the waterfall stronger than ever eh 949352;1418150912;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11750 @ 0.00048997 = 5.7571 BTC [-] 949353;1418151022;TomServo;Evidently. Looks like another 1700 or so left ethereum's wallet recently as well. 949354;1418152864;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 667 @ 0.00450001 = 3.0015 BTC [+] 949355;1418152909;asciilifeform;http://cryptome.org/ru-im-rar-unzipped.txt 949356;1418152909;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1vAHbPS ) 949357;1418152921;asciilifeform;run moar winblows. 949358;1418155202;asciilifeform;'The CIA lacked a plan for the eventual disposition of its detainees. After taking custody of Abu Zubaydah, CIA officers concluded that he "should remain incommunicado for the remainder of his life"...' 949359;1418155297;asciilifeform;^ document of questionable veracity, prepared by known professional liars, but good source on what to expect when you end up in the tender care of usg. 949360;1418155460;undata;asciilifeform: in this case I'm more than certain they're lying in the direction that makes them look better 949361;1418155497;asciilifeform;- or rather, a minimum of what to expect. the main purpose of the report appears to be usg bashing itself for hiring incompetent torturers on 'favourite son' contracts. implication is, 'we need to recruit real pros' - and every reason to expect that it will be tried, at the very least. out with the amateur finger-choppers, in with the transcranial pain centre stimulators and 'fMRI' gizmos, etc. 949362;1418155515;undata;yep 949363;1418155518;danielpbarron;;;rate jyap 1 https://twitter.com/jyap/status/542409148323741697 949364;1418155520;assbot;I hope he comes here to tell us how "gpg is not user friendly and too hard." /jyap http://t.co/w1PgofiYzc /hashtag/bitcoin?src=hash-assets /ElectrumWallet 949365;1418155520;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user jyap has been recorded. 949366;1418156046;asciilifeform;'The CIA did not hold any detainees after April 2008.' << i've a bridge to sell ya. 949367;1418156154;thestringpuller;danielpbarron you inspired a character for me 949368;1418156169;thestringpuller;the cryptopriest 949369;1418156219;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20150 @ 0.00048614 = 9.7957 BTC [-] 949370;1418156307;danielpbarron;heh 949371;1418156413;assbot;jyap +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0 949372;1418156423;danielpbarron;!up jyap 949373;1418156435;jyap;thanks 949374;1418156478;danielpbarron;sonething tells me you aren't here to tell us how gpg isn't user friendly enough 949375;1418156548;jyap;well, personal invite from yourself 949376;1418156567;jyap;but GPG is fine by me 949377;1418156815;danielpbarron;I mentioned you because http://log1.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-12-2014#947359 949378;1418156815;assbot;Logged on 07-12-2014 04:59:36; ben_vulpes: http://proofofdev.com/jbs-jumbucks/ 949379;1418156866;jyap;ah yeah. never actually sent documentation in. more a video chat. 949380;1418156886;danielpbarron;heh.. "proof" 949381;1418156927;danielpbarron;if people consider video to be proof, no wonder it's widely believed that planes hit the twin towers 949382;1418156936;BingoBoingo;http://undeadly.org/cgi?action=article&sid=20141209095711 949383;1418156937;assbot;Libressl 2.1.2 released. ... ( http://bit.ly/1wd8AuZ ) 949384;1418156998;jyap;.. well yeah. 949385;1418157042;BingoBoingo;http://yro.slashdot.org/story/14/12/09/1347212/adnauseam-browser-extension-quietly-clicks-on-blocked-ads 949386;1418157043;assbot;AdNauseam Browser Extension Quietly Clicks On Blocked Ads - Slashdot ... ( http://bit.ly/1wd8TWP ) 949387;1418157048;asciilifeform;'Two important cipher suites, GOST and Camellia, have been reworked or reenabled, providing better interoperability with systems around the world.' << LOL!! 949388;1418157098;asciilifeform;'Initial support for Microsoft Windows 32-bit and 64-bit flavors has been added for mingw' << run moar winblows, aha. medicine for corpse. 949389;1418157144;asciilifeform;'Assembly acceleration of various algorithms... ...x86_64 CPUs' << translation: let's use intel's diddled aes instructions. 949390;1418157195;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34895 @ 0.00049617 = 17.3139 BTC [+] {2} 949391;1418157412;undata;danielpbarron: dude, what? 949392;1418157474;undata;surely you meant to say "pentagon" 949393;1418157641;undata;not that I'd be surprised if you sucked some other conspiracy theory on the towers out of Alex Jones' tailpipe 949394;1418157912;Pierre_Rochard;http://blog.bitpay.com/2014/12/09/bitcoin-black-friday-2014-recap.html 949395;1418157913;assbot;Bitcoin Black Friday 2014 Recap | The BitPay Blog ... ( http://bit.ly/1wamrDy ) 949396;1418157985;undata;With traditional Black Friday sales down 11% from last year, it’s it’s important to recognize that bitcoin is being used for a variety of traditional products and services now. This Bitcoin Black Friday may signify a move forward and toward mainstream acceptance of bitcoin. 949397;1418158003;undata;"actually good news" 949398;1418158008;asciilifeform;black friday << mega-lol at the conspicuously-absent actual numbers 949399;1418158169;undata;bitcoin acceptance makes me think of fat acceptance 949400;1418158181;rithm;i feel skinny 949401;1418158190;undata;it's this social progress thing 949402;1418158190;rithm;and witty, and gaaaaaay 949403;1418158247;Pierre_Rochard;for many of the redditards it is a ~feels~ social movement, rather than a macro-economic force of nature 949404;1418158396;BingoBoingo;!up jborkl 949405;1418159170;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2014/12/silbert-syndicate-wins-48000-btc-at-auction/ 949406;1418159545;BingoBoingo;http://www.nasdaq.com/article/the-biggest-dangers-to-bitcoin-come-from-proponents-not-opponents-cm421357 949407;1418159547;assbot;The Biggest Dangers To Bitcoin Come From Proponents, Not Opponents - NASDAQ.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1waq24G ) 949408;1418160489;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45990 @ 0.0005018 = 23.0778 BTC [+] {2} 949409;1418161156;Pierre_Rochard;“The decentralized, non-governmental nature of digital currency makes it particularly appealing to those of an extreme libertarian bent. When those voices are the only ones heard, it makes wider adoption and acceptance less likely." 949410;1418161201;thestringpuller;is it weird that everytime I see someone talk about adoption and acceptance in an article I immediately think they are a n00b? 949411;1418161210;thestringpuller;I can't take them seriously. 949412;1418161367;danielpbarron;03:37 <+undata> surely you meant to say "pentagon" << nope i meant the towers 949413;1418161387;danielpbarron;i don't listen to alex jones 949414;1418161414;undata;danielpbarron: I'm aware of the pentagon missile, but the towers?! 949415;1418161418;undata;I'm under the impression that many people in adjacent buildings saw it happen 949416;1418161520;undata;is it hard to believe that they could've both been hit by planes and demoed? 949417;1418161682;Pierre_Rochard;thestringpuller: because people like the author think Bitcoin _actually_ is a ponzi scheme and that they have to help attract greater fools, so public relations / appearance/ etc are super important to -sell- bitcoin to the unsuspecting masses 949418;1418161831;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10107 @ 0.00050191 = 5.0728 BTC [+] 949419;1418162330;danielpbarron;undata, it's cheaper to edit video 949420;1418162346;danielpbarron;i don't know anyone who saw it happen 949421;1418162563;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 57450 @ 0.00050286 = 28.8893 BTC [+] {3} 949422;1418162660;mats;I'm really irritated by this nonsense in the media about "torture is useless as an intelligence tool" 949423;1418162675;mats;what a blatant lie. 949424;1418162738;mats;danielpbarron: my grandparents watched the second plane hit from a high rise several blocks from the towers 949425;1418162806;danielpbarron;hm, ok 949426;1418162817;mats;they speak about a hundred english words between them, so i doubt they've been bought by USG. 949427;1418162866;mats;i'd consider effective placement of explosives near structural supports more plausible 949428;1418162939;undata;^^ 949429;1418163067;mats;anyway, this is probably obvious to everyone, but it should be voiced anyway: torture is definitely useful as an intelligence tool 949430;1418163099;punkman;not if you are torturing random derps though 949431;1418163100;mats;relying on a source that's been tortured, now, thats not useful, but thats why you verify the information... 949432;1418163107;asciilifeform;!s rectothermal 949433;1418163108;assbot;36 results for 'rectothermal' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=rectothermal 949434;1418163125;dub;applying it to turban wearers at random may not be 949435;1418163136;dub;which might be the point? 949436;1418163305;undata;mats: makes me wonder if that's the tactic: making the conversation about "Is torture effective?" 949437;1418163305;mats;this is what happens when you let HUMINT fall to the wayside 949438;1418163366;undata;rather than "do we want to live under the fear of a bureaucracy that tortures people at will?" 949439;1418163392;mats;i get the impression that most americans accept as fact that torture is ineffective 949440;1418163509;undata;mats: lets clarify things; do you think we benefit from having a CIA that does so? 949441;1418163532;mats;yes. 949442;1418163549;undata;hm, as part of current incarnation of USG? 949443;1418163578;mats;any effective intelligence agency ought to be prepared to torture a source. 949444;1418163610;mats;you think they're running a day care or something? 949445;1418163618;undata;that's an incorrect assumption of my opinion 949446;1418163635;undata;I want to live in a society where everything is done according to law 949447;1418163644;undata;even torturing "folks" if necessary 949448;1418163645;asciilifeform;intimidation and murder also work great, but are not nearly as 'photogenic' 949449;1418163671;undata;not at the whim of some unaccountable second govt 949450;1418163695;asciilifeform;undata: there is precisely one actual government - what you were thinking of as the 'second' 949451;1418163697;mats;people performing these things are ideally in the field 949452;1418163707;undata;asciilifeform: right, that's more correct 949453;1418163711;mats;as far as anyone is realistically concerned, they are the second government. 949454;1418163716;mats;and you can't do dick about it. 949455;1418163810;mats;PR backlash blah blah, anyone with a mild degree of intelligence understands this is how the game is played 949456;1418163820;mats;regardless if its admitted or not 949457;1418163844;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18000 @ 0.00049109 = 8.8396 BTC [-] 949458;1418163854;undata;without rule of law no one can settle down and get some goddamn work done 949459;1418163855;undata;too busy checking over their shoulder 949460;1418163868;undata;this is not tantamount to saying society should be hugs and kisses for all 949461;1418163915;mats;there's only one rule of law, and its wielded at the point of a weapon 949462;1418163933;undata;that's nice rhetoric, but that's about all 949463;1418164049;mats;intelligence work requires compartmentalization and centralization 949464;1418164068;mats;and once you get down to the fundamentals, agents in the field are basically unaccountable 949465;1418164073;undata;there's a distinction here between the guy that forces you to your desk to work, and the guy that jiggles your hand as you try to write 949466;1418164098;undata;mats: then they are free to seek their own interest; they're not slaves 949467;1418164100;undata;and all govt agents should be slaves 949468;1418164178;mats;in my opinion, this is a fundamentally irreconcilable difference between govt agents and intel agents 949469;1418164243;mats;you're going to ask an intel agent in the field to handicap himself, at the very real risk of being killed because of morals imposed by someone outside of the game? 949470;1418164255;mats;sounds like a recipe for high turnover and ineffective field work. 949471;1418164281;undata;and when the agents traffic enough cocaine to threaten your power over them? 949472;1418164309;mats;then you kill all of them. 949473;1418164315;mats;and hire a new spymaster you can leverage. 949474;1418164359;assbot;Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/1PCKSFB.txt ) 949475;1418164359;BingoBoingo;!b 3 949476;1418164372;asciilifeform;it all depends, also, on whether you see usa as just a normal country, or - a fundamentally criminal enterprise, whose enemies - any and all of them - are really friends of mankind by virtue of being it's enemies, and are in fact defending themselves from usg colonial rape. 949477;1418164410;asciilifeform;*its 949478;1418164464;asciilifeform;- that is, who do you wish to see win? 949479;1418164537;BingoBoingo;It wouldn't end with "win" another criminal enterprise would emerge. better win is probably stalemate 949480;1418164601;asciilifeform;who said, 'end.' everything - dies. 949481;1418164629;asciilifeform;even 'thousand-year' reichs. 949482;1418165454;mats;its actually a humorous indictment of the CIAs HUMINT operations, that they weren't able to get useful information from the rendered 949483;1418165470;mats;too much noise in the signal. picked up the wrong dudes. 949484;1418165522;asciilifeform;mats: the actual enemies of usa population are already in usa - occupying high posts in wash., dc. 949485;1418165857;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 420 @ 0.00450001 = 1.89 BTC [+] 949486;1418166233;mats;hows it feel to be a lamb in a den of killers? 949487;1418166243;mats;;;ticker 949488;1418166244;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 350.72, Best ask: 351.88, Bid-ask spread: 1.16000, Last trade: 351.88, 24 hour volume: 21724.25125109, 24 hour low: 343.97, 24 hour high: 366.57, 24 hour vwap: 353.109911494 949489;1418166295;BingoBoingo;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xk1fUzkqwbQ 949490;1418166296;assbot;Angry Ram takes on a 6 ton digger - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1wdDvau ) 949491;1418166300;BingoBoingo;^ That 949492;1418166437;asciilifeform;lamb in 'mcdonalds.' 949493;1418166452;[]bot;Bet created: "BTC tops all time high before April Fool's" http://bitbet.us/bet/1081/ 949494;1418166502;BingoBoingo;Is McSchwarma a thing yet? 949495;1418166599;mircea_popescu; 'The CIA did not hold any detainees after April 2008.' <<< "the fed won't monetise the debt" 949496;1418166660;[]bot;Bet placed: 4 BTC for No on "BTC tops all time high before April Fool's" http://bitbet.us/bet/1081/ Odds: 0(Y):100(N) by coin, 0(Y):100(N) by weight. Total bet: 4.1 BTC. Current weight: 99,998. 949497;1418166675;mircea_popescu; for many of the redditards it is a ~feels~ social movement, rather than a macro-economic force of nature << like everything else. like, that's all they got. 949498;1418166700;mircea_popescu;"When those voices are the only ones heard, it makes wider adoption and acceptance less likely." <<< so says... who ? 949499;1418166704;mircea_popescu;and htey know... how ? 949500;1418166736;mircea_popescu;the self-feeding circle of shit. "shit out because shit in because shit out because shit in because..." 949501;1418166789;mircea_popescu;"we are the clueless horde because everyone is clueless because we are clueless because everyone is clueless because that's all that exists because that's what we are because that's what one should be because that's what one can be because that's what we think because that's what we are because that's what we'ver seen because..." 949502;1418166798;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=06-12-2014#946898 949503;1418166798;assbot;Logged on 06-12-2014 05:01:41; asciilifeform: these folks will eventually build arse-mouth systems and try to eat their own shit. 949504;1418166844;mircea_popescu; is it weird << notrly. like you know, if you hear a "sailor" talk about "Ships falling off the earth margin" you can also suspect they're the 15yo fibbing variety of seawolf. 949505;1418166879;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yeah, hence all teh soviet shiteating jokes. 949506;1418166906;mircea_popescu;it's like a strange attractor of peronist discourse. 949507;1418166968;mircea_popescu;mats> relying on a source that's been tortured, now, thats not useful, but thats why you verify the information... << it's complicated. generally, by the time you have to torture people you're dead in the water. 949508;1418166981;mircea_popescu;it's like saying "wifebeating works as a matrimonial pacification tool". 949509;1418166988;mircea_popescu;i... guess ? if you think so ? 949510;1418166990;mircea_popescu;notrlytho. 949511;1418167094;mircea_popescu; i get the impression that most americans accept as fact that torture is ineffective << for sure. do you know what else they accept ? that "free markets don't work" and that "socialism is democracy" and all sorts of similar things. do you know why they accept them ? because they want to believe. 16 yo 7/10 valley girl also believes she's "beautiful" and that "she really has a chance". why wouldn't she, as far as 949512;1418167095;mircea_popescu;she's concerned. 949513;1418167281;mircea_popescu; in my opinion, this is a fundamentally irreconcilable difference between govt agents and intel agents << idealised intel agents. like idealised doctors or lawyers, doing "liberal professions". like naggum's idealised "real programmers". problem is, these people don't exist in the counts you might wish to employ. they exist in short supply. 949514;1418167321;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 47800 @ 0.00050619 = 24.1959 BTC [+] {4} 949515;1418167350;mircea_popescu; - that is, who do you wish to see win? <<< seems rather uncontroversial by now that the us is a rogue state. at least to my eyes. but in two years of this we've yet to meet somerone who actually believes the us to be anything but a criminal organisation. 949516;1418167357;mircea_popescu;perhaps with the exception of the bluemeanie guy :D 949517;1418167543;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: quite a few folks say 'well yes, criminal' but for some reason refuse to walk the logical implication, a -> b.. 949518;1418167623;mircea_popescu;!s 16 yo valley girl 949519;1418167624;assbot;0 results for '16 yo valley girl' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=16+yo+valley+girl 949520;1418167636;mircea_popescu;>D 949521;1418167637;mircea_popescu;what reason dja think that is. 949522;1418167686;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: because of the inevitable question, then, 'well what do i personally do now, seppuku?' that follows 949523;1418167738;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: closing eyes is the last refuge of the truly and genuinely fucked 949524;1418167741;mircea_popescu;which is of course silly. 949525;1418167761;mircea_popescu;plenty of women woke up one day to discover they married an asshole over the endless count of years. 949526;1418167775;mircea_popescu;none of them actually had to hang themselves for this lapse in their youthful judgement, 949527;1418167782;mircea_popescu;or, as the case may be, in their parents'. 949528;1418167823;[]bot;Bet created: "Light Sweet Crude Oil (WTI) Mar 2015 to drop under $50 before Feb 2015 " http://bitbet.us/bet/1082/ 949529;1418167847;mircea_popescu;for thatmatter, even 30 years ago, "the us" aka "america" was something you'd have had to be chomsky not to believe in. 949530;1418167863;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: most u.s. subjects don't have an obvious rational action to follow the awakening of 'aha so i'm living in a zoo run by demented vivisectionists, now i need to...' 949531;1418167905;mircea_popescu;"say it" ? 949532;1418167945;nubbins`;"...make something for supper" 949533;1418167966;mircea_popescu;o check it out, nubbins` brings sammiches. 949534;1418167973;nubbins`;not so 949535;1418167983;nubbins`;altho i did roast a pork tenderloin today 949536;1418167985;nubbins`;and let me tell you 949537;1418167990;nubbins`;it was fist-poundingly good 949538;1418168011;nubbins`;made an extremely heady pan sauce with some red wine 949539;1418168043;[]bot;Bet created: "Silver over $20/oz before March" http://bitbet.us/bet/1083/ 949540;1418168419;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12350 @ 0.00049923 = 6.1655 BTC [-] 949541;1418168844;assbot;EPiSKiNG- +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0 949542;1418168931;nubbins`;dat fail 949543;1418168933;nubbins`;!up EPiSKiNG- 949544;1418168939;EPiSKiNG-;why failed? 949545;1418168944;nubbins`;;;gettrust assbot EPiSKiNG- 949546;1418168945;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask EPiSKiNG-!~EPiSKiNG-@unaffiliated/episking. Trust relationship from user assbot to user EPiSKiNG-: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=EPiSKiNG- | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=EPiSKiNG- | Rated since: Thu Jun 9 02:05:20 2011 949547;1418168949;nubbins`;^ 949548;1418168980;nubbins`;http://trilema.com/2014/bitcoin-assets-m/ 949549;1418168981;assbot;#bitcoin-assets +m pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1wdNwon ) 949550;1418169127;EPiSKiNG-;hmmm 949551;1418169239;[]bot;Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "Silver over $20/oz before March" http://bitbet.us/bet/1083/ Odds: 3(Y):97(N) by coin, 3(Y):97(N) by weight. Total bet: 1.1 BTC. Current weight: 99,979. 949552;1418169248;[]bot;Bet placed: 1 BTC for Yes on "Light Sweet Crude Oil (WTI) Mar 2015 to drop under $50 before Feb 2015 " http://bitbet.us/bet/1082/ Odds: 94(Y):6(N) by coin, 94(Y):6(N) by weight. Total bet: 1.1 BTC. Current weight: 99,961. 949553;1418169385;nubbins`;anyway, you're voiced now 949554;1418169386;nubbins`;rejoice! 949555;1418169390;nubbins`;!up agorecki 949556;1418169405;nubbins`;!up UltimateNate 949557;1418169414;UltimateNate;is assbot really a DDoS bot? 949558;1418169424;nubbins`;no 949559;1418169429;UltimateNate;There is a hostile ddos bot lurking in #bitcoin-assets. Please make sure your cloak is setup correctly (applied before joining the channel). 949560;1418169439;UltimateNate;<assbot> There is a hostile ddos bot lurking in #bitcoin-assets. Please make sure your cloak is setup correctly (applied before joining the channel). 949561;1418169445;nubbins`;would a vampire say "there is a vampire"? :S 949562;1418169562;[]bot;Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "Light Sweet Crude Oil (WTI) Mar 2015 to drop under $50 before Feb 2015 " http://bitbet.us/bet/1082/ Odds: 49(Y):51(N) by coin, 49(Y):51(N) by weight. Total bet: 2.1 BTC. Current weight: 99,952. 949563;1418169670;*;EPiSKiNG- rejoices 949564;1418169688;EPiSKiNG-;;;ident 949565;1418169688;gribble;Nick 'EPiSKiNG-', with hostmask 'EPiSKiNG-!~EPiSKiNG-@unaffiliated/episking', is identified as user 'EPiSKiNG-', with GPG key id 721730127CD7574D, key fingerprint EBFC267F8F10EFD1FB84854D721730127CD7574D, and bitcoin address 1EPiSKiNG139bzcwTm8rxMFNfFFdanLW5K 949566;1418170005;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 60258 @ 0.0005088 = 30.6593 BTC [+] {2} 949567;1418170043;undata;+asciilifeform | mircea_popescu: most u.s. subjects don't have an obvious rational action to follow the awakening of 'aha so i'm living in a zoo run by demented vivisectionists, now i need to...' << make money and gtfo in my case 949568;1418170119;undata;or hell, loot the nearest shoe store for some nikes if that's all you can muster 949569;1418170249;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1650 @ 0.00120998 = 1.9965 BTC [-] {8} 949570;1418170384;undata;seems to me that there are two circumstances to avoid: 1) being crunched under the US gov's ever-increasing bureaucratic mass 2) the skullfucking that is due to the US when there's an entity powerful enough to perform it 949571;1418170656;nubbins`;seems to me there's not a whole lot you can do to avoid either 949572;1418170712;undata;I can; as for the rest, natural selection's a bitch 949573;1418170754;nubbins`;!up EPiSKiNG- 949574;1418170767;nubbins`;not sure it's natural selection 949575;1418170815;undata;how is govt any less natural a hazard? 949576;1418172201;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29900 @ 0.00050647 = 15.1435 BTC [-] 949577;1418172577;asciilifeform;undata: 'gtfo' from u.s.-centric international monetary system costs considerably more than an airplane ticket. 949578;1418172611;undata;asciilifeform: I just want somewhere to sit and watch the bonfire 949579;1418172619;asciilifeform;undata: i haven't the faintest clue about where you went (or will go) but most u.s. expats may as well be living back home, where they are. 949580;1418172624;asciilifeform;in terms of dependence 949581;1418172645;undata;maybe so, but I'd rather have something to struggle towards 949582;1418172689;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9652 @ 0.00050293 = 4.8543 BTC [-] {2} 949583;1418172710;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu had an article (or perhaps a thread here? but can't seem to find it...) about an archetypical u.s. expat. fellow keeps a pub somewhere in thailand, or cambodia, etc. the locals - drink for free. he fancies that if he begins to run out of dough, he can always start charging. but somehow in the back of his head he knows what will happen to his sorry arse if he were to do so. 949584;1418172772;undata;argie let nazis retire there; what's wrong with a few 'muricans? :D 949585;1418172776;asciilifeform;the pub is really the property of the freeloaders, or local chieftain, whoever; the 'owner' is simply a clown kept around for entertainment value and while he brings over friends to spend usd 949586;1418172799;asciilifeform;undata: the germans had self-contained biospheres where they lived and worked. 949587;1418172821;asciilifeform;how many u.s. expats are willing to, say, break their backs doing actual work for the locals ? 949588;1418172823;undata;I think you're right; it won't be a great thing abroad to be or have been an american 949589;1418172839;asciilifeform;no, it's always 'i'm gonna own an xxx and a yyy which will bring in...' 949590;1418172882;undata;I intend to stay active creating software; I'd probably continue to work with americans 949591;1418172885;asciilifeform;software for which - who? pays 949592;1418172886;asciilifeform;in what? 949593;1418173037;asciilifeform;(re: germans: there is ample evidence that fleeing nazis wanted for nothing, and were kept in plentiful supply of every conceivable necessity and luxury by u.s. cia. but 'traditional' narrative still has them living in what were essentially reservations in ar.) 949594;1418173069;undata;I've got various software things cooking now, one operational and paying my rent 949595;1418173084;asciilifeform;in usd 949596;1418173088;undata;correct 949597;1418173103;asciilifeform;with a gigantic, mainly usg-operated apparatus to keep 'paying for software' as a going concern even. 949598;1418173166;undata;I don't feel a burning urge to attract the attention of that govt 949599;1418173172;undata;they can have their taxes, etc 949600;1418173199;undata;speaking of Thailand, my accountant lives there most of the year 949601;1418173203;undata;wife there, etc 949602;1418173264;undata;Chile is one that's appealed to me 949603;1418174064;thestringpuller;today I heard the phrase: "Encryption as a Service" used as a buzz-phrase. 949604;1418174896;assbot;EPiSKiNG- +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0 949605;1418174916;danielpbarron;!up EPiSKiNG- 949606;1418174999;thestringpuller;that is a name I haven't seen in sometime 949607;1418175019;EPiSKiNG-;someone needs to rate me 949608;1418175023;EPiSKiNG-;all those WoT ratings, and assbot has no love 949609;1418175043;danielpbarron;;;gettrust EPiSKiNG- 949610;1418175044;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask EPiSKiNG-!~EPiSKiNG-@unaffiliated/episking. Trust relationship from user danielpbarron to user EPiSKiNG-: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 15 via 15 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=danielpbarron&dest=EPiSKiNG- | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=EPiSKiNG- | Rated since: Thu Jun 9 02:05:20 2011 949611;1418175060;EPiSKiNG-;;;rated danielpbarron 949612;1418175060;gribble;You have not yet rated user danielpbarron 949613;1418175068;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 56450 @ 0.00049984 = 28.216 BTC [-] {2} 949614;1418175079;EPiSKiNG-;ah. I think you'd do it. :) 949615;1418175079;danielpbarron;you're pretty high in my l2, huh 949616;1418175112;danielpbarron;well my having not done it doesn't matter as i'm no longer a lord 949617;1418175139;*;EPiSKiNG- is confused. Need to read rules. 949618;1418175217;danielpbarron;EPiSKiNG-, http://trilema.com/2014/bitcoin-assets-m/ 949619;1418175218;assbot;#bitcoin-assets +m pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1yzhod7 ) 949620;1418175303;danielpbarron;you've got quite a few positive ratings from users i don't trust 949621;1418175410;kakobrekla; all those WoT ratings, and assbot has no love < this thing apparently works, those ratings are useless 949622;1418175412;thestringpuller;who me? 949623;1418175912;EPiSKiNG-;worthless are they? 949624;1418175918;*;EPiSKiNG- is still readin 949625;1418176163;danielpbarron;you're from a different WoT, sort-of; all your connections are from -otc, and none are from here (or at least from anyone here who matters (and therefore anyone anywhere who matters)) 949626;1418176237;decimation;asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: re: deterministic wallets << the ware that someone dropped in the chan a few days ago was amusing: you enter you die rolls on the command line (history!) and then it converts to 'diceware' string, and then it takes a sha256 hash 949627;1418176255;decimation;seems like a good recipie to greatly restrict the keyspace 949628;1418176305;kakobrekla;someones coding license needs to be revoked? 949629;1418176542;decimation;yeah, it was a noob implementation. But it brought up a question in my mind: for RSA, private key and public key are derived from a prime number. Is there a similar procedure for ECDSA? 949630;1418177779;mike_c;ecdsa works on the magical horseshoe principle. you start from one spot on the horseshoe and shoot over to the other side, and where you land is difficult to figure out. 949631;1418177792;mike_c;unless you use the nsa horseshoe, which everyone knows the answers to. 949632;1418178441;asciilifeform;http://cryptome.org/ru-im-malware-scan-14-1209.htm 949633;1418178442;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1yxCs8S ) 949634;1418178446;asciilifeform;^ mega-lol. run moar winblows! 949635;1418178495;decimation;asciilifeform: why would the russian foreign ministry run winblows? 949636;1418178508;asciilifeform;decimation: why would iranian ministry of nukes run winblows 949637;1418178555;decimation;well, probably for the same reason soviets wanted pdp11 949638;1418178555;asciilifeform;decimation: also this story concerns the russian ministry of internal affairs (sorta equivalent to u.s. fbi) 949639;1418178584;decimation;what is the difference between that and the fsb? 949640;1418178616;asciilifeform;that'd be more analogous to u.s. dhs 949641;1418178617;*;decimation took a course in soviet politics years ago and I left more confused about its bureaucracy 949642;1418178632;asciilifeform;see, until dhs there was no ready u.s. analogue. 949643;1418178651;decimation;so all internal security is nominally 'under' fsb? 949644;1418178677;asciilifeform;nominally, internal security in its intelligence aspects 949645;1418178687;decimation;ah, makes sense 949646;1418178689;asciilifeform;also some external work. ussr had two competing intelligence agencies 949647;1418178695;decimation;I guess in the us the fbi is kinda the secret police 949648;1418178716;asciilifeform;gru (approximately, central office of reconnaissance) and (portion of) kgb 949649;1418178726;asciilifeform;gru was a branch of military intelligence apparatus 949650;1418178738;asciilifeform;kgb - 'civilian.' 949651;1418178738;decimation;do these still compete today? russian military and svr? 949652;1418178757;asciilifeform;svr was post-collapse rebranding of kgb intelligence directorate 949653;1418178769;asciilifeform;this is extensively beaten to death in the literature. 949654;1418178802;asciilifeform;http://svr.gov.ru 949655;1418178803;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1GhcJAF ) 949656;1418178808;asciilifeform;^ apply for a job today, l0l 949657;1418178836;decimation;probably about the same kind of stuff as the us version 949658;1418178908;asciilifeform;speaking of which... 949659;1418178909;asciilifeform;http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2014/12/defeat-is-victory.html 949660;1418178910;assbot;ClubOrlov: Defeat is Victory ... ( http://bit.ly/1Ghd71W ) 949661;1418178972;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10220 @ 0.0005022 = 5.1325 BTC [+] 949662;1418178982;decimation;this page on ecdsa history is depressing http://blog.cr.yp.to/20140323-ecdsa.html 949663;1418178983;assbot;cr.yp.to: 2014.03.23: How to design an elliptic-curve signature system ... ( http://bit.ly/1GhdfyE ) 949664;1418179043;asciilifeform;cache timing attacks are a snore. 949665;1418179055;asciilifeform;if enemy has access to your cache hit/miss data, you were fucked already. 949666;1418179080;decimation;nah, not that stuff, the history of the development of ecdsa 949667;1418179105;decimation;and speculation on why the most retarded design decisions were made to force vulnerabilities 949668;1418179203;asciilifeform;why the most retarded design decisions << this was never a genuine mystery. 949669;1418179213;decimation;yeah, but it is still depressing 949670;1418179226;decimation;"the people" of the us should demand their tax dollars back 949671;1418179226;asciilifeform;not to 'evil conspiracy crackpots', that is. to 'reasonable, polite society folks' it will be a mystery until the day they die. 949672;1418179239;asciilifeform;(which is likely to be sooner rather than later) 949673;1418179288;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=18-11-2014#927130 949674;1418179288;assbot;Logged on 18-11-2014 01:12:37; asciilifeform: it will be a 'temporary relocation center' to them, even when the shower heads start hissing out the zyklon. 949675;1418179358;decimation;I guess my question above (rephrased) is this: does the secp256k1 algorithm allow for any arbitrary 256 bit vector to be used as a key? Or is there a restricted set that will be more secure than other cases? 949676;1418179643;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26085 @ 0.00051033 = 13.312 BTC [+] {2} 949677;1418179704;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8665 @ 0.0005116 = 4.433 BTC [+] 949678;1418180497;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 10 @ 0.12800001 = 1.28 BTC [+] 949679;1418180777;mircea_popescu; or hell, loot the nearest shoe store for some nikes if that's all you can muster << petty crime is really a very poor plan. 949680;1418180854;mircea_popescu; how many u.s. expats are willing to, say, break their backs doing actual work for the locals ? << all women that i ever met. srsly. 949681;1418180907;mircea_popescu;;;rate EPiSKiNG- 1 New blood :p 949682;1418180909;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user EPiSKiNG- has been recorded. 949683;1418180916;decimation;there is plenty of 'hard work' going on in the us, just misdirected 949684;1418180918;mircea_popescu;!up EPiSKiNG- 949685;1418180920;mircea_popescu;there you go. 949686;1418180935;decimation;!up badon 949687;1418180952;mircea_popescu;decimation quite. 949688;1418180979;thestringpuller;!t m s.qntr 949689;1418180980;assbot;[MPEX:S.QNTR] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: / / ( shares, BTC), 30D: 0.00015 / 0.00015943 / 0.00016 (5300 shares, 0.85 BTC) 949690;1418181010;mircea_popescu; Is there a similar procedure for ECDSA? << sort-of. the exponent is ideally chosen randomly as well as the index. 949691;1418181029;decimation;Yeah I am going to have to work it out for myself it seems 949692;1418181040;decimation;using the secp256k1 parameters 949693;1418181150;mircea_popescu;tho i am very suspicious of ecdsa for what you'd call "political" reasons. 949694;1418181153;mircea_popescu;as in, notscientific. 949695;1418181180;decimation;yeah, I agree 949696;1418181185;mircea_popescu;but there's also some scienfitic doubt. you really don't know a) how good a "random curve" is n the generla case ; b) you don't really know how to calculate the quality of a good curve. 949697;1418181205;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform's fond of pointing out to the pi problem of "random numbers", ie, for all you know xth index of pi digits is random 949698;1418181218;mircea_popescu;for FUCKING OBVIOUS reasons, such as... the involvement of pi! this is true for curves too. 949699;1418181239;decimation;yeah this is why RSA seems more compelling 949700;1418181243;decimation;people have been banging their heads against factoring large primes for a long time 949701;1418181250;mircea_popescu;there's also that. 949702;1418181257;mircea_popescu;in fact the reason why we favour rsa is quite long. 949703;1418181288;mircea_popescu;list of reasons* 949704;1418181302;decimation;I can see why satoshi avoided using the nist curves, but using ecc in general was probably a bad move 949705;1418181313;decimation;it's true it greatly reduced the size of the blockchain, but at what cost? 949706;1418181323;mircea_popescu;well, he hedged his bets. 949707;1418181329;mircea_popescu;ecdsa alone isn't enough to breach it. 949708;1418181361;mircea_popescu;it has to be said, again and again, lest anyone forgets : this was designed as a prototype. 949709;1418181365;mircea_popescu;it's what it is. 949710;1418181365;TomServo;ha! did orlov crib 'infinite hit points? 949711;1418181388;mircea_popescu;he did ? 949712;1418181449;TomServo;Consider this: knowledge is always limited and specific, but ignorance is infinite and completely general; knowledge is hard to convey, and travels no faster than the speed of light, but ignorance is instantaneous at all points in the known and unknown universe, including alternate universes and dimensions of whose existence we are entirely ignorant. In short, there is a limit to how much you can 949713;1418181450;TomServo;know, but there is no limit at all to how much you don't know but think you do! 949714;1418181468;asciilifeform;factoring large primes << l0l! i'll factor any large prime for you, free! limited time 0ff3r! 949715;1418181470;mircea_popescu;eh i don't have a lien on that. 949716;1418181500;TomServo;Just immediately reminded me of it is all. 949717;1418181517;decimation;asciilifeform: sorry, I mean factoring large composites :) 949718;1418181528;mircea_popescu;lol 949719;1418181544;mircea_popescu;such a stickler is he :D 949720;1418181553;asciilifeform;laugh, but bill gates referred to the great unsolved problem 'factoring large primes' in one of 'his' 'books', in dead tree print. 949721;1418181554;mircea_popescu;TomServo it does link nicely. 949722;1418181727;decimation;orlov is right that wages haven't increased, but prices have fallen 949723;1418181729;decimation;at least, for food and computers 949724;1418181734;asciilifeform;re: public key: incidentally, agitprop! http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/12/03/gchq_boffins_quantumbusted_own_crypto_primitive 949725;1418181735;assbot;GCHQ boffins quantum-busted its OWN crypto primitive • The Register ... ( http://bit.ly/1uipowx ) 949726;1418181736;mircea_popescu;not for food, per se. 949727;1418181744;decimation;yeah, for 'food' 949728;1418181747;mircea_popescu;just, they found ways to repackage cheaper shit as food. 949729;1418181751;asciilifeform;and 'computers' 949730;1418181763;decimation;I was pricing a nice wild-caught salmon from alaska, goes for $20 per lb at the cheap rate 949731;1418181788;mircea_popescu;my own personal opinion is you're taking that too far. srsly, current cpus are worth 80 2014 dollars 949732;1418181788;mircea_popescu;if a z80 was worth 40 1980 dollars. 949733;1418181828;asciilifeform;for numeric wrangling, sure, i'll take 2014. see last week's thread. 949734;1418181849;asciilifeform;for overall quality of life - 1980. 949735;1418181849;mircea_popescu;i thought you were kinda arguing both ends of a candle here :p 949736;1418181855;asciilifeform;it's burning on both ends! 949737;1418181865;mircea_popescu;so blow. 949738;1418181884;decimation;the problem is that 2014 has 1980 built into is core, under layers of 'tardation 949739;1418181894;mircea_popescu;but faster bus :D 949740;1418181898;BingoBoingo;It's a fucking candle, piss it out. 949741;1418181899;asciilifeform;1980 built into its core << only the bad parts 949742;1418181910;decimation;heh yeah 949743;1418181910;mircea_popescu;you can't argue with that part. they got really good at printing them. 949744;1418181911;decimation;no lisp machine in an x86 949745;1418181927;mircea_popescu;these specific things, like the quality of paints... 949746;1418181934;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform dja recall soviet paints of the 80s ? 949747;1418181939;mircea_popescu;that maroon ? 949748;1418181943;asciilifeform;aha 949749;1418181971;asciilifeform;there's a post office here where i live now, that seems to have been painted with the very same paints 949750;1418181987;mircea_popescu;those shitty plastics of the era... not really very mouldable... 949751;1418182131;decimation;I know for certain that nazi-era IG farben was way ahead of the world in paint technology at the time 949752;1418182133;mircea_popescu; decimation: why would iranian ministry of nukes run winblows <<< recall that buenos aires pantalla ? 949753;1418182154;mircea_popescu;they run it because they're not smart enough to even figure there's away out of the paper bag, as a principle. 949754;1418182154;BingoBoingo;!up Vexual 949755;1418182292;asciilifeform;http://imgur.com/79DTA7H << 'no parking' sign outside of that post office. (i don't presently have a photo of the inside.) 949756;1418182293;assbot; imgur: the simple image sharer ... ( http://bit.ly/1uiruMX ) 949757;1418182372;decimation;http://imgur.com/79DTA7H << "By 2020, current cost trends will lead to an average cost of between $15 billion and $20 billion for a leading-edge fab, according to the report. By 2016, the minimum capital expenditure budget needed to justify the building of a new fab will range from $8 billion to $10 billion for logic, $3.5 billion to $4.5 billion for DRAM and $6 billion to $7 billion for NAND flash, according to the report." 949758;1418182372;assbot; imgur: the simple image sharer ... ( http://bit.ly/1uirH2T ) 949759;1418182374;mircea_popescu;decimation "at the time" for 1940 tho. 949760;1418182380;decimation;this strikes me as more limiting than physics 949761;1418182398;mircea_popescu;i linked aus dem leben der marionetten here yest. 949762;1418182417;mircea_popescu;if you're curious to get a feel for the actual flavour of everyday bvack then, it's a good primer. 949763;1418182422;mircea_popescu;all those lightbulbs and whatnot. 949764;1418182521;Vexual;now the koreans are making the best limo at the best price, just coz they can 949765;1418182548;asciilifeform;i see no light bulbs in that article. are they inside the arses ? 949766;1418182568;mircea_popescu;they're in teh film 949767;1418182581;mircea_popescu;whoever did the decors put a shitton of intelligent work in 949768;1418182632;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 64100 @ 0.00050754 = 32.5333 BTC [-] 949769;1418182693;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18100 @ 0.0005116 = 9.26 BTC [+] 949770;1418182734;decimation;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tN-HIA4H1vA << even street urchins wore jackets in new york ca. 1900 949771;1418182735;assbot;New York City Street Scene Easter 1900 - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1wZqK6m ) 949772;1418182764;Vexual;t-shirts are a recent invention 949773;1418182771;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2012/das-schlangenei/ << also good. perhaps actually better. 949774;1418182772;assbot;Das Schlangenei pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1wZqRPv ) 949775;1418182791;mircea_popescu;you know, lightbulbs going out, visibly. because back then ? they did. 949776;1418182813;Vexual;slowly? 949777;1418182825;mircea_popescu;(also bergman) 949778;1418182877;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 70082 @ 0.00051256 = 35.9212 BTC [+] {2} 949779;1418182891;mircea_popescu;it just occured to me that b-a is actually the only place on the english web where german, russian,french, spanish etc are not merely spoken, 949780;1418182901;mircea_popescu;but the respective cultures actually accessible and tied in. 949781;1418182911;mircea_popescu;at least afaik the only place. 949782;1418182963;asciilifeform;we have a german ? 949783;1418182990;mircea_popescu;no but we like them :D 949784;1418183010;mircea_popescu;anyway, i'm from transylvania, i could as 1/3 german. 949785;1418183010;Vexual;mircea runs a mercedes 949786;1418183021;mircea_popescu;jurov's from slovakia, that's like 1/2 german, and kako's somalia is an ex german colony. so like 1/6 949787;1418183031;mircea_popescu;;;calc 1/3 + 1/2 + 1/6 949788;1418183031;gribble;1.0 949789;1418183034;mircea_popescu;win. 949790;1418183044;decimation;Ich spreche einbisschen Deutch 949791;1418183083;decimation;my family is nearly all from germany, but they stopped teaching their kids the language around wwii (in the us) 949792;1418183114;mircea_popescu;decimation afaik about 40% of the us is actually from germany at some point 949793;1418183130;decimation;yes, the majority of 'white people' in the us are german 949794;1418183140;decimation;which is why the englishers had to squash that shit 949795;1418183144;mircea_popescu;anyway, quick quiz : who is the first person to have spoken german in public in israel post ww2 ? 949796;1418183163;Vexual;was he in physics? 949797;1418183171;decimation;eh? weren't nearly all the 'returning jews' from german backgrounds? 949798;1418183435;decimation;http://forward.com/articles/154277/jews-stream-back-to-germany/?p=all << "But under German law since May 1949, any Jew — or the descendants of such a Jew — who fled Nazi Germany has the right to become a naturalized German" 949799;1418183436;assbot;Jews Stream Back to Germany – Forward.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1uivnlc ) 949800;1418184070;decimation;academic/media/civil servant complex is the us is chattering about increasing the gas tax, since prices have nearly halved 949801;1418184085;decimation;no talk about rebalancing spending to cover the shortfall 949802;1418184400;mthreat;there's also people asking if the US fracking companies will be "bailed out" 949803;1418184462;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10250 @ 0.00050723 = 5.1991 BTC [-] 949804;1418184726;decimation;mthreat: http://www.nasdaq.com/article/opecs-no-to-oil-production-cut-dents-crude-prices-3-energy-funds-to-dump-mutual-fund-commentary-cm419481 949805;1418184727;assbot;OPEC's No to Oil Production Cut Dents Crude Prices: 3 Energy Funds to Dump - Mutual Fund Commentary - NASDAQ.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1uiAf9P ) 949806;1418184729;TomServo;http://www.mprnews.org/story/2014/12/09/daily-circuit-transportation-funding 949807;1418184730;assbot;Transportation chief: $1 billion surplus can't fix road problems | Minnesota Public Radio News ... ( http://bit.ly/1uiAhi0 ) 949808;1418184739;decimation;opec is dumping oil to kill the fracking producers in the us 949809;1418184850;TomServo;Aye - 20-40% fewer well permits being reported, depending on production area. 949810;1418184938;decimation;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=22-11-2014#931330 949811;1418184938;assbot;Logged on 22-11-2014 04:04:57; mircea_popescu: you familiar with the "giant stool" approach to economics ? 949812;1418184960;decimation;opec wants to grow into a giant to squash the midgets in oil 949813;1418185072;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39700 @ 0.00051437 = 20.4205 BTC [+] {3} 949814;1418185143;PeterL;is opec not already a giant? 949815;1418185174;decimation;yes, and they can embiggen themselves to squash any troublesome midgets for a period of time 949816;1418185641;mats;i wonder how putin feels about it 949817;1418185659;asciilifeform;http://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/ws/660/amz/worldservice/live/assets/images/2014/12/06/141206063050_putin_poster_624x351_ap.jpg 949818;1418185659;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1uiDVIE ) 949819;1418185753;BingoBoingo;http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2014/12/09/the-richest-man-in-russia-bought-james-watsons-nobel-prize-just-so-he-could-return-it/ 949820;1418185755;assbot;The richest man in Russia bought James Watson’s Nobel prize just so he could return it - The Washington Post ... ( http://bit.ly/1uiEja5 ) 949821;1418185821;decimation;BingoBoingo: that's awesome 949822;1418185894;asciilifeform;lol! 949823;1418186324;asciilifeform;picture if - the equalistas will step up their game now. i recall there already was talk of (soviet-style!) revocation of watson's degrees. 949824;1418186390;decimation;asciilifeform: such a development would be welcome, as it would require a press release with names attached 949825;1418186394;BingoBoingo;Ah, the greatest protest Watson could undertake would be to sell his nobel annually 949826;1418186396;asciilifeform;and his (alleged) plan to buy back 'respectability' with money is uncharacteristically foolish 949827;1418186409;mircea_popescu; eh? weren't nearly all the 'returning jews' from german backgrounds? << yep. 949828;1418186424;[]bot;Bet placed: 2.00000001 BTC for No on "Gold to drop under $1000 before Feb 2015" http://bitbet.us/bet/1080/ Odds: 12(Y):88(N) by coin, 13(Y):87(N) by weight. Total bet: 8.43248982 BTC. Current weight: 89,167. 949829;1418186428;asciilifeform;who bribes inquisitors ? 949830;1418186436;BingoBoingo; and his (alleged) plan to buy back 'respectability' with money is uncharacteristically foolish << Respect comes from the buyers returning it, like the many "Gems" 949831;1418186470;asciilifeform;he did not know that it would be returned. 949832;1418186489;asciilifeform;said, supposedly, that he will buy back into respectability with the money. 949833;1418186523;BingoBoingo;Ah 949834;1418186535;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform> and his (alleged) plan to buy back 'respectability' with money is uncharacteristically foolish << i didn't read any such plan in there. just, "i want money" "what for ?" "fuck you lol: 949835;1418186547;asciilifeform;he did utter 'will use it to return to public life' 949836;1418186553;BingoBoingo;But now Watson can surmise he will be saved by stotting behavior until the one time he isn't 949837;1418186554;decimation;nah he said he would give it to a few institutions 949838;1418186557;asciilifeform;and did, iirc, mention donations to various academitrons 949839;1418186561;mircea_popescu;more like "this should do x" 949840;1418186579;mircea_popescu;he didn't seem to want to personally do anything past telling the others what they should be doing 949841;1418186581;asciilifeform;giving money to his tormentors looks like pure nuttery 949842;1418186590;mircea_popescu;admittedly, the traditional behaviour of intellectual types. 949843;1418186619;mircea_popescu;understand old man psychology : the whole world is made out of younger men 949844;1418186625;mircea_popescu;and for this reason, his toermentors. 949845;1418186631;decimation;http://www.the-scientist.com/?articles.view/articleNo/41594/title/Watson-Sells-Nobel-for--4-1M/ "Watson told The New York Times that he planned to donate most of the proceeds from the sale to academic institutions, including the University of Chicago, which he attended as an undergraduate; Indiana University, where he earned his PhD; Cambridge, where he and Crick worked; and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. “The sale is to support 949846;1418186633;assbot;Watson Sells Nobel for $4.1M | The Scientist Magazine® ... ( http://bit.ly/1D7jrgj ) 949847;1418186633;decimation;and empower scientific discovery,” he said." 949848;1418186634;mircea_popescu;he will ~talk about~ giving them money. 949849;1418186650;asciilifeform;but in actuality, mail it to 'isis' ? 949850;1418186653;decimation;yeah he was unspecific about the amounts - "most" 949851;1418186712;mircea_popescu;he was also going to buy some painting 949852;1418186715;*;asciilifeform thinks he understands old man psychology very well 949853;1418186716;mircea_popescu;dithering, basically. 949854;1418186741;*;asciilifeform had birthday a few days ago 949855;1418186745;mircea_popescu;cast a wide net of tormentors looking for a handout, watch em squirm basically. 949856;1418186750;mircea_popescu;lol how old does that make you ? 949857;1418186756;asciilifeform;31 + epsilon 949858;1418186792;decimation;all of those except maybe cold spring will waste it on stupid shit 949859;1418186792;mircea_popescu;that's not so old. 949860;1418186800;mircea_popescu;you could do a lot better! 949861;1418186804;asciilifeform;lol 949862;1418186808;mircea_popescu;next year... 949863;1418186829;asciilifeform;;;google you're older than you've ever been 949864;1418186829;gribble;Older - They Might Be Giants (Best Version) - YouTube: ; Older - They Might Be Giants (official video) - YouTube: ; Lyrics:Older - TMBW: The They Might Be Giants Knowledge Base: 949865;1418186854;decimation;for instance, Indiana University has floated the idea of starting an engineering school http://www.idsnews.com/article/2014/11/committee-to-explore-engineering-program-at-iu-bloomington 949866;1418186857;assbot;Indiana Daily Student: :: ​Committee to explore engineering program at IU-Bloomington ... ( http://bit.ly/1uiIhQ4 ) 949867;1418186959;decimation;"Of the 62 universities in the Association of American Universities, only four do not have programs in engineering, according to the plan. Of those four, two have joint programs in engineering with other institutions." 949868;1418186973;decimation;but everyone else does it!! 949869;1418187023;asciilifeform;on one hand, old man feels old, envies young impotently, etc. on the other - has impulse for 'last hurrah.' word is that e. teller dreamed of presiding over a nukefest until the day he died. 949870;1418187043;asciilifeform;to 'go out with a bang.' 949871;1418187095;decimation;if watson wanted to 'go out with a bang' he would find the right young men to found an institute that explicitly is an enemy of his idio-cratic critics 949872;1418187217;BingoBoingo;Or he'd do the Jurassic park, breed theme park monsters thing 949873;1418187219;asciilifeform;about equally doable. 949874;1418187228;asciilifeform;and for approximately same reasons. 949875;1418187413;BingoBoingo;Actual dinosaurs impossible. Theme park monsters with vague resemblance to dinosaurs could probably be done in a decade or two if anyone cared to go monsanto on chickens 949876;1418187574;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25400 @ 0.00050889 = 12.9258 BTC [-] 949877;1418187584;decimation;yeah as Mr. Yarvin enjoys pointing out, the past is dead, cannot live again 949878;1418187634;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 59200 @ 0.00052146 = 30.8704 BTC [+] {4} 949879;1418187839;BingoBoingo;That's actually the line the Jurassic park sequels take when dinosaur feathers happened to become the consensus-ish thing IRL 949880;1418188176;PeterL;http://xkcd.com/1211/ 949881;1418188177;assbot;xkcd: Birds and Dinosaurs ... ( http://bit.ly/1uiMbZh ) 949882;1418188855;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7300 @ 0.00052508 = 3.8331 BTC [+] 949883;1418189174;asciilifeform;incidentally, german phrase of the day: 949884;1418189180;asciilifeform;verscharfte vernehmung. 949885;1418189915;BingoBoingo;http://wapc.mlb.com/cutfour/2014/12/08/103552062/adam-wainwright-apologizes-to-fantasy-baseball-players-for-missing-final-start 949886;1418189916;assbot;Adam Wainwright apologizes to fantasy baseball players for missing final start | MLB.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1uiRR5l ) 949887;1418190258;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21450 @ 0.00052529 = 11.2675 BTC [+] {2} 949888;1418190318;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 127 @ 0.00857331 = 1.0888 BTC [+] {2} 949889;1418190319;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33000 @ 0.00052727 = 17.3999 BTC [+] {2} 949890;1418191355;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15200 @ 0.00050889 = 7.7351 BTC [-] 949891;1418191904;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2500 @ 0.00052754 = 1.3189 BTC [+] 949892;1418192357;ben_vulpes;okay 700 log lines. go! 949893;1418192477;ben_vulpes; ;;rate jyap 1 https://twitter.com/jyap/status/542409148323741697 << easy come easy go lol 949894;1418192478;assbot;I hope he comes here to tell us how "gpg is not user friendly and too hard." /jyap http://t.co/w1PgofiYzc /hashtag/bitcoin?src=hash-assets /ElectrumWallet 949895;1418192575;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 55900 @ 0.00052756 = 29.4906 BTC [+] {2} 949896;1418192596;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: ad nauseum << lol! 949897;1418192653;ben_vulpes; it's this social progress thing << sounds like it's time to have another dinner party 949898;1418192717;ben_vulpes;;;ident mats 949899;1418192717;gribble;Nick 'mats', with hostmask 'mats!sid23029@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jxahmfiunuuiztjr', is identified as user 'mats', with GPG key id B9527964891A5566, key fingerprint B37F49DC35FD838B1F8783CC59C93F63549036BD, and bitcoin address None 949900;1418192729;ben_vulpes;;;gettrust assbot mats 949901;1418192730;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask mats!sid23029@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jxahmfiunuuiztjr. Trust relationship from user assbot to user mats: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 3 via 3 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=mats | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=mats | Rated since: Thu Jun 19 20:47:48 2014 949902;1418192782;ben_vulpes;ah i think i recall now. 949903;1418193073;mircea_popescu;used to be mats_something 949904;1418193085;ben_vulpes;mats_cd03 949905;1418193349;ben_vulpes; well my having not done it doesn't matter as i'm no longer a lord << when did this happen? 949906;1418193855;ben_vulpes;decimation: "street urchins" << https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzT8EqhuYxA moar tenements, i say! 949907;1418193856;assbot;Tenement Life 1860-1910 - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1sbDm9v ) 949908;1418194331;ben_vulpes;well hm. 949909;1418196723;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 57400 @ 0.00052776 = 30.2934 BTC [+] {2} 949910;1418196906;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52800 @ 0.00050891 = 26.8704 BTC [-] 949911;1418197221;punkman;decimation: I guess my question above (rephrased) is this: does the secp256k1 algorithm allow for any arbitrary 256 bit vector to be used as a key? Or is there a restricted set that will be more secure than other cases? <- exponent must be smaller than curve order, which is 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141 949912;1418197559;punkman;and fwiw, http://blog.bettercrypto.com/?p=1004 949913;1418197562;assbot;Controversy Around Bitcoin Elliptic Curve | Financial Cryptography, Bitcoin, Crypto Currencies ... ( http://bit.ly/1ztbFJE ) 949914;1418198675;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29900 @ 0.00053389 = 15.9633 BTC [+] 949915;1418199407;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1567 @ 0.00122 = 1.9117 BTC [+] 949916;1418199468;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1254 @ 0.00122 = 1.5299 BTC [+] 949917;1418200139;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28700 @ 0.0005344 = 15.3373 BTC [+] {3} 949918;1418200322;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1587 @ 0.00120218 = 1.9079 BTC [-] {10} 949919;1418200383;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 15 @ 0.13924399 = 2.0887 BTC [+] {4} 949920;1418200566;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51300 @ 0.00051253 = 26.2928 BTC [-] 949921;1418201176;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 62350 @ 0.00053736 = 33.5044 BTC [+] {2} 949922;1418201542;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 68800 @ 0.00054858 = 37.7423 BTC [+] {3} 949923;1418201847;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22358 @ 0.00055552 = 12.4203 BTC [+] 949924;1418202091;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2800 @ 0.00055898 = 1.5651 BTC [+] 949925;1418203434;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 75634 @ 0.00055287 = 41.8158 BTC [-] {2} 949926;1418203567;BingoBoingo;!up ivok 949927;1418203738;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40242 @ 0.00055898 = 22.4945 BTC [+] 949928;1418203921;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16431 @ 0.00055955 = 9.194 BTC [+] {2} 949929;1418204202;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by cazalla: http://qntra.net/2014/12/a-normal-man-sentenced-to-48-months-prison/ 949930;1418204215;cazalla;fetch scoopbot, fetch, good dog 949931;1418204238;cazalla;ah it was sit but whatever the fuck 949932;1418204243;fluffypony;lol 949933;1418204257;fluffypony;then he should be called oobot 949934;1418204272;cazalla;still remember that for some reason, clearly you do too fluffypony 949935;1418204282;fluffypony;yup 949936;1418204348;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35597 @ 0.00054829 = 19.5175 BTC [-] 949937;1418204756;punkman;cazalla: did the normal man have a website? 949938;1418204846;cazalla;info is scarce at this time, few diff stories floating around http://wglt.org/wireready/news/2014/12/05124_bitcoin_sentence2_164332.shtml 949939;1418204847;assbot;Bitcoin Launderer From Normal Sentenced To Federal Prison | WGLT ... ( http://bit.ly/1AemUnA ) 949940;1418204847;cazalla;clearly he was anything but normal 949941;1418204907;cazalla;there is a john powell negro on youtube who is into bitcoin from 2013, nfi if it is him https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Q85mvDbX40 949942;1418204908;assbot;WWCW Keynote - john powell - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1Aen2Do ) 949943;1418204915;cazalla;seems a nice man 949944;1418204969;cazalla;age fits 949945;1418205046;cazalla;speaking of black people, i was watching some notorious big music videos and it occurred to me, his weight looks average now, bit much to call him big by 2015 standards 949946;1418205068;punkman;lol 949947;1418205105;cazalla;srs, watch him in juicy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JZom_gVfuw 949948;1418205106;assbot;The Notorious B.I.G. - "Juicy" - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1AenEJc ) 949949;1418205164;cazalla;it was all a dream, i use to read bitcoin magazine.. 949950;1418205655;punkman;so turns out royalmail's "airmail" is now "truckmail" 949951;1418205661;punkman;fuckers 949952;1418205679;punkman;and I was wondering why it took 10+ days every time 949953;1418205770;fluffypony;that's the untracked one? 949954;1418205774;punkman;tracked 949955;1418205781;fluffypony;oh that's stupid of them 949956;1418205784;punkman;http://www.royalmail.com/international/consumer-changes 949957;1418205785;assbot;Information for international customers | Royal Mail Group Ltd ... ( http://bit.ly/1vNIfVT ) 949958;1418205792;punkman;they rebranded earlier this year 949959;1418205807;punkman;10 GBP for truck mail? that's highway robbery 949960;1418206117;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48810 @ 0.00054171 = 26.4409 BTC [-] {2} 949961;1418206631;punkman;http://www.keurighack.com/ hilarious 949962;1418206632;assbot;KeurigHack.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1vNLv3B ) 949963;1418206690;cazalla;ppl really use those pod things? 949964;1418206714;punkman;aha 949965;1418206721;cazalla;prefer tea tbh, coffee meh 949966;1418206954;*;punkman sneaks off to make a cup of matcha 949967;1418207055;cazalla;nice cup of fukashima green tea eh punkman 949968;1418207062;cazalla;you fkn glow as green as the tea 949969;1418207154;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28753 @ 0.00056211 = 16.1623 BTC [+] {2} 949970;1418207215;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12700 @ 0.00056459 = 7.1703 BTC [+] 949971;1418207231;punkman;cazalla, aye straight from japan, still neon green 949972;1418207328;cazalla;i use to drink a lot of sencha until fukashima 949973;1418207361;cazalla;then i was like, fkn japanese dogs try to sell mongorrians tainted green tea 949974;1418207530;punkman;cazalla, could buy some from west japan 949975;1418207541;cazalla;maybe fukashima farmer takes his tea to west japan, claims tea grown there 949976;1418207556;cazalla;anyway, we have green tea grown here, just not as good 949977;1418207580;punkman;yeah and maybe indian/chinese guy watered field with sewage 949978;1418207592;cazalla;yeah that too 949979;1418207605;cazalla;my missus asian bff, offerred me some chinese liqour once 949980;1418207610;punkman;well what you gonna do, not drink tea 949981;1418207638;cazalla;without thinking of cultural sensitivity, i say i'm not drinking that shit, she was most offended lol 949982;1418207742;cazalla;punkman, fuck that, i has about 10 cups a day 949983;1418207835;cazalla;use to have a bit of a rooibos habit too 949984;1418207886;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1600 @ 0.00122755 = 1.9641 BTC [-] {4} 949985;1418207978;cazalla;where is vexual when ya need him https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FG0txzWT-DM 949986;1418207979;assbot;Jo Jo Zep & The Falcons- Hit And Run - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1vNQYr3 ) 949987;1418208264;cazalla;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tbQRbNMlks 949988;1418208265;assbot;Grinspoon - Just Ace (Recovery, 1998) - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1vNRKV2 ) 949989;1418208460;punkman;cazalla: scoop for you https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=888343.0 949990;1418208461;assbot;Twitter and GMX accounts compromised ... ( http://bit.ly/1ujQweD ) 949991;1418208488;cazalla;nooooo, i want to believe he hates the nigs 949992;1418208496;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41011 @ 0.00056621 = 23.2208 BTC [+] {2} 949993;1418208557;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 10 @ 0.13999988 = 1.4 BTC [+] {2} 949994;1418208811;cazalla;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCA7--Qcp78 949995;1418208812;assbot;Regurgitator - Black Bugs - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1ujRHuE ) 949996;1418208979;cazalla;and muh fav https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnMmRV8y0xM /me far too much to drink tonight 949997;1418208980;assbot;Spiderbait - Calypso - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1ujSnQG ) 949998;1418209084;cazalla;as i said to BingoBoingo, the trilema article on fat people and their diet which culiminates in day 10-14 gorging themselves on food, tonight, i gorge on alcohol after an abstinence 949999;1418209213;cazalla;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MC_axjAEPlg 950000;1418209214;assbot;Spiderbait - Glockenpop - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1vNUuBL ) 950001;1418209383;cazalla;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJPq2c8wxFE 950002;1418209384;assbot;Magic Dirt - City Trash (Official Video) - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1vNV2Yn ) 950003;1418209790;cazalla;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjB71I9to30 and zzzzzzzzzz 950004;1418209791;assbot;Magic Dirt - Vulcanella (Billabong Detour) - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1ujUVhI ) 950005;1418210631;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16550 @ 0.00056221 = 9.3046 BTC [-] 950006;1418212034;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 54559 @ 0.00056293 = 30.7129 BTC [+] {3} 950007;1418212644;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41050 @ 0.00056157 = 23.0524 BTC [-] 950008;1418212766;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1800 @ 0.00056157 = 1.0108 BTC [-] 950009;1418214066;danielpbarron;;;later tell ben_vulpes http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=10-12-2014#949905 << the first revision http://trilema.com/2014/the-bitcoin-lordship-list-first-revision/ 950010;1418214066;assbot;Logged on 10-12-2014 06:35:49; ben_vulpes: well my having not done it doesn't matter as i'm no longer a lord << when did this happen? 950011;1418214066;assbot;The Bitcoin Lordship list, first revision pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1z5ZOQw ) 950012;1418214535;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16340 @ 0.00056112 = 9.1687 BTC [-] {2} 950013;1418215328;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26700 @ 0.00056092 = 14.9766 BTC [-] {2} 950014;1418215572;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41358 @ 0.00055679 = 23.0277 BTC [-] {2} 950015;1418217219;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13548 @ 0.00056795 = 7.6946 BTC [+] {2} 950016;1418217337;nubbins`;hi 950017;1418217412;nubbins`;;;gettrust assbot danielpbarron 950018;1418217412;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user danielpbarron: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 6 via 6 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=danielpbarron | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=danielpbarron | Rated since: Thu Mar 21 17:26:04 2013 950019;1418217449;nubbins`;gues you never were 950020;1418217595;danielpbarron;lol i was; i was on the first list 950021;1418217612;nubbins`;o 950022;1418217624;danielpbarron;not sure why, since i had just recently joined the channel 950023;1418217631;nubbins`;well i guess assbot doesn't issue ;;rate commands in-chan 950024;1418217656;nubbins`;danielpbarron you'll find that most things around here are overly ad-hoc in their implementation 950025;1418217693;nubbins`;this novus dominus thing is no different 8) 950026;1418217706;nubbins`;!s rate from:assbot 950027;1418217713;assbot;70 results for 'rate from:assbot' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=rate+from%3Aassbot 950028;1418217724;danielpbarron;it was fun while it lasted; I got to lord over the -otc folk a bit 950029;1418217737;nubbins`;!s danielpbarron from:assbot 950030;1418217738;assbot;11 results for 'danielpbarron from:assbot' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=danielpbarron+from%3Aassbot 950031;1418217791;*;nubbins` shrugs 950032;1418217845;nubbins`;!s !up 950033;1418217846;assbot;20366 results for '!up' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=%21up 950034;1418217981;danielpbarron;if you're looking for the rating change, it's logged in #bitcoin-otc-ratings 950035;1418218272;nubbins`;o 950036;1418218288;nubbins`;(that's a channel?!) 950037;1418218401;danielpbarron;yeah, a pretty cool one too 950038;1418219116;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27280 @ 0.00059633 = 16.2679 BTC [+] 950039;1418220015;decimation;punkman: thanks for the link 950040;1418220018;decimation;ben_vulpes: yeah usg runs the tenement business now, mostly funded by its credit 950041;1418220065;assbot;Vexual +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0 950042;1418220144;TomServo;!up Vexual 950043;1418220239;Vexual;thanks for the continue TomServo, i thought this was flappy birds for a minute 950044;1418220265;Vexual;L0 again? 950045;1418220346;decimation;http://a.abcnews.com/images/Entertainment/AP_Prince_William_Kate_LeBron_bc_141210_4x3_992.jpg 950046;1418220348;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1B86NJg ) 950047;1418220372;Vexual;worst .bait evar 950048;1418220373;decimation;that is an amusing image: the British public took offense because it looked like an ogre was breaching royal protocol 950049;1418220391;decimation;to the american eye, it looks like they are just 'having fun' 950050;1418220418;Vexual;what is the protocol there? 950051;1418220435;decimation;I think "don't grab the princess" is on the list 950052;1418220472;Vexual;no shit 950053;1418220495;Vexual;what next? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2AHvZWojSc 950054;1418220590;decimation;http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1166490/Ones-new-best-friend-The-Queen-Michelle-new-touchy-feely-protocol.html 950055;1418220591;assbot;One's new best friend: The Queen, Michelle and the new touchy-feely protocol | Daily Mail Online ... ( http://bit.ly/136ZRRs ) 950056;1418220699;Vexual;aka swinging just got real 950057;1418220712;Vexual;(nasty) 950058;1418221404;thestringpuller;;;ticker 950059;1418221405;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 350.81, Best ask: 352.23, Bid-ask spread: 1.42000, Last trade: 350.79, 24 hour volume: 12556.48664474, 24 hour low: 343.97, 24 hour high: 356.99, 24 hour vwap: 349.130565322 950060;1418221678;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5400 @ 0.00060326 = 3.2576 BTC [+] 950061;1418223935;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33600 @ 0.00060326 = 20.2695 BTC [+] 950062;1418224097;mats;it surges 950063;1418224728;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 8 @ 0.12993213 = 1.0395 BTC [-] {4} 950064;1418224972;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 150 @ 0.13929999 = 20.895 BTC [+] {5} 950065;1418225033;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 40 @ 0.13964496 = 5.5858 BTC [+] {5} 950066;1418225155;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 29 @ 0.14239652 = 4.1295 BTC [+] {5} 950067;1418225277;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44500 @ 0.00059661 = 26.5491 BTC [-] {3} 950068;1418225643;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 15 @ 0.14083333 = 2.1125 BTC [-] {2} 950069;1418226985;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49100 @ 0.00060713 = 29.8101 BTC [+] {2} 950070;1418227046;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29772 @ 0.00061354 = 18.2663 BTC [+] {2} 950071;1418227229;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 100471 @ 0.0012 = 120.5652 BTC {4} 950072;1418227270;thestringpuller;!t h AMHASH1 950073;1418227271;assbot;[HAVELOCK:AMHASH1] 1D: 0.00120003 / 0.00121776 / 0.00124200 (15060 shares, 18.33946488 BTC), 7D: 0.00119000 / 0.00122054 / 0.00125000 (112339 shares, 137.11374519 BTC), 30D: 0.00112000 / 0.00121932 / 0.00127000 (392251 shares, 478.28083452 BTC) 950074;1418227274;thestringpuller;!t h AMHASH2 950075;1418227293;assbot;The round stones beneath the earth... have spoken through the fire. 950076;1418227293;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1650 @ 0.0012 = 1.98 BTC 950077;1418227304;thestringpuller;!t h AMHASH3 950078;1418227310;assbot;[HAVELOCK:AMHASH3] 1D: 0.00120000 / 0.0012 / 0.00120000 (102121 shares, 122.54520000 BTC), 7D: 0.00120000 / 0.0012 / 0.00120000 (102121 shares, 122.54520000 BTC), 30D: 0.00120000 / 0.0012 / 0.00120000 (102121 shares, 122.54520000 BTC) 950079;1418227415;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1287 @ 0.0012 = 1.5444 BTC {3} 950080;1418227598;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1050 @ 0.0012 = 1.26 BTC {3} 950081;1418227659;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 6553 @ 0.0012 = 7.8636 BTC {2} 950082;1418227781;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 6569 @ 0.0012 = 7.8828 BTC {4} 950083;1418227843;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 9940 @ 0.0012 = 11.928 BTC {4} 950084;1418227904;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 859 @ 0.00121999 = 1.048 BTC [+] 950085;1418227964;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 5753 @ 0.0012 = 6.9036 BTC {3} 950086;1418228026;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 3855 @ 0.0012 = 4.626 BTC {3} 950087;1418228330;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 2056 @ 0.0012 = 2.4672 BTC {2} 950088;1418228574;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 2957 @ 0.0012 = 3.5484 BTC {2} 950089;1418228818;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 5300 @ 0.0012 = 6.36 BTC {2} 950090;1418228940;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17738 @ 0.00059126 = 10.4878 BTC [-] 950091;1418228940;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 4306 @ 0.0012 = 5.1672 BTC {3} 950092;1418229489;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1268 @ 0.0012 = 1.5216 BTC {2} 950093;1418229611;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 2501 @ 0.0012 = 3.0012 BTC {2} 950094;1418229672;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1500 @ 0.0012 = 1.8 BTC 950095;1418229855;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1000 @ 0.0012 = 1.2 BTC 950096;1418229977;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 6050 @ 0.0012 = 7.26 BTC 950097;1418230160;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 851 @ 0.0012 = 1.0212 BTC {3} 950098;1418230282;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1979 @ 0.0012 = 2.3748 BTC {4} 950099;1418230343;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 3016 @ 0.0012 = 3.6192 BTC {2} 950100;1418230466;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 5600 @ 0.0012 = 6.72 BTC 950101;1418230526;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11900 @ 0.00058371 = 6.9461 BTC [-] 950102;1418230526;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1000 @ 0.0012 = 1.2 BTC 950103;1418230648;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1000 @ 0.0012 = 1.2 BTC 950104;1418230892;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1041 @ 0.0012 = 1.2492 BTC 950105;1418230953;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6650 @ 0.00058371 = 3.8817 BTC [-] 950106;1418231036;[]bot;Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "Bitcoin to win vs S&P 500" http://bitbet.us/bet/989/ Odds: 31(Y):69(N) by coin, 50(Y):50(N) by weight. Total bet: 2.32410779 BTC. Current weight: 16,370. 950107;1418231075;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1750 @ 0.0012 = 2.1 BTC 950108;1418231268;mircea_popescu;punkman no notary still ? 950109;1418231441;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11177 @ 0.00058371 = 6.5241 BTC [-] 950110;1418231502;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1300 @ 0.0012 = 1.56 BTC 950111;1418231620;mircea_popescu;Namworld send me teh fb data if it's done (seems to be ?) 950112;1418232051;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 4957 @ 0.0012 = 5.9484 BTC 950113;1418233516;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10671 @ 0.0006401 = 6.8305 BTC [+] {2} 950114;1418233759;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 3766 @ 0.0012 = 4.5192 BTC 950115;1418234026;Namworld;I just checked, it's about 3/4th of the way through. 950116;1418234613;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6908 @ 0.00066468 = 4.5916 BTC [+] 950117;1418234918;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 2000 @ 0.0012 = 2.4 BTC 950118;1418235101;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29000 @ 0.00061962 = 17.969 BTC [-] 950119;1418235894;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1009 @ 0.0012 = 1.2108 BTC {3} 950120;1418235895;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1000 @ 0.00121935 = 1.2194 BTC [+] 950121;1418237541;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 8118 @ 0.0012 = 9.7416 BTC {2} 950122;1418237587;mircea_popescu;Namworld ah kk ty 950123;1418238091;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 4210 @ 0.00121935 = 5.1335 BTC [-] 950124;1418238395;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40000 @ 0.00064862 = 25.9448 BTC [+] 950125;1418238579;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19173 @ 0.00061945 = 11.8767 BTC [-] {2} 950126;1418238965;nubbins`;http://imgur.com/alOGguf 950127;1418238966;assbot; imgur: the simple image sharer ... ( http://bit.ly/1x3431c ) 950128;1418239026;dignork;nubbins`: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2851910/Russian-circus-attaches-hamsters-balloons-DROPS-children-gifts-dead-arrival.html 950129;1418239028;assbot;Russian circus attaches 'dead' hamsters to balloons and DROPS them as 'gifts' | Daily Mail Online ... ( http://bit.ly/1x34gS3 ) 950130;1418239043;dignork;^ fake but still fun 950131;1418239100;nubbins`;lel 950132;1418239114;nubbins`;russian "circus" throws dead rats in jars at children 950133;1418239189;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 66871 @ 0.00057701 = 38.5852 BTC [-] {4} 950134;1418239798;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 20 @ 0.14075 = 2.815 BTC [-] {2} 950135;1418240165;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26727 @ 0.00062562 = 16.7209 BTC [+] {2} 950136;1418240225;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16642 @ 0.00068095 = 11.3324 BTC [+] {2} 950137;1418240286;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17308 @ 0.00069042 = 11.9498 BTC [+] 950138;1418241018;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10957 @ 0.0002 = 2.1914 BTC [-] {21} 950139;1418241384;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 7877 @ 0.00018133 = 1.4283 BTC [-] {38} 950140;1418242541;thestringpuller;$depth mpoe 950141;1418242541;empyex;thestringpuller: Want a bash? http://bash.bitcoin-assets.com/?quote=26 Or use a valid MPSIC! 950142;1418242553;thestringpuller;$depth s.mpoe 950143;1418242553;empyex;thestringpuller: [S.MPOE] Bids: 11123 @ 0.00064896 1500 @ 0.00056345 23817 @ 0.00056344 31631 @ 0.00055679 950144;1418242553;empyex;thestringpuller: [S.MPOE] Asks: 46700 @ 0.00065278 64200 @ 0.00066432 28551 @ 0.00068328 52200 @ 0.00068937 950145;1418242665;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 930 @ 0.0012 = 1.116 BTC 950146;1418242959;thestringpuller;notary is down for extended maintenance I thought. 950147;1418243031;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10473 @ 0.00064896 = 6.7966 BTC [-] 950148;1418243398;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35827 @ 0.00065246 = 23.3757 BTC [+] {2} 950149;1418243946;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2420 @ 0.00121799 = 2.9475 BTC [+] {2} 950150;1418244434;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 7754 @ 0.00014999 = 1.163 BTC [-] {3} 950151;1418245176;mircea_popescu;iirc was last weekend. anyway. 950152;1418245193;thestringpuller;punkman: you got some 'splainin to do! 950153;1418245194;thestringpuller;jkjk 950154;1418245410;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12200 @ 0.00063602 = 7.7594 BTC [-] 950155;1418245891;mircea_popescu;63s now huh ? 950156;1418245917;thestringpuller;it's because you announced the mircea_popescu stimulus package 950157;1418245923;mircea_popescu;oidid ? 950158;1418245985;thestringpuller;Haha. I was just imagining you as Bitcoin's Obama. It was funnier in my head because of the implied irony. 950159;1418245989;thestringpuller;But whatever. 950160;1418246009;mircea_popescu;i thought this was ghoing to be a sex joke. 950161;1418246030;thestringpuller;that probably would have been a better avenue 950162;1418246034;thestringpuller;i get booed off the stage when I do stand up :( 950163;1418246041;mircea_popescu;"the mp stimulus package", http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/pula_mea2s.jpg 950164;1418246042;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1IBYJFF ) 950165;1418246092;thestringpuller;shemlessly opened in the middle of a training session at work 950166;1418246169;mircea_popescu;that'll train ya. 950167;1418246230;thestringpuller;I wish my teacher was a porn star teaching the class naked. 950168;1418246249;mircea_popescu;whjat class is it anyway 950169;1418246261;thestringpuller;mandatory training for onboarding on this company 950170;1418246274;thestringpuller;it's like Google's Bootcamp, but for this company (VMWare) 950171;1418246340;mircea_popescu;aha 950172;1418246812;mircea_popescu;cazalla who was John Powell in bitcoin-terms ? 950173;1418246865;mircea_popescu;punkman: 10 GBP for truck mail? that's highway robbery <<< no, it's... AIRWAY ROBBERY 950174;1418246868;mircea_popescu;har har har 950175;1418246902;jurov;nubbins`: http://makezine.com/2011/08/25/art-student-hand-illuminates-binds-a-copy-of-tolkiens-silmarillion/ 950176;1418246903;assbot; Art Student Hand-Illuminates, Binds a Copy of Tolkien's Silmarillion | MAKE ... ( http://bit.ly/1IC1ZAR ) 950177;1418246916;mircea_popescu;punkman: yeah and maybe indian/chinese guy watered field with sewage << actually good for it. 950178;1418246929;mircea_popescu;whoa nubbins` now you have to hire that guy 950179;1418246931;mircea_popescu;or marry him. 950180;1418247095;mircea_popescu;http://blog.bettercrypto.com/?p=1004 << this by the way is an excellent write-up. anyone know the guy / invite him over ? 950181;1418247100;assbot;Controversy Around Bitcoin Elliptic Curve | Financial Cryptography, Bitcoin, Crypto Currencies ... ( http://bit.ly/1IC2A5J ) 950182;1418247223;mircea_popescu;"unanimous allergic reactions when serious security questions are raised by uninvited academics" 950183;1418247224;mircea_popescu;heh. 950184;1418247345;kakobrekla;was there a new ssh vuln found past 24hrs? 950185;1418247399;mircea_popescu;"ERROR: JavaScript and Cookies are required in order to post a comment. 950186;1418247399;mircea_popescu;Please be sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled in your browser." 950187;1418247404;mircea_popescu;derpistan. 950188;1418247451;cazalla;mircea_popescu, dunno yet, no court docs online, not entered in offender search yet either 950189;1418247459;asciilifeform;ecdsa curves, 'nothing up my sleeve' constants << think back to the legend with the 'randomly wired' neural net. if secp256k1 (or, another example, aes s-boxes) have sufficiently broad classes of 'weak key' - then all you need to do is find a simple, e.g., sqrt(2), whatever, 'sleeve constant' that impresses the fools. 950190;1418247563;nubbins`;jurov "he hand-illuminated the text which had been printed on his home Canon inkjet printer. He worked with a binder to assemble the resulting book." 950191;1418247566;mircea_popescu;so the guy that wrote that otherwise interesting post : 1) aslo wrote http://blog.bettercrypto.com/?p=640 , a complete misrepresentation of the tim swhatever incident ; 2) runs a blog where you need cookies/js to leave him a comment pointing out that no, he's not extempt from the common requirements of "know what you're talking about before you posture" ; 3) has a contact page where i could donate btc to him (or ltc he 950192;1418247568;assbot;Bitcoin Security and Cryptography: Reasons to Worry | Financial Cryptography, Bitcoin, Crypto Currencies ... ( http://bit.ly/1umah5a ) 950193;1418247568;mircea_popescu;h), but which does not include his email, or his pgp key. 950194;1418247573;mircea_popescu;how the fuck do these people expect to survive, seriously ? 950195;1418247578;nubbins`;dude uses a canon ;/ 950196;1418247583;mircea_popescu;i get it, he's a "google scholar" and he has patents. whopee. 950197;1418247589;nubbins`;and didn't even bind it himself! 950198;1418247598;nubbins`;what kind of art preschool did he attend?! 950199;1418247629;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform atm im trying to discern whether the recent "secp256k1" talk is simply the defeated nsa trying to find a better reason to fork bitcoin, or these derps actualy have something. 950200;1418247640;mircea_popescu;but they're so fucking derpy they're not helping me, as itemized above. 950201;1418247641;asciilifeform;'one cannot safely just ignore the advice of the cryptographic community about the elliptic curves. Not taking these questions seriously is bad, potentially a gross professional misconduct, and one could in theory even go to prison for that on the basis of some existing laws, for example safeguards rule in the US Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act...' << obey or gasenwagen! 950202;1418247654;mircea_popescu;heh. 950203;1418247657;cazalla;mircea_popescu, there is http://i.imgur.com/55MwjMX.png too 950204;1418247658;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1umaxkR ) 950205;1418247685;cazalla;wonder why they didn't mention drugs in the news article 950206;1418247691;mircea_popescu;srsly, he keeps linking to reddit thinking/pretending to think he's engaging bitcoin thereby. 950207;1418247695;mircea_popescu;so much nuttery. 950208;1418247783;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: I'm wrestling with my PACER login to find some filings in the Powel case 950209;1418247832;mircea_popescu;cool. 950210;1418247860;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform still, i can see the argument that "7" is not safe just for being you know, the number of holes on your body. 950211;1418248005;mircea_popescu;i wonder, if i say Dr. Nicolas T. Courtois will this then be the first hit on his name tomorrow or something ? 950212;1418248113;mircea_popescu;anyway, birdy whispers in my ear guy's from group that came up with the original xls aes attack. definitely more standing than tim swanson or w/e. 950213;1418248198;asciilifeform;'there is like 30 papers each year published in cryptographic literature in which cryptosystems fail exactly because they use small integers...' << ahahaha. what a brazen and deliberate confusion. bringing up rsa coppersmith attack in thread on unrelated cryptosystem. 950214;1418248246;mircea_popescu;but the principle remains. "small integers" are not in fact either small or integers but for our perspective. 950215;1418248255;mircea_popescu;they're just numbers, like any other numbers, exactly so. 950216;1418248348;mircea_popescu;!up rdymac 950217;1418248416;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform (incidentally, coppersmith didn't think much of the xsl thing) 950218;1418248471;BingoBoingo;Finally got the login sorted out, vague indictment was vague 950219;1418248531;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo they can put people away without even saying what for huh. 950220;1418248570;BingoBoingo;Well, Indictment lists the charges as money transmission stuff, and "possession of marijuana with intention to distribute" 950221;1418248579;BingoBoingo;Going to read more 950222;1418248614;mircea_popescu;heh 950223;1418248620;mircea_popescu;so the guy had a bag big enough is it ? 950224;1418248626;mircea_popescu;iirc that's what intent is predicated on 950225;1418248653;asciilifeform;questionable attacks on aes, etc << there are stables of ops grunts paid to sow disinfo - false research leads, general-purpose 'fud' for the academic community, promotion of sensational mystery meats ('badbios' !), etc. 950226;1418248730;asciilifeform;a bag big enough >> : 950227;1418248740;asciilifeform;!s toilet tank 950228;1418248741;assbot;7 results for 'toilet tank' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=toilet+tank 950229;1418248765;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28100 @ 0.00064487 = 18.1208 BTC [+] {2} 950230;1418248775;BingoBoingo;So many sealed documents. Apparently last employed April 2008 making $10k/month 950231;1418248792;BingoBoingo;2006 Hyundai Sonata 950232;1418248861;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform sure. which is why it's so difficult to discern. 950233;1418248905;mircea_popescu;obviously, honest man would be in wot rather than sitting at the fringe arguing about how him being in the thief seats is wholly immaterial, he's just there for the view, comfort and etc. 950234;1418248908;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: sometimes, the buggers 'go into tilt' and make it laughably easy. that piece reads as if it had been written by mr. spamgun himself. 950235;1418248919;BingoBoingo;The fuckers, part of his pre-trial release conditions was a prohibition on alcohol, 21st amendment yo! 950236;1418248927;mircea_popescu;i still dunno why we'd believe 7 is a good exponent 950237;1418248932;mircea_popescu;rather than whatever any other one. 950238;1418248946;mircea_popescu;obviously, this is no reason to change anything, but as an intellectual pursuit. 950239;1418248967;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo basically they're just begging for attention at this point. 950240;1418249008;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: lol, i didn't pick the 7! but i dare to guess that it was chosen out of spite. 950241;1418249025;mircea_popescu;i didn't pick it either, and i am thankful for not having had to. 950242;1418249036;mircea_popescu;i certainly am not about to go over the man's picks and "improve em". 950243;1418249040;mircea_popescu;but even an ant may wonder. 950244;1418249225;BingoBoingo;Here's the defendan't blog http://sharethezing.blogspot.com/ 950245;1418249227;assbot;Share The Zing ... ( http://bit.ly/1umeE0m ) 950246;1418249263;cazalla;is this related to ddos guy or just random http://dpaste.com/0DZR5J9 ? 950247;1418249264;assbot;dpaste: 0DZR5J9 ... ( http://bit.ly/1umeGoT ) 950248;1418249334;BingoBoingo;One of the presentencing documents is a prinout of the fucking wikipedia page on Bitcoin 950249;1418249367;mircea_popescu;cazalla sems random spam 950250;1418249385;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo which court is this ? 950251;1418249405;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: US Central District of Illinois 950252;1418249410;mircea_popescu;idiots. 950253;1418249507;BingoBoingo;The entire witness list consists of one item "Group of Photos" 950254;1418249554;BingoBoingo;And some illegible name with them Luke something or other 950255;1418249619;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1300 @ 0.001205 = 1.5665 BTC [-] {5} 950256;1418249630;BingoBoingo;And... he plead guilty 950257;1418249662;mircea_popescu;on advice from his court-provided or else court-owned scamlawyer 950258;1418249707;mircea_popescu;the crowd of vultures pretending to represent people's interests in the us courts while strictly representing the court's interest in people's lives is one of the most underrated problems of that country. 950259;1418249720;mircea_popescu;it's like nigeria, except in nigeria you can't find dentists. in the us you can't find lawyers. 950260;1418249754;BingoBoingo;I'm guessing court appointed, but no way to tell. The only interesting filing was his handwritten filing pre sentencing. 950261;1418249849;BingoBoingo;Also the "Statement of Reasons" last filing is also unavailable 950262;1418250300;undata;that top qntra article is sad. 950263;1418250313;undata;I was working on my own crypto-only exchange for a bit, then thought better of it since I don't have piles of money for lawyers 950264;1418250316;BingoBoingo;Not much in the documents other than how evil it is to plea guilty because it lets prosecutors become lazy 950265;1418250318;undata;looks like I made the right choice 950266;1418250330;undata;side note: bitswap.io is for sale :p 950267;1418250506;mircea_popescu;the more interesting tyhing is that BingoBoingo is practically becoming a field-trained paralegal. 950268;1418250544;BingoBoingo;Well, I'm already a university trained librarian. The rest is just getting a vague idea of what the law shit means 950269;1418250557;mircea_popescu;i guess so. 950270;1418250656;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3850 @ 0.00064929 = 2.4998 BTC [+] 950271;1418250833;BingoBoingo;Well, the university training wasn't much other than social justice derping as a minority. 950272;1418250849;BingoBoingo;*surviving 950273;1418250925;BingoBoingo;Because when they are in the majority the social justic derps oppress, just less competently 950274;1418250943;BingoBoingo;Which is to everyone's detriment. 950275;1418251083;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16476 @ 0.0006518 = 10.7391 BTC [+] 950276;1418251254;*;BingoBoingo may have called out fellow students for hating on the Football team, by suggested they we hating the way those young men expressed their gender... 950277;1418251369;*;BingoBoingo also might have suggested the derps were racist for hating the football team because it is one of the most prominent means by which young african americans can achieve upwards social mobility 950278;1418251387;mats;yeah, and joining the military. 950279;1418251424;BingoBoingo;Yeah there's that too. 950280;1418251425;mats;your chances of killing yourself are roughly half! 950281;1418251449;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12900 @ 0.00065278 = 8.4209 BTC [+] 950282;1418251459;BingoBoingo;I know football presents a greater chance of disability for much more imaginary future money 950283;1418251472;adlai;do we finally see potus for what it is, just another role on a stage? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95KTrtzOY-g 950284;1418251473;assbot;The Colbert Report - President Obama Delivers The Decree - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1GlbEbb ) 950285;1418251490;mats;yeah, what is it, like two in three NFL players end up broke after leaving the league? 950286;1418251561;mats;o wow. even higher. http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/sports/story/2012-04-22/Pro-athletes-and-financial-trouble/54465664/1 950287;1418251564;assbot;Pro athletes and financial trouble – USATODAY.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1Glc0OR ) 950288;1418251594;mats;> Sports Illustrated estimated in 2009 that 78 percent of NFL players are bankrupt or facing serious financial stress within two years of ending their playing careers and that 60percent of NBA players are broke within five years of retiring from the game. 950289;1418251632;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1667 @ 0.0012 = 2.0004 BTC 950290;1418251764;BingoBoingo;Yeah, they get that access to so much money so fast 950291;1418251811;undata;probably not a profession that selects for intelligence to begin with, and it runs a high risk of frontal lobe injury 950292;1418251848;ben_vulpes;and who said slavery and gladiation was dead!? 950293;1418251874;BingoBoingo;undata: Well, pretty much any impact related brain injury is possible. Because helmets make people Invincible! Who cares about physics. 950294;1418251947;undata;BingoBoingo: heh, they even use that animation of the two helmets colliding 950295;1418252033;BingoBoingo;Even though the players aren't allowed to do that anymore because it is "Targeting" and justifies suspending the SEC sacks leader mid game so Alabama won't have to suffer the possibility of a close game. 950296;1418252040;mats;the NFL should just get rid of helmets. 950297;1418252069;BingoBoingo;Prolly, or go back to the doofy leather things 950298;1418252071;undata;I need a word for this. It's such a common Americanism. 950299;1418252095;undata;football *certainly isn't* about watching idiots injure each other 950300;1418252110;undata;like child beauty pagents *certainly aren't* weird quasi-child-porn 950301;1418252163;undata;ah Orwell already treated it as "war is peace" 950302;1418252202;undata;BingoBoingo: mats: or just accept that what we're doing is watching people fuck each other up 950303;1418252210;undata;at least the UFC has very little pretense about that 950304;1418252252;mats;meh. i don't watch sports on television. 950305;1418252280;BingoBoingo;The UFC sucks because the matchups aren't competative. 950306;1418252379;mats;things i do watch: Homeland, The Newsroom, New Girl, Sons of Anarchy, Psycho Pass 950307;1418252392;mats;if you enjoyed Ghost in the Shell, you'll probably like Psycho Pass. 950308;1418252435;mats;i lost the battle in giving up TV. i haven't picked up anything new though, so thats a win, i guess 950309;1418252530;undata;mats: the newsroom is a good show 950310;1418252571;mats;the last episode was terrible. they should've avoided all commentary about feminazis in the media 950311;1418252608;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31056 @ 0.00065286 = 20.2752 BTC [+] 950312;1418252618;mats;they do alright, generally, but chicks i talk to about it aren't happy with how women are portrayed in the show 950313;1418252631;mats;their characters are shallow, and apparently don't pass the Bechdel test. 950314;1418252637;mats;;;google Bechdel test 950315;1418252637;gribble;Bechdel test - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Bechdel Test Movie List: ; 10 Famous Films That Surprisingly Fail The Bechdel Test: 950316;1418252642;undata;yeah I can see that 950317;1418252663;undata;the various romance subplots are insufferable 950318;1418252665;mats;the more you know! 950319;1418252913;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18232 @ 0.00065286 = 11.9029 BTC [+] 950320;1418253815;ben_vulpes;what i really want is to listen to strong female characters talking about...what to strong female characters talk about? 950321;1418253962;mats;whatever the dudes talk about, i suppose. 950322;1418254007;mats;http://aje.me/1x2Vun8 looks like they're not even going to bother with taking kurdistan first 950323;1418254011;assbot;Iraq's Balad braced for battle with ISIL - Middle East - Al Jazeera English ... ( http://bit.ly/1x3MFth ) 950324;1418254011;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 100000 @ 0.0012 = 120 BTC 950325;1418254133;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9450 @ 0.00065286 = 6.1695 BTC [+] 950326;1418254204;mats;http://news.usni.org/2014/12/10/u-s-navy-allowed-use-persian-gulf-laser-defense 950327;1418254206;assbot;U.S. Navy Allowed to Use Persian Gulf Laser for Defense - USNI News ... ( http://bit.ly/1x3N3Ib ) 950328;1418254304;mats;what a useless and expensive weapon 950329;1418254426;mircea_popescu;jesus the fruits in this country, i can't get over it. 950330;1418254433;mircea_popescu;i have never in my life had cherries this good 950331;1418254437;mircea_popescu;an' romaians are big on cherries. 950332;1418254583;mircea_popescu;mats http://trilema.com/2014/the-romanian-language-for-other-people/#comment-110532 wd :) 950333;1418254584;assbot;The Romanian language for other people. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1x3NFNX ) 950334;1418254675;mircea_popescu;http://www.thesmokinggun.com/buster/New-Jersey-breast-pump-thief-786543 << the lingering q is how the fuck are lactation aids worth 1k 950335;1418254676;assbot;New Jersey Cops On The Hunt For Notorious Garden State Breast Pump Thief | The Smoking Gun ... ( http://bit.ly/1x3NORA ) 950336;1418254743;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21200 @ 0.00067913 = 14.3976 BTC [+] {2} 950337;1418256329;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 2500 @ 0.0012 = 3 BTC 950338;1418256451;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 63538 @ 0.00064732 = 41.1294 BTC [-] {4} 950339;1418257000;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8971 @ 0.00064765 = 5.8101 BTC [+] 950340;1418257488;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40300 @ 0.00065713 = 26.4823 BTC [+] {2} 950341;1418257915;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14651 @ 0.00068303 = 10.0071 BTC [+] {2} 950342;1418257976;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6649 @ 0.00068937 = 4.5836 BTC [+] 950343;1418258830;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13091 @ 0.00064765 = 8.4784 BTC [-] 950344;1418259939;mats;mircea_popescu: cool. i appreciate your patience, still working on picking up latin and romanian. and maintaining the other languages bouncing around in my head. 950345;1418260083;mats;;;ident 950346;1418260083;gribble;Nick 'mats', with hostmask 'mats!sid23029@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-qffzshlqkntuoouh', is identified as user 'mats', with GPG key id B9527964891A5566, key fingerprint B37F49DC35FD838B1F8783CC59C93F63549036BD, and bitcoin address None 950347;1418260090;mats;mircea_popescu: 17HvePmDqPnKjZ79FrB1yicZPqyxTN4BnR 950348;1418260134;*;asciilifeform is ever more convinced that systemd, with its default setting of vomiting syslog to every ptty console (!), constantly, is really an elaborate trolling gag project 950349;1418260134;kakobrekla;now your bitcoin address will get ddosed :\ 950350;1418260199;mats;:( 950351;1418260244;mats;asciilifeform: seen the latest on 'Ubuntu Core'? piles on piles of shit. 950352;1418260256;asciilifeform;why and how would i even see this. 950353;1418260274;ben_vulpes;http://www.ubuntu.com/cloud/tools/snappy << relevant 950354;1418260274;assbot;Announcing Snappy Ubuntu | Cloud | Ubuntu ... ( http://bit.ly/167TuhY ) 950355;1418260284;undata;on azure! 950356;1418260304;undata;I would laugh my ass off for days if MS ever bought Canonical 950357;1418260316;asciilifeform;only remembered 'systemd' now because happened to switch on a machine in my collection, a 'google chromebook a15', based on single-chip 'arm.' afaik, no clean (traditional init) linux distro has ever been published for said machine. 950358;1418260332;asciilifeform;the real insult is that the manufacturer's stock os is: a bastardized gentoo. 950359;1418260353;asciilifeform;but go and try to set up a normal gentoo, in such a way that all of the necessary peripherals (gpu, power controller) actually work. 950360;1418260365;asciilifeform;afaik, no one has achieved this. 950361;1418260449;undata;asciilifeform: tried doing a localyesconfig on the Chrome OS? 950362;1418260460;asciilifeform;i'm not interested in using 'chrome os.' 950363;1418260463;asciilifeform;for anything. 950364;1418260474;undata;asciilifeform: nah, that would give you a kernel config for gentoo proper 950365;1418260487;asciilifeform;except it wouldn't 950366;1418260487;asciilifeform;there are closed blobs in there. 950367;1418260492;undata;oh, terrible! 950368;1418260520;asciilifeform;bought that thing >1 yr ago, because could not resist an attempt at a laptop that is entirely solid state, can be carried in one hand, and runs 12+hrs on a charge 950369;1418260533;asciilifeform;part of eternal quest for 'write in bed' machine 950370;1418260554;undata;my most recent purchase was a lenovo x1 carbon 950371;1418260556;asciilifeform;and non-x86 modern portable having keyboard is such a rarity that could not be passed up 950372;1418260557;undata;the thinkpad brand is dead 950373;1418260584;asciilifeform;the non-thinkpad brands are even deader. 950374;1418260618;undata;I'm pretty sure this one has a hardware issue; / remounts read-only sporadically 950375;1418260626;asciilifeform;but this tale was not about a 'proper' laptop, but attempt to glue together a portable-with-keyboard that isn't x86 and therefore can actually achieve some serious runtime on battery 950376;1418260626;undata;yet there are no bad blocks to be found 950377;1418260670;asciilifeform;undata: loose mount (as in physical connector) ? 950378;1418260687;undata;asciilifeform: perhaps, though restarting it without jiggling anything always works 950379;1418260796;*;asciilifeform full of wrath re: google profiting off all of the work that folks put into linux, to create the abortion spoken of earlier; a deliberate hardware troll. 950380;1418260839;undata;that's their move; buy things that can be bought, snatch the free stuff 950381;1418260870;asciilifeform;i can easily understand now why theo de raadt zapped support for loadable kernel modules in openbsd 950382;1418260874;undata;shovel out shiny thing covered in ads and spyware 950383;1418260888;asciilifeform;the only way to prevent this kind of situation - a pure scorched earth approach 950384;1418260904;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 2025 @ 0.0012 = 2.43 BTC 950385;1418260977;asciilifeform;not that someone could not, hypothetically, link a blob into an openbsd kernel and try to persuade folks to use it. but the result would probably be: laughter. 950386;1418261000;asciilifeform;somehow the loadability seems to be psychologically necessary for blob acceptance. 950387;1418261087;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10500 @ 0.00065049 = 6.8301 BTC [+] 950388;1418261208;decimation;asciilifeform: or fork openbsd 950389;1418261209;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 5250 @ 0.0012 = 6.3 BTC 950390;1418261220;decimation;but in the case it wouldn't openbsd anymore 950391;1418261231;decimation;and one couldn't bake a meatloaf with particles of linux and call it 'linux' 950392;1418261233;asciilifeform;decimation: hell knows how many entirely-closed industrial turds contain a bsd 950393;1418261288;asciilifeform;the chromebook thing is just like the situation i spoke of last week: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-12-2014#944963 950394;1418261288;assbot;Logged on 04-12-2014 04:32:47; asciilifeform: http://imgur.com/a/llwZ2 950395;1418261304;asciilifeform;a gizmo, ships with a linux variant 950396;1418261309;asciilifeform;but only runs because contains turds 950397;1418261326;decimation;I've been tagged with supporting a 'palo alto' vpn turd box. I'm pretty sure it's bsd 950398;1418261330;asciilifeform;if you try to construct own linux (or bsd, whichever) on the machine - nothing but torment 950399;1418261359;decimation;asciilifeform: only google knows the right bits to flip I guess 950400;1418261375;asciilifeform;it will either refuse to run at all, or worse - run intermittently because there nominally exist open drivers for the necessary peripherals, but the manufacturer did not used them 950401;1418261389;asciilifeform;*use 950402;1418261392;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 20 @ 0.1401008 = 2.802 BTC [-] {2} 950403;1418261412;decimation;they probably hired some taiwanese code monkeys to write drivers with the nda'ed full docs 950404;1418261428;asciilifeform;and then you go and buy 25 different gizmos to see if even one does not meet this pattern 950405;1418261437;asciilifeform;and end up with a crate of scrap 950406;1418261439;asciilifeform;because 100%. 950407;1418261514;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 22 @ 0.140001 = 3.08 BTC [-] 950408;1418261556;decimation;it pisses me off that one cannot buy a 100% nda free x86 system 950409;1418261562;decimation;yes, I know about the 'novena' 950410;1418261565;asciilifeform;what processor - can ? 950411;1418261594;asciilifeform;can i see the mask for 'arm' core - the actual production mask - without nda? 950412;1418261601;asciilifeform;or, for that matter, with ? 950413;1418261614;decimation;I just want the spec and docs (with talmud of errata) 950414;1418261646;asciilifeform;'novena laptop' is a hardware troll 950415;1418261646;decimation;some intel peripheral chips are documented 950416;1418261652;decimation;well, I would give novena a hell of alot more credit if they actually shipped 950417;1418261654;asciilifeform;that is, something so laughably and irredeemably inadequate for its nominal purpose that its very existence is a troll. 950418;1418261665;decimation;it appears to me they have been 'prototyping' for about a year 950419;1418261679;decimation;and they are still 'fundraising' as far as I can tell 950420;1418261716;decimation;with a reasonable and open bus, it would be simple to plug in an fpga card if one wanted to use 950421;1418261725;decimation;PCI is neither reasonable nor open 950422;1418261726;asciilifeform;where is the open fpga? 950423;1418261735;decimation;no it uses xilinix 950424;1418261741;asciilifeform;pci is a paragon of transparency compared with any extant fpga 950425;1418261745;decimation;I guess 'no nda' just means drivers specs 950426;1418261748;decimation;yeah 950427;1418261768;asciilifeform;and how about the micro in the ssd ? 950428;1418261768;asciilifeform;whither the specs 950429;1418261769;decimation;hehe asciilifeform pokes 950430;1418261783;asciilifeform;will poke until it bursts. and it doesn't take much. 950431;1418261818;asciilifeform;hardware trolls - to scrapyard. authors - to biodiesel. 950432;1418261819;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 20 @ 0.140001 = 2.8 BTC [-] 950433;1418261830;decimation;one wonders about the touchscreen drivers too 950434;1418261849;decimation;what about the keyboard uC firmware? 950435;1418261857;decimation;and so forth 950436;1418261899;asciilifeform;the most enraging thing is the idiots who think there has been -any- progress made on this front. 950437;1418261910;asciilifeform;because this is a situation where anything short of 100% is equivalent to 0%. 950438;1418261924;decimation;basically to even *start* to do anything will require someone like that russian billionare giving a shit 950439;1418261960;asciilifeform;would have to give enough of a shit to fund, but not enough to attempt to direct. this will happen shortly after pigs fly. 950440;1418261993;decimation;yeah. if herr watson wishes to poke at modernity that would be a good start 950441;1418262012;decimation;but his few $mil is too piddly to accomplish anything 950442;1418262272;asciilifeform;incidentally, there once lived upon the good earth a group of people who carried on development of entirely open computer hardware, prying open closed turds whenever they felt necessary without even breaking a sweat 950443;1418262278;asciilifeform;and daring anyone to try to stop them 950444;1418262284;asciilifeform;it was called the ussr. 950445;1418262340;mats;well, when the rocket leaves the pad, id be happy to join you in this prying 950446;1418262363;*;asciilifeform favours the 'year zero' approach, but this is not news 950447;1418262399;asciilifeform;a forcibly blown open 'xilinx' soft/hard stack would be a good start though. 950448;1418262439;asciilifeform;as i may have once explained, the chicoms have not done this and should not be expected to ever do it, because fpga is profoundly useless in a mass consumer product. 950449;1418262439;asciilifeform;fundamentally. 950450;1418262439;decimation;asciilifeform: "US Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act...' << obey or gasenwagen!" << USG generally has no problem giving commands to 'technical people' in its Vader Voice 950451;1418262457;asciilifeform;decimation: that line was a 'the mask fell off' moment in that article. 950452;1418262470;asciilifeform;decimation: after it, there could be no mistake as to the nature and motivations of the author. 950453;1418262482;decimation;not only is open fpga useless for consumer market, it openly antagonizes it 950454;1418262540;asciilifeform;it is simply wasteful for any extant mass application - does a dildo need general-purpose switching matrix logic ? 950455;1418262551;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 3000 @ 0.0012 = 3.6 BTC 950456;1418262562;asciilifeform;don't wait for the chinese to copy fpga. they have no reason whatsoever to. 950457;1418262589;asciilifeform;for prototyping (the only thing they are presently used for) they are happy to buy the american chips and use their closed turdchains. 950458;1418262600;decimation;yeah, it really is only useful for 'actual people' who want to research interesting digital applications 950459;1418262602;asciilifeform;just as china (along with the rest of the planet) happily runs winblows. 950460;1418262609;decimation;this is not a large market 950461;1418262651;asciilifeform;it's a market of, what... 10 people. 950462;1418262658;decimation;is this dominance of xilinix, ms, etc really a case of the 'giant' sitting on the stool? 950463;1418262666;asciilifeform;i will not only die of old age but probably manage to fossilize before anyone ever thinks of serving this market. 950464;1418262671;decimation;it seems to me that if there were any midgets, they are long gone 950465;1418262690;asciilifeform;decimation: the midgets were exterminated, possibly before birth, by patents 950466;1418262711;decimation;yeah and copyright in the case of ms 950467;1418262725;asciilifeform;decimation: notice that all known fpga manufacturers (xilinx, altera, lattice, a few others) have the same business model 950468;1418262732;decimation;it's a neat trick to time-warp into the future and murder your competitors in the womb 950469;1418262744;asciilifeform;licensing of circuit modules 950470;1418262754;asciilifeform;this is because it is quite impossible, as i understand, to really make serious money selling the chips 950471;1418262772;asciilifeform;they virtually never end up in consumer products except as a result of extreme haste (rushing a prototype to market) 950472;1418262781;decimation;yeah I've heard it referred to as the "ip cores" market 950473;1418262791;asciilifeform;(where!? see, e.g, the 'rio pmp' early mp3 player.) 950474;1418262806;asciilifeform;!s xilinx 950475;1418262807;assbot;42 results for 'xilinx' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=xilinx 950476;1418262810;asciilifeform;discussed here on several separate occasions. 950477;1418262814;decimation;apparently the the prices they charge for these "ip cores" are highly negotiable depending on your account with them 950478;1418262843;asciilifeform;and their ability to carry out this 'air merchant' trick is entirely tied to a maximally-closed chip architecture. 950479;1418262868;asciilifeform;otherwise it would be a simple matter to learn how the mystery meat module works and remplement. 950480;1418262874;asciilifeform;*reimplement 950481;1418262888;decimation;yeah whenever I hear "ip cores" I immediately think of all the legal bullshit that they are pimping to support their 'business' 950482;1418262927;decimation;maybe some snowden working for xilinix will release the dox one day 950483;1418262929;asciilifeform;doesn't do much good 950484;1418262942;decimation;they would probably just discontinue that line 950485;1418262943;asciilifeform;i did tell the tale, of how on one occasion someone succeeded in mostly reversing a particular chip 950486;1418262950;asciilifeform;it is now entirely unobtainable. 950487;1418262972;asciilifeform;almost as much as the first (and last, and only) xilinx part that had open docs from the vendor 950488;1418262996;asciilifeform;it is never enough to reverse engineer a particular item. 950489;1418263008;asciilifeform;the results must go into soviet-style production by the megatonne. 950490;1418263020;asciilifeform;at least, for a silicon chip, that cannot be made in a cellar 950491;1418263036;decimation;that's something the russian billionare could help with 950492;1418263049;asciilifeform;but why 950493;1418263049;decimation;unfortunately there is not much 'spare' capacity 950494;1418263062;asciilifeform;there will -never- be spare capacity for a counter-economic project. 950495;1418263075;decimation;the only credible buyers I can imagine are non-us defense 950496;1418263093;asciilifeform;the same folks happily running winblows and ms-office ? 950497;1418263096;asciilifeform;hahaha 950498;1418263099;decimation;yeah I know 950499;1418263110;asciilifeform;martian defense. 950500;1418263110;asciilifeform;that's who'll buy. 950501;1418263151;decimation;as long as usg sits on the stool it will remain that way 950502;1418263172;asciilifeform;i'm not convinced this is a usg-dependent phenomenon 950503;1418263184;decimation;no, the real driver is the expense of a chip fab 950504;1418263186;asciilifeform;as in, usg can and will perish, but the widgets spoken of here will not magically appear. 950505;1418263196;asciilifeform;there would have to be some rational mechanism to bring them into being. 950506;1418263208;decimation;cheap chip fabrication would do it 950507;1418263232;decimation;but that's almost science fiction 950508;1418263232;asciilifeform;if you had cheap chip fab, there would not even be much reason to build fpga ! 950509;1418263250;decimation;I mean if we could 'kickstart' such a design for a few $K 950510;1418263257;asciilifeform;other than for exotic circuits that reprogram selves, etc 950511;1418263264;asciilifeform;even then 950512;1418263271;decimation;actually the design work is way more than the fabrication 950513;1418263281;asciilifeform;nope. 950514;1418263294;asciilifeform;not if you're the designer 950515;1418263300;decimation;well, costs lifetime then 950516;1418263320;asciilifeform;costs no more than we're paying now to talk. 950517;1418263364;decimation;including the warez for design toolchain? 950518;1418263396;asciilifeform;ideally, a from-scratch rational reimplementation (that ignores patents on best-known algos, yes) 950519;1418263405;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 10 @ 0.140001 = 1.4 BTC [-] 950520;1418263442;asciilifeform;technically if you were to write a logic synthesis tool today, from scratch, it would still be 'warez' 950521;1418263477;asciilifeform;i generally tag all of the parties responsible for this state of affairs as agents of usg, whether they would think of themselves as such or not. 950522;1418263557;decimation;certainly most of their sales are to usg's layer 2 950523;1418263580;decimation;there aren't many fpgas in consumer chips in general 950524;1418263585;decimation;consumer boards I should say 950525;1418263598;asciilifeform;wasn't speaking of fpga specifically 950526;1418263623;asciilifeform;but anyone involved in the patent of algorithms apparatus 950527;1418263627;asciilifeform;in whatever capacity. 950528;1418263649;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 40 @ 0.13995025 = 5.598 BTC [-] {3} 950529;1418263683;decimation;ironically the us got its start pirating machine designs from england 950530;1418263690;asciilifeform;this is well-known. 950531;1418263738;decimation;that and talented machinists would leave to 'seed' enterprises in europe & elsewhere 950532;1418263830;asciilifeform;the secret boojum of chip business is that anything whose production is inherently centralized to that degree, is almost divinely ordained to suck. 950533;1418263875;asciilifeform;if rifles could only be produced in 12 places on the planet, most fighting would still be conducted with spears and axes. 950534;1418263915;decimation;heh http://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/USN/ref/MG/I/MG-2.html#16 << related 950535;1418263917;assbot;HyperWar: The Machine Gun (Vol. I/Part II) ... ( http://bit.ly/1wixV6N ) 950536;1418263944;asciilifeform;!s you and the atomic bomb 950537;1418263945;assbot;10 results for 'you and the atomic bomb' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=you+and+the+atomic+bomb 950538;1418263949;asciilifeform;^ more related 950539;1418264014;undata;asciilifeform: how much money would you need to produce said computer and a suitable OS? 950540;1418264025;asciilifeform;suitable for whom ? 950541;1418264053;undata;a guy wanting to write some code and keep a secret or two 950542;1418264071;asciilifeform;very vague, this. 950543;1418264086;*;undata hands asciilifeform his busted laptop 950544;1418264091;undata;something that replaces this piece of trash 950545;1418264105;asciilifeform;back to chip thread, for a spell - we're roughly in the situation of ancient china, which had printing but not movable type 950546;1418264133;asciilifeform;the closest thing anyone has conceived off to movable type re: chip design is the fpga concept. 950547;1418264160;asciilifeform;which is actually more analogous to a teletype (slow, ponderous, you would not want to print a book's print run on it) 950548;1418264170;asciilifeform;but indispensable for certain work. 950549;1418264189;decimation;and it isn't 'movable type' in the sense that someone with a brain can arrange the internals to serve his needs 950550;1418264224;asciilifeform;the way i understand it, a 100% open fpga, produced in a thousand factories of mutually-antagonistic owners, is the one and only way to 'open computer.' 950551;1418264243;asciilifeform;unless some fundamental discovery enabling cellar chip fab were to be made 950552;1418264254;decimation;or 'chip printing' 950553;1418264269;decimation;both of which are fantastic science fiction today 950554;1418264269;asciilifeform;^ grantsmanship, usg desinfo. 950555;1418264309;asciilifeform;nothing remotely resembling a 'chip printer' is conceivable with presently-known physics 950556;1418264339;decimation;yeah it is easier to conceive of trained bacteria who arrange parts appropriately 950557;1418264355;decimation;'bio-assembly' or whatever 950558;1418264356;asciilifeform;bacterium is almost as much too large as you and i. 950559;1418264362;asciilifeform;for this work. 950560;1418264371;asciilifeform;even if he had hands. 950561;1418264405;asciilifeform;once you clear away the usg grantsmanship, what mr. mold called 'scientocracy', you realize that actual science mostly 100% stopped around 1960. 950562;1418264405;decimation;yeah one would need trained molecules 950563;1418264432;asciilifeform;at least in the english world. 950564;1418264460;decimation;yes, usg 'sat' on this stool too 950565;1418264564;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 875 @ 0.0012 = 1.05 BTC 950566;1418264581;asciilifeform;usg annihilated science to an extent no one ever, i suspect, thought of as possible. 950567;1418264605;asciilifeform;in contrast, e.g., trofim lysenko's victims were at least intellectually-equipped to understand what was happening to them. 950568;1418264636;mircea_popescu;mats but there please. 950569;1418264718;decimation;asciilifeform: reading about lysenko immediately conjures the 'stierlitz files' where all the nazis had a high-school education 950570;1418264757;decimation;usg also stole the "having stolen science" 950571;1418264777;asciilifeform;the ones with actual education, went off to derp in aryan physics or annenerbe etc. 950572;1418264791;asciilifeform;big, fat difference. 950573;1418264795;decimation;or fled 950574;1418264805;asciilifeform;note, there was a where to flee. 950575;1418264818;decimation;heh true this 950576;1418264834;asciilifeform;where do you flee from the planet-devourer -if you want to do science- ? 950577;1418264847;asciilifeform;no destination. 950578;1418264865;decimation;king neptune? 950579;1418264879;asciilifeform;lol 950580;1418265123;decimation;mircea_popescu: I like your romanian poet/french revolution quote. It could almost be used as a motto for the west today 950581;1418265153;mircea_popescu;hehe. 950582;1418265185;mircea_popescu;the irony of modernity is that there's no shortage of answers. in fact, they're written generally a century ago. just... nobody [knows how to] reads. 950583;1418265296;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40552 @ 0.0006453 = 26.1682 BTC [-] {5} 950584;1418265307;*;asciilifeform should like the answer to 'how do i grow single-crystal si in jungle conditions, how do i lay down dopant with ion beam sans high vacuum' etc. 950585;1418265316;*;asciilifeform wants to know in what roman text these answers lie. 950586;1418265332;*;asciilifeform can read. 950587;1418265358;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24600 @ 0.00067574 = 16.6232 BTC [+] {2} 950588;1418265378;mircea_popescu;ah but! we're talking of different things. 950589;1418265383;mircea_popescu;he was discussing politics and society. 950590;1418265387;asciilifeform;aha lol 950591;1418265400;asciilifeform;the human zoo's been around for quite some time, yes. 950592;1418265408;asciilifeform;well-documented. 950593;1418265489;mircea_popescu;quiote 950594;1418266028;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8929 @ 0.00063894 = 5.7051 BTC [-] 950595;1418266430;decimation;asciilifeform: I wouldn't mind a 500 micrometer fab if it were possible at home 950596;1418266480;asciilifeform;i wouldn't mind a car that runs on farts, if it were possible at home. 950597;1418266526;decimation;hehe 950598;1418266529;undata;I'm still interested to hear an estimate on the R&D cost of an 'actual' computer 950599;1418266560;asciilifeform;undata: i can't even begin to say, because the expense involved is literally astronomical. 950600;1418266572;asciilifeform;as in, you would have to re-create entire industries from scratch 950601;1418266587;asciilifeform;as if after a global thermonuking. 950602;1418266618;asciilifeform;and you would not stand to make any of it back. it would have to be a purely narcissistic pyramid built for the self-aggrandizement of some king. 950603;1418266634;ben_vulpes;fluffypony: you're in with the monetas crowd, right? 950604;1418266649;decimation;asciilifeform: what language would you use to model 'dataflow' processing? 950605;1418266678;asciilifeform;a language that i don't even care to discuss because it cannot be meaningfully executed on existing hardware. 950606;1418266715;asciilifeform;everyone i've ever spoken with on the subject ended up mentally mutilating it to fit his von neumman and synchronous cpu preconceptions. 950607;1418266736;asciilifeform;ideally, i would teach it only to those who had never programmed a computer previously. 950608;1418266744;asciilifeform;or are at least 'mostly virgin' 950609;1418266757;asciilifeform;as in, the mental equivalents of the membranes are still largely intact. 950610;1418266771;decimation;I can see that. I imagine it would have ben something kinda like verilog with features that help you design asynchronous circuitry 950611;1418266771;asciilifeform;close. 950612;1418266797;asciilifeform;s-expression syntax, for reasons described in the 'brick' essay. 950613;1418266806;mircea_popescu; i wouldn't mind a car that runs on farts, if it were possible at home. << can you imagine hpow that'd go ? how it'd smell ? how uncomfortable the gas pipe'd get ? 950614;1418266808;asciilifeform;but even what i've said so far is hopelessly inaccurate. 950615;1418266831;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i can't imagine a home chip fab would smell much better. 950616;1418266838;mircea_popescu;yeah but you wouldn't try to get head in it. 950617;1418266840;asciilifeform;ever smell even a humble laser cutter ? 950618;1418266849;asciilifeform;or an indoor space where it had been in use in the past week. 950619;1418266861;mircea_popescu;never been near one that wasn't ventilated. 950620;1418266871;asciilifeform;even with powerful exhaust motor and chimney. 950621;1418266877;mircea_popescu;!up kdomanski 950622;1418266877;asciilifeform;there is always a little leak. 950623;1418266898;mircea_popescu;mostly virgin lol. 950624;1418266992;decimation;if there is anything this channel emphasizes, it seems to me that it is the downside of what appears to be 'the good' 950625;1418267030;mircea_popescu;as in, the downside of "the good stuff that can be had for cheap" ? 950626;1418267038;decimation;no one else writes about the downside of compilers as a technology (to my knowledge) 950627;1418267040;mircea_popescu;like... intellectually cheap "investing" ? 950628;1418267044;decimation;mircea_popescu: yeah roughly 950629;1418267047;mircea_popescu;yeah, it's kinda what it is and kinda where it started. 950630;1418267076;decimation;I rolled over a pretty big retirement account into a fiat dollar broker 950631;1418267092;decimation;they gave me a 'free subscription' to 'investment training' - with seminars (not free!) 950632;1418267101;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: part of eternal quest for 'write in bed' machine << i hate writing in bed. 950633;1418267117;mircea_popescu;decimation upsell all the way out of the well! 950634;1418267146;decimation;yeah exactly 950635;1418267151;*;asciilifeform finds that he thinks better horizontally (in all possible orientations) but has never come across a computer that he could actually put to use in that position. 950636;1418267173;decimation;asciilifeform: I think you would need 'chorded handles' so you could lay your arms on the bed 950637;1418267184;mircea_popescu;undata that's pretty much google yeah. and also everyone else trying to copy them (fb etc) 950638;1418267197;asciilifeform;decimation: the display, in practice, is the hard part 950639;1418267205;decimation;what about mounting gizmo that extends from wall or whatever? 950640;1418267212;mircea_popescu;i think best walking. am not trying to get a walking computor tho 950641;1418267218;asciilifeform;decimation: lol, just no. 950642;1418267241;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform every single room in this country has hardware, wrought iron tv supporter. i've not seen a tv yet standed on any surface. 950643;1418267258;undata;mircea_popescu: I prefer standing desks; pacing and thinking go well together 950644;1418267258;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i think nearly as well when walking, and spent many years trying to construct something like a 'walking computer.' 950645;1418267306;asciilifeform;'standing desk' has come into fashion where i live. 950646;1418267345;asciilifeform;all the way to elaborate, $1k+ hydraulic lift desks with position memory. 950647;1418267441;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: would have to give enough of a shit to fund, but not enough to attempt to direct. this will happen shortly after pigs fly. << incidentally, this is why the idle rich are so important irl. 950648;1418267441;decimation;also 'walking desk' 950649;1418267466;decimation;usg has more-or-less 'sat' upon the idle rich 950650;1418267472;mircea_popescu;all the bad things teh french revolution hated, like you know, lord X who owns property but "doesn't give anything back to society" 950651;1418267479;mircea_popescu;turns out... he's giving society breathing space. 950652;1418267508;undata;things like son-of-son of oculus rift or magic leap might provide walk-and-compute of some sort, but will be hopelessly tied to derptech 950653;1418267515;undata;facebook and google respectively 950654;1418267536;undata;both of which could be seen as parasitic destroyers of anything that smells remotely innovative in the US economy 950655;1418267543;mircea_popescu;i honestly do not wish to write either walking or laying down. 950656;1418267549;mircea_popescu;im happy thinking there, can write sitting later. 950657;1418267580;undata;programming tends to piss me off; pacing is the release valve 950658;1418267591;undata;at a previous job we even had a sand-filled punching bag for that 950659;1418267609;mircea_popescu;so i guess need more women in tech ? 950660;1418267702;undata;definitely, so they can file suit when the male programmers curse and throw things, which is only natural when you're up to your eyes in shit 950661;1418267746;undata;expressing anger having become socially unacceptable is one of the signs that the US is dead 950662;1418267752;mircea_popescu;more like frustration 950663;1418267756;mircea_popescu;i've not yet seen an angry american. 950664;1418267790;mircea_popescu;;;google "And I looked at him and my blood ran cold" 950665;1418267791;gribble;JOHNNY CASH LYRICS - A Boy Named Sue - A-Z Lyrics: ; A Boy Named Sue - Shel Silverstein (Lyrics and Chords): ; A BOY NAMED SUE - Lyrics - International Lyrics Playground: 950666;1418267796;*;undata is used to people thinking he's too angry, is probably even-keeled by rational standards 950667;1418267807;mircea_popescu;it's a fabled beast. 950668;1418267823;undata;mircea_popescu: naw I was raised by a proper cold-warrior; they exist 950669;1418267836;undata;two actually, if you count step-parents 950670;1418267839;mircea_popescu;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOHPuY88Ry4 << check out his pompadour lmao 950671;1418267840;assbot;Johnny Cash - A Boy Named Sue - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1x48ybL ) 950672;1418267929;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: if rifles could only be produced in 12 places on the planet, most fighting would still be conducted with spears and axes. <<< there's a lot of depth to this observation. for instance : 950673;1418267967;mircea_popescu;consider that china had helicopter designs cca 500ad, it had known of gunpowder for 3k years by the time we finally heard of it and they were writing alchemy treatises before homer was even walking the earth. 950674;1418267977;mircea_popescu;but it ~seems~ rational to centralize such things 950675;1418267990;mircea_popescu;and so they went nowhere. 950676;1418268014;mircea_popescu;just like the ottomans ended up "the sick man of europe" through a particular choice of centralisation 950677;1418268021;decimation;it is hard to convince the giant that allowing space for the midgets would be good for him 950678;1418268026;mircea_popescu;(they put a group of men in exclusive charge of battlefield rifle use) 950679;1418268072;mircea_popescu;the only great fortune of europe in the industrial age was that they copied the dutch approach (as the tulip mania was coming to a close, dutch courts simply refused to intervene in any capacity and "Fuck you!") 950680;1418268090;mircea_popescu;but otherwise, had this been centrally planned, it'd have worked as well as that whore cixi's trains. 950681;1418268094;BingoBoingo;Perfect writing in bed implement exists already, pen + paper 950682;1418268117;mircea_popescu;why the fuck would i write on a platform that doesn't run grep o.O 950683;1418268158;mircea_popescu;!up user 950684;1418268199;decimation;https://rwcg.wordpress.com/2014/12/08/in-which-david-cote-has-decided-you-dont-care-about-how-youre-living-and-his-opinion-on-that-matters-for-some-reason/ << new kind of obamacare fascism 950685;1418268201;assbot;In which David Cote has decided you don’t care about how you’re living, and his opinion on that matters for some reason | RWCG ... ( http://bit.ly/1x493T8 ) 950686;1418268208;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: usg annihilated science to an extent no one ever, i suspect, thought of as possible. << lol not so. again the chinese lead. they burned the books 2x. 950687;1418268217;mircea_popescu;and the pope did a lot better cca 7-900 ad too. 950688;1418268246;mircea_popescu;decimation i like that title. 950689;1418268278;decimation;apparently obamacare 'allows' employers to give you a 'discount' off your 'insurance' premiums if you enroll in their hitlerjunge programes 950690;1418268295;mircea_popescu;lol. they copied that off japan. 950691;1418268298;decimation;yeah I like this guy's blog, he edits the mainstream media 950692;1418268311;mircea_popescu;i knew the moment the japanese started with that weird, and the us libtard class started paying attention, i knew this was coming. 950693;1418268327;mircea_popescu;famously, ceausescu once visited kim in korea, came back with a cockfull of life and brand new ideas of how to perfect socialism. 950694;1418268338;mircea_popescu;i guess this is the us' great eastern visit. 950695;1418268396;decimation;yeah that's an interesting way to put it. asians would generally place the 'good of the company ' in front of their dignity 950696;1418268461;mircea_popescu;https://rwcg.wordpress.com/2014/12/08/in-which-david-cote-has-decided-you-dont-care-about-how-youre-living-and-his-opinion-on-that-matters-for-some-reason/#comment-29999 << wonder what comes of that. 950697;1418268462;assbot;In which David Cote has decided you don’t care about how you’re living, and his opinion on that matters for some reason | RWCG ... ( http://bit.ly/1x49pcs ) 950698;1418268540;decimation;I think he is some kind of trader that works for a major firm 950699;1418268544;decimation;he had a whole thread about the london whale and associated retardation 950700;1418268601;mircea_popescu;myeah. 950701;1418268735;mircea_popescu;sooo buenos aires has decided to set itself on fire because some local team won the local football cup. 950702;1418268745;mircea_popescu;this is about 3x the mess they made over world cup stuff. 950703;1418268939;ben_vulpes; part of eternal quest for 'write in bed' machine << macbook air? 950704;1418269088;ben_vulpes;sounds like portland, mircea_popescu. irrelevant on the global scale but 'omg have you tried these donuts my brother makes?!' 950705;1418269705;decimation;so I find these AI doomsayers highly amusing. most of them would laugh at a Christian's claim of revelation (knowledge which comes neither through induction nor deduction) but are more than happy to jump on board the eliezer yudkowsky tard train because "I know it is true" 950706;1418269790;undata;decimation: the "singularity" is precisely technobabble heaven 950707;1418269810;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3500 @ 0.00067889 = 2.3761 BTC [+] 950708;1418269854;undata;seems like the AI doom scenario is just the inverted singularity 950709;1418269870;mircea_popescu;!up aabtc 950710;1418269917;decimation;!up badon 950711;1418269918;mircea_popescu;decimation the magical mental needs of the feeble minded don't go away simply because they are surrounded by / live in a society based on more advanced thoughts. 950712;1418269948;decimation;right, but in this case the 'feeble minded' are also the supposed captains of technology/science 950713;1418269960;mircea_popescu;you can dress 'em whichever way you want, but in the end a monkey merely trained to recognise the letters is not a scholar, and just so these "modern" men and women are in fact quite primitive. 950714;1418269962;undata;heaven/hell myths are found everywhere 950715;1418270003;undata;probably crudely useful to imagine "best" and "worst" possible circumstances when you don't have many concepts to rub together 950716;1418270036;mircea_popescu;i dunno, the traditional heaven (dude, it's like a really large field, we can camp and hike! and graze!) 950717;1418270041;mircea_popescu;seems to me pretty dang awful. 950718;1418270051;undata;mircea_popescu: yeah, we'll need a better heaven! heaven 3.0 950719;1418270066;undata;with sex-robots and teleportation 950720;1418270150;decimation;the Bible is certainly unclear on the specifics. I imagine it is a place where one can ask God wtf he was thinking 950721;1418270186;mircea_popescu;!s secret of turbulent flow 950722;1418270187;assbot;0 results for 'secret of turbulent flow' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=secret+of+turbulent+flow 950723;1418270190;mircea_popescu;psssh 950724;1418270225;mircea_popescu;!s secret of turbulence 950725;1418270226;assbot;0 results for 'secret of turbulence' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=secret+of+turbulence 950726;1418270247;*;undata wonders whether there aren't things resembling heaven, hell and the other very basic concepts rolling around in his subconscious 950727;1418270256;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-03-2014#567906 950728;1418270256;assbot;Logged on 19-03-2014 19:04:08; asciilifeform: and, finally, his moment arrived! von Krmn surrendered his orange ticket, took a deep breath, and said, "God, explain turbulence." Theodore von Krmn spent the rest of eternity burning in Hell.' 950729;1418270265;decimation;lol 950730;1418270321;danielpbarron;10:55 <+decimation> the Bible is certainly unclear on the specifics. << seems pretty specific to me https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation+21%3A9-21&version=NKJV 950731;1418270322;assbot;Revelation 21:9-21 NKJV - The New Jerusalem - Then one of the - Bible Gateway ... ( http://bit.ly/1vRQBfd ) 950732;1418270330;undata;I don't know how scientific the Jungian stuff is 950733;1418270335;undata;which is to say, not 950734;1418270357;undata;but maybe certain behaviors (like imagining a 'heaven' state) are instinctive 950735;1418270420;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10115 @ 0.00068937 = 6.973 BTC [+] 950736;1418270443;*;undata requests the changelog for the human mind 950737;1418270950;undata;danielpbarron: strictly speaking, that's not heaven 950738;1418270956;undata;that's the new earth or whatever 950739;1418271069;danielpbarron;it's described as "the bride, the Lamb’s wife" and "the great city, the holy Jerusalem" 950740;1418271152;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4942 @ 0.00067036 = 3.3129 BTC [-] {2} 950741;1418271225;undata;danielpbarron: right, god's supposed to drop that new city on jerusalem 950742;1418271225;undata;so not heaven, earth 950743;1418271299;undata;hm, actually the description is more munged together than that 950744;1418271302;danielpbarron;Jerusalem is God and God is the kingdom of heaven http://www.atruechurch.info/throne.html 950745;1418271303;assbot;A True Church - The Throne, Heaven, and the Kingdom Are God. ... ( http://bit.ly/1vRUPDB ) 950746;1418271306;undata;And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. 950747;1418271324;undata;what does god have against the sea? 950748;1418271369;undata;anyhow that makes it sound like some kind of heaven on earth scenario 950749;1418271372;undata;gold walls and everything 950750;1418271441;danielpbarron;physical things exist in heaven; that is not an attribute limited to earthly things 950751;1418271540;undata;" Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent. 950752;1418271542;undata;" 950753;1418271556;undata;curse you, paste gods 950754;1418271589;decimation;undata: but this is exactly the 'revelation' point I was making above 950755;1418271773;undata;decimation: which? 950756;1418271784;undata;I agree that they're both the same flavor of magical thinking. 950757;1418271800;decimation;My point is that everyone has magical thinking 950758;1418271808;undata;ah yeah, then agreed doubly 950759;1418271839;undata;takes vigilance to do otherwise 950760;1418271858;decimation;I'm not sure it is humanly possibly, but I only have myself to speak for 950761;1418271876;undata;however, it might be adaptive to have a touch of it; would I keep working towards escaping the gravity well if I wasn't certain I can accomplish it? 950762;1418271912;undata;though that might not be too magical; I'm not asserting that it *will* happen, merely deciding to press on towards it 950763;1418271972;undata;it's hard to draw that line 950764;1418272007;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7950 @ 0.0006661 = 5.2955 BTC [-] 950765;1418272029;undata;decimation: I've wondered whether our capacity for creativity is exactly what tends to rot the brain 950766;1418272035;cazalla;anyone with an xbox account able to find out for me if microsoft is using bitpay or coinbase for this accept bitcoin news? 950767;1418272077;undata;decimation: from a certain perspective, imagining things that do not exist and creating them is delusion-fueled activity 950768;1418272127;decimation;undata: I think there is a 'yearning for meaning' inside of each human, and that generally drives them to choose a god of some kind 950769;1418272148;decimation;often themselves - self-appointment to what is god and what isn't 950770;1418272160;undata;decimation: yeah, some kind of "truth" accumulator 950771;1418272295;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: macbook air << funny that you mention that machine, because i have the original model. it mostly gathers dust. 950772;1418272321;undata;asciilifeform: that's probably my next one after this wreck 950773;1418272329;undata;I had a retina macbook, total rubbish 950774;1418272358;asciilifeform;usg has more-or-less 'sat' upon the idle rich << the 'idle' (what does this mean? presumably, not occupied with directing a megacorp?) rich still exist. they spend on coke and orbital flights with hookers, not rebuilding of computing. 950775;1418272390;decimation;asciilifeform: and fearing the ai holocaust 950776;1418272396;thestringpuller;cazalla: it's not with a 3rd party 950777;1418272409;cazalla;thestringpuller, so they're taking it direct? 950778;1418272410;undata;decimation: veering into woo-woo territory, but in meditation I've often gotten the sense that the sense of "myself" in my head is a very small chunk of what I am 950779;1418272427;undata;that there are drives, goals, whole projects somewhere lower-level that I'm barely conscious of 950780;1418272443;thestringpuller;cazalla: lemme see. i'll try to order something after I finish this thing for work. 950781;1418272447;cazalla;thestringpuller, thanks, no xbox or microsoft account here 950782;1418272454;asciilifeform;pen + paper << i end up doing a great bit of work with pen and paper, even though ink is not executable and my hands are in agony after ten minutes - simply because it works in places and positions where no computer 950783;1418272504;thestringpuller;hopefully I don't by xbox live or something in the process :P 950784;1418272516;decimation;undata: certainly if one accepts that God is external, one would have to consider what which comes from Him and that which does not. 950785;1418272527;cazalla;actually, misses has a hotmail, i'll go harass her 950786;1418272555;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13401 @ 0.00065008 = 8.7117 BTC [-] {2} 950787;1418272599;asciilifeform;undata, ben_vulpes: aside from the titanic effort involved in using mac for serious work, that machine is far too large and heavy for the kind of bed computing contemplated earlier. 950788;1418272647;undata;decimation: I consider "god" a barely scrutable term 950789;1418272667;undata;if things bigger than skulls are conscious, I wouldn't be qualified to comment on them 950790;1418272687;asciilifeform;undata: the sense of "myself" in my head is a very small chunk << see the crackpot work 'society of mind' by marvin minsky. 950791;1418272693;asciilifeform;it was largely about this. 950792;1418272748;undata;asciilifeform: I'm more referring to things like, say you notice in the workplace that you have been for the last year in direct competition with another worker 950793;1418272776;undata;it seems the mind has plenty of processes running on autopilot which can be mindfully observed, but often aren't 950794;1418272809;asciilifeform;book was about this. 950795;1418272809;undata;asciilifeform: this sounds like the thing dennett has said about "pandemonium" 950796;1418272836;thestringpuller;cazalla: can I write up the scoop? 950797;1418272839;thestringpuller;mr. editor sir! 950798;1418272870;undata;asciilifeform: you've never found yourself doing things you never consciously chose to do? 950799;1418272885;undata;surely there are canonical examples of that happening with the opposite sex 950800;1418273009;cazalla;thestringpuller, sure, i was planning to do so but i checked out my missus account and there is no bitcoin option, maybe not for aus yet 950801;1418273053;cazalla;i'm not that familiar with it, does this let you buy credits or something thestringpuller ? 950802;1418273089;cazalla;seems that is for xbox credit whatever the fuck that is 950803;1418273114;undata;asciilifeform: pretty sure this is the experiment I'm thinking of 40hz.net/david_2011.pdf 950804;1418273287;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 13 @ 0.13978769 = 1.8172 BTC [+] {2} 950805;1418273381;undata;asciilifeform: the idea is that people can be shown to have made a decision before they are capable of reporting that decision to anyone 950806;1418273456;undata;this mental conversation I have about "yes, pick up the cup and have a sip" happens substantially later than the action to do so is already in motion 950807;1418273592;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 22804 @ 0.0012 = 27.3648 BTC 950808;1418273604;mats;;;ticker 950809;1418273605;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 349.5, Best ask: 351.43, Bid-ask spread: 1.93000, Last trade: 349.49, 24 hour volume: 10158.72216659, 24 hour low: 339.8, 24 hour high: 353.74, 24 hour vwap: 0 950810;1418273909;BingoBoingo; usg has more-or-less 'sat' upon the idle rich << the 'idle' (what does this mean? presumably, not occupied with directing a megacorp?) rich still exist. they spend on coke and orbital flights with hookers, not rebuilding of computing. << The conversion of cocaine from productivity aide to party favor has probably been one of the msot damaging transitions of this last hundred years 950811;1418274019;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15250 @ 0.00063894 = 9.7438 BTC [-] 950812;1418274141;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 25 @ 0.14 = 3.5 BTC [+] {2} 950813;1418274317;BingoBoingo;!up MacroHard 950814;1418274348;MacroHard;ᕦ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕤ 950815;1418274446;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11150 @ 0.00064145 = 7.1522 BTC [+] 950816;1418274500;asciilifeform;undata: famous experiment. 950817;1418274554;asciilifeform;brings to mind whitehead's: 950818;1418274557;asciilifeform;'It is a profoundly erroneous truism, repeated by all copy-books and by eminent people when they are making speeches, that we should cultivate the habit of thinking of what we are doing. The precise opposite is the case. Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking about them. Operations of thought are like cavalry charges in a battle they are strictly limited 950819;1418274557;asciilifeform;in number, they require fresh horses, and must only be made at decisive moments.' 950820;1418274687;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: idle rich << point was, there are still plenty of arbitrarily rich and arbitrarily idle folks. they simply happen to be retarded. afaik - 100% of them, rather than 99 or whatever the historic norm was. 950821;1418274746;asciilifeform;or not 100, but the epsilon remnant are 'idle' in the economic sense but fighting guerilla war of one kind or another and can't really afford cultural largesse 950822;1418274761;thestringpuller;Ryan X. Charles: "I discovered bitcoin on May 13, 2011 and never recovered. After developing a reputation as the bitcoin guy at the physics department, I eventually quit my physics PhD program and went full-time bitcoin. I worked for the best bitcoin company in the world, BitPay" 950823;1418274773;thestringpuller;he goes on to say: " If I had written bitcoin, it would have been in javascript." 950824;1418274782;thestringpuller;Like what the actual fuck? 950825;1418274783;asciilifeform;trololol 950826;1418274785;thestringpuller;You can't make this shit up. 950827;1418274800;thestringpuller;reddit's cyrptocurrency "engineer" 950828;1418274804;thestringpuller;if you can even call that engineering 950829;1418274822;thestringpuller;from: http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2ox7vi/bitcoin_technology_will_ultimately_become/ 950830;1418274822;undata;underabundance of shame these days 950831;1418274831;undata;where is the embarassment 950832;1418274860;thestringpuller;d00d and people are eating it up!!!! 950833;1418274883;thestringpuller;"I wish Bitcoin was written in JS, I'd be able to understand it a bit better." 950834;1418274896;asciilifeform;it is a profound tragedy that these 'people' ever saw a computer. 950835;1418274907;asciilifeform;should not have had access to any technology more complex than pitchfork. 950836;1418274912;undata;"Javascript is actually in demand now for good reason. Node.js is a powerful tool for specific applications and you no longer need to know 2 languages if you go the full JS stack." << I call this single-step reasoning. It's everywhere. 950837;1418274964;asciilifeform;!s deskilling 950838;1418274965;assbot;2 results for 'deskilling' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=deskilling 950839;1418274968;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: should not have had access to any technology more complex than pitchfork. << but isn't this how ignorant mobs form? as much as I like a pitchfork mob.... 950840;1418274982;asciilifeform;point is, they should be breaking their backs for their daily bread. 950841;1418274984;asciilifeform;literally. 950842;1418275008;undata;I'd accept that given some decent mechanism for outliers to escape that circumstance. 950843;1418275019;asciilifeform;escapees - escape. 950844;1418275036;asciilifeform;even from russian prison. even from modern usa. 950845;1418275067;thestringpuller;well at least you can bribe the guards in a russian prison 950846;1418275073;thestringpuller;they seem more "reasonable" 950847;1418275086;asciilifeform;newton did not have to bribe any guards to escape from agriculture. 950848;1418275104;asciilifeform;but today he would probably be inextricably imprisoned in reddit or, worse, anglo academe. 950849;1418275127;thestringpuller;imprisoned in reddit how? 950850;1418275131;thestringpuller;you make it sound like Yishan Wong would kidnap him. 950851;1418275146;asciilifeform;psychological prison. 950852;1418275157;asciilifeform;the nearly escape-proof kind. 950853;1418275159;undata;don't know... my mother was single raising me for part of my early childhood 950854;1418275170;undata;sounds like a person headed for serfdom under this scenario 950855;1418275178;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20257 @ 0.00064145 = 12.9939 BTC [+] 950856;1418275236;thestringpuller;well someone who is going to exclaim nonsense about JS being useful to "understand code" should be stuffed in the bowels of some buildings as a serf 950857;1418275254;undata;being poor is enough 950858;1418275271;asciilifeform;other thing is, these people only exist as merely one symptom of a long series of catastrophes 950859;1418275322;asciilifeform;what is to be done with them is a question not for you and i, but, in all likelihood, for the chinese ministry of biodiesel 950860;1418275349;thestringpuller;this is why chinese people send their children to america 950861;1418275371;thestringpuller;"you won't make it in china, you too dumb, we send you to american high school come back as adult, bye bye" 950862;1418275371;asciilifeform;why did british nobles send their children to india? 950863;1418275432;thestringpuller;for meritwashing I presume? 950864;1418275456;asciilifeform;cheap fellatio, practice at management, breathing room 950865;1418275469;asciilifeform;well-documented. 950866;1418275493;thestringpuller;interesting. 950867;1418275500;thestringpuller;American Schools are easier to pass through for children of stricter education systems. 950868;1418275509;asciilifeform;(see also orwell's essay re: how the telegraph was the ultimate doom of british empire) 950869;1418275524;thestringpuller;The ones that brand you a fuck-up if you don't pass "the entrance exam" of which you only have on opportunity to pass. 950870;1418275541;undata;this serfdom thing doesn't sound any better than what the man behind the curtain has produced in the garden-variety american derp 950871;1418275566;asciilifeform;difference is that the agricultural serf is not a burden upon his betters. 950872;1418275577;undata;ah, that's the aim 950873;1418275594;asciilifeform;i will add that agricultural slavery is an optimistic scenario for the folks in question. 950874;1418275594;thestringpuller;Also American Derp is not hardworking, or truly values hardwork. The serf likely does (imo at least). 950875;1418275621;thestringpuller;They glorify antics from sitcoms such as "Workaholics" finding ways to be lazy but still get by. 950876;1418275624;asciilifeform;the more realistic fate is butugychag. 950877;1418275640;thestringpuller;What is that term, "Manboy/Manchild"? 950878;1418275655;asciilifeform;!s butugychag 950879;1418275656;assbot;8 results for 'butugychag' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=butugychag 950880;1418275662;undata;thestringpuller: it's the experience of starting with nothing and struggling ahead that makes an adult 950881;1418275676;asciilifeform;soviet prison camp where uranium was mined. 950882;1418275676;undata;so, poverty, but not serfdom 950883;1418275678;asciilifeform;typical life expectancy: 3 mo. 950884;1418275712;thestringpuller;undata: but this isn't the only factor. unimpoverished children can still amount to hardworking individuals, just with different contexts. 950885;1418275737;thestringpuller;sure you don't sling crack to get lunch money, but you hustle in other scenarios 950886;1418275761;undata;thestringpuller: I'd think it wise to at least demo the poor life for them 950887;1418275782;thestringpuller;i.e. prince and the pauper? 950888;1418275788;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23250 @ 0.00064145 = 14.9137 BTC [+] 950889;1418275798;thestringpuller;or rather undercover billionaire? 950890;1418275812;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: wow bleak: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butugichag#In_literature 950891;1418275859;thestringpuller;brutal: "Witnesses of the camp state that the camp took the life of some 380,000 people in the 10 years of its existence. Most notable about the camp is the fact that uranium mining was conducted here manually without any protective gear whatsoever. The average miner's life span lasted only months here" 950892;1418275877;asciilifeform;this is the correct use for the 'i dun wanna learn a second programming language' folks. 950893;1418275881;undata;thestringpuller: the pattern in my family (at least for the first male kid) has been to impress upon them the value and necessity of hard work, and then to drop them into the world to fend for themselves at the appropriate time 950894;1418275907;asciilifeform;not for the crime of being dull, but for militant stupidity and the active poisoning of all that was ever good and bright. 950895;1418275960;thestringpuller;^- exactly! 950896;1418275981;thestringpuller;some derps actively take away from the well being of others 950897;1418275988;thestringpuller;almost like dropping the IQ of their peers by merely existing 950898;1418275995;asciilifeform;extermination is far too kind a fate for them. 950899;1418275997;asciilifeform;!s zoolag 950900;1418275998;assbot;8 results for 'zoolag' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=zoolag 950901;1418276021;undata;I can't think of an instance in history where blunt instruments such as these were wielded effectively. 950902;1418276042;asciilifeform;nothing 'in history' ever really happens 'effectively' 950903;1418276052;asciilifeform;or with sharp instruments. 950904;1418276080;ben_vulpes;what is there to explain about turbulence?! 950905;1418276087;thestringpuller;XD 950906;1418276088;assbot;Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/3JZB63J.txt ) 950907;1418276088;asciilifeform;!b 1 950908;1418276089;assbot;Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/2WWX2W3.txt ) 950909;1418276089;asciilifeform;!b 3 950910;1418276122;mircea_popescu; usg has more-or-less 'sat' upon the idle rich << the 'idle' (what does this mean? << the early modern period had ample supply of this particular type. literally, idle. 950911;1418276133;ben_vulpes;at some scales and without some simplifying assumptions you just need a universe to model a universe! 950912;1418276138;ben_vulpes;what is so damn hard to grasp about this 950913;1418276175;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-09-2014#846621 950914;1418276175;assbot;Logged on 27-09-2014 02:36:41; asciilifeform: 'If you're a defendant, you don't get to claim your fingerprints miraculously appeared at a crime scene... If you're a bookkeeper, you don't get to say money miraculously disappeared from your company...' 950915;1418276196;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: in that spirit, e.g., a physicist -never- gets to utter the phrase 'you need a universe to model this' 950916;1418276225;asciilifeform;when he utters it, we are to understand that he is ready for the biodiesel retirement pot 950917;1418276232;mircea_popescu;<thestringpuller> You can't make this shit up. << word. 950918;1418276260;mircea_popescu;but at least the derp dept moved from "blockchain technology" to "bitcoin technology". 950919;1418276268;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: but you do, dammit 950920;1418276296;ben_vulpes;and what about that portland lawyer whose fingerprints appeared miraculously at the scene?! 950921;1418276300;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: it doesn't even matter if you do. if you're bothering to think about the subject, your job is to assume that the job is doable and try - forever 950922;1418276303;*;mircea_popescu waves at all the idiots reading here, imagining that http://trilema.com/2011/romanul-si-marea/ was never written, and one can just steal the octopus' suckers to put onhis own fingers. 950923;1418276304;assbot;Romanul si marea pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1seSNh9 ) 950924;1418276347;mircea_popescu;undata> "Javascript is actually in demand now for good reason. << "we are stupid but don't like to admit it" being the reason. 950925;1418276368;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: that's one hell of an assumption, that the task is doable. 950926;1418276373;*;undata protests at where that quote was clipped! 950927;1418276377;undata;a quote of a quote I swear 950928;1418276381;ben_vulpes;"build me a space elevator from materials available today." 950929;1418276388;mircea_popescu;lol 950930;1418276408;mircea_popescu;im pretty sure its quoteness carries. 950931;1418276439;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: understand correctly. actual 'impossibility proofs' - are valuable. (consider laws of thermodynamics; or, more fundamentally, mathematical concepts - e.g., irrationality of sqrt(2)) 950932;1418276470;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: but anything which merely appears impossibly difficult, rather than provable waste of time, is a matter for folks who think it worth trying 950933;1418276490;ben_vulpes;those of us who think it not, kindly invited to pleb elsewhere i gather. 950934;1418276503;asciilifeform;or, alternatively, attempt above proof 950935;1418276508;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: "we are stupid but don't like to admit it" << this is good critera for sending derps off to asciilifeform derper's retirement camp. 950936;1418276519;ben_vulpes;i am but a mere engineer. 950937;1418276530;ben_vulpes;and a poor one at that. 950938;1418276530;mircea_popescu;i dunno why all this geographic arrangement. a bitcoin island, a derp camp... 950939;1418276539;mircea_popescu;can't they just stick to reddit, wikipedia et all ? 950940;1418276539;asciilifeform;retirement pot. 950941;1418276615;mircea_popescu; this is the correct use for the 'i dun wanna learn a second programming language' folks. << liek the ppl that want everything to be lisp ? :D 950942;1418276616;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: the cancer must be excised and disposed. Although it may be in remission... 950943;1418276628;asciilifeform;!s lisp brick 950944;1418276629;assbot;1 results for 'lisp brick' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=lisp+brick 950945;1418276682;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller eh let it excise itself. why should i do the work for people i don't even like. 950946;1418276693;mircea_popescu;beating the women i love is more work than i feel like as it is. 950947;1418276774;ben_vulpes;he loves! 950948;1418276774;ben_vulpes;my world is shaken 950949;1418276776;mircea_popescu;... 950950;1418276784;mircea_popescu;srsly ?! this is somehow a surprise !? 950951;1418276817;ben_vulpes;you're supposed to be a moster. 950952;1418276824;ben_vulpes;an unfeeling, joy-crushing monster. 950953;1418276850;mircea_popescu;oh really ? 950954;1418276852;thestringpuller;MP doesn't like it when people have fun. 950955;1418276860;thestringpuller;He is a grumpy old man! 950956;1418276868;ben_vulpes;write everything in php! 950957;1418276871;asciilifeform;the concept of joyous, exuberant monster being too terrifying for the retirement pot candidates, naturally 950958;1418276877;mircea_popescu;sucks to be me i guess. 950959;1418276887;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12251 @ 0.00066399 = 8.1345 BTC [+] {2} 950960;1418276897;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: i am struck by thoughts of jabba 950961;1418276905;asciilifeform;mr mold's fnargl. 950962;1418276908;undata;ho ho ho 950963;1418276912;asciilifeform;and his thousand-year fnarg. 950964;1418276925;asciilifeform;;;google thousand year fnarg 950965;1418276926;gribble;Unruled: 06/01/2008 - 07/01/2008: ; Unqualified Reservations: May 2007: ; Doctor Who (series 5) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: 950966;1418276957;mircea_popescu;this just took a turn for the weird - erryone discussing me in terms im unfamiliar with 950967;1418276957;mircea_popescu;STAHP 950968;1418276969;ben_vulpes;herr mircea cannot handle 950969;1418276989;ben_vulpes;bring in the social justice police, this society is out of hand 950970;1418277018;thestringpuller;troll level: professional 950971;1418277079;mircea_popescu;+ i accidentally sent asciilifeform's line about 2nd code and pots to some chick i'm talking with on the side. she's new and was just probing as to what's in principle required of new chicks. 950972;1418277081;mircea_popescu;silence fell upon that land. 950973;1418277094;*;asciilifeform falls down with l0l 950974;1418277103;assbot;Last 4 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/39W8HEC.txt ) 950975;1418277103;BingoBoingo;!b 4 950976;1418279143;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12499 @ 0.00068937 = 8.6164 BTC [+] 950977;1418280634;fluffypony;ben_vulpes: monetas? 950978;1418280803;BingoBoingo;fluffypony: Your monero thing 950979;1418280811;fluffypony;oh, yes 950980;1418280813;mats;;;ticker 950981;1418280814;BingoBoingo;fluffypony: Expln in deets pls. 950982;1418280814;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 357.59, Best ask: 357.6, Bid-ask spread: 0.01000, Last trade: 357.6, 24 hour volume: 13375.89528924, 24 hour low: 339.8, 24 hour high: 363.99, 24 hour vwap: 0 950983;1418280861;fluffypony;sure, it's a cryptocurrency, not based on the Bitcoin source, no GUI at present 950984;1418280862;fluffypony;transactions are cryptographically untraceable and unlinkable 950985;1418280900;fluffypony;"mixing" is done on inputs for a tx only, based on denominations of ^10, and inputs are mixed with previously unspent inputs 950986;1418280922;fluffypony;via ring signatures (group signatures) 950987;1418280941;fluffypony;at the moment no minimum mixin level is enforced, so ostensibly an output in the utxoset can actually be spent at some point with a mixin of 0, and thus is *actually* spent 950988;1418280945;BingoBoingo;Eh, what's the differences. The interesting stuff? I'm fighting a generic winter illness and slowly realizing a bottle of cold medicine is supposed to contain multiple doses. 950989;1418280968;fluffypony;it depends on what your interest is 950990;1418280973;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 4460 @ 0.0012 = 5.352 BTC {2} 950991;1418280984;fluffypony;if you're interested in the cryptography of it 950992;1418280989;fluffypony;or the software architecture we're building out 950993;1418280992;fluffypony;or whatever 950994;1418280999;BingoBoingo;What's tortilla's interest? 950995;1418281045;fluffypony;he's one of my fellow core team members 950996;1418281066;fluffypony;so his interest is intrinsic and complete :) 950997;1418281121;BingoBoingo;Oh that's right, you saw the castle 950998;1418281152;fluffypony;that was before Risto had any interest in Monero 950999;1418281167;BingoBoingo;I know 951000;1418281193;BingoBoingo;I just like the idea of castles, like mudkips 951001;1418281198;fluffypony;lol 951002;1418281320;BingoBoingo;I mean castles are basically the motorola 68k of fortifications 951003;1418281349;fluffypony;well anyway, the cryptography interests me most of all, and there's some cool stuff we're doing 951004;1418281350;fluffypony;and some nice research on that side of things: https://lab.monero.cc 951005;1418281351;assbot;Monero Research Lab - Protecting Your Privacy's Future ... ( http://bit.ly/1GfK5Si ) 951006;1418281380;mircea_popescu;fluffypony so can one buy it ? 951007;1418281390;fluffypony;on that note, breakfast time, bbiab 951008;1418281396;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: yes 951009;1418281410;fluffypony;poloniex has the highest volume 951010;1418281418;mircea_popescu;what % of total monetarymass does 1 btc buy one ? 951011;1418281451;fluffypony;of the current number of coins? 951012;1418281455;fluffypony;oh you said total 951013;1418281485;fluffypony;we have infinite tail emission, the block reward value of which hasn't been set as yet 951014;1418281488;fluffypony;so there isn't a total 951015;1418281494;mircea_popescu;ah 951016;1418281515;mircea_popescu;http://pastebin.com/9p0U3vVe << that poloniex thing looks trustworthy as all fuck o.O 951017;1418281516;assbot;AnnouncementsSTR deposits and withdrawals are down and will resume when maintena - Pastebin.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1GfKww2 ) 951018;1418281532;mircea_popescu;did they just lose their wallets 3x or something ? 951019;1418281556;BingoBoingo;Poloniex I always assumed was polonium 951020;1418281614;mircea_popescu;fluffypony so from a purely business pov, why would i give this thing a 2nd thought ? what exactly can my 1 btc buy me and how ? 951021;1418281654;fluffypony;well the current price is 0.00109 to the BTC, and there are just over 5 mil coins at the moment 951022;1418281687;fluffypony;from a business PoV it's unlikely to be a good investment unless you're happy to hold it for several years 951023;1418281693;mircea_popescu;yeah but it can get diluted infinitely. 951024;1418281715;mircea_popescu;well no, so far i gather the contrary : i'm guaranteed to not see any mid or longm term return 951025;1418281721;mircea_popescu;it may make sense if i won't hold it overnight sorta thing 951026;1418281731;fluffypony;yup it's designed to be slightly inflationary not deflationary 951027;1418281734;BingoBoingo;No point in it unless there's a cap 951028;1418281749;fluffypony;so any growth comes from utility and not from a deflationary nature 951029;1418281776;mircea_popescu;but basically any growth won't come to me. so i won't build on it. 951030;1418281776;mircea_popescu;and why would anyone else then ? 951031;1418281796;fluffypony;same reason people build on top of i2p or Tor 951032;1418281880;mircea_popescu;which we don't... 951033;1418281883;fluffypony;anyway breakfast for real noa, bbiab :) 951034;1418281921;BingoBoingo;If you are going to darknet what's wrong with old style turtle routing? 951035;1418282143;BingoBoingo;fluffypony: Maybe It's the robitussin, but without a hard cap on supply how do we break the "new" world 951036;1418282345;mircea_popescu;fluffypony understand what i'm saying here. you seem cogent and together, you're working on this whatever thing i can't readily evaluate. i'd consider putting a few coins into it ; i can even ignore the involvement of whatever known derp on the theory that on the long term sterile works itself out of metal anyway so who cares. 951037;1418282345;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, it gotta somehow make business sense. and the problem is, if it doesn't make it for me it doesn't make it in general, because what exact particular assumptions got baked in ? nothing much. if there isn't a good answer to "so what's my btc buy me" other than handwave, there's probably no better answer to "what's your time buy you" other than, whatever, "playing a mmorpg". 951038;1418282393;mircea_popescu;nothing wrong with that, i just spent a coupla hours derping in eulora myself. jus as long as it's not coming as a surprise later. 951039;1418282577;mircea_popescu;meanwhile back at crazy shit ranch : "I am a twenty-year old sub living with my dom in Sask in a 24/7 D/s relationship. For the past two years I have been training as a sub and saving money for school. In the summer I will be relocating to Toronto for college in the fall. My Sir will find a Dom for me there with the hopes of finding me someone to stay with while I study. In exchange I will serve him as his slave for 951040;1418282578;mircea_popescu;the years I spend in Toronto." 951041;1418282603;mircea_popescu;canadian govt srsly has to do some liquidity injections o.O 951042;1418282816;BingoBoingo;I think pete_dushenski is out lobbyist up there 951043;1418282825;adlai;mircea_popescu: do you seriously think that selling "a few coins" into an altcoin will buy you more than a handwave? 951044;1418282884;mircea_popescu;i dun think i understand what you're asking here. 951045;1418282886;adlai;treating it as a whalerpg where you take turns playing bull and bear is another story 951046;1418282953;adlai;i'm just being scoffy at the prospect that an altcoin offers tangible benefits beyond, say, speculating on the coin's value without actually holding any 951047;1418282984;mircea_popescu;well, if your view is correct then all altcoins are essentialy the logo. 951048;1418282997;mircea_popescu;i don't think he'd agree. 951049;1418283045;adlai;for a coin to offer more than just a speculation game, it needs to have some chance of outperforming btc 951050;1418283074;mircea_popescu;right. 951051;1418283102;adlai;for example, this monero thing... let's say the tech is remarkably successful, and as this becomes evident, the value grows TENFOLD 951052;1418283119;adlai;so we now have a 10mil market cap 951053;1418283127;adlai;and the amazing tech gets copied by btc 951054;1418283127;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 951055;1418283196;adlai;and then the guys who bagheld xmr through the great bear market of 2014 all take a group dump on the people who bought non-scarce goods 951056;1418283353;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34729 @ 0.00068972 = 23.9533 BTC [+] {2} 951057;1418283397;adlai;anybody trading on mpex want to try scalpl? 951058;1418283414;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7292 @ 0.00070292 = 5.1257 BTC [+] 951059;1418283424;*;adlai is curious how it'd fare on s.mpoe 951060;1418283475;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35320 @ 0.00070426 = 24.8745 BTC [+] {2} 951061;1418283514;adlai;ok that's enough. next time i bring up scalpl not in response to somebody else, please !down me 951062;1418283536;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4238 @ 0.00070793 = 3.0002 BTC [+] 951063;1418283581;mircea_popescu;adlai that wasn't the most organised argument i ever read :p 951064;1418283607;adlai;which one, the one against long-term investments in altcoins? 951065;1418283628;adlai;it's hard to organize an argument against nobody. kinda like planning an invasion without a map. 951066;1418283675;mircea_popescu;i dun think "invesing in altcoin" generally was being contemplated. 951067;1418283705;*;adlai must've misunderstood http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-12-2014#951036 951068;1418283705;assbot;Logged on 11-12-2014 07:19:05; mircea_popescu: fluffypony understand what i'm saying here. you seem cogent and together, you're working on this whatever thing i can't readily evaluate. i'd consider putting a few coins into it ; i can even ignore the involvement of whatever known derp on the theory that on the long term sterile works itself out of metal anyway so who cares. 951069;1418283775;adlai;if i were to specifically attack that, i'd start from the assumption that a cogent and together person necessarily occupies their time in an activity which lends itself to monetary investment 951070;1418283807;adlai;plenty of cogent and together people dedicate their time to charity, but it's not a terribly rewarding investment 951071;1418283864;mircea_popescu;;;gettrust assbot fluffypony 951072;1418283865;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user fluffypony: Level 1: 1, Level 2: 8 via 8 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=fluffypony | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=fluffypony | Rated since: Sat Apr 6 08:20:32 2013 951073;1418283870;mircea_popescu;guy's been around for a while wut. 951074;1418283947;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: could the airgap concept of the cardano be applied to storage? 951075;1418283960;thestringpuller;i know that's somewhat random... 951076;1418283975;mircea_popescu;why not ? 951077;1418284101;thestringpuller;i was thinking of the scenario of having to absolutely read an encrypted memo but only have a potentially compromised/malicious system available 951078;1418284146;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9964 @ 0.00072082 = 7.1823 BTC [+] 951079;1418284159;BingoBoingo;If a system is compromised it's compromised 951080;1418284278;mircea_popescu;seems airgap means you're not touching some other system neh. 951081;1418284298;thestringpuller;or in the sense it is non-trivial to remove data from the device 951082;1418284311;thestringpuller;more in the sense* 951083;1418284358;mircea_popescu;how did the memo end up in there then. 951084;1418284627;thestringpuller;so lets say the system in use is not a secure viewer, but a device is available (some mobile thingy of some sort), that is a secure viewer, but is unable to do heavy lifting. just reads from drive and displays it. so the use case I imagine is someone is sent important "please read now" encrypted memo to some dude who is boarding a flight. he uses one of the surely compromised internet cafe computers and his hand caradno to decr 951085;1418284686;mircea_popescu;it'd decript somethinmg you got off a pastebin for you, but obviously it can't guarantee the computer you're on won't read your memo too 951086;1418284693;mircea_popescu;just that it won't be able to steal your keys 951087;1418284725;thestringpuller;exactly, so I was envisioning a device that can i/o securely from output of cardano 951088;1418284735;thestringpuller;in the way key on cardano is nontrivial to remove 951089;1418284749;thestringpuller;same with data on this device that stores output from decryption 951090;1418284786;mircea_popescu;i dun see it. 951091;1418284834;BingoBoingo;I think you two are talking about different devices 951092;1418284849;thestringpuller;well i guess I'm thinking of combining cardano with 2nd device 951093;1418284860;thestringpuller;place to store output 951094;1418284877;thestringpuller;for situations arising "in the field" 951095;1418284958;mircea_popescu;the storing isnot the problem. how'd you read it ? 951096;1418284976;punkman;thestringpuller wants a screen on the cardano 951097;1418284987;thestringpuller;That could be a solution! 951098;1418284997;thestringpuller;punkman has the right idea! 951099;1418284999;punkman;or a tiny laptop thingy 951100;1418285010;undata;there are many simple text-output LCDs 951101;1418285032;undata;however anything like that becomes another point to siphon data off the thing if you derp using it 951102;1418285072;mircea_popescu;real programmers just sense the bits. 951103;1418285072;mircea_popescu;screens are for weaklings! 951104;1418285083;thestringpuller;that's another option have little magnets implanted in finger tips 951105;1418285091;thestringpuller;cardano has little interface 951106;1418285106;thestringpuller;why not just have plug directly into skull 951107;1418285117;punkman;you could make a tactile morse generator 951108;1418285132;mircea_popescu;or a dildo. 951109;1418285132;mircea_popescu;feel the morse. 951110;1418285578;punkman;mircea_popescu: punkman no notary still ? << good night's sleep and not busy today, shall make progress 951111;1418285633;mircea_popescu;aite. 951112;1418285634;punkman;mircea_popescu: punkman: yeah and maybe indian/chinese guy watered field with sewage << actually good for it. << sewage is good for tea? 951113;1418285724;mircea_popescu;for the field. 951114;1418285732;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18362 @ 0.00071765 = 13.1775 BTC [-] 951115;1418285945;punkman;saw this recently, about making fertilizer from NY sewage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QV9x79_WYbk 951116;1418285946;assbot;You Don't Know Shit: VICE Reports (Full Length) - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1sfbfWT ) 951117;1418285967;punkman;not sure I'd want my tomatos fed on human shit 951118;1418286060;mircea_popescu;what do you think the earth is if not hardpacked, ancient sewage. 951119;1418286182;BingoBoingo;punkman: Fine baby the tomatoes, but what about the sweet corn 951120;1418286199;punkman;I mean humanure is fine, if you are in the wot 951121;1418286208;mircea_popescu;hahaha 951122;1418286210;punkman;but I don't want NY sewage 951123;1418286213;mircea_popescu;humanure, where humint goes to die. 951124;1418286215;BingoBoingo;humanure isn't a thing 951125;1418286230;BingoBoingo;It's night soil and it grows rice. 951126;1418286243;BingoBoingo;Ship it to the deep south. 951127;1418286255;BingoBoingo;Isn't that what the civil war was over? 951128;1418286580;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by thestringpuller: http://qntra.net/2014/12/microsoft-xbox-and-mobile-marketplace-now-accepts-bitcoin/ 951129;1418287124;BingoBoingo;!up Curious_George 951130;1418287130;BingoBoingo;Hello Curious_George 951131;1418287196;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6337 @ 0.00068143 = 4.3182 BTC [-] 951132;1418287370;BingoBoingo;;;ticker 951133;1418287371;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 361.04, Best ask: 362.14, Bid-ask spread: 1.10000, Last trade: 361.04, 24 hour volume: 14786.74135077, 24 hour low: 339.8, 24 hour high: 364.43, 24 hour vwap: 0 951134;1418287553;BingoBoingo;Is the robitussin bottle really not supposed to be a single serving? 951135;1418287606;mircea_popescu;lol 951136;1418287623;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1025 @ 0.00120505 = 1.2352 BTC [-] {2} 951137;1418287726;BingoBoingo;Fucking CYP2D6 again 951138;1418287989;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18221 @ 0.00065957 = 12.018 BTC [-] 951139;1418288631;fluffypony;adlai: the problem is that the "amazing tech" can't easily be copied by BTC - although I'd agree fully on that being applicable to altcoins based off of the Bitcoin codebase. the problem isn't so much the code, it's that the stealth addresses + ring signatures are such a radical departure that Bitcoin would (obviously) have to hardfork to an address format that is completely different to their current one (since it requires 2x 256-bit 951140;1418288631;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 951141;1418288631;fluffypony;pubkeys) thus breaking compatibility with every existing application, and then enforce the standard for some time before the utxoset is sufficiently large to allow for a measurable level of privacy (see MRL-0001 on lab.monero.cc as to why this is true) 951142;1418288684;fluffypony;to get back to the previous convo, though - it isn't an "investment", nor has it been pitched as such 951143;1418288695;mircea_popescu;fluffypony i dun think his idea is directly applicable (stolen by btc), but nevertheless, someone with a better business value proposition can just fork your code. 951144;1418288742;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: that's like saying someone with a better business value proposition can just fork BTC 951145;1418288750;fluffypony;the network effect of BTC works against that 951146;1418288766;mircea_popescu;but only for btc. 951147;1418288770;fluffypony;maybe it's best to think of Monero as something like Freicoin - an experiment in creating something usable and useful 951148;1418288792;fluffypony;and if it fails it doesn't matter, we're not trying to build a business, we're advancing technology 951149;1418288792;mircea_popescu;so you are in the endsaying this is more of a hobby than serious. 951150;1418288795;mircea_popescu;right. 951151;1418288853;adlai;fluffypony: blockstream is a for-profit company in order to steal your lunch 951152;1418288868;mircea_popescu;adlai i doubt it'd be his lunch. 951153;1418288885;adlai;it's a metaphor :) 951154;1418288928;mircea_popescu;guy pretty much said hedun expect to eat off it. 951155;1418288932;fluffypony;yeah 951156;1418288933;fluffypony;lol 951157;1418288964;adlai;i don't mean it in that sense, i mean that their goal is to make innovations in other chains accessible to the bitcoin asset 951158;1418288975;fluffypony;yes 951159;1418288981;adlai;and the "your" referred to all these projects, not just fluffypony 951160;1418288982;mircea_popescu;innovation is nonblocking. 951161;1418288991;fluffypony;but that also means that the altcoin is indelibly linked to Bitcoin's value 951162;1418289003;fluffypony;the economic hinge makes sidechaining unpalatable for us 951163;1418289015;fluffypony;but I do applaud the effort if it'll make shit like Jackpotcoin irrelevant 951164;1418289020;mircea_popescu;fluffypony all future coin, of any type, and more generally all future human industry of all types is indelibly linked to bitcoin 951165;1418289026;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18250 @ 0.00067111 = 12.2478 BTC [+] {2} 951166;1418289036;mircea_popescu;this is a fact and it's not going away except in fiction. 951167;1418289050;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: I agree, but what I mean is that a sidechain can't have a direct USD market, for instance, it will always have to go via Bitcoin 951168;1418289067;mircea_popescu;perhaps. then again this may be a rather short term concern you see. 951169;1418289122;fluffypony;most altcoins are scams anyway 951170;1418289130;fluffypony;either outrightly or through blind ignorance 951171;1418289158;mircea_popescu;right. 951172;1418289280;fluffypony;oh cute, Bryce Weenie blocked me on Twitter 951173;1418289312;fluffypony;I guess he didn't like being called idiotic: https://twitter.com/fluffyponyza/status/542109944901009408 951174;1418289313;assbot;Those derps… RT /BryceWeiner: /blockchain.info published private keys. http://t.co/B6tmulgmyY 951175;1418289342;mircea_popescu;trying to recall who that is. 951176;1418289379;fluffypony;he's the guy that keeps getting "interviewed" by Seaman 951177;1418289402;mircea_popescu;oh i recall the derp. i think i told him off back when i was on twitter. 951178;1418289407;fluffypony;yeah, he keeps promoting shitcoins like Nautiluscoin 951179;1418289424;fluffypony;the one with the "stabilization fund" 951180;1418289431;fluffypony;which clearly didn't stabilise anything 951181;1418289524;mircea_popescu;well, neither did the various stabilisation funds irl lol. 951182;1418289567;fluffypony;lol 951183;1418289585;BingoBoingo;fluffypony: It is alright. The coinfire account on twitter blocked both myself and cazalla that one time we made a blog even though... Eventually we may want to hire their meat. 951184;1418289693;fluffypony;heh 951185;1418289775;mircea_popescu;anyway, /me waits patiently for fluffypony to be done with playing and start srs bzns. 951186;1418289787;fluffypony;lol 951187;1418289800;fluffypony;I've got stuff I'm building on the business side 951188;1418289811;*;BingoBoingo waits for the scorpions to shrink again, fuck you robitussin cold and flu 951189;1418289829;fluffypony;when I have something cool to show I will :) 951190;1418289941;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29500 @ 0.00064969 = 19.1659 BTC [-] {3} 951191;1418289955;mircea_popescu;now /me waits patiently for the home videos of fluffyfamily. 951192;1418290012;fluffypony;ooh la la 951193;1418290088;punkman;fluffypony: what happened to that prospectus 951194;1418290105;fluffypony;punkman: which one? 951195;1418290134;punkman;vaguely remember one when you first joined 951196;1418290147;fluffypony;oh yes - I decided to fund it myself 951197;1418290195;fluffypony;had a bit of a false start on one of the projects, shitty resources, so that's just picked up again as of a few weeks ago 951198;1418290210;punkman;what was it about? 951199;1418290227;fluffypony;that particular one is a payment processor 951200;1418290289;fluffypony;omg it's rithm everyone hide 951201;1418290392;BingoBoingo;!up rithm 951202;1418290404;BingoBoingo;rithm: Why does the fluffy mare fear you? 951203;1418290411;fluffypony;rithm: when are you changing back to jcpham? 951204;1418290455;mircea_popescu;lol fluffymare 951205;1418290469;fluffypony;lol 951206;1418290622;BingoBoingo;fluffypony: How can we know you aren't the blond wife? Other than if that was the OH SHIT HUGE SPIDER, case certain people would be much more attentive to your equine needs 951207;1418290717;fluffypony;BingoBoingo: because I'm in a bunch of videos under this nom de plume? 951208;1418290749;BingoBoingo;fluffypony: Like I am going to totally fire up the AIDS computer to follow every lead 951209;1418290761;fluffypony;heh 951210;1418290768;mircea_popescu;lol HE'S REALLY MPOE-PR!11 951211;1418290774;fluffypony;lol 951212;1418290776;*;BingoBoingo watches the latest episode of Ramsey's Hell's Kitchen because better than Robitussin 951213;1418290781;fluffypony;hanbot is going to be pissed! 951214;1418290791;BingoBoingo;Or relieved 951215;1418290878;BingoBoingo;Carrying those tits can't come with zero cost 951216;1418291161;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11500 @ 0.00063865 = 7.3445 BTC [-] 951217;1418291466;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1500 @ 0.00123243 = 1.8486 BTC [+] {7} 951218;1418291821;mircea_popescu;!up Flyer33 951219;1418292137;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38072 @ 0.00063865 = 24.3147 BTC [-] {2} 951220;1418293845;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14150 @ 0.00067317 = 9.5254 BTC [+] {2} 951221;1418295919;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22674 @ 0.00067687 = 15.3474 BTC [+] 951222;1418297689;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1187 @ 0.00124299 = 1.4754 BTC [+] 951223;1418297749;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1220 @ 0.0012 = 1.464 BTC 951224;1418298847;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21850 @ 0.0006703 = 14.6461 BTC [-] {2} 951225;1418299762;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24500 @ 0.00067687 = 16.5833 BTC [+] 951226;1418300189;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11150 @ 0.00067831 = 7.5632 BTC [+] {2} 951227;1418300616;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3950 @ 0.00065548 = 2.5891 BTC [-] 951228;1418301094;nubbins`;hi 951229;1418301098;nubbins`;<+mircea_popescu> but the principle remains. "small integers" are not in fact either small or integers but for our perspective. <<<< o.O 951230;1418301102;nubbins`;<+mircea_popescu> they're just numbers, like any other numbers, exactly so. <<< o.0 951231;1418301114;nubbins`;<+BingoBoingo> The fuckers, part of his pre-trial release conditions was a prohibition on alcohol, 21st amendment yo! <<< i have a friend prohibited from imbibing for 4 years as part of the punishment for a drug offense 951232;1418301182;BingoBoingo;nubbins`: Do you have the same romantic attachment to 7.65 that I do. It is bond caliber 951233;1418301297;nubbins`;i remain wholly emotionally unaffected by rationals 951234;1418301390;nubbins`;153/20 is no exception! 951235;1418301466;nubbins`;mircea_popescu: cold water is not in fact cold nor water but from our perspective, &c 951236;1418301480;nubbins`;way to argue the null case ;p 951237;1418301698;BingoBoingo;I am in no fair way other than tripping balls right now. How do robitussin bottles not exist as single serving containgers 951238;1418301740;BingoBoingo;I mean I punched a spider the size of my head ad the mess was smaller than my knuckle 951239;1418301907;nubbins`;better put this on 951240;1418301917;nubbins`;http://patrickcanning.bandcamp.com/album/lets-celebrate-with-blood 951241;1418301919;assbot;Let's Celebrate With Blood | Patrick Canning ... ( http://bit.ly/1GgJOyG ) 951242;1418302019;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10500 @ 0.00065067 = 6.832 BTC [-] 951243;1418302201;*;BingoBoingo kind of regrets promising to tutor his cousin's kids in comp sci 951244;1418302334;nubbins`;brutal deal 951245;1418302675;BingoBoingo;nubbins`: They already stole a fucking car 951246;1418302850;nubbins`;hied your weed 951247;1418303066;BingoBoingo;I don't have any. Have you not read the sad saga of Normal man??? 951248;1418303083;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2014/12/a-normal-man-sentenced-to-48-months-prison/ 951249;1418303084;assbot;A Normal Man Sentenced To 48 Months Prison | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1IExQ3Q ) 951250;1418303160;BingoBoingo;A followup is happening... once I start punching spider sized spiders in the garage during gicarettes and not cornish game hen sized spiders 951251;1418303190;BingoBoingo;Spiders always shrink on the knuckles 951252;1418303206;BingoBoingo;No matter what you dose your flu with 951253;1418303221;BingoBoingo;They always shrink there 951254;1418303249;mats;lol... 951255;1418303421;BingoBoingo;mats: How much do you know about CYP 450??? 951256;1418303440;danielpbarron;heh, i've robotripped a few times 951257;1418303471;mats;0 951258;1418303493;BingoBoingo;I don't get much choice in the matter thanks to my good friend CYP2d6*39*??? 951259;1418303516;BingoBoingo;And yes, *??? is one or several allelles 951260;1418303565;BingoBoingo;I may need to sand my desk again after this Ill spell thanks to Mr. Fairbairn and Mr. Sykes 951261;1418303600;*;BingoBoingo is the boss in the worst video game level 951262;1418304215;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16050 @ 0.00063801 = 10.2401 BTC [-] {2} 951263;1418304215;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1000 @ 0.0012 = 1.2 BTC 951264;1418304573;mats;http://www.reddit.com/r/blog/comments/2owj55/welcome_drew_ryan_mike_daniel_joe_dave_david/cmrdn40 951265;1418304575;assbot;ryancarnated comments on Welcome Drew, Ryan, Mike, Daniel, Joe, Dave, & David!!! ... ( http://bit.ly/1IEEs29 ) 951266;1418304591;mats;'Javascript is the languge of heaven. It is the right choice for every programming task.' 951267;1418304764;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2000 @ 0.00064571 = 1.2914 BTC [+] {2} 951268;1418304784;fluffypony;lol 951269;1418305435;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11650 @ 0.00065309 = 7.6085 BTC [+] {2} 951270;1418306777;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 13315 @ 0.0012 = 15.978 BTC 951271;1418306838;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13200 @ 0.00063709 = 8.4096 BTC [-] 951272;1418307509;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21699 @ 0.00064564 = 14.0097 BTC [+] 951273;1418307868;RagnarDanneskjol;http://scholar.googleusercontent.com/scholar?q=cache:HGFNh8L1sZ4J:scholar.google.com/+bitcoin&hl=en&scisbd=1&as_sdt=0,5 951274;1418307869;assbot;Fair Information Sharing for Treasure Hunting ... ( http://bit.ly/1wCtUNQ ) 951275;1418308435;Naphex;mats: reading that quote just gave me eye cancer 951276;1418308449;fluffypony;I'm sure he's being sarcastic 951277;1418308454;Naphex;still 951278;1418308456;Naphex;very damaging 951279;1418308470;Naphex;my brain still hurts :)) 951280;1418308569;Naphex;fluffypony: i mean, for real Node & co is like Compatiblity HELL 951281;1418308574;Naphex;run now & never again 951282;1418308578;fluffypony;lol 951283;1418308588;Naphex;- please god don't make me recompile node 951284;1418308589;fluffypony;my favourite is Ubuntu changing the binary name 951285;1418308605;fluffypony;so now you have to symlink it because half the shit expects "node" and the other half expects "nodejs" 951286;1418308618;nubbins`;heh 951287;1418308629;nubbins`;dat renaming 951288;1418308650;Naphex;not to talk about all the hellish packages in npm 951289;1418308663;Naphex;that are mixed with outdated c++ module 951290;1418308678;Naphex;and insane spachetty javascript 951291;1418308688;nubbins`;sharepoint renamed a bunch of shit between major revisions, but literally just swapped the names around and kept the api calls, function definitions, class names, etc the same 951292;1418308748;nubbins`;so a Site is now a Site Web and a Web is now a Site, but a Site Web is still Site mySiteWeb = new Site() and a Site is still Web mySite = new Web(); 951293;1418308749;nubbins`;etc 951294;1418308776;nubbins`;imagine "using" a platform like that 951295;1418308787;Naphex;https://github.com/bitpay/insight-api/blob/master/lib/TransactionDb.js is this the real life? 951296;1418308788;assbot;insight-api/TransactionDb.js at master · bitpay/insight-api · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1wCxFD5 ) 951297;1418308973;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 10 @ 0.14 = 1.4 BTC [+] 951298;1418309949;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2000 @ 0.00063709 = 1.2742 BTC [-] 951299;1418310020;mats;i don't think he's kidding based on his comment history 951300;1418310054;mats;http://www.reddit.com/r/blog/comments/2owj55/welcome_drew_ryan_mike_daniel_joe_dave_david/cmrdyb6 951301;1418310056;assbot;ryancarnated comments on Welcome Drew, Ryan, Mike, Daniel, Joe, Dave, & David!!! ... ( http://bit.ly/1AksCEv ) 951302;1418310081;mats;'A better way to do physics research is to build a lot of wealth outside of academia, and then fund myself as a scientist. That way I have complete freedom and I'm not facing the crazy competition for government funding. If I can pull it off, that's exactly what I'll do.' 951303;1418310243;mats;afaik the cost of serious physics research runs well into nine digits 951304;1418310594;Naphex;mats: "crowdfunding" 951305;1418310606;Naphex;thats where the plan is at 951306;1418310742;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5300 @ 0.00064564 = 3.4219 BTC [+] 951307;1418310752;Naphex;you need to read between the lines ^^ 951308;1418310910;nubbins`;hey, he did say "a lot of wealth" 951309;1418310943;Naphex;plus its reddit 951310;1418312340;danielpbarron;!up ryanxcharles 951311;1418312357;ryanxcharles;thx! 951312;1418312385;danielpbarron;have you read the logs? you're name has come up quite a few times 951313;1418312399;ryanxcharles;i saw people talked about my love of javascript 951314;1418312416;ryanxcharles;i don't have time to respond at the moment but i'll come back later 951315;1418312460;danielpbarron;okie doke 951316;1418312755;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17800 @ 0.00064564 = 11.4924 BTC [+] 951317;1418312866;fluffypony;ryanxcharles: congrats on having your PR merged :) 951318;1418312876;ryanxcharles;ha thanks! 951319;1418312908;fluffypony;also this is a fun conversation, this dude is incorrigible: http://www.reddit.com/r/blog/comments/2owj55/welcome_drew_ryan_mike_daniel_joe_dave_david/cmrmjiq 951320;1418312910;assbot;ryancarnated comments on Welcome Drew, Ryan, Mike, Daniel, Joe, Dave, & David!!! ... ( http://bit.ly/1GhmHUH ) 951321;1418313060;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23400 @ 0.00063726 = 14.9119 BTC [-] {3} 951322;1418313297;danielpbarron;!up qntranet 951323;1418313610;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9900 @ 0.00064564 = 6.3918 BTC [+] 951324;1418314158;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17111 @ 0.00065048 = 11.1304 BTC [+] {2} 951325;1418314319;asciilifeform;the cost of serious physics research runs well into nine digits << it costs $maxint. and not for the reasons you may think: 951326;1418314321;asciilifeform;!s eotvos 951327;1418314322;assbot;11 results for 'eotvos' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=eotvos 951328;1418314341;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16400 @ 0.00063635 = 10.4361 BTC [-] 951329;1418314351;asciilifeform;if you want actual physics done again, you probably have to wage ww3 first 951330;1418314351;asciilifeform;and exterminate the buggers 951331;1418314402;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22000 @ 0.00063574 = 13.9863 BTC [-] {2} 951332;1418314505;asciilifeform;(if anyone is unclear on why 'i'll bring in a few $b and then do physics with it' is a nonstarter, they must read the eotvos threads.) 951333;1418314983;mats;int32 or int64? 951334;1418315007;mats;:( 951335;1418315208;nubbins`;mats ask mp, no difference 951336;1418315222;nubbins`;<+mircea_popescu> they're just numbers, like any other numbers, exactly so. 951337;1418315223;nubbins`;;D 951338;1418317330;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41000 @ 0.00063699 = 26.1166 BTC [+] {2} 951339;1418317574;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15656 @ 0.0006332 = 9.9134 BTC [-] {2} 951340;1418318434;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1082 @ 0.0012 = 1.2984 BTC {2} 951341;1418319551;xanthyos;hi 951342;1418320386;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 15 @ 0.14 = 2.1 BTC [+] 951343;1418320569;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15730 @ 0.00063894 = 10.0505 BTC [+] 951344;1418320630;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34920 @ 0.00064732 = 22.6044 BTC [+] {2} 951345;1418320824;mircea_popescu;!up ryanxcharles 951346;1418320936;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24806 @ 0.00065658 = 16.2871 BTC [+] {4} 951347;1418321240;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18431 @ 0.00063234 = 11.6547 BTC [-] {2} 951348;1418321362;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41150 @ 0.00063074 = 25.955 BTC [-] {3} 951349;1418321789;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 78688 @ 0.00062352 = 49.0635 BTC [-] {3} 951350;1418321850;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 2030 @ 0.0012 = 2.436 BTC 951351;1418322277;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 3956 @ 0.0012 = 4.7472 BTC 951352;1418322693;mircea_popescu;nubbins` yeah, what part contradicts your tender youthful mind ? :D 951353;1418322754;nubbins`;what is mathematics if not perspective? 951354;1418322765;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 55565 @ 0.00064007 = 35.5655 BTC [+] {2} 951355;1418322776;mircea_popescu;ikr ? 951356;1418322934;mircea_popescu;nubbins`: way to argue the null case ;p << no but it was relevant in context. 951357;1418322963;nubbins`;well ya know. context is not relevant but from your perspective. 951358;1418322964;mircea_popescu;the dispute (in typical redditesque retardom) was whether 7 is "less likely" or "more likely" to stad for a nsa-diddled ecdsa curve than 5976928769872976597967965769845 or w/e 951359;1418322974;mircea_popescu;as if. 951360;1418322976;nubbins`;oh, well in that case, sure 951361;1418323000;nubbins`;if we do a fast phone number transform on that second one 951362;1418323004;mircea_popescu;dude check out the poor entropy in kbd mashing. who knew! 951363;1418323006;nubbins`;it's going to be a much more number 951364;1418323029;nubbins`;the other one won't even get you a dialtone 951365;1418323434;mircea_popescu;mats: 'Javascript is the languge of heaven. It is the right choice for every programming task.' << :D 951366;1418323446;mircea_popescu;this is so on point i swear. 951367;1418323458;mircea_popescu;"my cock is the right tool for everything! it can fuck things up, mess them up, screw up and everything else i normally do!" 951368;1418323534;mats;hey man, he's a cryptocurrency engineer 951369;1418323600;mircea_popescu;right, because so much crypto work is being done in the least apt language for the purpose. 951370;1418323613;mircea_popescu;i know whenever i have a large numbers problem i tend to fire up basic too! 951371;1418323639;mats;poor guy is gonna start here with a buncha criticism 951372;1418323692;mircea_popescu;yeah well, fortifies the soul of the chosen 951373;1418323707;mircea_popescu;burns the sould of the unworthy with the fire of a thousand hells + 1 matchstick. 951374;1418323729;mircea_popescu;fluffypony: so now you have to symlink it because half the shit expects "node" and the other half expects "nodejs" <<< bwahahaha you guise, stahp. 951375;1418323735;mircea_popescu;you can't be fucken serious. 951376;1418324010;mircea_popescu;nubbins` http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-12-2014#951292 that shit made my ears spin. there's actually people walking the earth that put up with this shit ? 951377;1418324010;assbot;Logged on 11-12-2014 14:39:08; nubbins`: so a Site is now a Site Web and a Web is now a Site, but a Site Web is still Site mySiteWeb = new Site() and a Site is still Web mySite = new Web(); 951378;1418324011;mats;http://vim-adventures.com neat-o 951379;1418324013;assbot;VIM Adventures ... ( http://bit.ly/1x6wziC ) 951380;1418324300;thestringpuller;i like how mircea_popescu is more cheerful during the holidays 951381;1418324310;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: for christmas I want my own harem! 951382;1418324314;mircea_popescu;oh it's a holiday ? 951383;1418324331;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller trust me, it's like wanting your own tiger. 951384;1418324440;thestringpuller;That sounds like a pro rather than a con. 951385;1418324461;nubbins`;spoken like a man who never read life of pi ;p 951386;1418324486;thestringpuller;oh nubbins` btw I have moar werk fer ya 951387;1418324499;thestringpuller;you terk mah old printers jerb 951388;1418324501;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller exactly my point. it sounds like a pro until the 250kg beast licks you. 951389;1418324504;*;nubbins` scampers 951390;1418324616;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-12-2014#951303 << nah not actually. 951391;1418324616;assbot;Logged on 11-12-2014 15:04:03; mats: afaik the cost of serious physics research runs well into nine digits 951392;1418324649;mircea_popescu;you can coax time on expensive machinery for very little money. what costs is the bezzle support, you know ? most of grant money goes back to university to "pay for" grad students etc. 951393;1418324667;mircea_popescu;it's just a fictitious money shuffle. 951394;1418324669;asciilifeform;except when you can't get the time even for maxint. 951395;1418324677;asciilifeform;(see thread earlier) 951396;1418324693;mircea_popescu;in most times and places you actually do, in my experience. 951397;1418324715;thestringpuller;"pay for" grad students? given student loans... 951398;1418324727;mircea_popescu;i dunno how it goes in the us, but eu folks are more thna happy to oblige, and also because humans are generally lazy most machinery mostly sits idle 951399;1418324727;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller nono, pay the uni for their use. 951400;1418324733;mircea_popescu;it's dementedly complicated. 951401;1418324747;thestringpuller;oic 951402;1418324793;thestringpuller;a lot of grad students don't use scholarships, but enrollment programs in exchange for being slaves to businesses 951403;1418324817;thestringpuller;give business 5 good years, and they pay tuition 951404;1418324821;mircea_popescu;right. 951405;1418324830;mircea_popescu;meanwhile business sells them out like common hos. 951406;1418324837;mircea_popescu;for grant money the govt pays. 951407;1418324856;thestringpuller;much more clear. 951408;1418324856;mircea_popescu;best racket ever, if princeton sold shares in itself it'd obliterate the apple. 951409;1418324893;thestringpuller;hah princeton has so much money 951410;1418324921;thestringpuller;they pamper their students tho 951411;1418325022;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15800 @ 0.00064851 = 10.2465 BTC [+] 951412;1418325081;mircea_popescu;i guess. define pamper ? 951413;1418325093;mircea_popescu;6 pairs of perky tits chained to bedroom wall ? 951414;1418325155;thestringpuller;that and students who like to have mental breakdowns, they have shrinks to talk you out of your alcoholism 951415;1418325155;thestringpuller;or what not 951416;1418325276;thestringpuller;instead of pamper as the word 951417;1418325304;thestringpuller;maybe "babysit"? essentially treating the children as children, much babysitting 951418;1418325312;mircea_popescu;yeah well... 951419;1418325437;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: nope, not kidding, it's a thing in Debian as well as Ubuntu - https://github.com/joyent/node/issues/4772 https://www.digitalocean.com/community/questions/ubuntu-repo-nodejs-require-symlink-to-node-to-use-forever etc. 951420;1418325438;assbot;Support for "nodejs" executable name · Issue #4772 · joyent/node · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1x6CcNL ) 951421;1418325441;assbot;Ubuntu repo "nodejs" require symlink to "node" to use Forever? | DigitalOcean ... ( http://bit.ly/1x6Cd4i ) 951422;1418325459;mircea_popescu;bejesus. 951423;1418325462;mircea_popescu;why do people hate on php again ? 951424;1418325504;fluffypony;I don't disagree with their decision to call it "nodejs", I think the nodejs developers are the issue - htf do they call the binary "node" when clearly that's a word that may occur on the command-line, being common in computin' circles 951425;1418325504;thestringpuller;;;ticker 951426;1418325506;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 356.44, Best ask: 357.43, Bid-ask spread: 0.99000, Last trade: 357.43, 24 hour volume: 15867.32305096, 24 hour low: 339.8, 24 hour high: 364.43, 24 hour vwap: 353.010435555 951427;1418325521;thestringpuller;php is ugly 951428;1418325521;thestringpuller;but it works 951429;1418325521;mircea_popescu;anyway, my heart goes out to the poor souls stuck working knee deep in this crud because of their idiotic employer. 951430;1418325523;mircea_popescu;no wonder they're so dissociated they claim to love it. 951431;1418325526;thestringpuller;i also don't like having to sanitize strings 951432;1418325550;thestringpuller;how kind of you mircea_popescu 951433;1418325582;thestringpuller;php is the only server side web tech i've found that integrates with gpg 951434;1418325606;thestringpuller;except maybe python running inside a tornado container (like coinbr) 951435;1418325608;fluffypony;django 951436;1418325611;fluffypony;:-P 951437;1418325613;mircea_popescu;perl 951438;1418325617;mircea_popescu;they all do don't they 951439;1418325647;thestringpuller;node.js gpg implementation is broken tho 951440;1418325658;thestringpuller;opengpg.js or whatever 951441;1418326024;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: was there a S.NSA statement for November 2014? 951442;1418326069;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller nah, asciilifeform was late and then got sick so i gave him the benefit of the "once per year, report delayed for a month" 951443;1418326080;thestringpuller;so double report for December? 951444;1418326084;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform don't throw out your draft letters! will have to append to them! 951445;1418326085;mircea_popescu;yea. 951446;1418326095;thestringpuller;will any news be announced between now and then? 951447;1418326192;mircea_popescu;i dunno. 951448;1418326220;thestringpuller;it's cool, just on edge of seat wanting to buy cardano :P 951449;1418326231;thestringpuller;shut_up_and_take_my_coin.jpg 951450;1418326232;mircea_popescu;hey, you're not the only one. 951451;1418326237;mircea_popescu;lettuce poke stan! 951452;1418326254;Namworld;Campaign is over by the way 951453;1418326256;Namworld;619 website clicks 951454;1418326264;Namworld;Claimed by FB 951455;1418326288;mircea_popescu;Namworld can you send me a ss or something ? i wanna make an article of it. 951456;1418326313;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: at least you are managing demand, reminds me of Tesla having a 15000 car wait list, while producing ~5000 cars a year. Won't have to worry about new customers off the blocks. 951457;1418326638;mats;http://america.aljazeera.com/watch.html 951458;1418326641;assbot;Video | Al Jazeera America ... ( http://bit.ly/1x6GEvS ) 951459;1418326653;mats;i find myself agreeing with john brennan. 951460;1418326685;thestringpuller;!t m d.cbse 951461;1418326685;assbot;[MPEX:D.CBSE] 1D: 0.1195 / 0.1195 / 0.1195 (2 shares, 0.24 BTC), 7D: 0.1195 / 0.1195 / 0.1195 (12 shares, 1.43 BTC), 30D: 0.1195 / 0.1195 / 0.1195 (36 shares, 4.30 BTC) 951462;1418326872;mats;o wait, talking head is just a former station chief 951463;1418326952;adlai;none of the derps have been consummated yet, right? 951464;1418326958;kakobrekla;http://shrani.si/f/b/pl/2Rbf8Sth/link-removal.png 951465;1418326959;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1AlPD9U ) 951466;1418326966;mircea_popescu;what's consummatred mean 951467;1418326977;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller how do you figure ? 951468;1418326995;adlai;contract finished, delisted, paid out if appropriate, etc 951469;1418327001;mircea_popescu;a no. 951470;1418327031;thestringpuller;mpex investors are valuing d.cbse market cap at 116k btc which is like 40mn bezzles 951471;1418327034;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla lol who is this ? 951472;1418327045;kakobrekla;replied with a link to http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-12-2014#951464 951473;1418327045;assbot;Logged on 11-12-2014 19:42:38; kakobrekla: http://shrani.si/f/b/pl/2Rbf8Sth/link-removal.png 951474;1418327046;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31250 @ 0.00064886 = 20.2769 BTC [+] {2} 951475;1418327056;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller you accounting for their recent dillution ? 951476;1418327069;kakobrekla;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-03-2014#569594 951477;1418327069;assbot;Logged on 20-03-2014 04:33:07; mircea_popescu: http://www.corporatetravelsafety.com/catalog/high-security-portable-briefcase-safe-p-959.html 951478;1418327072;kakobrekla;your shit. 951479;1418327073;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: what dilution? the additional vc? 951480;1418327078;mircea_popescu;well yes ? 951481;1418327087;kakobrekla;wha? 951482;1418327089;fluffypony;why would you remove the link 951483;1418327095;kakobrekla;who said i will? 951484;1418327100;fluffypony;no no I know 951485;1418327101;fluffypony;but I mean 951486;1418327103;fluffypony;I don't understand the point of their email 951487;1418327117;fluffypony;backlinks are good 951488;1418327117;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla i was answering thestringpuller 951489;1418327127;kakobrekla;ah 951490;1418327130;mircea_popescu;fluffypony they wish to be important. 951491;1418327178;kakobrekla;as far as i know merica has invaded somalia and now we have freedam of spick here so he can fuck off 951492;1418327206;mircea_popescu;i guess the issue is, their page is now 404 and they don't want you linkign to a 404 page 951493;1418327215;kakobrekla;oh it is? 951494;1418327220;kakobrekla;i havent bothered to click 951495;1418327226;mircea_popescu;fuck them for having 404 pages in the first place, they should fix both their website and the broken process which resulted in this being a problem in the first place. 951496;1418327267;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller "Should Coinbase make dilutive issuances after July 8, 2014, D.CBSE will be diluted proportionally." 951497;1418327362;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: yes from the contract, but what would invoke this clause? 951498;1418327731;mike_c;kakobrekla: someone told me recently I should hire slovenians to build a mobile app for me. do you know anyone in that industry in your neck of the woods? 951499;1418327894;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller didnt they recently get moar investment ? 951500;1418327910;thestringpuller;that acts as dilution? 951501;1418327943;mike_c;they haven't raised since a year ago. rumor mill says they are out raising again now. 951502;1418327971;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller well it means more shares which means more mkt cap right ? 951503;1418327971;Namworld;Ah, yeah, let me check 951504;1418327983;mircea_popescu;mike_c i thought they just had ? or was that bitpay. 951505;1418327995;mike_c;http://www.crunchbase.com/organization/coinbase << last was dec 2013 951506;1418327996;assbot;Coinbase | CrunchBase ... ( http://bit.ly/1AlUg3L ) 951507;1418328000;mircea_popescu;aha. 951508;1418328072;kakobrekla;lol mike_c all you got is they should be slovenians and thats that? 951509;1418328097;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller i dun see where the 1/10 comes from then ? 951510;1418328107;kakobrekla;you know we are actually in europe, not india 951511;1418328154;mircea_popescu;lies 951512;1418328154;mike_c;you're next to madagascar or something, right? (kidding..) 951513;1418328154;mircea_popescu;!up ansc 951514;1418328155;ansc;!up 951515;1418328165;mircea_popescu;ello ansc. who're you ? 951516;1418328193;ansc;hi. i am just a simple redditard. regular reader and fan of trilema though. 951517;1418328194;mike_c;what I heard was that there were a bunch of reliable firms in eastern europe, with ukraine and slovenia being mentioned explicitly. and ukraine seems risky choice these days. 951518;1418328233;ansc;i am here to ask a small favour 951519;1418328241;mircea_popescu;lol welcome then. 951520;1418328243;mircea_popescu;ask away. 951521;1418328284;mike_c;I thought you might know some people in your irl wot from the area. 951522;1418328320;ansc;mp you once wrote 'thee is only one thing that matters today: bitcoin' or something similar 951523;1418328401;ansc;which is, as everything you write, a very true if somewhat hyperbolic assessment of the present state of the union. 951524;1418328407;kakobrekla;mike_c ill ask see what comes up. 951525;1418328423;mircea_popescu;aha ? 951526;1418328425;mike_c;thx 951527;1418328446;Namworld;Report by age group, not sure if you wanted something else: http://i.imgur.com/fuh9f9v.png 951528;1418328447;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1vVTQ5f ) 951529;1418328470;mircea_popescu;Namworld i have no idea how their stats look, so this is as good as anything. 951530;1418328474;mircea_popescu;tyvm for indulging me. 951531;1418328475;Namworld;There's an infinite number of stats and types of reports and what not. 951532;1418328478;ansc;could you pls elaborate a little on that thought? 951533;1418328531;mircea_popescu;okay. 951534;1418328581;mircea_popescu;take this discussion : http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-12-2014#951164 951535;1418328581;assbot;Logged on 11-12-2014 09:10:20; mircea_popescu: fluffypony all future coin, of any type, and more generally all future human industry of all types is indelibly linked to bitcoin 951536;1418328616;mircea_popescu;the subiacent point there, perhaps unapparent, is that every human construct fundamentally relies on truth to be recognisable as such. 951537;1418328643;mircea_popescu;things that are completely independent are by that very fact also completely hermetic. like the ravings of the insane. 951538;1418328653;mircea_popescu;now, bitcoin happens to have a priviledged relationship with truth 951539;1418328672;mircea_popescu;and for this reason, it will necessarily enjoy a priviledged relationship with all things of import. 951540;1418328688;mircea_popescu;except, of course, fiction in those parts where it's hermetic, and otherwise insanity. 951541;1418328739;ansc;that is all fine and such. anything that human beings not destined for freedom could relate to? (referring to one of your latest blog posts) 951542;1418328794;mircea_popescu;reference's lost on me lol, but hm. what do you mean relate ? 951543;1418328803;ansc;frankly, my fellow subhumans would not remotely be able to indulge in your previously published comments. 951544;1418328826;mircea_popescu;like, say, the price of oil bends your future irrespective of who you are. do you call this relating to oil ? 951545;1418328835;mircea_popescu;whether you know or not how exactly, gravity still works. 951546;1418328841;mircea_popescu;we don't really happen to know atm how the fuck. 951547;1418329363;ansc;mp you recently wrote about the two kinds of ppl: freedom attaining and not. on trilema. 951548;1418329387;mircea_popescu;link ? 951549;1418329390;ansc;struck me as a fundamental truthy 951550;1418329411;ansc;looked but didn't find. it was your thought anyway LOL 951551;1418329443;ansc;explains a lot about our 'democracy' and such 951552;1418329459;ansc;struck me as a genius insight 951553;1418329485;mircea_popescu;aha. 951554;1418329620;rithm;mircea_popescu such genius, super genius actually 951555;1418329654;mircea_popescu;super super. 951556;1418329680;rithm;that's gotta be mensa >9000 951557;1418329730;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13036 @ 0.00064584 = 8.4192 BTC [-] {2} 951558;1418329789;ansc;well flattering here and there.. that's not the point. 951559;1418329791;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23264 @ 0.00062572 = 14.5568 BTC [-] {2} 951560;1418329791;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 11665 @ 0.0012 = 13.998 BTC 951561;1418330017;TomServo;!up ansc 951562;1418330032;TomServo;ansc: What is the point? 951563;1418330106;fluffypony;rithm: I herd it waz eyensteyen level 951564;1418330149;rithm;fluffypony talk dirty black holes to me 951565;1418330167;ansc;in our current system, one man one vote, how can we ever escape communism, other than by a collapse of the currency? 951566;1418330197;fluffypony;rithm: a black labrador wipes it's bum on a dirty patch of grass 951567;1418330229;rithm;ahhh wormholes 951568;1418330244;ansc;fluffypony: its 951569;1418330246;mircea_popescu;ansc communism is in teh head :D 951570;1418330265;fluffypony;ansc: it was a dirty sentence 951571;1418330270;rithm;i'd agree communism is a social construct and a matter or perception, sure 951572;1418330271;ansc;right 951573;1418330276;rithm;*of 951574;1418330313;ansc;i am so scared bc i don't see a peaceful exit from the current communist idiotic system 951575;1418330325;kakobrekla;>The Pirate Bay goes offline after police raid server room 951576;1418330328;kakobrekla;here we go again 951577;1418330329;mircea_popescu;the peaceful exists are the monopoly of they willing to travel. 951578;1418330372;mircea_popescu;i kinda enjoyed their taunting letters up until 2010 or w/e. 951579;1418330386;mircea_popescu;great mine canary that. you knew that once that ended, there shall be war. 951580;1418330411;ansc;ok but travel where to? how is argentina in that respect e.g.? 951581;1418330503;mircea_popescu;argentina is amusing. it has a very socialist-populist government that is very inept, and a large population hell bent on ignoring it 951582;1418330510;mircea_popescu;and everything that to you might pass for business sense. 951583;1418330584;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29000 @ 0.00063823 = 18.5087 BTC [+] 951584;1418330594;ansc;but it shows that the common man is willing to ebdure idiocy on a vast timescale that exceeds our patience by orders of magnitude 951585;1418330603;rithm;i like boobies tho 951586;1418330655;mircea_popescu;what's "the common man" care about these things. 951587;1418330701;mircea_popescu;anyway, to get an idea of this crazy : every time you go into a shop of any kind, you have a 50-50 chance for the sales person to try to provide what you're asking for OR to try and convince you not to buy anything. 951588;1418330716;ansc;well if idiocy prevails, there is no hope for mankind. does the common man not shape history? 951589;1418330716;mircea_popescu;because they can't be arsed to stand up, get off the phone, think about it... 951590;1418330723;mircea_popescu;the common man shapes his boogers. 951591;1418330733;ansc;haha ok righto 951592;1418330829;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7100 @ 0.00062252 = 4.4199 BTC [-] 951593;1418331121;asciilifeform;;;isup thepiratebay.cr 951594;1418331122;gribble;thepiratebay.cr is up 951595;1418331129;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: wat 951596;1418331163;kakobrekla;nfi 951597;1418331316;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 907 @ 0.0012 = 1.0884 BTC 951598;1418331415;kakobrekla;i guess im ignorant like that. 951599;1418331621;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8536 @ 0.00062252 = 5.3138 BTC [-] 951600;1418331753;asciilifeform;to try and convince you not to buy anything << why?! 951601;1418332282;mircea_popescu;!scoop 951602;1418332287;mircea_popescu;.scoop 951603;1418332292;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 92900 @ 0.00061581 = 57.2087 BTC [-] {2} 951604;1418332303;mircea_popescu;.scoop trilema.com 951605;1418332303;mircea_popescu;hm how did that go. 951606;1418332315;TomServo;scoopbot -fetch 951607;1418332317;TomServo;i think? 951608;1418332363;mircea_popescu;scoopbot -fetch trilema.com 951609;1418332369;TomServo;sans trilema.com, or pm -fetch 951610;1418332396;mircea_popescu;scoopbot -fetch 951611;1418332413;*;TomServo shrugs. 951612;1418332424;TomServo;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-12-2014#949159 951613;1418332424;assbot;Logged on 09-12-2014 04:47:20; PeterL: now you should be able to say: scoopbot -fetch and he will get the scoop 951614;1418332485;mircea_popescu;scam! 951615;1418333220;mircea_popescu;http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-30431988 951616;1418333221;assbot;BBC News - Man charged in London 'slavery' inquiry ... ( http://bit.ly/1whn66n ) 951617;1418333433;scoopbot;New post on Trilema by Mircea Popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/hello-everyone-im-facebook-martin-and-this-is-the-racquetball-trick/ 951618;1418333617;adlai;holy fuck. bitfinex are not just derpier than imagined, they're derpier than it is possible to imagine 951619;1418333711;kakobrekla;what now? 951620;1418333724;adlai;their API fails to verify messages 240 characters and longer 951621;1418333746;kakobrekla;maybe you are talking to twitter? 951622;1418333915;adlai;maybe i need to throw their endpoint servers through a plate glass window 951623;1418333952;kakobrekla;are you trying to hook up scalpl to that ? 951624;1418334055;adlai;scalpl already talks to bitfinex, but i hadn't tried placing hidden orders before 951625;1418334094;adlai;but "\"is_hidden\":true," pushes the length of SOME messages over 240 characters 951626;1418334112;adlai;so some orders got placed. some didn't. teeth were gnashed. 951627;1418334193;*;adlai thinks back to when he first connected scalpl to bitfinex, and found that "signature = HMAC-SHA384(payload, api-secret) as hexadecimal" apparently also means to zero pad it to 96 bytes 951628;1418334305;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15750 @ 0.00063885 = 10.0619 BTC [+] {2} 951629;1418335291;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: Amazon item Q&A that you'll enjoy - http://i.imgur.com/wTBNy5F.jpg 951630;1418335293;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1x79EDL ) 951631;1418337447;mircea_popescu;lol 951632;1418337695;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: (article) 'But this is no sort of economic activity, it's just an elaborate waste, of everything. The participants could all be dead for all it'd matter to anyone...' << obligatory >> http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2011/07/dead-souls.html 951633;1418337765;mircea_popescu;something like that yea 951634;1418337795;danielpbarron;!up ryanxcharles 951635;1418337831;mircea_popescu;!isup namecheap.com/ 951636;1418337845;mircea_popescu;;;isup namecheap.com 951637;1418337846;gribble;namecheap.com is up 951638;1418337852;mircea_popescu;like hell it is. 951639;1418337875;kakobrekla;up here 951640;1418337897;mircea_popescu;hm. 951641;1418337914;mircea_popescu; ? 951642;1418337933;kakobrekla;yup 951643;1418337948;mircea_popescu;nm finally. 951644;1418337977;ryanxcharles;hey friends, just a comment re: javascript... personally, i think all variables should be global, and all numbers should be floating points 951645;1418338023;mircea_popescu;"personally" ? 951646;1418338028;ryanxcharles;this is why javascript is the best programming language for any task 951647;1418338070;kakobrekla;asciilifeform someone is writing graffiti on ba walls 951648;1418338239;mircea_popescu;;;isup https://manage.www.namecheap.com/myaccount/index.asp 951649;1418338241;assbot;Login Signup ... ( http://bit.ly/1yERHHY ) 951650;1418338241;gribble;https://manage.www.namecheap.com/myaccount/index.asp is up 951651;1418338253;mircea_popescu;not here. and who the fuck came up with that url scheme i wish to know. 951652;1418338595;BingoBoingo; hey friends, just a comment re: javascript... personally, i think all variables should be global, and all numbers should be floating points << Am I still tripping? 951653;1418338622;mircea_popescu;"and all coders should be tripping" 951654;1418338631;mats;we are all tripping 951655;1418338729;Naphex;is it just tasks? 951656;1418338741;Naphex;or software? 951657;1418338873;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: wai wat ? 951658;1418338890;mats;guy doesn't read assbot PMs apparently 951659;1418338941;kakobrekla;ah nvm 951660;1418339187;adlai;is it software or are we dancer 951661;1418339402;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22242 @ 0.00061519 = 13.6831 BTC [-] 951662;1418340238;mats;http://www.nationaljournal.com/tech/congress-quietly-bolsters-nsa-spying-in-intelligence-bill-20141211 951663;1418340239;assbot;Congress Quietly Bolsters NSA Spying in Intelligence Bill - NationalJournal.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1GqPLHv ) 951664;1418340256;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33400 @ 0.00060267 = 20.1292 BTC [-] {3} 951665;1418340274;mats;nice. doesn't take a fed to own me anymore. 951666;1418340598;asciilifeform;http://cryptome.org/2014/12/cia-torture-nyms.htm 951667;1418340599;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1wEWZbw ) 951668;1418340601;asciilifeform;^ mega-lol 951669;1418340632;asciilifeform;implicit message: 'there were only a few torturers! and they've retired! go back to sleep' 951670;1418340648;[]bot;Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "Light Sweet Crude Oil (WTI) Mar 2015 to drop under $50 before Feb 2015 " http://bitbet.us/bet/1082/ Odds: 27(Y):73(N) by coin, 28(Y):72(N) by weight. Total bet: 3.775 BTC. Current weight: 95,265. 951671;1418340866;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33250 @ 0.00061498 = 20.4481 BTC [+] {2} 951672;1418341124;mats;http://docs.house.gov/billsthisweek/20141208/FY%202015%20IAA.PDF >> "The Secretary of State shall ensure that ... every supervisory position at a United States diplomatic facility in the Russian Federation shall be occupied by a citizen of the United States' 951673;1418341125;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1wEYXsw ) 951674;1418341256;mats;'Each United States diplomatic facility that [is in] ... the Russian Federation, or any country that is a former member of the Soviet Union shall be constructed to include a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility.' 951675;1418341269;*;mats scratches head 951676;1418341269;asciilifeform;afaik this is ancient statute 951677;1418341291;mats;i'm wondering why this is even in the bill. 951678;1418341312;mats;these are things that should be done already. 951679;1418341433;asciilifeform;mega-lulz in section 312. 951680;1418341514;mats;'SEC. 306. INCLUSION OF PREDOMINANTLY BLACK INSTITUTIONS IN INTELLIGENCE OFFICER TRAINING PROGRAM' 951681;1418341566;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-08-2014#816569 951682;1418341566;assbot;Logged on 30-08-2014 21:57:45; mircea_popescu: "mr devektorovskyi, what are we to do then ?" 951683;1418341736;mats;'the President should establish and maintain an intelligence and law enforcement cooperation scorecard with metrics designed to measure the number of instances that intelligence and law enforcement agencies in the United States require assistance from intelligence and law enforcement agencies in Ukraine' 951684;1418341805;mats;write summaries for us, we can't be bothered to read all these danged reports you know! 951685;1418342037;asciilifeform;'describe the actions the United States is taking to support implementation of the recommendations of the United Nations Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, including the eventual establishment of a tribunal to hold individuals accountable for abuses' << sovereignty, what's that 951686;1418342047;asciilifeform;only usa - sovereign 951687;1418342054;asciilifeform;derpschland uber alles! 951688;1418342290;asciilifeform;'a report on the threat posed by man-made electromagnetic pulse weapons to United States interests through 2025, including threats from foreign countries...' >> easy: 951689;1418342293;asciilifeform;let them hire a translator: 951690;1418342294;asciilifeform;http://pirochem.net/index.php?id1=3&category=pirophysics&author=prishepenko-ab&book=2008 951691;1418342295;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1wF3knl ) 951692;1418342368;asciilifeform;^ text descibes not only what is physically-possible on the subject, but the author's struggles to convince management that it is entirely infeasible to set up a nuke-style 'emp' using anything other than a nuke 951693;1418342407;asciilifeform;(in the case of the latter, charged particles circulate in the van allen belts, turning it into a gigantic electromagnet) 951694;1418342488;asciilifeform;emp arms powered by chemical explosives are 'sexy', suck in grant money like nothing else, even deployed (!) by usa in gulf war 1 - taking a tv broadcast antenna out of action for a few hours (they had to change an amp) 951695;1418342523;asciilifeform;one wag asked why they did not drop an ordinary bomb, with same amount of trotyl as the emp vircator bomb, on the station 951696;1418342523;asciilifeform;taking it out - permanently 951697;1418342523;asciilifeform;he was not promoted. 951698;1418342599;asciilifeform;chemically-powered emp bomb is one of those weapons that really fails basic physics, for almost any scenario, but the brass can't ever fall out of love with it 951699;1418342609;asciilifeform;because 'humane! destroy only his machines!' or something. 951700;1418342688;asciilifeform;dr p (author of linked book) did design a tank shell, marketed as 'atropus', that zaps electronics of victim - but, at point blank range! idea is that tank inevitably has exposed antennae, regardless of what kind of armour it has 951701;1418342690;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by cazalla: http://qntra.net/2014/12/coinjelly-exchange-warns-users-they-have-24-hours-to-remove-coins/ 951702;1418342818;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33650 @ 0.00060449 = 20.3411 BTC [-] {2} 951703;1418342899;asciilifeform;see also, http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-02-2014#523096 951704;1418342899;assbot;Logged on 23-02-2014 06:27:42; asciilifeform: and picture 100% of the chemical energy converted into a radio emission of whichever type you prefer. 951705;1418344809;mats;my mind implodes at the number of stupid things in this bill. 951706;1418344869;BingoBoingo;mats: Feel like submitting a write up of the damage to qntra? 951707;1418345183;mats;no, sorry 951708;1418345198;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12167 @ 0.00059185 = 7.201 BTC [-] 951709;1418345377;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: and if you're going to, wait for the fuhrer to rubber-stamp it. as i understand, they can still screw with the contents until this is done. 951710;1418345790;mircea_popescu;anyone want oyvey.in ? 951711;1418346122;mircea_popescu;;;ud dfw 951712;1418346122;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=dfw | dfw. Down For Whatever ... as in... I totally want to hang with you and I am interested in doing anything cool. Emphasis on being psyched to chill and hang out. 951713;1418346612;mthreat;;;ud dtf 951714;1418346612;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=DTF | DOWN TO GET THAT DICK DTFNE1 down to fuck any 1. She's DTF, She wants my dick in or around her mouth! - SuperBad. by KENDALL L January 01, 2008. 951715;1418346653;mircea_popescu;o.O 951716;1418346661;assbot;[MPEX] [S.BBET] 20737 @ 0.00037405 = 7.7567 BTC [-] {5} 951717;1418346793;BingoBoingo;http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-London/2014/12/11/GamerGate-Anti-Bullying-Campaign-cost-Gawker-over-a-Million-Dollars 951718;1418346794;assbot;#GamerGate Anti-Bullying Campaign cost Gawker over a Million Dollars ... ( http://bit.ly/1zDTr8j ) 951719;1418346806;mircea_popescu;heh. 951720;1418346862;BingoBoingo;Oh noes Sony was the reddit police all along http://time.com/3629768/sony-hack-hackers/ 951721;1418346863;assbot;Sony Is Disrupting Downloads of its Hacked Files ... ( http://bit.ly/1zDTMb2 ) 951722;1418346896;mircea_popescu;lol 951723;1418346903;mircea_popescu;bwahahaha 951724;1418346915;mircea_popescu;this has got to be the most pathetic thing ever. 951725;1418347004;asciilifeform;SOP actually 951726;1418347011;asciilifeform;there are entire firms who specialize in 'legit' ddos 951727;1418347065;BingoBoingo;Sony's prolly going to get party vanned for using LOIC 951728;1418347130;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: 'Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi' 951729;1418347149;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 84500 @ 0.00060333 = 50.9814 BTC [+] {4} 951730;1418347175;mircea_popescu;yeah ? i wanna see this sony license. 951731;1418347224;BingoBoingo;Jupiter is going to be pissed he was just compared to Sony 951732;1418347454;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20113 @ 0.00061707 = 12.4111 BTC [+] 951733;1418347687;mats;https://whispersystems.org/blog/advanced-ratcheting/ 951734;1418347688;assbot;Open WhisperSystems >> Blog >> Advanced cryptographic ratcheting ... ( http://bit.ly/1yFaKCf ) 951735;1418347811;mircea_popescu;interesting. 951736;1418349143;*;mircea_popescu stepped into #dogecoin for a moment. 951737;1418349154;mircea_popescu;now my hdd is getting raped at the rate of 1mb of nonsense/minute 951738;1418349562;mats;http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-London/2014/12/11/GamerGate-Anti-Bullying-Campaign-cost-Gawker-over-a-Million-Dollars 951739;1418349563;assbot;#GamerGate Anti-Bullying Campaign cost Gawker over a Million Dollars ... ( http://bit.ly/1x7OlBO ) 951740;1418349632;mircea_popescu;yeah was here before. 951741;1418349641;mircea_popescu;apparently the libtards lose again. 951742;1418349661;mircea_popescu;somehow asciilifeform still believes they're running things tho :D 951743;1418349743;mats;we all got fringe opinions 951744;1418349802;mircea_popescu;hehe i guess we do yeah. 951745;1418349804;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by cazalla: http://qntra.net/2014/12/additional-information-on-a-normal-man-aka-john-d-powell/ 951746;1418349890;cazalla;http://sharethezing.blogspot.com is the guy's blog where he writes about his wife and his decision to swing which resulted in her fucking and him watching 951747;1418349892;assbot;Share The Zing ... ( http://bit.ly/1zWnzds ) 951748;1418349940;mats;i've read about this phenomenon in here... 951749;1418349941;cazalla;so basically, his wife fucked him, mtgox fucked him and then big daddy USG came and fucked him one last time for good measure 951750;1418349971;mircea_popescu;http://www.literotica.com/s/3-days-of-watching-my-wife-fuck etc 951751;1418349972;assbot;3 Days of Watching my Wife Fuck - Loving Wives - Literotica.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1zWnPsV ) 951752;1418349974;cazalla;mats, yeah, lots of it on trilema along with tyrone fantasies 951753;1418349974;mircea_popescu;so what of it ? 951754;1418350038;cazalla;mircea_popescu, those stories are more for women than men? 951755;1418350064;cazalla;i might be inclined to read a story/book after the act, but not before 951756;1418350067;mircea_popescu;how do you mean ? 951757;1418350098;cazalla;in that romance novels are more of a thing for women 951758;1418350122;mircea_popescu;mebbe so. 951759;1418350154;*;xanthyos is cloaked :) 951760;1418350168;mircea_popescu;i tihnk the guy gave up. 951761;1418350176;cazalla;xanthyos, dagger still broken? 951762;1418350186;xanthyos;work in progress 951763;1418350199;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36350 @ 0.0005966 = 21.6864 BTC [-] {3} 951764;1418350276;mats;what a depressing blog 951765;1418350455;cazalla;mats, prob why he took a plea, just ready to lay down and die 951766;1418350477;mats;hes finally ready to meet a nice man 951767;1418350598;mats;i'm getting a 502 on qntra 951768;1418350957;cazalla;ddos might be back, was loading slow for me earlier 951769;1418352090;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38450 @ 0.00059548 = 22.8962 BTC [-] {2} 951770;1418352700;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1177 @ 0.0012 = 1.4124 BTC 951771;1418353630;asciilifeform;somehow asciilifeform still believes they're running things tho << ahaha lol, which 'they.' 951772;1418353676;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19012 @ 0.0005931 = 11.276 BTC [-] 951773;1418354146;ben_vulpes; I guess he didn't like being called idiotic: https://twitter.com/fluffyponyza/status/542109944901009408 << love how you're leaning into your own profile pic 951774;1418354149;assbot;Those derps… RT /BryceWeiner: /blockchain.info published private keys. http://t.co/B6tmulgmyY 951775;1418354235;ben_vulpes; that particular one is a payment processor << what happened to the mining rig rack fab operating out of africa? 951776;1418354408;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5862 @ 0.00061492 = 3.6047 BTC [+] 951777;1418354479;ben_vulpes; heh, i've robotripped a few times << danielpbarron you are delightfully eccentric 951778;1418354515;mats;robotripping is filthy 951779;1418354588;mats;a 'poor man's trip' if you will 951780;1418354621;ben_vulpes;see also: salvia 951781;1418354640;ben_vulpes;"coward's trip" when i was a teen. 951782;1418354680;BingoBoingo;It's an awful hangover. 951783;1418354875;ben_vulpes; afaik the cost of serious physics research runs well into nine digits << if not twelve. 951784;1418354896;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18192 @ 0.00059192 = 10.7682 BTC [-] {2} 951785;1418354906;ben_vulpes;rockets are ~9. 951786;1418354908;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: see eotvos thread. it isn't a matter of price tag. 951787;1418354922;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: the folks spending the 12 are charlatans. 951788;1418354987;ben_vulpes;roundaboutly saying that one can't buy legitimacy from the entrenched idiots. 951789;1418355013;ben_vulpes;a) their ask is too high and b) they don't sell legitimacy. 951790;1418355028;ben_vulpes;rockets at least - either go into orbit or not. 951791;1418355106;*;ben_vulpes fired up the 52" tv on loan from a client today 951792;1418355118;ben_vulpes;just to loop CATO videos 951793;1418355164;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: today, only mars, god of war, is selling legitimacy. 951794;1418355166;asciilifeform;installment plan. 951795;1418355184;ben_vulpes;i've given up on rockets. 951796;1418355237;ben_vulpes;i'll be satisfied to slave for mars building agile jet-ruiners and ghetto turrets 951797;1418355343;ben_vulpes;king of this continent isn't worth the piss in my urethra much less the fruit of my loins. 951798;1418355413;mats;so subversive 951799;1418355455;ben_vulpes;this, from the infantryman. 951800;1418355461;mats;sapper, actually. 951801;1418355490;mats;trained at leonard wood, not benning 951802;1418355541;ben_vulpes;hah you don't say 951803;1418355586;mats;not as interesting as it sounds 951804;1418355618;BingoBoingo;At least mats hasn't err'd yet 951805;1418355628;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26613 @ 0.00061216 = 16.2914 BTC [+] 951806;1418355638;ben_vulpes;he's a sapper though. implicitly - err'd once. 951807;1418355706;ben_vulpes; kakobrekla: someone told me recently I should hire slovenians to build a mobile app for me. do you know anyone in that industry in your neck of the woods? << perhaps consider my humble app factory 951808;1418355733;mats;i sweat balls for 16 weeks in MO, and unlucky enough to end up in a unit that just returned from a rotation into hell 951809;1418355776;ben_vulpes;mike_c: we're masters of the bezzletronic arts of quality app authorship 951810;1418355778;mats;never got to take the fight to the enemy. a real sadness in my life 951811;1418355787;ben_vulpes;what enemy lol 951812;1418355798;mats;its all relative 951813;1418355824;BingoBoingo;Here's a secret about Missouri.... The weather never has a pleasant season. 951814;1418355833;mats;i could've lived with having fought against men with guns 951815;1418355841;mats;i'm a simple guy with simple rules 951816;1418355861;mats;moral ambiguity is for other people. 951817;1418355907;mats;my hands are clean, but not because i was unwilling to bloody them 951818;1418355943;ben_vulpes;well you're here now. 951819;1418355951;mats;now i'm just another dude that sits down all day and talks at computers 951820;1418355958;mats;funny how that happens? 951821;1418355972;ben_vulpes;;;rate mats 1 first best grandest sapper of la serenissima 951822;1418355972;gribble;Error: For identification purposes, you must be authenticated to use the rating system. 951823;1418355977;ben_vulpes;ah get fucked gribble 951824;1418355980;ben_vulpes;;;eauth ben_vulpes 951825;1418355981;gribble;Request successful for user ben_vulpes, hostmask ben_vulpes!~user@unaffiliated/benkay. Get your encrypted OTP from http://bitcoin-otc.com/otps/2AFA1A9FD2D031DA 951826;1418356004;ben_vulpes;;;everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:0e038a622e6f3b912336a9eae37bf66a22cf0397410a29f5a410e5d9 951827;1418356004;gribble;You are now authenticated for user ben_vulpes with key 2AFA1A9FD2D031DA 951828;1418356008;ben_vulpes;;;rate mats 1 first best grandest sapper of la serenissima 951829;1418356009;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating for user mats has changed from 1 to 1. 951830;1418356042;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: Sappe only gets to err once, because after Erring there is no more sapper 951831;1418356052;ben_vulpes;some say the sapper errs twice 951832;1418356065;ben_vulpes;first, in choice of career. 951833;1418356288;*;mats returns to burying face in case law 951834;1418357125;BingoBoingo;!up ryanxcharles 951835;1418357134;ben_vulpes;the ecmaboi's back! 951836;1418357285;ben_vulpes;ryanxcharles: come on buddhi be a buddhi 951837;1418358235;BingoBoingo;!up badon 951838;1418358241;BingoBoingo;!up ryanxcharles 951839;1418358470;BingoBoingo;!up Vexual 951840;1418359214;Vexual;wow, xbox live taking bitcoin, some kids are gonna start learning the value of money 951841;1418359261;BingoBoingo;Maybe, or maybe they will keep talking about urmom 951842;1418359284;Vexual;well shes gonna find out too 951843;1418359428;Vexual;how does bitpay work? can the kids tack on a few bucks when theay ask mom for xbox moneys? 951844;1418359507;Vexual;bits even 951845;1418359583;Vexual;future whinge: i spent 10bc on halo 951846;1418359603;Vexual;all i got was sore thumbs 951847;1418359769;Vexual;funnily fiats have had "designed for windows mobile" stickers on them 951848;1418359786;Vexual;next to the usb hole 951849;1418359891;Vexual;afiak just on the cheap high volume shit 951850;1418360030;Vexual;thats not funny at all, i've lost my mojo 951851;1418360247;Vexual;fuck it, i'm off to write just shoot me fan fiction 951852;1418360750;BingoBoingo;!up Vexual 951853;1418360762;BingoBoingo;!up ryanxcharles 951854;1418360766;BingoBoingo;!up badon 951855;1418360784;BingoBoingo;!up badon badonkadonk 951856;1418361118;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51785 @ 0.00061345 = 31.7675 BTC [+] {2} 951857;1418361616;mircea_popescu;;;bc,stats 951858;1418361616;gribble;Current Blocks: 333956 | Current Difficulty: 4.000747027127126E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 334655 | Next Difficulty In: 699 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 4 days, 15 hours, 5 minutes, and 57 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 39650018750.9 | Estimated Percent Change: -0.89346 951859;1418361849;BingoBoingo;Two negatives in a row? 951860;1418361871;BingoBoingo;Fucking Walgreens selling medicine in packages larger than single servings 951861;1418361878;mircea_popescu;http://www.worldjewishcongress.org/en/news/13585/ultra_orthodox_jews_in_new_york_rally_against_israeli_army_draft_plans << check out the pics lol 951862;1418361880;assbot;World Jewish Congress - Ultra-Orthodox Jews in New York rally against Israeli army draft plans ... ( http://bit.ly/1vXkbjf ) 951863;1418361880;BingoBoingo;I must still be tripping 951864;1418361906;mircea_popescu;Satmar Hasidim, fwiw, was born in a town called satu mare in romania. 951865;1418361942;BingoBoingo;lol 951866;1418361983;BingoBoingo;http://www.slate.com/content/dam/slate/blogs/the_slatest/2014/12/11/undercover_cop_pulls_gun_on_protesters_at_oakland_demonstration/rtr4hlde.jpg.CROP.promovar-mediumlarge.jpg 951867;1418361984;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1vXkpaj ) 951868;1418362007;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo wasn't that a scene in v for vendetta ? 951869;1418362046;BingoBoingo;No, apparently from Oakland Shitifornia tonight 951870;1418362216;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11300 @ 0.00061496 = 6.949 BTC [+] {2} 951871;1418362531;mircea_popescu;1st serenissima sapper regiment should really get herring breakfast. 951872;1418363070;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18050 @ 0.00061956 = 11.1831 BTC [+] 951873;1418364849;scoopbot;New post on Trilema by Mircea Popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/cine-cunoaste-stie/ 951874;1418365266;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27700 @ 0.000609 = 16.8693 BTC [-] {2} 951875;1418366435;*;BingoBoingo suggests sappers get a delicious salad bar fully of blowfish they can carve themselves 951876;1418366456;BingoBoingo;!up Belxjander 951877;1418366465;BingoBoingo;Belxjander: Interesting part message 951878;1418366473;BingoBoingo;!up Vexual 951879;1418366558;Vexual;rockin that powerpc? 951880;1418367049;Vexual;have you ever eaten blowfish BingoBoingo? 951881;1418367067;BingoBoingo;Vexual: Not yet, but it is on the to do list 951882;1418367148;Vexual;Even if things go worng, it's gotta be better than ciguatera 951883;1418367219;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1725 @ 0.0012 = 2.07 BTC 951884;1418367371;Vexual;a decent bout of that and intel or not, you get funny about fish like aciilifeform to intel 951885;1418367387;Vexual;ie x86 951886;1418367558;Vexual;blowfish you just breathe heavy, see stars, and round two next weekend 951887;1418367627;Vexual;go the amiga 951888;1418367670;BingoBoingo;Am I the only person who thinks petco sells more interesting and safer meat than most grocers here? 951889;1418367745;Vexual;we've had a few hipster babies die from raw milk here in oz this week, i wonder if they might have bought better food at the pet store? 951890;1418367757;Vexual;raw cow milk 951891;1418367763;Vexual;not human 951892;1418367801;Vexual;ive tried catfood; it's shit 951893;1418367839;Vexual;whats petco anyway? 951894;1418367852;punkman;there's barely any meat in pet food 951895;1418367883;Vexual;my cats like canned sardines 951896;1418367900;Vexual;as do i 951897;1418367960;punkman;I was taking a walk at the park the other day and a giant golden retriever demanded to have my tangerine 951898;1418367970;BingoBoingo;Vexual: They sell pet supplies and small pets like blowfish 951899;1418368047;punkman;you ever eat dog Vexual? 951900;1418368111;Vexual;no, i dont htink so punkman 951901;1418368127;Vexual;have you? 951902;1418368154;punkman;I'd try it 951903;1418368175;Vexual;tangerine fed golden retriever? 951904;1418368224;punkman;is there dog-eaters forum where they discuss which breed has best marbling? 951905;1418368235;Vexual;lol 951906;1418368326;punkman;!up Vexual 951907;1418368613;Vexual;i don't think i'd eat dog given a choice 951908;1418368663;Vexual;not much of it anyway 951909;1418368964;Vexual;it's more of an `after tequila' thing 951910;1418368977;punkman;apparently the swiss prefer rotweiler http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2255684/Farmers-Switzerland-routinely-EATING-cats-dogs-meals.html 951911;1418368979;assbot;Farmers in Switzerland routinely EATING cats and dogs with their meals | Daily Mail Online ... ( http://bit.ly/1IHR0Gc ) 951912;1418369022;fluffypony;<+ben_vulpes> what happened to the mining rig rack fab operating out of africa? <- that's going extremely well - we showed off the ASIC rack prototypes to those interested at Inside Bitcoins earlier in the year, and a couple of months later we got a lucrative exclusive contract to supply a farm, so we won't be selling the frames commercially until June next year (if at all). the GPU frames we still sell, although that market has slowed 951913;1418369023;fluffypony;significantly since around the same period. 951914;1418369119;Vexual;hey fluffypony, 2011 called.. 951915;1418369130;fluffypony;2011 had ASICs? 951916;1418369133;assbot;Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0V1B9JD.txt ) 951917;1418369133;BingoBoingo;!b 3 951918;1418369377;Vexual;no, but you were making more bc before you went cryptonote 951919;1418369424;Vexual;(at a guess) 951920;1418369438;fluffypony;I was making money before BTC even had a genesis block :) 951921;1418369443;fluffypony;my businesses haven't disappeared 951922;1418369485;Vexual;((im allowed to gess, im a qntra reader)) 951923;1418369515;fluffypony;that's like saying I was making more money before I started building and flying multicopters 951924;1418369521;Vexual;you've always been more than a statistic fluffypony 951925;1418369546;fluffypony;lol 951926;1418369636;Vexual;are you lambchop? 951927;1418369742;BingoBoingo;Nah, He's Sharry Lee Lewis 951928;1418369749;Vexual;lol 951929;1418369931;Vexual;shes had work done 951930;1418369973;Vexual;vuples' puppet cannon 951931;1418370009;Vexual;good as any facelift 951932;1418370043;Vexual;o.0 951933;1418370097;Vexual;which reminds me, mist sid down to a bbowl of special k with pete_d 951934;1418370112;Vexual;talk about bitcoin and shit 951935;1418370156;cazalla;Vexual, you with the special k, BingoBoingo and danielpbarron with the robo 951936;1418370156;cazalla;!up Vexual 951937;1418370166;Vexual;what robo, i read it in th elogs, but i kinda skimmed? 951938;1418370198;Vexual;i was reffering to his fail twitter that fluffy fixed 951939;1418370339;fluffypony;his tweet was fine 951940;1418370344;fluffypony;it was Weener's that wasn't 951941;1418370352;Vexual;lolwot? 951942;1418370386;fluffypony;dushenski didn't say something stupid in a tweet, Bryce Weeeener did 951943;1418370408;Vexual;i don't know who that is 951944;1418370872;Vexual;also fail does not equal stupid 951945;1418370939;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37300 @ 0.00061743 = 23.0301 BTC [+] 951946;1418371025;BingoBoingo;When doesn't that fuck 951947;1418371061;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1000 @ 0.0012 = 1.2 BTC 951948;1418371083;Vexual;fine let it be the same, watthe fuck do i care 951949;1418371168;Vexual;it's not like theres a wiki 951950;1418371205;fluffypony;yes there is 951951;1418371209;fluffypony;http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com 951952;1418371210;assbot;start [bitcoin assets wiki] ... ( http://bit.ly/1IHWOiQ ) 951953;1418371276;cazalla;so after months and months of daily sign language, my son finally figure out dad, not so sure he understands exactly what it means though 951954;1418371279;Vexual;shows what i know 951955;1418371320;Vexual;o|o 951956;1418371350;cazalla;hopefully he picks up more at a faster pace, can say mum, dad, nose, cheek, bird but again, not so sure he even understands what he is saying 951957;1418371352;fluffypony;cazalla: but he gets the sense that it refers to you? 951958;1418371377;cazalla;fluffypony, don't think so, he calls us both mum and dad 951959;1418371380;fluffypony;it'll take time 951960;1418371437;Vexual;you need an italian nanny; he'll pick up gestures quicksmart 951961;1418371498;cazalla;Vexual, or an au pair as you suggested :P 951962;1418371509;Vexual;ah yes, brazillian prtugese 951963;1418371533;Vexual;AND 951964;1418371662;BingoBoingo;Just get a french maid 951965;1418371711;cazalla;french mistress perhaps 951966;1418371742;cazalla;or why not both eh, toss in a harem mp style while i'm at it 951967;1418371742;cazalla;i think not.. 951968;1418371904;BingoBoingo;Why not? 951969;1418371911;BingoBoingo;Too much work to turn them out? 951970;1418371914;Vexual;french is monday? 951971;1418371925;BingoBoingo;Not feeling very Tyrone? 951972;1418371938;Vexual;ok tuesday too 951973;1418371986;BingoBoingo;!up Vexual 951974;1418372047;cazalla;BingoBoingo, i'll leave that to young men such as yourself BingoBoingo 951975;1418372092;BingoBoingo;cazalla: Our mascot better start turning out some of those doe bunnies before you eat him. 951976;1418373149;Vexual;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0pWejAnLUQ eat your heart out daniel p barron 951977;1418373233;Vexual;also decimation, who as a special epreciation of politics 951978;1418373289;Vexual;whos corruption index dont move 951979;1418373389;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by cazalla: http://qntra.net/2014/12/cftc-restate-supposed-authority-over-bitcoin/ 951980;1418373558;fluffypony;"we must remain vigilant to ensure market integrity, and will continue to evaluate these new contracts over time" 951981;1418373573;fluffypony;sounds like the US response to terrorism 951982;1418373584;fluffypony;"we're doing this for your own good. to protect you. now bend over." 951983;1418373623;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40600 @ 0.00062081 = 25.2049 BTC [+] {4} 951984;1418373639;Vexual;whats the real story? the sec is depleted? and theres places untouched? 951985;1418373654;Vexual;is this a multiprong approach? 951986;1418373712;Vexual;are you watching snl caz? 951987;1418373742;Vexual;whats the cftc? 951988;1418373787;Vexual;and why doesn't it have a hyperlink? 951989;1418373817;cazalla;Vexual, it does, 2nd paragraph, and i don't watch much tv tbh 951990;1418373817;cazalla;!up Vexual 951991;1418373877;Vexual;i'm not sure if it's even on this close to the end of the year 951992;1418373969;cazalla;Vexual, meh, few times i watched snl it was most overrated thing i have ever seen 951993;1418374002;Vexual;yeah, but it's the best news outta usa 951994;1418374086;Vexual;onion x blooberd x tmz 951995;1418374137;Vexual;in a weekly called a nighly 951996;1418374233;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 2610 @ 0.0012 = 3.132 BTC 951997;1418374366;Vexual;always pre-emptive 951998;1418375543;cazalla;poor rabbit http://gawker.com/actor-ate-girlfriends-pet-rabbit-said-hed-do-the-same-1670086892 951999;1418375545;assbot;Actor Ate Girlfriend's Pet Rabbit, Said He'd Do the Same to Her: Cops ... ( http://bit.ly/1Dlv5V2 ) 952000;1418375801;cazalla;!up Vexual 952001;1418375807;cazalla;fancy a glass of raw milk Vexual ? 952002;1418375933;Vexual;hell no 952003;1418376001;cazalla;was it BingoBoingo suggesting so just a few weeks back? 952004;1418376158;Vexual;some other fuckwit, i won't even be playing cricket this summer 952005;1418376302;cazalla;zzz, don't mind big bash though 952006;1418376351;cazalla;actually, i mean 20/20 952007;1418376368;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44006 @ 0.00060199 = 26.4912 BTC [-] {2} 952008;1418376928;Vexual;oh yeah, ill watch it 952009;1418376957;Vexual;just dont wanna get knojed out by a tennis ball 952010;1418377198;Vexual;doesnt men im gonna start using new ads tho 952011;1418377220;Vexual;still eat bacon and eggs 952012;1418377251;Vexual;just no cow tit milk 952013;1418377275;Vexual;or standing in the way of projectiles 952014;1418377375;cazalla;yeah, cricket balls and milk will get ya killed past week or two 952015;1418377415;Vexual;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZFCxtq7Lqo 952016;1418377710;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38150 @ 0.000622 = 23.7293 BTC [+] {2} 952017;1418377787;cazalla;looks like cryptocoinsnews paid 50k for hacked.com 952018;1418378239;punkman;wat 952019;1418378333;punkman;they make that much pushing GAW? 952020;1418378334;punkman;http://www.gawminers.com/pages/hashstaker 952021;1418378335;assbot; HashStaker – GAW Miners ... ( http://bit.ly/1wH5YsP ) 952022;1418378747;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27950 @ 0.00060651 = 16.952 BTC [-] 952023;1418378832;cazalla;punkman, who knows the exact amount 952024;1418383566;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1610 @ 0.0012 = 1.932 BTC 952025;1418385274;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42750 @ 0.00058884 = 25.1729 BTC [-] {2} 952026;1418385640;assbot;[MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 334 @ 0.00341302 = 1.1399 BTC [-] 952027;1418385884;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25900 @ 0.00060662 = 15.7115 BTC [+] {2} 952028;1418387104;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1044 @ 0.0012 = 1.2528 BTC 952029;1418387207;mats;The IS price list for slaves ranks the cost of a woman by age, so while a woman aged 40-50 would sell for just 50,000 dinars or $43, a girl aged 10-20 would be worth 150,000 dinars ($125) and a child under nine would sell for 200,000 dinars ($166). 952030;1418388385;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4000 @ 0.00058347 = 2.3339 BTC [-] 952031;1418388751;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27445 @ 0.00060515 = 16.6083 BTC [+] {2} 952032;1418390439;danielpbarron;!up dooglus 952033;1418390441;danielpbarron;!up rdymac 952034;1418390494;danielpbarron;!s clams 952035;1418390496;assbot;40 results for 'clams' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=clams 952036;1418390624;danielpbarron;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-12-2014#948251 952037;1418390624;assbot;Logged on 08-12-2014 15:49:52; mircea_popescu: ;;unrate dooglus 952038;1418391760;danielpbarron;"we sent everyone some clams! now give us your private keys." 952039;1418391828;danielpbarron;couldn't proof be provided by signing a message? why even have the paragraph about "oh you can trust us; we're building a web of trust!" 952040;1418392056;danielpbarron;!up qntranet 952041;1418392228;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8700 @ 0.00061202 = 5.3246 BTC [+] {2} 952042;1418392533;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11450 @ 0.00060739 = 6.9546 BTC [-] 952043;1418392591;thestringpuller;oh wow 952044;1418392726;thestringpuller;;;google just-dice shutdown date 952045;1418392726;gribble;Just Dice Is Closing: this page/post will be constantly updated with ...: ; Just-Dice Re-opens After Regulations, Now Accepting CLAMs?: ; Shut the Box - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: (1 more message) 952046;1418392960;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13916 @ 0.00060739 = 8.4524 BTC [-] 952047;1418393031;thestringpuller;"a government really sounds like a maffia when it wants "a cut" 952048;1418393362;thestringpuller;;;seen Pierre_Rochard 952049;1418393362;gribble;Pierre_Rochard was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 days, 16 hours, 21 minutes, and 19 seconds ago: thestringpuller: because people like the author think Bitcoin _actually_ is a ponzi scheme and that they have to help attract greater fools, so public relations / appearance/ etc are super important to -sell- bitcoin to the unsuspecting masses 952050;1418393382;thestringpuller;;;later tell Pierre_Rochard ping me when available. 952051;1418393382;gribble;The operation succeeded. 952052;1418394434;jurov;http://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/ausland/europa/Gipfeltreffen-mit-Putins-fuenfter-Kolonne/story/30542701 << putin celebrated aas europe's savior from moral corruption 952053;1418394435;assbot;Gipfeltreffen mit Putins fünfter Kolonne - News Ausland: Europa - tagesanzeiger.ch ... ( http://bit.ly/1uv15f1 ) 952054;1418395156;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4500 @ 0.00060192 = 2.7086 BTC [-] 952055;1418395888;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14613 @ 0.00058674 = 8.574 BTC [-] {2} 952056;1418395979;fluffypony;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAcNEkDPDUE 952057;1418395980;assbot;Iron Can - Official Trailer (HD) - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1uv9dvS ) 952058;1418396569;thestringpuller;bitcoind why u so slow 952059;1418397131;mats;http://arstechnica.com/security/2014/12/iranian-hackers-used-visual-basic-malware-to-wipe-vegas-casinos-network 952060;1418397132;assbot;Iranian hackers used Visual Basic malware to wipe Vegas casino’s network | Ars Technica ... ( http://bit.ly/1IJfkr0 ) 952061;1418397408;asciilifeform;run moar winblows! 952062;1418397484;asciilifeform;moar interesting: http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2014/12/apple-forces-nude-immigrants-to-cover-up-in-ipad-version-of-papers-please 952063;1418397486;assbot;Apple forces nude immigrants to cover up in iPad version of Papers, Please [Updated] | Ars Technica ... ( http://bit.ly/1uvgnAz ) 952064;1418397914;decimation;asciilifeform: apparently Linus is on the road to becoming you 952065;1418397950;decimation;http://pastebin.com/Z08gtRFj 952066;1418397951;assbot;Jouni Osmala (josmala.delete@this.cc.hut.fi) on December 8, 2014 1:10 pm wrote: - Pastebin.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1IJizPf ) 952067;1418398003;decimation;apparently Linus posted a rant on some web forum (which is down) in which he claims parallelism is a "huge waste of time" 952068;1418398045;decimation;https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8738939 << the hacker news thread where people express their butthurt 952069;1418398047;assbot;Linus: Parallel computing is a huge waste of everybody's time | Hacker News ... ( http://bit.ly/1IJiYRK ) 952070;1418398124;decimation;anyway the reason I say he's on the road to becoming you is that it is only a short step from "parallel computers suck" to "computers suck" 952071;1418398267;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25335 @ 0.00060795 = 15.4024 BTC [+] {3} 952072;1418398877;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26500 @ 0.00058755 = 15.5701 BTC [-] {2} 952073;1418400294;mats;p sure anybody that's worked on computers has thought that 952074;1418400829;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28871 @ 0.0006138 = 17.721 BTC [+] {3} 952075;1418400890;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 900 @ 0.0012 = 1.08 BTC 952076;1418401419;xanthyos;http://i.imgur.com/dZNmKyF.jpg 952077;1418401421;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1zZ5dsc ) 952078;1418401437;xanthyos;my new toy 952079;1418402537;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30300 @ 0.00061615 = 18.6693 BTC [+] {2} 952080;1418402903;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19000 @ 0.00060942 = 11.579 BTC [-] 952081;1418405277;rithm;warm 952082;1418405283;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19863 @ 0.00058068 = 11.534 BTC [-] {2} 952083;1418405343;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9600 @ 0.00057861 = 5.5547 BTC [-] {2} 952084;1418405458;mod6;bsod @ heathrow ; hilarity ensues 952085;1418406380;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 65182 @ 0.00059142 = 38.5499 BTC [+] {2} 952086;1418407016;danielpbarron;!up ryanxcharles 952087;1418407564;mircea_popescu;;;calc 1320 / [ticker-last] 952088;1418407565;gribble;Error: "ticker-last" is not a valid command. 952089;1418407628;mircea_popescu;;;ticker 952090;1418407629;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 355.53, Best ask: 355.92, Bid-ask spread: 0.39000, Last trade: 355.92, 24 hour volume: 7718.70959079, 24 hour low: 347.01, 24 hour high: 358.07, 24 hour vwap: 352.555439558 952091;1418407673;mircea_popescu;mod6 http://trilema.com/2014/the-conference-third-edition/#comment-110563 952092;1418407674;assbot;The conference, third edition pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/12DbQFy ) 952093;1418407753;mod6;ah, ok thanks. :) 952094;1418408041;mircea_popescu;>D 952095;1418408393;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25797 @ 0.00057103 = 14.7309 BTC [-] {3} 952096;1418410162;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23200 @ 0.00056383 = 13.0809 BTC [-] 952097;1418410324;mircea_popescu;shit why can't it be 60+ ! 952098;1418410397;thestringpuller;because you don't endorse scammers 952099;1418410399;thestringpuller;jk 952100;1418410416;mircea_popescu;heh 952101;1418410424;mircea_popescu;i didn't mean 60 satoshi, i meant 60k :D 952102;1418410448;mircea_popescu;by the way, anyone know what the belgian nut did when emigrating to australia ? 952103;1418410455;thestringpuller;mod6 is tempting me to sign up as VIP 952104;1418410477;thestringpuller;i was told there will be harems 952105;1418410494;mircea_popescu;you gotta be like doing stuff tho 952106;1418410569;thestringpuller;i thought that was to talk, not listen. lol 952107;1418410617;mircea_popescu;lol 952108;1418410639;asciilifeform;i went to #2, and i still don't get, what does the 'vip' option do? 952109;1418410682;asciilifeform;iirc mircea put it on my tab last time 952110;1418410771;rithm;the harem is in the VIP 952111;1418410861;mircea_popescu;it just means you're cool. 952112;1418411099;mircea_popescu;"Being Submissive doesn't mean you think less of yourself, it means you think of yourself less." ah love that quote. 952113;1418411149;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: well, I will just show up I 'spose can use the VIP money on booze night 1 952114;1418411254;mircea_popescu;hehe i guess so. 952115;1418411322;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 59134 @ 0.00058115 = 34.3657 BTC [+] {2} 952116;1418411332;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/the-conference-third-edition/ << and so then they were five! plus the peeps planning to show up. 952117;1418411333;assbot;The conference, third edition pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/12DnIax ) 952118;1418411333;thestringpuller;i owe chetty a glass of wine 952119;1418412474;asciilifeform;what happens to the 'just show up' folks? sans vip 952120;1418412539;mircea_popescu;well they don't get to participate saturday and have to find their own accomodations/drinks/meals/w/e else. 952121;1418412553;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/the-conference-third-edition/#identifier_7_54701 952122;1418412553;assbot;The conference, third edition pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/13hgwC7 ) 952123;1418412632;thestringpuller;ah well then I want to be VIP when you put it that way :P 952124;1418412674;mircea_popescu;well yeah but you gotta do something! what will go after your name ? 952125;1418412757;thestringpuller;"Professional Cookie Monster" 952126;1418412763;asciilifeform;folks, anyone wishes to see me appear at #3 ? 952127;1418412766;BingoBoingo;Better get baking! 952128;1418412779;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i do. 952129;1418412795;thestringpuller;the oven is always running :D 952130;1418412810;thestringpuller;i probably have the diabetes 952131;1418412841;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2014/12/judge-rejects-florida-mans-bid-to-dismiss-case/ 952132;1418412902;fluffypony;that's because he's not a Normal man 952133;1418412919;mircea_popescu;"The statute was intended for the exchange of money for money, If you extend it to anything of value, then any customer using a credit card to buy something, anyone holding a yard sale and accepting cash, is a money transferer." 952134;1418412919;mircea_popescu;which is EXACTLY what they're doing ? 952135;1418412941;mircea_popescu;who thought out this strategy lol, confront the rapist with a strongly worded statement, "but sir! what you are contemplating would be tantamout to rape!" 952136;1418412946;mircea_popescu;methinks he knows already. 952137;1418413223;danielpbarron;!up ryanxcharles 952138;1418413366;mircea_popescu;in other news, http://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-esential-18778758-romania-cele-mai-multe-nasteri-din-adolescente-sub-15-ani-comitetul-onu-cere-strategie-privind-sanatatea-drepturile-sexuale-ale-reproducerii.htm?nomobile= 952139;1418413368;assbot;Romania, cele mai multe nasteri din UE la adolescente sub 15 ani. Comitetul ONU cere o strategie privind sanatatea si drepturile sexuale si ale reproducerii - Esential - HotNews.ro ... ( http://bit.ly/13hiG4w ) 952140;1418413373;mircea_popescu;romania, most births under 15yo out of the eu. 952141;1418413393;thestringpuller;teen pregnancy? 952142;1418413466;mircea_popescu;well no, inasmuch as a 19yo is also a teen 952143;1418413471;mircea_popescu;this is, pre 15. 952144;1418413491;thestringpuller;babies having babies 952145;1418413497;mircea_popescu;to deliver before 15 a girl has to start fucking just about at the time she starts bleeding 952146;1418413506;mircea_popescu;fertility is kind-of low for the first few years. 952147;1418413567;mircea_popescu;look at that, ralph baer died 952148;1418414104;jurov;gypsies don't give a damn about bleeding.. i heard fathers start trying out the daughters very early 952149;1418414199;mircea_popescu;is this like the rumour that jooz make blood bread ? 952150;1418414262;BingoBoingo;scoopbot -fetch 952151;1418414283;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2014/12/vice-fingers-alleged-silk-road-2-0-mole-account/ 952152;1418414456;danielpbarron;BingoBoingo, s/suspicious/suspicions/c 952153;1418414480;BingoBoingo;thx 952154;1418414723;BingoBoingo;Oh look at reddit discuss the Normal man additional information https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2p2wp3/additional_information_on_normal_man_arrested_for/ 952155;1418414725;assbot;Additional information on "Normal man" arrested for selling bitcoins in Illinois : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/13hmz9y ) 952156;1418415119;mircea_popescu;lmao at this "bill cosby said things about how niggers should try and wash up so now we're claiming he raped us" campaign is so lulzy. 952157;1418415153;mircea_popescu;but hey, i guess there's not going to be a cosbygate, on the grounds that who the fuck cares. 952158;1418415183;mircea_popescu;meanwhile @reality ranch, http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-London/2014/12/04/The-Sexodus-Part-1-The-Men-Giving-Up-On-Women-And-Checking-Out-Of-Society 952159;1418415184;assbot;The Sexodus, Part 1: The Men Giving Up On Women And Checking Out Of Society ... ( http://bit.ly/13hnU05 ) 952160;1418415269;mircea_popescu;i suppose nobody's looked specifically at the 80/20 male/female split in ritalin forced consumptrion. date rape drugs bad, ritalin good eh ? 952161;1418415896;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 130 @ 0.008451 = 1.0986 BTC [-] {2} 952162;1418416079;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29400 @ 0.00057426 = 16.8832 BTC [-] 952163;1418416353;BingoBoingo;Now this is sad https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/20199-coin-fire-2015-kickoff?locale=en 952164;1418416354;assbot;Thunderclap: Coin Fire 2015 Kickoff ... ( http://bit.ly/1GkqgcJ ) 952165;1418416486;BingoBoingo;" Thunderclap messages have reached over 3.5 billion people in 238 countries and territories. It's the world's first crowdspeaking platform, and over 3 million people have donated their social reach for ideas and causes that matter. " << This has to be one of the lulziest things I've ever heard of 952166;1418417360;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23900 @ 0.00057289 = 13.6921 BTC [-] {3} 952167;1418417543;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 2500 @ 0.0012 = 3 BTC 952168;1418417618;decimation;what's interesting with the Normal and the Florida prosecutions is that the Feds were involved 952169;1418417654;decimation;even though the criminal violations were state law (although the Normal unlicensed money transmitter rules were also Federal) 952170;1418417698;asciilifeform;in other news, i've a 0.5.3 with fully synced blockchain. 952171;1418417718;asciilifeform;if anyone still gives a damn 952172;1418417722;decimation;asciilifeform: was the only change that number of locks constant? 952173;1418417801;asciilifeform;there was another change, but i'm fairly certain that it was unnecessary and will repeat the experiment tomorrow with it snipped. 952174;1418417814;decimation;is it still leaking memory? 952175;1418417818;asciilifeform;worth noting that a blockchain, once wedged, never unwedges; 952176;1418417858;ben_vulpes;kakobrekla claims otherwise, i never confirmed his unwedging. 952177;1418417858;decimation;I saw that around ~260k blocks that my version of bitcoind was taking up nearly 1gig in memory (linux is not exactly precise with memory accounting) 952178;1418417858;asciilifeform;and that the most catastropic memory leak, which devours arbitrarily large system in hours, is only triggered full-throttle upon wedging; 952179;1418417903;asciilifeform;and, finally, that memory also leaks if bitcoind is loading blocks the usual way, rather than from a tame box with fully loaded blockchain ('connect' option) 952180;1418417927;decimation;which implies that the leak might be associated with the network code? 952181;1418418214;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33950 @ 0.00058534 = 19.8723 BTC [+] {2} 952182;1418418272;BingoBoingo;Ah, very interesting 952183;1418418591;asciilifeform;leak is in the transaction processing code, and is not triggered when loading exclusively from a known-good node with full blockchain. 952184;1418418608;decimation;interesting, that is useful 952185;1418418651;decimation;I tried running 'perf' to sample calls to 'malloc' and I didn't see any while I was loading from network peers 952186;1418418659;asciilifeform;see also http://dpaste.com/1T8RSCJ 952187;1418418661;assbot;dpaste: 1T8RSCJ: shit ... ( http://bit.ly/1uxDMSQ ) 952188;1418418664;decimation;or more precisely, calls to the kernel memory allocator 952189;1418418715;asciilifeform;above is a wedge run, in 'standard' mode (vs. single connect) 952190;1418418773;decimation;heh did you run the whole thing in valgrind? must have been slow as hell 952191;1418418791;asciilifeform;valgrind, yes, as printed on the box 952192;1418419018;thestringpuller;valgrind is the most amazing program ever made for debugging memory 952193;1418419018;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 952194;1418419050;*;thestringpuller is wearing sign that says, "Don't feed the trolls" 952195;1418419108;decimation;so it seems to stem from main.cpp:1466 which appears to be the code that handles orphan blocks 952196;1418419152;asciilifeform;decimation: i knew this a month ago, yes 952197;1418419312;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6931 @ 0.00059264 = 4.1076 BTC [+] 952198;1418420023;mircea_popescu; in other news, i've a 0.5.3 with fully synced blockchain. << wd. 952199;1418420130;TomServo;ben_vulpes | i never confirmed his unwedging << My 0.7.3 unwedged after appling the fix kako pointed out, if it's of any help. 952200;1418420176;asciilifeform;unwedged -existing wedged db-, or worked when run from scratch? 952201;1418420237;TomServo;unwedged - was stuck at a certain height (don't recall exact height), applied fix and continued 952202;1418420298;asciilifeform;why is 0.7.x even of interest here? very different animal 952203;1418420322;TomServo;I've little experience with this and wanted a working node anyway - figured it was a decent place to get feet wet. 952204;1418420420;TomServo;Also running it on openbsd 5.6 if that's relevant - was planning on trying 0.5.3 there next. 952205;1418420553;decimation;TomServo: you are going to have to muck with some compiler settings to make openbsd work 952206;1418420564;decimation;also I think the available berkley db is ancient 952207;1418420636;decimation;!up diana_coman 952208;1418420649;decimation;!up diametric 952209;1418421140;mats;what is this wedging business? 952210;1418421169;TomServo;mats: blockchain sync stalls at a certain blockheight, and will not continue 952211;1418421185;asciilifeform;!s 252450 952212;1418421186;assbot;14 results for '252450' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=252450 952213;1418421234;TomServo;asciilifeform: now that you mention it, I used your mention of that specific height to determine I was wedged. 952214;1418421281;*;decimation doesn't want to learn enough about berkley db to understand why it needs 'tarded magic numbers to work 952215;1418421290;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=23-11-2014#932006 << the mega-question 952216;1418421290;assbot;Logged on 23-11-2014 05:22:35; kakobrekla: mircea_popescu no the question was did someone abuse the britneychain 952217;1418421326;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 71100 @ 0.00059264 = 42.1367 BTC [+] 952218;1418421336;decimation;asciilifeform: if you got it to fully synch, the answer is 'no' as far as the '0.5.3 spec' is concerned right? 952219;1418421344;decimation;but it's a separate question as to whether 0.5.3 has a hidden monster 952220;1418421373;asciilifeform;something happened at that block height. 952221;1418421423;decimation;I thought this weird 'locks' parameter fixed that? I assumed the issue was that berkleydb itself was failing at that height 952222;1418421719;BingoBoingo;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ArXcPfoCIAE1r0G.jpg 952223;1418421719;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1BEtGqK ) 952224;1418421773;kakobrekla;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=12-12-2014#952176 < yeah for .7 and can do a rerun if someone is particularly interested 952225;1418421773;assbot;Logged on 12-12-2014 20:57:38; ben_vulpes: kakobrekla claims otherwise, i never confirmed his unwedging. 952226;1418421871;kakobrekla;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=12-12-2014#952202 < exploring the nature getting to see what other beasts do does not hurt. maybe it even unwedges a chain or two. 952227;1418421871;assbot;Logged on 12-12-2014 21:38:18; asciilifeform: why is 0.7.x even of interest here? very different animal 952228;1418422179;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11400 @ 0.00057564 = 6.5623 BTC [-] 952229;1418422850;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1008 @ 0.0012 = 1.2096 BTC 952230;1418424192;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 125 @ 0.0084508 = 1.0564 BTC [-] {2} 952231;1418424194;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2200 @ 0.00122799 = 2.7016 BTC [-] 952232;1418424252;decimation;lol http://www.theverge.com/2014/12/12/7382287/project-goliath << "The new emails suggest Hollywood hasn’t given up on the idea. "We have been exploring theories under the All Writs Acts, which, unlike DMCA 512(j), would allow us to obtain court orders requiring site blocking without first having to sue and prove the target ISPs are liable for copyright infringement," one email reads." 952233;1418424253;assbot;Project Goliath: Inside Hollywood's secret war against Google | The Verge ... ( http://bit.ly/1uxXSfN ) 952234;1418424263;decimation;didn't we just hear about the all writs act in a different context? 952235;1418424360;decimation;http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2014/12/feds-want-apples-help-to-defeat-encrypted-phones-new-legal-case-shows/ << "In both cases, the seized phones—one of which is an iPhone 5S—are encrypted and cannot be cracked by federal authorities. Prosecutors have now invoked the All Writs Act, an 18th-century federal law that simply allows courts to issue a writ, or order, which compels a person or company to do something." 952236;1418424362;assbot;Feds want Apple’s help to defeat encrypted phones, new legal case shows | Ars Technica ... ( http://bit.ly/1uxY9iI ) 952237;1418424690;decimation;http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/28/1651 << it turns out "due process" was just bullshit all along!! it was always legal to get blank-check warrants! joke's on you us citizens! 952238;1418424691;assbot;28 U.S. Code § 1651 - Writs | LII / Legal Information Institute ... ( http://bit.ly/1wKbg6L ) 952239;1418426083;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11750 @ 0.00059283 = 6.9658 BTC [+] 952240;1418427157;thestringpuller;!t m d.stmp 952241;1418427157;assbot;Aren't those tins of tobacco right there behind you? 952242;1418428706;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10700 @ 0.00059283 = 6.3433 BTC [+] 952243;1418430609;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2014/12/butterfly-labs-allowed-to-reopen/ 952244;1418430840;mircea_popescu; I've little experience with this and wanted a working node anyway - figured it was a decent place to get feet wet. << it's not bad. 952245;1418430851;mircea_popescu;i mostly run 0.7s 952246;1418430915;mircea_popescu;decimation> I thought this weird 'locks' parameter fixed that? I assumed the issue was that berkleydb itself was failing at that height << yeah the only thing that happened is a block complex enough afaik. 952247;1418431237;ben_vulpes;all this durm and strang around confirming the patchset can catch up 952248;1418431339;mircea_popescu;well ya 952249;1418431412;mircea_popescu;re : http://dpaste.com/03VSQQP.txt bet was resolved correctly. fuck cryptocoincharts for being inept scammers, they're henceforth banned from being a resolution source on bitbet. 952250;1418431413;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1BEVn2J ) 952251;1418431533;ben_vulpes;"We find that regions exhibiting more diverse mobility fluxes, earlier diurnal rhythms, and more correct grammatical styles display lower unemployment rates." 952252;1418431654;ben_vulpes;pretty low dough thing to scam over. 952253;1418431680;ben_vulpes;(quote from abstract of http://arxiv.org/abs/1411.3140) 952254;1418431681;assbot;[1411.3140)] Bad paper identifier ... ( http://bit.ly/1uxHDyh ) 952255;1418431705;kakobrekla;http://radiostudent.si/sites/default/files/styles/thumbnail_w530/public/slike/2014-10-09-rhyme-kickers-ko-se-zgodi-nepričakovano...32565.jpg 952256;1418431706;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1uxHI4Q ) 952257;1418431712;mircea_popescu;poor people steal little money. not any less thieves. 952258;1418431741;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla he's found a slit has he. 952259;1418431752;kakobrekla;yup, the big one. 952260;1418431915;mircea_popescu;http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/16/feminism-poll_n_3094917.html aka http://trilema.com/2014/hey-stupid-women-we-need-to-talk-smart-women-dont-want-to-be-with-you-anymore/ 952261;1418431918;assbot;Poll: Few Identify As Feminists, But Most Believe In Equality Of Sexes ... ( http://bit.ly/1uxIgaY ) 952262;1418431919;assbot;Hey, stupid women ? We need to talk. Smart women don't want to be with you anymore. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1uxIdfn ) 952263;1418431994;BingoBoingo;kakobrekla: Great find. 952264;1418432204;BingoBoingo;http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2014-12-11/verizons-new-encrypted-calling-app-comes-prehacked-for-the-nsa 952265;1418432205;assbot;Verizon's New, Encrypted Calling App Plays Nice With the NSA - Businessweek ... ( http://bit.ly/1uxJ4wA ) 952266;1418432254;mircea_popescu;duh :D 952267;1418432610;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19385 @ 0.00059155 = 11.4672 BTC [-] 952268;1418432652;BingoBoingo;At least that leper wears its bell 952269;1418432768;mircea_popescu;tru tru 952270;1418432793;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20300 @ 0.00059155 = 12.0085 BTC [-] 952271;1418433033;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: key escrow returneth! 952272;1418433049;asciilifeform;it's like we're boiling in that hell where time repeats forever. 952273;1418433069;BingoBoingo;Is there any other kind of "hell" 952274;1418433097;asciilifeform;there is. 952275;1418433110;asciilifeform;i can think of a few 952276;1418433131;asciilifeform;durm and strang << lol 952277;1418433235;asciilifeform;verizon's turd << what i can't fathom is who would willingly pay for this. it is quite like offering a door lock that is 's3cu43!!!11!' except for rapist, for whom it opens automagically and without fuss 952278;1418433251;asciilifeform;and this being printed on the crate, no less. 952279;1418433279;mircea_popescu; there is. << no there isn't :D 952280;1418433314;asciilifeform;l0l 952281;1418433342;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14300 @ 0.00059155 = 8.4592 BTC [-] 952282;1418433358;asciilifeform;there's the hell where you come up with things to do, none of which are rehashes of previous, ten times faster than you physically could do them, for instance 952283;1418433387;BingoBoingo;Sounds like you are familiar with that one 952284;1418433445;mircea_popescu;not so much of a hell, that one. 952285;1418433500;asciilifeform;or the hell where you're responsible for (and are the only available set of hands) for a missing magic ingredient in six different angry kitchens 952286;1418433505;asciilifeform;etc. 952287;1418433525;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 4080 @ 0.0012 = 4.896 BTC 952288;1418433564;BingoBoingo;http://foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/russias-zil-builds-a-futuristic-armored-assault-wagon-1666346817 952289;1418433566;assbot;This Futuristic Armored Assault Wagon Is Russia's Answer To The Humvee ... ( http://bit.ly/1uxMAXJ ) 952290;1418433902;mircea_popescu;;;google Daryush Valizadeh 952291;1418433903;gribble;Roosh V - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; The Web's most infamous misogynist regrets nothing - The Daily Dot: ; Sex travel writer Roosh V on rape, misogyny and American women ...: ; Jacquard loom: ; The Jacquard Loom - Columbia University: 952317;1418434633;BingoBoingo;'String Theory' Exists, but mundane strings are still a hard problem 952318;1418434647;asciilifeform;^ for weavers, not knitters, but the concept is perhaps the birth of programmed machine 952319;1418434657;asciilifeform;unless one counts music boxes 952320;1418434713;BingoBoingo;I'd count both. In my private definition of programable machine I include clocks 952321;1418434735;mircea_popescu;it's somewhere at the confluence of "the better typewriter" with "the better pattern loom" and "the better phone switcher" 952322;1418434756;mircea_popescu;which indeed looked from here seem convergent pursuits. 952323;1418434855;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: from Daryush's latest venture http://www.reaxxion.com/2056/nintendo-an-unlikely-anti-sjw-hero 952324;1418434856;assbot;Nintendo: An Unlikely Anti-SJW Hero – Reaxxion ... ( http://bit.ly/1yKRCrm ) 952325;1418434999;asciilifeform;http://motherboard.vice.com/read/an-obviously-fake-guide-to-building-an-h-bomb-was-used-to-legitimize-torture << mega-lol 952326;1418435000;assbot;An Obviously Fake Guide to Building an H-Bomb Was Used to Legitimize Torture | Motherboard ... ( http://bit.ly/1yKS5dd ) 952327;1418435094;mircea_popescu;hey, the protocols of sion thing was used to legitimize the reich 952328;1418435097;asciilifeform;'Unlike the powder form, the liquid packets have indistinct borders and can therefore resemble regular bowel content. That means a suspected drug mule would have to be processed all the way through to a CT scan' (from same site) 952329;1418435111;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13040 @ 0.00058894 = 7.6798 BTC [-] 952330;1418435121;mircea_popescu;why would the us behave differently from its spiritual parent, hitler's national socialist state ? 952331;1418435121;asciilifeform;spiritual child. 952332;1418435130;mircea_popescu;mnope. 952333;1418435173;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7750 @ 0.00058616 = 4.5427 BTC [-] {2} 952334;1418435233;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22833 @ 0.00058589 = 13.3776 BTC [-] 952335;1418435305;mircea_popescu;"Men created most of what is good about the world. The excesses of masculinity are also, to be sure, responsible for much of what is bad. But if we are to avoid sliding into decline, mediocrity and a world in which men are actively discriminated against, we must arrest the decline in social attitudes towards them before so many victims are claimed that all hope of reconciliation between the sexes is lost. If that happe 952336;1418435305;mircea_popescu;ns, it will be women who will suffer." 952337;1418435308;mircea_popescu;check it out, an english speaker somewhere realises that female societies intrinsically suck ?! 952338;1418435311;mircea_popescu;iiiincredible. 952339;1418435477;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14950 @ 0.00058589 = 8.7591 BTC [-] 952340;1418435517;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: I'm honestly surprised there aren't more cases arising that cite that one John Lithgow movie. I mean in that case Mathew Broderick forgot to build any lens into his excavator. 952341;1418435600;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11242 @ 0.00059283 = 6.6646 BTC [+] 952342;1418436575;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11000 @ 0.00059769 = 6.5746 BTC [+] {2} 952343;1418437506;BingoBoingo;http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/dec/03/privacy-advocates-unmask-twitter-troll 952344;1418437507;assbot;Privacy advocates unmask Twitter troll | Technology | The Guardian ... ( http://bit.ly/1DpPUP5 ) 952345;1418437608;BingoBoingo;http://blog.erratasec.com/2014/11/the-pando-tor-conspiracy-troll.html 952346;1418437609;assbot;Errata Security: The Pando Tor conspiracy troll ... ( http://bit.ly/1DpQk87 ) 952347;1418437781;BingoBoingo;More on GawkerGate http://www.capitalnewyork.com/article/media/2014/12/8558320/gawker-discusses-cost-gamergate 952348;1418437782;assbot;Gawker discusses cost of 'gamergate' | Capital New York ... ( http://bit.ly/1DpQNHi ) 952349;1418437856;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9342 @ 0.00059407 = 5.5498 BTC [-] 952350;1418437978;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13950 @ 0.00060051 = 8.3771 BTC [+] 952351;1418438000;BingoBoingo;So much Gawker implosion 952352;1418438598;decimation;if usg is the spiritual child of the nazi regime, why are they friendly with the invasion of the third world masses? 952353;1418438662;BingoBoingo;"The fact is that I would like to end my career as a behind-the-scenes powerbroker, a Deng Xiaoping of Gawker Media, exerting discreet influence through obscure committees." -Nick Denton 952354;1418438678;mircea_popescu;cause they delude themselves with this theory that you know, they're assimilating everyone. 952355;1418438853;decimation;yeah there might be something to that. They are so super-'aryan' that they are able to import infinite little brown brothers without possibly threatening their own strength 952356;1418438894;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27078 @ 0.00060462 = 16.3719 BTC [+] {2} 952357;1418438904;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Well Hungarian homosexuals can have imaginations too. 952358;1418438926;BingoBoingo;"Heather will be my deputy. Shes perfect for this, a much better official representative of the company than a half-Hungarian homosexual could ever be." - Nick Denton 952359;1418439015;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8350 @ 0.00060634 = 5.0629 BTC [+] {2} 952360;1418439027;BingoBoingo;"And for obvious reasons I have never been comfortable in a company dominated by territorial men. I hope I have made space for others who dont fit the mould. And I pray that my information networks are still good enough to identify those leaders too busy being capable to promote themselves. At Gawker, despite the reputation of our journalism, nice guys finish first. And women." -Nick Denton 952361;1418439068;decimation;lol what a rube 952362;1418439132;BingoBoingo;decimation: He had a niche. 952363;1418439180;decimation;what was gawker's rank on the meatclick charts? 952364;1418439189;BingoBoingo;He had money and instead of doing the Paul Graham get bought as fast as possible thing, he built himself a playground. 952365;1418439398;BingoBoingo;decimation: Dunno. Gizmodo/Lifehacker/Deadspin seem to keep the rest of the empire afloat. That and those New York librerals now take ad dollars from high end firearms manufacterers like Weatherby and Hornaday: http://indefinitelywild.gizmodo.com/how-math-makes-smaller-bullets-deadlier-1627307057 952366;1418439399;assbot;The Simple Math of Why Smaller Bullets Are Deadlier ... ( http://bit.ly/1DpWeGk ) 952367;1418439425;BingoBoingo;Because instead of actual ads Gawker now does paid placements 952368;1418439553;decimation;hehe, that's pretty much like the daily caller 952369;1418439793;BingoBoingo;Sure 952370;1418440123;decimation;it's sad that the male homosexual is the guy who is willing to call out feminists for their bullshit. I mostly chalk this up to actual people having better things to do, but I don't understand why actual people can't run the news - like qntra 952371;1418440351;BingoBoingo;I imagine too many people read the news to realize how much it sucks 952372;1418440540;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5500 @ 0.00060645 = 3.3355 BTC [+] 952373;1418440733;mircea_popescu;denton's a total derp. but anyway, who cares. gawker's yesterday's news. 952374;1418440737;mircea_popescu;they just lost gamer gate, and in their business you lose once. 952375;1418440794;mircea_popescu; it's sad that the male homosexual is the guy who is willing to call out feminists for their bullshit. << he's just the guy willing to position himself for it. 952376;1418440794;mircea_popescu;otherwise, the bullshit is being called on trilema. 952377;1418440840;mircea_popescu;"Recently, Pando (an Internet infotainment site) released a story accusing Tor of being some sort of government conspiracy. This is nonsense, of course." 952378;1418440843;mircea_popescu;of course. my foot. 952379;1418440916;decimation;whether the whole thing is a honeypot is debatable, but it clearly is supported by some parts of usg 952380;1418440937;mircea_popescu;fucking blogger blogs 952381;1418440951;mircea_popescu;i should know better than to read the crap. there does not in fact exist a single google blog that's not idiotic. 952382;1418440979;mircea_popescu;it's like fucking yahoo two decades ago, you see @yahoo.com and know the guy's an imbecile. 952383;1418440999;decimation;aol was like that too 952384;1418441009;mircea_popescu;yeah 952385;1418441018;mircea_popescu;i guess yahoo was more in yurp, aol more in ozarks. 952386;1418441099;mircea_popescu;i remember this moment from the late 90s, me at the home of some teen i was fucking, seeing her yahoo messenger replete with various yahoo drps and going wtf am i doing here. 952387;1418441376;asciilifeform;cthonian horror. 952388;1418441413;BingoBoingo;And yet Herr Denton tremples with Terror that the Google Blogspot crowd has not yet moved to Kinja. 952389;1418441491;asciilifeform;in other news, gen. keith alexander was recently issued a patent (for some generic sysadmin bullshit) 952390;1418441538;decimation;asciilifeform: seriously? 952391;1418441554;asciilifeform;http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO1&Sect2=HITOFF&d=PALL&p=1&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsrchnum.htm&r=1&f=G&l=50&s1=8898784.PN.&OS=PN/8898784&RS=PN/8898784 952392;1418441555;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1w15KuA ) 952393;1418441587;mircea_popescu;lol 952394;1418441593;asciilifeform;contents are a total snore, however. 952395;1418441629;asciilifeform;http://cryptome.org/2014/12/keith-alexander-comsec.htm << his pubkey! 952396;1418441630;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1w15ThC ) 952397;1418441648;decimation;this must be some kind of resume stuffer thing 952398;1418441648;asciilifeform;perhaps we can expect him in wot 952399;1418441660;asciilifeform;as representing the reich, or the like. 952400;1418441673;decimation;he doesn't work for the NSA anymore 952401;1418441709;decimation;it must have been filed before he quit I guess 952402;1418441724;asciilifeform;http://nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/FAAF6A486AF408A503BF3AF87E4C646B05C79E50530D03BECB2F30A911C66EC5 952403;1418441725;assbot;Welcome | Phuctor ... ( http://bit.ly/1uz8rz7 ) 952404;1418441728;asciilifeform;^ couldn't resist 952405;1418441737;decimation;lol 952406;1418441773;decimation;actually I suspect that he was 'named' on the patent to stuff the resumes of the co-inventors 952407;1418441773;kakobrekla;bitly also sez luzrz 952408;1418441801;kakobrekla;ah thats a 1. 952409;1418441943;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18000 @ 0.00059437 = 10.6987 BTC [-] {2} 952410;1418441981;kakobrekla;!up bobby_ 952411;1418442066;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11700 @ 0.00059118 = 6.9168 BTC [-] 952412;1418442320;asciilifeform;http://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/rug-of-war-19377583/?no-ist 952413;1418442321;assbot;Rug-of-War | Arts & Culture | Smithsonian ... ( http://bit.ly/1uzaW4k ) 952414;1418442353;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo ^ 952415;1418442383;decimation;"After September 11, Turkman weavers began to depict the attacks with eerie precision. Planes strike the twin towers with accompanying text declaring "first impact" and "second impact," and small stick figures fall to their deaths. " 952416;1418442448;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: If only someone were to make a proper internet silk road where golds were traded for pepper and rugs 952417;1418442525;BingoBoingo;Ah, a retailer http://www.warrug.com/ 952418;1418442526;assbot;Warrug.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1uzbJCk ) 952419;1418442530;decimation;http://www.amazon.com/ship-Romania-think-leprosy-something/forum/FxAERYX2MTYUER/Tx237T2KFPKFFT8/1/?_encoding=UTF8&asin=B004ZVHKJE&camp=1789&cdItems=25&creative=390957&linkCode=ur2&store=generic&tag=natdee-20&linkId=REJQZMQRZHMNNQHW 952420;1418442532;assbot;Amazon.com: Questions And Answers: why don't you ship to Romania ? do you think we have leprosy or something ? ... ( http://bit.ly/1uzbK9x ) 952421;1418442588;BingoBoingo;http://www.warrug.com/pages/psyops.php 952422;1418442589;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1uzc1cm ) 952423;1418442677;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 21784 @ 0.0012 = 26.1408 BTC 952424;1418442992;BingoBoingo;The moriarity PM spammer continues to drama https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=717205.msg9814004#msg9814004 952425;1418442993;assbot;1 Bitcoin BOUNTY for info on Michael Moriarty. Owner of 50+ bitcoin sites. ... ( http://bit.ly/1uzdyiN ) 952426;1418444070;decimation;https://twitter.com/BrusselsAirport/status/543460565570813952 952427;1418444071;assbot;All flights for 15 December have been cancelled. Please contact your airline for more information. /hashtag/strike15dec?src=hash /hashtag/staking15dec?src=hash /hashtag/greve15dec?src=hash 952428;1418444094;asciilifeform;amazon crap << i had a hell of a time shipping from usa to ro. 952429;1418444126;decimation;asciilifeform: yeah I thought that was hilarious. why would shipping to ro be any worse than any other east europe country? 952430;1418444158;asciilifeform;i never learned why 952431;1418444340;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: small bullets article << consider the hilarious logical conclusion: the 'light gas gun' used in materials research. 952432;1418444366;BingoBoingo;lol 952433;1418444406;asciilifeform;http://www.nasa.gov/centers/wstf/laboratories/hypervelocity/gasguns.html << example 952434;1418444407;assbot;NASA - Two-Stage Light Gas Guns ... ( http://bit.ly/1BFr1gv ) 952435;1418444410;BingoBoingo;The repeating air rifle was serious tech in the 18th cetury 952436;1418444422;asciilifeform;slightly different idea here 952437;1418444486;asciilifeform;(see picture) 952438;1418444644;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: recall, from primary school, that speed of bullet from a firearm is limited by the speed of sound in the propellant gas 952439;1418444670;BingoBoingo;Indeed 952440;1418444778;BingoBoingo;Still .44 millimeters sounds like a hell of a caliber 952441;1418445579;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dZLeEUE940 << the one you were probably thinking of 952442;1418445580;assbot;Girardoni Air Gun (original 1780 example) - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1Atwa7r ) 952443;1418445592;BingoBoingo;Indeed 952444;1418445676;BingoBoingo;It's great flaw was being the opposite of cheap and angry 952445;1418445825;BingoBoingo;Required serious craftsmen to make, near equal experts to operate in the field 952446;1418445909;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3100 @ 0.00060645 = 1.88 BTC [+] 952447;1418446580;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23000 @ 0.00060489 = 13.9125 BTC [-] 952448;1418446980;decimation;!up undata 952449;1418447396;mats;why is tienanmen sq such a big deal to americans 952450;1418447445;asciilifeform;mats: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-01-2014#461125 << see thread 952451;1418447445;assbot;Logged on 26-01-2014 19:43:38; asciilifeform: for instance, they see their country as having 'sat for the same exam' as the ussr, and passed, while the latter flunked. 952452;1418447463;asciilifeform;mats: it was a standard 'colour revolution' staged - unsuccessfully - by usg 952453;1418447505;mats;im reading the wiki page and loling irl 952454;1418447520;mircea_popescu; i never learned why << because ro did 90% of the first 1bn in internet commerce fraud. 952455;1418447548;mircea_popescu;;;gettrust moriarty 952456;1418447549;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user mircea_popescu to user moriarty: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=mircea_popescu&dest=moriarty | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=moriarty | Rated since: never 952457;1418447588;mats;Deaths: 241-2,600 952458;1418447591;mircea_popescu;"BACK ME MY COINS" lol 952459;1418447665;BingoBoingo;Yeah, bitcointalk never changes 952460;1418447678;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12850 @ 0.00060418 = 7.7637 BTC [-] {2} 952461;1418447822;mircea_popescu;lol over 50k bitcoins. ok this was pretty lulzy. 952462;1418447871;mircea_popescu;so some forum derp used some random "laundering" site ? well... lol. 952463;1418447886;BingoBoingo;Well, what else do they do? 952464;1418447900;BingoBoingo;Because, I mean snackman killed BitBet 952465;1418447951;mircea_popescu;oh right 952466;1418447954;mircea_popescu;lol. 952467;1418448033;BingoBoingo;I mean why abuse a legit wagering operation into an actual mixer when you can trust random derp who advertises a wagering operation as a mixer 952468;1418448070;mats;so much for, i made seven figures this year 952469;1418448349;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15750 @ 0.000604 = 9.513 BTC [-] 952470;1418448368;BingoBoingo;lulzy McPretenderson https://twitter.com/gawceo/status/543618777565650944 952471;1418448370;assbot;Over 10% of all the bitcoin network moved to paycoin in the same twenty minute period. Update coming 952472;1418448635;BingoBoingo;!up agorecki 952473;1418448679;agorecki;is there a way to get assbot to stop messaging me every time I join #bitcoin-assets? I got a cloak to avoid the ddos 952474;1418448714;cazalla;assbot should message you 10x more just for complaining 952475;1418448734;agorecki;not that I don't appreciate the warning, of course :) 952476;1418448754;asciilifeform;!up dooglus 952477;1418448799;BingoBoingo;agorecki: I just find it reassuring to see kakobrekla's motherly protection anywhere I can. 952478;1418448860;agorecki;It surprised me that someone was actively offering assistance for that. Is that guy / gal staff? 952479;1418449030;BingoBoingo;Offering assistance on what? 952480;1418449100;agorecki;getting a cloak 952481;1418449152;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo lmao where do you find these idiots 952482;1418449184;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: I work the lulz mines so better people can keep their minds clean 952483;1418449186;mircea_popescu;Josh Garza, srsly ? 952484;1418449200;agorecki;sorry. was accustomed to lurking 952485;1418449213;BingoBoingo;His legal name is Homero J Garza 952486;1418449274;BingoBoingo;agorecki: Ah, it's fine to talk. Kako's the chan op, but not freenode staff to my knowledge 952487;1418449291;BingoBoingo;Sometime in the next decade this chan will prolly move to a new IRC network 952488;1418449300;mircea_popescu;agorecki not really atm. you can ignore pms from it tho in most clients 952489;1418449413;agorecki;I guess I'll leave the assbot window open... At least then I don't have to bother to close it each time I open my IRC client. I don't want to miss any other messages by forgetting that I put it on ignore 952490;1418449457;mircea_popescu;also works. 952491;1418449711;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8tiRlXLdNw << ru, applied archaeology 952492;1418449713;assbot;Обнаружен танк времен 2 й мировой Завели! - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1wLe4Av ) 952493;1418449743;punkman;"100% confirmed: paycoin is officially the most popular coin that's ever launched. I was literally just told: "Josh, you made the coin too popular"" 952494;1418449771;punkman;these "people"... 952495;1418449854;BingoBoingo;Beautiful work getting that tank to propel itself on the flatbed 952496;1418449884;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: at one point, they fabricate replacement parts 952497;1418449890;BingoBoingo;Yeah. 952498;1418449921;BingoBoingo;In USia we'd order it from the Chicoms off of Ebay 952499;1418450079;BingoBoingo;Or whatever the .gov alternative to Ebay is 952500;1418450148;mircea_popescu;punkman the fucking lulziest thing about infantile idiots is how fucking convinced they appear that srsly, this is the firs sunrise! 952501;1418450169;mircea_popescu;never before has a scammer doubled down. 952502;1418450191;mircea_popescu;it's not the obvious thing to do when hurting for time. 952503;1418450191;mircea_popescu;etc. 952504;1418450260;BingoBoingo;I just like the part where GAW transitioned from dropshipping other manufacterer's miners to selling "cloudhashing" to selling... hosted wallets? 952505;1418450291;punkman;is that the paybase thing? 952506;1418450311;BingoBoingo;punkman: The Paycoin/Hashstaker thing 952507;1418450344;mircea_popescu;punkman paicoin is the third step in exactly what bb's described : sell items you don't have / sell items you don't have / scamcoin. 952508;1418450362;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7700 @ 0.00060645 = 4.6697 BTC [+] 952509;1418450388;mircea_popescu;i gotta say this chan is such a great thing. 952510;1418450399;mircea_popescu;little tidbits like the above i'd be too lazy to make a blogpost about. 952511;1418450443;BingoBoingo;Well, they just released the scamcoin. Maybe tomorrow once there's some more drama the thing might merit 2 or three sentences on qntra 952512;1418450460;mircea_popescu;by tomorrow you mean, once it's 180% the size of bitcoin ? 952513;1418450494;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Of course 952514;1418451118;punkman;https://github.com/shazow/ssh-chat 952515;1418451119;assbot;shazow/ssh-chat · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1wLhiE7 ) 952516;1418451127;punkman;;;seen shazow 952517;1418451127;gribble;shazow was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 14 weeks, 1 day, 6 hours, 2 minutes, and 42 seconds ago: was invited here by a fellow named gabriel at some coffeeshop, so don't mind my idling otherwise 952518;1418451741;*;BingoBoingo almost kind of pities the new scammers. Sinking Harnett was worth 500 of mircea_popescu's BTC. Homero J Garza isn't worth a trilema post. 952519;1418451760;mircea_popescu;yup. exactly how it goes. 952520;1418451781;mircea_popescu;fwiw, sinking pirate was worth 10k of vandroyi's btc. 952521;1418451841;BingoBoingo;Harnett though could have been so much more dangerous if he was allowed to live another year. 952522;1418451883;mircea_popescu;on the same general principle, sinking primeasic was worth kakobrekla's trip to hungary. 952523;1418451902;mircea_popescu;random asic "manufacturer"/scammer today hardly worth the notice. 952524;1418451922;BingoBoingo;Yeah. It's nice to have history stacked up in the past 952525;1418451948;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44353 @ 0.00059768 = 26.5089 BTC [-] {4} 952526;1418452009;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15600 @ 0.00059046 = 9.2112 BTC [-] 952527;1418452263;mats;http://www.stripes.com/news/us/congress-passes-defense-budget-with-troop-benefit-cuts-1.319021 952528;1418452265;assbot;Congress passes defense budget with troop benefit cuts - U.S. - Stripes ... ( http://bit.ly/1uyD2fk ) 952529;1418452270;mats;highlights: The $495 billion NDAA blocks the retirement but allows the service to reduce maintain and flying time for dozens of Warthogs to save money. 952530;1418452280;mats;It also bars the Army from transferring Apache helicopters from the National Guard to its active-duty units, while allowing the Navy to spend $450 million on EA-18G Growler aircraft and continuing buying three littoral combat ships. 952531;1418452287;mats;The $63.7 billion Overseas Contingency Operations portion of the bill increases funding for troops in Iraq, and greenlights an Obama administration plan to train and equip moderate Syrian rebels against the Islamic State. 952532;1418452302;mircea_popescu;lmao 952533;1418452306;mircea_popescu;they shall never learn. 952534;1418452307;mats;Coburn said the package of about 60 national park items, which sets aside vast new tracts of public land, could cost the federal government hundreds of millions per year. But his attempt to delay the NDAA and remove the items was rejected. 952535;1418452324;mats;gotta keep those parks going. 952536;1418452367;punkman;"moderate Syrian rebels" lel 952537;1418452385;mircea_popescu;ikr ? 952538;1418452392;mircea_popescu;"i will spend this money on the more chaste girls at the strip club" 952539;1418452403;punkman;mats: what's wrong with parks 952540;1418452416;mircea_popescu;"to encourage them to take up mcdonalds jobs, because look at all the money they're not making at the strip joint." 952541;1418452447;mats;i love parks, but this isn't fiscally responsible. 952542;1418452475;BingoBoingo;Eh, the Growlers are probably more responsible than waiting for EWAR F-35's 952543;1418452477;punkman;what's a few hundred million compared to 65.7b 952544;1418452491;mats;well, when you put it that way... 952545;1418452497;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17500 @ 0.00060231 = 10.5404 BTC [+] {3} 952546;1418452508;punkman;plus you know, jobs! 952547;1418452680;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22371 @ 0.00060902 = 13.6244 BTC [+] {2} 952548;1418452815;mats;i am not impressed that the growlers and raptors are being flown against ISIL 952549;1418452831;mats;setting fire to more money 952550;1418452882;mats;a clever manager and the same budget could fund a brigade of farmer warriors indefinitely 952551;1418452884;BingoBoingo;Apparently they are starting to fly an A-10 in sorties there, but... "Parity" All planes are born their way... 952552;1418452971;mats;the most sophisticated air frame ISIL is fielding is probably a quadcopter that can manage thirty minutes in the air 952553;1418453060;BingoBoingo;Well, according to Al Jazeera Iran is flying F-4's against ISIL... Talk about cost effective. 952554;1418453060;mats;if there was anyone competent at the reins, they'd be doing more than maintaining the A-10s 952555;1418453080;BingoBoingo;Sure, they'd resurect Fairchild or some shit. 952556;1418453928;punkman;handy tool https://github.com/mooz/percol https://github.com/peco/peco 952557;1418453929;assbot;mooz/percol · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1uyHvi7 ) 952558;1418453931;assbot;peco/peco · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1uyHtXp ) 952559;1418454266;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9300 @ 0.0005854 = 5.4442 BTC [-] 952560;1418454784;mats;punkman: nice 952561;1418454815;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31800 @ 0.00058248 = 18.5229 BTC [-] {2} 952562;1418455618;mircea_popescu;;;rate jyap 1 New blood. 952563;1418455618;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user jyap has been recorded. 952564;1418455618;mircea_popescu;!up jyap 952565;1418455622;mircea_popescu;now you can self-voice, use it for good. 952566;1418455754;jyap;thanks mircea_popescu 952567;1418455772;jyap;i now have stripes 952568;1418456097;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17640 @ 0.00058954 = 10.3995 BTC [+] {2} 952569;1418457438;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 836 @ 0.0012 = 1.0032 BTC 952570;1418457926;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21639 @ 0.00059173 = 12.8044 BTC [+] {2} 952571;1418458902;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16000 @ 0.00058169 = 9.307 BTC [-] 952572;1418459207;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9000 @ 0.0005961 = 5.3649 BTC [+] {2} 952573;1418459522;BingoBoingo;Herr inquisitor has problems http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2014-12-10/preet-bhararas-insider-trading-record-gets-rocked-on-appeal 952574;1418459525;assbot;Preet Bharara's Insider-Trading Record Gets Rocked on Appeal - Businessweek ... ( http://bit.ly/1zLDAoi ) 952575;1418461098;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14054 @ 0.00058937 = 8.283 BTC [-] {2} 952576;1418461525;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20693 @ 0.00059738 = 12.3616 BTC [+] 952577;1418462745;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4717 @ 0.00058283 = 2.7492 BTC [-] {2} 952578;1418462806;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12929 @ 0.00057725 = 7.4633 BTC [-] 952579;1418463719;cazalla;all this effort to put up an xmas tree and the kid is scared of it 952580;1418464087;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13500 @ 0.00057725 = 7.7929 BTC [-] 952581;1418464819;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15200 @ 0.00057831 = 8.7903 BTC [+] 952582;1418464941;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1800 @ 0.0012 = 2.16 BTC 952583;1418465063;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36800 @ 0.00057175 = 21.0404 BTC [-] {3} 952584;1418466008;thestringpuller;ha 952585;1418466405;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5750 @ 0.00056844 = 3.2685 BTC [-] {2} 952586;1418467260;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7119 @ 0.00057831 = 4.117 BTC [+] 952587;1418468235;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23150 @ 0.00057756 = 13.3705 BTC [-] 952588;1418468723;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19950 @ 0.00058074 = 11.5858 BTC [+] {3} 952589;1418469333;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23105 @ 0.00057912 = 13.3806 BTC [-] {2} 952590;1418469516;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5050 @ 0.00058876 = 2.9732 BTC [+] {2} 952591;1418470492;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5450 @ 0.00057944 = 3.1579 BTC [-] 952592;1418472322;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4250 @ 0.00059075 = 2.5107 BTC [+] 952593;1418472932;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21750 @ 0.00059075 = 12.8488 BTC [+] 952594;1418473054;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25426 @ 0.00058042 = 14.7578 BTC [-] {2} 952595;1418474213;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14074 @ 0.0005794 = 8.1545 BTC [-] {2} 952596;1418474274;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10934 @ 0.00057025 = 6.2351 BTC [-] {2} 952597;1418474396;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 3350 @ 0.0012 = 4.02 BTC 952598;1418474518;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24479 @ 0.00059209 = 14.4938 BTC [+] {2} 952599;1418476531;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 839 @ 0.0012 = 1.0068 BTC 952600;1418476836;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19050 @ 0.000582 = 11.0871 BTC [-] 952601;1418478361;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2497 @ 0.000582 = 1.4533 BTC [-] 952602;1418478605;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 3333 @ 0.0012 = 3.9996 BTC 952603;1418478788;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1000 @ 0.0012 = 1.2 BTC 952604;1418478911;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1000 @ 0.0012 = 1.2 BTC 952605;1418479459;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5300 @ 0.00058339 = 3.092 BTC [+] 952606;1418480008;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4950 @ 0.0005865 = 2.9032 BTC [+] 952607;1418480801;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7750 @ 0.0005865 = 4.5454 BTC [+] 952608;1418481472;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35406 @ 0.0005873 = 20.7939 BTC [+] {2} 952609;1418482936;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1000 @ 0.0012 = 1.2 BTC 952610;1418483119;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12700 @ 0.00059721 = 7.5846 BTC [+] 952611;1418483344;asciilifeform;http://www.stripes.com/report-12-sailors-implicated-in-submarine-shower-scandal-1.318869 << mega-lol 952612;1418483345;assbot;Report: 12 sailors implicated in submarine shower scandal - Stripes ... ( http://bit.ly/1qIUX7u ) 952613;1418484095;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7641 @ 0.00059738 = 4.5646 BTC [+] 952614;1418484949;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19435 @ 0.00059703 = 11.6033 BTC [-] {2} 952615;1418485010;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3700 @ 0.000597 = 2.2089 BTC [-] 952616;1418485193;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5204 @ 0.0005967 = 3.1052 BTC [-] {2} 952617;1418485254;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15896 @ 0.00058529 = 9.3038 BTC [-] {2} 952618;1418485691;xanthyos;WHOAS 952619;1418485813;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ahh i feel vindicated! 952620;1418486657;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 10000 @ 0.0012 = 12 BTC 952621;1418486861;adlai;"PayCoin™ uses a new Hybrid Flex Blockchain technique that regularly validates, compresses, and archives old transaction data to creates near-instant transaction times with a light, efficient, and extremely secure blockchain." 952622;1418486878;adlai;to creates blockchain 952623;1418487085;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11000 @ 0.00059738 = 6.5712 BTC [+] 952624;1418487351;mircea_popescu;lol can i short it yet ? 952625;1418487359;mircea_popescu;o wait, all the billion investors don't really exist. 952626;1418487450;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 915 @ 0.0012 = 1.098 BTC {2} 952627;1418488304;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 2974 @ 0.0012 = 3.5688 BTC 952628;1418489037;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 79121 @ 0.00059886 = 47.3824 BTC [+] {4} 952629;1418489524;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 943 @ 0.0012 = 1.1316 BTC 952630;1418489525;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13917 @ 0.00060093 = 8.3631 BTC [+] 952631;1418489682;scoopbot;New post on Trilema by Mircea Popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/the-sexodus/ 952632;1418489952;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12350 @ 0.00060191 = 7.4336 BTC [+] {2} 952633;1418490426;mircea_popescu;fluffypony http://cdn.collarspace.com/photos/2134423.jpg?11022014062821 952634;1418490427;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1vLTsB9 ) 952635;1418490434;fluffypony;*clicks* 952636;1418490451;fluffypony;lolwut 952637;1418490497;mircea_popescu;lol. 952638;1418490511;mircea_popescu;i guess guerilla political campaigning ? 952639;1418490617;fluffypony;nah, I doubt Malema would have the wherewithal for that 952640;1418490669;mircea_popescu;well i can't terll which way it's intended 952641;1418490671;mircea_popescu;maybe it's anti. 952642;1418490684;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2834 @ 0.00058973 = 1.6713 BTC [-] 952643;1418490714;mircea_popescu;or maybe it's just bored people with an erection from the internets. 952644;1418490744;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12750 @ 0.00058116 = 7.4098 BTC [-] {2} 952645;1418490800;fluffypony;yeah probably that 952646;1418492818;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10700 @ 0.00058218 = 6.2293 BTC [+] 952647;1418492941;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2200 @ 0.00057788 = 1.2713 BTC [-] 952648;1418493001;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13757 @ 0.00058428 = 8.0379 BTC [+] {2} 952649;1418493306;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27300 @ 0.00059752 = 16.3123 BTC [+] {4} 952650;1418493733;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16476 @ 0.00057769 = 9.518 BTC [-] {2} 952651;1418494709;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10060 @ 0.00058068 = 5.8416 BTC [+] 952652;1418496268;ben_vulpes; or the hell where you're responsible for (and are the only available set of hands) for a missing magic ingredient in six different angry kitchens << lol asciilifeform is the guy who shows up to work to push the right button 952653;1418496327;mircea_popescu;or to have the right button pushed. 952654;1418496477;ben_vulpes;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/49th_parallel_north#mediaviewer/File:49_parallel_waterton.jpg << governmental stotting? 952655;1418496479;assbot;49th parallel north - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1wN68yX ) 952656;1418496967;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30216 @ 0.00057435 = 17.3546 BTC [-] {2} 952657;1418497028;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2084 @ 0.00056759 = 1.1829 BTC [-] 952658;1418497223;punkman;http://opencellid.org/ 952659;1418497224;assbot;OpenCellID -  OpenCellID ... ( http://bit.ly/1wN8pdo ) 952660;1418497333;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8450 @ 0.00058068 = 4.9067 BTC [+] 952661;1418497344;punkman;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B4rVC4ICQAAr65m.jpg:large 952662;1418497344;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1wN8Cxg ) 952663;1418497979;Namworld;Mircea, an interesting note about Facebook ads. I think now you can target users by habit, such as people spending money on Facebook credit to buy stuff. So I guess you can filter out bots/junk traffic and target paying gamers who have money to waste and access to credit cards and so on. Although the use for that is limited I suppose to games, mostly. 952664;1418498305;ben_vulpes; a clever manager and the same budget could fund a brigade of farmer warriors indefinitely << you're starting to sound like undata 952665;1418498309;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25281 @ 0.00058492 = 14.7874 BTC [+] {2} 952666;1418498431;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8712 @ 0.00058733 = 5.1168 BTC [+] 952667;1418498453;mats;? 952668;1418498598;ben_vulpes;farming and fighting 952669;1418498604;ben_vulpes;it's in the logs somewhere 952670;1418498662;mats;o, well what im talking about is ongoing 952671;1418498702;mats;see, iraqi national army (and ANA, too) is mostly composed of peasants 952672;1418498746;mats;the enemy is mostly educated ppls, through madrasas n what not 952673;1418498756;mats;an uphill battle 952674;1418498990;mats;well, that was the enemy composition back when the insurgency was still an insurgency 952675;1418499844;mircea_popescu;Namworld i imagine it's a way to pay slightlymore for the same junk 952676;1418499895;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4238 @ 0.00059281 = 2.5123 BTC [+] 952677;1418500017;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16300 @ 0.00056759 = 9.2517 BTC [-] 952678;1418500149;Namworld;Ok, here's something you don't see everyday. 952679;1418500261;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14131 @ 0.00056997 = 8.0542 BTC [+] 952680;1418500271;Namworld;Everyone all in on 4 pocket pairs, all consecutive clockwise http://i.imgur.com/DdMDaCd.png 952681;1418500273;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1A4KmUC ) 952682;1418500393;Namworld;Considering the odds of getting a specific pocket pair, that's pretty impressive. 952683;1418500555;mircea_popescu;fo sho 952684;1418500639;mircea_popescu;Subject: Congratulations from the Staffs & Members of Google Board Commission. 952685;1418500639;mircea_popescu;From: "GOOGLE CORPORATION COMPANY" 952686;1418500641;mircea_popescu;words. 952687;1418500647;mats;im shocked anyone else was all in 952688;1418500674;Namworld;Freeroll, not actual $ 952689;1418500715;mats;that explains it 952690;1418500973;Namworld;Well just the odds of it happening I estimate around 1/20 million, not counting wether you see people's cards or not. Although if it was also all consecutive seats, the odds for that would be 1 in ~200 million I think. 952691;1418501054;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15200 @ 0.00056997 = 8.6635 BTC [+] 952692;1418502030;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18935 @ 0.00056501 = 10.6985 BTC [-] {2} 952693;1418502988;cazalla;Namworld, what site is that? 952694;1418503207;ben_vulpes;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Donovan#Blood-Brotherhood_and_Other_Rites_of_Male_Alliance << i suspect the shartup circus is driven in no small part by young guys seeking blood rites or a war of the small band against the world. a hilarious quest for "honorable" victories. 952695;1418503209;assbot;Jack Donovan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/131c0Xp ) 952696;1418503218;ben_vulpes;but hey this donovan character's pretty amusing 952697;1418503601;Namworld;That's 888poker 952698;1418504165;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20065 @ 0.00056997 = 11.4364 BTC [+] 952699;1418505414;mircea_popescu;!up turntogodnow 952700;1418505435;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes i suspecrt you're right. 952701;1418505546;mircea_popescu;heh 952702;1418505849;mircea_popescu;http://wikilivres.ca/wiki/Stalin_Epigram << check out this bs. 952703;1418507947;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26500 @ 0.00057314 = 15.1882 BTC [+] {2} 952704;1418508025;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: lol asciilifeform is the guy who shows up to work to push the right button << if you're thinking of my day job (vs moonlight gig, where i also push a button) - that firm folded. i do something quite like actual work now. 952705;1418508171;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://www.stihi-rus.ru/1/Mandelshtam/58.htm 952706;1418508171;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1vMxKgr ) 952707;1418508435;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22243 @ 0.00059164 = 13.1598 BTC [+] {2} 952708;1418508697;mircea_popescu;yeah him. 952709;1418508740;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26923 @ 0.00059876 = 16.1204 BTC [+] {2} 952710;1418508756;mircea_popescu;is И широкая грудь осетина something about tits btw ? 952711;1418508766;asciilifeform;'broad chest of the ossetian' 952712;1418508782;asciilifeform;think 'he-man' rather than 'tits' 952713;1418508798;mircea_popescu;but teh dood was from georgia proper neh ? 952714;1418508801;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20838 @ 0.00059948 = 12.492 BTC [+] {2} 952715;1418508811;asciilifeform;'conan the barbarian' 952716;1418508817;decimation;is that a mockery of stalin's 'cult of personality'? 952717;1418508828;mircea_popescu;tiflis not being in ossetia in any sense 952718;1418508832;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: georgia proper << iirc this is debated 952719;1418508843;asciilifeform;there's a crackpot 'he's really from xxx' thing 952720;1418508890;mircea_popescu;aha 952721;1418508894;asciilifeform;i vaguely recall his father (nominal father anyway) being an ossetian 952722;1418508906;mircea_popescu;i just thought who knows, maybe guy favoured large udders from the caucasus in bed. 952723;1418508910;mircea_popescu;i could see why he would. 952724;1418508911;asciilifeform;lol 952725;1418508994;decimation;one thing that strikes me about russia is all the little enclaves with turkic/mongol ethnicity 952726;1418508994;decimation;somehow this is never mentioned on western media 952727;1418509018;mircea_popescu;western media is written for the use of 5 yos with mongoloidism. 952728;1418509030;mircea_popescu;im surprised they use all the letters. 952729;1418509033;asciilifeform;'western media' is a steady diet of the archetypical 'honey don't forget to refuel the reactor, milk the bear, and turn us in to the kgb.' 952730;1418509055;decimation;lol 952731;1418509116;mircea_popescu;where was that thing about time 952732;1418509127;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2013/america-and-intellectual-relevance/ 952733;1418509128;assbot;America and intellectual relevance pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1vMzKoM ) 952734;1418509243;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: america article << are you sure you meant fermat's problem and not poincare's ? 952735;1418509249;asciilifeform;riemmans's 952736;1418509252;asciilifeform;damn 952737;1418509255;mircea_popescu;lol 952738;1418509259;mircea_popescu;im sure i meant something. 952739;1418509260;mircea_popescu;lessee 952740;1418509272;*;asciilifeform just came back from an all-day trip to maths library and is brain-addled 952741;1418509300;mircea_popescu;twas poincare yes. 952742;1418509361;asciilifeform;aha yes 952743;1418509441;asciilifeform;incidentally, folks tend to forget that perelman refused -two- medals 952744;1418509447;asciilifeform;the first one - fields! 952745;1418509453;asciilifeform;then - clay's. 952746;1418509456;mircea_popescu;right. 952747;1418509491;decimation;asciilifeform: you might be interested in this symposium near you http://www.norbertwiener.umd.edu/FFT/2015/schedule.html 952748;1418509492;assbot;FFT 2015 - Schedule ... ( http://bit.ly/1vMAtXc ) 952749;1418509554;asciilifeform;decimation: i've 'eaten quite enough of the egg to know that it is rotten.' 952750;1418509665;decimation;heh 952751;1418509689;decimation;it's possible that a few speakers might be non-grantsmen 952752;1418509692;decimation;but it is unlikely 952753;1418509714;asciilifeform;decimation: deep in the sewage beneath the city streets, there is almost certainly a golden ring. or dozen. 952754;1418509730;asciilifeform;not even to mention the uranium in sea water. 952755;1418509773;decimation;I assure you that parts [of the egg] are quite excellent! 952756;1418509937;asciilifeform;speaking of my rotten old uni, i'm no longer permitted to read the electronic journals for any amount of money 952757;1418509970;asciilifeform;not much of a loss, however. the good stuff is usually decades-old and findable either in the (shrinking...) dead tree collections, or w4r3z 952758;1418509971;asciilifeform;but still irritating 952759;1418509973;decimation;don't they have terminals in the library? 952760;1418509981;asciilifeform;decimation: they were recently made login-only 952761;1418509986;decimation;wtf 952762;1418510007;asciilifeform;and many (most?) journals no longer demand simply an ip within 'blessed' ranges, but actual login 952763;1418510031;asciilifeform;my 'industrial' library subscription merits checking out of books, but not interlibrary loan nor access to anything requiring a password 952764;1418510035;decimation;I'm sure the taxpayers of the state of maryland will be pleased with the decisions of their servants working in the state 952765;1418510064;asciilifeform;i briefly considered subscribing to an 'audited' class (no grade) just to count as undergrad, to score the goods 952766;1418510064;decimation;so they give you slightly more access than the bums 952767;1418510073;asciilifeform;but moral principles against giving a scammer what he wants, won the day. 952768;1418510092;decimation;I'm sure they would charge a hefty fee for the audit 952769;1418510100;asciilifeform;less than one tenth of the subscription cost of one (!) typical journal. 952770;1418510111;decimation;yeah 952771;1418510119;decimation;IEEE for instance, is the mother of all academic scams 952772;1418510153;decimation;90% of their egg is rotten, maybe 5% is worthwhile, but you must either have the all-access subscription or pay princely fees for the journal subscriptions 952773;1418510153;asciilifeform;every other major discipline has its own version thereof. 952774;1418510215;decimation;djb has a rant on ieee's policy w.r.t. works of the federal government: http://cr.yp.to/writing/ieee.html 952775;1418510215;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1vMBPRS ) 952776;1418510229;decimation;IEEE will gladly 'sell' you a work which is public domain 952777;1418510313;asciilifeform;even with respect to the 'dead trees', the decay is rapid enough to be seen with naked eye 952778;1418510337;asciilifeform;in any academic library, there are books which are actually about something, and there are also those that were printed to pad a muppet career 952779;1418510360;asciilifeform;when i came to this place, the latter were perhaps 1 in 20. now they're around half. 952780;1418510363;asciilifeform;and growing. 952781;1418510409;asciilifeform;academic librarians, incidentally, are merely doing their jobs. they keep things around which are often-requested, and tend to slowly discard what remains. 952782;1418510428;asciilifeform;muppets walk in, in search of muppetry (it is an iron law that a work of muppetry must reference other such works) 952783;1418510458;decimation;of course, how else are you going to hobnob at the conferences? 952784;1418510506;asciilifeform;take, in contrast, this well-known item: http://www.fourmilab.ch/etexts/einstein/specrel/www 952785;1418510507;assbot;On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies ... ( http://bit.ly/1vMCtyA ) 952786;1418510519;asciilifeform;^ no citations. 952787;1418510538;asciilifeform;the translator did not lose them. they weren't there. 952788;1418510673;decimation;well, einstein was working in the swiss patent office at the time, he wasn't looking to leech a grant 952789;1418510686;asciilifeform;the point is that no such thing is printable today. 952790;1418510703;decimation;true 952791;1418510706;decimation;he would have had to submit it to some crackpot journal that nobody reads 952792;1418510720;asciilifeform;al schwartz was rejected from, iirc, a dozen journals. 952793;1418510764;asciilifeform;the only place you can read his eotvos material is his site, which 'suffers' from '90s www design aesthetic and almost everyone spits on first sight 952794;1418510824;asciilifeform;because in order to distinguish the work from 'timecube', you need a) at least a year or two of undergrad physics b) a week or so of sweat 952795;1418510857;asciilifeform;but it is not the case that academia rejected schwartz without reading. they read, all right. 952796;1418510885;asciilifeform;and treated with much the same reaction as the 'financial academia' reserves for taleb or mircea_popescu 952797;1418511119;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 3000 @ 0.00122966 = 3.689 BTC [+] {2} 952798;1418511485;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24350 @ 0.00059432 = 14.4717 BTC [-] {2} 952799;1418511617;mats;https://twitter.com/rundavidrun/status/543480950739308544/photo/1 952800;1418511619;assbot;Apparently, a sufficient number of puppies can explain any computer science concept. Here we have multithreading: http://t.co/R08OZ08a7k 952801;1418512339;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22468 @ 0.00056889 = 12.7818 BTC [-] {2} 952802;1418512400;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26682 @ 0.00056294 = 15.0204 BTC [-] {2} 952803;1418513010;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8139 @ 0.0005629 = 4.5814 BTC [-] 952804;1418513498;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7150 @ 0.00059788 = 4.2748 BTC [+] 952805;1418513743;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22420 @ 0.0005983 = 13.4139 BTC [+] {2} 952806;1418513803;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29680 @ 0.00060327 = 17.9051 BTC [+] 952807;1418514108;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17400 @ 0.00060367 = 10.5039 BTC [+] {2} 952808;1418514352;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 2087 @ 0.0012 = 2.5044 BTC {2} 952809;1418515938;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14900 @ 0.0006016 = 8.9638 BTC [-] 952810;1418517524;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24900 @ 0.00058298 = 14.5162 BTC [-] 952811;1418518500;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 61957 @ 0.00056057 = 34.7312 BTC [-] {4} 952812;1418520513;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4900 @ 0.00058298 = 2.8566 BTC [+] 952813;1418521489;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30700 @ 0.00058505 = 17.961 BTC [+] 952814;1418522465;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10200 @ 0.00058505 = 5.9675 BTC [+] 952815;1418522825;kakobrekla;stumbled upon this by accident, sorta funny. http://scruss.com/blog/2013/06/07/well-that-was-unexpected-the-raspberry-pis-hardware-random-number-generator/ 952816;1418522827;assbot;“Well, that was unexpected…”: The Raspberry Pi’s Hardware Random Number Generator | We Saw a Chicken … ... ( http://bit.ly/1w4Lfgx ) 952817;1418523458;BingoBoingo;Interesting. 952818;1418523778;*;BingoBoingo just finished surgery on the laptop. Took forever for a replacement fan to arrive from china that wasn't counterfiet. 952819;1418523838;BingoBoingo;Oh, now Scheme has its own clojure https://www.gnu.org/software/kawa/ 952820;1418523839;assbot;Kawa: The Kawa Scheme language ... ( http://bit.ly/1w4NwZ6 ) 952821;1418524173;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28300 @ 0.00059572 = 16.8589 BTC [+] {2} 952822;1418524366;BingoBoingo;!up Vexual 952823;1418524600;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40076 @ 0.00059063 = 23.6701 BTC [-] 952824;1418524661;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3450 @ 0.00059063 = 2.0377 BTC [-] 952825;1418525027;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7800 @ 0.00059719 = 4.6581 BTC [+] {2} 952826;1418525454;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1000 @ 0.0012 = 1.2 BTC 952827;1418525489;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 952828;1418525492;gribble;Current Blocks: 334225 | Current Difficulty: 4.000747027127126E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 334655 | Next Difficulty In: 430 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 2 days, 21 hours, 43 minutes, and 47 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 39608695057.2 | Estimated Percent Change: -0.99675 952829;1418525620;BingoBoingo;cazalla: At some point your kind will learn to distinguish between flora and fauna 952830;1418525720;cazalla;"your kind", what exactly is that suppose to mean? mmhmmmmmm *black lady* 952831;1418525805;mats;needs a z patterned snap 952832;1418526015;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: kawa << 'now' ? 952833;1418526074;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Another "LISP" in jvm turd runtime 952834;1418526087;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: well yes, but it's been around for ages. 952835;1418526088;BingoBoingo;Only just learned it existed 952836;1418526093;BingoBoingo;Has it? 952837;1418526099;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: just as 'armed bear lisp' was the original commonlisp-on-jvm 952838;1418526107;BingoBoingo;Ah 952839;1418526196;mircea_popescu;wait what did i do. 952840;1418526220;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: You loved too much? 952841;1418526320;mircea_popescu; ^ no citations. << ok that's something else. 952842;1418526326;mircea_popescu;no fucking way ?! 952843;1418526342;asciilifeform;surely mircea_popescu knew that one 952844;1418526366;asciilifeform;try to recall the old life. with physics. 952845;1418526402;mircea_popescu;no but srsly, no citations ? 952846;1418526406;asciilifeform;aha. 952847;1418526412;mircea_popescu;there's no wai. i saw it cited. 952848;1418526424;asciilifeform;it - was cited. but it did not cite. 952849;1418526440;mircea_popescu;oh oh right. 952850;1418526729;BingoBoingo;Pando editor appologizes for good article http://pando.com/2014/12/09/clearing-the-air-around-tor/ 952851;1418526731;assbot;Clearing the air around Tor | PandoDaily ... ( http://bit.ly/1sqWr1R ) 952852;1418527040;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9750 @ 0.00059364 = 5.788 BTC [-] 952853;1418527235;asciilifeform;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCKg1lURSvg << bitcoin the movie ! 952854;1418527237;assbot;Топор (Кацин) - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1sqWYRj ) 952855;1418527467;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1000 @ 0.00123 = 1.23 BTC [-] 952856;1418527528;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1021 @ 0.0012 = 1.2252 BTC 952857;1418527783;BingoBoingo;OMG the laptop stays cool for youtube movies!!! 952858;1418528270;BingoBoingo;Burn the axe, it is the Axe's fault!!! 952859;1418528534;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by cazalla: http://qntra.net/2014/12/ford-motor-company-bitcoin-a-trend-for-2015/ 952860;1418528575;cazalla;it's sunday so whaddya want.. 952861;1418528687;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 11 @ 0.137 = 1.507 BTC [+] {2} 952862;1418528737;BingoBoingo;Nice. FU APPLE PAY!!! You go second. 952863;1418528764;BingoBoingo;I can endorse Топор as the bitcoin movie though 952864;1418529031;asciilifeform;'Bitcoin, Apple Pay and Google Wallet' << mega-lol 952865;1418529084;BingoBoingo;Neither of the latter two can fell a tree or remove a foot. 952866;1418529291;cazalla;google wallet is much like google + in that i have never used nor know anyone that has used it 952867;1418529318;undata;cazalla: I tried it once for the hell of it; didn't work 952868;1418529323;BingoBoingo;I know people who use it, but I don't know people who know they use google wallet. 952869;1418529331;undata;I slapped my phone on the card reader twice, nothing, gave up never to try again 952870;1418529405;BingoBoingo;This is why if you ever trade BTC for fiat value you never trade it for less than cash in a bag. 952871;1418529734;asciilifeform;http://pando.com/2014/12/10/its-time-for-tor-activists-to-stop-acting-like-the-spies-they-claim-to-hate << from earlier link 952872;1418529737;assbot;It’s time for Tor activists to stop acting like the spies they claim to hate | PandoDaily ... ( http://bit.ly/1IOcMrD ) 952873;1418529758;BingoBoingo;lol 952874;1418529978;undata;acting like? 952875;1418530046;BingoBoingo;undata: Acting lik the adversary in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rules_for_Radicals 952876;1418530048;assbot;Rules for Radicals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1IOdhlA ) 952877;1418530060;mats;i use google wallet occasionally 952878;1418530070;BingoBoingo;Aka the definitive Obola book 952879;1418530086;mats;there's a nice 5% discount subsidized by google 952880;1418530112;mats;after associating with my cc its even better 952881;1418530130;*;asciilifeform was greatly disappointed after reading 'radicals', after mr mold's fanciful 'reviews' 952882;1418530166;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Well, notice where the rules came from, Shitcago. 952883;1418530202;undata;BingoBoingo: this is how you get poor people yelling "yes we can!" ? 952884;1418530209;BingoBoingo;The "rules" achieved mass publication because they served an interest. 952885;1418530222;BingoBoingo;undata: Indeed 952886;1418530265;undata;or "yes we cannabis!" haha 952887;1418530292;BingoBoingo;The "Rules for Radicals" consists of nothing more or less than how to scare the Dailey family into realizing it isn't all poor people who are a threat, just the black ones. 952888;1418530356;BingoBoingo;And both the Daileys and Polaks were sated 952889;1418530466;BingoBoingo;"Rules" solved a specifically American problem and birthed a number of other, specifically, American problems 952890;1418530569;BingoBoingo;To think. If Poland would have just taken Shitcago by force we could have avoided this Obola thing. 952891;1418530603;decimation;re: google wallet << turns out a guy who worked on 'google checkout' went to buy a bank in Kansas: http://dealbook.nytimes.com/2014/12/13/small-bank-in-kansas-is-a-financial-testing-ground/?_r=0 952892;1418530606;assbot;Log In - The New York Times ... ( http://bit.ly/1uCeMc1 ) 952893;1418530654;BingoBoingo;decimation: Similarly because the people who made the Dwolla Gox-USD portal live in Iowa, Dwolla now lives off of Iowa state payments. 952894;1418530662;undata;BingoBoingo: this "creating an external enemy" tactic is a classic move. 952895;1418530753;BingoBoingo;undata: The thing is enemies differ. Flu virus is a different enemy than Saddam is a different enemy than a mugger. In the cases of the latter two either could be turned friend. If either was turned friend that value of each differs on orders of magnitude. 952896;1418530761;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19602 @ 0.00056698 = 11.1139 BTC [-] {2} 952897;1418530771;decimation;well, the nyt story and his website mention nothing about bitcoin, so he's just an anklebiter 952898;1418530858;decimation;re: ford motor company << http://www.computerworld.com/article/2859373/ford-dumps-microsoft-for-qnx-unleashes-new-functions-in-sync-v3.html Ford dumped microshit for QNX, a proper RTOS, and apparently the 'infotainment' system works much better now 952899;1418530859;assbot;Ford dumps Microsoft for QNX, unleashes new functions in Sync v3 | Computerworld ... ( http://bit.ly/1IOeIk8 ) 952900;1418530871;undata;BingoBoingo: what is the strategy behind creating a "jews" and then turning them into your friend? 952901;1418530881;undata;or have I missed the point? 952902;1418530927;asciilifeform;'open-source QNX platform' << lol. nope. 952903;1418530935;cazalla;dwolla is a name that seemed to jump the shark for web 2.0 names 952904;1418530936;asciilifeform;basic 'homework' fail. 952905;1418530940;BingoBoingo;undata: There can be plenty ask Lockheed Martin and how much they've made this decade. 952906;1418530944;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14390 @ 0.00058213 = 8.3769 BTC [+] {2} 952907;1418530967;undata;BingoBoingo: ah I see what you're saying now 952908;1418530968;decimation;asciilifeform: yeah, 'journalism' 952909;1418530968;asciilifeform;'dwolla' and its 'african' consonant cluster seems tailor-made to conjure up images of nigerian spam. 952910;1418530975;undata;a "managed" enemy 952911;1418530992;BingoBoingo;undata: Or managed ally. Anything to open the faucet. 952912;1418531056;BingoBoingo;The story of rules is finding common enemies or allies and then applying leverage by derping loudly in numbers until people neglect history. 952913;1418531305;BingoBoingo;!up badon 952914;1418531320;BingoBoingo;badon: How does collecting the shinies go? 952915;1418531366;badon;hi BingoBoingo 952916;1418531368;badon;BingoBoingo: It's getting pretty exciting from my point of view. 952917;1418531370;badon;BingoBoingo: I think the way it's going to go this time around is exactly the same as every other time. First, the precious metals will move (they're dirt cheap now), then the coins. 952918;1418531393;badon;I'm considering buying silver bullion for the first time since 2008. 952919;1418531417;BingoBoingo;I got fucked in rhodium 2007-2010 952920;1418531431;badon;Yeah, I avoided rhodium, it was far too expensive. 952921;1418531442;BingoBoingo;I have the most sparkling asshole to this day. 952922;1418531477;badon;I wrote articles recommending palladium and ruthenium. Both performed very well. 952923;1418531512;badon;Right now, I would consider buying palladium again, but silver is much more liquid and reliable as an investment. 952924;1418531517;undata;I also bought silver in 08 952925;1418531522;BingoBoingo;I always recomend plutonium 952926;1418531527;badon;undata: You did well. 952927;1418531542;BingoBoingo;I also got fucked in 2013 trading BTC for Silver. 952928;1418531552;badon;oops 952929;1418531566;badon;Hard assets have all been hurting since 2011. 952930;1418531573;badon;Inflation has been too low. 952931;1418531576;badon;I need to write another article. 952932;1418531579;BingoBoingo;It's amazing though how much people complain about tungsten filled bars and yet the value of tungsten endures. 952933;1418531579;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 952934;1418531579;badon;Dang, not enough time for everything. 952935;1418531587;badon;This is important though, because I've got predictive powah. 952936;1418531635;badon;I've never "invested" in gold bullion. I've bought rare gold coins, and I've flipped gold, but I've never held raw bullion as an investment. 952937;1418531672;badon;Although gold is very liquid, for the amounts of money I typically deal with, I prefer food and cash instead. 952938;1418531687;BingoBoingo;That confuses me. SO you've bought a bunch of sausage, but never tasted the delicious pork in itself? 952939;1418531688;badon;For more money, then I start looking toward the rare coins. 952940;1418531692;badon;I just always skip gold. 952941;1418531703;badon;No, I eat the food. 952942;1418531705;badon;I don't sell it. 952943;1418531711;decimation;how do you distinguish 'cash' and 'gold' 952944;1418531733;badon;I just hoard it when it's cheap, and stop buying when it's expensive or there's a shortage. 952945;1418531749;badon;decimation: cash is always fiat, usually USD or EUR. 952946;1418531759;badon;I suppose bitcoin would qualify now too, but Idon't have any. 952947;1418531775;badon;Actually, I probably do have some bitcoin laying around here somewhere... 952948;1418531780;BingoBoingo;https://twitter.com/balajis follows the villian simon from 27bslash6.com 952949;1418531782;assbot;Balaji S. Srinivasan (@balajis) | Twitter ... ( http://bit.ly/1IOgpxP ) 952950;1418531808;mats;much love from america in 12/13/14 952951;1418531820;decimation;an auspicious date indeed 952952;1418531848;mats;i nearly missed it 952953;1418531905;cazalla; badon: How does collecting the shinies go? <<< thought BingoBoingo made a pokemon reference for a moment 952954;1418531959;BingoBoingo;cazalla: I did, but I'm not sure what that means in new pokemon. I know it exists. Not to what extent. 952955;1418531961;mats;http://aljazeera.com/story/20141213232733114428 952956;1418531964;assbot;Page not found - Al Jazeera English ... ( http://bit.ly/1uCjabd ) 952957;1418531991;mats;http://www.aljazeera.com/news/asia-pacific/2014/12/japan-votes-with-abe-set-super-majority-20141213232733114428.html 952958;1418531992;assbot;Japan votes with Abe set for 'super majority' - Asia-Pacific - Al Jazeera English ... ( http://bit.ly/1uCjfeW ) 952959;1418532174;mats;http://cybersecurity.upv.es/attacks/offset2lib/offset2lib.html 952960;1418532175;assbot;Offset2lib: bypassing full ASLR on 64bit Linux ... ( http://bit.ly/1IOh4iM ) 952961;1418532540;decimation;so the S&P500 fell ~4% this week because oil is getting cheaper, even for companies that would obviously benefit 952962;1418532695;asciilifeform;aslr bypass << snore. if this matters, one has more serious problem. 952963;1418532740;decimation;asciilifeform: I think the impulse for 'defense in depth' is a good one, the problem is that it simply isn't possible on the von neumann machine 952964;1418532784;mats;harvard arch isn't invulnerable, you know 952965;1418532801;asciilifeform;mats, decimation: i don't like referring to the 'von neumann machine' for this reason 952966;1418532819;asciilifeform;it is not anything like a complete identification of the retardation of the past 25 years of computer. 952967;1418532855;decimation;yeah, I understand, the terminology is ambiguous 952968;1418532923;decimation;mats, the issue is explained in ascii's "bedrock" essay 952969;1418532967;asciilifeform;actually, my most complete attempt at explanation was here: http://www.loper-os.org/?p=284 952970;1418532969;assbot;Loper OS » Seven Laws of Sane Personal Computing ... ( http://bit.ly/1uCmhzM ) 952971;1418533049;asciilifeform;the basic idea being that a computer's owner should be able -and expected- to understand every aspect of every part in the machine (whether physical or logical) - and that everything about the design should be thought of with the purpose, above all others, of making this possible. 952972;1418533231;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: The sad think is plenty of people fit that mold... for the NES! 952973;1418533272;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: this is called 'degenerate case' 952974;1418533275;asciilifeform;see the lisp brick article, etc. 952975;1418533333;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Of course. NES is a brick, but people still program for it because it offers the thigns you value. 952976;1418533362;asciilifeform;anyone ever fit a keyboard to nes/snes ? 952977;1418533459;cazalla;mouse for mario paint, that count? 952978;1418533487;decimation;I think the japanese versions of the nes had keyboards if I recall 952979;1418533516;cazalla;not ps/2 so prob not eh 952980;1418533516;asciilifeform;of whatever variety. 952981;1418533522;asciilifeform;and what of persistent storage ? 952982;1418533628;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8300 @ 0.00059364 = 4.9272 BTC [+] 952983;1418533638;decimation;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Family_BASIC 952984;1418533640;assbot;Family BASIC - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1uColYH ) 952985;1418533656;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Ah, it fails on those rules. It wins though on being known and documented. 952986;1418533663;asciilifeform;so does brick. 952987;1418533667;decimation;it would be mildly amusing to play with the nes BASIC cartridge 952988;1418533714;asciilifeform;the machine of roughly the same period as nes but with 'adult' i/o was 'commodore 64.' 952989;1418533718;asciilifeform;i had one. 952990;1418533735;asciilifeform;came with a book that described approximately everything there was to know about it. 952991;1418533740;decimation;I missed out on that generation, my first computer was an x86 a few years later 952992;1418533776;asciilifeform;it was what my family could afford when we came to usa. 952993;1418533778;decimation;apparently commodore used to make its own chips, in its own fab facility 952994;1418533784;asciilifeform;heavily used and many years old already when we bought it. 952995;1418533834;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform> the machine of roughly the same period as nes but with 'adult' i/o was 'commodore 64.' << Immature criticism, but not everyone likes semen 952996;1418533856;BingoBoingo; heavily used and many years old already when we bought it. << Same for me and the wagon full of Macs 952997;1418533856;asciilifeform;l0l 952998;1418533869;BingoBoingo;Commodore was doomed by its name 952999;1418533891;asciilifeform;iirc tramiel named it after a car that existed in his times 953000;1418533897;asciilifeform;rather than the nautical title directly 953001;1418533914;asciilifeform;!s tramiel 953002;1418533915;assbot;7 results for 'tramiel' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=tramiel 953003;1418533919;BingoBoingo;Sure, but is there a more ill thought out field than car naming is USia? 953004;1418533922;asciilifeform;^ colourful character 953005;1418533974;decimation;yeah tramiel was commodore, when he left the thing tanked. it's a shame, they had a real shot at being an 'alternative' to intel 953006;1418534011;asciilifeform;intel and microshit together were the inheritors of the ancient evil ibm monopoly. 953007;1418534016;asciilifeform;i.e. the full force of usg. 953008;1418534031;decimation;ibm being too stupid to keeps its monopoly 953009;1418534035;BingoBoingo;https://twitter.com/oakmarie/status/543996472279457792 953010;1418534036;assbot;Uplifted by massive numbers who marched peacefully today in /hashtag/Oakland?src=hash, then disheartened again when it turns to smashy. /hashtag/MessageDiluted?src=hash 953011;1418534356;mircea_popescu;it occurs to me, the entire "we would have fired some guy that doesn't even actually work for us because he wouldn't clog up the pull tree with documentation-gender-improvements" is quite positive proof nobody has any actual work to do. 953012;1418534371;mircea_popescu;i mean... it's there, plain as day. "we don't do anything useful anyway". 953013;1418534492;BingoBoingo;!up Vexual 953014;1418534494;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Sure 953015;1418534503;BingoBoingo;It is the epitome of it. 953016;1418534510;mircea_popescu;pretty much. 953017;1418534558;BingoBoingo;Engrave this in stone: @oakmarie 953018;1418534558;BingoBoingo;Follow Follow 953019;1418534558;BingoBoingo; 953020;1418534558;BingoBoingo;@BBoingo @cfarivar A cow matters too! 953021;1418534567;BingoBoingo;A cow matters too... 953022;1418534653;BingoBoingo;Not that cheese isn't great or that sour milk products don't matter. That a cow matters in a revolution. 953023;1418534696;Vexual;I've always thought those nintendo famicons were designed to mould future alcoholic salarymen 953024;1418534761;Vexual;put a keyboard anywhere near the thing you'll need a drink 953025;1418534888;mircea_popescu;lol srsly all this thrid wave us socialist press attempts to reduce the discussion to their categories. 953026;1418534895;mircea_popescu;seriously, guardian accused pando of "cyberbullying" ? 953027;1418534903;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: You mean third world. 953028;1418534920;BingoBoingo;There is no wave. 953029;1418534920;mircea_popescu;no such thing exists. tor is and was a usg hole long before pando sort-of read it in trilema. etc. 953030;1418534920;BingoBoingo;!up olo_ 953031;1418534930;BingoBoingo;No wave at all, just ripples. 953032;1418534941;mircea_popescu;whatever they are. 953033;1418534955;BingoBoingo;Just noise on the surface of the water. Snowden was a wave. 953034;1418534962;mircea_popescu;i mean, guardian was lulzy enough with its pretense to relevancy. but pando for crissakes ? 953035;1418534967;BingoBoingo;He wided some villages, eroded some sand. 953036;1418534980;mircea_popescu;what's next, someone's tuna can ? 953037;1418534980;BingoBoingo;Just the continuing shrinking drama, is ripples 953038;1418534989;BingoBoingo;Not even countable in their insignificance 953039;1418534998;mircea_popescu;it is very altcoin-scammy in its development i gotta grant you that. 953040;1418535024;mircea_popescu;from the new york times to the guardian to basically facebook pages. 953041;1418535045;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: The pando editor is joining the derps because he author was called out for being right in every way. 953042;1418535060;mircea_popescu;cazalla: dwolla is a name that seemed to jump the shark for web 2.0 names <<< just about when "cutesy" died. 953043;1418535074;BingoBoingo;If it isn't altcoin drama I dunno what is. 953044;1418535078;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo im not even discussing the content, which is banal. 953045;1418535091;mircea_popescu;im more interested in the form, they're still usign the same hearts-pattern crinkly paper ? 953046;1418535140;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: I was still stuck on the form as well, and yes. It is arts and crafts time 953047;1418535163;BingoBoingo;Oh, what a time for freenode to netsplit. 953048;1418535168;Vexual;lol, everyone picked up their clams? the price is up 953049;1418535169;BingoBoingo;What a fucking time for a netsplit. 953050;1418535241;mircea_popescu;badon: Inflation has been too low. < o.O 953051;1418535533;decimation;freenode fails ascii's law #5 for reliability 953052;1418536736;decimation;cazalla: I just looked outside here, it's a clear sky but I didn't see any meteors yet 953053;1418536754;cazalla;same here, sunny, hot as fuck 953054;1418536762;Vexual;lol 953055;1418538159;Vexual;in the future these will be the juicy tranasction blox 953056;1418538263;Vexual;none of us will never know what a bloacks worth in bitcoin 953057;1418538286;Vexual;after subsidies are gone 953058;1418538358;Vexual;at some stage computers will turn on and off depending on wait time i'd guess 953059;1418538558;BingoBoingo;!up Vexual 953060;1418538603;asciilifeform;!down ascii_in_bed 953061;1418538611;BingoBoingo;Oh! 953062;1418538640;Vexual;there goes my fantasies 953063;1418538649;assbot;Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0DRH3NX.txt ) 953064;1418538649;BingoBoingo;!b 3 953065;1418538701;Vexual;asciilifeform: have you looked at genode? 953066;1418538735;asciilifeform;'microkernel,' snore 953067;1418538739;asciilifeform;1980s academiwank. 953068;1418538762;Vexual;it's getting kinda worky 953069;1418538766;asciilifeform;i don't care. 953070;1418538791;asciilifeform;'mach' already worked. exactly same idea, just as much of a snore, 20 years ago. 953071;1418538811;asciilifeform;colour me entirely uninterested in variations on the theme of unix-on-pc. 953072;1418539220;Vexual;wanna play doom? 953073;1418539437;Vexual;im joking o fcourse, all my 3d spacial awareness skills are used for wheredidiputmyglass.run 953074;1418540033;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 2000 @ 0.0012 = 2.4 BTC 953075;1418540094;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27900 @ 0.00059371 = 16.5645 BTC [+] {2} 953076;1418540460;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5800 @ 0.00059358 = 3.4428 BTC [-] 953077;1418541314;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30800 @ 0.00059017 = 18.1772 BTC [-] {2} 953078;1418542290;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17950 @ 0.00058923 = 10.5767 BTC [-] {2} 953079;1418542595;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11900 @ 0.00059417 = 7.0706 BTC [+] 953080;1418542900;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29800 @ 0.0005879 = 17.5194 BTC [-] {2} 953081;1418544425;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26698 @ 0.00059222 = 15.8111 BTC [+] 953082;1418544547;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42776 @ 0.00059619 = 25.5026 BTC [+] {2} 953083;1418545462;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 66500 @ 0.00060289 = 40.0922 BTC [+] {5} 953084;1418546560;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 3130 @ 0.0012 = 3.756 BTC 953085;1418547170;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2600 @ 0.00060626 = 1.5763 BTC [+] 953086;1418547658;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21165 @ 0.00060674 = 12.8417 BTC [+] {2} 953087;1418547671;assbot;Vexual +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0 953088;1418547870;BingoBoingo;!up Vexual 953089;1418547918;Vexual;do you ever sleep BingoBoingo? 953090;1418547934;BingoBoingo;Vexual: SOmetimes? It gets violent 953091;1418548011;Vexual;so pimp 953092;1418548126;Vexual;at leat you wake up with replenished cigs and jacks 953093;1418548207;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36300 @ 0.00060686 = 22.029 BTC [+] 953094;1418548482;Vexual;australia in the 80s, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5JaDPHbFs4 953095;1418548512;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19785 @ 0.00060686 = 12.0067 BTC [+] 953096;1418548522;Vexual;(circa 286) 953097;1418548803;Vexual;BingoBoingo: you saw a green meteor? 953098;1418548810;BingoBoingo;Yeah 953099;1418548827;Vexual;how high was it? 953100;1418548855;Vexual;halfway up the horizon to up? 953101;1418548921;Vexual;was it rotating? 953102;1418548951;BingoBoingo;It went south to north. 953103;1418548971;BingoBoingo;Started from about 85 degrees up bubble 953104;1418548987;BingoBoingo;And went towards Springfield 953105;1418549039;Vexual;did it fafe in the sky? 953106;1418549052;Vexual;*fade 953107;1418549071;BingoBoingo;It faded over the horizon 953108;1418549071;Vexual;nice 953109;1418549132;Vexual;biggun 953110;1418549204;Vexual;it was probably green coz it was spinning so fast it made mightning 953111;1418549215;Vexual;*lightening 953112;1418549299;Vexual;the rock can burn up and they keep spinning and bounce off anything 953113;1418549345;Vexual;can't make that on earth 953114;1418549377;BingoBoingo;I'm still not convinced it wasn't the Avians come to depose lizard hitler. 953115;1418549537;Vexual;its a rock spinning so fast it makes lighting 953116;1418549547;Vexual;ice wont do it 953117;1418549578;Vexual;noones decribed the green yet tho 953118;1418549579;BingoBoingo;I couldn't identify it so I'll have to assume the worst. Hostile space shit. 953119;1418549657;Vexual;dor all intents and purposes it's plasma 953120;1418549750;BingoBoingo;!up Vexual Of course the speed is otherworldly 953121;1418549803;Vexual;million miles an hour x rotational motion = ball lighning 953122;1418549822;Vexual;why its gree? 953123;1418549864;Vexual;apparently if the green spin hits the floor it can bounce a mile up 953124;1418549891;Vexual;they're effectively massless after a fashion 953125;1418550098;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53502 @ 0.00058831 = 31.4758 BTC [-] {2} 953126;1418550413;Vexual;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNPA68htGxk 953127;1418550973;BingoBoingo;!up huseby 953128;1418550978;BingoBoingo;Hello huseby 953129;1418551003;Vexual;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ry4iwzS4Na0 953130;1418551151;Vexual;ping huseby (whats cooking?0.o 953131;1418551251;BingoBoingo;!up fluffypony_ 953132;1418551253;Vexual;fluffypony, what cooking? 953133;1418551329;Vexual;did yuo collect you clams ? 953134;1418551440;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19700 @ 0.00058582 = 11.5407 BTC [-] {2} 953135;1418551524;Vexual;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8nrF5aXPlQ 953136;1418551669;BingoBoingo;!up Vexual 953137;1418551799;thestringpuller;damn 953138;1418551817;thestringpuller;sinusitis again 953139;1418552027;Vexual;jump into the ocean friebd 953140;1418552233;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23600 @ 0.00059458 = 14.0321 BTC [+] {2} 953141;1418552288;cazalla;thestringpuller, i know that feel 953142;1418552319;Vexual;nevermund the expense; it must be done 953143;1418552649;Vexual;cazalla can easily hit st kilda, dunk 953144;1418552659;Vexual;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7ld-3nZUxA 953145;1418552671;cazalla;lol wut 953146;1418552678;cazalla;st kilda beach is utter shit, as are most beaches down here 953147;1418552716;Vexual;better than a dose of antibiotics 953148;1418553010;Vexual;unless you have the clap, then you better hope you're somewhere with sensible phamracists 953149;1418553082;cazalla;i never had sinus issues until i did laps daily at rock pool fwiw 953150;1418553098;Vexual;doftcock 953151;1418553158;Vexual;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=621Nk3Ubz4A 953152;1418553341;Vexual;anywaym im gonna go up a hill and look for stars with a bottle of whisky 953153;1418553402;Vexual;if your sinus plays up, hop into the ocean 953154;1418553430;cazalla;due 11pm here 953155;1418553442;Vexual;is it? 953156;1418553449;cazalla;prob make for a shitty viewing down here though being in the burbs 953157;1418553473;cazalla;i do have some binos though 953158;1418553525;cazalla;!up Vexual 953159;1418553543;cazalla;meh, not auth'd 953160;1418554856;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41200 @ 0.00060608 = 24.9705 BTC [+] {2} 953161;1418555893;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39514 @ 0.00059113 = 23.3579 BTC [-] {2} 953162;1418558211;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4700 @ 0.00058761 = 2.7618 BTC [-] 953163;1418558821;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29000 @ 0.00058731 = 17.032 BTC [-] {2} 953164;1418559431;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32450 @ 0.0006069 = 19.6939 BTC [+] {3} 953165;1418560224;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30950 @ 0.00058544 = 18.1194 BTC [-] {4} 953166;1418560529;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15600 @ 0.00058415 = 9.1127 BTC [-] 953167;1418560733;mircea_popescu;;;bc,stats 953168;1418560746;gribble;Current Blocks: 334276 | Current Difficulty: 4.000747027127126E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 334655 | Next Difficulty In: 379 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 2 days, 18 hours, 34 minutes, and 9 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 953169;1418560756;mircea_popescu;o.O 953170;1418561017;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12340 @ 0.00058415 = 7.2084 BTC [-] 953171;1418561932;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2324 @ 0.00122899 = 2.8562 BTC [+] {3} 953172;1418562116;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1667 @ 0.0012 = 2.0004 BTC 953173;1418562177;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13750 @ 0.00061574 = 8.4664 BTC [+] 953174;1418563091;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10428 @ 0.00061836 = 6.4483 BTC [+] {2} 953175;1418563335;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35000 @ 0.00062184 = 21.7644 BTC [+] {5} 953176;1418565165;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42000 @ 0.00062799 = 26.3756 BTC [+] {2} 953177;1418565775;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 2375 @ 0.0012 = 2.85 BTC 953178;1418566812;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 4166 @ 0.0012 = 4.9992 BTC 953179;1418567920;mircea_popescu;!up snowfall 953180;1418567944;snowfall;thanks. 953181;1418567995;mircea_popescu;sure. who're you ? 953182;1418568011;snowfall;I'm an investor who has been following your blog 953183;1418568022;snowfall;Decided to come in for a bit 953184;1418568062;mircea_popescu;cheers. 953185;1418568093;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1000 @ 0.0012 = 1.2 BTC 953186;1418568122;mircea_popescu;;;bc,stats 953187;1418568123;gribble;Current Blocks: 334290 | Current Difficulty: 4.000747027127126E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 334655 | Next Difficulty In: 365 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 2 days, 15 hours, 28 minutes, and 41 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 39485520463.9 | Estimated Percent Change: -1.30463 953188;1418568154;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39038 @ 0.00058047 = 22.6604 BTC [-] {2} 953189;1418568713;scoopbot;New post on Trilema by Mircea Popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/time-to-recouperate-this-chauvinism-thing/ 953190;1418569435;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9200 @ 0.00056085 = 5.1598 BTC [-] 953191;1418569740;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43219 @ 0.00058067 = 25.096 BTC [+] {2} 953192;1418571387;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 2628 @ 0.0012 = 3.1536 BTC 953193;1418571875;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6150 @ 0.00062906 = 3.8687 BTC [+] 953194;1418575108;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10000 @ 0.00062045 = 6.2045 BTC [-] 953195;1418576267;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24919 @ 0.00060614 = 15.1044 BTC [-] {2} 953196;1418577000;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7650 @ 0.0006145 = 4.7009 BTC [+] 953197;1418577060;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 10 @ 0.12401162 = 1.2401 BTC [-] 953198;1418577182;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 12 @ 0.12401162 = 1.4881 BTC [-] 953199;1418578525;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7700 @ 0.00061943 = 4.7696 BTC [+] {2} 953200;1418578647;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 20 @ 0.12401162 = 2.4802 BTC [-] 953201;1418579256;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 30 @ 0.12500001 = 3.75 BTC [+] 953202;1418579449;mats;hmm, i just noticed i have a what.cd invite 953203;1418579450;mats;anyone want it? 953204;1418579511;ben_vulpes;sure 953205;1418579547;ben_vulpes;it's nigh impossible to get any seeed on the public w4r3znet these days 953206;1418579610;mats;pm email 953207;1418579754;ben_vulpes;;;ident 953208;1418579754;gribble;Nick 'ben_vulpes', with hostmask 'ben_vulpes!~user@unaffiliated/benkay', is identified as user 'ben_vulpes', with GPG key id 2AFA1A9FD2D031DA, key fingerprint 4F7907942CA8B89B01E25A762AFA1A9FD2D031DA, and bitcoin address None 953209;1418580138;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: w4r3z << http://rutracker.org is pretty good 953210;1418580139;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/12Olrta ) 953211;1418580720;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 874 @ 0.0012 = 1.0488 BTC 953212;1418581330;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15800 @ 0.00062045 = 9.8031 BTC [+] 953213;1418581513;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2731 @ 0.00060203 = 1.6441 BTC [-] {3} 953214;1418581575;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46213 @ 0.00058081 = 26.841 BTC [-] {2} 953215;1418582672;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11900 @ 0.00057668 = 6.8625 BTC [-] 953216;1418582977;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 3966 @ 0.0012 = 4.7592 BTC {2} 953217;1418583587;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1211 @ 0.0012 = 1.4532 BTC {2} 953218;1418583693;thestringpuller;cazalla: http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2p9ctz/ford_motor_company_bitcoin_a_trend_for_2015/cmuj9va "I came here for the bunny" 953219;1418583892;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11046 @ 0.00057527 = 6.3544 BTC [-] 953220;1418584502;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 850 @ 0.0012 = 1.02 BTC 953221;1418584564;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 80872 @ 0.00056382 = 45.5973 BTC [-] {4} 953222;1418585540;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3688 @ 0.00062045 = 2.2882 BTC [+] 953223;1418585845;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8373 @ 0.00063002 = 5.2752 BTC [+] {2} 953224;1418585905;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 62053 @ 0.00063236 = 39.2398 BTC [+] {6} 953225;1418585966;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13779 @ 0.00063598 = 8.7632 BTC [+] 953226;1418586210;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16278 @ 0.00063598 = 10.3525 BTC [+] 953227;1418587736;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34100 @ 0.00063598 = 21.6869 BTC [+] 953228;1418588237;kakobrekla;what.cd < you dont know what impossible means until you try to seed there 953229;1418588539;kakobrekla;>This [invite] tree has 1,062 entries, 254 branches, and a depth of 7. It has 769 Users (72%), 221 Members (21%), 62 Power Users (6%), 9 Elites (1%) and 1 Elite TM (0%). 595 users are disabled (56%), and 102 users have donated (10%). 953230;1418588562;kakobrekla;now, rather than inviting, i just dl stuff for others instead. 953231;1418588911;mircea_popescu;srsly, that bad ? 953232;1418588920;kakobrekla;aha 953233;1418588925;fluffypony;well that was fun 953234;1418588953;fluffypony;~10 hours of DDoS from here 953235;1418588969;kakobrekla;Seeders: 14,936,238 953236;1418588969;kakobrekla;Leechers: 193,624 953237;1418588994;kakobrekla;now compete with gbps seedboxes 953238;1418589004;mircea_popescu;o.O 953239;1418589026;mats;tis a special place 953240;1418589026;fluffypony;yeah 953241;1418589026;mircea_popescu;so basically it is now impossible to use torrents because too many people seed ? 953242;1418589052;kakobrekla;on some private trackers, prolly what is not the only one, but i dunno for sure. 953243;1418589089;mircea_popescu;nuts. wd riaa/mpaa, lol. 953244;1418589089;mats;you're incentivized to find new stuff or seed the newest stuff 953245;1418589117;mircea_popescu;"incentivized". in point of fact they can dld it off you and seed themselves. 953246;1418589119;mats;i ran a script to grab 0sec releases to keep my ratio up 953247;1418589124;mircea_popescu;you're incentivized to have fast fat pipe is all. 953248;1418589138;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1666 @ 0.0012 = 1.9992 BTC 953249;1418589149;kakobrekla;nah 953250;1418589160;kakobrekla;for example, at one time i had over 1k torrents seeding on a 5mbit upload line, unused. 953251;1418589175;kakobrekla;the. line. was. idling. 953252;1418589276;mircea_popescu;nuts. 953253;1418589747;kakobrekla;upon reading pms on the tracker, seems someone filled a request for me a month ago. 953254;1418589767;kakobrekla;one i made 6 years ago and put 1gig of bounty on it. 953255;1418589774;kakobrekla;nfi what it is, must be good. 953256;1418589849;mircea_popescu;kik 953257;1418589931;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 10 @ 0.13899999 = 1.39 BTC [+] {2} 953258;1418589943;kakobrekla;normally when you place a gig or so, people will go to store, buy the cd, rip it to your specification, fill the request and get the bounty 953259;1418591151;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32650 @ 0.00063598 = 20.7647 BTC [+] 953260;1418591513;kakobrekla;!up huseby 953261;1418591531;kakobrekla;!up huseby 953262;1418591550;mircea_popescu;!up kakobrekla 953263;1418591749;kakobrekla;seems linuxporgrammer got ddosed 953264;1418591772;kakobrekla;yeap 953265;1418591792;mircea_popescu;lol 953266;1418591808;mircea_popescu;b-a, not a channel to be treated lightly. 953267;1418592066;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1324 @ 0.0012 = 1.5888 BTC {2} 953268;1418593052;cazalla;thestringpuller, lol 953269;1418593286;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28800 @ 0.00062577 = 18.0222 BTC [-] 953270;1418596010;mircea_popescu;so if it's wish season : i would like a giant man-eating dragonfly to ride on. 953271;1418596824;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12850 @ 0.00062727 = 8.0604 BTC [+] 953272;1418597861;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7500 @ 0.00062727 = 4.7045 BTC [+] 953273;1418598219;ben_vulpes;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B411-LBIAAA7g7O.jpg:large 953274;1418598220;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1zmazhS ) 953275;1418598262;mircea_popescu;yeah, minus the part where "the collective" is made out of stupid lazy people. 953276;1418598837;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13017 @ 0.00061505 = 8.0061 BTC [-] {2} 953277;1418599447;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 999 @ 0.0012 = 1.1988 BTC 953278;1418599509;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39549 @ 0.00060924 = 24.0948 BTC [-] {2} 953279;1418599616;cazalla;some aussie guy goes around doing citizens arrest on uber drivers 953280;1418599660;cazalla;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvaY4Sm2KFQ 953281;1418599661;assbot;Vigilante citizen arrests Uber driver 03:35 - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1zmcKlJ ) 953282;1418599702;mircea_popescu;lol 953283;1418599711;mircea_popescu;is it illegal ? 953284;1418599836;thestringpuller;Uber is technically illegal in the US, but that isn't stopping them for some reason. 953285;1418599854;cazalla;i'm not sure, but even if it is illegal, why waste your time chasing uber drivers and arresting them 953286;1418599866;mircea_popescu;really short cock ? 953287;1418599884;thestringpuller;Same thing happened to Square in Virginia with the whole Money Transmitter License. 953288;1418599946;thestringpuller;is this why governments sue successful companies to get their cut? 953289;1418600406;cazalla;ISIS hostage situation in Sydney today lol 953290;1418600457;cazalla;http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/police-clear-martin-place-after-gunman-holds-hostages-at-lindt-chocolat-cafe-20141214-127824.html 953291;1418600459;assbot;Police clear Martin Place after gunman holds hostages at Lindt Chocolat Cafe ... ( http://bit.ly/1zmdZRT ) 953292;1418600545;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10400 @ 0.00055902 = 5.8138 BTC [-] {4} 953293;1418600563;undata;cazalla: is that an instagram filter on one of the pictures? 953294;1418600565;cazalla;well, assuming it's the isis flag, sorta similar https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B42kjXgCIAA6sUS.png:large 953295;1418600566;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1zme8Vt ) 953296;1418600574;thestringpuller;http://www.wired.com/2014/12/t-coin/ << these articles are getting old 953297;1418600681;cazalla;undata, prob, it's popular here 953298;1418601033;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34370 @ 0.00056739 = 19.5012 BTC [+] 953299;1418601174;ben_vulpes;"get out in front of this" << what, get in front of the train? 953300;1418602131;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23434 @ 0.00056739 = 13.2962 BTC [+] 953301;1418602151;cazalla;lol they've closed the airspace over Sydney over a couple dudes in a cafe 953302;1418602392;undata;cazalla: that's how you can tell they're tough on terrorism 953303;1418602416;undata;that PM you guys have seems like the Bush from Down Under 953304;1418602450;cazalla;new PM same as old PM, all useless and illegitimate 953305;1418602751;cazalla;speaking of our PM, whoever is in the chocolate shop says they have devices planted around the city, demanding to speak to PM on live radio ha 953306;1418603229;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20100 @ 0.00057526 = 11.5627 BTC [+] 953307;1418603473;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16491 @ 0.00058644 = 9.671 BTC [+] 953308;1418604359;BingoBoingo;!up blue 953309;1418604366;BingoBoingo;!up BlueMeanie4 953310;1418604377;BlueMeanie4;seasons greetings freinds 953311;1418604418;BlueMeanie4;whats the word? 953312;1418604547;BingoBoingo;I imagine there are a lot of words 953313;1418604610;BlueMeanie4;what are the good ones 953314;1418604642;BingoBoingo;Puppies? 953315;1418604668;BingoBoingo;The Detroit lions tailgate, where butthole was on the menu? http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--Qw_Ja3me--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/qinv93edltweelefqvyq.jpg 953316;1418604669;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1wR8gWp ) 953317;1418604704;BlueMeanie4;im hoping this isnt the chitlins pic 953318;1418604738;BlueMeanie4;anyway, huge frauds afoot 953319;1418604740;BlueMeanie4;anyone in Germany? 953320;1418604766;BingoBoingo;We have enough frational germans here to assemble a whole german 953321;1418604784;BlueMeanie4;lots of really interesting info coming out re. Tor 953322;1418604791;BingoBoingo;Yeah 953323;1418604792;BlueMeanie4;and all the agencies surrounding this project 953324;1418604804;BlueMeanie4;most of them are in Berlin 953325;1418605119;BingoBoingo;Well, the city has a history of that. 953326;1418605181;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6857 @ 0.00057174 = 3.9204 BTC [-] {2} 953327;1418605242;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42952 @ 0.00055827 = 23.9788 BTC [-] 953328;1418606706;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40600 @ 0.00057504 = 23.3466 BTC [+] {2} 953329;1418607278;[]bot;Bet placed: 200.00017 BTC for No on "Bitcoin to surpass Berkshire as an investment" http://bitbet.us/bet/786/ Odds: 28(Y):72(N) by coin, 46(Y):54(N) by weight. Total bet: 4039.30800444 BTC. Current weight: 18,465. 953330;1418607463;mircea_popescu; speaking of our PM, whoever is in the chocolate shop says they have devices planted around the city, demanding to speak to PM on live radio ha << pretty cool. 953331;1418607477;mircea_popescu;nothing quite like a humiliated pm live by someone holding a gun. 953332;1418607487;mircea_popescu;!up hktud0 953333;1418607666;cazalla;mircea_popescu, he won't do it, they don't negotiate with terrorists or smething 953334;1418607753;mircea_popescu;yaya. 953335;1418607759;mircea_popescu;then they covertly pay whenever got by the balls. 953336;1418607801;cazalla;hopefully shit at the chocolate shop escalates, it's disappointing so far 953337;1418608109;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5009 @ 0.00059107 = 2.9607 BTC [+] 953338;1418608119;mircea_popescu;one day landwhale was off buying chocolate tubs, 953339;1418608122;mircea_popescu;then allovasudden she's held at gunpoint! 953340;1418609695;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16841 @ 0.0006135 = 10.332 BTC [+] 953341;1418610010;BingoBoingo;http://christinetsai.co/post/105046916171/8-tricks-to-appear-like-an-important-vc 953342;1418610012;assbot;christine's brain • 8 Tricks to Appear Like An Important VC ... ( http://bit.ly/1BFFB4Y ) 953343;1418610071;mircea_popescu;except christine tsai is not an important vc. 953344;1418610133;mircea_popescu;she was if i recall some gofer/"product manager" for google is all. 953345;1418610159;BingoBoingo;Of course, but... When random derps on the tumblrs can spot this sort of shit. 953346;1418610181;cazalla;7. Hold meetings at a non-mainstream coffee shop. <<< good advice 953347;1418610193;BingoBoingo;Derp X, Here's how to pretend to be the Y set of Derps. 953348;1418610205;thestringpuller;d00d 953349;1418610228;thestringpuller;read #1 and already feel like this is 8 things to not do 953350;1418610254;thestringpuller;"A surefire way to look well-connected and important is to reference reputable investors or founders by first name." that seems slightly disrespectful 953351;1418610277;mircea_popescu;someone does that about say me, everyone instantly knows he never had the good luck to be in the same room with me. 953352;1418610293;thestringpuller;Be late to meetings?!?!?!?!? 953353;1418610296;thestringpuller;what? 953354;1418610299;mircea_popescu;obviously, i'm not alone. but no, to the parallel universe puppies everyone's like... you know, them. 953355;1418610327;BingoBoingo;Well, parallel universe 953356;1418610384;thestringpuller;so apparently she manages this: http://500.co/ 953357;1418610394;thestringpuller;"Meet our badass, global family of startup founders, mentors, and investors" 953358;1418610405;thestringpuller;So YCombinator clone? 953359;1418610498;mircea_popescu;not even. it's basically a derpy website 953360;1418610498;mircea_popescu;500pixels clone 953361;1418610505;mircea_popescu;which in turn is a deviantart clone, 10 years late. 953362;1418610523;thestringpuller;I'm looking at their alumni...and it's like... 953363;1418610548;thestringpuller;http://famebit.com/ << marketing for derps 953364;1418610559;mircea_popescu;"meet a collection of idiots from the intrernet who will think they're on a first name basis with you in spite of not actually having a bank account, and will be late to meetings at places where they can't afford to eat". 953365;1418610559;mircea_popescu;sounds like a killer value prop. 953366;1418610574;BingoBoingo;thestringpuller: Something has to be important or a school to have Alumni. 1950's Nasa has Alumni, random college has alumni, random wankfest does not. 953367;1418610597;cazalla;http://www.2gb.com/listen-live if ya wanna listen to drama in .au go down, apparently this radio dude has spoken to hostage holders but won't put em on the air yet 953368;1418610629;thestringpuller;Featured Wannabe Startups that were gestated in 500's accelarator is just a bit too long 953369;1418610648;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo words exist for inept marketeers to try and sell them right ? 953370;1418610689;thestringpuller;shippo has an okay value proposition but not really useful in its current incarnation 953371;1418610700;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Of course and once things that the words apply to lose any scarcity who cares about that word, next! 953372;1418610756;*;BingoBoingo remembers finding out that the Alumni association considered anyone who attended for four semesters and Alumni without any regard as to... graduation 953373;1418610803;thestringpuller;BingoBoingo: that reminds me of huxely. Take all meaning out of a word as described in his book _Words and Their Meanings_ 953374;1418610866;BingoBoingo;thestringpuller: Well, the fucking french with Derrida encouraged it in the name of socialism and now social media marketers do it pretending to do capitalism. 953375;1418610938;thestringpuller;"A great deal of attention has been paid . . . to the technical languages in which men of science do their specialized thinking . But the colloquial usages of everyday speech, the literary and philosophical dialects in which men do their thinking about the problems of morals, politics, religion and psychology . these have been strangely neglected. We talk about "mere matters of words" in a tone which implies that we regard word 953376;1418611012;thestringpuller;BingoBoingo: social media marketing has pretty much killed any respect one would get as a copywriter 953377;1418611036;mircea_popescu;quite. 953378;1418611047;thestringpuller;it's perverted the profession as a whole. 953379;1418611051;mircea_popescu;before that, amateur/gonzo porn killed any respectone would have gotten as a porn star. 953380;1418611063;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: have you seen Boogie Nights? 953381;1418611076;mircea_popescu;and even before that, "elected" derps killed any respect one could have had for leadership 953382;1418611088;mircea_popescu;i did but i didn't care so much for it. kinda plastic-y imo. 953383;1418611132;thestringpuller;Ah. I thought it was interesting they pointed out how amateur porn destroyed the artistic nature of "old school" porn. 953384;1418611157;mircea_popescu;except their crew and screenwriters suck so bad, the old school as depicted by them is a scary abomination 953385;1418611169;thestringpuller;True. 953386;1418611182;thestringpuller;You can romantacize anything. 953387;1418611197;mircea_popescu;otherwise, the old school from deepthroat to brazzers is this kinda fun thing. 953388;1418611237;BingoBoingo;The Brazzers people have integrity to the craft. 953389;1418611291;mircea_popescu;yes, but also don't have the sort of power that had traci lords fuck dogs. 953390;1418611300;BingoBoingo;No they don't 953391;1418611308;mircea_popescu;pornography without political clout is like power tools without electricity. 953392;1418611320;thestringpuller;As mircea_popescu points out in his article on YCombinator (Facebook lining up a billion idiots of investors), I wonder if the the world Mike Judge envisioned in Idiocracy is possible. 953393;1418611352;mircea_popescu;i certainly met plnety of buttheads... 953394;1418611356;thestringpuller;Where people begin to belive the derps are professionals because no one knows any better. 953395;1418611361;BingoBoingo;thestringpuller: It's largely here for a good portion of the population. The people who won't water the flowers or the garden without "Miracle Grow" and such. 953396;1418611399;BingoBoingo;Sure, fertilizer has nutrients that help plants grow, but so do last year's dead plants. 953397;1418611403;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8950 @ 0.00059966 = 5.367 BTC [-] 953398;1418611414;thestringpuller;So eventually plants start dying because we water them with gatorade because "they have electrolytes". 953399;1418611494;BingoBoingo;It would be interesting if a large portion of humanity couldn't make it to the year 300 because even the corn became diabetic. 953400;1418611907;BingoBoingo;!up huseby 953401;1418612013;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40293 @ 0.00059536 = 23.9888 BTC [-] {2} 953402;1418612576;mircea_popescu;!up bgupta 953403;1418612843;BingoBoingo;!up starsoccer 953404;1418612850;BingoBoingo;Hello starsoccer 953405;1418612867;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13000 @ 0.00058382 = 7.5897 BTC [-] 953406;1418613121;BingoBoingo;scoopbot -fetch 953407;1418613121;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2014/12/the-antidote-to-ransomware-prevention/ 953408;1418613132;BingoBoingo;scoopbot: Good boy! 953409;1418613172;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18050 @ 0.00059966 = 10.8239 BTC [+] 953410;1418613853;mircea_popescu;!up zebedee 953411;1418615381;decimation;it'll be interesting to see if the us stock market blows its top this week 953412;1418615389;decimation;should be bullish for bitcoin in fiat 953413;1418615547;decimation;re: "there's no inflation" << if you look at assets that are close to the bezzle this is obviously false http://cdn2.blog-media.zillowstatic.com/1/SECMI-Infographic-01-9e5cc6.png << manhattan real estate for instance 953414;1418615548;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1IRrLBg ) 953415;1418615628;decimation;http://www.zillow.com/east-hampton-ny/home-values/ << hamptons are about 2x since 2005 953416;1418615630;assbot;East Hampton Home Prices and Home Values - Zillow ... ( http://bit.ly/1IRrYEE ) 953417;1418616161;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1169 @ 0.0012 = 1.4028 BTC 953418;1418616527;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9400 @ 0.0006051 = 5.6879 BTC [+] 953419;1418616660;mircea_popescu;decimation course. 953420;1418616675;mircea_popescu;the inflation is immense. back in the 80s, a 2k monthy salary made one comfortable 953421;1418616678;mircea_popescu;today it's what, 10k. 953422;1418616707;decimation;heh it depends where one is living, but yeah 953423;1418616720;mircea_popescu;not really that much. 953424;1418616728;mircea_popescu;anyway, that's 8.5% a year for two decades 953425;1418616741;decimation;I think part of that is explained by the fact that most us couples now both work 953426;1418616743;mircea_popescu;two decades during which NOTHING paid anywhere remotely like 8%. not bonds, not stocks. 953427;1418616770;mircea_popescu;then people wonder why everyone, from china to russia, thumbs their noses at the us poverty. 953428;1418616842;decimation;it is interesting how quickly "women should be able to do anything men can do!!" fliipped into "women must work so that they can afford good schools, low crime neighborhoods, etc" 953429;1418616938;decimation;the other thing that I found amusing is the completely simultaneous moves in the stock market over the past few years 953430;1418617002;decimation;what does it mean when the price of every asset in a marketplace changes simultaneously in the same direction? http://finviz.com/map.ashx 953431;1418617003;assbot;S&P 500 Map Heatmap ... ( http://bit.ly/1zmM7gj ) 953432;1418617025;decimation;currency manipulation pops to mind... 953433;1418617076;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24850 @ 0.00060651 = 15.0718 BTC [+] 953434;1418617113;mircea_popescu;it strictly means price fixing / fraud 953435;1418617118;mircea_popescu;yup. 953436;1418617192;BingoBoingo;I dunno, here house prices roughly halved 953437;1418617208;decimation;;;ticker 953438;1418617208;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 352.51, Best ask: 353.15, Bid-ask spread: 0.64000, Last trade: 353.17, 24 hour volume: 6030.40300770, 24 hour low: 348.22, 24 hour high: 359.3, 24 hour vwap: 354.691207048 953439;1418617223;BingoBoingo;Here the trend seems to have been if the wife is working each can be paid half 953440;1418617224;decimation;BingoBoingo: yeah, prices of assets that are outside the bezzle orbit have generally held steady 953441;1418617269;decimation;BingoBoingo: yeah, the 'de-professionalizing' of the us 'middle class' is a long-run trend 953442;1418617283;decimation;they used to pay derps to sit in an office and move memos from the in-queue to the out-queue 953443;1418617311;decimation;they have all been 'laid off' and are now working as shift managers at starbucks or whatever 953444;1418617442;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2136 @ 0.00060651 = 1.2955 BTC [+] 953445;1418617503;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3637 @ 0.0006051 = 2.2007 BTC [-] 953446;1418617584;thestringpuller;decimation: good shift managers are hard to come by. 953447;1418617642;decimation;thestringpuller: yeah I might be exaggerating, they might be just plain barristas, or just sitting at home and receiving gov't checks 953448;1418617696;mircea_popescu;decimation seems more likely they're on reddit. 953449;1418617696;mircea_popescu;cheaper. 953450;1418617698;thestringpuller;well, along the lines of "derps managing", usually this results in the franchise being run into the ground 953451;1418617705;thestringpuller;even if the franchise is in theory a "gold mine" 953452;1418617720;mircea_popescu;no because they're just as good as anyone else! 953453;1418617738;thestringpuller;I have a friend who is trying to open a skateboard shop literally 500 feet from the biggest skatepark in the state 953454;1418617757;thestringpuller;what does he do? He sells drugs in the woods behind it because he isn't competent enough to hire leadership to get the shop open. 953455;1418617766;decimation;I wonder how many 'franchises' actually make money for anyone other than the 'headquarters' 953456;1418617821;thestringpuller;instead he says, "You people don't know how this works" in reference to criticism of his poor decision making process. 953457;1418617826;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller the thing with what people "Want to" do is that it's generally just a credible excuse 953458;1418617830;mircea_popescu;like a linked-in profile. 953459;1418617839;decimation;thestringpuller: can't he find someone with some credit to get a bezzle loan? 953460;1418617842;mircea_popescu;they don't by and large even remotely consider doing it. but it sounds cool 953461;1418617884;thestringpuller;decimation: as mircea_popescu once stated on trilema money is the least of his problems (in fact he is already "bankrolled" from drug dealing). his problem is finding competent people. 953462;1418617895;mircea_popescu;decimation re making money, there was this lulzy failure of one of romania's cardboard tycoons. he tried to open a franchised 7/11 thing. 953463;1418617897;thestringpuller;This is similar, imo, to the way ASICMINER has been run into the ground. 953464;1418617905;mircea_popescu;it crashed and burned so badly o my god. 953465;1418617914;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller quite, yes. 953466;1418617940;mircea_popescu;irl idiots get forced out of ownership once their company reaches success. in bitcoin, they have to relinquish willingly. 953467;1418617940;mircea_popescu;generally, they're too stupid to even realise this is an option 953468;1418617942;BingoBoingo;There's good franchises out there, but the secret is the management/owners have to be managed like the customers 953469;1418617946;mircea_popescu;let alone that it is their ONLY option. 953470;1418617956;mircea_popescu;look at dooglus's mishandling of justdice, no need to go further. 953471;1418618002;BingoBoingo;On the otherhand Subway does great business recruiting Doctors who want a tax writeoff to finance their new locations 953472;1418618017;mircea_popescu;o that's still going ?! 953473;1418618022;mircea_popescu;i thought for sure musta been plugged bynow 953474;1418618031;decimation;BingoBoingo: is that how that works? I wondered why there were subways every 10 feet in the us 953475;1418618048;BingoBoingo;Yeah, and like every other franchise like that profitable locations are retained as "corporate stores" 953476;1418618052;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42550 @ 0.00058141 = 24.739 BTC [-] {2} 953477;1418618094;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: irl idiots get forced out of ownership once their company reaches success << this is usually the case, but sometimes idiots can be too dumb to realize they need to step aside in meatspace too. 953478;1418618100;BingoBoingo;Subway found a demo with money, and... they got shit done. They just had to manage their partners the same way they manage the cattle coming in for the product. 953479;1418618189;thestringpuller;I suppose in meatspace VC's can forcefully remove the leadership of a company in exchange for more money. 953480;1418618214;BingoBoingo;thestringpuller: Not VC's, C's 953481;1418618222;thestringpuller;Like Yishan Wong's "resignation". 953482;1418618268;decimation;yeah actually the vc/founder relationship is probably alot like subway/franchise 'owner' 953483;1418618275;decimation;except no one eats 953484;1418618281;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller not at all. look at greenspun'ssad story with arsdigita 953485;1418618288;mircea_popescu;they just kick the founder out, generally. 953486;1418618289;BingoBoingo;I thought google had a cafeteria 953487;1418618306;mircea_popescu;for that matter, look at jobs' midlife crisis. 953488;1418618307;decimation;I've heard the google benefits are going downhill 953489;1418618323;mircea_popescu;decimation once i saw those "prosecutions" re wage fixing 953490;1418618341;mircea_popescu;i figured, "hey, whoever was competing in that market won meanwhile ; doing away with the entire thing" 953491;1418618344;decimation;yeah that's been quiet for awhile, I think they were going to 'settle' for $2k per person 953492;1418618368;mircea_popescu;basically, california is dead for tech wage earners coming decade. 953493;1418618384;mircea_popescu;dumbestthing a kid with college debt could possibly do today is put a downpayment on anything based on his salary / some loan. 953494;1418618413;BingoBoingo;Yeah 953495;1418618449;thestringpuller;hah, yet kids are closing on houses. 953496;1418618455;thestringpuller;Right out of college. 953497;1418618468;BingoBoingo;The "tech set" needs to rent, cut expenses, and get ready to go to cheaper country 953498;1418618489;thestringpuller;I had a coworker who bought a car, and is still underwater on the loan. It's like "really"? 953499;1418618489;mircea_popescu;exactly the things they ridiculously do not wish to do. 953500;1418618525;decimation;I wonder how many under-35s in the us actually have a positive net worth? 953501;1418618528;thestringpuller;!up badon 953502;1418618550;mircea_popescu;decimation market value ? or "pretend value" ? 953503;1418618552;BingoBoingo;It's like how kakobrekla responsibly got a car while goat got an infinite money sink 953504;1418618554;decimation;heh well I guess market value 953505;1418618571;mircea_popescu;i doubt anyone whosoever has positive net worth in the us if the stock market goes to its natural level and the bonds turn to the dust they are. 953506;1418618581;mircea_popescu;maybe some rural guys in west texas etc. 953507;1418618592;thestringpuller;that is if your wealth is "invested" in the stockmarket 953508;1418618593;decimation;http://blogs.wsj.com/economics/2014/09/04/it-only-takes-10400-to-be-richer-than-most-millennials/ << "It only takes $10,400 to be wealthier than half of millennials (the median) but it takes $75,500 to be richer than millennials on average." lol 953509;1418618594;assbot; It Only Takes $10,400 to be Richer Than Most Millennials - Real Time Economics - WSJ ... ( http://bit.ly/1qPOfN9 ) 953510;1418618600;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller it can't really not be. 953511;1418618611;mircea_popescu;if it's invested in... i dunno, nubile 19 yo slavegirls which you sell for meat 953512;1418618618;mircea_popescu;the people buying them still are invested in the stock market. 953513;1418618627;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu why not buy land and put it to use? 953514;1418618633;mircea_popescu;because land use is hard. 953515;1418618650;mircea_popescu;not to mention patriarchical and chauvinist. 953516;1418618655;decimation;yeah, try buying some land and using it for something 953517;1418618672;BingoBoingo;Probably more people working fast food with positive net worths than in Silicon Valley 953518;1418618675;mircea_popescu;"if you bought this plot of land you didn't buy this plot of land" 953519;1418618680;mircea_popescu;"it belongs to teh people" 953520;1418618682;decimation;you will find generally at least 3 layers of usg will tell you what you can do on 'your' land 953521;1418618685;mircea_popescu;"so why did i pay money then ?!" 953522;1418618688;mircea_popescu;"because you had it" 953523;1418618691;mircea_popescu;fatlogic, can't be beat. 953524;1418618711;BingoBoingo;If only because they can't borrow atm 953525;1418618717;thestringpuller;As yes, I suppose the USG is pretty much the mafia. 953526;1418618733;thestringpuller;Paying "protection" money. 953527;1418618739;thestringpuller;not as organized tho. 953528;1418618745;BingoBoingo;thestringpuller: They are the mafia if Fredo was given reigns over the family 953529;1418618753;mircea_popescu;lol that 953530;1418618795;decimation;it's pretty common in most lefty urban areas of the us to pay >2% per year in 'property tax' 953531;1418618872;decimation;at least in london you can 'lease' an estate from the crown for 1000 years, not 50 953532;1418618881;thestringpuller;lefty urban areas == hipsterland 953533;1418618904;badon;hi thestringpuller 953534;1418619050;BingoBoingo;Farmland in the US is less bullshit for owners since they usually lease it. 953535;1418619062;BingoBoingo;To the people who farm on it. 953536;1418619102;decimation;BingoBoingo: and of course the farmers are paid by usg to farm or not 953537;1418619115;BingoBoingo;decimation: Right. 953538;1418619125;BingoBoingo;It's a tower of rentseeking 953539;1418619181;badon;"bought the farm" is an idiom for death in the USA. 953540;1418619221;badon;There is no such thing as private land ownership in jurisdictions that tax ownership of land. 953541;1418619229;badon;tax = rent 953542;1418619230;BingoBoingo;I haven't heard it and I'm in the US surrounded by farms 953543;1418619245;badon;BingoBoingo: Haven't heard of what? 953544;1418619282;BingoBoingo;"bought the farm" I mean maybe I've heard it, but it isn't too common 953545;1418619282;decimation;yeah "bought the farm" is generally an aviation expression 953546;1418619289;badon;https://www.google.com/search?q=%22bought+the+farm%22+death 953547;1418619290;assbot;"bought the farm" death - Google Search ... ( http://bit.ly/1qPPYlz ) 953548;1418619389;decimation;my understanding is that the price of agricultural land has been rising due to the influx of wall st. money 953549;1418619531;badon;"bought the farm" became a euphemism for death after farmland seizures by the government and banks during the USA's Great Depression. The seizures led to food price increases and starvation. When the government tried to undo the damage they caused by reselling the farms, no one wanted to buy them. 953550;1418619595;badon;So, the government started doing other things to encourage farmers to farm without making them fear losing their livelihood if they have a bad crop or experience a depression. 953551;1418619626;badon;That's important USA history that is not in USA history books. 953552;1418619649;badon;bbl 953553;1418619943;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16700 @ 0.00057296 = 9.5684 BTC [-] {2} 953554;1418620097;*;asciilifeform random derps on the tumblrs << misread as 'on the tumbrils' 953555;1418620187;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 30 @ 0.12786714 = 3.836 BTC [+] {3} 953556;1418620553;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 3170 @ 0.0012 = 3.804 BTC 953557;1418620990;asciilifeform;http://americandigest.org/aaa1079cklarge-drone-assassina.jpg 953558;1418620992;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/135i8xM ) 953559;1418621000;asciilifeform;(from a larger loltron, http://americandigest.org/mt-archives/2013_02.php ) 953560;1418621001;assbot;AMERICAN DIGEST: February 2013 Archives ... ( http://bit.ly/135ibJK ) 953561;1418621163;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5361 @ 0.00058931 = 3.1593 BTC [+] 953562;1418621198;mircea_popescu;soo... argentines are about to set fire to the town AGAIN 953563;1418621201;mircea_popescu;2nd time this week. 953564;1418621208;mircea_popescu;there's like... people on top of people on top of buses. 953565;1418621216;mircea_popescu;i have nfi what they're so excited about, at 3am 953566;1418621295;BingoBoingo;Probably a local club won a game again. 953567;1418621313;BingoBoingo;Losing fans generally lack the energy to burn the world 953568;1418621389;mircea_popescu;i guess it must have. 953569;1418621909;BingoBoingo;!up huseby 953570;1418621956;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31600 @ 0.0006126 = 19.3582 BTC [+] {4} 953571;1418621991;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: ransomware article << funny thing, i have plenty of windows boxen, emulators, vm, etc. they are used for the purpose for which they work best: running crapware. 953572;1418621993;ben_vulpes; It would be interesting if a large portion of humanity couldn't make it to the year 300 because even the corn became diabetic. << counting from what now? 953573;1418622027;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: A.S. 300 Anno Satoshi 953574;1418622037;ben_vulpes;:D 953575;1418622040;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: I don't really know many people who don't 953576;1418622068;asciilifeform;who don't what ? 953577;1418622109;asciilifeform;i had none at all before taking up my present line of work. 953578;1418622125;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Have some sort of windows install for crapware. Maybe not for archeological purposes, but everyone with a Windows box seems to use it for the purpose of running crapware. They just aren't usually aware of it. 953579;1418622175;asciilifeform;'you may not take an interest in war but war is certainly interested in you' 953580;1418622183;ben_vulpes; instead he says, "You people don't know how this works" in reference to criticism of his poor decision making process. << thestringpuller clearly doesn't understand how the world works 953581;1418622224;ben_vulpes;also, one does not *hire* leadership. 953582;1418622243;mircea_popescu;<BingoBoingo> ben_vulpes: A.S. 300 Anno Satoshi << can it be 300 ass ? 953583;1418622245;mircea_popescu;as opposed to as ? 953584;1418622249;mircea_popescu;brilliant idea otherwise. 953585;1418622259;BingoBoingo;A.SS it is 953586;1418622282;ben_vulpes;leastaways i've yet to see that work out for anyone. more often than not hiring leadership is a cover for the sharks to move in and kick founding teams out. 953587;1418622285;asciilifeform;piss-poor year zero. 953588;1418622288;ben_vulpes;frequently deservedly, but nevertheless. 953589;1418622295;asciilifeform;i'll wait for usg nuremberg. 953590;1418622315;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you know ad is from the birth of christ 953591;1418622321;asciilifeform;ad yes 953592;1418622321;mircea_popescu;not from rebirth. 953593;1418622333;asciilifeform;as 953594;1418622333;asciilifeform;eh. 953595;1418622454;ben_vulpes;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-10-2014#886771 << re: ass 953596;1418622454;assbot;Logged on 22-10-2014 00:43:32; ben_vulpes: can we start counting in years since the first coinbase yet? 953597;1418622515;mircea_popescu;aha 953598;1418622534;ben_vulpes;handy, this public record. 953599;1418622576;mircea_popescu;mhm 953600;1418622593;fluffypony;almost like a "log" of sorts 953601;1418622599;fluffypony;where you can go back and check on things 953602;1418622608;fluffypony;whatever will they think of next 953603;1418622609;mircea_popescu;it totally keeps track of discussions and ideas and everything 953604;1418622618;ben_vulpes;o wow one can do all that too? 953605;1418622650;fluffypony;think of it as stone tablets 953606;1418622660;fluffypony;but someone is chiseling every conversation we have here 953607;1418622674;fluffypony;and there's another guy who will go retrieve older stone tablets on your request 953608;1418622698;ben_vulpes; I had a coworker who bought a car, and is still underwater on the loan. It's like "really"? << when are car loans not ever underwater? 953609;1418622713;asciilifeform;^ 953610;1418622724;mircea_popescu;right. consumer credit works on that principle. 953611;1418622733;asciilifeform;think car loan is a scam? try food loan. 953612;1418622740;asciilifeform;product turns to shit every time! 953613;1418622743;asciilifeform;sc4mz0rz. 953614;1418622744;fluffypony;lol 953615;1418622749;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19089 @ 0.00061722 = 11.7821 BTC [+] {2} 953616;1418622762;mircea_popescu;wait wut 953617;1418622806;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes was speaking of the well-known fact that a new car in usa loses around a fifth of its market value when driven off the merchant lot 953618;1418622834;asciilifeform;this is a tell-tale bezzle bell 953619;1418622854;asciilifeform;for certain especially perverse goods (e.g. diamond rings) it's ~90% iirc 953620;1418622871;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9650 @ 0.00062388 = 6.0204 BTC [+] 953621;1418622881;ben_vulpes;hah well 953622;1418622888;ben_vulpes;first one'd have to pay more than the gold is worth 953623;1418622954;asciilifeform;to 'devil's advocate' - driving the car off the lot turns it into another class of machine entirely. 953624;1418622959;asciilifeform;see the 'provenance' discussion. 953625;1418622965;asciilifeform;(re: eotvos experiment) 953626;1418622970;ben_vulpes;i got away with a "filigree" piece - 90% air anyways 953627;1418622977;asciilifeform;wai wat 953628;1418622981;asciilifeform;in your car? 953629;1418622988;ben_vulpes;no on lady v's finger 953630;1418622991;asciilifeform;l0l 953631;1418623005;*;asciilifeform has not, does not, will not - own rings 953632;1418623014;asciilifeform;woman - also 953633;1418623046;asciilifeform;rings bring mutilation and death to the chemical, electrical, mechanical experimenter. 953634;1418623064;ben_vulpes;i like to piss on my bushes 953635;1418623064;ben_vulpes;different strokes 953636;1418623090;asciilifeform;piss on my bushes << electric fence in bushes ? 953637;1418623094;*;asciilifeform unfamiliar with expression 953638;1418623155;ben_vulpes;a reference to territory marking. 953639;1418623166;asciilifeform;lol, ring has your coat of arms on it? 953640;1418623173;ben_vulpes;"a collar by any other name..." 953641;1418623203;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: this is really such a mystery to you? 953642;1418623205;*;asciilifeform recalls one of the folks at mircea_popescu's party having collar 953643;1418623247;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: not so much the custom of rings being a mystery, but how it marks the territory as being yours in particular, to the naked eye 953644;1418623265;ben_vulpes;how does a fence mark the land as belonging to any particular man? 953645;1418623280;asciilifeform;it doesn't 953646;1418623295;ben_vulpes;and the message it sends? 953647;1418623310;BingoBoingo;What voltage does the fence have? 953648;1418623315;ben_vulpes;at least in these parts "cross me and get shot". 953649;1418623335;asciilifeform;'survivors will be shot again!' 953650;1418623369;ben_vulpes;i don't leave survivors. 953651;1418623459;ben_vulpes;more accurately, the roboturrets don't miss. 953652;1418623861;BingoBoingo;Any updates from down under on their brush with IStralia? 953653;1418624823;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52923 @ 0.00060115 = 31.8147 BTC [-] {3} 953654;1418624945;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5400 @ 0.00059376 = 3.2063 BTC [-] 953655;1418625066;mircea_popescu; woman - also << nose rings can be useful :D 953656;1418625067;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20616 @ 0.00059376 = 12.241 BTC [-] 953657;1418626297;ben_vulpes;is anyone aware of interesting hiccups around using bitcoin to send rpc commands to a bitcoin daemon running on a different host? 953658;1418626380;fluffypony;why would you not just use curl to send the RPC commands? 953659;1418626438;ben_vulpes;cause derp, obviously 953660;1418626457;ben_vulpes;ty fluffypony 953661;1418626467;fluffypony;np 953662;1418628117;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5100 @ 0.00060016 = 3.0608 BTC [+] 953663;1418628605;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17629 @ 0.00059704 = 10.5252 BTC [-] 953664;1418629215;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7171 @ 0.00059704 = 4.2814 BTC [-] 953665;1418630070;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17650 @ 0.00059385 = 10.4815 BTC [-] 953666;1418632448;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 2300 @ 0.0012 = 2.76 BTC 953667;1418632631;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3350 @ 0.0005843 = 1.9574 BTC [-] 953668;1418633109;oglafbot;http://oglaf.com/semifinal/ 953669;1418633110;assbot;Semi-Final ... ( http://bit.ly/1Go6TPM ) 953670;1418634217;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45677 @ 0.00059192 = 27.0371 BTC [+] {2} 953671;1418635487;BingoBoingo;Oh Coinion updated http://www.coinion.com/2014/12/11/gambling-online-dollar-much-better-bitcoin/ 953672;1418635489;assbot;Gambling Online: The Dollar is SO Much Better Than Bitcoin - The Coinion ... ( http://bit.ly/12STgJI ) 953673;1418635569;BingoBoingo;Looks like an ad placement by a retard 953674;1418635573;*;BingoBoingo disappoint again 953675;1418636919;davout;the ddos on connect thing seems to still be going on 953676;1418636936;davout;looks like it prevents anyone from webchat to connect 953677;1418636940;davout;even when cloaked 953678;1418636958;davout;well, actually it's the cloak that doesn't actually work with webchat 953679;1418636962;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31881 @ 0.00059362 = 18.9252 BTC [+] 953680;1418637206;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13150 @ 0.00059754 = 7.8577 BTC [+] {2} 953681;1418638182;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26274 @ 0.00059992 = 15.7623 BTC [+] {2} 953682;1418638853;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21657 @ 0.00059175 = 12.8155 BTC [-] {2} 953683;1418638945;adlai;bitfinex seems to have the same kind of uncertainty as mpex 953684;1418638985;davout;adlai: wut 953685;1418638986;adlai;where you can have an order placed/cancelled message processed by the API server, but a subsequent order book query shows that the order matcher hasn't yet seen the order 953686;1418639035;davout;you can not infer what the matching engine has seen from an order book query 953687;1418639077;davout;for all you know it might be cached and not expired yet 953688;1418639341;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35692 @ 0.00058062 = 20.7235 BTC [-] {2} 953689;1418639768;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31150 @ 0.00057896 = 18.0346 BTC [-] 953690;1418639829;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12200 @ 0.00060016 = 7.322 BTC [+] 953691;1418640561;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23050 @ 0.00057893 = 13.3443 BTC [-] {2} 953692;1418642635;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19800 @ 0.00058557 = 11.5943 BTC [+] {2} 953693;1418644587;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32627 @ 0.00059433 = 19.3912 BTC [+] {2} 953694;1418645136;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 52 @ 0.12408674 = 6.4525 BTC [-] {5} 953695;1418646478;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33300 @ 0.00057886 = 19.276 BTC [-] {3} 953696;1418647698;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44094 @ 0.00056586 = 24.951 BTC [-] {3} 953697;1418648145;mircea_popescu;!up Rory_ 953698;1418649050;davout;mircea_popescu: seems like the welcome-ddos is another barrier to entry 953699;1418649050;mircea_popescu;hehe. 953700;1418649053;mircea_popescu;pretty cool huh. 953701;1418649083;davout;also you can't avoid it from webchat 953702;1418649089;davout;since the cloaking doesn't work 953703;1418649121;mircea_popescu;it does ? 953704;1418649184;davout;try to get cloaked from webchat, at first it works, but then some freenode bot instantly removes it 953705;1418649196;mircea_popescu;o.O 953706;1418649200;mircea_popescu;that's pretty stupid. 953707;1418649223;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29500 @ 0.00056436 = 16.6486 BTC [-] 953708;1418649692;cazalla;shit is heating up here, media won't show the videos from IS 953709;1418649706;cazalla;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AxN0Yvt_yE for example 953710;1418649707;assbot;ISIS demands in sydney through hostage - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1yTO5Ha ) 953711;1418649707;mircea_popescu;lol put it up. 953712;1418649721;mircea_popescu;ah it's on youtube nm 953713;1418649735;cazalla;yeah it's everywhere except TV, so it's nowhere according to TV lol 953714;1418649751;mircea_popescu;yeah, because tv really matters o.O 953715;1418649786;mircea_popescu;so is the statal bureaucrat going to break down and actually *GASP* talk to someone outside of the venues the state controls ? 953716;1418649802;mircea_popescu;or is he going to *pretend* like he gives a shit about anything but his fantasy ? 953717;1418649843;mircea_popescu;pretty big deal this, imo. 953718;1418649859;mircea_popescu;australian prime minister basically is admitting de facto that a) he stands for a lie and b) he's too stupid to be able to argue for it persuasively. 953719;1418649879;mircea_popescu;his case is unexceptional. obama couldn't argue why the usg should even exist either. 953720;1418649904;cazalla;he won't talk to em, not a chance, heads are gonna roll either way by looks of it 953721;1418649905;mircea_popescu;pretty cool imo. 953722;1418649924;mircea_popescu;this point needs to be made, and made often and made well. 953723;1418649947;mircea_popescu;"democratically elected representatives" are not only dumb as rocks, but fundamentally unrepresentative. 953724;1418650658;cazalla;well, you were right about the landwhales lol http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=32f_1418647768 953725;1418650659;assbot;LiveLeak.com - Sydney Siege Hostage Demands (Video 4) ... ( http://bit.ly/1yTR2aS ) 953726;1418650697;cazalla;srs though, can't be that dedicated to the cause if he didn't even have his own flag 953727;1418651114;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31600 @ 0.00060235 = 19.0343 BTC [+] {2} 953728;1418651372;cazalla;apparently this is the dude http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sheikh_Haron 953729;1418651374;assbot;Sheikh Haron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1yTT8aH ) 953730;1418651603;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 57311 @ 0.00058158 = 33.3309 BTC [-] 953731;1418651820;mircea_popescu;halfassed terrorist holds a bunch of fatasses hostage ? 953732;1418652122;cazalla;looks somewhat halfassed, arrested for sending angry letters previously, guess that is to far a jump to heads on pikes 953733;1418652128;mircea_popescu;"and was later verified by media (with permission from the authorities)" 953734;1418652130;mircea_popescu;dude srsly ? 953735;1418652134;cazalla;yeah, sad eh 953736;1418652149;mircea_popescu;myeah. 953737;1418652161;cazalla;if this guy gets out of it alive, he has a future in viral marketing on social media 953738;1418652161;mircea_popescu;why would i want to read a "press" that publishes by permission ? 953739;1418652162;mircea_popescu;lol 953740;1418652177;mircea_popescu;every social reject from every mechanism and circumstance has the same future in viral marketing. 953741;1418652248;mircea_popescu;meanwhile on the other side of internet lol, http://pastebin.com/rHSu3iPi 953742;1418652249;assbot;I'm homeless indian junkie. I'm accepting Bitcoin donations to buy crack for me - Pastebin.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1yTVYwv ) 953743;1418652600;cazalla;"Sent from my iPhone" 953744;1418652688;mircea_popescu;that a good thing ? 953745;1418652795;thestringpuller;dunno why a homeless person addicted to crack would have an iPhone... 953746;1418652806;thestringpuller;or how for that matter 953747;1418652822;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1948 @ 0.00060124 = 1.1712 BTC [+] 953748;1418652852;cazalla;looks like that was used for Preet Bharara 953749;1418652931;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller internet derp being what he imagines is sarcastic. 953750;1418652944;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22400 @ 0.00060687 = 13.5939 BTC [+] {2} 953751;1418653138;mircea_popescu;get a cloak Rory_ 953752;1418653146;cazalla;i wonder if it's a psychological tactic to release his name at this time, maybe he feels media gives him recognition and being tired, is content with that and gives up 953753;1418653155;mircea_popescu;the way this guy cuts down on all the dumb idlers that imagine whatever, b-a is just another channel, can autopilot in is so fucking great srlsy. 953754;1418653208;cazalla;barely noticed tbh 953755;1418653303;mircea_popescu;shit sherlock 953756;1418653304;mircea_popescu;https://www.quantcast.com/qntra.net 953757;1418653306;assbot; Qntra.net Traffic and Demographic Statistics by Quantcast ... ( http://bit.ly/1yTZAP9 ) 953758;1418653309;mircea_popescu;you seen that c? 953759;1418653311;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22100 @ 0.00060931 = 13.4658 BTC [+] 953760;1418653336;mircea_popescu;larger than the previous peak. 953761;1418653346;cazalla;well, that's not bad 953762;1418653348;mircea_popescu;by a good 50% 953763;1418653381;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: thank reddit 953764;1418653381;mircea_popescu;oh ? 953765;1418653400;cazalla;yeah, a qntra post was like #4 or something on reddit earlier 953766;1418653402;thestringpuller;qntra was on front page of /r/bitcoin 953767;1418653429;cazalla;http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2p9ctz/ford_motor_company_bitcoin_a_trend_for_2015/ 953768;1418653431;assbot;Ford Motor Company: Bitcoin A Trend For 2015 : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1GHCSsy ) 953769;1418653431;thestringpuller;to quote "I came for the bunny" so you should actually be thanking cazalla 's bunny 953770;1418653443;mircea_popescu;o ic 953771;1418653444;cazalla;not bad considering i was drunk at the time, just ask BingoBoingo 953772;1418653468;mircea_popescu;lol 953773;1418653480;mircea_popescu;funny enoughy, awstats doesn't see the same sort of jumps 953774;1418653504;mircea_popescu;i think part of this might be that most of qntra stable readership are computer savvy folks and so invisible, 953775;1418653532;mircea_popescu;but whenever reddit or whoever pours in, there's a huge upsurge in traffic visible for quantcast. 953776;1418653541;cazalla;wouldn't it be other way around? savvy reader blocks quantcast code, hit still reg in webserver stats? 953777;1418653565;mircea_popescu;exactly. 953778;1418653565;cazalla;who are all these asians though 953779;1418653570;mircea_popescu;awstats average is like 6-700, yest 1.3k 953780;1418653579;mircea_popescu;quantcast is more like 50-200, yest 2.7k 953781;1418653625;mircea_popescu;anyways, nice going. it's fun to have the ath yest. 953782;1418653692;cazalla;nb considering things have been slow past week, i would expect things to crawl over xmas period too 953783;1418653707;mircea_popescu;me too yeah 953784;1418655283;thestringpuller;cazalla: well given BingoBoingo's prevention of shitware piece, maybe more non-time-sensitive pieces? 953785;1418655303;davout;!t x.eur 953786;1418655303;assbot;You had the last Philistine. This one's mine. 953787;1418655313;cazalla;thestringpuller, yeah, those articles are good for the weekend 953788;1418655313;thestringpuller;!t m x.eur 953789;1418655313;assbot;[MPEX:X.EUR] 1D: 0.00350937 / 0.00353359 / 0.0035368 (449 shares, 1.59 BTC), 7D: 0.00341302 / 0.00349125 / 0.00355121 (2207 shares, 7.71 BTC), 30D: 0.00321492 / 0.00337825 / 0.00355121 (6434 shares, 21.74 BTC) 953790;1418655320;cazalla;i'm off anyway, zzz 953791;1418655334;thestringpuller;night mang 953792;1418655334;davout;thestringpuller: ah thx 953793;1418655334;mircea_popescu;!up ug_ 953794;1418655334;thestringpuller;see you in a few hours 953795;1418655340;mircea_popescu;he doesn't really sleep much does he. 953796;1418655350;davout;mircea_popescu: x.eur plox 953797;1418655358;thestringpuller;does anyone sleep that much in this channel? 953798;1418655366;mircea_popescu;i guess not o.O 953799;1418655380;mircea_popescu;davout will happen today :) 953800;1418655420;davout;mircea_popescu: so, why does it not make sense according to you that x.eur could trade continuously? 953801;1418655443;mircea_popescu;because old and new contracts hafta be distinguished. 953802;1418655456;mircea_popescu;and because downstream providers & brokers need a settlement spot 953803;1418655651;davout;mircea_popescu: old and new can be distinguished by the current timestamp, after cutoff all "old" contracts turn into "new" 953804;1418655666;davout;could you elaborate on the settlement spot ? 953805;1418655701;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: is this why there were options appended with T and N 953806;1418655708;mircea_popescu;basically, we're cheating by using a singlke name for different instruments. 953807;1418655712;thestringpuller;N's would eventually turn into T's 953808;1418655715;mircea_popescu;this works ok if therer's some time separation. 953809;1418655719;davout;because the way i see it, it could perfectly make sense to say "if you want delivery, email me before cutoff minus 24h, push the asset, email receipt, and you get delivered on the settlement date" 953810;1418655760;mircea_popescu;anyway, you'll get the new set later today, nottin' to get too excited about. 953811;1418655830;davout;i could understand the "it's actually two different assets" point if at some point you had to sell the old one and buy the new one 953812;1418655871;mircea_popescu;i can see people doing that. 953813;1418655882;davout;if one automatically turns into the other one at some point they sure look like the same to me 953814;1418655947;*;mircea_popescu shrugs 953815;1418655959;mircea_popescu;this arguing by simple restatement of one's position is uninteresting. 953816;1418656065;davout;i guess that what i'm trying to clear up is the question: "why do you want to distinguish them?" 953817;1418656126;mircea_popescu;because they are actually different things. 953818;1418656238;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13750 @ 0.00061138 = 8.4065 BTC [+] {2} 953819;1418656411;davout;well, just because two dollar bills have a different serial number doesn't make it very useful to distinguish them, likewise it does not seem very useful to me to want to distinguish between these, maybe it's just me but i don't see what problem this solves 953820;1418656438;mircea_popescu;but these aren't two dollar bills. one is a dollar bill of your paycheck today. the other is a dollar bill of your paycheck next month. they aren't fungible. 953821;1418656523;davout;absolutely, but at any point of time there can't be only a single contract type trading, unlike what i understand from the usual future contracts where at some point both contracts are trading simultaneously 953822;1418656766;mircea_popescu;yeah well, the time granularity here is closer to the day than to the second 953823;1418656858;davout;from what i understand, it's usually the case that the N and N+1 contracts trade simultaneously during a few days at least 953824;1418656890;mircea_popescu;if they're specially denominated, yeah. 953825;1418658208;TomServo;Wow. 1USD = 60.5RUB. 953826;1418658617;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 4008 @ 0.0012 = 4.8096 BTC 953827;1418658729;mircea_popescu;nuts. 953828;1418658861;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1000 @ 0.0012 = 1.2 BTC 953829;1418659715;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42200 @ 0.00061248 = 25.8467 BTC [+] {2} 953830;1418659776;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1700 @ 0.0012 = 2.04 BTC 953831;1418660518;asciilifeform;at first it works, but then some freenode bot instantly removes it << wtf is the deal with the 'cloaking' thing anyway. why the idiocy of displaying ip by default ? 953832;1418660533;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you don't understand how the world works!1111!! 953833;1418660539;mircea_popescu;they're just clueless idiots. 953834;1418660541;asciilifeform;apparently not 953835;1418660569;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13700 @ 0.00060931 = 8.3475 BTC [-] 953836;1418660680;*;mircea_popescu recalls his last foray into #freenode, where some staf derp explained how he can revert hashes 953837;1418660683;ben_vulpes; the way this guy cuts down on all the dumb idlers that imagine whatever, b-a is just another channel, can autopilot in is so fucking great srlsy. << too strong of a noob filter imho. more spport for the casuals! 953838;1418660712;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes if they're actively trying to stick, they can triviallydo so. 953839;1418660722;mircea_popescu;if they just wantr to idle in 500 "bitcoin related" channels fuck them. 953840;1418660728;thestringpuller;go to #freenode "Hey can I have cloak" 953841;1418660753;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37750 @ 0.0006108 = 23.0577 BTC [+] {2} 953842;1418661179;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3700 @ 0.00060307 = 2.2314 BTC [-] 953843;1418661253;rithm;"can i haz cloak" makes it happen faster 953844;1418662095;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 2277 @ 0.0012 = 2.7324 BTC 953845;1418662338;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 4300 @ 0.0012 = 5.16 BTC 953846;1418662352;davout;mircea_popescu: mpex seems half-down 953847;1418662361;davout;n/a everywhere 953848;1418662380;mircea_popescu;workin' on it. 953849;1418662959;jurov;$proxies 953850;1418662960;empyex;jurov: Proxies: mpex.ws mpex.bz mpex.co mpex.biz mpex.coinbr.com Current MPEx GPG-Key-ID: 02DD2D91 953851;1418662986;empyex;jurov: MPEx-Status: mpex.bz (5108 milliseconds), mpex.biz (5108 milliseconds), mpex.co (5120 milliseconds), mpex.ws (5230 milliseconds), mpex.coinbr.com (5505 milliseconds) 953852;1418662997;empyex;jurov: Health-Indicators: Homepage: √ MK Depth JSON: √ VWAP JSON: √ 953853;1418663002;jurov;l0l 953854;1418663080;davout;jurov: the patient is dead but the heart monitor self-test reports 100% success phew 953855;1418663189;kakobrekla;ah yes, the ping machine! 953856;1418663215;kakobrekla;;;google machine that goes ping 953857;1418663216;gribble;Monty Python - Hospital Sketch - YouTube: ; The Meaning of Life (1983) - Quotes - IMDb: ; Monty Python's The Meaning of Life - Wikiquote: 953858;1418663401;mircea_popescu;davout lol well, they have a split issue. the proxies are online, just... no data. 953859;1418664351;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1670 @ 0.0012 = 2.004 BTC 953860;1418665032;asciilifeform;;;later tell kakobrekla when you measured the 1+gb/sec or whatever of ddos, didja log incoming packets ? 953861;1418665032;gribble;The operation succeeded. 953862;1418665344;kakobrekla;asciilifeform nope. 953863;1418665460;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: if you can be bothered, try the experiment again, with tcpdump log. and post or send privately (i only need packet payloads and originator ip) 953864;1418665469;asciilifeform;no rush. 953865;1418665553;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: example >> http://www.loper-os.org/pub/flood.txt.gz 953866;1418665555;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1svN0DW ) 953867;1418666136;asciilifeform;https://ssdpscan.shadowserver.org 953868;1418666138;assbot;The Shadowserver Foundation: Simple Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP) Scanning Project ... ( http://bit.ly/1svOj5H ) 953869;1418666167;asciilifeform;interestingly, they do not publish the ips, but did post this graphic: https://ssdpscan.shadowserver.org/all/ssdp_hilbert_4096_current.png << from which you can easily derive them! 953870;1418666171;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1svOluw ) 953871;1418666173;asciilifeform;^ exercise for alert reader 953872;1418666393;asciilifeform;http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:JOOtTeT-uH4J:www.hackforums.net/showthread.php%3Ftid%3D4502619+&cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us 953873;1418666394;assbot;Free C SSDP attack script + scanner, don't get scammed! - Page 1 ... ( http://bit.ly/1svP3Yx ) 953874;1418666397;asciilifeform;^ mega-lol re: idiots 953875;1418666621;davout;mircea_popescu: so you're using mysqlol on the proxies 953876;1418666629;asciilifeform;http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:L1ay4bsEJyIJ:www.hackforums.net/showthread.php%3Ftid%3D4427786+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us << from same snakepit, explanation for the thickest 953877;1418666631;assbot;SSDP Amplification Vector Explain [Attack Script & Scanner included] + a GIFT - Page 1 ... ( http://bit.ly/1svQ6YH ) 953878;1418666781;davout;X.EUR December statement : http://fr.anco.is/2014/12/15/x-eur-december-15th-2014-statement/ 953879;1418666782;assbot;X.EUR December 15th 2014 statement | fr.anco.is ... ( http://bit.ly/1svQXbQ ) 953880;1418666806;davout;asset transfers will happen when MPEx gets back 953881;1418666884;davout;which is apparently now 953882;1418666954;scoopbot;New post on Trilema by Mircea Popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/teenage-boys-the-premier-source-of-comedy-gold/ 953883;1418667007;kakobrekla;asciilifeform port 80 only? 953884;1418667045;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: nah, originating from 1900 953885;1418667054;asciilifeform;destination may vary. 953886;1418667175;asciilifeform;for the impatient: the way this particular type of ddos works is called 'amplification.' certain kinds of misconfigured consumer routers will send several packets to victim ip for every packet received from the diddler's. hence amp. 953887;1418667208;asciilifeform;ddos aficionados scan the net for these boxes, and then sell (or sometimes simply post) the resulting chump list 953888;1418667229;asciilifeform;once posted in the open, the chumps begin to get 'overgrazed' 953889;1418667230;asciilifeform;and new ones are required. 953890;1418667923;kakobrekla;yes but incoming is 80 953891;1418667944;kakobrekla;recording now, unable to access the box for the while 953892;1418667971;kakobrekla;(this is hitting 4 poor arm cores) 953893;1418668082;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: grab as many as you can. no hurry. 953894;1418668754;kakobrekla;250mb log atm 953895;1418668837;kakobrekla;seems to be dying off 953896;1418669119;Anduck;.deeds 953897;1418669119;Anduck;where's deeds? 953898;1418669401;ben_vulpes;ask punkman. nominally some progress was to be made this weekend. 953899;1418671089;kakobrekla;asciilifeform see link in pm. 953900;1418671869;BingoBoingo;http://www.mail-archive.com/bitcoin-development@lists.sourceforge.net/msg06583.html 953901;1418671869;assbot;[Bitcoin-development] Recent EvalScript() changes meanCHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY can't be merged ... ( http://bit.ly/12X0IU5 ) 953902;1418672665;ben_vulpes;lordy 953903;1418674731;BingoBoingo;!up t4nk 953904;1418676394;BingoBoingo;https://images.encyclopediadramatica.se/7/7c/Breedism.jpg 953905;1418676395;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1qT1ahc ) 953906;1418676631;jurov;http://www.boredpanda.com/1000-colours-color-jigsaw-puzzle-clemens-habicht/ my ass 953907;1418676633;assbot;1000-Piece CMYK Color Gamut Jigsaw Puzzle By Designer Clemens Habicht | Bored Panda ... ( http://bit.ly/1qT27pS ) 953908;1418676829;mats;don't worry BingoBoingo, trainers will lower requirements so the chihuahuas can graduate 953909;1418677086;mats;its already been done for chihuahuas going through Airborne and Air Assault school 953910;1418677093;thestringpuller;!up BlueMeanie4 953911;1418677171;mats;but, hey, israel allows chihuahuas to serve in their infantry units!!! 953912;1418677215;BingoBoingo;lol 953913;1418677277;asciilifeform;http://wurmhoudt.blogspot.com/2012/08/anti-tank-dogs.html << chihuahua could work just as well in this job. 953914;1418677279;assbot;Mr Boot's Axis Blog: Anti-tank Dogs ... ( http://bit.ly/1qT4by4 ) 953915;1418677367;BingoBoingo;Depends on the size of the payload the tank demands 953916;1418677374;mats;heart dun mean shit when you've got to march 20mi in a 30 pound iotv, with a 45 pound pack, and 15 pounds of weapon and magazine 953917;1418677380;cazalla;i am happy to report Australia is safe once again, apparently mr i forgot my isis flag guy fell asleep, hostages ran out and woke him, he started blasting and cops 360 no scoped him 953918;1418677495;mats;such discipline 953919;1418678031;adlai;mother should i trust the government 953920;1418678795;kakobrekla;ok so assbot will now warn you bout ddos only if you have a dot in you host 953921;1418678803;kakobrekla;if you get the msg, yer phucked 953922;1418678993;thestringpuller;"We choose to bitcoin company in the bitcoin way" - some derp CEO of some coinderp company. These quotes are getting ridiculous. 953923;1418679027;kakobrekla;lol ok 953924;1418679871;mats;verb everything 953925;1418680051;BingoBoingo;I liked assbot PM though. Made it easy to say !up while typing less 953926;1418680123;kakobrekla;:( 953927;1418680239;BingoBoingo;Well, maybe if host doesn't have a dot assbot can greet people with joke? 953928;1418680245;jborkl;heh, yeah 953929;1418680657;BingoBoingo;Cool 953930;1418680789;BingoBoingo;Thank you kakobrekla http://cdn3.volusion.com/74gtv.tjme9/v/vspfiles/photos/Delicious%20Dozen-1.jpg 953931;1418680791;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1AA42PX ) 953932;1418680822;kakobrekla;lol 953933;1418680825;kakobrekla;yw ! 953934;1418680853;mats;would you make it three dots? 953935;1418680963;kakobrekla;cant you put cloak on top of that? 953936;1418681396;jurov;argh, every github hipster now wires travis ci to their project 953937;1418681525;jurov;btw, i was invited to coinmate.io 953938;1418681541;jurov;later read it as co.inmate, had double take 953939;1418681543;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 8000 @ 0.0012 = 9.6 BTC 953940;1418681614;kakobrekla;>Dear clients, 953941;1418681614;kakobrekla;we sincerely apologize but our site was under a massive Distributed Denial of Service attack. We have reconfigured our servers for full protection by one of the world's best DDOS protection providers, so there will not be any downtime in the future. Our service has now world-class security. 953942;1418681614;kakobrekla;lolok 953943;1418681764;BingoBoingo;Is .inmate a tld yet? 953944;1418681908;jurov;i'd prefer .зэк 953945;1418682042;jurov;already i got into argument with these coinmates.. since their czech ass is close to eurozone and they offer sepa/czk 953946;1418682067;jurov;so i asked them about the calculator instead of just saying go to xe.com 953947;1418682078;jurov;"nooo that would be difficult" 953948;1418682181;jurov;and "but most of our customers are muricans" 953949;1418682243;jurov;i was like wtf how they imagine offering usd coupon codes to muricans when everyone else was forced to stop doing it 953950;1418682251;jurov;co.inmates, indeed 953951;1418682260;BingoBoingo;What the fuck. "I am near you would like to be customer" "Fuck you, our customers are Americans so we can scam them with impunity" 953952;1418682346;jborkl;heh, too hard to scrape exchange rate and divide by BTC 953953;1418682661;jurov;slight correction: they don't open accounts for USians they only said to me "our customers use usd" .. i just misextrapolated 953954;1418682682;BingoBoingo;Ah 953955;1418683127;mats;nah a cloak won't take precedence over the irccloud one 953956;1418683160;kakobrekla;sure it will 953957;1418683182;mats;freenode staff disagrees 953958;1418683204;kakobrekla;freenode staff can also dehash hashes 953959;1418683272;mats;i almost started a fire just now bc some extension cable started melting when i hooked up a space heater 953960;1418683303;mats;wouldn't have noticed if i hadn't went to poop 953961;1418683322;kakobrekla;your ass saved your ass 953962;1418683323;BingoBoingo;mats: You are now qualified to operate BTC mine 953963;1418683340;BingoBoingo;By virtue of Ass luck 953964;1418683522;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by cazalla: http://qntra.net/2014/12/ophionlocker-latest-ransomware-which-is-spread-via-ad-networks/ 953965;1418683536;mats;im getting high on plastic fumes 953966;1418683797;jurov;http://www.zelpage.cz/news_n/zssk_aeer_nove_wc.jpg someone who projected this toilet prolly got some fumes, too 953967;1418683799;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1yVHBHZ ) 953968;1418683832;jurov;(it's our incumbent railways reaction to competition) 953969;1418683982;adlai;mpex web-side totally fucked eh 953970;1418684080;jurov;i remember we talked with mircea about more direct access, he was like "nah, not needed anymore, we have it covered" 953971;1418684117;kakobrekla;!s s.nsa november 953972;1418684118;assbot;3 results for 's.nsa november' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=s.nsa+november 953973;1418684158;jurov;remember,remember 953974;1418684261;kakobrekla;mats it seem they are right this time. dik, get a real client or smth. 953975;1418684562;adlai;good thing the chart scraper was turned off, it would've captured a cartload of horseshit 953976;1418684677;kakobrekla;you horse shit can be turned into btc 953977;1418684684;kakobrekla;your 953978;1418684790;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: http://i.imgur.com/5koAv3H.jpg 953979;1418685080;mircea_popescu;omg all teh hate. 953980;1418685104;mircea_popescu;anyway, dumbass proxies desynced and started running around topless in the dc. 953981;1418685110;jurov;https://i.imgur.com/k3odZjv.jpg also 953982;1418685112;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1wBY94k ) 953983;1418685132;jurov;mircea_popescu: photos or gtfo 953984;1418685159;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: famous 953985;1418685243;adlai;to celebrate mpoe coming back up: https://vid.me/pYV4 953986;1418685244;assbot;The MPEx Shuffle - vidme ... ( http://bit.ly/1wBYQL8 ) 953987;1418685275;mircea_popescu;"The #4890 pull-req in question had no ACKs at all, and only two untested utACKS, which I find worrying for something that made significant consensus critical code changes." via BingoBoingo 953988;1418685283;mircea_popescu;basically, shit only goes one way. 953989;1418685311;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Courtesy of Peter Todd 953990;1418685336;jurov;yup for mpex 953991;1418685397;mircea_popescu;adlai aww i cxan not see it 953992;1418685397;mircea_popescu;whai can it not be a gif 953993;1418685435;adlai;can this ffmpex thing make gifs 953994;1418685459;mircea_popescu;ffmpeg ? yes. 953995;1418685464;mircea_popescu;"apparently mr i forgot my isis flag guy fell asleep" << ahahaha epic 953996;1418685493;mircea_popescu;"i was gonna do thinks with my gun... but then i got tired... then i got tired... and fell asleep" 953997;1418685521;mircea_popescu;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WeYsTmIzjkw << my humble proposal for a isis.oz anthem 953998;1418685523;assbot;Afroman - Because I Got High - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1wC03lx ) 953999;1418685579;BingoBoingo;I really think it is irresponsible the dude didn't bring some serious stimulants with him. I mean the police get to have shift changes. 954000;1418685581;*;adlai tries with convert, let's see how bad the RAMrape gets 954001;1418685640;mircea_popescu;you just do ffmpeg -o fuck.gif or some shit 954002;1418685786;mircea_popescu;im bashing the kako ass ass comment. 954003;1418686215;adlai;fuck, gif is 3mb and counting 954004;1418686312;adlai;why does convert need 5G ram to build a 4M file. somebody didn't read knuth? 954005;1418686446;mircea_popescu;sounds like http://trilema.com/2014/ubuntu-is-a-worse-piece-of-shit-than-ms-dos-ever-was/ 954006;1418686447;assbot;Ubuntu is a worse piece of shit than MS-DOS ever was. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1wbmC1Q ) 954007;1418686450;BingoBoingo;adlai: Everyone talks about Knuth, but no one reads Knuth. 954008;1418686568;asciilifeform;'no one' lol. 954009;1418686905;undata;mircea_popescu: there's "ionice" which might help those cases 954010;1418686927;undata;not that I dispute ubuntu being a steaming pile 954011;1418687216;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 4210 @ 0.0012 = 5.052 BTC 954012;1418688629;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: noone for values such that of people who claim to have, finding actual readers is still a hard problem. Not an actual 0. 954013;1418689493;decimation;asciilifeform: that internet-wide scanner is neat 954014;1418689748;decimation;.зэк would be a great tld 954015;1418689810;mircea_popescu;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYMRjnM6j6w 954016;1418689812;assbot;Monty Python's - Johann Gambolputty - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/16oUaQg ) 954017;1418689818;mircea_popescu;THAT shouldbe a tld. 954018;1418690229;decimation;so I guess the democratic police in sydney nearly succeeded in saving all the hostages 954019;1418690889;mircea_popescu;lol 954020;1418691513;cazalla;decimation, they saved themselves, nearly all escaped before the cops even went in 954021;1418691561;cazalla;if the law permitted us to carry weapons, would've ended much sooner as well 954022;1418691632;[]bot;Bet placed: 5 BTC for No on "Billion dollar bet?" http://bitbet.us/bet/1047/ Odds: 14(Y):86(N) by coin, 17(Y):83(N) by weight. Total bet: 15.21715114 BTC. Current weight: 46,538. 954023;1418691782;asciilifeform;what threadbare log. 954024;1418691862;asciilifeform;from the department of nyooz yoo can yooze - kakobrekla provided data from which we learn that ddos man has switched from ssdp to ntp 'amplification' attack (see literature.) 954025;1418691862;cazalla;and it's that bullshit law which enables mohammed to hold down a chocolate shop for almost 24 hours.. the gov actually enabled him to do better than he could if the playing field was level 954026;1418691895;asciilifeform;same principles apply to ntp flooding as earlier ssdp - anyone who wishes can 'walk away with' the 'bots'. 954027;1418691910;asciilifeform;the machines in question are not 'pwned' in the conventional, permanent sense 954028;1418691927;asciilifeform;they answer to any fool who can send some spoofed packets. 954029;1418691932;mircea_popescu;no, just ntp is a braindamaged protocol 954030;1418691962;mircea_popescu;the world would be so much better if all the gmaxwells of this world were never taught to read. 954031;1418691989;asciilifeform;all of the 'amplification' tricks rely on the ability to send (and see them routed) packets with spoofed origin ip. 954032;1418692004;asciilifeform;this in turn is fundamental braindamage baked into a good chunk of the net. 954033;1418692106;asciilifeform;great many places have no 'ingress filtering' 954034;1418692107;mircea_popescu;there's nothing wrong with declaring your ip 954035;1418692117;asciilifeform;this is something else 954036;1418692118;mircea_popescu;there IS something wrong to treating packets like fucking popcorn. 954037;1418692128;asciilifeform;packets claiming to be from inside your net should not be able to enter it from outside. 954038;1418692141;mircea_popescu;sure. 954039;1418692167;asciilifeform;http://www.bcp38.info/index.php/Main_Page << summary 954040;1418692170;assbot;BCP38 ... ( http://bit.ly/1uQo3y9 ) 954041;1418692170;mircea_popescu;not trivial to know where a packet enters tho. they do have to traverse it anyway 954042;1418692183;asciilifeform;most 'human' networks have a single gateway. 954043;1418692209;mircea_popescu;" IP addresses that were not assigned to the device which is sending them." 954044;1418692211;mircea_popescu;pshhh. 954045;1418692216;mircea_popescu;this is not the solution. 954046;1418692228;mircea_popescu;the solution is to not send 500 packets in response to one 954047;1418692234;asciilifeform;weirdos like us, who might use gnarly multihomed pipes, not counted 954048;1418692235;mircea_popescu;and to not send packets to X that were asked for by Y. 954049;1418692254;asciilifeform;that last bit is precisely what i was speaking of. 954050;1418692272;asciilifeform;spoofing allows y to impersonate x. 954051;1418692276;asciilifeform;hence x gets the reply. 954052;1418692314;asciilifeform;this is not high science. ip spoofing and ddos vectors enabled by it are an age-old plague. 954053;1418692400;mircea_popescu;meanwhile TO THIS DAY wordpress will go check because said so. 954054;1418692472;mircea_popescu;and in connectionless environments such as ntp or dns even, it would cost nothing to require 2 tits for every tat. 954055;1418692482;mircea_popescu;you want the time ? ask twice. the server answers each request pair once, in the order of descending delta intervals. 954056;1418692484;asciilifeform;there are considerably more misconfigured consumer routers, tv boxes, electrical dildoes, etc. than 'wordpress' installs. 954057;1418692539;asciilifeform;(the latter tends to sit on fatter pipe, however. so i've no idea which one wins in practice.) 954058;1418692550;asciilifeform;^ for typical crap artist's collection 954059;1418692559;mircea_popescu;im annoyed by the principle of the thing. 954060;1418692574;mircea_popescu;mullenweg and the core of imbeciles "working" at wordpress go around claiming they program computers 954061;1418692582;mircea_popescu;meanwhile they are too stupid o tie their own shoes. 954062;1418692609;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-12-2014#948319 954063;1418692609;assbot;Logged on 08-12-2014 17:09:27; asciilifeform: where every packet knows who paid for it << those who imagine a wot-routing based net as a rent-seekers' paradise are mistaken. it is today's net that is a rent-seeker's paradise, where folks who cannot abide ddos must buy bandwidth in vast excess of their normal needs 954064;1418692613;mircea_popescu;"lets make computers fun" ; "you know, for kids" and "anyone can do this". fuck that. 954065;1418692640;asciilifeform;rather, http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-12-2014#948287 954066;1418692640;assbot;Logged on 08-12-2014 16:32:51; asciilifeform: ddos << there will come the day when folks will remember the 'route to anybody who asks first-come-first-serve' internet - with disgust. 954067;1418692655;ben_vulpes;once upon a time, computers were such that children could actually reason about them. 954068;1418692655;mircea_popescu;pre apple. 954069;1418692676;asciilifeform;pre-i386. 954070;1418692691;mircea_popescu;anyway, the entire world made by derps unaware of game theory needs to be redone. 954071;1418692716;mircea_popescu;it's like a beautifully drawn mmorpg made by blizzard. you KNOW the economy will be broken to all shit. 954072;1418692716;asciilifeform;who? - made what? - while unaware of game theory? 954073;1418692734;mircea_popescu;every anything used in an amplification attack meets the criteria. 954074;1418692744;mircea_popescu;it was made by idiots who do not understand what trade even is. 954075;1418692755;*;asciilifeform distinctly recalls that half the u.s. research establishment at one point furiously masturbated to game theorey 954076;1418692757;asciilifeform;*theory 954077;1418692780;mircea_popescu;yah well 954078;1418692814;BingoBoingo;Plenty of derps masterbate to the idea of tits without experiencing or understanding them 954079;1418692842;asciilifeform;the problem with 'amplification attack' isn't that i can send b bytes and get K*b back. failing this - tremendous waste! problem in actuality is spoofed packets getting routed, which at this point is always and without exception the result of idiot network designers and admins 954080;1418692854;mircea_popescu;no waste whatsoever. 954081;1418692862;mircea_popescu;it's not waste, it's usage. 954082;1418692883;mircea_popescu;you always get less than what you put in. this is the chief principle that makes the world endure 954083;1418692885;asciilifeform;you're talking about, unless i misunderstand, 'pushing' one bit for each 'pulled' ? 954084;1418692900;mircea_popescu;in spite of endless generations of imbeciles running wild all over it. 954085;1418692900;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by cazalla: http://qntra.net/2014/12/cftc-requests-public-comment-ledgerx/ 954086;1418692900;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform more than one. 954087;1418692912;asciilifeform;who wishes to pay for this? mircea_popescu ? 954088;1418692923;mircea_popescu;you want n packets, you send at least n+1. you want n bits, you send at least n+1. 954089;1418692929;mircea_popescu;it's not a matter of who wishes anything. 954090;1418692929;asciilifeform;remember that ddos does not necessarily require 'amplification' 954091;1418692933;mircea_popescu;it's how everything must be. 954092;1418692936;asciilifeform;perfectly feasible simply using bots 954093;1418692942;asciilifeform;sending entirely ordinary packets 954094;1418692946;asciilifeform;directly to victim 954095;1418692948;mircea_popescu;as long as friction is baked in, the ddos problem fundamentally doesn't exist. 954096;1418692973;mircea_popescu;exactly for the reason you mention : who can afford or wants to give anyone free traffic ? 954097;1418692991;asciilifeform;ddos still exists if network treats random derp in random place equally with the folks whose traffic one actually wants. 954098;1418693021;mircea_popescu;somehow ddos doesn't happen irl. wonder why ? 954099;1418693023;mircea_popescu;it's not because of national id cards. 954100;1418693039;asciilifeform;because in real life, taking a shit in someone's kitchen requires physically entering. 954101;1418693052;mircea_popescu;right, which goes through thermodynamic dissipation aka friction. 954102;1418693056;asciilifeform;but suppose you could silently teleport it. 954103;1418693070;mircea_popescu;that is what im saying. to get a packet there, you need more than one 954104;1418693082;mircea_popescu;no more bs "teleport bits" internet 954105;1418693094;asciilifeform;bots still work as before 954106;1418693104;mircea_popescu;for as long as your bank accoutn lasts, sure. 954107;1418693122;asciilifeform;only the lowliest sp4mz0r actually pays for bots. 954108;1418693127;mircea_popescu;now. 954109;1418693143;mircea_popescu;because teleport bits exists, putting undue down pressure on all prices. 954110;1418693149;mircea_popescu;it's a situation exactly identical to "pay for software" and software market in general. 954111;1418693156;mircea_popescu;yes, i'm aware, reddit expects everything for free. 954112;1418693161;mircea_popescu;the reason is not economical, nor sensible. 954113;1418693175;mircea_popescu;they only get away with it because a flaw in the design. 954114;1418693185;asciilifeform;i can think of a few events that would apply the necessary upward pressure on bandwidth cost. 954115;1418693204;mircea_popescu;it shouldn't be an event 954116;1418693204;asciilifeform;say, cataclysmic war. 954117;1418693211;mircea_popescu;that is the definition of design : rules independent of events. 954118;1418693252;mircea_popescu;in short, the more i think about it the more im inclined to rather see the telcos win the internet war, adn google lose it 954119;1418693265;asciilifeform;let's rephrase a little. the internet as presently exists, is, in practice, mainly a machine for 1) connecting derps to 'reddit' and 'arsebook' 2) routing ddos packets to trilema, qntra... 954120;1418693274;asciilifeform;if want some other network - have to produce it. 954121;1418693326;mircea_popescu;if cardano wasn't so woefully delayed exploring this in practice'd be almost tempting. 954122;1418693335;mircea_popescu;make a whole new web, on a whole new port, based on pgp signs 954123;1418693335;asciilifeform;which practice ? 954124;1418693351;mircea_popescu;turn off all other traffic, have servers in their own, better world. 954125;1418693405;asciilifeform;i may have spoken of this once. i've a very rough draft of precisely this, using an interesting bit of mathematics called 'fountain code' 954126;1418693421;asciilifeform;but not ready for battlefield. and no time now. 954127;1418693431;mircea_popescu;it'd be a better tor and everything else by default. 954128;1418693448;asciilifeform;rather opposite goal to 'tor.' 954129;1418693448;asciilifeform;if i understand mircea_popescu correctly 954130;1418693450;mircea_popescu;but actually delivering its claimed fruits. 954131;1418693476;mircea_popescu;and absolutely NEVER allow any derps on it. stick to the original plan with the original internet, no fucking undergrads. 954132;1418693479;mircea_popescu;no fucking aol. 954133;1418693487;asciilifeform;whole thing was based (in my head) on a hypothesis that folks misidentify the reason for the glory of old usenet 954134;1418693509;mircea_popescu;the glory of the usenet is exactly the glory of b-a. 954135;1418693509;asciilifeform;folks typically say 'it was because electric identities were attached to people' 954136;1418693516;mircea_popescu;once you get the proper voice model implemented, forgeddaboutit 954137;1418693521;BingoBoingo;http://openbenchmarking.org/result/1412060-LI-KFREEBSD879 << Look the Derps still benchmark OS software but have lost the ability to benchmark with... Same hardware! 954138;1418693522;assbot;Debian 8.0 Jessie - KFreeBSD Vs. GNU Linux Benchmarks - OpenBenchmarking.org ... ( http://bit.ly/1qTTPy1 ) 954139;1418693525;asciilifeform;but really it was because posts were attached to identities (as a matter of convention, rather than 'hard' protocol) 954140;1418693528;asciilifeform;i.e. - wot. 954141;1418693534;mircea_popescu;quite. 954142;1418693543;mircea_popescu;and a shitty version, beyond primitive, yet it still worked. 954143;1418693557;mircea_popescu;the extreme power of this idea is evidenced by how effectual it is even when poorly implemented. 954144;1418693575;mircea_popescu;exactly like gunpowder is impressive even without a fine 1850 hovitzer 954145;1418693581;asciilifeform;aha. 954146;1418693605;asciilifeform;someone probably wonders 'wtf, why fountain code'. answer: getting rid of tcp. 954147;1418693614;asciilifeform;so communication can be maximally stateless 954148;1418693643;mircea_popescu;aside of which, friday some derp was going on about what "his life is dedicated to" and in the crowd hysteria i told em my life is dedicated to excluding people. 954149;1418693649;asciilifeform;l0l!! 954150;1418693651;mircea_popescu;totally ruined the moment for 'em. idiots. 954151;1418693659;mircea_popescu;there is however no higher purpose. 954152;1418693936;asciilifeform;here's a very rough description of above experiment. to start a transmission a --> b, 'a' sends a hello (udp) packet, which consists of an ephemeral rsa key, hash and length of (coming) payload, and all of the preceding signed with his wot key. this fits handily below the traditional 576 byte mtu. 954153;1418693986;mircea_popescu;why do you want to preserve the fucking magic numbers 954154;1418694004;asciilifeform;what follows is the payload, divided into K gibblets, each below udp mtu in size, each signed with ephemeral key. the gibblets are coded using fountain code (e.g. 'raptor') and you need N of K - in any order - to reassemble. 954155;1418694034;asciilifeform;fucking magic numbers << mircea_popescu wants to buy everyone on the planet a new nic and lay own oceanic fibers, launch own satellites, etc. ? sure, why not. 954156;1418694069;*;mircea_popescu grumbles. 954157;1418694069;asciilifeform;but if working with existing planet, have to swallow some very basic dirt like udp. 954158;1418694148;mircea_popescu;wqasn't the actuyal max 64kb anyway ? 954159;1418694200;asciilifeform;max. 576 is max that won't fragment. 954160;1418694206;asciilifeform;(consult literature) 954161;1418694251;mircea_popescu;o that 954162;1418694258;mircea_popescu;all this shit is starting to come back to me 954163;1418694262;*;mircea_popescu shudders, thinks of bunnies 954164;1418694280;asciilifeform;at any rate, tiny packets plus fountain code plus each one is signed, will work great with transmission media other than internet (say, shortwave) 954165;1418694287;asciilifeform;and any other slow, noisy channel. 954166;1418694324;decimation;absolutely 954167;1418694347;decimation;asciilifeform: did you see that david mackay book I recommended? He has a chapter on fountain codes 954168;1418694363;asciilifeform;aha. 954169;1418694363;asciilifeform;not a bad intro. 954170;1418694424;BingoBoingo;* mircea_popescu shudders, thinks of bunnies << This is how Qntra's taking over reddit. 954171;1418694427;decimation;he also wrote a book on renewable resources from Herr McCarthy's point of view 954172;1418694446;decimation;"He who refuses to do arithmetic is doomed to talk nonsense" 954173;1418694503;decimation;re: ntp amplification << the thing is, ntp tends to run on actual servers people might care about, so they might respond to notices 954174;1418694608;mircea_popescu;decimation still. 954175;1418694650;asciilifeform;decimation: nope. iirc, it mostly uses misconfigured tv boxes 954176;1418694668;asciilifeform;set to serve up ntp for no particular reason. 954177;1418694678;decimation;sigh 954178;1418694689;asciilifeform;d3m0cr4cy! 954179;1418694703;asciilifeform;all packets were created equal... 954180;1418694707;decimation;I've actually spent some time reading the ntp source code 954181;1418694709;decimation;it's a mess 954182;1418694771;decimation;I managed to get that pci card with the onboard ocxo working with a slightly custom ntp driver 954183;1418694872;asciilifeform;to finish the earlier thread: machine on the other end of the link (destination) decides whether to keep packet and attempt payload reassembly based on simple criteria: 1) is it a hello from a wot-blessed (from his pov) key 2) is it signed by an ephemeral key from one such 'hello' received recently. 954184;1418694877;asciilifeform;anything else gets insta-dropped. 954185;1418694913;asciilifeform;i've deliberately described only a point-to-point link. routing with multiple hops is left as an exercise for the reader! 954186;1418694914;thestringpuller;that seems like a huge packet though ~_~ 954187;1418694922;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the important part isn't even trhere, the important part is that the machine WONT ROUTE 954188;1418694925;mircea_popescu;if it doesn't like the sig 954189;1418694926;asciilifeform;nope. every single one below udp mtu. 954190;1418694936;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i did just say this. 954191;1418694940;mircea_popescu;right. 954192;1418694973;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: how many more bytes would GPG sig add to packet? (i assume binary signatures?) 954193;1418694973;mircea_popescu;and i'd kinda like to see this implemented right by sane people this decader 954194;1418694985;mircea_popescu;because the telcos WILL do a mickey mouse or should i say microsoft version of it 954195;1418695073;decimation;asciilifeform: why bother with the emphemeral key? wouldn't a signed blob (however you do the error coding) be good enough? 954196;1418695095;asciilifeform;decimation is a winner 954197;1418695097;asciilifeform;the ephemeral key is absolutely necessary. 954198;1418695100;asciilifeform;can anyone tell me why? 954199;1418695118;asciilifeform;i left it as an exercise. 954200;1418695129;decimation;well, I guess if you didn't have it, you would have to store all of the irrelvant derpage until you could check it 954201;1418695156;asciilifeform;nope 954202;1418695205;asciilifeform;i bet mircea_popescu can tell us why ephemeral key is a must 954203;1418695239;mircea_popescu;replay attacks for one thing come to mind 954204;1418695263;asciilifeform;nah, that's what the nonce (see, i left out details i consider profanely obvious) is for 954205;1418695289;mircea_popescu;isn't fixed sig + nonce equivalent to ephemereal sig ? 954206;1418695361;asciilifeform;rot13: boivbhfyl, bayl rcurzreny xrlf znl fvta cnlybnqf orpnhfr jbg xrl yvirf va ryrpgevpnyyl vfbyngrq qrivpr naq vf abg npprffvoyr gb lbhe pbzchgre jvgubhg znahny gevttre chyy! 954207;1418695374;asciilifeform;the riddle is not difficult. 954208;1418695429;mircea_popescu;but for that you need the cardano. 954209;1418695434;decimation;oh duh 954210;1418695434;asciilifeform;right-o. 954211;1418695461;asciilifeform;just like to take analysis you gotta pass arithmetic. 954212;1418695463;decimation;well, it need not be a per-session ephemeral key in that case 954213;1418695465;asciilifeform;ruthlessly cumulative game. 954214;1418695474;asciilifeform;decimation: i deliberately oversimplified things here. 954215;1418695480;asciilifeform;perhaps will live to regret. 954216;1418695489;asciilifeform;wanted to be sure to hammer in the point. 954217;1418695497;asciilifeform;a different kind of net is possible. 954218;1418695522;asciilifeform;(to pervert the liberast slogan 'a different world is possible') 954219;1418695535;decimation;absolutely. mr. yarvin linked to a vint cerf lecture where herr cerf was talking about global persistant namespaces 954220;1418695564;asciilifeform;all thieves. ted nelson wrote about it in no uncertain language, in the late '60s. 954221;1418695583;decimation;interesting 954222;1418695606;decimation;bitcoin is a kind of global namespace 954223;1418695624;mircea_popescu;all thieves!~ 954224;1418695654;asciilifeform;or, to be more charitable, f-students 954225;1418695659;decimation;wasn't kakobrekla explaining about the saturated nature of the torrent 'clouds'? 954226;1418695687;asciilifeform;the beauty of a wot-enabled net is that you no longer need to think about perverse edge cases quite so much. 954227;1418695705;asciilifeform;because folks who eagerly push the limits of the permissible - will find themselves dealt out of the game. 954228;1418695740;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform just like it works here. 954229;1418695743;asciilifeform;aha. 954230;1418695814;asciilifeform;who was it who compared wot to semiconductor? mircea_popescu ? 954231;1418695827;decimation;actually vint has much to answer for, because of tcp. TCP was a step backwards in networking 954232;1418695827;asciilifeform;ordinary net - conductor. wotnet - semiconductor. 954233;1418695847;mircea_popescu;if i didn't i'll take it anyway. 954234;1418695870;asciilifeform;very closely analogous, actually. 954235;1418695938;decimation;most of the modems that are now in use on shortwave are designed to turn the natural broadcast medium into a point-to-point link 954236;1418695949;decimation;which is a fantastic waste if you think about it 954237;1418696083;mircea_popescu;well... 954238;1418696093;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: What was your earlier maybe project that got supplanted, the resistor? 954239;1418696095;mircea_popescu;if you think about it sculpture is also fantastic waste of marble 954240;1418696103;mircea_popescu;kinda how civilisation works. life too. 954241;1418696107;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: ??? 954242;1418696113;asciilifeform;resistor? 954243;1418696115;mircea_popescu;kyristor ? 954244;1418696119;asciilifeform;^ 954245;1418696120;BingoBoingo;tHAT ONE 954246;1418696132;BingoBoingo;tHANKS 954247;1418696132;decimation;hehe 954248;1418696193;BingoBoingo;Cuts ceramic tiles. 954249;1418696231;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo is a backwards endian 954250;1418696235;mircea_popescu;he remembers the end ofwords 954251;1418696254;BingoBoingo;That is very true. 954252;1418696257;BingoBoingo;Dat ass 954253;1418696344;BingoBoingo;!up gesella 954254;1418696437;mircea_popescu;!up gernika 954255;1418696546;BingoBoingo;https://twitter.com/lowtax/status/544592688582889472 954256;1418696548;assbot;wow, that leaked James Bond script looks terrible http://t.co/OuIZAs25A1 954257;1418696712;asciilifeform;the important takeaway from the earlier thread is that 'democracy is mistake, hierarchy is useful concept' is a testable hypothesis with immediate engineering applications. 954258;1418696749;asciilifeform;mr mold realized this, but for reasons of his own he ended up crapping out a centrally-controlled abortion 954259;1418696761;asciilifeform;sorta like what a more clever usg would have offered. 954260;1418696835;mircea_popescu;quite, asciilifeform . 954261;1418696880;asciilifeform;i've no idea why he did it. for all i know, 'they' threatened to feed his children to shoggoths if he refrained. 954262;1418696893;mircea_popescu;equalitarianism is a pipe dream, whether it calls itself democracy, socialism or anything else. hierarchy is both good and indispensable. this is factually correct, which means it's practically falsifiable and scientifically approacheable. 954263;1418696973;asciilifeform;point here was that it has immediate engineering applications. like trigonometry. 954264;1418696994;mircea_popescu;quite. 954265;1418697016;asciilifeform;16th c. trigonometers did not have to beg folks to agree. they were fought over by the chiefs of their time, because artillery. 954266;1418697047;mircea_popescu;quite :) 954267;1418697052;*;mircea_popescu asks nubbins to make him a sign 954268;1418697145;BingoBoingo;At the time Artillery was cooler than fighter Jets ever were, or John McCain's shit eating grin would be on signs as far south as Rio 954269;1418697419;BingoBoingo;http://reason.com/blog/2014/12/15/social-justice-bandits-vandalize-apartme?n_play=548f6eb2e4b0697d47400883 954270;1418697421;assbot;Vandalized: Residence of U-M Student Who Dared to Mock Trigger Warnings - Hit & Run : Reason.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1Afms8N ) 954271;1418697496;mircea_popescu;heh. 954272;1418697769;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 5338 @ 0.0012 = 6.4056 BTC 954273;1418697863;BingoBoingo;http://www.opensxce.org/ 954274;1418697864;assbot;OpenSXCE 201**4**.05 LiveDVD for Intel/AMD IA32 and AMD64 plus for Sun/Oracle SPARC (from 1995' UltraSPARC_I till 2011' sun4v UltraSPARC T3) ... ( http://bit.ly/1AfnEZS ) 954275;1418697948;mod6;root@ip-172-31-10-219:/mnt/btc-dev/sandbox/bitcoin-bitcoin-a8def6b/src# ./bitcoind -rpccommand getblockcount 954276;1418697951;mod6;334499 954277;1418697951;mod6;oops 954278;1418698023;mircea_popescu;ddos ? 954279;1418698206;PeterL;speaking of Universities in Michigan, http://www.mlive.com/lansing-news/index.ssf/2014/12/george_will_speech_set_to_go_a.html 954280;1418698208;assbot;George Will speech set to go ahead despite protests to Michigan State trustees | MLive.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1AfoHci ) 954281;1418698268;PeterL;At my alma mater, the school president tells students to grow up, lets the guy speak anyway 954282;1418698284;BingoBoingo;Good for them 954283;1418698329;mircea_popescu;who is this will fellow ? 954284;1418698408;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Kind of "conservative" writer. Also writes about baseball. 954285;1418698418;mircea_popescu;That was the end of the storyuntil last week, when The College Fix reported that Mahmood's off-campus apartment was vandalized. The four criminals wore hoods and baggy clothing to disguise themselves; less brilliantly, they changed in full view of the apartment complex's security camera. They appear to be women of unclear ages. The video footage is available here. 954286;1418698419;mircea_popescu;lulzy. 954287;1418698420;BingoBoingo;Does not look like http://i.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/photoshop/0/0/4/350004_v1.jpg 954288;1418698422;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1AfpkTj ) 954289;1418698428;mircea_popescu;i could have told you itwas women 954290;1418698450;mircea_popescu;who the fuck else imagines "nobody likes you" is a valid attack lmao 954291;1418698538;BingoBoingo;Well, you have to admire the stunningly poor opsec. 954292;1418698540;PeterL;mircea_popescu: apparently he said something about rape which people did not like 954293;1418698541;mircea_popescu;"Remember: anything a prog/leftist/SJW accuses others of doing, they always are guilty of themselves. Always. And that's why they can't see the contradiction here. Because the projection is a defense mechanism. They can't see the contradiction without realizing some very nasty truths about themselves." 954294;1418698546;mircea_popescu;comments section's not bad for once. 954295;1418698584;PeterL;Reason does have some good commentors, they would fit in well here 954296;1418698597;ben_vulpes;may as well invite The Well, PeterL 954297;1418698607;ben_vulpes;they have their hole, and it's the best, goddamit 954298;1418698608;mircea_popescu;what's that ? 954299;1418698660;ben_vulpes;the well? 954300;1418698662;ben_vulpes;some earlyish webby forum thing 954301;1418698666;mircea_popescu;you know what i'd really go for ? happy thursdays or something, wherein participating bars/coffee shops all over the world give free drinks to people in the b-a wot. 954302;1418698667;PeterL;I think I might have been linked to bitcoin by Reason, back in 2011 954303;1418698674;mircea_popescu;they can have wireless and we can all be like little fonzies. 954304;1418698679;ben_vulpes;http://www.well.com/ 954305;1418698680;assbot;The WELL - the birthplace of the online community movement. ... ( http://bit.ly/1Afq5LX ) 954306;1418698694;mircea_popescu;does anyone want to actually administer this project ? 954307;1418699024;decimation;the women donning disguises in front of the security camera is hilarious 954308;1418699089;mircea_popescu;;;google "but i used the juice" 954309;1418699090;gribble;The burglar with the lemon juice disguise « Mind Hacks: ; Dunning–Kruger effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; DOT Uses Beet Juice to Battle Icy Roads | NBC 10 Philadelphia: next they'll smash something notable on purpose. << Locally "preservation Engineers" have done exactly this with "Monks Mound" Thing is just a pile of dirt long lived with stable shape. Engineers come in and in their interventions invent "slumping" A scourge the caused and insist only they can solve for the grant dollars. 954340;1418699809;decimation;basically the lines are drawn in the black crusted desert, with white sand underneath 954341;1418699818;decimation;they have been there more-or-less unmolested for 1000 years 954342;1418699921;BingoBoingo;Local dirt pile in question endangered by "preservation" http://cahokiamounds.org/explore/archaeology/past-research-projects/monks-mound/slump/ 954343;1418699922;assbot;Cahokia Mounds| Explore | Past Research Projects | Monk's Mound Projects | Slump Repair ... ( http://bit.ly/1Aftp9V ) 954344;1418699937;asciilifeform;nothing really new here. recall the millenia of idiots who separated everything that 'was poorly glued down' from the pyramids, etc. 954345;1418699959;asciilifeform;if peru wants to preserve the line drawings, easy pill: 954346;1418699961;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform notably, napoleon 954347;1418699963;asciilifeform;drop mines. 954348;1418699975;decimation;asciilifeform: but some of them might have been making an idiotic political statement! 954349;1418699984;decimation;asciilifeform: or revive east germany's experiments with automated gunfire 954350;1418699986;asciilifeform;i recommend ПФМ-1. 954351;1418699994;asciilifeform;aka butterfly. 954352;1418700036;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Pyramid stone at least had value in being convenient cut rock. This is literally a dirt pile only being molest because of grants by engineers that can't arithmatic. 954353;1418700058;mats;$proxies 954354;1418700058;empyex;mats: Proxies: mpex.bz mpex.biz mpex.co mpex.ws mpex.coinbr.com Current MPEx GPG-Key-ID: 02DD2D91 954355;1418700059;empyex;mats: MPEx-Status: mpex.biz (112 milliseconds), mpex.ws (119 milliseconds), mpex.co (123 milliseconds), mpex.bz (132 milliseconds), mpex.coinbr.com (462 milliseconds) 954356;1418700060;empyex;mats: Health-Indicators: Homepage: √ MK Depth JSON: ✗ VWAP JSON: √ 954357;1418700098;mats;that's a god damn lie 954358;1418700101;asciilifeform;unlike the ancient egyptians, modern man does not have to content himself with curses to keep pests out of monuments 954359;1418700111;asciilifeform;many exquisite tools to choose from. 954360;1418700126;decimation;asciilifeform: the SM-70 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fortifications_of_the_inner_German_border#mediaviewer/File:Sm-70_schlagsdorf.jpg 954361;1418700128;assbot;Fortifications of the inner German border - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1AftR88 ) 954362;1418700158;asciilifeform;decimation: that thing was more or less a shotgun 954363;1418700163;asciilifeform;no concealment at all 954364;1418700165;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: "changing" << scam! i saw no nudity. 954365;1418700168;asciilifeform;useless for this purpose. 954366;1418700185;asciilifeform;you want them everywhere, and sans metal 954367;1418700195;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes do not complain about things you should be thankful for. 954368;1418700198;BingoBoingo;http://www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/nhl/nhl-needs-heightened-vigilance-with-mumps/ << Security incantations without reinforcement 954369;1418700201;assbot;NHL needs heightened vigilance with mumps - Sportsnet.ca ... ( http://bit.ly/1Afu3UN ) 954370;1418700205;ben_vulpes;pahaha 954371;1418700219;asciilifeform;if budget allows, use 'smart' mines that can be temporarily switched off by those having private key 954372;1418700219;ben_vulpes;i always enjoy derpettes humiliating themselves on camera. 954373;1418700223;ben_vulpes;"look ma - no dom!" 954374;1418700247;decimation;asciilifeform: this is what I mean by 'border fence' with mexico 954375;1418700268;decimation;I think mr. mold made this point - once you have laid the minefield, it's an easy step to the laser-turrets 954376;1418700280;asciilifeform;except why. 954377;1418700288;asciilifeform;from world's cheapest, most resilient weapon, to most ludicrously expensive and finicky 954378;1418700295;asciilifeform;only an american would suggest it. 954379;1418700295;decimation;hehe yeah good point 954380;1418700311;decimation;except minefields don't work well on rocky ledges 954381;1418700323;mircea_popescu;actually alf has a point. the mine is merely the successor of the caltrop 954382;1418700327;asciilifeform;disguise as rock in question. 954383;1418700341;mircea_popescu;definitely the oldest weapon, definitely the most cost effective. 954384;1418700341;asciilifeform;instead of digging in 954385;1418700349;asciilifeform;a plastic mine can easily wait for its 'customer' for a century. 954386;1418700365;mircea_popescu;but did princess diana die in vain ?! 954387;1418700370;mircea_popescu;(while speeding drunk) 954388;1418700389;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: If we were doing turrets, why laser and not rail? 954389;1418700410;decimation;BingoBoingo: let's not be silly 954390;1418700419;asciilifeform;if turrets, works differently 954391;1418700422;asciilifeform;you need exactly one 954392;1418700426;asciilifeform;(far away from the field) 954393;1418700430;asciilifeform;on the field - sensors. 954394;1418700437;asciilifeform;basically auto-called artillery strike. 954395;1418700443;PeterL;motion triggered nuke? 954396;1418700472;mats;http://www.cbr.ru/eng/press/pr.aspx?file=16122014_010920eng_dkp2014-12-16T01_04_09.htm 954397;1418700474;assbot;On Bank of Russia key rate and other measures ... ( http://bit.ly/1AfuO0c ) 954398;1418700475;BingoBoingo;decimation: I'm just saying if we're shooting... projectiles with immediate injury. Dun want to get owned by a brave idiot wearing tin foil 954399;1418700478;asciilifeform;turrets kept in some remote pisshole, individually, is an idiot nonstarter 954400;1418700488;asciilifeform;(go leave, e.g., rifle, outdoors for a decade. then fire.) 954401;1418700507;mircea_popescu;o look at that, ruble crossed 60 954402;1418700524;mats;Chinese did it just fine. muskets though. 954403;1418700529;BingoBoingo;;;ticker -currency RUB 954404;1418700530;gribble;(ticker [--bid|--ask|--last|--high|--low|--avg|--vol] [--currency XXX] [--market |all]) -- Return pretty-printed ticker. Default market is Bitstamp. If one of the result options is given, returns only that numeric result (useful for nesting in calculations). If '--currency XXX' option is given, returns ticker for that three-letter currency code. It is up to you to make sure (1 more message) 954405;1418700552;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --currency all 954406;1418700554;gribble;Bitstamp BTCALL ticker | Best bid: 38418.016095, Best ask: 38454.067135, Bid-ask spread: 36.05104, Last trade: 38454.067135, 24 hour volume: 9730.55800460, 24 hour low: 38340.28104, 24 hour high: 39992.995905, 24 hour vwap: 39354.7220805 954407;1418700609;decimation;yeah 'auto-artillery' would be most cost effective 954408;1418700646;decimation;hell, one could combine mines and artillery with cluster bombs 954409;1418700655;ben_vulpes;self-steering for max efficacy 954410;1418700695;decimation;actually that would be particularly devious - a shell that one could hear being dropped, which would scatter mines everywhere - arming after a few seconds of settling 954411;1418700860;mats;;;ticker --currency RUB 954412;1418700861;gribble;Bitstamp BTCRUB ticker | Best bid: 22345.9184, Best ask: 22380.637375, Bid-ask spread: 34.71897, Last trade: 22379.9823, 24 hour volume: 9755.85037265, 24 hour low: 22293.5124, 24 hour high: 23254.507425, 24 hour vwap: 22881.8278929 954413;1418700969;BingoBoingo;And Bitcoin climbs, the dollars simply does not yet know! 954414;1418700983;decimation;this reminds me of B grade scifi movie - Screamers - based on a phillip k dick story 954415;1418701349;mats;;;calc [ticker --currency RUB --last]/[ticker --currency USD --last] 954416;1418701351;gribble;65.5295 954417;1418701379;decimation;mats: that is neat, I didn't know gribble could do that 954418;1418701393;undata;you know technically one can climb in either direction 954419;1418701398;undata;sideways even 954420;1418701414;mats;nobody in b-a did, i looked in logs before attempting 954421;1418701439;mats;;;calc [ticker --currency USD --last]/[ticker --currency RUB --last] 954422;1418701441;gribble;0.0152617000008 954423;1418701473;decimation;;;calc [ticker --currency USD --last]/[ticker --currency EUR --last] 954424;1418701475;gribble;1.24517494708 954425;1418701500;decimation;so many weird linkages with oil, stocks, etc 954426;1418701525;mats;gribble is a cool dude 954427;1418701561;mats;http://russkiymir.ru/en/news/158593/ 954428;1418701563;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1wAvzSe ) 954429;1418701588;mats;>Russia will write off $865 million of Uzbekistan’s debt leaving a balance of $25 million to repay to Moscow 954430;1418701622;cazalla;mats, he doesn't afraid of anyone eh 954431;1418701655;mats;#econometrics, actually interesting when moriarty isn't around 954432;1418701712;mircea_popescu;is that the scammer guy that kept spamming here ? 954433;1418701729;decimation;he was spamming here for awhile 954434;1418701731;ben_vulpes;the same 954435;1418701750;mats;http://ru-facts.com/news/view/42072.html 954436;1418701751;assbot;10 countries, which Russia has written off most debts | Russian news and facts ... ( http://bit.ly/1wAwcLv ) 954437;1418701763;decimation;what was his scam? I recall he claimed that he had 'made it big' on early bitcoin 954438;1418701780;BingoBoingo;Lemme dig up the latest buttcointalk drama on the moriarity scammer 954439;1418701805;mats;his followers claim he is not the same as the bitcointalk scammer 954440;1418701812;BingoBoingo;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=892946.0 954441;1418701813;assbot;MoriartyBitcoin is also Envrin and BlackLilac Financial ... ( http://bit.ly/1wAwodJ ) 954442;1418701849;mircea_popescu;decimation was linked here few days ago, some "mixer" thing stole however many btcs 954443;1418701850;BingoBoingo;mats: And Bill Cosby claimed he was a clean cut saint who wasn't in it for the pussy. 954444;1418701866;mats;the guy talks a lot without much substance and im not inclined to believe his claims at any rate 954445;1418701877;BingoBoingo;mats: Is it one or two #'s 954446;1418701883;mats;2 954447;1418701971;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo dude i so don't believe the recent cosby dirt... 954448;1418702002;mats;hes so fatherly n could never be a predator? 954449;1418702028;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: There were parts where maybe I believe, but yeah the string of inconsistent broke people kinda kills the thing as a movement. 954450;1418702191;decimation;this ledgerX thing is amusing. bezzle's gotta bezzle 954451;1418702415;BingoBoingo;mats: So apparently I am banned from that channel 954452;1418702431;mats;i learned today naive cold boot attacks are actually pretty unlikely to work, due to modern memory controllers causing a lot of data to appear to be garbage 954453;1418702441;BingoBoingo;decimation: Well it is one of those BTC futures without any BTC delivery deals 954454;1418702482;mats;BingoBoingo: bummer. its been p quiet, those links were the most interesting things in two days 954455;1418702507;decimation;BingoBoingo: yeah how the hell are they going to settle their 'physical' bitcoin swaps? 954456;1418702510;BingoBoingo;mats: Well I called him a spammer when he wouldn't stop PM spamming. 954457;1418703215;ben_vulpes;all clients pacified 954458;1418703223;ben_vulpes;praise satoshi's spirit 954459;1418703254;BingoBoingo;decimation: In USD 954460;1418703269;BingoBoingo;Basically they want to run a USD to USD dice game 954461;1418703536;decimation;likbez! 954462;1418703765;asciilifeform;mats: nobody reads using standard pc. 954463;1418703779;asciilifeform;mats: dedicated gadget is sold for the purpose. even comes with a bottle of (spray) freon. 954464;1418703818;BingoBoingo;This ^ Kit is cheaper than a typical 'netbook' 954465;1418703953;mircea_popescu;mats im not so convinced of that theory. 954466;1418704030;mircea_popescu;nm apparently im too late lol 954467;1418704357;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1000 @ 0.0012 = 1.2 BTC 954468;1418704477;ben_vulpes;help 954469;1418704477;ben_vulpes;i'm at a loss where to go with provisioning, deployments and cluster mutatino 954470;1418704477;ben_vulpes;mutation* 954471;1418704477;asciilifeform;wat 954472;1418704503;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: i run (small) clusters for clients. 954473;1418704508;asciilifeform;aha 954474;1418704517;asciilifeform;but now, at a loss as to how ? 954475;1418704524;asciilifeform;amnesia ? 954476;1418704533;decimation;ben_vulpes: do you use ec2 vm's? 954477;1418704536;mircea_popescu;weren't you all into puppet/docker/we ? 954478;1418704556;ben_vulpes;i wrote a thing that handles turning standard piles of software into running software on ec2 with docker for environment isolation 954479;1418704587;ben_vulpes;but it's pretty lacking in terms of mutating the cluster in place, and not the most pleasant of things to work in being written mostly in bash. 954480;1418704611;mircea_popescu;move on to perl ? 954481;1418704611;mircea_popescu;:D 954482;1418704611;ben_vulpes;it's *great* at immutable infrastructure. you know - "don't mutate, just stand up a new cluster" 954483;1418704615;ben_vulpes;you and mod6 with the perl 954484;1418704654;ben_vulpes;python's basically dead in the water ("which python", to quote alf) 954485;1418704687;ben_vulpes;bash is inadequately expressive/debuggable 954486;1418704697;decimation;nah, python3 is dead, python2 is what everyone uses 954487;1418704755;ben_vulpes;decimation: concurrency semantics in py* are finger-crushingly bad. 954488;1418704766;asciilifeform;afaik everyone able to stomach perl is already using it. and the users know who each other are. kinda like coprophagiacs. 954489;1418704802;decimation;you mean the threading module? 954490;1418704806;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: i still can't fathom where a language having a 'global interpreter lock' gets off calling itself 'concurrent' 954491;1418704821;decimation;yeah that's a tricky one 954492;1418704862;ben_vulpes;i don't really care about languages 954493;1418704893;ben_vulpes;i've only been doing this for like 3 years now and i've already learned that languages are a red herring. 954494;1418704925;ben_vulpes;the last thing i see happening is me getting excited about using a language for infrastructure automation. 954495;1418704942;decimation;isn't that kinda what puppet is? 954496;1418704959;mircea_popescu;!up cryptonaut420 954497;1418705052;ben_vulpes;clojure takes 30s to boot and so is utterly unusable for operations stuff. common lisp is...well, unpalatable to client operations staff. bash is not up to the task. python's right out, along with the *js crowd. 954498;1418705078;mircea_popescu;clearly asm and fortran are left. 954499;1418705085;decimation;or forth! 954500;1418705113;ben_vulpes;yeah how do i roll greenarrays into the thing 954501;1418705129;decimation;spin your own pci express card 954502;1418705231;ben_vulpes;i shudder at the mention, but perhaps i'll end up "Go"ing 954503;1418705235;BingoBoingo;!up toddf 954504;1418705293;decimation;then you are in google's hands 954505;1418705360;ben_vulpes;!up Vexual 954506;1418705425;ben_vulpes;decimation: i may have mis-discovered my history but wasn't the steel behind python largely google before they created "Go"? 954507;1418705471;decimation;yeah I think they were mostly a python shop 954508;1418705483;decimation;I think van Rossum works there 954509;1418705548;ben_vulpes;yeah van Rossum was on payroll. 954510;1418705587;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: It was in part. 954511;1418705623;BingoBoingo;Python also benefitted from Math departments that thought "R" was bad branding for a language 954512;1418705675;ben_vulpes;numpy etc 954513;1418705681;ben_vulpes;engineering departments use matlab 954514;1418705685;ben_vulpes;*clearly* superior 954515;1418705688;ben_vulpes;/sarcasm 954516;1418705733;mircea_popescu;lol 954517;1418706058;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: I've been trying to get my mechanical engineering student brother on the LISP train (dentist brother needs no guidance) and I'm giving my paper copy of land of LISP to degernerate cousin's kids. God bless warez. 954518;1418706170;mircea_popescu;http://40.media.tumblr.com/e8df87434035e2eeffcc6f681fb4c04f/tumblr_nfdsamgEc61s6sn46o1_500.jpg <<< tit equality, now a reality! 954519;1418706171;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1A0Xls3 ) 954520;1418706319;ben_vulpes;tit's a myth i tell you! 954521;1418706469;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: Tits are real. Just wait until mircea_popescu replaces flouride in the water with risperidone 954522;1418706563;Vexual;as long as it doesn't go into the whiskey 954523;1418706685;Vexual;mircea_popescu: move on to perl ? < bring me a straw 954524;1418706783;mircea_popescu;strapperl ? that's happening 954525;1418708749;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1071 @ 0.00122887 = 1.3161 BTC [+] {5} 954526;1418708810;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 8770 @ 0.0012 = 10.524 BTC 954527;1418709237;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1700 @ 0.0012 = 2.04 BTC 954528;1418710012;BingoBoingo;sapPERL 954529;1418710103;BingoBoingo;!up Vexual 954530;1418710179;Vexual;have cpan mirror, will tarvel 954531;1418710639;Vexual;mp: i'd love to run your free drinks, but i see a conflict of interests 954532;1418710730;Vexual;also theres not many people you'd like down at the local pig and sty 954533;1418710872;fluffypony;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nf_w9MI77DM 954534;1418710873;assbot;Liquor Stories - The Pilot Episode - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1svr0Ds ) 954535;1418710958;Vexual;what about a thursday freeroll on seals? 954536;1418710971;Vexual;same miscreants 954537;1418711053;Vexual;fluffy, you're awesome 954538;1418711908;Vexual;heck, i'll even chip in for the prize 954539;1418713873;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16527 @ 0.00061512 = 10.1661 BTC [+] 954540;1418719068;BingoBoingo;;;gettrust HoreaV 954541;1418719068;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user BingoBoingo to user HoreaV: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=BingoBoingo&dest=HoreaV | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=HoreaV | Rated since: Mon Apr 28 05:59:47 2014 954542;1418719150;Naphex;he is going full circle.. getting to -10 954543;1418719160;BingoBoingo;Fucker. 954544;1418719177;Naphex;BingoBoingo: maybe after, at the moment i'm still taking in the threats, black mails 954545;1418719190;Naphex;and such 954546;1418719202;fluffypony;what threats? 954547;1418719238;Naphex;but its a damn very interesint life lesson 954548;1418719251;BingoBoingo;Well, these things happen 954549;1418719251;Naphex;only takes a prick to burst a bubble 954550;1418719280;BingoBoingo;Nah, a prick just turns your sister into a stranger's wife. This sounds worse than a prick. 954551;1418719810;BingoBoingo;!up Vexual 954552;1418720044;Vexual;;gettrust Vexual 954553;1418720571;BingoBoingo;So, can anyone else spot what is wrong in this comparison? http://openbenchmarking.org/result/1412060-LI-KFREEBSD879 954554;1418720572;assbot;Debian 8.0 Jessie - KFreeBSD Vs. GNU Linux Benchmarks - OpenBenchmarking.org ... ( http://bit.ly/1GKKz13 ) 954555;1418720715;BingoBoingo;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=895413.0 << Oh Shit 954556;1418720716;assbot;NOTIFICARE IMPORTANTĂ: vă rugăm să va retrageți toate fondurile din BTCXchange ... ( http://bit.ly/1IWyp9i ) 954557;1418720839;Vexual;nope, if the debian snu comp is an ascii style quiz, then i fail 954558;1418720961;BingoBoingo;Vexual: Well, jsut compare the hardware specs on the test rigs. Notice anything that doesn't match? 954559;1418721003;Vexual;no 954560;1418721033;BingoBoingo;Well, are the processors and storage devices the same? 954561;1418721085;Vexual;well storage is different, but i don't know the descriptors, so i cant say how 954562;1418721163;BingoBoingo;Well Note that Debian/kFreeBSD's one truly poor area of performance is Disk operations and their disk ran off of an external enclosure while the Debian/linux SSD ran off of... Sata 954563;1418721533;Vexual;yeah im no ttoo sure what that means... theres another level to the disk operations? 954564;1418721557;BingoBoingo;That benchmark was done by the phoronix guy who has pretty much been full Pettering since the pulse audio suck 954565;1418721569;BingoBoingo;Yeah 954566;1418721572;Vexual;t what purpose? 954567;1418721588;BingoBoingo;Drink more, let the groundhog lead you to the truth 954568;1418721630;BingoBoingo;!up Vexual 954569;1418721906;Vexual;is it careful about how fast the ssd dies? 954570;1418721962;Vexual;i can't read italian: ill just have the spaghetti 954571;1418722158;mircea_popescu;lol such drama 954572;1418722247;mircea_popescu;lol check out BingoBoingo speaking romanian 954573;1418722260;Vexual;that was romainian? 954574;1418722277;Vexual;it'd very like italian 954575;1418722326;fluffypony;romance languages all come from Italian 954576;1418722336;mircea_popescu;italian comes from romanian 954577;1418722363;fluffypony;agh 954578;1418722363;fluffypony;Latin 954579;1418722363;fluffypony;can't type 954580;1418722365;mircea_popescu;lol 954581;1418722367;fluffypony;they all come from Vulgar Latin 954582;1418722391;Vexual;alll my favourite bakers pretend to be italian 954583;1418722397;mircea_popescu;romanian is way more vulgar. 954584;1418722423;fluffypony;lol 954585;1418722464;mircea_popescu;romanian is so vulgar it turns a prick into a sister's wife. 954586;1418722514;Vexual;and cake to poo 954587;1418722533;mircea_popescu;that's a myth. 954588;1418722546;Vexual;depends where you get it from 954589;1418722568;mircea_popescu;sperm, blood, piss and vinegar. 954590;1418722656;Vexual;whaddaya homeick? 954591;1418722712;Vexual;dealing with red vinegar 954592;1418722834;Vexual;id say it's very much interchzangeable 954593;1418722870;Vexual;whats the dollar rate on the street now? 954594;1418722923;Vexual;and whyz it called blue? is it porno, or people just dont like grey? 954595;1418722972;Vexual;it's a bit porno isnt it? 954596;1418722985;*;Vexual leches 954597;1418723113;Vexual;;;seen peted 954598;1418723113;gribble;I have not seen peted. 954599;1418723160;Vexual;i forgot to tell him where to trade coin 954600;1418723201;fluffypony;he changed his nick to peter_abraham_ezekial_dushenkovski 954601;1418723216;Vexual;yeah, i can't spell it 954602;1418724253;mircea_popescu;lol 954603;1418728574;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7857 @ 0.00061794 = 4.8552 BTC [+] 954604;1418729672;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8590 @ 0.00060423 = 5.1903 BTC [-] {2} 954605;1418730343;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26512 @ 0.0006022 = 15.9655 BTC [-] {2} 954606;1418731002;cazalla;looks like Luke-Jr upset the redditors 954607;1418731502;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27050 @ 0.00060636 = 16.402 BTC [+] {3} 954608;1418731894;jurov;cazalla link? 954609;1418731939;cazalla;front page of /r/bitcoin jurov 954610;1418731939;jurov;http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2pfgjg/exposed_lukejr_plans_on_forcing_blacklists_on_all/ prolly this 954611;1418731942;assbot;Exposed: Luke-Jr plans on forcing blacklists on all Gentoo bitcoin users by default, for the second time : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1zlqr5s ) 954612;1418732356;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28088 @ 0.00058039 = 16.302 BTC [-] {2} 954613;1418732417;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4691 @ 0.000575 = 2.6973 BTC [-] 954614;1418734125;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8800 @ 0.000575 = 5.06 BTC [-] 954615;1418734913;cazalla;hosting an early xmas luncheon tmw, my contribution is the best potato salad in ze world, beetroot relish to go with cheeses and rocket dip, the rocket i grow myself 954616;1418734928;cazalla;of course, i am getting stuck into tmw's booze, tonight 954617;1418735467;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3500 @ 0.000575 = 2.0125 BTC [-] 954618;1418735538;davout;cazalla: you see a potato salad, i see a potential IPO 954619;1418735583;cazalla;i was gonna open a chicken shop ya know 954620;1418735610;cazalla;bbq chicken, burgers, salads.. no-one will pay for quality, or not enough people to warrant it and the long hours 954621;1418735646;davout;slaughtered on order? i'd hit that 954622;1418735646;mircea_popescu;but then you got high ? 954623;1418735660;davout;blergh 954624;1418735721;cazalla;nah, died on the vine 954625;1418735812;cazalla;davout, no demand for rabbit burger 954626;1418735933;mats;http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2pfgjg/exposed_lukejr_plans_on_forcing_blacklists_on_all/cmwg5an >> 'i can't be bothered to read the notes' 954627;1418735934;assbot;MagicalBux comments on Exposed: Luke-Jr plans on forcing blacklists on all Gentoo bitcoin users by default, for the second time ... ( http://bit.ly/1zlM1qs ) 954628;1418736066;cazalla;as for chicken shops.. you cannot find a single legitimate charchoal chicken shop anywhere here these days 954629;1418736093;cazalla;they have all converted to infrared ovens yet persist with advertising themselves as charcoal chicken 954630;1418736123;cazalla;few ok lebanese chicken shops around but eh.. fkn muslims 954631;1418736169;mats;why the islamophobia 954632;1418736209;cazalla;why not? 954633;1418736259;cazalla;big thing here atm is for leftists to tweet #illridewithyou to show support for muslims in australia on public transport 954634;1418736313;cazalla;any woman wearing a hajib who is scared for her life can find someone tweeting that to ride on the train safely with, that's the idea anyway 954635;1418736321;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16650 @ 0.00058009 = 9.6585 BTC [+] {2} 954636;1418736931;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15700 @ 0.00057481 = 9.0245 BTC [-] {2} 954637;1418737386;mircea_popescu;o that kind of riding 954638;1418737795;thestringpuller;cazalla: Luke-Jr strikes again! The power rangers have to burn cash to survive it seems. 954639;1418737856;mats;i wonder what its like for Luke-Jr to be opposed so strongly by people that share similar political beliefs 954640;1418737919;mats;anarchist types are rare enough, and this overlap with people that understand the technical aspects of bitcoin are even fewer 954641;1418737954;thestringpuller;this is where Luke-Jr looks at his logs and says, "You know I can hear what you're saying" 954642;1418737958;mats;bend the knee already. you know you're wrong. 954643;1418738019;thestringpuller;no one wants to abdicate their imaginary throne. 954644;1418738161;mats;maybe its more insidious than we know, what if he was caught selling methamphetamine on the side when he was broke and is now enslaved by an agent? 954645;1418738200;mats;perhaps i'm giving him too much credit but i get the impression he's an intelligent guy and knows hes doing dumb shit 954646;1418738212;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23700 @ 0.00057994 = 13.7446 BTC [+] 954647;1418738283;mats;i am of course talking about #b-a's opposition to him, not wutever redditards 954648;1418738311;thestringpuller;Perhaps this can be said of Gavin, hence tell tale signs of his comromisation. 954649;1418738321;thestringpuller;compromisation* 954650;1418738393;thestringpuller;the other power rangers I do not know. But jgarzik definitely publicly stated he'd like to see a GPG-like implementation in pure JS, which is mind boggling for a supposed intelligent person to say. 954651;1418738617;mats;are you in the bay now thestringpuller? i read something about vmware earlier 954652;1418738632;davout;thestringpuller: there's nothing wrong in itself with js, its using it in a browser that sounds a bit weird 954653;1418739386;thestringpuller;davout: exactly! 954654;1418739412;thestringpuller;do you really trust Chrome or Firefox to store your MPEx GPG key? 954655;1418739432;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5200 @ 0.00057471 = 2.9885 BTC [-] 954656;1418739442;thestringpuller;mats: AirWatch, which is owned by VMWare. 954657;1418739615;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2328 @ 0.00057994 = 1.3501 BTC [+] 954658;1418739798;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1666 @ 0.0012 = 1.9992 BTC 954659;1418739992;mats;ah, cool 954660;1418741323;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18900 @ 0.0005834 = 11.0263 BTC [+] 954661;1418742116;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14400 @ 0.0005831 = 8.3966 BTC [-] 954662;1418742554;BingoBoingo;!up soypirate 954663;1418743228;asciilifeform;speaking of ru central bank >> http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2014/12/can-anybody-find-me-central-banker-to.html 954664;1418743229;assbot;ClubOrlov: Can anybody find me... a central banker to love? ... ( http://bit.ly/1IXEJgQ ) 954665;1418743296;*;jurov amusingly notices the hate on python and waits for google to eventually, but inevitably release incompatible go update 954666;1418743353;asciilifeform;it is why single-vendor (how else) 'implementation as standard' is fundamentally retarded. 954667;1418743430;BingoBoingo;Symbolics LISP is an incompatible upate from Brick LISP 954668;1418743455;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: pre-dated the ansi standard effort 954669;1418743498;BingoBoingo;Sure. Baudot predated ansi text standards too. 954670;1418743508;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: there were other interesting lisps of the period - xerox's 'interlisp' (and its environment) being perhaps the most noteworthy 954671;1418743549;asciilifeform;interestingly, there is a xerox lisp machine emulator for msdos, of all things, 'medley.' i have never located a copy. 954672;1418743572;BingoBoingo;If only Xerox had enough crazy to venture beyond the paper business with any conviction. 954673;1418743591;asciilifeform;xerox parc did exist. 954674;1418743591;asciilifeform;went to the same hell as bell labs. 954675;1418743623;asciilifeform;quite arguably, both were largesse of monopolists, and died with the monopolies. 954676;1418743796;BingoBoingo;Well many small towns maintain libraries gifted in another act of monopolist largesse, but similarly the handling of those gifts has decayed in a cargo-cult manner. 954677;1418743852;asciilifeform;i'm told they threw out the books in many places, in favour of rows upon rows of winblows terminals, public 3d printer stalls, etc. 954678;1418743897;BingoBoingo;They have, but even before then were decaying as books were replaced by crappy fascimiles of books. 954679;1418743929;BingoBoingo;Not Xerox copies, but bad faith imitators of the book form. 954680;1418744045;BingoBoingo;Xerox copies of worn actual books would have been fine. Many "special collections" departments do that for actual papers of interest. 954681;1418744129;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25600 @ 0.00059043 = 15.115 BTC [+] {3} 954682;1418744217;asciilifeform;'While most regular Russians go to Sberbank to pay their utility bills and municipal fees, a few highly irregular Russians (and a few foreigners among them) go to Sberbank to sit in posh offices in front of trading terminals and gamble away the regular Russians' savings. The regular Russians are rather upset about this state of affairs, and 70% of them state in opinion polls that they consider currency manipulation to be a cri 954683;1418744217;asciilifeform;me and want the criminals stopped and punished.' (mr. o) 954684;1418744250;BingoBoingo;It's hard to think much of a library that would have as part of its collection and the like ISBN-13: 978-0672313004 954685;1418744285;asciilifeform;'spam like a pro in 24 fortnights!' 954686;1418744384;BingoBoingo;Handle Turd studio X15, Chapter 9, Turdthenware 954687;1418744390;BingoBoingo;Bowl and mugs 954688;1418744461;*;asciilifeform pays very, very dearly for access to proper library 954689;1418744515;asciilifeform;though sc4mz0rs: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-12-2014#952756 954690;1418744515;assbot;Logged on 13-12-2014 22:32:17; asciilifeform: speaking of my rotten old uni, i'm no longer permitted to read the electronic journals for any amount of money 954691;1418744566;BingoBoingo;It might be time to audit the art classes. 954692;1418744595;thestringpuller;asciilifeform the painter 954693;1418744628;*;BingoBoingo was suspecting more along the lines of metalworking. 954694;1418744651;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo probably knows that a full-scale university in usa does not normally have useful courses like metalwork. 954695;1418744688;asciilifeform;dclass. 954696;1418744688;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Many actually have a perverted version. Lives in Art department. 954697;1418744711;BingoBoingo;Focus on 18th century state of the art casting and blacksmithing 954698;1418744717;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: they'll cover basic welding, yes. art school here even has own scrapyard. 954699;1418744739;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21905 @ 0.00060117 = 13.1686 BTC [+] {2} 954700;1418744801;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28695 @ 0.00061354 = 17.6055 BTC [+] {2} 954701;1418744828;asciilifeform;at any rate, the game is not worth the candles at roughly 8k usd/yr. for buying access to e-journals in this way. 954702;1418744871;BingoBoingo;There's got to be single credit hour courses somewhere to audit. 954703;1418744871;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: 'mandatory fees' 954704;1418744882;BingoBoingo;Ah, they don't pro-rate for part time? 954705;1418744885;asciilifeform;nope. 954706;1418744949;asciilifeform;when i look for a specific archival piece, i have contacts who can get it. just takes time. the point of full access is: idle browsing. 954707;1418744978;BingoBoingo;Yes. 954708;1418745002;mats;aren't there handheld scanners that'd resolve this for you? 954709;1418745016;asciilifeform;mats: we're discussing e-journals 954710;1418745028;asciilifeform;mats: my university no longer gets paper copies of journals. 954711;1418745059;mats;bummer 954712;1418745062;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: The probably do get some. Just not for the subjects that interest. 954713;1418745070;BingoBoingo;And not for the general library 954714;1418745099;asciilifeform;interestingly, spy cameras are no longer necessary there. they've installed public 'face-up' scanners that go straight from dead tree to jpeg on usb drive, gratis 954715;1418745158;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: they had paper journals as recently as two years ago. but now zapped. 954716;1418745180;asciilifeform;i'm told that scarcely anyone read them in dead tree. 954717;1418745187;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Even in the medical and law libraries? 954718;1418745197;asciilifeform;we've neither on this campus 954719;1418745202;BingoBoingo;Ah 954720;1418745332;BingoBoingo;scoopbot -fetch 954721;1418745344;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2014/12/dying-media-company-seeks-lifeline-with-bitcoin/ 954722;1418745366;mats;it scoops 954723;1418745392;BingoBoingo;Indeed 954724;1418745486;mats;;;calc [ticker --currency RUB --last]/[ticker --currency USD --last] 954725;1418745489;gribble;72.5295 954726;1418745496;mats;it moves 954727;1418745768;mats;http://www.mindshare.com/files/ebooks/firewire%20system%20architecture%20(2nd%20edition).pdf 954728;1418745770;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1ACfwlW ) 954729;1418745940;BingoBoingo;Ah, firewire. Another example of a toy standard accidentaly'ing its way to "professional" standard. 954730;1418746199;mats;mindshare has other cool things about AGP, PCI, PCIe, USB, SATA, ... 954731;1418746241;BingoBoingo;Ah 954732;1418746246;mats;i tried to find docs on Thunderbolt on the internets but after comparing notes with other people, they're still under NDA 954733;1418746256;thestringpuller;what's that new port they are putting in laptops... 954734;1418746262;thestringpuller;;;google thunderbolt 954735;1418746262;gribble;Thunderbolt Technology Community: ; Apple - Thunderbolt: Next-generation high-speed I/O technology.: ; Thunderbolt (interface) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: 954736;1418746283;mats;p sure thats it 954737;1418746343;thestringpuller;i thought it was neat that it's essentially an external PCIe slot 954738;1418746358;thestringpuller;waiting for the day they start selling external gpu's for laptops 954739;1418746362;mats;the thoroughput is amazing 954740;1418746362;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 954741;1418746380;thestringpuller;i would hope so if it claims to be a PCIe port 954742;1418746396;mats;iirc you can push to two 5k displays 954743;1418746396;thestringpuller;yea 954744;1418746404;BingoBoingo;http://www.washingtonpost.com/sf/national/2014/12/15/nasas-349-million-monument-to-its-drift/ 954745;1418746405;assbot;NASA’s $349 million monument to its drift | The Washington Post ... ( http://bit.ly/1zmJbl7 ) 954746;1418746948;thestringpuller;danielpbarron didn't realize you were based in CT. 954747;1418746961;thestringpuller;Connecticutians unite! 954748;1418746996;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23129 @ 0.00061482 = 14.2202 BTC [+] 954749;1418747728;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5200 @ 0.00059642 = 3.1014 BTC [-] 954750;1418747802;mircea_popescu;so boys and girls, i will be taking a vacation 954751;1418747817;mircea_popescu;prolly see each other again sporadically until 2015 954752;1418747828;mircea_popescu;so merry xmas and a happy new year! 954753;1418747912;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 4000 @ 0.0012 = 4.8 BTC 954754;1418747923;mike_c;happy holidays 954755;1418747940;BingoBoingo;Alright, time to generate some serious logs! 954756;1418748009;mircea_popescu;tyty 954757;1418748966;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu is lying. 954758;1418748970;thestringpuller;he's always on vacation 954759;1418748986;thestringpuller;i think the term is `retirement` 954760;1418749275;BingoBoingo;I thought he had to chase all of those topless servers yesterday 954761;1418749340;[]bot;Bet placed: 1 BTC for Yes on "Light Sweet Crude Oil (WTI) Mar 2015 to drop under $50 before Feb 2015 " http://bitbet.us/bet/1082/ Odds: 51(Y):49(N) by coin, 49(Y):51(N) by weight. Total bet: 5.5594 BTC. Current weight: 84,068. 954762;1418749789;[]bot;Bet created: "Russian Index MICEX to drop under 1000 before Feb 2015" http://bitbet.us/bet/1084/ 954763;1418750240;[]bot;Bet placed: 1 BTC for Yes on "Russian Index MICEX to drop under 1000 before Feb 2015" http://bitbet.us/bet/1084/ Odds: 93(Y):7(N) by coin, 93(Y):7(N) by weight. Total bet: 1.1 BTC. Current weight: 99,987. 954764;1418750585;BingoBoingo;!s parachute 954765;1418750586;assbot;87 results for 'parachute' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=parachute 954766;1418750756;[]bot;Bet created: "Russian Ruble to rally to 50 RUB or less per USD before Feb" http://bitbet.us/bet/1085/ 954767;1418750814;danielpbarron;11:27 <+thestringpuller> danielpbarron didn't realize you were based in CT. << where you at? 954768;1418750987;BingoBoingo;scoopbot -fetch 954769;1418751012;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2014/12/spanish-cybersquat-raided-in-counter-terrorism-operation/ 954770;1418751300;BingoBoingo;http://slashdot.org/firehose.pl?op=view&type=submission&id=4061977 << Might as well try this again. 954771;1418751302;assbot;Spanish CyberSquat Raided in "Counter-Terror" Operation - Slashdot ... ( http://bit.ly/1vW8N27 ) 954772;1418751312;BingoBoingo;Appear qntra has the English language scoop 954773;1418751765;danielpbarron;https://twitter.com/Dawn_Kopecki/status/544890279602704384 954774;1418751766;assbot;In any disagreement between reality and belief, reality always wins. http://t.co/M9awfudAD1 /hashtag/bitcoin?src=hash-assets /Mircea_Popescu /Dawn_Kopecki 954775;1418751786;thestringpuller;danielpbarron: i was born in hartford, so it's always gonna be "home" to me on some level. 954776;1418751809;thestringpuller;I lived in Windsor until I was 2 then we moved away. 954777;1418751826;thestringpuller;i yearn for the day I can return 954778;1418751826;danielpbarron;I was born in New Haven, grew up in Deep River and Westbrook 954779;1418751948;mthreat;Pepe's pizza! 954780;1418752027;danielpbarron;psh, Louis Lunch! 954781;1418752240;mats;http://networkfilter.blogspot.com/2014/12/security-openbsd-vs-freebsd.html 954782;1418752242;assbot;Network Filter: SECURITY : OPENBSD VS FREEBSD ... ( http://bit.ly/1vWc3KR ) 954783;1418752286;thestringpuller;danielpbarron: new haven has some of the best pizza ever 954784;1418752294;thestringpuller;new england in general has great pizza 954785;1418752313;thestringpuller;now i'm hungry for wilsons pizza... 954786;1418753279;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25200 @ 0.00060271 = 15.1883 BTC [-] {2} 954787;1418753393;BingoBoingo;!up nezZario 954788;1418753411;BingoBoingo;!up [KS] 954789;1418753812;BingoBoingo;!up tryphe 954790;1418754194;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18900 @ 0.00061305 = 11.5866 BTC [+] {2} 954791;1418754927;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6224 @ 0.00061794 = 3.8461 BTC [+] 954792;1418755048;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 860 @ 0.0012 = 1.032 BTC 954793;1418755780;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20179 @ 0.00061124 = 12.3342 BTC [-] 954794;1418756679;Luke-Jr;mats: I don't know how many people here actually have similar political positions as me.. probably few? 954795;1418756735;BingoBoingo;Luke-Jr: You are a needle inside of a haystack, inside of another haystack full of needles 954796;1418757071;jurov;Luke-Jr: i really don't know how many people think maintaining blacklists like you do is a good idea 954797;1418757075;jurov;prolly not many 954798;1418757108;Luke-Jr;heck, even I wish there was a better solution 954799;1418757178;BingoBoingo;When Dogecoin a thing, pointing idiots in that direction was a great solution. 954800;1418757259;Luke-Jr;it died? 954801;1418757338;mats;there isn't a problem, you've contrived a solution to something that doesn't exist and doesn't matter 954802;1418757347;danielpbarron;Luke-Jr, yeah along with all the other "cryptocurrencies" http://trilema.com/2014/the-woes-of-altcoin-or-why-there-is-no-such-thing-as-cryptocurrencies/ 954803;1418757348;assbot;The woes of Altcoin, or why there is no such thing as "cryptocurrencies" pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1zt6nge ) 954804;1418757404;Luke-Jr;mats: sticking your fingers in your ears and pretending there is no problem, doesn't help anyone 954805;1418757423;danielpbarron;"does transaction have fee attached?" "yes." "so ok then, it isn't spam." "no, it's still spam." 954806;1418757445;Luke-Jr;that non-argument is getting old 954807;1418757471;mats;explain how anyone is inconvenienced by 'spam in the blockchain' 954808;1418757498;Luke-Jr;mats: lol, seriously? 954809;1418757498;Luke-Jr;mats: you're aware 20 GB of the blockchain's 30 GB is spam? 954810;1418757502;mats;so? 954811;1418757515;Luke-Jr;so that's a lot of people who no longer run a full bitcoin node 954812;1418757526;Luke-Jr;and it will keep growing 954813;1418757530;Luke-Jr;until only big banks can run Bitcoin 954814;1418757534;mike_c;if 30gb is a blocker how long would they have run a node anyway? 954815;1418757537;mats;lol. 954816;1418757573;danielpbarron;Luke-Jr, so? as long as my bank lets me authorize account actions via GPG, sounds good 954817;1418757588;xanthyos;WHOAS 954818;1418757589;mats;whats the cost per gigabyte of HDD storage? 0.05USD? 954819;1418757651;mike_c;;;calc 150/4000 954820;1418757651;gribble;0.0375 954821;1418757661;mike_c;^ per gb. 954822;1418757665;Luke-Jr;yes, let's pretend storage is the bottleneck so we can make it seem trivial. 954823;1418757665;mats;this is not a problem, and won't be a problem for as long as the block size remains the same. 954824;1418757685;Luke-Jr;sit in #bitcoin for a few days 954825;1418757687;mats;storage isn't the bottleneck, and it isn't the concern that's keeping anyone from operating a full node 954826;1418757703;Luke-Jr;and watch how many people give up on running a Bitcoin node because it takes so long to sync initially 954827;1418757712;mats;the concerns of idiots are not the concerns of people whose opinions matter 954828;1418757713;danielpbarron;isn't the bottle neck the block size? and isn't it a good thing that such a thing is limited and therefor has value 954829;1418757744;BingoBoingo;https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2phhuq/cybersquat_associated_with_darkwallet_raided_in/cmwr82b 954830;1418757746;assbot;dunand comments on Cybersquat Associated with DarkWallet Raided in Spain ... ( http://bit.ly/1zt76y3 ) 954831;1418757761;mats;if something as inconsequential as time to sync keeps people from operating a full node 954832;1418757788;mats;wait til they realize how annoying it is to maintain the node for years 954833;1418757864;mats;you'd do better to work on something that matters, like incentives to operate a node 954834;1418757899;mats;...and relays 954835;1418757932;danielpbarron;incentives for nodes don't have to be written into the code 954836;1418757932;jurov;i'm running bitcoind fine on $100 minitx mobo with spinning rust hdd.. and it sems to have enough capacity for next 5 years 954837;1418757975;jurov;but Luke-Jr insists on pretending there's bottlenecks so he can continue with his powertrip 954838;1418758109;jurov;i really don't get the whining 954839;1418758132;jurov;"it doesn't fit in my free vps anymore bleeeee".. stfu freeloaders 954840;1418758251;assbot;Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/3NSAZV9.txt ) 954841;1418758251;BingoBoingo;!b 2 954842;1418758363;BingoBoingo;!up soypirate 954843;1418758511;mats;well there you have it. 954844;1418758847;Luke-Jr;it doesn't fit on my phone even with the biggest uSD card available, you insensitive clod 954845;1418758860;Luke-Jr;frankly, even if it did, I shouldn't be forced to process spam 954846;1418759282;mats;ill add this to the list of irrational things you believe in 954847;1418759307;Luke-Jr;rational* 954848;1418759329;danielpbarron;Luke-Jr's thing is kinda like the real bitcoin foundation's thing, in that they are both attempts to make a more sane node (from the point of view of the author) 954849;1418759413;danielpbarron;except Luke-Jr is going about it in the wrong channels (any channel that isn't -assets), but that's probably because there isn't much sympathy for "it isn't fair i'm being forced bla bla bla" in here 954850;1418759441;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 3260 @ 0.0012268 = 3.9994 BTC [-] 954851;1418759577;ben_vulpes;Luke-Jr: bitcoin on your phone? that's phenomenally retarded. 954852;1418759633;Luke-Jr;which is exactly why it's a good fit for this channel 954853;1418759682;fluffypony;fits on my iPhone 954854;1418759711;fluffypony;can't help you if you're poor, although there's always SPV clients for people like you 954855;1418759722;mats;there are 128gb sd cards, in the interest of humoring this discussion 954856;1418759737;fluffypony;yeah, and I have a bunch of 64gb microSD cards 954857;1418759738;mats;but yes. be less poor. 954858;1418759755;fluffypony;I use them on my GoPro H4's just fine 954859;1418759799;ben_vulpes;how exactly do these blacklists work? if a miner processes a transaction with a "banned" address - what then? 954860;1418759855;Luke-Jr;ben_vulpes: basically all it does is stop your node from participating in the spam 954861;1418759863;Luke-Jr;if a miner mines it, you have to validate it obviously 954862;1418759877;ben_vulpes;just doesn't relay the transaction? 954863;1418759877;ben_vulpes;why not put that in bitcoin.conf, eh? 954864;1418759877;Luke-Jr;right 954865;1418759877;ben_vulpes;instead of the code? 954866;1418759884;Luke-Jr;more effort 954867;1418759885;danielpbarron;no sane node will reject a block that the rest of the network thinks is valid, so this blacklist thing is more of a waving of hands that amounts to nothing 954868;1418759889;ben_vulpes;lol 954869;1418759896;Luke-Jr;also less efficient 954870;1418759905;ben_vulpes;"it's too hard to do things correctly, so i'm just going to ram my idiocy into the codebase" 954871;1418759915;ben_vulpes;"less efficient" << hm? 954872;1418759916;Luke-Jr;you'll note I never proposed it for mainline 954873;1418759940;Luke-Jr;ben_vulpes: less efficient because suddenly you have to parse it out and such 954874;1418759966;Luke-Jr;I guess you could build the array at startup, but it's not really much easier to modify bitcoin.conf than to modify the patch 954875;1418759976;Luke-Jr;keep in mind Gentoo users are compiling it anyway 954876;1418759979;Luke-Jr;it's not some binary 954877;1418759999;Luke-Jr;so they can just modify the patch and drop it in /etc 954878;1418760004;Luke-Jr;if they want to customise it 954879;1418760070;ben_vulpes;"it's easier to hard code configuration into the source than read it as configuration at runtime" 954880;1418760073;ben_vulpes;no shit, sherlock. 954881;1418760123;ben_vulpes;this attitude has lead to all sorts of braindamage hard-coded in the source, like your commit introducing lock configuration into the mainline client. 954882;1418760268;Luke-Jr;out of curiousity, what is "lock configuration"? 954883;1418760275;danielpbarron;this "spam on the blockchain" is only a thing because blocks go unfilled for the most part 954884;1418760304;fluffypony;ben_vulpes: you're missing Luke-Jr's point. in 20 years time he's going to simply have more aggressive anti-spam checks so that the blockchain can fit on his smart watch. 954885;1418760366;fluffypony;maybe just randomly culling old blocks will be something he'll innovate 954886;1418760426;undata;why does bitcoin have to be on his smartwatch 954887;1418760447;fluffypony;undata: to quote the man of the hour - "[21:40:47] <+Luke-Jr>it doesn't fit on my phone even with the biggest uSD card available, you insensitive clod" 954888;1418760454;fluffypony;stop being insensitive, undata 954889;1418760456;fluffypony;you clod 954890;1418760559;ben_vulpes;Luke-Jr: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/src/db.cpp#L89 954891;1418760561;assbot;bitcoin/db.cpp at master · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1sAZZnU ) 954892;1418760566;undata;personally there's not a smart-watch manufacturer out there whose OS security I'd trust with my coin 954893;1418760672;Luke-Jr;ben_vulpes: and how do you get by thinking I have anything to do with that? 954894;1418760843;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 200 @ 0.00827016 = 1.654 BTC [-] {29} 954895;1418760904;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2000 @ 0.0012268 = 2.4536 BTC [-] 954896;1418760905;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18616 @ 0.00061122 = 11.3785 BTC [-] 954897;1418760932;ben_vulpes;$ cd bitcoin 954898;1418760934;ben_vulpes;$ cd src 954899;1418760976;ben_vulpes;$ git blame db.cpp | grep locks 954900;1418760976;ben_vulpes;148e107d src/db.cpp (Luke Dashjr 2012-05-22 19:51:13 +0000 125) dbenv.set_lk_max_locks(10000); 954901;1418760988;ben_vulpes;$ git show 148e107d 954902;1418761020;ben_vulpes;oh is that just the mock? 954903;1418761741;Luke-Jr;… 954904;1418761951;undata;;;rate -1 Luke-Jr hardcoding config, that's a paddlin 954905;1418761951;gribble;Error: 'Luke-Jr' is not a valid integer. 954906;1418761959;undata;;;rate Luke-Jr -1 hardcoding config, that's a paddlin 954907;1418761960;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of -1 for user Luke-Jr has been recorded. 954908;1418762526;davout;lol Luke-Jr how are you? and what are you doing here? 954909;1418762597;assbot;Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/1ZYNEJM.txt ) 954910;1418762597;thestringpuller;!b 1 954911;1418762720;danielpbarron;;;later tell kakobrekla i think there's a typo in the topic of #bitcoin-assets-trades, unless "exchages" is an inside joke to which i'm not privy 954912;1418762720;gribble;The operation succeeded. 954913;1418762726;Luke-Jr;davout: observing trolls, it seems 954914;1418762770;davout;by "trolls" you mean "heretics" ? 954915;1418762819;Luke-Jr;davout: no, they aren't even heretics 954916;1418762928;Adlai;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=16-12-2014#954794 << difficult to tell, not knowing what exactly they are 954917;1418762928;assbot;Logged on 16-12-2014 19:04:39; Luke-Jr: mats: I don't know how many people here actually have similar political positions as me.. probably few? 954918;1418762964;danielpbarron;I know he's pro gun / seen him get banned from -otc for that 954919;1418762966;Luke-Jr;Adlai: I favour absolute monarchy and small government. 954920;1418762988;Adlai;how do you choose monarchs? 954921;1418762993;Adlai;plural, because they will likely get assasinated, by disgruntled humans or ebola 954922;1418763000;Luke-Jr;Adlai: bootstrapping is a serious problem, I don't know how you'd come up with a reasonable "first monarch" especially today 954923;1418763016;thestringpuller;Adlai: I thought monarchs were chosen by the gods 954924;1418763021;Luke-Jr;Adlai: once it's going, though, the current monarch should be qualified to pick/raise his successor 954925;1418763022;thestringpuller;wait that was pharoah 954926;1418763023;danielpbarron;you don't choose a king, silly 954927;1418763075;undata;this reasoning by metaphor thing "it's spam! why? uh... because I don't want it!" is idiotic 954928;1418763094;Adlai;what criterea would you expect a monarch to use when picking a successor? how can they tell whether their trusted advisor is more worthy than their firstborn, or sift through private sector candidates? 954929;1418763094;danielpbarron;spam is anything i don't like 954930;1418763095;undata;and it's an excuse to create some central maintainer of blacklists 954931;1418763110;undata;danielpbarron: righto 954932;1418763126;Adlai;let's leave blacklists out of the discussion, there's enough room for that on reddit 954933;1418763182;Luke-Jr;undata: attack straw-men all you like 954934;1418763198;undata;Luke-Jr: it subverts the very *idea* of bitcoin. 954935;1418763206;Luke-Jr;Adlai: it's not a matter of worthiness, it's a matter of competence. 954936;1418763232;Luke-Jr;undata: not in the slightest. 954937;1418763240;Luke-Jr;undata: but I guess you might think so, if you believe the trolls claims 954938;1418763271;undata;;;rate Luke-Jr -3 cannot discern dissent from trolling 954939;1418763272;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating for user Luke-Jr has changed from -1 to -3. 954940;1418763321;Luke-Jr;misrepresenting the truth (aka lying) is a tell-tale sign of trolling 954941;1418763325;Luke-Jr;not dissent 954942;1418763330;Adlai;Luke-Jr: the question still stands. how does humanity pick a monarch, or conclude that a currently serving (because it's both a privilege and a duty) monarch is incompetent, and find a better replacement? 954943;1418763354;*;Adlai is genuinely curious and has very few opinions on the matter 954944;1418763359;Luke-Jr;Adlai: in the rare case of a bad monarch, the pope can depose him 954945;1418763361;Adlai;it's quite interesting to watch people choose leaders 954946;1418763383;Adlai;well, the pope seems a bit busy these days to be dealing with monarchs 954947;1418763399;Adlai;although I must say that his PR people are doing an excellent job 954948;1418763415;undata;and if the pope is bad, the meta-pope will depose him 954949;1418763420;undata;god help us if we need a meta-meta-pope though. 954950;1418763429;Luke-Jr;Adlai: there hasn't been a pope in 60 years, don't let the fraud controlling the Vatican deceive you 954951;1418763447;danielpbarron;well now.. 954952;1418763456;assbot;Vexual +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0 954953;1418763457;*;Adlai doesn't follow papal news well enough to discernr 954954;1418763463;Adlai;!up Vexual 954955;1418763466;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10148 @ 0.00061779 = 6.2693 BTC [+] {2} 954956;1418763494;Adlai;I'm just curious at what point one person decides that the mere word of another person is gospel 954957;1418763505;Luke-Jr;sec phone 954958;1418763511;danielpbarron;Luke-Jr, does that mean all the people attending catholic churches today are on their way to hell for following a false christ? 954959;1418763555;Adlai;I'm not sure you get punished for having been deceived 954960;1418763568;Adlai;assuming that, had the deception not occurred, you'd have bene OK 954961;1418763569;danielpbarron;oh you most surely do 954962;1418763623;Adlai;so a sufficiently effective deception can cause a perfectly "good" person to get punished? 954963;1418763629;Luke-Jr;undata: if the pope is bad at the same time as a monarch goes bad, God help us 954964;1418763640;danielpbarron;Adlai, there are none that are good 954965;1418763648;undata;Luke-Jr: *guillotines help us 954966;1418763648;Adlai;and if God is bad too, let's just hope satoshi returns 954967;1418763681;*;Adlai hasn't discussed theology in a long time, and it's usually with jews 954968;1418763691;Luke-Jr;danielpbarron: no Catholic churches today follow the antipopes; those who do follow the antipopes and attend his churches are at risk of being damned, yes (though as Adlai infers, their culpability depends) 954969;1418763703;Adlai;last time I met a christian irl was almost 6 years ago 954970;1418763720;Luke-Jr;danielpbarron: Christians have a responsibility to learn the Faith, and are guilty if deceived by their own neglegence 954971;1418763720;danielpbarron;Luke-Jr, nice 954972;1418763720;davout;Luke-Jr: what's a "real" pope? 954973;1418763730;Adlai;how do you distinguish between a real pope and a fraud? 954974;1418763735;Adlai;maybe the vatican has been a fraud for more than 60 years 954975;1418763738;Luke-Jr;davout: one who is Catholic and properly elected 954976;1418763754;Luke-Jr;Adlai: well, you know someone ineligible cannot be a pope, at least 954977;1418763756;Adlai;have you personally verified the burned ballots of each cardinal? 954978;1418763781;*;Adlai is not well-versed in the eligibility of the last few [anti]popes 954979;1418763803;Luke-Jr;Adlai: the become pope, one must first be a Catholic; the antipopes in Rome aren't Catholic 954980;1418763816;kakobrekla;Luke-Jr i think you need to shut the fuck up about this god delusion you keep having 954981;1418763858;*;Adlai thinks people who think they aren't deluded need to be a bit more diplomatic about their opinions 954982;1418763875;Vexual;Luke-Jr: Is it the current one that really annoyed you? 954983;1418763878;undata;one isn't called to entertain every form of idiocy on equal terms 954984;1418763889;davout;Luke-Jr: how is the current "anti-pope" not catholic? 954985;1418763889;kakobrekla;Adlai and be more political and more pretending too 954986;1418763903;Luke-Jr;Vexual: all heretical antipopes "annoy" me 954987;1418763903;Luke-Jr;davout: he denies Catholicism 954988;1418763940;davout;Luke-Jr: at what point does your interpretation of catholicism differ from his? 954989;1418763940;danielpbarron;what hapens if a pope and an antipope come in contact with each other? 954990;1418763952;assbot;Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/36J0MZN.txt ) 954991;1418763952;davout;!b 1 954992;1418763953;Adlai;kakobrekla: i don't think i've been politically correct or pretending. in case there's any doubt, i also think that there's some level of delusion involved... but i also value conversation over insult 954993;1418763964;Adlai;thx davout 954994;1418763966;Adlai;:P 954995;1418763972;kakobrekla;Adlai you cant converse about nontopic 954996;1418763975;BingoBoingo;kakobrekla: And don't forget more cookies http://www.mybestdaysever.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/IMG_4364.jpg 954997;1418763978;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/16q17Rg ) 954998;1418763978;Adlai;oh it got danielpbarron 954999;1418763994;davout;Adlai: that was the point actually 955000;1418763998;Adlai;/topic 955001;1418764003;Luke-Jr;davout: many points, by now; their key heresy is called Modernism - the belief that doctrine changes over time http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/10415a.htm 955002;1418764004;assbot;CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Modernism ... ( http://bit.ly/16q1bjT ) 955003;1418764014;Luke-Jr;(using that heresy, they then proceed to deny other doctrines easily) 955004;1418764031;BingoBoingo;Come on Guys, there hasn't been a Pope since Brutus stabbed Kaiser 955005;1418764053;Adlai;there hasn't been rock since jesus built his church on it 955006;1418764065;Luke-Jr;http://www.cmri.org/02-v2decrees.html contrasts some of the Modernists' core heresies with the Church's teaching 955007;1418764067;assbot;Decrees of Vatican II Compared with Past Infallible Church Teaching ... ( http://bit.ly/16q1drZ ) 955008;1418764099;Vexual;Pretty clothes and incence, yep, it's catholic 955009;1418764106;Adlai;but at the end of the day, we are just humans interpreting the words of other humans 955010;1418764112;jborkl;Luke, how do you understand math and science, yet still hold onto these beliefs? I really do not understand how that happens 955011;1418764116;Luke-Jr;Adlai: not really 955012;1418764118;Adlai;some of those are written, some of those were made up yesterday; but the situation is still the same 955013;1418764124;Luke-Jr;jborkl: science led me to these beliefs 955014;1418764132;kakobrekla;jborkl lack of oxygen in the first couple of minutes of birth does that. 955015;1418764147;assbot;Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0G32VS8.txt ) 955016;1418764147;BingoBoingo;!b 1 955017;1418764235;BingoBoingo;Since MP is on vacation all of the cookies for kakobrekla http://thecraftingfoodie.com/images/old/6a014e8748a9fb970d019aff7aae92970b-pi.jpg 955018;1418764244;kakobrekla;lol ty. 955019;1418764297;cazalla;BingoBoingo, my missus makes things like that 955020;1418764318;BingoBoingo;cazalla: Probably because they are delicious 955021;1418764599;adlai;Luke-Jr: my issue with anti-modernism is that we only really know what's modern. anybody who tells you that something isn't modern, and is the original doctrine, could just have made that up yesterday (or N years ago), and been fooling everybody ever since 955022;1418764615;Luke-Jr;adlai: modernism does not mean "modern" 955023;1418764649;Luke-Jr;adlai: Catholicism has always made a big deal of any attempts to change doctrine; one couldn't do that unnoticed 955024;1418764703;adlai;so, you're trusting the people involved in catholicism AT EVERY POINT IN TIME to not have changed it 955025;1418764705;Luke-Jr;anyhow, the modernist antipopes can be cited as using the heresy modernism to justify their other heresies 955026;1418764713;adlai;who knows wtf happened in the 13th century during a famine 955027;1418764717;Luke-Jr;adlai: none could have changed it, that's my point 955028;1418764743;Luke-Jr;adlai: you're also ignoring divine providence - God wouldn't allow any such an attempt to succeed 955029;1418764745;BingoBoingo;Anyways the legit Catholic Church historically is the Cyproit church. 955030;1418764782;Luke-Jr;adlai: (and if you assume God is fake, then there's no basis for caring about Catholicism, so that's not really an argument) 955031;1418764798;adlai;why wouldn't he, as a test, to guage how many people are suckers, and will believe what people say from under a fancy hat or behind a pulpit? 955032;1418764805;BingoBoingo;!up brussels 955033;1418764825;*;adlai has no assumptions about God, maybe we should define that concept first... 955034;1418764850;Luke-Jr;adlai: God has many times allowed heretics to gain power - but He promised that His Church would prevail 955035;1418764879;Luke-Jr;adlai: during the Arian crisis, there was only a few bishops who remained Catholic 955036;1418764892;Luke-Jr;yet in the end, the Church survived 955037;1418764905;fluffypony;[22:59:44] <+Adlai>Luke-Jr: the question still stands. how does humanity pick a monarch <- well humanity sure as fuck didn't choose Luke-Jr to be the Bitcoin monarch. 955038;1418764926;Luke-Jr;fluffypony: nor did I ever claim to be one 955039;1418764940;fluffypony;so brave, Luke-Jr 955040;1418764940;fluffypony;so brave 955041;1418764949;asciilifeform;!up diametric 955042;1418764955;diametric;yay i can join in the games now 955043;1418764958;Luke-Jr;lol 955044;1418764982;*;Luke-Jr ponders if he can continue this from the car 955045;1418764987;diametric;so first, as a former gentoo dev, Luke-Jr go fuck yourself. 955046;1418765001;fluffypony;diametric: I love you already 955047;1418765001;assbot;Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/3PB43CH.txt ) 955048;1418765001;danielpbarron;!b 2 955049;1418765008;adlai;that can probably be continued from the car 955050;1418765028;Luke-Jr;diametric: no u 955051;1418765067;adlai;Luke-Jr: i'm interested to hear how "science led me to these beliefs" 955052;1418765074;*;Luke-Jr wonders what kind of former Gentoo dev hates USE flags 955053;1418765099;adlai;probably the kind that doesn't like when patch names aren't consistent across package versions :) 955054;1418765103;Luke-Jr;adlai: basically I easily refuted many false religions, then found I couldn't do the same for Catholicism 955055;1418765123;Luke-Jr;definitely can't do that justice, much less from the car, though LOL 955056;1418765131;BingoBoingo;Science lead dank to living out of a storage unit... 955057;1418765137;Luke-Jr;adlai: patch names? 955058;1418765139;asciilifeform;picture if you had to set USE="-cyanide" or everything you put in your mouth will be cyanide-enabled by default, and no one will see it fit to warn you. 955059;1418765164;Luke-Jr;asciilifeform: except in this case, it's actually a good thing and not cyanide, and you get a clear warning before you install it 955060;1418765185;BingoBoingo;Good to who? 955061;1418765189;BingoBoingo;Your phone? 955062;1418765210;Luke-Jr;the only reason a rational person would disable it, is if they wanted to harm Bitcoin. 955063;1418765212;asciilifeform;Luke-Jr: so far you have failed to make a case why your turd is a sausage and we should in fact be eating with relish. 955064;1418765216;adlai;Luke-Jr: the names of use flags. the latest hubbub seems to be people complaining about the change from "ljr" to "extra" 955065;1418765245;Luke-Jr;adlai: I changed it back, since there does seem to be preference for "ljr" now and the reason makes sense. 955066;1418765245;adlai;(in addition to all of the last hubbub) 955067;1418765254;Luke-Jr;adlai: I had only changed it to "extras" on request from someone in the previous thread 955068;1418765260;danielpbarron;"this transaction is spam because it isn't associated with a USG approved ID and taxed accordingly" 955069;1418765272;Luke-Jr;danielpbarron: I said nothing of the sort. 955070;1418765280;adlai;lololol 955071;1418765286;danielpbarron;guilty conscience much? 955072;1418765306;Luke-Jr;danielpbarron: no, just stamping out your strawman 955073;1418765352;fluffypony;Catholicism is a snare and a racket. If you're going to have belief in a higher power, at least choose a religion that isn't controlled by a central body with billions of USD at stake. 955074;1418765367;Luke-Jr;danielpbarron: your argument is like saying "cyanide is bad, so I shouldn't consume vegetables" 955075;1418765367;asciilifeform;Luke-Jr: 'spam' debate aside - how do you intend to filter the dice txes when the dicemeisters let go of the idiocy of reusing addrs ? 955076;1418765367;adlai;it's funny how quickly people assume that all foes are agents of one arch-nemesis, when really just... shit happens. nature is not your friend. etc 955077;1418765398;Luke-Jr;asciilifeform: no idea, maybe impossible then 955078;1418765417;adlai;fluffypony: well, Luke-Jr just said recently that the [current] vatican is no longer an authority on catholicism 955079;1418765432;asciilifeform;Luke-Jr: so surrender now. if your mod had any traction at all, the victims would escape within seconds. 955080;1418765432;fluffypony;adlai: lol 955081;1418765442;fluffypony;adlai: hate the player not the game, and all that 955082;1418765466;Luke-Jr;asciilifeform: why? as long as it's easy to filter spam, might as well 955083;1418765477;adlai;fluffypony: hate leads to the usg side of the force. just play, have fun, go home, hope you don't get mugged on the way. 955084;1418765489;fluffypony;it must suck to be universally accepted as mind-numbingly stupid and yet not have the intelligence to be introspective enough to see it within yourself and change for the better 955085;1418765498;asciilifeform;Luke-Jr: i dare guess that much of the hostility to your 'spam filter' mod comes from the expectation that it is a 'camel's nose in the tent' for a dynamic, centrally-controlled censor mechanism. because anything short of that would simply dissipate like a fart in the wind in the face of any kind of organized resistence whatsoever. 955086;1418765540;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7130 @ 0.00060758 = 4.332 BTC [-] 955087;1418765601;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7170 @ 0.00060562 = 4.3423 BTC [-] {2} 955088;1418765612;*;adlai wonders whether it's helpful to look at the potential attacks on bitcoin as spam to be censored... or as a challenge to be accepted 955089;1418765616;asciilifeform;Luke-Jr: even if we all despised the dice men as much as you did, named filter is still monumentally stupid; 955090;1418765624;asciilifeform;;;google enumerating badness 955091;1418765626;gribble;The Six Dumbest Ideas in Computer Security: ; Enumerating Badness: The latest way Facebook conspires to ...: ; The Six Dumbest Ideas in Computer Security.pdf: (1 more message) 955092;1418765642;adlai;ie, why is the debate about blacklists, and not scalability 955093;1418765673;fluffypony;asciilifeform: I fear with your efforts you're trying to teach a mentally challenged child how to interpret Chaucer... 955094;1418765676;asciilifeform;adlai: conv was about blacklists because an infamous fool who pushes blacklists logged on and started crapping into #b-a 955095;1418765678;Luke-Jr;asciilifeform: that would make sense; people seem to assume something monumentally stupid is worthless, but in practice it isn't. 955096;1418765703;adlai;asciilifeform: well yes, this comment was aimed more at Luke-Jr 955097;1418765708;Luke-Jr;adlai: because the "debate" is run by trolls; the sane people have mostly been supportive once they learn what it's actually about 955098;1418765734;BingoBoingo;!s war has interest in you 955099;1418765735;assbot;1 results for 'war has interest in you' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=war+has+interest+in+you 955100;1418765737;mats;the mental gymnastics involved here are very revealing 955101;1418765749;adlai;but the debate (no quotes needed, it's very real, otherwise you wouldn't be engaging it) is also a great waste of your energy 955102;1418765756;adlai;you. personally. Luke-Jr. are wasting energy on this. 955103;1418765766;BingoBoingo;!s you may not be interested in war 955104;1418765767;assbot;5 results for 'you may not be interested in war' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=you+may+not+be+interested+in+war 955105;1418765794;asciilifeform;Luke-Jr: let's suppose that we agreed with your 'blockchain environmentalism' philosophy, and wished to expell the dice men. say they start to switch addrs daily. what will you propose as a counter-attack? 955106;1418765797;fluffypony;adlai: you should ask him how far his Tonal Bitcoin efforts went 955107;1418765815;asciilifeform;Luke-Jr: don't lie and say that it won't be a remote-updated kill list. because that's the only answer - other than surrender. 955108;1418765817;adlai;Luke-Jr: even if you succeed, you have admitted yourself that there are rather trivial ways for the entities you're trying to filter, to sidestep your filters 955109;1418765826;Luke-Jr;asciilifeform: no 955110;1418765855;Luke-Jr;adlai: yes, there is - but they haven't done it yet 955111;1418765876;Luke-Jr;adlai: for me, part of this isn't so much the spam filtering, as much as it is trying to combat monoculture 955112;1418765887;adlai;the arms race having not yet picked up speed is not exactly an invitation to speed it up 955113;1418765893;Luke-Jr;adlai: node operators are just outsourcing their decision-making to a central group of developers 955114;1418765896;Luke-Jr;this is a problem 955115;1418765900;asciilifeform;Luke-Jr: so you'll surrender if opponent so much as lifts a finger in opposition? or do you have some 'round two' answer that doesn't involve centrally-controlled zap lists. 955116;1418765900;adlai;that's true 955117;1418765916;BingoBoingo;Better places to fight monoculture. 955118;1418765918;adlai;Luke-Jr: why not make a patch that lets people dynamically enter filters into a running, compiled, program? 955119;1418765931;adlai;preferably through the QT interface because then I never have to know it exists 955120;1418765935;Luke-Jr;asciilifeform: there is a more long-term solution that would help the current case AND your proposed daily-changed-addresses case, which once implemented, I do plan to propose for mainlining 955121;1418765951;Luke-Jr;asciilifeform: but it does not involve any central lists 955122;1418765952;adlai;this doesn't need to be hardcoded precompilation 955123;1418765977;adlai;just let each running node choose [whether to, and] whom to filter 955124;1418765985;Luke-Jr;adlai: they already do - but it's "hardcoded" because that's simpler 955125;1418765987;asciilifeform;Luke-Jr: say what it is, then 955126;1418765987;BingoBoingo;Luke-Jr: Is this the "filter all address reuse" idea 955127;1418765994;Luke-Jr;adlai: any Gentoo user can customise the list easily 955128;1418765999;Luke-Jr;BingoBoingo: essentially, yes 955129;1418766003;Luke-Jr;brb, moving to car 955130;1418766013;diametric;jesus taking the wheel while you chat? 955131;1418766014;BingoBoingo;That broken thing. 955132;1418766071;fluffypony;lol 955133;1418766074;adlai;if a human can carry on a conversation while driving, then the social stigma against that conversation being digital is a failure of technology alone 955134;1418766124;BingoBoingo;I'm not very sure a given homo sapien at random can cary on a conversation while driving. 955135;1418766125;adlai;also "[adlai's dad] is one of the best drunk drivers I know" - one of his friends 955136;1418766137;Luke-Jr;diametric: wife is driving 955137;1418766170;adlai;BingoBoingo: I'm not sure a given homo "sapien" at random can carry on a conversation, period :P 955138;1418766180;adlai;(sapiens, sapientis...) 955139;1418766245;kakobrekla; I'm not very sure a given homo sapien at random can cary on a conversation. < fixd 955140;1418766260;Luke-Jr;BingoBoingo: it isnt inherently broken 955141;1418766282;adlai;"im not sure random ppl can tlk rite" < moar fixd 955142;1418766284;BingoBoingo;Luke-Jr: Address reuse in certain cases has great privacy benefits. 955143;1418766304;Luke-Jr;BingoBoingo: ⁈ 955144;1418766409;BingoBoingo;Luke-Jr: Services that reuse addresses across multiple customers help to conceal which customer funds are going in of and out of the service http://trilema.com/2014/why-exactly-reusing-bitcoin-addresses-strengthens-bitcoin-user-anonimity/ 955145;1418766410;assbot;Why exactly reusing Bitcoin addresses strengthens Bitcoin user anonimity pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1sxK7Nt ) 955146;1418766468;asciilifeform;reusing addrs may stengthen anonymity but increases your Luke-Jrability. 955147;1418766475;kakobrekla;idk why are you all still wasting time with someone who digs jesus. it sez on his forehead, 'idiot, can not be reasoned with'. 955148;1418766479;Luke-Jr;lolwut 955149;1418766516;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28200 @ 0.00061256 = 17.2742 BTC [+] {3} 955150;1418766612;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Sounds like if mainlined would be an occassion to go shopping for wagon wheels 955151;1418766623;Luke-Jr;anyhw no links for no 955152;1418766627;Luke-Jr;now 955153;1418766648;BingoBoingo;!up Elio19 955154;1418766660;davout;kakobrekla: something like this 955155;1418766668;Elio19;thanks 955156;1418766687;BingoBoingo;What brings you around here? 955157;1418766695;mats;i apologize for making this a topic of discussion 955158;1418766709;davout;kakobrekla: there are degrees in catholisrry tho 955159;1418766716;Luke-Jr;tbs, if thats MPs blog, I doubt it says anything sane 955160;1418766719;Elio19;BingoBoingo, im on vacation 955161;1418766725;BingoBoingo;Ah 955162;1418766748;mats;TSLA plunges below 200 955163;1418766759;BingoBoingo;First people leave here on vacation, and now people come here on vacation. 955164;1418766770;BingoBoingo;!up diametric 955165;1418766772;kakobrekla;davout sure, theres idiots who can tie shoes and theres idiots who cant. 955166;1418766783;diametric;BingoBoingo: thank you for enabling my laziness 955167;1418766818;BingoBoingo;It's just about naptime you your enablement is going to be hampered next time 955168;1418767028;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: You may interpret wagon wheel purchase however you like. I'll decline to offer the use case for such a versatile tool at the moment. 955169;1418767057;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i only know of two uses - wagon, and breaking-on. 955170;1418767078;adlai;BingoBoingo: the argument in that blog post kinda assumes you can't distinguish between inputs from the same address 955171;1418767103;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: I've seen them just sitting and littering a yard. That's a use. 955172;1418767137;BingoBoingo;adlai: Sure, if only one service does that. If common though confounds assumption of 1 identity 1 address 955173;1418767141;Luke-Jr;adlai: inputs arent even from addresses… 955174;1418767222;adlai;there's the example of several customer transactions to several business addresses, and several customer transactions to one business address; in both examples, you can see which customer funds have been spent where, and which haven't been touched. 955175;1418767301;adlai;in the case of multiple business addresses, it's easy, but in the case of the business using a single address, you can still see which input from the customer transactions was used 955176;1418767333;*;adlai is still far from sold on this whole address-reuse-helps-privacy thing 955177;1418767348;adlai;seems more like address-reuse-enables-lazyness 955178;1418767430;davout;i don't think address reuse enhances privacy either 955179;1418767599;adlai;all information deducible from one transaction graph is deducible from the other, and using unique addresses means that unspent transactions aren't [yet] linked to the business 955180;1418767649;adlai;/rant 955181;1418767656;adlai;/dogwalk 955182;1418767693;adlai;actually it's just beginning so an end tag is inappropriate. this is why XML is bad, kids. 955183;1418768179;mats;;;ticker --market btce 955184;1418768179;gribble;BTC-E BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 321.2, Best ask: 322.768, Bid-ask spread: 1.56800, Last trade: 322.769, 24 hour volume: 7915.53133, 24 hour low: 320.0, 24 hour high: 340.0, 24 hour vwap: 330.0 955185;1418768262;mats;;;calc [ticker --currency RUB --last]/[ticker --currency USD --last] 955186;1418768265;gribble;69.685 955187;1418771335;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23900 @ 0.00061707 = 14.748 BTC [+] {2} 955188;1418773288;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25682 @ 0.00062091 = 15.9462 BTC [+] 955189;1418774383;kakobrekla;!up paxtoncamaro91 955190;1418774568;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13450 @ 0.00060869 = 8.1869 BTC [-] {2} 955191;1418775117;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8967 @ 0.00060209 = 5.3989 BTC [-] 955192;1418779327;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10750 @ 0.00062249 = 6.6918 BTC [+] 955193;1418780486;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17625 @ 0.00061369 = 10.8163 BTC [-] {4} 955194;1418782530;mats;http://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2014/dec/17/sydney-siege-abbott-refuses-to-blame-islam-for-man-haron-moniss-actions?CMP=soc_567 955195;1418782531;assbot;Sydney siege: Abbott refuses to blame Islam for Man Haron Monis's actions | Australia news | The Guardian ... ( http://bit.ly/13vUtaK ) 955196;1418782539;mats;what a dummy 955197;1418782569;mats;the IRA and its motivations are separatist and political in nature 955198;1418782585;mats;unlike the war islam is waging on the rest of the world, on the express command of the prophet 955199;1418782776;kakobrekla;;;bc,stats 955200;1418782780;gribble;Current Blocks: 334641 | Current Difficulty: 4.000747027127126E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 334655 | Next Difficulty In: 14 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 2 hours, 16 minutes, and 12 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 39500152683.4 | Estimated Percent Change: -1.26806 955201;1418782818;kakobrekla;-1.26, i wonder if this accounts for the general shit quality of miner hw 955202;1418783038;mike_c;kakobrekla, you going to ba in april? 955203;1418783071;kakobrekla;no, i dont think so. 955204;1418783105;mike_c;aww. it's a new stamp on the passport! 955205;1418783125;mike_c;i hear bitcoins in argentina are dirt cheap too 955206;1418783143;kakobrekla;well that seems to be the case round the globe 955207;1418783189;mike_c;well, hopefully there will be a rally soon and you change your mind. 955208;1418783212;kakobrekla;lol i dont mind the rally but has nothing to do with it :) 955209;1418783240;mike_c;the long flight? rotten company? 955210;1418783334;kakobrekla;3 days is kinda short isnt it 955211;1418783397;mike_c;but that's just the time the rest of us will be there. 955212;1418783411;mats;kako hates you 955213;1418783412;mike_c;you should come! it'll be fun. 955214;1418783427;mike_c;i think he hates travelling. 955215;1418783444;kakobrekla;yes. 955216;1418783452;kakobrekla;i dont leave the house if i dont have to. 955217;1418783467;punkman;backup with deduplication and gpg encryption http://obnam.org 955218;1418783468;assbot;Obnam - backup program ... ( http://bit.ly/137cE5L ) 955219;1418783526;kakobrekla;i also hate people. 955220;1418783534;kakobrekla;ask ascii, we high fived over it. 955221;1418783548;mike_c;so you're saying you'll go if ascii goes. 955222;1418783552;mike_c;ok 955223;1418783565;kakobrekla;lol not fair. 955224;1418783595;kakobrekla;he must go to show off the rng or smth? :) 955225;1418783606;mike_c;hehe 955226;1418783611;mike_c;he better not show up with the same thing as last year 955227;1418783621;kakobrekla;so im safe. 955228;1418783671;mats;if it even exists by march 955229;1418783708;kakobrekla;the idea it it wont, so he wont and i wont. 955230;1418783728;kakobrekla;is* 955231;1418783742;mats;gonna miss this xmas deadline :( this 0.35btc has been burning a hole in my wallet 955232;1418783850;kakobrekla;i can dispose of that for a modest fee 955233;1418783875;kakobrekla;if its really hurtin that much 955234;1418784583;asciilifeform;lol! 955235;1418784586;*;asciilifeform definitely not showing up with same gadget as last year 955236;1418785014;decimation;asciilifeform: re: useful classes < at purdue they had welding, but it was always completely booked 955237;1418785058;asciilifeform;unsurprising 955238;1418785548;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24800 @ 0.00060208 = 14.9316 BTC [-] {2} 955239;1418785890;asciilifeform;http://patrick.wagstrom.net/weblog/2008/01/03/goodbye-openbsd << vintage whine re: dependency hells 955240;1418785892;assbot; Goodbye OpenBSD : My Delusional Dream ... ( http://bit.ly/1z1oR9Z ) 955241;1418786067;decimation;asciilifeform: lol 955242;1418786075;decimation;the new hotness is 'archbsd' 955243;1418786107;BingoBoingo;Very hard for a person to quit heroin, but easy for heroin to quit person! 955244;1418786168;decimation;!up gabriel_laddel 955245;1418786168;*;asciilifeform is at this moment roto-rooting out gnome tendrils from an openbsd box 955246;1418786230;gabriel_laddel; http://patrick.wagstrom.net/weblog/2008/01/03/goodbye-openbsd << vintage whine re: dependency hells << infinite hitpoits, see UNIX haters handbook. (This isn't directed at ascii, but rather n00bs who have not read it.) 955247;1418786231;assbot; Goodbye OpenBSD : My Delusional Dream ... ( http://bit.ly/1z1oR9Z ) 955248;1418786234;asciilifeform;'dbus-daemon', 'dbus-launch', 'gconfd', etc 955249;1418786280;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16717 @ 0.00059709 = 9.9816 BTC [-] {3} 955250;1418786305;decimation;I can't keep the kde and gnome stuff straight 955251;1418786322;asciilifeform;decimation: generally, kde crud won't be on your box unless you actually use kde 955252;1418786335;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: I'm rather curious as to why you're fixing (for some value of that word - more akin to fixing up a corpse before burial, w/e) up a openbsd box when you've got your own gentoo 'fork'? 955253;1418786351;asciilifeform;decimation: gnome tendrils get pulled in by virtually every popular xorg app 955254;1418786366;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: good question. answer: machine is a 'toshiba libretto' 233mhz, 64m ram. 955255;1418786390;decimation;asciilifeform: every time I install rhel6 I have to spend 10 minutes de-poettering and de-gnoming it 955256;1418786395;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: no reasonably-recent linux variant will run on it with reasonable performance. 955257;1418786432;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: the never ending quest for a bed-ready computer? 955258;1418786442;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: you guessed it. 955259;1418786474;asciilifeform;that 'toshiba' was as close as i ever got to perfect. 955260;1418786599;mats;looks like an oversized nintendo ds 955261;1418786641;asciilifeform;i have no idea what that is. 955262;1418786646;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16650 @ 0.00059616 = 9.9261 BTC [-] {2} 955263;1418786666;mats;a handheld gaming console 955264;1418786673;asciilifeform;guessed as much 955265;1418786717;mats;its fast approaching ten years of life, im surprised you don't know of it 955266;1418786965;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: btw, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6328002/emacs-buffer-allocation-using-mmap 955267;1418786966;assbot;linux - Emacs Buffer Allocation using mmap - Stack Overflow ... ( http://bit.ly/1AljY98 ) 955268;1418786968;asciilifeform;http://imgur.com/9anivva << machine in question 955269;1418786969;assbot; toshiba libretto 110ct - Imgur ... ( http://bit.ly/1Alk00s ) 955270;1418786976;gabriel_laddel;!s doesn't do this for some perverse reason 955271;1418786977;assbot;0 results for 'doesn't do this for some perverse reason' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=doesn%27t+do+this+for+some+perverse+reason 955272;1418787059;gabriel_laddel;this is the thread I was following up on http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=21-11-2014#930233 955273;1418787059;assbot;Logged on 21-11-2014 01:14:46; asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: text editor experiment << when you build 'emacs', you can select 'use mmap for buffers' as a compile flag. 955274;1418787083;asciilifeform;aha 955275;1418787083;asciilifeform;i vaguely recall this 955276;1418787112;asciilifeform;perhaps it wasn't a flag, but had to actually diddle the src. 955277;1418787189;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: if you've information contradicting the stackoverflow question in question please say so. I'm in the middle of building a non-retarted linux distribution and would like to have Emacs as battle ready as possible by default. 955278;1418787211;gabriel_laddel;*retarded 955279;1418787218;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: i'm afraid not. you will have to investigate personally. i built my emacs some years ago, and thoroughly forgot. 955280;1418787469;asciilifeform;'can't delete avahi-0.6.31p10 without deleting cups-libs-1.6.3p0 gtk+2-2.24.20p1 gvfs-1.16.3' << brain damage beyond belief 955281;1418787474;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: while we're on the subject, is there anything you consider absolutely essential for computing outside of CL+SLIME? 955282;1418787487;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: would you believe, 'midnight commander.' 955283;1418787493;asciilifeform;but it's definitely an acquired taste. 955284;1418787534;asciilifeform;i own computers that do not run emacs,slime,cl. 955285;1418787571;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: does midnight commander have anything over dired? 955286;1418787578;asciilifeform;but none (discussion limited to modern-ish hardware, rather than collectables) that don't have mc. 955287;1418787635;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: plenty of things. 955288;1418787657;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: will, for example, traverse most known (and, with minor fiddling, unknown) types of archive as if they were dirs 955289;1418787693;asciilifeform;basic operations mapped to 'f' keys, just like in the ancient 'norton commander' it was originally a clone of 955290;1418787693;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: kk, added to "the list" 955291;1418787710;asciilifeform;i've had the keys in muscle memory since i was 6 y.o. or so 955292;1418787732;asciilifeform;so can't speak for other folks. but several people i've exposed to it are now habitual users. 955293;1418787818;decimation;asciilifeform: you don't compile the latest emacs 24? 955294;1418787841;asciilifeform;did, on one box, but with no serious modifications 955295;1418787876;asciilifeform;generally i never notice anything about new emacs except that one or more of my many elisps pointlessly breaks 955296;1418787876;decimation;I have been using org-mode to keep track of things, it's okay 955297;1418787897;decimation;I've definitely noticed that if I add external packages, it tends to make things very very slow 955298;1418788120;asciilifeform;!up gabriel_laddel 955299;1418788364;gabriel_laddel;decimation: Emacs needs threads. 955300;1418788411;*;asciilifeform furious that the emacs in that box's ports tree cannot easily build without dbus 955301;1418788415;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8750 @ 0.0006032 = 5.278 BTC [+] 955302;1418788447;asciilifeform;the latter, aside from being a poetteringism, consumes precious memory 955303;1418788560;gabriel_laddel;(re: Threaded Emacs, I've already walked that road - don't waste your time. Not going to happen and won't fix the underlying issues with Emacs anyways.) 955304;1418788615;decimation;asciilifeform: this came up yesterday with the global interpreter lock 955305;1418788670;decimation;the only alternative is a fine locking mechanism 955306;1418788677;decimation;neither seems particularly elegant 955307;1418789125;decimation;asciilifeform: http://www-formal.stanford.edu/jmc/hoter.html << I was reading Herr McCarthy's 'dreams of the future' from 1970 955308;1418789127;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/137AGhb ) 955309;1418789147;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5200 @ 0.00060278 = 3.1345 BTC [-] {2} 955310;1418789157;decimation;he has some highly amusing footnotes about how disappointed he is re:ibm & microshit monopoly 955311;1418789192;asciilifeform;'Some immediately apparent disadvantages are: ... ... I cannot read in bed. The book-size portable terminal will come later. A household may require several terminals or perhaps we may have to compromise with sin and provide a hard copy terminal after all.' 955312;1418789201;asciilifeform;book-size portable terminal 955313;1418789203;asciilifeform;^ 955314;1418789218;*;asciilifeform still waiting. 955315;1418789222;decimation;lol yeah I figured you would like that one 955316;1418789430;asciilifeform;!up gabriel_laddel 955317;1418789445;asciilifeform;!up gabriel_laddel 955318;1418789462;kakobrekla;well reading in bed and writing in bed arent the same thing. 955319;1418789511;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: can't speak for others, but my programming is 90+% read/think and 10% write, timewise 955320;1418789524;asciilifeform;and that's on a bad day. 955321;1418789533;kakobrekla;and you do all this in bed? 955322;1418789544;decimation;asciilifeform: you would make a terrible do-o-crat 955323;1418789563;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: no! but i want to. 955324;1418789584;kakobrekla;lol. he is even worse than me, wont leave the bed. 955325;1418789590;decimation;you pair of shut-ins 955326;1418789608;decimation;you could send morse from a thigh-key to a terminal 955327;1418789673;kakobrekla;for me bed is hard to get in and hard to get out. 955328;1418789697;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8808 @ 0.00062249 = 5.4829 BTC [+] 955329;1418789707;kakobrekla;if possible id opt out of it. 955330;1418789767;gabriel_laddel;re in bed computing. is there something wrong with a bluetooth keyboard on the lap and a monitor that folds onto the ceiling? 955331;1418789770;decimation;I wish they made e-ink displays that updated at a reasonable frequency and were large 955332;1418789795;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: plenty wrong. 955333;1418789806;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: for one thing, i refuse to use wireless keyboards. 955334;1418789828;kakobrekla;or usb. 955335;1418789828;asciilifeform;the black van man should have to work for his pay. 955336;1418789854;assbot;Last 7 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/2MXPJ5X.txt ) 955337;1418789854;BingoBoingo;!b 7 955338;1418789862;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: okay, so the monitor folds down with a usb keyboard in some sort of rack attached to it. 955339;1418789872;kakobrekla;nooo not the usb! 955340;1418789890;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: and when i want to turn over ? 955341;1418789890;decimation;not to mention holding your arms on your lap (when lying down) would get tiring 955342;1418789902;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: let me guess, you're one of those folks who only lie on their back in bed and never else. 955343;1418789925;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: What about if the rest of the room rotates? 955344;1418789933;kakobrekla;asciilifeform have you thought about zero g, how will you think better in bed? 955345;1418789951;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: nah, all over the place. But I only ever compute in bed while sitting. 955346;1418789951;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: then you're in orbit and have other problems like bones dissolving 955347;1418789953;decimation;you too can start a new life in the off world colonies 955348;1418789965;decimation;plus muscles atrophy 955349;1418789970;decimation;plus radiation 955350;1418789982;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Sure, but those problems have solutions! Except for the deadliest thing around is the trash problem. 955351;1418790001;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8041 @ 0.00060233 = 4.8433 BTC [-] 955352;1418790011;decimation;http://reason.com/blog/2014/12/15/feds-graciously-agree-not-to-steal-resta << "Federal prosecutors have stopped trying to steal $33,000 from an Iowa restaurateur who irked the IRS by making deposits of less than $10,000." 955353;1418790013;assbot;Feds Graciously Agree Not to Steal Restaurateur's Bank Account - Hit & Run : Reason.com ... ( http://bit.ly/137FjI6 ) 955354;1418790074;asciilifeform;'Deliberately keeping deposits below that threshold to avoid the reporting requirement is a crime (known as "structuring"), but Hinders was never charged with it. Instead federal prosecutors argued that her bank account had facilitated the crime of structuring, making it subject to civil forfeiture.' << lol! 955355;1418790078;asciilifeform;crime without a criminal. 955356;1418790090;asciilifeform;it floats around, in the vacuum, wandering. 955357;1418790226;decimation;usg vs. $33,000 for a cop-boat 955358;1418790233;asciilifeform;sad that the confiscation did not proceed; 955359;1418790255;asciilifeform;there will have to be perhaps a million confiscations, dekulakizations, before 'the sheeple wake' 955360;1418790264;*;BingoBoingo thinks outlaw restaurants would be a decent theme for a trip around USia 955361;1418790286;decimation;I bet outlaw restaurants have good food too 955362;1418790293;asciilifeform;thing is, reprieves are temporary 955363;1418790305;asciilifeform;'the art of saying 'good dog' until you can find a proper stone' 955364;1418790316;asciilifeform;from usg's point of view 955365;1418790333;asciilifeform;just as the cattle rancher. he will be zapped, when the story is sufficiently forgotten and no longer media-enabled 955366;1418790428;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28431 @ 0.00059498 = 16.9159 BTC [-] {2} 955367;1418790529;BingoBoingo;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B5B82TZCEAETTaI.jpg 955368;1418790531;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/137Hco3 ) 955369;1418790537;BingoBoingo;^Handling Blackmail 955370;1418790611;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6469 @ 0.00059124 = 3.8247 BTC [-] 955371;1418790790;gabriel_laddel;"before 'the sheeple wake'" hmmm... I'm sorta under the impression that they're not ever going to wake. the thing with sheep is that they get tend to get slaughtered. after 5-10 years of living the life of American cattle the brain starts to deteriorate from lack of use. threaten them an all you get is pathetic bleating. 955372;1418790953;gabriel_laddel;"noooo mr. ss man, I was baaaah, a good baaah bah baaah citizen baaaah baaah" 955373;1418790977;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18844 @ 0.00062045 = 11.6918 BTC [+] {2} 955374;1418791010;gabriel_laddel;"no, baaah, not my laambs!" "I paid my baaah taxes!" *bleating continues* 955375;1418791034;decimation;http://reason.com/blog/2014/12/16/illegitimate-no-photography-arrest-leads << apparently the police arrested this woman and accused her of being a terrorist for the crime of taking a picture of a display-helicopter in a public place 955376;1418791036;assbot;Illegitimate "No Photography" Arrest Leads to $1.2 Million Lawsuit Victory - Hit & Run : Reason.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1DKd4jo ) 955377;1418791048;decimation;more sheeple beating 955378;1418791099;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12500 @ 0.00062366 = 7.7958 BTC [+] 955379;1418791143;gabriel_laddel;"It's a shame that taxpayers have to be on the hook for the criminal actions of their "servants" but it's still good when citizens let police know that there will be some consequences for rights violations." 955380;1418791160;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4750 @ 0.00062498 = 2.9687 BTC [+] 955381;1418791206;BingoBoingo;gabriel_laddel: But if they do wake, where to go? 955382;1418791268;gabriel_laddel;BingoBoingo: dosen't matter really. have you met any American cattle? when the country fails they'll find themselves rejected everywhere / killed outright. 955383;1418791292;BingoBoingo;!up gabriel_laddel 955384;1418791343;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21083 @ 0.00062525 = 13.1821 BTC [+] {2} 955385;1418791353;BingoBoingo;gabriel_laddel: I'm in the middle of the corral. As asciilifeform has mentioned earlier leaving is not easy. 955386;1418791353;decimation;lol apparently Illinois passed a law that makes it a felony to record a public official without consent 955387;1418791374;BingoBoingo;decimation: Illinois also sucks a big bag of dicks? What else is new? 955388;1418791387;PeterL;In response to the earlier talk of choosing a monarch, it made me think of the way the Mormon church chooses its leader: 955389;1418791404;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6067 @ 0.00062966 = 3.8201 BTC [+] 955390;1418791414;gabriel_laddel;BingoBoingo: of course it isn't easy. building Israel into somewhere you might actually want to live wasn't easy. 955391;1418791414;PeterL;current leader chooses people to fill vacancies in a 12 person council, those chosen serve for life 955392;1418791427;PeterL;when leader dies, the longest serving council member becomes new leader 955393;1418791434;gabriel_laddel;BingoBoingo: this is however, a good thing. it will leave out the 955394;1418791447;PeterL;so to become king, you just have to outlive all the other leaders 955395;1418791451;gabriel_laddel;cattle from "eden", wherever it ends up being. 955396;1418791475;BingoBoingo;decimation: The only local police force called out by name in the UN indictment of the US human rights record? The Shitcago police department. http://qntra.net/2014/12/un-report-criticises-united-states-on-human-rights/ 955397;1418791476;assbot;UN Report Criticizes United States on Human Rights | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1DKeOsT ) 955398;1418791495;decimation;lol awesome 955399;1418791521;BingoBoingo;gabriel_laddel: A thing I am experiencing is when one rejects the local bezzel the local bezzel makes it hard to leave. 955400;1418791539;BingoBoingo;Unless one sufficiently accept the role of tame crank. 955401;1418791542;decimation;it's a good rule of thumb: states which require 'all-party' consent for recording are corrupt as hell 955402;1418791550;PeterL;my in-laws live in illinois, they always complain about the high taxes and lack of any visibile benefit from paying said taxes 955403;1418791566;gabriel_laddel;BingoBoingo: You don't have to give up USD immediately if you leave the US. 955404;1418791597;BingoBoingo;PeterL: The one good thing Illinois has are roads downstate... Unless they are under construction. 955405;1418791601;decimation;PeterL: but the south side of chicago gets their reparations! 955406;1418791611;BingoBoingo;gabriel_laddel: Ah, but where to get USD outside of the bezzel! 955407;1418791616;PeterL;Illinois has obnoxios tollways too 955408;1418791627;BingoBoingo;PeterL: Only up north 955409;1418791637;PeterL;well, I only go up north 955410;1418791658;BingoBoingo;That's a problem 955411;1418791669;decimation;actually I wouldn't mind tollways if roads were fully privatized 955412;1418791687;decimation;Illinois just wants to charge thru-travelers extra tax 955413;1418791720;BingoBoingo;Missouri to Indiana or Kentucky to Iowa are toll free 955414;1418791722;gabriel_laddel;BingoBoingo: come on. you're telling me that you can't set out for the promised land with 50k cash in your back pocket and be able to figure out some way to a) have bitcoin in the future and b) make enough USD now to live on? 955415;1418791813;BingoBoingo;gabriel_laddel: I make efforts to acquire USD, but avoiding the honeytrap that is the drug business options are limited so I have a tent. Upon leaving with my budget first obstacle is the DEA's pet insecurity problem in Norther Mexico. 955416;1418791841;gabriel_laddel;BingoBoingo: sorry, pet insecurity? 955417;1418791843;BingoBoingo;So I wait, plan 955418;1418791856;PeterL;why not go the other way, through Canada? 955419;1418791858;BingoBoingo;gabriel_laddel: Sinaloa and Los Zetas didn't grow themselves 955420;1418791889;BingoBoingo;PeterL: Opposite problem. Too polite. 955421;1418791902;gabriel_laddel;BingoBoingo: why not just fly out? 955422;1418791927;BingoBoingo;gabriel_laddel: I think you severely overestimate my USD denominated holdings 955423;1418791927;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: the very reason why it is still trivial to leave usa is the lack of an obvious destination. 955424;1418791943;PeterL;powered paraglider? Fits in the back of a pick-up, fly across border? 955425;1418791967;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: right. so what I'm driving at is that one must make that destination himself. 955426;1418791977;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: in most cases, yes. 955427;1418791996;BingoBoingo;PeterL: But can paraglider cross Darien without being commandeered for someone else's cause. 955428;1418792000;decimation;I doubt anyone will stop you if you just walk across the mighty Rio Grande 955429;1418792006;gabriel_laddel;BingoBoingo: you're too poor to fly? 955430;1418792047;BingoBoingo;gabriel_laddel: For reasonable definitions of fly, such that goal is permanent escape. 955431;1418792068;gabriel_laddel;BingoBoingo: "reasonable definitions of fly" explain. 955432;1418792070;BingoBoingo;gabriel_laddel: Poverty in USia is not just of money, also of passport 955433;1418792085;gabriel_laddel;BingoBoingo: they're a couple hundred dollars. 955434;1418792097;BingoBoingo;Money is not the obstacle with passport. 955435;1418792111;PeterL;then what is? 955436;1418792146;gabriel_laddel;BingoBoingo: everything I've got to my name fits in two bags. I understand that ascii can't leave because of equipment, but that isn't the situation for most people. 955437;1418792146;BingoBoingo;Pending fucking misdemeanor disordely conduct charge which has been ongoing for quite some time. 955438;1418792207;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: equipment can be replaced, in theory. i can't leave because i'm of no use to anyone elsewhere. 955439;1418792224;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: really now. you're unusable in, e.g., Israel? 955440;1418792241;decimation;BingoBoingo: maybe you can just ask for continuances until anyone who cares is gone? 955441;1418792243;BingoBoingo;But to seriously escape USia, even by land one needs a plan that cover not just the simple border crossing, but also the next hop to a candidate for a haven. 955442;1418792248;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: aha. probably don't even qualify as good cannon fodder these days. 955443;1418792268;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: why? 955444;1418792283;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: and what do you mean by cannon fodder - 130k/yr slave? 955445;1418792285;BingoBoingo;decimation: That's the current strategy, but I'm tempted to take it to a jury next year finally 955446;1418792286;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: old, somewhat out of shape. 955447;1418792292;asciilifeform;literal cannon fodder 955448;1418792311;asciilifeform;generally the main attraction of israel - military service 955449;1418792329;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: oh, lol. old fat guys can be perfectly good programmers. 955450;1418792337;decimation;all sorts of elites in the US (including government leaders) send their kids to server in the isreali army 955451;1418792341;asciilifeform;but i'm not a programmer. 955452;1418792361;asciilifeform;i'm a... sorta what naggum was. 955453;1418792362;BingoBoingo;Israel also for USian escapees also has the downside of being in orbit. 955454;1418792376;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: you can't program!? 955455;1418792390;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: copywriter? 955456;1418792405;asciilifeform;can. but try to avoid it. 955457;1418792409;BingoBoingo;gabriel_laddel: asciilifeform is a person for whom programing is incidental to his other goals 955458;1418792417;gabriel_laddel;BingoBoingo: for now. say US drops off the map. 955459;1418792451;asciilifeform;if it drops off the map, i vanish into the same sucking black hole as my neighbours. 955460;1418792451;asciilifeform;easy. 955461;1418792451;BingoBoingo;gabriel_laddel: If USia disappears Israel probably becomes untenable as a state 955462;1418792472;gabriel_laddel;BingoBoingo: really? because now they can't kill irritating brown people outright? 955463;1418792477;gabriel_laddel;BingoBoingo: or? 955464;1418792516;BingoBoingo;gabriel_laddel: Because they can't repel all of their enemies. Israel has had a chronic ally shortage. 955465;1418792561;gabriel_laddel;BingoBoingo: hmmm. I don't know much about the situation there and will refrain from commenting on it. 955466;1418792614;BingoBoingo;gabriel_laddel: I mean South Africa and Rhodesia were Israeli allies at one point, but... 955467;1418792618;PeterL;If US disappears, then many of the other US allies will be having problems, so will be unable to help Isreal 955468;1418792634;gabriel_laddel;BingoBoingo: lol 955469;1418792648;BingoBoingo;PeterL: And then there's the part where many US allies are explicitly not Israel allies 955470;1418792659;BingoBoingo;Not enemies, but not allies either. 955471;1418792712;PeterL;What is the current relationship between Russia and Israel? 955472;1418792733;PeterL;Where's the wot chart for countries? 955473;1418792768;BingoBoingo;I dunno there real is a serious one. States are sluts. They all flirt with each other until someone gets the clap. Russia though does better business with Israel's neighbors. 955474;1418792795;PeterL;so sort of a L2 -1? 955475;1418792820;BingoBoingo;PeterL: Sort of a no public rating deal 955476;1418792880;gabriel_laddel;cazalla: consider this a request for a qntra article entitled "the promised land" with exit points: Russia, Israel, Argentina & China weighing the relative tradeoffs of each with the angle that the US is going to fail. things I'm interested in knowing about each territory: character of the rule of law, taxes, status of the tech scene, character of the gov., description of major cities, # of nuclear reactors and thei 955477;1418792880;gabriel_laddel;r locations, military prowess, unemployment rates / economic status, known quantities of natural resources, criminal character, ease of purchasing land, electricity etc. & interesting historical tidbits. 955478;1418792939;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: you left out an important bit - how much you (for particular value of 'you') even make sense there as a foreign devil 955479;1418792942;gabriel_laddel;also, how easy is it to get books from Amazon. 955480;1418792975;PeterL;and how much are you putting up on S.QNTR shares to pay for this book? 955481;1418793000;asciilifeform;for instance, afaik, white man anywhere in east asia is either a miserable wretch, a hermit, or largely confined to an enclave of his own kind. 955482;1418793017;gabriel_laddel;PeterL: its just a request, he has 0 obligation to follow up on it. 955483;1418793023;BingoBoingo;gabriel_laddel: Authoritative record of the matter http://bash.bitcoin-assets.com/?quote=325 955484;1418793023;assbot;#bitcoin-assets bash ... ( http://bit.ly/1DKliIa ) 955485;1418793040;gabriel_laddel;*it's. fml, accidentally hit RET as was fixing 955486;1418793061;asciilifeform;and why on earth would you care about 'unemployment rate' ? 955487;1418793064;BingoBoingo;gabriel_laddel: If you have ideas you can submit a draft, but cazalla lives in a country where you can't get butter spreading devices without showing ID 955488;1418793067;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: "largely confined to an enclave of his own kind" how horrible.... 955489;1418793068;asciilifeform;as useless a statistic as 'life expectancy' 955490;1418793110;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: if want to live among own kind, why leave where you are ? 955491;1418793123;asciilifeform;!up gabriel_laddel 955492;1418793131;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: absolutely correct. should be something more along the lines of "unemployment rate for skilled programmers". 955493;1418793141;asciilifeform;for $whateveryoudo 955494;1418793154;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: I'm not living among my own kind as it stands. 955495;1418793157;asciilifeform;for instance, the unemployment rate for what i do, everywhere other than where i live, is 100%. 955496;1418793167;decimation;lol if the US suddenly disappeared Israel would destroy its enemies 955497;1418793172;kakobrekla;reading code? 955498;1418793190;kakobrekla;yeah thin market. 955499;1418793196;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: exactly why it should be part of the "promised land" missive. 955500;1418793202;asciilifeform;working on projects largely conceived of by self, with folks with whom i have a years-long business relation 955501;1418793244;asciilifeform;with minimal gefingerpokening and dilbertism 955502;1418793338;gabriel_laddel;decimation: lol if the US suddenly disappeared Israel would destroy its enemies << this is sorta the impression that I currently have. 955503;1418793366;kakobrekla;ascii so basically you dont want to get your hands dirty. 955504;1418793370;PeterL;Would that involve Israel expanding geographically? 955505;1418793374;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: dirt is ok. shit - no. 955506;1418793395;kakobrekla;when shit is decomposed enough its dirt. 955507;1418793413;gabriel_laddel;wtf is even being discussed. 955508;1418793414;decimation;PeterL: if the us isn't around, who is going to stop them from expanding? 955509;1418793429;asciilifeform;remaining empires ? 955510;1418793437;decimation;possibly 955511;1418793454;asciilifeform;say, il neighbours become vassals of ru/cn. etc 955512;1418793454;decimation;certainly not syria, or iraq, or saudi arabia, or jordan, or egypt 955513;1418793465;gabriel_laddel;05:18 when shit is decomposed enough its dirt. << specifically referring to this. 955514;1418793505;PeterL;gabriel_laddel: maybe the metaphor has been stretched too far? 955515;1418793509;kakobrekla;well its how the world works! even shit can hide from entropy. 955516;1418793518;kakobrekla;cant* 955517;1418793618;gabriel_laddel;PeterL: missed this line. ascii so basically you dont want to get your hands dirty. 955518;1418793631;asciilifeform;it isn't about 'hands dirty', either 955519;1418793651;asciilifeform;but more about the fact that once you've lived as a man, do not ever again wish to live as a dog. 955520;1418793744;kakobrekla;still livin in a doggy house 955521;1418793774;kakobrekla;as a person. 955522;1418793776;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: well, yes. I simply do not program anything other than Common Lisp. but because I can do this at $mylocation doesn't mean that there doesn't exist a soul in e.g., Russia who would be willing to pay me to do it. 955523;1418793805;asciilifeform;except i don't go around asking to be paid to program. 955524;1418793854;asciilifeform;i get paid to work on interesting problems. and, like other people who do this, it happens by cultivating relationships with people who have these problems. 955525;1418793874;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: and interesting problems only ever happen in the us of a? 955526;1418793897;BingoBoingo;gabriel_laddel: For him the network to find them does atm 955527;1418793902;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo has it. 955528;1418793976;asciilifeform;i have no desire to be 19 again without any of the upsides. 955529;1418793977;assbot;Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/11BA5TG.txt ) 955530;1418793977;BingoBoingo;!b 1 955531;1418794001;asciilifeform;i watched it happen to both of my parents, when we emigrated 955532;1418794081;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: so you're of the opinions that a) it isn't worth my time to network with people in other territories and b) usg is going to collapse? 955533;1418794114;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: i can't possibly say what is - or is not - worth your time. 955534;1418794120;asciilifeform;was answering question re: self. 955535;1418794142;asciilifeform;networking with folks in other territories is, i think, a very good use of time. 955536;1418794148;asciilifeform;what do you imagine i do here in #b-a. 955537;1418794165;asciilifeform;i don't own any bitcoin assets, incidentally. 955538;1418794172;asciilifeform;am here purely because enjoyment. 955539;1418794220;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: kk. I had somehow gotten the impression that you were of both opinions a & b, which I find odd. 955540;1418794244;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: i'm of the opinion that i, in particular, will die here in usa (and not of old age, either) 955541;1418794244;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: I'm not one of those attempting to get you to emigrate and make the cardano in a jungle or w/e. 955542;1418794318;asciilifeform;i'm already making it in a jungle. but a jungle with warm bed, good food, reasonable instrumentation, and opportunity for work that doesn't send me in search of a pistol to fellate 955543;1418794391;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: right, however I seem to recall some #b-a persons attempting to convince you to leave the us for an actual jungle. 955544;1418794438;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: iirc, that was mircea_popescu describing the virtues of working on inventions in a yurt in patagonia. but the thought experiment presumed infinite (or at least, adequate) funding. 955545;1418794621;BingoBoingo;It's an option that may become feasible, but assuming it exists would be prematurely optimistic. 955546;1418794629;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: here's what i want out of life: 955547;1418794632;asciilifeform;!s live taleb 955548;1418794633;assbot;1 results for 'live taleb' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=live+taleb 955549;1418794647;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-09-2014#852557 955550;1418794647;assbot;Logged on 30-09-2014 20:25:59; asciilifeform: mats_cd03: depends on hypothetical destination. but, overall, just picture a figure large enough to 'become taleb' and live as 'gentleman scholar' in total disconnect from economic reality around you. 955551;1418794731;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: yeah, difficult to get ahold of in bezzle land, which increasingly seems to prefer to "select a hero at random" (as per naggum). 955552;1418794746;asciilifeform;it is never 'at random.' 955553;1418794769;BingoBoingo;It's funny how even in pop culture Chicago police are acceptably more corrupt than in other jurisdictions. Maybe that impression though is for the other flocks. http://www.hulu.com/watch/703678 955554;1418794771;assbot;Watch Chicago P.D. Online - An Honest Woman | Hulu ... ( http://bit.ly/1DKsyUq ) 955555;1418794805;kakobrekla;also relevant http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-09-2014#833717 955556;1418794805;assbot;Logged on 18-09-2014 16:53:26; asciilifeform: xmj: if i knew, i'd become a sysadmin. 955557;1418794831;*;kakobrekla rains on parade 955558;1418794831;kakobrekla;sorry, i go. 955559;1418794831;asciilifeform;lol 955560;1418794907;decimation;BingoBoingo: what's even funnier is that pop culture is seen as a source of authority :) 955561;1418794958;asciilifeform;!up gabriel_laddel 955562;1418795086;asciilifeform;anyone else sickened by 'sendmail' taking a whole mb of ram ? 955563;1418795125;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13201 @ 0.00060394 = 7.9726 BTC [-] {2} 955564;1418795239;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: can't find the naggum article I referenced earlier, but anyways yes - the process of choosing a hero in the USSA isn't by any stretch of imagination random. 955565;1418795263;gabriel_laddel;I stand corrected. 955566;1418795275;BingoBoingo;decimation: Well pop culture is the garden where the regime grows expectations. 955567;1418795288;BingoBoingo;Doesn't matter if you are in East Korea 955568;1418795295;gabriel_laddel;lol 955569;1418795323;gabriel_laddel;"You too may grow up to be Mark Zuckerberg!" 955570;1418795363;gabriel_laddel;work hard for your wealth and you'll be rewarded with pointless labor and millions of idiots nipping at your heels. 955571;1418795487;BingoBoingo;decimation: I mean you don't feed cattle fresh salads, you feed them silage from the corn that was too useful for them to eat. 955572;1418795647;gabriel_laddel;"nipping at your heels" was not the expression I wanted. something closer to "you can speak random alphanumeric strings at people and they'll nod and smile at you. speak in an angry tone and they'll frown and shake their heads, but this and 'liking' things is the extent of their expressive and intellectual capabilities" 955573;1418795668;Luke-Jr;so I have less than 24 hours to decide whether to purchase an ewe & ram with the ability to avoid a 5 hour drive… any opinions? :p 955574;1418795745;BingoBoingo;Get them. 955575;1418795765;BingoBoingo;Sheep are "trailer fragile" 955576;1418795845;Luke-Jr;BingoBoingo: eh? 955577;1418795867;Luke-Jr;the reason I'd avoid a drive is that someone else in my area is picking up theirs 955578;1418795872;Luke-Jr;so I'd be giving them gas money to take mine with them or something 955579;1418795955;BingoBoingo;Luke-Jr: Well sheep are more accustomed to being compelled between locations than other livestock, but they are still more fragile than the larger animals. 955580;1418795978;Luke-Jr;point is, they're travelling 2.5 hrs regardless :P 955581;1418796050;BingoBoingo;Well, make the other poor motherfuckers drive. 955582;1418796056;PeterL;asciilifeform: i don't own any bitcoin assets, incidentally. << what? I thought you were co-founder of S.NSA, you don't own any of it? 955583;1418796063;BingoBoingo;Do you really want to drive a trailer with an angry ram 955584;1418796085;asciilifeform;PeterL: i do in theory, but it doesn't work yet 955585;1418796123;BingoBoingo;"Own" and "own" are different things 955586;1418796131;asciilifeform;PeterL: and i was here for some time prior to it 955587;1418796207;asciilifeform;i don't own any serious quantity of any kind of thing one might wake up in the morning and compulsively check the 'worth' of. 955588;1418796283;Luke-Jr;BingoBoingo: problem is, I don't have any crops planted for them to eat yet, and the fence isn't really setup ideally yet 955589;1418796325;BingoBoingo;What kind of Catholic isn't ready to be a Shepherd? 955590;1418796331;danielpbarron;11:29 <+decimation> I bet outlaw restaurants have good food too << reminds me of a place nearby that used to have great food until the owner got ousted for tax evasion; under new management the food sucks 955591;1418796336;gabriel_laddel;;; gettrust Luke-Jr 955592;1418796337;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask Luke-Jr!~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr. Trust relationship from user gabriel_laddel to user Luke-Jr: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=gabriel_laddel&dest=Luke-Jr | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=Luke-Jr | Rated since: Sat Feb 5 12:37:04 2011 955593;1418796372;danielpbarron;hah i was just thinking of doing that 955594;1418796386;danielpbarron;;;gettrust assbot Luke-Jr 955595;1418796387;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask Luke-Jr!~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr. Trust relationship from user assbot to user Luke-Jr: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 5 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=Luke-Jr | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=Luke-Jr | Rated since: Sat Feb 5 12:37:04 2011 955596;1418796392;Luke-Jr;BingoBoingo: supposedly, I could have someone walk them until we figure out the fencing 955597;1418796417;Luke-Jr;eg, so they eat grass 955598;1418796477;BingoBoingo;Luke-Jr: Well, what are kids for? Just make sure they have had their anthrax shots. 955599;1418796495;Luke-Jr;anthrax? wat? 955600;1418796538;asciilifeform;emacs aficionados! turns out, openbsd has a separate 'emacs21' port, of that version, sans all of the retardation and shitgnomery 955601;1418796544;BingoBoingo;Luke-Jr: It's traditionally a woolcutter's disease. 955602;1418796728;Luke-Jr;hrm, that sounds scary. especially infection via eating the meat 955603;1418796735;*;Luke-Jr wonders if it can be tested 955604;1418796782;PeterL;!up gabriel_laddel 955605;1418796782;BingoBoingo;!up gabriel_laddel 955606;1418796824;gabriel_laddel;PeterL: BingoBoingo why thank you, but I have nothing more to say tonight unless something interesting comes up or someone wishes to address me. 955607;1418796978;BingoBoingo;Luke-Jr: You may not have an interest in farm ailments, but if you farm they will be interested in you. 955608;1418798480;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2819 @ 0.00058901 = 1.6604 BTC [-] 955609;1418798490;[]bot;Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "Russian Index MICEX to drop under 1000 before Feb 2015" http://bitbet.us/bet/1084/ Odds: 44(Y):56(N) by coin, 45(Y):55(N) by weight. Total bet: 2.3 BTC. Current weight: 98,559. 955610;1418799468;BingoBoingo;;;ticker 955611;1418799469;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 328.8, Best ask: 329.81, Bid-ask spread: 1.01000, Last trade: 329.81, 24 hour volume: 17308.89013788, 24 hour low: 325.94, 24 hour high: 344.38, 24 hour vwap: 335.538451229 955612;1418800127;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15650 @ 0.00059796 = 9.3581 BTC [+] {2} 955613;1418800677;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8750 @ 0.00058901 = 5.1538 BTC [-] 955614;1418801591;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15400 @ 0.00058901 = 9.0708 BTC [-] 955615;1418801774;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 210 @ 0.12008522 = 25.2179 BTC [-] {2} 955616;1418802140;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11300 @ 0.00060658 = 6.8544 BTC [+] {2} 955617;1418803238;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17481 @ 0.0005956 = 10.4117 BTC [-] {2} 955618;1418803299;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8919 @ 0.00058609 = 5.2273 BTC [-] 955619;1418805557;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20919 @ 0.00058472 = 12.2318 BTC [-] {2} 955620;1418806654;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8369 @ 0.00058853 = 4.9254 BTC [+] 955621;1418806959;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 926 @ 0.00121207 = 1.1224 BTC [-] {4} 955622;1418807020;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 932 @ 0.0012 = 1.1184 BTC 955623;1418807203;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7300 @ 0.00059509 = 4.3442 BTC [+] 955624;1418808118;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8466 @ 0.00058494 = 4.9521 BTC [-] {3} 955625;1418808240;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1500 @ 0.0012 = 1.8 BTC 955626;1418809059;davout;BingoBoingo: i think catholicism isn't too far from qualifying as a 'farm ailment' 955627;1418810192;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12850 @ 0.00058444 = 7.5101 BTC [-] 955628;1418811168;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7399 @ 0.00059509 = 4.4031 BTC [+] 955629;1418811351;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15327 @ 0.00058381 = 8.9481 BTC [-] {3} 955630;1418811368;cazalla;gabriel_laddel: cazalla: consider this a request for a qntra article entitled... <<< good idea, noted. 955631;1418811397;cazalla;gabriel_laddel: PeterL: its just a request, he has 0 obligation to follow up on it. <<< ya, let the man share his ideas, no harm 955632;1418811412;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4023 @ 0.00058238 = 2.3429 BTC [-] 955633;1418811534;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1667 @ 0.0012 = 2.0004 BTC 955634;1418812632;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6450 @ 0.00059509 = 3.8383 BTC [+] 955635;1418813730;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 8820 @ 0.00020899 = 1.8433 BTC [-] {2} 955636;1418814035;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19177 @ 0.00058238 = 11.1683 BTC [-] 955637;1418814462;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3360 @ 0.00057883 = 1.9449 BTC [-] 955638;1418815804;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12100 @ 0.00058384 = 7.0645 BTC [-] {3} 955639;1418817024;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6500 @ 0.00061793 = 4.0165 BTC [+] 955640;1418817056;adlai;market wanna test new lows, eh? fuckaduck. 955641;1418817095;adlai;(not there yet, but looks like it's on its way) 955642;1418817146;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4300 @ 0.00062377 = 2.6822 BTC [+] {2} 955643;1418818061;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5527 @ 0.00061793 = 3.4153 BTC [-] 955644;1418818488;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14419 @ 0.00062779 = 9.0521 BTC [+] {3} 955645;1418820135;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5900 @ 0.00059528 = 3.5122 BTC [-] 955646;1418821111;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13369 @ 0.00061407 = 8.2095 BTC [+] 955647;1418821172;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1815 @ 0.0006306 = 1.1445 BTC [+] 955648;1418822148;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9050 @ 0.00063028 = 5.704 BTC [-] {3} 955649;1418823917;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38190 @ 0.00063592 = 24.2858 BTC [+] {3} 955650;1418825137;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14200 @ 0.00062304 = 8.8472 BTC [-] 955651;1418825686;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3850 @ 0.00062304 = 2.3987 BTC [-] 955652;1418827333;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13542 @ 0.0006055 = 8.1997 BTC [-] {3} 955653;1418827429;mats;http://www.japanesebugfights.com 955654;1418827430;assbot;Japanese Bug Fights .com ... ( http://bit.ly/1BY4hpm ) 955655;1418827944;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9600 @ 0.00063327 = 6.0794 BTC [+] 955656;1418829688;danielpbarron;;;rate copumpkin 1 https://twitter.com/copumpkin 955657;1418829689;assbot;Dan P (@copumpkin) | Twitter ... ( http://bit.ly/1AoMZAM ) 955658;1418829689;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user copumpkin has been recorded. 955659;1418831481;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1785 @ 0.00059779 = 1.0671 BTC [-] 955660;1418832086;mats;http://fox2now.com/2014/12/17/school-punishes-blind-child-by-taking-away-cane-and-replacing-it-with-a-pool-noodle 955661;1418832088;assbot;School punishes blind child by taking away cane and replacing it with a pool noodle | FOX2now.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1zw0XkR ) 955662;1418832504;kakobrekla;!up mius 955663;1418833046;mike_c;thanks mats. i just threw up. 955664;1418833139;kakobrekla;i had to google pool noodle first. 955665;1418833152;mike_c;ah, i meant the bug fights. 955666;1418833165;mike_c;is that one disgusting too? i'm not looking. 955667;1418833175;kakobrekla;ah i havent reached that far yet 955668;1418833311;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27646 @ 0.00063954 = 17.6807 BTC [+] 955669;1418834409;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12150 @ 0.00063975 = 7.773 BTC [+] {3} 955670;1418834725;BingoBoingo;http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/cars/2014/12/17/plumbing-truck-syria/20523873/ 955671;1418834727;assbot;Islamic militants buy plumber's old truck, use it in Syria ... ( http://bit.ly/1AchJqt ) 955672;1418835528;ben_vulpes; i get paid to work on interesting problems. and, like other people who do this, it happens by cultivating relationships with people who have these problems. << this "work must be fun" trope again 955673;1418835761;kakobrekla;he is just caught in a local pain minimum. 955674;1418835944;ben_vulpes;"learned helplessness" 955675;1418836128;jurov;lol the hate 955676;1418836250;ben_vulpes;fight drama with drama 955677;1418836275;mats;the bug fights are pretty cool. 955678;1418836310;mats;there's one where a scorpion lookin thing flips a wasp, pins it, and then kills it by eating his butt 955679;1418836371;mats;my hero. 955680;1418836373;kakobrekla;link? 955681;1418836410;assbot;Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/2XPBGER.txt ) 955682;1418836410;BingoBoingo;!b 3 955683;1418836738;mats;http://www.japanesebugfights.com/15.htm 955684;1418836739;assbot;Japanese Bug Fights .com ... ( http://bit.ly/13yobMx ) 955685;1418836755;mats;the wasp wins, actually 955686;1418837065;kakobrekla;aha the wasp danced him do death 955687;1418837689;kakobrekla;this is a good one, gets it in the fukin eye http://www.japanesebugfights.com/11.htm 955688;1418837690;assbot;Japanese Bug Fights .com ... ( http://bit.ly/13yrhQt ) 955689;1418837825;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13882 @ 0.00064387 = 8.9382 BTC [+] {2} 955690;1418838286;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: l0l 955691;1418838557;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11950 @ 0.00063594 = 7.5995 BTC [-] {2} 955692;1418839687;punkman;https://gnupg.org/ is asking for donations 955693;1418839688;assbot;The GNU Privacy Guard ... ( http://bit.ly/1sAtW1H ) 955694;1418839756;mats;no buttcoin option 955695;1418840570;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12363 @ 0.00064143 = 7.93 BTC [+] {2} 955696;1418841054;mod6;;;tslb 955697;1418841069;gribble;Time since last block: 41 minutes and 42 seconds 955698;1418841119;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9095 @ 0.00063194 = 5.7475 BTC [-] {2} 955699;1418841134;kakobrekla;;;bc,stats 955700;1418841138;gribble;Current Blocks: 334721 | Current Difficulty: 3.945767130713873E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 336671 | Next Difficulty In: 1950 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 2 weeks, 1 day, 8 hours, 30 minutes, and 14 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 32880018383.0 | Estimated Percent Change: -16.67015 955701;1418841147;punkman;ow 955702;1418841435;mike_c;no way. gribble is confused. 955703;1418841485;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16500 @ 0.00064784 = 10.6894 BTC [+] {3} 955704;1418841617;mike_c;;;calc (14 * 60) / (334722 - 334656) 955705;1418841617;gribble;12.7272727273 955706;1418841629;mike_c;oh. hm. my apologies gribs. 955707;1418841658;thestringpuller;;;nethash 955708;1418841659;gribble;271537218.24 955709;1418841790;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13059 @ 0.00062252 = 8.1295 BTC [-] {2} 955710;1418841922;BingoBoingo;!up FBI-Agent 955711;1418841937;punkman;http://vimeo.com/111715711 955712;1418841938;assbot;GnuPG Finanzierung Thema im Bundestag on Vimeo ... ( http://bit.ly/1BZrRCf ) 955713;1418841983;FBI-Agent;oh dang 955714;1418842322;mats;o hi 955715;1418842325;mats;;;ticker 955716;1418842326;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 315.98, Best ask: 316.0, Bid-ask spread: 0.02000, Last trade: 316.0, 24 hour volume: 22383.75456503, 24 hour low: 315.23, 24 hour high: 337.0, 24 hour vwap: 324.937974664 955717;1418842350;punkman;mats, can donate BTC to gpg via https://www.wauland.de/en/donation.html#61 955718;1418842493;thestringpuller;;;ticker 955719;1418842494;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 315.98, Best ask: 317.42, Bid-ask spread: 1.44000, Last trade: 317.48, 24 hour volume: 22477.11534873, 24 hour low: 315.23, 24 hour high: 337.0, 24 hour vwap: 324.884551847 955720;1418843569;xanthyos;is that estimated percent change in difficulty in proportion to the price shift? 955721;1418843752;BingoBoingo;I think whoever suggestd shitty hardware dying is probably on to something 955722;1418843857;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2014/12/too-many-people-pay-ransomware-demands/ 955723;1418844516;punkman;https://erisindustries.com/ 955724;1418844517;assbot;Eris Industries ... ( http://bit.ly/1wM3J4m ) 955725;1418844545;punkman;"Derived from the Ethereum protocol" because you can derive things from vaporware 955726;1418844578;thestringpuller;~_~~. 955727;1418844579;thestringpuller;.~ 955728;1418844580;thestringpuller;~> 955729;1418844583;thestringpuller;.~ 955730;1418844589;thestringpuller;~> 955731;1418844742;rithm;http://hackingdistributed.com/2014/12/17/changetip-must-die/ 955732;1418844743;assbot;ChangeTip Must Die ... ( http://bit.ly/1wM4GcT ) 955733;1418845084;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8000 @ 0.00064453 = 5.1562 BTC [+] 955734;1418845120;undata;Luke-Jr: having read the threads on the gentoo bug tracker, you are confirmed as a slimy piece of shit. 955735;1418845121;punkman;http://threatpost.com/manufacturers-backdoor-found-on-popular-chinese-android-smartphone/109929 955736;1418845122;assbot;CoolReaper Backdoor Found On CoolPad Android Mobile Devices | Threatpost | The first stop for security news ... ( http://bit.ly/1wM61QQ ) 955737;1418845166;Luke-Jr;undata: no u 955738;1418845321;undata;Luke-Jr: are your patches included in mainline bitcoin by default? 955739;1418845338;undata;if not, explain why you tried to sneak them in by using your position as gentoo maintainer 955740;1418845339;undata;that's incredibly dishonorable 955741;1418845350;Luke-Jr;undata: I would reject them myself if anyone ever proposed merging to mainline 955742;1418845361;undata;then why are you fucking up gentoo for gentoo users like myself? 955743;1418845374;Luke-Jr;I didn't try to sneak anything in, the plan has been clearly published for months, and ensures nobody ever receives them without being aware 955744;1418845399;Luke-Jr;and it doesn't screw up anything 955745;1418845406;undata;... "the plan has been established" << this is the passive-voice of banal evil 955746;1418845425;undata;Luke-Jr: you exclude services based on your opinion 955747;1418845436;Luke-Jr;nope 955748;1418845460;Luke-Jr;spam != service; fact != opinion 955749;1418845475;undata;Luke-Jr: what constitutes "spam" is an opinion 955750;1418845489;undata;you are precisely the kind of dull mind I want nowhere near my money. 955751;1418845496;Luke-Jr;undata: perhaps, but in this case it is an opinion 100% of Bitcoin experts agree on 955752;1418845504;asciilifeform;the real fools are the gentoo mainainers, for not chucking this crud out. 955753;1418845505;Luke-Jr;undata: then disable it 955754;1418845521;joecool;asciilifeform: he is the gentoo maintainer 955755;1418845540;undata;other gentoo folks bopped him on the head for trying to slime it in as default enabled 955756;1418845546;undata;Luke-Jr: which is again, incredibly dishonorable behavior 955757;1418845554;Luke-Jr;undata: not nearly as many as the Gentoo folks who encouraged it 955758;1418845557;asciilifeform;joecool: the one remaining gentoo man? 955759;1418845582;Luke-Jr;undata: no, giving good defaults is not dishonourable. 955760;1418845591;joecool;asciilifeform: oh not the only one, just the one maintaining these ebuilds 955761;1418845671;undata;Luke-Jr: satoshi left out a feast; you are a fly crawling on it claiming it as your own. 955762;1418845753;undata;you clearly see it as "software thing I can hax on for great glory" and nothing more 955763;1418845765;Luke-Jr;undata: troll 955764;1418845772;undata;Luke-Jr: coward, who cannot handle being opposed. 955765;1418845799;Luke-Jr;reasoned opposition is one thing. trolling by making bogus FUD and claims of my intentions is another. 955766;1418845815;undata;no one gives a shit about your intentions 955767;1418845836;undata;it's the obvious consequences of your actions that are in question 955768;1418845841;Luke-Jr;obviously. you'd rather make them up, than give a crap what they really are. 955769;1418845850;Luke-Jr;there are no negative consequences. 955770;1418845856;joecool;undata: you just don't get the Tonal System do you 955771;1418845860;Luke-Jr;joecool: … 955772;1418846070;kakobrekla;!up keystroke 955773;1418846099;keystroke;thanks 955774;1418846131;keystroke;now if only my WoT pgp key was not on another continent... 955775;1418846153;kakobrekla;;;gettrust keystroke 955776;1418846153;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user kakobrekla to user keystroke: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=kakobrekla&dest=keystroke | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=keystroke | Rated since: never 955777;1418846164;joecool;o seems legit 955778;1418846175;joecool;;;gettrust kakobrekla 955779;1418846175;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user joecool to user kakobrekla: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 4 via 4 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=joecool&dest=kakobrekla | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=kakobrekla | Rated since: Fri May 13 18:50:53 2011 955780;1418846181;keystroke;lol 955781;1418846193;keystroke;i am definitely *not* trusted ;) 955782;1418846237;kakobrekla;so who are you and what do you do? 955783;1418846265;keystroke;ah at the moment i am traveling in india 955784;1418846277;keystroke;mined back in 2009 for a bit and then from 2011 to late 2012 955785;1418846333;keystroke;i was checking MP's blog and thought i should come here to get into the WoT as i thought i had registered back in the day but never made any transactions 955786;1418846359;keystroke;just for the general fun of supporting the cryptoanarchist ethos ;) 955787;1418846362;joecool;;;gpg info keystroke 955788;1418846362;gribble;User 'keystroke', with keyid None, fingerprint None, and bitcoin address 1o1BcShERS9B7nqfc9aGb7C3ns7gcicBn, registered on Sat Oct 6 11:50:59 2012, last authed on Sat Oct 6 08:53:40 2012. http://b-otc.com/vg?nick=keystroke . Currently not authenticated. 955789;1418846604;keystroke;i suppose i can auth by signing a message with the private key of that bitcoin address? 955790;1418846624;*;keystroke RTFMs 955791;1418846741;joecool;keystroke: yes, you never registered with gpg 955792;1418846754;joecool;only a btc addr, so provided you still control the private key for that address, you should be able to auth 955793;1418846809;keystroke;i never delete private keys but that wallet is in cold storage so i will just recreate with a different identity and start anew as the old one never had any reputation anyway :) 955794;1418846914;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6944 @ 0.00064453 = 4.4756 BTC [+] 955795;1418846940;joecool;as you wish, though you won't be able to corroborate your story of registering and being in the community early on if you do that, if that matters to you at all 955796;1418846971;keystroke;yea i know that's a shame 955797;1418846985;keystroke;i can just sign something with addresses from coins mined in 2009 though ;) 955798;1418846993;keystroke;that should give me enough cred :P 955799;1418847023;BingoBoingo;Sure 955800;1418847034;keystroke;i am glad to see a crypto only reputation system here 955801;1418847048;keystroke;actually being taken seriously that is 955802;1418847133;kakobrekla;are those coins still sitting on the same address they were mined on? 955803;1418847203;keystroke;no 955804;1418847220;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16456 @ 0.00060286 = 9.9207 BTC [-] 955805;1418847241;keystroke;but i control all of the keys 955806;1418847301;kakobrekla;then you cant really prove anything about those coins. 955807;1418847336;keystroke;well by signing with both keys you can prove you held the keys when they were generated and currently control them 955808;1418847378;keystroke;but i think the main idea is to prove generation keys anyway as the idea is to establish an early position rather than a certain size of bitcoin holdings which is ideally kept mostly private 955809;1418847378;keystroke;right? 955810;1418847436;BingoBoingo;I can kind of see that 955811;1418847480;kakobrekla;sure, that proves certain things. 955812;1418847521;keystroke;;;gpg info keystrike 955813;1418847521;gribble;User 'keystrike', with keyid CCCD74D054734EC6, fingerprint 282E81F4CB3F454E8C40F95ECCCD74D054734EC6, and bitcoin address None, registered on Wed Dec 17 15:18:15 2014, last authed on Wed Dec 17 15:18:15 2014. http://b-otc.com/vg?nick=keystrike . Currently authenticated from hostmask keystroke!~keystroke@unaffiliated/keystroke . CAUTION: irc nick differs from otc registered nick. 955814;1418847535;keystroke;yay 955815;1418847552;keystroke;yea the idea is to establish trust by trading anyway 955816;1418847565;joecool;that is more ideal 955817;1418847571;joecool;i wonder if we'll ever see a market of people acquiring old keys.... 955818;1418847595;keystroke;nothing can substitute for that 955819;1418847595;keystroke;haha would be cool 955820;1418847607;keystroke;numismatic value to the coin 955821;1418847641;mike_c;you keystrike or keystroke? 955822;1418847671;kakobrekla;he just made new ident 955823;1418847690;keystroke;i reregged as keystrike as i figure the keystroke identity can't be proven anymore as i never registered with pgp and that address is not accessible at this location 955824;1418847717;mike_c;got it. 955825;1418847737;kakobrekla;;;rate keystrike 1 for the purpose of #b-a voice 955826;1418847738;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user keystrike has been recorded. 955827;1418847750;keystroke;thx :) 955828;1418847762;kakobrekla;easy come easy go 955829;1418847779;keystroke;:P 955830;1418847888;punkman;http://seclists.org/oss-sec/2014/q4/1052 955831;1418847889;assbot;oss-sec: Linux kernel: multiple x86_64 vulnerabilities ... ( http://bit.ly/1yZ0JzL ) 955832;1418848022;keystroke;design flaw in interrupt return... nice 955833;1418848083;keystroke;nothing like the old f00f c7c8 intel bug 955834;1418848116;keystroke;compare and exchange 8 bytes and die 955835;1418850513;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3750 @ 0.00063331 = 2.3749 BTC [+] 955836;1418850696;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13913 @ 0.00063331 = 8.8112 BTC [+] 955837;1418851611;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12629 @ 0.00062081 = 7.8402 BTC [-] 955838;1418852232;ben_vulpes;Luke-Jr: "bitcoin experts" oh my sides 955839;1418852343;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10200 @ 0.0006357 = 6.4841 BTC [+] {2} 955840;1418853002;thestringpuller;heh 955841;1418853380;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 1298 @ 0.00449537 = 5.835 BTC [+] {4} 955842;1418853541;undata;ben_vulpes: what a crock 955843;1418854769;asciilifeform;https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2-2014-12-16-en << icann owned. 955844;1418854770;assbot;ICANN Targeted in Spear Phishing Attack | Enhanced Security Measures Implemented - ICANN ... ( http://bit.ly/1yZfenh ) 955845;1418854819;asciilifeform;apparently, genuinely and truly pwned. 955846;1418854984;cazalla;http://qntra.net/2014/12/mtgox-bankruptcy-trustee-answers-some-questions/ 955847;1418854985;assbot;MtGox Bankruptcy Trustee Answers Some Questions | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1yZfzX1 ) 955848;1418854987;cazalla;wru scoopbot :( 955849;1418855454;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4929 @ 0.00063662 = 3.1379 BTC [+] 955850;1418857544;thestringpuller;scoopbot don't have the scoop? 955851;1418857573;kakobrekla;!up rdekley_ 955852;1418857577;kakobrekla;!up rdymac 955853;1418857772;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13640 @ 0.00063343 = 8.64 BTC [-] {2} 955854;1418858026;thestringpuller;http://deadline.com/2014/12/sony-scraps-the-interview-1201328639/ << well there go my weekend plans 955855;1418858138;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2405 @ 0.00064671 = 1.5553 BTC [+] 955856;1418858173;TomServo;Nah, you can just grab the torrent when 'GOP' release their 'christmas surprise' :P 955857;1418858189;[]bot;Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "Russian Index MICEX to drop under 1000 before Feb 2015" http://bitbet.us/bet/1084/ Odds: 31(Y):69(N) by coin, 31(Y):69(N) by weight. Total bet: 3.3 BTC. Current weight: 96,792. 955858;1418864279;cazalla;anyone able to read japanese? Bitcoin取引所が、取引妨害攻撃を受けたとして口座からの引き出しを一時停止。 google translate is not much use 955859;1418867162;kakobrekla;!up transfix 955860;1418867835;undata;thestringpuller: "We stand by our filmmakers and their right to free expression and are extremely disappointed by this outcome." << what is this doublespeak where they 'stand by their filmmakers' while scrapping the film? 955861;1418867847;undata;cowards. 955862;1418869179;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4900 @ 0.00064671 = 3.1689 BTC [+] 955863;1418870019;BingoBoingo;https://twitter.com/BilgeEbiri/status/545405072046559232 955864;1418870021;assbot;Movie Idea: After every legal form of film distribution is threatened, Pirate Bay founders released from prison to help with one last job. 955865;1418875228;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 955866;1418875228;gribble;Current Blocks: 334782 | Current Difficulty: 3.945767130713873E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 336671 | Next Difficulty In: 1889 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 2 weeks, 0 days, 7 hours, 27 minutes, and 16 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 36113185475.4 | Estimated Percent Change: -8.47614 955867;1418875242;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 955868;1418875250;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 319.5, vol: 22815.81816038 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 316.571, vol: 7996.69331 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 317.63, vol: 35111.45482007 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 318.023677, vol: 147394.63030000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 332.16906, vol: 30.55617748 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 329.6382, vol: 168.92705344 | Volume-weighted last average: 318.073502141 955869;1418875463;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18715 @ 0.00062798 = 11.7526 BTC [-] {2} 955870;1418876800;BingoBoingo;scoopbot -fetch 955871;1418877127;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2014/12/sony-cancels-movie-under-duress/ 955872;1418877923;undata;Luke-Jr: http://www.theverge.com/2014/12/16/7401769/the-mpaa-wants-to-strike-at-dns-records-piracy-sopa-leaked-documents << does this remind you of anything? 955873;1418877924;assbot;Sony leaks reveal Hollywood is trying to break DNS, the backbone of the internet | The Verge ... ( http://bit.ly/1AJwJKi ) 955874;1418877973;Luke-Jr;undata: not particularly, why? 955875;1418877973;Luke-Jr;trying to FUD again? 955876;1418877997;undata;Luke-Jr: you seem to think with slogans like "FUD" 955877;1418877998;ben_vulpes;MPAA doesn't like magic numbers, Luke-Jr doesn't like magic numbers... 955878;1418878010;undata;read the article, consider the blacklisting thing in bitcoin 955879;1418878017;Luke-Jr;ben_vulpes: nonsense, I have never done anything that can legitimately be called censorship 955880;1418878040;[]bot;Bet created: "Russian Ruble to fall to 100 RUB or more per USD before Feb" http://bitbet.us/bet/1086/ 955881;1418878050;Luke-Jr;not donating your resources to someone harming you, is not censorship, it's common sense 955882;1418878069;ben_vulpes;it's *so* expensive to relay those transactions. 955883;1418878095;Luke-Jr;doesn't matter 955884;1418878106;ben_vulpes;kinda misses the entire point of the tcp protocol, where one just routes packets. 955885;1418878107;Luke-Jr;I have no obligation to donate my CPU time and bandwidth to someone period, whether they are harming me or not. 955886;1418878116;ben_vulpes;no definitely. 955887;1418878128;ben_vulpes;but you should hard code that into your own sourceball instead of cramming into gentoo. 955888;1418878131;Luke-Jr;nobody much routes TCP packets free of charge 955889;1418878137;ben_vulpes;especially if you can't figure out how to load it as config. 955890;1418878156;undata;Luke-Jr: your argument reduces to "save the children" 955891;1418878156;Luke-Jr;undata: no, it doesn't. 955892;1418878171;Luke-Jr;undata: your argument reduces to "lol I can't think" 955893;1418878184;ben_vulpes;his argument for not forwarding is fine, if constrained to his own apparently anemic boxes. 955894;1418878185;undata;^ this is a mind which has touched the holy source 955895;1418878187;*;undata shudders 955896;1418878200;ben_vulpes;but imposed on the rest of the world... 955897;1418878206;Luke-Jr;ben_vulpes: it is NOT being imposed on ANYONE 955898;1418878217;asciilifeform;Luke-Jr: this argument aside, what do you intend to do when your victims change addrs ? 955899;1418878218;Luke-Jr;asciilifeform: we already had this conversation 955900;1418878225;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: nothing, clearly. 955901;1418878229;undata;another slogan "arms race" 955902;1418878233;asciilifeform;Luke-Jr: iirc the answer was 'la la can't hear you' 955903;1418878237;undata;heh 955904;1418878261;Luke-Jr;asciilifeform: also, I have no victims 955905;1418878262;ben_vulpes;his victims apparently don't care. 955906;1418878278;Luke-Jr;I am on the defensive, not the offensive. 955907;1418878285;asciilifeform;Luke-Jr: the people who play the dice games aren't people ? 955908;1418878292;Luke-Jr;ben_vulpes: heh, some of them came out and said "stop us" when confronted - so … 955909;1418878302;Luke-Jr;asciilifeform: they're not games, they're attacks on Bitcoin 955910;1418878305;ben_vulpes;"confronted" lol 955911;1418878314;*;danielpbarron stabs Luke-Jr 955912;1418878316;ben_vulpes;"attacks on Bitcoin" << wat 955913;1418878318;undata;Luke-Jr: they're terrorists eh? 955914;1418878318;Luke-Jr;the "game" is just a tool they use to involve others 955915;1418878326;ben_vulpes;oh do go on. 955916;1418878339;Luke-Jr;terrorists would have to cause terror 955917;1418878339;ben_vulpes;how is this an attack? 955918;1418878339;asciilifeform;Luke-Jr: let's posit that this is so. then why do you bother, if bitcoin is doomed ? 955919;1418878344;Luke-Jr;it's a DDoS, except at the Bitcoin layer rather than TCP 955920;1418878352;asciilifeform;Luke-Jr: given that you have admitted to lacking a backup plan when they start switching addrs 955921;1418878367;Luke-Jr;asciilifeform: who said Bitcoin was doomed? Bitcoin has this nice system of miners to address the spam problem. 955922;1418878368;ben_vulpes;how precisely a ddos? 955923;1418878387;asciilifeform;Luke-Jr: the miners are happily incorporating the 'spam' into blocks. 955924;1418878400;danielpbarron;a DDoS in which the victims are compelled to... gamble? 955925;1418878400;ben_vulpes;blockchain must bloat. fact of nature. 955926;1418878413;Luke-Jr;danielpbarron: they're not the victims 955927;1418878437;Luke-Jr;danielpbarron: the gambling front is just a way to get someone else paying the cost of bypassing Bitcoin's primary spam prevention (tx fees) 955928;1418878445;danielpbarron;the compromised hosts are victims too 955929;1418878451;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1000 @ 0.00122868 = 1.2287 BTC [+] {8} 955930;1418878482;ben_vulpes;again, Luke-Jr - how is this a ddos? 955931;1418878498;undata;because like, lots of traffic, and I don't want it... ? 955932;1418878501;Luke-Jr;I get tired of repeating myself. 955933;1418878522;ben_vulpes;this one i've yet to hear an answer to. 955934;1418878522;undata;Luke-Jr: your explanations to date have little content worth repeating 955935;1418878522;Luke-Jr;it's distributed, by using gambling as a front to get others to cover the expense 955936;1418878531;Luke-Jr;it denies service, by filling the blockchain with garbage 955937;1418878534;ben_vulpes;please, at least, link to the point in the log where you explained how these small transactions are a ddos. 955938;1418878550;ben_vulpes;how is it garbage to send small amounts of bitcoin around? 955939;1418878551;danielpbarron;"filling??" when was the last time there was a full block? 955940;1418878560;Luke-Jr;danielpbarron: today? 955941;1418878562;BingoBoingo;How is it spam if they pay tx fees? 955942;1418878587;Luke-Jr;BingoBoingo: tx fees != non-spam 955943;1418878588;undata;Luke-Jr: you are avoiding addressing the deeper question of whether *you* have the right to decide for the whole network what constitutes spam 955944;1418878599;Luke-Jr;undata: I never pretended I did. 955945;1418878603;ben_vulpes;no but you see it's just *hiiiis* code, undata. 955946;1418878615;BingoBoingo;Luke-Jr: Paying for a transaction is literally the definition of not spam. 955947;1418878616;undata;which would be fine were it not passed off as mainline 955948;1418878619;danielpbarron;he doesn't have the right or ability to effect such a change; that's not the issue 955949;1418878620;Luke-Jr;BingoBoingo: no, it isn't. 955950;1418878624;ben_vulpes;except he doesn't have the courtesy to keep his braindamage on his own machines. 955951;1418878624;undata;which is the expectation of what a *maintainer* does 955952;1418878631;Luke-Jr;undata: it's not passed off as mainline 955953;1418878645;undata;"here's the package in good faith that it's what the writers did" 955954;1418878646;Luke-Jr;undata: nothing in Gentoo is like that 955955;1418878648;Luke-Jr;you must not use it 955956;1418878651;undata;Luke-Jr: I've run gentoo for years. 955957;1418878663;Luke-Jr;then you know almost everything gets patched 955958;1418878665;undata;default use flags are understood to be ... defaults 955959;1418878685;Luke-Jr;yes, and they're still defaults 955960;1418878705;undata;you decided your patch was a sensible default, though the "core devs" did not 955961;1418878706;undata;explain that. 955962;1418878726;Luke-Jr;the maintainer of the package always decides what is a sensible default. 955963;1418878811;ben_vulpes;aha 955964;1418878811;undata;folks we've got a decider in the house. 955965;1418878811;Luke-Jr;the "core devs" don't even want to. 955966;1418878811;ben_vulpes;so this is a sensible default. 955967;1418878811;Luke-Jr;exactly. 955968;1418878811;ben_vulpes;in your opinion. 955969;1418878811;ben_vulpes;now distributed as a default for gentoo. 955970;1418878811;Luke-Jr;yep 955971;1418878811;undata;convenient, that. 955972;1418878811;Luke-Jr;and most of the users happen to agree 955973;1418878811;ben_vulpes;how is that not pushing your opinions on the MO of bitcoin onto gentoo users? 955974;1418878811;undata;you think it's sensible for you to say who does and does not transact on the blockchain 955975;1418878832;Luke-Jr;undata: there you go putting words in my mouth again 955976;1418878859;Luke-Jr;ben_vulpes: any default is a default 955977;1418878872;undata;Luke-Jr: what mental gymnastics do you use to define a blacklist? 955978;1418878877;Luke-Jr;defaulting to the reference policy is also a default. are you going to claim it's "core devs" pushing that on people? 955979;1418878879;undata;Luke-Jr: if I piss you off, will you blacklist me? 955980;1418878936;danielpbarron;Luke-Jr, how can a transaction be "spam" when it pays a fee? 955981;1418878960;ben_vulpes;Luke-Jr: actually, the "core devs" are trying to push all sorts of dumb shit on people. larger block sizes are on that list. 955982;1418878967;Luke-Jr;undata: I've never blacklisted anyone who pissed me off before, so your question is stupid. 955983;1418878994;Luke-Jr;danielpbarron: "spam" and "fee" have no direct relationship 955984;1418878998;Luke-Jr;ben_vulpes: lol, most of us are opposed to larger block sizes at the current time. 955985;1418879034;Luke-Jr;heck, even Gavin says it's 2 years out 955986;1418879044;ben_vulpes;"at the current time" 955987;1418879055;undata;Luke-Jr: your response is "trust me"? 955988;1418879055;ben_vulpes;good god. 955989;1418879056;undata;you sir do not understand bitcoin. 955990;1418879066;Luke-Jr;undata: there you go putting words in my mouth again 955991;1418879080;undata;Luke-Jr: any child could draw the conclusions I am from what you've said 955992;1418879099;Luke-Jr;undata: only a child* maybe 955993;1418879101;asciilifeform;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://imgur.com/gallery/9GHhlyW << own any of these ? 955994;1418879106;assbot; An HP 95LX, 200LX, and OmniBook 300 running the same prime factors program in GW-BASIC. For those of you that are into that. - Imgur ... ( http://bit.ly/1AJz4VB ) 955995;1418879116;gribble;The operation succeeded. 955996;1418879116;undata;you are the sole decider re: blacklisting, and you should be trusted 955997;1418879178;Luke-Jr;[05:04:25] undata: there you go putting words in my mouth again 955998;1418879178;danielpbarron;12:07 <+Luke-Jr> danielpbarron: "spam" and "fee" have no direct relationship << yes they do. if I spend an old output, no fee required; i spend a new output with no fee, tx doesn't get spread 955999;1418879178;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: No... If I get the time though I might have to visit eBay... 956000;1418879192;Luke-Jr;danielpbarron: no 956001;1418879199;Luke-Jr;what you said does not support your claim 956002;1418879244;undata;Luke-Jr: you're just demonstrating yourself a liar, which makes me trust you as blacklist-lord less. 956003;1418879255;Luke-Jr;undata: the only one lying here is you 956004;1418879350;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1425 @ 0.0012 = 1.71 BTC 956005;1418879371;undata;Luke-Jr: where have I misrepresented you? I've merely taken what I've dragged out of you in pages and thrown it back in lines. 956006;1418879397;mats;this has been rehashed three times now 956007;1418879402;Luke-Jr;no, you've claimed I am saying things totally unrelated to what i actually said 956008;1418879427;mats;how about you stop boring everyone and let it go 956009;1418879430;undata;mats: I just want this garbage in here for when Luke-Jr pulls something else 956010;1418879449;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: http://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/1emlsh/til_that_a_commercial_1989_laptop_had_a << witness homo redditicus's reaction 956011;1418879453;assbot;TIL that a commercial 1989 laptop had a multitasking graphical OS and full office suite, SSD storage and a 60 hour battery life as well as featuring hot-swappable batteries and instant suspend/resume. : todayilearned ... ( http://bit.ly/1AJzPya ) 956012;1418879453;ben_vulpes;probably have enough now 956013;1418879453;BingoBoingo;Well, that BFL non-delivery delivery 956014;1418879468;Luke-Jr;someone on reddit complained that I should only do 1 controversial thing at a time, implying there is something else you can FUD about already if you want to 956015;1418879482;mats;some of us are keeping score, rest assured 956016;1418879482;Luke-Jr;(I didn't ask what the other thing he considered controversial was, sorry) 956017;1418879631;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: lol, so much price masturbation. So much "this is what we have now basically" when now they get even less. 956018;1418879646;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: who has 60 hour battery now ? 956019;1418879665;asciilifeform;of use! not standby. 956020;1418879688;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Nobody. We have so much less than we used to have. We are in the future and the future is a nightmare. 956021;1418879825;Luke-Jr;my watch does.. 956022;1418879884;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: I mean we have people apparently paying to send spam now! 956023;1418879890;asciilifeform;http://cicorp.com/crypt/index.htm << mega-lol 956024;1418879891;assbot;Crypt ... ( http://bit.ly/1z6F1Pq ) 956025;1418880143;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 900 @ 0.0012 = 1.08 BTC 956026;1418885450;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 4324 @ 0.0012 = 5.1888 BTC 956027;1418886060;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12850 @ 0.00062518 = 8.0336 BTC [-] 956028;1418886121;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27859 @ 0.00062518 = 17.4169 BTC [-] 956029;1418888661;BingoBoingo;!up Vexual 956030;1418889440;BingoBoingo;http://www.news.com.au/world/ad-from-man-claiming-to-be-looking-for-new-home-for-his-pet-koala-gumnut-on-trading-site-craigs-list-a-hoax/story-fndir2ev-1227155214154 956031;1418889445;assbot;Craigslist ad for ‘killer koala GumNut’ a hoax ... ( http://bit.ly/13BkGF6 ) 956032;1418890025;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 10 @ 0.12 = 1.2 BTC [-] {3} 956033;1418891697;cazalla;http://rt.com/news/207663-australia-nsw-medical-marijuana/ erry day 956034;1418891698;assbot;People pot power: Aussie state gives go-ahead to medicinal cannabis trial — RT News ... ( http://bit.ly/1z0bxhh ) 956035;1418891855;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 22 @ 0.10980007 = 2.4156 BTC [-] {4} 956036;1418892536;BingoBoingo;!up Vexual 956037;1418893171;Vexual;has shorten talked about cannabis cazalla? 956038;1418893187;Vexual;old quentin must have a bit of arthritis 956039;1418893207;cazalla;dunno, i imagine they'll allow it in due time for tax rev, god knows they'll need new sources 956040;1418893228;Vexual;depends whos holding the reigns i guess 956041;1418893451;cazalla;i don't think it matters who holds them 956042;1418893487;Vexual;people star running outta centrelink, the cannbis laws wont matter a pinch of shut 956043;1418893523;Vexual;these libereals are filing hard 956044;1418893525;cazalla;how can they run out, just print more 956045;1418893555;Vexual;mining tax turns into a mining subsidy 956046;1418893573;BingoBoingo;!up themediator 956047;1418893583;Vexual;fucking here we go 956048;1418893586;cazalla;mebe they'll introduce a new time of mining tax 956049;1418893592;cazalla;new type.. 956050;1418893605;Vexual;yeah, you gotta be mining for that to work 956051;1418893670;Vexual;i think we're sitting pretty for the economy to solve 956052;1418893760;Vexual;woodsides buying up all the us failings, chinas buying aussie goodness, it'll all work out 956053;1418893768;cazalla;lol righto 956054;1418893775;cazalla;we're fucked Vexual 956055;1418893790;Vexual;'generally yeah 956056;1418893867;Vexual;if it all goes wrong ill be catching lemon sharks and selling the fins 956057;1418893977;Vexual;cunts arent even protected 956058;1418894164;Vexual;not oficcially anyway 956059;1418894204;cazalla;didya read that wealth of generations report that came out? first time in our history that .au citizens take more from the gov than they contribute 956060;1418894223;Vexual;really? no, but it sounds about right 956061;1418894244;cazalla;been meaning to write it up but get side tracked with alcohol 956062;1418894244;Vexual;gfc? nah, oh wait, yeah 956063;1418894371;cazalla;concern of the report is diminishing amount of people to tax, young people work more and more and yet won't ever own their own home and that this unspoken agreement that we pay for the eldery so that the young pay for us when old is going to break down 956064;1418894387;cazalla;not auth'd so can't up you Vexual 956065;1418894408;RagnarDanneskjol;!up Vexual 956066;1418894427;cazalla;ty RagnarDanneskjol 956067;1418894560;Vexual;you think they might put the bank rate up? 956068;1418894590;BingoBoingo;RagnarDanneskjol: Nice site http://thelogdailyreport.com/ 956069;1418894591;assbot;THE LOG DAILY REPORT ... ( http://bit.ly/1v2vW3G ) 956070;1418894622;cazalla;i dunno, i know fuck all about economics, i just compare how people i went to school with are doing compared to my parents (1 income, 1 stay at home mum) 956071;1418894686;RagnarDanneskjol;oh, that seems outdated 956072;1418894709;cazalla;not sure outdated is the right word, what my parents did wouldn't fly these days 956073;1418894718;Vexual;dar your blog mr viking? 956074;1418894733;cazalla;bah soz, drunk, thought ya talking to me 956075;1418894747;Vexual;i wot? 956076;1418894754;Vexual;u wot? 956077;1418894774;Vexual;mr viking is ragnar 956078;1418894794;RagnarDanneskjol;i know. not really 956079;1418894814;cazalla;Vexual, http://grattan.edu.au/report/the-wealth-of-generations/ ya should read it, even if ya don't, having asians as token australian image really sums it up 956080;1418894817;assbot;The wealth of generations | Grattan Institute ... ( http://bit.ly/1v2wvuz ) 956081;1418894817;Vexual;nuff said 956082;1418894915;Vexual;im not sure if im old of young 956083;1418894954;cazalla;well, ya get the aged pension yet? if not, young i guess 956084;1418894985;Vexual;no i dont 956085;1418895071;cazalla;won't be long until majority of young people wake up and realise they're wasting their time working and paying tax to support eldery people who get huge welfare yet own everything 956086;1418895098;cazalla;at least, i hope 956087;1418895542;Vexual;i have beeen to centrelink tho, i has a crazy girlfriend once 956088;1418895568;Vexual;she wanted me to say i was charging her rent 956089;1418895634;cazalla;pussy in lieu of aud? 956090;1418895655;Vexual;hell no 956091;1418895720;cazalla;for anyone that doesn't know what centrelink is, typical customer = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26O9XYTSj4g 956092;1418895722;assbot;Housos VS Authority Official Trailer - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1v2yWNz ) 956093;1418896305;cazalla;removing voice from Vexual, that's unaustralian 956094;1418896593;BingoBoingo;!up Vexual 956095;1418896960;Vexual;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UETfZLsWWAM 956096;1418897040;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6350 @ 0.00062518 = 3.9699 BTC [-] 956097;1418897406;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1750 @ 0.00063042 = 1.1032 BTC [+] 956098;1418899908;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 840 @ 0.0012 = 1.008 BTC 956099;1418901330;davout;http://qntra.net/2014/12/mtgox-bankruptcy-trustee-answers-some-questions/ <<< interesting 956100;1418901330;assbot;MtGox Bankruptcy Trustee Answers Some Questions | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1J7KKHO ) 956101;1418901366;davout;the most interesting part is basically that only the losses seem to be lodged under the mtgox corporate entity 956102;1418901402;davout;"nope, we won't seize mark's comfy chair, it's owned by tibanne" 956103;1418901635;cazalla;i was more surprised no-one else reported on it, erry one else has moved on i guess 956104;1418902795;mircea_popescu;ho ho ho! 956105;1418902823;BingoBoingo;Vacation that short? 956106;1418902872;mircea_popescu;haha no, merely taking a break to see what you've been up to. 956107;1418902885;mircea_popescu;;;ticker 956108;1418902886;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 314.82, Best ask: 315.4, Bid-ask spread: 0.58000, Last trade: 315.4, 24 hour volume: 27421.94755491, 24 hour low: 304.99, 24 hour high: 327.0, 24 hour vwap: 317.88830075 956109;1418902906;mircea_popescu;i see all it takes is for me to be away two days for some noob to break bitcoin... 956110;1418902993;cazalla;mircea_popescu, sweating the price even on hols eh 956111;1418903006;mircea_popescu;lol 956112;1418903099;mircea_popescu;https://www.quantcast.com/qntra.net << look, he broke qntra too! 956113;1418903101;assbot; Qntra.net Traffic and Demographic Statistics by Quantcast ... ( http://bit.ly/1v2UsSv ) 956114;1418903404;BingoBoingo;Well, It happens everywhere 956115;1418903677;cazalla;BingoBoingo, just a little upset /r/bitcoin smashT his /. record 956116;1418903687;BingoBoingo;That also happens 956117;1418903743;mircea_popescu;lol 956118;1418905834;davout;"'Instead of Using KYC, We Prefer to Use Our Own Model: TYC (Trust Your Customer)’ - Bitcoin-Wave CCO" 956119;1418905859;davout;http://cointelegraph.com/news/112927/instead-of-using-kyc-we-prefer-to-use-our-own-model-tyc-trust-your-customer-bitcoin-wave-cco-g-heni 956120;1418905860;assbot;'Instead of Using KYC, We Prefer to Use Our Own Model: TYC (Trust Your Customer)’ - Bitcoin-Wave CCO, G. Heni ... ( http://bit.ly/1sD2kcl ) 956121;1418905861;davout;many lols 956122;1418906566;mircea_popescu;more of the "if i call this something else it won't be this anymore" ? 956123;1418906785;BingoBoingo;http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2014/12/17/nigeria_sentences_54_soldiers_to_death_for_refusing_to_fight_boko_haram.html 956124;1418906786;assbot;Nigeria sentences 54 soldiers to death for refusing to fight Boko Haram. ... ( http://bit.ly/1sD4wAC ) 956125;1418907166;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27200 @ 0.0006251 = 17.0027 BTC [-] {2} 956126;1418907471;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1000 @ 0.0012 = 1.2 BTC 956127;1418908303;danielpbarron;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BrAC0NOCYAEberW.jpg 956128;1418908304;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1J8iXao ) 956129;1418908591;*;jurov looked twice "she's tranny? or no?" 956130;1418909052;jurov;!up Vexual 956131;1418909179;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1500 @ 0.0012 = 1.8 BTC 956132;1418909374;mircea_popescu;http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2877855/Cemetery-one-MILLION-mummies-unearthed-Egypt-1-500-year-old-desert-necropolis-largest-found.html 956133;1418909376;assbot;Cemetery with one MILLION mummies unearthed in Egypt | Daily Mail Online ... ( http://bit.ly/1J8oPQS ) 956134;1418909376;Vexual;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFtMl-uipA8 956135;1418909408;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron you know, im pretty sure that pic was in here maybe half year ago, we lulzed at it. 956136;1418909567;BingoBoingo;!up drts 956137;1418910287;mircea_popescu;an' with that, laters all! 956138;1418910310;scoopbot;New post on Trilema by Mircea Popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/the-press-forever-derpy/ 956139;1418911690;mats;http://www.nj.com/mercer/index.ssf/2014/12/trenton_man_charged_with_gun_possession_despite_having_no_use_of_his_arms.html# 956140;1418911692;assbot;'It shocks the conscience' - N.J. man unable to use arms remains jailed for 4 months on gun charge | NJ.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1uWnQc4 ) 956141;1418911995;thestringpuller;"if you want the price to go up stop spending your fucking coins" 956142;1418911997;thestringpuller;;;ticker 956143;1418911998;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 310.73, Best ask: 310.98, Bid-ask spread: 0.25000, Last trade: 310.99, 24 hour volume: 23894.83201725, 24 hour low: 304.99, 24 hour high: 327.0, 24 hour vwap: 316.570075316 956144;1418912192;thestringpuller;rithm: finally. i fucking hate that thing. so useless. 956145;1418912683;mats;http://www.wnyc.org/story/cyber-city-military-grade-miniature-town 956146;1418912684;assbot; New Tech City: Look How Cute this Military Cyber Warfare Training Ground Is - WNYC ... ( http://bit.ly/1z89mgw ) 956147;1418912764;mats;http://marcrogers.org/2014/12/18/why-the-sony-hack-is-unlikely-to-be-the-work-of-north-korea 956148;1418912765;assbot;Why the Sony hack is unlikely to be the work of North Korea. | Marc's Security Ramblings ... ( http://bit.ly/1z89JYt ) 956149;1418912984;thestringpuller;mats maybe north korea hired some chinese contractors? 956150;1418913384;mats;who knows 956151;1418913431;mats;its more likely the incentive was economic rather than political imo 956152;1418913720;mats;http://home.gwu.edu/~wschmitt/papers/cat.pdf << re: category theory 956153;1418913721;assbot;404 Not Found ... ( http://bit.ly/1z8dugB ) 956154;1418913927;rithm;thestringpuller changetip is a nsa tracking op obv 956155;1418913933;rithm;codename CHANGETIP 956156;1418913947;thestringpuller;yea, that I did not connect 956157;1418913975;thestringpuller;but I did the math a while back with mike_c 's advice and the best case scenario is like < 10k a year revenue 956158;1418913988;thestringpuller;so yea i guess if NSA bankrolls them, then they can survive 956159;1418913992;thestringpuller;that's a brilliant article tho 956160;1418914130;rithm;http://dailyhashrate.com/2014/12/18/putin-says-fuck-it-were-switching-to-bitcoin/ 956161;1418914132;assbot;Putin says “Fuck it, we’re switching to Bitcoin” ... ( http://bit.ly/1z8f0PP ) 956162;1418914193;mike_c;hehe. "Switching Russia completely over to Bitcoin will not happen over night. However with smart phones the process should take about a month." 956163;1418914238;BingoBoingo;https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2po40d/since_my_house_is_being_searched_right_now_small/ 956164;1418914241;assbot;since my house is being searched right now, small reminder: be careful buying on purse.io : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1z8fipZ ) 956165;1418914267;BingoBoingo;I don't think Russia would switch over at least until the USMS auctions are over. 956166;1418914412;mike_c;i am shocked. shocked! purse.io attracted scammers? 956167;1418914923;mats;http://www.mortarinvestments.eu/products/tanks-2/t-72-42#currency=USD << get your own soviet tank for only 50k USD! 956168;1418914924;assbot;T-72 - Tanks - Mortarinvestments.eu - Mortar Investments ... ( http://bit.ly/1z8i1zz ) 956169;1418915533;BingoBoingo;https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2po40d/since_my_house_is_being_searched_right_now_small/cmyjt70 956170;1418915535;assbot;sagreyhawk1974 comments on since my house is being searched right now, small reminder: be careful buying on purse.io ... ( http://bit.ly/1wPk0Wg ) 956171;1418915642;mats;i've always wanted to have my own tank 956172;1418915702;BingoBoingo;Shame they have to demil the gun 956173;1418915730;mats;i'd reenact different scenes from movies like Red Dawn 956174;1418915743;mats;shoot my own version of the Tank Man 956175;1418915779;BingoBoingo;I'd go to sports car and off road truck meetups 956176;1418915811;mats;you'll finally have the biggest dick at the car show 956177;1418915867;mats;TIL there is a PostScript ASIC 956178;1418915883;mats;imagine being the guy who had to design that 956179;1418915886;BingoBoingo;I'd encourage kids to key the tank, watch the weenies with their lesser vehicles squirm that the kids might go on to their vehicles 956180;1418915960;davout;mats: fighter jet > tank 956181;1418916082;mats;but no one will know see me flying a fighter jet 956182;1418916112;mats;whereas with a tank i can mount speakers playing awful music and dance on top of it 956183;1418916121;BingoBoingo;Also can't just fill up the fighter jet at the local 7-11 956184;1418916283;mats;http://www.army-guide.com/eng/product890.html TIL you can put jet fuel, rocket, or gasoline in a T-72 956185;1418916285;assbot;Army Guide - T-72, Main battle tank ... ( http://bit.ly/1z8nbLR ) 956186;1418916300;mats;er, rocket fuel. 956187;1418916332;mats;...and diesel fuel. time to get some coffee 956188;1418916460;mike_c;strapping a rocket to a tank would be awesome 956189;1418916983;thestringpuller;mike_c you play too much command and conquer 956190;1418917007;mike_c;heh, i never got into that one. can you do that in c&c? 956191;1418917025;thestringpuller;yea there are rocket tanks 956192;1418917027;thestringpuller;lol 956193;1418917679;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: ever see a large, slow bulldozer driven on a public road (say, on its way to a demolition?) - with tank, that can be you! 956194;1418917737;asciilifeform;;;seed adlai 956195;1418917737;gribble;Error: "seed" is not a valid command. 956196;1418917741;asciilifeform;;;seen adlai 956197;1418917741;gribble;adlai was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 day, 3 hours, 57 minutes, and 32 seconds ago: (not there yet, but looks like it's on its way) 956198;1418917751;asciilifeform;^ tank man 956199;1418917757;asciilifeform;ask him if he wants own tank at home. 956200;1418917794;Adlai;not quite tanks, but i wouldn't want at home the things i'm familiar with, and they're less trouble than tanks 956201;1418917803;asciilifeform;postscript asic << i had one. was in an ancient 'texas instruments' laser printer. 956202;1418917833;Adlai;grease everywhere, weird black ooze dripping out of the engine 956203;1418917839;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Of course. Here we also get tractors on the highways. SOunds like a grand time. 956204;1418917917;asciilifeform;fighter jet >> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=26-11-2014#934786 956205;1418917917;assbot;Logged on 26-11-2014 00:46:13; asciilifeform: have to understand, jet fighter is not really a complete machine. it is a tentacle of the larger industrial slave empire which produced and employed it. 956206;1418917930;asciilifeform;to some extent same goes for tank and other picturesque instruments of modern war 956207;1418917950;BingoBoingo;Building a deck on top, set up some chairs. Get a limo license and people would probably pay some serious money to get ferried around to bars and parties in that manner. 956208;1418918077;BingoBoingo;Tank could also have dayjob as bulldozer or snowplow 956209;1418918200;BingoBoingo; grease everywhere, weird black ooze dripping out of the engine << Also a plague of civilian vehicles 956210;1418918218;BingoBoingo;!up lobbes 956211;1418918246;lobbes;thank you 956212;1418918251;BingoBoingo; <+BingoBoingo> Building a deck on top, set up some chairs. Get a limo license and people would probably pay some serious money to get ferried around to bars and parties in that manner << Obligatory slogan: "Come and get Tanked!" 956213;1418918260;BingoBoingo;lobbes: you win an internet for that 956214;1418918296;lobbes;nice. How much do internets go for these days? 956215;1418918315;BingoBoingo;That's a good question 956216;1418918324;assbot;Last 4 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0AD0R4Z.txt ) 956217;1418918324;BingoBoingo;!b 4 956218;1418918416;mats;asciilifeform is a buzzkill 956219;1418918468;BingoBoingo;mats: Nah. He just forces us to confront problems with better problems. 956220;1418918500;BingoBoingo;I would totally charter a seat on the top deck of a tank for a scenic tour of wine country. 956221;1418918551;mats;such hedonism. 956222;1418918609;punkman;http://imgur.com/gallery/hRf2trV 956223;1418918610;assbot; Was isolated from 1999 to 2006 with a 486. Built my own late 80s Operating System - Imgur ... ( http://bit.ly/1uWHIMe ) 956224;1418918751;mats;that is an incredibly depressing story 956225;1418918949;punkman;"We call it Full-Stack Smart Lighting as Services." http://axrtek.com/ 956226;1418918950;assbot;Axrtek ... ( http://bit.ly/1xsqqxe ) 956227;1418919043;rithm;http://pastebin.com/CrtMsiHu 956228;1418919045;assbot;Will paycoin (xpy) be valued at more than .01 BTC dollars in 2015? Paycoin is - Pastebin.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1xsqvRq ) 956229;1418919048;rithm;anyone want this action? 956230;1418919056;rithm;we have a pumper in -otc 956231;1418919147;thestringpuller;http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2poxzp/ayo_if_you_want_the_price_to_go_up_stop_spending/ 956232;1418919154;mike_c;what's a btc dollar? 956233;1418919196;assbot;Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/19AATGB.txt ) 956234;1418919196;BingoBoingo;!b 1 956235;1418919204;BingoBoingo;Seriously what is a btc dollar? 956236;1418919244;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26109 @ 0.00063065 = 16.4656 BTC [+] {2} 956237;1418919256;rithm;unsure BingoBoingo 956238;1418919302;BingoBoingo;!up ikeboy 956239;1418919320;rithm;ikeboy what's a bitcoin dollar 956240;1418919323;rithm;http://pastebin.com/CrtMsiHu 956241;1418919324;assbot;Will paycoin (xpy) be valued at more than .01 BTC dollars in 2015? Paycoin is - Pastebin.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1xsqKMs ) 956242;1418919378;ikeboy;ah, you're right, I had misworded that. I was originally writing it in dollars, then decided to switch to btc and messed up the editing 956243;1418919378;ikeboy;i'll resubmit 956244;1418919456;BingoBoingo;;;ident ikeboy 956245;1418919456;gribble;Nick 'ikeboy', with hostmask 'ikeboy!~ikeboy@ool-435622d3.dyn.optonline.net', is not identified. 956246;1418919505;rithm;;;gpg info ikeboy 956247;1418919505;gribble;User 'ikeboy', with keyid None, fingerprint None, and bitcoin address 19gUMpL3VrJzVYbbAx1PktNk3Pfnm7h3jx, registered on Wed Dec 17 16:26:13 2014, last authed on Wed Dec 17 16:26:13 2014. http://b-otc.com/vg?nick=ikeboy . Currently not authenticated. 956248;1418919514;rithm;yesterday thoug BingoBoingo 956249;1418919569;ikeboy;rithm:http://pastebin.com/TxNzqm0H 956250;1418919610;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 7605 @ 0.0012 = 9.126 BTC {2} 956251;1418919621;rithm;;;calc 20/[tlast] 956252;1418919621;gribble;0.0639897616381 956253;1418919632;rithm;;;calc 10/[tlast] 956254;1418919633;gribble;0.0319948808191 956255;1418919637;rithm;;;calc 1/[tlast] 956256;1418919639;gribble;0.00319948808191 956257;1418919645;rithm;;;calc 3.50/[tlast] 956258;1418919646;gribble;0.0111982082867 956259;1418919670;BingoBoingo;ikeboy: Seems too soon to be a good bet. 956260;1418919714;rithm;ikeboy is trying to get his hands on all the paycoin he can 956261;1418919721;ikeboy;what do you mean? Paycoin is supposed to launch at $20 dollars before then 956262;1418919837;BingoBoingo;ikeboy: I think the first actual paycoin already happened for a single coin at around $22 soon after the chain launched. Seems like an incredibly small sample size. 956263;1418919854;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24300 @ 0.00062003 = 15.0667 BTC [-] {2} 956264;1418919869;ikeboy;what do you mean? 956265;1418919911;BingoBoingo;ikeboy: Well, where do you get your information on this subject including price projections? 956266;1418920330;punkman;http://imgur.com/a/NPiIs 956267;1418920331;assbot; Bitcoin 0.1.0 Unreleased Features - Imgur ... ( http://bit.ly/1xsrLUO ) 956268;1418920657;ikeboy;bingoBoingo: which price projection do you mean? do you want the source that they are claiming to support it at $20? 956269;1418920681;BingoBoingo;ikeboy: Just whatever feeds your present ideas 956270;1418920684;BingoBoingo;http://www.gomerblog.com/2014/12/urology-pediatric-circ/ 956271;1418920685;assbot;Urology and Pediatric Departments Gearing Up For Annual "CIRC DU SOLEIL" | GomerBlog ... ( http://bit.ly/1xss69Y ) 956272;1418920718;mats;;;ticker 956273;1418920718;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 313.01, Best ask: 314.13, Bid-ask spread: 1.12000, Last trade: 314.15, 24 hour volume: 24161.05902637, 24 hour low: 304.99, 24 hour high: 327.0, 24 hour vwap: 315.862949004 956274;1418920871;BingoBoingo;';;tocker 956275;1418920891;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19553 @ 0.00061754 = 12.0748 BTC [-] 956276;1418921048;ikeboy;BingoBoingo:I think there's a >50% chance of gaw staying honest for at least the next 2 weeks, and someone else thought the odds were >1%, so i propossed a bet 956277;1418921054;ikeboy;*proposed 956278;1418921069;BingoBoingo;Ah 956279;1418921267;BingoBoingo;!up ikeboy 956280;1418921548;mike_c;there is a 0% chance of gaw being honest. I guess you're betting on when they decide to start running, but the time before that is not known as "being honest" 956281;1418921562;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 920 @ 0.0012 = 1.104 BTC 956282;1418921682;ikeboy;well, then you should bet at infinite odds against them being honest 956283;1418921895;BingoBoingo;Well, a time frame has to be included. It took 9 months for pirateat40 to implode, longer for Gox 956284;1418921928;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 10 @ 0.11999 = 1.1999 BTC [+] 956285;1418922061;ikeboy;BingoBoingo: people were saying it wasn't going to launch at $20 in a week like it's supposed to 956286;1418922092;BingoBoingo;I thought it did that earlier this week already 956287;1418922122;BingoBoingo;Or has GAW been abusing the word launch again 956288;1418922127;ikeboy;if i want to buy, but not to sell 956289;1418922136;mike_c;it looks like it is trading on that crapxchange already? 956290;1418922139;ikeboy;i can buy for 20, but can only sell for around 10 956291;1418922150;mike_c;;;calc 0.02*[tlast] 956292;1418922152;gribble;6.2774 956293;1418922155;mike_c;for $6. 956294;1418922228;thestringpuller;no bet for ethereum launch date yet... 956295;1418922243;thestringpuller;(random) 956296;1418922638;jurov;"Ethereum launches in about 2 weeks" 956297;1418922673;mats;more code that doesn't work 956298;1418922717;BingoBoingo;jurov: For Butterfly Labs definitions of 2 weeks 956299;1418922904;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 19307 @ 0.0012 = 23.1684 BTC {3} 956300;1418923129;jurov;they can parade some crippled ripple-like stuff and call it launch anyway 956301;1418923392;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8963 @ 0.00059417 = 5.3255 BTC [-] 956302;1418923494;thestringpuller;need to start making bets in parallel with derps 956303;1418923503;thestringpuller;when these companies burn all their cash they'll need more money 956304;1418923531;thestringpuller;something like "DERP COMPANY to attempt/successfully raise funding in Q# 20XX" 956305;1418924073;jurov;lol F.DERP hedging? 956306;1418924155;jurov;well.. since F.DERP isn't trading, replacing it with a bet would be worthwhile 956307;1418924219;jurov;what about "any D.* derivative on MPEx will pay out before July 1" 956308;1418924256;jurov;or extra bet for each one? 956309;1418924283;jurov;oh lest i forget: 956310;1418924296;jurov;;;later tell mircea_popescu x.idiff.dec expired 956311;1418924297;gribble;The operation succeeded. 956312;1418924392;davout;jurov: are the x.diffs even still traded? 956313;1418924504;jurov;even if none traded, ther should be monthly report 956314;1418924514;jurov;or at least "we'll skip this one" 956315;1418924662;mike_c;well, an official announcement of the settlement price is useful because it determines the cap on the next quarter. 956316;1418924703;jurov;;;bc,stats 956317;1418924707;davout;makes sense 956318;1418924708;gribble;Current Blocks: 334855 | Current Difficulty: 3.945767130713873E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 336671 | Next Difficulty In: 1816 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 6 days, 18 hours, 10 minutes, and 54 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 35492295849.7 | Estimated Percent Change: -10.04969 956319;1418924780;jurov;;;calc 39457671307/10000/100000000 956320;1418924780;gribble;0.039457671307 956321;1418924820;jurov;^ settlement price, is that right? 956322;1418924855;jurov;!t m x.idiff.dec 956323;1418924855;assbot;I thought I told you not to touch me. 956324;1418924866;*;jurov blushes 956325;1418924876;jurov;!last x.idiff.dec 956326;1418924876;assbot;It says some pelt-wearin' trapper, some stinkin' bean-suckin' possum skinner, he's gonna collect that reward money. 956327;1418924904;davout;wtf has kakobrekla been smoking 956328;1418925192;mike_c;correct settlement price is up to MP I believe, because it flipped on settlement day again 956329;1418925394;mats;they're quotes from Dead Man 956330;1418926818;thestringpuller;!l m x.idiff.dec 956331;1418926818;assbot;Hell, ain't we about more fucked than a whore at closin' time, huh? 956332;1418926837;thestringpuller;$depth x.diff.dec 956333;1418926837;empyex;thestringpuller: Want a bash? http://bash.bitcoin-assets.com/?quote=194 Or use a valid MPSIC! 956334;1418926862;thestringpuller;$depth x.idiff.dec 956335;1418926863;empyex;thestringpuller: [X.IDIFF.DEC] Bids: 956336;1418926864;empyex;thestringpuller: [X.IDIFF.DEC] Asks: 956337;1418926885;thestringpuller;really 0 volume on idiff for DEC?!?!? 956338;1418927037;jurov;last 30 days 956339;1418927062;jurov;maybe it traded before.. mhmmmm i should have adatabase for that 956340;1418927167;jurov;lmao it says there was 1 x.idiff.dec traded on 2012-12-13 and nothing since 956341;1418930418;punkman;I have 14 kinds of cheese in my fridge 956342;1418930431;punkman;I think I might get a little fat this christmas 956343;1418930489;thestringpuller;and constipation 956344;1418930687;mats;http://www.thelocal.ch/20141218/swiss-central-bank-imposes-negative-interest-rates 956345;1418930688;assbot;Central bank imposes negative interest rates - The Local ... ( http://bit.ly/1v4yTRl ) 956346;1418930710;punkman;when did the swiss get so retarded? 956347;1418930758;punkman;around the time they decided to fix eur/chf? 956348;1418930830;mats;as the link says, the franc is perceived to be overvalued 956349;1418930859;mats;bet ya didn't read it in 20 seconds 956350;1418930883;punkman;I was just going by the title 956351;1418930909;mats;http://tech.slashdot.org/story/14/12/18/1725244/will-ripple-eclipse-bitcoin 956352;1418930911;assbot;Will Ripple Eclipse Bitcoin? - Slashdot ... ( http://bit.ly/1v4zORT ) 956353;1418931034;jurov;the next doge !!!1 956354;1418931036;mats;i just ate a hundred dumplings, i think im gonna die 956355;1418931044;mats;nice knowing you guys 956356;1418931047;jurov;any last wishes? 956357;1418931071;mats;tell my mother i converted to christianity in my last moments 956358;1418931077;mats;it'll make her feel better 956359;1418931096;jurov;which kind? 956360;1418931113;jurov;catholic? baptist? orthodox? 956361;1418931117;mats;the non denominational kind 956362;1418931118;jurov;choose wisely :D 956363;1418931149;jurov;such proclamation could make her less happy than before 956364;1418931188;jurov;"nooo my matsy turned to heresy in his last moments!!!" 956365;1418931279;mats;is there a tiered system? 956366;1418931284;punkman;what kind of dumplings? 956367;1418931318;punkman;non-denominational is like the cheez whiz of religion 956368;1418931321;jurov;mats, say you just repented. that's acceptable everywhere 956369;1418931333;mats;if god ends up being a calvinist and you're an anglican 956370;1418931341;mats;you end up in cheese whiz heaven rather than nutella heaven 956371;1418931377;mats;nepalese dumplings 956372;1418931379;jurov;and if god is catholic, then you inevitably end up in purgatory 956373;1418931394;danielpbarron;http://atruechurch.info/savednot.html 956374;1418931395;assbot;A True Church - You Think You're Saved, But You're Not! ... ( http://bit.ly/1v4BCKy ) 956375;1418931395;mats;tasted like chicken and other things 956376;1418931422;mats;theres a lot of words on that page 956377;1418931466;punkman;do the words taste like chicken? 956378;1418931515;jurov;Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls. 956379;1418931521;jurov;danielpbarron: who does these implants? 956380;1418931540;jurov;i want to get the bible implant 956381;1418931684;danielpbarron;God does it 956382;1418931699;jurov;We believe Scriputure does not condemn masturbation. Although it is typically done in wickedness (Matthew 15:19 "evil thoughts"), it can be done in godliness (Titus 1:15). yay 956383;1418931706;danielpbarron;:D 956384;1418931727;danielpbarron;it doesn't condemn having multiple wives either, so lots of fun should be possible 956385;1418931742;jurov;nothing about fags? 956386;1418931760;danielpbarron;that's condemned 956387;1418931868;jurov;interesting. you do know jesus did not condemn centurion's lover but instead said "your faith healed him" 956388;1418931898;jurov;ofc the bigots mistranslated it as "slave" 956389;1418932014;danielpbarron;can't it be both? 956390;1418932036;danielpbarron;the Bible doesn't condemn having slaves or slave wives 956391;1418932049;jurov;you want to say homosexuality is okay if it's master/slave relationship? 956392;1418932054;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1632 @ 0.0012 = 1.9584 BTC 956393;1418932065;danielpbarron;no; it's never ok 956394;1418932072;jurov;jesus should say so, then 956395;1418932102;jurov;i'm certain it ended up in scripture (at least greek one) because it was controversial even then 956396;1418932166;danielpbarron;it's mentioned in old and new testement 956397;1418932197;jurov;if you put paul and old scripture above jesus 956398;1418932211;danielpbarron;Jesus is the Word (scripture) 956399;1418932257;jurov;so jesus inspired paul to condemn homosexuality despite he did not say anything himself? 956400;1418932369;fluffypony;[21:42:07] <+danielpbarron>it doesn't condemn having multiple wives either <- that's not true 956401;1418932373;fluffypony;polygamy was allowed for a time 956402;1418932390;ben_vulpes; RagnarDanneskjol: Nice site http://thelogdailyreport.com/ << who is this? 956403;1418932391;assbot;THE LOG DAILY REPORT ... ( http://bit.ly/1v2vW3G ) 956404;1418932406;danielpbarron;jurov, Jesus is the God of the old testement, the same God that gave the law to Moses 956405;1418932409;fluffypony;but not in the "new testament" 956406;1418932430;ben_vulpes;oh god not with the sky fairies again 956407;1418932448;danielpbarron;fluffypony, show me the scripture that says it isn't allowed 956408;1418932458;fluffypony;sure 956409;1418932493;fluffypony;so for a time, God did permit a man to have more than one wife. (see, for eg. Genesis 4:19; 16:1-4; 29:18-30:24) - but God did not originate the practice of polygamy. He provided only one wife for Adam. 956410;1418932518;danielpbarron;He never said "don't get any more wives" 956411;1418932523;jurov;danielpbarron: he expressly mentions he gave them certain laws previously because their hearts were hard... 956412;1418932524;fluffypony;then in John 8:28 Jesus Christ reinstituted God's original standard of monogamy 956413;1418932527;jurov;bah, this won't go anywhere anyway 956414;1418932540;fluffypony;also when asked about marriage, Jesus said: "He who created them from the beginning made them male and female and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and his mother and will stick to his wife, and the two will be one flesh.'"—Matthew 19:4, 5 956415;1418932576;fluffypony;the Apostle Paul (one of Jesus' disciples) was later inspired by God to write: "Let each man have his own wife and each woman have her own husband." (in 1 Corinthians 7:2) 956416;1418932597;fluffypony;the Bible also states that any married man in the congregation who is given special responsibilities must be "a husband of one wife."—1 Timothy 3:2, 12 956417;1418932602;danielpbarron;yes, but where in any of that does it say "and have no more than one wife" 956418;1418932647;fluffypony;danielpbarron: "husband of one wife" is pretty unambiguous, as is "his own wife" and "her own husband" 956419;1418932674;danielpbarron;that's one particular kind of person; not all people 956420;1418932682;danielpbarron;"special responsibilities" 956421;1418932684;fluffypony;"Let each man have his own wife and each woman have her own husband" - all peoplea 956422;1418932697;fluffypony;now "his own wifes" and "her own husbands" 956423;1418932738;fluffypony;*not 956424;1418932739;fluffypony;not now 956425;1418932750;fluffypony;and wives not wifes 956426;1418932753;fluffypony;wtf spelling. 956427;1418932772;mike_c;oh hey, yeah, plus nobody gives a shit about that old scam. 956428;1418932782;fluffypony;mike_c: complete pump and dump 956429;1418932796;danielpbarron;that passage is about how a husband owns his wife and a wife owns her husband, and that neither may refuse sex 956430;1418932796;mike_c;srsly 956431;1418932823;fluffypony;danielpbarron: so then show me the contrast - where in the Bible does it explicitly allow polygamy? 956432;1418932836;mike_c;join #bible 956433;1418932869;danielpbarron;fluffypony, nearly all the prominant male figures throughout the Bible had harems of wives and slave wives, and God never scolded them for it 956434;1418932933;fluffypony;well I don't want to get into a protracted debate...but beyond Solomon that's not true 956435;1418932939;keystroke;hey fluffypony, didn't think i would see you here :) 956436;1418932960;keystroke;you peter and i climbed around risto's castle more than a few months back now 956437;1418932979;danielpbarron;Soloman's error was that his wives were not believers, and they led him to worship false idols 956438;1418932981;fluffypony;omg keystroke 956439;1418932992;keystroke;:D 956440;1418932994;fluffypony;best day in Malla 956441;1418932999;keystroke;hahaha yes i loved it 956442;1418933004;fluffypony;I have a ton of cool photos from that adventure 956443;1418933009;keystroke;i was just thinking about that 956444;1418933017;keystroke;me too! dcc me some sometime 956445;1418933101;keystroke;i decided to hang out in this chan for good irc times after reading contravex 956446;1418933114;keystroke;but nobody knows who i am 956447;1418933125;jurov;including you? 956448;1418933185;keystroke;ah we can discuss the epistemology of personal identity 956449;1418933196;assbot;Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0M608NK.txt ) 956450;1418933196;ben_vulpes;!b 3 956451;1418933198;rithm;i'm more of a "we" 956452;1418933207;jurov;nah that's just epiphenomena 956453;1418933223;keystroke;i take a parfitian view on personal identity 956454;1418933250;keystroke;i do not think it is epiphenomenal, it is clearly causal 956455;1418933258;keystroke;anyway 956456;1418933263;ben_vulpes;i take a profiterole view on identity. 956457;1418933264;jurov;good for you, no prob with polygamy then 956458;1418933285;keystroke;polygamy is to be encouraged 956459;1418933371;keystroke;although i would lean towards polyamory 956460;1418933372;ben_vulpes;and a partfait view on polyamory 956461;1418933373;keystroke;why marry them? 956462;1418933383;keystroke;haha 956463;1418933388;ben_vulpes;if it's tasty 956464;1418933391;ben_vulpes;do it 956465;1418933429;keystroke;to each his own 956466;1418933516;keystroke;anyway apologies for interrupting the conversation which i can only hope was about orgies 956467;1418933658;mats;i wish 956468;1418933712;danielpbarron;polyamory is a scam not unlike "devotional sex" http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-01-2014#468421 956469;1418933712;assbot;Logged on 30-01-2014 20:07:31; pankkake: http://devotionalsex.com/ totally not a cult 956470;1418933795;keystroke;haha i have seen polyamory implemented successfully 956471;1418933798;keystroke;why do you say it is a scam? 956472;1418933834;danielpbarron;a scam to get males to submit to females 956473;1418933857;keystroke;but the male in a polyamorous relationship can be free to roam as well 956474;1418933861;fluffypony;I agree 956475;1418933863;fluffypony;pump and dump scam 956476;1418933867;keystroke;hahaha 956477;1418933876;danielpbarron;the male should already have been free to "roam" 956478;1418933877;keystroke;i thought it was a ponzi 956479;1418933894;fluffypony;PolygamyCoin 956480;1418933916;keystroke;ahh ok well marriage itself is a bigger scam than polyamory in that case 956481;1418933956;keystroke;haha fluffypony 956482;1418934002;danielpbarron;i guess it depends on what the marriage contract says 956483;1418934044;kakobrekla;!up bit14 956484;1418935348;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7047 @ 0.00061624 = 4.3426 BTC [+] 956485;1418937362;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46437 @ 0.00059395 = 27.5813 BTC [-] {2} 956486;1418937544;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28163 @ 0.00059326 = 16.708 BTC [-] 956487;1418940045;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2350 @ 0.00060129 = 1.413 BTC [+] 956488;1418940257;kakobrekla;!up psychouroboros 956489;1418940276;mod6;This month I've been doing testing with the patched version of the reference implementation. Main object here is to get from genesis block to current block, while being able to get past the wedge block 252450. I was able to do that, but not only did we test with ascii's patches and ben's UPNP patch, I added a patch (http://dpaste.com/1G3XY64) that removes the checkpoints, and a patch (http://dpaste.com/1K5M2TN) to configure BDB so the R.I. won't 956490;1418940381;kakobrekla;idk if 'wont wedge' is enough for ascii at this point, but gj! 956491;1418940382;mod6;I was able to get upto the current block 2 different times with patches 1->5 (which includes ascii's patches, ben's patch, and my removal of checkpoints) with two seperate bdb configs. The first one just changed this: dbenv.set_lk_max_locks(40000); But ended up with a huge amount of BDB tx log files. 956492;1418940457;mod6;So I looked into what they have set up in v0.9 and it more closely resembles that second dpaste above. If you guys would like to review a bit before I post these to the list, that'd be awesome. 956493;1418940553;mod6;here's a snippit of what my 300Gb disk looked like with only the dbenv.set_lk_max_locks looked like: 956494;1418940556;mod6;http://dpaste.com/2SE7QY5 956495;1418940558;assbot;dpaste: 2SE7QY5 ... ( http://bit.ly/1Jbhccm ) 956496;1418940558;mod6;haha. 956497;1418940563;mod6;thx kako 956498;1418940634;mod6;But yeah, it's still has some leaks in there somewhere, as the R.I. died at least 2 different times from 1->current block, but no more than 3 times. Eitherway, this needs to get resolved. But at least we're headed in the right direction. 956499;1418940669;mod6;I just have a gut-feeling that perhaps as discussed in here before some of these leak problems stem from BOOST, which will be a pita to remove, but a requirement. 956500;1418940726;mod6;And perhaps could squash that bug at the same time. I need to do more work with gdb while it's sync'ing up to try to get a more accurate picture. 956501;1418940865;mod6;s/300Gb/350Gb/ 956502;1418940948;mike_c;you think boost is leaking? 956503;1418940991;mike_c;i'm no boost fan, but it seems more likely it is in the usage of boost rather than the library itself. 956504;1418941008;mod6;well, indeed, that could be the case. 956505;1418941017;mod6;i'll find out, one way or another. 956506;1418941052;mod6;here's a snippit of what my .bitcoin/database dir looks like with the BDB patch compiled in: 956507;1418941055;mod6;http://dpaste.com/36RSNH7 956508;1418941056;assbot;dpaste: 36RSNH7 ... ( http://bit.ly/1JbkegG ) 956509;1418941078;mod6;obv. a lot smaller and only seems to grow up to ~60 log files until it flushes them out. 956510;1418941458;mod6;mike_c: yeah, should have said "stem from or usage of BOOST" :] 956511;1418941550;mike_c;yeah, i'm sure you're right. smart pointers, shared pointers, I'm sure it's a minefield. 956512;1418941559;mod6;I still have a bit more testing to complete before the end of the month, but hopefully will get some additionally time over the remaining 13 days to debug more. 956513;1418941580;mod6;gah *additional 956514;1418941937;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10500 @ 0.00061515 = 6.4591 BTC [+] 956515;1418942058;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15189 @ 0.00059806 = 9.0839 BTC [-] 956516;1418942546;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15189 @ 0.0006244 = 9.484 BTC [+] 956517;1418942668;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2011 @ 0.0006244 = 1.2557 BTC [+] 956518;1418944325;kakobrekla;!up tryphe 956519;1418944332;kakobrekla;!up Belxjander 956520;1418945701;BingoBoingo; non-denominational is like the cheez whiz of religion << Some "non-denominational" churches seem to be the most "extreme" to be polite 956521;1418945755;BingoBoingo; RagnarDanneskjol: Nice site http://thelogdailyreport.com/ << who is this? << That's RagnarDanneskjol 956522;1418945756;assbot;THE LOG DAILY REPORT ... ( http://bit.ly/13ikwS0 ) 956523;1418946278;assbot;ikeboy +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0 956524;1418946482;thestringpuller;!up ikeboy 956525;1418946604;ikeboy;I was here earlier talking about betting on paycoin 956526;1418946643;ikeboy;is anyone willing to bet against me that paycoin will be worthless in 2 weeks? 956527;1418946786;BingoBoingo;Probably not, any scam can be kept afloat for two weeks 956528;1418946826;ikeboy;They claim that they will buy any coins for $20 starting monday. If they don't, it will probably drop 956529;1418946873;ikeboy;afaik, that's the only thing giving it value right now, the expectation of a payout on monday 956530;1418947010;thestringpuller;just make bitbet and see what happens if you're so intrigued 956531;1418947010;ikeboy;bitbet doesn't have odds betting 956532;1418947022;ikeboy;so I can't know how much i get if im right 956533;1418947076;ikeboy;besides, i think the market would mostly agree with me, but there were some people on irc that didn't, so i want to get money out of them 956534;1418947091;ikeboy;i'm making a betmoose event right now 956535;1418947136;BingoBoingo;Well, the thing is... Which betting platform actually brings... bettors with money to the bets? 956536;1418947192;ikeboy;i don't know, i've made money on fairlay, but not in the amounts I want to bet on this 956537;1418947201;thestringpuller;;;itkcer 956538;1418947202;gribble;Error: "itkcer" is not a valid command. 956539;1418947215;thestringpuller;;;ticker 956540;1418947216;ikeboy;and predictious doesn't allow submitting bets 956541;1418947217;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 312.48, Best ask: 312.66, Bid-ask spread: 0.18000, Last trade: 312.67, 24 hour volume: 21603.61278539, 24 hour low: 304.99, 24 hour high: 325.61, 24 hour vwap: 313.689908828 956542;1418947286;BingoBoingo;ikeboy: http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2014/03/16/interlude-the-big-bets/ 956543;1418947288;assbot;Interlude: Sport betting isn't that big, Here's what is | Bingo Blog ... ( http://bit.ly/1xsUuc4 ) 956544;1418947304;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 865 @ 0.0012 = 1.038 BTC 956545;1418947384;ikeboy;that link isn't that informative 956546;1418947396;thestringpuller;ikeboy: you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. 956547;1418947411;ikeboy;explain? 956548;1418947436;ikeboy;I already said I'm not interested in bitbet 956549;1418947452;BingoBoingo;ikeboy: What odds interest you and why should other people be interested in them. 956550;1418947455;BingoBoingo;? 956551;1418947497;ikeboy;I'm interested in 10:1 odds on paycoin not being worth more than .01 BTC in 2 weeks 956552;1418947512;ikeboy;and anyone who has a greater than 90% that paycoin is going bust should pick this up 956553;1418947531;ikeboy;I would put up to ~2BTC on this, versus 20BTC 956554;1418947545;thestringpuller;yea, there is your problem small fry. 956555;1418947562;ikeboy;What's the problem? too small? 956556;1418947600;ikeboy;Don't tell me it's not worth $600 for someone to spend time setting it up 956557;1418947651;*;thestringpuller sighs 956558;1418947767;thestringpuller;it seems the only reason you want odds if for extended leverage. 956559;1418947775;thestringpuller;s/if/is/gc 956560;1418947863;ikeboy;what do you mean by that? 956561;1418947877;ikeboy;If you mean I can make more this way than by investing in paycoin directly, then yes 956562;1418947900;thestringpuller;no i mean what I said... 956563;1418947906;ikeboy;And people who were trying to convince me not to buy paycoin should be willing to put money behind that 956564;1418947924;ikeboy;what do you mean by leverage? 956565;1418947985;thestringpuller;;;google leverage finance 956566;1418947985;gribble;Error: We broke The Google! 956567;1418947987;thestringpuller;well then 956568;1418948047;ikeboy;i'm trying to increase my return. what do you think I'm trying to do? 956569;1418948073;cazalla;buy more paycoin then, sure bet! 956570;1418948109;ikeboy;that has an expected 200% gain, and a bet may have a 900% gain 956571;1418948168;cazalla;not if you're unable to find someone to bet against, i'd take the sure thing while you can lol 956572;1418948199;thestringpuller;^- this 956573;1418948207;thestringpuller;trying to run options on a bookie service 956574;1418948213;thestringpuller;dafuq is going on - marvin gaye 956575;1418948859;assbot;ikeboy +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0 956576;1418948870;BingoBoingo;!up ikeboy 956577;1418948931;ikeboy;betmoose is here betmoose.com/bet/paycoin-to-be-worth-at-least-_01-btc-in-2015-1049 956578;1418948961;BingoBoingo; And people who were trying to convince me not to buy paycoin should be willing to put money behind that << Not everyone who think Paycoin is a shit idea wants the same two week window you do. 956579;1418948998;ikeboy;ok, but they were trying to convince me that buying now to sell at $20 on monday is a bad idea 956580;1418949025;BingoBoingo;Ah 956581;1418949256;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28600 @ 0.00060933 = 17.4268 BTC [-] 956582;1418949317;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44950 @ 0.00062795 = 28.2264 BTC [+] {3} 956583;1418950182;Adlai;so paycoin has progressed from vaporware to real, nitrogen-rich altcoincrap? 956584;1418950201;ikeboy;does that mean you don't believe in it? 956585;1418950210;ikeboy;if so, i have a bet for you ... 956586;1418950242;Adlai;of course i believe in paycoin. it is the vehicle through which the prophet garza will lead the people from usury and incest to riches and glory 956587;1418950281;Adlai;"don't believe in paycoin" doesn't translate cleanly to "willing to bet on a subset of the possible failure scenarios, as opposed to all others" 956588;1418950308;BingoBoingo;Adlai: Well It's a fork of peercoin. The code was already there just needed magic number tweaks. Also Peercoin was cooler when it was still called PeePeeCoin 956589;1418950341;Adlai;whatever happened to the real peepeecoin. nobody wants to trade their overpriced shitcoins for kilos of processed manure? 956590;1418950366;ikeboy;so give your prob estimates for: paycoin being worth ~$20 in 2 weeks, paycoin being worth ~10 dollars in 2 weeks, paycoin being pretty much worthless in 2 weeks 956591;1418950396;Adlai;"worth" is the key word. it could be worth $30 on the bucket shops that choose to list it, but zero to the rest of the world. 956592;1418950440;ikeboy;worth as in I can sell it for a value on an open market like coin-swap 956593;1418950461;Adlai;oh look it's another cryptsy 956594;1418950486;Adlai;it's like cryptsy except without litecoin shoved down my throat at every turn 956595;1418950486;ikeboy;if I can sell it for $20, that means someone is willing to pay for it 956596;1418950498;Adlai;900BTC 24h vol XPY/BTC wtf 956597;1418950524;ikeboy;so ... your prob estimates? 956598;1418950669;*;Adlai hasn't the faintest clue how deep the lemmings' pockets run 956599;1418950675;ikeboy;I'm going now, but the betmoose is here for anyone betmoose.com/bet/paycoin-to-be-worth-at-least-_01-btc-in-2015-1049 956600;1418950719;kakobrekla;why doenst he get ddosed? 956601;1418950746;Adlai;at that moment, kako was enlightened 956602;1418950780;*;kakobrekla checks 956603;1418950791;kakobrekla;nope, still ignorant 956604;1418950791;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: if you wanted to, you could've determined mr. ddos by iterative kicking / process of deduction - long ago. 956605;1418950798;kakobrekla;yes i know 956606;1418950810;asciilifeform;but where'd be the sport in that. 956607;1418950956;Adlai;it could be that the ddoser is not ddosing himself. or that he's not ddosing people belonging to his site. or that he picks targets randomly, to give the illusion of unknown patterns. 956608;1418950974;kakobrekla;or maybe its offline atm. 956609;1418951740;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: here's an elegant, though likewise unsporting pill against ddosman. require anyone outside of L1 to enter uncloaked on pain of instakick. there will be a set of 'lurkers' remaining who never die. among them will be our hero, who is then readily deduced. 956610;1418951845;asciilifeform;of course, this is largely a waste of time when one can simply walk away with the chumpnet (entirely unsecured, as discussed in past thread on subject) 956611;1418951981;BingoBoingo;Walk away with chumpnet, implement new bot, other things too prolly 956612;1418952011;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: there isn't a bot. 956613;1418952013;BingoBoingo;Ah 956614;1418952032;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=16-12-2014#954024 956615;1418952032;assbot;Logged on 16-12-2014 01:04:22; asciilifeform: from the department of nyooz yoo can yooze - kakobrekla provided data from which we learn that ddos man has switched from ssdp to ntp 'amplification' attack (see literature.) 956616;1418952035;asciilifeform;and below. 956617;1418952042;BingoBoingo;Ah 956618;1418952055;BingoBoingo;I thought there was a bot on the trigger 956619;1418952072;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: in that sense, yes 956620;1418952072;asciilifeform;but there isn't a 'botnet' 956621;1418952096;asciilifeform;there's just a sea of idiot boxes that should have been booted from the net long ago. 956622;1418952102;asciilifeform;by isp. 956623;1418952133;BingoBoingo;Right 956624;1418952159;asciilifeform;'amplification' idiocy is trivially tested for, and any isp which doesn't yank the offending lusers ought by all rights to be killed upstream 956625;1418952171;asciilifeform;see also 1990s, 'usenet death penalty.' 956626;1418952177;asciilifeform;(precedent) 956627;1418952180;kakobrekla;i think the least damaging way is to kick nicks that are idle sing sing-on 956628;1418952194;kakobrekla;s/sing/since 956629;1418952241;asciilifeform;aha. 956630;1418952259;asciilifeform;wanna idle for >5 min, get in wot. 956631;1418952287;kakobrekla;smth like that 956632;1418952316;asciilifeform;so then. 956633;1418952521;kakobrekla;but bot can get in the wot. 956634;1418952544;asciilifeform;then we have a fungus among us. 956635;1418952565;kakobrekla;wait, you meant l2 trust? 956636;1418952574;asciilifeform;aha. 956637;1418952577;kakobrekla;having a wot and having l2 trust not same thing. 956638;1418952585;asciilifeform;well yes, shorthand here. 956639;1418952597;asciilifeform;anyone who has voice, gets to idle as much as he likes 956640;1418952621;asciilifeform;others - only long enough to see who to ask for voice. 956641;1418952621;asciilifeform;that was, i think, the idea. 956642;1418952645;decimation;yeah i think that's a good plan 956643;1418952667;asciilifeform;naturally mr ddos will have nothing to do but move on to qntra, trilema, bitbet... 956644;1418952667;decimation;people outside of L2 can read the logs 956645;1418952682;kakobrekla;yes, but. kick wont do, you have to ban the idler or else it just rejoins. secondly, if we fail to voice ppl which we kinda do, they will be casualties. 956646;1418952692;asciilifeform;they are already casualties. 956647;1418952726;decimation;kakobrekla: one way around that issue would be to kick anyone who isn't in the wot (not L2) 956648;1418952743;asciilifeform;and i can only speak for myself, but i neglect voicing people because they don't ask. 956649;1418952743;asciilifeform;now they will have a reason to ask. 956650;1418952769;asciilifeform;the idlers who 'i'll join a hundred bitcoin-related channels, they're all the same to me!' are contemptible. 956651;1418952778;asciilifeform;(but i think mircea_popescu already said this) 956652;1418952804;decimation;I don't get the point to idling on a logged channel (without voice) 956653;1418952804;kakobrekla;hm. how about 1 min auto voice on join for unseen nicks? 956654;1418952809;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: nah 956655;1418952817;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: easy spamatron 956656;1418952835;decimation;what about unseen nicks who are authed by gribble? 956657;1418952851;kakobrekla;registered nicks? 956658;1418952854;kakobrekla;idk. 956659;1418952865;asciilifeform;registered << same easy spamatron 956660;1418952874;decimation;not quite as easy, but you are right 956661;1418952877;asciilifeform;anything mr spam can get $maxint of purely by perl script is useless 956662;1418952903;asciilifeform;this includes gribble-regged keys, incidentally 956663;1418952913;asciilifeform;we would be creating an incentive to flood wot with crud 956664;1418952926;asciilifeform;hence l2. 956665;1418952928;decimation;there is an incentive to do this anyway 956666;1418952952;decimation;nanotube might consider deleting wot ID's that haven't authed in a period of time 956667;1418952969;asciilifeform;so mr spam will walk them. 956668;1418952971;asciilifeform;like dogs. 956669;1418952975;asciilifeform;by perl script. 956670;1418952987;decimation;really I guess that's the same solution as Mr. Luke-jr 956671;1418952995;asciilifeform;remember that it's a wot 956672;1418953010;asciilifeform;you don't kill folks with a nuke by rolling it and crushing them under it 956673;1418953015;asciilifeform;you set it off, as designed 956674;1418953015;decimation;Like bitcoin, the wot database is going to grow forever 956675;1418953028;asciilifeform;wot is to be used as a wot to eliminate precisely this class of pest 956676;1418953035;asciilifeform;among others 956677;1418953051;decimation;asciilifeform: but this only works if one regards a n00b with utter contempt 956678;1418953059;asciilifeform;how else to regard ? 956679;1418953063;asciilifeform;!s the cold equations 956680;1418953064;assbot;10 results for 'the cold equations' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=the+cold+equations 956681;1418953071;decimation;yeah, it's a good point 956682;1418953079;asciilifeform;wants less contempt? must become less contemptible. 956683;1418953081;asciilifeform;demonstrably. 956684;1418953095;decimation;which would basically require being personally known to someone in the wot 956685;1418953109;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2014/12/lawsky-walks-back-from-original-bitlicense/ 956686;1418953115;asciilifeform;decimation: that, or to make a good introduction of himself. 956687;1418953150;decimation;an introduction that couldn't be replicated by perl script 956688;1418953155;asciilifeform;aha. 956689;1418953156;BingoBoingo;#bitcoin-assets-lobby 956690;1418953172;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: no. that just relocates the roaches, not kills. 956691;1418953180;BingoBoingo;Sure 956692;1418953231;asciilifeform;i like the idea of nuking drooling idlers who have no visible purpose 956693;1418953231;asciilifeform;ddos or no ddos 956694;1418953231;kakobrekla;honestly im not sure whats worse, autoddos or autoban. 956695;1418953258;decimation;it's not really a ban, it's more of a bouncer 956696;1418953275;TomServo;BingoBoingo: You're movie clip on qntra shows 'removed by user'. :( 956697;1418953292;kakobrekla;decimation just kicking is not enough 956698;1418953306;TomServo;Your* :( 956699;1418953328;asciilifeform;anyone who is kicked and auto-rejoins is ipso facto bot ? 956700;1418953353;decimation;is it possible to 'hook' ChanServ to intercept joins before they happen? 956701;1418953392;kakobrekla;nah pretty much everything these days has 'autorejoin' option 956702;1418953427;asciilifeform;incidentally, what do we need unvoiced users for at all? noobs can find the log www, and figure out who to pm from it 956703;1418953429;BingoBoingo;TomServo: THese things happen 956704;1418953437;kakobrekla;which was also responsible for a bunch of cloak fails 956705;1418953452;BingoBoingo;Well, sometimes assbot has downtime too. 956706;1418953526;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1000 @ 0.00121415 = 1.2142 BTC [+] {2} 956707;1418953537;kakobrekla;that can be mitigated by secondary up only bot. 956708;1418953538;decimation;I thought cloak fails were associated with users who aren't sasl authed 956709;1418953547;asciilifeform;decimation: nope. 956710;1418953566;asciilifeform;decimation: i personally had cloak fail from a malfunctioning (hacked?) freenode node. 956711;1418953608;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: +i ? 956712;1418953611;decimation;interesting. 956713;1418953683;kakobrekla;too much work 956714;1418953690;kakobrekla;ongoing 956715;1418953719;BingoBoingo;AH, only longterm solution seems to be an ircd foundation 956716;1418953719;decimation;heh 956717;1418953735;decimation;no more like cryptoProt foundation 956718;1418953850;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: too much work << wouldn't it be approximately a one-liner? add to +i list upon voicing by assbot, remove when logged off / devoiced ? 956719;1418953902;asciilifeform;the observation that, on account of the log existing, we don't need human idlers for anything at all, was correct 956720;1418953943;asciilifeform;decimation: cryptoprot ? 956721;1418953975;decimation;I donno, what would you name your rsa/udp/wot idea? 956722;1418953984;asciilifeform;decimation: it has a name. 956723;1418954001;kakobrekla;what i meant was "pls invite" pms that would follow 956724;1418954034;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: how many of these we get now ? 956725;1418954036;kakobrekla;which i think you meant was to be refused 956726;1418954064;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: they are not necessarily to be refused, but there ought to be slightly higher expectations of work for the n00b to do in order to merit invite 956727;1418954071;asciilifeform;'hi please let me in' should not do 956728;1418954112;asciilifeform;n00b should be expected to say at least a complete sentence re: why he should be let in to talk 956729;1418954118;asciilifeform;if he merely wants to listen - straight to www log. 956730;1418954125;decimation;asciilifeform: I guess I missed the name, what is it? 956731;1418954147;asciilifeform;decimation: you didn't miss it. i never said 956732;1418954161;asciilifeform;decimation: if you give a damn, it was called - on my own machine, which at present, is the only place it exists - 'kapelle' 956733;1418954186;asciilifeform;decimation: as in Die Rote Kapelle. 956734;1418954213;asciilifeform;but this is not a published gadget, and should not be regarded as proof - or even suggestion - of anything in particular. 956735;1418954229;asciilifeform;i'm almost sorry i mentioned it, now folks will expect it to exist 956736;1418954240;kakobrekla;and hypothetically given we have l2 +i, do we still need +m? 956737;1418954250;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: haha, for what 956738;1418954295;kakobrekla;well you manually invite a 'new guy' take the chance it doesnt work out, you need some means to get rid of it? 956739;1418954308;asciilifeform;devoice -> uninvite 956740;1418954310;asciilifeform;mechanical. 956741;1418954315;asciilifeform;'!down' ought to suffice 956742;1418954335;kakobrekla;but if we dont have +m we are not up or down 956743;1418954340;asciilifeform;'!up' -> invite 956744;1418954350;asciilifeform;can use same command, no ? 956745;1418954354;asciilifeform;just different logic in it 956746;1418954365;kakobrekla;a you mean like down is +kb 956747;1418954372;asciilifeform;aha. 956748;1418954377;BingoBoingo;Seems whole new IRC network is the solution instead of arguing freenode +i vs. +m conventions 956749;1418954418;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: we're discussing perhaps a ~1kb patch to kako's bot, rather than a serious project 956750;1418954467;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: but if you want to contribute a box or two for a 'parachute' network for #b-a, don't let this stop you 956751;1418954512;kakobrekla;ethical_cleansing.patch 956752;1418954533;asciilifeform;lol 956753;1418954541;decimation;freenode seems to attract folks like mr. spam 956754;1418954544;asciilifeform;does fleanode support 'knocking' ? 956755;1418954558;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Well, there are ideas. If a new network popped up parachute would be likely. Seems though that the root of current problem is freenode baring IPs and lacking any controling entity that could be convinced to do otherwise. 956756;1418954589;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: you probably know, but this is not the only problem with fleanode. 956757;1418954597;BingoBoingo;Sure 956758;1418954697;undata_;hosted in a five-eyes country might be another :p 956759;1418954739;undata_;or rather, owned by 956760;1418954744;kakobrekla;mp is gonna be pissed if we do this. 956761;1418954773;BingoBoingo;http://i.imgur.com/34v1kJ9.jpg 956762;1418954774;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1AMLkVr ) 956763;1418954774;asciilifeform;i'm not sure whether the fact of something being planted in an 'eyes' country or not is even interesting. it's like the old saw about how a smoking section in a restaurant is quite like a pissing section in swimming pool. 956764;1418954791;undata_;asciilifeform: heh, point taken. 956765;1418954817;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: It depends on the kind of restaurant. I am pretty sure some restaurants would be intolerable if it wasn't for heavy smoking. 956766;1418954915;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: if mp likes n00bs, then let's see if he agrees that this should make their ordeal more rational (if not lighter) than it is currently. 956767;1418954959;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: imho it will produce more interesting noobs - a challenge piques interest, selects for folks who aren't vegetables 956768;1418954977;kakobrekla;i think the main issue is he wont be able to take credit. 956769;1418954981;asciilifeform;l0l 956770;1418954987;asciilifeform;actually he can 956771;1418954988;BingoBoingo;Everyone needs to eat their vegetables from time to time though 956772;1418955018;asciilifeform;seems that, in his absence, i'm filling in for him in role as 'cruel sargeant for n00bs' 956773;1418955023;asciilifeform;at least for this thread. 956774;1418955023;BingoBoingo;lol 956775;1418955074;BingoBoingo;I think having had a GPG key fingerprint on an MPEx listed contract is the rough equivalent of a commision so asciilifeform at the worst you are probaby a captain by now. 956776;1418955075;asciilifeform;(soon i must go and [censored] and someone must take over!) 956777;1418955170;BingoBoingo;[censored] all of the keys 956778;1418955258;asciilifeform;el coronel no tiene quien le escriba, полковнику никто не пишет, полковника никто не ждет. 956779;1418955259;*;BingoBoingo remembers for the longest time in childhood the hometown having a metal wagon wheel fascimile supported on a post in the town square 956780;1418955284;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: reference to 'oregon trail' colonists, or to breaking on the wheel ? 956781;1418955325;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Well, given the height of the post and its location in SOuthern Illinois, probably the latter. 956782;1418955341;BingoBoingo;Seems hsitorically this was a "Sundown Town" 956783;1418955368;BingoBoingo;Though the first definition was probably offered by the time of my birth. 956784;1418955478;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6491 @ 0.00063284 = 4.1078 BTC [+] 956785;1418955507;BingoBoingo;https://github.com/blog/1938-git-client-vulnerability-announced 956786;1418955508;assbot;Vulnerability announced: update your Git clients · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1AMNl44 ) 956787;1418955549;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: lol, toy os users only 956788;1418955549;BingoBoingo;More Windows, More OSx 956789;1418955549;kakobrekla;hm iirc gribble wont let you auth if you are not present on one of his blessed chans 956790;1418955560;BingoBoingo;kakobrekla: Yeah, I discovered that yesterday. 956791;1418955576;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: should be easy fix, no ? 956792;1418955623;kakobrekla;afaik it is suppose to be a securitah feature and i dunno where nano stands on that. 956793;1418955630;asciilifeform;wake him up ? 956794;1418955641;kakobrekla;!up nanotube ping 956795;1418955643;*;asciilifeform doesn't grasp how this makes anything more secure 956796;1418955672;PeterL;you are trying to make it more complicated? 956797;1418955678;asciilifeform;less 956798;1418955794;BingoBoingo;Oh, the dollar is crashing today! Against the Phillipine Peso! 956799;1418956025;kakobrekla;is there some override for invite for ops? 956800;1418956076;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: '+I' iirc 956801;1418956117;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: not only for ops, either 956802;1418956127;asciilifeform;can make generic list of folks who are always invited 956803;1418956137;kakobrekla;a ok 956804;1418956185;PeterL;so the change to voicing you are suggesting, we now need to join something like #bitcoin-otc, then auth with gribble, then we can join #bitcoin-assets, then we still need to pm assbot '!up'? 956805;1418956199;asciilifeform;PeterL: ideally, no 956806;1418956282;kakobrekla;PeterL we just need to make it complicated enough so Luke-Jr doesnt figure it out. 956807;1418956296;assbot;Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0DY497N.txt ) 956808;1418956296;BingoBoingo;!b 1 956809;1418956303;PeterL;;;gettrust assbot luke-jr 956810;1418956304;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask Luke-Jr!~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr. Trust relationship from user assbot to user luke-jr: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 5 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=luke-jr | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=luke-jr | Rated since: Sat Feb 5 12:37:04 2011 956811;1418956312;Luke-Jr;kakobrekla: then none of you could either 956812;1418956342;BingoBoingo;Luke-Jr: Staph trolling!!! 956813;1418956345;kakobrekla;yes troll 956814;1418956350;undata_;heh I am totally making a bitcoin overlay as a weekend project btw 956815;1418956357;Luke-Jr;BingoBoingo: kakobrekla is the one trolling :p 956816;1418956364;kakobrekla;no u 956817;1418956385;Luke-Jr;undata_: lol, just to change USE flag? 956818;1418956386;BingoBoingo;Luke-Jr: kakobrekla doesn't troll, he works hard for his cookies. No boat required. 956819;1418956413;undata_;Luke-Jr: no, to be sure when I emerge sync I don't unwittingly have more of your decisions foisted upon me 956820;1418956437;Luke-Jr;undata_: overlays won't do that 956821;1418956451;undata_;Luke-Jr: they will if I mask your turds 956822;1418956464;Luke-Jr;don't need an overlay to do that 956823;1418956469;Luke-Jr;just add to /etc/portage/package.mask 956824;1418956499;Luke-Jr;it doesn't force you to unmerge stuff either, and should notify you when there's an update being masked 956825;1418956526;Luke-Jr;btw, in case you didn't notice, I go out of my way to prevent any unwitting 956826;1418956712;undata_;Luke-Jr: I accept that your intent is to "do good" 956827;1418956718;undata_;anyhow I don't want to rehash it. 956828;1418956795;BingoBoingo;http://arstechnica.com/cars/2014/12/new-zealand-couple-manages-to-lock-themselves-in-keyless-car-for-13-hours/ 956829;1418956796;assbot;New Zealand couple manages to lock themselves in keyless car for 13 hours | Ars Technica ... ( http://bit.ly/1JcwsWl ) 956830;1418957100;asciilifeform;;;rate Luke-Jr -1 persistent loon, defiler of gentoo, http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-12-2014#955095 or inquire within 956831;1418957100;assbot;Logged on 16-12-2014 21:34:38; Luke-Jr: asciilifeform: that would make sense; people seem to assume something monumentally stupid is worthless, but in practice it isn't. 956832;1418957101;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of -1 for user Luke-Jr has been recorded. 956833;1418957121;asciilifeform;;;gettrust assbot luke-jr 956834;1418957121;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask Luke-Jr!~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr. Trust relationship from user assbot to user luke-jr: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 6 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=luke-jr | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=luke-jr | Rated since: Sat Feb 5 12:37:04 2011 956835;1418957151;asciilifeform;!down Luke-Jr 956836;1418957156;asciilifeform;aww. 956837;1418957228;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: It takes time for assbot to update the rectum 956838;1418957229;mike_c;so I am an angry bitbet customer, and I want to come here for help. how do I get in if it is invite-only? 956839;1418957257;asciilifeform;mike_c: banner points you to www log. then pm of the folks appearing therein. 956840;1418957257;BingoBoingo;^ Ah, case for keeping a vegetable garden element 956841;1418957306;mike_c;ok, I am a reporter for NYT, I have to do same dance? 956842;1418957331;asciilifeform;mike_c: sure. 956843;1418957412;asciilifeform;'However, the door doesnt automatically unlock when the interior handle is pulledand therein lay the problem for the Smiths. According to the Times, the couple had been led to believe by their Mazda dealership that the key fob was the only way to unlock the doors; this mistaken impression, coupled with the fact that the vehicle was parked in their garage and that it was apparently too dark to clearly see the interior swi 956844;1418957413;asciilifeform;tches, led to the nearly fatal overnight stay.' 956845;1418957416;asciilifeform;vegetables. 956846;1418957427;asciilifeform;what a sad thing that they did not die. 956847;1418957451;asciilifeform;these were adults, with working hands. 956848;1418957476;asciilifeform;'... and they vote!' 956849;1418957479;Luke-Jr;lol 956850;1418957501;Luke-Jr;funny how I'm falsely accused of censorship, and the reaction here is to censor me ;) 956851;1418957501;PeterL;hands don't help much if you don't know where to put them 956852;1418957535;asciilifeform;Luke-Jr: just like your victims, 'there was plenty of warning', 'no one unwitting', 'there were no victims' 956853;1418957549;mike_c;and the problem we are trying to solve here is that uncloaked noobs might get ddos'd. 956854;1418957550;Luke-Jr;asciilifeform: I have no victims, I've not done anything wrong. 956855;1418957562;Luke-Jr;asciilifeform: you are a hypocrite, nothing more 956856;1418957565;Luke-Jr;just saying 956857;1418957565;mike_c;the solution being, we lock them out. 956858;1418957588;asciilifeform;mike_c: idea was, we let them in when they are actual people with an actual reason for wanting in 956859;1418957591;Luke-Jr;mike_c: you realise the regulars/admins here are insane? 956860;1418957594;asciilifeform;beyond 'let me drool in this here bowl' 956861;1418957605;PeterL;so if an uncloaked noob comes by, asks for voice and gets let in, then they will be ddossed? 956862;1418957607;mike_c;Luke-Jr: they smell funny too 956863;1418957623;asciilifeform;PeterL: ddosed by whom ? 956864;1418957629;PeterL;whoever is ddossing now? 956865;1418957633;asciilifeform;PeterL: idea is that the idler parked here by mr ddos will die. 956866;1418957641;PeterL;oh, I see 956867;1418957644;mike_c;PeterL: my understanding is anyone who enters uncloaked, thereby flashing their IP, get ddos'd by the fucktarded bot that is lurking in here. 956868;1418957684;PeterL;and we assume the ddoser is outside the l2? 956869;1418957684;mike_c;idk, I think it's fine that we let them talk when they are actual people. how are they to become actual people if they can't listen? 956870;1418957692;asciilifeform;they can listen! 956871;1418957696;asciilifeform;on kako's www log. 956872;1418957702;mike_c;by hitting f5 on log.b-a? 956873;1418957707;mike_c;that sucks 956874;1418957715;asciilifeform;why? 956875;1418957745;PeterL;there is some benefit to seeing what is happening now, in reaction to events going on 956876;1418957757;asciilifeform;why does this need to happen in split-second parcels? 956877;1418957759;PeterL;and you loose some sense of the timing when you read the logs 956878;1418957782;asciilifeform;PeterL: understand, it isn't as if they can freely idle here now. ddos bot takes care of this. 956879;1418957806;asciilifeform;PeterL: proposed change transfers the initiative to actual people, and takes away whatever piece of it the spammer had. 956880;1418957808;asciilifeform;spammer should have - none. 956881;1418957816;PeterL;but really, you can learn alot more going over a few months of logs than trying to get lucky by finding something interesting happening right now at this moment 956882;1418957824;asciilifeform;aha. 956883;1418957835;asciilifeform;think of it this way: 956884;1418957852;asciilifeform;we already have something quite like this system. just that it is being administered by an enemy. 956885;1418957950;mike_c;feels like cutting off head because enemy is making our nose itch. 956886;1418957967;mike_c;(what an analogy!) 956887;1418957972;asciilifeform;his head. 956888;1418958002;asciilifeform;at any rate, the folks whose gadget this is, can decide 956889;1418958006;asciilifeform;i can only suggest. 956890;1418958025;mike_c;kako is too easily swayed by a cookie or two. 956891;1418958124;kakobrekla;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2014#956705 956892;1418958124;assbot;Logged on 19-12-2014 01:44:12; BingoBoingo: Well, sometimes assbot has downtime too. 956893;1418958132;kakobrekla;gribble is what worries me. 956894;1418958138;PeterL;what happens if somebody tries to join the chan without auth/L2? do they get dumped into #bitcoin-assets-noobs? 956895;1418958145;kakobrekla;among other things, it is out of my control. 956896;1418958172;PeterL;have assbot take over the WoT? 956897;1418958247;kakobrekla;could only be done as completely separate auth 956898;1418958251;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: aha 956899;1418958273;asciilifeform;or ask nanotube to remove the peculiar must-be-in-channel thing 956900;1418958282;asciilifeform;(i'd love to hear a rationale for it) 956901;1418958304;kakobrekla;that has no effect on issues im presenting 956902;1418958315;asciilifeform;which issue? 956903;1418958326;PeterL;it's strange, you must be in chan, but you can auth in a pm, so why be in the chan? 956904;1418958355;kakobrekla;gribble down and out of control 956905;1418958369;PeterL;if gribble is afk, then nobody can get into this chan 956906;1418958374;asciilifeform;if gribble is down today, kakobrekla (and mircea_popescu ?) are still stuck manually upping folks 956907;1418958384;asciilifeform;PeterL: nobody but ops 956908;1418958404;PeterL;they would still be able to manually up people, right? 956909;1418958405;asciilifeform;PeterL: just like today, if gribble or assbot are down, only ops have voice 956910;1418958416;asciilifeform;iirc 956911;1418958416;asciilifeform;PeterL: aha 956912;1418958455;PeterL;I think people can be voiced now manually if gribble is down but not if assbot is down? 956913;1418958477;kakobrekla;correct 956914;1418958488;asciilifeform;ops can operate the whole thing in manually-cranked mode, afaik 956915;1418958497;asciilifeform;when they're awake 956916;1418958513;kakobrekla;yes, can and willing to is not interchangeable 956917;1418958517;asciilifeform;aha. 956918;1418958538;asciilifeform;just pointing out answer to 'can anything at all work when all bots are dead' 956919;1418958557;asciilifeform;that being, that all the controls have manual emergency cranks 956920;1418958627;PeterL;in the proposed system, can people join if assbot is down? 956921;1418958637;kakobrekla;option 2, move the auth to assbot and save another step (!up) 956922;1418958660;decimation;recreate nanobot's wot with assbot? 956923;1418958660;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: what means 'move auth to assbot' 956924;1418958663;kakobrekla;idk, yet. 956925;1418958675;decimation;;;gettrust assbot luke-jr 956926;1418958676;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask Luke-Jr!~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr. Trust relationship from user assbot to user luke-jr: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 6 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=luke-jr | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=luke-jr | Rated since: Sat Feb 5 12:37:04 2011 956927;1418958694;PeterL;have a #bitcoin-assets WoT separate from #bitcoin-otc? 956928;1418958697;kakobrekla;but basically as far as i gather punkman already downloads wot data from otc 956929;1418958702;kakobrekla;for notary 956930;1418958704;asciilifeform;one of the things that always gave me the willies about the classic (nanotube's) wot is that operations are not signed 956931;1418958706;decimation;I don't get how level 2 has 0 connections, but joecool, nanotube and pankakke are connected to him? 956932;1418958721;kakobrekla;and keeps a seperate l2 records 956933;1418958729;kakobrekla;i can do same 956934;1418958743;asciilifeform;whatever happened to notarybot? 956935;1418958748;PeterL;decimation: there are a bunch of -1s which offset +1s 956936;1418958782;PeterL;it is not 0 connections, it is 0 score 956937;1418958787;decimation;ah I thought it was connection based 956938;1418958858;PeterL;asciilifeform: but you have to auth before making an operation, so it is almost like being signed 956939;1418958875;asciilifeform;PeterL: you have to - yes. mr i-owned-fleanode nsa clerk - no. 956940;1418958904;asciilifeform;PeterL: likewise annotations can be diddled 956941;1418958904;asciilifeform;on account of not having been signed 956942;1418958911;asciilifeform;and likewise timestamps 956943;1418958949;asciilifeform;nanotube's wot works, afaik, thus far, but a good chunk of it still lives in the old pre-cryptographic universe 956944;1418958974;PeterL;how would you add signatures here? 956945;1418959000;asciilifeform;PeterL: simply define a canonical wot as consisting of gpg-signed 'rate' commands 956946;1418959010;decimation;asciilifeform: another alternative: all chat is pm'ed to assbot, who posts it to the log 956947;1418959010;asciilifeform;with the signature encompassing the full text of said command 956948;1418959012;decimation;there is no channel 956949;1418959026;decimation;each chat is signed 956950;1418959028;asciilifeform;decimation: that's ugly 956951;1418959040;decimation;yes, but eliminates 'fleanode' 956952;1418959050;asciilifeform;decimation: nope 956953;1418959087;asciilifeform;unless you move the whole thing to a dedicated box with own irc. but then you advertise its ip in public 956954;1418959093;asciilifeform;and back to the start. 956955;1418959120;asciilifeform;or, at best, to mircea's suggestion of building a dedicated #b-a irc net. 956956;1418959181;BingoBoingo;#b-a irc net seems the only long term solution 956957;1418959196;BingoBoingo;With other less strict channels existing on the net 956958;1418959209;asciilifeform;re: wot: (question to all present) - how often do you re-read your own wot history? 956959;1418959212;asciilifeform;to check for anything you don't remember having done (or done to you) 956960;1418959220;asciilifeform;i'll guess, very rarely. 956961;1418959270;kakobrekla;i go through it a few times a year but for that reason particularly 956962;1418959270;asciilifeform;even if you do, there is no guarantee that other readers see the same thing you see 956963;1418959270;kakobrekla;eh 956964;1418959270;kakobrekla;not for* 956965;1418959284;asciilifeform;diddled, e.g., bitcoin-otc.com, can serve up anything it wants 956966;1418959290;asciilifeform;a diddle gribble - same 956967;1418959313;kakobrekla;well a diddled anything can anything 956968;1418959319;kakobrekla;news at 11? 956969;1418959331;asciilifeform;and guess what state of the art here is 956970;1418959331;asciilifeform;blockchain. 956971;1418959415;asciilifeform;i dare to invoke the 'parachute theorem' and say now, that when wot is taken seriously by intelligent and resourceful enemies, it will be rather late. 956972;1418959454;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: So you are saying BUY on namecoin 956973;1418959455;asciilifeform;and the formerly harmless softness and promise-based mechanisms will become serious holes in the armour. 956974;1418959459;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: nope 956975;1418959470;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: there is precisely one worthwhile blockchain. 956976;1418959490;nanotube;asciilifeform: it's a way to track a person by hostmask, to provide persistent auth sessions. once we move to 'everything must be signed' there would be no need for auth sessions, and thus no need for people to be in particular channels shared with gribble. 956977;1418959491;asciilifeform;(iirc namecoin was recently shot in the head) 956978;1418959494;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Or maybe you don't yet know you imply it. It's the only alt I know of with Satoshi commits 956979;1418959514;BingoBoingo;namecoin has been shot in the head many times 956980;1418959523;asciilifeform;nanotube: afaik everyone who frequents this channel is now cloaked 956981;1418959526;BingoBoingo;namecoin works best brainless 956982;1418959540;mike_c;yes, but he knows the nick didn't switch. 956983;1418959583;asciilifeform;!up undata 956984;1418959602;nanotube;asciilifeform: sure, but not everyone who uses the wot is in this channel or is cloaked :) 956985;1418959604;undata;asciilifeform: ty 956986;1418959636;*;asciilifeform does not know if nanotube is aware of the reason for this thread 956987;1418959668;nanotube;asciilifeform: not really. got an executive summary? :) 956988;1418959724;decimation;nanotube: there's a ddoser who spams anyone who joins #bitcoin-assets with a 'naked' ip with an ntp amplification attack 956989;1418959728;asciilifeform;nanotube: there is a ddos artist paid (apparently) to carry out an endless quest to interfere with #b-a and related projects. presently he has an idler parked here. 956990;1418959758;asciilifeform;nanotube: it points a ddosnet consisting of ntp and ssdp 'amplification' bots (misconfigured routers, typically) at the victim. 956991;1418959782;nanotube;well, that's a reason for people here to be cloaked. i remember hearing about that 956992;1418959819;asciilifeform;nanotube: many new users log in without cloak. and occasionally cloaks fail for reasons which do not reduce to user error 956993;1418959827;undata;yeah, sasl failed for me earlier 956994;1418959839;asciilifeform;there are, i surmise, parties which are actively trying to induce these error conditions en masse. 956995;1418959841;nanotube;yea, freenode unfortunately doesn't default-cloak people 956996;1418959842;undata;no idea why, but it left me without my cloak for a bit, as freenode wouldn't let me change nicks 956997;1418959857;asciilifeform;it is not hard to guess who they are. 956998;1418959868;asciilifeform;(the error-inducers) 956999;1418959896;asciilifeform;there was also a mass compromise of freenode boxes in sept. and who knows when else, and on what scale. 957000;1418960039;nanotube;yea i remember that too... 957001;1418960075;asciilifeform;the channels-shared-by-gribble thing also means that ddos idler bot, if expelled from #b-a, can move to one of the other channels. 957002;1418960085;asciilifeform;where the hooliganism can continue 957003;1418960126;asciilifeform;ultimately the very need for 'cloaks' is a bizarre misfeature 957004;1418960153;asciilifeform;from a pre-cryptographic dark age 957005;1418960172;nanotube;aye, indeed. 957006;1418960185;asciilifeform;(or, if you prefer, golden age, 'garden of eden') 957007;1418960201;decimation;given how obvious this flaw is, one wonders why no one has undertaken to fix it 957008;1418960208;PeterL;so the question for you: would it be possible to let people auth without being in a chan with gribble? 957009;1418960246;nanotube;it is being worked on. but have a lot of other stuff on my plate. once everything is signed, there will not even be a need for something like "auth". 957010;1418960253;asciilifeform;if i understand correctly, nanotube's explanation resolves to this being an anti-mitm mechanism 957011;1418960256;asciilifeform;? 957012;1418960307;nanotube;asciilifeform: well, more like an anti "guy leaves, some other guy comes in on same ip, and gribble has no way of knowing about it, unless they share a channel and gribble can see quits" 957013;1418960319;asciilifeform;isomorphic to mitm. 957014;1418960341;asciilifeform;nanotube: incidentally, what is to become of the present wot when a hypothetical 'everything is signed' wot is built ? 957015;1418960342;PeterL;so instead of just saying "eauth peterl", now we will say "eauth peterl "? 957016;1418960388;nanotube;PeterL: you'll say "rate dude 1 signature". why even a separate 'auth' step? 957017;1418960429;PeterL;we use it here to verify people are who they say they are 957018;1418960429;asciilifeform;nanotube: everyone gets to re-send their collected ratings with signature ? 957019;1418960432;nanotube;asciilifeform: i'm hoping for a gradual transition, as people upgrade their ratings with signed packets. after a sunset period, all unsigned ratings may be ignored 957020;1418960471;PeterL;that helps with ratings, but does not help the current voicing model of #b-a 957021;1418960505;asciilifeform;nanotube: we were contemplating ways to expel the ddos idler from the channel in a permanent and generic way. 957022;1418960507;nanotube;PeterL: oh well, i guess auth can stay for that purpose. or you can just send a signed message to assbot directly, in theory. 957023;1418960554;nanotube;asciilifeform: hrm... that's a tough problem. how? 957024;1418960560;decimation;assbot would them pm the list of interested parties? 957025;1418960560;PeterL;so instead of authing with gribble, we send auth message to assbot? one step instead of 3, sounds good to me 957026;1418960568;asciilifeform;nanotube: the only readily apparent way is '+i' 957027;1418960580;asciilifeform;nanotube: with inviter mechanism bolted onto assbot 957028;1418960613;nanotube;asciilifeform: yes... but then the squatter will just squat on the 'gateway' channel where people get forwarded when they are not invited 957029;1418960630;asciilifeform;nanotube: except there wouldn't be one. people would be asked to read kakobrekla's www log. 957030;1418960635;asciilifeform;if they wish to lurk. 957031;1418960645;decimation;if they wish to auth, they pm assbot 957032;1418960658;nanotube;hm and how do new people get in 957033;1418960681;asciilifeform;they read kakobrekla's www log, see who to pm, make a brief case for being invited 957034;1418960704;nanotube;and what prevents squatter from doing that, from several different identities? 957035;1418960714;PeterL;would we need to pm assbot to get a challenge to decrypt, or could it be something like we just send assbot the signature of "auth "? 957036;1418960715;nanotube;and then waiting for a while 957037;1418960735;nanotube;PeterL: that depends on assbot coder. :) 957038;1418960736;asciilifeform;nanotube: he will have to go beyond passing the turing test, and into fabricating an interesting and invite-worthy personality each time. 957039;1418960756;asciilifeform;nanotube: if he can do this, he deserves to be here. 957040;1418960759;PeterL;^ directed at kakobrekla 957041;1418960762;nanotube;haha 957042;1418960767;decimation;and if he managed to make it on, he would be identified by the brains of those on the channel and quickly kicked 957043;1418960781;nanotube;PeterL: still way too early to worry about it though :) 957044;1418960830;asciilifeform;nanotube: let's look from another angle. right now, noobs are virtually banned from #b-a. but the ban is enforced by a hooligan, not by any of us 957045;1418960896;asciilifeform;nanotube: my suggestion was to expel the enemy with an only slightly less annoying mechanism that is at least controlled by actual people, and not by spamming scum 957046;1418960906;asciilifeform;and therefore functions predictably and perhaps in some way constructively. 957047;1418960918;nanotube;well, i hope it works. i'd be curious to see. 957048;1418960918;PeterL;nanotube: I don't think the change I am suggesting would require any change of gribble, just adding a separate auth to assbot 957049;1418960926;nanotube;PeterL: indeed that is correct. 957050;1418960937;asciilifeform;nanotube: it can only work if folks can authenticate with assbot (and hence with gribble, or equivalent) without exposing hostname 957051;1418960961;asciilifeform;separate auth to assbot would work, but how to feed through wot ? 957052;1418960979;asciilifeform;synchronized copy ? 957053;1418961014;decimation;why not have assbot (or a slave bot) simply pm everyone a copy of signed messages? 957054;1418961039;asciilifeform;decimation: because ugly 957055;1418961059;asciilifeform;weirdo protocol that would only by happenstance operate over irc 957056;1418961060;PeterL;decimation: how to sign messages in irc client? 957057;1418961072;decimation;well, yeah that part would be annoying 957058;1418961081;decimation;but at least it would be a step in the right direction 957059;1418961102;decimation;and it would eliminate most of the dependence on freenode infrastructure 957060;1418961111;asciilifeform;decimation: right now there is no ready mechanism (except in my experiment, described earlier) for pronouncing ephemeral ('hot', machine-readable) keys for rapid signing 957061;1418961135;asciilifeform;and even if there were, it would be unsuitable for safety-critical signatures (e.g., wot ratings) 957062;1418961177;decimation;aye good point. 957063;1418961224;asciilifeform;at any rate, the correct way to use it would be to have a proggy emulate an irc server and connect ordinary client to it 957064;1418961236;nanotube;use pastebin to pass a signed message to the bot. assbot can just grab the user database on a regular basis to keep current. 957065;1418961242;asciilifeform;so as to have the ui we are accustomed to 957066;1418961250;asciilifeform;to the extent it makes sense to do it 957067;1418961272;asciilifeform;hardwired dependence on pastebin then ? 957068;1418961284;asciilifeform;seems shaky 957069;1418961296;decimation;how do we know that pastebin's 'bins' are immutable? 957070;1418961318;asciilifeform;if pasting a signed ephemeral message, no need 957071;1418961332;asciilifeform;but it can still go down, or lose bits selectively 957072;1418961344;decimation;ah, but then assbot would need a 'hot key' 957073;1418961345;asciilifeform;why? 957074;1418961353;asciilifeform;not encrypted. signed. 957075;1418961366;decimation;ah well who generates the signed message? gribble? 957076;1418961374;decimation;a moderator? 957077;1418961379;asciilifeform;actually it'd have to be encrypted, or mitm vector. 957078;1418961394;asciilifeform;picture dr. evil sitting on 'pastebin', waiting. 957079;1418961405;asciilifeform;!up undata 957080;1418961411;PeterL;why not have assbot do what gribble does now for authing? 957081;1418961426;asciilifeform;iirc someone suggested this 957082;1418961439;PeterL;auth to assbot in a pm, that gives you voice? 957083;1418961442;asciilifeform;assbot with synchronized copy of gribble wot. 957084;1418961466;asciilifeform;then, if you want to rate, still have to auth with gribble again though 957085;1418961467;asciilifeform;annoying. 957086;1418961474;PeterL;then once you are in you can auth with gribble too if you need to update any ratings 957087;1418961500;PeterL;(or just send a signed rating message once that gets implemented) 957088;1418961511;asciilifeform;^ 957089;1418961527;asciilifeform;eventually wot must consist of signed packets. 957090;1418961527;PeterL;lol, I can't read and type at the same time 957091;1418961540;asciilifeform;afaik this was probably obvious to everyone from the start. 957092;1418961552;PeterL;yes, and so you will no longer have to auth with gribble, just assbot 957093;1418961564;decimation;asciilifeform: agreed, but it might be impractical. consider a 'firewall' that is checking mr spam's packets all day 957094;1418961589;decimation;I suspect the crypto would need to be done on an fpga 957095;1418961598;asciilifeform;decimation: why ? 957096;1418961610;asciilifeform;decimation: nobody cancelled flood-banning 957097;1418961637;asciilifeform;no actual human transmits $maxint whatevers from a single ip per second/hour/etc 957098;1418961675;decimation;what 'handle' are you going to use for banning? ip address? 957099;1418961681;decimation;what if mr. spam learns the ip of a friend? 957100;1418961690;asciilifeform;decimation: you're entirely correct that this will eventually be a thing, though. hence the need for stateless, single-packet auth hellos. 957101;1418961696;asciilifeform;as in my experiment. 957102;1418961710;decimation;agreed 957103;1418961710;asciilifeform;easiest to move to custom si. 957104;1418961710;decimation;indeed 957105;1418961730;decimation;a high-end fgpa would be perfectly capable of passing full pipe of signed packets 957106;1418961832;asciilifeform;other nice thing about signed packets is that it no longer matters where they came from. 957107;1418961832;asciilifeform;can be another link. 957108;1418961832;asciilifeform;or shortwave. 957109;1418961832;asciilifeform;or courier. 957110;1418961841;decimation;or usb stick in a box 957111;1418961850;kakobrekla;so we are still were we were. 957112;1418961859;kakobrekla;where 957113;1418961882;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: folks suggested assbot having a synchronized copy of gribble's wot 957114;1418961893;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: and opening the gates using it 957115;1418961916;kakobrekla;and you dont like it cause double auth for rating 957116;1418961922;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: this would not require nanotube making any change to gribble, but would add an annoying extra step of having to auth a second time for rating 957117;1418961923;asciilifeform;aha 957118;1418961927;asciilifeform;me? i don't care 957119;1418961938;PeterL;how often do you rate people? 957120;1418961940;asciilifeform;but i imagine some of the folks here would be annoyed 957121;1418961954;asciilifeform;if only out of principle 957122;1418961968;asciilifeform;'we do not go through weird gymnastics on account of terrorists' or the like 957123;1418961984;decimation;ultimately this could just move the problem to #bitcoin-otc or something 957124;1418961988;PeterL;and it will not be an extra step to rate people when he makes the changes he suggested 957125;1418962015;asciilifeform;let's see what mircea thinks when he gets back from his atomic dirigible voyage or wherever 957126;1418962031;decimation;although one wonders why mr. spam targets this channel instead of -otc 957127;1418962040;decimation;seems like there would be more likely targets there 957128;1418962042;asciilifeform;decimation: i can't picture forgoing a cockroach repellent simply because it may move the roaches to your neighbour 957129;1418962043;decimation;for shakedown 957130;1418962046;PeterL;people who matter are here, not there? 957131;1418962052;decimation;asciilifeform: indeed 957132;1418962081;asciilifeform;decimation: i'll take mr spam's word re: him having been paid to vandalize #b-a rather than -otc 957133;1418962735;undata;hm, HP claims it has a memristor computer incoming http://www.technologyreview.com/news/533066/hp-will-release-a-revolutionary-new-operating-system-in-2015/ 957134;1418962736;assbot;HP Will Release a “Revolutionary” New Operating System in 2015 | MIT Technology Review ... ( http://bit.ly/1C66GRJ ) 957135;1418962798;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30100 @ 0.00063527 = 19.1216 BTC [+] {2} 957136;1418963052;BingoBoingo;undata: Yeah, they labeled their thing "The Machine" 957137;1418963052;BingoBoingo;last year 957138;1418963070;undata;how vague 957139;1418963147;asciilifeform;'His team aims to complete an operating system designed for The Machine, called Linux++...' 957140;1418963156;asciilifeform;^ c/unix/extant turdolade 957141;1418963160;asciilifeform;snore. 957142;1418963174;asciilifeform;i don't care if it's made out of unicorn tears. 957143;1418963235;asciilifeform;!up undata 957144;1418963296;decimation;I think they developed some kind of persistant hybrid ram/flash storage 957145;1418963326;kakobrekla;core memory on chip? 957146;1418963327;*;BingoBoingo would like to rip all of the memory out of "The Machine" and air drop it to asciilifeform in 2010 with a duffelbag full of money 957147;1418963328;*;undata stops being lazy and auths 957148;1418963329;asciilifeform;decimation: not hybrid, if their literature is to be believed, but rather a 'flash' fast and durable enough to substitute for dram entirely 957149;1418963346;BingoBoingo;^ Durable fast flash 957150;1418963357;asciilifeform;decimation: but it will be wasted on 1970s garbage os 957151;1418963357;decimation;asciilifeform: whether it is this or another thing, the difference between filesystems and memory will soon be abolished 957152;1418963359;decimation;indeed 957153;1418963367;asciilifeform;decimation: it was already abolished on 'palm pilot' 957154;1418963369;asciilifeform;big whoop. 957155;1418963380;asciilifeform;as if this were enough to be interesting. 957156;1418963385;PeterL;"In particular, the company needs to perfect a new form of computer memory based on an electronic component called a memristor" << so, they just need to figure out how to make the core feature work, then they are all set! 957157;1418963389;decimation;but that's not multi-threaded! 957158;1418963429;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Palm V and I have great memories. My only regret is that PalmV and TI-89 never traded the best of their aspects 957159;1418963442;asciilifeform;the real boojum is that c/unix/von neumann crapolade cannot abide the constraint of never-reboot. 957160;1418963444;*;undata predicts there will just be drivers that establish one part of ram as a ramdisk 957161;1418963447;undata;and it will be linux as usual 957162;1418963454;asciilifeform;undata: 100% certain 957163;1418963462;decimation;agreed 957164;1418963479;asciilifeform;or there'd be no talk of google or arsebook etc. taking it up 957165;1418963484;decimation;poettering will even make it auto-detect laptop flash-ram-whatever automatically 957166;1418963495;PeterL;"but that is how we have always done programming!" 957167;1418963540;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo had a ti-89 ? 957168;1418963552;*;asciilifeform misplaced both of his, is contemplating getting another 957169;1418963553;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Yeah. I liked it too 957170;1418963568;decimation;sadly hp has denegrated the proud hp line 957171;1418963569;BingoBoingo;And then I sold it for booze money freshman year of college 957172;1418963572;decimation;hp-48 rpn calcs 957173;1418963609;BingoBoingo;decimation: Poettering is why horses invented the wagon wheel 957174;1418963623;*;asciilifeform ought to sell his hp-16c 957175;1418963637;asciilifeform;can then buy a crate full of ti 957176;1418963662;BingoBoingo;lolololololol 957177;1418963674;decimation;asciilifeform: you aren't an rpn fan? 957178;1418963677;asciilifeform;i am 957179;1418963680;decimation;or you just find the hp collectors amusing? 957180;1418963698;asciilifeform;http://www.thimet.de/CalcCollection/Calculators/HP-16C/HP-16C-M.JPG 957181;1418963699;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1wRyYeb ) 957182;1418963707;asciilifeform;i actually like the simplicity of it 957183;1418963723;decimation;holy crap they go for like $100-300 957184;1418963723;asciilifeform;and the never-delay-after-keypress 957185;1418963736;asciilifeform;usually north of 200 usd 957186;1418963749;decimation;it's pretty much the most lispy calc ever made 957187;1418963756;asciilifeform;16c? hardly 957188;1418963760;asciilifeform;48 - sure 957189;1418963765;decimation;well, 38/48 957190;1418963803;asciilifeform;the history of the 16c is interesting, imho 957191;1418963825;asciilifeform;its very existence presumes that people program on paper, far from a computer 957192;1418963831;decimation;was that the one that was popular with the finance types? 957193;1418963845;asciilifeform;no. 957194;1418963878;decimation;the annoying thing to me (growing up on a -48) was that the 16 only displayed one stack element at a time 957195;1418963880;asciilifeform;that was 12c 957196;1418963885;asciilifeform;(financial) 957197;1418963891;decimation;ah 957198;1418963892;asciilifeform;it, interestingly, is still produced! 957199;1418963906;asciilifeform;they're dirt-common and i have one also. 957200;1418963955;asciilifeform;16c vanished with the age of programming-on-paper. 957201;1418963971;decimation;HP has recently conspired with the 'testing' folks to create a dumbed-down 'modern' version: http://ncees.org/exams/calculator-policy/ 957202;1418963972;assbot;NCEES: Calculator policy ... ( http://bit.ly/1C6b3MK ) 957203;1418964006;asciilifeform;of what is the 33/35s a dumber version ? 957204;1418964038;decimation;well, it kinda does stack oriented calculation, but isn't a fully programmable calc like the -48 957205;1418964045;decimation;I guess because 'cheating' or something 957206;1418964089;*;BingoBoingo got TI-89 soley because of test policy 957207;1418964091;BingoBoingo;The first time... 957208;1418964105;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: what test ? 957209;1418964150;decimation;yeah it would be interesting to know about a test that allows ti-89 957210;1418964169;asciilifeform;decimation: there is a tradition in u.s. schools where folks can bring calculators to exams where they are known to be of no use 957211;1418964172;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: The AP-Calc AB test. There was a class training for it, but the local recommendation was anything TI preferably 83. I read and saw -89 with the CAS and decided fuck that. 957212;1418964211;decimation;asciilifeform: that was how much undergrad was 957213;1418964213;asciilifeform;decimation: calculator is a kind of child's 'security blanket' (psychiatric term of art) 957214;1418964224;decimation;calculators don't help you cheat much on a three question engineering exam where you show full work 957215;1418964257;asciilifeform;for all i know, they let students use laptop now, on exam. 957216;1418964259;BingoBoingo;I got the calculator realizing that I was not buying it to use as a calculator, but as a standards conforming computer in a particular scenario 957217;1418964405;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: still use it, now that no exams ? 957218;1418964437;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: As mentioned kept it till college and sold it for intoxicants 957219;1418964442;asciilifeform;aha 957220;1418964455;BingoBoingo;Would like to buy another 957221;1418964455;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: ever 'overclock' ti-series machines for chums when in school ? 957222;1418964459;*;asciilifeform did 957223;1418964461;BingoBoingo;But in math classes at college calculators were rather useless 957224;1418964486;BingoBoingo;I overclocked a couple for people who had pirate Z80 (gameboy) games 957225;1418964487;*;asciilifeform still has a small box of the variable capacitors used for this, somewhere, deep beneath eons of dust 957226;1418964520;asciilifeform;gameboy emulated on 89 (68k) or what 957227;1418964535;asciilifeform;or somehow modded to run on 83-6 series 957228;1418964553;asciilifeform;(which had actual z80, but nothing resembling nintendo's peripherals) 957229;1418964567;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3700 @ 0.00064085 = 2.3711 BTC [+] 957230;1418964616;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Gameboy was straight Z80 957231;1418964638;BingoBoingo;Ran on calc with emulator if I remember right 957232;1418964641;asciilifeform;hm. 957233;1418964651;BingoBoingo;*89 though was 68 k 957234;1418964664;BingoBoingo;and I dun remember what 83 series did 957235;1418964669;asciilifeform;z80 957236;1418964699;asciilifeform;iirc all ti graphical calculators but 89 and 92 models were z80 boxes. 957237;1418964729;*;asciilifeform once owned a 85, then 86, then two separate incarnations of (68k) 89 957238;1418964747;*;asciilifeform never had the others 957239;1418964760;BingoBoingo;*86 seems appealing on case aesthetics 957240;1418964773;decimation;the original hp48 had great design 957241;1418964776;asciilifeform;it was more or less an 85 with extra ram 957242;1418964792;decimation;then the hp49 was a lousy ti knockoff (chassis-wise) but the software was excellent 957243;1418964829;decimation;the hp48 was very close to being the original portable computing gadget 957244;1418964842;decimation;for awhile there was an active usenet group swapping warez 957245;1418964903;asciilifeform;the uninitiated wonder 'why program hp48 today' 957246;1418964910;asciilifeform;reasons are all described in my 'bed laptop' thread. 957247;1418964914;mats;22:36:46 <+decimation> given how obvious this flaw is, one wonders why no one has undertaken to fix it << some #freenode regulars (may have been staff, i don't recall) claim that default cloaks interfere with channel moderation 957248;1418964944;asciilifeform;mats: pre-crypto dark age. 957249;1418964950;decimation;the obvious fix would be to hash ip addresses with a private salt 957250;1418964953;asciilifeform;mats: relying on stone knives, bear skins, ip for authentication 957251;1418964962;mats;something about being unable to wholesale ban /16 957252;1418964980;decimation;lol why would that be needed? 957253;1418965004;mats;yes, i suggested this, but then it became 'there are a host of other ways to compel privacy leak' 957254;1418965004;decimation;and if such a custom requirement were needed, why not add as a filter in front of the irc daemon 957255;1418965004;mats;without explanation. 957256;1418965007;asciilifeform;hp48 etc << hold in one hand in bed? yes! run on set of batteries for half a year - yes! usable outdoors - yes! 957257;1418965016;decimation;asciilifeform: exactly 957258;1418965023;asciilifeform;now if there were a computer answering these - then i would buy. 957259;1418965023;decimation;there are even reasonable text readers available 957260;1418965043;decimation;I remember using one in my high school, running sgp4 to predict satellites rising 957261;1418965048;decimation;plus there were some excellent games 957262;1418965071;mats;i for one would like to know what these other methods are. there was a vague finger wag at attacking services 957263;1418965095;asciilifeform;mats: among the most elementary 'leak' is links 957264;1418965104;decimation;yeah if someone hacked a freenode server, game over obviously 957265;1418965114;decimation;but presuming that isn't the case, there is no reason to freely share ips 957266;1418965137;decimation;twitter, facebook, google, etc all connect millions of users are many servers without this 957267;1418965169;mats;commence discussion on how to design an ircd resistant to these problems. 957268;1418965232;decimation;mats: my point is why is this left to us? this flaw must be obvious to thousands 957269;1418965309;BingoBoingo;decimation: Left to us because twatter was built "on rails: 957270;1418965312;mats;staffers don't believe its a problem. 957271;1418965313;BingoBoingo;;; 957272;1418965370;decimation;which puts them on par with the tor 'admin' who doxxed some guy because he was annoying 957273;1418965405;BingoBoingo;NO, the dev 957274;1418965420;BingoBoingo;But for Tor that line is blurry 957275;1418965420;decimation;she was a dev? 957276;1418965716;BingoBoingo;Yeah. 957277;1418965722;BingoBoingo;Salaried one at that. 957278;1418965741;decimation;so, usg contractor 957279;1418966041;BingoBoingo;I'm not going that far, but it could be reasonably read that way. 957280;1418966256;mats;http://military.com/daily-news/2014/12/18/congress-again-buys-abrams-tanks-the-army-doesnt-want.html 957281;1418966258;assbot; Congress Again Buys Abrams Tanks the Army Doesn't Want | Military.com ... ( http://bit.ly/13FZNbN ) 957282;1418966323;decimation;re: earlier discussion of jet fuel << I believe the abrams uses a turbine, which could burn jp-4 957283;1418966351;decimation;or jp-8 which is the new version 957284;1418966468;BingoBoingo;!up jborkl 957285;1418966471;BingoBoingo;ABrams is indeed turbine 957286;1418966492;*;BingoBoingo wants to run a limo service after this morning with T-72 and a deck on top 957287;1418966529;decimation;it can burn whatever hydrocarbon you happen to capture 957288;1418966529;jborkl;Difficulty down 12% 957289;1418966834;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 957290;1418966835;gribble;Current Blocks: 334911 | Current Difficulty: 3.945767130713873E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 336671 | Next Difficulty In: 1760 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 2 weeks, 0 days, 16 hours, and 0 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 34712504492.9 | Estimated Percent Change: -12.02597 957291;1418966920;BingoBoingo;;;ticker 957292;1418966922;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 309.51, Best ask: 310.16, Bid-ask spread: 0.65000, Last trade: 310.26, 24 hour volume: 18278.00528347, 24 hour low: 304.99, 24 hour high: 319.83, 24 hour vwap: 312.492458631 957293;1418966923;BingoBoingo;;;tocker 957294;1418966924;gribble;Error: "tocker" is not a valid command. 957295;1418966946;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 10 @ 0.11999899 = 1.2 BTC [+] {2} 957296;1418968452;thestringpuller;lol 957297;1418968623;BingoBoingo;!up crybabi 957298;1418968630;BingoBoingo;Hello crybabi 957299;1418968639;danielpbarron;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2014#956930 << is a signature from the current key required to change to a new key? or is this also covered by the "auth" 957300;1418968639;assbot;Logged on 19-12-2014 03:11:44; asciilifeform: one of the things that always gave me the willies about the classic (nanotube's) wot is that operations are not signed 957301;1418968668;asciilifeform;danielpbarron: is a signature from the current key required to change to a new key? << that or ragnarok 957302;1418968669;crybabi;hello BingoBoingo is this support for bitbet? 957303;1418968670;asciilifeform;srsly 957304;1418968683;asciilifeform;'Turner's office did not respond to several requests for comment on why Congress went against the recommendation of Gen. Ray Odierno, the Army chief of staff, to suspend tank production.' << ahhahahaha lol 957305;1418968686;BingoBoingo;crybabi: THis is in part 957306;1418968699;asciilifeform;what kind of 'the holiday' without tanks (in the streets) 957307;1418968709;PeterL;crybabi: bitbet mods lurk here, go ahead, they should answer 957308;1418968715;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12167 @ 0.00062458 = 7.5993 BTC [-] 957309;1418968743;crybabi;BingoBoingo: I made a bet and it got refunded, but I only received 4.95 BTC instead of the 5 BTc I sent 957310;1418968751;crybabi;it looks like your software is charging the fee on bets that are refunded 957311;1418968762;PeterL;they keep 1% even on refunds 957312;1418968786;PeterL;I think it is in the FAQ? 957313;1418968792;BingoBoingo;crybabi: Not my software, but what was your bet? 957314;1418968805;danielpbarron;crybabi, http://bitbet.us/faq/#152 Your bet will be refunded, minus BitBet's 1% fee. 957315;1418968806;assbot;FAQ BitBet ... ( http://bit.ly/13G813D ) 957316;1418968814;BingoBoingo;;;google I am serious now 957317;1418968815;gribble;Error: We broke The Google! 957318;1418968820;BingoBoingo;Oh shit 957319;1418968824;assbot;Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/37QCJJB.txt ) 957320;1418968824;BingoBoingo;!b 2 957321;1418968848;crybabi;oh 957322;1418968868;BingoBoingo;http://s593.photobucket.com/user/cplpunishment/media/tests/i-am-serious-now-serious-wtf-scary-demotivational-poster-1246912060.jpg.html 957323;1418968870;assbot;i-am-serious-now-serious-wtf-scary-demotivational-poster-1246912060.jpg Photo by cplpunishment | Photobucket ... ( http://bit.ly/13G8inb ) 957324;1418968908;BingoBoingo;crybabi: If you offer more info maybe BitBet mods may materialize with information on decisions 957325;1418968929;crybabi;BingoBoingo: I see it now, my bet got confirmed after it was resolved 957326;1418968936;crybabi;thanks everyone 957327;1418968948;BingoBoingo;!up crybabi 957328;1418968969;crybabi;but i won't be using bitbet again, charging a fee when you don't provide a service is no way to run a business 957329;1418968975;BingoBoingo;Well, crybabi What is your big concern. And what was the bet. That seems quite a bit to bet. 957330;1418968991;BingoBoingo;maybe they thought you were intending to use Bitbet Mixer? 957331;1418969009;danielpbarron;^ ++ 957332;1418969081;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11400 @ 0.00062458 = 7.1202 BTC [-] 957333;1418969107;BingoBoingo;BitBet mixer is why I thought prop stakes were refunded minus fee 957334;1418969152;BingoBoingo;But no, cuckoldy Mr. Watch a dick in his wiferson left early 957335;1418970007;BingoBoingo;!up dub 957336;1418977103;BingoBoingo;!up tych0 957337;1418978231;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 2000 @ 0.0012 = 2.4 BTC 957338;1418979127;Adlai;"the formula with the 2s has the distinct advantage of being true" - http://youtu.be/mbyG85GZ0PI?list=PLD63A284B7615313A 957339;1418979129;assbot;Lecture 01 - The Learning Problem - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1sFq6EL ) 957340;1418980925;*;Adlai hasn't enjoyed an online course this much since 18.06 957341;1418980964;Adlai;although fun could be a symptom of in-one-ear-outtheother syndrome 957342;1418985943;punkman;http://www.warplife.com/mdc/essays/business/self-employment.html 957343;1418985944;assbot;Self Employment: Even on a Good Day Things are Hard ... ( http://bit.ly/1xtx4mN ) 957344;1418988402;punkman;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwcl17Q0bpk#t=897 957345;1418988403;assbot;NSA operation ORCHESTRA: Annual Status Report - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1zGk6Su ) 957346;1418988662;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1650 @ 0.00121 = 1.9965 BTC [-] 957347;1418990905;*;Adlai watches the bots make idiotic decisions, hope they know something we don't! 957348;1418992521;fluffypony;Adlai: bots know errthing 957349;1418992529;fluffypony;don't you watch movies? 957350;1418992698;*;Adlai makes movies 957351;1418992707;Adlai;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=15-12-2014#953985 957352;1418992707;assbot;Logged on 15-12-2014 23:14:03; adlai: to celebrate mpoe coming back up: https://vid.me/pYV4 957353;1418992740;Adlai;background music is left as an exercise for the viewer 957354;1418993047;punkman;http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-19505088 957355;1418993048;assbot;BBC News - Adult adoptions: Keeping Japan's family firms alive ... ( http://bit.ly/1AlNFsu ) 957356;1418994457;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 7968 @ 0.0012 = 9.5616 BTC 957357;1418994640;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 59600 @ 0.00064571 = 38.4843 BTC [+] {5} 957358;1418995433;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12900 @ 0.00065511 = 8.4509 BTC [+] {3} 957359;1418995782;RagnarDanneskjol;http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2536001 957360;1418995784;assbot;A Million Metaorder Analysis of Market Impact on the Bitcoin by Jonathan Donier, Julius Friedrich Bonart :: SSRN ... ( http://bit.ly/1zGSOev ) 957361;1418996205;RagnarDanneskjol;http://spacesquarterly.com/life/book-review-david-thornes-newest-collection-of-sarcastically-brilliant-emails-and-essays.html 957362;1418996207;assbot;David Thorne's Newest Collection of Sarcastically Brilliant Emails and Essays - Spaces Quarterly ... ( http://bit.ly/1zGUK71 ) 957363;1418998117;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1152 @ 0.0012 = 1.3824 BTC [-] {4} 957364;1419000018;BingoBoingo;!up Ralt 957365;1419000024;scoopbot;New post on Trilema by Mircea Popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/come-see-me-dream-math/ 957366;1419000957;mats;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXGpBrmR70U 957367;1419000959;assbot;Ashton Kemerling - Generative Integration Tests - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1AOdoI0 ) 957368;1419001490;punkman;http://bitbiz.io/threads/well-we-were-hacked.636/ 957369;1419001491;assbot;NEWS - Well, we were hacked! | Cryptocurrency Business Forum ... ( http://bit.ly/1AOeLX6 ) 957370;1419002617;TomServo;!up Quanttek 957371;1419002644;TomServo;Can multiple nicks be upped at once? 957372;1419002666;BingoBoingo;No, so people can do stuff like: 957373;1419002667;danielpbarron;of course 957374;1419002673;BingoBoingo;!up Xuthus Good boy 957375;1419002681;danielpbarron;oh 957376;1419002702;BingoBoingo;Whereas: 957377;1419002706;BingoBoingo;!up nubbins` Ralt 957378;1419002714;BingoBoingo;Only voices the first person 957379;1419002871;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2014/12/btcxchange-ro-dispute-heats-up/ 957380;1419003214;TomServo;!up pi07r 957381;1419003321;TomServo;I just turned joins back on to assist in upping folks. Let me know if it's too much. 957382;1419003654;davout;oh god, such romanian drama 957383;1419003690;BingoBoingo;Yeah 957384;1419003718;davout;don't fuck with the guy that has the passwords 957385;1419003722;BingoBoingo;I'm glad Bitcoin-Central never has such drama. 957386;1419003881;davout;tbh we had different kinds of drama 957387;1419003887;davout;:D 957388;1419003905;BingoBoingo;Well, you can't pick a name and stick with it :p 957389;1419003923;davout;that is true 957390;1419004095;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53100 @ 0.0006163 = 32.7255 BTC [-] {5} 957391;1419004666;kakobrekla;>We apologize for any inconvenience caused in recent days. Unfortunately, our main programmer took control of servers refusing to hand in resignation. 957392;1419004668;kakobrekla;wait wut 957393;1419004744;asciilifeform;!s collarspace 957394;1419004745;assbot;0 results for 'collarspace' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=collarspace 957395;1419004949;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11750 @ 0.00060165 = 7.0694 BTC [-] 957396;1419005132;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8582 @ 0.00060165 = 5.1634 BTC [-] 957397;1419005921;davout;kakobrekla: how did they post it is the question 957398;1419005926;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 907 @ 0.0012 = 1.0884 BTC 957399;1419005957;kakobrekla;hm? 957400;1419006047;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 130000 @ 0.0012 = 156 BTC 957401;1419006099;punkman;!t h amhash3 957402;1419006100;assbot;[HAVELOCK:AMHASH3] 1D: 0.00120000 / 0.0012 / 0.00120000 (167376 shares, 200.85120000 BTC), 7D: 0.00120000 / 0.0012 / 0.00120000 (386419 shares, 463.70280000 BTC), 30D: 0.00120000 / 0.0012 / 0.00120000 (806427 shares, 967.71240000 BTC) 957403;1419006131;punkman;why so stable 957404;1419006142;punkman;ipo mode? 957405;1419006198;punkman;yep 957406;1419006534;kakobrekla;!s Naphex 957407;1419006535;assbot;2876 results for 'Naphex' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=Naphex 957408;1419006616;kakobrekla;still dont get it wtf happened there 957409;1419006644;kakobrekla;can anyone enlighten me? 957410;1419006851;punkman;http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/12/18/misfortune_cookie/ 957411;1419006852;assbot;Misfortune Cookie crumbles router security: '12 MILLION+' in hijack risk • The Register ... ( http://bit.ly/1zFgYFa ) 957412;1419006893;BingoBoingo;kakobrekla: Seems Naphex and HoreaV have a dispute. More details and drama are probably coming out eventually. Since Naphex hasn't defaced the hell of of the site or run away with everything it seems someone probably broke a contract and they are probably going to try suing the hell out of each other. 957413;1419006938;kakobrekla;fun 957414;1419007906;mats;what a waste of time 957415;1419009341;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13900 @ 0.00064117 = 8.9123 BTC [+] 957416;1419009352;jurov;"the admin took control of the server" 957417;1419009453;BingoBoingo;scoopbot -fetch 957418;1419009460;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2014/12/former-moneygram-executive-sued-by-us-government/ 957419;1419009489;BingoBoingo;From the "they have scales" department http://www.cnbc.com/id/102041473 957420;1419009491;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1wtHwJK ) 957421;1419009505;BingoBoingo;"10 reasons Preet Bharara should be the next attorney general" 957422;1419009585;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 886 @ 0.00120722 = 1.0696 BTC [+] {2} 957423;1419009905;davout;jurov: it's quite strange that they then somehow manage to publish a notice on the server 957424;1419009951;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20650 @ 0.00064136 = 13.2441 BTC [+] {2} 957425;1419011660;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 209 @ 0.00684 = 1.4296 BTC [-] 957426;1419012574;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38849 @ 0.00064959 = 25.2359 BTC [+] {2} 957427;1419012674;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: bharara << roland freisler ! 957428;1419013226;ben_vulpes;bahahara 957429;1419013256;asciilifeform;brahaha! 957430;1419013271;thestringpuller;berry punny guise 957431;1419013278;asciilifeform;(see also 'muhaha', 'bwahaha', etc.) 957432;1419013600;thestringpuller;asciilifeform laughs "muhaha' as he starts up a proto-cardano 957433;1419013608;thestringpuller;"IT LIVES! IT LIVES!" 957434;1419013714;Potissimus;hi, <- Naphex. AMA 957435;1419013744;TomServo;;;ident Potissimus 957436;1419013744;gribble;CAUTION: irc nick differs from otc registered nick. Nick 'Potissimus', with hostmask 'Potissimus!uid57177@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-tzdrxcdqcetzydlv', is identified as user 'Naphex', with GPG key id 64CDBADCE1E0BBAF, key fingerprint F3D76A985F5844814A93F46364CDBADCE1E0BBAF, and bitcoin address 12mVDqdWqFY6zrCqNqgHbxhDPB4ZVUuaTu 957437;1419013781;asciilifeform;Potissimus: didja do it ? 957438;1419013789;Potissimus;do what? 957439;1419013806;asciilifeform;Potissimus: http://qntra.net/2014/12/btcxchange-ro-dispute-heats-up << that 957440;1419013807;assbot;btcXchange.ro Dispute Heats Up | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1H4tzDi ) 957441;1419013885;Potissimus;well he never had access to the servers 957442;1419013891;Potissimus;the servers are locked down, no remote management 957443;1419013903;Potissimus;you bring em up with KVM Console from the guys from the DC 957444;1419013926;Potissimus;they contain the authoritive data, why access them 957445;1419013939;Potissimus;in controlled situations you bring them up, deploy and then take them down 957446;1419013955;Potissimus;he didn't have the source codes as well 957447;1419013964;Potissimus;all sources codes were on my own private repository 957448;1419013966;Potissimus;all the time 957449;1419013987;Potissimus;and prejudices, there are none. on the bitcoin side 957450;1419013992;Potissimus;fiat side is his own responsability and he is the only one with access 957451;1419013996;Potissimus;to the bank accounts and whatever 957452;1419014012;ben_vulpes;what was the contractual dispute? 957453;1419014021;Potissimus;huge subect, 3 main parts 957454;1419014048;Potissimus;but the deal breaker was him starting to threaten me 957455;1419014048;Potissimus;and not stopping 957456;1419014048;Potissimus;i just ignored him, and he did all this on his own 957457;1419014068;ben_vulpes;hang on, back up. 957458;1419014081;Potissimus;okay so 3 main parts 957459;1419014097;ben_vulpes;you were in a business relationship - yourself on the btc/dev/ops side, himself on the fiat banking/regulatory side, correct? 957460;1419014109;Potissimus;yes 957461;1419014111;ben_vulpes;nm carry on with your parts :) 957462;1419014170;Potissimus;a) he started running a fractional reserve, i only noticed when i heard there werent sufficient funds to send from the fiat side. to fill the withdrawal queue 957463;1419014182;Potissimus;it wasn't a problem, but it was a 1 day delay with the funds from bitstamp 957464;1419014202;Potissimus;but that shouldn't have happen, since the fiat side should've been 100% reserve 957465;1419014231;ben_vulpes;lol fractional reserve not a problem? hilarious, but go on 957466;1419014233;assbot;Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0FB4A3D.txt ) 957467;1419014233;kakobrekla;!b 1 957468;1419014248;mircea_popescu;o.O check itout, new names ? 957469;1419014259;ben_vulpes;new drama, even. 957470;1419014268;mircea_popescu;anyway, re the entire btcexchange thing : i know both the people involved, on the grounds they took a trip to timisoara. 957471;1419014310;mircea_popescu;for that matter, naphex explained what was going on as was going on, to the usual barrage of "i told you so" 957472;1419014334;Potissimus;yes :( 957473;1419014336;Potissimus;very true 957474;1419014336;mircea_popescu;basically, the horeav dude is a redneck doofus on a power trip, and lying through his teeth. 957475;1419014338;ben_vulpes;in the log? 957476;1419014353;Potissimus;with 6 month advance worning from mp 957477;1419014353;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes in teh private. 957478;1419014353;Potissimus;warning* 957479;1419014354;Potissimus;should've left then 957480;1419014355;ben_vulpes;mm. 957481;1419014385;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes you should have seen the dude show up for a business meeting, white cotton wife beater & audi. 957482;1419014393;mircea_popescu;it was like depeche mode came to visit. 957483;1419014395;asciilifeform;lol! 957484;1419014400;ben_vulpes;awww man 957485;1419014420;ben_vulpes;"yes i'd like a martini please" 957486;1419014424;ben_vulpes;"how would you like that, sir" 957487;1419014430;ben_vulpes;"uhhh however" 957488;1419014435;mircea_popescu;anyway, romania is traditionally cheap, and the dude figures hey, why shouldn't programmer work butt off for 400 euro/month or w/e. 957489;1419014440;TomServo;Redneck indeed. An audi requires a silk wifebeater, amateurs! 957490;1419014446;mircea_popescu;because yes, the world really and desperately needs "entrepreneurs" from neanderthal. 957491;1419014481;mircea_popescu;Potissimus who're you again ? 957492;1419014492;ben_vulpes;naphex. 957493;1419014496;mircea_popescu;o.O 957494;1419014498;mircea_popescu;what happened there ? 957495;1419014506;ben_vulpes;a rose by any other name? 957496;1419014513;mircea_popescu;;;ident Potissimus 957497;1419014513;gribble;CAUTION: irc nick differs from otc registered nick. Nick 'Potissimus', with hostmask 'Potissimus!uid57177@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-tzdrxcdqcetzydlv', is identified as user 'Naphex', with GPG key id 64CDBADCE1E0BBAF, key fingerprint F3D76A985F5844814A93F46364CDBADCE1E0BBAF, and bitcoin address 12mVDqdWqFY6zrCqNqgHbxhDPB4ZVUuaTu 957498;1419014517;mircea_popescu;aok 957499;1419014536;mircea_popescu;;;rated naphex 957500;1419014536;gribble;You rated user naphex on Thu May 15 21:01:35 2014, with a rating of 2, and supplied these additional notes: btcxchange.ro. 957501;1419014540;mircea_popescu;;;rated horeav 957502;1419014540;gribble;You have not yet rated user horeav 957503;1419014544;mircea_popescu;mkay. 957504;1419014560;mircea_popescu;jurov lol those are a lot like buridan's ass! 957505;1419014597;mircea_popescu;so anyway, other that europe's other decent exchange imploding, how is everyone ? 957506;1419014646;Potissimus;fine 957507;1419014666;Potissimus;i guess :\ 957508;1419014719;ben_vulpes;evaluating odd emails threads i seem to be mistakenly cc'd on: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=Zq1qJJ2w 957509;1419014720;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1r8vrc6 ) 957510;1419014720;Potissimus;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=895413.140 the bitcointalk thread, for others interested. 957511;1419014721;assbot;NOTIFICARE IMPORTANTĂ: vă rugăm să va retrageți toate fondurile din BTCXchange ... ( http://bit.ly/1r8vrsw ) 957512;1419014807;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes lol ? 957513;1419014815;mircea_popescu;you had an acct ? 957514;1419014916;thestringpuller;the real question mircea_popescu is how is your vacation? 957515;1419014942;mircea_popescu;my vacation has developed a number of breasts. 957516;1419014953;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34850 @ 0.00065512 = 22.8309 BTC [+] {3} 957517;1419014966;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu vacationing in pripyat', or in fukushima ? 957518;1419014976;assbot;Last 4 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/3962V6K.txt ) 957519;1419014976;BingoBoingo;!b 4 957520;1419014987;mircea_popescu;(for the romanian ear, fukishima mostly sounds like "fuck you and your mother") 957521;1419014997;asciilifeform;lol!! 957522;1419015042;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this one you'll apreciate : a good insult to gift someone is "bezmetic" 957523;1419015048;mircea_popescu;literally from the slavic queenless 957524;1419015059;asciilifeform;aha, 'without king in his head' 957525;1419015085;mircea_popescu;queen yo! 957526;1419015109;*;asciilifeform has, at most, a demented old colonel in his head, no royalty 957527;1419015146;mircea_popescu;me googles devotional sex for alf's rounding. 957528;1419015151;asciilifeform;devotional sex << inana !?! 957529;1419015164;asciilifeform;babylon ? 957530;1419015174;mircea_popescu;!s devotionalsex 957531;1419015175;assbot;0 results for 'devotionalsex' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=devotionalsex 957532;1419015178;mircea_popescu;psssshhh 957533;1419015186;asciilifeform;y'know, on the altar, on the pyramid 957534;1419015188;asciilifeform;where else. 957535;1419015302;rithm;back seat of a 74 vw beetle? 957536;1419015451;thestringpuller;asciilifeform do you mind if I call you alfie? 957537;1419015451;thestringpuller;(i kid ofc) 957538;1419015473;mircea_popescu;alrightywell, merry xmas everyone! 957539;1419015532;BingoBoingo;Merry titsmas mircea_popescu 957540;1419015695;assbot;Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0KAGGWC.txt ) 957541;1419015695;thestringpuller;!b 1 957542;1419016173;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 500 @ 0.00684 = 3.42 BTC [-] 957543;1419016905;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 3400 @ 0.00121483 = 4.1304 BTC [+] {6} 957544;1419017210;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 874 @ 0.0012 = 1.0488 BTC 957545;1419017342;thestringpuller;;;google mpoe-pr so you want to start a bitcoin business 957546;1419017342;gribble;Error: We broke The Google! 957547;1419017350;thestringpuller;nanotube: what's going on with gribble's google query? 957548;1419017637;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8100 @ 0.00064522 = 5.2263 BTC [-] 957549;1419017895;kakobrekla;btw ddos is gone (temporarily?) 957550;1419019162;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1000 @ 0.0012 = 1.2 BTC 957551;1419019193;rithm;it's been borked for a few days, anything google related 957552;1419019201;rithm;;;ud and ;;lmgtfy 957553;1419019202;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=lmgtfy | lmgtfy = (abbreviation) let me google that for you www.lmgtfy.com lets you google for someone else. So for example, instead of answering a question... 957554;1419019209;rithm;well nm i'm a moron 957555;1419019916;pete_dushenski;;;later tell peterl please to add contravex to the blogroll :) 957556;1419019916;gribble;The operation succeeded. 957557;1419019947;pete_dushenski;it's been too long b-a... 957558;1419019985;pete_dushenski;yes, i'm alive and still doing my own scoopbotting 957559;1419019995;cazalla;pete_dushenski, can't believe you fell for au cinema scam lol 957560;1419020002;pete_dushenski;ha! 957561;1419020026;pete_dushenski;well it's not my fault the weather has been shite and pushed me indoors 957562;1419020026;jurov;;;seen scoopbot 957563;1419020026;gribble;scoopbot was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 hours, 56 minutes, and 6 seconds ago: New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2014/12/former-moneygram-executive-sued-by-us-government/ 957564;1419020039;thestringpuller;pete_dushenski is too busy being a pimp 957565;1419020040;thestringpuller;lol 957566;1419020053;pete_dushenski;heh 957567;1419020068;pete_dushenski;it's not as big of a time commitment as you'd imagine 957568;1419020069;cazalla;tbh, i assumed it was the same elsewhere, real shame what they've done to cinema here 957569;1419020087;pete_dushenski;it's worse here 957570;1419020124;pete_dushenski;i knew cars were 50% more expensive, food too, shouldn't be surprising that movies are as well 957571;1419020128;pete_dushenski;but the ads... 957572;1419020134;pete_dushenski;those are on another level 957573;1419020151;cazalla;ya, last time i went, i was ready to start smashing things 957574;1419020152;pete_dushenski;i was shocked with the number of *local* ads 957575;1419020162;pete_dushenski;lol 957576;1419020172;pete_dushenski;you expect the pepsi, bmw, etc. 957577;1419020177;pete_dushenski;but the local pie shop? 957578;1419020211;ben_vulpes;a pete! 957579;1419020216;pete_dushenski;is me! 957580;1419020228;Potissimus;laters o/ 957581;1419020287;pete_dushenski;how goes the wedgies and foundationing ben_vulpes ? 957582;1419020759;pete_dushenski;alright, self-scoopage time: 957583;1419020762;pete_dushenski;http://www.contravex.com/2014/12/05/bitcoin-leconomie-de-la-debrouillardise-international-aka-systeme-di/ 957584;1419020764;assbot;Bitcoin: L’Économie de la Débrouillardise International, aka “Système DI” | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1zdwOZW ) 957585;1419020773;pete_dushenski;http://www.contravex.com/2014/12/13/signs-of-sydney/ 957586;1419020774;assbot;Signs of Sydney | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1zdwRox ) 957587;1419020780;pete_dushenski;http://www.contravex.com/2014/12/13/stalking-black-swans-in-canberra-the-city-of-plans/ 957588;1419020781;assbot;Stalking Black Swans In Canberra: The City Of Plans | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1zdwQkj ) 957589;1419020785;pete_dushenski;http://www.contravex.com/2014/12/16/when-your-kids-ask-you-what-a-computer-is-take-them-to-melbourne/ 957590;1419020786;assbot;When Your Kids Ask You What A Computer Is, Take Them To Melbourne. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1zdwSsw ) 957591;1419020792;pete_dushenski;http://www.contravex.com/2014/12/17/a-swimming-pool-of-idle-tears-wont-spare-the-affirmative-action-fallguy-shes-still-the-canary/ 957592;1419020793;assbot;A swimming pool of idle tears won’t spare the affirmative action fallguy. She’s still the canary. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1zdwSJd ) 957593;1419020799;pete_dushenski;http://www.contravex.com/2014/12/18/smoking-causes-cancer-and-other-humourously-enraging-consequences-of-regulatory-capture/ 957594;1419020800;assbot;Smoking causes cancer, and other humourously enraging consequences of regulatory capture | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1zdwUk6 ) 957595;1419020830;pete_dushenski;fin. 957596;1419021968;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18000 @ 0.00063554 = 11.4397 BTC [-] {3} 957597;1419022283;thestringpuller;pete_dushenski wrote us a novel 957598;1419022283;thestringpuller;lol 957599;1419022316;pete_dushenski;:D 957600;1419023432;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5333 @ 0.00060165 = 3.2086 BTC [-] 957601;1419024286;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15787 @ 0.00059229 = 9.3505 BTC [-] 957602;1419025628;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 2558 @ 0.0012 = 3.0696 BTC 957603;1419025647;thestringpuller;http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2pt4kl/reddit_announces_reddit_notes_aka_reddit_bitcoin/ << this is by far the most redditarded thing reddit has come up with by far 957604;1419025943;thestringpuller;reddit has officially gone full retard 957605;1419025964;jurov;http://imgur.com/cvlRAJC << i have looked for /r/dogecoin reaction, found this 957606;1419026007;jurov;and buttcoiners are grabbing popcorn 957607;1419026299;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 869 @ 0.0012 = 1.0428 BTC 957608;1419026360;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1187 @ 0.0012 = 1.4244 BTC 957609;1419026604;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1000 @ 0.0012 = 1.2 BTC 957610;1419027213;cazalla;scoopbot, wru! http://qntra.net/2014/12/charlie-shrem-on-his-two-year-prison-sentence-justice-has-been-served/ 957611;1419027214;assbot;Charlie Shrem On His Two Year Prison Sentence: "Justice Has Been Served" | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/13KqY5b ) 957612;1419027519;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 3751 @ 0.0012 = 4.5012 BTC 957613;1419028434;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24649 @ 0.00066493 = 16.3899 BTC [+] {2} 957614;1419029471;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7225 @ 0.00066832 = 4.8286 BTC [+] 957615;1419030335;ben_vulpes;mthreat, mircea_popescu: http://bubblear.com/bloody-hell-argentinas-import-restrictions-cause-tampon-shortage/ << corroboration? 957616;1419030340;assbot;Bloody Hell: Argentina's Import Restrictions Cause Tampon Shortage | The Bubble | News from Argentina ... ( http://bit.ly/1sHBZd9 ) 957617;1419031728;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41134 @ 0.00062009 = 25.5068 BTC [-] 957618;1419031860;thestringpuller;cazalla: you around? 957619;1419031860;cazalla;yup 957620;1419032714;danielpbarron;!up agorecki 957621;1419032887;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1121 @ 0.0012 = 1.3452 BTC 957622;1419032908;agorecki;I'm surprised that so many people choose to have channel joins / parts displayed. I have to leave them off because there are too many in high population channels 957623;1419033080;agorecki;Hmm. My IRC client actually does support turning that on and off on a per channel basis. I guess I'll make use of that feature then :| 957624;1419033680;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6500 @ 0.00059793 = 3.8865 BTC [-] 957625;1419034046;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 305 @ 0.00684 = 2.0862 BTC [-] 957626;1419035071;thestringpuller;is this real? http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=11-12-2014#951644 957627;1419035081;thestringpuller;as in is that the real ryanxcharles? 957628;1419035144;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27030 @ 0.0005876 = 15.8828 BTC [-] 957629;1419035504;ben_vulpes;who could ever know 957630;1419036301;cazalla;scoopbot, -fetch 957631;1419036313;cazalla;or was it fetch? 957632;1419036313;thestringpuller;scoopbot -fetch 957633;1419036318;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by cazalla: http://qntra.net/2014/12/jim-harper-departs-the-bitcon-fundation/ 957634;1419036329;thestringpuller;good boy 957635;1419036330;cazalla;what would i do without you thestringpuller 957636;1419036350;thestringpuller;d'aww 957637;1419037692;danielpbarron;http://gogetfunding.com/project/qt-family-needs-your-help "I should be able to get together just enough money for February rent. However without phone we don't have any access to internet ... Internet/phone is also our lifeline to our friends and loved ones outside of our house. Being who we are, autistic with social anxiety" 957638;1419037693;assbot;QT Family needs your help ... ( http://bit.ly/1CflGtH ) 957639;1419037777;danielpbarron;no pretense to even make some token thing; just "fund our internet bill because autism" 957640;1419037805;thestringpuller;the jurassic park version of socialism 957641;1419037818;thestringpuller;"socialism. socialism will find a way" 957642;1419037944;cazalla;danielpbarron, wow, they have kids too 957643;1419038711;TomServo;!up drian 957644;1419038714;TomServo;poor kids 957645;1419038877;decimation;!up Adlai 957646;1419039231;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15743 @ 0.00059996 = 9.4452 BTC [+] 957647;1419040330;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 895 @ 0.0012 = 1.074 BTC 957648;1419040522;ben_vulpes;poor everyone involved. 957649;1419041534;kakobrekla;Charlie Shrem ‏@CharlieShrem 4h4 hours ago 957650;1419041534;kakobrekla;On a good note, Judge Rakoff called me a brilliant visionary and that he admires my brainpower. #bitcoin 957651;1419041536;kakobrekla;aha. 957652;1419042413;asciilifeform;'I've been sentenced to 2 years, to self surrender in 90 days. Considering I was facing 30 years, justice has been served.' << lol!!! >> 'i've been sentenced to the guillotine, to self-surrender in 90 days. considering that i was facing boiling in oil, justice has been served.' 957653;1419044467;decimation;asciilifeform: his only alternative is axe-time, sword-time 957654;1419044782;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53695 @ 0.00059981 = 32.2068 BTC [-] {2} 957655;1419044853;decimation;http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/toronto/james-stewart-devoted-his-life-to-math-and-music/article22168574/ << man writes calculus textbook, government mandates sales, man builds $32 mil. house, dies. 957656;1419044855;assbot;James Stewart devoted his life to math and music - The Globe and Mail ... ( http://bit.ly/1x6ii60 ) 957657;1419045010;ben_vulpes;for the record 957658;1419045014;decimation;http://www.fbi.gov/news/pressrel/press-releases/update-on-sony-investigation << there is an air of desperation here: "Sony reported this incident within hours, which is what the FBI hopes all companies will do when facing a cyber attack. Sony’s quick reporting facilitated the investigators’ ability to do their jobs, and ultimately to identify the source of these attacks." 957659;1419045015;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1w7CddE ) 957660;1419045036;ben_vulpes;heroku databases are pretty dang performant, even if they are heavily constrained on the number of rows users are allowed. 957661;1419045052;decimation;is that an unsql database? 957662;1419045072;ben_vulpes;i refer specifically to their hosted postgres databases. 957663;1419045097;decimation;ah. postgres is useful. 957664;1419045097;ben_vulpes;postgres being a pretty awesome sql db. 957665;1419045124;ben_vulpes;i just cut a client over to aws from heroku and while everything went darn swimmingly, amazon's performance throttling of dbs is pretty painful. 957666;1419045167;ben_vulpes;i'm on like day three of unbillable "get client back to known good cluster state" work. 957667;1419045222;ben_vulpes;damn nightly jobs. 957668;1419045233;decimation;I hope you are billing mightily 957669;1419045247;ben_vulpes;unbillable. 957670;1419045285;ben_vulpes;once i untangle the thing, billing will commence again. 957671;1419045302;decimation;that sounds like a lovely friday evening :( 957672;1419045772;decimation;http://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/19/us/politics/as-2016-nears-hillary-rodham-clinton-keeps-eye-on-mistakes-of-2008-campaign.html << "a Politico reporter, Mike Allen, lobbed a couple of unexpected questions at Mr. Clinton after he delivered prepared remarks at the “Playbook Cocktails with Bill Clinton” event. Mr. Clinton made news by questioning whether Mr. Obama’s delay on an immigration overhaul affected the weak turnout of 957673;1419045775;assbot;Log In - The New York Times ... ( http://bit.ly/1x6jtCp ) 957674;1419045775;decimation;Latinos in the midterm elections. Mr. Clinton’s team appeared livid with the organizers about the unanticipated questions. 957675;1419045775;decimation;"I had misunderstood the parameters, and I’m very sorry about that,” Mr. Allen said. A spokesman for Mr. Clinton declined to comment." 957676;1419045936;decimation;It's good that reporters apologize for asking questions, makes the situation clear for the little people 957677;1419045976;decimation;!up Vexual 957678;1419046017;decimation;Vexual: can you explain to Pete why Canberra is expensive and depressing? 957679;1419046062;Vexual;too many bureaucrats 957680;1419046092;decimation;yeah sounds legit 957681;1419046137;decimation;at least your federal district isn't a crime-ridden hellhole like Washington, DC 957682;1419046144;Vexual;I thought aboma rushed the immigration stuff, not delayed it 957683;1419046172;decimation;he delayed till after the election, on the assumption that it would piss off the opposition more than it did 957684;1419046180;decimation;in retrospect he had no chance anyway 957685;1419046477;decimation;http://www.nextgov.com/cybersecurity/2014/12/opm-alerts-feds-second-background-check-breach/101622/ << "The Office of Personnel Management is alerting more than 48,000 federal employees their personal information may have been exposed following a breach at KeyPoint Government Solutions, which conducts background investigations of federal employees seeking security clearances." 957686;1419046479;assbot;48,000 Federal Employees Potentially Affected by Second Background Check Hack - Nextgov.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1w7EAxf ) 957687;1419046502;decimation;http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2014/12/19/doj-employers-cant-discriminate-against-transgendered/ << "On Thursday, US Attorney General Eric Holder announced a new interpretation of the Civil Rights Act meant to prevent employers from discriminating against people who claim the status of a transgendered person." 957688;1419046502;assbot;DOJ: Employers Can't Discriminate Against the Transgendered ... ( http://bit.ly/1w7ECFi ) 957689;1419046697;ben_vulpes;so? 957690;1419046702;ben_vulpes;i fail to see the import of this. 957691;1419046721;decimation;I thought the two articles were a good juxtaposition 957692;1419046722;ben_vulpes;raaarh except for the hideous autoplaying video 957693;1419046780;ben_vulpes;i can't help reading this as anything but a play to increase the "funnel" of "civil rights" cases that justify the expansion of "rights" perpetually. 957694;1419046782;decimation;usg simultaneously: 1) is unable to responsibly handle even minimal tasks like "keep employee details confidential" while 2.) demands others follow its crazy interpretations of its crazy laws 957695;1419046824;ben_vulpes;oh but decimation that's an incompetent /private sector/ actor. 957696;1419046843;ben_vulpes;this just goes to show that we really need to regulate the people with databases so that they don't leak things. 957697;1419046846;decimation;ah, of course. there's no way usg is liable for the actions of someone they hired 957698;1419046866;ben_vulpes;goodness no! 957699;1419046867;ben_vulpes;nor are government contractors notoriously incompetent. 957700;1419046888;ben_vulpes;all of the hotshot engineers want to work at northrup grumman! they make things so quickly, and their things are always /so good/. 957701;1419046904;decimation;but certainly, *everyone* is liable for maintaining the delicate sensibilities of the transgendered 957702;1419046948;decimation;ben_vulpes: working for usg as a contractor is a soul sucking experience 957703;1419046952;decimation;even if it pays well 957704;1419047005;Vexual;dudes with face tatoos prolly need more help than dudes with silicone tits 957705;1419047049;undata;excuse me, don't you mean the "differently marked"? 957706;1419047052;Vexual;yeah 957707;1419047069;decimation;'bama is gonna throw you ingrates in jail 957708;1419047079;decimation;mocking our transgendered forefathers, etc 957709;1419047123;ben_vulpes;they didn't have the /freedom/ to be transgendered. 957710;1419047155;ben_vulpes;oppressed as they were by the patriarchy/british/french/native american tribal leadership 957711;1419047232;Vexual;would you have a ladyboi do your sql? 957712;1419047237;undata;who cares? 957713;1419047269;decimation;actually that reminds me of another link (this one is smarter): http://www.isegoria.net/2014/12/bungling-the-conclusions-to-wars/ << " In Afghanistan and Iraq, the George W. Bush administration failed to adequately prepare for what the military calls “Phase IV,” the period after immediate victory — an oversight that allowed law and order to break down in both countries and insurgencies to metastasize. Yet Obama, despite his 957714;1419047271;assbot;Bungling the Conclusions to Wars « Isegoria ... ( http://bit.ly/1x6l4bk ) 957715;1419047272;decimation;criticism of Bush’s conduct of the Iraq war, repeated the same mistake in Libya" 957716;1419047282;ben_vulpes;i'd have a bro in a meshback trucker cap do my sql if they came in at a good rate and didn't need hand holding 957717;1419047294;ben_vulpes;he* 957718;1419047302;decimation;I would humbly suggest that maybe usg "failed to prepare" because they assumed that once they set the transgendered free from their oppression a new golden age would dawn 957719;1419047322;undata;one can't assign one narrative to a pile as big as the USG 957720;1419047462;undata;decimation: that only works if you accept the freedom-spreading justification 957721;1419047480;undata;they failed to prepare because stability was never the aim 957722;1419047487;decimation;undata: I guess. I recall that was the propaganda they were pimping at the time 957723;1419047493;undata;oh sure 957724;1419047520;undata;as for trannies, I'm fine with 'em 957725;1419047568;undata;to chance being labeled as an MRA, I don't think the progressive demonization of heterosexual maleness is at all healthy 957726;1419047605;undata;but were there not a govt handing out welfare to every newly formed oppressed minority it wouldn't be an issue 957727;1419047638;ben_vulpes;nah undata it's great 957728;1419047643;decimation;undata: agreed. In the same way, I wouldn't have a problem with free immigration, if it didn't come with infinite benefits as a newly oppressed minority 957729;1419047659;ben_vulpes;just makes hairly manly men that much more of a scarce commodity 957730;1419047659;ben_vulpes;hairy* 957731;1419047722;undata;ben_vulpes: haha, 'tis true 957732;1419047781;decimation;ben_vulpes: good point. http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=18-11-2014#927544 957733;1419047781;assbot;Logged on 18-11-2014 11:34:27; mircea_popescu: decimation: "The Brazilification of society can be a samba carnival assuming you approach it the right way, and most importantly, get to live on the pleasant side of the barbed wire fence." <<< this has been exactly my experience to date. 957734;1419047832;assbot;[MPEX] [S.BBET] 29950 @ 0.00017345 = 5.1948 BTC [-] {3} 957735;1419047842;decimation;!up Vexual 957736;1419048503;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31563 @ 0.00058727 = 18.536 BTC [-] {2} 957737;1419048515;decimation;;;ticker 957738;1419048517;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 320.82, Best ask: 321.68, Bid-ask spread: 0.86000, Last trade: 320.64, 24 hour volume: 17313.80123791, 24 hour low: 307.11, 24 hour high: 321.91, 24 hour vwap: 314.269428534 957739;1419048580;Vexual;;;tslb 957740;1419048587;gribble;Error: Problem retrieving latest block data. 957741;1419048818;mats;http://www.armytimes.com/story/military/pentagon/2014/12/19/airborne-iraq-army-deployment/20637055 957742;1419048821;assbot;1,000 paratroopers to deploy to Iraq ... ( http://bit.ly/1HdgJCC ) 957743;1419048821;Vexual;gribbles mining gaw too? 957744;1419048850;decimation;mats: I guess this is more non-boots-on-the-ground intervention? 957745;1419048862;mats;ofc 957746;1419048879;Vexual;theres a jump that would tighten the old rectal sphinkter 957747;1419048891;undata;good game, Osama. 957748;1419048902;undata;he couldn't have been more successful 957749;1419048940;mats;iraqi .mil won't fight in pitched battles, so send in the 82nd! 957750;1419049001;mats;never mind the iraqis know something we don't, but hey lets get some combat infantry badges. 957751;1419049006;undata;nine month deployment my ass. 957752;1419049020;decimation;yeah that's a tough assignment 957753;1419049044;decimation;isis has shown absolutely no compunction with going full "apocalypse now" 957754;1419049139;undata;meanwhile legal weed isn't nearly as good as soma 957755;1419049144;undata;when do we get the good stuff? 957756;1419049162;*;undata wants to go to the feelies 957757;1419049185;decimation;plus because of the idiotic 'de-baathification' policy of usg, the most competent part of the iraqi army has already joined isis 957758;1419049209;Vexual;mats, you you think they might be the first to see the new seth rogan flick? 957759;1419049233;mats;if you gotta send something, you could do worse than the 82nd 957760;1419049312;mats;that movie's not being released bc it sucks 957761;1419049323;Vexual;lol 957762;1419049331;decimation;hopefully valerie jarrett has the balls to support them with air cover & artillery 957763;1419049402;mats;sure wish somebody took isis seriously 957764;1419049428;decimation;'cause isis has like Abrams tanks, Stingers, etc http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/the-savagery-of-isisis-shocking--and-so-too-is-its-weaponry-9700476.html 957765;1419049430;assbot;It's not just the savagery of Isis that is shocking – its weaponry is too - Comment - Voices - The Independent ... ( http://bit.ly/1HdiJLc ) 957766;1419049478;mats;should be 300,000 instead of 1,000 but who wants to risk losing again? 957767;1419049538;decimation;well, to be straight, usg needs to go back to the WWII defeated Germany/Japan playbook 957768;1419049550;asciilifeform;lose 300k, 1k at a time. works great. 957769;1419049559;decimation;rule the whole country directly under martial law until shit stabilizes in a few hundred years 957770;1419049570;decimation;if usg doesn't have the will to do that, they have no business there 957771;1419050343;punkman;https://blog.torproject.org/blog/possible-upcoming-attempts-disable-tor-network 957772;1419050344;assbot;Possible upcoming attempts to disable the Tor network | The Tor Blog ... ( http://bit.ly/1HdlQ5Q ) 957773;1419050393;punkman;!up Vexual 957774;1419050421;Vexual;i sthere a plan? 957775;1419050490;[]bot;Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "Honkie peg to be broken" http://bitbet.us/bet/1009/ Odds: 26(Y):74(N) by coin, 44(Y):56(N) by weight. Total bet: 2.88240178 BTC. Current weight: 15,479. 957776;1419050507;punkman;!t m s.bbet 957777;1419050507;assbot;[MPEX:S.BBET] 1D: 0.0001 / 0.0001561 / 0.0002 (50000 shares, 7.81 BTC), 7D: 0.0001 / 0.0001561 / 0.0002 (50000 shares, 7.81 BTC), 30D: 0.0001 / 0.00028101 / 0.00049 (97079 shares, 27.28 BTC) 957778;1419050551;decimation;punkman: re: tor blog & comments < such expert 957779;1419050892;punkman;"To be sure to keep our source safe, we're not providing more details quite yet. But actually, we don't know many more details than the ones we posted." 957780;1419050892;Vexual;i had a tranny work my drft car. promptly borked it and she got cross 957781;1419050910;punkman;"Our previous plan had been to sit tight and hope nothing happens. Then we realized that was a silly plan when we could do this one instead." 957782;1419050920;punkman;decimation: indeed 957783;1419050924;asciilifeform;tor << snake will begin to swallow its tail, at last ? 957784;1419050956;decimation;I'm waiting for my tranny to fail in my honda 957785;1419050963;Vexual;lol 957786;1419051000;decimation;asciilifeform: I doubt there will be a 'day of reckoning' w.r.t. tor. it will just turn off and the derps will move on 957787;1419051075;asciilifeform;decimation: there's a saying, 'свято место пусто не бывает' - 'the holy place is never long empty' 957788;1419051095;decimation;'holy place' being the cemetery? 957789;1419051099;asciilifeform;there'll be a new! improved! honeypot (almost certainly consisting of a tor 'altcoin' - original with a few knobs turned) 957790;1419051102;punkman;I think the big scam is making all the derps believe they can have anonymity with low-latency tor 957791;1419051115;asciilifeform;punkman: tor is a multi-layered scam 957792;1419051214;decimation;low-latency? I've never used tor but I doubt its latency is low 957793;1419051219;decimation;nor could it possibly ever be 957794;1419051239;punkman;well Vexual and other folks can chat on IRC, so I'd say low latency 957795;1419051258;asciilifeform;decimation: he means, i think, generic tcp stream (vs. store-and-forward, which is more or less the only way to even begin resisting elementary traffic analysis) 957796;1419051287;decimation;yeah, tcp is pretty much the most retarded protocol you could pick to try to make 'anonymous' 957797;1419051350;decimation;but, the 'people' want 'anonymous web browsing', so they get it 957798;1419051380;Vexual;apprently your not supposed to drive it home with a busted intercooler 957799;1419051391;decimation;nah that's a good way to ruin a tranny 957800;1419051431;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29555 @ 0.00059288 = 17.5226 BTC [+] 957801;1419051570;punkman;asciilifeform: punkman: tor is a multi-layered scam << says so on the tin, it's an onion :P 957802;1419051916;Vexual;internets moving to radio when people stop wasting bandwidth nayways 957803;1419051990;Vexual;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgvPvqVXPyk 957804;1419052600;RagnarDanneskjol;!up Vexual 957805;1419052671;punkman;TIL they still make Amigas http://www.a-eon.com/?page=x1000 957806;1419052672;assbot;A-EON Technology Ltd ... ( http://bit.ly/1sIpkXi ) 957807;1419052689;asciilifeform;ages-old news 957808;1419052819;Vexual;asccilifeform, you snore like luke-jr considers the book of satoshi a mortal sin 957809;1419052879;Vexual;tell us about it, i know nothing of amigas 957810;1419052943;asciilifeform;as i understand, the linked machine is actually a ppc with emulator in rom 957811;1419052966;asciilifeform;so unlike actual amiga, it has - for instance - a palpable boot time. 957812;1419052976;asciilifeform;boo. fail. 957813;1419053027;Vexual;prolly "cool" for making dubstep tho right? 957814;1419053068;Vexual;you don't know what dubstep is 957815;1419053075;*;asciilifeform in fact does not 957816;1419053097;Vexual;me neither really 957817;1419053168;asciilifeform;'For they're done with Danny Deever, you can 'ear the dubstep play / The regiment's in column, an' they're marchin' us away; / Ho! the young recruits are shakin', an' they'll want their beer to-day, / After hangin' Danny Deever in the mornin'.' 957818;1419053193;Vexual;is that a mashup? 957819;1419053382;Vexual;http://www.blinkx.com/watch-video/amiga-demo-elysium-by-sanity-1991/od8ZTLtl7HxD4o-_c7FHJw 957820;1419054266;Vexual;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNB8pNqwrKw 957821;1419054292;Vexual;(beastieboys and nas too many rappers[not enuff mcs]) 957822;1419054439;decimation;!up Vexual 957823;1419054454;punkman;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38SHb6hfOJg 957824;1419054456;assbot;2 MANY DJs - Beatles Vs Kraftwerk - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1x6syez ) 957825;1419054537;decimation;lol http://www.securityweek.com/hackers-used-sophisticated-smb-worm-tool-attack-sony << best korean hackers used phishing, mail attachments, and a lame smb bot 957826;1419054538;assbot;Hackers Used Sophisticated SMB Worm Tool to Attack Sony | SecurityWeek.Com ... ( http://bit.ly/1x6sE5Q ) 957827;1419054559;decimation;apparently the entire sony intranet was loaded on easily guessed windows shares 957828;1419054635;decimation;no word on whether microsoft is going to be held liable for ridiculously poor engineering 957829;1419054816;decimation;http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/news/possible-g1g2-geomagnetic-storms << possible geomagnetic storms this weekend, those north of the us border ought to consider looking out for aurorae 957830;1419054820;assbot;Possible G1/G2 Geomagnetic Storms | NOAA / NWS Space Weather Prediction Center ... ( http://bit.ly/1x6sV8U ) 957831;1419054863;Vexual;wait, is g bigger than x? 957832;1419054960;Vexual;nothings bigger than x 957833;1419055008;Vexual;reminds you to paperwallet andd dejavu tho 957834;1419055055;decimation;Vexual: "X" is a class of solar flare, "G" is a class of geomagnetic storm 957835;1419055069;decimation;in a separate matter, there was an X1 class flare a few hours ago 957836;1419055074;Vexual;oh, diff classifications? it this big then? 957837;1419055089;asciilifeform;when microshit is held liable for crapware, i will begin commuting to werk on flying pig. 957838;1419055101;decimation;it's possible that it could eject matter toward the earth, which could result in a geomagnetic storm in 2-3 days 957839;1419055108;Vexual;x1 might just hit me when it come s around on the guitar 957840;1419055141;decimation;asciilifeform: it's enraging that microsoft's shit code & best korean meddling will now be used to justify more derp-o-matics from various usg departments 957841;1419055162;Vexual;yeah it's almost too perfect 957842;1419055192;asciilifeform;decimation: believe literally nothing usg (or sk) sources ever said, since day 1, re: 'best korea.' 957843;1419055227;decimation;asciilifeform: but they offered 'proofs'! 1.) they had IP addresses 2.) they knew it was them! 957844;1419055246;asciilifeform;afaik every word of the history of the two koreas available in the english language, since the first days leading up to the war, is a cheap fabrication. 957845;1419055284;decimation;my great uncle died on the dmz during the pointless dicking around known as 'peace talks' 957846;1419055364;decimation;the reason the korean war is the 'forgotten war' is that the brave new 'united nations' (wwii allies) were supposed to act in harmony and peace to prevent that kind of clusterfuck 957847;1419055378;decimation;but the actual history of that actual conflict was to demonstrate how the un shit itself in bed 957848;1419055392;asciilifeform;also because sk (usg muppet) was the aggressor. 957849;1419055406;mats;https://soundcloud.com/maxfrostmusic/let-me-down-easy 957850;1419055407;assbot;Let Me Down Easy by Max Frost - Hear the world’s sounds ... ( http://bit.ly/1HdBDla ) 957851;1419055478;*;asciilifeform doesn't automatically dislike would-be conquerors, but isn't fond of liars 957852;1419055528;Vexual;a tranny actually put a turbo in my car 957853;1419055650;decimation;asciilifeform: from a bigger picture, the korean war was a direct consequence of the us failure to crush mao 957854;1419055650;mats;https://soundcloud.com/griz/a-fine-way-to-die 957855;1419055652;assbot;A Fine Way To Die Ft. Orlando Napier by GRiZ - Hear the world’s sounds ... ( http://bit.ly/1x6tQpK ) 957856;1419055715;asciilifeform;decimation: in much the same sense as ww2 was the fault of that derp who lamented his failure to shoot hitler 957857;1419055720;mats;http://www.aljazeera.com/news/asia-pacific/2014/12/s-korea-disbands-pro-north-political-party-2014121916373423851.html << topical 957858;1419055721;assbot;S Korea disbands 'pro-North' political party - Asia-Pacific - Al Jazeera English ... ( http://bit.ly/1x6tT55 ) 957859;1419055772;asciilifeform;mats: in sk, it is a jailable offense to so much as utter something vaguely positive about nk 957860;1419055777;mats;"South Korea's Constitutional Court has ruled to disband a minority left-wing party and strip its five members of parliament of their seats after accusing them of pro-North Korea activities that it said violated the basic principles of free democracy." << pregnant with irony, this 957861;1419055788;decimation;asciilifeform: not so, the lefties have taken over there quite considerably 957862;1419055793;Vexual;i wouldnt even say anything from here ascii 957863;1419055795;asciilifeform;sk has always stood for this. 957864;1419055810;asciilifeform;eager muppet of usg since day one. 957865;1419055833;asciilifeform;by design, of course. 957866;1419055838;decimation;asciilifeform: the government to some degree, yes, but the people are quite tired of usg camping there 957867;1419055839;asciilifeform;quite the same creature as the old south vietnam 957868;1419055851;asciilifeform;who ever thought of asking 'the people' 957869;1419055855;asciilifeform;does farmer ask cows? 957870;1419055869;Vexual;yes 957871;1419055877;Vexual;effectually 957872;1419055926;Vexual;people arent cows tho 957873;1419056036;Vexual;one can't just look at the tits and get the required feedback 957874;1419056079;mats;https://soundcloud.com/jerryfolkmusic/baby-bash-suga-suga-jerry-folk-remix 957875;1419056080;assbot;Baby Bash - Suga Suga (Jerry Folk Remix) by Jerry Folk - Hear the world’s sounds ... ( http://bit.ly/1HdDM0m ) 957876;1419056094;Vexual;good music matty 957877;1419056155;Vexual;shout out to punk for the excellent interface too 957878;1419056214;Vexual;id never heard that kraftwerk 957879;1419056383;mats;ive got three weeks off 957880;1419056388;mats;feels good man 957881;1419056443;mats;now i can read these papers ive been putting off 957882;1419056492;mats;http://www.scs.stanford.edu/nyu/02fa/sched/xfs.pdf << scalability in the xfs file system 957883;1419056494;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1x6uNyv ) 957884;1419056505;mats;http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~hestness/papers/bressoud-hypervisor-ft.pdf << hypervisor-based fault tolerance 957885;1419056510;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1x6uO5z ) 957886;1419056550;mats;http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs240/readings/vms.pdf << virtual memory management in vax/vms 957887;1419056556;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1x6uR17 ) 957888;1419056596;mats;http://dept-info.labri.fr/~denis/Enseignement/2008-IR/Articles/01-futex.pdf << futexes are tricky 957889;1419056597;assbot;Objet non trouvé ! ... ( http://bit.ly/1x6uSCq ) 957890;1419056732;mats;http://homes.cs.washington.edu/~tom/pubs/sched_act.pdf << scheduler activations 957891;1419056738;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1x6v1FL ) 957892;1419057154;mats;http://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/innovate-africa/2014/11/entertaining-africa-20141117134239262697.html kek 957893;1419057155;assbot;Entertaining Africa - Innovate Africa - Al Jazeera English ... ( http://bit.ly/1x6vsjv ) 957894;1419057532;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44498 @ 0.00060085 = 26.7366 BTC [+] 957895;1419058325;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24400 @ 0.00060677 = 14.8052 BTC [+] {2} 957896;1419060400;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41655 @ 0.00059674 = 24.8572 BTC [-] 957897;1419062900;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 178 @ 0.00687977 = 1.2246 BTC [-] {3} 957898;1419064242;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36442 @ 0.00059375 = 21.6374 BTC [-] {2} 957899;1419065645;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37350 @ 0.00056393 = 21.0628 BTC [-] {4} 957900;1419065645;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 1852 @ 0.00917821 = 16.998 BTC [-] 957901;1419070796;assbot;Vexual +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0 957902;1419070891;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 539 @ 0.00684 = 3.6868 BTC [-] 957903;1419071233;assbot;VexmissesMirca +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0 957904;1419076991;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21100 @ 0.00056657 = 11.9546 BTC [+] {2} 957905;1419079637;thestringpuller;the redditards are beginning to ask for hardfork: http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2pvhs3/we_are_moving_towards_1mb_average_block_size_very/ 957906;1419080208;Apocalyptic;redditards can ask for whatever they want and keep on luring themselves to the illusion of relevance 957907;1419084372;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19100 @ 0.00057192 = 10.9237 BTC [+] 957908;1419086683;decimation;more ntp vulnerabilities http://support.ntp.org/bin/view/Main/SecurityNotice#Buffer_overflow_in_ctl_putdata 957909;1419086685;assbot; SecurityNotice < Main < NTP ... ( http://bit.ly/1Hff9Ak ) 957910;1419086935;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1361 @ 0.0012 = 1.6332 BTC 957911;1419087605;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 276 @ 0.00684 = 1.8878 BTC [-] 957912;1419088882;PeterL;;;later tell jurov did CoinBR not pass through december dividends for S.MPOE and S.BBET? 957913;1419088882;gribble;The operation succeeded. 957914;1419089801;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40293 @ 0.00062021 = 24.9901 BTC [+] {3} 957915;1419093278;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17550 @ 0.00057808 = 10.1453 BTC [-] 957916;1419093339;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42865 @ 0.00057808 = 24.7794 BTC [-] 957917;1419096756;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12600 @ 0.00057808 = 7.2838 BTC [-] 957918;1419097060;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1500 @ 0.0012 = 1.8 BTC 957919;1419097609;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 3279 @ 0.0012 = 3.9348 BTC 957920;1419099501;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 59800 @ 0.00057933 = 34.6439 BTC [+] {3} 957921;1419100303;thestringpuller;Apocalyptic: that's what I like to hear. 957922;1419100354;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34490 @ 0.00058401 = 20.1425 BTC [+] 957923;1419101680;jurov;;;later tell PeterL will check 957924;1419101680;gribble;The operation succeeded. 957925;1419101757;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22200 @ 0.00057741 = 12.8185 BTC [-] {2} 957926;1419103160;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 17000 @ 0.0012 = 20.4 BTC 957927;1419103404;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32000 @ 0.00057295 = 18.3344 BTC [-] {3} 957928;1419104756;kakobrekla;!s librem 15 957929;1419104757;assbot;0 results for 'librem 15' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=librem+15 957930;1419104763;kakobrekla;https://www.crowdsupply.com/purism/librem-laptop 957931;1419104764;assbot;Librem 15: A Free/Libre Software Laptop That Respects Your Essential Freedoms | Crowd Supply ... ( http://bit.ly/1wA7gE8 ) 957932;1419104888;kakobrekla;lol only now i see Intel i7-4770HQ 957933;1419104981;kakobrekla;i thought for a second it was that other thing that also looks like mac. 957934;1419105113;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 9 @ 0.11999992 = 1.08 BTC [+] {3} 957935;1419106515;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18570 @ 0.00057192 = 10.6206 BTC [-] 957936;1419107979;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 12500 @ 0.0012 = 15 BTC 957937;1419108101;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 15 @ 0.12497998 = 1.8747 BTC [+] {2} 957938;1419108355;cazalla;seeing bingoboingo is not around atm, anyone able to lend me their technical expertise on a document? 957939;1419108944;thestringpuller;i dunno how much I can help lol 957940;1419109126;Adlai;my "expertise" is always for rent, who knows how relevant it is 957941;1419109136;mats;sure, i've been reading mountains of case law 957942;1419109138;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5500 @ 0.00056786 = 3.1232 BTC [-] 957943;1419109148;mats;or is that not what you're talking about 957944;1419109335;cazalla;it's all good, gonna just post it up and people can come to own conclusions 957945;1419109455;Adlai;whatever happened to the digest-redact-encrypt model of leakage chumpioned by assange et al? 957946;1419109614;mats;p sure that was snowden you're talking about 957947;1419109729;mats;never mind. 957948;1419109787;mats;though, as i remember it, assange opposed any kind of redaction, and left wikileaks over it 957949;1419109819;mats;http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2014/09/julian-assange-on-snowden-parallels-why-hes-anti-google-and-inevitable-freedom << if ars is to be believed 957950;1419109820;assbot;Julian Assange on Snowden, disliking Google, and his “inevitable” freedom | Ars Technica ... ( http://bit.ly/1vbR73v ) 957951;1419109898;Adlai;hmm, dunno. some book about assange mentioned that wikileaks was redacting sensitive info in documents from day one. 957952;1419110045;Adlai;oh is this the evidence + objections? 957953;1419110236;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10969 @ 0.00057032 = 6.2558 BTC [+] 957954;1419110736;asciilifeform;'Purism is manufacturing the motherboard, and screen printing the keyboard.' << piece of shit. printed key marks - come off. 957955;1419110738;asciilifeform;molded - never. 957956;1419110765;asciilifeform;'the BIOS does use coreboot, which includes a binary from Intel, called FSP.' << ahahahaha lol 957957;1419110782;asciilifeform;'We are working with Intel to allow us to scrub, release, and maintain the source for this, but havent finalized that yet. We are devoted to freeing this binary.' << pigs will fly. 957958;1419110797;asciilifeform;anyone here ever try actually building any of the supposedly 'open' sources ever put out by intel ? 957959;1419110798;asciilifeform;i have. 957960;1419110828;asciilifeform;1) they don't build 2) you need winblows even to try, and the entire build scheme consists of winblows 'bat' files. 957961;1419110942;cazalla;http://qntra.net/2014/12/four-bitcoin-based-projects-from-mit-students/ <<< beyond me to gauge whether good or not, perhaps someone *cough* bingoboingo wru *cough* might know better, just a bunch of links really 957962;1419110943;assbot;Four Bitcoin Based Projects From MIT Students | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1vbT9jW ) 957963;1419110952;asciilifeform;can't resist pointing out that 'mostly open' machine is not unlike mostly-turd-free dinner 957964;1419111089;kakobrekla;>The 957965;1419111100;kakobrekla;canonical solution to this problem is a mixer that receives \dirty" Bitcoins from 957966;1419111100;kakobrekla;many users, routes them all through a single mixing address, and dispenses them 957967;1419111100;kakobrekla;back out to new \clean" output addresses in a random order, or at random times. 957968;1419111107;kakobrekla;hmm, i wonder if i seen this before? 957969;1419111186;asciilifeform;'the Management Engine... is a separate microcontroller embedded in the PCH and has a full network stack, has access to DMA and other nasty things. The firmware is signed by Intel and verified at each boot by the microcontroller, and if the firmware signature fails to verify correctly, the x86 cpu will not be allowed to boot... We must get that freed by Intel' << lol!!! 957970;1419111198;asciilifeform;who wants to buy this? down's syndrome cases ? 957971;1419111203;kakobrekla;at least someone is having fun 957972;1419111210;asciilifeform;labeled as, remember, 'first 0p3n!!!11! laptop' 957973;1419111212;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1026 @ 0.0012 = 1.2312 BTC 957974;1419111369;asciilifeform;'So, sure, it's pure to build without the microcode blob, which means in reality that you're deciding to use the microcode blob *already embedded in the CPU*. And, on many new CPUs, the one that comes with the CPU has issues that mean you won't get past DRAM init. And, if you do get past DRAM init and boot, you've got a CPU that may have subtle errors and corrupt memory.' << this is an interesting and little-known fact 957975;1419111374;asciilifeform;which i have verified personally 957976;1419111406;asciilifeform;ever wonder how intel sells to both usg and plebes ? 957977;1419111406;asciilifeform;supposedly the same items 957978;1419111411;asciilifeform;in reality - not at all the same. 957979;1419111754;asciilifeform;(for those unfamiliar with the subject, 'microcode' is best imagined as a kind of 'piano roll' of toggles which get flipped when a particular instruction is encountered by cpu. this in turn actually cranks the ALUs, pipeline stages, all the other familiar components.) 957980;1419111896;asciilifeform;'Purism Installs TOR by Default' << l0l! cherry on the cake! 957981;1419111982;asciilifeform;incidentally, that thing contains the ubiquitous RTL8111 (ethernet) chip 957982;1419111992;asciilifeform;which has embedded firmware 957983;1419111999;asciilifeform;no mention of this on the site, that i can see 957984;1419112078;Adlai;could they pick a name that doesn't remind me of mitochondrially transmitted religions? 957985;1419112099;asciilifeform;lol! 957986;1419112454;asciilifeform;https://www.crowdsupply.com/inverse-path/usb-armory << another mega-lol. trust our magical trust chip, infused with powerful all-purpose trust juice ! 957987;1419112456;assbot;USB Armory: Open Source USB Stick Computer | Crowd Supply ... ( http://bit.ly/1vbVQSE ) 957988;1419112692;dignork;asciilifeform: similar device https://hardwarewallet.com/ afaik no public firmware. 957989;1419112694;assbot;HardwareWallet.com - Secure USB smart card based wallet for bitcoin based crypto-currencies ... ( http://bit.ly/1vbWoYF ) 957990;1419112747;asciilifeform;dignork: nah, the linked board is at least useful for something around the house (it's a generic arm-based microcomputer) 957991;1419112780;asciilifeform;just that it is being specifically pushed, with conscious malice, as 'auditable', 'open', and even 'resistant to supply chain attacks' 957992;1419112901;dignork;well, grassroots naive engineering, they asume doing minimal amount of integration work ona product, makes it 'open' 'free' etc. 957993;1419112999;dignork;in fact they are right - their work indeed might be both free and open. 957994;1419113113;asciilifeform;the fundamental confusion is, as always, between effort and product. 957995;1419113119;asciilifeform;'but we tried! we oughta get points' 957996;1419113847;mats;asciilifeform shitting on another man's dream 957997;1419113931;mats;brutal takedown:( 957998;1419113973;asciilifeform;'the sleep of reason produces monsters.' 957999;1419118471;assbot;[MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 598 @ 0.00358528 = 2.144 BTC [-] 958000;1419119325;assbot;[MPEX] [S.BBET] 27833 @ 0.00011738 = 3.267 BTC [-] {4} 958001;1419119347;ben_vulpes;http://nypost.com/2014/12/20/2-nypd-cops-shot-execution-style-in-brooklyn/ 958002;1419119349;assbot;Gunman kills self after 2 NYPD cops fatally shot ‘execution style’ as ‘revenge’ for Garner | New York Post ... ( http://bit.ly/1Cft0Zg ) 958003;1419119355;ben_vulpes;<< "tragic heroes" 958004;1419119569;assbot;[MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 855 @ 0.00336648 = 2.8783 BTC [+] {2} 958005;1419119961;cazalla;ben_vulpes, i like how they blur the name but leave the avatar making it easy to find with google image search http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:fkcQBH9yWJIJ:instagram.com/dontrunup+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=au&client=ubuntu# 958006;1419119963;assbot;dontrunup's Profile • Instagram ... ( http://bit.ly/1Cl03rX ) 958007;1419119996;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38942 @ 0.00056026 = 21.8176 BTC [-] {2} 958008;1419120546;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18350 @ 0.00057032 = 10.4654 BTC [+] 958009;1419122497;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25500 @ 0.00058236 = 14.8502 BTC [+] 958010;1419124083;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33052 @ 0.00058401 = 19.3027 BTC [+] 958011;1419125303;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23337 @ 0.0005864 = 13.6848 BTC [+] {2} 958012;1419125644;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37950 @ 0.00055832 = 21.1882 BTC [-] 958013;1419126071;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13027 @ 0.00057707 = 7.5175 BTC [+] 958014;1419126184;cazalla;i think we need more womens too https://twitter.com/Catheryne_N/status/545650643759669250 958015;1419126186;assbot;/victoriavaneyk /ioptio /conniegallippi /scarrbondale /cryptolachat /TrueBitcoinGirl: RT /hashtag/bitcoinwomen?src=hash apply for /BoostVC /hashtag/tribe5?src=hash 958016;1419126315;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14450 @ 0.00055942 = 8.0836 BTC [-] 958017;1419126519;mats;equal opportunity Bitcoin, yo 958018;1419126559;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17500 @ 0.00060622 = 10.6089 BTC [+] 958019;1419126647;cazalla;more like they want equal outcome 958020;1419129308;decimation;asciilifeform: there's no way in hell someone could create a 'free and open' laptop like that for less than a few $100 mil 958021;1419129655;asciilifeform;!s from ore 958022;1419129656;assbot;5 results for 'from ore' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=from+ore 958023;1419129690;decimation;asciilifeform: either from ore or paying the ransom required to get intel et. al. to completely open the design for a chipset 958024;1419129862;asciilifeform;decimation: there is a good reason to doubt that a sufficiently gnarly turd can ever be considered 'open' 958025;1419129866;asciilifeform;think of, e.g., openssl. 958026;1419129877;asciilifeform;doesn't matter how thoroughly the thing is published. 958027;1419129886;decimation;or ntpd http://article.gmane.org/gmane.os.openbsd.tech/40107/ 958028;1419129887;assbot;Gmane -- NTP ... ( http://bit.ly/1v7jO0q ) 958029;1419129945;asciilifeform;decimation: another thing is that intel et. al. are not honest actors and there would be every reason to suspect the physical product and documentation to diverge in arbitrarily malicious ways. 958030;1419129958;asciilifeform;as they have in fact been demonstrated to do on many past occasions. 958031;1419129976;decimation;yeah it's a good point. there is a vast difference between 'source is open, could read' and 'design is obvious, fits in head' 958032;1419130017;decimation;asciilifeform: I suspect more incompetence than malice, but it's still a good point 958033;1419130250;asciilifeform;the best place to hide a little malice is a gigantic pile of incompetence. 958034;1419130274;decimation;aye, good point 958035;1419130951;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30000 @ 0.00060336 = 18.1008 BTC [-] {2} 958036;1419130990;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: or a lot of malice in the case of heartbleed 958037;1419131010;thestringpuller;"little malice" sounds cute like a puppy tearing up the pillows 958038;1419131035;asciilifeform;'little' being the size. 958039;1419131119;decimation;heh http://nknetobserver.github.io/ << apprently best Korea uses redhat, or a rebranded variant 958040;1419131120;assbot;Your Friendly North Korean Network Observer by nknetobserver ... ( http://bit.ly/1v7nlMp ) 958041;1419131290;thestringpuller;http://images.cdn.bigcartel.com/bigcartel/product_images/126602439/max_h-300+max_w-300/7pack-cropped.jpg 958042;1419131683;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5930 @ 0.00059583 = 3.5333 BTC [-] 958043;1419133513;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13865 @ 0.00059205 = 8.2088 BTC [-] {2} 958044;1419133894;decimation;!up diametric 958045;1419135222;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15550 @ 0.00060622 = 9.4267 BTC [+] 958046;1419135343;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 54850 @ 0.00061412 = 33.6845 BTC [+] {2} 958047;1419136178;decimation;;;ticker 958048;1419136179;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 322.12, Best ask: 322.43, Bid-ask spread: 0.31000, Last trade: 322.12, 24 hour volume: 10511.84234263, 24 hour low: 319.93, 24 hour high: 333.0, 24 hour vwap: 326.206173307 958049;1419136441;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43050 @ 0.00058702 = 25.2712 BTC [-] {3} 958050;1419138393;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10000 @ 0.00057761 = 5.7761 BTC [-] 958051;1419138597;[]bot;Bet created: "S&P 500 to drop under 1700 before March" http://bitbet.us/bet/1087/ 958052;1419138765;[]bot;Bet placed: 1 BTC for Yes on "S&P 500 to drop under 1700 before March" http://bitbet.us/bet/1087/ Odds: 94(Y):6(N) by coin, 94(Y):6(N) by weight. Total bet: 1.1 BTC. Current weight: 99,997. 958053;1419139491;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3800 @ 0.00057761 = 2.1949 BTC [-] 958054;1419140219;[]bot;Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "S&P 500 to drop under 1700 before March" http://bitbet.us/bet/1087/ Odds: 49(Y):51(N) by coin, 49(Y):51(N) by weight. Total bet: 2.1 BTC. Current weight: 99,969. 958055;1419141138;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1380 @ 0.0012 = 1.656 BTC 958056;1419143700;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16300 @ 0.00059898 = 9.7634 BTC [+] {2} 958057;1419148519;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18143 @ 0.00060751 = 11.0221 BTC [+] 958058;1419150715;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17150 @ 0.00061286 = 10.5105 BTC [+] 958059;1419151203;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12300 @ 0.00061393 = 7.5513 BTC [+] {2} 958060;1419151691;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50600 @ 0.00060882 = 30.8063 BTC [-] {3} 958061;1419151935;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1550 @ 0.0012 = 1.86 BTC 958062;1419152301;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39300 @ 0.00059527 = 23.3941 BTC [-] {6} 958063;1419153582;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15926 @ 0.00060454 = 9.6279 BTC [+] 958064;1419154100;[]bot;Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "S&P 500 to drop under 1700 before March" http://bitbet.us/bet/1087/ Odds: 33(Y):67(N) by coin, 33(Y):67(N) by weight. Total bet: 3.1 BTC. Current weight: 99,705. 958065;1419155473;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21100 @ 0.00057999 = 12.2378 BTC [-] {2} 958066;1419156449;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23800 @ 0.00059046 = 14.0529 BTC [+] 958067;1419157547;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29950 @ 0.00057303 = 17.1622 BTC [-] {3} 958068;1419157741;jurov;is anyone actually competent to herd trillions of transistors? 958069;1419159499;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1165 @ 0.0012 = 1.398 BTC 958070;1419159560;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8300 @ 0.00057558 = 4.7773 BTC [+] 958071;1419161329;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10650 @ 0.00057558 = 6.1299 BTC [+] 958072;1419161949;jurov;https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2014/12/msg00184.html made my day 958073;1419161949;assbot;Skipping fsck during boot with systemd? ... ( http://bit.ly/1HjDvcg ) 958074;1419161967;jurov;Q. I can't stop fsck. 958075;1419162005;jurov;A: You can go back in time and add a kernel parameter 958076;1419162041;jurov;Q. This does not help because I want to stop one that has started. This is like uninterruptible Windows 8 updates! 958077;1419162073;jurov;A: Don't be immature jerk and learn to live with results of your actions. 958078;1419162097;jurov;bwahaha SYSTEMD IS ALWAYS RIGHT 958079;1419162381;assbot;Last 5 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/2MXC9TK.txt ) 958080;1419162381;BingoBoingo;!b 5 958081;1419162427;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17027 @ 0.00057166 = 9.7337 BTC [-] 958082;1419162732;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21650 @ 0.00057573 = 12.4646 BTC [+] {2} 958083;1419162915;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49226 @ 0.00059513 = 29.2959 BTC [+] {3} 958084;1419163037;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32300 @ 0.00059657 = 19.2692 BTC [+] {2} 958085;1419163769;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6348 @ 0.00059851 = 3.7993 BTC [+] 958086;1419164013;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32375 @ 0.00062262 = 20.1573 BTC [+] {2} 958087;1419164074;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26575 @ 0.00062439 = 16.5932 BTC [+] {2} 958088;1419164379;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16650 @ 0.00062484 = 10.4036 BTC [+] {2} 958089;1419165233;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16500 @ 0.00061339 = 10.1209 BTC [-] 958090;1419165599;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9350 @ 0.00062495 = 5.8433 BTC [+] 958091;1419166209;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7476 @ 0.00061339 = 4.5857 BTC [-] 958092;1419169808;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18550 @ 0.0006112 = 11.3378 BTC [-] 958093;1419172675;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16205 @ 0.00061159 = 9.9108 BTC [+] {2} 958094;1419175176;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 3448 @ 0.0012 = 4.1376 BTC 958095;1419175725;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21050 @ 0.00062218 = 13.0969 BTC [+] 958096;1419176091;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32266 @ 0.00062298 = 20.1011 BTC [+] {3} 958097;1419176823;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13753 @ 0.00058015 = 7.9788 BTC [-] 958098;1419177199;ben_vulpes;http://paulgraham.com/ecw.html << run many models; run as many evaluations on those models as is practical and reweight the decisionmaking balance regularly; most ideas are bad ideas so try to find the smart people. did i miss anything? 958099;1419177200;assbot;How to Be an Expert in a Changing World ... ( http://bit.ly/1JDFYSG ) 958100;1419177311;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32800 @ 0.00062495 = 20.4984 BTC [+] {2} 958101;1419178348;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1500 @ 0.001215 = 1.8225 BTC [+] {2} 958102;1419179446;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 953 @ 0.0012 = 1.1436 BTC 958103;1419179873;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35173 @ 0.00061085 = 21.4854 BTC [-] {2} 958104;1419180544;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8800 @ 0.00060289 = 5.3054 BTC [-] {2} 958105;1419180667;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7034 @ 0.00062496 = 4.396 BTC [+] 958106;1419182375;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2500 @ 0.00062672 = 1.5668 BTC [+] {2} 958107;1419184258;asciilifeform;fsck << see also https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2014/12/msg00329.html 958108;1419184259;assbot;Re: Skipping fsck during boot with systemd? ... ( http://bit.ly/1xBn23b ) 958109;1419184306;jurov;hi asciilifeform, already in da logs 958110;1419184326;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13650 @ 0.00063519 = 8.6703 BTC [+] 958111;1419184352;asciilifeform;jurov: nah this one's further in the thread 958112;1419184360;asciilifeform;'My experience of running Linux on my personal local interactive (rather than server) systems over the past eighteen years leads me to believe that the long-term benefit of *prophylactic* fsck invocations triggered by mount-count or interval-since-check is approximately zero, since *those* invocations of fsck have never discovered FS corruption on my systems.' 958113;1419184390;jurov;oh it goes on 958114;1419184393;jurov;!s MPEX PAID 958115;1419184394;assbot;86 results for 'MPEX PAID' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=MPEX+PAID 958116;1419184442;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: you must run a tight ship 958117;1419184447;jurov;kakobrekla: ^ why S.MPOE/S.BBET isn't there since october? 958118;1419184492;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: that was a quote 958119;1419184503;kakobrekla;hm, could be some skript is off or mp is runner or both! 958120;1419184505;asciilifeform;and here's pure shitgnome gold: 958121;1419184517;asciilifeform;'Please could we stick to the technical aspects of this problem. Attempts to apportion responsibilty rarely lead anywhere.' 958122;1419184521;jurov;;;calc 2.90430618/2 958123;1419184521;gribble;1.45215309 958124;1419184523;asciilifeform;( https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2014/12/msg00327.html ) 958125;1419184524;assbot;Re: Skipping fsck during boot with systemd? ... ( http://bit.ly/1AUc1Yh ) 958126;1419184574;kakobrekla;jurov were they paid out on mpex? 958127;1419184595;jurov;;;later tell mircea_popescu http://mpex.co/?mpsic=S.BBET says dividend was 1.44548619 , but monthly report and my records say 1.45215309 958128;1419184598;gribble;The operation succeeded. 958129;1419184617;jurov;kakobrekla: both november and december divs were paid 958130;1419184617;kakobrekla;its been fixed for the tax i think 958131;1419184623;jurov;but assbot was silent 958132;1419184639;kakobrekla;aha its me then, classic. 958133;1419184646;jurov;and i forgot to process them on coinbr 958134;1419184648;asciilifeform;check out where the fuckers say 'grub [bootloader] should detect an impending fsck' - because it is the responsibility of the entire planet, they think, to compensate for their idiocy 958135;1419184658;jurov;and of course, this is the moment i discover conflicting information 958136;1419184701;kakobrekla;jurov see mps edit http://trilema.com/2014/bitbet-sbbet-november-2014-statement/ 958137;1419184702;assbot;BitBet (S.BBET) November 2014 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1xBo9zP ) 958138;1419184717;jurov;asciilifeform no tthey want to embrace and extend grub, too 958139;1419184731;kakobrekla;is that causing the diff? 958140;1419184736;asciilifeform;jurov: only a matter of time 958141;1419184756;asciilifeform;jurov: and, like an inverse king midas, once they touch something - it stays touched. 958142;1419184793;kakobrekla;i thought midas had a permanent touch 958143;1419184811;asciilifeform;inverse in the sense that things turn to shit, not gold. 958144;1419184821;kakobrekla;ah ah 958145;1419184829;kakobrekla;to me gold is shit. 958146;1419184879;asciilifeform;https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2014/12/msg00349.html 958147;1419184880;assbot;Re: Skipping fsck during boot with systemd? ... ( http://bit.ly/1AUdoWQ ) 958148;1419184883;asciilifeform;^ mega-lol 958149;1419184895;asciilifeform;somebody admits, it appears, that this was actually a bug in systemd 958150;1419184920;jurov;kakobrekla: what you gave me is november report that concerns december dividend 958151;1419184921;asciilifeform;which, it turns out, the systemd pushers reflexively defended as a feature. 958152;1419184941;jurov;kakobrekla: i am concerned w/ october report and november div 958153;1419184956;kakobrekla;ah 958154;1419184974;kakobrekla;im clearly all conzufed today 958155;1419185200;jurov;kakobrekla: or you+mp don't have exactly 50% of shares? 958156;1419185231;jurov;;;calc 305.76474957/2 958157;1419185231;gribble;152.882374785 958158;1419185267;jurov;152.87354128 << mpex.co says this is nov s.mpoe dividend 958159;1419185282;jurov;and 152.882374785 is from report 958160;1419185362;kakobrekla;we have more than 50% of the shares but never exactly the same amount due to how the ipo was structured 958161;1419185362;jurov;or it's the tax? october reports say nothing about it 958162;1419185363;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4800 @ 0.00063519 = 3.0489 BTC [+] 958163;1419185375;kakobrekla;nfi 958164;1419185591;jurov;interesting, coinbr insists it received about 341 satoshi/share for s.mpoe on 2014-12-10 17:03:46+00 958165;1419185636;jurov;but mpex.co says 17 satoshi 958166;1419185658;kakobrekla;im lucky if i get anything! 958167;1419185659;jurov;anyone else can confirm they received divs correctly? 958168;1419185701;jurov;kako stfu. you're lucky you aren't recieving other people's moneny you have to account for correctly 958169;1419185725;jurov;not like coinbr is some damn startup that can do whatever it pleases 958170;1419185778;kakobrekla;well you are wrong there. 958171;1419185814;jurov;go on 958172;1419185882;mats;flee! 958173;1419185960;kakobrekla;i am receiving others people money and accounting for it correctly. also, incidentally i havent received my own part for November yet, so i made a joke. 958174;1419186057;jurov;okay. you could have known me, that i'm not in mood for joked while dealing with this. 958175;1419186061;jurov;*jokes 958176;1419186583;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 894 @ 0.0012 = 1.0728 BTC {3} 958177;1419186766;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12800 @ 0.00063783 = 8.1642 BTC [+] {2} 958178;1419187499;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 8800 @ 0.0002209 = 1.9439 BTC [-] 958179;1419187986;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1618 @ 0.0012 = 1.9416 BTC 958180;1419188901;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17800 @ 0.00063872 = 11.3692 BTC [+] {2} 958181;1419189999;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20237 @ 0.00064618 = 13.0767 BTC [+] 958182;1419193476;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23300 @ 0.00064167 = 14.9509 BTC [-] {2} 958183;1419193808;mats;http://sputniknews.com/radio_burning_point/20141218/1016001652.html 958184;1419193809;assbot;America’s Big Five Are Plunging the World Into Another Banking Crisis / Sputnik International ... ( http://bit.ly/1DZwEbq ) 958185;1419194025;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4300 @ 0.0006416 = 2.7589 BTC [-] 958186;1419194094;mod6;;;bc,stats 958187;1419194098;gribble;Current Blocks: 335282 | Current Difficulty: 3.945767130713873E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 336671 | Next Difficulty In: 1389 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 2 days, 12 hours, 19 minutes, and 43 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 36907967113.3 | Estimated Percent Change: -6.46187 958188;1419195353;jurov;sugh. two bugreports sent to mp 958189;1419195377;jurov;either i'm making an ass of myself or mp utterly botched div payouts in december 958190;1419195545;jurov;now i know why i first completely forgot and then inexplicably avoided to look at it 958191;1419195550;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10800 @ 0.00064618 = 6.9787 BTC [+] 958192;1419197075;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22650 @ 0.0006416 = 14.5322 BTC [-] 958193;1419197200;kakobrekla;no STFU KAKO! 958194;1419197363;jurov;sorry 958195;1419197393;kakobrekla;lol no need 958196;1419198204;jurov;;;later tell mircea_popescu http://qntra.net/2014/12/reddit-goes-full-redditard-with-reddit-notes << any chance reddit will get DERPified? 958197;1419198205;assbot;Reddit Goes Full Redditard with Reddit Notes | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1wTcJpD ) 958198;1419198205;gribble;The operation succeeded. 958199;1419198234;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28500 @ 0.00064618 = 18.4161 BTC [+] 958200;1419198264;jurov;http://mpex.co?mpsic=D.RDDT hahaha 958201;1419198536;mod6;;;tslb 958202;1419198548;gribble;Time since last block: 59 minutes and 55 seconds 958203;1419199560;kakobrekla;;;tslb 958204;1419199571;gribble;Time since last block: 1 hour, 16 minutes, and 58 seconds 958205;1419200003;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1268 @ 0.0012 = 1.5216 BTC 958206;1419200133;jurov;is it possible to find incoming transactions by source address in bitcoind? 958207;1419200674;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11950 @ 0.00065578 = 7.8366 BTC [+] {2} 958208;1419201162;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16621 @ 0.0006577 = 10.9316 BTC [+] {2} 958209;1419201529;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16600 @ 0.00066577 = 11.0518 BTC [+] {2} 958210;1419204456;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26500 @ 0.00067037 = 17.7648 BTC [+] {5} 958211;1419205737;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11244 @ 0.00068912 = 7.7485 BTC [+] 958212;1419207089;mats;:o 958213;1419207323;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4464 @ 0.00068912 = 3.0762 BTC [+] 958214;1419207811;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21161 @ 0.00071934 = 15.222 BTC [+] 958215;1419208299;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9296 @ 0.00071934 = 6.687 BTC [+] 958216;1419208366;mats;it surges 958217;1419210916;[]bot;Bet created: "CLAM to hit 0.015 or higher before March 3rd" http://bitbet.us/bet/1088/ 958218;1419210930;BingoBoingo;mats: Maybe MP should stay on vacation? 958219;1419211007;mats;b-but without my 19 satoshis i will be unable to retire to a life of luxury and full breasted south american women 958220;1419211257;decimation;isn't conde nast media publically traded? 958221;1419211334;decimation;actually no, it's owned by "Advance publications" which is privately held 958222;1419211638;decimation;this guy (along with his brother) > http://www.forbes.com/profile/donald-newhouse/ 958491;1419260196;mircea_popescu;NOT NEW! 958492;1419260296;Adlai;reddit will be rather profitable if they can increase by an order of magnitude the number of casual bitcoin dabblers, while watching their every breath, move, bond, and step 958493;1419260327;mircea_popescu;unlikely. 958494;1419260359;mircea_popescu;this is like saying that the spanish empire could be quite profitable if "it increases" the number of jews inhabiting it. for one thing, it's not the empire increasing it, for the other, they'll fuck it up 958495;1419260366;mircea_popescu;because they don't have the mind in the right place. 958496;1419260388;Adlai;they wouldn't be making money off the amount of wealth transfered, though. they'd be making money per successful ad targeting. 958497;1419260410;thestringpuller;Adlai: their ad system is terrible. 958498;1419260412;mircea_popescu;lolk,. 958499;1419260426;mircea_popescu;they'd make money selling leavened bread to moses ? 958500;1419260442;mircea_popescu;this plan that could possibly go wrong.jpg 958501;1419260442;thestringpuller;why do that when you can just get mana from God? 958502;1419260442;Adlai;s/will/could potentially, should they properly leverage their position etcetcblabla/ 958503;1419260469;mircea_popescu;these theoretical potentials, you know ? men could breastfeed if they leveraged their boobs. 958504;1419260501;thestringpuller;uh? 958505;1419260502;mircea_popescu;pigs could fly if only they batted their ears fast enough! 958506;1419260513;thestringpuller;^- i think you mean elephants 958507;1419260550;mircea_popescu;elephants are too heavy :D 958508;1419260630;thestringpuller;it's funny how reddit consistently can't pay bills due to more users using it... 958509;1419260637;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22128 @ 0.00066494 = 14.7138 BTC [-] 958510;1419260639;thestringpuller;"We are a victim of our own success" 958511;1419260662;BingoBoingo;thestringpuller: You just don't know how the world works!!! 958512;1419260687;Adlai;dunno. seems to me like they're just trying to get their edge in the graph-coloring race, in whatever way seems opportune right now. not saying anything about the likelihood of any individual participant to come out ahead, but there is a race and somebody will be winning it. 958513;1419260731;thestringpuller;graph coloring race? aren't coloring books for toddlers? 958514;1419260812;mircea_popescu;im with adlai. 958515;1419260852;mircea_popescu;they're trying to be the biggest pony express company this side of the railroad, because such is the way things go. 958516;1419260854;Adlai;"coloring" is probably the wrong word for this: turning the bitcoin transaction/address graph into a bitcoin transaction/[corporate]person graph 958517;1419260867;mircea_popescu;a, not what i thought you meant. 958518;1419260875;Adlai;what do you mean by pony express? 958519;1419260910;mircea_popescu;what i thought you meant was : 1. people will make up numbers, irrespective of any reality, because it's what people do ; 2. those numbers will be put on an arbitrary graph ; 3. there will be a race to pretend meaning out of this meaningless combo. which race we call "painting the graph" 958520;1419260947;mircea_popescu;sort-of like obama sitting in front of a line angled from the bottom left to the upper right, for no particular reason, that "represents" the "people", neither quoted symbols meaningful to any degree. 958521;1419260951;Adlai;that race is only worth watching if there are some real captains of industry bidding on the fastest horse 958522;1419260963;mircea_popescu;or just like a ceo stands in front of the same holy line, supposedly his performance somewhere in therer. 958523;1419261021;Adlai;meanwhile it'll be fun to see how they conjure up an insecure security 958524;1419261023;mircea_popescu;so in this sense, they wish to be the biggest provider of obsolete nonsense to the new world of novel nonsense. 958525;1419261036;Adlai;well they're already the frontpage of nonsense :) 958526;1419261067;mircea_popescu;so is timecube. 958527;1419261088;mircea_popescu;nonsense has this blessed ability to carry an infinite number of front pages. 958528;1419261119;BingoBoingo;Oh, a quality control meme https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B5dFR_dCcAASG4r.jpg 958529;1419261119;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1weiMjv ) 958530;1419261146;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Well I thought that one of the timecube's essential points. 958531;1419261157;thestringpuller;;;ud timecube 958532;1419261158;mircea_popescu;holy shit the chinese actually understand why chinese women are ugly ?! 958533;1419261159;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=timecube | Referring to timecube.com. Used to describe someone or something that is so stupid it tears at the very fabric of reality. 958534;1419261160;Adlai;what's the financial incentive to paint these graphs? somebody must be subsidizing for companies to compete over it, even if it's just inadvertent subsidizing by clueless VC bagholders 958535;1419261163;*;mircea_popescu head blown 958536;1419261202;mircea_popescu;Adlai it's much simpler than that. confine three people in a space, notice they will talk. the stuff they talk about is unimportant, to them and everyone else. 958537;1419261213;mircea_popescu;this same fundmental process is at work in "business". 958538;1419261241;Adlai;ok, true. how about: "the steve pavlinas of the world" 958539;1419261247;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26642 @ 0.00067461 = 17.973 BTC [+] {2} 958540;1419261264;mircea_popescu;that name seems familiar but wtf is it 958541;1419261284;Adlai;you read enough of his nonsense and you'll find a bit of sense, but the SNR is woefully low 958542;1419261291;mircea_popescu;o the weirdo guru/ex convict nut. 958543;1419261292;Adlai;http://www.stevepavlina.com/ 958544;1419261293;assbot;Personal Development for Smart People - Steve Pavlina ... ( http://bit.ly/1weja1u ) 958545;1419261312;mircea_popescu;is this the guy that's married to the beached whale spiritualist ? 958546;1419261320;mircea_popescu;erika or something 958547;1419261337;mircea_popescu;http://www.erinpavlina.com/blog/2010/11/our-separation-one-year-later/ 958548;1419261339;assbot;Erin Pavlina ... ( http://bit.ly/1wejduh ) 958549;1419261340;mircea_popescu;not no more lol 958550;1419261377;thestringpuller;lol my work says that's a malcious url 958551;1419261379;thestringpuller;LOL 958552;1419261382;thestringpuller;stevepavlina.com that i 958553;1419261384;thestringpuller;s 958554;1419261401;mircea_popescu;meh, malicious. kinda dumb, but then again... 958555;1419261415;Adlai;things seemed to have gone downhill after the original reason that i'm familiar with this guy: http://www.stevepavlina.com/blog/2005/10/polyphasic-sleep/ 958556;1419261418;assbot; Polyphasic Sleep ... ( http://bit.ly/1wejmOn ) 958557;1419261438;mircea_popescu;all you weirdos fucking with your sleep i swear... 958558;1419261445;mircea_popescu;why! just let it be omg. 958559;1419261456;assbot;Last 4 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/3JZ0JA7.txt ) 958560;1419261456;BingoBoingo;!b 4 958561;1419261458;Adlai;this is the only instance i've found of somebody claiming to pull this off properly, and then return to "normal" just for convenience 958562;1419261516;mircea_popescu;if normalcy is convenient then wtf was he doing anyway 958563;1419261537;mircea_popescu;"Erin Pavlina is a highly gifted intuitive counselor who connects with your spirit guides to provide you information and insights that will help you on your path. " 958564;1419261543;mircea_popescu;holy shit, she should hire herself. 958565;1419261615;Adlai;look at their domains. they get divorced and cut the house in half? 958566;1419261695;mircea_popescu;i knew a number of chicks that got divorced while owning a one room apartment with hubby, so put a curtain down the middle. 958567;1419261708;mircea_popescu;imagine, sharing the tiny ass bathroom with your ex 958568;1419261888;BingoBoingo;Imagine if the only room was the bathroon! 958569;1419261996;mircea_popescu;there's this ancient tradition among german tribes transplanted in transylvania, that a couple may only divorce after having spent a day in a tiny hut with a single plate, spoon, stool etc. 958570;1419262283;Adlai;how about a couple may only get married after spending two weeks in that hut 958571;1419262540;mircea_popescu;no because they'll fuck in any case after which the guy won't marry. 958572;1419262562;assbot;Last 6 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/16Y2YK2.txt ) 958573;1419262562;BingoBoingo;!b 6 958574;1419262662;BingoBoingo;So how is this vacation going? Still growing tits? 958575;1419262690;mircea_popescu;lol 958576;1419262700;mircea_popescu;bathing in black forest atm 958577;1419262705;mircea_popescu;(it's a kind of cake) 958578;1419262919;BingoBoingo;Ah, we have that here. Or at least a fascimile of it. Hard to tell here. 958579;1419262938;mircea_popescu;im having my own version tho. no whipped cream. all home made. 958580;1419262957;BingoBoingo;Nice 958581;1419263054;mircea_popescu;homemade cakes are one of those religious experiences that put the innocent at risk of fundamentally altering their life. a steak gets ruined through the industrial process, of course, but somehow not quite to the degree 958582;1419263065;mircea_popescu;cakes made by machines however... they're not really cakes. 958583;1419263150;mircea_popescu;just the margerine alone. it's like instead of exanguinating the beast, you'd replace its blood with brake fluid, then butcher it. 958584;1419263162;mircea_popescu;imagine, brake fluid steak! 958585;1419263202;BingoBoingo;OMG Great idea, but instead of brake fluid... Wine transfusion for the cow before steaking it. 958586;1419263222;mircea_popescu;im kinda curious why that never happened. 958587;1419263248;mircea_popescu;a good six gallons of middling burgundy should do the trick. 958588;1419263276;BingoBoingo;I really dunno. 958589;1419263295;mircea_popescu;i guess if we ever make the bitcoin ranch it's getting tried. 958590;1419263437;BingoBoingo;I mean alternately instead of beering up the cows like the Japanese do, it might be worth raising some seriously alcoholic cows. 958591;1419263443;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 993 @ 0.0012 = 1.1916 BTC 958592;1419263475;mircea_popescu;nah 958593;1419263506;BingoBoingo;The offal might have to go to some food recyclers, but ptobably get hella marbling in the meat. 958594;1419263517;mircea_popescu;that doesn't work, herbivores get liver damage then the meat gets poisoned with fifty thousand different byproducts of a broken liver. 958595;1419263531;BingoBoingo;Ah 958596;1419263534;Adlai;stem cells! 958597;1419263539;mircea_popescu;the main reason herbivore meat is so good (and we don't eat cat) is that its liver is so big and its diet so simple that the meat becomes very narrow, chemically 958598;1419263547;Adlai;graphene filters! 958599;1419263556;Adlai;cmon people, we can figure this one out 958600;1419263557;mircea_popescu;burn the withc. 958601;1419264623;Naphex;o/ 958602;1419265030;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28932 @ 0.00066445 = 19.2239 BTC [-] {2} 958603;1419265157;mircea_popescu;heya Naphex 958604;1419265176;Naphex;hey hey 958605;1419265312;davout;Naphex: hello 958606;1419265312;davout;how's the btcxchange.ro thing going? 958607;1419265361;Naphex;dunno 958608;1419265363;Naphex;seems still up 958609;1419265401;davout;im kinda curious as to why messages from seemingly you and your associate are still up on the frontpage 958610;1419265512;Naphex;no idea, that guy went full retard and just wrote shit on the news page 958611;1419265532;Naphex;i'm waiting to be cited to give any explinations, not talking to that shithead otherwise:p 958612;1419265554;davout;and he left the item about users being advised to empty their accounts? 958613;1419265583;Naphex;he mostly did everything, i just quit and fucked off when he started rageing 958614;1419265651;Naphex;including all the shitty announces 958615;1419265672;Naphex;"Oh woes, i do not have control on the servers, i have to manually check each transaction" 958616;1419265679;Naphex;you gotta figure what happened after he posted that 958617;1419265689;Naphex;every dude on the internet started sending him a screenshot 958618;1419265771;Naphex;so i wish him good luck 958619;1419265856;davout;lol 958620;1419265884;davout;"please prove your balance" 958621;1419265889;Naphex;yep 958622;1419265890;davout;"sure, have a screenshot" 958623;1419265894;davout;derp 958624;1419265903;Naphex;the servers only send to any queue with user confirmation (email, otp, password 958625;1419265906;Naphex;so btc all works fine 958626;1419265915;Naphex;but he decided to fuck with anyone with some fiat to withdraw 958627;1419265917;mircea_popescu;if only they had gpg 958628;1419265943;davout;mircea_popescu: what took you so long 958629;1419265943;davout;:D 958630;1419265998;mircea_popescu;i'm writing :) 958631;1419266522;jurov;lmaoooo there's phrack gentoo ebuild? and last two editions are marked unstable? 958632;1419266855;davout;jurov: building a magazine? 958633;1419266881;jurov;let's see what emerge phrack does... 958634;1419267026;thestringpuller;"gpg users unaffected" very similar to "bitcoin user unaffected" 958635;1419267232;jurov;https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=533314 feel free to have fun here 958636;1419267235;assbot;Bug 533314 – please stabilize app-doc/phrack , app-doc/phrack-all ... ( http://bit.ly/1x3qH72 ) 958637;1419267347;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 893 @ 0.0012 = 1.0716 BTC {2} 958638;1419267896;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22371 @ 0.00066408 = 14.8561 BTC [-] 958639;1419268262;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1610 @ 0.00066276 = 1.067 BTC [-] 958640;1419268628;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16800 @ 0.00067249 = 11.2978 BTC [+] 958641;1419268994;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17666 @ 0.00067287 = 11.8869 BTC [+] {3} 958642;1419269177;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 2327 @ 0.0012 = 2.7924 BTC {3} 958643;1419269361;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1036 @ 0.0012 = 1.2432 BTC {2} 958644;1419269970;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1357 @ 0.0012 = 1.6284 BTC 958645;1419270194;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2014/12/belarus-experiences-bonanzacurrency-panic/ 958646;1419270195;assbot;Belarus Experiences Bonanza/Currency Panic | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1weFEzm ) 958647;1419270200;BingoBoingo;!up huseby 958648;1419270287;jurov;soo.. phrack ebuild created a buch of files like /usr/share/doc/phrack/p66_0x01_Introduction.txt.bz2 958649;1419270342;davout;txt.bz2 because your disk space totally is the limiting factor 958650;1419270370;jurov;would be way cooler if it compiled code samples,too :D 958651;1419270838;TomServo;BingoBoingo: The "show trials" link on the most recent bahahahra/ulbricht article has an errant http:// suffix. 958652;1419270845;TomServo;Also, nice article. 958653;1419271120;BingoBoingo;Thanks, will fix 958654;1419271387;danielpbarron;jurov, did you get my later tell? 958655;1419273265;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19940 @ 0.00066691 = 13.2982 BTC [-] {2} 958656;1419273325;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29071 @ 0.00065472 = 19.0334 BTC [-] {2} 958657;1419273447;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 47249 @ 0.00064925 = 30.6764 BTC [-] {4} 958658;1419273458;mircea_popescu;anyone wanna do a coupla bux' paypal payment for me ? 958659;1419273597;danielpbarron;i do 958660;1419273957;mircea_popescu;;;ticker 958661;1419273959;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 331.63, Best ask: 332.18, Bid-ask spread: 0.55000, Last trade: 332.2, 24 hour volume: 12015.61092957, 24 hour low: 319.9, 24 hour high: 333.95, 24 hour vwap: 326.796030377 958662;1419274179;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37100 @ 0.0006423 = 23.8293 BTC [-] {3} 958663;1419274725;mircea_popescu;laters terrorists! 958664;1419274972;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 230 @ 0.00464996 = 1.0695 BTC [+] {2} 958665;1419275197;kakobrekla;so, lisp brick is real after all; http://shrani.si/f/11/n7/247iggSx/lisp-brick.jpg 958666;1419275198;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1weRQjx ) 958667;1419276257;kakobrekla;https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/884592321/glorious-leader 958668;1419276259;assbot;Glorious Leader! by Moneyhorse — Kickstarter ... ( http://bit.ly/16JSAsk ) 958669;1419277839;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1667 @ 0.0012 = 2.0004 BTC 958670;1419277900;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1938 @ 0.0012 = 2.3256 BTC 958671;1419280725;jurov;danielpbarron i got it but there were several other issues 958672;1419281621;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 47600 @ 0.00064952 = 30.9172 BTC [+] 958673;1419281987;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20400 @ 0.00066126 = 13.4897 BTC [+] {2} 958674;1419283207;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 2850 @ 0.0012 = 3.42 BTC 958675;1419283897;grubles;can anyone tell me whats wrong with this: http://web.archive.org/web/20121015125121/http://polimedia.us/bitcoin/mpex.php?mpsic=S.BVPS 958676;1419283898;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1zq6Zpr ) 958677;1419283960;mike_c;it doesn't have enough css? 958678;1419283976;grubles;close, but no cigar 958679;1419284002;mike_c;hm.. no ads? 958680;1419284027;mike_c;I give up. what's wrong with it? 958681;1419284053;grubles;ill give you a hint, theres only 2 gpg signatures. 958682;1419284109;mike_c;so, you didn't sign it? 958683;1419284113;mike_c;;;ident grubles 958684;1419284113;gribble;Nick 'grubles', with hostmask 'grubles!~dan@unaffiliated/grubles', is identified as user 'grubles', with GPG key id 31040DE39974C0B2, key fingerprint D191CE495914F681F7CA94EB31040DE39974C0B2, and bitcoin address 17YADanYc9pCZZrLA4fH7qcDmrDtMXscEz 958685;1419284128;grubles;correct 958686;1419284142;grubles;my current key is not the same one btw 958687;1419284176;grubles;anyway, just food for thought if anyone in here is considering working with mpoe or mircea_popescu 958688;1419284189;grubles;he clearly doesnt follow his own rules 958689;1419284237;mike_c;well, but what's the problem? Clearly you didn't sign it. 958690;1419284263;grubles;and yet it was still a valid contract, for some reason. 958691;1419284263;mike_c;or at least, i'm taking your word since i didn't check the two signatures to see if one of them was yours. 958692;1419284320;grubles;"Should BitVPS fail to execute this Agreement, as for instance by but not limited to breaching 2.2.e above, MPEX will notify the named individuals of their breach and may, at its sole discretion, suspend BitVPS from trading thus activating the liquidation of BitVPS. " 958693;1419284336;grubles;interesting considering it shouldnt have been executed in the first place 958694;1419284365;TomServo;grubles: what's with the timing? A year after delisting? 958695;1419284383;grubles;ive brought it up before, you probably werent around. 958696;1419284456;TomServo;I'm asking: why are you bringing it up now? 958697;1419284477;grubles;well hopefully im keeping people in here from giving mp money. 958698;1419284496;grubles;timing? no particular reason. 958699;1419284512;TomServo;K, just curious - seems like ancient news. 958700;1419284524;grubles;a couple people and i were discussing rg and bitvps 958701;1419284559;mike_c;what's the specific beef? you don't think it should have been listed or delisted? 958702;1419284586;kakobrekla;want more fun? find the sig: http://web.archive.org/web/20121213082144/http://polimedia.us/bitcoin/mpex.php?mpsic=S.MPOE 958703;1419284587;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1zq9ckQ ) 958704;1419284587;grubles;shouldnt have. because both of them went behind my back to list bitvps on mpoe. 958705;1419284605;grubles;if the web archive link isnt evidence enough 958706;1419284731;grubles;anyway. like i said: food for thought. 958707;1419284914;Anduck;LOL 958708;1419284924;Anduck;mirany comments? 958709;1419284939;Anduck;ohh mp is not around 958710;1419284974;*;danielpbarron doesn't understand what the drama is 958711;1419284998;Anduck;apparently a company being listed at mpex without owners of the company agreeing on listing it 958712;1419285008;Anduck;so, a company listed without permission 958713;1419285023;danielpbarron;http://mpex.co/?mpsic=D.BPAY << like this? 958714;1419285034;TomServo;!up jborkl 958715;1419285066;jborkl;Merry xmas 958716;1419285071;Anduck;nope- read the bitvps agreement 958717;1419285085;jborkl;Or w/e you do wherever you are 958718;1419285097;TomServo;http://trilema.com/2013/sbvps-delisting-notice/ 958719;1419285098;assbot;S.BVPS delisting notice pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1zqaJHH ) 958720;1419285179;Anduck;S.BVPS was listed on MPEx on April the 12th, 2012, under the ownership signature of rg, then as of now one of the best trusted WoT members. It began trading on the 15th that same month, with a total market capitalisation of about 3`000 BTC. 958721;1419285183;Anduck;this is the thing ^ 958722;1419285189;Anduck;it _shouldnt ever been listed_ since it was never agreed on 958723;1419285190;danielpbarron;well the signature(s) on that page are not formatted correctly, or at least I can't figure out how to validate them 958724;1419285196;Anduck;then l2gpg 958725;1419285198;Anduck;:I 958726;1419285226;kakobrekla;i think one header is missing there 958727;1419285230;Anduck;anyway it's missing a really important one, owner of bitvps' 958728;1419285235;mike_c;well, it was agreed on by rg 958729;1419285241;Anduck;rg didnt own bitvps 958730;1419285264;kakobrekla;so its rgs idiocy 958731;1419285278;Anduck;or mirceas? =) 958732;1419285296;mike_c;"WHEREAS, the aforenamed James "rg" Edward was delegated to represent the Board of Directors of BitVPS" << you're saying this is untrue? 958733;1419285305;kakobrekla;Anduck were you around at the time? 958734;1419285308;Anduck;...to mention people, say in the contract that the signatures will make it valid, then there's 1 signature missing, they still let it on the exchange and it's being traded. 958735;1419285320;Anduck;kakobrekla: since 2011 958736;1419285328;Anduck;it's irrelevant anyway 958737;1419285346;kakobrekla;well its not, if i do a runner now, is it mps fault too ? 958738;1419285354;Anduck;apparently it is. 958739;1419285358;kakobrekla;cool 958740;1419285359;*;kakobrekla goes. 958741;1419285370;mike_c;it shouldn't have mentioned grubles' key if he wasn't going to sign it. but the contract says rg was talking for the board, so his was the only "required" signature. 958742;1419285377;Anduck;i only read what you said after a comma 958743;1419285379;Anduck;kakobrekla: ^ 958744;1419285401;Anduck;mike_c: no, both were required 958745;1419285414;mike_c;"WHEREAS, the aforenamed James "rg" Edward was delegated to represent the Board of Directors of BitVPS" 958746;1419285444;Anduck;when rg didnt own bitvps? 958747;1419285444;Anduck;LOL 958748;1419285444;mike_c;you don't have to get signatures from every person involved with a company to execute a contract with that company. 958749;1419285455;Anduck;delegated by the contract that wasn't signed by bitvps real owner? 958750;1419285467;Anduck;indeed mik 958751;1419285472;Anduck;just read the contract now 958752;1419285479;Anduck;it's funny 958753;1419285506;Anduck;funny how mircea_popescu let this happen 958754;1419285537;Anduck;i'm not surprised. i still remember the "you sent 10btc late to bitbet, now it's ours because faq says it's ours now" 958755;1419285566;kakobrekla;well no 958756;1419285573;kakobrekla;its ours cause the private key says so. 958757;1419285583;mike_c;omg, ok, i just lost all interest in this conversation. 958758;1419285594;Anduck;kakobrekla: LOL 958759;1419285613;Anduck;can coinbase now declare all the people-deposit bitcoins as theirs because they own the private keys? 958760;1419285617;Anduck;that's FUCKING LAME, kakobrekla! 958761;1419285623;kakobrekla;?! 958762;1419285628;Anduck;can't beieve bitbet is now at this level :D 958763;1419285628;Anduck;lol 958764;1419285642;kakobrekla;idk if you know how the bitcoin works. 958765;1419285654;Anduck;i know what's stealing at least 958766;1419285668;kakobrekla;good for you 958767;1419285672;Anduck;;;rated kakobrekla 958768;1419285672;gribble;You rated user kakobrekla on Mon Aug 27 14:22:51 2012, with a rating of 1, and supplied these additional notes: bought bitcoinmax-account from him, smooth and nice. 958769;1419285679;kakobrekla;hehe 958770;1419285745;Anduck;;;rate kakobrekla -5 about the "bitbet 10btc stealing"-case, "kakobrekla| its ours cause the private key says so." 958771;1419285747;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating for user kakobrekla has changed from 1 to -5. 958772;1419285763;kakobrekla;lol 958773;1419285764;Anduck;:( 958774;1419285768;jborkl;Bitcoinmax was btcst? I remember gpumax 958775;1419285775;Anduck;yes it was btcst stuffs 958776;1419285783;kakobrekla;after it got defunct ftr. 958777;1419285785;kakobrekla;hehe 958778;1419285791;Anduck;yup 958779;1419285877;jborkl;What was the rate, 7% per day? Or week 958780;1419285886;jborkl;I can't remember 958781;1419285889;Anduck;yes 958782;1419285893;kakobrekla;;;rated Anduck 958783;1419285893;Anduck;7% per week 958784;1419285893;gribble;You rated user Anduck on Mon Aug 27 14:21:13 2012, with a rating of 1, and supplied these additional notes: easy transaction. 958785;1419285905;Anduck;kakobrekla: do a counter-rating HEH 958786;1419285923;kakobrekla;;;rated Anduck -5 idiot. does not understand how bitcoin works. 958787;1419285923;gribble;(rated ) -- Get the details about the rating you gave to , if any. 958788;1419285927;kakobrekla;;;rate Anduck -5 idiot. does not understand how bitcoin works. 958789;1419285928;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating for user Anduck has changed from 1 to -5. 958790;1419285952;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20550 @ 0.00067586 = 13.8889 BTC [+] {2} 958791;1419285953;Anduck;thanks for fullfilling my request HEH xD 958792;1419285961;danielpbarron;;;gettrust assbot Anduck 958793;1419285961;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask Anduck!~anduck@unaffiliated/anduck. Trust relationship from user assbot to user Anduck: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 2 via 6 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=Anduck | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=Anduck | Rated since: Tue May 8 11:28:43 2012 958794;1419285973;kakobrekla;this needs to be fixed also. 958795;1419285976;Anduck;which? 958796;1419285987;jurov;grubles how should mircea know rg is acting in bad faith? did you raise your voice then? 958797;1419286009;Anduck;he left already 958798;1419286010;jurov;and what about later listing on btctct, was that okay? 958799;1419286025;Anduck;to mmy knowledge they all knew what they were doing 958800;1419286027;*;danielpbarron will wait to see if there is a valid signature block before passing judgement 958801;1419286032;Anduck;rg and mircea knew they were going against grubles 958802;1419286054;Anduck;but because, you know, if you have money you can make your own rules.. you can bend them too.. 958803;1419286063;Anduck;this is what this is as i see it. 958804;1419286081;jurov;but then the mess is going on, because Namworld bought most of the shares 958805;1419286105;jurov;and took over with arij and whatwas his name 958806;1419286119;Anduck;just like the stealing of 10 btc by bitbet.. owners of bitbet now claim "we own the private key that corresponds to the public key the money was stent, therefore money is now ours" if i understood kakos sentence correctly 958807;1419286132;Anduck;jurov: i don't know about that. 958808;1419286149;Anduck;i only know that bitvps was listed against bitvps owners will to mp 958809;1419286151;Anduck;ex 958810;1419286156;kakobrekla;Anduck by your idiotic definition of stealing, bitbet 'stole' way more than 10 btc. 958811;1419286168;Anduck;i wouldn't be amazed. 958812;1419286174;jurov;ic, nobody knows anything, they just occassionally come to chan, stir shit up and leave 958813;1419286187;Anduck;jurov: that is not relevant to this case :) 958814;1419286188;jborkl;Anduck, what prompted this? Is there something prompting this 958815;1419286190;kakobrekla;its all in public monthly records Anduck. 958816;1419286208;cazalla; i'm not surprised. i still remember the "you sent 10btc late to bitbet, now it's ours because faq says it's ours now" <<< fuck angle shooters, they deserve what they get 958817;1419286247;Anduck;jborkl: you can ask grubles about the details of this 958818;1419286257;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6000 @ 0.00067061 = 4.0237 BTC [-] 958819;1419286257;kakobrekla;jurov vote with your wot, what can i say. 958820;1419286261;Anduck;jborkl: he most likely can give you more accurate answers than i can. i don't know about this case 958821;1419286264;Anduck;i see only what i see 958822;1419286278;Anduck;and i see a contract that wasn't signed completely and still was accepted by mircea popescu to be listed on mpex 958823;1419286299;jurov;i just few days ago asked arij why he does not advertise bitvps on this chan openly 958824;1419286322;Anduck;cazalla: well, it's still stealing even if they deserve it 958825;1419286445;cazalla;Anduck, right because theft is when someone willingly sends you something 958826;1419286451;jurov;http://trilema.com/2013/rota-post-mortem/ << Anduck see the discussion, it's mircea's and kako's sacrosanct right to arrange unprotected hole in the foyer with a sign "whatever falls here, is our property" 958827;1419286452;assbot;ROTA, post mortem. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1zqeYD5 ) 958828;1419286464;cazalla;one can imagine all the wasted time refunding angle shooters if such a policy wasn't in place 958829;1419286517;Anduck;jurov: that is about mpex. this what i am talking about isn't about mpex. it's about bitbet.us 958830;1419286527;jurov;same philosophy 958831;1419286554;Anduck;could coinbase now just take all the bitcoins and leave? 958832;1419286562;Anduck;stating that they own the private keys so they own the bitcoins 958833;1419286573;Anduck;and it would be perfectly fine and legal? 958834;1419286582;Anduck;people sent the bitcoins there at their own will, nobody forced them to 958835;1419286632;cazalla;well, don't they already do that when cancelling orders not in their favour 958836;1419286638;jurov;coinbase 1) does not have such provision in their terms of service 958837;1419286638;cazalla;not really the same thing anyway 958838;1419286651;Anduck;jurov: does bitbet? 958839;1419286652;jurov;2) is not placed in jurosdiction that allows for it 958840;1419286671;Anduck;romanian laws don't allow stealing 958841;1419286678;Anduck;EUROPEAN laws don't allow stealing 958842;1419286678;Anduck;heh 958843;1419286680;jurov;http://bitbet.us/faq/#150 << bitbet does 958844;1419286680;assbot;FAQ BitBet ... ( http://bit.ly/1zqfIb7 ) 958845;1419286692;Anduck;when did FAQ become "terms of service"? 958846;1419286730;jurov;apparently in serenissima jurisdiction it does 958847;1419286852;cazalla;Anduck, what would be your solution? 958848;1419286862;kakobrekla;Anduck bitcoin is not a credit card, you dont 'pull' stuff from it, you 'push'. if someone pushes 100$ bill in your postbox, did you steal from him? 958849;1419286940;Anduck;kakobrekla: can coinbase just flee away with the user-deposited funds because they own the private keys? 958850;1419286949;kakobrekla;well, they indeed can. 958851;1419286950;Anduck;cazalla: i'd be sane and refund it 958852;1419286953;cazalla;Anduck, imagine worst thing that could happen is that my bet is refunded in full.. well, why not bet on every known outcome and see if some slip past the goalie 958853;1419286972;Anduck;kakobrekla: do you think it would be good way to do it? 958854;1419286979;kakobrekla;to do what? 958855;1419286983;danielpbarron;refunding it would set a bad precedence 958856;1419286987;Anduck;cazalla: indeed - make the refund automatic then 958857;1419286994;kakobrekla;and refund costs you 5$ 958858;1419287001;kakobrekla;and someone pushes 1000000 1 dollar bills 958859;1419287005;kakobrekla;go fuck yourself. 958860;1419287010;Anduck;heh 958861;1419287024;Anduck;you don't apparently want to understand what i am saying. 958862;1419287027;Anduck;but it's fine, it's as i expected 958863;1419287034;kakobrekla;no, you dont understand how btc works. 958864;1419287048;danielpbarron;when is bitbet going to start accepting redditnote? 958865;1419287050;Anduck;heh 958866;1419287055;Anduck;sure, whatever. 958867;1419287119;kakobrekla;now shoo, go be stupid in some other chan. 958868;1419287134;Anduck;grow up? 958869;1419287143;Anduck;heh. don't worry, no need to really 958870;1419287148;kakobrekla;yes you should also do that. 958871;1419287160;Anduck;yep.. probably :) 958872;1419287233;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 7025 @ 0.0012 = 8.43 BTC {2} 958873;1419288084;undata;BingoBoingo: I enjoyed your recent article on the DPR case 958874;1419288163;kakobrekla;too bad he didnt have another surname starting with letter K 958875;1419288514;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1700 @ 0.0012 = 2.04 BTC 958876;1419288570;kakobrekla;!up Elio19 958877;1419288575;Elio19;Hi 958878;1419288585;kakobrekla;hi 958879;1419288636;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23844 @ 0.00064761 = 15.4416 BTC [-] 958880;1419288650;Elio19;Thanks for the voice, but honestly i think the chan was better off before. The reason is: It's nearly Christmas. And, im grinch. 958881;1419288710;kakobrekla;it only lasts for 30 min. 958882;1419288720;Elio19;heh 958883;1419289958;Anduck;danielpbarron: verified that the contract needs grubles signature to be valid and the said signature is missing? 958884;1419289976;danielpbarron;how can you verify a negative? 958885;1419290015;danielpbarron;anyone can produce a doctored gpg contract and say it wasn't signed right 958886;1419290040;Anduck;this one was published at mpex. are you saying mpex has edited it after signing? 958887;1419290081;danielpbarron;does it matter where the invalid signature is found? 958888;1419290095;kakobrekla;not only bitcoin, he doesnt understand how the internets works. 958889;1419290127;Anduck;just answer me and do do ad hominem shit 958890;1419290132;Anduck;don't 958891;1419290136;Anduck;don't do* :) 958892;1419290139;kakobrekla;im not your personal google 958893;1419290150;Anduck;indeed. 958894;1419290157;danielpbarron;i think html and gpg don't always mix well 958895;1419290181;danielpbarron;and this clearsigning of clearsigned stuff can get a bit complicated 958896;1419290186;Anduck;yup 958897;1419290206;Anduck;danielpbarron: well, let me know when you've parsed it so you can verify that the signature isn't there, making the contract not valid 958898;1419290225;kakobrekla;lulz 958899;1419290225;danielpbarron;i can't verify that such a signature doesn't exist 958900;1419290233;danielpbarron;i can only verify that it does exist 958901;1419290237;kakobrekla;NO BUT YOU SEE DONT AD HOMINEM SHIT 958902;1419290293;kakobrekla;seems like lukejr type of braindamage where the hw has issues, not only sw. 958903;1419290306;Anduck;kakobrekla: do you have something you want to tell me about this or why do you keep talking/shouting to me? 958904;1419290309;Anduck;i don't get it :) 958905;1419290327;Anduck;if you have nothing to contribute, you don't need to type anything here... k? 958906;1419290331;kakobrekla;well i believe that you dont get it. 958907;1419290351;Anduck;that may very well be so, could i just not discuss this matter with danielpbarron in peace without your childish interruptions? 958908;1419290362;kakobrekla;we are playing with you like a retarded kitty before you run off to get hit by a car. 958909;1419290378;Anduck;danielpbarron: well, i am not talking about "gpg verifying", i am talking about verifying. 958910;1419290390;danielpbarron;"gpg verifying" is the only verifying 958911;1419290401;Anduck;well, can you _check_ that the said signature isn't there? 958912;1419290421;*;danielpbarron slaps Anduck around a bit with a large repetition 958913;1419290429;Anduck;if you can't do that, can you verify the signature and sign the verification to me. 958914;1419290434;kakobrekla;no dont ad hominem him danielpbarron 958915;1419290440;kakobrekla;lul 958916;1419290452;Anduck;danielpbarron: if you fail to do that signing and verification, it is evidence of that the said signature -does not exist- 958917;1419290463;Anduck;which means that mircea popescu is a con man 958918;1419290468;Anduck;prove me wrong, danielpbarron 958919;1419290483;mike_c;<+Anduck> if you have nothing to contribute, you don't need to type anything here... k? << have you been in this channel before? 958920;1419290507;danielpbarron;Anduck, you are saying such nonsense right now i'm at a loss for words 958921;1419290508;Anduck;pls no derailing this time 958922;1419290519;Anduck;danielpbarron: ok. what part is unclear? 958923;1419290527;danielpbarron;oh, it's clear 958924;1419290537;danielpbarron;you clearly don't understand gpg 958925;1419290542;Anduck;alright 958926;1419290544;kakobrekla;or internets 958927;1419290546;danielpbarron;or life apparently 958928;1419290546;kakobrekla;or bitcoin. 958929;1419290556;Anduck;so you're unable to verify the grubles' signature and sign this verification for me? 958930;1419290562;Anduck;i see. 958931;1419290588;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 4150 @ 0.0012 = 4.98 BTC 958932;1419290595;Anduck;i agree on you both: i don't understand gpg, life or bitcoin. let's be done with that ok? 958933;1419290609;kakobrekla;well wtf are you talking then for ? 958934;1419290615;danielpbarron;it is impossible to prove the absence of X, whether it be gpg signatures, or God 958935;1419290616;Anduck;now let's discuss whether grubles signature (which would be needed to make the contract discussed earlier, valid) is not in place 958936;1419290633;Anduck;danielpbarron: alright. 958937;1419290640;Anduck;this means that the contract is not valid. 958938;1419290645;Anduck;there's no signature which would make it valid. 958939;1419290646;Anduck;right--? 958940;1419290651;danielpbarron;i may not have the signature, but me not having it does not prove that it cannot be had 958941;1419290654;kakobrekla;no, it just means you are incredibly retarded. 958942;1419290661;Anduck;even if someone had signed it and made it valid, it's not public, making it not valid for all of us. as shown by mpex 958943;1419290668;kakobrekla;(fuck this is too easy :() 958944;1419290680;danielpbarron;why should it be public now? isn't that all over? 958945;1419290684;Anduck;danielpbarron: well, mpex doesn't have it apparently. or if they do have, they hide it 958946;1419290694;danielpbarron;but whoever cares probably still has a copy of the contract somewhere 958947;1419290696;Anduck;it should be public to show that the contract is valid 958948;1419290704;Anduck;danielpbarron: the copy is at the mpex. 958949;1419290705;Anduck;:) 958950;1419290709;danielpbarron;"should be" 958951;1419290709;Anduck;and it's missing the signature. 958952;1419290710;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 4150 @ 0.0012 = 4.98 BTC 958953;1419290712;Anduck;grubles said he never signed it. 958954;1419290716;Anduck;_never signed it_. 958955;1419290719;danielpbarron;ok that's another thing 958956;1419290725;Anduck;mpex can't prove it was signed, either 958957;1419290728;danielpbarron;interesting to see how this plays out 958958;1419290731;danielpbarron;yes mpex can 958959;1419290739;Anduck;well, grubles says he did not sign it 958960;1419290745;danielpbarron;maybe it is signed and mp comes later and shows us 958961;1419290746;Anduck;if mpex can show the signature, it's all fine. 958962;1419290750;Anduck;but as long as they can't, it's not fine 958963;1419290754;Anduck;danielpbarron: indeed 958964;1419290756;Anduck;let's hope so 958965;1419290765;kakobrekla;lol 958966;1419290771;danielpbarron;and even if he doesn't, i'm not sure it would even matter 958967;1419290779;danielpbarron;since that company isn't listed anymore 958968;1419290782;Anduck;well, it would only make mpex corrupted 958969;1419290791;Anduck;danielpbarron: so what happened before at mpex isn't relevant? 958970;1419290799;danielpbarron;if nobody can find the signature, that still doesn't prove it never existed 958971;1419290802;kakobrekla;im getting ban requests here but srsly, wot - make it work. 958972;1419290815;Anduck;kakobrekla: who would you like to ban and what for? 958973;1419290816;Anduck;:) 958974;1419290818;danielpbarron;;;rated Anduck 958975;1419290819;gribble;You rated user Anduck on Thu Aug 14 13:39:36 2014, with a rating of -2, and supplied these additional notes: this http://bitcoinstats.com/irc/bitcoin-otc/logs/2014/08/14#l1408037518 and this http://bitcoinstats.com/irc/bitcoin-otc/logs/2014/07/23#l1406132751. 958976;1419290829;Anduck;it's funny how the defences work. 958977;1419290835;danielpbarron;should probably update that with this convo 958978;1419290839;Anduck;sorry i lied, it's not funny. it's sad 958979;1419290844;Anduck;danielpbarron: probably. 958980;1419290873;kakobrekla;Anduck you are too stupid to be here. ppl want you gone and are asking me to remove you with a +b which i will not do. 958981;1419290883;danielpbarron;;;rate Anduck -3 http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-12-2014#958897 958982;1419290883;assbot;Logged on 22-12-2014 23:16:46; Anduck: danielpbarron: well, let me know when you've parsed it so you can verify that the signature isn't there, making the contract not valid 958983;1419290885;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating for user Anduck has changed from -2 to -3. 958984;1419290942;Anduck;kakobrekla: please elaborate 958985;1419290949;Anduck;:) 958986;1419290954;kakobrekla;!? 958987;1419290963;Anduck;"Anduck you are too stupid to be here." 958988;1419290966;kakobrekla;its plain english as far as i can tell 958989;1419290978;Anduck;fine, do not elaborate 958990;1419291024;Anduck;i just find it quite sad that an operator of this channel keeps on harrassing with "you're too stupid to be here" and "go fuck yourself" etc 958991;1419291038;*;kakobrekla hands out a tissue. 958992;1419291062;Anduck;heh 958993;1419291069;danielpbarron;i don't disagree with kakobrekla's assessment 958994;1419291073;Anduck;i know that. 958995;1419291085;danielpbarron;i'd like to see the WoT sort it out 958996;1419291112;Anduck;you can start with -10ing me 958997;1419291126;danielpbarron;that wouldn't do anything 958998;1419291131;kakobrekla;it doesnt work that way, but what would you know. 958999;1419291139;Anduck;indeed. 959000;1419291139;undata;can't decide if Anduck is worse than Luke-Jr 959001;1419291146;danielpbarron;;;gettrust assbot Anduck 959002;1419291147;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask Anduck!~anduck@unaffiliated/anduck. Trust relationship from user assbot to user Anduck: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 2 via 6 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=Anduck | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=Anduck | Rated since: Tue May 8 11:28:43 2012 959003;1419291153;punkman;;;rate Anduck -1 for the purpose of #bitcoin-assets devoicing 959004;1419291154;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of -1 for user Anduck has been recorded. 959005;1419291163;kakobrekla;undata on stupid level he is worse but damage he is doing = 0 959006;1419291170;Anduck;damage against..? 959007;1419291171;kakobrekla;cept for spammin here 959008;1419291175;Anduck;who am i trying to make damage against? 959009;1419291193;kakobrekla;log integrity 959010;1419291200;undata;;;rate Anduck -3 does not understand what zero means 959011;1419291200;gribble;Error: For identification purposes, you must be authenticated to use the rating system. 959012;1419291226;Anduck;well, get me the signature of the contract 959013;1419291228;Anduck;_please do_ 959014;1419291246;danielpbarron;patience is a virtue 959015;1419291283;Anduck;negbomb meanwhile XD 959016;1419291340;punkman;it's been what, 2 years since delisting? 959017;1419291351;Anduck;punkman: how is that even relevant? 959018;1419291368;punkman;how is your blabbing relevant now? 959019;1419291383;mike_c;;;rate Anduck -1 spam-trolling. http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-12-2014#958754 959020;1419291383;assbot;Logged on 22-12-2014 21:58:57; Anduck: i'm not surprised. i still remember the "you sent 10btc late to bitbet, now it's ours because faq says it's ours now" 959021;1419291384;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of -1 for user Anduck has been recorded. 959022;1419291407;Anduck;punkman: answer me question. 959023;1419291409;Anduck;:) 959024;1419291430;punkman;well logs don't got back far enough, but I don't see grubles mentioning this ever before 959025;1419291449;Anduck;grubles has mentioned it when it happened. 959026;1419291455;Anduck;he has mentioned it after that 959027;1419291459;Anduck;and he has mentioned it today too 959028;1419291462;Anduck;but it's all irrelevant 959029;1419291481;Anduck;it's not about whether grubles mentioned it or not. it's about that the signature -is missing- from the contract 959030;1419291493;Anduck;grubles says he never signed it 959031;1419291504;Anduck;what does this tell you about mpex? 959032;1419291523;danielpbarron;so far it just tells me something about grubles 959033;1419291527;Anduck;it tells that i am trolling and should be devoiced immediately? 959034;1419291529;punkman;it tells me grubles is a young boi and can't business 959035;1419291543;Anduck;punkman: because he didn't sign a contract and the contract was still accepted as valid? 959036;1419291558;Anduck;that said contract needed his signature too, as stated in the contract 959037;1419291570;Anduck;makes him a kid when others break the rules? 959038;1419291574;danielpbarron;immediately is not two users going out of their way to gpg authenticate and issue a rating 959039;1419291590;undata;;;rate Anduck -3 does not understand what zero means 959040;1419291592;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of -3 for user Anduck has been recorded. 959041;1419291593;undata;heh, 3 959042;1419291609;Anduck;fine, whatever. 959043;1419291614;danielpbarron;well he's at -1 now; who will do the honors? 959044;1419291619;undata;I even fixed pinentry to do so. 959045;1419291622;Anduck;i guess it does lower my trust when i state out the facts. 959046;1419291633;undata;twas jacked due to gremlins 959047;1419291685;punkman;so, I'm curious, how many times did bitvps change hands? 959048;1419291717;asciilifeform;anyone else getting 'Error: Problem creating encrypted OTP file.' from gribble today ? 959049;1419291719;punkman;was it incorporated when rg and grubles owned it? 959050;1419291849;BingoBoingo;!up TheButterZone 959051;1419291883;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: I haven't authed since yesterday 959052;1419291898;danielpbarron;i authed today 959053;1419291909;kakobrekla;asciilifeform worked like half an hour ago. 959054;1419291969;asciilifeform;nm, fixed 959055;1419292113;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2200 @ 0.00064761 = 1.4247 BTC [-] 959056;1419292169;Anduck;punkman: it was incorporated by grubles only. 959057;1419292215;Anduck;rg could've been part of it, though. i am still not aware of all the facts. the point still is that rg alone couldnt have signed the contract - even when the contract states grubles signature is also needed 959058;1419292350;danielpbarron;;;gettrust assbot grubles 959059;1419292350;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask grubles!~dan@unaffiliated/grubles. Trust relationship from user assbot to user grubles: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=grubles | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=grubles | Rated since: Fri Jul 8 22:21:47 2011 959060;1419292390;danielpbarron;could be grubles is a liar 959061;1419292430;punkman;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=66246.msg768428#msg768428 959062;1419292431;assbot;[REQUEST] Funding for BitVPS.COM ... ( http://bit.ly/1vhYeY8 ) 959063;1419292529;punkman;anyway, contract says rg is representing bitvps, so his sig is good enough for my fuzzy parser 959064;1419292540;Anduck;no 959065;1419292557;Anduck;contract says both sigs are needed. 959066;1419292585;punkman;yes that's what your parser says, no need to repeat ad infinitum 959067;1419292603;Anduck;..so how is one sig "good enough" when it says it needs both? 959068;1419292633;punkman;you ever run a company? 959069;1419292645;Anduck;don't derail - keep the logs clean :) 959070;1419292693;kakobrekla;ad brominem ho! 959071;1419292756;assbot;Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0CB3TVJ.txt ) 959072;1419292756;BingoBoingo;!b 2 959073;1419292784;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 2000 @ 0.0012 = 2.4 BTC 959074;1419292906;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 12411 @ 0.0012 = 14.8932 BTC 959075;1419292950;Anduck;punkman: contract says that rg is representing bitvps. sure. but that contract is not signed by bitvps owners. 959076;1419292986;Anduck;they can state whatever they want. the signature of the owners isn't there, making the contract/paper invalid 959077;1419293049;danielpbarron;!down Anduck repetitive 959078;1419293148;punkman;"i guess it does lower my trust when i state out the facts." "am still not aware of all the facts." 959079;1419293190;Anduck;i don't need to know all the facts when i only speak about few...... come on, this is all you can do? 959080;1419293229;BingoBoingo;http://www.dailydot.com/lol/erotic-german-carp-fishing-calendar/ 959081;1419293230;assbot;This erotic German carp calendar is the worst Christmas gift imaginable ... ( http://bit.ly/1vi03nY ) 959082;1419293394;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18657 @ 0.00067744 = 12.639 BTC [+] 959083;1419293647;punkman;!down Anduck 959084;1419293665;punkman;it dun work kako 959085;1419293708;punkman;;;gettrust assbot Anduck 959086;1419293708;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask Anduck!~anduck@unaffiliated/anduck. Trust relationship from user assbot to user Anduck: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 8 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=Anduck | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=Anduck | Rated since: Tue May 8 11:28:43 2012 959087;1419293713;kakobrekla;myea, 'down' doesnt actively check for l2 :| 959088;1419293725;punkman;what does it check? 959089;1419293736;Anduck;oh no :( 959090;1419293740;Anduck;:) 959091;1419293784;kakobrekla;the relationship between downer and downee at upping 959092;1419293852;kakobrekla;Anduck would you be so kind and hop (part and join if you want) the chan? 959093;1419293862;Anduck;kind after you told me to fuck off? sorry,no. 959094;1419293874;Anduck;you're too irrogant to ask me for favours.. 959095;1419293889;punkman;ignorant+arrogant=irrogant? 959096;1419294105;kakobrekla;idk but it sounds bad. 959097;1419294122;punkman;your irrogant! 959098;1419294132;kakobrekla;lmao 959099;1419294164;punkman;ima start using that 959100;1419294214;assbot;Last 5 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/3M0RME6.txt ) 959101;1419294214;BingoBoingo;!b 5 959102;1419294248;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1025 @ 0.0012 = 1.23 BTC 959103;1419294258;punkman;!t m s.bbet 959104;1419294258;assbot;[MPEX:S.BBET] 1D: 0.0002 / 0.00021036 / 0.000459 (5000 shares, 1.05 BTC), 7D: 0.0001 / 0.00014649 / 0.000459 (83033 shares, 12.16 BTC), 30D: 0.0001 / 0.00024317 / 0.00049 (130112 shares, 31.64 BTC) 959105;1419294275;punkman;who tanked bbet! 959106;1419294303;punkman;thought I think I might have grabbed some of those 0.0001 shares 959107;1419294307;punkman;*though 959108;1419294331;kakobrekla;tanked on a 1 btc volume ? 959109;1419294347;kakobrekla;no, 12. 959110;1419294451;BingoBoingo;What happens next during MP's vacation? Is pirateat40 going to show up and say Ponzi would still be going if only hanbot wasn't slandering his soul? 959111;1419294505;kakobrekla;!l m s.bbet 959112;1419294505;assbot;Last trade for S.BBET on MPEX was at 0.0002 BTC [+] 959113;1419294517;kakobrekla;this is not correct 959114;1419294526;kakobrekla;;;later tell mircea_popescu ping 959115;1419294527;gribble;The operation succeeded. 959116;1419294577;punkman;why is it wrong? 959117;1419294614;punkman;oh never mind 959118;1419294624;kakobrekla;theres a couple of endpoints where assbot gets data for mpex 959119;1419294634;kakobrekla;and seems some of those endpoints are deaf 959120;1419294660;kakobrekla;and im missing trade data for all the symbols 959121;1419294711;kakobrekla;the !l command is a locally cached command. 959122;1419294989;kakobrekla;this has correct data : http://live.coinbr.com/?mpsic=S.BBET 959123;1419294989;assbot;CoinBr Live S.BBET ... ( http://bit.ly/1vi3Stl ) 959124;1419295177;decimation;;;ticker 959125;1419295178;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 332.89, Best ask: 333.82, Bid-ask spread: 0.93000, Last trade: 333.91, 24 hour volume: 11841.92676751, 24 hour low: 319.9, 24 hour high: 333.99, 24 hour vwap: 328.30862748 959126;1419295215;decimation;!up Quanttek 959127;1419295904;thestringpuller;cazalla still awake? 959128;1419296785;decimation;!up kanzure 959129;1419297174;cazalla;thestringpuller, i am, just put the kid down to zzz 959130;1419297226;thestringpuller;http://theraptest.com/ << this is up my ally 959131;1419297232;thestringpuller;BingoBoingo: found it 959132;1419297286;BingoBoingo;Well I found it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2q3pfw/nas_gives_his_true_fans_the_choice_to_get_into/ 959133;1419297289;assbot;Nas gives his "true fans" the choice to get into Bitcoin : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1ABcalo ) 959134;1419297305;BingoBoingo;This is how coinbase competes with BitPay during Bitcoin Bowl week 959135;1419297338;thestringpuller;i wish they had jay-z or something 959136;1419297410;thestringpuller;i fucking hate nas tho. he's not a real gangsta 959137;1419297418;thestringpuller;he also made me hate kelis for no reason! 959138;1419297472;thestringpuller;based on this test, Kanye is my favorite rapper out of all these 959139;1419297476;thestringpuller;Pac is my least 959140;1419297504;cazalla;hate 2pack? you are such a hipster thestringpuller 959141;1419297514;thestringpuller;d00d 959142;1419297516;thestringpuller;fuck pac 959143;1419297524;thestringpuller;if it wasn't for him being brain washed by suge knight 959144;1419297526;thestringpuller;we'd still have biggie 959145;1419297550;thestringpuller;they should have all just ganged up on suge knight 959146;1419297563;thestringpuller;and yea I'll say it I'm glad suge knight got shot up recently! 959147;1419297572;*;thestringpuller emotional backpacker 959148;1419297576;thestringpuller;;;ud backpacker 959149;1419297577;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=backpacker | Backpacker is based on a fashion style popular in the mid to late 90s where people involved in hip-hop wore large backpacks. Originated by graf wri... 959150;1419297594;cazalla;lol 959151;1419297602;cazalla;but yeah i saw this, checked out the saw but it's a bit of a zzz 959152;1419297628;cazalla;write it up though if you are inclined, would go with the 50c article 959153;1419297646;mod6;im waitin on Bitcoin Motivation 101 959154;1419297847;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 6650 @ 0.0012 = 7.98 BTC 959155;1419298030;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32850 @ 0.00063851 = 20.9751 BTC [-] {3} 959156;1419298461;thestringpuller;fiddy: i don't wanna be hidin' inside when nobody outside anymore 959157;1419298901;kakobrekla;!up paxtoncamaro91 959158;1419299623;decimation;!up badon 959159;1419299979;BingoBoingo;!up jborkl 959160;1419300163;jborkl;Hello all 959161;1419300204;BingoBoingo;Hello 959162;1419301346;ben_vulpes;i'm aliiiiive 959163;1419301347;ben_vulpes;sort of 959164;1419301477;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: Why only sort of? 959165;1419301521;decimation;ben_vulpes: how did the unbillable work go? 959166;1419301626;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: went to bed at 5 am, woke up at 9 959167;1419301640;BingoBoingo;Ah 959168;1419301647;ben_vulpes;decimation: well last night after rigorous testing i neglected to disable the nightly job that i'd just proved responsible for taking down the client cluster 959169;1419301655;ben_vulpes;"proved" << just for you, alf 959170;1419301671;decimation;sucks man 959171;1419301677;decimation;I hate redoing work 959172;1419301730;ben_vulpes;so i woke up from the sleep of "ah - i've finally stablized this thing" at the butt of dawn to bring the cluster back 959173;1419303581;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1200 @ 0.0012 = 1.44 BTC 959174;1419303642;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 950 @ 0.0012 = 1.14 BTC 959175;1419306631;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1020 @ 0.0012 = 1.224 BTC 959176;1419306936;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 4175 @ 0.0012 = 5.01 BTC 959177;1419307179;[]bot;Bet placed: 1.30268247 BTC for No on "Bitcoin to win vs S&P 500" http://bitbet.us/bet/989/ Odds: 18(Y):82(N) by coin, 44(Y):56(N) by weight. Total bet: 4.12679026 BTC. Current weight: 9,854. 959178;1419307253;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: so you think your day job is painful. go debug a rom, for an evil embedded cpu arch, to which you haven't source. 959179;1419307366;BingoBoingo; ben_vulpes: so you think your day job is painful. go debug a rom, for an evil embedded cpu arch, to which you haven't source. << If you had the source though it wouldn't be sporting. 959180;1419307410;*;asciilifeform spends his evenings debugging an entirely other rom to which he does have source. and disagrees, seeing how there is plenty of sport in it. 959181;1419307659;BingoBoingo;But is the other, evening, ROM evil? 959182;1419308461;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1470 @ 0.0012 = 1.764 BTC 959183;1419309856;danielpbarron;!up dustcoin 959184;1419310109;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1250 @ 0.0012 = 1.5 BTC 959185;1419310171;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 2740 @ 0.0012 = 3.288 BTC 959186;1419310172;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 12000 @ 0.001208 = 14.496 BTC [+] 959187;1419310294;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1000 @ 0.00121947 = 1.2195 BTC [+] {3} 959188;1419310414;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1084 @ 0.00122532 = 1.3282 BTC [+] {11} 959189;1419310415;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 1250 @ 0.00464998 = 5.8125 BTC [+] 959190;1419310475;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1000 @ 0.00122918 = 1.2292 BTC [+] {10} 959191;1419310536;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1500 @ 0.0012311 = 1.8467 BTC [+] {9} 959192;1419312731;TheNewDeal;;;nethash 959193;1419312732;gribble;280594055.846 959194;1419312736;TheNewDeal;;;bc,stats 959195;1419312740;gribble;Current Blocks: 335484 | Current Difficulty: 3.945767130713873E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 336671 | Next Difficulty In: 1187 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 0 days, 5 hours, 42 minutes, and 26 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 37656692084.0 | Estimated Percent Change: -4.56433 959196;1419312915;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18600 @ 0.00064244 = 11.9494 BTC [+] 959197;1419314318;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1477 @ 0.00123243 = 1.8203 BTC [+] {3} 959198;1419314379;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 4426 @ 0.00123312 = 5.4578 BTC [+] {5} 959199;1419314440;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1309 @ 0.00123397 = 1.6153 BTC [+] {6} 959200;1419314501;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2250 @ 0.00124257 = 2.7958 BTC [+] {5} 959201;1419315599;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17450 @ 0.00063509 = 11.0823 BTC [-] {2} 959202;1419320602;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15874 @ 0.00065875 = 10.457 BTC [+] {3} 959203;1419322797;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29600 @ 0.00063396 = 18.7652 BTC [-] {2} 959204;1419324681;Naphex;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoQYw49saqc marry xmas, and such :D laters 959205;1419324683;assbot;Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/13WT2m6 ) 959206;1419327372;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 838 @ 0.001215 = 1.0182 BTC [+] 959207;1419335654;mats;https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/helping-a-poor-soul-having-better-days--2 959208;1419335656;assbot;Helping a poor soul having better days | Indiegogo ... ( http://bit.ly/16Mo15j ) 959209;1419336180;kakobrekla;!up AndrewJackson 959210;1419336187;kakobrekla;!up Ssateneth 959211;1419336191;kakobrekla;!up hotrew 959212;1419337549;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 954 @ 0.001215 = 1.1591 BTC [-] {2} 959213;1419340288;BingoBoingo;!up Elio20 959214;1419340880;punkman;!up austeritysucks 959215;1419340958;BingoBoingo;!up austeritysucks 959216;1419340963;BingoBoingo;Hello austeritysucks 959217;1419340970;austeritysucks;hi there 959218;1419340983;BingoBoingo;What brings you around these parts? 959219;1419341016;austeritysucks;been using bitcoin as virtual items merchant and accumulated some just poking around 959220;1419341027;BingoBoingo;Cool 959221;1419341031;punkman;cool, what do you sell? 959222;1419341039;austeritysucks;csgo items mostly 959223;1419341043;austeritysucks;counter strike on steam 959224;1419341063;BingoBoingo;Ah, there's channel logs in the topic if you are interested in some history 959225;1419342247;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17300 @ 0.00063918 = 11.0578 BTC [+] 959226;1419343255;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2014/12/gchq-says-its-surveillance-ability-crippled-post-snowden/ 959227;1419343257;assbot;GCHQ Says Its Surveillance Ability is Crippled Post-Snowden | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1zeZaOq ) 959228;1419343603;Apocalyptic;BingoBoingo, "actually has some an explicit" probably a typo 959229;1419343642;BingoBoingo;fix'd 959230;1419343644;BingoBoingo;Thanks 959231;1419345402;mike_c;ping jurov 959232;1419345478;mike_c;have you ever thought about adding the ability to short mpex stocks to coinbr? seems like it would be a great service for you as a brokerage. 959233;1419345505;mike_c;let people lend shares at an interest rate, and let others borrow (with btc collateral) to short. 959234;1419345700;thestringpuller;mike_c dunno if there is enough volume for that 959235;1419345831;mike_c;it is grease for the wheels. 959236;1419345901;mike_c;like right now, s.bbet has a big bid/ask spread. but it can be tough to market-make a stock if you can't borrow shares to sell. 959237;1419345926;mike_c;and obviously there is plenty of s.mpoe volume 959238;1419345932;mike_c;and volatility 959239;1419346043;thestringpuller;volume was a bad word 959240;1419346047;thestringpuller;i dunno if there is enough inventory 959241;1419346053;thestringpuller;volume was completely the wrong word 959242;1419346137;mike_c;you're going to have to use more words :) I don't follow your concern. 959243;1419346253;thestringpuller;i don't know if the conglemorate of coinbr users have the inventory of stock necessary to lend. 959244;1419346643;mike_c;yes, but coinbr would now be offering interest on passive stock holdings. so perhaps it would pick up new types of customers. 959245;1419348141;asciilifeform;nanotube around? yesterday i updated my key (new exp date, same fingerprint); still getting 'Error: Problem creating encrypted OTP file.' from gribble. 959246;1419348301;asciilifeform;http://pool.sks-keyservers.net:11371/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=0x17215D118B7239507FAFED98B98228A001ABFFC7 << appears 959247;1419348302;assbot;Search results for '0x17215d118b7239507fafed98b98228a001abffc7' ... ( http://bit.ly/1wCSVXQ ) 959248;1419348306;asciilifeform;but no worky. 959249;1419348900;BingoBoingo;!up nanotube 959250;1419349567;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 47433 @ 0.00063918 = 30.3182 BTC [+] 959251;1419350115;nanotube;asciilifeform: refreshed your key. (regular cron job runs weekly) 959252;1419350482;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1026 @ 0.00125487 = 1.2875 BTC [+] {3} 959253;1419350665;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2461 @ 0.00126472 = 3.1125 BTC [+] {9} 959254;1419350880;TomServo;!up drawingthesun 959255;1419350914;kakobrekla;!up drawingthesun 959256;1419351598;asciilifeform;nanotube: thx! 959257;1419353044;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45050 @ 0.00067001 = 30.184 BTC [+] {2} 959258;1419353105;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2397 @ 0.0012599 = 3.02 BTC [+] 959259;1419353282;mike_c;who is best torrent search these days? 959260;1419353573;mats;do you want an invite to a private tracker? 959261;1419353715;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17326 @ 0.00063648 = 11.0277 BTC [-] 959262;1419354127;mike_c;um. idk. sure? 959263;1419354142;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 6000 @ 0.00033338 = 2.0003 BTC [+] {5} 959264;1419354263;kakobrekla;(if its what.cd rather say no) 959265;1419354355;mats;pm email 959266;1419354366;mats;i only had the one what.cd invite 959267;1419354508;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 18 @ 0.118 = 2.124 BTC [-] 959268;1419354874;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 47719 @ 0.00004899 = 2.3378 BTC [+] {6} 959269;1419355423;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 150 @ 0.00898401 = 1.3476 BTC [-] 959270;1419355426;BingoBoingo;;;later tell mircea_popescu Oh look other people are tired of being hasseled with ideas too http://www.itworld.com/article/2862466/im-done-agreeing-to-ndas-before-hearing-ideas.html 959271;1419355427;assbot;I'm done agreeing to NDAs before hearing ideas | ITworld ... ( http://bit.ly/1xdUJIB ) 959272;1419355427;gribble;The operation succeeded. 959273;1419356613;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2014/12/sony-now-to-release-movie/ 959274;1419356615;assbot;Sony Now to Release Movie | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1whRhp6 ) 959275;1419356949;TomServo;Ahah - what a bunch of clowns. 959276;1419356974;thestringpuller;BingoBoingo I'm going to need you to GPG sign this NDA before I discuss details of this project... 959277;1419357031;BingoBoingo;thestringpuller: Well, at least you are recorded in the WoT in a way other than Mr Spam is. 959278;1419357052;thestringpuller;I want to talk to you about this idea flappy plane. It's going to revolutionize aviation. 959279;1419357558;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 60016 @ 0.00063775 = 38.2752 BTC [+] {4} 959280;1419360791;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1573 @ 0.00125 = 1.9663 BTC [-] {4} 959281;1419360913;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1000 @ 0.00121723 = 1.2172 BTC [-] {9} 959282;1419360974;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 5000 @ 0.00121502 = 6.0751 BTC [-] {6} 959283;1419363882;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla pong 959284;1419363897;mircea_popescu;;;rated grubles 959285;1419363898;gribble;You have not yet rated user grubles 959286;1419363993;mircea_popescu;;;rate grubles -1 Disingenuous at best. One of the large group of everyday nitwits that wandered into Bitcoin early on enough so as to end up with a much larger momentary fortune than their limited brainpower could support. After squandering it through the usual means, they prefer to pretend their funciar stupidity is someone else's fault. 959287;1419363994;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of -1 for user grubles has been recorded. 959288;1419364054;mircea_popescu;re the entire grubles/bitvps thing : the listing was discussed for a while, in a public channel. grubles was there, and not only represented himself in agreement, but represented rg as the owner of the thing. 959289;1419364078;mircea_popescu;for that matter, the contract has a specific clause, 3(a)That no third party has offered verifiable proof as to the inaccuracy or incompleteness of the representations and warranties made herein and that no market makers, preferred traders and other significant investors of MPEx have publicly proffered doubt as to the accuracy or completeness of the representations and warranties made herein ; 959290;1419364105;mircea_popescu;he never availed himself of it, and that is exactly enough for constructive tacit agreement, just as good as if he swore to the whole thing. 959291;1419364136;mircea_popescu;for that matter, the guy didn't protest at any point while rg was still running the thing, nor did he stand up to take over once rg fucked it up. 959292;1419364469;mircea_popescu;there was about a month there while namworld was struggling to salvage the thing. which meanwhile i think died again or what is it these days ? 959293;1419364605;thestringpuller;oh look it's a popescu! 959294;1419364610;*;thestringpuller waves 959295;1419364631;mircea_popescu;heya thestringpuller 959296;1419364636;mircea_popescu;how goes the merryments ? 959297;1419364642;mircea_popescu;!up cornfeedhobo 959298;1419364678;cornfeedhobo;gracias 959299;1419364703;thestringpuller;They are interesting! I think my 3D artist has some renders as an XMas present for you. Hopefully chetty can help us get it in the engine sometime Q1. 959300;1419364712;mircea_popescu;for sure! 959301;1419364716;thestringpuller;How is your vacation going? 959302;1419364730;mircea_popescu;pretty fun! 959303;1419364738;thestringpuller;warmer than the n hemisphere i hope ;) 959304;1419364749;thestringpuller;not that you'd need warmth with that harem of yours ;) 959305;1419364750;mircea_popescu;do you realise i've been pretty much here, and on -otc before that, almost every day for like three years straight ? 959306;1419364754;mircea_popescu;nuts if you say it outloud. 959307;1419364791;thestringpuller;Well you do have highest word count for good reasons! 959308;1419364822;thestringpuller;so I work for the marketing department here as a developer. 959309;1419364839;thestringpuller;in one of the meetings I almost went "marketing is rape" 959310;1419364857;thestringpuller;and was about to start quoting trilema 959311;1419364871;mircea_popescu;o.O 959312;1419364984;thestringpuller;haha! I have no idea why we spend so much on marketing. These designers are wasting their precious time. 959313;1419365019;mircea_popescu;well just don't get arrested over freedom of speech lol 959314;1419365127;joecool;heh return of rg to irc seems to be causing arguments in all the bitcoin-* channels 959315;1419365189;kakobrekla;but he doesnt own his key anymore? 959316;1419365259;joecool;kakobrekla: i thought that was just a rumor, for months everyone thought he sold his forum login too, yet he claims not since he came back to irc 959317;1419365325;kakobrekla;dik. 959318;1419365353;mircea_popescu;joecool was a fact back then. 959319;1419365361;mircea_popescu;these things don't change over time i dun think. 959320;1419365397;joecool;no i wouldn't expect that to change over time if true 959321;1419365436;mats;it was entertaining to see Anduck chat again 959322;1419365488;mats;feelings were hurt and words were had 959323;1419365598;cornfeedhobo;mircea_popescu: sounds like a fun 3 years 959324;1419365600;mircea_popescu;guy's kinda add. 959325;1419365603;mircea_popescu;**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Apr 8 16:13:16 2012 959326;1419365604;mircea_popescu;Apr 08 16:13:16 *Now talking on #bitcoin-otc 959327;1419365604;mircea_popescu;Apr 08 16:13:16 *Topic for #bitcoin-otc is: OTC marketplace for Bitcoin trading and exchange. | http://bitcoin-otc.com/ | http://bit.ly/x56Fd5 | Start with the ;;guide | Before trading, talk to people, and check ratings. | Beware the FRAUDSTERS. ;;fraud | Trade Options: http://polimedia.us/btc | Bitcoin VPS: http://bitvps.com | BTC → MP @ http://btcpak.com | Support bitcoin-otc! 1F1dPZxdxVVigpGdsafnZ3cFBdMGDADFDe 959328;1419365605;assbot;#bitcoin-otc ... ( http://bit.ly/1Hx0f8w ) 959329;1419365608;assbot;Bitcoin-otc channel guidelines - bitcoin-otc wiki ... ( http://bit.ly/1Hx0ikJ ) 959330;1419365609;assbot;MPEx, the Bitcoin securities exchange. ... ( http://bit.ly/1Hx0gcJ ) 959331;1419365611;assbot;BitVPS: SSD VPS & Dedicated Servers for Bitcoin | SSD VPS + Dedicated Servers for Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1Hx0gti ) 959332;1419365614;mircea_popescu;Apr 08 16:13:16 *Topic for #bitcoin-otc set by nanotube!~nanotube@unaffiliated/nanotube at Wed Apr 4 06:47:00 2012 959333;1419365614;mircea_popescu;^going through old logs. 959334;1419365626;mircea_popescu;does -otc still have sponsors or nomoar ? 959335;1419365641;cornfeedhobo;i havent seen one in a year, i think 959336;1419365657;joecool;-otc can't even pull together an events bot 959337;1419365682;cornfeedhobo;afaik, the ops have one 959338;1419365683;mircea_popescu;well, let it be a lesson to all aspiring states : don't allow gmaxwells anywhere near anything, or they'll shit up your future. 959339;1419365715;cornfeedhobo;gmaxwell? i think i may have missed the drama involving him ... mind filling me in? 959340;1419365737;mircea_popescu;cornfeedhobo http://trilema.com/2013/the-froth-of-our-days/ 959341;1419365738;assbot;The froth of our days pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1Hx0Wid ) 959342;1419365871;cornfeedhobo;hahaha "LOL @ #bitcoin-otc-nsfw is a danieldaniel free zone." 959343;1419365899;mircea_popescu;i think guy was like 16 or something at the time 959344;1419365919;mircea_popescu;http://bitcoinstats.com/irc/bitcoin-otc/logs/2012/04/07#l1333839931 << bitvps had one of those "vote your favorite face" thing 959345;1419365920;assbot;BitcoinStats ... ( http://bit.ly/1Hx1FjD ) 959346;1419365921;cornfeedhobo;he is 16 now. i have met him in NYC. not a fan. 959347;1419365960;mircea_popescu;a really ? i never kept too close track. just a kid wandered in one day. 959348;1419365973;mircea_popescu;22:13 rgsoon you guys can invest in BitVPS 959349;1419365988;cornfeedhobo;he has gone out of his way too many times to be extremely rude. i found it fitting when he was hired by CoinBase 959350;1419366004;cornfeedhobo;(customer support) 959351;1419366045;mircea_popescu;Apr 06 06:24:27 just set your password to asdfghjkl;' that way you can zip through the whole row. the enter key is even at the end. thats to root password to every bitvps server. 959352;1419366046;mircea_popescu;Apr 06 06:25:10 i set mine to "incorrect", so when i forget it, the app tells me 959353;1419366049;mircea_popescu;good old days lol 959354;1419366066;cornfeedhobo;lol 959355;1419366070;mircea_popescu;cornfeedhobo isn't support the hell computer afficionados go to die in ? 959356;1419366182;joecool;cornfeedhobo: still think the best was seeing a minor (danieldaniel) lend btc to a heroin addict (rg), -otc is always good entertainment 959357;1419366182;cornfeedhobo;that is certainly what i have always thought 959358;1419366191;cornfeedhobo;indeed 959359;1419366201;cornfeedhobo;and cry about not getting it back. lol 959360;1419366245;mircea_popescu;jborkl: What was the rate, 7% per day? Or week << per week 959361;1419366261;mircea_popescu;but he had an insider deal where he paid the various captains of industry more so they got the idea to resell. 959362;1419366287;mircea_popescu;joecool when was this ? 959363;1419366316;joecool;mircea_popescu: about a year or so ago 959364;1419366323;mircea_popescu;after my time. 959365;1419366367;jborkl;sweet action, 7% per week... seems so realistic 959366;1419366395;thestringpuller;cornfeedhobo: danieldaniel is a weird kid. 959367;1419366396;mircea_popescu;at the time, bitcoin was a few dollars and basically nobody gave much of a shit. 959368;1419366404;thestringpuller;he's trustworthy tho, or at least was. 959369;1419366419;mircea_popescu;eventually people started caring and it got crushed into the dirt, but for a year or so all sorts of bugs got to dance on the tools an' pretend. 959370;1419366420;thestringpuller;I think he spends too much time in front of a computer and not enough time sleeping with girls. 959371;1419366446;jborkl;yeah, the weekend btcst went bust it dropped to $8 959372;1419366481;mircea_popescu;it was oscilating aroudn there, at some point prior the pirate muppet was "going to ruin the price" while it went from low 6s to 7s. 959373;1419366493;mircea_popescu;that was some lulzy log 959374;1419366512;mircea_popescu;i dun recall which chan it was in tho, some pricewatchers something 959375;1419366549;thestringpuller;man i miss those days 959376;1419366632;mircea_popescu;i recall this one instance where i was going to buy some btc but the guy turned out to only have like 5 or so, and i was meh, for that much not worth my time going into paypal. 959377;1419366643;assbot;cornfeedhobo +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0 959378;1419366648;mircea_popescu;!up cornfeedhobo 959379;1419366660;mircea_popescu;this was during that dry summer when it stayed at 2.x 959380;1419366660;thestringpuller;;;gettrust mircea_popescu gmaxwell 959381;1419366661;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user mircea_popescu to user gmaxwell: Level 1: -10, Level 2: 20 via 14 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=mircea_popescu&dest=gmaxwell | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=gmaxwell | Rated since: Mon Jul 25 13:49:45 2011 959382;1419366673;thestringpuller;lol i think he is rated lower than magicaltux 959383;1419366677;cornfeedhobo;thestringpuller: he is trustworthy because someone doxxed him a while back. even posted pictures of his mom. I never got the sense that it was genuine, but i could be wrong. 959384;1419366684;mircea_popescu;who ? 959385;1419366689;thestringpuller;;;gettrust mircea_popescu magicaltux 959386;1419366689;cornfeedhobo;danieldaniel 959387;1419366690;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user mircea_popescu to user magicaltux: Level 1: -1, Level 2: -22 via 14 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=mircea_popescu&dest=magicaltux | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=magicaltux | Rated since: Mon Dec 20 13:21:21 2010 959388;1419366702;mircea_popescu;is danielmom hot ? 959389;1419366729;cornfeedhobo;i dont recall 959390;1419366767;rithm;man o man\ 959391;1419366774;rithm;all that text up above 959392;1419366826;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-12-2014#958826 << somehow nobody goes "o look, mp paid 100s of btc so bitcoin financial space may exist" 959393;1419366826;assbot;Logged on 22-12-2014 22:14:11; jurov: http://trilema.com/2013/rota-post-mortem/ << Anduck see the discussion, it's mircea's and kako's sacrosanct right to arrange unprotected hole in the foyer with a sign "whatever falls here, is our property" 959394;1419366847;mircea_popescu;yet plenty of idiot muppets going "o noes, we tried to scam with 10 btc and it didn't work out like we wanted it to BLAME MP" 959395;1419366917;mircea_popescu;kinda why democracy is a fucking stupid idea. the only logical counterbalance to the common man's moral myopia is a solid grasp on the кнут. 959396;1419366980;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu is the next great khan... 959397;1419366990;thestringpuller;khan of khans! 959398;1419367001;*;thestringpuller has been watching too much netflix 959399;1419367055;mircea_popescu;i imagine neflix goes gangbusters mid to late decvember 959400;1419367121;thestringpuller;that was a good radio program. 959401;1419367127;jborkl;thestringpuller, i watched four episodes last night. 959402;1419367133;jborkl;i was really bored 959403;1419367158;mircea_popescu;http://bash.bitcoin-assets.com/?quote=340 bwahahaha 959404;1419367160;assbot;#bitcoin-assets bash ... ( http://bit.ly/1Hx8fXl ) 959405;1419367163;thestringpuller;jborkl: hit or miss right? my asian friend calls it "asian GoT without the dragons" 959406;1419367173;rithm;http://trilema.com/2013/rota-post-mortem/ i find personally offensive still 959407;1419367173;assbot;ROTA, post mortem. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1Hx8kKr ) 959408;1419367176;rithm;perma-disagreement 959409;1419367187;jborkl;that is about right actually 959410;1419367244;rithm;afaik the rota thing was a mircea and wences setup 959411;1419367257;rithm;so everyone can blow me anyways 959412;1419367284;mircea_popescu;what's so offensive about it ? you had a chance to be like intelligent and prove the common man should have a voice. 959413;1419367292;mircea_popescu;you used it to prove the common man belongs silent. 959414;1419367300;mircea_popescu;either way, you know ? things should be what they are. 959415;1419367318;rithm;that's some sort of twisting of the facts. pay me to discuss it with you and I might. 959416;1419367352;rithm;i still have the full channel logs 959417;1419367395;kakobrekla;>The total damage steming from this latest naivity of mine is 150 BTC in owed salaries which become due in December < this was actually paid ? 959418;1419367397;mircea_popescu;what, trying to imply something's missing ? nothing's missing, it's all there. 959419;1419367402;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla myeah. 959420;1419367407;kakobrekla;to whom? 959421;1419367419;mircea_popescu;to, for instance, rithm 959422;1419367428;rithm;i can look up the txid if you need 959423;1419367431;kakobrekla;he got 50? 959424;1419367434;mircea_popescu;iirc rassah didn't want it because he didn't think he had done anything 959425;1419367442;mircea_popescu;which i can respek. 959426;1419367479;rithm;i still haz it if you want it back 959427;1419367485;mircea_popescu;nop. 959428;1419367516;mircea_popescu;teh great lesson of bitcoinz : there's no backsies. 959429;1419367542;mircea_popescu;i never had any idea, but liek... teh most fundamentally humane thing actually is going "hey, try again" 959430;1419367550;mircea_popescu;that is about as unnatural as it gets. 959431;1419367647;rithm;i'm not sure how someone'e else lack of decision making skills and causality and what-not becomes my failure 959432;1419367649;rithm;but whatevs 959433;1419367784;kakobrekla;seems like im listed in the judge list as well. just ftr i did not receive any compensation for my non-work (as i was not involved in a case). 959434;1419367812;mircea_popescu;yeah you and a 2nd that never actually got to go on a jury didn't get anything. i think mebbe it was jurov ? 959435;1419367855;mircea_popescu;!up Elio20 959436;1419367917;mircea_popescu;anyway, better off this way, had the democratic delusions failed to explode we'd just have been belabouring under falsepremises for this interval mostl likely, wouldn't have the lordship list and the supremely valuable understanding of what hierarchy means in society and why equalitarianism is the fruit of the devil jacking off and so on. 959437;1419367933;mircea_popescu;or at least, i would have been. 959438;1419367937;*;rithm goes to kill himself 959439;1419368309;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: well just don't get arrested over freedom of speech lol << speech isn't really a freedom at that point is it? 959440;1419368319;mircea_popescu;quite. 959441;1419368340;mircea_popescu;i wonder how many people noticed the subtle change from freedom of speech to an alleged "right" of free speech. 959442;1419368369;thestringpuller;http://www.livingstondaily.com/story/news/local/community/brighton/2014/12/21/cursing-teen-mill-pond-ignites-debate-freedom-speech/20745957/ << this guy 959443;1419368374;mircea_popescu;the difference between rights and freedoms being essentially the difference between pearl necklaces and dog collars. 959444;1419368390;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller not bad. 959445;1419368420;mircea_popescu;in any case : a freedom is something the people have, and the state can't take away. the rights are constructions that the state gives, and so the state can take away. 959446;1419368430;mircea_popescu;trading a freedom for a right is always a bad deal. 959447;1419368469;mircea_popescu;and it's what generally happens whenever a state claims to be "protecting rights". it's not protecting anything, it's stealing freedom and issuing in its place token "rights". which, much like its paper currency, are fiat worthlessness. 959448;1419368492;thestringpuller;!up cornfeedhobo 959449;1419368791;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-12-2014#958919 << http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-11-2014#924338 959450;1419368791;assbot;Logged on 22-12-2014 23:21:23; mike_c: <+Anduck> if you have nothing to contribute, you don't need to type anything here... k? << have you been in this channel before? 959451;1419368791;assbot;Logged on 15-11-2014 21:25:49; mircea_popescu: yes. 959452;1419369025;mike_c;it was more meant as a rebuttal to his comment. people who have nothing to contribute type in here often :) he was a glaring example. 959453;1419369083;mike_c;btw kakobrekla, i was thinking possible an easy solution to the whole problem of "negrated person won't leave" might be another command. like !recheck Anduck. then if his l2 is no good assbot boots him. 959454;1419369098;mircea_popescu;the link actually is to his previous bout of derping here 959455;1419369104;mike_c;it has been an issue at least once before 959456;1419369123;mircea_popescu;mike_c what's the delay currently, like 15 minutes ? 959457;1419369135;mike_c;i believe it's infinite 959458;1419369138;mircea_popescu;people still can /ignore for that short interval, what's teh big deal 959459;1419369142;mike_c;until the person parts 959460;1419369159;thestringpuller;mike_c: there will always be netsplits 959461;1419369159;mircea_popescu;nah, !down works once l2 trust is <1 959462;1419369160;kakobrekla;well, the delay is the duration of his connection, which isnt too bad considering this is freenode. 959463;1419369181;mike_c;no, !down doesn't work once l2 trust is <1 959464;1419369186;mircea_popescu;o.O 959465;1419369194;mircea_popescu;what am i missing ?! 959466;1419369195;joecool;who is L2 trust between, mp and user? 959467;1419369201;mike_c;assbot and user 959468;1419369202;mircea_popescu;;;google assbot joecool 959469;1419369203;gribble;Rating Details for User 'assbot' - Bitcoin OTC: ; PREV: 17-04-2014 - #bitcoin-assets log: ; NEXT: 14-03-2014 - #bitcoin-assets log: 959470;1419369206;mircea_popescu;i mean 959471;1419369210;mircea_popescu;;;gettrust assbot joecool 959472;1419369211;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask joecool!~joecool@no-sources/joecool. Trust relationship from user assbot to user joecool: Level 1: 1, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=joecool | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=joecool | Rated since: Thu Apr 28 14:23:15 2011 959473;1419369217;mircea_popescu;!down joecool 959474;1419369223;mircea_popescu;oh because l1 ? 959475;1419369226;joecool;i guess 959476;1419369235;kakobrekla;mno. 959477;1419369245;mike_c;but regardless, it doesn't work. person has to part. this is why kako had to boot anduck manually. 959478;1419369250;mircea_popescu;speak the word of god kako. why is it ? 959479;1419369268;cazalla;austeritysucks: csgo items mostly <<< if ya ever come back, lemme know the site 959480;1419369274;kakobrekla;if you up yourself, nobody can down you for the session. 959481;1419369297;kakobrekla;the trust is checked on up only. 959482;1419369316;mircea_popescu;would it be hard to check on !down too ? 959483;1419369353;mircea_popescu;leaving a loophole there deliberately where someone with >1 l1 and 0 l2 can still voice themselves 959484;1419369361;mircea_popescu;but can also be devoiced whenever 959485;1419369374;mircea_popescu;then we can count how often this happens to de-l1 people. 959486;1419369444;kakobrekla;no the 'problem' is that if gribble hops and you reup you will be able to down everyone who has not reupped or some shit like that 959487;1419369474;mircea_popescu;is this a notable problem ? 959488;1419369475;joecool;gribble nor fleanode are exactly reliable 959489;1419369490;mircea_popescu;i mean, suppose you do that. so ? people can just reup outside of your control, all you achieve is piss off the wot list. 959490;1419369492;mircea_popescu;which... why ? 959491;1419369523;mike_c;yeah, that would likely only happen once. 959492;1419369545;kakobrekla;ill see what i can do. 959493;1419369554;mircea_popescu;i like when he says that. 959494;1419369602;mircea_popescu;usually it ends up a little later with "here's the thing we were talking about, except i built it inside a submarine just in case. and here's some beer i brewed and by the way, do you know candi and brandi ? they're twins." 959495;1419369689;mircea_popescu;bwahaha irrogant. bashed 959496;1419369762;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12800 @ 0.00063513 = 8.1297 BTC [-] 959497;1419369765;mircea_popescu;alrighty, well, that was all for me today. hohoho an' merry xmas yo! 959498;1419371418;cazalla;!up austeritysucks 959499;1419371445;cazalla;meh, not auth'd, if someone else can up him in meantime 959500;1419371709;danielpbarron;!up bagels7 959501;1419371717;danielpbarron;!up austeritysucks 959502;1419371731;cazalla;austeritysucks, what's your csgo site? 959503;1419372033;austeritysucks;cazalla, i handle transactions through a subreddit and csgolounge 959504;1419372057;assbot;Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/224VP52.txt ) 959505;1419372057;danielpbarron;!b 2 959506;1419372086;cazalla;do good volume? butterfly knives seem ideal means to go from fiat -> steam -> butterfly knife -> rmt -> bitcoin 959507;1419372112;cazalla;then flip it to someone who wants the knife for bitcoin, making a small btc profit 959508;1419372156;austeritysucks;eh its okay, hard to get people to reject paypal and go with btc 959509;1419372173;austeritysucks;paypal is horrible for digital goods though so it's a natural fit, just hard to get the community to adopt it 959510;1419372176;cazalla;yeah, get scammers offering to buy weapons using paypal all the time 959511;1419372191;cazalla;bitcoin is such a good fit for this 959512;1419372219;austeritysucks;im working on a btc/csgokey exchange 959513;1419372224;austeritysucks;since keys are used as the fixed currency to trade 959514;1419372241;cazalla;by cheaters and smurfs perhaps 959515;1419372256;austeritysucks;hm? 959516;1419372277;austeritysucks;its just that keys are used in the trade window, so they're the best "currency" to be used in trading higher value items 959517;1419372291;cazalla;ah soz, i was thinking cd keys not key keys 959518;1419372291;austeritysucks;to avoid 15% steamtax 959519;1419372330;cazalla;i think maybe you will see more of bitcoin in that as time goes on 959520;1419372356;austeritysucks;yea so my idea was instead of recreating the steam community market for bitcoin, just narrowing down to the keys would be simple to implement 959521;1419372382;austeritysucks;so people could buy keys for below store price in BTC and safely cash out their inventory to real cash by selling items for keys and selling keys on exchange 959522;1419372422;cazalla;dunno why uptake is so slow by gamers, i'd have killed for something like this back in everquest 959523;1419372561;austeritysucks;yea a charge-back free payment system is natural, but you see the typical excuses from people who refuse to adapt 959524;1419372614;austeritysucks;unfortunately credit cards all have chargeback, and until people can acquire bitcoins with creditcards at point of sale to remove the buyer from the "confusion" of the payment mechanism 959525;1419372626;austeritysucks;then there is this learning curve that nobody wants to climb 959526;1419372660;cazalla;give it time, it'll come i think 959527;1419372687;austeritysucks;there needs to be a reverse-bitpay :P 959528;1419372706;austeritysucks;but because of how credit cards work its really impossible to do it 959529;1419372719;austeritysucks;which is exactly how the monopolists want it 959530;1419372802;cazalla;i'm sure there are some kids who during bored summer holidays will figure out how to get bitcoin and buy/sell habbo items and shit like that 959531;1419372836;cazalla;so credit card issue isn't really a big one or steam monopoly etc 959532;1419372850;austeritysucks;no its the visa/mastercard monopoly 959533;1419372872;austeritysucks;a btc exchange for csgo keys is definitely doable 959534;1419372884;austeritysucks;but so many people will avoid using it because they can't acquire btc without bank transfer etc 959535;1419372887;cazalla;i don't follow, how does that bother me if i already have bitcoin and i want to buy/sell butterfly knives? 959536;1419372891;punkman;austeritysucks: https://www.payza.com/ this lets you receive CC payments and withdraw BTC, don't know anyone that uses them though 959537;1419372893;assbot;Payza | Send Money, Receive Payment, Money Transfer, Shop & Sell Online ... ( http://bit.ly/1CxBX02 ) 959538;1419372937;cazalla;pretty easy to purchase small amount of btc now austeritysucks 959539;1419372953;austeritysucks;cazalla, the majority of people prefer paypal over bitcoin in the community unfortuantely, so the big issue is getting people to adopt bitcoin, i was suggesting that an easy way to promote adoption is to get people to be removed from the btc payment mechanism and have a userfirendl front end that is like using CC, but behind the scenes iti s buying BTC, transferring BTC (and maybe even 959540;1419372953;austeritysucks;BTC->fiat again for the seller) 959541;1419372956;punkman;yeah Circle works in a lot of countries 959542;1419372972;austeritysucks;cazalla, not with the way most people make such payments (cc) 959543;1419372994;austeritysucks;the minute there is any place that allows for simple cc buy of btc you will have lots of stolen cc's using the service to get btc 959544;1419373008;punkman;Circle is that place 959545;1419373022;cazalla;but that is not the buyer's problem 959546;1419373041;cazalla;i don't really give two shits if circle gets carded to death, i can buy with my own cc in the meantime 959547;1419373111;austeritysucks;punkman, is it a secret place? i google circle btc and get nothing 959548;1419373125;austeritysucks;oh nevermind i typo'd sorry 959549;1419373127;punkman;they are kinda retarded 959550;1419373128;punkman;https://www.circle.com/en 959551;1419373129;assbot;Circle Internet Financial | Bitcoin Wallet, Bitcoin Payments, Bitcoin Insurance ... ( http://bit.ly/1CxCIXc ) 959552;1419373148;punkman;sends me 3 SMS every time I login/buy/withdraw 959553;1419373172;punkman;l33t security 959554;1419373187;austeritysucks;hm 959555;1419373190;austeritysucks;well ill look into it 959556;1419373239;austeritysucks;but for now i want to get the steam bot C# code working and then the front-end listings/btc purchase php stuff 959557;1419373279;austeritysucks;because i think if at least the key:btc exchange works with 1 steam bot then it will be easy to expand nad once expanded people will adopt BTC for the purpose of being able to cahs out to real money so drama-free 959558;1419373312;cazalla;maybe think a little further down the road and think of people wanting to cash out items to bitcoin instead of cash 959559;1419373326;cazalla;because that's is where that market will move anyway 959560;1419373329;austeritysucks;but i try my best to encourage people, set them up a hotwallet, shoot them $1 in btc or something ,and get their lips wet 959561;1419373345;austeritysucks;cazalla, yes that is what the focus is 959562;1419373356;austeritysucks;cazalla, and theres already many options for ppl to go btc to cash, that's not my concern. 959563;1419373359;austeritysucks;my concern was people going cash to BTC 959564;1419373364;austeritysucks;to use the exchange at all 959565;1419373384;cazalla;well, as punkman said, circle.. refer your customers there to get btc instead of paypal 959566;1419373426;punkman;this is pretty cool http://mattmahoney.net/dc/zpaq.html 959567;1419373427;assbot;ZPAQ ... ( http://bit.ly/1CxDZxh ) 959568;1419373450;punkman;I'm thinking zpaq > gpg > rsync 959569;1419373568;danielpbarron;!up austeritysucks 959570;1419373672;austeritysucks;"At this time, bank accounts and credit cards from your country cannot be linked to Circle. Our apologies for the inconvenience. " :( 959571;1419373683;austeritysucks;coinbase however works in my country 959572;1419373707;cazalla;works here in australia too austeritysucks although a lot of people report otherwise 959573;1419373718;austeritysucks;cazalla, but yea i dont want to get horse in front of carriage i need to make this exchange system working better before i worry about expanding customers right 959574;1419373750;austeritysucks;cazalla, i've been using it to eliminate volatility in receiving btc payments 959575;1419373767;cazalla;i have things to do, nice talking austeritysucks 959576;1419373769;austeritysucks;so it has worked fine for me but i have yet to withdraw so i can't fully vouch 959577;1419373775;austeritysucks;ok have a good one cazalla you too 959578;1419373998;kakobrekla;punkman the less dependencies the better. (also saw this in bbet cli :) 959579;1419374364;punkman;this zpaq thing could almost fit in head 959580;1419374888;punkman;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-12-2014#955217 < previously mentioned, is turd 959581;1419374888;assbot;Logged on 17-12-2014 02:31:07; punkman: backup with deduplication and gpg encryption http://obnam.org 959582;1419374922;kakobrekla;space is cheap anyway 959583;1419374924;punkman;https://attic-backup.org/ was also a contender, but I don't trust it 959584;1419374924;assbot;Welcome to Attic — Attic - Deduplicating Archiver 0.14 documentation ... ( http://bit.ly/13C7wXA ) 959585;1419374935;punkman;space yes, bandwidth no 959586;1419374951;kakobrekla;eh? 959587;1419374970;punkman;I usually have around 2mbit upload 959588;1419374973;kakobrekla;backup to two different offsite servers 959589;1419374976;punkman;can't backup big stuff offsite 959590;1419375063;kakobrekla;wait you want to backup your local stuff to some internet server ? 959591;1419375209;punkman;well yeah, not unencrypted 959592;1419375230;kakobrekla;why not locally? 959593;1419375241;punkman;why not both? 959594;1419375260;kakobrekla;because you have 2mbit upload. 959595;1419375305;kakobrekla;i also dont do it. cause if have half of your upload and a few tb of stuff. 959596;1419375315;punkman;yeah but with deduplication/incrementals it's gonna work 959597;1419375367;punkman;you can ship TB drives to datacenter, then do incrementals 959598;1419375406;kakobrekla;well, you can also bounce it off the moon on the way to dc. 959599;1419376656;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15957 @ 0.00066373 = 10.5911 BTC [+] {2} 959600;1419378120;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1038 @ 0.00120342 = 1.2491 BTC [-] {14} 959601;1419380011;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12450 @ 0.00066712 = 8.3056 BTC [+] 959602;1419382431;thestringpuller;cazalla: other qntra peeps BingoBoingo >> http://www.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/2q36z6/reddit_lets_make_a_millionaire/ 959603;1419382939;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5081 @ 0.00066712 = 3.3896 BTC [+] 959604;1419385147;asciilifeform;cazalla: seems like just the kind of organized begging that site is famous for, no ? 959605;1419385159;asciilifeform;cazalla: or is this one turd somehow different 959606;1419385257;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1700 @ 0.00066712 = 1.1341 BTC [+] 959607;1419385270;BingoBoingo;Looks like the usual begging 959608;1419385305;cazalla;unless they give it to me, it's not going on qntra 959609;1419385440;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1709 @ 0.00120004 = 2.0509 BTC [-] {6} 959610;1419386491;TomServo;!up paxtoncamaro91 959611;1419386514;TomServo;!up paxtoncamaro91 959612;1419386610;cazalla;looks like bitbet got a mention http://www.coindesk.com/bitcoin-predictions-2014-pundits-fared/ 959613;1419386611;assbot;Bitcoin Predictions for 2014: How the Pundits Fared ... ( http://bit.ly/1sWalcE ) 959614;1419386985;BingoBoingo;!up SuperEddy 959615;1419387921;decimation;kakobrekla: bounce off the moon << yeah, radio hams do this, but the antenna farm required to make it work is quite large 959616;1419388056;decimation;reddit is kinda like a lesswrong for retards 959617;1419388310;decimation;http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/thr-esq/citizenfour-producers-sued-edward-snowden-759839 << lol guy sues the snowden film producers on the theory that snowden 'stole' the property of the us taxpayer 959618;1419388312;assbot;'Citizenfour' Producers Sued Over Edward Snowden Leaks (Exclusive) - The Hollywood Reporter ... ( http://bit.ly/1sWfJfV ) 959619;1419388554;BingoBoingo;lol, I thought about newsing that up but... Does every rural person who files a lawsuit deserve their own story then? 959620;1419388569;SuperEddy;JESUS CAUSED 9 11 959621;1419388571;asciilifeform;if he wins. 959622;1419388594;SuperEddy;its not just calvinism but the bible says it 959623;1419388604;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Sure. Winning is news. Filing is What $20-$250 at the county courthouse? 959624;1419388621;SuperEddy;JESUS CAUSED 9 11 : AMOS 3:6 959625;1419388651;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: he has a good chance. just needs a few sympathetic apparatchik judges. 959626;1419388671;SuperEddy;NOW IS THE TIME TO REPENT AND HAVE MERCY IF YOU COULD ARRIVE IN GODS PRESENCE WITHOUT THE BLOOD COVERING YOU HE WOULD LITERRALLY ANITLAITE YOU, YOU WOULD SCREAM FOR HELL 959627;1419388691;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Sure. Then it becomes news along with the parties to the case. 959628;1419388697;SuperEddy;BingoBoingo, YO REPENT 959629;1419388701;danielpbarron;SuperEddy, you believe the entire Bible? 959630;1419388703;asciilifeform;JESUS ALSO CAUSED 13 15 959631;1419388723;BingoBoingo;SuperEddy: Repent what? I am my own God and already forgiven all of my transgressions. 959632;1419389109;BingoBoingo;Only a few hours until Krampus day arrives here. 959633;1419389573;decimation;BingoBoingo: the lawsuit is actually amusing, because it divides usg against itself 959634;1419389610;decimation;if usg supports the suit to annoy snowden, they tacitly admit that they are stewards of the taxpayer's property, and open themselves up to claims against malfeasance 959635;1419389669;BingoBoingo;decimation: If you can find an angle that makes the mere filing of a lawsuit interesting write it up for qntra and claim some shares. Otherwise I'm going to keep digging for more skidmarks on Preet's undies. 959636;1419389707;asciilifeform;http://villageundertaker.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/att000022.jpg << 'usg divided against itself' 959637;1419389708;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1x2iJwp ) 959638;1419389730;decimation;BingoBoingo: it's a fair point 959639;1419389747;asciilifeform;annoy snowden << annoys sony. 959640;1419389752;decimation;asciilifeform: actually that's not a very accurate picture 959641;1419389763;decimation;usg's 'hand' is a corpse at best 959642;1419389764;asciilifeform;and the whole greenwald/poitras/etc shitgnome gang 959643;1419389768;asciilifeform;aka the snowden censors. 959644;1419389774;BingoBoingo;decimation: I mean if you do produce something with your angle doesn't have to be a long piece. Just give it some bite. 959645;1419389832;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28700 @ 0.00063214 = 18.1424 BTC [-] {4} 959646;1419389839;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: For all I know Snowden was a plant for the purpose of stalling and disappearing aspiring "second" leaker 959647;1419389840;decimation;asciilifeform: microsoft produces shitware -> sony uses shitware -> 'best' korea abuses shitware -> usg gains 'writ' to more tax dollars 959648;1419389873;asciilifeform;'best' korea << not even a necessary hypothesis 959649;1419389881;asciilifeform;in fact, discountable on account of mere mention by usg. 959650;1419389923;decimation;eh, I guess I'm not that cynical. I believe that any scrap of evidence that can be used to stir shit up will be used by usg to sell an agenda 959651;1419389931;BingoBoingo;Whatever truth there might have been to who attacked sony is gone. Too late now. 959652;1419389940;asciilifeform;decimation: only if it sells the right agenda. 959653;1419389959;decimation;BingoBoingo: well, certainly we (the public) will not see the evidence 959654;1419389984;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: let's say you want some idiot dead. you bring him a loaded pistol, and say 'here. please put in mouth, here's the trigger.' he does. 959655;1419389988;asciilifeform;is this 'an attack' ? 959656;1419389988;BingoBoingo;Stirring shit up with North Korea is a natural move for the United States, because it distracts from the United States surrendering to Cuba to end that battle of the cold war. 959657;1419390005;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: It can be. 959658;1419390011;thestringpuller;BingoBoingo: it seems privatized groups are better at disappearing acts than the USG's agency. 959659;1419390015;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: reading from only the official material, that is precisely the kind of 'attack' involved. 959660;1419390027;thestringpuller;I'm pretty sure there is some privatize black site that is superior to USG version. 959661;1419390044;asciilifeform;'attacker' (via spammail or telephone) - 'can plz has password' sony clerk: 'aye, here' 959662;1419390053;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: In that case there hasn't ever been an "attack" in the history of the internet 959663;1419390068;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: occasionally actual exploit exists 959664;1419390077;decimation;asciilifeform: I agree with your hypothesis in that I think USG genuinely guides the computer industry into insecurity 959665;1419390124;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: But how often can actual exploit be truly distinguished from McDonalds exploit fed to the consuminator? 959666;1419390127;decimation;imagine if the billions poured into 'cybersecurity' were spent on constructing an actual secure terminal from first principles 959667;1419390144;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: actual exploit in the sense that no cooperation is needed from the luser 959668;1419390146;decimation;that's the midget that the usg has squashed by sitting on the computer industry stool 959669;1419390184;decimation;the fbi claims it was an email attachment that dropped some scanners that guess passwords to smb shares 959670;1419390189;asciilifeform;decimation: this is about as thinkable to present-day academics - and turdware industrialist peddlers alike - as galois theory was to the romans 959671;1419390199;BingoBoingo;Aha. Luser must still cooperate with usine computer! 959672;1419390264;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: notice how the term 'trojan' has mostly faded from Official claptrap re: 'seekoority' 959673;1419390269;decimation;asciilifeform: alpha + x modulo II^CCLVI 959674;1419390281;asciilifeform;because virtually all extant crapware falls in 'trojan' category. 959675;1419390340;decimation;asciilifeform: I think it's the case that there is (or was) some meta-usg lab that could conceive and develop secure terminal - perhaps already has 959676;1419390373;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: I thought "trojan" was falling out of fashion because fashion is now to go cloud where it is given that Eve already has root. 959677;1419390386;asciilifeform;decimation: with own parallel universe, where neither 'microshit office' nor 'bash' nor 'openssl', nor any of the constituent parts, are in use ? 959678;1419390417;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Teletype (paper) display, commodore 64 959679;1419390420;asciilifeform;decimation: usg did have a few 'parallel universes' of computing. there is, afaik, still a lab or two that use symbolics boxes, for example 959680;1419390456;asciilifeform;decimation: but my sources believe they're under continuous bureaucratic siege to go 'standards compliant' 959681;1419390480;decimation;asciilifeform: it's possible that at least someone inside usg who was charged with developing secure computing actually got somewhere 959682;1419390507;asciilifeform;we're speaking of 'secure computing' as if it were an actual technology, like +ev fusion or whatnot 959683;1419390519;asciilifeform;whereas it mainly consists of not-doing-things 959684;1419390523;asciilifeform;!s lisp brick 959685;1419390524;assbot;6 results for 'lisp brick' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=lisp+brick 959686;1419390528;asciilifeform;!s antifeature 959687;1419390528;assbot;1 results for 'antifeature' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=antifeature 959688;1419390549;asciilifeform;the principal thing-not-to-do is complexity that prevents fits-in-head 959689;1419390572;asciilifeform;anything that does not conform to this principle, i argue is ipso facto not secure for any reasonable definition of the word. 959690;1419390588;decimation;asciilifeform: agreed. this kind of thing: http://www.gdc4s.com/sectera-edge-(sme-ped)-proddetail.html 959691;1419390590;assbot;Sectéra® Edge™ (SME PED) ... ( http://bit.ly/1vlRfxj ) 959692;1419390601;decimation;except that's probably the retard version 959693;1419390603;asciilifeform;the original obamaphone! 959694;1419390610;mod6;;;tslb 959695;1419390615;gribble;Time since last block: 53 minutes and 57 seconds 959696;1419390621;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 959697;1419390622;decimation;asciilifeform: and of course, obama rejected it out of hand 959698;1419390629;gribble;Current Blocks: 335622 | Current Difficulty: 3.945767130713873E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 336671 | Next Difficulty In: 1049 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 6 days, 21 hours, 37 minutes, and 53 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 38389877348.0 | Estimated Percent Change: -2.70618 959699;1419390630;decimation;because it contained too many 'antifeatures' 959700;1419390701;BingoBoingo;I have to confess the new blackberry classic does tempt... But for extra antifeatures over flip phone is unappealing. 959701;1419390814;decimation;http://thehackernews.com/2014/08/hillary-clintons-phone-hacked-by-german_16.html 959702;1419390815;assbot;Hillary Clinton's Phone Intercepted by German intelligence Agency - Hacker News ... ( http://bit.ly/1vlS4WX ) 959703;1419390851;BingoBoingo;decimation: Nothing wrong with Nation State actors working to keep tabs on Nation State actors. 959704;1419390852;joecool;i like my Z10 tbh, only thing i'd improve is better battery life, i'm a bit concerned by some of the new "features" coming down in 10.3.x releases 959705;1419390853;decimation;one gets the picture that usg 'leaders' think of themselves as being above such trivialities as secure communications 959706;1419390905;BingoBoingo;joecool: When BBOS 7 seemed doomed I just went flipphone 959707;1419390989;joecool;oh see i hated BBOS7, i came from the harmattan/maemo background prior 959708;1419391001;joecool;tried a couple crapdroid landmines, universally disappointed 959709;1419391035;BingoBoingo;joecool: Ah, before I did BBOS 7 I was on Symbian whatever and then Android. 959710;1419391056;joecool;the whole style of UX on BB10 is very similar to the nokia n9's harmattan 959711;1419391075;joecool;otherwise i never would have considered blackberry, it's a shame they have a worthless marketing division 959712;1419391117;decimation;there there is this episode: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-26079957 959713;1419391118;assbot;BBC News - Ukraine crisis: Transcript of leaked Nuland-Pyatt call ... ( http://bit.ly/1vlSXif ) 959714;1419391291;decimation;http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/02/07/ukraine-phonecall-idUSL2N0LC1E120140207 " Mark Weatherford, a former deputy under secretary for cybersecurity with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, said that some senior government officials were issued mobile handsets that are capable of encrypting conversations but typically do not use them "It is expensive. They are different phones. They are cumbersome," said Weatherford, now a 959715;1419391293;assbot; Leaked call on Ukraine made on unencrypted cellphones -U.S. officials| Reuters ... ( http://bit.ly/1vlTmBs ) 959716;1419391293;decimation;principal with the Chertoff Group, a Washington-based consulting firm led by former senior U.S. security and intelligence officials." 959717;1419391296;decimation;"GPG is too hard, no one will use it" 959718;1419391476;BingoBoingo;joecool: I don't have problems with big UX changes. I care more about what is happening and why. Unsolder the microphone and camera in old blackberry, works as a pager like god intended. Unsolder camera and microphone in shitty LG android phone doesn't work as pager or play angry birds! 959719;1419391722;asciilifeform;decimation: usg 'leaders' think of themselves as being above such trivialities as secure communications << of what concern is what a muppet says to another muppet ? 959720;1419391775;BingoBoingo;Microphoneless smart Pnohe is the way to Pnohe, because BB pager recieves calls, records a message. To return calls you battery up a flip phone. 959721;1419391780;asciilifeform;ukraine << so what. did even a single usg minion die from the intercepted phone ? 959722;1419391798;decimation;the original blackberry actually took over an older 'pager-like' frequency allocation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DataTAC 959723;1419391799;assbot;DataTAC - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1vlUODH ) 959724;1419391809;asciilifeform;all that resulted was a leak, of facts which anglo media will never print - so it's almost as good, from their point of view, as 'never happened' 959725;1419391838;decimation;asciilifeform: My point is that no one in the entire us media 'noticed' that the intercept (which was supposedly sophisticated) came from usg 'leaders' talking on unsecure lines 959726;1419391855;decimation;one wonders how many billions were spent to deploy the secure facilities that they fail to use 959727;1419391858;asciilifeform;because they (correctly!) believed that it simply does not matter. 959728;1419391882;asciilifeform;the secure facilities (actual ones, vs. ordinary 'favourite son' golden toilet contracts) are used. by the folks who matter. 959729;1419391914;decimation;as in, faceless meta-bureaucrats? 959730;1419391930;decimation;http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2014/february/09/victoria-nulands-ukraine-gate-deceptions/ << ron paul picked up the angle 959731;1419391933;assbot;The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Victoria Nuland's 'Ukraine-gate' Deceptions ... ( http://bit.ly/1vlV85s ) 959732;1419391933;asciilifeform;wake me up when a 'minuteman' is pwned and sent off on an unsanctioned joyride. 959733;1419391956;decimation;asciilifeform: ah good point. you are saying the entire state dept. doesn't matter 959734;1419391974;*;BingoBoingo wonders if soon after releasing Cardano, S.NSA will release a Maldardano sample tampered Cardano for people to practice searching for turditions on. 959735;1419391990;decimation;actually usg would be much better off if it simply disbanded the department of state 959736;1419391990;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: fan of 'song of maldoror' ? 959737;1419392011;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Never heard it. 959738;1419392020;asciilifeform;shame. 959739;1419392027;asciilifeform;!s maldoror 959740;1419392027;assbot;0 results for 'maldoror' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=maldoror 959741;1419392038;BingoBoingo;I guess I'll have to dearch nao 959742;1419392072;asciilifeform;not essential. 959743;1419392186;asciilifeform;decimation: department of state << try this gedankenexperiment. what could they possibly leak, that would have a measurable effect - with or without the cooperation of the state-controlled media 959744;1419392250;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Effective leak would be that reptillians exist and are in panic because of impending Avian threat. 959745;1419392277;decimation;actually mr. assange already performed this experiment 959746;1419392278;asciilifeform;lol, 'effective' ? 959747;1419392313;decimation;the result was largely: bureaucrats who appear to be idiots in public also are in fact idiots in private 959748;1419392321;decimation;http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2014/december/20/cold-war-spy-games-show-the-moral-bankruptcy-of-the-us-national-security-state/ 959749;1419392324;assbot;The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Cold War Spy Games Show the Moral Bankruptcy of the US National Security State ... ( http://bit.ly/1xJY9SR ) 959750;1419392341;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Well, in the same way plot from "Watchmen" would be effective. 959751;1419392394;decimation;asciilifeform: wrt the state department, anything important being discussed with us 'trade partners' is discussed by private parties conducting the trade 959752;1419392835;BingoBoingo;It's interesting how in the US the title Secretary of State can alternately refer to the chief cocksucker at the Federal level and at the state level the chief Notarizing authority. 959753;1419394709;[]bot;Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "Billion dollar bet?" http://bitbet.us/bet/1047/ Odds: 13(Y):87(N) by coin, 16(Y):84(N) by weight. Total bet: 16.31715114 BTC. Current weight: 41,553. 959754;1419394914;cazalla;wru scoopbot http://qntra.net/2014/12/bitnplay-aims-to-raise-400-btc-for-a-bitcoin-based-poker-site/ 959755;1419394914;assbot;Bitnplay Aims To Raise 400 BTC For A Bitcoin Based Poker Site | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1zgQS8H ) 959756;1419397518;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11521 @ 0.00065647 = 7.5632 BTC [+] 959757;1419397640;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5739 @ 0.00065647 = 3.7675 BTC [+] 959758;1419401849;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2500 @ 0.00064466 = 1.6117 BTC [-] 959759;1419403374;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12400 @ 0.00064466 = 7.9938 BTC [-] 959760;1419405764;BingoBoingo;!up austeritysucks 959761;1419406137;BingoBoingo;!up punkman1 959762;1419406156;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2014/12/discus-fish-donates-namecoins-to-namecoin-developers/ 959763;1419406157;assbot;Discus Fish Donates Namecoins to Namecoin Developers | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1wjABO1 ) 959764;1419410023;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2000 @ 0.0012081 = 2.4162 BTC [-] {7} 959765;1419410419;jurov; somehow nobody goes "o look, mp paid 100s of btc so bitcoin financial space may exist" << you know, that space practically does not exist for them 959766;1419410633;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30300 @ 0.00062326 = 18.8848 BTC [-] 959767;1419410937;jurov;coinbr s.mpoe divs finally paid. to compensate for the waiting, twice the amount ;) 959768;1419412646;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 88350 @ 0.00061937 = 54.7213 BTC [-] {4} 959769;1419414232;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13850 @ 0.00063022 = 8.7285 BTC [+] 959770;1419419112;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14750 @ 0.00061543 = 9.0776 BTC [-] 959771;1419421979;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29700 @ 0.00061543 = 18.2783 BTC [-] 959772;1419422298;thestringpuller;It was the day before X-Mas, all was silent, even in #b-a. Nothing stirred, not even a bot. 959773;1419423443;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4700 @ 0.00062328 = 2.9294 BTC [+] 959774;1419424249;thestringpuller;I guess it technically is already XMas for cazalla 959775;1419426065;jurov; [20141223 14:37] have you ever thought about adding the ability to short mpex stocks to coinbr? << coinbr is on hold atm. on one side it didn't make almost anything this year, on other side mpex is just not there reliability wise for solid service 959776;1419426105;jurov;and i don't mean puny dns errors, but stuff like vanishing orders 959777;1419426342;thestringpuller;oh no. jurov what does that mean for customers? 959778;1419426811;jurov;it means...same as before. you notice glitches, i'll exchange gpg blobs with mircea and eventually fix it 959779;1419426905;jurov;and i had inquiries like "we want api for coinbr" me: "it is possible, just very ratelimited... let's do it together, can you do 100BTC volume?" 959780;1419426917;jurov;they: "um... dunno.. let me ask" 959781;1419426933;thestringpuller;heh understood 959782;1419426961;thestringpuller;thx for the extended transparency and due diligence with your fiduciary duty 959783;1419426981;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19706 @ 0.00061543 = 12.1277 BTC [-] 959784;1419427203;dignork;jurov: sorry to hear that, i like coinbr 959785;1419427505;dignork;:( sorry, I'm leaving states in a few days, gift cards are of no use for me, otherwise I'd buy some from you. 959786;1419427510;dignork;wrong chan 959787;1419427613;jurov;O.o lol 959788;1419428750;dignork;jurov: gift cards are not for you, hopefully you don't need this bizarre substitute :) 959789;1419429055;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2365 @ 0.00120319 = 2.8455 BTC [-] {2} 959790;1419431590;kakobrekla;https://wikileaks.org/cia-travel/secondary-screening/page-15.html#efmAAzABm 959791;1419431590;assbot;CIA Assessment on Surviving Secondary Screening - page 15 ... ( http://bit.ly/1B1nSnM ) 959792;1419433747;jurov;kakobrekla: do you have prepared cover story when flying to argentina? 959793;1419433771;jurov;or, even more important, when coming back :) 959794;1419433884;kakobrekla;hehe 959795;1419433899;*;kakobrekla not going there afaik. 959796;1419434241;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9978 @ 0.00062328 = 6.2191 BTC [+] 959797;1419434423;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28200 @ 0.00060714 = 17.1213 BTC [-] {3} 959798;1419434804;jurov;good to know, i'm not going either 959799;1419435033;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50300 @ 0.00058305 = 29.3274 BTC [-] {5} 959800;1419435521;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6021 @ 0.00057637 = 3.4703 BTC [-] {2} 959801;1419435765;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10505 @ 0.00056402 = 5.925 BTC [-] {3} 959802;1419435872;mod6;:[ 959803;1419435887;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5624 @ 0.00055393 = 3.1153 BTC [-] {2} 959804;1419436396;asciilifeform;jurov, kakobrekla not going !? 959805;1419436401;asciilifeform;damn, who is !? 959806;1419436556;thestringpuller;you 959807;1419436614;asciilifeform;jurov: why not going ? 959808;1419436635;asciilifeform;kakobrekla we know is a miser, but jurov ? 959809;1419436665;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: I don't think people really stay in this channel unless they are misers. 959810;1419436701;asciilifeform;!s official miser 959811;1419436702;assbot;1 results for 'official miser' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=official+miser 959812;1419436731;dignork;hey, i'm not a miser, just not too wealthy :) 959813;1419436916;jurov;lol i'm a miser too... why you though otherwise? 959814;1419436925;jurov;*thought 959815;1419437030;kakobrekla;misery keeps us feed. 959816;1419437070;xanthyos;we're not all misers. 959817;1419437072;kakobrekla;fed i mean. 959818;1419437143;xanthyos;there's an appeal to the pageantry of misery 959819;1419437152;xanthyos;counting stacks of gold coins in a dark room 959820;1419437153;jurov;asciilifeform prolly mistook wao for my personal driver :DDD 959821;1419437162;kakobrekla;lol 959822;1419437239;kakobrekla;but idk if im a misser 959823;1419437248;kakobrekla;i could live on even less than this. 959824;1419437254;kakobrekla;much less. 959825;1419437340;kakobrekla;(go 500km south and everything is half price or less) 959826;1419437383;jurov;southern somalia? 959827;1419437390;jurov;:D 959828;1419437393;kakobrekla;lol 959829;1419437400;kakobrekla;no, but im srs. 959830;1419437557;jurov;yea i know. i am fine with 25k eur before taxes this year, even paid part of a new car from that 959831;1419437577;kakobrekla;i paid 500 btc for the car but no taxes. 959832;1419437676;jurov;500? you bought tesla? 959833;1419437692;kakobrekla;no, thats like 100 or something :D 959834;1419437718;*;kakobrekla bought the car back in the year when btc was 10bux or smth 959835;1419437730;jurov;heh 959836;1419437861;kakobrekla;but now im stuck with it as the thing wont amortize over 750k years 959837;1419437925;thestringpuller;ben_vulpes: are you working? (do you celebrate xmas?) 959838;1419438775;xanthyos;heh 959839;1419438820;mod6;asciilifeform: are you going to b-a? 959840;1419440096;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2136 @ 0.0005925 = 1.2656 BTC [+] 959841;1419440889;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12300 @ 0.00059442 = 7.3114 BTC [+] 959842;1419441280;BingoBoingo;So Today I came out once again net positive in the course of my Christmas shopping. 959843;1419441316;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11600 @ 0.00060376 = 7.0036 BTC [+] {2} 959844;1419441353;BingoBoingo;My favorite liquor store for the second year in a row gifted me with a bottle of wine and a girly calendar when I came in for cigarettes. 959845;1419441489;thestringpuller;"Oh hey it's bingoboingo! Ah, we love 'dis guy! Merry Christmas muthafucka!" 959846;1419441506;BingoBoingo;Pretty much how it went. 959847;1419441529;BingoBoingo;Honestly I think they do it to get rid of whatever wine wasn't selling. 959848;1419441619;thestringpuller;the girly calendar is a nice touch tho 959849;1419441621;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12964 @ 0.00059442 = 7.7061 BTC [-] 959850;1419441729;BingoBoingo;Yeah 959851;1419442353;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15200 @ 0.00057802 = 8.7859 BTC [-] 959852;1419443159;BingoBoingo;scoopbot -fetch 959853;1419443183;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2014/12/butterfly-labs-motion-to-dismiss-ftc-suit-survives/ 959854;1419443348;thestringpuller;oh wow 959855;1419443468;BingoBoingo;So... Beat CCN and CoinDesk to that one. 959856;1419443605;thestringpuller;hopefully we can beat them on this other story too 959857;1419443757;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 10 @ 0.118 = 1.18 BTC [-] {2} 959858;1419443891;BingoBoingo;Well, that in your hands 959859;1419444189;davout;BingoBoingo: i really like your articles 959860;1419444203;BingoBoingo;davout: Thank you 959861;1419444247;BingoBoingo;It's taken some time getting the right balance of dense enough and informative enough for newswriting 959862;1419444281;davout;in other news josh garza gets an 'honorable mention' in coindesk's list of 'bitcoin's most influential people of 2014' 959863;1419444355;thestringpuller;looking more like he owns coindesk... 959864;1419444435;BingoBoingo;lol 959865;1419444445;BingoBoingo;I thought CoinDesk was still a VC thing 959866;1419444449;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by thestringpuller: http://qntra.net/2014/12/coinbase-tracing-user-transactions/ 959867;1419449734;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10100 @ 0.00055146 = 5.5697 BTC [-] {2} 959868;1419449881;thestringpuller;;;ticker 959869;1419449882;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 322.76, Best ask: 323.91, Bid-ask spread: 1.15000, Last trade: 323.93, 24 hour volume: 6248.93897115, 24 hour low: 322.0, 24 hour high: 338.99, 24 hour vwap: 332.111093959 959870;1419450527;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4843 @ 0.00055976 = 2.7109 BTC [+] 959871;1419451198;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14232 @ 0.00058554 = 8.3334 BTC [+] 959872;1419451492;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 959873;1419451496;gribble;Current Blocks: 335729 | Current Difficulty: 3.945767130713873E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 336671 | Next Difficulty In: 942 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 6 days, 4 hours, 44 minutes, and 12 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 38511034395.1 | Estimated Percent Change: -2.39912 959874;1419451747;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9400 @ 0.00057655 = 5.4196 BTC [-] 959875;1419453822;decimation;https://www.ece.cmu.edu/~safari/pubs/kim-isca14.pdf << "By reading from the same address in DRAM, we show that it is possible to corrupt data in nearby addresses" 959876;1419453825;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1zUd8rU ) 959877;1419453956;decimation;asciilifeform: look at that, some academics actually studying hardware 959878;1419454293;dignork;decimation: cool paper, scary, otherwise I didn't bother to calcualte probabilities for uncontrolled random scenario, or non-DOS attack vector. 959879;1419454395;decimation;note that ECC is only a partial mitigation 959880;1419454439;dignork;yep, so it reducues random occurences, but i still don't see any good attacks with it. 959881;1419454449;dignork;*reduces 959882;1419454488;decimation;umm, you can corrupt the victim's memory by executing a loop? 959883;1419454529;dignork;well, the thing is, if you already can write into his memory, at very specific locations, you probably already running there :) 959884;1419454552;decimation;don't need to write, only read 959885;1419454579;dignork;well, same difference, you still run on his machine for this. 959886;1419454627;jurov;not necessarily 959887;1419454674;jurov;there's certainly a way how to remotely cause already present software to repeatedly read memory 959888;1419454736;decimation;for example, a crafted javascript or maybe just plain html web page 959889;1419454757;dignork;well, sure, but these reads need to happen nearby executed code, which by random error turns into something executable, etc. Just can't construct any scenario it realisticly happens. But I might be wrong. 959890;1419454768;BingoBoingo;http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-30599341 959891;1419454769;assbot;BBC News - Vodka prices: Putin calls for cap amid economic crisis ... ( http://bit.ly/1wGzldf ) 959892;1419454788;jurov;dignork you certainly did not read 959893;1419454811;jurov;"nearby" does not mean near addresses 959894;1419454845;dignork;jurov: chip address line, verifying your chip line from javascript? 959895;1419454850;jurov;because there are clever interleaving schemes to allow for faster reading 959896;1419454868;decimation;dignork: are you implying that javascript doesn't use ram? 959897;1419454889;dignork;it does, but it's rather sandboxed. 959898;1419454902;jurov;dignork: do browsers have randomized addresses for loading js? iirc not 959899;1419454928;jurov;js could corrupt browser core memory few pages away in this scenario 959900;1419454954;decimation;certainly the js memory is not randomly moved every context switch 959901;1419454968;jurov;not even every startup 959902;1419454977;dignork;so it normally cannot read your /dev/whatever to check the physical location, but sure, it's potentially DOS/crash, not an effective code execution. 959903;1419455061;jurov;why not? if js in certain version of firefox can reliably cause fast repeated reads at address X, thus affecting addresses Y,Z 959904;1419455089;jurov;we know what code/data is at Y,Z 959905;1419455200;dignork;we cause a random pattern error at this position... 959906;1419455218;dignork;chances of sucessfull execution drop to 0 959907;1419455305;dignork;well, not absolute 0, but some very small negligible % 959908;1419455335;jurov;"B and C modules heavily favored 1->0 errors." << not random pattern error 959909;1419455481;jurov;and "behavior of most victim cells depended of other cells" << also usable for information exfiltration 959910;1419455495;dignork;so you have some more than frequent pattern, it should match the actual data that you want to write. 959911;1419455502;BingoBoingo;!up moldysnizz 959912;1419455536;dignork;Oh, reading, even with noise, border cells might be usefull though, haven't seen it. 959913;1419455588;BingoBoingo;!up bitspill 959914;1419455592;BingoBoingo;!up bitstein 959915;1419455593;decimation;at any rate, it's proof of the kind of error against which asciilifeform regularly pontificates, that is, a hardware error that is known only to the vendors of the chips 959916;1419455596;BingoBoingo;!up badon 959917;1419455614;jurov;https://www.cs.princeton.edu/~appel/papers/memerr.pdf << there was already research on using much more random memory errors than this 959918;1419455616;assbot;Page Not Found | Computer Science Department at Princeton University ... ( http://bit.ly/1wGBCVC ) 959919;1419455622;dignork;yep, scary. 959920;1419456188;BingoBoingo;http://www.gomerblog.com/2014/12/hospital-ama/ 959921;1419456189;assbot;UPDATE: Cookie Monster Leaves Sesame Street Hospital AMA on Christmas Eve | GomerBlog ... ( http://bit.ly/1wGDhuv ) 959922;1419456192;BingoBoingo;!up Dimsler 959923;1419456919;dignork;jurov: thanks for the link, haven't read the actual method before, it's awesome. 959924;1419456962;cazalla;thestringpuller: I guess it technically is already XMas for cazalla <<< 830am xmas morning but still, cuppa tea and read logs before my first family xmas opening gifts 959925;1419457421;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14550 @ 0.00058967 = 8.5797 BTC [+] {3} 959926;1419457824;jurov;https://devuan.org/newsletter_22dec.html << they claim to be self-hosting already 959927;1419457824;assbot;Devuan - the GNU/Linux by Veteran Unix Admins. ... ( http://bit.ly/13wyXBY ) 959928;1419458092;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1000 @ 0.00120003 = 1.2 BTC [-] 959929;1419458961;jurov;https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8788532 if anyone cares, i don't have hn account 959930;1419458963;assbot;Good IRC channels | Hacker News ... ( http://bit.ly/13wABn2 ) 959931;1419459495;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28795 @ 0.00057951 = 16.687 BTC [-] 959932;1419461203;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12000 @ 0.00057951 = 6.9541 BTC [-] 959933;1419461651;BingoBoingo;!up austeritysucks 959934;1419461813;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10600 @ 0.00057951 = 6.1428 BTC [-] 959935;1419462277;scoopbot;New post on Trilema by Mircea Popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/the-boy-blog-network/ 959936;1419462606;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44600 @ 0.00059078 = 26.3488 BTC [+] {4} 959937;1419464326;asciilifeform;memory paper << snore. 1) serious folks using dram - use ecc dram. 2) serious folks do not allow opponent to execute arbitrary strange on their von neumann box 3) serious folks doing truly serious things use sram. 959938;1419464337;asciilifeform;for aficionados of dram diddling, 959939;1419464342;asciilifeform;!s bitsquatting 959940;1419464342;assbot;7 results for 'bitsquatting' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=bitsquatting 959941;1419464352;asciilifeform;and related pursuits. 959942;1419464375;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17550 @ 0.00059698 = 10.477 BTC [+] 959943;1419464496;dignork;http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/cdc-reports-potential-ebola-exposure-in-atlanta-lab/2014/12/24/f1a9f26c-8b8e-11e4-8ff4-fb93129c9c8b_story.html 959944;1419464497;assbot;CDC reports potential Ebola exposure in Atlanta lab - The Washington Post ... ( http://bit.ly/13wJdtY ) 959945;1419465393;Adlai;http://slur.io/ 959946;1419465394;assbot;Introducing Slur ... ( http://bit.ly/13wKC3z ) 959947;1419465470;*;Adlai likes how they talk about it in present tense, then later ask for money so they can build it 959948;1419465477;asciilifeform;Adlai: honeypot. 959949;1419465485;asciilifeform;and site has 'flash.' QED. 959950;1419465516;Adlai;LOL https://github.com/u99/slur 959951;1419465517;assbot;u99/slur · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/13wKMYG ) 959952;1419465528;asciilifeform;and disputes settled by showing the actual secret to five randomly selected lusers 959953;1419465531;asciilifeform;what a joke. 959954;1419465540;asciilifeform;d3m0cr4cy!! 959955;1419465555;Adlai;https://github.com/u99/slur/stargazers <- who are these lemmings 959956;1419465556;assbot;Stargazers · u99/slur · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/13wKRf3 ) 959957;1419465646;asciilifeform;'Fund with a credit card' 959958;1419465648;asciilifeform;lol! 959959;1419465658;Adlai;i'm almost curious to see what this download is 959960;1419465747;asciilifeform;dreary usg (and useful-idiots) claptrap. 959961;1419465900;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1160 @ 0.00120495 = 1.3977 BTC [+] {3} 959962;1419465968;Adlai;https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8794707 << we're about to find out the width of the venn diagram intersection between #startups and here 959963;1419465969;assbot;#bitcoin-assets on freenode is a good one with frequent discussion | Hacker News ... ( http://bit.ly/13wLx49 ) 959964;1419466062;Adlai;... is it just me or does HN have job ads now 959965;1419466094;Adlai;hm. haven't poked around this corner of the internet much lately 959966;1419466271;asciilifeform;'slur' << i love how these nitwits show no symptoms whatsoever of having bothered to study how secrets were sold historically, from babylon to cold war, etc 959967;1419466288;asciilifeform;what it actually takes in real life, to establish the kind of relationships needed 959968;1419466318;asciilifeform;no. why would they do that. we have l33t crypt0-d00dz now. 959969;1419466407;Adlai;not all secrets are equal 959970;1419466420;asciilifeform;arbitrators won't immediately run off and do whatever the fuck they like with the secret because... because what? magical drm goggles glued onto their skulls? 959971;1419466459;asciilifeform;i deliberately didn't even bring up the whole thing's (almost certain) reliance on tor and related idiocy 959972;1419466478;Adlai;it's also written in C!!! 959973;1419466511;asciilifeform;it's dreary and insults the reader's intelligence merely by existing. 959974;1419466551;asciilifeform;https://github.com/u99/slur << lol! empty? 959975;1419466552;assbot;u99/slur · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1xiAjOG ) 959976;1419466870;cazalla;i remember reading about these u99 guys, have another project named coinmesh 959977;1419466873;Adlai;oh crap, they slapped a GPL on the null codebase. now every new project must be GPLed 959978;1419466891;cazalla;really just seems a way to scam donations 959979;1419466998;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41786 @ 0.00060128 = 25.1251 BTC [+] {2} 959980;1419467913;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26716 @ 0.00060266 = 16.1007 BTC [+] 959981;1419468009;dignork;slur - like openbazaar, but no working prototype or code. 959982;1419468062;asciilifeform;dignork: forget code. the thing, as stated on own site, doesn't even threaten to make elementary sense. 959983;1419468201;dignork;well, same "Ricardian Contracts", but dumbed down and badly misused. 959984;1419468462;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25301 @ 0.00060888 = 15.4053 BTC [+] 959985;1419468645;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50300 @ 0.00061555 = 30.9622 BTC [+] {4} 959986;1419469499;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18400 @ 0.00060882 = 11.2023 BTC [-] {3} 959987;1419469743;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 59200 @ 0.00058006 = 34.3396 BTC [-] {2} 959988;1419469952;Adlai;http://slatestarcodex.com/2014/12/17/the-toxoplasma-of-rage/ 959989;1419469956;assbot;The Toxoplasma Of Rage | Slate Star Codex ... ( http://bit.ly/13ZGWIM ) 959990;1419471329;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1389 @ 0.00119263 = 1.6566 BTC [-] {17} 959991;1419471451;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 876 @ 0.00119 = 1.0424 BTC [-] 959992;1419471634;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21050 @ 0.00057674 = 12.1404 BTC [-] {2} 959993;1419471948;Adlai;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNudxZEIfqU and meanwhile, some sleep 959994;1419471950;assbot;TATRAN - WW III (Album Version) - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1zUGKFo ) 959995;1419472427;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31909 @ 0.00057489 = 18.3442 BTC [-] {2} 959996;1419472478;thestringpuller;"The richest 500 addresses have continued to accumulate bitcoin through all the highs and lows." 959997;1419472692;kakobrekla;!s blockchain return hack 959998;1419472693;assbot;0 results for 'blockchain return hack' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=blockchain+return+hack 959999;1419472915;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6380 @ 0.00055142 = 3.5181 BTC [-] {2} 960000;1419473658;thestringpuller;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1992_Fiesta_Bowl << so this was really a thing? 960001;1419474684;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42900 @ 0.00057126 = 24.5071 BTC [+] {2} 960002;1419475477;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17197 @ 0.00058063 = 9.9851 BTC [+] 960003;1419475965;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8800 @ 0.00059869 = 5.2685 BTC [+] 960004;1419476965;decimation;slur << that's the dumbest thing I've heard yet 960005;1419477158;decimation;asciilifeform: re: ecc dram << the paper claims that they can cause so many errors that it overpowers 'correct one detect two' style ECC dram 960006;1419477201;decimation;try buying a laptop with ecc dram 960007;1419477314;decimation;http://www.acmeportable.com/products/netpac#specs-section << here's one, only weighs 24 lbs and comes with a fritz chip 960008;1419477315;assbot;NetPAC ... ( http://bit.ly/1A74xmT ) 960009;1419477751;asciilifeform;decimation: overpowers << skeptical until demonstrated in field (i.e. x86 pc) rather than laboratory (fpga with custom dram controller) 960010;1419477799;*;asciilifeform wrote a ddr2 controller for 'xilinx' chip once. it is amazingly easy to create a dysfunctional one with behaves like, for instance, the one pictured in that paper. 960011;1419477799;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 960012;1419477840;asciilifeform;just forget a refresh sometimes. or violate one of the many mandatory command sequences. 960013;1419477843;asciilifeform;or, or. 960014;1419477850;asciilifeform;instant strange. 960015;1419477856;decimation;yeah, that's a fair point 960016;1419477875;asciilifeform;i experimented with using a 'refresh-starved' dram for computation. 960017;1419477887;asciilifeform;and even as a particle detector. 960018;1419477889;asciilifeform;snore. 960019;1419477890;decimation;as kind of a pseudo analog computer? 960020;1419477903;asciilifeform;nothing pseudo about it. 960021;1419477920;decimation;did you succeed in detecting particles? 960022;1419477928;asciilifeform;not to my satisfaction. 960023;1419477947;asciilifeform;(certainly detected - something.) 960024;1419477952;decimation;ideally one would find a simultaneous set of 'hits' over an area so one could backtrack the cosmic rays 960025;1419477971;asciilifeform;works best with a 'sandwich' of dies. 960026;1419477990;decimation;asciilifeform: there's probably an nda'ed talmud of errata that is supplied to the actual chipset dealers 960027;1419478002;Adlai;how would you use it for computation? 960028;1419478005;decimation;who knows if the authors had access to such knowledge 960029;1419478006;asciilifeform;errata in dram ? 960030;1419478023;asciilifeform;times are dire, if errata for dram. 960031;1419478023;decimation;yeah w.r.t. exact timings, refresh rates, things 960032;1419478033;asciilifeform;normally these are determined experimentally. 960033;1419478043;asciilifeform;ask a 'bios tweak' aficionado. 960034;1419478053;*;decimation hasn't closely examined a dram datasheet 960035;1419478092;asciilifeform;decimation: http://www.eng.utah.edu/~cs5780/DRAM_datasheet.pdf << enjoy 960036;1419478097;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1A76U9d ) 960037;1419478099;decimation;lol 960038;1419478106;*;asciilifeform had that one printed & bound 960039;1419478169;decimation;asciilifeform: did you implement ddr2 bus on an fpga? 960040;1419478179;asciilifeform;bus? 960041;1419478179;decimation;I've heard from folks who have that it is a pain in the ass 960042;1419478182;asciilifeform;it is 960043;1419478210;asciilifeform;virtually impossible to do well from scratch (vs vendor turdware) without the unobtainable internal docs 960044;1419478245;decimation;it can be done, it just takes many man-months of experimentation with a particular set of hardware 960045;1419478252;asciilifeform;incidentally, fpga work shits straight into the faces of folks who think that 'anything can be slow-prototyped' 960046;1419478257;asciilifeform;you can't slow-prototype a dram controller! 960047;1419478263;asciilifeform;it's an all-or-nothing affair. 960048;1419478267;asciilifeform;either runs, or not. 960049;1419478274;asciilifeform;conform to the timing diagram - or die. 960050;1419478283;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33750 @ 0.00057621 = 19.4471 BTC [-] {2} 960051;1419478321;asciilifeform;decimation: months of experimentation << the end result is a product which cannot be understood, function of which cannot be rationally explained, and which will break on the slightest deviation from the parent hardware 960052;1419478323;asciilifeform;aka a turd. 960053;1419478361;decimation;yeah, that's pretty much the case. the vhdl codebase is littered with 'don't touch this' crazy code 960054;1419478380;*;asciilifeform will not read or write vhdl for love or money 960055;1419478392;asciilifeform;verilog is at least tolerable 960056;1419478406;decimation;vhdl comes with layers of bureaucracy 960057;1419478439;decimation;all of which is abused by the vendor tools & magically wedged with vendor ip 960058;1419478477;asciilifeform;xilinx ships a set of identially-functioning turdlibraries for both languages. 960059;1419478493;asciilifeform;each ultimately a set of wrappers around closed blobs. 960060;1419478506;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: i made an app, called the asciilifeform turd counter 960061;1419478508;thestringpuller;:D 960062;1419478531;asciilifeform;most of the more complicated ones being unusable in practice (e.g. ethernet controller that 'expires' after N frames) 960063;1419478553;asciilifeform;unless you pony up serious dough. 960064;1419478577;decimation;lol I didn't realize they had 'trialware' like that 960065;1419478583;decimation;that's hilarious 960066;1419478589;asciilifeform;at the risk of repeating the last 100+ xilinx threads - the closed architecture of -all- fpga vendors is specifically to enable this 'business model' 960067;1419478598;asciilifeform;i.e. to prevent you from curing the ethernet card. 960068;1419478606;asciilifeform;or sata card, or whatever. 960069;1419478616;asciilifeform;also to prevent taking the design to another fpga. 960070;1419478642;decimation;plus it's cash in their pocket 960071;1419478655;asciilifeform;!s hard copy asic 960072;1419478656;assbot;0 results for 'hard copy asic' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=hard+copy+asic 960073;1419478659;asciilifeform;!s hard copy fpga 960074;1419478659;assbot;0 results for 'hard copy fpga' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=hard+copy+fpga 960075;1419478666;asciilifeform;!s hard copy 960076;1419478667;assbot;6 results for 'hard copy' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=hard+copy 960077;1419478682;decimation;yeah you mentioned how vlsi asics are all hard copies of fpgas 960078;1419478688;asciilifeform;not all. 960079;1419478692;asciilifeform;just the bitcoin miners. 960080;1419478700;asciilifeform;and other 'on the cheap' jobs. 960081;1419478716;asciilifeform;but, it is conceivable that - at this point - all new designs. 960082;1419478760;decimation;actually that reminds me, this is an interesting podcast: http://www.theamphour.com/228-an-interview-with-shahriar-from-the-signal-path-quisquous-quivering-quadripole/ 960083;1419478761;assbot;An Interview with Shahriar from The Signal Path - Quisquous Quivering Quadripole | The Amp Hour Electronics Podcast ... ( http://bit.ly/1A78JTP ) 960084;1419478786;decimation;the annoying australian and some guy from cleveland interview a guy who works for bell labs designing >100 ghz analog ics 960085;1419478851;asciilifeform;afaik the only customer is usg. 960086;1419478882;decimation;as I recall, the guy claimed that most of the high-end fabs use cadence tools 960087;1419478883;asciilifeform;primarily for electronic arse search machines. 960088;1419478898;decimation;asciilifeform: yeah and there are some esoteric telco applications too 960089;1419478907;asciilifeform;aha and they won't even take your job if you aren't using cadence's cell libs. 960090;1419478915;asciilifeform;iirc 960091;1419478952;asciilifeform;mircea is mistaken when he writes that china controls ic manufacture. 960092;1419478992;decimation;yeah the bell labs guy has issues hiring because very few schools are willing to pay the bezzlars required to actually experiment with high-end process 960093;1419478999;asciilifeform;what does it mean if asia has all of the factories, but is utterly dependant on winblows and a stack of monopoly turdware as tall as empire state building ? 960094;1419479023;asciilifeform;for which, i will point out, no practical substitutes are known or, afaik, even contemplated anywhere. 960095;1419479040;decimation;asciilifeform: what it means is that they can enrich themselves privately by stamping out copies and selling shit on ebay 960096;1419479053;decimation;but doesn't give them a single step toward 'making their own' 960097;1419479071;decimation;yeah the bell labs guy said that they charge him $500k per year per seat 960098;1419479074;decimation;which sounds cheap 960099;1419479086;asciilifeform;the point is not the cost. 960100;1419479091;asciilifeform;to china, or to me, and you, it's $0 960101;1419479108;asciilifeform;to any 12 y.o. boy who knows what w4r3z is 960102;1419479113;asciilifeform;point is the control. 960103;1419479115;asciilifeform;and the winblows. 960104;1419479116;decimation;yeah but how are you going to walk into a foundry with your warez design? 960105;1419479129;asciilifeform;depends on who's foundry 960106;1419479132;asciilifeform;but that also isn't the point 960107;1419479145;decimation;if you pay $mils per year, people know who the hell you are 960108;1419479155;asciilifeform;point is that 'w4r3z dangle' is a time-honoured usg tactic. 960109;1419479160;asciilifeform;see the siberian pipeline incident. 960110;1419479199;asciilifeform;chinese semiconductor industry, afaik, runs almost 100% on warez. 960111;1419479201;decimation;so if a chinaman owns a foundry, and can get design warez, why not build & design own chips? 960112;1419479229;asciilifeform;because - in all but one out of thousand cases - why??? 960113;1419479245;decimation;I guess he's getting paid to hustle for his usg masters 960114;1419479262;asciilifeform;he gets paid to sell, e.g., electric dildoes with programmable waveforms. 960115;1419479275;asciilifeform;they vibrate merrily, customers happy, the dough rolls in 960116;1419479279;asciilifeform;what should he want on top of this ? 960117;1419479285;decimation;from his point of view, he has a design team of usg zeks to work for him? 960118;1419479299;asciilifeform;for the work to actually be his own, non-plagiarized? in the confucian world, this is actually an anti-value 960119;1419479349;decimation;if the world were reversed and china was designing stuff for us foundries to stamp out, it would certainly be the case that us folks would try to do it themselves 960120;1419479379;asciilifeform;i'll point out that the complexity of the designs, which makes straight plagiarism so irresistible to the asians, doesn't happen in a vacuum. 960121;1419479387;asciilifeform;ever wonder whence we got the crock of shit that is usb ? 960122;1419479392;asciilifeform;pci ? 960123;1419479409;decimation;complexity is intentional, to lock everybody in 960124;1419479411;asciilifeform;virtually every little gibblet of the entire stack 960125;1419479419;asciilifeform;written guess where, by guess whom 960126;1419479481;decimation;by zeks, who work for companies whose entire business model consists of locking people into their bullshit by whatever means 960127;1419479500;asciilifeform;here's related story 960128;1419479530;asciilifeform;every day i wonder why the 'arm' architecture so thoroughly beat 'mips' (closest competitor in the 'risc' world) in the markets 960129;1419479542;asciilifeform;despite being a steaming crock of shit compared to mips 960130;1419479575;asciilifeform;(arm makes a mockery of the whole risc concept, hundreds of weird instructions with a multitude of modifier bits, hilariously varies addressing mechanisms, etc) 960131;1419479583;asciilifeform;finally i arrived at an answer 960132;1419479596;decimation;plus they regularly redo the entire instruction set 960133;1419479600;asciilifeform;arm is sufficiently complex that folks were stuck licensing it verbatim, rather than reimplementing 960134;1419479620;decimation;whereas skilled undergrad could make a mips cpu? 960135;1419479624;asciilifeform;(an undergrad can throw a mips-compatible fpga core together in a day) 960136;1419479625;asciilifeform;aha 960137;1419479642;asciilifeform;hence arm (uk corp.) rolls in dough, without actually manufacturing anything at all 960138;1419479661;decimation;yes, there is much wisdom here. the electronics market consists nearly entirely of lock-in, either by complexity, inertia, or usg enforcement (patents, etc) 960139;1419479685;decimation;yet there's just enough 'freedom' to make the little people think that they actually control something 960140;1419479710;asciilifeform;the old saw about 'freedom of the press' belonging to the fellow with the press; 960141;1419479720;decimation;asciilifeform: this (arm's) was almost exactly the same business model as qualcomm's 960142;1419479731;asciilifeform;the freedom of the semiconductor belongs - not! to the fellow with the factory - but the one who controlls the entire process stack 960143;1419479741;asciilifeform;presently that's usg. 960144;1419479747;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 162 @ 0.12459819 = 20.1849 BTC [+] {8} 960145;1419479751;decimation;except they achieved lock-in by getting usg to enforce their comms standard & getting the cell phone ownership to agree 960146;1419479778;asciilifeform;the actual nervous system of usg is not the muppets with the microphones 960147;1419479781;asciilifeform;it's the qualcomms. 960148;1419479787;decimation;yes 960149;1419479808;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26370 @ 0.00057123 = 15.0633 BTC [-] {2} 960150;1419479812;decimation;and they are largely powered by academic types who are 'do-ocracy' types 960151;1419479991;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20639 @ 0.00059159 = 12.2098 BTC [+] {2} 960152;1419480038;decimation;asciilifeform: qualcomms, intels, arms, exxons, ibms, beltway bandits 960153;1419480052;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6361 @ 0.00062037 = 3.9462 BTC [+] 960154;1419480066;decimation;they make & implement usg policy, and allow stooges to stand in front of the microphones to take the heat 960155;1419480080;asciilifeform;the physical components of a mega-chumpatron have to be made somewhere. 960156;1419480105;decimation;stooges for that too 960157;1419480142;decimation;'give us stuff in exchange for these really valuable promises to pay bezzlars!' 960158;1419480418;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12650 @ 0.0006212 = 7.8582 BTC [+] {2} 960159;1419481211;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14770 @ 0.00055184 = 8.1507 BTC [-] {2} 960160;1419481577;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21400 @ 0.00054191 = 11.5969 BTC [-] 960161;1419482065;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20500 @ 0.00054191 = 11.1092 BTC [-] 960162;1419482693;thestringpuller;!t m s.mpoe 960163;1419482694;assbot;[MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00053527 / 0.00059403 / 0.00065647 (1072172 shares, 636.91 BTC), 7D: 0.00053527 / 0.00061436 / 0.00072352 (5319005 shares, 3,267.82 BTC), 30D: 0.00030027 / 0.00048802 / 0.00072352 (39711657 shares, 19,380.13 BTC) 960164;1419482702;thestringpuller;wow that escalated quickly 960165;1419483150;mats;is good stuff 960166;1419483224;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28735 @ 0.00054319 = 15.6086 BTC [+] 960167;1419483304;Adlai;so what's the roadmap for liberating honest silicon's ability to self-reproduce from the monkeys that are trying to choke it down? 960168;1419483341;asciilifeform;who does Adlai think knows the answer to this ? 960169;1419483371;Adlai;nobody, although people who care should at least have some crazy dreams 960170;1419483389;asciilifeform;ah that's easy. 960171;1419483561;Adlai;given sufficient raw materials and chuck moore replicants, it should be possible to build a stack clean in both hard- and software. 960172;1419483598;mats;i hate you 960173;1419483652;Adlai;ok 960174;1419483834;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3805 @ 0.00054162 = 2.0609 BTC [-] {2} 960175;1419483895;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9030 @ 0.00053185 = 4.8026 BTC [-] {2} 960176;1419484098;TheNewDeal;soso anyone interested in this S&P closing quarter 4? 960177;1419484432;joecool;no 960178;1419484456;TheNewDeal;k 960179;1419484505;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6800 @ 0.00053185 = 3.6166 BTC [-] 960180;1419484680;TheNewDeal;;;nethash 960181;1419484681;gribble;305738708.312 960182;1419484684;TheNewDeal;;;bc,stast 960183;1419484684;gribble;Error: "bc,stast" is not a valid command. 960184;1419484687;TheNewDeal;;;bc,stats 960185;1419484691;gribble;Current Blocks: 335798 | Current Difficulty: 3.945767130713873E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 336671 | Next Difficulty In: 873 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 5 days, 6 hours, 58 minutes, and 54 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 39043287016.4 | Estimated Percent Change: -1.0502 960186;1419484937;decimation;maybe 'honest' silicon valley is impossible, in the same way that it's impossible for the two prisoners to coorperate, even if it is in their best interests 960187;1419484949;decimation;(I've been reading that slatestarcodex link) 960188;1419485116;decimation;whoever is willing to 'cooperate' and produce hardware/software that actually serves only the customer, will be eaten both those who are willing to defect for a cheap buck 960189;1419485167;Adlai;on the other hand, proper cooperation strategies could yield a strong enough ecosystem that it could survive defections of individual entities without the entire cooperative system collapsing 960190;1419485190;Adlai;for increasingly speculative values of "could" 960191;1419485233;decimation;this is something that underlies my yearning for 'hard currency': the idea that a hard currency would make defecting in this manner much less profitable 960192;1419485242;Adlai;how so? 960193;1419485286;decimation;presumably in a world funded primarily by investors actual capitol instead of made-up dollars, the loss of a bitcoin on an idiotic scheme is going to be a loss forever 960194;1419485301;decimation;new bitcoins can't be printed up to ensure the solvency of the 'investor class' 960195;1419485314;Adlai;and since you put it in scare quotes, how would you define 'hard currency'? 960196;1419485322;Adlai;compromised silicon softens bitcoin 960197;1419485348;decimation;but as asciilifeform has pointed out, the bezzlars (usg) control the entire silicon process stack 960198;1419485379;decimation;I'm thinking of bitcoin, but any currency that is finite would suffice 960199;1419485432;decimation;anyway, the pressure to not-lose would be much greater than the pressure to win-big in such a world 960200;1419485448;ben_vulpes;https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8795280 << betwayal! 960201;1419485450;assbot;No. It is a disgusting channel that is filled with white men who seriously advoc... | Hacker News ... ( http://bit.ly/1rjgBj2 ) 960202;1419485474;decimation;lol 960203;1419485512;decimation;it's not entirely a surprise, this 960204;1419485542;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1042 @ 0.00119979 = 1.2502 BTC [+] 960205;1419485549;ben_vulpes;"seriously advocate for slavery" << gosh, respect a woman's right to live in whatever kind of sin she wants! 960206;1419485559;ben_vulpes;who knew sexy_saffron was such a vile slut shamer. 960207;1419485578;decimation;if real, it is coming from someone who apparently makes slave porn all day long 960208;1419485588;decimation;I guess we know what she thinks about her customers 960209;1419485623;ben_vulpes;well who knows 960210;1419485630;ben_vulpes;could just be pandering to another audience 960211;1419485633;Adlai;the problem, and perfection, of irc is that it's just a bunch of words 960212;1419485647;Adlai;but i guess butts get hurt sometimes 960213;1419485650;decimation;but given that it was just created (the account) it could have easily been an account that was created by some spamming hobo who reads the logs 960214;1419485674;ben_vulpes;how paranoid shall we get tonight? 960215;1419485681;Adlai;lol then there is zero reason to believe it's really her 960216;1419485762;decimation;it would be amusing if that draws in a crowd though (the HN thread) 960217;1419485793;ben_vulpes;"business with keys", etc. 960218;1419485880;decimation;actually, there's very good reason to think it isn't her 960219;1419485899;decimation;if she actually 'is disgusted with irc', why would she continue to read the logs and follow bingo's link? 960220;1419485912;decimation;otherwise, we are to believe that she trolls low-rated HN stories? 960221;1419485989;ben_vulpes;follow BingoBoingo's link? read logs? i don't know that she did/does either. 960222;1419486104;Adlai;are we still entertaining the notion that saffron reads HN, not just on the front page, but on the Ask HN page - but didn't have an HN account until now? 960223;1419486149;Adlai;P(A) is reasonable, but P(A|~B) seems like a long shot 960224;1419486173;decimation;I guess pretty paranoid is the answer ;( 960225;1419486205;Adlai;If you think something is spam or offtopic, flag it by going to its page and clicking on the "flag" link. (Not all users will see this; there is a karma threshold.) If you flag something, please don't also comment that you did. 960226;1419486213;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12624 @ 0.00054319 = 6.8572 BTC [+] 960227;1419486215;Adlai;(from https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html ) 960228;1419486216;assbot;Hacker News Guidelines ... ( http://bit.ly/13FSIHI ) 960229;1419486336;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17100 @ 0.00054479 = 9.3159 BTC [+] {2} 960230;1419486689;Adlai;http://greyhat.io/onions/dildosky53jnf5mt.onion.png 960231;1419486691;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/13FTx2Z ) 960232;1419487067;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 72300 @ 0.00055159 = 39.88 BTC [+] {2} 960233;1419487191;joecool;dat background 960234;1419487311;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1090 @ 0.00120102 = 1.3091 BTC [+] 960235;1419489060;BingoBoingo;Twas not my link, but Jurov's link 960236;1419489548;xanthyos;bitcoin is 322.23 and iirc captain kirk's birthday is 3/22/2233 and i've had some whiskey so i'm gonna buy some coinbase now for realz 960237;1419489560;assbot;Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/2XYEWBW.txt ) 960238;1419489560;BingoBoingo;!b 1 960239;1419489611;BingoBoingo;So I apparently have an Android phone, but it is a shitty prepaid burner deal which is a plus. On the downside I am just now discovering all of the ways the Schildbach wallet sucks. 960240;1419489690;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 944 @ 0.00119978 = 1.1326 BTC [-] {2} 960241;1419490173;xanthyos;i thought none of the android app wallets were safe. are you just testing it with a small amount? 960242;1419490234;joecool;android 960243;1419490237;joecool;nothign is safe 960244;1419490242;joecool;nothing will ever be safe 960245;1419490369;xanthyos;lot of the negative reviews refer to the receive address changing without their control 960246;1419490515;BingoBoingo;I have no BTC on there at the moment. I can't even create a backup of my wallet file. 960247;1419490544;joecool;BingoBoingo: that's a feature 960248;1419490634;BingoBoingo;joecool: Well, considering the entire premise of an android phone is carrying around a demilitarized zone between yourself and google sure. 960249;1419490910;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37750 @ 0.00056041 = 21.1555 BTC [+] {2} 960250;1419491122;[]bot;Unable to get details for bet 1089: Get http://bitbet.us/bet/1089/?json: dial tcp ConnectEx tcp: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. 960251;1419491159;joecool;o that looks quality 960252;1419491301;BingoBoingo;^ bot ppls 960253;1419491993;BingoBoingo;OMG I never new startup vultures wer so self promoting on twitter https://twitter.com/BBoingo/status/548014069492752384 960254;1419491995;assbot;What's updog? 960255;1419494161;BingoBoingo;RagnarDanneskjol: How is your winter holiday? 960256;1419494204;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 57650 @ 0.00058035 = 33.4572 BTC [+] {2} 960257;1419494254;RagnarDanneskjol;so far so good - its beach weather this week, so not quite wintery. you? 960258;1419494816;BingoBoingo;RagnarDanneskjol: We were promissed an assload of snow and instead got a bit of drizzel so going good here. 960259;1419494875;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16400 @ 0.00058126 = 9.5327 BTC [+] 960260;1419495058;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 47400 @ 0.00056644 = 26.8493 BTC [-] {3} 960261;1419495272;BingoBoingo;http://slashdot.org/submission/4081935/mh370-shot-by-us-navy-in-march 960262;1419495274;assbot;MH370 shot by US Navy in March - Slashdot ... ( http://bit.ly/1vqZEQ4 ) 960263;1419495363;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49800 @ 0.00055253 = 27.516 BTC [-] {2} 960264;1419495729;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19700 @ 0.00056501 = 11.1307 BTC [+] 960265;1419496583;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4336 @ 0.00056501 = 2.4499 BTC [+] 960266;1419497132;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5014 @ 0.00056501 = 2.833 BTC [+] 960267;1419497315;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 978 @ 0.0011999 = 1.1735 BTC [-] 960268;1419498023;BingoBoingo;!up axitkhurana 960269;1419498026;BingoBoingo;!up austeritysucks 960270;1419498291;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22750 @ 0.00058277 = 13.258 BTC [+] {2} 960271;1419498352;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43100 @ 0.00058639 = 25.2734 BTC [+] {2} 960272;1419498901;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23800 @ 0.00056553 = 13.4596 BTC [-] 960273;1419499450;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27265 @ 0.00058972 = 16.0787 BTC [+] {2} 960274;1419500366;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 5270 @ 0.00120341 = 6.342 BTC [+] {2} 960275;1419500670;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 4000 @ 0.0012036 = 4.8144 BTC [+] 960276;1419501341;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35850 @ 0.0005855 = 20.9902 BTC [-] {2} 960277;1419502622;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 47227 @ 0.00057592 = 27.199 BTC [-] {3} 960278;1419503477;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39419 @ 0.00060406 = 23.8114 BTC [+] {2} 960279;1419503903;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 25 @ 0.12499999 = 3.125 BTC [+] {2} 960280;1419504103;cazalla;the fuck is this clams bullshit on just-dice, they really expect i will send them btc private key to claim clams? 960281;1419504269;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2566 @ 0.00060764 = 1.5592 BTC [+] 960282;1419504940;BingoBoingo;cazalla: And now you know that scheme's greatest retardation 960283;1419505018;cazalla;i vaguely remember clams being discussed before but did not know finer details until decided to check just-dice out again 960284;1419505367;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40013 @ 0.00060764 = 24.3135 BTC [+] 960285;1419505401;BingoBoingo;Yeah, almost sucks as much as the Schilbach wallet which I can not yet evaluate 960286;1419505550;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10600 @ 0.00058474 = 6.1982 BTC [-] {2} 960287;1419506587;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1079 @ 0.00119041 = 1.2845 BTC [-] {5} 960288;1419506648;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 3868 @ 0.0011904 = 4.6045 BTC [-] {2} 960289;1419507563;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1140 @ 0.0011904 = 1.3571 BTC [-] {5} 960290;1419508722;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17450 @ 0.00059034 = 10.3014 BTC [+] 960291;1419508783;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8900 @ 0.00058986 = 5.2498 BTC [-] 960292;1419509088;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5600 @ 0.00059022 = 3.3052 BTC [+] 960293;1419509393;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31271 @ 0.00059057 = 18.4677 BTC [+] {2} 960294;1419509820;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1002 @ 0.001202 = 1.2044 BTC [-] {2} 960295;1419510735;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21550 @ 0.00058574 = 12.6227 BTC [-] {2} 960296;1419512626;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5860 @ 0.00059555 = 3.4899 BTC [+] 960297;1419512748;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20950 @ 0.00060166 = 12.6048 BTC [+] 960298;1419513237;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10117 @ 0.00060145 = 6.0849 BTC [-] {2} 960299;1419515127;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32200 @ 0.0006095 = 19.6259 BTC [+] {2} 960300;1419515578;decimation;;;ticker 960301;1419515579;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 318.91, Best ask: 319.5, Bid-ask spread: 0.59000, Last trade: 319.51, 24 hour volume: 5065.01275594, 24 hour low: 316.88, 24 hour high: 330.28, 24 hour vwap: 323.372420418 960302;1419515676;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37150 @ 0.00061364 = 22.7967 BTC [+] {2} 960303;1419515712;decimation;Merry Christmas! 960304;1419515920;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13400 @ 0.00059645 = 7.9924 BTC [-] {2} 960305;1419516707;dignork;BingoBoingo: even though giving private key is a stupid way to do it (you can prove the same by signature), normally I wouldn't care about leaked privkey, which ideally was used only once. Unless the key is also used for gribble, but then, who would use non-random key for grubble auth. Where do you see the problem? 960306;1419516746;dignork;and Merry Christmas! :) 960307;1419517262;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36100 @ 0.00061681 = 22.2668 BTC [+] {2} 960308;1419517933;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43200 @ 0.00058425 = 25.2396 BTC [-] {2} 960309;1419517994;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1220 @ 0.00119106 = 1.4531 BTC [+] {2} 960310;1419518543;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29747 @ 0.00061813 = 18.3875 BTC [+] {4} 960311;1419518923;thestringpuller;Merry X-Mas decimation! 960312;1419518947;thestringpuller;is cazalla awake? or did the merriment wear him down already? 960313;1419519580;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33602 @ 0.00062294 = 20.932 BTC [+] {3} 960314;1419519641;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38448 @ 0.00063037 = 24.2365 BTC [+] {4} 960315;1419520986;thestringpuller;http://imgur.com/a/5afpv << coindesk without CSS 960316;1419521228;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13800 @ 0.00063595 = 8.7761 BTC [+] 960317;1419523179;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2050 @ 0.0006284 = 1.2882 BTC [-] 960318;1419525741;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5482 @ 0.000627 = 3.4372 BTC [-] 960319;1419525919;thestringpuller;merry x-mas danielpbarron 960320;1419525923;thestringpuller;:D 960321;1419526613;danielpbarron;bah humbug! 960322;1419529121;scoopbot;New post on The Whet by han@thewhet: http://thewhet.net/2014/how-to-blame-others-and-entertain-people/ 960323;1419529432;asciilifeform;lol! 960324;1419529438;asciilifeform;mr spam rides again! 960325;1419529735;jurov;lol ben_vulpes he's fond of you ^^ 960326;1419529886;jurov;"I am sorry that I had such a bad experience with your community but I am being extremely negatively affected as a result." lolwut 960327;1419530195;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18050 @ 0.00062655 = 11.3092 BTC [-] 960328;1419530560;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 5300 @ 0.00119 = 6.307 BTC [-] 960329;1419530621;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1000 @ 0.00119 = 1.19 BTC [-] 960330;1419530682;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1060 @ 0.00119 = 1.2614 BTC [-] 960331;1419531170;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1700 @ 0.00062655 = 1.0651 BTC [-] 960332;1419531457;thestringpuller;http://i.imgur.com/vP2zH8g.jpg << bitcoins not bombs ppl 960333;1419531780;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41193 @ 0.00061944 = 25.5166 BTC [-] {2} 960334;1419531796;dignork;thestringpuller: "repeatoffender" keyword in their game, is a nice touch of insanity :) 960335;1419533366;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17533 @ 0.00062347 = 10.9313 BTC [+] 960336;1419533671;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17000 @ 0.00062347 = 10.599 BTC [+] 960337;1419534098;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32350 @ 0.000617 = 19.96 BTC [-] {3} 960338;1419534303;thestringpuller;shttp://techcrunch.com/2014/12/06/a-bitcoin-battle-is-brewing/ << LOL 960339;1419534368;thestringpuller;"There is one company/cryptocurrency/platform which claims to occupy an interesting space between Bitcoin and altcoins, between DC and AC: Stellar, backed by Stripe. Its CTO, one Jed McCaleb, created Mt. Gox, the first big Bitcoin exchange (and sold it to Mark Karpelès long before Mt. Gox’s notorious implosion began.) He then created Ripple–which, he says curtly, “didn’t work out“–before moving to Stellar to “do 960340;1419535379;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32650 @ 0.00062686 = 20.467 BTC [+] {3} 960341;1419535691;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-06-2014#700916 960342;1419535691;assbot;Logged on 04-06-2014 00:08:26; asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: the buggers' traditional defense is to pretend that the event was a non-event - or, if this is impractical, to continue living in an imaginary world where they 'scooped' the story first, and all of the 'unsanctioned' discussion never happened. 960343;1419535717;asciilifeform;^ the fundamental theorem of the media apparat. 960344;1419537637;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15550 @ 0.00061902 = 9.6258 BTC [-] 960345;1419538124;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31000 @ 0.00062931 = 19.5086 BTC [+] {3} 960346;1419538307;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31629 @ 0.00061339 = 19.4009 BTC [-] {2} 960347;1419538368;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45271 @ 0.00059909 = 27.1214 BTC [-] {2} 960348;1419538917;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11865 @ 0.00063332 = 7.5143 BTC [+] 960349;1419540154;thestringpuller;;;gpg info cazalla 960350;1419540155;gribble;User 'cazalla', with keyid 21B9818A468F4AD0, fingerprint FD9FB3F73B5AE8499A02F0C521B9818A468F4AD0, and bitcoin address 1cKiW19Jc2aQ2sdKGkkEkGnbVZT8kKLAK, registered on Wed Feb 26 07:21:04 2014, last authed on Tue Dec 2 16:05:59 2014. http://b-otc.com/vg?nick=cazalla . Currently not authenticated. 960351;1419540793;cazalla;;;ident 960352;1419540794;gribble;Nick 'cazalla', with hostmask 'cazalla!cazalla@unaffiliated/cazalla', is identified as user 'cazalla', with GPG key id 21B9818A468F4AD0, key fingerprint FD9FB3F73B5AE8499A02F0C521B9818A468F4AD0, and bitcoin address 1cKiW19Jc2aQ2sdKGkkEkGnbVZT8kKLAK 960353;1419542268;mircea_popescu;hey there asseteers! 960354;1419542302;kakobrekla;heya 960355;1419542328;mircea_popescu;https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8795280 << i lol'd but somehow dun think it's her 960356;1419542329;assbot;No. It is a disgusting channel that is filled with white men who seriously advoc... | Hacker News ... ( http://bit.ly/1CRONDI ) 960357;1419542340;mircea_popescu;too much of a sjw dude vibe to it. 960358;1419542359;mircea_popescu;;;seen sexy_saffron 960359;1419542359;gribble;sexy_saffron was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 21 weeks, 4 days, 22 hours, 28 minutes, and 2 seconds ago: I really like how my picture turned out :) 960360;1419542387;mircea_popescu;;;later tell sexy_saffron https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8795280 << is this ninjashogun posing as a woman again ? 960361;1419542388;assbot;No. It is a disgusting channel that is filled with white men who seriously advoc... | Hacker News ... ( http://bit.ly/1CRP35T ) 960362;1419542388;gribble;The operation succeeded. 960363;1419542394;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19750 @ 0.00059902 = 11.8306 BTC [-] 960364;1419542464;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller << re the techcrunch cadaver washing job in the case of mccaleb : mebbe someone should write a piece detailing how tech crunch bit a steel girder providing whitewashing services for well known bitcoin scammers. 960365;1419542502;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-12-2014#960322 << o.o does ben_vulpes have some splainin' to do ? 960366;1419542502;assbot;Logged on 25-12-2014 17:38:41; scoopbot: New post on The Whet by han@thewhet: http://thewhet.net/2014/how-to-blame-others-and-entertain-people/ 960367;1419542763;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: because - in all but one out of thousand cases - why??? << once the why is answered, the "make their own" is answered too, fiveseconds later .that's the point. 960368;1419542782;mircea_popescu;there's no "control" involved when the two options are "give us stuff for free" and "disappear into the night" 960369;1419542881;mircea_popescu;https://news.ycombinator.com/user?id=sexy_saffron << heh no submissions one comment, created yest. derp. 960370;1419542883;assbot;Profile: sexy_saffron | Hacker News ... ( http://bit.ly/1CRRk0L ) 960371;1419542883;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5721 @ 0.00060027 = 3.4341 BTC [+] 960372;1419542999;kakobrekla;too bad christmas isnt more often. now that chan is dead i finally got some real work done. 960373;1419543007;kakobrekla;like taking out the trash for example. 960374;1419543092;mircea_popescu;lmao 960375;1419543094;kakobrekla;also worrying amount of covert christians here. 960376;1419543111;mircea_popescu;how is covert xtianity ? 960377;1419543134;kakobrekla;well i see them here on sundays ? 960378;1419543157;mircea_popescu;maybe they're covert sunday drivers. 960379;1419543167;mircea_popescu;pretending they're really christians 960380;1419543172;kakobrekla;hmm 960381;1419543187;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: trolling trolls? 960382;1419543188;mircea_popescu;this has been another eggnogg powered conversation. 960383;1419543192;ben_vulpes;(slander, i'm sure) 960384;1419543198;mircea_popescu;eggnogg, bringing the covert of christmas! 960385;1419543219;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes so is he quoting a convo that actually occured on irc or one that actually occurred in his head ? 960386;1419543250;ben_vulpes;actually occurred. 960387;1419543273;jurov;we all have slanderous moments 960388;1419543295;mircea_popescu;lol 960389;1419543357;mircea_popescu;what sort of a cult is this! 960390;1419543450;ben_vulpes;dunno boss 960391;1419543527;ben_vulpes;in any event it should be evident from the gross exaggeration of the lines in question what my intent was in that exchange. 960392;1419543537;ben_vulpes;bitbet doesn't defraud people 960393;1419543545;ben_vulpes;an mmorpg is a decade-long project 960394;1419543550;mircea_popescu;nigger is one thing, that's like freedom of speech and shit like that. but saying the bad about mpex and shit ? 960395;1419543556;mircea_popescu;THATS UNEMPATETHICAL! 960396;1419543561;*;ben_vulpes shrugs 960397;1419543578;ben_vulpes;http://runnahgirl.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/cartman-i-do-what-I-want.jpg 960398;1419543579;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1zC54OS ) 960399;1419543585;mircea_popescu;if we seriously mean to take over teh fiat world we imperatively must have forbidden words! 960400;1419543626;ben_vulpes;no trollin plebs by shit talkin popescu properties 960401;1419543628;ben_vulpes;got it 960402;1419543640;mircea_popescu;i was thinking more of gluten 960403;1419543645;mircea_popescu;tinny sort of word. 960404;1419543672;ben_vulpes;next year when the keto freaks show up you'll want to ban glycogen or summat 960405;1419543695;mircea_popescu;all words starting with g 960406;1419543707;mircea_popescu;its an imperialist ploy to subdue the reaction. 960407;1419543714;mircea_popescu;i mean communist. 960408;1419543724;kakobrekla;good. 960409;1419543746;mircea_popescu;good doesn't really start with g 960410;1419543750;mircea_popescu;more like a q thingee 960411;1419543757;ben_vulpes;anyways can i do ya for anything else before emptying the dog's tanks? 960412;1419543778;mircea_popescu;moar eggnogg! 960413;1419543782;ben_vulpes;me too plz 960414;1419543787;*;mircea_popescu collapses in a pile 960415;1419543809;kakobrekla;go away i got more trash. 960416;1419543811;ben_vulpes;quickly, bahahara, send in the assasins! he's vulnerable! 960417;1419543858;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla eurotrash ? 960418;1419543863;jurov;wut, kako does trash once in year? 960419;1419543867;ben_vulpes;anyways, merry christmas ninjashogun 960420;1419543888;mircea_popescu;his address is 3, Augean Stables. 960421;1419543926;jurov;oh. at least he gets fresh milk directly from udder 960422;1419543932;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes you mean robert viragh ? 960423;1419543997;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: i guess we do need some X-Mas day content. 960424;1419544013;mircea_popescu;like ? 960425;1419544069;kakobrekla;jurov actually i did it yest, a bunch of old computer stuff which cant be disposed in a home dumpster 960426;1419544129;thestringpuller;re: mircea_popescu: mebbe someone should write a piece detailing how tech crunch bit a steel girder providing whitewashing services for well known bitcoin scammers. 960427;1419544172;mircea_popescu;a a yes yes 960428;1419544198;mats;http://www.businessinsider.com/warren-buffett-money-tips-for-2015-2014-12 960429;1419544199;assbot;Warren Buffett Money Tips For 2015 - Business Insider ... ( http://bit.ly/1zC6EjJ ) 960430;1419544232;mats;“Stay away from it. It’s a mirage, basically. … It’s a method of transmitting money. It’s a very effective way of transmitting money and you can do it anonymously and all that. A check is a way of transmitting money, too. Are checks worth a whole lot of money just because they can transmit money?" 960431;1419544272;mircea_popescu;lol buffett doesn't wish for the currency part of bitcoin to exist huh 960432;1419544296;mircea_popescu;guess what ? 100 dollar bills are also a way of transmitting value , which is what he misuses "money" to signify. 960433;1419544315;mircea_popescu;apparently people do think 100 dollar bills are worth 100 dollars just because they can reliably transmit 100 dollars. 960434;1419544337;mircea_popescu;;;ticker 960435;1419544338;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 319.06, Best ask: 320.16, Bid-ask spread: 1.10000, Last trade: 319.04, 24 hour volume: 4217.47189242, 24 hour low: 316.63, 24 hour high: 324.23, 24 hour vwap: 320.151987886 960436;1419544347;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10350 @ 0.00063203 = 6.5415 BTC [+] 960437;1419544408;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 956 @ 0.00118352 = 1.1314 BTC [-] {5} 960438;1419544412;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: nigger is one thing, that's like freedom of speech << for some reason the Chappelle show skit that involved a white family with the last name "Niggar" came to mind. 960439;1419544426;mircea_popescu;pretty good skit 960440;1419544439;mircea_popescu;was he their milkman or what ? 960441;1419544468;thestringpuller;yup! 960442;1419544484;mircea_popescu;"i know how you niggars are about paying debts" lol 960443;1419544499;thestringpuller;XD 960444;1419544543;mircea_popescu;incidentally, i've seen the prettiest black girl i ever saw. 960445;1419544558;mircea_popescu;no ass to speak of, just this pouffed up hair and huge green eyes 960446;1419544567;mircea_popescu;she basically looked like a melatonious lion. 960447;1419544634;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: once the why is answered, the "make their own" is answered too, fiveseconds later << typically this question gets 'answered' when too late. as in the case of the russian trans-siberian pipeline. 960448;1419544689;mircea_popescu;mmmmm 960449;1419544691;mircea_popescu;mmebbe 960450;1419544740;ben_vulpes;ah that's right the virulent robert viragh 960451;1419544788;assbot;Elio19 +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0 960452;1419544802;ben_vulpes;!up ELio19 960453;1419544840;mircea_popescu;!up ELio19 960454;1419544844;mircea_popescu;o.O 960455;1419544845;ben_vulpes;!up ELio19 960456;1419544853;ELio19;I thought my rate was pretty good, what do i need to get auto-voice? 960457;1419544862;ben_vulpes;;;gettrust assbot ELio19 960458;1419544862;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask ELio19!~elio19@gateway/tor-sasl/elio19. Trust relationship from user assbot to user ELio19: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=ELio19 | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=ELio19 | Rated since: Thu Mar 8 00:37:21 2012 960459;1419544867;ELio19; You need a better WOT rating. (level 2 with assbot >0) 960460;1419544873;ben_vulpes;see the chart 960461;1419544877;ben_vulpes;;;rate ELio19 1 new blood 960462;1419544878;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user ELio19 has been recorded. 960463;1419544884;ben_vulpes;easy come easy go 960464;1419544885;*;asciilifeform admits he is at this very moment... doing his day job 960465;1419544886;mircea_popescu;ELio19 who are you neways ? 960466;1419544904;ELio19;I'm a Cuban computer programmer. 960467;1419544904;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform capitalists exploiting the workers eh ? 960468;1419544911;asciilifeform;workers exploiting selves 960469;1419544914;ELio19;Came to -otc in '12 ( i think ) 960470;1419544914;mircea_popescu;o hey. what'd you think of the obama-castro thing 960471;1419544926;ELio19;umm, its pretty cool i guess 960472;1419544929;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: prelude to 'colour' revolution 960473;1419544944;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform which one is that one again ? 960474;1419544952;ELio19;What does derp mean? 960475;1419544953;asciilifeform;a few of them 960476;1419544983;asciilifeform;;;google coloured revolution 960477;1419544984;gribble;Colour revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Vladimir Putin: we must stop a Ukraine-style 'coloured revolution' in ...: ; Putin says Russia must prevent 'color revolution' | (1 more message) 960478;1419544996;mircea_popescu;o wait, the us dept of state middle east efforts ? 960479;1419544996;asciilifeform;aka cia coup 960480;1419545014;mircea_popescu;aha 960481;1419545282;mircea_popescu;aite, well, bottoms up fellow cultists! 960482;1419545324;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9400 @ 0.00063332 = 5.9532 BTC [+] 960483;1419545327;ELio19;What does derp mean? 960484;1419545750;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13650 @ 0.00063409 = 8.6553 BTC [+] {2} 960485;1419545811;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8729 @ 0.00063203 = 5.517 BTC [-] 960486;1419545879;kakobrekla;derp. 960487;1419546361;[]bot;Bet placed: 6 BTC for No on "Bitcoin to surpass Berkshire as an investment" http://bitbet.us/bet/786/ Odds: 28(Y):72(N) by coin, 46(Y):54(N) by weight. Total bet: 4045.40374824 BTC. Current weight: 15,224. 960488;1419546543;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8300 @ 0.00059902 = 4.9719 BTC [-] 960489;1419546970;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9300 @ 0.00060564 = 5.6325 BTC [+] 960490;1419547065;jurov;;;ud derp 960491;1419547066;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=derp | The contemporary DNC and GOP parties are one party. the DeRps. Ignore what they say, watch what they do! Your common DeRp wants government spending. 960492;1419547073;jurov;hahaha 960493;1419547397;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38350 @ 0.0005956 = 22.8413 BTC [-] {3} 960494;1419548373;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16350 @ 0.00060245 = 9.8501 BTC [+] {2} 960495;1419548861;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3428 @ 0.00059445 = 2.0378 BTC [-] 960496;1419549105;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38150 @ 0.00059432 = 22.6733 BTC [-] {2} 960497;1419549288;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20645 @ 0.00060619 = 12.5148 BTC [+] {2} 960498;1419549349;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9779 @ 0.00062993 = 6.1601 BTC [+] 960499;1419549898;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28100 @ 0.00061689 = 17.3346 BTC [-] {2} 960500;1419550325;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17300 @ 0.00059212 = 10.2437 BTC [-] 960501;1419550996;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11981 @ 0.00059212 = 7.0942 BTC [-] 960502;1419552034;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31880 @ 0.0006189 = 19.7305 BTC [+] {3} 960503;1419552675;ben_vulpes;has anyone ever messed around with sighash_anyonecanpay? 960504;1419552704;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 61876 @ 0.00058446 = 36.164 BTC [-] {4} 960505;1419553070;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25262 @ 0.00061708 = 15.5887 BTC [+] {2} 960506;1419553131;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15900 @ 0.00063427 = 10.0849 BTC [+] 960507;1419557218;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7200 @ 0.00063427 = 4.5667 BTC [+] 960508;1419557240;thestringpuller;ben_vulpes: lol wut? 960509;1419557767;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6200 @ 0.00063112 = 3.9129 BTC [-] 960510;1419558255;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2950 @ 0.00063112 = 1.8618 BTC [-] 960511;1419558846;kakobrekla;>I think OP_RETURN has shown itself to be seriously problematic; and we continue to have problems with people beleving that storing non-bitcoin related data in the chain (as opposed, e.g. to simple commitments or things like ECDH nonces) is an approved, correct, non-antisocial use of the system. 960512;1419558852;kakobrekla;a non-antisocial! 960513;1419558865;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34200 @ 0.00063427 = 21.692 BTC [+] 960514;1419558987;ben_vulpes;any way bitcoin can be used is a fine way to use bitcoin. 960515;1419559050;kakobrekla;well, .. https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/5286 960516;1419559051;assbot;Change the default maximum OP_RETURN size to 80 bytes by Flavien · Pull Request #5286 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/13yxXgE ) 960517;1419559175;decimation;kakobrekla: the guy writes in a normative way as if he was in charge of something 960518;1419559283;ben_vulpes;https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/5286#issuecomment-63180444 << fucking rich 960519;1419559285;assbot;Change the default maximum OP_RETURN size to 80 bytes by Flavien · Pull Request #5286 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/13yyb7s ) 960520;1419559306;ben_vulpes;Luke-Jr: "Perhaps we should set the default to a random value between 0-80 at startup, to incentivise miners making their own decision without actually forcing it explicitly." 960521;1419559350;kakobrekla;the whole thing is pretty far out there. 960522;1419559376;danielpbarron;what happens if one of these things gets included in a block? does a pre 0.6.* node reject the whole block? 960523;1419559394;kakobrekla;one of whese things? 960524;1419559418;danielpbarron;a transaction with a bigger OP_RETURN 960525;1419559434;kakobrekla;.6 allows for 80 bytes prolly 960526;1419560140;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 960527;1419560144;gribble;Current Blocks: 335934 | Current Difficulty: 3.945767130713873E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 336671 | Next Difficulty In: 737 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 4 days, 15 hours, 56 minutes, and 57 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 39418386145.2 | Estimated Percent Change: -0.09956 960528;1419560208;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37186 @ 0.00063468 = 23.6012 BTC [+] {3} 960529;1419560343;danielpbarron;!up Luke-Jr 960530;1419560369;Luke-Jr;danielpbarron: this OP_RETURN stuff has nothing to do with the consensus system or blocks 960531;1419560388;Luke-Jr;it's just node policy - what the node in question will choose to relay, mine, etc 960532;1419560426;Luke-Jr;so ideally it should be determined by each node operator, not a centralised group 960533;1419560524;kakobrekla;currently if you mine with version x you allow for 80 bytes and with version y 40 ? 960534;1419560548;Luke-Jr;kakobrekla: I think it's 40 in all released versions 960535;1419560565;Luke-Jr;0.10 will allow changing it, at least (I forget if it increased to 80) 960536;1419560573;Luke-Jr;increased the default* 960537;1419560604;Luke-Jr;actually, if that pull request is still open, the default must still be 40 960538;1419560607;kakobrekla;why does the guy in the thread there talk about some 'change' 960539;1419560638;Luke-Jr;kakobrekla: when OP_RETURN code was initially merged to git, it was 80; it changed to 40 prior to any release 960540;1419560649;kakobrekla;a 960541;1419560755;Luke-Jr;so since node operators are lazy and don't set their own policies, it puts a weird centralising pressure to try to make some kind of one-size-fits-all policy. which makes for lots of stupid political arguments 960542;1419560789;Luke-Jr;so my idea there was to just have the default be some not-totally-absurd random value, so at least people who care about datacarrier support set it themselves 960543;1419560878;kakobrekla;well if we are shifting the blame we can shift it on the miners for not giving shit and devs for not making it easy 960544;1419560904;Luke-Jr;it's not a miner-only thing; each node has a policy 960545;1419560919;Luke-Jr;I'm certainly working on trying to make it easy though - see my CNodePolicy pull request 960546;1419560939;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32860 @ 0.00063627 = 20.9078 BTC [+] {2} 960547;1419560945;Luke-Jr;one of my goals right now is to make it so people can just drop a Python/Ruby/whatever script in their bitcoin directory for their policy 960548;1419560966;Luke-Jr;without having to hack C++, recompile, or worry about accidentally breaking consensus code 960549;1419560966;kakobrekla;anyway i dont think most pool ops are capable of making political decisions or code changes 960550;1419560979;Luke-Jr;well, that's another thing :p 960551;1419560994;*;Luke-Jr is also working on taking policy decisions away from pool ops 960552;1419561017;kakobrekla;and bet on 'wisdom of the crowd' ? 960553;1419561038;Luke-Jr;well, at the very least, people can outsource their policy to someone other than the pool 960554;1419561051;Luke-Jr;let anyone run their own policy server, and others can use that 960555;1419561083;Luke-Jr;no more "I have a good policy idea, but nobody will use it because I have 5 Mh/s" 960556;1419561116;Luke-Jr;now miners will safely use your policy without losing out on their pooled earnings 960557;1419561148;kakobrekla;rely tx policies is like you are temporarily covering yourself with a blanket 960558;1419561182;Luke-Jr;in a centralised world, perhaps 960559;1419561300;kakobrekla;want 30k bbet addresses to block? 960560;1419561388;Luke-Jr;? 960561;1419561394;Luke-Jr;wtf is bbet and why do I care? 960562;1419561415;kakobrekla;hehe 960563;1419561428;kakobrekla;i thought you were blocking gambling stuff ? 960564;1419561438;Luke-Jr;no 960565;1419561440;Luke-Jr;just spam 960566;1419561473;kakobrekla;idk where i got that idea then. 960567;1419561495;Luke-Jr;trolls like to claim my spamfilter is gambling-related blacklisting or something 960568;1419561534;Luke-Jr;they miss the fact that Catholics consider gambling moral 960569;1419561537;Luke-Jr;:p 960570;1419561566;kakobrekla;yeah but btc doesnt give a fuck about catholics 960571;1419561593;BingoBoingo;Or that apparently popes are spam too now 960572;1419561612;kakobrekla;anyway, i would not really give away the addys. not because of the damage you couldnt do but i was saying it to point out its a battle against infinity. 960573;1419561673;kakobrekla;at some point your rules to save resources will eat up more resources than just eating what comes. 960574;1419561700;Luke-Jr;kakobrekla: sure, but as long as some spam is easy to pick out, might as well 960575;1419561726;Luke-Jr;and my point was that the trolls' claim is ridiculous, since I have no incentive to block gambling at all 960576;1419561811;kakobrekla;yea lets not rehash this or else its gonna end in fuck you. 960577;1419561882;Luke-Jr;lol 960578;1419561936;danielpbarron;!down Luke-Jr might as well 960579;1419562058;decimation;it's amusing to see an argument of the form "I'm doing action X which tends to result in Y, but only trolls would believe that I want the result Y because reason R" 960580;1419562290;assbot;Last 4 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/1FX51KJ.txt ) 960581;1419562290;BingoBoingo;!b 4 960582;1419564497;cazalla;there ya go, it was a rusemaster https://twitter.com/SexyMissSaffron/status/548319185202597890 960583;1419564498;assbot;/SexyMissSaffron lol, is this really you? https://t.co/3FSQtTmE4w 960584;1419565305;thestringpuller;funny article hanbot 960585;1419565312;thestringpuller;when does your novel come out? 960586;1419565377;asciilifeform;now which one of you jokers conceived of that one. 960587;1419565476;hanbot;heya thestringpuller, thx, tho ninjaderpgun would be impossible to unfunnicize 960588;1419565564;hanbot;& merry holiday greeting y'all 960589;1419565564;gribble;Error: "merry" is not a valid command. 960590;1419565628;assbot;Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0KSF75C.txt ) 960591;1419565628;danielpbarron;!b 2 960592;1419565708;hanbot;lol gribbly humbug 960593;1419566783;asciilifeform;saffron << real puzzler here. who the hell pulls that kind of gag, and why ? 960594;1419567484;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: What sort of person cares enough to burn time spamming? 960595;1419567556;asciilifeform;no ordinary spam. some bozo put in actual sweat for no immediately apparent purpose. 960596;1419567710;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16042 @ 0.00063491 = 10.1852 BTC [-] {2} 960597;1419568071;BingoBoingo; no ordinary spam. some bozo put in actual sweat for no immediately apparent purpose. << All spam involves those elements. This just takes it to a different level... 960598;1419568123;asciilifeform;http://theweek.com/article/index/255243/how-to-kill-americans-with-geometry-a-north-korean-propaganda-film-for-kids << mega-lol 960599;1419568124;assbot;How to kill Americans with geometry: A North Korean propaganda film for kids - The Week ... ( http://bit.ly/1zD4lNk ) 960600;1419568218;asciilifeform;(linked from a yet-greater megalol, http://cryptome.org/2014/12/hp-nk-cyber-threat.pdf ) 960601;1419568341;asciilifeform;can we get king of nk in the wot ? 960602;1419569773;cazalla;given BingoBoingo posted in the original thread, i am inclined to think he responsible for said hijinxs :P 960603;1419569813;BingoBoingo;cazalla: Well, Jurov dropped the link. NinjaSpamzor is a moderator or some shit on that venue though. 960604;1419573200;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32500 @ 0.00063826 = 20.7435 BTC [+] {2} 960605;1419573444;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20487 @ 0.00064001 = 13.1119 BTC [+] {2} 960606;1419573688;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 57200 @ 0.00063725 = 36.4507 BTC [-] 960607;1419573871;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4756 @ 0.00064039 = 3.0457 BTC [+] {2} 960608;1419574786;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32336 @ 0.00063716 = 20.6032 BTC [-] {2} 960609;1419576921;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15975 @ 0.00063638 = 10.1662 BTC [-] {2} 960610;1419579361;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13200 @ 0.00063637 = 8.4001 BTC [-] 960611;1419579440;adlai;asciilifeform: the purpose is crystal clear. for somebody out there, this channel and/or its pervading mentality represents something they are against, and they gave their best shot to hinder its growth 960612;1419579488;adlai;this is not surprising. this channel has strong ideologies and discusses them in hyperbolized monochrome, and absolute certainty polarizes absolutely. 960613;1419579527;adlai;for the record, i think that's a shame and a sin, and that y'all are a little silly for this - but that may be the guinness speaking, or jack, or johnny. who knows. 960614;1419579533;*;adlai xmas 960615;1419579647;adlai;https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8798370 960616;1419579648;assbot;Hacker News ... ( http://bit.ly/1JT0izw ) 960617;1419579750;*;adlai derp 960618;1419579767;cazalla;my sambuca says otherwise 960619;1419579813;adlai;now i'm in the weird position of being out of drugs, but the workday has just begun 960620;1419579828;adlai;that's a lie though, there is no shortage of caffeine 960621;1419579893;adlai;also my entire flat reeks of puke, and it's not even mine >_< 960622;1419580093;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 89100 @ 0.00064128 = 57.138 BTC [+] {2} 960623;1419582961;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23439 @ 0.00063612 = 14.91 BTC [-] {2} 960624;1419583022;ben_vulpes;adlai: "best shot" << unimpressive, if you ask me. 960625;1419583082;adlai;well, they found themselves at the three point line with nobody nearby, so they tried to make the best of the situation 960626;1419583125;adlai;then they got flying tackled by their own hubris, but that's nonamabusiness 960627;1419583130;*;adlai trying to code 960628;1419583308;adlai;pretty sure i glanced the peak for a sec there, but i'm rapidly descending. fuck. 960629;1419583313;adlai;!s ballmer peak 960630;1419583314;assbot;0 results for 'ballmer peak' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=ballmer+peak 960631;1419583318;adlai;weak 960632;1419583328;adlai;https://xkcd.com/323/ 960633;1419583329;assbot;xkcd: Ballmer Peak ... ( http://bit.ly/1vvcv3G ) 960634;1419583937;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17300 @ 0.00063112 = 10.9184 BTC [-] 960635;1419583954;adlai;these may have been the most important 15 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) of the past like three months 960636;1419584002;ben_vulpes;what do they do? 960637;1419584054;adlai;until now, scalpl never actually considered profitability of placed offers against past execution. now it does. 960638;1419584085;*;adlai is still amazed that it was net-profitable without this little reflection 960639;1419584135;adlai;problem is that net-profitable over X months or Y volume is no guarantee of future performance, and not considering past execution is a little silly 960640;1419584355;ben_vulpes;you crazy quants 960641;1419584375;ben_vulpes;adlai: have you started hunting bots yet? or seen anyone hunting scalpl? 960642;1419584401;adlai;you could say that scalpl passively hunts any and every bot that uses market orders 960643;1419584425;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12400 @ 0.00063362 = 7.8569 BTC [+] 960644;1419584475;*;adlai doesn't know of anybody specific who's hunting scalpl, but knows of at least one person who said that open sourcing it is braindeadingly retarted and that it'll get hunted to death immediately. 960645;1419584529;adlai;this person is a "quant", ie former algotrader at JP Stanley Chase 960646;1419584579;ben_vulpes;Long Morgan Umpqua Management? 960647;1419584585;ben_vulpes;i think i know the guy 960648;1419584587;adlai;dunno 960649;1419584594;adlai;he has a startup now 960650;1419584613;ben_vulpes;it's like owning horses but 2014 960651;1419584622;adlai;one of the give-me-your-exchange-API-keys-and-i'll-make-you-money 960652;1419584632;adlai;so you could say he's a competitor! 960653;1419584635;ben_vulpes;pahwwhwat 960654;1419584646;*;adlai isn't asking for any keys though, just handing out code like it's a positive-sum game 960655;1419584688;ben_vulpes;i'm aware. 960656;1419584697;adlai;please, read my source and hunt me 960657;1419584718;adlai;*if you can 960658;1419584721;ben_vulpes;no thx, i've got other fishies to fry. 960659;1419584730;adlai;well damnit how am i supposed to get better 960660;1419584731;ben_vulpes;your cl is oddly object oriented 960661;1419584741;ben_vulpes;gave me the willies when first i looked at it 960662;1419584767;ben_vulpes;odds are better that i'm just a barbarian though 960663;1419584795;adlai;when was that? chances are those willies are nothing compared to what you'll get from https://github.com/adlai/scalpl/blob/master/actor.lisp 960664;1419584796;assbot;scalpl/actor.lisp at master · adlai/scalpl · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1xTlm5m ) 960665;1419584845;adlai;this is the first baby step in my journey to reinvent parallel computer 960666;1419584851;adlai;s/er$/ing/ 960667;1419584907;ben_vulpes;all i've read that you've written is scalpl 960668;1419584934;ben_vulpes;man it is *infuriating* how github urls can't be walked 960669;1419584934;adlai;this code isn't really used in scalpl yet, i'm kinda manually hacking together a shitty version of what this could eventually become 960670;1419585014;adlai;how so? 960671;1419585063;adlai;it may not want to be walked, but when did that ever stop a determined dogsitter? 960672;1419585225;adlai;ok traders. pls, xmas is over, i want some volume now. thx. 960673;1419585255;*;adlai wants to see his work shattered to bits by the invisible hand 960674;1419585401;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1316 @ 0.00119106 = 1.5674 BTC [+] 960675;1419585453;adlai;;;ud havelock 960676;1419585453;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Havelock | Oct 11, 2014 ... Havelock. A small shit hole outside of the slightly larger shit hole called petitcodiac. It has a high level of inbreads. Guy 1: you live in Havelock! 960677;1419585463;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18900 @ 0.00064113 = 12.1174 BTC [+] {3} 960678;1419585571;adlai;;;ud inbread 960679;1419585572;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=inbread | A mispelling of the word "inbred". Yeah, I know, sad. 960680;1419585604;adlai;https://twitter.com/ProBirdRights/status/539564722761121793 960681;1419585606;assbot;i got a chapstick that was on bargain but then I realize I don't have lips why did the freemarket betray me 960682;1419585682;ben_vulpes;adlai: just pissed about how https://github.com/adlai/scalpl/blob/master/ 404's 960683;1419585683;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1zlYNl4 ) 960684;1419585717;adlai;you could just clone the damn thing, make me feel better when i obsess over my traffic stats 960685;1419585744;ben_vulpes;lolk 960686;1419585768;adlai;:D 960687;1419585788;ben_vulpes;happy nao? 960688;1419585828;adlai;no, because github cache traffic stats 960689;1419586073;adlai;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-12-2014#960660 << the problem is all the damn json 960690;1419586073;assbot;Logged on 26-12-2014 09:05:31; ben_vulpes: your cl is oddly object oriented 960691;1419586101;adlai;the Right Thing™ would be to use cl-json instead of st-, and schematize everything 960692;1419586719;punkman;god morgen 960693;1419586818;adlai;morning punkman 960694;1419586848;punkman;how goes the scalpeling adlai 960695;1419586947;adlai;well thank you, how goes the deeding? :P 960696;1419587002;punkman;not very well obviously :P 960697;1419587074;adlai;"ask not what your qntry can do for you, ask what you can do for your qntry" 960698;1419587414;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1000 @ 0.001195 = 1.195 BTC [+] {2} 960699;1419587432;punkman;qntry is giving out free laptops/tablets and internet, so we can have more derps on reddit 960700;1419587470;adlai;qntry should give out free venture funding, so we can have more derps on mpex 960701;1419587813;punkman;was trying to turn off all energy savings and picture "enhancement" features on TV yesterday, found out it runs FreeBSD 960702;1419587887;punkman;too bad I can't ssh to it 960703;1419587888;adlai;y u hate the planet 960704;1419587939;jurov; [20141226 04:56] cazalla: Well, Jurov dropped the link. << actually BingoBoingo pm'd me "act like you've discovered it" jkjk 960705;1419588002;jurov;punkman maybe it has easily accessible serial port? 960706;1419588032;punkman;jurov, I read Panasonic GPG signs firmware updates somewhere 960707;1419588060;punkman;nobody seems to have hacked one of these yet 960708;1419588091;jurov;wouldn't be beyond them to have exposed rs422 points somewhere, or at least a backdoor 960709;1419588120;punkman;I hooked up debian box, mostly worked, except for HD video, or subtitles of course 960710;1419588188;jurov;how so? 960711;1419588286;punkman;mplayer being retarded I guess 960712;1419588308;punkman;it might work if I start recompiling everything to cutting edge version 960713;1419588326;punkman;but I got other things to rage at 960714;1419588344;punkman;so in the bin it goes 960715;1419588516;punkman;even puny first-gen xbox with XBMC worked better than this 960716;1419588516;jurov;use vlc? 960717;1419588531;punkman;VLC = 150% CPU utilization and no video 960718;1419588628;punkman;there's an mplayer fork that's allegedly better http://mpv.io/ 960719;1419588628;assbot;mpv.io ... ( http://bit.ly/1zXHUjx ) 960720;1419588852;punkman;oh shit they rebranded XBMC, "Due to the potential for typo-bugs and breakage from Kodi renaming YOU ARE STRONGLY ADVISED TO MAKE A FULL BACKUP before performing a manual update and perform a “Reset System Settings to defaults (Soft Reset)” after the update." 960721;1419589000;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34024 @ 0.00063857 = 21.7267 BTC [-] 960722;1419590232;davout;punkman: does the deeds system actually work? 960723;1419590295;ben_vulpes;davout: seemed to at the time 960724;1419590336;punkman;yeah someone was cashing out the faucet 960725;1419590387;ben_vulpes;that was a stated goal though, correct? 960726;1419590388;davout;deeds.bitcoin-assets.com isn't very informative in this regard, but maybe it's just me being too lazy to actually figure out how to talk to punkbot 960727;1419590403;punkman;davout, no it's dead at the moment 960728;1419590407;davout;punkman: whaddaya mean? 960729;1419590410;davout;oh ok 960730;1419590564;ben_vulpes;well i'm going to try to sleep again 960731;1419590683;davout;i was thinking about it the other day, about how it might make sense to embed some variant of it in a smartphone photo app >> take a pic, boom proof of existence 960732;1419590713;ben_vulpes;not terrifically diddle-resistant tho 960733;1419590721;ben_vulpes;nor would one want keys on a phone. 960734;1419590768;davout;why would this require keys on the phone ? 960735;1419590772;punkman;ben_vulpes: you just send pic to some bot 960736;1419590794;davout;just sha256 it and send that to the bot 960737;1419590801;punkman;can do this with existing bot, if you compress it to 32kb or less 960738;1419590821;punkman;*compress pic 960739;1419590825;davout;the bot doesn't, and shouldn't, know about the actual data it is timestamping 960740;1419590896;davout;iirc that's absolutely not how the deeds system is implemented 960741;1419590969;punkman;it doesn't really care about contents 960742;1419590980;punkman;doesn't work without GPG of course 960743;1419591040;punkman;davout, related http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-12-2014#940116 960744;1419591040;assbot;Logged on 01-12-2014 15:03:57; punkman: while we're on the topic, I want to make a service that fetches a URL, hashes contents, and then bundles and notarizes those. thoughts? 960745;1419591093;davout;what made you decide on requiring the contents to be gpg signed ? 960746;1419591111;punkman;davout, spec 960747;1419591167;davout;who decided, and why, that the contents should be gpg signed ? 960748;1419591175;davout;guess i didn't see the spec 960749;1419592111;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2015 @ 0.00119993 = 2.4179 BTC [+] {4} 960750;1419593758;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23350 @ 0.00063639 = 14.8597 BTC [-] 960751;1419594002;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21740 @ 0.00063733 = 13.8556 BTC [+] {2} 960752;1419595527;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3600 @ 0.00063857 = 2.2989 BTC [+] 960753;1419595832;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26420 @ 0.00064508 = 17.043 BTC [+] {4} 960754;1419596625;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42574 @ 0.00062998 = 26.8208 BTC [-] {2} 960755;1419597235;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1000 @ 0.00119 = 1.19 BTC [-] {3} 960756;1419597298;punkman;http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20141219-spectacular-real-virgin-births 960757;1419597299;assbot;BBC - Earth - Spectacular real virgin births ... ( http://bit.ly/1zErnTP ) 960758;1419597583;punkman;davout: who decided, and why, that the contents should be gpg signed ? << it was mp's spec. even if you don't want to tie messages to identity, need some kind of access control and WoT works well for that 960759;1419597906;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9950 @ 0.00065088 = 6.4763 BTC [+] 960760;1419598627;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2014/12/reminder-bitcoin-bowl-today/ 960761;1419598628;assbot;Reminder: Bitcoin Bowl Today | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1vgLsrQ ) 960762;1419600506;ben_vulpes;https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/v0.5.3/src/bitcoinrpc.cpp#L1927 << lovin the html coded right into bitcoin 960763;1419600509;assbot;bitcoin/bitcoinrpc.cpp at v0.5.3 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1JTuLxD ) 960764;1419601098;Azelphur;why wouldn't it be? that's the JSONRPC interface, which is HTTP 960765;1419601357;ben_vulpes;on the other hand, why not code it right in... 960766;1419601387;ben_vulpes;perhaps stick it in share? 960767;1419601411;Azelphur;wat 960768;1419601418;*;ben_vulpes shrugs 960769;1419601426;ben_vulpes;i don't know shit about shinola, though. 960770;1419603396;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27600 @ 0.00062958 = 17.3764 BTC [-] 960771;1419604861;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33350 @ 0.00062568 = 20.8664 BTC [-] {2} 960772;1419606019;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29250 @ 0.00062102 = 18.1648 BTC [-] {2} 960773;1419607286;BingoBoingo;http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2887312/Now-Whitehall-s-crazy-eco-zealots-want-ban-gas-cooker-writes-CHRISTOPHER-BOOKER.html 960774;1419607288;assbot;Now Whitehall's crazy eco zealots want to ban your gas cooker, writes CHRISTOPHER BOOKER | Daily Mail Online ... ( http://bit.ly/1xnOB0k ) 960775;1419608338;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38943 @ 0.00062836 = 24.4702 BTC [+] {3} 960776;1419609496;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1104 @ 0.00119906 = 1.3238 BTC [+] {3} 960777;1419609680;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1959 @ 0.00119978 = 2.3504 BTC [+] {4} 960778;1419610289;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44702 @ 0.00064297 = 28.742 BTC [+] {2} 960779;1419611753;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30350 @ 0.00064813 = 19.6707 BTC [+] {2} 960780;1419612241;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38300 @ 0.00065244 = 24.9885 BTC [+] {2} 960781;1419612303;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28025 @ 0.00065364 = 18.3183 BTC [+] 960782;1419612771;asciilifeform;http://pastebin.com/jq6K7Wk4 960783;1419612772;assbot;Fan Mail from Mr. Spam! - Pastebin.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1x7GmDP ) 960784;1419613180;BingoBoingo;Yes. Call out comment point scores. 6 from 5 comments. Way to wound a man's ego. 960785;1419613197;punkman;lol! 960786;1419613347;punkman;http://torrentfreak.com/kim-dotcom-stops-xbox-and-playstation-attacks-141226/ 960787;1419613348;assbot;Kim "Santa" Dotcom Stops Xbox and Playstation Attacks | TorrentFreak ... ( http://bit.ly/13JNJpt ) 960788;1419613375;punkman;"“Thanks @KimDotcom for the vouchers–you’re the reason we stopped the attacks. @MegaPrivacy is an awesome service,” Lizard Squad tweeted, confirming the successful intervention." 960789;1419613584;BingoBoingo;http://www.sbnation.com/college-football/2014/12/26/7450623/bitcoin-bowl-mascots-giant-smiling-bitcoin-bitcoin-dog-other-bitcoin-dogs 960790;1419613585;assbot;Meet Mr. Bitcoin and Curly the dog, mascots of the Bitcoin Bowl or whatever - SBNation.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1x7HyHh ) 960791;1419614766;BingoBoingo;https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2qg8ki/satoshi_nakamoto_institute_launch_podcast_first/cn5v1mk 960792;1419614768;assbot;Floorca comments on Satoshi Nakamoto Institute Launch Podcast (First episode linked: Appcoins and Bitcoin Maximalism from Daniel Krawisz and Michael Goldstein) ... ( http://bit.ly/13JQTcA ) 960793;1419614777;BingoBoingo;"I keep seeing rabbits." 960794;1419614864;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2871 @ 0.00117582 = 3.3758 BTC [-] {25} 960795;1419614925;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2107 @ 0.00115122 = 2.4256 BTC [-] {4} 960796;1419614987;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19350 @ 0.00064483 = 12.4775 BTC [-] 960797;1419615704;adlai;http://massachusetts.obituaries.funeral.com/2014/12/24/alexander-h-petro-12212014-kingston-ma/ << dear future, pls don't end my obituary with "Sent from an iPad" 960798;1419615709;assbot;Alexander H. Petro 12/21/2014 Kingston, MA | Funeral.com - State of Massachusetts Obituaries ... ( http://bit.ly/13JTaof ) 960799;1419615837;assbot;Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/2TD0PAF.txt ) 960800;1419615837;BingoBoingo;!b 1 960801;1419616044;jurov;future will end the obituaries "Created by Facebook" 960802;1419616065;kakobrekla;and "4 likes" ? 960803;1419616073;asciilifeform;obligatory: http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2011/07/dead-souls.html 960804;1419616075;assbot;ClubOrlov: Dead Souls ... ( http://bit.ly/13JTV0v ) 960805;1419616119;adlai;obligatorier: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivg-5lu3EGw 960806;1419616121;assbot;George Carlin on dead people and computers - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/13JU2ZV ) 960807;1419616261;adlai;ok, the orlov piece is good. i'll settle for equally obligatory. 960808;1419616444;adlai;the lines between faking dead social media profiles, faking a living person's profile (that they don't know of), and creating profiles for a person never even born - are quite fine. 960809;1419616702;adlai;ah, that's what the orlov post reminds me of! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Be_Right_Back_(Black_Mirror) 960810;1419616704;assbot;Be Right Back (Black Mirror) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/13JVgV9 ) 960811;1419616782;adlai;oooh! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Christmas_(Black_Mirror) thank you santa! 960812;1419616784;assbot;White Christmas (Black Mirror) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/13JVsDP ) 960813;1419616848;kakobrekla;is it stealable yet? 960814;1419616899;adlai;fuck me, ask google 960815;1419617257;adlai;(signs point to yes) 960816;1419617523;BingoBoingo;!up McNumpty 960817;1419617548;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42150 @ 0.00065497 = 27.607 BTC [+] {2} 960818;1419617593;adlai;humpty numpty sat on the wall. was he put or did he call? 960819;1419617793;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22783 @ 0.0006376 = 14.5264 BTC [-] {2} 960820;1419618280;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28305 @ 0.00065558 = 18.5562 BTC [+] {2} 960821;1419618341;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3666 @ 0.00065725 = 2.4095 BTC [+] 960822;1419619313;BingoBoingo;So the new North Korea movie. Not bad. Indicts the United States about as seriously as it indicts North Korea. 960823;1419621106;cazalla;http://qntra.net/2014/12/governor-for-reserve-bank-of-india-talks-bitcoin-is-worrisome-security-issues/ 960824;1419621108;assbot;Governor For Reserve Bank Of India Talks Bitcoin: Is Worrisome, Security Issues | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1t6lJmb ) 960825;1419621142;cazalla;BingoBoingo, i was going to watch that yesterday, settled on dumb and dumber to, fell asleep from the sambuca and up at 430am given i nodded off early 960826;1419621213;asciilifeform;'For us as the Reserve Bank... ...we'll have to figure out how we make money because the way we generate most of our revenue is through forms of seigniorage, people are willing to hold currency free of interest and that's how we make money...' 960827;1419621216;asciilifeform;lol, mask fell off 960828;1419621217;BingoBoingo;Ah. It's basically Pineapple Express with less drugs and more scenes filmed in Asia. 960829;1419621337;cazalla;asciilifeform, he was having a laugh with the host while saying that 960830;1419621350;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: he threatened to call my mummy 960831;1419621368;ben_vulpes;lo, i do quake! 960832;1419621390;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: indian central bank governor ?! 960833;1419621413;ben_vulpes;no, our beloved spamgun 960834;1419621416;asciilifeform;aha 960835;1419621500;ben_vulpes;interesting to watch the attack escalate. 960836;1419621506;asciilifeform;expect that he'll be with us for some time. see 'last psychiatrist' re: psychopaths with 'ego wounds' 960837;1419621509;asciilifeform;and naggum re: same. 960838;1419621550;asciilifeform;these people orbit the folks they've latched onto - sometimes - for years. 960839;1419621564;ben_vulpes;oh great. 960840;1419621565;asciilifeform;all the while spouting re: how 'they've moved on' 960841;1419621638;ben_vulpes;if only tiberius were still with us. now *that* was some trolling. 960842;1419621826;asciilifeform;http://www.xach.com/naggum/articles/3219696842344424@naggum.net.html http://www.xach.com/naggum/articles/3219914234362460@naggum.net.html << naggum dealing with his own mr. spam 960843;1419621828;assbot;Re: Unwelcome mail from the stalkers - Naggum cll archive ... ( http://bit.ly/1t6nRKL ) 960844;1419621831;asciilifeform;in particular, 960845;1419621833;asciilifeform;'it is _never_ politeness and courtesy these lunatics want. (If it were, they would simply prove the superiority of being polite and courteous.) They want _other_ people to be polite and courteous because _they_ do not want to feel humiliated or threatened, but who can tell what makes a deranged lunatic feel humiliated or threatened by just and proper criticism, especially by proxy as the worst of these outcasts do? These pe 960846;1419621834;asciilifeform;ople react extremely hostilely to any feeling that somebody else tells them what to do and are unable to cope with the helplessness and powerlessness they feel after being told what to do, but this is not anybody else can fix for them.' 960847;1419622093;asciilifeform;http://www.xach.com/naggum/articles/3233665390989375_-_@naggum.net.html << another mr. spam of his 960848;1419622094;assbot;Thomas Bushnell - Naggum cll archive ... ( http://bit.ly/1t6oHHq ) 960849;1419622121;asciilifeform;some folks i've introduced to herr naggum's writings turned their nose, mainly on account of these pieces 960850;1419622128;asciilifeform;'why was he so xxxxx ?' 960851;1419622148;asciilifeform;it is because he dared to put psychopaths in their place. and so attracted at least half a dozen of these 'orbiters.' 960852;1419622166;asciilifeform;they did their best to destroy the little corner of the net where naggum dwelled. 960853;1419622221;asciilifeform;one might say that they 'won.' likely, naggum became wormfood that much sooner than otherwise could have. 960854;1419622401;asciilifeform;dan mocsny (discussed on a few occasions, another well-known usenet figure) also had orbiters. 960855;1419622462;asciilifeform;just the same as mr. spam, or naggum's stalkers, in that they would regularly insist that 'they're done with' him and the 'pit' he dwelled in - but seemed to structure their entire waking lives around frequenting his haunts and crapping out abuse 960856;1419622706;ben_vulpes;difference this time around seems to be that this orbiter is now terrified for his business propositions in the shartupsphere. 960857;1419622733;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: how ? 960858;1419622741;ben_vulpes;well his *name* you see 960859;1419622751;ben_vulpes;it is now tarred by association with #bitcoin-assets 960860;1419622759;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: scammers have been switching names since at least babylon. 960861;1419622765;asciilifeform;let him get with the game. 960862;1419622813;asciilifeform;folks have become 'bitcoin ceo' etc. after loud and public criminal convictions for embezzlement 960863;1419622831;ben_vulpes;that's not "ycombinator ceo" though 960864;1419622854;asciilifeform;if anything, we've helped mr. spam's fiat credentials. 960865;1419622865;asciilifeform;'despised by terrorists!' 960866;1419623177;punkman;https://twitter.com/stribika/status/548493493438791680 960867;1419623179;assbot;3000 Tor relays in an hour, all called LizardNSA[0-9]+Interesting. 960868;1419623207;asciilifeform;lol 960869;1419623210;asciilifeform;not even mine. 960870;1419623235;punkman;same guys Kim Dotcom paid off with Mega vouchers 960871;1419623244;punkman;https://twitter.com/LizardMafia/status/548525026027507712 960872;1419623246;assbot;To clarify, we are no longer attacking PSN or Xbox. We are testing our new Tor 0day. 960873;1419623252;punkman;https://twitter.com/LizardMafia/status/548337811112611840 960874;1419623253;assbot;Our ddos was possible thanks to rooted undersea routers used on transatlantic cables. 960875;1419623344;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22250 @ 0.00063375 = 14.1009 BTC [-] 960876;1419623653;BingoBoingo;Naggum has a gift for words http://www.xach.com/naggum/articles/3219937161138067@naggum.net.html 960877;1419623653;assbot;Re: What obstacles do Common Lisp programmers face? - Naggum cll archive ... ( http://bit.ly/1t6tjgG ) 960878;1419623826;ben_vulpes;a philosophical question 960879;1419623832;ben_vulpes;what does it mean to bitcoinate? 960880;1419623840;ben_vulpes;- download and verify a blockchain 960881;1419623848;ben_vulpes;- keep up to date with the main chain 960882;1419623858;ben_vulpes;- create and sign raw transactions 960883;1419624343;BingoBoingo;http://www.xach.com/naggum/articles/3220049241757109@naggum.net.html 960884;1419624344;assbot;Jean-Francois Brouillet - Naggum cll archive ... ( http://bit.ly/1wOTbmq ) 960885;1419624427;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: interested in your take on my question 960886;1419624435;ben_vulpes;*i'm* interested.. 960887;1419624593;asciilifeform;wai wat 960888;1419624595;asciilifeform;which question 960889;1419624604;ben_vulpes;what does "bitcoinating" entail? 960890;1419624668;asciilifeform;i'd say - entails being usable for any application pertaining to bitcoin whatsoever. 960891;1419624679;asciilifeform;including ones that involve arbitrary walks of blockchain data. 960892;1419624691;asciilifeform;or crafting of perverse (but relayable) transactions 960893;1419624692;asciilifeform;etc. 960894;1419624716;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: arbitrary walks of blockchain data << i think that i disagree here. 960895;1419624717;asciilifeform;yes, this means that the traditional bitcoind does not entirely 'bitcoinate.' 960896;1419624756;ben_vulpes;i'm currently of the opinion that providing a tube through which to suck the blockchain is accetable. 960897;1419624785;ben_vulpes;querying of arbitrary bitcoin data is beyond bitcoind's remit imho. 960898;1419624787;asciilifeform;at the very least, one must be able to determine 'balance' of an arbitrary address. 960899;1419624790;ben_vulpes;open to discussion on the topic! 960900;1419624797;asciilifeform;or it is unusable for a large number of extremely ordinary things. 960901;1419624831;ben_vulpes;why is balance enough in that situation? what can you do with balance that you don't in reality need the specific unspent outputs for? 960902;1419624837;asciilifeform;customary workarounds like importing a private key and then 'losing' it are idiotic. 960903;1419624881;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: consider the usual apparatus that wants to know that 'it's been paid' without holding any secrets whatsoever. 960904;1419624897;ben_vulpes;so watch incoming blocks. 960905;1419624930;ben_vulpes;one can know an arbitrary address has been paid an amount trivially that way. 960906;1419624958;asciilifeform;what if 'incoming' happens every four days, when the satellite drifts overhead ? 960907;1419624980;asciilifeform;classical bitcoind behaves very poorly if the assumption of always-on high speed net connection is violated. 960908;1419625001;asciilifeform;what if 'incoming' happens every six months, when the mail ships sail in ? 960909;1419625008;ben_vulpes;then you know the last received block and ideally you have all of the blocks since then and can walk them. 960910;1419625019;asciilifeform;or when there's a gap in the usg shortwave jammers 960911;1419625048;ben_vulpes;that's why i'm suggesting that data analysis be not a part of bitcoin. 960912;1419625050;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: well in theory, yes. but go and try this exercise with traditional bitcoind. 960913;1419625067;asciilifeform;analysis not part, sure. 960914;1419625074;asciilifeform;but all of the necessary 'hooks' should be there. 960915;1419625085;ben_vulpes;i've used it to watch incoming blocks, but not suffering 6 month discontinuities. 960916;1419625086;asciilifeform;without having to open up the abdomen, insert them, and re-suture in the future. 960917;1419625091;ben_vulpes;what actually happens? 960918;1419625113;cazalla;well, that didn't take long.. bitcoinfoundation.org has redesigned their website yet again 960919;1419625118;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: well, in one case (~2? years, not six months) - hard-wedge. 960920;1419625152;ben_vulpes;ah, surely. 960921;1419625159;cazalla;looks like they removed the black kid photostock images too, such racists 960922;1419625213;ben_vulpes;that though is not a function of intermittently walking the recent blocks. function of braindamaged "db" implementation. 960923;1419625255;cazalla;they've also reattributed what were patrick murck's articles to one jinyoung 960924;1419625294;ben_vulpes;i'm circling around the notion that all bitcoin should do on the topic is vomit forth blocks on command, referenced by height. perhaps transactions, but i'm not even convinced about that. 960925;1419625414;asciilifeform;vomit forth blocks on command << let's rephrase. 960926;1419625424;asciilifeform;say it's 1970 and you just bought a tv set. 960927;1419625425;asciilifeform;crt. 960928;1419625451;asciilifeform;if it asks you to set the vertical and horizontal scan frequencies manually, independently... 960929;1419625476;asciilifeform;every time you use it. 960930;1419625481;asciilifeform;is it a proper tv ? 960931;1419625489;asciilifeform;an oscilloscope, maybe. but not tb. 960932;1419625491;asciilifeform;tv 960933;1419625518;asciilifeform;blocks get parsed. 960934;1419625544;asciilifeform;in other words, everything that is a 'timeless' part of bitcoin - i.e. cannot ever change or hardfork - must be a working part of the client. 960935;1419625556;asciilifeform;because, by definition, there will be no variation in it. 960936;1419625559;asciilifeform;so there it must sit. 960937;1419625655;ben_vulpes;i'm not arguing against parsing the blocks. it must verify the chain on download and be able to regurgitate the data on command. i suppose that i'm being too dense to grasp your meaning. 960938;1419625692;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: when you said 'vomit forth blocks' - sorta implied that one must delve into the protocol docs to make use of said vomit. 960939;1419625816;ben_vulpes;ah, forgive me. i mean "blocks" as in relatively easily handled block data. for example, the json that's returned from getblock. 960940;1419625865;asciilifeform;then sure. 960941;1419625875;asciilifeform;unrelated: http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/195369-mips-creator-ci20-the-raspberry-pi-competitor-that-isnt << infuriating idiocy 960942;1419625876;assbot;MIPS Creator CI20: The Raspberry Pi competitor that isn’t | ExtremeTech ... ( http://bit.ly/1wOYORL ) 960943;1419625900;asciilifeform;'what exactly is the point' << the point is that it isn't an 'arm.' and isn't a closed turd. 960944;1419625905;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6750 @ 0.00063375 = 4.2778 BTC [-] 960945;1419626052;[]bot;Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "Billion dollar bet?" http://bitbet.us/bet/1047/ Odds: 12(Y):88(N) by coin, 16(Y):84(N) by weight. Total bet: 17.32065114 BTC. Current weight: 39,912. 960946;1419626255;asciilifeform;(see thread: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-12-2014#960128 ) 960947;1419626255;assbot;Logged on 25-12-2014 03:52:10; asciilifeform: every day i wonder why the 'arm' architecture so thoroughly beat 'mips' (closest competitor in the 'risc' world) in the markets 960948;1419627369;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2100 @ 0.00065367 = 1.3727 BTC [+] 960949;1419627498;decimation;lol re: mr. spam's email << me thinks the lady doth protest too much 960950;1419627540;decimation;so Mr. Graham just shat a retarded essay >> http://paulgraham.com/95.html 960951;1419627541;assbot;Let the Other 95% of Great Programmers In ... ( http://bit.ly/1wP4ISS ) 960952;1419627576;decimation;"But this whole discussion has taken something for granted: that if we let more great programmers into the US, they'll want to come. That's true now, and we don't realize how lucky we are that it is. ... And if we don't, the US could be seriously fucked." 960953;1419627626;*;decimation thinks that time horizon has already been reached 960954;1419627738;decimation;thought experiment: what if tomorrow infinite immigration between the US and say Europe was allowed? What percentage of "exceptional programmers" would leave their current lives to go work for some hobo in Silly-con valley? 960955;1419628101;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 62300 @ 0.00063118 = 39.3225 BTC [-] {3} 960956;1419628467;decimation;asciilifeform: your 'offline' blockchain scenario is interesting. thought experiment: what if there was a new cold war and the Internet cleanly split in two halves? 960957;1419628481;decimation;which half of the blockchain is now 'valid'? the one that is longest? 960958;1419628501;decimation;if a harddrive were sent across the iron curtain, how would the transactions on the other side be reconciled? 960959;1419628528;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18200 @ 0.00064892 = 11.8103 BTC [+] 960960;1419628589;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10399 @ 0.00061653 = 6.4113 BTC [-] 960961;1419628772;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1090 @ 0.00119 = 1.2971 BTC [-] {4} 960962;1419630907;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16783 @ 0.00064909 = 10.8937 BTC [+] {2} 960963;1419630936;asciilifeform;decimation: the planet is also split in half? and the halves end up in two separate universes ? 960964;1419630969;asciilifeform;decimation: that cannot communicate by radio, homing pigeon, or narco-couriers with scrolls up their arses ? 960965;1419631119;asciilifeform;paul graham << what the everliving fuck is a 'great programmer' anyway 960966;1419631128;asciilifeform;and when do we let the great, e.g., bootblacks in ? 960967;1419631138;asciilifeform;street sweepers ? 960968;1419631553;asciilifeform;paul graham << sahib says 'moar coolies pleez' 960969;1419631672;Apocalyptic; paul graham << what the everliving fuck is a 'great programmer' anyway // he gave some interesting property of such a creature, but no definition alas 960970;1419631714;asciilifeform;'I asked the CEO of a startup with about 70 programmers how many more he'd hire if he could get all the great programmers he wanted. He said "We'd hire 30 tomorrow morning."' 960971;1419631738;asciilifeform;^ what definition of 'great programmer' portrays a creature you can even think of 'hire 30 tomorrow morning' of ? 960972;1419631753;asciilifeform;imagine wanting to hire 30 'great mathematicians' tomorrow morning. 960973;1419631758;Apocalyptic;to quote "A great programmer will invent things an ordinary programmer would never even think of." 960974;1419631793;Apocalyptic;note the dubious claim that a programmer nowadays will invent stuff 960975;1419631802;asciilifeform;anyone wanting to hire 30 inventors needs his head checked 960976;1419631812;asciilifeform;hire for what 960977;1419631827;asciilifeform;and why would they want to work for you 960978;1419631836;undata;laying brick in some marketing related startup 960979;1419631842;Apocalyptic;asciilifeform, do you define inventor as someone who has invented something before ? 960980;1419631855;asciilifeform;presumably 960981;1419631867;asciilifeform;or otherwise 'can you play violin? don't know, i've never tried yet' 960982;1419631883;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16322 @ 0.00064125 = 10.4665 BTC [-] 960983;1419631971;asciilifeform;unless mr. 'i want to hire 30 great programmers tomorrow morning' wasn't writing from a psychiatric hospital, the parsimonious hypothesis is that he meant something other than inventors when said 'great programmers.' 960984;1419631990;asciilifeform;i don't think it is a mystery, to anyone even remotely connected with the sordid business, what it was that he meant. 960985;1419632001;asciilifeform;what he meant was human compilers. 960986;1419632008;asciilifeform;obedient, diligent coolies. 960987;1419632008;Apocalyptic;he meant people that will presumably invent something worthy for the company 960988;1419632048;asciilifeform;Apocalyptic: you don't need 30 of those. no existing company is equipped to fully utilize the output of 3, much less 30. 960989;1419632054;asciilifeform;actual inventors, that is. 960990;1419632055;Apocalyptic;should have been "invent" by the way 960991;1419632073;Apocalyptic;no argument on that 960992;1419633103;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21017 @ 0.00064988 = 13.6585 BTC [+] 960993;1419634262;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16350 @ 0.00065793 = 10.7572 BTC [+] {2} 960994;1419634628;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11253 @ 0.00065913 = 7.4172 BTC [+] 960995;1419634690;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14902 @ 0.00064805 = 9.6572 BTC [-] {2} 960996;1419636702;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8800 @ 0.00063289 = 5.5694 BTC [-] 960997;1419637342;decimation;asciilifeform: all the 'ceo' will accomplish hiring 30 'actual inventors' will be to produce 30 disgrunted ex-employees 960998;1419637530;decimation;asciilifeform: thinking about my scenario earlier (two halves of the world), the real issue is that transactions need to be communicated as well as the blockchain 960999;1419637773;decimation;http://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/5859/what-are-orphaned-and-stale-blocks/5869#5869 << using this guy's terminology, the shorter chain suddenly becomes extinct 961000;1419637774;assbot;What are orphaned and stale blocks? - Bitcoin Stack Exchange ... ( http://bit.ly/1xWatQ5 ) 961001;1419637806;decimation;I assume all of the transactions in the extinct chain are swept into new blocks from that point forward? 961002;1419637991;decimation;http://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/a/13989 << according to this guy, the answer is 'yes', they are kept around in the mempools of the running clients - but this seems just a little bit shakey... 961003;1419637992;assbot;blockchain - What happens when you send a transaction that ends up in an orphaned block. Is it recoverable? - Bitcoin Stack Exchange ... ( http://bit.ly/1H3gThT ) 961004;1419639020;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6450 @ 0.00062085 = 4.0045 BTC [-] 961005;1419639874;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24350 @ 0.00062085 = 15.1177 BTC [-] 961006;1419641521;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9650 @ 0.00063289 = 6.1074 BTC [+] 961007;1419643046;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45350 @ 0.00061834 = 28.0417 BTC [-] {3} 961008;1419644786;asciilifeform;decimation: old thread re: 'cold war bitcoin' >> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-01-2014#461620 961009;1419644786;assbot;Logged on 27-01-2014 05:25:17; asciilifeform: there is, for instance, a legend of an occasion where it was necessary to move several $mil in dollars out of the ussr 961010;1419649756;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7055 @ 0.0006202 = 4.3755 BTC [+] 961011;1419652136;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32000 @ 0.0006202 = 19.8464 BTC [+] 961012;1419652840;decimation;asciilifeform: of course, bitcoin would be how this would be accomplished today (assuming sufficient anonymization of transactions) 961013;1419655266;thestringpuller;;;later tell cazalla has pete visited you yet? lol 961014;1419655266;gribble;The operation succeeded. 961015;1419655307;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36561 @ 0.00061012 = 22.3066 BTC [-] 961016;1419656100;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26600 @ 0.00062613 = 16.6551 BTC [+] {2} 961017;1419656677;cazalla;thestringpuller, nah, didn't even ask to go for a drink, fkn canadians eh 961018;1419656734;cazalla;he comes to australia, shits all over our costco monuments and leaves 961019;1419656954;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28432 @ 0.0006335 = 18.0117 BTC [+] {2} 961020;1419658296;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14350 @ 0.00063886 = 9.1676 BTC [+] {2} 961021;1419664153;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22050 @ 0.00063568 = 14.0167 BTC [-] 961022;1419664701;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43200 @ 0.00061779 = 26.6885 BTC [-] {2} 961023;1419665575;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2014/12/bitcoin-bowl-recap-nc-state-wins-34-27/ 961024;1419665576;assbot;Bitcoin Bowl Recap: NC State Wins (34-27) | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/13LdVzK ) 961025;1419665860;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14350 @ 0.00064 = 9.184 BTC [+] 961026;1419666752;ben_vulpes;oh man those bitpay ads 961027;1419666760;ben_vulpes;"i accept bitcoin with my butt: 961028;1419666786;ben_vulpes;"i accept bitcoin with my personal toolchain: 961029;1419666788;ben_vulpes;dammit 961030;1419666827;ben_vulpes;too many pretty girls and too many pretty wilamette valley wines 961031;1419667043;BingoBoingo;It happens. I'm just surprised it was such a good football game. 961032;1419667934;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 54200 @ 0.00063329 = 34.3243 BTC [-] {2} 961033;1419667995;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7402 @ 0.00064 = 4.7373 BTC [+] 961034;1419668544;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30829 @ 0.00064304 = 19.8243 BTC [+] 961035;1419672936;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11339 @ 0.00062249 = 7.0584 BTC [-] 961036;1419673892;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: have you heard of a book called metro 2033? 961037;1419673973;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 4000 @ 0.0011851 = 4.7404 BTC [-] {3} 961038;1419674685;BingoBoingo;https://twitter.com/drewmagary/status/548649727093669889 961039;1419674687;assbot;The Bitcoin Bowl field looks like it was pissed on by a giant dog. 961040;1419675161;BingoBoingo;So, the Qntra Bitcoin Bowl Recap hasn't gotten the best reception: http://qntra.net/2014/12/bitcoin-bowl-recap-nc-state-wins-34-27/#comment-4911 961041;1419675161;assbot;Bitcoin Bowl Recap: NC State Wins (34-27) | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1BevYsX ) 961042;1419677633;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22200 @ 0.00064933 = 14.4151 BTC [+] 961043;1419678670;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13610 @ 0.00065217 = 8.876 BTC [+] {2} 961044;1419679280;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32050 @ 0.00064526 = 20.6806 BTC [-] {4} 961045;1419679797;BingoBoingo;https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/2qhlu9/game_thread_bitcoin_st_petersburg_bowl_north/cn67227 961046;1419679799;assbot;gravesam327 comments on [Game Thread] Bitcoin St. Petersburg Bowl: North Carolina State @ UCF (8:00 PM ET) ... ( http://bit.ly/1H4hWOE ) 961047;1419679815;BingoBoingo;"Damn it why couldn't this have been sponsored by Dogecoin? Can you imagine the amazing midfield logo?" 961048;1419679815;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 961049;1419682574;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18923 @ 0.00061648 = 11.6657 BTC [-] {2} 961050;1419684526;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34300 @ 0.0006355 = 21.7977 BTC [+] {2} 961051;1419686417;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49300 @ 0.00061964 = 30.5483 BTC [-] 961052;1419686539;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12750 @ 0.00061964 = 7.9004 BTC [-] 961053;1419686607;mats;www.aljazeera.com/story/2014122743653714626 961054;1419686650;mats;http://aje.io/23yf * 961055;1419686653;assbot;N Korea likens Obama to primate in Sony row - Asia-Pacific - Al Jazeera English ... ( http://bit.ly/1xXiUKY ) 961056;1419686848;BingoBoingo;I don't think the word the mean to use was "shape"... 961057;1419689345;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23600 @ 0.00062211 = 14.6818 BTC [+] {2} 961058;1419689833;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20500 @ 0.00061008 = 12.5066 BTC [-] {2} 961059;1419691175;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24591 @ 0.00064897 = 15.9588 BTC [+] {2} 961060;1419691382;kakobrekla;rofl http://torrentfreak.com/images/kimask.png 961061;1419691382;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1viI0x8 ) 961062;1419693005;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3078 @ 0.00066019 = 2.0321 BTC [+] 961063;1419695689;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4350 @ 0.00066236 = 2.8813 BTC [+] 961064;1419697580;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19452 @ 0.00066019 = 12.842 BTC [-] 961065;1419700142;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36486 @ 0.00066251 = 24.1723 BTC [+] {2} 961066;1419706242;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21550 @ 0.00066507 = 14.3323 BTC [+] 961067;1419707188;mats;http://www.fbi.gov/chicago/press-releases/2014/high-frequency-trader-indicted-for-manipulating-commodities-futures-markets-in-first-federal-prosecution-for-spoofing 961068;1419707189;assbot;FBI — High-Frequency Trader Indicted for Manipulating Commodities Futures Markets in First Federal Prosecution for Spoofing ... ( http://bit.ly/1CNG34t ) 961069;1419707340;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 74502 @ 0.00065397 = 48.7221 BTC [-] {2} 961070;1419710438;Adlai;"It was illegal for traders to place orders in the form of “bids” to buy or “offers” to sell a futures contract with the intent to cancel the bid or offer before execution." <- wat 961071;1419710584;ben_vulpes;watch out Adlai, you're in their crosshairs now. 961072;1419710607;Adlai;scalpl executes approximately 0.1% of the orders it places, i guess i'm fucked 961073;1419710651;ben_vulpes;the notion that an order once placed must live on until filled is pretty lulzy 961074;1419710665;ben_vulpes;although it's right in line with the bitcoin 'no backsies' ethos. 961075;1419710728;Adlai;a saner approach (and probably what the relevant laws actually say, rather than this trite simplification) is that some amount of time has to elapse between placement and cancellation, perhaps measured on the "volume clock" 961076;1419710834;cazalla;short logs this morning 961077;1419711511;ben_vulpes;the wallets notion is actually dangerous to noob minds. how is anyone ever supposed to get a decent comprehensive understanding of bitcoin if it's behavior is wrapped up in this pernicious notion of wallets? 961078;1419711611;ben_vulpes;it makes some amount of sense in a pre blockchain explorer world i suppose: 'how is one supposed to know what transactions are available for spending?' 'listunspent, oh noob'. 961079;1419712711;joecool;o hey one of my sites apparently was ddos'ing trilema 961080;1419713141;ben_vulpes;Adlai: http://trilema.com/2012/mpex-and-the-hft-problem/ 961081;1419713141;assbot;MPEx and the HFT problem pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/16WeuZx ) 961082;1419713338;kakobrekla;>Maybe MPEx should offer end-to-end quantum access to the engine, enabling users to submit orders with precisely defined wavefunction, instead of pretending above behavior is a bug and trying to fix it in vain or rationalize it backwardly. < lol 961083;1419714276;joecool;so is there a new sploit in the wild doing reflection attacks with wordpress? we got a pingback from trilema but we don't have it showing up in our logs (and we don't show up in the ones trilema posted) 961084;1419714593;thestringpuller;lol joecool!!!!! 961085;1419714600;thestringpuller;wow first name I see when logging in 961086;1419714606;thestringpuller;and I had dreams about snoopy and his theme song 961087;1419714698;joecool;well it's not like i haven't been around here before, you know? 961088;1419714717;thestringpuller;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZLxB8Xm4Ak 961089;1419714753;thestringpuller;yea but I had an intense dream about snoopy and vince guaraldi, and then the second I log in your name is the first one i see on the stack 961090;1419714772;joecool;its fate yo 961091;1419715148;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1475 @ 0.00118999 = 1.7552 BTC [+] {3} 961092;1419715514;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22900 @ 0.0006535 = 14.9652 BTC [-] {2} 961093;1419716086;thestringpuller;;;later tell chetty https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-pTCrgbc433k/VJsu-k48pSI/AAAAAAAAXIQ/mTHXZ4fpDBY/w500-h268-no/anigif.gif << blender got an upgrade 961094;1419716086;gribble;The operation succeeded. 961095;1419716551;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27800 @ 0.00066643 = 18.5268 BTC [+] {4} 961096;1419717166;kakobrekla;https://twitter.com/Bitcoin_Stocks/status/548908520070844416 961097;1419717167;assbot;https://t.co/Ous275BdJ1 is now online! NEWEST bitcoin HYIP! Already $20USD invested in less than 2 hours of launch! /hashtag/hyip?src=hash /hashtag/bitcoin?src=hash /hashtag/invest?src=hash 961098;1419717176;kakobrekla;oyeah. 961099;1419717222;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35650 @ 0.00066938 = 23.8634 BTC [+] {3} 961100;1419717654;Azelphur;can I reply to that with the wikipedia article explaining that a HYIP is a ponzi scheme 961101;1419717657;Azelphur;I want to so badly. 961102;1419717917;Azelphur;I did it, I'm curious to see how mad whoever it is gets. :P 961103;1419718320;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33024 @ 0.00067033 = 22.137 BTC [+] {2} 961104;1419719008;thestringpuller;The P in that acronymy stands for Ponzie though... 961105;1419719028;thestringpuller;Ponzi, been watching too much happy days with the Fonzie. 961106;1419719060;thestringpuller;;;ud hyip 961107;1419719062;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=HYIP | The word "hyip" is the bastard child of the words hip and yip. Usually repeated twice in quick succession, the pitch of your voice should match the level of your ... 961108;1419720067;kakobrekla;!up zerouncool 961109;1419720075;zerouncool;hello 961110;1419720077;zerouncool;fre ups now? 961111;1419720087;kakobrekla;nah, that be 5$ 961112;1419720395;kakobrekla;jeez i wasnt serious. 961113;1419720449;kakobrekla;!up diatonic 961114;1419721421;mircea_popescu;incidentally asciilifeform does http://trilema.com/2014/come-see-me-dream-math/ bring anything to mind ? 961115;1419721421;assbot;Come see me dream math. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1D0XWdj ) 961116;1419721466;mircea_popescu;on the topic of "can irrational numbers that are powers of rational numbers be written out as polynomes with rational parameters" 961117;1419721866;ben_vulpes;good day, mircea_popescu 961118;1419721880;mircea_popescu;how goes! 961119;1419721911;ben_vulpes;well enough well enough 961120;1419721933;ben_vulpes;discovered that 0.5.3 doesn't have the create/sign raw transaction facilities :( 961121;1419721938;ben_vulpes;*or* importprivkey 961122;1419721961;ben_vulpes;what else 961123;1419721976;ben_vulpes;oh yeah the moviefication of the pynchon novel inherent vice releases next week. 961124;1419721985;ben_vulpes;unrelated but exciting 961125;1419722009;mircea_popescu;nah those were added later 961126;1419722013;*;mircea_popescu tries to remember when 961127;1419722022;mircea_popescu;prolly 6.branch 961128;1419722058;mircea_popescu;importprivkey is trivial tho, just not supported by the gui or w/e 961129;1419722088;mircea_popescu;people had been building "wallet tools" as a bundle in parallel which eventually got merged into bitcoind sometime around early 2012 961130;1419722111;mircea_popescu;prolly would have been better if they actually became an independent project and continued separately, but beggars/ 961131;1419722192;ben_vulpes;i'm of the opinion that facilities for btc handling beyond creating and signing raw transactions are entirely unnecessary. 961132;1419722211;mircea_popescu;so you keep your btc total in head ? 961133;1419722214;ben_vulpes;not fundation policy by any stretch of the imagination, just my opinion at this point in time. 961134;1419722240;ben_vulpes;yeah, why not? or check any of the myriad blockchain explorers. 961135;1419722265;ben_vulpes;put it in a spreadsheet oslt 961136;1419722288;mircea_popescu;it gets iffy. 961137;1419722302;mircea_popescu;at the very least you need a safe enumerator of pubkeys. 961138;1419722311;mircea_popescu;once you do that, might as well do some accounting. 961139;1419722328;mircea_popescu;once you do that, idiocy like bitcoind does with "accounts" and whatnot is a tempting step away 961140;1419722343;ben_vulpes;that's what i've seen in practice. 961141;1419722373;ben_vulpes;plus the whole "sendto" paradigm provides the opportunity for downright nefarious behavior like sending change to random addresses. 961142;1419722397;ben_vulpes;anyways we're talking reference implementation, not wallet for noobs. 961143;1419722574;mircea_popescu;why is sending change to random addresses nefarious ? 961144;1419722587;mircea_popescu;more aptly put, if that's nefarious why do we even think bitcoin makes sense. 961145;1419722599;ben_vulpes;sorry, i'm being unclear. 961146;1419722618;ben_vulpes;the wallet model provides cover for the "no address reuse" hooliganry. 961147;1419722692;ben_vulpes;the implicit "pull new key out of keypool (creating new keypair if keypool is exhausted), send all spare coins beyond the explicitly specified mining fee to this new keypair" routine. 961148;1419722734;ben_vulpes;maybe i'm getting cranky, but the "specify all important outputs, remainder is for the miners" behavior of transaction processing should never have been papered over. 961149;1419722773;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4242 @ 0.00067036 = 2.8437 BTC [+] 961150;1419723045;mircea_popescu;im not so sure that predictable behaviour is actually ideal. 961151;1419723084;mircea_popescu;what's wrong with "create 6 new addresses, split change on any tx among these 6, usingthe same number of nonzero digits as the payment" 961152;1419723107;mircea_popescu;so a 3.7566 payment out of a 3.9 btc balance becomes 3.7566 0.0992 etc 961153;1419723156;ben_vulpes;sure that's sensible. 961154;1419723182;ben_vulpes;someone could even write a script that takes an input, a config file, and a desired output to cook up the desired transaction. 961155;1419723231;ben_vulpes;which then gets signed by bitcoin, given the relevant privkey. 961156;1419723304;mircea_popescu;yeah, the address count could be user-configured 961157;1419723323;mircea_popescu;too many unsafe on weak entropy systems. then again, whith a good entropy source, 256 or 65536 could be the default. 961158;1419723371;mircea_popescu;with a 64k list one would have the following problem : the tree of following transactions 4 bits removed is... 64bit. 961159;1419723387;mircea_popescu;4 bits removed = 4 steps removed 961160;1419723432;ben_vulpes;anyways the point i'm trying to make is that desired wallet behavior is entirely orthogonal to a thing that "bitcoinates". 961161;1419723444;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4649 @ 0.00065979 = 3.0674 BTC [-] 961162;1419723494;ben_vulpes;the fewer things that are included in the notion of bitcoinating, the easier it'll be for nubbins` to print and asciilifeform to read. 961163;1419723512;mircea_popescu;no argument. 961164;1419724152;joecool;mircea_popescu: hey, one of my sites got a pingback from trilema on christmas saying it was affected by the pingback ddos, is this still an issue in current wordpress? xmlrpc looks substantially rewritten since we initially worked around this 961165;1419724188;mircea_popescu;joecool it is yes. 961166;1419724196;mircea_popescu;lemme find you the ref 961167;1419724208;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/o-hai-let-me-wanna-be/#comment-110801 961168;1419724209;assbot;O hai let me wanna-be! pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1vBnlp4 ) 961169;1419724224;mircea_popescu;be so kind to leave a comment once you fix it, it'll encourage other people to do the same i believe. 961170;1419724250;joecool;mircea_popescu: thanks, we'll make a post directing to the information too 961171;1419724277;mircea_popescu;fixing teh interwebs, one inept hole at a time! 961172;1419729637;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2014/12/bitcoin-bowl-recap-nc-state-wins-34-27/#comment-4965 961173;1419729638;assbot;Bitcoin Bowl Recap: NC State Wins (34-27) | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1BdOkLb ) 961174;1419730400;cazalla;you and your smarmy comments BingoBoingo 961175;1419730454;BingoBoingo;I know. I learned comments from kakobrekla. By this time next year my soul may too become slanderous. 961176;1419730697;BingoBoingo;!up b00lcrap 961177;1419730703;BingoBoingo;Hello b00lcrap 961178;1419730734;mircea_popescu;lol he is pretty good with comments huh 961179;1419730784;b00lcrap;hello 961180;1419730792;b00lcrap;good day gentlemen 961181;1419730867;b00lcrap;Mr.P how is life in the southern hemisphere 961182;1419731041;decimation;;;isitdown log.bitcoin-assets.com 961183;1419731042;gribble;log.bitcoin-assets.com is up 961184;1419731046;decimation;not for me 961185;1419731064;b00lcrap;hello BingoBango 961186;1419731084;kakobrekla;decimation its up here 961187;1419731143;decimation;log1 works fine 961188;1419731169;kakobrekla;dik. 961189;1419731251;decimation;I do get response, it's just slow 961190;1419731268;decimation;maybe some pipe filled up somewhere 961191;1419731355;kakobrekla;looks like someone from bitwin discovered bitbet comments and figured out the math 961192;1419731356;kakobrekla;dang. 961193;1419731381;BingoBoingo;Maybe increment to 38? 961194;1419731391;b00lcrap;can u tell me why someone hates bitcoin-assets so much they wish to ddos whoever joins? 961195;1419731428;decimation;b00lcrap: it's a mystery 961196;1419731431;mircea_popescu;tons of people living on welfare out there. 961197;1419731439;mircea_popescu;this means they don't have to make sense, or even consider their actions. 961198;1419731451;b00lcrap;is that why there is so much black people crime in america 961199;1419731490;BingoBoingo;b00lcrap: Don't forget methed up white people and hardworking shades of brown in between. 961200;1419731499;decimation;I'm not sure welfare is the proximate cause for black violence 961201;1419731502;decimation;witness west africa 961202;1419731503;b00lcrap;this is ture 961203;1419731522;mircea_popescu;well there's a jump, from ddosing to black violence. 961204;1419731524;mircea_popescu;what is this! 961205;1419731526;b00lcrap;you know i was watching the notebook last night and i thought wow, people were so civilized in the 50's. then i thought what culture changing event could have possibly happened to cause all of this fuckedupness. 961206;1419731549;b00lcrap;then i realized, it was the integration that happened in the 60s 961207;1419731558;b00lcrap;im feeling pretty racist 961208;1419731607;cazalla;you need to check that white privilege b00lcrap 961209;1419731618;b00lcrap;lol 961210;1419731629;b00lcrap;im not saying all black people are like that ofc not 961211;1419731644;cazalla;i think i'll take my own privilege down the bottlo and get another bottle of sambuca seeing all is quiet on the news front and BingoBoingo has taken to trolling the readers 961212;1419731650;b00lcrap;well i guess i kind of did just say they destroyed america. 961213;1419731683;decimation;b00lcrap: black people didn't destroy america, the cultural marxists who infantilized blacks and waged war on regular working people did 961214;1419731714;b00lcrap;hold on your words are too big let me google that before i respond 961215;1419731734;decimation;the 'long march through the institutions' - ever hierarchy was ripped down and replaced with a communist bureaucracy 961216;1419731823;BingoBoingo;cazalla: Not the readers, just certain sorts of commenters. 961217;1419731895;b00lcrap;does anyone here 961218;1419731897;b00lcrap;even live in the states? 961219;1419731900;b00lcrap;i mean 961220;1419731903;b00lcrap;america. 961221;1419731940;BingoBoingo;Nominally. 961222;1419732005;*;mircea_popescu thinks decimation pretty much has it 961223;1419732015;mircea_popescu;it is, after all, easier this way. 961224;1419732123;b00lcrap;hey mircea_popescu i was curious about something, does santa still ride a sliegh down there ? 961225;1419732133;mircea_popescu;where ? 961226;1419732148;b00lcrap;in the southern hemisphere where its summer ( mostly ) 961227;1419732204;mircea_popescu;oh. they were preparing the weirdest nativity scenes earlier, with like palsm and camels and shit. 961228;1419732221;BingoBoingo;I thought in the Southern Hemisphere they just got all Krampus and no Santa 961229;1419732230;b00lcrap;lol 961230;1419732237;b00lcrap;well camels makes sense i suppose 961231;1419732255;mircea_popescu;anyways, im off for now, have fun good people! 961232;1419732264;b00lcrap;enjoy. 961233;1419732274;b00lcrap;i just learned about krampujs last week 961234;1419732277;b00lcrap;from american dad 961235;1419732533;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17300 @ 0.00065503 = 11.332 BTC [-] 961236;1419732538;BingoBoingo;Ah. 961237;1419732539;joecool;learned about zwarte piet from the -otc channel the other day 961238;1419732793;BingoBoingo;!up b00lcrap 961239;1419732796;b00lcrap;black peter rofl. 961240;1419732799;b00lcrap;thats hillarious 961241;1419732902;BingoBoingo;In the event I father children that I stay around to raise, "Red Sleigh Down" is going to be the official Jesus/Santa story relayed to them. 961242;1419733143;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13253 @ 0.00067036 = 8.8843 BTC [+] {2} 961243;1419735339;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2597 @ 0.00067113 = 1.7429 BTC [+] 961244;1419736926;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48600 @ 0.00065452 = 31.8097 BTC [-] {4} 961245;1419737352;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2194 @ 0.00118511 = 2.6001 BTC [-] {8} 961246;1419738328;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 97800 @ 0.00064822 = 63.3959 BTC [-] {3} 961247;1419743818;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53750 @ 0.00066819 = 35.9152 BTC [+] {2} 961248;1419749491;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29279 @ 0.00067355 = 19.7209 BTC [+] {4} 961249;1419750359;cazalla;nuva plane going missing, air asia this time, fkn putin wtf bro 961250;1419751449;ben_vulpes;planes are safe man 961251;1419751517;ben_vulpes;airborne lusitania in 2015? 961252;1419751794;cazalla;fuck that, rather take a boat 961253;1419751924;cazalla;not too fussed on flying myself, last time coming in to sydney from perth, was in for some chop, 5 by 5 961254;1419752064;cazalla;missus is already trying to organise some disney land belly of beast bullshit a few years time to go to america, fuck thaaat 961255;1419753154;ben_vulpes;resist, cazalla! 961256;1419753230;cazalla;well 1) they wouldn't let me in anyway, persona no grata 2) fucked if i would let her take my son into that viper pit without me 961257;1419753277;cazalla;all this in the name of disney 'everything is made in china' world 961258;1419753304;ben_vulpes;you're just letting her carry on with the disney fandom? 961259;1419753335;ben_vulpes;"but they set such bad role models for young girls!" 961260;1419753359;ben_vulpes;"and just look at gaston! you know the guy's a date rapist." 961261;1419753361;ben_vulpes;etc etc 961262;1419753424;cazalla;bah, it was her friend's idea and for 2018-2019 once they are older 961263;1419753445;cazalla;surely bitcoin is more established by then that i don't have to backhand her on the idea 961264;1419753531;cazalla;all this drama is on account of one of her friends currently en route to ussa and her crying that she has a kid, can't do shit atm 961265;1419753606;ben_vulpes;if you don't say anything now she's going to take it as tacit agreement. 961266;1419753675;cazalla;stop urging me to beat her ben_vulpes 961267;1419753721;cazalla;that shit gets you arrested and your mug shot in the media here, parade around as hitler himself, god forbid you beat your wife 961268;1419754066;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12000 @ 0.0006653 = 7.9836 BTC [-] 961269;1419754438;ben_vulpes;a raised eyebrow should be enough for that disneyland nonsense 961270;1419754737;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 56640 @ 0.00066127 = 37.4543 BTC [-] {3} 961271;1419754782;ben_vulpes;beatings are for babes who buy into bdsm 961272;1419754958;cazalla;not really a beating then eh 961273;1419754969;cazalla;more like.. being playful 961274;1419755278;ben_vulpes;ask his popescuity about it 961275;1419755286;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33400 @ 0.0006757 = 22.5684 BTC [+] {2} 961276;1419755305;ben_vulpes;i'm sure there are serious beatings and playful beatings 961277;1419755347;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1481 @ 0.001193 = 1.7668 BTC [+] 961278;1419755350;cazalla;nah, sounds a bit gay to ask another man about his proclivities 961279;1419755485;cazalla;anyway, missus will learn soon enough that the opportunity to go america, live the quiet life is long gone 961280;1419755489;*;ben_vulpes blinks 961281;1419755547;cazalla;the fuck do i know, had another bottle of sambuca this arvo 961282;1419755562;cazalla;no news so what else can i do 961283;1419758519;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5900 @ 0.00067027 = 3.9546 BTC [-] 961284;1419761508;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 20001 @ 0.00005488 = 1.0977 BTC [+] {2} 961285;1419761752;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17320 @ 0.00067027 = 11.6091 BTC [-] 961286;1419762179;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5735 @ 0.00066059 = 3.7885 BTC [-] 961287;1419764460;BingoBoingo;!up Vexual 961288;1419764466;Vexual;hi 961289;1419764487;BingoBoingo;Hai 961290;1419764616;Vexual;qntra got any writings on bitpay? 961291;1419764680;BingoBoingo;Vexual: We have one one the game they bought. Turns out it was very watchable. http://qntra.net/2014/12/bitcoin-bowl-recap-nc-state-wins-34-27/ 961292;1419764681;assbot;Bitcoin Bowl Recap: NC State Wins (34-27) | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1Exqcsy ) 961293;1419764794;Vexual;cute 961294;1419764960;Vexual;Makes me wonder if there was anything worth reading un the times of cypress when neo ran their ads 961295;1419765030;Vexual;I accidentally encountered the cunts whilst blazingly drunk over xmas 961296;1419765155;cazalla;how was ya xmas Vexual 961297;1419765254;Vexual;pretty good, how was yours? 961298;1419765311;Vexual;my gracious host seemingly ran out of booze and patience around the same time 961299;1419765410;cazalla;was ok, nice lunch, home and booze, zzz 961300;1419765420;cazalla;much like i need to go zzz now, polished off a bottle of sambuca again 961301;1419767852;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20895 @ 0.00066601 = 13.9163 BTC [+] {2} 961302;1419768666;BingoBoingo;!up HeySteve 961303;1419768673;BingoBoingo;HeySteve: Long time no see 961304;1419769229;BingoBoingo;!up gabriel_laddel 961305;1419769268;gabriel_laddel;http://blog.mecheye.net/2012/06/the-linux-graphics-stack/ 961306;1419769273;assbot;The Linux Graphics Stack | Clean Rinse ... ( http://bit.ly/147r0o5 ) 961307;1419770719;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48400 @ 0.00068133 = 32.9764 BTC [+] {4} 961308;1419771491;HeySteve;hi there, BingoBoingo 961309;1419771504;HeySteve;how are things? 961310;1419771515;BingoBoingo;Not too bad, what about with you? 961311;1419771528;HeySteve;I'm well thanks 961312;1419771541;HeySteve;Qntra seems to be taking off nicely 961313;1419771756;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15866 @ 0.00068884 = 10.9291 BTC [+] 961314;1419771759;BingoBoingo;Yeah. It's a grind, but I'm liking it. 961315;1419773337;HeySteve;cool. was thinking of contributing when I get some more time 961316;1419773546;BingoBoingo;HeySteve: You are entirely welcome to. 961317;1419773553;BingoBoingo;!up Guest70704 961318;1419774087;HeySteve;great, once I wrap up some projects I'd like to get into covering Bitcoin news again 961319;1419774120;BingoBoingo;Sweet. 961320;1419774140;BingoBoingo;Having more people contribute regulaly would be a huge help 961321;1419774322;BingoBoingo;http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/metro/protester-who-advocates-peace-charged-with-setting-fire-at-berkeley/article_ad4006c5-06ab-5b7e-8a7f-3fd2ed4dbbcb.html 961322;1419774324;assbot;Protester who advocates peace charged with setting fire at Berkeley QT : News ... ( http://bit.ly/1AcjR1C ) 961323;1419774623;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 84134 @ 0.00069449 = 58.4302 BTC [+] {4} 961324;1419774684;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1944 @ 0.00070297 = 1.3666 BTC [+] {2} 961325;1419775619;kakobrekla;!up b00lcrap1 961326;1419775843;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8823 @ 0.00069056 = 6.0928 BTC [-] 961327;1419778466;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6900 @ 0.0006777 = 4.6761 BTC [-] 961328;1419784642;*;adlai reads http://www.federalreserve.gov/econresdata/feds/2014/files/2014104pap.pdf in more detail, after skimming it and seeing all the pretty charts 961329;1419784645;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Bec7uu ) 961330;1419784932;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29100 @ 0.00068154 = 19.8328 BTC [+] {2} 961331;1419785176;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 71200 @ 0.00066857 = 47.6022 BTC [-] {3} 961332;1419789263;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20350 @ 0.00066926 = 13.6194 BTC [+] 961333;1419791093;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 3449 @ 0.001186 = 4.0905 BTC [+] {7} 961334;1419791704;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2889 @ 0.00119198 = 3.4436 BTC [+] {6} 961335;1419792069;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 3000 @ 0.00119299 = 3.579 BTC [+] {2} 961336;1419792191;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 968 @ 0.001193 = 1.1548 BTC [+] 961337;1419792374;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1065 @ 0.00118236 = 1.2592 BTC [-] {7} 961338;1419792435;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27155 @ 0.00066756 = 18.1276 BTC [-] {2} 961339;1419792496;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9445 @ 0.00065947 = 6.2287 BTC [-] {2} 961340;1419793289;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39240 @ 0.00068794 = 26.9948 BTC [+] {2} 961341;1419793474;thestringpuller;cazalla wru? 961342;1419793777;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53500 @ 0.00064632 = 34.5781 BTC [-] {2} 961343;1419794448;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 37 @ 0.1251329 = 4.6299 BTC [-] {6} 961344;1419794465;oglafbot;http://oglaf.com/hotbuttons/ 961345;1419794466;assbot;Hot Buttons ... ( http://bit.ly/1AcvkhG ) 961346;1419794506;oglafbot;http://oglaf.com/tsa-2014/ 961347;1419794507;assbot;TSA 2014 ... ( http://bit.ly/1Acvl57 ) 961348;1419794961;thestringpuller;is it sunday already? 961349;1419795071;ben_vulpes;anything interesting in that, adlai? 961350;1419795729;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9857 @ 0.00067186 = 6.6225 BTC [+] 961351;1419795973;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36966 @ 0.00064992 = 24.0249 BTC [-] 961352;1419797193;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22177 @ 0.00064992 = 14.4133 BTC [-] 961353;1419798230;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30313 @ 0.00064652 = 19.598 BTC [-] {2} 961354;1419798291;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11787 @ 0.00063874 = 7.5288 BTC [-] 961355;1419800503;BingoBoingo;thestringpuller: Yeah already Sunday 961356;1419801828;cazalla;thestringpuller, what's up 961357;1419803584;kakobrekla;some light listening, (90% english) http://radiostudent.si/sites/default/files/posnetki/2014-12-15-zid-zid-3.0/cash-in-the-age-of-intelligent-machines_0.mp3 961358;1419803586;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1CORZmu ) 961359;1419803964;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 89100 @ 0.00063469 = 56.5509 BTC [-] {4} 961360;1419804397;[]bot;Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "Gold to drop under $1000 before Feb 2015" http://bitbet.us/bet/1080/ Odds: 17(Y):83(N) by coin, 18(Y):82(N) by weight. Total bet: 11.83238982 BTC. Current weight: 49,952. 961361;1419804515;ben_vulpes;i'm listening to lady v talk her mother into buying things with a credit card online. 961362;1419804544;ben_vulpes;mom-in-law totally gets it "how does it make any sense to give the magic numbers that grant access to my money to other people?" 961363;1419804571;ben_vulpes;baby doll: "well you see you can call your cc provider up and they'll reverse the transaction for you!" 961364;1419805521;adlai;ben_vulpes: "We argue that the vigorous growth in bitcoin value in the past 18–24 months has been accompanied by almost unchanged daily variance of the exchange rate once the variance 961365;1419805552;adlai;calculations account for the changing exchange rate level. this observation merits further analysis. For example, such stable exchange rate variance could in principle be the result of activities by parties interested in the stability and trustworthiness of the system" 961366;1419805640;adlai;ie, there's not just a growth in userbase/demand, there's also a growth in financial actors profiting from arbitrage, market making, etc 961367;1419805646;adlai;ie, they're onto me! 961368;1419805653;adlai;shit 961369;1419805734;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 4800 @ 0.00117777 = 5.6533 BTC [-] {2} 961370;1419805775;adlai;however - i'd argue that there's plenty room for more "smart" money to enter this business of bitcoin-stabilization, assuming that there's plenty more latent demand, just beginning to wake up 961371;1419805844;*;adlai discussed this paper with the dad over the dinner. the dad suggested that demand could increase independently of increases in the userbase, which is correct. clever dad! 961372;1419807950;decimation;adlai: how does one arbitrage between exchanges when it takes days to settle between them? 961373;1419808006;adlai;gradually. 961374;1419808042;adlai;a more precise answer might be "statistically" 961375;1419808067;decimation;I guess you don't need to 'physically' settle a transaction to close your position 961376;1419808120;decimation;if you are in the us, don't you owe ordinary income tax on every gain you make? 961377;1419808138;adlai;ianafa 961378;1419808146;adlai;ianius 961379;1419808189;*;adlai also doesn't 961380;1419808215;decimation;heh well bully for you I guess 961381;1419808332;decimation;adlai: have you used the 'netagio' exchange? 961382;1419808342;adlai;!s netagio 961383;1419808343;assbot;7 results for 'netagio' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=netagio 961384;1419808370;decimation;I've mentioned it a couple of times here. I'm interested because it's somehow owned/related to the goldmoney guy 961385;1419808460;adlai;finally, an exchange that likes liquidity! https://www.netagio.com/faq#article-35870720 961386;1419808461;assbot;What Is Bitcoin? | Where Can I Buy Bitcoin? | FAQs | Netagio ... ( http://bit.ly/1xZOiZx ) 961387;1419808481;adlai;no assbot, that tag is titled "What is a maker-taker model?" 961388;1419808504;decimation;yeah I thought you might find that interesting 961389;1419808515;decimation;unfortunately it's all in GBP instead of USD 961390;1419808531;decimation;so one would have to do another transaction if one's fiat is USD 961391;1419808597;adlai;"The more information you give us about yourself, the more you will be able to do, and the more you verify yourself with us, the lower your transaction limits will be." I'm liking it a little less now. 961392;1419808638;decimation;yeah they are all about kyc/aml 961393;1419808654;decimation;the way I see it, it's going to be pretty hard to avoid kyc/aml if you want to deal in fiat 961394;1419808680;decimation;take the king's shekels/take the king's shackles 961395;1419808764;adlai;wtf. are they lurking here? all I did was register an account, and I already get flagged as a "Potentially Dangerous Request" 961396;1419808780;decimation;lol 961397;1419808796;decimation;no idea. it would be amusing if they did 961398;1419808829;kakobrekla;adlai the terrorist. 961399;1419808918;thestringpuller;adlai: finally, an exchange that likes liquidity! << yet they don't post volume? 961400;1419808923;adlai;it's also worryingly difficult to find daily/monthly volume... shouldn't this number be prominently displayed on any exchange's landing page? 961401;1419808927;adlai;YES EXACTLY lol 961402;1419809023;decimation;adlai: did you connect to it via tor? 961403;1419809031;adlai;no 961404;1419809057;decimation;ah they now offer bitcoin/eur bitcoin/usd books 961405;1419809074;adlai;with a $20 spread 961406;1419809104;decimation;a year ago they advertise direct exchange to gold 961407;1419809114;decimation;but I think goldmoney shut down their 'user-to-user' gold exchange 961408;1419809119;decimation;so they stopped that offering. 961409;1419809130;adlai;be as paranoid as you like about KYC/AML, but at least offer dummy API access for developers 961410;1419809166;adlai;that way when a non-terrorist comes along, they can use terrorist-provided software, and all will be right in the jungle 961411;1419809218;decimation;;;google site:netagio.com volume 961412;1419809219;gribble;No matches found. 961413;1419809258;decimation;surely one can connect to the order book api and determine the number of bids/asks 961414;1419809616;decimation;adlai: are there any introductory texts for creating trading algorithms? 961415;1419809720;adlai;not that i'm aware of; although people have been running trading algorithms in their head for hundreds of years, so really any text on trading is a text on trading algorithms. 961416;1419809749;decimation;yeah good point 961417;1419809784;decimation;I suppose it all boils down to arbitrage, either in time or space 961418;1419809862;adlai;pretty much: http://www.meltingasphalt.com/wealth-the-toxic-byproduct/ 961419;1419809863;assbot;Wealth: The Toxic Byproduct | Melting Asphalt ... ( http://bit.ly/1xZRrbx ) 961420;1419810015;adlai;this article is more thought-provoking than most drugs out there 961421;1419810176;adlai;the relevant parts are II-IV, maybe V and VI too; tl;dr: market making is time-shifted arbitrage & money is fungible gratitude 961422;1419810314;decimation;eh, I'm not sure I buy the moral implications of trade thing 961423;1419810369;decimation;If there anything immoral happening w.r.t. money, it's the free printing of it to benefit the few 961424;1419810412;decimation;it's an easy scheme to thieve from common folks 961425;1419810418;adlai;that article doesn't say much of anything about money printing 961426;1419810447;decimation;right, but it says an awful lot about the morality of trading money for things 961427;1419810504;adlai;uh: "Instead, the point is that earning money is, in general, something to celebrate, not feel guilty about." 961428;1419810528;decimation;right, so what about gaining unearned money? 961429;1419810552;adlai;my main takeaway from that article is that moral judgements have to be made in the context of the entire "game" where a trade took place, rather than in the context of the trade alone 961430;1419810611;adlai;gaining unearned money by printing? this devalues the already-printed notes, so you have to ask who are the noteholders getting fucked by your press 961431;1419810621;decimation;exactly 961432;1419810654;adlai;this is probably quite the echo chamber for complaints about money printing :) 961433;1419810676;adlai;i mean, it's right there in the name of the channel... TWICE 961434;1419810683;decimation;well, that's a fair point. 961435;1419810711;decimation;on the other hand, 99.999% of the world doesn't see it as a problem at all, and a good portion of them also see it as a government's duty 961436;1419810755;adlai;99% of this channel doesn't see my roommate's atrocious dishwashing habits, or lack thereof, as a problem - because they're not aware of them. 961437;1419810811;decimation;adlai: imagine what would be required to start 'raising awareness' of the morality of printing money 961438;1419810828;decimation;one must immediately become the enemy of every fiat-supported institution that exists 961439;1419810950;adlai;fortunately, the scope of interactions with the typical modern fiat institution isn't limited to "friend or enemy" 961440;1419810998;adlai;there's a palestinian MK who believes that israel should be a people's democracy, rather than a jewish democracy. is he running the risk of not getting reelected? yes. will he get executed by government order? probably not. 961441;1419811004;decimation;true, the continued existence of bitcoin demonstrates that 961442;1419811040;adlai;"fiat" also is older than "fiat currency" 961443;1419811063;adlai;and will happily survive once fiat currency is long dead and forgotten, because might makes right, however sick and twisted that may be. 961444;1419811131;decimation;which is why we live in the age of usd in the first place, the 'allies' in wwii still dominate the world to some degree 961445;1419811154;decimation;although it seems that degree decreases every year 961446;1419811189;adlai;bitcoin being completely fucking useless actually makes it an excellent currency, in this sense - the only thing you can do with it is give it to another "person", optionally in return for something else. 961447;1419811204;adlai;so holding bitcoin isn't depriving anybody else of anything, except for bitcoin 961448;1419811260;adlai;for great lulz, read up on the venus project. this is what some people counter at me when they hear my excitement about bitcoin 961449;1419811290;adlai;"money is bad, we need a resource-based economy" actually, that would be terrible. resources need metadata, enter money. 961450;1419811312;adlai;https://www.thevenusproject.com/en/faq#faqnoanchor <- you can't make this shit up 961451;1419811315;assbot;FAQ - The Venus Project ... ( http://bit.ly/1HTIu3A ) 961452;1419811356;decimation;eh, I guess I don't get the immediate moral assignments of money 961453;1419811359;decimation;money just is 961454;1419811375;adlai;it's metadata! 961455;1419811387;kakobrekla;the link i passed here earlier also touches this. 961456;1419811392;adlai;or fungible gratitude 961457;1419811399;*;adlai brb patenting that 961458;1419811415;decimation;lol your link is lulzy 961459;1419811425;decimation;forward soviet! 961460;1419811427;kakobrekla;:D 961461;1419811501;adlai;kakobrekla: the audio thingy? 961462;1419811511;decimation;adlai: there's some degree of that, but money also acts as an asset. In moldbug's terms, it's the 'bubble that never pops' 961463;1419811512;kakobrekla;aha 961464;1419811541;adlai;i like to put it more bluntly, money is "the neverending ponzi game" 961465;1419811555;decimation;yeah I like that better 961466;1419811563;adlai;:D 961467;1419811568;decimation;something must be money, and that something is worth more than 'it ought to be' 961468;1419811574;kakobrekla;its not neverending prolly 961469;1419811606;decimation;moldbug's theory is that this is derived from game theory, in the sense that every actor wants to pick the best savings medium, which is the thing that everyone else is planning to save in 961470;1419811632;kakobrekla;most actors are stupid though. 961471;1419811648;adlai;assuming that you're saving something in the hope of trading it for useful stuff eventually 961472;1419811659;adlai;if you know what's useful, and you know how to keep it fresh, you could just save that. 961473;1419811666;decimation;adlai: yes. that constraint rules out many savings media obviously 961474;1419811682;decimation;moldbug's analogy if I recall is a fisherman saving fish 961475;1419811694;kakobrekla;relevant 961476;1419811694;kakobrekla;http://www.silverdoctors.com/one-year-in-hellsurviving-a-full-shtf-collapse-in-bosnia/ 961477;1419811695;assbot;One Year In Hell…Surviving a Full SHTF Collapse in Bosnia | SilverDoctors.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1xsITul ) 961478;1419811732;decimation;kakobrekla: I've read that before, not sure if it is legitimate 961479;1419811745;decimation;although it does seem to be reasonable 961480;1419811745;adlai;kakobrekla: what is this thing? (the audio) 961481;1419811767;kakobrekla;decimation pretty much on spot. 961482;1419811819;kakobrekla;adlai its an audio collage 961483;1419811839;*;kakobrekla brb 961484;1419811847;adlai;damnit he's gonna beat me to the patent office 961485;1419811855;*;adlai runs faster 961486;1419811872;decimation;his point about hygiene items is a good one. Having a large store of ethanol seems like a good idea - can be used as a disinfectant, can be drank, can be used to de-grease engines :) 961487;1419811892;*;adlai imagines that the situation in gaza [city] is not too far off, modulus one large well-established gang (hamas) 961488;1419811927;decimation;adlai: hamas seems to blur the lines between 'gang' and 'government' 961489;1419811974;adlai;there's an anarchist joke in there somewhere but i'll leave it to the reader to fill in 961490;1419812017;adlai;and yes, hamas is probably a better government than the governments of, say, haiti or somalia 961491;1419812066;adlai;although "hamas" refers to both a government and a loosely-knit military conglomerate, just like "usg" or "nato" 961492;1419812092;ben_vulpes;decimation: simple things are beautifully powerful. 961493;1419812113;ben_vulpes;ethanol, oil, lisp... 961494;1419812145;adlai;(rockets are never fired by _hamas_ itself, and in fact firings are often denounced, even by the military arm; yet somehow the splinter groups keep operating despite the tight grip hamas has on the strip...) 961495;1419812165;decimation;yes, the 'tight grip' 961496;1419812222;adlai;then again, take everything i say with a dab of humus. i'm actually a lot less updated on local events than most people here, because it's mostly just fucking depressing. 961497;1419812280;decimation;I imagine most folks who live in/near israel have a pretty grim fatalism 961498;1419812308;adlai;kakobrekla: 28:45 !!!!!! 961499;1419812356;kakobrekla;aha 961500;1419812451;adlai;middle east demographics are quite the shitshow. malthus's ghost is laughing his ass off by now. 961501;1419812480;decimation;kakobrekla: if your bosnia link is true, it strikes me that the most important thing to have in a 'shtf' situation is alot of people on 'your side': family, friends, etc 961502;1419812518;decimation;adlai: what I find amusing is all the 'turd world' workers that the arabs import to do their dirty work 961503;1419812537;adlai;you mean in the emirates? 961504;1419812549;kakobrekla;decimation bullets & family (to use the bullets) 961505;1419812605;adlai;in the parts of the middle east that i feel qualified to complain about, the arabs aren't sitting on enough oil to import workers; although israel is making the most from massive refugee flows from darfur, eritrea, etc 961506;1419812627;adlai;as in, every.single.eatery has an "eggplant" doing the dishes 961507;1419812651;adlai;and however little they get paid, i'm pretty sure none of it is declared 961508;1419812657;decimation;I thought israel is harsh on illegal immigrants 961509;1419812676;decimation;adlai: I guess emirates, saudi arabia, etc 961510;1419812677;adlai;israel the government, yes. but israel the restauranteur loves them. 961511;1419812686;decimation;lol same in the us 961512;1419812691;adlai;makes sense 961513;1419812705;decimation;mexicans actually do work pretty hard, I don't mind them so much 961514;1419812726;adlai;oh, dinner with the dad also yielded some lulzy news from the other side of finance: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/economics/11269739/UK-government-to-pay-back-all-World-War-One-debt.html 961515;1419812729;assbot;UK government to 'pay back' all World War One debt - Telegraph ... ( http://bit.ly/1xsKfVW ) 961516;1419812732;decimation;in my opinion the main issue is the welfare that will be extended to their lazy 2nd/3rd generation kids 961517;1419812780;adlai;eh, those kids are raised by hardworking parents. i'd be more worried about the laziness of kids raised by parents on welfare today. 961518;1419812792;decimation;well, good point 961519;1419812867;decimation;of course, the welfare state also requires a source of infinte fiat 961520;1419812931;decimation;it's lulzy that anyone still owns that wwi debt 961521;1419812948;ben_vulpes;i'd like to know who it is... 961522;1419812974;*;adlai wonders how many decades/centuries it'll take for speciation to start between "Homo operandus" and "Homo ignavus" 961523;1419812974;Apocalyptic;from the same blog: http://www.meltingasphalt.com/the-economics-of-social-status/ looks interesting 961524;1419812975;assbot;The Economics of Social Status | Melting Asphalt ... ( http://bit.ly/1xsKCQe ) 961525;1419813152;adlai;Huxley's "reservations" are actually a fairly moral solution for a welfare-free technocracy: exile people who aren't contributing to the society, but don't shit in their reservoirs either. 961526;1419813363;adlai;http://www.directessays.com/viewpaper/19020.html 961527;1419813364;assbot;Essay on Reservation in Brave New World ... ( http://bit.ly/1xsLc0g ) 961528;1419813365;ben_vulpes;i've always envisioned NYC style "projects", but with minimal food/water/electricity/internet piped in to keep the denizens complacent. 961529;1419813398;adlai;hm this is actually a terrible essay, nvm. 961530;1419813418;adlai;so, like a shit zoo? 961531;1419813430;ben_vulpes;zoo implies people want to go there. 961532;1419813482;adlai;well, zoogoers don't usually want to live in the cages... 961533;1419813514;adlai;something between safari/zoo/reservation 961534;1419813531;ben_vulpes;more like a roach motel. 961535;1419813571;decimation;something like 'minimal welfare' is a bare hut with beans to eat 961536;1419813590;decimation;but at the same time, don't tie the hands of folks who can 'make it out' of the reservation 961537;1419813595;decimation;send them to australia or something 961538;1419813662;adlai;fwiw, assuming that the fiat parasite sticks around in some form or other, i'd rather have it operate a single UBI program than dozens of badly-coordinated welfare axes 961539;1419813686;decimation;yeah that's an obvious improvement 961540;1419813703;decimation;probably won't change unless something forces the government's hand 961541;1419813766;adlai;like what? 961542;1419813876;decimation;well, in the case of the us, a sudden collapse in usd buying power 961543;1419813890;decimation;which will only happen if overseas actors decide to sell usd simultaneously 961544;1419814057;adlai;would that force towards more effective welfare programs, or just more of the same shit? 961545;1419814140;decimation;eh, it would cause a collapse of some kind, which would change some stuff, some of which might be these programs 961546;1419814160;decimation;of course, the urge to 'print their way out' might grow even larger 961547;1419814192;decimation;https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20141224/06321429517/sony-hack-reveals-that-mpaas-big-80-million-settlement-with-hotfile-was-lie.shtml << lolz "TorrentFreak has been combing through the emails and found that the Hotfile settlement was really just for $4 million, and the $80 million was just a bogus number agreed to for the sake of a press release that the MPAA could use to intimidate others." 961548;1419814194;assbot;Sony Hack Reveals That MPAA's Big '$80 Million' Settlement With Hotfile Was A Lie | Techdirt ... ( http://bit.ly/13DwyWa ) 961549;1419814353;decimation;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-11-2014#907209 961550;1419814353;assbot;Logged on 02-11-2014 21:48:39; asciilifeform: claim is not a fact << when talking about a scam, the claim is the fact (that is, the fact of the scam being set up as such or other) 961551;1419815677;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24100 @ 0.00063102 = 15.2076 BTC [-] {2} 961552;1419818788;adlai;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=22-12-2014#958557 >> https://github.com/adlai/scalpl/graphs/punch-card lol 961553;1419818788;assbot;Logged on 22-12-2014 15:17:18; mircea_popescu: all you weirdos fucking with your sleep i swear... 961554;1419818789;assbot;Punch card · adlai/scalpl · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1tsHbHS ) 961555;1419819154;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1000 @ 0.00118 = 1.18 BTC [-] 961556;1419819520;kakobrekla;that punch card isnt very useful 961557;1419820344;adlai;it's probably some gnarly shit in fortran 961558;1419824127;danielpbarron;!up Overand 961559;1419824380;xanthyos;hi Overand 961560;1419824582;Overand;'allo. Registered my nick with my key. Woo 961561;1419824594;danielpbarron;;;ident Overand 961562;1419824594;gribble;Nick 'Overand', with hostmask 'Overand!~overand@unaffiliated/overand', is identified as user 'Overand', with GPG key id 80053296F8159175, key fingerprint ADB3CD2C1AA14FA29B53677980053296F8159175, and bitcoin address None 961563;1419824660;danielpbarron;;;rate Overand 2 known since 2003 961564;1419824662;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 2 for user Overand has been recorded. 961565;1419824721;danielpbarron;congratulations on becoming someone who matters! 961566;1419824792;Overand;Heh. If this is what you consider the threshold I must to clear to "matter," and I didn't "matter" before, then my worldview continues to be wildly different from yours. 961567;1419824793;xanthyos;;;rate Overand 2 known since hebrew school temple beth shalom as far back as 9600 baud modems were in vogue 961568;1419824794;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 2 for user Overand has been recorded. 961569;1419824936;kakobrekla;hi, so who are you Overand ? 961570;1419824982;Overand;I'm someone who knews (or knew) xanthyos and danielpbarron in meatspace. 961571;1419824986;danielpbarron;i met xanthyos through Overand; he's sorta hackerish or something 961572;1419824988;Overand;...knews? Knews? 961573;1419824995;xanthyos;keows 961574;1419824996;*;Overand laughs. 961575;1419825017;Overand;Anyway, yeah. I'm a tech nerd, abstract musician, primitive skills student, general queerdo. 961576;1419825019;danielpbarron;he already had a gpg key 961577;1419825021;Overand;danielpbarron loves it. 961578;1419825040;Overand;Yeah, I wonder if there's a timestamp on when it wa submitted to the keyserver 961579;1419825060;Overand;well, 2009 anyway 961580;1419825093;Overand;That's funny, I would have guessed earlier than that, but I suspect the keyserver doesn't lie. 961581;1419825096;kakobrekla;primitive skills student? 961582;1419825132;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45000 @ 0.00065918 = 29.6631 BTC [+] {2} 961583;1419825137;Overand;kakobrekla: Yeah. You know, fire with sticks, shelter in the woods, that sort of thing. 961584;1419825157;kakobrekla;uhh 961585;1419825162;kakobrekla;there is a school for that? 961586;1419825170;Overand;The stuff I'd have known by the time I was 4 or 5 years old if I'd been born right here ~600 years ago 961587;1419825182;Overand;There are a number of schools for that, but I meant it in the general sense. 961588;1419825193;xanthyos;oh Overand you'll fit in here just fine 961589;1419825207;Overand;When I'm giving an overview, I like to couple that with the tech stuff. 961590;1419825268;Overand;You know, the whole "running fiber optic cable between mud huts after [insert emergency/collapse/rapture/disease/singularity]" thing. 961591;1419825361;kakobrekla;for that you need shortwave, not optics. 961592;1419825386;*;Overand is US General licensed as well. 961593;1419825403;Overand;Shortwave's fine, but it's subject to a ton of ionospheric stuff. 961594;1419825418;Overand;It certainly not 'reliable,' and it's not a great way to get anything of any reasonable bandwidth anywhere 961595;1419825438;Overand;I'd stick to VHF/UHF/etc if you're talking about medium-throw distance 961596;1419825454;xanthyos;Overand: did you get your general before or after they dropped the 18 wpm morse code requirement 961597;1419825459;Overand;after. 961598;1419825461;xanthyos;noob. 961599;1419825463;Overand;Yep. 961600;1419825465;*;xanthyos is n1ttz 961601;1419825473;Overand;And yet I'm pretty sure I've done more on the air than you have. 961602;1419825488;Overand;That's a great callsign, though. 961603;1419825490;Overand;Did it expire? 961604;1419825492;xanthyos;no 961605;1419825500;xanthyos;i paid the 8 dollars to not use it for another decade. 961606;1419825506;xanthyos;now i'm getting spammed from arrl 961607;1419825548;Overand;mail mail or e-mail mail? 961608;1419825560;Overand;They're a nonprofit with decent people there, if you want them to stop, just drop them an e-mail. 961609;1419825563;Overand;support@arrl.org 961610;1419825736;xanthyos;i'd rather let them waste their money 961611;1419825997;danielpbarron;!up Overand 961612;1419826028;xanthyos;!up Overand 961613;1419826050;xanthyos; copy cat 961614;1419826193;xanthyos;^ and paste cat 961615;1419827491;decimation;Overand: shortwave is plenty reliable, depending on your expectations 961616;1419827614;Overand;decimation: Certainly. 961617;1419827626;Overand;It's just not a great candidate for replacing the entire internet 961618;1419827634;Overand;nor for ~7 billion people to communicate with each other. 961619;1419827652;Overand;decimation: Also, I'm a ham radio operator, I've had plenty of conversations via shortwave 961620;1419827660;Overand;usually 20 meters and up, a little 40, 961621;1419827666;Overand;i don't think i've worked 80 down 961622;1419827680;decimation;I'm an extra too 961623;1419827680;Overand;erm... maybe some SSB on 80, but that was same-continent 961624;1419827688;Overand;oo, fancy 961625;1419827691;Overand;I'm only general. 961626;1419827701;Overand;Anyway, point being I'm not a total idiot when it comes to this. 961627;1419827712;Overand;Though likely not nearly as experienced as you 961628;1419827760;decimation;Overand: as for 'replacing the internet', I suppose it depends on what those 7 billion people have to say 961629;1419827844;decimation;at any rate, it's been discussed as a possible means to distribute the bitcoin blockchain and/or transactions 961630;1419827853;Overand;decimation: So I've heard. 961631;1419827859;Overand;What's the current data rate like? 961632;1419827863;Overand;(on average) 961633;1419827875;decimation;I think it would be possible to fit the blockchain into a 2400 bps channel 961634;1419827881;decimation;!up Overand 961635;1419827908;Overand;really? 961636;1419827983;decimation;there's only one block that clears every 10 minutes right? 961637;1419828021;decimation;the block contains a list of transactions, up to the max block size, plus the hash, plus some other stuff 961638;1419828042;Overand;per bitcoin.it wiki, transactions are about 500bytes, running at 7tps, so that';s ~3500 bytes/sec or (humorously) 28,000 bits per second 961639;1419828095;decimation;yeah, it depends how many transactions per block 961640;1419828117;Overand;DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale) varies between 4.5khz and 100khz of spectrum 961641;1419828133;decimation;I guess the max block size is 1 MB 961642;1419828150;decimation;most shortwave broadcasters limit their DRM to 14 kHz 961643;1419828161;decimation;but they could sustain the kind of bitrates required 961644;1419828210;Overand;it depends on the spectrum you're willing to use 961645;1419828216;Overand;satellites are a better candidate for this 961646;1419828220;Overand;think about XM/sirius 961647;1419828225;Overand;shortwave could work. 961648;1419828237;Overand;but it's suboptimal. you ever tried to receive DRM reliably? 961649;1419828248;decimation;yes, it works quite reliably 961650;1419828253;Overand;meh 961651;1419828255;decimation;but you need a bigass transmitter on one end 961652;1419828257;Overand;maybe for you 961653;1419828269;Overand;and yeah. i've never gotten a DRM broadcast reliably here in the US, but, who knows 961654;1419828278;Overand;haven't tried since i improveed my antenna situation 961655;1419828284;Overand;that was with like, 40 feet of antenna up a tree 961656;1419828285;decimation;there used to be a transmitter in nova scotia that came in well 961657;1419828296;Overand;(a lot more antenna than your coke machine is likely to have) 961658;1419828299;decimation;there's one in brazil that is reliable too 961659;1419828337;decimation;at any rate, I'm not sure that shortwave is really suited for blockchain broadcast unless one had a really big transmitter (and more importantly - government-allocated bandwidth) 961660;1419828355;decimation;I think what shortwave would be better for would be a transaction network 961661;1419828360;decimation;and secure off-internet comms 961662;1419828442;decimation;I'm thinking more of a mesh network than a point-to-point 961663;1419828444;decimation;with IP relay 961664;1419828489;Overand;decimation: DRM's highest bitrate seems to be about 27 kilobits 961665;1419828533;Overand;though per wikipedia, they can shoehorn 700 kilobits worth of bandwidth into a 100khz channel 961666;1419828536;decimation;yeah and it would require many kilowatts to sustain a large coverage area. and since the ionosphere varies over the course of a day, one ideally would need multiple transmitters with multiple frequencies 961667;1419828550;decimation;100 khz channel ain't gonna happen on HF 961668;1419828599;decimation;16 kHz is probably the max that you will get allocated politically 961669;1419828604;Overand;so standard AM is what, 20khz or so 961670;1419828618;decimation;AM on shortwave is ~12 kHz 961671;1419828624;Overand;so that 27 kilobit data rate is probably - yeah - in that 12khz am 961672;1419828630;Overand;hm 961673;1419828647;Overand;man, tempting to go ask on the FreeDV / Codec2 mailing list 961674;1419828653;decimation;one can have arbitrary many kilobits in a kilohertz as constrained by SNR given in Shannon's law 961675;1419828662;Overand;though they're mostly working with relatively tiny bandwidth digital modulation 961676;1419828676;Overand;Sticking a digital voice channel into 900hz - 1.6khz or so 961677;1419828749;decimation;yeah they use an ofdm scheme 961678;1419828754;Overand;Anyway, the current blockchain with error coding and such could probably reasonably fit into a 20k wide channel 961679;1419828761;Overand;if we just scale that up 961680;1419828775;Overand;that's not nothing, but it's not insane 961681;1419828783;Overand;but getting that across the *world* would t ake a lot of power 961682;1419828792;Overand;and that's at the current blockchain rate 961683;1419828804;Overand;Also, next question... 961684;1419828817;Overand;What good is a one-way transfer? 961685;1419828822;Overand;I mean it's *some* good 961686;1419828843;decimation;it would allow off-internet syncing 961687;1419828945;kakobrekla;http://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/gallery/2014/dec/20/the-20-photographs-of-the-week#img-18 < black mirror part dunno, was it? 961688;1419828947;assbot;The 20 photographs of the week | Art and design | The Guardian ... ( http://bit.ly/1EzTmak ) 961689;1419829135;kakobrekla;anyway now i see my week wasnt all that bad. 961690;1419829419;Overand;xanthyos: 961691;1419829430;Overand;danielpbarron: in case you care, i registered an address too 961692;1419829437;danielpbarron;shouldn'ta done that 961693;1419829447;Overand;oh? 961694;1419829459;danielpbarron;can't get rid of it and it's just another attack vector 961695;1419829489;danielpbarron;gpg is far superior for all things WoT 961696;1419829748;danielpbarron;!up Overand 961697;1419830656;danielpbarron;!up Vexual 961698;1419830680;Vexual;what do you mean about attack vector? losing control of the address? 961699;1419830742;danielpbarron;yes, someone could hijack your gribble account through either authentication method 961700;1419830815;Vexual;so twice as many ways in? 961701;1419830834;danielpbarron;at least 961702;1419831047;Vexual;http://i.guim.co.uk/static/w-1430/h--/q-95/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2014/12/19/1419016659318/6a833581-45e3-4536-908c-787f1d40c819-2060x1329.jpeg kakobrekla: you had a better week than this? 961703;1419831261;Vexual;yeah, i'm a glass half full kinda thing 961704;1419831379;Vexual;surely two gives you two ways to describe that you are that person 961705;1419831419;danielpbarron;!down Vexual 961706;1419833489;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16800 @ 0.0006613 = 11.1098 BTC [+] 961707;1419835929;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7065 @ 0.0006613 = 4.6721 BTC [+] 961708;1419839528;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12200 @ 0.0006613 = 8.0679 BTC [+] 961709;1419839803;punkman;http://media.ccc.de/browse/congress/2014/31c3_-_6103_-_en_-_saal_2_-_201412272145_-_amd_x86_smu_firmware_analysis_-_rudolf_marek.html 961710;1419839803;assbot;C3TV -AMD x86 SMU firmware analysis ... ( http://bit.ly/1vCy1Ug ) 961711;1419841948;ben_vulpes;so there's a really particularly good argument for tiny blocks. 961712;1419841968;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2250 @ 0.0011785 = 2.6516 BTC [-] 961713;1419842725;punkman;handy http://binwalk.org/ 961714;1419842727;assbot;Binwalk | Firmware Analysis Tool ... ( http://bit.ly/1HUPUUc ) 961715;1419843127;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4400 @ 0.00065626 = 2.8875 BTC [-] 961716;1419846299;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1129 @ 0.0011785 = 1.3305 BTC [+] 961717;1419846907;punkman;http://ss7map.p1sec.com/ 961718;1419846907;assbot;SS7map: SS7 Networks Exposure ... ( http://bit.ly/1xs95C4 ) 961719;1419849471;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14650 @ 0.00064705 = 9.4793 BTC [-] 961720;1419849615;davout;ola asseteros 961721;1419850691;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15800 @ 0.00066108 = 10.4451 BTC [+] {3} 961722;1419851545;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2559 @ 0.00117849 = 3.0158 BTC [+] {2} 961723;1419851728;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1000 @ 0.00118526 = 1.1853 BTC [+] {4} 961724;1419851911;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2250 @ 0.00119287 = 2.684 BTC [+] {7} 961725;1419855205;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24550 @ 0.00064134 = 15.7449 BTC [-] {3} 961726;1419860321;BingoBoingo;https://twitter.com/petertoddbtc/status/549554933033598976 961727;1419860322;assbot;Terrifying: PDFs that displays totally differently on three different readers; different again on printing. PGP sign only text files! /hashtag/31c3?src=hash 961728;1419861000;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20507 @ 0.00063925 = 13.1091 BTC [-] 961729;1419861031;TomServo;;;bc,stats 961730;1419861034;gribble;Current Blocks: 336486 | Current Difficulty: 3.945767130713873E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 336671 | Next Difficulty In: 185 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 day, 2 hours, 54 minutes, and 32 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 40492824074.3 | Estimated Percent Change: 2.62345 961731;1419862276;davout;BingoBoingo: i heard some webpages actually do that too 961732;1419862301;BingoBoingo;davout: Well almost all of how a webpage looks is dependent on how it is read. 961733;1419862354;davout;yeah, i'm implying that it shouldn't be *that* surprising for a PDF 961734;1419862388;davout;don't gpg-sign a webpage yo 961735;1419863675;BingoBoingo;Ic 961736;1419863928;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HASH] 2572 @ 0.00077648 = 1.9971 BTC [-] {5} 961737;1419864295;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 980 @ 0.001185 = 1.1613 BTC [+] 961738;1419864416;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 3000 @ 0.00119 = 3.57 BTC [+] 961739;1419867649;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5700 @ 0.00065017 = 3.706 BTC [+] 961740;1419869087;BingoBoingo;!Up b00lcrap 961741;1419869126;b00lcrap;thanks dear 961742;1419869140;b00lcrap;even if i get ddosed i mean they couldnt possibly make my internet any worse 961743;1419869251;davout;b00lcrap: i can't believe it's still going on 961744;1419869307;b00lcrap;who is the mastermind behind this late 90s attack. 961745;1419869398;kakobrekla;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=19-12-2014#957549 961746;1419869398;assbot;Logged on 19-12-2014 19:38:15; kakobrekla: btw ddos is gone (temporarily?) 961747;1419869435;davout;ah 961748;1419869453;davout;webchat should be usable again then 961749;1419869464;davout;kind of afraid to test 961750;1419869770;kakobrekla;[15:29:08] * NormDePloome (5ef2d9d1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined 961751;1419869772;kakobrekla;still here 961752;1419869788;kakobrekla;!up NormDePloome congratulations 961753;1419873924;BingoBoingo;!up jborkl 961754;1419874424;BingoBoingo;!up gustaf 961755;1419874428;BingoBoingo;Hello gustaf 961756;1419874539;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2014/12/extortionist-tormented-finneys-last-months/ 961757;1419874580;BingoBoingo;!up bitstein 961758;1419874587;BingoBoingo;Hello bitstein 961759;1419874626;bitstein;Howdy. How goes it? 961760;1419874719;gustaf;hi 961761;1419874767;BingoBoingo;bitstein: It isn't going bad. 961762;1419874896;BingoBoingo;bitstein: Saw you enjoyed the Qntra Bitcoin Bowl recap. 961763;1419874913;bitstein;Ha, yes. 961764;1419875050;BingoBoingo;I just figured someone had to go over the product Bitpay was sponsoring. 961765;1419875125;bitstein;Right? And from your recap, I'm glad that they were able to help bring attention to a celebrated American tradition with two teams that seem to really have a love of the game. 961766;1419875154;BingoBoingo;Yeah. My favorite part was the NC State trick plays. 961767;1419875193;BingoBoingo;The Reciever throwing a pass to the Quarterback? 961768;1419875623;BingoBoingo;;;later tell mircea_popescu Look what Kirchner is doing nao http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/president-of-argentina-adopts-jewish-godson-to-stop-him-turning-into-a-werewolf-9946414.html 961769;1419875625;assbot;President of Argentina adopts Jewish godson to 'stop him turning into a werewolf' - Americas - World - The Independent ... ( http://bit.ly/1Bfmi1D ) 961770;1419875625;gribble;The operation succeeded. 961771;1419875896;BingoBoingo;While Obala is busy inventing ISIS, Kirchner is doing great work by saving the world from the specter of shit eating Jewish werewolves 961772;1419876502;BingoBoingo;!up ColinT 961773;1419876738;assbot;[MPEX] [S.BBET] 20000 @ 0.00015 = 3 BTC [-] 961774;1419877756;TomServo;!up optimator 961775;1419878478;BingoBoingo;http://lorenzoreyes.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/medill-news-service-public-possession1.pdf 961776;1419878479;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/13OZxqe ) 961777;1419884340;BingoBoingo;!up devthedev 961778;1419884548;cazalla;i imagine litecoin bagholders won't be too happy about being back at #4 according to coinmarketcap ha 961779;1419884891;devthedev;cazalla: I'm quite surprised you didn't win the Changetip contest during the Bitcoinbowl 961780;1419884977;cazalla;devthedev, they likely awarded it to a friend, that's usually how those competitions go 961781;1419885230;devthedev;http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2474241,00.asp 961782;1419885232;assbot; Bloomberg: Bitcoin Was World's Worst Currency in 2014 | News & Opinion | PCMag.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1JY5zGj ) 961783;1419886376;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19600 @ 0.00064053 = 12.5544 BTC [-] {2} 961784;1419887596;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34050 @ 0.00064755 = 22.0491 BTC [+] 961785;1419890450;thestringpuller;Cause P. Diddy iz shuttin' da studio down. 961786;1419890486;thestringpuller;thanks irssi for barfing 961787;1419891805;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4550 @ 0.00064755 = 2.9464 BTC [+] 961788;1419892842;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9400 @ 0.00065014 = 6.1113 BTC [+] {2} 961789;1419894001;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6550 @ 0.00062834 = 4.1156 BTC [-] 961790;1419897439;scoopbot;New post on Trilema by Mircea Popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/consent-is-a-myth-lets-see-how-it-came-to-be/ 961791;1419897492;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by cazalla: http://qntra.net/2014/12/while-some-ponzi-schemes-implode-other-fraudsters-double-down/ 961792;1419898027;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32752 @ 0.00062766 = 20.5571 BTC [-] {2} 961793;1419898088;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32711 @ 0.00061966 = 20.2697 BTC [-] 961794;1419898211;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9100 @ 0.0006518 = 5.9314 BTC [+] {2} 961795;1419898271;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27500 @ 0.00066485 = 18.2834 BTC [+] {3} 961796;1419900223;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29463 @ 0.00066852 = 19.6966 BTC [+] {2} 961797;1419900284;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20387 @ 0.00067 = 13.6593 BTC [+] 961798;1419902053;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2652 @ 0.00067071 = 1.7787 BTC [+] {2} 961799;1419902846;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16000 @ 0.00067193 = 10.7509 BTC [+] {2} 961800;1419903555;kakobrekla;!up aspho 961801;1419903761;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20950 @ 0.00065097 = 13.6378 BTC [-] {2} 961802;1419904504;scoopbot;New post on Trilema by Mircea Popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/just-in-case-you-happen-to-think-silicon-valley-is-either-new-or-novel/ 961803;1419904609;ben_vulpes;the man goes on vacation and *boom* 961804;1419904662;BingoBoingo;Is MP slowly turning into a wooden soldier? 961805;1419904859;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31350 @ 0.00064858 = 20.333 BTC [-] 961806;1419905604;BingoBoingo;!up Vexual 961807;1419905835;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4138 @ 0.00064858 = 2.6838 BTC [-] 961808;1419906323;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35500 @ 0.0006316 = 22.4218 BTC [-] 961809;1419906628;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50300 @ 0.0006316 = 31.7695 BTC [-] 961810;1419907665;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24200 @ 0.00064648 = 15.6448 BTC [+] 961811;1419908196;hanbot;BingoBoingo whatcha mean, wooden soldier? 961812;1419908769;asciilifeform;http://cryptome.org/2014/12/nsa-spiegel-14-1228.rar << loads o'goodies. but plenty of missing pieces that have the flavour of were-there-but-censored. 961813;1419908802;asciilifeform;in particular, allegations of exploitability for openssh (with no detail naturally) 961814;1419908843;asciilifeform;mention of pgp as a 'tough cookie' and also as internally used in at least one nsa product (disinfo psychop or genuine tears, take your pick.) 961815;1419908861;asciilifeform;!up Vexual 961816;1419908870;asciilifeform;!up Vexual 961817;1419908951;Vexual;yes, the bits that get left out are always interesting 961818;1419909330;Vexual;Just like Orwell describing the lingering smell of turpentine as he writes of the atmosphere of the poor quarters. 961819;1419909556;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25500 @ 0.00063037 = 16.0744 BTC [-] 961820;1419909600;asciilifeform;spiegel << discussion of 'tor' as not yet having spread its legs - suggests psychop; but on the other hand, the material (claims) circa 2010-2012. 961821;1419910170;Vexual;nsa document controllers must be a blast at parties 961822;1419910366;Vexual;theyr're the ones crying and laughing into their grapefruit juice 961823;1419910405;Vexual;thinking "why can't i do this at home?!?!?" 961824;1419910511;assbot;Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/2CEP09J.txt ) 961825;1419910511;asciilifeform;!b 3 961826;1419911386;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39300 @ 0.0006315 = 24.818 BTC [+] 961827;1419912240;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 55757 @ 0.00062873 = 35.0561 BTC [-] {3} 961828;1419913521;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11805 @ 0.00064196 = 7.5783 BTC [+] 961829;1419913765;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34664 @ 0.00064532 = 22.3694 BTC [+] {4} 961830;1419914838;asciilifeform;16 kHz is probably the max that you will get allocated politically << and the rest of that thread << Teh Phyootoore lies in discovery of undetectable (or at least unprosecutable) methods of breaking any and all laws which pertain to 'property rights' in radio spectrum. 961831;1419914876;asciilifeform;(how? see the old thread re: saddam hussein's gps jammers. for example.) 961832;1419914924;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51200 @ 0.00065249 = 33.4075 BTC [+] {3} 961833;1419914988;asciilifeform;this, notably, is not high science. it's decades-old sop in electronic warfare field (yes, there are textbooks. in english, even. i have one right here.) 961834;1419915069;asciilifeform;basic rules include: 1) don't be a loud, solitary point source. anywhere. ever. 2) spread spectrum, frequency hop, cryptographically driven 3) steganographically mix into existing spectrum garbage. 961835;1419917898;thestringpuller;stop taking my money steam 961836;1419918035;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23100 @ 0.00064068 = 14.7997 BTC [-] {2} 961837;1419918218;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20500 @ 0.00064958 = 13.3164 BTC [+] 961838;1419919011;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34900 @ 0.00062595 = 21.8457 BTC [-] {2} 961839;1419919133;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24112 @ 0.00063808 = 15.3854 BTC [+] 961840;1419920780;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1000 @ 0.00118096 = 1.181 BTC [-] {8} 961841;1419922428;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28616 @ 0.00062362 = 17.8455 BTC [-] {2} 961842;1419922488;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14584 @ 0.00061672 = 8.9942 BTC [-] {2} 961843;1419924242;cazalla;thestringpuller, sale is pretty shitty, nothing i really wanted 961844;1419924745;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29491 @ 0.00062075 = 18.3065 BTC [+] 961845;1419924867;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29800 @ 0.00062609 = 18.6575 BTC [+] {2} 961846;1419925294;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13900 @ 0.00063603 = 8.8408 BTC [+] {2} 961847;1419926331;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19053 @ 0.00061567 = 11.7304 BTC [-] {2} 961848;1419926392;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4347 @ 0.00061274 = 2.6636 BTC [-] 961849;1419929686;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44600 @ 0.00063657 = 28.391 BTC [+] {2} 961850;1419930236;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27450 @ 0.000638 = 17.5131 BTC [+] {2} 961851;1419931700;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42900 @ 0.00063834 = 27.3848 BTC [+] {2} 961852;1419932433;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16000 @ 0.0006261 = 10.0176 BTC [-] {2} 961853;1419933591;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36800 @ 0.00064209 = 23.6289 BTC [+] {2} 961854;1419934567;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41450 @ 0.00062902 = 26.0729 BTC [-] {3} 961855;1419935177;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29539 @ 0.00061949 = 18.2991 BTC [-] 961856;1419935299;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4151 @ 0.00061274 = 2.5435 BTC [-] 961857;1419935665;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9611 @ 0.00061422 = 5.9033 BTC [+] 961858;1419936641;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6225 @ 0.00062151 = 3.8689 BTC [+] 961859;1419936702;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39599 @ 0.00061935 = 24.5256 BTC [-] 961860;1419937312;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 9 @ 0.12419 = 1.1177 BTC [-] {6} 961861;1419938166;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48900 @ 0.00061901 = 30.2696 BTC [-] {2} 961862;1419939691;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1200 @ 0.00114189 = 1.3703 BTC [-] {9} 961863;1419940118;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 66541 @ 0.00062798 = 41.7864 BTC [+] {3} 961864;1419940179;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 199 @ 0.00852568 = 1.6966 BTC [-] 961865;1419940667;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48350 @ 0.00064003 = 30.9455 BTC [+] {4} 961866;1419941839;BingoBoingo;;;later tell hanbot In the new Trilema header 961867;1419941840;gribble;The operation succeeded. 961868;1419944266;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13052 @ 0.00061269 = 7.9968 BTC [-] {2} 961869;1419944327;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6048 @ 0.00060936 = 3.6854 BTC [-] {2} 961870;1419944693;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18950 @ 0.00061772 = 11.7058 BTC [+] {2} 961871;1419946157;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40371 @ 0.00062217 = 25.1176 BTC [+] {2} 961872;1419946951;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42120 @ 0.00062242 = 26.2163 BTC [+] {2} 961873;1419947926;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27400 @ 0.00063361 = 17.3609 BTC [+] {2} 961874;1419948273;adlai;rye's checkin 961875;1419949878;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20600 @ 0.00063666 = 13.1152 BTC [+] 961876;1419949940;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10000 @ 0.00063666 = 6.3666 BTC [+] 961877;1419951099;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 47950 @ 0.00061899 = 29.6806 BTC [-] 961878;1419951927;BingoBoingo;scoopbot -fetch 961879;1419951940;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2014/12/bitcoin-alliance-of-canada-founder-steps-down/ 961880;1419952014;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2200 @ 0.00061351 = 1.3497 BTC [-] 961881;1419952600;rithm;blame canada, blame canada 961882;1419953355;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30186 @ 0.00061944 = 18.6984 BTC [+] 961883;1419953721;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32100 @ 0.00061504 = 19.7428 BTC [-] 961884;1419954575;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52092 @ 0.00064553 = 33.6269 BTC [+] {4} 961885;1419954820;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46000 @ 0.00064766 = 29.7924 BTC [+] {2} 961886;1419955307;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18300 @ 0.00063686 = 11.6545 BTC [-] 961887;1419955551;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19013 @ 0.00063627 = 12.0974 BTC [-] {2} 961888;1419955766;scoopbot;New post on Trilema by Mircea Popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/first-full-service-crypto-digital-agency-in-the-world/ 961889;1419957589;BingoBoingo;scoopbot -fetch 961890;1419957611;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2014/12/canberra-times-police-concerned-over-online-drug-purchases/ 961891;1419958235;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11800 @ 0.00060935 = 7.1903 BTC [-] 961892;1419960370;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23900 @ 0.00060935 = 14.5635 BTC [-] 961893;1419961944;BingoBoingo;!up Namworld 961894;1419962117;kakobrekla;>All this because of the stupid AUSTRIAN RAIFFEISENBANK, that confuses servng clients with serving prisoners in Konzentrationslager Mauthausen. 961895;1419962117;kakobrekla;lol 961896;1419962132;kakobrekla;sauce: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=290799.msg9984945#msg9984945 961897;1419962133;assbot;[ANN] KRAKEN.COM - Exchange Now Open with USD, EUR, BTC, LTC, XRP, NMC, XDG ... ( http://bit.ly/1A8tz3H ) 961898;1419962544;BingoBoingo;lol 961899;1419962566;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5200 @ 0.00061176 = 3.1812 BTC [+] 961900;1419962844;kakobrekla;also this is lulzy > “When bitcoin first came out, I was on the cryptography mailing list. When it happened, I sort of laughed. Because I had already proven that decentralized consensus was impossible.” 961901;1419962938;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: impossible << lamport ? 961902;1419962991;kakobrekla;Gregory Maxwell 961903;1419962993;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 55500 @ 0.00065253 = 36.2154 BTC [+] {4} 961904;1419963073;mod6;lel 961905;1419963177;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38800 @ 0.00061334 = 23.7976 BTC [-] {2} 961906;1419963603;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38889 @ 0.00065343 = 25.4112 BTC [+] {2} 961907;1419964135;asciilifeform;http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2014/12/the-imperial-collapse-playbook.html << mega-lol 961908;1419964136;assbot;ClubOrlov: The Imperial Collapse Playbook ... ( http://bit.ly/1ztTX5t ) 961909;1419964338;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: He nails the point where Anglophones are fascinated about culturing instability with anti-[fill-in-the-blank] 961910;1419964349;asciilifeform;peculiar omission of korea in his list 961911;1419964352;asciilifeform;somebody wake up mr. o 961912;1419964388;BingoBoingo;Is Korea really an actual united enough thing to have ever had an anti? 961913;1419964418;asciilifeform;sk is the anti. 961914;1419964427;asciilifeform;(not slovakia. south kr.) 961915;1419964460;BingoBoingo;All Korea's pretty much been other people's colony. That there's an independent Korea or korea is probably the farce. 961916;1419964463;asciilifeform;until approx. 1980, nk was the industrial power, and the south was a pisshole. 961917;1419964497;asciilifeform;it took decades of 'international komyoonity' blockading, conniving, sabotage, favourite-son dealing, to change this. 961918;1419964567;BingoBoingo;The family line of succession probably didn't help things. Man who did things, Son of man who did things, Son of Son 961919;1419964640;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: that's why it is called best korea 961920;1419964660;asciilifeform;to borrow mircea's analogy re: french empire, 'at this point atmosphere there is quite like that in hitler's bunker' 961921;1419964724;asciilifeform;everyone who laughs at nk should sit down for five minutes and imagine what they'd do as king there 961922;1419964728;asciilifeform;other than 'surrender' 961923;1419964791;thestringpuller;i would make everyone do science 961924;1419964803;thestringpuller;i would put all military funding into science! 961925;1419964816;asciilifeform;lol 961926;1419964825;thestringpuller;get some kinda of clean energy dem those niggas will come to me 961927;1419964911;BingoBoingo;Well, North Korea has legal marijauana. Leverage that into European tourism. Follow with Pope mediated negotions with Obola. Open US trade. Appoint a patsy president. Move to Macau and read about the Color revolution in the Newspaper. 961928;1419964934;asciilifeform;^ surrender 961929;1419964937;thestringpuller;XD 961930;1419964949;thestringpuller;BingoBoingo: it's funny how 961931;1419964956;thestringpuller;colorado is the richest state in its block now 961932;1419964969;thestringpuller;all funded by pot heads 961933;1419965062;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Sure it's surrender. If anything it's a more graceful one than Idi Amin had before living out his days in a House of Saud zoo. 961934;1419965169;BingoBoingo;It's the option the Castros are taking. They just haven't left yet. Raoul is Probably hoping Fidel can get a dignified state burial before he jumps ship. 961935;1419965181;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: a surrender that may or may not be accepted. 961936;1419965224;BingoBoingo;Of course. USia is far less civilized now than it was when Idi Amin held the Scottish throne. 961937;1419965224;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: current king probably weighed his chances of ending up as an example, like hussein, milosevich, others who dared to stand up to anglo. 961938;1419965250;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33190 @ 0.00064168 = 21.2974 BTC [-] 961939;1419965261;BingoBoingo;Or like Ghaddafi who cooperated with Anglos in the end. 961940;1419965406;asciilifeform;'The bonus question is, what sort of anti-America will these parasites set up inside America before they abandon their host and scatter to their fortified compounds in undisclosed locations around the world? Or will they not even bother, and just provoke a war of all against all?' 961941;1419965467;BingoBoingo;Texas. 961942;1419965528;asciilifeform;'pseudoliberal/pseudoconservative indoctrination and university- and church-based brainwashing that put it in place, cost them a pretty penny... ...How about leveraging it to organize some sort of rabidly homophobic racist fundamentalist separatist enclave somewhere down south? Or perhaps one somewhere in the north, where zoophilia is de rigeur while heterosexual intercourse requires a special permit from a committee stocked w 961943;1419965528;asciilifeform;ith graduates in women's studies?' 961944;1419965970;BingoBoingo;There's also the chance that they want to break things up into enough enclaves that sme sort of conflict homeostasis between them might be the norm. 961945;1419966409;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19906 @ 0.00064168 = 12.7733 BTC [-] 961946;1419966836;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46800 @ 0.0006544 = 30.6259 BTC [+] {3} 961947;1419967995;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24644 @ 0.00063183 = 15.5708 BTC [-] {2} 961948;1419968178;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9105 @ 0.0006256 = 5.6961 BTC [-] 961949;1419969384;BingoBoingo;scoopbot -fetch 961950;1419969404;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2014/12/collected-points-from-the-nsas-recent-document-dump/ 961951;1419969696;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: http://qntra.net/2014/12/collected-points-from-the-nsas-recent-document-dump/#comment-5242 961952;1419969697;assbot;Collected Points From the NSA's Recent Document Dump | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1BlbOO2 ) 961953;1419969791;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: just read the bloody things, there isn't all that much to read. 961954;1419970069;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44300 @ 0.00065857 = 29.1747 BTC [+] {4} 961955;1419970347;thestringpuller;BingoBoingo: Texas << It's interesting what Texas does in most fictional scenarios in a post apocalyptic world. 961956;1419970374;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21900 @ 0.00064226 = 14.0655 BTC [-] 961957;1419970375;BingoBoingo;Honestly Texas is probably going to hell the fastest 961958;1419970417;thestringpuller;It's like New Mexico, but with oil I thought. 961959;1419970496;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24200 @ 0.00066007 = 15.9737 BTC [+] {2} 961960;1419970525;BingoBoingo;New Mexico has oil to. Texas's problem is Los Zetas et al are better organized than any Texan force. 961961;1419970777;TomServo;BingoBoingo: Did you accidently a word in the second sentence? 961962;1419970800;TomServo;In addition to the unsurprising post-Snowden _____? that NSA analysts routinely... 961963;1419970813;TomServo;revelation? 961964;1419970833;BingoBoingo;TomServo: Thanks. 961965;1419970839;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: your article is still off 961966;1419970846;BingoBoingo;Hmm 961967;1419970857;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: the Spiegel wasn't writing about the official Christmas dump 961968;1419970868;asciilifeform;but a separate, parallel snowden one 961969;1419970880;asciilifeform;(leaving aside the question of whether mr s is a hangout) 961970;1419970915;asciilifeform;how did you read either one and not realize this ? 961971;1419970934;BingoBoingo;Mixed up Der Speigel articles when linking, fixed 961972;1419970937;TomServo;asciilifeform: what do you mean 'is a hangout'? 961973;1419970946;BingoBoingo;Too many tabs open. 961974;1419970959;asciilifeform;TomServo: 'hangout' is the traditional english term for disinfo 961975;1419970968;assbot;Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/2T5ZWHY.txt ) 961976;1419970968;BingoBoingo;!b 1 961977;1419971095;BingoBoingo;The worst part of this clusterfuck of errors is I haven't even had a drink yet. Fucking language learning app on the new pet android device robbing my brain of all of its glucose. 961978;1419971341;BingoBoingo;!up austeritysucks 961979;1419971579;decimation;asciilifeform: re: illegal radios << yes, this is a route. unfortunately usg is good at finding such products and crushing their makers 961980;1419971605;asciilifeform;decimation: this is why the usual concepts of 'product' and 'market' are to be avoided there. 961981;1419971651;asciilifeform;decimation: the relevant boojums are to be produced either in underground workshops, like grenades during warsaw ghetto uprising, or in a foreign land and smuggled in 961982;1419971777;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1748 @ 0.00114601 = 2.0032 BTC [-] 961983;1419971910;adlai;BingoBoingo: what language are you learning 961984;1419971982;BingoBoingo;Spanish, again. Just the pace of the thing is draining. Maybe... also tried Swahili. 961985;1419972153;kakobrekla;lol lizard squad lauches 'ddos for bitcoin' service, on a website protected with cloudflare. 961986;1419972295;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: mega-lol! 961987;1419972301;asciilifeform;why does this need a www site ? 961988;1419972308;asciilifeform;should accept commands via blockchain telegraph. 961989;1419972328;kakobrekla;then you cant use couldflare :( 961990;1419972489;asciilifeform;why the fuck one needs cloudflare or whatever, if blockchain telegraph ? 961991;1419972503;kakobrekla;exactly. 961992;1419972545;*;asciilifeform confused 961993;1419972621;kakobrekla;makes me think lizard are affiliated with cf. 961994;1419972635;BingoBoingo;Because when your hammer is a DoS, every nail is a website 961995;1419972793;kakobrekla;classic mobster scenario, "pay us so nothing bad happens to your store." 961996;1419972814;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 47550 @ 0.00066139 = 31.4491 BTC [+] {2} 961997;1419972831;kakobrekla;ofc you need to make up the crime as well. 961998;1419972839;decimation;kakobrekla: yeah but in this case they originally said they did it on principle 961999;1419972849;decimation;to 'improve security' to help the little people 962000;1419972865;kakobrekla;yes like the nsa. 962001;1419972961;decimation;the rwcg guy nitpicked the paul graham immigration essay https://rwcg.wordpress.com/2014/12/29/paul-graham-on-immigration/ 962002;1419972963;assbot;Paul Graham on immigration | RWCG ... ( http://bit.ly/1xeEUj4 ) 962003;1419972993;decimation;"So basically I’m being told that this is a foreign worker who might add 100X in value and you only have to pay them X. 962004;1419972993;decimation;Oh please, go on, do tell me that this isn’t just about cost saving." 962005;1419973193;kakobrekla;!up BlueMeanie4 962006;1419973278;asciilifeform;'Question: why doesnt this hypothetical guy, if hes so great and exceptional, just do his own thing? Whats he need Initrode for? Why should he move to a 2 BR/2 BA in Sunnyvale, CA to get a biweekly paycheck?' 962007;1419973319;asciilifeform;of course, if you read pg's piece correctly (i.e. substitute 'exceptionally obedient coolie' for 'exceptional programmer', the contradictions are instamagically resolved. 962008;1419973364;kakobrekla;lol sunnyvale tpb reference? 962009;1419973424;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4700 @ 0.00066152 = 3.1091 BTC [+] 962010;1419973464;asciilifeform;now i'd like to learn, 962011;1419973476;asciilifeform;how 'exceptional' of a programmer does one need to become, to leave usa ? 962012;1419973510;decimation;asciilifeform: lol 962013;1419973537;asciilifeform;brings to mind an old saw re: certain places, 'Вход – рубль, выход – два' (entry - one coin, exit - costs two) 962014;1419973556;asciilifeform;(originally spoken re: various mafias, e.g. intelligence agencies) 962015;1419973574;decimation;asciilifeform: or 'exit' through the coffin-burner 962016;1419973577;asciilifeform;aha. 962017;1419973581;asciilifeform;that one - free. 962018;1419973657;decimation;in the end, Stierlitz goes back to Berlin 962019;1419973769;BingoBoingo;https://twitter.com/jenniferthang/status/550027307935866881 962020;1419973771;assbot;Huge salt spill at Morton Salt in /hashtag/Chicago?src=hash. Will they shovel it over their left shoulders? http://t.co/Ic8vAUuedb 962021;1419973854;decimation;oh I thought it went into lake Michigan or something 962022;1419974345;BingoBoingo;http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2014/12/30/report_finds_police_officers_killed_on_duty_spiked_in_2014.html 962023;1419974347;assbot;Report finds police officers killed on duty spiked in 2014. ... ( http://bit.ly/1xeGEIY ) 962024;1419974669;BingoBoingo;http://venturebeat.com/2014/12/29/cia-takes-blame-for-more-than-half-of-ufo-sightings-in-late-1950s-and-60s/ << The reptilians know we are on to them. 962025;1419974671;assbot;CIA takes blame for more than half of UFO sightings in late 1950s and 60s | VentureBeat | Business | by Daniel Terdiman ... ( http://bit.ly/1zugPSk ) 962026;1419976108;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37193 @ 0.00066149 = 24.6028 BTC [-] 962027;1419979585;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32900 @ 0.0006626 = 21.7995 BTC [+] {4} 962028;1419979707;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15726 @ 0.00066395 = 10.4413 BTC [+] 962029;1419980134;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34633 @ 0.00066434 = 23.0081 BTC [+] {3} 962030;1419980317;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 880 @ 0.00114501 = 1.0076 BTC [-] {5} 962031;1419980414;fluffypony;!search vladimir 962032;1419980415;assbot;23 results for 'vladimir' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=vladimir 962033;1419980473;fluffypony; btw, since i've been reading my old romanian bitcoin articles, landed on some gems. anyone remembers vladimir's asic ? <- what was the story there? 962034;1419981011;kakobrekla;another thing that never happened 962035;1419981034;kakobrekla;there were a bunch of other nonhappening asics at the time 962036;1419981084;kakobrekla;i dun think he was the first and certainly not last. 962037;1419981108;asciilifeform;afaik it hasn't happened yet, even. 962038;1419981110;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24993 @ 0.00065889 = 16.4676 BTC [-] 962039;1419981123;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-12-2014#948513 962040;1419981123;assbot;Logged on 08-12-2014 18:26:51; asciilifeform: (re: miner asics: anyone who gives a damn can find, in #b-a logs, my reasonably well-supported hypothesis that miner asic never actually -happened.- that is, there are devices, and they - approximately - work, but they are not 'asics' in the traditional sense. more 'hardcopy fpga.' - actual term of art) 962041;1419981263;asciilifeform;and, to return to that old thread, i still think that mircea is mistaken about the current crop of miners being something other than 'structured asic' 962042;1419981328;asciilifeform;the latter isn't simply a non-reprogrammable fpga; it has the LUTs of fpga, but with 'wiring' baked into the metallization layers, rather than fpga-style switching fabric 962043;1419981351;fluffypony;kakobrekla: yeah but was Vladimir generally a scammer, or just an isolated incident? 962044;1419981376;asciilifeform;but 'structured asic' is still not a real asic. 962045;1419981476;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52870 @ 0.00065223 = 34.4834 BTC [-] {2} 962046;1419981478;kakobrekla;fluffypony he was just too irrogant. 962047;1419981667;fluffypony;fun 962048;1419981871;kakobrekla;so if i tell you im compiling the latest bitcoind on an ARM could, do i get expelled from here? 962049;1419981888;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: i actually did this at one point. 962050;1419981899;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: on, if i recall, a 'raspberry' 962051;1419981922;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: it worked, but that particular chip/board had uncommonly slow i/o, it was nearly unusable 962052;1419981938;asciilifeform;speaking of arm, 962053;1419981985;kakobrekla;im using one of such nodes http://www.datacenterknowledge.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Online-chassis.jpg 962054;1419981987;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1x24yrj ) 962055;1419981991;*;asciilifeform just today finished a ~3 week, all-waking-hours death marathon of 'arm' reversing. 'jailbroke' a [censored] (rare laboratory instrument) 962056;1419982000;kakobrekla;dunno how it compares to rpi, this one has 2 gigs of ram and 4 cores 962057;1419982019;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: interesting - who makes these ? 962058;1419982028;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: and where are they ordinarily found ? 962059;1419982052;kakobrekla;http://venturebeat.com/2014/12/29/why-french-telecom-iliad-is-launching-an-arm-based-cloud-service-and-why-it-matters/ 962060;1419982053;assbot;Why French telecom Iliad is launching an ARM-based cloud service -- and why it matters | VentureBeat | Cloud | by Jordan Novet ... ( http://bit.ly/1x24KXA ) 962061;1419982135;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-12-2014#960128 << you may enjoy this thread 962062;1419982135;assbot;Logged on 25-12-2014 03:52:10; asciilifeform: every day i wonder why the 'arm' architecture so thoroughly beat 'mips' (closest competitor in the 'risc' world) in the markets 962063;1419982160;asciilifeform;'arm 962064;1419982161;kakobrekla;yes i was reading it real time. 962065;1419982189;asciilifeform;' quietly cornered the market in applications where 1) no winblows legacy 2) computation/watt ratio actually matters 962066;1419982222;asciilifeform;while being a heavily patent-encumbered, baroquely-architectured turd. 962067;1419982284;asciilifeform;china is cranking out arm clones by the billion, and certainly not all of these roll in the royalty? how does it square with my hypothesis? answer - perfectly. 962068;1419982294;asciilifeform;just like ussr stamped out single-crystal pdp-11 clones by the millions. 962069;1419982298;asciilifeform;and for the same reason 962070;1419982305;asciilifeform;to use 'w4r3z' 962071;1419982312;asciilifeform;or, more commonly, plagiarized subroutines 962072;1419982346;asciilifeform;the confucian kingdoms breathe plagiarism like air. 962073;1419982412;asciilifeform;'mips' is superior, imho, in virtually every way - and they would crank out mips-en, but where then to crib code wholesale and piecemeal ? 962074;1419982420;asciilifeform;'we use arm because everyone uses arm' 962075;1419982724;asciilifeform;http://labs.online.net/try-it << doesn't appear to work 962076;1419982724;assbot;Online Labs - ARM servers in the cloud ... ( http://bit.ly/1x269NK ) 962077;1419982739;kakobrekla;works here 962078;1419982766;kakobrekla;but im not using this, was given a free instance a month or so ago. 962079;1419982817;kakobrekla;want an invite? if you apply below you will get it never. 962080;1419982829;kakobrekla;if i send it, it may arrive sometime. 962081;1419982881;kakobrekla;looks like i can also raise another instance 962082;1419982884;kakobrekla;if you wanna. 962083;1419982999;kakobrekla;well lemme know, invite or instance ill brb. 962084;1419983545;decimation;asciilifeform: there is a direct parallel between the 'bubble' that is arm/x86 and the 'bubble' that is 'USD' 962085;1419983555;decimation;'We use it because everyone else uses it' 962086;1419983641;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: thx, but i don't need these for anything 962087;1419983652;kakobrekla;dicking around i thought. 962088;1419983777;decimation;if you want to be the dominant computer arch, you want to be the arch that will host the most warez - in the future 962089;1419983827;asciilifeform;decimation: this means 'be the darling of the usg crown' 962090;1419983847;decimation;well, certainly one cannot be enemies with usg or usg's agents 962091;1419983849;asciilifeform;because that is who ultimately decides what is used in the great slave mines of usa 962092;1419983903;asciilifeform;incidentally, i bring up 'arm' to remind folks that we are quickly approaching (or perhaps past) the point of being stuck with a turd every bit as odious as x86 962093;1419983937;asciilifeform;at least intel no longer collects royalties for x86. and does not directly supply the circuit to every producer 962094;1419983940;asciilifeform;arm - does. 962095;1419983951;decimation;plus arm comes in 1000 variants 962096;1419983959;asciilifeform;the instruction set is 'risc' in name only 962097;1419983987;asciilifeform;it's a mind-blowingly complex piece of shit. 962098;1419984029;decimation;I was chatting with some cyanogen mod developers about a particular arm-based phone 962099;1419984046;asciilifeform;iirc, it was designed by a woman. i won't psychiatrize on this point, but let's see what mircea makes of it! 962100;1419984066;decimation;apparently it is common practice for the vendor to ship broken hardware and paper over defects with a special google-blessed turdware 962101;1419984145;decimation;also, certain hardware variants of phones are known to have problems with battery discharge, etc 962102;1419984162;decimation;I mention this because nearly all arm chips come baked in a SoC 962103;1419984169;asciilifeform;aha. 962104;1419985319;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 408 @ 0.00464998 = 1.8972 BTC [+] {2} 962105;1419985353;BingoBoingo;Don't worry. China is baking up Loongson so that there will be another turdwarez platform when the USG can no longer prop up Arm. 962106;1419985572;kakobrekla;myea, best to trust china :) 962107;1419985592;decimation;loongson is a mips64 variant 962108;1419985607;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: afaik it isn't exactly a flying success. 962109;1419985636;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: for instance, i'm unable to find it advertised for sale at anything like a reasonable price, anywhere on the planet 962110;1419985677;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: For a long time ARM wasn't either. The point is it exists at the moment mostly to build history so it might seem a credible option later. 962111;1419985698;decimation;lol the latest version has 'new instructions' in order to emulate x86 according to wikipedia 962112;1419985708;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: nothing is being built particular to it! 962113;1419985718;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: the most that exists is a very straight linux port. 962114;1419985761;decimation;apparently the best chips are only on the 28nm process 962115;1419985779;BingoBoingo;Linux ports, BSD (kernel) ports, Windows CE ports... 962116;1419985814;decimation;it's sad that some enterprising chinaman doesn't try to steal fpga designs/warez 962117;1419985848;decimation;as asciilifeform has explained in the past, this isn't in their 'dna', but who knows 962118;1419985884;decimation;perhaps they are an engine waiting for the right driver (to use mircea's analogy) 962119;1419985911;asciilifeform;i also explained that they have no economic incentive at all to do this. 962120;1419985950;decimation;the only incentive I can imagine is if the chinese gov't decides to subsidize the project 962121;1419985960;decimation;but then they wouldn't 'open source' anything 962122;1419986009;BingoBoingo;Loongson seems to be a "parachute" 962123;1419986032;BingoBoingo;for China 962124;1419986274;asciilifeform;according to one source, it's actually a grantsmanship/embezzlement scheme against chinese gov. 962125;1419986281;asciilifeform;rather than an actual product with a future. 962126;1419986426;BingoBoingo;Could be both. 962127;1419986432;kakobrekla;first 1/3 of blockchain is less than 500mb. 962128;1419986454;kakobrekla;i knew it was small but never actually checked 962129;1419986803;BingoBoingo;http://pipeline.corante.com/archives/2014/12/29/ibuprofen_for_a_longer_life.php 962130;1419986805;assbot;Ibuprofen For a Longer Life?. In the Pipeline: ... ( http://bit.ly/1y4PlaC ) 962131;1419987576;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 3985 @ 0.0011625 = 4.6326 BTC [+] {2} 962132;1419988103;BingoBoingo;!Up badon 962133;1419988181;BingoBoingo;http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/metro/the-kkk-must-stay-on-the-curb-in-desloge-mo/article_59a8a94e-6a91-593d-a83c-826fa031de76.html 962134;1419988182;assbot;The KKK must stay on the curb in Desloge, Mo. : News ... ( http://bit.ly/1tiPO1X ) 962135;1419988473;BingoBoingo;http://thenewinquiry.com/essays/in-defense-of-looting/ 962136;1419988475;assbot;In Defense of Looting – The New Inquiry ... ( http://bit.ly/1tiQpkk ) 962137;1419988494;asciilifeform;trololol!!! 962138;1419988636;asciilifeform;'He retorts the all too common accusation thrown at rioters: People wanna say we destroying our own neighborhoods. We dont own nothing out here!' << what does white man own in usa ? 962139;1419988665;BingoBoingo;I only link it, because apparently tonight there has been yet another shooting incident in Ferguson. No idea yet if a person has been shot. 962140;1419988705;asciilifeform;what do 'they' normally shoot there? 962141;1419988708;asciilifeform;road signs ? 962142;1419988732;BingoBoingo;Normally they just shoot, but lack the marksmanship to hit anything at all. 962143;1419988754;BingoBoingo;'He retorts the all too common accusation thrown at rioters: People wanna say we destroying our own neighborhoods. We dont own nothing out here!' << what does white man own in usa ? << Common mistake of using the general "white man", Whiteman own nothing for being white. Anglo-Saxon-Lizard hybrids though... 962144;1419988802;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: as i understand, the rioters have no truck with lizard hitler; they protest against an imagined comfortable white suburbanite 962145;1419988838;asciilifeform;who somehow lives off their tears 962146;1419988852;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: But to them the white suburbanites have scales. 962147;1419988905;BingoBoingo;They know of comfortable white suburbanites, but infrequently see them outside of police uniforms. 962148;1419988926;BingoBoingo;Or at least they did until they moved to Ferguson. 962149;1419988959;BingoBoingo;And then the comfortable white suburbanites went to more comfortable and more suburban places. Leaving them with white trash 962150;1419989242;BingoBoingo;But, this being America no one really owns anything. 962151;1419989490;undata;the looting is just a more illiterate version of the same entitlement the white trash has 962152;1419989528;undata;everybody in america thinks they were somehow robbed of making it big like everyone else did 962153;1419989564;BingoBoingo;I dunno that it is much more illiterate. I've met plenty of dumb white folk. 962154;1419989696;undata;for sure 962155;1419989711;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16500 @ 0.00065392 = 10.7897 BTC [+] 962156;1419989728;asciilifeform;neglected detail being, most of the participants, as i understand, aren't ideologically moved 962157;1419989746;asciilifeform;they go out, same as in usg-sponsored 'colour revolutions', because 'there's action tonight' 962158;1419989757;asciilifeform;and it's more entertaining than rotgut and tv news. 962159;1419989787;undata;asciilifeform: yep, during the recent portland "protest" I found a livestream of some hipster there; he was flirting with a girl for the 20sec I watched 962160;1419989791;BingoBoingo;But... the 3d printed gun dude says burn it all down is an ideology... 962161;1419989828;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: then forest fire has ideology 962162;1419989840;undata;is "it sells" an ideology? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TybFtK6VTVo 962163;1419989841;assbot;Welcome to Chiraq - Chiraq - Ep 1 - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1tiSVXE ) 962164;1419989860;undata;rather, "if it sells" 962165;1419989871;BingoBoingo;Of course. Fire has metabolism, so it is a living thing. I kill about 20 fires a day when I put out my cigarettes. 962166;1419989909;BingoBoingo;undata: Chicago this year is poor example. They had a relatively peaceful year... for SHitcago. 962167;1419989943;undata;BingoBoingo: the video's full of fakers flashing guns 962168;1419990041;BingoBoingo;St Louis folk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQ7mhLp0abU 962169;1419990043;assbot;homicide da union - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1tiTosQ ) 962170;1419990070;BingoBoingo;North County Cowboys https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BimcvcFMEM 962171;1419990071;assbot;north County cowboyz/Feel Me da u.n.i.o.n - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1tiTsZP ) 962172;1419990354;BingoBoingo;Hello 962173;1419990380;Pierre_Rochard;Hi, I was starting to miss this place 962174;1419990425;BingoBoingo;Well,... You know IRC is always open... Even when MP's on a vacation that's apparently growing tits 962175;1419990464;Pierre_Rochard;I’ll have to cook up a script that logs me in and auths automatically whenever I open my laptop, there’s a pyschological barrier when I have a pile of work to do 962176;1419990490;Pierre_Rochard;that keeps me from opening it myself, but doesn’t keep me off twitter haha 962177;1419990497;BingoBoingo;Ah, that problem 962178;1419990599;BingoBoingo;Everyone has to solve it in their own way 962179;1419990920;undata;Pierre_Rochard: there's always a bouncer 962180;1419990930;undata;weechat has a pretty nice relay mechanism 962181;1419991574;BingoBoingo;Come on there isn't a single personal server need that isn't well served by emacs. 962182;1419991878;undata;BingoBoingo: oh I love emacs; still need something for when you shut the laptop though 962183;1419991926;BingoBoingo;undata: WHy are you running an emacs IRC bouncer locally on a laptop? 962184;1419991933;undata;I am not 962185;1419991948;undata;emacs is on the laptop, mail and IRC are elsewhere 962186;1419991986;BingoBoingo;Can you not run emacs elsewhere? 962187;1419992002;undata;why do that when I can get out to elsewhere via tramp? 962188;1419992036;undata;I've got a pretty dialed in emacs+stumpwm combo I'm happy with locally 962189;1419992062;undata;weechat.el speaks the weechat IRC relay protocol, and there's mu4e + offlineimap for mail 962190;1419992095;BingoBoingo;undata: Are you really listing all of these particular pieces of software you depend on. 962191;1419992099;BingoBoingo;? 962192;1419992218;undata;BingoBoingo: you're going to what, attack me via the locally running emacs? 962193;1419992305;BingoBoingo;No, but... you never know who's reading. 962194;1419992331;undata;sound advice but I left out plenty 962195;1419992944;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10850 @ 0.00064808 = 7.0317 BTC [-] 962196;1419993007;BingoBoingo;OMG MP vacation has been one of the best things to happen to MPOE price... aside from saving OpenBSD. 962197;1419993298;BingoBoingo;!up jborkl 962198;1419993318;jborkl;Hey 962199;1419993332;BingoBoingo;Hey 962200;1419993357;jborkl;Next article you write for qntra link to me, I will link back 962201;1419993379;BingoBoingo;jborkl: Shhh... Google would find it, public log and all. 962202;1419993389;BingoBoingo;Matt Cutts will punish us all!!! 962203;1419993404;jborkl;Haha yeah we don't want to shit on by the panda 962204;1419993431;BingoBoingo;Bamboo shits are the worst. 962205;1419993439;jborkl;Hell yeah 962206;1419993805;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: http://www.computerra.ru/112660/mcst-and-micron-releases-monokub-mb-with-elbrus-2cm-cpu << i don't feel like translating, but - first ru-designed cpu, afaik, this century - hits the press. 962207;1419993806;assbot;Компьютерра: Первые российские материнские платы появятся в начале 2015 г. ... ( http://bit.ly/1BhguVq ) 962208;1419993824;asciilifeform;ru-designed mb too - but with, looks like, heathen peripherals 962209;1419993847;asciilifeform;and of course entirely unobtainable in mordor 962210;1419993933;*;asciilifeform wasn't there, didn't make this, has no idea how much plagiarized heathen 'verilog' etc. is in that thing. 962211;1419993995;asciilifeform;in other news, 962212;1419994004;asciilifeform;https://trmm.net/EFI << for some reason nobody brought this up here 962213;1419994005;assbot;Thunderstrike - Trammell Hudson's Projects ... ( http://bit.ly/1BhgHb9 ) 962214;1419994048;asciilifeform;(summary: crapple bios diddler using subverted external peripheral) 962215;1419994086;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Imma guess OpenSparc 962216;1419994194;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: not explicitly. 962217;1419994221;BingoBoingo;Not explicitly, but... Just going off of what my gut feels reading a machine translation 962218;1419994301;BingoBoingo;Just seeing that combination of busses has me thinking OpenSparc. 962219;1419994325;BingoBoingo;I could be very wrong. 962220;1419994375;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: seems like it's a perverse vliw-ized sparc. 962221;1419994436;BingoBoingo;Well, isn't that all Open SParc is? 962222;1419994451;asciilifeform;iirc opensparc is a mostly-traditional sparc. 962223;1419994478;asciilifeform;anyone who wants one - can go get (it builds for the larger among the common fpga) 962224;1419994499;*;asciilifeform blows dust off ancient crate 962225;1419994514;BingoBoingo;Well, crippled in ways. The seemingly easy ways to uncripple for hardcopy rather than rewritable FPGAs is to VLIW it. 962226;1419994553;asciilifeform;crippled how ? 962227;1419994633;BingoBoingo;The same way BFL FPGA miners were crippled. Adapted for winblows shit toolchain instead of whatever archane elder less smelly turdchain sun nursed internally. 962228;1419994691;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by cazalla: http://qntra.net/2014/12/the-swift-institute-calls-for-research-into-risks-faced-by-third-party-payment-providers/ 962229;1419994734;BingoBoingo;We're talking a company (Sun) that took more than a decade to realize they could assemble systems on benches instead of the floor. They have to have/had a legacy non-winblows tool chain that might still be in use. 962230;1419994749;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: whatcha talking about, i built it sans winblows 962231;1419994757;asciilifeform;closes xilinx turd, yes 962232;1419994761;asciilifeform;*closed 962233;1419994765;asciilifeform;but no winblows in sight 962234;1419994813;BingoBoingo;Sure, but what sphicter sculpts the Xilinx turd. 962235;1419994813;asciilifeform;but the answer to the puzzle of what sun used for logic synthesis - i haven't any idea 962236;1419994855;asciilifeform;thing is, synthesis for proper asic is nothing like fpga synthesis 962237;1419994861;asciilifeform;fundamentally different problems 962238;1419994864;BingoBoingo;Well, considering Solaris 8 did webserving for them well into the solaris 10 life cycle... Prolly Sun OS 3 962239;1419994887;asciilifeform;fpga is internally very much like the well-known 'eniac' 962240;1419994900;asciilifeform;with an sram-controlled plugboard rather than physical one 962241;1419994914;asciilifeform;but the machinery that is 'plugged' together - does not move. 962242;1419994941;asciilifeform;whereas when you lay out logic for a traditionally fabbed ic, the circuits, well, 'move' 962243;1419994947;asciilifeform;in that they get placed how you like 962244;1419994956;asciilifeform;within the constraints of the available chemistry and lithography 962245;1419994971;*;BingoBoingo really wants a fucking time machine 962246;1419995009;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: http://www.mcst.ru/doc/book_121130.pdf << because you asked. textbook, 'elbrus' system architecture. 962247;1419995012;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Bhhw3H ) 962248;1419995137;BingoBoingo;Ah 962249;1419995211;BingoBoingo;From machine translation: Since the structure of stacks of information and communication procedures identical 962250;1419995211;BingoBoingo;lie in wait, the principle of operation of pumping consider the relation 962251;1419995211;BingoBoingo;stack procedures. Education evacuation area shown in Fig. 3.7, where 962252;1419995211;BingoBoingo;it is shown in the pie chart. Its application is based on the cyclic 962253;1419995211;BingoBoingo;cal resource allocation register file in the formation of the windows: 962254;1419995213;BingoBoingo;after using the register number 0x6f next number will be 962255;1419995215;BingoBoingo;0x00 (borders of windows aligned to kvadroslovu, so the number of pairs 962256;1419995217;BingoBoingo;registers equals 112). 962257;1419995223;BingoBoingo;^ Reeks of Sparcisms 962258;1419995226;*;asciilifeform cringes 962259;1419995311;BingoBoingo;It's hard not to. 962260;1419995325;BingoBoingo;Today is far from my best day 962261;1419995373;asciilifeform;http://russian.rt.com/article/67122 << another current mega-lol. ua fission plant installs 'westinghouse' fuel rods, begins to leak. 962262;1419995374;assbot;СМИ: На Запорожской АЭС произошла утечка радиации ... ( http://bit.ly/1BhhOrw ) 962263;1419995385;asciilifeform;(or so claimed) 962264;1419995411;BingoBoingo;Westinghouse is kind of a knock off GE 962265;1419995506;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19400 @ 0.00064226 = 12.4598 BTC [-] 962266;1419995565;BingoBoingo;'Die another Day' I think was the James Bond movie that had this same plot point. 962267;1419995576;thestringpuller;that was a good film 962268;1419995592;thestringpuller;when bond girls were still legit hot 962269;1419995963;thestringpuller;so just saw a news special about a guy who got electrocuted installing a 35k watt lamp on a movie set 962270;1419995994;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20721 @ 0.00064951 = 13.4585 BTC [+] {2} 962271;1419995996;thestringpuller;the doctors have no idea why he's fucked up, but they are like "Yea, well he got shocked so that has something to do with it." 962272;1419996008;BingoBoingo;How many amps? 962273;1419996016;thestringpuller;i'll find out 962274;1419996096;thestringpuller;;;calc 18000 / 220 962275;1419996096;gribble;81.8181818182 962276;1419996117;thestringpuller;probably less cause that's waht the volt Snake Bite was rated at (220) 962277;1419996132;thestringpuller;https://deadline.com/2014/12/selma-accident-crew-worker-electrocuted-1201338224/ << article in question 962278;1419996165;BingoBoingo;.1 amp can kill, so... yeah 962279;1419996255;thestringpuller;set electricians IMO have riskier jobs than power engineers 962280;1419996338;thestringpuller;set electricals are by definition nigga rigged cause they are temporary. always wanted to be a gaffer/set technician myself, but man. 962281;1419996375;thestringpuller;"Young negro found dead on set of Mean Girls 3" or some shit they let me work on. 962282;1419996396;BingoBoingo;Plain current though doesn't put the fear into me though like RF current does... Reasons I never got into Radio 962283;1419996421;thestringpuller;the unsung heroes 962284;1419996433;thestringpuller;tower climbing alone puts the fear of god into me 962285;1419996476;BingoBoingo;I don't have a problem with climbing. I have a problem with the possibility of falling. 962286;1419996574;thestringpuller;i wouldn't mind the risk so much if the chance of accidents also provided a chance of developing super powers 962287;1419996659;BingoBoingo;https://twitter.com/subhash580/status/550115173533380608/photo/1 962288;1419996660;assbot;Enjoy the last day of 2014. Stay positive, do something meaningful and be happy! :) http://t.co/LSDgbIQfEe 962289;1419996737;TomServo;http://www.devfactor.net/2014/12/30/2375-amazon-mistake/ 962290;1419996742;assbot;My $2375 Amazon EC2 Mistake ... ( http://bit.ly/1BhiXiK ) 962291;1419997031;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17981 @ 0.00064226 = 11.5485 BTC [-] 962292;1419997166;asciilifeform;'Turns out through the S3 API you can actually spin up EC2 instances, and my key had been spotted by a bot that continually searches GitHub for API keys. Amazon AWS customer support informed me this happens a lot recently, hackers have created an algorithm that searches GitHub 24 hours per day for API keys Once it finds one it spins up max instances of EC2 servers to farm itself bitcoins' << mega-lol! 962293;1419997194;assbot;Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/1KN5AY7.txt ) 962294;1419997194;BingoBoingo;!b 2 962295;1419998556;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11400 @ 0.00064982 = 7.4079 BTC [+] 962296;1419998586;BingoBoingo;http://slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=6579129&cid=48701883 962297;1419998588;assbot;Slashdot Asks: The Beanies Return; Who Deserves Recognition for 2014? - Slashdot ... ( http://bit.ly/1xfakWr ) 962298;1419999089;thestringpuller;http://blogs.indiewire.com/animationscoop/voice-of-babe-dexter-on-dexters-laboratory-chuckie-on-rugrats-christine-cavanaugh-1963-2014-rip-20141230 << so the original dexter died 962299;1419999096;thestringpuller;:( 962300;1419999253;thestringpuller;another dead hero 962301;1419999576;BingoBoingo;!up devthedev 962302;1419999590;devthedev;BingoBoingo, killing me man 962303;1419999597;BingoBoingo;devthedev: Who am I not? 962304;1419999621;devthedev;heh 962305;1419999681;BingoBoingo;Serious I prolly have a file and it prolly has blanks. Am I missing anybody? 962306;1419999727;devthedev;The reply aught to be interesting 962307;1419999792;BingoBoingo;Eh. If anyone takes relationship advice from me they deserve whatever calamity befalls them. 962308;1419999803;devthedev;Ouch 962309;1419999869;BingoBoingo;devthedev: Not necessarily ouch to me. You have to remember the part where generally I am a despicable human being. 962310;1419999909;[]bot;Bet created: "Obama Approval Rating over 50% before July" http://bitbet.us/bet/1090/ 962311;1420001866;*;asciilifeform just about emptied wallet paying mr. p for conference-3 ticket. invites #b-a folks to laugh. 962312;1420001918;*;asciilifeform would have been less said to spend equivalent, e.g., usd, heap 962313;1420001924;asciilifeform;*less sad 962314;1420001936;asciilifeform;difference is that i can always get more usd. 962315;1420001942;asciilifeform;it isn't especially hard 962316;1420001960;asciilifeform;spending btc is like fissioning away old soviet Pu. 962317;1420002036;BingoBoingo;Laugh, but I can't get USD. 962318;1420002042;*;asciilifeform doesn't laugh 962319;1420002062;BingoBoingo;That doesn't seem healthy 962320;1420002071;*;asciilifeform is occupied with laughing at self presently 962321;1420002116;BingoBoingo;Happens 962322;1420002216;BingoBoingo;World revolves around these dilemas. Why am I right handed but left eye dominant? 962323;1420002283;BingoBoingo;Why does my brother pretend he has not the slightest bit of racism in him yet when he moves to the city chooses a Bosnian neighborhood over a black neighborhood? 962324;1420002347;BingoBoingo;Anyone here have thoughts about Makati the Phillipines? 962325;1420002406;BingoBoingo;Yes sucks because on Island, also in poor strategic location. 962326;1420002447;BingoBoingo;Seems though like a reasonable interim stop to pick up a wife before moving to a more permanent retreat in Evita-Land. 962327;1420003131;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9550 @ 0.00065098 = 6.2169 BTC [+] {2} 962328;1420003945;asciilifeform;wai wat 962329;1420003948;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo has wife now ? 962330;1420004022;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Nah. I just need to travel to a sufficiently poor country to acquire one. 962331;1420004059;asciilifeform;usa is usually poor enough for this purpose. 962332;1420004077;BingoBoingo;Only if you are into the dark meat 962333;1420004097;*;asciilifeform pets pet 962334;1420004148;BingoBoingo;I've been to Usian strip clubs before I know that the American Negress will bleed anything of value that that can imagine exists from a strip club patron. 962335;1420004654;*;asciilifeform has never been to, seen, heard, smelled, strip club. 962336;1420004830;BingoBoingo;Ah, It's a vile place. Generally full of well lubricated Negress's 962337;1420005362;BingoBoingo;Still... Maybe the problem is not the institution but myself. 962338;1420006142;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo went to strip club to find wife ?! 962339;1420006169;BingoBoingo;No, went to strip club because drunk and ponies were done running at the track. 962340;1420006356;BingoBoingo;Alright, now I'm drunk language errors now are acceptable. 962341;1420006588;cazalla;gee ya tempting me, i had planned for a sober nye for good start to qntra 2015 962342;1420008671;BingoBoingo;!up austeritysucks 962343;1420010817;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13550 @ 0.00064957 = 8.8017 BTC [-] 962344;1420011671;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19377 @ 0.00066445 = 12.875 BTC [+] {3} 962345;1420013989;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15150 @ 0.00065384 = 9.9057 BTC [-] {2} 962346;1420023749;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5700 @ 0.00064663 = 3.6858 BTC [-] 962347;1420025185;adlai;"Reporters sometimes call a few additional sources on their own, like someone adding a few fresh vegetables to a can of soup." http://www.paulgraham.com/submarine.html 962348;1420025186;assbot;The Submarine ... ( http://bit.ly/1AaoO9W ) 962349;1420025336;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2183 @ 0.00115703 = 2.5258 BTC [+] {5} 962350;1420025512;*;adlai was always aware of the PR industry existing, but never thought of it as a separate entity from, even a competitor to, the advertising business 962351;1420026677;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1000 @ 0.00113474 = 1.1347 BTC [-] {9} 962352;1420027958;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11650 @ 0.00064212 = 7.4807 BTC [-] {2} 962353;1420028141;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9150 @ 0.00064202 = 5.8745 BTC [-] 962354;1420028447;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1296 @ 0.00115699 = 1.4995 BTC [+] 962355;1420029300;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16600 @ 0.00064294 = 10.6728 BTC [+] 962356;1420030764;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14655 @ 0.00064192 = 9.4073 BTC [-] {2} 962357;1420031252;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13393 @ 0.00063874 = 8.5546 BTC [-] {2} 962358;1420033265;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1000 @ 0.00113163 = 1.1316 BTC [-] {4} 962359;1420033570;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1000 @ 0.00111932 = 1.1193 BTC [-] {14} 962360;1420033887;adlai;nice. decimation had me check out netagio, and i'm using bitbucket with a client... now all my banner ads are for bitcoin exchanges and analytics services 962361;1420033997;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18800 @ 0.00064409 = 12.1089 BTC [+] {2} 962362;1420035217;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14450 @ 0.00063161 = 9.1268 BTC [-] {2} 962363;1420035949;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13100 @ 0.00066666 = 8.7332 BTC [+] 962364;1420036742;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15700 @ 0.00066666 = 10.4666 BTC [+] 962365;1420037416;scoopbot;New post on Trilema by Mircea Popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/yes-yes-i-can/ 962366;1420038450;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8950 @ 0.00062567 = 5.5997 BTC [-] 962367;1420039000;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8800 @ 0.00062991 = 5.5432 BTC [+] 962368;1420039289;kakobrekla;!up dvsdude 962369;1420039326;dvsdude;happy new year all 962370;1420039357;kakobrekla;likewise 962371;1420039506;dvsdude;i see tat on the tv chat...i think 962372;1420039514;dvsdude;cool 962373;1420039527;TomServo;tv chat? 962374;1420039539;TomServo;oh, tradeview nvm 962375;1420039552;dvsdude;ya 962376;1420039793;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13344 @ 0.00062991 = 8.4055 BTC [+] 962377;1420039891;thestringpuller;haven't seen TaT in here for a minute 962378;1420040180;Apocalyptic;;;seen ThickAsThieves 962379;1420040180;gribble;ThickAsThieves was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 8 weeks, 2 days, 0 hours, 19 minutes, and 36 seconds ago: but you da boss 962380;1420040211;kakobrekla;he ragequit ? 962381;1420040242;Apocalyptic;dunno 962382;1420040255;Apocalyptic;was about to ask if he did take the pankkake's way out 962383;1420040340;thestringpuller;Apocalyptic: that sentence was dramatic. made me visualize some samurai taken prisoner imagery. 962384;1420040361;Apocalyptic;heh 962385;1420040768;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15952 @ 0.00062294 = 9.9371 BTC [-] {2} 962386;1420041988;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2638 @ 0.00050855 = 1.3416 BTC [+] {5} 962387;1420042293;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6938 @ 0.00064845 = 4.4989 BTC [+] 962388;1420042354;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 13300 @ 0.00061449 = 8.1727 BTC [+] {4} 962389;1420042415;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 18765 @ 0.00066648 = 12.5065 BTC [+] {7} 962390;1420042598;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12562 @ 0.00064845 = 8.1458 BTC [+] 962391;1420042659;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18947 @ 0.00066183 = 12.5397 BTC [+] {2} 962392;1420044548;thestringpuller;shout out: "Akon and Young Jeezy, trynna take it easy." 962393;1420044576;asciilifeform;http://cryptome.org/2014/12/gilmore-crypto-censored.htm << mega-lol 962394;1420044577;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1BmcXoF ) 962395;1420044977;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1089 @ 0.00110499 = 1.2033 BTC [+] {3} 962396;1420045038;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2782 @ 0.0011083 = 3.0833 BTC [+] {4} 962397;1420045094;kakobrekla;!s Zaporizhzhya 962398;1420045095;assbot;0 results for 'Zaporizhzhya' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=Zaporizhzhya 962399;1420045235;asciilifeform;!s zaporozhiye 962400;1420045236;assbot;0 results for 'zaporozhiye' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=zaporozhiye 962401;1420045282;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6000 @ 0.00066732 = 4.0039 BTC [+] 962402;1420045465;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 4339 @ 0.00115656 = 5.0183 BTC [+] {7} 962403;1420045775;kakobrekla;http://cdn5.img.sputniknews.com/images/101561/27/1015612776.jpg 962404;1420045777;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1xgp7A0 ) 962405;1420045997;*;asciilifeform full of envy 962406;1420046075;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18885 @ 0.00064474 = 12.1759 BTC [-] {2} 962407;1420046639;thestringpuller;!s from:asciilifeform NIH 962408;1420046640;assbot;0 results for 'from:asciilifeform NIH' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=from%3Aasciilifeform+NIH 962409;1420046644;thestringpuller;hmm 962410;1420046740;kakobrekla;wai envy? 962411;1420046835;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: b/c man living as man was meant to 962412;1420046850;kakobrekla;aha yeah thought so. 962413;1420047356;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 220 @ 0.00660001 = 1.452 BTC [-] 962414;1420047646;thestringpuller;"There's the field that I keep threatening to quit computers for: plumbing. One plumber I dealt with once told me that he makes more than most doctors. Of course, you have to go through a long apprenticeship and journeyman period during which you don't make nearly that much. " 962415;1420047657;thestringpuller;"It's physically difficult work and you will get other people's shit on you, but on the other hand, plumbers contribute more to society than most programmers." 962416;1420048131;mod6;;;seen ben_vulpes 962417;1420048132;gribble;ben_vulpes was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 day, 15 hours, 52 minutes, and 1 second ago: the man goes on vacation and *boom* 962418;1420048193;mod6;;;bc,stats 962419;1420048197;gribble;Current Blocks: 336818 | Current Difficulty: 4.064095501657649E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 338687 | Next Difficulty In: 1869 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 4 days, 19 hours, 53 minutes, and 55 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 43529619539.1 | Estimated Percent Change: 7.10777 962420;1420048226;thestringpuller;chhhyeeeeaaaauuuh 962421;1420048265;mod6;someone kicked their rig back on 962422;1420048271;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20816 @ 0.00061762 = 12.8564 BTC [-] 962423;1420048515;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9965 @ 0.00061778 = 6.1562 BTC [+] 962424;1420048577;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16286 @ 0.00061771 = 10.06 BTC [-] {2} 962425;1420049674;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19600 @ 0.0006319 = 12.3852 BTC [+] 962426;1420049816;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2014/12/bloomberg-fbi-investigating-companies-for-retaliatory-cyber-attacks/ 962427;1420051333;TomServo;I'm surprised ol' Brucey Bruce isn't parroting the "OMG NK!!1" line. 962428;1420051338;TomServo;https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2014/12/more_data_on_at.html 962429;1420051340;assbot;Schneier on Security: More Data on Attributing the Sony Attack ... ( http://bit.ly/1vGxGzX ) 962430;1420052435;mod6;haha Jason saw a landing strip 962431;1420052480;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14000 @ 0.00065479 = 9.1671 BTC [+] {2} 962432;1420053883;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 17 @ 0.11757088 = 1.9987 BTC [-] {8} 962433;1420053964;BingoBoingo;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B6NM9z4IcAIt_BW.jpg 962434;1420053965;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1AilE5g ) 962435;1420054981;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1030 @ 0.00103654 = 1.0676 BTC [-] {5} 962436;1420055043;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9965 @ 0.00064313 = 6.4088 BTC [-] 962437;1420055469;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6527 @ 0.00064313 = 4.1977 BTC [-] 962438;1420055499;asciilifeform;http://pastebin.com/nePk6sXM << lol 962439;1420055500;assbot;.libs/libgcrypt.so.18.0: warning: stpcpy() is dangerous GNU crap; don't use it - Pastebin.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1Aio8Rg ) 962440;1420056235;xanthyos;https://pbs.twimg.com/tweet_video/B6NEK4BIIAAugAj.mp4 962441;1420056236;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1AipjjH ) 962442;1420058032;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5941 @ 0.0006377 = 3.7886 BTC [-] 962443;1420058291;cazalla;xanthyos, another cop beating? 962444;1420058459;BingoBoingo;scoopbot -fetch 962445;1420058884;xanthyos;hi BingoBoingo 962446;1420058896;BingoBoingo;Hi xanthyos 962447;1420058906;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2014/12/2014-story-of-the-year-mt-gox-finally-dies/ 962448;1420058906;assbot;2014 Story of the Year: Mt Gox Finally Dies | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1B5Tgnd ) 962449;1420059182;ben_vulpes;gossip from the glider club: guys in construction (yachts etc) are talking about 5% cogs increases every month for the past 33 962450;1420059184;ben_vulpes;3* 962451;1420059198;ben_vulpes;and also the increasing difficulty of finding capable labor. 962452;1420059773;TomServo;!up binaryatrocity 962453;1420061752;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17150 @ 0.00063078 = 10.8179 BTC [-] {2} 962454;1420061785;cazalla;ah scoopbot must be out partying.. http://qntra.net/2014/12/the-bitcoin-network-regains-positive-momentum-as-it-enters-2015/ 962455;1420061786;assbot;The Bitcoin Network Regains Positive Momentum As It Enters 2015. | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1wC5Bcm ) 962456;1420063765;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10218 @ 0.0006377 = 6.516 BTC [+] 962457;1420064192;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11100 @ 0.00066189 = 7.347 BTC [+] {2} 962458;1420064680;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1750 @ 0.00109953 = 1.9242 BTC [+] {4} 962459;1420067587;thestringpuller;cazalla: around? 962460;1420067598;cazalla;thestringpuller, of course 962461;1420068645;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29441 @ 0.0006651 = 19.5812 BTC [+] {2} 962462;1420069377;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2730 @ 0.00110001 = 3.003 BTC [+] {2} 962463;1420069804;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 191 @ 0.00717536 = 1.3705 BTC [+] {3} 962464;1420069865;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 138 @ 0.00729988 = 1.0074 BTC [+] {7} 962465;1420069902;xanthyos;;;RATE danielpbarron -1 BAD ATTITUDE 962466;1420069903;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating for user danielpbarron has changed from 3 to -1. 962467;1420070170;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 214 @ 0.00729992 = 1.5622 BTC [+] {6} 962468;1420070314;xanthyos;;;RAET danielpbarron 3 FINE. 962469;1420070314;gribble;Error: "RAET" is not a valid command. 962470;1420070319;xanthyos;;;RATE danielpbarron 3 FINE. 962471;1420070320;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating for user danielpbarron has changed from -1 to 3. 962472;1420070353;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2158 @ 0.00114902 = 2.4796 BTC [+] {5}