906215;1414800092;adlai;+mircea_popescu | but i tell you, when you can't tell a mvp from a fake vietnamese boot the whole thing's dead in the water. << in high school, each year the MVP of the girl's field hockey team was... all the seniors on the field hockey team, together 906216;1414800125;mircea_popescu;im sure they grew up to be some pretty amazing, totally unskilled twats. 906217;1414800125;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 906218;1414800138;adlai;also, teams had two, three, even in some cases FOUR co-captains 906219;1414800232;adlai;it's scary to think that my high school classmates are now "grown up" and have real responsibilities in the world 906220;1414800253;mircea_popescu;they aren't and they don't. 906221;1414800256;mircea_popescu;but anyway, bbs 906222;1414800569;Apocalyptic; Apocalyptic: very sad. where will we trade ATC nao? // i guess you're back to OTC trading for some time, seeing how unsuccessful was thickasthieves to get other exchanges to list it 906223;1414800667;mats_cd03;ain't dead yet. 906224;1414800997;thestringpuller;http://i.imgur.com/HCwuYdx.jpg << bitcoin core developers in a meeting 906225;1414802292;mike_c;you crazy slovakians.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzYb68qXpD0 906226;1414802293;assbot;AeroMobil 3.0 - official video - YouTube 906227;1414802685;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8400 @ 0.00073419 = 6.1672 BTC [-] {2} 906228;1414802821;thestringpuller;!up jacoblyles 906229;1414802949;thestringpuller;it's amazing how trick or treaters are declining cause parents don't let their children eat candy these days 906230;1414802949;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 906231;1414803236;adlai;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-10-2014#880285 << actually wasn't that close to what I was thinking of, but thanks for recommending the series 906232;1414803236;assbot;Logged on 17-10-2014 16:38:20; ThickAsThieves: adlai watch The Black Mirror ep 2 906233;1414805127;cazalla;http://qntra.net/2014/11/poynt-smart-payment-terminal-accepts-bitcoin-payments/ 906234;1414805128;assbot;Poynt Smart Payment Terminal Accepts Bitcoin Payments | Qntra.net 906235;1414805826;mircea_popescu;!up someguy_1 906236;1414805838;someguy_1;greetings 906237;1414805892;ben_vulpes;ohai 906238;1414805904;ben_vulpes;how many dollars is a quarter of a bitcoin? 906239;1414805918;mircea_popescu;lol what still ? 906240;1414806625;mats_cd03;trick or treaters are declining because parents are afraid of kidnappings and razor blades in le candy 906241;1414806697;mircea_popescu;or because when food is supplied in the trough there's no point to social contact 906242;1414806709;mircea_popescu;i've never seen cows or sheep trick-or-treat either. 906243;1414806739;cazalla;mats_cd03, it's on the increase here, retailers want those sales 906244;1414806900;Pierre_Rochard;I’m curious to know what JSON-RPC will be replaced by? http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2014#901505 906245;1414806900;assbot;Logged on 29-10-2014 04:46:15; asciilifeform: e.g., json rpc 906246;1414807031;thestringpuller;chetty still awake? 906247;1414807079;thestringpuller;Pierre_Rochard: Do people use that? It's really insecure as is. 906248;1414807138;Pierre_Rochard;thestringpuller: just used it to generate a bunch of public addresses. Is it insecure if you’re just using it on localhost? 906249;1414807147;mircea_popescu;Pierre_Rochard not really decided, maybe fcntl(O_NONBLOCK) / pipes sort of thing 906250;1414807217;Pierre_Rochard;mircea_popescu: I see. Doing things the unix way would be a nice change 906251;1414807968;thestringpuller;Pierre_Rochard: I've never run it with RPC remote on. I just feed it the commands from cmd line. 906252;1414808039;Pierre_Rochard;thestringpuller: ah, feeding the responses into a python script sped things up for me 906253;1414808419;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7051 @ 0.00073512 = 5.1833 BTC [+] 906254;1414809083;ben_vulpes;i picked up a cheap argentime malbec import 906255;1414809089;*;ben_vulpes is so excited 906256;1414809100;ben_vulpes;wistful, misses home-that-would-be 906257;1414809188;mircea_popescu;hehe you;'re young yet, and argentina's still going towards its prime. 906258;1414809207;mircea_popescu;dumbasses here still going on about how it's either "patria" or "financial groups" 906259;1414809254;ben_vulpes;i'll start the transfer process in earnest after the next round of food riots. 906260;1414809283;mircea_popescu;i dismissed a dumbass real estate agent earlier in the terms of "stupid bitch, i'm not a fucking tourist, i'm here to rape you not to be raped by you clueless worthless lot. get lost and come back when you've got that". she was genuinely surprised. 906261;1414809295;mircea_popescu;thought we're like, "professional" or something. 906262;1414809329;mircea_popescu;anyway, it'll be a year or two i guess. 906263;1414809398;ben_vulpes;in other news, the girl blew up the crockpot and lit the stove on fire today 906264;1414809446;mircea_popescu;so now only the dog gets to eat anymore ? 906265;1414809468;assbot;Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/1Z0N1AR.txt ) 906266;1414809468;thestringpuller;!b 2 906267;1414809494;mircea_popescu;i was going to send you a pack of biscuits, peanut for the dog, chocolate for the fox. none for you, ofcourse, as men don't need to eat. sadly thestringpuller doesn't seem ready to take orders still. 906268;1414809526;ben_vulpes;we'll sup on your good wishes. 906269;1414809650;ben_vulpes;hold fast there was photographic evidence 906270;1414809671;mircea_popescu;of my good wishes ? LIES! 906271;1414809684;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: neither does NSA. ;) 906272;1414809689;thestringpuller;is* 906273;1414809696;mircea_popescu;indeed. 906274;1414809732;ben_vulpes;http://i.imgur.com/OSoMZM8.jpg 906275;1414809809;mircea_popescu;wow that was flame rated ?! 906276;1414809832;ben_vulpes;what do you mean by 'flame rated'? 906277;1414809925;mircea_popescu;well, recipients that resist heat can either be oven rated or flame rated, and generally what's safe to heatr in the oven is not safe to heat on a burner 906278;1414809969;ben_vulpes;oh so let's delve for aoment 906279;1414809982;ben_vulpes;crock pots are not rated for either oven or flame usage. 906280;1414810008;ben_vulpes;low-temp resistance heater is the story there 906281;1414810036;mircea_popescu;oh twas a slow cooker ? 906282;1414810055;ben_vulpes;lady love darling sweet BRILLIANT woman put this VERY THICK and also UNRATED CERAMIC object onto a no-limit resistive heater. 906283;1414810060;mircea_popescu;doesn't that come with a water thing ? 906284;1414810064;ben_vulpes;yes. 906285;1414810066;ben_vulpes;yes, it does. 906286;1414810068;mircea_popescu;lol nm 906287;1414810083;mircea_popescu;i thought you were actually using high performance chemistry gear in the house. for some reason. 906288;1414810089;mircea_popescu;i dunno what reason that may be o.O 906289;1414810090;ben_vulpes;lol come now 906290;1414810099;ben_vulpes;this is the united states of america. 906291;1414810103;ben_vulpes;none of that is available. 906292;1414810112;ben_vulpes;and i divested myself of all the like years ago. 906293;1414810128;ben_vulpes;you know. 906294;1414810131;ben_vulpes;my fancy cooking equipment. 906295;1414810139;ben_vulpes;anweyas. 906296;1414810141;ben_vulpes;anywyas* 906297;1414810145;ben_vulpes;anyways* 906298;1414810168;ben_vulpes;this provided an excellent opportunity to shop this image around to everyone i know 'cause "lol thanks babe we all had a good laugh at that one" 906299;1414810196;ben_vulpes;and also a lesson in geometric heat distribution. 906300;1414810233;ben_vulpes;the problem was not actually that a non-rated object went on the burner, but that sweet love put a chicken leg into the hot oil and the local stresses exceeded the crystal's bond strength. 906301;1414810260;mircea_popescu;lol so wait, she made a hot oil kitchentop bomb ? 906302;1414810267;mircea_popescu;!s oil legs wife 906303;1414810267;assbot;0 results for 'oil legs wife' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=oil+legs+wife 906304;1414810273;mircea_popescu;dude no way it';s in the logs. 906305;1414810298;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-10-2014#870472 906306;1414810298;assbot;Logged on 13-10-2014 04:40:59; mircea_popescu: doctor spent like three hours extracting hot oil and glass shards from her crack and legs 906307;1414810347;mircea_popescu;~~~ ben_vulpes:ain't no training going to fix that kind of stupid ~~~ 906308;1414810350;mircea_popescu;nao what vulpsy. 906309;1414810375;*;ben_vulpes sighs 906310;1414810386;mircea_popescu;materials physics can be taught 906311;1414810391;mircea_popescu;it's arid, but it can be done. 906312;1414810392;ben_vulpes;the worlds edge cases are numerous. 906313;1414810410;ben_vulpes;and yes they've been taught. 906314;1414810436;ben_vulpes;or perhaps more accurately, another edge case has been brought to light. 906315;1414810455;mircea_popescu;maybe you need stan to rewrite the os/proc designs/world 906316;1414810462;ben_vulpes;i'd liken this one to an iptables fuckup 906317;1414810485;ben_vulpes;whereas the "hot oil in cold dish" is more along the lines of sudo rm -rf / 906318;1414810488;ben_vulpes;"oops" 906319;1414810517;mircea_popescu;this is true. 906320;1414810543;mircea_popescu;also a matter of volume. casual handling of half a gallon of boiling oil != one chicken leg. 906321;1414810569;ben_vulpes;one bespeaks a fundamental failure to understand the mechanisms at play, the other a poor grasp of thermal inertia and the concept of localized heat stresses. 906322;1414810589;ben_vulpes;which to be fair to the poor art student, is a subtlety of the practice. 906323;1414810630;mircea_popescu;o wait, the original vulpe's an art student ?! what's she make ? 906324;1414810644;ben_vulpes;oh it goes fair deep 906325;1414810660;ben_vulpes;immediately after hs she ran the kids program at an art museum 906326;1414810662;mike_c;doh, x-bt going away? 906327;1414810670;ben_vulpes;then toured the states as a slam poet 906328;1414810722;ben_vulpes;blah blah blah, years pass 906329;1414810723;mircea_popescu;a.... slam poet ?! 906330;1414810734;ben_vulpes;lolya 906331;1414810740;ben_vulpes;food and bed paid for 906332;1414810743;mircea_popescu;dude is a female slam poet anything other than a hooker ?! 906333;1414810755;ben_vulpes;although how many beds were actually "paid" for is anyone's guess 906334;1414810760;mircea_popescu;i mean, isn't it just what hookers say to the cops, like the guy caught pissing in public pulls the bladder condition ? 906335;1414810785;ben_vulpes;girl's transpo and food and lodging was paid for by places 906336;1414810792;ben_vulpes;won some local competitions 906337;1414810801;ben_vulpes;not my field, so i can't really speak to any of it. 906338;1414810813;mircea_popescu;;;ud transpo 906339;1414810813;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=OC%20Transpo | OC Transpo. A Ottawa bus service who is heartless and goes on stike right in the middle of xmas. To ruin all good times for every one and end the hopes of ... 906340;1414810821;ben_vulpes;transportation. 906341;1414810829;mircea_popescu;oh because you're... canadian ?! 906342;1414810840;ben_vulpes;no. 906343;1414810841;mircea_popescu;aanyways! go on, this is turning into a fascinating tale. 906344;1414810846;ben_vulpes;what else 906345;1414810847;ben_vulpes;oh yeah 906346;1414810854;ben_vulpes; blah blah blah, years pass 906347;1414810877;ben_vulpes;we meet in a nonfiction writing class 906348;1414810879;ben_vulpes;more years pass 906349;1414810893;mircea_popescu;why was she taking nonfiction ? 906350;1414810901;ben_vulpes;she comes to pdx to study some kind of "installation art" at the local bezzletron art school 906351;1414810935;ben_vulpes;same reason as i; to practice writing under someone with a cane 906352;1414810938;ben_vulpes;no wait that's wrong 906353;1414810941;ben_vulpes;she was there for credits 906354;1414810943;ben_vulpes;i was there for the cane 906355;1414811020;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes tell you what. tell the woman she's been served. 906356;1414811038;mircea_popescu;she shows up here, has a poetry slam with hannah, whichever wins gets a shiny bitcoin. 906357;1414811042;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6262 @ 0.00073354 = 4.5934 BTC [-] 906358;1414811051;mircea_popescu;you name a judge, i name a judge, they name a third judge and then they score them. 906359;1414811127;ben_vulpes;that chapter's more or less closed. 906360;1414811139;ben_vulpes;private performances etc. 906361;1414811146;ben_vulpes;private performances *only*. 906362;1414811158;mircea_popescu;o.O 906363;1414811171;mircea_popescu;you gotta replace the pot don';t you ? 906364;1414811204;ben_vulpes;lol crock ain't a 1btc affair 906365;1414811226;mircea_popescu;so buy a dozen. 906366;1414811404;ben_vulpes;⥀.⥀ 906367;1414811730;ben_vulpes;hacks: http://www.foodandwine.com/assets/images/gnocchi-cutting-for-HP.gif/variations/original.gif 906368;1414811990;ben_vulpes;turdmeisters: what am i to do with tests? bitcoin 0.8+ has them in qa/rpc-tests 906369;1414812113;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform, mod6: ^^ 906370;1414812173;ben_vulpes;(busted crock aside, the coq au vin is coming along nicely) 906371;1414812980;mircea_popescu;http://oglaf.com/night-shame/ 906372;1414812980;assbot;night of shame 906373;1414817824;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuvUaFp_qMQ 906374;1414817824;assbot;Classical orchestra eating the worlds hottest chili peppers ... - YouTube 906375;1414818850;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16750 @ 0.00073618 = 12.331 BTC [+] {2} 906376;1414820049;mircea_popescu;!up PwrSrg 906377;1414821534;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3550 @ 0.00073763 = 2.6186 BTC [+] 906378;1414821776;cazalla;http://qntra.net/2014/11/price-fluctuations-and-the-use-of-bitcoin-an-empirical-inquiry/ 906379;1414821776;assbot;Price Fluctuations And The Use Of Bitcoin: An Empirical Inquiry | Qntra.net 906380;1414823059;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10850 @ 0.00073763 = 8.0033 BTC [+] 906381;1414825413;thestringpuller;!up donpillou 906382;1414825576;ben_vulpes;!up Vexual 906383;1414825589;ben_vulpes;good evening, Vexual 906384;1414825967;Vexual;hi ben 906385;1414826057;Vexual;is there a new crockpot with instructions fund? that was funny 906386;1414826331;thestringpuller;is this real deedBot ? 906387;1414826336;thestringpuller;!up deedBot 906388;1414830501;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7766 @ 0.00079714 = 6.1906 BTC [+] 906389;1414834431;Naphex;https://i.imgur.com/hPb06Eg.png 906390;1414834771;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5300 @ 0.00079368 = 4.2065 BTC [-] 906391;1414836967;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5072 @ 0.00079368 = 4.0255 BTC [-] 906392;1414841054;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9786 @ 0.00079221 = 7.7526 BTC [-] 906393;1414841431;mats_cd03;meow 906394;1414841481;mats_cd03;so many soccer moms and scantily dressed lolis last night 906395;1414841492;mats_cd03;america is a weird place man 906396;1414841529;mats_cd03;no tits on tv but your 12 year old can walk around with her ass hangin out on halloween 906397;1414844165;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4950 @ 0.00078571 = 3.8893 BTC [-] 906398;1414845138;bounce;"sexy walmart mom" costume? 906399;1414846274;chetty;someone explain to me how all those feminists justify putting little girls scanty costumes? 906400;1414846755;gabriel_laddel;;; google site: http://thelastpsychiatrist.com/ no self-respecting woman without make up 906401;1414846755;assbot;The Last Psychiatrist 906402;1414846755;gribble;No Self-Respecting Woman Would Go Out Without Make Up: ; The Last Psychiatrist: ; The Last Psychiatrist Archives: 906403;1414847133;thickasthieves;;;rated apocalyptic 906404;1414847133;gribble;You have not yet rated user apocalyptic 906405;1414847194;thickasthieves;;;rate Apocalyptic 2 ATC support at x-bt.com, shut down without drama 906406;1414847195;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 2 for user Apocalyptic has been recorded. 906407;1414847215;thickasthieves;now wtf to do with all these altoshis 906408;1414847570;jurov;thickasthieves: i have atc version of coinroll, you can have some fun :DDD 906409;1414847695;thickasthieves;would need atc/btc on coinbr or sumth tho 906410;1414847719;jurov;what? 906411;1414847731;thickasthieves;well what do i do with all my ATC once i win them all? 906412;1414847740;thickasthieves;stand on them and roaR? 906413;1414847760;jurov;that's as good as anything 906414;1414847763;thickasthieves;hehe 906415;1414847780;jurov;be sure to take a photo 906416;1414847860;thickasthieves;still some people mining it 906417;1414847872;thickasthieves;280gh 906418;1414847903;thickasthieves;thats like one whole BFL Monarch 906419;1414848130;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3650 @ 0.00078594 = 2.8687 BTC [+] 906420;1414849472;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11850 @ 0.00078594 = 9.3134 BTC [+] 906421;1414853117;adlai;"BitShares Music will be the first blockchain to be used by the masses" just shut up and take my money! 906422;1414853257;adlai;http://bitsharesmusicfoundation.org/assets/files/legal/Notes-Sale-Agreement.pdf ahaha looks like somebody got a lawyer 906423;1414853864;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8164 @ 0.00078819 = 6.4348 BTC [+] 906424;1414853894;kakobrekla;also note who the receiver is http://bitsharesmusicfoundation.org/assets/images/misc/titan.jpg 906425;1414855267;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2721 @ 0.00079079 = 2.1517 BTC [+] 906426;1414855328;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1355 @ 0.00079067 = 1.0714 BTC [-] 906427;1414859171;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8324 @ 0.00079067 = 6.5815 BTC [-] 906428;1414859537;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5450 @ 0.00079259 = 4.3196 BTC [+] 906429;1414860183;dignork;adlai: bitsharemusic borrowed text from ethereum: http://dpaste.com/3CY9250 906430;1414860184;assbot;dpaste: 3CY9250 906431;1414860442;*;adlai reveals himself as having not even read the materials associated with ether 906432;1414860496;dignork;adlai: me neither, but this part seemed odd, so i googgled it. 906433;1414860539;adlai;what about it seems odd, it's perfectly reasonable for the people selling these things to fear for their asses and get old-fashioned legal advice 906434;1414860768;dignork;oh, the part of "additional processing power" seemed irrelevant to music foundation 906435;1414861152;jurov;maybe it's mining botnet in disguise 906436;1414861395;kakobrekla;it is i, le buttnet. 906437;1414861554;ben_vulpes;adlai are you getting nerdsniped by scamchains again? 906438;1414861616;adlai;reading up a little about WoL now, so you could say so :P 906439;1414861643;ben_vulpes;ka zing 906440;1414861855;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2768 @ 0.00078769 = 2.1803 BTC [-] {3} 906441;1414862099;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3650 @ 0.00078486 = 2.8647 BTC [-] 906442;1414862699;ben_vulpes;"I would like to inform anybody involved in this kinda thing, that there's a maximum penalty of $100,000, one-year in jail, or both," Phil Bradford, an FCC spokesman, told a reporter the following day. 906443;1414862722;ben_vulpes;phil doesn't quite get the notion of a maxmum, i warrant. 906444;1414863140;ben_vulpes;mats_cd03: it's too cold and wet around here for anything approaching a bacchanal 906445;1414863238;BingoBoingo;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2014/10/31/atc-closing-statement/ 906446;1414863239;assbot;ATC Closing Statement | Bingo Blog 906447;1414863563;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5877 @ 0.00078312 = 4.6024 BTC [-] 906448;1414863568;BingoBoingo;^ Note the update. 906449;1414863823;mircea_popescu;good mornin 906450;1414863936;jurov;evening 906451;1414863953;mircea_popescu;that also. 906452;1414864463;BingoBoingo;%t 906453;1414864466;atcbot;[X-BT] Bid: 9 Ask: 130 Last Price: 41 24h-Vol: 463k High: 55 Low: 41 VWAP: 47 906454;1414865862;mircea_popescu;hey, who were the muppets that closed recently, claiming they were spending 9k/month on servers among other thiungs ? qntra reported it 906455;1414866215;mircea_popescu;moolah.io ty. 906456;1414866234;jurov;was going to say bitcoinbourse.eu but they're still up 906457;1414866257;jurov;(cue: Buy: 0.00 € Sell: 0.00 € ) 906458;1414866352;mircea_popescu;so no pinguirker replacement sitll huh. 906459;1414866371;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/mpex-smpoe-october-2014-statement/ 906460;1414866371;assbot;MPEx (S.MPOE) October 2014 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 906461;1414866417;thestringpuller;wow that's early 906462;1414866430;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8851 @ 0.00078613 = 6.958 BTC [+] 906463;1414866440;mircea_popescu;1st neh ? 906464;1414866470;mircea_popescu;mats_cd03: so many soccer moms and scantily dressed lolis last night << where ? 906465;1414866502;mircea_popescu;Naphex: https://i.imgur.com/hPb06Eg.png <<< lol derpowiki page, seems oddly appropriate. 906466;1414866530;gernika;Regarding http://trilema.com/2014/a-complete-theory-of-economics/, would the use of a Nash Equilibrium that does not rely on third parties mitigate the problem of the long con? 906467;1414866530;assbot;Page not found pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 906468;1414866562;mircea_popescu;gernika you'll have to go into detail. make me a sample scenario ? 906469;1414866646;mircea_popescu;chetty: someone explain to me how all those feminists justify putting little girls scanty costumes? << "all men are pedophiles and rapists because the only feminine females left around are under 16 yo because we educate little girls to act like lolis and then after puberty we try and make them into obnoxious whales" ? 906470;1414866666;mircea_popescu;just takin' a shot. 906471;1414866690;mircea_popescu;thickasthieves: stand on them and roaR? << lol! 906472;1414866735;mircea_popescu;adlai: ahaha looks like somebody got a lawyer << and yet fucktards STILL use pdfs. sigh. 906473;1414866783;mircea_popescu;dignork: adlai: me neither, but this part seemed odd, so i googgled it. << such lmao. "hey, two bitcoin scams are the only things google could find online that used the same broken logic dressed in the same approximative verbiage. WHY COULD THS BE ?!?!?!" 906474;1414866818;mircea_popescu;clearly it's because ethereum was like all respectable and took like actual investment, rather than just pretending on both scores. 906475;1414866867;adlai;took/look? 906476;1414866885;mircea_popescu;no, took. from to take investment. mebbe needed a comma in there 906477;1414866933;mircea_popescu;"he fucked, like, a real woman" valley girl speak as opposed to "he fucked a real woman" nohomo bro speak 906478;1414866946;adlai;right right 906479;1414867003;mircea_popescu;"I would like to inform anybody involved in this kinda thing, that there's a maximum penalty of $100,000, one-year in jail, or both," Phil Bradford, an FCC spokesman, told a reporter the following day." << also appears on two spots on the interwebs. vice.com and b-a logs. thanks to the power of logic we now know ben_vulpes writes for motherboard. 906480;1414867040;mircea_popescu;AND I PISS ON THIS LOG. show me your honor, log! 906481;1414867057;chetty; chetty: someone explain to me how all those feminists justify putting little girls scanty costumes? << "all men are pedophiles and rapists because the only feminine females left around are under 16 yo because we educate little girls to act like lolis and then after puberty we try and make them into obnoxious whales" ?// ?? we is all men? interesting and does explain much but still doesn't explain the mommy behavior dressing them 906482;1414867058;chetty;like that 906483;1414867103;jurov;moms project theri desires into daughters? 906484;1414867119;mircea_popescu;you don't understand how thw world works. "mom" would like a place to drop off the kid while she does "other things". (no, i don't mean fucking. if only. i mean going around shitty clothes shops in the mall and feeling each individual item buyt not buying anything, then hitting the food court) 906485;1414867137;mircea_popescu;so they offer this service, "drop off your kids for an afternoon and get five double cheeseburger mchappy meals" 906486;1414867178;gernika;mircea_popescu for example, Alice builds up a good reputation in the WoT. Then in some large transaction Alice absconds with Bob's BTC and fails to deliver the goods. If the same transaction were instead executed in such a way that if either party fails to deliver, both Alice and Bob would lose an amount of btc equal to the value of the item being purchased, would that then prevent Alice from sacrificing her WoT rating to 906487;1414867179;gernika;cheat someone in a large transaction? 906488;1414867248;mircea_popescu;gernika the case you're proposing is already out of scope, because the wot is intended to be used with middle transactions. so if alice trades 100 btc a month for two years, trusting alice with 200 in one go is okay. trusting her with 5k is absurd, 906489;1414867255;mircea_popescu;and in fact reduces to a not-using-wot situation. 906490;1414867269;chetty;gernika, what does wot have to do with that? everyday common trust question 906491;1414867295;mircea_popescu;basically you're saying "if people weren't using the wot how could their actions not impact the wot'. well... they already don't. 906492;1414867368;mircea_popescu;just to make sure we're on the same page here, have you read http://trilema.com/2014/what-the-wot-is-for-how-it-works-and-how-to-use-it/ ? 906493;1414867368;assbot;What the WoT is for, how it works and how to use it. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 906494;1414867447;jurov;!mpif 906495;1414867448;assbot;BtcAlpha.com F.MPIF Tracker estimated NAV per share: 0.00021818 B (Total: 477.11 B). Delta: -0.38 B. Last trade for F.MPIF on MPEX was at 0.000195 BTC [-] 906496;1414867456;jurov;!t m f.mpif 906497;1414867456;assbot;[MPEX:F.MPIF] 1D: 0.000195 / 0.000195 / 0.000195 (274 shares, 0.05 BTC), 7D: 0.000195 / 0.000195 / 0.000195 (274 shares, 0.05 BTC), 30D: 0.000195 / 0.00019715 / 0.00020614 (47439 shares, 9.35 BTC) 906498;1414867567;mats_cd03;mircea_popescu: cambridge 906499;1414867584;mircea_popescu;hm ? 906500;1414867619;mats_cd03;14:27:58 <+mircea_popescu> mats_cd03: so many soccer moms and scantily dressed lolis last night << where ? 906501;1414867631;mircea_popescu;oh oh 906502;1414867652;gernika;mircea_popescu Ah ok. Got it. Didn't think about how people would evaluate the WoT differently for different magnitudes of transactions. It actually does help with the long con problem. So one could do 50 1 btw transactions, then steal the last btc, but that's about all. Yes I've read what-the-wot... 906503;1414867664;mircea_popescu;you mean lolis as in freshman, 19yo womenz mats_cd03 ?! 906504;1414867668;gernika;s/btw/btc 906505;1414867695;mats_cd03;no i mean 12 year olds, girls 906506;1414867700;mircea_popescu;gernika well, one could put the time in to build himself and steal some, but the idea is that he wouldn't really manage to steal more than what not stealing is worth on a discouinted basis for him. 906507;1414867705;mats_cd03;altho there were plenty of freshmen walking around 906508;1414867720;mircea_popescu;which is why people who pretend to trade but aren't in the wot, and ESPECIALLY people who pretend to raise capital/issue equity but have no experience whatsoever are suspect. 906509;1414867730;mircea_popescu;they HAVE TO BE frauds, pure and simple, there's no logical alternative. 906510;1414867744;mircea_popescu;mats_cd03 da fuck are 12yos doing on campus anyway 906511;1414867745;mats_cd03;things overheard last night: 'we should find some MIT guys, they're, like, going to rule the world. but, really!' 906512;1414867809;mats_cd03;i was in a few residential neighborhoods close-ish to somerville, so... kids 906513;1414867815;mircea_popescu;ah ah 906514;1414867840;mircea_popescu;isn't it fucking cold in east fucking anglia, nov 1st ? 906515;1414867878;gernika;mircea_popescu So in order for someone to get rated for a more valuable interaction than they have ever participated in before, someone else always needs to take a risk, correct? 906516;1414867899;mircea_popescu;gernika exaclty, and in wot-terms he makes a trust donation to the wot and to his partner. 906517;1414867909;mats_cd03;it was ~40F, plenty warm enough. chicks around here walk around in shirts and a belt in january, ~15F, on friday nights 906518;1414867924;mircea_popescu;gernika the situation being exactly equivalent to when they first joined the wot, had no ratings. 906519;1414867932;mats_cd03;getting laid is more important than warmth. 906520;1414867932;mircea_popescu;because in practical terms, they DO have no ratings, for that level. 906521;1414868006;mircea_popescu;mats_cd03 in fairness, i dun think it's sluttiness, i think its simple use. you should see the chicks here, it rained two days ago, it was like... i dunno, 18 instead of 23 celsisus ? COATS! shivering! everyone destroyed omg it's so cold. 906522;1414868013;gernika;mircea_popescu Would a nash equilibrium based exchange in THAT case be of use? Or would it nullify the donation to the wot? 906523;1414868048;mircea_popescu;gernika it seems to me the wot is already generating it's own equilibrium, not clear to me what you mean by "nash equilibrium based exchange" 906524;1414868052;mircea_popescu;we're back to give me an example. 906525;1414868138;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2999 @ 0.00079134 = 2.3732 BTC [+] 906526;1414868140;mircea_popescu;http://oglaf.com/weirdwoman/ << every wise old hag starts out in life like this 906527;1414868141;assbot;the Weird Woman 906528;1414868565;mircea_popescu;http://media.oglaf.com/loglines/flight-mode.gif 906529;1414868849;mircea_popescu;http://oglaf.com/delivery/ << bwahhah chetty, were you asking about the mothers ? there's the mother! 906530;1414868850;assbot;delivery 906531;1414868876;mircea_popescu;i seriously think that comic pretty much illustrates the mental process of the libertard us female. she has a little girl that grows up to be a man 906532;1414868879;mircea_popescu;that takes it in the ass. 906533;1414868894;gernika;mircea_popescu So in a case where two parties have no information about each other (which is essentially the same as when one party is in the WoT and one isn't, or when one party wants to do a trade they're not rated for), a nash equilibrium allows a way to incentivize both parties to complete the transaction faithfully by forcing both parties to risk the value of the item being traded contingent on the trade being completed 906534;1414868894;gernika;successfully. It would work like this: Alice wants to sell her gold for btc. She puts 1 oz of gold worth of btc in Chad's basket. Bob puts 2 oz. of gold worth of btc in Chad's basket. Alice gives Bob her gold. Bob refuses to give Alice her 1 oz of gold worth of btc. Chad threatens to throw his basket over the cliff. Bob reluctantly give alice 1 oz of gold worth of btc. Chad gives everyone back their stuff from the 906535;1414868894;gernika;basket. 906536;1414868928;mircea_popescu;you're describing an escrow. 906537;1414868977;gernika;Well, an escrow that doesn't make any decision in the event of a dispute except to say both parties are out their escrow. 906538;1414868978;mircea_popescu;if that's what you mean best call it escrow, because the bitcoin crowd (esp here) is highly technical and the nash reference sends people mentally exploring large swaths of math theory. 906539;1414868991;mircea_popescu;right. that's how escrow actually works. "come back when you agree" 906540;1414869006;mircea_popescu;anyway! this is how services such as localbitcoins work. 906541;1414869011;gernika;Also, this escrow can be done without a third party 906542;1414869021;mircea_popescu;the problem are all the edge cases. did you catch that discussion in the logs, as to what localbitcoins is vulnerable to ? 906543;1414869023;gernika;via multisig transactions 906544;1414869047;mircea_popescu;no, it can not, because you can't multisig dollars, or bars of gold. 906545;1414869124;gernika;But you don't need to. The seller puts the value of their item in btc in escrow. The buyer puts double the value of the item in btc in escrow. 906546;1414869160;mircea_popescu;o.O 906547;1414869177;gernika;The seller then ships the item. 906548;1414869181;mircea_popescu;are you aware that trade as-is is credit-supported so people don't actually need to put up even the actual value of the items ? 906549;1414869191;mircea_popescu;that's why international trade happens on the basis of locs and so forth. 906550;1414869194;mircea_popescu;you're going the other wa 906551;1414869332;gernika;I have seen discussion of that on Trilema, I believe. Doesn't that arrangement depend on a trusted third party? The creditor? 906552;1414869349;mircea_popescu;yes. 906553;1414869389;mircea_popescu;gernika let me illustrate the problem of trust and the limits of the universe to you with a risque comic. 906554;1414869391;mircea_popescu;here it is : http://oglaf.com/homecoming/ 906555;1414869391;assbot;homecoming 906556;1414869452;mircea_popescu;now, in this comic, trudy cooper makes the excellent point that resources are scarce, whereas trust cheap. 906557;1414869474;mircea_popescu;so, in any practical situaiton, a solution that relies on trust will outperform a solution that relies on expenditure. 906558;1414869724;gernika;Hmm yes. Trust *is* cheap. 906559;1414869772;mircea_popescu;now, fucking could consist of the girl getting another cock and the guy getting another cunt to sit and watch them while they do it. 906560;1414869786;mircea_popescu;this wasteful system has actually been implemented in practice, it's what victorian england was all about 906561;1414869798;mircea_popescu;HOWEVER it is not a stable solution. because wasteful, fundamentally. 906562;1414869939;[]bot;Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "Billion dollar bet?" http://bitbet.us/bet/1047/ Odds: 21(Y):79(N) by coin, 22(Y):78(N) by weight. Total bet: 9.67715114 BTC. Current weight: 73,639. 906563;1414870054;gernika;I suppose in my mind I conflated being forced to trust certain third parties (my "elected" representative, my bank, the Federal Reserve) and voluntarily trusting random ebay sellers. 906564;1414870131;mircea_popescu;http://pastebin.com/PnsGiZ2A <<< dude... this is just what i do. i save the people who save people from FIRE 906565;1414870131;assbot;Subject: Re: You've been hacked. From: * Date: Sat, November 1, 2014 2:55 - Pastebin.com 906566;1414870159;mircea_popescu;gernika yeah, forced trust is no trust at all. 906567;1414870176;mircea_popescu;which is why the entire democratic blabla about "social contracts" and whatnot is so laughable. 906568;1414870208;mircea_popescu;"o hey, you're part of a contract you enver signed lol!" 906569;1414870245;bounce;Y U SUCH HAXX0R 906570;1414870266;mircea_popescu;bounce nah, see, most recend attempt at ddosing qntra used a large number of broken-into websites. 906571;1414870270;mircea_popescu;which i've been notifying. 906572;1414870281;gernika;So what is the term or concept for forced trust in third parties? 906573;1414870288;mircea_popescu;gernika rape works. 906574;1414870292;gernika;lol 906575;1414870297;mircea_popescu;technically forced thrust, but still. 906576;1414870331;gernika;It's the sort of trust that you think is trust at first, then realize you have no other options later. 906577;1414870360;bounce;how is that "trust"? o_O? 906578;1414870367;mircea_popescu;then that's anti-rape. rape seems to be this thing where you think you have no options at first, then later you realise that you did so you go and denounce the fucker. 906579;1414870404;gernika;bounce it's not trust, just not sure what it is. Anti-rape. Will consider that. 906580;1414870513;gernika;A world where you appear to have a bunch of choices, but in fact you have only one and it sucks. 906581;1414870538;mircea_popescu;o, that's just how the world works!!1 906582;1414870549;mircea_popescu;now you understand how the world works. unlike putin! 906583;1414870602;mircea_popescu;gernika on a more serious note, this is a problem familiar from game design. you can either have choice or stability, not both. systems that are to any degree stable only achieve this stability by denying choice correspondingly. 906584;1414870618;bounce;what was that game again, "diplomacy" 906585;1414870630;mircea_popescu;all games are that game again. matrimony too. 906586;1414870661;bounce;well, no 906587;1414870672;mircea_popescu;a challenge appears ? 906588;1414870723;bounce;you're trying your hand at english where mark twain tried at german, by proposing to replace all words with just "slag" and "zug". 906589;1414870780;mircea_popescu;choice of words is a poor simile for choice of action. 906590;1414870803;mircea_popescu;mostly because (blessfully) representation is toothless upon reality. 906591;1414870807;bounce;even so not all games are one and the same 906592;1414870824;mircea_popescu;with respect to choice and stability ? yeah they are. 906593;1414870858;mircea_popescu;this is like saying all naming conventions are the same to zooko's triangle. 906594;1414871214;mthreat;Patagonia is nice - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hkl1IsY2UA 906595;1414871215;assbot;Hyperlapse of boat ride on Lake Lacar back to San Martin de Los Andes - YouTube 906596;1414871229;mircea_popescu;o you took off already ? 906597;1414871246;mthreat;ya, a few days ago 906598;1414871300;mircea_popescu;how cold is it ? 906599;1414871318;mthreat;it's snowing right now, which is very unusual for this time of year here. 906600;1414871332;mircea_popescu;yeah it';s colder than usual up here too. 906601;1414871342;mircea_popescu;fucking pleasant weather. 906602;1414871416;mthreat;going to Bariloche tomorrow, and should pass through Villa la Angostura, by Hitler's supposed house there 906603;1414871453;mircea_popescu;"hitler slept here" lol 906604;1414871495;mthreat;the house is for sale, I expect to see it on BitPremier soon ;) 906605;1414871536;mircea_popescu;asking for way too much dough. 906606;1414873384;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5150 @ 0.00078398 = 4.0375 BTC [-] 906607;1414874138;mircea_popescu;;;google buenos aires bdsm 906608;1414874138;gribble;BDSM Buenos Aires Mistress Oriana - YouTube: ; Buenos Aires BDSM : La Casona del Sado, aka Faker House - Trilema: ; BDSM. - Buenos Aires | Facebook: 906609;1414874145;mircea_popescu;holy shit srsly ? 906610;1414876312;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15850 @ 0.00078398 = 12.4261 BTC [-] 906611;1414878813;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10400 @ 0.00078398 = 8.1534 BTC [-] 906612;1414881192;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9800 @ 0.00078398 = 7.683 BTC [-] 906613;1414882595;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5868 @ 0.00077977 = 4.5757 BTC [-] 906614;1414884303;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8374 @ 0.00077883 = 6.5219 BTC [-] {2} 906615;1414884603;cazalla;so october is 1 month down for qntra, if anyone has criticism as well as feedback on what you liked/disliked and want to see more/less of, i'm all ears 906616;1414884791;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3000 @ 0.00077913 = 2.3374 BTC [+] 906617;1414884924;punkman;cazalla: some longer pieces maybe 906618;1414884941;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/minigame-smg-october-2014-statement/ 906619;1414884941;assbot;MiniGame (S.MG), October 2014 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 906620;1414884949;punkman;uh oh gotta get that bot up 906621;1414884974;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12927 @ 0.00077826 = 10.0606 BTC [-] {2} 906622;1414884977;mircea_popescu;which one ? 906623;1414885008;punkman;the punkbot 906624;1414885016;mircea_popescu;ah yes. what's up with that. 906625;1414885045;punkman;it had surgery, testing now 906626;1414885047;punkman;;;tslb 906627;1414885053;gribble;Time since last block: 23 minutes and 33 seconds 906628;1414885113;mircea_popescu;testing is for fiats. 906629;1414885652;punkman;;;tslb 906630;1414885663;gribble;Time since last block: 5 minutes and 17 seconds 906631;1414885701;punkman;hmm, missed the block 906632;1414885750;mircea_popescu;!up Zebetus 906633;1414886145;mircea_popescu;http://pastebin.com/gjyG2Wwk << ustardian goes on a "first date", blows it. because racism. 906634;1414886145;assbot;From okcupid (just to also shoot down my own insistence about how good it is!) I - Pastebin.com 906635;1414886180;kakobrekla;http://i.imgur.com/IEGMg2j.png wink wink nudge nudge 906636;1414886234;gernika;cazalla I like the background given on investors and founders involved in the startups covered. Don't have a specific example in mind, but I like the digging. 906637;1414886242;punkman;kakobrekla: I ran the backtest on more recent bets, ALLNO was negative 906638;1414886248;kakobrekla;hah! 906639;1414886335;mircea_popescu;charting dun werk ? o noes 906640;1414886366;kakobrekla;charting? 906641;1414886416;mircea_popescu;well what is this "all history shows property X so therefore future will too" ? 906642;1414886445;punkman;I had theories! 906643;1414886508;kakobrekla;the reasoning: only close bets make it to bitbet and humanity is mostly a fail 906644;1414886512;mircea_popescu;the therrorists win ? 906645;1414886530;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla lol not bad! 906646;1414886551;punkman;on another note, punkbot is alive again, yay 906647;1414886590;mircea_popescu;a cool. 906648;1414886627;punkman;cooked some ribeyes from the americas, debugged while digesting 906649;1414886638;punkman;unfortunately from north americas 906650;1414886673;mircea_popescu;a digestabugging! 906651;1414886691;punkman;I like it 906652;1414886699;*;mats_cd03 lights a bowl 906653;1414886709;mats_cd03;aaand now to install obsd 5.6 906654;1414886723;punkman;good times 906655;1414886729;mircea_popescu;http://oglaf.com/submission/ << mainstream bdsm. 906656;1414886730;assbot;Submission 906657;1414886799;*;jurov is debugging a turdatron. don't want to make verbs from it 906658;1414886844;jurov;any idea how to quickly dump contents fo sqlite into HTML? 906659;1414886856;jurov;there are jsut two tables, patches and sigs 906660;1414886893;mircea_popescu;i thought it had a html export baked in 906661;1414887018;jurov;oh yes, it does! 906662;1414887047;mircea_popescu;i'm so good at solving problems that don't exist. 906663;1414887088;jurov;cue bash #305 :D 906664;1414887119;punkman;jurov: you can do that from sqlite shell 906665;1414887142;punkman;.mode html 906666;1414887873;kakobrekla;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-09-2014#831155 906667;1414887873;assbot;Logged on 16-09-2014 17:28:54; kakobrekla: how do you measure success 906668;1414887884;kakobrekla;found my answer, sorta: >Our staffing costs alone run $45,000 a month. Our hosting costs for September were $8,500. 906669;1414887899;mircea_popescu;that's how you measure public idiocy, 906670;1414887918;mircea_popescu;by looking at what scammers claim as part of their scamtext, you can guess what the general sea of idiots imagines is going on. 906671;1414887934;kakobrekla;clearly 906672;1414887963;kakobrekla;i can easily make bitbet spend 45k a month 906673;1414887965;kakobrekla;:) 906674;1414887991;kakobrekla;or 8.5k to be fair. 906675;1414888002;kakobrekla;45 would be challenging. 906676;1414888041;mircea_popescu;you're too young to pay for women. 906677;1414888059;punkman;;;ticker 906678;1414888060;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 323.24, Best ask: 324.2, Bid-ask spread: 0.96000, Last trade: 324.21, 24 hour volume: 15042.34159385, 24 hour low: 316.61, 24 hour high: 339.47, 24 hour vwap: 326.688260005 906679;1414888207;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10943 @ 0.00077913 = 8.526 BTC [+] 906680;1414888268;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11402 @ 0.00078087 = 8.9035 BTC [+] 906681;1414888416;xiando;$102000/year for hosting, uhm exactly what do they claim to be hosting there.. facebook? google? yahoo? 906682;1414888465;xiando;I guess it makes sense if you don't have a bunch of servers and websites yourself 906683;1414888479;mircea_popescu;it makes exactly no sense, unless you're from reddit. 906684;1414888541;xiando;perhaps if you're hosting reddit (even then it seems like a lot) 906685;1414888739;kakobrekla;you're too young to pay for women. < oh oh i see, young enough to emulate em 906686;1414888785;mircea_popescu;lmao 906687;1414888830;xiando;you'd be mostly paying not to have anything more to do with them imho, if you just want one for the night then there's plenty at the local bars 906688;1414888839;mircea_popescu;http://lh3.ggpht.com/_OVtOM-JqUfA/SdISYu2icDI/AAAAAAAAIPQ/puqOfJnQkfA/s800/ZN_Emu3.jpg << this is emu-lating, for the record. 906689;1414888898;cazalla;mircea_popescu, you know we had a great emu war in australia.. that we lost 906690;1414888915;mircea_popescu;did you lose it pleasurably ? 906691;1414888937;cazalla;the army machine gunned the emus but it wasn't enough 906692;1414889033;cazalla;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emu_War 906693;1414889033;assbot;Emu War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 906694;1414889305;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18800 @ 0.00078523 = 14.7623 BTC [+] {2} 906695;1414889315;assbot;ninjashogun +v failed; L1: 0, L2: -4 906696;1414889397;punkman;how do you cut big blocks of chocolate into less unwieldy pieces? 906697;1414889417;mircea_popescu;if its any good, you crack it against a large marble slab. 906698;1414889516;punkman;it's a piece from one of those 10kg blocks, says Callebaut 906699;1414889530;punkman;guess that might be better than heated knife 906700;1414889541;mircea_popescu;meh, belgian. they oversweet their shit. 906701;1414889550;mircea_popescu;but anyway, yeah, sure. crack it on the countertop. 906702;1414889767;punkman;was same price as some Nestle shit, and not much sugar, not a bad deal 906703;1414889896;cazalla;choc i buy down here uses agave nectar, pretty nice stuff 906704;1414889915;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4205 @ 0.00078376 = 3.2957 BTC [-] 906705;1414889925;punkman;!up ninjashogun 906706;1414889936;cazalla;http://www.panachocolate.com/eighty/ a little expensive but worth it 906707;1414889937;assbot;Eighty - Pana Chocolate Store 906708;1414889942;ninjashogun;thanks. I asked for voice to request this: 906709;1414889947;ninjashogun;<ninjashogun> hi - could I ask you to remove my full name from the logs. I have been open about what it is and it appears once or twice in the bitcoin-assets logs. I realize that this ecosystem is very different and that people here don't believe in traditional startups, but I have investors doing due dilligence on me, and it is uncomfortable to come up in google results. 906710;1414889947;ninjashogun;<ninjashogun> I realize that you also are careful about your online footprint so you will appreciate this. I think I didn't realize that it's a publicly-indexed log at the time. 906711;1414889958;mircea_popescu;lmao. 906712;1414889970;mircea_popescu;what is the schmuck's name anyway ? 906713;1414889979;ninjashogun;I can PM you if you want. Let's not repeat this. 906714;1414889994;punkman;I don't think I've seen your name 906715;1414889997;ninjashogun;Look, we're all adults here and know how an IRC conversation looks to a random person googling an individual. 906716;1414890021;mircea_popescu;get lost. we really don't give a shit either way. 906717;1414890023;mircea_popescu;!down ninjashogun 906718;1414890099;mircea_popescu;if anyone ever googles this idiot : there are better ways to flush your money down a toilet. 906719;1414890103;mircea_popescu;including the literal. 906720;1414890136;mats_cd03;do they ship to the us cazalla? can't seem to find it 906721;1414890167;cazalla;mats_cd03, prolly not 906722;1414890179;mircea_popescu;given that i have like 2lbs of chocolate right here, which i just bought today, it's a wonder we're not the fattest people online. 906723;1414890189;mircea_popescu;what with all this chocolate conneisseurship 906724;1414890193;mats_cd03;well now i'm just disappointed 906725;1414890452;jurov;just today i came across an adverticle about "need to increas VC penetration in Slovakia" 906726;1414890479;jurov;i was like, myeah, better WC penetration would be handy sometims 906727;1414891205;punkman;speaking of belgium, http://www.maisondandoy.com/en/order/ 906728;1414891471;cazalla;no news about so far today 906729;1414891484;cazalla;afterall, i wouldn't want anyone to think i'm slacking 906730;1414891868;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8700 @ 0.00077792 = 6.7679 BTC [-] 906731;1414891929;thestringpuller;i have news 906732;1414891934;thestringpuller;"still no updates on punkbot" 906733;1414891940;thestringpuller;jkjk punkman 906734;1414891957;punkman;what I just gave status update 906735;1414892007;thestringpuller;I was just trolling! I'm sorry I couldn't resist. 906736;1414892045;punkman;I am already humiliated by letting invalid deed pass through 906737;1414892053;punkman;(but I just deleted it from db, ha!) 906738;1414892061;thestringpuller;scandalous! 906739;1414892303;punkman;437 people in assbot's l2, 2.9mb pubring 906740;1414892392;mircea_popescu;<punkman> I am already humiliated by letting invalid deed pass through << how did that happen ? 906741;1414892408;punkman;gpg library lied to me, and also I suck 906742;1414892475;punkman;(library docs) 906743;1414892887;cazalla;http://qntra.net/2014/11/jeffrey-robinson-bitcoin-used-by-terrorists/ 906744;1414892887;assbot;Jeffrey Robinson: Bitcoin Used By Terrorists | Qntra.net 906745;1414892952;mircea_popescu;;;google Jeffrey Robinson 906746;1414892953;gribble;Jeffrey Robinson, Author & Journalist: ; Jeffrey Robinson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Jeffrey Robinson | Rutgers Business School: 906747;1414892975;mircea_popescu;ohic. dude that'd totally know what he's talking about. 906748;1414893434;mircea_popescu;also in the news : jeffrey robinson is a fraudulent grant eater that's spent 100's of thousands off the public treasury and has yet to produce anything of value. 906749;1414893557;punkman;punkbot, status 906750;1414893558;punkbot;punkman: No pending deeds | Last bundle 2 hours and 27 minutes ago 906751;1414893568;punkman;punkbot, balance 906752;1414893568;punkbot;punkman: Balance at 1LAwrWMbPLLSpt7nkD5Jv1Yf4cwPhD98ny is 0.01603 BTC (0.0 unconfirmed), enough for 145 more bundles. 906753;1414893894;punkman;punkbot, deed http://dpaste.com/18E29HJ 906754;1414893894;assbot;dpaste: 18E29HJ 906755;1414893894;punkbot;punkman: Queued 1 valid deed for next bundle. 906756;1414894075;punkman;we'll pay $0.03575 for that silly deed! 906757;1414894100;punkman;thestringpuller: ^ give it a try 906758;1414894135;punkman;.status 906759;1414894135;punkbot;punkman: 1 pending deed | Last bundle 2 hours and 36 minutes ago 906760;1414894257;punkman;mircea_popescu: should I give deedwallet password to you or kakobrekla for safekeeping? 906761;1414894429;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6650 @ 0.0007789 = 5.1797 BTC [+] 906762;1414895133;punkman;.status 906763;1414895133;punkbot;punkman: 1 pending deed | Last bundle 2 hours and 53 minutes ago 906764;1414895321;mircea_popescu;punkbot sure, give it to kako 906765;1414895353;punkman;heh INFO 2014-11-02T02:28:41 Not replying to sure, in #bitcoin-assets, not a command. 906766;1414895367;mircea_popescu;oops :p 906767;1414895390;punkman;.deed http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2014-October/000004.html 906768;1414895391;punkbot;punkman: No valid deeds found, try again. (invalid: 1) 906769;1414895397;kakobrekla;mps wot is larger number. give it to mp. 906770;1414895407;punkbot;Bundled 1 deed | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1KFaXF5J 906771;1414895407;assbot;Bundle 1KFaXF5J | #bitcoin-assets deed registry 906772;1414895446;punkman;success! https://blockchain.info/tx/aaa9c986ae676a6970eb180fe38368bca16b143cd0ca74821893d08b7e5b664e 906773;1414895446;assbot;Bitcoin Transaction aaa9c986ae676a6970eb180fe38368bca16b143cd0ca74821893d08b7e5b664e 906774;1414895458;mircea_popescu;amazing success! 906775;1414895458;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 906776;1414895466;punkman;btw notice deed address is 1Law 906777;1414895474;mircea_popescu;yay! 906778;1414895490;punkman;.balance 906779;1414895490;punkbot;punkman: Balance at 1LAwrWMbPLLSpt7nkD5Jv1Yf4cwPhD98ny is 0.01603 BTC (-0.00011 unconfirmed), enough for 145 more bundles. 906780;1414895524;punkman;.status 906781;1414895524;punkbot;punkman: No pending deeds | Last bundle 1 minute ago | 1 unconfirmed bundle 906782;1414895576;mircea_popescu;these argentinian dudes are so fucktarded it's hard to put into words. so there's a few streets in the financial district where literally 100s of derps hawk "cambio, cambio!" trying to get some paper benjies for their locally-printed toilet paper. all day long. 906783;1414895619;mircea_popescu;saturday night tho ? ZERO! i don't mean, most of the fat ones with good business didn't bother, leav ing just a few of the sketchier, hungrier fellows. no, i mean exactly zero. as if saturday night is not a time. not part of the world. does not exist. 906784;1414895650;mircea_popescu;the exact fucking antihussle. i wonder what the fuck dope dealers are doing, because i find it hard to believe argentine junkies all keep a stash. 906785;1414895714;punkman;is financial district busy saturday night? 906786;1414895732;mircea_popescu;what difference does it make ? 906787;1414895750;mircea_popescu;take a tour through the red light district, sometime. the hookers are out whether there's johns or not. 906788;1414895761;mircea_popescu;because THAT IS THEIR MOTHERFUCKING JOB. 906789;1414895782;mircea_popescu;they have to suck a lot of cock for that foot of sidewalk. it's not like somehow magically it's not a sidewalk anymore between 13:30 and 14:25 906790;1414895829;punkbot;Confirmed bundle 1KFaXF5JX8V3N1oPtWBXttVZfXn7KCR4fJ | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1KFaXF5J 906791;1414895829;assbot;Bundle 1KFaXF5J | #bitcoin-assets deed registry 906792;1414895850;punkman;meat for punkbot today! 906793;1414895862;mircea_popescu;that's quintessentially why it's called the hustle. because you fucking hustle. if it were an office job it'd just be, the office job. 906794;1414896001;punkman;kakobrekla: maybe add link to deeds. on other pages 906795;1414896187;cazalla;must be a good sign when people are posting unsolicited links to qntra on 4chan http://boards.4chan.org/g/thread/44973425 906796;1414896187;assbot;/g/ - What bitcoin tumbler do you recommend /g/? I want 906797;1414896202;punkman;cazalla: ah nice 906798;1414898341;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/jardin-botanico-carlos-thays-buenos-aires/ 906799;1414898341;assbot;Jardin Botanico Carlos Thays - Buenos Aires pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 906800;1414898388;mircea_popescu;cazalla well, it's a sign that qntra is used by terrorists. 906801;1414898453;cazalla;used is ok, as long as it is not written by terrorists 906802;1414898471;punkman;you sure about that? 906803;1414898480;mircea_popescu;it's clearly written b y terrorists. 906804;1414898489;mircea_popescu;you strike terror in the heart of wankstream media 906805;1414898493;cazalla;Jardin Botanico Carlos Thays <<< this looks photoshopped 906806;1414898496;mircea_popescu;not to mention wankstream "entrepreneurs" 906807;1414898503;mircea_popescu;cazalla which one ? 906808;1414898522;cazalla;first one of course 906809;1414898539;mircea_popescu;no, it totally read "welcome to the land of the derpy" in the original. 906810;1414898876;cazalla;sounds like amir really is fucked up on drugs 906811;1414898901;cazalla;"trying to help Amir, rehabilitate Amir.." 906812;1414899142;punkman;cazalla: there's a typo missing, Arse News 906813;1414899248;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10900 @ 0.00077853 = 8.486 BTC [-] 906814;1414899492;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18250 @ 0.00077883 = 14.2136 BTC [+] {2} 906815;1414899737;thestringpuller;slow news weekend 906816;1414900371;mircea_popescu;cazalla seriously, oding is the best thing for the guy. 906817;1414900386;thestringpuller;http://www.nasa.gov/centers/glenn/technology/warp/warpstat_prt.htm 906818;1414900391;mircea_popescu;if he's clean he's obnoxiously stupid. at least he could get out, happy ending all around. 906819;1414900481;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://bitbet.us/bet/859/cardano-to-ship-in-2014/#c4213 906820;1414900482;assbot;BitBet - Cardano to Ship in 2014 :: 1.08 B (41%) on Yes, 1.53 B (59%) on No | closing in 1 month 3 weeks | weight: 24`933 (100`000 to 1) 906821;1414900688;cazalla;mircea_popescu, he has a sponsor in cody wilson by the sounds of it, http://qntra.net/2014/11/cody-wilson-the-bitcoin-community-has-sold-out/ 906822;1414900688;assbot;Cody Wilson: "The Bitcoin Community Has Sold Out" | Qntra.net 906823;1414901022;cazalla; slow news weekend <<< yup, i think the article as above are probably good for weekends 906824;1414901772;mircea_popescu;im trying to remember who the fuck cody is again 906825;1414901793;mircea_popescu;o, the 3d print your gun guy, innit ? 906826;1414901810;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18183 @ 0.00077764 = 14.1398 BTC [-] {3} 906827;1414901834;mircea_popescu;yeah, he had some real derpage going on, yet another dood thought himself too good for the wot, then his shit went nowhere, then he failed to go "o hey, you know what my problem is ? i fucked up on the wot score! let me fix that". 906828;1414901885;mircea_popescu;im sure it's something else. "the community sold out", "the aliens hate me", plenty on the stupidlist. 906829;1414902024;cazalla;3d gun got australian pollies in a tizzy, some were floating the idea of a licence for 3d printers 906830;1414903274;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18183 @ 0.00077681 = 14.1247 BTC [-] {4} 906831;1414903421;punkman;http://bitbet.us/bet/1046/gold-above-1200-on-november-1st/ 906832;1414903421;assbot;BitBet - Gold above $1200 on November 1st :: 1.07 B (66%) on Yes, 0.54 B (34%) on No | closed 2 weeks 4 hours ago 906833;1414903423;punkman;such scam 906834;1414903431;punkman;doesn't even trade on Nov 1 906835;1414903606;punkman;;;bc,xau 906836;1414903608;gribble;1 XAU = 1174.4 USD = 3.59132748234 BTC 906837;1414903643;cazalla;sorry but that is hilarious 906838;1414903670;punkman;yeah I guess, a little lost on me 906839;1414903854;TheNewDeal;punkman, I think that gold bet was actually structured intelligently 906840;1414903906;punkman;TheNewDeal: I'd like it more if it said "yes if gold closes at $1200 or more on friday" 906841;1414903924;TheNewDeal;anyone could have checked the date, right? 906842;1414903961;punkman;sure 906843;1414904017;TheNewDeal;I'm not sure if it was an accident, or on purpose. However, if it were on purpose, I applaud the author for a well crafted bet 906844;1414904057;TheNewDeal;because it read so similar to a lot of those other bets, but like you said, it was basically "gold closes above 1200" 906845;1414904214;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: "the aliens hate me" << this is a valid excuse when it comes to Klingons no? 906846;1414904929;punkman;the source code https://github.com/extempore/deedbundler 906847;1414904930;assbot;extempore/deedbundler · GitHub 906848;1414909545;thestringpuller;punkman: who can upload deeds? is there an "approved users" list? 906849;1414910132;TheNewDeal;thought anyone could? 906850;1414910251;TheNewDeal;.balance 906851;1414910251;punkbot;TheNewDeal: Balance at 1LAwrWMbPLLSpt7nkD5Jv1Yf4cwPhD98ny is 0.01592 BTC (0.0 unconfirmed), enough for 144 more bundles. 906852;1414910270;TheNewDeal;.status 906853;1414910270;punkbot;TheNewDeal: No pending deeds | Last bundle 4 hours and 7 minutes ago 906854;1414910852;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla btw you ever seen saint john of las vegas ? 906855;1414910939;mircea_popescu;TheNewDeal thestringpuller people in l2. same as voice. 906856;1414910968;TheNewDeal;satoshi, get in that l2 906857;1414911126;mircea_popescu;punkman your github alias is... "extempore" ?! 906858;1414911165;mircea_popescu;do you also have a music band called psykosis or something ? 906859;1414912905;mircea_popescu;http://oglaf.com/legacy/ << us policy in a cartoonshell 906860;1414912906;assbot;Legacy 906861;1414912912;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9434 @ 0.00077901 = 7.3492 BTC [+] 906862;1414913144;TheNewDeal;the alt text adds in well 906863;1414913146;mircea_popescu;!up psychouroboros 906864;1414913151;mircea_popescu;close enough, i'll take it 906865;1414914681;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6200 @ 0.00077216 = 4.7874 BTC [-] 906866;1414914784;[]bot;Bet placed: 7 BTC for No on "Silver price over $23/oz in 2014" http://bitbet.us/bet/972/ Odds: 9(Y):91(N) by coin, 26(Y):74(N) by weight. Total bet: 10.92196987 BTC. Current weight: 18,987. 906867;1414916938;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9050 @ 0.00077216 = 6.988 BTC [-] 906868;1414917792;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6300 @ 0.00077216 = 4.8646 BTC [-] 906869;1414918932;gabriel_laddel;anyone here experienced with hacking firefox / conkeror? 906870;1414919916;bounce;what're you after? 906871;1414919927;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9073 @ 0.00077215 = 7.0057 BTC [-] {2} 906872;1414919956;gabriel_laddel;bounce: I'm looking for a canonical reference for the entire API exposed by mozilla firefox (I realize there are two, JS and the XUL. I'd like both). I'm looking through the firefox extension documentation, but frankly, they're shit (eg, I want to open a new tab, where is the page describing this function call? not anywhere in the search!). If someone familiar with the sources knew of a few files that could be massa 906873;1414919956;gabriel_laddel;ged into the desired table via regexps, pointers would be greatly appreciated. I'll post the finished output of this somewhere permanent to make it worth your time. I'd like to call these functions while the program is running btw (via mozrepl). The format of the table I would like to generate: http://paste.lisp.org/display/144251/raw 906874;1414920045;bounce;not short on ambition, aren't you. 906875;1414920055;gabriel_laddel;heh 906876;1414920084;gabriel_laddel;bounce: I'm going to do this fucker once and for all and be done with it. 906877;1414920110;gabriel_laddel;no more fucking with browser versions, just abstract over one version in particular and never again upgrade. 906878;1414920138;bounce;that's a decade of poorly documented cruft you're looking to wade through 906879;1414920176;gabriel_laddel;yeah, I know. there must be a table avalible through some hack though, ie the master 'document' javascript object. 906880;1414920198;gabriel_laddel;in CL this is utterly fucking trivial (apropos ""). 906881;1414920965;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15300 @ 0.00077715 = 11.8904 BTC [+] 906882;1414922001;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7391 @ 0.00077715 = 5.7439 BTC [+] 906883;1414922855;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13300 @ 0.00077705 = 10.3348 BTC [-] 906884;1414923953;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5876 @ 0.00077769 = 4.5697 BTC [+] {2} 906885;1414925600;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20155 @ 0.00077853 = 15.6913 BTC [+] 906886;1414926576;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23745 @ 0.00077257 = 18.3447 BTC [-] 906887;1414927807;pete_dushenski;i live! 906888;1414927838;pete_dushenski;still out of town, just have a few mins to catch up here 906889;1414927959;pete_dushenski;thickasthieves: pete modified it << if i had the skillz to do that, we wouldn't need ben_vulpes asciilifeform mod6 and the real foundation ;) 906890;1414927984;pete_dushenski;all i did was make pankkake's script run on a vps 906891;1414928000;pete_dushenski;this merely required a few updates to debian rather than the script 906892;1414928046;pete_dushenski;either way, it does appear that every 5th mircea_popescu comment gets eaten by contravex's spam filter 906893;1414928175;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: is he like the only b-a jew or something ? << am not! we're all rabbis here, neh? 906894;1414928199;pete_dushenski;...with varying degrees of experience 906895;1414929809;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22800 @ 0.0007801 = 17.7863 BTC [+] {2} 906896;1414930297;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5255 @ 0.00077718 = 4.0841 BTC [-] 906897;1414930424;pete_dushenski;"So… You judge a society as successful if it has enough money for a vibrant arts scene but not enough to alleviate the effects of poverty? Call me crazy, but I don’t think the first of us started forming this grand experiment I call society just so we can finger-paint together." << lulzy contravex comment o' the day 906898;1414931334;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7403 @ 0.00077281 = 5.7211 BTC [-] 906899;1414932037;punkman;mircea_popescu: do you also have a music band called psykosis or something ? << what's irish thrash metal got to do with me 906900;1414932132;punkman;mircea_popescu: kakobrekla btw you ever seen saint john of las vegas ? << think I've seen that, what's mp's take on it 906901;1414932493;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8164 @ 0.00077178 = 6.3008 BTC [-] {2} 906902;1414932554;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6686 @ 0.00076901 = 5.1416 BTC [-] 906903;1414932688;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo: Except who the fuck is in New York? << boring mr. lawlsky ? 906904;1414933649;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: hmm, anyone taking bets on the name of the chick that informed mr fox as to the intricacies of the russian soul ? << even money on lolita 906905;1414934384;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3000 @ 0.00077415 = 2.3225 BTC [+] {2} 906906;1414934750;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22250 @ 0.00077014 = 17.1356 BTC [-] {2} 906907;1414934994;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13200 @ 0.0007716 = 10.1851 BTC [+] 906908;1414936670;[]bot;Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "BTC >= $2,000 before March" http://bitbet.us/bet/1027/ Odds: 15(Y):85(N) by coin, 16(Y):84(N) by weight. Total bet: 9.85 BTC. Current weight: 56,985. 906909;1414937004;punkman;.deed http://pastebin.com/CZhGCBnW 906910;1414937004;assbot;-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 Deed_title: A small puzzle - Pastebin.com 906911;1414937004;punkbot;punkman: Queued 1 valid deed for next bundle. 906912;1414937362;[]bot;Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "BTC >= $2,000 before March" http://bitbet.us/bet/1027/ Odds: 14(Y):86(N) by coin, 15(Y):85(N) by weight. Total bet: 10.85 BTC. Current weight: 56,981. 906913;1414937366;[]bot;Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "Bitcoin to rise above $600 before December" http://bitbet.us/bet/1055/ Odds: 20(Y):80(N) by coin, 23(Y):77(N) by weight. Total bet: 16.74305289 BTC. Current weight: 33,233. 906914;1414937786;punkbot;Bundled 1 deed | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1KxPj5Py 906915;1414937786;assbot;Bundle 1KxPj5Py | #bitcoin-assets deed registry 906916;1414938593;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2310 @ 0.00077213 = 1.7836 BTC [+] 906917;1414939707;kakobrekla;https://twitter.com/HistoricalPics/status/528743302976532480 906918;1414939709;assbot;A man browsing for books in Cincinnati's cavernous old main library. The library was demolished in 1955. http://t.co/IcGn02SXCI 906919;1414941033;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1856 @ 0.00076901 = 1.4273 BTC [-] 906920;1414943168;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9184 @ 0.00076901 = 7.0626 BTC [-] 906921;1414944205;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4012 @ 0.00076893 = 3.0849 BTC [-] 906922;1414945398;xanthyos;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdw3OPEk0hQ 906923;1414945398;assbot;Gaston eats 5-dozen eggs - YouTube 906924;1414946345;ben_vulpes;the downside to an unlimited buy wall as a consulting shop is the imperative to eat through as much of it as possible in the time allotted 906925;1414946461;ben_vulpes;what is this weak logsauce 906926;1414946478;ben_vulpes;i look away for what - a day, two? and you people only rack up 500 lines? 906927;1414946843;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: aha 906928;1414946950;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8554 @ 0.00076893 = 6.5774 BTC [-] 906929;1414948060;ben_vulpes; ... $8500 << currently dealing with something very similar. programmer programs a thing in django, goes to "deploy" it but doesn't know much on the topic beyond "hey heroku's a good host". fast forward four years, heroku bill is now in excees of 300 dollars a month because it's so much easier for people who "just write code" (if plugging the duplo of rails or django into itself can be called such) to click the "yes please 906930;1414948060;ben_vulpes;terminate ssl for me for 20 dollars a month" button than to...terminate it themselves. on a box they control. 906931;1414948080;ben_vulpes; what is the schmuck's name anyway ? << http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=robert+viragh 906932;1414948081;assbot;2 results for 'robert viragh' - #bitcoin-assets search 906933;1414948109;ben_vulpes;this is what we do here, ninjashogun, and all others listening. 906934;1414948123;ben_vulpes;this is *the* public forum, and we keep *immutable* records of everything. 906935;1414948133;ben_vulpes;if you show up and make an idiot of yourself, history will show this forever. 906936;1414948147;ben_vulpes;the only way to change it is to bury it in a sea of "jeez, i guess i was wrong" and subsequent self improvement. 906937;1414948167;ben_vulpes;you had manifold opportunity to do such and instead doubled down on your idiocy. 906938;1414948174;ben_vulpes;also 906939;1414948175;ben_vulpes;you guys 906940;1414948183;ben_vulpes;i am having the praises of my dick sung to me 906941;1414948186;ben_vulpes;it is a lovely morning 906942;1414948377;ben_vulpes;!s jeffrey robinson 906943;1414948378;assbot;5 results for 'jeffrey robinson' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=jeffrey+robinson 906944;1414948387;kakobrekla;lol, so heroku is basically a scam 906945;1414948423;ben_vulpes;http://www.jeffreyrobinson.com/book-bitcon.html : "He spoke with big players and small players" << i don't recall him ever stopping by 906946;1414948423;assbot;Jeffrey Robinson, Author & Journalist 906947;1414948449;ben_vulpes;elegant chumpatron. 906948;1414948458;kakobrekla;yeah, nice logo. 906949;1414948466;ben_vulpes;such css. 906950;1414948477;ben_vulpes;if you know what you want and are willing to pay for it it's lovely. 906951;1414948485;ben_vulpes;clicky rollbacks of infrastructure 906952;1414948491;ben_vulpes;clicky rollbacks to yesterday's db 906953;1414948500;kakobrekla;aha 906954;1414948529;ben_vulpes;clicky provisioning of solr, mongo, whatever 906955;1414948538;ben_vulpes;clicky copying of full stacks 906956;1414948544;ben_vulpes;it's quite elegant. 906957;1414948549;ben_vulpes;also horrendously expensive. 906958;1414948559;ben_vulpes;i wrote my own version of it in 2 weeks 906959;1414948566;ben_vulpes;works entirely differently though 906960;1414948580;ben_vulpes;json file describing what needs provisioning, and a script to stand it all up on aws. 906961;1414948592;ben_vulpes;to roll back, check out commit to which you want to roll back and provision a new cluster. 906962;1414948598;ben_vulpes;idempotent infrastructure! 906963;1414948603;kakobrekla;cool :) 906964;1414948618;ben_vulpes;!up Bremsstrahlung2 906965;1414948647;ben_vulpes;how many argentine pesos in 1/phi bitcoins, Bremsstrahlung2? 906966;1414948659;kakobrekla;who are you talking to ? 906967;1414948677;ben_vulpes;log ghosts 906968;1414948682;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: heroku << paulgrahamian vc chumpatron, iirc 906969;1414948705;ben_vulpes;more specifically, asciilifeform, american webdev chumpatron. 906970;1414948709;kakobrekla;is not bad yes 906971;1414948720;kakobrekla;good chump. 906972;1414948780;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15583 @ 0.00077647 = 12.0997 BTC [+] {2} 906973;1414948909;bounce;so sell your own heroku for a little less? 906974;1414949000;kakobrekla;first you need chumpatronic designer 906975;1414949006;kakobrekla;to make ze logo. 906976;1414949027;ben_vulpes;bounce: it's a custom built thing. 906977;1414949037;ben_vulpes;designed to be operated by professionals. 906978;1414949050;ben_vulpes;i might sell licenses of it 906979;1414949068;ben_vulpes;(or the most recent copy). 906980;1414949073;ben_vulpes;Vulpes' Hairball. 906981;1414949074;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: http://www.xach.com/naggum/articles/3141301464404092@naggum.no.html 906982;1414949075;assbot;Re: Harlequin was: Re: Is LISP dying? - Naggum cll archive 906983;1414949083;ben_vulpes;"Deploy your shit. Idempotently." 906984;1414949091;ben_vulpes;this is not a terribly bad idea. 906985;1414949119;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: ^ 2nd paragraph specifically 906986;1414949222;kakobrekla;third one aint bad either 906987;1414949274;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: is this meant to dissuade me from entering a saturated field? 906988;1414951447;punkman;nobody wants to mine this deed tx https://blockchain.info/tx/6968268ccd854ca4c3caccab830341ccbc11ce629a7c2462a89103c3e98221c7 906989;1414951447;assbot;Bitcoin Transaction 6968268ccd854ca4c3caccab830341ccbc11ce629a7c2462a89103c3e98221c7 906990;1414951484;punkman;do I need to broadcast more aggressively, or do we need to change standard tx to 0.001 906991;1414951503;mircea_popescu;is it evil in the eyes of the mining goblins ? 906992;1414951512;mircea_popescu;well, how long has it been waiting ? 906993;1414951523;punkman;dunno 4 hours or so 906994;1414951528;mircea_popescu;eh give it a day 906995;1414951536;mircea_popescu;it's a deed register not a strip club. 906996;1414951555;punkman;so if I want to make the next bundle, do start making chains of 0confs? 906997;1414951673;punkman;(from ad on bc.info https://freestateproject.org/blockchain ) 906998;1414951674;assbot;Get Out of Doge! Escape to the Final Frontier | Free State Project 906999;1414951674;mircea_popescu;"do start making chains of 0confs" << didn't parse 907000;1414951688;mircea_popescu;lmao jesus. 907001;1414951690;punkman;yeah let me restate 907002;1414951703;mircea_popescu;well scams are mostly targetted to the scammed. it's how that game works. 907003;1414951729;punkman;so if I spend the only unspent tx in the address for a new bundle, previous tx is gonna get dropped right 907004;1414951773;mircea_popescu;oh 907005;1414951802;mircea_popescu;yeah it is. you'll have to queue but not broadcast the next tx until this one gets included. 907006;1414951843;mircea_popescu;this sounds bad but it is acutally good, because it gives us a method to manage the problem. ie, to distinguish between accidental and "we really should increase tx size" 907007;1414951880;ben_vulpes;doge? 907008;1414951886;ben_vulpes;dodge. 907009;1414951890;ben_vulpes;jesus, you people. 907010;1414951909;ben_vulpes;it's an actual fucking city, you nincompoops. 907011;1414951929;mircea_popescu;motor city you mean ? :D 907012;1414951934;punkman;.balance 907013;1414951935;punkbot;punkman: Balance at 1LAwrWMbPLLSpt7nkD5Jv1Yf4cwPhD98ny is 0.01592 BTC (-0.00011 unconfirmed), enough for 144 more bundles. 907014;1414951948;mircea_popescu;you can even code it in : when the queue exceeds 24 hours with more than 3 bundles waiting, or 48 with more than 0, increase tx size by 50% 907015;1414951997;mircea_popescu;1LAwr. hey punkman did you mine for it or pure chance ? 907016;1414952017;punkman;picked it out the initial list electrum generated 907017;1414952028;mircea_popescu;how long was the list ? 907018;1414952032;punkman;10 or so 907019;1414952051;mircea_popescu;pretty impressive. 907020;1414952131;punkbot;Confirmed bundle 1KxPj5PyuzckgS7iearS7NiBDKeRZvc7VL | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1KxPj5Py 907021;1414952132;assbot;Bundle 1KxPj5Py | #bitcoin-assets deed registry 907022;1414952135;punkman;little puzzle I made: http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/deed/HEvYcqtx 907023;1414952135;assbot;Deed HEvYcqtx | #bitcoin-assets deed registry 907024;1414952136;punkman;hah 907025;1414952146;mircea_popescu;I wonder how many people hit on incredibly improbable but bothersome stuff like 1smallC0K or 1yoMOMMAisHO or 1JeSuSgAy w/e and as a result think bitcoin is evil and gather around the hater sites. 907026;1414952149;punkman;puzzle deed just confirmed 907027;1414952200;mircea_popescu;maybe pankkake tried to generate a bitcoin address, itcame out as 1systemdsux and his head explody 907028;1414952210;punkman;lol so mean 907029;1414952249;mircea_popescu;who me, mean ?! 907030;1414952366;punkman;so bot updates trust list every 6 hours, should I make it spit out a message when it gets new keys? 907031;1414952379;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8850 @ 0.0007751 = 6.8596 BTC [-] 907032;1414952380;punkman;(4 since yesterday) 907033;1414952424;mircea_popescu;yes. in here. 907034;1414952497;thestringpuller;i don't think the redditards understand the consequences of a hardfork ~_~ 907035;1414952513;thestringpuller;"Yea! This is great idea Gavin, hardfork == good!" 907036;1414952590;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller a) the notion that a reddit account = a person is rather bizarre. see http://trilema.com/2014/spamming-reddit-an-experiment/ by now i'd guess less than 10% are actual people ; b) this is in no way remarkable, they understand nothing of absolutely any other topic they consider, be it politics, sexual relationships or raising snails. this seems to have relatively little impact or importance outside of the 907037;1414952590;assbot;Spamming reddit, an “experiment”. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 907038;1414952590;mircea_popescu;ir wankfest bubble. 907039;1414952637;mircea_popescu;so in short, nonpeople nonunderstanding nontopics. internet 4 winz. 907040;1414952736;thestringpuller;it's bizarre, but not unsurprising. similar to phenomenon of how people blindly follow what's told to them on Fox News or CNN. 907041;1414952757;thestringpuller;s/people/lemmings 907042;1414952794;mircea_popescu;well, "follow". you know ? whether usians believe X topic they have no control or influence over to be a or b, and whether they believe they have a lot or a little control over x topic they have no control over are in the end irrelevant. 907043;1414952817;mircea_popescu;whether someone thinks the sun comes out for their merits or for their sins is entirely their problem, as it were. 907044;1414952882;thestringpuller;well these (the redditards) are the same breed of lemmings that truly believe the sun rises in the west if the talking head on tv tells them it does. 907045;1414952919;mircea_popescu;nah, that's easily disprovable by observation 907046;1414952931;mircea_popescu;they believe things more akin to "the moon is made of cheeze" and "jews did nyc" 907047;1414952952;thestringpuller;"nah, that's easily disprovable by observation 907048;1414952977;thestringpuller;^- there was a recent post on reddit about a guy who took his girlfriend to the west coast to view the sunrise 907049;1414952987;mircea_popescu;"elvis lives, feminism matters, we can save africa/the world/other entities that don't care to be saved nor do they care about us", stuff like that. 907050;1414952989;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5397 @ 0.0007751 = 4.1832 BTC [-] 907051;1414953233;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10900 @ 0.00077117 = 8.4058 BTC [-] 907052;1414953283;thestringpuller;http://cointelegraph.com/news/112846/bitbet-fairlay-betmoose-meet-bitcoins-prediction-markets << bitbet makes an appearance 907053;1414953697;*;mircea_popescu shrug 907054;1414953706;mircea_popescu;"let 907055;1414953713;mircea_popescu;eh why even bother. nm. 907056;1414953863;ben_vulpes;"in 1999, the Mexican-American organization LatinosUSA organized a boycott against Spic and Span because of the use of the word spic," 907057;1414954739;mircea_popescu;and c-span organised a boycott against it, because, welll.... 907058;1414954741;mircea_popescu;you guessed it. 907059;1414954758;mircea_popescu;also, i thought mexicans were tejanos not latinos. 907060;1414955151;chetty;http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2014/oct/29/fbi-powers-hacking-computers-surveillance 907061;1414955151;assbot; FBI demands new powers to hack into computers and carry out surveillance | US news | theguardian.com 907062;1414955443;mircea_popescu;lol 907063;1414955761;xiando;"We'd just like to make sure we won't get in trouble for what we have already been doing for years down the line" -FBI 907064;1414956534;ben_vulpes;lady v discovered the model-turned-pilot instagram community: http://instagram.com/p/uO0yVUFbQv/?modal=true 907065;1414956535;assbot;Instagram 907066;1414956627;ben_vulpes;http://instagram.com/ameliaroseearhart 907067;1414956627;assbot;Instagram 907068;1414956884;mircea_popescu;anyone recall what fluffypony 's blog was ? 907069;1414957004;mircea_popescu;duh i have an article for this nm. http://blog.spagni.net/ 907070;1414957004;assbot;My Arbitrary Thoughts: Because my opinion matters. Apparently. 907071;1414957835;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/the-problem-of-ideal-social-systems-reprint/ 907072;1414957835;assbot;The problem of ideal social systems - reprint pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 907073;1414958955;ben_vulpes;hey mike_c how much did WoL make this month? 907074;1414958988;mike_c;mp has the numbers, not sure I should scoop the statement. 907075;1414959019;ben_vulpes;:/ 907076;1414959058;oglafbot;http://oglaf.com/mirrorimage/ 907077;1414959058;assbot;Mirror Image 907078;1414959318;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes it's getting published, what's the hgurry ? 907079;1414960596;jurov;punkbot, deed http://explo.yt/public/fmpif_201410.txt.asc 907080;1414960596;punkbot;jurov: Queued 1 valid deed for next bundle. 907081;1414960771;BingoBoingo;.deed http://dpaste.com/3127ETZ.txt 907082;1414960772;punkbot;BingoBoingo: No valid deeds found, try again. (invalid: 1) 907083;1414961139;mircea_popescu;omg bingoboingo was an impostor! 907084;1414961228;ben_vulpes;.deed http://therealbitcoin.org/charter-D2D031DA.asc 907085;1414961228;punkbot;ben_vulpes: Queued 1 valid deed for next bundle. 907086;1414961235;ben_vulpes;sweet. 907087;1414961258;ben_vulpes;mod6: i'll let you do the honors with yours. 907088;1414961309;ben_vulpes;.status 907089;1414961310;punkbot;ben_vulpes: 2 pending deeds | Last bundle 6 hours and 32 minutes ago 907090;1414961342;thestringpuller;!s grok 907091;1414961343;assbot;77 results for 'grok' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=grok 907092;1414961350;thestringpuller;the word grok needs to be used more 907093;1414961370;punkbot;Bundled 2 deeds | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1KcphTS5 907094;1414961370;assbot;Bundle 1KcphTS5 | #bitcoin-assets deed registry 907095;1414961416;mircea_popescu;punkman this shiot's pretty cool! 907096;1414961521;punkbot;Confirmed bundle 1KcphTS5Jh3dWBfXkCmVNnSsJJ5cW8jRi7 | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1KcphTS5 907097;1414961522;assbot;Bundle 1KcphTS5 | #bitcoin-assets deed registry 907098;1414961532;ben_vulpes;dang 907099;1414961546;ben_vulpes;now i wish that i'd submitted mod6's signature with mine. 907100;1414961579;ben_vulpes;'twould have been awesome to have both sigs on the charter in the same deed :( 907101;1414961668;mircea_popescu;you can still submit it neh ? 907102;1414961672;mircea_popescu;doesn't have to be YOURS 907103;1414961672;ben_vulpes;yeah, ofc. 907104;1414961684;ben_vulpes;but now the bundle's sealed. 907105;1414961685;mircea_popescu;oh it already went huh. 907106;1414961708;ben_vulpes;*shrug* 907107;1414961710;ben_vulpes;lessons, lessons. 907108;1414961726;mircea_popescu;hey, maybe we name this lesson after you. 907109;1414961771;ben_vulpes;i will be remembered for derping in public. 907110;1414961777;ben_vulpes;this is fitting. 907111;1414961800;mircea_popescu;http://www.misscruelty.com/galleries/em3/party/ << check out the sheer frozen boredom in there. 907112;1414961800;assbot;The English Mansion - Big femdom party. Some slave serve to Mistresses, some get punished. 907113;1414961808;mircea_popescu;how the fuck can these people make anything they touch stolid. 907114;1414962338;mircea_popescu;gabriel_laddel: heh <<< i like the guy's specifications skills tho. 907115;1414962356;mircea_popescu;gabriel_laddel: no more fucking with browser versions, just abstract over one version in particular and never again upgrade. <<< this sounds just like... 907116;1414962646;BingoBoingo;;;ident 907117;1414962646;gribble;Nick 'BingoBoingo', with hostmask 'BingoBoingo!~BingoBoin@unaffiliated/bingoboingo', is identified as user 'BingoBoingo', with GPG key id 309BB8D7F3251143, key fingerprint ADD7A9A28F85E5EF1F51904F309BB8D7F3251143, and bitcoin address None 907118;1414962650;BingoBoingo;.deed http://dpaste.com/3127ETZ.txt 907119;1414962651;punkbot;BingoBoingo: No valid deeds found, try again. (invalid: 1) 907120;1414962707;punkman;hmm 907121;1414962738;mircea_popescu;http://www.contravex.com/2014/10/20/software-doesnt-fail-socialism-does/#comment-4377 << holy shit ? 907122;1414962739;assbot;Software Doesn’t Fail. Socialism Does. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski 907123;1414962756;mircea_popescu;pete is now so on top of things he quotes stuff i published minutes prior. 907124;1414962758;mircea_popescu;!up mnmx 907125;1414962810;jurov;r;;ident BingoBoingo 907126;1414962812;jurov;;;ident BingoBoingo 907127;1414962813;gribble;Nick 'BingoBoingo', with hostmask 'BingoBoingo!~BingoBoin@unaffiliated/bingoboingo', is identified as user 'BingoBoingo', with GPG key id 309BB8D7F3251143, key fingerprint ADD7A9A28F85E5EF1F51904F309BB8D7F3251143, and bitcoin address None 907128;1414962843;jurov;it says bad signature here, too 907129;1414962854;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo is this a line end problem ? 907130;1414962861;BingoBoingo;Maybe? 907131;1414962871;BingoBoingo;Trying a different editor nao 907132;1414962892;mircea_popescu;gpg: BAD signature from "BingoBoingo 907133;1414962922;BingoBoingo;.deed http://dpaste.com/3HEATQA.txt 907134;1414962922;punkbot;BingoBoingo: No valid deeds found, try again. (invalid: 1) 907135;1414962975;mircea_popescu;gpg: Good signature Primary key fingerprint: ADD7 A9A2 8F85 E5EF 1F51 904F 309B B8D7 F325 1143 907136;1414962979;mircea_popescu;you signed with a subkey ? 907137;1414962999;punkman;should still work 907138;1414963002;punkman;I think 907139;1414963020;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski: either way, it does appear that every 5th mircea_popescu comment gets eaten by contravex's spam filter << just happened again lol 907140;1414963081;mircea_popescu;punkman: saint john of las vegas ? << think I've seen that, what's mp's take on it << i thought it was somewhat similar to dead man. just as totally fucking absurd and meaningless, but not unpleasant neveretheless. 907141;1414963106;mircea_popescu;mostly because that reanimated corpse of buscemi is a very great weird actor. 907142;1414963176;punkman;he just finished his tv gig, wonder where he'll pop up next 907143;1414963224;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes: the downside to an unlimited buy wall as a consulting shop is the imperative to eat through as much of it as possible in the time allotted <<< ever seen http://trilema.com/2012/cum-iti-negociezi-salariul/ ? 907144;1414963224;assbot;Cum iti negociezi salariul ? pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 907145;1414963248;bounce;on the destructive effects of marketing: http://www.theregister.co.uk/Print/2014/11/02/whatever_happened_to_photography/ 907146;1414963248;assbot;Snapper's decisions: Whatever happened to REAL photography? • The Register 907147;1414963298;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes:... $8500 << ... in excees of 300 dollars a month << you have to understand, 300 a month may well be the threshold of "minimum we'd pay for servers". because it's a tiny sum. 907148;1414963306;mircea_popescu;9k not the same, i don't care what the pretense at hand is. 907149;1414963373;mircea_popescu;"evolutionary path from amateur to professional has been economically closed off by marketing." <<< there isn't going to be a professional photographer anymore than there's going to be a professional dresser. 907150;1414963381;mircea_popescu;it's become a natural function, it's not going away. 907151;1414963415;BingoBoingo;.deed http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/mpifclosing.txt 907152;1414963415;punkbot;BingoBoingo: No valid deeds found, try again. (invalid: 1) 907153;1414963430;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: granted, 300/mo is a piddling amount. 907154;1414963431;bounce;that is to misunderstand the point completely 907155;1414963445;ben_vulpes;but when the codemachine could run just as easily on 60/year... 907156;1414963447;mircea_popescu;bounce state the point ? 907157;1414963509;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes depends, maybe the 240 a month goes into creating a relationship with the provider or w/e. at that level, the skill of the manager is much more important than technical considerations. think of it, most embasies cost more than they have to. 907158;1414963510;jurov;BingoBoingo: if you do gpg --homedir /tmp --recv-keys 309BB8D7F3251143 , does it verify? 907159;1414963515;bounce;try and read the thing without assuming there won't be a professional photographer. there will be, just like photography didn't kill the painter. 907160;1414963523;jurov;using that homedir 907161;1414963526;mircea_popescu;bounce o, it hasn't ? 907162;1414963541;mircea_popescu;in what way ? 907163;1414963576;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2012/cum-iti-negociezi-salariul/ << i harbor no illusions that i'm anything but pleb scum, turning cranks for capital 907164;1414963576;assbot;Cum iti negociezi salariul ? pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 907165;1414963597;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes point remains, when you have a buy wall you increase the price, rather thna flatten yourself against it. 907166;1414963613;ben_vulpes;in retrospect though i probably could have negotiated half up front and charged another 25%. 907167;1414963619;bounce;nope. there's still painters around. shit, the 'web even gave rise to a whole new generation of amateurs and among them do progress to professional 907168;1414963626;ben_vulpes;i've learned this lesson - again. 907169;1414963696;mircea_popescu;bounce your argument that "there's still deluded idiots pretending that "painter" is an adequate synonym for "bum" " fails to support your earlier assertion that "photography hasn't killed painting". 907170;1414963706;mircea_popescu;there are, of course, still prohpets around. doesn't mean religion ain't dead. 907171;1414963715;ben_vulpes;!up ninjashogun 907172;1414963761;bounce;you're not making much sense here, sorry. 907173;1414963811;ninjashogun;!down ninjashogun 907174;1414963823;mircea_popescu;there can't be a professional painter anymore. the last professional was godward ( http://trilema.com/2010/lumea-nu-i-de-ajuns/ srsly). he killed himself, because the world was taken over by marketers 907175;1414963824;assbot;Lumea nu-i de-ajuns pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 907176;1414963830;mircea_popescu;specifically, picasso and the rest of the warhol ilk. 907177;1414963833;mircea_popescu;old story. 907178;1414964148;mircea_popescu;actually dali should probably get mention as the chief marketing whore rather than those two. makes little difference anyway. 907179;1414964235;BingoBoingo;.deed http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/mpifclosing.txt.asc 907180;1414964235;punkbot;BingoBoingo: No valid deeds found, try again. (invalid: 1) 907181;1414964283;mircea_popescu;gpg: Signature made Sun 02 Nov 2014 11:29:39 PM EET using RSA key ID F3251143 907182;1414964284;mircea_popescu;gpg: Good signature from "BingoBoingo 907183;1414964292;mircea_popescu;punkman there's gotta be soemthing the matter owht the bot 907184;1414964316;BingoBoingo;First deedbot didn't like me either... 907185;1414964348;kakobrekla;i found the problem in hte source 907186;1414964355;bounce;a quick search and I run into literally dozens of artists taking comissions, so not buying it, sorry. 907187;1414964364;kakobrekla;if bingo then go fuck yourself < problem 907188;1414964391;assbot;Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/1VG2CJH.txt ) 907189;1414964391;BingoBoingo;!b 3 907190;1414964407;mircea_popescu;bounce why do you think "people calling themselves artists and asking for money" is an argument ? 907191;1414964418;mircea_popescu;i can find even more astrologers taking comissions, does this mean astrology is alive and well ? 907192;1414964432;bounce;similarly, plenty people snapshotting and not producing anything good, yet there's still a few who manage to produce decent photographs. 907193;1414964446;mircea_popescu;heck, i can probably find people soliciting to protect the us from alien invasion. 907194;1414964462;bounce;has astrology declined in influence? 907195;1414964473;mircea_popescu;what's your measure of influence ? 907196;1414964479;mircea_popescu;it has exactly no influence as i measure it. 907197;1414964496;bounce;so it was never important to you 907198;1414964507;mircea_popescu;no, no. it was never important, as i measure it. 907199;1414964512;mircea_popescu;that's not "to me". 907200;1414964559;mircea_popescu;chick goes to mp's great-granddad in 1514 "hey, this chick is born in so and so sign, marry her!" mp's granddad "hm, that;s an idea" 907201;1414964577;mircea_popescu;chick comes to me, "hey, this chick is born in so and so sign, marry her" i'm "leave here and never speak to me again" 907202;1414964624;bounce;that's only four generations, to span 500 years. I'm impressed. 907203;1414964634;mircea_popescu;i suppose since nancy reagan was hiring court astrologers the argument can be brought that the colonies were slower on the uptake, but be that as it may... 907204;1414964655;mircea_popescu;bacon killed astrology pretty much. 907205;1414964823;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: astrology is alive and well - under new brands (e.g., 'economics') 907206;1414964834;mircea_popescu;bounce anyway, to summarize : the discussion as to whether a profession is doing ok or not, or even is still alive, can not rely on a discussion on they who call themselves followers. 907207;1414964844;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it cannot die for so long as so-called decision makers want their 'responsibility sink' mechanism. 907208;1414964875;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform but a claim is not a fact. 907209;1414964919;asciilifeform;claim is not a fact << when talking about a scam, the claim is the fact (that is, the fact of the scam being set up as such or other) 907210;1414964968;mircea_popescu;but i thought we were talking about the fact. 907211;1414964968;asciilifeform;'responsibility sink' is simply my shorthand for any apparatus which lets you 'make a decision' without putting your arse on the line as decision-maker. 907212;1414965018;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes yes, all the benefits of being a prince in terms of the harem girls' awe, none of the risks in terms of the other dudes beheading you. i know all about the mental processes supporting adolescent frottage 907213;1414965026;asciilifeform;this, afaik, goes back maxint years. 907214;1414965036;bounce;there's a market for hand-painted portraits just as there is a market for professionally-done photographs. the argument re the latter is that the marketeering is busily making the required machinery unaffordable. my point was the mechanism at work. 907215;1414965049;mircea_popescu;not so many. just as many as poorly managed youth existed. it's a lengthy history full of gaps. 907216;1414965093;mircea_popescu;bounce what is this market for "professionally done photographs", wherein the definition of "professionally" is coherent with pre-digital photography ? 907217;1414965094;bounce;"policy driven fact finding" (see david nutt's firing) 907218;1414965108;bounce;who says pre-digital? 907219;1414965112;mircea_popescu;you. 907220;1414965115;bounce;no, 907221;1414965126;mircea_popescu;then yes, there's a market for marketing-approved photography. 907222;1414965128;asciilifeform;re: photographers: situation is rather like bulldozer operators. machine costing half of a plebe's yearly pay. you rent it, and it happens to come with operator who is mostly certain not to break it, and knows approximately which knobs to turn to dig the ditch, err, snap the photo. 907223;1414965133;mircea_popescu;to argue that marketing is doing this in is absurd. 907224;1414965227;bounce;hmhm yet it's doing it, as a side effect of its market research and segmentation science. 907225;1414965245;jurov;your argumetn feels to me like saying since homosexuality is marketing-trending there are no real fags anymore 907226;1414965248;mircea_popescu;but by definition it can not. whatever it comes up with is actually the marketing-approved photography and all is well. 907227;1414965250;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26733 @ 0.0007707 = 20.6031 BTC [-] {2} 907228;1414965267;mircea_popescu;jurov i bring as proof the difficulty real fags have in dating. 907229;1414965289;jurov;that's another thing. does not mean the real ones died out 907230;1414965309;jurov;professional photographers must have difficulty finding their ilk, too 907231;1414965314;mircea_popescu;might mean that, actually. 907232;1414965449;mircea_popescu;bounce anyway, so stated our dispute boils down to me saying that it is upon you either to present an outside criteria or else yield. (which is why i assumed your criteria is presented, and summarized it as "pre digital"). my point generally is that you can't present any meaningful criteria anyway. 907233;1414965466;mircea_popescu;so, no, it's no longer a profession. it's dead as its own thing, no matter who does what to whom. 907234;1414965525;mircea_popescu;it wasn't so dead at some point in 1920, of course, but that only to us. i'm sure in 1920 some similar dispute raged, either about draughstmanship or some other sort of engraving. 907235;1414965531;mircea_popescu;professions die all the damned time. 907236;1414965538;asciilifeform;there is another 'secret' - and that is, that most folks who actually need 40+MP photographs in real life - astronomers, spies, biologists, weirdos like yours truly, etc. - own and operate own hardware. and don't actually need photographers. 907237;1414965571;mircea_popescu;nor are they professional. 907238;1414965599;mircea_popescu;just like the plumber using silicone curing isn't a silicone professional in any sense. 907239;1414965608;bounce;"criteria" is plural, by the by. my takeaway is that I'm running into a bunch of preconceptions that make the discussion quite meaningless, so I'll yield while disagreeing. 907240;1414965613;asciilifeform;aha. 907241;1414965622;mircea_popescu;bounce i'd much prefer you taking them apart. 907242;1414965634;mircea_popescu;the more violently the better, as a general rule. 907243;1414965682;*;mircea_popescu has a penchant for watching notions dieing a grizzly death in the field. 907244;1414965745;jurov;then...does any distiguished profession exist anymore? 907245;1414965761;asciilifeform;sometimes the death of a profession is not all smiles. i once saw a rant lamenting the invention of LaTeX as a terrible calamity for mathematics. argument was that, whereas it was once possible for mathematicians (and physicists) to remain entirely innocent of typograpy and its brute labours, now the typographers gave up and went home. and now you (maths folks) also are stuck being typographers - and generally, no 907246;1414965777;mircea_popescu;jurov writing still does im pretty sure. 907247;1414965815;asciilifeform;... typographers - and generally, not particularly good ones. 907248;1414965817;mircea_popescu;generally the computer revolution has killed the outskirts and "empowered" the pure forms. 907249;1414965827;mircea_popescu;stans' being a fine example 907250;1414965860;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5400 @ 0.00077043 = 4.1603 BTC [-] 907251;1414965872;asciilifeform;pure forms? 907252;1414965903;mircea_popescu;yeah. pure forms. writing, words or numbers. but not drawing, either. 907253;1414965915;mircea_popescu;afore the computer each sort of drawing was its own profession, with its own tools. 907254;1414965928;mircea_popescu;today you just look for a fucking excel plugin 907255;1414965992;*;bounce always somewhat disliked TeX-typeset material. computer modern isn't a great look, even though each letter is shaped by whatwasit 60-odd parameters. 907256;1414966009;thestringpuller;;;ticker 907257;1414966010;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 324.62, Best ask: 325.49, Bid-ask spread: 0.87000, Last trade: 325.47, 24 hour volume: 7928.02364239, 24 hour low: 318.24, 24 hour high: 329.0, 24 hour vwap: 323.561623927 907258;1414966011;mircea_popescu;the "profession" of photography is not evolving towards going back to film cameras. it's evolving towards drone cameras. they find the right spot on their own, fly around, take a bunch of photos for you etc. 907259;1414966016;jurov;bounce i just did /font {times} 907260;1414966019;jurov;or sth like 907261;1414966020;asciilifeform;thing is, nobody forces you to use the default '80s crud font/layout 907262;1414966064;asciilifeform;but that is what the fate is of people herded into using the tool against their will - defaults everywhere and always. 907263;1414966087;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform conversely, the fault of people who think they can so misapply their will. 907264;1414966108;mircea_popescu;"really honey, you wanna fuck but don't wanna suck ? oh, and this is up to you, is it ? stfu and swallow it!" 907265;1414966153;bounce;nah, that's remolding the argument in a clash of wills when availability makes lazy. different mechanism. 907266;1414966179;bounce;people writing emails in word, or stuffing anything remotely looking like a table in excel, "because it's there" 907267;1414966180;mircea_popescu;"Medium format system cameras also have interchangeable backs, so you can switch between monochrome, colour and Polaroid film in seconds. In due course, you would switch to a digital sensor and leave it there." << here. 907268;1414966184;mircea_popescu;say what you will, there it is. 907269;1414966227;asciilifeform;don't miss the part where he described camera vendors waging war against their customers. 907270;1414966246;mircea_popescu;what vendor ever hasn't ? 907271;1414966272;mircea_popescu;guy in bar "i wanna piss on the ceiling" bartender "stfu and piss in the toilet, a toilet should be enough for all the pissing" 907272;1414966463;bounce;http://torrentfreak.com/disney-patents-piracy-free-search-engine-141029/ << "you must filter pirate stuff!" 'okay' "also you owe us royalties now" -- there's mustabeen a joke in here somewhere but it got stolen 907273;1414966463;assbot;Disney Patents a Piracy Free Search Engine | TorrentFreak 907274;1414966481;bounce;s/'s// 907275;1414966497;mircea_popescu;lawl wut 907276;1414966512;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo http://torrentfreak.com/disney-patents-piracy-free-search-engine-141029/ << i submit this is of qntra interest 907277;1414966512;assbot;Disney Patents a Piracy Free Search Engine | TorrentFreak 907278;1414966569;mircea_popescu;"because Disney.go.com is the official domain for The Walt Disney Company." << i have nfi how to put into words the idiocy of this 907279;1414966580;mircea_popescu;at least if they had made it .co.uk it'd have been complete. 907280;1414966618;mircea_popescu;anyway, the open secret here is that google for many years has no longer used computers to compile its list, but merely links wikipedia facebook and some other friends to the top by default. 907281;1414966633;mircea_popescu;disney is butthurt that it doesn't make that list, but it definitely never will. 907282;1414966636;jurov;disney.co.ck 907283;1414966669;bounce;disney does own go.com though 907284;1414966682;mircea_popescu;that's a poor palliative. 907285;1414966751;mircea_popescu;"Digital photography today is another victim of the dead hand of marketing, where short term gain overrides any other concern. Broadly speaking, marketing has created two types of camera. There are those with small chips that are cheap increasingly incorporated into a cell phone have a rubbish lens, need no skill to operate and therefore teach the user nothing. And then there are those cameras with big chips th 907286;1414966751;mircea_popescu;at are so expensive that even professionals cringe. Its like owning a jumbo jet: you cant afford not to fly it, hence the constant references to workflow in the marketing. Alas, in between these two types we find the equivalent of a valence band or forbidden zone." << this has nothing to do with marketing. 907287;1414966774;mircea_popescu;this is absolutely the rule of the world. why do you think there's monkeys and humans, and nothing in between ? author ever heard of punctuated equilibrium ? 907288;1414966795;mircea_popescu;this is how things naturally evolve, and it also happens to be the right way. 907289;1414966869;mircea_popescu;computers have worked exactly that same way, too. there's people who cli and then there's the hopeless horde looking for the any key. there's nothing in between, nor should there be, and kids learning to "program for the web" aren't ever going to become professionals. 907290;1414966909;mircea_popescu;money works the same way, there's us and there's reddit, and there's no real path for the redditard to get in the wot. sure, he could, but as the article says, "The small chip camera owner cannot cross the forbidden zone for 30 BTC reasons, and even if he did, he wouldnt have the necessary skills." 907291;1414967153;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Just dug up the filing. Working on a write up. 907292;1414967172;mircea_popescu;le cool. 907293;1414967288;BingoBoingo;Reasonably deturdified filing offered by google https://www.google.com/patents/US20120066203?dq=intitle:Online+intitle:Content+intitle:Ranking+intitle:System+intitle:based+intitle:on+intitle:Authenticity&hl=en&sa=X&ei=Ja5WVNHMFoOxyATqwIKoDA&ved=0CB8Q6AEwAA 907294;1414967289;assbot;Patent US20120066203 - Online content ranking system based on authenticity metric values for web ... - Google Patents 907295;1414967305;mircea_popescu;lol the irony of this... 907296;1414967337;BingoBoingo;I know. 907297;1414967345;BingoBoingo;Sweet irony 907298;1414967354;PeterL;for deedbot, if you have multiple deeds waiting for confirmation, could you combine the transactions into a single bitcoin transaction? 907299;1414967365;mircea_popescu;that's how it works. 907300;1414967387;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes: the only way to change it is to bury it in a sea of "jeez, i guess i was wrong" and subsequent self improvement. << a good point. 907301;1414967426;PeterL;I know they get bundled, but it sounds like you have to wait for one bundle's bitcoin transaction to confirm before sending the next transaction? 907302;1414967487;mircea_popescu;assbot: Jeffrey Robinson, Author & Journalist << oh he's the clueless idiot with yet another "bitcoin book" that's neither a book nor about bitcoin. 907303;1414967491;mircea_popescu;scammers these days... 907304;1414967501;mircea_popescu;PeterL ah that, yeah. 907305;1414967514;mircea_popescu;the reason is that once you broadcast a tx, you no longer have control of it. 907306;1414967535;mircea_popescu;if you bundle its contents with later material you have constructed two competing txn, one of which will be introduced. 907307;1414967572;PeterL;yeah, so once you send the first transaction you have to let it be, but could bundles 2 and 3 be put on a single bitcoin transaction once 1 confirms? 907308;1414967601;mircea_popescu;prolly. 907309;1414967611;mircea_popescu;i don't think it makes a bundle 3. 907310;1414967642;PeterL;ah, so it keeps adding to bundle 2 until bundle 1 confirms? 907311;1414967652;punkman;yeah 907312;1414967659;PeterL;ok, nevermind then 907313;1414967659;punkman;up to 64 907314;1414967677;PeterL;64 what, deeds per bundle? 907315;1414967727;mircea_popescu;!up orkaa 907316;1414967738;mircea_popescu;punkman how do you broadcast currently ? 907317;1414967782;punkman;mircea_popescu: through electrum 907318;1414967798;mircea_popescu;then let it be, dubious adding more complexity will do anything. 907319;1414967822;punkman;yeah let's see if it works for more than 2 days this time 907320;1414967841;mircea_popescu;in other news, bows! http://40.media.tumblr.com/1f635ded3ac4213e26a41ba327906f60/tumblr_n66lvnMpkd1sajoh5o1_500.jpg 907321;1414968122;*;jurov did double take "no it's not porcelain" 907322;1414968156;mircea_popescu;:) 907323;1414968584;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla http://trilema.com/2014/bitbet-sbbet-october-2014-statement/ 907324;1414968584;assbot;BitBet (S.BBET) October 2014 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 907325;1414968821;mircea_popescu;http://33.media.tumblr.com/02482ca023c5894b4d1d3cdf7f545300/tumblr_n8y2t9xTfN1tzuecno1_500.gif <<< aaaaaaaaand the reciprocating engine. 907326;1414968861;hanbot;lol 907327;1414969781;punkman;.deed http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/mpifclosing.txt.asc 907328;1414969781;punkbot;punkman: No valid deeds found, try again. (untrusted: 1) 907329;1414970439;[]bot;Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "Bitcoin $817 or above before Christmas" http://bitbet.us/bet/1043/ Odds: 17(Y):83(N) by coin, 19(Y):81(N) by weight. Total bet: 8.66076514 BTC. Current weight: 49,528. 907330;1414971030;punkman;BingoBoingo: apparently you are BingoBoingo in one database and bingoboingo in the other 907331;1414971412;punkman;nanotube: shouldn't names match between GPG.db and RatingSystem.db? 907332;1414971468;mircea_popescu;punkman what happens should one try to register mirceA_Popescu ? 907333;1414971483;punkman;dun think that'll work 907334;1414971531;punkman;current trust list: http://dpaste.com/3WM49E7#wrap 907335;1414971532;assbot;dpaste: 3WM49E7 907336;1414971614;thestringpuller;punkman: they might be out of sync 907337;1414971656;joecool;wat is this list and why am I on it? 907338;1414971675;punkman;;;gettrust assbot joecool 907339;1414971675;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask joecool!~joecool@no-sources/joecool. Trust relationship from user assbot to user joecool: Level 1: 1, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=joecool | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=joecool | Rated since: Thu Apr 28 14:23:15 2011 907340;1414971693;nanotube;punkman: they should match plus or minus capitalization, at least. 907341;1414971727;joecool;oh hey nano, been forever how are you? 907342;1414971746;mircea_popescu;!s joecool 907343;1414971747;assbot;1080 results for 'joecool' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=joecool 907344;1414971749;bounce;probably should follow irc nick equivalency rules, no? 907345;1414971753;mircea_popescu;you're on all sorts of lists :D 907346;1414971821;joecool;mircea_popescu: good to know, still popular I guess 907347;1414971864;punkman;nanotube: any chance I could get current irc hostmask via http://bitcoin-otc.com/viewgpg.php?nick=punkman&outformat=json ? 907348;1414971990;mircea_popescu;http://www.reddit.com/r/BasicIncome/ << reddit at its best : libertard/socialist astroturfing. 907349;1414971991;assbot;The Basic Income Community on Reddit 907350;1414972051;joecool;because /r/welfare got banned 907351;1414972087;thestringpuller;"what if instead of using that money for my needs I just stay at bobs house and buy the heroin while he pays for the house and we pool for food" 907352;1414972130;mircea_popescu;"Could someone point me to any good arguments AGAINST basic income?" 907353;1414972143;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5900 @ 0.00077232 = 4.5567 BTC [+] 907354;1414972143;mircea_popescu;because "fuck you" is apparently not good enough now o.O 907355;1414972188;thestringpuller;joecool: why did /r/welfare get banned? 907356;1414972204;thestringpuller;also i've always been meaning to ask this. is your name a reference to snoopy? 907357;1414972238;mircea_popescu;"Yes, but that's a common problem with ANY "socialist" measure to help workers, whether it be minimum wage or full blown communism, or anything in between. Global capitalism is a race to the bottom. If we keep playing that game, I see nothing but a dystopian future of neofuedalism and a regression to gilded age economic policies." 907358;1414972241;joecool;i really don't know what my name is a reference to, i've been using it so long now it just stuck 907359;1414972243;mircea_popescu;check it out, schmuckland gets it :D 907360;1414972247;asciilifeform;dafuq is 'basic income' ? 907361;1414972248;mircea_popescu;of fucking course. 907362;1414972253;joecool;and no clue on why it got banned, it just is 907363;1414972256;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform "get money to pay for anything you might want for free" 907364;1414972275;asciilifeform;and what happens to price? 907365;1414972287;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you don't understand how the idiots work,. 907366;1414972344;asciilifeform;i often wonder what take #2 would be like, if they understood what happens to price (e.g., usa with credit and 'college loans', etc) 907367;1414972410;punkman;.status 907368;1414972412;punkbot;punkman: No pending deeds | Last bundle 3 hours and 4 minutes ago 907369;1414972427;punkman;.deed http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/mpifclosing.txt.asc 907370;1414972429;punkbot;punkman: Queued 1 valid deed for next bundle. 907371;1414972438;asciilifeform;the idiots << nuance here. if i have soldering iron up my arse, i might utter something more than the 'moo' of a cow that has soldering iron up her arse. but the fact remains that having hot iron up arse - is not pleasant. 907372;1414972450;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform what would the 2nd step be of a broom processing a program, if the broom were capable of processing programs ? 907373;1414972469;asciilifeform;likewise, both idiot and normal person understand that something evil is at work underneath the cost of modern life being what it is re: the bezzle. 907374;1414972478;mircea_popescu;perhaps. 907375;1414972611;asciilifeform;and know that the idiot is emboldened by the fact of the non-idiot not having any more effective, immediately, an answer than he. 907376;1414972701;mircea_popescu;;;google cocksure full of doubt 907377;1414972702;gribble;The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the ...: ; Stupidity - Wikiquote: ; Bertrand Russell - Positive Atheism: 907378;1414972718;asciilifeform;aha. 907379;1414972763;mircea_popescu;idiot's always felt emboldened by his purely political, stupideological decision that the effective, immediate answer of the intelligent "don't exist". 907380;1414972770;mircea_popescu;why should he get in the wot ? shit's hard yo. 907381;1414972797;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/12869197792.gif 907382;1414972938;nanotube;howdy joecool :) 907383;1414972987;nanotube;punkman: nope, that data isn't stored in the gpg database. 907384;1414973004;jurov;http://therealbitcoin.org/mailman/listinfo/btc-dev << turdatron functional and described here, except for actual database dump 907385;1414973072;mircea_popescu;eee 907386;1414973121;punkman;.deed http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2014-October/000003.html 907387;1414973121;punkbot;punkman: No valid deeds found, try again. (invalid: 1) 907388;1414973211;punkman;jurov, guessing that linkifies plaintext URLs 907389;1414973252;punkman;would pass otherwise 907390;1414973259;jurov;i did not foresee this use for the archives 907391;1414973294;punkbot;Bundled 1 deed | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1JxhUigL 907392;1414973295;assbot;Bundle 1JxhUigL | #bitcoin-assets deed registry 907393;1414973311;ben_vulpes; the "profession" of photography is not evolving towards going back to film cameras. it's evolving towards drone cameras. they find the right spot on their own, fly around, take a bunch of photos for you etc. << the "red" cameras are another interesting evolution here. by my limited understanding 'filmmakers' are in the habit of blanketing the scene with them and then making zooms/pans/dolly actions happen in post 907394;1414973321;mircea_popescu;jurov considering deeding is cheap, why not. 907395;1414973342;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes yup. it's what drove my comment. 907396;1414973343;thestringpuller;ben_vulpes: dude RED camera's are so annoying and pervasive. 907397;1414973361;thestringpuller;ben_vulpes: like seriously get a fucking dolly or steadicam. 907398;1414973366;mircea_popescu;http://38.media.tumblr.com/2071218dd794fc678ba3272537ecd010/tumblr_n7speit5Op1ra163eo4_r1_250.gif leaving this here because im sure i'll find a reference for it later. 907399;1414973368;ben_vulpes;thestringpuller: why bother? 907400;1414973370;thestringpuller;shit like that pisses me off so much 907401;1414973396;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller why ? 907402;1414973424;thestringpuller;Because it's not film making anymore. 907403;1414973433;punkman;why do you think people with RED cameras don't use steadicams? 907404;1414973469;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller srsly, this sounds to me exactly like bounce 's objection coming from a different ego investment. 907405;1414973505;cazalla;mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/12869197792.gif <<< poor rakim got done for rape, kidnap, sodomy http://mugshots.com/US-Counties/Oregon/Marion-County-OR/Rakim-Malik-Dupriest.8789464.html 907406;1414973506;assbot;Rakim Malik Dupriest Mugshot - Rakim Malik Dupriest Arrest - Marion County, OR 907407;1414973537;mircea_popescu;cazalla happens to the best o' em. 907408;1414973558;ben_vulpes;good ol marion county 907409;1414973561;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: so what do you think about Orson Welles? Yea it's cool you can get a RED camera and press the easy button, warranted it makes shit cheaper. But it's a cheap replacement for "the real thing" 907410;1414973572;ben_vulpes;there's no easy button. 907411;1414973577;ben_vulpes;you just move the work into post. 907412;1414973582;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller well it all depends on what the real thing is. 907413;1414973598;ben_vulpes;instead of dolly operators, you have an editor who knows that a dolly move would be most appropriate for a given shot. 907414;1414973602;mircea_popescu;are the current wives marrying all sfondate not real wives ? 907415;1414973607;thestringpuller;"genuine camera movement" 907416;1414973619;mircea_popescu;;;google Sfondami tutta 907417;1414973620;gribble;Porngif6 on Twitter: "http://t.co/1v8zTZU9bz http://t.co/Qq7FpIiF3o ...: ; Eurobabeindex - Jenny Simpson: ; Eurobabeindex - Karen: 907418;1414973699;cazalla;no news today but that money2020 event is on 907419;1414973702;thestringpuller;maybe when the day comes when what actually is recorded vs. what you would simulate in post, are reconciled. (i.e. someone recording every atom in a scene), then sure. 907420;1414973715;ben_vulpes;bang bang maxwell's silver demon 907421;1414973734;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller honestly, i'm not in a position to manage the workflow. i'll go with whatever the director wants to use. it's his film not mine. 907422;1414973893;thestringpuller;^- which is appreciatory! I wish more producers had this attitude. 907423;1414974183;ben_vulpes;http://seattletimes.com/html/localnews/2024924914_westneat02xml.html 907424;1414974184;assbot;Police allow car break-ins to become a Seattle growth industry | Local News | The Seattle Times 907425;1414974292;punkbot;Confirmed bundle 1JxhUigL4ffuM6mVEhEFBCueeaV3kQAvd5 | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1JxhUigL 907426;1414974292;assbot;Bundle 1JxhUigL | #bitcoin-assets deed registry 907427;1414974363;mircea_popescu;anyone seen The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai ? 907428;1414974368;mircea_popescu;this may actually be the worst film of all time. 907429;1414974370;mircea_popescu;!up Flyer33 907430;1414974378;mircea_popescu;!up Flyer9933 907431;1414975115;jurov;http://mic.com/articles/102494/scientists-have-discovered-an-activity-just-as-pleasurable-as-sex-drugs-and-gambling 907432;1414975116;assbot;Scientists Have Discovered an Activity Just as Pleasurable as Sex, Drugs and Gambling - Mic 907433;1414975192;punkman;lolstudy 907434;1414975525;thestringpuller;;;ident 907435;1414975526;gribble;Nick 'thestringpuller', with hostmask 'thestringpuller!~leflor@99-39-97-12.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net', is identified as user 'thestringpuller', with GPG key id 0FF2943DA179E169, key fingerprint 6ACE36E786F39A4ADC4506DE0FF2943DA179E169, and bitcoin address None 907436;1414976060;ben_vulpes;;;ident 907437;1414976060;gribble;Nick 'ben_vulpes', with hostmask 'ben_vulpes!~user@unaffiliated/benkay', is identified as user 'ben_vulpes', with GPG key id 2AFA1A9FD2D031DA, key fingerprint 4F7907942CA8B89B01E25A762AFA1A9FD2D031DA, and bitcoin address None 907438;1414976462;mircea_popescu;who was asking me about curtis recently ? 907439;1414976465;mircea_popescu;!s moldbug 907440;1414976466;assbot;76 results for 'moldbug' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=moldbug 907441;1414976498;mircea_popescu;;;later tell johntraveller here you go, i finally found a better article on the topic : http://trilema.com/2013/why-i-am-not-a-white-nationalist/ 907442;1414976498;assbot;“Why I am not a white nationalist” pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 907443;1414976498;gribble;The operation succeeded. 907444;1414976719;mircea_popescu;<cazalla> no news today but that money2020 event is on << so publish the qntra shares list. 907445;1414976759;cazalla;i thought i was waiting on you to do that with the data i emailed 907446;1414976801;mircea_popescu;cazalla nah, publish that 907447;1414976807;mircea_popescu;(and since the deed is up, deedify it too) 907448;1414976859;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: how do shares get disbursed? 907449;1414976888;mircea_popescu;ppl who have mpex accts get them added there. people who don't have to contact jurov, get them on coinbr 907450;1414976940;thestringpuller;they'll be disbursed before or on the 4th of each month? 907451;1414976947;thestringpuller;(based on IPO contract) 907452;1414976987;cazalla;mircea_popescu, post word count or shares, i was waiting for you to publish for the later 907453;1414977013;mircea_popescu;cazalla word count, ima make a report like for s.mpoe referencing it. 907454;1414977019;cazalla;kk 907455;1414977759;cazalla;.deed http://qntra.net/2014/11/qntra-s-qntr-october-2014-statement/ 907456;1414977759;assbot;Qntra (S.QNTR) October 2014 Statement | Qntra.net 907457;1414977759;punkbot;cazalla: No valid deeds found, try again. 907458;1414977866;cazalla;.deed http://qntra.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/october.asc 907459;1414977866;punkbot;cazalla: Queued 1 valid deed for next bundle. 907460;1414978514;decimation;https://github.com/EtchedPixels/FUZIX << Alan Cox: "Fed up of SystemD ? Kdbus the final straw ? Linux community too large and noisy ? Yearn for the good old days when you knew every contributor by name and the source code fitted on a single floppy disc ?" 907461;1414978515;assbot;EtchedPixels/FUZIX · GitHub 907462;1414978618;mircea_popescu;decimation let me guess, no wot. 907463;1414978685;decimation;I'm not sure if he's serious 907464;1414978695;decimation;it seems like a port of minix to the z80 kinda 907465;1414978702;punkman;it's for microcontrollers 907466;1414978703;punkbot;Bundled 1 deed | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1L2XKKL2 907467;1414978703;assbot;Bundle 1L2XKKL2 | #bitcoin-assets deed registry 907468;1414978704;thestringpuller;a lot of things on github are jokes 907469;1414978935;decimation;https://github.com/tip4commit/tip4commit/issues/127 << speaking of github tardation 907470;1414978937;assbot;Please remove mitsuhiko/* · Issue #127 · tip4commit/tip4commit · GitHub 907471;1414978956;decimation;apparently people working for some guy's "open source project" started getting paid in bitcoin 907472;1414978970;decimation;he was royally pissed, because the IRS and because it's not nice 907473;1414979030;mircea_popescu;eh... 907474;1414979031;mircea_popescu;wut ? 907475;1414979054;decimation;yeah exactly 907476;1414979086;decimation;weeding through the comments, I get the picture that this tip4commit guy (arsenische) started 'tipping' people for commits to open source projects 907477;1414979106;decimation;then began 'fund-raising' for the project without talking to the 'maintainers' 907478;1414979463;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6605 @ 0.00076942 = 5.082 BTC [-] {2} 907479;1414979522;kakobrekla;http://cointelegraph.com/news/112846/bitbet-fairlay-betmoose-meet-bitcoins-prediction-markets < is this the first time they dont miss bitbet ? 907480;1414979522;assbot;BitBet, Fairlay, BetMoose: Meet Bitcoin’s Prediction Markets 907481;1414979652;BingoBoingo;kakobrekla: Maybe they commented out their Fuck you Bitbet line in their article generation code? 907482;1414979667;kakobrekla;prolly just a bug. 907483;1414979805;punkbot;Confirmed bundle 1L2XKKL25eCrcGBycJyMN26oicCDWJ9J4x | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1L2XKKL2 907484;1414979805;assbot;Bundle 1L2XKKL2 | #bitcoin-assets deed registry 907485;1414979829;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11100 @ 0.00076877 = 8.5333 BTC [-] 907486;1414980073;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9700 @ 0.00076813 = 7.4509 BTC [-] {2} 907487;1414980076;mircea_popescu;in todays heretic tales, using bechamel sauce as a base for pizza instead of tomato sauce works fucking great. 907488;1414980100;mircea_popescu;this arsenische name is familiar. 907489;1414980125;mircea_popescu;;;google site:bitcointalk.org arsenische 907490;1414980126;gribble;View the profile of arsenische - Bitcoin Forum: ; [WTS] Steam Games for Bitcoins! (www.steamcoin.net) [NOW WITH ...: ; [Announce] MyCryptCoin.com now has a referral program: 907491;1414980171;mircea_popescu;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=315802.msg9405304#msg9405304 <<< sure enough 907492;1414980171;assbot;[ANN] Tip4Commit.com - support opensource projects, contribute and earn bitcoins 907493;1414980177;mircea_popescu;"We are being criticized for unsolicited email spam. 907494;1414980177;mircea_popescu;Just to clear the things out: we do not spam and never intended to. Perhaps in the early days of the project we sent out disturbing notifications about microdonations, but that was fixed long ago, just see the algorithm here: https://github.com/tip4commit/tip4commit/blob/master/app/models/tip.rb#L115-L126 907495;1414980178;assbot;tip4commit/tip.rb at master · tip4commit/tip4commit · GitHub 907496;1414980178;mircea_popescu;We send emails only to public email addresses of contributors who received tips for their contribution and only when ALL of the following conditions are met:" 907497;1414980266;mircea_popescu;also runs a scammy "ads" site, which basiclaly sells botted traffic 907498;1414980284;mircea_popescu;"Thanks for your message. Someone generated too much traffic to our main site. I think it is fixed now. Ad rotation not affected." sorta thing 907499;1414980343;decimation;yeah I have no truck with this guy 907500;1414980378;decimation;I just find it amusing that people recoil in horror at being gifted some bitcents 907501;1414980520;mircea_popescu;cazalla http://trilema.com/2014/qntra-sqntr-october-2014-statement/ 907502;1414980520;assbot;Qntra (S.QNTR) October 2014 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 907503;1414980532;mircea_popescu;decimation they prolly got a buncha spam 907504;1414980538;mircea_popescu;!up bettycla1p 907505;1414980632;kakobrekla;http://trilema.com/2014/bitbet-sbbet-october-2014-statement/#comment-109525 907506;1414980632;assbot;BitBet (S.BBET) October 2014 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 907507;1414980705;mircea_popescu;side A : http://41.media.tumblr.com/18f53c59cd94056f483f6b47456d17d4/tumblr_n7q5hi1qnm1rhktfxo4_500.jpg side B : http://41.media.tumblr.com/6d9100195a776ec8a2138a6845b7ff59/tumblr_n7q5hi1qnm1rhktfxo1_500.jpg 907508;1414980738;decimation;speaking of scamming Indians, this story is mildly amusing: http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2014/oct/28/-sp-jobs-brokers-entrap-indian-tech-workers?CMP=share_btn_tw 907509;1414980739;assbot;Job brokers steal wages and entrap Indian tech workers in US | US news | The Guardian 907510;1414980752;decimation;bonded servitude is alive and well in the us 907511;1414980779;mircea_popescu;something in me suspects the only objection is that indians do it to other indians, instead of the proper way (us folk doing it) 907512;1414980804;decimation;yeah apparently they even have an indian high-power lawyer to cover the whole thing 907513;1414980809;mircea_popescu;seeing how in most cases this "people's rights" thing is used in the manner of liberating hawaii from its queen : to soften up the structure. 907514;1414980833;decimation;and the most likely people to sell you into servitude are: your fellow kin 907515;1414980860;mircea_popescu;well who else. 907516;1414980873;mircea_popescu;i suppose a bunch of armenian chicks got sold by the turks, but still 907517;1414980895;mircea_popescu;punkbot deed http://trilema.com/2014/bitbet-sbbet-october-2014-statement/#comment-109525 907518;1414980895;assbot;BitBet (S.BBET) October 2014 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 907519;1414980895;punkbot;mircea_popescu: No valid deeds found, try again. (invalid: 1) 907520;1414980924;mircea_popescu;punkbot deed http://pastebin.com/kRRCAiRR 907521;1414980924;assbot;-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 BitBet (S.BBET) October 2014 S - Pastebin.com 907522;1414980924;punkbot;mircea_popescu: Queued 1 valid deed for next bundle. 907523;1414980927;mircea_popescu;ha! 907524;1414980935;mircea_popescu;i did one, i did one 907525;1414980948;decimation;quote the meat: "These students at one of southern India’s oldest universities described the irresistible draw of landing a technology job in the US – even if it means signing a contract promising to pay off a bond if they quit. Most acknowledged that is the price they expect to pay to pursue their dreams." 907526;1414981006;decimation;From the perspective of living in India, making $25k sounds awesome ... until you move to the us and you want to eat 907527;1414981022;mircea_popescu;yup 907528;1414981046;mircea_popescu;and you discover that unlike india, the us is a third world country 907529;1414981124;decimation;one of the reasons for this: the us has no legal system, unlike singapore http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-10-29/singapore-s-top-court-upholds-ban-on-sex-between-men.html 907530;1414981126;assbot;Singapore’s Ban on Gay Male Sex Is Upheld by Top Court - Bloomberg 907531;1414981153;mircea_popescu;o.O 907532;1414981161;mircea_popescu;what the fuck sense does that make., 907533;1414981172;mircea_popescu;o wait, isn't this the shithole where it's illegal to chew gum ? 907534;1414981176;decimation;"“Whilst we understand the deeply held personal feelings of the appellants, there’s nothing that this court can do to assist them,” the judges wrote in their ruling. “Their remedy lies, if at all, in the legislative sphere.” " 907535;1414981183;decimation;well, they have a point there 907536;1414981204;decimation;you can chew, just don't spit it out on the ground... 907537;1414981232;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14551 @ 0.00076795 = 11.1744 BTC [-] {2} 907538;1414981346;mircea_popescu;ah, forbidden to import, 907539;1414981361;mircea_popescu;k. 907540;1414981445;mircea_popescu;"The law, known as Section 377A, was retained in 2007 after a two-day debate in parliament where related provisions that made heterosexual oral and anal sex a crime were repealed." 907541;1414981476;mircea_popescu;wbahahaha. so i can fuck a chick in the ass, just, gay dude can't fuck another gay dude ? lol. 907542;1414981485;decimation;cause it's the law you see 907543;1414981574;mircea_popescu;decimation no, i appreciate your point, sg sc didn't start legislating out of the blue. 907544;1414981600;decimation;in the us that's exactly what would/has happened, on a variety of fronts 907545;1414981623;mircea_popescu;well, the us also has an unrepresentative congress. 907546;1414981628;mircea_popescu;singapore is tiny 907547;1414981635;decimation;that's true 907548;1414981709;decimation;it's fair to say that the 'nexus' of sovereignty in the us is the supreme court, by default. congress and the elected executives refuse to deal with simmering issues, so they tend to end up in the court 907549;1414981835;cazalla;but i poop from there.. don't see the appeal tbh 907550;1414981895;decimation;lol here's a blog from some guy who was offended by the scammer tip4commit guy, but he vents his hatred at ... bitcoin http://lucumr.pocoo.org/2014/11/2/payments-in-the-future/ 907551;1414981895;assbot;The Future of Payments and Open Source Support | Armin Ronacher's Thoughts and Writings 907552;1414982065;decimation;libertard/socialist types definitely detect that bitcoin menaces them, but they rarely come up with the right words to describe the threat 907553;1414982309;punkbot;Bundled 1 deed | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/18jURUQo 907554;1414982309;assbot;Bundle 18jURUQo | #bitcoin-assets deed registry 907555;1414982391;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 47324 @ 0.00076595 = 36.2478 BTC [-] {7} 907556;1414982609;punkbot;Confirmed bundle 18jURUQoTx9DaqAndnwvrfyriZgVkJyD3b | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/18jURUQo 907557;1414982610;assbot;Bundle 18jURUQo | #bitcoin-assets deed registry 907558;1414982648;mircea_popescu;decimation o look at that, world wants to "opt in" or "opt out" of bitcoin. 907559;1414982649;mircea_popescu;heh. 907560;1414982683;mircea_popescu;this delusion of choice is perhaps the most amusing part of the fiat world. he only sucks the cock if he wants to, you see. 907561;1414982687;decimation;yeah you see, he "doesn't care" about bitcoin, and beside how is he going to have his pension benefits for life? 907562;1414982735;mircea_popescu;"Tip me via gittip." having nothing to do with any of this, obviously. 907563;1414982772;mircea_popescu;i like how people can't quite bring themselves to come out with it plain, "i'm invested in this thing bitcoin is gonna kill so...!!!" 907564;1414982786;decimation;no, but this 'tardation does suggestion something amusing: you could easily destroy most open source projects simply by paying a competent coder or two to fork it and rebuild it rationally 907565;1414982799;mircea_popescu;decimation kinda what we're trying recently. 907566;1414982804;decimation;hehe yeah 907567;1414982819;mircea_popescu;pretty much everytihng that happens here is the blueprint for large swaths of future, 907568;1414982831;mircea_popescu;it's just you know, when in history have contemporary cowlets realise what's what. 907569;1414982861;mircea_popescu;speaking of which, http://41.media.tumblr.com/7aefa635be7ae8267b708393d2fa2321/tumblr_n3neanxoZy1tsjv2yo1_500.jpg 907570;1414983367;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10611 @ 0.00076492 = 8.1166 BTC [-] {2} 907571;1414983883;cazalla;http://qntra.net/2014/11/bitcoin-startups-may-get-transitional-licence/ there is nothing much else going on today so no complaints! 907572;1414983884;assbot;Bitcoin Startups May Get Transitional Licence | Qntra.net 907573;1414984019;mircea_popescu;"Supernintendo Benjamin Lawsky" 907574;1414984020;mircea_popescu;lol apt. 907575;1414984488;cazalla;is this bs? http://techcrunch.com/2014/11/02/bitcoin-brothers-aim-to-disrupt-bitcoin-mining-with-new-more-powerful-supercomputers/ "Bitcoin Brothers is working with TSMC to manufacture its proprietary 3D 16nm FinFET ASICs" 907576;1414984488;assbot;Bitcoin Brothers Aim To Disrupt Bitcoin Mining With New, More Powerful, Supercomputers | TechCrunch 907577;1414984525;mircea_popescu;hard to judge. 90% of new miners are scams. 907578;1414984545;mircea_popescu;so it's a safe if not ironclad assumption 907579;1414984565;mircea_popescu;heh, "hosted bitcoin mining services", moar like 99% 907580;1414984667;kakobrekla;>Our Bitcoin supercomputers with a quasi-opportunistic massively parallel computing model for job scheduling establish a new exascale class - well beyond FLOPS and MIPS 907581;1414984668;kakobrekla;eh? 907582;1414984680;decimation;lol 907583;1414984720;decimation;if that's from their copy, then that nudges the probability of scam up a few orders of magnitude 907584;1414984748;mircea_popescu;lmao 907585;1414984759;mircea_popescu;the shit techcrunch will publish these days seriously... 907586;1414984769;mircea_popescu;it's embarassing. 907587;1414984826;mircea_popescu;s/camwhore/quasi-opportunistic parallel meta-slut/ 907588;1414984831;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15100 @ 0.00076201 = 11.5064 BTC [-] {2} 907589;1414984835;decimation;at any rate, I think some of the miners that have delivered were working on 20 nm stuff 907590;1414984859;decimation;so it's highly dubious that a 16nm process is going to be massively better 907591;1414984877;thestringpuller;;;later tell nubbins` did the poster ship okay? it never crossed over the border ~_~ 907592;1414984878;gribble;The operation succeeded. 907593;1414984974;mircea_popescu;decimation nah, the gains are likely to come from bettere design not from better substrate going forward 907594;1414984987;mircea_popescu;heck, even intel pretty much scrapped the smaller-print plans 907595;1414985007;decimation;agreed. who knows about the existing designs, but I doubt that massive gains are available there either (more than 10x) 907596;1414985016;mircea_popescu;i would expect so. 907597;1414985024;mircea_popescu;they're currently the product of basically copy paste. 907598;1414985045;mircea_popescu;less money has gone into design than into production, imagine that. with stable silicon producers it's more like, 99% goes into design 907599;1414985051;decimation;heh I bet they are implementations of the original gpu mining code 907600;1414985069;mircea_popescu;mostly. 907601;1414985099;kakobrekla;nah 907602;1414985137;mircea_popescu;in any case time shall tell. 907603;1414985168;kakobrekla;firstly sha cant be endlessly optimized and my educated guess, better than sexy gingers, is that its pretty much as good as it will get 907604;1414985168;thestringpuller;http://btcartgallery.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/BgtgkIHCYAA9ZES.png 907605;1414985194;decimation;at any rate, I don't think we will see "steps" like we saw from gpu to asic, for example 907606;1414985196;mircea_popescu;lol 907607;1414985198;kakobrekla;fury already spent some years on this 907608;1414985215;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla didn't fury appear in 2013 ? 907609;1414985249;kakobrekla;no 907610;1414985258;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19578 @ 0.00076083 = 14.8955 BTC [-] {2} 907611;1414985271;kakobrekla;http://web.archive.org/web/20120525021145/http://bitfury.org/ 907612;1414985271;assbot;Home :: BitFury 907613;1414985277;mircea_popescu;http://bitbet.us/bet/450/bitfurys-asic-will-work-with-power-1/ << th\eir first thing. 907614;1414985278;assbot;BitBet - BitFury's ASIC WILL WORK WITH POWER < 1 W / GH/s :: 158.3 B (56%) on Yes, 125.9 B (44%) on No | closed 1 year 5 months ago 907615;1414985282;mircea_popescu;one year, fgice months ago. 907616;1414985286;kakobrekla;at this point he already spent 1year + on this 907617;1414985293;*;mircea_popescu shrugs. 907618;1414985304;mircea_popescu;i spent 30+ years on being me too. 907619;1414985310;kakobrekla;first unrolled design on spartan 907620;1414985314;kakobrekla;and the only one. 907621;1414985319;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24400 @ 0.0007583 = 18.5025 BTC [-] 907622;1414985328;mircea_popescu;that was a fpga neh ? 907623;1414985340;kakobrekla;did liek 350 mhash on spartan when others were doing 200 907624;1414985357;kakobrekla;yes, but the math is the same 907625;1414985374;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla i can appreciate this view. nevertheless, from a businessman persepective, the people who don't give a shit, it's one year, five months. 907626;1414985386;mircea_popescu;that's not much. looks like plenty of room is left. 907627;1414985402;kakobrekla;unless you improve the math how sha is calculated, not really 907628;1414985423;mircea_popescu;mebbe so. 907629;1414985543;hanbot;.deed http://pastebin.com/EG3bw4zU 907630;1414985543;assbot;-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Report 7. November 2nd, 2014 - Pastebin.com 907631;1414985543;punkbot;hanbot: Queued 1 valid deed for next bundle. 907632;1414985553;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/trilema << turns out i had a spare twitter lmao. 907633;1414985554;assbot;Mircea Popescu (@trilema) on Twitter 907634;1414985752;joecool;oh not unsuspended yet? 907635;1414985755;joecool;lame 907636;1414985785;mircea_popescu;twitter is kinda lame. 907637;1414985808;joecool;true 907638;1414985960;mircea_popescu;http://www.blackhattoolz.com/ << lmao check out all the windoze toolz! 907639;1414985961;assbot;BlackHat Toolz - Black Hat Marketing Scripts / Software 907640;1414986219;punkbot;Bundled 1 deed | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1NBs7kqr 907641;1414986219;assbot;Bundle 1NBs7kqr | #bitcoin-assets deed registry 907642;1414987126;punkbot;Confirmed bundle 1NBs7kqrsNbofzqZAxyNivigmyCNXpoVr7 | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1NBs7kqr 907643;1414987150;ben_vulpes;do hearn and andresen have wot profiles? 907644;1414987238;ben_vulpes;;;gettrust assbot gmaxwell 907645;1414987238;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user gmaxwell: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 4 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=gmaxwell | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=gmaxwell | Rated since: Mon Jul 25 13:49:45 2011 907646;1414987726;ben_vulpes;;;seen fluffypony 907647;1414987726;gribble;fluffypony was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 week, 0 days, 19 hours, 38 minutes, and 40 seconds ago: looks like it's been moderately approved 907648;1414987730;ben_vulpes;!up Vexual 907649;1414988093;Vexual;any press expected at aregntina abril? 907650;1414988283;ben_vulpes;fuck press 907651;1414988289;ben_vulpes;unless its happening to grapes 907652;1414988296;Vexual;what about steadicam tat? 907653;1414988313;Vexual;ah the pleasure of the vine 907654;1414988322;ben_vulpes;the phundation might commission thestringpuller to run around with a red cam 907655;1414988430;ben_vulpes;;;gettrust gavinandresen 907656;1414988430;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user ben_vulpes to user gavinandresen: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 1 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=ben_vulpes&dest=gavinandresen | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=gavinandresen | Rated since: Mon Mar 28 12:32:28 2011 907657;1414988624;fluffypony;You called? 907658;1414988664;*;Vexual plams a carrot to fluffypony 907659;1414988671;fluffypony;lol 907660;1414988689;fluffypony;LA was such a shit experience 907661;1414988710;fluffypony;The restaurants were phenomenal, everything else was overhyped 907662;1414988724;Vexual;what else do you want? 907663;1414988774;fluffypony;Beauty 907664;1414990208;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20200 @ 0.00073572 = 14.8615 BTC [-] 907665;1414990323;BingoBoingo;.deed http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/qntrapush.txt.asc 907666;1414990325;punkbot;BingoBoingo: Queued 1 valid deed for next bundle. 907667;1414990355;BingoBoingo;Oh. punkbot no longer has if bingo then fuck you code 907668;1414990394;BingoBoingo;.deed http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/mpifclosing.txt.asc 907669;1414990394;punkbot;BingoBoingo: No valid deeds found, try again. (dupe: 1) 907670;1414990669;BingoBoingo;.deed http://thedrinkingrecord.com/mpifclosingupdate.txt.asc 907671;1414990670;punkbot;BingoBoingo: Queued 1 valid deed for next bundle. 907672;1414990928;ben_vulpes;fluffypony: beauty? los angeles? 907673;1414990932;ben_vulpes;you must be out of your mind. 907674;1414991765;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: first unrolled design on spartan... and the only one << wait which 'spartan' actually had room for unrolled sha2 ? 907675;1414991853;*;asciilifeform refrains from launching into rant re: how you can actually fit 10x more gates in fpga if you start 'cheating' by using secret data re: the internal layout, and how any system which offers this capability is actually telling lies when advertised with its highest-level intended abstractions as the correct ones. 907676;1414991855;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32200 @ 0.00073341 = 23.6158 BTC [-] {2} 907677;1414991994;kakobrekla;XC6SXL150 907678;1414992006;asciilifeform;aha 907679;1414992557;BingoBoingo;Old mining conversation: http://bitcoinstats.com/irc/bitcoin-dev/logs/2012/02/10#l1328912036 907680;1414992558;assbot;BitcoinStats 907681;1414992620;asciilifeform;snore. 907682;1414992691;BingoBoingo;Well, old. From the days where scrypt was to many the anti-GPU pill, and delivered BTC ASIC were about a year away 907683;1414992698;ben_vulpes; decimation kinda what we're trying recently. << oh hey we're paying people nao? who's this "we" and hey jurov what's the story on an addy, eh? 907684;1414992723;asciilifeform;^^^ 907685;1414992824;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://38.media.tumblr.com/2071218dd794fc678ba3272537ecd010/tumblr_n7speit5Op1ra163eo4_r1_250.gif << lol! reminiscent of your grenade proposal 907686;1414992831;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform's looking for his rocket 907687;1414992850;*;asciilifeform doubts we have anything larger than a toy rocket here in this box 907688;1414992869;asciilifeform;anyone who wants to ride that - is welcome to... 907689;1414992871;ben_vulpes;*pfhsheeeeew* 907690;1414992878;ben_vulpes;ah, estes. 907691;1414992900;*;ben_vulpes was working on the big engine handling license for a bit 907692;1414992971;*;asciilifeform reads the logs and finds the very pertinent unix-on-z80 atrocity 907693;1414992992;asciilifeform;yes, no shortage of folks willing to ride toy rocket. 907694;1414992999;ben_vulpes;interesting thing about toy rockets 907695;1414993016;ben_vulpes;build your own exotica, be exempt from licensensing. 907696;1414993019;ben_vulpes;derp 907697;1414993022;ben_vulpes;licensing* 907698;1414993042;ben_vulpes;buy exotica via mail order - must have license for such. 907699;1414993045;asciilifeform;afaik in usa one can even fly an airplane, below (100? kg) in mass, without license 907700;1414993068;ben_vulpes;this is similar to the canadian firearms protocol, where when during the process of acquisition they ask one to 907701;1414993098;ben_vulpes;"please list all people with whom you cohabitated or were in a relationship for the last two years so that we can ask them if you're going to go shoot them" 907702;1414993122;ben_vulpes;nevermind that the sane person will never answer that question in a way useful to the questioner. 907703;1414993317;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: speaking of rockets and small arms, familiar with american invention, 'gyrojet' ? 907704;1414993361;asciilifeform;tiny rocket, ejected from what amounts to a flare pistol - goes through, e.g., a truck 907705;1414993872;ben_vulpes;vaguely 907706;1414993882;ben_vulpes;more interested in mems systems 907707;1414993888;ben_vulpes;<- hipster 907708;1414993904;asciilifeform;eh this was a vietnam-era mechanical thing. 907709;1414993909;ben_vulpes;micro elecro mechanical systems systems 907710;1414993936;ben_vulpes;i want mems-controlled aero surfaces in my projectiles 907711;1414993940;ben_vulpes;i am a child of my time 907712;1414993967;asciilifeform;there's a 'golden toilet' vendor claiming to be churning out the proverbial 'bullet that goes around corners' on precisely this principle 907713;1414993978;*;asciilifeform not involved with this 907714;1414994064;ben_vulpes;i find it hard to believe that corners can be turned with the control forces effected by mems systems 907715;1414994100;asciilifeform;depends on radius of turn 907716;1414994117;asciilifeform;(picture a 'question mark' shape. easy to keep turn radius wide if there is room) 907717;1414994132;ben_vulpes;corners attractive to purchasers in urban combat are unrealistic 907718;1414994251;ben_vulpes;trajectory tweaks for ballistics or sniper action, though... 907719;1414994966;assbot;[MPEX] [S.NSA] 20000 @ 0.00011 = 2.2 BTC [+] 907720;1414995079;mircea_popescu;Level 2: 0 via 1 connections lol da fuck does that work 907721;1414995106;mircea_popescu;<fluffypony> Beauty << looking for beauty in la ? what, like on the street ?! you want beauty, go to burbank. 907722;1414995336;BingoBoingo;.status 907723;1414995336;punkbot;BingoBoingo: 2 pending deeds | Last bundle 2 hours and 31 minutes ago 907724;1414995369;mircea_popescu; nevermind that the sane person will never answer that question in a way useful to the questioner. << yeah but then if they get in an altercation with that person later not answering usefully usually makes the difference between a dismissed case and a felony convicion. 907725;1414995406;mircea_popescu; ben_vulpes: speaking of rockets and small arms, familiar with american invention, 'gyrojet' ? <<< isn't this really that french invention ? the rocket powered grenade that regularly gets stopped in branches etc and kills the shooter ? 907726;1414995460;assbot;Vexual +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0 907727;1414998565;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22350 @ 0.00071871 = 16.0632 BTC [-] 907728;1414999849;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/waroflife-swol-october-2014-statement-closing/ 907729;1414999849;assbot;WarOfLife (S.WOL), October 2014 Statement (closing) pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 907730;1415000073;ben_vulpes;another one bites the dust 907731;1415000100;BingoBoingo;Fall drama season arrives! 907732;1415000116;BingoBoingo;First atc, then X-BT, nao WoL 907733;1415000290;ben_vulpes;oh first atc? 907734;1415000299;ben_vulpes;coulda sworn something died before that 907735;1415000329;BingoBoingo;Prolly was something forgettable 907736;1415000401;ben_vulpes;clearly nothing of import 907737;1415000822;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12600 @ 0.00072451 = 9.1288 BTC [+] 907738;1415001171;mircea_popescu;well these'd be the clean closures 907739;1415001273;mircea_popescu;there's all the moolah mcxnow breakoutgaming moopay etc blowups 907740;1415001282;mircea_popescu;there's all the unannounced ethereum etc deaths, 907741;1415001284;mircea_popescu;piles of stuff. 907742;1415001806;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2014/11/disney-patents-piracy-free-search-engine/ << Done 907743;1415001806;assbot;Disney Patents "Piracy Free" Search Engine | Qntra.net 907744;1415002469;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10600 @ 0.00073602 = 7.8018 BTC [+] 907745;1415002732;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2014/11/war-of-life-closing/ 907746;1415002732;assbot;War of Life Closing | Qntra.net 907747;1415002998;dub;what a scam 907748;1415003028;mircea_popescu;the worst. 907749;1415003056;cazalla;reskin as nigs vs whites 907750;1415003057;dub;!t s.wol mp 907751;1415003057;assbot;It says some pelt-wearin' trapper, some stinkin' bean-suckin' possum skinner, he's gonna collect that reward money. 907752;1415003063;dub;!t mp s.wol 907753;1415003063;assbot;[MPEX:S.WOL] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: / / ( shares, BTC), 30D: 0.000086 / 0.000086 / 0.000086 (2 shares, 0.00 BTC) 907754;1415003085;dub;ouchies for whoever bought at 8600 907755;1415003117;mircea_popescu;;;later tell hanbot you've been awarded some s.qntr shares for your contributions to qntra as per http://trilema.com/2014/qntra-sqntr-october-2014-statement/ talk to jurov 907756;1415003117;assbot;Qntra (S.QNTR) October 2014 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 907757;1415003117;gribble;The operation succeeded. 907758;1415003132;mircea_popescu;;;later tell devthedev you've been awarded some s.qntr shares for your contributions to qntra as per http://trilema.com/2014/qntra-sqntr-october-2014-statement/ talk to jurov 907759;1415003132;assbot;Qntra (S.QNTR) October 2014 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 907760;1415003132;gribble;The operation succeeded. 907761;1415003142;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller you've been awarded some s.qntr shares for your contributions to qntra as per http://trilema.com/2014/qntra-sqntr-october-2014-statement/ talk to jurov 907762;1415003142;assbot;Qntra (S.QNTR) October 2014 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 907763;1415003151;mircea_popescu;;;later tell princessnell you've been awarded some s.qntr shares for your contributions to qntra as per http://trilema.com/2014/qntra-sqntr-october-2014-statement/ talk to jurov 907764;1415003151;assbot;Qntra (S.QNTR) October 2014 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 907765;1415003154;gribble;The operation succeeded. 907766;1415003161;mircea_popescu;;;later tell pete_dushenski you've been awarded some s.qntr shares for your contributions to qntra as per http://trilema.com/2014/qntra-sqntr-october-2014-statement/ talk to jurov 907767;1415003161;assbot;Qntra (S.QNTR) October 2014 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 907768;1415003161;gribble;The operation succeeded. 907769;1415003241;mircea_popescu;;;later tell PinkPosixPXE you've been awarded some s.qntr shares for your contributions to qntra as per http://trilema.com/2014/qntra-sqntr-october-2014-statement/ talk to jurov 907770;1415003241;assbot;Qntra (S.QNTR) October 2014 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 907771;1415003242;gribble;The operation succeeded. 907772;1415003245;mircea_popescu;teh p 907773;1415003249;mircea_popescu;teh p's have it huh. 907774;1415003285;BingoBoingo;So many p's and to think diametric and decimation are hard to tell apart 907775;1415003634;BingoBoingo;.status 907776;1415003634;punkbot;BingoBoingo: 2 pending deeds | Last bundle 4 hours and 50 minutes ago 907777;1415004065;BingoBoingo;Tipping service update feat Weev (who was suspended from twitter nao) http://weev.livejournal.com/410337.html 907778;1415004070;assbot;weev: Gratipay allowed its SJW employee to stop my donations in secret. 907779;1415004141;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo isn't this the guy with the totally failed pseudo-kiclstarter max keiser campaign thing ? 907780;1415004154;BingoBoingo;Yeah 907781;1415004173;BingoBoingo;The Troll with the "Hedge Fund" 907782;1415004207;mircea_popescu;that was so much lulz. what was it called, jumpkick ? startderp ? 907783;1415004221;BingoBoingo;Troll llc. 907784;1415004235;BingoBoingo;!s sad and disappoint 907785;1415004236;assbot;0 results for 'sad and disappoint' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=sad+and+disappoint 907786;1415004250;mircea_popescu;no the "platform" 907787;1415004254;cazalla;startjoin 907788;1415004258;mircea_popescu;ah yes! 907789;1415004271;mircea_popescu;!s startjoin 907790;1415004272;assbot;4 results for 'startjoin' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=startjoin 907791;1415004337;mircea_popescu;https://www.startjoin.com/comments/project/trollc 907792;1415004337;assbot;User comments around the project: TRO LLC 907793;1415004447;mircea_popescu;http://41.media.tumblr.com/1cbd5bdff9ad29d8b278b90a9344d98c/tumblr_n3e4gz3bii1t8zkreo1_500.jpg girls just wanna have fun... 907794;1415004511;BingoBoingo;Ah, those comments 907795;1415004552;mircea_popescu;it did deliver ze mucho lulz. 907796;1415004597;mircea_popescu;anyway, this is all for me. tomorrow! 907797;1415004706;BingoBoingo;!up Vexual 907798;1415004729;Vexual;bag girl did she survive ;;8ball 907799;1415004738;Vexual;;;8ball 907800;1415004739;gribble;One would be wise to think so. 907801;1415005002;Vexual;count the teeth make th ebet 907802;1415005484;Vexual;http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/superracing/forget-the-real-melbourne-cup-form-guide-this-is-what-you-need-if-you-know-nothing-about-racing/story-fnibcaa0-1227110357781?nk=c075cca746594e4227002a4c821d4a6f 907803;1415006190;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14976 @ 0.00074343 = 11.1336 BTC [+] 907804;1415007781;punkman;BingoBoingo: you rascal, triggered another bug in bot with your last two deeds 907805;1415007789;BingoBoingo;O.o 907806;1415007798;jurov;hi all, i received the s.qntr shares, will start distributing them, or the receipts later today 907807;1415007812;BingoBoingo;Thank you jurov 907808;1415007817;punkman;bug fixed 3 hours ago by upstream, living on the edge! 907809;1415007867;punkman;is the website snappy for everyone? 907810;1415007874;BingoBoingo;Sure. 907811;1415007929;BingoBoingo;Website hides the secret "if bingo then fuck you" code that drives the backend 907812;1415007979;punkman;this thing got so many threads and subprocesses, I wonder what new and exciting breakage tomorrow will bring 907813;1415008075;BingoBoingo;punkbot: Tomorrow you find an SHA collision 907814;1415008524;BingoBoingo;http://arstechnica.com/business/2014/11/epic-2014-recalling-a-decade-old-imagining-of-the-tech-driven-media-future/ 907815;1415008525;assbot;EPIC 2014: recalling a decade-old imagining of the media’s future | Ars Technica 907816;1415009118;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16200 @ 0.00074539 = 12.0753 BTC [+] 907817;1415009508;cazalla;prefer the greyhounds to the cup tbh 907818;1415009624;BingoBoingo;!up phf 907819;1415009854;gabriel_laddel;!s deedbot language 907820;1415009854;assbot;0 results for 'deedbot language' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=deedbot+language 907821;1415009917;gabriel_laddel;punkman: what language have you written deedbot in? 907822;1415009924;RagnarDanneskjol;python 907823;1415009950;punkman;gabriel_laddel: https://github.com/extempore/deedbundler 907824;1415009951;assbot;extempore/deedbundler · GitHub 907825;1415010038;punkman;you can grab the script under deedtools/ and sweep some of the unspent bundle txs 907826;1415011132;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12850 @ 0.00074705 = 9.5996 BTC [+] {2} 907827;1415011498;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3350 @ 0.00074837 = 2.507 BTC [+] 907828;1415013084;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27731 @ 0.00074615 = 20.6915 BTC [-] {3} 907829;1415014975;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20212 @ 0.00074155 = 14.9882 BTC [-] 907830;1415015065;punkbot;Bundled 2 deeds | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1uM6gZk7 907831;1415016477;punkbot;Confirmed bundle 1uM6gZk7VBTWEKabZXK5EPcugt9dYijvc | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1uM6gZk7 907832;1415017973;thestringpuller;;;seen jurov 907833;1415017974;gribble;jurov was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 hours, 49 minutes, and 34 seconds ago: hi all, i received the s.qntr shares, will start distributing them, or the receipts later today 907834;1415018818;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16500 @ 0.00074512 = 12.2945 BTC [+] 907835;1415020648;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6100 @ 0.00074572 = 4.5489 BTC [+] 907836;1415021136;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13600 @ 0.00074541 = 10.1376 BTC [-] {2} 907837;1415023217;asciilifeform;;;later tell mircea_popescu nope, not the french one. gyrojet went out of print because, iirc, of misfires. 907838;1415023218;gribble;The operation succeeded. 907839;1415023411;asciilifeform;WOL << RIP. 907840;1415023415;asciilifeform;it was neato. 907841;1415023560;asciilifeform;http://techcrunch.com/2014/11/03/drone-wars 907842;1415023561;assbot;China Builds Anti-Drone Laser Tech | TechCrunch 907843;1415023662;asciilifeform;see also: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-02-2014#488932 907844;1415023662;assbot;Logged on 08-02-2014 00:14:14; asciilifeform: let's do gedankenexperiment. 907845;1415023820;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26825 @ 0.00074131 = 19.8856 BTC [-] {2} 907846;1415023980;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes, mod6: http://therealbitcoin.org << where's the other stuff? 907847;1415024417;ThickAsThieves;mornin 907848;1415025528;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23200 @ 0.00074281 = 17.2332 BTC [+] 907849;1415025772;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28350 @ 0.00074133 = 21.0167 BTC [-] {2} 907850;1415026443;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13255 @ 0.00074371 = 9.8579 BTC [+] {2} 907851;1415026500;mike_c;dub:ouchies for whoever bought at 8600 << nobody did. fabian was testing and bought 1 share of everything. 907852;1415026604;FabianB;not of s.wol 907853;1415026682;mike_c;you sure? it was at the same time and only 1 share. 907854;1415026706;mike_c;in any case, it was only 1-2 shares. 907855;1415026996;ThickAsThieves;I'm holding 72277 S.WOL purchased at 0.00004006 907856;1415027009;*;ThickAsThieves wins. 907857;1415027041;ThickAsThieves;plus a boatload of ATCs 907858;1415027053;ThickAsThieves;good times 907859;1415027054;chetty;holding usually wins in mpex 907860;1415027058;mike_c;yeah, we didn't do each other any favors. 907861;1415027060;ThickAsThieves;not anymore 907862;1415027065;mike_c;i've got boats of atc too 907863;1415027100;ThickAsThieves;curse of pankkake 907864;1415027100;mike_c;anyway, sorry WoL sucked. 907865;1415027114;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12685 @ 0.00074266 = 9.4206 BTC [-] 907866;1415027128;ThickAsThieves;i'm not sure we got to learn whether it sucked 907867;1415027147;ThickAsThieves;but if theres any desire to kill it, it should of course be killed 907868;1415027147;mike_c;the market (consumers) certainly voted 907869;1415027165;ThickAsThieves;did consumers know it existed? 907870;1415027191;mike_c;like any business, some did. and they didn't want to play. many additions/changes were made, with no effect. 907871;1415027212;ThickAsThieves;yeah it was tricky sell 907872;1415027230;ThickAsThieves;maybe would be better encompassed in a broader gaming site 907873;1415027238;mike_c;thing is, if you market a little and get a little, you market more. if you market a little and get nothing.. 907874;1415027268;mike_c;various rounds of improvements & marketing were tried 907875;1415027281;ThickAsThieves;mike_c youre probably right, but to be annoying, it's also possible your initial set of bettors werent your target market 907876;1415027283;chetty;frankly I didnt have the patience for it, I played a couple times but kept forgetting to check back 907877;1415027283;ThickAsThieves;ie me 907878;1415027286;ThickAsThieves;i dont play games 907879;1415027290;ThickAsThieves;but i tried it 907880;1415027298;ThickAsThieves;then stopped cuz well of course 907881;1415027319;ThickAsThieves;probly most of us dont play bitgames 907882;1415027340;mike_c;i don't know what the right answer is, and I am not a master marketer. but if the games had been more fun there would have been more traction than 0. 907883;1415027349;ThickAsThieves;word 907884;1415027355;chetty;<< not much on straight gambling 907885;1415027368;ThickAsThieves;then my final crit would be that maybe it shouldnt have IPOd at all 907886;1415027385;mike_c;that is possible 907887;1415027464;ThickAsThieves;maybe swol can sell it? 907888;1415027472;mike_c;"it"? 907889;1415027476;ThickAsThieves;the game 907890;1415027480;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14300 @ 0.00074266 = 10.62 BTC [-] 907891;1415027486;ThickAsThieves;sell it to satoshicasino or whaetver 907892;1415027489;mike_c;meh. "how much will you pay me for this game nobody likes" 907893;1415027493;ThickAsThieves;haha 907894;1415027510;ThickAsThieves;one man's trash 907895;1415027514;mike_c;maybe they'll give me ATC for it ;) 907896;1415027527;ThickAsThieves;i'll give you all my atc for it 907897;1415027566;ThickAsThieves;it's only fair 907898;1415027581;kakobrekla;sorry to hear mike_c :\ 907899;1415027600;mike_c;thanks. them's the breaks. 907900;1415027621;ThickAsThieves;actually this is a question 907901;1415027630;ThickAsThieves;is the game not an asset of SWOL's? 907902;1415027645;mike_c;asset valued at 0, yes. 907903;1415027659;ThickAsThieves;everything never sold is 0 907904;1415027663;ThickAsThieves;in that sense 907905;1415027684;kakobrekla;idk whats up with buttcoins users but my take is that btcusd chumpatroning takes 90%+ of the cake in 'services' category 907906;1415027694;ThickAsThieves;certainly its value is higher than 0 907907;1415027729;mike_c;not sure i agree, but say its value is 1 btc. how much would it cost to sell it? 907908;1415027729;kakobrekla;btcfiat i will correct myself. 907909;1415027785;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21138 @ 0.00074491 = 15.7459 BTC [+] {2} 907910;1415027787;ThickAsThieves;i dont think either of those values is known 907911;1415027790;ThickAsThieves;but you da boss 907912;1415027816;punkman;mike_c: was thinking of playing some WoL, just my luck :P 907913;1415027841;punkman;so did everyone drop out of the btc games too? 907914;1415027846;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1462 @ 0.0007484 = 1.0942 BTC [+] 907915;1415027853;mike_c;yeah. 0 bets on last 4 weekly games. 907916;1415027930;mike_c;<+kakobrekla> idk whats up with buttcoins users but my take is that btcusd chumpatroning takes 90%+ of the cake in 'services' category << I can't think of any examples to refute this. 907917;1415027942;mike_c;now that JD is gone 907918;1415027968;kakobrekla;the parrot. 907919;1415027970;kakobrekla;it is dead. 907920;1415028285;punkman;puzzle now has 0.05btc http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/deed/HEvYcqtx 907921;1415028285;assbot;Deed HEvYcqtx | #bitcoin-assets deed registry 907922;1415028311;punkman;I'm making a series of puzzles, this one is not very good, checking difficulty 907923;1415028321;punkman;help me test 907924;1415028898;FabianB;http://guardtime.com/ksi-technology/ <-- are they trying to market their own fork of closed-source namecoin? 907925;1415028899;assbot;KSI Technology | Guardtime 907926;1415030408;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35907 @ 0.00074124 = 26.6157 BTC [-] {3} 907927;1415031217;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: updated. jurov: any word on the turdatron? 907928;1415031689;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20050 @ 0.00074061 = 14.8492 BTC [-] 907929;1415031895;Pierre_Rochard;I’m writing up bitcoin accounting software, do y’all have any feature requests? https://github.com/NakamotoInstitute/pacioli 907930;1415031895;assbot;NakamotoInstitute/pacioli · GitHub 907931;1415032565;chetty;Pierre_Rochard, some good verifyable encryption, like you can use your own pgp key or something to cover any stored files 907932;1415032682;nubbins`;.deed http://dpaste.com/0CEGF80.txt 907933;1415032682;punkbot;nubbins`: Queued 1 valid deed for next bundle. 907934;1415032685;nubbins`;right on 907935;1415032694;nubbins`;expected deed id: 62Mg7bxwiWUSHFzytWMyDsLdDUKRDnsF4MoJbsMNFKcL 907936;1415032706;nubbins`;expected public address: 18puZUqAxbErt5V92xCr1DaDYgnoRmkmhr 907937;1415032726;*;nubbins` crosses fingers 907938;1415032933;Pierre_Rochard;chetty: that’s reasonable, though only archived ‘source documents’ could be encrypted with PGP without really hurting performance. The other accounting records would use postgresql’s built in encryption features: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/encryption-options.html 907939;1415032933;assbot;PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.3: Encryption Options 907940;1415032998;Pierre_Rochard;chetty: keep in mind, you would host the database yourself, ideally on localhost without exposing it to the internet 907941;1415033287;punkbot;Bundled 1 deed | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1AKLFcJb 907942;1415033431;punkman;nubbins`: expected deed id: 62Mg7bxwiWUSHFzytWMyDsLdDUKRDnsF4MoJbsMNFKcL << that can't be right 907943;1415033442;nubbins`;nod, checking now 907944;1415033455;punkbot;Confirmed bundle 1AKLFcJbTfFJzVyqdEc2jrZnWNBuAQc4yt | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1AKLFcJb 907945;1415033466;punkman;I guess hex string used where you need byte string 907946;1415033555;nubbins`;yeah, if i pull the hex down via json it verifies ok 907947;1415033563;joecool;what is this? is there documentation on it yet? 907948;1415033565;nubbins`;i'm sure it's something else to do with line endings 907949;1415033827;diametric;http://www.underhanded-c.org/ 907950;1415033828;assbot;The Underhanded C Contest 907951;1415034213;nubbins`;punkman: yeah, verified it's a line ending issue 907952;1415034256;nubbins`;my local file has \n, but if i grab the raw deed from pastebin / dpaste via curl and save it to a file, it's all \r\n 907953;1415034284;nubbins`;but if i pipe it to my clipboard instead of using curl -o, and then paste into a new text file, it preserves \n 907954;1415034287;nubbins`;so... shrug. 907955;1415034305;punkman;that id was too long though 907956;1415034311;nubbins`;o? 907957;1415034402;punkman;oh wait, my bad 907958;1415034411;nubbins`;just a straight-up shasum 907959;1415034423;*;nubbins` scratches chin 907960;1415034441;nubbins`;so i guess my verification/prediction util should convert any \n to \r\n 907961;1415034457;asciilifeform;underhanded c contest << and yes, that's a brand-new one! 907962;1415034479;jurov;ben_vulpes, asciilifeform: it should accept patches/sigs as described in http://therealbitcoin.org/mailman/listinfo/btc-dev 907963;1415034494;jurov;just db output is missing 907964;1415034511;jurov;but now i need to sort out s.wol first 907965;1415034518;asciilifeform;db output ? 907966;1415034530;jurov;the TODO links 907967;1415034680;punkman;nubbins`: hmm same here, so does dpaste convert to CRLF? 907968;1415034682;nubbins`;.deed http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=WtVe054c 907969;1415034683;punkbot;nubbins`: Queued 1 valid deed for next bundle. 907970;1415034689;asciilifeform;'There were a few serialization tricks. Submitter Arthur ODwyer writes usernames and IDs into a string' - from last year's winner. 907971;1415034725;nubbins`;punkman i have nfi. like i said, i get different results when i do curl -o vs curl | pbcopy 907972;1415034731;asciilifeform;'Ti am pleased to learn that o'dwyer is alive. he, or at least a fellow by very same name, and i, went to school together. 907973;1415034738;nubbins`;almost makes me wonder if curl is doing it :0 907974;1415034755;punkman;tried with wget/curl, both gave me CRLF 907975;1415034781;nubbins`;didja try piping it into a pastebin/clipboard util? 907976;1415034787;asciilifeform;' todo links? 907977;1415034788;nubbins`;and then pasting into text editor 907978;1415034835;punkman;yeah got LF then 907979;1415034837;jurov;asciilifeform: on the listinf/btc-dev there will be links to list with accepted patches and their signatures 907980;1415034857;nubbins`;strange hey? 907981;1415034863;asciilifeform;jurov: does that mean we have a maintainer? 907982;1415034870;nubbins`;curl > output.txt also preserves CRLF 907983;1415034914;jurov;asciilifeform: i mean, accepted by turdatron . that does not mean they are valid in any sense 907984;1415034933;asciilifeform;aha. 907985;1415035019;nubbins`;<+nubbins`> .deed http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=WtVe054c <<< expecting deed id AF1zMmjkgvSVLM5dmTZH3hqndeHpG1KukwYahkhcSsj6 and public address 14GVvUrtrNvszwKEr9Qnqevmuy3RNHA3yF 907986;1415035028;jurov;*sigh* if s.wol paid out dividends and then immediately vanished, it would be so much easier 907987;1415035049;jurov;now it just one balance thither, another yonder.. as susual on mpex 907988;1415035110;asciilifeform;http://www.underhanded-c.org/_m_201409.html << best C! 907989;1415035111;assbot;The Underhanded C Contest » 2014 » September 907990;1415035124;nubbins`;punkman see above ^^ 907991;1415035132;nubbins`;http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/deed/AF1zMmjkgvSVLM5dmTZH3hqndeHpG1KukwYahkhcSsj6 907992;1415035132;assbot;Deed AF1zMmjk | #bitcoin-assets deed registry 907993;1415035160;nubbins`;assuming no other deeds get submitted, address should match up as well 907994;1415035205;punkman;punkbot, status 907995;1415035205;punkbot;punkman: 1 pending deed | Last bundle 31 minutes ago 907996;1415035248;punkman;btw, punkbot will now announce additions/removals from trust list 907997;1415035268;nubbins`;nice 907998;1415035269;jurov;;;rate punkman -10 test :DDDD 907999;1415035358;nubbins`;tool for verifying submitted deeds: http://pastebin.com/AXpdkmvJ 908000;1415035358;assbot;checkdeed.js - Pastebin.com 908001;1415035394;nubbins`;tool for predicting deed ID of clearsigned file: http://pastebin.com/Ls76h1kd 908002;1415035395;assbot;processdeed.js - Pastebin.com 908003;1415035415;nubbins`;joecool you wanted documentation, see above ;) 908004;1415035469;punkman;nubbins`, here's how I do it for raw bundles, also checks blockchain https://github.com/extempore/deedbundler/blob/master/deedtools/deedtools.py 908005;1415035469;assbot;deedbundler/deedtools.py at master · extempore/deedbundler · GitHub 908006;1415035496;nubbins`;handy deed utils 908007;1415035502;nubbins`;!s deed utils 908008;1415035504;assbot;0 results for 'deed utils' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=deed+utils 908009;1415035508;nubbins`;shrug, :D 908010;1415035562;nubbins`;punkman this thing is coming together :D 908011;1415035726;[]bot;Bet created: "Eric Frein to receive death sentence" http://bitbet.us/bet/1061/ 908012;1415035729;[]bot;Unable to get details for bet 1062: invalid character '<' looking for beginning of value 908013;1415035755;punkman;wasn't that bet created a few days ago 908014;1415035844;kakobrekla;yes, someone requested to make a custom rss feed for []bot only for it not to be used 908015;1415035871;kakobrekla;(its still using twitter and i just pushed some nonsense there) 908016;1415035899;kakobrekla;fuck you to anyone who mentions rss again. 908017;1415035939;punkman;kakobrekla: what's the custom rss URL, maybe it'd be useful for bitbet.py 908018;1415035961;kakobrekla;you mentioned rss. 908019;1415036181;nubbins`;heh 908020;1415036894;punkbot;Bundled 1 deed | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/14GVvUrt 908021;1415036935;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8309 @ 0.0007433 = 6.1761 BTC [+] 908022;1415037356;nubbins`;http://www.cbc.ca/news/health/u-s-gene-patents-patient-care-stymied-in-canada-hospital-claims-1.2820211 908023;1415037356;assbot;U.S. gene patents: Patient care stymied in Canada, hospital claims - Health - CBC News 908024;1415037384;nubbins`;<+punkbot> Bundled 1 deed | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/14GVvUrt << it works! 908025;1415037384;assbot;Bundle 14GVvUrt | #bitcoin-assets deed registry 908026;1415037405;jurov;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zk_VszbZa_s 908027;1415037405;assbot;Такого как Путин / One Like Putin, English Subs - YouTube 908028;1415037415;*;jurov invites asciilifeform to dance 908029;1415037419;jurov;o/ 908030;1415037423;jurov;\o 908031;1415037545;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15000 @ 0.00074028 = 11.1042 BTC [-] 908032;1415037550;kakobrekla;speaking of Putin, if anyone doesnt know of, check out Rasputin. 908033;1415037574;thestringpuller;Grigori? 908034;1415037589;thestringpuller;;;google Grigori Rasputin 908035;1415037589;gribble;Grigori Rasputin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Rasputin - Biography - Religious Figure - Biography.com: ; Grigory Rasputin - Russiapedia - RT.com: 908036;1415037776;joecool;rastafarian putin 908037;1415037883;punkbot;Confirmed bundle 14GVvUrtrNvszwKEr9Qnqevmuy3RNHA3yF | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/14GVvUrt 908038;1415038410;nubbins`;joecool i did this once 908039;1415038435;nubbins`;can't find original, here's a lo-res copy 908040;1415038436;nubbins`;http://imgur.com/0bukv18 908041;1415038436;assbot; imgur: the simple image sharer 908042;1415038574;jurov;Okay, it turns out the balance changes were just cancelled orders and S.WOL balance did not vanish yet 908043;1415038590;jurov;so i can move on to s.qntr writers 908044;1415038612;jurov;coinbr users, auth with gribble and claim here or PM me your username 908045;1415038638;jurov;will be processed in FIFO manner 908046;1415038719;jurov;BingoBoingo ^ 908047;1415038759;jurov;cazalla peterl PinkPosixPXE ^ 908048;1415038928;thestringpuller;jurov: BingoBoingo submitted a deed. check logs. 908049;1415039097;jurov;so we'll let our lawyers talk, okay 908050;1415039554;nubbins`;.deed http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=CZvVKFM9 908051;1415039555;punkbot;nubbins`: Queued 1 valid deed for next bundle. 908052;1415039560;nubbins`;better late than never 908053;1415039706;thestringpuller;nubbins`: did the poster ever leave canada? I tracked it last night and it said "scanned" 908054;1415039720;nubbins`;i'll look into it :) 908055;1415039727;thestringpuller;ty :D 908056;1415039744;nubbins`;asciilifeform in the meantime it looks like i fucked up the dates in this contract 908057;1415039760;kakobrekla;(Darwin) < got that right. 908058;1415039949;jurov;thestringpuller BingoBoingo: transferred 908059;1415040504;punkbot;Bundled 1 deed | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1DiTPHSU 908060;1415040774;punkbot;Confirmed bundle 1DiTPHSU9ztLsLvYeT9qTqB9n4vJUrPHZU | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1DiTPHSU 908061;1415040830;kakobrekla;also from today http://www.bestbitcoincasino.com/bitcoin-adds-new-flavors-to-prediction-markets/ 908062;1415040832;assbot;Bitcoin Adds New Flavors to Prediction Markets 908063;1415040873;kakobrekla;>Perhaps the most common brand is Predictious. It takes pride as the premier Bitcoin prediction market that requires bettors to sign in using a Google account. 908064;1415040876;kakobrekla;>< 908065;1415040923;mike_c;they should change their name to firstbestbitcoincasino. 908066;1415040959;kakobrekla;000000001firstbestbitcoincasino 908067;1415040961;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18800 @ 0.00073914 = 13.8958 BTC [-] 908068;1415041025;kakobrekla;text is weird but at least bitbet has the crown on the .jpg 908069;1415041145;mike_c;if you put the word 'premier' on the homepage you would have won the text too. 908070;1415041165;*;kakobrekla still learning. 908071;1415041465;punkman;;;ticker 908072;1415041466;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 327.32, Best ask: 327.9, Bid-ask spread: 0.58000, Last trade: 327.98, 24 hour volume: 10636.65677201, 24 hour low: 322.0, 24 hour high: 333.99, 24 hour vwap: 328.637453091 908073;1415042684;punkman;"During her rise to fame DePol insured her legs for $100,000 after which newspapers claimed Morlacchi was 'more valuable than Kentucky'." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giuseppina_Morlacchi 908074;1415042684;assbot;Giuseppina Morlacchi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 908075;1415042840;punkman;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B1Zcu3yCAAAuw5I.png 908076;1415042940;punkman;!up growth 908077;1415042949;punkman;hope it's benign 908078;1415043043;thestringpuller;heh 908079;1415043270;punkman;http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/11205477/Ted-Baker-loses-5m-after-employee-steals-seven-tonnes-of-clothes.html 908080;1415043271;assbot;Ted Baker loses £5m after employee steals seven tonnes of clothes - Telegraph 908081;1415043456;punkman;that article delivers 908082;1415043525;punkman;"NODL had spotted losses after he joined the company in 2003, but had mistakenly put them down to flaws in its stock control system." 908083;1415043712;BingoBoingo;!t m s.qntr 908084;1415043712;assbot;[MPEX:S.QNTR] 1D: 0.00013514 / 0.00013638 / 0.00014 (3911 shares, 0.53 BTC), 7D: 0.00013514 / 0.00013638 / 0.00014 (3911 shares, 0.53 BTC), 30D: 0.00013514 / 0.00013638 / 0.00014 (3911 shares, 0.53 BTC) 908085;1415043751;thestringpuller;whoa it's moving 908086;1415043784;punkbot;[trust-update] no changes 908087;1415043849;ben_vulpes;that's the oddest damn donation mechanism i've seen in my life. 908088;1415043866;punkman;ben_vulpes: heh 908089;1415043888;punkman;!t m s.bbet 908090;1415043888;assbot;[MPEX:S.BBET] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: / / ( shares, BTC), 30D: 0.00049 / 0.00049 / 0.00049 (8 shares, 0.00 BTC) 908091;1415044253;*;jurov just learned of "openssl smime" ...truly a kitchen sink, this 908092;1415044298;mircea_popescu; "newspapers claimed Morlacchi was 'more valuable than Kentucky'. << well, at that time they were! 908093;1415044359;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes the clothes ?! 908094;1415044404;kakobrekla;punkman getting ready to dump ? >< 908095;1415044413;kakobrekla;also unfortunate name, now you need to be tabbed twice. 908096;1415044418;mircea_popescu;^ 908097;1415044424;mircea_popescu;very much so. it pains me to tab twice. 908098;1415044449;punkman;maybe I should be 1punkman 908099;1415044460;mircea_popescu;maybe just 1punk 908100;1415044468;mircea_popescu;you know punk and man form an oxymoron btw ? 908101;1415044476;bounce;1p. cheap bugger. 908102;1415044479;punkman;bot's alt-name is dpbot, can switch 908103;1415044484;mircea_popescu;good idea. 908104;1415044495;kakobrekla;deep penetration bot? 908105;1415044512;mircea_popescu;and incidentally, the same naming convention as for websites (distinct first two letters) works here, too. 908106;1415044525;punkman;deep, double, dry, take your pick 908107;1415044544;kakobrekla;daniel p bot ? 908108;1415044577;punkman;mircea_popescu: what's the oxymoron 908109;1415044595;mircea_popescu;a punk is a young boy used (generally against his will) for the sexual gratification of adult males. 908110;1415044597;mircea_popescu;!up kiwi-test-user 908111;1415044601;kiwi-test-user;syn 908112;1415044604;ben_vulpes;ack 908113;1415044651;mircea_popescu;punkman http://trilema.com/2012/big-rock-candy-mountain/ "The punk rolled up his big blue eyes And said to the jocker, Sandy," 908114;1415044651;assbot;Big Rock Candy Mountain pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 908115;1415044711;bounce;I thought it had to do with mohawks and guitars and things 908116;1415044717;mircea_popescu;well yes. 908117;1415044721;mircea_popescu;eeexactly. 908118;1415044724;kakobrekla;why not 'deedbot' anyway? 908119;1415044743;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13534 @ 0.00073678 = 9.9716 BTC [-] {2} 908120;1415044973;ben_vulpes;rapidssl transmits certificates in the clear via email 908121;1415044983;mircea_popescu;!up cb_bitcoin 908122;1415044988;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes what, that is a problem ? o.O 908123;1415045038;ben_vulpes;i don't even know any more 908124;1415045043;danielpbarron;;;later tell punkman <+punkman> bot's alt-name is dpbot, can switch << please do 908125;1415045044;gribble;The operation succeeded. 908126;1415045056;ben_vulpes;double penetration bot? 908127;1415045117;kakobrekla;sorta on topic, i tried to get a box at OVH and when they asked for dox, i asked for pgp. after about 10 days, i got a reply : You can upload the documents to Dropbox or google Docs and password protect them. And provide us with the password. And we will be able to validate your account. 908128;1415045129;kakobrekla;gtfo. 908129;1415045146;punkman;speaking of young boys http://dpaste.com/383BH45 908130;1415045147;assbot;dpaste: 383BH45 908131;1415045177;kakobrekla;lol!! 908132;1415045246;mike_c;kakobrekla: where does bitbet live now? or is it state secret? 908133;1415045261;danielpbarron;and by please do I mean please do not call it dpb* 908134;1415045290;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla lol. nice going! 908135;1415045371;jurov;punkman you need to be tabbed twice. << i suggest change to spunkman 908136;1415045405;mircea_popescu;then it needs to be stabbed like fifty times. 908137;1415045414;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15200 @ 0.00073624 = 11.1908 BTC [-] 908138;1415045530;bounce;wtf does ovh even demand dox at all? isn't money enough these days? 908139;1415045542;punkman;lots of hosting companies do that 908140;1415045553;punkman;in case you are a haxx0r or whatever 908141;1415045566;jurov;yes they cover their ass if you start doing sth illegal 908142;1415045576;kakobrekla;mike_c actually im going to be moving it tonight it seems atm still on hetzner, new home is securedservers.com as anyone with the public ip address can figure out 908143;1415045640;punkman;"100% uptime, GUARANTEED!" 908144;1415045648;kakobrekla;mhm 908145;1415045648;punkman;it must be good 908146;1415045651;kakobrekla;hehe 908147;1415045651;bounce;that site takes about five seconds to go from blank page to something visible. 908148;1415045665;mircea_popescu;bounce money is nothing these days. 908149;1415045670;mike_c;which dc you going with? 908150;1415045684;kakobrekla;i picked this by recommendation, not by design 908151;1415045694;mike_c;amsterdam/phonix/ashburn? 908152;1415045697;kakobrekla;ams 908153;1415045742;mike_c;good choice. now just convince management you need to visit the servers often. 908154;1415045754;kakobrekla;lol why 908155;1415045762;mike_c;cuz amsterdam is fun! 908156;1415045767;kakobrekla;ah 908157;1415045780;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21700 @ 0.00073385 = 15.9245 BTC [-] {2} 908158;1415045799;punkman;that'd help getting the hosting bill to 9k a month 908159;1415045817;punkman;you are not spending enough kako! 908160;1415045822;kakobrekla;jus need 8.5k really 908161;1415045862;jurov;plane tickets to buenos aires will help, too 908162;1415045930;mircea_popescu;how much is yurp to ba ? like 1k ? 908163;1415045932;mircea_popescu;2k ? 908164;1415045990;kakobrekla;i dunno 908165;1415045994;mircea_popescu;also, anyone own aged/trusted accounts on BlackHatWorld TrafficPlanet WarriorForum DigitalPoint SitePoint they might wish to sell or share ? 908166;1415046002;mircea_popescu;gotta buy some media support for this qntra thing. 908167;1415046071;punkman;about 1.5k round-trip from Italy 908168;1415046085;mircea_popescu;euro ? 908169;1415046119;punkman;yea 908170;1415046137;mircea_popescu;still, not so terrible. 908171;1415046143;bounce;what are those? 908172;1415046171;mircea_popescu;bounce forums where the derpy web kids gather. 908173;1415046187;kakobrekla;mp just wants more ddos 908174;1415046201;kakobrekla;"hey, its pageviews" 908175;1415046205;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla it totally was worth every dime i didn't pay, that ddos. 908176;1415046216;mircea_popescu;did you see the thanks from the capitol of fires i got ? 908177;1415046230;kakobrekla;dunno? 908178;1415046287;mircea_popescu;!s from:mircea_popescu pastebin 908179;1415046288;assbot;43 results for 'from:mircea_popescu pastebin' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=from%3Amircea_popescu+pastebin 908180;1415046306;kakobrekla;everything but a pastebin link 908181;1415046324;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-11-2014#906564 908182;1415046324;assbot;Logged on 01-11-2014 19:28:51; mircea_popescu: http://pastebin.com/PnsGiZ2A <<< dude... this is just what i do. i save the people who save people from FIRE 908183;1415046373;kakobrekla;lolk 908184;1415046424;mircea_popescu;no dude, now i have an in with brooklyn fd. if i ever got a fire problem in brooklyn ima call my man raffa direct. 908185;1415046430;mircea_popescu;you don't understand how the world works. 908186;1415046447;punkman;https://twitter.com/st_vincent/status/528982224075763712 908187;1415046450;assbot;Really need to do laundry, but torn between "SLUT" and "COWBOY" settings... http://t.co/AkFJnECkzm 908188;1415046487;mircea_popescu;bwahaha 908189;1415046521;mircea_popescu;it's really "cowboytoy" 908190;1415046526;mircea_popescu;which i suppose means cowgirl ? 908191;1415046611;punkman;http://cryptome.org/2014/11/fbi-mil-isis-homeland-threat.htm 908192;1415046805;punkman;what happened to fbi miner guy? 908193;1415046837;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2014/11/7th-underhanded-c-contest-going-on-now/ 908194;1415046837;assbot;7th Underhanded C Contest Going on Now | Qntra.net 908195;1415046843;bounce;is this proof the USG is completely filled with muppets? 908196;1415046856;mircea_popescu;bounce well it will be completely filled with cartoon characters soon 908197;1415046867;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo o hey cool. you participating ? 908198;1415046878;bounce;yeah probably a slander on the muppets. sorry jim! 908199;1415046929;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: No, just figured a writeup fits Qntra's demographic. 908200;1415046935;mircea_popescu;prolly. 908201;1415046959;mircea_popescu;if anyone from b-a gets in there im buyin' you a beer. 908202;1415047003;BingoBoingo;Thanks, I just wanted to link to a relevant past challenge in the writeup http://www.underhanded-c.org/_page_id_16.html 908203;1415047004;assbot;The Underhanded C Contest » 2007 908204;1415047354;mircea_popescu;punkman: this thing got so many threads and subprocesses, I wonder what new and exciting breakage tomorrow will bring 908205;1415047359;mircea_popescu;spoken like a true admin! 908206;1415047392;mircea_popescu;punkman is it stable nao ? i was planning to do a trilema write-up, is it time ? 908207;1415047413;punkman;maybe give it a few days 908208;1415047425;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: there will be qntra writeup soon 908209;1415047433;thestringpuller;too* 908210;1415047478;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/introducing-the-qntra/ ? 908211;1415047478;assbot;Introducing the qntra pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 908212;1415047601;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: qntra writeup about punkbot 908213;1415047616;mircea_popescu;ah, talk to these other guys. 908214;1415047633;thestringpuller;i kno. it's on editor's desk now. just letting you know. ;) 908215;1415047648;mircea_popescu;ah cool. 908216;1415047659;mircea_popescu;i didn't get it originally :) good for you. 908217;1415047741;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves: maybe swol can sell it? <<< it definitely can. it's been publicly announced it closes, someone wants to make an offer they know where to make it. 908218;1415047776;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla: idk whats up with buttcoins users but my take is that btcusd chumpatroning takes 90%+ of the cake in 'services' category << just about right. 908219;1415047896;mircea_popescu;joecool: what is this? is there documentation on it yet? <<< you mean the deedbot ? 908220;1415047908;joecool;mircea_popescu: yes 908221;1415047929;joecool;i had been absent from here for a month or two, it is new 908222;1415047930;mircea_popescu;ah, its a deed registrar we've been trying to get going since summer. finally punkman made it work. 908223;1415047962;mircea_popescu;if you look through the logs the spec is a pastebin plastered like a dozen diff places. 908224;1415047994;nubbins`;^ text of gpg-signed deed is used as passphrase for brainwallet, address of which is funded with pittance to prove document's existence at a particular point in time 908225;1415048013;joecool;oh so it has a reference in the blockchain too? 908226;1415048015;mircea_popescu;nubbins`: punkman i have nfi. like i said, i get different results when i do curl -o vs curl | pbcopy << this sounds like os/x 908227;1415048020;mircea_popescu;joecool yes. 908228;1415048027;joecool;pretty cool 908229;1415048030;mircea_popescu;totally. 908230;1415048078;mircea_popescu;jurov: *sigh* if s.wol paid out dividends and then immediately vanished, it would be so much easier <<< that's how it will work ? 908231;1415048139;nubbins`;mircea_popescu funny thing is, pbcopy is the only osx-specific tool, and it's the only one that preserves \n line endings 908232;1415048151;mircea_popescu;cause it knows it should see ? 908233;1415048157;mircea_popescu;all the unix stuff is "eh, whatevs" 908234;1415048186;thestringpuller;pbcopy is really annoying 908235;1415048198;thestringpuller;got a mac recently...and yea 908236;1415048202;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla: fuck you to anyone who mentions rss again. <<< awww angry kako!!! of WRATH! 908237;1415048210;nubbins`;thestringpuller ehh it does what it should 908238;1415048216;nubbins`;joecool here's an example 908239;1415048232;nubbins`;http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/deed/AF1zMmjkgvSVLM5dmTZH3hqndeHpG1KukwYahkhcSsj6 908240;1415048232;assbot;Deed AF1zMmjk | #bitcoin-assets deed registry 908241;1415048264;nubbins`;if you sha256sum the text of that deed, you'll get AF1zMmjkgvSVLM5dmTZH3hqndeHpG1KukwYahkhcSsj6 as a result 908242;1415048288;nubbins`;that ^ is then used as a brainwallet passphrase to get the public address 14GVvUrtrNvszwKEr9Qnqevmuy3RNHA3yF and its associated private key 908243;1415048308;nubbins`;next, that address is funded: https://blockchain.info/address/14GVvUrtrNvszwKEr9Qnqevmuy3RNHA3yF 908244;1415048309;assbot;Bitcoin Address 14GVvUrtrNvszwKEr9Qnqevmuy3RNHA3yF 908245;1415048324;nubbins`;thereby proving the document's existence at the time of funding. 908246;1415048335;nubbins`;deeds 101 908247;1415048347;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla: >Perhaps the most common brand is Predictious. It takes pride as the premier Bitcoin prediction market that requires bettors to sign in using a Google account. <<< ahahahaha bejesus. 908248;1415048376;mircea_popescu;then again i shouldn't laugh, the aborigines also took pride in smearing shit all over their faces or w/e it is they did, when the bitcoin colonists found them. 908249;1415048427;mircea_popescu;!t m s.qntr 908250;1415048427;assbot;[MPEX:S.QNTR] 1D: 0.00013514 / 0.00013638 / 0.00014 (3911 shares, 0.53 BTC), 7D: 0.00013514 / 0.00013638 / 0.00014 (3911 shares, 0.53 BTC), 30D: 0.00013514 / 0.00013638 / 0.00014 (3911 shares, 0.53 BTC) 908251;1415048431;mod6;.deedbot http://therealbitcoin.com/charter-B71EADAF.asc 908252;1415048435;mircea_popescu;hehe check that out, trading! 908253;1415048453;mircea_popescu;jurov you got an addy for trasurer for bitcoin foundation published yet ? or how's that thing coming along ? 908254;1415048485;mod6;.deed http://therealbitcoin.com/charter-B71EADAF.asc 908255;1415048486;punkbot;mod6: Queued 1 valid deed for next bundle. 908256;1415048522;nubbins`;use the genesis deed address for donations 8) 908257;1415048529;mircea_popescu;lol 908258;1415048561;nubbins`;meantime, my 0-fee tx finally made it thru 908259;1415048562;nubbins`;https://blockchain.info/address/149LB8VYaT1BdMLyQUL92Kj6KrJfNwcp64 908260;1415048562;assbot;Bitcoin Address 149LB8VYaT1BdMLyQUL92Kj6KrJfNwcp64 908261;1415048562;mircea_popescu;tbh, punkman made a major innovation with the bot. that it responds when you call it, like 908262;1415048566;mircea_popescu;punkbot deed baby 908263;1415048566;punkbot;mircea_popescu: Error: 'baby' is not a valid http url. 908264;1415048582;mircea_popescu;this is pretty fucking great, because the special char space was getting crowded 908265;1415048593;mircea_popescu;i think this should be the standard bot calling procedure. say its name. 908266;1415048593;nubbins`;;;it !sure ,,was 908267;1415048594;gribble;Error: "it" is not a valid command. 908268;1415048608;mircea_popescu;assbot t m s.qntr 908269;1415048613;nubbins`;gribble ticker 908270;1415048614;kakobrekla;%no *it #wasnt 908271;1415048624;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla omg whay the haet! 908272;1415048633;nubbins`;kako haetmoad OFF 908273;1415048634;mircea_popescu;anyway, it's gonna be the standard going forward. 908274;1415048641;jurov;mircea_popescu: on it 908275;1415048656;kakobrekla;its a good thing we can have as many standards as we need 908276;1415048680;bounce;fifteen 908277;1415048696;nubbins`;so many standards, so few substandards 908278;1415048708;mircea_popescu;lmao 908279;1415048719;nubbins`;perhaps we'll call this the superstandard, yes? set it apart a bit? 908280;1415048739;davout;nubbins`: just call it microsoft 908281;1415048742;kakobrekla;my standard is a standard one, you can use whatever. 908282;1415048755;nubbins`;i support the standard standards 908283;1415048761;nubbins`;on a go-forward basis 908284;1415048779;mike_c;as a consumer of kako's standards, I can vouch they are anything but standard 908285;1415048798;kakobrekla;my standards just got for-pay model. 908286;1415048814;nubbins`;erm, is that standard? 908287;1415048818;mircea_popescu;!Contre nous de la tyrannie l'tendard sanglant est lev! 908288;1415048819;kakobrekla;it is now. 908289;1415048819;mike_c;but they work, which is also not standard. 908290;1415048827;mircea_popescu;!up Zebetus 908291;1415048851;kakobrekla;mike_c idk i make em up on spot :| 908292;1415048860;mircea_popescu;so they're more like spotdards ? 908293;1415048873;kakobrekla;well they are standard for me 908294;1415048878;mircea_popescu;try making them on the stan next time. 908295;1415048880;kakobrekla;so you can call em potato 908296;1415048911;kakobrekla;standard potato 908297;1415048914;kakobrekla;nice round n shit. 908298;1415048920;mircea_popescu;like a tomato. 908299;1415049090;Azelphur;mircea_popescu: haha, I see you upped a friend of mine :) 908300;1415049101;bounce;my, isn't that nice. google slowly breaking stuff in browsers to push their own craptastic contraption with copious user friendlyness and vendor lock-in sauce 908301;1415049127;mircea_popescu;ool. 908302;1415049139;mircea_popescu;bounce strategy! 908303;1415049200;*;bounce is using pre-webkit opera now. not too happy everything is going webkit, just with shittier and shittier user interfaces wrapped around it. 908304;1415049218;punkbot;Bundled 1 deed | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1MXeLHi5 908305;1415049253;nubbins`;bounce ever try the w3c browser 908306;1415049273;mircea_popescu;bounce makes two of us. 908307;1415049281;mircea_popescu;on both scores. 908308;1415049288;nubbins`;http://www.w3.org/Amaya/ 908309;1415049288;assbot;Amaya Home Page 908310;1415049313;kakobrekla;presto sux though. 908311;1415049331;bounce;years and years ago, and it didn't impress me with the w3c 908312;1415049349;BingoBoingo;from thestringpuller http://qntra.net/2014/11/new-bitcoin-deed-system-launches/ 908313;1415049349;assbot;New Bitcoin Deed System Launches | Qntra.net 908314;1415049399;jurov;13EVfGFm2MYM8rFfz5n2pzJh6AznEh8126 will do? 908315;1415049403;bounce;how many man-years would it cost to come up with a decent web rendering engine these days? 908316;1415049418;mircea_popescu;bout two. 908317;1415049432;mike_c;new qntra share model: word_count - (footnotes * 100) 908318;1415049436;mircea_popescu;and ima bbl! 908319;1415049454;bounce;that sounds low 908320;1415049478;mike_c;news flash: news doesn't have footnotes. 908321;1415049502;kakobrekla;its not news 908322;1415049517;kakobrekla;its views and cumentary 908323;1415049554;kakobrekla;but i agree on big footnotes being big 908324;1415049559;assbot;Last 4 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/328QWJ8.txt ) 908325;1415049559;BingoBoingo;!b 4 908326;1415049601;jurov;mircea_popescu: or i can generate something like 1BTCFund but it 'll take a while 908327;1415049605;kakobrekla;especially when you explain with 4 words taking up 2 lines space 908328;1415049688;kakobrekla;but i can see it, mp having big cultural influence in this cult, weird bitbet doesnt have footnotes (yet) 908329;1415049738;kakobrekla;also has anyone ever done headnotes? 908330;1415049755;kakobrekla;maybe something like -3. this site is not for stupid, -2. .... 908331;1415049760;mike_c;hehe 908332;1415050067;BingoBoingo;!b4 908333;1415050251;BingoBoingo;http://www.thoughtcrime.org/blog/telegram-crypto-challenge/ 908334;1415050251;assbot;Moxie Marlinspike >> Blog >> A Crypto Challenge For The Telegram Developers 908335;1415050271;punkbot;Confirmed bundle 1MXeLHi5CRAAkeoJqxFRzBwgMjg7LrLxsA | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1MXeLHi5 908336;1415050288;jurov;mircea_popescu, ben_vulpes: 1FundZy7m7b8begbh9haCguKJcAdFopRJ9 908337;1415051030;nubbins`;jurov now gpg sign dat shit 908338;1415051036;nubbins`;http://therealbitcoin.org/treasurer_contract.html 908339;1415051038;nubbins`;and deed it up! 908340;1415051150;jurov;with the blablablas? 908341;1415051183;nubbins`;preferably replace the blablas with something that at least passes checksum 908342;1415051204;PeterL;!up scoopbot 908343;1415051365;jurov;the REFERENCES can't be replaced by definition.. why they must be there? 908344;1415051418;PeterL;is kakobrekla here? 908345;1415051526;kakobrekla;yea 908346;1415051681;PeterL;so scoopbot is ready (penguirker replacement), I suppose I need to talk to you about registering him in the chan? 908347;1415051800;punkman;PeterL: did you use irker too? 908348;1415051819;PeterL;no, it is a bot I made myself 908349;1415051831;kakobrekla;but does it work? 908350;1415051845;PeterL;yes 908351;1415051861;kakobrekla;is the syntax such that my great ass suggested? 908352;1415051867;kakobrekla;s/that/as 908353;1415051896;PeterL;huh? 908354;1415051935;kakobrekla;!s if you are going to do it 908355;1415051936;assbot;10 results for 'if you are going to do it' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=if+you+are+going+to+do+it 908356;1415051946;kakobrekla;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-10-2014#882883 908357;1415051946;assbot;Logged on 19-10-2014 02:27:17; kakobrekla: PeterL if you are going to do it, make the syntax 'New blog post on $sitename by $author: $url" 908358;1415051993;PeterL;oh, that. right now it is "new blog post on $sitename: $url" 908359;1415052021;kakobrekla;add the author? 908360;1415052162;PeterL;ok, I will do that now 908361;1415052171;kakobrekla;great 908362;1415052233;kakobrekla;once this works and if you are bored, add wordcount at the end of report and estimated reading time 908363;1415052251;bounce;ugh. 908364;1415052257;kakobrekla;wha? 908365;1415052276;*;bounce was about to say something about making the notice shorter, but estimated reading time? ew! 908366;1415052286;kakobrekla;yeah 908367;1415052307;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17600 @ 0.00073187 = 12.8809 BTC [-] {2} 908368;1415052310;kakobrekla;easier to make the call - click or not to click 908369;1415052316;mike_c;plus # of footnotes 908370;1415052348;bounce;no, it's complete bs. reading time does not depend on wordcount alone. or even taking word length into consideration. 908371;1415052367;kakobrekla;maybe 908372;1415052375;kakobrekla;on the other hand would work for qntra 908373;1415052394;kakobrekla;reading @ easy difficulty 908374;1415052453;bounce;so youse gots a difficulty estimator @ qntra? 908375;1415052475;PeterL;ok, now scoopbot should include the author. 908376;1415052480;PeterL;!up scoopbot 908377;1415052513;kakobrekla;but anyway a simplistic approach : estimate reading time by multiplying the word count by result of brainwallet test 908378;1415052589;jurov;;;isup deeds.bitcoin-assets.com 908379;1415052590;gribble;deeds.bitcoin-assets.com is up 908380;1415052610;bounce;author, wordcount, footnote count would give some indication to make your own estimation 908381;1415052627;kakobrekla;whats footnote measure? 908382;1415052631;kakobrekla;nothing. 908383;1415052635;mike_c;reading time 908384;1415052645;kakobrekla;maybe the cultness of the article 908385;1415052646;bounce;if you don't want to hear the answer, you might as well not ask the question. 908386;1415052646;PeterL;would I be able to tell where the footnotes start from the blob of text in the rss feed? 908387;1415052661;kakobrekla;lol 908388;1415052662;jurov;is up but sloooow 908389;1415052669;kakobrekla;PeterL we just masturbating here 908390;1415052708;PeterL;my next task is to rework all scoopbot's commands to respond to his name 908391;1415052710;bounce;the entire article ends up in the rss feed? 908392;1415052721;PeterL;depends on the feed, I think? 908393;1415052731;kakobrekla;who knows, its rss 908394;1415052776;bounce;footnotes are a major break in reading flow, so they're quite influential for the overall reading user experience and therefore the total amount of time the user gets to waste going back and forth 908395;1415052797;bounce;to answer your 908396;1415052799;kakobrekla;anyway, we are measuring reading time, not comprehension time 908397;1415052802;bounce;question you didn't want answered 908398;1415052827;kakobrekla;if i give you 300 pages of easy text, you can not read it in 1 minutes 908399;1415052832;kakobrekla;no matter how easy it is 908400;1415052832;bounce;you're not measuring anything, you're making vague estimates on unsound assumptions 908401;1415052840;PinkPosixPXE;01:27 #bitcoin-assets: <+mircea_popescu> ;;later tell PinkPosixPXE you've been awarded some s.qntr shares for your contributions to qntra as per http://trilema.com/2014/qntra-sqntr-october-2014-statement/ talk to jurov << Thanks for adding it to the exchange and doling out some shares, and thanks as well jurov :) 908402;1415052840;assbot;Qntra (S.QNTR) October 2014 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 908403;1415052867;jurov;mircea_popescu: we need some default agreement for shares that don't get claimed 908404;1415052869;jurov;i propose if they don't get claimed in 14 days, then they get loaned to coinbr. 908405;1415052870;jurov;and after that, shares+dividends will be delivered after 14 days of the request 908406;1415052919;jurov;er.. in 14days of the request 908407;1415052962;jurov;now, what with the treasurer stuff? i'll just sign in without the references. 908408;1415052981;PinkPosixPXE;I've been meaning to chat more on here about assisting with some of the bitcoin dev and testing work I've been watching go on, but I've been slammed with projects, I have too many projects/hobbies I'm beginning to think. Either way, I wrote up an install_bitcoin script that takes into account dependency issues for certain versoins of debian and ubuntu.. not sure if anyone would find it useful, 908409;1415052987;PinkPosixPXE;mod6 expressed interest, and I set it up after running into issues on one of my instances, and then tested it across a vagrant+virtualbox testing environment with a few debian and ubuntu distros. 908410;1415053010;kakobrekla;PinkPosixPXE ditch the bad hobbies 908411;1415053015;mike_c;sounds like a good addition to wiki.b-a 908412;1415053041;kakobrekla;wiki , yes, as stan pointed out, needs work. 908413;1415053070;PinkPosixPXE;yea, I can point out several pages where people complain about hte dependency issues, and so I thought 'well this script would fix them all' then idiots don't go using berklydb/bdb 5.3 or another versoin that isn't wallet or blockchain storage compatible 908414;1415053070;punkman;would qntra like to sponsor a WP plugin that accepts signed posts and puts them in editor's queue? 908415;1415053096;punkman;cazalla, ^ 908416;1415053098;The20YearIRCloud;Looks like we'll close on our next bank funding round this week 908417;1415053099;jurov;punkman i can create another mailing list for that 908418;1415053103;PinkPosixPXE;kakobrekla: well it's all that + full time syseng work.. so .. been trying to find time and get rid of the unimportant ones 908419;1415053125;punkman;jurov, ah yeah that might be a good way to duct-tape this together 908420;1415053132;The20YearIRCloud;Not sure if any of you are into rentalstarter... 908421;1415053367;kakobrekla;;;rate PinkPosixPXE 1 helps noobs 908422;1415053369;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating for user PinkPosixPXE has changed from 1 to 1. 908423;1415053390;PinkPosixPXE;ty :) 908424;1415053404;kakobrekla;its true 908425;1415053438;mike_c;!t h rent 908426;1415053439;assbot;[HAVELOCK:RENT] 1D: 0.00450000 / 0.00456986 / 0.00490800 (482 shares, 2.20267263 BTC), 7D: 0.00412527 / 0.00465236 / 0.00490998 (1567 shares, 7.29024029 BTC), 30D: 0.00400000 / 0.00451531 / 0.00509996 (4875 shares, 22.01212200 BTC) 908427;1415053472;PinkPosixPXE;I can also help you guys figure out the gpg git key signing if that's still a debacle or issue for you, but I'll have to ask more questions, and find out the scope/desires first, before we could dive into that. But I'm happy to help throw my extra cpu cycles at this stuff :) 908428;1415053554;jurov;PinkPosixPXE: current status is: http://therealbitcoin.org/mailman/listinfo/btc-dev , no git at all 908429;1415053574;kakobrekla;PinkPosixPXE were you actually following the debate? 908430;1415053629;fivezerotwo;hello everyone, its been a while 908431;1415053684;PinkPosixPXE;thanks jurov, perfect.. wanted to see where things were at.. 908432;1415053694;PinkPosixPXE;kakobrekla: I followed much of it for the past few weeks 908433;1415053709;PinkPosixPXE;the idscussions around the patches, and testing, bitcoin foundation, git signing, etc. 908434;1415053718;PinkPosixPXE;discussions* 908435;1415053738;PinkPosixPXE;but the last week has been really busy 908436;1415053740;kakobrekla;well color me surprised then. 908437;1415053765;PinkPosixPXE;I was going to speak up sooner, but I didn't want to commit/promise anything, when I was so busy 908438;1415053799;PinkPosixPXE;so I just kept watching the discussions, and kept up with what was going on 908439;1415053842;PeterL;!up scoopbot 908440;1415053870;kakobrekla;PeterL is that thing registered with nickserv? 908441;1415053887;jurov;punkbot, deed https://coinbr.com/foundation.txt.asc 908442;1415053887;punkbot;jurov: Queued 1 valid deed for next bundle. 908443;1415053888;PeterL;yes 908444;1415053892;mike_c;;;ident scoopbot 908445;1415053892;gribble;Nick 'scoopbot', with hostmask 'scoopbot!~scoopbot@cphost02.qhoster.net', is not identified. 908446;1415053926;PeterL;do I need to make a grible ident for it? 908447;1415053933;kakobrekla;no 908448;1415053951;BingoBoingo;;;rate ninjashogun -3 UnSavory Garnish, Vegetable Can't find right IRC window 908449;1415053953;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating for user ninjashogun has changed from -3 to -3. 908450;1415053953;bounce;a nickserv account would be decent, though 908451;1415053975;bounce;as in, with a cloak saying to bug you if it misbehaves 908452;1415053988;PeterL;oh, how do I do that? 908453;1415053989;kakobrekla;PeterL get a cloak in #freenode 908454;1415054008;punkman;you need to group a second nick for it first 908455;1415054059;PeterL;so the bot should be logged in under my account? 908456;1415054095;punkman;no I mean to get a cloak, you need to have an alternate nick grouped in the account 908457;1415054095;*;bounce would make a separate account, but dunno what freenode wants 908458;1415054111;kakobrekla;lol cs 908459;1415054126;PeterL;oh, a second nick grouped to scoopbot? 908460;1415054129;kakobrekla;anyway, should be voiced on join 908461;1415054144;mike_c;https://freenode.net/faq.shtml - see "what is the recommended way to set up my irc nickname" #5 & #6 908462;1415054144;assbot;freenode: frequently-asked questions 908463;1415054146;The20YearIRCloud;Right now we have about .015btc/share in equity, stock price is well under that though 908464;1415054149;kakobrekla;if i got the command right anyway 908465;1415054193;mike_c;The20YearIRCloud: any more ipos coming up? 908466;1415054196;The20YearIRCloud;Nope 908467;1415054199;cazalla;http://qntra.net/2014/11/american-malls-converted-to-data-centres/ 908468;1415054200;assbot;American Malls Converted To Data Centres | Qntra.net 908469;1415054211;The20YearIRCloud;Absolutely no need for em 908470;1415054260;mike_c;;;calc (0.000031 * 12) / 0.015 908471;1415054261;gribble;0.0248 908472;1415054309;mike_c;is the company building up cash or paying out most free cash flow in divs? 908473;1415054329;The20YearIRCloud;RIght now we're looking at changing the div pay to reflect higher re-investment in the company 908474;1415054346;The20YearIRCloud;Especially since the banks right now are offering us 1:5 leverage for each dollar we put into the loans, and that's pretty hard to refuse. 908475;1415054347;mike_c;so lowering divs and building up equity 908476;1415054357;The20YearIRCloud;Divs won't actually go down, they just won't go up 908477;1415054363;The20YearIRCloud;While equity will increase significantly more 908478;1415054413;The20YearIRCloud;I'm looking by end of year under current system to be paying out around 10-14btc/month in dividends if we don't change the setup. Our last month's payment was something like 5btc 908479;1415054414;mike_c;cool. well if you're not issuing more shares who cares what the price is 908480;1415054435;The20YearIRCloud;I personally don't, it lets me buy more shares. However I know we have some that want to see high dividends 908481;1415054475;mike_c;well lucky for you they aren't voting shares 908482;1415054480;The20YearIRCloud;and a mix of high share price & dividend price shows more of a proof-of-concept to investors 908483;1415054507;fivezerotwo;So we expanded our layer 4 attacking power. Qntra/Trilema, therealbitcoin, bitbet, bitcoin-assets.com... take your pick! 908484;1415054514;The20YearIRCloud;Even if they were voting shares it wouldn't change much. Our top 3 shareholders whom account for something like 60% of share ownership are all on the board and agree with where we're headed 908485;1415054527;fivezerotwo;PinkPosi4PXE, Its stupid to reconnect without a cloak 908486;1415054555;mike_c;great, so keep plugging? you're profitable and don't need more investment. sounds good to me. 908487;1415054563;The20YearIRCloud;Pretty much 908488;1415054568;mike_c;congrats. 908489;1415054575;The20YearIRCloud;The bank's telling us we should be able to loan a little under $1mm with our current margins 908490;1415054579;nubbins`;<+jurov> the REFERENCES can't be replaced by definition.. why they must be there? <<< heh 908491;1415054601;mike_c;biggest risk to your business now is probably being associated with havelock. 908492;1415054608;The20YearIRCloud;And our margins are *quite* healthy considering industry averages 908493;1415054608;cazalla;fivezerotwo, you never got back to me 908494;1415054609;The20YearIRCloud;Yep 908495;1415054616;fivezerotwo;cazalla, oh yeah 908496;1415054625;nubbins`;jurov in fact, that REFERENCE should be amended to point to the foundation charter. 908497;1415054629;punkbot;Bundled 1 deed | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/12CJHNrB 908498;1415054636;The20YearIRCloud;I wouldn't be surprised to see the BOA want to move away in the next year 908499;1415054639;jurov;^ too late 908500;1415054653;mike_c;that would be smart. 908501;1415054663;jurov;ben_vulpes this deed^ 908502;1415054694;nubbins`;ah for shame, was just about to post the details in question 908503;1415054694;nubbins`;http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/deed/J74EmoXm5mggdfGwAWvFCx4Z9KWycj3jeeLthijXAvY 908504;1415054694;assbot;Deed J74EmoXm | #bitcoin-assets deed registry 908505;1415054709;The20YearIRCloud;But, for the time being that's where we are, it's working for us (kind of). 908506;1415054712;nubbins`;now there's a [R.1] in the doc w/ no reference below :S 908507;1415054728;mike_c;yeah, it works right up until it doesn't. 908508;1415054774;nubbins`;[R.1] As established in The Bitcoin Public Record, Deed ID 9ULZPc7yeZ9fQEA1aZ73H6mcv1s2C4gYFAbNTb5urovj, 908509;1415054774;nubbins`;Bundle 12CJHNrBGLNxLaYbX9NH2tnU1JAeXxByZ6 confirmed in block BLOCKHEIGHT with transaction ID db155b101580cf08c366f6016abe3310a1122f7f67f7303878a7254e854e2689. 908510;1415054830;BingoBoingo;Arbeit Macht Frei http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2014/11/03/_work_sets_you_free_sign_stolen_dachau_memorial_robbed.html 908511;1415054830;assbot;"Work sets you free" sign stolen: Dachau memorial robbed. 908512;1415054847;punkman;hah 908513;1415054882;punkbot;Confirmed bundle 12CJHNrBGLNxLaYbX9NH2tnU1JAeXxByZ6 | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/12CJHNrB 908514;1415055030;BingoBoingo;https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2l7by9/new_bitcoin_deed_system_launches/ 908515;1415055031;assbot;New Bitcoin Deed System Launches : Bitcoin 908516;1415055068;fivezerotwo;upvote this please :) 908517;1415055079;punkman;ddos incoming? 908518;1415055125;fivezerotwo;punkman, yeah, getting PinkPosixPXE's AWS account suspended first, then moving to assets sites 908519;1415055157;punkman;well this particular one won't take much 908520;1415055169;punkman;could probably refresh really fast in your browser 908521;1415055172;fivezerotwo;have fun, i'll see you soon :D 908522;1415055179;The20YearIRCloud;I'm having fun with the company though, one day a month I get to feel what it's like to walk around like a drug dealer with $3k-$4k cash in my pocket. 908523;1415055208;cazalla;fivezerotwo wants 2 btc to stop lol http://pastebin.com/zYgMgPhU 908524;1415055208;assbot; i haz vry p0wrful LOIC cannonz 15mpps i - Pastebin.com 908525;1415055231;kakobrekla;"hey pssst got anything on ya??" "nothing but some apartment dust." 908526;1415055288;kakobrekla;is it not funny? 908527;1415055290;kakobrekla;too dry? 908528;1415055297;*;kakobrekla puts more water on the thing. 908529;1415055357;BingoBoingo;kakobrekla: See, that's useful. Wet Apartment dust === Spackle 908530;1415055465;The20YearIRCloud;That's about it 908531;1415055472;The20YearIRCloud;"hey, got any bedbugs?" 908532;1415055833;punkman; 15mpps << wait, all this trouble from 15mbits? 908533;1415055859;kakobrekla;its packets per second 908534;1415055869;kakobrekla;also dick millimeters 908535;1415055875;kakobrekla;same thing 908536;1415055888;BingoBoingo;millipenises? 908537;1415055956;punkman;well better post any deeds before it explodes 908538;1415056670;nubbins`;imagine paying someone to stop a ddos 908539;1415056672;nubbins`;my sides 908540;1415057129;jurov;could only get funnier if he hasked to put the ransom note into a deed 908541;1415057161;nubbins`;heh 908542;1415057166;nubbins`;punkman fwiw: 908543;1415057167;nubbins`;<@gmaxwell> nubbins`: Change the hash to get rid of the crazy base58 (pita to implement) in the inner loop and make it a merkle tree so the proof can be compact even with many things commited. And instead of using a private key, use a pay-to-contract https://github.com/Blockstream/contracthashtool 908544;1415057168;assbot;Blockstream/contracthashtool · GitHub 908545;1415057326;cazalla;punkman: would qntra like to sponsor a WP plugin that accepts signed posts and puts them in editor's queue? <<< it's an idea but i think we keep process as is atm 908546;1415057452;PeterL;ben_vulpes: you run cascadianhacker.com? 908547;1415057502;punkman;nubbins`: lol base58 is the pita to implement 908548;1415057572;punkman;but good point about merkle tree 908549;1415057776;PinkPosixPXE;that was entertaining 908550;1415057791;PinkPosixPXE;what a jackass.. with his leet .NET framework skillz 908551;1415057827;kakobrekla;allow me to recommend you a cloak. 908552;1415057870;PinkPosixPXE;yea, im already setting one up.. I can flip my ip as often as I like, but I'm setting up ipv6 cloaking 908553;1415057903;PinkPosixPXE;I also spoke to amazon just in case .. his 'ddos' was pretty weak 908554;1415057909;kakobrekla;lol 908555;1415058038;nubbins`;i bet it was like 1% of xmas traffic ;/ 908556;1415058083;nubbins`;PinkPosixPXE don't knock .net, where else can you combine c-style code with visual basic in the same executable? :D 908557;1415058198;PinkPosixPXE;hehe 908558;1415058320;PinkPosixPXE;I'm actually in the process of migrating off aws to my beefier vps' with ddos mitigation and the works, but just hadn't done so yet.. didn't know mr. micro penis police was going to decide to pull my pigtails while he sits in his mothers basement.. 908559;1415058345;PinkPosixPXE;I didn't get a calendar invite from him.. ;) 908560;1415058402;kakobrekla;yes, lets irc get 10gbps lines for our ircing needs 908561;1415058410;kakobrekla;-irc 908562;1415058574;nubbins`;but how will we generate deeds locally and fund the addresses ourselves if deeds.bitcoin-assets.com is down 908563;1415058583;nubbins`;by using the available tools?! 908564;1415058605;kakobrekla;paper and pen? 908565;1415058652;nubbins`;it's as if there's no stopping us ;0 908566;1415058694;jurov;maybe using asciilifeform's blockchain telegraph? 908567;1415058695;nubbins`;blockchain ham 908568;1415058722;PinkPosixPXE;hehe these vps' are for a few other projects as well, but will also meet my irc needs 908569;1415058790;kakobrekla;jurov another boxen is cheaper than that :) 908570;1415059232;ben_vulpes;PeterL: oui c'est moi 908571;1415059251;PeterL;does it have a rss feed? 908572;1415059837;PinkPosixPXE;ok, time to finish up some work/be productive, and have some delightful Pho for dinner! 908573;1415060155;kakobrekla;you live in the nam? 908574;1415060258;PinkPosixPXE;hehe nah, I just buy food from the nam's restaurant.. the good ones 908575;1415060364;PinkPosixPXE;nom 'nam 908576;1415060508;ben_vulpes;PeterL: i made one at one point, but it's fallen over since. 908577;1415060537;PeterL;aha, let me know if you get a feed working so I can add it to the bot's list 908578;1415061158;kakobrekla;;;rate fivezerotwo -1 >I wanna see if trust list notifications work correctly (next one in a couple of hours) 908579;1415061159;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of -1 for user fivezerotwo has been recorded. 908580;1415061250;scoopbot;New post on BTC Scoop by peter: http://blog.btcscoop.com/introducing-the-scoopbot/ 908581;1415061367;kakobrekla;it werks 908582;1415061380;kakobrekla;drinks for everyone! 908583;1415061415;PeterL;when I tried to add author i borked it, but now it works again 908584;1415061427;kakobrekla;you cant really claim that 908585;1415061476;BingoBoingo;scoopbot request n00dz 908586;1415061496;kakobrekla;> http://log1.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-10-2014#905173 908587;1415061496;assbot;Logged on 31-10-2014 04:09:06; kakobrekla: there is only non working code atm so stfu. 908588;1415061747;mircea_popescu;ahhh that was the best salmon in soffran sauce i ever had. 908589;1415061748;BingoBoingo;Oh another "if massive mining power, then this had probably been discussed to death before" attack http://bramcohen.com/2014/11/03/an-attack-on-the-timestamp-semantics-of-bitcoin 908590;1415061783;mircea_popescu;nah, actually, the timestamping is known to be weak. 908591;1415061809;kakobrekla;soffran ? saffron? 908592;1415061819;mircea_popescu;saffron yea 908593;1415061832;kakobrekla;that thing is poison. 908594;1415061884;mircea_popescu;mike_c: news flash: news doesn't have footnotes. << i dunno, maybe i'm nuts but imo the current solution to the problem of illiterare population (dumb down the news) is maybe not the best. putting footnotes in there so even the clueless can follow may work ? 908595;1415061934;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla isn't that if you eat thr wrong part ? 908596;1415062002;mircea_popescu;jurov: mircea_popescu: or i can generate something like 1BTCFund but it 'll take a while <<< eeentirely up to you. 908597;1415062024;PeterL;news doesn't have footnotes because they have not adapted to using the technology yet 908598;1415062035;mircea_popescu;and totally bitbet needs moar footnotes :D 908599;1415062044;PeterL;they are still stuck trying to make their websites look like a paper newspaper 908600;1415062055;mircea_popescu;^ 908601;1415062057;kakobrekla;mircea_popescu afaik no. but you need 10 grams to take you out. 908602;1415062064;mircea_popescu;and breaking all the fucking browsers as a result. 908603;1415062101;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla seeing how i didn't pay like 10k for the sauce alone, i somehow doubt there was enough in there then 908604;1415062109;kakobrekla;lucky for us it has a strong taste so you dont need much of it. 908605;1415062131;kakobrekla;less than half a gram for a persons meal +- 908606;1415062152;mircea_popescu;punkman Sorry, the requested URL 'http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/raw_bundles/1M/1MXeLHi5%00bundle' caused an error: Not found: '/raw_bundles/1M/1MXeLHi5\x00bundle' 908607;1415062156;mircea_popescu;i just clicked a link! 908608;1415062252;mircea_popescu;0x1) CLAUSES 0x0] INTRODUCTION ; RESPONSIBILITIES => ) ==== ] 908609;1415062283;punkman;where was that link? 908610;1415062334;mircea_popescu;Download bundle: JSON | Raw << raw part 908611;1415062336;punkman;oic 908612;1415062398;mircea_popescu;bounce: no, it's complete bs. reading time does not depend on wordcount alone. or even taking word length into consideration. <<< seriously guise, this "reading time" thing is poppy. 908613;1415062429;asciilifeform;putting footnotes in there so even the clueless can follow may work ? << lol! what next, footnotes for linux kernel so illiterates can understand? bitcoind? lev landau's 'mechanics' ? 908614;1415062484;kakobrekla;ftr im against against. 908615;1415062490;mircea_popescu;bounce: footnotes are a major break in reading flow [...] <<< here's a tip&trick : hover pointer over footnote mark, there's a tooltip that loads it. 908616;1415062501;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform sure. 908617;1415062530;mircea_popescu;it'd be better than the current pretense of "we invented a new, easier one!" 908618;1415062547;kakobrekla;nobody notices kakos headnotes. 908619;1415062550;mircea_popescu;"it doesn't work, and it's pretty stupid, but at least you know, ux!" 908620;1415062560;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla heads too big, hard to notice. 908621;1415062561;asciilifeform;what would, e.g., herr landau, have accomplished, if he had to occupy himself with teaching arithmetic. 908622;1415062567;cazalla;fwiw, i don't think the kakobrekla's and asciilifeform's of this world are the target audience for Qntra 908623;1415062588;asciilifeform;cazalla: who, if it isn't a deep secret, is? 908624;1415062588;kakobrekla;fine ill go back to coindesk. 908625;1415062594;BingoBoingo;cazalla: kakobrekla is the audience for everything 908626;1415062623;mircea_popescu;jurov: i propose if they don't get claimed in 14 days, then they get loaned to coinbr. <<< i think that's how brokers work anyway, minus the 14 days 908627;1415062628;*;asciilifeform a believer in 'last psychiatrist's theorem' - 'if yer reading it, it's for you' 908628;1415062640;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform not landau. later contributors can footnote it. 908629;1415062651;mircea_popescu;qntra doesn't make the news, it just footnotes it! 908630;1415062686;cazalla;although maybe BingoBoingo's articles have more appeal to the sophisticated Qntra reader 908631;1415062744;asciilifeform;qntra, american malls converting to data centers << obligatory >> http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2011/07/dead-souls.html 908632;1415062768;*;BingoBoingo thinks this is prolly the most qntra piece so far. http://qntra.net/2014/10/matonis-to-resign-from-vessenes-bitcoin-foundation/ 908633;1415062793;mircea_popescu;punkman: would qntra like to sponsor a WP plugin that accepts signed posts and puts them in editor's queue? << it's not a bad idea on the face but the truth is that the pipeline is too finnicky and too dependent on handwork for it to be useful. yet. 908634;1415062848;asciilifeform;signed posts << incidentally, this - plus a dose of wot - is the final thermonuclear pill against spam. 908635;1415062870;asciilifeform;call it 'ninjashotgun.' 908636;1415062904;mircea_popescu;it seems to be working fine yes. 908637;1415062931;punkman;also good idea for solo blog and comments 908638;1415062945;punkman;so you can post with logging in or such 908639;1415062951;punkman;*without 908640;1415062955;asciilifeform;screw logging in. 908641;1415062968;mircea_popescu;^ 908642;1415062977;mircea_popescu;what's wrong with "you can just post" 908643;1415063001;asciilifeform;box (or mail gate) that swallows signed ascii text. a la turdatron. 908644;1415063075;mircea_popescu;assbot: "Work sets you free" sign stolen: Dachau memorial robbed. <<< that thing gets stolen periodically. 908645;1415063089;kakobrekla;poppy.< i dunno if poppy is good or bad (imma guess bad) but the diff between word count and reading time is the diff between 'df' and df -h' 908646;1415063111;*;asciilifeform wonders about the value of the pinched sign on the artcoin market 908647;1415063111;mircea_popescu;poppycock, ie, bad 908648;1415063143;kakobrekla;yes totally bad to put it human companionable form 908649;1415063147;kakobrekla;sux beyond vacuum 908650;1415063162;kakobrekla;jesus autofail 908651;1415063188;mircea_popescu;cazalla: fivezerotwo wants 2 btc to stop lol <<< guy sounds a lot more like, he'd want to start above the grunt level, doesn't know how to ask but figures (correctly) that no matter how he'd ask he won't get it. 908652;1415063194;kakobrekla;comprehendable is what i meant? 908653;1415063206;mircea_popescu;comprehensible. 908654;1415063221;kakobrekla;see 908655;1415063223;mircea_popescu;like reprehensible, but with cunt instead of raep. 908656;1415063267;mircea_popescu;so reading this log, is trilema down or what. 908657;1415063322;mike_c;not down for me. 908658;1415063328;kakobrekla;no, bitbet is. 908659;1415063338;asciilifeform;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxz8P7JA_Zo << re: 2btc 908660;1415063339;mircea_popescu;nubbins`: <@gmaxwell> nubbins`: blabla <<< how about we each do our part to keep idiocy cointained in -otc -dev and wherever else. 908661;1415063364;kakobrekla;my domain name slave is sleeping unfortunately 908662;1415063387;kakobrekla;and while i could call him up, eh. 908663;1415063403;mircea_popescu;what's the rush. 908664;1415063411;mircea_popescu;nubbins`: PinkPosixPXE don't knock .net, where else can you combine c-style code with visual basic in the same executable? :D <<< os/x ? 908665;1415063479;punkman;re: merkle tree - maybe in the future where we have 100 deeds per bundle, but it's already a hash tree so... 908666;1415063481;asciilifeform;'We never pay any-one Dane-geld / No matter how trifling the cost; / For the end of that game is oppression and shame, / And the nation that pays it is lost!"' 908667;1415063486;*;punkman blows raspberry 908668;1415063501;kakobrekla;;;isup log.bitcoin-assets.com 908669;1415063502;gribble;log.bitcoin-assets.com is up 908670;1415063531;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 128200 @ 0.00073227 = 93.877 BTC [+] {8} 908671;1415063533;mircea_popescu;punkman fatswell is an expert at the wikigame. how to say words that appear like they have substance. 908672;1415063724;ben_vulpes;punkbot: status 908673;1415063724;punkbot;ben_vulpes: No pending deeds | Last bundle 2 hours and 31 minutes ago 908674;1415063731;ben_vulpes;punkbot: balance 908675;1415063732;punkbot;ben_vulpes: Balance at 1LAwrWMbPLLSpt7nkD5Jv1Yf4cwPhD98ny is 0.0146 BTC (0.0 unconfirmed), enough for 132 more bundles. 908676;1415063749;joecool;!ping 908677;1415063754;mircea_popescu;scoopbot hello 908678;1415063815;artifexd; yes, someone requested to make a custom rss feed for []bot only for it not to be used << It will be. Just... not yet. 908679;1415063854;kakobrekla;oki 908680;1415063994;asciilifeform;https://blockchain.info/address/1FundZy7m7b8begbh9haCguKJcAdFopRJ9 << mega-lol. 908681;1415063994;assbot;Bitcoin Address 1FundZy7m7b8begbh9haCguKJcAdFopRJ9 908682;1415064000;*;asciilifeform not surprised, expected precisely this. 908683;1415064250;ben_vulpes;!up foo_nugget 908684;1415064279;ben_vulpes;punkbot: help 908685;1415064279;punkbot;ben_vulpes: (help [] []) -- This command gives a useful description of what does. is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin. You may also want to use the 'list' command to list all available plugins and commands. 908686;1415064286;ben_vulpes;punkbot: list 908687;1415064297;ben_vulpes;... 908688;1415064335;punkman;punkbot list deedsystem 908689;1415064963;mircea_popescu;* asciilifeform not surprised, expected precisely this. << wouldja give a man a moment ? i gotta answer comments and whatnot! 908690;1415065171;asciilifeform;lulzies 908691;1415065394;punkbot;[trust-update] | removed: fivezerotwo 908692;1415065417;mircea_popescu;!s from:nubbins` pastebin.com 908693;1415065418;assbot;14 results for 'from:nubbins` pastebin.com' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=from%3Anubbins%60+pastebin.com 908694;1415065485;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-02-2014#509702 908695;1415065485;assbot;Logged on 17-02-2014 00:11:53; asciilifeform: "came to drakula two catholic monks, from the hungarian lands, pittances to collect. he ordered them brought apart, and called up one, pointed to the yard, where one could see many sat upon stakes, or on wheels broken. he did ask: 'was i just? and who are these people, sitting on stakes?' answered the monk, 'no, lord, you do evil, killing without mercy; a lord must be merciful. and those sat upon the 908696;1415065498;asciilifeform;^ re: fl4m3w4r in mircea_popescu's comments 908697;1415065576;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you got a pointer to where you and nubbins` cut the book deal ? 908698;1415065579;PinkPosixPXE;more fivezerotwo garbage > http://dpaste.com/1QE0QRB 908699;1415065579;assbot;dpaste: 1QE0QRB: fivezerotwo 2014-11-03, by PinkPosixPXE 908700;1415065581;punkman;mircea_popescu: url bug fixed, and there's the trust-list notification 908701;1415065582;mircea_popescu;search is being unfriendly. 908702;1415065583;PinkPosixPXE;essentially the same crap 908703;1415065589;mircea_popescu;punkbot loveya. 908704;1415065602;PinkPosixPXE;that was from earlier, but same as the threats you guys are getting, just threw it out there 908705;1415065613;PinkPosixPXE;ok Pho, bbl! 908706;1415065618;mircea_popescu;enjoe. 908707;1415065712;kakobrekla;15:31 these people have a world view that 99% of the populance are dumb morons < its not my fault :( 908708;1415065778;mircea_popescu;99% of the populace actually are dumb morons. 908709;1415065780;mircea_popescu;it' 908710;1415065784;mircea_popescu;s not a worldview. 908711;1415066006;punkman;kakobrekla: I have a gift for you 908712;1415066020;punkman;http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/from/kakobrekla/rss 908713;1415066021;assbot;deeds signed by kakobrekla 908714;1415066029;kakobrekla;nowai, mp takes those away from me 908715;1415066290;ben_vulpes;who will step forward to claim responsibility for taking the deed faucet booty? 908716;1415066296;ben_vulpes;has someone, and i failed to notice? 908717;1415066326;PeterL;I'm waiting for a bunch to be out there and then I am going to take them all at once 908718;1415066361;punkman;http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/from/nubbins%60 even nubbins` url works, success! 908719;1415066361;assbot;#bitcoin-assets deed registry 908720;1415066386;BingoBoingo;Maybe fivezerotwo waits a few years and he can scrape his ransom out of the deedbot bin? 908721;1415066398;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48500 @ 0.00073039 = 35.4239 BTC [-] {2} 908722;1415066441;ben_vulpes;punkman: what's the story with deed titles? 908723;1415066450;BingoBoingo;https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2l7by9/new_bitcoin_deed_system_launches/cls7erz << someone missed the point 908724;1415066451;assbot;majorpaynei86 comments on New Bitcoin Deed System Launches 908725;1415066475;ben_vulpes;https://blockchain.info/address/1D4kG2YPA6WHnkVs57VJXsRkpEF2TNB6zP 908726;1415066475;assbot;Bitcoin Address 1D4kG2YPA6WHnkVs57VJXsRkpEF2TNB6zP 908727;1415066477;punkman;ben_vulpes, just add Deed_title: bla bla on a line 908728;1415066489;punkman;maybe I make that just Title: ? 908729;1415066499;ben_vulpes;"recordation" 908730;1415066503;ben_vulpes;yeeeeah 908731;1415066526;ben_vulpes;seems superfluous to me 908732;1415066535;ben_vulpes;plus, imposing a structure on deeds is questionable 908733;1415066544;ben_vulpes;punkman: ^^ 908734;1415066568;*;ben_vulpes goes back to permutating an api that the clients didn't want to document 908735;1415066573;punkman;someone asked for it at some point 908736;1415066618;ben_vulpes;my favorite part of software is telling clients "no". 908737;1415066624;ben_vulpes;for some reason saying no is harder in -assets. 908738;1415066642;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16695 @ 0.0007295 = 12.179 BTC [-] 908739;1415066642;PeterL;what happens if the document has more than one line with Title: on it? 908740;1415066701;punkman;PeterL: uses first match 908741;1415066843;kakobrekla;bitbet is on the new boxen. if there is an emergency you can edit your hosts or wait couple of hours. 908742;1415066851;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/the-bitcoin-foundation-finally-incorporated/ 908743;1415066851;assbot;The Bitcoin Foundation finally incorporated! pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 908744;1415066897;ben_vulpes;throw parseError("Don't fuck with me, assets") 908745;1415066957;ben_vulpes;good god mircea_popescu 908746;1415066962;mircea_popescu;hm ? 908747;1415066966;ben_vulpes;don't *do* that 908748;1415066970;mircea_popescu;what! 908749;1415066990;*;kakobrekla knew thats gonna happen 908750;1415066997;punkman;deed/9ULZPc7yeZ9fQEA1aZ73H6mcv1s2C4gYFAbNTb5urovj << urovj , that deed hash 908751;1415067000;ben_vulpes;https://blockchain.info/address/1FundZy7m7b8begbh9haCguKJcAdFopRJ9 908752;1415067001;assbot;Bitcoin Address 1FundZy7m7b8begbh9haCguKJcAdFopRJ9 908753;1415067002;*;kakobrekla guessed the sum. 908754;1415067010;mircea_popescu;why not ?! 908755;1415067018;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla wd. punkman yeah lol i did a dbl take too. 908756;1415067038;mircea_popescu;i mean, it's fucking incredible, the guy's anagram? rly ?! but sig checked out so. 908757;1415067086;mircea_popescu;maybe we call him urovj from now on in memory of it. 908758;1415067086;punkman;vanity deeds! just append nonces until you get it 908759;1415067110;kakobrekla;;;isup bitbet.us 908760;1415067110;gribble;bitbet.us is up 908761;1415067114;kakobrekla;now he stops.... 908762;1415067118;kakobrekla;meh 908763;1415067130;mircea_popescu;you don't understand how the world works kakobrekla 908764;1415067143;kakobrekla;clearly nobody does anymore 908765;1415067155;kakobrekla;( i have been reading the logs) 908766;1415067167;mircea_popescu;!up eightyeight 908767;1415067177;mircea_popescu;the world is decentralised, so it no longer works! 908768;1415067404;mircea_popescu;<BingoBoingo> reddit << someone missed the point << yeah, tarddit continues to inhabit this delusion whereby what it thinks and understands matters and is important. for greater lulz! 908769;1415067435;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33100 @ 0.00073087 = 24.1918 BTC [+] 908770;1415067448;mike_c;not having a reddit account helps me resist the occasional urge to educate them. 908771;1415067507;mircea_popescu;works for me 2. 908772;1415067533;kakobrekla;meh i have put it back on the old box lol 908773;1415067563;PeterL;I never saw the appeal of reddit, it's like having all the inane comments from newspaper sites, but without the article to read 908774;1415067584;mircea_popescu;do newspaper sites still get comments anymore ? 908775;1415067621;PeterL;some do, but not anything useful as far as I've seen 908776;1415067642;BingoBoingo; do newspaper sites still get comments anymore ? << Haven't seen any on the local papers recently, seems to have moved to Topix mostly, aka reddit for the poorer and stupider 908777;1415067660;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla home | log | search | bash | stats | wiki << pls to insert deeds 908778;1415067699;kakobrekla;ah on ze mirror 908779;1415067740;mircea_popescu;o im in a bubble ?! 908780;1415067742;mircea_popescu;nm then 908781;1415067754;kakobrekla;no no that thing is hardcoded 908782;1415067768;kakobrekla;waits for my manual edit 908783;1415067770;kakobrekla;hold on 908784;1415067813;PeterL;http://xkcd.com/481/ 908785;1415067834;cazalla;http://qntra.net/2014/11/boost-vc-close-6-6-million-in-funding/ 908786;1415067863;*;mircea_popescu tries to recall what boost supposedly did 908787;1415067914;PeterL;aha, here is the one I was actually looking for: http://xkcd.com/1385/ 908788;1415067915;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla listen, bitbetworks 908789;1415067920;cazalla;mircea_popescu, "incubate" startups like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BA40yMept8c 908790;1415067922;mircea_popescu;wasn't it supposed not to work ?! wtf scam is this. 908791;1415067934;kakobrekla;yes we have a problem 908792;1415067937;kakobrekla;bitbetworks 908793;1415067990;mircea_popescu; reddit killed digg, one of the fastest growing tech startups at that time <<< ahahhhaha o gawd. 908794;1415068010;kakobrekla;log1 fixd 908795;1415068026;mircea_popescu;"digg decided to shoot itself in the head with web2.0, and reddit was one of the places that allowed child porn back then so here we are, hear us roar!" 908796;1415068029;mthreat;Bariloche photo of the day: https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/t31.0-8/1522883_10105277724055560_3211410691125884834_o.jpg 908797;1415068043;mircea_popescu;all hail the b-a explorer! 908798;1415068044;kakobrekla;now dont add anymore .ba services 908799;1415068053;kakobrekla;or else imma have to recode that header 908800;1415068053;mircea_popescu;why not! 908801;1415068055;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by cazalla: http://qntra.net/2014/11/boost-vc-close-6-6-million-in-funding/ 908802;1415068057;mircea_popescu;kik 908803;1415068059;mthreat;I can see why hitler came here after ww2 908804;1415068060;scoopbot;New post on Trilema by Mircea Popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/the-bitcoin-foundation-finally-incorporated/ 908805;1415068099;mike_c;;;rate PeterL 1 author of scoopbot 908806;1415068101;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user PeterL has been recorded. 908807;1415068107;mike_c;nice to have that back. 908808;1415068125;PeterL;is checking every 5 minutes a good timeframe you think? 908809;1415068142;mike_c;sounds good. 908810;1415068170;punkman;PeterL: name of website is a bit redundant, also might be better with irc names instead of rss authors 908811;1415068249;PeterL;right now it is pulling the author from the rss feed, to get irc nick would be a bit trickier 908812;1415068314;mike_c;hard code it. you have to maintain the list of blogs anyway 908813;1415068318;PeterL;it is also pulling the site title from the feed, it is not my fault they don't have a more interesting name for thier blog 908814;1415068330;kakobrekla;author not in rss? 908815;1415068333;kakobrekla;what rss is that? 908816;1415068336;punkman;just thinking it might be silly when it eventually says "by admin" 908817;1415068337;kakobrekla;like a shitty one? 908818;1415068366;PeterL;yes, author is in rss, but author in rss feed does not match irc nick 908819;1415068368;kakobrekla;mike_c hardcode not worky. point is qntra has many contributors 908820;1415068380;kakobrekla;yeah well fuck them 908821;1415068385;decimation;seems like the logs have been ddos'ed 908822;1415068403;PeterL;I guess it could get the author from the rss, then compare it against a list of irc nicks? 908823;1415068408;kakobrekla;yea looks like it decimation 908824;1415068433;PeterL;and assbot stopped saying the names of linked pages 908825;1415068450;kakobrekla;yes thats what happens under ddos 908826;1415068498;mike_c;point is qntra has many contributors << derp. oh yeah. 908827;1415068499;kakobrekla;or else someone comes here, pastes a link he controls, gets the ip from behind cloak 908828;1415068511;decimation;I wonder if usg has attempted to jail someone for possessing a private rsa key that is directly linked with extortion? 908829;1415068541;punkman;http://i.imgur.com/AXiOs9q.png < are they telling me to go elsewhere? 908830;1415068557;PeterL;have there been private rsa keys linked to extortion? 908831;1415068559;cazalla;PeterL, shots fired! 908832;1415068569;kakobrekla;punkbot sell price be their bid 908833;1415068586;PeterL;who shot what? 908834;1415068604;decimation;cazella's linked pastebin strongly implied such 908835;1415068626;decimation;although to be fair, the link to the gpg key is a bit tenuous 908836;1415068650;cazalla;PeterL, this "they don't have a more interesting name for thier blog", do you know we took almost 2 days to pick the name 908837;1415068675;PeterL;I just mean the blog name is exactly the same as the url 908838;1415068684;PeterL;even has the .net 908839;1415068703;cazalla;if this was reddit, i would down vote you right now 908840;1415068809;cazalla;seriously though, i always like how penguirker did it 908841;1415068877;PeterL;which was just the link? 908842;1415068934;cazalla;PeterL, it was like http://log1.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-10-2014#875299 but maybe others want more info, who knows 908843;1415068934;assbot;Logged on 15-10-2014 16:28:31; penguirker: New blog post: http://qntra.net/2014/10/vietnam-prosecutors-reject-charging-bitcoin-traders/ 908844;1415068957;mircea_popescu;hm so i was just notified by the reddit sec that there's no reddit police 908845;1415068961;mircea_popescu;and the reddit fbi confirmed. 908846;1415068991;mircea_popescu;i think we may have a case of http://www.watchcartoononline.com/cow-and-chicken-season-4-episode-4-mall-cop 908847;1415068998;kakobrekla;and reddit nsa denied the whole thing. 908848;1415069023;cazalla;https://www.quantcast.com/qntra.net does this means qntra dropped out of 200k? 908849;1415069024;mircea_popescu; is checking every 5 minutes a good timeframe you think? << yeah. 908850;1415069059;mircea_popescu; seems like the logs have been ddos'ed << i see em ? 908851;1415069062;BingoBoingo; https://www.quantcast.com/qntra.net does this means qntra dropped out of 200k? << Never went under 200k yet 908852;1415069063;PeterL;so the bitcoin foundation has an address, what do they do with the donated bitcoins? 908853;1415069079;BingoBoingo;cazalla: The rank is based on the last full month 908854;1415069162;decimation;;;isitdown logs.bitcoin-assets.com 908855;1415069162;ben_vulpes;PinkPosixPXE: did the scriptkiddies getcher aws account? 908856;1415069164;gribble;logs.bitcoin-assets.com is down 908857;1415069176;decimation;;;isitdown log.bitcoin-assets.com 908858;1415069176;gribble;log.bitcoin-assets.com is down 908859;1415069184;decimation;;;isitdown log1.bitcoin-assets.com 908860;1415069185;gribble;log1.bitcoin-assets.com is up 908861;1415069189;mircea_popescu;ahok 908862;1415069199;mircea_popescu;PeterL whatever they feel like, basically. 908863;1415069228;ben_vulpes;buttcorns again, probably knowing the jackoffs involved. 908864;1415069251;PeterL;mircea_popescu: have they stated anything they feel like doing yet? 908865;1415069274;mircea_popescu;i vaguely remember trying to lure testers maybe ? 908866;1415069345;decimation;so after watching Stierlitz, I surfed the wikipedia describing the NASDP government intelligence 4th department http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gestapo "According to Canadian historian Robert Gellately's analysis of the local offices established, the Gestapo was—for the most part—made up of bureaucrats and clerical workers who depended upon denunciations by citizens for their information.[78] Gellately argued that it was because of 908867;1415069347;decimation;the widespread willingness of Germans to inform on each other to the Gestapo that Germany between 1933 and 1945 was a prime example of panopticism." 908868;1415069349;mircea_popescu;lol i like cazalla's pastebin. 908869;1415069370;mircea_popescu;decimation this is factual. 908870;1415069384;decimation;so, really all you need to have a 'reign of terror' is to put a 'suggestion box' in front of the secret police office 908871;1415069424;mircea_popescu;all you need to have a reign of terror is to empower the bottom of the social hierarchy. it never fails. 908872;1415069448;mircea_popescu;be it the peasants in russia, or the derps in nazi germany, whenever the "common man" is taken from under the foot and put on the table trouble soon follows. 908873;1415069481;mircea_popescu;the us worked just fine, and definitely better than the entire rest of the world, BEFORE extending the franchise. 908874;1415069486;assbot;Last 4 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/22PXEMC.txt ) 908875;1415069486;BingoBoingo;!b 4 908876;1415069491;decimation;yeah, if the NASDP leadership weren't fucktards, they would have put more emphasis on actual intelligence rather than harassing idiots 908877;1415069586;decimation;mircea_popescu: agreed. as I drive to work, I listen to that french revolution podcast, and they just covered the 'housewife army' that managed to dislodge Louis from Versailles 908878;1415069614;mircea_popescu;whenever "joe said" is not automatically followed by "oh yea ? and who the fuck is joe ?" the situation is already in the handbasked and moments away from hell. 908879;1415069622;PinkPosixPXE;19:46 #bitcoin-assets: <+ben_vulpes> PinkPosixPXE: did the scriptkiddies getcher aws account? << nope 908880;1415069625;PinkPosixPXE;:) 908881;1415069683;PinkPosixPXE;may be dropped about 10000 packets total, and did nothing as soon as I flipped my ip.. 908882;1415069741;PinkPosixPXE;perhaps they decided going after 1 person wasn't enough for their e-peen-inflation 908883;1415069755;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: incorporated << neato. now nubbins` can bake tshirts! 908884;1415069762;mircea_popescu;but everything here is one single person or another. 908885;1415069775;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform lol what, tshirts with the charter ? 908886;1415069781;asciilifeform;with sumthing. 908887;1415069832;kakobrekla;how do tshirts help? 908888;1415069855;asciilifeform;idk, but 10 btc would buy a good fat crate'o'em 908889;1415069865;mircea_popescu;wait a seccond. is lawsky the reddit supernintendo or the actual supernintendo ? 908890;1415069873;mircea_popescu;have we been fooled ?! 908891;1415069888;asciilifeform;'attacking #bitcoin-assets for their comments on reddit, assault against basic income, and other crap' << l0l!! 908892;1415069896;asciilifeform;there it is, 'basic income' again 908893;1415069901;asciilifeform;is that 'a thing' now? 908894;1415069932;mircea_popescu;what else do you suppose keeps approximately-washed middle aged boys in shared apartments with internet access ? 908895;1415069946;asciilifeform;i'd dearly love to know. where do i get some. 908896;1415069968;*;asciilifeform has to do all kinds of gnarly things for his 'b4s1c 1nc0m3' 908897;1415070019;PinkPosixPXE;I guess some idiots on reddit have to be scam trolls to get their daily income... 908898;1415070032;PinkPosixPXE;Then, didn't they like demand 2BTC ? 908899;1415070039;kakobrekla;idk, but 10 btc would buy a good fat crate'o'em < is this a protest of how unusable btc is to you or ? 908900;1415070068;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: iirc you invented a way of using 908901;1415070087;kakobrekla;wha? 908902;1415070088;asciilifeform;how long can one run a kakobrekla on 10 btc ? 908903;1415070138;kakobrekla;sadly i also need to convert to a more acceptable format 908904;1415070146;kakobrekla;still 908905;1415070154;decimation;asciilifeform: I recall that you were a proponent of 'guaranteed income' 908906;1415070184;asciilifeform;decimation: nah, more like guaranteed cloister 908907;1415070185;cazalla;ignoring the ridicule for having an iphone, i was going to write up this circle app but cannot because there is 2180 results for apps with the name circle and you must install ichunes to use the link to install :\ 908908;1415070199;kakobrekla;asciilifeform and to answer your question, a few months 908909;1415070212;mircea_popescu;cazalla lol problem solved. 908910;1415070227;asciilifeform;kakobrekla is clean, environmentally-spiffy engine 908911;1415070236;mike_c;first off, ridicule! second, how do you run an iphone without itunes anyway? 908912;1415070240;*;kakobrekla has optimized his reoccurring costs quite a bit 908913;1415070243;decimation;asciilifeform: like, if you are unwilling to provide for yourself, the gov't will supply one small stone cell with three gruels per day? 908914;1415070276;asciilifeform;decimation: where i live, they sorta do this already, but gotta be aryan 908915;1415070298;cazalla;mike_c, what would i use ichunes with my iphone for? 908916;1415070329;mike_c;well i don't know what you'd use an iphone for at all. but i thought you needed itunes to install shit on it. 908917;1415070351;asciilifeform;mike_c: the current pNohe is entirely usable without a computer. 908918;1415070362;cazalla;mike_c, you can use the appstore and just upload your music, download pics via ftp provided it is broken 908919;1415070425;mike_c;i guess you can use an iphone to impress the other girls at the party. gotta get a cute cover for it though. 908920;1415070429;decimation;asciilifeform: in Stierlitz, is it some kind of inside joke when they go through the 'personnel file' of every high ranking Nazi and they all say exactly the same thing? 908921;1415070435;asciilifeform;decimation: aha. 908922;1415070455;asciilifeform;decimation: idea is, you can't play unless 'aryan, good nordic character' 908923;1415070474;asciilifeform;decimation: so clearly, if you're in the game, that's you. 908924;1415070516;asciilifeform;decimation: notice, 'baron von stierlitz' has the same in his file. 908925;1415070549;decimation;of course. I feel like I started halfway in though, they keep mentioning his earlier exploits with V weapons and I seem to have missed that 908926;1415070589;cazalla;mike_c, i thought it was the girls that like to impress with their phone, blinged up cases and all 908927;1415070617;mike_c;yes, the key to the joke was "the other girls" 908928;1415070634;asciilifeform;stone cell with three gruels << notice a peculiar fact about various 'advanced' bezzlatron nations where one can get a nice flat and three fine restaurant meals a day. but, for some reason, the occupants of said flats are not coughing up any great advances in sciences, arts. 908929;1415070657;asciilifeform;ergo, the sponsors are selective about who gets the cell and three gruels. in a very particular way. 908930;1415070715;cazalla;mike_c, matters not, sporting an old phone will just get you labelled as a hipster because the 3310 is vintage yo 908931;1415070732;asciilifeform;(only exception i know of re: 'not coughing up' was j. k. rowling, author of the children's book 'harry potter.' i wonder if they billed her for the pension retroactively...) 908932;1415070741;mike_c;certainly works in brooklyn 908933;1415070770;asciilifeform;i suppose ed limonov might be another exception. 908934;1415070807;decimation;either those who are rich in bezzlars are sitting on their brilliant inventions or the method by which one comes to hold bezzlars has little to do with productive activity 908935;1415070825;decimation;of course, there is the 'george boole' problem, as you point out in the comments 908936;1415070854;asciilifeform;neh, the thread was, in some parts of the world one can get the 'three gruels and a cell', but very few of the folks subscribed have shat out anything worth talking about 908937;1415071045;decimation;asciilifeform: it is an odd fact that most 'upright' folks in the us would prefer to starve rather than depend on welfare, yet the same folks view their mortgage deductions as a birthright 908938;1415071073;asciilifeform;decimation: outside of usa, there are misconceptions. it isn't like anyone can just go and sign up for 'welfare.' 908939;1415071133;asciilifeform;if you aren't in the target demographics (not purely 'ethnic', but approximately for most purposes) it may as well be 'macarthur grant' or nobel, for all you'll ever see of it 908940;1415071172;BingoBoingo; wait a seccond. is lawsky the reddit supernintendo or the actual supernintendo ? << scam, he's just one of those rpi based emulators made the chicoms 908941;1415071187;mircea_popescu; one can get a nice flat and three fine meals [...] not coughing up any great advances in arts. <<< yes, they are. 908942;1415071192;mircea_popescu;cocksucking's an art too you know. 908943;1415071207;asciilifeform;and afaik, most of 'homo redditicus' is not living from government pensions, but from relatives 908944;1415071221;mircea_popescu;and where do the relatives get it ? 908945;1415071226;asciilifeform;same place i get it. 908946;1415071233;mircea_popescu;from tax breaks to deferring of college debt, it's all a gift. 908947;1415071236;BingoBoingo; ignoring the ridicule for having an iphone, i was going to write up this circle app but cannot because there is 2180 results for apps with the name circle and you must install ichunes to use the link to install :\ << sounds like a review in itself 908948;1415071277;asciilifeform;the tax breaks mostly subsidize playing in chumpatrons like real estate 908949;1415071298;mircea_popescu;now to the massive task of documenting this deedsbot thing. 908950;1415071324;asciilifeform;(e.g., the 2k i pay landlord is 100% tax-free income for him) 908951;1415071422;kakobrekla;jebus 2k rent? 908952;1415071427;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: aha. 908953;1415071432;kakobrekla;srsly. 908954;1415071433;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: 'cheap' too. 908955;1415071456;kakobrekla;unserious 908956;1415071480;BingoBoingo;kakobrekla: Seriously plausible for a US coast. 908957;1415071489;decimation;yeah in ascii's area $2k for a house is cheap 908958;1415071493;mike_c;significantly cheaper than mine.. 908959;1415071498;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu has it right re: the massive bezzle gifts, but notice that these aren't really handouts to the plebes - they only get to touch the money and feel warm inside for a few seconds, then they have to give it directly to real estate chumpmeisters or college racket 908960;1415071520;mircea_popescu;well of course. 908961;1415071547;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla unlike europe, the us is very poorly developed. 908962;1415071554;kakobrekla;heh 908963;1415071577;mircea_popescu;not even kidding. you know that thing where you can't walk for 50 miles without ending up in a town, nor 10 miles without crossing a road ? 908964;1415071580;mircea_popescu;well... they ain't got that. 908965;1415071583;asciilifeform;the 2k does not include other bezzles. e.g., auto, without which it is flatly impossible to buy edibles much less earn anything 908966;1415071602;asciilifeform;and various insurances. 908967;1415071659;decimation;asciilifeform: I added all this up once, and came to the conclusion that every single person in the washington DC area must have an income of >$100k 908968;1415071662;decimation;which didn't seem right 908969;1415071684;mircea_popescu;punkbot list deedsystem 908970;1415071689;mircea_popescu;what is this supposed to do ? 908971;1415071692;asciilifeform;decimation: every 'burgher' (see mircea_popescu's essay on the subject) - exactly right 908972;1415071725;asciilifeform;but there are several categories of inhabitant who don't need money at all 908973;1415071749;asciilifeform;unfortunately those categories are almost entirely membership-by-birth. 908974;1415071863;decimation;regarding birth, the ironic thing about wash dc is that the majority of these 'burghers' are holding gov't jobs, which are more-or-less sinecures for life 908975;1415071896;decimation;meanwhile they have kids, who also need to eat 908976;1415071931;decimation;those kids being the exact objects which the real estate/job-for-life chumpatrons must devour to sustain themselves 908977;1415072849;BingoBoingo; not even kidding. you know that thing where you can't walk for 50 miles without ending up in a town, nor 10 miles without crossing a road ? << True story, did that. 908978;1415072933;cazalla;http://qntra.net/2014/11/commissioner-mark-wetjen-cftc-would-have-authority-to-bring-enforcement-actions-against/ 908979;1415073176;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by cazalla: http://qntra.net/2014/11/commissioner-mark-wetjen-cftc-would-have-authority-to-bring-enforcement-actions-against/ 908980;1415073191;cazalla;beat you to it, scoopbot 908981;1415073231;mircea_popescu;o nice, scoopbot. 908982;1415073244;BingoBoingo;scooptbot request n00dz 908983;1415073259;decimation;lol so the wall street journal op-ed is where one makes usg policy now? 908984;1415073280;BingoBoingo;decimation: No, it's where USG policy used to be made 908985;1415073570;asciilifeform;decimation: government jobs << in usa, everyone - at least, within a few steps of recursion - has a government job. 908986;1415073589;asciilifeform;(see the canonical piece by 'last psychiatrics' re: one town where this was demonstrable to the naked eye.) 908987;1415073610;decimation;yeah, in the wash dc area it's just a little flatter I guess 908988;1415073635;asciilifeform;that is, either works for usg, works for entity funded by usg, or works for a humble physical service (e.g. restaurant, plumber's shop) that is frequented by 1 and 2 908989;1415073657;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41888 @ 0.00072794 = 30.492 BTC [-] {5} 908990;1415073681;asciilifeform;if you're a potato monger in idaho - usg funded. 908991;1415073707;asciilifeform;even if you only sell for gold dubloons and have never heard of farm subsidy. 908992;1415073744;decimation;of course 99% of farmers prefer to receive usg electronic transfers directly to their accounts 908993;1415073753;asciilifeform;aha. 908994;1415073768;asciilifeform;but the point here is, the most humble tomato peddler at my local market - still usg funded. 908995;1415073780;decimation;yeah, this is true 908996;1415073791;decimation;for instance, he's still going to have to sell some gold to pay his land tax in dollars 908997;1415073823;asciilifeform;(it blew my mind the other week when i noticed that these were being paid, by many folks in the crowd, with... something quite like actual monopoly money. issued by the state, it turned out, 'vegetable food stamps.' presumably these are redeemable for usd in some dark cellar at city hall.) 908998;1415073830;decimation;that fellow who lived under a stump or whatever might claim to be somewhat independent, but really he's just taking advantage of usg's lack landlordship 908999;1415073839;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform nope, they're not. 909000;1415073852;decimation;no ascii that's EBT 909001;1415073861;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: ? 909002;1415073869;mircea_popescu;they're not redeemable for usd. 909003;1415073875;asciilifeform;wai wat 909004;1415073886;asciilifeform;what're they redeemable for? veggies at neighbouring tables? 909005;1415073891;asciilifeform;arse-mouth system? 909006;1415073897;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform tax receipts mostly. 909007;1415073911;mircea_popescu;you can't go plunk down a pile of em and get dollars in exchange. 909008;1415073916;mircea_popescu;you can't sell them to a guy down the street 909009;1415073917;mircea_popescu;etc. 909010;1415073923;*;asciilifeform floored 909011;1415073933;mircea_popescu;you recall when california paid its suppliers in ious 909012;1415073940;mircea_popescu;then REFUSED to take the same in exchange for tax receipts ? 909013;1415073952;mircea_popescu;the only innovation there is refusing to take them in exchange for the only thing they used to be good for. 909014;1415073962;decimation;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLTTX35LNJo 909015;1415073962;assbot;Chapter Jackson - It's Free Swipe Yo EBT (Explicit) - YouTube 909016;1415073994;asciilifeform;ca should've been cut up and loaded onto slave ships long ago 909017;1415074023;asciilifeform;but in reality, the place is a miniature r&d laboratory for usg bezzlatronics. 909018;1415074031;decimation;mircea_popescu: I've heard it's common practice to buy 'qualified' goods and sell on ebay for usd 909019;1415074047;mircea_popescu;mebbe, i dunno 909020;1415074050;asciilifeform;aha like cc scammers. 909021;1415074055;mircea_popescu;punkman hey how does one download the bundle db ? 909022;1415074344;decimation;http://www.businessweek.com/ap/2012-05/D9UV7NDO0.htm 909023;1415074345;assbot;Food stamp fraud raising concerns in gov't offices - BusinessWeek 909024;1415074439;mircea_popescu;75 billion a year. 909025;1415074448;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2014/11/court-order-bfl-to-transfer-bitcoins-to-court/ << USG shorting augmented 909026;1415074448;assbot;Court Order: BFL to transfer Bitcoins to Court | Qntra.net 909027;1415074468;mircea_popescu;that comes to... brace yourselves... 250 bucks a year per capita. 909028;1415074488;decimation;on food stamps alone 909029;1415074514;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: misplaced a zero again? 909030;1415074522;mircea_popescu;about 1/4 ton tomato paste in bulk 909031;1415074528;decimation;there's also WIC http://www.fbi.gov/atlanta/press-releases/2014/fifty-four-defendants-charged-in-18-million-wic-and-food-stamp-fraud-conspiracy 909032;1415074528;assbot;FBI — Fifty-Four Defendants Charged in $18 Million WIC and Food Stamp Fraud Conspiracy 909033;1415074554;mircea_popescu;decimation yeah the mob's making a killing with it. 909034;1415074561;mircea_popescu;i dunno why they keep playing it coy and oh, people. 909035;1415074600;kakobrekla;whats left in bfl, a few k btc? 909036;1415074603;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2014/11/court-order-bfl-to-transfer-bitcoins-to-court/ 909037;1415074603;assbot;Court Order: BFL to transfer Bitcoins to Court | Qntra.net 909038;1415074606;joecool;lol at the AKA's 909039;1415074627;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla doubtful anything's left, fgor a year now 909040;1415074657;decimation;I like how one arm of USG is threating anyone who has touched a bitcoin, while the other arm claims that they could not possibly investigate welfare fraud 909041;1415074683;mircea_popescu;welfare fraud is good. 909042;1415074685;asciilifeform;' The order also gives the receiver authorization to convert the bitcoins "to cash on a systematic and reasoned basis."' << brace for waterfall. 909043;1415074710;kakobrekla;i have enough of this waterboarding :p 909044;1415074727;decimation;well, welfare fraud definitely serves some purpose, otherwise usg would 'investigate' it 909045;1415074873;mircea_popescu;decimation lemme illustrate the point with a humorous story. 909046;1415074890;mircea_popescu;http://www.27bslash6.com/massanutten.html 909047;1415074890;assbot;Massanutten. Water slides, mini-golf and bears. 909048;1415074921;mircea_popescu;the part where he says "Regardless of whether you waive the fine or not, and despite conditional terms added to reassert authority" 909049;1415074929;scoopbot;New post on Trilema by Mircea Popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/the-bitcoin-assets-deed-system/ 909050;1415074933;assbot;The #bitcoin-assets deed system pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 909051;1415074937;mircea_popescu;just as long as you agree to move your sustenance to stealing from the government, the government won. 909052;1415074944;mircea_popescu;you're still depending on it, whether you like it or not. 909053;1415074967;mircea_popescu;it doesn't care if you fight "for" or "against" it, just as long as your fight is ~about~ it. 909054;1415074968;mircea_popescu;on it goes. 909055;1415074993;mircea_popescu;there's a good reason http://trilema.com/2014/how-to-deal-with-pseudoscience/ comes up with "ignore it" not with "debunk it" or "use it" or w/e else. 909056;1415075072;decimation;lol I've stayed at massanutten 909057;1415075076;*;asciilifeform 'private key for the confirmatory transaction' << misread as 'the crematory transaction' 909058;1415075146;mircea_popescu;lol 909059;1415075228;decimation;massanutten is kind of a weird retirement area/resort for the wash dc area 909060;1415075246;decimation;for people who are not creative enough to find a more amusing place to live than a hill in rural Virginia 909061;1415075351;decimation;lol "That looks like a dog with a blanket on it. I'm not going to waste anyones time sending an officer out to check that. " 909062;1415075374;decimation;this guy is strong with the art of troll 909063;1415075450;asciilifeform;"ignore it" not with "debunk it" or "use it" << ignoring herr lysenko is best done from across an ocean. 909064;1415075469;asciilifeform;although even this no longer suffices. 909065;1415075482;asciilifeform;seems like they don't make oceans wide enough, any more. 909066;1415075510;decimation;so the anarcho-tyranny that 'upstanding citizens' complain about is really just two sides of the same customer service counter 909067;1415075547;decimation;the stick, for those who are willing to yield, the carrot for those who are willing to eat 909068;1415075617;mircea_popescu;right. 909069;1415075685;mircea_popescu;people generally are slaves. this holds true irrespective of what the fashionable slavegarb is at any point. 909070;1415076022;mircea_popescu; "ignore it" not with "debunk it" or "use it" << ignoring herr lysenko is best done from across an ocean. << the internet is an ocean. 909071;1415076166;BingoBoingo;Oh, we also beat coinfire to the BFL story 909072;1415076195;BingoBoingo;By about 20 minutes 909073;1415076205;mircea_popescu;wd! 909074;1415076274;BingoBoingo;https://twitter.com/BBoingo/status/529494297117487104 << Calling them out 909075;1415076276;assbot;Court in the /ButterflyLabs case has ordered for some of the co bitcoins to be moved to a court wallet & to be sold: https://t.co/7nxuZcdG7t 909076;1415076577;BingoBoingo;Since we were firsted the link http://slashdot.org/firehose.pl?op=view&type=submission&id=3955937 909077;1415076969;BingoBoingo;scoopbot request tits 909078;1415077573;BingoBoingo;Oh, the rms ordained distro has a new release https://trisquel.info/en/trisquel-70-lts-belenos 909079;1415077593;nubbins`;;;later tell asciilifeform do you have a preferred syntax highlighting style? we can make it match w/e 909080;1415077593;gribble;The operation succeeded. 909081;1415078322;ben_vulpes; more fivezerotwo garbage > http://dpaste.com/1QE0QRB << aaaahahaha 909082;1415078354;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14500 @ 0.00073222 = 10.6172 BTC [+] 909083;1415078557;cazalla;so the horse i bet on in the melb cup, Admire Rakti, fkn died after the race, i picked that horse as the name remember me of Autumn Radtke who also died lol 909084;1415078577;cazalla;reminds me* such engrish 909085;1415078594;BingoBoingo;Damn 909086;1415078612;cazalla;Autumn Radtke being the bitcoin CEO that jumped out of a building earlier in the year 909087;1415078701;mircea_popescu;cazalla "No small talk, huh? They shoot your horse?" "f there's any justice..." 909088;1415078727;mircea_popescu;anyway, seems to me it delivered exactly as advertised. 909089;1415078729;cazalla;i watched that the other night, not bad 909090;1415078770;mircea_popescu;i fucking love jon polito in that thing 909091;1415078856;ben_vulpes; asciilifeform lol what, tshirts with the charter ? << F9 BE B4 D9 909092;1415078858;cazalla;andreas giving you the high hat or what 909093;1415078864;ben_vulpes;i'm seriously considering having it tattooed on myself 909094;1415079120;mircea_popescu;wait tattoo what ? 909095;1415079161;ben_vulpes;magic bytes 909096;1415079171;ben_vulpes;haven't decided if hex or actual binary yet tho 909097;1415079194;mircea_popescu;but wait. what ? 909098;1415079198;*;mircea_popescu is confused 909099;1415079205;ben_vulpes;bitcoin network message header bytes 909100;1415079226;mircea_popescu;oh oh oh. 909101;1415079231;ben_vulpes;F9BEB4D9 909102;1415079234;mircea_popescu;meanwhile on redditland, http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2l8d86/so_you_want_to_donate_to_support_bitcoin_how/ 909103;1415079234;assbot;So you want to donate to support Bitcoin? How about donating to the real Bitcoin Foundation instead of Vessennes' scambox? : Bitcoin 909104;1415079238;ben_vulpes;i actually wanted that for the org url too 909105;1415079245;mircea_popescu;and ? taken ? 909106;1415079250;ben_vulpes;nobody bought it 909107;1415079284;ben_vulpes;lol mircea_popescu's log fraud exposed 909108;1415079291;ben_vulpes;hey are you still giving away domains? 909109;1415079300;ben_vulpes;*elbow elbow* 909110;1415079312;mircea_popescu;wait wait what ? 909111;1415079354;ben_vulpes;hm i recall perhaps fraudulently that you were giving away domains at one point. 909112;1415079380;mircea_popescu;F9BEB4D9.com << it's registered actually. 909113;1415079408;ben_vulpes;f9beb4d9.org 909114;1415079453;ben_vulpes; ignoring the ridicule for having an iphone, i was going to write up this circle app but cannot because there is 2180 results for apps with the name circle and you must install ichunes to use the link to install :\ << i learned recently that 'app' name optimization is a thing that 'consultants' charge for. 909115;1415079477;cazalla;yeah, i've heard of appstore seo 909116;1415079509;ben_vulpes;it had its own hilarious acronym when introduced to me 909117;1415079528;ben_vulpes;oh yeah 909118;1415079530;ben_vulpes;ASO 909119;1415079533;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes okay, you got it. ns ? 909120;1415079535;ben_vulpes;app store optimization 909121;1415079540;ben_vulpes;wheeeee 909122;1415079565;ben_vulpes;jurov's donated hosting stuffs and wrapped in aws antiddos so i dun even know 909123;1415079572;ben_vulpes;;;dig therealbitcoin.org 909124;1415079572;gribble;Error: "dig" is not a valid command. 909125;1415079579;ben_vulpes;^^ wish that were a thing 909126;1415079580;mircea_popescu;dude you need to get better at wishlist maintenance. 909127;1415079627;ben_vulpes;thanks mircea_popescu that's a rad domain and i'm thrilled that we have it. 909128;1415079635;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28700 @ 0.00073222 = 21.0147 BTC [+] 909129;1415079641;ben_vulpes;dude i'm accustomed to my wish list not getting filled 909130;1415079661;ben_vulpes;"if the world were to against all reason smile upon my works" sort of attitude 909131;1415079677;mircea_popescu;ok ns copied from trb.org 909132;1415079684;ben_vulpes;so much gracias 909133;1415079686;mircea_popescu;somehow i doubt this will actually work, but anyway, ding me later with actual ns 909134;1415079691;mircea_popescu;if needed. 909135;1415079692;ben_vulpes;yeah will do 909136;1415079708;ben_vulpes;;;later tell jurov see above s'il vous plait 909137;1415079708;gribble;The operation succeeded. 909138;1415079745;ben_vulpes;gratzi mille mircea_popescu 909139;1415079757;mircea_popescu;love. 909140;1415079779;ben_vulpes;(the domain is both meaningful and follows the rules of domain name selection: be unique in the first chars) 909141;1415079795;ben_vulpes;^^ for lurkers. 909142;1415079923;cazalla;http://qntra.net/2014/11/sir-richard-branson-discuss-bitcoin-at-next-months-g20-summit/ 909143;1415079924;assbot;Sir Richard Branson: "Discuss Bitcoin At Next Month's G20 Summit" | Qntra.net 909144;1415080460;BingoBoingo;!up julles 909145;1415080466;BingoBoingo;!up julmac 909146;1415081038;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10867 @ 0.00073222 = 7.957 BTC [+] 909147;1415081951;mircea_popescu;o look at the cute tiny netsplit 909148;1415082001;kakobrekla;this time for real : if you see maintenance page on bitbet, flushdns 909149;1415082033;mircea_popescu;ლ(`ー´ლ) aww that's cuter 909150;1415082055;mircea_popescu;¯\_(⊙︿⊙)_/¯ << wow different ones ?! 909151;1415082061;kakobrekla;ye :) 909152;1415082072;mircea_popescu;⊙﹏⊙ ahahh 909153;1415082133;kakobrekla;well i see traffic on both ends 909154;1415082136;kakobrekla;so wtf 909155;1415082163;kakobrekla;https://www.whatsmydns.net/#A/bitbet.us 909156;1415082163;assbot;Global DNS Propagation Checker - What's My DNS? 909157;1415082167;kakobrekla;this thing sez its good 909158;1415082190;kakobrekla;> is what you need 909159;1415082206;mircea_popescu;dude these are too fucking cute 909160;1415082213;kakobrekla;lol 909161;1415082213;mircea_popescu;i've been sitting here refreshing it and lulzing 909162;1415082218;mircea_popescu;fuck your new site, this is better. 909163;1415082225;kakobrekla;lol 909164;1415082256;kakobrekla;dont get banned now ;) 909165;1415082489;mircea_popescu;"There undoubtedly needs to be work done to ensure that Bitcoin operates under a best practice regulatory regime." 909166;1415082490;mircea_popescu;derp. 909167;1415082509;mircea_popescu;not only this undoubtedly flies in the face of reason, but actually, it's bitcoin-illegal to "do work" 909168;1415082517;kakobrekla;lol 909169;1415082625;mircea_popescu;what other fucking undoubtedly do these people have ? global warming, right ? 909170;1415082787;mircea_popescu;o shit it's halloween isn't it ? 909171;1415082921;*;Naphex thinks you just missed it 909172;1415082964;mircea_popescu;lol oops. 909173;1415082980;mircea_popescu;wasn't this supposed to be like all big deal discount "largest sale night of the year" etc ? 909174;1415082995;mircea_popescu;or what, the failure of last years' taken the jam out of the marketeer's donut ? 909175;1415083048;mircea_popescu;in other news, check out the cool shit buried in time! http://trilema.com/2012/gene-wolfe-orson-scott-card-and-others/ 909176;1415083048;assbot;Gene Wolfe, Orson Scott Card, and others. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 909177;1415083112;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21139 @ 0.00073358 = 15.5071 BTC [+] {2} 909178;1415083173;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28211 @ 0.00073096 = 20.6211 BTC [-] 909179;1415084560;mircea_popescu;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maP0CAhL_3k << chasing topless chicks 909180;1415084560;assbot;Topless Femen activists chased through Paris streets by riot police - YouTube 909181;1415084727;[]bot;Bet placed: 1 BTC for Yes on "Light Sweet Crude Oil (WTI) Feb 2015 to drop under $70 before 2015" http://bitbet.us/bet/1059/ Odds: 43(Y):57(N) by coin, 44(Y):56(N) by weight. Total bet: 8.43659622 BTC. Current weight: 77,351. 909182;1415084733;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 909183;1415084745;gribble;Current Blocks: 328468 | Current Difficulty: 3.598564026507623E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 328607 | Next Difficulty In: 139 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 20 hours, 27 minutes, and 58 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 909184;1415084797;mircea_popescu;totally fascinating this notion that nudity is somehow antipatriarchy. 909185;1415085583;kakobrekla;light sweet crude oil ... totally wtf bet. 8.5 btc on it. 909186;1415085588;kakobrekla;O_o 909187;1415085606;mircea_popescu;why wtf ? wti is a big deal 909188;1415085631;kakobrekla;is it eh? 909189;1415085677;kakobrekla;well apparently so, who am i to argue with bb 909190;1415085697;kakobrekla;anyway all seems in check, imma go 909191;1415087009;punkbot;[trust-update] added: delta9 | removed: delta9 909192;1415087214;mircea_popescu;punkman ^ ? 909193;1415087229;mircea_popescu;mebbe it should only report moves in assbot's l2 ? 909194;1415087472;RagnarDanneskjol;delta9 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetrahydrocannabinol 909195;1415087472;assbot;Tetrahydrocannabinol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 909196;1415087591;RagnarDanneskjol;https://github.com/extempore/deedbundler/blob/367a7dd20b9ba4337c7c40b026706e09ee51c168/plugins/DeedSystem/plugin.py 909197;1415087592;assbot;deedbundler/plugin.py at 367a7dd20b9ba4337c7c40b026706e09ee51c168 · extempore/deedbundler · GitHub 909198;1415087812;mircea_popescu;RagnarDanneskjol huh ? 909199;1415088017;RagnarDanneskjol;i dont know why he chose delta9 other than reference to weed. there are 4 status updates that prompt the bot to speak: deed auth, deed bundle confirm, status/balance, and 'trust updates' 909200;1415088069;mircea_popescu;nah it also updates on changes in the trust db 909201;1415088082;RagnarDanneskjol;oh nice 909202;1415088206;mircea_popescu;so if one wants to spider a lot of sites and extract links, how would one go about that ? 909203;1415088243;mircea_popescu;i'm talking "put in this file all urls found on all pages of 1mn sites" sort of thing. 909204;1415088412;RagnarDanneskjol;ive seen a bunch of utils on git for this. I think this one does: https://github.com/sylvinus/node-crawler 909205;1415088413;assbot;sylvinus/node-crawler · GitHub 909206;1415088433;RagnarDanneskjol;search git fr crawler/spider and you'll find a lot of them 909207;1415088479;mircea_popescu;not much a problem of code. but anyway, anon benefactor sent me http://www.michaelnielsen.org/ddi/how-to-crawl-a-quarter-billion-webpages-in-40-hours/ 909208;1415088481;assbot; How to crawl a quarter billion webpages in 40 hours | DDI 909209;1415088484;mircea_popescu;"More precisely, I crawled 250,113,669 pages for just under 580 dollars in 39 hours and 25 minutes, using 20 Amazon EC2 machine instances." 909210;1415088502;mircea_popescu;i guess amazon is the way to go. 909211;1415088514;RagnarDanneskjol;whoa cool 909212;1415088651;jurov;whoa whoa.. things are moving quickly 909213;1415089457;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19800 @ 0.00073408 = 14.5348 BTC [+] 909214;1415090799;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10755 @ 0.00073088 = 7.8606 BTC [-] {2} 909215;1415091523;cazalla;http://qntra.net/2014/11/2000-coinbase-accounts-phished-via-blockchain-info-public-notes/ 909216;1415091523;assbot;2000 Coinbase Accounts Phished Via Blockchain.info Public Notes | Qntra.net 909217;1415091546;jurov;ben_vulpes: so whom i should talk aboout f9beb4d9.org ? 909218;1415091571;jurov;it still strikes me as dorky, but whatever 909219;1415091664;jurov;what is base58 of 0xf9beb4d9 ? just to add extra dorkiness 909220;1415091811;BingoBoingo;Is this a concern? http://klikki.fi/adv/wordpress_ennakko-fi.html 909221;1415091811;assbot;Klikki Oy - Kaikki yleisesti käytössä olevat WordPress-versiot haavoittuvia 909222;1415091829;jurov;it's apparently 7PFyRz 909223;1415091835;jurov;7PFyRz.org still free 909224;1415092082;punkman;mircea_popescu: mebbe it should only report moves in assbot's l2 ? << that's the idea 909225;1415092134;punkman;;;gettrust assbot delta9 909226;1415092135;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user delta9: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=delta9 | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=delta9 | Rated since: Sat Nov 20 19:37:15 2010 909227;1415092348;punkman;well I got no clue how he was both added/removed when nothing changed 909228;1415098607;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11350 @ 0.00072812 = 8.2642 BTC [-] 909229;1415099827;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32550 @ 0.00072812 = 23.7003 BTC [-] 909230;1415102125;punkman;mircea_popescu: i guess amazon is the way to go. << if you are on amazon you also get free access to http://commoncrawl.org/the-data/ 909231;1415102125;assbot;Common Crawl - The Data 909232;1415103304;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13200 @ 0.00072922 = 9.6257 BTC [-] {2} 909233;1415103785;cazalla;http://qntra.net/2014/11/coinero-project-seeks-150000-for-bitcoin-gift-cards/ fkn guy got all snippy with me 909234;1415103785;assbot;Coinero Project Seeks £150,000 For Bitcoin Gift Cards | Qntra.net 909235;1415106076;jurov;cazalla what is inercia? 909236;1415106108;jurov;and it would help to give the context what did you ask 909237;1415106548;bounce;guy got snippy, therefore scam 909238;1415106563;*;bounce suspects it was supposed to be "inertia" 909239;1415107080;jurov;yes to both... just would be good to see what Qs made him snippy 909240;1415107391;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39038 @ 0.00073056 = 28.5196 BTC [+] {2} 909241;1415107552;BingoBoingo;https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2l97xj/wikipedia_page_for_andreas_antonopoulos_nominated/ 909242;1415108621;punkbot;[trust-update] added: #bitcoin-otc 909243;1415109037;scoopbot;New post on Bitcoin Trading Signals by Enky: https://btctrading.wordpress.com/2014/11/04/short-term-update-trade-idea-for-next-24-48-hrs/ 909244;1415109040;scoopbot;New post on Bitcoin Trading Signals by Enky: https://btctrading.wordpress.com/2014/10/25/long-term-update-weekly-chart/ 909245;1415109043;scoopbot;New post on Bitcoin Trading Signals by Enky: https://btctrading.wordpress.com/2014/10/18/offtopic-donations/ 909246;1415109170;mircea_popescu;;;later tell peterl maybe ratelimit scoopbot ? 1/hr/domain or something ? also add update protection somehow ? otherwise the temptation to flood is too great. 909247;1415109170;gribble;The operation succeeded. 909248;1415109202;mircea_popescu;;;later tell enky srsly, "we love bitcoin" "comments are closed" and "don't send donations in BTC that coinbase can't process" on the same page ? what is this! 909249;1415109202;gribble;The operation succeeded. 909250;1415109257;mircea_popescu;;;rated fivezerotwo 909251;1415109258;gribble;You rated user fivezerotwo on Sat Oct 18 10:55:21 2014, with a rating of 1, and supplied these additional notes: kinda derpy kid with a kinda derpy botnet.. 909252;1415109262;mircea_popescu;;;unrate fivezerotwo 909253;1415109263;gribble;Successfully removed your rating for fivezerotwo. 909254;1415109345;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25200 @ 0.00073081 = 18.4164 BTC [+] 909255;1415110624;mircea_popescu;mats_cd03 and who else was looking to donate to the btcf, http://trilema.com/2014/the-bitcoin-foundation-finally-incorporated/ 909256;1415110624;assbot;The Bitcoin Foundation finally incorporated! pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 909257;1415111762;mircea_popescu;!up BlackHatToolz 909258;1415111916;mircea_popescu;!up Pierre_Rochard 909259;1415112030;Pierre_Rochard;regarding http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-11-2014#907929 909260;1415112030;assbot;Logged on 03-11-2014 16:24:55; Pierre_Rochard: I’m writing up bitcoin accounting software, do y’all have any feature requests? https://github.com/NakamotoInstitute/pacioli 909261;1415112048;Pierre_Rochard;One thing I had in mind was Accounts Payable / Accounts Receivable integrated with GPG, WoT, and deedbot 909262;1415112062;mircea_popescu;now that is a good idea. 909263;1415112128;Pierre_Rochard;So that you send an encrypted/signed invoice to someone they’re accounting server imports it into their payables automatically, they approve it, payment goes out, everything is documented cryptographically 909264;1415112128;mircea_popescu;dude... 909265;1415112128;Pierre_Rochard;their* accounting server 909266;1415112128;mircea_popescu;if you actually get this to where it's usable i'd heart you so hard... 909267;1415112175;Pierre_Rochard;the meat of it is there, the financial reporting will be fairly polished within a week, and the IRC integration I think I could get functional by the end of the year 909268;1415112212;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14568 @ 0.00072988 = 10.6329 BTC [-] {2} 909269;1415112227;mircea_popescu;listen, pick your poison of people who have proven bot capabilities. Azelphur FabianB_ punkman peterl kakobrekla to name a few. 909270;1415112241;mircea_popescu;have them do it for you, shave 10 months out of that year 909271;1415112290;Pierre_Rochard;Ok, will do! I’ll write up the spec and pass it around 909272;1415112337;mircea_popescu;very exciting development. 909273;1415113245;mircea_popescu;;;rated Pierre_Rochard 909274;1415113245;gribble;You rated user Pierre_Rochard on Sun Jun 1 10:33:16 2014, with a rating of 1, and supplied these additional notes: CPA. 909275;1415113254;mircea_popescu;;;rate Pierre_Rochard 2 I like how the man thinks. 909276;1415113256;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating for user Pierre_Rochard has changed from 1 to 2. 909277;1415113268;mircea_popescu;;;gettrust Pierre_Rochard 909278;1415113268;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask Pierre_Rochard!~Pierre@c-98-251-108-249.hsd1.ga.comcast.net. Trust relationship from user mircea_popescu to user Pierre_Rochard: Level 1: 2, Level 2: 8 via 7 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=mircea_popescu&dest=Pierre_Rochard | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=Pierre_Rochard | Rated since: Sun Jun 1 10:18:50 2014 909279;1415113713;kakobrekla;hm, its been like 8 hrs or smth and i had 1k bots with uniqe ip fetching 'action=register' on bitbet 909280;1415113739;mircea_popescu;you don't understand how the action works. 909281;1415113741;kakobrekla;retarded wp bots. its not even wp site. 909282;1415113822;kakobrekla;WP... what have you done to ze internet :( 909283;1415113861;mircea_popescu;!up ryguyy 909284;1415114354;mircea_popescu;;;ud quist 909285;1415114355;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=quist | Quist. A street term for an organic fluid known as semen. The discharge of quist is called ejaculation. Bill Clinton: Hey bitch, open your mouth so I can quist in it. 909286;1415114371;kakobrekla;http://shrani.si/f/1O/jx/4LAH7D5h/img20141104161626.jpg 909287;1415114458;mircea_popescu;reported for sapmming colofornia. 909288;1415114565;bounce;http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/2/4a35c0b2-636e-11e4-9a79-00144feabdc0.html#axzz3I7LRccwU 909289;1415114566;assbot;Tech groups aid terror, says UK spy chief - FT.com 909290;1415114612;mircea_popescu;terrorise all the techs! 909291;1415114668;mircea_popescu;Most internet users, he adds, would be comfortable with a better and more sustainable relationship between the [intelligence] agencies and the tech companies. <<< bwahahaha. 909292;1415114705;mircea_popescu;and nine butch men in prison out of ten would be comfortable with probing Robert Hannigan bunghole. 909293;1415114713;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28600 @ 0.00072713 = 20.7959 BTC [-] 909294;1415114966;ben_vulpes;jurov: mircea_popescu. 909295;1415114975;mircea_popescu;? 909296;1415115070;ben_vulpes;re derpy domain names and dns 909297;1415115080;bounce;http://reason.com/blog/2014/11/03/cody-wilson-of-3d-gun-and-ghost-gunner-f 909298;1415115081;assbot;Cody Wilson of 3D Gun and "Ghost Gunner" Fame Has His Companies Booted from Online Payment Processor Stripe - Hit & Run : Reason.com 909299;1415115109;mircea_popescu;;;later tell bingoboingo http://reason.com/blog/2014/11/03/cody-wilson-of-3d-gun-and-ghost-gunner-f 909300;1415115110;assbot;Cody Wilson of 3D Gun and "Ghost Gunner" Fame Has His Companies Booted from Online Payment Processor Stripe - Hit & Run : Reason.com 909301;1415115110;gribble;The operation succeeded. 909302;1415115136;bounce;IMO that guy likes to troll gun control proponents, but even so, why do payment processors feel the need to pass moral judgement on their clients? 909303;1415115213;mircea_popescu;for the same reason all assholes are assholes : they seek approval of whatever group of idiots they mistook for cool and important. 909304;1415115486;mircea_popescu;punkman: ;;gettrust assbot delta9 <<< ah yeah you're right. 909305;1415115631;mircea_popescu;cazalla http://qntra.net/2014/11/coinero-project-seeks-150000-for-bitcoin-gift-cards/ <<< a better play is to publish the chat than just excerpts, otherwise you're open to accusations of cherry picking/out of context/etc. 909306;1415115632;assbot;Coinero Project Seeks £150,000 For Bitcoin Gift Cards | Qntra.net 909307;1415115676;mircea_popescu;punkbot: [trust-update] added: #bitcoin-otc << wait, wut ?! 909308;1415115719;punkman;there's a user named "#bitcoin-otc", I rated him to see what'd happen 909309;1415115737;mircea_popescu;o.O 909310;1415115748;mircea_popescu;what'd happen is thatit threw me for a loop, well done :p 909311;1415115793;mircea_popescu;and ahhh, lovely days of manageable logs! 909312;1415115959;nubbins`;so there's a bylaw in this city that you're not allowed to build a deck on your rooftop 909313;1415115983;nubbins`;the house next door had a rooftop deck, and the owner is a notorious asshole slumlord, so i called the city on him 909314;1415116015;nubbins`;so he removes the deck from the side of the house, pulls it into the middle of the roof, and WALLS OFF THE ENTRANCE so the deck can't be removed 909315;1415116025;mircea_popescu;using da gobbinmint to hassle your competitors he ? 909316;1415116037;nubbins`;now it's just sitting there, rotting, waiting to blow over and kill me while i bbq 909317;1415116040;nubbins`;mircea_popescu natch 909318;1415116063;nubbins`;i get in touch with the city about this guy 3-4 times per year 909319;1415116085;mircea_popescu;i have nfi how a city ends up with the notion it may make a bylaw about whether one can or can not build a deck. 909320;1415116098;nubbins`;me either. i'd love a rooftop deck 909321;1415116113;mircea_popescu;esp in fucking twodogs, canada. 909322;1415116118;mircea_popescu;do you people even get enough sun ? 909323;1415116122;nubbins`;heh. 909324;1415116137;nubbins`;the city has "heritage regulations" for the downtown core, it's a nightmare 909325;1415116148;mircea_popescu;oh, that stupid shit. 909326;1415116192;nubbins`;yeah. essentially, renovations are not allowed unless you keep your house in the style that was popular after the great fire in 1892 909327;1415116209;nubbins`;seriously, they regulate the width of the trim you put around your windows 909328;1415116249;nubbins`;http://www.heritage.nf.ca/society/images/gower_st_600.jpg 909329;1415116256;mircea_popescu;this is such nonsense. i mean yeah, i can appreciate what they're trying to achieve : avoiding towns looking like the owners of property, who are by and large despicable lemmings and would make everything into a bauhaus atrocity. 909330;1415116274;mircea_popescu;but the notion that you can actually achieve this goal, just because it's noble, through making laws about it... 909331;1415116288;mircea_popescu;why not decide alberta is from now on 600ad byzantine style. 909332;1415116289;bounce;how many fires before you lot will start to build in stone? 909333;1415116291;mircea_popescu;just as appropriate. 909334;1415116293;nubbins`;well, the great thing about these bylaws is that people can be granted EXCEPTIONS 909335;1415116300;*;bounce idly plays with a lighter 909336;1415116314;mircea_popescu;nubbins` obviously. 909337;1415116318;nubbins`;so if you wave enough $$$, you can do w/e the fuck you want. build a condo in the battery, w/e 909338;1415116323;mircea_popescu;which is why i say it's stupid in the first place. 909339;1415116328;nubbins`;bounce a couple more 909340;1415116349;mircea_popescu;bounce you don't understand how the building works. if they used stone it'd sink into the ice. 909341;1415116383;nubbins`;("what the fuck is the battery?" http://static.panoramio.com/photos/large/66399979.jpg) 909342;1415116390;bounce;just add extra freezers to fix the perma in permafrost 909343;1415116404;mircea_popescu;that'd cause global cooling. 909344;1415116418;mircea_popescu;nah, the only solution is icecream housing. 909345;1415116453;mircea_popescu;nubbins` o look! people built houses for their secret goat paramours or ? 909346;1415116465;nubbins`;no secrets in the battery 909347;1415116492;nubbins`;half the roads aren't wide enough for cars 909348;1415116495;bounce;actually kinda weird. can't cool except move heat away and causing extra heat in the process 909349;1415116522;mircea_popescu;the only way to permanently cool is to enact a government-run heating process. 909350;1415116531;nubbins`;heh 909351;1415116542;bounce;you're saying government can defy the laws of thermodynamics? 909352;1415116567;bounce;IME it's mostly non-functional hot air, rather illustrating the point 909353;1415116631;mircea_popescu;bounce they would if they could! 909354;1415116644;mircea_popescu;i mean no, wait. 909355;1415116646;bounce;... get a committee to agree 909356;1415116650;mircea_popescu;they can cuz they will! 909357;1415116659;bounce;no wai. jfk is dead 909358;1415116670;mircea_popescu;they could if they wailed ? 909359;1415116682;bounce;they wail but won't 909360;1415116691;mircea_popescu;the wontwail. 909361;1415116720;nubbins`;"the committee: it worked for C++" 909362;1415116727;*;nubbins` slaps thigh 909363;1415116751;bounce;anyway, so essentially anything you do causes entropy by waste heat. eventually heat death of the universe. but where does the energy to heat up come from? 909364;1415116758;mircea_popescu;nubbins` reported for inappropriate conduct in a business setting. 909365;1415116768;nubbins`;my own thigh!!! 909366;1415116777;mircea_popescu;AND condoning SLAVERY 909367;1415116779;jurov;ben_vulpes: you said your job is herding of the cats, but you have problem with little bitching from me 909368;1415116781;nubbins`;i'm no ghomeshi 909369;1415116785;mircea_popescu;bounce the thing you do. 909370;1415116795;jurov;ben_vulpes: just tell me to move to deadbeef.org and stfu 909371;1415116801;bounce;cats don't bitch 909372;1415116808;jurov;then moan 909373;1415116816;mircea_popescu;jurov but he's cuter as a little bitch 909374;1415116847;bounce;little bitch cooties 909375;1415116861;mircea_popescu;lol 909376;1415116894;jurov;lol 909377;1415116930;bounce;there's no search engine for sound bites, is there? 909378;1415116944;mircea_popescu;i think it's called nbc 909379;1415116996;mircea_popescu;The public broadcaster believes its ownership of the smartphone refutes the former radio star’s claim that he was fired because of how he conducted himself in his “private life.” “The contents of that phone belong to the CBC — it’s the CBC’s property,” said a source familiar with‎ the situation. 909380;1415117014;mircea_popescu;lesson to anyone anywhere : return your company provided gizmos, ask for a raise to compensate. today. 909381;1415117048;bounce;the IT dept. will thank you so much for having to deal with BYOD now 909382;1415117086;mircea_popescu;fuck them. 909383;1415117115;mircea_popescu;company wants to cya, company can pay more for everything. 909384;1415117121;bounce;this is something where you'd want multiple VMs on the phone. not just "profiles", but (near-)complete OS images to fulfill context-bound functions 909385;1415117140;mircea_popescu;why even bother ? own the phone, like any fucking artisan owns the tools of his trade. 909386;1415117158;mircea_popescu;how the fuck would a "personality" fall for this bullshit is beyond me. 909387;1415117165;bounce;even that needs lots of work. so far it's the telcos owning the thing. 909388;1415117166;mircea_popescu;well, not really. fat on the brain disease. 909389;1415117194;mircea_popescu;i never "bought" a rented phone so far. 909390;1415117216;bounce;even so, the OS is clearly geared toward catering for the expected owner, ie not you. 909391;1415117231;mircea_popescu;if it comes to it, go to zaire, buy phone there, come back, keep it in roaming. company can pay for airplane fare both ways, hotel stay, underage zaire hookers and the roaming fees. 909392;1415117241;mircea_popescu;bounce no os on phone. 909393;1415117262;bounce;of course some OS on phone. won't function without it. 909394;1415117296;*;mircea_popescu starts whittling 909395;1415117300;nubbins`;chefs buy and maintain their own knives 909396;1415117316;mircea_popescu;nubbins` chefs have more sense than these libtard wailchorus muppets. 909397;1415117327;bounce;and take them to and fro their work too. then run afoul of UK knive legislation. 909398;1415117338;nubbins`;well y'know. if messy ghomeshi had sense, he wouldn't be in the pickle hes in 909399;1415117343;mircea_popescu;Theres nothing stopping the CBC from making a more fulsome disclosure, he said. They should be out there making their pitch about what a great organization they are, what their values are, what their processes are, what theyre going to do to ensure this doesnt happen again, what proactive steps theyve taken, their support for women in the workplace. 909400;1415117351;bounce;I mean, biking to work with a backpack full of knives? totally terrist. 909401;1415117364;mircea_popescu;^ how about gtfo, the "public" is not equal to the libtard media, and nobody is to be held at random by randoim fuckwits dictating "what to do" 909402;1415117366;mircea_popescu;jesus fuck. 909403;1415117384;jurov;https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=788476607859356&set=vb.212653428775013&type=2&theater << mute this immediately after opening 909404;1415117390;nubbins`;cbc is in a hard place these days. budget has been gutted by conservative govt's. they're less of a "great organization" with "values" every day 909405;1415117391;mircea_popescu;bounce there are reasons you can't have a decent meal in teh uk. 909406;1415117412;ben_vulpes;https://github.com/coddingtonbear/ircpdb 909407;1415117412;assbot;coddingtonbear/ircpdb · GitHub 909408;1415117412;nubbins`;you're just as likely nowadays to see a headline about two neighbours arguing over a fence 909409;1415117420;bounce;that was the case well before they passed loads of terrist legislation, though 909410;1415117432;ben_vulpes;'cause that's not vulnerable to...stuff. 909411;1415117462;mircea_popescu;maybe we should buy cbc, make it all about "eat poor people" and "rape is a premier teaching tool" 909412;1415117469;mircea_popescu;see heads explode. 909413;1415117485;bounce;head-explodie broadcasting world wide 909414;1415117494;mircea_popescu;HEBWW! 909415;1415117502;bounce;not quite right, is it 909416;1415117505;mircea_popescu;almost sounds like a racial slur that's really ethnical. 909417;1415117516;mircea_popescu;nubbins` think i could build a deck on my cbc ? 909418;1415117518;nubbins`;jurov heh epic 909419;1415117576;nubbins`;mircea_popescu not in this town!!! 909420;1415117587;nubbins`;bbl sooper srs business meeting 909421;1415117594;mircea_popescu;build a deck on it! 909422;1415117629;bounce;needs airwolf for a corporate 'copter 909423;1415117670;mircea_popescu;someone should install a fighter jet carrier landing gear, complete with snap and everything. 909424;1415117705;bounce;the arrester wires aren't that much of a problem. it's the catapult that's a pain to maintain. 909425;1415117721;mircea_popescu;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQWc3KfQIFU <<< the *flploot* sound is priceless. 909426;1415117722;assbot;Jet Fighter Snaps Cable Landing on Aircraft Carrier.avi - YouTube 909427;1415120225;nubbins`;businessing complete! 909428;1415120357;asciilifeform;anyone on u.s. verizon fiber - your dns is being hijacked. 909429;1415120374;mircea_popescu;reddit police ? 909430;1415120483;nubbins`;heh 909431;1415120489;nubbins`;dat 909432;1415120609;nubbins`;http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2014/11/02/ghomeshi-video-fans-sick-1996_n_6090862.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopular&ir=Canada+Music 909433;1415120609;assbot;Jian Ghomeshi Sings 'All My Fans Make Me Sick' In 1996 Video 909434;1415120631;nubbins`;this is great, every less-than-admirable thing this guy has ever done is bubbling to the surface 909435;1415120658;nubbins`;the crash and burn will reach temperatures so high that not even soot will remain 909436;1415120889;jurov;http://uk.businessinsider.com/the-guardians-dark-social-traffic-problem-2014-10 lol 909437;1415120890;assbot;The Guardian's Dark Social Traffic Problem - Business Insider 909438;1415120903;jurov;dem social traffickers 909439;1415121057;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6700 @ 0.00072952 = 4.8878 BTC [+] 909440;1415121091;nubbins`;Dark traffic is vexing because web publishers like to be able to offer their advertisers solid data on the quality of their readers. 909441;1415121097;The20YearIRCloud;Is jian ghomeshi really that popular in Canada? 909442;1415121111;nubbins`;cry me a river a goddamn mile wide. also, fuck you, businessinsider.com, for inserting copyright notices into my clipboard 909443;1415121117;nubbins`;The20YearIRCloud not anymore 8) 909444;1415121167;nubbins`;for a while, he was a young breath of life in our creaky, aging public broadcaster 909445;1415121173;The20YearIRCloud;I'd never heard of him till this whole thing 909446;1415121181;nubbins`;well, you're not canadian :) 909447;1415121190;nubbins`;have you heard of pamela wallin? 909448;1415121207;The20YearIRCloud;Yeah, but i know some of your documentary stars like ricky, bubbles and julian 909449;1415121228;nubbins`;documentary stars? o.O 909450;1415121240;The20YearIRCloud;Yeah, that trailer park documentary tv show 909451;1415121248;nubbins`;;;ud mockumentary 909452;1415121248;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=mockumentary | ... of a documentary and pretends to be a documentary. A mock documentary. The mockumentary "This is Spinal Tap" documents the fictional band Spinal Tap. 909453;1415121249;The20YearIRCloud;kind of like here comes honey boo boo, but with weed 909454;1415121259;The20YearIRCloud;I loved that show too 909455;1415121263;nubbins`;incidentally, an actor on TPB alleged that ghomeshi assaulted her 909456;1415121266;The20YearIRCloud;Felt really bad for em though 909457;1415121279;The20YearIRCloud;Yeah, he's gonna get messed up once Ricky gets to him 909458;1415121290;The20YearIRCloud;he's shot people before over hurtin' lucy 909459;1415121297;PeterL;;;later tell bingoboingo if you want scoopbot to link to n00dz and tits, you just have to put them in your blog 909460;1415121297;gribble;The operation succeeded. 909461;1415121302;nubbins`;just so we're clear, you know these people are actors? ;p 909462;1415121308;The20YearIRCloud;No they're not 909463;1415121312;*;nubbins` nods slowly 909464;1415121313;nubbins`;gotcha 909465;1415121321;The20YearIRCloud;people think they are, but they aren't, it says on the TV show itself that it's a documentary 909466;1415121328;nubbins`;... 909467;1415121332;The20YearIRCloud;And TV wouldn't lie 909468;1415121338;nubbins`;oh you 909469;1415121338;The20YearIRCloud;Especially CANADIAN TV 909470;1415121351;nubbins`;incidentally, have you seen season 9 of tpb? 909471;1415121358;The20YearIRCloud;yes, i loved it 909472;1415121373;The20YearIRCloud;S8 was getting a bit wore out IMO, and S9 was fantastic 909473;1415121382;nubbins`;yeah, i like jacob's character 909474;1415121387;nubbins`;he's a pretty good new trevor 909475;1415121396;The20YearIRCloud;Yeah, they've developed him fantastically to replace trevor 909476;1415121405;The20YearIRCloud;Even better that Trinity is still the same girl :D 909477;1415121418;nubbins`;heh yep. 909478;1415121431;nubbins`;we actually published some of jacob's art last year 909479;1415121431;The20YearIRCloud;At any rate though, i'm shocked that Jian could get away with that stuff with Lucy due to her ranking in the RCAF 909480;1415121444;The20YearIRCloud;or whatever they term it up there 909481;1415121446;nubbins`;well i doubt she was an air force captain back then 909482;1415121468;The20YearIRCloud;Not as high ranking I believe, but she was mid level back then 909483;1415121519;nubbins`;https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.876287569063860.1073741827.307815925911030&type=1&l=96b7490ddb 909484;1415121527;nubbins`;the blue two-page spread in the bottom row is jacob's 909485;1415121608;mats_cd03;jian didn't do anything wrong, which is why lucy doesn't matter 909486;1415121652;*;nubbins` has a hearty lel 909487;1415121701;mats_cd03;'i sucked a dick ... to get outta there ... i didn't like it' -victims 909488;1415121778;mircea_popescu; cry me a river a goddamn mile wide. also, fuck you, businessinsider.com, for inserting copyright notices into my clipboard <<< srsly. dark traffic is best traffic. 909489;1415121786;nubbins`;if you were a woman alone with a guy who just slammed you against a wall by your throat and punched you in the head, you'd probably suck his dick to get outta there too 909490;1415121859;mircea_popescu;not as wildly implausible as it sounds. 909491;1415121940;nubbins`;"fuck you, ghomeshi, i want to leave" followed by a "fuck me? FUCK YOU" and a throat-slitting probably didn't seem wildly implausible at the time, either 909492;1415122004;mircea_popescu;it's just this thing, a dude that's scared shitless ain't fucking anyone, 909493;1415122009;mircea_popescu;but a chick probably will. 909494;1415122062;mircea_popescu;kinda unobvious how this works for anyone that's not either a rapist or in law enforcement, which prolly fuels a lot of the "eh, she's just a slut" backlash. 909495;1415122078;PeterL;dude scared shitless becomes a chick? 909496;1415122084;mircea_popescu;essentially. 909497;1415122151;nubbins`;see: jail 909498;1415122273;nubbins`;the pervasiveness of the "just a slut" line of thinking is a symptom of such a deep-rooted sickness in society that it's *almost* enough to make you feel pity for the people parroting it 909499;1415122312;PeterL;who actually says "just a slut"? 909500;1415122322;nubbins`;so, so, so many people. 909501;1415122334;mircea_popescu;eh get out, what sickess ? 909502;1415122340;mircea_popescu;it's normal, and absolutely healthy. 909503;1415122357;mircea_popescu;it just happens to also be wrong. 909504;1415122374;nubbins`;o.O 909505;1415122394;nubbins`;;;dict expound 909506;1415122395;gribble;wn: expound v 1: add details, as to an account or idea; clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned way, usually in writing; "She elaborated on the main ideas in her dissertation" [syn: {elaborate}, {lucubrate}, {expatiate}, {exposit}, {enlarge}, {flesh out}, {expand}, {expound}, {dilate}] [ant: {abbreviate}, {abridge}, {contract}, {cut}, {foreshorten}, {reduce}, {shorten}] 2: (1 more message) 909507;1415122415;mircea_popescu;what next, objects in mirrors being larger than they appear is also a symptom of deep rooted sickness ? 909508;1415122425;mircea_popescu;it's just a fringe effect of properly functioning vision. 909509;1415122444;nubbins`;dat broken analogy 909510;1415122458;mircea_popescu;go on ? 909511;1415122486;nubbins`;you're equating human behaviour to the physical properties of a curved surface 909512;1415122496;mircea_popescu;if i may, how objects appear is behaviour. 909513;1415122566;nubbins`;you may, but you'll need to stretch that dough out a bit further before i can see what sort of loaf you're making 909514;1415122567;PeterL;"raped girl appears to be slut" === "object in mirror is larger than it appears"? 909515;1415122595;mircea_popescu;matter of appearences being discussed in both, right ? 909516;1415122602;mircea_popescu;if it's broken, it's not broken for the reason he offered. 909517;1415122630;nubbins`;mirror's curved to make the driver more cautious 909518;1415122649;mircea_popescu;actually to give better field 909519;1415122654;nubbins`;er, wait, isn't it actually .. yeah 909520;1415122693;mircea_popescu;PeterL for canonicalness' sake, "object in mirror is larger than it appears" ; "raped girl is more virtuous than she appears". 909521;1415122761;mircea_popescu;anyway, on a more general note : be careful when you think you've found an incredibly deep rooted sickness. 909522;1415122770;mircea_popescu;usually, you're pulling on healthy tissue. 909523;1415122938;nubbins`;speaking of sickness, i visited the rijksmuseum this summer and they had "sicknesses" stuck up all over the collections 909524;1415123016;PeterL;so I should say "raped girl appears slutty" === "object in mirror appears small" 909525;1415123019;mircea_popescu;as in what, mirrors ? 909526;1415123038;mircea_popescu;PeterL cooking with gas. 909527;1415123054;nubbins`;http://imgur.com/svrGDDf 909528;1415123054;assbot; imgur: the simple image sharer 909529;1415123077;mircea_popescu;heh i see 909530;1415123084;nubbins`;500yo prayer nut with a yellow sticky note next to it ;/ 909531;1415123090;nubbins`;but some of them were thought-provoking 909532;1415123295;mircea_popescu;anyway, to close the previous : human sexuality is built out of transgression. that transgression connotes sexuality is unavoidable given this. obviously lots of dumb shit will grow on that fertile ground, such as rape, or the puritan church. large ship, lotsa barnacles. 909533;1415123752;nubbins`;now there's something to chew on 909534;1415124866;scoopbot;New post on Bitcoin Trading Signals by Enky: http://btctrading.wordpress.com/2014/11/04/short-term-update-trade-idea-for-next-24-48-hrs/ 909535;1415124867;assbot;Short Term Update: Trade idea for next 24-48 hrs | Bitcoin Trading Signals 909536;1415124867;scoopbot;New post on Bitcoin Trading Signals by Enky: http://btctrading.wordpress.com/2014/10/25/long-term-update-weekly-chart/ 909537;1415124868;assbot;Long Term Update: Weekly Chart | Bitcoin Trading Signals 909538;1415125089;PeterL;so the bot was running fine, but then it says "killed", any idea why it would do that? 909539;1415125329;mircea_popescu;got a kill signal ? 909540;1415125380;PeterL;why would it get a kill signal? 909541;1415125383;ben_vulpes;out of memory? 909542;1415125396;ben_vulpes;there are so many things that could have happened. 909543;1415125422;PeterL;hmm, not even sure where to start looking? 909544;1415125427;ben_vulpes;does it say "killed" in some kind of logs? were you running it in a terminal? 909545;1415125430;ben_vulpes;like... 909546;1415125432;ben_vulpes;man... 909547;1415125446;PeterL;I was running it in a terminal 909548;1415125468;mircea_popescu;so what do you do when you go to sleep ? 909549;1415125484;ben_vulpes;well step one figure out how to daemonize a processes on your operating system is 909550;1415125489;ben_vulpes;s/is// 909551;1415125508;mircea_popescu;nohup ? 909552;1415125516;mircea_popescu;:D 909553;1415125529;PeterL;I had it running on nohup before, but it still dropped 909554;1415125550;PeterL;this time I was just watching it to see what would happen in a terminal 909555;1415125567;mircea_popescu;well so dig in logs see what sent it a sigterm or w/e it was 909556;1415125694;mircea_popescu;and since we're on the topic : sigkill does not go to the kernel. it goes to... init! 909557;1415126230;scoopbot;New post on Bitcoin Trading Signals by Enky: https://btctrading.wordpress.com/2014/11/04/short-term-update-trade-idea-for-next-24-48-hrs/ 909558;1415126231;assbot;Short Term Update: Trade idea for next 24-48 hrs | Bitcoin Trading Signals 909559;1415126231;scoopbot;New post on Bitcoin Trading Signals by Enky: https://btctrading.wordpress.com/2014/10/25/long-term-update-weekly-chart/ 909560;1415126232;assbot;Long Term Update: Weekly Chart | Bitcoin Trading Signals 909561;1415126602;scoopbot;New post on Bitcoin Trading Signals by Enky: http://btctrading.wordpress.com/2014/11/04/short-term-update-trade-idea-for-next-24-48-hrs/ 909562;1415126603;assbot;Short Term Update: Trade idea for next 24-48 hrs | Bitcoin Trading Signals 909563;1415126603;scoopbot;New post on Bitcoin Trading Signals by Enky: http://btctrading.wordpress.com/2014/10/25/long-term-update-weekly-chart/ 909564;1415126604;assbot;Long Term Update: Weekly Chart | Bitcoin Trading Signals 909565;1415126649;mircea_popescu;!down scoopbot 909566;1415126736;mircea_popescu;;;later tell bingoboingo http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2014/10/31/atc-closing-statement/ << pls to insert deedlink ? 909567;1415126736;assbot;ATC Closing Statement | Bingo Blog 909568;1415126736;gribble;The operation succeeded. 909569;1415127739;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17361 @ 0.00072952 = 12.6652 BTC [+] 909570;1415127751;ben_vulpes;i just read a claim that kind of astonishes me 909571;1415127767;ben_vulpes;"power law distributions are notable for having no stable mean, and infinite variance." 909572;1415127772;ben_vulpes;is this true? 909573;1415127773;mircea_popescu;^ 909574;1415127774;mircea_popescu;yes. 909575;1415127777;asciilifeform;aha. 909576;1415127789;mircea_popescu;both of these being why they're such big fucking problems for human society. 909577;1415127848;ben_vulpes;well damn. 909578;1415127850;ben_vulpes;source: http://blog.hut8labs.com/coding-fast-and-slow.html?reddit 909579;1415127850;assbot;Coding, Fast and Slow: Developers and the Psychology of Overconfidence 909580;1415127857;mircea_popescu;as an aside : socialism, in mathematical terms, is defined as "don't you worry your pretty head, power laws don't exist" 909581;1415127860;ben_vulpes;better: http://blog.hut8labs.com/coding-fast-and-slow.html 909582;1415127861;assbot;Coding, Fast and Slow: Developers and the Psychology of Overconfidence 909583;1415127877;mircea_popescu;directly equivalent to "don't you worry your pretty head, the black holes won't devour your soul along with anything you ever touched." 909584;1415127883;ben_vulpes;because socialism assumes or posits a stable mean. 909585;1415127893;mircea_popescu;nah, manageable variance. 909586;1415127901;mircea_popescu;(well, variance = 0 in the degenerate case) 909587;1415127939;mircea_popescu;(infinite variance and undefinied mean are not in fact different mathematical realities, merely two perceptibles of the same one( 909588;1415128113;mircea_popescu;punkbot deed http://pastebin.com/Q58x7Zrm 909589;1415128114;assbot;-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 Bingo, Please send PC1's - Pastebin.com 909590;1415128123;mircea_popescu;hm. 909591;1415128129;punkbot;mircea_popescu: Queued 1 valid deed for next bundle. 909592;1415128137;mircea_popescu;o hey i used this! 909593;1415128165;mircea_popescu;;;later tell bingoboingo ^ 909594;1415128165;gribble;The operation succeeded. 909595;1415128202;mircea_popescu;the mere fact that something so stupid as ;;later tell ^ reference actually works is testament to the incredible coolness of technologies deployed here. 909596;1415128265;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/mpif-fmpif-october-2014-statement/ << poor mpif. 909597;1415128265;assbot;MPIF (F.MPIF) October 2014 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 909598;1415128375;ben_vulpes;http://prestonbyrne.com/2014/11/03/eris-industries-leaks-week-1/ 909599;1415128376;assbot;Eris Industries Leaks – week 1 | Preston Byrne 909600;1415128401;ben_vulpes;;;later tell peterl wouldja throw prestonbryne.com into the feeds? 909601;1415128402;gribble;The operation succeeded. 909602;1415128462;mircea_popescu;s/There is no pre-sale. There are no tokens. /There is no pre-sale. There are no takers. / 909603;1415128465;mircea_popescu;my2c 909604;1415128525;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes now why would i want to read the "business vc" spam in the irc chat ? 909605;1415128532;mircea_popescu;im here to get away from the idiocy. 909606;1415128587;ben_vulpes;wth is enky's pricetalk doing in there then 909607;1415128594;mircea_popescu;srsly. 909608;1415128598;mircea_popescu;kinda how the bot got devoiced. 909609;1415128657;mircea_popescu;"let us announce that we're not reading anything but will be making software". tyvm, go to techcrunch already. 909610;1415128678;ben_vulpes;aight, aight. 909611;1415128684;mircea_popescu;no i must fume more! 909612;1415128694;asciilifeform;!s chukcha reader 909613;1415128695;assbot;2 results for 'chukcha reader' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=chukcha+reader 909614;1415128749;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform and ironically enough this guy was already the recipient of a stuf and learn to read, bitch. but no, on he goes. "let me write software to improve girlfriends. oh, i've never had a girlfriend. but it's A SWINGER PARTY so it;'s all okaty right ?" 909615;1415128766;mircea_popescu;no dude. fucking swinger parties specifically boot young single males. because nobody wants them. boo hoo. 909616;1415128792;mircea_popescu;open source is for when you know how to code, not for when you can't find a job with any of the closed source sweatshops. 909617;1415128849;mircea_popescu;there should be a conviciton of forced labour @alcatel 909618;1415128853;punkbot;Bundled 1 deed | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/15JE3s5a 909619;1415128871;asciilifeform;butugychag. 909620;1415128872;mircea_popescu;actually fuck that. there should be a draft. russian style, all males over 18 spend two years coding under the whip. 909621;1415128890;mircea_popescu;no human contact and once a week laundry. just like a grad dorm. 909622;1415128915;asciilifeform;that's quite like the school i went to. 909623;1415128949;asciilifeform;'mortification of the flesh' via 'compilers 4xx' and 'operating systems 4xx' 909624;1415128968;mircea_popescu;"get out when you write a duke nukem in asm" 909625;1415128976;asciilifeform;not a factory of heroes by any measure, no. 909626;1415129076;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform heroes are the product of factories in the same sense weapon grade uranium is 909627;1415129086;mircea_popescu;the factories in question are called separation plants. 909628;1415129124;mircea_popescu;punkman could whitespace to the left of Recent bundles lines be used to include a truncated list of contributor names ? 909629;1415129138;mircea_popescu;s/left/otherleft/ 909630;1415129170;asciilifeform;in that sense, perhaps. but know that i left with the distinct impression that most of the folks standing for the final exam were masters of cribbing. 909631;1415129193;mircea_popescu;no final exams. time only. 909632;1415129199;asciilifeform;the proverbial roaches standing after the nukefest. 909633;1415129232;mircea_popescu;two years of having to wash toilets with toothbrush for having declared the pointers wrongly. 909634;1415129283;ben_vulpes;with that much meat standing around you could implement sexps in hardware again. 909635;1415129316;mircea_popescu;ins'allah. 909636;1415129379;mircea_popescu;actually this is starting to take shape in my head. the male obnoxious adolescent camps could be like 3-400 miles north of nubbins' deck. 909637;1415129415;mircea_popescu;whereas the female obnoxious adolescent camps could be in a swamp. they may wear whatever they make themselves, gotta build swamphouses out of planks they make themselves and gotta spend 6 hours a day looking for pearls in the muck. 909638;1415129467;mircea_popescu;thenb they can spend the rest of the day making tiaras and other jewelries and selling them on etsy. 909639;1415129498;punkbot;Confirmed bundle 15JE3s5ar1R8NKMc2F5BJcexCpsg4S8nmm | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/15JE3s5a 909640;1415129516;mircea_popescu;i gotta say, this was one of the most satisfying fuming sessions in recent memory. 909641;1415129689;asciilifeform;they can spend the rest of the day making tiaras << aren't they already ? 909642;1415129709;asciilifeform;or 'tiaras' here in this gedankenexperiment are cock rings ? 909643;1415129749;mircea_popescu;well, you will notice how my outrageous hell exactly describes actual reality. 909644;1415129754;mircea_popescu;kinda the point of the exercise. 909645;1415130197;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2014/10/31/atc-closing-statement/#comment-52635 909646;1415130198;assbot;ATC Closing Statement | Bingo Blog 909647;1415130222;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo check out how motorized & mechanized we are nao hey! 909648;1415130227;punkbot;[trust-update] | removed: #bitcoin-otc 909649;1415130241;*;BingoBoingo gets to logs 909650;1415130256;mircea_popescu;punkman maybe also name names ? [trust-update] | punkman removed #bitcoin-otc ; blabla 909651;1415130505;punkman;mircea_popescu: that'd be tricky 909652;1415130510;mircea_popescu;ah then nm 909653;1415130551;punkman;btw mpif bbet pending gain: 0.03 pot odds, 3.0 hanbot odds 909654;1415130579;mircea_popescu;im not sure what that meanz 909655;1415130715;BingoBoingo;Oh, this happened http://yro.slashdot.org/story/14/11/04/172239/court-order-butterfly-labs-bitcoins-to-be-sold << Qntra 909656;1415130717;assbot;Court Order: Butterfly Labs Bitcoins To Be Sold - Slashdot 909657;1415130731;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: waterfall needs water. 909658;1415130759;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Indeed it does. Media needs audience too. 909659;1415130772;BingoBoingo;Historian need stone tablets too 909660;1415130774;punkman;mircea_popescu: that's how much BTC the unresolved bets are worth if pot-favored side wins or hanbot-favored side wins 909661;1415130819;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: how did you think usg would grab cheap coin that it could sell even cheaper? by praying? 909662;1415130848;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: I see this as the USG telegraphing the rectotherm future 909663;1415131607;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo wd! 909664;1415131617;mircea_popescu;im looking into getting it some mainstream media linkage too. 909665;1415131688;BingoBoingo;And to think first post was 33 days ago 909666;1415131708;mircea_popescu;bs paypal. 909667;1415131714;mircea_popescu;anyone wanna do a paypal payment for me ? 909668;1415131789;mike_c;BingoBoingo: any indication of how many btc? 909669;1415131817;BingoBoingo;mike_c: Not in the court order. 909670;1415132613;mircea_popescu;!up huseby 909671;1415132741;BingoBoingo;https://blockchain.info/tx-index/3c32fb3a29c078a81c40b6d88865e87bd80229a03c75b4c51fc784c79f64e117 PC1 is closed 909672;1415132742;assbot;Bitcoin Transaction 3c32fb3a29c078a81c40b6d88865e87bd80229a03c75b4c51fc784c79f64e117 909673;1415132815;mircea_popescu;totally got to get more pcs in that thing. 909674;1415133530;jurov;mircea_popescu: i can do paypal 909675;1415133595;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52010 @ 0.00073032 = 37.9839 BTC [+] {3} 909676;1415133673;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2014/11/stripe-breaks-up-with-cody-wilson/ 909677;1415133673;assbot;Stripe Breaks Up With Cody Wilson | Qntra.net 909678;1415133804;BingoBoingo;;;later tell cazalla the next quantcast qntra stats should be inspiring 909679;1415133805;gribble;The operation succeeded. 909680;1415134288;diametric;oh cody wilson. 909681;1415134333;BingoBoingo;Another story on him coming soon. 909682;1415134346;rithm;coming soon 909683;1415134373;asciilifeform;imho the bugger's a usg agent provocateur. 909684;1415134389;diametric;he's an attention whore, i've talked to him before. 909685;1415134404;asciilifeform;the end result of his work will be that the m16 trigger spring part is declared regulated by royal fiat 909686;1415134408;diametric;he comes into #reprap with various nicks promoting his shit 909687;1415134434;rithm;the trigger itself will be classified NFA 909688;1415134456;asciilifeform;how do stories like this usually end? that is, some idiot screams, all day, every day 'loophole! here's a loophole!' 909689;1415134590;kakobrekla;>2000 coinbase.com accounts in less than 2 weeks for a total of almost 17 BTC. 909690;1415134598;kakobrekla;;;calc 17/2000 909691;1415134598;gribble;0.0085 909692;1415134613;kakobrekla;eh? 909693;1415134745;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2014/11/cody-r-wilson-announces-candidacy-for-vessenes-bitcoin-foundations-board/ << Now he wants to feed Buterin's Waterfall 909694;1415134746;assbot;Cody R Wilson Announces Candidacy for Vessenes' Bitcoin Foundation's Board | Qntra.net 909695;1415134824;BingoBoingo;https://twitter.com/BBoingo/status/529739888674209794 909696;1415134825;assbot;So much /Radomysisky news today http://t.co/rwy10OVjGp /hashtag/Bitcoin?src=hash /hashtag/ButerinsWaterfall?src=hash 909697;1415134926;cazalla;BingoBoingo, i only just woke up but i am euphoric because of quantcast 909698;1415134964;BingoBoingo;cazalla: It won't show the interesting stuff for another 20 hours or so 909699;1415135004;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo is invited to write a ликбез ('likbez' - 'elimination of illiteracy) piece on the waterfall. 909700;1415135030;cazalla;jurov: and it would help to give the context what did you ask <<< i didn't get answers to my questions, we just talked about bitcoin a little 909701;1415135034;BingoBoingo; how do stories like this usually end? that is, some idiot screams, all day, every day 'loophole! here's a loophole!' << Depends on how well they obey their leash. But every now and then you get a Hal Turner. 909702;1415135064;asciilifeform;pediwikia b0rk3d ? 909703;1415135110;asciilifeform;or is my dns cache still poisoned. 909704;1415135159;cazalla;jurov: cazalla what is inercia? <<< i'm just quoting the guy 909705;1415135199;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo is invited to write a ликбез ('likbez' - 'elimination of illiteracy) piece on the waterfall. << I guess I have homework now. 909706;1415135281;BingoBoingo;Hal Turner, FBI crackpot magnet who got too into his schtick for his handler's liking http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2009/08/north_bergen_blogger_accused_o.html 909707;1415135281;assbot;North Bergen blogger accused of threatening federal judges is held without bail | NJ.com 909708;1415135315;asciilifeform;the age-old mistake of provocateurs - thinking their master's promises are to be kept 909709;1415135348;asciilifeform;'but i didn't sign up to suck cok in the cellar for the whole battalion!' 909710;1415135377;asciilifeform;'shuddup and oil the compressor' 909711;1415135581;cazalla;that guy got trolled so hard by 4chan 909712;1415135655;BingoBoingo;Well, sometimes the handled has a longer lifespan than the handler expects. Like pet tortoises or parrots that get passed down by different generations, because why the fuck would they live longer than 7 sequential dogs. 909713;1415135660;BingoBoingo;!up johntraveller 909714;1415135705;cazalla;mircea_popescu: cazalla http://qntra.net/2014/11/coinero-project-seeks-150000-for-bitcoin-gift-cards/ <<< a better play is to publish the chat than just excerpts, otherwise you're open to accusations of cherry picking/out of context/etc. <<< few too many last night, guy got snippy and well that is the result 909715;1415135706;assbot;Coinero Project Seeks £150,000 For Bitcoin Gift Cards | Qntra.net 909716;1415135790;mircea_popescu;yea 909717;1415135823;johntraveller;;;eregister johntraveller 6C24 1224 C966 76FC CDDF 58A0 883D 1DD1 A66C 3321 909718;1415135823;gribble;Error: '6C24' is not a valid GPG key id. Please use the long form 16 digit key id. 909719;1415135852;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12300 @ 0.00072987 = 8.9774 BTC [-] 909720;1415135882;johntraveller;;;eregister johntraveller 1985ABFE62E43615 909721;1415135884;gribble;Error: Could not retrieve your key from keyserver. Either it isn't there, or it is invalid. 909722;1415135900;mircea_popescu; he comes into #reprap with various nicks promoting his shit << actually ?! by hand ?! 909723;1415135904;johntraveller;;;eregister johntraveller 883D1DD1A66C3321 909724;1415135907;gribble;Error: Could not retrieve your key from keyserver. Either it isn't there, or it is invalid. 909725;1415135913;mircea_popescu;!up bobmcmillan 909726;1415135913;johntraveller;damn 909727;1415135916;diametric;mircea_popescu: in his earlier days, he also has some bots that come in from time to time to linkspam. 909728;1415135928;mircea_popescu; eh? << sounds exactly right. 909729;1415135938;mircea_popescu;and now thing they gotta do "kyc" for that. 909730;1415135946;mircea_popescu;people worth under a bitcent aren't even worth knowing. 909731;1415135982;mircea_popescu;!up johntraveller 909732;1415136044;mircea_popescu;<asciilifeform> BingoBoingo is invited to write a ликбез ('likbez' - 'elimination of illiteracy) piece on the waterfall. << yeah prolly not a bad blog idea. 909733;1415136126;mircea_popescu; the age-old mistake of provocateurs - thinking their master's promises are to be kept <<< this, srsly. as all the various prettygirls are to soon find out, their choices aren't exactly what they thought they would be. 909734;1415136249;mircea_popescu;johntraveller http://pool.sks-keyservers.net:11371/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=0x6C241224C96676FCCDDF58A0883D1DD1A66C3321 << you're not seen yet. 909735;1415136249;assbot;No results found 909736;1415136269;mircea_popescu;should take about an hour or so for the stuff to propagate, provided you sent it properly. 909737;1415136270;cazalla;anyway, i update that post with the log of our chat, i guess i was a little harsh but he would only give me fluff 909738;1415136275;mircea_popescu;!up Roeland_van_Vlaa 909739;1415136294;johntraveller;cheers, I just added myself - found the otc wiki instructions 909740;1415136301;mircea_popescu;;;ident johntraveller 909741;1415136301;gribble;Nick 'johntraveller', with hostmask 'johntraveller!~isaac@5751fa19.skybroadband.com', is not identified. 909742;1415136362;cazalla;nubbins`: the city has "heritage regulations" for the downtown core, it's a nightmare <<< we have maintain the facade regulations in some parts of Melbourne, i like it tbh, it's the one part of town that looks nice 909743;1415136655;ben_vulpes;johntraveller: where'd you hear about -assets? 909744;1415136660;mircea_popescu;"Turner wrote on his blog June 2 that three federal appeals judges "deserve to be killed" for their decision in a case involving ordinances banning handguns in Chicago and suburban Oak Park." 909745;1415136669;mircea_popescu;check it out, this constitutes a threat now. 909746;1415136681;mircea_popescu;maybe they really do deserve to be killed ? 909747;1415136682;johntraveller;ben_vulpes: xenosystems 909748;1415136699;ben_vulpes;haha neat 909749;1415136731;johntraveller;speaking of, I was reading mp’s critique of yarvin 909750;1415136774;johntraveller;your criticism was good but you picked two weak articles of his to nitpick 909751;1415136801;mircea_popescu;well whatever i happened to fall upon. 909752;1415136850;mircea_popescu;johntraveller anyway, waht is that xenosystems thing ? and generally, explain for public benefit wtf this entire thing is, we lack an expert. 909753;1415136874;johntraveller;“this entire thing” = neoreaction? 909754;1415136882;johntraveller;so xenosystems is the blog of nick land 909755;1415136884;mircea_popescu;i have no idea. i guess so ? 909756;1415136905;johntraveller;ok I’ll give as accurate a condensed overview as I can 909757;1415136911;mircea_popescu;cool. 909758;1415136932;johntraveller;with the obvious caveat I’m describing a fiarly heteregenous group of people and ideas so my summary will contain my own bias 909759;1415136960;mircea_popescu;only lies are without bias. 909760;1415136973;mircea_popescu;!up bitstein 909761;1415136988;johntraveller;so moldbug/yarvin was a typical california libertarian who dropped a lot of acid 909762;1415137037;johntraveller;i believe hans-herman hoppe (classical lib who wrote an anti-democracy tract) turned him onto anti-democracy 909763;1415137081;johntraveller;so he started looking up other anti-dem sources, eventually came across carlyle, to a lesser extent froude 909764;1415137109;johntraveller;http://unqualified-reservations.blogspot.co.uk/2010/02/from-mises-to-carlyle-my-sick-journey.html 909765;1415137110;assbot;Unqualified Reservations: From Mises to Carlyle: my sick journey to the dark side of the force 909766;1415137255;mircea_popescu;cazalla check out uptake en espanol : http://elbitcoin.org/banqueros-bitcoin-quiere-comerse-nuestro-almuerzo/ http://burbuja.info/inmobiliaria/burbuja-inmobiliaria/497459-hilo-oficial-del-bitcoin-vi-822.html etc 909767;1415137257;assbot;Banqueros: ¡Bitcoin quiere comerse nuestro almuerzo! - Bitcoin en Español 909768;1415137258;*;asciilifeform burning in xorg hell 909769;1415137283;johntraveller;http://unqualified-reservations.blogspot.co.uk/2007/04/formalist-manifesto-originally-posted.html < and this is a good overview of moldbug’s post-libertarian framework. 909770;1415137283;assbot;Unqualified Reservations: A formalist manifesto 909771;1415137285;johntraveller;http://moldbuggery.blogspot.co.uk/ < here’s an archive 909772;1415137285;assbot;Moldbuggery 909773;1415137304;bounce;fighting with hald/dbus/udevd/*kit/systemd/whatever? 909774;1415137378;mircea_popescu;johntraveller okay. so basically it's this blogger and his commenters ? 909775;1415137385;asciilifeform;bounce: nope. box with 'nvidia optimus' demented chipset, fed to screen through 'intel i915', that won't initialize. 909776;1415137413;mircea_popescu;o look how cute, stan is gpu mining :D 909777;1415137423;johntraveller;http://akarlin.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/dark-enlightenment-map-1-5.png < kinda. a bunch of pre-existing online communities started to find each other, and moldbug was a key node in that graph 909778;1415137426;asciilifeform;lol, if only 909779;1415137440;bounce;so trying to setup whatever it was named, piping intel->nvidia video? 909780;1415137446;cazalla;mircea_popescu, nice! here's to it continuing 909781;1415137451;mircea_popescu;johntraveller actually that thing was linked here previously. 909782;1415137456;mircea_popescu;!s http://akarlin.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/dark-enlightenment-map-1-5.png 909783;1415137457;assbot;0 results for 'http://akarlin.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/dark-enlightenment-map-1-5.png' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=http%3A%2F%2Fakarlin.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2013%2F05%2Fdark-enlightenment-map-1-5.png 909784;1415137461;cazalla;i wonder how they are finding qntra 909785;1415137462;mircea_popescu;meh i bet it was. 909786;1415137465;asciilifeform;bounce: http://pastebin.com/S6PzpMQ4 << blank screen. 909787;1415137466;assbot;[ 2988.945] X.Org X Server 1.15.0 Release Date: 2013-12-27 [ 2988.945] X P - Pastebin.com 909788;1415137468;mircea_popescu;cazalla wink wink 909789;1415137495;*;jurov noticed his mailman addon looks exactly like a tumor, in other news 909790;1415137498;xanthyos;thanks for retweeting that BingoBoingo i might now buy this https://www.etsy.com/listing/168455782/grammar-expletive-novelty-funny-mug?ref=sr_gallery_32&ga_search_query=grammar+mug&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery 909791;1415137499;assbot;Grammar Expletive Novelty Funny Mug by TwistedEnvyRhineston 909792;1415137503;asciilifeform;bounce: line 108,109, 161 notable. 909793;1415137549;mircea_popescu;johntraveller i know because at the time i had my research follow the thing to try and ascertain wtf this is from outside. the response came out as most of hte nodes are either tiny or long abandoned blogs, and pretty much nothing stil active. 909794;1415137563;asciilifeform;bounce: i'm stuck with this machine in the field, and it gets 1 fps or so when running solely using 'intel' card switched on (which works) 909795;1415137573;mircea_popescu;(most of the blogs other than the pua stuff, that is) 909796;1415137573;bounce;no root or selinux being annoying or something? 909797;1415137578;asciilifeform;bounce: nope. 909798;1415137604;*;bounce hasn't fought with xorg in a long time. not impressed by that bunch though. 909799;1415137676;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you using nvidia's binary driver ? 909800;1415137689;asciilifeform;tried both the evil and the good one. 909801;1415137703;mircea_popescu;but did you purge the files in between tries ? 909802;1415137706;asciilifeform;yes. 909803;1415137710;bounce;looks like the nvidia part isn't the problem, but the intel part is. 909804;1415137712;asciilifeform;(classic mistake, yes) 909805;1415137715;mircea_popescu;remmeber, this is ubuntu, ie a linux implementation of windows 909806;1415137718;johntraveller;mircea_popescu: interesting. I would say the most active pre-existing groups (in order of size) were the manosphere guys, the HBD/white nationalist bloggers, the ‘orthosphere’ (a bunch of catholic bloggers), the lesswrong crowd 909807;1415137719;asciilifeform;gentoo. 909808;1415137735;asciilifeform;although arguably a box with the blog driver may as well be a winblows box 909809;1415137738;mircea_popescu;johntraveller isn't the lesswrong crowd flamingly libtard ? 909810;1415137742;asciilifeform;*blob 909811;1415137804;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15647 @ 0.00073096 = 11.4373 BTC [+] 909812;1415137814;mircea_popescu;!up johntraveller 909813;1415137829;johntraveller;mircea_popescu: yes. but there’s a fringe of right-wing people (who have been slowly leaving) 909814;1415137856;mircea_popescu;so basically "this" isn't really anything, is it ? random wave at a rave. 909815;1415137937;bounce;as a totally wild guess, could try and stop nvidia from modesetting so the intel thing gets to do it 909816;1415137944;johntraveller;mircea_popescu: prior to 2012, yes. but since about a year or two ago people have started to cluster around the ‘neoreactionary’ label. that image is the meta-community growing self-aware 909817;1415137957;mircea_popescu;jurov better a software tumor of the mailman than a malignant tumor of the sexware! 909818;1415137974;johntraveller;xenosystems, twitter and 8chan.co/duck are the main gathering places 909819;1415137989;bounce;googling gives a couple of instant brainrot inducing "solutions". man, freedesktop is bad for the brain and no mistake. 909820;1415137993;mircea_popescu;johntraveller which brings us to the next question. how do you distinguish this from the usual usg psyops ? astroturfing/trolling for pseudo-communities ? 909821;1415138011;johntraveller;mircea_popescu: oh very interesting question 909822;1415138019;asciilifeform;bounce: tried it and 1000 things 909823;1415138034;bounce;alright, n'mind me then 909824;1415138059;mircea_popescu;johntraveller chan's kinda on the fence re moldbug. you can search for him to get the various discussions if you care. 909825;1415138096;cazalla;kakobrekla: >2000 coinbase.com accounts in less than 2 weeks for a total of almost 17 BTC. <<< a lot of the accounts were empty from the sample bitcomsec provide 909826;1415138121;johntraveller;someone on HN claimed as such https://news.ycombinator.com/threads?id=75BCD67 909827;1415138122;assbot;75BCD67's comments | Hacker News 909828;1415138131;asciilifeform;mr mold is a junkyard dog, with all that it entails. did not grow up with classical education, no latin, no greek. me neither. 909829;1415138140;johntraveller;I emailed the guy but he seemed massively tinfoil 909830;1415138152;asciilifeform;junkyard dog is doomed to eat what he can. 909831;1415138210;johntraveller;asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: yeah, I followed a bunch of the NRx guys for a long time as I hadn’t encountered anyone else saying the same things. but I got bored after a while, they clearly don’t have any plans or goals 909832;1415138213;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform everyone eats what they can. it's just that for a few that doesn't come out of a can. 909833;1415138220;johntraveller;#bitcoin-assets, however... 909834;1415138240;mircea_popescu;we don't have a plan either. who the fuck needs plans when you got wmd. 909835;1415138256;asciilifeform;johntraveller: the worst thing, arguably, that ever happened to mr mold, is the 'moldosphere' 909836;1415138279;asciilifeform;johntraveller: as i gather, he saw the quality of the 'followers' and went full perelman. 909837;1415138290;bounce;words of musing and distraction 909838;1415138297;johntraveller;asciilifeform: yup, I’d agree with that. he himself said he had enough friends, he wanted better critics 909839;1415138300;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform strange that he tried to copy bitcoin but didn't manage to think of the assbot voice. 909840;1415138331;mircea_popescu;i suppose you put this under "no greek" 909841;1415138343;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: afaik he did not copy, initially, but marched on with his pre-2009 turdcoin 909842;1415138350;asciilifeform;i could've easily went there. 909843;1415138355;asciilifeform;along with 1000 other people 909844;1415138366;asciilifeform;i'm still waiting to hear about someone other than mr mold, who did this 909845;1415138369;mircea_popescu;perhaps i overstate. but fuck it, someone's gotta. 909846;1415138377;mircea_popescu;this is a point. 909847;1415138456;asciilifeform;other thing is, when reading his 'i'm a surrender monkey, usg cannot be killed' posts, must remember that he's a 'tenured sea cucumber' in the sense that he keeps a dependopotamus, it birthed children, and he knows he won't be making it out of the gravity pit. 909848;1415138519;*;mircea_popescu avoids starting a rant on the topic as he's ranted recently and is well rantsated :D 909849;1415138529;asciilifeform;i think mircea_popescu already did this essay 909850;1415138542;asciilifeform;!s cuckolding 909851;1415138543;assbot;18 results for 'cuckolding' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=cuckolding 909852;1415138556;asciilifeform;that one. 909853;1415138651;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i have this earlier convo burnished in my memory, me: "you know, it's quite possible you'll die there" op: "eh, fuckit. i'm too old anyway." me: "you're twenty four!" 909854;1415138657;johntraveller;asciilifeform: yeah. I also get the sense he hasn’t travelled much. living abroad makes it much easy to see your own cultural matrix, so to speak 909855;1415138663;mircea_popescu;guy had a pretty gf and a two year old kid. too old, iho. 909856;1415138681;asciilifeform;johntraveller: afaik his stepfather, usg diplomat, dragged him to several places around the empire 909857;1415138712;asciilifeform;cyprus, he wrote about, possibly elsewhere 909858;1415138747;mircea_popescu;johntraveller so where've you been ? 909859;1415138796;johntraveller;asciilifeform: oh yeah, you’re right. my theory was that people like MP or taleb, who grew up in somewhat sane cultures, instinctively see the craziness of anglo-american ideas. if you grew up in the english speaking world it’s harder to see that 909860;1415138859;mircea_popescu;on the plus side, it's very easy to see the craziness of romanian o wait. nope. listen, somehow english speakers had a lot of trouble figuring out exactly how and exactly where ro nonsense was broken, back in the 90s. 909861;1415138861;asciilifeform;johntraveller: outside of the anglo world, there is (or at least, until recently, was) a bacchanalia of xenophiliac idiocy ('let's copy usa! they have cadillacs and we have trabant, they must be clever') 909862;1415138867;johntraveller;mircea_popescu: spent a couple of years in china and a year in HK, visited malaysia, india, tibet, phillipines, algeria and a bunch of european coutnries 909863;1415138878;mircea_popescu;o hey nice! do you speak chinese ? 909864;1415138900;asciilifeform;!s luxor business center 909865;1415138900;assbot;0 results for 'luxor business center' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=luxor+business+center 909866;1415138913;johntraveller;kinda though I’m a bit rusty 909867;1415138932;mircea_popescu;you looking for work ? we still need chinese coverage. 909868;1415138972;johntraveller;mircea_popescu: not looking for work but definitely open to btc-related projects 909869;1415138997;mircea_popescu;johntraveller one major thing is that qntra doesn't/can't quite follow chinese language news atm. if you can bridge that gap there's glory in there. 909870;1415139025;BingoBoingo;^ 909871;1415139044;BingoBoingo;Definitely a glory hole in qntra's coverage there 909872;1415139112;jurov;today is the ipo, tomorrow is GLORY 909873;1415139116;mircea_popescu;also i wish it entered into the record that romania was at no point during its ~2500ish year history sane. not ever. 909874;1415139128;johntraveller;mircea_popescu: so I’m moving back to china in a couple of weeks. (working with my russian friend on a bunch of mobile-related projects). depending on how much money there is in it, my 1st thought is find a local finance student who could research/write part-time? 909875;1415139168;asciilifeform;china projects << gonna build iPnohes? 909876;1415139197;bounce;if you can find someone with decent english 909877;1415139213;jurov;johntraveller: the qntra writers are rewarded by shares 909878;1415139233;bounce;what sort of projects? 909879;1415139270;johntraveller;sadly not that exciting. mostly stuff around mobile marketing. my friend is the kind of guy involved in multiple pies though 909880;1415139276;mircea_popescu;johntraveller fluent foreigner is usually a better model than local esl, but maybe worth a shot. 909881;1415139308;*;bounce has a phone spec in mind that could stand building 909882;1415139311;johntraveller;mircea_popescu: hmm, maybe I should organise a couple local guys to do research and I write it up in english? 909883;1415139334;mircea_popescu;that may be a steamrollin' arrangement. 909884;1415139345;mircea_popescu;bounce o.o. secret spec ? 909885;1415139349;bounce;totally 909886;1415139363;chetty;http://www.myfoxny.com/story/27267243/gas-now-cheaper-than-milk 909887;1415139363;assbot;Gas now cheaper than milk - New York News 909888;1415139376;mircea_popescu;chetty well, you can snif gas. 909889;1415139385;bounce;more like, have a couple drafts laying around, should probably try and merge them 909890;1415139405;mircea_popescu;bounce aren't phones one of those things you gotta make 1mn units min ? 909891;1415139452;rithm;milk per-gallon has always been relatively high priced 909892;1415139456;chetty;I would go for a phone I knew didnt have n*a in it 909893;1415139464;bounce;have shop run up a sample or two and I'd be happy really 909894;1415139512;asciilifeform;chetty: much of what folks object to re: phones happens on the tower end. 909895;1415139517;mircea_popescu;^ 909896;1415139545;asciilifeform;chetty: the only exception, really, is the 'pwned phone listens at all times' and 'pwned phone dumps www/mail logins to pwner' 909897;1415139549;bounce;yes, and to fix that you'd really need to redesign the protocol 909898;1415139551;chetty;true, but we do what little we can ...(mostly I use the off button atm) 909899;1415139590;bounce;you could make a phone that gives you as much insight and control as available; this is quite a bit more than currently available. 909900;1415139623;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform if mail is used correctly (send/received armored gpg blobs) this yields no further information than already available. 909901;1415139650;mircea_popescu;;;rated johntraveller 909902;1415139650;bounce;and do a network side that isn't as full of holes as the current crop, and do proper separation, and provide a full off of the wireless side while leaving the other functions available, and so on. 909903;1415139651;gribble;You have not yet rated user johntraveller 909904;1415139658;mircea_popescu;;;rated johntraveller 1 voice. 909905;1415139658;gribble;(rated ) -- Get the details about the rating you gave to , if any. 909906;1415139662;mircea_popescu;;;rate johntraveller 1 voice. 909907;1415139663;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user johntraveller has been recorded. 909908;1415139666;mircea_popescu;johntraveller voice yerself. 909909;1415139704;mircea_popescu;bounce i'd be happy with os stacks that didn't make world depend on internet etc. 909910;1415139713;mircea_popescu;much easier to do, still undone. 909911;1415139728;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/ubuntu-is-a-worse-piece-of-shit-than-ms-dos-ever-was/ 909912;1415139728;assbot;Ubuntu is a worse piece of shit than MS-DOS ever was. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 909913;1415139744;mircea_popescu;"There is no motherfucking reason conceivable or inconceivable that x.org should depend on netbase." i say! 909914;1415139765;bounce;freedesktop.org needs to die, more or less 909915;1415139774;mircea_popescu;how about compiz ? 909916;1415139779;mircea_popescu;gdm ? 909917;1415139793;mircea_popescu;gvfs ? 909918;1415139829;thestringpuller;lol compiz always reminded me of macs 909919;1415139868;mircea_popescu;for good reason. 909920;1415139941;kakobrekla;it seems i found 'the no guy' > http://bitbet.us/stats/14wqgUXyHpuzyuwfYssfeLuL1YtZpeVkcR/ 909921;1415139942;assbot;BitBet Stats 909922;1415139973;mircea_popescu;10% not bad 909923;1415139988;kakobrekla;imma guess its someone from ba 909924;1415140142;mircea_popescu;johntraveller to voice yourself, pm assbot !up 909925;1415140183;johntraveller;thanks, I did already, was just reading more about qntra 909926;1415140191;mircea_popescu;ah cool. 909927;1415140537;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: if mail is used correctly << consequences of hijacked mailbox are still ugly 909928;1415140558;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: esp. given all the idiot www gadgets that don't use pgp, and allow mail-based pw resets 909929;1415140568;asciilifeform;e.g., fiat banks, www hosts, public utilities 909930;1415140581;mircea_popescu;ah, the blessings of not actually using any of those. 909931;1415140628;asciilifeform;even in the most elementary case, using none of these, pwner can lock you out of own mailbox 909932;1415140649;asciilifeform;not necessarily fatal, but quite unpleasant if that was your sole means of contact with somebody. 909933;1415140684;asciilifeform;he can also 'be you' to any moron who isn't asking for pgp sig, and impersonate, and summon gasenwagen, etc. 909934;1415140684;mircea_popescu;you really should own the box. 909935;1415140698;asciilifeform;which box? 909936;1415140701;asciilifeform;mail server? sure. 909937;1415140702;mircea_popescu;mail@box 909938;1415140707;asciilifeform;but original thread was about the perils of pNohes 909939;1415140711;johntraveller;bounce: a dutch entrepreneur in the city I’m moving to had his own tablet built a few years back 909940;1415140714;asciilifeform;the kind which contain login creds 909941;1415140728;bounce;cost? 909942;1415140730;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yeah, i got nothin'. 909943;1415140768;chetty;dont use fingerprint, usg says you have no privacy rights with those 909944;1415140771;asciilifeform;'own tablet' - means what? own chipset, nothing from 'arm' ? own os, from zero? 909945;1415140796;mircea_popescu;you know, ever since the photo debate with bounce a few days ago, i'm kinda curious to see this photography drone gadget. imagine all the YOLO picutres taken by this orbiting drone thing. 909946;1415140811;mircea_popescu;+ much better homemade porn 909947;1415140816;asciilifeform;chetty: afaik the 'fingerprint' pnohes are intended to keep the common pickpocket out of your cached logins, until you can send remote-zap command 909948;1415140819;mircea_popescu;how much would this cost to make ? 909949;1415140827;asciilifeform;chetty: rather than serious enemy 909950;1415140862;bounce;drone with camera is pretty much COTS? 909951;1415140893;asciilifeform;the typical flight time of the various extant machines is about half hour. 909952;1415140893;mircea_popescu;bounce but one specifically optimised for the role of following you around taking pictures of things. like a sort of gopro with ai. 909953;1415140909;ben_vulpes; + much better homemade porn << noisy as shit though 909954;1415140910;asciilifeform;then, 4-5 hrs. of charger. 909955;1415140933;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes "if you can hear Shooty you're not fucking her right" as a slogan ? 909956;1415140933;asciilifeform;can mitigate, to some extent, with a return-to-base and cell swap gambit 909957;1415140960;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform better yet, thing should know where the batteries are kept, fly over, change ITSELF. let the spare charge. 909958;1415140978;asciilifeform;at some point, some joker somewhere will build the one that latches onto and inductively charges from aerial mains cables 909959;1415140998;asciilifeform;bringing the inevitable chaos 909960;1415141000;mircea_popescu;shit that's a great idea. 909961;1415141006;mircea_popescu;omfg now i really want one. 909962;1415141020;asciilifeform;they'll be retrofitted with mumetal shields, at ruinous public expense, i bet 909963;1415141032;mircea_popescu;THIS will be the next step in b-a terrorism. 909964;1415141034;bounce;that'd be entirely out of spite, not for actual need 909965;1415141043;mircea_popescu;bounce spite is the only real engine of human progress. 909966;1415141044;asciilifeform;kinder, gentler option: streetlights 909967;1415141045;bounce;those things aren't loss-free 909968;1415141067;johntraveller;bounce: dunno about cost. I don’t think he went especially ‘custom’, though lots of chinese firms have been making custom handsets with custom android mods. 909969;1415141068;asciilifeform;streetlight, unlike sol, is a very concentrated source of light 909970;1415141071;asciilifeform;easy to charge from. 909971;1415141094;asciilifeform;custom android mods << lol. snore. 909972;1415141107;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform think about it, a cop-filming, revenge-porn-making, electrictity stealing personal dronepet! 909973;1415141122;johntraveller;asciilifeform: maybe some chinese kid will try and build his own lisp machine. sadly they’re not there yet 909974;1415141139;asciilifeform;johntraveller: chinese kid with semiconductors plant. 909975;1415141148;mircea_popescu;they exist. 909976;1415141156;asciilifeform;johntraveller: and own logic cell library, own synthesis toolchain. 909977;1415141157;*;bounce would want (feature)phone hardware with full access and docs, add s/w myself 909978;1415141160;asciilifeform;can exist, why not 909979;1415141176;asciilifeform;on the moon, perhaps a piece of fine roquefort cheese exists. 909980;1415141177;ben_vulpes;why not just do it with sdr? 909981;1415141178;bounce;of the feature phone OS kind, no full linux and shit 909982;1415141196;mircea_popescu;bounce afaik there is still no good phone os 909983;1415141210;asciilifeform;full access and docs << strictly banned in usa (and possibly eu) 909984;1415141212;mircea_popescu;there's either android, samsung retarded linux port or mac-whatever that is. 909985;1415141220;ben_vulpes;why should there be a "phone" object instead of a thing one plugs into computers that provides a /dev/phone? 909986;1415141226;bounce;well, that's why you order the things built in shenzen 909987;1415141232;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: /dev/phone right here! 909988;1415141244;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes so you want your phone to be irc ? 909989;1415141246;asciilifeform;chicom dongles, about $10 in qty. 1 909990;1415141265;asciilifeform;closed firmware though. but they take 'hayes modem' commands and present a pcm device for voice. 909991;1415141266;ben_vulpes;i want to hook into the cell network from my laptop; make/receive calls etc 909992;1415141267;mircea_popescu;(why would someone with a computer use a phone) 909993;1415141287;*;bounce is initially thinking of something like the 6310, only updated hardware. can easily still be b/w lcd. no need for fancy shit there. 909994;1415141308;ben_vulpes;you're all right 909995;1415141310;*;ben_vulpes hangs head 909996;1415141312;asciilifeform;why would someone with a computer use a phone << dial-up from phonebooth in $turdworldshithole ? 909997;1415141323;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform uhm. 909998;1415141334;mircea_popescu;anywhere has cable by now. 909999;1415141335;asciilifeform;fallback comms for cut fiber? 910000;1415141338;bounce;heck, put a e-ink display on it. though those exist in sorta-colour too 910001;1415141351;asciilifeform;quite a few folks have wireless gizmos for fallback 910002;1415141356;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform but you'd use the "phone" to push text anyway. 910003;1415141374;asciilifeform;phone does not presume voice. 910004;1415141381;bounce;nope. plenty of places have nothing but dialup over rusty barbed wire 910005;1415141398;mircea_popescu;i dunno, maybe i'm weird, but the only actual point of calling, ie voice, would be a woman, and rather than call (ie, on phone) i'd always prefer to call (ie, bitch get on plane) 910006;1415141418;bounce;yeah, you are 910007;1415141430;mircea_popescu;you all grew up in crazy places! 910008;1415141447;asciilifeform;cat bitch_number_hayes.txt >> bitch_get_on_phone.wav >> /dev/phone 910009;1415141466;bounce;'sides, the point of building a phone is to have access to all the capabilities on offer with the networks it gives access to 910010;1415141478;asciilifeform;wai wat? 910011;1415141510;mircea_popescu;but canonical form is gpg --encrypt --armor -r bitch "get on plane" | curl --post http://bitcherrarium.net 910012;1415141515;bounce;so I'd have modem and fax support as well as voice and sms and whatnot. whether you use it is up to you. 910013;1415141541;asciilifeform;fax?! 910014;1415141546;mircea_popescu;srsly. fax ?! 910015;1415141546;bounce;yes, absolutely. 910016;1415141551;mircea_popescu;why not teletype ? 910017;1415141555;asciilifeform;telex! 910018;1415141559;mircea_popescu;yeah that one. 910019;1415141592;bounce;sure. though +/- 30v is a bit of a pain. and anyway, nobody does that these days, you'd interface through a 'net gateway somewhere. 910020;1415141604;mircea_popescu;unlike fax ?! 910021;1415141607;bounce;but having "an app" to talk to such a gateway would be on the list 910022;1415141630;mircea_popescu;bounce you seriously duly received an actual fax in the course of business ? 910023;1415141637;mircea_popescu;no monkey business and no funny stuff mind you! 910024;1415141640;bounce;I sent a couple 910025;1415141651;mircea_popescu;so did i. both to... uspto! of all places 910026;1415141654;mircea_popescu;because idiots. 910027;1415141656;*;asciilifeform keeps a fax in consulting office. it is used only for usg. 910028;1415141664;mircea_popescu;right. 910029;1415141671;asciilifeform;afaik no one else bothers with fac 910030;1415141673;asciilifeform;fax 910031;1415141677;asciilifeform;facks. 910032;1415141677;mircea_popescu;fux 910033;1415141685;bounce;used a faxmodem. good for talking to gov't but also for bypassing phone queues 910034;1415141702;bounce;instead of waiting in the queue, write letter, fax, get reception receipt 910035;1415141714;bounce;carries law protection and the receipt is valid in court 910036;1415141717;bounce;so yeah, fax. 910037;1415141726;*;mircea_popescu folds. 910038;1415141731;asciilifeform;incidentally, i bet there's still a battalion at ft meade in charge of curating a library of sploits for fax machines. 910039;1415141741;asciilifeform;i bet they're just dying of boredom. won't somebody help. 910040;1415141748;bounce;I don't *plan* on using that sort of thing, but if I'm building a phone it's gotta have the capability 910041;1415141766;bounce;just like it needs csd for dialup as well as crypto voice support 910042;1415141798;mircea_popescu;the "i don't plan to use the capability" thing makes me wonder : isn't it strange that "infertility" isn't the leading thing in dating sites and comedian's routines re dating sites ? 910043;1415141809;mircea_popescu;gals want a guy that's funny and whatever, guy wants a girl that's infertile. 910044;1415141816;asciilifeform;go verify. 910045;1415141823;bounce;apropos, fax is still popular in japan, apparently. great for quick sketches and notes. take picture, fax. sure why not. 910046;1415141832;mircea_popescu;i should have heard this joke to death by now, neh ? 910047;1415141845;mircea_popescu;bounce that's because their language fucking sucks. 910048;1415141854;mircea_popescu;by the time you explain what you want you could have drawn it five times over. 910049;1415141874;bounce;more reason to support it then 910050;1415141894;mircea_popescu;you are aware i folded in utter defeat like fifty lines up yes ? 910051;1415141895;*;dub has had to fax in the last couple of years 910052;1415141926;bounce;there's a bigger pattern here though 910053;1415141946;asciilifeform;'reflection technologies' had, around 1990, a prototype of a pocket phone that sent, received faxes, and view through ocular 910054;1415141954;asciilifeform;(similar to this one, also theirs, http://www.loper-os.org/vintage/paralleleye/eye.html ) 910055;1415141955;assbot;Parallel Port Interface to the Private Eye P4 Head-Mounted Display 910056;1415141963;asciilifeform;afaik went nowhere. 910057;1415141965;dub;telco still goes to retarded lengths to maintain fax compat 910058;1415141991;asciilifeform;even voip lines from various carriers work fine at 14.4kbaud. 910059;1415141994;*;asciilifeform verified this personally 910060;1415142019;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i think that's mandated, buried in the license language somewhere 500 pages deep 910061;1415142033;asciilifeform;although, on second thought, not sure if it was pumping the full 14.4. there's auto-rate in there. 910062;1415142065;asciilifeform;'POTS' (voice telephone) service exists pretty much at the decree of usg, mainly for its own purposes 910063;1415142074;asciilifeform;(in usa, naturally) 910064;1415142115;asciilifeform;even the automagic bugging machine mandated at every telco switch is specified, in grindingly pedantic detail, in a dead tree standards doc 910065;1415142129;asciilifeform;incidentally, these are usually accessed via www now, and quite a few have been loudly pwned 910066;1415142164;mircea_popescu;even more, silently. 910067;1415142166;asciilifeform;(gone are the days when a live monkey had to plug a tape recorder into your pair) 910068;1415142180;mircea_popescu;which is why the "terrorist" members of the public don't want the government to have "capabilities" 910069;1415142206;bounce;IIRC they demodulate the fax and send the data over voip, then remodulate on the other end (or just hand you the fax data, if they can) 910070;1415142230;asciilifeform;bounce: it's all packets, probably less than 1km from where you stand. 910071;1415142283;BingoBoingo; 'own tablet' - means what? own chipset, nothing from 'arm' ? own os, from zero? << From slate with frame is a couple hours, input device is chalk 910072;1415142339;bounce;yeah, but "packets" with modulated fax signal in a sampled-and-compressed voice channel is rather tricky to get right. better to demodulate the fax and send the data. 910073;1415142745;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16300 @ 0.00073364 = 11.9583 BTC [+] 910074;1415142746;pete_dushenski;http://www.contravex.com/2014/11/04/lets-cut-to-the-chase-is-la-serenissima-a-cult/ 910075;1415142747;assbot;Let’s Cut To The Chase, Is La Serenissima A Cult? | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski 910076;1415142761;mircea_popescu;o hey. 910077;1415142767;mircea_popescu;well... it's a culture... 910078;1415142819;pete_dushenski;my nearest meatspace approximation is the masons w/o the symbols 910079;1415142847;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu tis certainly a culture 910080;1415142875;pete_dushenski;and one with a structure quite unfamiliar to the western reader 910081;1415142906;pete_dushenski;so like everything else bad and trolling and terrorist mkay, it's hard to distinguish it from a cult 910082;1415142929;pete_dushenski;a cult of course being conventiently ill defined 910083;1415142977;pete_dushenski;and at 3000 words, this makes the longest piece yet on the pages of contravex 910084;1415143221;mircea_popescu;The government tries to minimize publicity about the names of agents investigating cases involving potentially violent criminals. "The information (about agents) he gave out might threaten somebody's safety -- the information that he broadcast could imperil somebody," Ashman said. 910085;1415143224;mircea_popescu;cute huh. 910086;1415143286;mircea_popescu;police breaking down door, which obviously imperils someone - such as the random bystander, is a-ok. naming agents however MIGHT imperil someone, such as an asshole abusing his offical status to powerplay. this is very un-ok. 910087;1415143291;mircea_popescu;fatlogic. 910088;1415143436;pete_dushenski;fatstatelogic 910089;1415143628;pete_dushenski;http://www.contravex.com/2014/09/21/tete-a-tete-with-a-neo-national-socialist/#comment-4486 << this morin kid just keeps motorin' 910090;1415143628;assbot;Tête-À-Tête With A Neo-National Socialist | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski 910091;1415143794;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski i thought you two were irl buddies or something 910092;1415143830;pete_dushenski;he's from around here and i recognize the name... 910093;1415143834;pete_dushenski;just can't put a face to it 910094;1415143847;mircea_popescu;aha. 910095;1415143898;mircea_popescu;i guess i should start a special service. "for only one small pile of internet funbux, i will viciously insult one commenter on your blog entirely out of left side. cheaper than hiring indians to write comments, funnier too." 910096;1415143959;pete_dushenski;lol you'd be oversubscribed and end up closing mpex to focus on this "real work" 910097;1415143996;mircea_popescu;yeah i guess ima have to keep doing it on an amateur basis. 910098;1415144019;pete_dushenski;god this hotel lounge is fucking perfect, even if this old fashioned is watered down 910099;1415144041;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu even funbux corrupt. prolly better this way. 910100;1415144140;pete_dushenski;cazalla BingoBoingo http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/fredrik-neij-pirate-bay-co-founder-arrested-in-thailand-1.2822840 910101;1415144140;assbot;Fredrik Neij, Pirate Bay co-founder, arrested in Thailand - World - CBC News 910102;1415144154;pete_dushenski;^ thestringpuller 910103;1415144157;mircea_popescu;o.O 910104;1415144160;jurov;did anyone try to send patches as decribed on btc-dev page? 910105;1415144174;ben_vulpes;several days ago 910106;1415144187;ben_vulpes;it worked so i didn't poke at it further 910107;1415144209;jurov;ben_vulpes: but i added the rules only yesterday 910108;1415144231;jurov;ben_vulpes and what about the move to 0xdeadbeef.org or such? 910109;1415144238;mircea_popescu;"Regional Immigration Police Commissioner Maj. Gen. Chartchai Eimsaeng said a U.S.-based movie association had hired a Thai lawyer to search for Neij, and his photo had been given to immigration police in Nong Khai." herp. 910110;1415144242;*;ben_vulpes cries 910111;1415144244;ben_vulpes;so many things 910112;1415144253;ben_vulpes;w/r/t domain, do you have nameservers 910113;1415144254;ben_vulpes;? 910114;1415144262;jurov;i can set up 910115;1415144322;ben_vulpes;plz do then tell mircea_popescu what they are and (pretty please) he will configure records appropriately 910116;1415144349;jurov;what is the domain exactly? 910117;1415144393;ben_vulpes;f9beb4d9.org 910118;1415144411;cazalla;mircea_popescu, i have a look later this arvo, things to do this morning 910119;1415144508;mircea_popescu;!up themediator 910120;1415144511;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: why not decide alberta is from now on 600ad byzantine style. << because progress. it's completely tragic how badly alberta's original building stock has been treated. perfectly lovely neoclassical buildings are now surface parking lots. 910121;1415144544;pete_dushenski;and in 600ad, even 1850ad, it was just... teepees 910122;1415144576;mircea_popescu;teepees are better for the environment! 910123;1415144582;mircea_popescu;make them out of plastic! 910124;1415144678;pete_dushenski;or the skins of your enemies. either way 910125;1415144692;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes jurov dns updated. 910126;1415144817;ben_vulpes;sweet! ty mircea_popescu 910127;1415144880;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29600 @ 0.00073218 = 21.6725 BTC [-] 910128;1415144904;jurov;to think we made fun of 796.com 910129;1415145394;assbot;Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/3QAA6D7.txt ) 910130;1415145394;BingoBoingo;!b 1 910131;1415145406;BingoBoingo;123 910132;1415145453;pete_dushenski;http://bitbet.us/bet/1059/light-sweet-crude-oil-wti-feb-2015-to/#c4217 << lawlsky! 910133;1415145454;assbot;BitBet - Light Sweet Crude Oil (WTI) Feb 2015 to drop under $70 before 2015 :: 4.11 B (46%) on Yes, 4.77 B (54%) on No | closing in 1 month 1 week| weight: 76`078 (100`000 to 1) 910134;1415145527;asciilifeform;cult << incidentally, mathematics (as a professional or even amateur pursuit) fits more or less every extant definition of 'cult' 910135;1415145569;asciilifeform;(just one example) 910136;1415145585;pete_dushenski;interesting to note 910137;1415145613;asciilifeform;the maniacal fuhrer position is, afaik, open at the moment 910138;1415145621;asciilifeform;but was filled in the past (e.g., pythagoras) 910139;1415145668;pete_dushenski;probably one in a generation/century/millenium type of thing 910140;1415145704;asciilifeform;http://genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu 910141;1415145704;assbot;The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Welcome! 910142;1415145709;asciilifeform;^ behold and quiver. 910143;1415145739;asciilifeform;(spoiler: pretty much everyone who is known to matter, is in leibniz, gauss, etc. 'wot.') 910144;1415145756;thestringpuller;if sim city has taught me anything: cut taxes to 0, make factories everywhere and have them pay the bills 910145;1415145915;*;asciilifeform l0lz at serenissima cult essay, where he is listed as 'expert' 910146;1415145939;pete_dushenski;so jurov, how do i transfer my s.qntra to coinbr? id by incoming btc address? 910147;1415145954;jurov;pete, just id here and pm me your acct 910148;1415145980;pete_dushenski;;;ident 910149;1415145980;gribble;Nick 'pete_dushenski', with hostmask 'pete_dushenski!~pete_dush@unaffiliated/pete-dushenski/x-8158685', is identified as user 'pete_dushenski', with GPG key id 165749929F9A6BDD, key fingerprint E6625CC14638C4CA404694E9165749929F9A6BDD, and bitcoin address None 910150;1415146023;jurov;not like someone will hijack your irc just to steal qntra crumbs 910151;1415146056;pete_dushenski;today's btc pizza crumbs are tomorrow's empire! 910152;1415146058;ben_vulpes;everyone loves a live fire test 910153;1415146136;asciilifeform;google usenet search dead?! 910154;1415146163;asciilifeform;old posts load, but no way afaik to find them now. 910155;1415146188;asciilifeform;i suppose this was inevitable. the moldbug generation wants to run for u.s. office... 910156;1415146197;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform you weren't supposed to read that! 910157;1415146204;assbot;Last 4 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/1MEN17G.txt ) 910158;1415146204;BingoBoingo;!b 4 910159;1415146207;pete_dushenski;seekrit expert is best expert 910160;1415146239;pete_dushenski;lol i meant the cult expert bit. a well 910161;1415146467;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes: for some reason saying no is harder in -assets. << cult! 910162;1415146546;mircea_popescu; the maniacal fuhrer position is, afaik, open at the moment << was shockley's transistor a cult ? 910163;1415146560;mircea_popescu;incidentally, one of the most cultish cults were the ancient order of pythagoreans 910164;1415146573;mircea_popescu;even had a convention to blame it all on satoshi. 910165;1415146573;asciilifeform;mentioned for this reason. 910166;1415146579;asciilifeform;sqrt(2) ! 910167;1415146584;mircea_popescu;shit you said that already. nm. 910168;1415146594;assbot;Last 5 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/21CDA6H.txt ) 910169;1415146594;pete_dushenski;!b 5 910170;1415146682;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform> (spoiler: pretty much everyone who is known to matter, is in leibniz, gauss, etc. 'wot.') << in this sense, the hungarian number = crude wot. 910171;1415146689;asciilifeform;aha. 910172;1415146752;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski "you can never say only say true things" eh ? 910173;1415146790;mircea_popescu;jurov apparently he wants to tattoo it on his body too. 910174;1415146799;jurov;yea i heard it 910175;1415146799;mircea_popescu;something something magic packets something something internet funbutts. 910176;1415146825;asciilifeform;re: maths wot << it is important to understand why this happens. 910177;1415146839;ben_vulpes;spoilsports and haters, all of you 910178;1415146863;asciilifeform;even the successful crackpots (at least, the ones publicly known about) were never more than a few steps away from a 'trunk line' wot mentor. 910179;1415146867;mircea_popescu;question for the group : 910180;1415146898;asciilifeform;not that this is any kind of gurantee. s. ramanujan is a tragic figure for a reason. 910181;1415146917;mircea_popescu;if everyone gets that tattooed, say on their butt, is the b-a more like a) a cult with weird body mod overtones ; b) a gaggle of ditzy teenaged girls (and therefore, a buncha fags) ; c) none of the above ? 910182;1415146952;*;asciilifeform sizes up for 'spoilsports and haters, all of you' tatoo 910183;1415146965;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu well, that's embarassing... 910184;1415146976;mircea_popescu;not that many penises around long enough for that. maybe if in chinese script ? 910185;1415146999;mircea_popescu;end up with "dogsons of broken soup bowl" or something. 910186;1415147003;asciilifeform;microdot. 910187;1415147015;pete_dushenski;qr code 910188;1415147033;pete_dushenski;or base58 hash 910189;1415147033;mircea_popescu;pubic qr codes, with porn in them 910190;1415147036;mircea_popescu;that's happening. 910191;1415147067;mircea_popescu;<thestringpuller> if sim city has taught me anything: cut taxes to 0 << srsly, you too ?! 910192;1415147071;asciilifeform;at the risk of bringing everyone back to childhood msdos 'hello world': what's the smallest bitwise recognizable porn? 910193;1415147073;asciilifeform;any encoding. 910194;1415147085;mircea_popescu;( . ) ( . ) 910195;1415147085;BingoBoingo; if everyone gets that tattooed, say on their butt, is the b-a more like a) a cult with weird body mod overtones ; b) a gaggle of ditzy teenaged girls (and therefore, a buncha fags) ; c) none of the above ? < b 910196;1415147098;BingoBoingo;P 910197;1415147099;asciilifeform;8=> 910198;1415147107;mircea_popescu;that's not long enough to be porn 910199;1415147109;BingoBoingo;69 910200;1415147114;mircea_popescu;also it's spelled 8==D 910201;1415147130;asciilifeform;nope, that's a sapper's spade. 910202;1415147136;mircea_popescu;my point exactly. 910203;1415147137;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14000 @ 0.00072836 = 10.197 BTC [-] 910204;1415147158;BingoBoingo;Gotta dig out all of those panty mines 910205;1415147171;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo owns a sapper spade? 910206;1415147184;asciilifeform;there's an american firm, iirc, that makes passable copies of the classic ru one 910207;1415147195;mircea_popescu;summary of pete_dushenski last piece : "cult member casually examines the possibility of being in a cult, comes back negative." 910208;1415147196;pete_dushenski;http://www.contravex.com/2014/10/20/software-doesnt-fail-socialism-does/#comment-4498 << saf is on a roll atm. loving these comments 910209;1415147197;assbot;Software Doesn’t Fail. Socialism Does. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski 910210;1415147218;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu ayup. 910211;1415147234;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Have two poor quality "trenching tools" have a strong preference for actual shovels though. 910212;1415147253;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: avoid the ones with folding handles. 910213;1415147263;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu that means it's still working, neh? 910214;1415147273;mircea_popescu;lol fishy smell 910215;1415147279;BingoBoingo;Oh, how I've learned that, worthless for unburying potatoes 910216;1415147282;mircea_popescu;tuna doesn't smell like fish! 910217;1415147289;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: actual shovel, like actual computer, is not field-portable. 910218;1415147289;PeterL;mircea_popescu: thestringpuller: look at Detroit: high taxes, city is crumbling - Detroit Suburbs: lower taxes, flourishing 910219;1415147297;pete_dushenski;tuna smells like moose? 910220;1415147304;mircea_popescu;PeterL you don't understand how the world works! 910221;1415147316;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski tuna doesn't smell. everything else does. 910222;1415147326;PeterL;enlighten me? 910223;1415147350;asciilifeform;amines. 910224;1415147360;mircea_popescu;PeterL it's an expression, referencing the case when putin handed obimbo's butt to him for the nth time and the english propaganda yelled "putin doesn't understand how the world works!" 910225;1415147372;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo: actual shovel, like actual computer, is not field-portable. << Depends on the size of field, and on whether or not portage enhancers are available 910226;1415147394;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu well if i came back positive in my assessment, i'd send myself down the post-partum path. wasn't really in the mood for that. 910227;1415147405;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: knapsack. 910228;1415147431;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski better question for your next one : is being a libtard a cult ? how about dating, is that a cult ? 910229;1415147435;mircea_popescu;plenty of cults abound! 910230;1415147458;asciilifeform;'is it still a cult if the comet is parked in orbit and the magical juice will take you there?' 910231;1415147481;asciilifeform;;;google treason never prospers for the reason 910232;1415147481;gribble;Treason doth never prosper: what's the reason? Why if it prosper ...: ; Treason - Wikiquote: ; John Harington (inventor) - Wikiquote: 910233;1415147494;mircea_popescu;PeterL use example, dude tries to open a door by bashing his head against it. bystander "that's not how you open doors" other bystander to first bystander "you don't understand how the world works!" 910234;1415147506;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu not sure about dating but libtardism, scientism, nationalism... examples are endless 910235;1415147509;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo: knapsack. << When restricted to a knapsack I dunno that digging anything bigger than a hole to bury turds should be a bigger priority than evading the force restricting you to a knapsack 910236;1415147529;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: man with sapper spade can entrench himself in less than an hour. 910237;1415147569;mircea_popescu;and dig his own grave in ~2. 910238;1415147573;jurov;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erd%C5%91s_number << mathematicians' wot 910239;1415147573;assbot;Erdős number - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 910240;1415147582;asciilifeform;dig his grave << they usually give you the spade. 910241;1415147585;mircea_popescu;jurov yeah, "the hungarian number" 910242;1415147634;BingoBoingo; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erd%C5%91s_number << mathematicians' wot << My two math professors in Undergrad were a 3, and a Nope 910243;1415147634;assbot;Erdős number - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 910244;1415147654;asciilifeform;what's a 'nope' ? never published at all? 910245;1415147682;mircea_popescu;http://www.contravex.com/2014/11/04/lets-cut-to-the-chase-is-la-serenissima-a-cult/ quoth pete_dushenski the acolyte : 910246;1415147683;assbot;Let’s Cut To The Chase, Is La Serenissima A Cult? | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski 910247;1415147683;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Never published anything co-authored, because he was in a weird niche 910248;1415147691;mircea_popescu;Then, as always happens when one is freed from the banality of the familiar, I found myself with some spare time during a vacation in Mazatln. Then, there, just like that, the pieces began falling into place. I actually sat down to read the #b-a logs and there I saw conversations unfolding before my very eyes that gave context to Trilema, that gave context to Bitcoin, and that were were so tearfully, blessedly, beaut 910249;1415147691;mircea_popescu;ifully over my head that I couldnt read anything else for weeks. As someone always hunting for an intellectually challenge, Id never seen anything even remotely like #b-a. At once technical, philosophical, political, and outrageous, it was like a gift wrapped for someone else, and yet just for me. 910250;1415147727;*;asciilifeform has seen 'anything even remotely like #b-a.' but they're all dead. 910251;1415147737;assbot;Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/1GWKEQZ.txt ) 910252;1415147737;BingoBoingo;!b 1 910253;1415147756;mircea_popescu;i has seen idem, idem. 910254;1415147767;*;pete_dushenski accepts mircea_popescu's pat on head 910255;1415147798;pete_dushenski;graciously! 910256;1415147819;asciilifeform;when do we get on with one of us proving p==np and the others throwing him off a boat? 910257;1415147823;*;BingoBoingo had in addition to math prof with Erdos of nope, an econ professor with an office in the loft of the campus's old barn 910258;1415147843;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform stop trying to break things and write me an email. 910259;1415147845;*;asciilifeform hopes he isn't the only one to get the ref 910260;1415147878;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform> when do we get on with one of us proving p==np and the others throwing him off a boat? << I have a feeling this is like weaponized bitcoind, if you have it best to keep it concealed 910261;1415147905;mircea_popescu;"The new Foundation, the new deeds system, a real Bitcoin news site, and more" << only the stuff of the past month gets a mention because the previous stuff is so ingrained by now it's like a skin. 910262;1415147919;mircea_popescu;typically cultish behaviour. 910263;1415147966;pete_dushenski;salience! 910264;1415148001;mircea_popescu;shit fuck piss motherfucker and tits! this bastard called me insane! YOU DARE SAY INSANITY OF OUR PRODUCTIVE INSTITUTION ?!?!?! 910265;1415148003;mircea_popescu;METEORS! 910266;1415148019;mircea_popescu;what was that oglaf with "god is on their side" btw ? 910267;1415148044;BingoBoingo;oglaf needs better indexing 910268;1415148071;ben_vulpes;<******> as long as there are tools, there will be people using them poorly << i give up 910269;1415148077;*;pete_dushenski enjoys watching his 3k word epic unfold in real-time 910270;1415148077;mircea_popescu;http://oglaf.com/assorted-fruits/ 910271;1415148077;assbot;Assorted Fruits of Wrath 910272;1415148084;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo totally. 910273;1415148086;ben_vulpes;people cannot be saved form themselves. 910274;1415148095;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes who said that ? 910275;1415148130;ben_vulpes;he's not in a logged channel, i'll refrain from sharing his handle. 910276;1415148138;ben_vulpes;nobody who's ever been in here though. 910277;1415148195;mircea_popescu;!up girevik 910278;1415148202;mircea_popescu;ah kk. 910279;1415148216;mircea_popescu;ima steal it then, to me it sounds like something i'd say. 910280;1415148235;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34785 @ 0.00072886 = 25.3534 BTC [+] {2} 910281;1415148248;ben_vulpes;i bring this elk in tribute 910282;1415148296;mircea_popescu;"Hes one of the most masterful wielders of words" << you got a ways to go foxy! check out pete's offerings! 910283;1415148325;assbot;Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/2WNDPX9.txt ) 910284;1415148325;pete_dushenski;!b 2 910285;1415148384;mircea_popescu;so i was with this chick earlier, her parents had the weird idea of calling her Modesty 910286;1415148391;mircea_popescu;and she was all "oh mp what a great cock you have!" 910287;1415148396;mircea_popescu;jus' sayin' for the record. 910288;1415148419;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: You've got a reply http://qntra.net/2014/11/commissioner-mark-wetjen-cftc-would-have-authority-to-bring-enforcement-actions-against/#comment-1353 910289;1415148419;assbot;Commissioner Mark Wetjen: "CFTC Would Have Authority To Bring Enforcement Actions Against.. | Qntra.net 910290;1415148437;mircea_popescu;shit comment index at 1.3k already ? 910291;1415148449;mircea_popescu;if this thing ends up surpassing trilema ima be well pissy. 910292;1415148462;BingoBoingo;Well spam comments... Ham comments at 416 910293;1415148495;mircea_popescu;i have nfi what that dude's saying. 910294;1415148562;BingoBoingo;I think maybe it's a spambot that saw a word and forgot to link to Ugg boots or Nike's 910295;1415148570;BingoBoingo;Or there's a wild markov chain 910296;1415148595;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski im gonna have this read weekly in the harem, outloud. just ftr. 910297;1415148657;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu 910298;1415148667;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu don't twist my words now 910299;1415148680;pete_dushenski;the point of this wasn't to pump your fucking tires 910300;1415148690;pete_dushenski;god knows you need that like penguins need more snow 910301;1415148699;mircea_popescu;;;google chubby checker 910302;1415148700;gribble;Chubby Checker - The Official Site: ; Chubby Checker - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Chubby Checker - Biography - Singer - Biography.com: 910303;1415148702;mircea_popescu;!up AdrianoOliveira 910304;1415148717;BingoBoingo;pete_dushenski: Maybe you need to consider whose ego you stroke, before you go a stroking an ego... 910305;1415148741;mircea_popescu;the stroking of the ego brings monsters. 910306;1415148743;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu anyways, i look forward to seeing it acted, off-script, next time i'm in town 910307;1415148764;mircea_popescu;it's a harem not a bordello yo! 910308;1415148769;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: if this thing ends up surpassing trilema ima be well pissy. << why? ~_~ you technically willed it's existence. 910309;1415148783;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller i can still be pissy! 910310;1415148797;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu we obviously have different ideas of how a harim should work ;) 910311;1415148813;mircea_popescu;lol do tell 910312;1415148840;*;BingoBoingo wonders if pete_dushenski did his turkish homework yet 910313;1415148840;jurov;pete, our resident pimp 910314;1415148872;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu what's to tell? acting, staging, and memorizing are not optional. 910315;1415148880;pete_dushenski;basic skillz 910316;1415148907;pete_dushenski;every bit as useful as a sense of humour and a second language 910317;1415148910;mircea_popescu;actually bellydancing's a basic skill. 910318;1415148943;mircea_popescu;and rope escape. 910319;1415148944;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo i won't say my homework's done just yet 910320;1415148964;pete_dushenski;and swallowing. cyanide or otherwise 910321;1415148975;mircea_popescu;(you think tying a chick down is easy ? try it sometime! it;s fucking impossible if you're determined not to hurt her) 910322;1415148990;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu big hands help here 910323;1415149002;pete_dushenski;you can use one of yours to hold down two of hers 910324;1415149010;mircea_popescu;i don't mean that part. 910325;1415149056;mircea_popescu;if you're talking slavegirl, you can just order her to move around as needed. but still it's not trivial. 910326;1415149086;mircea_popescu;few hours' practice with this will make pretty much any western film involving tying anyone unwatchable. 910327;1415149114;mircea_popescu;that "put some rope on them, they're imobilized now" convention doesn't really work irl. 910328;1415149195;pete_dushenski;tie indian to traintracks, etc. 910329;1415149251;mircea_popescu;western i mean as opposed to japanese. 910330;1415149569;mircea_popescu;!up csshih 910331;1415149593;csshih;sup 910332;1415149619;mircea_popescu;not much. 910333;1415149620;BingoBoingo;csshih: What's your online retailer again? 910334;1415149645;csshih;illumn.com 910335;1415149669;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski "an efficient means to an ends" 910336;1415149679;BingoBoingo;hx 910337;1415149756;*;BingoBoingo bookmarks site, because x-mas is coming in 4 months or some shit 910338;1415149779;jurov;lol one and half 910339;1415149785;mircea_popescu;two weeks! 910340;1415149793;csshih;haha 910341;1415149815;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu scrap "efficient" ? 910342;1415149827;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski fix the an plural. 910343;1415149896;pete_dushenski;now "an efficient mean to an end" 910344;1415149909;mircea_popescu;uh 910345;1415149917;pete_dushenski;means! 910346;1415149918;mircea_popescu;still dun sound right. means is like police, plural only. 910347;1415149936;pete_dushenski;one end... many means 910348;1415149936;jurov;no it's actually effervescent mean 910349;1415149953;mircea_popescu;it'd be pretty rad if people were like "and then this single polic jumped me" 910350;1415149982;pete_dushenski;historical footnote, "police" was the first word i could actually spell other than my own name 910351;1415149995;bounce;such law abidement 910352;1415150000;mircea_popescu;i am surprised you could spell your own name 910353;1415150002;mircea_popescu;i still can't. 910354;1415150023;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu i can spell your name, just can't pronounce it! 910355;1415150042;pete_dushenski;nfi how long it took me to spell my surname 910356;1415150048;mircea_popescu;:p 910357;1415150079;mircea_popescu;i imagine indian kids have it the worst. i've seen some pretty gnarly shit. 910358;1415150099;pete_dushenski;though my grandpa got a kick out of my counting to 10 in romanian this weekend. correct pronounciation and all :D 910359;1415150105;mircea_popescu;o hey wd. 910360;1415150118;mircea_popescu;so then ce in mircea, ce in zece, same ce. 910361;1415150133;asciilifeform;achtung mircea_popescu. broadcast in. 910362;1415150147;mircea_popescu;nicht gefingerpoken! 910363;1415150160;asciilifeform;mittengrabben. 910364;1415150168;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu lol i learned it auditorally so spelling wasn't a problem 910365;1415150364;bounce;relaxen und watchen das blinkenlichten! 910366;1415150393;BingoBoingo;Uber discriminates in the worst way http://www.slate.com/blogs/moneybox/2014/11/04/uber_price_surging_on_halloween_does_it_take_unfair_advantage_of_drunk_people.html 910367;1415150393;assbot;Uber price surging on Halloween: Does it take unfair advantage of drunk people? 910368;1415150405;jurov;bounce, die blinkenlichten 910369;1415150409;jurov;it's plural 910370;1415150425;*;bounce adds a [sic] and a (whoosh) 910371;1415150431;jurov;or maybe something else, as it's akuzativ 910372;1415150473;*;bounce will now out throw jurov and kick him anderswhere! 910373;1415150508;mircea_popescu;lol 910374;1415150529;jurov;arschloch! 910375;1415150540;asciilifeform;schweinhund. 910376;1415150559;asciilifeform;hande hoch! 910377;1415150564;*;asciilifeform exhausted his deutsch 910378;1415150651;mircea_popescu;poloch! 910379;1415150696;mircea_popescu;die kanonenkugel macht ein weit grosseres noch! 910380;1415150703;asciilifeform;eh everybody knows that one. 910381;1415150707;mircea_popescu;lol 910382;1415150712;asciilifeform;frederiiiicus reeex... 910383;1415150754;*;jurov wirft eingige mozartkugeln and mircea_popescu 910384;1415150759;jurov;*einige 910385;1415150763;jurov;*ans 910386;1415150770;asciilifeform;lukschen kugel. 910387;1415150817;mircea_popescu;unser artillerie hat ein vortrefflich kaliber! 910388;1415151133;bounce;wir sind vom idiotenklub/ und laden herzlich ein/ 910389;1415151201;mircea_popescu;;;google idiotenclublied 910390;1415151202;gribble;No matches found. 910391;1415151208;mircea_popescu;no fucking wai. 910392;1415151219;bounce;google is just too SMRT 910393;1415151226;jurov;;;google idiotenklublied 910394;1415151227;gribble;No matches found. 910395;1415151231;jurov;;;google idiotenklub 910396;1415151232;gribble;Smith & Smart - Idiotenclub - YouTube: ; IDIOTENCLUB - YouTube: ; omas idiotenclub - YouTube: 910397;1415151256;mircea_popescu;hm 910398;1415151371;mircea_popescu;http://griechenmaedchen.jimdo.com/liedgut/das-idiotenclublied/ 910399;1415151371;assbot;Das Idiotenclublied - na wenn das so ist, dann prost! 910400;1415151379;mircea_popescu;well it does exist upon digging 910401;1415151436;asciilifeform;obligatory: tigerfibel. 910402;1415151524;pete_dushenski;http://www.contravex.com/2014/11/04/lets-cut-to-the-chase-is-la-serenissima-a-cult/#comment-4505 << lol thestringpuller calls out the cardano! 910403;1415151525;assbot;Let’s Cut To The Chase, Is La Serenissima A Cult? | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski 910404;1415151575;asciilifeform;give the man his money back. 910405;1415151578;asciilifeform;oh wait 910406;1415151586;ben_vulpes;http://bitbet.us/bet/859/cardano-to-ship-in-2014/ 910407;1415151586;assbot;BitBet - Cardano to Ship in 2014 :: 1.08 B (41%) on Yes, 1.53 B (59%) on No | closing in 1 month 3 weeks | weight: 23`611 (100`000 to 1) 910408;1415151643;BingoBoingo;Who seriously knew last year's ship date was a distraction while a whole fucking factory was being built in the swamp? 910409;1415151657;ben_vulpes;who knew indeed 910410;1415151675;asciilifeform;more of a phactory. 910411;1415151683;ben_vulpes;phuctory! 910412;1415151694;pete_dushenski;potty mouth 910413;1415151715;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo this is a good point 910414;1415151816;BingoBoingo;But, still. Did asciilifeform actually reinvent the Luer lock, or was S.NSA working on darker magic already? These are the mysteries to be unveiled after the war is won. 910415;1415151833;asciilifeform;luer lock off the shelf! 910416;1415151836;punkbot;[trust-update] added: johntraveller 910417;1415151847;asciilifeform;ferglubssake, i write the broadcasts, does anybody read'em? 910418;1415151941;BingoBoingo;Of course they get read. It's just... luer lock being a thing with a name I could have swore was the rare s.nsa detail that in the statement could have been shelf pointed to sooner if more transparent. 910419;1415151965;*;asciilifeform failed to parse above 910420;1415151971;BingoBoingo;Still, starfish virginity is a concern 910421;1415151975;asciilifeform;еггог! 910422;1415152003;mike_c;http://tomtunguz.com/cooley-valuation-data/ 910423;1415152008;*;BingoBoingo might have switched to write only mode. spent the morning driving distances. Brain is still recovering. 910424;1415152010;mike_c;bezzle money is cheap 910425;1415152217;pete_dushenski;thai time. later! 910426;1415152293;jurov;reddit police noticed the bitcoin foundation 910427;1415152326;jurov;if i did not set up alarm, wouldn't have noticed 910428;1415152328;asciilifeform;but what of the reddit dogcatcher? he noticed? 910429;1415152404;ben_vulpes;jurov: did anything happen? 910430;1415152411;ben_vulpes;how did cloudflare respond? 910431;1415152464;jurov;i dont have cloudflare but aws. nothing really happened, it just paints nice graphs 910432;1415152479;BingoBoingo; but what of the reddit dogcatcher? he noticed? << You forget the most dangerous police variety in most US states, the fish and game cop. 910433;1415152500;BingoBoingo;They almost always get to presume probably cause in search 910434;1415152846;ben_vulpes;oh. 910435;1415152863;asciilifeform;http://patchwork.ozlabs.org/patch/405686 << re: ancient mircea_popescu thread 910436;1415152865;assbot;[3.13.y.z,extended,stable] Patch "sparc64: Fix FPU register corruption with AES crypto offload." has been added to staging queue - Patchwork 910437;1415152870;ben_vulpes;sorry i mean cloudfront i think 910438;1415152876;ben_vulpes;almost too tired to think 910439;1415153059;jurov;yes cloudfront... but they seem to unable to sustain even their feeble attempts 910440;1415153088;jurov;going to sleep..goodnight! 910441;1415153636;ben_vulpes;tee hee. amuse. 910442;1415154248;BingoBoingo;http://gawker.com/alex-from-target-was-a-fake-marketing-ploy-1654748438 << Case study in "social" "media" 910443;1415154249;assbot;Alex From Target Was Just a Marketing Ploy :( 910444;1415154653;mircea_popescu;<asciilifeform> oh wait << omfg stan sarcasm ? 910445;1415154709;decimation;BingoBoingo: I hear from folks who would know in Ohio that the most competent police there are the fish & game cops 910446;1415154715;mircea_popescu; if i did not set up alarm, wouldn't have noticed <<< i imagine this sounds better in german :D 910447;1415154761;decimation;that's kinda idiomatic 910448;1415154806;BingoBoingo;decimation: Well, here in Illinois they get all kinds of powers to do warrantless searches 910449;1415154816;mircea_popescu;"Teen Twitter (the most powerful force in the universe)" << really ? 910450;1415154821;mircea_popescu;what universe is that, the soda fountain ? 910451;1415154860;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: No, the which star/starlet can we push to break the cocaine imbibed by 23 record universe 910452;1415154940;mircea_popescu;anyway, gawker, nov 4th. "But it's hard to tell if anyone is even real anymore." mp, sep 13th "I want the average redditor to understand that when he interacts with a screen name, he is not interracting with a person." 910453;1415154946;mircea_popescu;such coincidences. 910454;1415155084;mircea_popescu;!up Vexual 910455;1415155089;Vexual;hi 910456;1415155093;ben_vulpes;evening 910457;1415155113;Vexual;Ben I must thank you for getting me back on grapes 910458;1415155159;ben_vulpes;they're lovely 910459;1415155311;BingoBoingo; such coincidences. << Well, more than even killing Coindesk isn't a point of Qntra ending gawker? 910460;1415155354;decimation;something like: Wenn ich nicht den Alarm aufgestellt habe, würde ich es nicht bemerkt. 910461;1415155423;thestringpuller;How did gawker become "a thing"? 910462;1415155436;thestringpuller;I understand Wired. But gawker not so much. 910463;1415155507;BingoBoingo;thestringpuller: Basically in the 1990's Nick Denton amassed a warchest of bezzel bucks. Then he hired bored housewife to stalk celebrities for initial traffic. After that sustaining gawker was a matter of keeping the bills paid. 910464;1415155636;BingoBoingo;The contemporary idea of the incredibly PC media mafia after the bush election exists as a creature of Nick Denton's creation 910465;1415155752;BingoBoingo;it is important to note the present incarnation of that crowd was not sparked by HUffington, Digg, or Reddit, but in Nick Denton's constant reinvestment in Gawker media. 910466;1415156103;decimation;asciilifeform: re: verizon dns << didn't they announce that they would helpfully insert friendly cookies in your http stream? 910467;1415156158;decimation;BingoBoingo: it would be interesting to have a directory (with pictures) of those who call the shots in the media today 910468;1415156183;thestringpuller;;;later tell mircea_popescu did you mean to put an "https" link for the Qntra link on the prospectus on the MPEx listing? 910469;1415156183;gribble;The operation succeeded. 910470;1415156253;BingoBoingo;decimation: Maybe once I set up a homestead in more civilized lands 910471;1415156313;Vexual;where are you going? 910472;1415156334;BingoBoingo;No idea yet. 910473;1415156345;BingoBoingo;Prolly Titan. Maybe Mars. 910474;1415156428;BingoBoingo;If Buterin's waterfall takes too long to dry prolly some land that habla Castellano 910475;1415156533;asciilifeform;decimation: unrelated. that was an ip over wireless thing 910476;1415156541;asciilifeform;decimation: this - straight redirect to spmoogle 910477;1415156561;thestringpuller;Over 60 mn Ether sold!!!! Amazing! 910478;1415156561;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 910479;1415156627;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller actually, no. 910480;1415156648;mircea_popescu;thanks for pointing out! 910481;1415156694;mircea_popescu; The contemporary idea of the incredibly PC media mafia after the bush election exists as a creature of Nick Denton's creation << hm. sort of like anti-drudge ? 910482;1415156755;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Worse. Drudge didn't spend the entire 1990's getting merit washed. 910483;1415156799;mircea_popescu;!up sine 910484;1415156801;mircea_popescu;!up sinetek 910485;1415157292;BingoBoingo;lulz https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2lb0ch/a_year_ago_today/ 910486;1415157293;assbot;A year ago today : Bitcoin 910487;1415157538;decimation;BingoBoingo: so he's kinda like the walter lippmann of this era? 910488;1415157616;BingoBoingo;decimation: I think of Denton more as the mirror image of the Koch Brothers, but that's a very imperfect correspondence. 910489;1415157667;BingoBoingo;Denton writes rarely, but when he does criticizes Gawker authors for their economic liberalism. 910490;1415158070;decimation;has anyone here upgraded to openbsd 5.6? 910491;1415158330;BingoBoingo;decimation: Not yet, will order disks this month, prolly 910492;1415158874;TheNewDeal;So I'm reading this conversation about programming languages from 7 days ago (28-10-2014). There is a lot of trash talking about OOPs, like C++. I don't see anyone mention C. Is C just not worth mentioning? 910493;1415158892;asciilifeform;unfortunately is worth mentioning. 910494;1415158912;TheNewDeal;why so unfortunate? 910495;1415158920;asciilifeform;just as usg is worth mentioning. 910496;1415158969;asciilifeform;actually we had a fun occasion for mentioning c recently. 910497;1415158971;BingoBoingo;TheNewDeal: http://qntra.net/2014/11/7th-underhanded-c-contest-going-on-now/ 910498;1415158971;assbot;7th Underhanded C Contest Going on Now | Qntra.net 910499;1415158973;asciilifeform;!s underhanded c contest 910500;1415158974;assbot;10 results for 'underhanded c contest' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=underhanded+c+contest 910501;1415158974;asciilifeform;aha 910502;1415159002;asciilifeform;don't look for the 'incompetent c contest.' it's right there on your desk. 910503;1415159006;asciilifeform;and mine, and his. 910504;1415159007;BingoBoingo;Don't worry everyone has until new years day to learn C and enter 910505;1415159032;BingoBoingo; don't look for the 'incompetent c contest.' it's right there on your desk. << It's everywhere 910506;1415159045;asciilifeform;dear glub, 'learn c', k&r 1st ed. is what, 80 pages? 910507;1415159045;TheNewDeal;what in the hell does that mean? 910508;1415159188;asciilifeform;it means that even 'competent' c programmers are playing. 910509;1415159196;TheNewDeal;is it akin to what Naggum was saying on C++ , that it's too tough for people to handle? 910510;1415159205;BingoBoingo;And the hardware plays back 910511;1415159225;asciilifeform;'too tough for people' is a poor angle. there are people who can lift a 'volkswagen.' 910512;1415159234;BingoBoingo;!up devthedev Hello devthedev 910513;1415159249;devthedev;Hey BingoBoingo 910514;1415159268;thestringpuller;devthedev: get your shares? 910515;1415159281;*;asciilifeform thought k&r 1st ed. was on the #b-a required reading shelf, or the like. 910516;1415159287;devthedev;Yes sir 910517;1415159288;TheNewDeal;But there's not hundreds of thousands of people going around writing "Can lift a volkswagen efficiently" on their CV 910518;1415159309;decimation;I recommend this book too http://archive.arstechnica.com/etc/books/deep-c.html 910519;1415159324;asciilifeform;^^ 910520;1415159326;asciilifeform;yes! 910521;1415159328;asciilifeform;it's a real riot. 910522;1415159335;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: what's awrong with 2nd edition? 910523;1415159336;asciilifeform;full of bell labs c lore 910524;1415159350;decimation;yeah reading that book improved my C coding because it explained wtf was going on and why 910525;1415159352;asciilifeform;2nd edition << bloat 910526;1415159366;asciilifeform;satan preserve us from 2nd editions. 910527;1415159379;thestringpuller;K&R is how I learned C. So no complaints. 910528;1415159392;asciilifeform;i like to call it 'koraktor' 910529;1415159395;asciilifeform;;;google koraktor 910530;1415159399;gribble;koraktor: ; koraktor (Sebastian Staudt) · GitHub: ; koraktor/steam-condenser · GitHub: 910531;1415159403;asciilifeform;fail. 910532;1415159431;*;asciilifeform opens koraktor, bound in human skin, and searches for a death spell for google 910533;1415159465;TheNewDeal;how about assembly languages? 910534;1415159479;asciilifeform;what about them? 910535;1415159489;decimation;MMIX? 910536;1415159490;TheNewDeal;not mentioned in the programming discussion 910537;1415159509;asciilifeform;sure they were. 910538;1415159511;asciilifeform;e.g., http://www.loper-os.org/?p=55 910539;1415159512;assbot;Loper OS » You have made your bedrock, now lie in it. 910540;1415159519;TheNewDeal;I took a class that was all about MIPS, but it got over my head at the end. I was a mech engr stuck in a class of comp sci students 910541;1415159523;decimation;C is more-or-less a fancy set of macros around assembly 910542;1415159532;asciilifeform;on pdp-10. 910543;1415159549;asciilifeform;!up Vexual 910544;1415159562;thestringpuller;devthedev: didn't you make a news site? 910545;1415159586;devthedev;Yes 910546;1415159611;thestringpuller;i forgot what it is 910547;1415159626;devthedev;I was planning on writing for CryptoDeck less formally, more for fun and qntra more formally but I kinda got burnt out. 910548;1415159670;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: http://cryptome.org/2014/11/wind-river-security-crypto.pdf << what wind river was dinged for 910549;1415159685;thestringpuller;devthedev: I can tell. Last article published was Oct. 17. lol 910550;1415159698;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: afaik they self-volunteered for gassing (for no reason i know of) 910551;1415159727;decimation;supposedly they were treated 'lightly' because they volunteered 910552;1415159780;decimation;lol they were dinged for exporting ipsec? 910553;1415159820;devthedev;thestringpuller: I may just sell it, I don't have as much time as I'd like to devote to it. 910554;1415159850;thestringpuller;what is there to sell? do you have contributors? 910555;1415159874;devthedev;Negative 910556;1415159883;decimation;tyranny - usg fines a company for exporting that which is easily downloadable everywhere. anarchy - usg pretends it cannot investigate welfare fraud 910557;1415159888;devthedev;It would be just the domain essentially. 910558;1415159959;BingoBoingo; It would be just the domain essentially. << Problem is the first 5 letters of the domain are too popular 910559;1415159974;Vexual;asciilifeform did you ever get you hands on one of those first ibm branded xts? 910560;1415160069;decimation;my first computer was an epson XT knockoff 910561;1415160086;thestringpuller;decimation: me too!!!!! 910562;1415160104;decimation;as I recall it cost around $2k in the late 80's 910563;1415160113;thestringpuller;I still have it. It's all boxed up. I just need a PS/1 keyboard but those are hard to find. 910564;1415160113;decimation;yeah this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csBJKaZSg9A 910565;1415160113;assbot;Epson Apex Plus Turbo XT computer (1988) - YouTube 910566;1415160169;decimation;it was the best thing my family bought me, I learned dos, played kings quest & space quest, learned to write in wordperfect 910567;1415160282;thestringpuller;decimation: http://thepcmuseum.net/comp_images/photo_EpsonEquity1+.JPG << that was mine 910568;1415160294;thestringpuller;ibm knockoff/clone 910569;1415160329;thestringpuller;taught me batch scripts and dos 910570;1415160334;thestringpuller;eventually qbasic 910571;1415160340;decimation;my dad had a 'real' ibm AT at work, I was impressed by the built-like-a-tank chassis 910572;1415160521;Vexual;they were quickly liberated from govenment offices here 910573;1415160548;*;BingoBoingo bought a Mac Classic for $10 910574;1415160605;thestringpuller;decimation: IBM keyboard's kinda rule even to this day. 910575;1415160642;decimation;yeah I use a knockoff (unicomp) myself 910576;1415160686;thestringpuller;yea I used one of those. I wanna get the one with the mouse in the middle (like on the think-pads) for my desktop. 910577;1415160701;thestringpuller;co workers hated the clicking but damn it was a slick keyboard 910578;1415160746;decimation;if you search the logs there are pointers to folks who have hardware projects that interface ibm ps/2 keyboards made in the 80's to usb 910579;1415160978;mircea_popescu;<TheNewDeal> So I'm reading this conversation about programming languages from 7 days ago (28-10-2014). There is a lot of trash talking about OOPs, like C++. I don't see anyone mention C. Is C just not worth mentioning? <<< c is really not ~that~ bad. 910580;1415161017;mircea_popescu;!up sadekjake 910581;1415161019;TheNewDeal;not as bad as the usg? 910582;1415161032;mircea_popescu;sadekjake hey there. 910583;1415161040;thestringpuller;on a scale of 0 to usg how turdified is it? 910584;1415161071;BingoBoingo;!up devthedev 910585;1415161080;mircea_popescu;TheNewDeal people generally hate c++ for reasons and c by extension. 910586;1415161118;mircea_popescu;arguably c doesn't do much to help the programmer not be stupid. then again, it doesn't actually force them to be dumb. sort of like asm, and nobody really hates asm. 910587;1415161127;sadekjake;hello Mircea 910588;1415161131;sadekjake;do you see my msg? 910589;1415161161;mircea_popescu;nope. 910590;1415161192;sadekjake;i have neever used an IRC before 910591;1415161195;mircea_popescu;o.O 910592;1415161196;sadekjake;how do i send you a pm? 910593;1415161212;mircea_popescu;well, i just sent you one, should be a tab opened somewhere next to where it says #bitcoin-assets 910594;1415161597;asciilifeform;'c' does not force man to be dumb. but hardly anyone actually gets to program in 'c.' normally folks program in c+libs 910595;1415161625;asciilifeform;libs authored by, in many cases, what can only be down's syndrome cases 910596;1415161699;decimation;a few years ago I tried to make an edit to wikipedia's 'climate change' entry. a similar down's syndrome case guards that page - immediately reverting any non-libtard edit 910597;1415161740;BingoBoingo;!up dgeats 910598;1415161763;asciilifeform;c >> obligatory >> http://www.xach.com/naggum/articles/3141310154691952@naggum.no.html 910599;1415161764;assbot;Re: Is LISP dying? - Naggum cll archive 910600;1415161789;decimation;at any rate, one cannot consider themsleves a programmer today without knowing C 910601;1415161805;decimation;perhaps in the future it will not be so 910602;1415161817;asciilifeform;'...and _does_ an operating system that forces the programmer to check to see whether the operating system did what it was asked to do every damn time you ask it to do anything actually give any relevant form of support to anyone?' 910603;1415161849;decimation;asciilifeform: but, that's new jersey style! 910604;1415161884;thestringpuller;decimation: at any rate, one cannot consider themsleves a programmer today without knowing C << unfortunately not a lot of people learn C in what you may call "computer science education" (or is so named) 910605;1415161885;mircea_popescu;!up dgeats 910606;1415161895;thestringpuller;!up Jondo 910607;1415161896;mircea_popescu;decimation you don't understand. for him, matter of life and death. that's how he eats. 910608;1415161917;dgeats;!up BingoBoingo, happy to be here 910609;1415161927;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: education << http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-04-2014#626237 910610;1415161927;assbot;Logged on 15-04-2014 18:34:43; asciilifeform: 'we refuse to produce any more C programmers who are a danger to themselves and others.' -- my old dean 910611;1415161928;mircea_popescu;haha cute one. 910612;1415161959;asciilifeform;(anyone still awake, straight to that dusty thread) 910613;1415161972;decimation;yeah "C" was going out of style when I graduated in the early 2000's, CS was converting to full-java 910614;1415161974;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: this is pretty much the stance. you have to seek it out, if you want to learn it. I guess what they are producing are not programmers at that point? 910615;1415161993;asciilifeform;1nf0rm4t10n t3chn0log1stz! 910616;1415161997;asciilifeform;or something. 910617;1415162006;thestringpuller;scary. 910618;1415162027;decimation;one wonders what the point of using open source OS's would be if you can't read C 910619;1415162057;thestringpuller;much easier to write c-code in linux than say DOS 910620;1415162061;asciilifeform;the point, when there is a point, generally has nothing to do with reading 910621;1415162074;asciilifeform;mostly pure zoological revulsion at microshit 910622;1415162101;BingoBoingo;thestringpuller: Google's Android has a linux kernel and BSD libc 910623;1415162109;asciilifeform;easier to write c-code in linux than say DOS << beg to differ. 910624;1415162121;asciilifeform;under rusty old msdos one can, generally, actually program in c 910625;1415162126;decimation;heh yeah there are so many distro's and tard-libraries in linux 910626;1415162236;decimation;asciilifeform: here's the link for what you are getting at: http://www.colorforth.com/POL.htm " Now we get down the the nitty-gritty. This is our first clash with the establishment. The conventionsl approach, enforced to a greater or lesser extent, is that you shall use a standard subroutine. I say that you should write your own subroutines. " 910627;1415162236;assbot;403 Forbidden 910628;1415162266;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: i think when I was 9 it was like 4 weeks allowance to get Borland or whatever C compiler they were selling at the time. 910629;1415162285;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: guess how much i and everybody i knew paid. 910630;1415162291;thestringpuller;0 910631;1415162307;decimation;ah, the good ol' stack of floppies 910632;1415162322;asciilifeform;decimation: this sounds like top-grade batshit to 'civilians', who don't normally understand how simple (from algorithmic standpoint) everything they usually want out of the machine, really is 910633;1415162336;decimation;one of my friends would call AOL every day for a free "introductory" floppy every day 910634;1415162359;asciilifeform;most of what programmers do, is really grunt labour to work around the mistakes of earlier programmers. 910635;1415162383;asciilifeform;folks who realize this, eventually 'turn perelman' 910636;1415162385;mircea_popescu; under rusty old msdos one can, generally, actually program in c << because, again, if i want to kil a ms-dos dependency I DELETE THE FILE 910637;1415162390;asciilifeform;and we don't hear from them 910638;1415162391;mircea_popescu;motherfucking apt-get. 910639;1415162399;asciilifeform;aha. 910640;1415162401;decimation;yeah it's really really tiresome to live in someone else's fucktarded world 910641;1415162432;mircea_popescu;just....fucking....detele the file. 910642;1415162437;mircea_popescu;omg why should it be so hard. 910643;1415162446;decimation;because $LD_LIBRARY_PATH 910644;1415162450;dgeats;!up @assbot 910645;1415162460;mircea_popescu;fuck that shit with pikes. 910646;1415162463;asciilifeform;butbutbutt... it could be on a locked nfs volume! it could be on an abacus wielded by retarded child! etc 910647;1415162467;mircea_popescu;NO 910648;1415162490;decimation;asciilifeform: actually this is an interesting point. Why does every platform insist on dynamic libraries? 910649;1415162508;asciilifeform;cargo-cult imitation of real computer. 910650;1415162513;decimation;somehow Mr. Moore can write a chip-design tool in a few hundred lines of forth 910651;1415162523;decimation;yet it takes like 50 megabytes to instantiate Xeyes? 910652;1415162551;mircea_popescu;fuckthatshitomfg 910653;1415162555;decimation;yeah, I guess in this case the 'cargo-cult' is building a wooden global namespace 910654;1415162558;*;mircea_popescu spazzes 910655;1415162558;asciilifeform;and it takes a supercomputer, of a kind not even yet built, to write a word processor where there are no palpable delays when entering a character. if you believe microshit. 910656;1415162592;decimation;but my 8088 did that running at 8 mhz in wordperfect 910657;1415162596;asciilifeform;aha. 910658;1415162616;asciilifeform;decimation: http://www.loper-os.org/?p=300 910659;1415162617;assbot;Loper OS » Going Nowhere Really Fast, or How Computers Only Come in Two Speeds. 910660;1415162648;decimation;heh yeah that was a favorite post 910661;1415162657;BingoBoingo;^ Macs at one point almost really were real computers 910662;1415162669;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: long, long ago. 910663;1415162677;decimation;"But suppose everyone wrote their own subroutines? Isn't that a step backward; away from the millenium when our programs are machine independent, when we all write in the same language, maybe even on the same computer? Let me take a stand: I can't solve the problems of the world. With luck, I can write a good program. " 910664;1415162693;decimation;this is probably the most rational approach toward the modern c-machine 910665;1415162711;mircea_popescu;fucking hell. 910666;1415162723;mircea_popescu;why the fuck would "we". jesus burn every text with we in it already. 910667;1415162724;mircea_popescu;we my food. 910668;1415162729;mircea_popescu;foot* 910669;1415162735;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Well, then they sold their soul to IBM 910670;1415162774;mircea_popescu;maybe our fucking should be all machi^H^H^H^H^H woman independent also ? 910671;1415162780;mircea_popescu;maybe we should all jack off with the same stroke ?! 910672;1415162785;*;mircea_popescu spazzes some more 910673;1415162822;asciilifeform;as a student, i was once told by a greybeard: 'you're young, but know that you have X lines of code in you. after that - log cabin.' 910674;1415162825;asciilifeform;he was, of course, optimist 910675;1415162846;asciilifeform;often, 'after that' is something more like pistol fellatio 910676;1415162860;asciilifeform;i didn't grok what he said, at the time, naturally 910677;1415162868;mircea_popescu;i enjoy writing the little code i do write. 910678;1415162876;asciilifeform;that's the trick. 910679;1415162916;mircea_popescu;the enjoy or the little ? 910680;1415162923;decimation;I want someone to draw a cartoon: young man approaches greybeard lounging under a tree: greybeard - why do you laze instead of being productive? - He says: you try to make something useful - off the young one goes through trial and tribulation - eventually, ending up under a tree. 910681;1415162933;asciilifeform;'little' -> 'enjoy' 910682;1415162937;BingoBoingo;!up devthedev 910683;1415162957;mircea_popescu;*: asciilifeform opens koraktor, bound in human skin, and searches for a death spell for google << wot based search. working towards it. 910684;1415162996;asciilifeform;!s kyristor 910685;1415162997;assbot;5 results for 'kyristor' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=kyristor 910686;1415163009;asciilifeform;^ sword in stone for unknown heroes to be born 910687;1415163011;mircea_popescu;all these fucktards with the "blockchain technology" have no fucking idea even what the technology actually is 910688;1415163021;mircea_popescu;monkeys in the jungle, "shiny wings technology". 910689;1415163025;mircea_popescu;yeah, im sure that's why the plane flies. 910690;1415163028;asciilifeform;'technology' - just a word to them. 910691;1415163034;BingoBoingo; *: asciilifeform opens koraktor, bound in human skin, and searches for a death spell for google << wot based search. working towards it. << Caled it when you asked about crawling millions of urls 910692;1415163050;BingoBoingo;Next time I'll sign the hash of the prediction 910693;1415163063;mircea_popescu;lol 910694;1415163077;*;asciilifeform knows of no reason why wot-search needs to crawl anything 910695;1415163091;mircea_popescu;decimation: C is more-or-less a fancy set of macros around assembly <<< this is actually pretty much it. 910696;1415163099;*;asciilifeform pictures wot search as a graph traversal of personal 'bookmark' collections of wot-people 910697;1415163114;decimation;asciilifeform: yeah the "crawlers" are human beings 910698;1415163118;asciilifeform;assembly << of pdp-10. see naggum's piece earlier. 910699;1415163124;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform just like cars are a steel banded joining of the walking of people ? 910700;1415163129;asciilifeform;lol 910701;1415163133;mircea_popescu;at some point you gotta put an engine in there somewhere. 910702;1415163177;asciilifeform;extant cpu archs are quite unlike pdp-10. internally, of course. 90+% of the Si real estate is then used up in papering over this to build a convincing simulacrum of 'c' machine. 910703;1415163200;asciilifeform;so if an idiot tells you that 'c' is 'naturally close to platonic hardware' - you have my official blessing (tm) to kick his face in. 910704;1415163204;mircea_popescu;do ellaborate. 910705;1415163223;asciilifeform;e.g., translation lookaside buffer cache on intel. 910706;1415163233;asciilifeform;the page table. 910707;1415163243;asciilifeform;automatic instruction re-ordering. 910708;1415163261;mircea_popescu;decimation: as I recall it cost around $2k in the late 80's << ahh, the days when a shitty mouse was 100 bux. 910709;1415163263;asciilifeform;(intel tried shipping a gizmo without it, now it is known affectionately as 'the itanic') 910710;1415163276;asciilifeform;i could go on, but this could fill a book. 910711;1415163295;mircea_popescu;da fuck is platonic hardware supposed to be 910712;1415163314;asciilifeform;an imaginary animal that lives in the skulls of folks who talk about 'close to the hardware? that means c of course' 910713;1415163317;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu> da fuck is platonic hardware supposed to be << Aristotle's natal cleft 910714;1415163324;decimation;in your room-sized FPGA, there is probably a spot for a few 'risc' finite automata 910715;1415163350;asciilifeform;decimation: there could be room found for an entire period reproduction of intel 486, for when the mood to play 'doom' strikes you. 910716;1415163370;asciilifeform;point is, it is possible to build electronics that are actually programmable. 910717;1415163439;BingoBoingo;turd should be legible to the .js deniers http://www.bnd.com/2014/11/04/3492961/enyart-bost-bradshaw-vie-for-congressional.html?sp=/99/100/&ihp=1 910718;1415163441;assbot;Metro-east news from Belleville, IL | Belleville News-Democrat 910719;1415163445;asciilifeform;in some of my articles, i mention a concept called 'design space.' it, approximately, means, the set of engineering decisions that are thinkable at a given time. 910720;1415163454;asciilifeform;in many ways it behaves like a non-renewable mineral resource. 910721;1415163497;asciilifeform;except, unlike petrogoodies, it is possible to get design space back just by 'wanting enough.' 910722;1415163506;asciilifeform;catch is, you have to... burn the world. 910723;1415163647;BingoBoingo; catch is, you have to... burn the world. << How many people here are seriously opposed to this condition 910724;1415163667;asciilifeform;for instance, in the '70s, when there was an understanding that a computer is purchased and comes with own os, and your own men will write literally everything else (often including os) that will ever run on it, until it goes to the scrapyard - 910725;1415163680;asciilifeform;there was a plethora of interestingly-different machine architectures. 910726;1415163705;asciilifeform;e.g., cdc 6600 910727;1415163722;asciilifeform;the lisp machines (xerox and mit branches of the evolutionary trees, different in many interesting ways) 910728;1415163729;asciilifeform;the early crays 910729;1415163745;asciilifeform;then folks began to 'depend on things' 910730;1415163772;asciilifeform;and increasingly, 'hysterical raisins' became primary justification for all engineering decisions re: computer. 910731;1415163864;BingoBoingo;Shhhhh, you are about to spoil the part where the hittites surprise pete_d with iron weapns 910732;1415163884;asciilifeform;this is in many ways a process analogous to ordinary senescence. 910733;1415163927;BingoBoingo;Ordinary only in pathophysiology, not in affect 910734;1415163934;asciilifeform;people age, and empires - and the 'computer we know' isn't really a separate animal from the u.s. empire. 910735;1415163957;asciilifeform;there were computers once, among the people of the east. 910736;1415163959;asciilifeform;!s trinary 910737;1415163960;assbot;7 results for 'trinary' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=trinary 910738;1415163977;asciilifeform;then they decided they like w4r3z rather too much 910739;1415163982;asciilifeform;to bother with own computers. 910740;1415164051;asciilifeform;why go through the grind of developing world from scratch, they thought, when you can l33ch l33t w4r3z like a pr0 in 21 days 910741;1415164089;BingoBoingo;ANd thus began the legend of niggers.txt 910742;1415164097;mircea_popescu;lol 910743;1415164278;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19900 @ 0.00073016 = 14.5302 BTC [+] {2} 910744;1415164282;BingoBoingo;The problem is encountering the actual mythical good is always a dissapointment. 910745;1415164323;asciilifeform;the kid who gets his first fuck - also disappointed 910746;1415164403;asciilifeform;ars longa, when you catch, kill, and dress the unicorn, can go after loch ness monster and many other prey. 910747;1415164480;mircea_popescu; the kid who gets his first fuck - also disappointed << rly ?! 910748;1415164538;mircea_popescu; Shhhhh, you are about to spoil the part where the hittites surprise pete_d with iron weapns << the hittites never had iron. you're thinking the franks. 910749;1415164575;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Maybe the Assyrians? Some sort of Turk turnt out the Jew bronze with their Iron. 910750;1415164589;decimation;re: design space << so part of the problem with "C" is that it tends to occupy this mental design space rapidly 910751;1415164703;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/no-such-labs-snsa-october-2014-statement/ 910752;1415164703;assbot;No Such lAbs (S.NSA), October 2014 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 910753;1415164712;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo the franks. 910754;1415164729;mircea_popescu;"the iron! my god, the iron!" spoken in italia by the degenerate successors of the latins. 910755;1415164751;decimation;what about 'damascus steel'? 910756;1415164759;mircea_popescu;much later. 910757;1415164763;mircea_popescu;franks are a 800ad affair. 910758;1415164769;mircea_popescu;allah had been barely invented yet 910759;1415164790;BingoBoingo; what about 'damascus steel'? << 4 digit number of years innovation 910760;1415164793;mircea_popescu;at the joseph smith stage yet. 910761;1415164828;decimation;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Damascus_steel << " From the 3rd century to the 17th century, India was shipping steel ingots to the Middle East.[14]" 910762;1415164828;assbot;Damascus steel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 910763;1415164854;mircea_popescu;dunno what sort of steel they were shipping in 3ad. 910764;1415164860;mircea_popescu;300* 910765;1415164865;decimation;yeah I think it was more "steel" than steel 910766;1415164887;mircea_popescu;swords are like computers - they only work for some grades of si 910767;1415164893;mircea_popescu;sand not acceptble. 910768;1415164933;mircea_popescu;anyway, tardpedia's fascination with the east and white-hating notwithstanding, steel is a western invention. 910769;1415164966;asciilifeform;invention - yes 910770;1415164984;asciilifeform;primitives succeeded in making steels of a kind, from naturally carboniferous wootz traded along, e.g., silk road 910771;1415164996;asciilifeform;but metallurgy - is white man's magic. 910772;1415165026;asciilifeform;protest of japanophiles notwithstanding 910773;1415165039;decimation;yeah I saw some documentary about japanese sword-making - that steel is closer to steel, but nowhere near modern quality 910774;1415165041;BingoBoingo; primitives succeeded in making steels of a kind, from naturally carboniferous wootz traded along, e.g., silk road << Wootz yes, low hanging fruit. When I read Damascus though I think laminate forging process 910775;1415165047;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform in fairnes, the gypsies did show real talent in working with zamak, 910776;1415165064;mircea_popescu;so much so they got dragged all over to europe by various turkic people. 910777;1415165068;mircea_popescu;but zamak is still zamak. 910778;1415165069;asciilifeform;aha 910779;1415165078;asciilifeform;gotta fix those pots & pans. 910780;1415165085;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo that's post-byzantine conquest. strictly. 910781;1415165120;decimation;the turks conquered Byzantium and then headed east? 910782;1415165127;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Of course, but also the product normally refered to now as "Damascus" steel 910783;1415165129;mircea_popescu;nah. 910784;1415165141;mircea_popescu;decimation the golden crescent is this pulsing heart of human civilisaiton. 910785;1415165146;asciilifeform;see also: булат. 910786;1415165150;mircea_popescu;the most recent pulse went in all directions, just about to india. 910787;1415165157;mircea_popescu;it run into a hard wall at constantinople 910788;1415165162;mircea_popescu;but eventually overcame it. 910789;1415165231;mircea_popescu;(with hungarian cannons) 910790;1415165236;BingoBoingo;"Historical" Dracula 910791;1415165262;asciilifeform;!s drakula 910792;1415165263;assbot;21 results for 'drakula' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=drakula 910793;1415165266;mircea_popescu;nah, unrelated. 910794;1415165276;mircea_popescu;was some sort of columbus of metallurgy. little is known. 910795;1415165276;asciilifeform;not related at all. 910796;1415165304;asciilifeform;'hedgehog marches in fog, with rifle on his shoulder.' 'not funny, but at least it's about the war!' 910797;1415165404;mircea_popescu;come to think about it : the original siege cannon was carried by two dozen oxen, fired twice a day, had to be cooled with hlf a ton of oil and exploded every two weeks killing everyone around 910798;1415165409;mircea_popescu;yet asciilifeform bitches about c. 910799;1415165414;asciilifeform;and gypsies worked in tin, lead, no possible zamac 910800;1415165431;mircea_popescu;tin, tin. 910801;1415165434;asciilifeform;(Al being a creature of modernity.) 910802;1415165457;asciilifeform;cannon aficionados should also think about chinese & korean leather cannon. 910803;1415165457;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform in romanian it's how you say "base metal" generally. 910804;1415165471;decimation;http://video.pbs.org/video/1150578495/ << said documentary with a demonstration of Japanese steel-making 910805;1415165472;assbot;Video: Secrets of the Samurai Sword | Watch NOVA Online | PBS Video 910806;1415165472;asciilifeform;it was more or less guaranteed to rupture at one point, killing crew 910807;1415165505;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform tatara comes from... guess ? 910808;1415165512;mircea_popescu;and they got it from... guess ? 910809;1415165514;asciilifeform;ahaha 910810;1415165527;mircea_popescu;myeah. 910811;1415165554;BingoBoingo; (Al being a creature of modernity.) << Elemental Al was accessible to ancients... at lightining strike sites 910812;1415165555;mircea_popescu;not saying they didn't get very good at it, they did. 910813;1415165585;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: and pure Fe, and Ir, etc. from meteorites. 910814;1415165593;BingoBoingo;Indeed 910815;1415165609;BingoBoingo;but the later easier to refine and heavier. 910816;1415165613;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: not much of these in actual archaeological practice, iirc 910817;1415165636;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform actually the mediteranean people volcanoes prolly more than meteorites. 910818;1415165642;BingoBoingo;A light shiny metal, Napoleon commisioned Aluminum flatware. 910819;1415165648;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: ditto amerinds 910820;1415165650;mircea_popescu;which is why vulcan lives underground not in the sky 910821;1415165662;asciilifeform;(e.g., obsidian) 910822;1415165692;*;asciilifeform still waiting for obsidian terroristknives 910823;1415165706;BingoBoingo;obsidian conparatively common though. Aluminum might as well have been mythiril though 910824;1415165723;asciilifeform;the ancients would've laughed at Al. 910825;1415165723;BingoBoingo;* asciilifeform still waiting for obsidian terroristknives << DO you have a budget in mind? 910826;1415165727;mircea_popescu;lmao 910827;1415165758;asciilifeform;pretty damn useless metal, unless you can churn it out by the megatonne 910828;1415165767;BingoBoingo; the ancients would've laughed at Al. BUt in the 18th and 19th centuries only nobels had aluminium helmets 910829;1415165776;asciilifeform;didn't really shine until aeronautics made folks itch for just it 910830;1415165791;asciilifeform;helmets << spoons 910831;1415165812;BingoBoingo;Still, how many obsiadian terroist knives, at what dimension, and in what quantity? 910832;1415165831;asciilifeform;for folks outside of usa, good story re: Al: in washington d.c., there is an enormous obelisk, 'washington monument.' it is tipped with a small pyramid of precious aluminum. 910833;1415165843;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo actually, they didn't come up with duralumin 910834;1415165845;asciilifeform;(extracted chemically at bowel-loosening expense) 910835;1415165847;mircea_popescu;which is what limited its early use 910836;1415165858;asciilifeform;aha 910837;1415165867;asciilifeform;more or less no one uses pure Al for anything today. 910838;1415165870;decimation;I believe that aluminum is part of the british crown jewels too 910839;1415165928;mircea_popescu;"it is not rare to see a palpable (and all the more so for its unpredictability) delay between pressing a key and the drawing of a symbol on the screen." << i have never seen this. 910840;1415165943;decimation;re: obsidian knives << if you want to go this route, just find some local flint and start chipping 910841;1415165944;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: ms word much? 910842;1415165946;mircea_popescu;part of the reason perhaps being that if i had, i'd start bludgeoning the machine into the ground. 910843;1415165973;mircea_popescu;i think i had wordperfect on msdos 910844;1415165979;mircea_popescu;or was it wordstar maybe ? 910845;1415165985;mircea_popescu;word-something. like coin-* today 910846;1415165993;BingoBoingo;http://www.finescience.com/Special-Pages/Products.aspx?ProductId=296&CategoryId=56&lang=en-US << Obsidian terrorist knife 910847;1415165994;assbot;Obsidian Scalpels - Micro Knives - Scalpels & Blades - Product Overview - Fine Science Tools 910848;1415165996;decimation;I distinctly remember seeing word on windows and thinking it was a huge step back from wordperfect on dos 910849;1415166009;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: that particular piece was written while waiting for a locked-up msword turd on a usg slavemachine, also running mandatory usg antivirus, which wedged the disk 910850;1415166023;mircea_popescu;ah well 910851;1415166036;BingoBoingo;decimation> re: obsidian knives << if you want to go this route, just find some local flint and start chipping << Flint =/= obsidian 910852;1415166061;BingoBoingo;Also premier material for shaping flint, antler 910853;1415166095;BingoBoingo; more or less no one uses pure Al for anything today. << /me may use for heat... 910854;1415166106;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: glass scalpel << of late i have made much use of carbide cutting tools on lathe, which come with similar warnings. 910855;1415166116;asciilifeform;(brittle as all fuck, cannot tolerate lateral force much at all) 910856;1415166121;BingoBoingo;Exactly 910857;1415166130;decimation;yeah I would be pretty scared to operate on someone with a glass blade 910858;1415166143;mircea_popescu;"Recently, I devoted several sleepless nights to this problem. Why is it that our computers are getting faster and faster yet we are using them more and more to render things generated on some distant server? And its still slow!" <<< average bovine is comforted by the second delay. 910859;1415166152;mircea_popescu;it has time to think^H blink, damnit. 910860;1415166174;BingoBoingo;Compare to a modern blade made with powder sintered S30V steel http://www.cutleryshoppe.com/gerberapplegate-fairbairncovertautomatic-cpm-530v-378blackcomboedgeblade.aspx 910861;1415166175;assbot;Gerber 30-000137 Applegate-Fairbairn Covert AUTOMATIC - CPM-S30V - 3.78" Black Combo Edge Blade 910862;1415166228;BingoBoingo; yeah I would be pretty scared to operate on someone with a glass blade << In an MRI tube what else can you use? Interventional radiology is lucrative 910863;1415166254;asciilifeform;time to think^H blink << 'The lights must never go out, The music must always play..., Lest we should see where we are, Lost in a haunted wood, Children afraid of the night, Who have never been happy or good.' 910864;1415166259;decimation;well, aluminium isn't magnetic right? 910865;1415166282;BingoBoingo;decimation, depends on magnet size 910866;1415166308;mircea_popescu;http://joelonsoftware.com/articles/fog0000000020.html quoted just to make stan bleed from the eyes. 910867;1415166308;assbot;Strategy Letter IV: Bloatware and the 80/20 Myth - Joel on Software 910868;1415166324;asciilifeform;bled already, done 910869;1415166343;asciilifeform;tiresome wankers linked it in my comments maybe 15 times 910870;1415166344;mircea_popescu;decimation that would have been the fucking moment of truth for the cataphract : when someone turned on a giant magnet 910871;1415166355;mircea_popescu;sort-of equivalent to the moment when archimedes turned on the mirrors. 910872;1415166366;decimation;lol 910873;1415166377;asciilifeform;this actually plays out, as written, in an episode of disney's 'duck tales' i saw translated as a boy 910874;1415166414;mircea_popescu;In fact there are lots of great reasons for bloatware. For one, if programmers don't have to worry about how large their code is, they can ship it sooner. And that means you get more features, and features make your life better (when you use them) and don't usually hurt (when you don't). 910875;1415166418;asciilifeform;and, unless i'm hallucinating it, in 'connecticut yankee in king arthur's court' 910876;1415166421;mircea_popescu;ahahaha i feel so dirrrrty 910877;1415166427;mircea_popescu;check me out im a quotation slut. 910878;1415166454;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform listen : if coders didn't have to worry about whether THEIR PROGRAM EVEN HALTS 910879;1415166459;mircea_popescu;they could ship it right now! 910880;1415166502;asciilifeform;aha. 910881;1415166522;decimation;I blame fiat. 910882;1415166528;mircea_popescu;as joel well points out, we got a mental problem. no comprende como sheeping works. 910883;1415166540;decimation;it allows everyone to pass the buck up to the assignat printing press 910884;1415166596;mircea_popescu;"and the loss to the software company that has to give up two months of sales is even worse." << dat logic. so if i have sex for the first time today, rather than next week, i gain a full week of first time sexings. 910885;1415166616;decimation;writing nearly perfect code is possible, but anyone who tries loses in the market by those who 'get there first' writing crap 910886;1415166635;mircea_popescu;that's mostly his argument. 910887;1415166658;decimation;right, the point to realize is that the market is broken 910888;1415166667;BingoBoingo;And yet... What firewall beats pf atm? 910889;1415166715;decimation;I remember the original netscape - it was a pile of shit 910890;1415166732;mircea_popescu;every browser was a pile of shit. 910891;1415166734;asciilifeform;pioneered the modern shitpile, yes 910892;1415166740;mircea_popescu;it's a wonder the internet even stil exists. 910893;1415166749;asciilifeform;masters of turdatronics, went on to Great Things 910894;1415166752;mircea_popescu;in fact, the history of the internet and the browser narrowly mimicks the history of bitcoin 910895;1415166777;mircea_popescu;powerful idea, badly implemented by idiots. 910896;1415166788;asciilifeform;microscope. 910897;1415166804;decimation;yeah that's a scary parallel 910898;1415166830;asciilifeform;'Bitcoin interests me as an obvious example of a technological jewel tossed around aimlessly by the brutal hands of cave men. I cant help but picture a flashlight or a radio set, left behind in the wilderness by geologists, to be picked up later by some Stone Age aboriginals; to be fought over and worshiped. Until the batteries run out.' -- your truly 910899;1415166845;mircea_popescu;decimation just think, what they were. remember... lycos ? 910900;1415166850;mircea_popescu;altavista ? 910901;1415166855;decimation;lol yeah 910902;1415166856;mircea_popescu;search engine yo! internet wallets! 910903;1415166869;decimation;the only reason google 'took off' was the fact that their competitors sucked 910904;1415166883;mircea_popescu;someone actually thought that "yahoo" is a sane string to associate to your busines. 910905;1415166902;mircea_popescu;it's a fucking derrogatory, it's almost like calling bitcoin's media company "cunt, raw" 910906;1415166904;mircea_popescu;uh wait. 910907;1415166908;mircea_popescu;somethingelse. 910908;1415166913;assbot;Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/3T2A22J.txt ) 910909;1415166913;BingoBoingo;!b 3 910910;1415166952;asciilifeform;'yahoo' << 'houyhnhnm' just doesn't have the same ring. 910911;1415166958;decimation;as I recall the netscape was pretty much just a ripoff of mosaic 910912;1415166981;mircea_popescu;notrly, mosaic almost worked 910913;1415166988;asciilifeform;since we're on the subject of www, 910914;1415166989;asciilifeform;http://www.cl-http.org:8001/cl-http/history.html 910915;1415166991;assbot;CL-HTTP History 910916;1415167014;asciilifeform;^ not turd. why? didn't have to run on toy computer in paupers' bedrooms. 910917;1415167098;decimation;asciilifeform: it is sad that the pauper's computers 'won' in the long run 910918;1415167105;mircea_popescu;http://joelonsoftware.com/articles/fog0000000019.html << ahh the good old days! 910919;1415167105;assbot;How Many Lies Can You Find In One Direct Mail Piece? - Joel on Software 910920;1415167110;BingoBoingo; ^ not turd. why? didn't have to run on toy computer in paupers' bedrooms. << What, some people actually operate this way... 910921;1415167111;mircea_popescu;It says that it's from Sky Dayton (founder of Earthlink) although it is actually from Earthlink's direct marketing department. I can just see the thought going through the copy writer's head. "People won't open it unless it's from someone they know, and everyone knows Sky Dayton!" 910922;1415167125;mircea_popescu;anyone still know virgin atlantic branson dayton w/e his name was ? 910923;1415167140;BingoBoingo;Richard Branson? 910924;1415167190;decimation;asciilifeform: it's certain that there was some government meeting where the cl-http server was regarded as 'obsolete' because it wasn't compatible with frontpage or whatever 910925;1415167190;mircea_popescu;right. 910926;1415167235;asciilifeform;decimation: mallery ported it to reasonably-standard common lisps. so it did not die with symbolics corp. however, he stuck a rather asinine license on it. 910927;1415167245;decimation;mircea_popescu: he has a business model similar to bitcoin miners: http://www.theguardian.com/science/2014/nov/05/virgin-galactic-seatholders-ask-for-refund-on-tickets 910928;1415167245;assbot; Some Virgin Galactic seatholders ask for refund on tickets after crash | Science | The Guardian 910929;1415167246;asciilifeform;this was not the lethal pill, but didn't help. 910930;1415167266;mircea_popescu;decimation well at least he knows how to make a small fortune. 910931;1415167270;asciilifeform;incidentally, my little birds whisper to me that he now owns symbolics tech. co. 910932;1415167273;asciilifeform;and is an nsa stooge. 910933;1415167293;mircea_popescu;see, here's the thing : we had these idiots in romania, too. the sort that could be millionaires as long as the public treasury poured a billion or two in theior pants 910934;1415167294;asciilifeform;(mallery. not branson) 910935;1415167296;mircea_popescu;with some regularity. 910936;1415167304;asciilifeform;but similar. 910937;1415167309;decimation;wonder what the nsa would do with ancient lisp machines 910938;1415167317;asciilifeform;it's no secret what they do. 910939;1415167319;asciilifeform;run them. 910940;1415167329;asciilifeform;(or what, light cigs with them?) 910941;1415167335;mircea_popescu;deny them to the chicoms ? 910942;1415167345;decimation;deny them to everybody? 910943;1415167352;mircea_popescu;why did the barbarian conquer the roman temple ? 910944;1415167364;mircea_popescu;so the other barbarian couldn't jack off to the marbles. 910945;1415167376;decimation;lol 910946;1415167376;asciilifeform;chicoms could be stamping'em out by the megatonne this friday if they wished it. 910947;1415167384;asciilifeform;i would personally help. 910948;1415167390;mircea_popescu;you just don't understand how thw world works. 910949;1415167398;assbot;Last 4 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/2GGV0RN.txt ) 910950;1415167398;asciilifeform;!b 4 910951;1415167398;mircea_popescu;a pitbull will still try to take your toy 910952;1415167398;decimation;chicoms for some reason just want to reproduce shitty bezzletronics 910953;1415167406;mircea_popescu;even though you can just make a fucking toy factory 910954;1415167408;mircea_popescu;with its skull. 910955;1415167414;asciilifeform;aha. 910956;1415167458;mircea_popescu;incidentally, now that im apparently using it, wtf does chicom even mean ? 910957;1415167470;asciilifeform;china/communist 910958;1415167476;mircea_popescu;ah k 910959;1415167479;asciilifeform;vs. the other smaller one 910960;1415167493;asciilifeform;cn/tw 910961;1415167508;decimation;incidentally, there's a 2 hour podcast interview with Bil Herd of Commodore here (featuring that annoying australian): http://www.theamphour.com/222-an-interview-with-bil-herd-zany-z80-zygology/ 910962;1415167509;assbot;An Interview With Bil Herd - Zany Z80 Zygology | The Amp Hour Electronics Podcast 910963;1415167525;asciilifeform;what mention of commodore corp. without old jack tramiel! 910964;1415167544;asciilifeform;auschwitz to cabbie to repair money to tech ceo with a brain, one of the last. 910965;1415167553;asciilifeform;(yes, auschwitz) 910966;1415167560;decimation;heh yeah, in the podcast Bil blames the death of commodore on Mr. Tramiel's exit from the company 910967;1415167595;*;asciilifeform wonders if auschwitz or mit had more notable 'alumni' 910968;1415167619;mircea_popescu;jew joke nao. 910969;1415167659;decimation;according to Mr. Herd - Jack Tramiel ran Commodore with an iron fist. When he left, only derps were around to pretend to fill his shoes 910970;1415167739;mircea_popescu;" I remember someone saying that if it hadn't been for automatic switches in the telephone network, the entire population of planet earth would have had to be telephone operators to handle the load of telephone usage in 1993 or thereabout. I get the eerie feeling that because modern computer systems are so incredibly braindamaged in their design and in the tools used to program them, the entire population of planet e 910971;1415167739;decimation;I didn't realize - apparently Commodore made their own silicon chips, and even made their own LCD screens 910972;1415167739;mircea_popescu;arth will be programming these idiotic boxes pretty soon if managers don't wise up to the fact that the equivalent of automatic switches already exist and have done so for at least 20 years. yet if Y2K doesn't light up most manager's view of the world of programming, there isn't hope for mankind at all." 910973;1415167745;mircea_popescu;lol. most kids today ARE coding 910974;1415167748;mircea_popescu;for the web 910975;1415167749;mircea_popescu;in .net vb 910976;1415167756;decimation;and .js! 910977;1415167812;asciilifeform;last i knew, commodore-64 still held the record for the greatest number of a particular design of computer ever built. 910978;1415167842;asciilifeform;(particular design - as in, same parts, same circuit) 910979;1415167874;asciilifeform;and this was on account of genuine popularity. no one buried these by the thousand in a desert. 910980;1415167894;asciilifeform;'cheap and angry.' 910981;1415167925;asciilifeform;a few years later, the company tried selling what was, at the time, an 'actually nice' computer - 'amiga.' 910982;1415167927;decimation;according to Mr. Herd it was recently surpassed by the 'ipad' if you consider that to be a computer 910983;1415167928;asciilifeform;but - not compatible. 910984;1415167933;JorgePasada;Whatup nerds!?!? 910985;1415167935;asciilifeform;'hysterical raisins.' 910986;1415167943;asciilifeform;decimation: which ipad? 1,2,3,4 ? 910987;1415167948;mircea_popescu;JorgePasada nothing much. 910988;1415167948;decimation;yeah I donno 910989;1415168003;decimation;here's some text from Mr. Herd (he was the hardware engineer for the c128) http://hackaday.com/2013/12/09/guest-post-the-real-story-of-hacking-together-the-commodore-c128/ 910990;1415168006;assbot;Hacking the Commodore C128 with Bil Herd 910991;1415168036;asciilifeform;c128 was arguably the beginning of the end 910992;1415168052;asciilifeform;live by the trabambourghini, die by the trabambourghini. 910993;1415168064;asciilifeform;retool for lambo after trambo - not easy. 910994;1415168069;decimation;yeah, he admitted it was 9 lbs of shit in a 5 lb bag 910995;1415168071;asciilifeform;like starting life again. 910996;1415168101;decimation;in the podcast he said they should have produced the commodore LCD - which would have competed with the TRS-80 910997;1415168111;asciilifeform;when i came to usa, i saw a c128 in, of all places, a toy store. 910998;1415168117;asciilifeform;still don't know how it came to be there. 910999;1415168131;asciilifeform;that was the first and last time i ever saw one. 911000;1415168138;decimation;but apparently the fucktarded 'bitcoin ceo' who took over after Mr. Tramiel was speaking with the CEO of tandy who told him that here was "no money in portable computers" 911001;1415168139;asciilifeform;c64 - by the tonne. 911002;1415168143;BingoBoingo; in .net vb << In library school I was forced into this bullshit for a semester, final project I couldn't take it. Went FU here's a mono runtime in a jail and Visual C++ 6.0 that compiles to it because fuku 911003;1415168151;decimation;later that year the TRS-80 was a massive sales leader for tandy 911004;1415168189;asciilifeform;c128 article << shows wire wraps as if it were exotic 911005;1415168194;decimation;heh yeah 911006;1415168195;asciilifeform;you lot never did a wire wrap? 911007;1415168200;BingoBoingo; later that year the TRS-80 was a massive sales leader for tandy << If you can point me to someone selling 90+ working samples... may be interested 911008;1415168203;asciilifeform;surely, just once, as a boy? 911009;1415168212;JorgePasada;Bah, getting kicked out of my friends place. Be back in 30. Been a while since I've been in here. 911010;1415168240;asciilifeform;what on earth does BingoBoingo want witj 90+ trash-eighties 911011;1415168249;BingoBoingo; surely, just once, as a boy? << I did the disposable camera to taser conversion wrapping to get taser voltages. 911012;1415168275;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: didja keep the ignition coil in the output? 911013;1415168296;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo: didja keep the ignition coil in the output? << Shhhh.... 911014;1415168298;decimation;I haven't wire-wrapped myself, no - only soldered. but I have considered getting into it 911015;1415168304;asciilifeform;yknow, the one that strikes the 5kv or so arc so the ~300v cap can discharge through ionized xenon 911016;1415168308;decimation;it seems like an ideal method for prototyping logic 911017;1415168347;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i've a story about those things. 911018;1415168368;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: as a student, bought disposable camera (those existed) with flash, late in the night 911019;1415168392;asciilifeform;girl was wearing a shitmetal ring, it broke in half 911020;1415168401;asciilifeform;tried to plasma-weld it back using the flash. 911021;1415168455;asciilifeform;well, just the cap. 911022;1415168479;asciilifeform;http://webspace.webring.com/people/gl/lemagicien/elecpage/maxflash/max01.jpg 911023;1415168481;asciilifeform;^ one of these buggers. 911024;1415168502;BingoBoingo;Ah, so the only reason people bought those 911025;1415168521;asciilifeform;i've no idea why anyone else bought them. 911026;1415168527;asciilifeform;but i cannot recommend. 911027;1415168529;BingoBoingo;Malice and pranks 911028;1415168541;BingoBoingo;Only reasons I know 911029;1415168553;mircea_popescu;lesson for stan : next time girl breaks her ring, don't try to weld it back on her. 911030;1415168565;asciilifeform;[insert mircea_popescu's tale about soldering with matches here] 911031;1415168597;asciilifeform;eh how'll it stay on ifya don't weld it back in the right place, lol 911032;1415168643;asciilifeform;incidentally, i've always wanted a pack of slow-burning steel-tipped 'matches' you could solder with in the field. 911033;1415168656;asciilifeform;perhaps using the same magic found in self-heating tinned food 911034;1415168670;BingoBoingo; incidentally, i've always wanted a pack of slow-burning steel-tipped 'matches' you could solder with in the field. << SO story with those. 911035;1415168723;asciilifeform;pull the pin, it simmers along at 200C for half hour. 911036;1415168750;decimation;I've used butane soldering iron, works well 911037;1415168756;asciilifeform;also have. 911038;1415168769;asciilifeform;but - finnicky bugger, hisses, puffs, goes out in the rain 911039;1415168781;asciilifeform;no good for zombocalypsis. 911040;1415168782;mircea_popescu;lol 911041;1415168789;BingoBoingo;Younger dumber highschool me got pretty girl I'd been seeing pretty ring, and being youg poor white trash me I completely ignored subtexts in acquiring 10 gold ring with colored quartz rock. Girl got ideas, ring was rendered part of schoolbus floor 911042;1415168792;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3350 @ 0.00073218 = 2.4528 BTC [+] 911043;1415168798;*;asciilifeform does not wear rings today. 911044;1415168800;asciilifeform;pet doesn't either 911045;1415168805;asciilifeform;they get in the way of - work. 911046;1415168819;decimation;they also expose you to the risk of your finger flesh being ripped off 911047;1415168846;asciilifeform;ripped, roasted, zapped, amalgamated, dissolved, turned on lathe, milled off 911048;1415168857;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo i don't get it, you got cvasi-married ? 911049;1415168876;asciilifeform;clippered, sheared, ionized. 911050;1415168878;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Her poorer, more white trash ass thought so. 911051;1415168888;mircea_popescu;why so harsh. 911052;1415168892;decimation;I found a titanium ring is good for me most of the time, completely anti-reactive to skin and also cheap 911053;1415168905;decimation;but solves none of the above problems 911054;1415168926;mircea_popescu;some professional lines require rings. 911055;1415168932;BingoBoingo;Everything is fun and games until poorer and more white trash tries to become a precondition for future life 911056;1415168955;asciilifeform;professional... rings << hollywood ? 911057;1415168977;mircea_popescu;holy shit... aluminum brass knuckles ?! 911058;1415168981;mircea_popescu;i dont even. 911059;1415169000;BingoBoingo; holy shit... aluminum brass knuckles ?! << WHere??? 911060;1415169006;mircea_popescu;are these for afficionados, light enough to attach scope to ? 911061;1415169020;*;BingoBoingo waits for inevitable DU brass knuckles 911062;1415169027;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbrUnQPbpEU persay. 911063;1415169076;BingoBoingo;Wait, who seriously can't pirate Poor Man's James Bond vol. 1-4? 911064;1415169083;BingoBoingo;Why aluminium? 911065;1415169097;mircea_popescu;for scope. 911066;1415169102;mircea_popescu;only explanation possible. 911067;1415169109;asciilifeform;[insert 'tactical stick' here] 911068;1415169113;BingoBoingo;Why not wet sopping rag knuckle dusters, they'll have more mass 911069;1415169191;[]bot;Bet placed: 1 BTC for Yes on "Silver to fall under $15/oz before December 27th" http://bitbet.us/bet/1049/ Odds: 69(Y):31(N) by coin, 54(Y):46(N) by weight. Total bet: 3.5111 BTC. Current weight: 42,761. 911070;1415169235;decimation;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kubotan 911071;1415169235;assbot;Kubotan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 911072;1415169255;BingoBoingo;So if anyone cares, gas prices in Middle APerica less stable than BTC at the moment. 911073;1415169316;asciilifeform;kubotan << see also демократизатор ('democratizer') 911074;1415169333;BingoBoingo;Kind of looking forward to more action on that front as the Saudis try to bankrupt US Bezzel "oil" men 911075;1415169357;BingoBoingo; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kubotan << Mag lite 911076;1415169357;assbot;Kubotan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 911077;1415169374;decimation;lol " In April 2010 actor and entertainer Darren Day was found guilty of possessing an offensive weapon, namely a Kubotan-style keyring, by a court in Edinburgh.[4]" 911078;1415169396;decimation;so, usg & friends might arrest you if you carry a stick 911079;1415169404;asciilifeform;http://lurkmore.to/%D0%94%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%B7%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80 911080;1415169404;assbot;Демократизатор — Lurkmore 911081;1415169430;decimation;asciilifeform: is that what russian cops use to beat hippies? 911082;1415169432;BingoBoingo;Only outside of a legitimate domicile. Within domicile even a fucking claymore sword is fair game. 911083;1415169437;asciilifeform;decimation: the very same. 911084;1415169464;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Russian batons... have a very dildonic look 911085;1415169487;asciilifeform;small translation: 'rubber cock. lever of perestroika. anal irritator. in the 2000s - stabilizator. also 'attitude adjuster'.' 911086;1415169499;assbot;Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/3R1VHGS.txt ) 911087;1415169499;BingoBoingo;!b 2 911088;1415169518;BingoBoingo;So... basically a kinder soldering iron alternative... 911089;1415169581;asciilifeform;linked article mentions a popular brand among ru police, 'argument.' 911090;1415169587;mircea_popescu;i wonder how many russian policemen used it to touch themselves. 911091;1415169597;assbot;Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/3BN8DAH.txt ) 911092;1415169597;BingoBoingo;!b 2 911093;1415169609;asciilifeform;and handcuffs sold under brands 'tenderness' (one prisoner) and 'tenderness-2' (hold five) 911094;1415169645;asciilifeform;this is ordinary, brw 911095;1415169684;mircea_popescu;anyway, all the excitement i can take. later all! 911096;1415169685;asciilifeform;tear gas was labeled under brand 'hackberry' (черёмуха) 911097;1415169688;*;asciilifeform also to bed 911098;1415169844;BingoBoingo;In this colony hackberry is ornamental tree https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celtis_occidentalis 911099;1415169844;assbot;Celtis occidentalis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 911100;1415170017;*;BingoBoingo has formative memories of hackberry as tree that drops limbs everywhere and fucks shit up 911101;1415170324;cazalla;home again, not much news around by looks of it anyway so didn't miss much 911102;1415170878;cazalla;;;isitdown qntra.net 911103;1415170883;gribble;qntra.net is up 911104;1415170911;cazalla;lies 911105;1415172834;ben_vulpes;holy hell i blink and 800 lines appear 911106;1415172845;*;ben_vulpes must catch up later 911107;1415173446;punkbot;[trust-update] no changes 911108;1415174160;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23370 @ 0.00073217 = 17.1108 BTC [-] {2} 911109;1415176479;cazalla;http://qntra.net/2014/11/troubles-continue-for-canandian-bitcoin-miner-dominion-bitcoin-mining-company/ 911110;1415176479;assbot;Troubles Continue For Canandian Bitcoin Miner Dominion Bitcoin Mining Company | Qntra.net 911111;1415179738;RagnarDanneskjol;[PDF Accountable Storage] https://eprint.iacr.org/2014/886.pdf 911112;1415179742;Duffer1;;;isdown trilema.com 911113;1415179743;gribble;Error: "isdown" is not a valid command. 911114;1415179751;Duffer1;;;isup trilema.com 911115;1415179754;gribble;trilema.com is down 911116;1415180089;punkman;RagnarDanneskjol: do you read all those papers you link? 911117;1415180102;RagnarDanneskjol;mostly yes 911118;1415180110;punkman;sounds like torture :P 911119;1415180308;RagnarDanneskjol;its fascinating for me. i really enjoy thorough research even if conclusions/methods are somewhat flawed 911120;1415180333;punkman;"we show how our Accountable Storage protocol can be integrated with Bitcoin, to support automatic compensations proportional to the number of corrupted bits at the server. We also build and evaluate our protocols showing that they perform well in practice." 911121;1415180346;punkman;have these people been outside the lab? 911122;1415180360;RagnarDanneskjol;ha! doubtful 911123;1415180372;punkman;oh hey 3 greek dudes in author list 911124;1415180794;punkman;punkman: have these people been outside the lab? < they use nlocktime, so no 911125;1415181053;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3981 @ 0.00073612 = 2.9305 BTC [+] 911126;1415184521;[]bot;Bet placed: 2 BTC for Yes on "Silver to fall under $15/oz before December 27th" http://bitbet.us/bet/1049/ Odds: 80(Y):20(N) by coin, 66(Y):34(N) by weight. Total bet: 5.5111 BTC. Current weight: 42,527. 911127;1415186770;cazalla;http://qntra.net/2014/11/introducing-introducing-neals-indiegogo-project/ 911128;1415186770;assbot;Introducing "Introducing Neals" Indiegogo Project | Qntra.net 911129;1415187374;cazalla;!up Vexual 911130;1415187491;Vexual;call me rabbit 911131;1415187804;[]bot;Bet placed: 1 BTC for Yes on "Silver to fall under $15/oz before December 27th" http://bitbet.us/bet/1049/ Odds: 83(Y):17(N) by coin, 70(Y):30(N) by weight. Total bet: 6.5111 BTC. Current weight: 42,477. 911132;1415189485;cazalla;https://blog.coinjar.com/2014/11/05/andreas-m-antonopoulos-visits-down-under/ 30 minutes or so from where i live 911133;1415189486;assbot;Andreas M. Antonopoulos visits Down Under | CoinJar Blog 911134;1415192390;*;jurov just came from dentist.. one tooth, 45 minutes and total exhaustion of both me and doctor 911135;1415192502;jurov;!up Vexual 911136;1415192518;Vexual;extraction? 911137;1415192545;jurov;no, i don't know the term... hollowed down to the root and filled 911138;1415192557;Vexual;oh root anal 911139;1415192562;Vexual;*canal 911140;1415192566;jurov;lol 911141;1415192570;jurov;such slip 911142;1415192666;Vexual;my typos anent usuall so dumb 911143;1415192729;Vexual;did you get novocaine? 911144;1415192754;punkman;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=300809.msg3305064#msg3305064 911145;1415192755;assbot;FAQ on the payment protocol 911146;1415192766;punkman;"You should save the "Gavin is trying to impress evil institutional investors" mud-slinging for when I get around to laying out the argument for increasing the block size, because that would be closer to the truth." 911147;1415192803;cazalla;zzz night 911148;1415192824;jurov;no anesthetic needed fortunately 911149;1415192836;punkman;ah was it that dead 911150;1415193508;mats_cd03;gop wins senate majority 911151;1415193522;mats_cd03;i lose bitbet :< 911152;1415194213;punkman;kakobrekla: it seems i found 'the no guy' > http://bitbet.us/stats/14wqgUXyHpuzyuwfYssfeLuL1YtZpeVkcR/ << seems to start around the time I first mentioned it 911153;1415194213;assbot;BitBet Stats 911154;1415194316;punkman;yep, few days after, http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-06-2014#726212 911155;1415194316;assbot;Logged on 20-06-2014 21:56:59; punkman: so I just put together something to test betting strategies on past bitbets and guess what, betting 0.1 on No on all resolved bets would result in a net gain of 9.7 BTC 911156;1415194789;jurov;http://mikegrim.wordpress.com/2014/11/04/an-easy-way-to-combine-the-power-of-net-and-java/ 911157;1415194789;assbot;An easy way to combine the power of .Net and Java | mikegrim 911158;1415194804;jurov;let's port bitcoin to java on top of dotnet! 911159;1415194916;davout;jurov: gotta get these pretty swing windows in dotnet 911160;1415195055;punkbot;[trust-update] no changes 911161;1415195232;kakobrekla;thats no update 911162;1415195283;punkman;more of a heartbeat, should I remove? 911163;1415195316;kakobrekla;cant think of a good reason why not 911164;1415195380;bounce;that reads like the guy is a bit confused. then again, he certainly isn't the only one. 911165;1415195405;*;bounce subtly points out that you can run other things besides java on jvm too. like ruby, and python, and there's a lisp.... 911166;1415195509;jurov;that was subtle suggestion of pytho->java->dotnet stack? 911167;1415195520;jurov;yean with random assortment of libraries on every layer 911168;1415195569;bounce;can we dotnet in javascript yet? with one of those nice accellerated js interpreters? It'll go lots faster that way, I'm sure. 911169;1415195576;bounce;s/dotnet/run &/ 911170;1415195602;punkman;jsmess is pretty cool https://archive.org/details/internetarcade 911171;1415195603;assbot;Internet Arcade : Free Software : Download & Streaming : Internet Archive 911172;1415195742;punkman;but yeah if there's linux on js, you can probably do .net 911173;1415196553;wyrdmantis;;;ident 911174;1415196553;gribble;Nick 'wyrdmantis', with hostmask 'wyrdmantis!57099fab@gateway/web/freenode/ip.', is identified as user 'wyrdmantis', with GPG key id 8B34AE9647FC7203, key fingerprint 146F3890EFFC6C796CB129BC8B34AE9647FC7203, and bitcoin address None 911175;1415196688;bounce;http://developers.slashdot.org/story/14/11/05/0530228/the-effect-of-programming-language-on-software-quality 911176;1415196690;assbot;The Effect of Programming Language On Software Quality - Slashdot 911177;1415196730;bounce;there, science tells you what language to use, the size of team to pick, and the size of commits to commit. get to it, slackers! thank science! 911178;1415196837;kakobrekla;http://i.somethingawful.com/u/garbageday/2014/phriday/scifi_placement/Palpek_33.gif 911179;1415197118;jurov;bounce: gotta pick the best from every language !!!11 911180;1415197278;bounce;that's more or less what the PHP "designers" think they're doing. so... if you want that, you know where to get it. 911181;1415197288;jurov;word 911182;1415197306;wyrdmantis;ahahah grreat gif kakobrekla 911183;1415197307;bounce;hm. php on jvm? maybe retarget that facebook php compiler thing? 911184;1415197955;kakobrekla;punkman> kakobrekla: it seems i found 'the no guy' > http://bitbet.us/stats/14wqgUXyHpuzyuwfYssfeLuL1YtZpeVkcR/ << seems to start around the time I first mentioned it < and they say pessimism isnt worth it. 911185;1415197956;assbot;BitBet Stats 911186;1415198260;kakobrekla;ok this shit is funny: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=269216.msg9415640#msg9415640 911187;1415198260;assbot;[BitFunder] IceDrill.ASIC IPO (235 Thash Mining Operation powered by HashFast) 911188;1415198273;kakobrekla;Blazedout419 (he is here in the chan) > I am sure will and deadterra have done quite well on this scam... 911189;1415198279;kakobrekla;while he carries another scam in the signature. 911190;1415198310;kakobrekla;congratulations, mister chump of 2014 911191;1415198323;mircea_popescu;lol wait wut ? 911192;1415198351;kakobrekla;(the gaw miner) 911193;1415198371;mircea_popescu;this plot is pretty thickened! 911194;1415198373;kakobrekla;such beauty last page: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=720844.3980;topicseen 911195;1415198373;assbot;GAW ZenCloud ZenPool Hashlet - does it really exist? ALWAYS MAKE MONEY :-) 911196;1415198374;punkman;"Stop holding my coins hostage, pay out my divs so I may reinvest them. I am loosing potential profit because of your practice. " << lol 911197;1415198432;kakobrekla;if someone has a working retard talk account, ping geegaw to come by ? 911198;1415198480;kakobrekla;>That's what sucked me in, I saw a lot of posts about 1-2 month ROI's so I bought my Zens retail from GAW @ 17.95 next day worked out my ROI 217 days, the very next day 1 year ROI (approx), next day retail Zens @ 14.95 and ROI infinity +1. Early adopters were given high, magic, above market payouts to lure suckers like me in, and it worked. 911199;1415198586;punkman;I thought magic cloud miners would autoscale 911200;1415198634;bounce;http://www.wired.com/2014/11/atlas-314-3-d-printed-guns-bullets/ <- how to make a plastic gun that shoots: use casing for substitute barrel 911201;1415198634;assbot;The Bullet That Could Solve 3-D Printed Guns' Reliability Problem | WIRED 911202;1415198642;mircea_popescu;" Early adopters were given high, magic, above market payouts to lure suckers like me in, and it worked." << duh. 911203;1415198681;mircea_popescu; how to make a plastic gun that shoots: use casing for substitute barrel <<< pressed shit works just fine, when smeared on actually functioning machines! 911204;1415198703;mircea_popescu;https://www.quantcast.com/qntra.net << now look what you did! cazalla & bingo 911205;1415198704;assbot; Qntra.net Traffic and Demographic Statistics by Quantcast 911206;1415198748;mircea_popescu;This site reaches over 3,428 monthly people, of which 2,111 (62%) yesterday. 911207;1415198768;bounce;"mobile web" + "online" = "web". dat distinction. 911208;1415198795;mircea_popescu;marketeers know words. 911209;1415198851;mircea_popescu;good thing mr police guy made me fucking move it. 911210;1415198855;mircea_popescu;else this'd be a ddos. 911211;1415198872;kakobrekla;eh? slashdot your target audience? top comment there: I bought one of these. It took a VERY long time to arrive, and only worked for a few weeks. I contacted them for warranty repair and they simply never responded after that. I am out around $3000. 911212;1415198878;bounce;so does quantcast count wordpress as "people"? 911213;1415198894;kakobrekla;you are basically talking to retard talk with green css 911214;1415198896;mircea_popescu;bounce what do you mean by "wordpress" ? 911215;1415198908;bounce;those pingbacks 911216;1415198912;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla yes. it is a news venue. it talks to retards. this, we knew going in. 911217;1415198921;mircea_popescu;bounce if it counted that qntra'd be well above gawker this month. 911218;1415198940;bounce;sounds legit 911219;1415198954;punkman;you have to run the quantcast javascript to count 911220;1415199024;bounce;reimplement in php and submit as a patch to wordpress 911221;1415199039;mircea_popescu;i have nfi how they do traffic measuring these days. i have no doubt whatsoever that it can be gamed. 911222;1415199406;punkman;oh they have a fallback tracking pixel too 911223;1415199498;mircea_popescu;!up dgeats 911224;1415200040;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/fderp-october-2014-statement/ 911225;1415200040;assbot;F.DERP October 2014 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 911226;1415200062;mircea_popescu;if anyoen wants to give a final look to the month's statements, please do. i'll be signing them and deeding them later today. 911227;1415200142;punkman;oh it's a verb now 911228;1415200171;mircea_popescu;it hastabe 911229;1415200194;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller fixed. 911230;1415200336;asciilifeform;bullet << http://world.guns.ru/ammunition/russian-special-cartridges-r.html (ru incarnation) or http://topwar.ru/21240-besshumnyy-patron-hm76-ssha.html (usa) 911231;1415200337;assbot;Современное стрелковое оружие мира - Специальные Российские патроны 911232;1415200337;assbot;Бесшумный патрон ХМ76 (США) » Военное обозрение 911233;1415200340;asciilifeform;long, long invented. 911234;1415200408;mircea_popescu;us creativity is an exercise in rebranding these days. http://trilema.com/2014/anonymous-derpage/ etc 911235;1415200408;assbot;Anonymous derpage pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 911236;1415200436;mircea_popescu;http://world.guns.ru/img/logo/logo_12.png << logo of word.guns.ru is... a pen. 911237;1415200439;mircea_popescu;because totally. 911238;1415200479;mircea_popescu;!up menahem 911239;1415200482;asciilifeform;both of the above historic examples also featured gas seal (piston pushed out bullet) and therefore silent. 911240;1415200552;menahem;yo pimps. :) 911241;1415200555;mircea_popescu;well yeah, if you're going to make a gun-cartridge might as well make it sealed. 911242;1415200562;mircea_popescu;and who might you be menahem ? 911243;1415200581;menahem;n00b following the rules set forth by good 'ol pete dushenski 911244;1415200582;asciilifeform;sealed shell was, iirc, a bitch re: disposal 911245;1415200596;menahem;reading logs, etc. 911246;1415200604;mircea_popescu;menahem is it any fun ? 911247;1415200616;asciilifeform;(had to be treated with care, crushed in specially designed compactor) 911248;1415200619;menahem;ha, yea. most of it is great, some stuff takes a few re-reads. 911249;1415200654;menahem;i've met a few bitcoin-assets ppl around the globe already, not knowing until later that they were all in the wot. 911250;1415200669;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform what's wrong with just burying them in a pile ? 911251;1415200676;mircea_popescu;;;ident menahem 911252;1415200677;gribble;Nick 'menahem', with hostmask 'menahem!~menahem@CPE705681c7a4c1-CMbc1401ee7d10.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com', is not identified. 911253;1415200681;mircea_popescu;so time to get in then. 911254;1415200690;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: brass was precious, must recycle 911255;1415200722;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: modern ru shells are, mostly, steel though. 911256;1415200722;mircea_popescu;oh. 911257;1415200731;menahem;lemme verify my id again. brb, heading to an office space. gracias for the welcome. 911258;1415200751;nubbins`;http://pastebin.com/8CwLzmVU 911259;1415200751;assbot;Hi folks, I'm a homeowner on XXXXX Street, and I'm writing to complain -- onc - Pastebin.com 911260;1415200753;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform incidentally, wouldn't a continuous furnace be the best approach ? 911261;1415200773;nubbins`;^ that's the email i wrote to the city 911262;1415200778;mircea_popescu;keep adding 1 cartridge/second, keep taking molten stuff out. 911263;1415200783;nubbins`;a couple councillors email back "we will notify the appropriate people" etc 911264;1415200802;nubbins`;then the MAYOR emails me back, CCing the city manager: 911265;1415200803;nubbins`;http://pastebin.com/jc8MTCFB 911266;1415200804;assbot;Dave Please arrange to have this removed immediately and billed directly to t - Pastebin.com 911267;1415200805;nubbins`;my sides 911268;1415200832;mircea_popescu;nubbins` is this slumlord the new official slur for this circumstance ? 911269;1415200836;mircea_popescu;!up rdekley 911270;1415200845;nubbins`;i can picture the old fart hove off on his couch w/ his ipad, smoking a cigar, "y'know what? enough IS enough" 911271;1415200862;nubbins`;mircea_popescu gotta call a diamond a diamond 911272;1415200877;mircea_popescu;nubbins` you know, the mayor response would be a better paste. we don't care what YOU said :D 911273;1415200890;nubbins`;too true, but bg info! 911274;1415200918;nubbins`;anyway, i pasted both, parse em as you will ;p 911275;1415200960;nubbins`;so i got that reply late last night. today, the city comes, picks up the trash out front, gets a ladder, and REATTACHES THE DECK TO THE HOUSE 911276;1415200961;nubbins`;my sides 911277;1415200962;mircea_popescu;"the XXXXX Street area is a shitty, needle-littered dump" << srsly ? 911278;1415200967;nubbins`;i gotta take a picture 911279;1415200983;nubbins`;mircea_popescu not as bad as i make it seem 911280;1415200993;nubbins`;but you do find needles from time to time 911281;1415201005;mircea_popescu;maybe it's from all the diabethics. 911282;1415201063;nubbins`;"fuck the sharps container, this one's going in the road" 911283;1415201066;mircea_popescu;https://xhellgirlx.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/tears.jpeg <<< saving this for later use. 911284;1415201091;nubbins`;feed that woman enough beans and she'd make a great espresso machine 911285;1415201108;mircea_popescu;ahahahhaha 911286;1415201151;mircea_popescu;true story : i once spent in excess of an hour inserting coffee beans one by one into girl butt. just to see what'd happen. 911287;1415201158;mircea_popescu;sadly, no espresso. 911288;1415201171;nubbins`;bet it was a crazy buzz tho 911289;1415201179;nubbins`;http://imgur.com/qtJv9ns 911290;1415201180;assbot; imgur: the simple image sharer 911291;1415201188;nubbins`;^ that little bit of white trim is where the door used to be 911292;1415201213;nubbins`;anyway, good on the city, i guess; reattaching the deck is way cheaper than dismantling it and hauling it to the dump 911293;1415201234;mircea_popescu;north american houses look so shitty i swear. 911294;1415201267;nubbins`;plastic is the new wood 911295;1415201301;kakobrekla;Please arrange to have this removed immediately and billed directly to the 911296;1415201301;kakobrekla;property owner , no matter what the cost to the owner! Enough is enough! < ask for pgp signed statement, email isnt safe. 911297;1415201316;nubbins`;HEH 911298;1415201323;nubbins`;doc o'keefe don't give a fuck about no pgp 911299;1415201333;mircea_popescu;i'm giving even odds the guy doesn't end up paying for it. 911300;1415201349;kakobrekla;no, nubbins` will pay. 911301;1415201359;kakobrekla;(After some years) 911302;1415201400;nubbins`;i already pay plenty by living next to the guy 911303;1415201411;nubbins`;anyway, would be interesting to see how many prior invoices have gone unpaid 911304;1415201427;nubbins`;this is maybe the 5th time in 3 years i've made this happen ;/ 911305;1415201474;mircea_popescu;generally, nubbins wars against people owning half the street go pretty predictable. 911306;1415201474;kakobrekla;just remember ascii; http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-11-2014#909708 911307;1415201474;assbot;Logged on 04-11-2014 21:08:35; asciilifeform: the age-old mistake of provocateurs - thinking their master's promises are to be kept 911308;1415201512;nubbins`;mircea_popescu no doubt, but it's my duty 911309;1415201563;kakobrekla;next week will be "o wait, it costs 6k? no we are not paying for THAT. 6k is not "whatever it costs", its 3k more than that." 911310;1415201587;mircea_popescu;hehe 911311;1415201604;mircea_popescu;but no, coupla hours with a crew and a truck is what, 350 ? 911312;1415201614;nubbins`;union crew, buddy 911313;1415201615;nubbins`;try again 911314;1415201616;mircea_popescu;minimum wage is still 10 bux or so in canada neh ? 911315;1415201619;mircea_popescu;fuck that shit. 911316;1415201633;nubbins`;$10.25 in 2dl afaicr 911317;1415201639;nubbins`;varies by province 911318;1415201671;nubbins`;city workers prolly get 25-35/hr during business hours 911319;1415201679;mircea_popescu;right. 6 grunts for 2 hours + driver counted as 2 = 160 bux. 80 for the truck, provided you don't actually have a deal and get it for 6k or so a month. 911320;1415201689;mircea_popescu;100 left over for profit. 911321;1415201947;mircea_popescu;http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/7751/10908969.jpg 911322;1415201994;nubbins`;heh 911323;1415202030;nubbins`;would love to see o'dea's face when he gets the bill 911324;1415202036;nubbins`;"deck reattachment: $200" 911325;1415202040;nubbins`;"...what?" 911326;1415202149;mircea_popescu;you missed the chance to put an i in there. 911327;1415202396;nubbins`;barring ambiguousness, pronouns should always be omitted 911328;1415202419;nubbins`;one thing the castellanos did right 911329;1415202425;jurov;nubbins`: just put a deck, too? you said you want it 911330;1415202445;nubbins`;i've already got a deck! 911331;1415202458;nubbins`;needs a bit of work tho ;/ 911332;1415202483;jurov;so the solution is very easy 911333;1415202503;jurov;bribe the town crew to fix the yours one 911334;1415202505;mircea_popescu;nubbins` "dick" 911335;1415202513;nubbins`;heh 911336;1415202517;nubbins`;dicksurgery.ca 911337;1415202519;jurov;and watch it billed to him 911338;1415202532;mircea_popescu;lol "the yours one" j is adoooohrable! 911339;1415202561;jurov;oh 911340;1415202562;nubbins`;"yeah, o'dea said he was gonna buy a bunch of pizza and leave it out front, but he didn't... 911341;1415202632;nubbins`;enough is enough! order a jumbo meat lovers and send the donair sauce to the property owner! 911342;1415202941;jurov;!ud donair sauce 911343;1415202947;jurov;;;ud donair sauce 911344;1415202948;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Donair | A Donair consists of a fried pita with shredded spiced beef cooked on a spit than covered in Sweet sauce ( Condensed milk , Sugar and vinegar) with... 911345;1415203083;mircea_popescu;putting sugar on meat wtf is wrong with people. 911346;1415203090;nubbins`;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZmMZVHkMoQ 911347;1415203091;assbot;The devil is real: little girl tells Christian preacher to shut up - YouTube 911348;1415203117;nubbins`;FWIW the "sweet sauce" has garlic as the main spice 911349;1415203137;nubbins`;mircea_popescu you don't dry-rub your briskets?! 911350;1415203144;punkman;I've never had one with sweet sauce 911351;1415203153;nubbins`;halifax-style donair sauce is the best thing 911352;1415203174;nubbins`;https://www.cfa.harvard.edu/~gpetitpas/Links/Donair.html 911353;1415203174;assbot; All things Donair: Halifax Donair Sauce, Donair Meat, Donair Subs, Donair Pizza Recipes (And Garlic Fingers?) 911354;1415203186;nubbins`;i like making a huge batch of donairs once or twice a year 911355;1415203198;mircea_popescu;nubbins` dry rub, yes. thyme-and-garlic. 911356;1415203205;nubbins`;no sugar?! 911357;1415203209;mircea_popescu;no sugar. 911358;1415203213;*;nubbins` shakes head 911359;1415203215;mircea_popescu;and it's fucking donner kebap what you're going for 911360;1415203218;mircea_popescu;not "donair" 911361;1415203224;mircea_popescu;comes from the danube. 911362;1415203226;nubbins`;i'm canadian, it's a donair. 911363;1415203248;mircea_popescu;where is that oglaf. 911364;1415203268;nubbins`;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doner_kebab#Canada 911365;1415203268;assbot;Doner kebab - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 911366;1415203269;nubbins`;8) 911367;1415203273;nubbins`;bbl gotta go buy a donair 911368;1415203288;mircea_popescu;http://oglaf.com/muster/ 911369;1415203289;assbot;Muster the troops 911370;1415203295;mircea_popescu;DON THE CROWN! 911371;1415203335;nubbins`;i still can't believe she wasn't a donair 911372;1415203335;mircea_popescu;k.o.d ? srsly ? 911373;1415203337;nubbins`;ok, peace 911374;1415203340;jurov;well... when i was in vancouver, my relatives there obviously knew better than to introduce us to poutine and donair 911375;1415203348;nubbins`;;;google king of donair trailer park boys 911376;1415203348;gribble;King of Donair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; King Of Donair Party - YouTube: ; Trailer Park Boys Off-Set Filming Locations - YouTube: 911377;1415203359;jurov;only long after i discovered these "canadian foods" 911378;1415203373;mircea_popescu;jurov "what stupid poor people would eat if they had no mothers." 911379;1415203380;nubbins`;o wow 911380;1415203412;nubbins`;fun fact, poutine is a common "first solid food" for babies in northern canada 911381;1415203415;nubbins`;chew on THAT for a bit. 911382;1415203425;mircea_popescu;poutine is actually not that bad. 911383;1415203436;mircea_popescu;kinda normandy sort of thing, but hey. 911384;1415203761;mircea_popescu;"Bitcoin isn't a security, if they say it's a security, they would be the first government in the world to give Bitcoin that sort of value or endorsement." << reading between the lines, "leadership coach" that doesn't understand either bitcoin or his jurisdiction is shitting his pants. 911385;1415203813;mircea_popescu;punkman: have these people been outside the lab? << no dude, "corrupted bit" count totally is the correct proxy for insurance claims. 911386;1415203821;mircea_popescu;that's why car claims are based on square cms of ruined paint. 911387;1415203845;mircea_popescu;it's a shame that most people go to their graves with 99%+ intact bodies. 911388;1415203860;mircea_popescu;a sad testament to the poor quality of healthcare offered before obamacare became a thing. 911389;1415203990;mircea_popescu;ok, jurov's root anal / total exhaustion of all parties thing is in bash now. which i think jurov mods... so preemptive SCAM! 911390;1415204090;mircea_popescu;somehow the quotes collected together get FUNNIER than they were in the logs. http://bash.bitcoin-assets.com/?quote=304 << had me laughing out loud. 911391;1415204091;assbot;#bitcoin-assets bash 911392;1415204093;punkman;https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.ligi.satoshiproof&hl=en << prior art on deed system 911393;1415204096;thestringpuller;;;seen cazalla 911394;1415204096;gribble;cazalla was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 3 hours, 8 minutes, and 13 seconds ago: zzz night 911395;1415204102;thestringpuller;damn i missed him 911396;1415204134;mircea_popescu;punkman not only am i not loading google js pilefest sites, but is the dude even in the wot ? 911397;1415204150;jurov;what's scammy on it? 911398;1415204160;jurov;on the root anal 911399;1415204196;mircea_popescu;well nothing yet 911400;1415204202;mircea_popescu;but maybe you don't approve it, how do i know 911401;1415204209;mircea_popescu;gotta be vigilant! 911402;1415204229;jurov;regardless it gets approved or not, i'll blame it on kako 911403;1415204248;punkman;oh never mind, they generate fake addresses like the first deedbot. http://vog.github.io/bitcoinproof/ 911404;1415204248;assbot;Bitcoinproof 911405;1415204252;mircea_popescu;kako is responsible for like 40% of somalia's milk production. 911406;1415204267;jurov;that's not milk, but donair 911407;1415204271;mircea_popescu;punkman why do you care anyway ? it's done. 911408;1415204285;punkman;gonna write article eventually 911409;1415204292;mircea_popescu;oic. 911410;1415204329;mircea_popescu;waste of your time, trying to find someone do something useful before WE did it. 911411;1415204576;punkman;well someone had the idea in 2011 at least, https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=52715.5 911412;1415204576;assbot;Using bitcoin for trusted timestamping? 911413;1415204622;jurov;kakobrekla you removed "cunt raw" before my eyes... you did not get it? 911414;1415204649;jurov;just say "cunt raw ex" aloud 911415;1415204727;mircea_popescu;jurov why "ex" ? 911416;1415204738;mircea_popescu;you think it's contravex ?! 911417;1415204745;jurov;wow, it has even another meaning? 911418;1415204775;mircea_popescu;lol! 911419;1415204810;mircea_popescu;this one is only there for russian speakers, because in english u never crosses the barrier to a, nor w (a sort of u) to v 911420;1415205021;kakobrekla;jurov i guess i dont find it bash worthy 911421;1415205040;kakobrekla;one thing to note jurov, when you approve, do them in order from top down 911422;1415205063;jurov;yea i know and did it 911423;1415205069;kakobrekla;sometimes i go through the pending list and just delete what i dont see worthy 911424;1415205095;kakobrekla;and leave the quotes that im not sure what to do with, or how to cut them 911425;1415205105;kakobrekla;for a later decision 911426;1415205125;mircea_popescu;punkman: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=300809.msg3305064#msg3305064 <<< nice find lol. 911427;1415205126;assbot;FAQ on the payment protocol 911428;1415205141;kakobrekla;i see you just flushed everything down the toilet 911429;1415205155;kakobrekla;mkay 911430;1415205164;jurov;no i actually accepted everything that was left 911431;1415205170;kakobrekla;yes 911432;1415205173;kakobrekla;that the toilet 911433;1415205174;kakobrekla;:D 911434;1415205174;jurov;oh that's what you mean 911435;1415205180;kakobrekla;the delete is the trash bin! 911436;1415205275;mircea_popescu;lol the bathroom life : either trash bin or toilet. 911437;1415205328;jurov;and qntra is the sink 911438;1415205338;kakobrekla;hehe 911439;1415205352;mircea_popescu;punkman fwiw, http://trilema.com/2013/and-gavin-moves-on-to-the-dark-side-the-bitcoin-project-is-officially-hijacked/ was july 2013. 911440;1415205352;assbot;And Gavin moves on to the dark side. The Bitcoin project is officially hijacked pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 911441;1415205360;mircea_popescu;then by october he was already making preparatory moves. 911442;1415205395;kakobrekla; and qntra is the sink < bidet you mean prolly 911443;1415205458;mircea_popescu;pizdet 911444;1415205469;kakobrekla;is that how you call it in ro? 911445;1415205496;mircea_popescu;it ? which it ? 911446;1415205508;kakobrekla;pizdit 911447;1415205519;jurov;pizdet === bidet? 911448;1415205558;mircea_popescu;haha nah 911449;1415205558;jurov;or it's special bidet only for pizdas? and the other one is pulet? 911450;1415205586;mircea_popescu;well the bidet IS for pizde. and i guess for dudes cursed with a cock so short 911451;1415205592;mircea_popescu;it doesn't even reach the water in the normal wc. 911452;1415205623;kakobrekla;isnt bidet for ass? 911453;1415205629;kakobrekla;idk. 911454;1415205660;mircea_popescu;if you swing that way... 911455;1415205665;*;jurov feels trilema exhortation on private hygiene upcoming 911456;1415205683;kakobrekla;;;google bidet ass clean 911457;1415205684;gribble;Clean Butt: ; Clean Butt!!! - YouTube: ; Clean Your Butt with a Biffy - YouTube: 911458;1415205688;mircea_popescu;i should have called it trizdets 911459;1415205691;mircea_popescu;alas... too late. 911460;1415205704;kakobrekla;cleanbutt.com sez yes 911461;1415205719;mircea_popescu;bezzle butts, what do they know. 911462;1415205817;punkman;https://github.com/FactomProject/FactomDocs proof of existence, sidechains, bitcoin2.0 etc 911463;1415205818;assbot;FactomProject/FactomDocs · GitHub 911464;1415205850;mircea_popescu;oh, bitcoin 2.0 already ? 911465;1415205909;mircea_popescu;punkman honestly, i do not believe the empty wankfest of these schmucks "having ideas" and resolving theoretical problems in theoretical ways should in any shape or form be encouraged. 911466;1415205926;mircea_popescu;this dovetails into stans permabitch about the "mathematizing" and "proofs" issues in general computation theory 911467;1415205961;mircea_popescu;and on the other hand into the business side of "your ideas are worthless, and what your head produced can't even be called an idea in any sense" i used to rant about back in 2013ish. 911468;1415206006;mircea_popescu;kids need clear signals to be able to live their lives rather than dream their lives, and encouraging this stupidity is the wrong signal. 911469;1415206015;mircea_popescu;!up starzz_ 911470;1415206028;starzz_;Hello. I want to join the cult 911471;1415206039;mircea_popescu;ok, you're in. 911472;1415206047;starzz_;lol 911473;1415206053;starzz_;will work for a rate 911474;1415206061;mircea_popescu;work doing what ? 911475;1415206070;starzz_;have a stupid article to write for qntra 911476;1415206079;mircea_popescu;write it, submit to cazalla 911477;1415206100;mircea_popescu;;;ident starzz_ 911478;1415206100;gribble;Nick 'starzz_', with hostmask 'starzz_!180f6af0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.', is not identified. 911479;1415206109;mircea_popescu;heh. maybe get in the wot first eh. 911480;1415206142;starzz_;in there. Don't know why it's not showing up here (otc it did) 911481;1415206193;mircea_popescu;if gribble dun see you it dun see you. -otc -assets or anywhere else. maybe you disconnected. 911482;1415206245;mircea_popescu;mats_cd03: gop wins senate majority << wow srsly ?! 911483;1415206256;starzz_;Must be it. Thanks. 911484;1415206289;mircea_popescu;punkman: more of a heartbeat, should I remove? <<< yeah. 911485;1415206360;mircea_popescu;bounce: there, science tells you what language to use, the size of team to pick, and the size of commits to commit. get to it, slackers! thank science! <<< this science allowed me to win the lottery for fifty eight times in a row by always wearing the same shirt i wore when i won the first time. 911486;1415206474;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla: http://i.somethingawful.com/u/garbageday/2014/phriday/scifi_placement/Palpek_33.gif <<< i can't believe libertard central is still pushing this "need government for roads!" dead meme. 911487;1415206496;mircea_popescu;seriously, you couldn't have dug up boston for a decade if there wasn't government to make it cost 10 trillion. 911488;1415206498;mircea_popescu;roads, yo! 911489;1415206550;mircea_popescu;meanwhile they're bitching about fossil fuels. here's an idea, libertard lobby : your understanding of bitcoin is going to fix the problem you imagine is "global warming". why hate ? 911490;1415206670;ben_vulpes;https://unsee.cc/sigaroze/ << i came home to a surprise celebration of...tuesday! 911491;1415206670;assbot;Unsee — Free online private photo sharing 911492;1415206680;mircea_popescu;soo, unrelatedly : the republicans now own the house, majority in the senate, a bunch more governors... 911493;1415206695;ben_vulpes;more importantly 911494;1415206698;ben_vulpes;yesterday was tuesday! 911495;1415206705;mircea_popescu;obama just went on a two year vacation, at a cost of a bunch of money. 911496;1415206757;ben_vulpes;usgpolitics boooooring 911497;1415206779;mircea_popescu;myeah. i remember the days a coupla years ago that used to be a part of the conversation. 911498;1415206787;mircea_popescu;incredible how much a few years change in the third world. 911499;1415206824;ben_vulpes;if we absolutely must talk uspolitics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9Y24MFOfFU 911500;1415206824;assbot;Squeal - YouTube 911501;1415206867;mircea_popescu;such bad voice acting. 911502;1415206877;ben_vulpes;that she shakes her head while saying "i approve this message" made me lol. 911503;1415206906;mircea_popescu;`--- `--- `--- awkward patter bullshit with the headcharge movement to boot 911504;1415206932;mircea_popescu;it's gotten to the point where trying to be taught something in the us is a worse gambit than just not washing. 911505;1415207285;mircea_popescu;!up qntranet 911506;1415207295;qntranet;starzz again 911507;1415207327;qntranet;following the link to contact cazala 911508;1415207346;mircea_popescu;lol 911509;1415207370;qntranet;I know. Who knew? Just click the link and I'm qntra? 911510;1415207389;mircea_popescu;just so we know you came throug there. 911511;1415207404;qntranet;Oh. Okay. 911512;1415207427;mircea_popescu;google : "Barack Obama, Presidential term January 20, 2009 " 911513;1415207433;mircea_popescu;check it out, google is making a prediction. 911514;1415207636;qntranet;I've been reading you for a year. I'm learning how. I've signed onto otc & know how to get in wot 911515;1415207679;qntranet;I can afford to write an article. I don't have the 30 btc for Mpex (or I'd buy bitbet shares) 911516;1415207689;mircea_popescu;qntranet you can just use coinbr ? 911517;1415207767;qntranet;See. that's what us edumacation does for one lol 911518;1415207809;jurov;qntranet any suggestion where coinbr should be advertised? 911519;1415207816;jurov;so that people know about it? 911520;1415207845;qntranet;it's tough to break into the media. 911521;1415207848;mircea_popescu;jurov qntra, apparently. 911522;1415207854;qntranet;That's what I think my article might do. 911523;1415207855;punkman;jurov, mpex homepage :P 911524;1415207876;jurov;it is mentioned in the mpex faq 911525;1415207889;kakobrekla;jurov i think ppl dislike the ongoing costs associated with an account on cbr and advertising wont fix that. my humble opinion. 911526;1415207890;jurov;long past most people's attantion span, tho 911527;1415207901;qntranet;Remove the scare factor a little bit 911528;1415207911;qntranet;I know there are other people like me who get it 911529;1415207924;mats_cd03;https://coinbr.com/ref?c=E1L4DoSrAc << referral code 911530;1415207925;assbot;About CoinBr 911531;1415207943;qntranet;lol cd03 911532;1415207961;jurov;i know.. but still .. when there is only ~10 people who actually pay these 2 bitcents 911533;1415207975;jurov;i don[t believe it would be so much more when it's free 911534;1415207998;mats_cd03;i don't mind the bitcent fees tbh 911535;1415208019;kakobrekla;i just pass on what i heard. 911536;1415208020;mircea_popescu;jurov what is it, 2 bitcents / mo ? 911537;1415208031;jurov;yes. since november 911538;1415208046;mircea_popescu;eh, that's reasonable. 911539;1415208048;punkman;jurov, 0.1 year paid up-front might do better 911540;1415208048;jurov;plus another two per withdrawal 911541;1415208054;mircea_popescu;wtf, since when is 5 bux not free. 911542;1415208080;mircea_popescu;same people then derp all about how ipad is great, costs them a little more than 5 bux, delivers a lot less. 911543;1415208081;jurov;er.. since *last* november 911544;1415208183;kakobrekla;if 5 bux is change then you just get mpex acc its like 10 bux at the current btc price 911545;1415208200;jurov;kakobrekla wtf? 911546;1415208209;kakobrekla;which part 911547;1415208227;jurov;can't pinpoint 911548;1415208232;jurov;just rephrase it all 911549;1415208260;kakobrekla;;;calc 30 * 300 911550;1415208261;gribble;9000 911551;1415208263;kakobrekla;see, 10 bux 911552;1415208267;qntranet;thanks ya'll. I have a coinbr account to create. 911553;1415208292;mircea_popescu;;;calc 30 / 0.02 911554;1415208292;gribble;1500 911555;1415208294;jurov;these kakobux 911556;1415208303;mircea_popescu;today we find kakobrekla's cock is approximately 28 miles long. 911557;1415208316;kakobrekla;mebbe 911558;1415208330;mircea_popescu;makes long distance relationships that much easier for him. 911559;1415208351;kakobrekla;28 miles is not that much easier 911560;1415208369;jurov;pity he lives it that part of world where you can't get 10 miles without encountering town or road 911561;1415208371;mircea_popescu;who else can fuck planes ? 911562;1415208402;kakobrekla;or a bear 911563;1415208428;jurov;planes? 28 miles is enough for orbital launch! 911564;1415208438;kakobrekla;anyway shutup i got work to do. 911565;1415208456;jurov;kako's preparing for another lauch 911566;1415208460;jurov;*launch 911567;1415208465;kakobrekla;lunch! 911568;1415208468;kakobrekla;omnom 911569;1415208471;jurov;suborbital jizz insertion 911570;1415208576;mircea_popescu;the ultimate face splat experience. you don;t even know whom it's gonna end up on! 911571;1415208596;jurov;ICJMs 911572;1415208665;jurov;!up CheckDavid 911573;1415208677;CheckDavid;Thanks jurov 911574;1415208701;CheckDavid;A while ago i saw a notification here about a gold bet placed on bitbet.us, but now i can't find it. 911575;1415208742;mircea_popescu;!s gold bitbet 911576;1415208743;assbot;16 results for 'gold bitbet' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=gold+bitbet 911577;1415208748;punkman;http://bitbet.us/bet/1046/gold-above-1200-on-november-1st/ maybe 911578;1415208748;assbot;BitBet - Gold above $1200 on November 1st :: 1.07 B (66%) on Yes, 0.54 B (34%) on No | closed 2 weeks 3 days ago 911579;1415208766;jurov;when you put gold into the searchox, it won't come up? 911580;1415208800;mircea_popescu;"where should the searchbox advertise itself" is jurov's q. 911581;1415209456;CheckDavid;jurov: some gold bets come up, but i don't think its the one that i saw in the notification 911582;1415209496;mircea_popescu;CheckDavid maybe that one closed ? 911583;1415209517;CheckDavid;That's what i was thinking mircea_popescu 911584;1415209556;CheckDavid;Doesn't show up in closed either, but not impotant 911585;1415209629;[]bot;Bet created: "Obama Impeached" http://bitbet.us/bet/1062/ 911586;1415209960;mircea_popescu;http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ab/2012nationwidecountymapshadedbypercentagewon.svg <<< all the experience playing WoL tells us anything about this map ? 911587;1415210038;punkman;for fellow snake charmers: http://pyrasite.readthedocs.org/en/latest/Shell.html 911588;1415210038;assbot;pyrasite-shell - Give it a pid, get a shell — pyrasite 2.0beta documentation 911589;1415210081;mats_cd03;i wonder what glad tidings gop congress will bring 911590;1415210196;mircea_popescu;basically, either they start taking obamacare apart or lose their mommentum 911591;1415210209;bounce;lovely error message: "Failed to connect to server. The reason may be that the encryption methods supported by the server are not enabled in the security preferences." -- but naturally, DO NOT EVER show the poor user the list of supported protocols, because, you know, having the user guess is much better than showing what you do know. 911592;1415210220;mircea_popescu;granted that dismating it now is probably the worst possible outcome, way worse than never having implemented it in the first place. 911593;1415210234;mircea_popescu;bounce "please upgrade" 911594;1415210251;mircea_popescu;it's constructed to support a certain ideology. that ideology does not include the user contributing anything. 911595;1415210273;kakobrekla;since when do you listen to cow moos 911596;1415210296;jurov;as for WoL.. did you ever do any giveaways on trolltalk? such as coinroll raffles, they made wonders 911597;1415210406;mircea_popescu;jurov put some numbers on those wonders ? 911598;1415210423;jurov;scrat put 100btc in, got several hundred out 911599;1415210463;jurov;if someone (mpif nudge wink) gave us some dought, i'm sure it could be repeated 911600;1415210468;jurov;*dough 911601;1415210490;mircea_popescu;so wait. 100 btc raffle resulted in >30k worth of bets from bitcointalk ? 911602;1415210504;jurov;yes 911603;1415210517;jurov;r dunno from where 911604;1415210543;mircea_popescu;i tell you i don't see it. 911605;1415210565;jurov;Namworld you around? 911606;1415210579;jurov;!up Namworld 911607;1415210598;jurov;he should know concrete numbers, it was tracked 911608;1415210616;mircea_popescu;anyway, there were all sorts of offers, matching gains, i dun recall it all. 911609;1415210618;mircea_popescu;didn't do much. 911610;1415210744;mircea_popescu;US $133,700 to turn the new album into an hour long musical anime 911611;1415210781;mircea_popescu;something's wrong here. 911612;1415210832;mircea_popescu;70k frames at >1 dollar per frame ? i should make a korean drawing company. 911613;1415210893;mats_cd03;asciilifeform: know where i can find K&R 1st ed warez? ive only read 2nd ed, and i can't find the first through hefty googling. 911614;1415210894;jurov;http://www.milliondollarhomepage.com 911615;1415210896;assbot;The Million Dollar Homepage - Own a piece of internet history! 911616;1415210908;mircea_popescu;jurov what, is 2008 coming back in style ? 911617;1415210931;jurov;maybe that anime is done similar way 911618;1415210932;mircea_popescu;actually that was more like 2005 iirc. 911619;1415212109;The20YearIRCloud;What album? 911620;1415212849;asciilifeform;kakobrekla:jurov i think ppl dislike the ongoing costs associated with an account on cbr and advertising wont fix that << aha. 911621;1415212911;asciilifeform;k&r 1st ed. w4r3z that someone asked for >> http://read.pudn.com/downloads124/ebook/525708/C_Programming_Language.pdf 911622;1415212928;asciilifeform;^ censored from 'google' incidentally. 911623;1415213008;mats_cd03;my hero 911624;1415213119;asciilifeform;note that classical 'k&r' variant of the language used a now-archaic function declaration style. that extant compilers have less than perfect support for. 911625;1415213144;asciilifeform;other than that, it's a perfectly living book. 911626;1415214127;*;bounce ran into an open tab with the purported cex/ghash sec letter. can't help but wonder what happened next. 911627;1415214216;kakobrekla;bounce they upped their advertising cannons. 911628;1415214234;kakobrekla;get as much chumps before they need to dox them 911629;1415214276;bounce;so no meaningful reply except a stream of dox to be expected then. right. 911630;1415214315;bounce;kinda curious since they're apparently registered in london. 911631;1415214339;kakobrekla;well buttstamp gives dox to usg 911632;1415214353;kakobrekla;so they can be a part of their averaged out ticker 911633;1415214366;kakobrekla;and they are in eu/uk/si 911634;1415214459;kakobrekla;bitstamp is legal by being retarded evil scammers 911635;1415214467;kakobrekla;so much for regulation 911636;1415214519;bounce;wonder if you could get away with telling the SEC, "we're being regulated by the bitcoin regulatory foundation so talk to them, not us." 911637;1415214610;kakobrekla;you mean MP? :D 911638;1415214658;cazalla;damn BingoBoingo, you were not kidding about that quantcast.. i had to get up early and chase the rubbish truck down the street as someone forgot to put the bins out last night :\ 911639;1415214807;asciilifeform;https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2013-03/msg01535.html << when the firing squads at last for folks such as these? 911640;1415214807;assbot;Re: [O] Errors after upgrading emacs to 24.3.1 and org to 7.9.4 911641;1415214841;asciilifeform;(for the malefactors who give cause for such discussions, not the participants therein) 911642;1415214919;asciilifeform;and an advance fuckyou to anyone who might bitch, 'you whine about modeline vs. mode-line but you even want to switch to trinary computer and no existing soft.' 911643;1415214989;asciilifeform;to which i answer: toilet - is good to have. kitchen sink - also good. toilet and kitchen sink hybrid - no thanks. the 'middle ground' is an idiot delusion, generally. 911644;1415215247;chetty;asciilifeform, hahahaha best explanation of that I have heard, I am gonna steal it 911645;1415215280;asciilifeform;chetty: al schwartz had the ultimate mindfucker of an explanation: 911646;1415215320;asciilifeform;chetty: n-dimensional sphere, as n increases, has increasingly greater fraction of its volume closer and closer to the surface. 911647;1415215341;asciilifeform;chetty: (if you don't believe this - work it out!) 911648;1415215381;asciilifeform;chetty: hence, 'extremist' solutions, as dimensions are added to a problem (seen as a 'spherical horse' of course) are largely where the answers lie. 911649;1415215394;asciilifeform;chetty: and not in 'moderation.' 911650;1415215423;asciilifeform;chetty: unfortunately schwartz's original essay appears to be lost in the burned library of googlexandria - usenet archive. 911651;1415215443;chetty;all very true, but not as much fun as the first one asciilifeform 911652;1415215516;asciilifeform;chetty: more fun. because in many cases you can blow idiots straight out of the water, with rigorous mathematical rocket, with it. 911653;1415215574;chetty;hmmm and when you put that together with the overton window ...now I got to think some 911654;1415215643;chetty;unfortunately not that many people can follow the math of it 911655;1415215837;asciilifeform;this was not real maths! strictly first grade. 911656;1415215893;asciilifeform;if you understand pythagorean theorem, you can do this one. 911657;1415215979;chetty;I seem to find a lot of people that cant even make change 911658;1415216027;asciilifeform;chetty: i'd love to know who is behind the delusion that 'mathematical ability' is the ability to mentally crunch small numbers quickly. 911659;1415216069;chetty;haha, yeah it doesn't really mean that much, but it does put me off trying to explain things 911660;1415216160;chetty;anyway if you think about the overton window only letting you see the middle parts of the sphere it does explain a lot 911661;1415216367;asciilifeform;incidentally, 911662;1415216375;asciilifeform;http://francis.naukas.com/files/2013/05/dibujo20130521-counterexample-to-euler-s-conjecture-on-sums-of-like-powers1.png?w=584 << good mathlol 911663;1415216417;asciilifeform;^ possibly shortest interesting academpaper ever. 911664;1415216433;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2450 @ 0.00070575 = 1.7291 BTC [-] 911665;1415216496;ben_vulpes;jurov: i just pinged the turdolator and didn't get a bounce and don't see it in the archives. 911666;1415216499;*;ben_vulpes is confus 911667;1415216499;chetty;now that one makes my head hurt :P 911668;1415216664;punkbot;[trust-update] no changes 911669;1415217267;ben_vulpes;salud Pierre_Rochard 911670;1415217281;Pierre_Rochard;salud 911671;1415217497;thestringpuller;Pierre_Rochard how is work. What was for lunch today? ;) 911672;1415217636;Pierre_Rochard;thestringpuller: work is going well, we just moved half the employees to the other side, of I have an office to myself now. Just sandwiches 911673;1415217650;Pierre_Rochard;so I have* 911674;1415217732;thestringpuller;fancy new office! always a good day. 911675;1415217912;kakobrekla;toilet and kitchen sink hybrid - no thanks. < toilet and bidet hybrids do well in china 911676;1415217938;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: thought it was a jp thing 911677;1415217951;kakobrekla;oh it might be jp sry 911678;1415220442;The20YearIRCloud;So how goes it everyone 911679;1415220794;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes, whoever else: has anyone taken an interest in actually making the turd vaguely usable? namely, plugging the leaks (yes, all of them) and zapping the idiotic db corruption (supposedly 'rare': http://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/a/2051) 911680;1415220794;assbot;Page Not Found - Bitcoin Stack Exchange 911681;1415220852;nubbins`;!s preferred syntax highlighting style 911682;1415220853;assbot;1 results for 'preferred syntax highlighting style' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=preferred+syntax+highlighting+style 911683;1415220863;nubbins`;asciilifeform ^ 911684;1415220901;asciilifeform;nubbins`: we are far, far from the point where the answer to this question matters. 911685;1415220932;ben_vulpes;memory leaks for your book? 911686;1415220958;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: what we have now is unusable crud. 911687;1415220975;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: as in it cannot be used, at all. 911688;1415221045;ben_vulpes;because it fails to bring the whole chain down? 911689;1415221066;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: that, and it leaks memory. which means human intervention required. 911690;1415221087;nubbins`;something tells me this book ain't getting done by nov 15 ;D 911691;1415221105;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: actually in its wedged state it leaks so rapidly that it soaks up 8GB in six or so hours. while failing to fetch any blocks. 911692;1415221114;nubbins`;:0 911693;1415221168;nubbins`;meantime, i may have something special lined up for the cover 911694;1415221175;ben_vulpes;damn. 911695;1415221215;nubbins`;it'll make an o'reilly cover look like Dick & Jane 911696;1415221437;mircea_popescu;nubbins` how was the donairine 911697;1415221465;mircea_popescu;!up fordlincoln 911698;1415221510;nubbins`;i settled for a meat sub instead 911699;1415221519;nubbins`;didn't have time for a donair ;/ 911700;1415221527;mircea_popescu;bounce: wonder if you could get away with telling the SEC, "we're being regulated by the bitcoin regulatory foundation so talk to them, not us." << depends on what you mean by get away. 911701;1415221548;ben_vulpes;i wonder if 0.6.3 shows the same behavior. 911702;1415221550;mircea_popescu;nubbins` isn't this fast food ? 911703;1415221567;ben_vulpes;not that moving forwards to "version number" parity with the rangers is in any way a good idea, just to handle this crud. 911704;1415221568;nubbins`;fast to order... eating it in a reasonable amount of time is the problem 911705;1415221579;nubbins`;you need like 30-45 minutes to eat a donair 911706;1415221610;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform lol asci-ilifeform 911707;1415221616;cazalla;http://qntra.net/2014/11/im-patrick-murck-and-welcome-to-jackass-2-0/ 911708;1415221616;assbot;I'm Patrick Murck And Welcome To Jackass 2.0 | Qntra.net 911709;1415221639;cazalla;i'll keep pasting em seeing scoopbot no longer has the scoop 911710;1415221671;mircea_popescu;yeah srsly. 911711;1415221753;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: chetty: n-dimensional sphere, as n increases << this is actually interesting to work out. 911712;1415221793;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i deliberately left the proof as exercise for the interested readers. 911713;1415221798;mircea_popescu;the area (ie, 2d volume) of a circle (ie, 2d sphere) is pi r ^ 2. the area of a circle half as big ? pi (r/2) ^ 2. so therefore 3/4 of the sphere's volume is within the tophalf of its radius. 911714;1415221808;mircea_popescu;in 3d, that proportion moves to ... 7/8. 911715;1415221811;mircea_popescu;and from there ownards. 911716;1415221865;mircea_popescu;the tophalf of a sphere always holds (2^n-1)/2^n of the volume. 911717;1415222013;bounce;http://stopthecap.com/2014/11/04/suck-americas-worst-broadband-cities-includes-upstate-new-york-much-ohio/ 911718;1415222013;assbot;You Suck: America's Worst Broadband Cities Include Most of Upstate New York, Much of Ohio • Stop the Cap! 911719;1415222034;bounce;not sure why this concentrates on "cities of at least 50k households" 911720;1415222044;mircea_popescu;lol i bet half of africa has better internet than half of ny state. 911721;1415222065;bounce;if you count facebook-only mobile "internet" 911722;1415222083;mircea_popescu;bounce you'd be surprised. 911723;1415222105;mircea_popescu;really, most of the "poor countries" are basically ohio minus us style cops. bout same facilities and amenties. 911724;1415222126;bounce;but it's all the more poignant for the excellent backbone infrastructure that really doesn't exist in africa 911725;1415222166;mircea_popescu;it's one thing to have shitty internet because you can't afford to lay cable. 911726;1415222176;mircea_popescu;it's another because... uh... whatever the whiteplains excuse is. 911727;1415222192;bounce;I have no idea what is or isn't available in ohio 911728;1415222204;asciilifeform;... can't afford to lay cable. 911729;1415222230;asciilifeform;as for why not wireless - easy answer. cheap wireless would mean that folks with more money would not be 'sheared' adequately. 911730;1415222231;thestringpuller;!up m4rCsi 911731;1415222243;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform :p 911732;1415222244;asciilifeform;same reason why cheap housing is verboten. 911733;1415222251;nubbins`;huly fu-u-u-u-u-ck it takes a long time to download the blockchain 911734;1415222284;z33andO_o;that's because it's not really p2p software, bitcoin-core picks 1 node and downloads all from it 911735;1415222293;z33andO_o;if you pick a slow one then it takes ages 911736;1415222331;mircea_popescu;z33andO_o that's a good point incidentally. 911737;1415222348;nubbins`;wat. 911738;1415222349;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes that's another one for the endless list : fix the motherfucking p0p implementation so it actually is p2p 911739;1415222351;mircea_popescu;yes. 911740;1415222353;bounce;the US does have a habit of starting some community initiative only to see it lobbied into the ground because it would be "unfair" to overpriced unwilling monopolistic large corporations 911741;1415222355;nubbins`;jesus 911742;1415222396;mircea_popescu;bounce and vice-versa. 911743;1415222432;mircea_popescu;z33andO_o who're you btw ? 911744;1415222439;z33andO_o;xiando 911745;1415222440;mircea_popescu;oh nm 911746;1415222441;mircea_popescu;:p 911747;1415222458;asciilifeform;if sewer systems were introduced for the first time in today's usa, they would be an exotic and unobtainable thing. because would be unfair!!!11!! to 'private enterprise' fleets of honeywagons carting shit away for a dollar a turd. 911748;1415222495;mircea_popescu;nubbins` satoshi's origina, likely defensible call was that "hack it this way so it works, fix later when more manpower" 911749;1415222508;mircea_popescu;obviously usgavin then failed to deliver on this, as on anything else. another broken promise. 911750;1415222536;nubbins`;nod 911751;1415222545;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform bitcoin is being introduced today for the first time, plays out exactly as described. 911752;1415222547;nubbins`;seriously tho, i'm downloading blocks over fiber at 60KB/s 911753;1415222548;mircea_popescu;internet before that. 911754;1415222554;mircea_popescu;nubbins` flush the node. 911755;1415222668;nubbins`;only thing i know how to flush is the toilet 911756;1415222699;mircea_popescu;block its ip in your firewall. most likely result bitcoind hickups for a minute and moves on. 911757;1415222724;mircea_popescu;obviously exact result can not be known, because the specification is gavin's mother's cunt. 911758;1415222732;mircea_popescu;i mean software. 911759;1415222764;nubbins`;a a a 911760;1415222792;nubbins`;yeah, see, bitcoind crashes ~1x daily on this vm 911761;1415222803;nubbins`;i'm assuming it grabs a diff node each time 911762;1415222805;nubbins`;they're all slow as shit 911763;1415222811;mircea_popescu;that's only 3-400x a year! 911764;1415222814;nubbins`;:D 911765;1415222826;nubbins`;60KB/s is probably the best upload speed i'll ever get from some random user 911766;1415222850;mircea_popescu;possibly canadian fiber runs on poutine ? 911767;1415222862;nubbins`;w/e it runs on, it works 911768;1415222872;mircea_popescu;did you rub sugar on it today ? 911769;1415222892;nubbins`;nope, crisco 911770;1415222899;bounce;can you force what node it'll fetch the blockchain from? 911771;1415222899;nubbins`;5.7MB/s over wifi 911772;1415222904;mircea_popescu;lol crisco is for cisco ? 911773;1415222907;nubbins`;heh 911774;1415222914;nubbins`;the r is silent 911775;1415222919;bounce;would be worth it to trace a couple yourself and pick a good one, then force-feed it 911776;1415222923;mircea_popescu;bounce yes, actually, by editing the fallback list and wiping its other methods of acquisition 911777;1415222924;nubbins`;("kissco? the fu...") 911778;1415222937;mircea_popescu;there are other methods 911779;1415222971;nubbins`;not like this isn't a fool's errand anyway, if it's gonna clam up at block 250k 911780;1415222980;nubbins`;but hey, to boldly go 911781;1415222984;mircea_popescu;(said fallback list being another thing that should go away, but iirc this was mentioned) 911782;1415223011;bounce;something to drop on a todo list in a wiki or something 911783;1415223027;nubbins`;provide text file w/ trusted nodes as argument or smth 911784;1415223046;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: and zapping the idiotic db corruption <<< there is more to this story, i doubt it's just "corruption". sadly i dun have the smoking gun. 911785;1415223090;bounce;or, well, start with dropping the things on the ml, it's there for this sort of thing 911786;1415223094;mircea_popescu;but if there was a candidate for "magic packet" undocumented behaviour of the subverted gavin-bitcoin, this is it. 911787;1415223114;nubbins`;http://www.speedtest.net/result/3886931652.png 911788;1415223122;mircea_popescu;i r believ you nubbins` ! 911789;1415223129;nubbins`;the proof is in the ping! 911790;1415223152;nubbins`;not sure what i'd get if i hooked up a wire 911791;1415223157;nubbins`;suppose it doesn't matter 911792;1415223176;mircea_popescu;nubbins`: it'll make an o'reilly cover look like Dick & Jane :D 911793;1415223223;mircea_popescu;http://bitbet.us/bet/1062/obama-impeached/ << even money eh ? 911794;1415223223;assbot;BitBet - Obama Impeached :: 0.28 B (58%) on Yes, 0.21 B (42%) on No | closing in 11 months 2 weeks | weight: 99`955 (100`000 to 1) 911795;1415223227;nubbins`;http://www.brightok.net/~wdmorgan-ss/Books/TransferFolder/CoverFWDAJ.jpg 911796;1415223237;nubbins`;fun /with/ dick and jane 911797;1415223252;nubbins`;side note: that's a silkscreened cover 911798;1415223262;mircea_popescu;yeah i was thinking, why em the "with" 911799;1415223323;nubbins`;you'd see this occasionally in old letterpress shit, where the publisher ran outta type in the given font 911800;1415223328;nubbins`;but silkscreen? nfi 911801;1415223346;mircea_popescu;i think ima make a list of romanian cursing. the internet is appalling. 911802;1415223570;bounce;maybe the same reason why "modern" word-produced turds end up with more fonts than words 911803;1415223595;thestringpuller;;;ticker 911804;1415223596;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 340.11, Best ask: 340.99, Bid-ask spread: 0.88000, Last trade: 340.99, 24 hour volume: 15372.53022261, 24 hour low: 326.71, 24 hour high: 344.17, 24 hour vwap: 337.428263329 911805;1415223603;cazalla;http://www.illawarramercury.com.au/story/2677538/the-woman-taking-on-coles-in-a-landmark-case/ But Ms Mesnage encountered a number of problems with the Coles website, including being unable to select a delivery time for her groceries and complex navigation that meant it could take up to eight hours to place an order. 911806;1415223605;assbot;The woman taking on Coles in a landmark case | Illawarra Mercury 911807;1415223623;cazalla;imagine having to build your website to accomodate such people or get your shit handed to you 911808;1415223692;mircea_popescu;in other news, "man can't find door, sues shop" 911809;1415223705;nubbins`;groan, eyeroll 911810;1415223782;asciilifeform;not like this isn't a fool's errand anyway, if it's gonna clam up at block 250k << i actually have most of a patch for purely configurable block pumping. but shelved it and everything else for this reason. 911811;1415223993;bounce;and the block problem is a DB handling problem, wasn't it? making swapping DB thingies a bit of a priority. 911812;1415224146;mircea_popescu;bounce no apparently they ran into an earlier issue 911813;1415224148;mircea_popescu;!up piznit 911814;1415224303;asciilifeform;they ran into an earlier issue << likely involves db corruption. see earlier link, ~1hr ago 911815;1415225177;asciilifeform;"magic packet" undocumented behaviour of the subverted gavin-bitcoin << can't rule this out, but this would play straight into my 'clever buggers after all' hypothesis. 911816;1415225612;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by thestringpuller: http://qntra.net/2014/11/introducing-a-new-bitcoin-foundation/ 911817;1415225629;cazalla;you got the scoop this time scoopbot 911818;1415225686;asciilifeform;jurov's site still has the 1blabla... contract! 911819;1415225703;asciilifeform;jurov: fix it before all the qntra readers laugh 911820;1415225720;kakobrekla;ha ha. 911821;1415225722;kakobrekla;too late. 911822;1415225844;*;kakobrekla just dutifully rains on parade 911823;1415225916;assbot;Last 4 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/2TWKCJT.txt ) 911824;1415225916;BingoBoingo;!b 4 911825;1415225991;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: (from qntra) 'our project will likely discard the entire GUI in the near future' << already gone 911826;1415226021;punkman;was playing with vanitygen, found a 1tits address that also says "how hot" in private key 911827;1415226037;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: unless, naturally, we're waiting for the turdatron where we can all sign on the patches thus far (i'm all in favour) 911828;1415226168;ben_vulpes;there's that for sure 911829;1415226175;ben_vulpes;there's also a discussion to have about how to distribute 911830;1415226193;ben_vulpes;when merge, how number, method of dist etc 911831;1415226196;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: distribute what? 911832;1415226212;ben_vulpes;merged set of patches 911833;1415226228;ben_vulpes;or nothing, you know 911834;1415226233;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: at the moment i'm leaning against the idea of distributing binaries of whatever kind being a good one 911835;1415226243;ben_vulpes;mhm yeah i dig 911836;1415226249;ben_vulpes;but how about source? 911837;1415226261;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: anyone who is genuinely serious about using bitcoin should be able to build it. it isn't rocket surgery. 911838;1415226275;ben_vulpes;sure absolutely. 911839;1415226286;ben_vulpes;i'm talking about distributing a sourceball with patches merged. 911840;1415226292;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: as for source/patches, any turdbrigade member can put up unofficial mirror. 911841;1415226298;ben_vulpes;could deem this unnecessary, but... 911842;1415226304;ben_vulpes;as you did, i note! 911843;1415226327;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: at the very minimum, one ought to live on jurov's site. (at present, i don't see it there.) 911844;1415226411;BingoBoingo; the US does have a habit of starting some community initiative only to see it lobbied into the ground because it would be "unfair" to overpriced unwilling monopolistic large corporations << No, it happens. You just need a town that can get away with it. Muni internet exists here and had no serious opposition. 911845;1415226499;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: u.s. towns in this case are either prey or small change. tertium non datur. 911846;1415226570;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: what would be truly astonishing would be - municipal gsm. but pig's chance of flight. 911847;1415226575;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo: u.s. towns in this case are either prey or small change. tertium non datur. << Small, affluent compared to the surrounding error. 911848;1415226588;PeterL;was there a consensus as to if I should add prestonbryne.com to scoopbot's list? 911849;1415226591;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo: what would be truly astonishing would be - municipal gsm. but pig's chance of flight << Aha! 911850;1415226620;BingoBoingo; was there a consensus as to if I should add prestonbryne.com to scoopbot's list? << Prolly not, he stops by here very rarely. 911851;1415226645;BingoBoingo;!t m s.qntr 911852;1415226646;assbot;[MPEX:S.QNTR] 1D: 0.00015 / 0.00015 / 0.00015 (200 shares, 0.03 BTC), 7D: 0.00013514 / 0.00013704 / 0.00015 (4111 shares, 0.56 BTC), 30D: 0.00013514 / 0.00013704 / 0.00015 (4111 shares, 0.56 BTC) 911853;1415228042;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/how-to-curse-cuss-out-and-swear-in-romanian-like-a-romanian-this-means-like-you-know-what-youre-doing-to-avoid-saying-professionally-with-structural-explanations-a-strategy-guide-plus-pro/ 911854;1415228042;assbot;How to curse, cuss out and swear in Romanian, like a Romanian (this means, like you know what you’re doing to avoid saying “professionally”). With structural explanations, a strategy guide plus pronounciation revealed! pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 911855;1415228062;mircea_popescu;!up satdav 911856;1415228117;satdav;Thanks mircea_popescu 911857;1415228126;mircea_popescu;sure. who're you ? 911858;1415228134;satdav;$register 911859;1415228171;satdav;I am a member of Firefox support team 911860;1415228291;mircea_popescu;o hey. 911861;1415228318;mircea_popescu;is it hard work ? 911862;1415228327;satdav;mircea_popescu: how do I register on gribble 911863;1415228340;mircea_popescu;;;google first steps in bitcoin-assets 911864;1415228341;gribble;start [bitcoin assets wiki]: ; #bitcoin-assets log: ; Why the IRS Is Taxing Bitcoins as an Asset - The Motley Fool: 911865;1415228350;satdav;Yes very hard at times 911866;1415228360;mircea_popescu;http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/first_steps_in_bitcoin-assets < 911867;1415228360;assbot;first_steps_in_bitcoin-assets [bitcoin assets wiki] 911868;1415228674;satdav;mircea_popescu: is their windows setup for this 911869;1415228695;mircea_popescu;hm ? 911870;1415228773;BingoBoingo; mircea_popescu: is their windows setup for this << If you must use GPG on windows at least compile it yourself. The extant gpg4win binaries have a dubious reputation 911871;1415228959;nubbins`;http://i.imgur.com/N7K36Kw.jpg 911872;1415228995;jurov;ben_vulpes" i told you several times: s'il vous plait, do register with the mailman. it will *not* register you automatically1 911873;1415228998;jurov;! 911874;1415229021;jurov;i am registered and did get your email fine 911875;1415229024;*;nubbins` idly considers opening a sports shop named "s'il vous play" 911876;1415229117;nubbins`;See vous play. Play, vous, play. 911877;1415229132;nubbins`;fun with Dick and Vous 911878;1415229153;mircea_popescu;Mousse de Vous. 911879;1415229213;ben_vulpes;! 911880;1415229218;ben_vulpes;i coulda sworn that i'd done that. 911881;1415229273;mod6;;;ticker 911882;1415229276;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 339.55, Best ask: 339.56, Bid-ask spread: 0.01000, Last trade: 340.22, 24 hour volume: 15598.84432357, 24 hour low: 328.6, 24 hour high: 344.17, 24 hour vwap: 338.047285763 911883;1415229300;jurov;maybe you did not finish 911884;1415229315;jurov;in the second email there is a link, 911885;1415229322;jurov;on that link there is a button 911886;1415229325;jurov;or two 911887;1415229338;jurov;and only after clicking it you're in 911888;1415229351;jurov;you wanted rigor, gotta have rigor 911889;1415229375;mod6;thanks for getting the address setup for the foundation jurov & for signing on to be the treasurer for the Foundation 911890;1415229384;*;ben_vulpes checks spam 911891;1415229438;jurov;oh and please kindly send me or to deedbot your signed contracts 911892;1415229446;ben_vulpes;rgr will do 911893;1415229456;mircea_popescu;to deedbot 911894;1415229471;satdav;You guys should register as a freenode group also 911895;1415229485;mircea_popescu;satdav freenode is dead, basically. 911896;1415229500;mircea_popescu;i've been trying to get them servers for a coupla years now. 911897;1415229527;mod6;jurov: do you mean my signed charter? http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1MXeLHi5 911898;1415229527;assbot;Bundle 1MXeLHi5 | #bitcoin-assets deed registry 911899;1415229550;satdav;Lol mircea_popescu its hard for servers for irc ddos 911900;1415229558;mircea_popescu;wait, what ? 911901;1415229570;ben_vulpes;mod6: treasurer contract? 911902;1415229576;jurov;no, the treasurer's contract so that there are no ugly 404s from the bottom links 911903;1415229586;jurov;but wait, i'll update id with deed info 911904;1415229590;jurov;*it 911905;1415229595;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes mod6 you're supposed to sign his thing too 911906;1415229604;mod6;yeah ok. 911907;1415229605;dub;wat 911908;1415229606;mircea_popescu;otherwise it's just, "jurov has self-appointed himself" 911909;1415229614;mod6;*nod* 911910;1415229615;jurov;lol 911911;1415229632;mod6;Has the document been updated with the address et. al? 911912;1415229636;ben_vulpes;mitm! 911913;1415229637;jurov;mmnt 911914;1415229645;mircea_popescu;incidentally, in a decade or two once gpg ios the only basis of commerce, identity and general life, that's going to be the #1 scam : here's this document. it's signed. just by me. 911915;1415229659;mod6;mp: werd. 911916;1415229846;mod6;we'll get it done asap 911917;1415229885;jurov;http://therealbitcoin.org/treasurer_contract.html it's there 911918;1415229915;mod6;yeah got this: http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/deed/9ULZPc7yeZ9fQEA1aZ73H6mcv1s2C4gYFAbNTb5urovj 911919;1415229915;assbot;Deed 9ULZPc7y | #bitcoin-assets deed registry 911920;1415231078;jurov;ooh I now get what was the REFERENCES for ... not for itself, but for the charter 911921;1415231091;jurov;if nobody else does, will fix it tmrw 911922;1415231097;jurov;laterz! 911923;1415231870;mod6;ah, yeah. 911924;1415231891;mod6;is there a way for someone to revoke their signed deed? 911925;1415231916;mod6;we need the three of us to sign that contract with the REFERENCES section in there 911926;1415231955;mod6;anyone whom already submitted might need to re-submit, not sure if there is a way to pull previously submitted deeds. 911927;1415232431;mircea_popescu;nope. 911928;1415232443;mircea_popescu;and something tells me this is going to be a bitch going forward. 911929;1415232459;mod6;yeah. 911930;1415232550;mod6;hrm 911931;1415232738;mod6;ok so this http://therealbitcoin.org/treasurer_contract.html is the contract with jurov's submission 911932;1415232744;mod6;(to deedbot) 911933;1415232782;mod6;and if both ben_vulpes and I sign that exact document with our keys, there is a tie back to the deed submitted by jurov 911934;1415232811;punkman;handy when you are searching http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/from/jurov (can also add /rss there) 911935;1415232811;assbot;#bitcoin-assets deed registry 911936;1415232861;mircea_popescu;rss'd be good. 911937;1415232876;mod6;the problem is here, that "[R.1] doesn't tie back to the specific Charter document 911938;1415232885;punkman;http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/from/mircea_popescu/rss 911939;1415232885;assbot;deeds signed by mircea_popescu 911940;1415232907;mod6;just jurov's submission to the deedbot 911941;1415232946;mircea_popescu;punkman can there be 1st line of deed too ? 911942;1415232952;mod6;so there should be a R.1 secion to the submission to deedbot for the charter, and an R2 that ties back to his submission of the Treasurer's contract to the deedbot 911943;1415232974;punkman;mircea_popescu: might as well put the whole thing there (gotta fetch from db and decompress) 911944;1415232981;mircea_popescu;punkman actually. yeah, whole thing no signature 911945;1415232986;mircea_popescu;google will haet you otherwise. 911946;1415233000;punkman;why no signature? 911947;1415233016;mircea_popescu;to keep it lighter. i suppose you could actually put the whole thing sure. 911948;1415233020;mircea_popescu;yeah. 911949;1415233039;mod6;and as far as "[R.1]" it should probably encompass both of our signed submissions of the charter to deedbot 911950;1415233060;mircea_popescu;;;later tell pete_dushenski who is http://www.contravex.com/2014/09/21/tete-a-tete-with-a-neo-national-socialist/#comment-4561 ? 911951;1415233061;assbot;Tête-À-Tête With A Neo-National Socialist | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski 911952;1415233061;gribble;The operation succeeded. 911953;1415233065;mod6;(since we didn't submit them on the same bundle) 911954;1415233099;mod6;any errors in this thinking? 911955;1415233104;punkman;should I look into creating a utility that does the multisig hack? 911956;1415233197;mircea_popescu;no. 911957;1415233203;punkman;or whatever can help such workflow 911958;1415233214;mircea_popescu;mod6 srsly, i wouldn't worry about it. it's there, it's signed. 911959;1415233223;mircea_popescu;anyone has doubts about the matter has also the means to verify it. 911960;1415233226;mircea_popescu;what problem remains ? 911961;1415233244;mod6;ok. just was hoping for distinct links. 911962;1415233247;mircea_popescu;the key to a functioning computer isn't that "everything is on your screen at the same time" 911963;1415233266;mircea_popescu;mod6 but you each have a link no ? 911964;1415233290;mircea_popescu;im not getting something here. 911965;1415233308;mod6;just was hoping for a daisy-chained document sigs in the public record 911966;1415233348;mircea_popescu;so you mean you want jurov's thing to reference the charter you two signed ? 911967;1415233357;mircea_popescu;this is trivially accomplished, just include the two links. 911968;1415233380;mod6;m6 & bv --sigs-> A & B signed charter ; treasurers sub-doc contains links to A & B to be signed by j & mod6 & bc 911969;1415233384;mod6;s/bc/bv 911970;1415233395;mircea_popescu;sure. 911971;1415234548;asciilifeform;the key to a functioning computer isn't that "everything is on your screen at the same time" << this is how i ended up with 4 screens (and counting...) 911972;1415234571;mircea_popescu;im still using one. old school. 911973;1415234584;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: ever found a new 'trinitron' ? 911974;1415234592;mircea_popescu;to be fair tho, i have a coupla other machines, so i suppose that counts as multiple anyway. 911975;1415234604;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform not rly looking tbh. 911976;1415234663;asciilifeform;surrendered to modernity? 911977;1415234734;mircea_popescu;i've hammered this lcd thing into low emission tolerability, and well... kinda too lazy i guess. 911978;1415234793;asciilifeform;'eizo' makes tolerable lcd. 911979;1415234813;asciilifeform;(tolerable - as in, still viewable when vertical, for instance.) 911980;1415234838;mircea_popescu;i don't overturn them anyway. 911981;1415234883;asciilifeform;on account of my peculiar profession, i am rather addicted to overturned screens. 911982;1415235166;asciilifeform;foundation, l2 trust of assbot << i'd suggest switching from the #b-a voices for the turdatron to l1 of jurov (or ben_vulpes?) - i.e., do we want the camgurlz submitting patches? 911983;1415235203;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you'd reject a patch because it was submitted by a whore ? 911984;1415235207;asciilifeform;nope. 911985;1415235211;mircea_popescu;so then ? 911986;1415235221;asciilifeform;but folks should at least have to ask to play 911987;1415235237;asciilifeform;not that it matters much, 'if used as prescribed' 911988;1415235256;*;asciilifeform awaits the patch whores 911989;1415235262;mircea_popescu;i wish to see the camho that figures out how to submit fuck you to this thing. 911990;1415235284;asciilifeform;we had quite a number here who figured out gpg, no? 911991;1415235288;mircea_popescu;but generally : trust-but-verify is the best model available. 911992;1415235293;ben_vulpes;http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2lexl2/here_is_why_the_hash_rate_jumped_and_took_a_dive/ 911993;1415235294;assbot;Here is why the hash rate jumped and took a dive in days. EST. $3,600,000 worth - GONE! : Bitcoin 911994;1415235300;asciilifeform;'доверяй но проверяй' 911995;1415235306;asciilifeform;^ rhymed in the original. 911996;1415235322;asciilifeform;(trust but verify) 911997;1415235324;mircea_popescu;the original is afaik greek 911998;1415235336;asciilifeform;let's have it? 911999;1415235342;mircea_popescu;maybe it rhymes in russian because russian was so made so that good original sentences rhyme ? 912000;1415235352;asciilifeform;ehehe. 912001;1415235432;ben_vulpes;i just got an email with an attachment 912002;1415235438;ben_vulpes;LEL NDA 912003;1415235452;ben_vulpes;where is the eyerolling emoji again? 912004;1415235493;asciilifeform;humlangs without declensions are a royal bitch to rhyme. 912005;1415235608;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i had it from patristics, and assumed it's greek. seems it's actually bona fide russian folklore. 912006;1415235689;asciilifeform;http://s005.radikal.ru/i211/1110/84/274b6149a5d6.jpg 912007;1415235707;asciilifeform;http://demotivkartinki.3dn.ru/_ph/5/2/119518605.jpg 912008;1415235708;asciilifeform;etc. 912009;1415235739;mircea_popescu;lol condom 912010;1415236079;punkman;that's a greek comic 912011;1415236107;punkman;"trust but verify" doesn't translate very well though 912012;1415236171;punkman;http://www.messiniaportal.gr/sites/default/files/field/image/ark.jpg 912013;1415236235;mircea_popescu;so apparently ask.fm is where all the cool kids are nao. 912014;1415236298;*;asciilifeform peeked, not impressed. must not understand how the world works (tm). 912015;1415236441;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6750 @ 0.00072477 = 4.8922 BTC [+] 912016;1415236662;mircea_popescu;"Which town did you grow up in? What's been the best commercial you've seen? Whats the best gift you have ever given someone, in your opinion? What position do you sleep in? Are you a very ambitious person? What is the worst gift you have ever received?" << of all the inept shit... 912017;1415236696;asciilifeform;these folks >> straight to butugychag. 912018;1415236718;asciilifeform;there's a pick and a cart with each of their names on'em. 912019;1415236819;asciilifeform;http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2014/11/is-unlearning-harder-than-unschooling.html << intro to mr. o's linguistic crackpottery 912020;1415236819;assbot;ClubOrlov: Is unlearning harder than unschooling? 912021;1415236831;ben_vulpes;http://fuckyes.shithouse.tv/ 912022;1415236832;assbot;fuckyes 912023;1415236978;*;mircea_popescu makes account, and for a minute contemplates stream of meaningless faces, and their literal outbursts. la nausee strikes. 912024;1415236996;asciilifeform;wallowing with the eagles, eh. 912025;1415237005;*;mircea_popescu is at that precise moment enlightened : rather than interact with random people, he'd count sand. 912026;1415237019;*;asciilifeform prefers soaring with the pigs any day of the week 912027;1415237057;ben_vulpes;i've been working out of a client's office on the 27th floor of this skyscraper downtown all week, and every time i walk outside i'm struck with gut-level desires to insulate myself from the people derping around outside the building. 912028;1415237059;mircea_popescu;this notion that "other people" exist is perhaps the most striking shared delusion humanity ever came up with. seriously, they do ? how ? 912029;1415237087;asciilifeform;hard to smell the pheromone trails when not an ant, yes. 912030;1415237093;mircea_popescu;guess so. 912031;1415237109;cazalla;so i butchered 6 rabbits this morning and a crow swooped and took a bunny head, imagine the poor kid that finds that in his backyard lol 912032;1415237117;mircea_popescu;ew 912033;1415237127;asciilifeform;there was a soviet-era kids' book about a lil'bugger who gets turned into an ant as punishment for his idiocy 912034;1415237132;asciilifeform;and 'has problems' in the ant colony 912035;1415237140;asciilifeform;wish i still had my copy. 912036;1415237168;mircea_popescu;you know the ancient story of the "magical" ass yes ? 912037;1415237176;asciilifeform;golden? 912038;1415237179;asciilifeform;apuleus ? 912039;1415237180;mircea_popescu;nah. 912040;1415237198;asciilifeform;which, then 912041;1415237209;mircea_popescu;worker falls asleep on the roadside, with loaded ass next to him. coupla bums decide to steal the goods 912042;1415237240;mircea_popescu;one of them comes up with a bright idea : takes bit off ass, puts over own head, while his fellow takes the ass and its load away. 912043;1415237266;mircea_popescu;worker awakens, finds a man instead of the ass. man explains that lo! he was cursed by his jealous lover woman, and his time as an ass just came to an end! 912044;1415237283;mircea_popescu;awestruck worker bids him enjoy his freedom and leaves. 912045;1415237300;mircea_popescu;coupla weeks later, worker runs into his ass at a fair. shimmies next to it and whispers 912046;1415237307;mircea_popescu;"who did you fuck now!" 912047;1415237313;asciilifeform;l0l 912048;1415237319;assbot;Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/3PK3CYG.txt ) 912049;1415237319;BingoBoingo;!b 3 912050;1415237379;mircea_popescu;Most people stumble through life afraid to speak any of the words that they only know from their reading, fearful that they will make fools of themselves by mispronouncing them in public. <<< this was a fact in jerome k jerome's england, back when people knew your class based on your rp. 912051;1415237410;mircea_popescu;meanwhile your average usian has no problem speako spanisho, and wonders why the spanish speakero no understando. 912052;1415237458;asciilifeform;orlov appears to subscribe to the hypothesis that english is a semi-deliberate qwerty for 'branded on the toungue' purposes. 912053;1415237486;mircea_popescu;o holy shit don't tell me he's of the "spoken as written" school of pararetardism 912054;1415237496;mircea_popescu;no, no... he is! 912055;1415237497;mircea_popescu;jesus. 912056;1415237539;mircea_popescu;Take the word that sounds like tu. It is spelled in three different ways: to, too, and two. << if only these actually sounded even vaguely alike. 912057;1415237563;mircea_popescu;that he's an ignorant ass i know. but why is he such a twerp to not even bother do his motherfucking reading, quote the actual canonical examples on this topic ? 912058;1415237701;asciilifeform;these sound quite alike in usa. 912059;1415237706;asciilifeform;or perhaps just my tin ear. 912060;1415237718;ben_vulpes;nope. 912061;1415237738;ben_vulpes;or maybe i'm infected with context. 912062;1415237744;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it's possible you don't hear them. some people don't distinguish some colors, red/green, yellow/blue, whatever. it does not follow paintings are bad or w/e. 912063;1415237760;*;asciilifeform confesses he was taught 'uk' style as a boy and had to slowly unlearn it, to much lulz 912064;1415237797;asciilifeform;ask a teacher of english in ru, and you'll get 'english is what they speak in england! here's how...' 912065;1415237802;mircea_popescu;the way this works is actually very similar to genetics. there's someting like 100ish vowels available to the human voice. these are all spaced equally apart, say 1 unit each. 912066;1415237810;mircea_popescu;no fucking language uses all 10 a's or all 10 o's. 912067;1415237829;*;asciilifeform did the obligatory tour of duty as linguistics 'minor' at uni 912068;1415237831;mircea_popescu;if a language happens to use the 3rd and 9th a, then the speaker expects that 6 unit barrier. 912069;1415237850;mircea_popescu;when confronted with language using 5th 6th and 7th, he believes them to be "the same". this is not actually the case. 912070;1415237890;asciilifeform;one you factor out the regionalisms, you get approximately orlov's phonemes, though. 912071;1415237960;mircea_popescu;there is a very slight difference between the length of the vowel in to and too, which length allows the latter to round closer to a plain u 912072;1415237980;mircea_popescu;whereas two has a faint j in there. 912073;1415238015;mircea_popescu;consider that the u in food is properly uː whereas the u in good is properly ʊ. these are in fact quite distinct, for most people , with some training. 912074;1415238063;mircea_popescu;juː is best heard in cue, or mule 912075;1415238127;asciilifeform;if this recipe is followed, you end up a brit. 912076;1415238146;mircea_popescu;and if it's not, you end up an urk. 912077;1415238149;mircea_popescu;or w/e, ebonics speaker. 912078;1415238193;mircea_popescu;anyway, no argument that english is, under the pressure of its colonialism, dieing a chinese death. so the argument is widely moot., 912079;1415238193;asciilifeform;they have their own most curious vowel 'dip switch' settings. 912080;1415238208;asciilifeform;aha, it's the ultimate poorly-specced mandarin. 912081;1415238224;mircea_popescu;mandarin was never specced, because, well... the speech is the spec. 912082;1415238284;mircea_popescu;The g in beige is the same consonant sound as the s in Asia and z in azure. << god help us. 912083;1415238293;punkbot;[trust-update] no changes 912084;1415238339;asciilifeform;in mr o's docs, he specifically highlights 'unspell' being designed for folks who aren't u.s. subjects, but rather random people from the outer landscapes of the empire who 'know english' as written hieroglyph, but can't actually speak to one another except in a highly-castrated pidgin when they chance to meet 912085;1415238461;mircea_popescu;And the kids are supposed to be able to make sense of this? At what point are children allowed to learn a set of symbols that unambiguously represent the speech sounds of English? << jurov! << Sleeping 912147;1415240137;ben_vulpes;http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/0.5.3-todos 912148;1415240137;assbot;0.5.3-todos [bitcoin assets wiki] 912149;1415240152;ben_vulpes;a foundational question: do bounties work? 912150;1415240256;kakobrekla;btw you can do subcategories there as well 912151;1415240273;kakobrekla;maybe you want like foundation/client 912152;1415240277;kakobrekla;dunno 912153;1415240294;kakobrekla;or chicken/... :p 912154;1415240475;decimation;dkim is kind of a chumpatron 912155;1415240572;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform anyway, to sum it : there already exists a phonetic notation, and has, for a century. it has the advantage that it works in all languages, and it is also fine enough for absolutely any conceivable use, with its extensions. 912156;1415240602;mircea_popescu;on the other hand, there are numerous attempts by various poetterings to create a "better language" because maybe that way their mother will not have been a crackwhore anymore. 912157;1415240624;mircea_popescu;the most notable example is that polari gypsy lingo thing, which is notable for how shitty it is. 912158;1415240635;mircea_popescu;so... whatevs. 912159;1415240650;BingoBoingo;Oh, the IPA thing? 912160;1415240671;mircea_popescu;sure/ 912161;1415240729;mircea_popescu;http://i.imgur.com/N7K36Kw.jpg << fucking funny that burned rigs are STILL teh problem. 912162;1415240756;cazalla;anyone want to buy some lucky rabbit feet or maybe even heads? http://i.imgur.com/gfYKXLP.jpg nsfw 912163;1415240773;BingoBoingo;Ah, Yeah, it's a pain. Latin alphabet works one way, Anglophones have retarded vowel shift, the irrelevance of Chinese supposes azns should look to Castellano as a lingua franca for dealing with white people. 912164;1415240844;mircea_popescu;what difference does it make anyway. if ruby were more like perl would you use it then ? 912165;1415240863;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform wonders why the setup wasn't under permanent inert gas to begin with << margins. 912166;1415240885;ben_vulpes;heh. 912167;1415240904;BingoBoingo; what difference does it make anyway. if ruby were more like perl would you use it then ? << If by like perl you mean the runtime doesn't suck, then maybe? 912168;1415240907;mircea_popescu;as ben_vulpes points out. 912169;1415240919;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo strictly discussing notation. 912170;1415240924;BingoBoingo;AH 912171;1415240937;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla: here is before : http://i.imgur.com/mYr74jf.jpg <<< absolute "cheapest of the cheap" scream to it huh 912172;1415240979;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo: Old uranium mines filled with radon would be great, except for the radiation flipping bits <<< if you're going to fill with gas, fill with technological gas. 912173;1415240985;mircea_popescu;whatever your compressors can eat. 912174;1415240992;decimation;supposedly most opera singers 'sight-read' IPA so they don't have to learn the target language 912175;1415240998;BingoBoingo;Well, I mean the mines flood themselves with it 912176;1415241002;mircea_popescu;decimation the ones that don't speak italian anyway. 912177;1415241009;decimation;yeah or german 912178;1415241017;mircea_popescu;that's a myth. 912179;1415241020;BingoBoingo; supposedly most opera singers 'sight-read' IPA so they don't have to learn the target language << Actually this is indeed a thing. 912180;1415241036;BingoBoingo;If they are from Usia 912181;1415241124;*;BingoBoingo has seen on several occasion musical scores in not Amerglish which had the target language only in IPA 912182;1415241132;decimation;http://archive.csustan.edu/Music/handbook/Vocal_Major_Requirmnts.html "Knowledge of International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) for English and Italian Sight reading" 912183;1415241154;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes: a foundational question: do bounties work? << they work best when large audience, small rewards. 912184;1415241251;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla how do i edit thios wiki ? 912185;1415241268;mircea_popescu;decimation the thing with ipa is that it roughly works like a modular pluggable thing. 912186;1415241275;kakobrekla;How do I add stuff? 912187;1415241275;kakobrekla;For editing rights, please ping kakobrekla on IRC. You also need a rated WOT account. 912188;1415241281;kakobrekla;do you have a rated wot account? 912189;1415241288;mircea_popescu;i do! 912190;1415241291;kakobrekla;good! 912191;1415241299;mircea_popescu;what nao 912192;1415241304;kakobrekla;pm 912193;1415241500;mircea_popescu;how does one use a wiki ? specifically, i wish to add an answer to "what is the desired behavior here?" 912194;1415241603;asciilifeform;ipa suffers deadspace problem 912195;1415241617;decimation;deadspace problem? 912196;1415241621;asciilifeform;that is, wtf to do with a keyboard where most of the keys - you will never push. 912197;1415241640;decimation;well, chinese solves this with a little gui tool 912198;1415241650;asciilifeform;also folks hate latin with squiggles. 912199;1415241652;asciilifeform;i sure as fuck do. 912200;1415241684;asciilifeform;in fact, my main objection to orlov's gizmo is that it isn't huffman optimal. 912201;1415241688;asciilifeform;quite like ipa. 912202;1415241708;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: so in your opinion bounties for biggies like "wedged 0.5.3" aren't going to produce much? 912203;1415241725;*;asciilifeform speaks as a formerly very regular 'in anger' user of ipa 912204;1415241780;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: bounties << let's ask more concretely. how much of a bounty would move you, personally, to unwedge 0.5.3 ? 912205;1415241787;decimation;wrt english pidgin < This already happens, ever been to hawaii? 912206;1415241803;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes let's consider the general point. a) elvis at the hight of his popularity offers a beer to anyone that runs a mile in five minutes ; b) totally unknown autistic otaku offers a million internet funbutts to anyone that runs a mile. 912207;1415241812;mircea_popescu;which is the more likely to result in run miles ? 912208;1415241837;asciilifeform;proverbial example of 'big hand, small bounty' - don knuth and his typo cheques. 912209;1415241841;mircea_popescu;^ 912210;1415241842;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform speaks as a formerly very regular 'in anger' user of ipa << IPA is the java of the linguistics world. 912211;1415241874;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform my point is merely that if a space already has a bad solution, implementing a bad solution by nobody is stupid. 912212;1415241876;mircea_popescu;it will be worse. 912213;1415241898;asciilifeform;a -good- solution by nobody - might have chance. 912214;1415241936;asciilifeform;but 'better to be rich and healthy than poor and disease-ridden', yes. 912215;1415241946;mircea_popescu;i read enough to know the person is not only never going to produce a good solution, but is actually ignorant enough to not even realise what the difference may be, and on top of that impudent enough to imagine this not to be so. 912216;1415241974;ben_vulpes; ben_vulpes: bounties << my unwedging << first i'd have to invent the universe 912217;1415241991;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: the universe << nah, just rip out bdb 912218;1415241995;mircea_popescu;impudent, incidentally, is an interesting word. it comes, of course, from pudenda, and it connotes shamelessness, immodesty. 912219;1415242011;asciilifeform;aha. 912220;1415242019;mircea_popescu;but literally : cuntless. 912221;1415242044;mircea_popescu;somehow contemporary retardation has retained ball-less-ness 912222;1415242056;mircea_popescu;but cunt-less-ness is lost, and then people wonder why women feel unequal. 912223;1415242068;decimation;it seems to me that sqllite might make a reasonable stand-in for bdb 912224;1415242080;asciilifeform;decimation: same liquishit, different bottle 912225;1415242085;mircea_popescu;^ 912226;1415242094;mircea_popescu;iirc this was considered and rejected for good reasons in array. 912227;1415242116;decimation;at least they claim to test the code 912228;1415242129;mircea_popescu;and i claim the crown of mexico. 912229;1415242133;asciilifeform;i'd do it but presently i've all eight of my shiva-hands full 912230;1415242143;mircea_popescu;do it with your cock! 912231;1415242154;asciilifeform;could, in principle, be persuaded to accidentally drop something 912232;1415242160;asciilifeform;but not cheaply. 912233;1415242219;mircea_popescu;no, not cheaply. 912234;1415242220;mircea_popescu;repeatedly. 912235;1415242253;asciilifeform;and i certainly hope i'm not the only one with hands. 912236;1415242261;asciilifeform;because if so, we're in a dire spot. 912237;1415242321;asciilifeform;where have all those literate folks scurried off to? the motherland calls! 912238;1415242364;asciilifeform;http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/ru/archive/f/f7/20091130080539!Ussr0437.jpg 912239;1415242410;decimation;lol is that a recruiting poster? 912240;1415242414;asciilifeform;aha. 912241;1415242419;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: i'm not averse to it at all but i can't even tell what's bdb and what's other things. 912242;1415242424;ben_vulpes;right now, at least. 912243;1415242441;asciilifeform;flies-from-cutlets separation, yes. 912244;1415242455;asciilifeform;http://demotivation.me/images/20130529/qv4yvfj2tv42.jpg 912245;1415242475;ben_vulpes;:( 912246;1415242535;asciilifeform;http://cdn5.img22.ria.ru/images/92068/64/920686406.jpg 912247;1415242536;ben_vulpes;i mean i don't even understand how CRITICAL_BLOCKs are implemented yet 912248;1415242574;mircea_popescu;it' s a journey of discovery 912249;1415242580;mircea_popescu;from milan to minsk 912250;1415242622;asciilifeform;http://www.krasnoyeznamya.ru/gallery/rm_21_489.jpg << more relevant to the janitorial essence of the task. 912251;1415242660;asciilifeform;loosely translated, 'red army's fine broom, sweeps the filth clean from the room' 912252;1415242687;asciilifeform;and yes BingoBoingo that's a mosin. 912253;1415242704;BingoBoingo;Looks the part 912254;1415242766;decimation;asciilifeform: I didn't realize that the soviet army was a 'volunteer' organization 912255;1415242775;asciilifeform;voluntary-compulsory. 912256;1415242780;asciilifeform;(yes, that's a phrase.) 912257;1415242798;asciilifeform;'it takes a brave fellow not to be a hero in the soviet army.' 912258;1415242810;BingoBoingo;"Voluntold" --Usian term 912259;1415242835;asciilifeform;http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/2709/varjag-2007.4/0_1ef2c_d1f5d8f3_L.jpg << again the 'janitorial' motif. 912260;1415242900;BingoBoingo;US election baramoeter highlights: http://thesouthern.com/ap/politics/quinn-concedes-illinois-governorship-to-rauner/article_e4fc81ba-82e3-5ddb-a6e4-d6a25018e068.html Also this guy won a distric that was blue for 70+ years www.suntimes.com/news/marin/12915506-452/viral-rant-makes-instant-folk-hero.html 912261;1415242901;assbot;Quinn concedes Illinois governorship to Rauner : Politics 912262;1415242911;decimation;so it was kinda like you could volunteer or be told that you were volunteering? 912263;1415242957;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo the final phase of dissolution is when the best predictor for electoral failure is being the incumbent. 912264;1415242967;BingoBoingo;Yeah 912265;1415242983;mircea_popescu;it simply means the "voters" scum expect on average more out of the forcing of the public treasury than on the maximum the public treasury may contain 912266;1415243009;asciilifeform;public printery. 912267;1415243011;BingoBoingo;In Illinois, Pat Quinn's greatest failing was being an "honest Democrat" 912268;1415243129;BingoBoingo;To trim the budget he cut the wrong bezzels. Also broke the rule in Illinois that Governor must be Unrepentant criminal, he was repentant 912269;1415243133;decimation;I predict that now the republicans have won they will quickly give away the farm on immigration, taxes, more welfare, etc 912270;1415243160;decimation;I predict that the number of H1b visas will at least triple 912271;1415243178;BingoBoingo;Well, that's how one keeps elected office generally 912272;1415243263;mircea_popescu;decimation visas are not actually bad. 912273;1415243266;thestringpuller;some companies hire H1B applicants over citizens/residents. 912274;1415243270;thestringpuller;^- decimation 912275;1415243274;mircea_popescu;that's also not bad. 912276;1415243294;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: how so? 912277;1415243331;mircea_popescu;well, obviously depends what your goals are, but if some sort of either efficiency or adherence to reality is among them then an open system will alway sbeat any closed one. 912278;1415243344;mircea_popescu;in short, you're better off living in a country of immigrants than in a coutnry of citizens. 912279;1415243363;asciilifeform;for particular values of 'you'. 912280;1415243373;mircea_popescu;particular how ? 912281;1415243400;asciilifeform;straight to greenspun. 912282;1415243418;asciilifeform;http://philip.greenspun.com/careers/women-in-science 912283;1415243419;assbot;Women in Science 912284;1415243420;asciilifeform;^ that one 912285;1415243436;asciilifeform;'Does this make sense as a career for anyone? Absolutely! Just get out your atlas.' 912286;1415243439;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform incidentally, it boggles that this orlov fellow has somehow managed to get all the us diseases. srsly, an amateur is going to joseph smith his way into a better way to read ? and pushes this on random kids ? 912287;1415243440;mircea_popescu;insanity. 912288;1415243448;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform im not following ? 912289;1415243461;*;asciilifeform has the misfortune of working with quite a few 'h1b' folks. 912290;1415243491;mircea_popescu;go on ? 912291;1415243508;asciilifeform;typical speciment: chinese fellow, cribbed dissertation, 100% cribbed/shannonized papers, total and unambiguous waste of oxygen 912292;1415243529;asciilifeform;'how did you get the sheepskin?' - 'washed glassware for advisor, same as the others.' 912293;1415243544;mircea_popescu;k t 912294;1415243545;asciilifeform;he gets his 25k/usd/annum, sends most of it home 912295;1415243558;mircea_popescu;i think you miss my meaning. " if some sort of either efficiency or adherence to reality" 912296;1415243564;asciilifeform;lab - 90% these folks, by weight. 912297;1415243565;asciilifeform;and it shows. 912298;1415243568;mircea_popescu;i don't happen to care that usians believe sucking cock is not something to be good at 912299;1415243568;decimation;the numbers I have seen are that ~%80 of the 'skilled workers' brought in on h1b visas have completely phony credentials 912300;1415243570;mircea_popescu;the demand exist. 912301;1415243585;asciilifeform;now, the 'protectionist case' is not made here, because 'where there is a great birdlessness, my arse is a nightingale' 912302;1415243590;asciilifeform;but it's still a laugh. 912303;1415243595;mircea_popescu;decimation not so. the chinese guy in his example was well skilled 912304;1415243604;mircea_popescu;just, at a skill the puritanical state refuses to name. "slavery" say. 912305;1415243618;decimation;they refuse to say it, but tacitly allow it 912306;1415243621;BingoBoingo; the numbers I have seen are that ~%80 of the 'skilled workers' brought in on h1b visas have completely phony credentials << Difference is Usians with phony credentials tend to get along better at work parties 912307;1415243624;asciilifeform;slavishly carrying out the rituals of 'scientocracy' - yes. 912308;1415243625;mircea_popescu;well, it's a skill. 912309;1415243637;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform a slave is a slave. the responsibility for his actions is his master's. 912310;1415243637;asciilifeform;if they were slaving in uranium mine - another matter altogether. 912311;1415243643;mircea_popescu;he is. 912312;1415243656;mircea_popescu;let me show you one btw 912313;1415243665;mircea_popescu;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P93o9_9N27o 912314;1415243665;assbot;Cel mai oltean dintre chinezi - YouTube 912315;1415243671;mircea_popescu;chinese guy in rural romania. herds goats. 912316;1415243680;mircea_popescu;was an obgyn in china. had a wife, math teacher. 912317;1415243690;asciilifeform;or the gurlz in that restaurant in timis, yes 912318;1415243703;mircea_popescu;the locals are haetful. because he outworks them. 912319;1415243731;mircea_popescu;imagine this. romanian rural population, making ~2-3k a year, thinks themselves better. 912320;1415243734;asciilifeform;strikebreaker, yes 912321;1415243759;mircea_popescu;i suspect guangfalong w/e 912322;1415243787;asciilifeform;falun gong? 912323;1415243794;asciilifeform;we have a pestilence of these in wash., d.c. 912324;1415243804;asciilifeform;they like to set up little stands with 'atrocity porn' 912325;1415243805;decimation;they hold gym class on the mall as I recall 912326;1415243810;asciilifeform;revolting little buggers 912327;1415243810;mircea_popescu;yah 912328;1415243838;mircea_popescu;anyway. i wish you all a happy nov 6th and laters! 912329;1415243852;gernika;I like the h1b worker as slave idea. Everything makes so much more sense now. 912330;1415243873;decimation;http://time.com/2919691/street-fight-congress-renames-road-by-chinese-embassy-after-jailed-dissident/ 912331;1415243877;assbot;China: U.S. Congress Renames Chinese Embassy Road for Jailed Dissident 912332;1415243883;decimation;gernika: it's pretty much reality 912333;1415243930;BingoBoingo; the locals are haetful. because he outworks them. << Generally the way this work in US is eventually Indian family produces doctor in US, they use their surplus to bringing in hardworking family members willing to put all effort into running fuelstation/convenience stores, shopkeep cousins succeed, finance next generation of doctors, pale natives bitch that people were willing to work at shopkeeping 912334;1415243939;scoopbot;New post on Trilema by Mircea Popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/you-know-what-you-should-do/ 912335;1415244009;gernika;Silicon valley companies are full of h1b slaves 912336;1415244083;BingoBoingo; Silicon valley companies are full of h1b slaves << You have to realize the h1b thing is USia's last defense against the doctor, retailer, doctor pipeline 912337;1415244098;decimation;BingoBoingo: the question is - do their children have the same work ethic/. 912338;1415244144;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo: the question is - do their children have the same work ethic/. << For a generation at least, but there's always more people with a work ethic who can sustain the system. 912339;1415244185;gernika;What makes a slave happy? Certainly not freedom. 912340;1415244190;gernika;That's what I didn't get 912341;1415244197;BingoBoingo;And I'm not talking about the Urban tradition of Arab shops, I'm talking about motherfucking Circle K, king of the Midwestern convenience market 912342;1415244215;BingoBoingo;gernika> What makes a slave happy? Certainly not freedom. << Goal oriented activity 912343;1415244278;gernika;Yes. Everything and anything for the goal. 912344;1415244282;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by thestringpuller: http://qntra.net/2014/11/thai-mining-operation-catches-fire-estimated-7-petahashes-lost/ 912345;1415244298;decimation;BingoBoingo: the real thing that enables this are "family relocation" visas 912346;1415244343;gernika;The goal doesn't have to be meaningful. It just has to be achieved. 912347;1415244375;BingoBoingo;decimation: Only on paper, the real power is there are always poor kids in India with dreams and a work ethic 912348;1415244474;decimation;where were they in 1910? http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2014/05/27/a-shift-from-germany-to-mexico-for-americas-immigrants/ 912349;1415244476;assbot;From Germany to Mexico: How America’s source of immigrants has changed over a century | Pew Research Center 912350;1415244633;BingoBoingo; From Germany to Mexico: How Americas source of immigrants has changed over a century | Pew Research Center << I'm not refering to the most desperate, I'm talking about empire building follow from history http://www.circlek.com/history-and-timeline?language=en to the current reality 912351;1415244634;assbot;History and Timeline | Circle K: Convenience store chain providing quick stop services including fuel, food, snacks, drinks, cigarettes, beer and our world-famous Polar Pop 912352;1415244729;BingoBoingo;Dig into actual records, google will be of little help 912353;1415244735;gernika;BingoBoingo You have to realize the h1b thing is USia's last defense against the doctor, retailer, doctor pipeline << even doctors and lawyers are slaves in the US now, due to student loan debt. 912354;1415244807;BingoBoingo;^ Depends on specialty. My brother who cam from the same poor ass lineage i did is now in Dentistry with his SJW wife and adorable dog 912355;1415244864;decimation;well, there's little doubt in my mind that the reason h1b visas are 'tech' targeted is because engineers have the least political pull in the us 912356;1415244871;BingoBoingo;Yes 912357;1415244895;decimation;I'm sure the doctors, lawyers, etc would be more than happy to ensure that poor indian kids learn computers and not us law 912358;1415244907;BingoBoingo;That is why stan doesn't atm have a ranch and to bitches trained in rifle-fu 912359;1415244970;BingoBoingo; I'm sure the doctors, lawyers, etc would be more than happy to ensure that poor indian kids learn computers and not us law << Of course, even with the obamacare bezzel established families in medicine have a strong advantage 912360;1415245002;BingoBoingo;The difference between Internal medicine and dermatology is about 300k/year 912361;1415245031;cazalla;the indians come to australia on a 457 visa to work at places like mcdonalds 912362;1415245076;BingoBoingo;Networking, priveledge, reciptority, these are old mechanics. There were Roman Charioteers who earned more from sport than A-Rod could imagine 912363;1415245081;decimation;I thought australia had very strict immigration rules 912364;1415245084;cazalla;and i was not much a fan of them until i lived with one indian guy and he made the best hainanese chicken so all is forgiven 912365;1415245101;cazalla;decimation, yeah, if you try to come by boat but come by plane and it's easy 912366;1415245163;decimation;I guess I just wish for a hopeless outcome, which is that the us will not become (or already mostly is) a third world country 912367;1415245197;BingoBoingo; I guess I just wish for a hopeless outcome, which is that the us will not become (or already mostly is) a third world country << Twas inevitable. Blame the WASPs 912368;1415245258;cazalla;australians really hate boat people which is amusing given so many of us actually came by boat, my parents included, 50-60 years back, it's like they don't want to be reminded 912369;1415245264;decimation;what I find interesting is - why do these poor indian kids with a 'work ethic' really want to come to the us? as I posted here a few days ago, odds are that they will end up in some kind of debt slavery (aside from their indentured servitude) 912370;1415245276;decimation;cazalla: were they POMs? 912371;1415245347;BingoBoingo; what I find interesting is - why do these poor indian kids with a 'work ethic' really want to come to the us? as I posted here a few days ago, odds are that they will end up in some kind of debt slavery (aside from their indentured servitude) << Because the previous generation used their surplus income to establish petit dynasties 912372;1415245348;cazalla;decimation, nah germans, red cross helped my fathers family get out here 912373;1415245371;decimation;I've heard that there is quite a large number of germans in australia 912374;1415245380;cazalla;well, his family being his parents at the time and not me obviously 912375;1415245384;decimation;cazalla: were they fleeing the post-wwii misery of germany? 912376;1415245424;cazalla;decimation, east germany 912377;1415245500;cazalla;i dunno full story tbh, opa was in the wehrmacht and we have photos of him as an officer but my father reckons he wasn't an officer despite the photos and shit 912378;1415245544;decimation;most folks today never learn about the complete Apocalypse that faced german people after wwii 912379;1415245727;gernika;decimation any good sources to read about it? Seen some german movies about the immediate post ware period. 912380;1415245848;decimation;here's something http://www.rense.com/general78/germ.htm 912381;1415246010;decimation;the pediwikia article isn't too bad, lots of links http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flight_and_expulsion_of_Germans_%281944%E2%80%9350%29 912382;1415246010;assbot;Flight and expulsion of Germans (1944–50) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 912383;1415246343;decimation;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-10-2014#883130 http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-10-2014#883140 912384;1415246343;assbot;Logged on 19-10-2014 04:50:50; asciilifeform: there were fully-functional german hamlets in, even, kazakhstan 912385;1415246343;assbot;Logged on 19-10-2014 04:55:38; asciilifeform: what the anglos did to germany, will be remembered as -the- 20th c. crime. 912386;1415246514;gernika;thanks 912387;1415246627;gernika;interesting - the movie I saw was more about what the russians did to germany after the war. Wrt anglos are we talking firebombing? 912388;1415246690;gernika;I would not be surprised at the gap in my knowledge given my public education. 912389;1415246751;BingoBoingo;Anglos Firebommed and scared defectors with the "Russian threat", Russians at the time offered "Stalin" 912390;1415246854;decimation;gernika: I guess I was more referring to the intentional policies of starvation and mass population displacement 912391;1415246880;decimation;after the war was over, but yeah firebombing counts too. Of course the source for that is "slaughterhouse five" 912392;1415246991;decimation;but also after the first world war, when the same population was starved and forced into debt slavery 912393;1415248461;BingoBoingo;!up supay 912394;1415248628;supay;thanks BingoBoingo! 912395;1415248640;supay;i was wondering if the bitcoin price will really rise again.. 912396;1415248648;supay;and what the reasons might be for the drop 912397;1415248667;supay;doing a small presentation about bitcoins for my 'technical seminar' at school! :) 912398;1415248711;BingoBoingo; and what the reasons might be for the drop << Buterin's waterfall 912399;1415248758;*;supay googles 912400;1415248802;BingoBoingo;!s waterfall 912401;1415248803;assbot;34 results for 'waterfall' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=waterfall 912402;1415248829;supay;ah, thanks 912403;1415248868;supay;okay, that seems understandable. 912404;1415248901;supay;what do you guys think about the speculations? that 1btc will value anywhere between $10k to $40k or even more by the end of this year? 912405;1415248910;BingoBoingo;Yeah, I'm working on a summary, if you can beat e to it submit it for publiccation 912406;1415248954;BingoBoingo; what do you guys think about the speculations? that 1btc will value anywhere between $10k to $40k or even more by the end of this year? << This year questionable, Next year possible, but work on your knife fighting skills 912407;1415248976;supay;haha, im only here to get your opinions and possible explanations for the same.. i dont have the know how to write a paper etc 912408;1415248994;supay;oh, okay.. thats seems sad considering a lot of people were expecting it to jump up all of a sudden.. 912409;1415249004;BingoBoingo;supay: Qntra takes a lot of things. 912410;1415249049;supay;the logs you linked me to have a mention of how the FBI seize of the SikRoad BTC might be a cause.. i've heard a lot of people saying the same, would that be nearly true? 912411;1415249054;BingoBoingo;In Bitcoin you have to realize the thing shortly went from soft adversaries (Trendon Shavers) to hard adversaries (Obola and Ebama) very quickly 912412;1415249078;supay;lol :) 912413;1415249087;BingoBoingo;supay: Probably is in part, but not entirely 912414;1415249087;supay;Obolo and Ebama, rofl 912415;1415249100;BingoBoingo;The horsemen of each other 912416;1415249166;supay;hmm 912417;1415249243;BingoBoingo;Seriously BTC is a hard business this year. Jurov is surviving, barely, on 10 customers 912418;1415249273;supay;i see.. thats sad 912419;1415249301;supay;there was another mention of a reason for the price drop - a lot of companies now accepting bitcoins. but how does that work? 912420;1415249423;BingoBoingo;supay: Well it works the same. 912421;1415249445;thestringpuller;;;ticker 912422;1415249446;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 337.42, Best ask: 337.92, Bid-ask spread: 0.50000, Last trade: 337.9, 24 hour volume: 13734.04653623, 24 hour low: 328.8, 24 hour high: 344.17, 24 hour vwap: 339.147808319 912423;1415249457;BingoBoingo;People with Bitcoin pay Overstock.com for schlock and Overstock sells the BTC automagically, feeding Buterin's waterfall 912424;1415249515;supay;interesting.. will have to go through that as well 912425;1415250372;BingoBoingo;!up supay 912426;1415251137;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2014/11/bitcoin-securities-update-october-2014/ 912427;1415251246;BingoBoingo;^ mircea_popescu 912428;1415252205;BingoBoingo;!up csshih 912429;1415252394;csshih;o.o 912430;1415252408;gernika;So Buterin's Waterfall works like this: Buterin announces scam coin sale. Chumps give him btc, bringing down the price of BTC which he then sells for fiat. Weak hands then sell btc for fiat on the market out of fear. Correct? 912431;1415252431;gernika;If that is correct, how does the cycle repeat? Or does it? 912432;1415252495;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo ferglubbssake write the waterfall likbez. 912433;1415252540;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: likbez takes time unless a less ruminant thinker than myself writes likbez... (hint) 912434;1415252549;asciilifeform;(asciilifeform) what the anglos did to germany, will be remembered as -the- 20th c. crime... (gernika) what the russians did to germany after the war << gotta understand the anglo m.o. 912435;1415252554;asciilifeform;never shoot the dog. 912436;1415252559;asciilifeform;tease the dog until it bites. 912437;1415252572;asciilifeform;then the other fellow'll shoot it. 912438;1415252581;asciilifeform;all you gotta do - stand an laugh. then dine on fresh meat. 912439;1415252626;asciilifeform;aka the 'let's you and him fight' theorem. 912440;1415252662;assbot;Last 6 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/174R9KP.txt ) 912441;1415252662;BingoBoingo;!b 6 912442;1415252714;gernika;So post WWI reparations imposed on germany was the teasing? 912443;1415252721;BingoBoingo;Maybe... 912444;1415252743;BingoBoingo;Maybe germans imposed on Germany the teasing, or the Austro-Hungarians. 912445;1415252751;gernika;then the dog bit russia? 912446;1415252764;asciilifeform;from the pov of a wilhelmine german, culture is where he is, and the english are a buncha pedos. 912447;1415252771;asciilifeform;what's more, he's approximately correct. 912448;1415252946;asciilifeform;old deutschland did in fifty years what england (post-newton era) could not do in 200. 912449;1415252956;asciilifeform;almost enough to be dangerous. 912450;1415252969;asciilifeform;so the anglos did what they do best. 912451;1415253013;asciilifeform;incidentally, the colonies (as mircea_popescu helpfully points out) never really grew into their father's shoes. 912452;1415253024;asciilifeform;england had isambard brunel. usa has - steve ballmer. 912453;1415253051;BingoBoingo; incidentally, the colonies (as mircea_popescu helpfully points out) never really grew into their father's shoes. << They played, the Great White fleet was a thing for a few months in Siam 912454;1415253783;asciilifeform;China: U.S. Congress Renames Chinese Embassy Road for Jailed Dissident << looking forward to eric frein street in beijing. 912455;1415253798;asciilifeform;hope to live to walk on it one day. 912456;1415253834;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: riddle for you 912457;1415253841;BingoBoingo;!up ninjashogun 912458;1415253859;thestringpuller;why does my SNES from 96 outlast my friends' Xbox 360? 912459;1415253871;thestringpuller;s/outlast/outlive 912460;1415253881;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: i'm entirely innocent of the xbox, so you may have to say what the cause of death was. 912461;1415253884;asciilifeform;let's guess - hdd? 912462;1415253925;thestringpuller;I don't know what fails to be honest. HDD failure on XBox though isn't fatal failure. 912463;1415253931;thestringpuller;what failed to be honest* 912464;1415253932;asciilifeform;and this - was? 912465;1415253937;asciilifeform;as in, smoke? 912466;1415253951;thestringpuller;just that red ring. the general "This xbox is fucked, don't bother repairing" 912467;1415253960;asciilifeform;other candidates include thermal death from plugged fan/vents 912468;1415253975;asciilifeform;and the ubiquitous and pestilential bga (ball grid array) deballings. 912469;1415253986;thestringpuller;that is what I suspect. that these newer consoles have higher tendency to overheat and kill themselves 912470;1415253991;asciilifeform;;;google bga defective 912471;1415253992;gribble;Head in pillow BGA defects - AIM Solder: ; Ball grid array & lead-free assembly defects, parts 1 & 2 - Ersa: ; Modern 2D/3D X-ray inspection - SMTnet: ; the nvidia defect | MetaFilter: ; Index page • The Nvidia Defect Forum: 912474;1415254010;BingoBoingo; and the ubiquitous and pestilential bga (ball grid array) deballings. << red ring usually this 912475;1415254045;asciilifeform;5 portables i owned with nvidia bga-mount packages, 5 died within a month or so of warranty expiration. 912476;1415254057;asciilifeform;'greed is good, greed works' 912477;1415254079;thestringpuller;yet my SNES has stayed on 6 days, gotten much abuse, yet still runs like the day I opened it 912478;1415254085;asciilifeform;story doesn't have a happiend either. i still buy'em. 912479;1415254089;asciilifeform;because wtf else to buy. 912480;1415254094;ninjashogun;Hi. I was informed some people from here were talkiing shit about me? I don't have any interaction with this channel (and haven't for months) - if you have any specific complaints (or areas for room for improvement in the future) you can tell me. My reading is that this is a very low-signal troll community. (For example, cazalla's rating of my on WoT is after he gave me an Australian police department's number, not his own. Asciil 912481;1415254094;ninjashogun;ifeform and bingoboingo rated me as "us government" after I contributed 3 days of work via email, which they were free to ignore.) 912482;1415254106;ninjashogun;so let's discuss what your objections are if you have some. 912483;1415254121;ninjashogun;I am not coming by here anymore and otherwise have nothing to say. I hvae no comment on your community. 912484;1415254143;asciilifeform;snes >> http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5f/SNES-CPU-RGB01_01.jpg 912485;1415254147;asciilifeform;notice what isn't in the picture. 912486;1415254160;asciilifeform;bga. 912487;1415254165;asciilifeform;anything requiring active cooling. 912488;1415254176;asciilifeform;any really fine-pitched part. 912489;1415254185;asciilifeform;(not visible to naked eye) 'lead-free' solder alloy. 912490;1415254192;BingoBoingo;ninjashogun: You contibuted failing work on a simple paper about spinoza 912491;1415254192;asciilifeform;!s tin whiskers 912492;1415254193;assbot;3 results for 'tin whiskers' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=tin+whiskers 912493;1415254230;asciilifeform;need i carry on? 912494;1415254279;ninjashogun;BingoBoingo - if you think that work is failing (though you aborted the draft early, but it literally included a dependency graphy exactly as you requested) then you're entitled to it. At least I did it as you requested. 912495;1415254287;ninjashogun;graph* 912496;1415254303;asciilifeform;incidentally, i wonder how many 'snes' and 'genesis' boxes are still in working order. 912497;1415254313;thestringpuller;hey mine is in perfect working order! 912498;1415254315;asciilifeform;i might like to release a proggy for them one day. 912499;1415254332;asciilifeform;because you never know when the trash turns into treasure. 912500;1415254360;asciilifeform;just look at that snes board. 912501;1415254360;thestringpuller;well you make good point. N64 almost doubled in value recently 912502;1415254374;asciilifeform;isn't it a beauty? how did they even get the bloody thing going without decoupling caps? 912503;1415254381;BingoBoingo;ninjashogun: You point to a machine generated graph you submitted as right, but which was wrong 912504;1415254398;ninjashogun;It wasn't machine generated. I made it by hand in a word processor. 912505;1415254413;asciilifeform;(anybody have the flip side of that thing?) 912506;1415254420;asciilifeform;(are they found there?) 912507;1415254431;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: i suppose you want me to open mine :P 912508;1415254446;asciilifeform;or let it stay a beautiful delicious riddle. 912509;1415254475;thestringpuller;http://www.ulms.me/specials/tech-special/images/snes20a.jpg 912510;1415254482;asciilifeform;http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7e/SHVC-CPU-01B_01.jpg 912511;1415254486;asciilifeform;^ aha there they are. 912512;1415254491;asciilifeform;damn, no magic. 912513;1415254504;thestringpuller;only in the mind 912514;1415254583;thestringpuller;not much a of a gamer asciilifeform ? lol 912515;1415254598;*;asciilifeform never much liked machines where you're forced to pay for games. 912516;1415254649;thestringpuller;i guess i'm a baby. i don't remember a time when that didn't exist. 912517;1415254657;asciilifeform;it existed in 1980! 912518;1415254662;asciilifeform;i just never had any part in it. 912519;1415254681;asciilifeform;and playing on tv set (esp. ntsc crt) sucks. 912520;1415254694;thestringpuller;don't sit too close to the television 912521;1415254744;thestringpuller;how did we ever live with CRT's 912522;1415254749;BingoBoingo; and playing on tv set (esp. ntsc crt) sucks. << NTSC was the worst 912523;1415254756;thestringpuller;I remember taking those things to LAN parties 912524;1415254783;asciilifeform;love a good crt. 912525;1415254791;asciilifeform;e.g., 'trinitron' from 'sun' 912526;1415254796;asciilifeform;but not garbage. 912527;1415254812;thestringpuller;that big ass square that's flat? 912528;1415254815;*;asciilifeform not really much of a gamer today. games mostly ended for him with the sunset of ms-dos. 912529;1415254821;asciilifeform;at least - new ones. 912530;1415254857;BingoBoingo; that big ass square that's flat? << Great monitor 912531;1415254868;thestringpuller;checking google. i see. 912532;1415254896;asciilifeform;wasn't flat. (until the very last incarnations.) cylindric. 912533;1415254904;*;asciilifeform says goodnight 912534;1415254923;thestringpuller;asciilifeform has left the building? 912535;1415255344;BingoBoingo;.deed http://thedrinkingrecord.com/ninjashogun.txt.asc 912536;1415255345;punkbot;BingoBoingo: Queued 1 valid deed for next bundle. 912537;1415255463;BingoBoingo;^ ninjashogun 912538;1415255562;ninjashogun;Okay, BingoBoingo, I accept that I am to treat you as drunk 100% of the time. In fact I will extend the same courtesy to anyone else here who acts like they need it. 912539;1415255593;ninjashogun;anyway other than if you guys talk shit about me I don't hang out here anymore. (as you might have noticed.) 912540;1415255636;ninjashogun;I am only interested in building real-world businesses with real income streams, not taking bitcoin investments for something and running off iwth it. (Not referencing anyone here, this was a recent case with Moolah, for example. Or at least accusation.) 912541;1415255652;BingoBoingo;ninjashogun: But you jsut addressed me. Trustrapist!!! Stranger Danger!!! 912542;1415255690;thestringpuller;we always think we have more time, but then it runs out 912543;1415255754;BingoBoingo; wasn't flat. (until the very last incarnations.) cylindric. << Flat square one was nice. 912544;1415255965;punkbot;Bundled 1 deed | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1GY7Ru7c 912545;1415256018;BingoBoingo;;;later tell ninjashogun http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/deed/3eriHWDxLYe7ZLoF71cxQQMWv1Uyw1ZoXWPyXRYtmhUK trustrapist 912546;1415256018;assbot;Deed 3eriHWDx | #bitcoin-assets deed registry 912547;1415256018;gribble;The operation succeeded. 912548;1415256226;BingoBoingo;;;later tell punkman Thank you for doing deedbot right. 912549;1415256226;gribble;The operation succeeded. 912550;1415256556;punkbot;Confirmed bundle 1GY7Ru7ckrfnaqUJG4yrvTXLkmLFHURip1 | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1GY7Ru7c 912551;1415257890;BingoBoingo;http://yro.slashdot.org/story/14/11/05/235245/undersized-grouper-case-lands-in-supreme-court << WHo wants to qntra this??? 912552;1415257891;assbot;Undersized Grouper Case Lands In Supreme Court - Slashdot 912553;1415258057;BingoBoingo;!up sgnb` 912554;1415258106;thestringpuller;lol 912555;1415258141;BingoBoingo;Or am I the only person who finds fish tastiest straight out of the water 912556;1415258210;thestringpuller;I'm not competent enough in the law to write it up 912557;1415258242;BingoBoingo;K, I may have to 912558;1415258312;cazalla;ninjashogun> Okay, BingoBoingo, I accept that I am to treat you as drunk 100% of the time. <<< don't forget me! 912559;1415258344;BingoBoingo;cazalla: You swore "no drink" november, beer isn't drink 912560;1415258376;cazalla;i didn't even last a day, or another day after that 912561;1415258392;BingoBoingo;lol 912562;1415258412;cazalla;and the OCD means i cannot try again until Dec 1st 912563;1415258504;BingoBoingo;It happens 912564;1415259910;punkbot;[trust-update] no changes 912565;1415261611;mircea_popescu;!up aspho 912566;1415262102;aspho;thx, great work with the new real foundation btw 912567;1415262571;mircea_popescu;ha! thanks. 912568;1415263220;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25929 @ 0.00074981 = 19.4418 BTC [+] {2} 912569;1415266188;mircea_popescu;http://lphoto1.ask.fm/924/081/287/910003001-1s76tc6-mc6fq88b8knepp/original/Screenshot20111021at64529PM300x267.png eh. 912570;1415267055;BingoBoingo;;;ident 912571;1415267056;gribble;Nick 'BingoBoingo', with hostmask 'BingoBoingo!~BingoBoin@unaffiliated/bingoboingo', is identified as user 'BingoBoingo', with GPG key id 309BB8D7F3251143, key fingerprint ADD7A9A28F85E5EF1F51904F309BB8D7F3251143, and bitcoin address None 912572;1415267474;BingoBoingo;;;google sheep counting video 912573;1415267474;gribble;The Best Counting Sheep To Go To Sleep - 1 Hour - Mini Monsters ...: ; Counting sheep to help you sleep - 1 hour version - YouTube: ; Counting sheep to help you sleep. - YouTube: 912574;1415268012;punkman;;;ident 912575;1415268012;gribble;Nick 'punkman', with hostmask 'punkman!~punkman@unaffiliated/punkman', is identified as user 'punkman', with GPG key id 33588BE08B232B13, key fingerprint F28E0095843B91CB22E7D65533588BE08B232B13, and bitcoin address None 912576;1415268021;punkman;what, I'm still authed 912577;1415268052;punkman;punkbot, balance 912578;1415268052;punkbot;punkman: Balance at 1LAwrWMbPLLSpt7nkD5Jv1Yf4cwPhD98ny is 0.01438 BTC (0.0 unconfirmed), enough for 130 more bundles. 912579;1415270052;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16521 @ 0.00074613 = 12.3268 BTC [-] {2} 912580;1415272207;mircea_popescu;anyone looking for some web gruntwork ? 912581;1415272529;RagnarDanneskjol;yes 912582;1415272557;RagnarDanneskjol;whats the job? 912583;1415272675;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9759 @ 0.00074163 = 7.2376 BTC [-] 912584;1415272714;mircea_popescu;!up ug_ 912585;1415273102;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16800 @ 0.00074123 = 12.4527 BTC [-] {2} 912586;1415275055;mircea_popescu;lol so pankkake got butthurt because we don't like systemd, decided bitcoin "wouldn't have worked anyway" ? that's some pretty good fatlogic right there. 912587;1415275423;bounce;where'd that come from? 912588;1415276497;mircea_popescu;bounce contravex 912589;1415276696;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo:. << Generally the way this work in US [...] << yup, exactly that. 912590;1415276869;mircea_popescu;decimation: well, there's little doubt in my mind that the reason h1b visas are 'tech' targeted is because engineers have the least political pull in the us <<< they happen to be the only people who have an actual something to do, and so aren't quite as motivated to politics by the gnawing existential void that pushes the paper pushers. 912591;1415279829;jurov;sigh...you yanks and canucks insist to test only when i am afk 912592;1415279870;jurov;is there anyone around who can test btc-dev mailing list around CET working time? 912593;1415280549;punkman;jurov, what do you need? 912594;1415280570;jurov;just check if it works with various email clients 912595;1415280587;jurov;if you send signed message as described, ti should appear even without registration 912596;1415280636;jurov;i just found bug that has bit ben_vulpes, he was the first one who sent message from email actually matching his gpg pubkey :) 912597;1415280813;punkman;assbot trust list (combined L1/L2), updated every 6 hours: http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/trust.json 912598;1415280826;punkman;jurov, what was the bug? 912599;1415280859;jurov;i did not understood mailman code 912600;1415281032;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26950 @ 0.00072752 = 19.6067 BTC [-] 912601;1415281775;punkman;jurov, I just sent a mail to the list 912602;1415281791;punkman;works http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2014-November/000006.html 912603;1415282227;bounce;hooshit. zalman bust due to fraud. http://www.geek.com/chips/pc-cooling-specialist-zalman-goes-bankrupt-due-to-fraud-1608736/ 912604;1415282227;assbot;PC cooling specialist Zalman goes bankrupt due to fraud | Chips | Geek.com 912605;1415282288;*;bounce rummages in the pockets for some spare change to snap this thing up without the loans 912606;1415282989;jurov;still not going through... brb later 912607;1415285027;asciilifeform;h1b engineers << afaik none of the folks who specialize in whining on the subject have publicly written re: how the particular kind of 'engineering' now popular in usa and its colonies makes the use of coolie labour not only possible, but mandatory. 912608;1415285036;asciilifeform;see also 'deskilling.' (actual term of art) 912609;1415285548;mircea_popescu;bounce interesting story. 912610;1415285550;mircea_popescu;!up poloux 912611;1415285724;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you can't maintain intellectual dominance without political dominance, you can't maintain political dominance without social hierarchy. the us decided to scrap hierarchy. of fucking course it can no longer have intelligent people working in its workshops, whatever they may be. 912612;1415285750;asciilifeform;i'm just not seeing the 'scrapped hierarchy' thing 912613;1415285760;asciilifeform;that's rather like 'scrapped gravity' 912614;1415285777;asciilifeform;scrap gravity a hundred times, rocket somehow did not get the memo 912615;1415285778;mircea_popescu;the case study for this is renaissance france. 912616;1415285782;bounce;in spaaaaace 912617;1415285817;mircea_popescu;because france had a king and italy did not, it was able to import glassworks from france (and silk from china) and become a major producer, running it out of the market. 912618;1415285825;mircea_popescu;once france got rid of its king, it lost glass. 912619;1415285898;asciilifeform;and herr lavoisier. 912620;1415285902;mircea_popescu;back when shooting artillery upon the strikers was the publicly acceptable approach, ford and carnegie could dominate whole industries, and build the capital that's still to this day supporting us spending, that "full faith and credit". 912621;1415285927;mircea_popescu;once that was no longer the approach, the us was no longer noteworthy. 912622;1415285959;mircea_popescu;so... yeah. destructuring society -> deskilling economy. 912623;1415285963;asciilifeform;true, but not entirely connected to the h1b thing: 912624;1415285977;asciilifeform;who is being shipped in? it isn't factory grunts. 912625;1415285982;mircea_popescu;has entirely nothing to do with technology, as tardpedia emptily claims. 912626;1415286023;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i suspect the bulk of they shipped in are "luxury workers", which is to say cocksuckers. 912627;1415286043;asciilifeform;afaik it's 'java monkeys' 912628;1415286048;asciilifeform;and almost wholly male 912629;1415286059;mircea_popescu;cocksucking's not a gendered role. 912630;1415286085;asciilifeform;if so, they're sucking a titanic phantom cock that never shoots its load 912631;1415286097;mircea_popescu;would brownnosers work better ? 912632;1415286111;mircea_popescu;"really placid and obedient people" ? 912633;1415286141;asciilifeform;'good soldiers' - sure. but they're serving in an 'army' whose sole purpose appears to be 'painting the grass green.' 912634;1415286215;mircea_popescu;well, you know the joke with the sinking boat ? 912635;1415286224;asciilifeform;? 912636;1415286229;mircea_popescu;seaworthy vessels work at going places ; sinking vessels work at staying afloat. 912637;1415286317;asciilifeform;ford, carnegie, et. al. worked at a tech level where perfectly-legit products required battalions of semi-skilled labourers 912638;1415286334;mircea_popescu;my proposition is that this is entirely besides the point. 912639;1415286344;mircea_popescu;counterintuitively enough. 912640;1415286358;asciilifeform;the attempted point is that the h1b folks are quite analogous to 'zamac' 912641;1415286384;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform entertain this model for a second : 912642;1415286395;asciilifeform;the availability of zamac doesn't cause crud to be produced in lieu of genuine article. or does it? 912643;1415286417;mircea_popescu;suppose out of a hundred people, ninety-seven don't matter. ever. irrespective of any consideration, if god strikes them down tomorrow nothing happens. 912644;1415286467;mircea_popescu;allowing this as a fact : that at point A the three that mattered used thirty others to dance the ramma-butta, whereas at point B the three that mattered simply stayed indoors and piled items on top of other items is not what's relevant. 912645;1415286477;asciilifeform;where i'm from we have catch phrase for this, "отряд не заметил потери бойца" 912646;1415286480;mircea_popescu;whether at point A the three were motivated to work and at point B they were not is the clou of the matter. 912647;1415286502;bounce;quite a few rilly smrt people populating silly valley. they produce things like... "social networks" and many many cookie-cutter technology companies. it doesn't seem that h1b folks, no matter how smart or many, can hope to seriously dent that dominion 912648;1415286504;mircea_popescu;and so : technology has nothing to do with it. if the technology is "have 10 people do dances" or if the technology is "stay indoors and pile things" 912649;1415286511;mircea_popescu;what matters is : are you going to do it or aren't you. 912650;1415286576;mircea_popescu;to better understand this, consider doped uranium. some doped uranium is shaped in pellets, other doped uranium is shaped in bars. the only thing that actually matters is whether the uranium is doped with radioactive material or not. 912651;1415286582;mircea_popescu;what the DUP does is entirely irrelevant. 912652;1415286596;asciilifeform;doped? 912653;1415286603;mircea_popescu;not the best word. 912654;1415286607;bounce;druuuugs are baaaad, hmkay 912655;1415286615;asciilifeform;depleted? 912656;1415286621;mircea_popescu;nah. hm. 912657;1415286622;bounce;"enriched" 912658;1415286643;bounce;we're talking about upping the u238 content, wasn't it? 912659;1415286646;mircea_popescu;neither. for the purpose of the above, "doped uranium" = natural uranium ore. inert uranium with traces of radioactive uranium. 912660;1415286659;asciilifeform;traditional name is 'non-enriched' 912661;1415286685;bounce;s/238/235/ 912662;1415286688;asciilifeform;(U has no stable isotopes.) 912663;1415286708;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes, and in the sense that all uranium decays, all people are people and matter. 912664;1415286722;mircea_popescu;might be there a loooong time tho. 912665;1415286771;mircea_popescu;what was it, 10k 10 100mn years half lifes ? 912666;1415286785;bounce;a little more 912667;1415286823;asciilifeform;'A few years back, one dreadful boy ran up to me and said, Mr. Bradbury? Yes? I said. That book of yours, The Martian Chronicles? he said. Yes, I said. On page 92 where you have the moons of Mars rising in the east? Yeah, I said. Nah, he said. So I hit him. Ill be damned if Ill be bullied by bright children.' 912668;1415286824;mircea_popescu;myeah, 150k the lowest. aite... 912669;1415286833;bounce;4.4e9 years for u238, 7e8 for u235 912670;1415286841;*;bounce cheats with wikipedia 912671;1415286865;mircea_popescu;bounce 233 is 150k im pretty sure. 912672;1415286876;mircea_popescu;rare as shit, but for the sake of argument. 912673;1415286884;bounce;oh right. just about. 912674;1415286907;bounce;meaning that it's all new by now. 912675;1415287011;mircea_popescu;to try and heal this utterly scattered conversation : if you properly ignore most of society, the whole shebang depends on keeping the few that matter huming. if they hum too slow it cools and dies entirely. if they hum too fast it explodes, and you get a golden age. 912676;1415287037;mircea_popescu;in any case, whatever they need they get, and that means you'll issue hb1 visas to obedient indians if those are the only obedient people to be found. 912677;1415287078;mircea_popescu;harkens back to the entire "how come 300 milion usians living in the best world ever don't produce about 500 renoirs a year ?" 912678;1415287079;mircea_popescu;well... 912679;1415287092;bounce;that's an easy one to shoot down. if they need that they're no good themselves and you need better people who matter no matter what. 912680;1415287095;mircea_popescu;exactly how a plate of uranium glass may glow under uv light, but won't warm anything much. 912681;1415287105;mircea_popescu;bounce i don't follow this logic. 912682;1415287146;bounce;leaders that can't lead lead to nowhere. if you can't anything but the meekest you're no good as a leader. 912683;1415287149;punkman;"we hired too many people, let's all make block explorers" https://github.com/bitpay/insight https://github.com/coinbase/toshi 912684;1415287150;assbot;bitpay/insight · GitHub 912685;1415287151;assbot;coinbase/toshi · GitHub 912686;1415287153;mircea_popescu;not a matter of leaders. 912687;1415287165;mircea_popescu;let's not confuse things. leaders are leaders, adonis-18 912688;1415287268;bounce;it still stinks of running entirely on chumps, so all we got is a chumpatron. how does that matter? 912689;1415287289;mircea_popescu;i dunno what you're asking. 912690;1415287368;bounce;I think we started out trying for find some sort of raison d'etre for a steady stream of h1b-grantees, didn't we? 912691;1415287383;mircea_popescu;i have a computer here, it runs this irc session. right next to it, i have a wooden box. it is ALSO MADE OF MOLECULES. it runs nothing. they form a society of the items in my house. they're all molecules. i wouldn't fucking notice if the entire fucking wooden box went away. 912692;1415287420;mircea_popescu;god fucking help me if someone took away a single germanium atom. 912693;1415287484;mircea_popescu;so now : all these run entirely on quantum mechanics. the box and the cpu. this is directly equivalent to saying "stinks of running entirely on chumps, chumpatron". so ? 912694;1415287510;bounce;how? 912695;1415287532;mircea_popescu;"if you stab him, does he not bleed" === "all molecules run on qm" 912696;1415287616;bounce;inasmuch that a random motor block conducts electricity. sure, but that's not really the point of it being shaped like a motor. 912697;1415287626;mircea_popescu;okay... 912698;1415287633;mats_cd03;http://lists.gnupg.org/pipermail/gnupg-announce/2014q4/000358.html 912699;1415287659;mircea_popescu;the proposition that "all things that are carry purpose equally so" is fallacious, and for that matter gnoseosocialism! 912700;1415287737;asciilifeform;mats_cd03: i'm not seeing anything i actually want in there... 912701;1415287760;punkman;the ssh integration seems nice, but can be hacked together on earlier version I think 912702;1415287789;punkman;" The file "secring.gpg" is not anymore used to store the secretkeys." << so where did they put them? 912703;1415287809;bounce;shattered argument is shattered. also, brb gotta hug a tree. 912704;1415287841;*;asciilifeform knew it! mircea_popescu is running mirceabtc on soviet machine made of discrete germanium transistors! 912705;1415287863;mircea_popescu;bounce lol 912706;1415287867;bounce;the cloud maybe? (see new --extra-safe-honest flag) 912707;1415287949;punkman;"Creation of X.509 certificates has been improved. It is now also possible to export them directly in PKCS#8 and PEM format for use on TLS servers." << anyone here tried to generate ssl certs with GPG yet? 912708;1415287964;asciilifeform;'The Dirmngr is now part of GnuPG proper and also takes care of accessing keyserver.' << ahaha, we just luv new lib deps 912709;1415287973;bounce;that'd be single-atom germanium 'tors. those wily soviets, keeping it secret all this time! 912710;1415288017;mircea_popescu;punkbot asciilifeform stop you two. we are NOT reimplementing gpg before bitcoind is done. 912711;1415288023;*;bounce generated a gpg key with openssl once. because gpg won't generate dsa keys != 1024 bits 912712;1415288090;bounce;oh, so no matter what you do gpg now auto-starts an agent. 912713;1415288091;mircea_popescu;bounce you understand this serves no practical purpose yes ? 912714;1415288095;bounce;how... friendly. 912715;1415288202;bounce;er, AIUI it ought to work just fine most of the time, but I did it more to see if I could do it than anything else. 912716;1415288249;asciilifeform;to round off my argument (i'm about to drive off for a spell) the 'pliant, obedient people who gotta suck it up or the lights won't turn on' aren't the h1b folks. they're the phactory gurlz in shenzhen. 912717;1415288291;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8606 @ 0.00072923 = 6.2758 BTC [+] {2} 912718;1415288298;asciilifeform;the h1b folks are brought in mainly to churn out pseudoscientific papers (the ones i personally worked with at one point) and to crank out 'ruby on rails' and 'java' crud. 912719;1415288320;mircea_popescu;for one thing, dsa/elgamal uses dsa key for signing not encryption. for the other, the symmetric block cypher is not so very large anyway/ 912720;1415288347;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform why all of this ? 912721;1415288392;asciilifeform;elgamal signature was removed on account of very simple fact of having been successfully broken. 912722;1415288394;asciilifeform;see http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi= 912723;1415288394;assbot;CiteSeerX — Generating ElGamal signatures without knowing the secret key 912724;1415288416;bounce;even with the shorter key the symmetric cipher is thought to be stronger than the asymmetric cipher 912725;1415288425;asciilifeform;'thought' 912726;1415288428;asciilifeform;where are the 'thinkers' 912727;1415288436;asciilifeform;!s elliptic 912728;1415288437;assbot;25 results for 'elliptic' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=elliptic 912729;1415288488;*;mircea_popescu never trusted dsa anyway 912730;1415288505;mircea_popescu;http://lphoto1.ask.fm/453/619/198/910003027-1s773fl-e47199neshdsmf0/original/image.jpg << here's a happy goat just in case 912731;1415288506;bounce;that too 912732;1415288531;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform bounce anyway, i don't think we've really managed to talk of the same thing, so i guess this entire quesiton will come back in teh futures. 912733;1415288551;bounce;multiple times possibly. 912734;1415288630;mircea_popescu;anyway, re the thinkers : i'm pretty sure the symmetric cypher is currently the weakest link in our entire crypto stack. 912735;1415288650;mircea_popescu;which is why its replacement figured majorily in the prev discussion of bringing pgp implementation up to snuff 912736;1415288659;mircea_popescu;it's just not that much of a prioritah jet. 912737;1415288700;bounce;what're your indications for this? 912738;1415288710;mircea_popescu;full rsa. 912739;1415288739;mircea_popescu;symmetric cyphers are also socialist 912740;1415288748;bounce;oh. because socialism. right. 912741;1415288763;mircea_popescu;yup. 912742;1415288815;bounce;the gn00 guys also socialist. poettering not so much, though. why u no liek systemd? 912743;1415288832;mircea_popescu;it starts with s. 912744;1415288836;mircea_popescu;do you know WHAT ELSE does ? 912745;1415288907;bounce;the section between r and t in my dictionary 912746;1415288919;mircea_popescu;yeah. and stalin. 912747;1415288973;bounce;only because that other guy's name doesn't. doesn't make for a winning argument though. 912748;1415289039;mircea_popescu;you can't possibly be serious. 912749;1415289112;bounce;now how do I say "seelance, I keel yoo" in soviet russian? 912750;1415289165;mircea_popescu;are you the dead serrorist ? 912751;1415289201;bounce;not last I checked. my name doesn't start with an s either. 912752;1415289290;mircea_popescu;a you're ok then. ever stepped on a dead wasp ? 912753;1415289318;bounce;not that I recall. how so? 912754;1415289373;mircea_popescu;;;google "Have you ever stepped on a dead bee" bacall 912755;1415289374;gribble;To Have and Have Not (1944) - Greatest Films: ; Walter Brennan - To Have And Have Not - YouTube: ; To Have and Have Not (film) - Wikiquote: 912756;1415289387;bounce;The Muppet Show: Sex and Violence (pilot) 912757;1415289389;mircea_popescu;fuck you google. 912758;1415289393;mircea_popescu;;;google "ever stepped on a dead bee" bacall 912759;1415289394;gribble;Walter Brennan - To Have And Have Not - YouTube: ; To Have and Have Not (1944) - Greatest Films: ; To Have and Have Not (film) - Wikiquote: 912760;1415289411;mircea_popescu;aanyway. 912761;1415289488;bounce;ah, this pop culture thing. too newfangled for me, I'm afraid. 912762;1415291088;z33andO_o;I do not see this mentioned here, honeypot Silk Road 2 finally taken down by the FBI. No effect on dark net markets since it's market share was dvindling but it does mean the US government has managed to steal more BTC 912763;1415291110;z33andO_o;https://twitter.com/NewYorkFBI/status/530386208099426304 https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkNetMarkets/comments/2lhasm/sr2_has_been_seized/ 912764;1415291112;assbot;Operator of Silk Road 2.0, Blake Benthall, arrested yesterday by FBI agents in San Francisco, CA 912765;1415291113;assbot;reddit.com: over 18? 912766;1415291165;punkman;how much did they take now? 912767;1415291290;mats_cd03;brilliant criminal masterminds 912768;1415291550;mircea_popescu;z33andO_o not necessarily that much 912769;1415291552;mircea_popescu;!up valkenburgh 912770;1415291613;z33andO_o;We will just have to wait for some "news outlets" to tell us how much was in SR2 escrow at the time and how much this Benthall had personally (if they managed to steal his personal coins) 912771;1415291653;z33andO_o;As I understand it they got the SR1 wallet by recovering a deleted unencrypted version of it, who knows if he learnt from that 912772;1415292059;z33andO_o;Interesting: It is not just SR2, this is a coodinated. I took a brief look at the other darknet markets 912773;1415292068;z33andO_o;http://btccharts.everdot.org/2014-11-06/hydra.png <- also siezed 912774;1415292110;z33andO_o;and a few others are just down 912775;1415292193;kakobrekla;what is hydra? 912776;1415292254;mircea_popescu;z33andO_o you have to appreciate, wallets were originally unencrypted. but this was remedied many years ago, and before this thing got started. 912777;1415292283;mircea_popescu;anyone know hfc-125 caloric capacity offhand ? 912778;1415292589;bounce;LD50 of > 700k ppm at least. 912779;1415292592;bounce;http://www.firedot.com/FIKE/Ecaro/Ecaro-25_Accessories/Clean_Agent.pdf 912780;1415292617;mircea_popescu;caloric capacity. joules per kelvin 912781;1415292622;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11000 @ 0.00070232 = 7.7255 BTC [-] 912782;1415292722;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: db_cxx.h would have the bdb functions used across the bitcoind codebase, correct? 912783;1415292727;ben_vulpes;bitcoin* 912784;1415292730;mircea_popescu;1,5mn 912785;1415293670;kakobrekla;>irc: Used by irc daemons. A statically allocated user is needed only because of a bug in ircd, which SETUID()s itself to a given UID on startup. 912786;1415293671;kakobrekla;lolk 912787;1415293720;bounce;o_O what's the alternative, a dynamically allocated user? 912788;1415293841;z33andO_o;https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkNetMarkets/comments/2lhin9/onymous_mega_thread_upvote_for_visibility/ if anyone cares. It is not just SR2 and Hydra, (almost) all DarkNet markets are either down or showing a siezure message. 912789;1415293842;assbot;reddit.com: over 18? 912790;1415293845;kakobrekla;what's the alternative, ship gnu/linux with predefined users for all possible programs? 912791;1415293894;bounce;eg. freebsd packages will create users as needed 912792;1415293988;kakobrekla;thats not static :D 912793;1415294971;asciilifeform;http://cryptome.org/2014/11/wsj-germany-export.pdf 912794;1415295361;asciilifeform;anyone know hfc-125 caloric capacity << lol! mircea_popescu is fermi-estimating miner cooling ? 912795;1415295515;mircea_popescu;yah making a "whitepaper" 912796;1415295540;asciilifeform;http://www.fbi.gov/newyork/press-releases/2014/operator-of-silk-road-2.0-website-charged-in-manhattan-federal-court << preeet! 912797;1415295540;assbot;FBI — Operator of Silk Road 2.0 Website Charged in Manhattan Federal Court 912798;1415295615;asciilifeform;^ mr. bharara does not disappoint! grade-a roland freislerisms! 912799;1415296046;asciilifeform;https://twitter.com/NewYorkFBI << mega-loltron 912800;1415296048;assbot;FBI New York (@NewYorkFBI) on Twitter 912801;1415296230;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo cazalla ^ 912802;1415296268;punkman;https://twitter.com/NewYorkFBI/status/527129761077014528 912803;1415296270;assbot;Congratulations to our colleagues /FBI for reaching 1M followers. /CIA, you have some work to do! 912804;1415296270;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla thats not static :D << the alternative is actually something a la usb drive mess discussed a week ago or so 912805;1415296355;mircea_popescu;<ben_vulpes> asciilifeform: db_cxx.h would have the bdb functions used across the bitcoind codebase, correct? <<< mmmmmmostly 912806;1415296393;asciilifeform;the bdbisms are soaked into just about all of it, though 912807;1415296794;punkman;is bdb used for anything other than the wallet? 912808;1415296813;asciilifeform;ah... 912809;1415296830;mircea_popescu;it's how the chain is stored/processed 912810;1415296831;asciilifeform;just read the damn thing. 912811;1415296848;asciilifeform;srsly, these questions. 912812;1415296868;bounce;"facebook user interface indistinguishable from facebook scams" -- and people keep on coming back 912813;1415296937;mircea_popescu;gotta support the team. 912814;1415297095;kakobrekla;mircea_popescu so its ok to ship with 'ircd' user and not 'www-data' user 912815;1415297103;kakobrekla;O_o 912816;1415297275;scoopbot;New post on Trilema by Mircea Popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/a-humble-proposal-to-bitcoin-miners/ 912817;1415297485;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ^ 912818;1415298008;kakobrekla;that will never work cause always idiots who will eat all margin possible 912819;1415298044;mircea_popescu;yeah, to have what to buy swarowsky encrusted buttdongs with 912820;1415298121;kakobrekla;buncha mining ops went down cause 1. too slow 2. margins too small 912821;1415298151;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/a-humble-proposal-to-bitcoin-miners/#comment-109643 912822;1415298151;assbot;A humble proposal to Bitcoin miners pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 912823;1415298357;mircea_popescu;answer't. 912824;1415299011;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/a-humble-proposal-to-bitcoin-miners/#comment-109647 912825;1415299011;assbot;A humble proposal to Bitcoin miners pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 912826;1415299859;bounce;``in the last year or so, weve seen regulators such as the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) come out with guidelines. The challenge would be to not get over-regulated and kill innovation'' -- gavin. http://www.theregister.co.uk/Print/2014/11/06/bitcoin_remittance_unstable_currency_regulation/ 912827;1415299859;assbot;Bitcoin is GREAT and SAFE, says, er, the Bitcoin Foundation • The Register 912828;1415301512;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2014/11/silk-road-2-0-seized-blake-benthall-arrested/ 912829;1415301512;assbot;Silk Road 2.0 Seized, Blake Benthall Arrested | Qntra.net 912830;1415301566;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2014/11/silk-road-2-0-seized-blake-benthall-arrested/ 912831;1415301566;assbot;Silk Road 2.0 Seized, Blake Benthall Arrested | Qntra.net 912832;1415301695;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2014/11/silk-road-2-0-seized-blake-benthall-arrested/ 912833;1415301714;mats_cd03;^ lol 912834;1415301812;*;BingoBoingo wonders why they drag all of these motherfuckers to New York for charging 912835;1415301851;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: 'cause that's where roland freisler^H^H^H^Hbharara lives 912836;1415301890;BingoBoingo;Almost like he's the aspersor Fuher or something. 912837;1415302273;asciilifeform;!s freisler 912838;1415302274;assbot;5 results for 'freisler' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=freisler 912839;1415302377;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform we dislike your zeolite sf stories! 912840;1415302395;asciilifeform;l0l 912841;1415303571;thestringpuller;!up ilikebitbet 912842;1415303575;thestringpuller;!up darlidada 912843;1415303651;ilikebitbet;hi, mod from bitbet here ? 912844;1415303807;kakobrekla;you are a bitbet mod? 912845;1415303852;ilikebitbet;im looking for one 912846;1415303870;kakobrekla;speak up 912847;1415303914;ilikebitbet;i would love to see the expected winning amount in the confirmed bets list 912848;1415303928;ilikebitbet;maybe its possible for you guys :) 912849;1415303970;kakobrekla;hmm 912850;1415304031;kakobrekla;well id rather not write the current estimation that changes through time under 'btc out' column 912851;1415304053;kakobrekla;but i get where you are coming from 912852;1415304158;punkman;maybe I should make the calculator work on windows 912853;1415304202;mike_c;ilikebitbet: that's actually being added to the bitbet analyzer on btcalpha, so you could check back there in a week or two. 912854;1415304213;kakobrekla;ah yeah , ilikebitbet have you seen http://bitbet.us/faq/#410 - see 'alternative interfaces' 912855;1415304213;assbot;FAQ BitBet 912856;1415304255;ilikebitbet;kakobrekla, not seen, thank you :) 912857;1415304327;kakobrekla;its sad i have no place to write that on bb itself. totally user unfriendly. 912858;1415304484;mike_c;add it as a footnote 912859;1415304495;thestringpuller;^- thought you were against footnotes :P 912860;1415304507;mike_c;i'm also against sarcasm. 912861;1415304523;kakobrekla; add it as a footnote < lucky i have an endless scroll 912862;1415304546;mike_c;oh.. that would be great trolling. footnotes at the bottom of an endless scroll :D 912863;1415304552;kakobrekla;:D 912864;1415304746;thestringpuller;!s buterin's waterfall 912865;1415304747;assbot;15 results for 'buterin's waterfall' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=buterin%27s+waterfall 912866;1415305108;mike_c;buterin + bfl + sr2 + buttstamp.. 912867;1415305153;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: regarding: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-09-2014#833679 << What's so bad about a little trappin? As the first commandment of the Book of Jeezy says, "Don't get caught" 912868;1415305168;thestringpuller;;;ud trapping 912869;1415305169;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=trapping | Trapping is a form of dance explored by the inebriated. It involves the elevation of your forearms above your head trapping your face into an x formation while ... 912870;1415305177;thestringpuller;;;ud trap star 912871;1415305177;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=trap+star | trap star. one that is good at drug dealing, or someone that makes alot of money from drug dealing. See Trapper. Dat niggas sold so much weight this year, hes a  ... 912872;1415305250;rithm;the dope house or dope spot can be referred to as the trap or a trap 912873;1415305286;rithm;so drug dealing itself is ironically referred to as a trap 912874;1415305292;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: didja miss http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-09-2014#833687 912875;1415305292;assbot;Logged on 18-09-2014 16:50:25; asciilifeform: 90% of my living expenses are not even payable in paper money. 912876;1415305296;rithm;or maybe that isn't irony at all 912877;1415305318;thestringpuller;it's not irony. whenever you get to the trap spot it's life or death man. 912878;1415305321;thestringpuller;gotta stay prayed up 912879;1415305398;kakobrekla;!up ilikebitbet me too 912880;1415305409;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: so you can't use laundered money to pay expenses (i.e. mortgage?) 912881;1415305436;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: aha. (rent, though, no mortgage, but right.) 912882;1415305440;thestringpuller;but it would seem dealing BTC is similar to drug dealing inside the US 912883;1415305467;kakobrekla;hm 912884;1415305477;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: point is, i could (if studied, hah) trade btc for benjies. but then what. 912885;1415305496;kakobrekla;all my expenses (the little that i have) are payable in paper money. 912886;1415305498;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: light cigars with them? 912887;1415305519;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: http://www.mintpressnews.com/how-to-launder-drug-money-start-an-llc-and-buy-real-estate/168778/ 912888;1415305540;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: once you're on the radar, you're a walking corpse. 912889;1415305598;thestringpuller;you can always build yourself a prison like pablo escobar 912890;1415305604;xiando;thestringpuller: Several US states claim that you need a money transmitter license to buy or sell BTC worth more than $300/year, search and you will find several cases of people being arrested for doing so. :-/ (not a joke) 912891;1415305605;thestringpuller;and "pretend to do time" 912892;1415305658;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: can always build yourself << why not build a nuke sub, then. if you can. 912893;1415305695;thestringpuller;then you go from being asciilifeform the engineer, to asciilifeform the kingpin 912894;1415305705;thestringpuller;don asciilifeform 912895;1415305777;thestringpuller;xiando: the concerning issue for me is the US OTC market will become as dangerous as drug dealing. If you need a duffelbag full of cash to complete the transaction, then I'd be more worried about rival gang members. 912896;1415305780;asciilifeform;i'm not a concert violinist either. everyone sticks to what he at least vaguely knows. 912897;1415305816;asciilifeform;and somehow everyone carefully missed my explanation for why even a successful btc to benjies converter is useless to me in particular. 912898;1415305897;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: well it may not be to say, Tito Lopez, or Tyrone who live in the hood. 912899;1415305918;asciilifeform;they - can solve own problem. more power to them. 912900;1415305943;thestringpuller;peculiar. we may find cartels moving into the US otc space if that is the case 912901;1415306031;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: you could always move to "the hood" and live under the radar. 912902;1415306074;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: i 'could' under same logic become an internationally-renowned violinist. or olympic athlete. or wtf else. 912903;1415306085;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: in practice - i am what i am. 912904;1415306116;thestringpuller;I would pay for those tickets, and would support you! 912905;1415306124;thestringpuller;But alas, point taken. We are what we are. 912906;1415306157;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: wanna chip in, chip in for my coffin, should i ever end up in a position where forced to attempt the above. 912907;1415306345;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: as jay-z said, "Gave my life to the block, figured I get shot 'least I die on top" 912908;1415306404;thestringpuller;If the day ever comes where you want to switch professions from engineer to gangsta, I'm totally down to ride or die with you. Lets just hope it never comes to that ;) 912909;1415306526;asciilifeform;for some reason, no one ever says 'when you suddenly switch profession to surgeon, i wanna be the first fella you cut open!' etc. 912910;1415306542;asciilifeform;but really, same idea. 912911;1415309114;bounce;stick your fancy "research" paper in slideshare, so it's not really readable on screen and will only download on the very latest of browsers. share and enjoy! 912912;1415309709;mats_cd03;so thug 912913;1415309712;BingoBoingo;http://www.wired.com/2014/11/crypto-ipos/ 912914;1415309784;asciilifeform;'...could affect promising Bitcoin 2.0 projects such as Ethereum, MaidSafe, and Counterparty.' << let rabid dogs breed, then shoot them. such victory. 912915;1415309852;bounce;you know, if the IRS says that virtual currencies aren't currencies, how can the SEC keep on claiming they are? 912916;1415309910;dub;hahah garret 912917;1415309929;dub;what a goddamn disgraceful display of inbreeding that face is 912918;1415310151;bounce;``Other than Garrett Keirns, none of the companies that WIRED reached out to this week have received SEC letters. But some of them also also want to work with the SEC to make these technologies more widely available.'' -- this is going to carry a heavy price. 912919;1415310227;thestringpuller;dub: read your comment first then opened the page. hilarity ensued by great means. thank you for that. 912920;1415310320;dub;those TEETH 912921;1415310324;dub;all 7 of them 912922;1415310688;thestringpuller;Ugh Ethereum is so unnecessary. 912923;1415310711;asciilifeform;so very necessary. (to the enemy.) 912924;1415310790;thestringpuller;how they convinced the masses to contribute millions...i just will never understand 912925;1415310875;thestringpuller;we just have to wait for this all to explode before the go away like magicaltux? 912926;1415311524;The20YearIRCloud;Met w/ bank today, loan program(s) look good they're continuing to offer us 912927;1415311535;The20YearIRCloud;Enough cash it looks like to continue normal operation and keep buying properties 912928;1415311615;mike_c;how many properties have you collected by now? 912929;1415311807;The20YearIRCloud;10 912930;1415311849;mike_c;quite the empire brewing. 912931;1415311904;The20YearIRCloud;Very happy with progress, want to get 2 more before end of year 912932;1415311912;thestringpuller;The20YearIRCloud what is average rent of tenant? 912933;1415311940;The20YearIRCloud;$645 or so 912934;1415311950;The20YearIRCloud;per unit. We have 10 properties, 15 units 912935;1415311955;thestringpuller;so these are apartments? duplexes? houses? 912936;1415311970;The20YearIRCloud;A mix of SFDs, duplexes, and multi-family 912937;1415311991;thestringpuller;paid for or is there loan? 912938;1415312010;The20YearIRCloud;no loans yet outside of LOC, we're starting to put loans on properties to buy more 912939;1415312077;thestringpuller;are the properties themselves part of the asset list? 912940;1415312088;The20YearIRCloud;All of em are 912941;1415312103;thestringpuller;ah. so in theory shareholders are also part homeowners? :P 912942;1415312138;The20YearIRCloud;Kind of the idea of the fund 912943;1415312373;The20YearIRCloud;At any rate, good progress. Especially when you consider the apprasials came within close margin of what i had them valued at, cementing the fact that we're making equity on each renovation we do. No equity cashout spiral problems to think of, bank is getting their LTV rate and we're making $15k per property in fanciable equity. So, I am getting the 912944;1415312373;The20YearIRCloud;proverbial cake and eating it too 912945;1415312661;jurov;http://www.afr.com/p/technology/richard_branson_calls_for_tougher_yZ8j2RE0t5e4xXMRbYMWWN 912946;1415312662;assbot;Richard Branson calls for tougher bitcoin rules 912947;1415312704;jurov;i'd try to submit to qntra but am out of wits 912948;1415312721;jurov;damn mailman 912949;1415312741;jurov;at least finally put ben_vulpes' email through 912950;1415312941;cazalla;fark, someone is doing a doxx on silkroad guy same time as i am, so my article is not a copy/pasta job 912951;1415313233;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2014/11/the-blake-benthall-complain-full-text/ 912952;1415313233;assbot;The Blake Benthall Complain, full text | Qntra.net 912953;1415313253;BingoBoingo;https://twitter.com/BBoingo/status/530488066868523011 912954;1415313255;assbot;The Blake Berthall Silk Road 2.0 Complaint, Fulltext /hashtag/deturdified?src=hash http://t.co/nHr1BRFFA7 /hashtag/Bitcoin?src=hash 912955;1415313356;BingoBoingo;https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2lirbq/bernthall_complaint_full_plaintext_exhibits/ 912956;1415313356;assbot;Bernthall Complaint Full Plaintext, Exhibits attached as images : Bitcoin 912957;1415313438;BingoBoingo; i'd try to submit to qntra but am out of wits << Story's already out so whenever your wits are ready do some editorial? 912958;1415313443;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2014/11/the-blake-benthall-complain-full-text/ 912959;1415313467;jurov;Local Bitcoin exchanges such as Independent Reserve, which launched last month, depend on a stable ­regulatory environment to maintain legitimacy. 912960;1415313478;jurov;^ how can i comment on such nonsense? 912961;1415313551;BingoBoingo;By calling it nonsense? But with wits? 912962;1415313711;jurov;maybe wehn i'll sleep on it 912963;1415313756;BingoBoingo;Cool. 912964;1415313845;cazalla;i just wanted to get this up now http://qntra.net/2014/11/who-is-blake-benthall-aka-defcon-aka-veteran/ it's a work in progress 912965;1415313845;assbot;Who Is Blake Benthall AKA Defcon AKA Veteran? | Qntra.net 912966;1415313884;jurov;An Old Fart Doing Everything To Support Bitcoin.. Except For Buying It. 912967;1415313969;asciilifeform;!s comrade ogilvy 912968;1415313970;assbot;7 results for 'comrade ogilvy' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=comrade+ogilvy 912969;1415313976;jurov;http://www.reddit.com/r/argentina/comments/2lhe7j/lluvia_de_bitcoins_sobre_rargentina/ << mircea_popescu you can get free buttcoins! 912970;1415313977;assbot;Lluvia de bitcoins sobre /r/argentina : argentina 912971;1415314084;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by cazalla: http://qntra.net/2014/11/who-is-blake-benthall-aka-defcon-aka-veteran/ 912972;1415314095;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25200 @ 0.00068672 = 17.3053 BTC [-] 912973;1415314132;jurov;idea executor! 912974;1415314142;jurov;that would be good theme for oglaf 912975;1415314198;jurov;whole excerpt is hilarious 912976;1415314231;jurov;"i wont ramble here, have other stuff to do... to ramble on inkedin and twatter" 912977;1415314441;cazalla;this blake guy was reguarly active on github till sept 28th and then nothing 912978;1415314570;asciilifeform;this blake guy was reguarly active... << you meant to say 'an account by the name of xxx was active...' 912979;1415314589;assbot;Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/3X52SEG.txt ) 912980;1415314589;BingoBoingo;!b 2 912981;1415314644;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: you're saying it was a set up? 912982;1415314686;asciilifeform;saying merely that usg loves 'crank bait' 912983;1415314692;asciilifeform;!s crank bait 912984;1415314693;assbot;5 results for 'crank bait' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=crank+bait 912985;1415314759;asciilifeform;'crank bait' is a deliberate (whether engineered or through sheer neglect) hole in an Official narrative, whose purpose is to do for doubters what a 'bug zapper light' does for insects. 912986;1415314761;thestringpuller;oh i see. 912987;1415314783;cazalla;asciilifeform, yes, that is what i mean :) 912988;1415314799;thestringpuller;"could you use it in a sentence" "asciilifeform: der wagen was decorated with a number of 'end the fed' stickers. apparently this is considered adequate crank bait." 912989;1415314822;thestringpuller;^- there we go better than ;;ud 912990;1415314900;asciilifeform;i'd be surprised if it were in 'ud' 912991;1415314916;asciilifeform;given that it is my own term. 912992;1415314976;BingoBoingo;;;ud crank bait 912993;1415314976;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=crankbait | crankbait. When screwing a man/woman doggy-style, you fish hook her mouth to one side so that she must look at you, then, you nut in her eye. Ohh, I just had to ... 912994;1415314988;cazalla;lol this guy worked at space x 912995;1415314992;asciilifeform;lol! 912996;1415315010;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12300 @ 0.00068672 = 8.4467 BTC [-] 912997;1415315046;BingoBoingo;Crank bait also refers to a sort of fishing lure with parts that move in the water to increase the attention it commands of the fish 912998;1415317206;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21352 @ 0.00068661 = 14.6605 BTC [-] {2} 912999;1415317594;mircea_popescu;jurov da fuck do they know. 913000;1415318350;mircea_popescu;punkbot deed http://pastebin.com/hhrGWZ1N 913001;1415318350;assbot;-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 This is to confirm http://as - Pastebin.com 913002;1415318350;punkbot;mircea_popescu: Queued 8 valid deeds for next bundle. (invalid: 1) 913003;1415318389;mircea_popescu;punkman shit how the f do i know which one ? 913004;1415318392;mircea_popescu;punkbot status 913005;1415318392;punkbot;mircea_popescu: 8 pending deeds | Last bundle 17 hours and 20 minutes ago 913006;1415318491;cazalla;https://blockchain.info/address/148MpUsfJvgv5xGWvVqKLeVuuvy3pN8QGg one of the guy's alleged addresses 913007;1415318491;assbot;Bitcoin Address 148MpUsfJvgv5xGWvVqKLeVuuvy3pN8QGg 913008;1415318573;mircea_popescu;punkbot deed http://pastebin.com/q0PT7s4e 913009;1415318574;assbot;-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 MiniGame (S.MG), October 201 - Pastebin.com 913010;1415318574;punkbot;mircea_popescu: No valid deeds found, try again. (invalid: 1) 913011;1415318712;mircea_popescu;omg wtf gpg doesn't veriufy its own clearsigned output 913012;1415318824;mircea_popescu;punkbot deed http://pastebin.com/rh2bYpJq 913013;1415318824;assbot;-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 MiniGame (S.MG), October 201 - Pastebin.com 913014;1415318824;punkbot;mircea_popescu: Queued 1 valid deed for next bundle. 913015;1415318827;mircea_popescu;aok 913016;1415319039;punkbot;Bundled 9 deeds | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/14r4VdZF 913017;1415319065;mircea_popescu;cazalla omaigawd, traffic dropped. now you gotta fire someone!! 913018;1415319180;punkbot;Confirmed bundle 14r4VdZFYJnGG52B6w9Th7oKjGXU1pDzKX | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/14r4VdZF 913019;1415319181;cazalla;well, BingoBoingo brought yesterdays traffic so if he can't maintain it for more than a day.... 913020;1415319219;BingoBoingo;A, well. Hard to fire people when there isn't a payroll... 913021;1415319730;BingoBoingo;http://www.mail-archive.com/bitcoin-development@lists.sourceforge.net/msg06477.html 913022;1415319731;assbot;Re: [Bitcoin-development] The difficulty of writing consensus critical code: the SIGHASH_SINGLE bug 913023;1415319770;jurov;http://www.reddit.com/r/Buttcoin/comments/2li3gq/the_guy_who_bought_a_tesla_with_bitcoin_it_was/ << crankbait discussed 913024;1415319771;assbot;The guy who bought a Tesla with Bitcoin? It was the "DPR2" from Silk Road....pillar of industry : Buttcoin 913025;1415320866;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25300 @ 0.00068807 = 17.4082 BTC [+] 913026;1415320927;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10700 @ 0.00068794 = 7.361 BTC [-] {2} 913027;1415321424;mircea_popescu;lol tesla got confiscated ? 913028;1415321434;mircea_popescu;besides, i thought bugpowder bought a tesla. 913029;1415321545;mircea_popescu;decimation: most folks today never learn about the complete Apocalypse that faced german people after wwii <<< i hear berlin chicks had a lot of fun in '45. 913030;1415321645;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo: supay: Qntra takes a lot of things. <<< yeah, but not kidz! we do not take your kidz! 913031;1415321687;mircea_popescu;;;isup bitbet.us 913032;1415321688;gribble;bitbet.us is up 913033;1415321694;mircea_popescu;aok 913034;1415321889;mircea_popescu;dude who the fuck keeps upping ninjashogun 913035;1415322222;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller: If the day ever comes where you want to switch professions from engineer to gangsta, I'm totally down to ride or die with you. Lets just hope it never comes to that ;) <<< if you two do that, a film is guaranteed. 913036;1415322268;mircea_popescu;bounce: you know, if the IRS says that virtual currencies aren't currencies, how can the SEC keep on claiming they are? << you're new here aren't you. 913037;1415322338;mircea_popescu;anyway, gotta love how the us propaganda machine studiously omits to mention who this entire "sec letters!!11" trend is trying to immitate. totally works, boyz, srsly. cuz nobody knows anything, everyone gets his informations from wired.com. 913038;1415322342;mircea_popescu;everyone at the retirement home. 913039;1415322369;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller: how they convinced the masses to contribute millions...i just will never understand <<< the same way they convinced the masses that russia invaded atlanta, georgia. 913040;1415322397;mircea_popescu;The20YearIRCloud: proverbial cake and eating it too <<< and yet none of your renters seem to want free money ?! 913041;1415322465;mircea_popescu;jurov: ^ how can i comment on such nonsense? <<< vitriol. 913042;1415322607;Adlai;here, we see the financier in his natural habitat, conducting the daily post-accounting scrollback review 913043;1415322827;mircea_popescu;hai. 913044;1415322837;Adlai;good morning 913045;1415322854;mircea_popescu;i need tougher regulation to be able to do mai business. also mary jo attached to my cock. 913046;1415322921;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes time for bitcoin foundation to issue a statement that the only thing bitcoin needs is for politicians and other leeches to stfu and go away ? 913047;1415322927;*;Adlai hopes you submitted one or both requests to the BitLicense committee 913048;1415322928;mircea_popescu;or toosoon. 913049;1415322967;mircea_popescu;Adlai waiting for them to prequalify via tits article first. 913050;1415323052;*;Adlai begins a slow-paced infinite brainstorm of how to monetize open source trading software 913051;1415323089;Adlai;participation in the brainstorm requires accepting into your heart the axiom that the market is a positive-sum game 913052;1415323107;mircea_popescu;there is exactly one avenue to do that : make it so good some actual trader starts using it, after which go work for him. 913053;1415323119;mircea_popescu;the shortcut to this being, go work for a trader, write software to improve process. 913054;1415323158;mircea_popescu;the market may be positive or negative-sum, it all depends. 913055;1415323161;Adlai;these are rather narrow paths, though. a nice path enables many to walk abreast. 913056;1415323232;mircea_popescu;... 913057;1415323240;mircea_popescu;just how much software do you imagine is needed ? 913058;1415323246;mircea_popescu;this isn't fucking farming. 913059;1415323304;Adlai;it's some form of statistical farming 913060;1415323369;gernika;Visiting FB tomorrow. Anything you all want me to mention to Zuckerburg? 913061;1415323392;Adlai;the amount of software needed is much less relevant than its quality, which isn't correlated to man-months in any simple/linear fashion 913062;1415323417;Adlai;gernika: "I slept through your assembly talk, but everybody who attended said it sucked" 913063;1415323487;gernika;ok noted. 913064;1415323618;mircea_popescu;Adlai no, it's correlated with " go work for a trader, write software to improve process." in a simple, lienar fashion. 913065;1415323627;mircea_popescu;in the sense that f(!x) = 0. 913066;1415323797;Adlai;damn you and your flawless logic 913067;1415323818;mircea_popescu;it correlates with logic in a simple, linear fashion! 913068;1415323839;Adlai;social scientists HATE him! 913069;1415323925;mircea_popescu;social(somethingsomething)ists 913070;1415324018;Adlai;in primary school, we had "social studies" class... let's just call them that, and the members of this field - "social students" 913071;1415324057;Adlai;Q:"what do you do?" A:"i'm a career student" Q:"damn, how are the student loans hitting you?" A:"actually, i just got tenured" 913072;1415324184;mircea_popescu;lol. 913073;1415324355;Adlai;out of curiosity, in the brave new GPG economy, what's the use of claiming "This contract is protected as copyrighted material. It may not be reused by different parties without the express permission of MPEx." ? 913074;1415324421;BingoBoingo; out of curiosity, in the brave new GPG economy, what's the use of claiming "This contract is protected as copyrighted material. It may not be reused by different parties without the express permission of MPEx." ? << Basically to hurt the copyrastas 913075;1415324440;mircea_popescu;Adlai at the very least that i'll negrate you if you do ? 913076;1415324489;Adlai;that turned personal quite quickly 913077;1415324499;*;Adlai knows it's just a figure of speech 913078;1415324545;Adlai;negrating doesn't hurt anybody who's not in the WoT, and a fair amount (all?) of copyrasta economic activity is done outside of the WoT... 913079;1415324545;mircea_popescu;well, english does not have a proper impersonal pronoun. 913080;1415324550;mircea_popescu;"you" in general. "one". 913081;1415324555;BingoBoingo;https://twitter.com/teddy/status/530147575697907712/photo/1 913082;1415324557;assbot;there were about 20 FBI agents searching my neighbor’s tesla and suv earlier today in the mission. /hashtag/mystery?src=hash http://t.co/o5YZmFnKpO 913083;1415324643;Adlai;well, english++ has "∀(violater) → negration" 913084;1415324705;mircea_popescu;and if the activity is done outside of the law, 913085;1415324715;mircea_popescu;then it is quite clear what it means. i'll sue. 913086;1415324732;Adlai;which law? :) 913087;1415324737;mircea_popescu;the contemporary equivalent of "i'll send a bunch of rogues to stab you in the throat" 913088;1415324739;mircea_popescu;wot. the only law. 913089;1415324774;Adlai;how do you press charges against wot violators? 913090;1415324797;Adlai;negrating is more akin to merely filing them 913091;1415324821;mircea_popescu;you don't follow. lemme detail it! 913092;1415324849;*;Adlai has read "GPG Contracts" and "Complete Theory of Economics" already, although may be fuzzy on the details 913093;1415324863;mircea_popescu;centuries ago, the natural mode of administering justice was, club over head. the legal system was developed as a better alternative to this. so, if one was reachable by the courts, you'd sue. if not however, club->head. 913094;1415324898;mircea_popescu;this lasted until a year or two ago , and which point the wot became the legal system. at this point necessarily the previous, obsolete fiat cvasi-legal system became the club->head method. 913095;1415324923;mircea_popescu;so today, if one is in the wot, he gets neg'd. and if is not... club->head, according to what that means currently, ie, sued in a fiat court of "law". 913096;1415324926;mircea_popescu;clear enuff ? 913097;1415325040;BingoBoingo;Goes back to if there is an unauthorized Penguin edition of a nubbins' #B-A book. Penguin gets real sued. 913098;1415325048;mircea_popescu;right. 913099;1415325074;Adlai;"outside the law" and "sue" now take on tiered meanings, with each transgression offering up a new avenue of redress. i like this. 913100;1415325081;mircea_popescu;ayup. 913101;1415325111;Adlai;although still missing is a way of negrating people who aren't yet in the wot 913102;1415325138;mircea_popescu;well, exactly like there was missing a way to sue people in the western terrirories. 913103;1415325154;mircea_popescu;for as long as the place is a dump inhabited by mexicans and indians, its not really needed 913104;1415325174;Adlai;something like "I negrate the person known as ABC and/or XYZ, holder of passport number 123456789" 913105;1415325176;mircea_popescu;the ONLY way it can become something other than a dump is inextricably linked to getting the legal system, so. 913106;1415325176;dub;my god that gawker article is retarded 913107;1415325187;Adlai;s/article/reader 913108;1415325189;mircea_popescu;dub hey, write a qntra piece! for me! 913109;1415325217;mircea_popescu;Adlai nothing keeps you from making that a deed right now. 913110;1415325222;dub;not sure i've read gawker before, its buzzfeed isnt it 913111;1415325225;dub;mircea_popescu: on? 913112;1415325229;*;Adlai hastily mutters something about the lack of proper impersonal pronouns 913113;1415325235;mircea_popescu;and since the b-a domain is so powerful, you'll prolly fuck up their google fu forever. 913114;1415325243;mircea_popescu;dub i dunno, what am i, the micromanaging tyrant of a cult ? 913115;1415325246;mircea_popescu;use yer noggin. 913116;1415325297;dub;praps in a month or two when noggin is operational 913117;1415325334;mircea_popescu;works. 913118;1415325336;dub;split day/night weeks is like being on crack 913119;1415325342;Adlai;the deed system does seem like a step forwards from gribble-wot 913120;1415325350;mircea_popescu;dub what are you doing, guarding dcs ?! 913121;1415325383;Adlai;what exactly is your sleep schedule in such a week? 913122;1415325383;mircea_popescu;nanotube btw, give deeds.bitcoin-assets.com a spin sometime ? i think it may well be ready. 913123;1415325391;dub;wrangling internets per usual 913124;1415325751;dub;Adlai: its variable, 3 or 4 nights 0400-1000 balance trying to be useful during daylight 913125;1415325844;mircea_popescu;see, had you followed that bloomingdale's executive program you wouldn't have to work nights. 913126;1415325855;*;Adlai wonders when we'll start selecting for faster native garbage collection 913127;1415325872;Adlai;the phenotype is definitely out there 913128;1415325892;dub;then I'd be slumming on exec money 913129;1415326112;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16450 @ 0.0006868 = 11.2979 BTC [-] {2} 913130;1415326141;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo, others: http://www.loper-os.org/pub/buterin.png 913131;1415326167;assbot;Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/1XWM969.txt ) 913132;1415326167;BingoBoingo;!b 1 913133;1415326258;asciilifeform;shamelessly photodiddled. 913134;1415326293;asciilifeform;who wants, can use wherever. 913135;1415326307;thestringpuller;greatest thing ever! 913136;1415326308;Adlai;is it based off something? 913137;1415326323;asciilifeform;clipart from www. 913138;1415326324;*;Adlai has been out of the ethereum loop for just about as long as it's existed 913139;1415326326;mircea_popescu;shit that's good. 913140;1415326337;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform why water tho ? fecal matter != water 913141;1415326339;Adlai;oh, not some official infographic thingy 913142;1415326341;asciilifeform;just crapped it out 913143;1415326349;asciilifeform;'official' ?!?! 913144;1415326362;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: I'm going to put in on qntra. List the steps under it, as list you as the author so you get the shares for the text. 913145;1415326368;asciilifeform;whatever. 913146;1415326381;mircea_popescu;why is it 913147;1415326383;mircea_popescu;'waterall" 913148;1415326389;Adlai;it almost looked like a satire of some hypothetical nice tidy explanation of how ether flows about or whoknowswhattardation 913149;1415326392;thestringpuller;buterin's water cycle? 913150;1415326392;asciilifeform;fuck. 913151;1415326393;asciilifeform;1sec 913152;1415326402;mircea_popescu;you orgot how to f ? 913153;1415326424;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: I'm only doing this because you said who ever wants can use. Will then be used to put you on the cunt raw 913154;1415326487;BingoBoingo;In other news picked up a new sharp object today for pencil sharpening and protecting the starfish against less than state level malefactors. 913155;1415326487;Adlai;and there i was, reading it as "squinter" 913156;1415326602;asciilifeform;phixed. 913157;1415326604;asciilifeform;reload. 913158;1415326719;asciilifeform;lol, how many qntra 'words' does this score? 913159;1415326793;*;asciilifeform puts ancient 'wacom' away for another year or two. 913160;1415326880;*;asciilifeform not specialist. 913161;1415327037;asciilifeform;fecal << if somebody wants to do a similar job involving a 'nitrogen fixation cycle' graphic, why the hell not. 913162;1415327051;mircea_popescu;just make the water brown 913163;1415327058;mircea_popescu;;;google until the water turns brown zappa 913164;1415327059;gribble;Let's Make the Water Turn Black - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Inventionis Mater - Wait 'till the fire turns green! (Frank Zappa) - Live ...: ; Frank Zappa - Let's make the water turn black - YouTube: 913165;1415327062;asciilifeform;whither shitfalls in nature? 913166;1415327115;mircea_popescu;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcsF_QkMCpQ < 913167;1415327115;assbot;Frank Zappa - Let's make the water turn black - YouTube 913168;1415327116;asciilifeform;'Let's Make the Water Turn Black' << see also the infamous operetta, 'urinetown.' 913169;1415327134;asciilifeform;actually, it's rather relevant. 913170;1415327724;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2014/11/buterins-waterfall-a-likbez/ 913171;1415327724;assbot;Buterin's Waterfall, a Likbez | Qntra.net 913172;1415327745;asciilifeform;neato. 913173;1415327786;BingoBoingo;cazalla does the wordcounting 913174;1415327813;BingoBoingo;I'm just supposed to keep his brain from breaking 913175;1415327945;asciilifeform;'USG. (Bitstamp and Coinbase)' << might wanna fix 913176;1415327956;asciilifeform;those were dropped in simply as examples 913177;1415327987;asciilifeform;likewise, 'at the bottom' - on SR, SR2, idiot chumps' machines, etc 913178;1415328008;BingoBoingo;k 913179;1415328013;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by asciilifeform: http://qntra.net/2014/11/buterins-waterfall-a-likbez/ 913180;1415328116;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: revised, reload 913181;1415328126;asciilifeform;aha. 913182;1415328134;decimation;asciilifeform: you raise a good point about the h1b whining. the real problem is: how do 'tech' companies manage to profitably 'employ' legions of unskilled workers tasked with doing nothing of use? 913183;1415328153;asciilifeform;decimation: the original point was 'human compilers.' 913184;1415328166;asciilifeform;decimation: turns out, these don't work all that well. 913185;1415328261;asciilifeform;any software project with more than a handful of people - is inevitable crud. but this is a 'hatefact.' 913186;1415328267;BingoBoingo;Human compilers might have had a brighter future is 68k stayed a thing 913187;1415328282;asciilifeform;no. 913188;1415328312;BingoBoingo;Secret is you keep max RAM at 4MB 913189;1415328316;decimation;yeah, mythical man month and all that 913190;1415328344;asciilifeform;the seeds of rot are in any deviation from 'fits in head.' 913191;1415328363;asciilifeform;whether on present-day 64GB monster or pdp-10. 913192;1415328364;PeterL;speaking of visas, the group I work in is about 1/3rd immigrants, these are really smart people and the US is better off with them here. 913193;1415328366;asciilifeform;(see 'multics') 913194;1415328371;BingoBoingo;Well, data being manipulated has to go somewhere so... 913195;1415328378;decimation;this strongly argues for 'modular' design 913196;1415328404;asciilifeform;except that we haven't actually invented modularizable software yet. 913197;1415328410;asciilifeform;!s bedrock 913198;1415328411;assbot;20 results for 'bedrock' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=bedrock 913199;1415328412;BingoBoingo; speaking of visas, the group I work in is about 1/3rd immigrants, these are really smart people and the US is better off with them here. << This was the case when I TA'd pharm school. No AMericans apparently want to study/teach med chem 913200;1415328443;PeterL;Don't get me wrong, the group still has plenty of smart Americans as well 913201;1415328466;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: employers don't want to feed the mortgage, etc. bezzlatron. and this is perfectly logical. 913202;1415328509;decimation;PeterL: no doubt there are bright foreigners working in the us. I would suggest that they are here despite the existing immigration policy, not because of it 913203;1415328512;BingoBoingo;Right. The Usian profs, were profs part time and clinical pharmacists full time 913204;1415328541;PeterL;Speaking of bezzle, I just did my yearly health insurance signup. makes me mad how much I have to pay now, about 4 times as much as two years ago for the same crappy plan 913205;1415328580;PeterL;decimation: you might be right. My employer (from what my coworkers tell me) has to go through a ton of red tape and paperwork to keep them here 913206;1415328621;BingoBoingo;PeterL> decimation: you might be right. My employer (from what my coworkers tell me) has to go through a ton of red tape and paperwork to keep them here << Grandpa pays the same $80/month for medicare part B 913207;1415328647;decimation;BingoBoingo: you hit the nail on the head. 'health insurance' is basically 'health welfare' now 913208;1415328652;PeterL;my opinion is that the us should loosen the borders and let more people in 913209;1415328677;PeterL;but I might be a bit biased, all my girlfriends before I was 20 were immigrants 913210;1415328701;decimation;PeterL: would you also allow each one to collect health welfare too? 913211;1415328708;BingoBoingo;Why not? 913212;1415328722;asciilifeform;this is already happening. no need to advocate for it. 913213;1415328729;decimation;Sure, let's print up some more bezzle, why not 913214;1415328745;PeterL;decimation no, I would get the government out of the healthcare business, but I am resigned that will never happen 913215;1415328748;danielpbarron;do away with immigration restrictions as well as welfare programs 913216;1415328794;BingoBoingo;The US immingration issue is best understood when you consider that most prospective immigrants come to flee more restrictive and more socialistoid states (e.g. India, China) 913217;1415328810;asciilifeform;danielpbarron would make great fireman. holding a sign, 'do away with fire.' 913218;1415328819;assbot;Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0P68SFG.txt ) 913219;1415328819;BingoBoingo;!b 1 913220;1415328878;danielpbarron;or a sign that reads, "hang the fire starters" 913221;1415328907;*;BingoBoingo remembers now why he tries to limit his sharp object purchases. Imma have to sand and refinish this desk soon... 913222;1415328932;BingoBoingo;And waiting seems to be the only solution to get my arm hair back 913223;1415328946;decimation;look, if usg got out of the money manipulation game, hard money came back, and folks had to get by on their own achievements, immigration wouldn't be an issue 913224;1415328978;asciilifeform;if fire got out of the burning houses business... 913225;1415328990;decimation;hehe yeah exactly, about as likely 913226;1415328996;asciilifeform;stayed in furnace where it belongs, etc 913227;1415329017;PeterL;we could switch to building houses out of non-flamable materials? 913228;1415329023;asciilifeform;'achievements' lol. 913229;1415329040;decimation;asciilifeform: instead we have the 'fire brigade' who show up with a tank full of kerosene 913230;1415329043;asciilifeform;usa has been running on batteries since when? wilson? 913231;1415329052;decimation;yeah at least then, if not earlier 913232;1415329054;asciilifeform;with a few embers of burning europe down helping stay warm 913233;1415329055;decimation;maybe teddy 913234;1415329070;danielpbarron;PeterL, satoshi built that 913235;1415329076;PeterL;just fill your house with argon and live inside a spacesuit! 913236;1415329100;PeterL;(credit to MP's post) 913237;1415329159;decimation;at any rate, the most amazing thing to me is that the chinese, indian pauper still dreams of 'coming to america' 913238;1415329159;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 913239;1415329198;asciilifeform;decimation: this is only partly due to bezzle. it is also because in usa, 'they don't piss in elevators like back home.' 913240;1415329215;BingoBoingo;decimation> at any rate, the most amazing thing to me is that the chinese, indian pauper still dreams of 'coming to america' << Is that so different from USian pauper dreaming of actual Galt's Gulch? 913241;1415329215;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 913242;1415329215;asciilifeform;every elevator pisser on the planet dreams of meeting a virginal elevator. 913243;1415329229;assbot;Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0TK3AR4.txt ) 913244;1415329229;BingoBoingo;!b 2 913245;1415329258;PeterL;asciilifeform: my sister, lives in NYC, complains about the homeless bums who piss on the sidewalk 913246;1415329265;asciilifeform;there's plenty of delicious meat left on the bones of the gigantic dead dragon that was usa. 913247;1415329309;asciilifeform;considering that folks are -still- grinding down soviet army installations for metals... 913248;1415329332;decimation;heh I think usg still pays for highly-enriched uranium from soviet bombs 913249;1415329343;asciilifeform;corpse doesn't get asked what kind of worms shall eat. 913250;1415329381;decimation;asciilifeform: actually this is a good point. usg is ineffective at enforcing whatever 'immigration policy' it creates anyway, that's a sideshow 913251;1415329391;decimation;worms come when they come, eat what they will 913252;1415329421;asciilifeform;the only reason they even bother with visa bureaucracy is that a whole class of pestilential 'helpers' feeds off it. 913253;1415329450;decimation;and on the other side it's used as a club to keep the paupers in their servitude 913254;1415329451;asciilifeform;also a bludgeon for those who fall out of favour (employers, that is) 913255;1415329456;asciilifeform;they get 'cracked down' 913256;1415329461;decimation;heh yeah 913257;1415329491;decimation;I'm dubious that there is much real coordination of these things, more just random entropy in various usg departments 913258;1415329511;asciilifeform;no need for real coordination, just mildly guided inertia. 913259;1415329526;*;asciilifeform is aware of the threadbare physical metaphor here 913260;1415329585;decimation;yeah, if anything usg agents will do what the movies, newspapers, and tv tells them they should 913261;1415329637;BingoBoingo;http://eprint.iacr.org/2014/901 913262;1415329638;assbot;Cryptology ePrint Archive: Report 2014/901 913263;1415329651;decimation;re: argon datacenter << I suspect dry nitrogen would be cheaper 913264;1415329678;BingoBoingo; re: argon datacenter << I suspect dry nitrogen would be cheap << I suppose radon because heavy 913265;1415329703;decimation;yeah the most expensive part in any case is going to be air sealing 913266;1415329753;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: rc4 still used somewhere? lol 913267;1415329776;asciilifeform;transformer oil is probably cheapest. 913268;1415329779;BingoBoingo;It appears, BUT THEY HAD A "PROOF" 913269;1415329781;asciilifeform;afaik someone is using just this. 913270;1415329799;PeterL;you want something that will absorb heat, thus the cfc 913271;1415329833;PeterL;noble gases, while inert, will not absorb as much heat 913272;1415329845;decimation;asciilifeform: what about flourinert? 913273;1415329849;BingoBoingo;Radon is cheap if you move to Iowa 913274;1415329853;asciilifeform;decimation: costs like fine whiskey 913275;1415329861;decimation;heh I know 913276;1415329891;asciilifeform;dear glub, everyone, cfc does not 'absorb' heat. mechanical refrigeration works on ideal gas law / inverted carnot cycle. 913277;1415329898;asciilifeform;am i the only one who stayed awake in first grade? 913278;1415329901;decimation;PeterL: I would suppose that the first step would be to use a fluid heat exchange cooling system 913279;1415329916;asciilifeform;circulate the oil though whatever. 913280;1415329922;asciilifeform;it isn't like this was invented just today. 913281;1415329934;decimation;asciilifeform: pcbs! 913282;1415330051;PeterL;didn't cray supercomputers use liquid cooling? 913283;1415330057;asciilifeform;fluorinert. 913284;1415330063;asciilifeform;because infinite money. 913285;1415330071;decimation;yeah the best part was the flourinert waterfall 913286;1415330119;PeterL;some of my coworker were involved in a project making a transformer fluid replacement last year 913287;1415330192;PeterL;the stuff they made apparently had great properties, just not quite cheap enough to replace the incumbent technology (which suffers from high propensity to fire) 913288;1415330218;cazalla;scoopbot, you gonna get the scoop or what pal 913289;1415330219;asciilifeform;this is why i suggested small 'naval mines' with steel capsules in water pool. 913290;1415330249;asciilifeform;nothing to burn. 913291;1415330307;cazalla;qntra under ddos? 913292;1415330310;BingoBoingo; this is why i suggested small 'naval mines' with steel capsules in water pool. << plus side you can grow Tilapia further north 913293;1415330312;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by cazalla: http://qntra.net/2014/11/coin-org-sold-for-us-75000-to-digital-btc/ 913294;1415330314;PeterL;cazalla: it only checks every five mins 913295;1415330316;decimation;yeah ideally one would locate the whole operation somewhere near a heat sink 913296;1415330326;asciilifeform;in a heat sink. 913297;1415330327;BingoBoingo;;;isup qntra.net 913298;1415330327;gribble;qntra.net is up 913299;1415330333;BingoBoingo;cazalla: Fast for me 913300;1415330365;decimation;http://energyandsustainability.fs.cornell.edu/util/cooling/production/lsc/ 913301;1415330366;assbot; Lake Source Cooling Home 913302;1415330450;asciilifeform;'vitrify' individual miners into glass balls. 913303;1415330453;asciilifeform;submerge. 913304;1415330546;asciilifeform;all comms - public key 913305;1415330559;asciilifeform;(private - on 'mother ship') 913306;1415330567;decimation;via hydrophone? 913307;1415330577;asciilifeform;via whatever. ideally, tethers. 913308;1415330596;asciilifeform;given the power requirement, tethers are probably a fact of life. 913309;1415330613;asciilifeform;tether should clamp inductively on outside of bulb, rather than penetrating. 913310;1415330613;decimation;yeah unless you have rtg's or something 913311;1415330626;asciilifeform;rtg is laughably wasteful. 913312;1415330635;decimation;indeed. 913313;1415330648;asciilifeform;(and i hope i don't have to explain the thermodynamic folly of trying to run waste heat through it) 913314;1415330703;asciilifeform;(didn't learn thermo in school? dig out a 1990s pc with 'peltier' cooler and connect a load to it instead of powering. then see how long until cpu melts.) 913315;1415330715;decimation;asciilifeform: laughably wasteful: http://www.tidalenergy.eu/scottish-tidal-energy.html 913316;1415330732;asciilifeform;tidal - a kind of poor man's hydro 913317;1415330735;asciilifeform;not really related 913318;1415330793;*;asciilifeform vaguely recalls a flight of fancy calculation of how much 'tidal plant' it would take to... yank the moon from orbit 913319;1415330800;decimation;no, but like all 'renewables' the energy is so widely distributed that it would require laughable physical plant 913320;1415330847;asciilifeform;at any rate, so long as each 'hedgehog' ball contains one chip, the surface-to-volume ratio is favourable 913321;1415330860;asciilifeform;and surrounding water, with its convection currents, is sufficient cooling. 913322;1415330895;decimation;neptune's data center 913323;1415330903;asciilifeform;the hedgehogs would be approximately the size of christmas tree ornaments. 913324;1415330907;asciilifeform;and about the same shape. 913325;1415330966;decimation;you could deploy them in strings off a buoy 913326;1415330970;asciilifeform;aha. 913327;1415330981;asciilifeform;like towed hydrophone arrays on nuke subs. 913328;1415331005;PeterL;is this the NSA project after Cardano? 913329;1415331012;kakobrekla;cooking the fish, one hash at a time. 913330;1415331015;asciilifeform;(discussed at various points here as a handy cooling, power, and security solution.) 913331;1415331025;*;asciilifeform has no truck with mining and doesn't wish to 913332;1415331040;decimation;but you certainly do have truck with submarines! 913333;1415331048;asciilifeform;paper submarines. 913334;1415331053;*;asciilifeform armchair admiral, armchair general 913335;1415331075;PeterL;How many bitcoins for an old nuclear sub? 913336;1415331153;decimation;http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/11/06/us-australia-submarines-idUSKBN0IQ2DZ20141106 913337;1415331153;assbot; Australian government under pressure to hold submarine tender after eyeing Japan deal| Reuters 913338;1415331174;decimation;"Buying the vessels from Japan could threaten Abbott's hold on power at the next election, said Martin Hamilton-Smith, the defense and trade minister for the state of South Australia, which is home to 27,000 defense-related jobs including 3,000 in shipbuilding." 913339;1415331293;Adlai;any thoughts on making python a more tolerable interactive dev env? currently slogging through http://www.emacswiki.org/PythonProgrammingInEmacs and http://www.enigmacurry.com/2008/05/09/emacs-as-a-powerful-python-ide/ in search of hidden wisdom... 913340;1415331294;assbot;EmacsWiki: Python Programming In Emacs 913341;1415331294;assbot;EnigmaCurry 913342;1415331380;decimation;Adlai: I use 'jedi' http://tkf.github.io/emacs-jedi/latest/ 913343;1415331381;assbot;Jedi.el - Python auto-completion for Emacs — Emacs Jedi 0.2.0alpha2 documentation 913344;1415331393;decimation;but it's kind of a turd to be honest 913345;1415331406;decimation;it does let you 'jump to definition', auto-complete, etc. 913346;1415331427;Adlai;anything.el is a turd 913347;1415331450;Adlai;but sometimes it takes a tough turd to season a savory salmon 913348;1415331480;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21910 @ 0.00068666 = 15.0447 BTC [-] 913349;1415331552;Adlai;well that [pump] descelated quickly 913350;1415331604;decimation;PeterL: I think nuke subs are generally unobtainable, but diesel-electric ~$100 million depending on what you are getting 913351;1415331678;decimation;if you want something modern and not a rusty bucket you are talking ~$1-2 bn and your money can't buy one 913352;1415333493;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14400 @ 0.00068582 = 9.8758 BTC [-] {2} 913353;1415333509;asciilifeform;http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2ljrdi/buterins_waterfall << sp4m4tr0n1c 913354;1415333510;assbot;Buterin's Waterfall. : Bitcoin 913355;1415333533;BingoBoingo;Ah 913356;1415333541;decimation;lol ascii on reddit 913357;1415333553;*;asciilifeform was there back when it was readable 913358;1415333568;asciilifeform;see user box. 913359;1415334337;*;Adlai .oO( Bitcoin is actually VERY lispy... the entire blockchain is code-as-data ) 913360;1415334537;Adlai;decimation: i'd think that if you have that kind of money, you wouldn't be buying an entire sub anyways 913361;1415334545;decimation;my openbsd port of bitcoind suffered a fatal exception at block 150872 913362;1415334556;decimation;Adlai: well, certainly not for your own use 913363;1415334565;Adlai;blueprint components are as fungible as the money used to commission them 913364;1415335766;mircea_popescu;PeterL: Speaking of bezzle, I just did my yearly health insurance signup. makes me mad how much I have to pay now, about 4 times as much as two years ago for the same crappy plan <<< terrorist doesn't understand how obamacare works. 913365;1415335838;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: danielpbarron would make great fireman. holding a sign, 'do away with fire.' << he has a point. do away with borders and welfare. the latter will occur naturally once the first is done. 913366;1415335859;mircea_popescu;if the fiat state loses its alleged right to control geography, it loses. 913367;1415335920;decimation;the fiat state's bona fides in this matter are not exactly well established (controlling geography) 913368;1415335975;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo: decimation> at any rate, the most amazing thing to me is that the chinese, indian pauper still dreams of 'coming to america' << Is that so different from USian pauper dreaming of actual Galt's Gulch? <<< nope, you have it exactly right. same thing, except one is run by fraudulent "real estate" developers and the other by fraudulent "recruiters". 913369;1415335975;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 913370;1415335996;mircea_popescu;decimation "you are guilty of having crossed an imaginary line in a particular manner" 913371;1415336016;mircea_popescu;3/4 of all us prison population. 913372;1415336063;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: considering that folks are -still- grinding down soviet army installations for metals... << soviet military complex was objectively larger than us ever got tho. cheap plentiful raw materials. 913373;1415336075;mircea_popescu;the us military principally consists of paper. 913374;1415336084;decimation;well, it's one thing to have laws (silly or not), and it's another to lack the ability (or will) to enforce them 913375;1415336245;mircea_popescu;PeterL: noble gases, while inert, will not absorb as much heat << gases are shit for sheer caloric capacity anyway. the reason you want technologica gases rather than plain argon is the compress-and-cool heat extraction process. works better on the hfcs than on random neon w/e. 913376;1415336274;mircea_popescu;oh nm, asciilifeform said teh same. 913377;1415336325;mircea_popescu;PeterL: the stuff they made apparently had great properties, just not quite cheap enough to replace the incumbent technology (which suffers from high propensity to fire) << story of this business since its inception. 913378;1415336370;mircea_popescu;http://qntra.net/2014/11/coin-org-sold-for-us-75000-to-digital-btc/ << cazalla would be worth investigating if the 1m was actually paid or merely fraudulently announced. 913379;1415336370;assbot;Coin.org Sold For US $75,000 To Digital BTC | Qntra.net 913380;1415336387;mircea_popescu;lots of these domain "deals" are simple collusion, as it's in both parties interest to announce a high price. 913381;1415336427;cazalla;yeah, i'm aware of how it goes, i buy from you for $750, we both say it was $75,000 913382;1415336450;cazalla;the $1,000,000 is difficult to know given everything out of gawminer guy's mouth is bullshit 913383;1415336473;mircea_popescu;myeah. 913384;1415336625;cazalla;making it easier to sucker the next buyer in to pay x amount 913385;1415336635;mircea_popescu;at least hopefully. 913386;1415336665;mircea_popescu;what it really does is give a good angle for fraudster employees to defraud companies with diffuse investors situations. 913387;1415336700;mircea_popescu;kinda hard to prosecute asshole ceo who colluded with asshole "expert" to buy worthless domain for 1mn, then laundered 800k out of it and left the company to burn. 913388;1415336707;thestringpuller;is that bitcoin gem thing still a thing? 913389;1415336719;thestringpuller;;;google site:trilema.com psychology of bag holder 913390;1415336720;gribble;No matches found. 913391;1415336731;thestringpuller;;;google site:trilema.com psychology of bagholder 913392;1415336731;gribble;The psychology of the bagholder pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea ...: ; Martie 2014 pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: ; 3 ani experienta pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: 913393;1415336736;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller never going away 913394;1415336778;thestringpuller;kinda of a joke on everyone really 913395;1415336789;thestringpuller;like musical chairs in elementary 913396;1415336848;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45800 @ 0.00068692 = 31.4609 BTC [+] {4} 913397;1415336868;thestringpuller;http://bitcoingem.net/history << remember when this shit would get up to like 20 - 30 btc? 913398;1415336878;mircea_popescu;2013. 913399;1415336902;thestringpuller;i guess people got sick of being the "gemholder" 913400;1415337601;asciilifeform;buy worthless domain for 1mn, then laundered 800k out of it << incidentally, the ancient 'secret' of 'ebay' 913401;1415337611;asciilifeform;game consoles 'sold' for $5000, etc. 913402;1415337635;asciilifeform;(not collectible curios, either. ordinary junk.) 913403;1415337644;asciilifeform;it's entirely routine. 913404;1415337679;asciilifeform;likely, no 'xbox' and no actual buyer. just a sp4mz0r washing his stolen cc #s. 913405;1415337690;asciilifeform;with the enthusiastic cooperation of 'paypal' et al. 913406;1415337713;asciilifeform;so long as 'ebay' gets its x% 913407;1415337763;mircea_popescu;right. 913408;1415337782;mircea_popescu;at some point ebay revenue was 40% that 913409;1415337785;mircea_popescu;then it stopped reporting. 913410;1415337795;mircea_popescu;many, many years ago in a galaxy far far away 913411;1415337829;mircea_popescu;heck, by now they even have automated "ecommerce sites" making software. 913412;1415337838;cazalla;mircea_popescu, coin.org should be confirmable once digital btc submit their next quarterly to the asx 913413;1415337845;asciilifeform;bezzlatron is fractally bezzlic. 913414;1415337850;asciilifeform;at any level of magnification. 913415;1415337904;asciilifeform;incidentally, the hunt for 'who pays' in cc fraud may be a unicorn hunt. 913416;1415337918;asciilifeform;it may very well be the case that, in the bulk of it, gram for gram, the answer is: printing press. 913417;1415337921;thestringpuller;i thought it was the insurance companies 913418;1415337937;asciilifeform;financial memory leak. 913419;1415337945;asciilifeform;possibly even disguised as ordinary memory leaks. 913420;1415337987;asciilifeform;so what if yesterday there was a penny and today - two. 913421;1415338073;asciilifeform;the man on the street is gagged with 'shuddup plebe, where's the hyperinflation, nowhere' 913422;1415338117;asciilifeform;but, as various people proved to the satisfaction of any but the thickest case of maliciously ignorant - it's everywhere. 913423;1415338148;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform> financial memory leak. << pretty much. 913424;1415338158;mircea_popescu;which is why the economy can't really function "on its own" 913425;1415338171;asciilifeform;from the food replaced with synthetic garbage, to the car which costs a few years of avg. pay (hello ussr 1950) to... whatever. 913426;1415338174;mircea_popescu;all the tea partiers and so forth keep going on about how "capitalism works by itself". sure, so do computers. 913427;1415338183;mircea_popescu;except if your os has a huge memory leak baked right in. then they don't. 913428;1415338208;asciilifeform;we even have the financial equivalent of 'ramdoubler' 913429;1415338214;mircea_popescu;uyp. 913430;1415338221;asciilifeform;(idiot fuffle that fudged numbers) 913431;1415338235;mircea_popescu;so you know, the "small government ; work within the system ; we can fix things" people are nice and quaint and no doubt mean well 913432;1415338245;mircea_popescu;but they don't exactly understand enough to know where their shoes go. 913433;1415338295;asciilifeform;if given an 'alternative' that's slightly more attractive than drooling despair and starvation, they'll bite. 913434;1415338307;mircea_popescu;the alternative is start beating your children. 913435;1415338313;mircea_popescu;they won't bite, because screams. 913436;1415338325;asciilifeform;precisely because the alternative is for their children, if for anyone 913437;1415338329;asciilifeform;for them - biodiesel. 913438;1415338350;asciilifeform;who goes willingly to the fermenter? 913439;1415338395;mircea_popescu;im having like the best banana-chocolate cake 913440;1415338413;mircea_popescu;the secret to great cake ? don't oversugar. 913441;1415338439;asciilifeform;also to have the cake. 913442;1415338470;mircea_popescu;i am blessed in that i can just order cake into being. 913443;1415338645;*;asciilifeform fails as a reddit sp4mz0r 913444;1415338662;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: the hedgehogs would be approximately the size of christmas tree ornaments. <<< god help you after the first storm, 913445;1415338669;mircea_popescu;untying the novel mess. 913446;1415338676;asciilifeform;what storm at the bottom. 913447;1415338684;asciilifeform;no reason these need to float. 913448;1415338685;mircea_popescu;what do you think lakes are. 913449;1415338709;asciilifeform;let'em dig into the silt. 913450;1415338722;asciilifeform;or submerge in indoor delphinarium 913451;1415338731;asciilifeform;(pirannarium?) 913452;1415338734;mircea_popescu;silt insulates. 913453;1415338801;mircea_popescu;Adlai: but sometimes it takes a tough turd to season a savory salmon <<< i've yet to see this in practice. 913454;1415338817;asciilifeform;rakefisk! 913455;1415338841;mircea_popescu;decimation: if you want something modern and not a rusty bucket you are talking ~$1-2 bn and your money can't buy one << you gotta be kidding me. an aircraft carrier is like 5bn. and i mean a large 100k tdw one, not the shitty 50k uk has. 913456;1415338873;cazalla;so blake's friend died prior to him taking over SR 2.0, maybe it was his YOLO moment 913457;1415338879;mircea_popescu;decimation: my openbsd port of bitcoind suffered a fatal exception at block 150872 <<< not that exceptional. 913458;1415338896;asciilifeform;5bn in bezzlatron. use soviet figures (converting to modern 'weights and measures' is a separate voodoo) for a bit closer to reality. 913459;1415338922;mircea_popescu;yes, when #b-a makes it it'll no doubt be a few k's in btc. 913460;1415338970;asciilifeform;it would not even be too fantastic to say, that nothing in fact costs 5bn 913461;1415338987;asciilifeform;because that amount of actual money, in one place, would collapse into a cosmic singularity 913462;1415338989;mircea_popescu;you COULD make a spaceship that easily exceeded that. 913463;1415338999;asciilifeform;remains to be seen, if could 913464;1415339001;asciilifeform;for above reason. 913465;1415339004;mircea_popescu;in fact, you could make a large enough pile of steel cost 10 913466;1415339028;asciilifeform;'if all the elephants in the world were dropped in one pile, the whales - in another...' 913467;1415339120;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform standard steel plate is like 1k per ton. 913468;1415339126;asciilifeform;what did spain buy for maxint Au. 913469;1415339141;asciilifeform;a black hole to vanish into. 913470;1415339141;mircea_popescu;a one mile by one mile steel plate pyramid about 100 meters tall will get you there. 913471;1415339179;asciilifeform;what did usa buy for an, if anything, greater pile of looted Au? 913472;1415339183;asciilifeform;(from the entire planet!) 913473;1415339209;asciilifeform;where's the steel pyramid? 913474;1415339210;mircea_popescu;actually the chinese wall was prolly in the 10bn range ppp wise. 913475;1415339221;asciilifeform;ah, but trick is - not all at once. 913476;1415339230;asciilifeform;might as well tally up all of rome, etc 913477;1415339232;mircea_popescu;it is still one thing. 913478;1415339246;asciilifeform;clever optical trick. 913479;1415339247;mircea_popescu;neither is yourr meal "all at once" 913480;1415339288;mircea_popescu;the last simultaneous events happened like what, 100 trn years ago ? 913481;1415339293;asciilifeform;lol 913482;1415339297;scoopbot;New post on Trilema by Mircea Popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/fatlogic/ 913483;1415339479;asciilifeform;http://trilema.com/2014/fatlogic/#comment-109665 913484;1415339479;assbot;Fatlogic pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 913485;1415339715;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12050 @ 0.00068462 = 8.2497 BTC [-] 913486;1415339797;asciilifeform;'Mathematics uses inductionthe idea that if 1 + 1 is 2 then 2 + 1 must be 3, and so on up to an arbitrarily large quantity. In the real world, if you are counting acorns, then 1 + 1 acorns is not the same as 1,000,000 + 1 acornsnot if there are squirrels running around, which there will be once they find out that you are the one who's been stealing their acorns. A million acorns is just too many for you t 913487;1415339797;asciilifeform;o keep track of, and your concerted effort to keep adding one more to the pile while fighting off squirrels may cause small children to start calling you silly names. The bigger the pile grows, the more likely you are to have to take inventory, and in the process you are increasingly likely to make a mistake, so that it turns out that 1,000,000 + 1 is in fact 1,000,001 - δ, where δ is the number of acorns you 913488;1415339798;asciilifeform;have lost track of, somehow. Once δ > 0, you have achieved diminishing returns, and once δ > 1, you have achieved negative returns.' 913489;1415339802;asciilifeform;-- obligatory, mr. o. 913490;1415339807;asciilifeform;( http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2010/04/collapse-competitively.html ) 913491;1415339807;assbot;ClubOrlov: Collapse Competitively 913492;1415339859;mircea_popescu;so i suppose "in the real world" pluricellular organisms don't exist. 913493;1415339861;mircea_popescu;or w/e. 913494;1415339861;asciilifeform;^ his attempt to address the question of gravitational collapse of maxint gold 913495;1415339888;mircea_popescu;very dirty thinker this guy. keeps mixing things that live on different deductive levels. 913496;1415339896;asciilifeform;hasty. 913497;1415339938;mircea_popescu;i dunno. 913498;1415339955;asciilifeform;hasty and prone to leaps of wish. 913499;1415340000;mircea_popescu;see, dirty thinker. i mean the squirels are a much ulterior consideration to thinking. 913500;1415340001;asciilifeform;but, suffering from some of the same intellectual vices, i find him entertaining 913501;1415340003;mircea_popescu;to counting* 913502;1415340015;mircea_popescu;they have very different degrees of liberty. can't freely interface them like this. 913503;1415340033;*;asciilifeform does not disagree, in fact fumed indignantly when first read that piece 913504;1415340070;[]bot;Bet placed: 1 BTC for Yes on "Silver to fall under $15/oz before December 27th" http://bitbet.us/bet/1049/ Odds: 86(Y):14(N) by coin, 73(Y):27(N) by weight. Total bet: 7.5111 BTC. Current weight: 40,158. 913505;1415340072;mircea_popescu;take my earlier piece re cooling. i in fact had counted fucking gas molecules, in the untold zilions. 913506;1415340076;mircea_popescu;because that's what mols are. 913507;1415340084;mircea_popescu;what squirrel steals hcf ? 913508;1415340086;asciilifeform;the 'clef' to the 'roman a clef' of orlov is that he wants, more than anything, to live to see some kind of 'curtain call' on technological civilization and coherent culture -as a concern.- 913509;1415340097;mircea_popescu;why, anyway ? 913510;1415340100;asciilifeform;idk. 913511;1415340103;asciilifeform;ask him. 913512;1415340115;mircea_popescu;thought maybe you had a theory, along with the key. 913513;1415340128;asciilifeform;as i gather, he sees bezzlamatics as baked into, fuck knows, aristotle onwards. 913514;1415340141;asciilifeform;the whole edifice. 913515;1415340153;mircea_popescu;best i can see he's the luddite sort of socialist, believes technology empowers intelligence to manifest as difference 913516;1415340160;mircea_popescu;no technology, all equal, utopia realised. 913517;1415340178;asciilifeform;too clever a man for utopiawank 913518;1415340180;mircea_popescu;but ianae 913519;1415340187;mircea_popescu;you'd be surprised. 913520;1415340197;mircea_popescu;clever, dirty thinker is pretty much how you say "utopian" 913521;1415340251;asciilifeform;imho he just imagines preferring to be buggered raw by 'nature' than molested however gently by... tech-augmented molesters. 913522;1415340308;asciilifeform;there is something in him of the 'freedom-loving sp4mz0rz' 913523;1415340401;asciilifeform;(back to the titanic pile of acorns, it did - if only by accident - make a useful point: sufficiently concentrated pile of $goodies is a 'target-rich environment') 913524;1415340472;mircea_popescu;depends. 913525;1415340493;mircea_popescu;for instance : refine sugar, store it as such. about as inert as basalt, provided it never gets wet. 913526;1415340496;mircea_popescu;and even if it does... 913527;1415340505;asciilifeform;aha, and egyptian honey, sure. 913528;1415340525;mircea_popescu;meanwhile, shit ? richest environment. 913529;1415340531;*;asciilifeform relaxes analogy a bit, lest it stretch so taught that it snap. 913530;1415340542;mircea_popescu;nature works more on a "one man's garbage" principle. 913531;1415340584;mircea_popescu;the interfaces, wounds, muddy waters, everywhere there's a border is where things happen. 913532;1415340588;mircea_popescu;piles of goodies... w/e. 913533;1415340599;asciilifeform;border - yes. 913534;1415340616;asciilifeform;in the past season i got to watch precisely how deer work. 913535;1415340623;mircea_popescu;right ? 913536;1415340630;asciilifeform;a road was cut through forest, and pestilential explosion of deer 913537;1415340632;mircea_popescu;being a hunter is a great boon to wisdom. 913538;1415340636;asciilifeform;who feed on the brush at the border. 913539;1415340639;mircea_popescu;yup 913540;1415340695;mircea_popescu;after all, a whale is a huge pile of goodies. 913541;1415340696;mircea_popescu;so what of it ? 913542;1415340697;asciilifeform;doesn't help that no one hunts the beasts here (densely populated, shoot one deer and bag three random bozos) 913543;1415340703;mircea_popescu;meanwhile, cut worm in half. 913544;1415340742;mircea_popescu;fucking things you didn't even know existed come out of places you didn't even know existed to check it out. 913545;1415340752;asciilifeform;(point re: deer was that habitat creation, rather than destruction - as envirowhiners normally focus on - is a thing) 913546;1415340791;*;asciilifeform one day will visit parts of the world where one can actually hunt deer 913547;1415340918;asciilifeform;!up Vexual 913548;1415340925;*;asciilifeform says, goodnight 913549;1415340990;Vexual;a tender kangaroo cut beats any venison 913550;1415341114;mircea_popescu;holy shit grep -e "\\\\[[:alpha:]]\\\\" srsly ? 913551;1415341126;mircea_popescu;why not more slashing! 913552;1415341276;cazalla;http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-11-07/pick-up-artist-julien-blanc-leaves-australia-amid-outrage/5874604 913553;1415341276;assbot;Julien Blanc, self-described pick-up artist who promotes choking women, has visa cancelled and leaves Australia - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) 913554;1415341286;cazalla;Mr Blanc, from US-based group Real Social Dynamics, was forced to hold his event on a boat on Melbourne's Yarra River last night. <<< poor guy :\ 913555;1415341360;mircea_popescu;"This guy wasn't pushing forward political ideas, he was putting a view that was derogatory to women and that's just something that our values abhor in this country," he said. 913556;1415341368;mircea_popescu;shit, your values are an agent now over there ? 913557;1415341385;mircea_popescu;what do your values think about chocolate fudge ? 913558;1415341432;mircea_popescu;lol derp goes around randomly strangling strangers as a pickup method ? jesus these idiots. 913559;1415341513;mircea_popescu;why the fuck all this song and dance about "our values abhor" and "degrading misoginistic" blablabla baclava. what's wrong with the obivious "this is a fucktarded kid, broken in the head to the degree he imagines strangling strangers is an adequate substitute for his absent social skills, we don't want him here, and ideally he should be undergoing a special needs program somewhere." 913560;1415341548;mircea_popescu;everything gotta be repackaged in the libertardism du jour, because a worthless tool is perhaps going to be less visibly worthless if it's nominally used to solve all problems. 913561;1415341874;Vexual;wheres george negus when you need him? 913562;1415341907;cazalla;you already told me where Vexual 913563;1415341930;Vexual;well, I also liken you to him a lot 913564;1415341933;[]bot;Bet placed: 1 BTC for Yes on "Silver to fall under $15/oz before December 27th" http://bitbet.us/bet/1049/ Odds: 87(Y):13(N) by coin, 76(Y):24(N) by weight. Total bet: 8.5111 BTC. Current weight: 40,129. 913565;1415341985;mircea_popescu;who's this ? 913566;1415342000;Vexual;long running australian journalist 913567;1415342012;Vexual;see him down the pub occasionally 913568;1415343497;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25250 @ 0.00068462 = 17.2867 BTC [-] 913569;1415344656;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16419 @ 0.00068869 = 11.3076 BTC [+] {2} 913570;1415345568;bounce;http://www.theregister.co.uk/Print/2014/11/07/internet_un_security_council_net_mundial_initiative/ -- ICANN, the bitcoin foundation of the internet 913571;1415345568;assbot;ICANN creates 'UN Security Council for the internet', installs itself as a permanent member • The Register 913572;1415346454;mircea_popescu;lol 913573;1415346509;mircea_popescu;"If there is a cybersecurity issue, or someone who has figured out how to protect children through a browser," then they can use the platform to connect with others as well as crowdsource and fund their efforts, ICANN CEO Fadi Chehad enthused. 913574;1415346516;mircea_popescu;yeah, this sounds reallllly important. 913575;1415346524;punkman;gotta use that ICANN money from all the new domains 913576;1415346533;mircea_popescu;how to protect chitlins through a browser. 913577;1415346564;mircea_popescu;amusingly enough, the bitcoin foundation actually is ahead of the icann internet foundation. 913578;1415346588;mircea_popescu;"They announced that a further twenty members will be chosen (seemingly by the organizers) according to geographic region and different sectors, split equally between: academia; civil society; governments; and business." << lawl. 913579;1415346620;mircea_popescu;so, 3:1 bezzle ? except that 1 will prolly be just as bezzletronic ? what is this, lenin's wet dream or something ? 913580;1415346820;punkman;"Everything will be done bottom-up, this is the mother of all bottom-up processes," < who's bottom is getting buggered? 913581;1415346889;punkman;btw how much BTC does the twobitfoundation have these days? 913582;1415346906;mircea_popescu;it's so fucking lulzy how full of fail that thing is srsly. almost 100% copy of vessennes' scam "foundation". won't say how much money it spent, masquerades as "open", astroturfing to the hilt, the works 913583;1415346934;mircea_popescu;then people are all "o noes, what do you mean same script means same govt agency" 913584;1415346944;mircea_popescu;punkman it won't say. 913585;1415347024;punkman;http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/11/05/un_takeover_of_internet_postponed_indefinitely/ 913586;1415347024;assbot;UN takeover of internet postponed indefinitely • The Register 913587;1415347035;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37440 @ 0.00068419 = 25.6161 BTC [-] {2} 913588;1415347096;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32860 @ 0.00068392 = 22.4736 BTC [-] {2} 913589;1415347314;punkman;mircea_popescu: re: deed errors, guess I should make it say "3rd deed invalid" instead 913590;1415347329;punkman;congrats on biggest bundle yet! 913591;1415347340;mircea_popescu;would help yes. 913592;1415347376;mircea_popescu;anyway, it took special chars and other issues (\n\n separated deeds) like a champ 913593;1415347507;mircea_popescu;!t m s.qntr 913594;1415347507;assbot;[MPEX:S.QNTR] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: 0.00013514 / 0.00013704 / 0.00015 (4111 shares, 0.56 BTC), 30D: 0.00013514 / 0.00013704 / 0.00015 (4111 shares, 0.56 BTC) 913595;1415347527;mircea_popescu;seems mike_c prediction is spot on 913596;1415347688;Naphex;"Robocoin Now Requires All ATM Operators to Collect Customer Information" 913597;1415347714;mircea_popescu;lol 913598;1415347730;mircea_popescu;aaaand if they don't ? 913599;1415347799;mircea_popescu;"The Fort Knox of Bitcoin 913600;1415347799;mircea_popescu;Your Bitcoin is secured by next generation security practices. You are your money: palm-vein biometrics keep money in the palm of your hand, while protecting your account against theft and identity fraud." 913601;1415347812;mircea_popescu;"From the company that invented the Bitcoin ATM" 913602;1415347814;cazalla;need one of those terminator 2 atm hacker devices for robocoins 913603;1415347816;mircea_popescu;these dudes lmao. 913604;1415347822;Naphex;what if someone steals your hand ?:)) 913605;1415347827;mircea_popescu;such neobee company, such neobee fate. 913606;1415347878;mircea_popescu;and they tweet on their own (and mostly ignored) twitter account a link to... coindesk, and via@coindesk. 913607;1415347898;mircea_popescu;this is the day, when a pretend-company cites as source of its own fucking moves the official usg news outlet. 913608;1415347919;mircea_popescu;can you guise be anymoar fucking desperate, srsly now ? 913609;1415347930;mircea_popescu;it's not going to survive anyway, that coindesk thing. 913610;1415348599;punkman;"Each successive Silk Road is headed by a DPR with increasingly poor opsec, like they're reverse-learning from their predecessors' mistakes" 913611;1415348660;punkman;!up Vexual 913612;1415348706;Vexual;"first time bali?" 913613;1415348740;Vexual;now ben10 might recoil at that question, but it's invariablt the firs one of every scammor everywhere 913614;1415348766;Vexual;and your answer should be no 913615;1415348820;Vexual;but life is a twoway street, and you can give any reponse you like 913616;1415348830;punkman;they can smell it anyway 913617;1415348839;Vexual;tru dat 913618;1415349012;punkman;https://twitter.com/Forbes/status/530498865741709312 913619;1415349014;assbot;GE is the only remaining member of the original Dow Jones Industrial Average launched in 1896: http://t.co/KLHZHqQ46w http://t.co/oo6J9GAgkD 913620;1415349027;Vexual;you'll talk for a bit, get a smile, and if your a dickhead, youll hear " you want trouble" 913621;1415349059;Vexual;this means you have failed at negotiations 913622;1415349080;punkman;how do you win? 913623;1415349194;Vexual;you don't, it's already been decided 913624;1415349296;cazalla;anyone ever heard of Bitstars.net, Betchain.com, Bitcoinpenguin.com and PrincessStar.com ? 913625;1415349314;punkman;cazalla: doesn't ring a bell 913626;1415349384;Vexual;everything in your sock and cutting wild at a heavy metal show wil secure your life 913627;1415349466;cazalla;ah dw, they look like skins from the same operator 913628;1415349479;Vexual;ive heard of bitstars 913629;1415349481;mircea_popescu;punkman o.O what did this one do ? 913630;1415349509;punkman;which one? 913631;1415349546;mircea_popescu;DPR with increasingly poor opsec 913632;1415349562;Vexual;lol defcon -10 913633;1415349567;punkman;it's on qntra :P 913634;1415349594;mircea_popescu;ah i've not gone through the complaint. 913635;1415349598;Vexual;theres a book on opsec kids 913636;1415349634;cazalla;his missus isn't that bad though she had a big emo about cheating so maybe he had a few others https://www.facebook.com/Stephaniemckaykay 913637;1415349696;Vexual;steady on 913638;1415349752;Vexual;whats this latest patsys name? 913639;1415349819;cazalla;chcked his dads and so on facebook, none of em have commented yet or locked shit down 913640;1415349825;punkman;"Silk Road 2.0 initially was owned and operated by another individual (hereinafter referred to as “DPR2”), BLAKE BENTHALL, a/k/a “Defcon,” the defendant, who had been acting as second-in—command to DPR2" 913641;1415349833;punkman;hah, same story as SR1.0 913642;1415349856;punkman;they are just phoning it in at this point 913643;1415349868;Vexual;san fran again 913644;1415349966;Vexual;other drug markeys got busted too ? 913645;1415350098;cazalla;yeah apparently, doubt they do any vol though so who gives a fuck 913646;1415350119;Vexual;it's interesting 913647;1415350178;cazalla;yeah but i've never heard of em, not into drugs so i'd have to spend half the day finding out about these small sites and then they're shut down now anyway so difficult to verify 913648;1415350197;Vexual;that other news outlet reported sr2 getting a big dos a few weeks ago 913649;1415350204;punkman;cazalla, saw an article about some tor search engine that had a big list 913650;1415350214;cazalla;if i was a small time operator and wanted to steal some coins, maybe i'd copy/pasta the silkroad 2.0 shut down images and claim i too got shut down and knick whatever coins were on the site 913651;1415350296;cazalla;punkman, sounds familiar 913652;1415350312;Vexual;i signed up to sr 1.0 just to look 913653;1415350385;punkman;cazalla: well if you ever wanna write about the topic, here it is http://www.deepdotweb.com/grams-search-darknet-marketplaces/ 913654;1415350387;assbot;Grams: Search The DarkNet Marketplaces! - Deep Dot Web 913655;1415350625;cazalla;punkman, ty 913656;1415350638;cazalla;!up Vexual 913657;1415350648;cazalla;anyway, gotta do that weekly skype with the grandparents lol bbl 913658;1415350754;Vexual;punk, what are you working on? 913659;1415350824;punkman;some stupid shit and some stupid leads 913660;1415350869;Vexual;case of beer? 913661;1415350903;punkman;more like OJ and a banana 913662;1415350922;Vexual;i just hadmy frist mango for the year 913663;1415350943;Vexual;its a thing 913664;1415350967;punkman;don't think I've ever had a good mango 913665;1415350975;Vexual;omfg 913666;1415351014;punkman;and the fucking bananas are local but they gotta cut them green, fucktards 913667;1415351058;Vexual;bananas are a cunt 913668;1415351061;punkman;there's guy that does papayas too 913669;1415351067;punkman;but I got there too late 913670;1415351071;Vexual;now you're talking 913671;1415351128;punkman;you ever try the papaya seeds? 913672;1415351130;Vexual;you ever had that thai green ppapaya salad? 913673;1415351143;Vexual;no ive never eaten the seed 913674;1415351204;punkman;they are spicy, can put them in things 913675;1415351228;Vexual;i like dried 913676;1415351355;Vexual;dicotomous nad shit 913677;1415351553;Vexual;get a mango in ya 913678;1415351630;Vexual;ill send you a case 913679;1415355355;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by cazalla: http://qntra.net/2014/11/irish-man-caught-up-in-operation-onymous-alleged-to-own-us-2-3m-in-bitcoin/ 913680;1415356474;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2014/11/trendon-shavers-aka-pirateat40-faces-criminal-fraud-charges/ 913681;1415356552;cazalla;so what's best practice when something like this gnupg 2.1.0 modern comes out? 913682;1415356590;BingoBoingo;Maybe a short little blurb, sentence or two and a link to the announcement? 913683;1415356635;cazalla;i mean in regards to using it or not 913684;1415356682;BingoBoingo;Ah, well... does it fix anything? 913685;1415356770;jurov;I suggest to use this excerpt from the gpg announcement: "Die Gedanken sind frei. Ausnahmen regelt ein Bundesgesetz." 913686;1415356926;cazalla;BingoBoingo, what i read as a fix is just as likely to be now broken and vice versa, so i would prefer to defer to those smarter in here, i'm sure someone will discuss the addition of elliptic curve keys at some point 913687;1415356947;BingoBoingo;Ah 913688;1415357013;bounce;that's his signature, not really part of the announcement. 913689;1415357031;bounce;though you can probably use it. ISTR he's been using it for a long time 913690;1415357154;jurov;!up Vexual 913691;1415357188;jurov;gute blinkenlichtenbeobachtung! 913692;1415357296;Vexual;that slovakistanese is hard to read 913693;1415357341;Vexual;will you translate for us? 913694;1415357363;jurov;good watching of blinkenlichten! 913695;1415357395;Vexual;blinking lights? 913696;1415357412;jurov;youtube, in other words 913697;1415357422;Vexual;vexbachtung? 913698;1415357580;Vexual;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKvA3AN3ApY if i die you can laugh 913699;1415366372;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41550 @ 0.00068112 = 28.3005 BTC [-] 913700;1415366413;jurov;http://www.reddit.com/r/Buttcoin/comments/2lkevi/buterins_waterfall_a_likbez/ < asciilifeform this is the right subreddit 913701;1415366414;assbot;Buterin's Waterfall, a Likbez : Buttcoin 913702;1415367470;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27300 @ 0.000681 = 18.5913 BTC [-] {2} 913703;1415369666;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36200 @ 0.0006806 = 24.6377 BTC [-] {2} 913704;1415369727;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2100 @ 0.00067819 = 1.4242 BTC [-] {2} 913705;1415369971;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12500 @ 0.00067692 = 8.4615 BTC [-] 913706;1415371785;*;xanthyos 913707;1415372473;punkman;http://www.dailylife.com.au/news-and-views/news-features/takedownjulienblanc-julien-blanc-leaves-australia-with-his-tail-between-his-legs-20141107-3juiy.html 913708;1415372474;assbot;#TakeDownJulienBlanc: Julien Blanc leaves Australia with his tail between his legs 913709;1415373127;kakobrekla;that explains the 'go home white pig' 913710;1415373205;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5200 @ 0.00061284 = 3.1868 BTC [-] 913711;1415374952;RagnarDanneskjol;http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2014/11/07/bitcoin-gavin-andresen-dublin-web-summit/18636161/ 913712;1415374953;assbot;Gavin Andresen: I don't want to be 'king of Bitcoin' 913713;1415374968;Azelphur;he wants to be Bitcoin CEO instead 913714;1415375520;asciilifeform;http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2014/11/odds-and-ends.html << mr. o explains why he didn't stick with ipa. 913715;1415375520;assbot;ClubOrlov: Odds and ends 913716;1415375522;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32950 @ 0.00061134 = 20.1437 BTC [-] {2} 913717;1415376270;mircea_popescu;gooood mornin! 913718;1415376635;mircea_popescu;cazalla https://www.quantcast.com/qntra.net << gotta love how after a peak it does fall, but not quite back to where it was. 913719;1415376636;assbot; Qntra.net Traffic and Demographic Statistics by Quantcast 913720;1415376703;kakobrekla;peak is gauss 913721;1415376714;*;kakobrekla rain 913722;1415376716;mircea_popescu;punkman: hah, same story as SR1.0 <<< im not so sure i believe that, incidentally. iut's called parallel construction for a reason, and that reason is, "lying through the teeth". 913723;1415376726;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla i dun get it ? 913724;1415376763;kakobrekla;idk, latecomers ? 913725;1415376801;mircea_popescu;right ? 913726;1415376831;mircea_popescu;sheeeit look at all the smart trilema commenters. 913727;1415376834;mircea_popescu;brb 913728;1415376867;kakobrekla;like bitcoin, after peak it doesnt go straight to 0. takes at at least 2 weeks. 913729;1415377142;mircea_popescu;are you a hater ? 913730;1415377162;mircea_popescu;there's no place in our cult for haters!11 913731;1415377363;mircea_popescu;;;seen organofcorti 913732;1415377363;gribble;organofcorti was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 years, 20 weeks, 3 days, 9 hours, 31 minutes, and 40 seconds ago: Hey, does anyone know what the cost to reissue an expired bond is? 913733;1415377379;mircea_popescu;;;later tell organofcorti http://trilema.com/2014/a-humble-proposal-to-bitcoin-miners/ << would you consider discvussing that article on your blog ? 913734;1415377379;assbot;A humble proposal to Bitcoin miners pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 913735;1415377379;gribble;The operation succeeded. 913736;1415377553;kakobrekla;mircea_popescu> are you a hater ? < http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=05-11-2014#911822 913737;1415377553;assbot;Logged on 05-11-2014 22:17:24; *: kakobrekla just dutifully rains on parade 913738;1415377567;mircea_popescu;you should get a special hat. 913739;1415377587;bounce;a hate-hat? what colour is that? 913740;1415377601;kakobrekla;such hat? http://img.thesun.co.uk/aidemitlum/archive/01489/SNN1411UB1-532_1489679a.jpg 913741;1415377632;mircea_popescu;aahahahhaha 913742;1415377633;mircea_popescu;totally. 913743;1415377649;mircea_popescu;colors and everything. the rainbow umbrella hat. 913744;1415377725;kakobrekla;yeah idk why some still use umbrellas 913745;1415377777;kakobrekla;see ascii, umbrella hat unlike toilet sink. 913746;1415377808;mircea_popescu;rainbow is the color of hate anyway 913747;1415377816;mircea_popescu;because all the weird sex people use it. 913748;1415377831;bounce;such logic 913749;1415377845;kakobrekla;linear so some shit. 913750;1415377853;kakobrekla;or* 913751;1415377909;bounce;linear h 913752;1415378065;mircea_popescu;bounce you dare deride my such logic ?! 913753;1415378104;bounce;why yes, yes indeed. 913754;1415378116;mircea_popescu;repent before you get a hat of your own 913755;1415378120;mircea_popescu;sinners i swear 913756;1415378125;mircea_popescu;sinners and heretics everywhere 913757;1415378143;*;bounce already has a nice hat. 913758;1415378151;mircea_popescu;o ? pics! 913759;1415378165;bounce;you wish. no hat pr0n for you. 913760;1415378188;mircea_popescu;incidentally, if one were a god, but i mean actual, honest-to-god god. wouldn't you expect he'd mostly want to hang out with assorted unbelievers, unrepentant sinners and firebrand heretics ? 913761;1415378206;mircea_popescu;i mean he's a god for crying out loud, what bs is this insecure egotism as depicted by teh jews. nonsense i say! 913762;1415378229;*;bounce refers to pterry 913763;1415378263;mircea_popescu;who's pterry ? 913764;1415378311;mircea_popescu;and i must say, i have never in my life seen public works like in argentina. so three days ago they announced they will fuck up the sidewalk before my building, and garage won't be accessible for two days. then two days ago they fucked it up, yesterday they were fixing it and today it's all fine, new pavement. 913765;1415378316;bounce;curious problem for universal there-is-only-one gods, though. gods with domains typically have some sort of job description. "care for fertility" "make the rains come", whatever. but a universal god? what's it got to do with it? 913766;1415378320;mircea_popescu;who the shit ever heard of this, it's like germany over here. 913767;1415378354;mircea_popescu;bounce last sentence it overload, pls to redo. 913768;1415378400;mircea_popescu;!up OneNomos 913769;1415378443;OneNomos;thanks, just lurking for now 913770;1415378447;mircea_popescu;enjoy. 913771;1415378450;bounce;seems like a bit of a job overload if you're god of bloody everything 913772;1415378467;mircea_popescu;bounce nah, economy of scale. same process involved in being a god anyway. 913773;1415378661;mircea_popescu;punkman: don't think I've ever had a good mango <<< ew, you're missing out. 913774;1415378742;mircea_popescu;cazalla: so what's best practice when something like this gnupg 2.1.0 modern comes out? <<< i use 1.4 branch. depends what you're after, but in general best practice is read the update notes see if anything you actualy want [then in the unlikely case that yes, patch your sources with just that and recompile]. 913775;1415378747;mircea_popescu;not exactly trivial, but anyway. 913776;1415378809;mircea_popescu;jurov: gute blinkenlichtenbeobachtung! <<< bwahhaha top of the mornin' to you too. 913777;1415378870;mircea_popescu;assbot: Gavin Andresen: I don't want to be 'king of Bitcoin' <<< mmmmywah, that was really on the table lol. 913778;1415378877;mircea_popescu;in other news, i don't want to be a fat black woman. 913779;1415378898;mircea_popescu;somehow i forgot to mention this prior, sorry if it ruins anything guise. 913780;1415378906;RagnarDanneskjol;bummer 913781;1415378968;mircea_popescu;http://images.dailylife.com.au/2014/11/07/5962493/Protesters_TN-620x349.jpg <<< check it out, whale has friends! 913782;1415378983;mircea_popescu;almost like a real person. 913783;1415379030;chetty;I been hearing that term 'rape culture' a lot recnetly, what the hell is that? 913784;1415379081;mircea_popescu;well, normally society is organised around fucking. 913785;1415379108;mircea_popescu;however, a bunch of people have managed to paint themselves into a corner, by an unfortunate meeting of government welfare and libertard ideology. 913786;1415379136;mircea_popescu;they soon enough discovered that society doesn't care, so now this large headcount of overweight, middle aged women are trying to invent their own version of fucking that'll link them to actual society 913787;1415379160;mircea_popescu;"rape culture" it is, ie, they don't hang around with their friends talking about what it was like last night, like THOSE SLUTS 913788;1415379175;mircea_popescu;they hang around with their friends talking about how wrong it all is. 913789;1415379218;mircea_popescu;somehow the (other) elephant in the room (ie, "dogs wouldn't fuck you, if you paid them") is gingerly never mentioned. 913790;1415379243;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45400 @ 0.00060019 = 27.2486 BTC [-] 913791;1415379320;Azelphur;mircea_popescu: haha, don't even get me started on this topic, special snowflakes, special snowflakes everywhere. 913792;1415379401;Azelphur;kinda related, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzmbW4ueGdg and equally frustrating. 913793;1415379401;assbot;SJW vs John Carmack (Oculus Connect Keynote) - YouTube 913794;1415379438;asciilifeform;in ru net, there is actually a perversely reactive 'memecult' based on 'lookatme, i'm not a special snowflake at all!' - folks replacing their 'avatar pics' with little red squares with 'serial number' 913795;1415379458;asciilifeform;http://www.individualizmu.net/register.php 913796;1415379464;asciilifeform;13+k of these and counting. 913797;1415379500;asciilifeform;(domain meaning, roughly, 'no to individualism!') 913798;1415379504;mircea_popescu;incidentally, 10-20 years ago the same people ( http://cdn.ebaumsworld.com/mediaFiles/picture/238063/916229.png ) were trying a different tack ( http://www.happyboulevard.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/women-are-not-for-decoration.jpg ) 913799;1415379520;mircea_popescu;in spite of all the "successes" (like getting deepthroat to lie and so on) it never went anywhere. for the obvious reason. 913800;1415379533;mircea_popescu;so now they've moved on from "porn activism", a soundly lost battle, to "rape culture" bs. 913801;1415379561;mircea_popescu;sort of like the ecologists, that made all the bruhaha in the 90s about how the world was going to end because ozone layer, and if "We" don't "do" what they say it';s gonna be bad etc 913802;1415379588;mircea_popescu;then we ignored them, the problem somehow magically went away, they're no longer mentioning it (and in no case are they mentioning it as what it was : here's our most resoundingly humiliating defeat to date) 913803;1415379595;mircea_popescu;just seamlessly moved into the global warming thing. 913804;1415379610;mircea_popescu;"the left always wins" in the sense that the left is dumb as rocks, and rocks always win, in the sense that nevermind. 913805;1415379614;chetty;unfortunately all these lost causes leave a trail of bodies behind when they move on 913806;1415379618;mircea_popescu;good. 913807;1415379633;mircea_popescu;take the body in this case : a whiny 25 yo beta masquerading as an "executive dating coach". 913808;1415379643;mircea_popescu;seriously, executive ? what's that mean, that he has license to fuck your girlfriend ? 913809;1415379648;*;asciilifeform often reads vintage soviet magazines, and was recently surprised to find mention of 'warmocalypse' in 'химия и жизнь' circa 1991. 913810;1415379652;mircea_popescu;bodies are the food of the earth. 913811;1415379669;Naphex;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GijLoiVkmYI 913812;1415379670;assbot;Amazon Echo (Early Beta Version) - YouTube 913813;1415379720;chetty;well this rape culture thing seems to mostly consist of lopped off balls, that is something I regret. Much better uses than fertilizer for such things 913814;1415379733;asciilifeform;lol saw that. yes, we all want net-connected phased microphones in our bedrooms, yes! 913815;1415379735;asciilifeform;can't wait. 913816;1415379770;Naphex;well it is for everyone :)) 913817;1415379792;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform how do you expect to target viagra ads ? 913818;1415379798;asciilifeform;;;google fruity oaty bars 913819;1415379799;gribble;Fruity Oaty Bar! Commercial - YouTube: ; Fruity Oaty Bars - The Firefly and Serenity Database - Joss Whedon: ; ThinkGeek :: Serenity Fruity Oaty Bar Girls Maquette Set: 913820;1415379803;asciilifeform;'not mandatory!!!' 913821;1415379806;mircea_popescu;the economy needs it, privet. 913822;1415379811;chetty;asciilifeform, http://rock.genius.com/Leonard-cohen-everybody-knows-lyrics#note-1731970 913823;1415379812;assbot;Leonard Cohen – Everybody Knows Lyrics | Genius 913824;1415379928;Naphex;'so it can hear you anywhere?' 913825;1415379935;Naphex;'well yes, but anyone can hear you anyway' 913826;1415379942;Naphex;from the official ad 913827;1415380140;*;asciilifeform wonders, re: mircea_popescu's mining thread: what fraction of an adult mining operation's nre cost is - bitcoind re-engineering... 913828;1415380228;Naphex;asciilifeform: prolly a few days to set up the infrastucture and 're-ingineer' the essentials in bitcoind 913829;1415380240;asciilifeform;a few days << lol 913830;1415380281;Naphex;you think it takes years? 913831;1415380281;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform exactly as naggum explains. 913832;1415380318;mircea_popescu;Naphex : asciilifeform has a much more fundamental approach to things. he's not really a business minded / cost oriented fellow. 913833;1415380384;asciilifeform;fundamentals << as things, presently stand, the most cost-effective 'mining' presently is... to pwn existing operators. 913834;1415380434;asciilifeform;whether this is happening presently, or has been for two years, or the trigger will be pulled for the first time tomorrow - only devil knows. 913835;1415380512;asciilifeform;dogs and fleas have been living together for quite some time, but afaik dogs never invented ddt. perhaps because not cost-effective. 913836;1415380548;mircea_popescu;it isn't cost effective for a dog, no. 913837;1415380554;asciilifeform;aha. 913838;1415380566;mircea_popescu;same reason bitcoin power rangers have not done anything useful since satoshi left 913839;1415380584;mircea_popescu;it actually isn't cost effective for them, just like shitting cow dung is not cost effective for you. 913840;1415380590;mircea_popescu;it's natural for a cow, but you're not one. 913841;1415380633;asciilifeform;see also evolution of flightless birds. 913842;1415380926;mircea_popescu;"I was able to validate my hypothesis that quite a few English-speakers lack phonological awareness and are not aware of the alphabetic principle. Many people have simply memorized some number of words, by sight and by sound. And since learning Unspell involves having the ability to analyze spoken English as a series of phonemes, people who have been taught to read English using the look and say method, which doe 913843;1415380926;mircea_popescu;s not attempt to draw any significant parallels between sight and sound, are at a loss." 913844;1415380939;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the problem with this approach being that literate readers do not actually read by letter anyway. 913845;1415380952;asciilifeform;as if there were anyone who did not know this. 913846;1415380955;mircea_popescu;inasmuch as you're going to read whole-word, his entire blabla does really not matter 913847;1415380972;asciilifeform;then straight to chinese hieroglyphs. 913848;1415380981;mircea_popescu;for that matter, i mostly read by-sentence-structure, especially when skimming 913849;1415380985;asciilifeform;same 913850;1415380992;mircea_popescu;nah. not at all same as hieroglypgs. 913851;1415380997;asciilifeform;but the 1 yo kid - needs to cut the parts. 913852;1415381016;asciilifeform;and same for the foreign n00b 913853;1415381026;mircea_popescu;see, pictograms are not flexional. whereas setence-structure read stems automatically. 913854;1415381068;asciilifeform;quite a few folks seem to be rather attached to the 'built-in iq test' of english mechanics 913855;1415381068;mircea_popescu;im pretty sure 3rd stage reader actually has two cvasi-simultaneous processes where the same photogram as registered by eyes is first parsed for stems then parsed for endings and they get superimposed in a 3rd stage 913856;1415381091;mircea_popescu;at least, judging by the types of errors that end up forcing me to re-read, vast majority of which indicate a mismatch in the 3rd stage. 913857;1415381130;asciilifeform;aha, i for one reread when 'brain compiler' spews 'syntax error' 913858;1415381147;mircea_popescu;well yes. but iof you count, the syntax error is almost always caused by an error collating the stems with the endings. 913859;1415381162;mircea_popescu;(i mean, cases where the text was correct, but your brain threw an exception) 913860;1415381178;mircea_popescu;so if this thing exists, then the process mus also exist. 913861;1415381190;chetty;learning initially with phonics lets a prson breakdown a word they encounter that dont know regardless of their normal reading method. The look-say method people are stuck. 913862;1415381212;mircea_popescu;no they're not stuck lol. "what is this" 913863;1415381231;chetty;but they dont have any tools .... 913864;1415381235;mircea_popescu;the unrigurousness of natural language is fundamentally useful here. you can ask about this without being able to define this. 913865;1415381249;mircea_popescu;chetty they have a boyfriend or something. 913866;1415381266;mircea_popescu;father, whatever. 913867;1415381269;chetty;well yeah, but why limit the toolbox that way 913868;1415381279;mircea_popescu;i dispute this is a limit. 913869;1415381321;chetty;it means you got to go consult some 'authority' instead of using your own head .. 913870;1415381334;mircea_popescu;yes. 913871;1415381348;chetty;so are libtards born 913872;1415381356;ben_vulpes;!t h rent 913873;1415381357;assbot;[HAVELOCK:RENT] 1D: 0.00465000 / 0.00477011 / 0.00490000 (92 shares, 0.43885005 BTC), 7D: 0.00444960 / 0.00471895 / 0.00490998 (1622 shares, 7.65413821 BTC), 30D: 0.00412527 / 0.00464214 / 0.00495000 (3784 shares, 17.56585521 BTC) 913874;1415381357;mircea_popescu;amusingly, when the "internet" from microsoft encounters a word aka domain name it doesn't know 913875;1415381361;mircea_popescu;it also doesn't consult its own head. 913876;1415381378;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14800 @ 0.00060252 = 8.9173 BTC [+] 913877;1415381387;mircea_popescu;i hold that libtards are born by using "own head" as a source to extract the unknown. 913878;1415381444;mircea_popescu;imagine what the web would be like if domain name resolution worked on a "what know domain is this new domain most like" 913879;1415381449;asciilifeform;http://www.xach.com/naggum/articles/3185426046243327@naggum.net.html << obligatory re: 'own head' 913880;1415381450;assbot;Re: Israel Thomas and Marcus G. Daniels and respect for people - Naggum cll archive 913881;1415381452;chetty;nah, I grew up with 'sound it out', and 'look it up' always linked. 913882;1415381456;mircea_popescu;total obama ideal, nothing in there but nyt and wp 913883;1415381487;asciilifeform;what know domain is this new domain most like << 'google' and its now nearly-unusable 'text matching' 913884;1415381507;mircea_popescu;ayup. 913885;1415381562;asciilifeform;'I have concluded that it is a phenomenal curse when it is and children experience that they can guess faster than they can learn. This latter thing is what I mostly associate with stupidity, however, and why I do _not_ equate intelligence with absence of stupidity. Quite the contrary, the more intelligent, the more potential to be stupid in just this crucial way, to believe that what you can pick out of your o 913886;1415381562;asciilifeform;wn mind at zero cost is better than what must be dug up from reality at great effort.' 913887;1415381591;mircea_popescu;anyway, for the record, because i realised this while sleeping re some convo a few days ago : "knowing what a word means" is, for the marginally illiterate "read-by-letter" type, a matter of memorizing definitions. this however is at best a sorry approximation of the real deal. 913888;1415381616;mircea_popescu;in point of fact, knowing what a word means requires knowing its etymology, for all languages in which it appears, as well as a lengthy casebook of previous usage 913889;1415381623;mircea_popescu;both cultured and folkloric. 913890;1415381637;mircea_popescu;i would say the definition-tree for the average noun is megabytes long. 913891;1415381640;asciilifeform;does anyone actually disagree with above? 913892;1415381646;mircea_popescu;just stating for the record. 913893;1415381654;mircea_popescu;it occured to me this mayhaps is not obvious 913894;1415381663;mircea_popescu;wouldn't be, to tardpedia-fed youth. 913895;1415381676;*;asciilifeform shudders to imagine what else wouldn't 913896;1415381721;mircea_popescu;anyway, it would appear orlov for instance doesn't know it. 913897;1415381736;mircea_popescu;if he imagines saving a few bytes of notation can have any sort of measurable impact on the workload of culture. 913898;1415381753;*;asciilifeform thinks mr. o is preoccupied with anglo-demolition. 913899;1415381759;asciilifeform;something i can certainly sympathize with. 913900;1415381769;mircea_popescu;so what, trojan horse, trying to ruin their language ? 913901;1415381775;asciilifeform;not as such 913902;1415381787;asciilifeform;but ruin whatever advantage is to be gained from growing up with it - sure. 913903;1415381790;mircea_popescu;he has the chance of a snowball up satan's arse to do a better job than all the femiwhales running around using words for purposes. 913904;1415381797;chetty;newspeak is in full swing 913905;1415381855;chetty;the list of 'approved' words will be down to a few hundred in no time. 913906;1415381867;mircea_popescu;chetty well, rape's definitely making it. 913907;1415381884;mircea_popescu;(explanation of that joke, for the recent : fifty years ago, the way to say "we fucked" was to say "we made it") 913908;1415381908;asciilifeform;'newspeaks' in any and all cases are plaything of the mandarin class. 913909;1415381920;asciilifeform;a kind of living exam, if you will. 913910;1415381926;asciilifeform;(a la the chinese imperial exams) 913911;1415381927;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46743 @ 0.0006023 = 28.1533 BTC [-] 913912;1415382007;*;asciilifeform sometimes visits coffee shops in wash.,d.c. area and amuses himself by reading front page of the local fishwraps and counting the schoolboy-level homonym and grammatic mistakes. 913913;1415382007;chetty;use a word not on the approved list and you will never get that job, obviously you are a dangerous 'thinker' 913914;1415382039;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform that bad eh ? 913915;1415382044;asciilifeform;yes. 913916;1415382053;asciilifeform;e.g., 'washington post' 913917;1415382055;asciilifeform;'new york times' 913918;1415382075;mircea_popescu;you should see this place. they are "horribru racists", which somehow correlates (unexplainedly, really!) with their very serious take on newspapers. they have like, actual editorials, and stuff. 913919;1415382083;mircea_popescu;it's shocking for the us emigre. 913920;1415382100;asciilifeform;the 25 y.o. 'editors' are editing the 19 y.o. yesterday's redditors. 913921;1415382102;mircea_popescu;almost as if it were the 1970s. 913922;1415382155;*;asciilifeform still, as when first encountered it, parses word 'reddit' as 'red edit' - a kind of intellectual kolkhoz. 913923;1415382156;mircea_popescu;!s dating 913924;1415382157;assbot;1681 results for 'dating' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=dating 913925;1415382178;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-11-2014#906633 << re argentine "racism" 913926;1415382178;assbot;Logged on 01-11-2014 23:55:45; mircea_popescu: http://pastebin.com/gjyG2Wwk << ustardian goes on a "first date", blows it. because racism. 913927;1415382316;mircea_popescu;" Losing respect for people is the first step towardsthe criminally insane mind. Losing the ability to think of otherhuman beings as of one's own kind is the last, the idea that one isdifferent from others, an outsider to humanity. You have crossed thatcrucial line, probably a long time ago." <<< fwiw, naggum i trivially invalidated by example. 913928;1415382365;mircea_popescu;i don't happen to be stuck in either of those two fixations that he proposes as fundamental, and somehow the sky is not falling upon the earth. 913929;1415382376;asciilifeform;naggum, imho, suffered from the crucial handicap of not growing up in the shark tank 913930;1415382401;mircea_popescu;in a more scholarly perspective : that "respect for others" argument is an exact reprise of the historical argument for "the respect for god". especially in the posited ill effects. 913931;1415382401;asciilifeform;and therefore able to sustain the illusion that most of the bipeds around are 'people' worth 'respect' 913932;1415382421;mircea_popescu;primitive religious minds all over europe firmly believed that unbelievers can not be decent, and will kill themselves or go on a rampage or something 913933;1415382436;mircea_popescu;notably, primitive minds in egypt had pretty much the same fiirm conviction last i visited. 913934;1415382450;mircea_popescu;yet... the sky is not kept up there by "respect", not of this, nor of that, nor of anything. 913935;1415382490;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yeah, that may well explain it. lack of experience makes any fiction plausible to the noob mind. 913936;1415382518;mircea_popescu;the reason contemporary arabs still believed stuff abandoned as lulzy centuries ago in europe has everything to do with me being the first nonbeliever they ever met. 913937;1415382718;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform lol way to go on a rant. clearly the quoted guy meant "people" as in groups. the implication that naggum isn't a person is not found inside the op's position. 913938;1415382727;mircea_popescu;did this fellow have a bunch of self-hate issues or something ? 913939;1415382822;asciilifeform;herr naggum was in the unfortunate position of inhabiting a very small space where idiots could not be routed around, but had to be actively hounded into exile 913940;1415382839;asciilifeform;picture if there were only 10 regulars here in #b-a, and one of them were ninjasp4mz0r 913941;1415382857;asciilifeform;and, for some odd reason, not everyone could agree to ignore 913942;1415382879;mircea_popescu;o, so not cultish enough ? 913943;1415382883;asciilifeform;aha. 913944;1415382902;mircea_popescu;funny how that works. 913945;1415382953;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu> punkman: hah, same story as SR1.0 <<< im not so sure i believe that, incidentally. iut's called parallel construction for a reason, and that reason is, "lying through the teeth". << SR 1.0 parallel construction, SR 2.0 comedy of errors 913946;1415382966;mircea_popescu;mebbe. 913947;1415382990;mircea_popescu;"Without getting into too much detail, it is useful for capturing minute distinctions between accents and dialects; it is not useful for achieving a dialect-neutral representation of a language." 913948;1415382991;asciilifeform;thing is, just about anything can be parallelkonstrukted into a 'comedy of errors' 913949;1415382996;mircea_popescu;what the FUCK is this even supposed to mean. 913950;1415383021;mircea_popescu;"can use spoon to eat soup but not paddle a small boat. because i am an idiot" wtf. 913951;1415383032;Naphex;or mebbe people just think too much of darkmarket operators 913952;1415383045;Naphex;people just throw shit on tor, and it bunks up 913953;1415383047;mircea_popescu;Naphex well the reddits wish to believe. 913954;1415383066;bounce;they all have posters? 913955;1415383086;mircea_popescu;if think about it : accepting the proposition that sr ops are dumb as rocks implies accepting the proposition that the shit will eventually be closed down. 913956;1415383092;mircea_popescu;they're addicts, they don't want to believe that. 913957;1415383101;asciilifeform;parallel construction is ridiculously easy, -especially- if the victim is in fact somewhat dull 913958;1415383122;bounce;which is most people 913959;1415383148;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform exactly. which is the angle that i stand behind here. usg is using the tor as it was designed to be used, meanwhile lies about how they got the data, and the people accused are too fucking stupid for that not to stick. 913960;1415383166;asciilifeform;e.g., 'sr2 had a usg mole.' 'no we didn't' 'ah, but mr envelope-licker was our mole' 'no he wasn't, we were best chums' 'he just swore in court that he was mole.' 'but he did it to get charges dropped against self' 'tough' 913961;1415383167;mircea_popescu;this is the basic work mode of this entire process anyway, it doesn't work too well outside of it. 913962;1415383178;Naphex;mp nails it 913963;1415383208;asciilifeform;he nailed it at the time of sr1 also. 913964;1415383216;Naphex;hey you gotta figure out as soon as lowlies seen SR1.0 drop, find a dork, put a website on that tor thingie 913965;1415383221;Naphex;then eventually comes the bust 913966;1415383226;asciilifeform;sr1 was, afaik, running heartbleeding tor. 913967;1415383239;mircea_popescu;if any of the young uns reading us silently is looking for a dragon to slay anbd be a hero : run a new silkroad as a reverse-honeypot. 913968;1415383241;asciilifeform;for some reason - 'no one' mentions this. 913969;1415383262;mircea_popescu;sell some pills while keeping track of exactly all the ways the usg gets the data, actually, then leak that. 913970;1415383316;*;Naphex bets its just mostly HUMINT 913971;1415383345;mircea_popescu;the usg sigint capacity is really very poor, in spite of large expenditure and publicity 913972;1415383347;mircea_popescu;so it's a safe bet. 913973;1415383356;punkman;they took down around 400 .onions btw 913974;1415383417;Naphex;what i'm thinking is that they just infiltrate comunities, and then start drilling down 913975;1415383432;Naphex;its safe bet to figure that most of the lowlies will be meeting each other 913976;1415383435;Naphex;and discussing plots 913977;1415383436;mircea_popescu;this is well documented sop. 913978;1415383437;asciilifeform;that's the official story. 913979;1415383451;Naphex;its probably right also 913980;1415383460;asciilifeform;right for all 400?! 913981;1415383461;bounce;AIUI it was usg HUMINT that was laughingly poor 913982;1415383475;Naphex;asciilifeform: hey, in the small town i live in, like 300k 913983;1415383478;mircea_popescu;bounce only compared to other agents, that do a much better job of it. 913984;1415383482;Naphex;they made 30 arrets + busts, for fraud 913985;1415383485;mircea_popescu;compared to its own efforts however... 913986;1415383485;Naphex;in the same day 913987;1415383495;bounce;the impression I got was that the SIGINT is quite good, but the inter-office communication not so much 913988;1415383509;mircea_popescu;bounce now what sense does that make ? 913989;1415383537;mircea_popescu;this is like saying that the company went bankrupt not because it had no money, but because it kept not being able to move it from accounting to other offices. 913990;1415383542;bounce;it's a well-paying job for many little drones that produce all those intelligence reports that nobody gets around to reading 913991;1415383548;mircea_popescu;which, incidentally, is often heard and only heard in ponzi schemes 913992;1415383583;bounce;the money flows with gay abandon to the point there's a term for that: "military industrial complex" 913993;1415383599;mircea_popescu;money was a parallel for info here. 913994;1415383644;bounce;parallel construction! I knew it! 913995;1415383651;Naphex;and really lets be honest here, why are those markets so easy to take down ? 913996;1415383668;asciilifeform;the two purposes of parallel construction are the obvious one (disguise and preserve pwnage capability) but also to sow distrust and spymania among the opponents of usg. 913997;1415383669;mircea_popescu;haha 913998;1415383671;bounce;dunno how easy, bit low on details 913999;1415383689;asciilifeform;and keep them using pwnables, convinced that any defeat is through the work of stoolies in their midst. 914000;1415383692;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform why do you think distrust is a negative ? 914001;1415383725;asciilifeform;distrust in the pathological sense, rather than the 'trust but verify' sense 914002;1415383729;asciilifeform;'anyone could be a witch' 914003;1415383749;mircea_popescu;but this is like saying "it's bad to have oil in the ground, because idiots will drink it" 914004;1415383767;mircea_popescu;well... if they do they won't be so long for this world, getting in anyone's way, right ? 914005;1415383853;asciilifeform;let's try that again. what's usg's plan for criminal 'elements'? not extermination, in any sense. but to keep the relationship symbiotic rather than predatorial. 914006;1415383879;asciilifeform;sicilian mafia refused, iirc, to distribute counterfeit german usd during ww2. 914007;1415383880;asciilifeform;why? 914008;1415383902;mircea_popescu;germans were kind of an annoying bunch. 914009;1415383943;asciilifeform;they wouldn't play ball with ru either, afaik. 914010;1415383945;asciilifeform;also because annoying? 914011;1415383951;mircea_popescu;from what i heard from the remnants of people actually involved, dealing with the germans was more or less like dealing with a party that had done a bunch of drugs, sober. 914012;1415383956;mircea_popescu;a grating experience at best. 914013;1415383972;asciilifeform;or because the folks with brains understood that they're part of some ecosystem that, if enemy is victorious, is slated for demolition? 914014;1415384028;mircea_popescu;sicily was roughly equivalent to old dixie. rural, strong right sorts of people. the proper way to regard the mafia is as the legal, lawful govenrment of the place being continually attacked and subverted by various socialists, in rome and abroad. 914015;1415384031;mircea_popescu;much like rhodesia, really. 914016;1415384040;asciilifeform;aha. 914017;1415384048;mircea_popescu;should be obvious why they didn't think much of the other rome 914018;1415384050;asciilifeform;afaik even schoolboys in usa know this. 914019;1415384057;mircea_popescu;(is this fiction still current, btw ? moscow as 3rd rome ?) 914020;1415384073;asciilifeform;this certainly wasn't part of the marketing literature, no 914021;1415384081;mircea_popescu;was a century or so ago. 914022;1415384085;asciilifeform;yes. 914023;1415384091;mircea_popescu;(the people in question might have known of this) 914024;1415384162;asciilifeform;incidentally, the roles reversed: 914025;1415384166;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://a-pesni.org/dvor/marsel.php 914026;1415384166;assbot;Ахилл Левинтон - Марсель 914027;1415384209;mats_cd03;13:13:47 <+mircea_popescu> ... the proper way to regard the mafia is as the legal, lawful govenrment of the place being continually attacked and subverted by various socialists, in rome and abroad. << interesting perspective, this 914028;1415384218;asciilifeform;'Советская малина / Собралась на совет. / Советская малина / Врагу сказала: — Нет! / Мы сдали того суку / Войскам НКВД. / С тех пор его по тюрьмам / Я не встречал нигде.' 914029;1415384220;*;mats_cd03 scribbles notes 914030;1415384304;asciilifeform;approximately: 'the soviet den of thieves / to council it did go; / the soviet den-of-thieves / to enemy, said 'no!' / we turned that bitch right in / to the chaps at kgb / since then, at not one prison / i ever him did see! ' 914031;1415384364;mircea_popescu;mats_cd03 look into calogero vizzini, if you're curious 914032;1415384384;mircea_popescu;people were still naming their kids calogero after him when de niro was but a wee boy. 914033;1415384610;mircea_popescu;Там девочки танцуют голые << lol at least got priorities straight. 914034;1415384701;ben_vulpes;Adlai: "python", "anything.el" << perhaps i am an emacs hipster but i rely on Helm and Elpy. 914035;1415384751;Adlai;emacs hipster is best hipster 914036;1415384765;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: re foundation and politics. what politics? 914037;1415384778;*;mircea_popescu reviews logs. 914038;1415384799;ben_vulpes; ben_vulpes time for bitcoin foundation to issue a statement that the only thing bitcoin needs is for politicians and other leeches to stfu and go away ? 914039;1415384814;asciilifeform;!s letter to sultan 914040;1415384814;assbot;1 results for 'letter to sultan' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=letter+to+sultan 914041;1415384814;mircea_popescu;aha ? what is the q ? 914042;1415384831;ben_vulpes;not really a question, more of its own statement 914043;1415384867;*;Adlai often gets called a politician by irl friends and is unsure whether to take this as a compliment or wut 914044;1415384868;ben_vulpes;"what politics? what politicians? the above cannot possibly affect bitcoin." 914045;1415384902;ben_vulpes;(stage 1.) 914046;1415384910;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://www.xach.com/naggum/articles/3185426046243327@naggum.net.html <<< i read a few dozen lines in that insane rant, then got bored, scrolled down past 4x as much material, ended up with the signature. sniper rifle ? srsly ? is this guy trolling ? 914047;1415384910;assbot;Re: Israel Thomas and Marcus G. Daniels and respect for people - Naggum cll archive 914048;1415384918;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes aha. 914049;1415384967;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: damned if i know. herr naggum was a shot, though. afaik it was one of his favourite pasttimes. 914050;1415384995;mircea_popescu;point being, after berating some random guy over 5k words for imaginary disrespects, calous sniping sig ? weird. 914051;1415385003;asciilifeform;it was his sig for ages 914052;1415385006;Adlai;mircea_popescu: poster from my greek history classroom: "It takes N muscles to smile // M[/ 914054;1415385101;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: from same genre: http://a-pesni.org/dvor/vepohuvojn.php 914055;1415385101;assbot;В эпоху войн, в эпоху кризисов 914056;1415385106;Adlai;i'm not sure anybody knows exactly how much of the collected works of erik naggum is trolling and how much is genuine hatred for bullshit and idiocy, but i imagine most was the latter 914057;1415385139;asciilifeform;afaik his 'trolling' was specifically engineered to drive certain folks out of his turf 914058;1415385142;asciilifeform;see earlier discussion. 914059;1415385516;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: "sidewalk" << isn't that your building's domain anyways? 914060;1415385536;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu, bounce: 914061;1415385537;Adlai;damnit python, where's cl:change-class when you need it 914062;1415385560;asciilifeform;Adlai: why're you stuck with python, again ? 914063;1415385563;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu, bounce: "gods" << mayer l brenner's dance of the gods series was very entertaining. i endorse. 914064;1415385587;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41343 @ 0.00060237 = 24.9038 BTC [+] 914065;1415385667;Adlai;asciilifeform: contract, so i can eat until the avenue ( http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-11-2014#913052 ) opens up again 914066;1415385667;assbot;Logged on 07-11-2014 01:18:27; mircea_popescu: there is exactly one avenue to do that : make it so good some actual trader starts using it, after which go work for him. 914067;1415385702;asciilifeform;trader? of what? salted fish? 914068;1415385704;gernika;mircea_popescu: im pretty sure 3rd stage reader actually has two cvasi-simultaneous processes where the same photogram as registered by eyes is first parsed for stems then parsed for endings and they get superimposed in a 3rd stage << Is "3rd stage" a reference to a formal description of the classes of reading ability that I can research elsewhere? 914069;1415385734;Adlai;asciilifeform: anything, really, although the resolution of the salty fishmarket is probably too low for scalpl to be much good 914070;1415385924;BingoBoingo;Fish market requires nose resolution. Kidney market could use scalpel though. 914071;1415385951;asciilifeform;scalpcoin! 914072;1415385957;asciilifeform;(see last year's thread.) 914073;1415385975;Adlai;!s scalpcoin 914074;1415385976;assbot;0 results for 'scalpcoin' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=scalpcoin 914075;1415385993;Adlai;google has failed me, too, only brought up https://twitter.com/scalpcoin 914076;1415385994;assbot;I scalp coin (@scalpcoin) on Twitter 914077;1415386100;asciilifeform;may have involved skulls rather than scalps. 914078;1415386128;Adlai;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=733916.0 ? 914079;1415386128;assbot;[ANN][SKULL] ☠ SkullCoin | in-Game Treasure Hunt | PoQ 914080;1415386175;Adlai;"Updates: We might switch over to dogeparty.io." 914081;1415386280;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-05-2013#33346 914082;1415386280;assbot;Logged on 16-05-2013 02:56:36; mircea_popescu: tell you wahjt, if i'm the boss of a tribe and i need a curtrency ima make teeth the currenyc. 914083;1415386284;asciilifeform;^ possibly start of thread 914084;1415386401;bounce;ew. I think I'll prefer rai stones, thanks. 914085;1415386462;Adlai;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-05-2013#33371 << a forex fellow in NYC recently put it best: "Any commodity or asset being used as a store of value will experience higher prices than its 'true value'... Bitcoin separates this into a separate asset, enabling better price discovery for the others" 914086;1415386462;assbot;Logged on 16-05-2013 02:59:23; Chaaang-Noi: i find your guys reaction to gold and silver as a store of value very funny :) 914087;1415386531;asciilifeform;'One metaphor for monetization is that of a storage vessel, like a battery for electricity or a tank for compressed gas. When people buy into the currency, they are charging the battery and compressing the tank. When they sell out, they are discharging the battery. When new currency is created (perhaps by alchemists) without a buy-in, the tank has sprung a leak. Etc. The charge, or the pressure, is simply the m 914088;1415386532;asciilifeform;arket capitalization of the entire present (and discounted future) monetary good.' (mr. mold) 914089;1415386770;Adlai;fwiw, if anybody in here is interested in geeking out a little on scalpl and trying it out for themselves (or just get a better idea for how well it works atm), i'd gladly do that in PM. i try to keep my horn-tooting to a minimum, although http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-11-2014#913050 is still going 914090;1415386770;assbot;Logged on 07-11-2014 01:17:32; *: Adlai begins a slow-paced infinite brainstorm of how to monetize open source trading software 914091;1415386961;Adlai;if i'm ever too spammy in repeating this, please tell me 914092;1415386989;asciilifeform;!s rape strategy 914093;1415386990;assbot;3 results for 'rape strategy' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=rape+strategy 914094;1415386998;asciilifeform;you can't. 914095;1415387027;Adlai;wat 914096;1415387072;Adlai;oh, this. you're welcome to do this, it's open source after all :) 914097;1415387073;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-09-2014#845230 914098;1415387073;assbot;Logged on 25-09-2014 21:16:22; asciilifeform: (in fact, i suspect that any bot whose strategy is not a game-theoretical-finesse-rape of other bots - is quite useless) 914099;1415387100;asciilifeform;if no information asymmetry (i.e., everybody can see your cards) - no win. 914100;1415387102;Adlai;interesting. seen a certain way, i'm a slow-bleeding rape of things like MACD crossover bots 914101;1415387136;asciilifeform;(see rest of that thread) 914102;1415387139;Adlai;liquidity providing = rape strategy against anything that uses large market orders 914103;1415387227;Adlai;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-09-2014#845277 → https://github.com/adlai/scalpl#abstract 914104;1415387227;assbot;Logged on 25-09-2014 21:26:13; mircea_popescu: really the proposition of making a living with trading bots is the response of the engineer who confronted with the fundamental impossibility of making money picking stocks decides to write a hard ai to do it. 914105;1415387228;assbot;adlai/scalpl · GitHub 914106;1415387322;Adlai;scalpl executes strategies which a separate component comes up with, in markets of that component's choice. whether that component runs on computers or brains is for that other component to decide. 914107;1415387417;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5857 @ 0.00060237 = 3.5281 BTC [+] 914108;1415387997;Adlai;+asciilifeform | if no information asymmetry (i.e., everybody can see your cards) - no win. << each limit order Lᵢ is one of Nⱼ orders belonging to a single entity, say Pⱼ. Lᵢ are known, but unknowns include ⱼ, Nⱼ, and Lᵢ→Pⱼ 914109;1415388291;mircea_popescu; mircea_popescu: "sidewalk" << isn't that your building's domain anyways? << the sidewalk ?! no, city property in all new yorks. 914110;1415388389;mircea_popescu; yes, but not sure if avail in english. 1st stage literacy = kids 6 to 10ish yo, read by reading letters and vocalizing ; 2nd stage, bacalaureat level, reads words whole. 3rd stage, fit for college, reads whole page diagonally. 914111;1415388428;mircea_popescu;otherwise my usage was ambiguous, the 2nd reference rto a "3rd stage" just means the 3rd step in the reading process being proposed. 914112;1415388454;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36605 @ 0.00060245 = 22.0527 BTC [+] 914113;1415388458;Adlai;so, just knowing that scalpl is managing some assets in a market doesn't reveal its AUM or strategy, neither the general strategy nor the specific one at the present moment... the smaller the AUM, the better you can hide within the invisible hand 914114;1415388460;mircea_popescu; Logged on 16-05-2013 02:56:36; mircea_popescu: tell you wahjt, if i'm the boss of a tribe and i need a curtrency ima make teeth the currenyc. <<< shit that spelling. 914115;1415388486;Adlai;mircea_popescu: being an early adopter hath itth pritheth 914116;1415388526;mircea_popescu;Adlai herbi has some ideas on this topic. http://trilema.com/2014/no-argument/ 914117;1415388527;assbot;No argument pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 914118;1415388662;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform incidentally, because orlovignorance is like the gift that keeps on giving : english is "not spelled like pronounced" for the exact any other natural language (including ones that believe quite delusionally that they are, like romanian) is not : this allows for a variety of disjunct speakers to at least use the same writing. 914119;1415388675;mircea_popescu;this was a crucial point in the early history of the various anglosaxon tribes 914120;1415388680;Adlai;mircea_popescu: tl;dr because i'm about to leave for a movie? 914121;1415388692;mircea_popescu;now, while utopia is nice and good, how does mr o plan to resolve this problem ? visit everyone's house and beat them into using the same rp ? 914122;1415388700;mircea_popescu;Adlai it'll wait. 914123;1415388714;asciilifeform;eh, he just wants a 'hangul' 914124;1415388720;mircea_popescu;no but wait. 914125;1415388731;mircea_popescu;how do you spell mr Wraithwaithe's name in his system ? 914126;1415388741;mircea_popescu;according to how said mr pronounces it ? 914127;1415388802;asciilifeform;presumably. 914128;1415388835;mircea_popescu;lol. way to go this "idea". "if languages were spherical and ate spherical hay, the best barn would be a ball. let me make such!" 914129;1415388850;mircea_popescu;the first ever language barn! largest best biggest. 914130;1415388892;asciilifeform;yet we make unnaturally-spherical ball bearings from ground steel rather than shoehorning nuts from the forest into bearing rails. 914131;1415388899;mircea_popescu;ftr : hangul only works because of the tedious ethnocultural homogenity of the peoples involved (2nd best korea also uses hanja, incidentally). 914132;1415388922;mircea_popescu;actual countries, such as romania, made out of ~40 or so different languages, or france, or the english space...well... no such luck. 914133;1415388949;asciilifeform;ussr cyrillicized colonies and tough cookies to those who disagreed. 914134;1415388964;asciilifeform;(note, only when it was readily workable) 914135;1415389004;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform "die kugeln sind alle von eisen und blei, und manche kugel geht manchem vorbei." 914136;1415389009;asciilifeform;lol! 914137;1415389011;mircea_popescu;if you take my meaning. 914138;1415389027;asciilifeform;at any rate, i doubt mr o entertains delusions of his gizmo being imposed from above 914139;1415389028;mircea_popescu;they fucking miss, these steel balls. 914140;1415389039;asciilifeform;he genuinely thinks that it's superior tech. 914141;1415389049;mircea_popescu;it surely is. for such a spherical world. 914142;1415389076;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform and then ussr had to break itself apart to protect itself from those very ones who disagreed. see ? 914143;1415389174;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform imagine for a moment if you spoke a language derived out of ground down steel balls instead of shoehorned nuts found in the forest, and in exchange you had a chance for what i say to make any sort of sense comparable to the matter density of the universe. 914144;1415389178;mircea_popescu;ie, vanishingly small. 914145;1415389221;mircea_popescu;five minutes later you'd want this appalling sort of C++ expunged from the world 914146;1415389500;asciilifeform;tough nut to crack, this riddle. 914147;1415389552;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2560 @ 0.00060252 = 1.5425 BTC [+] 914148;1415389562;mircea_popescu;defo. 914149;1415389626;mircea_popescu;but it must be noticed, this simple fact : the current shoehorning nuts approach to communication does in fact offer an absolute guarantee. even if what i say doesn't make sense on the first pass, either you reread and get it or you throw an error which THEN makes sense to me and i fix it. 914150;1415389643;mircea_popescu;this is incredibly fucking immense, try and make an tcp stack that offers this guarantee to any os. 914151;1415389655;*;asciilifeform not an 'esperantist' and doubts mr. o is either 914152;1415389683;jurov;hi asciilifeform, have you seen the discussion on r/buttcoin? 914153;1415389690;asciilifeform;although i hear those are still around and kicking, somewhere 914154;1415389692;asciilifeform;jurov: ? 914155;1415389700;jurov;looks like they need some ELI5 explanation 914156;1415389704;jurov;http://www.reddit.com/r/Buttcoin/comments/2lkevi/buterins_waterfall_a_likbez/ 914157;1415389705;assbot;Buterin's Waterfall, a Likbez : Buttcoin 914158;1415389718;asciilifeform;eli5 ? 914159;1415389728;mircea_popescu;"This is really, really autistic and I love it." 914160;1415389733;jurov;explain like i'm 5 914161;1415389752;jurov;^ reddit treding buzzword 914162;1415389762;jurov;*trending 914163;1415389762;asciilifeform;that photoshit was my attempt at 'explain like 5' 914164;1415389769;asciilifeform;clearly - didn't work. 914165;1415389774;mircea_popescu;gaze upon the pit, asciilifeform ! 914166;1415389775;jurov;no that's actually like 13 914167;1415389777;asciilifeform;i suggest that someone else try. 914168;1415389784;mircea_popescu;gaze upon its depth and know what true horror really is! 914169;1415389854;*;bounce waits for the "oh grow up already" trend on reddit 914170;1415389909;mircea_popescu;that's rapist 914171;1415389912;mircea_popescu;i mean racist 914172;1415389914;mircea_popescu;shit... 914173;1415389920;asciilifeform;apist. 914174;1415389921;mircea_popescu;i dunno what i mean anymore. 914175;1415389928;mircea_popescu;ALL THE WORDS ARE THE SAME WORD 914176;1415389955;asciilifeform;'don't do the rape if you can't do the ape.' -- ilkka kokkarinen 914177;1415389957;bounce;ratist 914178;1415389989;mircea_popescu;rape, any R rated ape. 914179;1415389997;asciilifeform;no. 914180;1415390002;asciilifeform;vs l-ape 914181;1415390005;asciilifeform;chiral isomers. 914182;1415390037;bounce;"pg32" 914183;1415390040;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20000 @ 0.00060226 = 12.0452 BTC [-] {3} 914184;1415390110;mircea_popescu;lol 914185;1415390196;jurov;rapacious apes 914186;1415390408;ben_vulpes;ape ghost 914187;1415390439;mircea_popescu;one of the better lolz about the html : 914188;1415390442;mircea_popescu;According to specifications, HTML comments are expressed as SGML declarations. Declaration is special markup that begins with , such as , that may contain comments between a pair of -- delimiters. HTML comments are empty declarations, SGML declarations without any non-comment text. Therefore, is a valid comment, and so is is not. 914190;1415390442;mircea_popescu;On the other hand, most HTML writers dont perceive comments as anything other than text delimited with , which is not quite the same. For example, something like works as a valid comment as long as the number of dashes is a multiple of four (!). If not, the comment technically lasts until the next --, which may be at the other end of the document. Because of this, 914191;1415390444;mircea_popescu;many popular browsers completely ignore the specification and implement what users have come to expect: comments delimited with . 914192;1415390770;jurov;since these SGML comments cannot be ELI5.. what else could be expected 914193;1415391092;mircea_popescu;http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.web.wget.general/9621 << lulzy 2010 wget hole. background-image:url( ); (two spaces) in a css makes it report wget: memory exhausted ; one space makes it segfault. 914194;1415391935;mircea_popescu;lol 914195;1415392051;TomServo;So, I woke up with this 1990s turd rolling around in my brain: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WEtxJ4-sh4 914196;1415392051;assbot;TLC - Waterfalls - YouTube 914197;1415392062;*;TomServo looks at asciilifeform. 914198;1415392099;TomServo;The chorus starts with "Don't go chasing waterfalls...", for anyone wanting to spare themselves the pain. 914199;1415392277;mircea_popescu;ahahaha i recall that 914200;1415392294;mircea_popescu;i distinctly recall this 16yos lip gloss too 914201;1415392297;ben_vulpes;just stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used toooooooo 914202;1415392317;mircea_popescu;it's been 20 years already huh ? 914203;1415392333;bounce;earworm, community edition 914204;1415392347;mircea_popescu;http://ask.fm/Mircea_Popescu << check me out, i'm like popular and shit. 914205;1415392347;assbot;Mircea Popescu | ask.fm/Mircea_Popescu 914206;1415392458;bounce;needs more abba 914207;1415392502;mircea_popescu;jesus these chicks can't sing 914208;1415392609;TomServo;It's awful. 914209;1415392831;mircea_popescu;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zcZ8zNVidg << there. 914210;1415392831;assbot;Pusca si cureaua lata........Valeria si Traian Ilea - YouTube 914211;1415393181;jurov;http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2014/11/05/nyc-pastor-starbucks-is-flavoured-with-the-semen-of-sodomites/ 914212;1415393181;assbot;NYC pastor: Starbucks is flavoured with the semen of sodomites · PinkNews.co.uk 914213;1415393197;jurov;“My suspicion is that they’re getting their semen from sodomites. Semen flavours up the coffee, and makes you thinks you’re having a good time.” 914214;1415393198;asciilifeform;so -that- explains the taste. 914215;1415393200;jurov;TIL 914216;1415393251;ben_vulpes;goodness. 914217;1415393275;mircea_popescu;lmap 914218;1415393293;mircea_popescu;is this semen taken out of a cup, a condom or straight out of asshole ? 914219;1415393401;asciilifeform;behind the counter. 914220;1415393415;asciilifeform;as old-time english barkeeps 'leinted' (pissed in) pints of beer. 914221;1415393482;jurov;the pastor supplies it, thus he knows. 100% organic stuff from free-range boys 914222;1415393502;mircea_popescu;til there's a gay interest news site. 914223;1415393614;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform anyway, the taste is exactly us army campaign coffee. overburned to all hell for being kept heated 12 hours. 914224;1415393761;asciilifeform;they manage to make freshly-baked espresso taste just the same. 914225;1415393766;asciilifeform;overcooked beans. 914226;1415393800;mircea_popescu;i dunno, i only tried it once. 914227;1415393844;jurov;me about twice. was appalled how can anyone enjoy this. 914228;1415393877;mircea_popescu;i guess it's like selling oversalted food in bars - gives people incentive to cream the shit out of it. 914229;1415393960;jurov;i'm spoiled. there's strong lavazza espresso available at practically every shack around here 914230;1415394009;mircea_popescu;ba is not doing bad for coffee either. 914231;1415395136;mats_cd03;ever tried a 'ranger chew'? step 1. obtain MRE 2. remove condiment package with instant coffee and napkin 3. tear napkin 2in from corner and pour grounds on top of the torn piece 4. ball up napkin and stick it between gum and lip 914232;1415395911;mircea_popescu;have not. sounds pretty unpleasant tbh 914233;1415397289;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu that'd be https://twitter.com/saifedean you were asking about 914234;1415397291;assbot;Saifedean (@saifedean) on Twitter 914235;1415397440;mircea_popescu;wish him a merry b-a for me! 914236;1415397614;thestringpuller;!t s m.poe 914237;1415397614;assbot;You had the last Philistine. This one's mine. 914238;1415397639;thestringpuller;!t m s.mpoe 914239;1415397639;assbot;[MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00060019 / 0.00065756 / 0.00068888 (763539 shares, 502.08 BTC), 7D: 0.00060019 / 0.00072745 / 0.00079714 (3473188 shares, 2,526.58 BTC), 30D: 0.00060019 / 0.00074424 / 0.00081111 (23908166 shares, 17,793.47 BTC) 914240;1415397649;thestringpuller;wow this is the lowest it's been in years 914241;1415397749;mircea_popescu;ya srsly. 914242;1415397797;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu will do :D 914243;1415397837;pete_dushenski;well an options emporium w/o options is just... an emporium 914244;1415398006;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: http://ask.fm/Mircea_Popescu << check me out, i'm like popular and shit. << it's like a never-ending ama. suck it reddit! 914245;1415398007;assbot;Mircea Popescu | ask.fm/Mircea_Popescu 914246;1415398398;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12750 @ 0.0006008 = 7.6602 BTC [-] 914247;1415398501;kakobrekla;he said 'log1.' 914248;1415398629;mircea_popescu;log1 is best log 914249;1415398630;mircea_popescu;and first. 914250;1415398659;asciilifeform;lol, log base 1 914251;1415398668;mircea_popescu;log base 1 is best log. 914252;1415398675;asciilifeform;best korea. 914253;1415398691;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: dub i dunno, what am i, the micromanaging tyrant of a cult ? << now why would anyone think that? 914254;1415398717;pete_dushenski;https://twitter.com/pete_dushenski/status/530846366902525952 914255;1415398719;assbot;Hey /saifedean: have you thought about dropping by bitcoin-assets some time? http://t.co/bsMbRCfy9J It's all the rage! 914256;1415399073;pete_dushenski;howdy Pierre_Rochard. just noticed you don't have a cloak? 914257;1415399255;Pierre_Rochard;Hey pete_dushenski, just googled what a cloak is and it does sound appealing. How did you get yours? (I searched contravex) 914258;1415399291;teward;Pierre_Rochard: might start here for a cloak on Freenode: 914259;1415399294;teward;bah 914260;1415399296;teward;https://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks 914261;1415399297;assbot;freenode: frequently-asked questions 914262;1415399334;pete_dushenski;teward's got it 914263;1415399336;teward;note it only applies here on this network - cloaks are a per-network thing. 914264;1415399367;pete_dushenski;iirc you just head over to #freenode and find an admin, pm them, and badabingbadaboom 914265;1415399387;pete_dushenski;and if it isn't menahem ! 914266;1415399403;pete_dushenski;;;rated menahem 914267;1415399403;gribble;You have not yet rated user menahem 914268;1415399414;Pierre_Rochard;teward, pete_dushenski thanks, asking now 914269;1415399418;teward;pete_dushenski: better to just ask in the channel for a cloak 914270;1415399420;teward;rather than PM staff 914271;1415399426;teward;they look through their logs ;) 914272;1415399438;teward;at least, sometimes. You're lucky if yo ufind active staffers :) 914273;1415399458;pete_dushenski;;;rate menahem 1 shared coffees and beers 914274;1415399459;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user menahem has been recorded. 914275;1415399486;pete_dushenski;ya sometimes it's a bit of a wait for freenode staff 914276;1415399494;kakobrekla;klingon cloak > freenode cloak 914277;1415399507;pete_dushenski;i'd say they're sorta on par 914278;1415399587;kakobrekla;only superficially 914279;1415399604;*;pete_dushenski such a surface scratcher 914280;1415399614;Adlai;< invisible hand of the market cloak 914281;1415399630;kakobrekla;hm? 914282;1415399661;mircea_popescu;lol 914283;1415399669;mircea_popescu;!up saifedean 914284;1415399676;mircea_popescu;hey there, smart commenter of pete's blog. 914285;1415399742;mircea_popescu;"tu cara da sida calvo calvo tu calva parece un culo muajajaja toma rima. patubodygueno." << i got anon haters now too! 914286;1415399750;saifedean;why thank you... getting me started with high praise from MP himself... you folk are spoiling me 914287;1415399777;thestringpuller;klingon's have a monopoly on the cloaking process 914288;1415399783;thestringpuller;i also think they patented it 914289;1415399811;pete_dushenski;saifedean you *did* have some pretty solid rants in the comments. i was pleasantly surprised myself. 914290;1415399812;mircea_popescu;saifedean it's a cult. it's how it starts. 914291;1415399819;mircea_popescu;soon enough you'll be cleaning potatoes in seaorg. 914292;1415399884;saifedean;i don't mind being in a cult, but i do mind potatoes. Do you even paleo, bro? 914293;1415399901;bounce;what's this, the stone age? 914294;1415399911;bounce;thou shalt have potatoes and thou shalt like them, too 914295;1415399940;Pierre_Rochard;;;rate saifedean 1 “https://twitter.com/saifedean” 914296;1415399941;gribble;Error: User doesn't exist in the Rating or GPG databases. User must be GPG-registered to receive ratings. 914297;1415399961;pete_dushenski;you tried! 914298;1415399969;saifedean;@pete_dushenski i avoid keynesian retards like the plague, but if i do confront one, the ranting is uncontrollable and cathartic 914299;1415399995;pete_dushenski;i already sent saifedean the contravex article on the wot, so tis only a matter of time 914300;1415400011;thestringpuller;one of us 914301;1415400012;thestringpuller;one of us 914302;1415400020;Pierre_Rochard;haha 914303;1415400059;saifedean;this is the point when i must confront the brotherhood with my inadequacies... I still use windows and have no fucking clue what this GPG business is. 914304;1415400064;pete_dushenski;saifedean there's nothing like going off on people who swallowed public education whole eh? 914305;1415400109;pete_dushenski;well the jury's still out on just how bad gpg on winblows is 914306;1415400122;pete_dushenski;presumed to be awful but i can't said i've tried it 914307;1415400139;pete_dushenski;i think it's called gpg4win or something 914308;1415400140;saifedean;@pete_dushenski it can be fun, though after five years at columbia, it can take on the feel of trying to talk tapeworms out of your stomach 914309;1415400149;bounce;works about as well as anywhere else (which is, not that well), even comes with fancy front-ends to ease the pain a bit 914310;1415400193;bounce;that is, for someone used to the CLI and the general crypto geekery weirdness that gnupg is made of 914311;1415400210;thestringpuller;I still use windows << tis good for video games 914312;1415400213;ben_vulpes;jury is not out at all on windows. 914313;1415400219;bounce;lack that and we're in _why johnny can't encrypt_ territory 914314;1415400223;Azelphur;mircea_popescu: I clearly shouldn't be allowed to have money...this is what you have caused http://youtu.be/GafOuTf5ntQ xD 914315;1415400223;assbot;Meanwhile, in Azelphurs house. - YouTube 914316;1415400260;thestringpuller;club azelphur? 914317;1415400269;mircea_popescu;unsuported browser! 914318;1415400270;Azelphur;thestringpuller: indeed 914319;1415400271;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes ok, but is it a deal breaker? 914320;1415400290;Azelphur;mircea_popescu: unsupported browser for youtube...what are you running, lynx? 914321;1415400297;mircea_popescu;pretty much 914322;1415400308;Azelphur;haha 914323;1415400323;mircea_popescu; this is the point when i must confront the brotherhood with my inadequacies... I still use windows and have no fucking clue what this GPG business is. << seriously, but an old laptop, put linux on it. it's like that time when you kissed a girl tho it seemed kinda stupid. 914324;1415400331;mircea_popescu;buy* 914325;1415400351;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: like that time when you kissed a girl tho it seemed kinda stupid << how is that ever stupid? 914326;1415400365;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller well if you're young/clueless enough it seems kinda pointless. 914327;1415400399;saifedean; i have two laptops and can do that, but can you recommend a guide to starting with linux? 914328;1415400416;thestringpuller;reminds me of Huxley's Brave New World where the kids are allowed to touch each other "exploratively" as they grow up in the nurseries 914329;1415400422;mircea_popescu;well, these days prolly gentoo. just get their stock install, whatever that may be 914330;1415400440;mircea_popescu;or if not, maybe ubuntu 10.04 or something. 914331;1415400448;mircea_popescu;don't get the recent versions, they're braindamaged. 914332;1415400449;saifedean;tyvm, on it 914333;1415400467;*;bounce probably should mention pc-bsd 914334;1415400580;rithm;ubuntu 10.04 was most stable for me 914335;1415400584;pete_dushenski;http://fusion.net/story/26178/the-best-thinkpiece-about-millennials-and-potatoes/ << heh speaking of potatoes 914336;1415400584;assbot;The best thinkpiece about millennials and potatoes -- Fusion 914337;1415400585;rithm;as a user 914338;1415400610;kakobrekla;id rather go with debian over ubuntu 914339;1415400615;pete_dushenski;“In fact, potatoes rate highest on what’s most important to Millennials.” 914340;1415400624;pete_dushenski;this explains everything i tell you. 914341;1415400643;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla but he's coming from windows. best make this a stages thing. 914342;1415400716;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16296 @ 0.0006008 = 9.7906 BTC [-] 914343;1415400743;bounce;so did the debian bunch decide to flop or are they staying flipped on the poettering fanclub vote? 914344;1415400777;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19012 @ 0.0006008 = 11.4224 BTC [-] 914345;1415400782;kakobrekla;idk havent been following 914346;1415400833;kakobrekla;so much to do so little lifes. 914347;1415400887;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: i have eulora question. 914348;1415400898;mircea_popescu;shoot 914349;1415400916;mircea_popescu;bounce well, the enemy is working the workings to prevent it. 914350;1415400944;thestringpuller;based on the statements first submission are considered for future work. but if the first submission is accepted is there a gpg transfer of IP? (and for a bill/price)? 914351;1415400989;mircea_popescu;yes. 914352;1415401021;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37574 @ 0.00060184 = 22.6135 BTC [+] {2} 914353;1415401383;saifedean;so what do you gentlement do around here? what time are the virgin sacrifices? 914354;1415401402;ben_vulpes;2 weeks, best estimate saifedean 914355;1415401527;thestringpuller;!up saifedean 914356;1415401541;mats_cd03;sounds like saifedean is volunteering 914357;1415401544;pete_dushenski;in b-a we mostly share stories, tell jokes, and dream a dream 914358;1415401548;kakobrekla;saifedean what we do si in the logs, what you do is i dunno, tell us 914359;1415401568;mats_cd03;who has the fuel? lets do this thing. 914360;1415401599;*;kakobrekla has the matches 914361;1415401631;chetty;oo a bonfire? what are we burning? someone at the stake I hope 914362;1415401651;saifedean;kakobrekla well, in my day job i teach textbook macro and micro economics to undergrads... pays the bills and passes the time while i live in gorgeous lebanon, and also allows me to innoculate them against the textbook garbage 914363;1415401671;kakobrekla;not too bad 914364;1415401677;saifedean;and to preach bitcoin :D 914365;1415401724;kakobrekla;i give you over 50% of chance to fit here. 914366;1415401796;pete_dushenski;eh forgot to post this from yesterday: http://www.contravex.com/2014/11/07/blogging-as-boundary-finding/ 914367;1415401797;assbot;Blogging As Boundary Finding | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski 914368;1415401817;ben_vulpes;auto da fe! 914369;1415401858;kakobrekla;arent you in the autoturdposter list? 914370;1415401957;mircea_popescu;saifedean log.bitcoin-assets.com << complete history of b-a proceeds 914371;1415401978;Adlai;+mircea_popescu | Adlai herbi has some ideas on this topic. http://trilema.com/2014/no-argument/ << where be herbi? 914372;1415401984;kakobrekla;its log1 really 914373;1415401997;saifedean;about a year ago i was interviewed on arab news satellite tv on bitcoin, probably the first interview in arabic on the topic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWTyo0sJNCk 914374;1415401997;assbot;‫جزيرة آلديرني البريطانية تتجه لتصنيع عملة "بت كوينز"‬‎ - YouTube 914375;1415402004;pete_dushenski;;;later tell peterl why didn't scoopbot pick up my last contravex piece? 914376;1415402004;gribble;The operation succeeded. 914377;1415402007;mircea_popescu;you speak arabic ? 914378;1415402020;mircea_popescu;Adlai he's the other guy in that convo. 914379;1415402043;Adlai;mircea_popescu: i meant, where in /names 914380;1415402061;Adlai;or perhaps when 914381;1415402062;mircea_popescu;;;seen herbidujsteloids 914382;1415402062;gribble;I have not seen herbidujsteloids. 914383;1415402064;saifedean;arabic is my first language 914384;1415402066;mircea_popescu;wtf was it. 914385;1415402080;kakobrekla;!s herbi* 914386;1415402081;assbot;4022 results for 'herbi*' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=herbi%2A 914387;1415402081;mircea_popescu;;;seen herbijudlestoids 914388;1415402081;gribble;herbijudlestoids was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 15 weeks, 6 days, 6 hours, 18 minutes, and 10 seconds ago: anyway, 3am here, just wanted to login and check on yall after i noticed mpex was down. lots of love. 914389;1415402096;mircea_popescu;saifedean o hey nice. well, qntra is looking for an arabic editor :D 914390;1415402132;saifedean;what does being arabic qntra editor entail? 914391;1415402167;mircea_popescu;you cover news occuring in arabic language for an english speaking audience 914392;1415402208;saifedean;the arabic bitcoin space is basically me and 5 other friends. I met one of them for a tea yesterday and that might be the top news of the month 914393;1415402225;assbot;Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0N1EY32.txt ) 914394;1415402225;kakobrekla;!b 1 914395;1415402233;kakobrekla;ty 914396;1415402236;mircea_popescu;ha. well... maybe in time then 914397;1415402255;mircea_popescu;wait. isn't taleb from lebanon ? 914398;1415402257;mircea_popescu;or was he syrian 914399;1415402282;pete_dushenski;levantine 914400;1415402283;saifedean;hes from lebanon, lives in nyc. he's a good friend and was on my phd defense committee 914401;1415402284;bounce;quick, submit to qntra. arabic bitcoiners hold tea party! 914402;1415402294;mircea_popescu;o holy shit. 914403;1415402299;mircea_popescu;please tell the man to stop by! 914404;1415402302;pete_dushenski;saifedean holy coolness! 914405;1415402337;mircea_popescu; quick, submit to qntra. arabic bitcoiners hold tea party! << lol good one. 914406;1415402354;saifedean;lol @bounce 914407;1415402379;mircea_popescu;saifedean so what was your phd ? 914408;1415402400;saifedean;mp, you're gonna like my answer... 914409;1415402406;saifedean;Sustainable Development :D 914410;1415402425;mircea_popescu;lol. is it online ? 914411;1415402477;saifedean;https://academiccommons.columbia.edu/download/fedora_content/download/ac:141620/CONTENT/Ammous_columbia_0054D_10412.pdf 914412;1415402498;mircea_popescu;o look a pdf. 914413;1415402512;saifedean;here's 226 pages of a young man's twenties spent tackling carbon emissions :D 914414;1415402548;mircea_popescu;sooo qntra is broken. problem being workt on. 914415;1415402556;bounce;too many words? 914416;1415402571;Adlai;saifedean: there's a fart joke in there somewhere but i fear sharting if i push too hard 914417;1415402609;kakobrekla;lol 914418;1415402613;mircea_popescu;just that directory structure oozes competence 914419;1415402623;mircea_popescu;columbia/download/content/download/CONTENT/ftw. 914420;1415402654;mircea_popescu;should be interesting to meet the columbia webmaster someday. 914421;1415402656;saifedean;but there's math.. it's rigorous and shit... don't you people value science? don't you care about the children? why does nobody think of the children :/ 914422;1415402711;mircea_popescu;math isn't science, math is philosophy. 914423;1415402759;saifedean;i really hope none of you waste any time reading this phd... 914424;1415402775;saifedean;there are more intellectually stimulating cat pics on the net 914425;1415402781;pete_dushenski;a challenge! 914426;1415402804;pete_dushenski;eh no need to be so modest ;) 914427;1415402886;saifedean;there's a long ass story about how this came about which i may tell to you some day near a fire... i basically started reading taleb in my third year and went off the good Ivy rails... by the end of my fifth i had written an absolutely heretic phd and submit it, and when my adviser finally got round to reading it, the day before the defense, she decided it wasn't acceptable and wasn't going to let me defend it 914428;1415402891;mircea_popescu;i suppose this is excellent proof that people derping random derpage may be idiots, but are not just for that reason actually evil. 914429;1415402896;bounce;math is hard on children. because kiddie-huggers feared it might be so they came up with kiddie math and now the real math is too hard 914430;1415402951;thestringpuller;bounce: they taught us single variable calculus in high school 914431;1415402958;thestringpuller;my parents didn't even learn trig until college 914432;1415402966;mircea_popescu;bounce the femiwhales "warning" normal, healthy women about [their delusional notions of] "rape" aren't doing it because "they fear healthy women might be hurt". what they fear is that healthy women may live an independent life. 914433;1415402970;mircea_popescu;independent of them. 914434;1415403004;saifedean;i had already got my job but needed the degree, so after i started the job, i had to basically write a whole new phd, get a new advisor and make it ivy-league-approved... the result is the derpage you saw above. read at your own risk 914435;1415403008;pete_dushenski;saifedean heh cool story. taleb has that effect 914436;1415403019;mircea_popescu;saifedean so what happened to the original ? 914437;1415403078;pete_dushenski;and how did you turn that heretic paper into a friendship with the guy? 914438;1415403083;saifedean;it's on my hard-drive, a long talebian/popperian/hayekian fisking of climate science and its pretenses of knowledge 914439;1415403095;mircea_popescu;saifedean make a blog, publish it. i'd read it. 914440;1415403099;asciilifeform;as will i. 914441;1415403128;mircea_popescu;this cult is such a cult. 914442;1415403160;thestringpuller;i thought cults didn't produce anything valuable 914443;1415403164;*;asciilifeform secretly hopes for taleb-minus-the-jackassery 914444;1415403191;cazalla;working on an article atm, this sr2.0 kid is either really dumb or stole the coins himself when sr2 was hacked twice 914445;1415403213;bounce;new cult member bearing gifts of seekrit knoweldge 914446;1415403214;asciilifeform;cazalla: see earlier thread today re: 'parallel construction' 914447;1415403227;saifedean;well taleb was the reason i went heretical, or the gateway drug at least, i met him and became friend and then went heretic... he liked the heretic version and was happy to be on my committee as the external examiner... but the columbia folks didn't like it so i had to rewrite it and do my Hail USG's, and he still sat onmy committee for that one and helped me defend it from their fangs 914448;1415403241;bounce;also, I'ma leave that tyop right there. 914449;1415403262;cazalla;asciilifeform, will do 914450;1415403312;Pierre_Rochard;“saifedean make a blog, publish it. i'd read it” <- ditto 914451;1415403313;saifedean;imma dig that heretic version up and see what it's like, havent looked at it in years... 914452;1415403347;mircea_popescu;saifedean so basically, would you say the usg is using grant money to coerce lies being published as "science" and to force people who won't do it leave academia ? 914453;1415403358;mircea_popescu;because this sounds so very soviet... 914454;1415403379;bounce;soviet science best science 914455;1415403380;Pierre_Rochard;!up saifedean 914456;1415403469;saifedean;well, it is very soviet, but it's more subtle than 'using grant money to coerce lies' 914457;1415403553;saifedean;the only way to get into a phd program, get a grant, get a job, get into a journal is if you buy into the premises... once you bought into the premises, the 'scientific method' will bring out the right result.. if you try to rock the boat, you're simply wasting the time of people who have research grant deadlines to meet and so can't be bothered to sit and actually think of anything 914458;1415403604;bounce;so in a sense a side-effect of too many scientists 914459;1415403612;asciilifeform;'scientists' 914460;1415403617;saifedean;it's a direct effect of state-funded science 914461;1415403623;saifedean;science by committee and public grant 914462;1415403637;saifedean;it's the DMV-fication of science... 914463;1415403661;hanbot;exactly what mp was saying a few weeks ago 914464;1415403672;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-04-2014#596424 914465;1415403672;assbot;Logged on 01-04-2014 02:12:07; asciilifeform: 'The basic problem is that the robber-barons of Silicon Valley, unlike their Victorian forebears, do not realize that, if they want all this science, they will actually have to pay for it - themselves. Instead, they look at their tax forms and think: I gave at the office. But they didn't. They gave to scientocracy. Now, they need to figure out how to patronize science - or there will be no science. Ju 914466;1415403681;bounce;it doesn't necessarily get better with corporate monies. corporations want ROI 914467;1415403707;hanbot;and asciilifeform :) 914468;1415403765;kakobrekla;yes those two are so cute together 914469;1415403789;saifedean;science on a public budget is a self-referential circle jerk: get with the system and suck the cock above you and you might be lucky to get your cock sucked below sometime soon... you'll spend your life sucking and getting sucked and soon won't even remember your cute teenage aspirations of doing something useful 914470;1415403894;hanbot;you ever read david lodge saifedean? 914471;1415403941;saifedean;but of course the vast majority of people who play this circle jerk end up sucking and not getting sucked, somewhere along the line, funding dries up, a department closes down, a professor dies and you're left unemployable and with nothing useful to contribute to anyone 914472;1415403980;hanbot;the bezzle academiponzi. 914473;1415403997;saifedean;hanbot i haven't, but googling hiim now, looks interesting 914474;1415404002;asciilifeform;see also http://www.lambdassociates.org/blog/decline.htm 914475;1415404002;assbot;Why I am Not a Professor 914476;1415404009;asciilifeform;(british, but applicable to all the nato colonies) 914477;1415404060;hanbot;saifedean, small world, among others, is pretty much the story of this problem 914478;1415404069;hanbot;very quaintly recounted. 914479;1415404324;saifedean;thanks asciilifeform, looks very good 914480;1415404360;*;asciilifeform was drummed out of academia, but at a much earlier stage fortunately 914481;1415404601;saifedean;i dug up the old phd and can email it to any of you who are interested. not sure it's worth publishing as it's still too academese to interest normals 914482;1415404636;asciilifeform;no 'normals' here afaik. 914483;1415404672;saifedean;lol, touche... i had meant normals in the sense of non-academics... though to be fair, this didn't interest the academics either :) 914484;1415404678;BingoBoingo;So the big stories from NBC Nightly news tonight: Berlin wall fell, Seinfeld and a bunch of 90's commedians are coming out as aspies 914485;1415404737;thestringpuller;Seinfeld and a bunch of 90's commedians are coming out as aspies << i couldn't tell 914486;1415404740;thestringpuller;lol 914487;1415404892;ben_vulpes;c++ is horrible you gusy 914488;1415404913;thestringpuller;not as bad as COBOL 914489;1415405103;BingoBoingo; so what do you gentlement do around here? what time are the virgin sacrifices? << Those happen on Reddit 914490;1415405239;thestringpuller;!up saifedean 914491;1415405269;jurov;and bitcointalk is cannibalism outright :D 914492;1415405283;mircea_popescu; science by committee and public grant << totally. 914493;1415405318;mircea_popescu; i dug up the old phd and can email it to any of you who are interested. not sure it's worth publishing as it's still too academese to interest normals << let me gues, it;s pdf ? 914494;1415405427;hanbot;*phdf 914495;1415405490;thestringpuller;^-cute 914496;1415405508;mircea_popescu;lol 914497;1415405541;saifedean;mp, no, it's .doc 914498;1415405936;mircea_popescu;can it be txt ? http://trilema.com/contact-pgp/ 914499;1415405936;assbot;Contact : PGP pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 914500;1415406131;saifedean;any idea how to convert it to txt? 914501;1415406136;mircea_popescu;save as text ? 914502;1415406180;saifedean;but there's tables and crap... but i guess you don't really need to visualize brazilian ethanol production 914503;1415406311;saifedean;does .odt work? 914504;1415406330;saifedean;coz it's kept it in its original shape, i think 914505;1415406539;mircea_popescu;prolly. 914506;1415406630;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/maramu/ 914507;1415406631;assbot;Maramu’ pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 914508;1415406818;kakobrekla;what happened to blogbot? 914509;1415406832;mircea_popescu;;;seen scoopbot 914510;1415406833;gribble;scoopbot was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 13 hours, 59 minutes, and 17 seconds ago: New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2014/11/trendon-shavers-aka-pirateat40-faces-criminal-fraud-charges/ 914511;1415406836;mircea_popescu;seems a little ded ? 914512;1415406903;kakobrekla;unserious 914513;1415406971;jurov;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1plPyJdXKIY << bro got regulated 914514;1415406971;assbot;Warren G - Regulate ft. Nate Dogg - YouTube 914515;1415406987;kakobrekla;you mean ded? 914516;1415407019;mircea_popescu;i dunno, mebbe peterl's server croaked or something 914517;1415407033;kakobrekla;too much blogs 914518;1415407438;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 914519;1415407447;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 342.65, vol: 6821.33490505 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 340.193, vol: 5804.6389 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 342.81, vol: 18288.63504823 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 342.559309, vol: 81792.68580000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 347.07869, vol: 4.60293077 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 342.4575, vol: 88.1016204 | Volume-weighted last average: 342.483774367 914520;1415407475;jurov;;;bc,stats 914521;1415407477;gribble;Current Blocks: 329033 | Current Difficulty: 3.960366625241841E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 330623 | Next Difficulty In: 1590 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 3 days, 16 hours, 6 minutes, and 26 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 40069273572.2 | Estimated Percent Change: 1.17567 914522;1415407504;jurov;!t m x.idiff.dec 914523;1415407504;assbot;Ah, your hair. Your hair is soft. It's like a girl's. Now how do you get it that way? 914524;1415407514;jurov;thanks assbot 914525;1415407641;kakobrekla;imma guess your invalid query was intentional 914526;1415407694;kakobrekla;er, intentionally invalid. 914527;1415407904;jurov;but where i did a mistake? 914528;1415407933;jurov;it was not intentional 914529;1415407993;jurov;i assume assbot forgot everything about x.idiff.dec cuz it's book is empty for months 914530;1415408150;jurov;mod5, ben_vulpes: i hereby submit a proposal for the foundation's fund to be used for x.idiff marketmaking 914531;1415408156;jurov;*mod6 ^ 914532;1415408195;jurov;btw, anyone can submit any other proposal. not like it's destined for me to sit on it forever 914533;1415408387;mircea_popescu;the more you sit on btc the greater the pleasure gets. 914534;1415408451;cazalla;http://qntra.net/2014/11/is-blake-benthall-responsible-for-each-silk-road-2-0-theft/ maybe someone else can dig up some more 914535;1415408456;cazalla;shit makes my head spin 914536;1415408474;Azelphur;I'm still sitting on my BTC...just kinda wondering how much further down it's gonna go xD 914537;1415408642;mircea_popescu;cazalla rabbit hole eh 914538;1415409174;asciilifeform;2,987.8 BTC << that might buy a non-retarded implementation of 'onion routing' even. 914539;1415409178;asciilifeform;possibly, more than once. 914540;1415409315;mircea_popescu;"The NutFund was a charity set up by Blake Benthall as part of his project on the StartUp Bus and using his own BTC, he donated to his own charity. The NutFund.co website has since been abandoned" <<< heh. 914541;1415409334;mircea_popescu;dude srsly, guy who supposedly had millions in btc was spending his time doing twobitcentscams ? 914542;1415409715;kakobrekla;.just kinda wondering how much further down it's gonna go xD < not enough for kako to get a real job 914543;1415409715;*;kakobrekla already got the barrel ready 914544;1415409900;jurov;https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10014555_10152359950851431_5775482860020204064_n.jpg?oh=b37d9bfde75d3623331b56ed1a51cd87&oe=54DBDE09&__gda__=1424129398_2ebdf3636125e63daa386194a03e90a9 914545;1415409906;kakobrekla;does a 'real job' even exists in 2014 ? 914546;1415409916;jurov;^ republikflucht 914547;1415409938;jurov;kakobrekla: plumbing won't fix itself, for example 914548;1415409982;*;jurov helped dad today installing new dishwasher 914549;1415409997;mircea_popescu;what's in the barrle ? 914550;1415410001;kakobrekla;it will if you have enough CaCO3 in your water 914551;1415410002;asciilifeform;holes. 914552;1415410023;*;asciilifeform rather curious what kakobrekla meant by 'real job' 914553;1415410059;kakobrekla;idk, something that is reliable and not sucking dicks 914554;1415410114;mircea_popescu;but you like sucking dicks 914555;1415410155;BingoBoingo;If BTC goes down too much there's still African Somalia 914556;1415410175;jurov;poor kako 914557;1415410183;kakobrekla;mircea_popescu if its your saliva on em 914558;1415410201;*;jurov exposes his dick to mircea_popescu to spit on 914559;1415410234;kakobrekla;you also have 500km cock for long distance relationships? 914560;1415410262;jurov;no, mircea has long distance spits 914561;1415410281;kakobrekla;yeah but my somalia is better than your somalia 914562;1415410298;jurov;urmom 914563;1415410310;kakobrekla;damn you win :( 914564;1415410319;mod6;jurov: My vote is that you simply hold the Foundation's BTC. 914565;1415410362;mod6;If and when we ever decide to utilize those funds, we'll let you know. 914566;1415410381;jurov;but you do receive proposals, no? 914567;1415410424;kakobrekla;anyway, at this btcusd and current life style, i have 20-30 years to find a real job 914568;1415410432;kakobrekla;if inflation doesnt get me 914569;1415410460;kakobrekla;fingers crossed 914570;1415410499;kakobrekla;also barrel ready. 914571;1415410499;mircea_popescu;well by then you'll be too old to work anyway, so. 914572;1415410515;asciilifeform;the king could die, the horse could die. 914573;1415410562;kakobrekla;actually 914574;1415410568;kakobrekla;that the only certain thing. 914575;1415410570;mod6;jurov: None so far that I know of, other than perhaps a bounty or something for testers as suggested by ben_vulpes. 914576;1415410587;kakobrekla;the king will die, the horse will die. 914577;1415410588;mircea_popescu;jurov spits, as in roasting spits ? 914578;1415410608;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla the horse could fall in love with the king... 914579;1415410620;jurov;;;ud roasting spit 914580;1415410620;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=spit+roast | Verb: to spit roast. A sexual activity involving 3 people, two active males and one passive (male or female). Man 1 pentrates person 2 from the rear (anal or ... 914581;1415410622;kakobrekla;or in the pit 914582;1415410627;jurov;ahh 914583;1415410627;mod6;But I'll be rejecting these outright unless they directly impact, positivly, the development of the reference implementation. 914584;1415410645;jurov;bounty on someone's head, well, i can certainly think of someone 914585;1415410655;mircea_popescu;jurov lol it just means a metal rod you roast on. it's the roasting spit. 914586;1415410709;*;asciilifeform saw 'bounty', handled interrupt, went back to sleep 914587;1415410746;jurov;asciilifeform you have interrupts wired in even while sleeping? 914588;1415410764;asciilifeform;s/sleep/other console 914589;1415411027;kakobrekla;its all world of warcraft swords and hats to you anyway 914590;1415411129;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: ? 914591;1415411135;*;asciilifeform innocent of 'world of w' 914592;1415411143;kakobrekla;me as well 914593;1415411164;kakobrekla;replace with 'useless bytes' 914594;1415411185;asciilifeform;bounty? 914595;1415411190;kakobrekla;btc 914596;1415411185;asciilifeform;bounty? 914597;1415411208;kakobrekla;ah 914598;1415411230;asciilifeform;1 N of thrust - fall down; 2000 N - and escape from prison planet. 914599;1415411260;asciilifeform;(as discussed at least once before) 914600;1415411288;kakobrekla;k. i wont get into it. ever. again. 914601;1415411314;kakobrekla;should be again ever really, ever again doesnt make sense 914602;1415411370;asciilifeform;back to interrupt: did i miss something? someone offered bounty? 914603;1415411381;*;asciilifeform reads log 914604;1415411404;mircea_popescu;dawg, just make those cardanos so we can sell em and that's it, let some other unfortunate soul extract himself with bountee. 914605;1415411503;*;asciilifeform goes back to wurk 914606;1415411936;kakobrekla;but is it a 'real job' ? 914607;1415411381;*;asciilifeform reads log 914608;1415412112;BingoBoingo;https://twitter.com/loldoxbin/status/530893580429447168 914609;1415412115;assbot;Minor update: The main onion and my totally non-illegal personal onion have both been serving up the seizure image as of a couple hours ago 914610;1415412115;assbot;Minor update: The main onion and my totally non-illegal personal onion have both been serving up the seizure image as of a couple hours ago 914611;1415412288;kakobrekla;at which point is the request routed to show 'seizure image' instead of the intended destination? 914612;1415412361;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla yeah you like noise it up! 914613;1415412470;mircea_popescu;!up kakobrekla 914614;1415412483;mircea_popescu;that's ok, we like you anyway. 914615;1415412484;*;BingoBoingo thinks kako needs to speak as assbot more often. Every barrel needs a bung. 914616;1415412495;mircea_popescu;http://ask.fm/Mircea_Popescu/answer/122124012424 < 914617;1415412719;kakobrekla;still open routing question 914618;1415412767;mircea_popescu;im honing my "answering without answering" skills 914619;1415412826;mircea_popescu;;;later tell sgornick pong. 914620;1415412827;gribble;The operation succeeded. 914621;1415412859;kakobrekla;arent you all tor sex pets there 914622;1415412861;kakobrekla;here 914623;1415413056;kakobrekla;i see our little cant count for shit friend dropped 850mbps of bs on the lawgs 914624;1415413364;kakobrekla;its nice to know you have real fans. 914625;1415413716;*;asciilifeform shudders, imagining 'tor sex pets' 914626;1415413770;kakobrekla;experts, sex pets ... not much of a difference 914627;1415414230;asciilifeform;https://lkml.org/lkml/2014/7/7/2 << death to shitgnomes. 914628;1415414230;assbot;LKML: Lv Zheng: [PATCH v2 7/7] ACPI: Add support to force header inclusion rules for . 914629;1415414259;asciilifeform;!flondor Lv Zheng 914630;1415414267;asciilifeform;^ feature req. 914631;1415414339;assbot;Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0KFAXF9.txt ) 914632;1415414339;BingoBoingo;!b 2 914633;1415414377;kakobrekla;to what effect asciilifeform ? 914634;1415414409;asciilifeform;i'll leave the effect to the future. 914635;1415414435;ben_vulpes; mod5, ben_vulpes: i hereby submit a proposal for the foundation's fund to be used for x.idiff marketmaking << lol no but good try 914636;1415414499;mircea_popescu;dude i think kako drunk for like the first time in his life 914637;1415414578;kakobrekla;nate dogg regulates. kako emulates. 914638;1415414608;mircea_popescu;<kakobrekla> i see our little cant count for shit friend dropped 850mbps of bs on the lawgs << was about 750 on qntra earlier too 914639;1415414632;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you could prolly execute a formal deed. 914640;1415414737;asciilifeform;eh. 914641;1415414938;decimation;This Lv guy writes in something other than English 914642;1415415017;asciilifeform;decimation: short version. as witnessed by what he did - he's one of those bipedal turds who 'fixes' something solely from desire to smear some of himself over surroundings 914643;1415415018;decimation;asciilifeform: I learned about the 'tardation of SMI interrupts today 914644;1415415041;asciilifeform;his 'force inclusion' thing broke a number of essentials on my portable (battery monitoring, etc) 914645;1415415077;assbot;Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/3CJJPA1.txt ) 914646;1415415077;BingoBoingo;!b 3 914647;1415415103;decimation;that is depressing 914648;1415415122;asciilifeform;but individual pieces of garbage aside, i fucking hate the entire ecosystem 914649;1415415133;asciilifeform;where some pissant thing can be 'depended on' and break the world. 914650;1415415161;asciilifeform;and each pissant gizmo under the control of a separate human pissant, naturally 914651;1415415168;decimation;asciilifeform: really this is about broken hardware 914652;1415415175;asciilifeform;it is about broken everything. 914653;1415415268;decimation;the smi thing is similar, depending on what hardware you are using, the bios literally steals cpu to use it to maintain temps, fan speeds, etc 914654;1415415278;asciilifeform;decimation: this dates from 486 up. 914655;1415415281;decimation;as if this couldn't be done with a $0.1 microcontroller 914656;1415415308;asciilifeform;decimation: $0.1 micro doesn't have access to video ram to display the 'volume control bar' etc. 914657;1415415316;decimation;how does one write an 'adult os' on hardware that randomly isn't responsive? 914658;1415415349;decimation;yeah, everything is a cheapss shitbox 914659;1415415365;decimation;the thing is, 'better gear' isn't available for any sum 914660;1415415382;decimation;For instance, the other day I was looking to see if anyone provided specs for the cpu clock 914661;1415415390;decimation;none. all you can buy is shitty resonator 914662;1415415692;BingoBoingo;http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2014/11/07/army_command_policy_language_problems_briefly_says_negro_acceptable_term.html 914663;1415415741;decimation;it's like discovering that the only meat available in the entire world is mcdonalds 'meat' and then realizing that apparently nobody cares 914664;1415415804;asciilifeform;decimation: aha. 914665;1415415891;asciilifeform;'I am 95 percent certain that they performed a massive de-anonymization attack on Tor hidden servers and were able to shut down all their targeted servers in the U.S., Europe or anywhere else where U.S. law has meaning, said Nicholas Weaver, a computer science researcher at the University of California, Berkeley.' 914666;1415416000;asciilifeform;http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/technology/authorities-worldwide-strike-internets-black-market/2014/11/07/8cac8ef0-66b9-11e4-bb14-4cfea1e742d5_story.html 914667;1415416096;decimation;asciilifeform: there are hints about what is done for 'adult systems': http://doc.ntp.org/4.2.6/drivers/driver22.html "A scenario where the latter behavior can be most useful is a planetary orbiter fleet, for instance in the vicinity of Mars, where contact between orbiters and Earth only one or two times per Sol (Mars day). These orbiters have a precise timing reference based on an Ultra Stable Oscillator (USO) with accuracy in the 914668;1415416099;decimation;order of a Cesium oscillator. A PPS signal is derived from the USO and can be disciplined from Earth on rare occasion or from another orbiter via NTP. " 914669;1415416154;asciilifeform;decimation: you gotta be joking: 914670;1415416169;asciilifeform;actual orbiter where the timing really matters, won't have a unix box in the loop. 914671;1415416172;asciilifeform;custom circuit. 914672;1415416178;decimation;precisely 914673;1415416193;decimation;apparently whatever it is, it runs ntp 914674;1415416201;asciilifeform;well, plug into ntp 914675;1415416222;decimation;that's good for microseconds, what if you want to have low jitter down to nanoseconds? 914676;1415416229;asciilifeform;then - gate-level. 914677;1415416237;decimation;precisely 914678;1415416259;decimation;apparently there's no demand, except they sell thousands of gps-derived ntp clocks 914679;1415416281;decimation;why would you glom your clock circuit onto a peripheral instead of making it a central feature? 914680;1415416364;asciilifeform;decimation: there is demand. 914681;1415416370;asciilifeform;just as there is demand for a correct 'bitcoind.' 914682;1415416381;asciilifeform;but 'caviar taste with a pizza face.' 914683;1415416403;decimation;what about bitcoind on an asic? 914684;1415416413;asciilifeform;ditto 914685;1415416643;decimation;asciilifeform: do I detect a subtle stab at Stalin for his meddling with Stierlitz's orders? 914686;1415416652;decimation;ie giving him an impossible mission 914687;1415416672;asciilifeform;meant to be ambiguous 914688;1415417420;BingoBoingo;!up saifedean 914689;1415417421;decimation;!up saifedean 914690;1415418419;mircea_popescu; where some pissant thing can be 'depended on' and break the world. << the "dependency" system is stupid and should go away. 914691;1415418424;mircea_popescu;no further "dependencies". 914692;1415418528;asciilifeform;well, in this case, the turdependency was... in the kernel. 914693;1415418667;mircea_popescu; what about bitcoind on an asic? << yeah, but only after you actually got a book can you print a chip 914694;1415418678;decimation;indeed 914695;1415418696;decimation;unlike intel, the spec should be published before the turd is made 914696;1415418700;asciilifeform;1) book 2) comprehend 3) re-create sanely 4) nice things 914697;1415418716;kakobrekla;can you print a chip < but cant check it 914698;1415418752;BingoBoingo;What about all of those brave people who unprinted NES chips to get the emulators right? 914699;1415418787;decimation;chips can be reversed, but only after a long and painful process 914700;1415418835;decimation;nevertheless, once this bitcoin thing does its thing to the financial world, these things will come (the bitcoind chip) 914701;1415418865;asciilifeform;decimation: 'if things go on', it'll resemble the 'clipper chip.' 914702;1415418871;BingoBoingo;Actual computer might be worth the space to house it in a shipping container in the yard 914703;1415418940;mircea_popescu;decimation pre-bitcoin i was wondering on my blog why no mysql chip 914704;1415418977;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=37 << obligospam 914705;1415418978;assbot;Loper OS » The Hardware Culture, or: What They Build, Works! Can We Say the Same? 914706;1415418980;BingoBoingo;httpd as expansion card 914707;1415419002;asciilifeform;(2009) 914708;1415419026;decimation;in the mainframe does it was considered quite ordinary to 'spin off' specialized tasks to specialized hardware 914709;1415419066;asciilifeform;all i really need in terms of hardware - is an fpga which isn't a turd. 914710;1415419080;asciilifeform;unfortunately this cannot be had for any price short of funding its r&d from ore. 914711;1415419105;decimation;asciilifeform: not quite, if you had the $$ you could get TSMC or whoever to mint one 914712;1415419120;decimation;but we are talking $bn 914713;1415419143;mircea_popescu;i am confident asciilifeform can make his own fpga 914714;1415419145;asciilifeform;add a few $bn for military discouragement of molestation by currently invested parties. 914715;1415419146;mircea_popescu;on his own lathe 914716;1415419148;mircea_popescu;that he made. 914717;1415419171;decimation;eh, I don't buy the omnipresent usg thesis 914718;1415419176;BingoBoingo; add a few $bn for military discouragement of molestation by currently invested parties. << Data centers with no safe disconnect distance 914719;1415419189;asciilifeform;any country that obeys u.s. patent hegemony - not a market for the product, at least, not above ground. 914720;1415419204;decimation;if usg can manipulate electronics, why did it allow electronics to flee to china? 914721;1415419207;asciilifeform;it'll be interdicted and burned at the border. 914722;1415419211;asciilifeform;like those poor yellow voltmeters. 914723;1415419214;decimation;eh that's for lawyers to argue 914724;1415419228;decimation;presumably $bn requires $lawyer to defend it 914725;1415419276;BingoBoingo; if usg can manipulate electronics, why did it allow electronics to flee to china? << US never surrendered all of its foundries. IBM sale is getting a National Security review for a reason 914726;1415419288;decimation;wishful thinking 914727;1415419311;mircea_popescu;yeah srsly. 914728;1415419339;decimation;usg wanting to maintain the last little vestige of us ic-printing is a different thing than usg deciding electronics 914729;1415419844;decimation;https://www.bis.doc.gov/index.php/forms-documents/doc_view/73-u-s-integrated-circuit-design-and-fabrication-capability-2009 << "Fabrication companies were asked to report on their fabrication capabilities for the 2003 – 2006 period. The 49 companies that reported data operated more than 90 fabrication facilities in the United States in 2006 that were capable of making conventional IC products. Almost all of these companies (45), 914730;1415419847;decimation;can manufacture IC products with technology nodes between 10,000 nanometers (nm) and 250 nm. Approximately half of the companies (22) can make ICs in the United States with technology nodes from 250 nm - 65 nm. A significantly smaller number of firms, six, can make IC products at dimensions below 65 nm, and just three of them have commercial-volume capability for 45 nm and 32 nm dimensions." 914731;1415420080;kakobrekla;250nm still in use today? 914732;1415420095;decimation;well, this document is 8 years old 914733;1415420136;mircea_popescu;10k nm. 914734;1415420142;mircea_popescu;practically half a nautical mile. 914735;1415420154;asciilifeform;let's ask different question. 914736;1415420162;decimation;the trouble is, chip fabs are expensive as fuck, so there's not much money in keeping old ones alive 914737;1415420177;asciilifeform;how many ic fabs on planet 3 that -don't- use u.s.-authored 1) synthesis tools 2) cell libs 914738;1415420203;decimation;it's true that the design turdware is a serious problem 914739;1415420356;mircea_popescu;http://www.overnightgeekuniversity.com/an-open-letter-to-teens-who-use-ask-fm-read-post-share/ <<< check out all the massive hate. 914740;1415420359;assbot;OvernightGeek University : | An Open Letter to Teens Who Use Ask.fm; Read, Post, & Share 914741;1415420367;mircea_popescu;basically brigading has become the sole us policy on the internets. 914742;1415420391;mircea_popescu;"o we are numerous, and that makes our stupidity pale in importance!" 914743;1415420570;*;asciilifeform misread as 'overshare university' 914744;1415420666;mircea_popescu;i misread as "overweight" 914745;1415420674;asciilifeform;l0l 914746;1415420700;decimation;lol " You see other kids all over the world committing suicide or at the very minimum getting their feelings hurt on this totally unnecessary platform." 914747;1415420713;decimation;oh no, some kids have their feelings hurt! call the waamulance? 914748;1415420736;asciilifeform;covert trollspam by vendor. no actual living this is this stupid. 914749;1415420752;mircea_popescu;decimation the thing is, it's a late comer to the stupid game, roughly a twitter ripoff with better interface. 914750;1415420769;mircea_popescu;except the owners happen to not be bezzle-rooted, some dudes in latvia rather than san fran. 914751;1415420773;BingoBoingo; covert trollspam by vendor. no actual living this is this stupid. << Indeed. Deer backed off and did not challenge my car this morning. 914752;1415420796;mircea_popescu;they have 200mn users, which is downright fucking criminal. i don't for a second believe that this huge push is anything to do with "suicides". 914753;1415420798;punkbot;[trust-update] added: menahem 914754;1415420812;mircea_popescu;somehow pharma killing 7 people per 200 million is not noteworthy. 914755;1415420831;kakobrekla;;;gettrust assbot menahem 914756;1415420832;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user menahem: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=menahem | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=menahem | Rated since: Fri Nov 7 17:30:52 2014 914757;1415420846;hanbot;mircea_popescu pharma spends money on pretending to care 914758;1415420847;decimation;https://www.afsp.org/understanding-suicide/facts-and-figures << From 1986 to 2000, suicide rates in the U.S. dropped from 12.5 to 10.4 suicide deaths per 100,000 people in the population. 914759;1415420848;assbot;Facts and Figures 914760;1415420859;hanbot;ask.fm forgot to pay off the carecops, s'all. 914761;1415420868;asciilifeform;^ 914762;1415420868;mircea_popescu;hanbot myeah. maybe that's the explanation. 914763;1415420868;assbot;Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0N7SYV6.txt ) 914764;1415420868;BingoBoingo;!b 1 914765;1415420878;BingoBoingo;Damn, Bash sniped 914766;1415420910;mircea_popescu;decimation think about it, a userbase of 200mn implies no less than 20k suicides. 914767;1415420923;mircea_popescu;for that matter, tons of people use facebook and kill themselves. but that's not a news item. 914768;1415420949;decimation;indeed 914769;1415420969;asciilifeform;the magic elixir of making idiots fellate their pistols - is not yet discovered. 914770;1415420976;decimation;just like for the first iraq war, it was statistically safer for a young male to be in iraq than in the us 914771;1415420991;mircea_popescu;decimation a young male in that demographic :) 914772;1415420999;mircea_popescu;army grunts are not exactly rich boys back home. 914773;1415421022;BingoBoingo; the magic elixir of making idiots fellate their pistols - is not yet discovered. << But in Usia if you fail to make the pistol cum they take it away so you can't learn to succeed 914774;1415421027;decimation;actually I suspect the main cause of death in that demographic is auto accidents 914775;1415421031;decimation;no car, no death 914776;1415421038;mircea_popescu;i thought it was gangland warfare. 914777;1415421054;decimation;nah, that's only a thousand a year or so 914778;1415421063;BingoBoingo;No, it's auto accidents, with Opiate overdoses gaining groung 914779;1415421071;mircea_popescu;aha. 914780;1415421084;mircea_popescu;decimation but wait. imo the demo is about 10mn or so. 914781;1415421085;BingoBoingo; i thought it was gangland warfare. << Most of these survive 914782;1415421100;mircea_popescu;you telling me 1k deaths in gangstarism is less than whatever car crashes claim ? 914783;1415421101;decimation;http://www.bjs.gov/index.cfm?ty=pbdetail&iid=4863 << "The U.S. homicide rate declined by nearly half (49%), from 9.3 homicides per 100,000 U.S. residents in 1992 to 4.7 in 2011, falling to the lowest level since 1963. From 2002 to 2011, the average homicide rate for males was 3.6 times higher than the rate for females. The average homicide rate for blacks was 6.3 times higher than the rate for whites." 914784;1415421115;mircea_popescu;decimation this is washed data. 914785;1415421123;mircea_popescu;few 90 or 9 year olds die in homicides. 914786;1415421128;mircea_popescu;it's usually a black male teenager. 914787;1415421159;decimation;http://www.iihs.org/iihs/topics/t/general-statistics/fatalityfacts/state-by-state-overview <<"There were 30,800 fatal motor vehicle crashes in the United States in 2012 in which 33,561 deaths occurred. This resulted in national motor vehicle crash death rates of 10.7 deaths per 100,000 people and 1.14 deaths per 100 million vehicle miles traveled. " 914788;1415421161;assbot;Fatality Facts 914789;1415421173;mircea_popescu;In 2010, there were an estimated 5,419,000 crashes (30,296 fatal crashes) 914790;1415421182;decimation;of course this isn't broken by demographic 914791;1415421183;mircea_popescu;ok looksy : 30k deaths from auto accidents on a 300mn population 914792;1415421190;asciilifeform;i still can't fathom who could possibly think that general-population death statistics apply to him personally. 914793;1415421193;mircea_popescu;1k deaths from gang warfare on a 10mn population 914794;1415421196;mircea_popescu;i have a leg to stand on! 914795;1415421207;decimation;yeah I guess that are comparable 914796;1415421219;mircea_popescu;if you let me frame it like that, aaaaalmost. 914797;1415421220;asciilifeform;most people understand that, if they are not a parachutist, their chance of death from unopened parachute is exactly zero. 914798;1415421227;asciilifeform;but somehow babies keeling over - matter. 914799;1415421229;asciilifeform;go figure. 914800;1415421240;decimation;asciilifeform: but I walk in cities and drive a car 914801;1415421258;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform and if you're not an urine spear thrower, what's your chances ? 914802;1415421259;mircea_popescu;http://message.snopes.com/photos/airplane/graphics/frozenurine.jpg 914803;1415421281;mircea_popescu;how about that canadian woman a satellite found in the fucking white wastes ? 914804;1415421292;BingoBoingo;Washington, D.C. October 7, 2013 - Illinois has the 12th lowest drug overdose mortality rate in the United States, with 10 per 100,000 people suffering drug overdose fatalities, according to a new report, Prescription Drug Abuse: Strategies to Stop the Epidemic. << http://healthyamericans.org/reports/drugabuse2013/release.php?stateid=IL 914805;1415421292;assbot;Drug Abuse 2013 data for Illinois 914806;1415421339;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo check it out, suspiciously close to suicide rate. 914807;1415421379;BingoBoingo;Yeah. BUt the overdoses in Illinois usually don't count as suicides in the courts. 914808;1415421399;mircea_popescu;accidental ? 914809;1415421414;BingoBoingo;homicide if the can find the merchant 914810;1415421421;mircea_popescu;scandalous. 914811;1415421431;BingoBoingo;or if bystanders are insufficiently charitable 914812;1415421476;BingoBoingo;Fairly recent development 2010-2013 this one started 914813;1415421522;decimation;BingoBoingo: if you read last psychiatrist, the best explanation is that all of the druggies in chicago are 'legit' 914814;1415421533;mircea_popescu;basically it's a free "oppress those druggies" card. 914815;1415421543;mircea_popescu;who's gonna be around ? undesirables. fuck em. 914816;1415421599;BingoBoingo;I really dunno to much about Chicago. Other end of the state represent! Still we got Quinn out of the Governor's mansion before he could be charged breaking Illinois tradition. 914817;1415421701;BingoBoingo;http://www.paladin-press.com/product/The_Armed-Citizen_Solution_to_Crime_In_the_Streets 914818;1415421701;assbot;The Armed-Citizen Solution to Crime in the Streets;by Mack Tanner,So Many Criminals, So Few Bullets 914819;1415421800;BingoBoingo;^ actual book 914820;1415422142;BingoBoingo;For all of the low traction sports bets on BitBet at least this entirely predictable outcome didn't hit the Market. https://twitter.com/Cardinals/status/530926264668786689 914821;1415422145;assbot;Gold AND Platinum! Congrats to /Yadimolina04 on winning his 3rd /hashtag/PlatinumGlove?src=hash for best defensive player in the NL! http://t.co/5XO2awwHSs 914822;1415422584;mircea_popescu;heh 914823;1415422661;BingoBoingo;!s molina 914824;1415422662;assbot;7 results for 'molina' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=molina 914825;1415422728;*;BingoBoingo is Disappoint Matheney hasn't been shitcanned yet for haiting pr0n 914826;1415423008;asciilifeform;walk in cities and drive a car << iirc, in usa this gives an otherwise-immortal fellow about 500 years 'MTBF'. 914827;1415423035;asciilifeform;(given an eternal - or at least 'thousand-year' reich, naturally) 914828;1415423055;asciilifeform;!s millimort 914829;1415423056;assbot;0 results for 'millimort' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=millimort 914830;1415423080;mircea_popescu;odd, i recall this being discussed 914831;1415423084;asciilifeform;aha 914832;1415423087;asciilifeform;where is it 914833;1415423091;mircea_popescu;!s micromort 914834;1415423092;assbot;15 results for 'micromort' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=micromort 914835;1415423102;asciilifeform;there we go. 914836;1415423132;asciilifeform;e.g., http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-03-2014#552521 914837;1415423132;assbot;Logged on 09-03-2014 02:50:58; asciilifeform: chetty_: russian roulette, ~143,000 micromorts. 914838;1415423321;decimation;asciilifeform: we humans are bad at judging small risk 914839;1415423344;asciilifeform;what, precisely, are 'we' good at judging ? 914840;1415423359;decimation;when our stomachs need filling 914841;1415424101;BingoBoingo; when our stomachs need filling << I dunno, have you seen youtube? 914842;1415425259;mircea_popescu;we're excellent at judging which hole. 914843;1415425588;mircea_popescu;http://33.media.tumblr.com/d1a5dbe10614c94cf9eecfa652ab1e4c/tumblr_nebldauiD81tlnaoto1_500.jpg << worst puppy. 914844;1415425726;BingoBoingo;Is that a preemie or an abortus? 914845;1415425746;BingoBoingo;I mean you never know what gets taxidermy anymore 914846;1415425752;mircea_popescu;yeah 914847;1415426201;[]bot;Bet created: "Russian Ruble to collapse to 60 RUB or more per USD" http://bitbet.us/bet/1066/ 914848;1415427194;decimation;asciilifeform: wouldn't our immortal-with-a-weakness face even chances of death in 5000 years (assuming 10 in 100000 accident deaths) 914849;1415427257;BingoBoingo;Bittorrent is a weird game 914850;1415427570;BingoBoingo;Bittorrent has to be the worst place to go to download the classics, if only it wasn't the only place 914851;1415427830;BingoBoingo;Lol phishing http://dpaste.com/10N9A33 << cazalla mircea_popescu 914852;1415427831;assbot;dpaste: 10N9A33 914853;1415427879;cazalla;BingoBoingo, legit actually, i make backups with cpanel which makes some 100mb archive but i didn't delete em 914854;1415427899;BingoBoingo;Sh.... 914855;1415427920;cazalla;and your email is listed as the contact for when a backup is complete, i do em manually by ftp and phpmyadmin too 914856;1415428154;BingoBoingo;The thing is... Other my email is listed. Looks more like spear fisherman. 914857;1415428432;BingoBoingo;Well, wasn't five zero two 914858;1415428899;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8300 @ 0.00059963 = 4.9769 BTC [-] 914859;1415430180;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22650 @ 0.00059963 = 13.5816 BTC [-] 914860;1415431183;bounce;``Andrew Lewman, executive director of the Tor Project, which runs the service, said in an e-mail that it does not condone its use for illegal purposes and that it was unclear how authorities discovered the operators of the illicit sites.'' -- yet even the usg promotes its use to explicitly break the law in other countries. funny how that works. 914861;1415431324;BingoBoingo;Sounds a lot like the definition of terrorism 914862;1415431341;bounce;http://threatpost.com/digicert-considering-certs-for-hidden-services-beyond-facebook/109222 << facebook the gold standard of .onion certificate assurance now. 914863;1415431344;assbot;DigiCert Considering Certs for Hidden Services | Threatpost | The first stop for security news 914864;1415431369;*;BingoBoingo wonders why rare bittorrents suck so hard 914865;1415431664;dignork;bounce: proposition of CA issued cert for tor hidden service still puzzles me, next stop - yellow pages for black market vendors 914866;1415431825;punkman;hidden service is supposed to provide end to end encryption , isn't it 914867;1415431886;BingoBoingo;dignork: Yellow pages might not be so bad. 914868;1415431913;BingoBoingo;punkbot: Well, remember that Debian bug circa 2006 914869;1415432052;dignork;punkman: yes, but in theory signed ssl cert provides some identity validation. Although the same can be achieved by gpg signed .onion address. 914870;1415432057;bounce;the onion address is governed by a private key, so no real chance of impersonation -- as long as you check the complete onion address 914871;1415432146;punkman;I wonder how many machines they used to find the vanity .onion 914872;1415432149;bounce;so the problem they're trying to solve by throwing a threadbare industry best current practice at it is to add some special "it's us, honest!"-sauce to link facebook.com and $facebook.onion 914873;1415432160;BingoBoingo;But... OMGWTFBBQ.509 is not a WOT 914874;1415432203;bounce;... and do so in a way that makes your browser bar turn a nice comforting colour 914875;1415432392;BingoBoingo;Honestly the default "comforting colors seem as shady as fuck 914876;1415432480;*;BingoBoingo wonders why paladin press torrents are such shitty downloads, wishes for a Paladin Press takeover by S.QNTR, eventually 914877;1415432487;bounce;the whole industry is made out of "well we needed to do something, so we made up this thing. now everybody must do this thing, too.", starting with the CA root certs 914878;1415432521;BingoBoingo; the whole industry is made out of "well we needed to do something, so we made up this thing. now everybody must do this thing, too.", starting with the CA root certs << Well, hookers invented something 914879;1415432612;*;BingoBoingo appologizes, had no idea bittorrent was so slow in the event a person wants to download something the slightest bit interesting 914880;1415433162;BingoBoingo;So how sad is it that "planet of the apes" is the most probabale failure mode for homo erectus descendants 914881;1415435140;cazalla;very little news around, read this http://bitcoinmagazine.com/18000/bitcoin-is-teaching-realism-to-libertarians-an-interview-with-old-school-cypherpunk-vinay-gupta/ .. where did i read about gold and problem of keeping it safe before? 914882;1415435140;assbot;‘Bitcoin is Teaching Realism to Libertarians': An Interview With Old-School Cypherpunk Vinay Gupta 914883;1415444088;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23100 @ 0.0005999 = 13.8577 BTC [+] 914884;1415444400;jurov;;;isup bitbet.com 914885;1415444401;gribble;bitbet.com is up 914886;1415444412;jurov;;;isup bitbet.us 914887;1415444415;gribble;bitbet.us is down 914888;1415445596;jurov;http://lcamtuf.blogspot.sk/2014/11/pulling-jpegs-out-of-thin-air.html didn't know this is possible 914889;1415445596;assbot;lcamtuf's blog: Pulling JPEGs out of thin air 914890;1415445633;jurov;likely it won't figure crypto in any reasonable timeframe, but otherwise..hmmm 914891;1415445796;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19450 @ 0.00059889 = 11.6484 BTC [-] 914892;1415447573;thestringpuller;!t m s.mpoe 914893;1415447573;assbot;[MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00059889 / 0.00062408 / 0.00068112 (613140 shares, 382.65 BTC), 7D: 0.00059889 / 0.00071975 / 0.00079259 (3534752 shares, 2,544.16 BTC), 30D: 0.00059889 / 0.0007431 / 0.00081111 (24039298 shares, 17,863.80 BTC) 914894;1415447583;thestringpuller;!t m s.qntr 914895;1415447584;assbot;[MPEX:S.QNTR] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: 0.00013514 / 0.00013704 / 0.00015 (4111 shares, 0.56 BTC), 30D: 0.00013514 / 0.00013704 / 0.00015 (4111 shares, 0.56 BTC) 914896;1415447594;thestringpuller;!mpif 914897;1415447654;assbot;BtcAlpha.com F.MPIF Tracker estimated NAV per share: 0.00000000 B (Total: 0.00 B). Delta: 0.00 B. Last trade for F.MPIF on MPEX was at 0.000195 BTC [-] 914898;1415447826;thestringpuller;!t m s.mpoe 914899;1415447826;assbot;[MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00059889 / 0.00062408 / 0.00068112 (613140 shares, 382.65 BTC), 7D: 0.00059889 / 0.00071975 / 0.00079259 (3534752 shares, 2,544.16 BTC), 30D: 0.00059889 / 0.0007431 / 0.00081111 (24039298 shares, 17,863.80 BTC) 914900;1415452034;Adlai;jurov: likely it won't figure crypto in any reasonable timeframe << "figure"? 914901;1415452051;jurov;i meant "figure out" 914902;1415452111;Adlai;looking at how afl works, it seems to have zero effectiveness for [good] crypto 914903;1415452130;Adlai;it's only useful for this jpeg nonsense because it's able to "evolve" the format due to early branches in djpeg 914904;1415452214;Adlai;http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/afl_demo/jpeg/full/ 914905;1415452227;Adlai;no assbot don't... shit, too late 914906;1415452283;*;jurov rolls eyes 914907;1415452559;Adlai;on the other hand, http://lcamtuf.blogspot.co.il/2014/10/bash-bug-how-we-finally-cracked.html 914908;1415452559;assbot;lcamtuf's blog: Bash bug: the other two RCEs, or how we chipped away at the original fix (CVE-2014-6277 and '78) 914909;1415456499;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14638 @ 0.00059889 = 8.7666 BTC [-] 914910;1415458796;scoopbot;http://www.contravex.com/2014/11/08/why-government-funded-research-is-totally-fucking-borked/ 914911;1415458915;PeterL;;;later tell pete_dushenski sorry about missing your blog, looks like scoopbot crashed before you posted it 914912;1415458916;gribble;The operation succeeded. 914913;1415464045;mircea_popescu;goood mornin'. 914914;1415464081;jurov;hello 914915;1415464441;xanthyos;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B17q4rRIgAA1OUb.jpg 914916;1415464516;mircea_popescu;lol 914917;1415464665;jurov;rofl 914918;1415465116;jurov;!up HFSPLUS 914919;1415465126;HFSPLUS;whats up everyone? 914920;1415465148;EXT4;yo 914921;1415465153;jurov;mopst are afk today 914922;1415465157;jurov;hi reiser4 914923;1415465201;EXT4;lol murderfs hans reiser is in jaul 914924;1415465205;EXT4;!s hans reiser 914925;1415465206;assbot;0 results for 'hans reiser' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=hans+reiser 914926;1415465286;jurov;we dont mention him by full name 914927;1415465297;jurov;and next time read teh rules 914928;1415465922;jurov;!up DreadKnight 914929;1415466980;mircea_popescu;punkbot deed http://pastebin.com/HVGxdJ0m 914930;1415466980;assbot;-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 Title: BITCOIN DECLARATION O - Pastebin.com 914931;1415466981;punkbot;mircea_popescu: Queued 1 valid deed for next bundle. 914932;1415466995;mircea_popescu;mpex corps will announce wtf to do with this at the end of the month. 914933;1415467003;mircea_popescu;cazalla pls to gazette 914934;1415467209;jurov;quite a bombshell, the past para 914935;1415467252;mircea_popescu;these things always are :) 914936;1415467252;jurov;*last 914937;1415467639;bounce;needs more fmt(1) 914938;1415467657;mircea_popescu;lolwut ? 914939;1415467690;mircea_popescu;i write my shit by hand! 914940;1415467754;mircea_popescu;(your browser should have a fit-to-screen option. and generally, formatting should be done locally not fucking up the document with spuriousness) 914941;1415467783;punkbot;Bundled 1 deed | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/15W7cVuz 914942;1415467852;*;bounce disagrees. 80 cols for the ages. 914943;1415467853;jurov;well, everyone is lazy and just throws text into
914944;1415467877;jurov;let the browser format the text and offer raw text for download
914945;1415467966;mircea_popescu;bounce i hate nothing more than downloading a "text" document and instead getting a "text+markup that's identical to text and only works on obsolete machinery anyway"
914946;1415467998;jurov;yes, hard-pre-wrapped text is hard to work with
914947;1415468002;mircea_popescu;then i have to run it through complex fucking awk to make it sane again
914948;1415468315;punkbot;Confirmed bundle 15W7cVuzjXHvVqw6vcySq6jr9qq8Kv9SCH | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/15W7cVuz
914949;1415468490;*;bounce has awk to put the overly long lines into something comfortably readable. screens may get bigger and bigger, but the comfy line length doesn't change
914950;1415468525;jurov;just resize the window?
914951;1415468535;mircea_popescu;and is magically the same for everyone ?
914952;1415468539;mircea_popescu;i dunno, i think i read about 110
914953;1415468546;mircea_popescu;may be related to what books one grew up reading.
914954;1415468548;jurov;on portable device, one may leed less than 80
914955;1415468555;mircea_popescu;usually yes.
914956;1415468905;mircea_popescu;bounce in any case, consider that putting a \n every 80th character is a lot easier than extracting spurious \ns
914957;1415468952;bounce;oh I don't know that. if the lines get long enough things get "interesting" in a hurry
914958;1415468971;bounce;smtp and 998 characters, for example
914959;1415469003;mircea_popescu;its still buggy ?!
914960;1415469316;jurov;irc and 400 characters :D
914963;1415469441;mircea_popescu;423 ?
914964;1415469476;bounce;510 actually, but including :you@your.host.whatever PRIVMSG #channel
914965;1415469507;mircea_popescu;ah yes.
914966;1415469550;mircea_popescu;i imagine ba-ircd will use 1024 or something.
914967;1415469553;mircea_popescu;this is a little narrow.
914968;1415469779;jurov;i supported 4096B http headers in ziproxy
914969;1415469783;jurov;users bitched
914970;1415469791;jurov;it ended up 4M
914971;1415469844;bounce;per line? that sounds a little excessive.
914972;1415469861;mircea_popescu;http://ziproxy.sourceforge.net/contact.html ?
914973;1415469861;assbot;Ziproxy - Contact
914974;1415469866;jurov;yes that
914975;1415469921;jurov;but twas 10 years ago, it has new maintainer since
914977;1415470175;jurov;iirc some sites sent insane megabyte cookies
914978;1415470221;mircea_popescu;those sites not functioning sounds like a blessing.
914979;1415470816;ben_vulpes;jurov: https://code.google.com/p/american-fuzzy-lop/ << fascinating
914980;1415470817;assbot; american-fuzzy-lop -   A practical, instrumentation-driven fuzzer for binary formats - Google Project Hosting 
914981;1415470995;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo: The thing is... Other my email is listed. Looks more like spear fisherman. << nah actually looks legit.
914982;1415471064;mircea_popescu;dignork: bounce: proposition of CA issued cert for tor hidden service still puzzles me, next stop - yellow pages for black market vendors << nah, it's quite obvious, BingoBoingo has it : us sponsored terrorism.
914983;1415471073;mircea_popescu;"those people's laws aren't really laws, our laws are really laws".
914984;1415471131;mircea_popescu;bounce: ... and do so in a way that makes your browser bar turn a nice comforting colour << that.
914985;1415471204;mircea_popescu;cazalla: where did i read about gold and problem of keeping it safe before? << heh. and they mention it, too, because they're cultured and stuff. o.O
914986;1415471310;mircea_popescu;jurov: and next time read teh rules << uh what'd i miss ?
914987;1415471336;jurov;i think he got devoiced due to nick changes
914989;1415471546;ben_vulpes;bitcoin-assets is best alternate reality game
914991;1415471564;kakobrekla;also best shell
914992;1415471589;mircea_popescu;yea srsly.
914994;1415471670;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: why do you put a space before semicolons?
914995;1415471680;ben_vulpes;and colons?
914996;1415471695;mircea_popescu;for visibility.
914997;1415471709;mircea_popescu;(and question marks)
914998;1415471866;asciilifeform;http://pastebin.com/HVGxdJ0m << historic
914999;1415471866;assbot;-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----  Hash: SHA512    Title: BITCOIN DECLARATION O - Pastebin.com
915000;1415471892;mircea_popescu;o hai asciilifeform
915001;1415471925;asciilifeform;where do i 'hancock'
915002;1415471948;mircea_popescu;well, sign the text put it in the deeds
915003;1415471953;asciilifeform;gotta sign, so we 'all hang together or separately' (as, i think, were the words of the americans.)
915004;1415471971;ben_vulpes;.deed http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=4GSHjhrw
915005;1415471972;punkbot;ben_vulpes: Queued 1 valid deed for next bundle.
915006;1415472005;ben_vulpes;my own execution warrant.
915007;1415472019;mircea_popescu;lol, hey, gotta go somehow.
915008;1415472024;mircea_popescu;better than a car crash.
915009;1415472114;asciilifeform;.deed http://pastebin.com/Ty0YMXU6
915010;1415472114;assbot;-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----  Hash: SHA1    Title: BITCOIN DECLARATION OF  - Pastebin.com
915011;1415472114;punkbot;asciilifeform: Queued 1 valid deed for next bundle.
915012;1415472555;mircea_popescu;sooo where are these nude photos of Miss Teen USA 2013 ?
915013;1415472593;punkbot;Bundled 2 deeds | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1HAMmA7Z
915014;1415472692;ben_vulpes;perhaps some bezzletrons will satisfy? http://twicsy.com/i/r84UNf
915015;1415472693;assbot;_lauradfbennett : Re-united with my bezzletrons http://t.co/yMXHkT5m5q | Twicsy - Twitter Picture Discovery
915016;1415472776;mircea_popescu;da fuck is that ?
915017;1415473022;*;ben_vulpes shrugs
915018;1415473156;chetty;is there a crib sheet somewhere on using the deed thingy?
915021;1415473204;punkbot;ben_vulpes: (help [] []) -- This command gives a useful description of what  does.  is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin. You may also want to use the 'list' command to list all available plugins and commands.
915022;1415473210;ben_vulpes;.help deed
915023;1415473210;punkbot;ben_vulpes: (deed [url]) -- the bot will search [url] for signed deeds and queue them.
915024;1415473233;ben_vulpes;.help list
915025;1415473233;punkbot;ben_vulpes: Error: There is no command "list".
915027;1415473245;ben_vulpes;i recall doing this before...
915028;1415473375;punkbot;Confirmed bundle 1HAMmA7Zb6815zGB4A977B7pcvog78zsWD | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1HAMmA7Z
915029;1415473396;jurov;.help help
915030;1415473396;punkbot;jurov: (help [] []) -- This command gives a useful description of what  does.  is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin. You may also want to use the 'list' command to list all available plugins and commands.
915031;1415473878;punkman;chetty: is there a crib sheet somewhere on using the deed thingy? << it's just one command!
915032;1415474269;BingoBoingo;.deed http://dpaste.com/1366QWC
915033;1415474270;assbot;dpaste: 1366QWC
915034;1415474270;punkbot;BingoBoingo: Queued 1 valid deed for next bundle.
915036;1415474422;thestringpuller;I wonder which corporations will move to that profit model
915037;1415474426;thestringpuller;or structure profits to make donations
915038;1415474495;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2014/11/bitcoin-declaration-of-sovereignty-filed/
915039;1415475617;ben_vulpes;.deed http://dpaste.com/1CSCD1G.txt
915040;1415475618;punkbot;ben_vulpes: Queued 1 valid deed for next bundle.
915041;1415475623;ben_vulpes;.deed http://dpaste.com/1MMVM04.txt
915042;1415475623;punkbot;ben_vulpes: Queued 1 valid deed for next bundle.
915043;1415475624;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2014/11/flashback-gavin-andresen/
915044;1415475688;ben_vulpes;i don't think that dating these things is necessary. they embed in the blockchain, after all.
915045;1415475978;ben_vulpes;;;rate jurov 4
915046;1415475978;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating for user jurov has changed from 3 to 4.
915047;1415476037;Pierre_Rochard;“pay a tax in sum of 0.1% or a hundred thousand satoshi per full Bitcoin realised” <- Is this tax on profit or revenues?
915048;1415476199;punkbot;Bundled 3 deeds | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1AsyzbGx
915049;1415476488;ben_vulpes;how does a tax on revenues make any sense?
915050;1415476515;ben_vulpes;Pierre_Rochard ^^
915051;1415476548;ben_vulpes;imagine the pathological case where an operation's barely scraping by with margins of, oh let's just say 0.1%.
915052;1415476968;Pierre_Rochard;ben_vulpes: both tax on revenues and tax on profits have their pros and cons. So I’m assuming the answer to my question is that it’s a tax on profits
915053;1415477038;ben_vulpes;Pierre_Rochard: okay so indulge me, because i know nothing about the pros and cons of taxation: what are the benefits of taxing revenues?
915055;1415477121;assbot;Local Police CAN Arrest Federal Agents: It just happened in Salt Lake City | Tenth Amendment Center
915056;1415477136;Pierre_Rochard;off the top of my head: (1) avoid companies playing games with expenses to minimize taxable profits (2) widen the base to unprofitable and break-even companies (why should they be indirectly subsidized by profitable companies)
915057;1415477162;*;BingoBoingo enjoying that out cult nao has an official tithe
915058;1415477195;Pierre_Rochard;for example: amazon would pay little to no tax on profits. Yet their consuming lots of benefits from the state (presumably)
915059;1415477203;Pierre_Rochard;yet they’re*
915060;1415477281;ben_vulpes;profitless companies don't really fly in la serenissima. yet, at least.
915061;1415477422;ben_vulpes;and in any case, those tithing will make the call on their own.
915062;1415477442;bounce;you know, first time I see this thing is it getting signed.
915063;1415477451;bounce;bit of a bummer, I'd say.
915064;1415477462;Pierre_Rochard;noted, just curiousity from my inner accountant
915065;1415477491;mircea_popescu;chetty http://trilema.com/2014/the-bitcoin-assets-deed-system/ maybe ?
915066;1415477491;assbot;The #bitcoin-assets deed system pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 
915067;1415477503;ben_vulpes;bounce: you want discussion of it? a wiki?
915068;1415477529;mircea_popescu;<thestringpuller> I wonder which corporations will move to that profit model << bitcoin corps, basically.
915069;1415477548;mircea_popescu; pay a tax in sum of 0.1% or a hundred thousand satoshi per full Bitcoin realised <- Is this tax on profit or revenues? << profit
915070;1415477609;mircea_popescu;* BingoBoingo enjoying that out cult nao has an official tithe <<< all that's missing for full blown religion is the weird robes.
915071;1415477631;bounce;"your mother dresses you funny". there, all done.
915072;1415477636;mircea_popescu;<bounce> bit of a bummer, I'd say. << whyssat ?
915073;1415477637;BingoBoingo; * BingoBoingo enjoying that out cult nao has an official tithe <<< all that's missing for full blown religion is the weird robes. << Get nubbins' to print them!
915074;1415477725;mircea_popescu;you mean we all wear silkscreens ?!
915075;1415477763;mircea_popescu;Pierre_Rochard> for example: amazon would pay little to no tax on profits. Yet their consuming lots of benefits from the state (presumably) << i dunno how that is supposed to stand. if they're not making a profit then their users are deriving all the benefit.
915076;1415477768;bounce;you don't get why that's a bummer? that's really bad.
915077;1415477769;mircea_popescu;why should they pay.
915078;1415477779;mircea_popescu;bounce explain it to me like i were five!
915079;1415477797;bounce;actually, no. certainly not now.
915080;1415477807;mircea_popescu;well whenever you feel like o.O
915081;1415477897;ben_vulpes;it's just an alternate reality game yo
915083;1415477977;BingoBoingo;Silkscreening is what makes the robes weird
915084;1415477992;Apocalyptic;"That's absurd. The whole Lavabit episode actually indicates how strong the CA infrastructure really is", hearn
915086;1415478011;Apocalyptic;that's hilarious
915087;1415478014;mircea_popescu;what else would you have him say ?
915088;1415478035;Apocalyptic;something less stupid ?
915089;1415478060;[]bot;Bet created: "Bitcoin price falls on Bitcoin Black Friday" http://bitbet.us/bet/1067/
915090;1415478065;mircea_popescu;not an easy task, finding such among the pile at his disposal.
915091;1415478139;punkbot;Confirmed bundle 1AsyzbGxFiV3RxtEXumhFG1byvpiU37L6j | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1AsyzbGx
915092;1415478159;scoopbot;New post on Bingo Blog by BingoBoingo: http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2014/11/08/bbwaa-awards-predictions/
915093;1415478226;BingoBoingo;Also qntra traffic up again, time to hire! https://www.quantcast.com/qntra.net
915094;1415478226;assbot;                  Qntra.net Traffic and Demographic Statistics by Quantcast                  
915095;1415478257;mircea_popescu;hehe check that out!
915096;1415478347;kakobrekla;dude, ddos doesnt count
915097;1415478406;BingoBoingo;WHy not?
915098;1415478418;BingoBoingo;DDoS counts if it reads while doing it
915099;1415478479;mircea_popescu;i don't think quantcast counts ddos
915100;1415478633;[]bot;Bet created: "JoePA gets his wins back" http://bitbet.us/bet/1068/
915101;1415478674;mircea_popescu;punkbot deed http://pastebin.com/fveAfXy6
915102;1415478674;assbot;-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----  Hash: SHA512    Your dividend payment for S. - Pastebin.com
915103;1415478674;punkbot;mircea_popescu: Queued 2 valid deeds for next bundle.
915104;1415478783;mircea_popescu;punkbot status
915105;1415478783;punkbot;mircea_popescu: 2 pending deeds | Last bundle 43 minutes ago
915106;1415478905;mircea_popescu;punkman can the punkbot skip the pgp header all the way to the next \n after "Hash:" ?
915107;1415478958;mircea_popescu;and can it put say 32 bytes so obtained off each deed in a " ; " separated list that it pastes here ?
915108;1415478999;mircea_popescu;and can it also use the first line as the title of the document always, so the "Title: " magic words are no longer needed in deeds ?
915109;1415479618;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31468 @ 0.00055921 = 17.5972 BTC [-]
915110;1415479652;mircea_popescu;!up deed_noob|97959
915111;1415479657;mircea_popescu;that's a new one.
915112;1415479805;punkbot;Bundled 2 deeds | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/19c63aCJ
915113;1415479868;[]bot;Bet created: "Ban on Reddit BTC tip bot Changetip" http://bitbet.us/bet/1069/
915114;1415480044;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2014/11/hashfast-to-liquidate/
915116;1415480104;assbot;Screenwipe - Idea - YouTube
915117;1415480795;punkbot;Confirmed bundle 19c63aCJM1qKa7mTSBpso1zUVUACpEM6NP | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/19c63aCJ
915118;1415481112;mircea_popescu;punkbot balance
915119;1415481112;punkbot;mircea_popescu: Balance at 1LAwrWMbPLLSpt7nkD5Jv1Yf4cwPhD98ny is 0.01383 BTC (0.0 unconfirmed), enough for 125 more bundles.
915120;1415481169;cazalla;mircea_popescu: cazalla pls to gazette <<< looks like BingoBoingo did so while i was sleeping
915122;1415481330;[]bot;Bet created: "BTC to reach $5000 or higher in Q1 2015" http://bitbet.us/bet/1070/
915123;1415481491;[]bot;Bet created: "BTC to reach $5000 or higher in Q2 2015" http://bitbet.us/bet/1071/
915125;1415481645;assbot;There should be, ideally, a qntra for every topic, where experts simply tell the truth, plainly, in form and style. Would people get it?
915126;1415481650;BingoBoingo;^ Feedback
915127;1415481708;mircea_popescu;if only we had that many experts.
915128;1415481721;RagnarDanneskjol;deednoon|(somerandomnumber) must be someone who logged in from deedbot.com irc web client fyi
915130;1415482674;thestringpuller;;;ud Philosopher's Legacy
915131;1415482674;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=The+Philosophers+Legacy | The men and women who were involved in The Philosopher's Legacy were also known as the Twelve Wisemen's Committee, the Patriots, or the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo.
915132;1415482804;chetty;punkbot deed http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=5FR9QRDA
915133;1415482805;punkbot;chetty: Queued 1 valid deed for next bundle.
915134;1415482856;punkman;mircea_popescu: I'll make it grab, say the first 100 chars on the first line and use that for titles.
915136;1415482880;punkman;and what about announcing titles here
915137;1415482887;punkman;when bundle is made?
915138;1415482913;mircea_popescu;i would think take out the "bundle made" thing entirely
915139;1415482918;mircea_popescu;and only announce when tx'd.
915140;1415483103;punkman;yeah ok, was more useful before the website existed
915141;1415483111;punkman;will just announce confirms
915142;1415483167;mircea_popescu;you can have it pm if you want for debug purposes or w/e, but otherwise kind-of redundant in chan
915143;1415483413;punkbot;Bundled 1 deed | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/19BXLtDe
915144;1415483754;thestringpuller;!t m s.mpoe
915145;1415483754;assbot;[MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00055921 / 0.00059478 / 0.000603 (235238 shares, 139.92 BTC), 7D: 0.00055921 / 0.00071558 / 0.00078536 (3467149 shares, 2,481.04 BTC), 30D: 0.00055921 / 0.00074278 / 0.00081111 (24002339 shares, 17,828.57 BTC)
915146;1415484010;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 120000 @ 0.00057053 = 68.4636 BTC [+] {4} 
915147;1415485642;mircea_popescu;PeterL hey listen, can you make a website for the scoopbot bot ? put it under blogs.bitcoin-assets.com liek before ?
915148;1415485676;mircea_popescu;i think pankkake published the code he was using somewhere
915149;1415485719;PeterL;mircea_popescu: sure, it is something I was planning to do soon
915151;1415485881;PeterL;;;rate kakobrekla 2 bitbet, assbot, etc
915152;1415485882;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 2 for user kakobrekla has been recorded.
915153;1415485973;punkbot;Confirmed bundle 19BXLtDe1FQC1FSVpSpYwG1RXTvL3k5hzW | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/19BXLtDe
915154;1415486018;PeterL;;;rate danielpbarron 1 https://twitter.com/danielpbarron seems like a nice guy, calls out scammers
915155;1415486020;assbot;Daniel P. Barron (@danielpbarron) on Twitter
915156;1415486020;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user danielpbarron has been recorded.
915157;1415489250;Adlai;"absolved from all allegiance to any entity… is to pay a tax into the coffers of the Bitcoin Foundation"
915158;1415490202;kakobrekla;mircea_popescu heres buttcoin hosting https://coinshost.com/en/
915159;1415490230;asciilifeform;took 20 or so seconds to load
915160;1415490232;asciilifeform;not encouraging.
915161;1415490273;asciilifeform;i don't remember what other people wanted, but i would like a hosting vendor who is in wot.
915162;1415490336;kakobrekla;seems like their page is bit broked
915163;1415490353;kakobrekla;makes some bad requests
915164;1415490359;asciilifeform;no wot presence, no symptoms of actually working tech. what's the appeal then ?
915165;1415490375;kakobrekla;i did not claim appeal
915166;1415490464;kakobrekla;below it sez >Proudly brought to you by Incloudibly.
915168;1415490479;asciilifeform;'If you dont like the Bitcoin Foundation, you could start a new one, right? Sure, absolutely. Just like you could start a new river Thames. Have a shovel. Start digging.' << lol!
915169;1415490481;kakobrekla;only noticed now
915170;1415490491;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla is it any good ?
915171;1415490524;kakobrekla;incloudibly ? i think they are the ones that down allow irc bots
915172;1415490611;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform who's the idiot ?
915173;1415490640;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-11-2014#914881
915174;1415490640;assbot;Logged on 08-11-2014 08:25:40; cazalla: very little news around, read this http://bitcoinmagazine.com/18000/bitcoin-is-teaching-realism-to-libertarians-an-interview-with-old-school-cypherpunk-vinay-gupta/ .. where did i read about gold and problem of keeping it safe before?
915175;1415490643;mircea_popescu;scams as geological features now, what's next, libertardism as a natural satellite ?
915176;1415490659;mircea_popescu;oh, gupta. mkay. who asked him anything or w/e.
915177;1415490926;mircea_popescu; "absolved from all allegiance to any entity is to pay a tax into the coffers of the Bitcoin Foundation" << you gotta re-read.
915178;1415491054;punkman;suppose everyone in assbot wot signs the declaration. doesn't make too much sense to keep 450 copies of the same document.
915179;1415491070;mircea_popescu;why not ?
915180;1415491092;Adlai;what exactly did i miss?
915181;1415491099;mircea_popescu;disk space and bw increase at 100% a year yo.
915182;1415491120;mircea_popescu;Adlai : "absolved from all allegiance to any entity ; if you pay this much no one can ask for more"
915183;1415491153;punkman;well even if I keep 450 copies, would be nice to detect it and present a special page with the document and a list of signatures
915184;1415491177;mircea_popescu;punkbot suppose 200 of those people sign subtly different versions.
915185;1415491200;punkman;well that's that
915186;1415491273;Adlai;mircea_popescu: "is to pay" is a stronger statement than "if you pay, ..."
915187;1415491286;mircea_popescu;besides you know, they prolly go in different bundles, and in general, it's not the signature that's subordinate to the document, but the other way around
915188;1415491296;mircea_popescu;Adlai exactly.
915190;1415491483;assbot;Hacker Dreams Up Crypto Passport Using the Tech Behind Bitcoin | WIRED
915191;1415491557;*;asciilifeform groans
915192;1415491558;mircea_popescu;punkman https://blockchain.info/address/1LAwrWMbPLLSpt7nkD5Jv1Yf4cwPhD98ny << seem you got the url, and also check it out, regularly spent!
915193;1415491558;assbot;Bitcoin Address 1LAwrWMbPLLSpt7nkD5Jv1Yf4cwPhD98ny
915194;1415491591;punkman;mircea_popescu: oh good
915195;1415491605;joecool;oh cool it hooks into blockchain.info now, very nice
915197;1415491635;assbot;Logged on 04-06-2014 00:08:26; asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: the buggers' traditional defense is to pretend that the event was a non-event - or, if this is impractical, to continue living in an imaginary world where they 'scooped' the story first, and all of the 'unsanctioned' discussion never happened.
915198;1415491647;punkman;the bundle txs are unspent, if that's what you meant
915199;1415491650;asciilifeform;(re: the idiot 'passport' thing)
915200;1415491656;mircea_popescu;punkman no, they're spent up to about yest ?
915201;1415491659;mircea_popescu;so someone's on it.
915202;1415491679;punkman;no that's the balance being spent for each next bundle
915203;1415491693;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i don;'t think the wired story has anything to do with anything. for one thing... they EXPIRE ?!?!?!
915204;1415491718;punkman;punkbot balance
915205;1415491718;punkbot;punkman: Balance at 1LAwrWMbPLLSpt7nkD5Jv1Yf4cwPhD98ny is 0.01372 BTC (0.05 unconfirmed), enough for 124 more bundles.
915206;1415491719;Adlai;well, people expire...
915207;1415491722;mircea_popescu;punkman 14r4VdZFYJnGG52B6w9Th7oKjGXU1pDzKX is spent say
915208;1415491734;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: from my first impression, it looked like some savage found a piece of our microscope left in the jungle
915209;1415491748;mircea_popescu;nah, not even that advance.d
915210;1415491774;punkman;mircea_popescu: yeah just noticed, that's good
915211;1415491784;punkman;faucet incentivizes verification
915212;1415491820;asciilifeform;check out the shitgnomes in the comments. 'use keybase!'
915213;1415491849;mircea_popescu;punkman yuppers.
915214;1415491857;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform disqus is disabled here. no comments.
915215;1415491953;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: not missing much
915216;1415492118;punkman;I'm guessing nubbins` will be printing the first batch of La Serenissima passports ;)
915217;1415492212;mircea_popescu;but i mean the passport comes as a temp  freenode:#bitcoin-otc:blabla string
915218;1415492239;punkman;well maybe novelty item then
915219;1415492243;asciilifeform;'passport', if you must, is pubkey
915220;1415492249;asciilifeform;the rest, is merely proving that you have it.
915221;1415492339;mircea_popescu;well wait. identity is pubkey. the rest is the passport.
915222;1415492342;mircea_popescu;ie, proving you have it.
915224;1415492361;asciilifeform;that's a better formulation.
915225;1415492372;punkman;and signature of the kingdom>
915226;1415492492;punkman;btw http://www.icao.int/security/mrtd/pages/ICAOPKD.aspx
915227;1415492494;assbot;ICAO Public Key Directory (PKD)
915228;1415492522;asciilifeform;^ work of satan
915229;1415492576;mircea_popescu;y ?
915231;1415492586;asciilifeform;and guess who has master key.
915232;1415492642;mircea_popescu;but i mean ... they just reused the https crapolade.
915234;1415492656;mircea_popescu;it's not work of satan, it;'s work of whoever was the demon of sloth
915235;1415492686;asciilifeform;god of shit. sterculius.
915236;1415492738;asciilifeform;or... 'Hie thee to hell for shame, and leave the world, Thou cacodemon! There thy kingdom is.' (richard iii)
915237;1415492753;asciilifeform;(cacodemon, as seen in 'doom'.)
915238;1415492863;Adlai;passports as private key... remind me of some gag where a bitcoiner gets some "paper wallets" for his fiat account and discovers that his keys are printed in cleartext on every page
915239;1415492894;mircea_popescu;you mean like bank account numbers ?
915241;1415492899;assbot;So I went to open a checking account today...How these banks have stayed in business this long is beyond reason. : Bitcoin
915242;1415492929;mircea_popescu;fun story : romania's dictators had nfi that they will be shot. because srsly, who would shoot obama, and why ?!?!?!
915243;1415492938;mircea_popescu;eventually, as things got out of control they ran off in a helicopter
915244;1415492957;mircea_popescu;the woman, being also a mother, took some money with her for her children.
915245;1415492975;mircea_popescu;these consisted of accounts drawn against the national (and only) bank
915246;1415492979;mircea_popescu;and the passwords were their names.
915247;1415493017;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this is in no way surprising.
915248;1415493031;mircea_popescu;one of those things only ever surprising in retrospect.
915249;1415493085;mircea_popescu;punkbot balance
915250;1415493085;punkbot;mircea_popescu: Balance at 1LAwrWMbPLLSpt7nkD5Jv1Yf4cwPhD98ny is 0.06372 BTC (0.0 unconfirmed), enough for 579 more bundles.
915251;1415493090;asciilifeform;who would have dared to monkey with the tyrant's bank account when he was on the throne.
915252;1415493113;asciilifeform;and who gave half a rat's arse after.
915253;1415493121;mircea_popescu;speaking of which, another fun story :
915254;1415493142;mircea_popescu;romanian defence minister got sent to russia on business, including to buy some fighter jets.
915255;1415493182;mircea_popescu;dictator-wife goes through dictator paperwork, wtf, why do "we" need planes.
915256;1415493188;mircea_popescu;guy decides not to buy planes anymoar.
915257;1415493199;mircea_popescu;aparatus desperately calls to moscow, pls to not sign anymore
915258;1415493199;asciilifeform;elena the 'chemist' ?
915259;1415493203;mircea_popescu;"too late". yes, her.
915261;1415493216;asciilifeform;al schwartz had many good elene c. stories
915262;1415493216;mircea_popescu;so it is decided that... fancy this... they'll simply not pay.
915263;1415493221;mircea_popescu;ie, ignor the matter altogether.
915264;1415493223;asciilifeform;the faux 'chemistry' really grated on him
915265;1415493244;mircea_popescu;at which point ppl are like wtf, this is some sort of a kindergarten act ?! who ever heard of this
915266;1415493247;mircea_popescu;(summer of 1989)
915267;1415493368;mircea_popescu;ftr, grep -v -f is atrociously ineffectual for large files.
915268;1415493378;mircea_popescu;is this for a good reason or just bad gnutella ?
915269;1415493414;asciilifeform;aside from the fundamentally bigger set ?
915270;1415493482;mircea_popescu;shouldn't grep -v -f (x rand(x)) y rand(y) be a function of x*y ?
915271;1415493496;mircea_popescu;this looks more like it's x^y or some shit.
915272;1415493528;Adlai;exceeding various cache sizes?
915273;1415493546;mircea_popescu;shouldn't it just tree the f ?
915274;1415493716;Adlai;pure speculation: it caches the list of -f patterns, then goes over the input lines, testing all patterns on each line. this would have a sharp performance drop as the patterns overflow caches.
915275;1415493738;asciilifeform;the fact that no one here is willing to answer this question by attempting to read the source, says something about the latter.
915276;1415493774;*;Adlai is busy worshipping sterculius
915277;1415493774;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform have you LOOKED at grep source ?
915279;1415493794;mircea_popescu;im not paying for a week of graybeard to go into its guts tyvm.
915280;1415493799;*;asciilifeform said this for a reason.
915281;1415494006;mircea_popescu;anyway, stercum means shit. sterculius sounds like the god of diarrhea
915282;1415494023;asciilifeform;;;google sterculius
915283;1415494024;gribble;Sterquilinus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; STERCULIUS - the Roman God of Manure (Roman mythology): ; Urban Dictionary: Sterculius: 
915284;1415494036;*;asciilifeform forgets where and how
915285;1415494091;Adlai;indeed, i'd like to deal with at most one turd at a time
915286;1415496075;punkman;here's a thought: .sign AQLSTVsF http://paste.com/detached_sig.txt
915287;1415496131;punkman;it just goes in as a regular deed, but punkbot knows how to verify sig
915288;1415496160;punkman;(where AQLSTVsF, any deed id)
915289;1415496274;punkman;and btw, you can even post binary data as deed with :gpg --sign --armor
915290;1415496294;punkman;could allow larger limit for teh lords
915291;1415496311;punkman;(32kb currently)
915293;1415497052;assbot;Feds Begin Their Crackdown on Bitcoin Stocks | WIRED
915294;1415497086;asciilifeform;'...a crackdown that could affect promising Bitcoin 2.0 projects such as Ethereum, MaidSafe, and Counterparty.'
915295;1415497088;*;asciilifeform groans
915296;1415497107;asciilifeform;and the verbiage is straight from last week's turds
915297;1415497199;punkman;"Keirns was doing what came naturally. He had a business idea, and he created a fund."
915298;1415497337;mircea_popescu;punkman so basically what, it verifies an alt-sig for the body of a prev deed ?
915299;1415497355;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yeah, because the scams hadn't already been cracked down upon a year ago, right here.
915300;1415497369;mircea_popescu;the insanity is strong with these guys.
915301;1415497382;punkman;mircea_popescu: yeah, I'd sign your raw deed, then send detached sig to bot
915302;1415497396;mircea_popescu;so how does it publish it ?
915303;1415497400;mircea_popescu;and where does it put it ?
915304;1415497419;asciilifeform;(yes, said it before, but) http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-06-2014#700916
915305;1415497419;assbot;Logged on 04-06-2014 00:08:26; asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: the buggers' traditional defense is to pretend that the event was a non-event - or, if this is impractical, to continue living in an imaginary world where they 'scooped' the story first, and all of the 'unsanctioned' discussion never happened.
915306;1415497420;punkman;the detached sig becomes the body of a new deed, included in bundles as usual
915307;1415497440;asciilifeform;not 'insanity' as such, just very arduously pretending that we don't exist.
915308;1415497449;mircea_popescu;;;rate wired -1 such horribru coverage from the it kindergarten fishwrapper.
915309;1415497450;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of -1 for user wired has been recorded.
915310;1415497456;mircea_popescu;ow shit.
915313;1415497478;gribble;(unrate ) -- Remove your rating for  from the database.
915314;1415497492;mircea_popescu;jesus the wot is packed so thight you can't even throw a rock at the swamp without hitting someone
915315;1415497494;mircea_popescu;;;unrate wired
915316;1415497495;gribble;Successfully removed your rating for wired.
915317;1415497591;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform anyway, "we're ~cracking down~ dontcha know, notwithstanding that we have no authority. this activity without effect could nevertheless which could affect scams we sponsored to try and destroy this thing but it didn't work out".
915318;1415497604;mircea_popescu;such false->anything->anything->anything genius.
915319;1415497686;mircea_popescu;punkman so how would a 3rd party verify the contentless signature is anything ?
915320;1415497796;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19700 @ 0.00058756 = 11.5749 BTC [+]
915321;1415497872;punkman;mircea_popescu: I guess referenced deed id is included along with detached sig
915322;1415497882;mircea_popescu;so then what was the benefit ?
915323;1415497889;mircea_popescu;srsly, it's good as it is, no need fixing.
915324;1415497915;mircea_popescu;the fact that thew system offers a strong guarantee that any deed can be verified in 1 step is valuable.
915325;1415497919;mircea_popescu;that value needn't be squandered.
915326;1415498443;mircea_popescu;"Unfortunately, earnings reported in corporate financial  statements are no longer the dominant variable that determines  whether there are any real earnings for you, the owner.  For only  gains in purchasing power represent real earnings on investment. If you (a) forego ten hamburgers to purchase an investment; (b) receive dividends which, after tax, buy two hamburgers; and (c) receive, upon sale of your holdings, aft
915327;1415498443;mircea_popescu;er-tax proceeds that will  buy eight hamburgers, then (d) you have had no real income from  your investment, no matter how much it appreciated in dollars. You may feel richer, but you wont eat richer."
915328;1415498449;mircea_popescu;guess who.
915329;1415498890;decimation;taleb?  you?
915330;1415498905;mircea_popescu;actually, buffett.
915331;1415498907;mircea_popescu;but in 1980.
915332;1415499048;decimation;heh.  I wonder if he used this as a defense of his anti-dividend policy
915333;1415499174;decimation;lol http://techcrunch.com/2014/11/07/codecademy-reskillusa/ << recycle jobless 'workers' to skilled web developers in three months, please please usg you pay?
915334;1415499175;assbot;Codecademy Teams Up With Online And Offline Coding Schools To Create ReskillUSA  |  TechCrunch
915335;1415499242;mircea_popescu;well... promising 2.0 businesses such as ethereum could use more css...
915337;1415500358;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12400 @ 0.00057487 = 7.1284 BTC [-]
915338;1415502231;pete_dushenski;punkbot deed http://pastebin.com/b83yTQaz
915339;1415502231;assbot;-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----  Hash: SHA512    Title: BITCOIN DECLARATION O - Pastebin.com
915340;1415502231;punkbot;pete_dushenski: Queued 1 valid deed for next bundle.
915341;1415502907;Adlai;!s urbit
915342;1415502908;assbot;117 results for 'urbit' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=urbit
915343;1415502947;punkbot;Bundled 1 deed | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/17J6NAKN
915344;1415503136;decimation;have you used urbit Adlai?
915345;1415503148;Adlai;nope, just encountering this now
915346;1415503652;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17169 @ 0.00056483 = 9.6976 BTC [-]
915347;1415504355;punkbot;Confirmed bundle 17J6NAKN9aiFNcdesz417hXZqtixLk6wpw | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/17J6NAKN
915348;1415505360;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19900 @ 0.00056101 = 11.1641 BTC [-]
915350;1415506156;assbot;La Serenissima: Sovereign, Declares Tithe³ | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski
915351;1415506458;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16371 @ 0.00056331 = 9.2219 BTC [+]
915352;1415506797;RagnarDanneskjol;i like the declaration but fuck the tax bs for gots sake man.  I refuse to sign it!  not cool pete
915353;1415507340;cazalla;RagnarDanneskjol, i don't think anyone said you had to sign it
915354;1415507363;RagnarDanneskjol;i didnt say they did.  just passing an opinion
915355;1415507497;RagnarDanneskjol;in particular the words it is established and moral requirement are unconscionable
915356;1415507614;asciilifeform;RagnarDanneskjol: ask mircea_popescu
915357;1415507619;asciilifeform;he wrote it.
915358;1415507653;RagnarDanneskjol;ahh ok, I'll take it up with the boss then - thought it originated w/ pete. thanks
915359;1415507671;asciilifeform;as i understand, he is trying to somehow deal with the little problem of no one standing up to unwedge 0.5.3 block loader.
915360;1415507705;asciilifeform;none of the folks here seem to have the magic combo of skill, inclination, and free time
915361;1415507715;RagnarDanneskjol;i get it.  there is quite a bit of volunteer support about to flood this channel for this purpose
915362;1415507727;RagnarDanneskjol;qualified support
915363;1415507739;asciilifeform;about to?
915364;1415507743;asciilifeform;what are they waiting for?
915365;1415507747;decimation;to sign a deed?
915367;1415507777;RagnarDanneskjol;I need to round up the troops and do some crash coursing in wot, etc first
915368;1415507820;asciilifeform;if the troops are able and willing to follow jurov's turdatron rules (as well as produce quality work) - great news.
915369;1415507847;RagnarDanneskjol;we'll see.  making no promises
915370;1415507867;asciilifeform;but unless i am mistaken, mircea_popescu is proceeding from an understanding that a quality reference implementation will require paid experts.
915371;1415507878;asciilifeform;hence his proclamation of 'tithe'
915372;1415507883;RagnarDanneskjol;might be that too
915373;1415507896;RagnarDanneskjol;got it.  tithe I can live with.  tax not so much
915374;1415507902;RagnarDanneskjol;can you pls direct me to jurov's requirements?
915375;1415507912;RagnarDanneskjol;or the rules of contention
915376;1415507917;asciilifeform;RagnarDanneskjol: http://therealbitcoin.org/mailman/listinfo/btc-dev
915377;1415507926;RagnarDanneskjol;oh that ok
915378;1415507927;asciilifeform;described in 'submitting patches'
915379;1415507936;RagnarDanneskjol;right got it
915380;1415507953;asciilifeform;the only thing not mentioned there, is the absolute need for patches to be readable
915381;1415507965;RagnarDanneskjol;i see
915382;1415507986;asciilifeform;that is, it must address a specific thing, and patch is not really considered worthwhile until other participants are willing to sign it.
915383;1415508008;RagnarDanneskjol;should be interesting
915384;1415508034;asciilifeform;(which others must sign? this question has not been formally answered yet. on account of there not being a real maintainer.)
915385;1415508046;asciilifeform;i did the last merge personally, and i think a few folks here are using it
915386;1415508056;asciilifeform;but i'm not an 'official' anything.
915387;1415508088;asciilifeform;(other than being the devil who led these folks into the temptation of trying to craft a 'reference implementation.')
915389;1415508116;asciilifeform;i also wrote a few of the simple patches found on jurov's site right now
915391;1415508146;asciilifeform;entirely crud removal (of, e.g., gavin's 'emergency broadcast' crap)
915392;1415508182;decimation;asciilifeform: I did mange to get it working on openbsd, I think it wedged in a different spot
915393;1415508196;asciilifeform;decimation: i suspect that if you kill the db and run it again - different yet.
915394;1415508201;decimation;I had to add a few headers
915395;1415508206;asciilifeform;decimation: because non-deterministic - once db is corrupt, wedge.
915396;1415508209;decimation;yeah I was using the 'ports' db, which is 4.6 I think
915397;1415508210;asciilifeform;when corrups? no one knows
915398;1415508701;RagnarDanneskjol;speaking of support, how you been chalbersma - LA treating you ok
915399;1415508727;chalbersma;Ya been super busy. But it's nice out hear.
915400;1415508740;chalbersma;What seems to be the support problem you speak of?
915401;1415508813;RagnarDanneskjol;well, the folks here started a movement to roll back btc core development to a pristine, decrufted state
915402;1415508837;RagnarDanneskjol;and looking for guys like you with some hands on experience to contribute
915403;1415508846;chalbersma;Hmm sounds interesting.
915404;1415508854;RagnarDanneskjol;yea, should be fun
915405;1415508874;RagnarDanneskjol;getting some links to bring you up to speed
915408;1415508970;assbot;The Bitcoin Foundation finally incorporated! pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 
915411;1415508988;assbot;Introducing A New Bitcoin Foundation | Qntra.net
915412;1415509020;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 58120 @ 0.0005603 = 32.5646 BTC [-] {2} 
915413;1415509356;Adlai;nice domain name byte order :D
915414;1415509414;chalbersma;Looks interesting.
915415;1415509572;chalbersma;I assume they're hosting the code somewhere?
915416;1415509654;RagnarDanneskjol;really only here for now:  http://therealbitcoin.org   no github or anything yet
915418;1415509986;decimation;there's nothing like reading a slow signal on an old analog scope
915419;1415510511;RagnarDanneskjol;chalbersma - also worth mentioning (what's wrong w/ the 'official' ver): http://cascadianhacker.com/blog/2014/10/20_a-summary-of-changes-to-bitcoin-since-0321.html
915420;1415510512;assbot;A summary of changes to Bitcoin since 0.3.21
915421;1415510545;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16350 @ 0.00056317 = 9.2078 BTC [+] {2} 
915422;1415510667;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20124 @ 0.00056367 = 11.3433 BTC [+]
915423;1415510884;mircea_popescu; in particular the words it is established and moral requirement are unconscionable << why ?
915424;1415510902;mircea_popescu; as i understand, he is trying to somehow deal with the little problem of no one standing up to unwedge 0.5.3 block loader. << nah, not related.
915425;1415511044;mircea_popescu; decimation: i suspect that if you kill the db and run it again - different yet. << pretty much how this works yes.
915426;1415511114;mircea_popescu;<Adlai> nice domain name byte order :D << ben_vulpes idea
915427;1415511566;RagnarDanneskjol;mircea_popescu i suppose the notion of taxation in any form makes my brain burn -whether it be through force, state declaration or moral requirement.  I am all in favor of the foundation and will likely contribute more than .01% of my earnings to it, but pressing a moral obligation or establishing a rule/precedent for 'taxation' for anyone participating in btc commerce just doesn't make
915428;1415511567;RagnarDanneskjol;any sense to me -especially until the foundation proves its worth/value
915429;1415511611;RagnarDanneskjol;*especially without
915430;1415512166;mircea_popescu;RagnarDanneskjol well... you familiar with the expression "i gave at the office" ?
915431;1415512224;RagnarDanneskjol;i dont think so. maybe
915432;1415512306;mircea_popescu;anyway, arguing against all tax may be a difficult tack for your average business trying to get on with its business rather than become noam chomsky.
915433;1415512335;mircea_popescu;manwhile, if they subscribe to this, they don't have to : "i won't pay you any tax, not for any other reason than that ~i already paid~".
915434;1415512337;mircea_popescu;case closed.
915435;1415512433;RagnarDanneskjol;ha, if only it were that easy
915436;1415512436;mircea_popescu;so in this sense, it's politically useful. while i can appreciate the philosophical argument of "epsilon is still fundamentally different from 0", it doesn't carry as much practical importance as all that. for one thing, everyone feels entitled to tax you .1%, including any bank moving your money, and so on and so forth. heck, the miners are taxing about 0.1%
915437;1415512484;mircea_popescu;making it a moral imperative rather than a legal imperative is also important, precisely because the ancient style of voluntary taxation is actually superior, on all scores, to whatever coercitive crap the socialists are doing today.
915438;1415512547;RagnarDanneskjol;not a tax - those are fees - paying for a service - one can opt out.   point taken on moral vs legal imperative..  its the imperative part i'm still struggling with
915439;1415512591;mircea_popescu;ever read http://trilema.com/2013/some-basic-discussion-of-charity/ ?
915440;1415512592;assbot;Some basic discussion of charity pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 
915441;1415512618;RagnarDanneskjol;oohh - I believe i missed it..  reading nao
915442;1415512640;mircea_popescu;main point being that ever since kant, all sorts of imperatives are left around.
915443;1415512666;RagnarDanneskjol;hmm. i see
915444;1415514068;scoopbot;New post on BTC Scoop by peter: http://blog.btcscoop.com/nopdf-a-pdf-to-text-conversion-tool/
915445;1415514221;PeterL;mircea_popescu: ^this one's for you :)
915446;1415514286;*;Adlai tries his hand at the turd polish
915447;1415514644;Adlai;https://github.com/adlai/bitcoin/tree/polish asciilifeform RagnarDanneskjol chalbersma and anybody else... fork and reuse
915448;1415514644;assbot;adlai/bitcoin at polish · GitHub
915450;1415514706;Adlai;np, and welcome
915451;1415514876;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18254 @ 0.00056483 = 10.3104 BTC [+]
915452;1415514886;mircea_popescu;PeterL ah splwendid!
915453;1415514927;mircea_popescu;!s pdf
915454;1415514928;assbot;303 results for 'pdf' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=pdf
915456;1415515047;PeterL;I wonder if I should be caching a copy of documents so that it does not have to do the conversion for everybody clicking the link you just posted?
915457;1415515089;mircea_popescu;the next words out of my mouth were, PeterL pls to cache documents and
915458;1415515130;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla feature request : when assbot parses a pdf url, can it spit it out with http://btcscoop.com/cgi-bin/convert.py?docurl= prefixed for convenience, while also making a http request so as to start the conversion ?
915459;1415515150;mircea_popescu;PeterL "HTTP gateway timed out". caching's a must.
915460;1415515183;mircea_popescu;also if you queue incoming requests you can make sure you don't overrun your resources. sorta like how phuctor works
915461;1415515204;PeterL;hmm, now thinking of best way to do this ...
915462;1415515380;kakobrekla;convert on first request then serve from disk
915463;1415515383;kakobrekla;for converter.
915464;1415516023;Adlai;chalbersma (and anybody else who may have looked at the repo), please make sure to pull the non-FF changes that properly attribute commit authors
915465;1415516222;chalbersma;When I get a chance to do some hacking I'll be sure to.
915466;1415519633;ben_vulpes;an interesting approach, Adlai.
915467;1415519636;ben_vulpes;i'll link in the AM.
915468;1415519665;ben_vulpes;the thing is best pursued as the outputs of *authors*, rather than any sort of "blessed" anything by any sort of "foundation".
915469;1415519704;ben_vulpes;in the same vein as the declaration, the only code that matters is that as published by *individuals*, and only ever those in the wot.
915470;1415519739;ben_vulpes;Adlai: do us all a favor, and send the mailing list an email, yeah?
915471;1415519776;ben_vulpes;describe the repo in question and your branching policy if you have such and the time to elaborate upon it.
915472;1415520332;mircea_popescu;!up phish
915473;1415520605;mircea_popescu;"I lost a shit load in investments. I dont have anymore BTC left."
915474;1415520618;mircea_popescu;random forum imbecile, november 5th 2014.
915475;1415520637;mircea_popescu;"investments" they're called. mpoe-pr was totally a smart way to use money huh.
915476;1415520668;ben_vulpes;who is this: http://futurerant.tumblr.com/
915477;1415520668;assbot;        FutureRant    
915478;1415520745;mircea_popescu;nobody ?
915479;1415520748;mircea_popescu;!up zanza
915480;1415520758;mircea_popescu;"In my last post, I posited a fictional world, Crypton, where no governments1 back up contracts with the threat of force2."
915481;1415520781;mircea_popescu;"i read some shit from last year's trilema and here's my inept respinning of it!"
915482;1415520803;zanza;has anyone tried Bit4x?
915483;1415520823;mircea_popescu;isn;'t that kakobrekla's thing ?
915484;1415520837;zanza;yeah, he lists this as the IRC channel :o
915487;1415520876;zanza;hey :D
915489;1415520898;zanza;bit4x good site?  i am looking to do forex in bitcoin
915490;1415520924;zanza;it seems to have goot OTC review
915492;1415520931;kakobrekla;well the site isnt that good but the service is
915493;1415520946;zanza;ok :)   cool ill send an email and like to setup an cct
915496;1415520972;kakobrekla;should work
915497;1415520987;zanza;the people on Bitcointalk seem rude
915499;1415521004;mircea_popescu;http://altcoinpress.com/2014/11/american-bitcoin-pirate-slammed-for-securities-violations/ << i don't get it. how is the pic related ?
915500;1415521005;assbot;  American Bitcoin Pirate Slammed for Securities Violations
915501;1415521017;mircea_popescu;zanza they're dumb is the problem. rude, whatever.
915503;1415521033;mircea_popescu;"Greg Matthews is an internet pioneer and early domainer. "
915504;1415521057;mircea_popescu;seriously ? fucking retard world out there. "little timmy dribbles is an early cerealizer and soup eater"
915505;1415521069;zanza;Kakobrekla, may I ask, does running the Bit4x site have a lot of risk for you?  i mean if prices change
915506;1415521087;zanza;or is it not that risky if price changes
915507;1415521114;mircea_popescu;" After selling his ISP company in 2007, he began work as a researcher and advocate for digital currencies. He enjoys working as a freelance writer and is editor in chief at Altcoin Press." totally, 5 year gap in the mongoloid's cv. spent 2007-2013 staring at a brick.
915508;1415521129;kakobrekla;for my part there is very little risk
915509;1415521152;zanza;ok, so do you balance the bitcoin storage somehow like I forget the word
915510;1415521173;zanza;so the price change doesn't effect you
915511;1415521181;zanza;I assume you use your own money to do the forex
915512;1415521186;mircea_popescu;you looking for hedge ?
915513;1415521186;zanza;and keep BTC as reserve
915515;1415521194;zanza;*ding ding*
915516;1415521220;kakobrekla;everything i do is btc denomiated
915517;1415521240;zanza;but you can't trade currency with BTC right?  like Eur/USD
915518;1415521255;kakobrekla;you can
915519;1415521259;zanza;ahh, ok
915520;1415521263;zanza;got it thanks!
915521;1415521273;kakobrekla;you cant trade btcusd or btcxxx
915522;1415521314;zanza;is business ok for you?  something you will continue doing in the future?
915523;1415521323;zanza;hoping it gets bigger
915524;1415521342;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23988 @ 0.00056483 = 13.5491 BTC [+]
915525;1415521356;*;mircea_popescu perks ears for this one.
915526;1415521364;zanza;I was reading Bitcointalk, people are looking for Forex to do with Bitcoin, but the main issue is trust
915527;1415521376;mircea_popescu;it's rare that noobs manage to ask questions i actually want to hear the answer to.
915529;1415521419;zanza;but the main Forex companies are so regulated by government I don't want to deal with them
915530;1415521435;zanza;none of them allow you to keep BTC balance I believe
915531;1415521485;kakobrekla;yes, more things to come soon
915532;1415521486;kakobrekla;there will web interface, api, internal signals, maybe mobile
915533;1415521486;kakobrekla;will be*
915534;1415521487;mircea_popescu;zanza if it helps you, kakobrekla had ~100 btc investment from F.MPIF for a few months, in his panacea forex fund. he paid back.
915535;1415521495;mircea_popescu;the details are in the f.mpif reports.
915536;1415521522;zanza;cool :)  I think it is a great idea
915537;1415521531;zanza;and has very big possibility
915538;1415521534;zanza;in  the future
915539;1415521708;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5650 @ 0.00056397 = 3.1864 BTC [-]
915540;1415522148;mircea_popescu;a spoonful of dung has very big possibility, in the future.
915541;1415522258;kakobreklaa;blah, bnc died
915542;1415522283;Adlai;;;isup www.bit4x.com
915543;1415522286;gribble;www.bit4x.com is down
915544;1415522297;kakobreklaa;ah our friend is listening
915546;1415522341;kakobreklaa;lucky i update the page once every 6 months or so you can look at internet archive for freshest news
915547;1415522371;mircea_popescu;kakobreklaa lol are you being persecuted ?
915548;1415522380;kakobreklaa;looks like
915549;1415522421;mircea_popescu;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m54SmVsQqgc << lmao check out them crazy candians
915550;1415522421;assbot;Loreena McKennitt - La Serenissima - YouTube
915551;1415522466;Adlai;kakobreklaa: so, this works entirely through mt4?
915552;1415522518;kakobreklaa;Adlai yea
915553;1415522542;Adlai;and scripting could be done with eg https://github.com/pczarn/metatrader-multilang ?
915554;1415522543;assbot;pczarn/metatrader-multilang · GitHub
915555;1415522603;kakobreklaa;idk if that works
915556;1415522624;kakobreklaa;i have a 0mq that will eat pgp
915557;1415522630;Adlai;upon further examination it does not seem to work
915558;1415522669;Adlai;or more precisely... it works, but not as expected by the optimistic plumber
915559;1415522692;Adlai;please tell us more about your pgpivorous steroid socket
915560;1415522758;kakobreklaa;not much to it, you send a signcrypted message to socket and get back an answer, just like mpex works
915562;1415522800;kakobreklaa;not yet
915564;1415522838;Adlai;live public coaching via irc sometime next week?
915565;1415522848;*;Adlai will be away for a while
915566;1415522865;kakobreklaa;lol whats the rush
915567;1415522895;mircea_popescu;apparently people wanna use your things
915568;1415522902;Adlai;amazing feeling innit
915569;1415522902;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY!
915570;1415522902;mircea_popescu;much to everyone's surprise o.o
915571;1415522975;Adlai;to assuage that look of terminal shock in your eyes: there's no real rush, i have an endless list of other turds to polish
915572;1415522989;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9700 @ 0.00056397 = 5.4705 BTC [-]
915573;1415522991;kakobreklaa;see i knew it
915575;1415523039;Adlai;but running scalpl on something other than btcfiat has been on the back burner for a long time, in part due to not wanting to touch any glitzy forex gambler-traps
915576;1415523070;mircea_popescu;omg kako stop sabotaging yourself, you're ready darling! pop that cherry!
915577;1415523121;Adlai;for all i know, my current parameters could be totally overfit to the quirks of two btcfiat marketplaces, or worse, the whole algorithm could be overfit to bitcoin's crazyness and may be totally worthless elsewhere
915578;1415523147;Adlai;so this is a fairly important avenue to explore
915579;1415523291;*;Adlai has to wait at least a week though, his qntry needs him
915580;1415523903;cazalla; http://altcoinpress.com/2014/11/american-bitcoin-pirate-slammed-for-securities-violations/ << i don't get it. how is the pic related ? <<< same guy who claimed his friends/family called him satoshi's drunk uncle
915581;1415523904;assbot;  American Bitcoin Pirate Slammed for Securities Violations
915582;1415523989;mircea_popescu;so he's basically a drunk ?
915585;1415524037;assbot;Logged on 08-09-2014 22:35:52; mircea_popescu: "Thank you for this clarification Mr. Nakamoto. It has been an honor to be labeled by my friends as "Satoshi's Drunk Uncle" and it's a moniker I'll wear proudly until the day I retire from Crypto. The Goldcoin (GLD) developers truly admire your work and strive to continue improving upon its design as a tribute to your unparallelled genius. Your admirer and relative in spirit, MicroGuy."
915586;1415524048;cazalla;that is what i refer to
915587;1415524099;mircea_popescu;lol drunkle
915588;1415524100;Adlai;(the author of the altcoinpress article)
915589;1415524136;mircea_popescu;wait. this dumb schmuck is talking to someone who isn't satoshi about how his fambly jesus christ
915590;1415524144;mircea_popescu;things just got too redditesque all of a sudden.
915591;1415524146;cazalla;this might be the first day since qntra started that i did not post.. nothing of interest today
915592;1415524165;mircea_popescu;"relative in spirit" ?
915594;1415524227;mircea_popescu;incomprehensible the void powering these... things, whatever they are. what was he doing before, talking to a bottle of draino about how he's bald in spirit, just like the genie guy ?
915595;1415524361;mircea_popescu;http://www.fustar.info/wp-content/images/mr-proper.jpg < whatever that's called.
915596;1415524412;mircea_popescu;speaking of which,
915597;1415524424;mircea_popescu;;;later tell nubbins` http://www.fustar.info/2010/05/04/the-9th-circle-film-club-cybertracker-1994/ << this guy wanted a tshirt, in like 2010
915598;1415524425;assbot;The 9th Circle Film Club: CyberTracker (1994) | Fustar
915599;1415524425;gribble;The operation succeeded.
915600;1415524881;punkman;any objections to punkbot changing name to "notary"?
915602;1415524977;Adlai;how about 'stuffy', ie 'not airy'
915603;1415525100;punkman;from that microguy https://www.startjoin.com/gogold
915604;1415525101;assbot;South African Goldcoin GLD Conference project on StartJOIN
915605;1415525124;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33300 @ 0.0005609 = 18.678 BTC [-] {2} 
915606;1415525396;cazalla;punkman, he drinks fosters in his youtube videos and is under the impression that makes him an honorary australia
915607;1415525410;cazalla;australian* even
915608;1415525551;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16150 @ 0.00056039 = 9.0503 BTC [-]
915610;1415525613;assbot;South African Goldcoin (GLD) Conference - YouTube
915611;1415525666;Adlai;gribble | Error: Username already registered. Try a different username. << fucker
915612;1415525682;Adlai;help echangekey
915613;1415525699;punkman;my favourite australian beverage: http://www.kellysdistributors.net.au/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/5e06319eda06f020e43594a9c230972d/f/i/file_231.jpg
915614;1415525757;cazalla;punkman, prefer the gingerbeer and sarsparilla
915615;1415525787;punkman;yeah the gingerbeer wasn't bad either
915616;1415525827;punkman;I can't get a decent gingerbeer around here, been considering brewing my own
915617;1415525840;Adlai;how do i add a gpg identity to my gribble account? i'm already registered with a bitcoin address, and gribble responds to eregister and echangekey with "Error: Username already registered. Try a different username."
915618;1415526027;punkman;adlai, echangekey should work I think, what error does it give you?
915619;1415526043;Adlai;Adlai | oh, a better question would be "in which keyserver does gribble look"
915620;1415526058;punkman;sks and mit
915621;1415526248;Adlai;punkman: ugh, it's sending me an encrypted otp, but responds to eauth with "Error: You have not registered a GPG key. Try using bcauth instead, or register a GPG key first."
915622;1415526271;punkman;auth with bc, then changekey?
915623;1415526277;Adlai;;;ident adlai
915624;1415526277;gribble;Nick 'adlai', with hostmask 'Adlai!~Adlai@gateway/tor-sasl/adlai', is identified as user 'Adlai', with GPG key id None, key fingerprint None, and bitcoin address 13dkw1PtojBW74FN7ERbHqoEvgsTmtARuj
915625;1415526451;Adlai;;;ident adlai
915626;1415526451;gribble;Nick 'adlai', with hostmask 'Adlai!~Adlai@gateway/tor-sasl/adlai', is identified as user 'Adlai', with GPG key id 4D88596A7CDA03F9, key fingerprint FCBC64EFDF1D6C1E4E964AEE4D88596A7CDA03F9, and bitcoin address 13dkw1PtojBW74FN7ERbHqoEvgsTmtARuj
915627;1415526486;Adlai;that took way too fucking long and is just as [in]secure as using a privkey >_<
915628;1415526541;punkman;how so?
915629;1415526609;Adlai;they're both the same overall protocol, just a serialization formats and signature algorithms
915630;1415526625;Adlai;s/ a /different/
915631;1415526730;punkman;well whaddayawant, second factor via SMS?
915632;1415526886;Adlai;ben_vulpes: i'm not seeing it in the mailing list yet, and i have to leave. hope this cuts it: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=pCFcsbrW
915633;1415526922;punkman;Adlai, gotta wait for key to reach jurov
915634;1415526967;*;Adlai waits on the go
915635;1415527015;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32051 @ 0.00056006 = 17.9505 BTC [-] {3} 
915636;1415527524;cazalla;punkbot deed http://pastebin.com/QRgj8LL0
915637;1415527524;assbot;-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----  Hash: SHA512    Title: BITCOIN DECLARATION O - Pastebin.com
915638;1415527524;punkbot;cazalla: Queued 1 valid deed for next bundle.
915639;1415528188;punkbot;Bundled 1 deed | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/17QDikg3
915640;1415528762;punkbot;Confirmed bundle 17QDikg3DHHNPnbq43ScYq17nMsN1G4XSo | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/17QDikg3
915641;1415528884;punkbot;[trust-update] added: adlai
915642;1415529394;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14850 @ 0.00055845 = 8.293 BTC [-]
915643;1415530939;jurov;puknman what key?
915645;1415531052;punkman;adlai tried posting to mail list, but you don't have his key yet
915647;1415531838;PinkPosixPXE;looks like he got authed
915648;1415531845;PinkPosixPXE;;;gpg info adlai
915649;1415531845;gribble;User 'Adlai', with keyid 4D88596A7CDA03F9, fingerprint FCBC64EFDF1D6C1E4E964AEE4D88596A7CDA03F9, and bitcoin address 13dkw1PtojBW74FN7ERbHqoEvgsTmtARuj, registered on Sat Oct  6 00:55:28 2012, last authed on Sun Nov  9 04:47:12 2014. http://b-otc.com/vg?nick=Adlai . Currently authenticated from hostmask Adlai!~Adlai@gateway/tor-sasl/adlai .
915650;1415532078;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11600 @ 0.00055845 = 6.478 BTC [-]
915651;1415532139;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27300 @ 0.00056218 = 15.3475 BTC [+]
915652;1415532752;jurov;;;later tell Adlai you're in
915653;1415532752;gribble;The operation succeeded.
915654;1415537995;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38606 @ 0.00056347 = 21.7533 BTC [+]
915655;1415538056;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24568 @ 0.00056347 = 13.8433 BTC [+]
915656;1415542326;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12100 @ 0.00056629 = 6.8521 BTC [+]
915657;1415543729;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14937 @ 0.00056469 = 8.4348 BTC [-] {2} 
915658;1415547013;mod6;.deed http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=N4G424fA
915659;1415547013;punkbot;mod6: Queued 1 valid deed for next bundle.
915660;1415547715;punkbot;Bundled 1 deed | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1Kd3Fxzj
915661;1415547902;punkbot;Confirmed bundle 1Kd3FxzjPcjGW2icEneEEZgBgX7r37jS1S | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1Kd3Fxzj
915662;1415547960;mod6;<+asciilifeform> gotta sign, so we 'all hang together or separately' (as, i think, were the words of the americans.) << As true today as it was for Benjamin Franklin at the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776
915663;1415548365;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14200 @ 0.00056629 = 8.0413 BTC [+]
915664;1415548792;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13050 @ 0.00056448 = 7.3665 BTC [-]
915665;1415550378;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4100 @ 0.00056448 = 2.3144 BTC [-]
915667;1415550973;asciilifeform;^ http://pastebin.com/AAT1ZWq5
915668;1415550973;assbot;Darknet Sweep Casts Doubt on Tor   Tor Will Be Defeated Again, and Again, and Ag - Pastebin.com
915670;1415551263;asciilifeform;kakobrekla, mircea_popescu, others - re: 'nopdf' - i actually used to own 'nopdf.com' and planned to put a similar widget there. (2009-ish?)
915671;1415551282;asciilifeform;even included the caching thing
915672;1415551333;asciilifeform;but then realized that it would be mostly useless (in those days, almost everything i ever saw in 'pdf' belonged in that or similar format - technical documents heavy on graphics)
915673;1415551359;mircea_popescu;well, you gotta remember, a thing made is always a platform for further things.
915674;1415551408;asciilifeform;i did write a gizmo that outputs graphical render for the pages, but realized that the bandwidth and disk cache costs would break my back, and then let the domain go to the vultures.
915675;1415551540;asciilifeform;the interesting thing is the 'psychiatric' reason for the pestilential spread of pdf for text.
915676;1415551550;asciilifeform;it's essentially the same as the reason 'flash' exists.
915677;1415551602;mircea_popescu;the reason for it is contained in the declaration's last paragraphs.
915678;1415551613;mircea_popescu;governments have actual money to waste, and they do on hiring idiots.
915679;1415551618;asciilifeform;actually it's much simpler
915680;1415551623;mircea_popescu;then those idiots become a group large enough to drive fashions.
915681;1415551642;mircea_popescu;keeping idiots poor and powerless is the only sound purpose of government.
915682;1415551687;asciilifeform;plenty of people who aren't the least bit idiotic or government-affiliated want to package a document and have it appear exactly the same on the other end of the wire.
915683;1415551724;asciilifeform;no demented font substitutions, no dysfunctional selective execution of 'stylesheet' crud, etc.
915684;1415551730;asciilifeform;actual same picture.
915685;1415551749;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform and why do they want this ?
915686;1415551757;mircea_popescu;oh, wait, because the audience is demented and can't be trusted ?
915687;1415551808;asciilifeform;what observables would be different if the audience were not demented, and could be trusted?
915688;1415551823;mircea_popescu;you pump out the text, they figure out how to display it ?
915689;1415551837;mircea_popescu;you know, like... usenet ?!
915690;1415551850;mircea_popescu;nobody perceived a need for pdf back before sept 1993 did they ?
915692;1415551873;asciilifeform;postscript (essentially the guts of pdf) existed.
915694;1415551889;asciilifeform;and heavily used, by academics
915695;1415551891;mircea_popescu;and it was used to ? wait for it!
915696;1415551896;mircea_popescu;to talk to motherfucking printers
915697;1415551899;mircea_popescu;which were demented at the time.
915698;1415551913;asciilifeform;it's still state of the art in driving printer.
915699;1415551916;mircea_popescu;i tell you. fixed-form is an instrument for talking with the braindamaged.
915700;1415551930;mircea_popescu;well yes, because printers are still by and large about as smart as a public servant.
915701;1415551937;mircea_popescu;smart isn't the world. about as sane.
915702;1415551946;asciilifeform;i like manuals, academic papers, etc. in dead tree.
915704;1415551956;asciilifeform;and reflowable text sent to printer, looks like piss.
915705;1415551965;mircea_popescu;it wouldn't have to.
915706;1415551980;asciilifeform;the only solution to above is to essentially do the typesetter's job and latexize it
915707;1415552028;mircea_popescu;you know, while this may well be a pn complete problem in the general case,
915708;1415552036;mircea_popescu;that general case is actually chtulhu speaking
915709;1415552036;asciilifeform;i question that it even makes sense to ask for smart reflow independent of page size and shape
915710;1415552043;mircea_popescu;otherwise, the problem is not nearly as hard as all that.
915711;1415552064;mircea_popescu;dude. i question it even makes sense to have a good programming language right back at ya!
915712;1415552065;asciilifeform;tell that to the latex folks, they would love to know the elixir.
915713;1415552070;mircea_popescu;it ALWAYS makes sense to be smart.
915714;1415552086;asciilifeform;incidentally, they have quite a bit of clever automatics re: reflow
915715;1415552094;asciilifeform;but notice humans are still involved in typesetting.
915717;1415552258;mircea_popescu;fucking fidonet didn't need no stinking pdf.
915718;1415552282;mircea_popescu;and you know what ? it allowed asciiart!
915719;1415552296;mircea_popescu;how the fuck can you do that w/o adobe o noes!
915720;1415552305;mircea_popescu;none of the fucking lines allign! save us microsoft!
915721;1415552320;chetty;adobe is one of the pillars of evil
915722;1415552330;asciilifeform;aha i'll wait for somebody to asciiart my old soviet magazine scans, yes.
915723;1415552389;asciilifeform;basic problem here: if there were ten million idiots swinging hammers at strangers in the city streets, it does not thereby follow that carpenters ought to get by without hammers.
915724;1415552408;mircea_popescu;i am not proposing to remove the carpenter's hammers.
915725;1415552441;chetty;adobe reps were very adept at sabatoge back in the w3c days
915726;1415552442;mircea_popescu;fwiw, asylum, which i typeset myself, was printed as a pdf. the house ran a large web press, did my run in like three hours.
915727;1415553786;asciilifeform;also must appreciate how much hand-driven 'typesetting' (e.g., using linebreaks and editing around known fixed row/column viewers such as the 80x25 term) took place in the 'golden age' of fido et al
915728;1415553891;mircea_popescu;a man is not required to inherit his father's warts.
915729;1415553907;asciilifeform;except those were vital organs, not warts
915730;1415553921;asciilifeform;fact is, i don't want to read code page-broken in random places.
915731;1415553927;mircea_popescu;fixed row/column viewers ? how.
915732;1415553982;asciilifeform;well, elementary case of msdos text mode.
915733;1415554007;asciilifeform;plenty of things were written to fit in its 'screen-full'
915734;1415554058;asciilifeform;but more relevant to printers. fact is, reading anything technical that wasn't formatted for a particular page shape, and suffer idiot breaks.
915735;1415554074;mircea_popescu;these don't sound so much like vital organs.
915737;1415554118;asciilifeform;do you even use printers.
915738;1415554127;ben_vulpes;lookie lookie
915740;1415554144;JorgePasada;Hey Ben :-)
915741;1415554152;JorgePasada;Long time no see
915742;1415554199;*;pete_dushenski wonders why mod6 and asciilifeform signed the tithe3 with SHA1...
915743;1415554215;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: ancient key
915744;1415554233;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform so ancient that you can't setpref to SHA512?
915745;1415554252;*;asciilifeform probably ought to
915746;1415554320;asciilifeform;problem is, let's say the devil has sha1 collision finder, and decides to apply to my case
915747;1415554337;asciilifeform;since my key flag bits permit sha1, he can still, say, sign into gribble as me.
915748;1415554343;asciilifeform;until i retire this key.
915749;1415554346;mod6;pete_dushenski: ah, yah, overlooked the flag *grumble*
915750;1415554383;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yeah, and suppose you see a message from me using sha1 when you know i use sha512.
915751;1415554385;mircea_popescu;what now ?
915752;1415554390;mircea_popescu;canaries are canaries yeh ?
915754;1415554430;mircea_popescu;gotta understand that any big bad only exists as a work of fiction, otherwise is simply a collection of men. gotta give those men ways out, so that "mysterious" and "inexplicable" things happen
915755;1415554451;mircea_popescu;big bad is dumb as rocks, on its own. has nfi what all the things mean.
915756;1415554499;*;asciilifeform thinks back to various stories of captive soldiers getting messages out through various clever means.
915757;1415554504;pete_dushenski;https://www.debian-administration.org/users/dkg/weblog/48 << how to, just on the very-off-chance
915758;1415554505;assbot;Weblog for dkg - HOWTO prep for migration off of SHA-1 in OpenPGP
915759;1415554526;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9554 @ 0.00056563 = 5.404 BTC [+]
915760;1415554529;mircea_popescu;easiest thing in the world is a mistake. the fucking cold war was won not by any other means than... mistakes.
915761;1415554548;pete_dushenski;the cold war was won?
915762;1415554556;mircea_popescu;multiple times.
915763;1415554567;*;pete_dushenski listening
915764;1415554610;mod6;well, i guess there isn't anything I can do now, other than sign it again with 512 ://
915765;1415554633;mircea_popescu;at some point in the cold war, the united states president was a totally inept ninkompoop, principally remembered for having taken his shoes off in the un council. this guy had an oversized military and inept economic policies that stalled the country. his fellow americans didn't think much of him, kept making little mistakes.
915766;1415554662;mircea_popescu;these piled up, eventually the us collapsed of it, took them twenty years to regroup, but meanwhile lost alaska and california.
915767;1415554668;JorgePasada;Anyone going to CCC this year? I'm thinking about making the trip
915768;1415554691;mircea_popescu;course then russia was trying to join california in the warsaw pact, and a bunch of topless aggitator chicks kept fucking the pot,
915769;1415554694;mircea_popescu;so in the end it's unclear.
915771;1415554737;mircea_popescu;shush you :)
915772;1415554753;mircea_popescu;appreciate my "in the end it's unclear" instead. it's damned good :D
915773;1415554805;mircea_popescu;mod6 it's no big deal, just change your pref and forget about it.
915774;1415554821;mircea_popescu;JorgePasada which is ccc again ?
915775;1415554822;mod6;*nod* ok, thanks mp
915776;1415554831;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3000 @ 0.00056629 = 1.6989 BTC [+]
915778;1415554918;assbot;CCC - 31c3 (@31c3) on Twitter
915779;1415554932;JorgePasada;Technically 31c3 is the confrerence I guess
915780;1415554960;JorgePasada;Chaos Computer Club (Conference)
915781;1415555170;mircea_popescu;ah, hamburg is a nice town
915782;1415555170;asciilifeform;punkbot deed http://pastebin.com/kwr11bEU
915783;1415555171;assbot;-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----  Hash: SHA512    Title: BITCOIN DECLARATION O - Pastebin.com
915784;1415555171;punkbot;asciilifeform: Queued 1 valid deed for next bundle.
915785;1415555197;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4382 @ 0.00056629 = 2.4815 BTC [+]
915786;1415555242;pete_dushenski;noob question about pgp keys: is there any sense in airgapping for signing only?
915787;1415555280;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: the point of airgapping is to defend the key. which you are using when you sign, yes
915789;1415555307;ben_vulpes;you can also pull your master key out of the keyring and stash it safely somewhere, pete_dushenski
915790;1415555371;pete_dushenski;so i guess the question is whether keeping a key online for gribble authing is *that* much of a risk
915791;1415555390;asciilifeform;the only person who can correctly determine your favourite level of risk - is you
915793;1415555452;pete_dushenski;i suppose you could use a subkey for gribble and keep the master airgapped
915794;1415555513;asciilifeform;does wot mechanism automatically respect superceding keys?
915795;1415555516;asciilifeform;i still don't know this.
915796;1415555548;asciilifeform;personally, i have always used only the most basic and essential subset of pgp std. functionality.
915797;1415555579;asciilifeform;and wot isn't even the only gizmo here that uses keys
915798;1415555586;asciilifeform;jurov's turdatron, another
915799;1415555602;asciilifeform;and the ultimate champ in cementing ancient keys in place, or so i'm told, mircea_popescu's mpex
915800;1415555611;asciilifeform;where you gotta resubscribe if want to swap key.
915801;1415555701;PeterL;asciilifeform: re flash: my daughter's school uses some online math games, requires flash. I tried to log her in, can't because most recent flash is no longer supporting linux or pre-'08 macOS
915802;1415555731;asciilifeform;PeterL: it is worth thinking about why 'flash' remains a thing.
915803;1415555755;JorgePasada;PeterL: You running something with a PowerPC chip?
915804;1415555758;pete_dushenski;not like jobs didn't try to kill it
915805;1415555767;PeterL;just another way to introduce more dependencies
915806;1415555781;mircea_popescu; personally, i have always used only the most basic and essential subset of pgp std. functionality. <<
915807;1415555782;PeterL;JorgePasada: no, it is an intel
915808;1415555827;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: re: why cement?
915809;1415555829;JorgePasada;PeterL: Couldn't you just download a custom browser package that has a version of flash bundled with it then?
915810;1415555831;punkbot;Bundled 1 deed | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1DDnMWek
915811;1415555835;PeterL;but old enough that it can't upgrade to newer versions of MacOS
915812;1415555842;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no, re i do the same.
915814;1415555853;asciilifeform;i suspect most folks here do this.
915815;1415555854;PeterL;JorgePasada: do they have such things?
915816;1415555883;mircea_popescu;PeterL yeah, flash running browsers have been a ubuntu specialty.
915817;1415555890;PeterL;I don't feel like I need flash enough to get a whole new browser
915818;1415555892;JorgePasada;PeterL: I believe that all versions of chrome do this automatically
915819;1415555925;PeterL;Oh, my computer can't get chrome, in VM Ubuntu the chrome says it can't get the latest flash
915821;1415555951;asciilifeform;http://philip.greenspun.com/research/internet-haters << how we ended up with 'flash' and similar crap.
915822;1415555952;assbot;Internet Haters -- HTML Chapter
915823;1415555965;PeterL;I might just break down and get a newer computer sometime
915824;1415555997;asciilifeform;'flash' survives precisely because it is a mostly opaque binary format, which browsers can't 'spread democracy to'
915825;1415556022;PeterL;sort of the complete opposite of open source?
915826;1415556024;mircea_popescu;that';s a good point.
915827;1415556037;mircea_popescu;PeterL well, yes. "a man in charge" situation.
915828;1415556049;asciilifeform;(see also http://www.loper-os.org/?p=309 )
915829;1415556050;assbot;Loper OS » No Formats, no Format Wars.
915830;1415556061;mircea_popescu;as stupid as the man in charge can be, the benefits often outpace the damage. this was discussed here re stalin
915832;1415556082;asciilifeform;this is why flash survives in spite of being written by - what appears to be downs-syndrome cases
915833;1415556093;asciilifeform;(or simply inept players of 'underhanded c contest')
915834;1415556130;asciilifeform;www in the html-js-and-extension-crud sense is a case of standards 'so open their brains fall out'
915835;1415556148;asciilifeform;a whole gang of vultures 'embraced and extended' them, including but not limited to microshit
915836;1415556175;asciilifeform;everything i just said re: flash, applies also to 'pdf'
915837;1415556196;mircea_popescu;this is, at least in my view, why personal sovereignity is not avoidable on the mid or long term.
915838;1415556205;mircea_popescu;the open/closed software has no stable solution otherwise.
915839;1415556208;asciilifeform;gotta keep democrashit out.
915840;1415556212;asciilifeform;or dissolve in it.
915841;1415556238;mircea_popescu;incidentally, living things seem a little more advanced than our computers on this exact path
915842;1415556260;mircea_popescu;they use exaclty a biological implementation of personal sovereignity to build open but not too open systems that survive well in the world.
915843;1415556283;asciilifeform;a greybeard once described the modern computer as 'apartment with plumbing but no sewer connection'
915845;1415556304;asciilifeform;it did not make sense in my mind at the time.
915846;1415556330;asciilifeform;the above point re: flash and pdf, also applies to game machines.
915847;1415556347;mircea_popescu;but anyway, for the theoretically minded : would you say the b-a software paradigm is open source or closed source ?
915848;1415556353;mircea_popescu;because it technically satisfies both definitions.
915849;1415556362;asciilifeform;one reason why folks still write programs for toys such as 'super nintendo' - despite the need to DIY roms
915850;1415556375;asciilifeform;because the machine is standard. as in, entirely. and entirely stateless except for your rom.
915851;1415556397;asciilifeform;hence definable. and works, like mathematics, rather than like sand castle built in a cesspit.
915852;1415556403;mircea_popescu;yeah hacking the supernintendo is actually still part of training hackers afaik.
915853;1415556404;punkbot;Confirmed bundle 1DDnMWekucn2XDeCHpfgz5MvM5Y6VYiVp2 | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1DDnMWek
915854;1415556416;PeterL;we have a software paradigm now?
915855;1415556419;asciilifeform;b-a software paradigm?
915856;1415556433;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform PeterL it's developing software, is it not ?
915857;1415556456;PeterL;could you specify our paradigm?
915858;1415556461;asciilifeform;from what i can personally see, it's heavy on the duct tape
915859;1415556476;asciilifeform;and likely to suffer the fate of the first deedbot at some point, possibly repeatedly
915860;1415556481;mircea_popescu;PeterL well, it should be obvious in the logs :D!!!
915861;1415556486;PeterL;so far, to me, it looks open source
915862;1415556495;mircea_popescu;PeterL if you're in the wot.
915863;1415556510;PeterL;but anybody can read it
915864;1415556518;mircea_popescu;suppose ninjashogun wants to push a patch for deedbot. or, whatever, the cardano.
915865;1415556523;PeterL;and anybody can get into the WoT
915866;1415556531;mircea_popescu;yes, anyone can read it. i went to a swinger's club yest, anyone could look at my bitches.
915867;1415556542;mircea_popescu;and i did happen to have the finest bitches in the place, buncha losers.
915868;1415556545;mircea_popescu;but what's in a look ?
915869;1415556572;mircea_popescu;and no, emphatically NOT anyone can get in the wot.
915870;1415556586;mircea_popescu;that safadean fellow can get in the wot. but otherwise, most people can try.
915871;1415556594;PeterL;well, with code, they could fork it and make their own version
915872;1415556600;mircea_popescu;sure, they could.
915873;1415556608;asciilifeform;and they can grow own gurlz
915874;1415556610;mircea_popescu;i hear gavin is planning to fork bitcoin and make his own version.
915875;1415556611;mircea_popescu;so ?
915876;1415556628;PeterL;so therefore it is open for anybody to take
915878;1415556652;asciilifeform;one possible argument here is that the complete system is not in the code.
915879;1415556654;JorgePasada;PeterL: Anyone can fork it, not anyone can do the backlog of proof of work to 'take' things though.
915880;1415556671;mircea_popescu;PeterL huns are open for anyone to take, and kill themselves with.
915882;1415556683;mircea_popescu;code works slowly, you spend a life and in the end it's all a waste.
915883;1415556686;JorgePasada;asciilifeform: exactly, it's in the network of people & the chain of transactions and everything that's brought us to this point.
915884;1415556704;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this is necessarily so. because godel is a cult.
915885;1415556724;mircea_popescu;PeterL look at the discussion about al schwartz's failed measurements.
915887;1415556731;mircea_popescu;he ~could~ have made his own chemistry.
915888;1415556740;mircea_popescu;except ars longa cocka smalla.
915889;1415556784;*;mircea_popescu re-reads, notices he misspelled guns as huns, wonders why the fuck has he not realised this before.
915890;1415556805;PeterL;would you consider chemistry literature open or closed? I guess it is similar idea, to put stuff in it has to be vetted by experts
915891;1415556816;scoopbot;New post on Trilema by Mircea Popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/pigfarmin/
915892;1415556825;asciilifeform;PeterL: what is the point of shoehorning things into these weird categories?
915893;1415556829;mircea_popescu;^ that's r18 btw, don't read among small children.
915894;1415556847;PeterL;dunno, mircea_popescu asked about open/closed source
915895;1415556865;mircea_popescu;PeterL the reason i said "for the theoretically minded" was exactly this tongue in cheek point. "take your broken models and try make sense of the world whydontcha!"
915896;1415556894;PeterL;but I want everything to fit in the models I already have !!1!
915897;1415556944;mircea_popescu;you'd make a great nine year old
915899;1415556974;assbot;Just like http://t.co/VhF3XQ1Tiq RT /nntaleb: Hard to conceive, but /hashtag/ISIS?src=hash is the product of the internet.
915900;1415556996;pete_dushenski;@pete_dushenski Just like http://bitcoin-assets.com  RT @nntaleb: Hard to conceive, but #ISIS is the product of the internet.
915901;1415556996;assbot;#bitcoin-assets | You cannot stop the clouds by the building of a ship.
915902;1415557003;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: pigfarmin' << it's like my childhood favorite 'alt.tasteless' newsgroup lives again!
915903;1415557010;*;asciilifeform takes off hat
915905;1415557052;mircea_popescu;anyway, re the entire extension and so forth : everything that works on the internet and in the world works on "our" principles.
915906;1415557067;mircea_popescu;who the fuck ever read whatever software the dns letters run ? who ever wrote a patch for it ?
915907;1415557117;asciilifeform;this is more or less same as the (very true) observation that buildings which stand up, whether in england or in best-korea, are designed on same basic principles.
915909;1415557155;pete_dushenski;which is why they invented hammurabi's code
915910;1415557165;pete_dushenski;the architect knows more than the inspector ever could
915911;1415557180;pete_dushenski;building fails, dead architect
915913;1415557220;assbot;Last 4 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/1GN8SYD.txt )
915914;1415557220;asciilifeform;!b 4
915915;1415557244;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes god? babylonians? what difference does it make ;)
915916;1415557262;pete_dushenski;the concept of skin in the game is nothing new
915917;1415557620;JorgePasada;pete_dushenski: Yeah, we just have a lot of half-assed implimentations of it in modern society.
915918;1415557660;mircea_popescu;to "foster creativity"
915919;1415557666;JorgePasada;Bitcoin is a whole-assed implementation of skin in the game...
915920;1415557684;JorgePasada;or an assholes implementation, forget which.
915923;1415557718;pete_dushenski;anyways i'm off. have a great afternoon!
915924;1415557725;mircea_popescu;i believe the proper femsociety word for one who does not care about stupid shit is rapist.
915925;1415557759;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33054 @ 0.00056629 = 18.7181 BTC [+]
915926;1415558066;mircea_popescu;"The result? A formatting language too wimpy even for a novel." <<< this is pure nonsense. i had my novel on the web just fine in plain html.
915927;1415558076;mircea_popescu;and speaking of which! http://www.amazon.com/Asylum-The-Novel-Chet/dp/B000ODPCKQ holy shit aftermarket.
915928;1415558077;assbot;Asylum: The Novel: Chet, Zeno: Amazon.com: Books
915930;1415558164;*;asciilifeform bought
915931;1415558200;mircea_popescu;chetty can you believe people still buy your stuff a decade later ?
915932;1415558212;mircea_popescu;i mean... that's like britney spears level.
915934;1415558283;chetty;now I wonder how many copies of that are floating about
915935;1415558294;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it was a fun thing to make, that. i think i still have the publisher responses somewhere, "omg you write the greatest letters and whoa so sorry i can't publish this"
915936;1415558449;asciilifeform;http://www.xach.com/naggum/articles/3239316488198320@naggum.no.html << obligatory naggum on formatting
915937;1415558449;assbot;Re: The Next Generation of Lisp Programmers - Naggum cll archive
915939;1415558471;assbot;'Kissing bug' disease infected OVER 300,000 people in the US | Daily Mail Online
915940;1415558539;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2009/lectia-de-humor/  speaking of mono
915941;1415558540;assbot;Lectia de humor pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 
915942;1415558591;chetty;this isnt mono, its a parasite from central america
915943;1415558613;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10550 @ 0.00056643 = 5.9758 BTC [+] {2} 
915944;1415558653;mircea_popescu;o a new one ?!
915945;1415558678;chetty;nah, just new to the us, because of all the immigration
915946;1415558684;mircea_popescu;ah chagas. heh.
915947;1415558711;mircea_popescu;chetty ultimate disease of poverty.
915948;1415558728;mircea_popescu;i guess after all the tb and bedbug outbreaks in the best socialist california, twas unavoidable.
915949;1415558755;asciilifeform;all the weird diseases of the tropics, necrotizing fasciitis, etc., will find a welcoming home in usa.
915950;1415558789;asciilifeform;buruli ulcer.
915951;1415558799;mircea_popescu;what's that burning water worm called ?
915952;1415558803;asciilifeform;you name it, there's a welcoming climate here somewhere for it.
915953;1415558865;mircea_popescu;;;google dracunculus medinensis.
915954;1415558865;gribble;Dracunculus medinensis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; CDC - Guinea Worm Disease - Biology: ; CDC - Guinea Worm: 
915955;1415559040;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35800 @ 0.00056641 = 20.2775 BTC [-] {2} 
915956;1415559155;mircea_popescu;anyway, speaking of leprosy, that thing is a wonder to behold.
915957;1415559176;mircea_popescu;it's basically a normal bacterium genome that was completely mushed to bits, barely a third of it still works.
915958;1415559206;mircea_popescu;yet the thing still survived to present day. makes stuff like the www look likely to live on.
915959;1415559606;mircea_popescu;"Professional graphic artists generally produce Web sites on Macintoshes. They slave over the images until the mid-tones look just right, mid-tones that will be mapped almost to black on a typical Sun workstation or PC. The solution to this problem is trivial: a gamma= field in the IMG HTML tag."
915960;1415559611;mircea_popescu;holy shit bad idea omfg.
915961;1415559630;mircea_popescu;giving idiot "web designers" a gamma= is like giving idiot web designers autoplay video with a volume=.
915962;1415559638;mircea_popescu;worst idea ever, greenspun should be shot.
915963;1415559718;asciilifeform;gamma-whateverthefuck on uncalibrated displays that one has never seen with own eyes...
915964;1415559722;asciilifeform;very special, yes.
915965;1415559764;*;asciilifeform was recently issued a $maxint laptop and was surprised to discover a built-in spectrometer.
915966;1415559807;asciilifeform;http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/content/6/5/6539_44_lenovo_thinkpad_w540_mobile_workstation_laptop_review.jpg << that one
915967;1415559819;asciilifeform;haven't tried it, winblows-only it seems
915969;1415559849;mircea_popescu;dude.... spend the time to put a (was it clock driven ?) spectrometer in a laptop
915970;1415559853;mircea_popescu;run it on windows.
915971;1415559919;asciilifeform;there's a reverse-engineered driver for it, somewhere. can't be bothered.
915972;1415559919;mircea_popescu;"If you wrote @bold{foo} instead of foo, you would not even /want/ to say @bold{foo @italic{bar} zot} if you expected to get foo in bold, zot in italic, and bar in both." <<< wait, wut ?
915973;1415559952;mircea_popescu;dafuck would i want to say, @b{foo}@bi
915974;1415559956;mircea_popescu;{bar} ?
915975;1415560056;asciilifeform;the verbose monstrosities of **ml-series were justified by the notion that a) no one will ever be forced to write them by hand b) no one will ever be forced to read them with naked eyes
915976;1415560074;asciilifeform;both turned out to be crocks of shit
915977;1415560112;asciilifeform;and the basic premise was also a crock of shit (if no naked eyes nor naked hands, why not a compact binary format?)
915978;1415560114;mircea_popescu;no but wait, my question is, if not {[()]} then what, ()[()]() etc ?
915979;1415560136;asciilifeform;he was arguing, in the end, for s-expressions.
915980;1415560187;mircea_popescu;in the end. and its a great point. but before he gets there he steps in it.
915981;1415560199;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9550 @ 0.00056563 = 5.4018 BTC [-]
915982;1415560229;*;asciilifeform off to see some exotic cats. raises a glass to the ghost of moiety.
915983;1415561297;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30983 @ 0.00056448 = 17.4893 BTC [-]
915984;1415561464;mod6;.deed http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=jv7pPT8p
915985;1415561464;punkbot;mod6: Queued 1 valid deed for next bundle.
915986;1415561481;mod6;^ with the 512 for good measure
915987;1415561538;mod6;mp also, thx for the tip about "personal-digest-preferences"
915988;1415561761;mod6;so has anyone else noticed that the makefile doesn't provide a way to build /without/ debug flags? lol
915989;1415561790;mod6;you know, incase you'd like to have a binary that isn't bloated with debug symbols?
915990;1415561823;mod6;anyway, there is a bunch of stuff obv.  just another thing for clean up at some point.
915991;1415562036;punkman;re: sha1 and gpg settings, this is useful https://github.com/coruus/cooperpair/blob/master/saneprefs/gpg.conf
915992;1415562036;assbot;cooperpair/gpg.conf at master · coruus/cooperpair · GitHub
915993;1415562103;punkman;repository also has example of colliding keyids
915994;1415562143;punkbot;Bundled 1 deed | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/17gPmTTu
915995;1415562273;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2283 @ 0.00056656 = 1.2935 BTC [+]
915996;1415563149;mircea_popescu;mod6 yeah, and i dunno why that is.
915997;1415563188;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17300 @ 0.00056662 = 9.8025 BTC [+]
915998;1415563322;mircea_popescu;punkman: any objections to punkbot changing name to "notary"? << i like it.
915999;1415563442;mod6;ah, yeah +1
916000;1415563460;punkbot;Confirmed bundle 17gPmTTuoDRYZXAAHgEu1NZHQwMYeRUoHC | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/17gPmTTu
916001;1415563792;jurov;punkbot: deed https://coinbr.com/decl.txt.asc
916002;1415563793;punkbot;jurov: Queued 1 valid deed for next bundle.
916003;1415563957;ben_vulpes;lol did we *all* overlook the typo in the last paragraph?
916004;1415563967;mircea_popescu;cazalla: australian* even << really seems that guy is trying superhard to belong ?
916005;1415563981;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes i was curiously waiting for the first one to notice.
916006;1415563992;mircea_popescu;i guess you get the fox award.
916007;1415564000;ben_vulpes;'twas mod6 actually
916008;1415564013;*;ben_vulpes has a feeling he'll be saying that a lot
916012;1415564164;jurov;that's there for future data archeologists, to discern fakes
916013;1415564228;scoopbot;New post on Trilema by Mircea Popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/an-interesting-anthropology-question/
916014;1415564246;jurov;they will also consider this a confirmation that mircea rides his keyboard hard
916015;1415564296;mircea_popescu;https://github.com/coruus/cooperpair/blob/master/saneprefs/gpg.conf << not bad!
916016;1415564297;assbot;cooperpair/gpg.conf at master · coruus/cooperpair · GitHub
916017;1415564411;mircea_popescu;http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/openpgp/current/msg01077.html << who the fuck came up with thar brilliant idea.
916018;1415564411;assbot;Re: Suggested changes for DSA2, take 4
916019;1415564423;jurov;the article mentions "boundries" several times, too
916020;1415564429;mircea_popescu;"If the output size of the chosen hash is larger than the number of bits of q, the hash result is truncated to fit by taking the number of leftmost bits equal to the number of bits of q.  This (possibly truncated) hash function result is treated as a number and used directly in the DSA signature algorithm."
916021;1415564516;mircea_popescu;ah ty.
916022;1415564588;mircea_popescu;http://bitdesire.com/crypto-money-expo-online-meeting/ << who is this ?
916023;1415564589;assbot;Crypto Money Expo - Bitcoin online meeting - Bitdesire - The Bitcoin Network
916024;1415564719;jurov;Both conference founder Eyal Abramovitch and speaker/sponsor Ofir Beigel are members of Meni Rosenfeld‘s Israeli bitcoiner meetup.
916025;1415565732;punkman;https://github.com/coruus/cooperpair/tree/master/keysteak << "intercepts a request for a key by keyid, generates a PGPv3 key, performs the 0xdeadbeef attack, and returns a spoofed (but valid) PGPv3 key with the same long keyid."
916026;1415565732;assbot;cooperpair/keysteak at master · coruus/cooperpair · GitHub
916027;1415565747;punkbot;Bundled 1 deed | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1N8cgoM7
916028;1415565901;mircea_popescu;punkbot kinda why we use fingerprints.
916029;1415565934;punkbot;Confirmed bundle 1N8cgoM7SEC7bStCwWEuWFTcn8pKJGgcYa | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1N8cgoM7
916030;1415566161;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: i think it claims to handle fingerprints as well: https://github.com/coruus/cooperpair/tree/master/keysteak#usage
916031;1415566161;assbot;cooperpair/keysteak at master · coruus/cooperpair · GitHub
916032;1415566182;mircea_popescu;that's a bold claim.
916033;1415566218;ben_vulpes;it's hard to tell if it's claiming that. the doc says "try this"
916034;1415566221;ben_vulpes;and i've not.
916035;1415566226;mircea_popescu;o wait, this is pgp v3
916036;1415566233;mircea_popescu;forget it lol, the thing is roughly bitcoin .9
916037;1415566256;mircea_popescu;i think even debian dropped it 5 years ago
916038;1415566280;ben_vulpes;subject of .9, has anyone downloaded the full chain with a .5/.6/.7/.8/.9 client? no bootstrapping, no shared db?
916039;1415566287;mircea_popescu;(v3 keys were md5 hashed)
916040;1415566322;punkman;it also does some tricks to make it look like v4 "Create a PGPv3 public key, v4 UID, and v4 signature"
916041;1415566522;mircea_popescu;anyway, this is of relatively little consequence to us, because we use gribble rather than the pks mess.
916042;1415566583;punkman;worth a few words on wiki
916043;1415566595;punkman;don't steal my shares guys http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/deed/5RE44ZXbZyHhDqxLaBvKiYUztfyDcJSATzE8Gy4mN2eD
916044;1415566596;assbot;Deed 5RE44ZXb | #bitcoin-assets deed registry
916045;1415566808;mircea_popescu;yeah srsly, use fingerprints. but that aside, best practice is still to extract key via gribble db
916046;1415566843;punkman;you can only get fingerprint from gribble
916048;1415566883;mircea_popescu;what do you mean only ? that's what it is.
916049;1415566912;mircea_popescu;keyid8A736F0E2FB7B452 fingerprint 6160E1CAC8A3C52966FD76998A736F0E2FB7B452
916050;1415566967;mircea_popescu;https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/sci.crypt/JSSM6NbfweQ << this is good on the topic
916051;1415566967;assbot;Google Gruppi
916052;1415566976;mircea_popescu;(of deadbeef v3 gpg sigs attack)
916053;1415567574;cazalla; http://bitdesire.com/crypto-money-expo-online-meeting/ << who is this ? <<< i'm reading this and think, i fucking wrote this article!
916054;1415567575;assbot;Crypto Money Expo - Bitcoin online meeting - Bitdesire - The Bitcoin Network
916056;1415567612;mircea_popescu;so leave the guy a comment.
916057;1415567647;jurov;ben_vulpes iirc i did it with .7 or .8 then "bootstrapped" .9 by pointing it to .8 node on LAN
916058;1415567786;mircea_popescu;did with numerous .6 versions.
916059;1415567786;jurov;but a hdd died, so i don't have pre - .9 blockchain anymore
916060;1415568373;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22146 @ 0.00056662 = 12.5484 BTC [+]
916061;1415568380;ben_vulpes;good to know, thanks
916062;1415568425;*;ben_vulpes is wondering about the practicality of using 0.5.3 as a starting pin
916063;1415568534;jurov;we'll see if this gets anywhere... it's how much since whole thing started? a week?
916065;1415569345;assbot;xombrero - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
916066;1415569403;mircea_popescu;also webkit.
916067;1415569520;mircea_popescu;and im pretty sure all my blockchains are pre .5 for that matter.
916068;1415570711;jurov;http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTgzMjg , also another dude (Colin Watson) has quit
916069;1415570712;assbot;[Phoronix] Joey Hess Resigns From Debian, Unhappy With How It's Changed
916071;1415570812;assbot;Roll up your sleeves, we may need to fork Debian.
916072;1415571057;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4700 @ 0.00056664 = 2.6632 BTC [+]
916073;1415571074;ben_vulpes;wow mpoe on sale!
916074;1415571545;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14500 @ 0.00056722 = 8.2247 BTC [+] {2} 
916075;1415571905;jurov;;;seen adlai
916076;1415571905;gribble;adlai was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 12 hours, 28 minutes, and 57 seconds ago: * Adlai waits on the go
916077;1415571995;mircea_popescu;!up saifedean
916078;1415572017;mircea_popescu;debian certainly went to shit since sarge.
916079;1415572094;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8271 @ 0.00056662 = 4.6865 BTC [-]
916080;1415572329;saifedean;good day gentlemen
916082;1415572386;saifedean;mo, i did email you the dissertation the other day, did you get it?
916083;1415572392;mircea_popescu;i did.
916084;1415572402;saifedean;great, just making sure
916085;1415572416;mircea_popescu;i didn;'t get around to reading it yet, but its in the pile.
916086;1415572434;saifedean;no worries,
916087;1415572435;Naphex;http://arstechnica.com/security/2014/11/silk-road-other-tor-darknet-sites-may-have-been-decloaked-through-ddos/ lmao!
916088;1415572435;assbot;Silk Road, other Tor “darknet” sites may have been “decloaked” through DDoS | Ars Technica
916089;1415572437;mircea_popescu;i still think you should publish it. ever seen http://trilema.com/2014/a-conceit-or-the-importance-of-blogging/ ?
916090;1415572437;assbot;A conceit, or the importance of blogging pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 
916091;1415572466;saifedean;so, mp, are you going to be in Buenos Aires January/Feb? I might be popping by for a week or so
916092;1415572476;Naphex;"es, hello, Internet supervillain here," nachash, said that his server—a virtual private server running the German hosting service Hetzner—was initially hit by what he believed was a denial of service attack in Augus'
916093;1415572498;mircea_popescu;Naphex maybe they were decloaked through sexism.
916094;1415572516;mircea_popescu;saifedean yes. for that matter, the bitcoin conference is in april.
916096;1415572520;empyex;mircea_popescu: Next conference starts in 5 months and 8 days. Estimated cost today: 3.74478709 BTC (Details: http://trilema.com/2014/the-conference-third-edition/ )
916097;1415572582;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14146 @ 0.00056652 = 8.014 BTC [-]
916098;1415572606;saifedean;much as i'd love to be in the conference, april might be tough, especially as i'm so goddamn far, but i'll let you know if i manage to work out jan/feb
916099;1415572650;saifedean;but if you like buenos aires and istanbul, from what i gather from your blog, you will absolutely love beirut... who's like istanbul's little prettier sister
916101;1415572694;mircea_popescu;problem being she hangs out with all these bikers.
916102;1415572853;mircea_popescu;Naphex on a related note, i really don't get all these derps going "oh you know what ? i'll run a hertzner vm through this magic layer. presto, totally anon!"
916103;1415573185;saifedean;you lay down the law and the bikers disappear, mp... just book your ticket
916104;1415574508;ben_vulpes;;;ident saifedean
916105;1415574508;gribble;Error: I am not seeing this user on IRC. If you want information about a registered gpg user, try the 'gpg info' command instead.
916107;1415574794;JorgePasada;Anyone have any good reading on all the stuff that's been happening with tor because of this latest raid thing?
916108;1415574974;dub;i think the learning is (or was since years ago) don't use tor
916109;1415575013;JorgePasada;Yeah, not for anything secure obviously, but you can still learn from stuff like this I feel
916110;1415575130;dub;you can learn not to do anything on a network that you wouldnt be happy with obama reading
916111;1415575181;ben_vulpes;http://www.entropykey.co.uk/ << more entropy hardware, ARM micros included!
916112;1415575182;assbot;Simtec Electronics Entropy Key: USB True Random Number Generator
916113;1415575266;dub;oh my god the new firefox ui is terrible
916114;1415575281;dub;they need to share that good weed around
916115;1415575571;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27206 @ 0.00056708 = 15.428 BTC [+] {2} 
916116;1415578714;mircea_popescu;JorgePasada maybe read all the disparate stuff, publish a digest.
916117;1415578838;JorgePasada;mircea_popescu: Yeah I'm just trying to learn. Found a couple good things via hacker news.
916118;1415578858;JorgePasada;Tor sucks though, you almost have to assume either your entrance or exit node (or worse, both) are compromised these days.
916119;1415578943;cazalla;scoopbot, wru
916121;1415579188;assbot;MONSTER Energy drinks are the work of SATAN!!! - YouTube
916122;1415579895;ben_vulpes;how dumb would it be to bisect the git source history to find the unwedging commit?
916123;1415580198;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2013/dear-guardian-stop-being-retarded/ << last year "everybody" knew better.
916124;1415580198;assbot;Dear Guardian : stop being retarded. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 
916125;1415580212;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes not dumb at all.
916126;1415580245;mircea_popescu;;;later tell peterl yeah listen, this 50% uptime business is for the dogs.
916127;1415580246;gribble;The operation succeeded.
916128;1415580326;ben_vulpes;does anyone have a node with high throughput to which they'd be willing to whitelist my connections
916129;1415580448;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes if you actually have the blockchain by very far the best way to do this is stage a local environment and feed the experimental instance through some sort of loopback
916131;1415580637;mircea_popescu;you saying you don't have it ?
916132;1415580692;ben_vulpes;i've one sitting on this os x machine.
916133;1415580729;ben_vulpes;i'm digging through the logs of our conversation about copying blockchains around.
916134;1415580736;ben_vulpes;*to find our conversation*
916135;1415580888;ben_vulpes;basically i want to know if uploading my os x 8.6 blockchain to my debian testing machine is worth the time
916136;1415581047;mircea_popescu;well it's worth the time in the sense that not having the 30gb in question wherever your favourite staging environment is is a major handicap.
916137;1415581064;mircea_popescu;if you prefer working locally then not worth it. if you generally use that machine/dc, then worth it.
916138;1415581084;ben_vulpes;right, totally on the same page there.
916139;1415581143;ben_vulpes;i'm trying to estimate if the transfer time for my os x blockchain is worth the risk of it simply not working.
916140;1415581225;mircea_popescu;inasmuch as it's the blockchain it will HAVE To work. or bust.
916143;1415583753;thestringpuller;!t m s.mpoe
916144;1415583753;assbot;[MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00055831 / 0.00056471 / 0.00058756 (828982 shares, 468.14 BTC), 7D: 0.00055831 / 0.00067039 / 0.00076965 (3873559 shares, 2,596.82 BTC), 30D: 0.00055831 / 0.00073576 / 0.00081111 (23823364 shares, 17,528.32 BTC)
916145;1415583757;thestringpuller;!l m s.mpoe
916146;1415583757;assbot;Last trade for S.MPOE on MPEX was at 0.00056708 BTC [+]
916147;1415584252;mircea_popescu;hgmm, was the last oglaf drawn by an intern ?
916148;1415584260;mircea_popescu;drunk trudy ? 5 minute sketch ?
916149;1415587771;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27287 @ 0.00064573 = 17.62 BTC [+] {2} 
916150;1415588130;asciilifeform;you know, incase you'd like to have a binary that isn't bloated with debug symbols << 'strip bitcoind' >> solved
916151;1415588141;asciilifeform;whoever wants to add this as a patch - can
916152;1415588338;asciilifeform;has anyone downloaded the full chain with a .5/.6/.7/.8/.9 << 0.8, yes
916153;1415588512;danielpbarron;i've got an up-to-date chain on 0.7.2
916154;1415588594;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: entropy key << gadget was discussed here many times. appears to be permanently unavailable (and closed-source.)
916155;1415588649;asciilifeform;tor compromise through filled circuit ddos << this is a 'classic', described in academic papers. and i can say for a fact that the 'machine' is still turned on. just last night had a tor client fail to form a circuit, for the first time in many years of semi-regular use.
916156;1415588660;*;asciilifeform uses tor for non-critical applications
916158;1415589363;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: nsa.gif << top kek
916159;1415589690;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by cazalla: http://qntra.net/2014/11/pizza-hut-computers-used-to-mine-bitcoin-in-2013/
916160;1415589874;asciilifeform;pizza hut << this distinguishes it from every other cattle farm where the cattle get to use computers, precisely how?
916161;1415590145;mircea_popescu;;;seen mike_c
916162;1415590146;gribble;mike_c was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 3 days, 5 hours, 18 minutes, and 14 seconds ago:  quite the empire brewing.
916163;1415590409;mike_c;i'm around
916164;1415590472;mircea_popescu;ah nice.
916165;1415590489;mircea_popescu;i luv the summoning capabilities of teh log.
916166;1415591070;ben_vulpes;!up Vexual
916167;1415591234;cazalla;asciilifeform, sunday is a slow day, whaddaya want from me?
916168;1415591311;cazalla;i mean, why spend $20-$30 on a pizza when you can get one from pizza hut on tight ass tuesday for $3.95!
916169;1415591797;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14737 @ 0.00064657 = 9.5285 BTC [+]
916170;1415592216;asciilifeform;pizza hut << incidentally, if you tally up an upper bound for how much could have been mined ('up to 60 stores', let's say a few machines in each) - it ought to have sufficed for... a couple of pizzas.
916171;1415592249;asciilifeform;non-asic mining is 'dead as dodo', and certainly was in 2013.
916172;1415592269;asciilifeform;at least, most of it
916173;1415592901;ben_vulpes;every hash is sacred
916174;1415592924;asciilifeform;every hash is needed, in your neighbourhood!
916175;1415593017;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9800 @ 0.00064966 = 6.3667 BTC [+]
916176;1415593627;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30850 @ 0.00064995 = 20.051 BTC [+]
916177;1415593777;asciilifeform;!up Vexual
916178;1415593810;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18941 @ 0.00065206 = 12.3507 BTC [+] {2} 
916179;1415594136;BingoBoingo;!up Cryptocus
916180;1415594190;Vexual;I'm trying to get my head around this taxation stuff
916181;1415594238;ben_vulpes;speak further on thy confusion, Vexual
916182;1415594254;Vexual;well it's internet powered to be sure
916183;1415594409;Vexual;so, I'm porndering the notion "Bitcoin realised"
916184;1415594469;Vexual;I suppose there are no other qualifiers on purpose
916185;1415594950;Vexual;oh it's good
916186;1415594969;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18650 @ 0.00064966 = 12.1162 BTC [-]
916187;1415595329;ben_vulpes;http://christophe.rhodes.io/notes/blog/posts/2014/reproducible_builds_-_a_month_ahead_of_schedule/ << tiny brain blown
916188;1415595329;assbot;reproducible builds - a month ahead of schedule
916189;1415595767;ben_vulpes;!up Vexual
916190;1415595778;ben_vulpes;bitcoin realized means more or less "profit"
916191;1415595818;Vexual;Yeah, forever profits?
916192;1415595851;ben_vulpes;whaddaya mean "forever"?
916193;1415595865;Vexual;since forever
916195;1415596006;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10300 @ 0.00065245 = 6.7202 BTC [+]
916196;1415596014;Vexual;or perhaps you pay where you think some other entity might lay claim
916197;1415596052;ben_vulpes;well pre 2015 bitcoin barely matters in the world at large
916198;1415596189;Vexual;yes i see
916199;1415596880;cazalla;"If bitcoin were allowed to co-­‐exist as “legal  tender” it could also create a situation where under Gresham’s Law “Bad  money  drives  out  good”. In such a scenario, bad currency (bitcoin) would be used and good currency (US  Dollar) would be hoarded, creating greater economic instability."
916200;1415596889;cazalla;hoarding usd, nice one
916201;1415597064;Vexual;i read about that gut that printed $200 million, he hoarded it
916202;1415597104;Vexual;cut a deal to keep his shed-load off the streets
916203;1415597209;Vexual;it's in gq
916204;1415598162;BingoBoingo;!Up RetroUPriser
916205;1415598221;RetroUPriser;How's it going? I was going to see if mircea_popescu was active and willing to play a game of chess,
916207;1415598405;BingoBoingo;Things are going
916208;1415598418;ben_vulpes;RetroUPriser: you may get a game out of BingoBoingo
916209;1415598435;BingoBoingo;Nah, I'm not drunk enough to chess tonight.
916210;1415598439;RetroUPriser;I've played him before
916211;1415598451;RetroUPriser;and that seems like the typical answer
916212;1415599481;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by cazalla: http://qntra.net/2014/11/professor-bitcorn-talks-top-ten-risks-associated-with-bitcoin/
916213;1415599615;cazalla;ooh knocked glass off table onto open case.. lucky i drank the water in it just a few minutes ago
916214;1415600561;mircea_popescu;http://ask.fm/Mircea_Popescu/answer/122233688968 < ok who was the smartass ?
916215;1415600655;mircea_popescu; hoarding usd, nice one << such lmao.
916216;1415600667;mircea_popescu;"let us make claims backwards! it's almost like science!"
916217;1415602019;decimation;ben_vulpes: re: sbcl < neat link thanks
916218;1415602264;decimation;hoarding usd << lol.  actually there's a great deal of certainty about the dollar, it's just that the certainty is that there is no fixed number of dollars, never has been, never will be
916219;1415602342;decimation;"Under the Bitcoin model, those who create the algorithm, protocol, manage the transactional ledger and mine virtual currencies would become the new central bankers, controlling a monetary basis, an immense power and responsibility." << lol yeah that's a 'risk'
916220;1415602445;decimation;the whole reason bitcoin is even mildly compelling is because those 'central bankers' who are currently 'controlling money' are fucking things up royally
916221;1415602942;ben_vulpes;well that was odd.
916223;1415603266;ben_vulpes;remote emacs client straight up died.
916224;1415603462;BingoBoingo;http://bitcoinmagazine.com/17439/bitcoin-we-are-all-the-blockchain/ written by this guy http://www.27bslash6.com/p2p2.html
916225;1415603828;ben_vulpes;"However, the real value of Bitcoin is not reaped at an individual level." << he's spot on, though - it's about raping at a collective level
916226;1415603941;ben_vulpes;actually i'm noping the fuck out of this article.
916227;1415604614;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13500 @ 0.00064966 = 8.7704 BTC [-]
916228;1415606078;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5350 @ 0.00065096 = 3.4826 BTC [+]
916229;1415607387;BingoBoingo;!up saifedean
916231;1415607568;assbot;BtcAlpha.com F.MPIF Tracker estimated NAV per share: 0.00021747 B (Total: 475.57 B). Delta: 0.56 B. Last trade for F.MPIF on MPEX was at 0.000195 BTC [-]
916232;1415607651;mircea_popescu;who the fuck are all these derps lmao.
916233;1415607662;mircea_popescu;seems timmy swanson was just the tip of the shitberg.
916234;1415607664;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21479 @ 0.0006511 = 13.985 BTC [+] {2} 
916235;1415607725;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8421 @ 0.00065239 = 5.4938 BTC [+]
916236;1415609067;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18800 @ 0.00065239 = 12.2649 BTC [+]
916237;1415614008;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5346 @ 0.00065017 = 3.4758 BTC [-]
916238;1415616265;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1811 @ 0.00065017 = 1.1775 BTC [-]
916239;1415620474;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11950 @ 0.00064794 = 7.7429 BTC [-] {2} 
916240;1415623524;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18650 @ 0.00064775 = 12.0805 BTC [-] {2} 
916241;1415625598;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1759 @ 0.00064775 = 1.1394 BTC [-]
916242;1415626391;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4050 @ 0.00064775 = 2.6234 BTC [-]
916243;1415628282;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12850 @ 0.00064725 = 8.3172 BTC [-] {3} 
916244;1415628863;[]bot;Bet placed: 1 BTC for Yes on "Alibaba shares above 115 before November 25th" http://bitbet.us/bet/1048/ Odds: 93(Y):7(N) by coin, 77(Y):23(N) by weight. Total bet: 3.60440399 BTC. Current weight: 15,613.
916245;1415629136;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7600 @ 0.00064687 = 4.9162 BTC [-]
916247;1415629815;TomServo;http://bitbet.us/bet/1068/joepa-gets-his-wins-back/ <- bet text says 'before 2105' instead of 2015.
916248;1415629815;assbot;BitBet - JoePA gets his wins back :: 0.06 B (46%) on Yes, 0.07 B (54%) on No | closing in 1 month 2 weeks | weight: 96`366 (100`000 to 1)
916249;1415630295;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17972 @ 0.00064793 = 11.6446 BTC [+]
916250;1415632747;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2014/11/national-bank-of-ukraine-bitcoin-not-to-be-used-for-payments/
916251;1415632918;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13592 @ 0.00064745 = 8.8001 BTC [-] {2} 
916252;1415633284;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16008 @ 0.00064884 = 10.3866 BTC [+] {2} 
916254;1415633765;assbot;Devious MRSA Spider Bites Yet Another Antecubital Fossa; Remains at Large | GomerBlog
916255;1415634931;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26313 @ 0.00064687 = 17.0211 BTC [-]
916257;1415635126;assbot;Espionage Campaign Targets Corporate Executives Traveling Abroad - Slashdot
916259;1415635484;assbot;OVH Tasks  
916260;1415635515;rithm;poor ovh
916261;1415636202;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2014/11/florida-man-arrested-for-online-drug-trading/
916263;1415637366;assbot;Coindesk is no longer the Voice of Currency • IHB News™
916264;1415637825;davout;rithm: stay away from ovh...
916265;1415637833;rithm;i do!
916266;1415637877;davout;if ebola could propagate to servers, it'd probably start at ovh
916267;1415637904;rithm;ovh is like the parody host
916268;1415638896;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5900 @ 0.00064687 = 3.8165 BTC [-]
916269;1415638989;jurov;WTF "I love bitcoin for reasons that Amir Taaki, Adam Back, Peter Todd and Mike Hearn love it."
916270;1415639217;thestringpuller;is that a real post jurov ?
916271;1415639244;jurov;it's from ihb.io above
916272;1415639428;undata;what a sprawling mess of an article
916273;1415639885;jurov;"Dear Ben Lawsky, you are going after the wrong people. Mining operations can be used to launder huge amounts of money."
916275;1415639912;thestringpuller;yes. mining operations are owned by the mob.
916276;1415641047;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2014/11/bulgarian-snas-release-on-operation-onymous/
916277;1415641641;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11824 @ 0.00064602 = 7.6385 BTC [-] {2} 
916278;1415642723;mircea_popescu;!up saifedean
916279;1415642735;mircea_popescu;by the way, you know how to use the tools here ? like say
916280;1415642737;mircea_popescu;!s taleb
916281;1415642739;assbot;139 results for 'taleb' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=taleb
916282;1415642769;saifedean;ah, no i don't... i've been trying to learn the ropes
916283;1415642779;saifedean;thanks for that
916284;1415642810;mircea_popescu;ah i got something for you here, just gimme a minuite
916285;1415642886;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-07-2014#748585 << this is the delivery of http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=06-07-2014#746817
916286;1415642886;assbot;Logged on 07-07-2014 23:30:49; sexysaffron: I have a video delivery!
916287;1415642886;assbot;Logged on 06-07-2014 23:40:36; mircea_popescu: "Here's me begging you Mr Taleb!" or something
916288;1415643075;saifedean;lol, i think i saw this on pete's blog before...
916289;1415643093;mircea_popescu;ah ok then
916290;1415643154;saifedean;compelling, i must say, but last time i spoke to taleb he wasn't all that interested in bitcoin. i mean, he finds it interesting to a point, but not to the point of healthy obsession and complete disregard of everything else that we share
916291;1415643190;mircea_popescu;yeah, and the reason is he's not yet met anyone that groks it fully, so as to answer objection properly.
916292;1415643211;mircea_popescu;or at least, that was my case, in 2011
916293;1415643296;saifedean;is that when you first started on the righteous path?
916295;1415643332;mircea_popescu;;;google noob mp or how it all begun
916296;1415643332;gribble;"At civilization's end", an MP Megacampaign - Page 2 - Paradox ...: ; Wargame Talk #15: Modding Has Begun and Clash of the Clans 3 ...: ; Battlefield 4: Official Multiplayer Launch Trailer - YouTube: (1 more message)
916297;1415643341;mircea_popescu;jesus google...
916298;1415643365;mircea_popescu;saifedean for my own curiosity, google that string (no quotes) see what pops up ?
916300;1415643366;assbot;Noob MP, or how it all began pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 
916301;1415643375;saifedean;may i ask what did you do in the pre-bitcoin era? In the Bezzle Age?
916302;1415643449;mircea_popescu;i was retired.
916303;1415643455;mircea_popescu;!up Tykling
916304;1415643478;mircea_popescu;getting slowly bored to death in costa rica.
916305;1415643480;saifedean;i got a bunch of gaming forum posts, nothing to do with you
916307;1415643521;saifedean;very nice, retirement is underrated. the main appeal of academia for me is that it is a halfway house to retirement
916308;1415643561;mircea_popescu;retirement is way overrated. i tell you, i thought it was going to be "the life" for the rest of my life. http://trilema.com/2011/nsfw-gradina-edenului/
916309;1415643561;assbot;NSFW Gradina Edenului pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 
916310;1415643569;mircea_popescu;turns out, it can keep the sane man about three years.
916311;1415643885;saifedean;it sure as hell beats working in the world of bezzle, a slave-like existence producing nothing and wasting your life in a worthless pissing contest whose first prize is the ability to kiss a bigger ass
916312;1415643894;thestringpuller;anyone good with regex?
916313;1415643904;undata;saifedean: start a business you weenie :p
916314;1415643941;mircea_popescu;either that or start shooting people.
916315;1415643951;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller moderately, but don't ask to ask.
916316;1415643979;thestringpuller;i don't want to bother anyone with the pain that is regex ~_~
916317;1415643981;undata;thestringpuller: you may find this helpful http://www.regexr.com/
916318;1415643981;assbot;RegExr: Learn, Build, & Test RegEx
916319;1415643995;thestringpuller;thanks undata
916321;1415644045;thestringpuller;found one good example
916322;1415644058;thestringpuller;Regex, yet another reason I hate strings.
916324;1415644420;saifedean;undata & mp, i'm actually thinking of starting a grill restaurant... to be named the honey badger grill, bitcoin preferred
916325;1415644467;mircea_popescu;now why would you do that ?
916326;1415644483;thestringpuller;saifedean: i am working on a crypto bakery lol
916327;1415644523;saifedean;coz i really enjoy grilling, i'm very good at it, people really like my steaks and i could get them to pay me good money to eat it if i put my head to make it good... sounds to me like a better way of spending your life than any bezzle career
916328;1415644581;thestringpuller;!up saifedean
916329;1415644605;undata;I like bitcoin and grilled food; I dunno about the honey badger thing
916330;1415644611;chetty;yeah but where does the name come from? sounds too much like honey pot, imo
916331;1415644630;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11150 @ 0.00064489 = 7.1905 BTC [-] {2} 
916332;1415644635;undata;it's just some meme
916333;1415644644;mircea_popescu;saifedean maybe. i am also very good at cooking, people love my stuff and i could definitely get them to pay.
916334;1415644649;mircea_popescu;the problem is this doesn't scale.
916335;1415644664;saifedean;because honey badger doesn't give a shit, and because bitcoin is the honey badger of money
916336;1415644693;saifedean;why the hell would i want to scale? if i wanted to scale i'd join mcdonalds for a rewarding career and an early grave
916338;1415644727;saifedean;if i could run a single operation very well, it could make enough income to allow me to live very well, while spending my days doing something i enjoy
916339;1415644754;chetty;sounds like a little piece of heaven there saifedean
916340;1415644783;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: if it's a pet, why would you want it to scale? restaurants are cool because you get free food and a place to "hang out"
916341;1415644795;saifedean;the idea of being my own boss, and to only be the boss of a few people is ideal. easily beats having to deal with hundreds of idiots in a large operatoin and suffer their idiocy
916342;1415644924;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller saifedean i am familiar with your idea of restaurants. these work as a retirement ploy by old merchants, who have an immense pile of gold in the basement, a pretty wife and don't give a shit about what may come, they juist want people to hang out and chat with.
916343;1415644941;mircea_popescu;this model works extremely well if one has the basement (not just the gold, but also the many travel stories in the basement of their head)
916344;1415644955;mircea_popescu;it works extremely poorly if one merely copies the visible parts of the institution.
916347;1415645020;ben_vulpes;interdasting tool
916348;1415645023;saifedean;i definitely have the travel stories and the pretty wife and zero shits are given about what may come... most my days are a struggle to secure excellent quality food, a struggle which will only be resolved conclusively once i have my entire operation
916349;1415645023;ben_vulpes;have not derped with yet
916350;1415645057;ben_vulpes;but what are the engineering arguments for an embedded kv store against which one cannot query well if at all vs. a embedded sql store?
916351;1415645083;undata;ahemahem sqlite
916352;1415645094;undata;but #nodeps, right?
916353;1415645106;saifedean;the way i see it, bitcoin will kill pretty much all the world of bezzle, as i'm sure you folk agree, and the only jobs that will thrive in th future are those that involve actually doing something useful for other people which others appreciate and are happy to pay for. there are few things in life people appreciate better than a well-cooked steak, and few things in life that are done badly as often
916354;1415645118;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3800 @ 0.00064372 = 2.4461 BTC [-]
916355;1415645150;undata;saifedean: a word of caution; businesses always look simple when looking from outside
916356;1415645165;undata;my god 4 walls and a door and I'm there
916357;1415645274;saifedean;undata that's why i'm still researching and thinking of this while keeping my academic job
916358;1415645344;mircea_popescu; a struggle to secure excellent quality food << can you go into detail ?
916359;1415645403;saifedean;well, why else did you move to argentina but for the excellent grass-fed beef?
916360;1415645418;mircea_popescu;they eat a lot of beef in beirut ?
916361;1415645431;mircea_popescu;you know, i've never had any decent beef, not in cairo, not in luxor, not even in lebanon.
916362;1415645437;saifedean;once you've had a proper well-cooked steak, any other day of your life will be ruined if you venture into a McDonald's or some other Bezzle Institution
916363;1415645443;mircea_popescu;your meat sucks. it's not even how you cook it. it fucking sucks.
916364;1415645454;mircea_popescu;saifedean have you had an argentine steak ?
916365;1415645467;saifedean;in lebanon beef isn't very good, but the lamb is excellent, and it is grass-fed
916366;1415645474;mircea_popescu;lamb is splendid absolutely.
916367;1415645486;mircea_popescu;i mostly ate lamb and chicken over my time among the no-pok-people.
916368;1415645495;mircea_popescu;ended up eating a whole fucking pick in oradea on my way back
916369;1415645517;saifedean;my best friend is half-argentinian and half lebanese, and we've been talking about this restaurant together for years, he's brought excellent argentine beef over
916370;1415645534;mircea_popescu;ah. the stuff that you eat like salmon, practically ? half raw in the middle ?
916371;1415645552;mircea_popescu;i mean. of the inch thickness, a half inch in the middle is barely warm.
916372;1415645598;saifedean;there are many many things that make a good steak, most of these things require people who do their work honestly and htink long term, and pretty much everything in that process is being destroyed by cheap money and the high-time-preference it engenders in everyone from the farmer to the waiter at your restaurant
916374;1415645645;assbot;Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0E1ZQ6N.txt )
916375;1415645645;mircea_popescu;!b 2
916376;1415645648;saifedean;with the emergence of bitcoin and the destruction of the world of bezzle and its instant gratification and fast food culture, people are going to appreciate and pay top dollar for the quality stuff that's done right
916377;1415645650;mircea_popescu;exactly right. cheap money and the high time preference.
916378;1415645655;mircea_popescu;you ever read about the tin women ?
916379;1415645676;saifedean;no whats that?
916381;1415645714;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2012/the-problem-of-too-much-money/ and also http://trilema.com/2012/lets-dig-a-little-deeper-into-this-entire-deflation-problem/
916382;1415645714;assbot;The problem of too much money pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 
916383;1415645714;assbot;Let’s dig a little deeper into this entire deflation “problem” pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 
916384;1415645790;saifedean;my idea is to prepare for the future of the triumphant return of hard money, low-time preference, and civilization, and to profit from it by doing good food properly, in a beautiful setting where you can relax around a big grill's fire and enjoy your meal like a civilized human
916385;1415645803;mircea_popescu;its just hysterical how much we agree lol.
916386;1415645833;saifedean;i kinda figured from what i have read from your blog!
916387;1415645940;saifedean;the main question that remains now concerns the location of my grill... Lebanon is my favorite place in the world, but it might not be the ideal location what with all the religious wars breaking out... Vancouver is another possibility...
916388;1415645951;mircea_popescu;nah, buenos aires.
916389;1415645990;saifedean;come on man, you're not expecting me to go set up a grilling business in buenos aires, what was it about taking the coals to newcastle...
916390;1415645993;mircea_popescu;you come here, you have a good steak, you forgot why you ever wanted to make a steakhouse. much like the man who was considering doing his own plumbing out of reeds in lebanon, moves to constantinople with the marble baths forgets all about it.
916391;1415646009;saifedean;they are the absolute world champions, along with the south africans
916392;1415646023;mircea_popescu;im curious when fluffypony shows over, see what he thinks.
916393;1415646031;mircea_popescu;saifedean so you actually been here before ?
916394;1415646078;saifedean;well, as i said i am hoping to go to BA sometime soon, my argentine friend will be there and it's meant as a crash course in grilling... i could just stick around, but i'd need me a new business idea for the post-bezzlepocalypse
916395;1415646096;saifedean;no i've never been to argentina, but i did live in Rio de Janeiro for two years as a kid
916397;1415646119;mircea_popescu;anyway, show up, i'll buy you a steak.
916398;1415646161;saifedean;bife de chorizo!
916399;1415646178;mircea_popescu;nah, bife de lomo aniversario.
916400;1415646195;saifedean;i should be finding out soon if my trip will pan out and will let you know
916401;1415646195;mircea_popescu;1kg porterhouse steak is the golden standard in my eyes nao.
916402;1415646246;saifedean;ok, you have a point, i'll have both :D
916403;1415646331;BingoBoingo;From the WTF files http://www.digitaljournal.com/pr/2321794 << The Javascript
916404;1415646332;assbot;NODE Second Generation Cryptocurrency With Different Codebase To Bitcoin Launches - Press Release - Digital Journal
916405;1415646342;scoopbot;New post on Trilema by Mircea Popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/we-the-people/
916406;1415646454;BingoBoingo;!up saifedean
916407;1415646544;mircea_popescu;anyway, off to eat. later good folk of the evil cult!
916408;1415646559;chetty;saifedean, actually I think there is good call for the sort of 'grill' you describe in Argentina, the relaxed atmosphere, the fire, etc. Steak may be great here but it could use some 'trappings'
916409;1415646650;thestringpuller;ben_vulpes: http://btc2mysql.com/ << have you seen http://toshi.io ?
916410;1415646656;saifedean;interesting... my idea is also to make it a paleo restaurant... if you guys haven't gone paleo yet, let me just point that making the switch from the crap that everyone eats today to paleo eating is no less revolutionary than jumping from the world of bezzle to bitcoin
916411;1415646691;thestringpuller;saifedean: I prefer my diet of candy and insulin.
916412;1415646696;undata;saifedean: there is *so* much eaten that is barely (if at all) food
916413;1415646743;chetty;<<< never giving up bread and pastries but agree with the 'crap' descriptor for most of what passes as food
916414;1415646784;saifedean;well thestringpuller, i've tried that shitty-ass diet and i tried being paleo, and there's no comparison. Once you try going paleo, eating crap seems about as reasonable as not looking around before crossing the street. Sure, it can be done... but why?
916415;1415646790;undata;ditching dairy aside from cheese has been helpful for me
916416;1415646816;undata;the cheese could go too but that's no way to live
916417;1415646821;saifedean;oh chetty, those who resist paleo the most are the ones most desperately in need of it!
916418;1415646830;joecool;welcome to #bitcoin-lifestyle
916419;1415646909;joecool;ah i missed mp, funny seeing the noob log
916420;1415646921;*;joecool wonders when he joined
916421;1415646929;joecool;;;gpg info mircea_popescu
916422;1415646929;gribble;User 'mircea_popescu', with keyid 8A736F0E2FB7B452, fingerprint 6160E1CAC8A3C52966FD76998A736F0E2FB7B452, and bitcoin address None, registered on Fri Jul 22 08:39:10 2011, last authed on Mon Nov 10 13:04:01 2014. http://b-otc.com/vg?nick=mircea_popescu . Currently authenticated from hostmask mircea_popescu!~Mircea@pdpc/supporter/silver/mircea-popescu .
916423;1415646935;joecool;;;gpg info joecool
916424;1415646935;gribble;User 'joecool', with keyid 4A169504F495E1D1, fingerprint D7570DDF7F8527E085A6CBA44A169504F495E1D1, and bitcoin address 1JoecooLw8qohGrFrmhCcPN6Gw355FjxBc, registered on Thu Apr 28 01:50:04 2011, last authed on Mon Nov 10 13:49:45 2014. http://b-otc.com/vg?nick=joecool . Currently authenticated from hostmask joecool!~joecool@no-sources/joecool .
916426;1415647004;saifedean;oh but paleo is intimately related to bitcoin: it is cheap money that has plagued the world with high time preference and that, in turn, is what has turned food from being nourishing to a giant bezzle-funded industry that aims to provide sugar kicks and insulin spikes to the proles immediately when the temptation kicks in.
916427;1415647009;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19350 @ 0.00064819 = 12.5425 BTC [+]
916428;1415647056;undata;saifedean: its a dream of mine that there'll be a return to families producing their own food.
916429;1415647070;undata;you want economic security; that's it.
916430;1415647079;joecool;i've produced a good chunk of mine off and on over the years
916431;1415647099;joecool;plenty of deer to shoot and ran a large vegetable garden (did canning, freezing for winter, etc)
916432;1415647121;saifedean;undata but then... who will raise the aggregate demand?! How selfish would it be of all families to think of their own survival and leave the national economy to flounder.
916433;1415647227;undata;saifedean: sounds glorious. flounder away!
916434;1415647344;undata;I'm working on a software business for now; should that succeed, I'd like to look into automation products for small scale food production.
916435;1415647398;undata;my parents have a largely self-sufficient farm, and their processes are not particularly scientific
916436;1415647479;undata;it seems to me that there are gains to be found via automation which would allow a person to both produce their own food and have time to spare for other pursuits
916437;1415647647;ben_vulpes;nah, just put hippies to work running the aquaponics
916438;1415647652;ben_vulpes;automation's overrated
916439;1415647697;undata;I disagree; humans are overrated.
916440;1415647728;undata;I'm trying to find an article; the sentence that sticks out in my memory was something like "why would anyone buy lightbulbs when they can just pay staff to see to their candles?"
916441;1415647746;undata;because I want to be left alone to work!
916443;1415647767;rithm;SWISS money
916444;1415647772;rithm;comes from automata
916445;1415647784;rithm;Sent While I Sleep Soundly
916446;1415647893;saifedean;i don't mind automation for as long as it does not compromise the quality of the thing in question. So, a fridge is a good idea to keep my steaks cool for a few hours between butchering and grilling. A deep freezer is not such a good idea coz the meat will never taste the same.
916447;1415648029;undata;saifedean: machines should extend the mind of their master
916448;1415648069;saifedean;undata: yes, not replace it!
916449;1415648147;chetty; oh chetty, those who resist paleo the most are the ones most desperately in need of it!// the paleo idea makes sense to me, and for sure all those chemical and stuff that passes for food is bad idea, but I really don't see passing on grain entirely.
916450;1415648359;chetty;!up saifedean
916451;1415648402;joecool;i don't miss it, used to ride insulin rollercoaster for years
916452;1415648415;saifedean;chetty: "but I really don't see passing on grain entirely." Try it for a week and see what it does to you. How hard can that be? What do you stand to lose?
916453;1415648415;xanthyos;bringing a new guy here who wants in the wot
916454;1415648454;joecool;saifedean: i found out i had severe issues with wheat after i noticed i'd feel better if i didn't eat
916455;1415648467;joecool;so i fasted a week or two and did an additive diet
916456;1415648477;chetty;saifedean, ok, I can do that (guess I better read up on it a bit, can I still have coffee?)
916457;1415648479;joecool;until i figured out what it was
916458;1415648519;joecool;coffee is fine lol, drink it black
916459;1415648529;ben_vulpes;;;later tell diablo-d3 you're missing a paleo love-in
916460;1415648530;gribble;The operation succeeded.
916461;1415648531;joecool;if you don't like it, get better coffee and learn how to make it
916462;1415648531;chetty;only way to drink coffee
916463;1415648535;ben_vulpes;;;seen diablo-d3
916464;1415648535;gribble;diablo-d3 was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 weeks, 6 days, 21 hours, 35 minutes, and 1 second ago:  so it never happened
916465;1415648550;saifedean;we humans are simply not evolved to eat grains and seeds. Evolution has worked for millions of years so that the fruit contains nutrients that are good for us, and it also looks good, smells good and appeals to us, because it's good for us and for the plant that we eat the fruit, and that's why we can eat it in the raw.
916466;1415648585;ben_vulpes;saifedean: have you ever read the 10,000 year explosion?
916467;1415648589;joecool;nah fuck fruit tbh, rarely eat the stuff
916469;1415648614;undata;joecool: never?
916470;1415648631;joecool;undata: pretty much yeah, i hardly ever have it
916471;1415648635;saifedean;But we are not meant to eat the seeds or the grains, they are meant to go into the earth to bring forth more plants. That;s why seeds and grains do not look appealing, do not taste or smell good, and they are absolutely destructive for our body if eaten. agriculture and modern processing over the last 10,000 years has made these things slightly less destructive to us and we have developed some capacity to tolerate them, bu
916472;1415648637;chetty;I dont think I am that far off paleo as it is, most of what I eat is raw fruit, veggies and meat anyway.
916473;1415648648;joecool;berries yes, leafy vegetables of course, but fuck eating tons of fruit
916474;1415648656;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14250 @ 0.00065012 = 9.2642 BTC [+]
916475;1415648684;undata;joecool: ah nobody needs tons
916476;1415648724;xanthyos;!up thomas_d
916478;1415648740;saifedean;if you eliminate grains, seeds and sugars, you effectively eliminate the possibility of developing most modern diseases, including diabetes, cancer, alzheimer's, obesity, and so on
916479;1415648744;xanthyos;!up thomas_d
916481;1415648769;chetty;ahh I be chocolate isnt on the list, cant be doing without that for more than a week :P
916482;1415648776;saifedean;ben_vulpes, i havent. would you recommend it?
916483;1415648786;ben_vulpes;i have.
916484;1415648794;xanthyos;what's the link to the wot faq?
916485;1415648798;joecool;chetty: i eat high % chocolate, usually 91% or 100%
916486;1415648801;joecool;sugar is not a concern there
916487;1415648808;ben_vulpes;it puts a mess of holes about three feet below the water line of this "ancient diet" crap.
916489;1415648828;saifedean;dark chocolate aint that bad, the thing is, you never have to completely eliminate anything... you just need to drastically reduce some thing and make sure they are not a regular part of your diet
916490;1415648843;ben_vulpes;dude what is with the endless wordstream
916491;1415648901;chetty;well if I got dark chocolate everything else will be ok. :)
916492;1415649054;saifedean;yes, coffee is fine... and if you have it with butter, you win extra paleo points!
916493;1415649091;ben_vulpes;!up lobbes
916494;1415649101;ben_vulpes;you're welcome
916495;1415649144;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14200 @ 0.00064819 = 9.2043 BTC [-]
916496;1415649165;chetty;I read about that coffee with butter thing, havent had the nerve to try it
916497;1415649181;ben_vulpes;i did it for a while
916498;1415649184;ben_vulpes;made me feel funny
916499;1415649185;lobbes;<+saifedean> if you eliminate grains, seeds and sugars, you effectively eliminate the possibility of developing most modern diseases, including diabetes, cancer, alzheimer's, obesity, and so on << okay.. I can maybe see diabetes.. but to eliminate the possibility of cancer by cutting out sugar and seeds??
916500;1415649213;ben_vulpes;lobbes: excess energy in the system develops parasites
916501;1415649216;ben_vulpes;it's like communism
916502;1415649217;ben_vulpes;BUT IN YOU
916504;1415649219;assbot;58. Cancer and Sugar | Verner's Views
916505;1415649220;joecool;cancer really likes fruit :)
916507;1415649251;TomServo;ben_vulpes: lol
916508;1415649287;saifedean;check out Otto Warburg, German Nobel Laureate in Medicine, whose main contribution was to discover that it is only through sugar intake that cancer cells can grow. Eliminate sugar, eliminate cancer, it's that simple. And that, incidentally, is why hunter-gatherers have zero sugar
916509;1415649377;undata;http://nutritionaloncology.org/cancerCellMetabolism.html this thing?
916510;1415649545;saifedean;yes, though i havent read this piece, but take it from the horse's mouth: http://www.whale.to/a/warburg.html
916511;1415649545;assbot;The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer by Otto Warburg
916512;1415649640;xanthyos;!down thomas_d
916513;1415649667;xanthyos;i resent being solicited for help joining the wot only to then have them go afk
916514;1415649724;ben_vulpes; yes, though i havent read this piece << you're like the guy who links to btc stealing malware
916515;1415649734;ben_vulpes;"i didn't actually read the source oh noes"
916516;1415649754;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25131 @ 0.00064819 = 16.2897 BTC [-]
916517;1415650045;saifedean;i didnt actually read the link you sent so i can't vouch for it, or if it's an accurate explanation of the topic, so i gave you one that i had read which i know is good
916518;1415650226;Pierre_Rochard;!up saifedean
916519;1415650361;lobbes;<+saifedean> yes, though i havent read this piece, but take it from the horse's mouth: http://www.whale.to/a/warburg.html << hehe, I dig the tripod.com url at the top of the page; vintage
916520;1415650361;assbot;The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer by Otto Warburg
916521;1415650432;Apocalyptic; cancer really likes fruit :) // cancer likes fructose
916522;1415650454;Apocalyptic;as any other type of sugar
916523;1415651313;Pierre_Rochard;saifedean: looking forward to savoring your restaurant’s lamb shank one day
916524;1415651590;cazalla;https://www.quantcast.com/qntra.net qntra continues to lose traffic, it's dead
916525;1415651590;assbot;                  Qntra.net Traffic and Demographic Statistics by Quantcast                  
916526;1415652342;punkman;cazalla: you just need more ddos
916527;1415652401;cazalla;twozerofive doesn't come around here much now
916528;1415652407;cazalla;;;seen twozerofive
916529;1415652407;gribble;I have not seen twozerofive.
916530;1415652432;cazalla;;;seen fivezerotwo
916531;1415652432;gribble;fivezerotwo was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 6 days, 21 hours, 54 minutes, and 17 seconds ago:  have fun, i'll see you soon :D
916532;1415652436;cazalla;already forgotten his name
916533;1415652445;mike_c;502, get it. bad gateway.
916534;1415652461;cazalla;did not occur to me
916535;1415652463;mike_c;it's like l33t speek
916536;1415652482;cazalla;obvious now that you pointed it out
916537;1415652498;mike_c;oh no, i didn't get it either.  he explained it in channel at some point.
916538;1415652512;mike_c;all the best jokes require explanation.
916539;1415652567;rithm;his name was robert paulsen
916540;1415654993;xanthyos;!up bagels7
916541;1415655024;xanthyos;;;rate bagels7 1 known online 5 years consistently friendly
916542;1415655024;gribble;Error: User doesn't exist in the Rating or GPG databases. User must be GPG-registered to receive ratings.
916543;1415656769;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5569 @ 0.00064803 = 3.6089 BTC [-] {2} 
916544;1415657069;xanthyos;!up bagels7
916545;1415657080;xanthyos;!up thomas_d
916546;1415657441;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51100 @ 0.00064597 = 33.0091 BTC [-] {2} 
916547;1415658660;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19050 @ 0.00064574 = 12.3013 BTC [-] {2} 
916548;1415660731;nubbins`;;;seen thestringpuller
916549;1415660731;gribble;thestringpuller was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 3 hours, 54 minutes, and 0 seconds ago:  saifedean: I prefer my diet of candy and insulin.
916550;1415660742;nubbins`;thestringpuller you know they found your poster?
916551;1415660795;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13150 @ 0.00064547 = 8.4879 BTC [-]
916552;1415660838;nubbins`;postage apparently emancipated itself from the package, it'd been sitting in an abandoned mail room awaiting destruction
916553;1415660910;nubbins`;guy was all "we'll never find it", i described the shape and he was all "o yeah, that one"
916554;1415660922;nubbins`;anyway. on its way. i guess.
916557;1415661283;thestringpuller;oh cool
916558;1415662619;BingoBoingo; if you eliminate grains, seeds and sugars, you effectively eliminate the possibility of developing most modern diseases, including diabetes, cancer, alzheimer's, obesity, and so on << What about Chagas, Obola, and Syphillis?
916559;1415662734;BingoBoingo;!up saifedean
916560;1415665248;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43294 @ 0.0006461 = 27.9723 BTC [+] {2} 
916561;1415665309;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15656 @ 0.00064484 = 10.0956 BTC [-] {2} 
916562;1415666298;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by cazalla: http://qntra.net/2014/11/rbnz-does-not-feel-threatened-by-bitcoin/
916563;1415666667;mircea_popescu;saifedean:  making the switch from the crap that everyone eats today to paleo eating is no less revolutionary than jumping from the world of bezzle to bitcoin <<< eh get out with the paleo stuff. what do you do for cake ?
916564;1415666697;mircea_popescu;i mean sure, the hamburger & canned hot dog crowd is eating very poorly, but that's not the same thing.
916565;1415666774;mircea_popescu;undata: the cheese could go too but that's no way to live << no buttermilk ? no yogurt ? why would i even.
916566;1415666780;mircea_popescu;i think half the liquid i drink is milk.
916567;1415666824;mircea_popescu;joecool: ah i missed mp, funny seeing the noob log << good to know someone actually misses me :D
916568;1415666834;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9621 @ 0.00064211 = 6.1777 BTC [-]
916569;1415666937;mircea_popescu;undata: you want economic security; that's it. <<< could a visiting merchant buy a nice ham off of one of your families when passing through ?
916570;1415667042;mircea_popescu;joecool:plenty of deer to shoot and ran a large vegetable garden saifedean:undata but then... who will raise the aggregate demand?! <<< you two are aware that if this were the normal about 90% of urban population would die off through simple starvation within the decade, yes ?
916571;1415667125;undata;mircea_popescu: I wouldn't bat an eye.
916572;1415667154;mircea_popescu;undata you would after shoveling corpses for a week or two.
916573;1415667181;mircea_popescu;so the sad news is, argentina has bad peaches down to a fucking artform. this set here, properly juicy, smell great, taste like fucking corcoduse
916574;1415667185;mircea_popescu;ie, wild apricots.
916575;1415667206;mircea_popescu;may be the worst scampeaches i ever did see.
916576;1415667391;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2014/11/usps-hacked-every-employees-personal-information-compromised/
916578;1415667438;mircea_popescu;"o no, we will just work with the usg, help them track bitcoiner's shippments. nothing bad could ever happen!"
916579;1415667525;mircea_popescu;saifedean: chetty: "but I really don't see passing on grain entirely." Try it for a week and see what it does to you. How hard can that be? What do you stand to lose? <<< i'm pretty sure she did try it for a week on and off, multiple times. not purposefully or anything, just, how it happened.
916580;1415667551;mircea_popescu;xanthyos: bringing a new guy here who wants in the wot <<< well, who is he ?
916581;1415667607;mircea_popescu;saifedean: we humans are simply not evolved to eat grains and seeds. Evolution has worked for millions of years so << we humans are also simply not evolved to wash.
916582;1415667617;mircea_popescu;and come to think of it, we're quite pointedly not evolved to use condoms, either.
916583;1415667639;mircea_popescu;which of these are you giving up because of that silly "evolved" theory ? i wasn't evolved to use a keyboard nor to cross the street nor do i give a shit.
916584;1415667686;mircea_popescu;joecool: undata: pretty much yeah, i hardly ever have it << my bet is because you live in a place with shitty (ie, supermarket) fruit.
916585;1415667735;mircea_popescu;saifedean: But we are not meant to eat the seeds [...] they are meant to go into the earth to bring forth more plants.  <<  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUspLVStPbk nothing is "meant", srsly.
916586;1415667735;assbot;Every Sperm is Sacred - Monty Python's The Meaning of Life - YouTube
916587;1415667741;joecool;mircea_popescu: nah, despite the fact i live in 'murica, i have grown my own fruit and vegetables
916589;1415667747;assbot;Logged on 08-09-2014 13:26:02; BingoBoingo: The gluten thing is just because some members of the species don't have genetic compatibility with this "agriculture" thing yet...
916590;1415667767;mircea_popescu;joecool but getting good fruit is a nontrivial pursuit. say you "made your own wine". well... ? so what if you did.
916591;1415667818;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo im romanian, im fucking evolved to eat bread. we've been eating bread for well over five millenia now, and it was millet before it was wheat.
916592;1415667823;mircea_popescu;just a latin thing.
916593;1415667893;BingoBoingo;Yeah. Bread is good. SOmetimes i do "Bread cleanses" where I'll get a big loaf of bread, some nice butter, and eat that for a day or two.
916594;1415667897;mircea_popescu;(incidentally, millet unlevened bread, now that's an experience. i have nfi why it's not becoming a hipster thing. maybe they never heard of it)
916595;1415667937;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo this used to be what students lived off in the 80s/90s. there was an actual shop speficially catering to it. various sour milks and breads.
916596;1415667948;xanthyos;<+mircea_popescu> xanthyos: bringing a new guy here who wants in the wot
916597;1415667948;BingoBoingo;Millet's probably in the que to become a hipster thing. They just have to work through the other fads.
916598;1415667950;mircea_popescu;;;google cluj sora
916599;1415667951;gribble;Cluj-Napoca travel guide - Wikitravel: ; Cluj-Napoca – Travel guide at Wikivoyage: ; Sora Shopping Center - Visit CLUJ: 
916600;1415667964;mircea_popescu;meanwhile it sold out, became a "shopping center"
916601;1415667964;xanthyos;<<< well, who is he ? << it was that thomas_d guy and also bagels7 but i think thomas is flaking out
916602;1415667984;mircea_popescu;xanthyos moar like, what do they do.
916603;1415668000;xanthyos;i don't know if i'm at liberty to reveal that information
916604;1415668002;xanthyos;bagels7: ?
916605;1415668021;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo this used to be what students lived off in the 80s/90s. there was an actual shop speficially catering to it. various sour milks and breads. << Well, I picked up the habit in school, so...
916606;1415668023;mircea_popescu;a, np
916607;1415668038;joecool;mircea_popescu: you mentioned you came out of retirement to start mpex, what was your trade before retiring?
916608;1415668064;mircea_popescu;joecool that was never very clearly specified.
916609;1415668154;joecool;is that a polite way of saying "i'd rather not disclose"?
916610;1415668178;mircea_popescu;well, it's a polite way of saying nothing at all :)
916611;1415668195;joecool;:) fair enough
916612;1415668212;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo incidentally : yogurt is properly made out of boiled milk, whereas the same process applied to raw milk resulted in something called "sana" in romania of the time.
916613;1415668234;mircea_popescu;which are both different from buttermilk etc. it's a huge topic, this, and honestly half of it comes from turkey an' lebanon :p
916614;1415668243;BingoBoingo;I've never had the opportunity to actual yogurt.
916615;1415668260;BingoBoingo;Buttermilk is accessible here.
916617;1415668323;assbot;Slappy the Squirrel Buttermilk Ad Chipmunk - YouTube
916618;1415668324;BingoBoingo;It's not the easiest thing to find, but actual cultured butter is still accesible here.
916619;1415668400;BingoBoingo;lol, makes a body bitter
916620;1415668482;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38255 @ 0.00064374 = 24.6263 BTC [+] {2} 
916621;1415668670;gernika;I suspect that there has not been much or any negative selection related to eating grains.   Eating them doesn't kill you before you can breed.  So yes, eventually they may or may not make you fat and give you diabetes, but not before you've had 10 kids fueled on starch alone.
916622;1415668748;nubbins`;grains are great
916623;1415668749;mircea_popescu;gernika actually starch only diets are known to be toxic, for vitamin depletion reasons
916624;1415668753;cazalla;10 kids? wash ya mouth out
916625;1415668762;mircea_popescu;poor peasants in the premodern times got b defficiencies all the time, inter alia
916626;1415668775;nubbins`;mircea_popescu iirc the b deficiencies were from doing whippets all day
916627;1415668792;nubbins`;LEL I KID
916628;1415668798;mircea_popescu;meat only diets are just as toxic, through overwhelming kidney clearances for protein metabolic products. etc.
916629;1415668810;mircea_popescu;;;ud whippet
916630;1415668810;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=whippets | Whipped-cream-in-a-can is propelled by nitrous oxide. This usage is the source of the term "whippet". The term has come to refer to any little canister that'll give ...
916632;1415668841;ben_vulpes;mmm nox
916633;1415668842;gernika;mircea_popescu ok I should substitute "mostly grain + small amount of meat and vegetables" for "starch alone" then
916634;1415668874;mircea_popescu;anyway, cancer has a huge genetic component. diabetes a smaller but present one. obviously eating better improves health, but that's a much weaker claim than "do away with"
916635;1415668892;nubbins`;ben_vulpes i was recently trying to describe the sensation of being rendered unconscious by NO2 in a clinical setting. after hemming and hawing for a few minutes, i said "it's sort of like doing whippets until you pass out"
916636;1415668909;nubbins`;by the time "until" reached my lips, i realized that's exactly what it was 8)
916637;1415668912;mircea_popescu;gernika that's pretty much the first stable diet. roman workers/soldiers got bread, beer (liquid bread) and some olives/small fishes.
916638;1415668962;mircea_popescu;and i guess grapes the day the boss' wife was doing the fingertrap.
916640;1415669001;BingoBoingo;The case of shitgnome vs. shitgnome https://gnome.org/groupon/
916641;1415669001;assbot;Help the GNOME Foundation defend the GNOME Trademark
916643;1415669042;gernika;mircea_popescu I'm guessing Egyptian workers/soldiers got the same.
916644;1415669091;mircea_popescu;nah, not before caesar at any rate.
916645;1415669118;mircea_popescu;for one thing they didn't eat fish (seth lived in the nile). for another, i dun recall what their main grain was but definitely not wheat.
916646;1415669120;ben_vulpes;nice nubbins`.
916647;1415669123;gernika;well, no olives
916648;1415669196;nubbins`;mircea_popescu i feel like it was some sort of shitty type of wheat
916649;1415669212;nubbins`;actually maybe barley
916650;1415669213;*;nubbins` shrugs
916651;1415669215;mircea_popescu;doubt it. maybe some sort of millet ? or rye ?
916652;1415669225;mircea_popescu;in any case : they mostly ate firepit baked unleavened clumps of dough
916653;1415669230;mircea_popescu;the romans made bread, ie, in an oven
916654;1415669238;mircea_popescu;huge fucken difference between frying and baking
916656;1415669256;gernika;looks like barley and emmer wheat
916657;1415669261;mircea_popescu;emmer wheat ok.
916659;1415669281;ben_vulpes;wait unleavened? what's the deal with the joostories then?
916660;1415669281;gernika;And apparently beer (from the barley)
916661;1415669333;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes well who the fuck's to know. but anyway, leavening was an innovation roughly at the time, poorly received
916662;1415669633;mircea_popescu;sort-of like we snub our nose at mcdo hamburgers i guess.
916663;1415669637;mircea_popescu;same principle anyway.
916664;1415669706;mircea_popescu;!up aspho
916665;1415669726;aspho;Hey, did qntra just go coindesk or what? http://qntra.net/2014/11/national-bank-of-ukraine-bitcoin-not-to-be-used-for-payments/ - http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2lvczp/ukraine_and_bitcoin_clarification/ (reddit of all places, sigh)
916666;1415669727;assbot;National Bank of Ukraine: Bitcoin Not to Be Used for Payments | Qntra.net
916667;1415669727;assbot;Ukraine and Bitcoin. Clarification : Bitcoin
916669;1415669798;nubbins`;"your order number is 999"
916671;1415669807;*;nubbins` checks for fisher-price logo
916672;1415669841;mircea_popescu;"There are reports that the National Bank of Ukraine has issued a directive on its Facebook page banning the use of Bitcoin for payments within the country"
916673;1415669846;mircea_popescu;there are reports... coulda been worse.
916674;1415669861;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo i suppose some sort of revision's in order ?
916675;1415669901;nubbins`;!up Vexual
916676;1415669904;cazalla;aspho, the post references the stupidity of "issuing missives via Facebook post" so no, Qntra has not done coindesk
916678;1415669956;aspho;Semantics isn't it?
916679;1415669984;aspho;tbf I read it both ways
916680;1415669986;mircea_popescu;cazalla that is true, but it wasn't all that explicitly doing that was it ?
916681;1415670015;BingoBoingo;https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2lvczp/ukraine_and_bitcoin_clarification/ << Doesn't seem to contradict the Qntra report.
916682;1415670016;assbot;Ukraine and Bitcoin. Clarification : Bitcoin
916683;1415670047;mircea_popescu;"Not only is the notion of government by Facebook page about on par with the US immigration policy implemented by wikipedia lookup, but the interpretation offered isn't even supported by the original text, which merely says..."
916684;1415670441;mircea_popescu;lobbes: okay.. I can maybe see diabetes.. but to eliminate the possibility of cancer by cutting out sugar and seeds <<< there are some good if not winning arguments in favour. generally, fats are about twice as energetic per gram as sugars. however the power (ie, energy per time) function is much flatter. that's only half the story, of course, because the fat (and protein, they're related, as you'd expect) processing b
916685;1415670442;mircea_popescu;andwidth is much wider than the sugars, for the obvious reason. this makes a lot of subordinate wheels be connected principaly to that main engine, much like the alternator in the car is connected to the gasoline powered carnot cycle, not to say the steering wheel. one of those subordinate wheels is actually the immune system, and so in a very pedestrian reading, obtaining most of your energy from the kreb cycle means
916686;1415670442;mircea_popescu;an underpowered immune system, among other things. (then again, other systems, such as a whole array of cellular antioxidants, essentially all the red cell metabolism and all the brain are powered by the carbohydrate metabolism). in short... no easy answers. srsly. we "are evolved" to do everything.
916687;1415670697;mircea_popescu;saifedean: check out Otto Warburg, German Nobel Laureate in Medicine, whose main contribution was to discover that it is only through sugar intake that cancer cells can grow <<< this is exactly false. for instance, breast carcinoma cells are most always grown in vitro on collagen substrate. collagen is a protein not a sugar.
916688;1415670705;cazalla;aspho, BingoBoingo has updated the post to clarify but fwiw i was implied it might not be factual given facebook
916689;1415670800;mircea_popescu;!up agamemno123
916690;1415670813;cazalla;and as good as we are at qntra, we make mistakes, we are not infallible
916691;1415670833;BingoBoingo;As far as the Warburg stuff goes. It's generally accepted that cancer cells generally turn to some some of anearobes, but... SOmetimes it works the opposite way like in breast cancer, and the change over almost certainly seems to not be the cause of the cancer.
916692;1415670849;cazalla;i think only one person claims to be, eh thickasthieves? *rimshot*
916693;1415670874;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo well yeah. it's a complicated thing. moreover, simply because one doesn't *eat* sugar does not mean glycogen does not exist in their body or anything
916694;1415670890;aspho;Cazalla: I see where you're coming from. not pointing fingers, just helping out (although it gets attention comparing with coindesk heh)
916695;1415670931;mircea_popescu;aspho i dun think anyone tried just saying it to see if it gets ignored or anything yet.
916696;1415670942;mircea_popescu;as opposed to "getting attention"
916697;1415670961;BingoBoingo;Well, someone invented the HTML strikethrough tag for a reason
916698;1415670978;mircea_popescu;xanthyos: i resent being solicited for help joining the wot only to then have them go afk << resent less, live longer. definitely happier.
916699;1415671015;xanthyos;bagels7: speak to the man!
916700;1415671024;aspho;ya next time
916701;1415671038;mircea_popescu;anyway, pop-medicine is like pop-computing. sort-of php.
916702;1415671099;BingoBoingo;Eh, wait to people find out they make glucose...
916703;1415671118;Vexual;hey glucose is fat free
916704;1415671150;mircea_popescu;but anyway, from a political standpoint the "no sugar" angle is good. i'm stuck mostly eating homemade cake because everyone's convinced you need sugar by the bucket. "gotta be sweet man!"
916705;1415671156;mircea_popescu;!up supay
916706;1415671170;mircea_popescu;in the end conversion from online recipe to edible recipe is cup of sugar -> spoonful of sugar
916707;1415671283;xanthyos;!up bagels7
916708;1415671354;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo anyway, as far as i understand (not an expert) the reason neoplasm mostly turns anaerobic is that apoptosis main branch and aerobic respiration share some protein pathways. so it often gets deleted in the same pass as it were, "no electricity" means no music and no light at the same time.
916709;1415671426;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: That seems to go with what I read as well.
916710;1415671519;mircea_popescu;!up username0
916711;1415671520;BingoBoingo;The problem of cancer is cell division and cells not self destructing when they come up defective because the checking mechanism's broke. The anerobe thing is a side effect.
916712;1415671526;mircea_popescu;!up username0_
916713;1415671545;mircea_popescu;!up aspho
916714;1415671571;xanthyos;hi bagels7
916715;1415671577;BingoBoingo;!up Vexual
916716;1415671624;mircea_popescu;cazalla:  qntra continues to lose traffic, it's dead << at least it has what to lose lol
916717;1415671649;mircea_popescu;punkman: cazalla: you just need more ddos << you know that read "more dildos". which.... hm.
916718;1415671702;mircea_popescu;nubbins`: guy was all "we'll never find it", i described the shape and he was all "o yeah, that one" <<  bwahahaha
916719;1415671753;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: what I think about BA or about the steak there?
916720;1415671765;mircea_popescu;about the steak there.
916721;1415671809;fluffypony;oh I'm dead keen
916722;1415671834;fluffypony;the steak here has mostly been average, I've had one above-average steak and that was at Seasons52 in Los Angeles
916723;1415671836;mircea_popescu;i had no idea sa is actually famous for steak, but apparently.
916725;1415671918;nubbins`;i worked in a restaurant here in canada, they served argentine beef
916726;1415671933;mircea_popescu;nubbins` south africa. i know argentine beef is famous.
916727;1415671937;fluffypony;nubbins` btw
916728;1415671945;nubbins`;oh THAT south ___
916729;1415671959;nubbins`;they did not serve south african beef
916730;1415671965;fluffypony;I went to the Adventure Expo in Salt Lake City wearing the t-shirts you made
916731;1415671973;fluffypony;and got stopped and asked about Bitcoin by 3 people :)
916732;1415671978;nubbins`;not bad!
916733;1415671987;nubbins`;imagine if you'd brought your poster with you :p
916735;1415672010;mircea_popescu;imagine if you were naked!
916736;1415672014;mircea_popescu;no wait.
916737;1415672017;mircea_popescu;that wouldn't work.
916738;1415672065;fluffypony;hah hah
916739;1415672080;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22870 @ 0.00064845 = 14.8301 BTC [+]
916740;1415672090;mircea_popescu;;;bare tits tshirt
916741;1415672090;BingoBoingo;Peoples with mobile devices, test the qntra layout
916742;1415672090;gribble;Error: "bare" is not a valid command.
916743;1415672094;nubbins`;walk up to naked dude, "what about bitcoin?"
916744;1415672096;mircea_popescu;;;google bare tits tshirt
916745;1415672097;gribble;Amateur girls in wet tshirts flashing boobs - Video Dailymotion: ; wet shirt contest topless nude - Video Dailymotion: ; Big Tits and Fine Ass Wet T-Shirt Contest - Video Dailymotion: (1 more message)
916746;1415672114;mircea_popescu;check out the dailymotion monopoly.
916747;1415672202;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21800 @ 0.00064967 = 14.1628 BTC [+] {3} 
916748;1415672207;mircea_popescu;anyway, something like http://images.halloweencostume.com/products/11388/1-1/adult-hands-covering-boobs-t-shirt.jpg
916749;1415672227;mircea_popescu;nubbins` can you do that, but for male shirts ?
916750;1415672249;mircea_popescu;"Bitcoin brings out the best in you" or w/e.
916751;1415672260;nubbins`;maybe a hand cupping the genitals
916752;1415672272;nubbins`;another arm strapped across a flabby, hairy chest
916753;1415672281;mircea_popescu;make a 6pack one for girls
916754;1415672300;mircea_popescu;nah dude, genderbendin'!
916756;1415672446;nubbins`;far out!
916757;1415672454;nubbins`;speaking of, here's the cover of the book we're working on now
916759;1415672456;assbot;                        imgur: the simple image sharer
916760;1415672587;xanthyos;;;ident bagels7
916761;1415672587;gribble;Nick 'bagels7', with hostmask 'bagels7!bagels7@modemcable232.144-161-184.mc.videotron.ca', is not identified.
916762;1415672609;xanthyos;;;ident sophiesakura
916763;1415672610;gribble;Error: I am not seeing this user on IRC. If you want information about a registered gpg user, try the 'gpg info' command instead.
916764;1415672621;xanthyos;;;gettrust sophiesakura
916765;1415672621;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user xanthyos to user sophiesakura: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=xanthyos&dest=sophiesakura | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=sophiesakura | Rated since: never
916766;1415672865;mircea_popescu;nubbins` is that an acid dropping guide ?
916767;1415672912;Vexual;he is
916768;1415672926;nubbins`;metallic inks on black paper
916769;1415672931;nubbins`;you should see the inside :0
916770;1415672954;mircea_popescu;"As a woman, peeing is a very big part of my life. Its something I do often, and something I do well."
916771;1415672956;mircea_popescu;god help us.
916772;1415672959;xiando;tl;dr 1) Do not do it alone 2) Do it with friends you trust 3) Do it in a calm safe place 4) Have some good music prepared
916773;1415672970;nubbins`;xiando out of left field
916774;1415672978;mircea_popescu;xiando apparently his guide is "go birdwatching"
916775;1415673003;nubbins`;solo trip is something one must experience at least once
916776;1415673038;cazalla;did once at 15 on mushrooms, freaked out, called poison hotline, told not to eat mushrooms again
916777;1415673040;mircea_popescu;"Im not some feminist radical Jane Fonda of the 70s type women, but I hate bras. I hate the way they feel. They are uncomfortable. They bind, they chafe, and when you have small breasts, they ride up."
916778;1415673055;mircea_popescu;yeah, that's the problem. the way they feel. just like you should be having bigger tits.
916779;1415673064;Vexual;it's all about the duck
916780;1415673074;nubbins`;duck w/ mushrooms is nice
916781;1415673088;nubbins`;oh wait sorry
916783;1415673118;assbot;Log In - The New York Times
916785;1415673347;assbot;                        imgur: the simple image sharer
916786;1415673361;nubbins`;the greater black-backed gull
916787;1415673406;nubbins`;protip: click to zoom
916788;1415673410;xiando;Mr. McMurtry said his handling of a case is sometimes determined by department wish lists. "If you want the car, and you really want to put it in your fleet, let me know -- I'll fight for it," Mr. McMurtry said,   http://www.nytimes.com/2014/11/10/us/police-use-department-wish-list-when-deciding-which-assets-to-seize.html?_r=1   MUURICA and we got similar local laws last month
916789;1415673412;assbot;Log In - The New York Times
916790;1415673432;xiando;I remember when we had freedom of speech and property rights in Sweeden. Good times
916791;1415673461;joecool;wat jewelry too hard to dispose of?
916792;1415673497;BingoBoingo;joecool: The proceeds from selling that go into the general fund and not the law enforcement fund, so why bother?
916793;1415673527;cazalla;xiando, now you just have niggers raping da white wimminz?
916794;1415673553;BingoBoingo;Also yeah, jewellry is a sucker's market.
916795;1415673627;xiando;Not sure if joke and I don't like the N word but: We do not have any here. None. I have perhaps seen 1 this year. People from the middle east? quite a lot. But no black people.
916796;1415673695;asciilifeform;incidentally (ianal!!) but usa has a federal law prescribing punishment for destroying property in order to prevent, iirc, 'lawful seizure.' does this still apply for... unlawful seizure?
916797;1415673717;nubbins`;"i don't like the N word but we do not have any here" lel any what?
916798;1415673728;xiando;black people
916800;1415673778;xiando;My childhood friend Charles whos father worked at the US embassy in Norway (black family) told me that using the N word is really disrespectful and hurtfull.
916801;1415673814;nubbins`;sorry, i was just amused by the way you worded your sentence. i know what you mean :D
916802;1415673925;joecool;lol i saw only 2 black people the month i was in newfoundland, was strange
916803;1415674079;ben_vulpes;hey any webdevs with spare cycles want to work on a btc app with me?
916804;1415674090;ben_vulpes;well "with me"
916805;1415674094;ben_vulpes;i say "make this thing"
916806;1415674133;joecool;he said the a-word, pass
916807;1415674152;joecool;ben_vulpes: what's the budget
916808;1415674171;ben_vulpes;the budget is half whatever it brings in over its lifetime
916809;1415674207;ben_vulpes;its a tiny little thing for someone with too much time on their hands to grind on
916810;1415674220;cazalla;xiando, we don't have black people in australia so i was not aware nigger is offensive, thank you for telling me
916811;1415674254;BingoBoingo;cazalla: What about the Abbos?
916812;1415674256;cazalla;!up Vexual
916813;1415674260;nubbins`;ben_vulpes what's the app for
916814;1415674262;joecool;abbies yo
916815;1415674262;cazalla;BingoBoingo, they are not people
916816;1415674272;joecool;good to know
916817;1415674293;Vexual;xiando, I'm black and I hand out down by the canl in stockholm after sunset sometimes, you haven't seen me?
916818;1415674312;nubbins`;Vexual whoa that's where i buy weed
916820;1415674325;Vexual;just jewelry
916821;1415674338;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20825 @ 0.00064844 = 13.5038 BTC [-] {2} 
916822;1415675070;ben_vulpes;;;later tell nubbins btc in, webservice out
916823;1415675070;gribble;The operation succeeded.
916824;1415675082;ben_vulpes;;;later tell nubbins probably stupid, but could be stood up and walked away from
916825;1415675083;gribble;The operation succeeded.
916826;1415675496;decimation;http://www.fourmilab.ch/fourmilog/archives/2014-11/001538.html << herr Walker reviews a book which describes the pitiful state of usg's land-based icbms
916827;1415675496;assbot;Reading List: Command and Control (Fourmilog:  None Dare Call It Reason)
916828;1415675586;mircea_popescu;xiando My childhood friend Charles whos father worked at the US embassy in Norway (black family) told me that using the N word is really disrespectful and hurtfull. << who're you gonna believe.
916829;1415675605;decimation;the lefties then interview young men who gave their youth to usg to 'man missiles' http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2014/11/air-force-missile-wing-minuteman-iii-nuclear-weapons-burnout
916830;1415675606;assbot;Death Wears Bunny Slippers | Mother Jones
916831;1415675639;mircea_popescu; xiando, I'm black << are you actually ?
916832;1415675682;mircea_popescu;decimation inasmuch as those things are about as useful as the five foot tall plaster cake in a confectioner's window, wut diff does it make.
916834;1415675699;decimation;what, the icbms?
916836;1415675771;decimation;yeah: "Ditching the ICBMs would save taxpayers $14 billion over the next 10 years, but not everyone's a fan of the idea: Senators from states where the missiles are based and tested have formed an ICBM caucus that isn't shy to throw its weight around. As a condition for confirming Rose Gottemoeller, Obama's recent pick for undersecretary of state for arms control and international security, the caucus insisted that the Pentagon
916837;1415675773;decimation;maintain all 454 ICBM silos, even through it is trimming the number of missiles to 400. (Yes, we will man and maintain 54 empty silos.)"
916838;1415675794;decimation;"Instead, most defense experts believe that in almost all foreseeable scenarios we'd strike with a bomber or a submarine, deployed from nearby shores or military bases."
916839;1415675813;decimation;it's pretty likely the Ruskies have already surveyed each icbm site to the millimeter
916840;1415675955;asciilifeform;decimation: that was sorta the point. tie up opponent's rockets, fewer remain for cities and known sub coordinates
916841;1415675981;asciilifeform;decimation: of course, this is back when the advantage of land rocket was used - they were once fitted with 'mirv'
916842;1415676004;decimation;which makes more sense of course
916843;1415676004;asciilifeform;so, the land rockets, sitting ducks as they were, were still forced targets
916844;1415676038;Vexual;ftas is where its at
916845;1415676053;decimation;and the youth who stumbled into the chumpatron of 'manning' the missiles become human statues
916846;1415676068;asciilifeform;human statues << unlike every other military sentry?
916847;1415676075;asciilifeform;srsly, they signed up for human statue detail
916848;1415676088;Vexual;were signing with china to provide more beef every year than we have, checkmate
916849;1415676102;decimation;asciilifeform: the youth in the motherjones story claims he wanted to be a pilot, air force changed the eyesight rules, suddenly a missiler is he
916850;1415676131;asciilifeform;lol, it was always traditional wisdom that a fellow with less than perfect eyes will fly 'mahogany bombers'
916851;1415676135;decimation;http://spacenews.com/article/military-space/42481us-missile-defense-agency-intercepts-three-targets-in-%E2%80%9Craid%E2%80%9D-test << usg wants to physically demonstrate ascii's anti-missiie theory
916852;1415676137;assbot;U.S. Missile Defense Agency Intercepts Three Targets in “Raid” Test | SpaceNews.com
916853;1415676158;mod6;cazalla BingoBoingo would either of you guys mind tweeting out a link to this? http://qntra.net/2014/11/bitcoin-declaration-of-sovereignty-filed/
916854;1415676158;assbot;Bitcoin Declaration of Sovereignty Filed | Qntra.net
916855;1415676180;decimation;"But during his senior year, the Air Force ended a waiver program that allowed cadets with imperfect vision—including Aaron—to earn their wings, so after graduation he grudgingly settled for a position at Malmstrom. He was hardly alone in his lack of enthusiasm: According to one study, less than one-third of missileers ever wanted that job. When Aaron hit on women in bars in Great Falls, he would sometimes say he was a wind
916856;1415676182;decimation;turbine technician."
916857;1415676217;asciilifeform;'He later confessed to chatting for most of a night with the hotel's cigar sales lady, who was asking questions "about physics and optics"and thinking to himself: "Dude, this doesn't normally happen." Carey was stripped of his command in October' << lol, 'cigar lady' gets 'order of lenin.'
916859;1415676268;decimation;the mind boggles at all the similar stories that are stuffed in some usg filing cabinet
916860;1415676304;asciilifeform;all the 'mother jones' photos are from an ancient museum silo
916861;1415676311;asciilifeform;i saw them a hundred times.
916862;1415676313;cazalla;mod6, all posts get tweeted out automatically
916864;1415676337;asciilifeform;what man, woman, child on planet hasn't seen the 'domino pizza' one ?
916865;1415676377;decimation;asciilifeform: you see to show you inside of a 'real site' would reveal 60 year old secrets
916866;1415676390;asciilifeform;lol, like the lock.
916867;1415676396;asciilifeform;(posted here, ~6 mo. ago)
916868;1415676425;asciilifeform;'sewer pipes in two Malmstrom launch facilities ruptured and a deep stew of human waste lingered at the bottom of the capsules. Despite the intolerable stench, the colonel in charge refused to take the units offline for repair. The men were instead ordered to defecate in a cardboard box lined with a plastic bag, but since nobody wanted to carry the box upstairs when it got full, the missileers began relieving t
916869;1415676425;asciilifeform;hemselves from a gangplank directly into the bottom of the capsule. This went on for four or five months.'
916871;1415676449;decimation;hehe yeah
916872;1415676461;decimation;of course, the reason: "A string of investigations concluded that the nuclear corps had lost its "zero defect" culture. In response, the Air Force launched a program to "sustain, modernize, and recapitalize its nuclear capability." What that meant in practice, Aaron says, was punishing the rank and file for past mistakes while the colonels swept the bigger problems under the rug."
916873;1415676479;decimation;this is generally standard usg management practice as far as I can tell
916874;1415676513;decimation;pretend things are swell, shoot any messengers that say otherwise, rotate to a 'diversity tour' before mistakes are obvious
916875;1415676536;decimation;I imagine this is pretty much how the soviet government worked too
916876;1415676582;mod6;cazalla: huh. ok. didn't see that one in the list. maybe i missed it?
916877;1415676692;cazalla;mod6, i just checked, it didn't go out, i'm guessing the auto feed thing didn't catch it after i changed it from sgornick's account to mine
916878;1415676916;ben_vulpes;this just in, the universe is a stochastic bitch: of all qntra posts, their tweetmachine failed to deliver the declaration of independence to the social media shitstew.
916879;1415677036;mod6;ben_vulpes: heheh
916880;1415677216;mircea_popescu; i saw them a hundred times. << the problem with the new, cheaper "media"
916881;1415677229;mircea_popescu;using stock photos only works if you're read by monkeys.
916882;1415677243;mircea_popescu;it's like a strategic decision that "people who read us aren't actually interested"
916884;1415677293;assbot;Logged on 26-02-2014 06:23:40; asciilifeform: channelling herr naggum: 'It is like going to a library full of books that took 50 man-years to produce each, inventing a way to cut down the costs to a few man-months per book by copying and randomly improving on other books, and then wondering why nobody thinks your library full of these cheaper books is an inspiration to future authors.'
916885;1415677440;mircea_popescu; I imagine this is pretty much how the soviet government worked too << not exactly. http://trilema.com/2013/regulation-for-our-lord-regulos/#footnote_0_51832
916886;1415677440;assbot;Regulation for our lord Regulos pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 
916888;1415677475;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes clearly, sabotage.
916889;1415677492;mircea_popescu;by the way ben_vulpes mod6 you two plan to make some sort of monthly "state of the bitcoin" address to go with jurov's reports ?
916890;1415677640;mircea_popescu;"As the night proceeded, all of the Carter era military malaise became evident. The Air Force lied to local law enforcement and media about what was happening, couldn't communicate with first responders, failed to send an evacuation helicopter for a gravely injured person because an irrelevant piece of equipment wasn't available, and could not come to a decision about how to respond as the situation deteriorated. Also
916891;1415677645;mircea_popescu;on display was the heroism of individuals, in the Air Force and outside, who took matters into their own hands on the spot, rescued people, monitored the situation, evacuated nearby farms in the path of toxic clouds, and improvised as events required."
916892;1415677649;mircea_popescu;this is a pretty good quote. "oh noes, what would we do without government" ?
916893;1415677655;mircea_popescu;i dunno dude. a) not have the problems and b) solve them the same exact way they're currently solved anyway ?
916894;1415677715;decimation;right, once it is obvious that the emperor has no clothes, regular folks just take it upon themselves to solve problems
916895;1415677751;mircea_popescu;but with or without the emperor, clothed or not, it is still the regular folks.
916896;1415677763;mircea_popescu;this guy reading the code and that guy making the log work and so on and so forth
916897;1415677797;mircea_popescu;the pretense of "government" is nothing but exactly that : pretense. useful, to a very limited degree, for fucktards, like the kids that won't "learn" unless there's santa there with the notebook.
916898;1415677800;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: you underestimate the depth of the glue and the sharpness of the glass
916899;1415677805;mircea_popescu;as if that sort of kid ever learns anything anyway.
916900;1415677821;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes howdja mean.
916901;1415677843;ben_vulpes;but we'll bark a bit more on the mailing list and some qntra hound can round it up at whatever frequency they please.
916902;1415677850;ben_vulpes;!s glue glass
916903;1415677851;assbot;3 results for 'glue glass' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=glue+glass
916904;1415677904;mircea_popescu;i c
916905;1415678101;decimation;https://chnm.gmu.edu/revolution/d/367/ "1. The National Assembly decrees that hereditary nobility is forever abolished. Consequently, the titles of Prince, Duke, Count, Marquis, Viscount, Vidame, Baron, Knight, Lord, Squire, Noble, and all other similar titles shall neither be accepted by, nor bestowed upon, anyone whomsoever."
916906;1415678102;assbot;Abolition of Nobility
916907;1415678171;decimation;!up Vexual
916908;1415678425;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24391 @ 0.0006463 = 15.7639 BTC [-] {2} 
916909;1415679086;Vexual;I heard a great story about regular people getting shit done, it was the 1930s, aeroplanes and radio were the latest shit
916910;1415679218;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4450 @ 0.000648 = 2.8836 BTC [+]
916911;1415679226;Vexual;there was an intercontinental comp, all the latest birds.. the one aluminum beast in the race got into trouble in a storm in australia
916912;1415679299;Vexual;i forget the rest, but they eneded up over some town that realised they were trying to land, and they broke into the town lighting and started doing morse code with the streetlights
916913;1415679337;Vexual;then they broke into the radio station and told everyone to take their cars and make a landing strip with their headlights, it was a big success
916914;1415679358;decimation;.... . .-.. .--.
916916;1415679421;assbot;How One Australian Town Helped A Doomed Plane Win History's Greatest Air Race
916917;1415679443;Vexual;I'm prolly way off
916918;1415679485;Vexual;I remember some other pilot hit the whisky hard and landed with half a gallon to spare
916919;1415679656;mod6;mircea_popescu: My plan for now is to just post a summary of the on-goings to the mailing list once per month.  This seems like a good start.  I can even coordinate with jurov to post the summary before the statement so he can link it in there.
916920;1415679662;Vexual;his navigator and wife was unhappy
916921;1415680056;ben_vulpes;might i note that while we have the lordship list Vexual and ninjashogun are some early "citizens" if i might be so bold
916922;1415680080;ben_vulpes;individuals nobody in l1's posrating, but that still get upped whenever they come by
916923;1415680092;assbot;Bagels7 +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0
916924;1415680105;ben_vulpes;lol apropos
916925;1415680121;ben_vulpes;!up bagels7
916926;1415680137;ben_vulpes;bagels you got 0 l2 what you tryna do uppin yourself like that?
916927;1415680161;bagels7;Im really not sure
916928;1415680176;ben_vulpes;;;ident bagels7
916929;1415680177;gribble;Nick 'bagels7', with hostmask 'bagels7!bagels7@modemcable232.144-161-184.mc.videotron.ca', is identified as user 'Bagels7', with GPG key id 82C85EDC160BB29F, key fingerprint ACE4936BDD6EBB8338F5282E82C85EDC160BB29F, and bitcoin address None
916930;1415680194;ben_vulpes;!up Vexual
916931;1415680263;ben_vulpes;kakobrekla: that's abuse of your power
916932;1415680291;ben_vulpes;he's not even noisy these days
916933;1415680305;Vexual;it's a use
916934;1415680318;ben_vulpes;owait misread the + for a -
916935;1415680332;mircea_popescu;that's an abuse of your reading!
916936;1415680338;Vexual;it's a use
916937;1415680343;ben_vulpes;stop abusing me!
916938;1415680344;mircea_popescu;bagels7 you xanthyos' friend ?
916939;1415680392;Vexual;niki minaj does have a new track tho... hmm
916940;1415680412;bagels7;yes mircea_popescu
916941;1415680431;ben_vulpes;Vexual: after all i've done for you...
916942;1415680441;ben_vulpes;(i can't resist - what is it?!)
916943;1415680469;Vexual;your newfound love of lisp
916944;1415680483;ben_vulpes;no no the nikki
916945;1415680496;ben_vulpes;i have just enough beer for 1 more nikki before i bounce
916946;1415680652;Vexual;she might have been reading the logs
916947;1415680674;*;asciilifeform fell into sin; for the first time in half a decade, cracked a copy protection gizmo
916948;1415680688;*;asciilifeform grunted for ~100 hours on it, very gnarly boobytrap, defused.
916950;1415680796;assbot;Nicki Minaj - Only (Lyric) ft. Drake, Lil Wayne, Chris Brown - YouTube
916951;1415680807;ben_vulpes;^^ for the third reich afficionados
916952;1415680858;asciilifeform;nein nein nein nein nein.
916953;1415680863;*;asciilifeform not impressed
916955;1415680917;ben_vulpes;it's the best modern america can do
916956;1415681306;Vexual;.... . .-.. .--.
916957;1415681624;Vexual;jurov is a title in this new state?
916958;1415681678;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes (isambard k. brunel!) - saw the 'github.' might be worth making a note on therealbitcoin.org re: the 'github' not being authoritative.
916959;1415681683;asciilifeform;(can you see why important?)
916960;1415681719;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22978 @ 0.000648 = 14.8897 BTC [+]
916961;1415681960;Vexual;is it because the rigged snakes and ladders borard i send as tribut eisn't on it?
916963;1415682683;pete_dushenski;!up Vexual
916964;1415682712;Vexual;you planning to inject some bc into the australian economy pete_dushenski?
916965;1415682729;pete_dushenski;fiat for sure
916966;1415682740;pete_dushenski;btc is tbd
916967;1415682847;Vexual;good timing
916968;1415682890;Vexual;dies gribble do fiat pairs?
916969;1415683023;Vexual;;;google 1 aud in usd
916970;1415683024;gribble;XE: (AUD/USD) Australian Dollar to US Dollar Rate: ; XE.com - AUD/USD Chart: ; XE: (USD/AUD) US Dollar to Australian Dollar Rate: 
916972;1415683300;Vexual;did you buy any plastic money yet pete_dushenski? they don't take greenback here
916973;1415683323;pete_dushenski;cad is plastic too yknow
916974;1415683341;joecool;it smells of maple syrup too
916975;1415683450;pete_dushenski;and beavers
916976;1415683493;Vexual;you'll get a better rate at home
916977;1415683531;pete_dushenski;oh most definitely
916978;1415683539;pete_dushenski;not my first overseas rodeo ;)
916979;1415683549;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39695 @ 0.00064443 = 25.5806 BTC [-]
916980;1415683581;*;joecool actually wasn't kidding
916981;1415683609;pete_dushenski;lol how do you figure joecool ?
916982;1415683616;pete_dushenski;not like anyone here uses cash anyways
916983;1415683645;pete_dushenski;debit, credit, etc is 95% of cad transactions
916984;1415683651;joecool;http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2013/05/28/186890578/does-canadas-100-bill-smell-like-maple-syrup-many-say-so <
916985;1415683651;assbot;Does Canada's $100 Bill Smell Like Maple Syrup? Many Say So : The Two-Way : NPR
916986;1415683675;Vexual;our money smells like chanel 5
916987;1415683705;joecool;pete_dushenski: i used it until i had interac (debit), a lot of places will not do credit
916988;1415683752;pete_dushenski;which part of canada was that in?
916991;1415683789;pete_dushenski;right. in ontario for sure
916992;1415683806;pete_dushenski;credit is widely used in alberta: hot economy, bezzlemania
916993;1415683821;pete_dushenski;only bubble tea shops are debit/cash
916994;1415683857;joecool;yeah i don't recall having much issue in the maritimes this summer, i was fine in montreal too
916995;1415683860;pete_dushenski;ontario is also a far larger province so there's a much wider range of businesses
916996;1415683887;pete_dushenski;alberta is mostly franchises, sorta the only thing that can keep up with the insane horizontal expansion of cities
916997;1415683921;pete_dushenski;montreal definitely likes its cash
916998;1415683930;Vexual;who doesnt?
916999;1415683963;pete_dushenski;i was in montreal last weekend and i gotta say it's downright enjoyable to be in a city with a proper mafia
917000;1415683976;pete_dushenski;the cops are nowhere near as uppity and self-important
917001;1415683994;joecool;heh, i'll head back there this winter sometime, fun city
917002;1415683994;pete_dushenski;it probably helps that the cops in mtl drive dodge caravans
917003;1415684007;pete_dushenski;the least threatening mode of transport since the segway
917004;1415684025;pete_dushenski;joecool one of my favs as well
917005;1415684037;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42000 @ 0.00064776 = 27.2059 BTC [+]
917006;1415684055;pete_dushenski;what takes you there?
917007;1415684076;joecool;a longtime friend of mine lives there
917008;1415684146;pete_dushenski;a nice
917009;1415684184;pete_dushenski;i'd definitely recommend checking out the anthropological museum if you haven't already
917010;1415684204;Vexual;is montreal qbec?
917012;1415684209;pete_dushenski;plus this polish restaurant in the old town with the most fantastic borscht
917013;1415684212;pete_dushenski;Vexual mhm
917014;1415684229;pete_dushenski;lemme find the name of that restaurant...
917016;1415684258;assbot;Montreal Restaurant - Polish Food - Stash Cafe
917017;1415684311;pete_dushenski;the canard roti was most excellent as well
917018;1415684328;pete_dushenski;it was an entire half bird!
917019;1415684330;Vexual;one might arrive by horse drawn cart?
917020;1415684350;pete_dushenski;lol actually yes
917021;1415684402;pete_dushenski;saifedean:lol, i think i saw this on pete's blog before... << heh the guy's gone deeper into the archives that i'd thought. i like!
917023;1415684451;Vexual;whats to drink?, theres no list
917024;1415684453;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: saifedean for my own curiosity, google that string (no quotes) see what pops up ? << this is incidentally exactly why we should s/google/duckduckgo already
917025;1415684476;pete_dushenski;Vexual rotating list i guess
917026;1415684489;pete_dushenski;byob is pretty common in mtl though
917027;1415684490;Vexual;ill have the soup
917028;1415684501;pete_dushenski;only just starting to see this in alberta
917029;1415684565;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: turns out, it can keep the sane man about three years. << i lasted 3 months. maybe coulda gone longer?
917030;1415684586;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7000 @ 0.00064443 = 4.511 BTC [-]
917031;1415684643;xanthyos;;;gettrust bagels7
917032;1415684643;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask bagels7!bagels7@modemcable232.144-161-184.mc.videotron.ca. Trust relationship from user xanthyos to user bagels7: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=xanthyos&dest=bagels7 | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=bagels7 | Rated since: never
917033;1415684649;xanthyos;!up bagels7
917035;1415684656;xanthyos;sophie bagelz in teh wot!
917036;1415684806;xanthyos;;;rate bagels7 1 known on efnet and tinychat 5 years.  friendly, courteous canadian.  average- to poor-skilled internet poker player.
917037;1415684807;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user bagels7 has been recorded.
917038;1415684835;pete_dushenski;punkbot deed http://pastebin.com/41hUkcLM
917039;1415684836;assbot;-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----  Hash: SHA512    14-day Eviction Notice       - Pastebin.com
917040;1415684836;punkbot;pete_dushenski: Queued 1 valid deed for next bundle.
917041;1415684859;pete_dushenski;^an experiment ;D
917042;1415684878;xanthyos;!up vexual
917043;1415684887;pete_dushenski;bagels7 is canadian eh?
917045;1415684910;Vexual;is sophie hot xanthyos?
917046;1415684912;pete_dushenski;lol what a coincidence!
917047;1415684944;Vexual;or does she just ug up tinychat?
917048;1415684955;xanthyos;!down Vexual
917050;1415685027;pete_dushenski;don't mess with xanthyos' girl
917051;1415685062;xanthyos;just a friend
917053;1415685244;xanthyos;!up vexual
917054;1415685263;Vexual;i was joking how tinychat isn't a thing
917055;1415685335;Vexual;unlees youre 15
917056;1415685368;pete_dushenski;saifedean:my idea is to prepare for the future of the triumphant return of hard money, low-time preference, and civilization, and to profit from it by doing good food properly, in a beautiful setting where you can relax around a big grill's fire and enjoy your meal like a civilized human << this does sound rather splendid.
917057;1415685400;pete_dushenski;good food never goes out of fashion, even if it might occupy a smaller piece of the pie in bezzletimes
917058;1415685434;Vexual;theres really nothing better to spend money on than food
917059;1415685449;pete_dushenski;saifedean: Vancouver is another possibility... << try affording to live there. bon chance!
917060;1415685530;pete_dushenski;vancouver is the worst major city, in essentially every regard, and all of which stem from a hyperbezzle housing market, in canada... after toronto.
917061;1415685542;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski it's bonne chance you kno
917062;1415685591;pete_dushenski;so it is!
917063;1415685613;pete_dushenski;saifedean: they are the absolute world champions, along with the south africans << for steaks, alberta is up there.
917064;1415685635;punkbot;Bundled 1 deed | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1JHpQ1AS
917065;1415685639;pete_dushenski;as long as you avoid the hipster derps with their grass-fed sous vide nonsense
917066;1415685657;pete_dushenski;they try so hard, and fail so large
917067;1415685694;mircea_popescu;ahahaha eviction notice deed ?
917069;1415685746;Vexual;pete_dushenski: are you adverse to shellfish like lobster?
917070;1415685766;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu something different eh?
917071;1415685807;pete_dushenski;Vexual ya, not much for shellfish, only started eating fish in the last 2 years.
917072;1415685820;mircea_popescu;punkman maybe add a "total deeds in total bundles" thing between the address and your contact ?
917073;1415685851;mircea_popescu;http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/trusted <<< tho i gotta say this is pretty sweet.
917074;1415685852;assbot;Trusted keys | #bitcoin-assets deed registry
917075;1415685911;mircea_popescu;could it be sortable by columns ? (most browsers support this afaik, needs a table class="datadisplay sortable")
917076;1415685926;Vexual;consider lobster, it's not really a shellfish
917077;1415685971;mircea_popescu;also, total trust prolly shouldn't be emphasized.
917079;1415686081;pete_dushenski;reading the logs about paleo, black coffee etc, the health-related upsides of this cult are readily apparent.
917080;1415686092;pete_dushenski;this should be part of our marketing hook
917081;1415686140;pete_dushenski;it's not enough to just pretend to be all-powerful and all-conquering and then execute
917082;1415686194;Vexual;no, one should always stop off for lunch somewhere nice on the journey
917083;1415686226;pete_dushenski;saifedean: if you eliminate grains, seeds and sugars, you effectively eliminate the possibility of developing most modern diseases, including diabetes, cancer, alzheimer's, obesity, and so on << aren't nuts part of paleo ?
917084;1415686277;*;pete_dushenski researching which "nuts" are actually seeds. can't remember
917085;1415686330;pete_dushenski;" 'nuts' that aren’t include Brazil nuts, Cashews, Walnuts, Coconuts, Macadamia nuts, Peanuts, Tom Cruise, and Pistachios"
917086;1415686333;Vexual;theres no good reasoning to a paleo diet, it's no bread no pasta no fun
917087;1415686346;asciilifeform;paleo << ahahaha.
917088;1415686364;pete_dushenski;oh, plus almonds
917089;1415686390;*;asciilifeform waits for paleobitcoin where we calculate the way the gods meant us to, with little calculi - pebbles.
917090;1415686438;cazalla;pete_dushenski, i don't know about cashews, there is a shortage didya know?
917092;1415686475;cazalla;Vexual, yeah big cashew shortage
917093;1415686482;Vexual;i got more cashews than chicken last night
917094;1415686503;pete_dushenski;bigger chicken shortage
917095;1415686509;pete_dushenski;it's all relative
917096;1415686520;Vexual;gotta prepare them properly cashews
917097;1415686543;asciilifeform;who remembers the zoologist who tried, for years, to live on the chimps' fruits, and ended with nothing but very ill digestion?
917098;1415686584;pete_dushenski;jane goodall?
917099;1415686662;pete_dushenski;cazalla: https://www.quantcast.com/qntra.net qntra continues to lose traffic, it's dead << chin up soldier!
917100;1415686663;assbot;                  Qntra.net Traffic and Demographic Statistics by Quantcast                  
917101;1415686717;Vexual;satoshi expose will fix that
917102;1415686769;Vexual;or you get foot in mouth
917103;1415686794;*;asciilifeform goes off for paleosleep
917104;1415686798;Vexual;or some variation of loose stool
917105;1415686812;*;asciilifeform or no, he won't, because likes box spring, rather than pit of own shit
917106;1415686823;Vexual;don't chew the pillow; it's cotton
917107;1415686858;assbot;Last 4 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0WJA1GQ.txt )
917108;1415686858;BingoBoingo;!b 4
917109;1415686861;*;asciilifeform reminds listeners still tuned in that 'reversed stupidity is not intelligence.'
917110;1415686888;asciilifeform;avoiding mickey-d and other fine recyclable edibles does not lead to immortality. cheers.
917111;1415686998;pete_dushenski;cheers asciilifeform
917112;1415687047;pete_dushenski;and by extension of the same point, pure-mcd's diet does not lead to immediate death
917113;1415687068;pete_dushenski;these mortal coils being made out of some resilient shit
917114;1415688064;punkbot;Confirmed bundle 1JHpQ1ASmtNXg39tvGghDjyQE4r3n5cVYk | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1JHpQ1AS
917116;1415688875;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY!
917117;1415688876;assbot;Amazing Photos Of China's Newest Stealth Jet Show Growing Air Might
917118;1415689382;pete_dushenski;!up Vexual
917119;1415689409;Vexual;thanks, that cargo plane look sexy
917120;1415689451;pete_dushenski;heh ya.
917121;1415689465;pete_dushenski;china's air force has got it going on
917122;1415689486;Vexual;they don't fuck about thats for sure
917123;1415689536;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes: ^^ for the third reich afficionados << damn. wayne still has it!
917124;1415689548;Vexual;even the awac version looks good like tey designed both at once
917125;1415689605;Vexual;the tail missile holds the radar
917126;1415689676;Vexual;i dont hink anything so useful ever looked so good
917127;1415689736;mats_cd03;twin engine f35
917129;1415689748;mats_cd03;oh god thats rich
917130;1415689768;Vexual;they dont even work yet
917131;1415689884;Vexual;do yo uthink that awac plane is pretend?
917132;1415689923;Vexual;nope , it needs a big arse runway
917133;1415689980;Vexual;ok f35s are pretty cool
917134;1415690234;mats_cd03;i doubt any of it is fake hardware
917135;1415690252;Vexual;f35 looks way cooler than chinese fighters
917136;1415690275;mats_cd03;it all exists already and its not like dod affiliates have good security
917137;1415690406;mats_cd03;thank usg taxpayers for latest advances in cn, ru aircraft design
917138;1415690502;Vexual;well a mig would prolly shoot the shit outta that thing today
917140;1415690639;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 370.58, Best ask: 371.0, Bid-ask spread: 0.42000, Last trade: 370.58, 24 hour volume: 19077.46038459, 24 hour low: 360.0, 24 hour high: 377.77, 24 hour vwap: 370.039710474
917141;1415690646;Vexual;pilots fly planes
917142;1415690657;mats_cd03;go on
917143;1415690687;Vexual;i dunno i heard some people are dissapointed with f35s
917144;1415690729;mats_cd03;they are known to suck
917145;1415690750;mats_cd03;aircraft design by committee usually does
917146;1415690808;Vexual;leaving an fa-18 can't be easy
917147;1415690941;Vexual;those fucker lready go straight up
917149;1415691689;mats_cd03;footnote 7 is great
917150;1415692779;mircea_popescu; who remembers the zoologist who tried, for years, to live on the chimps' fruits, and ended with nothing but very ill digestion? << was this one of the lefty us "anthropologists"  that keep going to sleep with apes in africa ?
917151;1415694138;mircea_popescu;!up saifedean
917152;1415694145;mircea_popescu;you really gotta get into the wot
917153;1415694179;saifedean;i do, and you really gotta get paleo :)
917154;1415694216;saifedean;it's just that computer literacy, wot, irc gpg, and all that is just too much to process at the same time
917155;1415694268;saifedean;until last week i spent my life using my computer like i use my washing machine, just getting my dirty deeds done as quickly as possible
917156;1415694651;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46200 @ 0.00064728 = 29.9043 BTC [+]
917157;1415694867;mircea_popescu;"Dovecot's author takes pride in secure design and implementation. A reward of EUR 1,000 (approximately $1,310 USD, 840 GBP, 130000 Yen as of May 2013) has been announced for finding any remotely exploitable security flaw."
917159;1415694871;mircea_popescu;!up saifedean
917160;1415694891;saifedean;thanks for the voice, mp!
917162;1415694995;saifedean;mp: " eh get out with the paleo stuff. what do you do for cake ?" <<< you stop being a teenage girl about it and enjoy life without these sugar highs and their crashes. Getting your energy from animal fats makes you constantly alert and with high energy reserves, not dependent on getting your next sugar kick to do anything, and not constantly crashing.
917163;1415695043;mircea_popescu;but... i am neither ?
917164;1415695052;saifedean;"you two are aware that if this were the normal about 90% of urban population would die off through simple starvation within the decade, yes ?" how very publicly spirited of you, sacrificing your own health so you can eat in a way that lets peasants survive in giant urban hell-holes!
917165;1415695066;mircea_popescu;i dun care either way lol
917166;1415695078;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 61000 @ 0.00064863 = 39.5664 BTC [+] {3} 
917167;1415695204;saifedean;the point from looking at evolution is not to mimic the life of ancient humans, it is to figure out what are the things that make our lives better and what makes it worse. humans love to dip in streams, seas and rivers, and washing copies that. humans only recently developed condoms, and sex in condoms does definitively suck. having unwanted kids sucks more, so you do have to don one, but you would still rather not.
917168;1415695224;mircea_popescu;it doesn't suck, get out.
917169;1415695267;cazalla;saifedean, fuck yeah paleo, do you slaughter your animals with your barehands or what?
917170;1415695291;*;cazalla ripped the head off a rabbit and fried it in butter with rosemary for dinner.. PALEO!
917171;1415695322;mircea_popescu;cazalla you actually eat the brain ?
917172;1415695349;cazalla;no, that goes into compost
917173;1415695386;cazalla;i've read something about some rabbit brain disease that is not destroyed by cooking
917174;1415695386;saifedean;the brain is the best part!
917175;1415695411;cazalla;saifedean, i'll eat the kidneys/liver sometimes but compost the rest
917176;1415695455;saifedean;yeah i was kidding, ive rarely had rabbits and never had its brain, but i do love sheep brains, and all gizzards
917177;1415695474;mircea_popescu;well, all nervous accumulates prions, but i dunno what the situation is for rabbit
917178;1415695491;mircea_popescu;imbeciles doing "scientific" cattle raising in europe have sadly made oxtail soup too risky
917179;1415695499;mircea_popescu;a fie upon their early graves!
917180;1415695617;saifedean;lots of good research on the effect of grains on human brains... http://www.amazon.com/Grain-Brain-Surprising-Sugar-Your-Killers/dp/031623480X
917181;1415695618;assbot;Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth about Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar--Your Brain's Silent Killers: David Perlmutter, Kristin Loberg: 9780316234801: Amazon.com: Books
917182;1415695658;mircea_popescu;yeah yeah, quod me nutrit
917183;1415695707;saifedean;really, before you dismiss paleo, just try eliminating grains from your body for 2 weeks and see what it does to you. every single person i know who's done it has changed their life entirely.
917184;1415695719;saifedean;but anyways, enough diet preaching,
917185;1415695730;mircea_popescu;im not dismissing it per se
917186;1415695794;cazalla;saifedean, can i drink alcohol on paleo?
917187;1415695826;saifedean;the less sugary, the better, so i think vodka is the least bad
917188;1415695863;saifedean;obviously, you can do whatever you want, and you can always have things in moderation and your body will be fine. the problem is when you have things in excess, when they become a regular part of your diet, and that is true for alcohol as well as grains
917189;1415695878;mircea_popescu;well so then.
917190;1415695952;saifedean;i'm 34 and in better shape than i ever was, much fitter and stronger than when i was 18. i play football with my university's varsity team, the fittest 18-22 year olds in my college and i'm in better shape than most of them. when i was their age, i was nowhere near fit enough to get into a varsity team, 15 years later, with paleo, i am!
917191;1415695990;mircea_popescu;you should be on tv.
917192;1415696024;saifedean;lol, i had my own tv show when i was in college...
917193;1415696054;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8400 @ 0.0006491 = 5.4524 BTC [+]
917194;1415696067;saifedean;a young people channel's debate show, it was horrific, but fortunately predates youtube and so no evidence of it remains
917195;1415696077;mircea_popescu;luckly you
917196;1415696100;cazalla;i've been on tv too but not my own show heh
917197;1415696113;cazalla;actually, twice
917199;1415696174;assbot;!Mediengruppe Bitnik | Random Darknet Shopper
917200;1415696315;mircea_popescu;is this like the new tor ?
917201;1415696322;mircea_popescu;"nobody will think of wwwwww" ?
917202;1415696481;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49525 @ 0.00065005 = 32.1937 BTC [+] {2} 
917204;1415696510;assbot;Uber's Ratings Terrorize Drivers And Trick Riders. Why Not Fix Them? - Forbes
917205;1415696564;punkman;"At the end of the trip, the driver turned around and begged my fiancee  to give him five stars, explaining that he was one bad review away from  being deactivated and losing his access to the platform. He wouldn’t let  us out of the cab until she promised to do so"
917208;1415696719;cazalla;anyway this is me on tv, ya might need to turn the sound up to hear and look at the middle of the tv screen to see skype call pop up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuAQtXNQDLo
917209;1415696719;assbot;i'm on TV, oh shiz, first cops, now this, imma be a star son! - YouTube
917210;1415696741;cazalla;guy on right did a toshiba laptop scam tv pitch and i pranked him over and over on live tv
917211;1415696753;cazalla;poor cunt didn't know what to do
917212;1415697884;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28268 @ 0.00065039 = 18.3852 BTC [+] {2} 
917214;1415700007;cazalla;http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2014-11-07-bungie-exec-swatted first swatting i've seen that involved a fkn helicopter lol
917215;1415700007;assbot;Bungie exec swatted | GamesIndustry.biz
917217;1415700164;mircea_popescu;bet you it's a "feminist"
917218;1415700325;BingoBoingo;The problem is neither the caller, nor the swatted person. The problem is the proliferation of swat teams
917219;1415702058;cazalla;;;isitdown qntra.net
917220;1415702063;gribble;qntra.net is up
917221;1415703008;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11258 @ 0.00064701 = 7.284 BTC [-]
917222;1415703862;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18050 @ 0.00065163 = 11.7619 BTC [+] {2} 
917223;1415706241;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21550 @ 0.00065193 = 14.0491 BTC [+]
917224;1415706729;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15850 @ 0.00065136 = 10.3241 BTC [-]
917225;1415707791;mircea_popescu;that groupon thing is such a scandalous failure.
917226;1415707818;mircea_popescu;i mean... it claimed to be worth money. then it turned out the entire thing was fraudulent, through and through. nobody got put away, of course, because this is the us and "tough on crime" maryjane
917227;1415707846;mircea_popescu;so on they trudge, unable to deliver any value to anyone, supposedly worth however many bezzelions.
917228;1415707888;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11103 @ 0.00064997 = 7.2166 BTC [-]
917229;1415708166;mircea_popescu;;;later tell richih listen, your blog is down. there's no point sending broadcasts if your thing can't take the traffic.
917230;1415708166;gribble;The operation succeeded.
917231;1415708177;mircea_popescu;meh, guy's probably not in any relevant channel anyway huh.
917233;1415709026;mircea_popescu;!up _flow_
917234;1415711121;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26900 @ 0.00065144 = 17.5237 BTC [+] {2} 
917235;1415714050;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30000 @ 0.00064997 = 19.4991 BTC [-]
917236;1415714781;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25904 @ 0.00064836 = 16.7951 BTC [-] {3} 
917237;1415715452;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14935 @ 0.0006466 = 9.657 BTC [-]
917238;1415715879;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30650 @ 0.00064602 = 19.8005 BTC [-] {2} 
917239;1415716037;BingoBoingo;https://pay.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2lypd1/peter_todd_on_changetip_not_a_real_bitcoin_app/clzd6yb << Gavin Speaks
917240;1415716038;assbot;gavinandresen comments on Peter Todd on changetip. Not a real Bitcoin app. Could be done in same way by PayPal
917242;1415716406;assbot;The SJWs Now Get To Police Speech On Twitter « The Dish
917243;1415717543;danielpbarron;great; probably gonna get my account suspended
917244;1415717933;BingoBoingo;Well, I've seen some become unsuspended
917245;1415717979;danielpbarron;my account is fairly old; hopefully thst gives me some leeway in woman hating
917247;1415718230;assbot;Russian military NASTY SUPPRISE in a box for US military - YouTube
917248;1415718244;asciilifeform;^ science fiction, but not quite.
917250;1415718551;assbot;HBO Will Make Asimov's Foundation With Interstellar's Jonathan Nolan
917251;1415718563;*;BingoBoingo kind of expected the punchline to be quadrocopter actually delivered fresh fruit
917252;1415718573;asciilifeform;very fresh fruit.
917253;1415718719;asciilifeform;note the diesel-genset tether in the last one
917254;1415718799;asciilifeform;iirc we did that one right here.
917255;1415718844;asciilifeform;(it is hands-down the most practical 'wunderwaffen' shown in the film.)
917256;1415718970;mike_c;;;isup trilema.com
917257;1415718971;gribble;trilema.com is up
917258;1415718982;mike_c;hm. not from here.
917259;1415719699;asciilifeform;naturally, the gigantic chopper is a monumentally-unimaginative idea.
917260;1415719714;asciilifeform;instead, truck ought to contain 1000+ little choppers.
917261;1415719720;asciilifeform;with thermite limpets.
917262;1415719739;asciilifeform;it takes, what, 100g to perforate an airplane?
917263;1415719756;asciilifeform;let them fly to and weld onto the victims at night, quietly and with no fanfare.
917264;1415719784;asciilifeform;or in the day, and let the idiots shoot one another with own small arms while trying to bag some.
917265;1415719838;asciilifeform;the large chopper is really more like something the americans would use.
917266;1415719842;BingoBoingo;Tiny chopper is definitely the more interesting concept
917267;1415719853;asciilifeform;'asymmetric', to use the american term.
917268;1415720059;BingoBoingo;Well the benefit of many small choppers is that the people releasing them may escape long enough to die in the name of brining the enemy other pain
917270;1415720720;assbot;Ridiculous OA Journal Launches with Ridiculous Title | Scholarly Open Access
917271;1415722894;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37754 @ 0.00064534 = 24.3642 BTC [-] {3} 
917272;1415723382;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14241 @ 0.00064652 = 9.2071 BTC [+]
917273;1415724358;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 61550 @ 0.00064447 = 39.6671 BTC [-] {3} 
917274;1415724846;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29903 @ 0.00065093 = 19.4648 BTC [+] {2} 
917275;1415730237;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: "githug" yes, i understand the weaknesses, and it deserves a callout
917276;1415730260;ben_vulpes;i weary of guarding fools from themselves already
917277;1415730353;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: this is not about fools; it's about something that is legitimately counter-intuitive to 'civilians' - who usually assume, correctly, that a www repo is authoritative.
917278;1415730409;ben_vulpes;civilians, right.
917279;1415730882;*;thestringpuller gives ben_vulpes a githug
917280;1415731002;*;ben_vulpes trudges back into the wordpress mines
917281;1415731232;thestringpuller;why are you in wordpress mines?
917283;1415731577;ben_vulpes;i am making an http redirect
917284;1415731593;ben_vulpes;because there are mysterious 'stage' strings prepended to some posts
917285;1415731599;ben_vulpes;some posts urls*
917286;1415731610;ben_vulpes;and nobody knows the history of why this whoopie is this way
917287;1415731626;ben_vulpes;and we don't have access to the original boxen
917288;1415731632;ben_vulpes;cruft cruft cruft it up
917289;1415731636;ben_vulpes;try not to fuck it up!
917290;1415731641;ben_vulpes;merrily merrily merrily merrily
917291;1415731654;ben_vulpes;peoples use of computers makes me want to kill myself
917292;1415731673;TomServo;BingoBoingo: http://imgur.com/a/cpjta Some wasted space on the right side, recent posts box ends up underneath the current stories.
917293;1415731674;assbot;                    imgur: the simple image sharer
917294;1415731708;TomServo;Let me know if you want to see landscape mode.
917295;1415731777;thestringpuller;lol mobile qntra
917296;1415731782;thestringpuller;you can still read it
917298;1415731795;thestringpuller;ben_vulpes: those clients sound special.
917299;1415732166;xanthyos;!up bagels7
917300;1415732817;ben_vulpes;;;ident bagels7
917301;1415732817;gribble;Nick 'bagels7', with hostmask 'bagels7!bagels7@modemcable232.144-161-184.mc.videotron.ca', is not identified.
917303;1415733771;jurov;asciilifeform: want some? ^^
917304;1415734237;thestringpuller;my hypothesis is that asciilifeform is part robot
917305;1415734425;jurov;thestringpuller you haven't met him.
917306;1415734450;jurov;i have very hard time imagining a robot so... er... a bit pudgy?
917307;1415734842;thestringpuller;who da fuck is peter todd?
917308;1415734850;thestringpuller;and why is twitter telling me to follwo him
917309;1415735989;dignork;TomServo | BingoBoingo: http://imgur.com/a/cpjta Some wasted space on the right side << I suggest adding this to style.css http://dpaste.com/385MY23
917310;1415735989;assbot;                    imgur: the simple image sharer
917311;1415735990;assbot;dpaste: 385MY23
917312;1415736133;mike_c;min-width of 800px?  that would make it side-scroll, no?
917313;1415736175;dignork;i tried with resizing browser on pc, left menu drops to bottom, but the article stretches to full width
917314;1415736192;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 69074 @ 0.0006394 = 44.1659 BTC [-] {3} 
917315;1415736233;mike_c;heh, that's because there is a bug
917316;1415736243;mike_c;you made it "min-width: 800 px", which is nothing
917317;1415736254;mike_c;"min-width: 800px" would make it side-scroll
917318;1415736562;dignork;a, lol, i see what you mean, it's a typo in original css, full text then: http://dpaste.com/0D7MGFD
917319;1415736563;assbot;dpaste: 0D7MGFD
917320;1415736664;asciilifeform;jurov: underpants << lol
917321;1415736792;mircea_popescu;;;later tell pete_dushenski lol@ the derp on your blog. "i am ignorant, justify the world to me! because the stupid but lazy have inherited the earth at some point while nobody was paying attention and now that's how it works!!11"
917322;1415736793;gribble;The operation succeeded.
917323;1415736805;mircea_popescu;fucking alt-realities these people live in.
917324;1415736984;asciilifeform;/me fat robot << in america, no other kind of robot!
917325;1415737273;mircea_popescu;assbot: gavinandresen comments on Peter Todd on changetip. Not a real Bitcoin app. Could be done in same way by PayPal  << todd has a point
917326;1415737338;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron: great; probably gonna get my account suspended <<< twitter is not exactly a good venue anyway. why would one wish to maintain a lifeline with the weirdo cult of america ?
917327;1415737352;mircea_popescu;let them have their fun on their own and they wonder why they're hungry.
917328;1415737432;mircea_popescu;"Thanks for being a class act, Gavin." hahaha srsly ?
917329;1415737452;mircea_popescu;team-libtard. "let's thank ourselves for being stupid, it's how they do it on the special olympics too! that's how you win!"
917330;1415737621;thestringpuller;Huxely strikes again.
917331;1415737630;mircea_popescu;*: ben_vulpes trudges back into the wordpress mines <<< wait wut ? why ?
917332;1415737941;asciilifeform;http://pastebin.com/yqJfwDkY << these people spam 'pastebin' now.
917333;1415737941;assbot;#TakeDownRSD - Pastebin.com
917334;1415738066;mircea_popescu;UPDATE tril_posts SET `wp_content` = REPLACE (`post_content`, 'twitter.com', 'trilema.com') WHERE `post_content` LIKE '%twitter.com%'
917335;1415738066;mircea_popescu;315 rows affected. (Query took 1.1584 sec)
917336;1415738069;mircea_popescu;should have done it long ago.
917337;1415738076;asciilifeform;http://pastebin.com/5WCAcY6X << yet more? asking for spam?
917338;1415738077;assbot;>>> Real Social Dynamics <<< - Pastebin.com
917339;1415738387;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i duin get it ?
917340;1415738412;asciilifeform;the 'strangler' fellow who was thrown out of australia
917341;1415738429;mircea_popescu;"On behalf of myself and my peers, I am lodging a formal complaint regarding your provision of financial services to Real Social Dynamicsspecifically Real Social Dynamic's co-owner Julien Blanc (pseudonym)on the grounds that their employees, business practices and instructional literature promote violence against women, sexual harassment, rape and racism."
917343;1415738436;mircea_popescu;wait, this is how it works ?
917344;1415738466;mircea_popescu;im pretty sure the license to provide services of any kind includes the obligation to provide them universally.
917345;1415738487;mircea_popescu;so in teh bitcoin future, a financial services firm is not allowed to be down, for anyone and for any reason, or else risks losing its license.
917346;1415738508;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: but what about the terrorists!
917347;1415738539;mircea_popescu;what about them ?
917348;1415738559;thestringpuller;you can't serve the terrorists. it's unpatriotic
917349;1415738567;chetty;banks refuse to open accounts all the time ..or close existing ones ..
917350;1415738568;mircea_popescu;let the police do its job.
917351;1415738591;thestringpuller;what about the case when someone goes down for "due cause"
917352;1415738596;mircea_popescu;this "let the word processor be a browser and the browser be a music station and th phone a camera" trend is pure idiocy.
917353;1415738609;thestringpuller;i.e. MPEx webserver attack, Trade engine failure, etc.
917354;1415738612;mircea_popescu;there's no point in having a bank be the police. let the police be the police, and if they're no good at it let them go home.
917355;1415738621;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller then they suck.
917356;1415738647;thestringpuller;so in future MPEx will "never be down"
917357;1415738675;mircea_popescu;it's never been down for a while.
917358;1415738699;mircea_popescu;more on point, imagine if the blockchain "were down"
917359;1415738713;thestringpuller;then bitcoin, would die.
917360;1415738718;mircea_popescu;something that happens with regularity to fiat banks, "sorry, we can't process txn, our so-called system is down"
917361;1415738763;asciilifeform;i was in restaurant just the other day, fiat 'was down', delayed for no good reason.
917362;1415738769;thestringpuller;but there is a possibility (albeit improbably)  someone bombs every mining facility on the planet, and the hash rate plummets making block times 10 hours per
917363;1415738812;mircea_popescu;there's also a possibility the aliens land and start mining.
917364;1415738830;chetty;I vote for the aliens
917365;1415738833;mircea_popescu;incidentally, i have a spot of work for a python guru. anyone bored ?
917366;1415738851;mircea_popescu;and speaking of that, i need someone to make me (another) site. anyone wanna make a b-a site ?
917367;1415738864;thestringpuller;there's already a b-a site
917368;1415738867;thestringpuller;isn't that kako's job?
917369;1415738885;mircea_popescu;you might have not noticed this, but! the model is fully decentralised, with delegated subdomains.
917370;1415738901;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla is like the dns cabal.
917371;1415738919;thestringpuller;so it's already done?
917373;1415738924;diametric;mircea_popescu: what kind of work in python do you need done?
917374;1415738926;mircea_popescu;wht is ?
917375;1415738959;mircea_popescu;diametric well, there's a format for computer models called "3d" something. it sort-of almost works in blender, there's an ancient convertor someone made. this : ttps://github.com/UnoffLandz/unoff-landz/wiki/Editing-Static-3d-Objects
917377;1415738960;assbot;UnoffLandz -  Browse /Blender Scripts/Import Export e3d files at SourceForge.net
917378;1415738972;mircea_popescu;i need this brought up to date, because it ties into blender from 2009 and uses python from 2007
917380;1415739025;diametric;so you just need it to run in current blender/python?
917382;1415739093;thestringpuller;this is a pretty complex script.
917383;1415739093;diametric;i'll give it a cursory glance and let you know
917385;1415739125;thestringpuller;hopefully blender doesn't does do crazy stuff (like MS) between versions like change from lhs to rhs
917386;1415739133;mircea_popescu;wouldn't surprise me.
917387;1415739151;thestringpuller;who would be using this program?
917389;1415739185;mircea_popescu;what are you, oracle ?
917390;1415739191;diametric;this is pretty gnarly
917392;1415739263;thestringpuller;very funny mircea_popescu
917393;1415739294;mircea_popescu;For your reference, please see the following video. It depicts one of Mr. Blanc's instructional seminars where he advocates illegal and racist behavior as well as video footage of Mr. Blanc in the act: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grV1iDns87s
917394;1415739295;assbot;"Pick-Up Artist" pushing Japanese women's heads down to his crotch 白人が日本で大暴れ「日本ではHしほうだい」(字幕) - YouTube
917395;1415739302;mircea_popescu;now this i gotta see, illegal and racist behaviour
917396;1415739335;thestringpuller;damn, this while loop is gross.
917397;1415739365;mircea_popescu;uhhh... srsly, staged crap ? these people need better concerns.
917398;1415739386;mircea_popescu;When you go to Tokyo.if youre a white male, you can do what you want. Just grab her, pull her in. Shell giggle. Just say PIKACHU or POKEMON or something to take the pressure off. Im romping through the streets (of Tokyo) just grabbing girls and its like (motions) head on dick (pfft) head on dick, yelling PIKACHU with a Pikachu shirt on.Every foreigner who is white does this. When you see that
917399;1415739386;mircea_popescu;one foreigner in the crowd in Tokyo and your eyes will lock and you know that he knows and he knows that and its this guilty look like you both fucked a hooker or something.
917400;1415739417;mircea_popescu;honestly this entire "feminist protesting" stuff reads a whole lot like the sort of crap that tucker max "strategist" derp would come up with
917401;1415739421;mircea_popescu;da fuck was his name.
917402;1415739463;mircea_popescu;Ryan Holiday.
917403;1415739463;asciilifeform;kgb disinfo agitprop that took own life of its own.
917404;1415739493;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform well... not so much a life. more like a hottopic of its own.
917405;1415739527;asciilifeform;unrelated: http://prog21.dadgum.com/116.html
917406;1415739527;assbot;Things That Turbo Pascal is Smaller Than
917407;1415739542;mircea_popescu;and judging how quickly it comes on the heels of the entire gamergate thing, i;m calling it.
917408;1415739605;punkman;mircea_popescu: what's the new b-a website?
917409;1415739663;mircea_popescu;punkman you seriously want to do ALL fo them !? this is very nice and all but imagine what happens if the aliens come to elect you their leader. all the shit drops off maintenance ?
917410;1415739695;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i actually moved to turbo pascal from qbasic back in very long ago.
917411;1415739711;mircea_popescu;it *was* fast.
917412;1415739727;thestringpuller;yum qbasic. the first language I ever learned.
917413;1415739735;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: to turbo pascal from qbasic << i, also.
917414;1415739736;punkman;well if I'm elected alien leader, I'll put a few of them to task
917415;1415739751;mircea_popescu;punkman what if you're elected cumrag.
917417;1415739788;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: mines << gotta eat.
917418;1415739813;mircea_popescu;support wordpress actually pays money ? i'm awed.
917421;1415739971;mircea_popescu;well, if nobody speaks up punkman gets it tomorro, so. speak up.
917422;1415740022;thestringpuller;i'm interested. but want to know what it is fiiirst
917423;1415740038;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform actually ironically enough, pascal was supposed to be a shitty program. c++ was supposed ot be the cat's teats. yet the experience i had over a coupla summers with turbopascal is pretty much unmatched. maybe the only time i actually enjoyed coding.
917424;1415740056;mircea_popescu;borlandc++ sucked by comparison. maybe because i was too dumb to properly grok the language, or too lazy to learn the spec
917425;1415740075;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: cpp was not designed for humans, but for slave galleys.
917426;1415740076;mircea_popescu;but holy testlist on a stick mary, who wants it.
917427;1415740127;punkman;notary, status
917428;1415740127;notary;punkman: No pending deeds | Last bundle 15 hours and 8 minutes ago
917429;1415740130;mircea_popescu;o splendor of splendors
917430;1415740165;punkman;punkbot, balance
917431;1415740165;notary;punkman: Balance at 1LAwrWMbPLLSpt7nkD5Jv1Yf4cwPhD98ny is 0.06295 BTC (0.0 unconfirmed), enough for 572 more bundles.
917432;1415740166;notary;punkman: Of course, you wouldn't have any 'extra' tobacco
917433;1415740180;mircea_popescu;lol wait wut
917434;1415740198;punkman;poor thing got confused
917436;1415740203;empyex;mircea_popescu: Proxies: mpex.bz mpex.ws mpex.co mpex.biz mpex.coinbr.com Current MPEx GPG-Key-ID: 02DD2D91
917437;1415740273;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes anyway, you ever sorted out the whatever it was ? mah wp expert happens to be sitting across from me.
917438;1415740315;ben_vulpes;what is the part of wordpress that determines what things are prepended to the slug?
917439;1415740345;empyex;mircea_popescu: MPEx-Status: mpex.co (119 milliseconds), mpex.biz (152 milliseconds), mpex.bz (242 milliseconds), mpex.coinbr.com (10266 milliseconds), mpex.ws (error)
917440;1415740346;empyex;mircea_popescu: Health-Indicators: Homepage: √ MK Depth JSON: √ VWAP JSON: √
917441;1415740437;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes apparently there's an interface in the admin to set it
917442;1415740472;mircea_popescu;settings > permalinks
917443;1415740508;mircea_popescu;and apparently you shouldn't get into those guts anyway, just pick custom structure and form a string
917444;1415740950;ben_vulpes;here's the wacky thing - it's the same on both the old site and the migrated copy.
917445;1415740962;ben_vulpes;just using "Post name" option.
917446;1415740992;jurov;Dunno if guru, but I do have few pull requests against py projects.
917447;1415741034;jurov;*Accepted pull requests.
917448;1415741048;mircea_popescu;jurov : see above ?
917449;1415741075;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes and so it doesn't use just the name ?
917450;1415741096;ben_vulpes;it's got this http://domain/foo/slug
917451;1415741137;ben_vulpes;the old one was http://domain/foo/bar/slug
917452;1415741163;mircea_popescu;so add bar ?
917453;1415741170;ben_vulpes;no slashes in slugs
917454;1415741172;jurov;Oh you want to sort out weird old mess. Sounds like stuff I am good with.
917455;1415741181;mircea_popescu;huh ?
917456;1415741214;jurov;i saw blender+py from 2007
917457;1415741251;ben_vulpes;old site has /foo/bar as uneditable zone in permalink area on page
917458;1415741256;ben_vulpes;new site only has /foo/
917459;1415741268;ben_vulpes;i have no idea where /foo/ is even configured
917461;1415741291;mircea_popescu;'s /foo/%postname%/ do ?
917462;1415741485;asciilifeform;http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2014/11/twilight-of-oligarchs.html << quality lulz from mr. o.
917463;1415741485;assbot;ClubOrlov: Twilight of the Oligarchs
917464;1415741565;mircea_popescu;anyway, there's a $prefix defined in wp-admin/options-permalink.php but "you really should not fuck with that"
917465;1415741594;ben_vulpes;i can't imagine that was set at any time.
917466;1415741621;ben_vulpes;something (perhaps js?) strips the '/', '%'
917467;1415741761;mircea_popescu;$wp_rewrite->set_permalink_structure($permalink_structure); is the call you care about
917468;1415741931;undata;asciilifeform: It is likely a failure of my imagination that I cannot guess what sort of violence-entrepreneurs might emerge in the US.
917469;1415741950;undata;maybe gangs
917470;1415741953;mircea_popescu;they already have emerged.
917471;1415741959;mircea_popescu;go buy some dope and some cunt,
917472;1415741968;mircea_popescu;same people wil be selling water and batteries soonish
917473;1415741968;undata;mircea_popescu: so gangs?
917474;1415741974;undata;I could see that.
917475;1415741988;mircea_popescu;no, not gangs. gangs are roughly what the police is. hardly entrepreneurial/
917476;1415741990;asciilifeform;undata: in many (most?) places in usa, they won't be readily distinguishable from existing policemen.
917477;1415742002;undata;asciilifeform: there we go; I was going to suggest "state govts"
917478;1415742034;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yeah, they will. VERY distinguishable. recall the previous fall : who dared go around in a militsya uniform ?
917479;1415742037;undata;many in Texas (not on the fringe) are secessionist
917480;1415742067;asciilifeform;uniform << in that sense, yes
917481;1415742072;mircea_popescu;anyway, unlike stockpiling X Y or Z magical golden pill produced on antiquated thinking, going out and making friends with a drug dealer TODAY is both actionable and useful.
917482;1415742092;mircea_popescu;having those friends will pay in 2020. having a basement full of whatever might get you killed.
917483;1415742097;undata;mircea_popescu: haha, that's a wonderful PSA
917484;1415742104;undata;"Make friends with a drug dealer TODAY!"
917485;1415742119;mircea_popescu;and i dont mean no dime peddling doofus either.
917486;1415742126;undata;no no, someone with his own enterprise
917487;1415742135;mircea_popescu;buy a pound of cocaine, uncut, on the premise that it muyst be exactly one pound and exactly uncut.
917488;1415742137;undata;they've already shown they can operate with independence
917489;1415742146;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: works best if one can find a matching ethnomafia to go in.
917490;1415742149;mircea_popescu;then flush it down the drain for all it matters, you just want to meet the people involved.
917491;1415742161;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform americans aren't a nation. no such for them.
917492;1415742226;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: no flags involved. pure ethno-colourcode, dialect, mannerisms sort of thing.
917493;1415742239;mircea_popescu;that's what the flag is.
917494;1415742244;mircea_popescu;what did you think the flag was
917495;1415742247;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: at least where i live
917496;1415742296;asciilifeform;http://pastebin.com/vEXnTjWq << best spam.
917497;1415742296;assbot;The Obamacare Gestapo 012 - Pastebin.com
917498;1415742338;mircea_popescu;did you just download pastebin.com and are now rummaging ?
917499;1415742359;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: a small experiment, yes
917500;1415742367;undata;mircea_popescu: here in Oregon there are plenty of farming operations that I wouldn't be surprised if later they take on a more political nature
917501;1415742383;undata;heavily armed, unfortunately christian, but otherwise seemingly fault tolerant
917502;1415742391;mircea_popescu;undata you act as if this political thing is a reserve ability all men have.
917503;1415742402;mircea_popescu;if they weren't worthless they'd be invovled NOW. since they aren't now, they won't later.
917504;1415742416;undata;mircea_popescu: the one I'm thinking of is better termed a distributor
917505;1415742432;mircea_popescu;well if the one you're thinking of is, then the one you;re thinking of might be, yes.
917506;1415742454;undata;but then again they could be the basement full of goods
917507;1415742456;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu:  if they weren't worthless they'd be invovled NOW << tricky bit here. 'involved now' almost always means 'share the fate of the new york death ray plot' or 'citadel corp.' or a thousand other stoolie-run shams.
917508;1415742463;undata;I am unaware of their total capacity to defend themselves
917509;1415742499;mircea_popescu;anyway, i'd say i'm the poster child for orlov's "violent entrepreneurs". it's not that i make an enterprise of violence, is that i clearly and pointedly reserve the right to use violence without limit.
917510;1415742532;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform not so.
917511;1415742539;mircea_popescu;take ben_vulpes, he's involved now.
917512;1415742570;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, he's involved << wai wat.
917513;1415742574;mircea_popescu;he's not particularly powerful, at least not in any way the pete's derpy commenter would recognise. but that's an unrelated matter.
917514;1415742580;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: how so? you have mercenaries now?
917515;1415742593;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller i always did, but that is besides the point anyway.
917516;1415742614;thestringpuller;^- if greatest soldier alive is in your private army, you are automatically most powerful so very relevant?
917517;1415742617;mircea_popescu;i have servers, too, and as the ddos rises so do the servers. simple equation there.
917518;1415742683;mircea_popescu;in a sense, "entrepreneurs of violence" is just a particular facet of sovereignity. orlov was in a room with a sovereign elephant and what he came out with was the trunk.
917519;1415742730;mircea_popescu;" And as the unraveling progresses, the violent entrepreneurs develop agendas of their own, which, inevitably, involve having the cooperation flow the other way: instead of cooperating with those formerly in charge, they demand that those formerly in charge start cooperating with them. And it is here that the scene turns bloody."
917520;1415742742;mircea_popescu;"the sec wants to matter, the sec better get in the wot". hasn't turned bloody yet.
917521;1415742772;undata;mircea_popescu: ah I understand; I took it as "violence start-ups"
917522;1415742807;mircea_popescu;i dunno what he meant by it, but what he actually said does allow an interpretation that actually works, so. benefit of the doubt.
917523;1415742815;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: mr o is fixated on the 'elephant's trunk' because that was the organ he saw in action personally while visiting ru in '90s
917524;1415742826;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform understandable.
917525;1415742865;mircea_popescu;undata violence is not merely physical violence. tim swanson got bludgeoned into the dirt, what is that if not violence ?
917526;1415742867;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: in his words, approx., 'violent entrepreneurs are special and distinct in that they will work whether or not you pay them, whether they're paid simply determines whether they work with you or on you'
917529;1415742890;mircea_popescu;see ? sovereignty.
917530;1415742903;mircea_popescu;"the country works whether it's your ally or your enemy, as what it does"
917531;1415742960;mircea_popescu; mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, he's involved << wai wat. << does this need elucidation still ?
917532;1415743032;mircea_popescu;" There tends to be a clean break with the old, collapsing society, which is motivated by money and prestige within society at large, because these entrepreneurial groups are motivated by honor and prestige within the in-group only." << what is the wot if not exactl;y that ?
917533;1415743039;mircea_popescu;guy pretty much has it, in the working parts.
917535;1415743159;assbot;Stuxnet: Zero Victims - Securelist
917536;1415743212;cazalla;ddos back or something?
917539;1415743278;mircea_popescu;there's something afoot with the dns service worldwide tho
917540;1415743416;mircea_popescu;a they found the domains huh.
917541;1415743514;asciilifeform;stuxnet << as i described in my article 'don't blame the mice' - imho, iran doesn't really want to live. how we know this? if they wanted to live, there would have been a public impalement of whoever said 'everyone runs winblows, it's ok for us to'
917543;1415743541;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the only thing ever in deficit in the world is the working brain and the erect penis.
917544;1415743551;mircea_popescu;everything else is forever abundant. and so... they may well wish to live
917545;1415743555;mircea_popescu;but who among trhem can think ?
917546;1415743583;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i can't say that i agree. they're cheap as dust. but very far, typically, from the 'levers of power'
917547;1415743599;mircea_popescu;maybe our definitions of working differ.
917548;1415743638;undata;this topic might help me understand something, if someone wishes to explain
917549;1415743640;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: e.g., i like to imagine that i had 'working brain', yet here i am 'on mars', far away.
917550;1415743651;undata;Iran to me is a great example of why strict authoritarian systems do not work
917551;1415743661;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform is the engine spinning on the test bed a working engine or not ?
917552;1415743671;undata;but to ask a different question, how do we end up with authorities who are rational?
917553;1415743673;mircea_popescu;till you get your wheels on you're just a prototype. a good one, sure, but...
917554;1415743679;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: test bed << if the proper kind, with simulated loads - aye
917555;1415743682;mircea_popescu;undata wot ?
917556;1415743692;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i don't agree. it doesn't do any work.
917557;1415743727;asciilifeform;iran authoritarian << poor country, and, afaik, run by populistic idiots generously helped by foreign wreckers from half the globe
917558;1415743777;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform there's a much larger issue there. iran is mostly ethnially persian. the leadership, ethnically arab. on their own, the arabs are usually poor. therefore they depend on govt dole.
917559;1415743779;asciilifeform;doesn't do any work << usually folks ask 'if x works' with the understanding that x may be on a shelf, in a crate, has not been used in anger yet
917560;1415743787;mircea_popescu;exactly manchuko scenario replaying itself.
917561;1415743799;mircea_popescu;what used to be fearless warriors are now blind old dependants.
917562;1415743821;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i don't disagree the brain works. im just saying, it's not working till it does work.
917563;1415743834;asciilifeform;manchuko << interesting and explains things
917564;1415743851;mircea_popescu;otherwise endlessly spinning the "simulated loads" of bezzle is a great way to keep a great engine away from the road.
917565;1415743873;undata;mircea_popescu: my question is how a parasitic overclass is avoided if one is to believe in soverignty and aristocracy?
917566;1415743885;mircea_popescu;what's your definition of "parasitic" ?
917567;1415743890;mircea_popescu;manking lives off the soil.
917569;1415743908;undata;mircea_popescu: one that eventually wears out the thing underneath, leading to collapse
917570;1415743913;undata;maybe that's just the nature of it
917571;1415743918;undata;I'm not convinced I'm asking the right question.
917572;1415743923;mircea_popescu;listen, until you start doing your own photosinthesis, you can be accused of being "parasitic"
917573;1415743933;mircea_popescu;it's like accusing someone of us "rape". do they have a penis ? well....
917574;1415743933;undata;sure, but there's a question of degree there
917575;1415743942;mircea_popescu;yeah, and that question is called politics.
917576;1415743964;mircea_popescu;the apportioning of penance among the universally guilty humans, the temproal role of the church,
917577;1415743972;mircea_popescu;the first central government
917578;1415743997;undata;so the answer in Iran's case is "because an adjacent sovereign is not fit enough to destroy them?"
917579;1415744010;mircea_popescu;they're just lazy and stupid.
917580;1415744023;mircea_popescu;could also say "they're letting the women lead much to their detriment"
917581;1415744033;mircea_popescu;middle easterners have this problem.
917582;1415744423;mod6;asciilifeform: are you the author of these patches? : rm_rf_upnp.tar.gz https-snipsnip.tar.gz turdmeister-alert-snip.tar.gz goodbye-win32.tar.gz ?
917583;1415744444;asciilifeform;mod6: yes
917585;1415744449;assbot;ISPs Removing Their Customers' Email Encryption | Electronic Frontier Foundation
917586;1415744457;asciilifeform;mod6: except the 1st
917587;1415744461;mircea_popescu;mod6 shouldn't you be able to tell ?
917588;1415744461;ben_vulpes;not rm_rf_upnp you aren't
917589;1415744475;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: aha, i think you wrote that one
917590;1415744490;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: i already forgot most of this
917591;1415744499;mod6;mircea_popescu: eh yeah, just making sure i guess, those wern't posted to the mailing list.
917592;1415744503;ben_vulpes;gpg --verify should spit out the author
917593;1415744508;ben_vulpes;i've been a busy boy it's true
917595;1415744510;mircea_popescu;diametric i bet you it's a "cost saving measure"
917596;1415744567;mircea_popescu;"Some of the action is bound to be quite shocking; for instance, while the elites and the oligarchs themselves are rather well defended, at least initially, their children, ensconced in various elite schools, academies and universities, comprise a soft target, setting the stage for school take-overs, mass kidnappings and shootings of a very different sort from the ones seen to date. "
917597;1415744596;mircea_popescu;so orlovs' prediction is that in the near future i will be able to order oligarch underage daughter prostitute to my hotel room in odessa ?
917598;1415744629;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: well sure, more like hotel in london
917599;1415744649;mircea_popescu;why would i go to fucking london.
917600;1415744656;mircea_popescu;i'd rather BE the prostitute.
917601;1415744747;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: idk why to go to london. just following mr. o's thoughts.
917602;1415744827;ben_vulpes;at the risk of point out the obvious if you can afford the bundling and transportation, you could have them in odessa
917603;1415744945;asciilifeform;odessa is under american occupation atm, afaik
917604;1415744979;asciilifeform;(well, more precisely, nato's unofficial little shitgnomes)
917605;1415745001;mats_cd03;such hostility
917606;1415745359;mircea_popescu;;;isup log1.bitcoin-assets.com/
917607;1415745361;gribble;log1.bitcoin-assets.com/ is up
917608;1415745479;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform kinda my point.
917609;1415745490;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes yeah, but the idea is for it to be done for free.
917610;1415745728;mircea_popescu;generally, that's the formative experience of failure. when one's daughters are given away as objects to they in the other system, because even as objects there they are still worth more than were they to stay in their parents' own system, much like infinitely nothing of something is still more than absolutely all of nothing whatsoever.
917611;1415745728;mircea_popescu;which is, i guess, what "traditional marriage" is all about.
917612;1415745728;mircea_popescu;jurov so give it a look let me know ?
917614;1415746462;assbot;ImperialViolet - A shallow survey of formal methods for C code
917615;1415746544;asciilifeform;!s formal means
917616;1415746545;assbot;7 results for 'formal means' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=formal+means
917617;1415746567;asciilifeform;!s decaying urbits
917618;1415746568;assbot;6 results for 'decaying urbits' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=decaying+urbits
917619;1415746643;asciilifeform;mathematicized, 'proofy' programming is one part grantsmanship, two parts organized pseudoscience, one part enemy disinfo.
917621;1415746679;assbot;Logged on 27-09-2014 02:45:16; asciilifeform: decimation: the cure for this depression is to understand that a machine can be built to be -understood-.
917622;1415746714;asciilifeform;(see also that entire thread.)
917623;1415747015;mats_cd03;yep, read it
917624;1415747854;mircea_popescu;12-08-2014 05:29:50     I am subjecting myself to Swanson's book << anything came of this ?
917625;1415747894;punkman;just the comments that followed
917627;1415748506;gernika;It's hard to go for more than a year here without the company you're working for being sold.
917628;1415749253;mircea_popescu;!up TheShrander
917629;1415749260;mircea_popescu;gernika i can see it.
917630;1415749457;undata;gernika: when I was 16 I worked for a software company which persuaded staff (myself excluded of course) to alter their stock options unfavorably given that they subsequently sold out to HP
917631;1415749471;undata;that was a formative experience
917632;1415749488;gernika;undata Pretty sure the same thing happened to me about 3 years ago.
917633;1415749524;gernika;term sheet change, sell company
917634;1415749781;TheShrander;i'm gonna hold a speech about the WoT in Italy next month. mircea_popescu we have already talk weeks ago, i'm wyrdmantis, remember?
917636;1415749810;BingoBoingo;dignork TomServo: Ty
917637;1415750092;cazalla;dignork: a, lol, i see what you mean, it's a typo in original css, full text then: http://dpaste.com/0D7MGFD <<< thanks, it's a bit of an improvement for mobile
917638;1415750094;assbot;dpaste: 0D7MGFD
917639;1415750106;cazalla;oh, you doing same thing BingoBoingo ?
917640;1415750136;BingoBoingo;cazalla: I was, but... you can go ahead
917642;1415750311;TheShrander;i'm trying get some more people here, so they can understand and not waste money in fucking startups... we will see :D
917644;1415750479;scoopbot;New post on The Whet by han@thewhet: http://thewhet.net/2014/thinking-you-can-infer-the-meaning-of-new-words-still-eviling-strong/
917645;1415751255;mircea_popescu;RagnarDanneskjol http://trilema.com/2014/the-thorny-problem-of-violence-or-the-miracle-of-the-talking-ass/ << the 8th note you will prolly find of interest.
917646;1415751255;assbot;The thorny problem of violence, or the miracle of the talking ass. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 
917647;1415751401;RagnarDanneskjol;oh yes very interesting indeed - I read it before - always get more the second time around. thank
917648;1415751455;mircea_popescu;i just published it
917649;1415751505;RagnarDanneskjol;oh -the title looked familiar
917650;1415751561;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: if orlov's a paid muppet, when do i get paid.
917651;1415751590;mircea_popescu;why would you get paid ?
917652;1415751597;asciilifeform;(what's sadder, paid shilling, or pro bono muppetry?)
917653;1415751612;mircea_popescu;i don't see you churning out an article a week about how "evil nato" and "nice putin"
917654;1415751621;mircea_popescu;muppetry is hard work yo.
917655;1415751628;asciilifeform;mostly on account of i can't be bothered to give a shit.
917656;1415751632;mircea_popescu;well ?
917657;1415751639;mircea_popescu;so then, again...why would you get paid ?
917658;1415751639;asciilifeform;but i give enough of a miniature shit to link mr. o
917660;1415751659;mircea_popescu;so wait, you COULD be a tailor ? cuz yo usorta like cut stuff now and again ?
917661;1415751670;mircea_popescu;this is your argument for payment ?
917662;1415751675;asciilifeform;'whore, on account of the equipment' heh.
917664;1415751794;RagnarDanneskjol;this is the one i was thinking of http://trilema.com/2014/the-problem-of-enforcement/ - also worth rereading
917665;1415751794;assbot;The problem of enforcement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 
917667;1415751822;gernika;Was Orlov paid first, and then he started writing?  Or the other way around?
917668;1415751823;asciilifeform;iirc that's the one where 'we need a new fleanode'
917669;1415751837;gernika;Blog until you make it?
917670;1415751866;mircea_popescu;gernika the kgb does not recruit nobodies for this role.
917671;1415751921;mircea_popescu;either he's an officer, which is weird, but weird is not new in the game ; or else he's just yet another aspiring-talking head, except not working for X company but Y, or else i'm wrong.
917672;1415751958;gernika;I could see him as the "social media" branch of a wider effort that includes RT.
917673;1415751984;mircea_popescu;me too.
917674;1415751992;mircea_popescu;has he ever linked to rt ?
917675;1415752003;asciilifeform;let's posit paid muppetry. what is the client getting for his money?
917677;1415752026;asciilifeform;'demoralize decadent west.' but why take a contract out on a corpse?
917678;1415752028;mircea_popescu;what does any other derp paying for "online marketing" ?
917679;1415752040;mircea_popescu;it's not quite as simple as all that.
917680;1415752060;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform remember that rather accurate depiction of "typical agent" ?
917682;1415752067;mircea_popescu;how the fuck do you expect to reach him ?
917683;1415752071;asciilifeform;the one with the junkyard, yes
917684;1415752075;mircea_popescu;well ?
917685;1415752090;asciilifeform;that one had a perfectly pedestrian military logic.
917686;1415752094;asciilifeform;what's the logic here?
917687;1415752103;mircea_popescu;if you wish to reach those guys, how do you do it ?
917688;1415752111;mircea_popescu;put up a craigslist ad ?
917689;1415752116;mircea_popescu;do it on reddit ? on twitter ?
917690;1415752123;mircea_popescu;your best bet is exactly what orlov is doing.
917691;1415752134;asciilifeform;in the classic book, you had a fella going up to the junkyard keeper, offering him a bag of benjies 'for almost nothing'
917692;1415752138;mircea_popescu;sorta fringe-y, sorta-angry but not really, "let's make a new alphabet"
917693;1415752253;scoopbot;New post on Trilema by Mircea Popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/the-thorny-problem-of-violence-or-the-miracle-of-the-talking-ass/
917694;1415752269;gernika;!s typical agent
917695;1415752270;assbot;0 results for 'typical agent' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=typical+agent
917696;1415752293;asciilifeform;gernika: http://militera.lib.ru/research/suvorov6/08.html
917697;1415752300;asciilifeform;(the piece in question)
917698;1415752333;asciilifeform;'A portrait of an ideal agent for spetsnaz emerges something like this: a man of between fifty-five and sixty-five years of age who has never served in the army, never had access to secret documents, does not carry or own a weapon, knows nothing about hand-to-hand fighting, does not possess any secret equipment and doesn't support the Comunists, does not read the newspapers, was never in the Soviet Union and ha
917699;1415752334;asciilifeform;s never met any Soviet citizens, leads a lonely, introspective life, far from other people, and is by profession a forester, fisherman, lighthouse-keeper, security guard or railwayman. In many cases such an agent will be a physical invalid...'
917700;1415752416;asciilifeform;the piece concerned folks who were given the job of preparing hidey-holes and providing materiel, however
917701;1415752420;asciilifeform;rather than 'influence agents'
917702;1415752426;asciilifeform;so perhaps mircea_popescu was thinking of another.
917703;1415752438;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform again, how do you FIND these guys ?
917705;1415752453;BingoBoingo;!s Hal Turner
917706;1415752454;assbot;2 results for 'Hal Turner' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=Hal+Turner
917707;1415752454;asciilifeform;same way i might find a mechanic
917708;1415752462;asciilifeform;or drywall master
917709;1415752473;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform specifically, legwork. orlov's blog, is that legwork ?
917710;1415752490;asciilifeform;let's play this 'chess' a few moves in
917711;1415752495;asciilifeform;say one bites.
917712;1415752504;gernika;Orlov reminds me of detective who has you in the interrogation room.   He somehow befriends himself to you and makes you think he wants to help you.  He lays out your options.  Cooperate and you get life.  Otherwise death.
917713;1415752521;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform aha ?
917714;1415752536;asciilifeform;picture the letter: 'dear mr.o,  where can i park my mystery crate that certainly does not contain a rocket launcher.'
917715;1415752542;asciilifeform;or the like.
917716;1415752601;asciilifeform;unless i dramatically fail to grok how this works, a public blog is very much not the correct tool in the box for this.
917717;1415752601;mircea_popescu;let's model it properly. you're the kgb special assets chain of command, and i'm orlov.
917718;1415752618;mircea_popescu;now, propose a situation, sketch a plan and give me an order.
917719;1415752647;asciilifeform;i thought the hypothetical was that mr. o is the commander.
917720;1415752659;mircea_popescu;lol get out.
917721;1415752659;asciilifeform;or at least a controlled muppet
917722;1415752663;mircea_popescu;well yes.
917723;1415752686;mircea_popescu;think cc server - rooted box. i'm the rooted box. say something to me!
917724;1415752691;asciilifeform;so, let's cast mr. o as muppet in charge of volunteer recruitment.
917725;1415752705;asciilifeform;moscow says 'find us some useful morons'
917726;1415752716;mircea_popescu;error #1 : unspecific command ; ignoring.
917727;1415752762;asciilifeform;moscow: 'we need to park a http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-11-2014#917246 within 10km of 'camp david.''
917728;1415752762;assbot;Logged on 11-11-2014 15:03:50; asciilifeform: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXWJrpA8FnE
917729;1415752802;mircea_popescu;select from blog_derps where location within 50 miles and factor 1..n in $criteria or has car etc
917730;1415752869;asciilifeform;except that if mr. o were so 'open' to volunteers, he'd be grunting in the oubliette with mr. nyc deathray
917732;1415752893;mircea_popescu;but this is a technical objection.
917733;1415752907;mircea_popescu;if the car worked on an ideal carnot cycle it'd be pretty much fireworks show
917734;1415752925;asciilifeform;so one would have to posit some magic-trick in his pocket to explain why he is still around and kicking.
917735;1415752978;mircea_popescu;maybe he's not done anything useful yet.
917736;1415752982;mircea_popescu;maybe he's been lucky so far
917737;1415752998;mircea_popescu;who the fuck knows, it's a shitty life the junkies, whores and assets lead.
917738;1415753009;asciilifeform;not saying that this is an impossible picture.
917739;1415753032;asciilifeform;just that it fails on a few basics. for one thing, ru recruiters traditionally false-flag.
917740;1415753057;asciilifeform;(bugger: 'i wouldn't work for no russian scum' agent: 'aha, but we're mossad, friendlies, dontchaknow')
917741;1415753131;mircea_popescu;i haven't a clue if they mostly do or don't.
917742;1415753136;BingoBoingo;Why won't people learn to pastebin: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B2L0hRICAAAAKSg.png:large
917743;1415753138;mircea_popescu;which year is this ?
917744;1415753188;mircea_popescu;"a stunted copulation between a woman who hadnt been laid in decades and a man who interrogated mattress springs for a living"
917745;1415753193;mircea_popescu;;;later tell hanbot win
917746;1415753193;gribble;The operation succeeded.
917747;1415753331;asciilifeform;(most folks, apparently, feel less 'edgy' re: the idea of muppeting for a small-time intelligence agency, than ru or us)
917748;1415753401;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: if you happen to have a w4r3z link to 'running rings of spies' by 'paladin press', it has some (authenticated and not) case studies.
917749;1415753464;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform most folk get this idea that "they're in control of their own life" and that "they won't have to do anything they don't want to do" and so...
917750;1415753474;asciilifeform;very elegantly described in that tome.
917751;1415753476;mircea_popescu;what's the worst that can happen. and nobody reads anyway, and who's going to figure anything out
917752;1415753478;mircea_popescu;or keep tabs.
917753;1415753484;asciilifeform;in a, i dare say, psychiatric style.
917754;1415753505;asciilifeform;(an intelligence case officer is a kind of psychiatrist, in the same sense that a sniper is a type of surgeon)
917755;1415753558;mircea_popescu;i like it when hirelings go "hello micrea". on a first name basis with people you don't even know the first name of ? way to fail multiple times per line!
917759;1415753625;BingoBoingo;Micrea is the cleanshaven alternate universe version
917760;1415753638;mircea_popescu;maybe it should be my stage name. Mic Rhea
917761;1415753641;*;asciilifeform has read such letters, yes
917762;1415753655;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform at least it didn't get all the way to snotislav or something
917763;1415753674;asciilifeform;'they called him rheostat. for the knob he twisted to turn up the current when they ended up in his chair.'
917765;1415753753;thestringpuller;!s from:asciilifeform regex
917766;1415753754;assbot;0 results for 'from:asciilifeform regex' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=from%3Aasciilifeform+regex
917768;1415753769;thestringpuller;^- did i do it wrong
917769;1415753786;undata;thestringpuller: wrong string.
917770;1415753825;thestringpuller;undata: did they remove the from: tag?
917771;1415753831;thestringpuller;there is to:
917772;1415753834;undata;thestringpuller: not a clue
917774;1415753889;asciilifeform;'ring of spies' << when does #b-a get own w4r3z ftp?
917775;1415753943;asciilifeform;'instant file hosting' crud - sucks.
917776;1415753956;undata;asciilifeform: spend magnet links into the blockchain?
917777;1415753963;undata;maybe I'll write that this weekend
917778;1415753971;asciilifeform;magnet links << and who seeds? you?
917779;1415753988;undata;asciilifeform: same question as who hosts, isn't it?
917780;1415753997;undata;of course you could get fancier and do some darknet thing
917781;1415754031;asciilifeform;point is not even entirely to host w4r3z - this is not an entirely unsolved problem - but to demonstrate 'fortress.'
917782;1415754041;thestringpuller;torrent boxes paid for with btc
917783;1415754060;asciilifeform;expensive proposition if they have short life expectancy.
917784;1415754066;ben_vulpes;temporary storage paid for with btc
917785;1415754089;asciilifeform;see above
917786;1415754091;thestringpuller;host on #b-a satellite in space
917788;1415754145;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform im not so sure there's that much validity to that demonstration.
917789;1415754159;mircea_popescu;the entire us carrier approach to war is expensive and unwieldy.
917790;1415754164;asciilifeform;not only this, but it helps to be able to link to a document in a thread.
917791;1415754181;asciilifeform;instead of crapping out a 'go find it, it's there somewhere on the net'
917792;1415754189;mircea_popescu;anything specific ?
917794;1415754202;mircea_popescu;the thing linked above ?
917796;1415754212;asciilifeform;a curious little vintage monograph
917797;1415754223;mircea_popescu;so what's the problem ?
917798;1415754238;asciilifeform;iirc i posted it once, to a 'file host' thing, but of course long gone.
917799;1415754252;BingoBoingo;I've located a copy. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=running+rings+of+spies+kickass.to&t=canonical
917800;1415754253;assbot;running rings of spies kickass.to at DuckDuckGo
917801;1415754263;mircea_popescu;!s suvorov6
917802;1415754263;assbot;0 results for 'suvorov6' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=suvorov6
917803;1415754273;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: that's not a copy
917804;1415754286;mircea_popescu;dat tokenization. anyway, iirc it was on the same place last tiem
917805;1415754294;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: the top link is to a torrent which may or may not be alive
917806;1415754302;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: It's a path that leads to a copy, that lives
917807;1415754307;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: and may or may not be the actual scan or a questionable ocr turd
917808;1415754320;BingoBoingo;Pretty shitty photoscan, but scan
917809;1415754322;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i want to link to an actual document. with a known sha2.
917810;1415754332;asciilifeform;or it isn't a real discussion.
917811;1415754343;*;undata will just write said magnet link thing and report back
917812;1415754346;BingoBoingo;That's a harder problem.
917813;1415754375;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform lemme see here.
917814;1415754377;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this is a different piece, not suvorov
917815;1415754381;undata;seems like seeding a trackerless torrent with your thing and a signature of the thing solves this
917816;1415754390;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: american 'can't say exactly who i was' vietnam vet.
917817;1415754400;mircea_popescu;the ideal would be to have a permanent file storage that works by incrementally adding chickens to the task
917818;1415754412;mircea_popescu;but taking chickens away degrades performance but not storage ?
917820;1415754422;BingoBoingo;Known sha2 for scans of print text is a very hard problem unless designated agent goes to Paladin press, buys dead trees, and signs hashlists
917821;1415754434;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: easy problem if canonical scan.
917822;1415754437;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo the other way.
917823;1415754438;asciilifeform;as in, the one you and i read.
917824;1415754440;mircea_popescu;just make a scan.
917825;1415754484;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform incidentally, there is a lot of overlap between the problem of packing bits and the problems of blockchain and crypto isn;'t there.
917826;1415754492;asciilifeform;packing bits?
917827;1415754498;mircea_popescu;lzw or w/e
917828;1415754527;asciilifeform;the spittoon is all in one strand, yes
917829;1415754540;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: but perhaps you had something more specific in mind
917830;1415754552;mircea_popescu;well, the problem ehre is this : immutable datastore comes with the problem of, who may add to it.
917831;1415754560;mircea_popescu;if not, straight to spam pile.
917832;1415754576;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i assume you studied some of the known bitcoin predecessors.
917833;1415754579;BingoBoingo;Fuck, whoever made this scan isn't very good at the whole scanning books business
917834;1415754586;asciilifeform;there was one called 'eternity'
917836;1415754614;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform in short, your complaint is legitimate but the solution unobvious.
917837;1415754618;asciilifeform;in fact, many folks arrived at 'proof of work' and something akin to our current concept of 'blockchain' by attempting to answer the 'who gets to add bits' question.
917839;1415754651;asciilifeform;^ that one.
917840;1415754665;asciilifeform;and a few others
917841;1415754679;asciilifeform;('eternity' was one of the more braindamaged ones, so perhaps that wasn't it)
917842;1415754711;mircea_popescu;problem goes deeper : if "who can add is finite" then you have a point of failure baked in quite nastily.
917844;1415754759;mircea_popescu;for that matter, the current state of the web, 50% or more linkrotted away
917845;1415754765;mircea_popescu;is clear testament to this being a major problem.
917846;1415754771;mircea_popescu;i know i've ranted about it on occasion.
917847;1415754801;asciilifeform;it's a serious problem, and folks who don't routinely discuss 20+ year old, moderately-obscure documents don't even know the beginning of it.
917848;1415754825;asciilifeform;it goes beyond 'where do i put l337 w4r3z'
917849;1415754857;mircea_popescu;how about this canonical formulation of it : most of what i know i know alone, because the "internet" is made out of knowledge in the sense the earth is made out of grass.
917850;1415754858;asciilifeform;warez censor is not the only mouse in the warehouse. there's moth and dust, father time.
917851;1415754860;undata;asciilifeform: what about torrent sites with seed ratio requirements? They seem to have done well as archives, even of the obscure.
917852;1415754890;mircea_popescu;and the body out of hair
917853;1415754926;asciilifeform;undata: 'obscure' here is almost by definition - that which is not found on 'pirate bay' and the like
917854;1415754943;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform how's the russian thing work ? mostly as undata's idea, right ? loosely affiliated, % enforcing warez sites
917856;1415754968;asciilifeform;it also works by having some specificity - as in, 'only books that were actual books once'
917857;1415754984;asciilifeform;and the language barrier mostly (not always!) keeps enemy at bay
917858;1415755011;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i'll tell you something about obscure. perhaps the best franchise in the history of western pornography is kink.com. best in purely aesthetic terms. now, their various brands, things such as i dunno, publichumiliation exist on the piratebay in the sense of maybe a dozen items out of what, 500 ? 1k total ?
917859;1415755018;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: none of the major 'libraries' have '% ratios' though
917860;1415755033;mircea_popescu;yes, it serves someone wanting to jack off just fine, because nobody needs three hours of video to rub one out
917861;1415755054;mircea_popescu;suppose i wanted to do something of the substance of actual reason, knowledge, science. da fuck do i do ? pray ?
917862;1415755089;mircea_popescu;imagine if libraries of the paper variety were organised on the principle that "well if you want something to read we prolly have a coupla books"
917863;1415755091;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: another example. want w4r3z copy of 'winblows' ? easy as fart. want the leaked microshit source? (why!?!? but that's another question) - harder.
917864;1415755096;mircea_popescu;rather than "we have every book ever made"
917865;1415755098;asciilifeform;though it's out there.
917866;1415755120;asciilifeform;well if you want something to read we prolly have a coupla books << prison library.
917867;1415755127;undata;the sites I'm thinking of solve this by making upload credits capital you spend on download, effectively
917868;1415755135;mircea_popescu;in fact, the way digital stuff is handled, it reminds me of how books would be handled in the house a functionally illiterate peasant from the 1900s.
917869;1415755144;undata;it seems that kind of incentive structure could be tweaked to reward preserving the obscure
917870;1415755145;mircea_popescu;"and here is where we keep the books" . "what's in them ? " " letter"
917871;1415755148;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: that's precisely it.
917872;1415755172;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: reminds me of a tale from the pet. she was once given a bag of 'books' by a 'friend' who vaguely recalled that she 'likes reading books.'
917873;1415755187;asciilifeform;(it was all crud long-overdue for the recycling vats from the moment of printing, naturally)
917874;1415755192;mircea_popescu;careful what she says, next she gets a bag of fucks.
917875;1415755265;mircea_popescu;but the problem is not merely storage. retrieval is up there too. consider the simple task "let us watc ha movie". the girls now have to find one. i've distributed more lashes for failure to find good films than for all other reasons combined, in 2014.
917876;1415755267;asciilifeform;undata: you need 'wot' baked in or you get idiots gaming the ratio system, the way they did on 1990s bbs.
917877;1415755273;asciilifeform;zip-o-crud generators.
917878;1415755278;mircea_popescu;while the exercise is instructive, i don't really believe it's the girls' fault exactly.
917879;1415755280;undata;asciilifeform: certainly
917880;1415755282;mircea_popescu;how do you find a good film ?
917881;1415755291;mircea_popescu;as in, "only films that were actually films once"
917882;1415755334;asciilifeform;this, as often is, - is one of the 'insufficient wot in extant system' cases.
917883;1415755361;undata;given a BTC transaction which represents an "item" in the catalog, there could as well be transactions which refer to that one and rate it
917884;1415755363;undata;and so on.
917885;1415755370;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform which is why the "unspecified" website i asked for someone to make a month ago and punkman volunteered is EXACTLY a wot-driven film database.
917886;1415755374;asciilifeform;(for reading fiction, some folks actually use primitive 'wot' systems like 'goodreads')
917887;1415755377;mircea_popescu;"see the films that people you trust liked"
917889;1415755409;assbot;Goodreads v. LibraryThing- Part One - BOOK RIOT
917890;1415755423;asciilifeform;(a review of the very primitive state of the art)
917891;1415755435;asciilifeform;for film - no idea, if exists
917892;1415755459;asciilifeform;!s kyristor
917893;1415755460;assbot;7 results for 'kyristor' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=kyristor
917894;1415755460;mircea_popescu;ure it exists. "metacritic rating"
917895;1415755470;mircea_popescu;hear what five hundred internet imbeciles thought about racism in THIS film
917896;1415755494;asciilifeform;^ my ancient failed attempt at 'wot.' was to be used with another (never happened) apparatus, 'sollipse,' for running a 'multiverse' of wots.
917897;1415755531;asciilifeform;(an individual could be a 'node' on any number of orthogonal wots, such as film tastes, mathematics, etc)
917898;1415755546;mircea_popescu;this is where it's headed.
917899;1415755560;asciilifeform;in the sense that it is the only solution - yes.
917900;1415755606;asciilifeform;in fact, 'reddit' gizmos can be seen as a specially broken case of wot - having the same relationship to wot as baited rat poison has to food
917901;1415755621;mircea_popescu;as per http://trilema.com/2014/spamming-reddit-an-experiment/ :)
917902;1415755622;assbot;Spamming reddit, an “experiment”. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 
917903;1415755624;asciilifeform;which is, that to the victim's nose it distantly resembles the real thing - but has an ulterior motive baked in.
917904;1415755642;mircea_popescu;mircea_popescu The idea being that any current social media website is a defective implementation of the WoT, what I intend to do is prove this point. Because the sort of idiots involved wont figure it on their own, and the assholes a la zuck and conde nast have about as much interest in the matter as your random bank cares about getting off shitty buggy ms software.
917906;1415755665;asciilifeform;except that it goes beyond active disinterest.
917908;1415755680;asciilifeform;they're certainly interested - in something quite else.
917909;1415755691;mircea_popescu;unsovereignty ?
917910;1415755705;asciilifeform;vox sheepuli.
917911;1415755706;mircea_popescu;"god help us if people are in charge of their own lives, anything b ut that" ?
917912;1415755727;asciilifeform;'god help us if the thinking folks find one another'
917914;1415755739;mircea_popescu;now see, THAT is a fortress worth making
917915;1415755744;mircea_popescu;which is why it's here.
917916;1415755753;asciilifeform;well, the pieces are here.
917917;1415755771;mircea_popescu;a fortress is first and foremost an embodied fuck you.
917919;1415755784;mircea_popescu;just how well fortified it actually is =- that's a technical discussion'
917920;1415755799;mircea_popescu;but the unbreached fortress is exactly as fortified as any other unbreached fortress : infinitely so.
917921;1415755843;mircea_popescu;(and by "it's here" i means specifically, b-a)
917922;1415755848;asciilifeform;well, yes
917923;1415755918;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: incidentally, i lifted 'kyristor' name not from the obvious place, but from a zoological exploration of a peculiarly malignant femiderp re: 'kyriarchy'
917924;1415755950;asciilifeform;decided that it would be a particularly apt name for the ideal 'crucifix' against the vampires in question.
917925;1415755960;asciilifeform;but that's ancient history.
917926;1415756021;asciilifeform;interestingly, mr mold invented almost precisely the same scheme, afaik independently, neither of us lifted from the other
917927;1415756036;asciilifeform;imho it is an inevitable discovery, like semiconductor.
917928;1415756092;asciilifeform;(a rusty nail semiconducts, if you know where on it to stick a probe. this is how 'coherer' - first radio receiver - worked, though its inventor did not know this)
917929;1415756145;mircea_popescu;nothing as indomitable as an idea whose time has come eh
917930;1415756171;asciilifeform;;;google railroading time
917931;1415756172;gribble;Quote by Robert A. Heinlein: “When railroading time comes you can ...: ; Q&N: The Door into Summer (Heinlein) - Hjkeen.net: ; Railroad Time - Home Page - TimeZone: (1 more message)
917932;1415756179;mircea_popescu;"hard to keep people from observing water is wet once their wanderings take them to an ocean"
917934;1415757037;asciilifeform;no one will even think to mention 'wot-based' gizmo in the future, just as when you buy a pc now - the crate does not bother to say 'semiconductor-based'
917935;1415757054;asciilifeform;it's merely obvious.
917936;1415757106;asciilifeform;it's not even a 'technology' in the sense semiconductor is - but more as arithmetic is.
917937;1415757124;asciilifeform;namely - if you're operating using some other, incompatible abstraction - the result will be demonstrable nonsense.
917938;1415758067;decimation;re: spies << Stierlitz is a psychologist
917939;1415758095;decimation;I was amused the reference to the lady morse operator's "hand"
917940;1415758124;asciilifeform;morse 'hand' is a thing, ask anyone who still deals with it
917941;1415758137;undata;asciilifeform: how does it compare to emacs claw?
917942;1415758147;asciilifeform;not to be confused with 'telegrapher's glass arm' disease
917943;1415758154;asciilifeform;'hand' here is in the sense of 'handwriting'
917945;1415758176;decimation;asciilifeform: when I visited Bletchley park, they told a story about this.  Apparently the germans initially sent the 'headers' in enigma traffic in plaintext before the message
917946;1415758197;decimation;the uk operators at the "Y" stations became familiar with the 'hand' of each german operator
917947;1415758214;asciilifeform;hand >> incidentally, this was part of the reason why shortly after the war, most intelligence orgs moved to mechanical (punched tape) operation
917948;1415758236;decimation;later, when the germans started to encrypt the 'headers', they were able to sort out each crypto link by the intercept operator's ability to recognize his opponent's hand
917949;1415758244;decimation;as nearly all enigma traffic was sent by hand morse
917950;1415758245;asciilifeform;the ru version was a very simple stapler-shaped gizmo that punched holes in old 35mm film
917951;1415758253;asciilifeform;it was then fed into the telegraph.
917952;1415758265;asciilifeform;i have no idea what usa used, probably same.
917953;1415758285;decimation;actually morse was initially 'machine' sent
917954;1415758297;asciilifeform;it was mainly to shorten total 'on air' time, to make triangulation harder
917955;1415758322;decimation;the original idea was to mark a strip of paper with the morse characters, but very soon after the telegraph was introduced it was realized that operators could send by ear much more quickly
917956;1415758332;asciilifeform;and reduce mistakes (professional 'morse man' and skilled 'illegal' is like asking to hire a pro racing driver who is also an expert cocksucker)
917957;1415758370;decimation;yeah I also found it interesting in 'stierlitz' that he didn't send his own morse/radio traffic
917958;1415758389;asciilifeform;after the war, it was almost unheard of to have 2way traffic at all
917959;1415758398;asciilifeform;most return comms from illegals were via 'dead drop'
917960;1415758402;asciilifeform;simple, 'cheap and angry'
917961;1415758412;asciilifeform;grunt under diplomatic cover - fetches it.
917962;1415758418;mircea_popescu; it's not even a 'technology' in the sense semiconductor is - but more as arithmetic is. << quite agreed,
917963;1415758428;mircea_popescu;and to think the derps are going o nbout "blockchain technology". as if.
917964;1415758446;asciilifeform;decimation: 2way traffic is a forced wartime thing. when you have no one in diplomatic cover behind the lines.
917965;1415758490;decimation;asciilifeform: in Stierlitz, the poor English translation for the word that refers to when a spy is killed 'doing his duty'  seems to be 'failed'
917967;1415758510;decimation;"Stierlitz knew he would 'fail' if he did x"
917968;1415758514;asciilifeform;literally, 'fell through'
917969;1415758521;asciilifeform;as in, through a hole in the street
917970;1415758521;decimation;I get the feeling that's the wrong translation at times
917971;1415758532;asciilifeform;the closest translation would probably be 'blown'
917972;1415758533;decimation;so it's kind of idiomaitc
917973;1415758535;asciilifeform;(as in 'cover')
917975;1415758596;asciilifeform;(for folks reading this who have no idea - there was not a film called 'stierlitz', but it is the cover name of the hero in iconic ru multiparter '17 moments of spring.')
917976;1415758629;mircea_popescu;english has the funcitonal equivalent, "the deal fell through"
917977;1415758633;BingoBoingo;From the lulzmines: "Batman is a rich white psychopath who beats up poor people for fun. He is not now and never has been a hero."
917979;1415758655;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo also, blackface.
917980;1415758659;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-03-2014#582399
917981;1415758659;assbot;Logged on 26-03-2014 03:30:35; asciilifeform: nitpick with pediwikia - the 'batman' in the epic is not wearing a 'batman' costume. he's a bloke who smashes heads with a baseball bat.
917982;1415758692;mircea_popescu;"By their nature as vigilantes, acting outside or above the law, most superheroes have a troubling undercurrent of aristocratic, undemocratic, authoritarian values."
917983;1415758699;mircea_popescu;how dare they be better than the scumcrowd!11
917984;1415758712;decimation;yeah sorry for the shorthand.  You can view the whole series here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIzOma9Pyv8&list=PLA6274B0CEF58CEB0 (or download with youtube-dl)
917985;1415758713;assbot;17 Moments of Spring - 1/12 - 1/7 - YouTube
917986;1415758723;asciilifeform;re: scumcrowd:
917987;1415758726;asciilifeform;;;google harrison bergeron
917988;1415758727;gribble;Harrison Bergeron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Harrison Bergeron - Tnellen.com: ; Full text of "Harrison Bergeron (& Activity)" - Internet Archive: 
917989;1415758736;asciilifeform;(if there remains alive even one who has not read it)
917990;1415758764;mircea_popescu;i have no idea what h b is.
917991;1415758773;mircea_popescu;oh, vonnegut. kay
917992;1415758774;asciilifeform;short story by k. vonnegut.
917993;1415758793;asciilifeform;about a 'glorious future of ikvaliti.'
917994;1415758817;asciilifeform;[insert w4r3z]
917995;1415758822;*;mircea_popescu is reading it.
917996;1415758967;undata;asciilifeform: social media is the shriek of the headphones
917997;1415758980;undata;what were we talking about?
917998;1415758982;asciilifeform;undata: except - for now - optional.
917999;1415758999;mircea_popescu;And she had to apologize at once for her voice, which was a very unfair voice for a woman to use. Her voice was a warm, luminous, timeless melody. "Excuse me-" she said, and she began again, making her voice absolutely uncompetitive.
918001;1415759049;assbot;RetroUpriser +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0
918002;1415759055;xanthyos;!up RetroUpriser
918003;1415759083;RetroUpriser;Care to play a game of chess, mircea_popescu?
918004;1415759088;BingoBoingo;A doomed by the bong case heats up http://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/highway-seizure-in-iowa-fuels-debate-about-asset-forfeiture-laws/2014/11/10/10f725fc-5ec3-11e4-8b9e-2ccdac31a031_story.html
918005;1415759089;assbot;Highway seizure in Iowa fuels debate about asset-forfeiture laws - The Washington Post
918006;1415759102;mircea_popescu;ugh, ive not played chess in like a decade or two
918007;1415759153;RetroUpriser;Well the offer stands should you change your mind
918008;1415759230;mircea_popescu;why thank you.
918009;1415759236;mircea_popescu;heck, why the hell not.
918010;1415759255;mircea_popescu;what do you want, heads or tails ?
918011;1415759267;RetroUpriser;You can choose first
918012;1415759277;decimation;asciilifeform: "fiat 'was down'" << sometimes this happens because a geomagnetic storm knocks down a satellite - for example most gas stations in the us clear credit cards through satellite
918013;1415759278;RetroUpriser;And i was thinking of using chess.com
918014;1415759308;mircea_popescu;i dun have a login
918015;1415759309;asciilifeform;'Minutes later, Trooper Vanderwiel arrived with the dog, which alerted on the back area of the car. That gave Simmons and Vanderwiel probable cause to search the vehicle without a warrant or the drivers consent.' << lol re: the obvious implication, the beasts are trained to 'signal' on command rather than search
918016;1415759323;asciilifeform;!s clever hans
918017;1415759324;assbot;0 results for 'clever hans' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=clever+hans
918018;1415759336;RetroUpriser;How would you like to play?
918020;1415759352;xanthyos;http://en.lichess.org/ << no login needed
918021;1415759352;assbot;lichess.org • Free Online Chess
918022;1415759367;decimation;yeah my understanding is that the results of the 'search dogs' are always an objective basis upon which one can search
918023;1415759381;asciilifeform;search dog != confiscation dog
918024;1415759391;mircea_popescu;bah all these people and their javascript already
918025;1415759394;asciilifeform;(if the latter are not yet standard - they are being grown.)
918026;1415759399;decimation;the dog smells money on you
918027;1415759405;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: dig out that 'ipad'
918028;1415759417;asciilifeform;chess is more or less what it's for.
918029;1415759424;BingoBoingo; 'Minutes later, Trooper Vanderwiel arrived with the dog, which alerted on the back area of the car. That gave Simmons and Vanderwiel probable cause to search the vehicle without a warrant or the drivers consent.' << lol re: the obvious implication, the beasts are trained to 'signal' on command rather than search << Pretty much an open secret by now
918030;1415759429;mircea_popescu;i dun have an ipad here ;/
918031;1415759449;asciilifeform;no civilian computer at all?
918032;1415759487;mircea_popescu;fuck it ima play ascii art chess.
918035;1415759506;xanthyos;you don't need to physically see the same board
918036;1415759512;xanthyos;just announce moves
918037;1415759517;RetroUpriser;this is true, we could play through text
918038;1415759521;BingoBoingo;http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--O-wxNBJR--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/omamfciqg1uiper3pdrj.jpg << Murican ingenuity
918039;1415759525;BingoBoingo;!s d6
918040;1415759526;assbot;12 results for 'd6' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=d6
918041;1415759531;mircea_popescu;RetroUpriser ima do algebraic notation in about 5 minutes lemme type out some letters
918042;1415759593;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: likely hand-loaded shells with almost no powder
918043;1415759598;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: or would have ruptured
918044;1415759633;mircea_popescu;http://pastebin.com/gqUgekiU  upregulation and downregulation is a thing < it's funny how many people forget this
918234;1415764489;mircea_popescu;joecool i was just keeping his hands to the coals on the technicality of it. "retaining milk digestion past childood is a recent adaptation" etc.
918235;1415764557;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller so basically, "mit sucks" ?
918236;1415764566;mircea_popescu;maybe they should start small, give the bright kids there lightbulbs
918237;1415764571;asciilifeform;!s mit battery
918238;1415764572;assbot;11 results for 'mit battery' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=mit+battery
918239;1415764576;asciilifeform;^ obligatory
918240;1415764623;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform afaik, the fermentation makes it accessible to wussies
918242;1415764692;assbot;                        imgur: the simple image sharer
918243;1415764707;PeterL;by the way, I added code to scoopbot, now if he disconnects he should reconnect, hopefully this will keep him running
918245;1415764727;nubbins`;anyone know if you can carry money in a regular wheelbarrow or do they make ones w/ nets to keep the cash from blowing away?
918246;1415764739;assbot;Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/03RPEVV.txt )
918247;1415764739;asciilifeform;!b 1
918248;1415764752;mircea_popescu;i am still frozen from having read that.
918249;1415764764;PeterL;nubbins`: use a paperweight?
918250;1415764790;nubbins`;currently using a couple of cookie sheets, but they slide around
918251;1415764799;asciilifeform;easy answer to riddle: money is typically heavy and does not blow away.
918252;1415764802;asciilifeform;benjies - might
918253;1415764802;nubbins`;asciilifeform actually knows a fellow who lost lactose digestion as adult <<< this happened to my wife
918254;1415764816;joecool;happened to my ex
918255;1415764819;joecool;must be a canadian problem
918256;1415764849;nubbins`;lactose-free dairy stuff is more common these days
918257;1415764863;nubbins`;you can get president's choice lactose-free cheddar AND marble now :0
918258;1415764864;asciilifeform;given that gene expression is a thing, this is actually a very easy way to give yourself food allergies
918259;1415764874;asciilifeform;simply abstain from something for a spell
918260;1415764884;joecool;nubbins`: it is, can buy regular milk without lactose and even ice cream
918261;1415764888;asciilifeform;(works for a number of things)
918263;1415764892;joecool;or eat lots of lactase
918264;1415764905;nubbins`;the lactase pills even stopped working
918265;1415764931;nubbins`;i mean, old cheddar doesn't have much lactose to begin with.
918266;1415764953;joecool;i told her this too, she never had an issue with aged cheeses
918267;1415764993;dignork;nubbins`: they just make them from money: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWhI4gi9nNk
918268;1415764994;assbot;Extreme wheelbarrowing - YouTube
918269;1415764995;assbot; you know they put lactose in lactase pills
918270;1415765065;nubbins`;you got it all wrong buddy
918271;1415765079;nubbins`;stick to what ya know
918272;1415765851;PeterL;assbot: you know they put lactose in lactase pills <<< wth assbot?
918273;1415765887;assbot; what, its true
918274;1415765889;BingoBoingo;assbot is the bot with the hero butt
918275;1415765923;PeterL;is somebody playing with assbot?
918276;1415765987;BingoBoingo;I doubt it. Prolly a new feature.
918277;1415766389;ben_vulpes;things about ios 8 that drive me insane
918278;1415766398;ben_vulpes;app store search results are sorted above my installed apps
918279;1415766484;assbot; PeterL, have you seen the movie 'being john malkovich'?
918280;1415766918;cazalla;woot, cherries in season
918281;1415767209;ben_vulpes;on an entirely different topic, i'd like to derp in public about bisection in hunt of the commits that unwedged 0.5.3
918282;1415767271;ben_vulpes;my plan at the moment is to wait for my 0.5.3 binary to wedge itself, and then write a script that hooks into the git 'bisect' tool.
918283;1415767374;ben_vulpes;this script will take the wedged blockchain on disk; copy it into the testing dir; compile bitcoind from a different point in the source tree; and boot it pointed at the wedged blockchain; and check to see if the output of 'bitcoind getblockcount' has gone up
918284;1415767397;ben_vulpes;if yes, mark as good with git bisect and proceed with binary search, repeating the above process until the unwedging commit is discovered.
918285;1415767418;decimation;ben_vulpes: won't you need much disk space per 'try'?
918286;1415767438;ben_vulpes;2x the size of the wedged blockchain
918287;1415767445;ben_vulpes;one for copying into the dir, one for launching from.
918288;1415767466;ben_vulpes;if i'm not being clear, i plan to clobber the data dir on each run.
918289;1415767652;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: doubtful plan
918290;1415767668;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: illuminate me
918291;1415767668;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: wedging almost certainly involves what ends up being saved as blockchain
918292;1415767673;asciilifeform;rather than how it is decoded
918293;1415767688;ben_vulpes;ah ha
918294;1415767707;ben_vulpes;well then shit i should copy this datadir while its yet unwedged
918295;1415767733;asciilifeform;but - assuming you've the time/energy - there is no reason not to try it
918296;1415767749;asciilifeform;(specifically - to see what, if anything, a >0.5.3 client will do with a wedged 0.5.3 chain)
918297;1415767876;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: were i to use a chain slightly downstream of the wedging to start the process, would that be less unlikely to work?
918298;1415767903;asciilifeform;how could i know.
918300;1415767923;decimation;ben_vulpes: what if the 'wedging' were caused by some dependency (memory leak, etc)?
918301;1415767936;asciilifeform;the catastrophic memory leak is also a fact.
918302;1415767948;asciilifeform;not directly a cause of the wedge though
918303;1415767964;ben_vulpes; how could i know.
918304;1415767968;ben_vulpes; not directly a cause of the wedge though
918305;1415767981;ben_vulpes;there is much contrast in the implications of these statements.
918306;1415767989;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: well, i was able to determine that wedging takes place prior to memory exhaustion
918307;1415768005;asciilifeform;no data on whether common bug behind both, however.
918308;1415768036;asciilifeform;here's another tidbit from 'valgrind' runs - leak is very slow prior to wedge, then appears to speed up
918309;1415768057;decimation;I guess my point is that if something external to the turd participates in the 'wedging' then the bisect plan won't really work
918310;1415768065;decimation;or at least, will have misleading results
918311;1415768273;ben_vulpes;what would be considered "external"?
918312;1415768289;decimation;bdb for instance
918314;1415768311;decimation;if something is stomping on something in those libraries it could be quite subtle
918315;1415768330;ben_vulpes;would the libraries not be held constant between bisections?
918316;1415768355;ben_vulpes;provided i'm not doing something retarded like also updating packages
918317;1415768386;decimation;sure, but it is at least possible that is stomping on the code in such a way that it doesn't work in one version, but then works in another
918318;1415768405;decimation;not because the issue has been solved but merely because of a new arrangement in memory
918319;1415768416;asciilifeform;external << worth pointing out that i did not build with 'period' libs.
918320;1415768473;decimation;nevertheless, there is at least some chance that your experiment will reveal something interesting
918321;1415768748;BingoBoingo;http://arstechnica.com/security/2014/11/potentially-catastrophic-bug-bites-all-versions-of-windows-patch-now/ << WinBleed
918322;1415768748;assbot;Potentially catastrophic bug bites all versions of Windows. Patch now | Ars Technica
918324;1415768821;BingoBoingo;Refresh, someone found the old door, time for a new door
918325;1415769097;asciilifeform;someone << ru
918326;1415769535;mircea_popescu; if yes, mark as good with git bisect <<< interesting approach.
918327;1415769588;mircea_popescu;<decimation> ben_vulpes: what if the 'wedging' were caused by some dependency (memory leak, etc)? << this is undoubtedly the case for at least some wedgings
918328;1415769624;mircea_popescu;but anyway, the plan is promising because it engenders familiarity with the damned thing.
918329;1415769642;*;asciilifeform far more familiar than wanted to be
918330;1415769706;mircea_popescu;"A failure to properly filter specially formed packets makes it possible for attackers to execute attack code of their choosing by sending malicious traffic to a Windows-based server." << sounds like windows had a replica of heartbleed.
918331;1415769744;asciilifeform;arbitrary remote code exec
918332;1415769748;mircea_popescu;either they stole openssh code (unlikely) or the thing was actually usg-mandated (which in some interpretations is one step above what we already knew, ie sponsored)
918333;1415769749;asciilifeform;not necessarily 'replica' of anything
918335;1415769775;asciilifeform;microshit is the ultimate execution of 'plausibly deniable' usg mandate.
918336;1415769796;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: neato.
918337;1415769806;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform to my eyes it reads like, "this is what they wanted", "openssh is the best implementation of it they managed to get before the whole thing got shot in the head"
918338;1415769808;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: congratulate the author
918339;1415769835;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: you may find that my patches rely on one another
918340;1415769844;asciilifeform;('patch' util is dumb as a rock)
918341;1415769860;mircea_popescu;"Microsoft's advisory said there are no mitigating factors and no workarounds for the bug."
918342;1415769860;asciilifeform;(re: 'compile with posted patches individually' idea)
918343;1415769867;mircea_popescu;the exact definition of "notabug"
918344;1415769902;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: they almost always print 'no mitigating factors' (as in, must install update or die)
918345;1415769922;mircea_popescu;good for 'em.
918346;1415769954;asciilifeform;incidentally, some folks may wonder why microshit even bothers to announce pwnholes
918347;1415769969;asciilifeform;answer is, in many cases, they don't (often people reverse engineer them from recent patches)
918348;1415769983;asciilifeform;and when they do, part of the reason is to goad lusers to force-update
918349;1415769996;asciilifeform;so they can develop new orifices.
918350;1415770018;decimation;'the (upgrade) bell tolls for thee'
918351;1415771473;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by cazalla: http://qntra.net/2014/11/chris-popple-of-rbs-in-regards-to-bitcoin-were-definitely-interested-in-it/
918352;1415771831;mircea_popescu;lol bankers saying things
918353;1415772272;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all
918354;1415772279;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 381.0, vol: 11750.93845470 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 379.454, vol: 9041.59829 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 382.32, vol: 21072.94259007 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 379.7664, vol: 126158.41850000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 379.99, vol: 3.08140637 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 373.1221, vol: 76.77593578 | Volume-weighted last average: 380.152910076
918356;1415772284;gribble;Current Blocks: 329647 | Current Difficulty: 3.960366625241841E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 330623 | Next Difficulty In: 976 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 0 days, 2 hours, 58 minutes, and 41 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 40021602789.5 | Estimated Percent Change: 1.0553
918359;1415773519;ben_vulpes;is there any interest in sharing a pre-wedge blockchain built by 0.5.3 around?
918360;1415773579;ben_vulpes;interest, value...
918361;1415777741;cazalla;mircea_popescu: yes, it serves someone wanting to jack off just fine, because nobody needs three hours of video to rub one out <<< tell that to the people that take 3 hours to find the ideal clip for that session
918362;1415778164;jurov;lol cazalla
918363;1415782074;jurov; [20141112 05:22] either they stole openssh code (unlikely) << not openssh but openssL. as it is under BSD, they're free to do whatever wit it.
918364;1415782164;jurov;ben_vulpes asciilifeform, others: when are you going to send your patches in expected format?
918365;1415782181;jurov;http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/patches.html should spring into life when they are received
918367;1415792712;assbot;bips/bip-0065.mediawiki at master · bitcoin/bips · GitHub
918369;1415793110;assbot;Internet Service Providers Stripping STARTTLS Flag | Qntra.net
918370;1415793525;cazalla;gee, you're up early/late BingoBoingo
918372;1415794236;cazalla;scoopbot once again will not get the scoop
918374;1415794239;assbot;Peter Vessenes: Half A Billion Dollars To Be Spent On ASICs Over 18 Months | Qntra.net
918375;1415794274;jurov;"defunct Bitcoin Foundation" hah
918376;1415794349;jurov;cazalla i had to rerad it several times
918378;1415794375;cazalla;i've had a few drinks but what is wrong with it
918379;1415794376;jurov;first i was wtf, vessesnes is speaking in the nme of samsung?
918380;1415794401;cazalla;well why not? he speaks in the name of bitcoin
918381;1415794422;jurov;then wtf, no, ne is representing $1B investors?
918382;1415794442;jurov;and then "oh he's just yapping alone"
918383;1415794444;cazalla;it's what he said
918384;1415794464;jurov;what she said.
918385;1415794466;cazalla;"Much of the money will go directly to foundries with the highest technology in the world, including Samsung, Intel and TSMC"
918386;1415794565;cazalla;maybe i need another beer for clarity
918387;1415794570;cazalla;i'm sure it will make sense then
918389;1415794653;jurov;i read the source, too and this chuckleworthy info was snuck in the end:
918390;1415794663;jurov;The Bitcoin Foundation is in discussions with Korean firms and financial authorities about setting up a Bitcoin foundation in Korea.
918391;1415794761;cazalla;jurov, do you think the qntra article is bad?
918392;1415794876;jurov;it's just copied from source
918393;1415794901;cazalla;well, not much else one can add with something like that, his talk isn't online so difficult to know what else he said
918394;1415794903;jurov;the source continues "Samsung is one of a few chipmakers capable of producing 10-nonometer(sic!)-class chips."
918395;1415794912;jurov;which clarifies things
918396;1415794927;jurov;why he singled out samsung
918397;1415794992;jurov;i don't think it's bad, just..idk, maybe someone else can pinpoint it better
918398;1415795012;cazalla;i'll re-read tmw when sober
918399;1415795127;jurov;dunno what is with all the drinking in this chan
918400;1415795159;jurov;at home i'm okay with just a glass of beer or wine
918401;1415795172;jurov;and when not at home, i dont publish stuff :)
918402;1415795225;cazalla;well i suffer from this problem that i have 1, which is good, so 2 must be great, 3 is awesome and that's that
918403;1415795243;cazalla;it's my pain medicine as well
918404;1415795276;cazalla;medicinal alcohol
918405;1415795301;jurov;lol "medicinal alcohol" is 90% stuff :DDD
918406;1415795314;jurov;but yea i see what you mean
918407;1415795341;BingoBoingo;It's better than getting arrested in Silk Road scam
918409;1415795490;assbot;Nixon tries to reassure public, as people prepare for the worst : News
918410;1415795644;cazalla;BingoBoingo, think it'll be bad? they only smashed a few things after zimmerman was found not guilty
918411;1415795686;BingoBoingo;Zimmerman was also a Hispanic Jew so also kind of on the minority spectrum, also not a police officer.
918413;1415796393;assbot;Professors, robots protest U. of Iowa's pink locker room @insidehighered
918414;1415799056;BingoBoingo;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=850128.0 << Forum Drama
918415;1415799057;assbot;Apologies to anyone who read my posts last night!
918416;1415801034;BingoBoingo;Oh, systemd documented ruining people's days in the wild http://seclists.org/oss-sec/2014/q4/592
918417;1415801034;assbot;oss-sec: CVE-request: systemd-resolved DNS cache poisoning
918418;1415803474;chetty;hahahaha I just saw what has to be the funniest traffic snarl ever. The train barrier on one side is stuck and cars/busses/trucks backed up as far as the eye can see. But its a one way street and the other side is wide open, nothing stoppping people just drive to the left ...
918420;1415803587;chetty;people really are sheeps
918421;1415804379;TomServo;;;isitdown qntra.net
918422;1415804381;gribble;qntra.net is up
918423;1415804444;mike_c;down for me
918424;1415804496;TomServo;same here
918425;1415804596;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes: interest, value... << the problem with using op's blockchain is that you're basically trusting the op
918426;1415804609;mircea_popescu;not so unlike sharing privkeys from a purely bitcoin perspective
918427;1415804675;mircea_popescu;cazalla: mircea_popescu: nobody needs three hours of video to rub one out <<< tell that to the people that take 3 hours to find the ideal clip for that session << well yeah, i kinda fucked up there didn't i.
918428;1415804699;mircea_popescu;the idea isn't that jacking off is less of an intellectual activity than learning chemistry or reading nabokov, so we pile on it.
918429;1415804719;mircea_popescu;the idea was that the young and stupid are readily satisfied by the current model, on account of their vast ignorance. but nobody else is.
918430;1415804968;mircea_popescu;jurov: not openssh but openssL. as it is under BSD, they're free to do whatever wit it. << yeah openssl. not a question of under bsd or not, idea was more like : the proof that USG.HB was a thing, that was then implemented as openssl.HB is the fact that looky, a Win.HB apparently exists(ed). like, if you find a goat on a field you may think you've both discovered and invented the goat. but if you then later find anothe
918431;1415804969;mircea_popescu;r goat, you may now believe you discovered 'em, but they are being produced somewhere else and were invented by someone else.
918432;1415805004;mircea_popescu;this distinction is exactly the distinction between a bug with security implications and a deliberate security hole : they are both security holes. the finder of the bug both discovers and invents that security hole.
918433;1415805014;mircea_popescu;the finder of the deliberate thing however merely discovers it. someone else invented it.
918434;1415807663;nubbins`;<+chetty> people really are sheeps <<< occasionally when i'm in an elevator alone and it stops to let more people on, i face the back of the car to see if others will follow suit
918435;1415807669;nubbins`;works about 20% of the time
918436;1415807740;asciilifeform;my favourite 'sheep experiment' is at a place not far from where i live, where one can rent 'sea bicycles' - little boats that one can pedal around. usually folks cluster together, for no good reason. pedal to an empty part of the water, and dozens follow...
918438;1415807779;mircea_popescu;i hear that's how serial killers get started
918439;1415807798;asciilifeform;it had no practical consequence, but blew my mind when i discovered it many years ago.
918440;1415807802;mircea_popescu;!up saifedean
918441;1415807820;mircea_popescu;no scoopbot, no peterl... wha happened here!
918442;1415807829;mircea_popescu;;;later tell peterl seems teh code didn't werk.
918443;1415807829;gribble;The operation succeeded.
918444;1415807907;saifedean;"so the paleo fad diet experts among us" Fad? Humans have been eating paleo from before they were humans. Grains, seeds, and sugars are the passing fad, it's only been 10,000 years or so, and it won't be much longer...
918445;1415807968;mircea_popescu;now listen here. the fact that the turks have worn salvari for x centuries does not mean a suburban kid showing up for some school function in silken longpants isn't following a fad.
918446;1415807977;mircea_popescu;you are not a prehistoric man. you will never be one.
918447;1415808028;saifedean;But you will become healthier, stronger, smarter and happier eating like one, rather than grinding your brain to find excuses for why you shouldn't!
918448;1415808034;*;asciilifeform can't wait to see folks follow the 'logical' paleo conclusion, and climb back into the trees
918449;1415808060;mike_c;which part of the paleo religion demands proselytization?
918450;1415808074;saifedean;"what the fuck do you do about sushi ?" You Sashimi. Really, sushi is just poor people sashimi, to get bloated with cheap grain. Sashimi is the real deal.
918451;1415808082;asciilifeform;mike_c: the part when you're high out of your mind on placebocin
918452;1415808111;mike_c;placebocin is the best drugz
918453;1415808135;mircea_popescu;saifedean you'll generally find poor people foods are better than "rich people" foods.
918454;1415808144;mircea_popescu;pork an' beans ftw.
918455;1415808152;saifedean;also, beans, lentils, and grains are frowned upon in the Paleo Cult. Our lord and saviour Art De Vany would smite you.
918456;1415808158;mike_c;pork & rice & beans even better
918457;1415808167;mircea_popescu;srsly, that's your idea, instead of a nice pot of beans cooked with a smoked leg over a day and a night
918458;1415808171;mircea_popescu;you want to just eat the leg ?
918459;1415808187;mircea_popescu;mike_c i dun care for rice in that one, but hey, matter of ethnocentric taste.
918460;1415808196;mircea_popescu;;;ud art de vany
918461;1415808197;gribble;http://ro.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Vany%20Vicious | Tattoo Artist and Model from Miami,FL. ... Vany Vicious is a hardcore bitch. ... de TatooLoverYEah 10 Ianuarie 2012 adaugă un clip video adaugă o imagine.
918462;1415808197;asciilifeform;dietary cargo cults are mega-lulz.
918463;1415808238;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform that's the most humorous use of "cargo cult" i ever saw,
918464;1415808246;mircea_popescu;and way the fuck beyond what i imagined posible.
918465;1415808287;punkman;check out the leaderboard http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/trusted
918466;1415808288;assbot;Trusted keys | #bitcoin-assets deed registry
918467;1415808296;mircea_popescu;technically, yes, immitating the trapings of paleopeople to get chimp muscular arrangements ? that's an evolutionary choice already made for us, 500k years ago or so.
918468;1415808321;mircea_popescu;punkman how's teh rating work ?
918469;1415808329;punkman;l1+l2 of assbot
918470;1415808340;mircea_popescu;lol mk.
918471;1415808342;*;asciilifeform wonders how often taleb-like figures wander into 'paleo' cult strange, after they really felt stronger - but not from eating raw antelope, but from the real win of being set free from workschwitz - that being, sleeping ad libitum.
918472;1415808360;mircea_popescu;scalar sums of graphs still broken.
918473;1415808379;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you know, i just did that ?
918474;1415808383;mircea_popescu;it feels fine.
918475;1415808502;nubbins`;fad diets are a pretty good lel
918476;1415808539;mircea_popescu;as far as that goes, there's way worse ones than "stop eating all that refined sugar and chill it with the starch too"
918477;1415808552;nubbins`;p just started keeping track of calories in/out and balancing carbs/protein/fat
918478;1415808590;nubbins`;it's been less than a year, she can deadlift her own body weight and has dropped ~30lbs :0
918479;1415808616;nubbins`;i keep saying i won't be impressed til she can deadlift me, but secretly... ;p
918480;1415808662;mircea_popescu;who the fuck can't lift their own body weight
918481;1415808670;mircea_popescu;isn't that esentially what a chinup is ?
918482;1415808722;*;nubbins` thinks
918483;1415808734;nubbins`;there's like 6 different types of chinups, all work different muscle sets
918484;1415808744;mircea_popescu;but the point still remains, you are lifting your own weight
918485;1415808761;nubbins`;you're pulling the ceiling down, vs lifting something heavy up
918486;1415808791;mircea_popescu;i guess, but you're left picking for straws here.
918487;1415808807;mircea_popescu;!up saifedean
918488;1415808817;nubbins`;i'd wager maybe three people in here can do a single chin-up
918489;1415808818;mircea_popescu;i thought you got all buthurt and pankake'd out on us, mr paleo man.
918490;1415808830;mircea_popescu;nubbins` i can do ten.
918491;1415808841;saifedean;heh... my butt is hurtproof, my internet connection, though
918492;1415808842;nubbins`;well i guess you can loan out a few to the rest of us
918494;1415808859;nubbins`;anyway, try deadlifting your own weight on a barbell some time
918495;1415808860;saifedean;I was saying... pork is the shittiest of meats, as pigs eat shit. Beans are crap. fish is the food of kings... as for land food, lamb is the best, followed by beef, goat, chicken, everything else, then pork.
918496;1415808864;nubbins`;and LMK how it goes.
918497;1415808880;nubbins`;saifedean pork is delicious and cheap
918498;1415808886;nubbins`;beef is the bottom of my list
918499;1415808892;mircea_popescu;incidentally, is saifedean like the first noob ever that gets away with the sort of nutty forced ideas veterans usually display here ?
918500;1415808905;nubbins`;i think vex earned that crown
918501;1415808912;saifedean;though a swedish friend tells me reindeer meat is the best of all
918502;1415808930;nubbins`;i'd love to try reindeer
918503;1415808933;mircea_popescu;human is the best of all!
918504;1415808946;nubbins`;i'd try grass-fed human
918505;1415808956;nubbins`;avg sack of shit would prolly poison you
918506;1415808960;mircea_popescu;nubbins` i wouldn't do that because i dun have the techniques and am tall. prolly spring my back / give myself a hernia.
918507;1415808977;nubbins`;well i guess it's not the same thing at all then, is it :D
918508;1415808982;*;ben_vulpes gasps
918509;1415808983;mircea_popescu;but technique is not what i thought we were discussing here.
918510;1415808983;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: i'd never suggest sharing a blockchain for use anger!
918512;1415809016;nubbins`;if we're trying to equate chinups with deadlifts, technique is precisely what we're discussing
918513;1415809030;mircea_popescu;i thought you were all in awe of the woman's sheer muscular power
918514;1415809046;mircea_popescu;i didn't realise you were implying that by counting calories she has gained the magical wisdowm of lifting shit
918515;1415809078;saifedean;The Art de Vany I mentioned is not the one that Urban dictionary turned up, it is this man: http://www.artdevanyonline.com/
918516;1415809079;assbot;Art De Vany on Line - Results
918517;1415809089;mircea_popescu;can it be art vandalay ?
918518;1415809092;saifedean;77 years old and could kick the collective ass of everyone on this forum
918520;1415809107;nubbins`;(a) in awe, yep (b) not even close
918521;1415809119;nubbins`;by lifting shit she gained the magical wisdom
918522;1415809138;nubbins`;by eating like a normal person and not "paleo" (wtf!) she lost weight
918523;1415809142;mircea_popescu;saifedean if i add mah assassin cult to nubbins`'s here powerlifter chick, art vandalay guy is in a world of trouble.
918524;1415809151;nubbins`;but since we all know exercise and diet are linked, things sorta got jumbled together
918525;1415809178;ben_vulpes;i weary of this paleo proselytism
918526;1415809189;mircea_popescu;that's because you're not eating right
918527;1415809194;mircea_popescu;them wheats talking outta ya.
918528;1415809194;nubbins`;yeah dude
918529;1415809207;nubbins`;if god wanted you to eat cooked meat, he woulda installed a furnace in your throat
918530;1415809224;assbot;Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/14KC96M.txt )
918531;1415809224;mircea_popescu;!b 1
918532;1415809229;nubbins`;er wait did paleo man have fire?
918533;1415809237;mircea_popescu;sources disagree.
918534;1415809238;ben_vulpes;reminds me of someone else who spoke endlessly on the topic of wifi
918535;1415809243;nubbins`;did he have beef, pork, and chicken?
918536;1415809245;saifedean;hmmm.. de vany is a friend of taleb, we should invite the two of them here and have them chill with your assassin cult
918537;1415809251;mircea_popescu;nubbins` mostly squirrel.
918539;1415809254;ben_vulpes;new meaning to "spamgun"
918540;1415809279;nubbins`;so really, a paleo diet is raw squirrel meat, berries, occasional leaves for roughage
918541;1415809289;nubbins`;sounds totally healthy and easy for modern man to adapt to
918542;1415809299;nubbins`;i can see why it's popular
918543;1415809305;mircea_popescu;anyway, re pork eats shit etc : the evidence is quite clear that humans and hyenas were mostly commensal.
918544;1415809310;mircea_popescu;humans ate principally carcass.
918545;1415809335;mircea_popescu;they also lived in the same caves, alternating each other, depending on which group had stronger pups that decade.
918546;1415809373;nubbins`;paleo timeshares
918547;1415809390;saifedean;nubbins, you have no idea how many times i have heard these non-sequiturs of arguments. briefly, no, you do NOT need to emulate a caveman's life to down to its little details. The idea is to eliminate from your diet as much as possibel all the things that are relatively recent additions to our diet, to which our bodies have not adjusted very well, and which are proven to cause most of our modern illnesses. it fucking works
918548;1415809400;nubbins`;"cmon broud, my kid has diarrhea from eating beef, let us take the cave tonight"
918549;1415809436;mircea_popescu;nubbins` nah, more like, mary jane and anne were good sluts this year, had 7 kids, 5 years later the hyenas are fucked 3 to 1.
918550;1415809443;nubbins`;saifedean see the thing is, you're treating "our bodies" as a homogenous group, when nothing could be further form the truth
918552;1415809469;mircea_popescu;saifedean but you understand why when one proposes action on the basis of a theory, critical examination involves reviewing what would happen if that theory were applied by someone else than the proponent.
918553;1415809472;nubbins`;"our" bodies adjust to shit all the time
918554;1415809476;nubbins`;case in point: lactose
918555;1415809480;mircea_popescu;otherwise you ACTUALLY get a cult. "thios is the law and only i may know what it says"
918556;1415809510;nubbins`;you know there was a time when cheese would make any human who consumed it ill?
918557;1415809520;saifedean;nubbins no, i'm not. you're the one who is setting up charicatures of arguments for you to tear them down. i don't give two shits what you eat, you don't have to convince me. You should be trying to challenge yourself to understand what I'm saying it, or ignoring it. That you dismiss it like that is silly
918558;1415809524;nubbins`;and thye kept doing it and now i can eat pizza with impunity?
918559;1415809568;nubbins`;saifedean i literally do not have enough spare eyes to roll the appropriate amount in your direction
918560;1415809571;mircea_popescu;saifedean most of the negative reaction comes from the very marketing heavy approach. "you should challenge yourself" ? dude, this is the lordship here. you think anyone gives a shit about such puny attempts ?
918561;1415809599;*;nubbins` challenges himself to eliminate sourdough from diet
918562;1415809604;nubbins`;wait, that's retarded. no i don't.
918563;1415809617;mircea_popescu;but it'd be a challenge! and you're like, a 15 yo male.
918565;1415809625;nubbins`;once upon a time
918566;1415809634;saifedean;mp, yes, sure, hence, asking questions about things makes sense. dismissing them with half-baked arguments is time-wasting.
918567;1415809639;mircea_popescu;see, THAT's why you're fat nubbins.
918568;1415809653;nubbins`;i think i'm fat because i lead a sedentary lifestyle
918569;1415809677;nubbins`;but hey, tall skinny guys get pushed around
918570;1415809679;mircea_popescu;saifedean what's being dismissed anyway ? far as i can see, the part where "eat less sugar and starch, it'll be good for you" is univerally accepted. the rest, nobody has any use for.
918572;1415809691;mircea_popescu;nubbins` no they don't.
918573;1415809744;saifedean;that's a good start, but you need to also eat lots of animal fat, which is absolutely very good for you.. and you need to view doing carbs like an addiction, not a healthy food.
918576;1415809779;assbot;Trailer Park Boys - Smokes, Let's Go - YouTube
918577;1415809800;mircea_popescu;i bought i dunno, 100 or so pairs of underwear about a decade ago. got the same things i always got ever since i was a kid. eventually they run out and holy shit has the underwear business gone nuts in the meanwhile. what the fuck are all these things even!
918578;1415809816;*;nubbins` gazes at meat grinder, fridge full of shoulder, lack of potatoes in cupboard
918579;1415809852;nubbins`;tell me more about how to be healthy
918580;1415809854;saifedean;finally, "speaking of which, do paleo guys also fuck paleo ?" < Absolutely, once you've tried a carbs-free girl, you'll never go back!
918581;1415809866;nubbins`;carbs-free :0
918583;1415809887;mircea_popescu;that is quite not what i meant.
918584;1415809903;mircea_popescu;your analogy is broken, you don't eat 150k year old meat, so you don't eat paleo in THAT sense.
918585;1415809911;ben_vulpes;dafuq is trailer park boys
918586;1415809913;mircea_popescu;what i meant is, do you fuck like a paleo guy, if you try to eat like one.
918587;1415809923;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes sounds like a band of twinks.
918588;1415809925;saifedean;you should never fuck vegetarians. your should eat vegetarians.
918589;1415809932;nubbins`;mircea_popescu acetone-breath from ketogenic diet? i'd say he does.
918590;1415809944;nubbins`;ben_vulpes canadian television, it's uh, a thing
918591;1415809951;mircea_popescu;lol knock em out, fuck 'em raw
918592;1415809985;mircea_popescu;for maximum trollage points, that pua "executive executant" derp should rebrand his nonsense as paleo dating
918594;1415810016;assbot;My 10 Favorite Trailer Park Boys Moments - YouTube
918595;1415810022;mircea_popescu;now THAT'd be true scandal. hollyday derp has nfi how to "strategize", you don't attack large submissive groups like women. you attack small but desperate groups.
918596;1415810060;mircea_popescu;jurov: ben_vulpes asciilifeform, others: when are you going to send your patches in expected format? <<< for shame, you lot.
918597;1415810062;saifedean;well, my personal experience is that it does make a big difference to one's sex life... it raises testosterone levels beyond what is considered 'normal' levels today
918598;1415810070;mircea_popescu;what sort of a standardisation group is this!
918599;1415810083;mircea_popescu;saifedean so you get to work harder for the same cunt ?
918600;1415810127;saifedean;no, you get to do more for your cock
918601;1415810167;mircea_popescu;so at what point in the paleo diet do you start keeping two chicks around the house ?
918602;1415810194;saifedean;that's a prerequisite for going paleo
918603;1415810230;ben_vulpes;blue dollar's been dropping?
918604;1415810252;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes oh it was a riot, the government raped the (apparently very flimsy) black market ops.
918605;1415810266;mircea_popescu;it cut the printing short for like a week, and then launched some gossip that "it paid the debt"
918606;1415810280;mircea_popescu;dollar took a nosedive to like 11s, almost what it was in spring.
918607;1415810283;mircea_popescu;back to 13 now tho.
918608;1415810330;ben_vulpes;more momentum traders in the pese than btc huh
918609;1415810350;mircea_popescu;well, i think they just try to work on very short reserves
918610;1415810354;mircea_popescu;and even shorter experience.
918611;1415810373;mircea_popescu;most of the people i saw involved are either kids or else native spanish speakers. neither of these makes for very good basis in thought.
918612;1415810405;nubbins`;pero... pero...
918613;1415810414;mircea_popescu;pero perro.
918615;1415810480;nubbins`;perro por favor!
918616;1415810581;mircea_popescu;and in today's funny spanish por gringos : one way to say butt in spanish is... tonel. literally, tun.
918617;1415810619;ben_vulpes;"tu tonel pesa un tonel"?
918619;1415810651;mircea_popescu;i think it's a volume measure.
918621;1415810674;assbot;Ultimate Sex Underwear Ballbra and UnderwearPockets on CBC Dragons Den s4 e.10 - YouTube
918622;1415810676;ben_vulpes;as in mash tun?
918623;1415810707;mircea_popescu;as in 8 barrels.
918624;1415810722;mircea_popescu;(to be fair, in english the butt is a half tun anyway)
918626;1415810754;nubbins`;dem weights & measures
918627;1415810773;nubbins`;my old man wrote a book once
918628;1415810822;nubbins`;i suppose the tun and the butt are in it
918629;1415811635;mircea_popescu;;;later tell vexual http://trilema.com/2014/venetian-republic-and-find-spiritual-music/ there, just for you.
918630;1415811636;assbot;Venetian Republic and Find spiritual music. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 
918631;1415811636;gribble;The operation succeeded.
918632;1415812476;mircea_popescu;http://www.artdevanyonline.com/uploads/3/1/1/9/3119807/header_images/1392752910.jpg << what the shit is going on in the 4th image ?!
918633;1415812696;mircea_popescu;http://arthurdevany.com/case-experience.html "Estimated the delay to the production of Once Upon A Wedding caused by food poisoning of the cast and crew."
918634;1415812697;assbot;Case Experience - Arthur De Vany Consulting
918635;1415812746;mircea_popescu;"On behalf of Universal Studios, The project was to examine and estimate the impact of piracy on box-office revenues for Universals 2003 release of the motion picture The Hulk. Modeled the dynamics of box office revenue and its relation to the number of sites and downloads of a pirated copy."
918636;1415812760;mircea_popescu;this guy's made a career out of numberology.
918637;1415812819;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: http://www.contravex.com/2014/11/04/lets-cut-to-the-chase-is-la-serenissima-a-cult/
918638;1415812820;assbot;Let’s Cut To The Chase, Is La Serenissima A Cult? | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski
918639;1415812832;mircea_popescu;wd. what gave it away ?
918640;1415812840;BingoBoingo;First blockquote
918641;1415812847;mircea_popescu;more power to ya. addy ?
918643;1415812960;mircea_popescu;http://www.artdevanyonline.com/1/post/2013/09/statins-and-exercise.html << incidentally, this is an excellent point.
918644;1415812961;assbot;Statins and Exercise - Art De Vany on Line
918645;1415813007;mircea_popescu;more generally : the pharma industry, which works essentially on the "let's make random molecules and then see what happens" coupled with the fda pseudoverification theatre has managed to produce a lengthy list of very slow acting poisons.
918646;1415813028;mircea_popescu;basically stuff is selected for that "does no harm" in a particularly short sighted definition of "no".
918647;1415813086;mircea_popescu;i would wager myself to say that this very ill effect of the entire "intellectual property" charade actually outweights all the historical benefit predicated to have been accrued through its existence.
918648;1415813103;BingoBoingo;Well, that's why a family of drugs gets popular all at once and then it falls out of fashion when the long term side effects get noticed only to be replace with something that trades out the last generation's deteriment for another.
918649;1415813113;mircea_popescu;much like the mismanaged airlines of the early xxist century managed to lose AL THE MONEY ever made through flying since the invention of flight,
918650;1415813145;mircea_popescu;the idiotic us/eu pharma conglomerates have managed to outweigh all the benefit of opening trade sectrets (discussed coupla weeks ago here)
918651;1415813164;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo in particular statins are an excellent example of this insanity.
918652;1415813185;mircea_popescu;"want to destroy your kidneys over 3 or so decades while curing yourself from something that's allegedly bad ? pay us 1k a year!"
918653;1415813199;BingoBoingo;Well cholesterol controlling medication has gone through this for a few generations already.
918655;1415813241;mircea_popescu;i mean, it's just a replay of the "we have all this fluoridated sludge from aluminum processing and other industrial processes, getting rid of it is expensive, how about getting the city to pay us to add it to the water ?"
918656;1415813252;mircea_popescu;except, on a more subtle, thus more pernicious level.
918657;1415813311;mircea_popescu;people that derp about "bitcoin changing the world" have very little idea of the changes incumbent. it's things like these. mp will never permit the pharma "economic growth engine", as a for instance.
918658;1415813332;mircea_popescu;that's a third of the us economy, and about 30% of the eu.
918659;1415813459;ben_vulpes; i would wager myself to say that this very ill effect of the entire "intellectual property" charade actually outweights all the historical benefit predicated to have been accrued through its existence. << stealing this
918660;1415813499;mircea_popescu;go right ahead.
918661;1415813559;BingoBoingo;I mean there's the rare, almost unambiguously good drug introductions. Penicillin, Cisplatin, methotraxate, Viagra, thorazine, monoclonal antibodies
918662;1415813596;mircea_popescu;tadalafil etc may be too soon to know.
918663;1415813641;mircea_popescu;im pretty sure methotrexate is not on that list.
918664;1415813675;BingoBoingo;tadalafil one of the copycats. I'm talking Sildenafil, the original, which important because the the previous option is caverject.
918665;1415813693;mircea_popescu;even so.
918666;1415813739;BingoBoingo;The thing about the listed drugs is non of them except maybe thorazine is intended to be taken until "natural death"
918667;1415813751;mircea_popescu;this is a good objection
918668;1415813758;mircea_popescu;i mean, sulpha drugs are great
918669;1415813772;mircea_popescu;the notion of taking a pill a day for the rest of your life however ...
918670;1415813786;mircea_popescu;but perhaps that may be divorced from the ensemble, it's just dumb marketing.
918671;1415813894;BingoBoingo;Cisplatin and Methotrexate make the list because maybe they clear a cancer, maybe they don't. Those are the two biggish oncology discoveries though...
918672;1415813898;mircea_popescu;anyway, off to eat. later all!
918674;1415814580;gribble;Current Blocks: 329716 | Current Difficulty: 3.960366625241841E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 330623 | Next Difficulty In: 907 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 6 days, 11 hours, 29 minutes, and 8 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 39944661549.4 | Estimated Percent Change: 0.86102
918676;1415814606;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 420.1, Best ask: 420.78, Bid-ask spread: 0.68000, Last trade: 420.1, 24 hour volume: 28154.26058302, 24 hour low: 364.18, 24 hour high: 421.13, 24 hour vwap: 392.399632228
918677;1415814645;TomServo;Quite the ramp today.  Surprised ThickAsTheives isn't around for all this action.
918679;1415814911;BingoBoingo;Prices swing usually bring TaT out. I think this is the dark market bust bump
918681;1415815261;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 434.13, Best ask: 434.41, Bid-ask spread: 0.28000, Last trade: 434.13, 24 hour volume: 29965.14739803, 24 hour low: 364.18, 24 hour high: 434.8, 24 hour vwap: 394.803918681
918682;1415815264;ben_vulpes;dang lookit her go
918684;1415815380;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 431.35, Best ask: 432.06, Bid-ask spread: 0.71000, Last trade: 432.05, 24 hour volume: 30185.42680255, 24 hour low: 364.18, 24 hour high: 434.8, 24 hour vwap: 394.803918681
918686;1415815452;assbot;Bitcoin Prices Cross $430 | Qntra.net
918687;1415815496;punkman;no more cheap coins
918688;1415815625;BingoBoingo;Wat, I just earned 0.1 BTC for reading Trilema, Vexual edition.
918689;1415815640;gernika;!s TaT
918690;1415815641;assbot;1220 results for 'TaT' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=TaT
918691;1415816446;thestringpuller;where is scoopbot
918692;1415816451;thestringpuller;scoopbot don't got the scoop?
918693;1415816482;BingoBoingo;The scoopbot always on patch seems to need work
918694;1415816552;punkman;maybe I should setup RSS plugin for notarybot
918695;1415816865;thestringpuller;notarybot is merging with scoopbot?
918696;1415816946;punkman;probably not
918697;1415816951;punkman;notary, status
918698;1415816951;notary;punkman: No pending deeds | Last bundle 1 day, 12 hours, and 28 minutes ago
918699;1415816960;punkman;I like typing that
918700;1415817170;thestringpuller;notary, make sandwich
918701;1415817364;assbot;Last 4 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/2CDPKSX.txt )
918702;1415817364;danielpbarron;!b 4
918703;1415817588;BingoBoingo;notary, echo ;;ticker
918704;1415817910;BingoBoingo;Debian lulz https://lists.debian.org/debian-vote/2014/11/msg00144.html
918705;1415817911;assbot;Re: "done with consensus decisionmaking", "war", "rearguard battles" [was: Re: REISSUED CfV: General Resolution: Init system coupling]
918706;1415817992;BingoBoingo;!up saifedean
918707;1415818125;saifedean;thanks for the voice bingoboingo
918708;1415818144;BingoBoingo;You're welcome
918709;1415818205;thestringpuller;https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2i6pz0/peter_todds_checklocktimeverify_means_bitcoin/ckzdetm << reddit isn't fully retarded
918710;1415818725;saifedean;What do you good folk make of the Winkelvoss twins' foray into bitcoin?
918711;1415818831;thestringpuller;they were late to facebook and are now late to bitcoin (even thought they bought a ton early on)
918712;1415818842;thestringpuller;they seem to be late to parties a lot too
918713;1415818876;nubbins`;winkdex is best dex
918714;1415818884;nubbins`;can't trust them jaws tho
918715;1415819063;nubbins`;two days ago i realized i'd been waiting a month and a half for 18 unfiltered uv tubes from acklands-grainger
918716;1415819074;nubbins`;"fuck those assholes, i'm buying from somewhere else"
918717;1415819085;nubbins`;today i get an email saying my bulbs have arrived :0
918718;1415819174;asciilifeform;jurov: patches << http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/patches.html >> 404
918719;1415819369;thestringpuller;good 'ol hanbot
918720;1415819409;nubbins`;neither that good nor that old
918721;1415819488;thestringpuller;she is the evil twin
918723;1415819511;hanbot;nubbins wanna see my complaint dept? :D
918724;1415819692;thestringpuller;i would assume that is just a box that leads to a shredder
918725;1415819877;nubbins`;;;google teeth (2007)
918726;1415819878;gribble;Teeth (2007) - IMDb: ; Teeth (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Teeth (2007) - Movie Trailer - YouTube: 
918727;1415819885;hanbot;nah, gotta have souring agents to make good pickles
918728;1415819901;*;nubbins` guffaws
918729;1415819969;nubbins`;was it you who wrote that short story about the pgp murder-suicide?
918730;1415820027;hanbot;http://thewhet.net/2012/shall-be-delivered/  << that? yeah.
918731;1415820028;assbot;Shall be Delivered | The Whet
918732;1415820064;asciilifeform;'shall be delivered' << imho the single most educational piece of crypto-related fiction ever written.
918733;1415820118;asciilifeform;belongs on the mandatory reading list for cultured people of the future, right next to 'the cold equations'
918734;1415820212;hanbot;ha! color me flattered
918735;1415820289;hanbot;mp oughta be goaded into making moar writing contests, they're fun
918736;1415820312;thestringpuller;It is national novel writing month
918737;1415820366;asciilifeform;that tale carries much of the blame for luring me into this den of vice.
918738;1415820461;hanbot;a far worthier prize then than that 5 btc!
918740;1415820552;thestringpuller;the end of the story reminds me of scene from rashomon
918742;1415820960;thestringpuller;^- yup.
918743;1415822340;asciilifeform;http://www.cs.umd.edu/class/fall2013/cmsc417/public/assignments/project_bitCoin.pdf << lol. 'yesterday's nobel prize is tomorrow's homework assignment.'
918746;1415823011;mircea_popescu;Re: "done with consensus decisionmaking", "war", "rearguard battles" [was: Re: REISSUED CfV: General Resolution: Init system coupling] << bwhahaha
918747;1415823351;mircea_popescu;anyway, news at 11. it's not just bitcoin the shitgnomes are after, but the entire stack of software guaranteeing a free world.
918748;1415823366;mircea_popescu;therein included, stuff that merely promises the possibility of it, such as debian.
918749;1415823383;asciilifeform;news at 11 is exactly right. this has been going on for a long, long time, have to be blind not to see
918750;1415823402;mircea_popescu;leaving aside that nobody i ever knew was seriously using the newer debian releases anyway for any purpose, you';d have to be fucking insane to think the way this goes is, we kill their heartbleed and they sit and wait.
918751;1415823423;mircea_popescu;what happened here is exactly the equivalent of, "sniper got obama between the eyes with a shitbullet, while on conference with the security staff"
918752;1415823432;mircea_popescu;or, for that matter, the world trade center bombing.
918753;1415823449;mircea_popescu;the only thing the bureaucracy knows how to do, and can in fact do, is in the words of V,
918754;1415823478;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: also must understand the 'good cop / bad cop' dynamic here. the buggers lure folks to their sugary 'imponade' (see naggum) by, among other things, sabotaging the rest of the universe
918755;1415823491;mircea_popescu;how did that go exactly,
918756;1415823520;mircea_popescu;Sutler: My fellow Englishmen: tonight our country, that which we stand for, and all we hold dear, faces a grave and terrible threat. This violent and unparalleled assault on our security will not go undefended... or unpunished. Our enemy is an insidious one, seeking to divide us and destroy the very foundation of our great nation. Tonight, we must remain steadfast. We must remain determined. But most of all, we must re
918757;1415823520;mircea_popescu;main united. Those caught tonight in violation of curfew will be considered in league with our enemy and prosecuted as a terrorist without leniency or exception. Tonight, I give you my most solemn vow: that justice will be swift, it will be righteous, and it will be without mercy.
918758;1415823523;mircea_popescu;there we go.
918759;1415823538;mircea_popescu;now, if it actually also worked, it may count for something. it doesn't work, so i guess it's good for lulz.
918760;1415823549;asciilifeform;lol! i actually saw that film for the first time a few days ago.
918761;1415823558;mircea_popescu;it's a pretty good filn.
918762;1415823599;mircea_popescu;so yeah, whatever, im so thoroughly impressed with the oh-so-almighty hb headshot response bitcoin went all the way up to 420
918763;1415823630;asciilifeform;waterfall's being recharged as we speak.
918764;1415823642;thestringpuller;well waterfall no longer has use
918765;1415823648;mircea_popescu;nobody ever won a war by being stupid.
918766;1415823664;asciilifeform;all the 'sr2' et. al. schmucks are grunting in the cellars, confessing keys.
918767;1415823675;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it wasn't all that big.
918768;1415823695;mircea_popescu;it sounds impressive, but once the dust settled it became obvious what they got was something that everyone thought a scam and a cvouple of tiny ops
918769;1415823701;mircea_popescu;the two major marketplaces were unaffected
918770;1415823706;mircea_popescu;at least so teh intel tells me.
918771;1415823726;mircea_popescu;actual total loot, <2k.
918772;1415823730;thestringpuller;lol you have a spy ring now nao?
918773;1415823744;asciilifeform;2k << enough for small planetoid.
918774;1415823747;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller i have had a spyring from before satoshi had a clue on c
918775;1415823795;thestringpuller;tinker tailor soldier spy!
918777;1415823912;mircea_popescu;https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2i6pz0/peter_todds_checklocktimeverify_means_bitcoin/ckzdetm << reddit isn't fully retarded << basically, they know they won't get away witrh a hard fork, trying to dissolve the "gavin is making a hardfork" issue into a seemingly better "everyone wants a hardfork, gavin's is just the one that emerged from the democratic hardforking process"
918778;1415823915;assbot;optimists comments on Peter Todd's CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY Means Bitcoin Escrow, Refunds and a Fork
918779;1415823936;mircea_popescu;which i suppose is long enough an intricacy that the retards won't be able to follow it.
918780;1415823949;mircea_popescu;the problem with this entire usg strat is that bitcoin never was and likely never will be for the retards.
918781;1415823970;asciilifeform;everyone wants... gavin's is just the one that emerged << precisely same verbiage as the pro-poettering useful idiots. vox derpuli, vox dei!
918782;1415823980;mircea_popescu;what they get or don't get is not material here. i understand that it's hard for politicos to look past pretty much their only asset, skill and ability, the herd.
918784;1415823988;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform right./
918785;1415824018;thestringpuller;so this is all plan to get away with hard fork in future?
918786;1415824039;mircea_popescu;it's "political groundwork" or w/e you call it.
918787;1415824047;mircea_popescu;basically, feminism for code.
918788;1415824080;mircea_popescu;anyway, they want a hardfork or five hundred, they can get it any time they feel ready.
918789;1415824109;mircea_popescu;but let it be clear that if we get that far i will paying for abducted and gangraped usg politico daughters, and putting the videos online.
918790;1415824144;thestringpuller;i would assume no less. it would seem though that in the future commandment 1 of bitcoin would be:
918791;1415824147;mircea_popescu;ex-powerful, now irrelevant duke derping around the corners of the new order, whining pathetic is one thing. raising actual banners to, that's beheading.
918792;1415824150;thestringpuller;"Thou shalt not hardfork"
918793;1415824263;mircea_popescu;in case this wasn't entirely clear : the foregoing has little to do with todd personally.
918794;1415824285;mircea_popescu;at issue is the gavinesque/redditarded interpretation of what's being proposed, especially in the "how to implement" side.
918795;1415824290;thestringpuller;he does seem too "dull" to have his own agenda.
918796;1415824399;thestringpuller;i just find it fascinating that the percent of redditards against any hard fork is going up by a lot.
918797;1415824403;mircea_popescu;-/** Threshold for nLockTime: below this value it is interpreted as block number, otherwise as UNIX timestamp. */
918798;1415824403;mircea_popescu;67-static const unsigned int LOCKTIME_THRESHOLD = 500000000; // Tue Nov  5 00:53:20 1985 UTC
918799;1415824406;mircea_popescu;random lulz.
918800;1415824416;mircea_popescu;because magic numbers and stuff.
918801;1415824447;thestringpuller;too many to count
918802;1415824452;mircea_popescu;nobody knows why not make it 1bn lol.
918803;1415824475;thestringpuller;why ask for billions when you can get millions?
918804;1415824475;mircea_popescu;it passed in 2001, it would allow sane biteshifts etc.
918805;1415824625;mircea_popescu;sheeeit, i paid ppl 5 btc to write stories ?
918806;1415824636;mircea_popescu;truely i am a broken hand in the chest of bitcoins.
918807;1415824691;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform speaking of nobel prizes, god help us if satoshi ends up awarded the nobel for chemistry and gavin dressed up as princess leila
918808;1415824703;mircea_popescu;shows up to receive it.
918809;1415824837;mircea_popescu;by the way, since BingoBoingo brought up methotrexate earlier :
918810;1415824861;thestringpuller;princess leia* (sorry)
918811;1415824927;mircea_popescu;this thing works as a highly afine for folate that locks out dfhr, impeding tetrahydrofolic acid synthesis, without which you can't have a nucleus, or many proteins.
918812;1415824966;mircea_popescu;back in the 50s, aminopterin was discovered, which does exactly that, and was used to treat leukemia
918813;1415824973;mircea_popescu;(and other things offlabel, like psoriasis)
918814;1415824998;mircea_popescu;the company that marketed it also marketed amethopterin, which is in many ways similar.
918815;1415825040;mircea_popescu;soon enough the production of the former was judged too expensive, the latter was rebranded as methotrexate, and a history of "bad side effects" and other fud was created retroactively for aminopterin.
918816;1415825079;mircea_popescu;as the patents are starting to expire now, the secret everyone know "is being investigated" : aminopterin is actually more effectual in the role of folate synthesis blocker, perhaps not just in the case of leukemia.
918817;1415825129;asciilifeform;folks who are n00bs re: pharma racket - the above is SOP.
918818;1415825131;mircea_popescu;and this is all okay, because well... science.
918819;1415825151;mircea_popescu;so then you know, your average thinking person gets really upset once they hear about the entire "global warming" scam,
918820;1415825168;mircea_popescu;and the people in the game are really amazed by the reaction. "what's the big deal ? we've been doing this forever nobody complained ?"
918822;1415825204;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes, which is why i'm writing it out. easily verified, completely unfamiliar to the general public.
918823;1415825422;mircea_popescu;and since we're on it, methotrexate is used as an abortifacent, notwithstanding that ethacridine lactate is cheaper, can be used without needing a hospital visit and much safer.
918824;1415825441;mircea_popescu;the parts "cheap" "can be self administered" somehow override "safer" in this construction.
918825;1415825527;mircea_popescu;who could pass up on some liver damage for the holy cause of keeping the insides of one's body away from themselves.
918827;1415826340;empyex;jurov: Proxies: mpex.biz mpex.co mpex.ws mpex.bz mpex.coinbr.com Current MPEx GPG-Key-ID: 02DD2D91
918828;1415826341;empyex;jurov: MPEx-Status: mpex.biz (107 milliseconds), mpex.ws (107 milliseconds), mpex.bz (107 milliseconds), mpex.co (114 milliseconds), mpex.coinbr.com (474 milliseconds)
918829;1415826342;empyex;jurov: Health-Indicators: Homepage: √ MK Depth JSON: √ VWAP JSON: √
918830;1415826617;jurov;mircea_popescu: http://mpex.ws/db_dump.php and commands don't work
918831;1415826673;mircea_popescu;jurov looking into it.
918832;1415826709;mircea_popescu;jurov http://mpex.co/db_dump.php you see that ?
918833;1415826734;mircea_popescu;.ws seems to have divorced itself from the mothership
918834;1415826737;jurov;yes, it's limited to mpex.ws
918835;1415826765;jurov;will also mail you anoother problem ina minute
918836;1415827280;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 230104 @ 0.00064071 = 147.4299 BTC [+] {9} 
918837;1415827341;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 101800 @ 0.00063753 = 64.9006 BTC [-] {7} 
918838;1415827402;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 137208 @ 0.00064302 = 88.2275 BTC [+] {10} 
918839;1415827463;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 167487 @ 0.00064265 = 107.6355 BTC [-] {7} 
918840;1415827524;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 124972 @ 0.00064056 = 80.0521 BTC [-] {8} 
918841;1415827585;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39807 @ 0.00064749 = 25.7746 BTC [+] {2} 
918842;1415827840;punkman;!up Flyer9933
918843;1415827940;punkman;!up menahem
918844;1415828378;jurov; jurov: patches << http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/patches.html >> 404 << because you haven't sent any. it will get generated when you send them
918845;1415828419;assbot;jborkl_ +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0
918846;1415828430;mircea_popescu;!up jborkl_
918847;1415828437;jborkl_;thank you
918848;1415828445;asciilifeform;you send them << wai me?
918849;1415828621;nubbins`;why do i have to send the letter, i wrote the damn thing
918850;1415828789;jurov;i can send the patches myself but did not looked into them yet
918851;1415828805;jurov;so just posting them with my sig would be rather bad precedent
918852;1415828814;mircea_popescu;omg it sends the letter or it gets the hose again
918853;1415828834;asciilifeform;jurov: i signed my patches. so if sent, from whatever addr, they should be displayed. (with note that one user signed.)
918854;1415828847;ben_vulpes;rather bad form.
918855;1415828849;jurov;and where are they?
918856;1415828866;asciilifeform;jurov: once someone (you, ben_vulpes, whoever) reads them - can also sign, and display will read 'two people signed...'
918857;1415828881;mircea_popescu;he has a point here. asciilifeform so where are they again ?
918858;1415828885;jurov;yes this is how i fucking did it
918859;1415828896;jurov;it jsut needs to be fed the fuking emails
918861;1415828917;asciilifeform;where are they << http://therealbitcoin.org
918862;1415828958;mircea_popescu;ok, dun get jurov angry, email the stuff lol
918863;1415829162;nubbins`;do you have any idea how much stamps cost these days
918864;1415829174;jborkl_;I was looking for any practical advice on monetizing my site, did not know if any of you had some (advice) on this matter?
918865;1415829247;mike_c;jborkl_: throw up a bitbet ad with your referral address.
918866;1415829267;nubbins`;ooo i just found 100 sheets of paper i didn't know i had
918867;1415829300;nubbins`;scoopbot what's the scoop
918868;1415829350;jborkl_;i tries adsense for a week, did not like that. So the idea ben vulpes had was right on target but I am not sure if that is ongoing? ok, thankd mike_c
918870;1415829403;asciilifeform;sent a patch to turdatron. no worky.
918871;1415829418;mike_c;referral money is simply CPA instead of CPM (actions instead of clicks).  it should do as well as traditional ads, and likely better given you don't have an ad sales team.
918872;1415829434;asciilifeform;this is getting rather tiresome.
918873;1415829476;mircea_popescu;nubbins` 55c ?
918874;1415829504;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform what did it say if anything ?
918875;1415829526;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: as far as i can see - it merely disappeared into the aether.
918876;1415829531;jborkl_;yeah, I have the chicken and the egg problem. Now I have traffic, but not know what to do with it. I concentrated so much on making it all and writing the code, I never thought what was next
918877;1415830080;jurov;asciilifeform: thanks, i need something to chew on. apparently mailman mangled the patch before saving to archive
918878;1415830096;jurov;but if you received it by email, signature is okay
918879;1415830159;asciilifeform;jurov: i received nothing, i thought that was clear.
918880;1415830174;asciilifeform;jurov: sent message, correctly formatted, patch and patch sig attached, nothing happened.
918881;1415830185;jurov;are you registered?
918882;1415830198;jurov;without registration it's send only
918883;1415830254;asciilifeform;jurov: ok, registered now.
918884;1415830324;jurov;ok. you can send other ones
918885;1415830356;jurov;that damned stuff just decided to snip newline in the end of file before archiving
918886;1415830369;jurov;and then declared signature invalid
918887;1415830389;jurov;*end of patch
918888;1415830410;cazalla;jborkl_, have you considered writing for qntra?
918889;1415830434;asciilifeform;jurov: sent again - no dice?
918890;1415830436;cazalla;!up jborkl_
918891;1415830481;jurov;no i did not fix it yet. but at least it's here: http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2014-November/000010.html
918892;1415830504;asciilifeform;jurov: and why not here: http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2014-November/thread.html ?
918893;1415830505;assbot;The BTC-dev November 2014 Archive by thread
918894;1415830531;jurov;overly eager caching
918895;1415830550;asciilifeform;jurov: caching?
918896;1415830553;jurov;looking into it
918897;1415830585;jurov;i have put amazon TurdFront (r) (tm) in front of it
918898;1415830615;jurov;it already helped the site to survive aone ddos without anyone noticing
918899;1415830646;jurov;but i'll thry to configure the timeouts shorter
918900;1415830674;asciilifeform;jurov: nothing in my email either.
918901;1415830701;jurov;mhm i got both... looked into spam?
918902;1415830710;asciilifeform;jurov: yes looked.
918903;1415830865;jurov;postfix/smtp[9200]: 5DA58147C: to=, relay=mx-fwd-1.nearlyfreespeech.net[]:25, delay=2.1, delays=0.21/0/0.46/1.4, dsn=2.6.0, status=sent (250 2.6.0 from MTA(smtp:[]:10027): 250 Queued on server)
918905;1415830891;jurov;nsa intercepted it
918906;1415830899;asciilifeform;jurov: my mailbox is not at fault, it works for everyone else.
918907;1415830965;jurov;i don't parse this
918908;1415830975;jurov;you mean it works for everything else?
918909;1415830978;asciilifeform;jurov: problem is 100% on your end.
918910;1415831009;jurov;that's incredibly helpful, thanks
918911;1415831021;asciilifeform;jurov: that, or we don't have a working internet yet.
918912;1415831126;jurov;i'm out of ideas. maybe it got greylisted but then the log would say sth else
918913;1415831239;mircea_popescu;jurov it shows your own emails but not his ?
918914;1415831280;asciilifeform;jurov: i don't have any fancy filtration on my end
918915;1415831303;asciilifeform;jurov: but so far the results are not encouraging. email doesn't really work!
918916;1415831307;jurov;mx-fwd-1.nearlyfreespeech.net isn't your machine?
918917;1415831319;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform in its defense, email hasn't really worked for ~40 years now.
918918;1415831324;asciilifeform;jurov: it's a relayer, but it has never failed. not once.
918919;1415831484;mircea_popescu;vaguely related, how long you been using these guys ? do you know em ?
918920;1415831536;mircea_popescu;!up novusordo
918921;1415831557;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i've been using that hoster since starting my site, >7yrs. ago. they're absolutely super. the cost is virtually unbeatable for low-traffic, simple sites. and, on top of this, almost wholly ddos-proof.
918922;1415831579;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: afaik they only eat usd however.
918923;1415831584;mircea_popescu;a) do you know them ? and b) can they be lured or strongarmed into taking bitcoin ?
918924;1415831616;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i don't know them alive, no. but it is entirely possible that they could be lured. it's a small family op, afaik.
918925;1415831642;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform write to the owner/admin/whatever ticket system you use, tell him that i am offering $100 in bitcoin if they as much as show up here, to claim it.
918926;1415831651;mircea_popescu;that can't possibly take em an hour.
918927;1415831661;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i learned of them when looked for a hoster that specializes in censor resistance (through traditional legal-wrangling, rather than fancy tech. it was another age.)
918928;1415831701;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i shall write.
918929;1415831707;novusordo;asciilifeform: what hoster are you discussing? been looking for one myself.
918930;1415831718;mircea_popescu;novusordo https://www.nearlyfreespeech.net/about/
918931;1415831718;assbot;About NearlyFreeSpeech.NET
918932;1415831723;asciilifeform;novusordo: 'nearly free speech'
918934;1415831742;mircea_popescu;anyway, i must say i am thankful to the "experts". they've got the rot so advanced by now it's sufficient to look at a site and know you're dealing with actual experts.
918935;1415831756;mircea_popescu;greatly simplifies the process and saves me a bundle of moneyz this.
918936;1415832171;novusordo;after reading some of the FAQ it sounds like they follow much of the same philosophy as tarsnap.
918937;1415832252;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: wrote letter.
918939;1415832275;mircea_popescu;novusordo i thought that was a backup solution
918940;1415832297;mircea_popescu;but speaking of which... it does sort-of tie into yest discussion asciilifeform
918941;1415832303;mircea_popescu;how about something like tarsnap ?
918942;1415832329;novusordo;yeah it is a backup solution
918943;1415832336;novusordo;not hosting
918944;1415832343;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: tarsnap isn't really a public access gizmo
918945;1415832344;novusordo;but by same philosophy I meant in pricing
918947;1415832354;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform but neither is bitcoin.
918948;1415832363;mircea_popescu;as long as it's an anon expert access gizmo, it should qualify neh ?
918949;1415832389;mircea_popescu;"public access" is a myth, of the same substance as the man-month.
918950;1415832433;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what i meant was, that it offers no useful mechanisms for anything other than, well, making ordinary backups for own use.
918951;1415832437;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by cazalla: http://qntra.net/2014/11/bnp-paribas-five-ways-bitcoin-could-shake-up-finance/
918952;1415832457;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: if you have some notion of how to transmute that into a solution to yesterday's conundrum - i'm all ears.
918953;1415832591;mircea_popescu;i guess my idea reduces to "paint a brick black and pray to it" huh.
918954;1415832592;mircea_popescu;a well.
918955;1415832686;The20YearIRCloud;Looks like we (RentalStarter) are in contract for two more homes, putting our total to 12 properties / 17 units
918956;1415832755;Apocalyptic;cazalla, re your article, "once regulators and politicians control and enable the continued development of Bitcoin", they can't be that clueless, how the hell do they hope to "control the continued development" ? by sending a gavin-bis ?
918957;1415832758;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by thestringpuller: http://qntra.net/2014/11/ethereums-contract-language-implemented-on-the-bitcoin-blockchain-with-counterparty/
918958;1415832793;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: https://www.nearlyfreespeech.net/about/belief2002
918959;1415832802;mircea_popescu;Apocalyptic lulz gotta lulz.
918960;1415832886;mircea_popescu;cazalla did you mean to say "the article is trying to push the humorous theory" instead of "concludes" ?
918961;1415832947;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform nice blast from teh past huh.
918962;1415832968;Apocalyptic;mircea_popescu, that's a much better formulation
918963;1415833079;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=XwwiZPPa
918964;1415833172;mircea_popescu;you must be logged in to access this area....
918965;1415833204;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://pastebin.com/bQyAKJqY << here.
918966;1415833205;assbot;  NearlyFreeSpeech.NET Forum IndexMember Support Forums     SearchSearch   Regi - Pastebin.com
918967;1415833254;mircea_popescu;lol 10k ?
918968;1415833264;mircea_popescu;a well.
918969;1415833286;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the sad part is, they have a point. they can't eat it.
918970;1415833300;mircea_popescu;they can't eat it, they can't leave.
918971;1415833303;mircea_popescu;i also have a point.
918973;1415833338;mircea_popescu;but i'll make sure to charge a mango my digestion fees next i run into one.
918974;1415833364;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: mango happily pays. that's what digestion is all about.
918975;1415833376;mircea_popescu;so did i. well, up until 5 minutes ago.
918976;1415833395;mircea_popescu;as a matter of policy, it will now cost these guys 10k to get any of my business, and if they ever get into the wot i'll negrate them right off.
918977;1415833448;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: lol. why the emotion. the article told the sad truth: 'We have nothing to spend bitcoins on...'
918978;1415833472;mircea_popescu;no emotion. i am telling the sad truth just as much : adapt or die.
918979;1415833503;mircea_popescu;bitcoin is not here asking random derp some favours. no matter who the derp thinks he is.
918980;1415833511;mircea_popescu;bitcoin is his lifeline. pass on it, well... death.
918981;1415833582;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this death is a collective one. or, go try to tell the nearly free speech folks how to get their upstream isp to take btc, and where to get spare disks and pizza for it, and in such a way that it doesn't immediately end up in the waterfall, etc.
918982;1415833597;mircea_popescu;color me a color that connotes caring.
918983;1415833624;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31228 @ 0.00056414 = 17.617 BTC [-] {2} 
918984;1415833624;mircea_popescu;im sure the mango is going to want to talk to the upstream enzymes about matters too ?
918985;1415833634;undata;asciilifeform: so sell out when you receive them via derpbase?
918986;1415833639;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: how do you buy things with btc that don't end up in the waterfall?
918987;1415833653;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: no one was asked to care, but trying to explain here that folks are sizzling in an electric chair not necessarily of their own making, rather than simple death through individual folly
918988;1415833667;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller actually, here's a fun notion : outside of trilema credits, pretty much everything is really just facelifted paypal.
918989;1415833675;mircea_popescu;so in a sense, i'm the one thing supporting this here bitcoin economy.
918990;1415833678;cazalla;Apocalyptic, mircea_popescu, i will go cry in the corner and rethink my approach
918991;1415833692;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform nah, it's their folly.
918992;1415833704;mircea_popescu;many smart people suffer from the what's his face mental issues
918993;1415833722;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: care to draw a simple picture of what you'd do in their place ?
918994;1415833723;mircea_popescu;jesus, who was the electrician turned expert in physics again ?
918995;1415833742;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: tesla?
918996;1415833745;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: seems the only option is the swap coins with someone who isn't going to put them in the waterfall :P
918997;1415833750;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform either take the hundred offer or go to war.
918998;1415833764;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform nah nah brb digging archives
918999;1415833780;mircea_popescu;;;google site:trilema.com how to fail
919000;1415833780;gribble;How to fail - the Scott Locklin method. pe Trilema - Un blog de ...: ; It's been an epic few days: What happened? pe Trilema - Un blog de ...: ; In defense of the troll pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.:  BingoBoingo: the great fork war is inevitable. and we know what is on their side of the line. << do tell ?
919100;1415844496;mircea_popescu;what was on "their" side of the line keeping skirts below the knee ?
919101;1415844502;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: on their side - presumably, the turd.
919102;1415844504;asciilifeform;their turd.
919103;1415844510;mircea_popescu;the jeff of 1950 knew all about how computers "won't catch on"
919104;1415844522;mircea_popescu;there's never anything on their side of the line is the thing.
919105;1415844600;*;mircea_popescu remembers a time "the line" was, you gotta raise a woman's kids to get laid and you gotta pay a hooker to get your cock sucked.
919106;1415844609;mircea_popescu;worked so admirably well, teh line.
919107;1415844673;asciilifeform;did not say 'they' win. said - there shall be war.
919108;1415844687;mircea_popescu;after a fashion.
919109;1415844701;mircea_popescu;but yes. definitely.
919110;1415844728;*;asciilifeform armchair admiral, and cannot presume to know what sort of war, fought with what
919111;1415844733;mircea_popescu;would be a sore loss to win without a war. instead of a solid enjoyment of rape and plunder, do not pass go, directly to the trudge of administration ?
919112;1415844734;mircea_popescu;fuck that.
919113;1415844752;mircea_popescu;war is generally the best part.
919114;1415844777;asciilifeform;at any rate, 'jeff of 1950' was not entirely wrong; computers have yet to really catch on...
919116;1415844815;mircea_popescu;which is why either he has one or his kids want one for xmas.
919117;1415844855;mircea_popescu;!up Vexual
919118;1415844917;Vexual;thanks for the link to your blogpost mp, not I know what I sound like 3 force drunk
919120;1415845037;Vexual;what happened with wol?
919121;1415845120;Vexual;all the players died from seizures or something?
919122;1415845123;mircea_popescu;it got no love
919123;1415845147;BingoBoingo;It's parimutuel model was prolly too fair in pricing
919124;1415845370;undata;asciilifeform | at any rate, 'jeff of 1950' was not entirely wrong; computers have yet to really catch on... << this printing thing hasn't really caught on yet; all they're printing are more bibles
919126;1415845902;assbot;It's time to abolish the Interstate Highway System - The Week
919127;1415846056;nubbins`; Looks like we (RentalStarter) are in contract for two more homes, putting our total to 12 properties / 17 units
919128;1415846065;BingoBoingo;^ The TLDR, shift some bezzel around and make it easier for the US to partition further
919129;1415846066;nubbins`;at this rate you'll have the first poster given away in no time 8)
919130;1415846082;The20YearIRCloud;already given away a few of em nubbins`
919131;1415846103;nubbins`;i eagerly await pictures
919132;1415846118;The20YearIRCloud;i gave em instructions
919133;1415846128;nubbins`;fwiw i think they'd have been better served given to people who we'd like to see in here, but hey, i'm just the printer 8)
919134;1415846146;nubbins`;and i guess taleb's mailing address is hard to find.
919135;1415846179;Vexual;send it to his publisher
919136;1415846181;The20YearIRCloud;I wanted to run a contest and give a few away to non-tenants, as they'd likely have much more of a desire for em
919137;1415846193;The20YearIRCloud;most of our tenants don't have PCs
919139;1415846229;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 431.29, Best ask: 431.94, Bid-ask spread: 0.65000, Last trade: 431.94, 24 hour volume: 45124.17445036, 24 hour low: 375.97, 24 hour high: 434.8, 24 hour vwap: 408.121751826
919140;1415846262;BingoBoingo;What about lacquering them onto the doors?
919141;1415846273;The20YearIRCloud;lol, that could be interesting
919142;1415846631;asciilifeform;most of our tenants don't have PCs << wai wat
919143;1415846639;Vexual;yeah, that got me too
919144;1415846640;asciilifeform;they are paying in btc without computer ?
919145;1415846656;Vexual;paper moeny
919146;1415846803;The20YearIRCloud;Money, cash, cashier's checks, checks, ect, no one so far has ever heard of BTC, along with most not having access to a computer
919147;1415846852;asciilifeform;The20YearIRCloud: where does the btc come in then
919148;1415846859;*;asciilifeform thought 'rentalstarter' was a btc thing
919149;1415846877;The20YearIRCloud;tenants pay in USD
919150;1415846881;The20YearIRCloud;otherwise we'd be broke
919152;1415846886;mircea_popescu;he 114th Congress may seem like an unlikely source of major reform. With the Republicans in control of both houses and a second-term Democratic president wielding the veto pen"
919153;1415846894;mircea_popescu;ahem. yeah it's a likely source of major fucking reform.
919154;1415846912;mircea_popescu;consisting principally of throwing out 80 years of accumulated gunk masquerading as "reform"
919155;1415846922;mircea_popescu;from delano to obama, a bridge of shit.
919156;1415846945;decimation;asciilifeform: I finished 17 moments of spring, thanks for the recommendation.  It was an interesting show
919157;1415846951;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: from delano to obama << 'от ильича до ильича'
919158;1415846972;asciilifeform;decimation: aha
919159;1415846992;decimation;mircea_popescu: in the us it is customary to label any policy whatsoever as 'reform'
919160;1415847065;mircea_popescu;my point exactly.
919161;1415847118;decimation;like the national assembly in revolutionary france, congress feels that they can make policy about anything whatsoever
919162;1415847146;*;asciilifeform would love to read a collection of all the u.s. federal laws that claim extraterritoriality.
919164;1415847178;asciilifeform;i can remember a few - the one with the flag-less submarines, and the one forbidding any biped on planet 3 from working on nukes without u.s. blessing
919165;1415847179;mircea_popescu;that us libtards gave themselves and in their own mind some sort of major role in the world is novel.
919166;1415847185;decimation;the first one that comes to mind are the 'foreign banking' laws w.r.t. us citizens
919167;1415847198;asciilifeform;citizens - yes. i was thinking of other
919168;1415847198;mircea_popescu;for most of its history, the us knew better, an saw itself as a minor player.
919169;1415847219;asciilifeform;that is, there are actually laws on the books which specifically say 'anyone, anywhere, whether he even knows we exist'
919170;1415847262;decimation;another famous one is the law that bans illegal wood harvest anywhere in the world
919171;1415847284;decimation;the 'lacey act'
919172;1415847338;The20YearIRCloud;poor gibson guitars :(
919174;1415847378;decimation;in the early constitution era it was thought that congress was limited to passing laws about things that were actually mentioned in their charter in the constitution
919175;1415847389;decimation;lincoln and then fdr removed that restriction
919176;1415847398;mircea_popescu;" If we could even get ourselves down to a Western European level of car dependence, we would cut road fatalities to a third of their present value and improve our quality of life in innumerable ways."
919177;1415847409;mircea_popescu;yah lol. how to become europe ? "insert toll roads"
919179;1415847412;assbot;18 U.S. Code § 2285 - Operation of submersible vessel or semi-submersible vessel without nationality | LII / Legal Information Institute
919180;1415847414;mircea_popescu;totally. i like thios reasoning.
919181;1415847415;asciilifeform;^ submarines
919182;1415847431;mircea_popescu;maybe the author could be come a girl by selling lipstick.
919183;1415847447;decimation;mircea_popescu: usians hate the idea of paying for roads
919184;1415847456;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform that's hardly noteworthy. for as long as navigation was a thing, navigating without a banner meant being an outlaw.
919185;1415847483;asciilifeform;u.s. navy sub - also outlaw?
919186;1415847487;mircea_popescu;decimation point being, europe is europe because it's europe, not because some kansas kids decided to wear bedsheets once and poof.
919187;1415847493;decimation;yeah actually I agree with that law
919188;1415847504;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform if it goes without a banner, yes.
919189;1415847511;asciilifeform;banner underwater?
919191;1415847560;BingoBoingo;!Up cascadian_derper
919192;1415847563;decimation;mircea_popescu: yeah, but there's something lacking in the us - they can't seem to believe that they have their own culture and avoid trying to make one
919193;1415847567;mircea_popescu;well, "banner"
919194;1415847579;cascadian_derper;ah lovely someone's watching
919195;1415847581;mircea_popescu;decimation who has his own culture you mean ?
919196;1415847592;decimation;well, kansas for instance
919197;1415847600;mircea_popescu;i dun see it.
919198;1415847613;cascadian_derper;thanks for participating in my live fire, bb
919199;1415847624;mircea_popescu;kansas culture = "move to ny, for a better life" + "check out the corn!!1"
919200;1415847625;decimation;they actually do have a culture, it is just roundly rejected by every elite with a printing press
919201;1415847632;mircea_popescu;well ?
919202;1415847636;mircea_popescu;what is this then, folklore ?
919203;1415847645;mircea_popescu;!up Derp
919204;1415847662;mircea_popescu;the us may only have a folklore after 2276.
919205;1415847669;mircea_popescu;check back in 1/4 millenium.
919206;1415847705;decimation;yeah, it'll be viva la reconquista
919207;1415847731;asciilifeform;http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/50/47a << mega-lol
919208;1415847731;assbot;50 U.S. Code § 47a - Information concerning illegal introduction, manufacture, acquisition or export of special nuclear material or atomic weapons or conspiracies relating thereto; reward | LII / Legal Information Institute
919209;1415847781;decimation;I think that the low country "jante law" culture is one of the things that provides an impetus to the lack of us folklore/home culture
919210;1415847835;cascadian_derper;.deed http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=f8nwfQx1
919211;1415847836;notary;cascadian_derper: Queued 1 valid deed for next bundle.
919212;1415847842;mircea_popescu;it's just too damned young.
919213;1415847865;decimation;yeah that's true
919214;1415847905;decimation;plus, the radical egalitarianism is like an acid that dissolves the nascent culture before it begins
919215;1415847921;ben_vulpes;nah just polishing off a bottle of champagne in the office
919217;1415847931;ben_vulpes;wrong channel, perdon
919218;1415848007;hanbot;wrong channel, perignon << ftfy
919220;1415848034;mircea_popescu;decimation this is not true.
919221;1415848045;mircea_popescu;the russians had the mir for as long as the memory goes, and yet.
919222;1415848068;ben_vulpes;clever you, hanbot. it's cremant du jura though.
919223;1415848100;decimation;you mean the space station :)
919224;1415848156;mircea_popescu;nah, the mir, the village "corporation" of sorts.
919225;1415848217;ben_vulpes;what is scoopbot's actual uptime?
919226;1415848240;ben_vulpes;PeterL: do you need a hand with stabilizing that thing?
919227;1415848280;mircea_popescu;decimation it owned all the land, and allocated it. it owned the peasants, and regulated their life. basically think beehive with the queen unembodied.
919228;1415848281;PeterL;sorry, trying to fix it right now
919229;1415848384;decimation;so your point is that the lack of egalitarianism did not foster a culture?
919230;1415848386;ben_vulpes;PeterL: i'm not trying to make you cry, but mebbe offer suggestions how to keep the thing up
919231;1415848399;ben_vulpes;are you still running it in a screen session or whatever?
919232;1415848401;ben_vulpes;!up Vexual
919233;1415848466;decimation;PeterL: does it reconnect?
919234;1415848504;PeterL;no, not yet, I'm gonna swith it to a different chan for a minute while I derp with it a bit
919236;1415848537;assbot;42 U.S. Code § 2122 - Prohibitions governing atomic weapons | LII / Legal Information Institute
919237;1415848539;asciilifeform;^ the nuke thing.
919238;1415848542;asciilifeform;finally found it.
919239;1415848553;asciilifeform;'It shall be unlawful, except as provided in section 2121 of this title, for any person, inside or outside of the United States, to knowingly participate in the development of, manufacture, produce, transfer, acquire, receive, possess, import, export, or use, or possess and threaten to use, any atomic weapon.'
919240;1415848578;asciilifeform;just think, kurchatov or sakharov, could have sat in an american jail
919241;1415848583;asciilifeform;if somehow caught.
919242;1415848585;decimation;presumably 'person' means 'person to which us law applies'
919245;1415848612;asciilifeform;normally they state 'u.s. subject' or similar.
919246;1415848618;decimation;asciilifeform: 'person' is an overloaded word in us law
919247;1415848622;ben_vulpes; mircea_popescu: http://imgur.com/Bn88rOZ << ahaha i remember fucking with solenoids
919248;1415848623;assbot;                        asciilifeform's mail - Imgur
919249;1415848663;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: damn did you hoover up the only copy?
919250;1415848675;asciilifeform;idk how many copies.
919251;1415848680;asciilifeform;ask mircea_popescu
919252;1415848694;ben_vulpes;well on 'amazon "book" services'
919253;1415848726;ben_vulpes;*** assbot (~assbot@unaffiliated/kakobrekla/bot/assbot) has changed mode for #bitcoin-assets to +v JorgePasada << where's my node, bitch
919254;1415848731;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: http://www.amazon.com//gp/offer-listing/B000MOLJGI/sr=/qid=/?condition=used&tag=bkfndr76-20
919255;1415848739;ben_vulpes;;;later tell JorgePasada see above
919256;1415848739;gribble;The operation succeeded.
919257;1415848810;ben_vulpes;mm gratzi asciilifeform
919258;1415848813;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12232 @ 0.00056379 = 6.8963 BTC [+]
919259;1415848827;ben_vulpes;holy shit mpoe clearing at 56k
919260;1415848837;ben_vulpes;market hates you mircea_popescu
919261;1415848848;ben_vulpes;clearly wagering on usg winning this round
919262;1415848879;decimation;I guess 'person' means whatever some court finds that it means, when they are presented with the question
919263;1415848914;ben_vulpes; BingoBoingo: the great fork war is inevitable. and we know what is on their side of the line. but what is on the other? the miners' mystery forks? our gadget, that doesn't even load the blockchain? << consider the gadget a piece of art. as always, the miners determine everything.
919264;1415849043;Vexual;decimation: Personne physique
919265;1415849484;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH2] 5821 @ 0.0012 = 6.9852 BTC
919267;1415849535;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 438.18, Best ask: 438.3, Bid-ask spread: 0.12000, Last trade: 438.18, 24 hour volume: 45394.86406201, 24 hour low: 377.6, 24 hour high: 438.3, 24 hour vwap: 408.920744472
919268;1415849949;mircea_popescu;decimation> so your point is that the lack of egalitarianism did not foster a culture? << my point being that culture is strictly a matter of time. how people organise is irrelevant. which also means there's no shortcuts.
919269;1415850083;mircea_popescu;;;calc 330/420 * 66
919271;1415850093;mircea_popescu;maybe it's scaling with the usg *gasp*
919272;1415850099;decimation;yet, us folk come from somewhere, where did that culture go?
919273;1415850121;mircea_popescu;iroquis also came from somewhere, but once they came, it was all new.
919274;1415850131;mircea_popescu;for that matter, the germans come from fucking central asia. so what of it.
919275;1415850166;mircea_popescu;the zulus managed to start over each century moving 100 miles.
919276;1415850179;Vexual;and then some
919277;1415850205;Vexual;those guys don't fuck around
919278;1415850221;decimation;"Zulu" was a good movie
919279;1415850223;decimation;!up Vexual
919280;1415850316;Vexual;Might give it a look, The tourist was watchable
919281;1415850322;decimation;mircea_popescu: yeah that formula 'fits' - culture is derived in a convergence of circumstances + time
919282;1415850576;BingoBoingo;The geographic area occupied by present day Collinsville, Illinois had a population of ~35,000 600 years ago, and has a similar population today.
919283;1415850594;decimation;BingoBoingo: the 'mound culture'?
919284;1415850636;BingoBoingo;decimation: Yes "Mississippians" Seems smallpox probably got to them before the pale faces did.
919285;1415850795;BingoBoingo;The view from the big pile of dirt into Missouri is pretty sweet.
919286;1415851009;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23994 @ 0.00056201 = 13.4849 BTC [-] {2} 
919287;1415851041;BingoBoingo;They even seemed to have had their own skunkworks program where they might have been trying to get to bronze a few millenia too late https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mound_34
919288;1415851043;assbot;Mound 34 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
919289;1415851132;decimation;I guess kansas was kansas before kansas
919290;1415851189;BingoBoingo;Well, no. Kansas had those fucking barbarian nomads with their dogs
919291;1415851309;BingoBoingo;Meanwhile the Mississippians had suburbs and shit, some suburbs more populated than they are presently https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emerald_Mound_and_Village_Site
919292;1415851311;assbot;Emerald Mound and Village Site - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
919293;1415851543;BingoBoingo;!up Mrstickball
919294;1415851548;BingoBoingo;!up railzand
919295;1415851556;BingoBoingo;!up phish
919296;1415851583;Vexual;people on the river are happy to give
919297;1415851807;BingoBoingo;!up rdekley
919298;1415853154;mircea_popescu;!up u00
919299;1415853272;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/ron-maimon-lubos-motl-and-other-internet-things-i-hear-of-today-for-the-very-first-time/#comment-109841 << a competitor emerges!
919300;1415853273;assbot;Ron Maimon, Luboš Motl and other Internet things I hear of today for the very first time pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 
919301;1415853404;mircea_popescu;actually midden is pretty much the best approximation of culture in physical terms.
919302;1415853444;asciilifeform;even the laziest student of archaeology knows this.
919303;1415853520;mircea_popescu;well so that's what, 300 people ?
919305;1415853545;asciilifeform;300 mil sovblok.
919306;1415853618;decimation;speaking of obvous to everybody, here's some tardation for amusement: http://www.isegoria.net/2014/11/alternative-scientific-history/
919307;1415853619;assbot;Alternative Scientific History «  Isegoria
919308;1415853808;mircea_popescu;the feminist one is pretty good.
919309;1415853849;decimation;yeah surely these people are trolling
919310;1415853854;mircea_popescu;basically, dude imagines that a) he currently lives in a world where people actually give a shit what usians thing and b) this will survive time travel.
919311;1415853898;decimation;most of what is accepted as common knowledge in the us would have been rank retardation to the ancients
919312;1415853910;decimation;the romans would use lenses though
919313;1415853937;mircea_popescu;wait, caesar saves the republic ?!
919315;1415853944;decimation;lol yeah that too
919316;1415854019;mircea_popescu;"since the early 20th century, Earths mean surface temperature has increased by about 0.8C." lmap
919317;1415854036;mircea_popescu;The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change indicated!!!!
919318;1415854039;decimation;as if anyone could state that with authority
919319;1415854048;mircea_popescu;srsly, this faux chosenpeopleism is hard to get out of huh
919320;1415854109;decimation;the us is soaked in it, and it is getting worse
919321;1415854114;mircea_popescu;basically "i am a worthless sack of dung. the proof of this is that if i got sent to any other circumstance i'd make a total fool of myself"
919322;1415854219;mircea_popescu;all these people whose survival strictly depends on a extreheheeemely unlikely arrangement imagine themselves like... you know, representatives of HUMANITY outright
919323;1415854235;dub;they represent the body of human science tho
919325;1415854260;decimation;do they lack the ability to perceive the obvious or are they acting out despite themselves?
919326;1415854265;mircea_popescu;the body of human science isn't derp derping about "relativity" by name anymore than the body of bitcoin is derp derping about "bitcoin" by name.
919327;1415854269;mircea_popescu;there's nothing in a name.
919328;1415854287;dub;teh body of human science says global warming is a thing
919329;1415854294;mircea_popescu;decimation coelenterata. they just float around in the sea. not their fault some happened upon a vent, not their fault the vent will go out.
919330;1415854305;mircea_popescu;you can't possibly be still on that kicks ?!
919331;1415854345;dub;its fact, idk what you deniers are smoking
919332;1415854348;mircea_popescu;the "body of human science" understood as "the government employees paid to derp on a topic" enacted "slow moving schizophrenia" as a thing.
919333;1415854355;dub;its hilarious listening to it
919334;1415854372;mircea_popescu;and then they died by falling out of the strawberry tree.
919335;1415854408;decimation;I found a chocolate bush one day but it turned out to be rabbit turds
919336;1415854435;undata;decimation: how many bites in were you?
919337;1415854444;assbot;Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/2A4P8SA.txt )
919338;1415854444;mircea_popescu;!b 2
919339;1415854473;mircea_popescu;get a load of this... the qin envoy guy is using the example of a chinese table tennis player as highly achievementful women.
919340;1415854487;mircea_popescu;because the ancient chinese didn't know women can you know, tablestuffs.
919341;1415854509;nubbins`;do you even table
919343;1415854518;assbot;Across Difficult Country: No Word Back Yet
919344;1415854559;mircea_popescu;kinda unfair that he mentions oprah winfrey but not martha stewart lol.
919345;1415854686;decimation;when I was in Maui I found Oprah's Maui mansion
919346;1415854700;decimation;it overlooks the statue erected to the memory of sun yet san
919347;1415854725;mircea_popescu;"Robin Williams' suicide was triggered by a horrible disease called Lewy Body Dementia ... sources connected with his family tell TMZ."
919348;1415854727;mircea_popescu;i fucking knew it.
919350;1415854854;assbot;                        imgur: the simple image sharer
919351;1415854855;nubbins`;one color left
919352;1415854892;mircea_popescu;http://timedotcom.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/kim-kardashian-paper-cover.jpg << did this happen ?
919353;1415855159;undata;mircea_popescu: http://www.papermag.com/2014/11/kim_kardashian.php seems like a thing
919354;1415855219;mircea_popescu;just my type o gal.
919356;1415855345;decimation;asciilifeform: yeah he discusses that in the other post: http://www.isegoria.net/2010/12/ideas-behind-their-time/
919357;1415855406;decimation;"By contrast, in Poul Anderson’s The Man Who Came Early, an American MP with an engineering degree finds that he can’t apply any of his high-tech knowledge in low-tech Viking Iceland. He destroys the blacksmith’s shop when he tries to use modern high-temperature methods, he suggests impractical ideas, like deep-keeled sailing ships, which you can’t pull ashore, and so on."
919358;1415855434;mircea_popescu;takes a whole of a lot more than "i cursorily looked through my textbook on sciences" to meaningfully impact the past.
919359;1415855449;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: or present.
919360;1415855450;mircea_popescu;for one thing, you need to be conversant in their ideas.
919362;1415855468;mircea_popescu;not different in any sense, but the past does offer the dubious benefit of unverifiability
919363;1415855483;mircea_popescu;which is exactly what all of dub's idiots masquerading as "human science" always pined for.
919364;1415855504;mircea_popescu;oh if only they could be spared the humiliation of failing in an irc chatroom, how great life'd be.
919365;1415855547;asciilifeform;the real psychiatric root here is that the idiots actually buy into the notion of the past being a 'kingdom of simpletons'
919366;1415855557;mircea_popescu;why wouldn't they ?
919367;1415855576;asciilifeform;a land of the blind, where the derp, with his magical enlightenment juice, is automagically one-eyed king.
919368;1415855578;mircea_popescu;they also buy into the theory of women, black people and so forth being a bunch of simpletons in need of special olympics
919369;1415855584;mircea_popescu;why not past people ?
919370;1415855590;mircea_popescu;and ukrainians ?
919371;1415855596;mircea_popescu;everyone's in dire need of democracy!
919372;1415855600;asciilifeform;the lie is implicit in the 'progress' idea
919374;1415855631;mircea_popescu;how great it is tho, just think! to be the best person that ever was merely for having been born later !
919375;1415855663;mircea_popescu;no wonder the conservative "you're not in the wot, noob" approach conflicts.
919376;1415855687;decimation;reminds one of "Candide"
919377;1415855812;decimation;Voltaire attacks Leibniz for thinking too optimistically about human possibility, and then supports the elevation of the unwashed masses
919378;1415855859;asciilifeform;mr v did for liberasty what leibniz did for mathematics.
919379;1415856002;mircea_popescu;i dun see it.
919380;1415856076;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21050 @ 0.000566 = 11.9143 BTC [+]
919381;1415856178;decimation;mircea_popescu: as a student of french history, how do you think the revolution could have been reversed?
919382;1415856205;decimation;my limited understanding is that much blame falls on Louis for being a dufus
919383;1415856207;mircea_popescu;uh. i dunno, but i suspect the revolution was a historical necessity.
919384;1415856220;mircea_popescu;well yeah. and his successor a worse one.
919385;1415856308;decimation;I suppose it was the ultimate outworking of enlightenment philosophy
919386;1415856344;mircea_popescu;here's a reduced version of the problem : england had a shitty king, that led to the empowering of a a bizarre sect. this is what happens when monarchy falters - secret societies.
919387;1415856362;mircea_popescu;the weakness of the crown allowed the personal union of the dutch and england, which created a shipping superpower
919388;1415856381;mircea_popescu;this ensured the failure of france as a going concern, because it couldn't keep up with the new megastate.
919389;1415856406;mircea_popescu;once france was going to fail, louis settled into a comfortable "apres moi, le deluge" and the people felt right about the same way germans felt around hitler's bunker.
919390;1415856412;mircea_popescu;they WERE going to try something.
919391;1415856425;mircea_popescu;the thing they tried was in all ways french : lots of fun, and it nearly got to moscow.
919392;1415856428;mircea_popescu;what more do you want ?
919393;1415856434;assbot;Last 8 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/16N8SSA.txt )
919394;1415856434;asciilifeform;!b 8
919395;1415856496;decimation;I suppose that's the result of the mob seizing power: awesome party, terrible hangover
919397;1415856520;asciilifeform;http://www.city-journal.org/html/10_2_urbanities-how_to_read.html << oldie
919398;1415856580;mircea_popescu;;;google caragiale republica de la ploiesti
919399;1415856580;gribble;Republic of Ploiești - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Boborul - Wikisource: ; Please take your pills. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: 
919400;1415856580;cazalla;;;isitdown qntra.net
919401;1415856580;gribble;qntra.net is up
919402;1415856580;mircea_popescu;the guy that wrote the os romania still runs on, for almost two centuries now ? had a working model
919403;1415856580;cazalla;anyone else unable to access?
919404;1415856585;decimation;I cannot access
919405;1415856601;decimation;;;isitdown trilema.com
919406;1415856603;gribble;trilema.com is up
919408;1415856644;mircea_popescu;i wonder how the heck this works.
919409;1415856661;decimation;is our ddosing friend at it again?
919410;1415856674;mircea_popescu;i dun see him
919411;1415856688;asciilifeform;'Astolphe de Custine was brought up for a time by a faithful servant, living in penury with her in the only room of the Custine home that had not been looted and sealed off by Jacobin zealots and thieves.'
919412;1415856721;asciilifeform;quoted for just this. someone asked 'how could they undo french revolution.' how do you undo a catabolic collapse?
919413;1415856725;asciilifeform;can you unburn a sofa?
919414;1415856746;asciilifeform;where do we get unlooters, to unplunder a palace?
919415;1415856789;mircea_popescu;http://www.resilience.org/stories/2013-09-27/when-ephemeralization-is-hard-to-tell-from-catabolic-collapse << about the same topic
919416;1415856849;mircea_popescu;"Thanks to technological change, over the past few decades the capital-intensiveness of emerging successor infrastructures has been collapsing faster than the existing infrastructure itself. The classic example, from Buckminster Fuller, is replacing a transoceanic cable system emdodying God only knows how many thousand tons of metal with a few dozen communications satellites weighing a few tons each."
919417;1415856849;mircea_popescu;conveniently forgetting to mention that the cable is resilient, whereas the satellites not so much, and moreover,
919418;1415856849;mircea_popescu;even more conveniently forgetting to mention the 100x more tons of metal, fuel and whatnot needed to make satellites.
919419;1415856849;decimation;asciilifeform: I guess if the king isn't a derp, he turns grapeshot upon the mob
919420;1415856849;mircea_popescu;not like you can use any old mine dredger.,
919421;1415856856;mircea_popescu;decimation suppose you were king, and ordered the leningrad of paris. what then ?
919422;1415856869;decimation;right, the problem is that it's hopeless
919423;1415856872;mircea_popescu;so you get to still be king, people will refer to you as Roi Acier
919424;1415856873;mircea_popescu;and now ?
919425;1415856896;asciilifeform;king, as it was, sorta got off lightly - settled for mere beheading, no impalement, no boiling oil
919426;1415856903;decimation;I guess the simpler alternative is to take the mob and invade moscow with it
919427;1415856905;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform king died in his bed
919428;1415856909;mircea_popescu;among the tits of his concubine.
919429;1415856923;*;asciilifeform thinking of other one
919430;1415856924;decimation;his wife on the other hand..
919431;1415856940;mircea_popescu;oh, the blacksmith ?
919432;1415856942;mircea_popescu;what king.
919434;1415857021;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform anyway, unplunders there are. called craftsmen and artisans.
919435;1415857032;mircea_popescu;palaces can and have been unplundered.
919436;1415857050;asciilifeform;takes a while.
919437;1415857112;decimation;re: satellites << plus they occupy electromagnetic spectrum that could be put to otherwise productive use
919438;1415857131;asciilifeform;decimation: occupy spectrum << mostly line-of-sight, what occupy
919439;1415857192;decimation;lol line of sight: http://www.lyngsat-maps.com/footprints/Galaxy-19-C.html
919440;1415857252;decimation;true, not the entire earth all at once
919441;1415857252;asciilifeform;decimation: line of sight. what don't you like about the picture ?
919442;1415857271;decimation;well, the point isn't really the interfering signal from the satellite as much as the fact that no one on the ground can use the same frequencies without potentially interfering with satellite receivers
919443;1415857317;asciilifeform;decimation: if this were true, anyone could take a 'predator' bomber home.
919444;1415857358;asciilifeform;pocket 'gps' receivers - yes, easily fooled
919445;1415857392;decimation;asciilifeform: who knows how the us military hardens their links against interference
919446;1415857408;asciilifeform;generally, by using a very directional horn.
919447;1415857416;asciilifeform;and by flying.
919448;1415857445;decimation;but I am assuming a world where e-m spectrum could be otherwise be allocated to other-than-friends-of-the-bezzle
919449;1415857472;asciilifeform;in post-bezzle radio, 'adaptive frequency hopping' or bust.
919450;1415857558;decimation;asciilifeform: I think you might be unimpressed with the reality of usg rpvs: http://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/archive/2013/May/Pages/PentagonEyesDealsWithSatelliteIndustryToFillDemandforDroneCommunications.aspx
919451;1415857812;asciilifeform;(one of the things which they did not - until, apparently, very recently - do - is use signed commands. hence one could in fact take the machine home, if using an appropriate antenna.)
919452;1415858013;decimation;asciilifeform: here's another one: http://www.defensemedianetwork.com/stories/uavs-drive-satcom-modernization/  "The reality, however, is the role of the lion’s share of UAVs is to provide data to soldiers within 50 miles of the aircraft using line-of-sight air-to-ground links,” Gardner wrote. “Today these links are predominantly analog FM links for standard definition video, but a change to sophisticated digital links is under
919453;1415858073;decimation;way, driven by a range of factors.""
919454;1415858083;asciilifeform;way to lump the bulldog and the rhinoceros into one animal.
919455;1415858098;asciilifeform;flying camera - one thing. remotely-flown bomber - another.
919456;1415858131;asciilifeform;incidentally, people misunderstand why the bomber is costly
919457;1415858138;asciilifeform;it is precisely because of the control apparatus.
919458;1415858140;asciilifeform;rather than the bombs
919459;1415858162;asciilifeform;hence also its weight, and the resulting expense of the airframe, engines, fuel.
919460;1415858169;decimation;asciilifeform: yeah I was confusing the two, I admit
919461;1415858189;decimation;the article is fairly silent w.r.t. the details of control links
919462;1415858207;asciilifeform;if a usefully-directional satellite receiver and associated gizmos could fit in pocket, camel convoys would be attacked using winged grenades on toy airplanes
919463;1415858235;asciilifeform;and even the simultaneously dumbest and wealthiest military bureaucracy in the world, would see this as an obvious thing.
919464;1415858257;decimation;this article was published in 2010 also
919465;1415858257;mircea_popescu;dude look at that, you can't find a pic of John McCain online that's not from like 1979
919466;1415858271;asciilifeform;!s gyro mcquack
919467;1415858272;assbot;0 results for 'gyro mcquack' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=gyro+mcquack
919468;1415858289;asciilifeform;!s launchpad mcquack
919469;1415858290;assbot;1 results for 'launchpad mcquack' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=launchpad+mcquack
919471;1415858360;decimation;;;google uss forrestal mccain
919472;1415858360;gribble;1967 USS Forrestal fire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Investigating John McCain's Tragedy at Sea - Truthdig: ; Rocket causes deadly fire on aircraft carrier — History.com This Day ...: ; Straight Outta Compton (2015) - IMDb: ; NWA - Straight Outta Compton (1988) on Vimeo: 
919503;1415860277;Vexual;;;google straight outta locash
919504;1415860278;gribble;CB4-Straight outta Locash - YouTube: ; CB4 (1993) Straight Outta Locash - YouTube: ; CB4 Straight Outta Locash (Video Edit) by Bob Garcia - YouTube: 
919505;1415860313;BingoBoingo;Vexual: When are you starting a blog that blogs other blogs rinsed through MP's Google Translate Vexualator?
919506;1415860326;Vexual;tsin da werks
919508;1415860423;mircea_popescu;not a bnad idea, that.
919510;1415860574;BingoBoingo;FU FEDS!!!!! http://www.stltoday.com/news/national/how-prepaid-cards-work-and-why-feds-are-watching/article_fec9064d-25d2-5642-87d1-0a133ca3b629.html
919511;1415860575;assbot;How prepaid cards work and why Feds are watching : News
919512;1415860866;mircea_popescu;!up bitcoin-market09
919513;1415860882;mircea_popescu;http://cdn.papermag.com/uploaded_images/KKface(rgb)watermark.jpg << yeah srsly, thanks undata
919514;1415860891;mircea_popescu;easily the best looking chick alive.
919516;1415861030;assbot;Thomaston Man Arrested After Stabbing Watermelon: Cops  | NBC Connecticut
919517;1415861056;Vexual;theres a song about who fucker her first
919518;1415861064;mircea_popescu;to think, not even 200 years ago the same woman could be put in stocks if the husband told police she stabbed the same watermelon in a slothful or wanton manner.
919519;1415861285;punkman;"Glee actress Naya Rivera allegedly commented on Kardashian’s Instagram, “I normally don’t… but you’re someone’s mother.”"
919520;1415861317;punkman;I think she looks better now than before she had a kid
919521;1415861343;mircea_popescu;she looks her best for sure.
919522;1415861361;mircea_popescu;armenian chicks. no fucking wonder the turks had an in for 'em.
919523;1415861384;BingoBoingo;Sabines 2.0
919524;1415861389;punkman;did you see the original champagne photo, https://31.media.tumblr.com/decad7a5fb9715c1508942f7e12209f8/tumblr_newq2vmrOB1r106o0o1_500.jpg
919525;1415861394;punkman;same photographer
919526;1415861424;mircea_popescu;anyway, she's doing all the stuff jolie thought herself too good for.
919527;1415861439;mircea_popescu;in a decade, kim will be remembered and who was brangelina again ?
919528;1415861468;mircea_popescu;i hadn't. but the original sucks by comparison.
919529;1415861509;mircea_popescu;how does he get the bubbly flow btw ? what's the hydrodynamics experts think ?
919530;1415861540;punkman;trying to imagine how many bottles of champagne he's wasted trying
919531;1415861584;mircea_popescu;no way that's a chance event.
919532;1415861611;punkman;yeah photographer guy probably has it figured out by now
919533;1415861612;mircea_popescu;besides, im sure you can sell "champagne that was spilled on kim kardashian as part of trying to get the booty shot" fgor more trhan it cost originally.
919534;1415861715;mircea_popescu;As of May 2014, Kardashian is estimated to be worth $45 million.
919535;1415861729;mircea_popescu;dude that sucks. the watsapp faggots are worth 20bn and this chick 40mn ? get outta town.
919536;1415861754;punkman;does she have a clothing label yet?
919537;1415861767;punkman;though ass champagne might be a good business
919538;1415861776;mircea_popescu;she has 500 shitty perfumes, diets, underwears the works
919539;1415861795;mircea_popescu;they should prolly get her to front paleo
919540;1415861825;mircea_popescu;i think she's exactly the sort of woman the paleo guy jacks off to.
919542;1415862044;assbot;Why Is Beijing Downplaying the Supposedly Huge Climate Change Deal? 
919543;1415862148;mircea_popescu;chinese bureaucrats got dumped a spoiled western brat.
919544;1415862155;mircea_popescu;they were polite, and thankfully now he left.
919546;1415862174;assbot;Putin Hits on China's First Lady, Censors Go Wild
919547;1415862206;mircea_popescu;lol nowai
919548;1415862233;mircea_popescu;well she looks like she's enjoying it...
919549;1415866805;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14017 @ 0.00056029 = 7.8536 BTC [-] {2} 
919550;1415868057;notary;Confirmed bundle 1MroFdni with 1 deed | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/bundle/1MroFdniyCaRWZm2TLDZDWGzrYZ6NnC9rr
919551;1415869992;thestringpuller;;;isup qntra.net
919552;1415869994;gribble;qntra.net is up
919554;1415871666;davout;;;seen pankkake
919555;1415871666;gribble;pankkake was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 5 weeks, 3 days, 20 hours, and 11 seconds ago:  here is 0.000195.
919556;1415871743;thestringpuller;wassup davout
919557;1415871774;davout;right now, mostly being hungry
919559;1415871805;davout;wishing i wasn't in paris' blind spot, where the closest boulangerie is 15 minutes walk
919560;1415871882;thestringpuller;lol. the chick fil a on campus is the slowest one in the state. about 15 minutes being in line ;)
919561;1415871952;davout;my feels -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9EBhaULToU&noredirect=1
919562;1415871953;assbot;You could flash-fry a buffalo in 40 seconds - YouTube
919563;1415872387;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25100 @ 0.00055772 = 13.9988 BTC [-]
919564;1415872936;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10000 @ 0.00055 = 5.5 BTC [-]
919567;1415877195;assbot;How Alibaba is using bra sizes to predict online shopping habits  –  Quartz
919568;1415877214;punkman;"Earlier this summer, a group of data crunchers looking at underwear  sales at Alibaba came across a curious trend: women who bought larger  bra sizes also tended to spend more"
919569;1415877226;punkman;big tits, more money
919570;1415879951;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3800 @ 0.00036402 = 1.3833 BTC [-]
919572;1415882069;nubbins`;this ad
919574;1415883349;thestringpuller;nubbins`: i like the one where the baby is buying encyclopedias on the ipad and it triggers all these events.
919575;1415883388;nubbins`;i like the one where i ordered light bulbs ten weeks ago and they're finally in
919576;1415883394;nubbins`;bbl driving to industrial zone
919577;1415884156;Adlai;i don't know whether to be pumped at the rally while i was gone or fucking pissed that scalpl crashed right before it began
919578;1415884163;Adlai;mostly FUCKING PISSED
919579;1415884174;thestringpuller;nubbins`: ten weeeks for light bulbs?
919580;1415884189;thestringpuller;!ticker m s.mpoe
919581;1415884189;assbot;[MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00036402 / 0.00061882 / 0.00064749 (1568022 shares, 970.33 BTC), 7D: 0.00036402 / 0.00062305 / 0.0007299 (5073500 shares, 3,161.05 BTC), 30D: 0.00036402 / 0.00072108 / 0.00081111 (22420918 shares, 16,167.33 BTC)
919582;1415884302;nubbins`;what's scalpl
919583;1415884305;nubbins`;thestringpuller RIGHT?!
919584;1415884377;Adlai;nubbins`: my thingy
919585;1415884384;Adlai;!s scalpl
919586;1415884385;assbot;24 results for 'scalpl' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=scalpl
919588;1415884620;Adlai;crashed in between a sell and a buy, so i sat through this rally in fiat >_<
919589;1415884624;nubbins`;asciilifeform as i do not wish to hold your book funds indefinitely, plz to provide return address
919590;1415884916;jurov;hi Adlai, you wanted to post a patch to btc-dev?
919592;1415884924;jurov;can you resend?
919594;1415885085;Adlai;ugh and the fucking post office closes at ungodly early hours
919595;1415885085;jurov;gpg: BAD signature from "Adlai Chandrasekhar "..iirc i sent you some instructions what to fix, did you get anything form gribble?
919596;1415885111;Adlai;let me check my logs
919597;1415885125;Adlai;(nothing from gribble though, but i did have a highlight that overflowed scrollback)
919598;1415885215;jurov;can't find it, seems my memory fails me, sry
919599;1415885223;Adlai;oh, it's failing because of newline failness
919600;1415885231;Adlai;you'd think that in the twenty first century...
919601;1415885292;jurov;yes, pls resend the text as attachment and leave the body empty
919602;1415885321;Adlai;please explain this as though i am a retarted monkey
919603;1415885332;Adlai;plain text attachment? any specific filename/extension/encoding/etc?
919604;1415885344;jurov;http://therealbitcoin.org/mailman/listinfo/btc-dev << specified in second bullet
919605;1415885382;jurov;i guess everyone will utterly hate this :(
919607;1415885427;jurov;o, already does ? D:
919608;1415885535;Adlai;!up devthedev
919609;1415885545;jurov;you're welcome to send the patch itself, as described there, too
919610;1415885554;Adlai;there's no patch, just an announcement about the github repo
919611;1415885574;Adlai;sending patches by mail is so 90s
919612;1415885583;jurov;but that's buggy, too. yest it ate newline in the patch file and then proclaimed "sig invalid, wont publish"
919613;1415885597;Adlai;anyways i must shower immediately before i die of stench
919614;1415885611;jurov;and made our key contributor, asciilifeform, utterl annoyed :(
919616;1415885647;assbot;Logged on 09-11-2014 09:54:46; Adlai: ben_vulpes: i'm not seeing it in the mailing list yet, and i have to leave. hope this cuts it: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=pCFcsbrW
919617;1415885694;jurov;your key is there, gpgp knows your name, but message was damamged in transit
919618;1415885706;jurov;kbd fail
919619;1415885776;jurov;hmmm, i can maybe provide web submission form that will have better chance to pass gpg stuff undamaged and can provide instant feedback
919620;1415885796;mircea_popescu;jurov web form is a good idea i'd say.
919621;1415885804;jurov;but when i come around to do it.. dunno :(
919622;1415885825;mircea_popescu;all it takes is five lines of html
919624;1415885941;jurov;if you meant a form with action="mailto:btc-dev@..." that wouldn't help anything
919625;1415885994;mircea_popescu;lol well no
919626;1415886002;mircea_popescu;but presumably the email goes into a script somewhere no ?
919627;1415886019;jurov;yes, it needs to be wired yo that script
919628;1415886047;mircea_popescu;whoa look at that, under 50!
919629;1415886059;mircea_popescu;!t m s.mpoe
919630;1415886059;assbot;[MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00036402 / 0.00061882 / 0.00064749 (1568022 shares, 970.33 BTC), 7D: 0.00036402 / 0.00062249 / 0.0007299 (5046550 shares, 3,141.44 BTC), 30D: 0.00036402 / 0.00072098 / 0.00081111 (22294004 shares, 16,073.74 BTC)
919631;1415886061;jurov;and mailman expects some headers to be present such as date, message id and whatnot
919632;1415886111;mircea_popescu;$SERVER or w/e php used
919633;1415886177;jurov;lol it's in py
919634;1415886193;jurov;and if it would be 5 lines, someone'd already done it
919635;1415886201;nubbins`;punkman let's put a section on the deeds website for deed verification utils
919636;1415886218;nubbins`;get a standard figured out and implement it in a few different languages
919637;1415886243;mircea_popescu;this is also not a bad idea
919638;1415886274;*;punkman is furiously trying to undelete output of 12hour processing job
919639;1415886313;Adlai;mircea_popescu: under 50 what?
919640;1415886322;nubbins`;!s deed utils
919641;1415886323;assbot;3 results for 'deed utils' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=deed+utils
919642;1415886331;mircea_popescu;Adlai mpoe.
919643;1415886339;mircea_popescu;50k satoshi.
919645;1415886345;nubbins`;mine's in node.js, could use some cleaning up. punkman's is in... py?
919646;1415886369;mircea_popescu;punkman they dun have backups where you live ?
919647;1415886426;punkman;mircea_popescu: was first run, fat-fingered some sql
919648;1415886440;mircea_popescu;now that sucks.
919650;1415886483;mircea_popescu;the other response of course is, "yeah, i have self-replicating backups, i just watched the deletion propagate across the whole cluster."
919652;1415886493;mircea_popescu;"it works fine"
919653;1415886547;mircea_popescu;anyway, maybe the soution to jurov's problems is merging with the deed system ?
919654;1415886553;mircea_popescu;just process updates that are deedified ?
919655;1415886577;punkman;I can implement detached sigs and binary deeds
919656;1415886589;mircea_popescu;no, you can't. that's the fucking idea.
919657;1415886597;mircea_popescu;no binary patches, no detached patches.
919658;1415886601;mircea_popescu;can a project live liek that ?
919659;1415886603;jurov;punkman or, since you have the form put, once verified you can just send email in
919660;1415886639;jurov;lol but he doesn't have the form either..just uses pastebin, no?
919661;1415886645;mircea_popescu;jurov yup.
919662;1415886664;mircea_popescu;cuz of the bot.
919663;1415886719;jurov;punkman, you can send the deeds anyway, we can have dedicated mailing list for them
919664;1415886738;punkman;max deed size is 32kb now
919665;1415886756;thestringpuller;;;google site:trilema.com markov chains conversation
919666;1415886756;gribble;Come see me clutching at straws pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea ...: 
919667;1415886801;jurov;no i'll have to actually do it, i am not in such a pit as stan and can push jobs around
919668;1415886803;mircea_popescu;jurov get the deeds firehose, process them into a mailing list by criteria ? this is interesting.
919669;1415886830;mircea_popescu;ianac, but can a project survive on 32kb text only patches ?
919670;1415886838;jurov;dunno . guess anyone who wants will subscribe and filter themselves
919671;1415886853;jurov;nooo, i dont' want to shove it through deedbot
919673;1415886864;punkman;yeah you can send them compressed too, so I suppose you could send quite big patches as it is
919674;1415886890;jurov;that means sumbitting zipfiles ad seeds?
919675;1415886893;mircea_popescu;punkman this dovetails with asciilifeform's "fit in head" ideas.
919676;1415886896;jurov;*as deeds
919677;1415886924;jurov;do you really wants to mess aith such? doing html form is easier
919680;1415886943;mircea_popescu;jurov mostly exploring teh possibilities i think. some of which make one recoil in horror.
919681;1415886995;jurov;on that note, if asciilifeform still did not get the emails, i'm gonna send him the diests by snail mail
919684;1415887101;jurov;* punkman is furiously trying to undelete << lol and i have multi-day multi-machine job that invokes OOM killer every coupla hours. i can live with it.
919685;1415887122;Adlai;... why are we still talking about how to manage a project through patches-by-mail?
919686;1415887141;mircea_popescu;Adlai because we're upset with the system.
919687;1415887150;Adlai;if you're married to patches, at least use darcs
919688;1415887167;jurov;Adlai because the goal is transparent verification of all contributions
919689;1415887182;jurov;if you can explain ti asciilifeform how to use dracs tho achieve this
919690;1415887218;punkman;maybe a gpg plugin for gitorious or gitlab
919691;1415887250;jurov;so? punkman, make that plugin. just some 5 lines, no?
919693;1415887262;mircea_popescu;punkman one that isn't retarded pretty much reduces to "reimplement pgp" task we're loath to start.
919694;1415887291;mircea_popescu;jurov you snarky boy!
919695;1415887307;jurov;in short a system where it can be proven beyond doubt and without third-party service "X posted it, Y,Z signed it, A made a release"
919696;1415887317;Adlai;btw, this is quite relevant and maybe even a better starting point than 0.5.3: https://github.com/jgarzik/picocoin/tree/master/include/ccoin
919697;1415887318;assbot;picocoin/include/ccoin at master · jgarzik/picocoin · GitHub
919698;1415887331;Adlai;libccoin is a valgrind clean bitcoin node, written in C
919699;1415887333;mircea_popescu;Adlai how do you figure ?
919700;1415887349;mircea_popescu;i think you might be confused as to what's happening here.
919701;1415887371;Adlai;mircea_popescu: how do i figure using darcs superior to patches-by-mail, or working off libccoin superior to working off 0.5.3?
919702;1415887374;punkman;speaking of reimplementing things: https://github.com/singpolyma/OpenPGP-Python  << a python port of a php implementation of openpgp standard
919703;1415887374;assbot;singpolyma/OpenPGP-Python · GitHub
919704;1415887375;mircea_popescu;the idea is not an alternative, non braindamaged bitcoin reimplementation. the idea is confiscating the canonical bitcoin implementation from the current set of monkeys.
919705;1415887381;mircea_popescu;quite distinct, these.
919706;1415887407;Adlai;either goal can be accomplished from either starting point
919707;1415887416;mircea_popescu;you're not in a position to make that judgement.
919708;1415887418;jurov;Adlai how do you do with darcs the "beyond doubt" stuff ?
919709;1415887426;jurov;ls explain
919711;1415887445;Adlai;mircea_popescu: i make no judgements, just throwing out ideas
919712;1415887454;mircea_popescu;<Adlai> either goal can be accomplished from either starting point << that is a judgement.
919714;1415887480;jurov;throwin out is easy. im asking you to throw in how darcs fullfills it
919715;1415887499;mircea_popescu;anyway, i have nfi about coding workflow from the pov of the workflower, however, darcs seems that much math grad wankathon.
919716;1415887511;Adlai;i'll shut up and shower because evidently i've been too far outside the loop to have meaningful input to these high and mighty goingons
919717;1415887533;mircea_popescu;no, rather, YOU are too high and mighty to have meaningful input.
919718;1415887535;jurov;you don't have meaningfuil answer to my qs?
919719;1415887557;mircea_popescu;i get it, "patches by mail" = bad because that's how they did it before women were liberated or some shit. nevertheless. how is the spiffy work for our purpose ?
919720;1415887558;Adlai;darcs is more organized than patches-over-mail, i've not used it enough to know whether it has any builtin support for patch signing
919721;1415887572;mircea_popescu;well this exposes the problem eh.
919722;1415887578;Adlai;however darcs is just a slight layer over patches
919723;1415887596;mircea_popescu;no but look at the process! you heard about something, thought it was cool and now want to use it on that basis ?
919724;1415887604;mircea_popescu;this is not how anything is supposed to fucking work.
919725;1415887617;Adlai;i'll just drop a nice photo here and go shower
919727;1415887647;jurov;look, when we'll have 100 patches then we can talk how to get "better organized"
919728;1415887660;mircea_popescu;if this turns into another "you're mean and a cult because systemd" thing i swear...
919729;1415887742;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 80900 @ 0.00046419 = 37.553 BTC [+] {2} 
919730;1415887764;*;Adlai said no such thing
919731;1415887768;thestringpuller;MPOE being shorted has increased volume 2 fold.
919732;1415887772;*;mircea_popescu only now sees punkman link. jesus. does that even hash ?
919733;1415887779;Adlai;just, that i'm not in a mental state to conduct any sort of serious discussion right now
919734;1415887786;mircea_popescu;Adlai dun sweat it.
919735;1415887815;Adlai;if only this imgur thingy would get its shit together
919737;1415887838;mircea_popescu;use instagram, it's what the best butt online uses!
919738;1415887862;thestringpuller;kim kardashian's but isn't real
919740;1415887868;punkman;Adlai: are you coding in the trenches now?
919741;1415887876;mircea_popescu;lol is that a tank being decomissioned ?
919742;1415887885;Adlai;no, i spent my time in the trenches edumacatin the trenchgoers about bitcoin
919743;1415887888;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller how do you mean it's not real yo.
919744;1415887900;Adlai;they were actually quite fascinated by it, and a surprising number had never ever heard of it
919745;1415887923;mircea_popescu;i mean pretty fucking unreal, i grant. yet...
919746;1415887928;mircea_popescu;Adlai wait what trenches ?
919747;1415887970;Adlai;metaphorical ones
919748;1415887995;Adlai;but the metaphor isn't too far from reality
919749;1415888020;*;Adlai just got back from a week in reserve dooty as a signals technician in an artillery thingy
919750;1415888029;Adlai;whence the photo
919751;1415888057;Adlai;shower time!
919752;1415888098;jurov;ha, military. now i see where the "musta organize" comes from ;)
919753;1415888118;mircea_popescu;militarize all teh thangs!
919754;1415888169;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25327 @ 0.00046234 = 11.7097 BTC [-]
919755;1415888188;Adlai;well there's a big difference between military hierarchy and structured decentralization, but have your laffs while i have my baffs
919756;1415888256;Adlai;and for the record, i got kicked out of officer school for being "unfit for military command", so i'm not exactly the most militarized person...
919757;1415888264;mircea_popescu;actually afaik the us army has been trying to do away with 1800s french military style hierarchy in favour of something more akin to the latter.
919758;1415888294;Adlai;maybe they can start with not having mercenaries salute 20yo shitstains fresh out of west poopt
919759;1415888318;mircea_popescu;if they do that, they'll have to actually pay idiots to go to west point
919760;1415888321;mircea_popescu;rather than charge them.
919761;1415888918;assbot;Bagels7 +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0
919763;1415888960;assbot;Mars Attacks Why Can't We All Just Get Along   YouTube - YouTube
919764;1415889021;mircea_popescu;!up bagels7
919765;1415889079;bagels7;Oh hey, I was just wondering how it would be nice to not hear about kim's ass once in a while, perhaps a whole day even
919766;1415889117;Adlai;last time i heard irl about kim was actually back in my mandatory service
919767;1415889131;Adlai;(now i have to differentiate between stories from mandatory and reserve... wonderful)
919768;1415889134;mircea_popescu;bagels7 you'd be wondering how it'd be nice ?
919769;1415889147;mircea_popescu;Adlai you don't actually have to...
919770;1415889170;Adlai;some guy was talking about her instagram account and he said that she uploads pictures of her dog, and her furniture, and whatnot
919771;1415889173;bagels7;yeah to not see a huge ass first thing in the morning
919772;1415889181;Adlai;and he was genuinely trying to convince people that he doesn't follow her just because of dat ass
919773;1415889202;mircea_popescu;bagels7 don't take this the wrong way, because it's not actually going where it may seem, butt : are you a girl ?
919774;1415889203;Adlai;mircea_popescu: this is true
919775;1415889224;bagels7;oh you saw dpb's comment or twitter I'll guess
919776;1415889240;mircea_popescu;actually no, i dun read twitter. but i just added you know, two an' two together.
919777;1415889243;Adlai;ugh this week resurrected my mysoginism
919778;1415889257;bagels7;oh yes im so girly im ashamed
919779;1415889269;assbot;Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/2EGRBYF.txt )
919780;1415889269;thestringpuller;!b 1
919781;1415889283;mircea_popescu;anyway : boys like highly sexed girls. it's a thing. it doesn't actually say anything about you.
919782;1415889296;bagels7;do you like highly sexed
919783;1415889298;Adlai;there is nothing girly about not liking ass, girls are allowed to like manass
919785;1415889322;mircea_popescu;Adlai girls don't tend to like highly sexed girls because they're disruptive.
919786;1415889344;Adlai;what's disruptive about the "oldest profession"?
919787;1415889350;bagels7;Oh well I am an escort so I kind of have to shave my legs and do make up and all that
919788;1415889360;Adlai;(this is a false cliche btw... the oldest profession, imo, is "boss")
919789;1415889363;mircea_popescu;Adlai exactly that.
919790;1415889372;mircea_popescu;bagels7 oh you are ? where do you work ?
919791;1415889390;mircea_popescu;Adlai and boss is not a profession.
919792;1415889392;bagels7;Montreal, quebec, canada
919793;1415889411;mircea_popescu;;;rate bagels7 1 says she's an escort in montreal. if you ever visit, lemme know how it went.
919794;1415889413;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user bagels7 has been recorded.
919795;1415889450;Adlai;on that note, i'm gonna wash the smell of diesel sweat and boot polish out of my hair
919796;1415889464;mircea_popescu;you're just going to jack off
919798;1415889569;danielpbarron;;;rated bagels7
919799;1415889570;gribble;You rated user bagels7 on Tue Nov 11 06:40:19 2014, with a rating of 2, and supplied these additional notes: boy who pretends to be a girl; http://twitter.com/SakuraSoph.
919800;1415889612;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron dja see teh weewee in question ?
919801;1415889623;bagels7;nope ^
919802;1415889690;mircea_popescu;bagels7 you got a page up somewhere or how does the escort business even work these days ? dja advertise ?
919803;1415889704;bagels7;someone does it for me
919804;1415889729;xanthyos;danielpbarron: is it your job to out people?
919805;1415889745;*;danielpbarron shrugs
919806;1415889762;bagels7;They do newspapers which are getting more and more expensive since all the cheap advertising ones get bought, and there is a website somewhere
919807;1415889801;mircea_popescu;yeah i heard this is the latest business model, "make cheap advertising paper to drive up numbers, wait for buyout offers". apparently it can be cycled in 2-3 years.
919808;1415889829;mircea_popescu;some people that used to do "refurbishing" places back in the bubble moved on to this.
919809;1415889853;mircea_popescu;xanthyos everyone's job is to out people!
919810;1415890074;xanthyos;it's unrelated to trust though, and the insinuation of "boy pretends to be girl" is that bagels7 is dishonest
919811;1415890103;xanthyos;also historically once the transgender cat is out of the bag that's all everyone wants to talk about
919812;1415890104;danielpbarron;dishonest with himself
919813;1415890127;xanthyos;i'm still so jittery from last night
919814;1415890135;mircea_popescu;well, at least we moved on from kim's butt.
919816;1415890221;assbot;Real Time with Bill Maher: Generation Ass (HBO) - YouTube
919817;1415890260;bagels7;What do you expect from this WoT, Is fraud a concern
919818;1415890451;xanthyos;ooh btc fell back slightly.  brb gonna call bank see if those coinbase deposits went in
919819;1415890474;xanthyos;i really really really hope that some sort of bad thing doesn't happen now that my checking account is tied to this...
919820;1415890493;*;xanthyos words not have smooth talk
919821;1415890506;xanthyos;brain damage need christ
919822;1415890528;xanthyos;i need danielpbarron to talk for me like aaron spoke for moses
919823;1415890555;thestringpuller;coinbase is already reporting you.
919824;1415890569;thestringpuller;just link to account you don't care gets seized.
919825;1415890606;xanthyos;so if i buy off coinbase should i not send to my existing wallet which right now is totally anon
919826;1415890718;thestringpuller;Intermediary addresses is good practice for plausible deniability.
919827;1415890744;xanthyos;is it a crime to buy bitcoin?
919828;1415890748;xanthyos;or sell
919829;1415890767;thestringpuller;!s from:asciilifeform benjies otc
919830;1415890768;assbot;1 results for 'from:asciilifeform benjies otc' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=from%3Aasciilifeform+benjies+otc
919831;1415890795;xanthyos;i don't feel i should hvae to deny anything
919832;1415890811;xanthyos;if a bank calls me up suspicously i will turn it on them.  how dare you bother a long standing customer!
919833;1415890823;xanthyos;i'm allowed to fluctuate my balance as much as i want
919834;1415890843;thestringpuller;all while they are being raped with USG cock in their mouth
919835;1415890848;xanthyos;the fact that it's taking 2+ days for me to even see these mcirodeposits speaks to the obsolescence of banks
919836;1415890851;xanthyos;btc went up 60/ea since
919837;1415890862;xanthyos;!up bagels7
919838;1415890920;thestringpuller;i'm probably going to revert to cash only OTC. at least I know there is some resistance to my coincs going into Buterin's Waterfall.
919839;1415890965;danielpbarron;i made that switch a while ago
919840;1415890965;thestringpuller;regulators gonna regulate like warren g and nate d to the double g
919841;1415890975;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH2] 900 @ 0.0012 = 1.08 BTC
919842;1415891009;TomServo;What do you guys figure is a reasonable markup for cash trades?
919843;1415891012;thestringpuller;danielpbarron: how difficult is it to set up "deals"?
919844;1415891043;danielpbarron;kinda hard to find them; not so hard to do them
919845;1415891051;mircea_popescu; What do you expect from this WoT, Is fraud a concern << that didn't parse. say wut ?
919846;1415891057;danielpbarron;more work than coinbase obviously
919847;1415891091;thestringpuller;coinbase is a lot of work. I have to keep my accounts separate and can't have money fluctuate too high or low without suspcicious phone calls.
919848;1415891100;danielpbarron;usually have to pay higher fees too
919849;1415891107;mircea_popescu; if a bank calls me up suspicously i will turn it on them.  how dare you bother a long standing customer! << lmao this works, yeah.
919850;1415891113;mircea_popescu;figure it out, the only customer of the bank is the govt.
919851;1415891120;mircea_popescu;you're just getting in the way.
919852;1415891186;mircea_popescu;;;later tell scoopbot http://trilema.com/2014/holy-shit-technical-analysis-is-real/
919853;1415891186;assbot;Holy shit! Technical Analysis is real! pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 
919854;1415891186;gribble;The operation succeeded.
919855;1415891657;xanthyos;woop 24 cents and 10 cents microdeposits went thru, activating coinbase
919856;1415891667;xanthyos;no more buying btc through stander
919857;1415891695;xanthyos;stander is the guy that danielpbarron and RetroUpriser and i have bought btc through for a while
919858;1415891859;mircea_popescu;!up eightyeight
919859;1415891916;xanthyos;Amount Received
919860;1415891917;xanthyos;0.002637 BTC
919861;1415891917;xanthyos;From  Avatar Coinbase
919862;1415891936;mircea_popescu;what's even the point of buying fractions of bitcents ?
919863;1415892020;xanthyos;it was free for signing up
919864;1415892025;xanthyos;now i see it takes 4 days for them to send btc
919865;1415892036;xanthyos;twice as long as a bank
919867;1415892185;bagels7;<+mircea_popescu>I'm so poor I can't afford your articles yet
919868;1415892201;mircea_popescu;lol gotta work more.
919869;1415892237;xanthyos;mircea_popescu: is 440 a good buy price now?
919870;1415892279;bagels7;Well where could I work without a degree?
919872;1415892322;mircea_popescu;xanthyos the only thing i've said bout price is http://trilema.com/2014/people-us-dollars-are-not-worth-a-fifth-of-a-bitcent-stop-selling/
919873;1415892322;assbot;People! US Dollars are not worth a fifth of a Bitcent. STOP SELLING! pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 
919874;1415892384;bagels7;I've been abused in every single job I had except my latest
919875;1415892441;xanthyos;use the wot to set up your own network of unabusive clientele
919876;1415892841;xanthyos;wow coinbase is WAY cheaper than stander
919877;1415892848;xanthyos;i bought .2!
919878;1415892850;xanthyos;i'm a real man now
919879;1415892905;xanthyos;bagels7: did you bust out on seals yet?
919880;1415892995;TomServo;bagels7: /msg assbot !up
919881;1415893016;xanthyos;;;gettrust bagels7
919882;1415893017;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask bagels7!bagels7@modemcable232.144-161-184.mc.videotron.ca. Trust relationship from user xanthyos to user bagels7: Level 1: 2, Level 2: 2 via 1 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=xanthyos&dest=bagels7 | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=bagels7 | Rated since: Tue Nov 11 00:46:41 2014
919883;1415893020;mircea_popescu;punkman: big tits, more money << i can see it.
919884;1415893026;mircea_popescu;!up cryptomaniac
919885;1415893037;xanthyos;why is bagels7 being devoiced with l2 assbot?
919886;1415893046;mircea_popescu;she never voiced herself.
919887;1415893058;mircea_popescu;;;ident bagels7
919888;1415893059;gribble;Nick 'bagels7', with hostmask 'bagels7!bagels7@modemcable232.144-161-184.mc.videotron.ca', is identified as user 'Bagels7', with GPG key id 82C85EDC160BB29F, key fingerprint ACE4936BDD6EBB8338F5282E82C85EDC160BB29F, and bitcoin address 16SvyfnNumVGr8qp1xRgupKpdEjWtAC5rN
919889;1415893067;mircea_popescu;just pm assbot !up yo.
919890;1415893067;xanthyos;nice pronoun mp
919891;1415893078;mircea_popescu;hm ?
919893;1415893110;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44963 @ 0.00046111 = 20.7329 BTC [-] {2} 
919895;1415893187;mircea_popescu;"Besides the possible reasons for the trend namely that younger women with less purchasing power may be the ones buying smaller-sized bras"
919897;1415893200;mircea_popescu;yeah, totally, young women have less purchasing power than older women.
919898;1415893204;mircea_popescu;because this is imaginaryworld.
919899;1415893236;mircea_popescu;Singles Daythe annual Nov 11 online shopping frenzy in which Alibaba saw as many as 2.85 million transactions a minute at its peak, and a total of $9.3 billion in sales
919900;1415893239;xanthyos;so children with underdeveloped breasts now shop for themselves?
919901;1415893256;xanthyos;their big-titted mothers still provide their adolescents bras right?
919902;1415893259;mircea_popescu;;;calc 9300 / (60 * 24 * 2.85 / 2)
919904;1415893268;mircea_popescu;o look, average sale five bux.
919905;1415893270;bagels7;no, women with large breasts make more money causing poor women to mainly be small tit owners
919906;1415893320;mircea_popescu;xanthyos monkeys don't have any tits to speak of. the female breast is clearly the result of selection. the only way that works is for women with tits to have money while women without not to.
919907;1415893395;xanthyos;is it selection by males or did women with larger breasts simply have more milk to feed their young?
919908;1415893416;xanthyos;and provided more viable offspring
919909;1415893428;mike_c;or is it a broad generalization with little practical application?
919910;1415893433;mircea_popescu;nfi. i imagine it's purely aesthetic.
919911;1415893442;mircea_popescu;mike_c you mean like math, right ?
919913;1415893447;xanthyos;it's a counterweight to the ass
919914;1415893451;xanthyos;so women don't fall back
919915;1415893482;bagels7;yes broad generalizations with very little practical use
919916;1415893485;mike_c;you know what i like about math?  i recently had a difficult math problem to solve, and didn't feel like dealing with it.  so i had a math TA do it for total cost of 0.
919917;1415893504;mircea_popescu;mike_c same is true of women with big tits!
919918;1415893513;mircea_popescu;if you don't feel like doing it, you can always ask a ta.
919919;1415893540;mircea_popescu;turns out there's a lot of predictive power in this tits like math thing.
919920;1415893553;xanthyos;i sent to my bc.i from coinbase.  i am no longer anonymous.
919921;1415893554;mike_c;hm, this deserves more study.  with pictures.
919922;1415893567;mircea_popescu;mike_c i predict golf club patterns!
919923;1415893626;mircea_popescu;jurov: gpg: BAD signature from "Adlai Chandrasekhar  <<< wait his real name is actually adlai ?!
919924;1415893638;mircea_popescu;that's a pretty rad name.
919925;1415893660;xanthyos;adlai atkins
919926;1415893911;mircea_popescu;http://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Operations/Live_updates_Rosetta_mission_comet_landing << it did it!
919927;1415893911;assbot;Live updates: Rosetta mission comet landing  / Operations / Our Activities / ESA
919929;1415895437;assbot;Father Asks Obama to Use Executive Order to Bring Son Slain by Illegal Alien Back to Life
919931;1415895916;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14900 @ 0.00045949 = 6.8464 BTC [-]
919932;1415896703;asciilifeform;Adlai: darcs << as a military man, perhaps you are familiar with systems that could be automated easily, but aren't? e.g., ru nuke sub controls
919933;1415896903;asciilifeform;Adlai: manual patching is a deliberate choice here. each patch is a document that those who sign it are expected to actually read -and- understand.
919934;1415896952;Adlai;in my experience, all systems can be automated, and it's only a matter of deciding at what level you're willing to lose a human's judgement/"moral compass", but gain the benefits of automation
919935;1415896962;asciilifeform;Adlai: once you understand why i suggested it, and why those who agreed - agreed - you will learn something interesting.
919936;1415897005;asciilifeform;Adlai: i like 'git', 'darcs', etc. automata just as much as the next lazy fellow. but they are wholly inappropriate for this application. try to see why.
919938;1415897124;assbot;Cloud&Heat is putting servers in homes and offices and the heat from them is free.
919939;1415897204;Adlai;i'll admit that my feeling that darcs could be appropriate for this purpose is based more on speculation from darcs's theoretic background than on familiarity with the actual working software
919940;1415897260;asciilifeform;punkman: germany has same electric rates for residential and commercial lines ?
919941;1415897269;asciilifeform;punkman: seems unlikely
919942;1415897324;punkman;no idea
919943;1415897342;punkman;might be better with mining rigs
919944;1415897396;asciilifeform;Adlai: elaborate please re: theoretical.
919945;1415897425;Adlai;would you automate the following system: a car that self-destructs (killing the intruder) when it detects that it's being accessed without the owner's permission? where ownership is determined in an arbitrarily advanced way, ie, physical token, password, biometric, whatever you fancy.
919946;1415897451;asciilifeform;ah, the ancient mines vs sentries debate.
919947;1415897495;asciilifeform;but this here is more of a sword vs pistol debate.
919948;1415897508;asciilifeform;battlefield: an elevator.
919949;1415897815;asciilifeform;Adlai: let's backtrack. the purpose of the effort spoken of earlier is to go from a 'bitcoind' of known pedigree to something worth using as a reference for, possibly in the future, reimplementation (how and by whom, deliberately not said)
919950;1415897848;joecool;your effort or gavin's?
919951;1415897859;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes and mod6
919952;1415897866;asciilifeform;i'm only involved briefly and by accident.
919953;1415897868;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42879 @ 0.00045831 = 19.6519 BTC [-] {2} 
919954;1415897885;asciilifeform;gavin is a fellow on the enemy side.
919955;1415897913;asciilifeform;the deltas between the original and the end product are to be studied and judged by the participants (currently ben_vulpes, mod6, and occasionally yours truly)
919956;1415897956;asciilifeform;in order to be studied in such a way as to be signable with good conscience, a given delta must exist as a purely human-readable document, of minimal length and formatting complexity.
919957;1415897964;asciilifeform;this means - ordinary unix patch.
919958;1415897977;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: what do you think about BIP-65?
919959;1415898009;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-11-2014#919065
919960;1415898009;assbot;Logged on 13-11-2014 01:46:06; asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: bip-0065 << classic 'relevance farming.' the phoundation will take any excuse to add cruft to the gizmo. in their fantasy, folks will use it, and those who have resisted their turds will be forced to merge in.
919961;1415898039;asciilifeform;but more generally, any and all 'improvements' from the enemy ought to be thought of as 'fruits of poison tree'
919962;1415898122;thestringpuller;hmm. what do you think of the nlocktime problem?
919964;1415898152;asciilifeform;no gavin, no gavinisms - no problem.
919965;1415898168;thestringpuller;nlocktime gives spender power to double spend before nlocktime occurs
919966;1415898191;nubbins`;surely the coar devs have spoken on this point
919967;1415898218;thestringpuller;but yes I do see the new opcode as sorta crufty on "cruft"
919968;1415898223;asciilifeform;'doctor, it hurts when i do it.' 'don't do it.'
919969;1415898267;thestringpuller;so how would you use nlocktime asciilifeform ?
919970;1415898273;asciilifeform;i wouldn't.
919971;1415898320;thestringpuller;its a pretty neat feature for say senior to give jr. allotments of capital at guarenteed future date
919972;1415898337;asciilifeform;we've a dire case of featuritis.
919973;1415898369;nubbins`;;;google feature creep
919974;1415898370;gribble;Feature creep - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; What is feature creep - SearchCIO - TechTarget: ; Urban Dictionary: feature creep: 
919975;1415898379;nubbins`;hm i've got a specific creep in mind
919976;1415898384;asciilifeform;one of the facts re: the phoundation is - even if gavin et. al. add something that is unambiguously, probably, angelically, positive to their turd - it is still an act of evil.
919977;1415898386;nubbins`;;;google feature creep site:dilbert.com
919978;1415898387;gribble;Feature Creep on Dilbert.com: ; February 5 2001 - Dilbert: ; Dilbert comic strip for 02/25/2013 from the official Dilbert comic strips ...: 
919979;1415898395;thestringpuller;yes yes. but if this is case should we not remove nlocktime altogether?
919980;1415898396;asciilifeform;how? because it then serves as bait, sugar so that you will swallow the shit.
919982;1415898416;assbot;Dilbert comic strip for 02/05/2001 from the official Dilbert comic strips archive.
919983;1415898448;asciilifeform;at this point, the enemy is enemy not simply because of what he does or may do, but because of what he has done and what he is.
919984;1415898458;asciilifeform;this is a phrase transition of sorts.
919985;1415898459;nubbins`;;;google know your enemy
919986;1415898459;gribble;Rage Against The Machine: Know Your Enemy - YouTube: ; Green Day: "Know Your Enemy" - [Official Video] - YouTube: ; Know Your Enemy (Green Day song) - Wikipedia, the free ...: 
919987;1415898463;asciilifeform;*phase transition
919988;1415898476;thestringpuller;the one by rage is pretty good
919989;1415898482;thestringpuller;"all of which are american dreams"
919990;1415898503;nubbins`;soooo, the fluorescent tubes that took TEN WEEKS to get here? turns out "F20T12/BL 6PK" is the item number not of a 6-pack, but of a single bulb
919991;1415898519;nubbins`;so instead of 18 bulbs, the guy pulls... three.
919992;1415898535;nubbins`;each of which is 6x more expensive than i'd previously thought.
919993;1415898546;asciilifeform;if what i just said seems like nuttery, consider this. the 'bug fixes', so obviously bright and good, by phoundation since 0.5.3 - somehow add up to us not being able to load a full blockchain.
919994;1415898585;asciilifeform;hence, they add up to an act of sabotage. what probably amounts to a hard fork that 'no one' noticed.
919995;1415898592;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: know thy enemy << enemies are only relative. yesterday's allies easily become tomorrow's enemies. (perhaps maybe a one way street).
919996;1415898617;asciilifeform;there is precisely one enemy. but with many tentacles.
919997;1415898628;nubbins`;anyone besides alf actually tried and failed loading blockchain on 0.5.3?
919999;1415898632;asciilifeform;there are also idiots. some of whom are of the 'useful idiot' variety
920000;1415898639;asciilifeform;nubbins`: iirc ben_vulpes did
920001;1415898646;nubbins`;i was getting there but my virtual disk was too small, ran outta space, weird disk error ;/
920002;1415898647;asciilifeform;nubbins`: ask him where it wedged in his case
920003;1415898648;thestringpuller;nubbins`: i'll give it a try today on a VPS
920004;1415898649;nubbins`;trying again
920005;1415898663;nubbins`;;;later tell ben_vulpes ^^ tell us what you know
920006;1415898664;gribble;The operation succeeded.
920007;1415898679;thestringpuller;nubbins`: so instead of 18 bulbs, the guy pulls... three. << so now you have to wait another 10 weeks to get the next 15 you need?
920008;1415898703;los_pantalones;!up mrjr
920009;1415898712;los_pantalones;mrjr is working w/ ntimelock
920010;1415898715;los_pantalones;for those of you with questions
920011;1415898761;nubbins`;thestringpuller so now i say fuck that company and order the gd bulbs online
920013;1415898766;mike_c;!up mrjr
920014;1415898769;nubbins`;you know this is the second time i've gotten dicked around over bulbs?
920015;1415898784;thestringpuller;you would think it wouldn't be so difficult
920016;1415898798;thestringpuller;!up mrjr
920017;1415898801;nubbins`;guy made me wait 15 minutes while he struggled to determine if they actually sold 6-packs
920018;1415898804;nubbins`;15 actual minutes
920019;1415898806;thestringpuller;lol lag
920020;1415898810;nubbins`;while he mutters OH MY SOME SLOW
920021;1415898821;nubbins`;and a passing woman says SLOW WOULD BE AN IMPROVEMENT
920022;1415898826;mrjr;hi guys what did i miss :)
920023;1415898827;nubbins`;how in the fuck is this a functioning business
920024;1415898877;los_pantalones;mrjr why don't you tell them a bit of what you are doing w/ ntimelock
920025;1415898879;thestringpuller;annoying the customer out of their money.
920026;1415898882;los_pantalones;see if that's compelling to the ppl in here
920027;1415898895;thestringpuller;los_pantalones: is this in regard to BIP-65?
920028;1415899047;mrjr;los_pantalones: i run LedgerLock, we're working on a product called time-vault, to secure your bitcoins in nlocked transactions rather than protecting the priv key
920029;1415899114;mrjr;one of the first services we're providing (closed beta now) is keeping your nlock'ed transactions for you, until they're ripe for confirmations on the blockchain
920030;1415899122;thestringpuller;mrjr: aren't you in wot? what's your id?
920031;1415899201;mrjr;thestringpuller: never had the need for it :)
920032;1415899277;nubbins`;until now :D
920033;1415899282;nubbins`;pull up a chair
920034;1415899309;nubbins`;tell us more!
920035;1415899399;punkman;mrjr, guessing multisig
920036;1415899466;thestringpuller;;;later tell BingoBoingo nvm; disregard
920037;1415899467;gribble;The operation succeeded.
920038;1415899576;mrjr;multisig is useful to protect access to privkey, by splitting the power of moving funds to 2+ entities. we pre-sign transactions, nlocked in time, and discard the private key.
920039;1415899601;mrjr;(or keys)
920040;1415899674;mrjr;there's edge cases with malleability etc, but the benefits are that bitcoin operations can have their coins kept in a tx form, not as the information of the privkey
920041;1415899737;mrjr;we're working on a whitepaper to have some feedback on our design :)
920043;1415899880;mrjr;the tech is useful e.g. for an exchange/bank that keeps large amounts of BTC, but has a daily use for BTC as clients withdraw funds.
920044;1415899887;thestringpuller;conclusion: our service holds burden of trust for time delay transactions
920045;1415899923;thestringpuller;but you already know that.
920046;1415899932;mats_cd03;i don't see how thats useful
920047;1415899960;mrjr;thestringpuller: our first service is just what you wrote, giving the network a means to trust that a tx will be valid on time (unless ofcourse it was double spent, in which case you get notified)
920048;1415899972;mrjr;thestringpuller: the greater product is larger in scope
920049;1415899993;thestringpuller;then you should def be in WoT "there is no need" more like "there is no greater need"
920050;1415900015;thestringpuller;cause you are the trustee
920051;1415900080;mrjr;thestringpuller: i'll work on getting my creds in order :) meni rosenfeld is one of our investors, and our cto Shaul Kfir was a reviewer for the sidechain paper.
920052;1415900121;mrjr;i'm also the founder of Bits of Gold, the largest exchange in Israel
920053;1415900139;mrjr;gotta go, be back soon
920054;1415901345;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28419 @ 0.00044989 = 12.7854 BTC [-] {2} 
920055;1415902024;Pierre_Rochard;“i'll work on getting my creds in order :)” <- translation: “I won’t work on that, and here’s an insincere smile to really reinforce what I think of it”
920056;1415902126;thestringpuller;^- pretty much
920057;1415903831;asciilifeform;mrjr: secure your bitcoins in nlocked transactions rather than protecting the priv key << wai wat.
920058;1415903849;asciilifeform;mrjr: delayed transaction, per that scheme, still eventually lands in an addr. secured with what if not priv key ?
920059;1415904249;asciilifeform;;;later tell jurov nothing in my mailbox from turdatron.
920060;1415904250;gribble;The operation succeeded.
920061;1415904385;asciilifeform;!up mrjr
920062;1415904430;mrjr;asciilifeform: you're right, but by pre-signing you ensure that the amounts available at that address, per unit time, are limited. our first partners are ATM machine operators
920063;1415904455;mrjr;think of the daily needs of those machines, vs the amount stored "in cold storage" using traditional systems
920064;1415904463;asciilifeform;per unit time. but what can you do if someone walks with the privkey to the landing address?
920065;1415904479;asciilifeform;if you already broadcast the delayed tx, all the thief has to do is wait.
920066;1415904505;mrjr;you can't and don
920067;1415904516;mrjr;'t broadcast the txs to that address
920068;1415904532;mrjr;you broadcast daily, as it's needed.
920069;1415904541;asciilifeform;what's the actual purpose of the delay ?
920070;1415904593;asciilifeform;let's work example
920071;1415904627;asciilifeform;take ordinary, delay-less coin. you fill up the atm's addr nightly, say. if you are told that someone walked away with the machine, you no longer send to that one.
920072;1415904634;asciilifeform;install new machine, with new address, more guards.
920073;1415904639;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13600 @ 0.00044315 = 6.0268 BTC [-]
920074;1415904646;mrjr;there's an alternative pre-signed transaction chain that sends the coins to alternative addresses, possibly more protected, and a pre-signed "lockdown" transaction that just sends the coins to a non-practical (from an operation standpoint) multisig
920075;1415904659;asciilifeform;in the case of delay mechanism: you've broadcast a set of delayed transactions that will keep landing in the now-stolen addr. nightly.
920076;1415904683;mrjr;i'll take your example and explain
920077;1415904727;mrjr;say you presign 50 BTC / day to a given ATM, coming from your stash of 1000 BTC.
920078;1415904773;mrjr;you do not broadcast those tx, you just keep the txs, signed, and discard the privkey to your 1000 BTC (!)
920079;1415904835;asciilifeform;i understand the 'what.' but not the 'why.'
920080;1415904849;mrjr;you pre-sign the txs that move the remaining 1000 BTC - x days to a non-practical multisig
920081;1415904877;mrjr;the why is: the operators of the ATM no longer have a need to reach out for the cold-stored 1000 BTC
920082;1415904887;asciilifeform;they didn't before
920083;1415904894;asciilifeform;when you sent to them manually each day.
920084;1415904906;mrjr;"when you sent them manually"
920086;1415904942;asciilifeform;if you like to keep the privkey to the 1000 buried in concrete at the bottom of the sea - you can sign X tx'es of B btc each, and transmit those each day with cron job
920087;1415904943;mrjr;I operate a 1000 ATMs, and I have a stash of 10,000 BTC (les pretend i do :) )
920088;1415904953;asciilifeform;you want the btc network to be your 'cron' ?
920090;1415905001;joecool;more robust i guess if an attack wipes him out?
920091;1415905004;mrjr;you still need a cron, to send the nlocked txs every day
920092;1415905012;joecool;then what's the point -_-
920093;1415905024;mrjr;however you could publish those txs on your blog for all you care
920094;1415905028;asciilifeform;what does the 'lock' prevent the enemy from doing, that he could have done otherwise ?
920095;1415905052;mrjr;if the attacker has access to all your txs in unlocked version, they can indeed run away with everything
920096;1415905098;mrjr;discarding the privkey is a measure against internal theft, which is key to this scheme
920097;1415905102;asciilifeform;the other, unrelated point about the timelock business, is that it introduces an incentive to monkey with timekeeping
920098;1415905111;asciilifeform;which is not something that currently afflicts node operators
920099;1415905131;jurov; punkman: germany has same electric rates for residential and commercial lines << they do have lower wholesale prices where you have to obey the grid management regime, dunno about details
920100;1415905158;asciilifeform;if a critical mass of ntp servers (e.g. the u.s. hierarchy) is pwned, there go your timelocks.
920101;1415905166;mrjr;did i explain sufficiently the motivation part?
920102;1415905174;punkman;asciilifeform: nlocktime is block height I think
920103;1415905188;*;asciilifeform reads the thing
920104;1415905196;punkman;oh both apparently?
920105;1415905208;joecool;punkman: it has to be both
920106;1415905299;mrjr;we ran the scenario on the withdraw data from gox
920107;1415905336;mrjr;(put asside their entire fiasco, just the data)
920108;1415905376;mrjr;we saw that with just 1,000 BTC accessible to the operators, they could cover 96% of their Bitcoin withdrawal needs
920109;1415905431;mrjr;the remaining 200k+ BTC can be stored in a form that is in-accessible to the operator, and unavailable for "rogue txs" that steal everything
920110;1415905466;mrjr;inaccessible = nobody can sign, because the key no longer exists.
920111;1415905473;mrjr;that includes internal theft.
920112;1415905476;*;asciilifeform admits that he suspects bip64 of being a plot to create usg-like bonds in btc. folks will be asked to trace X proper btc for X+epsilon 'locked' ones that are to land back in their pocket 'in the future', should they live long enough, but are actually recovable 'because this is how the world works'
920113;1415905479;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu ^^^^^
920115;1415905563;asciilifeform;alice in the looking-glass, famously is offered 'jam tomorrow and jam yesterday -- but never jam today.'
920116;1415905593;asciilifeform;bip64, aside from complicating the protocol and giving relevance to the gavin shitgang, is also a jam-tomorrow chumpatronic engineering structural element
920117;1415905603;asciilifeform;so sorely missing from bitcoin from the point of view of the enemy.
920118;1415905662;mrjr;i wasnt aware there was politics behind nlock. always considered it as potentially very useful.
920119;1415905682;asciilifeform;but now you're aware.
920120;1415905710;mrjr;got a blog / post on the issue you're describing? sounds interesting
920121;1415905723;asciilifeform;afaik this here is the only place you'll hear the argument.
920122;1415905727;asciilifeform;i just deduced it now.
920123;1415905737;asciilifeform;can't imagine i'm the only one, though.
920124;1415905754;mrjr;ill go get my wot in order
920126;1415905821;assbot;Last 15 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/02NHQYM.txt )
920127;1415905821;asciilifeform;!b 15
920129;1415906894;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 399.08, Best ask: 399.97, Bid-ask spread: 0.89000, Last trade: 399.98, 24 hour volume: 49575.14498042, 24 hour low: 381.55, 24 hour high: 453.92, 24 hour vwap: 429.779216449
920130;1415907287;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: can't imagine i'm the only one, though. << you aren't
920131;1415908327;xanthyos;come mr towel man towel my banana
920132;1415908840;xanthyos;why does btc always crash the second i buy it
920133;1415908850;xanthyos;^^ proof positive that jesus hates me
920134;1415908892;xanthyos;that's it, i'm gonna blow it all on 1 hand of internet roulette
920135;1415909115;undata;xanthyos: that should've been expected with such a sharp rise.
920136;1415909146;xanthyos;if it crashes, my purchase goes through, if it goes to the moon, coinbase will cancel the transaction
920137;1415909161;xanthyos;i hope not^
920138;1415909178;undata;you've angered bitjesus I guess
920140;1415909848;asciilifeform;mammon << sterculius.
920142;1415910181;xanthyos;4 business days is so obscene, no wonder banking is dead
920143;1415910733;jurov;can't you just buy off stan?
920144;1415910766;jurov;what would happen, gasenwagen?
920145;1415910836;asciilifeform;jurov: buy what?
920146;1415910859;jurov;xanthyos wants to buy coins, you need some $$$
920148;1415910875;asciilifeform;jurov: except that i can't use paper usd for anything
920149;1415910883;asciilifeform;well, almost anything
920150;1415910905;jurov;and if he gave you some bezzle usd?
920151;1415910909;asciilifeform;last farmer's market of the year on my street is tonight, and i shall be buying a few tomatoes possibly with it
920152;1415910919;asciilifeform;jurov: if bezzle usd, then it's on the radar.
920154;1415910944;jurov;you'd have to register as std..er..money transmitter?
920155;1415910953;asciilifeform;jurov: i'd be charged tax, most likely
920156;1415910957;asciilifeform;for no particularly good reason
920157;1415910962;xanthyos;i only use paper money for poker games and cannabis
920158;1415910987;dub;your dealer doesnt take btc?
920159;1415911013;jurov;maybe you can even charge tax to the desperate people
920160;1415911020;jurov;let them ask it back from irs
920161;1415911108;asciilifeform;other thing is, i don't have enough to sell, and present exchange rates being, to really notice the resulting pile of usd, even if it could magically land in my usd piggy without official attention.
920162;1415911445;asciilifeform;let's put it this way. a pile of usd without at least seven or eight decimally-significant zeros trailing after it, would make absolutely no difference to how i live.
920163;1415911657;asciilifeform;apologies if i've given someone, somewhere, the strange notion that i'm interested in parting with my microscopic collection of btc.
920164;1415911810;asciilifeform;it's of more use to me as a scientific toy than as a few new tires for car or a dozen spare disks.
920166;1415911856;assbot;Dickson County Tennessee Sheriff Hit with Ransomware, Pays | Qntra.net
920167;1415911888;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: missing link in there?
920168;1415911904;rithm;yeah i was gonna say where is the citation
920169;1415911916;rithm;you guys _do_ cite your sources
920171;1415911938;BingoBoingo;citation is now there.
920172;1415911998;asciilifeform;run moar winblows.
920173;1415912038;asciilifeform;gotta love these idiots. when'll somebody edit, rather than simply wiping, the case files ?
920174;1415912080;notary;[trust-update] added: bagels7
920175;1415912093;rithm;i shared that with my team
920176;1415912113;rithm;documented sources where the FBI actually makes the recommendation to pay the ransom is useful to me
920177;1415912133;BingoBoingo;I imagine eventually the ransomware people will start browsing what they've seized
920178;1415912156;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: traditionally 'ransomware' doesn't exfiltrate
920179;1415912160;asciilifeform;just pubkey-crypts
920180;1415912163;TomServo;It's extracted? I thought it was just locked inplace.
920181;1415912165;rithm;well it's my understanding the data is not exfiltrated
920182;1415912172;rithm;not immediately although that could be a later payload
920183;1415912209;asciilifeform;virtually nobody dredges through a chumpnet's entire accessible data set, on account of this being very much like actual work.
920184;1415912212;rithm;the only data exfiltrated to my knowledge is the decryption key and an identifier for the machine
920185;1415912213;BingoBoingo;Well yes, normally seems to stay on victim's computer, but if they can lock the files, they can include other shitware
920186;1415912236;rithm;but it's be trivial to exfiltrate compressed text, sure
920187;1415912252;asciilifeform;rithm: most of it is probably msword
920188;1415912260;rithm;it only hits plain text
920189;1415912270;rithm;so like a .sql db is plaintext unless encrypted
920190;1415912286;rithm;it hits plain text viewable docs, even weird proprietary ones
920191;1415912308;rithm;proprietary .idx files and stuff. always plaintext though
920192;1415912309;asciilifeform;speaking of the general case here.
920193;1415912329;asciilifeform;'civilians' often seriously misunderstand the motivation behind botnetsmanship.
920194;1415912342;rithm;i had an engineer reinstall windows on a cryptowall pc this week and return it to the client
920195;1415912344;asciilifeform;the objective, virtually always, is to make some fast money
920196;1415912348;asciilifeform;with minimal effort
920197;1415912355;rithm;we never tested the docs, the client brought it to us and tried to hide or cleasn it up
920198;1415912369;rithm;we returned it "fixed" never check ed the client's docs
920199;1415912401;rithm;i think i've dealt with 5 of those this week
920200;1415912403;asciilifeform;crapware written for intelligence-gathering purposes ( BingoBoingo's picture above ) rarely takes the shape of a 'botnet', usually there is some effort to target a narrow set of chumpers.
920201;1415912418;joecool;poweliks is a really interesting infection that often pulls in the cyperlocker ransomware, that hit the wild a couple months ago
920202;1415912447;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38600 @ 0.00044251 = 17.0809 BTC [-]
920203;1415912461;rithm;it's cryptowall now and from what i can tell it's infected sites like mom & pop's ruinning old WP/drupal/some CMS
920204;1415912483;rithm;the story i hear is Nancy was checking vendor's site and the next thing she knows bam cryptowall
920205;1415912529;rithm;remote code execution is code execution is execution
920206;1415912540;rithm;the problem is cryptolocker runs entirely in the user context
920207;1415912553;rithm;so anything the user has access to, specifically filesystem permissions
920208;1415912556;rithm;they can modify
920209;1415912617;rithm;so the payload is a real basic thing, modifying files. i hate it
920210;1415912714;joecool;rithm: ever play with TDL4?
920211;1415912750;rithm;i don't see a lot of those infections
920212;1415912764;rithm;used to see a good bit tdss
920214;1415912796;rithm;i myself have not deployed my own nefarious variant of that either, no
920215;1415912798;joecool;it's been a long time for me, but that was the most sophisticated and difficult infection i've seen, XP was hit really easy with it
920216;1415912844;rithm;in general i have run subscription based-packet filtering firewalls to stop things
920217;1415912853;rithm;because users are stupid
920218;1415912862;joecool;poweliks is much more simple, usually creates a binary in registry hides it with a null character and puts it in with something that gets called up a lot (like thumbnail cache)
920219;1415912880;rithm;poweliks I'm not familiar with
920220;1415912883;joecool;it's new
920221;1415912891;joecool;past 2 months or so it's been in the wild
920222;1415912894;rithm;i review a lot of the desktop stuff, not actually interface with it on the frontlines
920223;1415912910;rithm;so i need to study
920224;1415912936;joecool;i got called in to look at an infection that no tool but combofix would pick up, combofix itself would not successfully remove it
920225;1415912936;rithm;oic there's now PE or even a filesystem object
920226;1415912943;asciilifeform;crapware artists, generally, aren't focused on 'maximally pwning' a chump in the abstract sense, but in extracting whatever it is that he is worth - e.g., cc #s
920227;1415912944;rithm;*no PE
920228;1415912959;asciilifeform;if userland turd suffices for this, then so be it, they use one
920229;1415913028;joecool;asciilifeform: poweliks by default runs a keylogger and is pretty candid about storing the output in plaintext in a tmp file
920230;1415913066;joecool;it's simple but effective tool to pull in all sorts of junk, the case i was called in to look at was actually a POS system :-\
920231;1415913097;rithm;i can see how something like this plus a ram scraper would be effective
920232;1415913100;rithm;on POS
920234;1415913671;assbot;No, You Can't Seize Country TLDs, US Court Rules - Slashdot
920235;1415913711;mircea_popescu;flimsy as fyck pretext
920236;1415913729;mircea_popescu;they should have found that tlds are of the nature of national sovereignty and that cannot be impinged upon by an us court.
920237;1415913762;asciilifeform;usa recognizes only own sovereignty.
920238;1415913792;mircea_popescu;the very definition of a terrorist organisation.
920240;1415913794;assbot;Logged on 08-11-2014 18:24:33; mircea_popescu: "those people's laws aren't really laws, our laws are really laws".
920241;1415913800;mircea_popescu;if that's the case, the us can not be part of the un.
920242;1415913850;mircea_popescu;as unintuitive as this may seem, these two are actually different.
920244;1415913875;mircea_popescu;it's roughly the difference between me not recognising X's thinking as valid and me not recognising X's property as his.
920246;1415914027;mircea_popescu;assbot: Cloud&Heat is putting servers in homes and offices and the heat from them is free. << o look, one step closer to the bitcoin miner heating tile element.
920248;1415914039;assbot;FBI Stops Responding To The Most Prolific FOIA Filer, Because He Might Actually Learn Something | Techdirt
920249;1415914108;asciilifeform;next thing you know, they start asking 'proof of work'.
920251;1415914146;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: i wouldn't. << heh. exactly.
920252;1415914232;cazalla;wru scoopbot http://qntra.net/2014/11/bank-of-canada-bitcoin-poses-no-risk-but-well-watch-it-closely-anyway/
920253;1415914232;assbot;Bank of Canada: Bitcoin Poses No Risk But We'll Watch It Closely Anyway | Qntra.net
920254;1415914276;mircea_popescu;http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2013/11/foia-ryan-shapiro-fbi-files-lawsuit << pretty lulzy
920255;1415914277;assbot;Meet the Punk Rocker Who Can Liberate Your FBI File | Mother Jones
920256;1415914320;mircea_popescu;The FBI claims that it cannot discuss the case in open court "without damaging the very national security law enforcement interests it is seeking to protect." Instead, it has filed a secret declaration outlining its case. "This is an especially circular and Kafkaesque line of argument," Shapiro counters. "The FBI considers it a national security threat to make public its reasoning for considering it a national security
920257;1415914321;mircea_popescu;threat to use federal law to request information about the FBI's deeply problematic understanding of national security threats."
920258;1415914543;mircea_popescu;shot the guy an email, curious what comes of this.
920259;1415914709;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller: its a pretty neat feature for say senior to give jr. allotments of capital at guarenteed future date << there are better solutions to this problem.
920260;1415914793;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: at this point, the enemy is enemy not simply because of what he does or may do, but because of what he has done and what he is. <<< well, at the previous point the enemy was not an enemy at all, just a bunch of derps. it's ony recently that trilema went from "power rangers" to "gavin has turned", and for a while there prior to the 2013 debacle he was not even being treated in concordance with the idiocy
920261;1415914793;mircea_popescu;he, in retrospect, universally displays.
920262;1415914849;asciilifeform;enemy is built out of useful idiots, in the same way that a tree is made of atmospheric co2 and soil nutrients
920263;1415914856;mircea_popescu;the naivity of contemporaneity, as it's called. hitler also seemed pretty reasonable to plenty of people as far up as perhaps 1940, but that's not preventing a current understanding of the guy to see him as pretty fucking broken as early as 1930
920264;1415914903;assbot;Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/04CVCC6.txt )
920265;1415914903;BingoBoingo;!b 3
920266;1415914913;mircea_popescu;kafka is actually famous for exactly the ability to render this real situation in works of fiction. as you read through the castle or whatever, at some point you realise this is all pretty nutty, but if you look back to spot when the nuttiness started...well... it didn't seem so at the time.
920267;1415914956;asciilifeform;this goes straight back to galbraith's original discussion where he coined 'the bezzle.'
920268;1415914962;jurov;;;later tell Adlai your msg finally went throught. it choked on not mime structure intricacies
920269;1415914963;gribble;The operation succeeded.
920270;1415914977;asciilifeform;a bezzle is there, whether or not the 'wave function collapsed yet'.
920271;1415914984;mircea_popescu;for a zoologiocal metaphor, the man once bit by a scorpion will readily recognise the "scorpion biting" as an activity that to the naive may well look rather cute.
920272;1415915003;mircea_popescu;and certainly not threatening.
920273;1415915024;mircea_popescu;i mean... look at it's tail lol. what's it going to do with that improbable appendage ? how ridoinculous etc.
920274;1415915033;mircea_popescu;yeah, sure. give it a minute.
920275;1415915098;mircea_popescu;!up m4rCsi
920276;1415915235;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: hence, they add up to an act of sabotage. what probably amounts to a hard fork that 'no one' noticed. << i dun think so, fwiw
920277;1415915308;asciilifeform;i'm still waiting to be proven mistaken on this one.
920278;1415915418;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: there is precisely one enemy. but with many tentacles. <<< one you see now. once china's idiotic mr Xi shows up you'll be of a differing opinion. that fuckwit came up with a "war on corruption" that includes the theory that conjugal infidelity is both a sign and a symptom of graft. this is what they do over there now, prosecute cocksuckers & sluts.
920279;1415915439;mircea_popescu;he's definitely just as much an enemy as the wily putin, who clearly understands what bitcoin is all about, and is fighting it more efficiently than the us.
920280;1415915450;mircea_popescu;so, no. not the same. tentacles tho, i guess.
920281;1415915478;asciilifeform;same from the perspective that french rev. saw 'kings' as a thing.
920282;1415915484;mircea_popescu;i guess.
920283;1415915486;asciilifeform;even though it was rather clear that there were many kings.
920284;1415915514;mircea_popescu;in any case, the plurality is beneficial. serenissima foreign policy is to continue helping along the numerous and growing breeches among the three
920285;1415915525;mircea_popescu;just like the original did, among the french germans and latins.
920286;1415915633;mircea_popescu;ironically, they today as they back then were "the enemy" strictly because they do not wish to understand or submit to trade, and instead seek to insulate against it. as if.
920287;1415915768;asciilifeform;the philosophical 'win' from setting 'bozo bit' on gavin et. al. and seeing the shitgang as 'enemy' is tangible.
920288;1415915787;mircea_popescu;i guess so.
920289;1415915789;mircea_popescu;!up saifedean
920290;1415915806;asciilifeform;now all of their works are 'guilty until proven innocent' and this is actually a useful heuristic that saves valuable brain cycles when ferreting out the actual logic behind their actions (when there is a logic.)
920291;1415915817;saifedean;good evening everyone
920292;1415915831;mircea_popescu;isn't it like midnight where you live ?
920293;1415915836;mats_cd03;mircea_popescu: who are the three this time?
920294;1415915852;mircea_popescu;!up reredacted
920295;1415915863;mircea_popescu;mats_cd03 two lines up ?!
920296;1415915885;saifedean;so the arab bitcoin space is growing up so fast... we are getting our own scamcoin
920297;1415915887;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: picture a zoologist encountering an alien equivalent of the scorpion for the first time. what will his most important, though scientifically 'fuzziest' observations be? that the animal is - venomous.
920299;1415915907;saifedean;this guy i know who works on atm's is launching his own cryptocurrency! And it's backed by real assets! REAL
920300;1415915915;mircea_popescu;saifedean more of that huh.
920302;1415915922;assbot;UCICOIN Crowdsale
920304;1415915936;assbot;Universal Crowd-Funding Investments S.A.L (U.C.I S.A.L) Recently Launched Its Crowd Sale and a Crypto Currency Backed by Real Assets and Now is Looking to Establish a Branch in Switzerland - Yahoo Finance
920305;1415915952;mircea_popescu;how do you say neobee in lebanese
920306;1415915979;saifedean;UCICOIN, i guess
920307;1415916034;mircea_popescu;saifedean so do your countrymen a favour, write a local language lenghty piece on exactly how neobee worked, what it was etc.
920308;1415916279;chetty;!up saifedean
920309;1415916309;saifedean;i'm not too bothered, i don't think he'll muster more than $100 in "investment"
920310;1415916344;mircea_popescu;mrjr: multisig is useful to protect access to privkey, by splitting the power of moving funds to 2+ entities. we pre-sign transactions, nlocked in time, and discard the private key. <<< and i know that you do because... you say so ?
920311;1415916357;mircea_popescu;saifedean that's not the point tho.
920312;1415916366;saifedean;he keeps trying to recruit me to work with him, and i keep trying my best to bluntly explain to him that his whole thing is going to a giant fat zero, and that the best outcome possible for him is to lose only all his money
920313;1415916385;mircea_popescu;mrjr: there's edge cases with malleability etc, but the benefits are that bitcoin operations can have their coins kept in a tx form, not as the information of the privkey << this is so braindamaged i can'teven be bothered.
920314;1415916459;mircea_popescu;motherfucker someone made a clear "here's the water, here's the flour" thing so it's simple and obvious, all sorts of derps come up with all sorts of "improvements" consisting of various doughs. "it stores better as canned frozen dough with our magical chemicals than as simple flour! and you can make things!"
920315;1415916470;mircea_popescu;this "innovation" is the fucking thing bitcoin was made to kill.
920316;1415916557;mircea_popescu;mrjr: thestringpuller: i'll work on getting my creds in order :) meni rosenfeld is one of our investors, and our cto Shaul Kfir was a reviewer for the sidechain paper. <<< myewah, the surprises keep right on coming
920317;1415916564;mircea_popescu;don't bother with the wot, i'll neg you anyway.
920318;1415916653;mircea_popescu;fucking ignorant derps. "here's a shitpie i made. my investors are ken lay and i'll be making a whipetatter"
920319;1415916722;chetty; this "innovation" is the fucking thing bitcoin was made to kill.//so they make a lot of messes, thats how kiddies learn and once in a while something useful actually gets invented
920320;1415916742;mircea_popescu;fuck him. he has a known fraud as an "investor" ? he's fucked.
920321;1415916748;mircea_popescu;that's what due dilligence fucking means.
920322;1415916977;assbot;Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/141QFK2.txt )
920323;1415916977;BingoBoingo;!b 2
920324;1415916987;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: mircea_popescu ^^^^^ < at this level it is difficult to distinguish simple idiocy riding on featuritis (because nobodies wish to get a place in the sun, and absent actual skils what better avenue trhan the pretense of adding value ?) and actual malice as oyu describe.
920325;1415917025;mircea_popescu;in any case, nlocktime is ulterior on the flow of entalpy to that kafkian point where shit went weird, identified retrospectively.
920326;1415917144;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: jurov: except that i can't use paper usd for anything << do what the soon-to-be-"protected" folk do, use a rechargeable prepaid card lol
920327;1415917197;BingoBoingo;The good reloadable prepaid cards even allow you to write "checks"
920328;1415917201;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: let's put it this way. a pile of usd without at least seven or eight decimally-significant zeros trailing after it, would make absolutely no difference to how i live. <<< this is like... the definition of poverty!
920329;1415917240;mircea_popescu;so basically, until he marries kim kardashian, stan will be pretty much going on with whatever it is he's doing today.
920330;1415917304;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: gotta love these idiots. when'll somebody edit, rather than simply wiping, the case files ? << the one time you'll never hear about it, because how would you.
920331;1415917444;mircea_popescu;joecool: poweliks is a really interesting infection that often pulls in the cyperlocker ransomware, that hit the wild a couple months ago << look at that, someone took the trouble to make a trojan that works on all windowses to date ?
920332;1415917451;mircea_popescu;"Windows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows XP", we should probably hire this man.
920333;1415917537;mircea_popescu;rithm: it's cryptowall now and from what i can tell it's infected sites like mom & pop's ruinning old WP/drupal/some CMS <<< yeah, stuff the shitheads in question don't maintain, then i have to answer biweekly questions of "is qntra down". off with their heads i say!
920334;1415917837;jurov;str = 'line1\nline2 \\\n'
920335;1415917838;jurov;fp = open('out.txt', 'w')
920338;1415917846;jurov;guess what python does with this?
920339;1415917854;jurov;EATS THE TRAILING NEWLINE
920340;1415917865;jurov;SOMEONE PLS KILL ME
920341;1415917929;jurov;why must this always happen to me?
920342;1415917944;mircea_popescu;lol poor j
920343;1415917997;Azelphur;jurov: http://pastebin.com/z2BSyU1V nope
920344;1415917998;assbot;azelphur@darth-vader:~$ cat test.py  str = 'line1\nline2 \\\n'  fp = open('out.t - Pastebin.com
920345;1415918039;mircea_popescu;the plot, it thickens ?
920346;1415918071;jurov;Azelphur: hexdump out.txt?
920347;1415918084;jurov;here: 0000000 696c 656e 0a31 696c 656e 2032 0a5c
920348;1415918088;mircea_popescu;if this results in a patch to the kernel of w/e jurov's server is using...
920349;1415918097;Azelphur;0000000 696c 656e 0a31 696c 656e 2032 0a5c
920351;1415918101;Azelphur;jurov: nope xD
920352;1415918140;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu:  use a rechargeable prepaid card << the day of 'thumbprint please sir' or at least 'show id' is not far.
920353;1415918168;asciilifeform;case files ... the one time you'll never hear about it << once it becomes a plausible thing to claim for a side in a case -> phase transition.
920354;1415918193;xanthyos;i don't understand free markets
920355;1415918212;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the definition of poverty! << say moar
920356;1415918234;jurov;Azelphur: it exchanged the \ and \n
920357;1415918258;jurov;or my brain misfired
920358;1415918258;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the argument i was trying to make is that, when grunting on a prison asteroid, a liter of rocket fuel makes very little difference. only L liters - sufficient for liftoff - will.
920359;1415918267;*;Azelphur shrugs
920360;1415918272;Azelphur;jurov: I wonder if it's a Windows line ending thing.
920361;1415918286;jurov;it's leeeeeenux here !!!1
920362;1415918299;Azelphur;that's just weird then
920363;1415918313;asciilifeform;jurov: in my very informal experiments, all extant browsers - without exception - mutilate line endings. so no point in 'paste box' apparatus, unless operated via something like mpex script.
920364;1415918339;asciilifeform;jurov: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2014#901052
920365;1415918339;assbot;Logged on 29-10-2014 01:36:19; asciilifeform: because plain ascii is like naked people
920366;1415918341;jurov;fp = open('out.txt', 'wb') did not help
920367;1415918362;jurov;but i am not putting the code in browser
920368;1415918369;jurov;oh you mean the paste box
920369;1415918379;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: someone took the trouble to make a trojan that works on all windowses to date ? << this is very easy given a purely-userland turd.
920370;1415918419;asciilifeform;(which the turd in question was. in fact, quite likely it is even mostly posix-compliant.)
920371;1415918432;jurov;this looks like a trojan in python..using \\\n to trigger
920372;1415918476;mircea_popescu;<asciilifeform> mircea_popescu: the definition of poverty! << say moar <<< sarcasm, the lowest form of wit.
920373;1415918562;mircea_popescu;o look! there's a parade down my street
920374;1415918565;mircea_popescu;only the 5th this month.
920375;1415918617;jurov;damn hexdump switched the endianness, file is actually correct
920376;1415918676;mircea_popescu; here: 0000000 696c 656e 0a31 696c 656e 2032 0a5c << seems correct endian ?
920377;1415918688;jurov;do hexdump -C
920378;1415918722;jurov;then it ends in 5c 0a as it should
920379;1415918814;jurov;but when you open out.txt in less or vim it pretends there is no newline in the end
920380;1415918822;mircea_popescu;00000000  6c 69 6e 65 31 5c 6e 6c  69 6e 65 32 20 0a
920382;1415918852;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11600 @ 0.00045279 = 5.2524 BTC [-] {3} 
920383;1415918884;jurov;there are total 4 backslashes in 'line1\nline2 \\\n' , maybe irc ate them?
920384;1415918889;mircea_popescu;but anyway.
920385;1415919011;mircea_popescu;!up JuliaTourianski
920386;1415919029;mircea_popescu;how's biz ?
920387;1415919189;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: neh, i actually was hoping to hear moar.
920388;1415919199;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: but i can't dispute the poverty bit.
920389;1415919202;*;asciilifeform ragged dervish.
920390;1415919228;mircea_popescu;you gotta understand for most people $100 in disposable income would actually make a significant difference.
920391;1415919237;asciilifeform;gotta be shitting me
920392;1415919239;mircea_popescu;this is definitely most of africa, but i suspect most of the us by now, too.
920393;1415919243;asciilifeform;aha africa.
920394;1415919245;mircea_popescu;i am not shitting you.
920395;1415919274;mircea_popescu;i have yet to meet a female argentinian that's both a) fuckable and b) owner in her own right of $100 worth of monthly income free and clear of any burden.
920396;1415919275;asciilifeform;where i live, that buys slightly less than two full 'standard' tanks of petrol.
920398;1415919288;asciilifeform;that is, a week of my commute, not counting toll gates or machine wear.
920399;1415919291;mircea_popescu;it buys even less than a lolipop on a comet, so what of it ?
920400;1415919295;mircea_popescu;don't try to live on comets.
920402;1415919365;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: In this part of USia, $100 could buy 2 tanks with $20 left over
920403;1415919386;mircea_popescu;in romania it's just about ONE tank.
920404;1415919403;mircea_popescu;little over i guess.
920405;1415919404;*;asciilifeform picked a uniquely bad example, and realized
920406;1415919438;mircea_popescu;blowjobs better example.
920407;1415919443;mircea_popescu;$15 going rate here.
920408;1415919529;mircea_popescu;http://i.perezhilton.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/kimkgif.gif << next we're gonna learn kim came to the us on a hb1 visa.
920409;1415919544;*;asciilifeform not an expert on the economics of this, but wonders how the cost relates to the 'unit cost' - that is, what it costs to house and feed a typical vendor.
920410;1415919546;JuliaTourianski;so change direction from blowjobs, I wanted to ask your thought on this "freedom" we're all obsessed with. i like this critique: "To coerce a man is to deprive him of freedom - freedom from what? Almost every moralist in human history has praised freedom. Like happiness and goodness, like nature and reality, it is a term whose meaning is so porous that there is little interpretation that it seems able to resist"
920411;1415919606;JuliaTourianski;the entire thing feels like a feel-good distraction from actual attainable action.
920412;1415919616;asciilifeform;which 'thing' ?
920413;1415919630;JuliaTourianski;the goal of freedom
920414;1415919635;asciilifeform;!s freedom
920415;1415919636;assbot;296 results for 'freedom' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=freedom
920416;1415919640;mircea_popescu;JuliaTourianski let's take an oblique tack. forget coercing a man. what is coercing a woman ?
920417;1415919643;asciilifeform;not much of obsession around here.
920418;1415919662;JuliaTourianski;excatly. which is why i bother ask it here
920419;1415919671;mircea_popescu;well so answer lol
920420;1415919712;JuliaTourianski;don't be fecisious
920421;1415919736;*;asciilifeform screams, runs away
920422;1415919752;mircea_popescu;whadda ya mean ?
920423;1415919773;JuliaTourianski;"The doctrine that maintains that what I cannot have I must teach myself not to desire, that a desire eliminated, or successfully resisted, is as good as a desire satisfied, is a sublime, but, it seems to me, unmistakable, form of the doctrine of sour grapes: what I cannot be sure of, I cannot truly want.  This makes it clear why the definition of negative liberty as the ability to do what one wishes - which is, in e
920424;1415919788;JuliaTourianski;will not do. If I find that I am able to do little or nothing of what I wish, I need only contract or extinguish my wishes, and I am made free. If the tyrant (or 'hidden persuader') manages to condition his subjects (or customers) into losing their original wishes and embracing ('internalising')
920426;1415919799;JuliaTourianski;the form of life he has invented for them, he will, on this definition, have succeeded in liberating them. He will, no doubt, have made them feel free - as Epictetus feels freer than his master (and the proverbial good man is said to feel happy on the rack). But what he has created is the very antithesis of political freedom
920427;1415919809;mircea_popescu;mebbe use a pastebin next time.
920428;1415919860;JuliaTourianski;meh i dunno. i'm trying to gage some thought that will surprise me maybe
920429;1415919871;JuliaTourianski;high hopes for mircea
920430;1415919883;asciilifeform;JuliaTourianski: try this on for size:
920431;1415919886;mircea_popescu;well so far we're at the point where we try to find out what you mean by words.
920432;1415919887;asciilifeform;!s sleep ad libitum
920433;1415919887;assbot;3 results for 'sleep ad libitum' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=sleep+ad+libitum
920435;1415919944;*;BingoBoingo finds it more useful to consider freedom a conditional
920436;1415919946;JuliaTourianski;alright I'll be super direct: is freedom possible? and if so, what is it?
920437;1415919970;mircea_popescu;JuliaTourianski for "it" to "be" something you're making some presumptions. is the color pink possible ? if so, what is it ?
920438;1415919987;mircea_popescu;if you define it as em with wavelength so and so, then yes.
920439;1415919994;mircea_popescu;otherwise... depends, pls to explain what you mean.
920440;1415920010;JuliaTourianski;actually i am not making presumptions at all. I am admitting to be color blind here
920441;1415920012;*;BingoBoingo also thinks the F-word is too tainted by abuse to be useful on its own.
920442;1415920036;mircea_popescu;JuliaTourianski lol you ever read how sussman was englightened ?
920444;1415920058;mircea_popescu;In the days when Sussman was a novice, Minsky once came to him as he sat hacking at the PDP-6.
920445;1415920058;mircea_popescu;"What are you doing?", asked Minsky.
920446;1415920058;mircea_popescu;"I am training a randomly wired neural net to play Tic-tac-toe", Sussman replied.
920447;1415920058;mircea_popescu;"Why is the net wired randomly?", asked Minsky.
920448;1415920058;mircea_popescu;"I do not want it to have any preconceptions of how to play", Sussman said.
920449;1415920059;mircea_popescu;Minsky then shut his eyes.
920450;1415920061;mircea_popescu;"Why do you close your eyes?" Sussman asked his teacher.
920451;1415920061;asciilifeform;inevitably modern discussions of 'freedom' reveal themselves as having the purpose of convincing a chump that the entire concept, but specifically his wishes to not be a zoo animal, is delusional and he 'is bad and should feel bad'
920452;1415920063;mircea_popescu;"So that the room will be empty."
920453;1415920065;mircea_popescu;At that moment, Sussman was enlightened.
920455;1415920072;assbot;Some AI Koans
920456;1415920088;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo by exception from the general rule, i actually wanted this one in teh record.
920457;1415920117;asciilifeform;this must be at least the 7th time sussman and his neural net pop up here.
920458;1415920120;BingoBoingo;Sure, figured I'd like the source for the sake of the rest of the stories
920459;1415920127;mircea_popescu;im a sucker for it, what can i say.
920460;1415920134;BingoBoingo;!s sussman
920461;1415920135;assbot;5 results for 'sussman' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=sussman
920462;1415920148;asciilifeform;!s minsky
920463;1415920149;assbot;0 results for 'minsky' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=minsky
920464;1415920156;mircea_popescu;!s minski
920465;1415920156;assbot;0 results for 'minski' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=minski
920466;1415920159;mircea_popescu;a well.
920468;1415920164;JuliaTourianski;asciilifeform now that's presumptuous...even though I agree
920469;1415920188;JuliaTourianski;better questions
920470;1415920203;JuliaTourianski;is the discussion of freedom even important or relevant anymore
920471;1415920226;mircea_popescu;no discussion is either important or ever relevant if the discussers don't know what they mean by words.
920472;1415920248;asciilifeform;very important and relevant - to the zookeper - he is quite interested in making sure that it stays as it traditionally tends to be, useless and irrelevant.
920473;1415920249;JuliaTourianski;what do i need to clairfy for you mircea
920474;1415920276;mircea_popescu;you can start with coercion.,
920475;1415920299;JuliaTourianski;I quoted something, so I'd have to ask mr. berlin what he means
920476;1415920329;mircea_popescu;well yes, i guess you should. much like we can't use unsigned patches for any reason, you can't use undefined jumbles for any thinking.
920477;1415920354;mircea_popescu;generally writers do readers the courtesy of defining stuff tho.
920478;1415920358;JuliaTourianski;i think he means interference from governing bodies
920479;1415920386;asciilifeform;then goes the other question, is 'king hunger' a governing body?
920480;1415920389;JuliaTourianski;"One is that all coercion is, in so far as it frustrates human desires, bad as such, although it may have to be applied to prevent other, greater evils; while non-interference, which is the opposite of coercion, is good as such, although it is not the only good."
920481;1415920404;mircea_popescu;so how would education work in this paradigm ?
920482;1415920415;JuliaTourianski;+asciilifeform yeah, i've been thinking about that.
920484;1415920423;asciilifeform;^ 'king hunger'
920485;1415920424;mircea_popescu;because that happens to be both the source and the point of coercion in practice.
920486;1415920432;asciilifeform;see also king gravity, king thermodynamics, etc.
920487;1415920451;asciilifeform;(king hunger is actually just an affiliate duke under king thermo)
920488;1415920463;JuliaTourianski;Dostoyevsky said: "boots are superior to Pushkin" so what is freedom? freedom to starve of freeze in the cold? or freedom to be warm and fed under rule
920489;1415920475;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it's come full circle, by now the unruly stupid children of yesteryear are forming pseudophylosophyc systems to justify their sillyness.
920491;1415920502;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 'В мире есть царь: этот царь беспощаден, Голод названье ему.' ( http://www.stihi-rus.ru/1/Nekrasov/30.htm )
920492;1415920581;JuliaTourianski;both positive and negative liberty is used very well by every side of power
920493;1415920586;mircea_popescu;JuliaTourianski let's look through all this by using a model of yourself as a little girl.
920494;1415920600;mircea_popescu;you are a little girl growing up in the house of your parents, which is all nice and good.
920495;1415920603;JuliaTourianski;pleasant thoughts from you as always
920496;1415920641;mircea_popescu;you get to be 16. at this point you figure - miuch like that chick in wuthering heights or whichever had the 7 sisters - you have about as much need of fucking as you have of someone sticking his finger up your nose.
920497;1415920659;mircea_popescu;this notwithstanding, a strange man comes, takes you away, puts you in a new place and makes you pregnant.
920498;1415920675;mircea_popescu;this is obviously coercitive, on the part of said man.
920499;1415920701;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, you get over it, and the wound heals like any wound, and now you have children, which of course you love, being so wired to do.
920500;1415920715;mircea_popescu;but now they are 16, and a man comes and takes them to war, where they get shot and die.
920501;1415920726;mircea_popescu;this, obviously, also coercitive.
920502;1415920746;mircea_popescu;the alternative being, of course, that you could be an old maid, in which case the same children would be... just as equally dead.
920503;1415920775;mircea_popescu;or else, that you'd have unbearable brats the sort that grow up to be isaiah berlin and fill the world with the idiocy of their parareasonings as to why nobody ever needs to grow the fuck up already.
920504;1415920811;mircea_popescu;then the whole ecosystem collapses under their weight ; rocks fall, everyone dies ; the mongols come to rape the lot.
920505;1415920824;mircea_popescu;coercion, wtf do you mean coercion ? you're sitting on a chair right now, your but's coerced.
920507;1415920852;JuliaTourianski;i think him and you agree on more than you think
920508;1415920866;mircea_popescu;of course we do.
920509;1415920883;JuliaTourianski;"If I save myself from an adversary by  retreating indoors and locking every entrance and exit, I may remain freer than if I had been  captured by him, but am I freer than if I had defeated or captured him? If I go too far, contract myself into too small a space, I shall suffocate and die. The logical culmination of the process of destroying everything through which I can possibly be wounded is suicide. While I exist
920510;1415920894;mircea_popescu;!up berndj
920511;1415920897;JuliaTourianski;I can never be wholly secure. Total liberation in this sense (as Schopenhauer correctly  perceived) is conferred only by death.28
920512;1415920952;berndj;JuliaTourianski, do you know the book _48 laws of power_? your "sour grapes" comment reminded me, there's rule 36: Disdain things you cannot have: ignoring them is the best revenge
920513;1415920984;JuliaTourianski;berndj i have lately...been a master of this.
920514;1415921003;JuliaTourianski;i do know the book but i have yet to tread it
920516;1415921015;undata;I'm skeptical anyone who ever read a book called "48 Laws of Power" ever had any
920517;1415921015;JuliaTourianski;worth it?
920519;1415921044;undata;or if they did, it must've been the only thing on the toilet
920520;1415921059;berndj;lol undata many of its pages were indeed read on the toilet
920521;1415921069;JuliaTourianski;the who question on non-agression is interesting too
920522;1415921115;JuliaTourianski;i said it was flawed in a mailing list and i got some very insulted ancaps on my case
920523;1415921126;mircea_popescu;!up Mobuis
920524;1415921145;Mobuis;Thank you.
920525;1415921171;JuliaTourianski;Woman and man at a bar. They may or may not be flirting...each may interpret their interaction differently. Man grabs woman's ass. Woman punches man in face.  Has there been a violation of the non-aggression principle? What if the woman liked it or wanted it, but felt embarrassed of her urges due to the public setting and retaliated in a way she felt redeemable. Or maybe she was abused as a child and the act de
920526;1415921180;JuliaTourianski;We can't know. So who aggressed against who? Should the man have asked to grab her ass first...well, that would contradict the entire concept of the mutual thrill of ass grabbing.
920527;1415921209;mircea_popescu;o wait, english speakers actually know that exists ?
920528;1415921218;mircea_popescu;jesus it must suck.
920529;1415921570;danielpbarron;try asking an "ancap" if you have the right to beat your own kids/wives/slaves on your own property
920530;1415921609;mircea_popescu;what's the location got to do with it !?
920531;1415921663;jurov;http://bugs.python.org/issue7143 at last!
920532;1415921664;assbot;Issue 7143: get_payload(decode=True) eats last newline in base64 encoded payload - Python tracker
920533;1415921684;JuliaTourianski;mircea_popescu did you run a porn site
920534;1415921713;berndj;mircea_popescu, presumably on a road, the owner of the road might require you to sign a contract that forbids beating your kids
920535;1415921727;mircea_popescu;jurov ahahaha o god help us. that is like a canonical example of evil.
920536;1415921743;mircea_popescu;JuliaTourianski dja mea nthe 4chan clone ?
920537;1415921760;mircea_popescu;berndj can he now ?
920538;1415921806;berndj;can who now what?
920539;1415921843;mircea_popescu;can some dude owning a road require me anything.
920540;1415921947;JuliaTourianski;danielpbarron most would sa no because NAP
920541;1415921967;mircea_popescu;;;ud nap
920542;1415921968;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=nap | nap. 3 hours of sleep or less. Zerostar took a nap from 2pm to 5pm. by GheTTo January 08, ... My roommate just left for class, so I think I'm going to take a nap.
920543;1415921976;JuliaTourianski;mircea_popescu so did u
920544;1415921992;mircea_popescu;so what's this nap ?
920545;1415922009;RagnarDanneskjol;she asks about pron likely b/c forum muppets derping about your random erotic art posts on 'lema
920546;1415922039;JuliaTourianski;what kind of porn was it
920547;1415922045;BingoBoingo;Oh no, RagnarDanneskjol MP once ran a chan site. Full of people posting n00dz
920548;1415922076;JuliaTourianski;i may break my abstinence tonight if this website still exists
920550;1415922111;BingoBoingo;Site was polimedia.us/dtng
920551;1415922125;undata;mircea_popescu: a religious notion that anarchists suppose would bring about peace on earth and good will towards men
920552;1415922142;undata;the non-aggression principle
920553;1415922147;mircea_popescu;oh, that.
920554;1415922149;mircea_popescu;eh, bs.
920555;1415922174;mircea_popescu;what, the "i have no balls" tag was taken ?
920556;1415922179;BingoBoingo;Yeah, the *archists would reintroduce aggression
920557;1415922217;BingoBoingo;There's always going to be a *archy
920558;1415922230;undata;BingoBoingo: but... read this blog post about how mean it is
920559;1415922240;mircea_popescu;JuliaTourianski which webiste ? dtng was basically... a chan. you know, random people posting whatever.
920560;1415922251;mircea_popescu;if i recall there was a lengthy thread of naked women in star wars paraphenalia
920561;1415922259;mircea_popescu;weird shit like that.
920562;1415922292;BingoBoingo;undata: Of course *archy is mean. Just avoid the robokleptarchy
920566;1415922618;RagnarDanneskjol;did we just miss a golden opportunity to have miss T. break this abstinence streak?
920568;1415922628;assbot;julia tourianski - Google Search
920569;1415922743;*;BingoBoingo wonders what shitgnome introduced "non-aggression" into ananrchy. With the persistence of the *archy it would seem that aggression would be necessary in one's own defense.
920570;1415922940;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo i;ll tell you how that went. dudes for some reason perceive the need to "sell" it, and since it's obvious that you can't sell something to someone that the someone;d perceive as a "worse" alternative, then necessarily it must be made so that anarchy is not more painful to the average derp than you know, the 1980s in the us.
920571;1415922979;mircea_popescu;notwithstanding that the only possible point to even having anarchy in the first place is to render the sorts of idiots that'd fall for it.
920572;1415923041;undata;"Those guys over there are organizing! Someone should stop them! But how?"
920573;1415923068;BingoBoingo;To think that 100 years ago anarchist aggression started a conflict among the euroarchists
920575;1415923090;mircea_popescu;before being coopted by the socialists, the russian revolution was pure anarchism.
920576;1415923110;mircea_popescu;for that matter, the us was quite a different beast before being coopted by the socialists to.
920577;1415923125;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: mahno's or more generally?
920578;1415923134;mircea_popescu;it's funny, this particular bromilliad, sometimes catches root on a tree, then proceds to derp all about how you know, the purpose of the tree is it!
920579;1415923141;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform more generally.
920580;1415923151;mircea_popescu;even stalin was (and roughly stayed) an anarchist.
920581;1415923233;mircea_popescu;the purpose of trees, to hear the bromeliaceae tell it, is to one day support one! and in fact all life on earth evolves towards that peak of creation, a parasite plant of little notice.
920582;1415923427;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41650 @ 0.00044509 = 18.538 BTC [-] {2} 
920583;1415923550;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform merely consider the fact that the politbureau did not customarily seek to include the general opinion of the populace. not exactly socialism, this, is it ?
920584;1415923568;mircea_popescu;the chinese pretend themselves communists, but really... the us is more advanced on the socialist path than they are.
920585;1415923604;asciilifeform;usa just solved the 'problem' of popular opinion in a rather different way.
920587;1415923639;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform but at least the usian populace gets to pick which butt to be pictured bare.
920588;1415923647;mircea_popescu;the soviets had no equivalent input in the workings of pravda.
920589;1415923654;asciilifeform;really? i don't recall being asked - which butt.
920590;1415923666;mircea_popescu;you personally ? well no, that's not teh socialist way.
920591;1415923668;mircea_popescu;there's metrics, yo.
920593;1415923686;chetty;but those are all made up
920594;1415923695;mircea_popescu;this entire sign things stuff we do is exactly antisocialist.
920595;1415923700;asciilifeform;in usa, they not only had better steel and semiconductors, back in the day, they also had better chumpatronics.
920596;1415923709;asciilifeform;which was the undoing.
920597;1415923748;asciilifeform;see also limonov's discussion re: 'hard' vs 'soft' totalitarianisms
920598;1415923761;joecool; even stalin was (and roughly stayed) an anarchist.  < would you expound on this a bit?  I have never seen that viewpoint expressed
920599;1415923771;asciilifeform;'hard' is when you end up needing to physically restrain people, actually shoot dissenters, etc.
920600;1415923782;mircea_popescu;joecool well, consider his early life. guy robbed banks and generally lived as an outlaw.
920601;1415923784;asciilifeform;'soft' - when the entire concept of meaningful resistance becomes a hard problem
920602;1415923793;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16000 @ 0.00044868 = 7.1789 BTC [+]
920603;1415923810;mircea_popescu;joecool on what grounds would you identify pre-1930 stalin as a socialist ?
920604;1415923830;joecool;mircea_popescu: ah so personally he ran his life as such is what you mean, not his government so much?
920605;1415923850;mircea_popescu;wait a second. what part of the "you folks are like blind kittens" is socialist, iyo ?
920606;1415923862;mircea_popescu;"i know better than you lot, you lot are stupid, not least of all for being a lot in the first place".
920607;1415923869;mircea_popescu;does this sound a lot like socialism to you ?
920608;1415923888;joecool;mircea_popescu: not thinking it was socialism, I just didn't consider it anarchism
920609;1415923896;mircea_popescu;he ran his government exactly like you'd expect a lifetime anarchist war hero to run a government.
920610;1415923902;mircea_popescu;broz tito did exactly the same thing.
920611;1415923910;asciilifeform;where are the mythical 'actual socialists' - and what is even the point of looking for them.
920612;1415923944;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i linked a youtube of a pirvulescu attack on ceausescu.
920613;1415923953;undata;not to derail, but I have to paste this here: http://www.theverge.com/2014/11/13/7213819/your-bowling-shirt-is-holding-back-progress
920614;1415923954;assbot;I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist and ostracizing  | The Verge
920615;1415923960;mircea_popescu;that was exactly "career socialist vs anarchist that overtook the party" moment.
920616;1415923977;undata;apparently that guy's shirt is why women don't "science"
920617;1415924005;mircea_popescu;undata not sure why anyone cares what Chris Plante & Arielle Duhaime-Ross have to say on any topic.
920618;1415924012;mircea_popescu;they're the reason nobody reads the verge.
920619;1415924036;undata;mircea_popescu: representative of opinions you hear in Portland quite often
920620;1415924044;mircea_popescu;except i don't. :)
920621;1415924060;undata;ha, right.
920622;1415924071;mircea_popescu;* at that moment, undata was enlightened * lol
920623;1415924113;mircea_popescu;anyway, to be noted that the european space agency did it. the us relevancy, like the mass of the comet, withering away by the minute.
920624;1415924126;*;mircea_popescu recalls the eu space agency early on, such a risible attempt.
920625;1415924140;mircea_popescu;you know, back when the euro "didn't have a chance", and like the canadian dollar, traded under the usd.
920626;1415924558;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform here's one for ya : a google for McIlroy produces a solid pages of derpage about some random kid playing golf.
920628;1415924714;mircea_popescu;i have a lot of sympathy for kids trying to piece together some shard of understanding out of isaiah berlin, rory mcilroy and ronald mcdonald.
920629;1415924739;assbot;Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/345DS4X.txt )
920630;1415924739;BingoBoingo;!b 3
920632;1415924761;assbot;Beirut Cops Can’t Tell Hipsters From Jihadis -- NYMag
920633;1415924839;mircea_popescu;moreso than for their parents, trying to do the same out of marx, ziggler, carnegey and whatever other fitness trainers and pop-philosophers the almanacs would print.
920634;1415924954;mircea_popescu;http://www.catb.org/~esr/writings/unix-koans/unix-nature.html << not bad, incidentally.
920635;1415924986;gernika;cazalla might this be related enough to bitcoin to cover?: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/isis-declares-new-currency-will-be-circulated-in-its-bid-to-establish-caliphate-across-syria-and-iraq-9859752.html
920636;1415924987;assbot;Isis declares new currency will be circulated in its bid to establish caliphate across Syria and Iraq - Middle East - World - The Independent
920637;1415925099;cazalla;gernika, are you trying to get me arrested for promoting ISIS?
920639;1415925119;asciilifeform;nah, for promoting gold.
920640;1415925121;mircea_popescu;lol that bad is it ?
920641;1415925148;cazalla;mircea_popescu, they kicked down the door of one muslim family for having a plastic sword so yeah
920643;1415925183;BingoBoingo;Eh, I'll write an ISIS coin article then.
920644;1415925260;cazalla;gernika, i can't say i'm that interested in promoting altcoins but thanks for the tip
920645;1415925365;gernika;cazalla are gold and silver altcoins?
920646;1415925471;gernika;Just seems to run contrary to the usgovmedia claim that ISIS is using bitcoin.
920647;1415925473;cazalla;gernika, we have bitcoin so yeah, at least personally
920648;1415925504;mircea_popescu;they've not actually made that claim, have they ?
920649;1415925510;mircea_popescu;other than gossip
920650;1415925535;gernika;mircea_popescu you're right - the claim is that it *could* be used by them I suppose.
920651;1415925546;cazalla;some media claimed so but it was just an ISIS fansite requesting bitcoin donations to pay for hosting
920652;1415925566;mircea_popescu;clearly terrorist internet funbux then.
920653;1415925596;asciilifeform;they'd need to find a way to replace ecdsa with an equivalent of caesar's cipher first.
920654;1415925646;asciilifeform;(who was it who had a piece on how supposed 'enemies of usa' are required, by the laws of god himself, to use idiotically childlike crypto? was it mircea_popescu ?)
920655;1415925675;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2013/the-danger-of-homebrew-crypto/ that ?
920656;1415925675;assbot;The danger of homebrew crypto pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 
920658;1415926177;jurov;http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/patches.html finally something
920659;1415926200;asciilifeform;'signed by' ?
920660;1415926219;jurov;there will be sigs from other people
920661;1415926224;asciilifeform;i'd suggest showing original patch author's sig also
920662;1415926232;jurov;also, it will be hyperlinked to messages in archive
920663;1415926249;jurov;yes, that will be link from "submitted by"
920664;1415926251;mircea_popescu;o hey nice!
920665;1415926252;asciilifeform;(one could hypothetically have a patch 'submitted by' mr x but 'signed by' mr y
920666;1415926255;jurov;the original singature
920667;1415926263;asciilifeform;or does 'submitted by' always refer to original sig
920668;1415926272;jurov;mhm ok
920669;1415926275;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform that anything needs a 1st signature to even be sumitted is not abad design decision
920670;1415926289;mircea_popescu;well yeah, obviously. right jurov ?
920671;1415926324;jurov;yes, without 1st sig it won't appear there
920672;1415926424;jurov;also, ascii as right pentester scattered multiple dots in the filename so it got shortened
920674;1415926442;jurov;it's incredible how he happened to hit multiple bugs at once
920676;1415926454;thestringpuller;http://www.cnbc.com/id/102183717 << Hahaha
920677;1415926454;mircea_popescu;maybe he knew what he was doing ?
920678;1415926501;mircea_popescu;jurov incidentally, gimme the short version, how do i submit to this thing ?
920679;1415926534;asciilifeform;jurov: i got yet another copy of 'patch' in email. i presume you are turning the knobs as we speak?
920680;1415926541;jurov;http://ml.therealbitcoin.org/mailman/listinfo/btc-dev "Submitting patches"
920682;1415926546;jurov;can;'t get much shorter
920683;1415926565;asciilifeform;!up ml.therealbitcoin.org
920685;1415926572;asciilifeform;;;isup ml.therealbitcoin.org
920686;1415926575;gribble;ml.therealbitcoin.org is down
920687;1415926575;mircea_popescu;yeah did it just die ?
920689;1415926604;jurov;sry ml. is for internal use only
920690;1415926641;asciilifeform;someone (who read it!) try signing my patch ?
920691;1415926652;asciilifeform;see if displays.
920692;1415926665;mircea_popescu;jurov specifically, is there any way for me to submit signature comments ?
920693;1415926686;jurov;reply to the thread?
920694;1415926703;asciilifeform;jurov: how would he (or anyone else) submit a detached sig meant to go with a particular patch ?
920695;1415926710;asciilifeform;in such a way that it displays under 'signed by'
920696;1415926721;jurov;by using the file name
920697;1415926724;mircea_popescu;"Recommended process is to pipe the signed message text directly to mailx or similar client without ambitions." ahahaha gotta love jurov.
920699;1415926734;asciilifeform;jurov: wouldn't this result in duplicates ?
920700;1415926740;jurov;wget http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/attachments/20141112/bitcoin-asciilifeform_a6ada6bb9cebb9540df1fda3465d942a4631d202.2-https_snipsnip.patch
920701;1415926749;mircea_popescu;jurov but suppose i wish to say "reviewed X part ; Y part outside of my comprehension". can not be done ?
920702;1415926752;*;asciilifeform does not ever want to read duplicates
920703;1415926758;jurov;gpg -b bitcoin-asciilifeform_a6ada6bb9cebb9540df1fda3465d942a4631d202.2-https_snipsnip.patch
920704;1415926788;jurov;it will make blablabla...hexporn.patch.sig
920705;1415926804;jurov;send this file under this name as attachment
920706;1415926810;mircea_popescu;so basically, the correct approach here would have been for ascii to make a patch for each individual diff ?
920707;1415926818;jurov;it pairs the sig to the patch by name
920708;1415926826;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i have an idea here. if this actually plays out, you would say to me: 'i will not sign X. because i grok X.a but not X.b. please split into two, and i shall sign X.a, or go on to explain to me precisely how X.b works.'
920709;1415926829;jurov;you mean individual hunks?
920710;1415926848;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform but what if you communicating with me is impractical ? because say, you're dead.
920711;1415926849;mircea_popescu;jurov yes.
920712;1415926862;asciilifeform;well, when i'm dead, someone else (e.g. you) can cut X into X.a and X.b
920713;1415926876;mircea_popescu;well no, because then all the history is lost.
920714;1415926876;jurov;mircea_popescu: if stan is dead you'll split it yourself and resend with your sigs
920715;1415926885;asciilifeform;X.b will sit, as an orphan, inside a comment thread, until the fateful day that someone picks it up, and signs it, and convinces others to.
920716;1415926889;mircea_popescu;and what of the 500 orher dead people that signed his ?
920717;1415926892;asciilifeform;aha what jurov said
920718;1415926894;jurov;i dunno how it can be cryptographically linked
920719;1415926935;asciilifeform;eventually all signatures belong to the dead.
920721;1415926946;mircea_popescu;so for this reason, all patches must be mononuclear ?
920722;1415926955;asciilifeform;that was my original suggestion.
920723;1415926967;asciilifeform;that a patch, a particular one, is a particular identifiable 'thing.'
920724;1415926979;mircea_popescu;so what happened to the suggestion ?
920725;1415926989;asciilifeform;e.g., 'here we burn gavin's broadcaster out with hot iron.'
920726;1415926996;asciilifeform;'here we remove https.'
920727;1415927000;jurov;which suggestion?
920728;1415927008;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform his.
920729;1415927015;mircea_popescu;oops. jurov asciilifeform's.
920730;1415927026;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39845 @ 0.00045202 = 18.0107 BTC [+] {2} 
920731;1415927036;asciilifeform;to be clear, my suggestion concerned how to write patches.
920732;1415927047;mircea_popescu;anyway, even if they are all mononuclear, there's still semantic value to be had. suppose i wish to say "have read and understood this to do what it says ; have not tested it in fact".
920733;1415927060;mircea_popescu;should this be verboten, and all or nothing commitment upon signer ?
920734;1415927083;asciilifeform;this was actually a point i brought up when mircea_popescu said 'one day you shall earn bread by signing code' or something to that effect
920735;1415927092;jurov;for thi there's the mailman archive
920736;1415927094;asciilifeform;my question was, that day, 'sign under what'
920737;1415927096;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i know.
920738;1415927117;jurov;otherwise i hve no idea how to put such semantic metainfo in the db
920739;1415927125;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you do appreciate the following point : up until and in any case unless one actually had to put his own signature, these matters never have been seriously considered by asnyone.
920740;1415927132;mircea_popescu;so in that sense, great progress.
920741;1415927143;asciilifeform;these matters were considered by engineers since hammurabi.
920742;1415927144;jurov;maybe you want to rate the patch? lol
920743;1415927147;mircea_popescu;jurov im not even sure it should be there.
920744;1415927150;jurov;;;rate -1 sketchy
920745;1415927150;gribble;Error: 'sketchy' is not a valid integer.
920746;1415927172;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i mean specifically about patches to foss.
920748;1415927215;mircea_popescu;or for any other system where stuff can be changed / "contributed" by "nobody". but anyway, we digress.
920749;1415927243;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform do me the courtesy and resubmit as mono patches and then the new ones can win the longer sigchain race with the original one ?
920750;1415927257;asciilifeform;mono patches?
920751;1415927266;mircea_popescu;1 change per patch.
920752;1415927276;asciilifeform;1 change as in, 1 line?
920753;1415927280;jurov;well, the https one is pretty compact
920754;1415927284;mircea_popescu;shit the hard questions you ask.
920755;1415927288;*;asciilifeform is a little confused here
920756;1415927289;mircea_popescu;i dunno ;/
920757;1415927293;jurov;if it will be shorter, it could not compilke
920758;1415927296;mircea_popescu;what should "one" mean in this fortran ?
920759;1415927299;asciilifeform;when i originally suggested 'one change', it was a semantic thing
920760;1415927310;asciilifeform;as in, 'and here we remove the nuclear detonator'
920761;1415927326;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform myeah.
920762;1415927326;asciilifeform;rather than 'one line of code' (try reading the result!) or somesuch.
920763;1415927337;mircea_popescu;jurov seems the site needs the extension of a "patch notes" clickable field ?
920764;1415927348;asciilifeform;in that respect, all of the patches i (and the 2 other fellows) offered so far, are monolithic.
920765;1415927368;mircea_popescu;and similarly, signatures get a "sig notes" following them, like signed by 01ABFFC7(n) 02ABFFC7(n) etc
920766;1415927397;jurov;yes, it's in pipeline
920767;1415927400;mircea_popescu;seems to me this'd resolve all outstanding problems.
920768;1415927422;asciilifeform;so what will be the convention for submitting 'patch note with sig' ?
920769;1415927445;mircea_popescu;as to the meaning ?
920770;1415927451;jurov;put clearsigned note into email body
920771;1415927454;asciilifeform;also i don't remember if i reminded anyone of this, but unix 'patch' utility is rather braindead.
920772;1415927457;jurov;or first att
920773;1415927468;asciilifeform;in that, for example, all of the patches submitted so far will break if one is removed from the chain.
920774;1415927470;jurov;and detached sig as second att
920775;1415927485;asciilifeform;(line number idiocy)
920776;1415927488;mircea_popescu;jurov sample code for mailx in the help file would help a great deal.
920777;1415927495;mircea_popescu;i know this from the mpex faq days.
920778;1415927521;jurov;mircea_popescu: gpg --clearsign | mailx btc-dev@therealbitcoin.org
920779;1415927535;jurov;this needs explicit mention?
920780;1415927540;mircea_popescu;jurov this handles the attachment scheme you wish to use ?
920781;1415927558;jurov;oh that, mailx does not handle attachments
920782;1415927562;asciilifeform;jurov: this is not a working example
920783;1415927607;mircea_popescu;well if mailx doesn'tdo attachments then why do you suggest people use it to mail you attachments lol.
920785;1415927619;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 410.23, Best ask: 410.66, Bid-ask spread: 0.43000, Last trade: 410.2, 24 hour volume: 49225.83783296, 24 hour low: 381.55, 24 hour high: 453.92, 24 hour vwap: 419.932867651
920786;1415927636;jurov;i suggested it for text.. but yes it's dumb
920787;1415927717;jurov;apparently it actually does with uuencode..okay another todo
920788;1415927758;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 72350 @ 0.00045058 = 32.5995 BTC [-] {2} 
920789;1415927787;mircea_popescu;anyway, i'd say this is progressing nicely.
920790;1415928307;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22574 @ 0.0004444 = 10.0319 BTC [-]
920791;1415928642;nubbins`;i must not derp. derping is the mind-killer.
920792;1415928660;nubbins`;derping is the little stupidity that leads to total insolvency
920793;1415928666;mircea_popescu;lol if this cult thing catches on we can even have derpfessions. "have you derped my son ?"
920794;1415928672;nubbins`;i will face my derp
920795;1415928682;nubbins`;i will permit it to pass over me and through me
920796;1415928687;mircea_popescu;there could be a new disease, the derpes...
920799;1415928705;nubbins`;derpes simplex
920800;1415928710;nubbins`;my actual sides
920801;1415928735;mircea_popescu;as in, "kissing Arielle Duhaime-Ross will give you herpes, but reading her inanity in the verge will give you derpes"
920802;1415928736;asciilifeform;(from, naturally, rt: http://russian.rt.com/article/58508#ixzz3IUAu0a71 )
920803;1415928763;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform wait, what ?!
920804;1415928771;BingoBoingo;Watch our for the monkeys with Derpes B
920805;1415928779;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: misprint. they fired the monkey.
920806;1415928784;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo you mean derpes c++ ?
920807;1415928789;asciilifeform;it was 'osama' originally.
920808;1415928804;mircea_popescu;oic lol
920809;1415928816;nubbins`; EATS THE TRAILING NEWLINE <<< fwiw deeds eats the trailing \n
920810;1415928835;nubbins`;srsly, won't verify with it
920811;1415928859;jurov;nubbins` after the signature?
920813;1415928867;ben_vulpes;wow did you assholes poop out 1600 lines today?
920815;1415928871;nubbins`;!s deed utils
920816;1415928872;assbot;6 results for 'deed utils' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=deed+utils
920817;1415928879;mircea_popescu;;;google wasn't me
920818;1415928879;gribble;Shaggy - It Wasn't Me - YouTube: ; It Wasn't Me - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; It Wasn't Me Lyrics Shaggy - Genius: 
920819;1415928888;jurov;ohai ben_vulpes
920820;1415928895;jurov;we aren;'t done yet
920821;1415928900;ben_vulpes;heyo jurov mailthing still ongoing saga?
920822;1415928909;nubbins`;jurov http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-11-2014#908001
920823;1415928909;assbot;Logged on 03-11-2014 17:23:14; nubbins`: tool for predicting deed ID of clearsigned file: http://pastebin.com/Ls76h1kd
920824;1415928920;nubbins`;line 11
920825;1415928958;jurov;this ended up py base64 decoder bug... deeds don't do anything w/base64 i hope
920827;1415928990;nubbins`;i grab the base64 deed via json when verifying
920828;1415928997;nubbins`;but it's not necessary to b64 anything
920829;1415929007;jurov;lol, so upgrade to py 2.7 then
920830;1415929014;ben_vulpes;hah you guys got nubbins` programming?
920831;1415929047;nubbins`;5 years in the trenches, baby
920833;1415929062;nubbins`;no. never again.
920834;1415929089;nubbins`;but try as i may, some parts of my old brain just won't reformat
920835;1415929120;mircea_popescu;coding is like buttsex, can be enjoyable if well paced.
920836;1415929126;nubbins`;jurov fwiw some (most?) text editors append a \n at the end of text files
920837;1415929131;nubbins`;i know pico does
920838;1415929144;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: also in the permanent deformations of the respective organs.
920840;1415929167;jurov;nubbins`: but they usually show it (you can move to the new line)
920841;1415929171;mircea_popescu;that's a myth.
920842;1415929179;jurov;vim sees '\\\n' but doesn't show it
920843;1415929183;mircea_popescu;i bet you you can't pikc out butt virgins in a line-up.
920844;1415929188;*;asciilifeform can only speak for the programming
920845;1415929189;mircea_popescu;not unless the actual women open up.
920846;1415929201;nubbins`;jurov true. upon reopening the file it's there
920848;1415929210;nubbins`;how does one save a text file that doesn't end in \n?
920849;1415929214;nubbins`;not so easy
920850;1415929223;ben_vulpes;so does the patchpusher work or not?
920851;1415929234;mircea_popescu;prototype works, more stuff to be added.
920852;1415929245;nubbins`;truthfully i wonder if deedbot shouldn't be stripping the trailing \n
920853;1415929253;mircea_popescu;why ?
920855;1415929280;nubbins`;i don't know ;/
920857;1415929314;mircea_popescu;maybe darcs should strip the trailing \n then ?
920858;1415929315;nubbins`;why in the fuck do text editors add it in the first place?
920859;1415929367;nubbins`;mildly amusing that this is the most difficult part of all this stuff, in the meantime
920861;1415929397;undata;nubbins`: some farty unix convention
920863;1415929403;assbot;history - Why should files end with a newline? - Stack Overflow
920864;1415929425;nubbins`;i assumed it was so if you spat the file out, the bash prompt would be on a new line
920865;1415929481;undata;everyone in that thread is just saying that they're "supposed to"
920866;1415929496;mircea_popescu;nubbins` im pretty sure that's what it is.
920867;1415929499;nubbins`;well i can see what they mean
920868;1415929512;nubbins`;you dirty a line, you provide a clean one to the next guy
920869;1415929531;asciilifeform;!s postel's law
920870;1415929532;assbot;3 results for 'postel's law' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=postel%27s+law
920871;1415929543;nubbins`;so maybe deedbot shouldn't be stripping the \n at eof
920872;1415929548;*;asciilifeform not enamoured with postel's law
920873;1415929551;nubbins`;punkman ^
920876;1415929755;mircea_popescu;!up hank_
920877;1415929915;asciilifeform;http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2826980/Winston-Churchill-s-bid-nuke-Russia-win-Cold-War-uncovered-secret-FBI-files.html << ideal example of 'crank bait' method. perfectly factual allegation, regarded as nearly hundred percent proven by ru historians for decades. 'smoking gun' finally out. what does lizard hitler do? orders it printed in 'daily mail.'
920878;1415929915;assbot;Winston Churchill's 'bid to nuke Russia' to win Cold War uncovered | Daily Mail Online
920879;1415930000;asciilifeform;'what kind of fool would believe document from 'daily mail' ?'
920880;1415930014;mircea_popescu;the romanian epxression is, "perfidul albion"
920882;1415930261;mircea_popescu;anyway, nothing remarkable there. it's to be used like any other thing.
920883;1415930318;asciilifeform;as a 'zoologist' of these, can't help but notice the extraordinarily-obvious specimen in the wild.
920885;1415930357;assbot;CryptoCoinsNews: Disable Your Adblocker! | Qntra.net
920887;1415930422;mircea_popescu;!s David Parker
920888;1415930423;assbot;1 results for 'David Parker' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=David+Parker
920889;1415930430;undata;speaking of unremarkable news: http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2014/nov/13/us-military-considers-troops-iraq-general
920890;1415930431;assbot;US military considers sending combat troops to battle Isis forces in Iraq | US news | The Guardian
920891;1415930437;undata;I guess Iraq is the ditch we want to die in
920893;1415930447;ben_vulpes;double down
920894;1415930464;ben_vulpes;more shellshock in the populace
920895;1415930473;ben_vulpes;actually probably less cuz drones, n'est?
920896;1415930500;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2014/nov/13/eric-frein-terrorism-charges-pennsylvania-police-ambush
920897;1415930501;assbot;Eric Frein to face terrorism charges over fatal Pennsylvania police ambush | US news | The Guardian
920898;1415930510;cazalla;mircea_popescu, prolly a fake name, i've searched and searched and there is nothing on this guy
920899;1415930514;undata;ben_vulpes: this us heading back in with marines
920900;1415930518;undata;*is us
920901;1415930519;mircea_popescu;cazalla yeah, it's a fake name.
920902;1415930530;mircea_popescu;prolly the gaw dude himself.
920903;1415930547;mircea_popescu;"Charge based on letter by Frein calling for revolution" << :D
920904;1415930556;undata;ben_vulpes: the classic "just the tip" maneuver
920905;1415930589;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Seemed inevitable
920906;1415931116;mircea_popescu;undata the funny part is, the us got so fucking raped in iraq it's hard to describe. now they want to go for round two ?
920907;1415931133;mircea_popescu;it's impractical, 2000s us could borrow the 50trn they used. 2015s us can not.
920908;1415931183;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: remaining u.s. physical industry is 99% iraq-based (that is, hardware whose inventory must be churned in some iraq or other.)
920909;1415931190;asciilifeform;so, gotta churn inventory.
920910;1415931199;mircea_popescu;it's not inventory unless you can replace it.
920911;1415931218;mircea_popescu;to make it perfectly clear : any sunk cruiser reduces the total count of cruisers the us will ever have by 1.
920912;1415931224;mircea_popescu;every downed plane is downed for good.
920913;1415931228;asciilifeform;those who order the churn, have no concept that there will not be replacement ordered.
920915;1415931263;mircea_popescu;anyway, if anyone has a direct interest in the welfare of the poor grunts involved, like loved ones or w/e :
920916;1415931274;BingoBoingo;Oh look, its the S.MPOE market cap: https://twitter.com/ScottWuerz/status/533076669419245568
920917;1415931275;assbot;So much for speculation about no more 10-yr deals. Heyman says MIA taking w/Stanton about a 12-yr, $300 mil deal. How will they afford it?
920918;1415931281;mircea_popescu;the coming iraq campaign will be the first one the us soldiers will not have enough boots and shit. maybe best enlist for something else.
920919;1415931296;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28500 @ 0.00044459 = 12.6708 BTC [+] {3} 
920920;1415931307;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: not the first. i vaguely recall '1 flak jacket for 3 men' in the last one
920921;1415931311;asciilifeform;mats_cd03 ^^ ?
920922;1415931313;undata;mircea_popescu: they didn't even have enough armor, etc., last time
920923;1415931316;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform flak jackets != boots.
920924;1415931336;mircea_popescu;yes, trhey were short materiel.
920925;1415931344;mircea_popescu;this time they will be short toilet paper and toothpaste.
920926;1415931400;BingoBoingo;I recall they were short on toilet paper and toothpaste last time. I recall solicitations for "care packages" consisting of basic necessities when I was at school.
920927;1415931416;asciilifeform;saw this, yes
920928;1415931427;asciilifeform;the one that always got me was the donation box for 'books'
920929;1415931432;asciilifeform;yes, generic 'books.'
920930;1415931443;asciilifeform;brought to mind the possibility that these were to be used in lieu of toilet paper.
920931;1415931455;mircea_popescu;wouldn't that come with a "no bibles please" ?
920932;1415931465;asciilifeform;they get those from usg.
920933;1415931476;BingoBoingo;They really do
920934;1415931477;mircea_popescu;as in, too smooth for use.
920936;1415931497;asciilifeform;and printed on telephone book paper.
920937;1415931530;mircea_popescu;should be funny to see when the first supposed army uniot goes native.
920938;1415931554;mircea_popescu;happened to the late romans a whole heck of a lot more than they ever cared to admit
920939;1415931554;undata;I can't rub two coherent thoughts together that make going back to Iraq a good idea.
920940;1415931565;undata;mass delusion?
920941;1415931572;BingoBoingo;I thought that was linked here not too long ago, except they went native at their own station.
920942;1415931577;mircea_popescu;in fact, it was the premier driver behind the eventual move to mercenaries, something otherwise politically incomprehensible for today's curious student.
920943;1415931588;undata;so this islamic state consolidates parts of the middle east? that's probably a great thing.
920944;1415931599;mircea_popescu;but the politicos of the time were caught in the very real vice of "well, rome's poor or the vandals, about as trustworthy"
920945;1415931610;mircea_popescu;undata not for local women.
920946;1415931627;asciilifeform;this is why no going native.
920947;1415931634;undata;mircea_popescu: certainly not. neither is the current circumstance though
920948;1415931637;asciilifeform;who the hell wants to go native - there.
920949;1415931643;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform every young man.
920951;1415931659;mircea_popescu;undata women are principally distinguished by a preference for the shit they know.
920952;1415931664;mircea_popescu;that's actually what womanhood MEANS.
920954;1415931692;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform sure. think about it : be the gods of their age group ? instead of going home to hear a stupid bitchfest, stay with the people where rape is something you're supposed to do ?
920955;1415931701;mircea_popescu;why were they in the army in the first place,. to police reddit ?
920956;1415931709;asciilifeform;to get their teeth done.
920958;1415931738;undata;if we see IS as an actual threat, we really must be in sore shape.
920959;1415931749;mircea_popescu;notice that in a group of 100k idiots, you may end up with a subgroup of 100 or 10 idiots of any particular braindamage you wish.
920960;1415931781;BingoBoingo; to get their teeth done. << One cousin enlisted for this reason. Now afraid of dentists.
920961;1415931793;mircea_popescu;i can readily see numerous angles through which retiring from the us military to baghdad rather than kansas is preferable to the 19 yo mind.
920962;1415931840;mircea_popescu;really, the lucky aspect for the us army officers is that the arabs don't bother to learn english. otherwise, the sheer cultural pressure would probably make "boots on ground" untenable.
920963;1415931919;asciilifeform;the phase transition may be the point where we leave 'desertion means no more toilet paper' and move to 'desertion means access to toilet paper.'
920964;1415931962;mircea_popescu;it's already "desertion means leaving a world that you don't understand" and move to "desertion means joining a world you easily do"
920965;1415931965;asciilifeform;(or more fantastic example - ice cream. i have it on good authority that many american units in iraq were supplied even with it.)
920966;1415931982;mircea_popescu;lol why wouldn't they be ?!
920967;1415932000;asciilifeform;because wtf.
920968;1415932011;mircea_popescu;icecream has been a part of rations since vietnam
920969;1415932058;asciilifeform;somebody wake up mats_cd03.
920970;1415932123;asciilifeform;or perhaps he is already being shaved and fitted with new uniform for the next gig.
920971;1415932136;*;BingoBoingo recalls friend telling stories that when the was in the Infantry every few weeks he'd have to watch the Airforce at his base have friendly BBQ's with thier Afghans
920972;1415932177;undata;a brother of a friend was in fallujah; I've heard a few of his stories, and they weren't about iced cream.
920973;1415932238;undata;why "IS"? I'm sure he and others clearing houses of everything that moved didn't help.
920974;1415932242;BingoBoingo;The spectrum of US Armed forces experiences this past decade is a wide one. The cousin nao afraid of dentist in his whole time enlisted in the marines was either in the US or on a boat.
920975;1415932313;BingoBoingo;Well, ISI* probably because 'Murica wasn't as scary as Saddam, so Pro Idiotas had room
920976;1415932378;BingoBoingo;And eventually after some embarrassment they have less ideas and America leaves, then ??? ISIL
920977;1415932424;BingoBoingo;Pretty much the story of Los Zetas, but in reverse
920978;1415932493;mircea_popescu;something like that. woman previously married to some hard drinking bozo meets a phthisc young man who's a "student" whatever that may mean. the three quarrel, the kid ends up killing the man, talks the woman up a storm then... leaves ?
920979;1415932507;mircea_popescu;she's too horny to go to bed so she fucks a coupla passing bums, with disastrous effects.
920980;1415932551;BingoBoingo;Los Zetas started as a bunch of experts, but finite hit points and now the human shields are in charge and Nuevo Laredo can't have a nice hooker district anymore
920982;1415932757;assbot;The West's self-licking ice cream cones - Opinion - Al Jazeera English
920983;1415932761;mircea_popescu;somewhat related.
920984;1415932771;mircea_popescu;As far as I am aware, the phrase came into usage among knowing observers of the Vietnam War. A self-licking ice cream cone is a programme or policy that costs money and resources, generating a great deal of activity; produces indicators of its own success, preferably quantitative; but does not actually achieve its announced goals. Indeed, a proper self-licking cone undermines the very purposes for which it was created,
920985;1415932771;mircea_popescu;while at the same time sucking in ever more resources from worthy and effective activities.
920986;1415932812;cazalla;mircea_popescu: icecream has been a part of rations since vietnam <<< lt dan, icecream!
920987;1415932857;asciilifeform;self-licking ice cream cone << i learned the phrase from mr. mold, who used it to describe u.s. academia.
920988;1415932866;mircea_popescu;More targets meant more bombing, and more bombing meant a bigger role for the USAF. The result was more budget, more planes, and career advancement for all concerned.
920989;1415932867;mircea_popescu;The only problem was that the bombing was helping lose the war. Predictably, the peasants turned against Saigon, leading to the introduction of US ground forces in 1965. Like the body count, the number of structures destroyed had no relation to actually winning the war. It was an indicator of organisational success wholly divorced from reality, and from the values that the organisation was supposed to
920990;1415932867;mircea_popescu;be serving. The USAF was killing the very peasants it was there to save from communism.
920991;1415932874;mircea_popescu;pretty much the story of iraq v1 and v2, for that matter.
920992;1415932893;mircea_popescu;a bureaucracy is history-less, in that it is incapable of learning from its mistakes, just like amoeba is incapable of learning writing.
920993;1415932901;mircea_popescu;it will follow the sugar gradient and that's all it does.
920995;1415932912;nubbins`;dat silkscreened photograph
920996;1415932928;mircea_popescu;nubbins` how much did that run cost ?
920997;1415932954;mircea_popescu;o nm, it's not a book, it's a poster.
920998;1415933016;nubbins`;http://i.imgur.com/6qVTCuK.jpg close up
920999;1415933104;nubbins`;http://i.imgur.com/04rtgLI.jpg unsuccessful attempt w/ stochastic dots
921000;1415933126;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 67250 @ 0.00043619 = 29.3338 BTC [-] {3} 
921001;1415933144;*;BingoBoingo remembers publishing a poetry book at a ninety something percent loss. -ISBN-(sample copies)+(~7 dollars in ebook revenue from Austrialia) = Loss, I was enlightened, also a week later on lithium
921002;1415933232;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo how many sales is 7 bux ?
921003;1415933276;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: 20 or so I believe. I think on ebooks I got 30%. "Self" publishing is a racket
921005;1415933315;BingoBoingo;But I was young, dumb, and in grad school pt. 1
921006;1415933345;mircea_popescu;unless you actually self publish. asylum ended up costing about 1.40 per copy, printfiles -> distributor warehouse.
921007;1415933396;BingoBoingo;Yeah. In the aftermath I did the math on, "What if I actually had something worth publishing on tree cadavers"
921008;1415933513;mircea_popescu;basically, everywhere guis are a racket.
921009;1415933539;mircea_popescu;when one approaches you with the proposition of "making things easy" what he means is, your wallet. easier to carry.
921010;1415933583;mircea_popescu;things that can be easy already are. things that aren't easy can't be made "easier". if you can't afford a house, taking credit doesn't make the house easier. etc.
921011;1415933593;asciilifeform;the great crime of the 'easy self publishing' of today's automagic laser-printer-with-binding-machine is... on the reader.
921012;1415933626;asciilifeform;not long ago, i opened yet another envelope in expectation of finding 'a book that was actually a book once' and got an ms-word formatted turd
921013;1415933630;BingoBoingo;Oh, and original resolution of the NL MVP Stanton bet ended up being right. You can have the mods clear out all of that penny sports bet baseball spam nao
921014;1415933632;asciilifeform;with contents to match.
921015;1415933633;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform o btw, does the end product of my first foray into that industry suck ?
921016;1415933646;asciilifeform;it's a riot, actually
921017;1415933653;asciilifeform;i was thinking of a different envelope.
921018;1415933655;mircea_popescu;i mean as a product. the thing itself.
921019;1415933662;mircea_popescu;teh item
921020;1415933678;mircea_popescu;i ask you for i suspect you've read books before.
921022;1415933706;mircea_popescu;(true story, gave one to woman, she's like "oh this is so nice, i've never read a book before!"
921023;1415933714;mircea_popescu;intending it as a sort of compliment i guess ?)
921024;1415933716;asciilifeform;;;google is that a real program or is that something somebody wrote
921025;1415933717;gribble;Programming Sucks - Still Drinking: ; Will Smith Quotes (Author of Just the Two of Us) - Goodreads: ; How To Become A Hacker - Catb.org: 
921026;1415933745;asciilifeform;damn, wish i could find that ancient piece.
921027;1415933747;*;BingoBoingo was disappointed in the quality of his print on demand turd. The spine was an outie...
921028;1415933758;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo pod sucked for a long time
921029;1415933758;BingoBoingo;On a paperback
921030;1415933765;mircea_popescu;by now it's maibe okish
921031;1415933779;BingoBoingo;Twas 2009, POD had been a thing for a while
921032;1415933791;asciilifeform;by now they have it to the level of the crappier mass-produced books.
921033;1415933801;BingoBoingo;I mean it's solid. I didn't get gyp'd on glue
921034;1415933806;asciilifeform;still can't get, afaik, 'lay-flats' other than the spiral variety
921035;1415933820;asciilifeform;lay-flat requires, i think, saddle-stitch binding
921036;1415933824;asciilifeform;rather than glue
921037;1415933881;asciilifeform;for what it's worth, i routinely use 'lulu.com' as a personal printer.
921038;1415933887;asciilifeform;works great.
921039;1415933888;BingoBoingo;If I were to imagine a serious book piracy operation, the standard glue "Perfect" binding would be prefered
921040;1415933906;BingoBoingo;Lulu.com was my printer too!
921041;1415933922;asciilifeform;they have, afaik, the whole thing automated. from 'pdf' to mailing crate.
921042;1415933931;asciilifeform;quite possibly no human ever even sees the result.
921043;1415933954;asciilifeform;when i say 'personal printer', i mean, in lieu of an actual printer.
921044;1415933960;asciilifeform;of the kind one may keep on a desk.
921045;1415933993;asciilifeform;for instance, i like, e.g., ic data sheets, in dead tree.
921047;1415934025;asciilifeform;i don't own a computer 'fast' enough to 'flip' a pdf the way a dead tree heap can be flipped, and not sure if such a machine even exists.
921048;1415934026;mircea_popescu;"Would you drive across this bridge? No. If it somehow got built, everybody involved would be executed. Yet some version of this dynamic wrote every single program you have ever used, banking software, websites, and a ubiquitously used program that was supposed to protect information on the internet but didn't."
921049;1415934031;mircea_popescu;which is why i am so keen on executions.
921050;1415934039;asciilifeform;yeah i think we did that one here
921051;1415934044;asciilifeform;not the article in question though
921052;1415934060;cazalla;" Earlier in 2014, the SEC investigated Eric Voorhees for the unregistered sale of securities of SatoshiDICE and FeedZeBirds, using the Romanian online crowdsale platform MPEx to solicit investors from 2012 to 2013."
921053;1415934062;asciilifeform;but for some reason yes, google brings it up for 'real program or something somebody wrote'
921054;1415934077;BingoBoingo;cazalla: I wrote a piece on that once
921055;1415934086;mircea_popescu;cazalla let me guess, they sourced it and everything.
921056;1415934094;mircea_popescu;which is how they got the wrong year.
921057;1415934099;cazalla;http://www.kattenlaw.com/showadvisory.aspx?Show=47630 if you are interested
921058;1415934100;assbot;Recent Key Bitcoin and Virtual Currency Regulatory and  Law Enforcement Developments | Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP
921059;1415934109;BingoBoingo;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2014/06/03/the-sec-bares-its-gums-and-settles-with-erik/ cazalla
921060;1415934109;assbot;The SEC Bares its Gums and Settles with Erik | Bingo Blog
921061;1415934128;cazalla;BingoBoingo, i've read that, this is just something i come across while looking for news
921062;1415934139;mircea_popescu;well, i guess this is a good point for anyone considering using Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP : don't.
921063;1415934157;mircea_popescu;they're too lazy to do their research and sprout nonsense in their pr. imagine the sort of horribru buried in their court filings
921064;1415934164;BingoBoingo;Oh, so like the think that got shat into news about litecoin mining which was settled last year
921065;1415934167;mircea_popescu;admitting anyone was to date naive enough to allow them to file on his behalf.
921066;1415934265;mircea_popescu;anyway, one of those fast food chains of legal practice. high churn, large staff of largely unqualified lawyers on dead end career tracks, whole thing kept together by paralegals, somewhat.
921067;1415934289;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: found it!! >> https://www.mail-archive.com/kragen-tol@canonical.org/msg00184.html
921068;1415934290;assbot;my evolution as a programmer
921069;1415934318;asciilifeform;original link dead many years ago, but - mirror.
921070;1415934363;asciilifeform;(why this was relevant - i will explain later. assuming anyone still cares. and is awake.)
921071;1415934477;BingoBoingo;I'm awake for a while. Winter came. Interfered with my sleep
921072;1415934490;nubbins`;<+mircea_popescu> unless you actually self publish. <<< preach it
921073;1415934524;nubbins`;vanity publishing is often a break-even venture at best
921074;1415934535;mircea_popescu;i'm awake because real cults don't sleep, they wait.
921075;1415934556;nubbins`;cthulhu fh'tagn
921076;1415934567;mircea_popescu;nubbins` what i meant was a distinction between self publishing, ie, being the editor, and self-rape, ie, being the customer of an editor specialised in raping idiots.
921077;1415934588;nubbins`;nod, full agreement here
921078;1415934622;mircea_popescu;this, incidentally, is exactly how hiring a lawyer has worked since at last the 60s
921079;1415934627;mircea_popescu;and how hiring a doctor is starting to be, too.
921080;1415934636;nubbins`;you gotta fight for your health here
921081;1415934646;nubbins`;digging in your heels is the only way
921082;1415934669;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform can you summarily introduce "menu-lookup" writing of glue code for the innocent ?
921083;1415934712;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37291 @ 0.00043536 = 16.235 BTC [-]
921084;1415934885;mircea_popescu;"Is that a real program or is that something somebody wrote?" << ah yea, now this makes sense. i had the exact same notion, for exactly the same reason. a "real program" was something that didn't need to use the z80 basic interpreter, wasn't editable for this reason, and this immutability was cool. then on the msdos system, .exe binaries exactly mapped on this same structure of cool.
921085;1415934925;BingoBoingo;!up devthedev
921086;1415934972;nubbins`;the day i realized i could just type spcinvad instead of spcinvad.exe!!
921087;1415935035;mircea_popescu;i loved deathtrack, and i spent a while finetuning the sound implementation of basic to make the same laser sound.
921088;1415935051;mircea_popescu;i think in the end i got it, and so i could fire as much as i wanted, no concern for bs "laser heating"
921089;1415935092;mircea_popescu;then i plugged a led into the serial port and had it blink when i lasered too, and this i think was the pinnacle of achievement.
921090;1415935104;nubbins`;openbazaar is going to change thzzzzzzz
921091;1415935132;nubbins`;oo a hud for your laser
921093;1415935162;mircea_popescu;imagine this, a 12 yo could figure out the serial port interface in ms-dos, without even knowing wtf a port or an interface are.
921094;1415935180;mircea_popescu;and with a led, mind, which only works on certain voltage going a certain way.
921095;1415935456;nubbins`;that 12yo must have grown up to be the smartest man alive
921096;1415935545;mircea_popescu;as it just so happens, that theory is about to get tested.
921097;1415935560;mircea_popescu;"Write a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 100. But for multiples of three print Fizz instead of the number and for the multiples of five print Buzz. For numbers which are multiples of both three and five print FizzBuzz.
921098;1415935620;mircea_popescu;for i x to y output + Fizz if i|3 output + Buzz if i|5 output + i if output is empty.
921099;1415935621;mircea_popescu;do i pass ?
921100;1415935791;nubbins`;i think if the current smartest man can't say for sure, then yes
921101;1415936725;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41600 @ 0.00043724 = 18.1892 BTC [+]
921102;1415936838;xanthyos;ok i may be wasting my time but i'm going to try to get that guy thomas_d into the wot again tonight
921103;1415936850;xanthyos;persistence paid off with bagels7
921104;1415937001;asciilifeform;menu-lookup writing of glue code << refers to systems like the (1990s? no idea if still fits this description) 'visual basic' and the like.
921105;1415937024;asciilifeform;where gigantic swaths of (hesitate to even call it a) program - get 'written for you'
921106;1415937041;mircea_popescu;basically i got the idea from reading the piece that he means code that implements the "cut problem into parts, implement parts, glue parts together" approach
921107;1415937046;asciilifeform;producing buckets upon buckets of boilerplate crud
921108;1415937069;asciilifeform;aha no. he was speaking of 'glue code' in the sense of gluing heavy 'prefab' swaths together
921109;1415937083;mircea_popescu;so dreamweaver is an example ?
921110;1415937083;asciilifeform;something which the archetypical 'indian replacement programmer' occupies himself with.
921111;1415937092;*;asciilifeform innocent of 'dreamweaver', cannot say
921112;1415937112;mircea_popescu;adobe "autobuild your website" code
921113;1415937118;asciilifeform;aha then likely.
921114;1415937153;mircea_popescu;was famous before mullenderp raped poetry a new hole, because you could tell from all the ad>>> mess that it had been used.
921115;1415937172;mircea_popescu;now those people mostly use wordpress, with PLUGINS
921116;1415937177;asciilifeform;aha, reminiscent of msword html output.
921117;1415937185;mircea_popescu;then ben_vulpes is here going "hmm, where the fuck is this nonsense hardcoded in"
921118;1415937212;*;asciilifeform actually uses a (very threadbare) 'wordpress'
921119;1415937218;mircea_popescu;me too.
921120;1415937222;mircea_popescu;or what's left of one.
921121;1415937227;asciilifeform;^ yes.
921122;1415937238;mircea_popescu;makes php better rhan c i guess
921123;1415937249;mircea_popescu;adobe's shit is written in c, nobody can be bothered to compule it
921124;1415937266;asciilifeform;adobe never once, afaik, published source for anything
921125;1415937277;asciilifeform;other than 'alchemy'
921126;1415937291;asciilifeform;(a crackpot gcc port with... flash (!, yes) back-end)
921127;1415937313;asciilifeform;that was a real riot, incidentally
921128;1415937319;asciilifeform;somebody even got 'doom' to build.
921130;1415937355;assbot;Porting Doom to Flash - Interview with Mike Welsh — Peter Elst
921131;1415937358;asciilifeform;^ that one.
921132;1415937376;asciilifeform;(why? no one knows! but it was done.)
921133;1415937539;mircea_popescu;this was leaked in what, 2002 ?
921135;1415937587;assbot;David Woo Of Bank of America Merrill Lynch: Don't Invest In Bitcoin | Qntra.net
921136;1415937594;cazalla;ooh, scoopbot is back, wb scoopbot
921137;1415937749;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by cazalla: http://qntra.net/2014/11/david-woo-of-bank-of-america-merrill-lynch-dont-invest-in-bitcoin/
921138;1415937836;decimation;I could see some sense in a 'delay' in the case that an actual human examines the transactions before they are released
921139;1415937856;decimation;but in that case it wouldn't be an arbitrary delay enforced by a cron job for no reason
921140;1415937916;decimation;I remember playing 'doom' on my hp-48 calculator
921141;1415937921;decimation;someone ported to 'saturn' assembly
921142;1415938250;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2891 @ 0.0004336 = 1.2535 BTC [-]
921143;1415938677;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 54000 @ 0.00043323 = 23.3944 BTC [-] {2} 
921144;1415938759;mircea_popescu;cazalla lulzy quote.
921145;1415938767;mircea_popescu;will be funny reference in teh future.
921146;1415938862;PeterL;mrjr:thestringpuller: i'll work on getting my creds in order :) meni rosenfeld is one of our investors, and our cto Shaul Kfir was a reviewer for the sidechain paper. << wasn't Meni Rosenfeld connected with a GLBSE scam?
921147;1415938866;mircea_popescu;!up cb_bitcoin
921148;1415938882;mircea_popescu;PeterL from bitdaytrade to whatever you want.
921149;1415938903;PeterL;perhaps not the best name to drop as WoT cred?
921150;1415938923;mircea_popescu;guy specialises in vouching for scams, he's a sort of max keiser for his space.
921151;1415938935;mircea_popescu;speaking of which, what ever happened to aurora coin ? has it passed ethereum yet ?
921152;1415939049;mircea_popescu;"So no, I'm not required to be able to lift objects weighing up to fifty pounds. I traded that for the opportunity to trim Satan's pubic hair while he dines out of my open skull so a few bits of the internet will continue to work for a few more days."
921153;1415939066;mircea_popescu;heh. alternatively, just don't write dumbass ajax websites for monkeys. big fucking deal, srsly.
921154;1415939100;BingoBoingo;"You can't arrest me. I'm the Cake Boss" http://4.nbcny.com/SGgcUl1
921155;1415939101;assbot;TLC's "Cake Boss" Arrested on DWI Charges in Manhattan: NYPD  | NBC New York
921156;1415939197;asciilifeform;http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/NYC-New-York-Hasidic-Jewish-Arrests-Mortgage-Fraud-FBI-Orange-County-282544591.html << more interesting
921157;1415939197;assbot;NY Family Accused of Taking Out $20 Million in Mortgages While Collecting Food Stamps  | NBC New York
921158;1415939243;mircea_popescu;how is this an accusation ?
921159;1415939346;mircea_popescu;a ok, fraud.
921160;1415939369;asciilifeform;real question: in which direction.
921161;1415939393;mircea_popescu;In one instance, one of Rubin's relatives claimed weekly income of $200 to get Medicaid and food stamps while claiming a net worth of $10 million to banks in order to get $7 million in loans.
921162;1415939402;mircea_popescu;this is presented as contradictory, but it actually isn't.
921163;1415939403;asciilifeform;i.e., borrowing $20m while broke and on food stamps? or fraudulently collecting food stamps while bathing in $20m bezzlars.
921164;1415939422;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i think one can genuinely be both simultaenously in the us atm.
921165;1415939425;asciilifeform;'is it rape if the check bounced?'
921166;1415939432;mircea_popescu;much like 1990 russian megacorps.
921167;1415939447;asciilifeform;i imagine we will see
921168;1415939458;asciilifeform;my guess is - yes, both.
921169;1415939755;decimation;http://www.nytimes.com/2014/11/13/us/cuts-in-military-mean-job-losses-for-career-staff.html?_r=0 << usg is broke, decides to 'fire' army officers rather than cut back food stamps
921170;1415939758;assbot;Log In - The New York Times
921171;1415939824;decimation;although to be precise, the way the military 'fires' officers is more of a 'pocket veto' - if you fail to make the cut for promotion (at higher grades) you are automatically discharged
921172;1415939836;asciilifeform;used to be called, 'cachiering'
921173;1415939907;mircea_popescu;http://qntra.net/2014/11/bip-65-revisiting-nlocktime/ << the problem with this is that if a miner doesn't implement the new protocol, and mines a block in spite of the supposed nlocktime lock, that block is well spent.
921174;1415939907;assbot;BIP-65: Revisiting nLockTime | Qntra.net
921175;1415939928;mircea_popescu;so a softfork does not in fact do anything, the dblspending party can just mine their own dblspend and that's that.
921176;1415939981;decimation;wait, they decide protocol details on twitter now?
921177;1415939995;BingoBoingo;Actual soft for yes, but "if all the miners accept" softfork is a hardfork
921178;1415939996;asciilifeform;for those who missed, http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-11-2014#920112
921179;1415939996;assbot;Logged on 13-11-2014 19:04:36; *: asciilifeform admits that he suspects bip64 of being a plot to create usg-like bonds in btc. folks will be asked to trace X proper btc for X+epsilon 'locked' ones that are to land back in their pocket 'in the future', should they live long enough, but are actually recovable 'because this is how the world works'
921180;1415940019;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 56873 @ 0.00044346 = 25.2209 BTC [+] {2} 
921181;1415940052;decimation;oh wait, I thought the delays that the scammer was writing about were simply 'private delays' on the part of the machine
921182;1415940063;mircea_popescu;Proving sacrifice to miners' fees
921183;1415940063;mircea_popescu;Proving the sacrifice of some limited resource is a common technique in a variety of cryptographic protocols. Proving sacrifices of coins to mining fees has been proposed as a universal public good to which the sacrifice could be directed, rather than simply destroying the coins. However doing so is non-trivial, and even the best existing technqiue - announce-commit sacrifices - could encourage mining centralization. C
921184;1415940063;mircea_popescu;HECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY can be used to create outputs that are provably spendable by anyone (thus to mining fees assuming miners behave optimally and rationally) but only at a time sufficiently far into the future that large miners profitably can't sell the sacrifices at a discount.
921185;1415940065;decimation;They want to bake it into the protocol?  That's fuckin nuts
921186;1415940071;mircea_popescu;this is perhaps the most braindamaged nonsense i read today.
921187;1415940087;mircea_popescu;desperately needs more "expert" economists and whatnot.
921188;1415940110;decimation;"universal public good"
921189;1415940113;mircea_popescu; Actual soft for yes, but "if all the miners accept" softfork is a hardfork << "all miners accept" means what ?
921190;1415940117;mircea_popescu;until a new miner joins ?
921191;1415940167;decimation;re: experts: http://rwcg.wordpress.com/2014/11/13/id-rather-have-this-bill-than-not-dictated-the-professor/
921192;1415940169;assbot;“I’d rather have this bill than not”, dictated the Professor | RWCG
921193;1415940186;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Means old clients accept giberish, but miners actually hardfork if a "time locked" signature is mined early
921194;1415940220;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo only workls for as long as they actually do.
921195;1415940235;mircea_popescu;tomorrow large miner joins, doesn't implement it, they hardfork all they want, chainwarz.
921196;1415940258;mircea_popescu;peppering this sort of nonsense in the code is a prime way to ensure the rough equivalent of "atomic weapons" for future negotiations.
921197;1415940266;mircea_popescu;"give us your daugther or we fork it" sort of bs.
921198;1415940301;BingoBoingo;Well, https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2i6pz0/peter_todds_checklocktimeverify_means_bitcoin/cm0liy8 seems not to be popular with the redditards, but on blocksizefork Bitpay has an incentive to choose the shitgnome side and face punishment
921199;1415940302;assbot;Atruk comments on Peter Todd's CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY Means Bitcoin Escrow, Refunds and a Fork
921200;1415940358;mircea_popescu;"It all traces back to the fact that the academy did not police itself properly. They gave, or through their inaction/laziness allowed to get, this guy and his (retarded) output the mantle of expertise. If the bad PR spilling off of him now redounds back onto other academicians in his peer group I understand that will be unfair in some cases but they have only themselves to blame."
921201;1415940361;mircea_popescu;it is not unfair in any case.
921202;1415940364;BingoBoingo;Because of course Vessenes' foundation wants bigger blocks when its only surviving members that pay it need bigger blocks
921203;1415940371;mircea_popescu;they should all hang for his sins. he may get off with prison, being just a fraud
921204;1415940381;mircea_popescu;but the actual professionals should hang, by their own guts.
921205;1415940401;decimation;yeah the author doesn't go far enough
921206;1415940474;mircea_popescu;"Seriously, I bet the model is some kind of gunky spreadsheet. Or something little better, anyway. A mishmash of data being shoved together to reach predetermined conclusions, with tons of ad hoc assumptions. " << sounds like exactly dub's brew :D
921207;1415940485;decimation;I would bet money on that too
921208;1415940487;mircea_popescu;but hey, who's to argue with the politico-experts, right ?
921209;1415940488;decimation;he should start a bitbet
921210;1415940525;asciilifeform;in other news...
921211;1415940527;asciilifeform;'...in one case, the discovery that the crews that maintain the nations 450 intercontinental ballistic missiles had only a single wrench that could attach the nuclear warheads. They started FedExing the one tool to three bases spread across the country, one official familiar with the contents of the reports said Thursday. No one had checked in years to see if new tools were being made, the offici
921212;1415940527;asciilifeform;al said. This was one of many maintenance problems that had been around so long that no one reported them anymore.'
921213;1415940538;asciilifeform;( http://www.nytimes.com/2014/11/14/us/politics/pentagon-studies-reveal-major-nuclear-problems.html )
921214;1415940541;assbot;Log In - The New York Times
921215;1415940555;BingoBoingo;I could seriously imagine the chinese miners being coerced to oppose a USGaving blocksize increase simply because it hurts the payment processors. Bezelzebub bless the triad of mutual enemies working together for our success!
921216;1415940575;decimation;asciilifeform: supposedly that socket wrench that destroyed the missile in the silo in arkansas was 'ilegal'
921217;1415940580;decimation;now you know why
921218;1415940604;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo anyway, all the more reasons to have a proper, functional implementation of the canonical bitcoin code
921219;1415940613;mircea_popescu;for all these idiots to fall back on once the shit hits the fan.
921220;1415940633;decimation;yeah, if anything it's sewing ascii's parachute before being needed
921221;1415940640;BingoBoingo;Indeed, but also a factor that will provide the catalyst for the acceptance of Venetian Bitcoind
921222;1415940640;mircea_popescu;meanwhile they can all hold hands with the canada chick and chant how "bitcoin is not coming and not posing a risk"
921223;1415940654;mircea_popescu;noably, romania's president announced in 2009 that "criza financiara va ocoli romania"
921224;1415940663;mircea_popescu;literally, the crisis will go around romania.
921225;1415940690;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40904 @ 0.00044601 = 18.2436 BTC [+] {2} 
921226;1415940699;decimation;mircea_popescu: you mean that julia character
921227;1415940708;mircea_popescu;w/e her name is.
921228;1415940717;mircea_popescu;was on qntra earlier, which is the only reason she's notable.
921230;1415940743;assbot;Bank of Canada: Bitcoin Poses No Risk But We'll Watch It Closely Anyway | Qntra.net
921231;1415940747;mircea_popescu;Carolyn Wilkins
921232;1415940785;decimation;ah her
921233;1415940812;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29318 @ 0.00044997 = 13.1922 BTC [+]
921234;1415940824;mircea_popescu;!t m s.mpoe
921235;1415940824;assbot;[MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00036402 / 0.00045973 / 0.00056765 (1289039 shares, 592.62 BTC), 7D: 0.00036402 / 0.00058749 / 0.00068888 (6013699 shares, 3,533.03 BTC), 30D: 0.00036402 / 0.00070655 / 0.00081111 (22518580 shares, 15,910.69 BTC)
921236;1415940851;BingoBoingo;https://www.quantcast.com/qntra.net << At this point in qntra's age I'm not disliking the sawtooth pattern.
921237;1415940852;assbot;                  Qntra.net Traffic and Demographic Statistics by Quantcast                  
921238;1415940878;decimation;I had a conversation today about some guy who knew a guy who bought a house for $200k in california in 2002 and sold for $700k in 2006
921239;1415940884;BingoBoingo;Also... Qntra's in the top quarter million nao
921240;1415940909;mircea_popescu;decimation that's pretty meta...
921241;1415940920;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo yeah seems to be revving up nicely.
921242;1415940948;decimation;so this guy profits... and the 'taxpayer' picks up the $$bn bill for freddie mac and implicit bank guarantees
921243;1415940968;decimation;my point being, does bitcoin represent a 'threat' to this arrangement?
921244;1415940995;BingoBoingo;decimation: I don't think so. Nothing is more fashionable than location.
921245;1415941132;mircea_popescu;decimation depends. can he do it on your 0.1% ?
921246;1415941136;decimation;real estate will always be an asset - but the bezzle freshly printing to fund it won't
921247;1415941157;mircea_popescu;the major point about low taxes is that it makes the pot of the public treasury too small to hold the estimation of the conman
921248;1415941164;mircea_popescu;and so the conman moves to try adn con private interest.
921249;1415941172;mircea_popescu;whereas when taxes are significant, the opposite happens.
921250;1415941183;decimation;that's a good point
921251;1415941208;decimation;at least with private cons, the damage is likely to be limited and obvious in scope, rather than 'socialized'
921252;1415941209;mircea_popescu;but in general : it is good that any one person steals any one sum from the usg.
921253;1415941216;mircea_popescu;this is dead money being returned to live hands.
921254;1415941242;decimation;mircea_popescu: there are genuine people with genuine skills who spend their entire lives attempting to make usg better
921255;1415941255;mircea_popescu;the word for this is "idiots"
921256;1415941267;mircea_popescu;in general, the country suffers when taxes are paid, and gains through graft.
921258;1415941291;assbot; #bitcoin-assets blog posts 
921259;1415941302;PeterL;^ how does that look?
921260;1415941354;mircea_popescu;great actually
921261;1415941361;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40350 @ 0.00045856 = 18.5029 BTC [+] {2} 
921262;1415941396;BingoBoingo;PeterL: Looks good, think you are missing Ben Fox's blog and maybe a couple others.
921263;1415941416;PeterL;sure, I can add more
921265;1415941444;BingoBoingo;PeterL: The look, the styling... simply beautiful http://cascadianhacker.com/index.html
921266;1415941445;assbot;missives from the post-megastate frontier
921268;1415941448;assbot;People have made blogs pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 
921269;1415941452;decimation;mircea_popescu: I would agree with the 'idiot' label - but you realize that this 'catches' at least 95% of humanity - who generally refuse to consider their position w.r.t. the entire world's (and history's) context
921270;1415941457;mircea_popescu;PeterL also could you make it so only say first 100 words of a post appear ?
921271;1415941471;mircea_popescu;decimation soooooo
921272;1415941486;mircea_popescu;fizzbuzz test is supposed to catch 99.5% of "programmers" too neh ?
921273;1415941488;PeterL;mircea_popescu: I am grabbing the summary, most of them are pretty short
921274;1415941490;mircea_popescu;nobody ever criticised it for this.
921275;1415941516;mircea_popescu;PeterL fixed max helps the skim reader
921277;1415941545;*;mircea_popescu asking for a friend.
921278;1415941684;PeterL;BingoBoingo: cascadianhacker apparently doesn't have a working feed, but I could add it to the list on the right
921279;1415941707;BingoBoingo;PeterL: Well... I think Ben Fox hosts his blog on emacs
921280;1415941717;mircea_popescu;lol ben_vulpes the post is the feed eh ?
921281;1415941834;decimation;mircea_popescu: what stripped down version of wordpress do you use?
921282;1415941838;decimation;do you update it?
921283;1415941878;mircea_popescu;i dunno, and nope.
921284;1415941887;BingoBoingo;decimation: I think I've asked him before. He doesn't update though. He simply patches.
921285;1415941901;mircea_popescu;not in the past 6 months at least, no.
921286;1415941950;*;BingoBoingo wishes more software would go the errata+patches route
921287;1415941956;mircea_popescu;bout 5-6 years ago i had an actual major portal site, dtng (the 4chan clone) was on it, also fain (a romanian digg) and my blog and a bunch of other shit
921288;1415941988;mircea_popescu;at the time i had a full complement of php coder guru types, threw in "make me a better wp" in a worklist once and well...
921289;1415941995;decimation;BingoBoingo: well, redhat pretty much operates this way
921290;1415942011;decimation;rhel has slowly gone downhill over the past few years - becoming more 'poetterized'
921291;1415942021;BingoBoingo;decimation: Not really. RedHat still has updates. Red Hat's antithesis though...
921292;1415942034;mircea_popescu;dja mean anathema ?
921293;1415942035;decimation;one can inspect the patches, if one is willing to sit down and do the work
921294;1415942039;BingoBoingo;decimation: Well Red Hat hired Poettering
921295;1415942059;BingoBoingo;I imagine they saw the quick cash the microshit model brings
921296;1415942086;mircea_popescu;how did that quote go
921297;1415942102;decimation;well, when money is literally handed out to idiots via gov't programs, tricking idiots into forking over is a great business model
921298;1415942108;mircea_popescu;"Government sponsored enterprises enter the business, in due course bad behavior is made mandatory, and the evil financial network is bigger than the honest financial network, with the result that even though everyone knows what is happening, people continue to use the paper issued by the evil financial network, because of network effects - the big, main issuers, are the issuers you use if you want to do business."
921299;1415942120;decimation;yeah that
921300;1415942142;mircea_popescu;same shit, so foss starts, great, get rhel to be a pentagon contractor.
921301;1415942147;mircea_popescu;not because you want to use their code
921302;1415942152;mircea_popescu;but specifically because you do not want to.
921303;1415942156;mircea_popescu;soon enough...
921304;1415942186;mircea_popescu;the exact sort of thing that would render a us expeditionary force if the arabs but spoke english, is the exact thing that renders the "well meaning" idiots you mentioned earlier
921305;1415942192;mircea_popescu;because the bureaucracy DOES speak english.
921306;1415942200;decimation;I remember those heady days, when it was thought that it wouldn't be possible to 'make money' off of foss
921307;1415942210;decimation;now I wish the money would go away
921308;1415942215;mircea_popescu;it would have been, if someone added bitcoin to pgp
921309;1415942221;mircea_popescu;and pushed the holy trifecta through
921310;1415942223;mircea_popescu;but who ?
921313;1415942234;mircea_popescu;people tend to be very laudative of the people that were smart, at any juncture
921314;1415942246;mircea_popescu;nobody ever goes "you shitfaces, THIS opportunity you missed. all of you."
921315;1415942253;BingoBoingo;Ah, the great thing about PGP is that GPG 1.4x fork won
921316;1415942265;mircea_popescu;well, except for terrorist me, of course, in a piece about romania's 80s generation. but that's besides the point.
921317;1415942277;BingoBoingo; nobody ever goes "you shitfaces, THIS opportunity you missed. all of you." << My brother the dentist does if you get him drunk.
921318;1415942283;decimation;yeah actually bitcoin is a great example of the link I posted yesterday, about technologies that *should* have been invented in the past but were not
921319;1415942286;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo that's not happenstance. that shit will happen again and again because it happened for fundamental reasons.
921320;1415942302;mircea_popescu;stan's fork will win the bitcoin through the same interplay of the same cosmic forces.
921321;1415942333;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: The problem I when he presents it is that not everyone wants to marry a large SJW, even if it means the dog you get in exchange is adorable
921322;1415942369;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo larger problem : men don't generally get that they have the god fucking given right to say "fuck you and get lost"
921323;1415942382;mircea_popescu;"door's that way" and variations thereof.
921324;1415942387;asciilifeform;obligatory naggum: 'suppose you thought of the new millennium when you wrote your application back in 1972 -- not only wouldn't you be invited to the party, those who knew you had done it right from the start and who probably laughed at you at the time would positively hate you now, and they sure as hell wouldn't tell people about you.  and the more stupid they are, the more important it would be to pretend tha
921325;1415942387;asciilifeform;t nobody was smart enough to see the next millennium coming.'
921326;1415942395;mircea_popescu;prolly because only trolls and terrorists do that or something.
921327;1415942410;BingoBoingo;Indeed. Yes dentist brother gets his $600 bezzel per working day, but youngest brother for some reason doesn't share dentist brother's deviance.
921328;1415942419;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this millenium, nobody actually saw. perhaps an excusable oversight, but still ridoinculous.
921329;1415942435;mircea_popescu;bitcoin + pgp + foss would have been a much better alternative past than fucktarded "flower power"
921330;1415942445;joecool;!s dentist
921331;1415942446;assbot;45 results for 'dentist' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=dentist
921332;1415942495;decimation;indeed it makes RMS's retarded diatribes look more retarded
921333;1415942507;BingoBoingo;Dentist brother is an absolute hoot around marine cousins though, with their memories of ship board dentistry
921334;1415942540;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: But tis is the past!
921335;1415942541;mircea_popescu;decimation that passion could have served a smarter man better you know ?
921336;1415942611;mircea_popescu;anyway, no point crying over the mud-like stupidity of our parents.
921337;1415942632;mircea_popescu;fuck them, move on, plenty of time left in the future to do important shit.
921338;1415942635;BingoBoingo;The newest past was born in January 2013
921339;1415942691;BingoBoingo;The TiDerps were slain, righteous had a path, and Bitcoin was cemented in the following months
921340;1415943387;scoopbot;New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2014/11/isis-introduces-coins/
921341;1415943414;BingoBoingo;^ ISIL Coin
921342;1415943524;mircea_popescu;http://jim.com/ << the page of the author of the prev quote, one James A. Donald
921343;1415943525;assbot;James's Liberty file collection index
921344;1415943576;mircea_popescu;(with http://anarchism.pageabode.com/anarcho/reign.html )
921345;1415943576;assbot;James A. Donald's Reign of Error | Anarchist Writers
921346;1415943688;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all
921347;1415943715;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 393.93, vol: 48451.68950503 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 387.0, vol: 27136.32982 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 392.0, vol: 133267.08674263 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 393.05, vol: 44.95610677 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 389.424576, vol: 602246.15620000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 395.0, vol: 76.28428452 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 396.52026, vol: 218.25432093 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message)
921348;1415943756;BingoBoingo;I wonder how long the Chinese will suffer Buterin's Waterfall before forcing a showdown on the matter of STFUSA
921349;1415943871;BingoBoingo;Nao just feels so much like 11/12
921350;1415943973;BingoBoingo;Or when Nixon banished the rest of the press corps so he could talk to Hunter S. Thompson about football
921351;1415944011;asciilifeform;http://energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2014/04/f14/Volume%201%20NNSA.pdf << mega-turd. i don't expect that anyone will read it. but i did. and will relate, how obscenely it brags about the extraordinary bezzle of the u.s. 'national ignition facility'
921352;1415944044;asciilifeform;where, for no reason that has ever been publicly explained, laser-initiated fusion is diddled
921353;1415944056;asciilifeform;to no result, as far as is known, ever, at any point
921354;1415944081;asciilifeform;real reason: it is an extraordinarily expensive, multi-generational project to keep the entire field from developing.
921355;1415944104;BingoBoingo;How many cover pages do they need
921356;1415944146;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: to cut to the chase, grep for 'ignition'
921357;1415944177;asciilifeform;incidentally, this document is a fine example of the kind of stereotypically-bureaucratic style of writing usg runs on.
921358;1415944188;asciilifeform;almost a 'newspeak'
921359;1415944347;BingoBoingo;!up u00
921360;1415944777;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 71422 @ 0.00044167 = 31.545 BTC [-]
921361;1415944838;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8778 @ 0.00044497 = 3.9059 BTC [+]
921362;1415944962;BingoBoingo;!up dgeats
921364;1415945000;dgeats;;;eregister dgeats 1A76 4B0F 58BF 87CB C03D 5A4E A6D2 72BC 41B0 824A
921365;1415945000;gribble;Error: '1A76' is not a valid GPG key id. Please use the long form 16 digit key id.
921366;1415945050;dgeats;;;eregister dgeats A6D272BC41B0824A
921367;1415945052;gribble;Error: Could not retrieve your key from keyserver. Either it isn't there, or it is invalid.
921369;1415945246;BingoBoingo;The perils of the first time
921370;1415945424;BingoBoingo;!up bagels7
921371;1415945425;dgeats;BingoBoingo I feel like I’m putting my private keys and passwords EVERYWHERE
921372;1415945446;dgeats;aren’t they supposed to be private!!?
921373;1415945484;BingoBoingo;dgeats: PM, I'll halp troubleshoot to a point, but yes. Private keys stay private. If one of those strings you entered is a private key... Generate a new keypair.
921374;1415945488;dgeats;dude I’ve been trying for over a week
921375;1415945510;BingoBoingo;dgeats: PM, I'll walk you through.
921377;1415945850;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 392.06, Best ask: 392.95, Bid-ask spread: 0.89000, Last trade: 392.95, 24 hour volume: 48213.33310422, 24 hour low: 381.55, 24 hour high: 453.92, 24 hour vwap: 414.170513306
921378;1415946063;dgeats;In the WoT I’m in the WoT hello bitcoin-assets!!!
921379;1415946072;BingoBoingo;;;ident dgeats
921380;1415946073;gribble;Nick 'dgeats', with hostmask 'dgeats!~user@', is not identified.
921381;1415946088;BingoBoingo;Edward James Almost?
921383;1415946111;dgeats;ok I’ll go back to lurking
921384;1415946239;BingoBoingo;dgeats: No, finish your fucking registration. You needed help, help is offered, get this shit over with while someone has patience.
921385;1415946244;BingoBoingo;!up tryphe
921386;1415946275;dgeats;I’m definitely still trying searching through my open tabs on where to start
921387;1415946293;BingoBoingo;!up vexual
921388;1415946311;BingoBoingo;dgeats: Well, you could always ask vexual
921389;1415946325;BingoBoingo;!up Vexual
921391;1415946355;assbot;Please To PGP (Guide for Linux, OS X, Windows) | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski
921392;1415946355;dgeats;Vexual is this a PM?
921393;1415946371;BingoBoingo;dgeats: This is main channel
921394;1415946403;dgeats;familiar with that page
921395;1415946440;dgeats;so I’m going to go to the GPG Keychain again and get another pair of keys?
921396;1415946520;BingoBoingo;dgeats: Are you familiar with http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/pgpgpg-guide/
921397;1415946521;assbot;PGP/GPG Guide | Bingo Blog
921398;1415946556;BingoBoingo;And http://wiki.bitcoin-otc.com/wiki/GPG_authentication
921399;1415946558;assbot;GPG authentication - bitcoin-otc wiki
921400;1415946607;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26011 @ 0.00043228 = 11.244 BTC [-]
921401;1415946761;dgeats;BingoBoingo Not as familiar with your blog, I’ll read through it
921402;1415946857;BingoBoingo;!up dgeats
921403;1415947263;BingoBoingo;!up RetroUpriser
921404;1415947267;BingoBoingo;!up bagels7
921407;1415947277;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 394.63, Best ask: 394.99, Bid-ask spread: 0.36000, Last trade: 393.77, 24 hour volume: 48234.83273786, 24 hour low: 381.55, 24 hour high: 453.92, 24 hour vwap: 414.033997412
921409;1415947295;RetroUpriser;Is there a market for overnight shipping of raw milk?
921410;1415947307;RetroUpriser;Its only legal to buy in CT
921411;1415947308;Vexual;I reckon
921412;1415947328;RetroUpriser;and for, ahem, generous donations, id be willing to send some raw milk
921413;1415947331;Vexual;plenty of hipsters
921414;1415947389;Vexual;what whats CT? kentucky?
921415;1415947393;BingoBoingo;RetroUpriser: I'm not a big fan of Brucellosis
921416;1415947403;BingoBoingo;Vexual: CT is connecticut
921418;1415947455;BingoBoingo;!up CheckDavid
921419;1415947475;BingoBoingo;!up Ginux
921420;1415947508;thestringpuller;Hartford, CT my birthplace
921421;1415947510;BingoBoingo;The number of Homo genus members that acquires Brucellosis in Brucellosis free states amuses me
921422;1415947560;RetroUpriser;Anyone getting Brucellosis in a Brucellosis free state should be funny
921423;1415947603;BingoBoingo;Happens more often than you might suspect
921424;1415947655;Vexual;is it bad?
921425;1415947677;BingoBoingo;Vexual: Can be very bad
921426;1415947722;RetroUpriser;If you have no access to modern medicine
921427;1415947774;BingoBoingo;RetroUpriser: Even if. The responsible bacteria produces a good number of toxis so an antibiotic killing it creates a peak exposure to those during treatment
921428;1415947803;RetroUpriser;And i wouldnt say raw milk is the #1 way to contract it
921429;1415947831;BingoBoingo;Far from it, raw milk and beastiality are the only real ways to contract it
921430;1415947836;RetroUpriser;Which wont cause much damage unless your a pregnant woman
921431;1415947848;RetroUpriser;undercooked meat i'd say.
921432;1415947868;BingoBoingo;Oh, Brucellosis mostly kills peds patients
921433;1415947880;RetroUpriser;You should just avoid low quality food products.
921434;1415947885;RetroUpriser;in general.
921435;1415947888;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38850 @ 0.00044708 = 17.3691 BTC [+] {2} 
921437;1415947922;RetroUpriser;But in the same sense, avoid all natural probiotic foods because they could be contaminated with harmful bacteria?
921438;1415947927;Vexual;raw milk is used for some cheeses perhaps?
921439;1415947949;RetroUpriser;No doubt, but so is pasturized milk.
921440;1415947985;BingoBoingo;Well the thing is something cultured with the right stuff doesn't give the wrong stuff the chance to live and you can tell by smell. It's why cheese and yogurt are safe but raw milk is a highway to the dangerzone
921441;1415948025;RetroUpriser;But no more than eating a medium rare steak from the cow producing it
921442;1415948025;Vexual;I have half a recolection that some chesse recipies prefer raw
921443;1415948049;RetroUpriser;But yeah the good bacteria will fight the bad
921444;1415948070;BingoBoingo;RetroUpriser: Generally in a steak if there was a pathogen of conern you'd see/smell the abcess and wonder then the cow got into a knife fight
921445;1415948119;RetroUpriser;So you'd think but i'm sure that isn't the case alot of the time
921446;1415948131;BingoBoingo;On the otherhand it isn't the slightest bit unbelievable for a dairy cow to drag its titties through cow shit
921447;1415948140;RetroUpriser;Would you smell it in the raw milk?
921448;1415948155;BingoBoingo;In raw milk you often can't smell it.
921449;1415948180;RetroUpriser;Right, im sure there are alot of cases where meat could be infected and not show the slightest sign of it
921450;1415948224;BingoBoingo;Which is why if the milk was raw yu want it in already fermented products where either dangerous smells would be stronger or the product wouldn't appear right. Milk itself is dangerous though.
921451;1415948249;RetroUpriser;Bottom line is that you shouldn't expose yourself to unclean products when you know they are of shady origin. But when you have a local farm that you can check out and see its sanitary conditions yourself.. it takes alot of the risk out of the picture.
921452;1415948251;BingoBoingo;Meat usually isn't so bad because there's less vulnerable surface area than milk
921453;1415948278;RetroUpriser;I suppose, but im a huge fan so the risk < reward
921454;1415948308;BingoBoingo;In milk generally all of the protein and fat globules contribute to surface area
921455;1415948320;RetroUpriser;I mean, i wouldn't be drinking raw milk from walmart brand cows
921456;1415948322;BingoBoingo;I mean the surface is better defined by... solidity
921457;1415949770;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: real reason: it is an extraordinarily expensive, multi-generational project to keep the entire field from developing. <<< what sense does that make ?
921458;1415949892;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo they don't have endemic brucellosis in the us anymore do they ?!
921459;1415949965;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Not in any animal herds, but somehow children still get it
921460;1415950015;mircea_popescu;maybe it's from the us weapons stockpile.
921461;1415950027;BingoBoingo;Basically for all of the expense and derping, USDA can't actually guarentee its own guarentees
921462;1415950040;mircea_popescu;that's a thing nixon is never remembered for, ending the biological warfare stockpiles.
921463;1415950061;mircea_popescu;hadn't he done so, you'd probably have heard spineless gonzalez, bharara et all argue for the legitimacy of their use.
921464;1415950115;mircea_popescu;anyway, romania is a few of the european states that never had it. along with, iirc, switzerland.
921465;1415950189;BingoBoingo;Last I heard, USia was spicing up 9-11 with bioweapons own goals
921466;1415950309;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo: RetroUpriser: Generally in a steak if there was a pathogen of conern you'd see/smell the abcess and wonder then the cow got into a knife fight << nah, most of the stuff youi can get that way you don't see.
921467;1415950330;mircea_popescu;trichinella is a fucking worm you still won't likely see it.
921468;1415950360;BingoBoingo;You see that more in pork than beef
921470;1415950433;mircea_popescu;beef is safer than most meats, but still. you dun see the stuff.
921471;1415950528;BingoBoingo;I mean the reason to avoid rare-ish ground beef is more sloppy meatcutters opening the colon than anything else
921472;1415950532;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo: On the otherhand it isn't the slightest bit unbelievable for a dairy cow to drag its titties through cow shit <<< im pretty sure nobody milks unwashed anymore.
921473;1415950534;mircea_popescu;for decades now.
921474;1415950617;BingoBoingo;You would think so, but in USia it isn't possible to pay enoug for a farmhand who cares to
921475;1415950686;BingoBoingo;I mean over here we grow fucking Dent corn for the sugar and actual sweet corn as a table vegetable
921476;1415950697;mircea_popescu;look at that, nif claims it actually went energy-positive last year
921477;1415950699;mircea_popescu;i had nfi.
921478;1415950734;*;BingoBoingo is enjoying the Sauds playing their version of Buterin's waterfall atm
921479;1415950876;*;BingoBoingo hasn't seen gas this cheap since 2010.
921480;1415950901;BingoBoingo;Not regularly this cheap pre-2009 in some years
921481;1415950939;BingoBoingo;Though winter of 2009 was beautiful with sub $2 per gallon gasoline.
921482;1415951037;mircea_popescu;how much is it now ?
921484;1415951125;mircea_popescu;http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/192126-lockheed-says-itll-make-a-truck-sized-fusion-reactor-within-10-years << and from the bold claims department...
921485;1415951127;assbot;Lockheed says it’ll make a truck-sized fusion reactor within 10 years | ExtremeTech
921486;1415951149;mircea_popescu;he reduced size  just 10 feet by 7 feet  will allow Lockheed to design, build, and test the CFR in less than a year.
921487;1415951161;mircea_popescu;how the fuck is a miniaturized version easier is beyond me.
921488;1415951229;BingoBoingo;I guess fuckups are easier to insure on a smaller reactor?
921489;1415951264;BingoBoingo;!up Vexual
921490;1415951272;BingoBoingo;Vexual: Y u no blog yet???
921492;1415951305;assbot;Cold fusion reactor verified by third-party researchers, seems to have 1 million times the energy density of gasoline | ExtremeTech
921493;1415951310;mircea_popescu;no shortage of bold claims it seesm
921494;1415951344;BingoBoingo;Eh, might as well get the bold claims in now, before the whips come
921495;1415951463;mircea_popescu;something on the magnitude order of  getting fusion to work is pretty much the only way out of the slump for teh west.
921496;1415951539;BingoBoingo;Oh, but without fears of a Stalin, they only way to develop it requires insuring it.
921498;1415951560;mircea_popescu;lots of free money may help there.
921499;1415951610;BingoBoingo;Only for so much longer
921500;1415951702;Vexual;I wonder how small they can go if smaller is easier
921501;1415951750;Vexual;oh, it says
921502;1415951893;BingoBoingo;!up jacoblyles
921503;1415952217;Vexual;BingoBoingo: Vexual: Y u no blog yet??? kalyhost stole my moeneyz
921504;1415952963;BingoBoingo;!up dgeats
921505;1415953017;Vexual;still parsing the history of pgp
921507;1415953040;Vexual;i guess
921508;1415953081;BingoBoingo;!up Vexual
921509;1415953203;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all
921510;1415953210;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 392.43, vol: 48264.10238920 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 385.95, vol: 24858.0845 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 393.49, vol: 115673.95376961 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 403.87, vol: 39.1832539 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 389.973731, vol: 599526.01520000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 395.0, vol: 70.24819212 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 396.322256, vol: 174.64115222 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message)
921511;1415953247;BingoBoingo;Oh, the Chinese lead the drop tonight
921512;1415953344;BingoBoingo;https://www.reddit.com/r/auroracoin << lol
921514;1415953723;BingoBoingo;!up bagels7
921515;1415954029;mircea_popescu;https://www.reddit.com/r/auroracoin/comments/2icorq/what_killed_auroracoin/ << lolok.
921516;1415954031;assbot;What killed Auroracoin? : auroracoin
921517;1415954042;mircea_popescu;and since we're doing the internet sewer, https://bitcointa.lk/threads/definitive-proof-that-satoshi-nakamoto-is-james-a-donald.320588/
921518;1415954043;assbot;Definitive proof that Satoshi Nakamoto is James A. Donald. | Bitcointa.lk
921519;1415954091;dgeats;;;gettrust dgeats
921520;1415954092;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask dgeats!~user@ Trust relationship from user dgeats to user dgeats: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=dgeats&dest=dgeats | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=dgeats | Rated since: never
921522;1415954122;dgeats;sup b-a
921523;1415954144;BingoBoingo;Whatever happened to Sir Reginald GreyhawK?
921524;1415954208;mircea_popescu;nothing much.
921525;1415954219;mircea_popescu;his cover being inadvertently blown, he retired.
921526;1415954230;Vexual;what happened with your hitler portait?
921527;1415954311;BingoBoingo;On that note it's bedtime and MP's BitBet penny sports bet nightmare is over.
921528;1415954411;Vexual;what's your story dgeats?
921529;1415954469;dgeats;I know nothing about computers and I’m 31 y/o
921530;1415954496;mircea_popescu;so what do you do ?
921531;1415954515;dgeats;I sell real estate
921532;1415954528;dgeats;I’m a “REALTOR”
921533;1415954545;BingoBoingo;Wait, so the FBI lives in your butt?
921534;1415954585;dgeats;wouldn’t take it from such jerks
921535;1415954594;BingoBoingo;Or is that just-Tor
921536;1415954611;dgeats;no kidding
921537;1415954615;mircea_popescu;where ?
921538;1415954616;dgeats;all very new to me
921539;1415954628;dgeats;tor browsers and irc everything
921540;1415954636;mircea_popescu;no i mean, realtor where.
921541;1415954655;dgeats;Humboldt County, CA ;)
921542;1415954667;dgeats;for real though
921543;1415954679;dgeats;been here for the past 10 years or so
921544;1415954713;dgeats;about a week into the logs, lots and lots to catch up on
921545;1415954734;mircea_popescu;;;rate dgeats 1 CA realtor, he says.
921546;1415954735;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user dgeats has been recorded.
921547;1415954823;Vexual;thats almost bens neck of the woods
921548;1415954825;mircea_popescu;dgeats pm assbot !up
921549;1415954944;dgeats;in real estate not by accident, it’s still a major part of the economy
921550;1415954958;cazalla;wonder if 8chan mystery donator is in here
921551;1415954959;dgeats;I wonder what property rights are like in Romania
921552;1415955022;mircea_popescu;dgeats they are bizarre at best.
921553;1415955049;dgeats;not “a bundle of rights” like in the states?
921554;1415955128;mircea_popescu;i wrote a little about the nuttery of it, back in romanian days. lemme see if i can find it.
921555;1415955269;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13900 @ 0.00044062 = 6.1246 BTC [-]
921557;1415955320;assbot;http://trilema.com/2009/evaluarea-proprietatii-imobiliare/  http://trilema.com/2 - Pastebin.com
921558;1415955322;mircea_popescu;apparently i wrote a lot.
921559;1415955405;dgeats;hmmm can’t make it out ha ha
921561;1415955495;mircea_popescu;remains an enigma
921562;1415955594;dgeats;wow you actually did write about real estate in Romania
921563;1415955644;mircea_popescu;well yeah ?
921565;1415955657;Naphex;damn right click pastes :)
921566;1415955660;Naphex;hi o/.
921569;1415955725;Naphex;that exchange smelled hell fishy from day #1 wtf
921570;1415955742;Naphex;also exchanges are hard to run, idiots should stop trying
921571;1415955973;punkman;!s hitbtc
921572;1415955974;assbot;15 results for 'hitbtc' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=hitbtc
921573;1415955984;punkman;did they even have any customers?
921574;1415956021;mircea_popescu;Naphex im sure "customers" and "experts" will both listen to your #1 and #2 above, yeah.
921575;1415956041;mircea_popescu;they tend to read and understand, it's what they do. not like "why should i even bother with the wot" an' stuff.
921576;1415956099;Naphex;wot or any due dilligance
921577;1415956110;Naphex;punkman: they sure had lots of fake volume
921578;1415956112;mircea_popescu;or any thinking.
921579;1415956164;Naphex;mircea_popescu: BTCXchange offered SSL Authenticated with GlobalSign.EU, the registration certificate was posted. And all due dilligance info posted
921580;1415956172;Naphex;yet then people go well 'Romania!'
921581;1415956203;mircea_popescu;yeah, see, you should have had "real brick and mortar stores" in cyprus.
921582;1415956213;punkman;Naphex, could have been worse, good thing you aren't Nigerian
921583;1415956216;mircea_popescu;much better than europe's highest per capita gold reserve country o.O
921584;1415956221;Naphex;punkman: :))
921585;1415956347;Naphex;also lots of eshops going up with btcxpay for btc->ron https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=855469.0
921586;1415956348;assbot;Magazine online care acceptă bitcoin prin serviciul de plată BTCXpay.ro
921587;1415956489;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 79650 @ 0.00043202 = 34.4104 BTC [-] {2} 
921588;1415957648;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34000 @ 0.00044201 = 15.0283 BTC [+] {2} 
921589;1415958151;punkman;nubbins`: so maybe deedbot shouldn't be stripping the \n at eof << it's not really, just doesn't care for anything outside the first and last dash of a gpg message
921590;1415958685;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 70350 @ 0.00043076 = 30.304 BTC [-] {2} 
921592;1415959450;mircea_popescu;no scoopbot huh
921593;1415959562;mircea_popescu;http://esr.ibiblio.org/ << shit, ers had a blog ?
921594;1415959623;mircea_popescu;all these years ?!
921595;1415959846;mircea_popescu;http://esr.ibiblio.org/?p=4781 and it's really good, too.
921596;1415960272;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH2] 1666 @ 0.0012 = 1.9992 BTC
921597;1415960858;mircea_popescu;!up pirateoftheapes
921598;1415960882;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45116 @ 0.00044343 = 20.0058 BTC [+] {2} 
921599;1415962396;cazalla;putin is due to land here within a few hours with obama due in the morning
921600;1415962541;cazalla;!up vexual
921601;1415962754;punkman;does this have a good signature?  http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=0nULimNT
921602;1415962815;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12459 @ 0.00044714 = 5.5709 BTC [+]
921603;1415963217;Vexual;apec had those cool steven segal costumes, we prive.. heatwave
921604;1415963242;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 67807 @ 0.00044716 = 30.3206 BTC [+] {2} 
921605;1415963777;cazalla;so.. is qntra down for others?
921607;1415963823;cazalla;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-11-2014#920333 lol
921608;1415963823;assbot;Logged on 13-11-2014 22:25:37; mircea_popescu: rithm: it's cryptowall now and from what i can tell it's infected sites like mom & pop's ruinning old WP/drupal/some CMS <<< yeah, stuff the shitheads in question don't maintain, then i have to answer biweekly questions of "is qntra down". off with their heads i say!
921609;1415963845;punkman;cazalla, could try http://aws.amazon.com/cloudfront/
921610;1415963906;cazalla;punkman, i'll leave it in the hands of mp
921611;1415964153;jurov;punkman: gpg: BAD signature from "RagnarDanneskjol (fuck yo' couch) " [neznáme]
921612;1415964188;punkman;RagnarDanneskjol: ^
921613;1415964193;RagnarDanneskjol;thanks jurov - figured that out
921614;1415964248;jurov;btw, if i'm doing the web submission, what about js verifier? does anyone has it already?
921615;1415964281;punkman;you can try that openpgpjs thing, but why?
921616;1415964321;jurov;it looks like it needs some server part
921617;1415964328;jurov;so i'm asking
921618;1415964366;jurov;and i prefer the ability of user to check stuff on his side before uploading text and files
921619;1415964389;jurov;although... dunno if js can actually read uploaded files
921620;1415964785;cazalla;putin has touched down!
921621;1415964854;jurov;lol what?
921622;1415964861;cazalla;aus media is talking up putin being here more so than obama
921623;1415965060;jurov;what does he want from aussies?
921624;1415965162;cazalla;g20 is on and media are playing it off as putin versus our prime minister due to MH17
921625;1415965242;jurov;is that the pencilneck one? or it was canadian PM?
921626;1415965309;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33000 @ 0.00044255 = 14.6042 BTC [-] {2} 
921627;1415965419;cazalla;no idea, our pm said he was gonna shirt lift putin
921628;1415965435;cazalla;shirtfront even
921629;1415965445;davout;cazalla: fyi qntra is unreadable on my mobile
921630;1415965495;cazalla;davout, it's down atm or are you speaking generally
921632;1415965586;cazalla;i'll speak with BingoBoingo and see what we can, might be a plugin that will make it more mobile friendly
921633;1415965591;cazalla;can do*
921634;1415965700;davout;disabling all CSS would be fine
921635;1415965726;davout;that's the advantage with sites that are lightly styled, they usually degrade much better when disabling CSS
921636;1415966407;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43900 @ 0.00044844 = 19.6865 BTC [+] {2} 
921638;1415966548;jurov;^ just for the mood
921639;1415969293;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45000 @ 0.00043999 = 19.7996 BTC [-] {2} 
921640;1415969781;assbot;[MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 423 @ 0.00316761 = 1.3399 BTC [+] {3} 
921641;1415970330;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 70500 @ 0.00043719 = 30.8219 BTC [-] {2} 
921642;1415972221;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25693 @ 0.00043813 = 11.2569 BTC [+] {2} 
921643;1415973258;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39850 @ 0.00043902 = 17.4949 BTC [+]
921644;1415973319;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 75045 @ 0.00043536 = 32.6716 BTC [-] {3} 
921645;1415974827;punkman;for future reference: "gpgv" is somewhat smaller than the fully-blown gpg and uses a different (and simpler) way to check that the public keys used to make the signature are valid.
921646;1415975716;davout;punkman: "uses a different (and simpler) way to check that the public keys used to make the signature are valid" <<< sounds sketchy
921647;1415975793;punkman;well it's official, but maybe
921648;1415976055;gernika;BingoBoingo: I liked the IsisCoin story.
921649;1415976727;BingoBoingo;Thanks gernika
921650;1415976903;notary;[trust-update] added: dgeats
921651;1415977306;BingoBoingo;http://deadspin.com/maybe-you-shouldnt-thank-this-specific-follower-patrio-1658660978 << Perils of automation
921652;1415977307;assbot;Maybe You Shouldn't Thank This Specific Follower, Patriots?
921653;1415978992;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 77600 @ 0.00043407 = 33.6838 BTC [-] {2} 
921655;1415979926;The20YearIRCloud;RentalStarter has set their 12th monthly dividend payment today. Total per share is 0.00002537
921656;1415979989;BingoBoingo;;;later tell mircea_popescu http://www.paymentssource.com/news/interchange/kim-kardashians-lessons-for-the-bitcoin-card-industry-3019708-1.html
921657;1415980049;gribble;The operation succeeded.
921658;1415980476;mats_cd03;im hurting from s.mpoe taking a dive
921659;1415980620;The20YearIRCloud;why'd it dive?
921660;1415980717;mats_cd03;no idea.
921661;1415980717;BingoBoingo;It's a mystery
921662;1415981575;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11862 @ 0.00043393 = 5.1473 BTC [-]
921663;1415981647;danielpbarron;;;isitdown trilema.com
921664;1415981648;gribble;trilema.com is up
921665;1415981764;Duffer1;;;isitdown qntra.net
921666;1415981765;gribble;qntra.net is up
921668;1415981825;danielpbarron;yeah both appear down to me, from 3 different ips
921671;1415982143;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 390.86, Best ask: 391.5, Bid-ask spread: 0.64000, Last trade: 391.87, 24 hour volume: 41838.99860218, 24 hour low: 381.55, 24 hour high: 431.59, 24 hour vwap: 403.110014299
921672;1415982429;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MG] 21111 @ 0.00009 = 1.9 BTC [-] {2} 
921673;1415982787;BingoBoingo;!up so
921674;1415983588;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38012 @ 0.00043244 = 16.4379 BTC [-] {2} 
921675;1415986629;jurov;re:putin http://www.theaustralian.com.au/business/in-depth/russia-says-fleet-of-warships-is-off-australia-for-climate-research/story-fnpebfcn-1227123047034?nk=944f472ed8ac245182d4622953d08019
921676;1415986629;assbot;Cookies must be enabled. |  The Australian
921677;1415987126;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 400 @ 0.00652083 = 2.6083 BTC [+] {22} 
921678;1415987187;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51800 @ 0.00043144 = 22.3486 BTC [-] {2} 
921680;1415988213;empyex;jurov: Proxies: mpex.bz mpex.ws mpex.co mpex.biz mpex.coinbr.com Current MPEx GPG-Key-ID: 02DD2D91
921681;1415988216;empyex;jurov: MPEx-Status: mpex.biz (94 milliseconds), mpex.co (117 milliseconds), mpex.bz (168 milliseconds), mpex.coinbr.com (552 milliseconds), mpex.ws (2112 milliseconds)
921682;1415988217;empyex;jurov: Health-Indicators: Homepage: √ MK Depth JSON: √ VWAP JSON: √
921683;1415988239;jurov;;;isup mpex.ws
921684;1415988241;gribble;mpex.ws is up
921685;1415988271;jurov;http://live.coinbr.com/?mpsic=S.MPOE looks interesting again
921686;1415988271;assbot;CoinBr Live S.MPOE
921687;1415989627;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4300 @ 0.00043461 = 1.8688 BTC [+]
921688;1415990061;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo yeah im sure lol.
921689;1415990298;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17600 @ 0.00043048 = 7.5764 BTC [-]
921690;1415990482;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 56300 @ 0.00043043 = 24.2332 BTC [-] {2} 
921691;1415990713;mircea_popescu;cazalla http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/11/13/1344589/-Bitcoin-may-be-worth-1-million-says-Pal
921692;1415990714;assbot;Bitcoin may be worth $1 million; says Pal
921693;1415990839;xanthyos;i wish they showed the equation
921694;1415990860;mircea_popescu;dailykos, it doesn't do equations, they're racist.
921695;1415990937;BingoBoingo;Nice work MP
921696;1415990980;mircea_popescu;http://www.catb.org/~esr/aim/ < i dunno if this lulz was here.
921697;1415990981;assbot;Page not found – ibiblio
921698;1415991056;mircea_popescu;cazalla: so.. is qntra down for others?  << uh i just looked at it.
921699;1415991202;mircea_popescu;https://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/bitcoin-trader-biz-let-bitcoin-trader-earn-money/ << lawl.
921700;1415991202;assbot; Bitcoin-Trader.Biz - Insolvent - CryptoCoinsNews
921701;1415991215;mats_cd03;funny how there's no mention of USD being worth <0.1% of BTC if it goes to 1mn BTCUSD
921702;1415991262;mircea_popescu;how you reason ?
921703;1415991412;asciilifeform;http://www.dailykos.com/comments/1344589/54989752#c16 << extra lulzy
921704;1415991414;assbot;Daily Kos :: Comments: Bitcoin may be worth $1 million; says Pal
921705;1415991503;mircea_popescu;jurov: what does he want from aussies? <<< russia needs military bases overseas like kim kardashian needs horsecock.
921706;1415991557;mircea_popescu;Bitcoin software does not appear to be vetted to such an extend. << the english-t to d migration is soooo indicative of a native romanian speaker you can't imagine.
921707;1415991619;asciilifeform;and u.s. illiterates.
921708;1415991630;mircea_popescu;is it ?
921710;1415991651;mircea_popescu;i've not commonly seen it outside of ro hack-kiddies speaking english
921711;1415991664;mircea_popescu;or for that matter, my own output lol.
921712;1415991706;mircea_popescu;davout: disabling all CSS would be fine <<  he has a point there, just de-css-ify it for mobile, will be fine.
921713;1415991711;asciilifeform;i've probably crapped out every conceivable kind of mistake (when hammering in real time. text that i get to read again before broadcast - another matter)
921714;1415991723;mircea_popescu;most mobile platforms have spent more money on making their thing work on unstyled websites than we ever will on qntra.
921715;1415991739;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform just about, as one gets tired stuff starts to mutate.
921716;1415991749;asciilifeform;fingers - will of their own.
921717;1415991807;asciilifeform;http://scottlocklin.wordpress.com/2014/11/14/notation-as-a-tool-for-thought-wavelets-in-j << for aficionados of peculiar programming systems
921718;1415991808;assbot;Notation as a tool for thought: Wavelets in J | Locklin on science
921719;1415991848;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: I gave the viewport tag one last tweak, next step is yeah, just denying mobiles any styling at all beyond what they bring on their own
921720;1415991884;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48277 @ 0.00043473 = 20.9875 BTC [+] {2} 
921721;1415991930;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform just between you and me and nobody else : i very much doubt the average j user actually has the mental acumen to correctly understand the actual effects of recursive transforms available to them, wavelets or no wavelets.
921722;1415991957;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: lol! you know actual 'j' users?!
921723;1415991962;mircea_popescu;you think coders are bad, just wait till you see mathematicians apply automated processes to statistical samples.
921724;1415991978;mircea_popescu;a few...
921725;1415991980;asciilifeform;not confusing with 'r' ?
921726;1415992002;mircea_popescu;well no
921727;1415992033;*;asciilifeform must have slept through the re-appearance of 'j'
921728;1415992057;mircea_popescu;as far as i can see, it's the common step away from excel
921729;1415992059;asciilifeform;i wanted a book on 'j' 5 or so years ago, had to go to a library with spy camera.
921730;1415992068;mircea_popescu;once people crash their system trying to load 1mn cells for the 1kth time
921731;1415992098;asciilifeform;around here, the 'common step away from excel' is 'r'.
921732;1415992116;asciilifeform;(open-source statistical gizmo, vaguely reminiscent of 'octave')
921733;1415992124;mircea_popescu;does it work on windows ?
921734;1415992132;asciilifeform;afaik yes.
921735;1415992172;mircea_popescu;apparently. well then i dunno.
921736;1415992388;mircea_popescu;jurov: http://live.coinbr.com/?mpsic=S.MPOE looks interesting again <<< it does, esp the week view. o.O look at that.
921737;1415992389;assbot;CoinBr Live S.MPOE
921739;1415992464;assbot;An Open Letter to Jason King of Seans Outpost | Lets Talk Bitcoin
921740;1415992498;mircea_popescu;who;s this guy again ?
921741;1415992591;asciilifeform;'This sort of illogic is rampant in debates about cold fusion, particularly when experts respond to irritating, unwelcome suggestions made by amateurs. They start out cautioning the amateur that instruments such as calorimeters have a margin of error, and calorimeters frequently malfunction with leaking cooling fluid and other problems. When the expert senses the message is not getting through, and the amateur
921742;1415992591;asciilifeform;still believes that cold fusion calorimetry indicates real excess heat, the frustrated expert may resort to extreme, untenable claims, such as a statement that no calorimeter has an error less than 10%, when in fact the error margin for top-quality conventional instruments is on the order of 0.1%. Or he may wave his hands and say calorimeters are so undependable that you cannot run one for more than a few days
921743;1415992592;asciilifeform;without recalibrating, when in fact a good one will run reliably for months.' ( http://www.lenr-canr.org/acrobat/RothwellJcoldfusion.pdf )
921744;1415992608;asciilifeform;^ very interestingly perverse comparison of the 'titanic' aftermath and that of 'cold fusion'
921745;1415992645;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: The homeless bitcoin camp
921746;1415992654;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this is true tho. you familiar witrh playing pokler at all ?
921747;1415992662;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo oh oh. mkay.
921748;1415992672;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: on the vary basic level.
921750;1415992687;mircea_popescu;do you know what meta coincepts are, like "playing loose" or "tight" ?
921752;1415992701;mircea_popescu;now, thinking obviously has nothing to do with poker
921753;1415992706;asciilifeform;although 'tilt' might be the more relevant pokerism
921754;1415992709;mircea_popescu;persuasion, however, is exactly that, poker reskinned.
921755;1415992723;mircea_popescu;the most significant error of judgement made by experts as far as i've seen yet is
921756;1415992729;mircea_popescu;when confronted with an inept player they loosen up their game
921757;1415992737;mircea_popescu;this is so idiotic as to defy sufficient expression.
921758;1415992773;asciilifeform;almost as if they were living creatures trying to conserve energy or something
921759;1415992789;mircea_popescu;the #1 reason it is idiotic is that the inept player may actually and usually does notice the loosening, and takes this as a honest signal that the expert is bluffing
921760;1415992795;mircea_popescu;on the, bluffs here, bluffs everywhere heuristic
921761;1415992828;mircea_popescu;the #2 reason it is idiotic is that discussion has remanence, poker hands do not. expert 30 years in has a fucking string of noted down examples of having done this, people with an ideologic interest can use to strangle him with
921763;1415992844;mircea_popescu;this is something a politician is keenly aware of, but since the expert's brain actually functions, he's no politician.
921764;1415992845;asciilifeform;the linked article is at least partly about this.
921765;1415992873;asciilifeform;see also james randi's notes on how physicists are easily fooled by methods that fool not one stage magician
921767;1415992891;mircea_popescu;"gotta play the audience" means exactly that.
921768;1415992902;mircea_popescu;being a physicist doesn't make one immune, only diffusion makes one immune.
921769;1415992913;asciilifeform;robert wood was probably the one notable exception to this blindness.
921770;1415992929;asciilifeform;was an unambiguous master of both magics.
921771;1415992933;mircea_popescu;i suppose this also wraps right back up into wavelets lol.
921772;1415992948;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform he was an engineer.
921773;1415992952;asciilifeform;;;google robert wood n-rays
921774;1415992953;gribble;N ray - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Robert W. Wood - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Blondlot and N-rays - The Skeptic's Dictionary - Skepdic.com: 
921775;1415992953;mircea_popescu;this is the definition of an engineer.
921776;1415992986;asciilifeform;wood was a proper, full-bore polymath.
921777;1415993004;asciilifeform;which, i suppose, includes engineering.
921778;1415993239;asciilifeform;'If it ever becomes generally known that cold fusion is real, how will the scientists who opposed it react? A few may take responsibility and go down with the ship, retiring from academic life. I hope that most will regret their actions, and try to prevent such a thing from occurring again. Some will react the way Lightoller did, blaming Pons and Fleischmann. They may say the traditions and customs of science a
921779;1415993239;asciilifeform;re more important than experimental results. Lightoller, in effect, put traditions and customs ahead of the lives of passengers. To him, the experience of years and what we have always done outweighed all practical suggestions as to what we might do instead, to avoid killing thousands of people.'
921780;1415993257;asciilifeform;story time. i don't personally have any truck with fusion, cold or not;
921781;1415993290;asciilifeform;but the phenomenon described above is entirely the root of the al schwartz equivalence principle violation experiment
921782;1415993311;asciilifeform;or rather, lack of experiment, because the entire sub-field formed a 'solid blue wall' against herr schwartz
921783;1415993319;asciilifeform;for the reason stated in the 'titanic' article.
921784;1415993449;asciilifeform;modern-day physicists want a demonstrable equivalence principle violation the way they want horsecock.
921785;1415993452;asciilifeform;or bullet in head.
921787;1415993569;assbot;Twitter rated as 'junk' by S&P, shares drop 5pc - Telegraph
921788;1415993619;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i diun get it, who would be opposed to cold fusion and why ?
921789;1415993647;asciilifeform;the folks who built careers on (promise of) the 'hot' variety.
921790;1415993648;mircea_popescu;los_pantalones can i buy any ws puts off you btw ?
921791;1415993653;asciilifeform;(just one example)
921792;1415993659;mircea_popescu;i guess...
921793;1415993667;asciilifeform;under the bezzle, there is very little profit in solutions.
921794;1415993671;los_pantalones;ha, TWTR put ?
921795;1415993676;asciilifeform;in prolonging agony - quite a bit.
921796;1415993684;los_pantalones;why don't you list stuff like that on mpex ?
921797;1415993694;mircea_popescu;i dunno, maybe im unbecomingly naive, but to my eyes cold fusion working is an event of such magnitude, it'd trigger an Auld Lang Syne moment.
921798;1415993705;mircea_popescu;los_pantalones well for lack of a mm actually.
921800;1415993722;mircea_popescu;ifsomeone wanted to manage a portofolio of ws shortness for btc, it'd prolly rock.
921801;1415993736;mircea_popescu;!up cypherc
921802;1415993772;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: try to picture how bitcoin would have been treated, even in the embryonic stage, if the implications for the next xxx years from it, were entirely obvious to all.
921803;1415993775;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 59788 @ 0.00043289 = 25.8816 BTC [-] {2} 
921804;1415993811;mats_cd03;;;calc calc [ticker --last]/(10**6)
921805;1415993813;gribble;Error: invalid syntax (, line 1)
921807;1415993820;mats_cd03;;;calc [ticker --last]/(10**6)
921809;1415993821;asciilifeform;auld lang syne, lol.
921810;1415993825;mircea_popescu;except free enerngy is quite unlike bitcoin.
921811;1415993825;asciilifeform;horst wessel lied.
921812;1415993887;mats_cd03;mircea_popescu: to rephrase, the dollar would have lost 99.99% of its value on the trip to 1mn BTCUSD
921813;1415993896;mircea_popescu;mats_cd03 only ~50%.
921814;1415994135;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no, seriously, cold fusion would actually make the "local production" stuff that link earlier was harping about a reality.
921815;1415994151;asciilifeform;would make many things.
921816;1415994154;asciilifeform;e.g., laser pistol.
921817;1415994168;mircea_popescu;it's the one card out that could save teh current usg  / societal structure.
921818;1415994184;mircea_popescu;i can't imagine anyone'd manage to supress it if it could work.
921819;1415994190;asciilifeform;quite a few of the ancient science-fictional machines of early 20th c. imagination.
921820;1415994204;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this is why i mentioned schwartz example.
921821;1415994212;asciilifeform;very often, 'works' is like early lisp machine.
921822;1415994221;asciilifeform;unwieldy, ruinously expensive, terrible ROI.
921823;1415994230;asciilifeform;faraday's 'what use is a baby.'
921824;1415994243;asciilifeform;baby - can kill with one hand.
921825;1415994246;mircea_popescu;i dunno.
921827;1415994257;mircea_popescu;Lightoller is a particularly bad example, by the way.
921828;1415994265;mircea_popescu;his decisions were correct on the deck.
921829;1415994286;mircea_popescu;a ship is sinking is undisputably the worst time to be going out doing "research".
921830;1415994329;mircea_popescu;the fundamntal understanding of this is illustrated by the case made for giving people tenure and shit. research is an activity of the safe, which is why prisons and other emperor of the flies situations aren't conducive to proving the fermat conjecture.
921831;1415994356;asciilifeform;well, yes
921832;1415994364;asciilifeform;author of linked piece takes issue with l's conduct pre-sinking.
921833;1415994365;mircea_popescu;when a ship is sinking, the officer is to do EXACTLY what's done.
921834;1415994384;mircea_popescu;ah like that.
921836;1415994394;asciilifeform;see pg. 9.
921837;1415994404;asciilifeform;'C: What I want to suggest to you is that it was recklessness, utter recklessness, in view of the conditions
921838;1415994404;asciilifeform;which you have described as abnormal, and in view of the knowledge you had from various sources that
921839;1415994404;asciilifeform;ice was in your immediate vicinity, to proceed at 21.5 knots.
921840;1415994404;asciilifeform;L: Then all I can say is that recklessness applies to practically every commander and every ship crossing
921841;1415994405;asciilifeform;the Atlantic Ocean.'
921842;1415994419;asciilifeform;he's essentially sticking to the 'flondor defence.'
921843;1415994427;asciilifeform;'everybody did it.'
921844;1415994455;mircea_popescu;i don't think they understood ice will crush the ship, tbh.
921845;1415994475;asciilifeform;curious why mr. l did not say this, then.
921846;1415994475;mircea_popescu;they thought they had built the lenin
921847;1415994482;mircea_popescu;why do you think lol.
921848;1415994490;asciilifeform;the 'uncrushable' thing was more of a marketing literature, tbh
921849;1415994504;asciilifeform;folks who actually made their living on ships, knew better.
921850;1415994510;mircea_popescu;let me model why : if i'm in that situation and you ask me that, i'ma in typical style go "wel lfrankly, i didn't believe that ice can crush steel. sue me."
921851;1415994512;mircea_popescu;so they'd hang me.
921852;1415994520;mircea_popescu;that means either i don't have kids or my kids don't do so well.
921853;1415994525;mircea_popescu;meanwhile, l goes "well...derp"
921854;1415994528;mircea_popescu;did they hang him ?
921855;1415994530;mircea_popescu;so therefore!
921856;1415994547;asciilifeform;'nobody ever got hanged for buying ibm stock.'
921857;1415994569;mircea_popescu;maybe they knew better, hard to know what individuals knew or thought. but imo, they honestl ybelieved ice is now butter, because forward britannia!
921858;1415994624;Adlai;!s isis currency
921859;1415994624;assbot;2 results for 'isis currency' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=isis+currency
921860;1415994651;asciilifeform;speaking of ice...
921862;1415994654;assbot;Nation's last big icebreaker endures despite age - Yahoo News
921863;1415994654;BingoBoingo;Adlai: been qntra'd http://qntra.net/2014/11/isis-introduces-coins/
921864;1415994655;assbot;ISIS Introduces Coins | Qntra.net
921865;1415994655;Adlai;^^ this is fantastically unrelated to bitcoin
921866;1415994689;Adlai;this is about as related to bitcoin as it would be if south sudan were to mint its own pound... oh wait, they did. where's qntra on that?
921867;1415994696;mircea_popescu;Adlai terrorism. one degree of separation.
921868;1415994773;Adlai;ok, i'll admit, isiscoin serves to attract investment capital away from bitcoin, and acts as a potentially stabler store of value for dollar-averse wealth
921869;1415994778;Adlai;let's short bitcoin!
921870;1415994813;BingoBoingo;Well, a lot of the problems Bitcoin solves aren't relevant to ISIS
921871;1415994838;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform btw, that boer war fort thing ? lol!
921872;1415994894;asciilifeform;wai wat
921873;1415994949;mircea_popescu;lightoller, back during his time in the navy, was on a ship visiting south africa during the boer war
921874;1415994969;mircea_popescu;got out in the night, put the boer flag on the local fort, filled a cannon with a blank shot and a long fuse and well...
921875;1415994980;mircea_popescu;gave the locals a start.
921877;1415995055;Adlai;BingoBoingo: "and the later is simply for hire" << what's "the later"?
921878;1415995109;BingoBoingo;Adlai: The professional Derps
921879;1415995120;BingoBoingo;People who enjoy Buterin's waterfall
921880;1415995185;BingoBoingo;ALong with the sort of marketing shill who just wants a check and will endorse any idiocy
921882;1415995469;gribble;Current Blocks: 330024 | Current Difficulty: 39603666252.418 | Next Difficulty At Block: 330623 | Next Difficulty In: 599 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 4 days, 1 hour, 47 minutes, and 45 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 40043955200.5 | Estimated Percent Change: 1.11174
921883;1415995757;Adlai;!s cryptolocker usg
921884;1415995758;assbot;1 results for 'cryptolocker usg' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=cryptolocker+usg
921885;1415995811;Adlai;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-07-2014#756099 << who's to say that isn't cryptolocker itself?
921886;1415995811;assbot;Logged on 15-07-2014 02:55:38; asciilifeform: 'swamp donkey' << lol! apparently a usg version of 'cryptolocker'
921887;1415995851;*;Adlai just had a conversation with assbot
921888;1415996252;asciilifeform;Adlai: you must remember, we have not yet escalated to 'full throttle.'
921889;1415996277;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 88400 @ 0.00042788 = 37.8246 BTC [-] {3} 
921890;1415996280;asciilifeform;Adlai: there will come the day when winblows users dumb enough to run hotwallet will find their coin magicked away.
921891;1415996307;mircea_popescu;this has been reported sporadically since 2012
921892;1415996317;mircea_popescu;iirc that's when the first windows wallet stealer trojan was reported.
921893;1415996318;asciilifeform;Adlai: but today is not that day. and when it comes, it will be coated in enough parallel construction to kill a herd of elephants.
921894;1415996326;mircea_popescu;back then it was a big deal, wallets being unencrypted.
921895;1415996327;Adlai;ssh, you're leaking ideas to the fbi agents on the line
921896;1415996357;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: speaking not of wallet stealing trojan, but of 'xxxx coin wandered off with no plausible explanation, forensic showed nothing untoward'
921897;1415996374;asciilifeform;i.e. winblows is the ultimate trojan per se.
921898;1415996382;Adlai;how can you vanish coins without leaving a forensic trail?
921899;1415996384;mircea_popescu;i dunno how win forensics work
921900;1415996404;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: when anyone bothers - very laboriously, largely manually-cranked.
921901;1415996442;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: a skilled turdmeister (especially of the privvy-to-microshit-remote-orifice variety) will leave nothing to find.
921902;1415996461;mircea_popescu;so then there's nothing remarkable here.
921903;1415996476;Adlai;also, a skilled thief would target other stacks after/while people start leaving the brokenest one
921904;1415996487;asciilifeform;well the only remarkable thing is that, with the profusion of winblows users, coins are not yet wandering off into usg wallets en masse.
921905;1415996538;asciilifeform;i inevitably picture a hunter, trying to avoid 'spooking' the birds
921906;1415996550;asciilifeform;inching closer, wants to bag more than one.
921907;1415996602;asciilifeform;i predict that when the hunter 'shoots', it will be 'spun' to look like a 'protocol' (or even crypto) break, of one kind or another
921908;1415996616;asciilifeform;with the inevitable shitgnome 'fixes' brought out
921909;1415996722;asciilifeform;while lies, of the 'false flag' variety, may not be the only tool in the buggers' toolbox - it is certainly their favourite. and perhaps the sharpest.
921910;1415996732;mircea_popescu; well the only remarkable thing is that, with the profusion of winblows users, coins are not yet wandering off into usg wallets en masse. <<< reddit is not, contrary to what it tells itself, relevant to bitcoin
921911;1415996746;mircea_popescu;99% of bitcoin users, according to what people think, use windows.
921912;1415996753;mircea_popescu;99% of bitcoin belongs to the remaining 1%
921913;1415996766;asciilifeform;if only winblows were confined to some magical reddit kingdom, where all stupid folks live.
921914;1415996794;mircea_popescu;in short, there's a very deep valley between "windows user who thinks himself into bitcoin because he recognises the term" and "bitcoin user".
921915;1415996817;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform jeffidiocy manages to keep idiots with benefits away from bitcoin altogether.
921916;1415996821;*;asciilifeform has no data on the present state of the btc musical chairs landscape and cannot say
921917;1415996829;mircea_popescu;i tell you, the anthropology of this thing has been an endless source of fascination to me
921918;1415996850;mircea_popescu;it's almost like watching a cell react in an infection, all sorts of bizarro mechanisms that you don't even dare declare exist seem to work in werido ways.
921919;1415996879;asciilifeform;likely - we will get to watch (or, feel on skin...) all of the available mechanisms.
921920;1415996887;mircea_popescu;maybe. doubt it.
921921;1415996996;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: jeffidiocy << there we go. herr lightoller's, too.
921922;1415997000;asciilifeform;'best practices of the sea.'
921923;1415997022;mircea_popescu;yeah, but see that it actually "serves", depending how you put the goals on the table
921924;1415997269;mircea_popescu;anyway, to quote a bronx tale :
921925;1415997270;mircea_popescu;Come over here. Sit next to me. You must be pretty upset after the Yankees lost.
921926;1415997270;mircea_popescu;Bill Mazeroski, I hate him. He made Mickey Mantle cry. The papers said the Mick cried.
921927;1415997270;mircea_popescu;Mickey Mantle? That's what you're upset about? Mantle makes $       a year. How much does your father make?
921928;1415997270;mircea_popescu;I don't know.
921929;1415997272;mircea_popescu;You don't know. If your dad needs money, go ask Mickey Mantle. See what happens. Mickey Mantle don't care about you. Why care about him? Nobody cares.
921930;1415997291;mircea_popescu;the way people today construct their mental representations of groups and belonging is nothing short of mindblowing.
921931;1415997322;mircea_popescu;i mean, it used to be the case for children. but biological adults today are psychologically infantile, and this is by very far the most obvious effect.
921932;1415997332;xanthyos;it's tribal imprinting
921933;1415997341;mircea_popescu;what's that mean ?
921934;1415997350;asciilifeform;xanthyos: actual 'tribal' dynamics are 2-way.
921935;1415997357;xanthyos;without strong tribes or famlies to take these cues from they'll seek it elsewhere
921936;1415997360;mircea_popescu;at least in our classical understanding thereof.
921937;1415997374;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41253 @ 0.00042986 = 17.733 BTC [+] {2} 
921938;1415997374;mircea_popescu;xanthyos the bizarre part is that they somehow manage to seek it in imagination.
921939;1415997439;mircea_popescu;pretty much the only tech left that works in the english speaking world is the tech that manipulates this at first view pathological "one way belonging" thing.
921940;1415997450;mircea_popescu;i guess we could call it "marketing" for lack of terminology.
921941;1415997484;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2013/youre-the-guy-who-wasnt-good-enough-to-sling-dope/ << amusingly enough, it's mostly NOT government issue.
921942;1415997484;assbot;“You’re the guy who wasn’t good enough to sling dope.” pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 
921943;1415997494;mircea_popescu;in fact, the usg seems moreover its prey than anything.
921944;1415997518;xanthyos;i've seen a video of a duck nursing from a cat because its own mother was gone.
921946;1415997531;assbot;Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/11ARGS0.txt )
921947;1415997531;asciilifeform;!b 2
921948;1415997542;*;asciilifeform goes out to shop for duck milk
921949;1415997547;xanthyos;if you can convince your customer that you can literally breastfeed them they'll trust you forever
921950;1415997568;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform how do you think they make duck tape ?
921951;1415997577;mircea_popescu;polymerized duck galactose.
921953;1415997589;assbot;Cat nurses Ducklings - YouTube
921954;1415997593;*;asciilifeform remembers very fine soviet chocolates 'bird's milk'
921955;1415997625;mircea_popescu;romania has "chicken milk", http://www.culinar.ro/retete/dulciuri/creme/lapte-de-pasare-iese-sigur/46/2/6925/
921956;1415997626;assbot;Lapte de pasare (iese sigur) - Culinar.ro
921957;1415997648;xanthyos;it's sad when they actually seek out mickey mantle to get reciprocation though
921958;1415997680;undata;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juggalo << the "need to belong"
921959;1415997682;assbot;Juggalo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
921960;1415997686;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this may actually be the very same filling as in 'bird's milk'
921962;1415997709;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D1%82%D0%B8%D1%87%D1%8C%D0%B5_%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%BA%D0%BE_(%D0%BA%D1%83%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%8F)
921963;1415997710;assbot;Птичье молоко (кулинария) — Википедия
921964;1415997755;mats_cd03;http://thestack.com/chakravarty-tor-traffic-analysis-141114 via /.
921965;1415997760;mircea_popescu;lol your percentile language
921966;1415997767;asciilifeform;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ptasie_mleczko << apparently englisch exists
921967;1415997769;assbot;Ptasie mleczko - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
921968;1415997769;mircea_popescu;ow shit that LOOKS like excellent chocolate.
921969;1415997779;mircea_popescu;exactly the right sheen. damn you stanislav!
921970;1415997794;asciilifeform;incidentally i get these in usa. though no idea for how much longer.
921971;1415997800;asciilifeform;afaik poroshenko runs the factory.
921972;1415997835;undata;the juggalo thing is a bizarre example of marketing turning into some weird semblance of a 2-way belonging
921973;1415997840;asciilifeform;(or perhaps not. i do know he's corralled a good fraction of the 'russian' confections business)
921974;1415997857;mircea_popescu;;;ud juggalo
921975;1415997858;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=juggalo | juggalo. For the most part, an uneducated, pathetic excuse for a human being who listens to the group ICP who are bold enough to actually consider themselves ...
921976;1415997911;undata;mircea_popescu: american white trash who literally dress like clowns
921977;1415997918;TomServo;Here's a comical introduction to Juggalos for you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulGaxBPk2jI&list=UUfR7gRIYmZbGjhhrRJCwpmw
921978;1415997918;assbot;Joe Goes JUGGALO - YouTube
921979;1415997920;undata;they apparently have a whole religion
921980;1415997927;mircea_popescu;some sort of insane clown o nm that's what icp means huh
921981;1415997936;asciilifeform;mats_cd03: iirc the method was published before, some months ago
921982;1415997937;TomServo;they follow icp, yes
921983;1415997937;mircea_popescu;sorta glam-punk offshot thing
921984;1415997942;asciilifeform;mats_cd03: made no major splash, for some reason
921985;1415998037;asciilifeform;mats_cd03: traffic analysis is easy, cheap, fun. consider analogy of the children's game 'sea battle.'
921986;1415998045;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32839 @ 0.00042556 = 13.975 BTC [-] {2} 
921987;1415998054;mircea_popescu;dude, topless chicks being a big deal, you already know you must be in ameristan
921988;1415998068;mircea_popescu;im not even sure whats more ridiculous, the rednecks or the mainstream.
921989;1415998070;asciilifeform;or how one might determine the electrical circuits in an old house (by unscrewing breakers at random)
921990;1415998107;cazalla;mircea_popescu: cazalla http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/11/13/1344589/-Bitcoin-may-be-worth-1-million-says-Pal <<< great and informative article!
921991;1415998108;assbot;Bitcoin may be worth $1 million; says Pal
921992;1415998127;mircea_popescu;cazalla lol they di what they can
921993;1415998252;mats_cd03;asciilifeform: i'm surprised it took this long. its been alive. what. 10+ years?
921994;1415998291;mats_cd03;not the doing of the analysis, but dissemination of results
921995;1415998324;asciilifeform;mats_cd03: they print now, not wishing to risk obsolescence
921996;1415998327;mircea_popescu;mats_cd03 it didn't take this long, that tor was routinely compromised was an open secret.
921997;1415998340;mircea_popescu;course, when i said so last year the derps went on derping, but why would the derps count here.
921998;1415998412;*;asciilifeform found it very surprising that tor survived as a going concern after 'heartbleed'
921999;1415998431;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform something tells me i won't be getting the "mp's blog, first place to announce tor is shit, a year or so ago" all over the "tech" "press". just like i didn't get the "mp forces wikileaks to release unedited cables by publishing the romanian subset" a few years back
922000;1415998464;mircea_popescu;because why report, right, there's all these fucktards that need to wonder "what mainstream nobody agrees with mp", as if that's the fucking criteria nao, we vote for knowledge.
922001;1415998474;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-06-2014#700916
922002;1415998474;assbot;Logged on 04-06-2014 00:08:26; asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: the buggers' traditional defense is to pretend that the event was a non-event - or, if this is impractical, to continue living in an imaginary world where they 'scooped' the story first, and all of the 'unsanctioned' discussion never happened.
922003;1415998514;mircea_popescu;myeah. and this matters, because the non-wot world is like, totally a world and anything, and what happens outside of b-a ctually happens, and non-notarized documents actually carry weight and everything
922004;1415998524;mircea_popescu;trust teh power of dreamz!
922005;1415998532;asciilifeform;'we have always been at war with [east|eur]asia.'
922006;1415998589;mircea_popescu;anyway, this is the best of all worlds, tbh. i'd get really pissy in short order if reddit actually knew what's what
922007;1415998613;mircea_popescu;and i couldn't get out of bed without 5000 "hey mp, what do you think of this toaster" "is bitcoin going up i must know because of my 0.05 btcent investment!"
922008;1415998619;asciilifeform;reddit, as i understand, is a world of 'class 3' learners - 'must piss on electric fence himself'
922009;1415998641;mircea_popescu;if this is true, how did they come to the conclusion women dislike being raped ?
922010;1415998647;mircea_popescu;not that it's false, but they're not women. so... how ?
922011;1415998697;asciilifeform;not clear that these folks have an actual take on the subject. parroting usg religion - yes.
922012;1415998706;mircea_popescu;that's learning no ?
922013;1415998714;asciilifeform;but on the subject of, e.g., tor, they have both words and deeds.
922014;1415998722;asciilifeform;and will end up learning from the electric fence.
922015;1415998728;mircea_popescu;very much doubt it.
922016;1415998730;asciilifeform;are, in fact, already being taught by it
922017;1415998740;mircea_popescu;imo, they're 4th level learners. will not learn from thought ; nor from other
922018;1415998744;mircea_popescu;s experience, nor from their own.
922019;1415998755;asciilifeform;'the hunchback will be straightened by his grave.'
922020;1415998757;mircea_popescu;will ONLY learn from fiction, inasmuch as they find a way to link it to their own fiction.
922021;1415998792;mircea_popescu;basically, to teach a muppet something you must construct a literary work which jives with the preexisting dreamworld he inhabits
922022;1415998792;nubbins`;closed encounters of the 4th kind
922023;1415998799;mircea_popescu;which is how they all "learned" all about mordor.
922024;1415998850;asciilifeform;it does happen that 'fanons' conflict, though.
922025;1415998863;mircea_popescu;they don't know how to compute whether x option ios better than y option in any situation, but they do know you don't just walk into mordor
922026;1415998883;mircea_popescu;of course it does, but so ? energy states in a semiconductor also conflict, in the abstract
922027;1415998887;mircea_popescu;what's that do for any cell ?
922028;1415998898;asciilifeform;somebody had an essay on 'knowledge vs. suggestively-named strings'
922029;1415998905;mircea_popescu;where ?
922031;1415998952;asciilifeform;ancient scan.
922032;1415998958;asciilifeform;not readily deturdifiable.
922033;1415998975;asciilifeform;but is an iconic cult-classic (mcdermott, 1976)
922034;1415999015;mircea_popescu;lmao the title promises
922035;1415999040;asciilifeform;it's an epic paper, that not merely rained but pissed on the exuberant 'ai' parade of the '70s academe.
922036;1415999043;nubbins`;skim milk is rotten
922037;1415999047;nubbins`;it's fucking grey
922039;1415999143;asciilifeform;'programs to a great degree are problems rather than solutions. If a researcher tries to write an "understanding" program, it isn't because he has thought of a better way of implementing this well-understood task, but because he thinks he can come closer to writing the implementation. If he calls the main loop of his program "UNDERSTAND ', he is (until proven innocent) merely begging the question. He may mislea
922040;1415999143;asciilifeform;d a lot of people, most prominently himself, and enrage a lot of others.'
922042;1415999394;asciilifeform;weizenbaum, author of iconic 'eliza', also understood how little a mechanism really needs to 'understand' in order to give an idiot the illusion of 'understanding.'
922043;1415999411;asciilifeform;(not related to above, but a contemporary)
922044;1415999435;mircea_popescu;'It follows that he cannot know that certain people at certain times do not understand in Parry-or Eliza-like ways. That is to say, he has no way of knowing that we do not ourselves sometimes function by means of "clever tricks".' actually, i will go as far as to say that it is always certainly the case understanding happens through "clever tricks"
922045;1415999447;mircea_popescu;it is NEVER the case anyone ever understood anything whatsoever in any case at any point in human history
922046;1415999454;mircea_popescu;[self]delusion to the contrary notwithstanding.
922047;1415999456;asciilifeform;he is thinking of another variety of clever tricks.
922048;1415999467;asciilifeform;the mechanized stage magic of eliza
922049;1415999467;mircea_popescu;is he ?
922050;1415999473;mircea_popescu;that's exactly what i mean.
922051;1415999508;asciilifeform;i'd have to disagree that 'understand' is a null-word.
922052;1415999519;mircea_popescu;go right ahead, but what else do you bring ?
922053;1415999541;asciilifeform;people have never been seen to, e.g., rotate themselves in 4th d. and end up rechiralled. but they do occasionally understand things.
922054;1415999569;asciilifeform;at least, beyond 'eliza' level.
922055;1415999599;mircea_popescu;let us not discuss this in terms of understanding, something we care about. let us instead discuss in terms of love, something we don't care about.
922057;1415999626;mircea_popescu;so : your idea of understanding would be in fact "transformative love". ie, it'd give you the ability to turn, if not marble into virgin, at least whore into housewife.
922058;1415999631;mircea_popescu;dja think this was ever displayed ?
922059;1415999651;*;asciilifeform must confess he is rather puzzled at this point
922060;1415999657;mircea_popescu;whyssat ?
922061;1415999714;asciilifeform;well, if i had to give an example of 'understanding', involving 'transformation', i'd offer the transformation of pebbles on a beach (original 'calculation') into well, calculation, and mathematics, and, ..., nukes.
922063;1415999742;asciilifeform;wide net, but somewhere in it there flops a fish, 'understanding'
922064;1415999767;undata;one of you is using understand in a much stricter sense than the other.
922065;1415999771;mircea_popescu;the sort of understanding you propose is a relationship between mind and object that's transcendental. the ready comparison is the supposed transcendental relation between man and woman.
922066;1415999786;mircea_popescu;outside of this, all that's left is eliza-understanding.
922067;1415999816;mircea_popescu;and, obviously, fucking. ie, a manipulation of the subject according to the rules of the reality it inhabits.
922068;1415999824;mircea_popescu;what eliza does, what no strings attached sex is.
922069;1415999835;mircea_popescu;if you recognise a naive romanticism in one field, the other should also be obvious.
922070;1415999841;mircea_popescu;all women are whores and all thinkers are eliza.
922071;1415999856;asciilifeform;all microscopes are hammers.
922072;1415999866;nubbins`;all scarves are farts
922073;1415999868;mircea_popescu;the ability of whores to distinguish themselves from "those cheap streetwalkers" is not that important globally.
922074;1415999891;mircea_popescu;having more to do with ego and stress than anything
922075;1415999903;undata;"modeling is by definition incomplete" ?
922076;1415999922;mircea_popescu;undata if you will. asciilifeform yes, essentially, which is why the microscope hammer thing never persuaded me.
922077;1415999954;*;asciilifeform is firmly persuaded that every microscope is a hammer. however, not every hammer is a microscope, demonstrably. and therein lies the boojum.
922078;1415999983;mircea_popescu;not every hammer is a microscope TO YOU
922079;1415999998;mircea_popescu;not every whore is a partner you'd entertain, but that has little to do with the principles involved.
922080;1416000040;asciilifeform;the principle involved, i must confess, escapes me
922081;1416000051;mircea_popescu;let's approach on a different tack.
922082;1416000056;asciilifeform;and i'm not altogether certain that i'd profit from grasping it
922083;1416000069;mircea_popescu;what is the method through which i could write software that distinguishes between actual science and global-warming-science ?
922084;1416000105;asciilifeform;even the elixir of distinguishing cat from dog by mechanical means, so far escapes programmers.
922085;1416000117;asciilifeform;who would even dare to ask about sciences.
922086;1416000133;mircea_popescu;well, the reason might be that there couldn't be such a thing. there's nothing that makes "good science" better than a pile of shanonized papers.
922087;1416000159;mircea_popescu;you can test them, of course, but this is practically speaking aesthetics.
922088;1416000168;asciilifeform;aha i see where this is going.
922089;1416000196;mircea_popescu;so, yeah. all thinkers are eliza, the distinguishing among elizas, like among whores, purely an application of one's own aesthetic preference.
922090;1416000215;nubbins`;no true eliza would offer such an argument
922091;1416000221;asciilifeform;'don't worry, sizzling in electric chair, ohm's law is a lie'
922092;1416000242;asciilifeform;the difference between the flesh before and after, 'aesthetic preference'
922093;1416000244;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform are you a current dreaming it's frying a butterfgly etc
922094;1416000250;nubbins`;and somewhere, somewhen, the sound of keys clacking on a keyboard was heard
922097;1416000272;undata;"gravity" holds the moon to the earth
922098;1416000295;nubbins`;_/ -_- _/
922099;1416000301;mircea_popescu;undata the argument mind, isn't that some eliza-trees don't make much better looking reality-clothes than others.
922100;1416000312;mircea_popescu;the argument is whether they're actually different.
922101;1416000347;mircea_popescu;if one function returns rnd(0,15) and the other rnd(20,42) it is easy to establish which returns the larger number,
922102;1416000354;mircea_popescu;but that doesn't mean they're not the same damned function.
922103;1416000368;asciilifeform;afaik western traditions of sophistry are not even the most die-hard adherents of this idea. in some variants of islam, they actually believe that 'if the circuit works, it was will of allah' and nothing more
922104;1416000375;mircea_popescu;and the brain is in no sense and to no degree a logic processing machine.
922105;1416000378;nubbins`;<+mircea_popescu> the argument is whether they're actually different. <<< in the sense that each game of wol is actually different
922106;1416000381;asciilifeform;and today perhaps the allmighty favours ohm's law, tomorrow - not
922107;1416000385;mircea_popescu;nor, ironically, are actual logic processing machines all that intelligent.
922108;1416000387;mircea_popescu;to us at least.
922109;1416000395;mircea_popescu;nubbins` quite.
922110;1416000433;asciilifeform;brain is logic machine like brick is flying machine.
922111;1416000438;mircea_popescu;pretty much yeah.
922112;1416000444;mircea_popescu;"it can be made to"
922113;1416000460;asciilifeform;in precisely that way.
922114;1416000487;undata;mircea_popescu: I'm still chewing on "different" how?
922115;1416000488;nubbins`;relevant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxKrskPyBuI
922116;1416000489;assbot;TripTank - Stoned Ape Theory - YouTube
922117;1416000498;mircea_popescu;not that any of these subtle considerations have any sort of practical effect or importance,
922118;1416000507;mircea_popescu;but since the article spoke of "substance" in thought... well...
922119;1416000541;mircea_popescu;there's no substance to thought.
922120;1416000578;undata;nubbins`: flashback to 19, tripping like hell, trying to find a firm thought to stand upon
922121;1416000587;asciilifeform;the idea in the article can (and has) been rephrased like this. if you remove all the 'suggestively-named strings' like 'understand' - and replace with 'gensyms' - e.g., 100324 - does the resulting machine still do or even appear to do anything of interest?
922122;1416000601;nubbins`;undata terrorizing realization that no such thing exists, etc
922123;1416000608;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform but my point is that this argument misses the very point of what thought is.
922124;1416000614;undata;nubbins`: I started laughing my ass off and gave up
922125;1416000617;mircea_popescu;that's what thought is, entirely, all the time : suggestively named strings.
922126;1416000626;asciilifeform;say, if it was able to distinguish cat from dog, and now operates an automated dogcatcher, prior to the renaming of strings, and still can - there was 'substance.'
922127;1416000641;mircea_popescu;to the code.
922128;1416000677;mircea_popescu;ok, let me phrase it thus :
922129;1416000730;mircea_popescu;mp's lemma of artificial intelligence requires any computer program that exhibits in fact ai to depend in its functioning on the naming of its functions, and that self-metaprogramming be a part of its working.
922130;1416000742;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: remember the self-evolving fpga?
922131;1416000754;mircea_popescu;ok, great example.
922132;1416000758;asciilifeform;the one where not a single thing about the circuit made sense to the human dissector
922133;1416000764;mircea_popescu;that thing IS intelligent, just like me and you and the dragonfly.
922134;1416000764;asciilifeform;but for the fact that it worked.
922135;1416000773;asciilifeform;where are the namings?
922136;1416000783;mircea_popescu;how would i know ?
922137;1416000798;asciilifeform;we might be speaking of different things then, re: 'names'
922138;1416000808;mircea_popescu;ok, let's re-rephrase :
922139;1416000825;mircea_popescu;any computer program of which identifiable components can be unambiguously named is not capable of displaying AI.
922140;1416000835;asciilifeform;what 'ai and stupidity' was about, was an actual pestilence of pseudoscience, where folks convinced themselves and others that they were accomplishing 'great things' while really pulling each other's dicks in a most stultifying way
922141;1416000868;mircea_popescu;o for sure, im not even getting into the point of the article. i just went on a tangent for objection reasons, like i do.
922143;1416000882;*;undata tries to create an arbitrary symbol in his mind
922144;1416000896;asciilifeform;;;google gensym
922145;1416000897;gribble;Gensym | Real-Time Management of Mission Critical Systems: ; Product | Gensym: ; Gensym G2 2011 EDITIONS – Product Detail | Gensym: 
922146;1416000900;undata;Core dumped.
922147;1416000902;asciilifeform;damn, sp4mz0rs
922148;1416000912;asciilifeform;;;google gensym common lisp
922149;1416000912;gribble;GENSYMs - Common Lisp HyperSpec (TM): ; Macros: Defining Your Own - gigamonkeys: ; hygiene-versus-gensym - Community-Scheme-Wiki: 
922150;1416000934;asciilifeform;^ best representation of the concept i know of
922151;1416000964;asciilifeform;creates a symbol with no meaning other than identity (cannot add, subtract it, it only has a name and the only permitted operation is determination of identity)
922152;1416000989;asciilifeform;and, well, assignment
922154;1416001000;mircea_popescu;i don't think that violates my restatement.
922155;1416001025;asciilifeform;it's a humble tool, no ai to it at all
922156;1416001038;asciilifeform;a 'nut' or 'bolt' that i use daily.
922157;1416001059;mircea_popescu;well yeah but if it did violate restatement then either i'm wrong or no ai can be made to run on lisp machine.
922158;1416001063;asciilifeform;(gensym) just coughs up a guaranteed-unique object.
922159;1416001078;mircea_popescu;is this provable to actually work all the time ?
922160;1416001084;asciilifeform;until exhausted memory.
922162;1416001100;asciilifeform;typically implemented using a counter
922163;1416001110;mircea_popescu;that smashes eventually no ?
922164;1416001123;asciilifeform;common lisp numeric tower is a bignum tower
922165;1416001134;*;mircea_popescu ponders.
922166;1416001147;asciilifeform;so, in principle, if the machine were to do nothing but cough up 'gensyms' for a few millenia, you will exhaust memory.
922167;1416001161;asciilifeform;depending on how quickly you can increment
922168;1416001166;asciilifeform;(and how long machine lasts)
922169;1416001186;mircea_popescu;i superficially suspect this discussion proves there can never be turing ai.,
922170;1416001193;mircea_popescu;lisp machine being turing equivalent
922171;1416001196;asciilifeform;(of course, a gensym, if not garbage collected, also occupies a cell of memory)
922172;1416001251;asciilifeform;the 'super-turing' machine remains a mystical unicorn.
922174;1416001263;asciilifeform;not that it has been shown not to exist, but has about the same status as 'god'
922175;1416001285;asciilifeform;that is, a favourite preoccupation of crackpots of all stripes, and from the whole spectrum of scientific literacy - but no results.
922176;1416001328;mircea_popescu;well, the only way to build one may be to first build a planet, then let cnc evolve.
922178;1416001379;asciilifeform;what bothers me most is that most of the 'askers' have no idea what they actually want.
922179;1416001385;asciilifeform;(from a hypothetical 'ai')
922180;1416001400;asciilifeform;mechanical best friend?
922181;1416001479;mircea_popescu;a good example would be, a spontaneous determination to build itself a house,
922182;1416001486;mircea_popescu;while no identifiable part of the code deals with housebuilding.
922183;1416001527;asciilifeform;not necessarily disputing the hypothesis - but why the preoccupation with non-identifiable parts?
922184;1416001531;mircea_popescu;if the machine ends up housed within a house of its own making at the end of a process which was not either understood or its endpoint predictable by observers, well... iut;'s intelligent.
922185;1416001571;asciilifeform;see, we can take this into a place you probably did not intend to go:
922186;1416001576;asciilifeform;consider 'langton's ant.'
922187;1416001577;mircea_popescu;lets see!
922189;1416001578;assbot;Langton's Ant -- from Wolfram MathWorld
922190;1416001590;asciilifeform;very simple rules (described on linked article)
922191;1416001597;asciilifeform;you can write him yourself and try.
922192;1416001597;mircea_popescu;see, that "intend to go" is exactly why the preoccupation with non identifiability.
922193;1416001602;mircea_popescu;fuckall cares what i intend.
922194;1416001606;asciilifeform;well think to the end.
922195;1416001613;nubbins`;<+mircea_popescu> if the machine ends up housed within a house of its own making at the end of a process which was not either understood or its endpoint predictable by observers, well... iut;'s intelligent. <<< mis lados!!
922196;1416001621;asciilifeform;what we know is that everyone who ever tried langton's ant, notices that he always 'builds a road'
922197;1416001631;asciilifeform;no matter what is on the playing field at the beginning
922198;1416001639;asciilifeform;or what 'bombs' (to use 'war of life' terminology) you drop.
922199;1416001644;asciilifeform;sooner or later - he builds it.
922200;1416001656;asciilifeform;could be after thousands of moves.
922202;1416001669;asciilifeform;no one has proven anything, afaik, of substance, about whether the ant will always build the road.
922203;1416001682;asciilifeform;but experimentally no one has (yet) found counter-example.
922204;1416001687;mircea_popescu;so your argument is that ant meets my definition of ai ?
922205;1416001693;asciilifeform;well, that part.
922207;1416001705;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13889 @ 0.0004217 = 5.857 BTC [-]
922208;1416001707;mircea_popescu;how do you identify a highway as a house ?
922209;1416001720;asciilifeform;same way you identify a house as a house.
922210;1416001726;mircea_popescu;say if you showed this process to 1k randomly selected 5 yos, would they say "it built itself a house" ?
922211;1416001741;asciilifeform;who am i to say that a repeating cycle of moves is not 'house' for the automaton.
922213;1416001749;mircea_popescu;to us.
922214;1416001753;mircea_popescu;not to it. that's the point. to us.
922215;1416001753;asciilifeform;the way that my 4 walls are a repeating cycle of moves to me.
922216;1416001768;mircea_popescu;*we* have to recognise what it does.
922217;1416001796;asciilifeform;this goes back to my complaint about the ai wishers. they aren't asking for 'intelligence', just a mechanical but recognizable version of themselves
922218;1416001803;asciilifeform;or, at least, what they think of as themselves.
922219;1416001824;mircea_popescu;well, this definition is, "when you recognise what's being done, but neither why nor how, you're confronted with intelligence"
922220;1416001866;undata;seems a lot that passes for human intelligence is driven by autonomous processes evolution carved into us, just like the ant
922221;1416001870;mircea_popescu;this is counterintuitive, because we're very ethnicallyclose, so to speak,
922222;1416001872;nubbins`;recognize is an overly broad term for this discussion
922223;1416001872;asciilifeform;or with an entirely non-interactive and ultimately easily described physical system that you simply don't grasp yet.
922224;1416001880;mircea_popescu;so we eliza-recognise what WE do on the grounds of culture and convention
922225;1416001890;mircea_popescu;when intelligences meet without that basis, superamazement ensues.
922226;1416001907;undata;when two of those ants hit each other, do they combine their "houses"?
922227;1416001913;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no, see, it's not a black box.
922228;1416001917;*;nubbins` recalls the (clarke?) short story about an intelligent electrical field
922229;1416001921;Adlai;excellent turminology, this! http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Turmite.html
922230;1416001922;assbot;Turmite -- from Wolfram MathWorld
922231;1416001927;asciilifeform;this is an ancient argument - 'the sea is very intelligent but we just aren't protocol compatible and can't see that it's even alive'
922232;1416001948;mircea_popescu; any computer program of which identifiable components can be unambiguously named is not capable of displaying AI. << this obviously requires you to be allowed under the hood.
922233;1416001950;asciilifeform;i have limited patience for it because of the sheer lack of predictive power.
922234;1416001956;mircea_popescu;otherwise windows is ai for crying out loud.
922235;1416001957;undata;nubbins`: Greg Egan did one with intelligent turbulence
922236;1416001965;nubbins`;asciilifeform unfortunately the sea won't be seen as alive until after it's dead D:
922237;1416001966;asciilifeform;undata: yes i recall that one. 'dust.'
922238;1416001994;mircea_popescu;well it all started with you asking for a definition of ai.
922239;1416001996;nubbins`;i recall reading a young adult novel about intelligent crystals
922240;1416002003;nubbins`;suspended in fluid iirc
922241;1416002009;nubbins`;one of those "my teacher is an alien" type ones
922242;1416002028;asciilifeform;undata: in fact, i recall that he had a character who is being marched to a mafia execution, and offered a magic pill before being shot. the pill wakes him up to the idea that his mind is already being simulated on a 'computer' made of space dust, somewhere, if only 'interpreted correctly'
922243;1416002035;Adlai;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-11-2014#922181 << so do you count an entire beehive/anthill as intelligent, but not any single member individually?
922244;1416002035;assbot;Logged on 14-11-2014 21:44:39; mircea_popescu: a good example would be, a spontaneous determination to build itself a house,
922245;1416002052;mircea_popescu;Adlai yes, actually.
922246;1416002066;mircea_popescu;perhaps except for the queen, but that's an endless discussion.
922247;1416002222;mircea_popescu;<asciilifeform> or with an entirely non-interactive and ultimately easily described physical system that you simply don't grasp yet. << incidentally, the brain seems to fit this quite exactly.
922248;1416002249;nubbins`;i know people claim that there's an upper bound on the complexity that can form in a cellular-automaton-type system with simple rules
922249;1416002262;Adlai;you could roughly equate the queen of an ant colony to a human brain's https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reticular_formation#Clinical_significance ?
922250;1416002264;assbot;Reticular formation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
922251;1416002264;nubbins`;but i feel like the upper bound is significantly higher than people realize
922252;1416002287;mircea_popescu;Adlai maybe, but i'm very wary of recent brainscience.
922253;1416002290;asciilifeform;nubbins`: none of the claims, for whatever measure of 'complexity', amount to anything more than farts in the wind.
922254;1416002303;Adlai;which is why I linked to clinical examples, rather than speculation
922255;1416002306;asciilifeform;nubbins`: see the discussion last year of the 'entropy' of the digits of 'pi'.
922256;1416002311;asciilifeform;they max out every known measure
922257;1416002313;asciilifeform;(save for one.)
922258;1416002314;Adlai;would the same happen to an ant colony if you kidnapped the queen?
922259;1416002334;asciilifeform;and at the same time, the digits can be spat out by a very simple mechanism.
922260;1416002342;nubbins`;asciilifeform i fell into a black hole halfway through my cs/math joint major on points like these
922261;1416002345;asciilifeform;(see bailey borwein plouffe.)
922262;1416002364;mircea_popescu;Adlai generally most ant colonies have emergency backups always ready
922263;1416002374;mircea_popescu;if queen dies newborn queen emerges almost immediately.
922264;1416002390;mircea_popescu;some collapse tho, for various reasons
922265;1416002398;asciilifeform;this is no more surprising than skin on your finger regrowing.
922267;1416002404;Adlai;in humans neurons, queen damage is recoverable, with assistance from other colonies
922268;1416002426;mircea_popescu;well not really, neurons don't regrow like ants do.
922269;1416002448;asciilifeform;(there is some dispute re: whether and under what circumstances neurons regrow.)
922270;1416002463;Adlai;they could with external support. maybe not today, but it's easily possible within a few hundred years.
922271;1416002480;mircea_popescu;as opposed to moderately possible within a few thousand years ?
922273;1416002487;mircea_popescu;how'dja compute those parameters ?
922275;1416002520;Adlai;well my initial random was "certain within decades", but then I toned it down a few orders of fartitude
922277;1416002541;nubbins`;i was going to guess you used differential equations
922278;1416002547;Adlai;the exact timescale doesn't matter, it'll happen
922279;1416002567;mircea_popescu;you can feel it in your urine ?
922280;1416002609;Adlai;you don't think this is possible?
922281;1416002614;undata;What if certain things are just out of reach? Maybe the complete model is simple, but the approximations leading to it are larger than brains can handle?
922282;1416002644;nubbins`;see symbolic integration vs numerical methods
922283;1416002653;mircea_popescu;Adlai i have no idea, but i suspect your conviction is more informed by a faint whiff of a personal desire to survive/fear of death than anything else.
922284;1416002675;nubbins`;undata the complete model has maybe 2 rules tops
922285;1416002678;Adlai;of course. i'd say it's less a fear and more an underlying aspiration
922286;1416002684;undata;nubbins`: who knows; not I
922287;1416002729;nubbins`;nor anyone
922288;1416002735;mircea_popescu;Adlai why would you want to live forever already.
922289;1416002743;Adlai;to see what happens
922290;1416002744;mircea_popescu;haven't had enough of idiots yet ?
922291;1416002749;nubbins`;i suppose if you want to get cheeky it's (1) wiggle (2) if bumped, wiggle less
922292;1416002753;mircea_popescu;yeah, what is going to happen. i wonder.
922293;1416002777;nubbins`;we're just starting from a really really complex initial state ;D
922294;1416002778;asciilifeform;'live long enough to see the buggers off.'
922295;1416002783;asciilifeform;modest aspiration.
922297;1416002842;Adlai;:-o "millions long for immortality who don't know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon" by the guy who died on a Sunday afternoon
922298;1416002856;asciilifeform;arse longa, cocka shorta.
922299;1416002860;asciilifeform;or what did mircea_popescu say.
922300;1416002867;undata;most of the things in my head, somebody/something else put there
922301;1416002870;Adlai;although I doubt LA was rainy in june
922302;1416002871;undata;not much lost when I die
922303;1416002883;undata;and I question the "most"
922305;1416002906;assbot;Blade Runner - Final scene, "Tears in Rain" Soliloquy (HD) - YouTube
922306;1416002940;asciilifeform;'i have seen the ships on fire at the edge of orion...'
922307;1416002941;asciilifeform;that one/
922309;1416002949;mircea_popescu;undata i recall reading this east-side of cold war story (rdg it was i think ?),  about the drink that bestowed immortality, and how obnoxious old people were, 700+ yo clinging on to life to "see who wins whatever games"
922310;1416002957;asciilifeform;probably one of the best known scenes in all of film.
922311;1416002964;mircea_popescu;in fairness, the commies were very well familiar with the problem of just-wont-fucking-die-already dinosaurs
922312;1416002971;mircea_popescu;something the us is getting more and more acquainted with.
922313;1416002973;asciilifeform;ahahaha lol yes
922314;1416002974;*;nubbins` ponders turmite / langton's ant steady states as analogies for steady states in human behaviour
922315;1416002979;asciilifeform;;;google gerontocracy
922316;1416002980;gribble;Gerontocracy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Gerontocracy - Merriam-Webster Online: ; Gerontocracy | Define Gerontocracy at Dictionary.com: 
922317;1416002989;asciilifeform;wow no specifically soviet refs
922318;1416002989;Adlai;!s bill maher
922319;1416002990;assbot;6 results for 'bill maher' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=bill+maher
922320;1416002994;nubbins`;somewhere out there, a guy named langton is eating chips on the couch and watching seinfeld. again.
922321;1416002998;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it's the normally sclerotic reaction of society to a dissolution of values
922322;1416003006;mircea_popescu;the east destroyed its value system "for socialism"
922323;1416003015;mircea_popescu;the west did too, for... well... "fairness" i guess, same bs.
922324;1416003034;mircea_popescu;only way to select people now is age, which explains disasters like nanci pelosi
922325;1416003069;Adlai;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-11-2014#919815 << what'll happen once old people live long enough to form their own tribes/societies? would this be some weird form of speciation?
922326;1416003069;assbot;Logged on 13-11-2014 14:50:21; xanthyos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kWaKhrpa28
922327;1416003137;undata;mircea_popescu: seems the hive would lose the ability to adapt without some mental youth elixir being invented alongside
922328;1416003160;mircea_popescu;but see... because of the "nonviolent principle" or w/e, it doesnt HAVE TO adapt anymore.
922329;1416003162;asciilifeform;Adlai: for that to work, different definition of 'old' would have to apply.
922330;1416003176;undata;mircea_popescu: and the lamb laid down with the lion
922331;1416003178;*;undata does big arms
922332;1416003187;asciilifeform;Adlai: you don't really see, e.g., 40 y.o. 'speciating' into own socity from 30 y.o
922333;1416003197;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you don't get out much, do you ?
922336;1416003209;mircea_popescu;40yo male, with a buncha chicks. 20 yo male, in a group of derps.
922337;1416003216;mircea_popescu;quite fucking speciously speciated.
922338;1416003225;asciilifeform;opposite arrangement here
922339;1416003232;mircea_popescu;hence speciously :D
922340;1416003244;Adlai;and i'm wondering what will happen once we have a MUCH wider age range of active individuals
922341;1416003252;asciilifeform;http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2012/09/le-vieillard-gros.html << obligatory mr. o on old age
922342;1416003253;assbot;ClubOrlov: Le Vieillard Gros
922343;1416003260;Adlai;which will certainly happen within decades!
922344;1416003266;mircea_popescu;no it wont
922345;1416003279;mircea_popescu;part of the reason there's going to be blood is that there's too many old people.
922346;1416003282;asciilifeform;flying on cold-fusion (or fart) powered rocket packs, yes.
922347;1416003307;Adlai;well, old people who don't keep supporting themselves enough to stay alive without support from other tribes... will die of old age
922348;1416003311;mircea_popescu;incidentally, my favourite discussion of the topic is balzac. eugenie grandet.
922349;1416003332;mircea_popescu;Adlai you don't understand. there's nothing more readily cohesive of a group than hatred for old people.
922350;1416003343;mircea_popescu;look into london riots.
922351;1416003365;asciilifeform;!s harpagon
922352;1416003366;assbot;4 results for 'harpagon' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=harpagon
922353;1416003368;Adlai;so they'll hire xenotribal mercenaries
922355;1416003390;mircea_popescu;are you like, new under the sun ?
922356;1416003397;Adlai;such as... police forces, armies, etc
922357;1416003410;mircea_popescu;suppose kim kardashian goes around drunk in the bad part of detroit, gets raped by a gang of thugs
922358;1416003418;mircea_popescu;hires a different gang of thugs to... kill the first gang ?
922359;1416003430;mircea_popescu;sure. they also fuck her, then they go have a drink with the first gang, exchange impressions.
922360;1416003466;asciilifeform;afaik traditional scheme is for the armies to fight in perpetual deadlock, as if they were the ruminants with horns set at such an angle as to be of no use
922361;1416003474;Adlai;basically, that's what happens when tribes/nation[/-]states attack eachother
922362;1416003477;asciilifeform;while herr harpagon watches and laughs
922363;1416003498;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform that scheme only works when there's few old guys.
922364;1416003514;mircea_popescu;well, actually, i suspect old gals is more of a burden, but who knows.
922365;1416003541;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: there are still 'few old guys.' they see the remaining many as impostors, but are not particularly afraid of them. they have pills for this ('obamacare' etc.)
922366;1416003561;mircea_popescu;i guess.
922367;1416003569;mircea_popescu;but the problem is the swarming instinct.
922368;1416003583;asciilifeform;pelosi is not in any sense afraid of random mrs. smith
922369;1416003583;mircea_popescu;you know, peacible grasshoppers suddenly change mode because they got touched on the toes by others too many times.
922370;1416003606;mircea_popescu;no, but her ability to continue in relevance is a strict function of how many mrs smith johnny perceives a day.
922371;1416003618;mircea_popescu;because if he perceives too many, he's going to go "fuck you, and your laws, and your union"
922372;1416003622;mircea_popescu;something like the ferguson stuff.
922373;1416003647;asciilifeform;quite a few folks say 'ferguson' when discussion hypothetical phase transition, but i must disagree.
922374;1416003665;asciilifeform;lizard-hitler loves it when his zoo animals fight ineffectually among themselves
922375;1416003669;mircea_popescu;fine, whatever unquenchable permariots. the paris stuff.
922376;1416003671;asciilifeform;burn down own tenements, etc.
922377;1416003678;asciilifeform;same deal there
922378;1416003693;mircea_popescu;now look. im not saying the small scale thing is effectual.
922379;1416003697;asciilifeform;usa had a much closer shave before
922380;1416003701;mircea_popescu;what i am saying is that the mechanism clearly exists.
922381;1416003714;asciilifeform;if you visit wash.,d.c. you can see that in the '70s a good chunk of the place got 'detroit'ed.
922382;1416003723;asciilifeform;but not the organs of usg, nor of finance.
922383;1416003750;mircea_popescu;this is exactly how capitals work
922384;1416003754;mircea_popescu;same happened to bucharest, also in 70s
922385;1416003763;asciilifeform;mechanism exists, but i have no idea what it looks like in application to modern usa.
922386;1416003765;mircea_popescu;i suspect also moscow
922387;1416003767;asciilifeform;and neither does anyone else
922388;1416003770;mircea_popescu;well me either, what am i. mafalda.
922391;1416003781;asciilifeform;(ru equivalent)
922393;1416003882;asciilifeform;(for n00bs only: who is 'lizard hitler' ? a character approximately as real as magnetic field lines were to michael faraday. don't look for magnetic field lines, they aren't there. physically. or as far as we can tell, anyway.)
922394;1416004023;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 92800 @ 0.00042935 = 39.8437 BTC [+]
922395;1416004059;mircea_popescu;so basically we could say it's "the understanding" of magnetism ?
922396;1416004072;asciilifeform;at least partly.
922397;1416004093;asciilifeform;'the map is not the territory, but you can't fold up the territory and fit it in your glove compartment.'
922398;1416004112;cazalla;wru scoopbot, http://qntra.net/2014/11/nasaa-top-investor-threats/
922399;1416004112;assbot;NASAA: Top Investor Threats | Qntra.net
922400;1416004145;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3381 @ 0.00042935 = 1.4516 BTC [+]
922401;1416004154;asciilifeform;oh noez, competing chumpatrons, must d3str0y
922402;1416004226;mircea_popescu;da fuck is nasaa
922403;1416004235;mircea_popescu;all these important things i don't know about!
922406;1416004264;mircea_popescu;can this be like, our god ?
922409;1416004304;mircea_popescu;lizard hitler is nowwith bitcoin jesus.
922410;1416004966;TheNewDeal;lizard hitler is dating bitcoin jesus?
922411;1416004985;TheNewDeal;!s bitcoin jesus
922412;1416004986;assbot;64 results for 'bitcoin jesus' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=bitcoin+jesus
922413;1416005038;cazalla;ignoring the paedos, i thought this was a good model for a porn site http://www.deepdotweb.com/2014/11/09/as-drug-markets-are-seized-pedophiles-launch-a-crowdfunding-site/
922414;1416005039;assbot;While Markets Get Seized: Pedophiles Launch a Crowdfunding Site - Deep Dot Web
922415;1416005147;cazalla;what are the odds such a site is a honey pot?
922416;1416005158;asciilifeform;!s the man who was thursday
922417;1416005158;assbot;4 results for 'the man who was thursday' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=the+man+who+was+thursday
922418;1416005199;mircea_popescu;cazalla about 11 in 5.
922419;1416005206;asciilifeform;cazalla: the whole thing exists only as a honeypot, even when it doesn't.
922420;1416005252;asciilifeform;what is a honeypot if not each and every criminal undertaking that steps outside of its 'wot' ?
922421;1416005263;asciilifeform;and opens self to strangers
922422;1416005294;asciilifeform;(for whatever value of 'criminal', in whatever kingdom or time)
922423;1416005363;asciilifeform;at any rate, the incentive for the buggers to fabricate 'terrorist atrocities' is so overwhelming, that any such item is guilty until proven innocent of being just such a crock of shit.
922424;1416005415;asciilifeform;not that i personally give a damn whether a particular honeypot is artificial or 'wild.'
922425;1416005731;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11500 @ 0.00043338 = 4.9839 BTC [+]
922427;1416006180;assbot;I don’t know what the hell I said. I gave her an ultimatum and there’s nothing I can do. It’s a machine. The little light is blinking right now: ‘Come and listen to the idiot. Hey everybody, the idiot’s on!’ pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 
922430;1416006218;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu lets nothing go to waste.
922431;1416006225;mircea_popescu;i am an ant!
922432;1416006423;cazalla;Eliza needs a footnote?
922433;1416006451;mircea_popescu;well for prosteriority.
922434;1416006463;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 90950 @ 0.00042509 = 38.6619 BTC [-] {3} 
922435;1416006465;mircea_popescu;where prost means stupid, at least in romanian.
922436;1416006605;asciilifeform;3rd conference << 2nd?
922437;1416006613;asciilifeform;(endnote vi)
922439;1416006626;empyex;mircea_popescu: Next conference starts in 5 months and 3 days. Estimated cost today: 3.30951486 BTC (Details: http://trilema.com/2014/the-conference-third-edition/ )
922440;1416006633;mircea_popescu;right you are
922441;1416006654;asciilifeform;unless there was a lizards-only 0th conference...
922442;1416006703;asciilifeform;herr dooglus must be on an ip-over-dead-goat acoustic-coupler modem...
922443;1416006792;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: actually weizenbaum's story is more interesting than the 'prosteriority' lets on.
922444;1416006798;asciilifeform;many people figured it out very quickly.
922445;1416006807;asciilifeform;but his secretary (young woman) - notably - did not
922446;1416006815;asciilifeform;and insisted that the thing was 'alive' and 'understood her'
922447;1416006824;mircea_popescu;yup. it works as a trap for particular people
922448;1416006828;mircea_popescu;rather than a universal problem
922449;1416006831;asciilifeform;she demanded to be 'let alone with it'
922450;1416006852;asciilifeform;and that was when we learned that there are those among us who... fail turing test.
922451;1416006861;mircea_popescu;nah, the two are not the same.
922452;1416006868;asciilifeform;well, inverse turing test.
922453;1416006880;mircea_popescu;understand something : if female brain were not hackable, if female vulva had no opening, there'd be no species.
922454;1416006891;jurov;wow that discussion... rather novel restatement of the question whether a soul exists
922455;1416006891;mircea_popescu;she hacks herself. of course she does. so what of it ?
922457;1416006900;Adlai;!s 4781
922458;1416006901;assbot;1 results for '4781' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=4781
922459;1416006903;mircea_popescu;jurov quite.
922460;1416006907;Adlai;anybody read this? ^^
922461;1416006923;asciilifeform;i not infrequently read esr
922462;1416006923;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform im just saying, let's not confuse those who pass the fertility test with those who fail the turing test.
922463;1416006930;Adlai;(the book, not the review itself)
922464;1416006940;asciilifeform;(esr suffers from some of the same problems as taleb)
922465;1416006956;mircea_popescu;Adlai i linked it neh ?
922466;1416006984;Adlai;http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=4781 (because assbot apparently isn't self-aware yet)
922467;1416006984;assbot;1 results for '4781' - #bitcoin-assets search
922468;1416006999;Adlai;er, shit. http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-11-2014#921595
922469;1416006999;assbot;Logged on 14-11-2014 10:10:46; mircea_popescu: http://esr.ibiblio.org/?p=4781 and it's really good, too.
922470;1416007013;asciilifeform;the book? can't say that i have
922471;1416007037;Adlai;or it could specialcase finding only a single result
922472;1416007040;asciilifeform;but from the article, it sounds deeply reminiscent of a similar turd, 'cyberselfish'
922473;1416007069;asciilifeform;( http://www.motherjones.com/politics/1996/07/cyberselfish << briefly described here.)
922474;1416007070;assbot;Cyberselfish | Mother Jones
922475;1416007634;mircea_popescu;Our biggest concern is the welfare of children who appear on this site. {Site name redacted} has a ZERO tolerance policy for rape or
922476;1416007638;mircea_popescu;what the fuck reporting is this.
922477;1416007861;mircea_popescu;!up romkor_
922478;1416007889;mircea_popescu;Adlai ah, the book. no, never have.
922479;1416007940;Adlai;has anybody automated assbot auth?
922480;1416008029;mircea_popescu;you mean gribble ?
922481;1416008105;mircea_popescu;Adlai http://wiki.bitcoin-otc.com/wiki/GPG_authentication#Helper_scripts like that ?
922482;1416008109;assbot;GPG authentication - bitcoin-otc wiki
922483;1416008195;Adlai;amazingly nobody seems to use btc address auth. wtf?
922484;1416008195;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY!
922485;1416008201;Adlai;srsly bro
922486;1416008354;mircea_popescu;what's so amazing about this ?
922487;1416008354;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY!
922488;1416008381;mircea_popescu;badly thought out, pointless functionality doesn't get much use among the sane.
922489;1416008450;Adlai;it's not any better than gpg auth, but i don't see why it's any worse either
922490;1416008472;Adlai;although i guess it's less convenient to keep using in the face of existing automation of gpg auth
922491;1416008490;mircea_popescu;vulpes explains this if memory serves.
922492;1416008549;mircea_popescu;http://cascadianhacker.com/blog/2014/10/20_a-summary-of-changes-to-bitcoin-since-0321.html#fn.24 there.
922493;1416008550;assbot;A summary of changes to Bitcoin since 0.3.21
922494;1416008580;Adlai;thx, not much luck slogging through http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=from%3Aben_vulpes+auth*
922495;1416008580;assbot;16 results for 'from:ben_vulpes auth*' - #bitcoin-assets search
922496;1416008645;asciilifeform;whether this particular microscope is fit for use as a hammer, depends on two very separate questions - what you think of ecdsa, and what you think of bitcoind
922497;1416008724;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform not even getting into these technical discussion : getting people to use their credit cards as identification paperwork is a bad idea.
922498;1416008761;asciilifeform;one could in principle maintain a bitcoin 'keypair' for the purpose of abusing it for public key signatures
922499;1416008765;asciilifeform;but why?
922500;1416008776;mircea_popescu;the only proper way to use bitcoin addresses as identification correctly is to run a never-connected node that has no balance.
922501;1416008784;mircea_popescu;this is so braindamaged as to leave one breathless.
922502;1416008785;asciilifeform;well yes.
922503;1416008787;asciilifeform;but still why.
922504;1416008793;Adlai;frankly, my crypto knowledge is lacking to have anything meaningful to say on this issue, beyond "gpg keys can have an order of magnitude more entropy than bitcoin pubkey hashes"
922505;1416008797;asciilifeform;get a hammer, leave microscope alone.
922506;1416008820;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform are you asking me why or the abuser why ?
922507;1416008829;asciilifeform;the abuser.
922509;1416008851;Adlai;my reason/excuse has mainly been convenience, i had the btc auth set up years ago before i'd ever used gpg
922510;1416008860;mircea_popescu;convenience is the enemy, of course.
922511;1416008871;mircea_popescu;anwyay : you'll also notice we quite strictly use 4kb rsa sigs in our gpg
922512;1416008881;mircea_popescu;as pointedly opposed to using the ecdsa in bitcoin
922513;1416008892;mircea_popescu;now imagine what happens if either is breached somehow.
922514;1416008906;asciilifeform;'Who steals my purse steals trash; 'tis something, nothing; 'Twas mine, 'tis his, and has been slave to thousands; But he that filches from me my good name...'
922516;1416008927;Adlai;a stricter form of identity verification would require breaching *both*, rather than either, or only one
922517;1416008954;mircea_popescu;double the hassle of logging. tide's not really that high yet.
922519;1416008976;gribble;Nick 'Adlai', with hostmask 'Adlai!~Adlai@gateway/tor-sasl/adlai', is identified as user 'Adlai', with GPG key id 4D88596A7CDA03F9, key fingerprint FCBC64EFDF1D6C1E4E964AEE4D88596A7CDA03F9, and bitcoin address 13dkw1PtojBW74FN7ERbHqoEvgsTmtARuj
922520;1416008996;mircea_popescu;;;gettrust Adlai
922521;1416008996;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask Adlai!~Adlai@gateway/tor-sasl/adlai. Trust relationship from user mircea_popescu to user Adlai: Level 1: 1, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=mircea_popescu&dest=Adlai | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=Adlai | Rated since: Sat Oct 11 10:15:58 2014
922522;1416009000;Adlai;how charming, i'm only btc authed, but gribble presents it as though i'm gpg authed too
922523;1416009015;mircea_popescu;Adlai it just says "you're authed" and lists how that could be
922524;1416009040;Adlai;you may understand that, but it's not evident purely from response to ;;dient
922525;1416009049;mircea_popescu;anyway, seems you first logged last month, what do you mean "btc auth set up for years" ?
922526;1416009054;thestringpuller;"The cryptography is the strongest point. Your enemies will attack the weakest point, which is you."
922527;1416009069;mircea_popescu;well no meaningful content is directly obvious from the form of expression. you gotta know what the words sya.
922528;1416009079;Adlai;i've had btc auth set up for around two years
922529;1416009085;mircea_popescu;like how ?
922530;1416009090;Adlai;i only set up gpg auth a few weeks ago
922531;1416009156;Adlai;compare: http://bitcoin-otc.com/viewgpg.php?nick=adlai and http://pool.sks-keyservers.net:11371/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=0xFCBC64EFDF1D6C1E4E964AEE4D88596A7CDA03F9
922532;1416009157;assbot;#bitcoin-otc gpg key data
922533;1416009184;mircea_popescu;"Lest this all seem merely amusing, meditate on the fate of those who have tampered with words before. The behaviorists ruined words like "behavior", "response", and especially, "learning". They now pl-ay happily in a dream world, internally consistent but lost to science."
922534;1416009187;mircea_popescu;oh boy, quite.
922535;1416009206;Adlai;where are you going with that quote?
922536;1416009218;mircea_popescu;2012-10-06 04:55:28 aha
922537;1416009226;Adlai;indeed :)
922538;1416009228;mircea_popescu;Adlai unrelated to our convo.
922540;1416009364;Adlai;perhaps better data, from your very own: http://nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/3B241BB6119757556F33339EFC6D3849C1ED1485C66C9D0D0A9506199D7402D0
922541;1416009365;assbot;Welcome | Phuctor
922542;1416009388;Adlai;oh, that submission date is today. nvm.
922543;1416009392;asciilifeform;lol wasn't meant to be used as an authoritative keyserver.
922544;1416009402;asciilifeform;(only updates when someone craps a key in)
922545;1416009577;Adlai;hah, i'd forgotten this already: http://nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/29F24169A59A5BE1ACC8FCE0E852F4AE1C2A83C2F6B6902D6FA363BFC983ACBA
922546;1416009579;assbot;Welcome | Phuctor
922547;1416009623;*;asciilifeform l0lz that folks are using 'phuctor' as a key viewer
922548;1416009639;Adlai;don't worry, i'm just phucting with you
922549;1416009642;asciilifeform;i guess there's something pleasurable in seeing the moduli
922550;1416009648;asciilifeform;i know i like to.
922551;1416009727;Adlai;https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?search=Adlai << /nick accidentally got squatted by ashley while i was in the army. never heard of waksman though.
922552;1416009728;assbot;Search results for 'adlai'
922553;1416009961;Adlai;https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?search=Adlai << so, while the current contributors' reasons for not using git[hub] are understandable, i'll leave this up and perhaps update it at my leisure, in case it'll be useful to anybody inhabiting a separate region on the paranoia/lazyness continuum
922554;1416009961;assbot;Search results for 'adlai'
922555;1416009968;Adlai;pastefail: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-11-2014#919932
922556;1416009968;assbot;Logged on 13-11-2014 16:38:23; asciilifeform: Adlai: darcs << as a military man, perhaps you are familiar with systems that could be automated easily, but aren't? e.g., ru nuke sub controls
922558;1416010022;assbot;CFPB's Proposed Rules Governing Prepaid Cards Include "Virtual Currency" | Qntra.net
922559;1416010022;asciilifeform;Adlai: on the contrary, several people (even you?) are using 'git'
922560;1416010030;asciilifeform;it even, iirc, comes with a gpg signing gizmo
922561;1416010053;Adlai;people other than me have used it?
922562;1416010059;asciilifeform;but it is only a tool that some people prefer to use. a 'git' or other similar gizmo will not be the authoritative representation of bitcoind.
922563;1416010062;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30500 @ 0.00042506 = 12.9643 BTC [-]
922564;1416010064;asciilifeform;for reasons described earlier.
922565;1416010066;Adlai;(specifically for this repo)
922566;1416010073;asciilifeform;aha i think ben_vulpes has one of his own
922567;1416010099;Adlai;i only set up the repo. doing so required going through all the manual steps (and i did verify gpg signatures with identities fetched from public keyservers)
922568;1416010111;asciilifeform;try to understand why a git repo cannot be the canonical representation.
922569;1416010126;Adlai;of course i understand, although i still think darcs could actually work for this
922570;1416010139;asciilifeform;(the canonical representation can be taken and stuffed into a git repo, or darcs, or cvs, whatever, for your personal pleasure)
922571;1416010141;Adlai;(after reading more about its workings)
922572;1416010169;asciilifeform;but when it's time to cough your changes back up and have them up for public study, they have to be physically minimal
922573;1416010175;Adlai;let's put it this way: the act of fetching signed patches with darcs conducts *exactly* the manual verification workflow which you currently do
922574;1416010177;asciilifeform;and per the current state of the art, that means unix diff outputs.
922575;1416010185;undata;Adlai: this was my argument.
922576;1416010192;Adlai;!s undata darcs
922577;1416010192;assbot;0 results for 'undata darcs' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=undata+darcs
922578;1416010194;undata;git and others are a damned hash database
922579;1416010196;Adlai;... no it wasn't
922580;1416010205;Adlai;yes, and they're not looking for a hash database
922581;1416010208;undata;Adlai: it turns out there are a few of those
922582;1416010209;asciilifeform;Adlai: in what way is 'darcs' output more useful than unix patch?
922583;1416010212;Adlai;they're looking for verified patch lists
922584;1416010232;asciilifeform;Adlai: does it, for example, avoid being fooled by line number counts?
922585;1416010232;Adlai;asciilifeform: you can add metadata such as patch dependency which is not evident just from the patch's raw contents
922586;1416010236;undata;Adlai: as you were then; git solves precisely this problem or would not work.
922587;1416010288;Adlai;git commits to a specific state of code. what if it becomes evident that a specific developer was working to introduce bugs, and you only want to excise his patches? that has unbounded painfulness in git, but bounded painfulness in darcs.
922588;1416010307;asciilifeform;incidentally, the problem of 'patcher than is never fooled by deletions and line count shifts' is not solvable in the general case.
922589;1416010313;Adlai;same bounds hold, or don't, for "his patches, and all those dependent upon them"
922590;1416010329;asciilifeform;(if you have a solution, geneticists would love to hear about it. 'sequence alignment' is ruinously expensive, in computational terms.)
922591;1416010333;Adlai;which is why darcs lets you add manual metadata for dependency constraints
922592;1416010367;Adlai;a "conflict" would require a separate patch, which should be signed by the resolver
922593;1416010367;asciilifeform;Adlai: we have the metadata. the integer in the patch fileames.
922595;1416010425;asciilifeform;try to understand the nature of this 'nuke sub' and the pitfalls of tying one's fortune to 'darcs' or a similarly 'intelligent' instrument.
922596;1416010482;undata;asciilifeform: the process of producing a git commit is entirely dumb
922597;1416010485;Adlai;darcs isn't that intelligent. the input data it gets from a repository is a partially ordered list of patches, possibly signed. this is slightly more general than an ordered list of patches, but just as secure and interactive/manual
922598;1416010493;undata;and your nuke sub is going to get harder and harder to work on as the number of patches grows
922599;1416010506;asciilifeform;undata: i want it to get harder.
922600;1416010523;asciilifeform;undata, Adlai: are you familiar with 'risk homeostasis' ?
922601;1416010531;Adlai;!s risk homeostasis
922602;1416010531;assbot;1 results for 'risk homeostasis' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=risk+homeostasis
922603;1416010539;Adlai;apparently logs aren't either!
922604;1416010566;Adlai;at least, not to a great degree... but i get the idea
922605;1416010569;asciilifeform;incidentally, esr had a piece on it.
922607;1416010573;assbot;  Program Provability and the Rule of Technical Greed
922608;1416010636;undata;asciilifeform: the process you've demanded be manual is not nearly a hard enough hurdle to filter undesirables
922609;1416010644;asciilifeform;this business, where things have to keep 'growing' for no apparent reason at all, needs to go.
922610;1416010646;undata;it's just a pain in the ass
922611;1416010669;asciilifeform;the point here is not to filter undesirable -people-
922612;1416010671;asciilifeform;but -things-.
922613;1416010676;asciilifeform;as in, cruft.
922614;1416010701;asciilifeform;look at extant software and you will see what happens to engineering when moving parts stop having weight and cost.
922615;1416010703;asciilifeform;it gets cancer.
922616;1416010733;asciilifeform;and since it never quite succumbs to the cancer, the tumours become planetary-sized.
922617;1416010740;asciilifeform;dwarfing the actual healthy tissue.
922618;1416010753;asciilifeform;how much of what is on your computer right now, actually -does- something ?
922619;1416010758;undata;I'll argue that git is doing precisely what you're doing by hand.
922620;1416010765;Adlai;i'm going to stop talking before i sound like a broken record, but this topic is likely to come up again once i've got something more substantial to say in defense of some tool for easing (ie, partially automating, up to the point of confirming signature verification) this process... no guarantee on how soon that could be, or which tool.
922621;1416010772;Adlai;darcs seems the likeliest candidate right now, though
922622;1416010775;undata;you're not removing complexity; you're just making the same process slower
922623;1416010784;asciilifeform;undata: well, to the extent that any version control system can be cudgelled into coughing up output compatible with 'patch' - then yes.
922624;1416010793;asciilifeform;but it is that output, and only that, which i am willing to sign.
922625;1416010802;undata;asciilifeform: there is not one single canonical timeline in any project
922626;1416010804;asciilifeform;others can disagree, and sign the empire state building.
922627;1416010830;asciilifeform;let's put it another way. i will not sign anything that i cannot read.
922628;1416010849;asciilifeform;it's bad enough that we are dealing with a turd that is quite impossible to fully understand in the original.
922629;1416010865;asciilifeform;but i will only sign deltas which consist of information which i can fully view.
922630;1416010886;undata;to me you're saying damn the microscope or we'll never understand this cell
922631;1416010906;asciilifeform;undata: you are perfectly welcome to use a vcs of whatever flavour appeals to you
922632;1416010919;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes, the one fellow who is really still working on this gizmo, is
922633;1416010960;undata;I'd like to slash out the db bits and try something else, but I'm not going to bother with trying to manually merge other people's patches as they come along in process
922634;1416010970;undata;that is precisely the scenario git helps
922635;1416010972;mod6;im not using one
922636;1416010979;*;asciilifeform isn't either
922637;1416011013;asciilifeform;undata: if you want to understand the whole point of the fork, try to understand what you lose when you choose a vcs as a canonical representation.
922638;1416011027;asciilifeform;or, alternatively, create own fork, with own point...
922639;1416011062;asciilifeform;but don't be surprised if it is treated in the same way as the phoundation's original - at the very best, a place to steal bug fixes from.
922640;1416011261;asciilifeform;undata: do you know how soviet nukes and spacecraft were assembled?
922641;1416011265;Adlai;wouldn't a better forking point be before any significant "crowd" involvement? cf https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/graphs/contributors?from=2010-07-11&to=2011-04-27&type=c
922642;1416011265;assbot;Contributors to bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
922643;1416011265;asciilifeform;there was a three-man system
922644;1416011292;asciilifeform;one would read instructions. another, turn a wrench, whatever. third would check that 2 corresponds to 1. then, all three sign under that step in recipe.
922645;1416011297;asciilifeform;all three - answer with their lives.
922646;1416011310;asciilifeform;this is how safety-critical systems work.
922647;1416011327;asciilifeform;and whiners who complain that this is arduous, unreasonable, etc. - are shown where the door is.
922648;1416011332;*;Adlai is not sufficiently familiar with each line of code itself to tell which of those contributions, or ones in the ensuing spikes, are trivially trustable, and which aren't
922649;1416011343;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49173 @ 0.00042192 = 20.7471 BTC [-] {2} 
922650;1416011345;undata;asciilifeform: it is absurd to think that software cannot help enforce that rigor
922651;1416011365;undata;or why did we make it at all?
922652;1416011370;undata;any software
922653;1416011383;asciilifeform;software is helping to the extent it is reasonable. for instance, i am trusting my text editor to display the actual source and not some diddled version.
922654;1416011396;undata;asciilifeform: it's more likely that your text editor diddled than git did
922655;1416011406;undata;your text editor isn't checking against known hashes
922656;1416011417;asciilifeform;idea is not 'which was diddled' but which one encourages reliance on greater and greater machine 'intelligence'
922657;1416011420;Adlai;undata: this is more along the lines of "confirm by human approval that an unforseen software/bureaucracy/insanity 'bug' isn't afoot"
922658;1416011425;asciilifeform;it is very easy to test if my text editor is lying.
922659;1416011439;asciilifeform;(less easy to test if it is -capable- of lying, but that's another matter)
922660;1416011466;asciilifeform;but the argument here is not about sabotaged ken-thompson-style tools. but about tools that foster intellectual atrophy.
922661;1416011497;asciilifeform;and a dependence on the machine to resolve questions which ought to be resolved by the mind, and thus kept 'light weight' enough to be easily resolved by the mind.
922662;1416011571;undata;being able to apply 700 patches by hand, having verified signatures on each one, is no measure of intelligence
922664;1416011584;undata;it confirms you're a ploddingly simple mechanical device
922665;1416011590;asciilifeform;it's a chore, yes
922666;1416011599;asciilifeform;can't really argue that it's a great joy.
922667;1416011611;asciilifeform;and whatever aspects of it can be automated - should be
922668;1416011624;Adlai;according to github, v0.5.3 has 36 committers with github accounts (for example, doesn't include satoshi). compare this with starting on Apr 1, 2011: 8
922669;1416011642;asciilifeform;but i will not be signing any patch that i can't apply with my mind, in my mental model of the code.
922670;1416011642;undata;Adlai: there is a mountain of bugfixing to re-apply
922671;1416011652;asciilifeform;and requires some complicated pattern-matcher to apply
922672;1416011661;undata;asciilifeform: at some point wont you have to delegate that?
922673;1416011668;undata;torvalds addresses this regarding the kernel and git
922674;1416011681;undata;he uses WoT to manage what makes it into the kernel
922675;1416011681;asciilifeform;lol re: linux kernel as an example to follow
922676;1416011735;Adlai;of course, but the "manual trust verification" approach taken further would suggest only applying critical bugfixes, as patches, signed by the developer who wrote them (preferably with a signature published at the time of the fix, alternatively obtaining a signature in the present day... or manually verifying the patch's trustworthyness, and signing yourself)
922677;1416011764;undata;Adlai: so I sign the hash of the commit with my gpg key
922678;1416011772;asciilifeform;Adlai: there are two separate questions here, and we are only dealing with one
922679;1416011777;asciilifeform;that being - attribution.
922680;1416011789;asciilifeform;the most important thing is that each and every change, however slight, is attributable.
922681;1416011794;asciilifeform;now, and 100 years from now.
922682;1416011805;asciilifeform;'trustworthiness' can only be born from this.
922683;1416011811;asciilifeform;right now it is a null word.
922684;1416011818;Adlai;and how does what I just said miss that?
922685;1416011827;undata;asciilifeform: so are you going to trace that line of code by hand through 1500 patches?
922686;1416011833;asciilifeform;well, you referred to 'trustworthiness' which is a thing we have not yet invented.
922687;1416011834;undata;and is that more reliable than git blame?
922688;1416011844;undata;now I'm supposed to trust your infallible eye
922689;1416011847;asciilifeform;undata: picture the 0.5.3 turd as a piece of martian technology.
922690;1416011854;asciilifeform;let's pretend that it just happened to fall upon the earth.
922691;1416011868;Adlai;s/trust/origin/, s/manually verifying/claiming responsibility for/
922692;1416011870;undata;ha, yes.
922693;1416011878;asciilifeform;we have no idea, let's say, what parts are useful, and which ones are boobytraps designed to kill unwary earthling dissector.
922694;1416011895;asciilifeform;but we do know that among us are hostile martians, who would like us to come to harm.
922695;1416011908;asciilifeform;we want to know, even if it is fifty years too late, who they were.
922696;1416011914;asciilifeform;and the only way to learn it, is by their works.
922697;1416011917;undata;I might not try and use the thing at all.
922698;1416011922;asciilifeform;that's an option.
922699;1416011924;undata;I'd observe it then try a clean re-implementation
922700;1416011925;asciilifeform;i hear it's popular.
922701;1416011932;asciilifeform;aha but how to observe?
922702;1416011939;asciilifeform;and then how to convince others you are not a martian ?
922703;1416011949;asciilifeform;two separate problems.
922704;1416011966;asciilifeform;conformal corp.'s reimplementation exists, for instance.
922705;1416011969;asciilifeform;and 2 or 3 others.
922706;1416011973;asciilifeform;why aren't we using them?
922707;1416011978;Adlai;well, you can't convince another person you're not a martian. hell, i don't think i could convince myself that i'm not unwittingly carrying out martian bidding.
922708;1416011979;asciilifeform;(well - at least, i'm not)
922711;1416011987;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: no.
922712;1416012001;asciilifeform;i won't use, because i was not privvy to the process whereby it was born.
922713;1416012011;asciilifeform;nor have any reason to place trust in the creators
922714;1416012019;Adlai;but you can ease recovery from covert evil martian sabotage
922715;1416012033;asciilifeform;what recovery can there be, when your $maxint coins walk away?
922716;1416012049;asciilifeform;gotta understand why bitcoind < 0.6 is special.
922717;1416012052;ben_vulpes;why so much more confident in the satoshi turd than the conformal blackbox?
922718;1416012060;asciilifeform;because it is the only one which existed upon the earth before bitcoin was valuable!
922719;1416012065;asciilifeform;i thought this was elementarily obvious.
922720;1416012083;undata;but this can be taken to the absurd
922721;1416012084;ben_vulpes;best argument i've heard.
922722;1416012087;undata;satoshi = nsa
922723;1416012090;undata;it has always been broken
922724;1416012108;asciilifeform;undata: this comes up here at least once a month, and i regret to say that it is mostly my own fault.
922725;1416012111;Adlai;surely these purely hypothetical martians already had their eyes on it before "bitcoin was valuable"
922726;1416012120;undata;asciilifeform: I don't believe or disbelieve it
922727;1416012134;undata;one can always suppose a reason why tonight's the night they come to get him
922728;1416012136;asciilifeform;Adlai: there are at least six different hypotheses for why dr. evil has not yet pulled the trigger.
922729;1416012141;asciilifeform;one of them is that there was no dr. evil
922730;1416012146;asciilifeform;but there are at least five others.
922731;1416012154;asciilifeform;i think each of the regulars here has his favourite.
922732;1416012160;Adlai;at least one tla took an active interest back in 2011...
922733;1416012187;Adlai;and please elaborate on the hypotheses
922734;1416012196;Adlai;(or just point out log links/searches)
922735;1416012205;TheNewDeal;second that statement
922736;1416012226;TheNewDeal;the only one I can think of is, wait until it gets 10, or 100 times bigger
922737;1416012229;asciilifeform;!s nsa bitcoin
922738;1416012230;assbot;27 results for 'nsa bitcoin' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=nsa+bitcoin
922739;1416012247;undata;why would they create it? impending fiat disaster?
922740;1416012256;TheNewDeal;not interested about the nsa connection now, but the "why hasn't he pulled the plug?" question
922741;1416012287;undata;TheNewDeal: supposing "he" is usgov; why wouldn't they just sit back and let it take over, and hold their 1/21 or more of it?
922742;1416012299;undata;and continue to be the thing they've been
922743;1416012322;Adlai;TheNewDeal: e no antecedent, in http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-11-2014922735
922744;1416012323;assbot;#bitcoin-assets log
922745;1416012325;TheNewDeal;that's obvious to me why it doesnt matter if he is nsa
922746;1416012326;undata;I don't see a reason to pull any plugs
922747;1416012331;asciilifeform;undata: are you familiar with a figure called anatoly golitsyn?
922748;1416012334;joecool;!isitdup wiki.bitcoin-assets.com
922749;1416012336;undata;asciilifeform: I am not
922751;1416012341;assbot;Logged on 15-12-2013 00:57:19; asciilifeform: anyone knows the story of a man called Anatoliy Golitsyn?
922752;1416012347;Adlai;fixfail: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-11-2014#922735
922753;1416012347;assbot;Logged on 15-11-2014 00:43:25; TheNewDeal: second that statement
922754;1416012351;joecool;kakobrekla: wiki is down?
922755;1416012365;undata;here's a doubling down of it: NSA intends to take over the hashing power of the network and implement coin validation
922756;1416012368;undata;ushering in a dark age
922758;1416012411;joecool;yep, everything on bitcoin-assets.com down for me
922759;1416012427;undata;asciilifeform: yes that
922760;1416012464;Adlai;;;isup search.bitcoin-assets.com
922761;1416012465;gribble;search.bitcoin-assets.com is up
922762;1416012472;undata;bitcoin could easily be one of the most dystopian inventions ever
922763;1416012478;undata;depending on who has the hashing power and what they intend
922764;1416012490;asciilifeform;http://pastebin.com/LEKE04PY << for those who can't reach the log
922765;1416012491;assbot;00:57:19asciilifeform:anyone knows the story of a man called Anatoliy Golitsyn?  - Pastebin.com
922766;1416012571;undata;asciilifeform: this brings me back to my comments about the pile of weapons
922767;1416012582;*;Adlai likes how the pastebin gets dated by the newsfart mention
922768;1416012593;joecool;!isup log.bitcoin-assets.com
922769;1416012605;Adlai;joecool: try ;;
922770;1416012608;joecool;Adlai: search works here
922771;1416012612;joecool;;;isup log.bitcoin-assets.com
922772;1416012613;gribble;log.bitcoin-assets.com is up
922773;1416012616;undata;the pentagon is the actual US govt
922774;1416012624;asciilifeform;!s meta-nsa
922775;1416012625;assbot;30 results for 'meta-nsa' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=meta-nsa
922776;1416012625;undata;this civilian bureaucracy is a skirt
922777;1416012651;asciilifeform;^ required reading for 'shadow government' aficionados
922778;1416012654;joecool;Adlai: used to ! on the otc channel, bad habit
922779;1416012662;asciilifeform;!s lizard-hitler
922780;1416012662;assbot;5 results for 'lizard-hitler' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=lizard-hitler
922781;1416012744;Adlai;the lizard-hitler popular with my conspiracy friends has dabbled in history from a much earlier age
922782;1416012786;asciilifeform;e.g., http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-12-2013#416393
922783;1416012786;assbot;Logged on 11-12-2013 00:40:16; asciilifeform: i can't help but imagine some fellow at Meta-NSA, with a pill against ECDSA hidden under a flower pot in his office, laughing his arse off at these morons.
922784;1416012790;Adlai;he/they are responsible for crossing mammal and reptilian "genes" (phenotypes? genotypes? details, damnit! details!)
922785;1416012835;Adlai;Homo sapiens [sapiens] being essentially some form of automaton / robot slave / controlled experiment, conducted by these lizard-nazis
922786;1416012841;asciilifeform;for those who slept,
922788;1416012842;assbot;Logged on 14-11-2014 22:24:42; asciilifeform: (for n00bs only: who is 'lizard hitler' ? a character approximately as real as magnetic field lines were to michael faraday. don't look for magnetic field lines, they aren't there. physically. or as far as we can tell, anyway.)
922789;1416012865;Adlai;"slept"? more like "don't speak http"
922790;1416012887;Adlai;which is quite an illiteracy, these days
922791;1416012916;assbot;Last 12 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/3A8FTX8.txt )
922792;1416012916;Adlai;!b 12
922793;1416012961;Adlai;ignorance is bliss, eh assbot?
922794;1416013006;Adlai;assbot is immune to suicidal depression, because it doesn't even know it exists
922795;1416013228;nubbins`;;;seen asciilifeform
922796;1416013228;gribble;asciilifeform was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 6 minutes and 25 seconds ago:  http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-11-2014#922393
922797;1416013234;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 66300 @ 0.0004115 = 27.2825 BTC [-] {2} 
922798;1416013247;asciilifeform;nubbins`: i'm right here.
922799;1416013252;Adlai;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-04-2014#610903 << does security-over-obscurity preclude discussing further your uses of obsd?
922800;1416013252;assbot;Logged on 09-04-2014 09:10:25; mircea_popescu: tbh im kinda surprised teh tradepress isn't howling all about "in january, 'Bitcoin Baron Keeps a Secretive Open Source OS Alive' ; in april, nsa's crown jool is thrown in the dirt of the public space."
922802;1416013252;asciilifeform;at least for a few min.
922803;1416013256;nubbins`;- if the project is deemed infeasible, 0.5 BTC (less tx fees) will be returned to a Bitcoin address specified by asciilifeform, no later than 2014-11-15.
922805;1416013276;nubbins`;loose ends and the tying up thereof!
922806;1416013277;asciilifeform;send it where it came from.
922808;1416013284;*;Adlai is curious what is considered a secure stack for financial sites, eg mpex
922809;1416013295;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36427 @ 0.00041773 = 15.2167 BTC [+]
922810;1416013299;nubbins`;i still want to print this if/when the time comes that the chicken is whittled down to edible meat and bone
922811;1416013308;asciilifeform;nubbins`: and i shall buy it.
922812;1416013322;Adlai;nubbins`: why aren't you printing it?
922813;1416013352;asciilifeform;Adlai: see jurov's chronicle: http://explo.yt/post/2014/10/29/some-dangerous-idea
922814;1416013353;assbot;A dangerous idea - serialized delusions
922815;1416013357;asciilifeform;(re: why not printed)
922816;1416013378;nubbins`;tl;dr you don't bronze turds
922817;1416013395;asciilifeform;except! in the case of the 1990s alt.tasteless 'golden turd award.'
922818;1416013398;asciilifeform;where - they did.
922821;1416013535;assbot;Bitcoin Transaction 233caa80975f203b65927c705e5fa2876354ab6ddb8c4f684ca76ebeab44ab71
922822;1416013536;asciilifeform;Adlai: what is considered a secure stack for financial << this is like asking, 'what is considered a good wife'
922823;1416013559;Adlai;and indeed, isn't it acceptable, in some circles at least, to look at family photos?
922824;1416013626;asciilifeform;'A Roman divorced from his wife, being highly blamed by his friends, who demanded, "Was she not chaste? Was she not fair? Was she not fruitful?" holding out his shoe, asked them whether it was not new and well made. "Yet," added he, "none of you can tell where it pinches me."'
922825;1416013633;asciilifeform;(plutarch, iirc)
922826;1416013668;joecool;hm reading about the assets project to roll back to 0.5.3, i see "rip out bdb" ?  drop wallet support so it only functions as node?
922827;1416013695;asciilifeform;joecool: rolling back was just step 1 in recipe.
922828;1416013697;Adlai;this roman doesn't seem to care much for his friends' feet. perhaps the shoe's pinch points would bother them too, if they were to walk long enough in the same shoes?
922829;1416013749;nubbins`;notary http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=eJhsu4D5
922830;1416013754;nubbins`;what is it again
922831;1416013761;nubbins`;!s notary
922832;1416013762;assbot;26 results for 'notary' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=notary
922833;1416013785;nubbins`;.deed http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=eJhsu4D5
922834;1416013785;notary;nubbins`: Queued 1 valid deed for next bundle.
922835;1416013826;ben_vulpes;joecool: what's a wallet?
922836;1416013847;joecool;ben_vulpes: wallet.db support
922837;1416013865;ben_vulpes;is management of a single address not enough for you?
922839;1416013925;asciilifeform;joecool: i don't believe that the current participants in turdatron really agree on what the ultimate end product should be (e.g., something like what conformal has, or a hardware implementation - what i want, etc.) but we do agree that a reference implementation is necessary before it even makes sense to ask the question.
922840;1416013932;asciilifeform;at the moment - we don't have a reference.
922841;1416013955;asciilifeform;nubbins`: thank you
922842;1416013966;nubbins`;np, may our day in the sun come
922843;1416014012;nubbins`;!up dooglus
922844;1416014027;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7723 @ 0.00042926 = 3.3152 BTC [+]
922845;1416014089;nubbins`;incidentally, you'll get a chance to check out pictures of my large-format binding work later this month
922846;1416014232;joecool;asciilifeform: i see, what exactly has been happening? were people expecting gavin to crap out a reference eventually or just keep adding BIP's and pile on the crap?
922847;1416014430;nubbins`;i think "people" were expecting what people always have/will
922848;1416014440;nubbins`;everything, now, goddammit
922849;1416014455;joecool;nubbins`: someone else will get around to it
922850;1416014458;nubbins`;saying shit like "we"
922851;1416014460;nubbins`;"we need"
922852;1416014487;ben_vulpes;"the people" want everything they're told they want and to pay for nothing.
922853;1416014502;ben_vulpes;kinda why the open source ownership of satoshi's codebase failed so dramatically.
922854;1416014548;nubbins`;dat lack of bare-bones implementation, etc
922855;1416014663;ben_vulpes;the preference of "the community" for something that sorta-works across a broad spectrum of use cases
922856;1416014670;ben_vulpes;(albeit poorly at any of them individually)
922857;1416014671;joecool;so there's a todo, is there a repo you guys are using or a a mailing list for patches?
922858;1416014677;ben_vulpes;ml for patches
922859;1416014690;ben_vulpes;lol don't really know if it even works yet
922860;1416014701;undata;joecool: repo?! scoff!
922861;1416014712;thestringpuller;"There are no infinite loops in Ethereum because cycles cost currency and there is a finite amount of currency."
922862;1416014722;joecool;undata: cvs works for me
922863;1416014723;ben_vulpes;but if you're going to hack on it, start with the 0.5.3 dist at f9beb4d9.org, apply asciilifeform's "chicken" patch, and then yours on top of that.
922864;1416014759;joecool;ben_vulpes: thanks
922865;1416014766;thestringpuller;has anyone been able to load blockchain yet without exploding?
922866;1416014785;ben_vulpes;thestringpuller: i'm still inching my blockchain to wedging
922867;1416014796;ben_vulpes;i'm working to crap out a "blockchain" that i can use to test this wedge
922869;1416014812;ben_vulpes;that i can use to track down potentially unwedging commits i should say.
922870;1416015167;joecool;ben_vulpes: will it reindex a pulled in blockchain or is it a necessity to pull in from start to finish?
922871;1416015552;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26400 @ 0.0004105 = 10.8372 BTC [-]
922872;1416015569;*;Adlai envisions a method of automatically sussing out the wedge point, but it requires the use of automation tools...
922873;1416015654;Adlai;specifically, http://man.cx/git-bisect
922874;1416015655;assbot;Manpage for git-bisect - man.cx manual pages
922875;1416015707;thestringpuller;joecool: after certain block it goes bananas
922876;1416015734;joecool;always same block?
922877;1416015737;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12295 @ 0.0004105 = 5.0471 BTC [-]
922878;1416015743;thestringpuller;dunno haven't tried again
922879;1416016528;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22828 @ 0.00041956 = 9.5777 BTC [+]
922880;1416016642;ben_vulpes;Adlai: git bisect is actually the plan
922881;1416016658;ben_vulpes;my plan, more accurately.
922882;1416016732;ben_vulpes;joecool: "reindexing" is something that gavin's fork does to find all of the transactions relevant to addresses in your wallet in a given blockchain.
922883;1416016740;ben_vulpes;required for "importprivkey" etc
922884;1416016772;ben_vulpes;reverifying the blockchain is something else entirely.
922885;1416016775;joecool;so 0.5.3 and earlier did not do such things?
922886;1416016823;Adlai;the only plan right now is http://music.tatranmusic.com/
922888;1416016906;ben_vulpes;0.5.3 and earlier have wallets, and all the concomittant braindamage like "reindex"
922889;1416016930;ben_vulpes;0.5.3 is just a not unreasonable starting point for the project.
922890;1416016986;ben_vulpes;the story behind its selection is pretty amusing and may need to be revisited.
922891;1416017050;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: how much of what is on your computer right now, actually -does- something ? << i guess about half.
922892;1416017058;mircea_popescu;and that is probably rare.
922893;1416017121;ben_vulpes;Adlai: additionally, i'm scripting the approach to the wedge point so that i can reproduce both the wedge and it not happening trivially with git bisect and other scripts
922894;1416017160;mircea_popescu;basically there'
922895;1416017167;mircea_popescu;s a conflict between enthusiasm and experience here.
922896;1416017175;mircea_popescu;enthusiasm is a sin.
922897;1416017199;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 54873 @ 0.00042886 = 23.5328 BTC [+] {3} 
922898;1416017199;Adlai;ben_vulpes: please share your bisection script
922899;1416017222;ben_vulpes;Adlai: just in skeleton form atm
922900;1416017238;ben_vulpes;i don't have a blockchain that wedges yet, nor have i reproduced the wedging point
922901;1416017246;*;Adlai is in no hurry
922902;1416017276;ben_vulpes;stuff i've written so far: http://pastebin.com/Zf4T9xF7
922903;1416017277;assbot;[Bash] #!/bin/bash    TEST_DATA_DIR=aplace  WEDGE_BLOCK=999999    clean_data_dir() {    - Pastebin.com
922904;1416017332;ben_vulpes;this abomination is what's edging my copy of 0.5.3 up to the wedge point: http://pastebin.com/itWYUk9f
922905;1416017333;assbot;[Bash] #! /bin/bash    # assumes that bitcoind is running  blockmax=$1  should_continue - Pastebin.com
922906;1416017405;ben_vulpes;hardly groundbreaking. just tiptoeing around, because...enthusiasm kills the sapper.
922907;1416017439;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes why the sleep ?
922908;1416017443;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 67550 @ 0.0004334 = 29.2762 BTC [+] {2} 
922909;1416017457;ben_vulpes;no desire to tax the poor leaky boat
922910;1416017476;mircea_popescu;should be interestinf to see if sleep actually resolves [part of] memory leakage
922911;1416017480;mircea_popescu;-> race condition.
922912;1416017568;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: undata: this comes up here at least once a month, and i regret to say that it is mostly my own fault. <<< that it has a good response is mostly your fault. that it appears... it'd have appeared anyway.
922913;1416017590;mircea_popescu;now if i only had a link to where it was put to rest, to pass along to undata
922914;1416017598;ben_vulpes;currach is the word i was looking for
922915;1416017646;mircea_popescu;carrack ?
922916;1416017680;ben_vulpes;leather over wood prehistoric thinger?
922917;1416017701;ben_vulpes;coracle perhaps even
922918;1416017703;mircea_popescu;oh, no. this is the boat that mapped the world.
922919;1416017723;ben_vulpes;well its a crappy coracle dammit
922920;1416017739;ben_vulpes;bitcoin is the coin that changed the world but that doesn't mean the first try doesn't sink in heavy storms
922922;1416017793;assbot;Stephen Biesty - Illustrator - Atmospheric Cutaways - Megallan's Carrack
922923;1416017875;asciilifeform;!s koraktor
922924;1416017876;assbot;11 results for 'koraktor' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=koraktor
922925;1416017900;asciilifeform;or maybe not.
922926;1416017932;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2617 @ 0.0004249 = 1.112 BTC [-]
922927;1416017988;undata;mircea_popescu: regarding the NSA conspiracy, it's amusing, but doesn't seem likely that they'd undermine fiat intentionaly
922929;1416018012;asciilifeform;does cia cocaine boat intend to undermine 'war on drugs' ?
922930;1416018027;asciilifeform;why does 'intend' even matter?
922931;1416018087;undata;asciilifeform: because unintentionally they're undermining their own existence by existing in the first place
922932;1416018140;nubbins`;anyone else find it mildly interesting that the last 5 chars in deed ID of jurov's signed treasurer's contract are "urovj"?
922935;1416018161;nubbins`;i stared at it for like 10 minutes
922936;1416018298;asciilifeform;in other news, http://lenta.ru/news/2014/11/14/boeing
922937;1416018299;assbot;Lenta.ru: Силовые структуры: «Первый канал» показал спутниковые снимки атаки истребителем гражданского самолета
922938;1416018304;asciilifeform;i don't feel like translating.
922939;1416018309;asciilifeform;either 'google' or mircea_popescu
922940;1416018343;asciilifeform;tldr - ru satellite footage of death of mh-17
922941;1416018365;*;asciilifeform wasn't there, didn't watch, cannot swear to it
922943;1416018432;asciilifeform;let out in response to australian 'je'accuse'
922944;1416018482;Adlai;all this horseradish for just a file conversion!? http://www.zamzar.com/tos.php
922945;1416018483;assbot;Zamzar - Free online file conversion
922946;1416018575;asciilifeform;lol, american/uk sat.
922947;1416018584;undata;asciilifeform: the strange thing to me: it doesn't matter at all what actually happened
922948;1416018589;Adlai;it's considerably shorter than the usual legalese, but just for starters, they could have separate terms for all the paid cruft, and leave the free service simple
922949;1416018599;undata;these events serve as fine propaganda tools no matter what for both sides
922950;1416018602;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34450 @ 0.00042727 = 14.7195 BTC [+] {2} 
922951;1416018618;asciilifeform;undata: except when usg can be caught with pants down.
922952;1416018629;asciilifeform;and anally tickled until bursts.
922953;1416018634;undata;asciilifeform: the usgov can tag its own pentagon with a missile in broad daylight
922954;1416018660;asciilifeform;and let's say you caught it on film.
922955;1416018668;asciilifeform;yes, 'can have problems,' film will be denied, etc.
922956;1416018672;asciilifeform;but still improvement.
922957;1416018775;undata;seems like the US and Russia are gradually building support for a very large war
922959;1416018836;undata;meanwhile, related: they're starting to bang the Iraq war drum here, again
922960;1416018843;undata;only this time Syria must go as well
922962;1416018957;asciilifeform;i can make one for hitler, what of it
922963;1416018991;thestringpuller;silly winklevii don't code
922964;1416019027;undata;if I were russia, I'd wait for the US to go balls deep into the middle east again, and then I'd grab some of the north pole's oil, and whatever I wanted in eastern ukraine, at least
922965;1416019082;undata;and I'd most certainly try to help stir up whatever particular brand of shit the americans can't resist in the middle east
922966;1416019090;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5598 @ 0.00043346 = 2.4265 BTC [+]
922967;1416019200;mircea_popescu;<nubbins`> anyone else find it mildly interesting that the last 5 chars in deed ID of jurov's signed treasurer's contract are "urovj"? << it's in the logs.
922968;1416019312;mircea_popescu; if I were russia, I'd wait for the US to go balls deep into the middle east again, and then I'd grab some of the north pole's oil, <<< obviously, you're not russia.
922969;1416019328;mircea_popescu;it needs more oil under a sheet of ice like kim kardashian needs more pubic hair.
922970;1416019410;PeterL;doesn't russia pretty much have as much oil as they want right now anyway? why do they need an excuse to grab more?
922972;1416019489;Adlai;any theories on reasons for the temporal hint of correlation between btcfiat and s.mpoe?
922973;1416019509;mircea_popescu;i was waiting for mike_c's words of wisdom
922974;1416019510;ben_vulpes;!t l s.mpoe
922975;1416019510;assbot;It says some pelt-wearin' trapper, some stinkin' bean-suckin' possum skinner, he's gonna collect that reward money.
922976;1416019516;ben_vulpes;!l s.mpoe
922977;1416019516;assbot;The eagle never lost so much time as when he submitted to learn from the crow.
922978;1416019520;ben_vulpes;!l mpex s.mpoe
922979;1416019520;assbot;Last trade for S.MPOE on MPEX was at 0.00043346 BTC [+]
922980;1416019521;mircea_popescu;!t m s.mpoe
922981;1416019523;assbot;[MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.0004105 / 0.0004339 / 0.00046194 (2681850 shares, 1,163.66 BTC), 7D: 0.00036402 / 0.00053599 / 0.00065245 (7576604 shares, 4,061.03 BTC), 30D: 0.00036402 / 0.00067967 / 0.00081111 (23975563 shares, 16,295.66 BTC)
922982;1416019524;undata;mircea_popescu: still, controlling supply means having an influence on price
922983;1416019539;mike_c;i don't have any words of wisdom on mpoe.
922984;1416019541;mircea_popescu;undata you don't understand. siberia is a huge space, full of minerals they can't access because ice.
922985;1416019557;mike_c;feels cheap though.
922986;1416019563;ben_vulpes;wasn't the last major mpoe action a big rally during the big btc rally?
922988;1416019566;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 391.71, Best ask: 391.72, Bid-ask spread: 0.01000, Last trade: 391.65, 24 hour volume: 20570.65837348, 24 hour low: 382.95, 24 hour high: 415.0, 24 hour vwap: 396.974151246
922989;1416019569;PeterL;and no way to transport out, no oil pipes
922990;1416019584;ben_vulpes;there is this sneaky theory that btc price is driven by mpoe holders
922991;1416019585;Adlai;well look who's been asleep now :P
922992;1416019600;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes pretty much yea
922993;1416019611;Adlai;so, why would they need to dump mpoe to boost btc?
922994;1416019628;Adlai;doesn't mpoe operate "within" bitcoin?
922995;1416019632;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu will bang on about that at will
922996;1416019656;*;ben_vulpes shrugs
922997;1416019659;ben_vulpes;many legs to the trade
922998;1416019693;ben_vulpes;could just be momentum and a long dry spell on mpex
922999;1416019703;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: except! in the case of the 1990s alt.tasteless 'golden turd award.' <<< anything good in there ?
923000;1416019716;ben_vulpes;i suspect mpoe acts as a stand in for an mpex market fund
923001;1416019723;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: plenty
923002;1416019727;Adlai;note that i'm asking less "why did mpoe drop" and more "what evidence supports a correlation as the explanation for the temporal coincidence?"
923003;1416019729;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: but we've no archive any more.
923005;1416019740;Adlai;for all i care, it could have risen. i hold none (yet)
923006;1416019773;ben_vulpes;Adlai: if anything, i'd have expected a surge as those who held mpoe bought more to balance their crypto holdings while accumulating more btc
923007;1416019780;ben_vulpes;mpoe is a goddamn mystery to me, Adlai.
923008;1416019792;mircea_popescu;Adlai afaik there was never in the entire history of bitcoin proposed some sort of credible / evidenced based interepretation of wtf it does.
923009;1416019810;ben_vulpes;for the first time ever my mpoe holdings are underwater
923010;1416019863;ben_vulpes;guess this means is hould sell, eh
923011;1416019874;mircea_popescu;Adlai: this roman doesn't seem to care much for his friends' feet. perhaps the shoe's pinch points would bother them too, if they were to walk long enough in the same shoes? <<< you know your crowd-* obsession is at some level based on the fundamentally evil notion that people are interchangeable.
923012;1416019878;mircea_popescu;people are not interchangeable.
923014;1416019892;asciilifeform;whole point of the anecdote.
923015;1416019929;mircea_popescu;there isn't some sort of "us" that could just as well be a standin for any of us.
923016;1416019932;Adlai;people aren't interchangeable, but shoes (and artifacts of their ilk) are increasingly produced and repaired in an interchangeable manner
923017;1416019948;mircea_popescu;no mythical man month, because no mythical man, not because no mythical month.
923018;1416019960;mircea_popescu;Adlai this, because industry is increasingly a piece of shit.
923019;1416019968;ben_vulpes;yet somehow programmers are supposed to be a dime a doze?
923021;1416019990;Adlai;dime a doze sounds closer to reality
923022;1416020003;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes the sort of "programmers" that "add features" should actually be charged to go to work.
923023;1416020033;mircea_popescu;like, gavin et all, should pay a daily fee to be allowed into the amusement park where they pretend like they matter
923024;1416020039;mircea_popescu;much like people pay to go to the theatre.
923025;1416020066;mircea_popescu;much like strippers and whores pay for their place of work, don't get paid by the landlord.
923026;1416020070;ben_vulpes;they are paying, the bill just isn't due yet.
923027;1416020074;mircea_popescu;i guess.
923028;1416020200;bagels7;being a whore is > working minimum wage your whole life
923029;1416020229;mircea_popescu;depends. spinoza managed just fine on minimum wage.
923030;1416020287;ben_vulpes;huh i think mine's wedged elsewhere
923031;1416020297;ben_vulpes;nope nm
923032;1416020341;mircea_popescu;chain reorg ?
923033;1416020374;mircea_popescu;"Despite being drowned in graceful donations and membership fees, they just keep piling new and new code without proper specification and proper testing, making mistakes or even forks inevitable and thus providing cover for abominable interests."
923034;1416020383;mircea_popescu;you know, jurov is actually a very talented historian.
923035;1416020389;mircea_popescu;i like his story best so far.
923036;1416020450;Adlai;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-11-2014#923008 << a first step in some sort of appropriate direction could be http://organofcorti.blogspot.ru/2014/11/daily-and-weekly-bitcoin-transaction.html although that article doesn't go far enough for interesting results
923037;1416020450;assbot;Logged on 15-11-2014 02:49:52; mircea_popescu: Adlai afaik there was never in the entire history of bitcoin proposed some sort of credible / evidenced based interepretation of wtf it does.
923038;1416020450;assbot;Neighbourhood Pool Watch: Daily and weekly bitcoin transaction cycles
923039;1416020474;mircea_popescu;Adlai i meant, "wtf s.mpoe price does"
923040;1416020480;mircea_popescu;i thought that's what you were asking about.
923041;1416020487;Adlai;ah. well, both?
923042;1416020557;ben_vulpes;Adlai: bitcoin days destroyed is a good correlation to check too
923043;1416020577;Adlai;that, and block reward (fee amount, as opposed to fee count)
923044;1416020597;ben_vulpes;what's the thesis on block reward?
923045;1416020621;Adlai;not specifically relating to mpoe, more for possible next steps for analyzing bitcoin network activity metrics
923046;1416020667;Adlai;the article i linked looks just at confirmed transaction count, which is a narrow metric of all the stuff happening across the bitcoin network
923047;1416020766;*;Adlai looks at http://www.btcalpha.com/mpex/stocks/s-mpoe/ to place this activity in historical context
923048;1416020767;assbot;S.MPOE Analysis - Btc Alpha
923049;1416020783;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo, mircea_popescu, qntra folks: http://www.loper-os.org/pub/lenta.html
923051;1416020910;mircea_popescu;aha ?
923052;1416020925;asciilifeform;translation mine. very quick'n'dirty.
923053;1416021127;Adlai;while people might not treat people as interchangeable, dama fortuna does. "shit happens", especially in warzones... is the revelation in this article supposed to be surprising?
923054;1416021151;*;Adlai probably used the word "article" a little liberally there
923055;1416021156;asciilifeform;only to victims of usg cranial reformatting.
923056;1416021361;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: qntra submission?
923058;1416021382;asciilifeform;^ 'he ran into my knife! he ran into my knife - ten times.'
923059;1416021393;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: yes, nominated for consideration on qntra
923060;1416021397;asciilifeform;or however that goes.
923061;1416021404;*;asciilifeform has no idea
923062;1416021422;thestringpuller;cazalla ^^^
923065;1416021437;assbot;Logged on 12-11-2014 00:20:12; mircea_popescu: i don't see you churning out an article a week about how "evil nato" and "nice putin"
923066;1416021462;cazalla;thestringpuller, not up to date on logs so no idea what this conversation is about yet
923067;1416021463;asciilifeform;message to moscow - can i pleez get thirty coins of silver now.
923068;1416021486;asciilifeform;cazalla: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-11-2014#923049
923069;1416021486;assbot;Logged on 15-11-2014 03:06:23; asciilifeform: BingoBoingo, mircea_popescu, qntra folks: http://www.loper-os.org/pub/lenta.html
923070;1416021539;assbot;Last 18 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0FCDYXH.txt )
923071;1416021539;Adlai;!b 18
923072;1416021567;Adlai;that is some impressive lazyness, cazalla. i like it.
923073;1416021591;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16402 @ 0.00043481 = 7.1318 BTC [+]
923074;1416021669;cazalla;Adlai, i read the logs daily, just yet to finish today
923075;1416021774;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH2] 1249 @ 0.0012 = 1.4988 BTC
923076;1416021792;thestringpuller;Adlai: cazalla has a media empire to run
923077;1416021855;*;Adlai is exponentially more likely to have read a log entry, according to the shortest path from the present moment back in time to the target entry, where b-a.com links are weighted roughly the same as simply reading backwards
923078;1416022019;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: 0.5.3 and earlier have wallets, and all the concomittant braindamage... << the wallet code oughn't be snipped outright, but corralled. for later porting to msdos.
923079;1416022036;Adlai;now that's an interesting hypothesis to test: a bot lurks and tracks "shortest path" to each past message, then records when i link it as opposed to somebody else links it to me
923080;1416022042;asciilifeform;(well, not necessarily msdos. any sufficiently deterministic system.)
923081;1416022050;Adlai;for increasingly stoned values of "interesting"
923082;1416022127;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-10-2014#894581 << that thread.
923083;1416022127;assbot;Logged on 25-10-2014 03:56:49; asciilifeform: the correct solution is that (now unix-only) turdcoind will listen on a tty. serial tty.
923084;1416022251;decimation;asciilifeform: ideally in hardware, with physically separate ports
923085;1416022279;thestringpuller;can't ssh? no pts?
923087;1416022362;decimation;thestringpuller: you want to ssh to your wallet?
923088;1416022365;thestringpuller;i ssh to my spending wallet
923089;1416022381;thestringpuller;but given buterin's waterfall I emptied it out
923090;1416022445;cazalla;asciilifeform, as much as i appreciate the translation (my primary school teacher died on mh17), it's a bit of a stretch for qntra to publish it as bitcoin news
923091;1416022466;Adlai;http://i.imgur.com/cuVBhfh << ie, "advertising costs, PR, and miscellaneous" outweighed "ipo fees" during these months
923092;1416022526;cazalla;i mean, i see the angle given governments but still
923093;1416022526;Adlai;*these last 15 months
923094;1416022526;cazalla;Adlai, i'm up to date on logs now btw
923095;1416022526;decimation;how do these 'northern route' theorists discount the satellite contacts from the engine control systems?
923096;1416022587;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13737 @ 0.00042921 = 5.8961 BTC [-]
923097;1416022596;Adlai;or, in the king's english: MPOE needs to increase IPOs/¼
923098;1416022605;Adlai;or mpex
923099;1416022654;*;Adlai can never quite tell the two apart, sorta like body/blood and bread/wine
923100;1416022683;decimation;asciilifeform: re: our conversation about uav control systems: http://intercepts.defensenews.com/2014/10/why-air-force-drones-rely-on-horsehair-to-land/ << "That’s because the MQ-1/9 are controlled on Ku-Band, which has a two second delay back to the States ... Because of that, launch and recovery experts — trained specifically at Creech AFB for this part of the operation — are based much closer to the area of operations and
923101;1416022743;decimation;use C-band, which has no delay. "
923102;1416022743;cazalla;it is interesting they release the images just as the g20 starts here in australia
923103;1416022743;thestringpuller;adlai that image won't load
923104;1416022800;Adlai;https://i.imgur.com/cuVBhfh.png?0 "MPOE Net Expenses" snipped from http://www.btcalpha.com/mpex/stocks/s-mpoe/#cash_flow
923105;1416022920;thestringpuller;Adlai do you know about MPCD?
923106;1416022920;Adlai;(link works through torify curl, not sure why anything else should fail)
923107;1416022926;Adlai;!s mpcd
923108;1416022927;assbot;2 results for 'mpcd' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=mpcd
923110;1416022977;Adlai;mpcd = 1JPvucRfu3ZzEvfBUQTJwsxMrZjeTqD6zR ?
923112;1416022988;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 394.74, Best ask: 395.71, Bid-ask spread: 0.97000, Last trade: 394.71, 24 hour volume: 18807.38370404, 24 hour low: 382.95, 24 hour high: 415.0, 24 hour vwap: 396.951568236
923114;1416023056;thestringpuller;For the reason MPCD failed, is likely the reason MPIF is struggling to find profit centers.
923115;1416023069;thestringpuller;Which effects the entire MPOE economy.
923117;1416023293;asciilifeform;;;isup qntra.net
923118;1416023294;gribble;qntra.net is up
923120;1416023316;asciilifeform;entirely dead here.
923121;1416023319;assbot; its been down for 20min
923122;1416023323;joecool;dead here too
923123;1416023378;asciilifeform;cazalla: if blob is unfit for qntra - whatever.
923124;1416023563;Adlai;well, it looks like MPCD "failed" (the contract didn't fail, the shares "just" lost value) due to investing in what could be called "rockstar investors", who seem to make a habit of burning out spectacularly, taking half the fanbase with them
923125;1416023659;Adlai;more than any bug i've (inadvertently? subliminally coerced into?) introduced to scalpl, i regret the times that i've manually tweaked its trading parameters, and contaminated its performance data with human idiosyncrasies
923126;1416023680;decimation;qntra.net is dead here too
923127;1416023694;decimation;someone is messing with routing tables
923128;1416023750;decimation;trilema is dead too
923130;1416023774;decimation;they are on neighboring subnets
923131;1416023797;Adlai;;;isup qntra.net
923132;1416023798;gribble;qntra.net is up
923133;1416023820;assbot; log1 as well, same box afaik
923134;1416023846;thestringpuller;same problem decimation
923135;1416023939;assbot; its probably our friend 'little numbers' as i call him. he visited bitbet earlier for a moment.
923136;1416023961;decimation;my router bounces from telia to an isp in pheomix called "cwie llc"
923137;1416023968;decimation;traceroute that is
923139;1416023985;assbot; phoenix? would be correct.
923140;1416024124;decimation;is that you kako?
923141;1416024155;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: can't ssh? no pts? << there is no reason why wallet should be routable to the net.
923142;1416024168;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: idea was - optoisolated point to point serial link.
923143;1416024183;asciilifeform;wallet - 'speaks when spoken to.'
923144;1416024185;asciilifeform;and not otherwise.
923145;1416024200;asciilifeform;and only when spoken to through the rx/tx wire.
923146;1416024201;assbot; would you believe me either way?
923147;1416024224;decimation;sure, if you responded as kako
923148;1416024450;decimation;asciilifeform: yeah that was my point..  just because something could be 'on the net' doesn't mean it should
923149;1416024566;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: i understand
923150;1416024686;decimation;!up cascadian_lurker
923151;1416024729;cascadian_lurker;thanks d
923152;1416024747;cascadian_lurker;dunno how to tab complete on a pnohe
923154;1416024836;cascadian_lurker;logs down?
923155;1416024871;decimation;log1 is down for me, log isn't
923156;1416024911;cascadian_lurker;I get no love at either endpoint
923157;1416025299;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26764 @ 0.00043157 = 11.5505 BTC [+]
923158;1416025600;assbot; log2 anyone?
923159;1416025722;assbot; log1 is back
923160;1416025865;cazalla;qntra is back
923161;1416025975;decimation;was the server down?
923162;1416026148;cazalla;not sure, i just f5 f5 f5 f5 like anyone else
923163;1416026617;BingoBoingo;assbot: SKip 2, loge
923164;1416026649;cazalla;when looking for news, i come across quite a few MLM schemes for bitcoin such as bitcoincycler.net, quite a few use pic/video of JuliaTourianski_ lol
923165;1416026690;cazalla;putin v aussie pm - http://i.imgur.com/orNOUF5.png
923166;1416026821;decimation;once when I emerged from the Tube in London I was handed one of those free tabloids by some bum.  I was amazed at the extremely low quality writing, and pro-welfare ads
923167;1416026931;The20YearIRCloud;Sport, decimation ?
923169;1416027037;The20YearIRCloud;Weekend/sunday/weekday sport
923170;1416027069;decimation;yeah I guess that's why people don't immediately toss in the rubbish bid
923172;1416027071;assbot;Sunday Sport (@thesundaysport) | Twitter
923173;1416027109;decimation;eh, it could have been.  I felt dirty touching the thing, didn't examine it closely
923174;1416027111;The20YearIRCloud;I love their 'articles', locally we used to have weekly world news, and it went under. However in the UK for some reason tabloids are HUGE there. Along with soap operas
923176;1416027128;assbot;DRUNK BONKS DONER KEBAB  |  Sunday Sport
923177;1416027140;decimation;this stuff makes the daily mail look classy
923179;1416027229;assbot;Warning: Don't buff your ballbag on a shoe shine machine. Here's why - in tomorrow's /thesundaysport http://t.co/moIlQF7RUE
923180;1416027269;decimation;here's the american version http://dailycaller.com/2014/11/14/gruber-has-made-at-least-5-9-million-for-government-work/
923181;1416027270;assbot;Gruber Has Made At Least $5.9 Million For Government Work | The Daily Caller
923182;1416027361;The20YearIRCloud;That's a website though i think, the sport is an actual magazine in most places
923183;1416027433;decimation;why don't they have tabloids based in say columbus?
923184;1416027469;The20YearIRCloud;We have a few in the US, and they're all celeb rags. We *had* WWN but they went under
923185;1416027478;The20YearIRCloud;We'll never know what happened to batboy unfortunately
923186;1416027525;The20YearIRCloud;They still have a site, but no one visits it : http://weeklyworldnews.com/headlines/54540/chicago-to-be-renamed-obama-city/
923187;1416027526;assbot;  CHICAGO TO BE RENAMED “OBAMA CITY” | Weekly World News
923189;1416027659;decimation;The20YearIRCloud: do you do any business in franklin county?
923190;1416027693;The20YearIRCloud;Housewise? No, not a fan of their zoning & property inspection board. If we grow enough i'm sure i'll HAVE to go there, but for now i'd like to avoid it.
923191;1416027719;The20YearIRCloud;One of the counties we're in has virtually no permiting process for home repairs, if I did the stuff I'm doing there in Columbus I'd of had 5 figures worth of fines.
923192;1416027730;The20YearIRCloud;(Of course, I'd of got a permit in Franklin, but I hate the idea of it all).
923193;1416027734;decimation;do you think that's because they are in the union trade's pockets?
923194;1416027757;The20YearIRCloud;That wouldn't surprise me much, but they also have had coleman who is a ultra-liberal for years and years.
923195;1416027781;The20YearIRCloud;He's got a big claim to fame because he's good at 'renovating' poor districts, he does it by moving all the poor people from one neighborhood to another.
923196;1416027821;The20YearIRCloud;Downtown was a cesspool, then they kicked everyone out and made it so only rich could live there, alot of those moved to the short north. Then they did the same thing with the short north and all those people moved to Linden and Hilltop.
923197;1416027899;decimation;I've heard the short north is popular with the kids around osu
923198;1416027907;The20YearIRCloud;I had a house up there I was dealing with for someone, and I had roofers up there doing work. Zoning came by and complained that we hadn't bought the $100 permit, so they forced the guys off the roof even though it was going to rain soon and wouldn't let them put the tarp up there till there was a permit.
923199;1416027965;decimation;this as much as anyone 'owns' a house in the us
923200;1416028011;The20YearIRCloud;Well, you can drive 45 minutes outside of a columbus where you can buy land, build a smoke factory and the county asks for a $5 paperwork fee and literally nothing else
923202;1416028084;The20YearIRCloud;So, if I can go into a neighborhood where they really don't want me there, and one where the city bends over backwards to try and help me out, i'll go with the second one
923203;1416028091;The20YearIRCloud;Especially if the yields in both are almost identical
923204;1416028170;decimation;well, that's a fair point.
923205;1416028196;decimation;I imagine property tax in columbus and the 'burbs is sky high too
923206;1416028205;The20YearIRCloud;it's higher, it isn't astronomical though
923207;1416028223;The20YearIRCloud;A cheap house where we're working will run $450-$800 , same house in Columbus would be $1000-$1200
923208;1416028227;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23499 @ 0.00042279 = 9.9351 BTC [-]
923209;1416028272;The20YearIRCloud;of course the scale of markets is quite different. In the 4 counties I expect to be able to find maybe 200 quality properties a year. In franklin I could find 200 a month easily.
923210;1416028312;decimation;for the quality of hovel you are buying and fixing, wouldn't it be cheaper to buy a few empty plots and buy some trailers or 'tiny homes' or whatever
923211;1416028368;decimation;I guess you gotta pay for utilities, etc in that case
923212;1416028375;The20YearIRCloud;You seen the houses we own?
923213;1416028405;The20YearIRCloud;I haven't delt with trailers yet, I want to but it's a different deal since you have to develop them out (including sewage) which is an EPA deal you can't get around easily.
923214;1416028410;decimation;I recall you saying a few months ago that they are all really old
923215;1416028420;The20YearIRCloud;Yeah, they are, but all are in good shape
923216;1416028453;decimation;yeah I guess where you are there is no water or sewage
923217;1416028469;The20YearIRCloud;It depends on where you want to do the trailer
923218;1416028473;decimation;septic systems are not cheap
923219;1416028478;The20YearIRCloud;Our first one was 2000sf, 5+br , 2ba, attached garage, built in 1880 and it turned out great
923221;1416028541;decimation;back in that time that would have been a mansion
923222;1416028548;decimation;or a multi-family house
923223;1416028623;The20YearIRCloud;Here's a bunch of random photos I had on my cellphone - https://www.dropbox.com/sc/rpzhm6eb5c14upe/AADe8OLgg4k-LFt2Xs3No9CEa
923224;1416028683;The20YearIRCloud;It would have been a medium/high level person's house. It's near downtown and is only a few houses away from a speakeasy that was in operation during prohibition. It sold recently (the speakeasy) for around $200k.
923225;1416028745;decimation;that's pretty nice inside actually
923226;1416028749;decimation;better than a trailer anyway
923227;1416028754;The20YearIRCloud;Those are 3 or 4 different houses
923228;1416028768;decimation;that first kitchen is nice
923229;1416028777;decimation;was that the amish fellows who cleaned it up?
923230;1416028783;The20YearIRCloud;I know I joke about owning slum houses, but they're all actually very nice. I underprice our rentals by maybe 5%-10% under normal market prices, and keep em in slightly better shape.
923231;1416028795;The20YearIRCloud;That first kitchen was the first complete rehab we did on a kitchen, every single thing there is brand new.
923232;1416028843;The20YearIRCloud;Second kitchen photo is from a duplex we just bought for $30k ($15k a side)
923233;1416029007;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform that flgiuht path thing is not nearly as indicative as it may seem to the casual observer.
923234;1416029014;mircea_popescu;flight paths in europe are seasonal.
923235;1416029118;mircea_popescu;Adlai: now that's an interesting hypothesis to test: a bot lurks and tracks "shortest path" to each past message, then records when i link it as opposed to somebody else links it to me <<< actually a reconstruction of the ba logs where lines are nodes and they're given pr as per original google mechanism may be the first step towards stemming this whole bundle.
923236;1416029290;Adlai;right, but then you can look at properties of the graph's flow to draw wildly overzealous conclusions about the attentiveness and lazyness of real live humans
923237;1416029712;mircea_popescu;decimation:trilema is dead too << still ?
923239;1416029803;decimation;yeah it's still down for me
923240;1416029803;mircea_popescu;decimation: my router bounces from telia to an isp in pheomix called "cwie llc" <<< this sounds like a route hijack then. qntra is in amsterdam.
923241;1416029803;decimation;interestingly I'm getting pings through, very very slowly
923242;1416029803;mircea_popescu;what ip ?
923243;1416029810;assbot; qntra is on phoenix nap, amsterdam.
923245;1416029880;decimation;is it hosted by 'secured servers'?
923246;1416029880;mircea_popescu;the heck can i see it then ?
923247;1416029880;assbot; ;;isup also everything even if it not a valid url
923248;1416029881;gribble;also everything even if it not a valid url is up
923249;1416029887;mircea_popescu;anyway, this is proving impossible to debug, people not seeing it pls to pastebin traceroutes at the time you don't see it.
923250;1416029906;mircea_popescu;uh so that's broken ?
923251;1416029915;mircea_popescu;;;isup example.com
923252;1416029915;gribble;example.com is up
923253;1416029916;decimation;hehe yeah
923255;1416029925;decimation;;;isup isuck.com
923256;1416029926;gribble;isuck.com is up
923257;1416029939;assbot; "example.com" actually is up
923258;1416029954;mircea_popescu;internet needs a canoniucal down domain
923259;1416029971;mircea_popescu;;;isup obamacare.com
923260;1416029971;gribble;obamacare.com is up
923261;1416029981;decimation;;;isup canonicaldowndomain.com
923262;1416029982;gribble;canonicaldowndomain.com is down
923265;1416030005;assbot; decimation yes its hosted there
923266;1416030017;mircea_popescu;http://log1.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-11-2014#923264 << srsly
923267;1416030017;assbot;Logged on 15-11-2014 05:39:46; mircea_popescu: aha!
923268;1416030023;mircea_popescu;so how the fuck then!
923269;1416030031;decimation;well they have a pheonix pop
923270;1416030042;decimation;who knows how shit gets routed
923271;1416030046;BingoBoingo;;;isup test.down
923272;1416030047;gribble;test.down is down
923273;1416030070;assbot; that entry is wrong, its routed just fine to ams
923274;1416030074;mircea_popescu;assbot : pm lol
923275;1416030121;mircea_popescu;also, re earlier discussion : http://i.imgur.com/0C5fmGB.jpg
923276;1416030182;decimation;is that your picture of an ohio hovel?
923279;1416030297;decimation;yeah qntra is up
923280;1416030297;decimation;I donno, it smells to me like a server problem
923281;1416030366;joecool;responding to ping for me, nothing else
923282;1416030368;mircea_popescu;how the fuck. the server has been up all along, the load is like 0.1 or some shit for the hour.
923283;1416030384;joecool;mircea_popescu: nginx or whatever other server you use on it crashed?
923285;1416030397;mircea_popescu;joecool nope.
923286;1416030412;mircea_popescu;how the fuck would i see pages on a crashed server anyway.
923287;1416030425;cazalla;is that Bruno Kucinskas all there in the head? he reckons patrick murck raped like 30 kids
923288;1416030477;mircea_popescu;phin gage is a little strange. he does tons of research, some of which is useufl.
923289;1416030533;Adlai;;;isup http://dead.link/
923290;1416030593;gribble;http://dead.link/ is down
923291;1416030620;Adlai;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-11-2014#923258 << localhost:0
923292;1416030620;assbot;Logged on 15-11-2014 05:39:14; mircea_popescu: internet needs a canoniucal down domain
923293;1416030654;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42500 @ 0.00043684 = 18.5657 BTC [+] {2} 
923294;1416030746;mircea_popescu;;;isup localhost:0
923295;1416030747;gribble;localhost:0 is up
923296;1416030751;mircea_popescu;so muh for that idea.
923297;1416030833;Adlai;;;isup http://localhost:0/
923298;1416030893;gribble;http://localhost:0/ is up
923300;1416030893;Adlai;curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 0: Connection refused
923301;1416030893;*;Adlai wonders what's running on... some server
923302;1416030903;assbot; ;;isup adlais penis
923303;1416030904;gribble;adlais penis is up
923304;1416030929;assbot;Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/1MAK2HC.txt )
923305;1416030929;BingoBoingo;!b 3
923306;1416030977;assbot; ha, im unbashable
923308;1416031041;decimation;the server is up, it looks to me that there is at least one route that is being ddosed/constantly reset
923309;1416031065;*;Adlai was wondering about ;;isup's server, should've !b5ed for that context
923310;1416031079;mircea_popescu;decimation the best i can come up with is that yes, some weakly router that is nevertheless for insane unexplainable reason priority route from the us is constantly fucked up
923311;1416031092;mircea_popescu;and im not even sure that i can do anything about it other than write angry letters.
923312;1416031111;decimation;yeah probably not
923313;1416031125;decimation;someone might have figured out how to trip the 'anti-ddos rate-limit' trap
923314;1416031137;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3784 @ 0.00042279 = 1.5998 BTC [-]
923315;1416031143;BingoBoingo;At this rate we might need a router foundation!
923316;1416031145;mircea_popescu;why does it only catch you folk ?
923317;1416031187;decimation;I donno.  if there is some theoretical anti-ddos filter, it might try to limit its action to certain subnets?
923318;1416031200;mircea_popescu;maybe ?
923319;1416031213;mircea_popescu;anyway, i'm having this looked into, but i tell you i dun even know wtf.
923320;1416031315;*;BingoBoingo hasn't had trouble accessing qntra in quite a while a few hundred miles from geographic center of USia
923321;1416031336;decimation;yeah in theory the internet has all kinds of redundant routing, in practice there are many chokepoints it would seem
923322;1416031347;Adlai;lizard nazis probing the turmite colony's readership habits
923323;1416031356;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo so can you load it right now ?
923324;1416031375;BingoBoingo;Yeah, loads all kinds of fast
923325;1416031396;mircea_popescu;dude srsly...
923326;1416031437;RagnarDanneskjol;i just tried it from multiple IPs in US and EU - no luck here
923327;1416031475;decimation;I can get to qntra, but not trilema
923328;1416031484;joecool;qntra works from romanian ip
923329;1416031499;decimation;ah, now trilema works for me
923331;1416031517;joecool;lets try some other countries
923332;1416031521;mircea_popescu;joecool of course, i'm in argentina...
923333;1416031543;mircea_popescu;decimation this sporadic working no working would seem to mean route.
923334;1416031579;joecool;works from UK
923335;1416031607;decimation;yeah it could be some kind of route poisoning
923336;1416031615;mircea_popescu;the future of ba is point to point cabling it'd seem.
923337;1416031626;decimation;no - shortwave
923338;1416031641;Adlai;works now.
923339;1416031645;Adlai;(from tel aviv)
923340;1416031664;joecool;works back in 'murica now
923341;1416031667;joecool;they're onto us
923342;1416031679;mircea_popescu;maybe it's bitchbased.
923343;1416031754;BingoBoingo;Ass end of my traceroute to qntra.net http://dpaste.com/1QTVGPF
923344;1416031815;BingoBoingo;1up fivezerotwo
923345;1416031822;BingoBoingo;!up fivezerotwo
923346;1416031852;joecool;BingoBoingo: looks same as mine except i have a ??? between the last two
923347;1416031852;fivezerotwo;hello again. so assbot appears to be hosted on this server, interesting
923348;1416031868;fivezerotwo;have fun figuring out what this attack is ^_^
923349;1416031871;assbot; not rly.
923350;1416031895;fivezerotwo;assbot, well it was taking a while to respond here
923351;1416031905;Adlai;!s fivezerotwo
923352;1416031906;assbot;154 results for 'fivezerotwo' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=fivezerotwo
923353;1416031924;assbot; im a slow typist.
923355;1416031963;*;Adlai toils and link graph bubbles
923356;1416032336;mircea_popescu;In the beginning there was assembler. And programming was hard. The semantic gap between how humans think about problems and what we knew how to tell computers to do was vast; our ability to manage complexity was deficient. And in the gap software defects did flourish, multiplying in direct proportion to the size of the programs we wrote.
923357;1416032336;mircea_popescu;And the lives of programmers were hard, and the case of their end-users miserable; for, strive as the programmers might, perfection was achieved only in toy programs while in real-world systems the defect rate was nigh-intolerable. And there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth.
923358;1416032341;mircea_popescu;this is the stupidest thing i ever read.
923359;1416032351;mircea_popescu;i have NEVER and I do mean NEVER saw programs as good as bacxk in the days of asm.
923360;1416032370;mircea_popescu;i don't even think code as tight can still be made, much like you can't have a proper boot made anymore, and hardly a proper suit of clothes.
923361;1416032385;mircea_popescu;certainly not a top hat.
923362;1416032433;mircea_popescu;anyway, maybe their lives were harder, but 1960s programmers certainly seem happier.
923363;1416032465;mircea_popescu;perhaps because asm hard is the proper sort of hard. whereas dependency hell and library cruft is the horribly bad sort of hard.
923364;1416032485;decimation;well, the systems were small enough to 'fit in the head' as ascii might say
923365;1416032486;mircea_popescu;climbing a mountain versus diving in a septic tank sort of hard.
923366;1416032486;Adlai;!s bacxk
923367;1416032486;assbot;2 results for 'bacxk' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=bacxk
923368;1416032524;Adlai;oh it's a typo
923369;1416032565;assbot; !b 3
923370;1416032573;mircea_popescu;lol you ocd soul you.
923371;1416032660;assbot; ;;echo !b 5
923372;1416032661;assbot;Last 5 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/3WFTZ0G.txt )
923373;1416032661;gribble;!b 5
923374;1416032696;assbot; nope, not satisfactory
923375;1416032723;mircea_popescu;;;echo !echo ;;echo !b 18
923376;1416032724;gribble;!echo ;;echo !b 18
923377;1416032730;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13350 @ 0.00042279 = 5.6442 BTC [-]
923378;1416032886;mircea_popescu;;;google horatiu capastru
923379;1416032886;gribble;Iunie 2009 pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: ; Gandesc, deci gandesc pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: 
923380;1416032893;Adlai;;;google recursion
923381;1416032894;gribble;Recursion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Recursion (computer science) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Recursion -- from Wolfram MathWorld: 
923382;1416032906;Adlai;hm, no link to the google results page?
923383;1416033055;thestringpuller;;;isup qntra.net
923384;1416033056;*;Adlai is talking about "Did you mean: recursion "
923385;1416033057;gribble;qntra.net is up
923386;1416033067;thestringpuller;qntra still down for anyone in US?
923387;1416033074;mircea_popescu;is it for you ?
923389;1416033133;decimation;qntra.net is down for me now, trilema too
923390;1416033145;fivezerotwo;mircea_popescu, it's down, I'm sure. http://check-host.net/check-http?host=qntra.net
923391;1416033205;*;mircea_popescu shrugs
923392;1416033205;TheNewDeal;bitbet is raging on
923393;1416033424;thestringpuller;http://dpaste.com/3H14489.txt << when asking coinbase about buterin's waterfall
923394;1416033481;mircea_popescu;lol why harassing indians.
923395;1416033496;Adlai;thestringpuller: why not link in http://qntra.net/2014/11/bip-65-revisiting-nlocktime/ to the polished code? https://github.com/adlai/bitcoin/blob/polish/src/main.h#L397
923396;1416033511;assbot;BIP-65: Revisiting nLockTime | Qntra.net
923397;1416033571;mircea_popescu;wait was this supposed to work ?!
923398;1416033597;thestringpuller;Adlai: i can't see the article yet so I can't answer the question
923399;1416033625;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller it's your article from yest
923400;1416033628;mircea_popescu;or w/e the 13th was
923401;1416033639;Adlai;or if you don't want to use the polish fork for some reason, https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/v0.5.3/src/main.h#L403
923402;1416033699;TheNewDeal;!sideways fivezerotwo
923403;1416033699;Adlai;thestringpuller: BIP65 article, link to CTransaction::nLockTime
923404;1416033752;thestringpuller;yes I see. does it really matter?
923405;1416033820;thestringpuller;just a uint32 variable I was trying to show
923407;1416033982;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i don't even think code as tight can still be made, much like you can't have a proper boot made... << oh but it can.
923409;1416034031;decimation;asciilifeform: on new hardware?
923410;1416034043;asciilifeform;decimation: on whatever hardware.
923411;1416034087;asciilifeform;decimation: another generation or three of 'this', and hardware will look like the same shitfest as os/sw stack is now. fortunately 'this' doesn't have even one generation left in it.
923412;1416034116;mircea_popescu;so we hope.
923413;1416034121;mircea_popescu;if they find fusion, it does.
923414;1416034137;decimation;'this' being the current state of computing?
923415;1416034139;asciilifeform;if they find fusion, laser wars between flying machines.
923416;1416034145;asciilifeform;hopefully everything is destroyed.
923417;1416034145;thestringpuller;hmm. am I on qntra blacklist?
923419;1416034187;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 61450 @ 0.0004271 = 26.2453 BTC [+] {2} 
923420;1416034187;decimation;I want my pocket laser gun
923421;1416034229;asciilifeform;incidentally, for implications of working fusion, straight to:
923422;1416034233;asciilifeform;!s you and the atomic bomb
923423;1416034234;assbot;8 results for 'you and the atomic bomb' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=you+and+the+atomic+bomb
923424;1416034244;asciilifeform;applies just as readily here as it did in 1945 re: fission.
923425;1416034261;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller it dun has a blacklist
923426;1416034271;decimation;imagine 'future war' where your squad as a 'laser machine gun'.  In order to take the next hill, you need to lay down suppressing fire.  the laser machine gunner opens up, and the enemy doesn't notice
923427;1416034273;asciilifeform;qntra dead here.
923428;1416034284;decimation;qntra is dead, but trilmea just popped up again
923429;1416034285;asciilifeform;lol, laser suppressing fire
923430;1416034290;thestringpuller;guess east coast thing
923431;1416034292;asciilifeform;what next, laser musketry volley?
923432;1416034296;decimation;maybe he can screw 'pew pew pew'
923434;1416034302;gribble;┌━ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ *pew!* *pew!* *pew!*
923436;1416034338;decimation;I suspect that fusion-powered robots will be doing most of the fighting anyway
923437;1416034340;Adlai;asciilifeform: if you want to find when bitcoin started to have value, just look at when people began hoarding it: http://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/a/2881 suggests the april 2010 as the start of hoarding
923438;1416034401;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17350 @ 0.00042279 = 7.3354 BTC [-]
923439;1416034401;asciilifeform;decimation: meatbags will still do 100% of the dying.
923441;1416034401;decimation;plus robot ninjas are expensive
923442;1416034444;mircea_popescu; what next, laser musketry volley? <<< srsly. what's this supression fire, like laser welding ?
923443;1416034472;mircea_popescu;Adlai what's this "start of hoarding" thing mean ?
923444;1416034475;decimation;I imagine there's going to have to be some kind of visible protocol, otherwise the enemy would simply be confused about what's going on
923445;1416034480;mircea_popescu;the first blocks mined are still unspent.
923446;1416034489;asciilifeform;the enemy can be reasonably certain of his own death.
923447;1416034493;asciilifeform;when it happens.
923448;1416034498;mircea_popescu;decimation if you could fire silent bullets you'd find loud ones because protocol ?
923449;1416034517;decimation;yeah, like full metal jackets
923450;1416034519;mircea_popescu;and wtf is "visible laser" anyway
923451;1416034529;Adlai;mircea_popescu: playing around with the magnitude of "valuable" in http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-11-2014#922718
923452;1416034529;assbot;Logged on 15-11-2014 00:41:00; asciilifeform: because it is the only one which existed upon the earth before bitcoin was valuable!
923453;1416034535;mircea_popescu;not like military grade laser will be like in star trek
923454;1416034538;asciilifeform;visible laser << rayleigh scattering.
923455;1416034555;decimation;right, one that transmits somewhere in the visible spectrum (to humans)
923456;1416034556;asciilifeform;switch on a toy green laser in dark room.
923457;1416034567;Adlai;max paranoia = starting around april 2010, at least one tla began stockpiling coins
923458;1416034572;asciilifeform;switch on large far-ir laser - also visible (!) - heated air
923459;1416034577;decimation;I suspect the first 'military laser' will be infrared
923460;1416034589;mircea_popescu;decimation you're late. the first military laser IS co2, uv.
923461;1416034599;decimation;heh yeah good point
923462;1416034607;decimation;but that wasn't really a man-portable system
923463;1416034612;mircea_popescu;it woulkd be uv and uuv anyway. higher energy better focus less scatter.
923464;1416034614;asciilifeform;which 'military laser' ? there are 1000.
923465;1416034616;Adlai;well, short of satoshi acting in a tla-ish manner, perhaps due to belonging to a tla himself
923466;1416034626;mircea_popescu;;;ud tla
923467;1416034627;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=TLA | TLA is a three-letter-acronym for three-letter-acronyms. by uncle tom ... It always have been and will be Lucas and Peyton, TLA (True Love Always). by lp_tla ...
923468;1416034627;decimation;Something you could give to a grunt to replace his rifle
923469;1416034648;mircea_popescu;i doubt you will have man operated lasers anyway
923470;1416034655;mircea_popescu;it'd be 100% drones
923471;1416034656;asciilifeform;what the hell would be the point?
923472;1416034660;mircea_popescu;right ?
923474;1416034673;asciilifeform;i suppose it's hard to blow yer own brains out with a drone.
923475;1416034677;asciilifeform;although still doable.
923476;1416034683;decimation;or frag your lt
923477;1416034684;mircea_popescu;why hard ?
923478;1416034727;asciilifeform;incidentally, if 'cheap and compact source of infinite energy', the 'plasma rifle' from 'doom', etc. can exist.
923479;1416034728;decimation;actually this brings up a good point, why aren't 'silent guns' more popular in military circles
923480;1416034734;Adlai;"TLA is a three-letter-acronym for three-letter-acronyms." << i'd go as far as/cronyms/gencies/
923481;1416034740;mircea_popescu;decimation because they can't be made.
923482;1416034741;asciilifeform;ionized atmosphere with laser, pump current through
923483;1416034746;asciilifeform;a la 'jacob's ladder.
923484;1416034759;decimation;are you saying that you can't use a silencer and a sub-sonic round?
923485;1416034759;dub;lockheed are buildinf fusion batteries now
923486;1416034765;dub;wont be long
923487;1416034768;mircea_popescu;so they claim yeah.
923488;1416034781;asciilifeform;decimation: the actual 'silent pistol' does not use a gas silencer.
923489;1416034785;asciilifeform;nor is it entirely silent
923490;1416034791;mircea_popescu;i suppose the next logical bezzle step is a tesla-lockheed merger
923491;1416034796;asciilifeform;(mechanical noise from the action. the bullet still whistles. etc)
923492;1416034809;mircea_popescu;just think, the promise of the electric car married to the promise of the fusion battery
923493;1416034814;decimation;yeah I agree they aren't 100% silent, but the advantages of silence seem to be large
923494;1416034819;asciilifeform;decimation: http://topwar.ru/21240-besshumnyy-patron-hm76-ssha.html
923495;1416034880;asciilifeform;that one.
923496;1416034880;BingoBoingo;  are you saying that you can't use a silencer and a sub-sonic round? << Range and terminal energy at the target become huge problems this way
923497;1416034880;asciilifeform;gas stays in.
923498;1416034880;mircea_popescu;decimation swat / town warfare teams use supressed weapons
923499;1416034880;mircea_popescu;mostly so they don't bleed from the ears.
923500;1416034880;decimation;I suppose the idea that the 'standard grunt' is snaking up on someone is unlikely
923502;1416034880;decimation;but snaking works too
923503;1416034880;thestringpuller;solid snake
923504;1416034880;asciilifeform;incidentally, if the magic fusor can be nudged into chain reaction, it's game over.
923505;1416034892;decimation;asciilifeform: what do you mean, like a fusion bomb?
923506;1416034898;asciilifeform;doesn't even matter if 99 in a hundred men who open theirs, die
923507;1416034918;asciilifeform;decimation: yes.
923508;1416034949;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform not hard to make it limited.
923509;1416034957;asciilifeform;'Had the atomic bomb turned out to be something as cheap and easily manufactured as a bicycle or an alarm clock, it might well have plunged us back into barbarism, but it might, on the other hand, have meant the end of national sovereignty and of the highly-centralised police state. If, as seems to be the case, it is a rare and costly object as difficult to produce as a battleship, it is likelier to put an end
923510;1416034957;asciilifeform;to large-scale wars at the cost of prolonging indefinitely a peace that is no peace.'
923511;1416034963;asciilifeform;make it limited << lol
923512;1416034973;asciilifeform;what has been limited by the hand of man, can be un-limited.
923513;1416034977;mircea_popescu;how ?
923514;1416034978;Adlai;thestringpuller: overall though i liked the bip65 article, it was worded neutrally enough that it could almost be tagged 'News'
923515;1416034990;asciilifeform;unless the case is one of 'intrinsic' safety a la fissile mechanics
923516;1416034990;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform has the hand of man enabled the disabled cores in an intel chip ?
923517;1416035005;decimation;right, the 'fissile' bomb runs out of fissile material
923518;1416035011;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: give man a few days with ion beam workstation.
923519;1416035011;mircea_popescu;how do you add deuterium inside the core ? with an enema pump ?
923520;1416035031;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: if you sit down and think about it for a bit, you can figure out six different methods.
923521;1416035038;mircea_popescu;yeah, and ?
923522;1416035042;asciilifeform;'there is no safe that can be kept in the robber's living room.'
923523;1416035043;mircea_popescu;i'd rather think about kim's butt.
923524;1416035053;mircea_popescu;so would 99 men in a 100
923525;1416035061;asciilifeform;aha but we just need the 1.
923526;1416035083;dub;kim dotcom?
923527;1416035083;cazalla;mircea_popescu, working but slowly http://pastebin.com/4XCDXVSi
923528;1416035143;mircea_popescu;well, let's ut it this way : the reason the state does not collapse in a tsunami of violence is not now nor was it ever historically that such would be physically impossible.
923529;1416035143;mircea_popescu;it is always that nobody can be bothered.
923530;1416035143;cazalla;well, qntra is intermittent for me
923531;1416035143;mircea_popescu;otherwise, see the experiences of the various members of the tsar's fambly with artisanal bombs
923532;1416035143;asciilifeform;what if herr frein spent his life contemplating how to rewire his fusor
923533;1416035143;asciilifeform;instead of marksmanship
923534;1416035143;mircea_popescu;dub no, the fat female kim. champagne assgirl.
923535;1416035154;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this curren state will collapse regardless. not a technical, but a policital problem. it just sucks.
923536;1416035157;mircea_popescu;nothing can save it.
923537;1416035164;asciilifeform;right now it takes more than one man, however enthusiastic, working in his basement for twenty years, to level a city.
923538;1416035184;mircea_popescu;not so
923539;1416035190;mircea_popescu;recall the case of the kid who built his own nuke
923540;1416035193;mircea_popescu;out of smoke detectors ?
923541;1416035197;asciilifeform;except he didn't
923542;1416035206;decimation;he just built a waste site
923543;1416035229;mircea_popescu;well, he didn't work for the full 20 years either.
923544;1416035231;asciilifeform;lovely legend, but fails kindergarten physics.
923545;1416035261;decimation;although thorium is a fissile material
923546;1416035265;mircea_popescu;the sad truth of the matter is that with the current state of manufacturing, i could build my own nuke. wouldn't even take a decade.
923547;1416035277;asciilifeform;at any rate, the operative boojum wouldn't be the demolition of a particular plot of real estate.
923548;1416035280;mircea_popescu;i can centrifuge my own uranium, there's plenty of places where it's directly exploitable etc.
923549;1416035297;asciilifeform;but a demonstration of 'with fiddybucks any discontented sod can now do it where he wants'
923550;1416035300;mircea_popescu;the fact that the iranians don't manage just shows how fucktarded htey are. it's by now a one man job.
923551;1416035313;thestringpuller;Adlai: i don't think it was tagged as news
923552;1416035325;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: use laser separation.
923553;1416035337;mircea_popescu;im not intending to lay out an actualrecipe here
923554;1416035341;mircea_popescu;just making the general point.
923555;1416035342;asciilifeform;1/10000th the cost of conventional gas centrifuge.
923556;1416035354;asciilifeform;above is more or less the recipe
923557;1416035363;decimation;sorting out u235 from the other neutron spewing isotopes isn't trivial
923558;1416035376;asciilifeform;(u-235 and u-238 have different absorption spectra)
923559;1416035388;mircea_popescu;decimation the original bombs were'nt that classy.
923560;1416035391;mircea_popescu;they won a war
923561;1416035397;mircea_popescu;the much classier later versions won no war.
923562;1416035400;mircea_popescu;see what i mean ?
923563;1416035431;asciilifeform;actually iran tried to build laser separator. the men involved - died. and not of industrial accidents.
923564;1416035433;TheNewDeal;thats to be determined
923565;1416035440;asciilifeform;died of 'problems'
923566;1416035454;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform kinda what i mean by "inept iran"
923567;1416035467;asciilifeform;then they went on to the 'old classic' recipe, and made sure to run moar winblows.
923569;1416035476;mircea_popescu;state that can't build a pot is one thing. state that can't keep a secret however, deserves to die.
923570;1416035505;Adlai;!s feeling of power
923571;1416035506;assbot;12 results for 'feeling of power' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=feeling+of+power
923573;1416035528;asciilifeform;state that can't keep a secret << incidentally, notice that no complete 'dump' for ru nuke of whatever variety ever hit the net.
923574;1416035535;cazalla;mircea_popescu: certainly not a top hat. <<< maybe akubra? nfi on top hats but they have a solid rep
923575;1416035537;Adlai;specifically http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-04-2014#624410
923576;1416035537;assbot;Logged on 14-04-2014 18:26:21; gribble: THE FEELING OF POWER by Isaac Asimov Worlds of Science ...: ; The Feeling of Power - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; MathFiction: The Feeling of Power (Isaac Asimov) - Alex Kasman: 
923577;1416035572;mircea_popescu;cazalla i know specifically what im talking about, because the last looms capable of making the required felt were destroyed a decade ago as part of a family feud.
923578;1416035580;mircea_popescu;the world has physically lost the capacity to produce top hats.
923579;1416035599;mircea_popescu;to me this is much worse news than the extinction of whatever stupid fish or crap
923580;1416035605;decimation;asciilifeform: of course stalin's agents were all over the us bomb as it was being made
923581;1416035607;asciilifeform;aha like the u.s. hbomb tamper foam.
923582;1416035633;cazalla;mircea_popescu, sounds familiar, this story on trilema?
923583;1416035635;asciilifeform;some of us here, imho, shall live to see the felt brought back.
923584;1416035640;mircea_popescu;cazalla not sure, mebbe not.
923585;1416035654;cazalla;something to do with looms is, that i know
923586;1416035689;asciilifeform;;;google fogbank
923587;1416035689;gribble;FOGBANK - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Fog Bank: Capitola's Funnest Bar & Grille: ; Jeffrey Lewis • FOGBANK: 
923588;1416035696;asciilifeform;^ relevant
923589;1416035766;decimation;what about the homburg hat http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homburg_%28hat%29
923591;1416036258;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41927 @ 0.00042729 = 17.915 BTC [+]
923592;1416036258;mircea_popescu;oh for fucks sake
923593;1416036290;mircea_popescu;fucking idiot.
923594;1416036318;asciilifeform;exam - failed.
923595;1416036319;mircea_popescu;see, it's imbeciles like this that cause trouble. now the point will have to be carved out of some innocent women's skin that nobody gives a shit.
923596;1416036332;mircea_popescu;had he just pointed and laughed at the "offended" idiots we could have just moved on.
923597;1416036352;mircea_popescu;basically matt taylor is personally responsible for a few violent gangrrapes now.
923598;1416036496;mircea_popescu;we need to bully these autistic savants a whole of a lot more, can't be letting the libtards having all the fun.
923599;1416036498;decimation;yeah I don't get it, if your'e gonna wear a shirt with semi-naked women in front of an international audience, show some follow-through
923600;1416036533;asciilifeform;'Knowledge can be lost. Sometimes this is perfectly reasonable: No one knows how to kill and skin a mastodon anymore, for obvious reasons. And cultures frequently lose knowledge as they evolve past it--you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who could write a computer program on punch-cards today. But there is something worrisome about misplacing knowledge that is only a generation or two old. And this happens mor
923601;1416036533;asciilifeform;e often than you might think. ... ... Space enthusiasts say, 'If we can put a man on the moon, why can't we put a man on the moon?' "The answer, Simberg explains, is that we can't "because most of the people who did it are in their dotage or dead, and a lot of it was more art than science."'
923602;1416036541;asciilifeform;( http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/016/479avvbv.asp?pg=2 )
923603;1416036601;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform im pretty sure i can still write on punch cards.
923604;1416036601;asciilifeform;not hard.
923605;1416036601;asciilifeform;bad example, not because of greybeards, but because of demented archaeologists like yours truly
923606;1416036626;asciilifeform;and i can hardly imagine a modern big-game hunter having any serious troubles with a mastodon.
923607;1416036635;asciilifeform;but i can sorta see the point he was trying to make.
923608;1416036654;mircea_popescu;i sorta can't.
923609;1416036662;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45200 @ 0.00043661 = 19.7348 BTC [+] {2} 
923610;1416036666;asciilifeform;eh we just skinned a balloon, haven't we.
923611;1416036690;mircea_popescu;knowledge != technology.
923612;1416036690;decimation;asciilifeform: there's a good example of the 'art v. science' re: moon program here: http://eb-misfit.blogspot.com/2013/10/relighting-saturn-vs-f-1-rocket-engine.html?showComment=1381683061332#c1607749688683256926  "There were single welds on the engine that took all day to weld, by hand, and there were thousands of such welds. The engineers working on the new F1 copy say that theirs has less than 1/10th the parts of the original F1
923613;1416036750;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6109 @ 0.00043769 = 2.6738 BTC [+]
923614;1416036750;decimation;and should be easily mass produced. "
923615;1416036750;mircea_popescu;i still know how to make a felt hat
923616;1416036750;mircea_popescu;doesn't mean the machines still exist.
923617;1416036750;decimation;each saturn rocket was basically a metal art peice
923618;1416036752;asciilifeform;decimation: this is not actually uncommon at the 'what is the factory made of' level in industry.
923619;1416036767;asciilifeform;ultimately, there is no factory that churns out pilot plants
923620;1416036772;mircea_popescu;used to. nowadays it's pretty rare.
923621;1416036780;asciilifeform;craftsmanship all the way down, after a certain point.
923622;1416036789;decimation;there's a  point there
923623;1416036805;decimation;someone has to program the robots after all
923624;1416036854;asciilifeform;much of what makes civilization tick, is not available off the shelf, and the entire notion is nonsensical.
923625;1416036865;mircea_popescu;whosoever programs the robots doesn't have to do so with chewing gum however.
923626;1416036875;mircea_popescu;the fact that bitcoin .5.3 is full of spot welds is not a quality.
923627;1416036914;punkman;.notary status
923628;1416036921;punkman;notary status
923629;1416036922;notary;punkman: 1 pending deed | Last bundle 6 hours and 14 minutes ago | 1 unconfirmed bundle
923630;1416036925;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: imagine if, e.g., the 'golden gate' bridge had been built by a retarded child. out of match sticks.
923631;1416036929;asciilifeform;and it were still in use.
923632;1416036939;punkman;speaking of shitty code, thing's stuck again
923634;1416037010;decimation;it seems to come down to a question of economics, it's generally cheaper to pay a master craftsman to labor over one item, but if one is building thousands it is worth the start-up cost of the robots
923635;1416037010;asciilifeform;decimation: except that none of this conceptually even applies to a computer program.
923636;1416037010;decimation;unfortunately no
923637;1416037010;decimation;one can imagine the software craftsman being aided by tools (likely of his own making)
923638;1416037021;decimation;but the idea of 'mass production software' is nonsensical
923639;1416037030;thestringpuller;!up fivezerotwo
923640;1416037154;mircea_popescu;this "ctrl-c at console" business is so... hm. primitive.
923641;1416037158;mircea_popescu;in the positive sense of that term.
923643;1416037182;asciilifeform;like a death certificate that reads 'stopped breathing'
923644;1416037193;mircea_popescu;nah, more like a hmm....
923645;1416037225;punkman;so electrum is blocking forever when I try to send a tx, then the tx sending thread gets stuck
923646;1416037254;mircea_popescu;nah, more like a retarded athlete who, after a majorly incredible game where his team won very closely or lost very closely is like
923647;1416037259;mircea_popescu;"well... we lost"
923648;1416037263;mircea_popescu;myeah dude.
923650;1416037335;empyex;thestringpuller: Next conference starts in 5 months and 2 days. Estimated cost today: 3.31292039 BTC (Details: http://trilema.com/2014/the-conference-third-edition/ )
923651;1416037373;asciilifeform;re: top hats: i vaguely recall that the planet lost the capacity to make toothpicks for a few months at some point in '09 (?)
923652;1416037402;asciilifeform;chicom firm cornered the market, the story went, to the point of total monopoly - then went bust
923653;1416037412;RagnarDanneskjol;punkman i think eventually you're gonna ahve to ditch electrum and run a daemon - these issues are somewhat known and why deedbot 1.0 replaced it w/ api
923654;1416037413;asciilifeform;perhaps i dreamed all of this.
923655;1416037444;punkman;RagnarDanneskjol: oh deedbot1.0 tried to use electrum?
923656;1416037449;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Clam one of yours?
923658;1416037459;RagnarDanneskjol;went through several versions
923659;1416037478;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo sorry ?
923660;1416037481;RagnarDanneskjol;the last one actually works perfectly fine - just was on unsecure server
923661;1416037493;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: From the gif where it did the salt licking
923662;1416037497;punkman;RagnarDanneskjol: well it didn't actually verify deeds
923664;1416037526;RagnarDanneskjol;how's that?
923665;1416037545;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo ah no, bounty of teh internets.
923666;1416037554;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes. salt.
923667;1416037577;*;asciilifeform wanders off to consider this.
923668;1416037622;fivezerotwo;thanks thestringpuller
923669;1416038052;mircea_popescu;"This muddle finally hurts those following in the researcher's path. Long after he has his Ph.D. or his tenure, inquiring students will be put off by the document he has left behind. He seems to have solved everything already, so the report says, yet there is no tangible evidence of it besides the report itself."
923670;1416038054;mircea_popescu;oh brother...
923671;1416038079;notary;Confirmed bundle 1NUkX9oL with 1 deed | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/bundle/1NUkX9oLgWDpzWanrsxKdgUqs7JaRUKG4u
923673;1416038199;mircea_popescu;this is actually the fundamental problem with western academia. the self-licking icecreamcones problem is just a convenient frosting over this, but the point remains that even should that matter be solved, as it trivially would be solved - by say a stalin, which is always cheap
923674;1416038199;mircea_popescu;nevertheless academia would STILL be fundamentally broken to the point of complete dysfunction.
923676;1416039154;RagnarDanneskjol;[Founding Digital Currency on Secure Computation]
923677;1416039459;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23272 @ 0.00042858 = 9.9739 BTC [-]
923678;1416039964;cazalla;RagnarDanneskjol, meh not promoting something that thinks "When a user wants to create an address, the user provides her identity to an IVS. The IVS checks that the provided identity is the identity of a real person who can be located and be accountable if illegal activity is detected, similar to existing Bitcoin payment systems such as Coinbase." is a good idea
923679;1416040058;RagnarDanneskjol;they have some lame and some rather novel ideas in there
923680;1416040188;notary;Confirmed bundle 1MH7Ri8j with 1 deed | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/bundle/1MH7Ri8jmVKWouMdUijZQoH4hsZQb2txq2
923681;1416040447;Adlai;you wouldn't say that militaries are still churning out pilot plants, but the automation/control balance of piloting itself has shifted?
923682;1416040488;Adlai;(that was re: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-11-2014#923619 )
923683;1416040488;assbot;Logged on 15-11-2014 07:32:47; asciilifeform: ultimately, there is no factory that churns out pilot plants
923684;1416041444;RagnarDanneskjol;lols http://open.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/11/13/embracing-https/?_r=2
923685;1416041704;RagnarDanneskjol;!up Vexual
923686;1416042054;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36210 @ 0.00042725 = 15.4707 BTC [-] {2} 
923687;1416042115;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23040 @ 0.00042362 = 9.7602 BTC [-]
923689;1416042521;punkman;RagnarDanneskjol: similar thingie https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11395
923690;1416042625;Vexual;the sd one is cool, i dont undertand the other thing
923692;1416043159;Vexual;oh yes, just different form factors
923693;1416043190;Vexual;such is life
923694;1416045394;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo "It appears he's list 5 billion since June 30th" << lost ?
923695;1416045967;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Probably? Where to fix?
923696;1416045978;mircea_popescu;your article re buffet
923698;1416046000;assbot;Buffet Problems | Bingo Blog
923699;1416046033;BingoBoingo;Ty, fixed
923700;1416046077;mircea_popescu;and with that, it is time for ass!
923701;1416049291;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48900 @ 0.00043676 = 21.3576 BTC [+]
923702;1416049901;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14691 @ 0.00043717 = 6.4225 BTC [+] {2} 
923703;1416049963;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46809 @ 0.00043868 = 20.5342 BTC [+] {2} 
923704;1416051975;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15928 @ 0.00044006 = 7.0093 BTC [+] {2} 
923705;1416053040;nubbins`;  if I were russia, I'd wait for the US to go balls deep into the middle east again, and then I'd grab some of the north pole's oil, <<< obviously, you're not russia. <<< dat unfamilairity with arctic sovereignty claims
923706;1416053134;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7212 @ 0.00043657 = 3.1485 BTC [-]
923707;1416056245;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH2] 1000 @ 0.0012 = 1.2 BTC
923708;1416058563;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 14 @ 0.08636714 = 1.2091 BTC [-] {6} 
923709;1416058990;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31992 @ 0.00043573 = 13.9399 BTC [-]
923711;1416059218;assbot;SeansOutpost comments on An open letter to Jason King of Sean's Outpost
923712;1416059295;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 79000 @ 0.0004225 = 33.3775 BTC [-] {3} 
923714;1416059717;nubbins`;i never got the "feed the homeless in this guy's city instead of in your own city" thing
923715;1416059726;nubbins`;LOOK AT ME I'M DONATING TO SEAN'S OUTPOST
923716;1416059733;nubbins`;THERE ARE NO HUNGRY PEOPLE WHERE I LIVE
923717;1416059775;assbot;Last 4 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/2QX2KNA.txt )
923718;1416059775;BingoBoingo;!b 4
923719;1416059801;BingoBoingo;Seriously though you feed the homeless in someone else's city so they all go there. Pied Piper and shit.
923721;1416059827;nubbins`;i live on an island, buddy
923722;1416059846;nubbins`;nearest "city" is 20k people a 10 hour drive away
923723;1416059873;nubbins`;anyway, always suspected that guy
923724;1416059911;nubbins`;Easy Feel-Goods for sale, only $1.25
923725;1416059971;BingoBoingo;No, easy feel goods are $75 at the massage parlor down by the strip club
923726;1416062501;xanthyos;http://i.gyazo.com/970002ace57462fba98546820653d316.png << look at the progress bar on an electronic transaction initiated two full days ago.  obsolescence.
923727;1416062572;xanthyos;so coinbase gets 4 full days to abort my purchase, which they will, if the prices goes up, and they won't if it levels or drops.  with btc market volatility they have a sure thing
923728;1416062609;xanthyos;business days, so essentially a full week
923729;1416062690;xanthyos;using the customer's assumption that banking is a slow process (2 business days) and doubling that hoping they won't notice just to extend their opportunity to abort a sale that's not in their favor
923730;1416063650;mats_cd03;08:56:40 <+BingoBoingo> Seriously though you feed the homeless in someone else's city so they all go there. Pied Piper and shit. << aka San Francisco
923731;1416063812;xanthyos;actually liberal "utopias" like sf have very little accomodations for the poor
923732;1416063861;xanthyos;as someone who's been homeless i've found it much easier to survive in backwoods towns in minnesota where people are poorer and not politicized
923733;1416063891;xanthyos;california is a scam state and hollywood has used its media to convince the world that it doesn't suck there, but it really does
923734;1416063973;mats_cd03;sure. there are still hills of homeless in SF, despite billions spent trying to fix it
923735;1416064021;xanthyos;SF spends its billions laying asphalt for zig-zaggy roads on their hills, not on the homeless
923737;1416064034;mats_cd03;http://www.sfchronicle.com/archive/item/A-decade-of-homelessness-Thousands-in-S-F-30431.php << 3k 'supportive housing units'
923738;1416064096;mats_cd03;"The city spends $165 million a year on homeless services, about half of which funds supportive housing. That’s one of the highest levels of per-capita spending on homelessness of any city in the nation, said Philip Mangano, who served as the nation’s homeless czar under President Bush."
923739;1416064137;mats_cd03;"... the nation's homeless czar" << lol
923740;1416064241;xanthyos;so inefficient
923741;1416064253;xanthyos;someone should take a box cutter to nancy pelosi's plastic mask
923742;1416064825;The20YearIRCloud;and yet their homelessness problem is still one of the worst in the country
923744;1416064865;nubbins`;i mean.
923746;1416064869;assbot;Stephen Harper at G20 tells Vladimir Putin to 'get out of Ukraine' - World - CBC News
923747;1416064882;nubbins`;curious to see what a .ru article about this says :D
923748;1416064890;nubbins`;"According to MacDonald, Putin did not respond positively. He didn't provide further details."
923749;1416065229;jurov;ohmy, dat log
923750;1416065299;jurov;btw, what else can putin do? taking care of the nation is not capable of enacting western definition of lawful order
923751;1416065314;jurov;despite generations of geletical pool cleansing
923753;1416065388;jurov;try to go and conquer
923754;1416065394;jurov;nothing alse make sense
923755;1416065505;jurov;*nothing else makes sense
923756;1416065829;jurov;http://sherylcanter.com/wordpress/2010/01/a-science-based-technique-for-seasoning-cast-iron/ << for cast iron jockeys
923758;1416066196;pete_dushenski;so coinbase scored another $50 mn
923759;1416066285;pete_dushenski;also, scoopbot be borkt so...
923763;1416066410;nubbins`;cast iron 4 life
923764;1416066410;pete_dushenski;and no assbot either eh
923765;1416066410;nubbins`;the guy who runs javaranch got me into cast iron
923766;1416066412;nubbins`;flaxseed oil!
923767;1416066536;pete_dushenski;http://www.nytimes.com/2014/11/14/us/series-of-secret-service-blunders-eased-way-for-white-house-intruder.html?_r=0 << makes that gasenwagen a lot less threatening of a theory
923768;1416066540;assbot;Log In - The New York Times
923769;1416066547;pete_dushenski;incompetence is just so adorable!
923770;1416066572;pete_dushenski;assbot is too cool for contravex ?
923771;1416066587;pete_dushenski;fucking bot
923772;1416066643;pete_dushenski;http://karakullake.blogspot.com/2014/11/assads-31-forms-of-torture.html << from the old school
923773;1416066674;assbot;Tamerlane's Thoughts: Assad's 31 forms of torture
923774;1416066765;nubbins`;jurov / urovj i wait for my oil to smoke before putting food in the pan :/
923775;1416066777;nubbins`;wtf am i supposed to do now!
923777;1416066795;nubbins`;i won't know when the pan is hot enough!
923778;1416066825;nubbins`;non-scientific take: http://www.richsoil.com/cast-iron.jsp
923779;1416066826;assbot;How To: Cast Iron Skillet Non-Stick and Lasts a Lifetime
923780;1416066841;jurov;when cooking with olive oil, i can say by smell it's right temp
923781;1416066903;pete_dushenski;"the crews that maintain the nation’s 450 intercontinental ballistic missiles had only a single wrench that could attach the nuclear warheads. “They started FedExing the one tool” to three bases spread across the country"
923782;1416066923;pete_dushenski;that usg is less threatening by the day i tell you
923783;1416067027;nubbins`;i actually use viscosity as a guide leading up to the smoke point
923784;1416067066;nubbins`;this linseed thing is a neat idea tho. my 9" cast iron could use a fresh start
923785;1416067087;nubbins`;it's rough-bottomed, tho, not sure if it's worth such special treatment just ye
923786;1416067735;asciilifeform;jurov: mr p's response to australia >> http://www.loper-os.org/pub/lenta.html
923788;1416067850;jurov;so why the separatists were so eager to claim it?
923789;1416067869;asciilifeform;jurov: which ones and where?
923790;1416067906;asciilifeform;jurov: first i hear of such
923792;1416067913;assbot;Ukraine Separatist Social Media Site Claims Plane Downing
923793;1416067973;asciilifeform;jurov: afaik, nazi fake.
923794;1416068071;jurov;afaik, RT fake
923795;1416068100;asciilifeform;jurov: this is interestingly reminiscent of orwell's piece on the spanish war.
923796;1416068105;asciilifeform;jurov: do you remember it ?
923798;1416068184;jurov;when RT invites amir taaaki as bitcoin expert, it's clear what they are up to
923799;1416068201;jurov;but when they pull some "dutch expert" it's suddent sacrosanct truth
923801;1416068226;*;asciilifeform did not endorse rt as truth machine. but notes that, so far, usa has not denied authenticity of the smoking gun.
923802;1416068274;jurov;nor has russia denied strelkov's boasts
923803;1416068308;asciilifeform;jurov: the pronouncement that he lacked the necessary rocket is not a denial ?
923804;1416068389;jurov;BUK was the name of the rocket, russians have it and the border is non-existing
923806;1416068441;assbot;BUK missile launcher shown in Russian separatist stronghold before MH17 crash | Daily Mail Online
923807;1416068453;jurov;^ photos of it allegedly operating at the site
923808;1416068504;jurov;dunno we ever solve this here, it's clear as mud
923809;1416068527;asciilifeform;the one piece of 'lack of gun' was that a launch is visible and audible for 40km or so around
923810;1416068537;asciilifeform;and no one, afaik, has fessed up to noticing one.
923811;1416068650;jurov;how are they so certain it's urk fighter?
923812;1416068669;jurov;i can easily see russians doing it and placing buk in there as diversion
923813;1416068765;asciilifeform;jurov: re: spanish: http://orwell.ru/library/essays/Spanish_War/english/esw_1
923814;1416068766;assbot;George Orwell: Looking back on the Spanish War
923815;1416068793;BingoBoingo;Fuck it. The Greys did MH-17
923816;1416068803;asciilifeform;'I remember saying once to Arthur Koestler, History stopped in 1936, at which he nodded in immediate understanding. We were both thinking of totalitarianism in general, but more particularly of the Spanish civil war. Early in life I have noticed that no event is ever correctly reported in a newspaper, but in Spain, for the first time, I saw newspaper reports which did not bear any relation to the facts, n
923817;1416068803;asciilifeform;ot even the relationship which is implied in an ordinary lie. I saw great battles reported where there had been no fighting, and complete silence where hundreds of men had been killed. I saw troops who had fought bravely denounced as cowards and traitors, and others who had never seen a shot fired hailed as the heroes of imaginary victories; and I saw newspapers in London retailing these lies and eager intellec
923818;1416068805;asciilifeform;tuals building emotional superstructures over events that had never happened. I saw, in fact, history being written not in terms of what happened but of what ought to have happened according to various party lines.'
923819;1416068969;BingoBoingo;It's those Alien provacateurs
923820;1416069029;pete_dushenski;can anyone remember the title of that trilema article where mircea_popescu discloses how much he sold that 5% chunk of mpex for?
923821;1416069053;pete_dushenski;then number $7mn is stuck in my mind but i can't dig up the article to confirm
923822;1416069090;*;pete_dushenski has been reading lots of old trilema articles about the early mpex days
923823;1416069155;pete_dushenski;it's nothing short of incredible to see just how tame mp reads then as opposed to now
923824;1416069225;pete_dushenski;"I am by no means convinced it is even correct, but merely the suggestion of it has the sort of breathtaking effect sudden abstraction gives. The reason I’m publishing all this is, of course, that I’m interested to hear what others think. Fill me in below."
923825;1416069438;pete_dushenski;modesty the likes of which would shock a johnny come lately reader
923827;1416069874;assbot;Hey VCs, where's the $1.5mn funding for nanotube's WoT ? http://t.co/gdmiYpx1FA
923828;1416069942;jurov;nonotube doesn't want to join bezzlatron?
923829;1416069954;pete_dushenski;mebbe he does
923830;1416069965;ben_vulpes;note to self: next time compress the blockchain *before* copying.
923831;1416069968;pete_dushenski;hard to imagine anyone legimitately asking him
923832;1416069993;pete_dushenski;https://imgur.com/6HC0yeM << trilema credits: 4 and still no worky!
923833;1416069994;assbot;                        imgur: the simple image sharer
923834;1416069999;ben_vulpes;what would he need the money for, pete_dushenski? embedding contracts in the blockchain?
923835;1416070010;ben_vulpes;give up, web technology will kill your children.
923836;1416070026;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes a house with a pool ?
923837;1416070075;pete_dushenski;i'd personally be quite interested to see what nanotube would do if given a free $1.5mn
923838;1416070086;ben_vulpes;kinda dodges the question of why would vcs put capital into it.
923839;1416070135;ben_vulpes;here's my pipedream shartup
923840;1416070142;ben_vulpes;pretend there's something smart
923841;1416070144;ben_vulpes;wrap gpg
923842;1416070147;ben_vulpes;end passwords
923844;1416070164;ben_vulpes;it doesn't even have a profit model!
923845;1416070166;ben_vulpes;what could go wrong!?
923846;1416070237;nubbins`;CIS installed in epson printer. print a file. epson says "it is almost time to replace ink cartridges"
923847;1416070238;nubbins`;NICE TRY
923849;1416070265;ben_vulpes;piped tar into curl
923850;1416070271;ben_vulpes;exhausted all memory
923853;1416070332;nubbins`;(CIS = http://imgur.com/5uggnbK )
923854;1416070332;assbot;                        imgur: the simple image sharer
923855;1416070526;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: what's an 'end password' ?
923856;1416070784;ben_vulpes;end is a verb in this context.
923857;1416070807;nubbins`;google end
923859;1416070821;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: what do you have in mind?
923860;1416070836;ben_vulpes;token decryption.
923861;1416070848;asciilifeform;gribble-login for everything?
923863;1416070855;ben_vulpes;'s the only way.
923864;1416070892;asciilifeform;why does this need money ?
923865;1416070908;ben_vulpes;because i need a shartup!
923866;1416070916;asciilifeform;ahaha lol
923867;1416070934;ben_vulpes;gotta hire sales people
923868;1416070936;ben_vulpes;rent an office
923869;1416070946;ben_vulpes;flip the ponzi a few times
923870;1416070994;*;asciilifeform thought ben_vulpes already did something of the kind at day job
923871;1416071020;ben_vulpes;what, run a ponzi?
923872;1416071025;asciilifeform;not necessarily
923873;1416071029;asciilifeform;but, some sort of firm
923875;1416071049;assbot;Last 6 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/374TEEE.txt )
923876;1416071049;nubbins`;!b 6
923877;1416071086;ben_vulpes;yes i have a thing
923878;1416071099;nubbins`;!gettrust assbot Anduck
923879;1416071106;nubbins`;i mean.
923880;1416071109;nubbins`;;;gettrust assbot Anduck
923881;1416071109;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask Anduck!~anduck@unaffiliated/anduck. Trust relationship from user assbot to user Anduck: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 5 via 5 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=Anduck | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=Anduck | Rated since: Tue May  8 11:28:43 2012
923882;1416071110;ben_vulpes;but it's kind of an estes scale thing, and i want a giant tower of hydrocarbons atop which to ride out of this gravity well.
923883;1416071130;nubbins`;!up Anduck
923884;1416071183;nubbins`;Anduck, you have L2 trust w/ assbot so you can take advantage of deed system
923886;1416071307;assbot;Trust system - users with most trust list trust
923887;1416071389;ben_vulpes;http://bablogs.btcscoop.com/ << not actually a thing?
923888;1416071390;assbot; #bitcoin-assets blog posts 
923889;1416071417;ben_vulpes;hm nm.
923891;1416071548;assbot;Forum finances
923892;1416071563;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes i want a giant tower of hydrocarbons << for some reason i didn't even think you had a car
923893;1416071632;pete_dushenski;"Taxes and bitcoin, what is this sorcery"
923894;1416071652;pete_dushenski;heya punkman how goes the punkbot ?
923895;1416071664;punkman;notary status
923896;1416071664;notary;punkman: No pending deeds | Last bundle 9 hours and 16 minutes ago
923897;1416071679;pete_dushenski;ah yes!
923898;1416071689;punkman;punkbot balance
923899;1416071689;notary;punkman: Balance at 1LAwrWMbPLLSpt7nkD5Jv1Yf4cwPhD98ny is 0.06251 BTC (0.0 unconfirmed), enough for 568 more bundles.
923900;1416071696;punkman;well in case someone forgets, both work
923902;1416071724;ben_vulpes;pete_dushenski: oh i own one. rarely use it though.
923903;1416071727;ben_vulpes;preferring to walk and bike.
923904;1416071738;pete_dushenski;;;rate punkman 1 maker of notary bot for #b-a deeds
923905;1416071739;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user punkman has been recorded.
923906;1416071768;ben_vulpes;but the things that one can do with a car don't really hold a candle to those that can be done with large rockets.
923907;1416071770;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes a but of course
923908;1416071773;ben_vulpes;cars don't fly.
923909;1416071784;pete_dushenski;anymore than bricks
923910;1416071785;ben_vulpes;planes don't escape the gravity well.
923911;1416071794;ben_vulpes;('cept maybe the skylon)
923912;1416071818;ben_vulpes;adios pete_dushenski, see you another day.
923913;1416071823;pete_dushenski;meh gravity well is 75% in your own noodle
923914;1416071827;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes cheers mate
923915;1416072594;assbot; http://news.rice.edu/2014/11/05/next-for-darpa-autocomplete-for-programmers/
923916;1416072609;assbot; Next for DARPA: ‘Autocomplete’ for programmers
923917;1416073347;asciilifeform;autocomplete << lol!
923919;1416073349;assbot;Auto-Complete - An Intelligent auto-completion extension for Emacs
923920;1416073352;asciilifeform;or even microshit's
923921;1416073360;asciilifeform;am i missing something?
923922;1416073370;asciilifeform;or was that article stolen from 'the onion' ?
923923;1416073824;asciilifeform;http://www.contravex.com/2014/11/04/lets-cut-to-the-chase-is-la-serenissima-a-cult/#comment-4569 << interesting re: pankkake
923924;1416073825;assbot;Let’s Cut To The Chase, Is La Serenissima A Cult? | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski
923925;1416073829;asciilifeform;i somehow missed this.
923926;1416073896;asciilifeform;what was his project (mentioned in the comment) ?
923927;1416073985;asciilifeform;incidentally - are there other 'retired' #b-a folks?
923928;1416074045;asciilifeform;is there, somewhere, a smoky bar where they down hard drinks and tell anyone who'll listen how 'it was all a sham11!1!' ?
923929;1416074622;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform haven't seen thickasthieves in a while either...
923931;1416074662;asciilifeform;;;seen thickasthieves
923932;1416074662;gribble;thickasthieves was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 week, 5 days, 2 hours, 47 minutes, and 48 seconds ago:  but you da boss
923933;1416075041;nubbins`;he hasn't been around as much since he stopped with xbond, neobee, etc
923934;1416075143;nubbins`;i guess there's no gems left to push 8)
923935;1416075229;TheNewDeal;is evorhees considered a retired #b-a member?
923936;1416075244;asciilifeform;not being the shrink for either of these folks, i can't say with certainty, but do have a hypothesis:
923937;1416075262;asciilifeform;some people don't react well to a (perceived) collapse of fantasy of escape from gravity well.
923938;1416075293;asciilifeform;this may also explain the disappearance of moiety and a few other folks.
923939;1416075345;nubbins`;iow, "gentlemen, we shall not be the future elite"?
923940;1416075365;asciilifeform;not precisely
923941;1416075385;asciilifeform;they, i suspect, reach a point of thinking 'i can't eat hope'
923942;1416075411;nubbins`;but they can sure as shit eat crow :D
923944;1416075414;assbot;Re: realistic but short and simple LISP examples? - Naggum cll archive
923945;1416075417;asciilifeform;^ naggum on the subject
923946;1416075507;asciilifeform;'The whole idea that anything can be so "shared" as to have no value in itself is not a problem if the rest of the world ensures that nobody _is_ starving or needing money.  For young people who have parents who pay for them or student grants or loans and basically have yet to figure out that it costs a hell of a lot of money to live in a highly advanced society, this is not such a bad idea.  Grow up, graduate,
923947;1416075507;asciilifeform;marry, start a family, buy a house, have an accident, get seriously ill for a while, or a number of other very expensive things people actually do all the time, and the value of your work starts to get very real and concrete to you, at which point giving away things to be "nice" to some "community" which turns out not to be "nice" _enough_ in return that you will actually stay alive, is no longer an option. Al
923948;1416075507;asciilifeform;l of this "code sharing" is an economic surplus phenomenon.  It works only when none of the people involved in it are in any form of need.  As soon as the need arises, a lot of people discover that it has cost them real money to work for the community and they reap very little benefit from it, because they are sharing value-less services and getting value out of something that people take for granted is hard to
923950;1416075596;asciilifeform;the funny part is that nobody quit, e.g., a model airplane club, because they realize that it will not make them rich.
923951;1416075620;asciilifeform;it is precisely the existence of 'success stories' in #b-a that creates the problem (if you will) of nonzero expectations.
923952;1416075686;nubbins`;there are success stories in here? o.O
923953;1416075693;TheNewDeal;if Mp wee #1, voorhees was #2, who would you say is number 3 in the success story lineup?
923955;1416075704;nubbins`;lel, i kid.
923956;1416075741;TheNewDeal;just curious - I'm capable of formatting my own opinions, just want to see how they measure up to others
923957;1416075755;nubbins`;probably tat, he got rich as fuck
923958;1416075771;TheNewDeal;but he was mostly riding the coattails, no?
923959;1416075786;nubbins`;his coins aren't colored as such
923960;1416075799;TheNewDeal;didn't he run a passthrough that was basically just an additional surcharge passthrough?
923961;1416075807;nubbins`;several of them
923962;1416075827;nubbins`;doesn't the corner store just buy flats of pepsi from costco?
923963;1416075841;TheNewDeal;I don't really consider the owner rich
923964;1416075845;TheNewDeal;you know?
923965;1416075853;nubbins`;he had what, two AM passthrus, the SMG passthru, maybe three neobee passthrus?
923966;1416075875;nubbins`;TheNewDeal sure, but if the owner didn't have to buy a store and now drives around in an escalade...
923967;1416075889;TheNewDeal;you could call bitcoin harware resellers successful
923968;1416075896;TheNewDeal;and I'm sure there are some that have made a pretty penny
923969;1416075901;nubbins`;sure, but in here?
923970;1416075908;TheNewDeal;but the idea is that it's sustainable
923971;1416075919;nubbins`;what's success mean in this context anyway? got in early?
923972;1416075929;nubbins`;in that sense, mp is successful, but so is goat
923973;1416075936;asciilifeform;'successful' i'd propose, would be in this context, folks who once had to prostitute themselves for fiat who no longer must, on account of something they worked on in collaboration with the people here.
923974;1416075961;nubbins`;that's workable
923975;1416075983;nubbins`;successful as a measure of percent exit from fiat
923976;1416075998;asciilifeform;well, exit from wage labour
923977;1416076002;TheNewDeal;ding ding ding
923978;1416076050;nubbins`;implying wage labour remunerated in btc doesn't fit?
923979;1416076063;nubbins`;say, a blockchain.info employee
923981;1416076072;TheNewDeal;if they're making peas
923982;1416076072;nubbins`;makes sense
923983;1416076097;TheNewDeal;I can just as easily be a fry cook at mcdonalds and change my $100 monthly profits to btc
923984;1416076106;asciilifeform;i'd imagine i'm not the only one who considers 'success' as implying a total exit from 'don't work a day - don't eat a day'
923985;1416076128;nubbins`;surely not
923986;1416076144;nubbins`;worth noting that this definition relies on flow in as well as out
923987;1416076146;asciilifeform;wage labour is wage labour, whether for usd, btc, or gold dubloons
923990;1416076249;assbot;Logged on 19-01-2014 19:47:07; asciilifeform: getting back to the crapware: most instances you're dealing with a case of 'work 12 hrs. a day to make minim. wage while you sleep.'
923991;1416076276;nubbins`;"great high pay job" 2 hour highway drive each direction, daily
923992;1416076372;nubbins`;anyway, i guess under these criteria i'd be considered a success, although i'm admittedly raising an eyebrow myself over this
923993;1416076393;TheNewDeal;Was working up in Canada a few weeks ago. Business owner claimed that everyone in Canada that wanted to work had a job
923994;1416076400;nubbins`;tbf a significant portion of my income still (a) is received in fiat and (b) doesn't come from this sphere
923995;1416076408;asciilifeform;nubbins`: let's say you wanted to close your printery and spend the rest of your days as a taleb-like scholarly man of leisure.
923996;1416076410;nubbins`;TheNewDeal ehhhhhhhh yes and no.
923997;1416076411;asciilifeform;nubbins`: could you?
923998;1416076417;TheNewDeal;did not feel the need to argue the point that no on in their right mind wants to stock shelves at the Canadian superstore at 2am
923999;1416076443;nubbins`;asciilifeform yeah, fair enough. not quite.
924000;1416076463;nubbins`;in the next half-decade or so, sure
924001;1416076472;asciilifeform;nubbins`: that was the 'success' i was theorizing about people being disappointed in not having.
924002;1416076497;nubbins`;looks pretty naked laid out like that, huh
924003;1416076525;asciilifeform;i can't claim to have a handle on what ails pankkake et. al.
924004;1416076539;asciilifeform;this is merely the picture seen through my own 'shit-coloured glasses.'
924005;1416076588;asciilifeform;i conjecture that it's all a problem of expectations.
924006;1416076590;nubbins`;i figured it was a combination of the rose tint coming off his glasses, and getting tired of the bellicose rhetoric
924007;1416076599;asciilifeform;i, for instance, expect to end up slowly dismembered in a cia dungeon.
924008;1416076609;asciilifeform;every day that this has not yet taken place, i am pleasantly surprised.
924010;1416076682;TheNewDeal;I don't see pankakke's argument considering dumb and evil people in bitcoin
924011;1416076690;TheNewDeal;isn't the same thing in the bezzle economy?
924012;1416076714;nubbins`;sure, it's just concentrated more here
924013;1416076731;nubbins`;bitcoin is a rube funnel
924014;1416076750;asciilifeform;he may be rehashing an argument made, among other places, in my 'microscope hammer' article.
924015;1416076773;nubbins`;all these starry-eyeds wandering into a lion's den thinking it's the just the coolest thing
924016;1416076782;TheNewDeal;linky ascii?
924017;1416076785;nubbins`;and holy shit you can buy stocks i've always wanted to etc
924018;1416076801;nubbins`;omg doadj-coin etc
924019;1416076805;asciilifeform;TheNewDeal: http://www.loper-os.org/?p=939
924020;1416076806;assbot;Loper OS » Bitcoin, or How to Hammer in Nails with a Microscope.
924022;1416076815;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: did yo ever watch dexter's lab
924023;1416076832;asciilifeform;possibly once, on 'youtube'
924024;1416076841;asciilifeform;don't recall precisely what.
924025;1416076855;asciilifeform;it was mentioned here on at least one occasion
924026;1416077169;TheNewDeal;ahhh I've read that one before. On a similar note - does that empty block miner still persist? Haven't seen organofcorti mention it
924027;1416079026;TheNewDeal;assbots back, simply amazing
924028;1416079026;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY!
924029;1416079033;mircea_popescu;hey there buttboy!
924030;1416079045;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla you know, assbot totally should respond to buttboy
924031;1416079134;mircea_popescu;in other news : http://pastebin.com/S4fwBbpQ
924032;1416079135;assbot;Return-path:   Envelope-to: *  Delivery-date: Sat, 15 Nov 201 - Pastebin.com
924033;1416079153;mircea_popescu;and jurov thought HE had issues with whitespace via email. check out this kiddie, 100+ 0x20s
924035;1416079333;punkbot;Anduck: (deed [url]) -- search [url] for signed deeds and queue them.
924037;1416079346;Anduck;.help deed
924038;1416079346;punkbot;Anduck: (deed [url]) -- search [url] for signed deeds and queue them.
924039;1416079353;Anduck;fine, fine. dont help me damn ass         bot
924040;1416079360;mircea_popescu;punkman no moar notary ?
924041;1416079371;mircea_popescu;Anduck one sec ill fish out an example for you.
924042;1416079374;Anduck;mircea_popescu: does it cost to use deed service?
924043;1416079377;mircea_popescu;not yet./
924044;1416079382;mircea_popescu;donation powered so far.
924046;1416079396;Anduck;sounds pretty good as in it doesn't shit the chain
924047;1416079411;Anduck;at least compared to the others...
924048;1416079425;mircea_popescu;Anduck 15-11-2014 01:09:45     .deed http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=eJhsu4D5 << like so.
924050;1416079435;mircea_popescu;yeah it's well designed.
924051;1416079467;Anduck;well, who holds the database?
924052;1416079477;Anduck;is it decentralized? it doesnt have to be but it'd be great if it was
924053;1416079482;mircea_popescu;you can dld your own copy. otherwise, punkman is maintaining the deedbot service.
924054;1416079493;Anduck;remember the link for copy?
924056;1416079511;Anduck;i checked deeds site, didnt even see an api
924057;1416079531;mircea_popescu;it doesn't have an api, but you can get json/rss iirc.
924060;1416079617;mircea_popescu;punkman i forget, how does one download the bundles ?
924061;1416079676;punkman;there are links bottom of bundle page
924062;1416079687;punkman;and code is here https://github.com/extempore/deedbundler
924063;1416079688;assbot;extempore/deedbundler · GitHub
924064;1416079693;mircea_popescu;nubbins` THERE ARE NO HUNGRY PEOPLE WHERE I LIVE << lawl.
924065;1416079727;mircea_popescu;o there you are.
924066;1416079758;mircea_popescu;so wha' happened to notary ? and can the main address: 1LAwrWMbPLLSpt7nkD5Jv1Yf4cwPhD98ny | contact: punkman@freenode get a count of deeds added in the middle ?
924067;1416079827;punkman;mircea_popescu: it disconnected and had to use alt name, guess I should set it up to revert to notary
924068;1416079833;mircea_popescu;xanthyos: so coinbase gets 4 full days to abort my purchase, which they will, if the prices goes up, and they won't if it levels or drops. with btc market volatility they have a sure thing <<< not really, because a) there's not so many people ike you, actually using them and b) the respective 0.2 bitcents or w/e add to about enough to buy me a steak.
924069;1416079905;Anduck;.deed http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=CKWWskHB
924070;1416079905;punkbot;Anduck: No valid deeds found, try again. Errors: (msg1: invalid)
924071;1416079906;mircea_popescu;xanthyos: california is a scam state and hollywood has used its media to convince the world that it doesn't suck there, but it really does <<< this is by design. cute but stupid 17 yo chick from minesota goes to cali to be rich and famous, has to confront the unexpected situation where being homeless there sucks so as to eagerly overcome her education and suck cock.
924073;1416079915;Anduck;.deed add http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=CKWWskHB
924074;1416079915;punkbot;Anduck: Error: 'add' is not a valid http url.
924075;1416079917;mircea_popescu;if she knew about the knife she perobably wouldn't run there.
924076;1416079927;mircea_popescu;Anduck no add in the examplke i gave you
924077;1416079941;Anduck;mircea_popescu: as you saw, i tried without first
924078;1416079956;mircea_popescu;ah yes.
924079;1416079961;mircea_popescu;;;gettrust assbot anduck
924080;1416079961;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask Anduck!~anduck@unaffiliated/anduck. Trust relationship from user assbot to user anduck: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 5 via 5 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=anduck | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=anduck | Rated since: Tue May  8 11:28:43 2012
924081;1416079994;mircea_popescu;o.O did you find a bug ?
924082;1416080165;mircea_popescu;punkbot deed http://pastebin.com/X8aNSdsY
924083;1416080166;assbot;-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----  Hash: SHA1    Hi,    This is deeds.bitcoin-a - Pastebin.com
924084;1416080166;punkbot;mircea_popescu: No valid deeds found, try again. Errors: (msg1: invalid)
924085;1416080178;nubbins`;it verifies
924086;1416080182;mircea_popescu;punkbot deed http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=X8aNSdsY
924087;1416080183;punkbot;mircea_popescu: No valid deeds found, try again. Errors: (msg1: invalid)
924088;1416080187;nubbins`;and the fingerprint matches anduck's
924089;1416080189;mircea_popescu;nubbins` yup, and it verifies to his correct key.
924091;1416080210;mircea_popescu;Anduck we thank you for your test, ye cursed by the gods :)
924092;1416080232;nubbins`;yeah, interesting.
924093;1416080247;punkman;yeah good signature indeed, hmm
924094;1416080251;mircea_popescu;and if anyone wonders wtf, i tried to see what happens if i add a newline at the end.
924095;1416080260;mircea_popescu;but no dice.
924096;1416080311;nubbins`;.deed http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=krnmUkra
924097;1416080312;punkbot;nubbins`: Queued 1 valid deed for next bundle.
924098;1416080315;*;nubbins` shrugs
924099;1416080354;nubbins`;something to do with your key or your relationship to someone
924100;1416080366;nubbins`;punkbot checks trust to assbot?
924101;1416080374;mircea_popescu;by spec it should.
924102;1416080384;mircea_popescu;but it objects that the MESSAGE is invalid.
924103;1416080406;nubbins`;ehh that's just what the error says
924105;1416080437;Anduck;my educated guess: newlines problem
924106;1416080471;mircea_popescu;nubbins`: i won't know when the pan is hot enough! << look at the oil.
924107;1416080478;mircea_popescu;eventually you will be able to tell, just by looking
924108;1416080494;mircea_popescu;(your eye does see ir. you just don't mentally see it, but you do see it.
924109;1416080497;nubbins`;yeah i wait for first wisps of smoke now, but viscosity is a good judge
924110;1416080507;mircea_popescu;that entire "can't distinguish hot glass from plain glass is bunk. you can, just need to look at it)
924111;1416080507;nubbins`;as well
924112;1416080533;nubbins`;Anduck i'm not so sure
924113;1416080547;nubbins`;i copy/pasted your deed text to my machine, signed it, and it worked
924114;1416080573;mircea_popescu;wow that's interesting huh
924115;1416080594;nubbins`;now tbf copypasta has its own newline quirks i'm sure
924116;1416080603;nubbins`;but i think punkman covered all bases w.r.t. newlines
924117;1416080644;nubbins`;Anduck try signing a single line of text
924118;1416080653;punkman;only explanation is the bot doesn't have your key
924119;1416080663;nubbins`;how does the bot get keys
924120;1416080676;punkman;fetches from sks
924121;1416080678;mircea_popescu;punkbot deed http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=XKAbVPzW
924122;1416080679;punkbot;mircea_popescu: No valid deeds found, try again. Errors: (msg1: invalid)
924124;1416080690;mircea_popescu;no. the signature block fucks up something
924125;1416080702;mircea_popescu;maybe something as idiotic as "one line starts with slash" or w/e.
924126;1416080702;nubbins`;oh, i just took his original text, not the block
924130;1416080774;nubbins`;Anduck i guess try signing any other message and submitting it
924131;1416080777;punkman;mircea_popescu: I think problem with that is that it stops at nested END PGP SIGNATURE, instead of the outer one
924133;1416080807;punkman;but I remember testing that case
924134;1416080808;nubbins`;sounds like a regex fix
924135;1416080810;punkman;guess I didn't
924136;1416080828;nubbins`;END PGP SIGNATURE-----\n$ or smth
924137;1416080837;*;nubbins` always has to look that stuff up
924138;1416080853;mircea_popescu;nubbins` no lol, cuz no \n in spec :D
924139;1416080876;mircea_popescu;punkman it stops at the commented out one ?
924140;1416080886;mircea_popescu;ye - -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- ?
924141;1416080887;punkman;yeah, I know how to fix that
924143;1416080897;punkman;but why the hell is Anduck's key missing
924144;1416080910;punkman;should have been there when I bootstrapped pubring
924145;1416080927;nubbins`;.deed http://pastebin.com/29Ed1j5b
924146;1416080928;assbot;-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----  Hash: SHA512    - -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESS - Pastebin.com
924147;1416080928;punkbot;nubbins`: No valid deeds found, try again. Errors: (msg1: invalid)
924148;1416080928;mircea_popescu;jurov: when cooking with olive oil, i can say by smell it's right temp << also butter yeah.
924150;1416080938;nubbins`;.deed http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=29Ed1j5b
924151;1416080938;punkbot;nubbins`: No valid deeds found, try again. Errors: (msg1: invalid)
924152;1416080945;nubbins`;ok yep nesting breaks
924153;1416080979;nubbins`;still doesnt explain anduck's weirdness
924155;1416080995;joecool;prob threw finncrypt at it
924156;1416081000;joecool;breaks everything
924157;1416081006;nubbins`;Anduck try another deed, would be nice to see if that was a problem with your key or your deed
924159;1416081053;mircea_popescu;punkbot deed http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=1i7QYM8g
924160;1416081054;punkbot;mircea_popescu: No valid deeds found, try again. Errors: (msg1: invalid)
924162;1416081098;Anduck;.deed http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=sgyrnSKb
924163;1416081099;punkbot;Anduck: No valid deeds found, try again. Errors: (msg1: invalid)
924164;1416081103;Anduck;deed ?!??
924165;1416081110;Anduck;do i need to have this same text somewhere else
924166;1416081152;nubbins`;.deed http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=tuWJ5TrH
924167;1416081152;punkbot;nubbins`: No valid deeds found, try again. Errors: (msg1: invalid)
924168;1416081162;nubbins`;haha it's the forward slash at the start of a new line.
924170;1416081173;mircea_popescu;my intuition!111
924172;1416081188;Anduck;confirm it.
924173;1416081197;mircea_popescu;now we throw eggs at punkman :D
924175;1416081219;nubbins`;Anduck you could probably just add a whitespace char to your original text, sign it, it'll work
924176;1416081240;mircea_popescu;nubbins` clearsign doesn't produce the same signature on the same text btw.
924177;1416081242;Anduck;let's see
924178;1416081248;nubbins`;o no?
924179;1416081256;nubbins`;well til
924180;1416081265;mircea_popescu;think about it.
924181;1416081272;mircea_popescu;if it did, your messages would be brittle.
924182;1416081354;nubbins`;i'm still only functionally literate wrt pgp
924183;1416081366;mircea_popescu;jurov: when RT invites amir taaaki as bitcoin expert, it's clear what they are up to, but when they pull some "dutch expert" it's suddent sacrosanct truth <<< lol he got you there asciilifeform
924184;1416081367;Anduck;.deed http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=JZQ0PkwU
924185;1416081367;punkbot;Anduck: No valid deeds found, try again. Errors: (msg1: invalid)
924187;1416081427;Anduck;i guess
924189;1416081433;nubbins`;.deed http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=vGkqhFr0
924190;1416081434;punkbot;nubbins`: No valid deeds found, try again. Errors: (msg1: invalid)
924192;1416081461;Anduck;.deed anduck.net/ducktest.txt
924193;1416081462;punkbot;Anduck: No valid deeds found, try again. Errors: (msg1: invalid)
924194;1416081465;nubbins`;looks like it's expecting a very limited charset for that first char
924196;1416081528;punkbot;Confirmed bundle 13u9WbT7 with 1 deed | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/bundle/13u9WbT7N8WeBAH2kKrvkrPESenDMBpLMU
924197;1416081535;nubbins`;.deed http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=sPzaFq8s
924198;1416081535;punkman;I think I may have borked permissions of gpg dir just now
924199;1416081535;punkbot;nubbins`: No valid deeds found, try again. Errors: (msg1: invalid)
924202;1416081668;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski: can anyone remember the title of that trilema article where mircea_popescu discloses how much he sold that 5% chunk of mpex for? << http://trilema.com/2013/smpoe-takes-strategic-investor/ ?
924203;1416081668;assbot;S.MPOE takes strategic investor pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 
924204;1416081697;mircea_popescu;!up supay
924205;1416081814;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski: modesty the likes of which would shock a johnny come lately reader << But within that basic framework there are many subtle variations, only discernable to an acute observer, that reflect the many moods, the many shades, the many sides of MP!
924206;1416081817;mircea_popescu;(this is morning mist)
924207;1416081983;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski:"where's the $1.5mn funding for nanotube's WoT"  << perhaps you don';t understand what "a protocol for decentralized and password-less authentication" means.
924208;1416082075;mircea_popescu;nubbins`: (CIS = http://imgur.com/5uggnbK ) <<< lawl.
924209;1416082076;assbot;                        imgur: the simple image sharer
924210;1416082166;punkman;.deed http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=JZQ0PkwU
924211;1416082167;assbot;Pastebin.com Unknown Paste ID
924212;1416082167;punkbot;punkman: Error fetching URL: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=JZQ0PkwU (HTTP Error 404: Not Found)
924213;1416082189;punkman;.deed http://anduck.net/ducktest.txt
924214;1416082189;punkbot;punkman: Queued 1 valid deed for next bundle.
924215;1416082202;mircea_popescu;|    34 | Gavin Andresen  |          0 | << not in forum trust list ; |    33 | OgNasty         |          1 | << in forum default trust list.
924216;1416082203;punkman;yeah your key was missing for some reason
924217;1416082209;mircea_popescu;so much lulz.
924218;1416082276;mircea_popescu;punkbot deed http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=X8aNSdsY
924219;1416082277;punkbot;mircea_popescu: Queued 1 valid deed for next bundle.
924220;1416082292;mircea_popescu;punkbot deed http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=XKAbVPzW
924221;1416082292;punkbot;mircea_popescu: No valid deeds found, try again. Errors: (msg1: invalid)
924222;1416082313;mircea_popescu;punkbot deed http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=X8aNSdsY
924223;1416082313;punkbot;mircea_popescu: No valid deeds found, try again. Errors: (msg1: dupe)
924224;1416082319;mircea_popescu;so... wait.
924225;1416082335;mircea_popescu;ah nm.
924226;1416082356;mircea_popescu;punkbot deed http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=1i7QYM8g
924227;1416082357;punkbot;mircea_popescu: Queued 1 valid deed for next bundle.
924228;1416082372;mircea_popescu;punkbot deed http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=XKAbVPzW
924229;1416082372;punkbot;mircea_popescu: No valid deeds found, try again. Errors: (msg1: invalid)
924230;1416082391;mircea_popescu;so basically only http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=XKAbVPzW is still weird.
924231;1416082423;punkman;will put that on todo list
924232;1416082488;mircea_popescu;- Expenses: 1505 (1257 Slickage, the rest mostly mods) << according to theymos, tardstalk has spent half a million dollars to one million this year.
924233;1416082578;punkman;on another message he says he's spent $350k on Slickage
924235;1416082580;assbot;LEAKED - Latest status on forum software
924236;1416082609;mircea_popescu;what's slickage ?
924237;1416082620;punkman;some web developers
924238;1416082633;mircea_popescu;someone paid 350k to "web developers" ?
924240;1416082640;mircea_popescu;;;rated theymos
924241;1416082641;gribble;You have not yet rated user theymos
924242;1416082701;punkman;;;rate thermos -5
924243;1416082701;gribble;Error: User doesn't exist in the Rating or GPG databases. User must be GPG-registered to receive ratings.
924244;1416082738;mircea_popescu;;;rate theymos -10 defrauded the tardstalk community by throwing ~half a million dollars worth of BTC at some obscure service provider for kickbacks. a lenghty history of fraudulent behaviour, http://trilema.com/2012/scammer-tag-nefario-theymos-others-known-and-unknown/
924245;1416082738;assbot;Scammer tag : Nefario, theymos, others known and unknown pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 
924246;1416082739;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of -10 for user theymos has been recorded.
924247;1416082857;punkman;well don't know if that quote is real
924248;1416082867;punkman;but either way
924249;1416082871;mircea_popescu;he does mention the name in his "report"
924250;1416082885;mircea_popescu;http://www.crunchbase.com/organization/slickage-studios << this thing. it never had 10k incoming in its lifetime.
924251;1416082886;assbot;Slickage Studios | CrunchBase
924252;1416082897;punkman;"let's make our own forum software, compete with SMF"
924253;1416082912;punkman;in node.js no less
924254;1416082926;mircea_popescu;unlike the SEC, MP actually is tough on fraud.
924255;1416082937;*;mircea_popescu waves @maryjo
924256;1416083021;jurov;in node? hahahahaha
924257;1416083036;mircea_popescu;jurov you don't understand how the nodes work!
924259;1416083040;assbot;slickage/epochtalk · GitHub
924260;1416083054;jurov;i'm laughing because i do understand a bit
924261;1416083077;punkman;seems no commits since June
924262;1416083079;mircea_popescu;2 contributors << lol.
924263;1416083081;*;jurov looks forward to Math.random pwnage
924264;1416083090;mircea_popescu;so basically the 1-10 man dev studio is exactly one guy.
924265;1416083102;punkman;and more derpage https://github.com/slickage/adness https://github.com/slickage/baron
924266;1416083103;assbot;slickage/adness · GitHub
924267;1416083103;assbot;slickage/baron · GitHub
924268;1416083320;punkman;oh my bad they are still developing https://github.com/epochtalk/core
924269;1416083320;assbot;epochtalk/core · GitHub
924270;1416083371;mircea_popescu;adding core to something makes it better
924271;1416083377;mircea_popescu;like, punk was dead, but then punkcore!
924272;1416083547;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: what was his project (mentioned in the comment) ? <<< you perhaps recall i said at conference i want two things made, an advertising service and a jobs board. we had some initial discussions about it, we ran into a bunch of conceptual difficulties about how exactly to handle the job descriptions/contractual enforcement, which turned out a much more complex task than originally imagined, last was "we
924273;1416083573;mircea_popescu;we'll have to think about this some more" and it's the last i heard from him on the topic. or in general, really. that was back in may.
924274;1416083644;mircea_popescu;anyway, the job board still needs to be made because this system where i drop something in chat and someone either happens to be here or happens to see it in logs is perhaps not optimal.
924275;1416083668;mircea_popescu;on the other hand, it does provide proper incentive for noobs to read the thing, much to their benefit even if "they don't want to, because they know better", so whatevs.
924276;1416083782;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: is there, somewhere, a smoky bar where they down hard drinks and tell anyone who'll listen how 'it was all a sham11!1!' ? << not afaik, tho i'd like to have a hard drink myself. tho i imagine that'd ruin it huh.
924277;1416083874;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: this may also explain the disappearance of moiety and a few other folks. <<< it's not a bad theory in any sense. got any policy proposals based on it ?
924278;1416083950;punkman;a bunch of conceptual difficulties about how exactly to handle the job descriptions/contractual enforcement << interesting in hearing some of those
924280;1416083974;mircea_popescu;punkman you familiar with the problems surrounding bitbet bets resolution ?
924281;1416083983;mircea_popescu;they [used to] spill out into here with some regularity.
924282;1416083991;punkman;well some of them at least
924283;1416084009;mircea_popescu;right. what do words "mean" ? and especially, what do contracts OBVIOUSLY mean.
924284;1416084037;mircea_popescu;this is not a trivial problem in any sense : http://trilema.com/2013/our-emperor-deliver-us/
924285;1416084037;assbot;Our Emperor, deliver us. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 
924286;1416084043;mircea_popescu;"In support of their argument that the Agreement preserves liability only for malicious breaches, defendants argue that the word willful would be unnecessary unless it meant malicious. There is no reason to limit liability to breaches that are intentional, they claim, because any breach of this Agreement would be intentionalheavily counseled parties to mega-mergers do not breach merger agreements out
924287;1416084043;mircea_popescu;of inadvertence, negligence, or mistake. As a factual matter, this claim is questionable. It could just as well be said that heavily counseled parties to mega-mergers do not sign merger agreements containing glaringly ambiguous terms that lead to avoidable litigationbut here we are."
924288;1416084130;mircea_popescu;!up gabriel_laddel
924289;1416084139;gabriel_laddel;does anyone with experience with either gentoo or funtoo care to share their impression(s) of the projects? I'm interested in which group of devs is more intelligent, sane, etc.
924290;1416084151;Anduck;punkman: what was the error?
924291;1416084162;mircea_popescu;gentoo is well established, and currently my recommendation for noobs looking at linux.
924292;1416084166;punkman;Anduck: didn't have your key for some reason
924293;1416084196;mircea_popescu;Anduck therewas also an unrelated issue discovered, regarding first character on a line, so tyvm.
924294;1416084220;punkman;no slash character theory was silly
924295;1416084240;punkman;but problem with nested sigs
924296;1416084250;mircea_popescu;punkman no, because it failed on the test bundle above.
924298;1416084271;assbot;Logged on 15-11-2014 20:12:52; punkbot: mircea_popescu: No valid deeds found, try again. Errors: (msg1: invalid)
924299;1416084290;mircea_popescu;meh wait, wrong one.
924300;1416084366;mircea_popescu;ah yes right you are, nm.
924301;1416084641;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: The whole idea that anything can be so "shared" as to have no value in itself is not a problem if the rest of the world ensures that nobody _is_ starving or needing money. <<< this is nonsense anyway. money is always needed, this is a scaling problem. average rat living in a hole in the middle east linking his pretenses to humanity to his possesion of an old cellphone someone lost may think ben_vulpes' l
924302;1416084641;mircea_popescu;ife is the end of want, having a wife and a house in the amerca!!!
924303;1416084650;mircea_popescu;however, ben himself wants a tower of hydrocarbons.
924304;1416084656;mircea_popescu;and if he gets it, he'll want something else.
924305;1416084675;mircea_popescu;there's no such thing as "not needing money" except for coma patients.
924306;1416084749;mircea_popescu;wanting is the sign of intellectual health, just like erections are the sign of reproductive health. if you're lying down with teh nekkid gals and get no pang to trash them around it doesn't mean you reached nirvana, it just means you're not long for this world.
924307;1416084779;punkman;http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/list-keys.txt plenty of 1024 keys
924308;1416084782;jurov;didn't we solve a yesterday's conundrum about nature of life?
924309;1416084804;jurov;ie.e life can be defined as anything that needs money
924310;1416084818;jurov;or maybe intelligent life...
924312;1416084864;mircea_popescu;punkman put 1024 keys together with the irc nicks so i can send them a later tell ?
924313;1416084927;Anduck;are 1024s yet bad?
924314;1416084964;mircea_popescu;best move on, yeah.
924315;1416084999;Anduck;well yup
924316;1416085158;punkbot;Confirmed bundle 1EWUaXVR with 3 deeds | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/bundle/1EWUaXVRx4Mm94Q9m6J3BRN3TEjRcnmmuw
924317;1416085386;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: wage labour is wage labour, whether for usd, btc, or gold dubloons <<< this is an iffy proposition.
924318;1416085415;mircea_popescu;"wage labour" on fain, on a voluntary basis (internet work, add links, vote on links, comments -> collect points -> take out btc) had average monthly payments well over 1 btc. AVERAGE.
924319;1416085445;mircea_popescu;plenty of people took out 100 btc in one month. back then this was you know, a few hundred bucks, "wage".
924320;1416085458;mircea_popescu;they probably sold it, of course, but if they did not, they have a lot more liquid btc than say goat.
924321;1416085474;mircea_popescu;or any of the other talented folk that got in early, got out early.
924322;1416085529;mircea_popescu;so wage for btc is not unlike wage for stock warrants, ie, typical start-up work.
924323;1416085586;mircea_popescu;in any case : i do not exactly believe b-a is intended for the workaday people. let them put a decade in, build themselve financially to the position where they can participate in a start-up, and intellectually to the position where they actually aren't quite AS fucktarded as the average 20something.
924324;1416085619;mircea_popescu;because no, i don't credit for a minute this theory whereby the 20yo male is the be-all end-all hope-and-pride of humanity.
924325;1416085628;mircea_popescu;bitcoin isn't college sports.
924326;1416085833;mircea_popescu;TheNewDeal: did not feel the need to argue the point that no on in their right mind wants to stock shelves at the Canadian superstore at 2am <<< why should they get a choice ?
924327;1416085856;mircea_popescu;obviously if that's the only job they can get they AREN'T in their right mind. so why should their unright mind get an option as to what it wants to do ?
924328;1416085875;mircea_popescu;not everyone's brain works, even if everyone's brain THINKS it does.
924329;1416086110;mircea_popescu;nubbins`: getting tired of the bellicose rhetoric << "why can't we all just get along" ?
924330;1416086115;mircea_popescu;fuck me, i dun wanna get along with idiots.
924331;1416086125;mircea_popescu;it's not a matter of why or wherefore. i just do not wish to.
924332;1416086241;mircea_popescu;i suppose the one true source of trolling is exactly that. ironically enough, pankake was orignally selling himself as a troll for hire iirc.
924333;1416086654;mircea_popescu;;;later tell peterl http://bablogs.btcscoop.com/ << seems empty ?
924334;1416086655;assbot; #bitcoin-assets blog posts 
924335;1416086655;gribble;The operation succeeded.
924336;1416086738;Anduck;mircea_popescu: remember, the people who you call 'idiots' may be living a happier life than you
924337;1416086744;Anduck;so, are they idiots after all in that sense
924339;1416086778;mircea_popescu;im sure most of the cattle that i'm going to eat in my lifetime has also lived a pretty happy life,
924340;1416086782;mircea_popescu;according ot its own standards.
924341;1416086794;mircea_popescu;the notion that cattle gets to enact standards of happiness is beyond ridoinculous.
924342;1416086967;Anduck;sure but its funny that many really are happy
924343;1416086970;Anduck;they also know it
924344;1416086988;mircea_popescu;so good for em.
924345;1416087017;mircea_popescu;krugman prolly "really is an economist", at least if you ask him.
924347;1416087074;Anduck;oh, what do ya think of him
924348;1416087080;Anduck;well, his bitcoin speech
924349;1416087122;mircea_popescu;Anduck you mean http://trilema.com/2014/this-is-how-much-i-rule-today/ ?
924350;1416087122;assbot;This is how much I rule (today) pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 
924351;1416087147;Anduck;i guess i cant read that one
924352;1416087151;Anduck;paywall i see =(
924353;1416087298;mircea_popescu;funny lol. guy from the public went up to bernadotte, after wagram, "o, what did you think of the archduke's order of battle!"
924354;1416087303;mircea_popescu;i think it sucked, lol.
924356;1416087362;Anduck;mircea_popescu: you know the new monero/bitcoin rpg stuff by rpietila?
924358;1416087413;Anduck;thoughts? will you attend
924359;1416087431;mircea_popescu;i will not attend.
924360;1416087466;Anduck;ok. as it's question hour: thoughts about bitcoin short term (1-2 years) valuation?
924361;1416087509;Anduck;it's good to see how long bitcoiners see these last years of development
924362;1416087513;*;mircea_popescu shrugs.
924363;1416087531;mircea_popescu;you really need to go read the logs.
924364;1416087567;Anduck;there's too much of logs.
924365;1416087575;Anduck;seriously, even you wouldn't
924366;1416087610;mircea_popescu;i actually do. i imagine you have nfi idea what wagram is, either, but this gives you no pause, because you're happy without, right ?
924367;1416087648;Anduck;not relevant but yes i've zero idea of what a wagram is
924368;1416087669;mircea_popescu;right. well, carry on but if possible quietly.
924370;1416087720;Anduck;so you would value my speech here if i knew what a wagram is?
924371;1416087851;Anduck;good. as expected
924372;1416087864;Anduck;just remember: this is not how the world was built
924373;1416087933;mircea_popescu;the world was not built by ignorant twerps. your ideas about "the world" are about as well formed as your ideas about "wagram". both are meaningless symbols to you. about one, you arbitrarily delude yourself you have something to say.
924375;1416087979;Anduck;i don't agree but im fine with it
924376;1416087993;mircea_popescu;now stfu and go read the logs.
924377;1416088020;Anduck;i guess i already stated i won't read the logs because there's too much and i've got better ways to find out what i want to find out =)
924378;1416088052;Anduck;doesn't make me ignorant twerp, or does it?
924379;1416088056;mircea_popescu;yeah, it does.
924380;1416088059;RagnarDanneskjol;yes it does
924381;1416088071;Anduck;please, give me a third "yes it does"
924382;1416088176;mircea_popescu;kids, you know ? tries to engage its mother on its own terms (cries). mother doesn't go for it. kid... INSISTS!!! because totally, if you ignore everything and just repeat your thing... well.. that's happiness innit.
924383;1416088374;*;undata wonders whether gribble or freenode itself is lagging today
924384;1416088406;mircea_popescu;freenode's been having some issues.
924386;1416088489;Anduck;hopefully people here think clearly :)
924387;1416088636;mircea_popescu;!up sdffsd
924388;1416088698;mircea_popescu;punkbot status
924389;1416088698;punkbot;mircea_popescu: No pending deeds | Last bundle 1 hour and 9 minutes ago
924390;1416088861;mircea_popescu;so anyone know this Khalahan Henkh fellow ?
924391;1416088897;assbot; http://arrakis.cs.washington.edu
924392;1416088897;sdffsd;Mircea, I can't access mpex.co, what's going on?
924393;1416088904;assbot; Arrakis | The Operating System is the Control Plane
924395;1416088967;empyex;mircea_popescu: Proxies: mpex.biz mpex.co mpex.bz mpex.coinbr.com mpex.ws Current MPEx GPG-Key-ID: 02DD2D91
924396;1416089015;mircea_popescu;sdffsd nothing ?
924397;1416089037;mircea_popescu;anyway, if you have trouble with websites use the irc bots.
924399;1416089059;assbot;The many ways available for talking to MPEx pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 
924400;1416089097;empyex;mircea_popescu: MPEx-Status: mpex.biz (116 milliseconds), mpex.bz (131 milliseconds), mpex.ws (350 milliseconds), mpex.coinbr.com (1681 milliseconds), mpex.co (error)
924401;1416089099;empyex;mircea_popescu: Health-Indicators: Homepage: √ MK Depth JSON: √ VWAP JSON: √
924403;1416091989;mircea_popescu;lol fucking idiot,
924404;1416092113;mircea_popescu;::later tell sdffsd nobody ever told you tor is not actually safe ? lol.
924405;1416092146;kakobrekla;accidentally found another bitcoin web hosting http://bitcoinwebhosting.net
924406;1416092147;assbot;    Bitcoin Dedicated Servers, DDoS Protection, Anonymous VPS    
924407;1416092158;mircea_popescu;who;s running it ?
924408;1416092188;kakobrekla;1712 Pioneer Avenue Ste 1774
924409;1416092189;kakobrekla;Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001
924410;1416092222;kakobrekla;;;gettrust 1712 Pioneer Avenue Ste 1774
924411;1416092222;gribble;(gettrust [] ) -- Get trust paths for , starting from . If  is not supplied, your own nick is used as the source. See http://wiki.bitcoin-otc.com/wiki/OTC_Rating_System#Notes_about_gettrust
924412;1416092233;kakobrekla;as i suspected
924414;1416092627;assbot;Thoughts and Concerns about Operation Onymous | The Tor Blog
924415;1416092638;mircea_popescu;"Recently it was announced that a coalition of government agencies took control of many Tor hidden services. We were as surprised as most of you."
924416;1416092660;mircea_popescu;what the next line should be ? "we suck, and we're stepping down. sorry we couldn't do what we wanted to."
924417;1416092665;mircea_popescu;what the next line actually is ? " Unfortunately, we have very little information about how this was accomplished, but we do have some thoughts which we want to share."
924418;1416092673;mircea_popescu;something fundamentally broken with these people's heads.
924419;1416092816;mircea_popescu;what do they instead claim ? "Bitcoin deanonymization"
924420;1416092842;mircea_popescu;yeah, that's right. USG pseudo-secrecy agency used to fuck up idiots stupid enough to trust it now claims "it was bitcoin"
924421;1416092850;mircea_popescu;im sure it was, heh.
924422;1416092882;punkman;hah https://github.com/mapmeld/profanity65#profanity65
924423;1416092883;assbot;mapmeld/profanity65 · GitHub
924424;1416092920;mircea_popescu;"Your comment has been queued for moderation by site administrators and will be published after approval."
924425;1416092922;mircea_popescu;im sure it will be.
924426;1416093043;undata;punkman: that's incredible
924427;1416093064;undata;of note, "nsa-hugging"
924429;1416093730;mircea_popescu;sooo, buenos aires had this gay pride parade today.
924430;1416093753;mircea_popescu;they closed off a major street downtown (rivadavia) and put a scene up and everything in front of the cogress building
924431;1416093767;mircea_popescu;meanwhile, the parade consisted of like... i dunno, five people ? six ?
924432;1416093772;mircea_popescu;i doubt total participation was 100 heads.
924433;1416094357;jurov;interesting, last year they report over 100 thousand ppl
924434;1416094531;mircea_popescu;i saw it with own eyes, about one guy every three minutes or something
924435;1416094540;mircea_popescu;maybe it's early.
924436;1416094558;jurov;aparently it was almost banned
924437;1416094573;mircea_popescu;i dunno how banned it'd be if the city closed down a major street for it.
924438;1416094681;jurov;looks like not really banned only asked a fee for the security
924439;1416094695;jurov;and there is something about public indecent conduct
924440;1416094768;jurov;En ese fallo se responsabilizo por delitos comunes exclusivamente a la Comunidad Homosexual Argentina (CHA) y se la condenó a pagar $450.000.- por un delito ocurrido en la vereda de la plaza donde se realizaba un acto.
924441;1416094867;mircea_popescu;CHA lol. teh buttfuck foundation! it's a thing.
924442;1416094910;mircea_popescu;anyway, they have very right-wing ideas about dispensing justice here.
924443;1416095635;mircea_popescu;http://ctrlq.org/files/screenshots/6a630eefd44705f3ead4d3e81658fa9b.png <<< apparently they managed to lose some data
924444;1416095637;assbot;Digital Inspiration
924445;1416096033;BingoBoingo;Smell the onion http://pando.com/2014/11/14/tor-smear/
924446;1416096034;assbot;How leading Tor developers and advocates tried to smear me after I reported their US Government ties | PandoDaily
924447;1416096105;mircea_popescu;interesting. now that's qntrable.
924449;1416096582;assbot;This onion, it smells! http://t.co/OWgxjuDF1F /hashtag/tor?src=hash /ioerror
924451;1416097601;assbot;The lulz of today : DDoS attacks, ransom notes, Tor anonimity and other faits d’armes of the retarded generation pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 
924452;1416097604;mircea_popescu;oddly related, BingoBoingo
924453;1416098249;mircea_popescu;"You'll find the core developers are detached and very different to their users. As a developer of software myself I would find it disheartening if the bulk of my users were jerks like /r/bitcoin."
924454;1416098253;mircea_popescu;look at that, lol.
924455;1416098259;mircea_popescu;it's visible from something awful!
924456;1416098502;BingoBoingo;Yeah. Honestly at this point I just don't see many "Bitcoin Developers" actually being very attached to Bitcoin. The "Gavin wants to quit, but doesn't want to say so" hypothesis.
924457;1416098581;mircea_popescu;well, gavin wants to quit but he can't.
924458;1416098610;mircea_popescu;the "satoshi costume" is just a start, he'll wear a dead deer if it comes to it.
924459;1416098706;BingoBoingo;No shortage of those around here. Can't go for a drive of anylength without spotting venison on the roadside.
924460;1416098911;mircea_popescu;there's some super-paleo people who eat roadkill
924461;1416099071;BingoBoingo;Sure. I mean the fresh one's are probably safe, but possessing one without a tag for it... Probably safer to drive around with a trunk full of cocaine.
924462;1416099080;BingoBoingo;In terms of the legal implications.
924463;1416099105;BingoBoingo;"Conservation Police" here get to do warrantless searches.
924464;1416099141;mircea_popescu;o rly ?
924465;1416099167;mircea_popescu;prison 4 lyf for eating roadkill ?
924466;1416099170;BingoBoingo;yeah. Conservation police find the cocaine... fruit of the poisonous tree, though probably still having problems.
924467;1416099200;BingoBoingo;Not for life, but problems. The require for deer the same tag per deer required for hunting them.
924468;1416099215;mircea_popescu;and why does anyone care what they "require" ?
924469;1416099304;BingoBoingo;Only so many roads with enought traffic for reliable roadkill. The 5-0 has to take the roads too. The time it takes to drag the deer into a safe tarp and wad it up so the car's interior doesn't look like the scene of a homicide...
924470;1416099368;mircea_popescu;no dude, not like that. for all the "knife subctulture" or we it is, people spending more money and time with knives than they're worth...
924471;1416099385;mircea_popescu;just keep camping gear in the back, skin and cook the thing on the spot.
924472;1416099400;mircea_popescu;call friends to bring beer
924473;1416099407;mircea_popescu;get out before evening
924476;1416099474;assbot;Coinbase Rumoured To Raise $50 Million Bezzlars, Down From $150 Million Bezzlars | Qntra.net
924478;1416099517;BingoBoingo;I'm considering this problem in terms of where the deer are is, is on the side of the "main regional thoroughfare" normally. Because undeveloped colony.
924479;1416099540;BingoBoingo;Two lane road steady flow of cars. most hours
924480;1416099582;mircea_popescu;incidentally, am i the only one that finds it just a little amusing that torproject.org actively promotes the use of pdfs to encapsulate information that otherwise should be in a textfile or simple post ?
924481;1416099599;BingoBoingo;ie. on one end of the "highway" is the seat of county X, on the other end the seat of county Y
924482;1416099624;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: You'd probably be the only one in some other channel.
924483;1416099633;mircea_popescu;i guess so.
924484;1416099645;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo so basically not practical to just pull off road or what ?
924485;1416099681;BingoBoingo;You jsut don't have a great window ever to do it quietly under cover.
924486;1416099714;BingoBoingo;Consider this stretch of road https://www.google.com/maps/vt/data=U4aSnIyhBFNIJ3A8fCzUmaVIwyWq6RtIfB4QKiGq_w,LR8A3wsCX4O7WF8-Cb8aigY6iTF1FIBrcYw-yVrSAavWXtZ5NfG6OeE9qFNtVdMDhkNnFpmhOfI2PU3QsUWW8TFXwtA8KEdiXYSgqm9znAZCKo6cBIrHDLz430KxyNObA--GQCnxFjo-vjNVDgvuK_qdZQ,oiRvm6TLtMPKeIbqUE9FRzURnfIRIDWBlGt2jTM-5OK0ssLA8uXFkOjq-5VkzSBz6sarVJ1YPhc0bZhwS56IZ8L_31klCsxLt-sUUr-27DWv1-qczcsFi27rvooqO8cwvhenztfmuYMKZgzEXsdEB_ZtKlfUoFLgNZuvqX3J3t
924487;1416099714;assbot;Error 400 (Bad Request)!!1
924489;1416099758;BingoBoingo;http://dpaste.com/2DR6XPG << Fucking textbining a url
924490;1416099759;assbot;dpaste: 2DR6XPG
924491;1416099778;mircea_popescu;because google.
924492;1416099882;thestringpuller;;;seen cazalla
924493;1416099882;gribble;cazalla was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 6 minutes and 48 seconds ago:  http://qntra.net/2014/11/coinbase-rumoured-to-raise-50-million-bezzlars-down-from-150-million-bezzlars/
924494;1416099899;cazalla;i'm here, what's up thestringpuller
924495;1416099903;thestringpuller;sorry not at a pc. cant read logs.
924496;1416100189;BingoBoingo;https://twitter.com/Salondotcom/status/533758402934345728 << More with the shirt from people who went from serious talk of prison rape to articles on how fat people get made fun of maor.
924497;1416100192;assbot;Hey, misogynists: The shirts that scientists wear is just as important as sending spacecrafts to comets
924498;1416100195;BingoBoingo;!up devthedev
924500;1416100295;mircea_popescu;is that like a parody ?
924501;1416100335;BingoBoingo;I think it is actually whatever derp runs Salon's twitter Saturday nights
924502;1416100363;mircea_popescu;i suppose im the only one bothered by the ebonics coming out of salondotcom ?
924503;1416100380;mircea_popescu;or is the us so poor these days that a plurality of shirts is verbally inconceivable ?
924504;1416100517;BingoBoingo;I think it's the hint of ebonics coming to dominate the USian pidgin
924505;1416100676;mircea_popescu;just like they decided a decade ago to randomly use she instead of the canonical pronoun,
924506;1416100692;mircea_popescu;now they're going to randomly put is instead of are and so forth ?
924507;1416100718;mircea_popescu;dun wanna be too cultumancated, lest anyone can tell the orcs apart from the elves ?
924508;1416100775;BingoBoingo;I don't see much other in the way of explanations unless the literate are embargoing them.
924509;1416100977;BingoBoingo;lulz at the reddit writeup on Thermos https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2mei83/for_the_amount_of_money_that_theymos_is_paying/
924510;1416100981;assbot;For the amount of money that Theymos is paying for new forum software, we could run a bitcoin commercial during the Super Bowl. : Bitcoin
924511;1416101069;mircea_popescu;"Gavin Andresen's salary as the full time lead developer of the entire bitcoin protocol is $209k a year."
924513;1416101099;mircea_popescu;if there ever was proof positive that crime doesn't pay, gavin's income is it.
924514;1416101141;mircea_popescu;he could probably make more begging where he lives, and being a professional beggar would actually be much more respectable and honorable than being bitcoin's 5th column.
924515;1416101230;BingoBoingo;At that income level Gavin's basically in the trap doctors find themsevles when they realize they hate draining abcesses, but their only other prospect is long haul trucking.
924516;1416101330;BingoBoingo;Except doctors can count on the MRSA spider always targeting junkies, while Gavin is at the whims of Vessennes burn rate http://www.gomerblog.com/2014/11/mrsa-2/
924517;1416101331;assbot;Devious MRSA Spider Bites Yet Another Antecubital Fossa; Remains at Large | GomerBlog
924518;1416101369;PeterL;mircea_popescu: fixed the blog site
924519;1416102128;mircea_popescu;a cool
924520;1416102140;mircea_popescu;PeterL so what about scoopbot uptime ? what keeps taking it down ?
924521;1416102188;PeterL;well, it was not set up to reconnect if it lost the connection
924522;1416102212;PeterL;I have been working on adding threading to monitor the connection
924523;1416102237;PeterL;but I have never done anything quite like this, so I am learning as I go
924524;1416102258;mircea_popescu;but do you know how it dies ? anything in the logs ?
924525;1416102288;PeterL;I am still not sure why it is dying
924526;1416102302;mircea_popescu;are you running it on a linux box ?
924528;1416102368;mircea_popescu;until myserver; do    echo "Server 'myserver' crashed with exit code $?.  Respawning.." >&2    sleep 1 done  ?
924529;1416102410;mircea_popescu;then look in stderr see what codes pop up
924530;1416102417;mircea_popescu;you can just grep for "crashed with exit code" or w/e
924531;1416102420;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1298 @ 0.001195 = 1.5511 BTC [-] {3} 
924532;1416102553;mircea_popescu;speaking of which : another thing systemv does badly : it tries to restart stuff based on pidfiles.
924533;1416102642;undata;what are the irc bots around these parts based upon?
924534;1416102651;mircea_popescu;generally supybot
924535;1416102694;undata;shameless friend plug: https://github.com/kyleterry/tenyks
924536;1416102695;assbot;kyleterry/tenyks · GitHub
924537;1416102700;undata;that thing's pretty good, used in another channel
924538;1416102721;mircea_popescu;what is it, go ?
924539;1416102750;mircea_popescu;there was also a ruby one but i dont recall right off what.
924540;1416102751;undata;mircea_popescu: yeah, the core is written in go, then services in whathaveyou
924541;1416102916;RagnarDanneskjol;that tenyks is very nicely done
924542;1416102974;undata;RagnarDanneskjol: I'm sure he'll enjoy hearing that.
924543;1416103204;decimation;if gavin is a pauper than I'm in the poor house
924544;1416103236;BingoBoingo;decimation: No, they feed, clothe, and work you at the poor house. Also curfews and such.
924545;1416103255;decimation;I wonder how many commits he has to make per week to keep his salary
924546;1416103272;decimation;can he take a few months off like ascii dreams?
924547;1416104734;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it's not a bad theory in any sense. got any policy proposals based on it ? << beyond 'open a physical empire where we can all defect to and die like men in the janissary corps' - no useful idea.
924548;1416104739;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: not from my puny brain.
924550;1416104867;assbot;bellingcat -   Russian State Television Shares Fake Images of MH17 Being Attacked
924551;1416104868;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: however, ben himself wants a tower of hydrocarbons. and if he gets it, he'll want something else. << actually, afaik what he was speaking for is my escape rocket metaphor.
924552;1416104879;undata;asciilifeform: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zone_for_Employment_and_Economic_Development_%28Honduras%29  ??
924553;1416104880;assbot;Zone for Employment and Economic Development (Honduras) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
924554;1416104914;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the discussion was not about 'enough money', but about the distinct and clearly identifiable phase transition where your time becomes 100% your own
924555;1416104917;ben_vulpes;https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/wedged-blockchains/237902.tar.gz.00 , https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/wedged-blockchains/237902.tar.gz.01 for those looking to wedge a blockchain of their own
924556;1416104927;asciilifeform;e.g. 'taleb mode'
924557;1416104930;decimation;asciilifeform: maybe you can get a job at the 'bitcoin foundation' for $209k
924558;1416104936;asciilifeform;or, alternatively, in the other direction of spectrum, perelman mode.
924559;1416104944;asciilifeform;decimation: or city dogcatcher, lol
924560;1416104945;decimation;ah thanks ben
924561;1416104961;decimation;asciilifeform: actually many cops make near $200k with overtime
924562;1416104971;asciilifeform;decimation: but they have to work.
924563;1416104977;asciilifeform;as in, physically go places and do things
924564;1416104978;decimation;well, 'work'
924566;1416105004;asciilifeform;decimation: i don't think anyone here has trouble getting money by working.
924567;1416105018;decimation;if you watch 'the wire' one would believe that a possible option would be to sit in your car on the highway and get drunk
924568;1416105054;asciilifeform;if you watch the right televised strange, one could believe that one possible option for space flight is to light one's farts.
924570;1416105070;ben_vulpes;decimation: i'm inching up on 252450, will post more as i gin them up
924571;1416105085;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: i suspect that there is nothing magic about that block
924572;1416105100;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: but simply happens to be when my box exhausted ram from leakage and began to fandango on the db.
924573;1416105115;decimation;asciilifeform: yeah if it is a memory stop it is probably hardware specific
924574;1416105132;asciilifeform;decimation: wasn't a memory stop as such
924575;1416105134;decimation;ben_vulpes: what platform are you working on?
924576;1416105140;ben_vulpes;debian 6
924577;1416105147;asciilifeform;decimation: but at one point exhausted ram, but blockchain remained wedged upon restart
924578;1416105151;BingoBoingo; decimation: i don't think anyone here has trouble getting money by working. << I was not able to secure seasonal retail work again this year. I suspect I'm already on a list to "have problems"
924579;1416105182;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo is trying to retain some dignity (has not yet fallen into programming, for example)
924580;1416105194;undata;bah, sling php, get dollars
924581;1416105200;undata;better than folding shirts
924582;1416105223;decimation;I had a lawyer friend who used to be a prosecutor near asciilifeform.  He was told not to frequent the local fast food joints because of the poulation of ex-convicts
924583;1416105241;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu:  i do not exactly believe b-a is intended for the workaday people. << do elaborate. should all of us but you & kako pack up? or some other thing implied
924584;1416105277;BingoBoingo;I think I've mentioned here before that after grad school I worked at McDonalds for ~6 weeks to break local kids spirits.
924585;1416105280;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: i'd love to confirm that for you
924586;1416105303;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: how did you resist the army?
924587;1416105303;decimation;right, and in a related point - if $209k per year makes one a pauper, how much is the real bitcoin foundation going to pay?
924588;1416105323;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Too neurologically interesting to enlist.
924589;1416105350;BingoBoingo; mircea_popescu:  i do not exactly believe b-a is intended for the workaday people. << do elaborate. should all of us but you & kako pack up? or some other thing implied << I believe for the rest #b-a is Frankenstein's attic laboratory
924590;1416105355;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: when working as an r&d contractor grunt, i met plenty of folks in uniform happily 'flying the mahogany bomber'
924591;1416105369;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: they mostly had uni degrees though
924592;1416105385;decimation;asciilifeform: me too.  if cards are played right, most mil can write their own tickets in contract jobs
924593;1416105410;decimation;also military benefits are incredibly generous considering the level of education of most enlisted
924594;1416105521;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: My brain caught fire a bit too early. When medical records came up post ASVAB offers of pick your field turned into, "trust us, we'll find a nice place for you"
924595;1416105530;asciilifeform;arrakis os << yet another 'c' microkernel os. snore. snore...
924596;1416105539;asciilifeform;when will the academics finally starve.
924597;1416105563;BingoBoingo;In agriculture department academics never starve.
924598;1416105569;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: what was the offered place? ball turret gunner?
924600;1416105594;decimation;I think the last of those were phased out in the 60's
924601;1416105600;*;asciilifeform behind the times
924602;1416105691;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Post asvab pre-medical write up offers involved language school or medical/technical fields, after when "trust us" I began suspecting "cooks assistant" and latrine crew
924603;1416105723;asciilifeform;language school or medical/technical fields << what were you hoping to become instead ?
924604;1416105755;decimation;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B-52_Stratofortress << ' removal of the tail gun in 1991' wow later than I thought
924605;1416105758;assbot;Boeing B-52 Stratofortress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
924606;1416105794;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: I probably would have signed for those. But... shift in tenor came when time to draft actual contract.
924607;1416105887;decimation;BingoBoingo: did they make you take the mmpi?
924609;1416105894;assbot;Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
924610;1416106009;BingoBoingo;decimation: I don't remember that one specifically, but... pretty sure bring a folder of medical records is a part of what did in my chances for interesting stuff. Amazing what a trip to the wrong part of the hospital can do for your prospects
924611;1416106009;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY!
924612;1416106085;undata;BingoBoingo: do the wrong drugs as a kid?
924613;1416106087;asciilifeform;can he take a few months off like ascii dreams << when did i ever say 'few months'
924614;1416106106;asciilifeform;'few months' is about as useful as 'few thousand usd'
924615;1416106113;asciilifeform;which is to say, not really at all.
924616;1416106114;undata;BingoBoingo: not an insult; I've heard horror stories of kids tripping, getting hauled into the psych ward
924617;1416106151;BingoBoingo;undata: Nah. Some people's brains don't self regulate well. Maybe it's genetic, maybe it was West Nile.
924618;1416106191;undata;ah, that'll do it too
924619;1416106230;BingoBoingo;I got my school bezzel so probably actually netted more value in the end.
924620;1416106272;undata;when I was younger a doctor put me on an antipsychotic for a bit due to "depression"
924621;1416106285;undata;a second doctor bothered with blood work and I was merely low on a few vitamins
924622;1416106291;undata;american medicine is a scam
924623;1416106352;decimation;asciilifeform: you would like to be more like maxwell?
924624;1416106355;BingoBoingo;I'm not a big fan of antipsychotics, make me feel like Micheal J Fox. Anticonvulsants though, particularly lamotrigine... do my brain well
924625;1416106370;asciilifeform;decimation: the example i usually offer is n. taleb
924626;1416106377;asciilifeform;decimation: because he is familiar to the folks here
924627;1416106407;undata;BingoBoingo: yeah, if things like diet and exercise don't help, there are always actual neurological issues to consider
924628;1416106408;decimation;yeah.  actually the first one that came to my mind was Don Colacho
924629;1416106415;undata;hard to trust diagnoses with a pfizer clock on the wall
924630;1416106467;BingoBoingo;undata: Well, I tend towards generics. Recently though ETOH has been the anticonvulsant of choice.
924632;1416106491;assbot;Don Colacho’s Aphorisms: #2,921
924633;1416106565;BingoBoingo;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exploding_head_syndrome << most interesting event I've had with regularity. Not interested in Clomipramine at all though because I like getting boners.
924634;1416106567;assbot;Exploding head syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
924635;1416106655;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: gentoo << complicated. the lead dev surrendered to microshit (literally) some years ago, and it's been run by a skeleton crew ever since, with numerous high-profile catastrophes (of the 'your machine is suddenly rendered unusable by a perfectly innocent-looking action' variety) -- but there is -no- adequate replacement to this day.
924636;1416106672;undata;asciilifeform: hm, hasn't been my experience
924637;1416106675;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: to some extend it exactly mirrors the bitcoind situation - in that every serious user more or less has his own private fork.
924638;1416106676;undata;anecdotally speaking
924639;1416106687;asciilifeform;undata probably updates his box
924640;1416106691;undata;ah, that I agree with, but that's part of the beauty
924641;1416106698;undata;maybe not for everyone for the same reason
924642;1416106698;decimation;asciilifeform: I thought mr. robbins quit and started his own gentoo fork?
924645;1416106750;BingoBoingo;Ah, funtoo, the bring your own kernel adventure
924646;1416106755;*;asciilifeform never tried 'funtoo', cannot speak for it
924647;1416106793;decimation;http://www.funtoo.org/Funtoo_Linux_FAQ << "Part of the distinctiveness of Funtoo Linux is its dependency-based OpenRC init system, so changing this would make it something other than Funtoo Linux. So we do not support systemd as part of Funtoo Linux. "
924648;1416106794;assbot;Funtoo Linux FAQ - Funtoo
924649;1416106806;undata;I can attest to gentoo granting you the right to blow your hand off at every step
924650;1416106819;undata;but also to a well-tuned gentoo install feeling a lot like a well-tuned emacs
924651;1416106822;asciilifeform;undata: i still haven't forgiven the xorg thing
924652;1416106825;undata;"ah, this is precisely what I wanted"
924653;1416106828;asciilifeform;well yes.
924654;1416106833;asciilifeform;this is why folks use it.
924655;1416106836;decimation;asciilifeform: you mean the move from x11 to xorg?
924656;1416106853;asciilifeform;but the cost, for people who did not spend the last decade with it, is high.
924657;1416106863;decimation;running gentoo certainly gives you a motvation to scale down the lines of code in your system
924658;1416106887;decimation;I remember running with KDE 10 years ago and dreading the 24 hour compiles
924659;1416106896;asciilifeform;lol kde
924660;1416106911;decimation;kde used to not be a steaming turdpile
924661;1416106925;*;asciilifeform regards all mousy wm as turd
924662;1416106931;*;BingoBoingo remeber running it of FreeBSD at work in 2004
924663;1416106940;undata;with a relatively modern machine the compile time isn't so bad
924664;1416106949;decimation;but instead of being the 'adult' alternative to gnome, kde surrendered to idiocy
924665;1416106950;ben_vulpes;gentoo quest
924666;1416106953;undata;and you get to make decisions like turning on stack protector and whatnot
924667;1416106979;BingoBoingo;decimation: Well, the KDE problem is they went from desktop environment to software development club in the bad way
924668;1416107020;decimation;yeah. I remember using slackware 3 on my old 486, and barely getting X to run - and also wondering what its point would be
924669;1416107028;asciilifeform;incidentally, try this today.
924670;1416107031;asciilifeform;you'll get nowhere.
924671;1416107050;decimation;asciilifeform:  you mean making aggressive compiler optimizations?
924672;1416107063;asciilifeform;i know of no setup where it is possible to set up even a very decent 486 in such a way that it can be used for serious work today.
924673;1416107073;asciilifeform;tried it personally, and put in a good effort, a year or so ago
924674;1416107080;decimation;yeah.  I was able to get plenty to run back in in the mid 90's
924675;1416107081;asciilifeform;the main culprit is the www crud
924676;1416107088;asciilifeform;as recently as 2004, you could.
924677;1416107120;BingoBoingo;!up devthedev
924678;1416107120;asciilifeform;a recent openbsd (what i eventually settled on for that machine) consumes virtually the whole 64m.
924679;1416107124;decimation;asciilifeform: did you have 'compuserve' back in the day?
924681;1416107128;asciilifeform;not 'aol' either
924682;1416107132;asciilifeform;never even saw them alive.
924683;1416107135;undata;decimation: ah I had that
924684;1416107147;asciilifeform;bbs-en - yes
924685;1416107151;undata;I vaguely remember gopher sites as a young kid
924686;1416107154;decimation;compuserve was kind of a giant bbs
924687;1416107164;asciilifeform;yes, but for money.
924688;1416107168;asciilifeform;and with lamers
924689;1416107175;*;BingoBoingo remember AOL for the copious coaster they mailed
924690;1416107178;decimation;yeah there were free forums as I recal
924691;1416107180;devthedev;I wasn't even alive during the days of CompuServe
924692;1416107183;asciilifeform;i liked the aol floppy disks.
924693;1416107188;asciilifeform;although they were shoddy
924694;1416107196;decimation;BingoBoingo: I had a friend who would call aol every day for a new 'demo floppy'
924695;1416107200;decimation;he accumulated a pile
924696;1416107212;decimation;later they switched to cds
924697;1416107213;asciilifeform;i still have 'doom' on a stack of aol floppies somewhere.
924698;1416107216;BingoBoingo;Oh, we never got their attention until the CD era
924699;1416107239;decimation;back in my youth I actually ran a tcp/ip node on an 8086
924700;1416107248;BingoBoingo;Though CD's make for poor coasters in practice
924701;1416107261;decimation;it was connected to a radio modem and managed to pass tcp to other ham radio operators
924702;1416107280;decimation;ran this >> http://www.ka9q.net/code/ka9qnos/
924703;1416107284;asciilifeform;my point earlier was that code bloat is ubiquitous and pestilential and finally made the old hardware unusable with software of even moderately distant (starting '05 or so) vintage.
924704;1416107289;BingoBoingo;They distribute moisture too evenly over the surface so that it manages to still contact the tabletop
924705;1416107345;decimation;I bet you could still run 'lynx' on a 486
924706;1416107358;asciilifeform;'lynx' - yes.
924707;1416107362;asciilifeform;and that's more or less it.
924708;1416107405;decimation;the question is - what have we 'bought' for all this bloatware?
924709;1416107411;*;asciilifeform regular user of 'lynx', perhaps one of ten left...
924710;1416107419;BingoBoingo;This is reminiscent of how Mac OS 9 is less viable on the Internet than OS 7.5.1
924711;1416107423;decimation;I recall using netscape 1.0 and the user experience was pretty much the same as firefox 30
924713;1416107440;decimation;asciilifeform: I use elinks occasionally
924714;1416107446;asciilifeform;in most ways - better. because less retardation in the payloads.
924715;1416107460;decimation;right, no javascript, just html and pictures
924716;1416107465;BingoBoingo;The problem with Mac OS 8 and later is that it tempts with the fatally broken.
924717;1416107482;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i know of no serious difference between 7.5 and 8
924718;1416107484;decimation;BingoBoingo: my experience with macs pre OSX were all macos 8 and 9 - and they both sucked ass
924719;1416107502;decimation;at least with the shitware I was running, they would regularly crash
924720;1416107508;decimation;and take down the whole machine
924721;1416107515;asciilifeform;aha, 'cooperative multitasking'
924722;1416107523;decimation;heh yeah exactly
924723;1416107534;asciilifeform;(9 was to have memory protection, but the brass over-ruled it)
924724;1416107546;decimation;one wonders what would have happened if apple actually went down the lisp machine route
924725;1416107546;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: While 8 could be forced onto Pre-RISC macs, the result is, and I emphasize IS, never pretty.
924726;1416107572;BingoBoingo;"Apple" never had a chance at that.
924727;1416107582;*;asciilifeform is not particularly in love with the 68k
924728;1416107603;decimation;I remember having to program a 68k variant microcontroller in school, wasn't too bad
924729;1416107623;BingoBoingo;It was on the Ti-89 I had and the computer I acquired in the same window of time. My affinity is probably mostly through familiarity
924730;1416107624;decimation;68hc12 as I recall
924731;1416107743;asciilifeform;profanity65 << pure genius.
924733;1416107990;*;BingoBoingo suspects there are more similarities between http://scores.espn.go.com/ncf/boxscore?gameId=400548341 and Bitcoin than many might suspect.
924734;1416107990;assbot;Missouri Tigers vs. Texas A&M Aggies - Box Score - November 15, 2014 - ESPN
924735;1416108012;asciilifeform;unfortunately BingoBoingo may be the only man alive who can see this similarity
924736;1416108041;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: I consider it the privledge of being neurologically deviant
924737;1416108073;BingoBoingo;The cost of waking up occasionally with a bout of exploding head is an acceptable cost.
924738;1416108094;decimation;BingoBoingo: is that 'painful'?
924739;1416108186;BingoBoingo;decimation: Not "painful" as in pain pain. More like having a strong electrical current between your temple and ear while your legs cramp in a way that might need ice in the morning. More discomfort than pain proper.
924740;1416108220;decimation;that sounds unpleasant, for sure
924741;1416108343;BingoBoingo;Eh, you get used to it. After about the 5th time when you get rather sure you aren't dying it's not hard to just go back the fuck to sleep by waiting it out.
924742;1416108352;asciilifeform;if $209k per year makes one a pauper << consider applying my ad hoc formula: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-10-2014#869923
924743;1416108352;assbot;Logged on 13-10-2014 01:35:27; asciilifeform: rephrase, if you like, as 'unit of discretionary income per unit of lost free time.'
924744;1416108395;asciilifeform;^ this, afaik, covers all edge cases
924745;1416108411;asciilifeform;for example, gavin, a paid shill, has no free time (he is not his own man)
924746;1416108425;asciilifeform;a mental patient, likewise
924747;1416108455;asciilifeform;implied divisions by zero - intentional.
924748;1416108551;BingoBoingo; unfortunately BingoBoingo may be the only man alive who can see this similarity << So the most superficial similarity is the media narrative. A&M is perenial legit title contender while MIZ accidentallied the SEC east championship last year and accidentally is in the lead to win it again this year.
924749;1416108559;decimation;asciilifeform: do you  think gavin works 40 hours per week on the git repo?
924750;1416108561;asciilifeform;^ may as well be in chinese
924752;1416108582;asciilifeform;decimation: that was not the point
924753;1416108596;asciilifeform;decimation: but that he is not actually free to, for example, do a 'decent' bitcoind
924754;1416108602;asciilifeform;handler - would not approve.
924755;1416108616;asciilifeform;his pay is in fact contingent not only on 'playing ball' but continued usefulness to handler
924756;1416108619;asciilifeform;which is not guaranteed
924757;1416108640;decimation;well, the bigger point - do we really think his 'foundation' is going to last that long anyway?
924758;1416108666;decimation;so while he might be able to skate for a few years, later he's a pauper in retirement living on government cheese
924759;1416108666;asciilifeform;if it were to implode, the shills will be placed into similar roles elsewhere
924760;1416108682;asciilifeform;assuming they have not fallen into official disfavour by then.
924761;1416108717;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: So there's a media narrative when team A is having a horrible year that supposed they were good enough to win if only the competition wasn't so strong. But the narrative for Team B is that they are so miserable and wouldn't be winning if only their competition wasn't so weak. And then teams A and B finally meet and in the game B actually maintains a position of superiority.
924762;1416108728;decimation;at any rate, I get you point, but you realize that the number of folks who are 'free' by your definition are probably less than a few thousand in the us
924763;1416108743;asciilifeform;decimation: possibly even fewer.
924764;1416108757;asciilifeform;although how could i possibly know.
924765;1416108806;BingoBoingo;And in the course of writing that Mizzou leads Texas Ass&Mouth 34-20 now because they scored another touchdown.
924766;1416108813;decimation;certainly the inflationary currency, the confiscatory taxation, and the expense of home and bread combine to make this lifestyle nearly impossible in the us
924767;1416108934;asciilifeform;decimation: however, there is perhaps a million people in usa who, if they were to suffer some form of 'brain parasite', could easily jump the border and live this way on the capital they could smuggle out.
924768;1416108975;decimation;yeah that's probably true
924769;1416108979;asciilifeform;the capital controls being slowly worked in, are mainly to guard against this.
924770;1416108987;decimation;a portion of them are doing exactly that every year
924772;1416109314;assbot;My finger should have been amputated from the beginning. It was very loose with no bone to connect it.it was also smelling really bad.
924773;1416109396;BingoBoingo;And twitter censored the picture of the actual necrotic finger
924774;1416109425;asciilifeform;did i miss something? how did we get to gangrene ?
924775;1416109430;*;asciilifeform reads log
924776;1416109456;asciilifeform;or was this something to do with the sportsmen
924777;1416109475;ben_vulpes;non sequitur by my read
924779;1416109504;decimation;asciilifeform: I found some amusing info: https://antipolygraph.org/blog/2014/11/15/doug-williams-indicted-for-teaching-how-to-pass-a-polygraph-test/
924780;1416109506;assbot;Doug Williams Indicted for Teaching How to Pass a Polygraph Test | AntiPolygraph.org News
924781;1416109513;asciilifeform;aha that was in here earlier i think
924782;1416109522;asciilifeform;and indictment was on 'cryptome' last night.
924783;1416109534;asciilifeform;peculiarly corrupted fax scan, too
924784;1416109538;asciilifeform;much snow.
924785;1416109551;decimation;apparently the detail there is that all of the 'evidence' was collected by undercover cops
924786;1416109567;asciilifeform;as different from virtually everywhere else?
924787;1416109615;decimation;so basically they are going to try to convict this guy for training people pretending to be people who take usg's pseudoscience seriously
924788;1416109635;decimation;This lead me to this guy http://www.c-span.org/video/?200264-1/book-discussion-true-believer
924789;1416109637;assbot;Book Discussion True Believer | Video | C-SPAN.org
924790;1416109648;asciilifeform;he's being zapped for 'lse-majest'.
924791;1416109652;asciilifeform;big fat surprise.
924792;1416109662;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: He was the sportsman in the 1990's shot his finger off a few weeks ago. Reattached. "Modern Medicine" has problems.
924795;1416109775;asciilifeform;they preferentially target the retarded for prosecution, big news.
924796;1416109778;decimation;so an actual usg spycatcher actually caught found that the polygraph actually hindered his investigation
924797;1416109893;decimation;asciilifeform:  it would be more honest if usg made its agents walk on coals and swear secret loyalty to the civil service - it would be much more honest and straighforward
924798;1416109963;asciilifeform;decimation: aha but the 'scientific' flavour.
924799;1416109965;asciilifeform;see also: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-07-2014#772419
924800;1416109965;assbot;Logged on 27-07-2014 17:35:40; asciilifeform: the one common anthropological thread i see here is that most governments insist on some 'national' symbolic meaning in their chosen means of execution. e.g., the french guillotine across all five 'republics'
924801;1416109976;asciilifeform;(different thread, similar concept)
924802;1416110084;decimation;asciilifeform: there was another interesting story on that site: https://antipolygraph.org/blog/2014/10/15/federal-polygraph-school-gave-countermeasure-information-to-polygraph-company/
924803;1416110085;assbot;Federal Polygraph School Gave Countermeasure Information to Polygraph Company | AntiPolygraph.org News
924804;1416110125;decimation;apparently usg agents are zealously evangelizing their 'secret' polygraph faith around the world
924807;1416110130;assbot;                        'Grass' Model 79 D - Imgur
924808;1416110139;asciilifeform;^ saw this alive in a university surplus shop last week.
924809;1416110145;asciilifeform;apparently they are common as dirt
924810;1416110159;asciilifeform;and nobody wants the crud - computerized eeg is pocket-sized
924811;1416110172;asciilifeform;this is a standard usg 'lie detector.'
924812;1416110183;asciilifeform;iirc it was going for fiddybucks or so.
924813;1416110190;asciilifeform;complete with chart printer.
924814;1416110194;decimation;lol that would be amusing as a party trick
924815;1416110227;asciilifeform;someone who wants to make a spy drama film, will buy it.
924816;1416110232;asciilifeform;for any other purpose, quite useless.
924817;1416110261;decimation;asciilifeform: you could probably get grant money from usg if you were a scamademic
924818;1416110264;asciilifeform;the physical workmanship of the knobs, etc. - was superb.
924819;1416110274;asciilifeform;decimation: i was drummed out of scamademia many years ago.
924820;1416110301;decimation;yeah that's all 'mil-spec' hardware, with the 'round' connectors
924821;1416110317;asciilifeform;superbly machined aluminum, brass knobs.
924822;1416110326;asciilifeform;very satisfying 'click', too
924823;1416110332;asciilifeform;i suspect the theatrical aspects demanded this.
924824;1416110346;decimation;you should have bought it for the rotary switches
924825;1416110359;asciilifeform;vita brevis.
924826;1416110363;decimation;yeah only someone attending to 'serious business' would have a setup like that
924827;1416110399;decimation;imagine the mind of the 'interviewee': surely usg wouldn't spend bezzlars on those fine knobs if this wasn't serious business
924828;1416110409;asciilifeform;this is perhaps the 3rd time i see one of these for sale, too
924829;1416110415;asciilifeform;(in person, not even counting 'ebay')
924830;1416110433;asciilifeform;there seems to be an inexhaustible supply of them around here.
924831;1416110449;decimation;do you have a favorite 'junk dealer' in the dc area?
924832;1416110454;asciilifeform;a number of them.
924833;1416110476;decimation;I know that there are many scavengers who survive on reselling usg surplus
924835;1416110524;decimation;related: " The revolutionary does not discover the “authentic spirit of the revolution” except before the revolutionary tribunal that condemns him."  http://don-colacho.blogspot.com/2010/08/1665.html
924836;1416110526;assbot;Don Colacho’s Aphorisms: #1,665
924837;1416110536;asciilifeform;if you come across one, know that usg mandates disk sanitation pre-surplus, but no such law is enforced on contractors...
924838;1416110573;decimation;asciilifeform: I think it depends if there was anything 'secret' on the drive - in that case it probably must be destroyed
924839;1416110588;asciilifeform;statutorily - yes
924840;1416110589;decimation;but for that reason most contractors are reluctant to 'donate' their hardware in such a way
924841;1416110591;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform action like what ?
924842;1416110626;asciilifeform;like installing updated video board driver
924843;1416110634;asciilifeform;(if re: gentoo)
924844;1416110653;mircea_popescu;but i mean... rendered unusalbe as in you can't get a terminal on your monitor
924845;1416110660;asciilifeform;as in, can't get x
924846;1416110662;mircea_popescu;not as in, well the hdd's wiped and the bios randomly rewired
924848;1416110671;mircea_popescu;that's endemic with x.
924849;1416110686;asciilifeform;it's pestilentially endemic with any tall dependency stack.
924850;1416110695;asciilifeform;knock out brick from bottom - all falls.
924851;1416110729;decimation;the pile of chairs gets mighty fragile
924852;1416110740;undata;set proper VIDEO_CARDS, emerge -avuDN @world, config kernel, reboot
924853;1416110743;mircea_popescu;anyway, i suppose the "so ssh then" only works for people who youi knw, actually own multiple computers
924854;1416110748;mircea_popescu;ie, 1% of the 8bn
924855;1416110757;asciilifeform;that was decade ago
924856;1416110760;decimation;or 'use serial port'
924857;1416110765;asciilifeform;now, anyone with access to a skip owns arbitrarily many
924859;1416110779;asciilifeform;but if you think keeping one gentoo box around is work, try five.
924860;1416110802;mircea_popescu;anyway, what i said was, to noobs looking at linux
924861;1416110806;undata;I don't do any more work administrating mine than debian.
924862;1416110811;mircea_popescu;i guess ubuntu 10.04 could be the alternative.
924863;1416110821;asciilifeform;at any rate, no box i ever owned was rendered entirely unbootable by a braindamaged gentoo
924864;1416110832;asciilifeform;one can always get a text tty
924865;1416110843;mircea_popescu;problem is, yoyu get them on ubuntu, next you know they think it's windows and update
924866;1416110847;mircea_popescu;next you know they ARE on windows.
924867;1416110852;asciilifeform;although destroying sole means of network connectivity and ending up snaking a ppp link across room, is good times
924868;1416110853;decimation;purists avoid 'vga' console for serial term
924869;1416110887;asciilifeform;vga for serial, wat
924870;1416110904;asciilifeform;probably meant 'text mode' tty ?
924871;1416110911;asciilifeform;as in, the one normal people see on boot
924872;1416110919;decimation;no I mean no video card, serial tty only
924874;1416110923;decimation;some bioses support this
924875;1416110939;asciilifeform;well, you only need bios support to access the bios menu this way
924877;1416110951;asciilifeform;otherwise any reasonably-civilized os will do
924878;1416110963;decimation;the vga console code on linux still sucks after all these years
924879;1416110972;asciilifeform;i and probably everyone else here has owned plenty of boxes with no video output hardware at all.
924880;1416110972;decimation;many folks trying to get low latency ditch it
924881;1416110978;undata;asciilifeform: I'm surprised you don't like gentoo, given you tend to advocate actually knowing what your computer's doing, and why
924882;1416110986;asciilifeform;i use gentoo exclusively.
924883;1416110995;undata;asciilifeform: ah! then you have every right to hate it.
924884;1416111001;asciilifeform;or, almost exclusively (got a few bsd boxen around)
924885;1416111008;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: as in, physically go places and do things  << dunkin donuts ?
924886;1416111018;decimation;I might try 'funtoo' if he is serious about no systemd
924887;1416111038;mircea_popescu;im bashing that exchange lol
924888;1416111046;mircea_popescu;"o, then you have every right to hate it" lmao
924889;1416111079;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: even if the work of a policeman consisted solely in going to a doughnut shop and eating a kg of garbage every day, so long as he -must- -- that is still work.
924890;1416111092;asciilifeform;as in, arbeit macht frei.
924891;1416111093;mircea_popescu;yes yes, i know whatcha mean.
924892;1416111124;asciilifeform;i was unaware that gentoo was on 'hate radar' for folks who aren't using it
924893;1416111152;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: decimation: but at one point exhausted ram, but blockchain remained wedged upon restart <<< speaking of this, there's an option to close with detached bdb
924894;1416111165;mircea_popescu;this is useful if you keep stopping every x blocks, backuping bdb files
924895;1416111185;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes ^
924896;1416111187;decimation;mircea_popescu:  you mean running bdb as a separate process?
924897;1416111216;mircea_popescu;no no, bitcoin itself can close in such a way so as to not leave its own state crud crudely saved
924898;1416111236;mircea_popescu;this would seem to sane minds the only way to close, but then it "took too long", so...
924899;1416111247;decimation;ah I see
924900;1416111277;decimation;which would help differentiate between 'wedged bitcoind state' and 'wedged bdb state'
924901;1416111315;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i do not exactly believe b-a is intended for the workaday people. << do elaborate. should all of us but you & kako pack up? or some other thing implied << well, i know you self-motivate by refusing to see some degrees, but there are some degrees.
924902;1416111329;asciilifeform;let's have the cold equations
924903;1416111334;asciilifeform;which degrees ?
924904;1416111349;cazalla;this fkn conference i'm streaming.. "cold storage is out dated, it's about multisig now".. where do you see bitcoin in 20 years time? "something like email where you can instantly send value over the internet"
924905;1416111351;*;asciilifeform genuinely curious
924906;1416111363;mircea_popescu;consider the case of the various chicks that came to show their tits for .1 btc
924907;1416111370;asciilifeform;cazalla wallowing with the eagles, lol
924908;1416111374;mircea_popescu;they didn't stick around. why this ?
924909;1416111389;mircea_popescu;one explanation, that persuades me, it's because they dun have the time to. because they gotta work.
924910;1416111393;asciilifeform;on account of having exhausted the fountain ?
924911;1416111408;asciilifeform;if they could get the .1 again and again - perhaps would
924912;1416111413;mircea_popescu;the fountain's still going.
924913;1416111422;mircea_popescu;well, the .1 ain't, in my mind, the actual larger half.
924914;1416111425;asciilifeform;iirc you only paid per set of tits ?
924916;1416111440;asciilifeform;and each gurl shipped with 1 set.
924917;1416111456;mircea_popescu;but consider other example : http://trilema.com/2013/internet-story/
924918;1416111457;assbot;Internet story pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 
924919;1416111477;mircea_popescu;2nd quote most relevant.
924921;1416111542;mircea_popescu;put it another way : if i didn't think the .1 is the smaller half, i wouldn't be giving it out in the first place.
924922;1416111550;asciilifeform;if here 1 -> 2 continued to 2 -> 4 -> 8 -> ... ... maxint - then yes, interesting
924923;1416111558;asciilifeform;if a successful las vegas roll - less so.
924924;1416111560;mircea_popescu;so, degrees. for most chicks, the cheese dispensed by the cheese dispenser is all there is.
924925;1416111576;mircea_popescu;for some chicks, the fact that how the shot does a cheese dispenser work ?! is a more pressing question.
924926;1416111579;undata;this is such a strangely wonderful place
924927;1416111607;mircea_popescu;so there are degrees. yes, everyone in the bezzle is in the bezzle.
924928;1416111628;mircea_popescu;some guys work three jobs to try and get the kid in school where he can work in a sv startup. this is a degree of improvement.
924929;1416111646;mircea_popescu;then maybe one day the kid gets to the point where he even has the freedom to consider wtf he's doing. further degree.
924930;1416111651;mircea_popescu;plenty of degrees.
924931;1416111653;*;undata fist bumps with ben_vulpes
924932;1416111668;asciilifeform;plenty of degrees. but, i can't help but notice phase transitions in the space.
924933;1416111683;mircea_popescu;to restate : if you rent's due and you're short you should not be here chatting, you should be putting out that fire.
924934;1416111702;*;asciilifeform unaware of this being a thing for any of the people still here
924935;1416111710;mircea_popescu;well it's all i meant, rly.
924936;1416111723;mircea_popescu;im sure the various "give us 1 btc or else !!1" kids were in exactly this position.
924937;1416111737;mircea_popescu;;;seen sdffsd
924938;1416111738;gribble;sdffsd was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 6 hours, 19 minutes, and 32 seconds ago:  Mircea, I can't access mpex.co, what's going on?
924939;1416111740;mircea_popescu;no further than today.
924940;1416111741;asciilifeform;i still can't fathom 1 being the magic number in there
924941;1416111747;decimation;like our little extortionist friend
924942;1416111747;asciilifeform;why not extort, say, 10? 100?
924943;1416111751;mircea_popescu;you don't understand how hope works.
924944;1416111802;mircea_popescu;and since you mentioned moiety, from what i understood that was exactly her position.
924946;1416111828;mircea_popescu;well she had to figure out rent
924947;1416111840;mircea_popescu;i tried to onlinehire her but for some reason she lacked the drive or w/e.
924948;1416111845;mircea_popescu;maybe internets just noit her thing
924949;1416111851;asciilifeform;for some reason i thought it actually happened
924950;1416111853;asciilifeform;but didn't suffice
924951;1416111862;*;asciilifeform wasn't there
924952;1416111905;*;asciilifeform vaguely recalls an apparatus involving telephony, where moiety was paid per minute, but few folks called
924953;1416111915;mircea_popescu;part of the problem is, the internet (and esp my stuff) is very self-directed
924954;1416111935;mircea_popescu;many people are used to micromanagement, under relentless pressure from a pointless class that wants to justify its existence
924955;1416111944;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform that's unrelated.
924956;1416111968;asciilifeform;ah hm ok. i don't think the other thing was public
924957;1416112003;mircea_popescu;even today i have plenty of handcrankled tasks for the aspiring slavegirl. never a shortage of that. what's of shortage is teh ppl to disciplinedly work, erry day, hour after hour.
924958;1416112012;decimation;After seeing work exploit and demolish the world, laziness seems like the mother of the virtues. (#2,053)<< http://don-colacho.blogspot.com/2010/10/2053.html
924959;1416112013;assbot;Don Colacho’s Aphorisms: #2,053
924960;1416112031;mircea_popescu;decimation sure, great. no complaints may then be entertained about needing stuff tho.
924961;1416112042;mircea_popescu;laziness is a virtue of the well provisioned.
924962;1416112043;asciilifeform;micromanagement << most folks around here used to it, but i always imagined they would profit from its removal
924963;1416112044;decimation;heh good retort
924964;1416112054;asciilifeform;sparrow in the park may be used to children throwing stones at it
924965;1416112060;asciilifeform;doesn't mean it needs the stones for anythig
924967;1416112073;undata;decimation: having been convinced that the walls of my country are going to fall in, I've got all the motivation I need
924968;1416112092;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform tell you what : teenager is used to seeing girls in his class dressed, imagines he'd ben efit from the removal of the clothes.
924969;1416112098;undata;I think plenty more subconsciously know the same, and are hiding in distractions
924970;1416112102;mircea_popescu;should that actually happen, teenager would run and hide in a corner.
924971;1416112103;decimation;asciilifeform: for myself, I find working with an engage colleague to be much more motivating than a boss yelling
924972;1416112146;mircea_popescu;decimation the tora study model eh ?
924973;1416112168;mircea_popescu;im kinda curious what comes of the ben_vulpes - mod6 pairing in this vein.
924974;1416112194;asciilifeform;folks who have not boiled in the cauldron cannot fathom the kind of hells that exist. i once worked in a salt mine where scores of people dredged 'reddit', illicitly, all day.
924975;1416112204;asciilifeform;many years ago.
924976;1416112209;asciilifeform;(when it was almost readable)
924977;1416112215;mircea_popescu;sooo! degrees!
924978;1416112236;undata;asciilifeform: hey man, I shoveled actual cow shit as a summer gig long ago
924979;1416112238;undata;it's good for you
924980;1416112275;asciilifeform;undata: a fellow i work with spent his childhood (india) in cow shit detail. fuel for the local cremation pyre.
924981;1416112284;asciilifeform;had some interesting stories.
924982;1416112303;decimation;yeah, in the old west where trees were lacking, cow shit was firewood
924983;1416112306;undata;amazing how you lose sense of the smell
924984;1416112306;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY!
924985;1416112309;mircea_popescu;doesn't that make him whatever that caste is ?
924986;1416112321;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: oddly enough - brahmin, entirely unsullied by this
924988;1416112328;asciilifeform;somehow there was an exception for children doing chores
924989;1416112340;decimation;I think you are thinking of dalit
924990;1416112340;asciilifeform;so long as human turds not involved - ok.
924991;1416112347;cazalla;any takers for http://www.findbitcoinjobs.com/jobs/20347-risk-investigator-at-coinbase ? can double as a mole for qntra
924992;1416112348;assbot;Risk Investigator at Coinbase | Bitcoin Jobs
924993;1416112354;asciilifeform;human turds -> dalit
924994;1416112367;*;asciilifeform not expert on the mechanics whereby cow shit does not count as shit
924995;1416112379;undata;cows being holy or somesuch?
924996;1416112383;asciilifeform;well yes.
924997;1416112387;undata;I can firmly attest they are not
924998;1416112389;mircea_popescu;maybe it's because it tastes good.
924999;1416112392;mircea_popescu;indians are nuts.
925000;1416112406;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: in parts of near east, folks mix it into chewing tobacco.
925001;1416112409;asciilifeform;don't ask me why.
925003;1416112426;mircea_popescu;cazalla im sure one'd have to sign whatever.
925004;1416112446;undata;asciilifeform: humans will imitate goddamn anything
925005;1416112455;asciilifeform;don't advertise for a 'stierlitz' in a public channel...
925006;1416112471;cazalla;mircea_popescu, this job actually coincides with the fraud i reported on weeks ago to which they never responded,  i'm writing it up
925007;1416112478;asciilifeform;(folks will bite but not the ones you want)
925008;1416112513;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: teenager would run and hide in a corner << puzzling over this. why would this happen ?
925009;1416112558;mircea_popescu;why. because nothing is as scary as cunt, that's why. try it sometime.
925010;1416112566;*;asciilifeform often wonders if mircea_popescu is logged in from mars. or if asciilifeform is, himself.
925011;1416112569;mircea_popescu;why do you think you take the bitch to the dog, not vice-versa ? males are shy.
925012;1416112745;cazalla;you take the doe to the buck too!
925013;1416112752;cazalla;sometimes to doe mounts the buck
925015;1416112762;cazalla;the even
925016;1416112789;asciilifeform;cazalla breeds radiation-damaged deer in butugychag ?
925017;1416112827;undata;that even sounds like a soviet labor camp
925018;1416112836;asciilifeform;it was.
925019;1416112839;cazalla;asciilifeform, i wish, just rabbits but i'm sure you know this
925020;1416112841;asciilifeform;but also a region.
925021;1416112842;asciilifeform;aha rabbits.
925022;1416112847;asciilifeform;damaged by what?
925023;1416112854;asciilifeform;or is this normal for the species
925024;1416112858;decimation;Frustration is the distinctive psychological characteristic of democratic society. Where all may legitimately aspire to the summit, the entire pyramid is an accumulation of frustrated individuals. http://don-colacho.blogspot.com/2010/05/1110.html
925025;1416112859;assbot;Don Colacho’s Aphorisms: #1,110
925026;1416112866;mircea_popescu;its normal for all mammal species yo.
925027;1416112895;undata;asciilifeform: mining uranium without gear, no less. brutal.
925028;1416112919;cazalla;asciilifeform, you DO know i raise rabbits right? *here comes cazalla and his rabbits talk again*
925029;1416112925;asciilifeform;aha yes i recall.
925030;1416112930;asciilifeform;good picture of heads
925031;1416112937;asciilifeform;(what do you usually do with those?)
925032;1416112948;cazalla;compost it all
925033;1416112970;*;decimation is dreaming of building a colacho-bot which attempts to provide the appropriate aphorism for the conversational mood
925034;1416112974;cazalla;i wanted to make snow camo but who has the time
925035;1416112989;asciilifeform;i think ilkka kokkarinen had a colachobot
925036;1416113134;decimation;lol he has a book http://www.amazon.com/The-Wingnut-Musings-Ilkka-Kokkarinen/dp/1468166816
925037;1416113135;assbot;The Wingnut Musings: Ilkka Kokkarinen: 9781468166811: Amazon.com: Books
925038;1416113142;asciilifeform;that book is all that's left of him.
925039;1416113144;decimation;it sounds pretty good
925040;1416113146;asciilifeform;i own it
925041;1416113155;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: i know of no setup where it is possible to set up even a very decent 486 in such a way that it can be used for serious work today. <<< sarge ?
925042;1416113171;asciilifeform;he is/was a finnish emigre, working as a comp sci prof in canada. was hounded off the net by 'outraged mass' for moldbuggery.
925043;1416113174;asciilifeform;not once, but twice.
925044;1416113181;asciilifeform;first time, made to recant, threatened.
925045;1416113199;asciilifeform;then came back. then, disappeared again, taking all of his materials with him, this time - for good, apparently.
925046;1416113208;decimation;he should come on here
925047;1416113225;decimation;foesti has a review http://foseti.wordpress.com/2012/03/15/review-of-the-wingnut-musings-by-ilkka-kokkarinen/
925048;1416113227;assbot;Review of “The Wingnut Musings” by Ilkka Kokkarinen | Foseti
925049;1416113260;asciilifeform;ilkka.kokkarinen at gmail
925050;1416113290;mircea_popescu;hanbot mail the man would you.
925051;1416113298;asciilifeform;tried to contact him 2 yrs. ago, he said 'shoo'
925052;1416113300;asciilifeform;or the like
925053;1416113325;asciilifeform;i have the dead tree book, it's a 'best of' his blog
925054;1416113328;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: and that's more or less it. << notice that bitbet, mpex, trilema, qntra, logs etc all work on lynx.
925055;1416113334;asciilifeform;foseti and a few other guys have warez scans
925057;1416113360;asciilifeform;he was a die-hard poker player and loved applying the metaphors to, well, relevant things.
925058;1416113375;asciilifeform;also a very decent mathematics handler.
925059;1416113401;asciilifeform;blog was called 'fourth checkraise'
925060;1416113441;mircea_popescu;decimation: asciilifeform: do you think gavin works 40 hours per week on the git repo? << do you suppose captive whore in thai illegal brothel works 40 hours per week ?
925061;1416113452;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: sarge << i don't consider non-source-based distro as suitable for serious work
925062;1416113454;mircea_popescu;what fucking difference does it make how many nominal hours teh slave works.
925063;1416113464;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: that was sorta my point in reply
925064;1416113464;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform sarge source was released no /
925065;1416113473;asciilifeform;source released != source-based distro
925066;1416113477;asciilifeform;msdos source also 'released'
925067;1416113483;asciilifeform;and win2k.
925068;1416113513;asciilifeform;'source based distro,' classically, is when nothing (other than bootstrap compiler & kernel, thomson says hello) gets on the box without being built there.
925069;1416113541;asciilifeform;normally this is at least minimally mechanized.
925070;1416113546;asciilifeform;because vita brevis.
925071;1416113590;asciilifeform;ilkka's book << notice he pulled the 'kindle' version also.
925072;1416113599;mircea_popescu;im pretty sure you could, and still can, do this with deb 3.1
925073;1416113603;asciilifeform;and the printed one was a 'print on demand', there was no actual reason to zap it
925074;1416113608;asciilifeform;except that he was frog-marched.
925075;1416113615;asciilifeform;this is what means 'not free man'
925076;1416113628;asciilifeform;he skipped red finland to end up in... this.
925077;1416113662;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: if it were to implode, the shills will be placed into similar roles elsewhere <<< pretty miuch this.
925078;1416113669;mircea_popescu;which is why career anlysis is such a powerful tool,
925079;1416113683;asciilifeform;and attribution of works.
925080;1416113683;mircea_popescu;and which is why as BingoBoingo pointed out earlier, when touched there they react. (the tor people in that case)
925081;1416113687;mircea_popescu;it's the one place it hurts.
925082;1416113697;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yup, but until being "invented" here that really never existed.
925083;1416113705;asciilifeform;and we watched herr dingledine give private performance for nsa.
925084;1416113707;asciilifeform;a year ago.
925085;1416113720;asciilifeform;ferglubssake we didn't invent pgp.
925086;1416113726;asciilifeform;but in practice - this.
925087;1416113730;mircea_popescu;"attribution", not pgp
925088;1416113748;asciilifeform;!s three-man system
925089;1416113748;assbot;1 results for 'three-man system' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=three-man+system
925090;1416113754;asciilifeform;invented by, afaik, herr korolev.
925092;1416113767;mircea_popescu;the idea that what you do wil come back to haunt you is very much mpoe[-pr], as far as the bitcoin, and generally the "entrepreneurial" spaces are concerned.
925094;1416113771;assbot;Logged on 15-11-2014 00:27:45; asciilifeform: there was a three-man system
925095;1416113781;mircea_popescu;swanson's "that's not how normal debates work" is just an echo of that.
925096;1416113810;asciilifeform;one day we produce a koraktor, wrapped in sc4mz0r pelt cover, 'the art and science of hunting shitgnome'
925097;1416113814;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform well that's why the quotes. obviously it's an ancient idea, and no invention whatsoever.
925098;1416113820;asciilifeform;or 'malleus scamificorum' alternatively.
925099;1416113838;mircea_popescu;but this doesn't change the fact that nobody did it, nor does it change the fact that i'm principally hated for that reason, my agents have been principally hated for that reason
925100;1416113847;mircea_popescu;and this chan is called a cult, or anything else bad!111 for that reason.
925101;1416113854;asciilifeform;devils - hate crucifix, yes
925102;1416113857;asciilifeform;how could they not.
925103;1416113869;asciilifeform;what does true hate even mean, if not this.
925104;1416113878;mircea_popescu;cause nothing is so fucking evil as you know, someone digging up on trilema, coming up with meni rosenfeld's name, now the scumwipe can't go around pretending like you know
925105;1416113889;mircea_popescu;"hje's been in bitcoin". "o, but doing what ?" "nevermind that!!!"
925106;1416113892;asciilifeform;surprising he'd use the name again.
925107;1416113904;asciilifeform;no one cancelled, even, 'google.'
925108;1416113908;mircea_popescu;most of them didn't realise this attribution doohickey even exists.
925109;1416113921;mircea_popescu;which is why, "invention". apparently it is.
925110;1416113961;mircea_popescu;to this day, and shockingly, i write about church ? ppl are "oh, you're jealous"
925111;1416113975;mircea_popescu;it doesn't even manage to pierce the dielectric between their ears that no, im jus saving it for later.
925113;1416113984;mircea_popescu;somehow this is not a possible concept.
925114;1416113986;assbot;Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/2FGT98Y.txt )
925115;1416113986;asciilifeform;!b 2
925116;1416114009;mircea_popescu;for a while i used to say it (back when i was dealing with romanians). it did... exactly zero difference.
925117;1416114027;cazalla;hate to say it but.. qntra? ddos?
925118;1416114046;mircea_popescu;and it's vastly pervasive. average us politician will not understand that his voting record is a matter of... record!
925119;1416114050;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: note also my observation last week, that i intensely suspect 'google usenet archive' was zapped not on account of any accident
925120;1416114056;asciilifeform;but precisely because attributability.
925121;1416114061;asciilifeform;and the devils who fear.
925122;1416114064;undata;cazalla: looks down here
925123;1416114088;joecool;it's been up and down for past day
925124;1416114125;asciilifeform;but anyone who thought that a 'library of alexandria' was safe in the hands of the likes of 'google' - was a fool from the start.
925125;1416114167;joecool;asciilifeform: what's up with google's archive?
925126;1416114179;asciilifeform;joecool: of 'usenet.' no longer searchable.
925127;1416114180;asciilifeform;try it.
925128;1416114190;asciilifeform;is it really possible that i'm the only one who noticed ?
925129;1416114334;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://trilema.com/2010/politica-adevarata/ << just consider that.
925130;1416114394;mircea_popescu;coburn actually has to TELL people, that attribution is a thing.
925131;1416114394;mircea_popescu;and they're like, you know, a buncha barbarians confronting microorganisms.
925132;1416114394;mircea_popescu;"if you don't wash your hands you get dysentery" "really ? .... hmm.... maybe, but i tihnk it's the will of god... i have my amulets with me..."
925134;1416114406;mircea_popescu;cazalla as per usual.... i see it jus' fine.
925135;1416114459;undata;mircea_popescu: I can't pull up trilema here either
925136;1416114577;mircea_popescu;undata somehow im still getting spam comments tho
925137;1416114637;joecool;asciilifeform: seems to work for me?
925139;1416114659;asciilifeform;or, hm, now - no
925140;1416114704;joecool;i just went to groups.google.com and ran a search and it popped up a few usenet newsgroups and some results mostly from usenet
925141;1416114712;asciilifeform;try something '90s
925142;1416114714;asciilifeform;but not '80s
925143;1416114726;asciilifeform;('early usenet archive' is separate gizmo there)
925144;1416114754;joecool;are you talking about the dejanews archive?
925147;1416114947;asciilifeform;^ example
925148;1416114947;asciilifeform;should be ~30,000 posts
925150;1416114947;*;mircea_popescu wasn't there, doesn't care anymore about this primitive tribe than about any other primitive tribe that was swallowed b y history.
925151;1416114947;*;mircea_popescu thinks if it didn;'t suck it'd have left artefacts.
925152;1416114947;asciilifeform;it left artifacts.
925153;1416114947;asciilifeform;mainly on various people's disks.
925155;1416114955;mircea_popescu;civilisations are judged by what remains, not by what they once were.
925156;1416114960;asciilifeform;well yes.
925158;1416115032;asciilifeform;^ example of what remains.
925159;1416115032;asciilifeform;easily worth ten thousand of today's internets put together.
925160;1416115032;asciilifeform;and that's just one man's archive.
925161;1416115062;asciilifeform;going right back to 'attribution' point - these libraries - did not burn.
925162;1416115065;asciilifeform;they will come out.
925163;1416115097;asciilifeform;and the destroyers - will pay. one day.
925164;1416115126;decimation;re: gavin's 40 hr week << I was merely pointing out that if ascii's formula is (freedom hrs)/(work hrs), then gavin might have a good score
925165;1416115133;asciilifeform;his score is nil
925166;1416115136;asciilifeform;because he is never free.
925167;1416115142;*;asciilifeform thought he explained this
925168;1416115149;decimation;his 'free hours' are an illusion, agreed
925169;1416115154;asciilifeform;hence zip.
925170;1416115159;mircea_popescu; and the destroyers - will pay. one day. << aite!
925171;1416115164;mircea_popescu;i was mostly giving you a hard time :D
925172;1416115201;decimation;I note that our volunteer testers seem to have left whatever routing tables they were messing with alone
925173;1416115256;decimation;I wrote too soon, qntra and trilema are both down for me now right now
925174;1416115271;mircea_popescu;lmao this stuff...
925175;1416115320;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: decimation: possibly even fewer. <<< he likes a short thing lol.
925176;1416115521;asciilifeform;re: ilkka: >> http://isteve.blogspot.com/2006/09/16-volts-silenced-by-his-university.html << the demise of his first site
925177;1416115581;asciilifeform;(discussion thereof)
925178;1416115581;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform:  this is a standard usg 'lie detector.' << the funny thing is, i dunno if the scientologists copied the ohmmeter after the usg "lie detector", or vice-versa, the fbi is tring to find yout tethans
925179;1416115581;decimation;mircea_popescu: maybe if they are short polygraphers usg asks some local scientologists to sub in
925180;1416115581;asciilifeform;late 19th c. physiologists discovered skin conductance meter (as sanctified by 'scientology')
925181;1416115581;joecool;asciilifeform: heh yeah i ran some other searches I knew worked before (like linus's first linux announcement on comp.os.minix), it's gone
925182;1416115595;asciilifeform;the 'polygraph', as the name implies, combines several instruments (eeg, ekg, conductometer)
925183;1416115603;decimation;to be fair, there is some science in the sense that it detects parasympathetic activation
925184;1416115606;asciilifeform;that is the apparatus pictured in the photo
925185;1416115618;decimation;but the problem is this has nothing to do with truthsaying
925186;1416115629;asciilifeform;about the same thing that hot coals ordeal has to do with 'truth.'
925187;1416115629;mircea_popescu;joecool funny how that goes, right ?
925188;1416115648;decimation;as asciilifeform mentioned in the past the operative effect is to filter for 'cold' psychopaths
925189;1416115660;decimation;or at least very meek and compliant folks
925190;1416115665;asciilifeform;and in general for folks who don't give a flying fuck
925192;1416115672;asciilifeform;or those with naturally 'immobile' vital signs
925194;1416115689;joecool;mircea_popescu: i'm just surprised nobody else wrote about it, i doubt they get huge volume searching for things, but still, nothing mentioned about it
925195;1416115690;mircea_popescu;news at 11 : good pokerface is good pokerface.
925196;1416115697;asciilifeform;incidentally, you don't need the jailed quack to 'study lie detector'
925197;1416115705;mircea_popescu;joecool this is my broader point. a stupid language deserves its own stupidity.
925198;1416115709;asciilifeform;fiddybucks buys you all the components, in a manageable pocket size.
925199;1416115712;mircea_popescu;english is in this sense quite stupid.
925200;1416115718;asciilifeform;ask 'biofeedback' aficionados.
925201;1416115740;decimation;there is probably some amusement to be had in experimenting with such things
925202;1416115760;asciilifeform;decimation: there are folks who do it for a hobby.
925204;1416115847;asciilifeform;^ ancient backup of 'sixteen volts', kokkarinen's first site.
925205;1416115847;decimation;from the senior usg 'stendartendfurher's
925206;1416115847;asciilifeform;nm, borked
925207;1416115847;mircea_popescu;ddos ?
925208;1416115849;asciilifeform;nah, just incomplete
925209;1416115859;asciilifeform;there is a mostly full one. somewhere.
925210;1416115876;decimation;from the senior usg Standartenführer's point of view, the polygraph is an ideal device to filter the workforce into compliant sheep and stone cold thugs
925211;1416115898;mircea_popescu;The brilliant Finnish-Canadian computer science professor / blogger Ilkka Kokkarinen has taken down his popular blog, presumably to keep his job after his campus newspaper noticed his heterodox views. His skepticism about the intellectual consistency of lesbian-feminist theory and practice would appear to have been his biggest crime.
925213;1416115930;mircea_popescu;"After being alerted by The Ryersonian, computer science chair, Alireza Sadeghian said the department neither accepts nor condones Kokkarinens views."
925214;1416115931;decimation;right, we need to get him here
925215;1416115941;mircea_popescu;wait. how does a computing dept accept or not accept views in other fields ?
925216;1416115945;decimation;maybe he can port bitcoind to forth
925217;1416115966;mircea_popescu;like... does the geography department accept grammar ?
925218;1416115978;mircea_popescu;what sort of ignarous barbarity is this!
925219;1416115984;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: was taken to политотдел.
925220;1416116016;mircea_popescu;!up nacci
925222;1416116028;asciilifeform;afaik the only copy on the net.
925225;1416116052;asciilifeform;(note, this is 'sixteen volts,' his early site. not 'fourth checkraise')
925226;1416116102;mircea_popescu;Clearly, Professor Kokkarinen was naive to use his own name when he switched his blog from Finnish to English <<< mp considers just how great his power is.
925227;1416116111;mircea_popescu;i switched from romanian to english jus' fine.
925228;1416116120;mircea_popescu;ello nacci. who're you ?
925229;1416116151;nacci;just another bloke
925230;1416116178;decimation;mircea_popescu: to be fair, you didn't have a tenured position in a nato colony
925231;1416116193;mircea_popescu;but... wait. i make more than whatever tenured prof makes.
925232;1416116198;mircea_popescu;and i can read, just like him.
925233;1416116204;mircea_popescu;how is this comparison against me ?
925234;1416116204;decimation;heh yeah that's why he needs to be here
925235;1416116214;decimation;you see, he has 'loyalty'
925236;1416116217;decimation;I guess
925237;1416116223;mircea_popescu;and i dare think if he had a tenured position this would have been a non issue
925238;1416116235;decimation;well that's a good point, he probably didn't
925239;1416116235;mircea_popescu;since that's what tenure is. "o you don't like me ? fuck you and get lost."
925240;1416116237;asciilifeform;tenure doesn't actually exist in angloworld now.
925241;1416116246;asciilifeform;any more than property.
925242;1416116249;decimation;tenure exists if you are willing to push the multicult
925243;1416116261;asciilifeform;(it being a kind of property right, traditionally - fat surprise.)
925244;1416116274;nacci;nepotism trumps tenure
925245;1416116284;mircea_popescu;decimation for the record, as one coming from an actually multicultural world, i am both offended at the misuse of the term and would pray you don't discard an actually superior mode of human life
925247;1416116297;mircea_popescu;just because some fucktarded barbarians in a colony think that cowboys in sheets = latins.
925248;1416116303;asciilifeform;'Physicist Steven Jones, who first pointed to the use of thermite in the destruction of the two towers had to agree to having his university buy out his tenure or his university was faced with losing all federal financing.' << example from herr orlov. ( http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2014/09/911-after-13-years.html )
925249;1416116363;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i tell you, if i was the provost i wouldn't have made the offer.
925250;1416116363;mircea_popescu;let the fucking feds cut off financing.
925251;1416116363;mircea_popescu;this is like, russian orthodox church vs tsarate already.
925252;1416116365;asciilifeform;and recall how that went.
925253;1416116372;mircea_popescu;so what if it did ?
925255;1416116388;asciilifeform;!s solzhenitsyn axe
925256;1416116389;assbot;4 results for 'solzhenitsyn axe' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=solzhenitsyn+axe
925257;1416116408;mircea_popescu;fuck that. the freedom you like is built on a certain kind of disinterest in effects.
925258;1416116435;asciilifeform;except everyone, i think, knows this
925259;1416116441;asciilifeform;swinging the axe - another matter altogether.
925260;1416116448;mircea_popescu;i guess.
925261;1416116463;mircea_popescu;i dun see it.
925262;1416116472;mircea_popescu;nothing easier in the world than "fuck you and get lost."
925264;1416116490;asciilifeform;notable historical case study is treblinka uprising
925265;1416116497;asciilifeform;notable for being the only major one inside the barbed wire
925266;1416116506;asciilifeform;(unless counting warsaw ghetto)
925267;1416116515;mircea_popescu;or in the cinematic version, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9r-vu-l8mLE
925268;1416116576;asciilifeform;iirc, the magic ingredient - no women
925269;1416116576;mircea_popescu;funny how that goes huh ?
925271;1416116576;mircea_popescu;so now... tell me. did it matter how fucking pretty the women were ?
925272;1416116580;asciilifeform;nein. only that they were already dead.
925273;1416116581;mircea_popescu;whether young or old ? slutty or annyoing ? big tits or small ? pert or loose ?
925274;1416116586;mircea_popescu;did not. exactly.
925275;1416116612;mircea_popescu;in some circumstances, listening to the women is a bad idea.
925276;1416116633;asciilifeform;the way historians seem to present it, it was less 'listening' and more 'no hostages'
925277;1416116648;asciilifeform;when 'they'll xxx my mother, sister, wife' - folks hesitate to swing axe
925278;1416116655;mircea_popescu;hostages ? someone has to first care
925279;1416116664;asciilifeform;when mother, sister, wife - buried - they swing axe with the grace of ballet dancer.
925280;1416116703;mircea_popescu;caring has its place. that place is not "everywhere all the time"
925281;1416116709;*;asciilifeform was not in treblinka, knows only what the contemporaries saw fit to write down
925282;1416116778;asciilifeform;the folks blessed with the talent of 'not care' on-demand - probably tended to not end up behind the wire in the first place.
925284;1416116849;mircea_popescu;and the folk that muck a hand the moment it can't win don't tend to end up in the bottom half of the poker tourney either.
925285;1416116912;asciilifeform;see also http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2008/09/survival-of-nicest.html (solely for the quote from seagrave's 'castaways')
925286;1416116972;asciilifeform;esp. last paragraph.
925287;1416116972;*;asciilifeform has the book, it is lovely
925288;1416116972;asciilifeform;recommends especially to BingoBoingo
925289;1416116991;asciilifeform;and other aspiring 'mad maxes'
925290;1416117042;asciilifeform;err, e. leslie
925291;1416117048;asciilifeform;(seagrave wrote only foreword)
925292;1416117443;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: bitcoind stop detatch?
925293;1416117450;ben_vulpes;i'm digging, but hints would be lovely
925296;1416117472;assbot;Coinbase Seeking A Risk Investigator | Qntra.net
925297;1416117476;asciilifeform;^ ilkka's book. mutilated but readable.
925298;1416117707;ben_vulpes;cloudflare now preventing me from getting at en.bitcoin.it
925299;1416117725;ben_vulpes;watch it come back without any reference to detachdb...
925300;1416117760;ben_vulpes;is there an en.bitcoin.it mirror anywhere?
925302;1416117944;assbot;Index of /
925303;1416117999;ben_vulpes;(just paranoia i suppose)
925304;1416118249;mircea_popescu;cazalla BingoBoingo others : ok, i *think* the bad routing thing may be fixed.
925305;1416118259;mircea_popescu;pls to let me know furiously if more further problems later on.
925306;1416118259;cazalla;mircea_popescu, working again here
925307;1416118367;ben_vulpes;http://94i30.net/wp-content/bitcoin-p2sh/bitcoin-detachdb.php << for lulz
925308;1416118371;assbot;Bitcoin Detachdb | Bitcoin P2sh
925309;1416118520;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes : "Explanation of -detachdb (and the new stop true RPC command): The Berkeley DB database library stores data in both .dat and log files, so the database is always in a consistent state, even in case of power failure or other sudden shutdown. The format of the .dat files is portable between different versions of Berkeley DB, but the log files are not even minor version differ
925310;1416118520;mircea_popescu;ences may have incompatible log files. The -detachdb option moves any pending changes from the log files to the blkindex.dat file for maximum compatibility, but makes shutdown much slower. Note that the wallet.dat file is always detached, and versions prior to 0.6.0 detached all databases at shutdown."
925311;1416118528;mircea_popescu;turns out this is a moot consideration in your case.
925313;1416118588;ben_vulpes;'s what i suspected at least.
925314;1416118605;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ilkka.txt << herr kokkarinen's 'musings', deturdified.
925315;1416118617;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ty for that.
925316;1416118622;ben_vulpes;lovely asciilifeform
925317;1416118641;asciilifeform;this is the book, which was a 'best of' (in his view) of his last site, 'fourth checkraise.'
925318;1416118649;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: ever considered releasing asylum as a pay-per-dl?
925319;1416118668;mircea_popescu;to compete with the current, "free" ?
925321;1416118686;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/i-wrote-a-book/ << click 1st link.
925322;1416118686;assbot;I wrote a book… pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 
925323;1416118690;ben_vulpes;trilema credits are free nao?
925324;1416118693;asciilifeform;i think they want the cover & the turkish bubblegum smell.
925325;1416118704;*;ben_vulpes shrugs
925326;1416118712;mircea_popescu;"free" yo. not free.
925327;1416118724;ben_vulpes;if the author endorsed approach is to copy the damn thing off his website...
925328;1416118746;mircea_popescu;anyway, your pay-per-dl comes to like 2k satoshi if you do it in one go, or else free if you take what was it, 5 weeks.
925329;1416118764;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes what are you trying to accomplish ?
925330;1416118812;RagnarDanneskjol;its actually being circulated among some hollyweird people at present fyi
925331;1416118814;ben_vulpes;i'm actually thinking about bitcoin databases so nothing w/r/t asylum
925332;1416118836;ben_vulpes;honestly i'd just rather have it on my kindle than flip through whatever's in the mail
925333;1416118864;mircea_popescu;meh, i dun wanna support x or y's closed platform.
925334;1416118908;ben_vulpes;"versions prior to 0.6.0 detached all databases at shutdown." << explains hilariously slow shutdowns
925335;1416118938;asciilifeform;how often does a sane person shut down 'bitcoind' anyway?
925336;1416118946;asciilifeform;next, what, want fast reactor shutdowns?
925337;1416118948;mircea_popescu;"shut down"
925338;1416118954;mircea_popescu;didn't you shut yours down a number of times ?
925339;1416118965;asciilifeform;for debuggery - aye
925340;1416118975;mircea_popescu;/alias shutdown kill -9
925341;1416119009;asciilifeform;incidentally this is why a correctly-implemented blockchain db is isomorphic to a 'journalling' file system.
925342;1416119024;mircea_popescu;im not sure why bdb is trying to be both
925343;1416119026;asciilifeform;so that 'kill -9'-style death is always the correct behaviour.
925344;1416119040;asciilifeform;and in no case can result in inconsistent state
925345;1416119071;ben_vulpes;in any event i've gotten the thing to 240000
925346;1416119078;ben_vulpes;i'll be quite amused if i fail to wedge it
925347;1416119085;asciilifeform;what's it running on?
925348;1416119097;ben_vulpes;mod6 is perusing the tens of thousands of lines of excised code
925349;1416119111;ben_vulpes;debian on some virtualization layer
925350;1416119113;asciilifeform;ah, wai, wat
925351;1416119118;asciilifeform;excised what?
925352;1416119123;asciilifeform;tens thousands lines?
925353;1416119128;ben_vulpes;i exaggerate
925355;1416119218;mircea_popescu;"The only thing women clearly do better without men is raise the next generation of criminals."
925356;1416119222;mircea_popescu;bwahhha ok not bad.
925357;1416119254;asciilifeform;herr kokkarinen made a point never to write an essay more than 1 paragraph or so in length.
925358;1416119259;asciilifeform;whole thing can be 'eaten' in an evening.
925359;1416119307;*;mircea_popescu is apparently of the opposing school.
925360;1416119322;mircea_popescu;i remember the times i could say an article in five pages
925362;1416119324;asciilifeform;why ilkka did this - i do not know. some necromancer here can perhaps resurrect him and ask.
925363;1416119386;mircea_popescu;if you take the 94 million kulaks, capitalists, dissidents and other groups of people that socialists murdered in the twentieth century, and punch the numbers into a calculator, the average number of victims per hour equals almost exactly the one-hour kill count of Anders Breivik. Just imagine how absurd it would be if, instead of being captured and neutralized, Anders were simply allowed to keep killing people day and
925364;1416119386;mircea_popescu;night until the twenty-second century dawns. And yet such an absurdity practically defined the twentieth century.
925365;1416119391;mircea_popescu;"socialism doesn't kill people" :D
925366;1416120467;mats_cd03;!t m s.mpoe
925367;1416120467;assbot;[MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00042212 / 0.00043058 / 0.00044033 (585026 shares, 251.91 BTC), 7D: 0.00036402 / 0.0005235 / 0.00065245 (7865451 shares, 4,117.57 BTC), 30D: 0.00036402 / 0.00066873 / 0.00081111 (23548921 shares, 15,748.02 BTC)
925369;1416120589;assbot;This Onion, It Smells: Inherent Hazards of the Tor Network | Qntra.net
925370;1416120661;ben_vulpes;have 0.5.3 blockchains at 240001; interested researchers may request links.
925371;1416120735;ben_vulpes;next checkpoint 245000
925373;1416122282;assbot;Tor: This Onion Smells - Slashdot
925374;1416122604;*;fluffypony stretches
925375;1416122629;BingoBoingo;How's Rhodesia?
925376;1416122638;fluffypony;still in the USA
925377;1416122668;fluffypony;flying to LA tomorrow, sleep over one night, then back to SA on Monday via Dubai
925378;1416122690;BingoBoingo;Ah, cool.
925379;1416122751;fluffypony;Vegas was fun, saw the Blue Man Group for the first time and they were awesome
925380;1416122784;fluffypony;also the production quality on La Rêve was insane
925381;1416122787;BingoBoingo;Vegas, where entertainers never really die... until they... actually die
925382;1416122803;fluffypony;lol yeah
925383;1416122895;BingoBoingo;Well, their choices are what? Vegas or Branson?
925384;1416123011;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH2] 2083 @ 0.0012 = 2.4996 BTC
925385;1416125694;BingoBoingo;https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=reptillians+on+earth << lulz
925386;1416125695;assbot;reptillians on earth - YouTube
925387;1416127344;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes so it passed wedgespot ?
925388;1416129449;BingoBoingo;!up twentydollarbill
925390;1416131802;assbot;As Developers Depart, Google Glass Is Ready To Become This Era’s Segway  |  TechCrunch
925393;1416131966;assbot;THESE JEHOVAH WITNESSES ARE NEXT LEVEL SAVAGES  http://t.co/hGmKj5jL3m
925394;1416132391;*;cazalla was raised a joho
925395;1416132420;cazalla;you think bitcoin makes you an outsider, you have nfi
925396;1416132470;cazalla;anyway, that is not joho propaganda punkman
925397;1416132584;punkman;what'd you expect from CNN
925398;1416132650;punkman;cazalla: did you ever do the door-to-door thing?
925399;1416132694;cazalla;punkman, yeah countless times plus fkn wednesday night book study, sunday talks and worse, assemblies
925400;1416132714;punkman;pretty rare around here, but I've seen the odd flyer
925401;1416132772;cazalla;rare here as well, when i was around, my parents each lost a brother within 6 months so that opened the door for the jws to get their hooks in with the paradise earth bullshit
925402;1416132781;cazalla;araound 5 i mean
925403;1416132821;cazalla;you know what kicked off us leaving? doom and rise of the triad
925404;1416132888;cazalla;once i hit my teens and refused to go and was willing to take a beating if it meant i could play doom, domino effect kicked in and family stopped going
925406;1416134634;assbot;Bernard von NotHaus of Liberty Dollar Has His Motion for Post-Conviction Relief Denied, Will Face Sentencing - Hit & Run : Reason.com
925407;1416134937;cazalla;!up bitbethelp
925408;1416134971;bitbethelp;this bet was resolved incorrectly, 1 sec
925410;1416134999;assbot;BitBet - Republicans win majority of the U.S. Senate :: 1.3 B (58%) on Yes, 0.93 B (42%) on No | closed 1 week 6 days ago
925411;1416135284;bitbethelp;just so you know, dd4btc is a tard
925413;1416135463;assbot;Open Port Check Tool - Test Port Forwarding on Your Router
925414;1416135502;bitbethelp;interesting way assbot is using to cloak its ip
925415;1416135752;BingoBoingo;!down bitbethelp
925416;1416135821;BingoBoingo;;;isup thedrinkingrecord.com
925417;1416135824;gribble;thedrinkingrecord.com is down
925418;1416135877;BingoBoingo;Oh well. It was a good run.
925419;1416136036;thestringpuller;what happened?
925420;1416136042;thestringpuller;are they ddosing the drinking record?
925421;1416136054;BingoBoingo;Sure, but no big
925422;1416136076;thestringpuller;you haven't gone to bed yet?
925423;1416136076;BingoBoingo;Uptime is what it is
925424;1416136087;thestringpuller;dat uptime
925425;1416136091;BingoBoingo;I'm up learly today
925426;1416136101;BingoBoingo;!up bitbethelp
925427;1416136134;bitbethelp;fivezerotwo here fyi
925429;1416136188;cazalla;bitbethelp, you misrepresented yourself to me
925430;1416136228;bitbethelp;cazalla, correct! this is what /b/tards would call "social engineering"
925432;1416136251;cazalla;to what end? you didn't gain anything
925433;1416136251;thestringpuller;http://i.imgur.com/2oMV0Nv.jpg << hey look thermos is well being thermos
925434;1416136281;punkman;bitbethelp: are you also the guy that claimed to have a bitbet hack a while back?
925435;1416136298;bitbethelp;cazalla, nor did I lose anything. it's not about the attempts where you don't get anything, but the attempts you succeed.
925436;1416136305;bitbethelp;punkman: no
925437;1416136333;cazalla;bitbethelp, well, you're 0 for what must be 1000+ attempts to get paid at this point
925438;1416136372;bitbethelp;cazalla, lol
925439;1416136397;thestringpuller;the only way to get paid in this channel is to do work :P
925440;1416136420;bitbethelp;say one line and you can mislead people on your intent
925441;1416136457;bitbethelp;here's a tip: people who want to get paid send along an address, like that dd4bc tard
925442;1416136533;punkman;guess the lulz are payment enough
925443;1416136589;cazalla;beggars can't be choosers
925445;1416136642;assbot;The four F's. http://t.co/eLktxGSBQk
925446;1416136693;bitbethelp;;;isup qntra.net
925447;1416136694;gribble;qntra.net is up
925448;1416136718;bitbethelp;nope, it isn't
925449;1416136845;bitbethelp;so, cazalla, what's your plan on running qntra when it's going to be down 7x24 if it gets any sort of traction?
925450;1416136856;cazalla;bitbethelp, having a beer, cunt!
925451;1416136872;bitbethelp;when operating a website you need to consider advanced persistent threats, such as yours truly
925452;1416136872;cazalla;bitbethelp, you give me the excuse i need to drink so have at it
925454;1416136884;BingoBoingo;Qntra really doesn't look down at all from here
925455;1416136892;cazalla;you're not a threat, you're are like the buzzing of flies
925456;1416136943;bitbethelp;BingoBoingo, you're the very minority http://check-host.net/check-report/4f3ffc
925457;1416137003;cazalla;you best find other targets bitbethelp
925458;1416137003;punkman;mpex is a much better target
925459;1416137003;bitbethelp;punkman, why so, it's used by 10 people tops
925460;1416137003;cazalla;why would anyone pay you to stop then bitbethelp ?
925461;1416137021;bitbethelp;cazalla, why do you still have this assumption i'm trying to extort you into paying me?
925462;1416137042;cazalla;than why are you doing this?
925463;1416137048;cazalla;then even
925464;1416137058;cazalla;see what you made me do bitbethelp, you made me drink all this beer
925465;1416137067;bitbethelp;maybe you could pay me to find out, lel
925466;1416137089;cazalla;do you take paypal?
925468;1416137139;mircea_popescu;* cazalla was raised a joho << o.O
925469;1416137158;cazalla;mircea_popescu, didn't mean i had to believe it
925470;1416137253;mircea_popescu;i never met one b4.
925471;1416137274;mircea_popescu;bitbethelp> cazalla, nor did I lose anything. it's not about the attempts where you don't get anything, but the attempts you succeed. << what is this fucktardry, srsly.
925472;1416137351;bitbethelp;every successful attack takes lots of attempts, some fruitless
925473;1416137411;*;mircea_popescu shrugs.
925474;1416137450;mircea_popescu;punkbot lol mating. apparently, every successful writing takes lots of attempts, some of which are... muitless.
925475;1416137962;assbot;manamex +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0
925476;1416138025;BingoBoingo;!up manamex
925477;1416138057;manamex;BingoBoingo thanks
925479;1416138405;Anduck;!up bitbethelp
925480;1416139220;manamex;new here, reading logs
925482;1416140026;jurov;;;isup trilema.com
925483;1416140027;gribble;trilema.com is up
925484;1416140085;jurov;not from here
925486;1416141692;mircea_popescu;i always wondered what % of "operations" end when group #1 doing "undercover work" catches group #2.
925488;1416142055;BingoBoingo;I have to assume that's most of what they do now.
925489;1416142175;mircea_popescu;must suck lol
925490;1416142347;jurov;bitbethelp accused me of inadequate politeness cuz i did not respond timely to pm and in one breath promised coinbr is next after qntra
925493;1416147650;BingoBoingo;!up sdffsd
925494;1416147867;BingoBoingo;!up Xuthus
925495;1416149899;decimation;those 'blasze.tk' links he put in the logs are ip loggers, probably trying to find more targets
925496;1416150460;mats_cd03;lol yes
925497;1416150910;mats_cd03;i wonder if kako has a proxy for assbot
925498;1416151157;jurov;;;isup coinbr.com
925499;1416151158;gribble;coinbr.com is up
925500;1416153107;kakobrekla;mats_cd03 i do.
925501;1416153133;BingoBoingo;assbot has asses of proxy
925502;1416153233;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 900 @ 0.00120197 = 1.0818 BTC [+] {6} 
925503;1416155584;jurov;bitbethelp promised to drain my aws budget.. cleaarly these ddosing redditards did not do the math
925504;1416155891;kakobrekla;cant trust a redditard
925505;1416156940;assbot;manamex +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0
925506;1416157158;BingoBoingo;!up manamex
925507;1416157368;manamex;got worned by bitbethelp everyone on this channel gets dosed
925509;1416157488;manamex;let's be it, why would anyone would want to do it, what is the point?
925510;1416157657;chetty;to act tough
925511;1416157707;manamex;never mind, not that it matters
925512;1416157868;BingoBoingo;Eh, kind of just like weather anymore.
925513;1416158767;asciilifeform;undercover agents << 'the man who was thursday.'
925514;1416158785;asciilifeform;or even 'a scanner darkly.'
925515;1416158838;ben_vulpes;;;later tell mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-10-2014#903730 << ascii reported wedge at 252450
925516;1416158838;assbot;Logged on 30-10-2014 17:09:54; asciilifeform: in other news, turd firmly wedged at block height 252450.
925517;1416158839;gribble;The operation succeeded.
925518;1416158863;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: got a wedge?
925519;1416158872;ben_vulpes;not yet.
925520;1416158878;asciilifeform;how far in?
925521;1416158900;ben_vulpes;backing up 245000 right now
925522;1416158963;ben_vulpes;if as you suspect it has to do with the cooccurrence of running out of memory and writing to bdb, i'll have to let it run for a while
925523;1416158974;asciilifeform;irreproducible bug is best bug.
925524;1416159024;ben_vulpes;what machine did you run yours on?
925525;1416159099;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: recent 'intel' box with 8g
925527;1416159584;xanthyos;3 days after buying coinbase bitcoins the progress bar is at the halfway mark
925528;1416159628;xanthyos;they deliberately slow themselves down to handicap daytraders
925529;1416161079;ben_vulpes;;;later tell ragnardanneskjol http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-10-2014#888421
925530;1416161079;assbot;Logged on 22-10-2014 18:38:56; mircea_popescu: except it should be explicitly exclusive rather than inclusive. "We will NOT work with unqualified third parties, which is to say parties that have not satisfied their log reading and wot presence prequalifications."
925531;1416161079;gribble;The operation succeeded.
925532;1416161651;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1000 @ 0.00120366 = 1.2037 BTC [+] {9} 
925533;1416162631;kakobrekla;asciilifeform do you find arm less evil for being risc?
925534;1416162690;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: my dislike of 'arm' has very little to do with the architecture.
925535;1416162775;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: but if you're thinking about the ancient 'risc vs cisc' debate, it isn't really any kind of contest today, as there is no architecture of past 20 yrs. or so design that could really be classified as a 'cisc'
925536;1416162852;kakobrekla;what, does 'cisc' sticker on the box make it sell faster?
925537;1416162919;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: name a 'cisc' (that is, 'complete', or, in more practical terms, optimized for hand-written asm that is a minimum of pain to write -and- read) chip designed in recent years.
925538;1416162936;asciilifeform;(why? see http://www.loper-os.org/?p=55 etc)
925539;1416162938;assbot;Loper OS » You have made your bedrock, now lie in it.
925540;1416162943;asciilifeform;no such animal.
925541;1416162954;kakobrekla;i did say sticker only.
925543;1416162969;asciilifeform;i must be missing something
925545;1416163023;asciilifeform;kakobrekla is posting through time warp from 1985? i don't recall seeing 'risc' or 'cisc' mentioned on a crate, since, i don't know when
925546;1416163042;kakobrekla;isnt x86 branded as cisc ?
925547;1416163054;jurov;it was,2y ago
925548;1416163057;jurov;20y ago
925550;1416163078;jurov;since pentium it is cisc with risc internals
925551;1416163079;asciilifeform;x86 is a cisc (interestingly, the internals of modern x86 compatibles are pure risc, with emulation layer for the ancient crud baked on)
925552;1416163085;asciilifeform;aha, jurov has it.
925557;1416163186;asciilifeform;move to 'risc' was driven mainly by desire for auto-optimization (pipelining, out-of-order instruction sequencing) in the pursuit of 'fast' (see http://www.loper-os.org/?p=300 )
925558;1416163188;assbot;Loper OS » Going Nowhere Really Fast, or How Computers Only Come in Two Speeds.
925559;1416163227;asciilifeform;the only living representative of the cisc school of thought is the x86, which survives purely from symbiosis with microshit
925560;1416163249;asciilifeform;it also happens to be the worst known such architecture by virtually any conceivable measure.
925561;1416163333;jurov;i heard it has denser code(closer to c) and thus better cache effectivity
925562;1416163334;asciilifeform;for folks who are mystified by this thread, a 'risc' (reduced instruction set) cpu is typically one where 'instruction set fits in the back cover of your textbook.'
925563;1416163354;asciilifeform;if you did computer-anything engineering in school, you probably remember 'mips'
925565;1416163427;asciilifeform;one of the things i often, usually to no avail, try to explain to people, is that there is no such thing as 'efficiency.' there is only efficiency -at- something.
925566;1416163517;jurov;probably efficiency measured in lines of c executed
925567;1416163526;asciilifeform;so, as described in my 'going nowhere' article, the modern winblows pc is in fact less efficient for virtually any practical purpose than its predecessors two decades earlier, despite a titanic amount of effort poured into the cpu micro-optimizations
925568;1416163604;asciilifeform;there is a kind of 'bezzle' or, more precisely, 'dekulakization' dynamic involved, where cpu designers are really labouring to extend the life of idiot software ecosystem
925569;1416163613;asciilifeform;whose continued bloat is considered an immutable fact of life
925570;1416163641;asciilifeform;the dog eats and eats so the fleas can live.
925571;1416163743;jurov;i once read a piece on what everything is expected of today's text input field - clipboard handling, mouse selection, bidi input, undo/redo, font redering,...
925572;1416163758;asciilifeform;aha. rob pike.
925573;1416163764;jurov;if these requirememnts can be solved without heaping code
925575;1416163775;jurov;i dunno
925576;1416163820;asciilifeform;well, if you are thinking of the ones you just stated, as opposed to everything listed in pike's talk,
925577;1416163843;asciilifeform;they were handily met by, e.g., symbolics lisp machine. mine has 4M of ram installed, which was considered large.
925578;1416163866;jurov;it has bidirectional input?
925579;1416163879;asciilifeform;bidirectional as in, e.g., arabic?
925580;1416163884;jurov;adn subpixel hiting?
925581;1416163886;asciilifeform;not afaik
925582;1416163890;jurov;yes arabic
925583;1416163915;jurov;*subpixel hiting
925584;1416163922;jurov;derrrrp hinting
925585;1416163934;asciilifeform;i cannot say for certain what these things would 'weigh' on such a machine, but can definitely bet that they would weigh considerably less (in terms of code complexity or sheer physical space) than on modern arch.
925586;1416163976;asciilifeform;on account of there being precisely one routine, used by everything on the box, which is responsible for character rendering; another for the input handling; etc
925587;1416163990;asciilifeform;sorta how a unix box with dynamic libs wishes it worked
925589;1416164050;asciilifeform;^ rob pike's talk, for those who never read
925590;1416164164;jurov;that hangs on presumption that list somehow magically prevents parallel standards/reimplementations
925592;1416164196;asciilifeform;it wasn't the lisp actually
925593;1416164218;jurov;so that no X11-like explosion of toolkits would occur
925594;1416164233;asciilifeform;(for some odd reason, folks ignore the fact that 'symbolics' os happily ran fortran, pascal, ada, and yes, even c - code - on same box, and the proggys could share data structures)
925595;1416164265;asciilifeform;native os was implemented in 'zetalisp', a symbolics-proprietary predecessor of modern common lisp, yes.
925596;1416164273;jurov;okay i did not mean lisp as such, but the architecture as a whole
925597;1416164294;asciilifeform;jurov: it is always possible to crap in the kitchen. but folks who own a toilet, typically do not.
925598;1416164306;asciilifeform;once you remove the overwhelming incentive to do stupid things, you generally see less of them.
925599;1416164350;jurov;um. i'm not convinced that ever worked
925600;1416164356;asciilifeform;but even a gift of a solid gold toilet is no guarantee that the recipient of said gift won't prefer the kitchen sink.
925601;1416164536;*;asciilifeform was going to link jurov to kalman reti's film about smbx machine, but noticed that it was recently censored.
925602;1416164540;*;asciilifeform searches for backup
925603;1416164561;jurov;i have seen it when you linked it recently
925605;1416164574;asciilifeform;it is by no means a complete picture, but gives the general idea.
925606;1416164589;asciilifeform;(who censored it, and why? i'd love to know)
925607;1416164642;mircea_popescu;uh ? what's missing ?
925608;1416164663;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the film linked in an old post of mine: http://www.loper-os.org/?p=932
925609;1416164664;assbot;Loper OS » Kalman Reti, the Last Symbolics Developer, Speaks of Lisp Machines.
925611;1416164926;asciilifeform;^ mirror
925612;1416165277;mircea_popescu;!up bobsiha
925614;1416169047;assbot;Actual Bitcoin corporations (ABCs) versus fiat-based frauds trying to masquerade as Bitcoin companies (while masquerading as companies in the first place) on the solid theory that the general public is too stupid to make any difference, this one included, and on the flimsy theory that the general public matters in Bitcoin (FBF-TTMABC-WMACITFP-OTSTTTGPITSTMAD-TOI-AOTFTTTGPMIBs, alphabets for short). pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 
925615;1416169053;mircea_popescu;^ titles are not enough for me!
925616;1416171260;xanthyos;!up thomas_d
925618;1416171472;assbot;Shtetl-Optimized  » Blog Archive   » What does the NSA think of academic cryptographers?  Recently-declassified document provides clues
925619;1416171552;thomas_d;;;eregister thomas_d BBE4FD4CC1083523
925620;1416171556;gribble;Error: Could not retrieve your key from keyserver. Either it isn't there, or it is invalid.
925621;1416171708;asciilifeform;Apocalyptic: the paper in question is not only of 20 yrs. vintage, but officially released (not in any sense leaked)
925622;1416171711;mircea_popescu;lol not bad.
925623;1416171715;asciilifeform;Apocalyptic: hence, i'd take with 'grain of salt'
925624;1416171736;Apocalyptic;asciilifeform, noted
925625;1416171930;asciilifeform;'Desmedt referred to a letter written by Marty Hellman criticizing NIST. I had all but forgotten about Hellman; he has not been active on cryptologic scene in many years, and I've always had doubts about his moral principles (by contrast, I regard Rivest as being above all this dirt).'
925627;1416172027;chetty;Hellman caught them with their pants down didn't he?
925628;1416172049;thomas_d;;;eregister thomas_d BBE4FD4CC1083523
925629;1416172050;gribble;Error: Could not retrieve your key from keyserver. Either it isn't there, or it is invalid.
925630;1416172076;thomas_d;Do you usually need to wait a little while after exporting cert to server?
925631;1416172084;thomas_d;I just did it about 30 seconds ago
925632;1416172101;thomas_d;;;eregister thomas_d BBE4FD4CC1083523
925633;1416172102;gribble;Error: Could not retrieve your key from keyserver. Either it isn't there, or it is invalid.
925634;1416172125;xanthyos;thomas_d: do it in PM so it doesn't congest the chat
925635;1416172166;xanthyos;bagels7 had the same error i think
925636;1416172182;mircea_popescu;thomas_d bout an hour or so
925638;1416172213;thomas_d;I should introduce myself anyway my name is thomas dick I'm a noob
925639;1416172231;Apocalyptic; Do you usually need to wait a little while after exporting cert to server? // yes you do
925640;1416172232;mircea_popescu;your name seriously is dick ?
925641;1416172242;asciilifeform;chetty: i've found the letter in question: http://catless.ncl.ac.uk/Risks/12.63.html#subj1
925642;1416172242;assbot;The Risks Digest Volume 12: Issue 63
925643;1416172244;Apocalyptic;give it 1-2 hours
925644;1416172245;thomas_d;dick is my middle name
925646;1416172252;thomas_d;but I go by thomas dick
925648;1416172361;thomas_d;are there any regulations/guidelines on the chatting here, or anything goes?
925649;1416172368;kakobrekla;so what do you do thomas?
925650;1416172374;thomas_d;can't see anything in the topic
925651;1416172377;thomas_d;I'm in an entry-level IT position
925652;1416172398;mircea_popescu;well the general idea is to spend a while reading the logs
925653;1416172409;asciilifeform;thomas_d: programmer ?
925654;1416172411;mircea_popescu;then this and such questions tend to answer themselves.
925655;1416172426;thomas_d;nah service desk
925657;1416172451;mircea_popescu;"Don Beaver (Penn State), in another era, would have been a spellbinding charismatic preacher; young, dashing (he still wears a pony-tail), self-confident and glib, he has captured from Silvio Micali the leadership of the philosophic wing of the U.S. East Coast cryptanalytic community."
925658;1416172499;mircea_popescu;here's a q for you asciilifeform : if i were the big bad and you were my officer in charge of fucking nerdcore up, and the strategy was, "inject a person whom on the basis of sheer animal magnetism can be used to steer things ways",
925659;1416172504;mircea_popescu;would you hire a man or a woman for this task ?
925660;1416172516;asciilifeform;depends on the designated chumps, no?
925661;1416172525;mircea_popescu;supposing you have a person printing machine, can make them up to spec.
925662;1416172527;asciilifeform;what'd a 'nerdcore' anyway
925663;1416172534;mircea_popescu;well, the designated chumps, "the U.S. East Coast cryptanalytic community"
925664;1416172576;mircea_popescu;a nerdcore is roughly what "academia" is : adding words to specified idiocy to make it palatable. it's not a buncha derps, because CORE.
925665;1416172606;asciilifeform;not being one of the designated chumps in question, i'd ask for a subverted greybeard. but i am not a doctor of chumpatronics, and may be naive here.
925666;1416172621;mircea_popescu;uh. how'd that work ?
925667;1416172623;asciilifeform;e.g. schneier
925668;1416172656;xanthyos;a person printing machine like from kafka's "in the penal colony"
925669;1416172663;mircea_popescu;~ on the basis of sheer animal magnetism ~
925670;1416172663;mircea_popescu;gotta stick to the strat yo.
925671;1416172691;asciilifeform;i'd have picked him based on his 'street cred' from his service in the '90s crypto wars
925672;1416172700;mircea_popescu;but thats out of scope.
925673;1416172762;asciilifeform;if question specifically concerns 'animal magnetism' - difficult to answer. most of the chumpatronic work involved, i doubt would win from this stratagem. i, for instance, have never (to my knowledge) been within musket distance of a live cryptographer (of whatever variety)
925674;1416172779;mircea_popescu;but we are discussing the nerdcore.
925675;1416172781;mircea_popescu;you know, like bitcoincore.
925676;1416172782;asciilifeform;ergo i need to be chumped with paper
925677;1416172798;asciilifeform;and how many of these chumps are chumped in a lecture hall, and not with paper?
925678;1416172809;mircea_popescu;i think most.
925680;1416172821;asciilifeform;how many of the 'tardstalk' folks have seen gavin alive
925681;1416172828;mircea_popescu;the reason the remnant is so insistent on "real world" vs "trolls" perhaps follows a simple calculation
925682;1416172833;asciilifeform;i, for example, don't even know what he looks like
925683;1416172840;mircea_popescu;"we have a this which works and a that which sort-of works and is more expensive"
925684;1416172851;mircea_popescu;i would bet you 100% have.
925685;1416172855;mircea_popescu;no exceptions.
925686;1416172856;asciilifeform;well, not knowingly
925687;1416172882;mircea_popescu;http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/14/Silvio_Micali_IMG_0459.jpg << this, incidentally, is whom "leadership" was captured...from.
925688;1416172942;asciilifeform;for all i know, lizard hitler rides elevator with me every day
925689;1416172942;*;asciilifeform does not recall seeing this mug before
925690;1416172942;mircea_popescu;so basically, not your kind of job ?
925691;1416172942;asciilifeform;unfortunately not.
925692;1416172942;asciilifeform;although, now that you mention it,
925693;1416172942;asciilifeform;reading the ancient 'cryptolog', i can almost hear a tone of voice
925694;1416172944;mircea_popescu;you can can't you.
925695;1416172949;asciilifeform;and it sounds very much like certain other persons
925696;1416172961;mircea_popescu;this is how the fucking problem with "releases" go.
925697;1416172981;xanthyos;;;gettrust thomas_d
925698;1416172981;mircea_popescu;it is functionally impossible to make a release that works for *any* evnetual readers.
925699;1416172982;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user xanthyos to user thomas_d: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=xanthyos&dest=thomas_d | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=thomas_d | Rated since: never
925700;1416173004;asciilifeform;it isn't even 'cold psychopath' or the like. it is the basic tone of voice of the 'mean gurlz' who are, between sentences, cackling at the 'goodies' their gurlz club is privy to
925701;1416173008;asciilifeform;vs. the chumpers
925702;1416173076;asciilifeform;now that this came up, i will say that i have seen this alive
925703;1416173094;asciilifeform;as in, actual (former) friends who took up the cloak of the beast, and their patterns of speech actually changed.
925704;1416173116;asciilifeform;similar to how men who have sat in russian prison, have detectably characteristic patterns of speech
925705;1416173132;asciilifeform;specifically not speaking of vocabulary or idiomatisms here
925706;1416173135;asciilifeform;but patterns.
925708;1416173330;asciilifeform;at any rate, i can imagine only with great difficulty that a usg cryptologist of any actual stature (that is, creator of, or even privy to, a 'crown jewel') would be permitted to make public so much as a newspaper ad for a dog walker, much less a document pertaining to his profession.
925709;1416173353;asciilifeform;(an internal report marked 'confidential' should be regarded as a public document for the purpose of this statement.)
925710;1416173361;asciilifeform;'confidential' is the lowest level of classification in usg.
925711;1416173377;asciilifeform;about on par with a receipt for pizza at the office.
925712;1416173436;mircea_popescu;ok, let me put this in a different light.
925713;1416173441;asciilifeform;the author is likely an 'outer circle' man.
925714;1416173462;mircea_popescu;out of the 100k or so academics trudging for us-academia-wot, how many are likely to publish their research like i do, on trilema, just like that ?
925715;1416173467;asciilifeform;kept around, permitted to work on problems in his circle of interests among his own kind, but generally kept away from anything 'jewel'-like.
925716;1416173475;mircea_popescu;not a matter of "permitted" per se.
925717;1416173509;asciilifeform;us-academia or 'intelligence komyoonity' ?
925718;1416173513;asciilifeform;rather different animals
925719;1416173525;asciilifeform;(similar in some interesting ways, but kept in separate tanks at the zoo)
925720;1416173544;mircea_popescu;separate but identical ?
925721;1416173561;asciilifeform;i have personally only taken a swim in the larger tank, the former
925722;1416173569;asciilifeform;cannot speak for the smaller tank
925723;1416173637;asciilifeform;but among generic u.s. mathemasturbators, unaffiliated with nsa et al, it is quite common to post 'preprints' on www.
925724;1416173725;mircea_popescu;anonymously ?
925725;1416173759;asciilifeform;no, on their official university www, typically
925726;1416173785;asciilifeform;often, even now, as 'postscript' turds
925727;1416173798;mircea_popescu;so in short : people who make their living cutting beards are not likely to be seen cutting beards outside of the place where this pays.
925728;1416173840;asciilifeform;well, they also tend to use their barbershops as homes. in the sense that many academics keep personal blog-type material on the same site.
925729;1416173853;asciilifeform;(herr kokkarinen, before anyone asks, did not)
925730;1416173880;asciilifeform;example: http://doubletap.cs.umd.edu/purtilo
925731;1416173941;asciilifeform;^ met very briefly in meatspace
925732;1416173941;mircea_popescu;http://doubletap.cs.umd.edu/purtilo/Despair/image011.jpg << srsly ?
925733;1416174001;mircea_popescu;a much better caption would be minsky with his eyes closed.
925735;1416174001;asciilifeform;i think that actually hangs in the hall where he works.
925736;1416174171;mircea_popescu;manamex: got worned by bitbethelp everyone on this channel gets dosed << lol we're speshul.
925737;1416174432;ben_vulpes;;;isup trilema.com
925738;1416174433;gribble;trilema.com is up
925740;1416174451;asciilifeform;aha dead.
925741;1416174489;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 21 @ 0.09372684 = 1.9683 BTC [+] {10} 
925743;1416174962;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: reminiscent of bucky fuller's dumps
925745;1416175898;assbot;thomas_d +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0
925746;1416175908;asciilifeform;!up thomas_d
925747;1416175914;thomas_d;yo i registered
925749;1416176045;xanthyos;;;rate thomas_d 1 known on tinychat for a while.  seals with clubs player.
925750;1416176046;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user thomas_d has been recorded.
925751;1416176127;thomas_d;;;rate thomas_d 1 real stand-up guy
925752;1416176128;gribble;Error: You cannot rate yourself.
925754;1416176164;thomas_d;;;rate xanthyos 1 good upbringing
925755;1416176165;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user xanthyos has been recorded.
925757;1416176174;joecool;;;gettrust joecool
925758;1416176175;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask joecool!~joecool@no-sources/joecool. Trust relationship from user joecool to user joecool: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 66 via 38 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=joecool&dest=joecool | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=joecool | Rated since: Thu Apr 28 14:23:15 2011
925760;1416177913;asciilifeform;(especially entertaining in light of the 'strings' bug)
925761;1416178226;joecool;!s strings
925762;1416178227;assbot;517 results for 'strings' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=strings
925763;1416178269;asciilifeform;joecool: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-10-2014#897906 (and below)
925764;1416178269;assbot;Logged on 27-10-2014 00:39:54; asciilifeform: http://lcamtuf.blogspot.com/2014/10/psa-dont-run-strings-on-untrusted-files.html
925765;1416178278;joecool;yeah i see it
925766;1416178727;decimation;asciilifeform: much more lulzy in that cryptolog is the section on 'TQM'
925767;1416178786;decimation;"NSA  as an institution, however has become a TQM believer, born again in the gospel of Deming"
925768;1416178794;decimation;!s deming
925769;1416178795;assbot;0 results for 'deming' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=deming
925770;1416178807;asciilifeform;deming is reasonably famous
925771;1416178823;decimation;deming et. al. were kind of cult 'self-help' experts for managers
925773;1416178964;decimation;this book goes into some detail on the history of the supposed 'efficiency experts' like deming http://books.google.com/books?id=t1IOQWG3hckC
925774;1416179024;asciilifeform;have not read this, but it appears to 'drink the koolaid'
925775;1416179024;asciilifeform;and so, of limited interest
925776;1416179024;decimation;his theory (which is somewhat convoluted) is that us business was ruined in the post-wwII boom because traditional management (in the line-and-staff model) were being replaced by 'staff' instead of competent 'line'
925777;1416179137;decimation;really, it traces the general breakdown of social heirarchy expounded in the logs
925778;1416179199;decimation;in fact, there's a parallel between the 'cisc' vs. 'risc' efficiency argument you make (efficient at what?) and the demingites (we make your people more efficient - details unimportant!)
925779;1416179317;asciilifeform;well, the real boojum (as described, for example, by mircea_popescu) is that the optimization folks did not put the task as 'build $widget using less steel, rubber, hours of slave' but 'build $widget more bezzleprofitably' which usually leads to 'build $widget-prime and try to pass off to chumpers as genuine $widget'
925780;1416179326;asciilifeform;$widget-prime is normally some debased/inferior version
925781;1416179329;asciilifeform;!s zamac
925782;1416179330;assbot;12 results for 'zamac' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=zamac
925784;1416179419;asciilifeform;just about everyone (except the usual suspects) can 'agree to have' the folks cranking out debased fiat currencies, but they are not the only (and possibly not even the most interesting) 'counterfeiters'
925785;1416179426;asciilifeform;*agree to hate
925786;1416179455;asciilifeform;one example, randomly pulled out of a hat, is 'solid state hard disk'
925787;1416179473;asciilifeform;where increased densities are presently being achieved in a way which guarantees a speedier death through ion migration
925788;1416179496;asciilifeform;but i (or anyone else here) could sit for a week, coughing up examples of this, and not come close to running out
925789;1416179566;asciilifeform;!s shrinkflation
925790;1416179567;assbot;4 results for 'shrinkflation' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=shrinkflation
925791;1416179581;jurov;you're supposed to throw everything out after x months, didn't you get the memo?
925792;1416179588;asciilifeform;x minutes
925793;1416179590;asciilifeform;per latest memo!
925794;1416180736;undata;how much more "prepared for total war" can ukraine get?
925795;1416180755;undata;this ww3 cocktease is getting old
925796;1416180759;decimation;asciilifeform: yeah, ssd's are a good example.  and note that nearly all manufacturers neglect to make clear how they are driving their flash and what kind fo flash it is
925797;1416181229;cazalla;i guess ddos is back :\
925798;1416181346;kakobrekla;down for 2h 18m
925799;1416182506;xanthyos;;;rate thomas_d 2 really good at poker and gpg contract signing for a new guy.
925800;1416182508;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating for user thomas_d has changed from 1 to 2.
925801;1416182560;gabriel_laddel;;; later tell mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-11-2014#907114 Thank you.
925802;1416182560;assbot;Logged on 02-11-2014 21:05:38; mircea_popescu: gabriel_laddel: heh <<< i like the guy's specifications skills tho.
925803;1416182560;gribble;The operation succeeded.
925804;1416182633;jurov;coinbr is getting 30k pingbacks/minute
925805;1416182655;kakobrekla;those are easy to block
925806;1416182707;thestringpuller;coinbr isn't wordpress how is it getting pingback?
925807;1416182734;jurov; - - [16/Nov/2014:22:08:27 +0000] "GET /login HTTP/1.1" 444 0 "-" "WordPress/3.9.2; http://andybarrforcongress.com; verifying pingback from" ""
925808;1416182794;jurov;^ like this
925810;1416184087;ben_vulpes;xanthyos: d'you plan to endeedify that that contract?
925812;1416184259;ben_vulpes;suspiciously simple.
925813;1416184275;kakobrekla;your favorite news outlet is up
925814;1416184484;xanthyos;ben_vulpes: i just googled "endeedify" adn the only 2 results were from assets log.  i plan no endeedification for a .001 poker tournament
925815;1416184526;kakobrekla;i also get http://www.wordreference.com/ende/edify
925816;1416184527;assbot;edify - Wörterbuch Englisch-Deutsch - WordReference.com
925817;1416184570;ben_vulpes;xanthyos: it's really easy, just
925819;1416184578;punkbot;ben_vulpes: Error: ') -- Changes your GPG registered key to .  is a 16 digit key id, with or without the '0x' prefix. We look on servers listed in 'plugins.GPG.keyservers' config. You will be given a link to a page which contains a one time password encrypted with your key. Decrypt, and use the 'everify' command with it. You must be authenticated in order to use this (1 more message)
925851;1416185317;kakobrekla;someone actually uses 'keybase' ?!?! < no surprise there
925852;1416185333;*;BingoBoingo wouldn't mind having Clipper Ship
925853;1416185351;xanthyos;i don't use keybase but my key was generated there
925854;1416185359;assbot;Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/1EN4S8J.txt )
925855;1416185359;kakobrekla;!b 1
925856;1416185374;Apocalyptic;why on earth would you generate a key outside of your system ?
925857;1416185382;kakobrekla;to get in the bash ez
925858;1416185387;assbot;Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/3RTE8DH.txt )
925859;1416185387;kakobrekla;!b 2
925861;1416185439;thestringpuller;that's depressing
925864;1416185760;gernika;BingoBoingo I think Yasha Levine is male.
925867;1416185785;xanthyos;it's all i was taught
925868;1416185788;xanthyos;again, blame dpb
925869;1416185795;asciilifeform;dimunitive of 'jacob'
925870;1416185805;xanthyos;i'm trying to generate a key now
925871;1416185812;xanthyos;on a slow machine
925872;1416185857;nubbins`;http://imgur.com/lpIrYSr <<< i'd raid that fucking thing for parts.
925873;1416185858;assbot;                        'Grass' Model 79 D - Imgur
925874;1416185864;nubbins`;DEM RECTANGULAR KNOBS
925875;1416185871;asciilifeform;nubbins`: they were superbly made.
925876;1416185885;BingoBoingo;gernika: Updated it to use the first name.
925877;1416185897;nubbins`;it was sound amplification that introduced me to the joy of a well-made knob
925878;1416185907;ben_vulpes;are rectangular knobs cool?
925879;1416185914;ben_vulpes;to me they scream "i can't make stuff"
925880;1416185916;asciilifeform;nubbins`: knobs << yet another reason to own a lathe.
925881;1416185919;nubbins`;ben_vulpes they're shaped like nintendo wii, what do you think
925882;1416185942;nubbins`;asciilifeform what, making body jewelry for the kids isn't lucrative enough?
925883;1416185986;asciilifeform;http://imgur.com/ZWfLNJM << from same shop
925884;1416185986;assbot;                        lathe - Imgur
925885;1416185989;ben_vulpes;it seems like the rectangular knobs are used for discrete settings and the round ones for continuous settings?
925886;1416186014;ben_vulpes;now that's a lathe
925887;1416186022;nubbins`;what a beast
925888;1416186023;asciilifeform;there was an even bigger one there
925889;1416186040;*;asciilifeform didn't buy either. can't transport, can't supply 3phase
925890;1416186049;nubbins`;ben_vulpes i think the round ones look indexed as well
925891;1416186053;thestringpuller;what does the turd lathe look like?
925892;1416186060;ben_vulpes;they do don't they, nubbins`
925893;1416186070;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: turd lathe << ask jurov
925894;1416186072;nubbins`;coulda just put the dots there for a laff, i guess
925895;1416186084;*;ben_vulpes backs away slowly
925896;1416186102;ben_vulpes;clearly cohesion in operator interface was not a design goal for this machine.
925897;1416186105;xanthyos;shit just overwrote something important i can't undo
925898;1416186122;assbot;Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/277RYPR.txt )
925899;1416186122;ben_vulpes;!b 1
925900;1416186137;asciilifeform;the round knobs turned smoothly.
925903;1416186144;nubbins`;are those DIN connectors for the inputs?
925904;1416186147;ben_vulpes;dots for laffs
925905;1416186155;xanthyos;made it like it was a huge issue to change my key now and i'm not up for it
925906;1416186167;asciilifeform;iirc din, yes
925907;1416186194;nubbins`;<+ben_vulpes> dots for laffs <<< wouldn't be the first time
925908;1416186227;nubbins`;speaking of DIN, i've got this tiny korg synthesizer, with all-analog voice circuitry
925909;1416186235;nubbins`;it's got a tiny chip inside to control a sequencer
925910;1416186250;nubbins`;has MIDI functionality built in, the only thing they didn't do was wire up a DIN port.
925911;1416186253;ben_vulpes;xanthyos: you should back your .gnupg dir up before doing *anything* to it.
925912;1416186269;ben_vulpes;maybe not adding others' keys to your keyring but...pretty much anything else until you're comfortable with the process.
925913;1416186321;nubbins`;incidentally, korg released the schematics for the synth as well as a couple others
925914;1416186335;xanthyos;i haven't lost data
925915;1416186340;xanthyos;just the convenient way i had it organized
925916;1416186369;jurov;;;google turd lathe
925917;1416186370;gribble;Bird Turd Jesus: Ohio Man Jim Lawry Says Dropping On His ...: ; Alex Wetmore is always busy with something… » Cargo Turd: ; Help me design my CNC lathe - CNC Zone: 
925918;1416186386;xanthyos;everything is backed up that needs to be backed up, except for the specific way i like things presented to me in directories
925920;1416186436;nubbins`;^ for music/hardware mod buffs
925921;1416186437;ben_vulpes;muff wiggler eh
925922;1416186507;nubbins`;like 1/4 of the way through the thread people are posting pics of their diy "mod chips" ;D
925923;1416186546;nubbins`;but seriously, korg helpfully labelled all the interesting mod points on ths board
925925;1416186549;nubbins`;watta company
925926;1416187398;nubbins`;thestringpuller looks like your pkg is in ny
925928;1416187958;thestringpuller;took that long to cross the border?
925930;1416188252;nubbins`;anyway canada post says tomorrow, but i don't think a package is gonna get from a sort facility in nyc to your door in a day
925931;1416188262;nubbins`;o hi
925932;1416188272;nubbins`;duod yuor website is borken
925933;1416188317;mircea_popescu;it's not broken for me!11
925935;1416188333;nubbins`;"my roof isn't on fire here in the basement!
925936;1416188347;mircea_popescu;i guess we get to know what solipsism really is. turns out mp really doesn't give a  shit as long as he himself can see his website.
925937;1416188358;nubbins`;the solipsistic soliloquist
925938;1416188367;mircea_popescu;if you wanna pm me an ip i can whitelist it.
925939;1416188371;nubbins`;a polimedia venture
925940;1416188414;nubbins`;guess i'll see what sort of lease i get on these things
925941;1416188541;mircea_popescu;nubbins` i guess the tarpitting may be too aggrssive at the edges or w/e. anyway. anyone else want whitelisted lemme know.
925942;1416188598;mircea_popescu;decimation: "NSA as an institution, however has become a TQM believer, born again in the gospel of Deming" <<< im not even sure anyone groks the botomless pit of lulz this otherwise truthful statement contains.
925943;1416188605;mircea_popescu;where is your lizzard hitler nao, asciilifeform  ?
925944;1416188715;BingoBoingo;Probably sunning himself on some rocks, like lizard hitler does
925945;1416188729;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: 'build $widget-prime and try to pass off to chumpers as genuine $widget' <<< what else is the 80/20 software engineering approach than "build 80% of a functional program out of 20% of the budget and then try to pretend like we're selling it for "half price" ?
925946;1416188742;mircea_popescu;meanwhile after 20 iterations of this, one every year and a half,
925947;1416188746;mircea_popescu;;;calc .8 ** 20
925949;1416188752;mircea_popescu;o look! one percent!
925950;1416188809;mircea_popescu;and you know what the best part of it is ? meanwhile inflation...
925951;1416188814;mircea_popescu;;;calc .2 ** 20
925953;1416188825;mircea_popescu;ahem. i mean.
925954;1416188827;mircea_popescu;;;calc .5 ** 20
925956;1416188847;mircea_popescu;o look! we can print 10 million dollars to the dollar and inflation is pretty much even! because reasons!
925957;1416188852;mircea_popescu;meanwhile corporate profits...
925958;1416188862;mircea_popescu;;;calc  .5 ** 20 /  .2 ** 20
925960;1416188874;mircea_popescu;whoa look at the corporate profits!11 wall street is best street!
925961;1416188975;mircea_popescu;and so today you can buy an icecream cone like you could in the 80s, except : that it is "the same icecream" that's 1% icecream, that you buy it for "the same dollars" that have been inflated 10mn to one and that all this allowed imaginary profits nobody can spent to be safely stored where such things are usually stored : fort knox, the social security, people's pensions...
925962;1416189048;nubbins`;pensions are so 20th century
925964;1416189072;nubbins`;i expect to see them vanish as a concern in my lifetime
925965;1416189088;mircea_popescu;well they're only hanging by the thread of pretense as it is.
925966;1416189097;nubbins`;not even that, in many cases
925967;1416189101;mircea_popescu;like those slumlord fire hidrants, they're red and they're safelt there
925968;1416189104;mircea_popescu;for as long as no fires.
925969;1416189109;nubbins`;there have been several "take half your pension or take none of it
925970;1416189118;nubbins`;" type situations in these parts, the past couple years
925971;1416189123;mircea_popescu;orly ?
925972;1416189125;mircea_popescu;links ?
925973;1416189137;nubbins`;maybe still winding thru arbitration. i'll dig
925974;1416189334;nubbins`;ok this was actually a couple years ago
925976;1416189395;nubbins`;govt coffers in a bad way as well: http://themuse.ca/2014/04/02/debt-and-unfunded-pension-liabilities-threaten-provinces-finances/
925977;1416189455;nubbins`;and federally: http://www.cfib-fcei.ca/english/article/4034-canada-s-hidden-unfunded-public-sector-pension-liabilities.html
925980;1416189515;mircea_popescu;i didn't know it actually got THIS bad.
925981;1416189515;nubbins`;same outlook as social insurance (social security for yanqis), but from a different angle
925982;1416189515;nubbins`;"well if my old-age pension won't be there, at least i'll have my... uh.."
925983;1416189515;mircea_popescu;reddit account.
925984;1416189515;mircea_popescu;full of reddit gld.
925986;1416189584;nubbins`;at least we've got our natural resourc...OH FUCK
925987;1416189736;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: where is your announcement that happened in nov - dec 2012 saying you were selling more shares of MPOE on MPEx?
925988;1416189751;thestringpuller;it was slightly before the "MPOE is likely monetizing itself" article
925989;1416189767;nubbins`;"Provincial budgeting has been off by an average of $800 million a year over the past seven years, largely due to inaccurate oil projections."
925990;1416189769;mircea_popescu;just read the mpex category neh ?
925991;1416189801;thestringpuller;i will when butthurt ddoser decides to stop ruining the nice things for us
925992;1416189802;nubbins`;he's outta credits
925993;1416189821;nubbins`;incidentally, my trilema cookie was the one thing i didn't save when i wiped this machine
925994;1416189875;thestringpuller;i backed my trilema cookie up via gpg on a bunch of sites like dropbox
925995;1416189890;thestringpuller;since I lost it twice in 2012
925996;1416190131;asciilifeform;pension << 'the last bullet health'n'life-insurance-and-pension co.'
925997;1416190165;asciilifeform;lizard hitler << at 'meta-nsa' naturally, where else
925998;1416190247;asciilifeform;(for folks who want a more 'upbeat' figure as an example for a leaf of living matter inside bureaucratic garbage compactor - try korolev.)
925999;1416190314;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: incidentally, how does korolev fit in your analysis of 'how much would satan have to pay to be loved' ?
926000;1416190350;asciilifeform;or lev theremin, for that matter
926001;1416190351;mircea_popescu;i thought it was "evil governmen t" not stan ?
926003;1416190375;asciilifeform;fact is, we have numerous historic examples of folks who did first-class creative work while prisoners.
926004;1416190380;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller try nao ?
926005;1416190443;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform myeah. it doesn't fit.
926006;1416190485;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: so it would follow that usg has a model recipe to follow.
926007;1416190506;asciilifeform;all it has to do is 'supply the chicken'
926008;1416190522;mircea_popescu;yes. the man who wants to make woman cheese has a recipe to follow : https://shanachan.org/fetish/res/11776.html
926009;1416190582;mircea_popescu;whether this is workable or not is in the end their problem.
926010;1416190583;assbot;Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/1A3XPYF.txt )
926011;1416190583;asciilifeform;!b 2
926012;1416190583;xanthyos;woah wtf
926013;1416190597;thestringpuller;oh boy stuff is loading!
926014;1416190690;mircea_popescu;in the end the whole discussion neatly reduces to whether men are more like cows or more like mice.
926015;1416190785;mircea_popescu;xanthyos if you ever want to get a militant feminist rabid, tell her to stop bitching about dairy farm conditions, it's just patriarchy's dry run for her and her kind.
926016;1416190790;mircea_popescu;that usually keeps them for a good half hour.
926017;1416190901;hanbot;mircea_popescu: hanbot mail the man would you. << so emailed.
926019;1416191200;decimation;https://www.nsa.gov/public_info/_files/cryptologic_quarterly/the_parable_of_the_tail_with_no_teeth.pdf << another amusing gem
926020;1416191369;decimation;asciilifeform: "supply chicken" << I get the general impression that the 'chicken' volunteers
926021;1416191381;decimation;I'm not really sure usg even knows how to 'supply'
926022;1416191425;decimation;as a gradually larger portion of the 'sane class' in the us begins to perceive usg as more of an enemy than a friend, I suspect the quality of 'chicken' will degrade further.
926023;1416191483;xanthyos;mircea_popescu: it's a shame you're not on twitter anymore with that content
926024;1416191516;mircea_popescu;decimation it is usually how it works in practice.
926025;1416191524;mircea_popescu;mind that the fact that it so works in practice is no actual proof.
926026;1416191536;mircea_popescu;for all we know, it is *possible* it dun happen this time. wink wink.
926028;1416191657;assbot;Video shows two men's confrontation with NSA recruiter at UNM | KOB.com
926029;1416191657;decimation;I suspect that pre-snowden, this kind of thing rarely happened
926030;1416191852;asciilifeform;decimation: lol!!
926031;1416191889;asciilifeform;where is my nsa beating!?
926032;1416191921;decimation;another lol http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/01/17/how-the-nsa-recruits-in-a-post-snowden-world.html << "“We need to recruit from Snowden’s generation,” admitted former CIA and NSA director Michael Hayden last July. “The challenge is how to recruit this talent while also protecting ourselves from the small fraction of the population that has this romantic attachment to absolute transparency at all costs.”"
926033;1416191922;assbot;How the NSA Recruits in a Post-Snowden World - The Daily Beast
926034;1416191950;*;asciilifeform watched, disappointed, no beating
926035;1416191954;undata;tut tut, hapless romantics
926036;1416191960;decimation;yeah the actual video is pretty lame
926037;1416191981;decimation;annoy the shit out of some gov't clerk, he lashes out, news at 11
926038;1416191988;asciilifeform;'why did you choose to come and heckle a government agency, which is honestly trying to recruit?!'
926039;1416192022;decimation;asciilifeform: can you imagine a similar conversation at a soviet university at the kgb recruiting desk?
926040;1416192034;asciilifeform;decimation: can you picture a kgb recruiting desk?
926041;1416192043;asciilifeform;decimation: this is not how things worked.
926042;1416192052;decimation;exactly.  Thus, the quality of chicken
926043;1416192072;mircea_popescu;"from the small fraction of the population that has this romantic attachment to absolute transparency at all costs." < < the sweetest sugar of etatism,
926044;1416192085;decimation;mircea_popescu: he doesn't even realize either
926045;1416192087;mircea_popescu;"that people who hate us, in principle, exactly for what we are, are a REALLY small fraction"
926046;1416192100;mircea_popescu;well, fatlogic.
926047;1416192125;asciilifeform;magic combo of hate + ability + balls, note. small fraction.
926049;1416192141;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform not what the man said.
926050;1416192142;undata;grrr... bad paste
926051;1416192145;decimation;although to be fair, I'm sure in his world as long as he has some poll that implies that 50% of usian support whatever he is planning to do, he would consider it 'legitimate'
926052;1416192180;undata;"Potter says he is still deciding if he will press charges for assault." << this is weak
926053;1416192184;asciilifeform;usg is an 'oderint, dum metuant' kinda thing.
926054;1416192186;mircea_popescu;decimation indeed, up until that point where i make a poll where 200mn vote for him to surgically attach a cow vagina on his forehead
926055;1416192194;mircea_popescu;sudenly the entire polling thing won't be as legitimate.
926056;1416192255;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform that's nonsense. nobody fears it.
926057;1416192273;mircea_popescu;and nobody hates it, either. the usg is widely despised, and in some quarters reviled.
926058;1416192303;decimation;http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/government-elections-politics/united-states-of-secrets/transcript-61/ << hayden 'in the moment' << "And Michael Hayden goes home after briefing the president and the vice president about his ideas for expanding surveillance and takes a walk with his wife. ... "And when it gets public, it’s going to be very controversial. And the people doing it are going to be swept into this thing.” And
926059;1416192304;assbot;Transcript | United States of Secrets | FRONTLINE | PBS
926060;1416192304;decimation;she said, “Uh-huh. Is it the right thing to do?” “Yeah, I think so.” She said, “OK, we’ll deal with that when it comes.”"
926061;1416192356;mircea_popescu;what'd you want the woman to say.
926062;1416192398;decimation;I guess my point is, if you are looking for 'lizard hitler', here he is - a couple of high level derps decide they can 'get away with X' and convince themselves that 'it's the right thing'
926063;1416192445;mircea_popescu;this is not what would fill that costume.
926064;1416192466;mircea_popescu;in that it's neither a lizard nor hitler.
926066;1416192565;assbot;Logged on 15-11-2014 00:54:02; assbot: Logged on 14-11-2014 22:24:42; asciilifeform: (for n00bs only: who is 'lizard hitler' ? a character approximately as real as magnetic field lines were to michael faraday. don't look for magnetic field lines, they aren't there. physically. or as far as we can tell, anyway.)
926067;1416192609;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: so anyone know this Khalahan Henkh fellow ? << anyone respond to this?
926069;1416192633;thestringpuller;i think i can get an inquiry with him
926070;1416192641;mircea_popescu;that's ok.
926071;1416192661;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ok, but they still have to be... you know, NOT wet pasta.
926072;1416192663;asciilifeform;tenure revokes itself, car bombs plant themselves, nailguns - fire themselves, of course. and single-engine airplanes go down regularly for no particular reason.
926073;1416192667;thestringpuller;ah. what did you want with the namecoin guy?
926074;1416192695;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller i wanted to see if anyone knows him. "can get an inquiry with" is the opposite of that.
926075;1416192723;thestringpuller;he's in wot you kno?
926076;1416192731;decimation;asciilifeform: if 'lizard hitler' is a physical entity, he's probably not working for usg
926077;1416192734;thestringpuller;;;gettrust khal
926078;1416192734;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user thestringpuller to user khal: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=thestringpuller&dest=khal | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=khal | Rated since: Tue May 10 13:27:55 2011
926079;1416192735;decimation;at least not as an employee
926081;1416192802;mircea_popescu;decimation it'd be the big bad, by definition. it only exists conceptually to accomodate asciilifeform's rampant pareidolia :D
926082;1416192822;asciilifeform;at any rate, physical 'hitlers' are not a necessary hypothesis. ussr was perfectly capable of plugging a poor sod on a london bridge with poison umbrella, without competent leadership
926083;1416192844;asciilifeform;empire can commit any kind of elaborate crimes without leader. only thing it can't do without leader is - survive in long term
926084;1416192847;asciilifeform;but that's a separate puzzle
926085;1416192878;decimation;asciilifeform: the best explanation for that kind of thing would be some low-level derp with a hard-on for a particular agenda, who initiates - and the rest of the bureaucracy 'leads from behind'
926086;1416192880;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you could say teh plugging with ricin episode was the result of competent kgb leadership neh ?
926087;1416192893;decimation;or the polonium?
926088;1416192894;mircea_popescu;o hey, beat at it again...
926089;1416192925;asciilifeform;competent leadership in one particular lab - yes
926090;1416192928;mircea_popescu;xanthyos what's tinychat ?
926091;1416192981;mircea_popescu;jurov: coinbr is getting 30k pingbacks/minute << did it do anything ?
926092;1416193086;mircea_popescu;xanthyos: i don't use keybase but my key was generated there <<< "your".
926093;1416193232;decimation;at any rate nailguns, cars, polonium, ricin, these smack of a weak sovereign, not a strong one.  who asked anyone in the 'chinese government' before they did something in Shanghai circa 1920?
926094;1416193282;mircea_popescu;;;google "can nobody rid me of this insolent priest"
926095;1416193283;gribble;Will No One Rid Me Of This Modified Noun-Phrase? | Josh Millard ...: ; Pageant Post Cards: ; Our Anglican Roots: St. Thomas Becket - Free Republic: 
926096;1416193305;decimation;'becket' was actually a decent movie
926097;1416193310;asciilifeform;public wetwork, chattering newspapers - weak king; private discreet beheading now and again - strong.
926098;1416193314;mircea_popescu;it's a much better play.
926099;1416193372;decimation;mircea_popescu: which play, the private beheading?
926100;1416193384;mircea_popescu;it's a joke i was hoping to get in the bash.
926101;1416193387;mircea_popescu;cause samuel, see.
926102;1416193408;asciilifeform;this is much like judging restaurant quality by inverse of count of mousetraps.
926103;1416193415;asciilifeform;at best, a one-way measure
926104;1416193446;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform more like, judging dentist by inverse count of loud screams on the premises ; plastic surgeon by inverse count of lawsuits.
926105;1416193457;mircea_popescu;knew a chick that did both, she had superb tits and splendid teeth.
926106;1416193498;asciilifeform;or let's try a degenerate case - hassan i sabbah
926107;1416193517;asciilifeform;governed entirely by dagger-in-the-night
926108;1416193523;asciilifeform;worked well enough.
926109;1416193602;asciilifeform;every little boy wants to be an intelligence chief; but every intelligence chief - wants to be hassan.
926110;1416193665;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i think you may be conflating things. guy a) lived on a mountain ; b) among an ethnically opressed majority that he supported ; c) against a technologically advanced foreign power.
926111;1416193668;mircea_popescu;the rest's just icing, much like saying "robin hood governed Sherwood County by arrow."
926112;1416193670;mircea_popescu;first off, sherwood was a ... wood.
926113;1416193677;asciilifeform;^ yes
926114;1416193697;xanthyos;mircea_popescu: tinychat is a badly coded insecure site where degenerates go on webcam to be codependent alcoholics and prey on underage girls
926115;1416193745;mircea_popescu;so basically social media
926116;1416193747;xanthyos;if you didn't want to play chess against birdman with that gui i doubt you'd want to load tinychat
926118;1416193917;asciilifeform;that film of the recruiter monkey parroting nsa verbiage was memorably pathetic
926119;1416193957;asciilifeform;what must it be like to be, literally, employed as human tape deck ?
926120;1416194024;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ask diana what's her name, the sec senior counsel chick.
926121;1416194042;mircea_popescu;heck, ask obama.
926122;1416194046;decimation;asciilifeform: all powers to say things are reserved to the top tier of usg
926123;1416194058;decimation;obama has to ask valarie jarret
926125;1416194111;mircea_popescu;decimation admire this funny : early frankish kings were physically weak in a world that had but contempt for weaklings. they saw a way out in hiring bodyguards, which was convenient. for charlemagne.
926126;1416194149;mircea_popescu;early us kings were intellectually weak, in  world that had but contempt for weaklings. they saw a way out in hiring "pr", people to protect them from the deep waters of speech and thought.
926127;1416194154;mircea_popescu;which was convenient. for...
926128;1416194160;assbot;Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/31ZFBVT.txt )
926129;1416194160;asciilifeform;!b 3
926130;1416194187;decimation;hehe yeah
926131;1416194196;decimation;we await our caesar
926132;1416194257;decimation;http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/11/fire-valerie-jarrett-112659.html << " If her role in this administration reflected reality, Jarrett would be called “First Big Sister” to both Michelle and Barack. "
926133;1416194258;assbot;Fire Valerie Jarrett - Carol Felsenthal  - POLITICO Magazine
926134;1416194287;decimation;I'm pretty sure obama just signs what he is told to sign and reads what he is told to read off the appropriate prompter
926136;1416194334;assbot;Logged on 24-10-2014 04:44:03; asciilifeform: 'At the 1980 Olympics, Brezhnev begins his speech. "O!"applause. "O!"an ovation. "O!!!"the whole audience stands up and applauds. An aide comes running to the podium and whispers, "Leonid Ilyich, those are the Olympic logo rings, you don't need to read all of them!"'
926138;1416194390;assbot;Bill Ayers 'confesses' to writing Obama's memoir. He didn't, but his tease tells us a lot about America – Telegraph Blogs
926139;1416194458;decimation;the lady doth protest too much
926140;1416194462;asciilifeform;i once saw this man alive.
926141;1416194471;asciilifeform;was more or less exactly as i imagined.
926142;1416194471;decimation;who Ayers?
926144;1416194481;decimation;crazy hippie bomber?
926146;1416194502;asciilifeform;'resistance through culture' as described in mircea_popescu's articles
926147;1416194557;decimation;yeah Obama is pretty much the peak achievement of that 'movement', I don't see much more upside for them
926148;1416194568;*;mircea_popescu is confused.
926149;1416194638;decimation;mircea_popescu: perhaps I'm wrong, but in the us there is a context of the 'hippie boomer' generation who are all 'retiring' now
926151;1416194680;decimation;obama is their wet dream, in the sense that they have finally overturned (superficiality) "the man's" institutions
926152;1416194687;asciilifeform;actually they all entered 'public life' long ago, as the most loathesomely loyal cocksuckers imaginable.
926153;1416194724;decimation;in 'public life', they were immediately schooled by fdr's sycophants who were exiting power at the time
926154;1416194848;decimation;this is one reason why usg is still fdr's usg (that and the fact that they and their friends razed the world in wwii)
926155;1416194905;thestringpuller;fdr's usg, but a lot more bankrupt.
926156;1416194908;mircea_popescu;well, not this, that.
926157;1416194940;asciilifeform;decimation: in wwii << after invention of nuke, they realized that much as they would love to repeat the performance again and again as necessary, might put their own arses in peril. so - settled for a slow and continuous version of this.
926158;1416194981;mircea_popescu;decimation let's be fair here : you're a freshman, there's 12 kids in senior year. eleven strip naked, pour gasoline over each other and set themselves ablaze. the 12th puts them out by running into them backwards then continues to run backwards into things for a week or so, until he's finally comatose and just spazzes quietly on the ground.
926159;1416194994;mircea_popescu;if those are your two choices, who do you vote most likely to succeed ?
926160;1416195047;decimation;good point
926161;1416195078;mircea_popescu;by practical standards, the us did really well in the 20th century.
926162;1416195103;decimation;sure, in terms of trade, production, etc
926163;1416195165;mircea_popescu;even in terms of... not... pouring gasoline on own head and lighting it. twice.
926164;1416195942;decimation;https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2014/11/msg00133.html << lol, this kind of bellyaching over.. systemd?
926165;1416196349;thestringpuller;doesn't surprise me after discussions here...
926166;1416196361;decimation;"Everyone is conservative about what he knows best. " << Conquest's first law of politics
926167;1416196671;mircea_popescu;decimation one of the most interesting aspects of systemd is the irrationality of the proponents. it's almost as if you're discussing theology with the flat earth society or geophysics with the global warming cult of washington dc.
926168;1416196696;mircea_popescu;technologically it's about as notable as windows notepad, but sociologically... wow, ze goldmine.
926169;1416196765;mircea_popescu;"Today, now, before the results are announced, we have an opportunity to extend compassion and empathy and remind ourselves of the spirit in which we'd like to work together." << lmao fuck that.
926170;1416196782;mircea_popescu;who wants to work in an environment of "compassion" ? what are these people, retards ?
926171;1416196804;decimation;yeah, if anything this is a loud bell ringing to anyone 'sane': "these people are crazy, now's the time to exit!"
926172;1416196813;mircea_popescu;"I'm hoping that we can all take a few minutes to gain empathy for those who disagree with us." <<  derping about "empathy" -> straight to the uranium mines.
926173;1416196834;mircea_popescu;"Then I'm hoping we can use that understanding to
926174;1416196835;mircea_popescu;reassure them that they are valued and respected and their concerns
926175;1416196835;mircea_popescu;considered even when we end up strongly disagreeing with them or valuing
926176;1416196835;mircea_popescu;different things."
926177;1416196841;mircea_popescu;i mewan look at that hollow, empty bullshit.
926178;1416196852;mircea_popescu;"oh, so you want to wear pants ? fuck you, you're wearing a skirt.
926179;1416196859;mircea_popescu;aaaaaaaaaaaaand, you're valued and respected. bitch."
926180;1416196889;mircea_popescu;this is the ultimate theft, these people are trying to introduce into the world. they wish to steal not merely the farmer's cow,
926181;1416196897;mircea_popescu;but to also steal the farmer's "having being stolen from"
926182;1416196913;mircea_popescu;to steal a concept, what a riotous approach.
926183;1416196933;decimation;I don't think any future historian will fail to notice the parallels between this and usg's way of doing business
926184;1416196977;mircea_popescu;who is this fuckface ayway ?
926185;1416197015;mircea_popescu;the kerberos guy ? uh.
926186;1416197093;mircea_popescu;i dunno if i'm the only one privy to the history of that protocol ?
926187;1416197105;mircea_popescu;perhaps an instructive case study as to how usg protocol confiscation works in the field.
926188;1416197192;decimation;I think kerberos came from mit right?
926189;1416197203;decimation;sam hartman is some developer I guess, but somehow has 'influence'
926190;1416197257;mircea_popescu;decimation kerberos was developed by mit in the 80s. a gutted export version was created. as the usg was going to (again) change its export restriction in 2000,
926191;1416197267;mircea_popescu;the gutted thing was reimplemented by some nordic country university
926192;1416197287;mircea_popescu;then a few years later windows migrated to "kerberos" as its primary security protocol
926193;1416197288;decimation;it's still a nightmare to deploy to this day, for sure
926194;1416197295;decimation;indeed it did
926195;1416197309;mircea_popescu;sam hartman is a 30something nobody, roughly speaking a debian gmaxwell
926196;1416197313;mircea_popescu;except he's not fat, he's blind.
926197;1416197335;decimation;in fact one of the supposed prime 'benefits' of redhat enterprise is that it can 'hook up to' a windows active directory server which acts as an ldap/krb ticket server
926199;1416197387;mircea_popescu;im completely unclear as to why the fuck usg wants the "one computer system" so badly anyway.
926200;1416197399;thestringpuller;;;isup qntra.net
926201;1416197400;gribble;qntra.net is down
926202;1416197421;thestringpuller;;;isup trilema.com
926203;1416197422;gribble;trilema.com is down
926204;1416197452;decimation;mircea_popescu: the simplest answer is probably because usg is full of hartmans and gmaxwells
926205;1416197495;thestringpuller;decimation: what about jgarzik's?
926206;1416197521;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller myeah. bbs.
926207;1416197723;decimation;well, considering usg employs 4 million people, I suspect there is at least one of each http://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/data-analysis-documentation/federal-employment-reports/historical-tables/total-government-employment-since-1962/
926208;1416197768;mircea_popescu;fuckign to-feeling arguments in THE MOTHERFUCKING DEBIAN LISTS.
926209;1416197783;mircea_popescu;there's nothing to save here. just burn the entire stack where it stands an' that's that.
926210;1416197822;joecool;apt-get purge feelings
926211;1416197868;mircea_popescu;no but srsly, that letter is an exact summary of everything that's wrong with the english language space.
926212;1416197892;mircea_popescu;There isn't a right answer.  As Russ has explained a number of times in the TC, on debian-vote and on his blog, this is about tradeoffs.  I'm sure some people will be happy if the project's values are aligned with theirs.  When they take that as far  as saying the project made the "right decision" or rejected "bad options," they are not valuing the contributions of those who disagreed  with them.
926213;1416197900;mircea_popescu;i mean check it out. "there's no wrong thing" now.
926214;1416197913;mircea_popescu;the point of discussion is not to discover the wrong alternatives, or the right alternatives.
926215;1416197919;mircea_popescu;the point of discussion is to suck each other off
926216;1416197939;mircea_popescu;and then driveby's have the unmitigated audacity to discuss #b-a cult-ness. how do you like that!
926217;1416197969;mircea_popescu;five fucking centuries of european intellectual heritate, which is the exactly ONLY reason the US even exists in the first place, down the drain. "We wanna be africans now. Hold hands."
926218;1416197991;mircea_popescu;let's fucking "value each other's" banana peels and sing koombaya.
926219;1416198021;*;mats_cd03 sings softly
926220;1416198090;*;thestringpuller joins in singing
926221;1416198105;mircea_popescu;anyway, seems to me clear teh usg-debian believes it got the votes
926222;1416198115;mircea_popescu;someone should make a bitbet about it, i'd throw a few cents.
926223;1416198120;asciilifeform;insult to perfectly adequate monkeys, who fight and occasionally settle matters in their monkey bands
926224;1416198141;mats_cd03;!up Vexual
926225;1416198159;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yeah well, at some point im gotta have to insult some unfortunate bystanding trashbag or something, or else collapse into A = A circularity.
926226;1416198163;mats_cd03;poor guy. cut outta the fold after bein' a regular for... what was it, a year plus?
926227;1416198165;mircea_popescu;"boy that sam h sounds just like a sam h"
926229;1416198176;mats_cd03;gotta loosen up on the mad ravings my good man
926230;1416198242;asciilifeform;debian compassion << cthonian horrors of the eldritch depths.
926231;1416198259;thestringpuller;sometimes the ravings of a madman is wisdom, other times just noise.
926232;1416198292;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform have you ever seen something this idiotic ?
926233;1416198301;decimation;it is a neat little experiment in 'infinite democracy'
926234;1416198303;mircea_popescu;i mean, the "other speeds more important to us" thing is nowhere near.
926235;1416198308;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: only mr. spam comes close
926236;1416198322;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: actually this connects to the thread from earlier today re: patterns of speech.
926237;1416198445;thestringpuller;;;seen cazalla
926238;1416198445;gribble;cazalla was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 4 hours, 46 minutes, and 55 seconds ago:  i guess ddos is back :\
926239;1416198523;asciilifeform;kerberos << among the many deliberately complex edifices of the u.s. department of wintel.
926240;1416198534;asciilifeform;a 'mouse farm' (in the sense of my article 'don't blame the mice')
926241;1416198632;asciilifeform;of course, anyone with even a spitting familiarity with software crud world knows that lizard hitler does not need to order these into existence - they happen naturally
926242;1416198638;asciilifeform;if you simply gather enough filth in one place
926243;1416198640;asciilifeform;and let it go
926244;1416198669;thestringpuller;My University uses Kerberos everywhere for logging in.
926245;1416198762;asciilifeform;compare with, e.g., 'gribble auth'
926246;1416198824;asciilifeform;a sausage and a turd are rather different, even if both cylindrical and both given shape by a piece of gut
926247;1416198897;mircea_popescu;lol nice one.
926248;1416198914;mircea_popescu;but anyway, it's not just "gather enough filth in one place"
926249;1416198920;mircea_popescu;it's moreover "make cleanning illegal"
926250;1416198929;asciilifeform;well yes, how else will it stay gathered.
926251;1416198956;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: they wish to steal not merely the farmer's cow, but to also steal the farmer's "having being stolen from" << usg (and the 'enlightenment') in one sentence.
926252;1416198965;mircea_popescu;pretty much
926253;1416198985;mircea_popescu;they figure they thus improved on the soviets,
926254;1416198999;asciilifeform;'we rape you but wait we didn't because you are not a you, one cannot rape furniture'
926255;1416199003;mircea_popescu;which merely took the cow, and the voice under duress
926256;1416199026;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform think about how the cock felt!11
926258;1416199045;mircea_popescu;if you were a cock - which you obviously are not bwahhhaha i need a minute here lmao - if you were a cock
926259;1416199052;mircea_popescu;wouldn't you want some tight ass too ? so then ?
926260;1416199076;decimation;'we voted and this is the best course of action'
926261;1416199081;mircea_popescu;"have some empathy for the people who want to take a shit on the collected effort of the people you happen to respect! they're people too!"
926262;1416199099;mircea_popescu;except this'd be th every definition of not being people. if they were people they'd do something else for a living.
926263;1416199116;asciilifeform;we may not like the cancer cell, but it 'works'. debian - dead.
926264;1416199137;asciilifeform;resquiat in pace.
926265;1416199186;decimation;do something else < which is why debian is now dead, as ascii wrote
926266;1416199198;decimation;redhat is going down the same tube, in the long run
926267;1416199206;asciilifeform;the cancer will spread to wherever it can
926268;1416199217;asciilifeform;doesn't need an objective, or a plan
926269;1416199251;mircea_popescu;THEM. not fucking me jesus christ.
926270;1416199266;mircea_popescu;when some kid is annoying you don't pick up and leave, you punch him in the nose.
926271;1416199337;asciilifeform;obligatory: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-07-2014#774690
926272;1416199337;assbot;Logged on 28-07-2014 19:19:31; asciilifeform: 'Learn not to participate - to the point of utter impossibility of meeting the enemy 'half-way' - and you will see that inside there lay a very useful mindfuck: in learning to 'nonparticipate,' in fact you drew out your *will* from its scabbard - to which it seemed so securely riveted by your upbringing. The appearance of *your will* changes everything and forever. With your own will slipped into your
926273;1416199337;nubbins`;but with debian dead, where do i turn
926274;1416199387;mircea_popescu;i propose in this case "not participation" is punching some blind twerp right in the face.
926275;1416199430;asciilifeform;if folks understood 'do not meet the enemy halfway' we would never have even heard of systemd.
926276;1416199451;asciilifeform;as such, you have to surgically remove its metastases even from a fresh 'gentoo'
926277;1416199463;asciilifeform;and if you forget to flip a switch - there it will be, staring right in your face
926278;1416199533;nubbins`;o.O osx comes with a python script that merges pdf files
926279;1416199551;decimation;lol I thought 'preview' did that
926280;1416199560;nubbins`;yeah, but you gotta do it one at a time that way
926281;1416199572;nubbins`;here i say join.py -o merged.pdf *.pdf
926282;1416199654;asciilifeform;!s teaching the controversy
926283;1416199655;assbot;1 results for 'teaching the controversy' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=teaching+the+controversy
926284;1416199672;nubbins`;and by the time i explain why this is better, i've got an 800mb merged.pdf waiting for me
926285;1416199680;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=12-09-2014#827667 http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=12-09-2014#827668
926286;1416199680;assbot;Logged on 12-09-2014 16:47:05; asciilifeform: once you've been 'taught the controversy' - that is, convincing that there -even is- reasonable debate among informed people, on a particular subject - the lie becomes a kind of half-truth, automagically
926287;1416199680;assbot;Logged on 12-09-2014 16:47:19; asciilifeform: because suddenly, there is (or you think there is) a debate. with 'sides.'
926288;1416199703;asciilifeform;^ re: how the cancer rolls.
926289;1416199733;asciilifeform;what's more, this follows inescapably from any situation, anywhere, where someone gets to 'score nonzero points' merely for showing up.
926290;1416199794;asciilifeform;all you have to do, then, is to pile on the meat puppets, until suddenly there is a 'controversy', and there are 'points of view', and eventually - a 'consensus.'
926291;1416199879;mircea_popescu;top - 23:51:11 up 15 min,  2 users,  load average: 5153.36, 3287.44, 1431.04
926293;1416199886;mircea_popescu;anyone ever seen better ?
926294;1416199886;nubbins`;dat load
926295;1416200017;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform in fairness, there's a lot of value to teaching the controversy.
926296;1416200027;mircea_popescu;it just has to be a controversy between actual people.
926297;1416200043;asciilifeform;the phrase is a term of art from u.s. propaganda schools.
926298;1416200074;asciilifeform;being the first step of a recipe for convincing folks of something that would otherwise be readily apparent as lunacy
926299;1416200078;mircea_popescu;it is, true.
926300;1416200121;asciilifeform;see also, related, 'fear, uncertainty, and doubt.'
926301;1416200122;mircea_popescu;i have this baby in bathwater obsession, myself. "teaching the controversy" is just americanized, which is to say, "cut into bits and rubbed in shit" hegelian dialectics.
926302;1416200139;asciilifeform;well yes.
926304;1416200266;mircea_popescu;ymmv, but to my eyes it's perfectly good science.
926305;1416200273;mircea_popescu;(hegel's, that is)
926306;1416200284;thestringpuller;;;isup qntra.net
926307;1416200287;gribble;qntra.net is down
926308;1416200294;nubbins`;ooo i shouldn't have used the wifi connection to send this print job
926309;1416200294;asciilifeform;at the very least, perfectly good chumpatronic engineering.
926312;1416200433;nubbins`;actually there we go, wasn't so bad
926313;1416200666;thestringpuller;nubbins`: can you pm me tracking number again?
926314;1416200727;RagnarDanneskjol;;;later tell ben_vulpes thanks. i did think that through...all those i had in mind casually follow things here but not enough to be rated/active - http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-11-2014#915367
926315;1416200727;assbot;Logged on 09-11-2014 04:36:17; RagnarDanneskjol: I need to round up the troops and do some crash coursing in wot, etc first
926316;1416200727;gribble;The operation succeeded.
926317;1416200771;asciilifeform;RagnarDanneskjol: quite a few people, i think, underestimated the effort involved
926319;1416200789;asciilifeform;can't say i didn't warn.
926320;1416200811;*;asciilifeform has studied the turd, on and off, for quite some time
926321;1416200912;thestringpuller;one day I will make a book of your turdisms asciilifeform
926322;1416200926;thestringpuller;or maybe a comic strip...
926323;1416200939;asciilifeform;make comic of bitcoind
926324;1416200952;asciilifeform;(the real one, not the cthonian horror)
926325;1416200972;asciilifeform;in the style of larry gonick, i dare say
926326;1416200972;thestringpuller;but that isn't a turd!
926328;1416202364;mircea_popescu;!up cascadian_herper
926330;1416202414;cascadian_herper;ragnardanneskjol: whats the best time to plant a tree?
926333;1416202460;thestringpuller;the best time to plant a tree is never, because they all die anyways
926334;1416202514;mircea_popescu;"I really hope that folks who value user choice will be willing to work with those who are trying to introduce improved ways of doing things regardless of what we decide." <<< and there's the giveaway.
926335;1416202522;cascadian_herper;well shit just give up then
926336;1416202526;mircea_popescu;not really easy, doing this sort of thing.
926337;1416202563;decimation;the river of meat has spoken
926338;1416202644;cascadian_herper;ragnardanneskjol: i want to work with the hep cats who see wot+bitcoin and are struck speechless with their importance who then hie to the gpg-machine for registration
926339;1416202671;cascadian_herper;not troops who must be rounded
926340;1416202842;RagnarDanneskjol;most people are struck once they take the time to learn it.  its a damn figure of speech -as in contacting all those I know who are squarely qualified to do this work AND meet said expectations
926341;1416202903;RagnarDanneskjol;I have plenty of other things to do if you dont any help
926342;1416202912;RagnarDanneskjol;dont want*
926343;1416202950;thestringpuller;"I like the blockchain just not bitcoin itself is like saying I like pussy but not women themselves"
926344;1416203094;RagnarDanneskjol;!up cascadian_herper
926345;1416203144;cascadian_herper;merely illuminating parameters.
926347;1416203272;cascadian_herper;this web client is wholly inadequate
926348;1416203289;RagnarDanneskjol;which you using?
926350;1416203337;RagnarDanneskjol;ahh.  if you're on andro, andchat and halo are decent
926351;1416203342;cascadian_herper;not really motivated to irc on phnoe
926352;1416203525;mats_cd03;is nice reading material when pooping
926353;1416203590;TheNewDeal;best material wipes as well
926354;1416203646;mats_cd03;anyone keeping a running count of known USG coins?
926355;1416203686;mats_cd03;i vaguely recall smth in the neighborhood of 400k
926356;1416203702;TheNewDeal;M_infinity ?
926357;1416203721;TheNewDeal;or like, could carry in large knapsack?
926358;1416203738;mats_cd03;er, bitcoins
926359;1416203960;mats_cd03;via confiscations and what not
926362;1416204029;TheNewDeal;;;interval 10000
926363;1416204029;gribble;(interval takes no arguments) -- Shows average interval, in seconds, between last 1000 blocks.
926365;1416204093;gribble;Estimated time of bitcoin block reward halving: Sun Jul 31 15:21:25 2016 UTC | Time remaining: 1 year, 36 weeks, 5 days, 9 hours, 20 minutes, and 0 seconds.
926367;1416204351;gribble;It is so.
926368;1416204386;mircea_popescu; "I like the blockchain just not bitcoin itself is like saying I like pussy but not women themselves" << more like "i like round things but not circles, because this difference exists"
926369;1416204639;mircea_popescu;mats_cd03 they're about 100k under, atm.
926370;1416204671;mircea_popescu;and their last toe support got squeezed to fuck in s.mpoe, so there's going to be a reckoning next week or something like that.
926371;1416204835;mats_cd03;ok thanks
926373;1416206315;assbot;BtcAlpha.com F.MPIF Tracker estimated NAV per share: 0.00021747 B (Total: 475.57 B). Delta: 0.56 B. Last trade for F.MPIF on MPEX was at 0.000195 BTC [-]
926374;1416206331;thestringpuller;$depth f.mpif
926375;1416206331;empyex;thestringpuller: [F.MPIF] Bids: 7125 @ 0.00019500 30000 @ 0.00019100 7636 @ 0.00019000 100000 @ 0.00018500
926376;1416206332;empyex;thestringpuller: [F.MPIF] Asks: 99 @ 0.00021900 2000 @ 0.00021910 17100 @ 0.00022000 10000 @ 0.00022000
926378;1416206757;gribble;What do you think I am, a shell?
926379;1416206793;kakobrekla;demo test: http://qntra.net/2014/11/this-onion-it-smells-inherent-hazards-of-the-tor-network/
926380;1416206794;assbot;This Onion, It Smells: Inherent Hazards of the Tor Network | Qntra.net ( http://dpaste.com/28ADNN6.txt )
926381;1416206800;kakobrekla;see link.
926382;1416206851;mircea_popescu;dpaste got no html mode ?
926383;1416206879;kakobrekla;who has
926385;1416206914;mircea_popescu;http://pastebin.com/ < syntax highlight
926386;1416206923;mircea_popescu;http://dpaste.com/ < idem
926387;1416206934;*;kakobrekla wont use non-raw
926388;1416207050;kakobrekla;makes my brain hurt
926389;1416207096;thestringpuller;links2 mode
926390;1416207125;kakobrekla;anyway how is this better http://pastebin.com/Xq8c3EeM
926391;1416207327;kakobrekla;looking at this, we can notice qntra has two  tags, only one