651985;1398902426;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.03364997 = 0.1346 BTC [+] {3} 651986;1398902453;mircea_popescu;"if being rich doesnt buy you freedom of speech, youre rich in the wrong place and at the wrong time." << not bad. 651987;1398902460;JorgePasada;That's another way of saying the same thing, or maybe it's the next step down the chain 651988;1398902472;JorgePasada;either way the point remains that all the further down the chain you can quantify is the pattern 651989;1398902481;JorgePasada;the intent is at best a guessing game 651990;1398902488;JorgePasada;and at worst, justification for some terrible shit 651991;1398902507;mircea_popescu;http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/04/30/a-billion-doesnt-buy-respect/ 651992;1398902509;ozbot;A Billion Doesn’t Buy Respect | When Bitcoin Met Pete 651993;1398902513;mircea_popescu;lol this thing is pretty lulzy. 651994;1398902670;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.03377993 = 0.1689 BTC [+] {5} 651995;1398902690;JorgePasada;So, then I guess a follow up. Would you say intent has any relevance at all in economics? 651996;1398902700;mircea_popescu;nope. 651997;1398902731;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 8 @ 0.03398747 = 0.2719 BTC [+] {8} 651998;1398902760;mircea_popescu;"BP: discrimination is to say that something is apart from other things. The words and actions against him are isolating, hence discriminatory 651999;1398902760;mircea_popescu;GS: words against him are isolating? what about the words he said?" 652000;1398902788;mircea_popescu;circular fucking reasoning at its best. talking to your average schmuck on any topic reduces to doing marriage counselling with idiots, for free. 652001;1398902792;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 7 @ 0.0346427 = 0.2425 BTC [+] {7} 652002;1398902853;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 7 @ 0.03521428 = 0.2465 BTC [+] {7} 652003;1398902969;BingoBoingo;Well, becoming married to their ideas is part of what makes them idiots 652004;1398902975;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 8 @ 0.03268749 = 0.2615 BTC [+] {8} 652005;1398903036;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 9 @ 0.03349998 = 0.3015 BTC [+] {9} 652006;1398903097;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 8 @ 0.03431249 = 0.2745 BTC [+] {8} 652007;1398903123;mircea_popescu;i guess so. 652008;1398903158;JorgePasada;I'd agree with the statement intentions are worthless in general, and always when applied to the aggregate. 652009;1398903165;JorgePasada;However in specific, exploring possible intent behind actions and actors on an individual or agent level can be useful. 652010;1398903175;JorgePasada;The thing people forget is you're always analyzing intent through, at minimum, two very subjective biased filters. 1) Your perspective 2) Their Actions. 652011;1398903206;BingoBoingo;jordandotdev: You are talking about management nao. 652012;1398903219;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.03569999 = 0.1428 BTC [+] {4} 652013;1398903228;BingoBoingo;Sorry JorgePasada... 652014;1398903258;mircea_popescu;JorgePasada useful, if you want ot marry them. not economically . 652015;1398903280;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 8 @ 0.03596249 = 0.2877 BTC [+] {8} 652016;1398903341;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.03674998 = 0.3675 BTC [+] {10} 652017;1398903402;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 3 @ 0.038 = 0.114 BTC [+] {3} 652018;1398903403;JorgePasada;mircea_popescu: Isn't that kind of divorcing the act from the actor? 652019;1398903445;mircea_popescu;exactly. 652020;1398903461;mircea_popescu;the notion that intent is economically relevant is in no way different from proposing it be medically relevant 652021;1398903463;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 6 @ 0.03466666 = 0.208 BTC [+] {6} 652022;1398903485;mircea_popescu;medicine, the actual kind, was born once people finally realised intent don't enter into it, 652023;1398903505;mircea_popescu;its niot like the patient "hath brought pox upon himself, for his sins" or anything. 652024;1398903524;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 7 @ 0.03522857 = 0.2466 BTC [+] {7} 652025;1398903525;mircea_popescu;that's the entire point there, to push economy from its current state of shamanism and alchemy to actual science. 652026;1398903586;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6450 @ 0.0009703 = 6.2584 BTC [-] {3} 652027;1398903705;Naphex;gn o/ 652028;1398903707;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.49791072 BTC [+] 652029;1398903775;JorgePasada;Yep, and I agree with all of it, especially when applied to the market or any kind of aggregate group. I just think I might have some differing opinions when it comes to the individual level. Trying to think them out and find a better way to articulate what exactly it is I'm thinking. 652030;1398903791;BingoBoingo;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2014/04/30/april-2014-btcron-statement/ 652031;1398903791;ozbot;April 2014 BTC/RON Statement | Bingo Blog 652032;1398903799;BingoBoingo;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2014/04/30/april-2014-btcatc-statement/ 652033;1398903799;ozbot;April 2014 BTC/ATC Statement | Bingo Blog 652034;1398903820;BingoBoingo;mike_c: ^ 652035;1398903829;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.0382 = 0.191 BTC [+] {5} 652036;1398903890;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.03535 = 0.1768 BTC [-] {5} 652037;1398903905;JorgePasada;We're in agreement almost completely. Figuring out the almost is interesting though, and productive. Being wrong is the only way to learn, and if I'm wrong I'd like to know sooner rather than later. 652038;1398903951;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.03535 = 0.1768 BTC [-] {5} 652039;1398903970;JorgePasada;That's why I like this place though. You know how hard it is to find people to have conversations like this with? 652040;1398904012;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 7 @ 0.03878484 = 0.2715 BTC [+] {7} 652041;1398904018;assbot;Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. (http://dpaste.com/2ZBQ5HS/plain/) 652042;1398904018;kakobrekla;!b 1 652043;1398904231;JorgePasada;Then again, I'm probably a crazy person :-) 652044;1398904256;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 6 @ 0.03899993 = 0.234 BTC [+] {6} 652045;1398904447;BingoBoingo;!up Franktank_ 652046;1398904447;assbot;Voicing Franktank_ for 30 minutes. 652047;1398904462;Franktank_;What? 652048;1398904489;kakobrekla;What what? 652049;1398904511;mike_c;BingoBoingo: ah, thanks. i will digest. 652050;1398904545;BingoBoingo;Franktank_: U can talk nao 652051;1398904567;Franktank_;Ok, was I not able to before? 652052;1398904583;BingoBoingo;No 652053;1398904599;mircea_popescu;JorgePasada well there's no economics at the individual level 652054;1398904612;BingoBoingo;And when the time tuns out you probably won't be able to again until someone gives you voice again 652055;1398904634;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla see you broke it. 652056;1398904636;JorgePasada;mircea_popescu: What about how an individual chooses to allocate their time?t 652057;1398904649;mircea_popescu;then you're discussing time. 652058;1398904684;kakobrekla;yes i know :\ 652059;1398904703;kakobrekla;all i got was a neat chan and a bunch of angry people. 652060;1398904958;JorgePasada;mircea_popescu: I see, I think I'm blurring the lines and blending two separate discussions together. I'll re-read that post later, think about it and get back to you when i've got a more concise version of what it is I'm trying to say. 652061;1398904964;JorgePasada;in the meantime, work needs doing 652062;1398904989;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 10 @ 0.06474168 = 0.6474 BTC [-] 652063;1398905036;mircea_popescu;idem, these f.mpif books ain't gonna cook themselves... 652064;1398905073;BingoBoingo;!up ComplaintsDept 652065;1398905073;assbot;Voicing ComplaintsDept for 30 minutes. 652066;1398905090;csshih;:D 652067;1398905113;csshih;omg mircea_popescu I sold you 25 btc in 2011 652068;1398905127;mircea_popescu;csshih ayup 652069;1398905134;*;csshih cries 652070;1398905142;mircea_popescu;a sucker is you. 652071;1398905155;csshih;hahaha :D did you hold? 652072;1398905159;mircea_popescu;ayup. 652073;1398905173;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 3 @ 0.06474168 = 0.1942 BTC [-] {3} 652074;1398905187;csshih;why is it that everyone I've sold btc/hardware to has done all the right things and is now wealthy 652075;1398905190;*;csshih frowns 652076;1398905332;mircea_popescu;hehe. 652077;1398905341;Franktank_;Mircea, have they revoked the ban? 652078;1398905354;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.033 = 0.33 BTC [-] {5} 652079;1398905355;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.03250567 = 0.3251 BTC [-] {6} 652080;1398905356;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 10 @ 0.06474168 = 0.6474 BTC [-] {5} 652081;1398905417;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 2 @ 0.06474168 = 0.1295 BTC [-] {2} 652082;1398905447;mircea_popescu;what ban is that ? 652083;1398905458;Franktank_;from BTCTalk 652084;1398905469;mircea_popescu;uh 652085;1398905550;kakobrekla;so wait before we get this straight 652086;1398905575;kakobrekla;do you believe that mircea is a chick or a prick wearing lady avatar or ?? 652087;1398905754;Franktank_;Actually I have no idea, I do miss the input of MPOE-PR on the Securities subform. 652088;1398905831;BingoBoingo;Franktank_: Pictures of mircea_popescu and MPOE-PR here http://trilema.com/2014/ca-tot-s-a-tras-tot-s-a-fumat-tot-s-a-baut-tot-cum-e-peste-tot-la-fel-ca-peste-tot/ 652089;1398905908;Franktank_;Ah, thanks for that. 652090;1398906391;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.48101 BTC [-] 652091;1398906576;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.06474168 = 0.3237 BTC [-] 652092;1398906677;BingoBoingo;fluffypony: Why Disqus? For SRS? 652093;1398906696;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.48100333 = 1.443 BTC [-] {2} 652094;1398906757;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11250 @ 0.00097333 = 10.95 BTC [+] 652095;1398906931;BingoBoingo;!up sunshyne 652096;1398906931;assbot;Voicing sunshyne for 30 minutes. 652097;1398906956;kakobrekla;some new faces today eh 652098;1398906962;BingoBoingo;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=591044.msg5356505;boardseen#new 652099;1398906963;ozbot;Cointerra Bankrupted --- People Asking for refunds.. 652100;1398907014;kakobrekla;but but their logo, its so professional. 652101;1398907031;BingoBoingo;Logo is important 652102;1398907053;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/fmpif-april-2014-statement/ 652103;1398907054;ozbot;F.MPIF, April 2014 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 652104;1398907123;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20150 @ 0.00096995 = 19.5445 BTC [-] 652105;1398907184;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.03286 = 0.1643 BTC [+] {3} 652106;1398907185;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.0320001 = 0.16 BTC [+] 652107;1398907194;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu is still getting the 'are you the gurl' questions. wonder what kind of animal i'll be, in the imagination of audience. 652108;1398907239;mircea_popescu;was that what that was ? 652109;1398907245;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.06474168 = 0.3237 BTC [-] 652110;1398907248;mircea_popescu;o look... a palinwordrome. 652111;1398907267;asciilifeform;this is the kind of thought that makes me wonder, perhaps i'm already in the wood chipper, it just isn't switched on yet. 652112;1398907340;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Well, are you at present laying in a metal hopper with blades at you feet and/or head? 652113;1398907360;asciilifeform;not afaik. 652114;1398907367;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 2 @ 0.14 = 0.28 BTC 652115;1398907381;asciilifeform;but we should all be prepared for the kind of treatment mp gets, at the very least. 652116;1398907388;BingoBoingo;Sure. 652117;1398907426;mircea_popescu;$depth F.MPIF 652118;1398907428;mpexbot;mircea_popescu: F.MPIF Bids: [] 652119;1398907429;mpexbot;mircea_popescu: Asks: ['1000000 @ 0.000215'] 652120;1398907489;assbot;[MPEX] [FN] [F.MPIF] 4000 @ 0.000215 = 0.86 BTC 652121;1398907520;mircea_popescu;aaaand so it begins 652122;1398907531;mircea_popescu;jurov ^ 652123;1398907550;assbot;[MPEX] [FN] [F.MPIF] 75000 @ 0.000215 = 16.125 BTC 652124;1398907551;asciilifeform;i confess that i had 'bourbaki' thoughts even when climbing off the plane. 652125;1398907643;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: I doubt Cardano would get that kind of attention. Loper box might though. 652126;1398907670;BingoBoingo;!up akstunt600 652127;1398907670;assbot;Voicing akstunt600 for 30 minutes. 652128;1398907672;assbot;[MPEX] [FN] [F.MPIF] 11320 @ 0.000215 = 2.4338 BTC 652129;1398907685;asciilifeform;can't say i relish the idea of attention 652130;1398907724;asciilifeform;can't eat it, run engine on it 652131;1398907733;assbot;[MPEX] [FN] [F.MPIF] 23255 @ 0.000215 = 4.9998 BTC 652132;1398907733;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.07355691 = 0.2207 BTC [+] {2} 652133;1398907736;BingoBoingo;Yeah 652134;1398907759;akstunt600;GPA is buggy as all hell on ubuntu 652135;1398907767;akstunt600;need to gen a new key for this coin 652136;1398907818;BingoBoingo;akstunt600: What do you mean? 652137;1398907855;assbot;[MPEX] [FN] [F.MPIF] 1337 @ 0.000215 = 0.2875 BTC 652138;1398907887;akstunt600;the gpa gtk app 652139;1398907894;akstunt600;for pgp encryption 652140;1398907930;kakobrekla;its not just ubuntu 652141;1398907965;akstunt600;Hmm it used to work fine for me in windows way back when, but that was last year 652142;1398907974;akstunt600;idk anymore, havnt used windows since 652143;1398908025;mircea_popescu;;;calc 1.85901151 / 211.29665950 652144;1398908026;gribble;0.00879811121671 652145;1398908160;assbot;[MPEX] [FN] [F.MPIF] 365000 @ 0.000215 = 78.475 BTC 652146;1398908194;BingoBoingo;akstunt600: GPA kind always sucked. 652147;1398908218;BingoBoingo;It is neigh impossible to do good GPG key generation off of the commandline 652148;1398908274;mircea_popescu;eh ? 652149;1398908406;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 2 @ 0.06474168 = 0.1295 BTC [-] 652150;1398908467;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 2 @ 0.06474168 = 0.1295 BTC [-] 652151;1398908499;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: All of the GUI tools I tried for Key generation suck by restricting options. 652152;1398908514;BingoBoingo;The key must be made on the commandline. 652153;1398908528;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 2 @ 0.06474168 = 0.1295 BTC [-] 652154;1398908562;mircea_popescu;oh. thing read to me as impossible to use cli to do it. 652155;1398908649;akstunt600;heh 652156;1398908672;BingoBoingo;I prolly should have paused to word more carefully, but really the CLI is the only way I've found to adequately keygen with the right options 652157;1398908678;akstunt600;Well luckily i have used and installed PGP server for an enterprise and used gpg numerous times 652158;1398908686;akstunt600;So at least i know the orkflow 652159;1398908699;akstunt600;oh well its just nice to have gui to go off of 652160;1398908707;akstunt600;I have been in terminal all damn day 652161;1398908713;ThickAsThieves;grats on the MPIF kickoff 652162;1398908737;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo now on that we agree. 652163;1398908745;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves yeah looking surprisingly good. 652164;1398908752;BingoBoingo;akstunt600: Well, the thing is it isn't a deep commandline exercise at all. It's just one where the GUI's hide the good options. 652165;1398908809;akstunt600;yeah like even to decrypt pub key encrypted messages it was awkward, like that main window should have been the spot to drag and drop msgs to encrypt/decrypt 652166;1398908821;akstunt600;and then the keys in the menu slector 652167;1398908831;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 8 @ 0.03547084 = 0.2838 BTC [-] {8} 652168;1398908835;akstunt600;I should fix GPA maybe 652169;1398908847;BingoBoingo;Abandon GPA. 652170;1398908851;akstunt600;after i get this kicked off 652171;1398908855;akstunt600;Why others need it 652172;1398908862;akstunt600;and its cross platform 652173;1398908867;BingoBoingo;No they don't. 652174;1398908876;akstunt600;? 652175;1398908892;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.03547062 = 0.1419 BTC [-] {4} 652176;1398908921;BingoBoingo;There are better cross platform tools than GPA if you need GPG. 652177;1398908945;BingoBoingo;And a gui 652178;1398908953;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 7 @ 0.03547002 = 0.2483 BTC [-] {7} 652179;1398908990;akstunt600;maybe seahorse + gpg 652180;1398908997;akstunt600;oh well ill just use CLI 652181;1398909013;BingoBoingo;akstunt600: Geany, the Text Editor/IDE is great 652182;1398909014;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.03547003 = 0.1419 BTC [+] {4} 652183;1398909023;akstunt600;hmmm thats interesting 652184;1398909033;akstunt600;havnt ever used it 652185;1398909037;BingoBoingo;;;google geany gpg 652186;1398909038;gribble;Geanypg - Plugins for Geany: ; Geany : Verify GPG Signature: ; Downloads - Plugins for Geany: 652187;1398909052;BingoBoingo;;;google geany gpg thedrinkingrecord 652188;1398909053;gribble;Signature Thursday: Geany a GUI text editor for GPG tasks | Bingo ...: ; PGP/GPG Guide | Bingo Blog: ; October | 2013 | Bingo Blog: 652189;1398909062;akstunt600;yeah installing from repo now 652190;1398909065;akstunt600;thanks 652191;1398909075;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.03547797 = 0.1774 BTC [+] {5} 652192;1398909131;akstunt600;haave been using melt or diff depending on how mig the src trees are, any other recommendations 652193;1398909136;akstunt600;meld* 652194;1398909161;BingoBoingo;That I dunno 652195;1398909197;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 7 @ 0.03649999 = 0.2555 BTC [+] {7} 652196;1398909258;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.06474168 = 0.3237 BTC [-] 652197;1398909259;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.03939869 = 0.394 BTC [+] {10} 652198;1398909260;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.0315002 = 0.1575 BTC [-] {2} 652199;1398909319;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 8 @ 0.03924948 = 0.314 BTC [-] {8} 652200;1398909320;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.03325 = 0.1663 BTC [+] {2} 652201;1398909380;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 10 @ 0.06474168 = 0.6474 BTC [-] 652202;1398909381;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 8 @ 0.03937424 = 0.315 BTC [+] {8} 652203;1398909480;kakobrekla;BingoBoingo even geany gave me pains 652204;1398909484;kakobrekla;:( 652205;1398909502;assbot;[MPEX] [FN] [F.MPIF] 15000 @ 0.000215 = 3.225 BTC 652206;1398909502;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 11 @ 0.0339636 = 0.3736 BTC [-] {11} 652207;1398909504;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 2 @ 0.06474168 = 0.1295 BTC [-] {2} 652208;1398909545;BingoBoingo;kakobrekla: It sucks at encryption without some coaxing. It signs and decrypts fine though. Great for offline machines. 652209;1398909595;kakobrekla;myea 652210;1398909603;kakobrekla;got a manul to the coaxing perhaps? 652211;1398909711;BingoBoingo;kakobrekla: Not that I can get to reproduce this stuff reliably. ATM I can't encrypt with Geany. I swear I used to be able to. 652212;1398909719;kakobrekla;:D 652213;1398909731;kakobrekla;nuff said 652214;1398909738;BingoBoingo;Decrypting and signing are fine though. 652215;1398909803;BingoBoingo;At least GPG encryption is perfectly safe to do online. 652216;1398909888;mircea_popescu;well... imperfectly safe 652217;1398909888;mike_c;hanbot's entire blog: Five posts, ZERO footnotes. 652218;1398909896;mircea_popescu;the site may read oyur plaintext. 652219;1398909902;mircea_popescu;mike_c is that bad ? 652220;1398909908;mike_c;that is awesome 652221;1398909920;mike_c;i was trolling tat before for his footnotes > paragraphs post 652222;1398909923;ThickAsThieves;mike_c is a footnote warrior 652223;1398909924;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: By online I mean plugged into the internet. Not typed into a webapp. 652224;1398909937;BingoBoingo;But... Yeah... 652225;1398909947;BingoBoingo;I guess I can see concern even with that nao 652226;1398909952;BingoBoingo;That I typed it. 652227;1398909958;mircea_popescu;:p 652228;1398909971;assbot;Last 5 lines bashed and pending review. (http://dpaste.com/14W3FR1/plain/) 652229;1398909971;BingoBoingo;!b 5 652230;1398910051;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.03154294 = 0.1262 BTC [+] {2} 652231;1398910052;mike_c;paging kakobrekla: need moar json :) http://bitbet.us/stats/18bCNXjdT2NUjcip6KdbFR5EEFAu3oTgTq/?json 652232;1398910077;kakobrekla;alright 652233;1398910155;BingoBoingo;I really can't wait for S.NSA to buy its own foundry in a decade. 652234;1398910198;BingoBoingo;Give or take another decade 652235;1398910317;mircea_popescu;lol 652236;1398910319;mircea_popescu;me2 652237;1398910414;BingoBoingo;Doesn't have to be cutting edge at all 652238;1398910417;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 3 @ 0.03866663 = 0.116 BTC [+] {3} 652239;1398910540;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.06474168 = 0.3237 BTC [-] 652240;1398910923;BingoBoingo;!up akstunt600 652241;1398910923;assbot;Voicing akstunt600 for 30 minutes. 652242;1398911027;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17200 @ 0.00097082 = 16.6981 BTC [+] 652243;1398911149;mircea_popescu;;;ticker 652244;1398911150;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 453.84, Best ask: 456.0, Bid-ask spread: 2.16000, Last trade: 453.85, 24 hour volume: 10630.36591056, 24 hour low: 433.08, 24 hour high: 456.0, 24 hour vwap: 445.231896052 652245;1398911249;mike_c;kakobrekla, mpex trade socket isn't reporting f.mpif. is that temporary or intended? 652246;1398911267;*;kakobrekla looks 652247;1398911349;kakobrekla;i dunno i must investigate 652248;1398911368;mike_c;ok 652249;1398911454;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10719 @ 0.00097333 = 10.4331 BTC [+] 652250;1398911491;mircea_popescu;!t m f.mpif 652251;1398911491;assbot;[MPEX:F.MPIF] 1D: 0.000215 / 0.000215 / 0.000215 (494912 shares, 106.41 BTC), 7D: 0.000215 / 0.000215 / 0.000215 (494912 shares, 106.41 BTC), 30D: 0.000215 / 0.000215 / 0.000215 (494912 shares, 106.41 BTC) 652252;1398911515;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4281 @ 0.00097388 = 4.1692 BTC [+] 652253;1398911608;mike_c;i guess the market has decided on a price! 652254;1398911630;mircea_popescu;lol 652255;1398911691;ThickAsThieves;i like the style of mpif, not too big for its britches 652256;1398911698;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 5 @ 0.14 = 0.7 BTC 652257;1398911707;ThickAsThieves;just the 200 or so btc and that's that 652258;1398911724;ThickAsThieves;low volume PCs 652259;1398911725;BingoBoingo;I wonder if I should post past ATC trading statements stripped of commentary. 652260;1398911736;ThickAsThieves;i like the commentary fwiw 652261;1398911758;mircea_popescu;well how big you gonna make it you know ? 200btc is a respectable sum anyway. 652262;1398911764;mircea_popescu;let it grow over time. 652263;1398911765;ThickAsThieves;indeed 652264;1398911805;ThickAsThieves;til the report i was wondering if you were gonna through more btc at the managers to play with 652265;1398911818;mike_c;some profit centers could handle more than others (panacea, JD) 652266;1398911871;mircea_popescu;tbh i think for now everyone's got enough 652267;1398911878;mircea_popescu;i'd love more pcs rather than more in these pcs atm 652268;1398911910;BingoBoingo;Yeah, if anything the limiting factor is that only 5 pcs made sense 652269;1398912194;asciilifeform;gpg had gui!?!? 652270;1398912226;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: It is bundled with a poor attempt at one named GPA 652271;1398912311;asciilifeform;S.NSA to buy its own foundry << just came back from taking exact dimensions of new flat. not quite big enough for foundry. gonna have to be when i che guevara with mp in jungle. 652272;1398912435;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 'Плюс гаванскую сигарету, / И вот ты уже - Фидель, / Ты - Че Гевара, / Автомат взамен гитары...' (http://www.bards.ru/archives/part.php?id=27610 - 'the magic of whiskey') 652273;1398912474;mircea_popescu;hehe 652274;1398912510;kakobrekla;so now that everyone bought into mpif, i bring to you, by popular demand (mostly mike_c really) a losing month for panacea: -1.78% 652275;1398912567;mircea_popescu;ew 652276;1398912588;BingoBoingo;So... I bring historical ATC trading results sans commentary 652277;1398912589;BingoBoingo;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2014/04/30/so-history-the-first-atcbtc-statement-remember-historical/ 652278;1398912590;ozbot;So… History, the First ATC/BTC statement (Remember Historical) | Bingo Blog 652279;1398912610;mircea_popescu;'14 +0.12% +0.01% +0.26% -1.78% 652280;1398912612;mircea_popescu;you broke it! 652281;1398912613;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 25 @ 0.06474168 = 1.6185 BTC [-] 652282;1398912630;kakobrekla;lets see may. 652283;1398912639;BingoBoingo;With this and the ending balances of the Mid April statement, the ATC/BTC thing should be quantable, but hopefully not too quantable. 652284;1398912685;asciilifeform;what's too quantable? 652285;1398912724;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves http://www.therealaltcoin.org/ << how abouit link to bitcointa.lk instead ? 652286;1398912735;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1609 @ 0.00012729 = 0.2048 BTC [+] {2} 652287;1398912743;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Well, I'm wary of letting people know where I think natural Bid and Ask borders for ATC lie and what price I consider the border between sellable and buyable. 652288;1398912764;BingoBoingo;These things may become more fluid, but... 652289;1398912765;kakobrekla;anyway, if anyone is looking for comment, april was a bit hectic, 9 trades actually happed, details are here http://bit4x.com/panacea/history/ 652290;1398912779;asciilifeform;'In the game of chess you can never let your adversary see your pieces.' (zapp brannigan, 'futurama') 652291;1398912809;mircea_popescu;https://bitcointa.lk/threads/sha256-altcoin.250774/page-22 << check out the expert herps. 652292;1398912811;ozbot;[SHA256] Altcoin | Page 22 | Bitcointa.lk 652293;1398912825;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: They can see your pieces, even their locations, but... hiding intended next locations is a must normally 652294;1398912929;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla -56.0 ouch 652295;1398912979;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.0317072 = 0.1585 BTC [+] {3} 652296;1398912981;benkay;good evening d00d 652297;1398912984;benkay;d00ds 652298;1398912995;kakobrekla;yea thats about maxint hit. 652299;1398913024;mircea_popescu;benkay please bear in mind that not everyone on the interwebs is a d00d. 652300;1398913029;*;asciilifeform wants cupric oxide foundry. 652301;1398913034;asciilifeform;http://www.hpfriedrichs.com/radioroom/cu-diode/rr-cu-diode.htm 652302;1398913044;benkay;good evening, diodes 652303;1398913045;asciilifeform;^ cupric oxide for noobs 652304;1398913070;benkay;HEY LISTEN IF I WANT TO USE A TRADITIONALLY GENDERED NOUN FOR A GROUP OF PEOPLE IMMA GON DO THAT MKAY 652305;1398913078;benkay;y'all 652306;1398913082;mircea_popescu;lol 652307;1398913097;BingoBoingo;benkay: In that case can't you offer "Sup' Bitches" 652308;1398913098;asciilifeform;cuprous oxide, to be exact 652309;1398913118;benkay;ah, excusemebitch did you just say i can't offer things? 652310;1398913133;benkay;because lissenherebitch i'm pretty sure i can offer a good dickin 652311;1398913201;benkay;ThickAsThieves: my first big boy gf was a virgin too and blamed me for turning her into a nymphomaniac 652312;1398913223;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.0315 = 0.1575 BTC [-] 652313;1398913224;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 10 @ 0.06474168 = 0.6474 BTC [-] 652314;1398913226;benkay;bitch is now whelping for someone else 652315;1398913237;mircea_popescu;https://cryptocointalk.com/topic/4081-altcoin-atc-information/page-2 652316;1398913244;mircea_popescu;this shit's lulzy. like esl angry miner forum 652317;1398913267;mircea_popescu;"totally agree. What dev will do for a sample, if chain will have some bug and he still not got profit to pay real developer for fix?" 652318;1398913345;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 6 @ 0.03116666 = 0.187 BTC [-] {2} 652319;1398913370;BingoBoingo;https://cryptocointalk.com/topic/4081-altcoin-atc-information/page-3#entry49818 652320;1398913406;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 10 @ 0.06474168 = 0.6474 BTC [-] 652321;1398913518;asciilifeform;'Two researchers had made a diode with a very thin, heavily doped n-layer. When the diode was reverse-biased to the point of avalanche breakdown, a small fraction of the avalache electrons actually shot through the n-region and into a vacuum. They made this the e-beam source in a CRT and it worked pretty well. I am surprised that it has not, to my knowledge, made it out of the laboratory.' 652322;1398913529;asciilifeform;('unusual diode FAQ.' http://margo.student.utwente.nl/el/componen/diodefaq.html) 652323;1398913549;BingoBoingo;"Finally, you'll need a source of high heat like an electric hot plate or a propane torch." 652324;1398913581;BingoBoingo;There have to be better sources of heat. 652325;1398913591;benkay;ThickAsThieves: he's mine. 652326;1398913615;benkay;his heart may be blackened with sin, but he's mine ;) 652327;1398913655;benkay;fluffypony: entrefartner 652328;1398913671;benkay;fluffypony: my fartner in this entreprederpship exercise 652329;1398913687;mike_c;panacea is back in the game! JD's worst month was -24%. 652330;1398913736;BingoBoingo;mike_c: Did you see that I posted the ATC trading's first statement stripped of comments? 652331;1398913748;BingoBoingo;!up Diablo-D3 652332;1398913748;assbot;Voicing Diablo-D3 for 30 minutes. 652333;1398913755;Diablo-D3;yo 652334;1398913760;BingoBoingo;Yo 652335;1398913761;benkay;hey Diablo-D3 tell me something about grains 652336;1398913774;mike_c;BingoBoingo: i see it now, yeah 652337;1398913791;benkay;Diablo-D3: or maybe brussels sprouts. are brussels sprouts bad for me? 652338;1398913798;Diablo-D3;benkay: grains are a scam perpetrated by the space aliens that run the FDA 652339;1398913804;Diablo-D3;srsly 652340;1398913805;benkay;!b2 652341;1398913809;assbot;Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. (http://dpaste.com/1JQRJY6/plain/) 652342;1398913809;benkay;!b 3 652343;1398913809;BingoBoingo;benkay: Wheat is the best thing in history, next to corn 652344;1398913811;Diablo-D3;brussels sprouts are fine though 652345;1398913814;benkay;fuck you kakobrekla 652346;1398913824;benkay;BingoBoingo: you lie 652347;1398913830;benkay;BingoBoingo: corn likker 652348;1398913838;BingoBoingo;Corn has the high protein content necessary for whiskey distillery 652349;1398913844;mircea_popescu;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BmgwmfkCYAANDXZ.png 652350;1398913846;kakobrekla;benkay ? 652351;1398913853;kakobrekla;which part excites you 652352;1398913863;benkay;BingoBoingo: do please explain how protein is essential in distillation process 652353;1398913873;benkay;kakobrekla: the infernal space between !b and how many 652354;1398913888;BingoBoingo;benkay: It gets you all of the nice fusile alcohols, for a better hangover 652355;1398913901;benkay;fusile alcohols? 652356;1398913915;benkay;holy crap 652357;1398913919;mike_c;mircea_popescu: the bloomberg terminal? and it's tracking kraken?? nice. 652358;1398913920;BingoBoingo;benkay: You know things that are organic an -OH without being ETOH 652359;1398913933;mircea_popescu;i thought it's hysterically lulzy. 652360;1398913933;benkay;BingoBoingo: more lectures on topic of organic chemistry plz 652361;1398913947;mircea_popescu;i mean... let's be massively clueless, after resisting for years 652362;1398913949;benkay;mike_c: it's trakking kraken and coinbase 652363;1398913951;kakobrekla;ah that thing benkay , well you know, you can still use the long version !bash $n ;) 652364;1398913954;benkay;i loled hard hard hard 652365;1398913973;benkay;!bash $echo butts 652366;1398913995;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo must love sake. 652367;1398913996;BingoBoingo;benkay: So today's lesson. Codeine's active ingredient is actually morphine if you have a liver. 652368;1398914011;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Of course, but warm. 652369;1398914012;benkay;no wait i'm still dumb about the fusile alcohols 652370;1398914034;BingoBoingo;benkay: So you know how there are alcohols that aren't proper ETOH? 652371;1398914055;benkay;no i did not because mechanical engineering in the us apparently doesn't care about ochem 652372;1398914071;BingoBoingo;benkay: I was a philosophy major. 652373;1398914074;mike_c;holy shit BingoBoingo, you tore it up in Feb. 652374;1398914074;asciilifeform;i actually went back to uni for ochem as an adult. 652375;1398914076;asciilifeform;believe or not. 652376;1398914077;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1020 @ 0.00012382 = 0.1263 BTC [-] 652377;1398914099;BingoBoingo;mike_c: And in March-April 652378;1398914114;mike_c;no wonder you got hired as manager 652379;1398914124;benkay;asciilifeform: i would too, were the school of hard knocks so much more to my taste. 652380;1398914130;benkay;*not so much 652381;1398914138;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07189019 = 0.1438 BTC [-] 652382;1398914164;BingoBoingo;I've only had one Ochem course... In Highschool. 652383;1398914169;benkay; mircea_popescu: because what they're really saying is "I just want to be able to sell this thing for value without actually having a market to determine what that value is" << DO YOU HEAR THIS the20year ? 652384;1398914182;BingoBoingo;Got highered as a Pharmacy school TA because I knew how to proctor tests. 652385;1398914196;BingoBoingo;!up the20year 652386;1398914196;assbot;Voicing the20year for 30 minutes. 652387;1398914199;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 11 @ 0.03181816 = 0.35 BTC [+] {3} 652388;1398914201;benkay;oh yah. 652389;1398914245;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Honestly programming confounds me more than arranging carbon 652390;1398914249;benkay;anything, the20year ? 652391;1398914271;mircea_popescu;mike_c bingo did great but nao kako stole all his cookies 652392;1398914288;asciilifeform;i highly recommend against (american) uni for undergrad ochem. there, it is used as a 'weedout' test for pre-med kids 652393;1398914307;benkay;^^ 652394;1398914318;benkay;good luck learning anything but how to memorize the pretty pictures. 652395;1398914324;bitcoinpete;asciilifeform: weeded me out properly 652396;1398914325;asciilifeform;ends up being taught as a compendium of cookbook crap 652397;1398914365;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: I never took American uni Ochem. Now... without any uni Ochem I sat on most of the PharmD curriculum. Secret is... TA while doing gradschool in an unrelated field 652398;1398914369;bitcoinpete;never did get the grignard reaction to fly 652399;1398914372;asciilifeform;(cookbook being entirely wrong term here - they studiously avoid teaching how to prepare anything useful in actuality) 652400;1398914439;benkay;;;later tell JorgePasada That's why I like this place though. You know how hard it is to find people to have conversations like this with? << why the fuck do you think i dragged your ass in here? 652401;1398914439;gribble;The operation succeeded. 652402;1398914470;bitcoinpete;asciilifeform: i invited the yubikey kids here for your amusement https://twitter.com/bitcoinpete/status/461633158836789248 652403;1398914473;BingoBoingo;Still never learned how to make alcohol out of coal and water, though it includes the proper ingredients. 652404;1398914488;benkay;wrong direction on the entropy ladder 652405;1398914501;bitcoinpete;BingoBoingo: you just learned to trade like a dog 652406;1398914516;BingoBoingo;bitcoinpete: Define Just 652407;1398914546;benkay;BingoBoingo: YOU TRADE LIKE A DOG 652408;1398914556;bitcoinpete;BingoBoingo: it's a term of endearment 652409;1398914565;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11500 @ 0.00097388 = 11.1996 BTC [+] 652410;1398914578;BingoBoingo;Yes, Like a Magestic Corgi that jumps mountains and has a bunch of Colocos as friends. 652411;1398914600;BingoBoingo;bitcoinpete: Still, just might require a definition. 652412;1398914606;BingoBoingo;"just" 652413;1398914711;benkay; hanbot's entire blog: Five posts, ZERO footnotes. << mike_c: hanbot also actually, you know, writes. 652414;1398914735;bitcoinpete;BingoBoingo: cup=half full 652415;1398914750;mike_c;benkay: yeah, other people (bitcoinpete) should take note. 652416;1398914787;bitcoinpete;mike_c: used to write sans footnote, kinda prefer this way 652417;1398914807;mike_c;easier to write perhaps, but not to read :) 652418;1398914809;benkay;LOGGED UP BITCHES 652419;1398914817;BingoBoingo;bitcoinpete: Maybe there are two cups and the average of the two is "half full" yet the cups can grow to greater volumes. 652420;1398914818;benkay;oh wait hang on are you all not bitches? 652421;1398914826;asciilifeform;bitcoinpete: not sure why they should talk to me. instead, they should talk to the poor schmucks who buy the closed turd. and apologize to them. 652422;1398914827;benkay;two cups one average 652423;1398914833;BingoBoingo;benkay: We are all someone's bitches 652424;1398914833;kakobrekla;mp sets the fashion, if i had a blog it would only be footnote but no note. 652425;1398914859;bitcoinpete;mike_c: think of it as a worthwhile skill to be acquired 652426;1398914872;bitcoinpete;kakobrekla: lol 652427;1398914878;benkay;mike_c's talking shit and posting 1/(2 mos) 652428;1398914899;mike_c;what? i pump out at least one a month 652429;1398914908;benkay;and don't talk to me about quality nigga i don't buy that shit for half a second 652430;1398914911;mike_c;i could write faster but I'd have to use footnotes 652431;1398914924;assbot;Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. (http://dpaste.com/118W1M7/plain/) 652432;1398914924;kakobrekla;!b 1 652433;1398914943;BingoBoingo;mike_c: You must use footnotes the worng way then 652434;1398914951;asciilifeform;'the attack requires sophisticated tools to extract the encryption keys, making it practically impossible for most people.' 652435;1398914972;mike_c;plus my posts have pretty graphs and shit 652436;1398914983;benkay;yeah 652437;1398914985;benkay;quality or something 652438;1398914989;benkay;I AIN'T HAVIN IT 652439;1398915007;benkay;aight fags dinner party commenceth 652440;1398915022;mircea_popescu;<mike_c> i could write faster but I'd have to use footnotes <<< ahahah 652441;1398915024;benkay;prep for which is all done without my lifting a damn finger 652442;1398915032;mircea_popescu;what are these footnotes, like car pedals ? 652443;1398915049;ThickAsThieves;<+mircea_popescu> ThickAsThieves http://www.therealaltcoin.org/ << how abouit link to bitcointa.lk instead ? // wish granted 652444;1398915054;benkay;so adieu sweet bitlords 652445;1398915062;mike_c;enjoy 652446;1398915068;mircea_popescu;enjoe 652447;1398915076;mircea_popescu;stop discriminating. not all pleasures in life are female. 652448;1398915077;asciilifeform;like car pedals << one can buy pedals which emulate keystrokes. i've a set. 652449;1398915105;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform there must be a dirty joke re emulation and strokes in there somewhere 652450;1398915110;asciilifeform;lol 652451;1398915145;mircea_popescu;anyway, i'm off to mourn kako's rape and pillage of mpif. nn! 652452;1398915167;asciilifeform;'different stokes for different folks.' (me, explaining stoke's theorem to a noob) 652453;1398915181;asciilifeform;*stokes 652454;1398915196;mike_c;;;calc 50 * 0.017 652455;1398915197;gribble;0.85 652456;1398915207;benkay;;;later tell princessnell basic btc bitches i loled 652457;1398915207;gribble;The operation succeeded. 652458;1398915236;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4450 @ 0.00097501 = 4.3388 BTC [+] {2} 652459;1398915300;BingoBoingo;Confession: I actually have more footnotes ready to push out than blog posts to tie them to. 652460;1398915312;mike_c;heheh 652461;1398915358;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 1 @ 0.14 BTC 652462;1398915376;BingoBoingo;Also might have a fairly big ish not MPIF related announcement tomorrow. 652463;1398915401;mike_c;hints? 652464;1398915436;BingoBoingo;Related to pending criminal (not bitcoin related charges) 652465;1398915452;ThickAsThieves;You are selling your virginity? 652466;1398915455;mike_c;ah. hope its good news.. 652467;1398915648;BingoBoingo;ThickAsThieves: Nope, just have a court date pending or actualized, results released tomorrow. 652468;1398915688;BingoBoingo;mike_c: Evidence points towards good news. 652469;1398915724;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 3 @ 0.0349999 = 0.105 BTC [-] 652470;1398915783;BingoBoingo;mike_c: So, honestly can you tell any pricepoints in particular I had orders standing at any size? 652471;1398915793;bitcoinpete;https://telegram.org < 652539;1398918460;BingoBoingo;Or benkay Am I real enough. 652540;1398918476;BingoBoingo;Worse yet do I amazing company? 652541;1398918476;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 652542;1398918591;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 47 @ 0.00563217 = 0.2647 BTC [-] {5} 652543;1398919567;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 2 @ 0.14 = 0.28 BTC 652544;1398920893;bitcoinpete;http://www.allenpike.com/2014/burying-the-url/ 652545;1398920894;ozbot;Burying the URL - Allen Pike 652546;1398920909;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23800 @ 0.00097232 = 23.1412 BTC [-] 652547;1398921017;asciilifeform;Duffer1: see if you can get a hold of Egan's short works collections, 'Luminous' and 'Axiomatic.' 652548;1398921033;Duffer1;they're on my list to read 652549;1398921052;Duffer1;diaspora was the first of his work i've encountered and i instantly became a big fan 652550;1398921175;Duffer1;thanks for the recommendation btw, he's got a lot of award winning shorts, i'll prioritize those in my list 652551;1398921278;asciilifeform;Duffer1: http://bookfi.org/dl/223021/c36c75 652552;1398921318;Duffer1;oh snap thanks 652553;1398921687;BingoBoingo;Lest based off of trading statements anyone thing I am a genii, I've lost 96%+ lifetime publishing text tomes. 652554;1398921824;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 495 @ 0.00089499 = 0.443 BTC [-] {2} 652555;1398921885;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 155 @ 0.0009 = 0.1395 BTC [+] {2} 652556;1398921965;moiety;mewning 652557;1398922007;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 1 @ 0.14 BTC 652558;1398922124;BingoBoingo;Hey moiety 652559;1398922129;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3308 @ 0.00097232 = 3.2164 BTC [-] 652560;1398922135;fluffypony;manul-moiety 652561;1398922161;moiety;:D 652562;1398922166;moiety;how are yous? 652563;1398922180;BingoBoingo;fluffypony: Ain't you sleeping? 652564;1398922187;asciilifeform;colocolul. 652565;1398922188;fluffypony;BingoBoingo: 7:30am here 652566;1398922195;fluffypony;moiety: most excellent thanks 652567;1398922199;fluffypony;and you? 652568;1398922231;moiety;o i forgot you are just an hour ahead of me fluffypony // i'm good thanks, haven't slept yet though 652569;1398922250;kakobrekla;ah lol, some dudes on some lost forum discussing my previously linked reply 652570;1398922252;kakobrekla;>Yes, we have to find a broker, BTC-e don't send emails - not even send rude emails - which is worrying. 652571;1398922261;moiety;seriously, mircea has deleted oh out of my vocabulary 652572;1398922285;kakobrekla;"at least kako sends us to fuck off!" 652573;1398922295;fluffypony;lol! 652574;1398922356;moiety;lolol kakobrekla responsive rep :] 652575;1398922420;moiety;asciilifeform: i have a new manul and ive forgotten the translation already http://www.kotomet.ru/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/manul0_preview.jpg 652576;1398922471;asciilifeform;moiety: 'love kitties? i ask, kitties, bitch, do you love?!' 652577;1398922540;moiety;asciilifeform: thanks :D // so is cyka = bitch? 652578;1398922545;bitcoinpete;http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/04/14/sick_of_trading_pigs_oil_and_wheat_how_about_cloud/ <; Crown Candy Kitchen - Old North Saint Louis - Saint Louis, MO | Yelp: ; Crown Candy Kitchen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: 652647;1398924813;assbot;[MPEX] [FN] [F.MPIF] 1000 @ 0.000215 = 0.215 BTC 652648;1398924819;BingoBoingo;Eh 652649;1398924823;fluffypony;yeah definitely didn't go there 652650;1398924839;BingoBoingo;Not like ROunders was viable on its own 652651;1398924857;fluffypony;they dragged me to places like Outback Steakhouse and Cracker Barrel 652652;1398924886;fluffypony;and Cheesecake Factory (which surprisingly, to me at least, looked nothing like the one in Big Bang Theory) 652653;1398924895;moiety;why not BB? rugby does just fine without the helmets and cushions that your football has :P 652654;1398924925;BingoBoingo;fluffypony: Those are chain places. Crown Candy is how the Polaks keeps the Nigs sated. 652655;1398924953;BingoBoingo;moiety: Because Handegg isn't a sport. It is a way to keep classes of people damaged. 652656;1398924972;fluffypony;BingoBoingo: yeah, good food definitely wasn't on their priority list of "cool places to show Riccardo" 652657;1398924994;BingoBoingo;Yeah, crown Candy is the best. 652658;1398925012;BingoBoingo;I'll admit Imos is barely better than native Chicago pizza. 652659;1398925034;BingoBoingo;Then again fluffypony maybe your guides sucked 652660;1398925050;moiety;meh poor dead rounders 652661;1398925055;BingoBoingo;lol 652662;1398925057;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10612 @ 0.00097028 = 10.2966 BTC [-] {2} 652663;1398925077;BingoBoingo;fluffypony: I mean did they show you the sad zoo lions? 652664;1398925103;fluffypony;no? 652665;1398925127;BingoBoingo;fluffypony: Oh, the StL zoo big cats are the saddest things. 652666;1398925144;moiety;all zoo creatures are sad 652667;1398925159;moiety;what happened with the ukraine zoo that ran out of food and meds btw 652668;1398925162;fluffypony;well I suppose they didn't think to take me there since, you know, coming from Africa and all that 652669;1398925197;BingoBoingo;fluffypony: Maybe they knew things were wrong. Probably also why they didn't take you to North City, 652670;1398925216;BingoBoingo;moiety: The penguins are happy. 652671;1398925265;moiety;only their feet. they are dying inside 652672;1398925291;BingoBoingo;Nah, penguins love malnourished lion as food 652673;1398925418;BingoBoingo;So ThickAsThieves how did you feel when you found out parts were less than 6% of Google glass costs? 652674;1398925423;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 1 @ 0.14 BTC 652675;1398925484;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4092 @ 0.00097174 = 3.9764 BTC [+] 652676;1398926033;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10098 @ 0.00097473 = 9.8428 BTC [+] 652677;1398926157;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 32 @ 0.00563069 = 0.1802 BTC [-] {2} 652678;1398926456;moiety;i was just reading that about glass 652679;1398926460;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 10 @ 0.14 = 1.4 BTC 652680;1398928290;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.03248515 = 0.1624 BTC [+] 652681;1398928839;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4400 @ 0.00096969 = 4.2666 BTC [-] 652682;1398929815;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9000 @ 0.00096969 = 8.7272 BTC [-] 652683;1398930364;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17300 @ 0.00097108 = 16.7997 BTC [+] {2} 652684;1398930730;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 212 @ 0.00563069 = 1.1937 BTC [-] {2} 652685;1398930841;punkman;I'm still auth'd, amazing ISP! 652686;1398930841;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 652687;1398930898;fluffypony;lol 652688;1398930977;punkman;had to climb the long way into my house, good thing I had left a window open 652689;1398931184;fluffypony;punkman: why not use the door? 652690;1398931234;punkman;fluffypony, because someone smart left the keys on the door (on the inside) 652691;1398931261;fluffypony;lol 652692;1398931333;punkman;I had to shoo pigeons, and a cat 652693;1398931346;punkman;cat decided to follow me though 652694;1398931836;punkman;http://pastebin.com/DXTu8Mcm 652695;1398931836;ozbot;Google AdSense Leak - Part 2 - Pastebin.com 652696;1398931867;punkman;http://pastebin.com/qh6Tta3h 652697;1398931868;ozbot;Google AdSense Leak - Pastebin.com 652698;1398932133;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 22 @ 0.03246832 = 0.7143 BTC [-] {6} 652699;1398932499;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.49952498 = 0.999 BTC [+] 652700;1398932621;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.49971249 = 0.9994 BTC [+] {2} 652701;1398933924;fluffypony;punkman: interesting read 652702;1398933935;fluffypony;do you think it's legit or some crazy dude scaremongering? 652703;1398933969;fluffypony;moiety: http://i.imgur.com/EBUm6u0.jpg 652704;1398933994;punkman;second part sounds like a redditard, but who knows 652705;1398934022;punkman;I know a lot of people that have been banned from adsense/adwords for no reason 652706;1398934036;fluffypony;yeah I had one of my accounts banned a few years ago 652707;1398934065;fluffypony;conveniently it was when I decided that the whole "Internet marketing" thing was bullshit and it'd be better to sell products and ebooks and "systems" to the IM guys than do it myself 652708;1398934070;punkman;I stopped using them before they went wild with it, around 2009 maybe 652709;1398934191;fluffypony;lol: http://i.imgur.com/HID68KI.jpg /r/bitcoin in 10 years time 652710;1398934329;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18750 @ 0.00096969 = 18.1817 BTC [-] 652711;1398934434;Apocalyptic;nice one 652712;1398934543;punkman;fluffypony: https://github.com/coolwanglu/pdf2htmlEX 652713;1398934558;fluffypony;punkman: I've been trying to get that working for 2 days 652714;1398934560;fluffypony;on OS X 652715;1398934567;fluffypony;he has his own fontforge fork 652716;1398934590;fluffypony;which has a bunch of weird requirements 652717;1398934602;punkman;did you figure out if you can get HTML out of that? seems full of javascript 652718;1398934618;fluffypony;I'll let you know once I get it working :-P 652719;1398934623;punkman;Scribd only let me get plaintext btw 652720;1398934624;fluffypony;configure: error: libuuid development files required 652721;1398934630;fluffypony;that's my current issue 652722;1398934645;fluffypony;and libuuid is baked into OS X 652723;1398934648;punkman;but it accepts all kinds of formats, not just pdf, so I guess it will come in handy sometime 652724;1398934655;fluffypony;so there's no pkg-config .pc for it 652725;1398934667;fluffypony;I may just go straight to deving on the server 652726;1398934695;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 2 @ 0.14 = 0.28 BTC 652727;1398934696;punkman;Google probably does the best conversion 652728;1398934711;punkman;wonder if I can get it on demand through Google Docs 652729;1398935549;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4788 @ 0.00096969 = 4.6429 BTC [-] 652730;1398935610;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22912 @ 0.00096817 = 22.1827 BTC [-] {2} 652731;1398936342;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7552 @ 0.00097136 = 7.3357 BTC [+] 652732;1398937074;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 28 @ 0.00562775 = 0.1576 BTC [-] {3} 652733;1398937969;pankkake;can't buy mpif on coinbr? … 652734;1398938230;fluffypony;pankkake: you can't buy it on mpex either yet 652735;1398940734;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 18 @ 0.03150111 = 0.567 BTC [-] {2} 652736;1398940785;mircea_popescu;benkay notrly my style. 652737;1398940792;fluffypony;http://variety.com/2014/film/news/jeffrey-katzenberg-predicts-3-week-theatrical-window-in-future-1201166052/ 652738;1398940792;ozbot;Jeffrey Katzenberg Predicts 3-Week Theatrical Window in Future | Variety 652739;1398940794;fluffypony;this is interesting 652740;1398940817;fluffypony;"I think the model will change and you won’t pay for the window of availability. A movie will come out and you will have 17 days, that’s exactly three weekends, which is 95% of the revenue for 98% of movies. On the 18th day, these movies will be available everywhere ubiquitously and you will pay for the size. A movie screen will be $15. A 75” TV will be $4.00. A smartphone will be $1.99." 652741;1398940904;mircea_popescu;this is by no means either a prediction or novel. 652742;1398940933;fluffypony;novel to me - I hadn't thought about content delivery in terms of screen size before 652743;1398940975;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/Mircea_Popescu/status/461817978066329600 652744;1398940976;ozbot;Twitter / Mircea_Popescu: That's choosing what to fuck. ... 652745;1398940981;mircea_popescu;im so adept at making friends. 652746;1398941008;mircea_popescu;fluffypony it's older than dirt tho. 652747;1398941071;fluffypony;meh, I've never bought into the "do what you love" bullshit 652748;1398941110;mircea_popescu;;;ud smh 652749;1398941111;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=smh | smh. Acronym for 'shake my head' or 'shaking my head.' Usually used when someone finds something so stupid, no words can do it justice. Sometimes it's ... 652750;1398941112;ozbot;Urban Dictionary: smh 652751;1398941116;mircea_popescu;that'd be because you're not a hipster. 652752;1398941128;fluffypony;my very first failed company was an events production house I started with a good friend when I was like 20 652753;1398941138;fluffypony;the two lessons I learnt from that were: 652754;1398941160;fluffypony;1. if you go into business with someone who is a good friend there's a high probability of fucking up the friendship, regardless of the outcome of the business venture 652755;1398941176;mircea_popescu;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bmh5o9pIIAA5kaB.jpg 652756;1398941177;fluffypony;2. just because you like doing something doesn't mean you can get paid for it or even find clients 652757;1398941179;mircea_popescu;ahahaha. hahaha-hahahaha. 652758;1398941189;mircea_popescu;the bestest country in the world, can't get a fucking cab at the airport ? 652759;1398941206;mircea_popescu;srsly africa, the black people called. they want it back, it's theirs! 652760;1398941230;fluffypony;lol 652761;1398941295;mircea_popescu;;;gettrust assbot numerisTrade 652762;1398941296;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user numerisTrade: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=numerisTrade | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=numerisTrade | Rated since: Thu Apr 3 07:04:18 2014 652763;1398941365;fluffypony;http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c8/English_length_units_graph.png 652764;1398941433;mircea_popescu;"In less than three months the Department of the Treasury will start trimming payments on portions of the $17.3 trillion-plus national debt, with unpredictable and unstudied consequences. Acting in violation of legal commitments to purchasers, the Department will chop 30% from interest payments due some foreign holders of hundreds of billions, perhaps trillions, of dollars worth of Treasury securities. Pos 652765;1398941433;mircea_popescu;sible results of this consciously inflicted partial federal default could include mass dumping of bonds by jittery holders, a rise in the rate the government pays for debt service, and undermining the dollars status as the worlds reserve currency." 652766;1398941447;fluffypony;from now on I'm going to provide measurements "to the nearest poppyseed, may be off by a few twips" 652767;1398941461;mircea_popescu;im curious how many in the "press" will be calling this a default, and how many will be derping about how it's really just antiracism and ecology. 652768;1398941466;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 13 @ 0.07230561 = 0.94 BTC [-] {5} 652769;1398941480;mircea_popescu;because well... anyone who fails to call it a default also fails to have a future, in his chosen profession. 652770;1398941486;numerisTrade;hello 652771;1398941489;mircea_popescu;hi. 652772;1398941494;numerisTrade;hello, mircea_popescu 652773;1398941496;numerisTrade;;;ident 652774;1398941496;gribble;Nick 'numerisTrade', with hostmask 'numerisTrade!~numeris@unaffiliated/numeris', is identified as user 'numerisTrade', with GPG key id 3B5A64169734D48F, key fingerprint 8D77A1296B71AD54AD09F2FD3B5A64169734D48F, and bitcoin address None 652775;1398941515;mircea_popescu;you're the wywial fellow aren't you ? 652776;1398941527;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.07123325 = 0.2849 BTC [-] {4} 652777;1398941528;numerisTrade;partially yes 652778;1398941547;mircea_popescu;lol how does that work ?! 652779;1398941605;numerisTrade;it's a joint venture with my fellow 652780;1398941611;fluffypony;dissociative identity disorder? 652781;1398941642;numerisTrade;currently, I'm wywialm, but this nick is also managed by him 652782;1398941678;punkman;that's not how this works 652783;1398941682;mircea_popescu;well tell him that this nick can speak here on the strength of it being used by you, so he shouldn't muck it up. 652784;1398941691;mircea_popescu;and actually, you really should get him a diff nick, or yourself. 652785;1398941713;mircea_popescu;as it is you be just askin' for trouble. 652786;1398941718;mircea_popescu;!up toddf 652787;1398941718;assbot;Voicing toddf for 30 minutes. 652788;1398941727;fluffypony;numerisTrade: why not just do it the way GlooBoy does? 652789;1398941740;fluffypony;he has an iTradeBTC account that, in theory, anyone could manage 652790;1398941749;fluffypony;but his WoT ratings are his own under his nick 652791;1398941752;mircea_popescu;"Obama joins a high-powered group of celebs to emphasize the vital role men play in preventing sexual assault " < i had no idea presidents are celebrities nao. 652792;1398941768;fluffypony;he could always nominate someone else to sell for him (and note that in the WoT) 652793;1398941842;numerisTrade;fluffypony, how to arraange it when two people are engaged? separate WoT ratings? But its the business that should be rated... 652794;1398941872;mircea_popescu;o, what's teh business ? 652795;1398941882;mircea_popescu;i didn't realise you had a business. 652796;1398941893;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7767 @ 0.00097405 = 7.5654 BTC [+] 652797;1398941898;mircea_popescu;meanwhile at the twitter lolzfarm : 652798;1398941899;mircea_popescu;"Robin Klein My week on twitter: 255 New Followers, 5 Mentions, 5.02K Mention Reach, 2 Replies, 15 Retweets. 652799;1398941899;mircea_popescu;Mircea Popescu @robinklein That's the definition of pathetic you know." 652800;1398941930;fluffypony;numerisTrade: separate WoT ratings, after a few ratings will it matter? alternatively, leave the numerisTrade nick for trading, and have another IRC session in your personal capacity :) 652801;1398941954;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32283 @ 0.00097588 = 31.5043 BTC [+] {2} 652802;1398941955;mircea_popescu;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BmeixjlCIAE0_qV.jpg:large << best korea market prediction services. 652803;1398941964;mircea_popescu;soon to be ipoing on kimcoin 652804;1398941967;mircea_popescu;!up quantyfikator 652805;1398941967;assbot;Voicing quantyfikator for 30 minutes. 652806;1398942073;mircea_popescu;http://www.vox.com/2014/4/30/5669484/britains-murder-case-against-one-of-irelands-most-important 652807;1398942076;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.07122011 = 0.3561 BTC [-] 652808;1398942101;mircea_popescu;this is why you do not negotiate, and you do not stop until the enemy is destroyed. not just dead, destroyed. 652809;1398942102;fluffypony;mad photoshop skillz: http://i.imgur.com/Nb1uRg0.jpg 652810;1398942105;mircea_popescu;otherwise, 40 years later... 652811;1398942126;mircea_popescu;fluffypony aahahahaha 652812;1398942137;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 63 @ 0.07120634 = 4.486 BTC [-] {4} 652813;1398942138;numerisTrade;mircea_popescu, the business is just starting, according to your MPOE-PR tutorial. Currently we're experimenting with repo trading / secured loans 652814;1398942141;numerisTrade;;;view 652815;1398942143;gribble;#20257 Thu Apr 17 07:20:26 2014 numerisTrade SELL 1.0 Repo transaction / Secured loan @ 477.04 USD (Price is amount of Ripple/Coinbase collateral. See more at http://numeristrade.blogspot.com/p/products.html) 652816;1398942158;mircea_popescu;numerisTrade ic. 652817;1398942381;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13200 @ 0.00097598 = 12.8829 BTC [+] {2} 652818;1398942512;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: pankkake (and I) were wondering when mpif shares are going to be available? 652819;1398942536;mircea_popescu;yesterday ? 652820;1398942546;pankkake;scam 652821;1398942570;mircea_popescu;!t m f.mpif 652822;1398942571;assbot;[MPEX:F.MPIF] 1D: 0.000215 / 0.000215 / 0.000215 (495912 shares, 106.62 BTC), 7D: 0.000215 / 0.000215 / 0.000215 (495912 shares, 106.62 BTC), 30D: 0.000215 / 0.000215 / 0.000215 (495912 shares, 106.62 BTC) 652823;1398942571;fluffypony;not on coinbr 652824;1398942586;*;fluffypony pokes jurov 652825;1398942588;mircea_popescu;on coinbr when jurov gets around to it, which should be any time nao 652826;1398942592;pankkake;I'm surprised a date wouldn't announced in advance either 652827;1398942594;pankkake;meh… 652828;1398942610;fluffypony;pankkake: someone should tell Jimmothy so he can warn everyone 652829;1398942612;fluffypony;:-P 652830;1398942619;mircea_popescu;pankkake what diff does it make ? 652831;1398942674;pankkake;I want to buy some before there's nothing left, for one? 652832;1398942689;mircea_popescu;how would that work ? this is a managed asset, it's not supposed to trade much off its nav 652833;1398942698;mircea_popescu;i can issue an infinity of shares, and will if price diverges upwards. 652834;1398942708;mircea_popescu;i can destroy all the shares, and will if price diverges under. 652835;1398942718;mircea_popescu;it's an investment not a forum "ipo" 652836;1398942732;numerisTrade;fluffypony, the separate IRC session is understandable, but wouldn't it be more difficult to assign trust to numerisTrade, it being some sort of different entity? 652837;1398942735;pankkake;sure, but it's still annoying 652838;1398942786;*;fluffypony ponders 652839;1398942805;fluffypony;numerisTrade: there's a solution somewhere in this, I'm just too buggered to figure it out atm :) 652840;1398942807;mircea_popescu;so far it was selling excitedly at ~1% over nav, then panacea announced losses and it chilled. 652841;1398942816;mircea_popescu;fluffypony see, anal sex hurts. 652842;1398942853;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: depends on whether or not you're the recipient 652843;1398942865;mircea_popescu;pankkake http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-04-2014#651792 652844;1398942869;mircea_popescu;you gotta be on chan to trade on news. 652845;1398942884;pankkake;I know, I added a hilight on mpif 652846;1398942913;numerisTrade;or in general, how a "bitcoin corporation" should be managed? 652847;1398942924;pankkake;though I wasn't there after, it wouldn't have mattered, since coinbr seems to be manual in every way 652848;1398942931;numerisTrade;fluffypony, thx anyway :) 652849;1398942964;mircea_popescu;pankkake well you could have made an arrangement with anyone with an acct in the interim i guess, but srsly : you won't conceivably be locked out of shares, so. nothing to worry about on that score. 652850;1398942991;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 31 @ 0.48045998 = 14.8943 BTC [-] {9} 652851;1398942993;pankkake;we'll see 652852;1398943007;mircea_popescu;fluffypony of all the people i know that lost their cockthread thing whatever you call it, all lost it to a puckered butthole. 652853;1398943011;mircea_popescu;so... not necessarily. 652854;1398943198;fluffypony;numerisTrade: ok here's an idea - you have a mutual note in the WoT from personalnick1 to numerisTrade saying that personalnick1 is a representative of the company. same goes for personalnick2. because the WoT is meant to be interpreted and not viewed as a cumulative score or whatever, anyone trading with you can be told to check the numerisTrade WoT. once the trade is complete you can ask them to rate numerisTrade for the business and rate 652855;1398943198;fluffypony;you for the interaction. 652856;1398943230;mircea_popescu;that's pretty much how it works. 652857;1398943254;pankkake;;;gpg info bitbet 652858;1398943254;gribble;No such user registered. 652859;1398943256;pankkake;;;gpg info mpex 652860;1398943256;gribble;No such user registered. 652861;1398943277;mircea_popescu;;;gettrust mtgox 652862;1398943277;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user mircea_popescu to user mtgox: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 6 via 3 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=mircea_popescu&dest=mtgox | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=mtgox | Rated since: Mon Nov 8 13:35:39 2010 652863;1398943279;mircea_popescu;;;gettrust karpeles 652864;1398943279;numerisTrade;thanks, fluffypony, great idea! should the numerisTrade WoT account be able to rate personalnick_i as well? 652865;1398943279;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user mircea_popescu to user karpeles: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=mircea_popescu&dest=karpeles | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=karpeles | Rated since: never 652866;1398943290;pankkake;;;getrating magicaltux 652867;1398943290;gribble;Use the gettrust command instead. See http://wiki.bitcoin-otc.com/wiki/OTC_Rating_System#Relying_on_the_rating 652868;1398943296;pankkake;;;rated magicaltux 652869;1398943297;gribble;You rated user magicaltux on Thu Feb 27 08:13:53 2014, with a rating of -1, and supplied these additional notes: ate all the coins. 652870;1398943300;mircea_popescu;numerisTrade yes, you go "Operator of this service" 652871;1398943312;fluffypony;numerisTrade: yes exactly - the mutual WoT note is how they can confirm it 652872;1398943314;numerisTrade;thanks, mircea_popescu 652873;1398943350;fluffypony;personalnick1 rates numerisTrade "I am one of the operators of numerisTrade", numerisTrade rates personalnick1 "This is one of the operators of this service" 652874;1398943375;fluffypony;if at any time you sell the company / leave / die / whatever that rating could be updated to reflect that 652875;1398943385;numerisTrade;ok, I wil apply this. 652876;1398943387;fluffypony;"Was one of the operators, got hit by a bus" 652877;1398943414;mircea_popescu;"we wish him a happy valhalla" 652878;1398943435;fluffypony;lol 652879;1398943515;mircea_popescu;you know, you never hear much of folkvangr 652880;1398943543;fluffypony;;;google folkvangr 652881;1398943544;gribble;Fólkvangr - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Death in Norse paganism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Norse Mythology | Locations in Scandinavia & Germantic Countries: 652882;1398943573;mircea_popescu;fluffypony odin gets half the dead. freya the other half. 652883;1398943581;fluffypony;got it 652884;1398943640;numerisTrade;by the way, would you like to comment the repo trades we offer? http://numeristrade.blogspot.com/p/products.html 652885;1398943655;mircea_popescu;well now that i know you do, yes, lol. 652886;1398943662;mircea_popescu;first comment being that blobspot sucks. 652887;1398943682;pankkake;weird not even a folkvangr in my music library 652888;1398943687;mircea_popescu;numerisTrade how do you take the collateral ? 652889;1398943691;pankkake;at least it's not the new style blogspot that requires javascript 652890;1398943707;numerisTrade;I know, I know. It's just that we didn't want to focus on the website at first 652891;1398943714;mircea_popescu;pankkake i know right ? an even split turns through the meta ear of humanity into an 99.99999% - 0% split. goes to show just how cultivated your average human alive is. 652892;1398943756;mircea_popescu;for instance : i would prefer to go live with the goddess of fuck than with some boastful hipster that ~is destined to fail and die~. 652893;1398943772;numerisTrade;in ripple fiat-denominated IOUs 652894;1398943782;mircea_popescu;wait. 652895;1398943784;mircea_popescu;what ?! 652896;1398943804;numerisTrade;the purpose of it is to be withdrawable from bitstamp et alia 652897;1398943810;pankkake;I wasn't aware BitstampEUR existed 652898;1398943818;mircea_popescu;ok i have to say that is the most obnoxiously stupid thing i heard all year. wtf. 652899;1398943831;mircea_popescu;numerisTrade so if the guy gives you the ripple iou and walks what do you do ? 652900;1398943890;numerisTrade;it's the bitstamp IOU. I redeem it at bitstamp and exchange to BTC 652901;1398943904;pankkake;mircea_popescu: the IOU is towards the exchange, so I don't really see the issue 652902;1398943905;mircea_popescu;oh so only ious issued by bitstamp ? 652903;1398943906;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21900 @ 0.00097406 = 21.3319 BTC [-] {2} 652904;1398943917;numerisTrade;yes, ofc :) 652905;1398943921;mircea_popescu;what if bitstamp locks your account for engaging in money laundering ? 652906;1398943932;numerisTrade;then I have a problem 652907;1398943953;pankkake;well, you can sell/transfer on ripple… actually, ripple is doing the money laundering for bitstamp 652908;1398943962;mircea_popescu;well, did you check this product you're offering with them ? 652909;1398943967;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 5572 @ 0.00012908 = 0.7192 BTC [+] {4} 652910;1398943968;numerisTrade;I can convert to TheRock, but if this is locked as well... 652911;1398943971;pankkake;which is actually why I'm wondering why Ripple is still a thing with those big exchanges 652912;1398943989;mircea_popescu;pankkake because nobody gave a shit yet because they have bigger fires to put out because nobody uses ripple. 652913;1398944004;pankkake;that's my guess, but still, weird 652914;1398944009;mircea_popescu;kinda, yea. 652915;1398944015;mircea_popescu;then again, goxusd used to be a thing. 652916;1398944018;mircea_popescu;then... it went away one day. 652917;1398944037;pankkake;as with ripple, you can clearly transfer fiat IOUs between accounts, no funny internet money in between 652918;1398944056;numerisTrade;mircea_popescu, you're right. But there aren't many other possibilities to take collateral 652919;1398944065;mircea_popescu;numerisTrade but did you check your plan with bitstamp 652920;1398944123;numerisTrade;If you're asking whether we tried it out, the answer is yes. 652921;1398944146;mircea_popescu;no, whether you went to whoever runs bitstamp and said, "hey, this is what we plan to do, do you see any problems and can we rely on you for it." 652922;1398944219;numerisTrade;no, not yet. It is a good idea though, thanks. 652923;1398944237;mircea_popescu;well, this points to a structural problem in your business planning process. 652924;1398944248;numerisTrade;I'm all ears 652925;1398944248;mircea_popescu;you gotta be able to identify all your stakeholders, and you gotta have at least talked to them. 652926;1398944272;mircea_popescu;but if you fail to even identify them, that's a strategic failure. failure to talk to them compounds operational failure on top of strategic failure and is how "surprises" happen 652927;1398944282;mircea_popescu;the sort that are surprising to everyone except you know, businessmen. 652928;1398944323;mircea_popescu;moving on : how do you expect to compete with stuff like x.eur (which also gets no volume worth the mention, come to think of it) 652929;1398944478;numerisTrade;x.eur is a slightly different product, it's a future, not a repurchase agreement, and so it serves a little bit different purposes (e.g. cannot be used as a secured loan). besides. it's not otc 652930;1398944500;mircea_popescu;well technically yours is not otc either, it's on ripple. 652931;1398944502;numerisTrade;so we didn't think of it as a competition actually 652932;1398944529;numerisTrade;otc as in not standarised and on central order book 652933;1398944548;mircea_popescu;well that is also a point of strategic failure. because competition it is, definitely : one wanting to short btc can either buy euros for delivery on bc at his option, or enter in your cfd. 652934;1398944573;mircea_popescu;and the unrepresented risk you have here is that if there's two slightly different products addressing roughly the same market, 652935;1398944575;pankkake;I should write a "price translator" for X.EUR. perhaps combine it with my existing B-C bot 652936;1398944577;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 8 @ 0.03129704 = 0.2504 BTC [-] 652937;1398944580;mircea_popescu;you can easily end up with the traintracks problem 652938;1398944586;pankkake;though for my use I don't see much of an advantage vs. trading on B-C directly 652939;1398944588;numerisTrade;in that matter, yes it is. 652940;1398944591;mircea_popescu;that is, what if all the good business flocks to one and all the scammers to the other ? 652941;1398944635;mircea_popescu;which is exactly what strategic planning for businesses is : "foreseeing" these problems and addressing them. 652942;1398944638;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 10 @ 0.06474168 = 0.6474 BTC [-] 652943;1398944660;numerisTrade;obviously, we're scammed, then :) by the way, thanks for pointing the stakeholder issue 652944;1398944685;mircea_popescu;yw. 652945;1398944696;numerisTrade;traintracks problem? could you explain, please? 652946;1398944717;mircea_popescu;it's an us idiom. old style (esp southern) towns had a "right side of the tracks", where respectable people lived 652947;1398944726;mircea_popescu;and a wrong side, where mostly the blacks were quartered. 652948;1398944760;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.0311 = 0.1244 BTC [-] 652949;1398944762;mircea_popescu;preventing such a fate for bitcoin, for instance, has been 90% of all the work of 2012 and 2013 652950;1398944853;numerisTrade;returning for the while to the competition issue, currently, the main problem is the volume, not too tight competition, as I believe 652951;1398944856;mircea_popescu;pankkake the x.eur has the advantage that being supported by push txn and exchange sigs, you can enter into derivative gpg contracts of infinite complexity and actual otc quality on its basis. 652952;1398944877;mircea_popescu;numerisTrade but "currently" can not stand as an argument in a strategic matter. 652953;1398944887;pankkake;well, perhaps, but I can't and don't need those things yet :) 652954;1398944888;mircea_popescu;whether the bridge is built well or badly is not related to whether it currently rains 652955;1398944897;mircea_popescu;pankkake that's fine eh :D 652956;1398944914;pankkake;nor do I get much lower trade fees on coinbr (0.5 vs. 0.59) 652957;1398945049;numerisTrade;but you are actually right that x.eur is a good base for otc derivatives 652958;1398945065;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19600 @ 0.00097071 = 19.0259 BTC [-] {3} 652959;1398945093;numerisTrade;you've given us much to think about 652960;1398945150;mircea_popescu;numerisTrade if you'll stand the statement, i'll say that this has been an illuminating exercise as to the value of higher education. while you're a trained economist and the average forum dweller is a highschool drop-out, you and them are both about equally inept in business. the one difference is that your higher training allows you to understand what i say, and their lack of education denies them same. 652961;1398945262;numerisTrade;I'll regard that as a compliment 652962;1398945329;pankkake;I would have to agree on economists being inept at business. not that it's bad, they can be good economists, it's just another domain 652963;1398945363;mircea_popescu;pankkake it's more of a "go to college my son, not so you can do great things, but so you may understand why the men doing great things are laughing at you, and laugh with them." 652964;1398945373;mircea_popescu;the specialisation isn't really all that important. 652965;1398945539;numerisTrade;nevertheless, it's true that we're still learning 652966;1398945646;mircea_popescu;well this has been a productive morning. and outside... it's sunny, but rain drops are falling 652967;1398945661;mircea_popescu;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ejR01W8fks 652968;1398945662;ozbot;raindrops keep falling on my head - YouTube 652969;1398945826;pankkake;so today's big news is that zuckerberg drops the hoodie 652970;1398945919;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 56 @ 0.00458548 = 0.2568 BTC [+] 652971;1398945969;pankkake;also http://www.freebsd.org/security/advisories/FreeBSD-SA-14:08.tcp.asc 652972;1398946218;fluffypony;lol, pankkake, someone commented on that - "INB4 Technology blogs think they're clever naming this FreeBleed." 652973;1398946312;mircea_popescu;Affects: All supported versions of FreeBSD. 652974;1398946313;mircea_popescu;cute. 652975;1398946352;pankkake;and the many OSes which copied that TCP stack 652976;1398946418;mircea_popescu;which is afaik everyone 652977;1398946431;mircea_popescu;who wrote their own tcp stack ? netbsd ? 652978;1398946474;pankkake;I don't think OpenBSD has the same, and nor does Linux of course 652979;1398946558;mircea_popescu;myeah. 652980;1398946898;mircea_popescu;%t 652981;1398946899;atcbot;[X-BT] Bid: 195 Ask: 220 Last Price: 225 24h-Vol: 116k High: 225 Low: 195 VWAP: 217 652982;1398946947;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves: while this is a public place, it isn't necessarily fairly distributed to shareholders << that is an option the shareholders take on their own backs. 652983;1398946979;mircea_popescu;someone not reading the logs is making a conscious and deliberate move. 652984;1398947081;mircea_popescu;"I've been a few months there and no problem. If only they allowed btc/usd trading..." uh color me fucking confused. isn't that EXACTLY what bit4x does ? 652985;1398947154;mircea_popescu;!jd mpif 652986;1398947154;assbot;Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 50.43373066 BTC 652987;1398947261;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15450 @ 0.00096904 = 14.9717 BTC [-] {2} 652988;1398947363;mircea_popescu;"Perhaps URLs are just destined to be an implementation detail that the next generation of users wont even know exists. Maybe I was crazy to think that URLs were a permanent part of our culture. Still, Ill miss the damn things. Lets pour one out for the URL." 652989;1398947366;mircea_popescu;what the fuck perhaps. 652990;1398947379;mircea_popescu;i will burn apple and facebook in urine before i give up the url. 652991;1398947395;mircea_popescu;who the fuck cares about some shitty us corps already, jesus christ on a popsicle. 652992;1398947425;pankkake;they already buried the http(s):// :( 652993;1398947519;mircea_popescu;https://blockchain.info/tx/6ea5c6f1a97f382f87523d13ef9f2ef17b828607107efdbba42a80b8a6555356 652994;1398947520;ozbot;Bitcoin Transaction 6ea5c6f1a97f382f87523d13ef9f2ef17b828607107efdbba42a80b8a6555356 652995;1398947524;mircea_popescu;blockchain is back to that number. 652996;1398947540;mircea_popescu;pankkake so they like to think. 652997;1398947601;pankkake;chrome devs even refuse to make it an option 652998;1398947615;mircea_popescu;bitcoinpete: fluffypony: i could see people who aren't writers/thinkers being perfectly ok with the "cleanliness" of buried urls << yeah, because to the idiot everything that he doesn't grok is dirty. 652999;1398947626;mircea_popescu;pankkake well i don't use chrome. 653000;1398947652;pankkake;no one should, but that's not the point :) 653001;1398947679;mircea_popescu;meanwhile yes, they are killing in my logs. 653002;1398947685;mircea_popescu;40% of all traffic or some shit like that. 653003;1398947711;asciilifeform;FreeBSD << obligatorily mumbles, 'don't blame the mice.' 653004;1398947722;fluffypony;Google Ultron is a MUCH better browser than Chrome 653005;1398947730;fluffypony;plus NASA uses it so you know it's good 653006;1398947741;fluffypony; 653007;1398947749;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 73 @ 0.0700174 = 5.1113 BTC [-] {7} 653008;1398947770;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform blame everyone involved. 653009;1398947789;mircea_popescu;equally, and equal to the entire pot. 653010;1398947810;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07 = 0.14 BTC [-] 653011;1398947823;mircea_popescu;fluffypony: BingoBoingo: yeah, good food definitely wasn't on their priority list of "cool places to show Riccardo" << so what happened, her two boyfriends took you around town to party ? 653012;1398947856;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: much worse than that - her dad played tour guide 653013;1398947872;mircea_popescu;punkman: fluffypony, because someone smart left the keys on the door (on the inside) << were these... gpg keys ? 653014;1398947873;fluffypony;I'd have loved it if she had two boyfriends who took me out to party, at least I would've had a godo time 653015;1398947874;mircea_popescu;badoom-tsks 653016;1398947875;fluffypony;*good 653017;1398947894;mircea_popescu;your slutometer is clearly broken. 653018;1398947909;fluffypony;clearly 653019;1398947917;asciilifeform;wtf, is this 'the onion'? 'urls abolished?' what'd i wake up do 653020;1398947928;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform welcome to 2023. 653021;1398947933;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 33 @ 0.03102422 = 1.0238 BTC [-] {6} 653022;1398947974;mircea_popescu;fluffypony i once lost my watch. the only one time i lost my watch. i was completely wtf'd as to where i could have put the thing ?! or maybe... justmaybe... some handslight actually got it off me and now i'm never going to hear the end of "o lalala i stole mps watch lalala" *whack* ? 653023;1398947993;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 68 @ 0.0293048 = 1.9927 BTC [-] {10} 653024;1398947998;mircea_popescu;so the father of this cute schoolgirl gives me back my watch. 653025;1398948001;mircea_popescu;he had found it. 653026;1398948024;mircea_popescu;he had found it, at their 2nd town appt, where the girl's grandmother lived in the summers, which was atm empty being winter. 653027;1398948042;mircea_popescu;he had found it, on this particular bedside niche hidden spot that's only accessible really if you're lying in bed 653028;1398948054;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 22 @ 0.03349828 = 0.737 BTC [+] {7} 653029;1398948059;mircea_popescu;he had found it, because he was there with his wife... and they...well... they got a little frisky 653030;1398948061;mircea_popescu;and so... 653031;1398948068;fluffypony;lol 653032;1398948100;mircea_popescu;awkward moment ensues, im trying to recall if the girl's 16 even... 653033;1398948115;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 11 @ 0.03395502 = 0.3735 BTC [+] {11} 653034;1398948116;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 6 @ 0.029 = 0.174 BTC [-] {6} 653035;1398948176;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 12 @ 0.03441776 = 0.413 BTC [+] {12} 653036;1398948184;fluffypony;that must've been a fun convo 653037;1398948186;mircea_popescu;"Taaki is an Iranian-British free-market anarchist and developer of high-profile bitcoin projects like the decentralized online marketplace prototype DarkMarket" 653038;1398948194;mircea_popescu;ok that's fucking it. wired is under embargo from now on. 653039;1398948210;mircea_popescu;YOU PEOPLE ARE FUCKWITS GET YOUR FUCKING HEADS OUT OF YOUR FUCKING POOP CHUTES AND DO SOME RESEARCH. 653040;1398948228;mircea_popescu;fluffypony actually it ended there. what was he doing to say. 653041;1398948228;asciilifeform;wait, that taaki? 653042;1398948232;asciilifeform;bob the goat-builder? 653043;1398948237;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 3 @ 0.035 = 0.105 BTC [+] {3} 653044;1398948243;fluffypony;cue movie voice over guy: DARK (dark dark dark) MARKET (market market market) 653045;1398948246;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes. wired is below fucking daily mail. 653046;1398948285;asciilifeform;lol! 653047;1398948298;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 12 @ 0.03574998 = 0.429 BTC [+] {12} 653048;1398948328;asciilifeform;incidentally, the term 'wired' in usa is not always to do with wires. it is also a traditional euphemism for tripping on strong dope. 653049;1398948336;mircea_popescu;"learn the secret nigerian dairy farmers hate : how an Edinburgh mum built a functioning goat out of tooth paste and some wood shavings" 653050;1398948359;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 8 @ 0.03674998 = 0.294 BTC [+] {8} 653051;1398948364;asciilifeform;'mr dope was quite wired, spent three days re-arranging hammers in tool chest' 653052;1398948404;fluffypony;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cv568AzZ-i8 653053;1398948404;ozbot;What We Do in the Shadows - Official Trailer - YouTube 653054;1398948431;mircea_popescu;anyway, it's refreshing to see that a) taaki is continuing his gofer career, because that's what the guy does, much a la gmaxwell : he tries to associate with important projects in the hopes that people with money are stupid enough to go by what fucktarded ragazines publish, and so maybe he can get some. 653055;1398948447;mircea_popescu;this plan isn't working, the guy lived in squalor in 2004 and lives in squalor today and will live in squalor in 2024 too 653056;1398948470;asciilifeform;seems to contradict the biologists' maxim 'parasite is either fat or dead' 653057;1398948470;mircea_popescu;but b) that he's fucking moved on from bitcoin and now is reduced to trying to leech geeks a la cody wilson. that's a net positive. 653058;1398948487;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform well this one parasite is ugly. 653059;1398948537;asciilifeform;the little fleas, have smaller fleas, ... etc 653060;1398948542;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 6 @ 0.03716666 = 0.223 BTC [+] {6} 653061;1398948604;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.03794999 = 0.3795 BTC [+] {10} 653062;1398948608;asciilifeform;http://everything2.com/title/I+knew+I+couldn%2527t+build+a+cat 653063;1398948610;ozbot;I knew I couldn't build a cat - Everything2.com 653064;1398948665;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 8 @ 0.03881249 = 0.3105 BTC [+] {8} 653065;1398948726;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.0738544 = 0.2216 BTC [+] {3} 653066;1398948848;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.03908 = 0.1954 BTC [+] {5} 653067;1398948908;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 6 @ 0.03946665 = 0.2368 BTC [+] {6} 653068;1398948911;assbot;[MPEX] [FN] [F.MPIF] 10000 @ 0.000215 = 2.15 BTC 653069;1398948969;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.03987498 = 0.1595 BTC [+] {4} 653070;1398948970;assbot;[MPEX] [FN] [F.MPIF] 5000 @ 0.000215 = 1.075 BTC 653071;1398948987;random_cat;and here i thought taake was a lame norwegian black metal band 653072;1398948998;mircea_popescu;"Google reaped both sides of the coin, got money from the advertisers, used the publishers, and didnt 653073;1398948998;mircea_popescu;have to pay them a single penny. We were told to go and look into the publishers accounts, and if any 653074;1398948998;mircea_popescu;publisher had accumulated earnings exceeding $5000 and was near a payout or in the process of a 653075;1398948998;mircea_popescu;payout, we were to ban the account right away and reverse the earnings back. They kept saying it was 653076;1398949000;mircea_popescu;needed for the company, and that most of these publishers were ripping Google off anyways, and that 653077;1398949002;mircea_popescu;their gravy train needed to end. Many employees were not happy about this. A few resigned over it. 653078;1398949004;mircea_popescu;I did not. I stayed because I had a family to support, and secondly I wanted to see how far they would 653079;1398949007;mircea_popescu;go." 653080;1398949030;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.04004899 = 0.4005 BTC [+] {7} 653081;1398949032;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 2 @ 0.06474168 = 0.1295 BTC [-] 653082;1398949152;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18350 @ 0.00096659 = 17.7369 BTC [-] {2} 653083;1398949164;mircea_popescu;The new policy; "shelter the possible problem makers, and fuck the rest" (those words were actually said by a Google AdSense exec) when he spoke about the new procedure and policy for "Account Quality Control". 653084;1398949213;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4400 @ 0.00096524 = 4.2471 BTC [-] {2} 653085;1398949220;mircea_popescu;punkman that's actually quite well matched to market signals. i wonder if anyone'll ever investigate these matters. seems sort-of like a probe in gazprom. 653086;1398949240;mircea_popescu;no soviets ever investigate teh crown jool. 653087;1398949454;mircea_popescu;"It involved skewing data in Google Analytics. They decided it was a good idea to alter the statistical data shown for websites. It first began with just altering data reports for Analytics account holders that also had an AdSense account, but they ran into too many issues and decided it would be simpler just to skew the report data across the board to remain consistent and implement features globally." 653088;1398949458;mircea_popescu;ok im republishing this shit. 653089;1398949520;mircea_popescu;+why 653090;1398949579;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.02850064 = 0.1425 BTC [-] {3} 653091;1398949640;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.06474168 = 0.3237 BTC [-] 653092;1398949701;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.0295619 = 0.2956 BTC [+] {10} 653093;1398949762;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 9 @ 0.02983268 = 0.2685 BTC [+] {9} 653094;1398950860;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 8 @ 0.03099998 = 0.248 BTC [+] {8} 653095;1398950861;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.03540211 = 0.177 BTC [-] {4} 653096;1398950921;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.06474168 = 0.3237 BTC [-] 653097;1398950982;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 6 @ 0.03947965 = 0.2369 BTC [+] {6} 653098;1398951533;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/the-serious-ipo-a-moment-in-the-life-and-times-of-forum-investing/ 653099;1398951534;ozbot;The Serious IPO, a moment in the life and times of forum investing pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Po 653100;1398951586;pankkake;that was my thought when I saw the pic 653101;1398951596;pankkake;they have the same photoshop skillz 653102;1398951675;mircea_popescu;now someone make a forum account put that shit up there. 653103;1398951701;pankkake;informationS is usually how I spot French guys writing in English 653104;1398951710;mircea_popescu;not just french. 653105;1398951715;mircea_popescu;also ex french colonies 653106;1398951719;mircea_popescu;(aka africa) 653107;1398952163;jurov;uh oh mpif is on 653108;1398952174;pankkake;yeah jurov stop scamming us 653109;1398952195;mircea_popescu;jurov hai. 653110;1398952202;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.0305 = 0.122 BTC [+] {2} 653111;1398952434;jurov;hi mircea 653112;1398952443;jurov;buying mpif viac oinbr works nao 653113;1398952446;assbot;[MPEX] [FN] [F.MPIF] 30000 @ 0.000215 = 6.45 BTC 653114;1398952507;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 3 @ 0.03450424 = 0.1035 BTC [-] {3} 653115;1398952513;mircea_popescu;win. 653116;1398952551;mircea_popescu;jurov for a moment there i thought you may be off on something ungodly like i dunno, a 1st may vacatgion or something 653117;1398952568;assbot;[MPEX] [FN] [F.MPIF] 4765 @ 0.000215 = 1.0245 BTC 653118;1398952575;jurov;no, that was tonight ;D 653119;1398952579;pankkake;the French are forbidden to work today! it's work day 653120;1398952595;mircea_popescu;lol 653121;1398952690;assbot;[MPEX] [FN] [F.MPIF] 37650 @ 0.000215 = 8.0948 BTC 653122;1398952873;assbot;[MPEX] [FN] [F.MPIF] 4750 @ 0.000215 = 1.0213 BTC 653123;1398953003;pankkake;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=591758.0 who's that 653124;1398953005;ozbot;PROSLIMBS INC AMAZING INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY 653125;1398953047;jurov;assbot does not react to ozbot? or it's only the capitals? 653126;1398953048;asciilifeform;happy w☭rkers' day, compadres. 653127;1398953086;jurov;how do you called comrade in russia? tovarish? 653128;1398953104;asciilifeform;jurov: товарищ 653129;1398953140;jurov;indeed. we called them "súdruh","súdružka" 653130;1398953167;asciilifeform;aha slovak 653131;1398953178;assbot;[MPEX] [FN] [F.MPIF] 4628 @ 0.000215 = 0.995 BTC 653132;1398953198;fluffypony;pankkake: me 653133;1398953201;jurov;while "družka" is more like life and sexual partner.. dunno how commies though it's appropriate 653134;1398953215;pankkake;cool 653135;1398953361;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 6 @ 0.03191666 = 0.1915 BTC [+] {6} 653136;1398953363;mircea_popescu;drugi srsly ?! 653137;1398953381;fluffypony;NotLambchop is my favourite person on the securities subforum lately 653138;1398953382;asciilifeform;what's remarkable here ? 653139;1398953403;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the part where they call party members bffs ? 653140;1398953423;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 10 @ 0.06474168 = 0.6474 BTC [-] 653141;1398953460;asciilifeform;and a priest is 'father', no one thinks this odd 653142;1398953474;mircea_popescu;actually i do, but anyway. 653143;1398953483;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 8 @ 0.03801236 = 0.3041 BTC [+] {8} 653144;1398953489;mircea_popescu;wouldn't you find it odd if some othrodox country actually called the priest "cousin" ? 653145;1398953494;jurov;not just party members, everyone was supposed to do it, like "mr." and "ms." equivalent 653146;1398953500;asciilifeform;aye 653147;1398953516;asciilifeform;anyway, for the noobs, the slavic languages are almost 'plug-compatible,' just gotta bend a few pins. 653148;1398953516;Apocalyptic;I heard fico likes to be called that way 653149;1398953526;mircea_popescu;same here. tovarasi was so commie-imbued in romanian it pretty much died out 653150;1398953544;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 7 @ 0.03878541 = 0.2715 BTC [+] {7} 653151;1398953545;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 3 @ 0.14 = 0.42 BTC 653152;1398953546;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 6 @ 0.02850187 = 0.171 BTC [-] {2} 653153;1398953564;asciilifeform;not a bad occasion to stop and wonder, what ordinary words of today will die the same death. 653154;1398953605;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.03919196 = 0.196 BTC [+] {5} 653155;1398953606;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 10 @ 0.06474168 = 0.6474 BTC [-] 653156;1398953607;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.02850121 = 0.114 BTC [-] 653157;1398953612;mircea_popescu;liberal is pretty much dead. libertard will probably survive. 653158;1398953636;asciilifeform;liberast. 653159;1398953661;mircea_popescu;the only thing that connotes in english is rastafarian 653160;1398953666;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.039 = 0.156 BTC [-] {4} 653161;1398953667;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.06474168 = 0.3237 BTC [-] 653162;1398953668;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 6 @ 0.0285008 = 0.171 BTC [-] {2} 653163;1398953669;mircea_popescu;which are like, the pre-pastafarian pastafarians. 653164;1398953727;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 7 @ 0.0325714 = 0.228 BTC [+] {7} 653165;1398953773;kakobrekla;!up venzen 653166;1398953773;assbot;Voicing venzen for 30 minutes. 653167;1398953788;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 7 @ 0.03257113 = 0.228 BTC [-] {7} 653168;1398953792;kakobrekla;fyi, you need a voice to speak here 653169;1398953804;venzen;hehe, HeySteve just dropped off 653170;1398953813;kakobrekla;you can get voiced yourself once you get some wot rating from someone close enough to assbot 653171;1398953813;venzen;ok, thanks kakobrekla 653172;1398953848;mircea_popescu;lol the small amount of oppression. the oppressed don't even know about it! 653173;1398953849;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 6 @ 0.03299666 = 0.198 BTC [+] {6} 653174;1398953850;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.06474168 = 0.3237 BTC [-] 653175;1398953851;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.0340005 = 0.136 BTC [-] {3} 653176;1398953854;venzen;ok, i will hangaround and wait for someone i know 653177;1398953902;mike_c;that bit4x email is great. "You are not too bright. All Best, Matic" 653178;1398953910;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 6 @ 0.03299466 = 0.198 BTC [-] {6} 653179;1398953911;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.06474168 = 0.3237 BTC [-] 653180;1398953912;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.0340002 = 0.17 BTC [-] {3} 653181;1398953971;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 9 @ 0.03333298 = 0.3 BTC [+] {9} 653182;1398953972;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.06474168 = 0.3237 BTC [-] 653183;1398953973;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.03319918 = 0.166 BTC [-] {3} 653184;1398954008;jurov;!up HeySteve 653185;1398954008;assbot;Voicing HeySteve for 30 minutes. 653186;1398954032;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 7 @ 0.0335428 = 0.2348 BTC [+] {7} 653187;1398954033;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 59 @ 0.00543609 = 0.3207 BTC [-] {4} 653188;1398954034;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.03285 = 0.3285 BTC [-] {2} 653189;1398954035;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.06474168 = 0.3237 BTC [-] 653190;1398954093;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 7 @ 0.03355708 = 0.2349 BTC [+] {7} 653191;1398954094;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.06474168 = 0.3237 BTC [-] 653192;1398954095;kakobrekla;so HeySteve you know this venzen guy ? 653193;1398954137;mike_c;kakobrekla: pif trades are flowing. thanks. 653194;1398954152;kakobrekla;mike_c :) 653195;1398954154;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 6 @ 0.033566 = 0.2014 BTC [+] {6} 653196;1398954155;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.0323501 = 0.3235 BTC [-] {4} 653197;1398954181;kakobrekla;mike_c btw, i summed the missed ones in a single 470k trade 653198;1398954193;kakobrekla;so the vol should be correct, just timing a little off 653199;1398954216;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.06474168 = 0.3237 BTC [-] 653200;1398954241;mike_c;ok. that's not far off from what happened anyway i believe. couple big blocks sold. 653201;1398954260;fluffypony;mike_c: which bit4x email? 653202;1398954272;kakobrekla;wha? 653203;1398954279;mike_c;fluffypony: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-05-2014#652502 653204;1398954296;fluffypony;tks 653205;1398954322;kakobrekla;o yeah, we now have venzen here cause of that post, allegedly a friend of heysteve. 653206;1398954329;kakobrekla;no wot yet, so let see how that goes. 653207;1398954360;mircea_popescu;http://zonadestiri.com/florin-popescu-a-cerut-70-tone-de-pui-pentru-a-le-da-cetatenilor-in-campania-electorala-2012-nitu-i-a-trimis-lui-cazanciuc-referatul-dna-pentru/ << florin popescu guy looks just like fucking karpeles. 653208;1398954366;fluffypony;lol 653209;1398954393;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla whichg post ? 653210;1398954404;kakobrekla;the one mike just linked 653211;1398954423;mircea_popescu;aok 653212;1398954520;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 3 @ 0.14 = 0.42 BTC 653213;1398954580;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: do you have a definition of a n00b lying around? 653214;1398954598;mircea_popescu;not voiced here ? 653215;1398954642;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 12 @ 0.033599 = 0.4032 BTC [-] {3} 653216;1398954643;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 12 @ 0.03150111 = 0.378 BTC [-] {4} 653217;1398954644;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 13 @ 0.06474168 = 0.8416 BTC [-] {3} 653218;1398954764;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 12 @ 0.033599 = 0.4032 BTC [-] 653219;1398955252;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5700 @ 0.00097085 = 5.5338 BTC [+] 653220;1398955435;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6301 @ 0.00097085 = 6.1173 BTC [+] 653221;1398955496;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 100 @ 0.06867792 = 6.8678 BTC [-] {9} 653222;1398955511;kakobrekla;http://mpex.co/?mpsic=F.MPIF 653223;1398955512;ozbot;F.MPIF last 4628@0.00021500 653224;1398955517;kakobrekla;lol top ask = scam 653225;1398955557;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 160 @ 0.06775852 = 10.8414 BTC [-] {3} 653226;1398955574;pankkake;reminds me of gold old sandstorm on havelock 653227;1398955591;kakobrekla;what happened there? 653228;1398955618;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.07379992 = 0.369 BTC [+] {2} 653229;1398955619;pankkake;sold all (~100 BTC) in a few minutes and resold at 10× price right after 653230;1398955636;kakobrekla;who? 653231;1398955648;pankkake;and that was a fund, too. don't know who 653232;1398955656;kakobrekla;lolk 653233;1398955923;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10750 @ 0.00097104 = 10.4387 BTC [+] {2} 653234;1398955984;assbot;[MPEX] [FN] [F.MPIF] 200000 @ 0.000215 = 43 BTC 653235;1398956010;jurov;um...is marketmaker allowed to front run the IPO? 653236;1398956076;mike_c;ooh, the pif liquidity manager runs a brokerage. 653237;1398956106;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 21 @ 0.03599787 = 0.756 BTC [+] {2} 653238;1398956120;mike_c;that seems like an opportunity for something 653239;1398956167;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 6 @ 0.02850035 = 0.171 BTC [-] {2} 653240;1398956168;assbot;[MPEX] [FN] [F.MPIF] 40000 @ 0.000215 = 8.6 BTC 653241;1398956168;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 6 @ 0.06474168 = 0.3885 BTC [-] 653242;1398956169;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 6 @ 0.03599787 = 0.216 BTC [+] 653243;1398956251;jurov;mike_c: clients can see mpex receipts, so i can't do any straightforward meddling 653244;1398956290;kakobrekla;anyone can see the your full stat ? 653245;1398956323;ThickAsThieves;he'll be reporting all trades at least 653246;1398956329;ThickAsThieves;if i recall 653247;1398956332;mircea_popescu;!t m f.mpif 653248;1398956333;assbot;[MPEX:F.MPIF] 1D: 0.000215 / 0.000215 / 0.000215 (832805 shares, 179.05 BTC), 7D: 0.000215 / 0.000215 / 0.000215 (832805 shares, 179.05 BTC), 30D: 0.000215 / 0.000215 / 0.000215 (832805 shares, 179.05 BTC) 653249;1398956339;mircea_popescu;holy. 653250;1398956360;jurov;yes, i'm going to.. but for not i have to seize the opportunity by hand 653251;1398956377;mircea_popescu;mk ima add another 1mn shares then. 653252;1398956401;jurov;oh, at the same price? 653253;1398956410;mircea_popescu;well yes. 653254;1398956411;assbot;[MPEX] [FN] [F.MPIF] 167195 @ 0.000215 = 35.9469 BTC 653255;1398956437;jurov;lolk.. there goes easy profit 653256;1398956441;fluffypony;well there's that 653257;1398956527;mike_c;um, doesn't that completely change the fund? what would you do with the next 200 btc? 653258;1398956535;ThickAsThieves;it goes to fund assets 653259;1398956570;mircea_popescu;mike_c dump some moar into jdice, for instance. 653260;1398956591;ThickAsThieves;shouldnt mp be listed as a manager? 653261;1398956598;pankkake;the just-dice one can easily be grown (though profit will not grow exactly linearly) 653262;1398956599;mircea_popescu;general manager even 653263;1398956603;ThickAsThieves;right 653264;1398956655;assbot;[MPEX] [FN] [F.MPIF] 10000 @ 0.000215 = 2.15 BTC 653265;1398956678;mike_c;seems like if you raise more funds it will turn into the panacea/JD fund. the other pcs can't handle much more capital. 653266;1398956717;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.03669396 = 0.3669 BTC [+] {7} 653267;1398956729;mircea_popescu;mike_c i think it varies a lot over time too. for instance, pc4 is currentl;y very little exposed. but as a lot of bets are med term, 6 months, 1 yr 653268;1398956735;mircea_popescu;the weight of its book will eventually end up significant 653269;1398956756;ThickAsThieves;regarding my previous comments on bingoboingo soliciting trade info from others, i guess i kind of see it as the MPEx as the purported/aspiring to be SRO in the space. in that sense i think the long-term view might be to consider whether this is really a best practice, and further whether this channel would ultimately serve as fair info distribution to shareholders 653270;1398956774;mircea_popescu;mpif is also not obliged to put ALL its capital into pcs, it can keep a reserve 653271;1398956797;asciilifeform;in what sense is the channel anything other than public ? 653272;1398956800;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves this channel does serve as the info distribution for all bitcoin finance. 653273;1398956805;mircea_popescu;this is so by fiat. 653274;1398956810;ThickAsThieves;it's not a question of whether this is public 653275;1398956847;asciilifeform;in other news, 653276;1398956848;asciilifeform;http://cryptome.org/2014/04/nsa-ghostmachine-echobase.pdf 653277;1398956852;asciilifeform;(long time, no turds!) 653278;1398956859;fluffypony;awwww 653279;1398956864;fluffypony;they deleted my PROSLIMBS posts 653280;1398956902;mircea_popescu;who's they ? 653281;1398956907;fluffypony;moderators 653282;1398956910;ThickAsThieves;it removes possibility of being a passive investor in any regard, which i suppose is okay with the right support systems in place 653283;1398956910;fluffypony;https://bitcointa.lk/threads/proslimbs-inc-amazing-investment-opportunity.307614/ 653284;1398956910;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 653285;1398956912;fluffypony;it's still there 653286;1398956912;ozbot;PROSLIMBS INC AMAZING INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY | Bitcointa.lk 653287;1398956918;fluffypony;but not on the regular forum 653288;1398956946;ThickAsThieves;having to parse this log all day is relatively shitty a requirement, no? 653289;1398956963;asciilifeform;'what do you mean i have to dip them!' 653290;1398956976;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves how do you mean ? 653291;1398956984;mircea_popescu;why can't oine be a passive investor ? 653292;1398956995;kakobrekla;mircea_popescu he means too many people have voice 653293;1398957004;ThickAsThieves;sorta 653294;1398957010;ThickAsThieves;and that not all info here is relevant 653295;1398957019;mircea_popescu;so wait, we're letting TOO MANY people talk ? 653296;1398957021;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17378 @ 0.00097179 = 16.8878 BTC [+] {3} 653297;1398957028;mircea_popescu;i thought you hated the +m originally >D 653298;1398957031;pankkake;no, just talk too much :) 653299;1398957035;mircea_popescu;o that. 653300;1398957036;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-02-2014&bots=true#509005 653301;1398957040;ozbot;#bitcoin-assets log 653302;1398957046;ThickAsThieves;well it's not #MPIF 653303;1398957055;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves this is precisely why being a financial professional is... you know... a profession. 653304;1398957059;pankkake;perhaps the unexisting Trilema TL;DR should also be assets TL;DR 653305;1398957077;mircea_popescu;if you mean it removes the possibility of expecting to meet the performance of professionals on the budget and investment of an amateur, yes, this is correct. 653306;1398957080;mircea_popescu;also desirable and unavoidalb.e 653307;1398957089;ThickAsThieves;right, so what i meant by support systems for passive investors, might be, having independent investment managers 653308;1398957094;mircea_popescu;right. 653309;1398957104;mircea_popescu;and stuff like btcalpha. 653310;1398957115;mircea_popescu;ie, exactly how markets work, because it's exactly how sanity requires. 653311;1398957120;ThickAsThieves;sure 653312;1398957126;ThickAsThieves;but back to soliciting trade info 653313;1398957129;fluffypony;ThickAsThieves: so why don't we find someone who can spend 2-3 hours a day parsing the logs and making an overview/digest and putting it up, and then put that up on a paywall'd site, the proceeds of which pay their salary? 653314;1398957148;ThickAsThieves;because it's not "we"'s problem 653315;1398957153;mircea_popescu;^ fluffypony on the topic of how good design begets business. 653316;1398957164;asciilifeform;fluffypony: have you hired someone to chew your food? why not? 653317;1398957183;dub;IRC professionalz in hurr 653318;1398957194;ThickAsThieves;how do classify the allowance of the practice of your fund manager soliciting trade info from others? 653319;1398957196;bounce;didn't we have an expert digester sadly out of a job recently? 653320;1398957245;fluffypony;dub :) 653321;1398957254;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves what'd he do exactly ? 653322;1398957279;mircea_popescu;bounce who that ? 653323;1398957297;FabianB;;;calc 213.15567101*0.9822 653324;1398957298;gribble;209.361500066 653325;1398957308;fluffypony;asciilifeform: I don't need a digest, I have the time to parse the forum, but if I get caught up in things I can imagine I simply wouldn't have the time for it on an ongoing, daily basis 653326;1398957342;asciilifeform;fluffypony: what do you plan to get caught up in, that leaves no possibility of reading log? polar expedition? 653327;1398957342;*;mircea_popescu wonders what 9822 is 653328;1398957353;ThickAsThieves;<+ThickAsThieves> well i was pretty sure the 400k ask was you 653329;1398957353;ThickAsThieves;<+ThickAsThieves> i interpreted it as you forcing things 653330;1398957353;ThickAsThieves;<+BingoBoingo> ThickAsThieves: Well, that is in the statement 653331;1398957353;ThickAsThieves;<+ThickAsThieves> yes, it confirmed my suspicion 653332;1398957353;ThickAsThieves;<+BingoBoingo> ThickAsThieves: Were you the buyer? 653333;1398957366;FabianB;;;calc 100-1.78 653334;1398957366;gribble;98.22 653335;1398957371;FabianB;mircea_popescu: ^^ 653336;1398957384;mircea_popescu;FabianB but... ummm 653337;1398957388;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 2 @ 0.06474168 = 0.1295 BTC [-] 653338;1398957411;FabianB;mircea_popescu: just a funny way to make a bid order in f.mpif 653339;1398957412;mircea_popescu;a) that was for april and b) panacea is like 20%ish of mpif 653340;1398957418;mircea_popescu;aok 653341;1398957428;FabianB;mircea_popescu: panaceas -1.78 653342;1398957450;mircea_popescu;FabianB but mpif already reported no loss from panacea in april. 653343;1398957465;fluffypony;asciilifeform: it takes me a few hours to catch up when I miss stuff (including reading posted links, researching stuff I don't understand, etc.), I don't always have a few hours loose every day, and you know how it goes once you let it slip for a few days - it's easier to just skip the few days you missed 653344;1398957487;mircea_popescu;related : May 01 01:46:17 mike_c is like never on anymore, he's almost like a guy with a day job and 3 side projects + a small kid or something. 653345;1398957491;FabianB;no loss for next month? 653346;1398957503;mircea_popescu;FabianB you expect panacea to lose 1.78 twice in a row ? 653347;1398957513;FabianB;nah 653348;1398957530;mircea_popescu;but yeah i get it, you wanted some numbers to put in a formula 653349;1398957531;FabianB;so mpif invested after the loss? 653350;1398957549;mircea_popescu;i should hope 653351;1398957560;fluffypony;wth - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=591044.msg6490402#msg6490402 653352;1398957562;FabianB;mircea_popescu: yeah, just that, already bought into the big ask and still wanted to have bids below 653353;1398957568;fluffypony;"Hello. my name Ewelina S. iam from Poland. in 25 of march i make order for Terra miner 2tgh/s for 5.999$ +1.108$ shipping. I am a single mother who raises two children.I borrowed these monay from family and friends for the development of investment btc.At the moment, my financial situation has changed for the worse, and I was forced to resign from the ordered equipment.Please help me recover my money.If I lose these money i dont know what 653354;1398957568;jurov;well, i now realize my position is a bit problematic, not cause i'm a broker 653355;1398957568;fluffypony;will happen with my life.I do not have any contact with Ct please HELP" 653356;1398957570;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07377667 = 0.1476 BTC [-] 653357;1398957585;jurov;but cause i can implement very slightly flawed mm strategy 653358;1398957593;mircea_popescu;jurov how do you mean ? 653359;1398957594;jurov;in order to extract more profit 653360;1398957597;jurov;for myself 653361;1398957598;kakobrekla;mpif balance in panacea is 50 btc 653362;1398957608;thestringpuller;!jd MPIF 653363;1398957608;assbot;Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 50.43159607 BTC 653364;1398957620;jurov;or i can be accused to at least 653365;1398957631;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 2 @ 0.06474168 = 0.1295 BTC [-] 653366;1398957634;mircea_popescu;jurov how'd it go ? 653367;1398957634;ThickAsThieves;jurov wasnt it addressed that front-running would be a fireable offense? 653368;1398957646;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves afaik. 653369;1398957689;ThickAsThieves;while you *could* implement programmatic ways to do so, i'm not sure you could hide the suspicious activity totally 653370;1398957694;mike_c;i don't think jurov is in a different situation than anyone else. BingoBoingo could trade the markets on his own book, hanbot could place bets with her own money, etc. 653371;1398957697;ThickAsThieves;but you are right on the flipside 653372;1398957709;ThickAsThieves;what if you it looks suspicious, but iisnt an offense 653373;1398957710;jurov;say, i'd open another anon mpex account and trade the mpif with myself from there 653374;1398957714;ThickAsThieves;how do you defend yourself 653375;1398957732;mircea_popescu;jurov so you make losses in your pc acct ? 653376;1398957747;ThickAsThieves;or less profit than he might have therwise 653377;1398957750;mike_c;all the pif managers are on the honor system. i assume suspicious behaviors will result in execution by general manager. 653378;1398957798;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves well one's fraud and other's breach of duty of care 653379;1398957815;ThickAsThieves;well theyre both fraud, 653380;1398957817;ThickAsThieves;what i meant was 653381;1398957822;ThickAsThieves;rather than make loss 653382;1398957825;ThickAsThieves;he could skim 653383;1398957831;ThickAsThieves;say he wouldve made 5% 653384;1398957836;ThickAsThieves;and skims it down to 3% 653385;1398957850;mircea_popescu;it's still front running tho, and pretty visible 653386;1398957866;ThickAsThieves;what if someone frames him 653387;1398957875;mircea_popescu;how would someone frame him ? 653388;1398957895;ThickAsThieves;well let's change that, 653389;1398957904;ThickAsThieves;what if trades look suspicious 653390;1398957913;ThickAsThieves;how does he defend himself 653391;1398957968;mircea_popescu;but listen, he maintains the book. 653392;1398957975;mircea_popescu;so he has whatever, an order at 5. 653393;1398957985;mircea_popescu;anyone can go on top of that, at 5.1 653394;1398957997;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 6 @ 0.02850252 = 0.171 BTC [-] {4} 653395;1398957998;mircea_popescu;so why'd this look suspicious ? 653396;1398958001;ThickAsThieves;say he front runs selectively how do we prove guilt or innocence 653397;1398958025;mircea_popescu;actually! this brings a very useful clarification. 653398;1398958055;mircea_popescu;jurov : stay outside of 1% of nav on either direction. 653399;1398958058;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.06474168 = 0.3237 BTC [-] 653400;1398958059;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 19 @ 0.14 = 2.66 BTC 653401;1398958060;mircea_popescu;that's your hard limit. 653402;1398958071;mike_c;oof. nav is not a spot price.. 653403;1398958076;ThickAsThieves;jurov's job gets easier by the minute! 653404;1398958078;ThickAsThieves;hehe 653405;1398958080;mike_c;harder 653406;1398958086;mike_c;now he needs a good price for nav 653407;1398958091;ThickAsThieves;harder to profit yes 653408;1398958135;mircea_popescu;mike_c it's not, but it's better if it's collared 653409;1398958152;mircea_popescu;jurov do you follow the logic of this ? 653410;1398958292;jurov;well... what if we'll bids/asks both outside nav? 653411;1398958309;mircea_popescu;suppose nav is 1. you don't bid over .99 and don't ask under 1.01 653412;1398958313;ThickAsThieves;then he releases more shares 653413;1398958327;mircea_popescu;that way you can always be overbid by users, should they want to. 653414;1398958343;mircea_popescu;i won't issue shares unless we're looking at a 105% or something like that. 653415;1398958347;fluffypony;so when is someone going to fork Altcoin and call it B1tcoin? 653416;1398958348;jurov;ok, i get it 653417;1398958363;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [NEOBEEQ] 9790 @ 0.0000502 = 0.4915 BTC [-] {4} 653418;1398958364;mircea_popescu;;;calc 215/213.15 653419;1398958364;gribble;1.0086793338 653420;1398958378;mircea_popescu;i guess this was too far inzone. 653421;1398958408;mircea_popescu;;;calc 213*1.02 653422;1398958408;gribble;217.26 653423;1398958433;jurov;current positions are 200k shares were bought at 215000 (and selling at 29000) + 7BTC 653424;1398958466;jurov;plus i bought another 167195 shares myself 653425;1398958491;jurov;*at 21500 653426;1398958501;mircea_popescu;alrighty, i'll give you a pass on what looks like a ~0.5% loss so far for may :p 653427;1398958508;mircea_popescu;$depth f.mpif 653428;1398958509;mpexbot;mircea_popescu: F.MPIF Bids: ['10000 @ 0.0002113', '20000 @ 0.00020936', '1000 @ 0.00020001', '100000 @ 0.0002', '1000 @ 0.0002'] 653429;1398958510;mpexbot;mircea_popescu: Asks: ['990000 @ 0.00021726', '1000 @ 0.00024', '200000 @ 0.00029', '10000 @ 0.0004', '10000 @ 0.001'] 653430;1398958547;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10500 @ 0.00096862 = 10.1705 BTC [-] 653431;1398958577;jurov;i don't say the 29k ask is there forever..just till i dust off the bot code 653432;1398958609;mircea_popescu;anyway, mike_c et all : his job is not so bad, he gets a guaranteed 2.5% every time he flips. 653433;1398958614;mike_c;i don't understand why you want to keep the price so close to NAV. This thing is supposed to make money. that is worth something. if you issue shares until price drops to close to nav than the roi will be piddling. 653434;1398958643;mike_c;i am confused. 653435;1398958647;mircea_popescu;mike_c there are some things conflated in there i don't follow. 653436;1398958648;ThickAsThieves;so i'll instigate further, what vetting does general manager do for bot software used by managers? basically enough rope to hang themselves? 653437;1398958658;mircea_popescu;first off, why would this thing "make money" other than through nav going up ? 653438;1398958669;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves i don't do any, their job. 653439;1398958689;ThickAsThieves;mike_c also note that when new shares are released and purchased, it increases nav for everyone 653440;1398958696;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves how ? 653441;1398958697;ThickAsThieves;so early buyers still have incentive 653442;1398958707;ThickAsThieves;well if you sell another 200btc 653443;1398958710;ThickAsThieves;that goes to assets 653444;1398958720;mircea_popescu;no, i deposited nav to get another mn shares. 653445;1398958732;jurov;nav *per share* stays the same 653446;1398958732;ThickAsThieves;hrm 653447;1398958740;mircea_popescu;213.2whatevetiwas 653448;1398958752;ThickAsThieves;i admit i dont really follow 653449;1398958762;mike_c;ok. NAV is 100 btc and there are 100 shares. investor projects fund will make 10% this year. He values this highly and is therefore willing to pay 1.06 for a share. 653450;1398958763;Apocalyptic;finance is hard 653451;1398958772;mircea_popescu;mike_c ok. 653452;1398958787;mike_c;this is now over 5% over NAV, so you issue more shares. 653453;1398958791;mircea_popescu;to him. 653454;1398958798;mircea_popescu;he can't overpay by 6%, because i sell to him at 101.5 653455;1398958821;mike_c;ok, he buys all of it 653456;1398958824;mircea_popescu;ok. 653457;1398958829;mike_c;you issue more shares 653458;1398958840;mircea_popescu;someone else wants to pay over 15 pips or why do i issue more shares ? 653459;1398958862;jurov;you updated the price to 21726 ? 653460;1398958886;mircea_popescu;jurov yes, went out of your bounds. i was at .88% before i enacted the 1% collar for you. 653461;1398958888;mircea_popescu;gave you some space. 653462;1398958898;mike_c;ok, let's try this. so say this block sells out (the 2nd 200 btc). and now you stop issuing shares. 653463;1398958901;mircea_popescu;(could have given you .5% but imo too narrow, so) 653464;1398958912;mircea_popescu;mike_c i won't stop issuing shares. 653465;1398958919;mike_c;.. 653466;1398958943;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-05-2014#652833 653467;1398958946;ozbot;#bitcoin-assets log 653468;1398958948;ThickAsThieves;i'm still lost on how continual issuance of shares doesnt affect NAV 653469;1398958959;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves because they're issued at nav. 653470;1398958963;mike_c;that is my point. you are going to keep issuing shares until the ROI drops so low that nobody is willing to pay more than 5% over nav 653471;1398958973;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 3 @ 0.03949966 = 0.1185 BTC [+] {3} 653472;1398958995;mircea_popescu;mike_c 1.5% 653473;1398959000;ThickAsThieves;so when you say you 'deposit' btc to issue more shares, where does that go? 653474;1398959014;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves into the f.mpif's cash position. 653475;1398959025;mircea_popescu;Cash BTC deposited in http://trilema.com/2014/fmpif-april-2014-statement/ 653476;1398959034;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.03969955 = 0.1985 BTC [+] {5} 653477;1398959035;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.06474168 = 0.3237 BTC [-] 653478;1398959036;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.02850035 = 0.1425 BTC [-] 653479;1398959051;ThickAsThieves;so mpif has 200btc and then sells more shares and gets another 200btc 653480;1398959056;mircea_popescu;roughly. 653481;1398959056;jurov;gotta go afk, hope nav won't reach 29000/1.01 in the meantime :D 653482;1398959061;ThickAsThieves;that's 400btc in coffer no? 653483;1398959064;mircea_popescu;yes. 653484;1398959099;mircea_popescu;;;calc 1.015**(12*20) 653485;1398959100;gribble;35.632815554 653486;1398959111;mircea_popescu;that's 1.5% compounded monthly. 653487;1398959118;ThickAsThieves;i get it now 653488;1398959137;ThickAsThieves;nav doesnt increase so much as "weight" does 653489;1398959141;mircea_popescu;exactly. 653490;1398959145;mircea_popescu;and weight ~= safety. 653491;1398959156;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.03986749 = 0.1595 BTC [-] {4} 653492;1398959157;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.06474168 = 0.3237 BTC [-] 653493;1398959217;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 6 @ 0.03999 = 0.2399 BTC [+] {4} 653494;1398959218;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 11 @ 0.02918196 = 0.321 BTC [+] {6} 653495;1398959219;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.06474168 = 0.3237 BTC [-] 653496;1398959344;ThickAsThieves;mp the link on mpex.co to mpif statements is broken 653497;1398959352;ThickAsThieves;points to smpif category 653498;1398959462;mike_c;I'm going to try again. Funds can sell at a premium or a discount to NAV. You are basically saying you won't allow this above +/- 1.5%. The only way I can see to do this is to carry a massive cash balance in the fund. 653499;1398959488;ThickAsThieves;if that's what the people want... 653500;1398959514;ThickAsThieves;it would place more weight on mp's mgmt role 653501;1398959516;mike_c;that's what the general manager wants. 653502;1398959530;mircea_popescu;aty 653503;1398959550;mircea_popescu;mike_c how does one follow from the other ? 653504;1398959583;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 20 @ 0.06474168 = 1.2948 BTC [-] 653505;1398959621;mike_c;the invested funds will grow. that is worth a premium. cash will not grow. so to keep the premium very small, cash must dominate invested funds. 653506;1398959650;mircea_popescu;but listen. this is an investment fund. its business is to invest. if it does well, it would naturally receive more cash to invest. 653507;1398959666;mircea_popescu;sure, in principle the later investments would attract lower margins than the earlier investments. 653508;1398959673;mircea_popescu;however, this diversification also breeds security. 653509;1398959716;mircea_popescu;so i guess your objection reduces to this not being a high risk/high reward enough for you thing ? 653510;1398959725;mike_c;no, i don't think so. 653511;1398959733;mike_c;(i don't think that's my objection) 653512;1398959741;ThickAsThieves;i think we're just getting a grip on it 653513;1398959779;ThickAsThieves;which was probably a large point of the "excercise" of it existing at all ;) 653514;1398959781;mircea_popescu;well that's why i say 653515;1398959784;mircea_popescu;exactly :) 653516;1398959827;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 12 @ 0.06474168 = 0.7769 BTC [-] 653517;1398959861;mircea_popescu;suppose instead of 1.5% (or the initial .88%) i charged 45%. 653518;1398959873;mircea_popescu;now, anyone trying to get into this fund would first have to take a 45% haircut, as mp tax. 653519;1398959877;mircea_popescu;what fucking sense does that make ? 653520;1398959884;jurov;;;calc 21726/1.01 653521;1398959885;gribble;21510.8910891 653522;1398959895;mike_c;it makes sense if the fund is going to return 50% 653523;1398959904;mircea_popescu;mike_c not imo. 653524;1398959950;mircea_popescu;;;calc 21315 *.99 653525;1398959950;gribble;21101.85 653526;1398959954;mircea_popescu;;;calc 21315 1.01 653527;1398959954;gribble;Error: unexpected EOF while parsing (, line 1) 653528;1398959958;mircea_popescu;;;calc 21315*1.01 653529;1398959958;gribble;21528.15 653530;1398959967;mircea_popescu;jurov : under 21101 and over 21528 653531;1398959982;jurov;lol we have to agree if it's /1.01 or *0.99 653532;1398959988;jurov;it's not the same :) 653533;1398959993;mircea_popescu;lol. ok 653534;1398959999;mircea_popescu;;;calc 21315 / 1.01 653535;1398959999;gribble;21103.960396 653536;1398960006;mircea_popescu;jurov : under 21103 and over 21528 653537;1398960010;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 10 @ 0.06474168 = 0.6474 BTC [-] 653538;1398960011;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 2.52398268 BTC to 8`031 shares, 31428 satoshi per share 653539;1398960071;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.0285 = 0.1425 BTC [-] 653540;1398960132;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.0285 = 0.1425 BTC [-] 653541;1398960160;mircea_popescu;let me make an illustrative working model by what i mean by the size breeds security thing. 653542;1398960169;jurov;so i can now undercut the 21726 ask? but dunno if that recovers selling fee 653543;1398960185;mircea_popescu;jurov you can, yes. fee is what, .2% 653544;1398960185;jurov;;;calc 21726/21528 653545;1398960185;gribble;1.00919732441 653546;1398960198;jurov;mhm 653547;1398960240;mircea_popescu;suppose vpif has 1 pc, with 10 btc. at t=0, the share goes for 100 satoshi. 653548;1398960255;mircea_popescu;at t=1, the sole manager seems to be making a 15% gain 653549;1398960273;mircea_popescu;now, on model A, the spot tracs this, and the share trades at 115 653550;1398960292;mircea_popescu;on model B, the spot gets stuck at 101.5 while the capital of the fund swells to 50 btc, of which 10 allocated to pc1. 653551;1398960312;mircea_popescu;at t=2, the sole manager that seemed to have been making a 15% gain runs off with the whole shebang. 653552;1398960322;mircea_popescu;for model A, this is a 115 satoshi/share loss. 653553;1398960345;mircea_popescu;for model B, this is a 20 satoshi per share loss. 653554;1398960367;mike_c;yes. so this goes back to what i said about the fund will end up carrying a huge cash balance 653555;1398960373;mike_c;in your example, 80% 653556;1398960400;mircea_popescu;except this example is 1 pc and mpif has 5, and this example has a shock 15% month, which mpif prolly won't ever have. 653557;1398960420;mircea_popescu;so yes, it will carry cash. not that much, but in fact just about what's usually considered prudent in fiat. 653558;1398960429;mircea_popescu;at any rate, nobody went broke holding btc. 653559;1398960462;ThickAsThieves;yet! 653560;1398960469;mircea_popescu;apple for that matter carries billions in cash, so does berkshire, so do all powerful corps. 653561;1398960473;mircea_popescu;cash matters. 653562;1398960474;mike_c;ok. obviously we will see how it plays out. but mpif will make 15% annually, which may end up meaning a 80% cash balance. 653563;1398960490;mircea_popescu;mike_c no, because these are per month. 653564;1398960498;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 6 @ 0.02893333 = 0.1736 BTC [+] {2} 653565;1398960501;mircea_popescu;if nav is 220 next month, the price goes up for the shares too 653566;1398960570;mike_c;ok ok. but this then all relies on you having a very good idea what your nav is at a given time. 653567;1398960576;mircea_popescu;mpif may definitely end up with a large cash balance, but this would be a negative commentary on the btc financial space, rather than on mpif itself. 653568;1398960598;mircea_popescu;mike_c well that's the one good argument for increasing the berth there, actually. 1.5% may be too narrow, 653569;1398960612;mircea_popescu;and it may jump further up, according to what experience will indicate 653570;1398960619;mircea_popescu;the current value is a best guess value. 653571;1398960642;ThickAsThieves;sounds like the mpif general mgr needs to be an active one 653572;1398960657;mircea_popescu;hey, i read these logs 653573;1398960670;mircea_popescu;i have, for like... i dunno, a year or two ? BILLIONZ OF LINES!11 653574;1398960682;ThickAsThieves;and will you hawk over hanbot's bet progress and such? 653575;1398960698;ThickAsThieves;basically maintain a dynamic nav as best you can 653576;1398960707;mircea_popescu;notrly. 653577;1398960709;ThickAsThieves;hehe 653578;1398960731;mircea_popescu;note tho that they're my shares, if i sell them under nav... well... tough tits for me. 653579;1398960753;bounce;so that's why you talk so much. can skip any lines you wrote yourself come log reading time. 653580;1398960770;mircea_popescu;bounce no because most of the time i don't remember what i said 653581;1398960781;mircea_popescu;then im all like... o wow check out how fucking smart this dood is! 653582;1398960788;mircea_popescu;and then... o wait. it's... me ? win. 653583;1398960825;bounce;right in character too. my, there goes my snark. 653584;1398960832;mircea_popescu;lol 653585;1398960837;thestringpuller;!ticker moolah 653586;1398960837;assbot;I don't know those people, and they don't look very friendly. 653587;1398960839;thestringpuller;!ticker moolah 653588;1398960839;assbot;I don't know those people, and they don't look very friendly. 653589;1398960842;thestringpuller;!ticker moolah 653590;1398960842;assbot;Yeah. No damn tobacco, that's for sure. 653591;1398960859;mike_c;one piece i was missing is that you will allow the share price to grow. this is different from many funds that keep their share price constant. 653592;1398960862;thestringpuller;;;kittylasers 653593;1398960863;gribble;Error: "kittylasers" is not a valid command. 653594;1398960868;thestringpuller;;;laserkitty 653595;1398960869;gribble;Error: "laserkitty" is not a valid command. 653596;1398960871;thestringpuller;;;laserkitteh 653597;1398960872;gribble;Error: "laserkitteh" is not a valid command. 653598;1398960874;thestringpuller;:( 653599;1398960907;Naphex;eevening 653600;1398960944;ThickAsThieves;;;laserkitten 653601;1398960944;gribble;Error: "laserkitten" is not a valid command. 653602;1398960948;ThickAsThieves;;;laserkittens 653603;1398960948;gribble;ุ ₍˄.͡˳̫.˄₎ ุ ┌━ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ *pew* 653604;1398960981;moiety;i thought moolah was closing 653605;1398961032;jurov;we can resume waiting for S.MNKY.. oh it got rebranded to S.LIMBS nao 653606;1398961108;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 10000 @ 0.00013465 = 1.3465 BTC [+] {7} 653607;1398961121;mircea_popescu;jurov https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=591901.0 653608;1398961169;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 100000 @ 0.00015292 = 15.292 BTC [+] {31} 653609;1398961237;fluffypony;who's sir Hassan and who's EricCEO? 653610;1398961261;mircea_popescu;my guess would be goon lurkers here ? 653611;1398961279;*;mircea_popescu waves 653612;1398961300;moiety;I RAPORT THIS TO INTREPOLL. << lol 653613;1398961312;mircea_popescu;lol any extraditions yet ? 653614;1398961352;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 5000 @ 0.00013923 = 0.6962 BTC [-] {3} 653615;1398961354;bounce;INTARPOLL ON TO US? OHO NOES 653616;1398961438;bounce;wonder if that's actually more than one person. before you know it they hit "hero member" and nobody notices anything wrong. 653617;1398961484;Duffer1;needs Bitcoin Foundation Member avatar 653618;1398961498;moiety;intrepoll can extradite me if they like 653619;1398961507;pankkake;if only we could change avatars… :( 653620;1398961522;Duffer1;i know :( 653621;1398961626;moiety;owait it doesnt work like how i was thinking 653622;1398961636;moiety;why did btctalk stop the avatars btw? 653623;1398961657;fluffypony;moiety: someone exploited a bug in it 653624;1398961667;bounce;colour me shocked 653625;1398961669;fluffypony;and instead of spending a small portion of the few thousand BTC donated to fix it 653626;1398961673;fluffypony;and re-enable avatars 653627;1398961681;fluffypony;or, you know, use non-shitty forum software 653628;1398961690;fluffypony;they decided to just switch off functionality 653629;1398961705;mircea_popescu;lol 653630;1398961710;moiety;will the mythical new software ever happen? 653631;1398961731;kakobrekla;cant be mythical if it happens 653632;1398961739;fluffypony;moiety: yes. they are reinventing the wheel from scratch for tens of thousands of Dollars, and it is expected to be released by 2025 653633;1398961739;moiety;been mythical so far 653634;1398961745;bounce;you never know. next you know they breed a horse that sings 653635;1398961747;ThickAsThieves;well considering they had people like garr and john k holding the coins... 653636;1398961770;moiety;i see john re-appeared 653637;1398961779;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15900 @ 0.00096501 = 15.3437 BTC [-] 653638;1398961780;fluffypony;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=591901.msg6494445#msg6494445 653639;1398961781;ozbot;Now is Time, tomorrow IS glory = IPO people 653640;1398961793;pankkake;:D 653641;1398961819;fluffypony;where's jurov, he'll enjoy that 653642;1398961819;moiety;i know someone else that used smf for an altcoin forum, lasted like 2 months before they migrated to other software 653643;1398961874;fluffypony;;;later tell jurov https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=591901.msg6494445#msg6494445 653644;1398961874;gribble;The operation succeeded. 653645;1398961907;pankkake;I stumbled upon http://bitvestor.info/ 653646;1398962359;Duffer1;;;seen vexual 653647;1398962359;gribble;vexual was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 5 days, 5 hours, 24 minutes, and 5 seconds ago: ty 653648;1398962373;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/the-first-trading-day-of-fmpif/ 653649;1398962374;ozbot;The first trading day of F.MPIF pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 653650;1398962572;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 1 @ 0.14 BTC 653651;1398962619;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/lets-do-mark-cuban/#comment-99465 653652;1398962620;ozbot;Let’s do Mark Cuban pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 653653;1398962626;mircea_popescu;your site, %blogtitle% 653654;1398962628;thestringpuller;;;later tell BingoBoingo choose a baseball game and we'll go send me a later tell and we'll figure it out 653655;1398962628;gribble;The operation succeeded. 653656;1398962667;mircea_popescu;pankkake like another forum ? 653657;1398962672;mircea_popescu;!up phish 653658;1398962672;assbot;Voicing phish for 30 minutes. 653659;1398962705;mircea_popescu;"Hello mrWDunne please advised real offer is mine hassan wants to only delouse you." 653660;1398962706;mircea_popescu;aaahahahaha 653661;1398962711;mircea_popescu;;;ticker 653662;1398962713;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 458.24, Best ask: 460.75, Bid-ask spread: 2.51000, Last trade: 458.03, 24 hour volume: 8861.20016406, 24 hour low: 444.59, 24 hour high: 461.0, 24 hour vwap: 453.600423354 653663;1398962732;pankkake;well a forum of scams. like that horrific forum about high yield ponzies 653664;1398962734;mircea_popescu;with this large amount of good quality lulz we should see an uptick in price 653665;1398962795;asciilifeform;wants to only delouse you... high yield ponzies... << can't help but imagine a prisoner trying to subsist on his own lice. 653666;1398962802;asciilifeform;then feels robbed, when someone delouses him 653667;1398962818;mircea_popescu;ew 653668;1398962850;mircea_popescu;i suppose one could imagine this far away island where the greatest delicacy is pubic hair lice 653669;1398963037;fluffypony;I wonder if you could reverse attack those spam comment systems 653670;1398963045;fluffypony;by having a malicious blogtitle 653671;1398963066;asciilifeform;there is a great multitude of people who make a hobby of pwning spammers, crapware artists, etc. 653672;1398963079;asciilifeform;it's about as much fun as catching and eating fleas. 653673;1398963086;mircea_popescu;im sure you can. 653674;1398963094;fluffypony;have you seen this? 653675;1398963094;fluffypony;http://an7isec.blogspot.co.il/2014/04/pown-noobs-acunetix-0day.html 653676;1398963095;ozbot;An7i Security: Pwn the n00bs - Acunetix 0day 653677;1398963177;mircea_popescu;in other news, http://thetruthwins.com/archives/scientists-discover-proof-that-humanity-is-getting-dumber-smaller-and-weaker 653678;1398963183;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 1 @ 0.14 BTC 653679;1398963309;pankkake;fluffypony: https://www.projecthoneypot.org/ 653680;1398963356;fluffypony;tks pankkake, last played around with running a honeypot ages ago 653681;1398963792;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [NEOBEEQ] 6026 @ 0.00002533 = 0.1526 BTC [-] {7} 653682;1398963914;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [NEOBEEQ] 4103 @ 0.00002533 = 0.1039 BTC [-] {3} 653683;1398963975;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [NEOBEEQ] 4005 @ 0.00002532 = 0.1014 BTC [-] {8} 653684;1398964351;benkay;https://anarchopapist.wordpress.com/2014/04/23/exit-and-escape-velocity/ 653685;1398964364;benkay;"Though Bitcoin’s value is predominantly speculative at this point, a future in which Bitcoin obtains a high and stable value would allow the creation of new financial contracts and mechanisms; these new arrangements would leave regulations and regulated industries in the dust, left to fight over the tawdry remains of those yet unable to migrate to the internet of money or those unwilling (but soon dead)." 653686;1398964391;mircea_popescu;what, are we still in 2011 ? 653687;1398964402;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11800 @ 0.00096862 = 11.4297 BTC [+] 653688;1398964466;benkay;"the future is here, it's just unevenly distributed." 653689;1398964492;benkay;i'm just highlighting people getting it. 653690;1398964516;benkay;uptake patterns are interesting etc 653691;1398964646;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [NEOBEEQ] 30650 @ 0.0000253 = 0.7754 BTC [-] {3} 653692;1398964707;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [NEOBEEQ] 6346 @ 0.0000253 = 0.1606 BTC [-] {3} 653693;1398964708;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.49969989 BTC [+] 653694;1398964791;midnightmagic;mircea_popescu: yeah the flynn effect is reversing a little unfortunately. it's a race now, to advance technology to the point where we'll no longer need to advance it, before we can't do it anymore. 653695;1398964829;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20750 @ 0.000966 = 20.0445 BTC [-] {2} 653696;1398964855;midnightmagic;(unless it's going to stabilize soon) 653697;1398964859;mircea_popescu;there's no "we" 653698;1398964872;mircea_popescu;there is no shared anything among people of different intelligence. 653699;1398964973;midnightmagic;lol @ weird article though, those aren't the reasons as I understood them. 653700;1398965366;midnightmagic;hah! that people-quiz thing is pretty awesome. 653701;1398965426;midnightmagic;We have a Canadian guy who goes down there and talks to Americans.. what's-his-face.. Rick Mercer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhTZ_tgMUdo 653702;1398965567;asciilifeform;fuck flynn effect. 653703;1398965581;asciilifeform;dumbest myth there is 653704;1398965631;mircea_popescu;lol 653705;1398965639;*;midnightmagic shrugs. 653706;1398965678;midnightmagic;asciilifeform: You should update the wikipedia article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flynn_effect 653707;1398965691;asciilifeform;i'm a sp4mmz0r, remember 653708;1398965712;midnightmagic;You are? 653709;1398965754;asciilifeform;midnightmagic: yeah i was officially proclaimed a spamsock on pediwikia 653710;1398965769;asciilifeform;existing solely for the purpose of advancing mp's spammade 653711;1398965778;asciilifeform;or sumthinglikethat 653712;1398965927;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 57 @ 0.00291347 = 0.1661 BTC [-] {12} 653713;1398965989;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11600 @ 0.00096501 = 11.1941 BTC [-] 653714;1398966446;mircea_popescu;!up multisignaturest 653715;1398966446;assbot;Voicing multisignaturest for 30 minutes. 653716;1398966467;multisignaturest;i have no idea what is going on 653717;1398966472;benkay;nor do any of us 653718;1398966498;multisignaturest;theres is a an assbot calling me out... something called a mircea+popescu saying !up 653719;1398966526;mircea_popescu;https://bitcointa.lk/threads/now-is-time-tomorrow-is-glory-ipo-people.307662/#msg6495740 653720;1398966527;ozbot;Now is Time, tomorrow IS glory = IPO people | Bitcointa.lk 653721;1398966531;mircea_popescu;can't tell if serious... 653722;1398966546;multisignaturest;HAHHAHAHAHH 653723;1398966548;multisignaturest;XD 653724;1398966550;multisignaturest;AWESOME 653725;1398966720;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.03 = 0.15 BTC [+] 653726;1398966781;asciilifeform;let's try... 653727;1398966783;asciilifeform;!up mircеа_рoреscu 653728;1398966783;assbot;Voicing mircеа_рoреscu for 30 minutes. 653729;1398966787;asciilifeform;lol 653730;1398966789;asciilifeform;pass! 653731;1398966797;multisignaturest;!up mircеа_рoреscu 653732;1398966797;assbot;Insufficient rights, multisignaturest, !up yourself on PM first. 653733;1398966823;multisignaturest;!multisignaturestartup 653734;1398966836;mircea_popescu;wait wut 653735;1398966846;asciilifeform;magic. 653736;1398966858;benkay;;;gettrust multisignaturetest 653737;1398966859;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user benkay to user multisignaturetest: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=benkay&dest=multisignaturetest | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=multisignaturetest | Rated since: never 653738;1398966864;benkay;;;gettrust multisignaturestartup 653739;1398966865;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user benkay to user multisignaturestartup: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=benkay&dest=multisignaturestartup | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=multisignaturestartup | Rated since: never 653740;1398966996;asciilifeform;!up mircea_popescu 653741;1398966996;assbot;Voicing mircea_popescu without time-limit. 653742;1398967000;asciilifeform;lol!!!! 653743;1398967025;asciilifeform;exercise for alert reader. 653744;1398967055;Apocalyptic;the question is, can you down someone upped by assbot's L1 trust 653745;1398967081;asciilifeform;!up mircea_popescu 653746;1398967081;assbot;Voicing mircea_popescu without time-limit. 653747;1398967086;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10894 @ 0.00096501 = 10.5128 BTC [-] 653748;1398967089;asciilifeform;damn, so that works without evil magic. 653749;1398967090;asciilifeform;nm 653750;1398967137;mike_c;Apocalyptic: no. kako has this thing working pretty well now. 653751;1398967186;asciilifeform;freenode is perfectly happy to eat homographs, though. 653752;1398967195;asciilifeform;which surprised me. 653753;1398967235;benkay;!up asciilifeform 653754;1398967235;assbot;Voicing asciilifeform without time-limit. 653755;1398967242;benkay;!down asciilifeform 653756;1398967242;assbot;benkay, you can't do that to asciilifeform. 653757;1398967255;asciilifeform;i think this used to work...? 653758;1398967264;mike_c;it used to work if you upped yourself 653759;1398967268;asciilifeform;aha 653760;1398967269;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 7 @ 0.03048571 = 0.2134 BTC [+] {2} 653761;1398967298;benkay;http://i.imgur.com/ahtGcvQ.gif 653762;1398967330;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2001 @ 0.00015009 = 0.3003 BTC [-] {2} 653763;1398967332;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 500 @ 0.00089999 = 0.45 BTC [-] 653764;1398967349;mike_c;!t h rent 653765;1398967350;assbot;[HAVELOCK:RENT] 1D: 0.00532500 / 0.00583695 / 0.00739958 (639 shares, 3.72980913 BTC), 7D: 0.00532500 / 0.00698735 / 0.00750000 (2411 shares, 16.84651159 BTC), 30D: 0.00532500 / 0.00734936 / 0.00750000 (8205 shares, 60.30151159 BTC) 653766;1398967358;mike_c;looky there benkay 653767;1398967366;mike_c;back to 2po price 653768;1398967391;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 650 @ 0.0009 = 0.585 BTC [+] {2} 653769;1398967392;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.03625 = 0.3625 BTC [-] {2} 653770;1398967452;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3350 @ 0.00096501 = 3.2328 BTC [-] 653771;1398967452;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 3 @ 0.037 = 0.111 BTC [+] 653772;1398967513;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 230 @ 0.0009 = 0.207 BTC [+] 653773;1398967586;benkay;mike_c i'm trying to ship some goddamn software over here mkay? 653774;1398967592;benkay;quit distracting me with these scams. 653775;1398967604;mike_c;just ship and fix it later 653776;1398967626;benkay;sadly that is the pm's attitude on this project 653777;1398967650;benkay;"how about we don't do things the right way, saving ourselves maybe 800-1200 dollars that we'll need to spend correcting this bad decision in two weeks" 653778;1398967665;benkay;guy is classic penny wise and pound foolish 653779;1398967707;mike_c;good pm's are not common. 653780;1398967727;benkay;i was going to ask why some people are willing to spend more money to fix the bug their shitty prioritization imposes than doing it right in the first place and then i realized 'o yeah most people are stoopid monkeys' 653781;1398967879;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25199 @ 0.00096781 = 24.3878 BTC [+] {2} 653782;1398968123;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1515 @ 0.00015013 = 0.2274 BTC [+] 653783;1398968366;bounce;not everybody understands the implications of their priorisation decisions, or perhaps chooses to ignore them, or even thinks the overall {business,politics(!)} picture looks better 653784;1398968412;bounce;a valid question is why the guy made exactly these decisions and perhaps how whoever made him project manager came to that decision 653785;1398968489;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 401 @ 0.00096987 = 0.3889 BTC [+] 653786;1398968672;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.07354182 = 0.2206 BTC [-] {2} 653787;1398968795;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3949 @ 0.00096883 = 3.8259 BTC [-] {2} 653788;1398968999;benkay;bounce: he's one of those guys who seems to always prefer the quick hack over spending some time thinking about the problem. 653789;1398969041;mod6;ye ole bug in the tcp stack 'eh 653790;1398969046;*;mod6 rebuilds world 653791;1398969134;mod6;says that you could just: scrub in all fragment reassemble, but seems better to just patch and be done. 653792;1398969175;fluffypony;if you have scrub in all in pf you're already a-ok 653793;1398969194;mod6;yeah. 653794;1398969310;mod6;i always have that in my pf ruleset, but i need to rebuild anyway :) 653795;1398969463;mod6;does anyone else remember having to port PF in manually from obsd? 653796;1398969496;mod6;lol, then finally after like 10 years, fbsd merged it in as a kernel option you can build. 653797;1398969680;mod6;did anyone here ever use ipfw and feel that pain? i mean, it worked, but it was tricky with that match-first ruleset as opposed to the filtering and match-last system of PF. 653798;1398969706;mod6;plus then you get the added bonus of like altq+priq. 653799;1398969708;mod6;<3 PF 653800;1398969710;mircea_popescu;i kndalike ipfw 653801;1398969756;mod6;i always thought it was a pain to get it just right. once it worked, it worked good, i mean it did it's job. but i found it more painful for some reason than PF. 653802;1398969768;mod6;maybe its because i learned on ipfw tho. 653803;1398969785;mod6;and the first is always the hardest 653804;1398969788;mod6;:} 653805;1398969820;mircea_popescu;hehe 653806;1398969867;fluffypony;mod6: yeah, I remember pf being all the rage, and switching a couple of boxes from fbsd to obsd because I wanted to use pf 653807;1398969953;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.49969989 BTC [+] 653808;1398970347;mircea_popescu;in other news, 653809;1398970348;mircea_popescu;http://girls.twistys.com/preview/totm/05-2014/p01/image/10.jpg 653810;1398970365;benkay;what a face 653811;1398970430;mircea_popescu;http://girls.twistys.com/preview/totm/05-2014/p02/image/04.jpg 653812;1398970434;mircea_popescu;there, moar of her mug 653813;1398970551;mircea_popescu;http://girls.twistys.com/preview/totm/05-2014/p05/image/05.jpg 653814;1398970559;mircea_popescu;http://girls.twistys.com/preview/totm/05-2014/p05/image/12.jpg 653815;1398970561;mircea_popescu;should suffice. 653816;1398970686;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 50 @ 0.0055002 = 0.275 BTC [-] {2} 653817;1398970734;mike_c;;;calc 0.2 / 0.0075 653818;1398970734;gribble;26.6666666667 653819;1398970748;mike_c;3po investors down 26%. go havelol! 653820;1398970856;mod6;benkay: yeah but just look at her ass! 653821;1398970911;mod6;nice rack too @_@ 653822;1398971303;mircea_popescu;"On February 22, 2010, the company approached the city of Phoenix, Arizona with an offer of $10 million to rename the Sky Harbor Airport to Ashley Madison International Airport for a five-year period. Even though the city was in financial trouble, it rejected the offer." 653823;1398971310;mircea_popescu;tsk tsk. uppity. 653824;1398971403;jurov;fluffypony i actually had to look to lulzbourse, if PISS is there.. but sadly, it's shopped 653825;1398971417;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 3 @ 0.03450066 = 0.1035 BTC [-] {2} 653826;1398971423;fluffypony;mad shopping skillz 653827;1398971430;mircea_popescu;aww 653828;1398971562;fluffypony;"proslimbs_ink i am not irish. keep working maybe you find a potato. " 653829;1398971563;fluffypony;lol 653830;1398971833;jurov;http://cryptocoinstockexchange.com/ ... cuz bitcoinbourse is too short 653831;1398971834;ozbot;Crypto Coin Stock Exchange - The Wall Street of Crypto Coins 653832;1398971967;fluffypony;this guy is a machine 653833;1398971988;fluffypony;he pumps out shitty sites with IPO PDFs more often than I drink wine 653834;1398971991;fluffypony;and I drink a lot of wine 653835;1398971996;pankkake;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=592132.0 653836;1398971998;ozbot;New Shares listing on Bitcoin Bourse "TCT" Truth Shares 653837;1398972037;moiety;lol fluffypony i could do with some wine today 653838;1398972059;mircea_popescu;is it the same dude ? 653839;1398972065;jurov;yes, markus 653840;1398972117;mircea_popescu;the brick head of the wall street of cryptostuff 653841;1398972271;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.0345002 = 0.1725 BTC [-] {2} 653842;1398972393;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 25 @ 0.0058 = 0.145 BTC [+] {3} 653843;1398972516;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.03649999 = 0.146 BTC [+] {2} 653844;1398972637;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.031 = 0.155 BTC [+] 653845;1398972760;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 58 @ 0.0045 = 0.261 BTC [-] {3} 653846;1398972937;mircea_popescu;!up Rulother 653847;1398972937;assbot;Voicing Rulother for 30 minutes. 653848;1398972942;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 161 @ 0.00442232 = 0.712 BTC [-] {2} 653849;1398972948;Rulother;Thank you 653850;1398972971;mircea_popescu;my pleasure. 653851;1398973003;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 23 @ 0.00440026 = 0.1012 BTC [-] {2} 653852;1398973146;fluffypony;so 653853;1398973155;fluffypony;Have you heard about the Oscar Pistorius drinking game? 653854;1398973160;fluffypony;every time someone goes to the loo you take 4 shots 653855;1398973199;Naphex;i never understood drinking games 653856;1398973205;Naphex;just drink 653857;1398973212;Naphex;you thirsty, drink 653858;1398973212;mircea_popescu;;;ident kakobrekla 653859;1398973212;gribble;Nick 'kakobrekla', with hostmask 'kakobrekla!~kako@unaffiliated/kakobrekla', is identified as user 'kakobrekla', with GPG key id 27AF75321F2489E8, key fingerprint 27C3CE9A20851312F086268C27AF75321F2489E8, and bitcoin address None 653860;1398973216;Naphex;not drunk enough, drink 653861;1398973230;mircea_popescu;Naphex gotta get the girls drunk somehow. 653862;1398973270;mircea_popescu;it occurs to me, the sad case of deprived. 653863;1398973281;Naphex;hehe 653864;1398973297;mircea_popescu;had the man just been patient, something like mpif would have been exactly right for him. but instead... had to get involved with cypher-whatever it was. 653865;1398973391;mircea_popescu;ruined a reputation, lost a stash, either of these'd have been worth millions in the future. 653866;1398973401;Naphex;whom? 653867;1398973413;mircea_popescu;deprived. 653868;1398973492;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2000 @ 0.00014648 = 0.293 BTC [-] 653869;1398973552;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1000 @ 0.00014638 = 0.1464 BTC [-] 653870;1398973559;fluffypony;http://i.imgur.com/1hjnXfd.jpg 653871;1398973560;fluffypony;lol 653872;1398973735;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1000 @ 0.00014648 = 0.1465 BTC [+] 653873;1398973747;bounce;eh. so. uhm. advert banner: "a highly addictive FREE adult game" under some not-especially-well-done renders of nekkid chixx with pointy ears in leia-bra, sporting wings, or atop a unicorn. what'd they do, raid cghub and sell it as pr0n? 653874;1398973796;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 7 @ 0.03400002 = 0.238 BTC [-] {2} 653875;1398973979;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 25 @ 0.0058 = 0.145 BTC [+] 653876;1398973980;mircea_popescu;what's cghub 653877;1398974076;bounce;oh, looks closed down. wondered why things'd gone br0ked. anyhow, place for sharing 3d computer graphics models. 653878;1398974100;mircea_popescu;but like... 10 years ago no ? 653879;1398974134;Apocalyptic;mircea_popescu, it's fair to say he deprived himself from a successful future 653880;1398974142;mircea_popescu;Apocalyptic i guess so. sucks. 653881;1398974143;cgcardona_;good morning #bitcoin-assets o/ 653882;1398974148;mircea_popescu;heya aussie. 653883;1398974233;fluffypony;cgcardona_:) 653884;1398974238;fluffypony;how goes it? 653885;1398974258;cgcardona_;good. just ordered some (admittedly low end) gear for my recording studio project 653886;1398974268;cgcardona_;https://gist.github.com/cgcardona/52fb48cb857fe8aec577 in case anyone is interested 653887;1398974269;ozbot;New gear for my Kauai music studio 653888;1398974278;cgcardona_;i just moved back to kauai from SF and sold all of my gear before I left the city 653889;1398974287;cgcardona_;so I'm starting over w/ some cheap gear just to get set up. 653890;1398974303;cgcardona_;how you doing? anything exciting happening? 653891;1398974869;jurov;MPIF is selling 653892;1398974902;jurov;!up Kushed 653893;1398974902;assbot;Voicing Kushed for 30 minutes. 653894;1398974929;jurov;!up Enky 653895;1398974929;assbot;Voicing Enky for 30 minutes. 653896;1398974936;bounce;what're you recording? 653897;1398974950;jurov;??? 653898;1398975001;cgcardona_;my personal music. Here are some of my older songs https://soundcloud.com/cgcardona 653899;1398975011;cgcardona_;but I'm working on a bunch of new stuff so that's why i ordered the gear 653900;1398975068;cgcardona_;do you play/record bounce ? 653901;1398975093;*;bounce recalls "doing internet radio" with a kick mike (nice and low response on the voices), homemade spit filter, a (PA) mixer panel, I forgot what for playing records, and, uh, a couple peecees for the recording and streaming. (winamp on w95 with encoder plugin to icy server on linux, then somethingorother for multicast) 653902;1398975140;bounce;used to do some band mixing when nominally a student, even did a quick course on it. was kinda fun. 653903;1398975198;cgcardona_;wow your internet radio setup sounds epic 653904;1398975297;mircea_popescu;!up supay 653905;1398975297;assbot;Voicing supay for 30 minutes. 653906;1398975311;supay;thanks for that 653907;1398975330;mircea_popescu;so who're you ? 653908;1398975333;bounce;the uplink was 64kbit ISDN back then. I think we split it out on a box on campus with 100Mbit, which was pretty good for ~2000. for (possibly fake, as in from the next room over the pabx) dialin we cut up an old "second ear" on a phone. 653909;1398975359;supay;mircea_popescu: Someone who wants to make a lot of money. 653910;1398975364;mircea_popescu;haha okay. 653911;1398975368;supay;I was told that I could learn a lot from this channel. 653912;1398975375;supay;So I thought I would watch, and learn. 653913;1398975382;supay;Who are you mircea_popescu? 653914;1398975392;cgcardona_;haha. 653915;1398975395;bounce;good question. :) 653916;1398975401;cgcardona_;def some wisdom around here for anyone who has ears to listen. 653917;1398975442;cgcardona_;;;gettrust supay 653918;1398975442;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user cgcardona_ to user supay: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=cgcardona_&dest=supay | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=supay | Rated since: never 653919;1398975473;mircea_popescu;im just this guy that keeps naming things after himself in a vain but ultimately doomed hope of surviving thusly. 653920;1398975487;cgcardona_;you'll lose voice+ after 30 minutes (is that how long it is?) and if you aren't in the wot you can't speak in here supay 653921;1398975490;cgcardona_;just fyi ^ 653922;1398975532;supay;mircea_popescu: interesting.. looks like I can learn from this chan after all.. 653923;1398975553;supay;cgcardona_: and how would get on the wot? 653924;1398975559;bounce;five hours old and a cloak. quick work. where're you from? your name's not jenkins by any chance? 653925;1398975578;supay;no it is not 653926;1398975597;cgcardona_;supay: here is the highlevel trilema post (sorry MP hope you don't mind me swooping on the link post) http://trilema.com/2014/what-the-wot-is-for-how-it-works-and-how-to-use-it/ 653927;1398975611;supay;thank you cgcardona_ 653928;1398975616;cgcardona_;that's a good place to start w/ the high level wotupwidit 653929;1398975630;cgcardona_;supay: no prob. :) glad to help. I can pass the newb crown to you 653930;1398975631;cgcardona_;:-D 653931;1398975636;kakobrekla;isnt dat link in the wiki :p 653932;1398975639;supay;:) 653933;1398975662;kakobrekla;http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/wot_and_reputation 653934;1398975663;kakobrekla;it is. 653935;1398975664;ozbot;wot_and_reputation [bitcoin assets wiki] 653936;1398975673;mircea_popescu;cgcardona_ links are made for sharing, like womenz. 653937;1398975692;cgcardona_;ha 653938;1398975695;supay;nice blog mircea_popescu 653939;1398975740;mircea_popescu;$depth f.mpif 653940;1398975741;mpexbot;mircea_popescu: F.MPIF Bids: ['50000 @ 0.0002151', '5000 @ 0.0002151', '500 @ 0.0002151', '5000 @ 0.000215', '1400 @ 0.00021333'] 653941;1398975742;mpexbot;mircea_popescu: Asks: ['99600 @ 0.00021725', '990000 @ 0.00021726', '1000 @ 0.00024', '100000 @ 0.00029', '10000 @ 0.0004'] 653942;1398975762;kakobrekla;anyway i still think you should hit the wiki first on your quest, supay . 653943;1398975762;mircea_popescu;ha! 653944;1398975788;cgcardona_;yea good advice. kakobrekla is a sage indeed. 653945;1398975804;supay;alright kakobrekla. will do. 653946;1398975805;bounce;(here's a herring) 653947;1398975834;mike_c;mircea_popescu: did you change the price for the new shares to 21726? 653948;1398975909;mircea_popescu;mike_c yeah. see logz. 653949;1398975931;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.0728 = 0.1456 BTC [+] 653950;1398975992;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07250035 = 0.145 BTC [-] {2} 653951;1398976053;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.07220302 = 0.2888 BTC [-] {4} 653952;1398976174;benkay;!up ryepdx 653953;1398976174;assbot;Voicing ryepdx for 30 minutes. 653954;1398976175;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 29 @ 0.07131323 = 2.0681 BTC [-] {7} 653955;1398976358;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4200 @ 0.0009712 = 4.079 BTC [+] 653956;1398976515;Naphex;/last mpif 653957;1398976526;thestringpuller;!last m f.mpif 653958;1398976526;assbot;Last trade for F.MPIF on MPEX was at 0.00021725 BTC [+] 653959;1398976711;benkay;kakobrekla: assbot doesn't seem to like users not authed with the same WoT handle as their IRC nick. 653960;1398976726;kakobrekla;affirmative. 653961;1398976739;benkay;is there a workaround? 653962;1398976747;benkay;kinda unnecessary coupling of freenode and wot 653963;1398976776;kakobrekla;presently there is no workaround 653964;1398976778;benkay;!up ryepdx 653965;1398976778;assbot;Voice for ryepdx extended to 30 minutes. 653966;1398976783;benkay;;;ident ryepdx 653967;1398976783;gribble;CAUTION: irc nick differs from otc registered nick. Nick 'ryepdx', with hostmask 'ryepdx!~ryan@c-76-115-78-13.hsd1.or.comcast.net', is identified as user 'rye', with GPG key id 680F5108B06DBB77, key fingerprint C901BFF645AF5CD06F58D724680F5108B06DBB77, and bitcoin address None 653968;1398976801;kakobrekla;except that you /nick back and forward for the voice operation 653969;1398976839;benkay;so nick to the wot nick and then nick back to your normal nick? 653970;1398976856;foobutts;;;lasers 653971;1398976857;gribble;┌━ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ *pew!* *pew!* *pew!* 653972;1398976877;kakobrekla;yea 653973;1398976880;thestringpuller;how do you do kitten laters? 653974;1398976885;thestringpuller;;;kitten lasers 653975;1398976886;gribble;Error: "kitten" is not a valid command. 653976;1398976888;thestringpuller;>< 653977;1398976901;benkay;ryepdx: didja get kakobrekla's instructions? 653978;1398977042;benkay;nanotube: is there a way to trigger an authentication request from outside irc? 653979;1398977106;mircea_popescu;nah 653980;1398977111;supay;so if i just register on bitcoin-otc with a gpg key, I can continue chatting here? 653981;1398977166;mike_c;!up supay 653982;1398977166;assbot;Voicing supay for 30 minutes. 653983;1398977169;cgcardona_;til the ;;lasers command 653984;1398977181;supay;thanks mike_c.. 653985;1398977211;cgcardona_;supay: once you register someone will need to rate you. then you can chat here 653986;1398977212;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 3 @ 0.03352746 = 0.1006 BTC [-] 653987;1398977219;supay;oh, damn. 653988;1398977228;supay;I don't have any btc to trade to get a rating. 653989;1398977234;kakobrekla;yes cock sucking time. 653990;1398977239;cgcardona_;lawl 653991;1398977240;kakobrekla;ops that came out loud 653992;1398977240;mike_c;not the only (or even the best) way to get rated 653993;1398977249;supay;lol 653994;1398977264;cgcardona_;supay: someone will usually rate a new person a 1 just for the purpose of v+ in here 653995;1398977275;supay;Oh, okay. Thats nice. 653996;1398977279;cgcardona_;then what you do w/ that ability to chat is up to you. at which point your wot score could plummet if you're a DB 653997;1398977287;kakobrekla;mostly depends on first n lines you type into this box 653998;1398977300;supay;cgcardona_: DB? 653999;1398977308;supay;kakobrekla: i understand.. 654000;1398977329;cgcardona_;supay: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=db 654001;1398977338;kakobrekla;lemme guess, database 654002;1398977348;mike_c;;;ud db 654003;1398977348;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=db | Diarrhea Bubble. There are 5 different classes of pure, 100% Db's. CLASS ONE- The regular Diarrhea Bubble that someone gets occasionally by eating ... 654004;1398977349;ozbot;Urban Dictionary: db 654005;1398977350;bounce;mssql? mysql? db2? 654006;1398977352;cgcardona_;ya know. If you abuse your v+ people will rate you -. That kinda thing. 654007;1398977358;cgcardona_;that's wot the wots all about 654008;1398977364;cgcardona_;at least partly wot it's about. 654009;1398977376;cgcardona_;bounce: mongoDB obviouslyt 654010;1398977379;supay;lol 654011;1398977379;cgcardona_;*obviously 654012;1398977386;asciilifeform;supay: i've never traded btc and people did rate me on some occasions. 654013;1398977392;bounce;nosql == nodb 654014;1398977396;asciilifeform;supay: do something useful for somebody. 654015;1398977396;supay;thats nice.. 654016;1398977408;supay;yeah, okay. 654017;1398977424;cgcardona_;;;gettrust supay 654018;1398977425;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user cgcardona_ to user supay: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=cgcardona_&dest=supay | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=supay | Rated since: never 654019;1398977487;benkay;(DoucheBag for those not embedded in the prison) 654020;1398977507;fluffypony;bounce: you know Coinbase uses mongodb, right? 654021;1398977518;cgcardona_;gives you confidence doesn't it 654022;1398977523;fluffypony;so much 654023;1398977527;nanotube;benkay: nope, irc only. 654024;1398977527;fluffypony;eventual consistency is great 654025;1398977530;cgcardona_;acid huh? 654026;1398977545;fluffypony;in their case eventual = within two weeks 654027;1398977550;fluffypony;they should get together with BFL 654028;1398977555;kakobrekla;hi nanotube 654029;1398977556;nanotube;benkay: also, i see you're talking about irc nick and wot username differences - shouldn't be an issue, the output of 'ident' command includes wot username... so you have both pieces of info. 654030;1398977559;nanotube;hi kakobrekla :) 654031;1398977580;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2901 @ 0.0009712 = 2.8175 BTC [+] 654032;1398977585;kakobrekla;yes that is not the issue 654033;1398977588;cgcardona_;;;ticker 654034;1398977589;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 458.34, Best ask: 459.34, Bid-ask spread: 1.00000, Last trade: 458.34, 24 hour volume: 10658.50942672, 24 hour low: 444.79, 24 hour high: 465.88, 24 hour vwap: 456.952838177 654035;1398977605;kakobrekla;the issue is that private !up would need to take in an argument. 654036;1398977624;kakobrekla;that would make the design of the whole thing less nice. 654037;1398977633;nanotube;kakobrekla: why? the private !up knows what nick it is coming from. should then just ask gribble 'ident ' 654038;1398977643;fluffypony;http://www.tomsitpro.com/articles/sandisk-4-tb-optimus-ssd-lightning,1-1925.html <- the end of the spinning platter cometh 654039;1398977645;ozbot;SanDisk Announces 4TB SSDs, 8TB & 16TB SSDs to Follow 654040;1398977676;kakobrekla;hmm i think i had a good reason regarding that lemme think 654041;1398977677;asciilifeform;fluffypony: how many write cycles -per cell- now? 10? 654042;1398977679;nanotube;kakobrekla: then look at gettrust for the wot username... 654043;1398977692;asciilifeform;(the denser ssd gets, the more flimsy the actual storage cells are made) 654044;1398977707;asciilifeform;this fact is papered over by 'write-leveling' 654045;1398977743;kakobrekla;yes it would require 2 separate commands like you said 654046;1398977762;kakobrekla;then it could work. 654047;1398977774;kakobrekla;(on the assbot side) 654048;1398977785;fluffypony;asciilifeform: afaik the nand flash in those drives is ~3k writes per cell 654049;1398977795;cgcardona_;fluffypony: wow 16 TB. 654050;1398977798;cgcardona_;crazy 654051;1398977800;kakobrekla;but is it really a thing worth fixing ? 654052;1398977802;asciilifeform;3k! pitiful 654053;1398977871;fluffypony;oh I got it wrong 654054;1398977877;fluffypony;eMLC NAND is 30k, not 3k 654055;1398977879;fluffypony;my bad 654056;1398977936;fluffypony;cMLD is only 5k, but I can live with that 654057;1398978084;rithm;isn't this sunlot dude coingenuity's old partner 654058;1398978088;nanotube;kakobrekla: bonus: do one command. gettrust [ident nick] 654059;1398978099;rithm;irc nick shaded 654060;1398978125;BingoBoingo;http://bsd.slashdot.org/story/14/05/01/1656209/openbsd-55-released 654061;1398978126;ozbot;OpenBSD 5.5 Released - Slashdot 654062;1398978147;rithm; kakobrekla: why? the private !up knows what nick it is coming from. should then just ask gribble 'ident ' 654063;1398978155;rithm;^ i have a feeling i wouldn't have to change nicks then 654064;1398978161;rithm;to voice myself 654065;1398978176;kakobrekla;too bad feelings dont write code 654066;1398978183;rithm;yukyukyuk 654067;1398978198;kakobrekla;nanotube hm yes that neat trick might do it, ill try it 654068;1398978198;*;rithm hands kakobrekla a cookie anyways 654069;1398978224;bounce;http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-London/2014/05/01/van-rompuy-says-europe-will-expand-without-public-backing 654070;1398978224;ozbot;Van Rompuy: If The Public Doesn't Want EU Expansion, 'We Do It Anyway' 654071;1398978226;*;kakobrekla hides cookie from mp 654072;1398978230;fluffypony;lol 654073;1398978233;bounce;how'd that work for mr [\\\]? 654074;1398978236;fluffypony;chocolate chip cookie? 654075;1398978372;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4750 @ 0.00097119 = 4.6132 BTC [-] 654076;1398978432;assbot;[MPEX] [FN] [F.MPIF] 5000 @ 0.00021725 = 1.0863 BTC [+] 654077;1398978505;jurov;you know how they do it? they repeat a referendum until they get Yes 654078;1398978617;bounce;everybody knows by now, but the europhile eurocrats don't care; the people, even the national governments, can no longer stop it 654079;1398978969;fluffypony;bilateral gynandromorph (half male, half female) butterfly - http://i.imgur.com/TJAO9gJ.jpg 654080;1398979258;BigBitz;fluffypony ! 654081;1398979262;BigBitz;Y U SO NASTY? 654082;1398979272;BigBitz;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=583152.0 654083;1398979274;ozbot;[HAVELOCK] (Seedcoin SF2) Global Coin FX - UK HQ Virtual Currency Exchange 654084;1398979289;fluffypony;lol 654085;1398979292;fluffypony;that wasn't nasty 654086;1398979295;BigBitz;:) 654087;1398979343;BingoBoingo;https://www.tunnelbear.com/ 654088;1398979343;ozbot;TunnelBear 654089;1398979345;BingoBoingo;WTF 654090;1398979357;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 143 @ 0.0058 = 0.8294 BTC [+] 654091;1398979480;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11850 @ 0.00097138 = 11.5109 BTC [+] {2} 654092;1398979486;dub;someone beat firefox with all kinds of ugly 654093;1398979522;fluffypony;dub: is that a statement or a request? 654094;1398979538;thestringpuller;i miss you dub 654095;1398979540;thestringpuller;where have you been? 654096;1398979556;thestringpuller;listening to the wub wub huh dub dub? 654097;1398979563;dub;indochina 654098;1398979592;dub;i been that nigger in a rice bowl waiting to pop a cap 654099;1398979710;BigBitz;Hmm. 654100;1398979817;*;rithm would see a nigger in a rice bowl for sure 654101;1398980081;csshih;o.o 654102;1398980149;jurov;>.> 654103;1398980160;kakobrekla;<.< 654104;1398980185;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6750 @ 0.00096888 = 6.5399 BTC [-] {2} 654105;1398980207;fluffypony;csshih:) 654106;1398980218;fluffypony;my favourite lumen junkie 654107;1398980244;BingoBoingo;http://deadspin.com/the-nba-wanted-to-kick-donald-sterling-out-of-the-leagu-1570505417 654108;1398980244;ozbot;The NBA Wanted To Kick Donald Sterling Out Of The League In 1982 654109;1398980248;csshih;is this the new cool kid hangout 654110;1398980258;BingoBoingo;of course 654111;1398980273;fluffypony;csshih: you know it 654112;1398980294;fluffypony;wherever assbot exists is, by definition, cool 654113;1398980821;kakobreklaa;thar. 654114;1398980849;kakobreklaa;benkay fixed 654115;1398980859;kakobreklaa;and whoever else was complaining 654116;1398980926;foobutts;sweet 654117;1398980941;benkay;ryepdx: you can now !up yourself 654118;1398980950;benkay;thanks kakobrekla! 654119;1398980955;kakobrekla;yw 654120;1398980962;benkay;hue hue hue was v. tempted to thank mp instead 654121;1398980971;kakobrekla;... 654122;1398981010;asciilifeform;www.tunnelbear.com << typical honeypot. usg has a sense of humour (bears; honey) 654123;1398981077;BingoBoingo;Yeah 654124;1398981117;BingoBoingo;I like that the honeypot is covered in Web 2.0MG hipster BBQ sauce 654125;1398981129;asciilifeform;one is almost tempted to write a generator for these promos 654126;1398981158;asciilifeform;complete with wsj, yahoo, macworld turds 654127;1398981176;BingoBoingo;Maybe use Russian Winnie the Pooh 654128;1398981177;asciilifeform;a la the faux cs conference paper gen 654129;1398981215;BingoBoingo;Would be an interesting thing to have out there. 654130;1398981216;asciilifeform;i always thought disney's looked... jaundiced. 654131;1398981261;BingoBoingo;Yeah, probably got hepatitis from shooting up with Rabbit 654132;1398981323;asciilifeform;betcha the nsa funding flag for tunnelbear is 'TUNNELRAT' 654133;1398981329;asciilifeform;(bonus for vietnam reference) 654134;1398981397;BingoBoingo;Or TUNNELSPIDER for the Saddam reference 654135;1398981425;BingoBoingo;http://gawker.com/drunk-nypd-officer-allegedly-shot-a-stranger-6-times-1570270148 654136;1398981426;ozbot;Drunk NYPD Officer Allegedly Shot a Stranger 6 Times 654137;1398981450;Anduck;!up supay 654138;1398981450;assbot;Voicing supay for 30 minutes. 654139;1398981453;supay;Could someone give me a +1 rep so I could chat here? 654140;1398981454;supay;oh 654141;1398981456;Anduck;supay: now u can talk for a while 654142;1398981459;supay;amazing timing 654143;1398981459;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 654144;1398981463;supay;I'm authed i guess.. 654145;1398981483;supay;I'm asking for rating on bitcoin-otc 654146;1398981491;supay;so that I can continue talking here and learn a thing or two :) 654147;1398981541;BingoBoingo;supay: What do you do? 654148;1398981558;supay;Im a student. 654149;1398981569;asciilifeform;student of what? 654150;1398981581;supay;Computer Science 654151;1398981600;BingoBoingo;!up TurboS_911 654152;1398981600;assbot;Voicing TurboS_911 for 30 minutes. 654153;1398981610;BingoBoingo;!up Checkup 654154;1398981610;assbot;Voicing Checkup for 30 minutes. 654155;1398981631;bounce;computer science no science 654156;1398981636;BingoBoingo;thestringpuller: I'll start thinking about games 654157;1398981742;jurov;supay can you do some programming? 654158;1398981755;supay;jurov: Yes I can. 654159;1398981769;jurov;what kind? 654160;1398981780;kakobrekla;


654161;1398981795;bounce;dat programming 654162;1398981807;supay;lol 654163;1398981810;supay;Java mainly. 654164;1398981824;BingoBoingo;http://gawker.com/ooh-can-we-play-donetsk-or-nevada-please-1570268654 654165;1398981825;ozbot;Nevada Ranch Militias Turn Against Each Other Over Drone-Attack Theory 654166;1398981825;supay;But I am very familiar with C and C++. 654167;1398981835;bounce;just random ratings don't convey +v in here, by the by 654168;1398981846;supay;they dont? 654169;1398981866;BingoBoingo;supay: They need to some from the right people 654170;1398981872;supay;oic 654171;1398981892;supay;BingoBoingo: will you give me a +1? 654172;1398981940;BingoBoingo;supay: Not atm. If you do something that impresses people and provides benefit I might, of course other people might as well. 654173;1398981949;jurov;i can give some +1 for 5BTC or considerable coinbr volume >:D 654174;1398981969;BingoBoingo;supay: If you hang around idea for things that can be done appear quite frequently 654175;1398981975;supay;jurov: I'll give you 1doge. Interested? 654176;1398981976;bounce;how does "the price is right" work anyway? 654177;1398981986;supay;BingoBoingo: I get it. Good deal. 654178;1398982002;jurov;i don't even have a doggone wallet 654179;1398982005;supay;I do hope however that someone voices me every half-hour till I get some rating. 654180;1398982013;jurov;just a repellant stick on the laptop 654181;1398982028;supay;jurov: dogevault.com 654182;1398982028;benkay;;;rate supay 1 ffs 654183;1398982029;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user supay has been recorded. 654184;1398982032;kakobrekla;yet jurov doge sticker on his lappy is 3 times the size of bitcoin sticker 654185;1398982037;jurov;and do you have something important to say? 654186;1398982043;bounce;pushover 654187;1398982044;supay;gee thanks benkay! 654188;1398982088;benkay;don't waste it. 654189;1398982093;kakobrekla;yes repellent, you said that. 654190;1398982118;kakobrekla;but does it work? imo it would attract newbs. 654191;1398982122;supay;benkay: no sir, I shall not! 654192;1398982163;jurov;i'll teach them the error of their ways 654193;1398982186;kakobrekla;big tasks you took upon yourself 654194;1398982191;kakobrekla;-s 654195;1398982194;supay;jurov: I wonder why you were asking me if I could code? 654196;1398982213;moiety;benkay you softy ;P 654197;1398982223;kakobrekla;he is, isnt he. 654198;1398982288;benkay;and now the channel is cleared of "plz someone +1 me!" 654199;1398982295;jurov;supay just checking, maybe you're usable :) 654200;1398982304;benkay;;;gettrust assbot navhul-lacsup 654201;1398982305;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user navhul-lacsup: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=navhul-lacsup | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=navhul-lacsup | Rated since: never 654202;1398982308;benkay;!up navhul-lacsup 654203;1398982308;assbot;Voicing navhul-lacsup for 30 minutes. 654204;1398982313;benkay;h'lo, sub. 654205;1398982333;bounce;now everybody goes "pwease mistah benkay sir, can I haz ratings too?" 654206;1398982357;jurov;supay but since you did not mention some own pet projects, i abandoned that inquiry 654207;1398982362;supay;jurov: cool. do you code as well? 654208;1398982370;jurov;afaik yes 654209;1398982387;supay;jurov: pet projects? 654210;1398982395;supay;bounce: lol 654211;1398982401;bounce;robot chickens 654212;1398982422;supay;love them 654213;1398982432;jurov;when i was student, i maintained ziproxy.sourceforge.net 654214;1398982450;*;bounce likes it better when police aren't armed. apropos earlier paste. 654215;1398982459;jurov;i got some ridiculously positive responses for such lame http proxy server 654216;1398982462;supay;ah 654217;1398982540;supay;jurov: interesting project :) 654218;1398982556;bounce;little things please little minds 654219;1398982623;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 2 @ 0.07999 = 0.16 BTC [+] {2} 654220;1398982629;bounce;what was that cartoon again? "make stuff work" on a unix and you're incomprehensible, thus ignored. make stuff work on windows and you're a god to be worshipped. 654221;1398982647;supay;lol 654222;1398982655;supay;shouldn't it be the other way around? 654223;1398982663;supay;I find unix more friendly than windows 654224;1398982750;fluffypony;I hate windows, but honestly unix is a piece of shit from a usability perspective 654225;1398982787;fluffypony;so few cli tools conform to norms, because why bother when you can just do it your way 654226;1398982798;supay;fluffypony: it wasn't really created for gui-addicts.. 654227;1398982841;fluffypony;supay: I think you miss my point; I am far from a "gui-addict" 654228;1398982888;supay;oh, okay. 654229;1398982899;supay;It is difficult to use, most will agree with you on that. 654230;1398982899;jurov;prolly supay is still young and eager to scour manpages for some simple function 654231;1398982910;supay;nah, I just use google 654232;1398982932;benkay;why read man pages when you can just curl2sudo some ruby brogrammer's work? 654233;1398982937;fluffypony;lol 654234;1398982963;supay;lol :) 654235;1398983048;fluffypony;here 654236;1398983049;fluffypony;supay 654237;1398983051;fluffypony;http://xkcd.com/1168/ 654238;1398983051;ozbot;xkcd: tar 654239;1398983069;fluffypony;after nearly 20 years of tar I still forget how to use it all the time 654240;1398983078;fluffypony;and I'm not talking about -cjvf and -xvf 654241;1398983078;supay;LMFAO 654242;1398983087;supay;so true 654243;1398983087;mircea_popescu; hmm i think i had a good reason regarding that lemme think << pwned. 654244;1398983148;bounce;what? tar tvf - is "a" valid tar command 654245;1398983149;mircea_popescu; you know how they do it? they repeat a referendum until they get Yes << and then wonder why bitcoin doesn;t care what they think. 654246;1398983163;mircea_popescu; everybody knows by now, but the europhile eurocrats don't care; the people, even the national governments, can no longer stop it << let's bet. 654247;1398983215;mircea_popescu; hue hue hue was v. tempted to thank mp instead << DDDDOOOO ITTTT 654248;1398983217;bounce;how'd /you/ go about and "stop it"? 654249;1398983242;mircea_popescu;!up DoctorBTC 654250;1398983242;assbot;Voicing DoctorBTC without time-limit. 654251;1398983286;mircea_popescu;supay just read the logs, same thing. 654252;1398983294;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15196 @ 0.00097197 = 14.7701 BTC [+] {2} 654253;1398983348;mircea_popescu;;;rate supay -1 let's not get carried away 654254;1398983349;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of -1 for user supay has been recorded. 654255;1398983370;BigBitz;lol 654256;1398983385;benkay;that'd be the first counterrating. 654257;1398983392;benkay;;;gettrust supay 654258;1398983393;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask supay!~supay@unaffiliated/supay. Trust relationship from user benkay to user supay: Level 1: 1, Level 2: -1 via 1 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=benkay&dest=supay | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=supay | Rated since: Thu May 1 18:06:55 2014 654259;1398983397;benkay;;;gettrust assbot supay 654260;1398983398;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask supay!~supay@unaffiliated/supay. Trust relationship from user assbot to user supay: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 2 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=supay | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=supay | Rated since: Thu May 1 18:06:55 2014 654261;1398983419;mircea_popescu;we get to test it at least. 654262;1398983429;benkay;hey supay, !up yourself on pm with assbot 654263;1398983457;pankkake;I think I remember ziproxy 654264;1398983499;benkay;all appears in order. 654265;1398983522;benkay;this asseteer in-production testing session is complete and. 654266;1398983582;benkay;;;unrate supay 654267;1398983584;gribble;Successfully removed your rating for supay. 654268;1398983586;mircea_popescu;;;unrate supay 654269;1398983588;gribble;Successfully removed your rating for supay. 654270;1398983592;benkay;!up supay 654271;1398983592;assbot;Voicing supay for 30 minutes. 654272;1398983597;benkay;many thanks to our hapless subject 654273;1398983598;supay;that was rude 654274;1398983611;benkay;you clearly don't understand the local manners. 654275;1398983616;supay;lol 654276;1398983661;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16900 @ 0.00096624 = 16.3295 BTC [-] {2} 654277;1398983668;kakobrekla;mircea_popescu no no the reason is good. 654278;1398983674;benkay;eveternoon, moiety 654279;1398983776;fluffypony;and noa 654280;1398983779;fluffypony;I sleep. 654281;1398983811;mircea_popescu;!up tradingloser 654282;1398983811;assbot;Voicing tradingloser for 30 minutes. 654283;1398983833;tradingloser;tesitng one 2 three 654284;1398983837;tradingloser;biuxww' 654285;1398983840;tradingloser;noice 654286;1398983841;benkay;loud n clear 654287;1398983875;tradingloser;anyone losing money on cryptostock and havelock. it's killing me 654288;1398983878;BingoBoingo;http://hasthewhaleexplodedyet.com/ 654289;1398983878;ozbot;Has the whale exploded yet? - Untitled 654290;1398983899;mircea_popescu;tradingloser you gotta read the logs. 654291;1398983908;fluffypony;tradingloser: I don't use either 654292;1398983924;mike_c;tradingloser: if it makes you feel better, everyone who trades on those exchanges loses money. 654293;1398983926;*;mircea_popescu just checked stats, was blown away by last...4 days user count being ~above month avg~ 654294;1398983960;tradingloser;okay.. so i guess im in a double whammy.. i suck at trading + on a site where people always lose money.. 654295;1398983970;moiety;hey benkay, sorry laptop freaked out on me, how are you? 654296;1398983983;mircea_popescu;tradingloser they're called play exchanges for a reason. 654297;1398984010;tradingloser;yeah. im jsut here for trying to get some sympathy. 654298;1398984018;tradingloser;you're right though. 654299;1398984020;BingoBoingo;supay: You know what pretty much everyone here wants? 654300;1398984033;fluffypony;tradingloser: I love you 654301;1398984036;fluffypony;^^sympathy 654302;1398984046;supay;BingoBoingo: what? 654303;1398984048;tradingloser;that's the most love I gotten since high school. 654304;1398984064;csshih;=] 654305;1398984065;fluffypony;ok seriously going to bed now, k thx bye 654306;1398984067;mircea_popescu;http://jimromenesko.com/2014/05/01/reporter-is-caught-writing-blah-blah-blah-blah-in-notebook-while-candidate-rambles-on/ 654307;1398984068;ozbot;» Reporter is caught writing ‘blah blah blah blah’ in notebook while Senate candidate rambles 654308;1398984069;csshih;nite 654309;1398984071;mircea_popescu;check out the schoolchildren 654310;1398984079;tradingloser;buy pony 654311;1398984084;moiety;love == sympathy nao? 654312;1398984084;tradingloser;bye* 654313;1398984104;tradingloser;moiety, im no lawyer so I guess so. 654314;1398984104;BingoBoingo;supay: Well, more implementations of the Bitcoin protocol would be nice. Clean minimalist full node implementations like Conformal did with btcd. 654315;1398984136;supay;BingoBoingo: I see.. interesting. 654316;1398984158;benkay;moiety: hacking on the porch with the boys 654317;1398984162;benkay;it's a glorious day 654318;1398984167;benkay;we set a pile of paper on fire earlier 654319;1398984189;BingoBoingo;supay: C, LISP, Python.... Language doesn't much matter beyond the thing being suprememly readable and not garbage like bitcoind. 654320;1398984193;supay;with a lit match or a magnifying glass benkay ? 654321;1398984211;supay;BingoBoingo: Okay.. 654322;1398984216;tradingloser;Well hoping for a new start. I took what looks like the remains of neobee and cryptoshitstocks over to bitcoinbourse. hoping for the best. 654323;1398984227;*;jurov gaps 654324;1398984232;jurov;asps 654325;1398984235;jurov;gasps 654326;1398984236;moiety;benkay: did that paper deserve to die? 654327;1398984238;benkay;hey guys 654328;1398984240;benkay;compounding 654329;1398984246;benkay;but in the wrong direction, tradingloser 654330;1398984263;benkay;moiety: who knows. just got a shredder, shredded a pile, torched it. 654331;1398984265;jurov;http://explo.yt/post/2014/04/10/BitcoinBeware < Well hoping for a new start. I took what looks like the remains of neobee and cryptoshitstocks over to bitcoinbourse. hoping for the best. <<< ahahah 654343;1398984387;mircea_popescu;truely infinite hitpoints 654344;1398984432;BingoBoingo;supay: I know you mentioned Java is the main thing you've worked with. What other languages have you played with? 654345;1398984474;tradingloser;hopefully the multisig co and casino stock treats me bettter. 654346;1398984492;supay;BingoBoingo: I have maximum experience with Java. But my C and Python are pretty good too. Apart from that, I used to develop web apps. I'm great at the LAMP framework. 654347;1398984516;kakobrekla;tradingloser you should be thinking about breaking the cycle of bad decisions 654348;1398984524;bounce;how's your relational algebra? 654349;1398984543;BingoBoingo;supay: What kinds of things have you programmed in the past? 654350;1398984564;benkay; ... the LAMP framework. << o.O 654351;1398984572;supay;Desktop applications, mobile applications, websites. I have also done some penetration testing. 654352;1398984577;tradingloser;kakobrekla.. thats is the worst skill I have. 654353;1398984588;benkay;tradingloser: why aren't you happy to hold your coins yet? 654354;1398984614;kakobrekla;tradingloser stop then 654355;1398984615;tradingloser;greed + pissed off at neobeefuckheads.. 654356;1398984630;tradingloser;yeah.. 654357;1398984639;BingoBoingo;tradingloser: Have you considered if you can't just hold coins, betting them at BitBet? 654358;1398984642;kakobrekla;put your coins in cold storage and lurk here for half a year 654359;1398984651;kakobrekla;things will look better afterwards. 654360;1398984732;mircea_popescu;^ 654361;1398984738;tradingloser;Honestly, I lost like 88% so I just put it in some escrow verification company that just earns revenue ripping people 654362;1398984772;BingoBoingo;... 654363;1398984792;pankkake;if anyone still cares: neobeeQ delisting the 5th 654364;1398984819;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 4 @ 0.0739125 = 0.2957 BTC [-] {3} 654365;1398984820;mircea_popescu;did the neobeeQ compliance officer ask for it ? 654366;1398984832;BingoBoingo;If you lose 88% at anything... How do you continue trying the same approaches that lost you the 88% without at least stopping to take a break? 654367;1398984845;pankkake;lel. havelock says they have no response whatsoever so that's the reason 654368;1398984880;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 2 @ 0.07060001 = 0.1412 BTC [-] 654369;1398984881;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 8 @ 0.03379403 = 0.2704 BTC [+] 654370;1398984889;mircea_popescu;so allegedly an alleged "compliance officer" that doesn't exist made a request (that doesn't exist) to suspend the trading of a supposed company with real assets that don't exist 654371;1398984899;mircea_popescu;and the exchange with the panama registration that doesn't exist complied 654372;1398984907;tradingloser;because i did that boring warren buffet thing where you know consistent revenue will come and you buy and hold for a long time. hopefully, multisignature is the future. 654373;1398984911;mircea_popescu;then re-opened trading, arbitrarily, on a new symbol, with new authority 654374;1398984926;BingoBoingo;tradingloser: That isn't the Buffet thing at all. 654375;1398984927;mircea_popescu;adn now are delisting the new symbol because... the inexistent officers of the inexistent company... failed to protest ? 654376;1398984936;mircea_popescu;did i get the story right here ? 654377;1398984950;mircea_popescu;ok this dude is too fucktarded 654378;1398984954;mircea_popescu;!down tradingloser 654379;1398984957;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Seems right 654380;1398984960;pankkake;I'm afraid so, I forgot about the first suspension 654381;1398985102;punkman;next message from Danny will read like this: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/montrexwatches/montrex-watch-project-a-truly-unique-timepiece-wat/posts/536830 654382;1398985110;mircea_popescu;i just had to pour myself a triple drink because well... my brain knotted. 654383;1398985181;benkay;wat indeed 654384;1398985189;mircea_popescu;"After the events of the last couple of days, we are very disappointed. The kickstarter Montrex project was to help build the Montrex brand. Ultimately, backers destroyed the brand and the reputation of the brand and its team." 654385;1398985203;mircea_popescu;dat team. 654386;1398985231;mircea_popescu;team gumpy. "we are not fly by night. no. no. no we're not. no. yes we are." 654387;1398985265;mircea_popescu;"Because of the damage incurred... Because of the fact that we are being called thieves and con-artists and frauds without having done anything wrong" 654388;1398985277;mircea_popescu;i love punkman links. 654389;1398985366;BingoBoingo;%book 654390;1398985370;atcbot;22k@223 8k@223 0k@220 | 2k@170 10k@155 53k@152 654391;1398985388;bounce;wtf was up with the montrex drama? get your kickstarter 8x oversubscribed and sue the backers? what? 654392;1398985404;mircea_popescu;bounce you don't understand. DEFAMATION. 654393;1398985443;bounce;no, no I don't understand. but I don't think I want to understand either. esp. since I'm all out of drink. 654394;1398985494;mircea_popescu;the famous derpfamation 654395;1398985531;BingoBoingo;!up supay 654396;1398985531;assbot;Voicing supay for 30 minutes. 654397;1398985546;kakobrekla;he can up himself ya know 654398;1398985550;punkman;"We are sorry for those who have been damaged by this project, but you individually have definitely been damaged far less than we have been damaged. " < did btctalk come up with this yet? 654399;1398985551;supay;thank you BingoBoingo.. 654400;1398985562;supay;kakobrekla: no i cant. 654401;1398985594;bounce;;;gettrust assbot supay 654402;1398985594;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask supay!~supay@unaffiliated/supay. Trust relationship from user assbot to user supay: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=supay | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=supay | Rated since: never 654403;1398985639;kakobrekla;hm benkay unrated him? 654404;1398985654;supay;e tok bak iz ratingz =( 654405;1398985656;bounce;supay: you gotten around to mastering relational algebra, seeing how you claim "lamp stack" familiarity? 654406;1398985673;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10200 @ 0.00096567 = 9.8498 BTC [-] 654407;1398985708;supay;bounce: I am familiar with relational algebra yes, because I am in the sophomore year at my university and am studying RDBMS. 654408;1398985768;bounce;that's not a given, but good to know. which university? 654409;1398985795;supay;Manipal University. 654410;1398985804;mircea_popescu;punkman nop 654411;1398985840;mircea_popescu;"Manipal University is a name to reckon with not just in India, but the world over. " 654412;1398985842;mircea_popescu;o.O 654413;1398985850;BingoBoingo;supay: are you familiar with OpenBSD? 654414;1398985858;bounce;because ``Manipal, today, is a knowledge powerhouse and a brand name in higher education.'' 654415;1398985871;bounce;just so you know. don't forget to reckon with manipal. 654416;1398985880;supay;BingoBoingo: Not very much tbh. I usually work on Debian, Ubuntu and Arch. 654417;1398985919;supay;bounce: what do you mean? 654418;1398985921;mircea_popescu;why so belicose lol 654419;1398985939;jurov;supay if you "work" then you have something to show, no? 654420;1398985967;BingoBoingo;supay: If you wrote a guide to building Bitcoind 0.7 with the modifications to work on the right blockchain, on OpenBSD 5.5 I'd give you a plus one. 654421;1398985995;mircea_popescu;punkman https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/montrexwatches/montrex-watch-project-a-truly-unique-timepiece-wat/posts/540696 << even better. 654422;1398986005;supay;wouldnt that be too much work BingoBoingo? :O 654423;1398986019;supay;jurov: you mean to ask me for samples of my work? 654424;1398986042;bounce;"truly unique" mass-produced thingies. marketeering at work. 654425;1398986046;BingoBoingo;supay: It's just building something that already exists. Less work than reimplementing the protocol. 654426;1398986054;supay;ah 654427;1398986059;supay;let me google that. 654428;1398986083;punkman;mircea_popescu: don't see anything there 654429;1398986101;bounce;clearly, you aren't a backer. 654430;1398986128;jurov;supay, such as, github stuff? 654431;1398986131;BingoBoingo;supay: Write a nice guide shoot it to me. I'll give you 0.01 BTC and a 1 rating on the WoT. 654432;1398986139;supay;supay: nope. 654433;1398986164;supay;BingoBoingo: sure! I'll give it a shot! :) 654434;1398986174;mircea_popescu;it's like... secret updates ? 654435;1398986178;mircea_popescu;wtf bs is that. 654436;1398986181;BingoBoingo;supay: If the like the guide I post it to my blog crediting you as the author and link to your WoT profile. 654437;1398986197;supay;That would be really nice. 654438;1398986202;supay;I'll get started right away. 654439;1398986217;punkman;their rebrand got $444,370 https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/watchismo/xeriscope-the-orbiting-mechanical-automatic-watch 654440;1398986226;mircea_popescu;https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/montrexwatches/montrex-watch-project-a-truly-unique-timepiece-wat/posts/654887 654441;1398986227;ozbot;Montrex Watch Project - A Truly Unique Timepiece ( watches ) by Montrex Watches » re-branding updat 654442;1398986230;mircea_popescu;and one year later... 654443;1398986242;mircea_popescu;rebranding the successful brand that was utterly destroyed and etc. 654444;1398986251;BingoBoingo;supay: With OpenBSD remember to read the documentation before you install it. Also remember I want bitcoind 0.7, not the newer bullshit. 654445;1398986256;punkman;"This is the kind of stuff with which I have to deal due to the cyberbullying attacks on me.  The girl, Allison, who was supposed to start working here, today, was a no-call, no-show. " 654446;1398986266;mircea_popescu;usagi bit her. 654447;1398986276;supay;BingoBoingo: yeah, got it! :) 654448;1398986280;punkman;https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/montrexwatches/montrex-watch-project-a-truly-unique-timepiece-wat/posts/550182 654449;1398986282;BingoBoingo;Been a while since the Usagi name was invoked here. 654450;1398986282;ozbot;Montrex Watch Project - A Truly Unique Timepiece ( watches ) by Montrex Watches » No new assistant. 654451;1398986289;BingoBoingo;supay: Good deal. 654452;1398986304;supay;BingoBoingo: yes, and thanks! :) 654453;1398986317;mircea_popescu;punkman basically, this is the bitcoin mining "projects" 100% 654454;1398986361;bounce;did they deliver anything in the meantime? 654455;1398986365;mircea_popescu;sure. 654456;1398986369;mircea_popescu;like you know, bfl. 654457;1398986372;bounce;other than more drama 654458;1398986374;mircea_popescu;Luke-Jr got a watch. 654459;1398986380;BingoBoingo;lol 654460;1398986390;BingoBoingo;Did he SSH into the watch? 654461;1398986423;mircea_popescu;anyway, im making a post out of this. 654462;1398986463;punkman;mircea_popescu: some more then https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/montrexwatches/montrex-watch-project-a-truly-unique-timepiece-wat/posts/542841 654463;1398986472;punkman;"But this time their cyberbullying campaign may have been a blessing in disguise. " 654464;1398986484;punkman;seems undecided 654465;1398986507;mircea_popescu;kik 654466;1398986592;bounce;"never been arrested [...etc.]" -- so far gotten away with teh scammin, eh 654467;1398986637;punkman;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_law_of_oligarchy 654468;1398986638;ozbot;Iron law of oligarchy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 654469;1398986666;BingoBoingo;http://deadspin.com/why-rich-lacrosse-parents-are-making-their-kids-repeat-1570381983 654470;1398986667;ozbot;Why Rich Lacrosse Parents Are Making Their Kids Repeat A Grade 654471;1398986777;bitcoinpete;BingoBoingo: competitive game 654472;1398986809;BingoBoingo;bitcoinpete: More parents Derping their kids to incompetence. 654473;1398986860;bitcoinpete;BingoBoingo: their wealth hath made them weak 654474;1398986865;bitcoinpete;https://bitcoinfoundation.org/forum/index.php?/topic/939-election-results/ 654475;1398986880;bitcoinpete;back to the polls cuz gotta have 52 votes lol 654476;1398986893;bitcoinpete;bobby lee and some dude named brock pierce at the top of "round 1" 654477;1398986907;bitcoinpete;industry seat... 654478;1398986936;BingoBoingo;bitcoinpete: Of course it has, but I'm not sure calling it wealth is the right thing. 654479;1398987024;bounce;two industry seats. needs moar "none of the above" 654480;1398987076;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 9 @ 0.0313999 = 0.2826 BTC [+] 654481;1398987116;bitcoinpete;so brock pierce was in mighty ducks 654482;1398987120;bitcoinpete;and now runs angellist 654483;1398987140;bitcoinpete;is a "20x entrepreneur" lol 654484;1398987153;cazalla;don't forget IGE 654485;1398987187;bounce;in a way it's quite amazing people bet so heavily on "athletic scholarships" 654486;1398987187;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 654487;1398987189;bitcoinpete;cazalla: ige means something different to someone who took immunology... 654488;1398987226;BingoBoingo;I prefer TNF-A 654489;1398987246;bitcoinpete;bounce: spend hundreds of thousands for… a half that back. like a forum investment 654490;1398987264;bitcoinpete;BingoBoingo: can't go wrong there 654491;1398987285;bounce;maybe it has something to do with the well-known excreable state of middle management 654492;1398987302;BingoBoingo;bounce: It really is. Then again there is a huge difference between a poor kid from East St Louis pinning their hopes to an athletic scholarship and rich parents from DC doing the same. 654493;1398987325;bitcoinpete;http://globalnews.ca/news/1302902/bank-of-canada-not-worried-bitcoin-will-replace-cash/ <; Ten Things To Do When You Suspect Fraud at Your ... - Clark Nuber: ; How to Know You Are Being Scammed in a Relationship: 7 Steps: magic --> natural gas leak --> kaboom! 654544;1398990756;BingoBoingo;Flooding can extinguish pilot lights, gas builds up, prisoner lights a cigarette... Boom 654545;1398990791;bitcoinpete;^ 654546;1398991041;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22661 @ 0.00097248 = 22.0374 BTC [+] {2} 654547;1398991189;mircea_popescu;bounce are you sure that there "being a market" is a valid approach ? 654548;1398991199;mircea_popescu;there's a market for injecting raw industrial silicon in women's buttocks. 654549;1398991268;mircea_popescu;http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2012/07/27/florida-woman-posing-as-butt-enhancing-doctor-arrested-for-lethal-injections/ 654550;1398991269;ozbot;Florida woman posing as butt-enhancing doctor arrested for lethal injections 654551;1398991285;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 150 @ 0.00086011 = 0.129 BTC [-] 654552;1398991299;bounce;there's people that, er, do the same thing with cement? 654553;1398991312;mircea_popescu;yeah. 654554;1398991313;bounce;anyway, I wasn't commenting on validity really 654555;1398991337;mircea_popescu; I don't particularly like the model, but if above assumptions hold it's not acutally an outright bad idea. << what's that then ? 654556;1398991423;bounce;add earlier context that "the masses" happily take any stupid stuff when offered so even a marginally better idea improves the overall situation (if only marginally) 654557;1398991455;bounce;or, in other words, their idea isn't high explosive in and of itself -- which is what bitcoinpete was contending 654558;1398991460;mircea_popescu;kinda the point i 654559;1398991462;mircea_popescu;m disputing 654560;1398991467;kakobrekla;> you [ognasty] are one of the most trusted people in the entire crypto community 654561;1398991474;mircea_popescu;and only because i was just writing on this, and my conclusion was "burn it with fire" 654562;1398991478;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/idiocy-without-borders-idiots-sans-frontieres/ 654563;1398991478;kakobrekla;im not makin it up; http://pastebin.com/Y518dxjJ 654564;1398991479;ozbot;Idiocy without borders / Idiots sans frontieres pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 654565;1398991513;bitcoinpete;mircea_popescu: just reading that as a matter of fact. irlloled several times in this bar 654566;1398991529;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.48 BTC [-] 654567;1398991546;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla the dude that kept coming to derp in here ? 654568;1398991552;kakobrekla;yea 654569;1398991553;mircea_popescu;;;gettrust ognasty 654570;1398991553;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user mircea_popescu to user ognasty: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=mircea_popescu&dest=ognasty | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=ognasty | Rated since: Sat Sep 1 22:15:19 2012 654571;1398991561;mircea_popescu;well... he does have a 1... 654572;1398991600;mircea_popescu;"Played monopoly, paid his buy-in". if there was a more marginal marginal ever... 654573;1398991603;kakobrekla;anyway, if some blogger feels like dissecting this, its good material. 654574;1398991623;mircea_popescu;bitcoinpete the wench brings the drinks, i bring the lolz, is it ? :D 654575;1398991643;bounce;what's that to do with the multisig wallet thingy bitcoinpete posted a blog about? 654576;1398991712;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3200 @ 0.00097288 = 3.1132 BTC [+] 654577;1398991712;mircea_popescu;well no, i selected the "what to do about idiots". you seemed to say that well... empowering their idiocy through catering to their whims is a net positive. 654578;1398991727;mircea_popescu;i disagree. i'd rather see them hurt than served. 654579;1398991746;bounce;oh no, I was on about the multisig idea underpinning a webwallet thingy 654580;1398991761;mircea_popescu;well yes 654581;1398991771;bitcoinpete;mircea_popescu: what more could i ask for? this bc merlot ain't half bad either 654582;1398991812;mircea_popescu;" as we've seen, there's a market for convenience, any convenience at all" << that part. 654583;1398991879;mircea_popescu;Experts say people resort to illegal pumping parties, where customers outside a hospital or clinical setting are injected with anything from Botox to industrial-grade silicone, out of convenience or because they lack insurance or access to health care and legitimate plastic surgery. 654584;1398991885;mircea_popescu;i tell you, it's connected! 654585;1398991939;dub;aint no party like illegal pumpin party 654586;1398991969;mircea_popescu;all the crazed lezzie bitchz... 654587;1398991981;bounce;well, with accessable insurance and accessable plastic surgery there'll still be those among the masses doing outright stupid stuff, but at least it'll be medically sound 654588;1398992019;bounce;my angle was I'd rather have the masses have medically sound care than not, regardless of their stupidity. 654589;1398992025;mircea_popescu;yeah, but you know... back in 1700 there seems to be a complete dearth of bohemian peasants that sat around injecting silicone in their butts to look more like women. 654590;1398992035;mircea_popescu;so perhaps the problem is that so many poor idiots are also idle. 654591;1398992050;mircea_popescu;but why ? cause that's what i'm trying to understand. 654592;1398992056;bounce;or have disposable income to spend 654593;1398992079;bitcoinpete;or access to credit 654594;1398992107;mircea_popescu;i mean this welfare nonsense is a) very recent and b) never seems to have been critically considered. 654595;1398992119;mircea_popescu;for as long as the british empire endured, the thinking was that the poor have to be kept busy 654596;1398992122;mircea_popescu;lest they become sinful. 654597;1398992140;mircea_popescu;this somehow switched, 180. and i can't find when, or why. 654598;1398992155;bounce;why? why do tribe members in darkest africa /want/ to get mutilated? c'mon, you're the one with the degree in anthropology, wasn't it? 654599;1398992179;mircea_popescu;well yeah, which is what confounds the example that's prolly very clear cut to you. 654600;1398992197;mircea_popescu;generally they want to be cut for similar reasons to women wanting to be my slaves, it's an educational experience. 654601;1398992249;bitcoinpete;it still appears as though the present system exists to keep the poor busy 654602;1398992255;mircea_popescu;does it ? 654603;1398992259;bitcoinpete;bread and circuses always 654604;1398992262;bounce;o_O? inasmuch all of life is educational, if you believe wossname esotherics. I'd rather say it's part of being part of the group. we're social, group-minded animals. 654605;1398992273;mircea_popescu;bitcoinpete huge diff between busy and entertained tho. 654606;1398992308;bitcoinpete;hmm busy to buy more entertainment 654607;1398992308;bounce;busy or entertained, either will do if it keeps'em from mobbing and overthrowing the ruling elite 654608;1398992311;bitcoinpete;new angle? 654609;1398992319;mircea_popescu;bounce no no, what i mean is quite this : the trannies in florida get the silicone to look a certain way. the african tribesmen get the cut to be a certain way. there's a meta level of distinction. 654610;1398992344;bounce;I don't see it? 654611;1398992364;mircea_popescu;similar to the kid that goes to college to learn vs the kid that goes to college to get the diploma. 654612;1398992419;bitcoinpete;and it's set up so both achieve the same nothingness 4 years later 654613;1398992423;mircea_popescu;and busy != entertained, because the later is self-managed, the former is not. imposing upon the poor is the essence of busywork, not just that they're occupied, but that they're occupied with other's orders. 654614;1398992444;bounce;couch potato is self-managed? 654615;1398992482;mircea_popescu;yeah. 654616;1398992490;bounce;hyping $stupid_show is in essence giving orders by marketeering 654617;1398992505;bitcoinpete;the order of a megacorp to buy a new car, new watch, granite countertops leads to busywork downstream 654618;1398992510;mircea_popescu;that "in essence" doesn't work. 654619;1398992518;mircea_popescu;it has to be in substance, not "in essence". 654620;1398992543;mircea_popescu;bitcoinpete this was the theory, cca 1950 to 1980s. it meanwhile failed. 654621;1398992559;bitcoinpete;it's not clear to me that the essence of consumerism is anything less than substance for most 654622;1398992577;bitcoinpete;it's a directive 654623;1398992581;mircea_popescu;the essence/substance distinction is not a matter subjective. what they think and represent has little import. 654624;1398992671;bounce;well, there's this book by a working-poor-to-riches guy that did it by working really hard and taking every opportunity (like calling the book "how you too can become a millionaire" when he's just explaining what opportunities came his way and how he used them, not really a manual but it's a bestselling title) who also notes it's often the poor that keep themselves and each other poor to, well, fit in with the rest. part of their identity. 654625;1398992710;bounce;breaking out of that was thus breaking with his prior identity, even his family (didn't help he was queer as a queen, but anyhow) and so on. 654626;1398992717;mircea_popescu;aha 654627;1398992729;bitcoinpete;mircea_popescu i see what you mean. perhaps the welfare deal could've only happened in the new world on the back of a sizeable military victory? never before, never again 654628;1398992747;bounce;reduced ad absurdum, turn off the telly frees you up to get rich. yet they don't turn off the telly for have to be up to date on the soap/game/whatever for the small talk tomorrow. 654629;1398992771;mircea_popescu;bitcoinpete it happened before. it's exactly how rome looked, 100 to 500ish ad. legionaires too lazy to wear... the helmet. the cuirass was long before abandoned, and even beforer that the shield. 654630;1398992801;mircea_popescu;bounce but the problem is the "they" in there. why should they turn off the telly or not turn off the telly ? 654631;1398992815;mircea_popescu;why are the poor masters of their own life ? what nonsense is this! 654632;1398992826;bounce;well, are they? 654633;1398992837;mircea_popescu;substantially, yes. essentially, no. 654634;1398992848;mircea_popescu;this disconnect is imo pernicious. 654635;1398992857;mircea_popescu;substantially, it's pernicious to the poor. and this is obvious. 654636;1398992874;mircea_popescu;but essentially... it is pernicious to everyone. and this has so far gone un noticed. 654637;1398992896;bounce;what, you're arguing against rule by the not-poor? 654638;1398992916;mircea_popescu;i;m arguing against trying to implement attempts at eating-and-keeping cake. 654639;1398992955;bounce;uhm. connect that one for me? 654640;1398992969;mircea_popescu;ok, let me work the latin military example, i think it's the best way in. 654641;1398992984;bitcoinpete;mircea_popescu: ok so everything is pernicious against the poor, the current system just makes is shitty for everyone else and the planet too, because poor think they can do shit 654642;1398993010;mircea_popescu;cca 300 bc, the roman military consisted of citizens. they went on campaign as the field work was done, raped and pillaged, then lay down their arms and did the fields. 654643;1398993040;mircea_popescu;you know the story of cincinnatus btw ? 654644;1398993120;bounce;read the wikipedia page intro. got given a job to do, gave back the authority that came with it once job done. 654645;1398993138;mircea_popescu;meh. read some classical source sometime, well worth the effort. anyway. 654646;1398993152;mircea_popescu;those arms consisted of about 70 lbs worth of crap. 654647;1398993164;mircea_popescu;which they carried, on foot, for about 30 miles a day, for weeks on end. 654648;1398993171;mircea_popescu;and each night, they dug out a castrum 654649;1398993184;mircea_popescu;this was military life, at the time, and them folks were... pretty healthy. 654650;1398993202;mircea_popescu;now, you know caesar was beloved by the troops ? 654651;1398993218;bounce;by virtue of people not up to the task getting weeded out right quick 654652;1398993226;mircea_popescu;indeed. 654653;1398993248;mircea_popescu;you essentially couldsn't get married if you didn't do well i nthe military, so italso self-selected. 654654;1398993256;bounce;plenty fighting, plenty loot. that sort of go-getter tends to be popular with the troops. 654655;1398993261;mircea_popescu;not at all. 654656;1398993270;mircea_popescu;he was popular with the troops because he carried his fucking gear. 654657;1398993272;mircea_popescu;that was all. 654658;1398993278;bounce;heh. ok. 654659;1398993303;mircea_popescu;see ? but the greatest general the romans ever had, arguably, was loved for this very important fucking point, to the soldiers of the time : 654660;1398993307;mircea_popescu;that he was, himself, a soldier. 654661;1398993318;bounce;though he apparently also had quite a bit of tent with tiles(!) for flooring with him on campaign, but anyway 654662;1398993348;mircea_popescu;now, fast forward to caracalla. one of the least bearable emperors in history. 654663;1398993392;mircea_popescu;by now, the soldiers are sort-of carrying 30ish lbs of crap, and it's more like "you gotta be a suycker to carry all that". 654664;1398993400;mircea_popescu;what does this do to the general of the time ? 654665;1398993410;mircea_popescu;because you see... suppose someone inssited they do everything old style. 654666;1398993428;mircea_popescu;would he likely be loved ? or on the contrary, despised as a total fucking moron of aggregated pointless idiocy ? 654667;1398993495;bounce;hard to tell. would depend a lot on how it's sold to the troops. I'll grant doing it without selling won't buy you anything except perhaps the troops' stuff to carry too. 654668;1398993513;mircea_popescu;suppose i walk into a 3rd year computer science class at mit, and proceed to make the kids do one arithmetic problem, and then once they fuck it up make them do one hundred, by hand, 654669;1398993521;mircea_popescu;and get out the cane and start caning them liberally per mistake. 654670;1398993527;mircea_popescu;this isn't teaching, right ? it's child abuse. 654671;1398993542;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24500 @ 0.0009738 = 23.8581 BTC [+] {3} 654672;1398993558;mircea_popescu;so there we have it : the cleaving between substance and essence makes it impossible for people to live, 654673;1398993560;bounce;guys at MIT probably wouldn't make that many misteaks. they have a bit of an ethos of being bloody smart and figuring things out. 654674;1398993564;mircea_popescu;but it also makes it impossible for them to be helped. 654675;1398993587;mircea_popescu;it;'s not enough they aren';t fucking soldiers anymore. for their sins, they also cant have generals now. 654676;1398993675;mircea_popescu;bounce re figuring stuff out, the mandatory http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ve23i5K334 654677;1398993678;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu soldiers only follow orders...isn't a requisite for higher learning self thought? 654678;1398993678;bounce;uhm. I think I see where you're coming from but the essence/substance thing doesn't speak to me. maybe I'm tired. 654679;1398993700;mircea_popescu;well tomorrow is another day 654680;1398993731;bounce;have you read heinlein's starship troopers, btw? 654681;1398993736;mircea_popescu;mno 654682;1398993831;decimation;Of course, during republican times, if the army seriously fucked up they would have ... the decimation 654683;1398993861;mircea_popescu;o hello. 654684;1398993869;mircea_popescu;that really was very rare, for all its fame. 654685;1398993950;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller it depends to a huge degree whose orders tho. 654686;1398993975;mircea_popescu;some guy who simply blindly and slavishly followed da vinci's orders has overall better chances to make his own masterpieces in 30 years than some kid sitting on his ass on reddit all day. 654687;1398994000;*;bounce calls for a law to ban reddit, for the arts! 654688;1398994012;mircea_popescu;if only. 654689;1398994024;mircea_popescu;but it dun work that way. 654690;1398994159;mircea_popescu;!up AgentSmurf 654691;1398994159;assbot;Voicing AgentSmurf for 30 minutes. 654692;1398994161;bitcoinpete;A state, is called the coldest of all cold monsters. Coldly lieth it also; and this lie creepeth from its mouth: "I, the state, am the people." 654693;1398994162;bitcoinpete;It is a lie! Creators were they who created peoples, and hung a faith and a love over them: thus they served life. 654694;1398994162;bitcoinpete;Destroyers, are they who lay snares for many, and call it the state: they hang a sword and a hundred cravings over them. 654695;1398994163;bitcoinpete;Where there is still a people, there the state is not understood, but hated as the evil eye, and as sin against laws and customs. 654696;1398994181;bitcoinpete;thus spoke zarathustra 654697;1398994220;mircea_popescu;hehe 654698;1398994297;decimation;Well, the point is, maim (or kill one), educate one thousand 654699;1398994409;BingoBoingo;I kind of actually hope the Sterling dude exercises ownership by abolishing the Clippers. 654700;1398994425;decimation;I doubt he has the actual power to do s 654701;1398994445;mircea_popescu;ownership means very little these days in the us. 654702;1398994484;bitcoinpete;"Many sick people have always been among the poetizers and God-cravers; furiously they hate the lover of knowledge and that youngest among the virtues, which is called "honesty." They always look backward toward dark ages; then, indeed, delusion and faith were another matter: the rage of reason was godlikeness, and doubt was sin." <] [--nolimit]) -- Returns the last message matching the given criteria. --from requires a nick from whom the message came; --in requires a channel the message was sent to; --on requires a network the message was sent on; --with requires some string that had to be in the message; --regexp requires a regular expression the message must (1 more message) 654716;1398994772;bounce;spammy spammy gribble 654717;1398994779;bounce;time for me to catch some zees though 654718;1398994785;artifexd;;;seen jurov 654719;1398994786;gribble;jurov was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 hours, 24 minutes, and 17 seconds ago: supay, such as, github stuff? 654720;1398994835;bitcoinpete;bounce: ciao 654721;1398994872;mircea_popescu;anyone seen x, y and zee ? 654722;1398994939;mircea_popescu;!jd mpif 654723;1398994939;assbot;Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 50.47838131 BTC 654724;1398994945;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.0290001 = 0.29 BTC [-] 654725;1398995006;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 9 @ 0.03586108 = 0.3227 BTC [+] 654726;1398995055;thestringpuller;;;gettrust deprived 654727;1398995056;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user thestringpuller to user deprived: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=thestringpuller&dest=deprived | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=deprived | Rated since: never 654728;1398995061;thestringpuller;;;gettrust Deprived 654729;1398995062;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user thestringpuller to user Deprived: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=thestringpuller&dest=Deprived | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=Deprived | Rated since: never 654730;1398995070;thestringpuller;damn was he never in wot? 654731;1398995081;mircea_popescu;!jd mpif 654732;1398995081;assbot;Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 163.63493644 BTC 654733;1398995115;thestringpuller;? 654734;1398995119;thestringpuller;!jd mpif 654735;1398995119;assbot;Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 163.63723671 BTC 654736;1398995129;thestringpuller;<.<;; ;;>.> 654737;1398995134;mircea_popescu;so there we go. 213.15567101 btc added to f.mpif in exchange for 1mn extra shares, invested 100 into panacea and 113.15567101 into jd. 654738;1398995144;thestringpuller;oh 654739;1398995147;thestringpuller;nice 654740;1398995156;thestringpuller;damn MPIF is just what we need... 654741;1398995159;thestringpuller;thanks MP lol 654742;1398995163;mircea_popescu;this is a little over ideal weight imo, will trim it over time as other venues become able to absorb moar capital 654743;1398995395;BingoBoingo;It's probably for the best that this extra capital went to the lower risk ventures. 654744;1398995566;mircea_popescu;hehe we don't even have enough history yet to really evaluate risk 654745;1398995634;artifexd;Today is not a day to skimp on reading the logs. 654746;1398995659;artifexd;Maybe read them a few times.... 654747;1398995683;mircea_popescu;the logs have improved! 654748;1398995759;mike_c;i thought the block of 1mn that sold was you selling your shares in mpif 654749;1398995767;mike_c;those were new shares? 654750;1398995788;mike_c;so you hold 1mn and everybody else holds 1mn? 654751;1398995797;mike_c;and there is another block of 1mn sitting on the order book? 654752;1398995811;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Well jd and panacea have histories. I'm assuming my pc is high risk until evidence supports otherwise. 654753;1398995814;mircea_popescu;yes, like 1mn and a little sold, and i have almost 1mn which is sitting in the book 654754;1398995839;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo panacea's almost a year old, jd is almost two. these aren't histories, berkshire is like 50 years old. 654755;1398995855;mike_c;jd isn't even a year old yet :) 654756;1398995859;BingoBoingo;Fair enough. 654757;1398995880;BingoBoingo;But yeah, Jd just started last summer. 654758;1398995896;mircea_popescu;mike_c whoa fuck you'r eright. 654759;1398995916;mircea_popescu;!jd mpif 654760;1398995916;assbot;Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 163.64373055 BTC 654761;1398995920;mike_c;bitcoin time.. it feels like forever. 654762;1398995932;mircea_popescu;this jd thing is becoming a fun passtime 654763;1398996041;asciilifeform;montrex watch << mega-lol! thank you mircea_popescu. 654764;1398996052;asciilifeform;how do you even find these turds. 654765;1398996055;mircea_popescu;punkman 654766;1398996085;decimation;asciilifeform: http://www.bulldogtrust.com/index12.htm more ham strange (I enjoyed your diodes) -- "A wrought iron table 60 feet from the antenna will pick up enough energy to make a visible arc to ground" 654767;1398996165;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2913 @ 0.0001489 = 0.4337 BTC [+] 654768;1398996226;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2302 @ 0.00014912 = 0.3433 BTC [+] {2} 654769;1398996241;TestingUnoDosTre;I'm very confused to what MPIF actually is. Can someone explain? I have read the mpex page, but it has not enlightened me to what is exactly going on 654770;1398996282;mike_c;it is a fund. you give money to mpif, it invests it in various bitcoin thingies. 654771;1398996287;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21000 @ 0.00097356 = 20.4448 BTC [-] 654772;1398996633;mircea_popescu;TestingUnoDosTre didja read the stuff in the f.mpif category ? like http://trilema.com/2014/the-wunderbar-smpif/ ? 654773;1398996716;TestingUnoDosTre;mircea_popescu - missed that, thanks 654774;1398996871;mike_c;1 ATC block in the last 2.5 hours :( 654775;1398996964;artifexd;mike_c: That makes this ( http://bitbet.us/bet/812/atc-to-reach-block-50000-on-time/ ) look more interesting 654776;1398997000;bitcoinpete;http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2248419 <; Economic cycles finally explained pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea ...: ; Trilemma Stability and International Macroeconomic Archetypes: (1 more message) 654879;1398998691;mircea_popescu;aww im sure he was there 654880;1398998722;decimation;yeah I agree "us -> india" is on the optimistic side 654881;1398998734;asciilifeform;try brazil, say. 654882;1398998737;TestingUnoDosTre;ahhh that one is not in engrish 654883;1398998749;kakobrekla;yes everyone advertises on bitbet comments, from predictious to fairlay 654884;1398998769;mircea_popescu;these people 654885;1398998776;mircea_popescu;why not splurge and buy... a banner! 654886;1398998911;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15218 @ 0.00097312 = 14.8089 BTC [+] {2} 654887;1398998929;asciilifeform;he was a legitimate EE prof at MIT << profs. bolt, beranek, and newman quit to do... neat stuff. today, they leave to become spammers. 'that's where the money is.' 654888;1398998965;decimation;at least they sold out to respectable beltway banditry 654889;1398998990;TestingUnoDosTre;I'm going to go create a betting website, go advertise on bitbet, then create a bitbet that my site will last throughout the year, then bet on NO 654890;1398998994;TestingUnoDosTre;muchos profits 654891;1398999032;mircea_popescu;sometimes i entertain this vague notion where we're somehow all wrong and the nonsense somehow actually makes sense 654892;1398999043;asciilifeform;who doesn't 654893;1398999045;mircea_popescu;sorta like SF 654894;1398999064;asciilifeform;sorta like the occasional healthy fellow who ends up in a mental asylum 654895;1398999065;mircea_popescu;"what premises would we need for intelligent frogs to make perfect sense ?" 654896;1398999072;asciilifeform;eventually starts to crack 654897;1398999085;mircea_popescu;TestingUnoDosTre lol 654898;1398999116;mircea_popescu;then make another one, and with the profitos from the first one, buy a a banner ? 654899;1398999123;asciilifeform;thing is, for sufficiently narrow tunnel, anything makes sense. flying into a flame makes perfect sense to the insect. 654900;1398999171;mircea_popescu;btw, i don't know if you realise this, but we're fucking up most insects something fierce. 654901;1398999191;mircea_popescu;they're tuned to seek the moon in the dark, you see, because while they can't go that far, all of them seeking it ensures they meet 654902;1398999193;mircea_popescu;and so they fuck. 654903;1398999204;mircea_popescu;but with the countless neon moons distributed all over, this ceases to work 654904;1398999254;asciilifeform;for quite a while. 654905;1398999258;mircea_popescu;like in that computing sucks blog, 654906;1398999259;mircea_popescu;"You discover that one day, some idiot decided that since another idiot decided that 1/0 should equal infinity, they could just use that as a shorthand for "Infinity" when simplifying their code. Then a non-idiot rightly decided that this was idiotic, which is what the original idiot should have decided, but since he didn't, the non-idiot decided to be a dick and make this a failing error in his new compiler. Then he d 654907;1398999259;mircea_popescu;ecided he wasn't going to tell anyone that this was an error, because he's a dick, and now all your snowflakes are urine and you can't even find the cat." 654908;1398999274;asciilifeform;see peppered moth. 654909;1398999277;asciilifeform;famous example 654910;1398999281;mircea_popescu;that's exactly what happened : some engineer made 1/0 shorthand for infinity trying to fit their code into the insect 654911;1398999284;asciilifeform;known, i think, even to u.s. schoolboys 654912;1398999287;mircea_popescu;where 1/0 = moon 654913;1398999380;asciilifeform;for users of 'source' linux flavours, e.g. gentoo, the comical picture above is daily reality. 654914;1398999441;asciilifeform;'remove xxx to build new ver. xxx' won't build. spend a week to get a working box again.' 654915;1398999446;TestingUnoDosTre;how does one fit code into an insect? 654916;1398999472;decimation;ascii, the thing is that such systems seem so seductive when they are young and small 654917;1398999472;mircea_popescu;if i knew that i'd have some kickass locusts 654918;1398999487;decimation;the rot isn't obvious until the next generation comes to try to 'fix' things 654919;1398999490;mircea_popescu;moe! 654920;1398999567;decimation;how many bugs are you willing to tolerate? 654921;1398999587;asciilifeform;decimation: the system is capped by the intelligence of the dumbest contributor. which would be, typically... 10,000 people? there's bound to be a turdmeister. 654922;1398999609;ThickAsThieves;this is kinda interesting 654923;1398999610;ThickAsThieves;http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/24himq/i_sent_a_freedom_of_information_act_request_to/ 654924;1398999611;ozbot;I sent a Freedom of Information Act Request to the FBI over a year ago. They just responded today. : 654925;1398999625;ThickAsThieves;it's heavily redacted commentary on bitcoin 654926;1398999692;asciilifeform;in other news... 654927;1398999693;asciilifeform;http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-05-01/pentagon-admits-no-solution-replace-russian-rockets-launch-us-military-satellites 654928;1398999695;ozbot;Pentagon Admits "No Solution" To Replace Russian Rockets To Launch US Military Satellites | Zero Hed 654929;1398999748;decimation;http://www.space.com/25718-russian-official-us-trampolines-space.html 654930;1398999749;ozbot;Russia's Deputy Prime Minister on Twitter: US Can Use Trampolines to Reach Space | Space.com 654931;1398999792;asciilifeform;catch them on re-entry with baseball glove. 654932;1398999796;decimation;the irony is that the US has plenty of rockets that are plenty reliable for human space flight 654933;1398999797;asciilifeform;american, patriotic. 654934;1398999804;asciilifeform;had. 654935;1398999831;decimation;the problem is that the vast space-welfare complex can't be made to do anything without billions of $ 654936;1398999877;asciilifeform;'what can't continue - won't.' etc 654937;1398999991;TestingUnoDosTre;asciilifeform - this comment from zero hedge is great "It shouldn't have taken them this long to figure out sanctions against Russia wouldn't work in the first place. Next they will be passing sanctions against hurricanes and earthquakes, might as well go full retard at this point." 654938;1399000027;TestingUnoDosTre;Can totally see the War on Global Warming 654939;1399000056;asciilifeform;TestingUnoDosTre: quite a few folks in russia are pining for the (distant) possibility of proper sanctions. where usa takes its pernicious cultural, economic exports and goes home. 654940;1399000064;decimation;even the supposed "outsiders" like Musk are really just on the space-welfare dole 654941;1399000084;asciilifeform;if everybody in a given field is on the dole, what does that suggest about the field? 654942;1399000110;TestingUnoDosTre;it's going to the moon! 654943;1399000113;decimation;except, there are almost no "fields" in the us that are free of such doles 654944;1399000171;decimation;honestly if the US wanted to go full-retard, the most profitable way to proceed would be to stop collecting any taxes and run the entire USG on printed money 654945;1399000199;asciilifeform;decimation: end of the line. the train gets there eventually. 654946;1399000217;asciilifeform;when the choice becomes 'pay tax and starve' vs. 'live, off the books' 654947;1399000229;asciilifeform;as in '90s russia 654948;1399000243;decimation;"we survived as best we could" 654949;1399000304;kakobrekla;in the Machine town. 654950;1399000366;decimation;did you see this article ascii? http://theden.tv/2014/04/08/russia-yesterday-america-tomorrow-notes-on-neoliberal-looting/ 654951;1399000410;asciilifeform;decimation: the asset-stripping thing is only a secret from u.s. schoolchildren 654952;1399000519;decimation;the elites are not happy to have the masses know the truth about "foreign policy" 654953;1399000530;benkay;what is this book of williamsons? 654954;1399000533;asciilifeform;basic course on russian privatization. 'your formerly state-issued flat is now yours. you are a millionaire!' - 'neato. but my salary hasn't been paid in a year. gotta buy something to eat. what does dinner cost?' - 'half a million.' 654955;1399000590;moiety;this is like my life at present ^ 654956;1399000620;moiety;but dinner costs 2 654957;1399000681;decimation;" Jeffrey Sachs was an advisor to the IMF. He also claimed to be an advisor to the Russians. " 654958;1399000844;asciilifeform;'Russia's post-collapse economy was for a time dominated by one type of wholesale business: asset stripping. To put it in an American setting: suppose you have title, or otherwise unhindered access, to an entire suburban subdivision, which is no longer accessible by transportation, either public or private, too far to reach by bicycle, and is generally no longer suitable for its intended purpose of housing and 654959;1399000844;asciilifeform;accumulating equity for fully employed commuters who shop at the now defunct nearby mall. After the mortgages are foreclosed and the properties repossessed, what more is there to do, except board it all up and let it rot? Well, what has been developed can be just as easily undeveloped.' 654960;1399000854;asciilifeform;'Russia's post-collapse economy was for a time dominated by one type of wholesale business: asset stripping. To put it in an American setting: suppose you have title, or otherwise unhindered access, to an entire suburban subdivision, which is no longer accessible by transportation, either public or private, too far to reach by bicycle, and is generally no longer suitable for its intended purpose of housing and 654961;1399000855;asciilifeform;accumulating equity for fully employed commuters who shop at the now defunct nearby mall. After the mortgages are foreclosed and the properties repossessed, what more is there to do, except board it all up and let it rot? Well, what has been developed can be just as easily undeveloped.' 654962;1399000865;asciilifeform;'Having bits of the landscape disappear can be a rude surprise. One summer I arrived in St. Petersburg and found that a new scourge had descended on the land while I was gone: a lot of manhole covers were mysteriously missing. Nobody knew where they went or who profited from their removal. One guess was that the municipal workers, who hadn't been paid in months, took them home with them, to be returned once th 654963;1399000865;asciilifeform;ey got paid. They did eventually reappear, so there may be some merit to this theory. With the gaping manholes positioned throughout the city like so many anteater traps for cars, you had the choice of driving either very slowly and carefully, or very fast, and betting your life on the proper functioning of the shock absorbers. ' 654964;1399000873;asciilifeform;(orlov's infamous piece) 654965;1399000905;asciilifeform;'Post-Soviet Lessons for a Post-American Century.' 654966;1399000948;TestingUnoDosTre;orlov has to be one of the most oft quoted here 654967;1399000957;asciilifeform;damn, this didn't work 654968;1399000968;asciilifeform;anyway, everyone has probably read that one. 654969;1399001043;mod6;it's good, everytime I read it asciilifeform 654970;1399001167;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12809 @ 0.00097375 = 12.4728 BTC [+] {2} 654971;1399001228;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 36 @ 0.00465736 = 0.1677 BTC [-] 654972;1399001289;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 3 @ 0.03376027 = 0.1013 BTC [-] 654973;1399002309;BingoBoingo;;;later tell supay Keep me updated on how your guide is doing 654974;1399002310;gribble;The operation succeeded. 654975;1399002906;TestingUnoDosTre;ok, slightly retarded here but... how do I register a new nick to an already registered gpgkey via gribble? 654976;1399003006;TestingUnoDosTre;I'm trying to rid myself of TestingUnoDosTre 654977;1399003118;benkay;have you tried registering a new nick with that key? 654978;1399003132;benkay;i hate to suggest the obvious... 654979;1399003211;TestingUnoDosTre;tried and it said key was already i use 654980;1399003232;TestingUnoDosTre;"this key is already registered under the server" 654981;1399003243;TestingUnoDosTre;database* 654982;1399003613;benkay;hey nanotube how does changing nicks happen 654983;1399003658;nanotube;benkay: just /nick ? 654984;1399003659;benkay;alternatively, you could sign the new identity with the old identity's keys saying something along the lines of 'now doing business as' and then ask all your raters to rate your new nick 654985;1399003676;benkay;nanotube: in wot one cannot register a key to two nicks. how would one change one's wot nick. 654986;1399003682;TestingUnoDosTre;sign the new identity with old key? 654987;1399003682;benkay;/./? 654988;1399003686;benkay;well, rate it 654989;1399003700;TestingUnoDosTre;yah, thought of that 654990;1399003718;nanotube;TestingUnoDosTre: well, if you wanted to do it without my intervention, you can just change key on your old identity to some new key, then register the old key with a new nick. or... you could just ask me to change your otc username. 654991;1399003722;TestingUnoDosTre;WOT becomes the tangled web of trust 654992;1399003748;nanotube;hopefully not tangled :) 654993;1399003749;TestingUnoDosTre;ooo could you please change my otcusername to TheNewDeal 654994;1399003755;nanotube;;;ident TestingUnoDosTre 654995;1399003755;gribble;Nick 'TestingUnoDosTre', with hostmask 'TestingUnoDosTre!~AndChat31@', is identified as user 'TestingUnoDosTre', with GPG key id DFBEC17DF96DFB77, key fingerprint 468950118F292A0AA73BCCC3DFBEC17DF96DFB77, and bitcoin address None 654996;1399003770;nanotube;;;gpg info TheNewDeal 654997;1399003771;gribble;No such user registered. 654998;1399003774;nanotube;heh ok 654999;1399004110;TheNewDeal;Goodbye TestingUnoDosTre, hello TheNewDeal 655000;1399004120;benkay;;;gettrust assbot TheNewDeal 655001;1399004120;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask TheNewDeal!~AndChat31@ Trust relationship from user assbot to user TheNewDeal: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=TheNewDeal | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=TheNewDeal | Rated since: Sun Apr 13 12:56:09 2014 655002;1399004264;TheNewDeal;;;rate nanotube 1 wanted to have my gpg key applied to a different nick, helped me achieve in a timely fashion. Muchos gracias! 655003;1399004265;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user nanotube has been recorded. 655004;1399004368;nanotube;:) 655005;1399004394;TheNewDeal;nother follow up question 655006;1399004397;TheNewDeal;:D 655007;1399004400;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5400 @ 0.00097439 = 5.2617 BTC [+] 655008;1399004433;TheNewDeal;if I go and register TheNewDeal_ under this nick, can I still ;;eauth as TheNewDeal? 655009;1399004493;nanotube;your irc nick is irrelevant, as long as you have the key for thenewdeal, you can auth as thenewdeal, even if your nick is benkay :) 655010;1399004551;TheNewDeal;so I could have authed as TestingUnoDosTre while I am thenewdeal, just have to be less retarded? 655011;1399004611;TheNewDeal;understanding now... 655012;1399004641;TheNewDeal;final question. How easy is it to get an online gambling license in Anitgua as a foreigner? 655013;1399004649;benkay;bahaha 655014;1399004672;TheNewDeal;anybody have some prime antigua connections? 655015;1399005315;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 25 @ 0.0044445 = 0.1111 BTC [-] 655016;1399005742;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2010 @ 0.00014741 = 0.2963 BTC [-] {3} 655017;1399005792;bitcoinpete;http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/05/01/plastic-zerg-laughing-protoss/ 655018;1399005793;ozbot;Plastic Zerg, Laughing Protoss | When Bitcoin Met Pete 655019;1399005834;bitcoinpete;mostly a rehashing of mircea_popescu's latest, with an added starcraft race 655020;1399005895;bitcoinpete;aaand i'm out. cheers 655021;1399006000;TheNewDeal;condoms hould def be subsidized 655022;1399008054;BingoBoingo;!up AgentSmurf 655023;1399008054;assbot;Voicing AgentSmurf for 30 minutes. 655024;1399008152;AgentSmurf;where am i? what is this strange place? what is this sound? my own voice? eh.. 655025;1399008377;BingoBoingo;Good Question. 655026;1399008426;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4700 @ 0.00097205 = 4.5686 BTC [-] 655027;1399008676;fluffypony;and why am I holding all these cloves of garlic? 655028;1399008695;fluffypony;all these and many more questions will be answered in next week's exciting episode of 655029;1399008743;fluffypony;The Bitcoin Assets Playbook 655030;1399009097;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8000 @ 0.00097184 = 7.7747 BTC [-] {3} 655031;1399009115;benkay;!up jordandotdev 655032;1399009115;assbot;Voicing jordandotdev for 30 minutes. 655033;1399009124;benkay;!up soulblade738 655034;1399009124;assbot;Voicing soulblade738 for 30 minutes. 655035;1399009299;TheNewDeal;are beings becoming sentient in bitcoin-assets tonight? 655036;1399009313;BingoBoingo;Seems possible. 655037;1399009516;TheNewDeal;;;google time value bitcoin 655038;1399009517;gribble;Bitcoin Charts / Charts: ; Bitcoin Market Price (USD) - Blockchain.info: ; Bitcoinity Markets - Bitcoinity.org: 655039;1399009526;TheNewDeal;hmph 655040;1399009535;benkay;a bitcoin today is worth how many bitcoin next year? 655041;1399009541;benkay;fundamental problem. 655042;1399009543;TheNewDeal;yes 655043;1399009731;TestingUnoDosTre;benkay 655044;1399009749;TestingUnoDosTre;say I want to invest 1 btc in a bitbet that will resolve jan 1 2015 655045;1399009814;TestingUnoDosTre;how much interest (in btc) should I need for a bet that resolves in half the time, to compare equally 655046;1399009908;TestingUnoDosTre;!up agentsmurf 655047;1399009908;assbot;Voicing agentsmurf for 30 minutes. 655048;1399009984;benkay;bitbet opened in january? 655049;1399009997;benkay;last january? 655050;1399010028;benkay;so 15 mos? 655051;1399010049;TestingUnoDosTre;jan 1 2015 is like 8 months from now 655052;1399010073;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 7 @ 0.03585275 = 0.251 BTC [+] {7} 655053;1399010093;TestingUnoDosTre;so lets say I want to put 1 btc down on a bet that resolves 1 august 2014 655054;1399010105;BingoBoingo;It really depends on what you are betting on and who else might want to bet. 655055;1399010134;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.03627054 = 0.3627 BTC [+] {10} 655056;1399010140;TestingUnoDosTre;lets just stick to the time value of having 1 btc locked up in a bet for 4 months vs 8 months 655057;1399010182;TestingUnoDosTre;do you know what I mean? 655058;1399010195;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 11 @ 0.0376818 = 0.4145 BTC [+] {11} 655059;1399010199;BingoBoingo;I'm not sure what you are trying to mean matters much. 655060;1399010218;TestingUnoDosTre;haha well I shall continue 655061;1399010230;BingoBoingo;If you want to lock up a bitcoin on Bitbet, the most important thing is having good information. 655062;1399010236;BingoBoingo;But yeah, continue 655063;1399010256;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 9 @ 0.03872165 = 0.3485 BTC [+] {9} 655064;1399010261;TestingUnoDosTre;so If I'm going to buy a stock option that expires jan 1 2015 of company A 655065;1399010273;TestingUnoDosTre;let's say it costs $100 655066;1399010282;TestingUnoDosTre;and then I wait 4 months 655067;1399010293;TestingUnoDosTre;stock price stays the same 655068;1399010302;TestingUnoDosTre;but option costs $200 655069;1399010317;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 11 @ 0.038999 = 0.429 BTC [+] {11} 655070;1399010343;benkay;i think the bitbet return betting the house line is about 0.5%/mo 655071;1399010349;benkay;http://www.btcalpha.com/blog/2014/betting-bitbet-both-ways/ 655072;1399010357;TestingUnoDosTre;I did just read the article today 655073;1399010364;TestingUnoDosTre;very intruiging 655074;1399010378;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 11 @ 0.038999 = 0.429 BTC [+] {11} 655075;1399010417;TestingUnoDosTre;but what I am asking is, what is the cost of locking up a bitcoin for a period of time 655076;1399010419;fluffypony;punkman: I was *so close* to pulling the trigger on that Montrex watch when I saw it, but I couldn't find anything open an "open source Suisse" movement on the web so I figured something was awry...so glad I didn't go for it 655077;1399010422;TestingUnoDosTre;because it seams to be negative 655078;1399010439;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.03899949 = 0.39 BTC [+] {8} 655079;1399010467;benkay;hah yes you do recieve a return for placing btc on bitbet 655080;1399010470;benkay;or you can i suppose 655081;1399010474;BingoBoingo;TestingUnoDosTre: Well, in this exercise are you betting both sides? 655082;1399010482;BingoBoingo;Or only the winning one? 655083;1399010500;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 11 @ 0.03936362 = 0.433 BTC [+] {9} 655084;1399010502;TestingUnoDosTre;nonono 655085;1399010520;TestingUnoDosTre;you could be doing this with both sides if you wish 655086;1399010534;TestingUnoDosTre;ill try another example 655087;1399010545;benkay;think about it like this: bitbet pays you interest for providing liquidity 655088;1399010548;TestingUnoDosTre;lets say I'm betting both sides on two bets 655089;1399010562;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.03966867 = 0.3967 BTC [+] {8} 655090;1399010564;TestingUnoDosTre;I'll lay .5 btc on yes and no for bet 1 and bet 2 655091;1399010572;TestingUnoDosTre;bet 1 ends 4 months from now 655092;1399010577;TestingUnoDosTre;bet 2 ends 8 months from now 655093;1399010621;TestingUnoDosTre;what rate should I pursue (I realize I don't have a control in it), for the two returns to be "equal" 655094;1399010622;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 8 @ 0.03999973 = 0.32 BTC [+] {8} 655095;1399010651;TestingUnoDosTre;if it were in dollars 655096;1399010657;BingoBoingo;.5 on each side is probably a poor mix. 655097;1399010673;benkay;you can't guarantee a rate anyways, TestingUnoDosTre 655098;1399010675;TestingUnoDosTre;it's a thought experiment for jah's sake 655099;1399010683;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 6 @ 0.03067661 = 0.1841 BTC [+] {3} 655100;1399010684;TestingUnoDosTre;my point is this 655101;1399010686;TestingUnoDosTre;in USD 655102;1399010711;TestingUnoDosTre;if bet 2 had a return of 10% 655103;1399010729;TestingUnoDosTre;what would the return be for bet 1 to be equal to bet 2 655104;1399010744;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 20 @ 0.03070893 = 0.6142 BTC [+] {12} 655105;1399010748;TestingUnoDosTre;the answer is, slightly less than 5% 655106;1399010798;TestingUnoDosTre;because you could (theoretically again), place another bet down, hoping for that same 4 month return, and you would equal the bet 2 return of 10% 655107;1399010805;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 7 @ 0.03128571 = 0.219 BTC [+] {4} 655108;1399010840;TestingUnoDosTre;I'm not saying you would for sure win these bets. I'm asking, if you did win these bets, what would be the answer for a BTC scenario 655109;1399010852;BingoBoingo;Honestly given the type of site BitBet is, I would be more concerned with trying to win the bets outright instead of chasing a fixed return. 655110;1399010872;TestingUnoDosTre;bitbet is not really the point 655111;1399010892;TestingUnoDosTre;it's really any investment vehicle, denominated in BTC 655112;1399010927;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 17 @ 0.03202939 = 0.5445 BTC [+] {8} 655113;1399010928;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 6 @ 0.03371137 = 0.2023 BTC [-] {3} 655114;1399010929;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 6 @ 0.06474168 = 0.3885 BTC [-] {3} 655115;1399010937;TestingUnoDosTre;For instance, if you were going to loan out 1 btc today to two people, one is going to pay you back in 4 months, the second in 8 months 655116;1399010977;TestingUnoDosTre;does anyone here catch a whiff of what I'm smoking? 655117;1399010988;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 13 @ 0.0331923 = 0.4315 BTC [+] {7} 655118;1399010989;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 3 @ 0.0337105 = 0.1011 BTC [-] 655119;1399010990;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 3 @ 0.06474168 = 0.1942 BTC [-] 655120;1399010999;BingoBoingo;TestingUnoDosTre: Sure 655121;1399011032;BingoBoingo;Just as soon as you disconnected returns over time from parimutuel betting. 655122;1399011049;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 18 @ 0.03399998 = 0.612 BTC [+] {8} 655123;1399011050;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 3 @ 0.0337105 = 0.1011 BTC [-] {2} 655124;1399011051;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 3 @ 0.06474168 = 0.1942 BTC [-] {2} 655125;1399011068;TestingUnoDosTre;do you have an answer for me? 655126;1399011110;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 22 @ 0.03512634 = 0.7728 BTC [+] {7} 655127;1399011171;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 30 @ 0.03543999 = 1.0632 BTC [+] {8} 655128;1399011176;BingoBoingo;Not really. 655129;1399011220;benkay;so you get n% per month 655130;1399011231;benkay;you get 4n% for gamble a 655131;1399011232;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.0399999 = 0.16 BTC [+] {2} 655132;1399011235;benkay;8n for b 655133;1399011259;benkay;nope. don't get it. 655134;1399011266;TestingUnoDosTre;i like where you're going 655135;1399011271;TestingUnoDosTre;but here's the thing 655136;1399011293;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 7 @ 0.06474168 = 0.4532 BTC [-] {4} 655137;1399011294;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.0310062 = 0.155 BTC [-] {3} 655138;1399011295;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 14 @ 0.04006201 = 0.5609 BTC [+] {8} 655139;1399011313;TestingUnoDosTre;if I could sustain any positive % earnings in BTC / unit of time, my wealth would be skyrocketing in some years time 655140;1399011354;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 23 @ 0.04033376 = 0.9277 BTC [+] {11} 655141;1399011355;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.02910139 = 0.1455 BTC [-] {4} 655142;1399011356;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.06474168 = 0.3237 BTC [-] {4} 655143;1399011357;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21200 @ 0.000974 = 20.6488 BTC [+] {4} 655144;1399011415;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 6 @ 0.0290834 = 0.1745 BTC [-] {4} 655145;1399011416;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 17 @ 0.04086564 = 0.6947 BTC [+] {8} 655146;1399011417;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 6 @ 0.06474168 = 0.3885 BTC [-] {4} 655147;1399011421;TestingUnoDosTre;anyways, I must ponder this over a nights rest 655148;1399011476;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 12 @ 0.04098148 = 0.4918 BTC [+] {6} 655149;1399011537;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 27 @ 0.04098799 = 1.1067 BTC [+] {8} 655150;1399011539;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 2 @ 0.06474168 = 0.1295 BTC [-] 655151;1399011598;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 3 @ 0.040988 = 0.123 BTC [+] {3} 655152;1399011659;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 12 @ 0.03543672 = 0.4252 BTC [+] {5} 655153;1399011720;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 32 @ 0.03543999 = 1.1341 BTC [+] {6} 655154;1399011781;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 21 @ 0.03574808 = 0.7507 BTC [+] {12} 655155;1399011782;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 8 @ 0.03365846 = 0.2693 BTC [-] {6} 655156;1399011783;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 8 @ 0.06474168 = 0.5179 BTC [-] {6} 655157;1399011842;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 33 @ 0.03596938 = 1.187 BTC [+] {8} 655158;1399011843;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 3 @ 0.0335 = 0.1005 BTC [-] {2} 655159;1399011844;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 3 @ 0.06474168 = 0.1942 BTC [-] {2} 655160;1399011905;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 6 @ 0.04098481 = 0.2459 BTC [+] {3} 655161;1399011965;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 48 @ 0.04098944 = 1.9675 BTC [+] {9} 655162;1399012025;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 24 @ 0.04101997 = 0.9845 BTC [+] {10} 655163;1399012026;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.0285509 = 0.1428 BTC [-] {5} 655164;1399012027;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.06474168 = 0.3237 BTC [-] {5} 655165;1399012086;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 20 @ 0.0421571 = 0.8431 BTC [+] {8} 655166;1399012087;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.02852509 = 0.2853 BTC [-] {4} 655167;1399012088;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 7 @ 0.06474168 = 0.4532 BTC [-] {3} 655168;1399012147;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.04146274 = 0.1659 BTC [-] {2} 655169;1399012148;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 3 @ 0.06474168 = 0.1942 BTC [-] 655170;1399012391;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.4969999 BTC [+] 655171;1399012529;BingoBoingo;https://blog.conformal.com/btcd-getwork-cgminer-profit/ 655172;1399012532;ozbot;Btcd + getwork + cgminer = profit | Conformal Systems, LLC. 655173;1399012581;benkay;hurrah for conformal 655174;1399013245;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 4 @ 0.07050001 = 0.282 BTC [-] 655175;1399013794;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.48983333 = 1.4695 BTC [-] {2} 655176;1399014160;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.073 = 0.73 BTC [-] 655177;1399014465;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18400 @ 0.00097022 = 17.852 BTC [-] 655178;1399014709;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 14 @ 0.073 = 1.022 BTC [-] 655179;1399015075;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 45 @ 0.07013423 = 3.156 BTC [-] {9} 655180;1399018491;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 80 @ 0.06909641 = 5.5277 BTC [-] {6} 655181;1399019284;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 3 @ 0.04278899 = 0.1284 BTC [+] {3} 655182;1399019286;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 3 @ 0.06474168 = 0.1942 BTC [-] {3} 655183;1399019288;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07318999 = 0.1464 BTC [+] 655184;1399019589;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 42 @ 0.06474168 = 2.7192 BTC [-] 655185;1399020687;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8095 @ 0.00097158 = 7.8649 BTC [-] 655186;1399021176;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 20 @ 0.06914674 = 1.3829 BTC [-] {4} 655187;1399021237;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 21 @ 0.06853236 = 1.4392 BTC [-] {4} 655188;1399023005;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.48999 BTC [+] 655189;1399024102;fluffypony;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_iYT8eg1F8s 655190;1399024102;ozbot;The dune buggy that can fly - YouTube 655191;1399024103;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19100 @ 0.00097433 = 18.6097 BTC [+] {3} 655192;1399024103;fluffypony;want. 655193;1399025689;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7658 @ 0.00097371 = 7.4567 BTC [-] 655194;1399025809;kakobrekla;mornin 655195;1399026482;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 8 @ 0.031 = 0.248 BTC [-] {2} 655196;1399026483;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 8 @ 0.03450968 = 0.2761 BTC [-] {2} 655197;1399026484;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 8 @ 0.06474168 = 0.5179 BTC [-] {2} 655198;1399026545;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 2 @ 0.06474168 = 0.1295 BTC [-] 655199;1399026830;fluffypony;kakobrekla: mornings 655200;1399026847;kakobrekla;how is it 655201;1399027028;fluffypony;good 655202;1399027152;kakobrekla;!up julles 655203;1399027152;assbot;Voicing julles for 30 minutes. 655204;1399027164;kakobrekla;!up TestNaut3 655205;1399027164;assbot;Voicing TestNaut3 for 30 minutes. 655206;1399027177;kakobrekla;!up Sorcier_FXK 655207;1399027177;assbot;Voicing Sorcier_FXK for 30 minutes. 655208;1399028007;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5854 @ 0.00097123 = 5.6856 BTC [-] 655209;1399028129;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28831 @ 0.00096961 = 27.9548 BTC [-] {3} 655210;1399028617;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 1 @ 0.14 BTC 655211;1399028800;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 439 @ 0.000969 = 0.4254 BTC [-] 655212;1399028983;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 3 @ 0.06761351 = 0.2028 BTC [-] 655213;1399029044;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 9 @ 0.03299069 = 0.2969 BTC [+] {6} 655214;1399029045;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 8 @ 0.03487551 = 0.279 BTC [-] {5} 655215;1399029046;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 8 @ 0.06474168 = 0.5179 BTC [-] {5} 655216;1399029106;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 7 @ 0.03299081 = 0.2309 BTC [+] {3} 655217;1399029107;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 7 @ 0.03322581 = 0.2326 BTC [-] {3} 655218;1399029108;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 7 @ 0.06474168 = 0.4532 BTC [-] {3} 655219;1399029411;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.06474168 = 0.3237 BTC [-] 655220;1399029454;mircea_popescu;lol look what i've found 655221;1399029455;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2012/roba-da-ricchi/ 655222;1399029455;ozbot;Roba da ricchi pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 655223;1399029532;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18538 @ 0.00096933 = 17.9694 BTC [+] {2} 655224;1399029654;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13609 @ 0.00096868 = 13.1828 BTC [-] 655225;1399030020;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 47 @ 0.005995 = 0.2818 BTC [+] 655226;1399030225;mircea_popescu;;;rated artifexd 655227;1399030225;gribble;You have not yet rated user artifexd 655228;1399030241;mircea_popescu;;;rate artifexd 1 Best story of a nick I ever heard. 655229;1399030242;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user artifexd has been recorded. 655230;1399030325;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 10 @ 0.06474168 = 0.6474 BTC [-] 655231;1399030691;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.49 BTC [+] 655232;1399031319;jurov;hi mircea_popescu, deposits pls 655233;1399031526;jurov;!up ReturnOfTheOp if you insist... 655234;1399031526;assbot;Voicing ReturnOfTheOp for 30 minutes. 655235;1399031544;jurov;!up sunshyne 655236;1399031544;assbot;Voicing sunshyne for 30 minutes. 655237;1399031548;jurov;!up CheckDavid 655238;1399031548;assbot;Voicing CheckDavid for 30 minutes. 655239;1399031789;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12960 @ 0.0009732 = 12.6127 BTC [+] {2} 655240;1399031823;mircea_popescu;jurov on it. 655241;1399032460;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.4899 BTC [-] 655242;1399032478;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/the-idea-for-a-great-film/ 655243;1399032479;ozbot;The idea for a great film… pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 655244;1399032486;mircea_popescu;if anyone fancies himself a screenplay writer. 655245;1399032620;CheckDavid;Hey jurov thanks 655246;1399032636;CheckDavid;I have nothing to say though 655247;1399032640;CheckDavid;Lol 655248;1399032694;mircea_popescu;lol 655249;1399032787;fluffypony;Naphex:) 655250;1399032846;CheckDavid;Like there can’t be a larger binary digit than 1 655251;1399032855;CheckDavid;Does it translate to 655252;1399032876;CheckDavid;Higher decimal digit than 9 ? 655253;1399032925;mircea_popescu;yea 655254;1399032928;jurov;!up Naphex assbot got resstarted 655255;1399032928;assbot;Voicing Naphex for 30 minutes. 655256;1399032931;ThickAsThieves;i propose a different ending for the movie mp 655257;1399032932;mircea_popescu;!up VanCleef 655258;1399032932;assbot;Voicing VanCleef for 30 minutes. 655259;1399032933;Naphex;;;ident 655260;1399032934;gribble;Nick 'Naphex', with hostmask 'Naphex!~naphex@btcxchange.ro', is identified as user 'Naphex', with GPG key id 64CDBADCE1E0BBAF, key fingerprint F3D76A985F5844814A93F46364CDBADCE1E0BBAF, and bitcoin address 12mVDqdWqFY6zrCqNqgHbxhDPB4ZVUuaTu 655261;1399032937;VanCleef;thanks 655262;1399032938;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves which ? 655263;1399032938;Naphex;i just got ident'd :p 655264;1399032939;ThickAsThieves;as it strikes me as imbalanced 655265;1399032946;VanCleef;yeh just reading the movie idea 655266;1399032951;Naphex;damn server splits 655267;1399032954;CheckDavid;That's some expensive vocabulary 655268;1399032963;CheckDavid;When I talk like that my friends 655269;1399032967;CheckDavid;Almost kill me 655270;1399032967;VanCleef;i think it would make a good tv show 655271;1399032975;CheckDavid;Like I am overcomplicated 655272;1399032989;mircea_popescu;tv show ?! 655273;1399033002;ThickAsThieves;the ending is the barbarian's own advisor, proposing and convincing him of his first laws of order (hinting at an eventual recreation of the original empire the movie started with) 655274;1399033012;mircea_popescu;but it has an event. how many episodes before, and how many after ? either way it's... two tv shows 655275;1399033022;CheckDavid;mircea_popescu: could I voice VanCleef in case he were not already voiced? 655276;1399033030;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves nah. that's imbalanced. it proposes the idiocy is somehow okay. 655277;1399033037;mircea_popescu;CheckDavid but he is. 655278;1399033044;ThickAsThieves;no it proposes the order and chaos are cyclical 655279;1399033063;CheckDavid;Come on. 655280;1399033070;VanCleef;what's your set piece? 655281;1399033073;CheckDavid;Just tell me. Don't troll 655282;1399033086;mircea_popescu;VanCleef set piece ? 655283;1399033091;ThickAsThieves;(because they are) 655284;1399033108;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves i guess it does that. and yes they are. but it ain't the political statement i wish to make :) 655285;1399033116;mircea_popescu;art is, after all, politics. 655286;1399033124;ThickAsThieves;it's the political statement i wish to make 655287;1399033134;CheckDavid;Ok I will test myself if you don't want to answer 655288;1399033141;ThickAsThieves;that your statement is no more "right" than the other 655289;1399033146;mircea_popescu;http://imgur.com/a/C2mhE < also 655290;1399033151;VanCleef;The term setpiece is often used more broadly to describe any important dramatic or comedic highpoint in a film or story, particularly those that provide some kind of dramatic payoff, resolution, or transition. 655291;1399033165;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves that's why you're in the marbles and i'm in the furs, because you actually believe that :D 655292;1399033188;ThickAsThieves;nah i'm just the delusionist 655293;1399033191;mircea_popescu;VanCleef indicated i nthe text by "This scene makes or breaks the whole film" 655294;1399033202;ThickAsThieves;i wear what suits you 655295;1399033204;ThickAsThieves;;) 655296;1399033216;mircea_popescu;CheckDavid oh i see now what you meant. 655297;1399033218;VanCleef;yeah i was thinking that when i read it 655298;1399033221;mircea_popescu;;;gettrust assbot CheckDavid 655299;1399033222;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user CheckDavid: Level 1: 1, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=CheckDavid | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=CheckDavid | Rated since: Fri Apr 11 12:52:24 2014 655300;1399033227;mircea_popescu;CheckDavid no, you could not. 655301;1399033235;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves lol 655302;1399033241;CheckDavid;Thanks mircea 655303;1399033260;CheckDavid;In Wisconsin, it is illegal to serve apple pie in public restaurants without cheese 655304;1399033261;CheckDavid;Lol 655305;1399033275;CheckDavid;Nice contraband opportunity 655306;1399033276;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves btw, if it makes you feel better : your movie needs a sequel well sure. you wanna make money, always leave room for a sequel. 655307;1399033303;VanCleef;you could just pay someone to write the script 655308;1399033314;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.48999 BTC [+] 655309;1399033344;mircea_popescu;i could. but i prefer to give someone the chance to write the script. 655310;1399033360;mircea_popescu;the greatness of money, you get to make choices and have preferences. 655311;1399033374;mircea_popescu;whoa look at that shit, equal character count! 655312;1399033383;mircea_popescu;!up CheckDavid 655313;1399033383;assbot;Voicing CheckDavid for 30 minutes. 655314;1399033418;VanCleef;who would be your target audience for this film? 655315;1399033421;VanCleef;bitcoiners? 655316;1399033428;CheckDavid;I wonder if one can get government funds to research and develop crypto currencies 655317;1399033453;ThickAsThieves;ah poop, your comment section stripped the handles 655318;1399033460;jurov;CheckDavid: there are plenty of bachelor/master theses on it 655319;1399033463;mircea_popescu;VanCleef or people whoi like alma-tadema, or people who like to see men get fucked, or w/e 655320;1399033468;mircea_popescu;i don't write for audiences. 655321;1399033470;jurov;it's certain they will continue with it 655322;1399033501;mircea_popescu;CheckDavid if you had read the logs, there was even a cushy us govt job offered. 655323;1399033556;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves see now look what you've done!!1 655324;1399033560;mircea_popescu;it's anonymized 655325;1399033566;VanCleef;to be honest its a lil over my head, i hvave to read it a few times to fully understand it 655326;1399033637;VanCleef;i wanted to do a homage to 80's action films and do one about the most powerful groups of people that run the world today and they all work in this underground sex trade where they only use women as currency 655327;1399033672;mircea_popescu;ew. 655328;1399033696;mircea_popescu;why not have them fuck ductaped baby chickens, and use THAT as the currency. 655329;1399033703;VanCleef;lol 655330;1399033722;ThickAsThieves;i'm gonna make a post in MY blog about the new ending, cuz apparently it's all the rage these days, blogging on top of what mp says ;) 655331;1399033733;mircea_popescu;what, you have a blog ? 655332;1399033750;ThickAsThieves;dude your memory 655333;1399033752;mircea_popescu;dude get out, do you even footnote ? 655334;1399033760;ThickAsThieves;trolling? 655335;1399033762;ThickAsThieves;lol 655336;1399033763;mircea_popescu;(i had that typed out :D) 655337;1399033766;bounce;ducktaped chickens, bio-fleshlights? the sheer depravity. minus personpoints for you! 655338;1399033794;mircea_popescu;ty, ty. 655339;1399033809;mircea_popescu;no but i mean, if he's going for the outrage value, at least go all the way. 655340;1399033812;ThickAsThieves;i guess, in a way, my blog *is* your blog, since you sparked it 655341;1399033827;mircea_popescu;this is where i link that "all one" california soap nuttery 655342;1399033838;CheckDavid;mircea_popescu: offered here? 655343;1399033858;CheckDavid;Like a government official came here to offer it? Lol 655344;1399033865;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2013/were-all-one/ 655345;1399033866;ozbot;We’re all one pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 655346;1399033926;VanCleef;anywho yeh you should develop your story a bit more 655347;1399033940;mircea_popescu;that's the screenwriter's job. 655348;1399033950;mircea_popescu;i gave him some freedom implicit there, so his job doesn't suck 655349;1399033959;VanCleef;how much btc? 655350;1399033973;mircea_popescu;i dunno dood, i don't even run a studio. chances are, it'll never get made anyway 655351;1399033995;VanCleef;that's okey studios pay like 50k just to own scripts and keep them under their desk 655352;1399034014;VanCleef;then they pay you more if they decide to make the movie 655353;1399034030;mircea_popescu;did you ever get paid 50k + more ? 655354;1399034050;VanCleef;i only wrote one script but i deleted it recently 655355;1399034058;mircea_popescu;right. so how'd you know ? 655356;1399034071;VanCleef;that's how it works in hollywood 655357;1399034139;mircea_popescu;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mj5IV23g-fE << here's the real story. 655358;1399034139;ozbot;Harlan Ellison -- Pay the Writer - YouTube 655359;1399034148;mircea_popescu;and ellison has had a few scripts optioned, so i guess he'd know. 655360;1399034167;mircea_popescu;(also that's pre-crisis. it was way better then) 655361;1399034168;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 51 @ 0.03242383 = 1.6536 BTC [+] {9} 655362;1399034172;bounce;50k for 120 pages. hm. maybe worth a shot. 655363;1399034214;bounce;how to fill 120 pages worth of screenplay from irc logs? now there's a fiddy kay question. 655364;1399034227;mircea_popescu;bounce that's for believers. for engineers, it's 120 pages for a lottery ticket in an unauthorised lottery with an alleged cash prize of 50k (conditions apply) 655365;1399034229;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 19 @ 0.032477 = 0.6171 BTC [+] {10} 655366;1399034240;VanCleef;i'm not an asshole, pay me mircea :P 655367;1399034290;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 15 @ 0.03309964 = 0.4965 BTC [+] {9} 655368;1399034291;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 7 @ 0.14 = 0.98 BTC 655369;1399034294;mircea_popescu;http://i.imgur.com/wu3IRQW.jpg this isn't so bad. minus the plastic stench ;/ 655370;1399034311;VanCleef;ellison is right 655371;1399034351;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.032806 = 0.164 BTC [-] {3} 655372;1399034353;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.03250021 = 0.13 BTC [-] {2} 655373;1399034354;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 4 @ 0.06474168 = 0.259 BTC [-] {2} 655374;1399034375;mircea_popescu;http://i.imgur.com/OGW3PJD.jpg << total fucking good law. i want this on my books. 655375;1399034378;mircea_popescu;none of that soggy bullshit. 655376;1399034429;VanCleef;anywho this voiced stuff sucks 655377;1399034441;VanCleef;athero or whatever his name was had good wot ratings 655378;1399034459;VanCleef;just kick people or mute them if you dont want them to talk 655379;1399034466;jurov;[13:57] jurov on it << dun see it 655380;1399034476;VanCleef;alot of scammers were using wot and had good ratings 655381;1399034477;mircea_popescu;jurov lol gimme a second. 655382;1399034481;VanCleef;wot is a fail 655383;1399034493;mircea_popescu;VanCleef you need to read the logs. this was discussed to death. 655384;1399034511;VanCleef;cant we just go back to how it use to be? 655385;1399034513;VanCleef;it was alot better 655386;1399034559;mircea_popescu;!down VanCleef 655387;1399034900;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 19 @ 0.00558 = 0.106 BTC [-] 655388;1399034943;ThickAsThieves;http://devilsadvocate.biz/i-wear-what-suits-you/ 655389;1399034944;ozbot;In the Spirit of the Devil’s Advocate, I Wear What Suits You 655390;1399035022;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1277 @ 0.000144 = 0.1839 BTC [-] 655391;1399035083;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1500 @ 0.00014378 = 0.2157 BTC [-] 655392;1399035085;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 180 @ 0.00556 = 1.0008 BTC [-] 655393;1399035359;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves i like the coloring. 655394;1399035430;ThickAsThieves;hopefully you dont mind being blue :) 655395;1399035450;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 55 @ 0.06474168 = 3.5608 BTC [-] 655396;1399035468;mircea_popescu;blue boy... that's what they callleeeed meeee 655397;1399035510;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21000 @ 0.00097164 = 20.4044 BTC [-] {2} 655398;1399035585;mircea_popescu;!up CheckDavid 655399;1399035585;assbot;Voicing CheckDavid for 30 minutes. 655400;1399035595;CheckDavid;Blue? 655401;1399035626;CheckDavid;You guys means this? 655402;1399035633;CheckDavid;http://www.coinside.ru/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/IMG_0549-kopiya.jpg 655403;1399035651;CheckDavid;I don't get why they are so skinny though 655404;1399035656;ThickAsThieves;eww 655405;1399035666;ThickAsThieves;2 of the girls are aliens 655406;1399035693;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.03243852 = 0.3244 BTC [-] {6} 655407;1399035743;ThickAsThieves;"This game is anticipated to be rate Mature" lol. 655408;1399035761;pankkake;mature as in milf? 655409;1399035774;mircea_popescu;no, mature as in heroin addict chicks. 655410;1399035783;mircea_popescu;what's with these people and body painting unhealthy looking women ? 655411;1399035787;ThickAsThieves;rated* 655412;1399035797;mircea_popescu;whoa. panties on ?! omfg the indignity 655413;1399035836;pankkake;that was a tentative joke. anyway, have to agree on the trend of linking to trilema on every blog post 655414;1399035878;ThickAsThieves;i was more digging at bitcoinpete, mp's #1 fan 655415;1399035890;mircea_popescu;well what are you gonna do, ban me ? DO NOT HATE ME BECAUSE I AM BEEEEAUTIFULH! 655416;1399035895;ThickAsThieves;lol 655417;1399035914;ThickAsThieves;i'm just jelly! 655418;1399035919;pankkake;BingoBoingo and benkay are good at the game too 655419;1399035953;pankkake;though I actually read your first post thanks to a trilema pingback, so, it werks 655420;1399035960;mircea_popescu;pankkake do you like analytix the fuck out of those blogs ? 655421;1399035964;mircea_popescu;link count and everything ? 655422;1399035971;ThickAsThieves;even when we break out of the channel and its impossible log, we create a web of cross-referenced blogs to further fuck with newcomers 655423;1399035983;pankkake;I'm susbscribed to trilema comments so I see the links, that's all 655424;1399035991;mircea_popescu;oh i see 655425;1399036004;mircea_popescu;wait, you can still be subscribed to comments ? like via email ? 655426;1399036008;pankkake;RSS 655427;1399036046;pankkake;but I rarely see this practice (linking to posts) nowadays, even though this probably gave the name to "blogosphere" 655428;1399036059;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.0330001 = 0.165 BTC [+] 655429;1399036060;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.06474168 = 0.3237 BTC [-] 655430;1399036082;pankkake;now it's all about CENTRALIZED platforms! 655431;1399036082;ThickAsThieves;because most bloggers have no friends 655432;1399036087;ThickAsThieves;not even internet ones 655433;1399036092;pankkake;I made friends by blogging!! 655434;1399036105;pankkake;GIRLS. 655435;1399036108;pankkake;well, girl 655436;1399036132;mircea_popescu;actually i link a lot. 655437;1399036140;ThickAsThieves;http://www.coindesk.com/bitcoin-foundation-vote-yields-no-new-board-members/ 655438;1399036142;ThickAsThieves;lel 655439;1399036146;mircea_popescu;i love linking. and i still believe in the old concepts of the web, from back like 1999 655440;1399036159;mircea_popescu;pankkake is she here ? 655441;1399036164;pankkake;web2.0 also had "semantic web" but it never really existed :( 655442;1399036172;pankkake;we don't talk anymore unfortunately 655443;1399036181;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.03300005 = 0.33 BTC [-] {2} 655444;1399036199;mircea_popescu;"web 2.0" and all its associated bullshits lawl. 655445;1399036215;mircea_popescu;web 1.0 was and sitll is good enough. in the sense of way better than any walled garden bullshit. 655446;1399036238;pankkake;semantic web is all about urls and proper markup 655447;1399036240;ThickAsThieves;i saw someone use ethereum and the like as a Web 3.0 reference 655448;1399036243;ThickAsThieves;i almost died 655449;1399036246;pankkake;not 1MB of javascript 655450;1399036247;pankkake;lol 655451;1399036292;ThickAsThieves;maybe we'll just start calling generations that way instead of Generation X, it's Web 3.0! 655452;1399036297;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves im kinda curious how far the nonsense will go. specificaslly, if the comatose media-only "Web 2.0" will be forgotten and a new web 2.0 will be enacted, out of the same pressed shitboard, 655453;1399036309;mircea_popescu;or if they will take 2.0 as a thing that actually existed, and continue the count. 655454;1399036328;ThickAsThieves;i think itll get to 3.0 then go away 655455;1399036348;ThickAsThieves;4.0 starts looking silly, even to idiots 655456;1399036358;ThickAsThieves;but i'm known for overestimating the idiot 655457;1399036373;mircea_popescu;you know knuth counted to pi. 655458;1399036385;ThickAsThieves;idiot 655459;1399036390;ThickAsThieves;:) 655460;1399036392;mircea_popescu;wait wut 655461;1399036393;mircea_popescu;lol 655462;1399036486;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 19 @ 0.06474168 = 1.2301 BTC [-] 655463;1399036503;ThickAsThieves;Brock Pierce, what a name 655464;1399036540;mircea_popescu;let me guess. yet another ex child actor turned bitcoin investiteur ? 655465;1399036557;ThickAsThieves;yep, Gyft 655466;1399036588;ThickAsThieves;and The Mighty Ducks 655467;1399036612;cazalla;for all of 10 seconds 655468;1399036636;ThickAsThieves;But the idea that underage boys were drugged and raped at the Encino estate, and sometimes threatened with guns by Collins-Rector, is hardly new. Egan was one of several young men to make such allegations in lawsuits filed against Collins-Rector, Shackley and Pierce 14 years ago -- court cases in which the plaintiffs won $4.5 million from Collins-Rector and Shackley by default because 655469;1399036636;ThickAsThieves;the trio had fled the country (Pierce reached a settlement). 655470;1399036673;mircea_popescu;lmao 655471;1399036684;mircea_popescu;so it'd be safe to say he was attracted to bitcoin by bruce wagner ? 655472;1399036694;ThickAsThieves;Pierce's most recent bio says he is co-founder of GoCoin, ExpressCoin, KnCMiner.cn and Robocoin Asia. 655473;1399036776;mircea_popescu;i wonder if asicminer has figured out yet that it can probably make a decent penny selling such "board seats" 655474;1399036784;ThickAsThieves;GoCoin, isnt that the one all the SeedCoinFund people are butthurt about "missing" out on? 655475;1399036795;mircea_popescu;to celebrities desperate for retroactive "involvement" who still are noobish enough to imagine this will allow them to bypass the wot. 655476;1399036813;ThickAsThieves;i think the asicminer board is in an ill state actually 655477;1399036827;ThickAsThieves;they won't remove me from their email list so i still see hints of it 655478;1399036846;ThickAsThieves;participation appears to be low 655479;1399036853;mircea_popescu;well that's not really new. 655480;1399036855;ThickAsThieves;dividends moving to monthly 655481;1399036858;ThickAsThieves;shit like that 655482;1399036907;ThickAsThieves;yeah that's true, when i was there 10 people might show up, but only 3 or 4 ever talked 655483;1399036911;mircea_popescu;lol. ah if only they had enough sense to do what told a while back. 655484;1399036927;ThickAsThieves;now it seems only 4 show up an hour late to nothing 655485;1399037021;ThickAsThieves;The US economy created 288,000 jobs in April, the strongest monthly job creation since January 2012. 655486;1399037046;ThickAsThieves;"The one thing I would be careful with though is the decline in the unemployment rate, the decline in the unemployment rate was a function of the labour force falling by 806,000, that is gargantuan decline," he added. 655487;1399037050;ThickAsThieves;dafuck 655488;1399037055;ThickAsThieves;lol 655489;1399037098;mircea_popescu;people leave, what. 655490;1399037109;mircea_popescu;you want to leave, everyone you know here wants to leave, what's so surprising ? 655491;1399037122;mircea_popescu;a lot have left, a lot more are leaving and a helluva lot more will be leaving. 655492;1399037161;ThickAsThieves;well part of my dafuckness is how they are all "It's a flat out good report. All of the metrics that you want to see improve, did," said Tom Porcelli 655493;1399037184;ThickAsThieves;but then are like, well a million people left, so there's that 655494;1399037199;ThickAsThieves;left/died? 655495;1399037248;mircea_popescu;well... the reports that were made to make you feel good are made in the way that we agreed will make you feel good. 655496;1399037256;mircea_popescu;so why dont you feel good ? are you perhaps insane ? 655497;1399037265;mircea_popescu;it seems to me like this is slow onset schizophrenia, mydear boy. 655498;1399037280;ThickAsThieves;am i a terrorist? 655499;1399037291;ThickAsThieves;maybe xanax can sort me out 655500;1399037353;ThickAsThieves;the picture in the bbc article for it is awesome too http://www.bbc.com/news/business-27257760 655501;1399037367;mircea_popescu;im kinda surprised nobody is selling slow-release xanax dildos yet. 655502;1399037372;ThickAsThieves;miserable dude in camo eating at the place he cleans shit 655503;1399037377;mircea_popescu;suckle your way to pleasant dreams 655504;1399037401;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.069 = 0.345 BTC [+] 655505;1399038955;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2009/lectia-de-humor/ < i found an old english article! from 2009! 655506;1399038956;ozbot;Lectia de humor pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 655507;1399039124;asciilifeform;'web 3.0' << 'i don't know what weapons ww3 will be fought with, but ww4 will be fought with bow and arrow' 655508;1399039182;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform course the flaw there is to assume people whose tech is bow and arrow have the means to fight a Ww. 655509;1399039192;asciilifeform;well sure. 655510;1399039205;asciilifeform;but they might call it one. 655511;1399039268;mircea_popescu;and they probably will 655512;1399039475;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 4000 @ 0.00014728 = 0.5891 BTC [+] 655513;1399040036;mircea_popescu;!up stickie 655514;1399040036;assbot;Voicing stickie for 30 minutes. 655515;1399040183;asciilifeform;http://trilema.com/2014/the-idea-for-a-great-film/#comment-99493 655516;1399040183;ozbot;The idea for a great film… pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 655517;1399040382;mircea_popescu;answer't. 655518;1399040427;asciilifeform;lol!!! 655519;1399040430;asciilifeform;i like this one more. 655520;1399040471;mircea_popescu;see, the importance of community in one's life. 655521;1399040573;assbot;[MPEX] [FN] [F.MPIF] 25000 @ 0.00021725 = 5.4313 BTC [+] 655522;1399040672;artifexd;;;later tell jurov Do you round deposits down to the nearest btc? 655523;1399040672;gribble;The operation succeeded. 655524;1399040849;mircea_popescu;jurov and whoever else was waiting : mpex deposits flushed. 655525;1399041481;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2012/o-metoda-simpla-si-eficienta-de-a-produce-un-blog-excelent-pe-pasi/ <<< me on blogging. "simple and efficient way to produce an excellent blog, step by step" 655526;1399041481;ozbot;O metoda simpla si eficienta de-a produce un blog excelent, pe pasi. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea 655527;1399041645;pankkake;if only it was written in a simple and eficient language 655528;1399041682;mircea_popescu;yeah i should have it translated. 655529;1399041793;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 28 @ 0.07087485 = 1.9845 BTC [+] {2} 655530;1399042096;mircea_popescu;ტ wow look at that, mouse glyph 655531;1399042134;mircea_popescu;ბ << fucktarded apple mouse glyph 655532;1399042220;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 15 @ 0.06903347 = 1.0355 BTC [-] {2} 655533;1399042281;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 9 @ 0.0318 = 0.2862 BTC [+] 655534;1399042586;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2000 @ 0.00014328 = 0.2866 BTC [-] 655535;1399042647;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 8 @ 0.033775 = 0.2702 BTC [+] {2} 655536;1399042648;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.0691002 = 0.691 BTC [+] 655537;1399042952;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 163 @ 0.00443541 = 0.723 BTC [-] {3} 655538;1399043379;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 1 @ 0.139999 BTC [-] 655539;1399044355;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 27 @ 0.0708904 = 1.914 BTC [+] {3} 655540;1399044538;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.06910502 = 0.6911 BTC [-] 655541;1399044660;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.07087721 = 0.2126 BTC [+] 655542;1399044782;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14700 @ 0.00097237 = 14.2938 BTC [+] 655543;1399044843;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10100 @ 0.00097413 = 9.8387 BTC [+] 655544;1399044996;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: ბ is a mouse? looks more like 'anarchist bomb' 655545;1399045042;asciilifeform;and ტ is - power switch. aka 'the any key.' 655546;1399045072;Apocalyptic; mircea_popescu: ბ is a mouse? // looks like an apple to me 655547;1399045092;asciilifeform;plum. 655548;1399045270;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2000 @ 0.00014696 = 0.2939 BTC [-] 655549;1399046116;mircea_popescu;well it's the eye of the beholder! 655550;1399046119;mircea_popescu;!up rgbiv 655551;1399046119;assbot;Voicing rgbiv for 30 minutes. 655552;1399046156;ThickAsThieves;fwiw those characters appear much different depending on font in use 655553;1399046246;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42750 @ 0.00097413 = 41.6441 BTC [+] {2} 655554;1399046289;mircea_popescu;hoiw are they in comic sans / 655555;1399046342;ThickAsThieves;http://www.coindesk.com/what-happens-inside-bitcoin-audit/ 655556;1399046353;ThickAsThieves;“A lot of these things are difficult to verify or prove” 655557;1399046389;mircea_popescu;derpdesk ? 655558;1399046409;ThickAsThieves;coinhusk 655559;1399046422;mircea_popescu;"Valuable skills 655560;1399046422;mircea_popescu;So, who is Stefan Thomas, and why is he the person Powell called? 655561;1399046422;mircea_popescu;Thomas is Chief Technical Officer at Ripple Labs, a company that created its own payment protocol and prides itself on a transparent public ledger of transactions." 655562;1399046430;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 2.60318124 BTC to 8`283 shares, 31428 satoshi per share 655563;1399046439;mircea_popescu;how to be so wrong you have no idea of exactly how wrong you are : read coindesk. 655564;1399046440;mircea_popescu;and wired. 655565;1399046460;ThickAsThieves;i cant even understand how Ripple guy still gets play 655566;1399046472;ThickAsThieves;like no one *really* uses it right? 655567;1399046490;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] [PAID] 85.30121001 BTC to 80`673 shares, 105737 satoshi per share 655568;1399046497;ThickAsThieves;and looking back at last year's AMS conference, he was pretty quiet on the panels 655569;1399046639;mircea_popescu;anyway, 5k words and no mention of the actual point this all started from. 655570;1399046643;mircea_popescu;https://bitcointa.lk/threads/ann-kraken-com-exchange-now-open-with-usd-eur-btc-ltc-xrp-nmc-xdg.168224/page-57#msg4924847 655571;1399046645;ozbot;[ANN] KRAKEN.COM - Exchange Now Open with USD, EUR, BTC, LTC, XRP, NMC, XDG | Page 57 | Bitcointa.lk 655572;1399046649;mircea_popescu;for the people keeping score at home. 655573;1399046678;mircea_popescu;https://bitcointa.lk/threads/ann-kraken-com-exchange-now-open-with-usd-eur-btc-ltc-xrp-nmc-xdg.168224/page-57#post-4671068 even. 655574;1399046680;ozbot;[ANN] KRAKEN.COM - Exchange Now Open with USD, EUR, BTC, LTC, XRP, NMC, XDG | Page 57 | Bitcointa.lk 655575;1399046715;mircea_popescu;(dargo also quit, subsequently) 655576;1399046719;mircea_popescu;so that makes her 2 out of 2. 655577;1399046728;mircea_popescu;guess who's the expert in this story. 655578;1399046734;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 7 @ 0.07094178 = 0.4966 BTC [-] 655579;1399046750;kakobrekla;how did he quit, he is still providing support 655580;1399046768;mircea_popescu;last seen on the forum what, late feb ? 655581;1399046774;mircea_popescu;support is one thing. 655582;1399046817;kakobrekla;https://bitcointa.lk/threads/ann-kraken-com-exchange-now-open-with-usd-eur-btc-ltc-xrp-nmc-xdg.168224/page-93#post-6185968 655583;1399046818;ozbot;[ANN] KRAKEN.COM - Exchange Now Open with USD, EUR, BTC, LTC, XRP, NMC, XDG | Page 93 | Bitcointa.lk 655584;1399046825;kakobrekla;how about wednesday 655585;1399046846;mircea_popescu;hm 655586;1399046856;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 6 @ 0.0709736 = 0.4258 BTC [+] {3} 655587;1399046868;mircea_popescu;Dargo was last seen: Feb 27, 2014 655588;1399046871;mircea_popescu;whgat the fuck is this 655589;1399046900;mircea_popescu;https://bitcointa.lk/members/dargo.30215/ << what do you get there ? 655590;1399046901;ozbot;Dargo | Bitcointa.lk 655591;1399046933;mircea_popescu;Last Activity: Feb 27, 2014 Joined: Jul 8, 2011 is what i get 655592;1399046944;kakobrekla;dat thing doesnt work 655593;1399046945;kakobrekla;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=32856 655594;1399046946;ozbot;View the profile of Dargo 655595;1399046950;kakobrekla;Last Active:Today at 02:45:22 PM 655596;1399046960;mircea_popescu;omfg i've been bambozled. 655597;1399046966;artifexd;Bloomberg is using Kraken as the source? WTF? They had less than 10btc of volume in the last 24 hours. Talk about a fucked up signal. 655598;1399046978;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.071 = 0.142 BTC [+] 655599;1399046980;kakobrekla;yes but look at the logo 655600;1399046992;mircea_popescu;;;later tell cevidad yo! there's some brokage in your forum. http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-05-2014#655592 655601;1399046992;gribble;The operation succeeded. 655602;1399047015;mircea_popescu;artifexd you obviously don't have the "valuable skills" to understand these things :D 655603;1399047027;artifexd;Apparently.... 655604;1399047039;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.07118799 = 0.3559 BTC [+] {3} 655605;1399047044;ThickAsThieves;i think it's cevidad 655606;1399047047;Apocalyptic; Bloomberg is using Kraken as the source? WTF? << same reaction here 655607;1399047050;mircea_popescu;;;seen cevidad 655608;1399047051;gribble;I have not seen cevidad. 655609;1399047055;mircea_popescu;;;seen cedivad 655610;1399047055;gribble;cedivad was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 weeks, 5 days, 2 hours, 43 minutes, and 33 seconds ago: i actually have one, but i never really wrote about hashfast, bitcointa.lk or any other of my web-related experiences (i manage some really huge websites)... 655611;1399047059;ThickAsThieves;oh 655612;1399047063;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves dyslexia! 655613;1399047064;ThickAsThieves;dylsexia ftk 655614;1399047067;ThickAsThieves;ftl 655615;1399047068;ThickAsThieves;lol 655616;1399047096;ThickAsThieves;you even beat me at self-deprecation 655617;1399047162;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 9 @ 0.07193999 = 0.6475 BTC [+] 655618;1399047194;mircea_popescu;for the lol ? for the kelp ? 655619;1399047283;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.07194 = 0.2878 BTC [+] 655620;1399047566;ThickAsThieves;for the loss 655621;1399047597;ThickAsThieves;for the kale 655622;1399047832;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07194 = 0.1439 BTC [+] 655623;1399047893;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.07194 = 0.2158 BTC [+] 655624;1399048005;ThickAsThieves;haha, cleaning old stuff and found a business plan i did to open a record store, i was pretty young obv: "XXXX XXXX will help me with of retail store's responsibilities. He is an extremely trusted friend and works very well with people. I whole-heartedly feel he is my best and favorite choice for the position." 655625;1399048031;ThickAsThieves;I kicked him off the project shortly after, and we nearly came to blows as roommates not long after that. I never got past writing the plan, thankfully. 655626;1399048222;fluffypony;old business proposals make me cringe 655627;1399048382;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.07013139 = 0.3507 BTC [-] 655628;1399048432;mircea_popescu;lol 655629;1399048438;mircea_popescu;you know i never wrote one ? 655630;1399048686;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.0719399 = 0.1439 BTC [+] 655631;1399048781;fluffypony;I always enjoyed it as a way to cement my thoughts 655632;1399048930;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1000 @ 0.00014891 = 0.1489 BTC [+] 655633;1399049114;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 12 @ 0.03199998 = 0.384 BTC [+] 655634;1399049174;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.032 = 0.128 BTC [+] {2} 655635;1399049227;fluffypony;https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/t1.0-9/p480x480/10260012_10152356519251069_6233155153590700494_n.jpg 655636;1399049235;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 21 @ 0.03280951 = 0.689 BTC [+] {5} 655637;1399049237;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.03349867 = 0.1675 BTC [-] 655638;1399049238;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.06474168 = 0.3237 BTC [-] 655639;1399049239;fluffypony;caption: "rioters trying to convince the police to install vlc media player" 655640;1399049257;bitcoinpete;fluffypony: lol nice 655641;1399049272;bitcoinpete;http://www.vox.com/2014/4/30/5668588/illinois-connecticut-maryland-gallup-interstate-migration-rates 655642;1399049273;ozbot;Half of people living in Illinois and Connecticut want to get the hell out - Vox 655643;1399049297;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 10 @ 0.06474168 = 0.6474 BTC [-] 655644;1399049298;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 15 @ 0.03150035 = 0.4725 BTC [-] {3} 655645;1399049299;bitcoinpete;"Montanans, Hawaiians, and Mainers are least likely to say they'd want to leave, with fewer than one-quarter of those residents saying they'd move" 655646;1399049357;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 15 @ 0.0334972 = 0.5025 BTC [-] {3} 655647;1399049358;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.06474168 = 0.3237 BTC [-] 655648;1399049662;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 393 @ 0.00552151 = 2.17 BTC [-] {11} 655649;1399049709;mircea_popescu;lol 655650;1399049727;mircea_popescu;fluffypony no, i meant as a kid. they do this "o write a business plan" many places. 655651;1399049743;fluffypony;oh lol 655652;1399049784;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.0719399 = 0.2158 BTC [+] {2} 655653;1399049786;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.03349514 = 0.1675 BTC [-] {2} 655654;1399049845;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 15 @ 0.0315336 = 0.473 BTC [+] {2} 655655;1399049846;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 10 @ 0.06474168 = 0.6474 BTC [-] {2} 655656;1399049847;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.07194 = 0.2158 BTC [+] 655657;1399049848;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.03349572 = 0.335 BTC [+] 655658;1399050150;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.06474168 = 0.3237 BTC [-] 655659;1399050333;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 9 @ 0.0730699 = 0.6576 BTC [+] 655660;1399050577;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 5 @ 0.075 = 0.375 BTC [+] {2} 655661;1399050638;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [MS] 1000 @ 0.00135201 = 1.352 BTC [+] {2} 655662;1399050704;bitcoinpete;Now my posts are being translated: 655663;1399050706;bitcoinpete;http://t.co/x7ilwpgVmJ 655664;1399050734;bitcoinpete;effin' twitter links… http://elbitcoin.org/ciudadanos-de-bitcoinlandia/ 655665;1399050744;Apocalyptic;nice bitcoinpete 655666;1399050781;bitcoinpete;Apocalyptic: hehe i'll take it 655667;1399051065;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 5 @ 0.075 = 0.375 BTC [+] 655668;1399051248;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 16 @ 0.0730699 = 1.1691 BTC [+] 655669;1399051553;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.0733 = 0.2199 BTC [+] 655670;1399051848;bitcoinpete;http://marie-lynn.org/2014/04/27/trying-something-new/ 655671;1399051849;ozbot;Trying something new. | Marie-Lynn Richard 655672;1399051866;bitcoinpete;"For a few months, I have been developing business relationships with people in Bitcoin. As with any of the communities I have joined and thrived in the past 25 years, I am paying my dues in Bitcoin by doing some volounteer work." 655673;1399051919;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.07331 = 0.2199 BTC [+] 655674;1399051975;bitcoinpete;" So far my experience of Bitcoin has been rather sad. I received my first Bitcoin paycheck a few months ago and promptly lost 30% of it due to the dip. I was then almost unable to extract it from Vault of Satoshi because they stopped sending out checks. I was able to pay for my membership to Bitcoin Alliance and Bitcoin Foundation at least. " 655675;1399052018;bitcoinpete;more irlloling 655676;1399052036;pankkake;:( 655677;1399052098;fluffypony;why would she pay for memberships to the foundation? 655678;1399052112;bitcoinpete;pankkake: ya, her situation sounds crummy. i invited her here so maybe she can do something in the future 655679;1399052192;bitcoinpete;fluffypony: the poverty of altruism 655680;1399052211;fluffypony;!up MarieLynn 655681;1399052211;assbot;Voicing MarieLynn for 30 minutes. 655682;1399052222;fluffypony;MarieLynn: we've just been talking about you :) 655683;1399052224;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8843 @ 0.00096881 = 8.5672 BTC [-] 655684;1399052232;MarieLynn;uh ho!! 655685;1399052237;MarieLynn;Hi peeps! 655686;1399052261;bitcoinpete;MarieLynn: howdy! 655687;1399052266;fluffypony;so the "trying something new" post is the first post I've read on your blog 655688;1399052277;fluffypony;which is the case for mostly everyone here, I would imagine 655689;1399052283;fluffypony;can you give us a bit of background? 655690;1399052285;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.07331 = 0.3666 BTC [+] 655691;1399052321;fluffypony;(also I had to Google aspie polymath and file that under today's new learning:) 655692;1399052342;pankkake;surprising. perhaps because I know too much aspie polymaths :| 655693;1399052376;pankkake;http://marie-lynn.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/do-all-the-things.jpg I think this is a good summary lol 655694;1399052387;fluffypony;lol 655695;1399052394;pankkake;(of the blog) 655696;1399052407;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11000 @ 0.00097097 = 10.6807 BTC [+] {2} 655697;1399052423;MarieLynn;I have been transparent about my life on the Internet for almost 24 years 655698;1399052455;MarieLynn;Now I am being transparent abotu how hard it is to get into bitcoin and stay housed!! 655699;1399052468;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1081 @ 0.0001436 = 0.1552 BTC [-] 655700;1399052469;fluffypony;lol 655701;1399052476;MarieLynn;I am a lonely basement hacker. I build websites and online businesses. 655702;1399052509;pankkake;do you mean earn a living with bitcoin? 655703;1399052510;MarieLynn;But my entire life is online, what do you want to know specifically? 655704;1399052539;fluffypony;MarieLynn: nothing specific, and thank you - that was very enlightening :) 655705;1399052547;kakobrekla;;;gettrust MarieLynn 655706;1399052547;MarieLynn;I currently work for Charlie Shrem but we are done with the urgent stuff. I want to continue doing what I do but for cool bitcoin startup. 655707;1399052547;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user kakobrekla to user MarieLynn: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=kakobrekla&dest=MarieLynn | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=MarieLynn | Rated since: never 655708;1399052554;mod6;small typo: homoeless 655709;1399052594;bitcoinpete;MarieLynn: you should get in the wot http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/03/27/who-what-where-when-why-web-of-trust/ 655710;1399052604;fluffypony;^^^ 655711;1399052615;MarieLynn;I am following the links ;) 655712;1399052624;pankkake;it's cheaper than the bitcoin foundation membership (free) and is actually useful :p 655713;1399052626;kakobrekla;you self promoting bastards; http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/wot_and_reputation 655714;1399052631;bitcoinpete;MarieLynn: and register your nick http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/03/31/biting-into-the-wot-elephant-and-irc-nicknames/ 655715;1399052656;fluffypony;lol 655716;1399052666;pankkake;the wot allows us to to useful things like: 655717;1399052670;pankkake;;;rate -1 bitcoinpete spammer 655718;1399052670;gribble;Error: 'bitcoinpete' is not a valid integer. 655719;1399052675;pankkake;;;rate bitcoinpete -1 spammer 655720;1399052676;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of -1 for user bitcoinpete has been recorded. 655721;1399052676;fluffypony;kakobrekla: somehow I don't think bitcoinpete is profiting off his blog ;) 655722;1399052679;pankkake;;;unrate bitcoinpete 655723;1399052681;gribble;Successfully removed your rating for bitcoinpete. 655724;1399052686;bitcoinpete;pankkake: well played 655725;1399052694;bitcoinpete;kakobrekla: i get it! 655726;1399052697;bitcoinpete;lol 655727;1399052703;kakobrekla;im just busting balls mostly 655728;1399052730;bitcoinpete;fluffypony: not directly, of course 655729;1399052739;fluffypony;bitcoinpete: of course 655730;1399052753;MarieLynn;I am not a frequent user of IRC since 1997, sry 655731;1399052764;fluffypony;MarieLynn: also it seems you were spared by struggling to get verified on Cavirtex - http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1uc28f/tired_of_seeing_canadians_get_ripped_off_by/ 655732;1399052773;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.07346744 = 0.2204 BTC [+] {2} 655733;1399052806;pankkake;didn't they rip off their shareholders too? 655734;1399052831;bitcoinpete;pankkake: yup, they generally blow dead bears 655735;1399052833;BingoBoingo;CaVirtex just be ripping off everybody 655736;1399052834;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 17 @ 0.07199213 = 1.2239 BTC [-] {4} 655737;1399052861;pankkake;MarieLynn: oh so the French on the blog is because you're from Canada. Tabernacle ! 655738;1399052889;MarieLynn;My boyfriend has a gun license and apparently that got him validated. I only have provincial health card with photo and passport and thats not good enough.é 655739;1399052895;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.07345505 = 0.2938 BTC [+] {3} 655740;1399052897;fluffypony;between Apocalyptic, pankkake, davout, and now MarieLynn (and who knows who else) I feel at such a disadvantage for not speaking French 655741;1399052907;MarieLynn;I want a bitcoin ATM card else my hopes of a bitcoin life are limited. 655742;1399052918;pankkake;fluffypony: your only play is to learn romanian and crush us all 655743;1399052922;fluffypony;hah hah 655744;1399052935;fluffypony;I'm too busy learning German so I can gossip with my mother-in-law about my wife ;) 655745;1399052949;bitcoinpete;et moi aussi! 655746;1399052960;*;fluffypony adds bitcoinpete to the list 655747;1399052969;pankkake;le complot français 655748;1399053010;MarieLynn;Thanks for the CAVirtex thread I will rad carefully. But what are the issues other than ID verification woes?! 655749;1399053011;bitcoinpete;fluffypony: i did a few german lesson on duolingo, orangensaft! 655750;1399053034;MarieLynn;http://circonference.ca 655751;1399053044;MarieLynn;my blog about crypto, has an english podcast as well. 655752;1399053054;bitcoinpete;MarieLynn: ripping off "investors" on havelock, joseph david being a stooge... 655753;1399053104;MarieLynn;Thanks for the keywords bitcoinpete 655754;1399053135;pankkake;well if you want to buy or sell bitcoins, you can use bitcoin-otc http://bitcoin-otc.com/ - of course, you're dealing with users directly, so you have to be careful *who* your are dealing with 655755;1399053141;pankkake;http://qbc.io/ hahaha 655756;1399053158;fluffypony;MarieLynn: so since I live in South Africa I've also struggled with that - we only had 1 exchange (now 2) and their volumes are terrible. I can cash out from BitStamp to my bank account, but it is irritating. Two solutions I've found: 1. If it's bigger than $1k use BitPay. Sign up, get verified, and then invoice yourself when you need money paid out to your Ca bank account. 2. For smaller amounts, use person-to-person trading either on 655757;1399053158;fluffypony;Freenode in #bitcoin-otc (which also uses the WoT mentioned earlier) or on localbitcoins (you can arrange to meet people face-to-face, and lower your risk by not sending anything till you have cash-in-hand) 655758;1399053167;fluffypony;oh well pankkake already mentioned 2 :) 655759;1399053198;bitcoinpete;http://blogs.wsj.com/japanrealtime/2014/05/02/bitcoin-cafe-in-limbo-at-mt-gox-building/ < surprising. perhaps because I know too much aspie polymaths :| << too many, frenchie. much is for french fries :D 655769;1399053345;pankkake;Mark or Karpelès aren't very French looking name 655770;1399053351;pankkake;right 655771;1399053352;bitcoinpete;mircea_popescu: yup! 655772;1399053354;MarieLynn;mircea That's me what? 655773;1399053358;fluffypony;bitcoinpete: you mean his name isn't Ḱąȑṕệļễŝ? who knew. 655774;1399053374;MarieLynn;LOL fluffy 655775;1399053402;mircea_popescu;MarieLynn ok, so transparent about your life for 24 years ? gimme the highligts, how old are you, what do you do ? 655776;1399053418;mircea_popescu;!up trixisowned 655777;1399053418;assbot;Voicing trixisowned for 30 minutes. 655778;1399053441;BingoBoingo;Some old Taaki Derp: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3451.msg48961#msg48961 655779;1399053442;bitcoinpete;"I have 246 cos in my database of bitcoin-related businesses and I did not know about that group :) IRC is so vintage!" -MarieLynn <<246 cos, guaranteed none on mpex 655780;1399053444;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 3 @ 0.03399999 = 0.102 BTC [+] 655781;1399053457;mircea_popescu;what's a cos, like cosplay ? 655782;1399053471;mircea_popescu;trixisowned soo... who owns ya ? 655783;1399053473;MarieLynn;I am 43, I have been developing for the Web since 1994 655784;1399053480;mircea_popescu;wait. 655785;1399053483;mircea_popescu;marie lynn who ? 655786;1399053495;MarieLynn;Google 'Marie-Lynn Richard' 655787;1399053505;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5748 @ 0.00096945 = 5.5724 BTC [-] 655788;1399053541;bitcoinpete;;;google marie lynn richard 655789;1399053542;gribble;Marie-Lynn Richard | Social Media & Web Technologist ...: ; Marie-Lynn Richard (mlrichard) on Twitter: ; Marie-Lynn Richard - Canada | LinkedIn: 655790;1399053544;mircea_popescu;o hey. 655791;1399053564;pankkake;"I'm thinking the program would upload the GPG private key in case you ever lost it" that? lol 655792;1399053567;mircea_popescu;what's a "Nillionaire" ? 655793;1399053578;pankkake;Nil-lionnaire 655794;1399053618;fluffypony;pankkake: "If not found then popup dialog asking for username/password & download GPG private key" 655795;1399053620;fluffypony;ah ok 655796;1399053639;fluffypony;so your GPG private key, the essence of securing your identity with GPG, is protected behind a mere username and password 655797;1399053645;fluffypony;sekuriteez 655798;1399053650;mircea_popescu;MarieLynn aite, well, welcome. 655799;1399053671;fluffypony;BingoBoingo: did he go on to create Keybase.io? 655800;1399053674;fluffypony;:-P 655801;1399053686;mircea_popescu;you probably want to brew a gallon of coffees and go through the logs. http://log.bitcoin-assets.com 655802;1399053726;fluffypony;gin and tonic time 655803;1399053734;mike_c;or brew one cup and go through http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/ 655804;1399053744;bitcoinpete;mircea_popescu: maybe disney can make your movie happen: http://www.theonion.com/articles/disney-ceo-figures-theyve-built-up-enough-goodwill,35874/ 655805;1399053745;MarieLynn;;;gpg eregister MarieLynn 8DD69C90 655806;1399053745;gribble;Error: '8DD69C90' is not a valid GPG key id. Please use the long form 16 digit key id. 655807;1399053787;mircea_popescu; between Apocalyptic, pankkake, davout, and now MarieLynn (and who knows who else) I feel at such a disadvantage for not speaking French << nubbins. 655808;1399053800;MarieLynn;Thanks guys! 655809;1399053838;bitcoinpete;MarieLynn: don't mention it! 655810;1399053854;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: so when are we renaming the room #bitcoin-ásséts ? 655811;1399053883;pankkake;speaking of passwords, I'm slowly moving towards requiring more than a password everywhere to access my data 655812;1399053884;fluffypony;or #le-bitcoin-ásséts 655813;1399053885;Apocalyptic;sounds hungarian to me 655814;1399053907;Apocalyptic;(french don't have ) 655815;1399053908;BingoBoingo;fluffypony: Probably around 1750 or so 655816;1399053916;MarieLynn;I want to join the WOT but I cannot find my long form id, it's in the friggin UBUNTU key server. 655817;1399053955;mircea_popescu;fluffypony i hate accents and shit. i write romanian without too 655818;1399053966;pankkake;MarieLynn: gpg -k --keyid-format=long (if you use the CLI) 655819;1399053975;mircea_popescu;^ 655820;1399053994;MarieLynn;;;gpg eregister MarieLynn 59748D208DD69C90 655821;1399053998;gribble;Request successful for user MarieLynn, hostmask MarieLynn!4a74bfc2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Get your encrypted OTP from http://bitcoin-otc.com/otps/59748D208DD69C90 655822;1399054005;MarieLynn;hey, it didn't complain :) 655823;1399054008;mircea_popescu;gpg --list-keys --fingerprint does the samer thing 655824;1399054030;fluffypony;Apocalyptic: it was une petit blague 655825;1399054044;MarieLynn;So are you guys here all the time? 24/7 655826;1399054059;fluffypony;!up MarieLynn 655827;1399054059;assbot;Voicing MarieLynn for 30 minutes. 655828;1399054068;pankkake;depends. logs are available by the way: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/ 655829;1399054074;mircea_popescu;petite 655830;1399054082;fluffypony;gd 655831;1399054084;fluffypony;petite 655832;1399054095;MarieLynn;what does voicing mean? (remember no irc since 1997 here...) 655833;1399054103;mircea_popescu;!down MarieLynn 655834;1399054107;mircea_popescu;now you can't talk see ? 655835;1399054114;mircea_popescu;!up MarieLynn 655836;1399054114;assbot;Voicing MarieLynn for 30 minutes. 655837;1399054133;MarieLynn;sdds 655838;1399054133;pankkake;if the channel has the +m mode, only +v users can talk. otherwise, it's just vanity 655839;1399054147;MarieLynn;alrighty then :) 655840;1399054153;mircea_popescu;so basically MarieLynn is moiety in 20 years ? :D 655841;1399054173;MarieLynn;moiety? 655842;1399054177;fluffypony;"Mr. Karpelès purchased a $35,000 Backen pastry oven and a $23,000 La Marzocco coffee machine, say the people involved in the project. He also hired an independent pastry consultant and put a Tibanne employee full-time on the café project." 655843;1399054182;fluffypony;lawlicious 655844;1399054198;mircea_popescu;lol 655845;1399054199;kakobrekla;this is a joke right? 655846;1399054204;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla nah. 655847;1399054223;fluffypony;kakobrekla: how else do you start a Bitcoin café without a pastry consultant? 655848;1399054224;mircea_popescu;MarieLynn there's a chick here, by that name. she's in her 20s, tries to run online communities and also likes cats. 655849;1399054240;kakobrekla;fluffypony you got me there. 655850;1399054260;mircea_popescu;fluffypony no macarons tho. very scam, this french. 655851;1399054262;pankkake;;;rate MarieLynn 1 http://marie-lynn.org/ 655852;1399054263;gribble;Error: User doesn't exist in the Rating or GPG databases. User must be GPG-registered to receive ratings. 655853;1399054268;fluffypony;lol 655854;1399054279;pankkake;MarieLynn: you're missing the last step, decrypting the OTP, I guess 655855;1399054300;MarieLynn;Well awesome for her. When I was 20 I had to compase the facebook and photocopy it and send it through the regular mail :) 655856;1399054345;fluffypony;;;ud compase 655857;1399054345;gribble;Google found nothing. 655858;1399054352;*;fluffypony breathes a sight of relief 655859;1399054367;pankkake;compile? 655860;1399054374;fluffypony;compose? 655861;1399054380;kakobrekla;compass 655862;1399054389;fluffypony;comp ass 655863;1399054400;mircea_popescu;http://marie-lynn.org/blog/page/31/ < check it out, 1990s blog posts 655864;1399054400;ozbot;Marie-Lynn Richard | Social Media & Web Technologist / Entrepreneur / Mom / Crafty Bitch 655865;1399054420;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 15 @ 0.07178681 = 1.0768 BTC [-] {4} 655866;1399054446;mircea_popescu;http://marie-lynn.org/1992/03/01/temps-libres/ lol. 655867;1399054447;ozbot;Magazine Temps Libres | Marie-Lynn Richard 655868;1399054473;MarieLynn;These are entries from my project files :) I just imported those they are not yet correctly formatted. 655869;1399054473;mircea_popescu;"you love exploring the world but you got no money. what do you do ?" 655870;1399054482;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 7 @ 0.07182659 = 0.5028 BTC [+] 655871;1399054487;mircea_popescu;you'd expect "suck a mean cock", but no. "go to a museum" 655872;1399054527;MarieLynn;http://marie-lynn.org/2013/09/14/behind-the-scenes-of-the-original-face-book/ 655873;1399054527;ozbot;Behind the Scenes of the Original Face Book | Marie-Lynn Richard 655874;1399054542;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.07100033 = 0.213 BTC [-] {2} 655875;1399054543;MarieLynn;Ozbot we are soulmates I guess 655876;1399054571;mircea_popescu;it's a bot, it reads the title. 655877;1399054572;fluffypony;or just put in your Encarta 1995 CD and browse 655878;1399054597;MarieLynn;LOL 655879;1399054599;mircea_popescu;"What does a girls do when guys online keep asking for her photo?" 655880;1399054601;mircea_popescu;drops the s ? 655881;1399054754;MarieLynn;;;gpg eauth MarieLynn 655882;1399054754;gribble;Error: This nick is not registered. Please register. 655883;1399054786;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.03349723 = 0.1675 BTC [-] {4} 655884;1399054815;mircea_popescu;MarieLynn you have to register it with nickserv. 655885;1399054827;kakobrekla;he means gribble 655886;1399054835;pankkake;MarieLynn: you have to decrypt the OTP link it gave you earlier. http://bitcoin-otc.com/otps/59748D208DD69C90 655887;1399054835;mircea_popescu;wait, she did that no ? 655888;1399054843;mircea_popescu;oh nm me. 655889;1399054877;mircea_popescu;well ok, off to show the girls caligula. laters. 655890;1399054907;MarieLynn;;;gpg everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:a1338dc312fcbfa6cddc12fd4ccd03a73196ac87572155292907c7c8 655891;1399054908;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07343379 = 0.1469 BTC [+] {2} 655892;1399054909;gribble;Registration successful. You are now authenticated for user MarieLynn with key 59748D208DD69C90 655893;1399054918;pankkake;;;rate MarieLynn 1 http://marie-lynn.org/ 655894;1399054919;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user MarieLynn has been recorded. 655895;1399054940;MarieLynn;I used to compose/compile the facebook by hand and send it through snail mail 655896;1399054962;Apocalyptic;MarieLynn, everytime i read your nick it reminds me of Merrill Lynch 655897;1399054974;MarieLynn;Okay, I made my way through this WOT thingy ! 655898;1399054976;pankkake;you should sue Mark Zuckerberg 655899;1399054977;kakobrekla;you are able to voice yourself now btw, by typing !up to assbot private chat, MarieLynn . 655900;1399054990;MarieLynn;Thanks pankkake 655901;1399055013;MarieLynn;I invented SEO too, just so we are on the same page LOL 655902;1399055022;ThickAsThieves;MarieLynn your blog lacks an Altcoin logo 655903;1399055039;MarieLynn;What do you mean, there are like 8 on the front page 655904;1399055044;ThickAsThieves;www.therealaltocin.org 655905;1399055046;MarieLynn;I am launching my own altcoin soon BTW 655906;1399055047;ThickAsThieves;oops 655907;1399055053;pankkake;no, Altcoin, the altcoin 655908;1399055057;pankkake;:) 655909;1399055057;ThickAsThieves;www.therealaltcoin.org 655910;1399055084;ThickAsThieves;it's goal is to make all altcoins useless 655911;1399055096;MarieLynn;TaT, I will add it to my database. There are almost 700 coins in my friggin database. 655912;1399055097;ThickAsThieves;so everyone can focus on one altcoin, Altcoin 655913;1399055100;MarieLynn;Too many coins! 655914;1399055109;pankkake;hence Altcoin 655915;1399055133;ThickAsThieves;yeah you can get rid of the other Altcoins probly, would be much cleaner! 655916;1399055134;MarieLynn;I will look at it seriously promise. It's my self-imposed job to figure out all this 655917;1399055155;ThickAsThieves;you might enjoy the linked thread and other services on the home page 655918;1399055167;ThickAsThieves;no pre-mine! 655919;1399055169;ThickAsThieves;etc 655920;1399055174;MarieLynn;Well... There are useful alt coins or coins that have a very specific niche, I believe in those but the coingen copy paste alt coins is like vomit 655921;1399055183;ThickAsThieves;lol 655922;1399055203;kakobrekla;you guys are worse than traveling agents 655923;1399055210;kakobrekla;imma bbl. 655924;1399055227;MarieLynn;Our coin is going to be so unique, I am not even sure exchanges will touch it with a ten foot pole... Will be interesting 655925;1399055241;ThickAsThieves;well it's kinda hard to introduce ATC to someone 655926;1399055243;pankkake;I made a coin that no exchange touched 655927;1399055256;ThickAsThieves;and an investment fund no one invested in 655928;1399055257;fluffypony;PankkakeKoin? 655929;1399055258;MarieLynn;which one was it 655930;1399055285;pankkake;Bernankoin. they didn't touch it for good reason, it simply cannot have a non-decreasing value 655931;1399055298;MarieLynn;I am sure there are applications for our concept coin but so far it's just a surrealist coin R&D experiment. 655932;1399055315;fluffypony;someone should fork TimeKoin 655933;1399055317;MarieLynn;LOL great concept 655934;1399055326;MarieLynn;What does TimeKoin do? 655935;1399055350;fluffypony;MarieLynn: it's written in PHP 655936;1399055350;ThickAsThieves;waste time? 655937;1399055354;fluffypony;that should tell you everything you need to know 655938;1399055364;MarieLynn;hahaha! 655939;1399055428;MarieLynn;Do any of you want to co-found a 100% new coin concept? It's going to be super fun. Right now we need a crypto-educated developer (wallets) but the rest we have already written. 655940;1399055459;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.0734422 = 0.3672 BTC [-] 655941;1399055460;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 76 @ 0.00599335 = 0.4555 BTC [+] {3} 655942;1399055509;ThickAsThieves;1 altcoin is already stretching the attention span 655943;1399055549;fluffypony;MarieLynn: unfortunately I'm a poor C developer 655944;1399055577;fluffypony;I'm much better at being an A to all the Ds on the forum 655945;1399055624;MarieLynn;Wouldn't that put you above the average alt coin developer Fluffy? :) 655946;1399055634;pankkake;eheh 655947;1399055663;fluffypony;lol 655948;1399055676;pankkake;I learned truly nothing by altcoining. My code even made GCC emit warnings and I didn't care 655949;1399055684;MarieLynn;Is this a 24/7 thing or do you have mneetup times? 655950;1399055697;fluffypony;24/7 655951;1399055701;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 7 @ 0.0319999 = 0.224 BTC [+] 655952;1399055703;fluffypony;but we're all on different timezones 655953;1399055713;pankkake;it's 24/7, but you can get a reply hours later. it's generally as everywhere on IRC 655954;1399055715;fluffypony;so it waxes and wanes 655955;1399055732;fluffypony;which is why everyone checks the logs - http://log.bitcoin-assets.com 655956;1399055805;MarieLynn;Tx 655957;1399055869;pankkake;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=462370.2720 is getting interesting. there are still some strongly delusional people, but some others are actually considering doing SOMETHING (next page) 655958;1399055871;ozbot;[ActiveMining] Official Shareholder Discussion Thread [Moderated] 655959;1399055949;pankkake;if the second ones get something out of the company, even at the expense of the firsts, I'd be happy 655960;1399055982;pankkake;and by expense I mean that when the first ones sue, there will be nothing left, not that they would have gotten anything by playing nice 655961;1399055997;fluffypony;;;gettrust assbot MarieLynn 655962;1399055997;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask MarieLynn!4a74bfc2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Trust relationship from user assbot to user MarieLynn: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=MarieLynn | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=MarieLynn | Rated since: Fri May 2 14:21:45 2014 655963;1399056011;fluffypony;MarieLynn: if you want to up yourself you can just message !up to assbot 655964;1399056064;fluffypony;pankkake: what's this 4 year investigation thing? playing catch up 655965;1399056067;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7900 @ 0.00096945 = 7.6587 BTC [-] 655966;1399056178;pankkake;Missouri Securities Division sending the issuer a letter. not much more is known 655967;1399056187;fluffypony;interesting 655968;1399056555;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13063 @ 0.00096945 = 12.6639 BTC [-] 655969;1399056738;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 9 @ 0.07230675 = 0.6508 BTC [-] {3} 655970;1399056860;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 6 @ 0.0721101 = 0.4327 BTC [-] 655971;1399056921;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07344248 = 0.1469 BTC [+] 655972;1399057043;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.07155505 = 0.2862 BTC [-] {2} 655973;1399057165;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [NEOBEEQ] 10000 @ 0.00001261 = 0.1261 BTC [-] {2} 655974;1399057287;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9700 @ 0.0009685 = 9.3945 BTC [-] {2} 655975;1399057714;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.0733999 = 0.2936 BTC [+] 655976;1399057897;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18450 @ 0.00097337 = 17.9587 BTC [+] {3} 655977;1399058019;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53200 @ 0.00096758 = 51.4753 BTC [-] {4} 655978;1399058134;MarieLynn;I am back 655979;1399058144;MarieLynn;Tx Fluffy 655980;1399058208;fluffypony;no problemo 655981;1399058679;thestringpuller;A female in #bitcoin-assets 655982;1399058685;thestringpuller;i'm sure mircea_popescu will be pleased 655983;1399058752;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.07346722 = 0.2939 BTC [+] 655984;1399058769;thestringpuller;!jd MPIF 655985;1399058769;assbot;Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 163.71643613 BTC 655986;1399058873;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 12 @ 0.07346722 = 0.8816 BTC [+] 655987;1399058989;pankkake;I'd think b-a has a higher female ratio than most bitcoin channels 655988;1399059054;mircea_popescu;;;rate MarieLynn 1 she's been failing at succeeding for decades now. that takes mettle. 655989;1399059055;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user MarieLynn has been recorded. 655990;1399059096;kakobrekla;pankkake most = any 655991;1399059138;kakobrekla;prolly same goes for mps conf, but that is saved cause of the low attendance count overall :D 655992;1399059148;mircea_popescu; MarieLynn: unfortunately I'm a poor C developer << how da heck are you poor now. 655993;1399059150;thestringpuller;LOL 655994;1399059158;fluffypony;hah 655995;1399059171;thestringpuller;fluffypony can't get credit at < 20% 655996;1399059178;fluffypony;poor: "of a low or inferior standard or quality." 655997;1399059193;mircea_popescu; if the second ones get something out of the company, even at the expense of the firsts, I'd be happy << need a company first. 655998;1399059230;mircea_popescu; pankkake most = any << defo. there's what, like a dozen girls here. 655999;1399059241;fluffypony;thestringpuller: depends on the product, but for personal loans we get shafted here :/ 656000;1399059242;MarieLynn;Mircea I've been succeeding at failing rather LOL :) 656001;1399059243;pankkake;I try to make my statements harder to contradict while keeping them provocative enough 656002;1399059272;kakobrekla;you mean you like to sound like a pussy 656003;1399059275;mircea_popescu;^ 656004;1399059291;mircea_popescu;everybody fucking types faster than i can 656005;1399059306;mircea_popescu;i wonder if keeping both hands on kbd'd help 656006;1399059321;pankkake;that slander 656007;1399059332;mod6;im slow typer too :/ 656008;1399059343;kakobrekla;i was accused of same, then told pussies have a big heart. so go with that. 656009;1399059354;mod6;haha 656010;1399059367;MarieLynn;Mircea, thanks for the Tweet. I used to buy a lot of art from Romania, I kept the cute export papers in French :) 656011;1399059377;mircea_popescu;pussies have a big heart because all the cocks coming in and out enlarge it in the end. 656012;1399059395;mircea_popescu;MarieLynn like what art ? 656013;1399059436;mircea_popescu;http://pankkake.headfucking.net/2014/05/02/yo-bitcoin-assets-i-put-contrarianism-in-your-contrarianism/ << here's pancake trying to rebrand being a pussy as being a gadfly. 656014;1399059437;ozbot;Yo #bitcoin-assets, I put contrarianism in your contrarianism | pankkake 656015;1399059447;MarieLynn;Student art from an assistant professor. Most of it counts as cubist :) 656016;1399059451;pankkake;what's pussy about that? 656017;1399059468;mircea_popescu;nothing, really. 656018;1399059476;mircea_popescu;but I try to make my statements harder to contradict while keeping them absurd enough 656019;1399059501;pankkake;:D 656020;1399059677;pankkake;I thought your technique was to drown in words 656021;1399059712;pankkake;"let me tell you a story…" contradictor falls asleep, win by default 656022;1399059780;MarieLynn;Bacău mostly this one is my favorite piece of Romanian Art https://www.dropbox.com/s/i1pfi2vnfuhizl6/2014-05-02%2015.36.54.jpg 656023;1399059781;thestringpuller;let me tell you a story about a henchman named speedy 656024;1399059815;pankkake;I just want to rotate it for some reason 656025;1399059827;ThickAsThieves;well you guys can blog about superiority, pankakke about inferiority, and i'll take ulteriority 656026;1399059852;pankkake;who will blog about seniority? 656027;1399059860;MarieLynn;Have fun rotating, there's a lot of kookey things goin on in there ;) 656028;1399059879;pankkake;oh it's a horse! of course, it's romanian 656029;1399059881;ThickAsThieves;isnt seniority superiority? 656030;1399059901;pankkake;unless it's senility 656031;1399059931;fluffypony;pankkake: did you just admit to being old? 656032;1399059944;ThickAsThieves;is there an iority for meta? 656033;1399059952;fluffypony;ThickAsThieves: mediocrity 656034;1399059960;ThickAsThieves;was waiting for it 656035;1399059989;pankkake;I wouln't be considered old, I don't really like being old, but I feel old 656036;1399060011;mike_c;tsk tsk kakobrekla. http://i.huffpost.com/gen/1755239/thumbs/o-YOU-DONT-SAY-570.jpg?2 656037;1399060040;kakobrekla;yeah well tell that to lampelina when she wants me to remove a spider or such. 656038;1399060042;ThickAsThieves;but now you're calling him a coward 656039;1399060047;ThickAsThieves;is there poster for that? 656040;1399060061;mike_c;no, non-gender specific insults are fine 656041;1399060066;ThickAsThieves;ah 656042;1399060100;pankkake;mike_c: that whole campaign… ugh :( 656043;1399060108;kakobrekla;yeah, well the stigma did not create itself 656044;1399060145;mike_c;pankkake: i know. the thought process of whoever wrote those.. it's painful to think about. 656045;1399060216;MarieLynn;Hey you guys, can you pause calling eact other pussies to look at another animal? :P 656046;1399060226;MarieLynn;I made a t-shirt 656047;1399060228;MarieLynn;https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/21419725/satoshi-goose-t-shirt.jpg 656048;1399060237;ThickAsThieves;lol 656049;1399060245;MarieLynn;Going into pre-order pretty soon. You like? 656050;1399060248;pankkake;nice 656051;1399060251;kakobrekla;bitcoin shitting duck? 656052;1399060260;ThickAsThieves;goose 656053;1399060268;ThickAsThieves;yeah it's neat 656054;1399060279;MarieLynn;It's a golden egg goose :) 656055;1399060312;kakobrekla;golden turdmeister is what i see. 656056;1399060312;MarieLynn;It goes with a feature article I am writing about a brain wallet we are trying to decrypt right now 656057;1399060325;kakobrekla;maybe im simpleminded 656058;1399060362;mike_c;no, that goose is definitely shitting bitcoin. 656059;1399060394;MarieLynn;well, yes, technically, these birds have only one hole so they are either turds or eggs LOL 656060;1399060410;pankkake;this is actually quite fascinating 656061;1399060412;mike_c;but geese don't lay eggs standing up 656062;1399060413;MarieLynn;Kinda goes with the story.. 656063;1399060449;kakobrekla;the story of golden turd 656064;1399060481;ThickAsThieves;it's a superior goose 656065;1399060484;kakobrekla;bitcoin dev replies: "yeah but its still in beta you know!" 656066;1399060486;ThickAsThieves;it lays upright 656067;1399060510;MarieLynn;do you guys think bitcoins are golden eggs or turds? 656068;1399060518;ThickAsThieves;golden turds 656069;1399060530;thestringpuller;;;google american dad golden poop 656070;1399060531;gribble;The Golden Turd - American Dad! Wiki - Roger, Steve, Stan: ; The Gold Turd Returns - American Dad - Adult Swim Video: ; Roger (American Dad!) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: 656071;1399060545;MarieLynn;For me it's hard to know, there is always a fricking bitcoin dip right after I get paid!! 656072;1399060555;pankkake;https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%92uf_carr%C3%A9 656073;1399060562;thestringpuller;you're doing it wrong 656074;1399060563;ThickAsThieves;i think bitcoins are just millions of satoshis in disguise 656075;1399060569;kakobrekla;MarieLynn stop getting paid already. 656076;1399060572;mike_c;you get paid in bitcoin? nice. 656077;1399060581;pankkake;well, don't get paid in bitcoin if you don't intend to hold, really 656078;1399060724;MarieLynn;I need the money dude I mistakenly thought that going into bitcoin would get me bitcoins... like more than 1 LOL 656079;1399060741;assbot;Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. (http://dpaste.com/3PT20FM/plain/) 656080;1399060741;kakobrekla;!b 1 656081;1399060742;kakobrekla;ty 656082;1399060759;pankkake;perhaps getting a good paying fiat job should be your immediate priority then 656083;1399060797;MarieLynn;I am still working fiat contracts. 656084;1399060835;MarieLynn;Difference is people will come to me without effort for fiat jobs but I have to wheel and deal like crazy for bitcoins with 22 year olds... it's not the same market. 656085;1399060861;mike_c;well, average in here is definitely > 22. 656086;1399060865;kakobrekla;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=95441.msg6513182#msg6513182 656087;1399060866;ozbot;[Cryptostocks] BBBB Bitcoin Emerging Market Fund 656088;1399060874;kakobrekla;wonder why he hid his name ? 656089;1399060876;pankkake;yes, well; keep the fiat jobs, buy coins / create the right bitcoin market for you 656090;1399060886;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 45 @ 0.07346721 = 3.306 BTC [+] {4} 656091;1399060899;pankkake;average on bitcointalk is probably <22 :( 656092;1399060947;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 17 @ 0.07383692 = 1.2552 BTC [+] {3} 656093;1399060954;pankkake;kakobrekla: Garett McBurger? 656094;1399060974;bitcoinpete;http://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/news/exclusive-pfizer-insider-warns-that-takeover-of-astrazeneca-could-be-devastating-9318884.html << £63 billion. heavy 656095;1399060980;kakobrekla;and im John Travolta ? 656096;1399061003;Apocalyptic;kako, are you saying you're not ? 656097;1399061004;MarieLynn;I have decades of project and staff management experience so I do not expect to work in bitcoin as a developer. Bitcoin needs leadership and guidance for its 22 year old employees!! I have lots of experience developing talent 19-25 656098;1399061019;kakobrekla;no no nevermind i said that Apocalyptic . 656099;1399061074;kakobrekla;well MarieLynn get them to write spec 656100;1399061171;bitcoinpete;https://twitter.com/MikeyMehedin/status/462309907371655168/photo/1 < "let me tell you a story" contradictor falls asleep, win by default << o lies and slander. my stories kick ass 656302;1399067386;jborkl;www.bcoinnews.com < see how well bitcoin investigations go 656303;1399067435;asciilifeform;i dare to invoke the 'parachute theorem,' and say that the time to build comm infrastructure out of the real (or imagined) control of the crown is now, and not when it becomes a dire necessity. 656304;1399067462;mircea_popescu; yeah, well the stigma did not create itself << stigma means, of course, a stain. 656305;1399067464;bounce;so get cracking. 656306;1399067470;asciilifeform;and to think that it is purely an 'american problem' - is a mistake. 656307;1399067488;bounce;;;google mesh potato 656308;1399067489;gribble;Village Telco » Mesh Potato: ; Village Telco » Mesh Potato: ; Mesh Potatoes - Village Telco Store Village Telco Store: 656309;1399067495;mircea_popescu; maybe im simpleminded << buzz off. next you're going to claim you're psychopath too ?! 656310;1399067523;asciilifeform;if you're 'meshing' with consumer hardware, on fixed, documented frequencies - you're a target. 656311;1399067530;bounce;bunch of those would be a convenient start. though I really would prefer a nice high gain omni on top. 656312;1399067555;asciilifeform;if you're pumping out kWatts of whatever, wherever - you're a target. 656313;1399067555;asciilifeform;etc 656314;1399067592;bounce;it's a proven design. now move the radio to some neverland(, and see which military outfit shows up) 656315;1399067592;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you are mistaken in the following sense : i ruled, undisturbed, undisturbable, before the internet was invented. 656316;1399067606;mircea_popescu;should a government - any government - take things back to that level, it'd be to their detriment, not to mine. 656317;1399067628;mircea_popescu;the jury's still out on the topic of whether they can win 2014. the jury however is not out on whether they can win 1994. 656318;1399067631;mircea_popescu;that's soundly decided. 656319;1399067646;BingoBoingo;bounce you know a number of missile targeting systems seek RF emissions. 656320;1399067649;asciilifeform;seems like we're in for an eternal rematch of 1994 656321;1399067655;bounce;once "TSHTF" enforcement agencies will become haphazard in their actions, so nicely spread out stashes would help a lot 656322;1399067656;mircea_popescu;i couldn't be better served. 656323;1399067697;asciilifeform;how many of us expected the key escrow crap to slip right in the second time? 656324;1399067705;mircea_popescu;what second time ? 656325;1399067719;asciilifeform;let's say '04, to make it nice & round. 656326;1399067726;*;bounce thinks the discussion is not constructive. anybody recall why the internet is structured like it is? because it can withstand damage and route around it. 656327;1399067735;asciilifeform;bounce: you're thinking of arpanet 656328;1399067740;joecool;asciilifeform: why not use existing infrastructure, figure out how to inject a signal into powerline 656329;1399067743;mircea_popescu;bounce used to. meanwhile shit like apple happened. 656330;1399067750;asciilifeform;joecool: ever tried this personally? 656331;1399067760;asciilifeform;goes great, until first transformer. 656332;1399067763;bounce;the goal isn't to cook up an invulnerable system. the goal is to cook up a resilient system. ten different systems working together would be even better. 656333;1399067792;asciilifeform;bounce: original design was to resist nukes, rather than a million squads of dutiful monkeys in vans 656334;1399067827;joecool;asciilifeform: yeah i knew that much, but could still use HV lines to go a distance, no? 656335;1399067840;asciilifeform;it would be interesting to study the design of 'Gladio' radio sets - made for stay-behind partizans in nato europe 656336;1399067843;bounce;shit, do fido or uucp over long-range bluetooth for all I care. with nodes hid in stones. 656337;1399067847;asciilifeform;some of these have popped up on surplus market. 656338;1399067870;mircea_popescu;lol kako, bbbb still derping on ? 656339;1399067874;BingoBoingo;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q15X25 656340;1399067874;ozbot;Q15X25 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 656341;1399067892;kakobrekla;mircea_popescu , proudly. 656342;1399067894;joecool;asciilifeform: the idea would be to mesh a town, and use HV lines to link to other towns 656343;1399067900;joecool;(in theory) 656344;1399067903;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/these-fucktards-have-to-be-immortalised-theyre-worse-than-dr-foreskin-even/ 656345;1399067904;ozbot;These fucktards have to be immortalised, they’re worse than Dr. Foreskin even pe Trilema - Un blog 656346;1399067904;mircea_popescu;related. 656347;1399067921;kakobrekla;thats not him 656348;1399067928;mircea_popescu;surf capital ? o yes it is. 656349;1399067940;asciilifeform;joecool: HV lines to link to other towns << works, until the king's men 'helpfully' install filters 656350;1399067951;mircea_popescu;"The Bitcoin Emerging Market Fund (BBBB) initiated a position in the Neo & Bee Payment Network (Havelock: NEOBEE) on 03/07 buying 18 shares. The fund will continue to increase this position in the near term. I love the tangibility of NEOBEEs assets. They have brick and mortar branches and will be providing vital financial services to an area that has traditionally been under-banked. I must note, however, there 656351;1399067951;mircea_popescu;is substantial political risk with this investment. We, as investors, do not know how the Cypriot government will act toward a new financial institution like this. This is especially true given the political turmoil occuring in Ukraine and the Crimea region." 656352;1399067951;asciilifeform;'against transients caused by Klimate Change' 656353;1399067952;mircea_popescu;them. 656354;1399067978;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform how do these "king's men" communicate ? 656355;1399067983;mircea_popescu;how does the king prevent them from working for me ? 656356;1399068004;asciilifeform;lol - that's step 2 of the game. 656357;1399068007;mircea_popescu;you imagine this situation of perfect loyalty and imperfect communications. 656358;1399068007;bounce;what'd be the most widely available stuff that does ssb? I'd expect 27mc. which, since there's lots of crap going on there anyway, wouldn't be a bad band to use 656359;1399068016;asciilifeform;would be nice to see the transition to step 2 sooner, rather than later 656360;1399068024;mircea_popescu;such a thing is nonsensical, much like any scenario breaing thermodynamicsa. 656361;1399068046;mircea_popescu;but the transition happens in its own time for its own reasons, you see. 656362;1399068069;mircea_popescu;that's why it's cheap and effectual : we don't seduce women, we just deign to notice the ones that've seduced themselves already. 656363;1399068083;jborkl;you cant tell me they really referenced BTCjam on credit ratings? 656364;1399068090;mircea_popescu;jborkl i can and i do. 656365;1399068092;kakobrekla;ok so mircea_popescu , dr foreskin : http://mulhauser.net and bbbb idiots (2) https://sites.google.com/site/surfcapitalmgmt/asset-management 656366;1399068095;kakobrekla;different thing. 656367;1399068107;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla the article says x is worse than y. thus it's about x, not y. 656368;1399068108;jborkl;well, I guess people really refernced spongebobs bestie too 656369;1399068114;jborkl;sp 656370;1399068173;jborkl;Maybe Patricks Foreskin investment total return fund 656371;1399068176;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: you imagine this situation of perfect loyalty and imperfect communications << point! the buggers are spotty even at using rsa. how do you say 'funkspiel' in english? 656372;1399068183;kakobrekla;ok i have no argument about that. 656373;1399068193;mircea_popescu; must be missing something.. << or you've just been touched by the gods for once. 656374;1399068198;mircea_popescu;!up tris 656375;1399068198;assbot;Voicing tris for 30 minutes. 656376;1399068215;asciilifeform;funkspiel. радиоигра. english == ??? 656377;1399068244;asciilifeform;;;google funkspiel 656378;1399068245;gribble;Funkspiel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Funkspiel Zwickau [NONG: Funkspiel] TeamSpeak - LIVE view ...: ; Werbevideo vom Funkspiel-Flughafen-München - YouTube: 656379;1399068248;mircea_popescu;bitcoinpete> http://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/02/opinion/egan-sports-the-most-progressive-force-in-america.html <<< lmao they say that as if it were somehow a good thing. lulzy shit. 656380;1399068252;BingoBoingo;http://www.cryptomuseum.com/spy/gladio/ 656381;1399068254;ozbot;Gladio 656382;1399068286;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: yes - them. 656383;1399068292;mircea_popescu;i think you must wreite it like GLADIO 656384;1399068301;mircea_popescu;i noticed that is how you must write everything about these things 656385;1399068301;BingoBoingo;Interesting hardware ascii 656386;1399068380;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: if you study the other exhibits on that site, you will learn that even 1950s soviet 'spy radio' designers understood that one must send very rare messages, in the shortest possible bursts 656387;1399068380;mircea_popescu; Before that I was a tour guide across North America, I started at 18. And a nanny too :) << now how do you figure that being a tour guide and a nanny transitions to providing leadership services for the world's most important project ? 656388;1399068402;bounce;http://www.cryptomuseum.com/spy/gladio/ 656389;1399068404;ozbot;Gladio 656390;1399068404;asciilifeform;russian sets of that period came with hole punchers (similar to the ubiquitous hand-cranked office label printers) 656391;1399068411;kakobrekla;i already gave her instructions 656392;1399068415;jborkl;You get to listen to a bunch of titybabies cry all day? 656393;1399068419;asciilifeform;punch holes in ordinary 35mm film, feed into machine later 656394;1399068443;asciilifeform;this was mainly from a shortage of master 'morsemen' 656395;1399068445;mircea_popescu; But if the neutralistas got their way, people in developing countries wouldnt have better Internet access; many of them would have nothing" << omfg who the shit cares about the poor, what sort of braindamaged argument is this. 656396;1399068449;mircea_popescu;eat the motherfucking poor. 656397;1399068462;bounce;hah, double post. n'mind then. 656398;1399068484;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla yeah im like behind 656399;1399068486;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: they include 'for the good of the poor' in any official proclamation now. as in 'the good of the proletariat' and whatnot. 656400;1399068490;bounce;it'd be useful to have a bursting service on your radio 656401;1399068493;mircea_popescu;and i can't catch up because you're all into explody talkmode 656402;1399068506;kakobrekla;wait lemme +m 656403;1399068521;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform pretty much exactly. which is why a lot more "fuck the poor, they're less than dirt" needs to be stated explicitly. 656404;1399068538;mircea_popescu;otherwise the general fucktarded populace may end up confused, cause they're simple signal processors. 656405;1399068545;asciilifeform;lol 656406;1399068558;mircea_popescu;they keep hearing "coca cola is a drink" they end up thinking it's a drink. 656407;1399068562;mircea_popescu;retarded shit like that. 656408;1399068568;asciilifeform;eat recycled food! 656409;1399068577;asciilifeform;it's good for the environment - and ok fer you! 656410;1399068625;bounce;soylent brown 656411;1399068636;mircea_popescu; living in usa, i admit i'm rather surprised that it is 2014 and i'm not yet forced to pay $500/mo to get something other than ArsebookNet << i think they're running way behind schedule. 656412;1399068665;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform> and wonders like fidonet will return from the grave. << where do you think you're now ? 656413;1399068731;mircea_popescu;fluffypony lmao "chinese rules". i dunno dood, afaik the chinese are the most druggy whoring of the whole lot. 656414;1399068744;fluffypony;lol 656415;1399068808;bounce;that oauth hole isn't really fixable, is it? 656416;1399068881;mircea_popescu; lordy, the forum and bitpay wanna move the bitcoin decimal to two places << enemies of the people. 656417;1399068911;fluffypony;bounce: not without whitelists 656418;1399068912;mircea_popescu;bounce indeed. 656419;1399068914;mircea_popescu;!up SuchWow 656420;1399068914;assbot;Voicing SuchWow for 30 minutes. 656421;1399068922;mircea_popescu;fucking broken by design "security" 656422;1399068937;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/Mircea_Popescu/status/462354080372097024 656423;1399068938;ozbot;Twitter / Mircea_Popescu: http://t.co/VLyAis0h7B I've ... 656424;1399068969;bounce;superfluous apostrophe is superfluous 656425;1399069018;mircea_popescu; the municipalities though would sell scrap licenses for these discarded items and arrest anyone who picked it up without a permit << fucking outrageous. selling licenses on MY trash ? heh. 656426;1399069058;fluffypony;SuchWow: unusual seeing you here 656427;1399069061;joecool;mircea_popescu: yeah, the same logic applies on recyclables 656428;1399069082;SuchWow;Thanks, first I've heard of the chan :) 656429;1399069083;mircea_popescu; and ignored << just because some inconsequential idiots a la bitpay & the forum are herping away dun mean anything's been ignored. you can't ignore the judge, or the bullet. 656430;1399069135;Namworld;Move decimals to two places? You mean as in making 1 BTC = 100 satoshi? 656431;1399069140;fluffypony;Namworld: yes 656432;1399069173;fluffypony;how are they feeding values in to an accounting system anyway? 656433;1399069175;fluffypony;by hand? 656434;1399069193;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo> bounce: HAMs tend to be a territorial and snitchy bunch << only because no real political pressure has been applied to them yet, because nobody gave a shit. normally the sewer rats are also a snitchy, territorial bunch. nevertheless, nobody in the lower east side would talk to a cop, pre ww2. 656435;1399069201;fluffypony;coz if it's programmatic they should be working in satoshis anyway 656436;1399069232;mircea_popescu;they prolly don't know about this, or anything else. 656437;1399069237;Namworld;What? That's retarded. We'd end up with 2000 BTC to the dollar and a shitload of BTC. Plus that wouldn't change anything at all, actually. 656438;1399069238;mircea_popescu;heck, they probably have bitcoin defined as a real. 656439;1399069256;mircea_popescu;Namworld they imagine it'd make more noobs buy, and so make their worthless holdings worth somerthing. 656440;1399069261;mircea_popescu;because they imagine bitcoin is a consumer affair 656441;1399069266;mircea_popescu;because they're braindamaged. 656442;1399069282;mircea_popescu;fluffypony who's he ? 656443;1399069299;Namworld;Plus you know a few places would scam people "We only owe you X BTC" and the generic moron would go "I knew it, BTC under 1 dollar by the end of the year." 656444;1399069304;fluffypony;who's he who? 656445;1399069311;Namworld;Plus much derping around. 656446;1399069341;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform> good luck setting up a line-of-sight anything in u.s. suburbia. << why ? 656447;1399069414;mircea_popescu;fluffypony the SuchWow guy. 656448;1399069432;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: oh, he's an op in #dogecoin 656449;1399069439;SuchWow;I hang out in a large number of bitcoin and dogecoin related chans 656450;1399069442;mircea_popescu;Namworld i can see that, yeah. there's nothing like "confusion" when the "confused" stands to make a buck from it. 656451;1399069449;mircea_popescu;ic. 656452;1399069475;SuchWow;Looking through your websites now, very impressive info. 656453;1399069500;mircea_popescu;http://www.bcoinnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/wtf1.gif this jborkl stuff is pretty good lol 656454;1399069543;Namworld;Go in suburbia, stand any random spot, look around. Line of sight to plenty of solid points will be found. Get creative. (Are we still talking about creating a comm mesh?) 656455;1399069561;mircea_popescu;one of the many threads but yes. 656456;1399069577;mircea_popescu;you can have flying objects in suburbia, you can definitely have stuff hid inside tree tops, etc. 656457;1399069615;mircea_popescu;so trendon shavers managed to funel ~70k through his paypal account. to which paypal gave no trouble at all. why aren't they co-defendants in his case ? 656458;1399069623;mircea_popescu;because his lawyer is fucktarded that's why. 656459;1399069641;mircea_popescu;11k for gas and groceries. and then they claim no inflation eh ? 656460;1399069732;mircea_popescu;"proceeds on btc sold : 600k. trading losses, 150k. net 450k" heh. 656461;1399069747;mircea_popescu;he's almost as bad as the forum average, 25% loss over a year. 656462;1399069772;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: treetops, flying machines parked on office roofs, charging solar, etc. - sure. line of sight to a friendly window, city-style - not likely. 656463;1399069814;mircea_popescu;well that all depends, i guess. what's to keep you from cutting a square foot window in the tree ? 656464;1399069818;mircea_popescu;put a glass panel in your fence ? 656465;1399069845;asciilifeform;what's to keep the stoolies from using their eyes? 656466;1399069857;mircea_popescu;how many stoolies, how many eyes and who;'s going to derp on your land ? 656467;1399069860;mircea_popescu;maybe they get shot. 656468;1399069869;mircea_popescu;accidents happen, and stoolies are in all times and places the first to also have problems. 656469;1399069898;asciilifeform;since we're at the 'pack parachute' stage, nobody's shooting stoolies around here yet. 656470;1399069907;mircea_popescu;that's the only reason, too. 656471;1399069919;mircea_popescu;as i said a few times before, the other party can move it up to getting shot any time it feels ready 656472;1399069925;mircea_popescu;talk to its fambly, say goodbies, come to the field. 656473;1399069938;bounce;drones with mesh potatoes and solar panels for autonomy. some proximity sensors and such. one roof gets too hot for comfort, move to the next. 656474;1399069966;bounce;what's the state of thin foil solar panels anyway? 656475;1399069972;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform or to put it in plainer terms : it is very true one wants to invent parachute before, rather than after being thrown from the plane. 656476;1399069977;mircea_popescu;this point applies to the government. 656477;1399069989;mircea_popescu;i am quite curious to hear what their parachute design will look like. 656478;1399069999;asciilifeform;everybody's seen the photos of fleets of gasenwagen, brand new 656479;1399070002;mircea_popescu;stoolies being what they are, i'll prolly hear about it before they actually accept it. 656480;1399070022;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/georg-ritter-von-flondor-and-what-his-unhappy-life-can-teach-us/ 656481;1399070023;ozbot;Georg Ritter von Flondor, and what his unhappy life can teach us pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Pope 656482;1399070033;mircea_popescu;time to rehash the sad story of von flondor. 656483;1399070190;kakobrekla;this is what tat was talking about ? 656484;1399070191;kakobrekla;http://newsbtc.com/2014/05/02/bitpay-wants-display-bitcoin-prices-bits/ 656485;1399070483;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla hey, why isn't enky ever say anything ? 656486;1399070546;fluffypony;kakobrekla: yes 656487;1399070577;MarieLynn;<+mircea_popescu> what is the world's most important project ? (re: 18:06) 656488;1399070581;kakobrekla;i dunno, he speaks just not much here. 656489;1399070609;kakobrekla;OMG how dare you MarieLynn ! 656490;1399070626;mircea_popescu;MarieLynn http://trilema.com/2013/things-that-matter-these-days-things-that-dont-matter-these-days/ 656491;1399070690;mircea_popescu;the great days when diff was like... 300mn. 656492;1399070694;mircea_popescu;.d 656493;1399070694;ozbot;8.001 billion | Next Diff in 1539 blocks | Estimated Change: 10.1417% in 9d 14h 27m 34s 656494;1399070736;thestringpuller;4.2.1 656495;1399070738;mircea_popescu;back when benkay was liek... correcting my math. how's this benkay baby! six months fixed my broked math. 656496;1399070757;thestringpuller;;;calc 2*3 656497;1399070757;gribble;6 656498;1399070760;thestringpuller;lol 656499;1399070774;asciilifeform;this decimal point crap is a mega-lol. they can't inflate, so... let's move decimal. like in a banana republic, or '90s russia. 656500;1399070790;mircea_popescu;exactly. 656501;1399070803;asciilifeform;cargo cult, too. fat lot of good it will do for the idiots. 656502;1399070823;mircea_popescu;there's more to it asciilifeform. suppose you visit this university, which wants you to take it seriously. in it, the head of nuclear physics is hard at work making an inventory of... his bunions. 656503;1399070835;mircea_popescu;what's that indicate to you ? i mean sure, great men can be eccentric. 656504;1399070842;mircea_popescu;nevertheless... 656505;1399070860;asciilifeform;u.s. academia, in once sentence. 656506;1399070873;MarieLynn;interesting post :) 656507;1399070878;mircea_popescu;maybe the bunion accountant has no business in physics, nuclear or otherwise, and the thing ain't an university in any sense. 656508;1399070893;mircea_popescu;MarieLynn so, that. the one thing that does more than everything else all humans ever did in the entire history of life on earth. 656509;1399070912;MarieLynn;My friend is looking for a Rails dev @ 120-180K for his kinky site... I wish I was a Rails dev all of a sudden :) 656510;1399070915;mircea_popescu;for all your poetry and wit couldn't buy you half a hash. 656511;1399070928;mircea_popescu;davout was a rails dev if memory serves :D 656512;1399070935;pankkake;it's easy to be a Ruby dev. you just need a macbook and a fedora 656513;1399070945;asciilifeform;MarieLynn: dev @ 120-180K << lemme guess, california. 656514;1399070970;MarieLynn;<+mircea_popescu> I will quote you on this when I talk about bitcoin 656515;1399070977;mircea_popescu;;;later tell cgcardona http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-05-2014#656509 656516;1399070977;gribble;The operation succeeded. 656517;1399070990;MarieLynn;Nope The position is anywhere. 656518;1399071015;MarieLynn;Nice opportunity to arbitrage your skills when you live in a super cheap place! 656519;1399071055;asciilifeform;pankkake: you just need a macbook and a fedora << and a leaden stomach 656520;1399071055;mircea_popescu;uh. what do you think arbitrage means ? 656521;1399071081;asciilifeform;note that, e.g. oil rig men get $200K+ 656522;1399071089;pankkake;why? because of starbucks coffees? 656523;1399071094;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform not for doing stuff on reddit tho 656524;1399071095;MarieLynn;You keep living in a cheap place a reap the benefits of working in a place where they pay more for talent. 656525;1399071119;mircea_popescu;MarieLynn mno. that's getting a good remote job. 656526;1399071121;pankkake;maybe I should have left for an oil rig 656527;1399071143;asciilifeform;dealing in redditronics ought to earn a hazard pay, like soviet workers in the far north 656528;1399071160;asciilifeform;in fact... it sorta does. 656529;1399071161;mircea_popescu;pankkake i hear you gotta be a fag to man an oil rig. 656530;1399071188;pankkake;so it's like an union thing 656531;1399071189;asciilifeform;gotta be a fag to man an oil rig << it's not a nuke sub. they rotate the crew occasionally. 656532;1399071239;MarieLynn;My other friend in Saskatchewan says construction workers are impossible to find because the mines pay too high :) 656533;1399071257;asciilifeform;i'm still at a loss as to why gigantic server farms aren't built, in, say, alaska 656534;1399071261;fluffypony;hah hah 656535;1399071266;fluffypony;"Tradefortress has no room to bash anyone else besides Karpeles, Pirate, or maybe Mr. NEOBEE, Danny Brewster. Everyone else, small-time scammers included, would be better company at this point." 656536;1399071269;asciilifeform;or the very same miners. 656537;1399071300;MarieLynn;My boyfriend beats people up for a living but there are few people in Montreal who are tough enough for his classes. 656538;1399071301;asciilifeform;'yeah we're short on cabling, the men delivering had to shoot their dogs' 656539;1399071304;mircea_popescu;MarieLynn arbitrage is the buying and selling of the same one asset (either natural or synthetic) in different markets that are divergent. so in order to arbitrage skills, you'd have to first buy them. skills aren't commodities however, and so this "arbitrage your skills" is just hipster talk. 656540;1399071333;MarieLynn;I shall never use it again in your presence then 656541;1399071341;mircea_popescu;lol ty. 656542;1399071362;mircea_popescu;tbh i was expecting something more along the lines of "wtf is a synthetic" 656543;1399071368;asciilifeform;you can get machine racks in shipping containers. drop them straight on the snow, connect to power plant, put a bit of concertina wire around. 656544;1399071385;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform so your dc sinks ten feet each summer ? 656545;1399071409;asciilifeform;i bet they float just fine. 656546;1399071421;mircea_popescu;how do you find them again if they float ? 656547;1399071430;asciilifeform;radio? 656548;1399071433;mircea_popescu;;;google otters holding hands. 656549;1399071433;gribble;Otters holding hands - YouTube: ; Otterly adorable: Dozy otters hold hands while taking a nap so they ...: ; Sea otter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: 656550;1399071445;asciilifeform;or that. 656551;1399071448;bounce;the offshoring brokers are in a sense arbitraging skills 656552;1399071449;asciilifeform;anchor. 656553;1399071462;benkay;who's this MarieLynn ? 656554;1399071464;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform anyway, i know the daughter of the guy that designed fucking buildings there. it's insanely expensive, you have to anchor i nthe permafrost. 656555;1399071475;mircea_popescu;benkay see teh log, she actually properly introduced herself. 656556;1399071477;pankkake;benkay: use the WoT, m8 656557;1399071479;asciilifeform;ammonal is expensive now? 656558;1399071491;benkay;;;gettrust MarieLynn 656559;1399071492;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask MarieLynn!4a74bfc2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Trust relationship from user benkay to user MarieLynn: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=benkay&dest=MarieLynn | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=MarieLynn | Rated since: Fri May 2 14:21:45 2014 656560;1399071508;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform listen, for your average "rich american" 10 cubic meters of cement are expensive. 656561;1399071513;asciilifeform;lol 656562;1399071517;mircea_popescu;don't go telling me about how a 200 meter long pike is nothing. 656563;1399071528;asciilifeform;average american will not be hosting in the klondike, agreed. 656564;1399071588;mircea_popescu;bounce yeah, something like that, perhaps. 656565;1399071630;asciilifeform;almost certainly good ROI though if you factor cooling. 656566;1399071643;mircea_popescu;up until some derps come to confiscate your cattle 656567;1399071650;asciilifeform;lol 656568;1399071652;mircea_popescu;because your cooling is endangering the spotted ice shrimp 656569;1399071658;asciilifeform;let them confiscate hot reactor. 656570;1399071682;benkay;lol MarieLynn your website has an obama quote? is that...are you...what even ams, yo 656571;1399071687;mircea_popescu;you're going to erect an atmosphere-cooled, unauthorised nuclear reactor in alaska ? 656572;1399071692;mircea_popescu;and they say i'm wild. 656573;1399071709;mircea_popescu;benkay she's a canadian, she's entitled to vote for obama. 656574;1399071725;asciilifeform;i bet they've got one in norilsk as we speak. 656575;1399071739;mircea_popescu;nah. they'd have blown it by now. 656576;1399071748;mircea_popescu;not even actual experts can run the shit russians make. 656577;1399071782;mircea_popescu;it's like java on rails for nuclear physicists. 656578;1399071800;fluffypony;http://i.imgur.com/6IwIdeZ.png 656579;1399071802;MarieLynn;Benkay I put it there for fun, I just met him casually about 22 years ago with his mom :) 656580;1399071814;asciilifeform;herr orlov had a piece, where he 'what if concert pianos sometimes exploded' 656581;1399071824;asciilifeform;'how many serious pianists left' 656582;1399071828;MarieLynn;I still haven't asked the museum archivist to tak out the note he wrote in the guestbook. Barrie! 656583;1399071830;benkay;"java on rails for nuclear physicists" << lulzlozlozwlw 656584;1399071931;mircea_popescu;MarieLynn how;'s the guy';s mom like ? 656585;1399071941;mircea_popescu;the red us press was making her sound like a monster recently. 656586;1399071984;MarieLynn;She seemed very aloof. She was busy looking at this http://www.seminairedequebec.org/photos/Maquette-du-site-du-Seminaire-au-Musee-de-l-Amerique-francaise_gp267438.html 656587;1399072018;MarieLynn;Obama is a surprising person. Freakishly thin. Very 'rememberable' 656588;1399072066;mircea_popescu;bitcoinpete "non-delfationary " is what ? 656589;1399072155;benkay;MarieLynn: what brought you in here? 656590;1399072169;mircea_popescu;"Berkshire quarterly profit hurt by weather, insurance" 656591;1399072173;mircea_popescu;mwahahaha suffer bitch. 656592;1399072210;MarieLynn;I was walking on this steet called Twitter and BitcoinPete picked me up! 656593;1399072232;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16950 @ 0.00096627 = 16.3783 BTC [-] {2} 656594;1399072243;bounce;easy street, no 656595;1399072263;MarieLynn;Usually when I participate in these things I wind up wioth an annoying stalker so I haven't been in IRC for over a decade. 656596;1399072263;fluffypony;BingoBoingo: http://i.imgur.com/T7sPGDX.jpg 656597;1399072285;fluffypony;uh I know MarieLynn, gribble stalks me all the time 656598;1399072287;FabianB;MarieLynn: your red wordpress emergency button is leading to "No Results Found" 656599;1399072287;fluffypony;gribble: stalker. 656600;1399072293;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31472 @ 0.00096538 = 30.3824 BTC [-] {2} 656601;1399072300;BingoBoingo;fluffypony: Amazing how that actually fits history 656602;1399072313;MarieLynn;Damn PasswordBox always changing my fields! Thanks for the heads up. 656603;1399072336;artifexd; it's like java on rails for nuclear physicists. << lol & bashed 656604;1399072339;Namworld;Trendon was such a retard... "Herp derp, I'm going to run a ponzi scheme and just use spend everything directly on all my personal accounts." 656605;1399072346;mircea_popescu;^ 656606;1399072361;Namworld;and sold 85000 BTC for like 2 bucks each after trading losses... 656607;1399072375;mircea_popescu;btw, http://complex.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2014/05/01/the_military_s_top_spy_will_be_a_woman 656608;1399072379;Namworld;Looks like most was returned to "investors" 656609;1399072400;mircea_popescu;that chick's actually smart, too. 656610;1399072413;Namworld;Wow, so much work and trouble for just 165k USD 656611;1399072427;fluffypony;Namworld: yeah I was expecting more 656612;1399072447;Namworld;I never saw those numbers... this is absurd. 656613;1399072500;fluffypony;but he did have the good fortune of many back rubs 656614;1399072597;fluffypony;csshih: https://www.yahoo.com/tech/the-triatholight-a-300-hour-flashlight-that-seems-too-84489515654.html <- thoughts? 656615;1399072690;csshih;fluffypony, really 656616;1399072713;csshih;holy shit 32 led bulbs with a massive 20,000 mcd?! 656617;1399072720;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14300 @ 0.00096474 = 13.7958 BTC [-] {2} 656618;1399072741;bounce;you can get whatwasit 100 hours out of a single aa... but it won't be much light. 656619;1399072765;csshih;yeah it's a boatload of advertising bullshit 656620;1399072777;csshih;OURS HAS MORE LEDS IT"S BETTER 656621;1399072788;mircea_popescu;add some blades. 656622;1399072802;fluffypony;bounce: absolutely - on my ZebraLight SC51s I can do 4 days at ~3 lumens 656623;1399072816;fluffypony;csshih: I thought you'd enjoy it :) 656624;1399072819;csshih;fluffypony, check out the zebraligh sc52 656625;1399072828;fluffypony;csshih: I know - it's time for an upgrade 656626;1399072837;csshih;it can do 3 months.. grated at 0.01 lumens LOL 656627;1399072849;csshih;but OMG 2000 hours 656628;1399072855;fluffypony;csshih: I'm sure I mentioned to you the other day 1 of my SC51s has grown legs, gah 656629;1399072855;bounce;or the lri proton pro, or a host of other high-end flashlights 656630;1399072863;csshih;haha 656631;1399072864;csshih;oops 656632;1399072870;csshih;yeah the lri is nice, but it's dated 656633;1399072879;bounce;can't get'em here 656634;1399072922;MarieLynn;LEDs hurt my eyes... Can't... 656635;1399072925;bounce;all I have is a photon II, came as a giveaway. guy had a sack full of'em, when in yurp they cost 20 euro a piece. 656636;1399072926;fluffypony;bounce: http://www.illuminationsupply.com 656637;1399072942;csshih;yikes 656638;1399072953;csshih;oh yeah that's my shop, thanks fluffypony 656639;1399072965;fluffypony;bounce: you should pester csshih for a coupon code :-P 656640;1399072990;bounce;still a continent away 656641;1399073008;fluffypony;they do international shipping, yo 656642;1399073011;csshih;ya 656643;1399073020;fluffypony;on the Photon topic tho 656644;1399073025;assbot;[MPEX] [FN] [F.MPIF] 500 @ 0.00021725 = 0.1086 BTC [+] 656645;1399073026;fluffypony;the ReX was an amazing piece of kit 656646;1399073026;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 656647;1399073029;mircea_popescu;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bmo3q9yCEAA-LtT.jpg 656648;1399073031;fluffypony;so glad I still have mine 656649;1399073033;mircea_popescu;check out the drop. 656650;1399073046;fluffypony;with solar and USB chargers 656651;1399073060;bounce;dramatic. what's dropping? 656652;1399073063;fluffypony;just a pity that you have to strip it and waterproof it yourself 656653;1399073075;csshih;what am I looking at 656654;1399073084;MarieLynn;yeah writing too small 656655;1399073107;fluffypony;bounce: at the top left you can see it says "Misutyusri QU530YT -RR" 656656;1399073108;fluffypony;duh. 656657;1399073111;dignork;BingoBoingo: you asked for openbsd build instructions for bitcoin 7.x: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/1a8deaffc95d102a2dbc 656658;1399073149;bounce;I'd not've made that out hadn't you told 656659;1399073163;thestringpuller;MarieLynn: New Year.s Resolution = Use AirBnB. a lot! << @_@ coincidentally I just had the worst rental experience of my life with them 656660;1399073170;bounce;sudoitis on openbsd. phail. 656661;1399073180;thestringpuller;if the owners where in WoT i would be neg rating them right now 656662;1399073182;fluffypony;;;google Misutyusri QU530YT -RR 656663;1399073182;bounce;curl? CURL? 656664;1399073183;gribble;No matches found. 656665;1399073189;fluffypony;lawl 656666;1399073212;dignork;bounce: curl vs. wget? 656667;1399073223;mircea_popescu;bounce t yields. 656668;1399073227;fluffypony;openbsd doesn't come with wget preloaded 656669;1399073230;MarieLynn;What happened <+thestringpuller> 656670;1399073231;bounce;at least freebsd has "fetch" in base, dunno what openbsd does there 656671;1399073252;thestringpuller;hmm that didn't highlight for me 656672;1399073265;MarieLynn;I suck at IRC, educate me :) 656673;1399073268;thestringpuller;;;google site:trilema.com lets have fun with paul graham 656674;1399073269;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07444265 = 0.1489 BTC [+] 656675;1399073270;gribble;Let's have fun with Paul Graham pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea ...: ; Decembrie 2012 pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: ; Fata morgana II, or don't you just hate it when you come up with an ...: That sucks. My last AirBnB in Toronto had a kleptomaniac cat... Other than that, good experiences so far. 656688;1399073498;mircea_popescu;MarieLynn thestringpuller i think there may be a strong difference based on location. airbnb may work a lot better outside of the us than inside. 656689;1399073517;bounce;what's with the wholesale quoting? o_O? 656690;1399073527;mircea_popescu;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bmp51XUCIAEc8KW.jpg:large << warren buffett now associating with... wait for it... with ginsu knives. 656691;1399073537;thestringpuller;BingoBoingo: How about a Yankees game? 656692;1399073547;bounce;BingoBoingo: even then ports is the right place to store the compilation instructions 656693;1399073550;mircea_popescu;if he starts doing jay leno and roger/cathylee i'll weep 656694;1399073563;bounce;that is more or less why the thing exists 656695;1399073591;BingoBoingo;thestringpuller: Maybe? 656696;1399073599;MarieLynn;I look at AirBnB in Moscow and St-Petersburg and the places in St-P. are palacial and the stuff in Moscow is dinky... Wonder what it will be like. 656697;1399073660;mircea_popescu;im pretty sure it's palatial. 656698;1399073687;BingoBoingo;bounce: Sure, but sometimes you gotta be able to reproduce something in a different way. It may not be the most right way. 656699;1399073737;bounce;well, if there isn't a port then this is as good a point as any to cook one up 656700;1399073764;MarieLynn;Okay, I only want palatable :P 656701;1399073813;bounce;heh, tritium glow fobs. apparently they're made somewhere near here but you can't buy'em. can buy'em in the uk but only if you live there due to transport regulations and shit 656702;1399073818;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 600 @ 0.00096812 = 0.5809 BTC [+] 656703;1399073825;mircea_popescu;get a load of this fucktard : 656704;1399073827;mircea_popescu;Noah Rothman Hungary, first member of the Warsaw Pact to slough off the bonds of communism, most resistant to Russ sanctions pic.twitter.com/L9B0sdPhzx 656705;1399073827;mircea_popescu;Mircea Popescu @NoahCRothman O look, Romania not included. Because everyone else EXCEPT Romania had troops in Odessa, amirite ? #irrelevantidiocy 656706;1399073827;mircea_popescu;Noah Rothman @Mircea_Popescu not sure what you're getting at. Finland not included either. Are you suggesting Romanian operatives active in Ukr? 656707;1399073843;mircea_popescu;so... he doesn't understand what i'm getting at. because FINLAND was also omitted. 656708;1399073847;bounce;commie bonds? what's the yield on that? 656709;1399073863;mircea_popescu;o, what relevancy could omitting all the people against have on an article discussing "the only people against" ? 656710;1399073874;mircea_popescu;bounce syphilis. 656711;1399073909;bounce;you wish. 656712;1399073929;bounce;could perchance do an ideology market thingy 656713;1399073949;bounce;(biggest yield: irony) 656714;1399074095;mircea_popescu;unintentional irony crits 656715;1399074097;mircea_popescu;> 9k. 656716;1399074132;mircea_popescu;;;later tell bitcoinpete i'm told by my obviously bored intel that in point of fact 1,045 yo made some chick "the oldest living protoss" 656717;1399074132;gribble;The operation succeeded. 656718;1399074489;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 47524 @ 0.00096422 = 45.8236 BTC [-] {3} 656719;1399074550;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17810 @ 0.00096359 = 17.1615 BTC [-] {2} 656720;1399074550;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 8 @ 0.07439009 = 0.5951 BTC [-] 656721;1399074602;thestringpuller;BingoBoingo: come on everyone loves a yankee's game 656722;1399074635;BingoBoingo;thestringpuller: Well, I think they are actually coming out here this year, some time. I dunno when though. 656723;1399074701;thestringpuller;where u @ 656724;1399074737;BingoBoingo;thestringpuller: St Louis-ish 656725;1399074761;thestringpuller;i haven't been to MO since 2011 656726;1399074766;thestringpuller;damn 656727;1399074770;thestringpuller;how time flies.. 656728;1399074793;BingoBoingo;Yeah 656729;1399074892;thestringpuller;I'll send you some crypto mail soon and we'll have a BTC game day. 656730;1399074950;BingoBoingo;Cool. 656731;1399075301;BingoBoingo;%book 656732;1399075303;atcbot;25k@239 33k@225 23k@224 | 48k@200 90k@156 10k@155 656733;1399075502;csshih;o/ BigBitz 656734;1399076014;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 800 @ 0.00096812 = 0.7745 BTC [+] 656735;1399077051;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07410072 = 0.1482 BTC [-] 656736;1399077112;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 11 @ 0.07452036 = 0.8197 BTC [+] {3} 656737;1399077173;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.07455956 = 0.2237 BTC [+] {2} 656738;1399079638;kakobrekla;if anyone is short of doge bullshit; http://moneyandtech.com/dogecon-sf-costume-contest-winner/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=dogecon-sf-costume-contest-winner 656739;1399079785;Namworld;That's some thick chest hair... 656740;1399079885;kakobrekla;i watched a bunch of episodes of computer chronicles quite some time ago, i guess this kennas show will have a similar feel in 20 years or so. the main difference though is that cc was not ran by scammers but the opposite. 656741;1399079918;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17550 @ 0.00096853 = 16.9977 BTC [+] {3} 656742;1399080061;mircea_popescu;!up sull 656743;1399080061;assbot;Voicing sull for 30 minutes. 656744;1399080073;Duffer1;kakobrekla did you see the doge nascar? 656745;1399080078;sull;thanks. hey 656746;1399080084;mircea_popescu;hello. who're you ? 656747;1399080093;mircea_popescu;%t 656748;1399080094;atcbot;[X-BT] Bid: 200 Ask: 224 Last Price: 170 24h-Vol: 44k High: 224 Low: 170 VWAP: 219 656749;1399080101;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.06474168 = 0.3237 BTC [-] 656750;1399080103;kakobrekla;Duffer1 http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-05-2014#656103 656751;1399080142;sull;bitcoinpete sent me 656752;1399080143;Duffer1;ya pretty much 656753;1399080151;mircea_popescu;anyone want to lend me a billion or so of the dogecoins on a one year term ? 656754;1399080154;Duffer1;the hood of the car is worse 656755;1399080162;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 6 @ 0.0335 = 0.201 BTC [+] {2} 656756;1399080163;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.06474168 = 0.3237 BTC [-] 656757;1399080172;mircea_popescu;sull cool. 656758;1399080185;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: i can lend you 40000 656759;1399080185;mircea_popescu;but... still. 656760;1399080187;thestringpuller;lolol 656761;1399080202;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller what's the thing trading for, 50 satoshi per ? 656762;1399080284;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.06474168 = 0.3237 BTC [-] 656763;1399080285;Namworld;Around 100 satoshi afaik 656764;1399080313;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller 40k hardly worth the paper to print the contract on. 656765;1399080478;Namworld;Since it's about 18 bucks of dogecoins, it's probably worth the paper, just not the time. 656766;1399080493;Namworld;Unless you print on gold sheets 656767;1399080528;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23453 @ 0.00097322 = 22.8249 BTC [+] {3} 656768;1399080650;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 6 @ 0.0315001 = 0.189 BTC [+] 656769;1399080711;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.06474168 = 0.3237 BTC [-] 656770;1399081443;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.0335 = 0.1675 BTC [+] 656771;1399081626;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.0745599 = 0.2237 BTC [+] 656772;1399082175;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 8 @ 0.0317301 = 0.2538 BTC [-] 656773;1399082176;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 8 @ 0.0333001 = 0.2664 BTC [-] 656774;1399082177;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 8 @ 0.06474168 = 0.5179 BTC [-] 656775;1399082238;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 3 @ 0.06474168 = 0.1942 BTC [-] 656776;1399082360;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 3 @ 0.06474168 = 0.1942 BTC [-] 656777;1399083700;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 37 @ 0.00447203 = 0.1655 BTC [-] 656778;1399084500;ThickAsThieves;<+fluffypony> csshih: https://www.yahoo.com/tech/the-triatholight-a-300-hour-flashlight-that-seems-too-84489515654.html <- thoughts? /// yknow, a good scam here would be to include some battery power under the hood, fooling people to wow at its initial duration of use, then they put it away for a year like every other flashlight and forget about it 656779;1399084774;asciilifeform;ThickAsThieves: the 'battery assist' circuit is an ordinary voltage multiplier. 656780;1399084815;asciilifeform;so long as you can keep the output voltage above the junction minimum of the leds, you have some light 656781;1399084838;asciilifeform;for some reason i thought this was standard on led flashlights, but possibly the chinese omit it. 656782;1399084880;asciilifeform;likewise, since a switched voltage regulator ('boost reg' for hardware people) is not 100% efficient, 656783;1399084902;asciilifeform;this is necessarily a poorer use of the batteries than the traditional version of several 1.5v cells in series. 656784;1399084932;asciilifeform;it does, however, allow you to drain them completely 656785;1399084945;asciilifeform;(as you could in a classical, incandescent flashlight) 656786;1399084981;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16000 @ 0.00097446 = 15.5914 BTC [+] 656787;1399085001;asciilifeform;why there needs to be a 'kickstarter' for a flashlight, i cannot answer. ask the gods. 656788;1399086262;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12497 @ 0.00097446 = 12.1778 BTC [+] 656789;1399086607;moiety;mewning eberybady 656790;1399086705;benkay;mewity, how goes it 656791;1399087078;BingoBoingo;moiety: Check the logs, future past you was here 656792;1399087391;moiety;i'm just catching up, i missed a lot... is it just me or are the logs longer thesedays even with voicingness BB? 656793;1399087414;moiety;benkay: mewity! just woke up from an epic sleep :D feel really good, how are you? 656794;1399087427;benkay;tres duper 656795;1399087443;BingoBoingo;Yeah, they keep growing 656796;1399087510;moiety;surprised to see you actuallement BB - its fliday 656797;1399087522;BingoBoingo;moiety: Feeling under the weather. 656798;1399087534;moiety;benkay i actually say that word irl - mewity lol 656799;1399087560;moiety;oh? what kind of under the weather? temperature BB? 656800;1399087650;BingoBoingo;moiety: Weather as euphamism for feeling unwell 656801;1399087668;moiety;i know so i wondered if you had a fever 656802;1399087719;moiety;paracetamol will regulate your body temp if its jumping around 656803;1399087874;BingoBoingo;Oh, I'm working on it 656804;1399087934;moiety;BB btw paracetamol doesn't have a % ;P 656805;1399087974;moiety;though a hot toddie wouldn't go a miss if you have a cold 656806;1399088022;BingoBoingo;Cool 656807;1399088488;BingoBoingo;http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--Ql5gJ_5c--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/705730827667348772.jpg 656808;1399088560;moiety;sort of unrelated but is it just me that is intensely annoyed by gawker as a website? 656809;1399088620;moiety;also i like how we don't have to re-up! when assbot takes a break kakobrekla :D 656810;1399088656;kakobrekla;it has four goldfish worth of memory 656811;1399088791;benkay;;;later tell jurov thing's a little tricky to test. has anyone built an mpex sandbox? 656812;1399088792;gribble;The operation succeeded. 656813;1399088801;mike_c;moiety: +1 can't stand it. 656814;1399088818;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 3984 @ 0.0001459 = 0.5813 BTC [-] {2} 656815;1399088839;kakobrekla;mike just do !down mike_c if so 656816;1399088856;mike_c;can't stand gawker :) 656817;1399088858;moiety;assbot had a tantrum! 656818;1399088886;moiety;mike_c: and it appears theres a few sites that use the same look/set up? its horrible to use 656819;1399088892;mike_c;i 3> assbot 656820;1399088894;kakobrekla;well anyway selfdown functionality is preserved 656821;1399088900;kakobrekla;i think. 656822;1399088912;mike_c;that wasn't the right emoticon 656823;1399088937;kakobrekla;a hat on tits? 656824;1399088940;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.0745599 = 0.2237 BTC [+] 656825;1399088968;kakobrekla;actually i expanded a feature moiety . 656826;1399088976;moiety;there is only one thing i wish for assbot. it doesn't have manuls to counteract a potential war from gribble's kittens 656827;1399088984;moiety;kakobrekla: o? 656828;1399089052;kakobrekla;yea, i guess you will see it when you see it :) 656829;1399089106;moiety;don't keep me in suspenders! 656830;1399089136;kakobrekla;but why not, i hear they are fashionable again 656831;1399089156;moiety;because i get far too excited about the bots >.> 656832;1399089164;kakobrekla;lol 656833;1399089233;kakobrekla;id rather not tell now again, so theres no disappointment. 656834;1399089271;moiety;has it been in teh logs? im still catching up 656835;1399089283;kakobrekla;no no, i just made it up 656836;1399089397;kakobrekla;ok ok i give up, too much pressure! 656837;1399089405;kakobrekla;!jd mpif 656838;1399089405;assbot;Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 163.85524671 BTC; +0.00456912 BTC (+0.0028%) since last check 10m 4s ago. 656839;1399089411;kakobrekla;thar 656840;1399089489;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 5 @ 0.139999 = 0.7 BTC [-] 656841;1399089500;moiety;well you cave easily :D // very nice! 656842;1399089563;moiety;peer pressure ftw 656843;1399089626;kakobrekla;so you say, i just want to keep my teeth and fingernails 656844;1399089648;moiety;for now you have your wish kakobrekla... for now 656845;1399089704;kakobrekla;!jd mpif 656846;1399089704;assbot;Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 163.85487573 BTC; -0.00037098 BTC (-0.0002%) since last check 4m 59s ago. 656847;1399089712;kakobrekla;aha! a loss! 656848;1399089715;benkay;;;later tell mircea_popescu you don't have an mpex sandbox environment kicking around, do you? 656849;1399089716;gribble;The operation succeeded. 656850;1399089752;moiety;i like the time check bit too 656851;1399089771;kakobrekla;that is the new part yes 656852;1399089776;kakobrekla;from ";" on 656853;1399089810;moiety;yip :D allll teh numbers! 656854;1399089832;kakobrekla;anyway, anytime you call it will fetch new data and compare it to last result from last call 656855;1399089841;kakobrekla;thats all 656856;1399089862;moiety;i think thats really handy 656857;1399089897;moiety;kakobrekla: king of bots 656858;1399089900;kakobrekla;the only reasonable way to figure out what happened with the balance yea 656859;1399089958;kakobrekla;nah not really, although lampelina was jelly at a times in the past 656860;1399090420;moiety;i tried this bot thing, i keep giving up for boredom of collating info 656861;1399090493;kakobrekla;what do you mean this bot thing 656862;1399090622;benkay;bot king 656863;1399090850;moiety;kakobrekla: like a bot but in node.js : to save me having to spoon feed things to people 656864;1399090870;moiety;an automoiety if you will 656865;1399090918;moiety;to allow me more time to do actual productive things 656866;1399091058;moiety;!discussthisyouinspirationlesspeople etc etc 656867;1399091074;kakobrekla;lolk 656868;1399091169;benkay;!up Sahtor 656869;1399091169;assbot;Voicing Sahtor for 30 minutes. 656870;1399091245;BingoBoingo;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=587709.msg6442112#msg6442112 656871;1399091247;ozbot;Klyemax Studios IPO buy/sell/trade thread 656872;1399091380;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12135 @ 0.00097474 = 11.8285 BTC [+] {3} 656873;1399091403;BingoBoingo;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=587618.0 656874;1399091404;ozbot;Klyemax Studios IPO (revised) 656875;1399091412;benkay;http://winkdex.com/#/ 656876;1399091413;BingoBoingo;Looks like Mr Klye is back 656877;1399091494;benkay;!up Mats_cd03 656878;1399091494;assbot;Voicing Mats_cd03 for 30 minutes. 656879;1399091623;BingoBoingo;Also related t Mr Klye: 656880;1399091624;BingoBoingo;https://bitcointa.lk/threads/live-ann-sac-the-making-of-sparklecoin.164091/ 656881;1399091625;ozbot;*LIVE*[ANN][SAC] The making of SparkleCoin | Bitcointa.lk 656882;1399091649;BingoBoingo;!up GSpotAssassin___ 656883;1399091649;assbot;Voicing GSpotAssassin___ for 30 minutes. 656884;1399091717;BingoBoingo;Guy kind of took the buttcoin thing to the extreme 656885;1399091765;moiety;just discovered i could make smuxi dark, life changed 656886;1399091804;BingoBoingo;Cool, Yeah, looks different 656887;1399091913;moiety;it totally is! // what kinds of drugs is myklye on? i've always wondered 656888;1399091932;moiety;mrklye* 656889;1399092029;BingoBoingo;moiety: From my few conversations with him it seems he has at least done quite a few. 656890;1399092257;moiety;BingoBoingo: lol worldinacoin obviously found the post tl;dr : "What is there to see about Alt coin mining for it to be streamed on webcam? The computer screen?" 656891;1399092282;BingoBoingo;Yeah... Totally missed the point. 656892;1399092306;BingoBoingo;;;google site:trilema.com perfect money corrupts absolutely 656893;1399092306;gribble;Perfect money corrupts absolutely pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea ...: ; The discreet escort, or how Bitcoin makes prostitution ... - Trilema: ; Iunie 2013 pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: 656894;1399092356;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 333 @ 0.00097102 = 0.3233 BTC [-] 656895;1399092417;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17200 @ 0.00096689 = 16.6305 BTC [-] 656896;1399093142;benkay;!up nick1234abcd_ 656897;1399093142;assbot;Voicing nick1234abcd_ for 30 minutes. 656898;1399093145;benkay;!up PsychoticBoy 656899;1399093145;assbot;Voicing PsychoticBoy for 30 minutes. 656900;1399093147;benkay;!up LorenzoMoney 656901;1399093147;assbot;Voicing LorenzoMoney for 30 minutes. 656902;1399093149;benkay;FIGHT 656903;1399093820;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20617 @ 0.0009687 = 19.9717 BTC [+] {2} 656904;1399094125;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10000 @ 0.00097638 = 9.7638 BTC [+] {2} 656905;1399094317;LorenzoMoney;oh I have voice? 656906;1399094319;LorenzoMoney;yay 656907;1399094491;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 11 @ 0.07339809 = 0.8074 BTC [-] {5} 656908;1399094523;benkay;what are you going to do with it, though? 656909;1399094529;benkay;tick tock... 656910;1399094552;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.07333838 = 0.22 BTC [-] 656911;1399094612;kakobrekla;send a shoutout to mom, dad and all the niggaz in the hood 656912;1399094613;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 16 @ 0.07318118 = 1.1709 BTC [-] {4} 656913;1399094678;moiety;I'd like to thank my manager and everyone that made this possible! 656914;1399094708;moiety;hi mum 656915;1399094728;kakobrekla;now send her an email with the log link 656916;1399094735;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 6 @ 0.07333838 = 0.44 BTC [+] 656917;1399094738;moiety;i was just gonna say im doing that lolol 656918;1399094745;moiety;she'll be like, err wtf 656919;1399094749;kakobrekla;hehe 656920;1399094754;benkay;!up Curious_George 656921;1399094754;assbot;Voicing Curious_George for 30 minutes. 656922;1399094809;moiety;if anyone joins called gaylesmum DO NOT VOICE 656923;1399094814;moiety;kidding she wouldn't know how 656924;1399094858;kakobrekla;you so evil 656925;1399095204;moiety;>:] in a nice way though right? 656926;1399095346;kakobrekla;o yea, goes well with the slander. 656927;1399095398;kakobrekla;i think imma head off in the horizontals. 656928;1399095499;moiety;sleep well kakobrekla 656929;1399095650;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [MS] 200 @ 0.00135202 = 0.2704 BTC [+] 656930;1399095955;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 8 @ 0.07125001 = 0.57 BTC [-] {3} 656931;1399096001;ThickAsThieves;"There are ~230 little girls in Nigeria getting sold for around $12 each. I have one bitcoin. I don't know how to do hostage escrow and I don't know anyone in Nigeria, scams notwithstanding. It wouldn't be enough for all of them even if I could try to buy them back." 656932;1399096009;ThickAsThieves;~ Reddit 656933;1399096023;ThickAsThieves;http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/24lnro/there_are_230_little_girls_in_nigeria_getting/ 656934;1399096342;moiety;!up trixisowned 656935;1399096342;assbot;Voicing trixisowned for 30 minutes. 656936;1399096368;moiety;ThickAsThieves: wtf, is buying them not just encouraging more being stolen and sold? 656937;1399096477;BingoBoingo;This may be an opportunity for Donald Sterling. 656938;1399096640;fluffypony;lol 656939;1399096758;cazalla;don't they fuck them for an aids cure or something? 656940;1399096931;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 85 @ 0.00443706 = 0.3772 BTC [-] {2} 656941;1399096992;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 152 @ 0.00442464 = 0.6725 BTC [-] {5} 656942;1399097319;moiety;cazalla: witch doctors say that about babies too in some places 656943;1399097874;fluffypony;cazalla: no, that's a South African thing 656944;1399098095;BingoBoingo;fluffypony: Didn't one of your presidents suppose something to that effect? 656945;1399098109;fluffypony;BingoBoingo: oh no, much worse than that 656946;1399098119;BingoBoingo;Moar Ohio hate 656947;1399098120;fluffypony;Zuma said some crap about how he took a shower after having sex with this one girl 656948;1399098120;BingoBoingo;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2014/05/03/ohio-continues-to-suck-monster-balls/ 656949;1399098122;ozbot;Ohio Continues to Suck Monster Balls | Bingo Blog 656950;1399098129;fluffypony;so he didn't worry about HIV 656951;1399098134;BingoBoingo;Wow 656952;1399098194;fluffypony;yeah so whenever Zapiro (political cartoonist) draws him he has a shower head: http://www.dailymaverick.co.za/images/resized_images/706x410q70b5af9b0c644810b565a42ff8a99e472c.jpg 656953;1399098198;BingoBoingo;Even Magic Johnson worked harder with his staying in shape like a world class athlete and having a lot of money. 656954;1399098214;BingoBoingo;lol 656955;1399098578;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 238 @ 0.07557901 = 17.9878 BTC [+] {16} 656956;1399098579;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8450 @ 0.00096736 = 8.1742 BTC [-] 656957;1399098770;BingoBoingo;!t h F.MPIF 656958;1399098771;assbot;Shit. You ain't even old enough to smoke. 656959;1399098780;BingoBoingo;!t m F.MPIF 656960;1399098780;assbot;[MPEX:F.MPIF] 1D: 0.00021725 / 0.00021725 / 0.00021725 (25868 shares, 5.62 BTC), 7D: 0.000215 / 0.00021506 / 0.00021725 (1041356 shares, 223.96 BTC), 30D: 0.000215 / 0.00021506 / 0.00021725 (1041356 shares, 223.96 BTC) 656961;1399098852;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 656962;1399098859;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 446.5, vol: 7311.39347253 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 432.009, vol: 2814.53088 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 445.0, vol: 3432.14961948 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 451.0, vol: 33.33226129 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 437.041814, vol: 1494.41900000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 446.5041, vol: 8.9822751 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 450.8075, vol: 36.40883492 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message) 656963;1399098863;BingoBoingo;;;more 656964;1399098864;gribble;442.550468128 656965;1399099597;moiety;lol @ assbot 656966;1399099699;moiety;;; later tell MarieLynn hello! welcome :] 656967;1399099699;gribble;Error: Spurious "]". You may want to quote your arguments with double quotes in order to prevent extra brackets from being evaluated as nested commands. 656968;1399099710;moiety;ffs gribble 656969;1399099717;moiety;;; later tell MarieLynn hello! welcome :) 656970;1399099717;gribble;The operation succeeded. 656971;1399099791;moiety;asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-05-2014#656244 << we still do this when someone steals a pint, whereby the person who had the pint stolen takes the peg 656972;1399099827;moiety;ThickAsThieves: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-05-2014#655910 but but ...manulcoin! 656973;1399100518;fluffypony;manulcoin even has a logo! 656974;1399100774;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 995 @ 0.0001498 = 0.1491 BTC [+] {2} 656975;1399100775;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8050 @ 0.00096736 = 7.7872 BTC [-] 656976;1399100835;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1055 @ 0.00015096 = 0.1593 BTC [+] {3} 656977;1399100897;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 6 @ 0.0749347 = 0.4496 BTC [-] 656978;1399100905;moiety;an epic logo! 656979;1399101501;BingoBoingo;;;seen supay 656980;1399101502;gribble;supay was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 day, 7 hours, 59 minutes, and 57 seconds ago: BingoBoingo: yes, and thanks! :) 656981;1399101629;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07379905 = 0.1476 BTC [-] {2} 656982;1399101750;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.07332547 = 0.7333 BTC [-] 656983;1399102045;fluffypony;so this is classic 656984;1399102055;fluffypony;customer gets hold of us demanding a refund 656985;1399102063;fluffypony;I check the USPS tracking, and it says it's delivered 656986;1399102090;fluffypony;so I'm like "lolwut" and send him the tracking info 656987;1399102136;fluffypony;he throws a huge tantrum because the area on the USPS tracking is "Pompano Beach" and he lives in "Coral Springs" which is 15 miles away from Pompano Beach 656988;1399102163;fluffypony;so I point out that "Pompano Beach" is just the area, and that the zip code matches the one he provided on his order, so as far as I can see it's been delivered 656989;1399102175;fluffypony;and he is welcome to contact USPS to confirm 656990;1399102211;benkay;this is what you get for having customers that are dumb enough to mine with gpus 656991;1399102212;fluffypony;so he switches to threatening, because that's always worked: "Please refund my money immediately, or i will go crazy all over the internet, posting in every crypto-currency forum i can find, and you will lose ALOT more than $300+ from all the bad Public relations nightmare that i create for you, i guarantee you that. Do right by me please, and i will do right by you." 656992;1399102237;fluffypony;lawlz 656993;1399102269;*;fluffypony looks forward to losing his ALOT 656994;1399103092;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3050 @ 0.00097194 = 2.9644 BTC [+] 656995;1399104373;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9550 @ 0.00096809 = 9.2453 BTC [-] 656996;1399104434;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 18 @ 0.0745 = 1.341 BTC [+] 656997;1399106630;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.48 BTC [+] 656998;1399106631;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3050 @ 0.00097473 = 2.9729 BTC [+] 656999;1399107301;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 6 @ 0.07992195 = 0.4795 BTC [+] 657000;1399108826;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8834 @ 0.00097473 = 8.6108 BTC [+] 657001;1399109192;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.07332547 = 0.7333 BTC [-] 657002;1399109314;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 8 @ 0.07332547 = 0.5866 BTC [-] 657003;1399110473;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 1 @ 0.14 BTC [+] 657004;1399111449;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 4 @ 0.06474168 = 0.259 BTC [-] 657005;1399112669;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 3750 @ 0.00014947 = 0.5605 BTC [-] {2} 657006;1399115536;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.4716125 = 0.9432 BTC [-] {2} 657007;1399115597;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 11 @ 0.07464688 = 0.8211 BTC [+] {2} 657008;1399115902;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5951 @ 0.0009747 = 5.8004 BTC [-] 657009;1399117305;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 10 @ 0.06474168 = 0.6474 BTC [-] 657010;1399117793;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6500 @ 0.00097158 = 6.3153 BTC [-] 657011;1399120234;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10800 @ 0.00096957 = 10.4714 BTC [-] 657012;1399120243;FabianB;wb assbot 657013;1399120295;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.074 = 0.74 BTC [-] 657014;1399120351;mircea_popescu;ya srsly. 657015;1399120365;mircea_popescu;so did i miss out a lot of chan ? 657016;1399120378;kakobrekla;!jd mpif 657017;1399120378;assbot;Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 163.87329413 BTC; +0.01841840 BTC (+0.0112%) since last check 8h 31m 14s ago. 657018;1399120385;FabianB;short logs today :) 657019;1399120386;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/bitbet-april-2014-statement/ < btw 657020;1399120386;ozbot;BitBet, April 2014 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 657021;1399120557;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: why there needs to be a 'kickstarter' for a flashlight, i cannot answer. ask the gods. << because why not. 657022;1399120576;mircea_popescu;i suspect the reason is purely psychological : "the people", ie, your average joe, feel disempowered by corporate technology 657023;1399120594;mircea_popescu;and so have these special support clubs to tell each other that "we're still human, because we can still make things" 657024;1399120609;mircea_popescu;much for the same reason homeless bums carry around "cool" but not actually working pieces of human tech 657025;1399120625;mircea_popescu;it's their brand, their link to humanity. they too could be counted among the living, for they too have the items. 657026;1399120663;mircea_popescu;and so in this perspective, people starting and people funding kickstarter campaigns aren't into it for the direct reason, but for the meta reason : to have been in it. 657027;1399120678;mircea_popescu;explains why all the nonsense going on in there continues to go on unabated, at any rate. 657028;1399121435;mircea_popescu;moiety: sort of unrelated but is it just me that is intensely annoyed by gawker as a website? << not really that intensely. another gossip rag, plenty of em. 657029;1399121534;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/smg-april-2014-statement/ < this, btw, has a meaty misc comments section and prolly worth your read. 657030;1399121534;ozbot;S.MG, April 2014 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 657031;1399121579;mircea_popescu;assbot: 657032;1399121579;mircea_popescu;Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 163.85524671 BTC; +0.00456912 BTC (+0.0028%) since last check 10m 4s ago. << kakobrekla you magnificent bastard, that last check is epic. 657033;1399121587;mircea_popescu;please give me a cookie for this great idea you had. 657034;1399121591;mircea_popescu;!jp mpif 657035;1399121602;mircea_popescu;!jd mpif 657036;1399121602;assbot;Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 163.87049627 BTC; -0.00279786 BTC (-0.0017%) since last check 20m 24s ago. 657037;1399121666;artifexd;It would be nice if assbot knew the total investment and could thus also give a total up or down. 657038;1399121698;mircea_popescu;i'm having brain orgasms over here, this is EXACTLY the sort of thing life is all about. so i made a wonderful thing, on top of which dooglus made a wonderful thing, on top of which kakobrekla made a wonderful thing. none of these are particularly hard to do, once you have the others' stuff. but they're nigh on impossible to do if you do not. 657039;1399121705;mircea_popescu;this is motherfucking synergy, that's what that shit is. 657040;1399121758;artifexd;!b2 657041;1399121768;assbot;Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. (http://dpaste.com/1EGY79M/plain/) 657042;1399121768;artifexd;!b 3 657043;1399121774;artifexd;:( 657044;1399121791;mircea_popescu;"If you got here via a link to an older item, it has been purged from the database" 657045;1399121795;mircea_popescu;is dpaste fucked ? 657046;1399121838;artifexd;It works without the /plain/ 657047;1399121858;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla: aha! a loss! << FU FUDster! 657048;1399121870;artifexd;http://dpaste.com/1EGY79M.txt 657049;1399121880;mircea_popescu;a ty 657050;1399122054;mircea_popescu;moiety: if anyone joins called gaylesmum DO NOT VOICE <<< wasn't it stiffler's mum ? 657051;1399122178;mircea_popescu;http://bitbet.us/bet/812/atc-to-reach-block-50000-on-time/ ThickAsThieves check out this shit, atc diff bets are a thing now. close to 5btc collected even! 657052;1399122179;ozbot;BitBet - ATC to reach block 50000 on time 657053;1399122258;mircea_popescu;fluffypony: so he switches to threatening, because that's always worked: "Please refund my money immediately, or i will go crazy all over the internet << dunno if you've read bitbet nov report ? 657054;1399122277;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: nope 657055;1399122287;fluffypony;;;google trilema bitbet november 657056;1399122288;gribble;BitBet, November 2013 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea ...: ; BitBet, April 2013 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: ; BitBet, October 2013 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea ...: 657057;1399122349;mircea_popescu;pretty much the exact thing, plus an attempt to quantify the effects. 657058;1399122552;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 29 @ 0.00600011 = 0.174 BTC [-] 657059;1399123568;mircea_popescu;!jd mpif 657060;1399123568;assbot;Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 163.87563940 BTC; +0.00514313 BTC (+0.0031%) since last check 32m 46s ago. 657061;1399124077;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.472725 BTC [+] 657062;1399124138;assbot;[MPEX] [FN] [F.MPIF] 6900 @ 0.00021725 = 1.499 BTC [+] 657063;1399124321;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.03277022 = 0.1639 BTC [-] 657064;1399124322;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.0319001 = 0.1595 BTC [-] 657065;1399124323;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.06474168 = 0.3237 BTC [-] 657066;1399124504;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.073 = 0.146 BTC [-] {2} 657067;1399124687;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.071975 = 0.2879 BTC [-] {3} 657068;1399125053;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 25 @ 0.03367013 = 0.8418 BTC [+] {2} 657069;1399125114;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07121 = 0.1424 BTC [-] 657070;1399125175;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 120 @ 0.07110836 = 8.533 BTC [-] {3} 657071;1399125358;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 250 @ 0.07037332 = 17.5933 BTC [-] {18} 657072;1399125419;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 40 @ 0.07001 = 2.8004 BTC [-] 657073;1399125492;mircea_popescu;!jd mpif 657074;1399125492;assbot;Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 163.87394980 BTC; -0.00168960 BTC (-0.0010%) since last check 32m 4s ago. 657075;1399126033;mircea_popescu;%block 657076;1399126072;mircea_popescu;%diff 657077;1399126076;atcbot;[ATC Diff] Current Diff: 455357.13 Est. Next Diff: 143645.47 in 1694 blocks (#32256) Est. % Change: -68.45 657078;1399126273;mircea_popescu;%ptp 657079;1399126551;mircea_popescu;%cm 657080;1399126578;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.0319101 = 0.1596 BTC [+] 657081;1399126584;mircea_popescu;%lb 657082;1399126586;atcbot;[ATC Last Block] Height: 30562 Time: 2014-05-03T14:06:59Z Vout Sum: 512 Number TXs: 1 Difficulty: 455357.12903751 Hash: 000000000000096857832afbc07cd418f79d9120dcb3cf3dcb018b9bcbc7ad7d Fee: 0.00000000 Size: 552 Days Destroyed: 0 Confirmations: 1 657083;1399126639;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.06474168 = 0.3237 BTC [-] 657084;1399127449;Apocalyptic;.d 657085;1399127449;ozbot;8.001 billion | Next Diff in 1450 blocks | Estimated Change: 7.3878% in 9d 7h 41m 5s 657086;1399127981;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.0331 = 0.1655 BTC [-] 657087;1399127982;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.03189153 = 0.1595 BTC [-] {2} 657088;1399127992;fluffypony;http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/CoinDesk/~3/5cdi4FD9rfc/ 657089;1399127993;fluffypony;Argh 657090;1399127995;fluffypony;http://www.coindesk.com/new-sms-bitcoin-service-aims-emerging-markets/ 657091;1399128037;fluffypony;That's actually mildly interesting for Africa, if someone couples that with an exchange network like m-pesa's it could be disruptive 657092;1399128042;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.06474168 = 0.3237 BTC [-] 657093;1399128056;mircea_popescu;"someone" ? 657094;1399128137;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: I don't have the knowledge or connections to do set that up in the Northern African countries 657095;1399128161;mircea_popescu;no dice starting it in the southern ? 657096;1399128164;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5200 @ 0.00096844 = 5.0359 BTC [-] 657097;1399128164;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 6 @ 0.0701 = 0.4206 BTC [+] {2} 657098;1399128170;mircea_popescu;!up Maciano 657099;1399128170;assbot;Voicing Maciano for 30 minutes. 657100;1399128179;mircea_popescu;hello Maciano 657101;1399128181;Maciano;Hi 657102;1399128187;*;danielpbarron hopes this is Micon 657103;1399128189;Maciano;I joined, saw your tweet 657104;1399128200;mircea_popescu;ok, how much do you know about bitcoin ? 657105;1399128204;Maciano;on possible work, what's the job? 657106;1399128218;Maciano;I've been following it since 1,5 year 657107;1399128226;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 132 @ 0.00442725 = 0.5844 BTC [-] {7} 657108;1399128231;Maciano;bought around that time 657109;1399128241;mircea_popescu;pretty cool. so what's your prior experience with aff marketing ? 657110;1399128251;Maciano;mostly economic, no programming 657111;1399128273;mircea_popescu;no programming required. 657112;1399128277;fluffypony;Nah, Vodacom (cellular service provider) and Nedbank (bank) spent millions in trying to bring M-pesa to South Africa; after a few years they don't have a substantial market and Nedbank has pulled out of the deal. Not a good market indicator. 657113;1399128278;Maciano;I'm not native English speaking, you mean SEA & marketing 657114;1399128280;mircea_popescu;who did you work for, for how long, starting hwne. 657115;1399128288;mircea_popescu;no, i mean affiliate marketing. 657116;1399128299;Maciano;Working for telecoms (T-Mobile, KPN), say 5 yrs 657117;1399128311;Maciano;before as PhD, but that wasn't for me 657118;1399128312;mircea_popescu;but specifically in affiliate marketing ? 657119;1399128317;BigBitz;Ohhh... a job interview? :D 657120;1399128318;Maciano;no. 657121;1399128355;mircea_popescu;Maciano well that's problematic then, because i quite specifically need someone with aff experience, and lots of it. 657122;1399128359;mircea_popescu;BigBitz not even the first. 657123;1399128383;BigBitz;:) 657124;1399128406;fluffypony;At least the porn dude knew the acronyms :-P 657125;1399128409;mircea_popescu;fluffypony that's a point yeah. 657126;1399128415;BigBitz;Porn <3 657127;1399128439;mircea_popescu;i meant about the market indicator. 657128;1399128442;mircea_popescu;i wonder why they failed. 657129;1399128449;BigBitz;i can haz jawb? 657130;1399128459;Maciano;OK, thought it was worth a try. 657131;1399128466;Maciano;bye then 657132;1399128469;mircea_popescu;well it was, at least now you've met us all :) 657133;1399128494;mircea_popescu;BigBitz now that all depends. 657134;1399128495;Maciano;good luck, I read your site from time to time, you've got your shit together 657135;1399128514;Maciano;adios 657136;1399128519;mircea_popescu;hopefully it stays that way. ciao. 657137;1399128577;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: There's been a strong push in low-cost banking services here; there's a legal requirement for every bank to offer a low-cost banking product that doesn't exceed dictated maximum costs, so for remittance within the country (for miners sending money to their families, for eg) they just use that 657138;1399128602;fluffypony;International remittance is more interesting - there are tons of Zimbabweans and Malawians here 657139;1399128608;mircea_popescu;ah 657140;1399128617;fluffypony;But you need that agent network in the destination countries to "cash out" 657141;1399128624;mircea_popescu;myeah. 657142;1399128631;cgcardona_;morning everyone o/ 657143;1399128637;fluffypony;So you kinda need to setup a multi-country operation 657144;1399128640;mircea_popescu;afaik the african boom in sms payments was mostyly driven by nigeria's oil sector 657145;1399128642;fluffypony;cgcardona_: Morns 657146;1399128647;mircea_popescu;but i readily admit i have no clue re africa. 657147;1399128653;cgcardona_;o/ fluffypony 657148;1399128655;mircea_popescu;ello cgcardona_ 657149;1399128664;cgcardona_;MP o/ top of tha mornin 657150;1399128667;mircea_popescu;i think i left you a msg on gribble 657151;1399128673;mircea_popescu;but possibly on some variation of your nick 657152;1399128693;cgcardona_;me? Hmmm. now how do I check gribble messages? (googling) 657153;1399128698;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: Very much so - lots of guys from neighbouring countries going to Nigeria to work and needing to send money back to Kenya or whatevs 657154;1399128723;fluffypony;cgcardona_: When you auth to the nick I think it sends you the message 657155;1399128762;cgcardona_;hmmm. cgcardona_ is my only nick. I used cgcardona (without the _) a couple of years ago but I've unfortunately lost the password I think. 657156;1399128790;mircea_popescu;;;notes cgcardona 657157;1399128790;gribble;Sent 1 week, 5 days, 4 hours, and 46 minutes ago: lol is it the first best largest wot ? and Sent 16 hours and 3 minutes ago: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-05-2014#656509 657158;1399128798;mircea_popescu;tsk tsk. 657159;1399128805;mircea_popescu;this is why we don't want to use multiple nicks. 657160;1399128843;cgcardona_;yes, this is why super users don't lose passwords (le sigh) 657161;1399128851;danielpbarron;cgcardona_: the nickserv pass? i think they can help you with that? 657162;1399128854;mircea_popescu;lol. anyway, noted. 657163;1399128885;cgcardona_;mircea_popescu: also thanks for the heads up. truly appreciate you thinking of me. 657164;1399128893;cgcardona_;danielpbarron: yea I'll go check right now actually. 657165;1399129035;danielpbarron;ugh, why is Micon so aloof; I'd like to see these worlds collide 657166;1399129042;bitcoinpete;mircea_popescu: the 1,045 yo 'toss be "Raszagal, Matriarch of the Dark Templar." your intel serves you well 657167;1399129051;mircea_popescu;ok so now i have to go to an irl meeting, but! if moar twitter noobs show up on webchat, pls to voice them and tell them i'll be back in a few hours. 657168;1399129085;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron you know we go back a ways, he called out bfl originally, mpoe-pr backed him later on. 657169;1399129111;ThickAsThieves;<+ozbot> BitBet - ATC to reach block 50000 on time /// interesting to see so much betting, gives miners more incentive .... if they're paying attention 657170;1399129119;bitcoinpete;mircea_popescu: and non-DELfationary is a new kind of soap 657171;1399129157;ThickAsThieves;does someone have that referral link thing mike_c made handy? is it actually functional for referrals or just functionally random loading? 657172;1399129172;danielpbarron;mircea_popescu: ya, that's how I found out about you and this channel, actually 657173;1399129177;bitcoinpete;mircea_popescu: have you been inviting more? i saw that sull earlier... 657174;1399129187;danielpbarron;I've called into his live podcast many times 657175;1399129214;bitcoinpete;*sull came earlier 657176;1399129220;cgcardona;danielpbarron: mircea_popescu well that was waaaay easier than I expected 657177;1399129230;cgcardona;now does my new nick have my wot ratings? 657178;1399129234;danielpbarron;hah 657179;1399129237;cgcardona;or do I need to get them transfered 657180;1399129247;cgcardona;#shame 657181;1399129253;danielpbarron;gribble thinks you still have the _ 657182;1399129262;danielpbarron;i don't think it's nearly as easy to get that changed 657183;1399129276;danielpbarron;i'll re-rate you 657184;1399129278;cgcardona;yea prob not 657185;1399129287;cgcardona;thankfully my wot score is pretty low. thanks man 657186;1399129299;cgcardona;;;gettrust cgcardona 657187;1399129300;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user cgcardona_ to user cgcardona: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=cgcardona_&dest=cgcardona | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=cgcardona | Rated since: never 657188;1399129312;ThickAsThieves;mircea_popescu when you mention "art" for S.MG shall be open market, does that mean: 1. It will start that way? 2. It will/won't not have a style guide as boundary? 3. Audio will be sourced likewise? (style guide? music? sfx? voice?) 657189;1399129321;cgcardona;ok give me a sec to get it all set up again. 657190;1399129336;danielpbarron;11:01:27 <+cgcardona> thankfully my WoT score is pretty low. << don't hear that often 657191;1399129347;cgcardona;haha true. 657192;1399129468;ThickAsThieves;mp clarification on question one "start that way" as in there will there not be a base set of art for everything within the intended style of the game 657193;1399129677;cgcardona;so is it possible to delete/reassign my previous nick's gpg keys to this nick in the WoT or should i generate new keys for this nick? 657194;1399129689;danielpbarron;my favorite aspect of any long-term achievement style game has been the markets and economy; i'm pretty excited about S.MG 657195;1399129708;danielpbarron;cgcardona: i think that's possible, or I don't see why not 657196;1399129872;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6850 @ 0.00096854 = 6.6345 BTC [+] {2} 657197;1399129891;cgcardona;;;ticker 657198;1399129892;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 440.02, Best ask: 441.48, Bid-ask spread: 1.46000, Last trade: 441.48, 24 hour volume: 6660.14677287, 24 hour low: 438.0, 24 hour high: 455.78, 24 hour vwap: 446.941306981 657199;1399130177;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 20 @ 0.4658678 = 9.3174 BTC [-] {8} 657200;1399130551;kakobrekla;!up micon 657201;1399130551;assbot;Insufficient rights, kakobrekla, !up yourself on PM first. 657202;1399130556;kakobrekla;fu 657203;1399130558;cgcardona;haha 657204;1399130563;cgcardona;sorry 657205;1399130571;cgcardona;!up kakobrekla 657206;1399130571;assbot;Voicing kakobrekla for 30 minutes. 657207;1399130574;cgcardona;;-] 657208;1399130583;kakobrekla;noes! 657209;1399130586;kakobrekla;do micon 657210;1399130591;cgcardona;!up micon 657211;1399130591;assbot;Voicing micon for 30 minutes. 657212;1399130612;danielpbarron;micon! 657213;1399130634;danielpbarron;is it really you? gribble says you aren't authed :p 657214;1399130678;kakobrekla;!up grubles 657215;1399130678;assbot;Voicing grubles for 30 minutes. 657216;1399130726;kakobrekla;;;getturst assbot micon 657217;1399130727;gribble;Error: "getturst" is not a valid command. 657218;1399130737;kakobrekla;i said GET THRUST 657219;1399130751;kakobrekla;fly motherfucker 657220;1399130761;kakobrekla;;;gettrust assbot micon 657221;1399130762;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user micon: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=micon | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=micon | Rated since: never 657222;1399130773;Apocalyptic;no WoT looks like 657223;1399130773;danielpbarron;he told me he's busy atm (on twitter); will be back later 657224;1399130787;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.475 = 1.425 BTC [+] {2} 657225;1399130796;kakobrekla;so much effort for ping timeout. 657226;1399130808;Apocalyptic;who's this guy btw ? 657227;1399130809;kakobrekla;!up zoinky 657228;1399130809;assbot;Voicing zoinky for 30 minutes. 657229;1399130874;danielpbarron;he's the chairman of sealswithclubs.eu and host of donkdown.com, a live podcast 657230;1399130892;cgcardona;;;rate danielpbarron #bitcoin-assets regular 657231;1399130892;gribble;Error: '#bitcoin-assets' is not a valid integer. 657232;1399130897;cgcardona;heh 657233;1399130899;danielpbarron;and he was a major voice against BFL 657234;1399130905;cgcardona;;;rate danielpbarron 1 #bitcoin-assets regular 657235;1399130906;gribble;Error: You have to have received some ratings in order to rate other users. 657236;1399130909;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 6 @ 0.475 = 2.85 BTC [+] 657237;1399130910;cgcardona;ah damn 657238;1399130916;danielpbarron;one sec 657239;1399130922;cgcardona;*on the outside looking in* 657240;1399130981;Apocalyptic;ty danielpbarron 657241;1399131067;danielpbarron;cgcardona: you should be good-to-go 657242;1399131069;BigBitz;I used to like Micon....... 657243;1399131081;BigBitz;then he wouldn't give me information on KingOfSports when he scammed me..... so meh. 657244;1399131087;cgcardona;cool thanks danielpbarron 657245;1399131092;BigBitz;however his "interviews" with BFL_Josh are pretty funny. 657246;1399131116;danielpbarron;I like Micon, but i've recently come to understand why online poker is essentially a scam, even if the operators aren't directly stealing 657247;1399131157;BigBitz;in what regard, number generation or? 657248;1399131172;moiety;aftermewn all 657249;1399131176;danielpbarron;BigBitz: there is no way to prove that players aren't colluding 657250;1399131189;kakobrekla;heya moiety 657251;1399131198;danielpbarron;that is why all the online poker traffic has moved to pokerstars play money 657252;1399131210;BigBitz;danielpbarron sure... plausiable. 657253;1399131215;cgcardona;;;rate kakobrekla 1 Creator of bitbet.us and creator of #bitcoin-assets 657254;1399131217;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user kakobrekla has been recorded. 657255;1399131220;BigBitz;but don't most limit connections per IP etc. 657256;1399131224;BigBitz;[ yes proxies, vpn not hard ] 657257;1399131225;moiety; wasn't it stiffler's mum ? << i are not stiffler! 657258;1399131227;cgcardona;;;rate fluffypony 1 seen often in #btc-assets 657259;1399131228;danielpbarron;(where players actually BUY play chips from pokerstars, knowing they won't be able to cash out their winnings) 657260;1399131228;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user fluffypony has been recorded. 657261;1399131228;kakobrekla;danielpbarron are you an expert on this field? 657262;1399131248;danielpbarron;BigBitz: that just means the casual players can't collude (so what?) 657263;1399131249;moiety;hey kakobrekla did you sleep well? 657264;1399131256;danielpbarron;kakobrekla: no, correct me if i'm wrong 657265;1399131256;cgcardona;;;rate mircea_popescu 1 didn't become the richest person you know by accident. cookie eating bitlord 657266;1399131258;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user mircea_popescu has been recorded. 657267;1399131269;BigBitz;Ah you think the high rollers/industry players or operaters are colluding? 657268;1399131281;kakobrekla;actually i got woken up by a phone call from hanbot, moiety, so i was interrupted :) 657269;1399131288;cgcardona;sorry for the noise everyone - rerating now that I'm in control of the non (_) nick 657270;1399131298;danielpbarron;BigBitz: I think there is a financial incentive to create colluding bot nets 657271;1399131314;BigBitz;Agree, for sure. 657272;1399131317;Apocalyptic;why do people here call her hanbot ? 657273;1399131323;cgcardona;;;rate cgcardona_ 1 My previous nick—it's now cgcardona 657274;1399131324;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user cgcardona_ has been recorded. 657275;1399131325;Apocalyptic;hannah is much nicer 657276;1399131333;kakobrekla;cause thats her nick here? 657277;1399131356;Apocalyptic;sounds like a bot name to me 657278;1399131364;BigBitz;kakobrekla Y U SO SMERT? 657279;1399131373;moiety;kakobrekla: go back to bed! it's caturday :D 657280;1399131416;kakobrekla;moiety i did actually. got up a bit later then, at 4pm. 657281;1399131446;danielpbarron;I host a house game of poker every saturday night; that's where poker works: where I can see all the players and catch them colluding 657282;1399131459;moiety;same here actually, just woke up and its 4:30 here aalllll teh sleeps [but i was making up for being up for 2 days] 657283;1399131463;kakobrekla;danielpbarron no, you seemed to me like you have some first hand experience with that, so i asked. 657284;1399131469;danielpbarron;and also, it's a WoT thing, I only invite friends and family 657285;1399131487;danielpbarron;oh, you mean colluding? no, never 657286;1399131498;kakobrekla;k 657287;1399131504;danielpbarron;not with bots that is; i have in the past been on skype with a friend, but it always bothered me 657288;1399131525;danielpbarron;like years back when pokerstars still did FIAT 657289;1399131526;BigBitz;danielpbarron yes agree with that also. 657290;1399131548;BigBitz;Ah yeah US can't play Pokerstars fiat. 657291;1399131562;BigBitz;or any poker fiat, really, right? 657292;1399131596;danielpbarron;we always ended up losing money whenever we did that; it's too much to try to think of when I should really be focusing on getting reads out of the other players 657293;1399131607;danielpbarron;but a bot-net can crunch all those numbers pretty fast 657294;1399131632;danielpbarron;BigBitz: right, unless it's hosted by a IRL casino 657295;1399131635;BigBitz;yeah... 657296;1399131646;BigBitz;I even tried poker calcs... 657297;1399131650;BigBitz;always sucked. 657298;1399131670;BigBitz;didn't tell me anything I didn't know or couldn't work out. 657299;1399131674;cgcardona;ok gonna test my new passwords w/ freenode/nickserv && gribble/assbot. bbias 657300;1399131717;danielpbarron;well these bot nets can control like half a table, so when you get AK: they might know that 2 aces and 1 king got folded already, and their QJ is a strong hand 657301;1399131746;BigBitz;Yup. 657302;1399131847;ThickAsThieves;http://devilsadvocate.biz/the-denomination-decimal-designation-debate-revisited/ 657303;1399131850;ozbot;The Denomination Decimal Designation Debate, Revisited 657304;1399131878;cgcardona;boom 657305;1399131897;cgcardona;ok cool. the old nick cgcardona_ will no longer be active. 657306;1399131960;danielpbarron;heh, i fell for the whole mBit thing that all the "support the community" folk were pushing; now I prefer to see all 8 decimal places after the 0 657307;1399132057;cgcardona;why oh why doesn't nickserv turn ENFORCE on by default? 657308;1399132069;cgcardona;what could be the reasoning behind such a default setting? 657309;1399132076;danielpbarron;i think the meme is: "because idiots" 657310;1399132195;cgcardona;meaning what? That people will squat on nicks or that people wouldn't be able to handle putting in their pass each time? 657311;1399132444;danielpbarron;meaning that most users aren't using nickserv for the WoT and don't care if someone else is on their nick when they are gone 657312;1399132450;cgcardona;;;later tell MarieLynn Regarding http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-05-2014#656509 I'm a rails dev 657313;1399132450;gribble;The operation succeeded. 657314;1399132459;cgcardona;ah I see what you mean 657315;1399132469;cgcardona;yea most people def aren't in the wot and don't care 657316;1399132479;danielpbarron;and they are dumb, and they would get confused if nickserv forced them to type a password every time 657317;1399132487;cgcardona;just to check I just ran `info name_of_op` in another room I hang out in and he didn't have it turned on either 657318;1399132561;danielpbarron;there are a lot of high profile Bitcoin users in other channels who don't auth with gribble; it's just not important to them 657319;1399132611;ThickAsThieves;maybe they just arent actually important to anyone important 657320;1399132748;ThickAsThieves;this starts shortly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqlvk51uS1M 657321;1399132787;danielpbarron;high profile doesn't necessarily mean important; it usually means the opposite 657322;1399132795;ThickAsThieves;mitbitcoinexpo.org for schedule 657323;1399132800;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 2.63712348 BTC to 8`391 shares, 31428 satoshi per share 657324;1399132821;danielpbarron;or else this channel would be too busy to read 657325;1399132835;ThickAsThieves;mostly MIT dorks 657326;1399132922;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [KCIM] [PAID] 2.17250000 BTC to 86`900 shares, 2500 satoshi per share 657327;1399132969;kakobrekla;>Join us on May 3rd for one of the most exciting Bitcoin Expos ever! Speakers from the Bitcoin Foundation, Circle Internet Financial, Armory Technologies, and more. See more at 657328;1399132978;kakobrekla;how do you measure 'excitement'? 657329;1399132985;ThickAsThieves;in MIT penises 657330;1399132991;kakobrekla;a 657331;1399133062;ThickAsThieves;http://it.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/24gknv/im_jesse_eisinger_a_pulitzerwinning_financial/ch6x01b 657332;1399133807;cgcardona;ok i've removed all my previous wot ratings from the cgcardona_ account and rerated w/ my new nick. If i had previously rated you and you don't see it now w/ the new nick let me know and I'll fix that. thanks 657333;1399133974;danielpbarron;hm, that's pretty smooth; good to know if I ever decide to switch to using 'BitcoinBarron' (which i've already registered) 657334;1399134003;BigBitz;It's simple! :) 657335;1399134008;cgcardona;yea it wasn't too painful but it could suck if you had a huge WoT score. 657336;1399134016;BigBitz;anyone going to BitFin in Ireland? 657337;1399134071;danielpbarron;although someone took the .com already (i guess once Bitcoin hit the mainstream, squatters registered every mispelling relating to Bitcoin) 657338;1399134368;ThickAsThieves;yknow one thing that really sucks about Bitcoin conferences is how they spend so much time talking about what it is 657339;1399134858;danielpbarron;!up Micon 657340;1399134858;assbot;Insufficient rights, danielpbarron, !up yourself on PM first. 657341;1399134878;danielpbarron;!up Micon 657342;1399134878;assbot;Voicing Micon for 30 minutes. 657343;1399134884;Micon;tyvm assbot, DPB 657344;1399134891;danielpbarron;:D 657345;1399134900;danielpbarron;;;gettrust Micon 657346;1399134900;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user danielpbarron to user Micon: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=danielpbarron&dest=Micon | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=Micon | Rated since: never 657347;1399134901;Micon;so what is the fuss about DBP? 657348;1399134925;danielpbarron;idk, mircea_popescu wanted to talk business with you, and this is where those conversations usually happen 657349;1399134931;danielpbarron;but he's busy at the moment 657350;1399134937;BigBitz;Is it SRSBIZNZ? 657351;1399134950;Micon;so like, this isn't FED heaven? 657352;1399134960;BigBitz;No such place, Micon. 657353;1399134968;danielpbarron;if the FED is smart, they have a rep in here 657354;1399135000;Micon;so maybe not the best place to talk business :) ? 657355;1399135008;Micon;just tell me if I'm missing something :) 657356;1399135019;danielpbarron;there is nothing to hide here 657357;1399135026;danielpbarron;this isn't a place for scammers 657358;1399135028;ThickAsThieves;not the best to scam or commit crime, sure 657359;1399135030;ThickAsThieves;but business 657360;1399135033;ThickAsThieves;good place 657361;1399135055;Micon;fair enough. I may have business to bring here in the future. Always listening, as well 657362;1399135066;cgcardona;;;rate ThickAsThieves 1 #bitcoin-assets regular 657363;1399135067;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user ThickAsThieves has been recorded. 657364;1399135078;ThickAsThieves;ty 657365;1399135081;cgcardona;np 657366;1399135088;danielpbarron;Micon: sorry I haven't called in to your show in a while, i've been so busy lately I space out on the time 657367;1399135127;Micon;that's cool, I shut down the site until it's fixed. should be soon-ish 657368;1399135156;ThickAsThieves;Micon, I know I know your name, but it escapes me, what do you do? Was it SWC? 657369;1399135169;Micon;SwC = sealswithclubs.eu 657370;1399135177;ThickAsThieves;cool cool 657371;1399135190;danielpbarron;he was one of the first to call out BFL 657372;1399135190;Micon;largest bitcoin poker site. I am site pro / affiliate manager / marketing director / TD 657373;1399135201;ThickAsThieves;i recall the BFL videos and coverage 657374;1399135204;BigBitz;Micon nuke that KingOfSports kid. 657375;1399135216;BigBitz;SwC and BFL_Josh hilarity. 657376;1399135240;cgcardona;BigBitz: yea that was funny 657377;1399135244;Micon;yes, and BLF_Josh tried to live-troll me but I re-trolled him harder 657378;1399135257;BigBitz;DAT TROLL. 657379;1399135307;Micon;I saw recently my man Cyrus Farivar from Ars / NPR lit up BFL harder than I have ever seen before. Love seeing real legal action happening to those fucks 657380;1399135311;danielpbarron;i think MP is interested in the "affiliate manager" aspect of your experience 657381;1399135314;ThickAsThieves;Josh will be at the Amsterdam conference 657382;1399135334;Micon;They are at all conferences. We should have an elite team that shows up and paintballs him each time he shows up 657383;1399135340;ThickAsThieves;I'm still waiting for you guys to submit questions to presenters for me to ask: http://devilsadvocate.biz/amsterdam-bitcoin-conferences-quantum-mining-and-the-future/ 657384;1399135352;Micon;seroiusly, paintball guns. always vs. Zerlan. Every conference until they stop showing up IMO 657385;1399135353;BigBitz;I met Josh at BTC London... 657386;1399135361;BigBitz;and I'll be honest - he's affable. 657387;1399135366;ThickAsThieves;paintball guns would get me jailed 657388;1399135370;BigBitz;quite clearly a lying, cheating, cunt, but... affable. 657389;1399135375;Micon;+1 657390;1399135378;ThickAsThieves;therefore your request is disqualified 657391;1399135381;Micon;Solid snake oil salesman 657392;1399135385;BigBitz;Micon sure. 657393;1399135388;*;danielpbarron isn't interested in acts of violence 657394;1399135396;BigBitz;I had a very good chat with him. 657395;1399135401;BigBitz;Clearly it was all utter bullshit... 657396;1399135406;BigBitz;but he can hold a conversation. 657397;1399135421;ThickAsThieves;so can a car salesman 657398;1399135440;BigBitz;ThickAsThieves yeah - that's his "job" I was just, surprised, I guess :) 657399;1399135446;danielpbarron;Micon: do you have a GPG key? 657400;1399135451;Micon;obv 657401;1399135454;BigBitz;Also - very tall. 657402;1399135474;Micon;attached to every email I send... 657403;1399135481;danielpbarron;;;eauth 657404;1399135482;gribble;(eauth ) -- Initiate authentication for user . You must have registered a GPG key with the bot for this to work. You will be given a link to a page which contains a one time password encrypted with your key. Decrypt, and use the 'everify' command with it. Your passphrase will expire in 10 minutes. 657405;1399135491;Micon;http://pastebin.com/R1SWJhtp 657406;1399135491;ozbot;Micon PGP - Pastebin.com 657407;1399135505;danielpbarron;Micon: so get in the WoT! 657408;1399135518;Micon;so how? why? 657409;1399135551;BigBitz;;;gpg info Micon 657410;1399135552;gribble;No such user registered. 657411;1399135554;danielpbarron;Micon: so we can be sure that the Micon we're talking to today is the same as any Micons in the future 657412;1399135569;danielpbarron;and also to confirm that you are in fact the Micon of SWC fame 657413;1399135575;cgcardona;^ 657414;1399135608;ThickAsThieves;and so you can build a rep in this meta world 657415;1399135610;danielpbarron;and then I can give you a rating, and then you can voice yourself 657416;1399135626;Micon;I mean... it all seems odd / gamable to me 657417;1399135638;moiety;cgcardona; danielpbarron: getting the client to autosign-in is obv too difficult for some people. does bug me though if nickserv has a freak out and you re-identify, it unauths you from the wot 657418;1399135642;Micon;all the WoT's I have ever seen are "scammers climb to the top" situations 657419;1399135646;danielpbarron;feel free to voice concerns, i'm sure they can be easily refuted 657420;1399135649;bitcoinpete;micon: http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/wot_and_reputation 657421;1399135650;benkay;* danielpbarron isn't interested in acts of violence << i love a good bit of the old ultra-violence 657422;1399135658;BigBitz;Micon that is a possibility with any WoT. 657423;1399135692;danielpbarron;Micon: don't pay attention to "total rating scores," that's where the scammers show up 657424;1399135702;moiety; how do you measure 'excitement'? 657425;1399135702;moiety; in MIT penises // lol bashing that 657426;1399135707;BigBitz;I need to watch out then. I have a considerable total rating, danielpbarron. 657427;1399135728;danielpbarron;BigBitz: it's not definitive 657428;1399135729;ThickAsThieves;Micon, it's not gameable in the sense that it is a tool that references who trusts whom 657429;1399135735;BigBitz;Heh, I know... I know... :) 657430;1399135742;ThickAsThieves;it is not meant for just looking at the score 657431;1399135746;ThickAsThieves;that would be incorrect usage 657432;1399135753;Micon;For me personally, coming from the poker world, being insanely google-able and IRL verfiable, and especially because I spend every June at Rio since 2006, being on bitcointalk and doing btc trades here in Vegas since 2011... most ppl don't have any issue if they need to trust me. 657433;1399135756;ThickAsThieves;it is meant for connecting people you trust 657434;1399135757;BigBitz;;;gettrust ThickAsThieves 657435;1399135757;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user BigBitz to user ThickAsThieves: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 4 via 2 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=BigBitz&dest=ThickAsThieves | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=ThickAsThieves | Rated since: Sat Mar 2 11:19:18 2013 657436;1399135770;danielpbarron;Micon: for example, it works like this ,,(gettrust danielpbarron BigBitz) 657437;1399135774;BigBitz;Micon the issue is you could be anyone. 657438;1399135781;Micon;sure 657439;1399135785;danielpbarron;huh, that only works in otc? 657440;1399135786;Micon;but I could tweet that I'm me right now 657441;1399135787;BigBitz;joining the WoT and using your key provides the integrity. 657442;1399135793;danielpbarron;;;gettrust danielpbarron BigBitz 657443;1399135793;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask BigBitz!~BigBitz@unaffiliated/bigbitz. Trust relationship from user danielpbarron to user BigBitz: Level 1: 2, Level 2: 19 via 17 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=danielpbarron&dest=BigBitz | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=BigBitz | Rated since: Fri Apr 26 11:13:53 2013 657444;1399135795;BigBitz;danielpbarron you do it like ;;gettrust danielpbarron BigBitz 657445;1399135806;ThickAsThieves;what Google is missing is the ability to verify you in a live situation, and the ability to have a "ledger" on your trust transactions with people 657446;1399135811;danielpbarron;the thing i did would have worked in -otc 657447;1399135818;Micon;sure I'll join, I'm just explaining why I think WoT's in general do not preform the function the legitimate traders want 657448;1399135834;ThickAsThieves;another perk is generally supporting the movement 657449;1399135844;Micon;for me verification in live situation is super, duper easy 657450;1399135850;Micon;I'm totally down to generally support the movement 657451;1399135852;danielpbarron;Micon: I can explain how the opposite is true 657452;1399135857;Micon;so I'll gladly sign something with my key to get in 657453;1399135871;BigBitz;Micon type ;;eregister 657454;1399135874;ThickAsThieves;because if we get more use of the WoT, it allows new systems to develop on it 657455;1399135881;BigBitz;;;gettrust BigBitz ThickAsThieves 657456;1399135881;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user BigBitz to user ThickAsThieves: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 4 via 2 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=BigBitz&dest=ThickAsThieves | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=ThickAsThieves | Rated since: Sat Mar 2 11:19:18 2013 657457;1399135883;Micon;also non-0 chance I'll need to raise a quick $2M worth of btc for big SwC share :) 657458;1399135887;BigBitz;weak trust ThickAsThieves :( 657459;1399135899;ThickAsThieves;weak trust BigBitz ;) 657460;1399135926;moiety; but I could tweet that I'm me right now << but you could also have a fake corresponding tweeter for this purpose 657461;1399135927;cgcardona;I play music and recently I'm going to start signing the lon/lat && timestamp right before I come on stage and flash it on the screen 657462;1399135956;ThickAsThieves;cgcardona are you familiar with MF Doom? 657463;1399135958;Micon;Moiety - My twitter account is 2009 and 5k+ real followers 657464;1399135967;ThickAsThieves;he'd have imposters do his shows sometimes 657465;1399135967;cgcardona;ThickAsThieves: no -- googling now 657466;1399135975;cgcardona;oh cool 657467;1399135985;cgcardona;does he wear a mask? noone noticed? 657468;1399135990;ThickAsThieves;mask, yeah 657469;1399135994;ThickAsThieves;some people noticed 657470;1399135995;cgcardona;haha. classic 657471;1399136007;moiety;re BigFuckingLiar Josh @ London, he apologised to a lot of people who ate it up and were interested in the next bunch of lies he was wanting to send out [at a delayed timeframe] 657472;1399136032;BigBitz;moiety sure he did - that's his "Job" :) 657473;1399136038;moiety;Micon: lots of people have old accounts and you can buy followers 657474;1399136047;danielpbarron;Micon: you can prove your twitter is you; see keybase.io 657475;1399136051;BigBitz;I thought there would have been another BTC London this year but appears not. 657476;1399136059;danielpbarron;Micon: but again, it requires GPG signing 657477;1399136076;Micon;but then you guys are trusting that GPG key is real-micon 657478;1399136079;moiety;BigBitz: did you see half way to the actual date, they bumped up ticket prices? 657479;1399136089;Micon;i just gave you a random pastebin with a GPG key 657480;1399136092;moiety;i tweetered at them but didnt get a response 657481;1399136099;danielpbarron;Micon: you can prove that you have access to modify sealswithclubs.eu with your GPG key 657482;1399136111;danielpbarron;Micon: that way, we know that it's the same Micon accross the board 657483;1399136115;BigBitz;moiety last year? 657484;1399136118;moiety;yep 657485;1399136120;BigBitz;Really? 657486;1399136123;moiety;yep 657487;1399136126;BigBitz;I think I paid like 3.5/4BTC 657488;1399136127;Micon;i could modify SwC.eu, but how with GPG key? 657489;1399136135;moiety;almost coubled ticket prices from what they started at 657490;1399136141;BigBitz;Hateful. 657491;1399136147;BigBitz;It was a nice event, though. 657492;1399136148;danielpbarron;Micon: you host your pub key on the root 657493;1399136151;BigBitz;l39 is a nice location. 657494;1399136152;Micon;ah 657495;1399136157;danielpbarron;Micon: instead of pastebin 657496;1399136160;danielpbarron;err.. not that 657497;1399136164;Micon;that's a good idea 657498;1399136165;danielpbarron;you host a signed message or something 657499;1399136165;moiety;i cancelled going at the last minute BigBitz then regretted it 657500;1399136179;Micon;just have the key and a signed msg in many places like that 657501;1399136183;BigBitz;I enjoyed it. 657502;1399136185;thestringpuller;mod6: where you at? stop being tired. 657503;1399136186;danielpbarron;Micon: i can invite you to keybase, they make it really easy to do all that 657504;1399136187;BigBitz;Lots of morons there though. 657505;1399136204;moiety;as tobe expected, nothing is moron free all of the time 657506;1399136210;Micon;brb later guys / DPB if you send me how to verify myself with my key I'll do it in a bit 657507;1399136222;BigBitz;Yup... Yup... :) 657508;1399136228;Micon;tyvm for the invite / glglglgl 657509;1399136250;moiety;see you later micon, take care :] 657510;1399136258;danielpbarron;Micon: can i use the email you already tweeted at MP? 657511;1399136384;thestringpuller;;;ident 657512;1399136384;gribble;Nick 'thestringpuller', with hostmask 'thestringpuller!~leflor@99-39-97-12.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net', is not identified. 657513;1399136385;thestringpuller;damn 657514;1399136390;thestringpuller;;;eauth 657515;1399136391;gribble;(eauth ) -- Initiate authentication for user . You must have registered a GPG key with the bot for this to work. You will be given a link to a page which contains a one time password encrypted with your key. Decrypt, and use the 'everify' command with it. Your passphrase will expire in 10 minutes. 657516;1399136394;thestringpuller;;;eauth thestringpuller 657517;1399136394;gribble;Request successful for user thestringpuller, hostmask thestringpuller!~leflor@99-39-97-12.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net. Get your encrypted OTP from http://bitcoin-otc.com/otps/0FF2943DA179E169 657518;1399136464;thestringpuller;;;everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:f402d5aedc0aca6dfef9d0d658f4b79acf400e99872a09f553dce778 657519;1399136466;gribble;You are now authenticated for user thestringpuller with key 0FF2943DA179E169 657520;1399136468;thestringpuller;;;ident 657521;1399136469;gribble;Nick 'thestringpuller', with hostmask 'thestringpuller!~leflor@99-39-97-12.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net', is identified as user 'thestringpuller', with GPG key id 0FF2943DA179E169, key fingerprint 6ACE36E786F39A4ADC4506DE0FF2943DA179E169, and bitcoin address None 657522;1399136514;thestringpuller;;;rate ThickAsThieves 2 Has good taste in hip-hop. 657523;1399136515;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 2 for user ThickAsThieves has been recorded. 657524;1399136521;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 40 @ 0.00441573 = 0.1766 BTC [-] 657525;1399136626;cgcardona;so I've been thinking about a group of SuperUsers called 'The church of Sudo', 'The Cult of the SuperUser', and/or 'Order of Root'. Also known as 'The Web' -- I thought that the WoT/+v could be an interesting real world model as well. So a person shows up at the SuperUser underground lair and has to sign a message w/ their key and then retina scan/fingerprint to get access. 657526;1399136690;BigBitz;Hip Hop, you say. 657527;1399136694;BigBitz;Wu Tang Clan or gtfo. 657528;1399136704;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HMF] 290 @ 0.00594957 = 1.7254 BTC [-] {19} 657529;1399136719;cgcardona;BREAM 657530;1399136724;cgcardona;(bitcoin rules everything around me) 657531;1399136738;cgcardona;get the bitcoins! satoshi-satoshis y'all! 657532;1399136744;BigBitz;Lol. 657533;1399136784;thestringpuller;cgcardona: it's get the hashes, crypto-crypto coin 657534;1399136796;cgcardona;nice 657535;1399136801;thestringpuller;gpg rules everything around me GREAM 657536;1399136817;thestringpuller;;;google wu-tang clan ain't nuttin to fuck wit 657537;1399136818;gribble;Wu Tang Clan Ain't Nothing To Fuck With - Wu Tang Clan - YouTube: ; Wu Tang Clan - Wu Tang Clan Ain't Nuthin' To Fuck With - YouTube: ; Wu Tang Clan Ain't nothing to fuck with - YouTube: 657538;1399136842;moiety;cgcardona: here-in lay the super users tho, i doubt they will move 657539;1399136867;cgcardona;moiety: you mean you doubt they'll meet up afk? 657540;1399136903;moiety;o i see what you mean now. that's a bit tricky when everyone is scattered 657541;1399136909;thestringpuller;not really 657542;1399136917;thestringpuller;why would someone meet in person? 657543;1399136919;thestringpuller;it's dangerous 657544;1399136925;cgcardona;ummm sex 657545;1399136926;thestringpuller;a super group in one place at one time? 657546;1399136928;moiety;conferences and such 657547;1399136930;cgcardona;jk 657548;1399136933;thestringpuller;a well placed bomb takes em all out 657549;1399136935;cgcardona;there are lots of reasons to meet in person 657550;1399136946;thestringpuller;not for long periods of time or very often 657551;1399136949;cgcardona;well I'm assuming the SuperUser underground lair is a safe haven for all 657552;1399136950;thestringpuller;imo at least 657553;1399136958;moiety;but thing is, if people go to the effort of getting plane tickets etc, they tend to have passports and stuff? you don't really squat a plane ticket/meet up 657554;1399136963;thestringpuller;that requires you to trust the proprietor of the underground lair 657555;1399136964;cgcardona;and sure the meetings would never be too long. 657556;1399136979;cgcardona;thestringpuller: several people just met up w/ MP in romaina 657557;1399136981;moiety;so you want people to pay a lot for travel for a short assed meet up? 657558;1399136983;cgcardona;*Romani 657559;1399136986;cgcardona;oh geez 657560;1399136987;moiety;seems legit 657561;1399136989;cgcardona;you know what I mean 657562;1399136992;thestringpuller;cgcardona: MP had security... 657563;1399137001;thestringpuller;has* 657564;1399137015;cgcardona;and you think the owner of the SuperUser underground lair wouldn't (this is all hypothetical) 657565;1399137031;cgcardona;i'm suggesting the people who show up would trust the proprieter of the lair 657566;1399137044;moiety;and so why would they need to scan their eyeballs? 657567;1399137048;cgcardona;moiety: I'm also suggesting that price doesn't matter to this group of people 657568;1399137057;moiety;but time, probably will ^ 657569;1399137071;cgcardona;moiety: well the keys would confirm they are the digital person and the fingerprint/eyes would prove they are the human behind the keys 657570;1399137079;cgcardona;moiety: yes time matters far more than btc 657571;1399137091;thestringpuller;cgcardona: i imagine that secret society meetings never happen in the same place twice for good reason 657572;1399137100;moiety;purpose of these meet-ups being business or social? 657573;1399137140;cgcardona;thestringpuller: yes and no - there are online documentation of 'secret societies' which meet up yearly in the same place. but yea they aren't really secret. Real secret societies probably do meet up in different places each time 657574;1399137145;moiety;hell why not get a secret handshake in there too 657575;1399137152;cgcardona;moiety: prob both. but I'm imagining SuperUsers are mostly business 657576;1399137167;cgcardona;moiety: done (secret TCP handshake added) 657577;1399137180;moiety;:] 657578;1399137254;thestringpuller;I would expect SuperUsers to have a mobile brothel for "socializing" 657579;1399137265;cgcardona;yes I would as well 657580;1399137271;thestringpuller;i don't trust femme fatales 657581;1399137303;danielpbarron;if Bitcoin gets to the point where I can't spend it unless I have a mark on my hand or forehead, that's when I divest from Bitcoin and start street preaching 657582;1399137409;assbot;Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. (http://dpaste.com/2BR5YF9/plain/) 657583;1399137409;thestringpuller;!bash 1 657584;1399137469;thestringpuller;Bitcoin becomes the end times ~_~ 657585;1399137482;thestringpuller;Christians would go fanatical over that... 657586;1399137498;danielpbarron;i'm not sure yet; it could be the good money that the beast tries to suppress with his mark 657587;1399137638;bitcoinpete;http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/05/02/hurting-the-poor-by-helping-them/ 657588;1399137643;cgcardona;What do you guys/gals think of darkwallet ? 657589;1399137645;ozbot;Hurting The Poor, By Helping Them | When Bitcoin Met Pete 657590;1399137651;cgcardona;it's got hella buzz right now 657591;1399137667;danielpbarron;cgcardona: i think i wasted $25 on its kickstarter :/ 657592;1399137670;cgcardona;i've been watching a bunch of cody wilson interviews over the last couple of days and it's an interesting idea 657593;1399137671;bitcoinpete;cgcardona: decent enough idea, if taint were a problem 657594;1399137680;cgcardona;danielpbarron: why? you think its vaporware? 657595;1399137681;bitcoinpete;and taaki weren't involved 657596;1399137692;danielpbarron;cgcardona: taaki 657597;1399137698;dexX7;bitcoinpete: Error establishing a database connection 657598;1399137703;dexX7;ah a refresh did it 657599;1399137710;bitcoinpete;;;google trilema bitcoin taint 657600;1399137711;gribble;Guidance : There Is No Such Thing As Bitcoin Taint. pe Trilema - Un ...: ; On July 29, 1914 pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: ; Bitcoin pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: 657601;1399137719;cgcardona;yea people seem to be down on him but I've not met him before. 657602;1399137723;bitcoinpete;dexX7: phew 657603;1399137730;dexX7;hehe ;) 657604;1399137741;cgcardona;wow the Trilema header changed 657605;1399137747;cgcardona;no more monopoly money?! 657606;1399137793;bitcoinpete;cgcardona: i still see monopoly 657607;1399137801;dexX7;clear your cache 657608;1399137868;cgcardona;bitcoinpete: I'm seeing http://imgur.com/5e6LSSG 657609;1399137876;danielpbarron;i liked the old one, but it wasn't the most aesthetically pleasing design 657610;1399137904;cgcardona;well the old one had such a good message w/ the monopoly money 657611;1399137917;danielpbarron;ya 657612;1399137933;bitcoinpete;cgcardona: slightly more frightening, slightly less tongue-in-cheek 657613;1399138008;cgcardona;yea I wonder who did the drawing? 657614;1399138033;bitcoinpete;"Truthcoin is my ambitious project to create a trustless P2P prediction-marketplace. This is possible because, unlike most marketplaces, the end product of a prediction market (PM) is information." 657615;1399138044;bitcoinpete;"The end result is the first of its kind: a market for actual prediction-commodities, which have a value based on their accuracy and not based on the behaviour of any administrator, rival trader, or counterparty." 657616;1399138046;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12150 @ 0.00096958 = 11.7804 BTC [+] {2} 657617;1399138070;bitcoinpete;"Contract outcomes are determined in a trustless and decentralized way, through a weighted vote based on present and past consensus with a unique Nash Equilibrium where all voters report accurately on the state of markets." 657618;1399138083;bitcoinpete;https://github.com/psztorc/Truthcoin < argentina 657720;1399145396;fluffypony;http://it.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/24gknv/im_jesse_eisinger_a_pulitzerwinning_financial/ch6wfib 657721;1399145408;fluffypony;http://reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/24gknv/im_jesse_eisinger_a_pulitzerwinning_financial/ch6wfib 657722;1399145411;fluffypony;"Bitcoin is a mad, technoutopian fever dream that will end in tears, if it hasn't already." 657723;1399145422;fluffypony;- Jesse Eisinger, Pulitzer-winning financial reporter 657724;1399145427;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24701 @ 0.00096676 = 23.8799 BTC [-] {4} 657725;1399145717;dignork;Localbitcoins got p0wned through social engineering: http://localbitcoins.blogspot.fi/2014/05/attack-against-localbitcoins.html 657726;1399146722;kakobrekla;oh my. 657727;1399146730;kakobrekla;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=593815.0 657728;1399146731;ozbot;Overstock.com CEO interested in NXT asset exchange 657729;1399146739;kakobrekla;>>I do not know NXT, but I am interested in finding (and even potentially investing in) efforts to create a peer-to-peer capital market. In fact, if a good solution emerges, you might even see Overstock be the first issuer of a stock or bond in such a market, just to help things get going! (Incidentally, we were the first to do a Dutch auction IPO, for precisely that reason.) 657730;1399146831;fluffypony;kakobrekla: so they're going to lend legitimacy to all the scammy DACs 657731;1399146833;fluffypony;great 657732;1399146891;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 41 @ 0.07594902 = 3.1139 BTC [+] {9} 657733;1399146942;kakobrekla;oh my, dac. 657734;1399146979;cgcardona;;;ticker 657735;1399146980;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 432.45, Best ask: 434.5, Bid-ask spread: 2.05000, Last trade: 434.5, 24 hour volume: 7518.22015233, 24 hour low: 431.0, 24 hour high: 455.78, 24 hour vwap: 443.02536701 657736;1399148092;dexX7;wasn't nxt abandoned? 657737;1399148112;fluffypony;dexX7: I gave up following the altcoin drama 657738;1399148116;dexX7;hehe 657739;1399148120;dexX7;yea, there is probably too much 657740;1399148153;moiety;drama on teh interwebz? never! 657741;1399148159;fluffypony;every time a coin dev disappears then someone picks up the reigns and "relaunches" it 657742;1399148172;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8300 @ 0.00097106 = 8.0598 BTC [+] {2} 657743;1399148174;fluffypony;and then the original dev reappears 657744;1399148179;dexX7;some could call this improvement 657745;1399148180;fluffypony;and the relaunch is abandoned 657746;1399148184;dexX7;okay, not this hehe 657747;1399148195;fluffypony;lol 657748;1399148220;moiety;there was a right mess with those tox devs 657749;1399148961;BingoBoingo;http://www.slate.com/blogs/business_insider/2014/05/03/shawn_hogan_ceo_of_digital_point_solutions_and_former_ebay_affiliated_marketer.html 657750;1399148961;ozbot;Shawn Hogan, CEO of Digital Point Solutions and former eBay affiliated marketer, is sentenced to $25 657751;1399148965;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 101 @ 0.00649284 = 0.6558 BTC [-] {5} 657752;1399149075;mircea_popescu;soo 657753;1399149082;mircea_popescu;yo Micon 657754;1399149087;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2400 @ 0.00097187 = 2.3325 BTC [+] 657755;1399149211;fluffypony;BingoBoingo: damn, that case took forever 657756;1399149235;BingoBoingo;fluffypony: Good ones do. My disorderly conduct case has now exceeded a year in length. 657757;1399149262;fluffypony;BingoBoingo: disorderly conduct? tl;dr / blog post? 657758;1399149265;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves im not sure i get what you're asking there. 657759;1399149315;BingoBoingo;fluffypony: I don't like to comment much on the pending case other than, allegedly some political speech was said. 657760;1399149363;fluffypony;BingoBoingo: time to move to South Africa, we're not particularly litigious 657761;1399149371;mircea_popescu;!up frank1e 657762;1399149371;assbot;Voicing frank1e for 30 minutes. 657763;1399149406;BingoBoingo;fluffypony: When I jump ship I'm looking more towards south or central america. 657764;1399149438;fluffypony;BingoBoingo: do they have baseball there? 657765;1399149441;fluffypony;:-P 657766;1399149480;BingoBoingo;fluffypony: Of course. Many of the great players come from the region and many of the US players play in their Winter leagues as well. 657767;1399149502;fluffypony;yeah better deal than South Africa from that perspective then 657768;1399149522;fluffypony;we have lions and tigers and sunsets and stuff 657769;1399149558;BingoBoingo;Also I can kinda speak spanish. Also less aids and Ebola. 657770;1399149622;mircea_popescu;cgcardona: why oh why doesn't nickserv turn ENFORCE on by default? << because security should not be the default ? 657771;1399149659;cgcardona;really? what are your thoughts there? 657772;1399149666;cgcardona;seems like security should be the default 657773;1399149766;mircea_popescu;why ? 657774;1399149783;mircea_popescu;there's nothing default about security. 657775;1399149793;mircea_popescu;for that matter, children are born naked. you clothe them after. 657776;1399149806;BingoBoingo;cgcardona: You have to realize a lot of non-Bitcoin freenode is tech support for a lot of projects, and... If they locked out every name forever, it would be a pain coming up with unique names every time you don't care to remember a password. 657777;1399149821;BingoBoingo;If you care about your name, you can work to keep it. 657778;1399149835;mircea_popescu;also this. 657779;1399149839;cgcardona;fair enough 657780;1399149930;BingoBoingo;Unique names are a non-trival problem in large networks. 657781;1399149955;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla "Speakers from the Bitcoin Foundation, Circle Internet Financial" << so much speaking these doods do. 657782;1399149970;fluffypony;we should start the Bitcoin Assets Foundation 657783;1399150045;cgcardona;Reggae band called 'The Bitcoin Groundation' 657784;1399150050;BingoBoingo;Foundations are dumb, except in the rare cases they aren't 657785;1399150078;mircea_popescu;in romanian, fund means ass, and foundation is "fundatie". so... 657786;1399150079;fluffypony;we can make Jimmothy an honorary member 657787;1399150089;fluffypony;the court jester, so to speak 657788;1399150107;mircea_popescu;did he start a bitcoin investment growth first ever fund yet or anything ? 657789;1399150119;BingoBoingo;Jimmothy can my honorary "chair" concerned with fundaments 657790;1399150144;fluffypony;I don't think he's done anything except make circuitous, confusing arguments and accuse everyone of being part of a cult 657791;1399150150;fluffypony;or that might be minerpart, I lose track 657792;1399150176;pankkake;I was going to reply to the latest jimmothy things but I forced myself not to 657793;1399150181;pankkake;I just can't into his brain 657794;1399150182;mircea_popescu;isnt minerpart the one that kept talking to people on btctalk like they were me ? 657795;1399150200;BingoBoingo;Yeah 657796;1399150201;fluffypony;pankkake: I also start typing replies to him and then give up, I don't actually have the time to waste 657797;1399150210;pankkake;well, the first one to do so was the NeoBee lover that got banned 657798;1399150224;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: he accuses everyone of either being you or "sucking MP's dick" 657799;1399150241;fluffypony;and then backtracks when it's clear that the person is not you 657800;1399150269;mircea_popescu;btw, did you know you can actually get a cock skin problem that's essentially... tegument digestion syndrome ? 657801;1399150284;mircea_popescu;apparently saliva has some digestive properties, and if you keep your cock in mouths for too many hours a day... well... 657802;1399150289;BingoBoingo;That doesn't sound pleasant... 657803;1399150293;mircea_popescu;indeed. 657804;1399150304;bitcoinpete;http://miseschrist.com/2014/04/30/satoshi-revealed-an-inside-look-at-the-man-behind-bitcoin/ < double rainbow 657832;1399150749;TheNewDeal;unlimited power 657833;1399150769;mircea_popescu;http://bash.bitcoin-assets.com/?quote=118 kik i like the danielpbarron kid 657834;1399150770;ozbot;#bitcoin-assets bash 657835;1399150825;mircea_popescu;this new set of bashes are pretty cool 657836;1399150847;mircea_popescu;;;marielynn 657837;1399150848;gribble;Error: "marielynn" is not a valid command. 657838;1399150853;mircea_popescu;;;seen marielynn 657839;1399150853;gribble;marielynn was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 21 hours, 24 minutes, and 47 seconds ago: Okay, I only want palatable :P 657840;1399150856;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [COG] [PAID] 103.64066680 BTC to 13`595 shares, 762344 satoshi per share 657841;1399150878;mircea_popescu;!t h cog 657842;1399150878;assbot;[HAVELOCK:COG] 1D: 0.00689999 / 0.00717103 / 0.00749777 (13 shares, 0.09322341 BTC), 7D: 0.00600041 / 0.00798867 / 0.01000000 (206 shares, 1.64566602 BTC), 30D: 0.00399993 / 0.01001049 / 0.03499997 (2737 shares, 27.39871525 BTC) 657843;1399150887;bitcoinpete;https://twitter.com/M_McDonough/status/462686941314818048/photo/1 << canada down to 4th in natural gas exports 657844;1399150888;ozbot;Twitter / M_McDonough: World's Top Five Natural Gas ... 657845;1399150893;mircea_popescu;did that thing just dissolve ? 657846;1399150900;kakobrekla;prolly 657847;1399150936;mircea_popescu;so traded 4 to 35, settled at 7.6 ? 657848;1399150939;mircea_popescu;sounds about right. 657849;1399150939;kakobrekla;http://bash.bitcoin-assets.com/?quote=117 657850;1399150940;ozbot;#bitcoin-assets bash 657851;1399150942;kakobrekla;what is this -2 657852;1399150946;kakobrekla;lots of ppl from mit here? 657853;1399150948;pankkake;with some goaty drama 657854;1399150959;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla lol apparently. 657855;1399150968;fluffypony;lol 657856;1399150968;ryepdx;Outside of Bitfinex, is there any way to short Bitcoin in USD? I'm interested in exploring the possibility of creating a Bitcoin wallet that maintains a constant USD balance no matter what the exchange rate does. 657857;1399150978;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [COG] 100 @ 0.00506315 = 0.5063 BTC [-] {11} 657858;1399151011;bitcoinpete;ryepdx: so just like a regular bank account then 657859;1399151029;kakobrekla;first dissolve the company then sell the shares! 657860;1399151032;mircea_popescu;right, seems like "sell bitcoins, keep dollars" would bte the way to go 657861;1399151033;ryepdx;Right. But without the risk of someone deciding you shouldn't have a bank account anymore. 657862;1399151034;BingoBoingo;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=588220.msg6519510#msg6519510 657863;1399151035;ozbot;Should KENILWORTH be reported to Austrailian Securities Commission? 657864;1399151055;bitcoinpete;ryepdx: so like cash under your mattress 657865;1399151058;fluffypony;ryepdx: except someone is holding the USD in a bank account, right, and THEIR bank account can be closed 657866;1399151066;mircea_popescu;ryepdx not sure that risk can be avoided. for instance, yo ucould buy a delivered future like the x.eur 657867;1399151075;mircea_popescu;but it's still tied to the deliverability of the underwriter. 657868;1399151092;mircea_popescu;in short, for as long as you wish to hold a franchise (in this case, the dollar) you're bound by the rights of the franchise owner. 657869;1399151105;TheNewDeal;ryepdx, not a leveraged short, but start an account on bitstamp, sell btc at a price you want to short at, set up buy orders below said sale 657870;1399151122;mircea_popescu;TheNewDeal and if someone decides bitstamp should no longer have a bank account ? 657871;1399151132;fluffypony;^^^ 657872;1399151132;TheNewDeal;counterparty risk... 657873;1399151141;mircea_popescu;i mean, his idea is sound, in theory, i can see why that is desirable 657874;1399151152;mircea_popescu;decouple one bitcoin benefit from the others. 657875;1399151153;ryepdx;Yeah. BridgeWalker got bit by that, hard. They were using Gox. 657876;1399151153;TheNewDeal;guy was talking about bitfinex, so ... 657877;1399151160;mircea_popescu;it's just that it doesn't seem structurally decouple-able. 657878;1399151161;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [COG] 69 @ 0.00481682 = 0.3324 BTC [-] {4} 657879;1399151162;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20163 @ 0.00097187 = 19.5958 BTC [+] 657880;1399151174;mircea_popescu;TheNewDeal well i glossed over that bit of nonsense. 657881;1399151220;ryepdx;I realize that getting in and out with actual dollars will require centralized brokers. Gateways from and to fiat will always be vulnerable... 657882;1399151239;mircea_popescu;ryepdx prolly your best bet is an otc contract with a trusted party. 657883;1399151244;mircea_popescu;;;gettrust ryepdx 657884;1399151245;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user mircea_popescu to user ryepdx: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=mircea_popescu&dest=ryepdx | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=ryepdx | Rated since: Tue May 24 01:12:57 2011 657885;1399151254;mircea_popescu;which is something you don't have access to yet. 657886;1399151262;ryepdx;;;eauth 657887;1399151263;gribble;(eauth ) -- Initiate authentication for user . You must have registered a GPG key with the bot for this to work. You will be given a link to a page which contains a one time password encrypted with your key. Decrypt, and use the 'everify' command with it. Your passphrase will expire in 10 minutes. 657888;1399151277;fluffypony;needs moar ratings 657889;1399151279;ryepdx;;;eauth rye 657890;1399151280;gribble;Request successful for user rye, hostmask ryepdx!~ryan@c-76-115-78-13.hsd1.or.comcast.net. Get your encrypted OTP from http://bitcoin-otc.com/otps/680F5108B06DBB77 657891;1399151283;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.0321019 = 0.1605 BTC [+] 657892;1399151300;moiety;kakobrekla: i made it 0. im not having a neg bash addition! 657893;1399151311;kakobrekla;moiety :D 657894;1399151312;ryepdx;;;everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:736a4f34eb8a3a3b9e41887e3b563bdca818765969c8700121e399da 657895;1399151314;gribble;You are now authenticated for user rye with key 680F5108B06DBB77 657896;1399151317;fluffypony;;;rated moiety 657897;1399151317;gribble;You have not yet rated user moiety 657898;1399151321;mircea_popescu;;;gettrust rye 657899;1399151322;fluffypony;oh noez 657900;1399151322;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask ryepdx!~ryan@c-76-115-78-13.hsd1.or.comcast.net. CAUTION: irc nick differs from otc registered nick. Trust relationship from user mircea_popescu to user rye: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=mircea_popescu&dest=rye | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=rye | Rated since: Thu May 1 15:06:26 2014 657901;1399151343;mircea_popescu;ryepdx i guess make a deal with benkay ? 657902;1399151353;fluffypony;;;rate moiety 1 the Cat Lady of Bitcoin Assets 657903;1399151354;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user moiety has been recorded. 657904;1399151359;moiety;\o/ lol 657905;1399151367;moiety;cat lady. nice 657906;1399151389;fluffypony;s'true 657907;1399151406;fluffypony;if I say "manul lady" nobody will know what that iw 657908;1399151406;fluffypony;*is 657909;1399151410;TheNewDeal;hahaha 657910;1399151415;benkay;!up Micon 657911;1399151415;assbot;Voicing Micon for 30 minutes. 657912;1399151415;moiety;;; rate fluffypony 1 Creator of epic manul art 657913;1399151417;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user fluffypony has been recorded. 657914;1399151421;benkay;!up Micon_ 657915;1399151421;assbot;Voicing Micon_ for 30 minutes. 657916;1399151421;mircea_popescu;fluffypony or think it has to do with masturbation 657917;1399151430;Micon_;hi 657918;1399151432;moiety;meh i use manuls everywhere 657919;1399151435;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: exactly 657920;1399151440;TheNewDeal;you could put a sweet manul link in the rating 657921;1399151454;mircea_popescu;Micon_ hey. so the deal is this : bitbet offers an open affiliate deal, where anyone sending traffic gets 100% the house rake 657922;1399151461;moiety;wait.. mircea_popescu i have my location on tweeter as "looking for manuls" :/ eep 657923;1399151474;mircea_popescu;Micon_ the payments for april were 0.09 BTC. this is fucking ridiculous. now, what can you do for me ? 657924;1399151488;Micon_;? 657925;1399151501;Micon_;I suppose I could wish you the best of luck :) 657926;1399151506;Micon_;and suggest an a-ads.com run 657927;1399151507;ryepdx;mircea_popescu: Okay, thanks. Was kinda hoping someone had already set up a security of some kind, but I guess I'm treading new-ish ground. 657928;1399151507;mircea_popescu;how about manage a horde of affs ? 657929;1399151543;Micon_;if I didn't have my own horde to manage for SwC I'd seriously consider your offer 657930;1399151545;fluffypony;ryepdx: build it and they will come? :-P 657931;1399151546;TheNewDeal;how does this house deal work - how can you make sure that someone isn't just giving the rake to themself? 657932;1399151564;mircea_popescu;Micon_ hm. okay. 657933;1399151581;ryepdx;mirceau_popescu: Affs == affiliates? 657934;1399151584;mircea_popescu;yes. 657935;1399151586;Micon_;I do thank you for making bitbet to help kill betsofbit.coscam 657936;1399151589;TheNewDeal;I guess I could read tfm 657937;1399151611;Micon_;good riddance, coinjedi 657938;1399151613;mircea_popescu;Micon_ also, re the wot thing : there isn't really a top. http://trilema.com/2014/what-the-wot-is-for-how-it-works-and-how-to-use-it/ << that's the long story. 657939;1399151639;ryepdx;Was thinking that. Was also hoping I wouldn't have to manage a bunch of affiliates myself. 657940;1399151645;mircea_popescu;TheNewDeal like normal in aff systems lol 657941;1399151649;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.03399412 = 0.17 BTC [+] 657942;1399151678;Micon_;mircea_popescu - I am interested in how to define trust for us early btc barons and accept other friendlies as time goes 657943;1399151696;Micon_;I know many legitimate humans want to connect and make btc businesses 657944;1399151707;mircea_popescu;i just had lunch with a couple. 657945;1399151711;Micon_;there are so many segments to fill now and many more segments that haven't been created yet 657946;1399151716;mircea_popescu;right. 657947;1399151721;mircea_popescu;well, this chan is your friend then. 657948;1399151731;Micon_;a place like this is needed badly at this stage 657949;1399151752;mircea_popescu;get in the wot so you can self-voice yourself for the future 657950;1399151760;Micon_;ah yes, instructions on that? 657951;1399151771;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 3 @ 0.03399291 = 0.102 BTC [-] 657952;1399151784;TheNewDeal;can i ref myself? 657953;1399151801;mircea_popescu;Micon_ http://wiki.bitcoin-otc.com/wiki/GPG_authentication 657954;1399151832;BingoBoingo;TheNewDeal: Anyone can make referral links, they look like http://bitbet.us/bet/801/american-league-team-will-win-the-mlb-world/?ref=16wAZSsL8BFNFM8WCsrE8pwwFkhDErWiok 657955;1399151850;BingoBoingo;TheNewDeal: Just sub in an address of yours 657956;1399151893;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15500 @ 0.00096939 = 15.0255 BTC [-] 657957;1399151977;TheNewDeal;but my question is, what happens if I create a ref link, then I myself send bets through the link 657958;1399151992;fluffypony;then you'll get the credit 657959;1399152001;mircea_popescu;TheNewDeal you ever been an affiliate before ? 657960;1399152006;TheNewDeal;nope 657961;1399152027;fluffypony;TheNewDeal: there are lots of ways of gaming an affiliate system, and even more ways of being caught 657962;1399152036;mircea_popescu;pretty much. 657963;1399152064;fluffypony;anyone who's seriously played with affiliate systems has tried cookie stuffing Amazon and had their account frozen 657964;1399152066;pankkake;I did it by mistake the first times I used bitbet 657965;1399152099;moiety;do we have a first steps in assets guide? this would be good for ze wiki 657966;1399152118;pankkake;http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/wot_and_reputation perhaps 657967;1399152119;fluffypony;moiety: http://wiki.bitcoin-otc.com/wiki/Beginners_Guide 657968;1399152120;ozbot;wot_and_reputation [bitcoin assets wiki] 657969;1399152122;mircea_popescu;moiety you can cobble it together, out of nano's gribble intro linked above and the general assbot stuff. 657970;1399152163;pankkake;https://blockchain.info/address/1Eck6cgGzEb9N42CFhcsCBQhZQStoJbHRK my tries of spamming for bitbet, 0.04 total. not as bad as I remember 657971;1399152164;ozbot;Bitcoin Address 1Eck6cgGzEb9N42CFhcsCBQhZQStoJbHRK 657972;1399152168;moiety;aye be nice to collate it all together and hand a hand holding step by step 657973;1399152175;moiety;and have a * 657974;1399152196;fluffypony;moiety: just don't tell kakobrekla about it, he hates hand holding 657975;1399152199;fluffypony;:-P 657976;1399152285;mircea_popescu;http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/may/02/white-house-legal-immunity-telecoms-firms-bill?CMP=twt_fd 657977;1399152285;ozbot;White House seeks legal immunity for firms that hand over customer data | World news | theguardian. 657978;1399152442;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 22 @ 0.00674 = 0.1483 BTC [+] {2} 657979;1399152479;fluffypony;A Mormon guy goes into a hotel and checks in, he says "I hope the porn in my room is disabled". The guy behind the desk replies "no it's just regular porn you sick fuck". 657980;1399152488;moiety;fluffypony: not entirely hand holding just a 'dont ask why if you cant be arsed to read the collated info and steps or manuls shall be set upon you' thingy 657981;1399152504;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 11 @ 0.076 = 0.836 BTC [+] 657982;1399152511;fluffypony;moiety: I'm all for it, was just teasing kakobrekla 657983;1399152543;mircea_popescu;i wonder if mormon porn includes the special underwear. 657984;1399152558;moiety;special underwear?! 657985;1399152563;moiety;queefwear? 657986;1399152564;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 7 @ 0.07697711 = 0.5388 BTC [+] {3} 657987;1399152588;TheNewDeal;flullypony I like that one 657988;1399152625;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.07698997 = 0.7699 BTC [+] {3} 657989;1399152633;moiety;i had a large bot guide typed out and my laptop died 657990;1399152666;mircea_popescu;moiety yes, mormons use special blessed underwear. also, this is why you save periodically. 657991;1399152681;TheNewDeal;who is the Milk character that's referenced at the bottom of the bitbet faq? 657992;1399152710;ThickAsThieves;<+mircea_popescu> ThickAsThieves im not sure i get what you're asking there. /// I'll break it down into bits 657993;1399152738;moiety;i know D; i havent lost anything in ages. this will be the reminder for the next few years XD 657994;1399152738;fluffypony;ThickAsThieves: be sure to use the new symbol 657995;1399152746;ThickAsThieves;1. You want to have an open market for artwork be an integral part of Eulora 657996;1399152754;mircea_popescu;TheNewDeal old story. 657997;1399152764;ThickAsThieves;I assume this consists of incentivizing designers to make skins and such 657998;1399152765;fluffypony;oh you mean actual bits, not Bitpay bits 657999;1399152774;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves not exactly, no. 658000;1399152783;mircea_popescu;i want to have a services market, as integral part of bitcoin. 658001;1399152796;ThickAsThieves;i'm a lil lost 658002;1399152813;ThickAsThieves;you mean the freelancer.com thing? 658003;1399152846;mircea_popescu;that, except not a piece of shit. 658004;1399152854;ThickAsThieves;ahhhh that clears much up, 658005;1399152869;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [COG] 56 @ 0.00472641 = 0.2647 BTC [-] {4} 658006;1399152874;ThickAsThieves;see i was always picturing you'd have some sort of eulora-specific market 658007;1399152877;ThickAsThieves;as part of the game 658008;1399152882;ThickAsThieves;like how Dota 2 does it 658009;1399152889;ThickAsThieves;to make "hats" 658010;1399152895;ThickAsThieves;or other armor skins 658011;1399152912;ThickAsThieves;something integrated yet separate from the game 658012;1399152923;ThickAsThieves;but not totally encompassing like a freelance.com 658013;1399152956;ThickAsThieves;(something worth considering either way, Dota 2 is fucking raking it in) 658014;1399152965;mircea_popescu;yes, but that is not a choice on dota's part, but a forced mistake. 658015;1399152970;mircea_popescu;nothing forces my hand there/ 658016;1399152995;ThickAsThieves;choice and forced mistake are different how exactly? 658017;1399153015;mircea_popescu;dota didn't make the choice tonot make a freelance.com killer. 658018;1399153018;mircea_popescu;they never had that option. 658019;1399153023;ThickAsThieves;ah 658020;1399153037;ThickAsThieves;while i dont disagree 658021;1399153038;mircea_popescu;like, poor indian woman marries some poor indian schmuck rather than me. 658022;1399153042;mircea_popescu;well... forced mistake on her part. 658023;1399153049;ThickAsThieves;i do question whether or not dota's approach is better 658024;1399153060;ThickAsThieves;for the sake of the game itself 658025;1399153101;ThickAsThieves;it will be rather difficult to develop a thriving eulora skin market in bitlancer.io 658026;1399153114;ThickAsThieves;compared to having one hosted in the game 658027;1399153124;mircea_popescu;why ? 658028;1399153146;mircea_popescu;eulora does not include a web browser, nor will it. 658029;1399153156;ThickAsThieves;nor does dota 658030;1399153160;mircea_popescu;most games cheat and include shit via in-game browsers 658031;1399153160;ThickAsThieves;(though Steam does) 658032;1399153161;mircea_popescu;usure ? 658033;1399153181;ThickAsThieves;part of the marker is extra-dota 658034;1399153187;ThickAsThieves;part is intra 658035;1399153193;ThickAsThieves;market* 658036;1399153218;ThickAsThieves;they each have gateways to the other though 658037;1399153231;BingoBoingo;The in game browser is one of the worst things about Eve 658038;1399153236;mircea_popescu;doesn't this design start to sound to you like that famous turtle ? 658039;1399153256;ThickAsThieves;yes and no, i think there are marketing considerations 658040;1399153258;mircea_popescu;http://liberationbc.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/turtle-caught-in-plastic-ring.jpg 658041;1399153275;mircea_popescu;!up Micon_ 658042;1399153275;assbot;Voicing Micon_ for 30 minutes. 658043;1399153289;ThickAsThieves;i'm sure i can totally articulate why i think dota's approach has advantages, but i'll try 658044;1399153343;ThickAsThieves;branding/community - Having it intregrated allows focus on the game, removes distractions, and creates a sense of worth, even for "worthless" skins 658045;1399153359;ThickAsThieves;moving it to a bitlance.io would throw it into the wild 658046;1399153371;ThickAsThieves;it would compete more directly with other work 658047;1399153386;ThickAsThieves;and thin out the focus and perceived value of the brand 658048;1399153387;mircea_popescu;competition is bad ? 658049;1399153410;ThickAsThieves;not in a general sense, no 658050;1399153432;ThickAsThieves;but in the end Eulora is it's own player, competing 658051;1399153442;ThickAsThieves;i'm not saying to pretend competition doesnt exist 658052;1399153444;mircea_popescu;how does that work ? 658053;1399153464;ThickAsThieves;i'm saying that dominating customer attention gains benefit 658054;1399153522;ThickAsThieves;people like the option of options, to feel they have choice, but in a marketing sense, they dont functionally like it too much choice 658055;1399153576;ThickAsThieves;this crosses over to your designers too 658056;1399153578;mircea_popescu;yes. but strategically, do i want to encourage a few good people to make a few good skins as you call them 658057;1399153585;mircea_popescu;or each idiot to make a ms paint drawing ? 658058;1399153589;ThickAsThieves;no no 658059;1399153602;mircea_popescu;!up KLYE 658060;1399153602;assbot;Voicing KLYE for 30 minutes. 658061;1399153609;ThickAsThieves;you want the players to be enthusiasts of the designers and designs 658062;1399153614;KLYE;I was summoned here by an email. How goes all? 658063;1399153631;ThickAsThieves;and you wantthe designers to know they have a dedicated thriving community to consume them 658064;1399153638;mircea_popescu;KLYE what's this strip cam biz ? 658065;1399153656;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves true. 658066;1399153673;KLYE;It's my initial seeding of what eventually will be the new standard for live adult entertainment 658067;1399153677;mircea_popescu;but i don't believe the best way to achieve that is through half-assing the marketplace design. 658068;1399153683;mircea_popescu;KLYE do explain. 658069;1399153727;ThickAsThieves;while Dota is in no way a perfect bitlancer, it is also debatable to call it half-assed tfor the purposes it was designed 658070;1399153736;KLYE;Well MP. Right now I am collecting initial investment capital to acquire my Studio proper equipment and space to essentially prove that my business plan is profitable and viable 658071;1399153752;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves yes, true, for the purposes and in the constraints they had they did great. i still think it a forced mistake. 658072;1399153759;ThickAsThieves;(i could easily mark improvements for dota's market as applied though) 658073;1399153760;mircea_popescu;nothing bad about it, these happen. that's why "forced" 658074;1399153787;mircea_popescu;KLYE who's going to camwhoire for you ? 658075;1399153806;ThickAsThieves;so this goes back to my questions, as my goal wasnt to compare market approaches anyway 658076;1399153827;KLYE;I have a local harem here. And I am constantly recruiting both locally and abroad. 658077;1399153845;mircea_popescu;you don't say. 658078;1399153866;mircea_popescu;have this local harem strip and hold a sign saying "hello mp!". 658079;1399153884;fluffypony;that's a good starting point 658080;1399153901;KLYE;As it sits at this current moment I am looking into exactly what Cameras I'd like to invest in.. I need PTZ technology built in. But I also don't want to invest in cheap hardware and have it break quickly 658081;1399153918;ThickAsThieves;now i should rephrase to, will there be an inital set pf graphics the game is launched with, with a style guide - separately from any continuously solicited graphics -- or is my vision of "coninuously created graphics" off the mark, where theyll be not even a shade of the dota community approach 658082;1399153919;KLYE;Hahaha. That can be arranged MP. 658083;1399153923;mircea_popescu;go for it. 658084;1399153934;fluffypony;plus it'll be fun, I'm tired of .bait 658085;1399153960;BingoBoingo;.bait 658086;1399153961;ozbot;http://37.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5lzsqtYG31qzpi5po1_1280.jpg 658087;1399153997;KLYE;My one is away at school at the moment. Another is enroute from BC.. I have a small handful of girls that would enjoy this though. Once I explain to them who you are I imagine they would without question. 658088;1399154068;hanbot;'evening all 658089;1399154068;mircea_popescu;KLYE well so you have a few hours, set something up. 658090;1399154073;KLYE;Do you mind if I quickly go check my threads and email? I slept a little longer than I wanted to this morning and need to catch up with a few investors I imagine. 658091;1399154089;ThickAsThieves;hello hanbot 658092;1399154164;KLYE;Hahaha, The thing about whores MP is they are not easily summon-able. Hard to get them over (let alone all of them in one room) and an absolute bastard to get them to leave once they are here.. :P 658093;1399154186;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves the current thinking is that if by style guide you mean, that the same hand visibly had designed everything, that that's a luxury we don't want to afford 658094;1399154202;mircea_popescu;much like kyle's camho biz does not need super cameras as much as it needs super eager sluts. 658095;1399154223;KLYE;That, And it is a terrible conflict of interest for all of my consorts to know about eachother. I am honest with them I am not monogamous.. But I haven't tested putting them in close proximity to one another. 658096;1399154226;mircea_popescu;KLYE the difference between a harem and anything else is that the harem does things on the spot. 658097;1399154249;KLYE;My harem is not live in though.. Not yet. 658098;1399154250;mircea_popescu;gotta be very careful not to use words you can't back, in this rap biz :p 658099;1399154252;fluffypony;hanbot: good evenings 658100;1399154274;KLYE;Hahah, Explain MP. 658101;1399154276;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves there's a lot to discuss on this point, but i think style may emerge. 658102;1399154301;ThickAsThieves;<+mircea_popescu> ThickAsThieves the current thinking is that if by style guide you mean, that the same hand visibly had designed everything, that that's a luxury we don't want to afford /// not exactly, a style guide is more like a branding guidelines document, it defines the overall style of the game, creating boundaries for artists 658103;1399154304;ThickAsThieves;for example, 658104;1399154305;mircea_popescu;KLYE not really much to explain. if i ask you and you say you got a harem o' girls, you gotta have them then. 658105;1399154334;ThickAsThieves;WoW's style guide might say "please try to use blocky, child-friendly shapes" 658106;1399154347;mircea_popescu;at that level the answer is yes. 658107;1399154366;ThickAsThieves;where Rift's might say "designs should not resemble WoW and be more photo=realistic" 658108;1399154369;ThickAsThieves;etc 658109;1399154370;mircea_popescu;"please make everything look like heroes series, mp loved those 658110;1399154375;ThickAsThieves;hehe 658111;1399154392;ThickAsThieves;it just makes sure all the furniture looks good in the room 658112;1399154400;hanbot;KLYE> Hahaha, The thing about whores MP is they are not easily summon-able / odd, i thought that was the point. easy come, easy go. 658113;1399154412;KLYE;I certainly hope you aren't discrediting me for not being able snap my fingers and have the whores over now. These women like booze and parties. As it sits I have neither, nor is it that time of day yet. And as explained before I am hesitant to get them all together. They may be whores.. But last thing I need is them all pissed off at me for putting them in the same room as one another. 658114;1399154418;mircea_popescu;KLYE not yet. 658115;1399154446;mircea_popescu;but eventually you gotta follow through, it's what business is built on. 658116;1399154453;ThickAsThieves;a style guide might also get technical to help 3d artists know the boundaries and specs of each hero race 658117;1399154462;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves there's only one race. 658118;1399154474;ThickAsThieves;interesting 658119;1399154494;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves however, to round that point : no modern game can feasibly made by exactly 1 person. practical games are made by teams, and a lot of content is needed. as the game goes through its cycle, the teams change anyway. 658120;1399154504;mircea_popescu;so very much coherence of style is a bridge too far in all cases anyway. 658121;1399154518;mircea_popescu;this from a very demanding and in depth art perspective. 658122;1399154542;mircea_popescu;KLYE anyway, they don't have to be in the same room specifically, if you don't intend them to do group work. 658123;1399154545;ThickAsThieves;there are ways to mitigate this to almost seamless effect 658124;1399154561;ThickAsThieves;dota 2 most certainly maintains a style 658125;1399154574;ThickAsThieves;despite dozens of outside contributors 658126;1399154577;mircea_popescu;sure. 658127;1399154589;ThickAsThieves;just need good art directors and PMs 658128;1399154591;mircea_popescu;but to some degree... style may also be an emergent property of groups 658129;1399154596;ThickAsThieves;yes 658130;1399154598;mircea_popescu;perhaps something yo udon't want to fuck with 658131;1399154600;ThickAsThieves;styke may evolve 658132;1399154604;mircea_popescu;so it's a complicated thing. 658133;1399154605;ThickAsThieves;and should be allowed to 658134;1399154607;ThickAsThieves;if not constrained 658135;1399154634;KLYE;Alright MP. I will see what I can do. It seems that the FUDsters have started attacking my thread. I will see if I can summon some girls over for your photo shoot. In the mean time I must go troll hunting. 658136;1399154648;KLYE;I appreciate the summon. 658137;1399154648;mircea_popescu;KLYE dun worry about them lol 658138;1399154652;mircea_popescu;their effect is usually +ev. 658139;1399154663;ThickAsThieves;this topic (and more i wish to bring up) is very interesting to me, so I apologize if it's boggong the channel 658140;1399154672;ThickAsThieves;bogging* 658141;1399154699;mircea_popescu;eh fuck the log readers, what do we care. 658142;1399154699;mircea_popescu;:D 658143;1399154730;ThickAsThieves;do you intend to have "hats" for sale? 658144;1399154746;mircea_popescu;sure. 658145;1399154748;ThickAsThieves;and thus a more segmented relationship with designers as businesses 658146;1399154748;mircea_popescu;the whole thing. 658147;1399154759;ThickAsThieves;well that got me thinking, 658148;1399154781;mircea_popescu;crossover is where it's at. 658149;1399154789;ThickAsThieves;so u can customize my hero, why not town music, HUD, mayve even environments 658150;1399154793;mircea_popescu;bitcoin is a fucking game currency trying to spill over into irl. 658151;1399154796;mircea_popescu;why stop there. 658152;1399154809;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves i don't see why niot. the client is open source anyway. 658153;1399154818;fluffypony;KLYE: meh, ignore the trolls. WRT "FastLoans4You" I think you need to make it clear that you haven't claimed to meet regulatory compliance with Canadian law. 658154;1399154847;BingoBoingo;fluffypony: FastLoans for you registered yesterday. 658155;1399154854;ThickAsThieves;if client is open source, then i could just hack in my own HUDs and music? or is it to be compiled in such a way to make that impractical for most? 658156;1399154878;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves i imagine you should be able to. it may be complicated but i don't think so. it's defionitely not deliberately obfuscated. 658157;1399154885;ThickAsThieves;hrm 658158;1399154892;ThickAsThieves;this is not a problem you think? 658159;1399154892;mircea_popescu;prolly someone will figure it out first, then write a guide, 658160;1399154896;mircea_popescu;like anything else foss. 658161;1399154899;mircea_popescu;why would it be a problem ? 658162;1399154920;ThickAsThieves;well you lose all walls for your garden and throw it into the middle of the highway 658163;1399154926;mircea_popescu;so ? 658164;1399154933;mircea_popescu;i don't believe in forcing people. 658165;1399154947;ThickAsThieves;a concept i generally agree with as well 658166;1399154954;fluffypony;BingoBoingo: sure, so I think him putting a picture up of KLYE and bringing up the homeless/begging thing is ridiculous, but I think it's worth his while speaking to the regulatory issue raised - you're either claiming compliance or you're outrightly stating defiance 658167;1399154961;ThickAsThieves;however, this is a business, so i'm trying to sort it out 658168;1399154961;fluffypony;either is acceptable 658169;1399154978;mircea_popescu;fluffypony you gotta comply with some regulations to camwhore now !? 658170;1399154978;ThickAsThieves;your market woudl have competition with outside markets 658171;1399154989;ThickAsThieves;thereby removing stability 658172;1399154991;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: the regulations were wrt the IPO 658173;1399155003;mircea_popescu;a 658174;1399155008;fluffypony;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=587618.msg6519384#msg6519384 658175;1399155009;ThickAsThieves;the whole dedicated community of players to consume designs thing 658176;1399155010;ozbot;Klyemax Studios IPO (revised) 658177;1399155019;mircea_popescu;it's bitcoin, there's no regulation. 658178;1399155035;fluffypony;what's really funny is in South Africa we also have to have a prospectus if we want to make shares publicly available 658179;1399155039;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves you lost me. 658180;1399155042;fluffypony;but there's no requirement to register it 658181;1399155050;fluffypony;we just have to make the prospectus available 658182;1399155054;fluffypony;which is a lol 658183;1399155060;BingoBoingo;I'm wondering who FastLoans4you is an alt of. 658184;1399155069;ThickAsThieves;well i can make TATlora.io and get my own designers and pay them a better cut than you 658185;1399155096;Duffer1;BB reads a lot like minerpart 658186;1399155110;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves yeah, sure. 658187;1399155138;fluffypony;Duffer1: BB? 658188;1399155138;ThickAsThieves;so while this may be good as an excercise in competition, 658189;1399155156;ThickAsThieves;it's possibly bad in that this is a situation you could control if you chose to 658190;1399155156;Duffer1;fluffypony bingoboingo 658191;1399155162;fluffypony;oh lol 658192;1399155164;Duffer1;:P 658193;1399155167;ThickAsThieves;thereby making your own company dominant 658194;1399155168;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves this sort of control is illusory. 658195;1399155170;ThickAsThieves;and mor eprofitable 658196;1399155176;ThickAsThieves;dota 2 has it 658197;1399155181;mircea_popescu;so it thinks 658198;1399155190;ThickAsThieves;there's no mentionable outside market 658199;1399155192;fluffypony;I don't think BingoBoingo is minerpart, BingoBoingo is too rational 658200;1399155193;ThickAsThieves;for dota skins 658201;1399155194;mircea_popescu;yet. 658202;1399155201;ThickAsThieves;some hacks try, but mostly fall flat 658203;1399155206;ThickAsThieves;if not entirely 658204;1399155207;mircea_popescu;there won't be a market for dota, eventually. 658205;1399155219;ThickAsThieves;there wont be a market for eulora eventually 658206;1399155224;mircea_popescu;now that i doubt. 658207;1399155247;Duffer1;fluffypony i agree, i used "BB" instead of bingoboingo to respond to him, i should have said: Bingoboingo, i believe Loans is Minerpart 658208;1399155253;ThickAsThieves;a transcendant game is not something i have much confidence in 658209;1399155254;mircea_popescu;see, the less control a thing attempts to project, the more difficult to kill it gets. 658210;1399155261;ThickAsThieves;people have tastes abnd like to migrate around 658211;1399155266;mircea_popescu;sure. 658212;1399155268;fluffypony;oh Duffer1, makes more sense 658213;1399155271;Duffer1;:) 658214;1399155275;fluffypony;that's entirely possible 658215;1399155303;ThickAsThieves;i mean what, we have WoW and Final Fantasy, maybe GTA, as long term successes 658216;1399155310;ThickAsThieves;all totally closed 658217;1399155319;ThickAsThieves;and all dying but GTA 658218;1399155326;ThickAsThieves;though i suspect this last one was the peak 658219;1399155364;mircea_popescu;anyway, to come back to some track. i don't believe in forcing people to pay, my idea of peddling games is not modeled on peddling heroin. 658220;1399155407;mircea_popescu;the blizzard bleed the suckers model is meh. 658221;1399155412;ThickAsThieves;sure 658222;1399155420;ThickAsThieves;but what is it then 658223;1399155426;ThickAsThieves;entertainment, no? 658224;1399155431;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [COG] 30 @ 0.00431 = 0.1293 BTC [+] 658225;1399155460;BingoBoingo;!up KLYE 658226;1399155460;assbot;Insufficient rights, BingoBoingo, !up yourself on PM first. 658227;1399155462;mircea_popescu;well yes. 658228;1399155475;BingoBoingo;!up KLYE 658229;1399155475;assbot;Voicing KLYE for 30 minutes. 658230;1399155490;KLYE;Did my last message go through 658231;1399155499;ThickAsThieves;entertainment is still a consumable of sorts isnt it? 658232;1399155502;mircea_popescu;sure. 658233;1399155526;BingoBoingo;KLYE: No idea, what was it? 658234;1399155527;mircea_popescu;anyway, my entire point is that your "well you could squeeze the balls harder, get more $$$" is not actyually a valid argument. 658235;1399155543;ThickAsThieves;but that wasntg my point 658236;1399155552;mircea_popescu;so thgen we';re talking at cross purpoise. 658237;1399155553;KLYE;BTC isn't considered currency in Canada as far as I know, It's considered a grey area. And until phase two when the Klyemax IPO hits an exchange I do not think we have to worry about the MSC. 658238;1399155565;ThickAsThieves;my point was the balls are gonna get pumped 658239;1399155585;ThickAsThieves;and that you have control over how much profit you share 658240;1399155589;KLYE;And by that time we will have proven the studio profitable and have solid revenue streams. 658241;1399155594;ThickAsThieves;to some degree at least 658242;1399155599;mircea_popescu;that control is illusory. 658243;1399155605;cazalla;KLYE: mfc fo' life 658244;1399155621;ThickAsThieves;well i would love to be wrong 658245;1399155631;KLYE;MFC is going to be obsolete once klyemax launches 658246;1399155638;ThickAsThieves;it's entirely possible your model works fine, despite no other game adopting it 658247;1399155645;ThickAsThieves;or succeeding at doing so 658248;1399155660;ThickAsThieves;that i know of at least 658249;1399155662;KLYE;I'll piggyback on them until my serverside and web clients are done.. After that the plan is to smash them. :D 658250;1399155675;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07698998 = 0.154 BTC [+] 658251;1399155728;fluffypony;KLYE: I'm South African, so I can't comment on Canadian regulation, but I think it's important to make those points clear in your reply to FastLoans4You 658252;1399155771;fluffypony;because pretend-compliance didn't stop anyone from losing money to Neo&Scamee 658253;1399155795;ThickAsThieves;are there any open-sourced games with profitable thriving economies? 658254;1399155807;BingoBoingo;Bitcoin? 658255;1399155810;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves not afaik 658256;1399155837;mircea_popescu;open source can't traditionalyl afford to pay financier fat cats to look at the stuff 658257;1399155849;BingoBoingo;Bitcoin is totally open source and a game. 658258;1399155866;ThickAsThieves;indeed, but doesn the chicken come before the egg in that regard? 658259;1399155903;ThickAsThieves;as in, they dont get financed because they dont make money 658260;1399155908;pankkake;unless anyone can run its own server/world, the game isn't really open source 658261;1399155917;pankkake;google isn't open source because chrome is 658262;1399155922;cazalla;KLYE: if i wanted to get into porn, i'd skip cams and produce content along the lines of insex, clearly a demand but payment processor issues fucked it, no issues there with bitcoin 658263;1399155926;mircea_popescu;pankkake omg you put the k in otaku 658264;1399155928;ThickAsThieves;last i checked, you can host WoW servers 658265;1399155933;fluffypony;ThickAsThieves: I guess PlaneShift is about the biggest 658266;1399155943;mircea_popescu;cazalla but let the guy run his onw thing lol 658267;1399155943;pankkake;why? 658268;1399155964;mircea_popescu;pankkake wtf everyone run his own universe, 4ever alone 658269;1399155991;KLYE;Go for making just straight up videos? 658270;1399155997;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo well yeah but i think he meant besides that 658271;1399156003;pankkake;I mean run a competing universe, the point wasn't being alone 658272;1399156007;BingoBoingo;Ah, I see. 658273;1399156021;ThickAsThieves;some indie WoW servers did pretty well 658274;1399156021;mircea_popescu;pankkake but if everyone does then... everyone has to be alone neh 658275;1399156026;fluffypony;ThickAsThieves: http://sourceforge.net/projects/planeshift/ 658276;1399156027;BingoBoingo;pankkake: You mean like what altcoins are. People dicking around on their own chains? 658277;1399156042;mircea_popescu;i thot he hated altcoins 658278;1399156049;ThickAsThieves;but ultimately people want the real deal 658279;1399156059;pankkake;bitcoin great because it is altcoinable 658280;1399156063;pankkake;+is 658281;1399156068;ThickAsThieves;as ironic as it sounds 658282;1399156069;pankkake;but it doesn't mean you have to altcoin it 658283;1399156079;cazalla;KLYE: watch a documentary named "Graphic Sexual Horror", it might give you some ideas 658284;1399156081;mircea_popescu;pankkake so you hate altcoins or just the altcoin makers ? 658285;1399156091;pankkake;same reason you don't run your own linux distribution. you could… but WHY 658286;1399156098;KLYE;Thank you for the advice Cazalla. :D 658287;1399156111;fluffypony;pankkake: because Fluffynix is a big deal, just like FluffyCoin is 658288;1399156114;fluffypony;:--P 658289;1399156121;ThickAsThieves;do people play Planeshift tho? more importantly who makes money around it? 658290;1399156145;mircea_popescu;nobody. 658291;1399156163;fluffypony;ThickAsThieves: look, it's been around for 12 years, so part of the PS community is historical 658292;1399156170;fluffypony;but yeah, they have a strong followin 658293;1399156173;fluffypony;*following 658294;1399156181;mircea_popescu;i dun think it was ever more than a few dozen people on 658295;1399156194;pankkake;more to the point, the selling point of an online game is usually world access, not binary client access 658296;1399156213;mircea_popescu;pankkake blizzard notably tried to do both 658297;1399156228;pankkake;yeah, that made me lol. I always thought the game was free, and you had to subscribe 658298;1399156228;mircea_popescu;worked ok ion the late 90s early 00s 658299;1399156254;ThickAsThieves;when it comes to multiplayer, i find access to people to play with being very high on my list 658300;1399156264;ThickAsThieves;i can get interested independently 658301;1399156278;ThickAsThieves;but i'll only stay of there's a context of humans to share the experience 658302;1399156283;ThickAsThieves;if* 658303;1399156303;ThickAsThieves;if i hadnt made any dota friends, i'd have quit long ago 658304;1399156310;mircea_popescu;mmorpgs, ultimate pimpin'. 658305;1399156320;mircea_popescu;come let me sell you your wife's time. 658306;1399156328;ThickAsThieves;hehe 658307;1399156337;ThickAsThieves;i play after she's asleep mostly 658308;1399156343;mircea_popescu;you'll be happy if i sell her to a dozen other dudes, too, 658309;1399156348;mircea_popescu;because thus you can raid 658310;1399156492;mircea_popescu;http://i.imgur.com/uYWFh6l.jpg 658311;1399156604;mircea_popescu;http://i.imgur.com/jgqxkW8.jpg << why is that guy shown twice, once dressed in wallpaper ? 658312;1399156684;ThickAsThieves;hitler 658313;1399156727;mircea_popescu;cgcardona: no more monopoly money?! << it changes each quarter 658314;1399156734;mircea_popescu;except in april i forgot, so did it nao 658315;1399156738;cgcardona;i see 658316;1399156756;mircea_popescu;and the guy who did the drawing... one second 658317;1399156790;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: you will be the first to try these cookies. r&d is refining the recipe 658318;1399156798;thestringpuller;i assume yoy have high standards for cookies 658319;1399156874;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2010/iepurasule-ai-basca/ 658320;1399156875;ozbot;Iepurasule, ai basca ? pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 658321;1399156890;mircea_popescu;guy's site is linked in there. marius lupu. 658322;1399156895;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.0322999 = 0.323 BTC [+] 658323;1399156902;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller sure. cookies! 658324;1399156956;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.03399113 = 0.3399 BTC [+] 658325;1399157090;mircea_popescu;bitcoinpete: "The end result is the first of its kind: << these fucktards. they really imagine that if you put a "delicious" label on canned shit it'll be a delicious can of shit. 658326;1399157128;mircea_popescu;wait, someone's name is Roya Mahboob ? 658327;1399157135;mircea_popescu;this is almost better than mr beaglehole. 658328;1399157219;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla should totally marry roya mahboob 658329;1399157224;mircea_popescu;he could me matic mahboob 658330;1399157247;kakobrekla;and have a son madick 658331;1399157302;assbot;Last 5 lines bashed and pending review. (error) 658332;1399157302;mircea_popescu;!b 5 658333;1399157310;mircea_popescu;ERROAR! 658334;1399157320;mircea_popescu;the horroar 658335;1399157324;kakobrekla;meh dpaste.. 658336;1399157335;kakobrekla;the quote still made it to the queue 658337;1399157362;mircea_popescu;bitcoinpete: this week's couple has saved $2.7M and the post decided that this was only 2/5 stars of readiness << this is fucking nonsense, srsly. 658338;1399157372;mircea_popescu;if almost 3 mil isn't enough... 658339;1399157514;mircea_popescu;fluffypony " The problem is that the cost of transacting makes it impossible for people outside of that country to get involved." << that's in no way the poroblem. i wouldn't micrlodend in fucklandia under any circumstances. 658340;1399157537;mircea_popescu;the reason the microlending works, in shitholecreek, detroit or bungagunga, kneya is that the lender also holds political power 658341;1399157540;mircea_popescu;and you can't stiff him. 658342;1399157706;mircea_popescu;benkay: just because someone's doing it doesn't mean to not do it. <<< it does. except it has to be someone, and it that case it wasn't someone, just no-one. 658343;1399157966;mircea_popescu;fluffypony: kakobrekla: so they're going to lend legitimacy to all the scammy DACs << they have to be hurt to learn. not in any sense new. 658344;1399158015;mircea_popescu;!up cryptoflood 658345;1399158015;assbot;Voicing cryptoflood for 30 minutes. 658346;1399158036;benkay;mircea_popescu: i tend to assume that anyone who's not killing their niche is leaving market share on the floor. perhaps an unseasoned approach. 658347;1399158065;mircea_popescu;what i meant was, someone doing it would be a reason not to do it. the problem there is that nobody is doing it 658348;1399158077;mircea_popescu;or w/e, they doing it are not somebody. 658349;1399158242;benkay;or there's another thing to be done. 658350;1399158263;mircea_popescu;that too 658351;1399158464;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [COG] 363 @ 0.00197598 = 0.7173 BTC [-] {9} 658352;1399158505;benkay;;;later tell jurov is the pythonic approach to debugging twisted apps seriously to just log everything that happens and tail that during development? 658353;1399158506;gribble;The operation succeeded. 658354;1399158604;mircea_popescu;http://bitbet.us/bet/677/bitcoin-network-difficulty-14bn-on-bastille-day/ how can this be so heavy on yes ? 658355;1399158607;ozbot;BitBet - Bitcoin network difficulty > 14Bn on Bastille day 658356;1399158608;mircea_popescu;.d 658357;1399158608;ozbot;8.001 billion | Next Diff in 1395 blocks | Estimated Change: 7.4652% in 8d 22h 49m 35s 658358;1399158622;mircea_popescu;that's maybe 5 periods. 658359;1399158665;mircea_popescu;12% each time. 658360;1399158827;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 141 @ 0.00295125 = 0.4161 BTC [+] {4} 658361;1399158887;mircea_popescu;!up KLYE 658362;1399158887;assbot;Voicing KLYE for 30 minutes. 658363;1399158900;KLYE;Thanks for voice MP 658364;1399158949;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 10 @ 0.47643 = 4.7643 BTC [-] {2} 658365;1399158960;KLYE;I've been asked to join some people at a wedding social. So I think I might take the night off and go and do that.. Might get lucky and find some nice potential talent. 658366;1399159010;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 214 @ 0.00453981 = 0.9715 BTC [+] {3} 658367;1399159029;KLYE;I sent out some text MP for the picture you requested. And got blown off by most of the talent as they are busy getting drunk or banged by someone it seems. One wanted to come over but that is hardly what you asked. :/ 658368;1399159103;KLYE;I have dug up some screenies that one of our viewers managed to snap from the first show. This talent is away at field school for the next week or so and isn't one of the prettiest by any means.. great tits and ass on her though. http://imgur.com/a/SVIg8 658369;1399159111;KLYE;NSFQW 658370;1399159115;KLYE;NSFW* 658371;1399159280;BingoBoingo;Damn, I though you really wanted to tell us Not Safe Fucking Quit Work 658372;1399159383;KLYE;LOL 658373;1399159390;KLYE;Well, twas bare back 658374;1399159416;KLYE;Sadly she wouldn't let me sodomize her on cam.. Even whores have morals I've learned 658375;1399159632;BingoBoingo;There's probably Trilema articles to help with that. 658376;1399160376;Naphex;mircea_popescu:i want to have a services market, as integral part of bitcoin. <<< one would be very nice 658377;1399160392;Naphex;to do it in mp's style i'd have gpg contracts, and wot-like rating 658378;1399160472;Naphex;escrow and some sort of mediation / dispute resolution 658379;1399160484;Naphex;then you can host whatever services 658380;1399160495;mircea_popescu;myeah 658381;1399160508;Naphex;better rating to rapidly asses performance 658382;1399160589;Naphex;but for example, for software development 658383;1399160607;Naphex;would users bid on projects to win them, or project lists? 658384;1399160624;Naphex;or just any way for users to aggree on contracts w/ dispute reso after 658385;1399160909;mircea_popescu;well that's where it gets complicated. 658386;1399161047;mircea_popescu;prolly the best way to work it is to have buyers specify contracts and providers accept them 658387;1399161109;Naphex;well you could do some hippy stuff, and stack it in a form of relationship. 658388;1399161136;BingoBoingo;!up KLYE 658389;1399161136;assbot;Voicing KLYE for 30 minutes. 658390;1399161139;Naphex;where a buyer specifies specs, providers can start a relation and do proposal and try too reach agreement 658391;1399161152;KLYE;Thanks BB 658392;1399161153;Naphex;then they can draw up a contract, or use simple preset drafts 658393;1399161182;KLYE;Anyone know of a place online that does nice business cards for BTC? 658394;1399161221;KLYE;I think it would be in the ventures best interest to have some made up to be given to potential clients instead of me giving out my personal cell number. 658395;1399161449;mircea_popescu;Naphex yea. 658396;1399161450;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [COG] 100 @ 0.00499977 = 0.5 BTC [+] 658397;1399161572;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 2 @ 0.08 = 0.16 BTC [+] 658398;1399161756;BingoBoingo;KLYE: Maybe talk to nubbins' 658399;1399161767;KLYE;Thanks BB. 658400;1399162057;BingoBoingo;KLYE: Given your industry I'm not sure how to take you abreviating my name that way... 658401;1399162095;KLYE;hahaah. Purely sexual of course. 658402;1399162102;KLYE;;) 658403;1399162180;KLYE;Alright. I am off for a bit. Thanks for the invite to talk MP. I will be in touch. I'll also see if I can get you some "I love PM" pics for your collection 658404;1399162304;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3919 @ 0.00096577 = 3.7849 BTC [-] {2} 658405;1399162361;mircea_popescu;that's ok, i got plenty of those. 658406;1399162621;Naphex;Q: 658407;1399162625;Naphex;can't he just pay cam girls 658408;1399162631;Naphex;to have I love MP:) 658409;1399162634;Naphex;and show that?:p 658410;1399162710;mircea_popescu;obv. 658411;1399163402;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [COG] 21 @ 0.00499977 = 0.105 BTC [+] 658412;1399163689;Naphex;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqlvk51uS1M#t=14146 658413;1399163690;ozbot;MIT Bitcoin Expo 2014 - YouTube 658414;1399163706;benkay;;;later tell princessnell stop making sense 658415;1399163707;gribble;The operation succeeded. 658416;1399163829;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3750 @ 0.00096577 = 3.6216 BTC [-] 658417;1399165354;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5850 @ 0.00096513 = 5.646 BTC [-] {2} 658418;1399165659;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4200 @ 0.00096469 = 4.0517 BTC [-] 658419;1399166696;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6005 @ 0.00096738 = 5.8091 BTC [+] {2} 658420;1399166879;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1756 @ 0.00096772 = 1.6993 BTC [+] 658421;1399166940;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1855 @ 0.00097002 = 1.7994 BTC [+] 658422;1399167207;kakobrekla;!jd mpif 658423;1399167207;assbot;Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 163.83390546 BTC; -0.04004434 BTC (-0.0244%) since last check 11h 35m 15s ago. 658424;1399167238;kakobrekla;this thing is more volatile than i though 658425;1399167242;kakobrekla;t 658426;1399167245;mircea_popescu;it is pretty volatile yea 658427;1399167282;mircea_popescu;tbh if it manages to make a couple of percents in a month i'll be happy. 658428;1399167323;kakobrekla;to cover for panacea losses yea 658429;1399167535;mircea_popescu;ima stab you in the tit. 658430;1399167795;kakobrekla;its not like they are made of soap 658431;1399167804;kakobrekla;right? 658432;1399167827;mircea_popescu;lol 658433;1399167952;mircea_popescu;http://www.rstreet.org/2014/05/01/r-street-looking-for-a-director-of-its-governance-project/ 658434;1399167954;mircea_popescu;if anyone's bored. 658435;1399168662;kakobrekla;https://threatpost.com/researchers-say-accelerometers-are-perfect-for-pervasive-tracking/105886 658436;1399168770;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 130 @ 0.0009685 = 0.1259 BTC [-] 658437;1399169225;mircea_popescu;yeah but i mean... you have to accelerate the things 658438;1399169258;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9270 @ 0.0009685 = 8.978 BTC [-] 658439;1399169322;mircea_popescu;i guess it probably works just by moving around 658440;1399169778;asciilifeform;re: solid state gyro fingerprinting - betcha this also works with satanic rngs. 658441;1399169785;asciilifeform;find characteristic biases 658442;1399169975;mircea_popescu;maybe so 658443;1399170082;asciilifeform;kgb typewriter fingerprints, the famous yellow dots in colour laser printer, this crap - 'history does not repeat, but it rhymes.' 658444;1399170112;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 11 @ 0.07836389 = 0.862 BTC [-] {4} 658445;1399170478;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7500 @ 0.00097002 = 7.2752 BTC [+] 658446;1399170740;benkay;;;seen jurov 658447;1399170740;gribble;jurov was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 day, 13 hours, 51 minutes, and 13 seconds ago: [13:57] jurov on it << dun see it 658448;1399170747;asciilifeform;there was a paper ages ago, on device fingerprinting through acoustic artifacts (buzz speaker, see what microphone picks up) 658449;1399170752;asciilifeform;anyone who gives a damn can dig it up. 658450;1399171149;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6874 @ 0.00097052 = 6.6714 BTC [+] {2} 658451;1399172735;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6189 @ 0.00096878 = 5.9958 BTC [-] 658452;1399173955;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16433 @ 0.0009707 = 15.9515 BTC [+] {2} 658453;1399175504;cazalla;anyone played archeage? 658454;1399175785;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 1 @ 0.14 BTC [+] 658455;1399175968;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4300 @ 0.000969 = 4.1667 BTC [-] 658456;1399176212;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.4750001 BTC [-] 658457;1399176273;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8800 @ 0.00096877 = 8.5252 BTC [-] {2} 658458;1399176517;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6150 @ 0.000969 = 5.9594 BTC [+] 658459;1399176768;TheNewDeal;.d 658460;1399176768;ozbot;8.001 billion | Next Diff in 1366 blocks | Estimated Change: 6.9161% in 8d 19h 34m 31s 658461;1399177005;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8441 @ 0.00096853 = 8.1754 BTC [-] {2} 658462;1399177052;TheNewDeal;anyone know if http://bitbet.us/stats/1K4FswVNus5xJZJ6TYqAzWSy3tXBBFdGnM/ is a bitbet house address? 658463;1399177066;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6659 @ 0.00096445 = 6.4223 BTC [-] {2} 658464;1399177283;BingoBoingo;TheNewDeal: I think Mircea claimed that one in Channel as one of his personal betting addresses. 658465;1399177296;TheNewDeal;damn 658466;1399177414;TheNewDeal;they bet 57 yes to 42 no on 1 BTC >= $10,000 USD before Novermber 29th, 2014 658467;1399177463;BingoBoingo;TheNewDeal: I think he does that on some bets to get the bets started at roughly correct odds and to encourage action on them. 658468;1399177484;TheNewDeal;roughly correct odds?!?! 658469;1399177504;TheNewDeal;i guess it was skyrocketing in price at the time 658470;1399177527;BingoBoingo;Well, no one knows what exact odds are going to be when these open, and events move odds over time. 658471;1399177537;BingoBoingo;But yeah, twas skyrocketing. 658472;1399178286;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4700 @ 0.00096426 = 4.532 BTC [-] {2} 658473;1399178469;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6600 @ 0.00096864 = 6.393 BTC [+] 658474;1399179567;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12800 @ 0.00097044 = 12.4216 BTC [+] {3} 658475;1399180055;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 146 @ 0.00089963 = 0.1313 BTC [+] {2} 658476;1399180116;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 224 @ 0.00089986 = 0.2016 BTC [+] {2} 658477;1399180421;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3400 @ 0.00097123 = 3.3022 BTC [+] {2} 658478;1399180665;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5600 @ 0.00097138 = 5.4397 BTC [+] {2} 658479;1399181153;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 218 @ 0.00096426 = 0.2102 BTC [-] 658480;1399181214;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3382 @ 0.0009635 = 3.2586 BTC [-] 658481;1399181946;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 56 @ 0.0044 = 0.2464 BTC [-] {2} 658482;1399183288;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12250 @ 0.00096689 = 11.8444 BTC [+] 658483;1399183594;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 500 @ 0.00096689 = 0.4834 BTC [+] 658484;1399184631;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 19 @ 0.03102 = 0.5894 BTC [-] 658485;1399184814;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.0330001 = 0.132 BTC [-] 658486;1399184815;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.03102 = 0.1241 BTC [-] 658487;1399184936;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8510 @ 0.00096254 = 8.1912 BTC [-] {2} 658488;1399185916;decimation;the mice are debating whether a bell ought to be affixed to the cat: http://boingboing.net/2014/05/03/glenn-greenwald-and-michael-ha.html 658489;1399186827;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07649999 = 0.153 BTC [-] 658490;1399188413;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5900 @ 0.00084788 = 5.0025 BTC [-] 658491;1399189206;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16150 @ 0.00084788 = 13.6933 BTC [-] 658492;1399189218;mircea_popescu;!up arsenische 658493;1399189218;assbot;Voicing arsenische for 30 minutes. 658494;1399189221;mircea_popescu;hey there. 658495;1399189301;arsenische;mircea_popescu: hi 658496;1399189337;mircea_popescu;so i see you've dropped that notion that advertisers should follow the publishers and evaluate them one by one 658497;1399189357;mircea_popescu;which is a move towards sanity. 658498;1399189404;arsenische;yes, there should be some other way to do it 658499;1399189414;mircea_popescu;ok. what are your plans with the thing currently ? 658500;1399189755;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18021 @ 0.00083899 = 15.1194 BTC [-] {2} 658501;1399189825;arsenische;there is much work to be done. we need to find a solution for better ad unit classification and evaluation. improve accounting and statistics for advertisers. 658502;1399189863;mircea_popescu;currently, what's your revenue model ? you charge advertisers a % ? how much ? 658503;1399189999;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8200 @ 0.00083874 = 6.8777 BTC [-] {2} 658504;1399190035;fluffypony;won't that lead to an environment where advertisers cherry-pick only the especially large publishers and ignore all the little ones? 658505;1399190069;mircea_popescu;no, because advertisers can't possibly be arsed to do that. 658506;1399190084;fluffypony;well that's the other thing 658507;1399190096;fluffypony;were I an advertiser I'd maybe do that the first time round 658508;1399190100;mircea_popescu;that's the main thing :p 658509;1399190101;fluffypony;then be too lazy afterwards 658510;1399190117;fluffypony;unless you made it REALLY easy with categories 658511;1399190157;mircea_popescu;arsenische ? 658512;1399190161;fluffypony;lol 658513;1399190163;punkman;you want to make money rapping, better not talk like a fag: http://rappers.mdaniels.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/ 658514;1399190215;arsenische;sorry, I have poor connection 658515;1399190217;fluffypony;Wu-Tang up front? nice 658516;1399190218;mircea_popescu;punkman is there such a thing as fagrap ? i mean there's everything else, some chick introduced me to her christian rap brother. 658517;1399190218;arsenische;Twenty percent of all monies paid by advertisers will be considered AnonymousAds fees. 658518;1399190233;mircea_popescu;arsenische okay, i have a proposition for you. it goes like this : 658519;1399190246;arsenische;(that was a quote from https://a-ads.com/terms_of_service) 658520;1399190285;mircea_popescu;1. you get in the wot, we go partners in yoru anon ads service, work it pretty much on the bitbet model. it can be listed on mpex. 658521;1399190312;mircea_popescu;2. we kick out all the current publishers. we require all publishers to come here and have their platform approved to be added to a-a. 658522;1399190353;mircea_popescu;we'll be insanely picky, in that, only actual blogs carrying actual interesting material written by interestin people will be accepted. jurov's thing may not make the cut even. 658523;1399190453;punkman;mircea_popescu: there is indeed fagrap, for instance http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soce,_the_elemental_wizard 658524;1399190487;mircea_popescu;punkman nuts. 658525;1399190602;arsenische;mircea_popescu: sorry, what is bitbet model? 658526;1399190652;mircea_popescu;arsenische kakobrekla did the coding and maintains the codebase, he gets a signed list of bitcoin addresses to use whenever needed. i keep the books, and generally handle the business side for it. 658527;1399190704;mircea_popescu;http://mpex.co/?mpsic=S.BBET << that is the contract, if you've never read it 658528;1399190705;ozbot;S.BBET last 37@0.00054000 658529;1399190748;mircea_popescu;!jd mpif 658530;1399190748;assbot;Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 163.82465569 BTC; -0.00924977 BTC (-0.0056%) since last check 6h 32m 21s ago. 658531;1399190822;mircea_popescu;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bmwy5O7CYAA94Si.jpg lol 658532;1399190837;punkman;hah 658533;1399190904;mircea_popescu;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BmvmpI5IIAEq6LO.jpg:large how hot is this chick, esteemed chan ? on a 1 to 10 scale. ty. 658534;1399190914;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [7C] 30 @ 0.00717322 = 0.2152 BTC [-] {2} 658535;1399190975;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [7C] 20 @ 0.00717335 = 0.1435 BTC [+] 658536;1399191048;mircea_popescu;!up arsenische 658537;1399191048;assbot;Voicing arsenische for 30 minutes. 658538;1399191050;punkman;hmm 8 or 9, let's say 8.5 658539;1399191108;fluffypony;7 tops 658540;1399191125;mircea_popescu;if i get 5 votes ima share my own. 658541;1399191145;mircea_popescu;!up JoshG 658542;1399191145;assbot;Voicing JoshG for 30 minutes. 658543;1399191152;mircea_popescu;JoshG you there ? 658544;1399191159;JoshG;sup 658545;1399191193;mircea_popescu;you the arcemu guy ? 658546;1399191210;JoshG;Apepars that way :p 658547;1399191214;JoshG;appears* ah 658548;1399191217;mircea_popescu;;;ident JoshG 658549;1399191217;gribble;Nick 'JoshG', with hostmask 'JoshG!~hasbro@arcemu/staff/hasbro', is not identified. 658550;1399191229;mircea_popescu;get in the wot i'll give you a rating. 658551;1399191236;JoshG;wot? 658552;1399191256;mircea_popescu;yes, the web of trust. this thing : 658553;1399191262;mircea_popescu;;;gettrust Hasbro 658554;1399191262;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user mircea_popescu to user Hasbro: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=mircea_popescu&dest=Hasbro | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=Hasbro | Rated since: never 658555;1399191271;arsenische;I appreciate your suggestion to focus on the most valuable publishers and get rid of all the trash. But... won't it be difficult to maintain a binary approach (accept/reject)? Maybe we could just evaluate ad units to have some "quality" attribute, and allow advetisers to set the theshold for their campaigns. 658556;1399191297;mircea_popescu;arsenische nah, because your thing exists to serve the advertiser, and the advertiser needs to have an absolute he can rely on. 658557;1399191313;mircea_popescu;showing 1mn impressions/10k clicks a day when he knows it's all bots is worth 0 to anyone. 658558;1399191333;Hasbro;How do I “get in” ? 658559;1399191342;mircea_popescu;arsenische anyway, it's a big move, feel free to think it through, ask any questions. no pressure. 658560;1399191357;Hasbro;;;rate 658561;1399191357;gribble;(rate []) -- Enters a rating for in the amount of . Use optional field to enter any notes you have about this user. must be the user's GPG-registered username, Your previously existing rating, if any, will be overwritten. 658562;1399191359;mircea_popescu;well... no pressure other than the fact that obviously i want something like this, so if you pass i'll just have someone write a ocmpetitor. 658563;1399191364;fluffypony;Hasbro: http://wiki.bitcoin-otc.com/wiki/Beginners_Guide 658564;1399191393;mircea_popescu;Hasbro http://wiki.bitcoin-otc.com/wiki/GPG_authentication 658565;1399191393;Hasbro;too fancy for me 658566;1399191395;arsenische;mircea_popescu: I will, thank you 658567;1399191396;mircea_popescu;either. 658568;1399191419;Hasbro;dcc me all your bitcodes 658569;1399191422;Hasbro;I’ll be here, ty 658570;1399191440;mircea_popescu;Hasbro lol take the advice of strangers, it's the best kind of advice you'll ever get. you wanna be in that thing. 658571;1399191446;fluffypony;lol dcc...that was THE WAY to get warez back in the days 658572;1399191465;Hasbro;mircea_popescu: trusting me would be a very bad idea 658573;1399191492;mircea_popescu;orly? 658574;1399191501;Hasbro;depends, asl? 658575;1399191579;mircea_popescu;i'm old and male. 658576;1399191639;punkman;mircea_popescu: this might be of interest http://decknetwork.net/ 658577;1399191642;Hasbro;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zvGRNu08B4 658578;1399191643;ozbot;ytcracker - Warez Loder - YouTube 658579;1399191691;mircea_popescu;punkman by no means a novel concept, being picky. 658580;1399191730;mircea_popescu;heck, i've been picky all my life to surprisingly positive results. i'm not even fat. 658581;1399191742;punkman;rather rare in the online advertising biz though 658582;1399191753;mircea_popescu;so is making money. 658583;1399191784;mircea_popescu;you know, it's not just the bitcoin forum that works on the "least value is most visible" principle. 658584;1399191829;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2378 @ 0.00084091 = 1.9997 BTC [+] 658585;1399191989;bounce;"back in the day" for me is tape swapping, as dcc just wasn't fast enough 658586;1399192016;mircea_popescu;"back in the day" for me is plugging z80s into the tv 658587;1399192024;mircea_popescu;because the romanians actually broadcast stolen code over tv. 658588;1399192073;*;bounce heard the programs flowing through the air too. radio though, and not stolen of course. because civilised and all that. yeah. 658589;1399192133;mircea_popescu;fuck you and your civilised moms :D 658590;1399192134;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10463 @ 0.00084516 = 8.8429 BTC [+] 658591;1399192172;bounce;still have a book with bunches of hexencoded code printed, for you to type over. I perhaps should scan the thing, then see if I can't OCR and put it in an emulator. 658592;1399192221;fluffypony;I think I still have my C64 code book 658593;1399192231;fluffypony;with handwritten snippets at the back 658594;1399192236;mircea_popescu;bounce first blogpost! 658595;1399192245;bounce;o_O? 658596;1399192254;mircea_popescu;scan it, post it. 658597;1399192285;bounce;heh, right. I got plenty original material to post, just can't be arsed to find a place to post it, then post it. 658598;1399192310;mircea_popescu;well what if i told you there;s going to be a marvelous ad network, allowing ytou to make entire pennies each day! 658599;1399192374;bounce;ZOMG GOTTA GIT ON DAT GRAVVY TRAIN 658600;1399192375;fluffypony;s/pennies/satoshis 658601;1399192452;bounce;here's an idea: shared webhosting for satoshis. 10000 websites hosted on an aws micro. 658602;1399192468;mircea_popescu;yeah dude, totally. 658603;1399192476;mircea_popescu;and if i wanna punish someone, but i mean, REALLY punish them 658604;1399192483;mircea_popescu;i give them one week tech support on that line. 658605;1399192541;bounce;static only content only, obviously. I'd set it up if aws let me sign up (which they don't--need phone and cc and then the derping really starts. what do they want now, my first born?) 658606;1399192544;mircea_popescu;prolly work as abortifacient too 658607;1399192596;mircea_popescu;i used to have a first born 658608;1399192600;mircea_popescu;but then i signed up for an aws micro 658609;1399192671;bounce;as long as it's cheap, eh 658610;1399192881;mircea_popescu;hey, what terminally ill gpg implementation do osx folks use ? 658611;1399192884;mircea_popescu;i keep forgetting 658612;1399192917;fluffypony;standard gpg 658613;1399192927;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 3 @ 0.14 = 0.42 BTC [+] 658614;1399192930;fluffypony;http://brew.sh + brew install gpg 658615;1399192934;mircea_popescu;ty 658616;1399192988;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5900 @ 0.00084824 = 5.0046 BTC [+] 658617;1399193004;mircea_popescu;!up Hasbro 658618;1399193004;assbot;Voicing Hasbro for 30 minutes. 658619;1399193073;Hasbro;gpg eregister 658620;1399193077;Hasbro;how do I send that 658621;1399193090;mircea_popescu;;;gpg eregister 658622;1399193090;gribble;(gpg eregister ) -- Register your GPG identity, associating GPG key with . is a 16 digit key id, with or without the '0x' prefix. We look on servers listed in 'plugins.GPG.keyservers' config. You will be given a link to a page which contains a one time password encrypted with your key. Decrypt, and use the 'everify' command with it. Your (1 more message) 658623;1399193659;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2121 @ 0.00084824 = 1.7991 BTC [+] 658624;1399193794;mircea_popescu;punkman so i checked two sites randomly from those deck guys. one doesn't load at all (http://www.yayhooray.com/) the other does not show the ads (http://butdoesitfloat.com/) 658625;1399193808;mircea_popescu;at 9k per month for a spot in a rotation, this is NOT being picky. 658626;1399193872;punkman;maybe nobody has bought ads on that 658627;1399193933;mircea_popescu;i could see why not. 658628;1399193936;punkman;no, it has ads, you just need more JS 658629;1399193945;mircea_popescu;lolk. 658630;1399194007;mircea_popescu;;;ident Hasbro 658631;1399194007;gribble;Nick 'Hasbro', with hostmask 'Hasbro!~hasbro@arcemu/staff/hasbro', is identified as user 'Hasbro', with GPG key id 51D245C43C2D4FA1, key fingerprint 6BEB20114F1E24F9029A1CDE51D245C43C2D4FA1, and bitcoin address None 658632;1399194017;mircea_popescu;;;rate Hasbro 1 ArcEmu guy. 658633;1399194019;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user Hasbro has been recorded. 658634;1399194030;Hasbro;tyvm 658635;1399194031;Hasbro;<3 658636;1399194041;mircea_popescu;Hasbro now you can voice yourself here. reg with gribble and then pm assbot !up 658637;1399194111;mircea_popescu;http://www.thesundaytimes.co.uk/sto/news/world_news/Ukraine/article1407120.ece 658638;1399194128;Hasbro;I think I am registered with gribble 658639;1399194145;BigBitz;;;gpg info Hasbro 658640;1399194146;gribble;User 'Hasbro', with keyid 51D245C43C2D4FA1, fingerprint 6BEB20114F1E24F9029A1CDE51D245C43C2D4FA1, and bitcoin address None, registered on Sun May 4 04:59:28 2014, last authed on Sun May 4 04:59:28 2014. http://b-otc.com/vg?nick=Hasbro . Currently authenticated from hostmask Hasbro!~hasbro@arcemu/staff/hasbro . 658641;1399194146;mircea_popescu;you are, yes. 658642;1399194153;BigBitz;you're authed, also. 658643;1399194159;mircea_popescu;it expires your session if you ever blink (ie, if it doesn' see you) 658644;1399194180;Hasbro;damn so now you and LE have my fingerprint :/ 658645;1399194199;mircea_popescu;your gpg fingerprint ? 658646;1399194211;mircea_popescu;that's an arbitrary string, you can make as many as you want. 658647;1399194215;BigBitz;That's public anyway, Hasbro :) 658648;1399194226;Hasbro;nu uh 658649;1399194236;BigBitz;if you load it to keyservers... yes :) 658650;1399194252;mircea_popescu;kinda why they're called public keys. to be public. 658651;1399194260;BigBitz;Public Keys mean........ public. 658652;1399194267;Hasbro;I’m just kiddin' 658653;1399194271;mircea_popescu;nu uh 658654;1399194276;BigBitz;YOU BETTER BE! 658655;1399194292;mircea_popescu;BigBitz mac ppl. what do they know of lulz. 658656;1399194299;*;BigBitz uses Mac :) 658657;1399194305;mircea_popescu;conspiraci 658658;1399194306;BigBitz;perhaps I just validated your point :> 658659;1399194312;mircea_popescu;lmao 658660;1399194315;Hasbro;lol 658661;1399194320;mircea_popescu;self validating point is self validating itself 658662;1399194321;*;bounce didn't use gpg key exactly because key servers 658663;1399194328;BigBitz;hehe 658664;1399194330;Hasbro;what’s wrong with key servers 658665;1399194339;BigBitz;bounce uploaded his private key :/ 658666;1399194346;BigBitz;UH OH SPEGGAHITO. 658667;1399194347;mircea_popescu;key servers killed my auntie 658668;1399194357;Hasbro;lol 658669;1399194363;BigBitz;public flogging, mircea_popescu? 658670;1399194377;mircea_popescu;this is how we know the earth to be banana shaped 658671;1399194451;Hasbro;http://instagram.com/syndicatesbabes 658672;1399194452;ozbot;Instagram 658673;1399194490;mircea_popescu;.d 658674;1399194490;ozbot;8.001 billion | Next Diff in 1335 blocks | Estimated Change: 6.7080% in 8d 15h 20m 44s 658675;1399194499;mircea_popescu;.bait 658676;1399194500;ozbot;http://37.media.tumblr.com/7f6bd0e4c2224bc96384f6a120d5985a/tumblr_n2ewzy5HMs1rphicao1_1280.jpg 658677;1399194515;mircea_popescu;wow a bait that didn't suck. 658678;1399194521;Hasbro;.bait 658679;1399194522;ozbot;http://31.media.tumblr.com/d7417703d56cab2d50870dcc0e16aed4/tumblr_mxzmlyZA7N1qe1pp3o1_1280.jpg 658680;1399194530;Hasbro;can’t fap to that 658681;1399194545;fluffypony;BigBitz sup 658682;1399194601;Naphex;morning 658683;1399194621;mircea_popescu;hola 658684;1399194635;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.076 = 0.228 BTC [-] 658685;1399194716;BigBitz;fluffypony not much bro. 658686;1399194729;BigBitz;sup with you ? 658687;1399194755;fluffypony;busy busy 658688;1399194771;BigBitz;counting all your money? 658689;1399194777;BigBitz;or is that just mircea_popescu ? 658690;1399194779;fluffypony;lol 658691;1399194799;mircea_popescu;im counting the money, he's cunting the blondies, we got a whole system 658692;1399194812;fluffypony;"cunting the blondies" 658693;1399194814;fluffypony;sounds about right 658694;1399194829;BigBitz;how do I get involved in this counting and cunting action? 658695;1399194830;Naphex;so localbitcoins got bit?;o 658696;1399194833;BigBitz;with preference to the cunting... 658697;1399194845;Naphex;what is it with people not securing their bootloader and datacenters 658698;1399194850;Naphex;just rebooting servers trolol 658699;1399194853;BigBitz;Naphex LBC has been bit a few times. I prevented their last big one. 658700;1399194861;BigBitz;Naphex fools be foolin' 658701;1399194879;mircea_popescu;Naphex yes. best part about it is the "everything's safe, we got wiped." 658702;1399194883;fluffypony;Naphex: it's also really shitty on the DC's part 658703;1399194889;BigBitz;the time the guy got away with 80BTC I found it and alerted jeramis before they lost a lot of their BTC. 658704;1399194892;BigBitz;so simple... 658705;1399194899;BigBitz;ENFORCE MFA FOR WITHDRAW, PLOX. 658706;1399194899;mircea_popescu;BigBitz what, you host ? 658707;1399194902;BigBitz;mircea_popescu no. 658708;1399194908;BigBitz;I secure. 658709;1399194934;BigBitz;DoctorBTC in -otc was talking/asking about image related malware. 658710;1399194936;BigBitz;I got interested... 658711;1399194959;BigBitz;He told me someone was stealing BTC from LBC using image based malware. 658712;1399194965;BingoBoingo;Oh, a-ads might do something? 658713;1399194974;BigBitz;they weren't. 658714;1399194976;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo up to arsenische atm. 658715;1399194999;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Interesting. 658716;1399195006;mircea_popescu;BigBitz what i don't get is, why the fuck would local bitcoins hold any bitcoins. just run it like craigslist, what do you want to hold on to the risk for. 658717;1399195017;BigBitz;enforced escrow. 658718;1399195026;BigBitz;makes sense; if you can secure your shit. 658719;1399195032;mircea_popescu;fuck that. it's nonsense. you can't enforce escrow. 658720;1399195036;BigBitz;adds some validitity to the trade. 658721;1399195045;BigBitz;mircea_popescu enforced in the sense it must be filled before it can be traded. 658722;1399195050;BigBitz;proof, at least, there is bitcoin available. 658723;1399195061;mircea_popescu;yes ok. but that can be done many other (better) ways 658724;1399195064;mircea_popescu;and isn't actually escrow 658725;1399195066;BigBitz;Yup. 658726;1399195068;BigBitz;I'm aware :) 658727;1399195075;mircea_popescu;so you know, they just eat a pie of risk for no upside. 658728;1399195088;mircea_popescu;but then again... hey. business isn't a skill we're born with. 658729;1399195093;BigBitz;speak to jereamis I think he's seen enough upside ;) 658730;1399195104;BigBitz;business acumen isn't rife in Bitcoin land. 658731;1399195115;mircea_popescu;as they say, the best way to sink a good team with a good idea is a bad revenue stream. 658732;1399195170;mircea_popescu;BigBitz in fact, local bitcoins could just verify a btc address signature, for the same effects, not having to hold any btc in the process. 658733;1399195177;cazalla;mircea_popescu: going back to KLYE discussion earlier - do you think there is a market for insex type content + bitcoin? 658734;1399195190;BigBitz;sure but that's as worthwhile as saying "here it is" then moving it instantly. 658735;1399195194;mircea_popescu;cazalla only for people who actually control a harem of willing babes. 658736;1399195208;BigBitz;someone hit up Dan BIlaizare. 658737;1399195208;punkman;did KLYE deliver the harem pic? 658738;1399195214;mircea_popescu;BigBitz not exactly different in effect than the pseudo-escrow. 658739;1399195218;mircea_popescu;punkman nah. 658740;1399195233;BigBitz;mircea_popescu it's not quite pseudo -- they get the coin. 658741;1399195240;BigBitz;IT's the release actions which have had flaws. 658742;1399195259;mircea_popescu;BigBitz someone explained in here why this model is very vulnerable irl. 658743;1399195269;mircea_popescu;"cams will see the person leave with their own item" sort of thing. 658744;1399195270;BigBitz;coz ppl b stuped. 658745;1399195348;BingoBoingo;arsenische: Oh, you run a-ads? 658746;1399195382;mircea_popescu;BigBitz also, kinda trivial to verify address has been meanwhile emptied, doesn't show so good on the proposed seller. 658747;1399195566;mircea_popescu;lol all these fucktards spending on google ads for "bitcoin" for their shitty fiat scams. "Bitcoin - Welcome Bonus, 1:10, Starting 100 " 658748;1399195573;BigBitz;lol 658749;1399195617;BigBitz;The world is still full of stupid people who don't know Bitcoin from sand. 658750;1399195674;mircea_popescu;so you're saying that the notion that someone googling bitcoin would actually fall for the most tired webscams is not exactly without basis ? 658751;1399195676;BigBitz;education isn't exactly non-existant but "MAKE DEM QUICK BUCKS" 658752;1399195707;BigBitz;I'm saying some people think they can have their cake and eat it. for free. 658753;1399195751;mircea_popescu;welll... they can definitely... eat it. 658754;1399195754;BigBitz;:) 658755;1399195794;BingoBoingo;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eil5FNfQGfY 658756;1399195795;ozbot;Lil Debbie - BAKE A CAKE - Official Video - YouTube 658757;1399195797;mircea_popescu;http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2014/05/03/facebook-twists-reality-again-and-risks-ruining-your-children/ 658758;1399195802;mircea_popescu;fox news hating on oculus rift. 658759;1399195813;BigBitz;Fox News Hating. 658760;1399195818;mircea_popescu;"there is no fda in the tech space!!!11" 658761;1399195818;BigBitz;You need no further words, generally. 658762;1399195827;mircea_popescu;"think of the children!!!1" 658763;1399195834;BigBitz;oneEleveN 658764;1399195844;mircea_popescu;"Zuckerbergs obvious theory (given that he expresses no conscious desire to do harm) is that Facebook and the Oculus VR are good businesses and good ways to communicate and have fun. My theory is that Facebook is an addictive technological drug that, like every drug, gives people temporary pleasure and, ultimately, causes many people to become psychiatrically ill." 658765;1399195865;mircea_popescu;right. because doctor a-blow is now allowed to put his opinions on the same table. 658766;1399195871;BigBitz;:| 658767;1399195879;mircea_popescu;"We are deploying powerful technology drugs to our young people" 658768;1399195890;BigBitz;"DRUGS ARE GOOD. From Facebook" 658769;1399195892;mircea_popescu;we. you know, doctor a-blow is... somehow, don't ask how, part of all this. 658770;1399195908;mircea_popescu;he like knows and shit. he's like invented google, he's in this tech thing. we. 658771;1399195927;BigBitz;mircea_popescu I get the impression I don't even need to be here for you to converse... 658772;1399195929;mircea_popescu;"Dr. Keith Ablow is a psychiatrist and member of the Fox News Medical A-Team." unintentional irony ftw. 658773;1399195943;mircea_popescu;BigBitz well atm i was ranting 658774;1399195949;BigBitz;:) 658775;1399196020;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo damn that short ugly thing's voice is annoying. 658776;1399196029;Naphex;http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-05-03/obama-administration-launches-plan-make-internet-id-reality 658777;1399196030;ozbot;Obama Administration Launches Plan To Make An "Internet ID" A Reality | Zero Hedge 658778;1399196038;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.07616666 = 0.2285 BTC [+] {2} 658779;1399196068;mircea_popescu;Naphex i gues they never heard of gpg still huh. 658780;1399196081;Naphex;hehe prolly 658781;1399196089;Naphex;they are going for x509 certificates 658782;1399196093;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: See, When you complain about us getting Britney Spears... Those were the bad, but not so bad days. Now we have those things. 658783;1399196106;mircea_popescu;ikr. 658784;1399196166;mircea_popescu;Naphex so they're going to pay anoither 50 bn or w/e obamacare.com cost, to have someone make them a https site ? 658785;1399196225;mircea_popescu;!up arsenische 658786;1399196225;assbot;Voicing arsenische for 30 minutes. 658787;1399196238;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo you nut, i just realised you were asking the guy questions he had no voice. 658788;1399196239;BigBitz;!up mircea_popescu 658789;1399196239;assbot;Voicing mircea_popescu without time-limit. 658790;1399196244;BigBitz;w00t 658791;1399196247;mircea_popescu;!up urmom 658792;1399196247;assbot;Voicing urmom for 30 minutes. 658793;1399196255;mircea_popescu;should be enough for her. 658794;1399196262;BigBitz;Doubtful. 658795;1399196264;BigBitz;She's a go-er. 658796;1399196270;mircea_popescu;lmao 658797;1399196278;BigBitz;She'll fuck you, probably. 658798;1399196279;mircea_popescu;a wink's as good as a nudge. 658799;1399196526;assbot;[MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 1094 @ 0.00325487 = 3.5608 BTC [+] 658800;1399196648;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10100 @ 0.00084767 = 8.5615 BTC [-] 658801;1399196850;Naphex;<+mircea_popescu> Naphex so they're going to pay anoither 50 bn or w/e obamacare.com cost, to have someone make them a https site ? 658802;1399196854;Naphex;probably 658803;1399196863;Naphex;thats how they do all gov eauctions everywhere 658804;1399196867;Naphex;with x509 and https 658805;1399196920;Naphex;and ofcourse all platforms are shitty, expensive, horrible 658806;1399196924;BingoBoingo;Don't forget the key escrow 658807;1399197071;mircea_popescu;Naphex what i mean is, technically speaking any https site satisfies the "it uses x509" criterion. and so, a contractor could in principle slap a lamp on a box, draw up 3 pages and there you go, invoice for 50 billion. 658808;1399197089;mircea_popescu;not that this isn't how it'll end up working 658809;1399197115;Naphex;well it will have specs attached 658810;1399197128;Naphex;but it will most likely use x509 certificates, and "ssl authentication" 658811;1399197140;Naphex;you gotta have that certificate imported and loaded to log in 658812;1399197147;Naphex;so thats what your gov id will be 658813;1399197314;Naphex;and most likely use adobe with x509 to sign/encrypt send pdf documents 658814;1399197315;Naphex;:)) 658815;1399197429;Naphex;https://www.e-licitatie.ro/Public/Common/Content.aspx?f=PublicHomePage is a famous case i think ;] 658816;1399197514;Naphex;i think that 'portal' - thats what they call shitty webapps that cost hundreds of milions 658817;1399197519;Naphex;went for around 30, 40 mil eur 658818;1399197543;Naphex;so you get that web app, with x509 certificates/documents and thats bout it 658819;1399197624;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3050 @ 0.00084529 = 2.5781 BTC [-] 658820;1399197757;mircea_popescu;Naphex which is why it sucks being the government. 658821;1399197776;mircea_popescu;you're like that stupid kid everyone beats up and takes lunch money from. even the girls. 658822;1399197929;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIF] 534 @ 0.00019097 = 0.102 BTC [-] {3} 658823;1399198150;Naphex;well imo 658824;1399198159;Naphex;the thing is, you can drag gov auctions forever 658825;1399198173;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5657 @ 0.00084519 = 4.7812 BTC [-] {2} 658826;1399198184;Naphex;so a lot of companies will just price that in their bid, pushing it up 658827;1399198269;Naphex;a lot of other fun stuff like corruption, inside deals, and pref specs go on as well 658828;1399198274;Naphex;which will just add up 658829;1399198380;Naphex;also companies have to finance most up front, then wait for gov money 658830;1399198783;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIF] 2525 @ 0.0001852 = 0.4676 BTC [-] {11} 658831;1399198784;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7950 @ 0.00084787 = 6.7406 BTC [+] {3} 658832;1399198951;Hasbro;you know it’s early am when I’m reading hair dying techniques at 622am 658833;1399199027;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIF] 1972 @ 0.00018138 = 0.3577 BTC [-] {6} 658834;1399199301;fluffypony;Hasbro: hair chalk is the solution 658835;1399200064;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 2 @ 0.06474168 = 0.1295 BTC [-] 658836;1399200918;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15350 @ 0.00084516 = 12.9732 BTC [-] 658837;1399201284;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3251 @ 0.00084927 = 2.761 BTC [+] 658838;1399202199;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3407 @ 0.00084516 = 2.8795 BTC [-] 658839;1399202260;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 1 @ 0.1405 BTC [+] 658840;1399202626;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 298 @ 0.00084516 = 0.2519 BTC [-] 658841;1399203053;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9300 @ 0.00084434 = 7.8524 BTC [-] {2} 658842;1399203968;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 8 @ 0.0319899 = 0.2559 BTC [+] 658843;1399204640;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13350 @ 0.00084933 = 11.3386 BTC [+] {2} 658844;1399204822;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 38 @ 0.00630004 = 0.2394 BTC [-] {2} 658845;1399205188;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9350 @ 0.00084855 = 7.9339 BTC [-] 658846;1399205249;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6100 @ 0.00084854 = 5.1761 BTC [-] 658847;1399205737;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 3500 @ 0.00014841 = 0.5194 BTC [-] {3} 658848;1399205798;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 12 @ 0.07502107 = 0.9003 BTC [-] {3} 658849;1399205799;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 7 @ 0.06474168 = 0.4532 BTC [-] 658850;1399205920;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 20 @ 0.0750977 = 1.502 BTC [+] {3} 658851;1399205921;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 907 @ 0.00084854 = 0.7696 BTC [-] 658852;1399205981;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.074 = 0.148 BTC [-] {2} 658853;1399206286;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21849 @ 0.00084331 = 18.4255 BTC [-] 658854;1399206591;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3500 @ 0.00084468 = 2.9564 BTC [+] 658855;1399206713;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07271111 = 0.1454 BTC [-] {2} 658856;1399206714;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13100 @ 0.00084275 = 11.04 BTC [-] {2} 658857;1399206835;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4000 @ 0.00084468 = 3.3787 BTC [+] 658858;1399207080;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2024 @ 0.00084115 = 1.7025 BTC [-] 658859;1399207324;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9600 @ 0.00084384 = 8.1009 BTC [+] {2} 658860;1399207854;FabianB;!t m S.MPOE 658861;1399207854;assbot;[MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00083786 / 0.00091525 / 0.00097187 (488970 shares, 447.53 BTC), 7D: 0.00083786 / 0.00096558 / 0.00098485 (5245781 shares, 5,065.24 BTC), 30D: 0.00083786 / 0.00096921 / 0.00101 (19564348 shares, 18,962.04 BTC) 658862;1399208482;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.48322048 BTC [+] 658863;1399208543;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 12 @ 0.0319899 = 0.3839 BTC [+] 658864;1399208848;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4678 @ 0.00084265 = 3.9419 BTC [-] {2} 658865;1399209336;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1495 @ 0.00014824 = 0.2216 BTC [-] 658866;1399209339;kakobrekla;!up PsychoticBoy 658867;1399209339;assbot;Voicing PsychoticBoy for 30 minutes. 658868;1399209593;kakobrekla;!jd mpif 658869;1399209594;assbot;Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 163.83914054 BTC; +0.01448485 BTC (+0.0088%) since last check 5h 14m 6s ago. 658870;1399209824;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4700 @ 0.00084728 = 3.9822 BTC [+] 658871;1399210129;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9800 @ 0.00084728 = 8.3033 BTC [+] 658872;1399210373;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2313 @ 0.00084182 = 1.9471 BTC [-] {2} 658873;1399210800;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 6 @ 0.475 = 2.85 BTC [-] 658874;1399211105;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 6 @ 0.07502333 = 0.4501 BTC [+] {3} 658875;1399211166;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.075101 = 0.3004 BTC [+] 658876;1399211288;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 3 @ 0.06474168 = 0.1942 BTC [-] 658877;1399211532;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13850 @ 0.00084129 = 11.6519 BTC [-] {2} 658878;1399211776;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 16 @ 0.075101 = 1.2016 BTC [+] 658879;1399212203;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.075101 = 0.751 BTC [+] 658880;1399213463;ThickAsThieves;look at this bullshit https://twitter.com/TheRealAltcoin/status/462960434652667905 658881;1399213484;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9676 @ 0.00084635 = 8.1893 BTC [+] {2} 658882;1399213494;ThickAsThieves;she's "Director of Public Affairs" for BTCFoundation 658883;1399213605;ThickAsThieves;jurov has a blog? 658884;1399213649;BigBitz;Still... 658885;1399213651;BigBitz;you'd fuck her. 658886;1399213687;fluffypony;"Happily married // Committed to ever after // Champion for innovative technology & policies that empower people // Director of Public Affairs" 658887;1399213689;ThickAsThieves;lol, she leads her twitter description with 658888;1399213690;fluffypony;lawlz. 658889;1399213692;ThickAsThieves;you beat me to it 658890;1399213724;BigBitz;:) 658891;1399213728;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8200 @ 0.0008466 = 6.9421 BTC [+] 658892;1399213729;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1400 @ 0.00014888 = 0.2084 BTC [-] 658893;1399213789;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 3 @ 0.06474168 = 0.1942 BTC [-] 658894;1399213979;pankkake;jurov's blog is http://explo.yt/ 658895;1399214595;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves lol. 658896;1399214603;mircea_popescu;lying is a scammer's true nature. 658897;1399214731;ThickAsThieves;oh yeah i forgot jurov had a blog cuz i filed it under MPEx tutorials 658898;1399214903;mircea_popescu;since when is the alleged foundation supporting ripple anyway 658899;1399214959;ThickAsThieves;surely they are plutonium level members 658900;1399214966;mircea_popescu;so ? 658901;1399214972;ThickAsThieves;pay to play 658902;1399214992;mircea_popescu;what, if bin laden becomes a tritium level member they're going to support bombing tall ny buildings ? 658903;1399215010;asciilifeform;osmium level. 658904;1399215012;ThickAsThieves;i thought you supported no-moderation advertising?! 658905;1399215053;ThickAsThieves;speaking of which, i wanna serve bitbet mike_c dynamic ads 658906;1399215055;ThickAsThieves;halp 658907;1399215104;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves srsly. 658908;1399215108;ThickAsThieves;i have the biggest and most hits in the paraverse 658909;1399215117;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves understand tho : this is moderated as to venue, not as to content. 658910;1399215120;mircea_popescu;exactly opposite 658911;1399215197;ThickAsThieves;i'm just playin re BTCFundnation 658912;1399215209;ThickAsThieves;shilling aint advertising 658913;1399215220;ThickAsThieves;well it is 658914;1399215221;ThickAsThieves;but 658915;1399215225;ThickAsThieves;yknow 658916;1399215269;ThickAsThieves;my blog has 56 unique users, is that good? 658917;1399215287;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves it's sort-of good. 658918;1399215296;ThickAsThieves;i could probably add a hundred or so if i plugged it to the forum 658919;1399215307;ThickAsThieves;but i dont want stalkers and trolls 658920;1399215313;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/awstats-and-stuff/ 658921;1399215314;ozbot;Awstats and stuff pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 658922;1399215320;mircea_popescu;there, you got lamp, you prolly got awstats 658923;1399215357;ThickAsThieves;dammit you killed my cookie again 658924;1399215370;mircea_popescu;i did not kill no cookies 658925;1399215373;mircea_popescu;i just eat them 658926;1399215436;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 4 @ 0.1405 = 0.562 BTC [+] 658927;1399215476;ThickAsThieves;hmm does cookie eating coincide with header gfx changes? 658928;1399215499;ThickAsThieves;you have mircerberus art now 658929;1399215557;ThickAsThieves;holy shit you have 240k unique users?! 658930;1399215559;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 771 @ 0.0008426 = 0.6496 BTC [-] 658931;1399215571;mircea_popescu;it's the web you know ? 658932;1399215599;ThickAsThieves;well i'm still gonna treat you normal, your head is big enough 658933;1399215603;ThickAsThieves;and now you have 3 658934;1399215637;mircea_popescu;lol 658935;1399215680;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.03130001 = 0.1565 BTC [-] {2} 658936;1399216519;artifexd;Need more proof that mircea_popescu is the Chuck Norris of finance? Apparently he can divide by zero. Ref: http://trilema.com/2014/smg-april-2014-statement/ 658937;1399216547;mircea_popescu;artifexd wait wut ? 658938;1399216596;artifexd;P/E is "Price divide by earnings", right? Zero earnings means dividing by zero. 658939;1399216647;artifexd;Wait. Nevermind. My eyes jumped ahead of my brain. 658940;1399216680;mircea_popescu;"The P/E implied value per share is thus 0 BTC." unzips, depacks and deflates as "the value of each share calculated on the basis of the P/E of this company so far would be 0" 658941;1399216839;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11132 @ 0.00084585 = 9.416 BTC [+] {2} 658942;1399217510;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07649999 = 0.153 BTC [+] 658943;1399218852;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4024 @ 0.00084781 = 3.4116 BTC [+] 658944;1399219218;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 2.64309480 BTC to 8`410 shares, 31428 satoshi per share 658945;1399220926;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 7 @ 0.032 = 0.224 BTC [+] {2} 658946;1399221780;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.03300011 = 0.132 BTC [-] 658947;1399222512;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.06474168 = 0.3237 BTC [-] 658948;1399223543;bitcoinpete;;;later tell punkman now i wanna catch up on some wu tang clan! 658949;1399223543;gribble;The operation succeeded. 658950;1399223562;fluffypony;all you need is a vocab of 9k words! 658951;1399223614;kakobrekla;!jd mpif 658952;1399223615;assbot;Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 163.89471781 BTC; +0.05557727 BTC (+0.0339%) since last check 3h 53m 41s ago. 658953;1399223634;mircea_popescu;ha! 658954;1399223673;BingoBoingo;whelp, just got back from the hospital 658955;1399223694;mircea_popescu;did you hit on the nurses or did they hit on you 658956;1399223694;fluffypony;BingoBoingo: are you HIV aladeen or HIV aladeen? 658957;1399223710;bitcoinpete;fluffypony: ha! 658958;1399223719;bitcoinpete;i have some aladeen news for you 658959;1399223725;BingoBoingo;fluffypony: DIdn't test for that. Instead I was diagnosed with aladeen. 658960;1399223730;fluffypony;you are...HIV aladeen... 658961;1399223737;mircea_popescu;wtf is this aladeen mangosteen 658962;1399223738;fluffypony;:) ... :( ... :) ... :/ 658963;1399223760;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Reference to some Jew movie 658964;1399223761;bitcoinpete;my body double's latest movie: the dictator 658965;1399224110;bitcoinpete;"Sacha Baron Cohen attended The 84th Annual Academy Awards (2012) in character and full costume as Aladeen, accompanied by his "virgin guards". While giving an interview on the red carpet to an unsuspecting Ryan Seacrest he brandished an urn he claimed to contain the remains of deceased North Korean dictator Jong-il Kim. Cohen then spilled the ashes all over Seacrest's tuxedo. As a result, Cohen was banned from entering the auditori 658966;1399224110;bitcoinpete;or participating in the events." 658967;1399224133;fluffypony;totally not a setup at all 658968;1399224159;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2750 @ 0.0008499 = 2.3372 BTC [+] {2} 658969;1399224184;bitcoinpete;meh promo 658970;1399224191;mircea_popescu;he didn't even have a ticket 658971;1399224262;bitcoinpete;General Aladeen: [to his pregnant wife] Are you having a boy or an abortion? 658972;1399224366;mircea_popescu;http://www.youtube.com/embed/NYJ2w82WifU 658973;1399224366;ozbot;THE DICTATOR - HIV Aladeen - YouTube 658974;1399224456;fluffypony;lol bitcoinpete 658975;1399224536;Framedragger;i've to admit, even though this chan is full of pompastic arrogant fucks, the content is pretty sweet 658976;1399224647;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43244 @ 0.00084497 = 36.5399 BTC [-] {7} 658977;1399224682;fluffypony;lol 658978;1399224802;mircea_popescu;hello to you too Framedragger 658979;1399224810;Framedragger;long time 658980;1399224816;mircea_popescu;;;google pompastic 658981;1399224817;gribble;THE WORDORIUM - A Dictionary of Daffy Definitions: POMPASTIC: ; pompastic! on Pinterest: ; Ashish prints and pom poms | Graphic Prints / Clashing colours | Pint…: 658982;1399224829;mircea_popescu;;;google where is vragnaroda to teach this guy grammer. 658983;1399224829;gribble;No matches found. 658984;1399224833;mircea_popescu;sadly. 658985;1399224853;Framedragger;gribble fails at google 658986;1399224854;pankkake;the correct form is… pompatic?! 658987;1399224859;Framedragger;first hit here is http://www.wordorium.blogspot.com/2005/03/pompastic.html 658988;1399224870;mircea_popescu;mr bombastik pretty fantastik... 658989;1399224873;Framedragger;which actually provides some sense 658990;1399224907;Framedragger;i choose the "to shake a pompom vigorously" interpretation 658991;1399224963;Framedragger;i guess closest 'legit' match is http://etymonline.com/index.php?term=pomposity&allowed_in_frame=0 658992;1399224974;mircea_popescu;so you just meant pompous ? 658993;1399224990;fluffypony;pompous-nisity 658994;1399225012;Framedragger;i guess. i just made a literal mapping from own tongue onto english. but english failed on me :( so, "pompous" 658995;1399225030;mircea_popescu;the mapping failed you! 658996;1399225032;fluffypony;close enough 658997;1399225033;pankkake;http://www.thefreedictionary.com/pompatic a.1.Pompous 658998;1399225034;ozbot;Pompatic - definition of Pompatic by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia. 658999;1399225048;Framedragger;aha. 659000;1399225103;bitcoinpete;"FXBTC said that long-term financial losses stemming from what it termed a “blockade” by the PBOC resulted in the management team deciding to end the service." 659001;1399225113;bitcoinpete;http://www.coindesk.com/chinese-bitcoin-exchange-fxbtc-to-close-citing-central-bank-pressure/ < i've to admit, even though this chan is full of pompastic arrogant fucks, the content is pretty sweet << pompastic you say? quite the portmanteau. 659052;1399227865;benkay;pompous + bombastic? 659053;1399227891;benkay;wth asses 659054;1399227894;benkay;pathetic logs this morning 659055;1399227948;Framedragger;yeah, pretty much that 659056;1399227977;mircea_popescu;http://clientsfromhell.net/post/84718913347/client-i-uploaded-the-twitter-background-you-sent 659057;1399228100;benkay;is it my eyes or are the winklevii doing something useful? http://winkdex.com/#/ 659058;1399228111;benkay;mircea_popescu: let me know how broken it is without js 659059;1399228134;mircea_popescu;http://clientsfromhell.net/post/84616669366/client-this-html-email-template-you-did-doesnt 659060;1399228138;mircea_popescu;that goes to you. 659061;1399228172;benkay;fired. 659062;1399228175;mircea_popescu;benkay what's useful about that exactly ? 659063;1399228183;mircea_popescu;;;ticker on a website ? 659064;1399228183;gribble;(ticker [--bid|--ask|--last|--high|--low|--avg|--vol] [--currency XXX] [--market |all]) -- Return pretty-printed ticker. Default market is Bitstamp. If one of the result options is given, returns only that numeric result (useful for nesting in calculations). If '--currency XXX' option is given, returns ticker for that three-letter currency code. It is up to you to make sure (1 more message) 659065;1399228206;benkay;well is somewhere in between the bloomberg quote and ;;ticker, no? 659066;1399228231;mircea_popescu;it's somewhere betweet "unadulterated nonsense" and "who gives a shit", but sure. 659067;1399228246;benkay;lawdy 659068;1399228256;benkay;bitcoincharts.org nonsense as well then? 659069;1399228274;Framedragger;hah, check out their bios on http://winkdex.com/#/about 659070;1399228278;mircea_popescu;i have no idea who those are. 659071;1399228283;mircea_popescu;Hmm, bitcoincharts.org isn't loading right now. 659072;1399228306;Framedragger;at least they have a sense of humour (maybe) 659073;1399228312;benkay;dot com dot butts 659074;1399228356;benkay;hey mircea_popescu on an entirely different topic what was this situation where romania just gave oodles of cash away to 'businessmen' once upon a time? sounds like quite the story. 659075;1399228362;mircea_popescu;benkay http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-02-2014#506512 659076;1399228376;mircea_popescu;benkay context ? 659077;1399228408;kakobrekla;Framedragger you dont work in IT do you... ever heard of redundancy? 659078;1399228416;Framedragger;;) 659079;1399228427;fluffypony;[20:16:16] mircea_popescu: openssl is not in ios ?! <- they implement Open Group's CDSA/CSSM, they hate OpenSSL because it doesn't maintain a stable API between versions 659080;1399228439;Framedragger;their twitter images are also symmetrical 659081;1399228443;Framedragger;call it 'sharding' 659082;1399228465;mircea_popescu;fluffypony good reason to hate it, incidentally. 659083;1399228472;fluffypony;agreed 659084;1399228493;fluffypony;there was a quote about it 659085;1399228512;fluffypony;"Apple does keep an older version of OpenSSL around that isn't vulnerable to the exploit. Safely chained to a wall. In the dungeon. It prods it with sticks now and again to make sure it's still breathing." 659086;1399228525;benkay;mircea_popescu: your comment was along the lines of 'romania gave a bunch of money to basically anyone who showed up claiming to be a businessman and a bunch of guys blew it in advertising' 659087;1399228537;benkay;iirc you also made a comment about massive gold reserves in proximity 659088;1399228542;mircea_popescu;benkay a, was a more complex discussion, see the whole log. 659089;1399228550;mircea_popescu;that was after the revolution, early 90s 659090;1399228580;benkay;ayeah, trying to find it. 659091;1399228714;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla ahaha only now i get the joke. lmao. 659092;1399228727;mircea_popescu;"invest with the twinkletoss brothers! there's a spare included!" 659093;1399228740;kakobrekla;;) 659094;1399228935;danielpbarron;is it safe to assume that a user operating a pass-through for MPEx has a lot to lose if he were to decide to run with the money? To clarify, is it MPEx's official policy to publically shame and/or revoke access for such a user? 659095;1399228983;benkay;identity operating the mpex keys will be toast for sure. 659096;1399228985;mircea_popescu;in general you'd expect the rotten pt operator to withdraw everything from mpex before he actually runs. 659097;1399229010;danielpbarron;mircea_popescu: but would his access be void? (value of 30 BTC) 659098;1399229012;benkay;but mircea_popescu wouldja revoke the keys? 659099;1399229014;mircea_popescu;yes. 659100;1399229048;kakobrekla;if you know who it is 659101;1399229052;danielpbarron;nice :D 659102;1399229077;mircea_popescu;well you gotta know who he is. 659103;1399229081;mircea_popescu;how could you not 659104;1399229091;benkay;you gotta know the keyid he's using, non? 659105;1399229109;benkay;kinda the point of mpex - put down 30B, get access no questions asked. 659106;1399229112;danielpbarron;I don't need to know, but i'm confident MPEx could figure that one out 659107;1399229120;kakobrekla;but mpex cant 659108;1399229124;mircea_popescu;you shouldn't be confident mpex will figure anything. 659109;1399229143;mircea_popescu;but if you ever asked your pt op for a mpex signed stat, for instance, you should know 659110;1399229162;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1160 @ 0.00084176 = 0.9764 BTC [-] 659111;1399229196;benkay;pt ops should be considered bad actors if they refuse to provide those, then. no amount of 'gotta preserve the secrecy of my keys with mpex' allowed. 659112;1399229209;danielpbarron;i agree 659113;1399229212;mircea_popescu;well it's entirely up to you. 659114;1399229222;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3140 @ 0.00084118 = 2.6413 BTC [-] 659115;1399229224;kakobrekla;yeah but you can go to buttfucker and post a passthrough as evedence present a malfucked pgp signature which none of the 'investors' know how to check anyway and thats that 659116;1399229293;chetty;no way around the basics, due diligence and trust 659117;1399229307;mircea_popescu;well nobody forces anyone to not know / not think / etc 659118;1399229524;danielpbarron;for example: a user is in the WoT, and has a rating of 3 or more given by mircea_popescu, describing him as an operator of a specific pass-through; is it safe to trust this user on that information alone? 659119;1399229547;mircea_popescu;no. 659120;1399229548;fluffypony;not enough information given 659121;1399229576;mircea_popescu;it's never safe to trust. 659122;1399229582;danielpbarron;doesn't this necessarily mean that MPEx knows the user's credentials, and could disable them if it turned out to be a scam? 659123;1399229590;mircea_popescu;no, it does not. 659124;1399229603;mircea_popescu;you can find out what it means by asking the rater what they meant. 659125;1399229618;mircea_popescu;you're not at liberty to arbitrarily decide what someone else's rating means. 659126;1399229619;danielpbarron;ok, mircea_popescu what did you mean when you rated jurov? 659127;1399229622;fluffypony;danielpbarron: I think part of the WoT is extrapolation of information upon which a conclusion can be drawn, and sometimes that information needs to be expanded by talking to the rater 659128;1399229649;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 24 @ 0.03388422 = 0.8132 BTC [+] {2} 659129;1399229650;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.0316409 = 0.1266 BTC [-] 659130;1399229664;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron i meant the guy has been operating a mpex broker for about two years now, it never ran into any difficulty, and met him twice in person 659131;1399229696;danielpbarron;mircea_popescu: do you know which GPG key he uses to place orders on MPEx? 659132;1399229700;mircea_popescu;;;rated jurov 659133;1399229700;chetty;danielpbarron, do you trust yourself to never eat that piece of chocolate cake you know you shouldn't have? 659134;1399229700;gribble;You rated user jurov on Mon Apr 21 06:09:46 2014, with a rating of 5, and supplied these additional notes: Years of promises kept.. 659135;1399229712;danielpbarron;chetty: 99.99%, ya 659136;1399229721;mircea_popescu;i'm pretty sure (5/10) that i know enough of the guy to have an opinion, and that opinion is he should be trustworthy. 659137;1399229754;chetty;danielpbarron, that I think is the point - trust has degrees, you should be aware of them 659138;1399229782;mircea_popescu;dun tell me jurov ran off ?! 659139;1399229806;danielpbarron;lol probably not; just doing some due dilligence 659140;1399229813;bounce;what, like kevin bacon or something? *confused* 659141;1399229830;benkay;i mean i been trying to get ahold of him all weekend, but that was after he said he was going to be unavailable all weekend 659142;1399229845;mircea_popescu;lol 659143;1399229852;danielpbarron;that's a good thing, right? 659144;1399229861;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron sure. 659145;1399229866;bounce;man of his word. he breaks it, you derate him. 659146;1399229868;danielpbarron;keeping his word 659147;1399229876;benkay;but that's all any of us are. 659148;1399229884;mircea_popescu;i thought you meant doing your dd as a good thing. 659149;1399229902;danielpbarron;that too, but I wasn't unsure of that one 659150;1399230138;mircea_popescu;it's a finicky thing, too. 659151;1399230192;mircea_popescu;http://www.deadline.com/2014/05/white-house-correspondents-dinner-2014-live-blog/ 659152;1399230192;ozbot;White House Correspondents' Dinner 2014 -- Live Blog 659153;1399230511;mircea_popescu;http://www.youtube.com/embed/idrrdgjETxY << guy's actually real bad. 659154;1399230511;ozbot;Joel McHale at the 2014 White House Correspondents' Dinner (HD Complete) - YouTube 659155;1399230808;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 8 @ 0.07520012 = 0.6016 BTC [-] {2} 659156;1399230864;benkay;who's the author of that piece on why women don't go into the sciences? 659157;1399230869;benkay;!up gesell 659158;1399230869;assbot;Voicing gesell for 30 minutes. 659159;1399230873;benkay;!up gesell2 659160;1399230873;assbot;Voicing gesell2 for 30 minutes. 659161;1399230895;mircea_popescu;https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/454333198307061760/HrKaTPLj.jpeg << dude all the work they put into making that prude vaguely appear sexy 659162;1399231174;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11184 @ 0.00084376 = 9.4366 BTC [+] 659163;1399231235;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.0752 = 0.3008 BTC [-] 659164;1399231236;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3166 @ 0.00084743 = 2.683 BTC [+] 659165;1399231237;benkay;asciilifeform: would you grace me with a link to that piece explaining why women look at the sciences and run screaming in the opposite direction? 659166;1399231310;mircea_popescu;You guys sound like you are on a roller coaster right now, McHale said to the crowd as they groaned to another one of his flopped jokes." 659167;1399231323;mircea_popescu;if only that rust chick whatever her name was were there to stand up and derp. 659168;1399231357;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5697 @ 0.00084743 = 4.8278 BTC [+] 659169;1399231357;mircea_popescu;"please not to refer to all the unemployable women here hoping for a good marriage by a term implying we're thai ladyboys" 659170;1399231432;davout;benkay: that what you're thinking of ? -> http://philip.greenspun.com/careers/women-in-science 659171;1399231704;benkay;davout: many thanks 659172;1399231954;benkay;http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702303380004579520041301275638?mod=WSJ_hp_RightTopStories&mg=reno64-wsj&url=http%3A%2F%2Fonline.wsj.com%2Farticle%2FSB10001424052702303380004579520041301275638.html%3Fmod%3DWSJ_hp_RightTopStories 659173;1399232092;benkay;i get it! mircea_popescu's farming slavegirls to keep himself looking young forever: http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702303417104579541950544978572?mg=reno64-wsj&url=http%3A%2F%2Fonline.wsj.com%2Farticle%2FSB10001424052702303417104579541950544978572.html 659174;1399232152;benkay;"Findings from both research groups grew out of experiments in which the blood circulation systems of old and young mice were surgically connected, in a manner akin to Siamese twins. In such experiments, older mice essentially got younger while younger mice got older." 659175;1399232154;benkay;eeeeew 659176;1399232333;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 18 @ 0.032 = 0.576 BTC [+] {2} 659177;1399232348;mircea_popescu;you sayin' i got woman blood ? 659178;1399232383;mircea_popescu;!up transfix 659179;1399232383;assbot;Voicing transfix for 30 minutes. 659180;1399232383;benkay;probably don't want to cross the hormonal streams 659181;1399232497;mircea_popescu;Naphex http://trilema.com/2011/test-de-cultura-sociala/#comment-64793 ("e pe investitii") 659182;1399232646;jurov;evening all 659183;1399232697;jurov;i did not ran off, just went away for a weekend 659184;1399232707;fluffypony;jurov: willkommen 659185;1399232712;jurov;hunting bears and manuls 659186;1399232719;Apocalyptic;sounds like fun 659187;1399232739;jurov;with horrible internet, ofc all hell broke loose on the server 659188;1399232740;Apocalyptic;you've seen Gasparovic ? 659189;1399232748;davout;jurov: what's a manul? 659190;1399232762;moiety;you rang? ... i heard bears and manuls 659191;1399232769;jurov;davout you dont read teh logs? 659192;1399232774;Apocalyptic;rumour has it he likes to hunt bears and /collegues/ 659193;1399232791;moiety;manuls hunt you jurov 659194;1399232806;davout;jurov: nah, was on a week end too :D 659195;1399232824;davout;except french style week end, five days long 659196;1399232831;fluffypony;davout: http://i.imgur.com/tNaMm.jpg 659197;1399232836;fluffypony;that glorious animal 659198;1399232836;mircea_popescu;they did that shit here too, may 1-4 659199;1399232836;jurov;moiety, can you poignantly explain to him? 659200;1399232853;mircea_popescu;Apocalyptic sorry, who ? 659201;1399232858;jurov;oh fluffy did 659202;1399232885;jurov;gasparovic is slovak soon to be expresident, what he did? 659203;1399232901;mircea_popescu;oic 659204;1399232928;moiety;they will rip your face off without a second thought Apocalyptic :D 659205;1399232952;fluffypony;moiety: not the derpy ones 659206;1399232954;Apocalyptic;dem manuls 659207;1399232956;jurov;lol this got tangled beyond repair 659208;1399232959;fluffypony;they'll just lick you to death 659209;1399232977;Apocalyptic;mircea_popescu, jurov i'm refering to this incident when one of his fellow hunter was killed during a hunt 659210;1399232980;moiety;no such thing... just sleeping ones 659211;1399233013;moiety;lol jurov 659212;1399233013;jurov;Apocalyptic: and then mr.president was on retconned vacation in croatia? oh yes 659213;1399233022;Apocalyptic;yes jurov 659214;1399233050;davout;fluffypony: ty! 659215;1399233120;jurov;also, just to throw in another unrelated topic.. benkay, you're the third nigga i had to scream "but i dun have test mpex what do i doooooooo!!!!" 659216;1399233126;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1689 @ 0.00084743 = 1.4313 BTC [+] 659217;1399233126;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 43 @ 0.03245072 = 1.3954 BTC [+] {5} 659218;1399233127;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.03300105 = 0.33 BTC [-] 659219;1399233163;jurov;(context: i''m trying to hire someone to improve MPExAgent) 659220;1399233174;jurov;(and benkay is the last one so far) 659221;1399233187;assbot;[MPEX] [FN] [F.MPIF] 744 @ 0.00021725 = 0.1616 BTC [+] 659222;1399233202;kakobrekla;whats wrong with mpexagent 659223;1399233228;jurov;i want round cornerz 659224;1399233245;fluffypony;jurov: and responsive HTML 5 animation? 659225;1399233249;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8100 @ 0.00084743 = 6.8642 BTC [+] 659226;1399233249;assbot;[MPEX] [S.NSA] 867 @ 0.00015 = 0.1301 BTC [-] 659227;1399233250;fluffypony;with jQuery! 659228;1399233259;jurov;yup. and http auth. and botstrip 659229;1399233267;jurov;and sockets 659230;1399233273;fluffypony;NODE.jquery 659231;1399233273;jurov;er.websockets 659232;1399233274;mircea_popescu;clearly all this needs mpex sadbox. o.O 659233;1399233283;jurov;indeed it does 659234;1399233287;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: a sadbox is where Jimmothy goes 659235;1399233297;jurov;at leats niggaz.txt needz that 659236;1399233299;mircea_popescu;kik 659237;1399233431;assbot;[MPEX] [S.BBET] 213 @ 0.00053999 = 0.115 BTC [-] 659238;1399233676;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 590 @ 0.00084743 = 0.5 BTC [+] 659239;1399233736;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5490 @ 0.00084392 = 4.6331 BTC [-] 659240;1399233736;assbot;[MPEX] [S.BBET] 462 @ 0.00053999 = 0.2495 BTC [-] 659241;1399233806;jurov;ooooh SatoshiJack sent me some dough...gotta learn blackjack someday, never played it :) 659242;1399233839;mircea_popescu;!up bitcoingirl 659243;1399233839;assbot;Voicing bitcoingirl for 30 minutes. 659244;1399233855;mircea_popescu;bitcoingirl hey there. 659245;1399233858;assbot;[MPEX] [FN] [F.MPIF] 1150 @ 0.00021725 = 0.2498 BTC [+] 659246;1399233862;bitcoingirl;hey 659247;1399233865;mircea_popescu;you type in the lower box and hit enter aha! 659248;1399233871;bitcoingirl;ok got it 659249;1399233876;bitcoingirl;this is a new experience for me 659250;1399233884;mircea_popescu;learn something new every day! 659251;1399233890;bitcoingirl;just hope my ip isn't getting hacked right now 659252;1399233893;fluffypony;jurov: I suck at it 659253;1399233896;mircea_popescu;so, im looking for a mpex ambassador. dja know what mpex i ? 659254;1399233899;mircea_popescu;is* 659255;1399233918;bitcoingirl;http://mpex.co 659256;1399233918;ozbot;MPEx, the Bitcoin securities exchange. 659257;1399233921;mircea_popescu;exactly. 659258;1399233926;bitcoingirl;where is this based 659259;1399233931;bitcoingirl;what country 659260;1399233934;mircea_popescu;it's not based anywhere, it's a bitcoin corp. 659261;1399233944;jurov;in Transnistria 659262;1399233970;mircea_popescu;anyway, the deal would be : you go to whatever bitcoin conferences you feel like, i'll cover your entrance fee. you talk to people, explain stuff to them. 659263;1399233976;mircea_popescu;i'll give you a pile of facts to work with. 659264;1399233982;bitcoingirl;i do that 659265;1399233999;bitcoingirl;i *can do that 659266;1399234007;jurov;and i'll give you coinbr discount coupons 659267;1399234017;diametric;anyone heard of Bitcoin Armory? 659268;1399234024;mircea_popescu;bitcoingirl alrighty, when do you want to start ? 659269;1399234028;mircea_popescu;diametric sure. 659270;1399234043;bitcoingirl;lets start at Amsterdam conference 659271;1399234052;bitcoingirl;2 weeks away 659272;1399234054;mircea_popescu;cool idea. maybe ThickAsThieves shows up there too. 659273;1399234071;diametric;mircea_popescu: have an opinion? 659274;1399234078;mircea_popescu;diametric they're not awful. 659275;1399234080;diametric;i'm still researching, but i just learned they're based about 15 minutes from my house. 659276;1399234101;bitcoingirl;i don't know what thickastheives is 659277;1399234102;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 6 @ 0.033 = 0.198 BTC [-] {3} 659278;1399234119;mircea_popescu;bitcoingirl it's the irc nick of john carvalo, a bitcoin guy. 659279;1399234134;mircea_popescu;i mentioned his name because many irc clients blink if you'r ementioned, and so he knows. 659280;1399234152;mircea_popescu;bitcoingirl do you have a blog somewhere, i forget ? 659281;1399234163;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.0316409 = 0.3164 BTC [-] 659282;1399234164;bitcoingirl;on Forbes 659283;1399234170;mircea_popescu;link ? 659284;1399234185;bitcoingirl;http://www.forbes.com/sites/perianneboring/ 659285;1399234185;ozbot;Perianne Boring - Boring Economics - Forbes 659286;1399234188;mircea_popescu;a ty 659287;1399234206;Duffer1;great photo 659288;1399234211;mircea_popescu;did you ever use gpg ? 659289;1399234215;mircea_popescu;Duffer1 yeah she looks a million. 659290;1399234250;mircea_popescu;bitcoingirl you ever use gpg ? 659291;1399234253;bitcoingirl;i don't know hat irc nick means 659292;1399234254;bitcoingirl;no 659293;1399234281;mircea_popescu;ok, one at a time. irc is the network we're in. it's like a sort of skype, only works a lot better. 659294;1399234292;mircea_popescu;a nick is a name. for instance, your nick is bitcoingirl 659295;1399234300;bitcoingirl;and multiple people are viewing our conversation? 659296;1399234305;mircea_popescu;currently, yes. 659297;1399234313;Duffer1;everyone you see on the left 659298;1399234326;mircea_popescu;there's a list of them to the right (oir left). there's also the channel logs, which plenty of people read. 659299;1399234331;bitcoingirl;I don't know who john carvalo is - never heard of him 659300;1399234333;mircea_popescu;ttp://log.bitcoin-assets.com < 659301;1399234351;mircea_popescu;bitcoingirl he used to run asicminer PTs and was on their board. 659302;1399234373;bitcoingirl;what is that link? 659303;1399234386;bitcoingirl;not working 659304;1399234389;mircea_popescu;that's the link to the webpage where the log of this channel lives 659305;1399234395;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com there 659306;1399234440;bitcoingirl;excuse me, I'm obviously not a tech person - more into economic policy 659307;1399234459;mircea_popescu;not a crime. 659308;1399234460;Duffer1;diametric i'm using armory 659309;1399234468;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 337 @ 0.00084743 = 0.2856 BTC [+] 659310;1399234490;mircea_popescu;bitcoingirl so what do you know about me ? 659311;1399234511;bitcoingirl;when you say channel - are you talking about the stats? 659312;1399234537;mircea_popescu;no, when i say channel i mean exactly that. this space, where we talk, it's the channel. it's name is #bitcoin-assets 659313;1399234544;mircea_popescu;its name* 659314;1399234626;bitcoingirl;ok got it. are you saying john is already going to be at Amsterdam so you don't need another ambassador there? 659315;1399234647;mircea_popescu;not at all. i say he's already going, and maybe you have a drink. he's not my ambassador, because he's a boy 659316;1399234657;mircea_popescu;and i have a strict girls-only for ambassador roles policy. 659317;1399234677;bitcoingirl;sounds sexist 659318;1399234692;mircea_popescu;hm. 659319;1399234702;bitcoingirl;so what do i have to do 659320;1399234703;mircea_popescu;well he also doesn't have a forbes blog, nor was he invited to the whcd. 659321;1399234725;mircea_popescu;well, you ever represented an industry leader before ? 659322;1399234761;bitcoingirl;yes, i have a consulting firm in DC where I do this professionally 659323;1399234772;mircea_popescu;cool. so, what do you know about me ? 659324;1399234851;bitcoingirl;http://trilema.com < this website which has content i would never associate myself with 659325;1399234858;mircea_popescu;o hey. 659326;1399234861;mircea_popescu;what's the problem with it ? 659327;1399234887;Apocalyptic;people aren't ready for trilema yet 659328;1399234913;mircea_popescu;Apocalyptic at least she's honest. 659329;1399234915;bitcoingirl;anti gay anti women articles 659330;1399234926;bitcoingirl;plus anti bitcoin foundation content 659331;1399234929;mircea_popescu;are you merely skimming titles or also read soem stuff ? 659332;1399234932;mircea_popescu;a, that for sure. 659333;1399234942;mircea_popescu;you will find pretty much all of bitcoin is anti the alleged foundation. 659334;1399234955;bitcoingirl;not in the US 659335;1399234961;bitcoingirl;this is business and the foundation is here to stay 659336;1399234970;mircea_popescu;who told you this ? :) 659337;1399235017;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12900 @ 0.00084378 = 10.8848 BTC [-] {2} 659338;1399235055;mircea_popescu;!up bgupta 659339;1399235055;assbot;Voicing bgupta for 30 minutes. 659340;1399235100;Duffer1;c'est la comedie humaine 659341;1399235122;bitcoingirl;the foundation may have their own issues / challenges, but opposing them is not something I'm interested in getting involved it. not going to lead to anywhere 659342;1399235144;mircea_popescu;you know the average lifetime of bitcoin things i've opposed historically is somewhere south of one year ? 659343;1399235148;Duffer1;ignoring/opposing, same dif 659344;1399235167;mircea_popescu;i'll crush these schmucks too, not a question of whether, a question of when i feel like pushing hard enough. 659345;1399235259;asciilifeform;china/crimea: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-03-2014&bots=true#544315 659346;1399235260;mircea_popescu;obviously your own political stands are your own, but the thing that isn't going to lead anywhere is trying to support the walking dead. 659347;1399235261;bitcoingirl;im not comfortable having this question over an open source 659348;1399235269;mircea_popescu;aite, let's go private then 659349;1399235295;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform indeed. 659350;1399235566;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10550 @ 0.00084311 = 8.8948 BTC [-] {2} 659351;1399235660;danielpbarron;this channel rules 659352;1399235984;jurov;heh what a suspension...i'd even bet whether mp changes bitcoingirl's stance toward bitcoin foundation 659353;1399236017;jurov;at least there's interesting trilema post upcoming 659354;1399236023;kakobrekla;ill bet no 659355;1399236040;chetty;anti gay? anti woman? anybody know which articles those would be? 659356;1399236088;Duffer1;none that i'm aware of, she's probably skimmed the titles 659357;1399236096;Apocalyptic; ill bet no // about the fact he will change her mind or the post ? 659358;1399236115;assbot;[MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 100 @ 0.00328679 = 0.3287 BTC [+] 659359;1399236170;kakobrekla;the former 659360;1399236243;fluffypony;kakobrekla: no there won't be one, or no it won't be interesting? 659361;1399236254;fluffypony;ITT: analyse what kakobrekla *REALLY* means :-P 659362;1399236272;fluffypony;o you said former 659363;1399236277;fluffypony;sadface. 659364;1399236396;Apocalyptic;dat kako 659365;1399236402;Apocalyptic;confusing everyone 659366;1399236473;fluffypony;it's his super-power 659367;1399236480;fluffypony;mine is IRC-ing drunk 659368;1399236507;thestringpuller;;;ud real human bean 659369;1399236508;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=human%20bean | A person who is addicted to beans and more specificly jelly beans. ... I'm turning into a human bean - I had 4 packets of jelly beans yesterday. by Eli-bean ... 659370;1399236508;ozbot;Urban Dictionary: human bean 659371;1399236576;chetty;http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2014/05/02/nyc-cyclist-arrested-for-using-cellphone-to-film-cop-told-iphones-are-being-used-as-guns/?onswipe_redirect=no&oswrr=1 659372;1399236576;ozbot;NYC cyclist arrested for using cellphone to film cop, told iPhones are ‘being used as guns’ 659373;1399236607;chetty;is the cardano coming equiped with special toys? 659374;1399236672;Apocalyptic;told iPhones are being used as guns // not sure if serious or... 659375;1399236952;kakobrekla;yes, photo gun, shoots pictures. 659376;1399236969;davout;^ 659377;1399237028;chetty;and taking pictures steals your soul .. 659378;1399237329;mircea_popescu;suchwow-brb lmao 659379;1399237333;mircea_popescu;!up SuchWow-brb 659380;1399237333;assbot;Voicing SuchWow-brb for 30 minutes. 659381;1399237378;SuchWow-brb;heheh it's been an intense couple of hours with the nascar race 659382;1399237383;SuchWow-brb;back in 30 :) 659383;1399237396;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [COG] 168 @ 0.00297994 = 0.5006 BTC [+] 659384;1399237397;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3850 @ 0.00084743 = 3.2626 BTC [+] 659385;1399237405;kakobrekla;is dogecar gonna win 659386;1399237429;bitcoinpete;kakobrekla: some chumps, yes 659387;1399237790;mircea_popescu;!jd mpif 659388;1399237790;assbot;Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 163.89572664 BTC; +0.00399293 BTC (+0.0024%) since last check 3h 50m 9s ago. 659389;1399237804;mircea_popescu;too insufficient small amount of number. 659390;1399238172;bitcoinpete;"It appears that the most natural of all ways to classify humans genetically is by the racial and ethnic groups that humans have identified from time out of mind." 659391;1399238174;bitcoinpete;http://online.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052702303380004579521482247869874 659392;1399238175;ozbot;Book Review: 'A Troublesome Inheritance' by Nicholas Wade - WSJ.com 659393;1399238322;mircea_popescu;unsurprisingly. 659394;1399238458;bitcoinpete;to everyone except the nba 659395;1399238616;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.47511 = 0.9502 BTC [+] 659396;1399238753;mircea_popescu;;;gettrust bitcoingirl 659397;1399238754;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user mircea_popescu to user bitcoingirl: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=mircea_popescu&dest=bitcoingirl | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=bitcoingirl | Rated since: never 659398;1399238860;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6493 @ 0.00084444 = 5.4829 BTC [-] 659399;1399238896;bitcoinpete;whoa mpoe! 659400;1399238924;bitcoinpete;investors no like mpif? 659401;1399238982;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 16 @ 0.0321191 = 0.5139 BTC [+] 659402;1399239009;mircea_popescu;seems it's been taking a beating yest 659403;1399239104;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 14 @ 0.03389001 = 0.4745 BTC [+] {5} 659404;1399239134;chetty;http://cryptogeeks.com/bitcoin-american-express-sponsored-documentary-feels-more-commercial-bitcoin 659405;1399239134;ozbot;Bitcoin: This American Express sponsored documentary feels more like a commercial for Bitcoin. | cry 659406;1399239142;mircea_popescu;lol 659407;1399239324;mircea_popescu; this channel rules << hehe 659408;1399239348;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.0764499 = 0.1529 BTC [+] {2} 659409;1399239658;bitcoinpete;https://vine.co/v/M6ztmrVtBDj 659410;1399239658;ozbot;CRISTIANO RONALDO What-a-goal! Real-Valencia 2-2 659411;1399239670;bitcoinpete;ronny be cray 659412;1399239682;fluffypony;cray cray 659413;1399239741;bitcoinpete;omg fucking greenaddress 659414;1399239743;bitcoinpete;http://blog.greenaddress.it/2014/04/30/reusing-addresses-is-bad-m-kay/ 659415;1399239798;fluffypony;"Not reusing addresses protects you from quantum computing" 659416;1399239806;fluffypony;l.o.l. the sequel. 659417;1399239808;mircea_popescu;wait wut 659418;1399239825;mircea_popescu;does mormon underwear protect you from quantum computing ? 659419;1399239838;mircea_popescu;"Not reusing addresses may prevent you to be exposed from undiscovered holes in ECDSA theory" 659420;1399239855;mircea_popescu;wlel... reusing addresses equally may prevent you from exposure to undiscovered holes. 659421;1399239860;mircea_popescu;what the fuck is this cargo cult nonsense. 659422;1399239862;pankkake;because quantum computing can break ECDSA, but cannot break RIPEMD-160? lel 659423;1399239876;fluffypony;pankkake: RIPEMD4lyf 659424;1399239877;pankkake;anyway >quantum computing. why even talk about it 659425;1399239890;mircea_popescu;not reusing addresses has major privacy implications : 659426;1399239896;mircea_popescu;it makes it feasible for your users to be tracked 659427;1399239907;mircea_popescu;and it makes it possible for the entire "taint" nonsense to even tenuously exist. 659428;1399239919;mircea_popescu;if you care about freedom, make sure you reuse at least some addresses. 659429;1399239939;pankkake;though I've tried to not associate some addresses with others, I'm sure some more advanced statistical anylisis would reveal them 659430;1399239945;jurov;then the analysis just moves on to transaction level 659431;1399239974;danielpbarron;bitcoinpete: lol @ greenaddress; I had a back-and-forth with them over that exact issue: https://twitter.com/danielpbarron/status/461889144667787266 659432;1399239977;mircea_popescu;jurov notrly. 659433;1399239994;bitcoinpete;danielpbarron: lol just noticed that! 659434;1399240030;bitcoinpete;i was a little more blunt https://twitter.com/bitcoinpete/status/463072062056452096 659435;1399240049;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/Mircea_Popescu/status/463072372896333825 659436;1399240049;ozbot;Twitter / Mircea_Popescu: Attention #Bitcoin : contrary ... 659437;1399240051;mircea_popescu;halping out. 659438;1399240090;jurov;taint can be tracked by spent transaction inputs, addresses do not need to come into picture 659439;1399240124;mircea_popescu;except if you reuse addresses this becomes ambiguous. 659440;1399240130;danielpbarron;bitcoinpete: heh, i'd "favorite" your tweet, but I don't want to give twitter a reason to set my account to "login required to read" mode 659441;1399240141;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16400 @ 0.00084429 = 13.8464 BTC [-] {3} 659442;1399240149;mircea_popescu;wait thats a mode ? how does it work ? 659443;1399240177;danielpbarron;mircea_popescu: the default setting for new users is to block "adult content" 659444;1399240186;mircea_popescu;o he's adsult ? 659445;1399240194;danielpbarron;and that default also applies to non-users 659446;1399240202;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3774 @ 0.00084242 = 3.1793 BTC [-] {2} 659447;1399240210;danielpbarron;it's vague, but I assume it means dropping f-bombs and posting nudes 659448;1399240219;mircea_popescu;!up bitcoingirl 659449;1399240219;assbot;Voicing bitcoingirl for 30 minutes. 659450;1399240220;pankkake;does it? perhaps because I'm blocking everything - javascript and cookies, I don't seem to have it 659451;1399240221;bitcoinpete;mircea_popescu: wait, are you saying that reusing is good for privacy? 659452;1399240224;bitcoingirl;popescu - can I humbly ask you for a favor 659453;1399240228;mircea_popescu;shoot 659454;1399240235;mircea_popescu;bitcoingirl yes. 659455;1399240241;mircea_popescu;bitcoinpete yes i mean. 659456;1399240297;pankkake;bitcoinpete: seems to me the real issue is merging inputs, regardless of the addresses. changing addresses will only confuse amateur investigators 659457;1399240306;fluffypony;^^ 659458;1399240308;jurov;how ambiguous? when i withdraw from mpex, it spends Tx1, Tx2..Txn from one mpex address.. how it is different from spending them from different adresses? 659459;1399240316;bitcoingirl;https://blog.blockchain.com/2014/04/16/the-first-annual-blockchain-awards/ can you help me get votes for the "most insightful journalist" 659460;1399240316;ozbot;The First Annual Blockchain Awards | Blockchain Blog 659461;1399240340;bitcoingirl;this would be helpful for my career. was one of the first reporters in this industry 659462;1399240361;mircea_popescu;so i should what, pester cary ? 659463;1399240400;fluffypony;bitcoinpete: not knowing which addresses were used to receive BTC is irrelevant when you are looking at it going out 659464;1399240415;mircea_popescu;!up GAit 659465;1399240415;assbot;Voicing GAit for 30 minutes. 659466;1399240426;GAit;thanks mircea_popescu 659467;1399240435;pankkake;anyway, perhaps use a good client which supports multiple wallets if you want easy privacy 659468;1399240448;mircea_popescu;aha, well you heard the lady folks : pls to vote ms boring for the blockchain award. 659469;1399240460;fluffypony;yeah, agree with pankkake, separation of liabilities 659470;1399240462;GAit;bitcoinpete: hello 659471;1399240477;bitcoinpete;GAit: howdy 659472;1399240485;fluffypony;bitcoingirl: who must we vote for? I missed the bits further up 659473;1399240495;GAit;bitcoinpete: can i disturb you on a PM ? 659474;1399240495;bitcoinpete;GAit: green address, i presum? 659475;1399240499;GAit;bitcoinpete: yes 659476;1399240504;mircea_popescu;o is it ? 659477;1399240509;bitcoingirl;+fluffypony Perianne Boring, please 659478;1399240531;bitcoinpete;GAit: let's talk here 659479;1399240537;GAit;ok 659480;1399240551;fluffypony;bitcoingirl: ok done, I nominated you for best ATM design. 659481;1399240552;GAit;i wasn't sure this was appropriate for the channel, as long as others don't mind 659482;1399240553;fluffypony;(kidding) 659483;1399240576;bitcoinpete;GAit: this is a good conversation for everyone to see 659484;1399240584;mircea_popescu;fluffypony asshat :D 659485;1399240588;GAit;it is I agree, i generally like to read your blog 659486;1399240592;mircea_popescu;GAit go ahead, you're voiced, you can talk. 659487;1399240608;bitcoinpete;GAit: so tell us why reusing addresses is bad, in your opinion 659488;1399240609;bitcoingirl;I did not create an ATM 659489;1399240622;mircea_popescu;bitcoingirl he's just being difficult :D 659490;1399240656;bitcoingirl;i know 659491;1399240658;GAit;i think reusing addresses is bad for privacy and exposes you to potential security risk in the implementation 659492;1399240666;fluffypony;bitcoingirl: I'm teasing, hence the "kidding" added after 659493;1399240668;mircea_popescu;GAit specifically. 659494;1399240673;fluffypony;bitcoingirl: here - http://i.imgur.com/nizKc8A.png 659495;1399240695;GAit;specifically privacy or security? 659496;1399240709;mircea_popescu;privacy. the security i understand 659497;1399240715;GAit;privacy alone is quite important but extra security is not bad 659498;1399240716;mircea_popescu;and it's factual : ecdsa is vulnerable to bad rngs. 659499;1399240776;GAit;well privacy in the sense that if you tell too many people about your [reused] address then it is much easier to make sense, on a whole, of correlated transaction, especially if more people reuse 659500;1399240807;mircea_popescu;GAit what if you lie. 659501;1399240828;GAit;who lies? 659502;1399240852;mircea_popescu;well for instance, Naphex told me a funny story when we met yest. it went like this : 659503;1399240876;mircea_popescu;buncha poor romanian kids in some small romanian town got the check-only btc address app installed on their phones and went all over town claiming to be owning 1000s of btc. 659504;1399240905;pankkake;oh, your name is actually Boring. things are clearer now 659505;1399240906;GAit;check only-> watch only I presume? 659506;1399240915;mircea_popescu;yes 659507;1399240982;GAit;anyway, bitcoinpete, why would you go as far as calling it scam? good reasons or? 659508;1399241019;bitcoinpete;GAit scum != scam 659509;1399241033;GAit;sorry, lapsus 659510;1399241041;GAit;so why calling it scum? 659511;1399241077;GAit;i actually like in general your criticism and your being skeptical 659512;1399241078;mircea_popescu;what got called scum ? i'm behind my reading. 659513;1399241100;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: bitcoinpete called GAit scum on the Twitorz 659514;1399241106;GAit;https://twitter.com/bitcoinpete/status/463072062056452096 659515;1399241107;ozbot;Twitter / bitcoinpete: You guys are fucking scum. ... 659516;1399241115;bitcoinpete;GAit: basically that reusing doesn't have a place in bitcoin 659517;1399241119;mircea_popescu;oh. GAit well people sometimes overstate points on the internet. it's called cracked.com 659518;1399241131;fluffypony;technically he said you're fucking scum, GAit, if scum is a pretty person you could consider that a complement 659519;1399241135;GAit;mircea_popescu: i was trying to find if there was something bad we could improvwe 659520;1399241159;mircea_popescu;GAit the problem is this : i'm pretty well convinced, and i suspect a lot of people here are similarly convinced, 659521;1399241162;bounce;complement or compliment? 659522;1399241170;GAit;bounce: compliment 659523;1399241173;mircea_popescu;that a campaign against reusing addresses is more a covert usg op than anything else. 659524;1399241174;fluffypony;bounce: good catch 659525;1399241178;fluffypony;I need another drink 659526;1399241187;mircea_popescu;now whether you're participating naively or not is up for grabs, but still. 659527;1399241221;GAit;mircea_popescu: you are saying we tried to get attention in the wrong way by mentioning our comptetitors reusing addresses? 659528;1399241227;mircea_popescu;no. 659529;1399241232;peterl;does reusing addresses cut down on blockchain bloat? 659530;1399241248;mircea_popescu;i am saying that the entire "don't reuse addresses" campaign is exactly the equiovalent of "pls to use openssh" or "pls to use tor before that" 659531;1399241258;mircea_popescu;or "pls to use whatever the gpg competitor was, i forgot" 20 years prior. 659532;1399241258;bitcoinpete;peterl: shouldn't 659533;1399241261;GAit;reusing increases bloat if i understand correctly as you have less to prune 659534;1399241274;mircea_popescu;reusing prevents efficient pruning. 659535;1399241288;GAit;yeah 659536;1399241308;GAit;a good point to add to the blog actually 659537;1399241309;GAit;thanks 659538;1399241311;fluffypony;peterl: not really...the current change address functionality is roughly analogous to creating fresh receive addresses every time you receive a transaction 659539;1399241313;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform chetty what was the gpg competitor nsa was pushing back i nthe day ? 659540;1399241348;bounce;clipper? 659541;1399241375;fluffypony;bounce: wasn't that the Microsoft Office assistant? 659542;1399241392;bounce;"clippy", unless you're thinking of bob the dog 659543;1399241400;peterl;you mean the paperclip that gave tips on how to use winblows? 659544;1399241402;GAit;anyway, in general if you guys have any feedback i'm all ears 659545;1399241408;GAit;guys and gals 659546;1399241410;bounce;you now owe me some serious booze, by the by 659547;1399241412;mircea_popescu;lmao 659548;1399241422;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10494 @ 0.00084108 = 8.8263 BTC [-] {2} 659549;1399241436;fluffypony;peterl: yes! "It looks like you're trying to GPG sign this document. Would you like help with that?" 659550;1399241444;peterl;lol 659551;1399241447;mircea_popescu;bounce aye, skipjack. 659552;1399241483;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7206 @ 0.00083946 = 6.0491 BTC [-] 659553;1399241484;bitcoinpete;GAit: there's a place for address reuse and there's a place for new address generation 659554;1399241486;*;bounce tried to make a funny with "swordfish" in it, but failed 659555;1399241513;GAit;bitcoinpete: i don't really know anyonw in bitcoin-dev that is pro address reuse 659556;1399241518;mircea_popescu;so ? 659557;1399241520;GAit;it is not reccomanded 659558;1399241533;mircea_popescu;are you here looking for feedback or are you here to persuade ? 659559;1399241536;bitcoinpete;GAit: and quantum computing isn't a thing. it's cold fusion until proven otherwise 659560;1399241563;bounce;anybody still use coldfusion? even though it's apparently a better php. 659561;1399241569;GAit;quantum computer is theoretical and little practical so far, sure, i didn't say much more to that 659562;1399241572;mircea_popescu;bounce seems dead. 659563;1399241597;mircea_popescu;GAit do you understand the part where making statements about defenses against nonspecified attacks is hacky at best ? 659564;1399241599;fluffypony;lol 659565;1399241614;mircea_popescu;i mean that sort of shit probably flies in -otc, but this chan is grown ups. 659566;1399241616;fluffypony;bounce: wasn't there a major CF exploit last yearish that caused issues on a bunch of sites? 659567;1399241618;GAit;non specified attacks? 659568;1399241621;mircea_popescu;yes. 659569;1399241636;GAit;i specified the attaccks or problems. RNG is one 659570;1399241642;GAit;privacy is another 659571;1399241643;mircea_popescu;if quantum computing, then your teeth are probably not safe. because why would they be ? 659572;1399241646;peterl;my dad (a physicist) worked on quantum computing for a bit. It's more likely to succeed than cold fusion, but still many years off. 659573;1399241658;GAit;well by then i imagine a lot of encryption will use quanto techinques 659574;1399241660;bitcoinpete;GAit: i didn't say much more to that <; Green address – the solution to slow Bitcoin transactions? - CoinDesk: ; GreenAddress: open source multisig wallet service - Bitcoin (1 more message) 659606;1399242041;GAit;fluffypony: nah, we are too busy on http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4824, which is much much better 659607;1399242056;fluffypony;so they tell me :) 659608;1399242084;mircea_popescu;flagpoles harder to get than birds. 659609;1399242091;GAit;fluffypony: what you never tried it? come on where do you live? 659610;1399242121;fluffypony;GAit: we have 6 dogs, pigeons don't last long around here 659611;1399242134;GAit;so you trying fiber now? 659612;1399242154;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 4 @ 0.06474168 = 0.259 BTC [-] 659613;1399242165;fluffypony;yep, I've found a healthy serving of oats gives me all the fibre I need 659614;1399242252;GAit;so what do you guys do? anyone coming to amsterdam? 659615;1399242265;mircea_popescu;maybe ThickAsThieves 659616;1399242337;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10900 @ 0.00083944 = 9.1499 BTC [-] {2} 659617;1399242337;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.034 = 0.136 BTC [+] 659618;1399242338;bitcoinpete;i gotta jet. 659619;1399242345;bitcoinpete;GAit: good of you to drop by for a chat 659620;1399242359;bitcoinpete;hopefully you'll consider what you've learned here 659621;1399242367;bounce;ouch 659622;1399242398;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2836 @ 0.00083928 = 2.3802 BTC [-] 659623;1399242739;mircea_popescu;Random twitter self-absorbed priss : This website wants to feature me as a "Hot Babe. Should I do it? 659624;1399242740;mircea_popescu;Me : You done nudes yet ? 659625;1399242740;mircea_popescu;Her : No, and I never will. 659626;1399242740;mircea_popescu;Me : Then pretty much nobody cares. You wanna play a sport, might as well go pro or else forget about it. 659627;1399242764;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [COG] 69 @ 0.00200021 = 0.138 BTC [-] {4} 659628;1399242876;fluffypony;heh 659629;1399242880;fluffypony;Pro Stripping 659630;1399242883;fluffypony;olympic level 659631;1399242896;mircea_popescu;did they succeed making pole dancing an olympic sport yet ? 659632;1399242937;fluffypony;don't think so 659633;1399243027;pankkake;I stumbled on some pole dancing websites, it was entertaining. I mean, it was so serious and all. Though the erotic aspect wasn't stupidly downplayed 659634;1399243048;mircea_popescu;pankkake belly dancing can also get quite serious 659635;1399243054;mircea_popescu;heck, for that matter even barbecuing 659636;1399243054;bounce;srsly eerotic 659637;1399243065;pankkake;well, I have a belly button fetish, so. :) 659638;1399243099;fluffypony;I dated a Greek girl who was a serious belly dancer, she ended up starting her own school 659639;1399243111;fluffypony;was sexy for a bit, but she was too serious about it 659640;1399243119;pankkake;ahah 659641;1399243130;fluffypony;I just wanted pre-sex wiggling, not a history lesson 659642;1399243133;mircea_popescu;slaves do a better job at it anyway 659643;1399243236;mircea_popescu;http://stats.bitcoin-assets.com/ << check it out, according to kakobrekla a new week has started, but not a new day. 659644;1399243237;ozbot;#bitcoin-assets stats 659645;1399243256;fluffypony;kako-time 659646;1399243264;mircea_popescu;it bellydances. 659647;1399243304;fluffypony;lol 659648;1399243315;kakobrekla;it probably has to do with the code. 659649;1399243346;mircea_popescu;ahahaha 659650;1399243350;assbot;Last 5 lines bashed and pending review. (http://dpaste.com/1CPEMYA/plain/) 659651;1399243350;mircea_popescu;!b 5 659652;1399243370;assbot;Last 9 lines bashed and pending review. (http://dpaste.com/0WHBKDV/plain/) 659653;1399243370;mircea_popescu;!b 9 659654;1399243546;Namworld;By last 12 months I rank high, but lately I rank low. 659655;1399243559;fluffypony;http://i.imgur.com/GpIAwwo.jpg 659656;1399243642;mircea_popescu;haha good 1 659657;1399243649;Namworld;fluffypony, you've chat as much in the last 30 days as I did in the last 12 months. 659658;1399243651;mircea_popescu;!up lolstate 659659;1399243651;assbot;Voicing lolstate for 30 minutes. 659660;1399243652;lolstate;pop-up mf 659661;1399243664;mircea_popescu;;;gettrust assbot lolstate 659662;1399243665;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user lolstate: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=lolstate | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=lolstate | Rated since: never 659663;1399243668;mircea_popescu;gotta get wot. 659664;1399243686;Namworld;And mircea, you've chat more than assbot lately, you might have an addiction problem 659665;1399243708;mircea_popescu;is it addiction when you do it a lot or when yo ucan't stop ? 659666;1399243775;lolstate;Gribble? 659667;1399243780;lolstate;Again? 659668;1399243781;Namworld;Hence "might" 659669;1399243785;lolstate;We were friends! 659670;1399243846;fluffypony;Namworld: just noticed that now - maybe I have an addiction too :-P 659671;1399243944;kakobrekla;test 659672;1399243946;assbot;Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. (http://dpaste.com/2SZFKQF.txt) 659673;1399243946;kakobrekla;!b 1 659674;1399243951;kakobrekla;kay 659675;1399243968;bounce;that's a keeper 659676;1399243984;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [COG] 98 @ 0.00199997 = 0.196 BTC [-] {4} 659677;1399244018;fluffypony;so now it strips the !b line out and links correctly? 659678;1399244054;fluffypony;oh nm it's just the links 659679;1399244060;kakobrekla;!mp http://dpaste.com/3TS4ZK5.txt 659680;1399244060;assbot;Processing. 659681;1399244062;assbot;Response: http://dpaste.com/0KF222K.txt 659682;1399244106;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07649999 = 0.153 BTC [+] {2} 659683;1399244168;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.47511 BTC [+] 659684;1399244188;mircea_popescu;le cool 659685;1399244192;mircea_popescu;basically dpaste broke their api ? 659686;1399244205;kakobrekla;changed some stuff apparently 659687;1399244215;mircea_popescu;yeah 659688;1399244217;bounce;stable apis are so 1.0 659689;1399244260;kakobrekla;looks like they figured txt files are the way to go 659690;1399244269;fluffypony;bounce: ikr, who needs them 659691;1399244270;mircea_popescu;+like upvote retweet to that. 659692;1399244295;bounce;retweet the like? 659693;1399244295;fluffypony;in fact, you should just announce breaking API changes on Twitter and hope everyone catches it 659694;1399244313;bounce;put it on your facebook wall. then set it private. 659695;1399244353;mircea_popescu;the irony of "walls" 659696;1399244360;*;bounce is tempted to publish all the specs exclusively on gopher 659697;1399244365;lolstate;I’m going to through out what may be a trivial question (at first glance): what is up with Neobee?? ! 659698;1399244372;lolstate;TAT? 659699;1399244375;lolstate;MP? 659700;1399244378;lolstate;Me? 659701;1399244382;lolstate;Danny? 659702;1399244388;lolstate;Quesions, eh? 659703;1399244390;fluffypony;lolstate: dead in the water, Danny on the lam 659704;1399244391;mircea_popescu;seems dead no ? 659705;1399244400;mircea_popescu;!t h neobeeq 659706;1399244401;assbot;[HAVELOCK:NEOBEEQ] 1D: 0.00001261 / 1.302E-5 / 0.00001700 (13739 shares, 0.17890927 BTC), 7D: 0.00001261 / 2.211E-5 / 0.00006970 (197924 shares, 4.37667709 BTC), 30D: 0.00001261 / 0.00011853 / 0.00045000 (796909 shares, 94.45738272 BTC) 659707;1399244401;lolstate;lam? 659708;1399244407;fluffypony;;;google define lam 659709;1399244408;gribble;Lam - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary: ; Lam | Define Lam at Dictionary.com: ; On the lam | Define On the lam at Dictionary.com: 659710;1399244443;fluffypony;"on the lam, escaping, fleeing, or hiding, especially from the police" 659711;1399244468;lolstate;boring 659712;1399244486;lolstate;‘lam’ isn’t analysis or any where close to an explanation! 659713;1399244499;mircea_popescu;aren't you like... months late for that ? 659714;1399244512;lolstate;what? a kick in the mouth? or… ? 659715;1399244530;fluffypony;ok analysis: Danny is a thief and was the only one who controlled all the monies. now he's run away with the monies or many spent it all on a lavish lifestyle. the company has collapsed and disbanded, and the police want to talk to Danny. 659716;1399244533;fluffypony;fin. 659717;1399244536;lolstate;Explnation for recent failure, maybe? 659718;1399244560;lolstate;fluffy: that is shallow 659719;1399244574;mircea_popescu;lolstate bring something to the table. 659720;1399244583;lolstate;clearly, he wasn’t a thief a priori 659721;1399244587;fluffypony;ok here 659722;1399244590;benkay; ... spent it all on a lavish lifestyle. << a shame, considering...btc. 659723;1399244601;mircea_popescu;clearly uh. 659724;1399244612;fluffypony;lolstatel: start here: http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/232v5n/the_full_picture_from_danny_brewster/ then go here: http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/23cjd9/the_full_picture_of_former_neo_bee_employees/ then go here: http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/23e0if/neo_bee_a_consultants_perspective_and_statement/ then go here: http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/23cp8h/my_take_on_what_happened_with_neo_bee_after/ 659725;1399244620;mircea_popescu;#bitcoin-assets rules of style : omit all sentences that start with clearly. 659726;1399244634;mircea_popescu;they'll get ignored anyway, might as well save the electrons 659727;1399244641;dignork;lolstate: Danny's claims about what he can do, where laughable, maintaining his own exchange rate? btc banks? 659728;1399244641;ThickAsThieves;catching up on logs after attending a local festival 659729;1399244647;ThickAsThieves;<+mircea_popescu> anyway, the deal would be : you go to whatever bitcoin conferences you feel like, i'll cover your entrance fee. you talk to people, explain stuff to them. //// mah job! 659730;1399244659;bounce;what? since when're you turning greenpeace? 659731;1399244668;bounce;"save the electrons", sheesh. 659732;1399244671;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves you srsly want it ? 659733;1399244673;lolstate;fluffy: yeah, saw that 659734;1399244677;fluffypony;lolstate: how do you get he wasn't a thief prior? has he been a personal friend you've known his whole life? 659735;1399244715;lolstate;fluufy: don’r be flippant. A priori, every human is honest 659736;1399244715;fluffypony;because evidence seems to point that he was dirty, or at the very least incompetent, and this is another in a string of failures / duck-and-run jobs 659737;1399244727;lolstate;yaya 659738;1399244746;mircea_popescu;!down lolstate 659739;1399244749;mircea_popescu;enough of that. 659740;1399244754;benkay;lolstate: you miss the part where in btc, everyone has to prove they're not a thief first. 659741;1399244757;benkay;via...wot. 659742;1399244769;benkay;and even then, that's an extremely weak 'proof'. 659743;1399244792;bounce;that an open offer? though as a matter of style one might better sneak in bitcoin foundation gigs and possibly get thrown out in front of cameras 659744;1399244797;mircea_popescu;fucking noobs, gonna control the flow of conversation nao. wtf is happening in these people's heads. 659745;1399244801;benkay;this is what we're working towards. not that 'anyone's not a scammer until they are', but that ther are grownups in the space, and either you deal with them or they fuck off. 659746;1399244808;benkay;or *you* fuck off. 659747;1399244831;benkay;!up lolstate 659748;1399244831;assbot;Voicing lolstate for 30 minutes. 659749;1399244838;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18900 @ 0.00084173 = 15.9087 BTC [+] {2} 659750;1399244838;lolstate;ta 659751;1399244838;mircea_popescu;bounce i don't really believe in half measures. im either sending in people with automatic rifles, or not at all. 659752;1399244839;benkay;mircea_popescu: he ain't no worse than tib. 659753;1399244847;benkay;possibly educable. 659754;1399244854;mircea_popescu;benkay hey, you can put up with it, by all means. 659755;1399244886;benkay;anyways lolstate from a statistical perspective, every btc operation is a scam, and every operator a priori a thief. 659756;1399244898;lolstate;MP, why the Ceaușescu move? It is unbecoming. 659757;1399244903;fluffypony;sweet, CloudFlare have published their SSL config for nginx: https://github.com/cloudflare/sslconfig/ 659758;1399244926;mircea_popescu;lolstate try and learn from what's happening to you, fucktard 659759;1399244933;mircea_popescu;rather than herping along, calling things names. 659760;1399244942;benkay;lolstate: !up and !down are part of the variety speak. 659761;1399244975;lolstate;MP, grow up and discuss…. let’s discuss your role in Neobee 659762;1399244986;benkay;oh do tell 659763;1399245021;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 12 @ 0.07514414 = 0.9017 BTC [-] {2} 659764;1399245026;ThickAsThieves;ok i'm caught up 659765;1399245028;fluffypony;his...role? 659766;1399245030;lolstate;Well, MP, what’s with all the trolling and black arts against Neobee and others… 659767;1399245044;ThickAsThieves;<+mircea_popescu> ThickAsThieves you srsly want it ? /// well, i'm down for a test drive in Amsterdam next week 659768;1399245049;benkay;calling a scam a scam = black arts these days 659769;1399245059;benkay;or a derp a derp 659770;1399245071;ThickAsThieves;i have full intention of providing "coverage" 659771;1399245072;lolstate;Neobee turned out bad, clearly, what about the others that have not, yet you desire to do so? 659772;1399245088;benkay;nobody's desires matter, lolstate 659773;1399245090;ThickAsThieves;and intend to start bugging you guys for help with questions and plans 659774;1399245094;bounce;shamelessly copying: http://i.imgur.com/OvAcLrb.jpg 659775;1399245104;lolstate;MP’s desire, TAT! 659776;1399245114;ThickAsThieves;huh? 659777;1399245123;lolstate;MP’s desire to bad mouth legimitate rivals! 659778;1399245128;ThickAsThieves;no 659779;1399245133;lolstate;No? 659780;1399245135;fluffypony;neo&bee was a legitimate rival of mpex? 659781;1399245136;ThickAsThieves;you are in bakwards world 659782;1399245137;benkay;badmouthing doesn't matter, lolstate 659783;1399245138;fluffypony;da fuq. 659784;1399245148;benkay;if it matters, the foundations are unsound to begin with. 659785;1399245154;ThickAsThieves;lolstate, speak like an adult or we'll have your tongue 659786;1399245155;bounce;;;ident lolstate 659787;1399245155;gribble;Nick 'lolstate', with hostmask 'lolstate!~lolstate@cpc16-broo8-2-0-cust783.14-2.cable.virginm.net', is not identified. 659788;1399245156;benkay;'i'll huff and i'll puff and i'll derp you away!' 659789;1399245181;lolstate;TAT? Why did you cut from Neo? Was is Danny’s selling? 659790;1399245193;lolstate;*it*, I mean 659791;1399245194;benkay;sinking ship, lolstate . 659792;1399245232;ThickAsThieves;i gave a broad explanation for my severing ties the day i severed them 659793;1399245237;ThickAsThieves;i do not know if danny stole 659794;1399245241;ThickAsThieves;i'm not sure anyone does 659795;1399245247;lolstate;Te ship has sunk, benkay 659796;1399245257;benkay;lolstate: you miss the point. 659797;1399245260;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves so what you need ? 659798;1399245269;benkay;lolstate: when a ship is sinking, what do the occupants do? 659799;1399245283;ThickAsThieves;you mention providing of dossiers, any info or intent you wish to instill with me, is welcome 659800;1399245298;benkay;lolstate are you delberately trolling like a noob or is this the best that you can do? 659801;1399245303;ThickAsThieves;including specific questions 659802;1399245319;ThickAsThieves;i am also willing to spend prepatory time this week 659803;1399245325;lolstate;TAT, really? TBH, I missed that. All I read was you couldnt continure in the role etc, which is reasonable, although I wasn’t clear on the reason 659804;1399245325;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves wait wut. what dossiers 659805;1399245326;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.47511 BTC [+] 659806;1399245327;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 27 @ 0.03211 = 0.867 BTC [+] 659807;1399245345;ThickAsThieves;you said something about providing info 659808;1399245349;ThickAsThieves;i'm just being dramatic 659809;1399245362;fluffypony;on that note, I'm heading to bed 659810;1399245369;mircea_popescu;bounce he left out drugz 659811;1399245400;lolstate;Night fluffy 659812;1399245422;mircea_popescu;!up nahkunt 659813;1399245422;assbot;Voicing nahkunt for 30 minutes. 659814;1399245424;nahkunt;hi guys. thoughts on verpayments? 659815;1399245429;mircea_popescu;wait wut 659816;1399245440;mircea_popescu;omfg i been trying to eat this sandwich for half a n hour 659817;1399245443;lolstate;TAT. Really what can you say about the NEo situation (sorry if I’m behind the loop) 659818;1399245445;ThickAsThieves;lolstate i'll sum it up like this. at this point there will be no new info from anyone worth anything on the Neo events unless he gets picked up by authorities and forced to hand over his accounts etc 659819;1399245468;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves were you going to ask vehehes why he's not publishing reports ? 659820;1399245468;nahkunt;mircea_popescu: hah, i just read about you a few minutes ago and now i see you on here... 659821;1399245473;ThickAsThieves;yes 659822;1399245475;ThickAsThieves;if i can 659823;1399245479;mircea_popescu;well what's that mean 659824;1399245491;mircea_popescu;nahkunt fancy that! 659825;1399245501;ThickAsThieves;what's what mean 659826;1399245502;nahkunt;mircea_popescu: the romanian suspected pornstar/cryptostocks businessman/woman 659827;1399245506;ThickAsThieves;i'm not mean! 659828;1399245510;*;bounce is living on tunes instead of food ATM. 90s tunes. 659829;1399245512;mircea_popescu;wait what ?! 659830;1399245515;ThickAsThieves;lol 659831;1399245521;benkay;suspected pornstar 659832;1399245528;mircea_popescu;omfg im taking some time off i've never been this confused ion my lyf. 659833;1399245558;benkay;wait pornstar/cryptostocks? 659834;1399245560;benkay;wtf? 659835;1399245576;bounce;secret launcehd PornCoin and didn't tell anyone? 659836;1399245579;nahkunt;lol 659837;1399245583;bounce;s/ceh/ce/ 659838;1399245585;ThickAsThieves;but seriously mp, and everyone here, i have an open call out for questions and topics anyone would like me to attempt getting info on at Bitcoin2014 659839;1399245588;benkay;pornstar/businesscunt would make sense 659840;1399245599;lolstate;TAT, that’s an interesting staement: a) Danny is a crim or… b)… ? 659841;1399245601;benkay;but pornstar/cryptostocks is derpage of the most pernicious variety. 659842;1399245614;ThickAsThieves;basically the limit is that they have to be "serious" questions and i cant end up in jail 659843;1399245621;bounce;you already got a list? (wiki? in public? maybe not a good idea) 659844;1399245622;lolstate;lol 659845;1399245625;nahkunt;mircea_popescu: isn't that correct? i read about you on the bitcoinwiki, it linked to a bitcointalk thread discussing it. 659846;1399245631;ThickAsThieves;getting banned from the conf is not off limits, but save it for last plaz 659847;1399245632;ThickAsThieves;plz 659848;1399245651;ThickAsThieves;bounce no one has made any requests yet 659849;1399245652;benkay;nahkunt: relies on bitcointalk for research 659850;1399245661;ThickAsThieves;i intended to start my own list in the next couple days 659851;1399245692;assbot;[MPEX] [S.BBET] 250 @ 0.00053 = 0.1325 BTC [-] 659852;1399245697;bounce;really should trawl their forum for things to grill them about 659853;1399245701;nahkunt;benkay: yes, businesscunt, i'da said that but i'm not sure how many aussies are present in this channel 659854;1399245705;ThickAsThieves;lolstate, i do not know if danny is a criminal, it's entirely possible he is merely 'criminally' inept 659855;1399245707;lolstate;TAT, have you had any contact with Danny after cutting the pass-through management role? 659856;1399245709;*;bounce already has a bit too much to read ATM :/ 659857;1399245725;ThickAsThieves;lolstate no, he only talks to reddit now it seems 659858;1399245745;lolstate;Well, he doesn’t answer mobile, Skype or email 659859;1399245752;ThickAsThieves;i know 659860;1399245758;lolstate;Doe a runner, it seems.. 659861;1399245765;lolstate;*Done* 659862;1399245781;benkay;lolstate: satisfied yet? 659863;1399245795;nahkunt;benkay: not relying on bitcointalk, i asked for confirmation from the primary source and you're criticisng my romanian pornstar turned crypt obusinesscunt research methodology? 659864;1399245807;lolstate;About what, exactly? Aren’t you in bed? 659865;1399245811;ThickAsThieves;lolstate just wants fuel to bring back to the perpetually cold fire at bitcointalk.org 659866;1399245823;lolstate;lol 659867;1399245831;benkay;nahkunt: it's no secret mp ran porn operations. 659868;1399245842;lolstate;I don’t think so, TAT. 659869;1399245844;benkay;pornstar though is your claim and you're going to have to substantiate that. 659870;1399245852;benkay;'star' lol. 659871;1399245862;ThickAsThieves;porn cerberus 659872;1399245883;lolstate;So, TAT, I’m not here to add fuel or whatever. I’m actaully interested in disecting this mess. 659873;1399245895;nahkunt;benkay: it's probably false then, but this wiki page https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/MPEx links to a thread that mentions it 659874;1399245899;benkay;there's nothing to dissect, lolstate. it's over. everyone involved lost their money. 659875;1399245900;bounce;totally believable 659876;1399245908;lolstate;FFS 659877;1399245908;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves so im thinking the best approach here is, go, liveblog it, we take it from there. 659878;1399245912;mircea_popescu;sorta like a qual lap./ 659879;1399245913;ThickAsThieves;lolstate i have no new info for you, sorry 659880;1399245928;benkay;nahkunt: let me know if you have anything that's less retarded than a retarded thread on a retarded forum. 659881;1399245932;ThickAsThieves;mp, okay, but i do feel some prep would be nice 659882;1399245940;mircea_popescu;ok, ask ? 659883;1399245941;lolstate;I don’r need neew info, TAT. That’s ok. 659884;1399245957;lolstate;But the dissection has to happen. 659885;1399245963;benkay;why, lolstate ? 659886;1399245968;benkay;what is there to dissect? 659887;1399245974;lolstate;Police will disect soon enough. 659888;1399245975;benkay;shit blew up. it's over. on to the next one. 659889;1399245979;ThickAsThieves;i'll start a doc tomorrow (i'm not entirely sober atm) but basically who are the targets, and what are the main gripes and concerns to be expressed to each 659890;1399245997;lolstate;No really. If there was fraud, the cops will be interested. 659891;1399245998;bounce;probably gonna need someone on the headset relaying irc (teamspeak?) during panels 659892;1399246018;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves as far as im concenred, the "why are you not publishing reports @vehe" is all. 659893;1399246024;nahkunt;benkay: ok man... i think you're misinterpreting my tone, i wasn't really all that serious about it. i just came to ask people's opinion on https://vertpay.com — they're having an IPO soon 659894;1399246025;ThickAsThieves;i should probably buy an audio recorder 659895;1399246026;benkay;lolstate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WM1RChZk1EU 659896;1399246030;mircea_popescu;i have no idea who the rest of the derps present are or why'd i/anyone care. 659897;1399246031;ThickAsThieves;but mp so many people will be there 659898;1399246037;ThickAsThieves;like Josh from BFL 659899;1399246044;mircea_popescu;so many people are @gcs in ny right now 659900;1399246045;mircea_popescu;so what of it 659901;1399246050;ThickAsThieves;the Overstock guy 659902;1399246052;ThickAsThieves;etc 659903;1399246060;mircea_popescu;the overstock guy is a year away from sense 659904;1399246068;mircea_popescu;i may be the lord of all evil but i can't compress time. 659905;1399246069;lolstate;TAT, are you still in securities? Aren’t you jaded now? 659906;1399246075;benkay;nahkunt: "Merchant adoption is the single biggest driver in encouraging the spread of a cryptocurrency." << sounds like a ploy to hype a shitcoin 659907;1399246077;mircea_popescu;except with willing women. 659908;1399246090;ThickAsThieves;lolstate i've been jaded since i was like 8 years old 659909;1399246104;fluffypony;nahkunt: I'm off to bed, but hit me up tomorrow if you have any VertPay questions 659910;1399246107;mircea_popescu;nahkunt you ever read the canonical statement to the contrary ? 659911;1399246116;nahkunt;fluffypony: ok thanks i will 659912;1399246119;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5132 @ 0.00083975 = 4.3096 BTC [-] {3} 659913;1399246125;nahkunt;mircea_popescu: nope, link it? 659914;1399246128;fluffypony;benkay: paybee got rolled into vertpay 659915;1399246141;ThickAsThieves;lolstate i am in no way involved with bitcoin securities at this time, well, other than owning some personally 659916;1399246156;lolstate;Ok 659917;1399246172;benkay;fluffypony: vertpay is yours?! 659918;1399246180;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 4 @ 0.06474168 = 0.259 BTC [-] 659919;1399246181;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2013/bitcoin-prices-bitcoin-inflexibility/#comment-92015 659920;1399246181;benkay;fluffypony: you're tying yourself to shitcoins that aren't atc? 659921;1399246181;ozbot;Bitcoin prices, Bitcoin inflexibility pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 659922;1399246183;benkay;for shame mah nigga 659923;1399246187;lolstate;MP’s attitude is naive. When the Feds come, it wil be because there are new crypto-carreers to be bulit. 659924;1399246190;fluffypony;hah hah 659925;1399246199;fluffypony;benkay: don't worry, we'll branch into ATC soon :-P 659926;1399246202;ThickAsThieves;mp's plan actually exists 659927;1399246207;nahkunt;what is ATC? 659928;1399246217;benkay;http://therealaltcoin.org 659929;1399246218;fluffypony;nahkunt: http://www.therealaltcoin.org 659930;1399246242;fluffypony;it's the only hipster altcoin 659931;1399246245;mircea_popescu;%diff 659932;1399246246;atcbot;[ATC Diff] Current Diff: 455357.13 Est. Next Diff: 140052.98 in 1630 blocks (#32256) Est. % Change: -69.24 659933;1399246248;ThickAsThieves;i scooped mp's legal plan a while back 659934;1399246248;mircea_popescu;that. 659935;1399246254;lolstate;TAT, do you still have a current LMB share-holder/transfer-to-Havelock list? 659936;1399246277;lolstate;Not trying to wind you up, TAT, just fact-finding! 659937;1399246283;nahkunt;fluffypony: serious question: will you consider other altcoins than vert some day? i realise that's pipedream talk but i'm curious 659938;1399246285;ThickAsThieves;to what end? 659939;1399246302;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8100 @ 0.00084131 = 6.8146 BTC [+] 659940;1399246316;mircea_popescu;wait wait. fluffypony what exactly is your relation to vertcon or w/e and wtf is it ? 659941;1399246319;fluffypony;nahkunt: definitely, that's the plan, but it's important for us to have a definitive starting point 659942;1399246343;nahkunt;yes i agree and i think it's a wise decision to start with just vert 659943;1399246349;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: I found someone doing something similar to PayBee but Vertcoin-specific, so I struck a deal with them and we've been sorting things out over the past couple of weeks 659944;1399246357;mircea_popescu;wtf is a vertcoin 659945;1399246361;ThickAsThieves;i'm not sure if i have a 'current' list lolstate, i may have taken a screen shot of the lmb site before it went away, but otherwise, the 'list' of pending transfers was not saved 659946;1399246375;benkay;another shitcoin. 659947;1399246380;mircea_popescu;scrypt ? 659948;1399246381;lolstate;Ok, TAT, that’s reasonable. 659949;1399246382;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: an altcoin, selling point is that it uses scrypt-n so it's asic-resistant 659950;1399246386;mircea_popescu;ah. 659951;1399246391;mircea_popescu;oh oh that thing 659952;1399246394;mircea_popescu;shit man that's obscure 659953;1399246398;fluffypony;the n-factor is determined by block height or something 659954;1399246401;mircea_popescu;yes yes 659955;1399246413;mircea_popescu;so what's your slice, like... bored one day ? 659956;1399246423;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: it made sense to do that than try do PayBee 659957;1399246431;mircea_popescu;aha 659958;1399246488;mircea_popescu;is paybee even functional yet ? 659959;1399246527;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: backend stuff, the VertPay guys have a dev team so some of the code's been discarded in favour of what they have, and some can be re-used 659960;1399246531;fluffypony;so everyone wins 659961;1399246567;mircea_popescu;https://github.com/paybee/electrum-doge/blob/master/AUTHORS o look, he's even i nthere. 659962;1399246587;fluffypony;werd 659963;1399246610;fluffypony;and in there: https://github.com/paybee/electrum-vert/blob/master/AUTHORS 659964;1399246610;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what was the gpg competitor nsa was pushing << it was clipper. not strictly speaking a pgp competitor 659965;1399246616;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yeah 659966;1399246619;asciilifeform;intended for voice telephony 659967;1399246634;mircea_popescu;fluffypony all the sikrits you keep from us! 659968;1399246638;mircea_popescu;anyway, so what's the plan ? 659969;1399246641;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: nobody ever asked! 659970;1399246679;fluffypony;we put together a small board that consists of myself plus a few others that were already involved in VertPay 659971;1399246698;mircea_popescu;no but i mean what do you intend for it to do. 659972;1399246723;fluffypony;Vertcoin payment gateway, but dev it as a white-labelled PayBee 659973;1399246742;mircea_popescu;what's payment gateway mean in this context ? 659974;1399246745;mircea_popescu;!up DoctorBTC 659975;1399246745;assbot;Voicing DoctorBTC for 30 minutes. 659976;1399246784;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: accept arbitrary altcoins, cash out to fiat / BTC in whatever ratio they'd like 659977;1399246786;asciilifeform;re: fusion: Farnsworth's device. 659978;1399246812;mircea_popescu;well ok, but i mean how would you cover fiat ? need a buncha bank accts. 659979;1399246837;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: you missed the whole PayBee proposal! it backs up onto Bitpay, so no need for any of tha t:) 659980;1399246838;fluffypony;*that 659981;1399246851;fluffypony;they handle all the fiat stuff (including regulatory hurdles) 659982;1399246857;mircea_popescu;ah that's what you mean by wl paybee 659983;1399246861;*;fluffypony nods 659984;1399246865;mircea_popescu;aok. 659985;1399246871;mircea_popescu;so they paying you ? :D 659986;1399246886;fluffypony;of course, part of the deal :) 659987;1399246904;mircea_popescu;just asking because you recall the earlier discussion re identifying stakeholders 659988;1399246913;mircea_popescu;you never know whether people do or don't know shit. 659989;1399246924;fluffypony;agreed 659990;1399246976;ThickAsThieves;some notables that will be in Amsterdam: Gavin Andresen, Mike Hearn, Jinyoung Lee Englund (that snakey twitter liar hackathon canceller), Matonis, Marco Santori (self-proclaimed bitcoin lawyer), Jeff Garzi, BitPay, Coinbase, Nic Cary, Electrum, Armory, BitAngels, Circle, Bloomberg, NY Times, Mastercoin, Ripple (like 4 dudes!), eToro, Coindesk, ZipZap, Xapo, Erik Voorhees, Vessenes, The 659991;1399246976;ThickAsThieves;Economist, CoinTerra, BTCJam, Roger Ver, Kraken, Bitstamp, BFL, Maidsafe 659992;1399246988;ThickAsThieves;surely you guys have things you'd love to ask some of those entities 659993;1399246994;fluffypony;oh MaidSafe AND BTCJam will be there! splendid 659994;1399247020;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves no but looky : gavin quit, he can have his peace. asking shit out of nobodies a la hearn or that egglund chick is like... no matter what yo uasked, it's still +ev for them 659995;1399247024;mircea_popescu;"look ma, someone talked to us!" 659996;1399247050;mircea_popescu;maybe ask nic cary why he's not given ms boring the title :D 659997;1399247076;ThickAsThieves;ms boring? 659998;1399247087;mircea_popescu;you can ask the ripple people about mah ripple article if you particularly wish to be annoying, but i mean to what end. 659999;1399247094;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves the bitcoingirl earlier. 660000;1399247095;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.03389999 = 0.1695 BTC [-] {2} 660001;1399247096;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.03164272 = 0.1582 BTC [-] {2} 660002;1399247100;ThickAsThieves;oh 660003;1399247121;ThickAsThieves;;;google trilema.com ripple 660004;1399247122;gribble;RIPple, the definitive discussion. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea ...: ; Ripple - Reddit: ; NEXT: 20-03-2014 - #bitcoin-assets log: 660005;1399247134;fluffypony;oh goodie, reading material for bed 660006;1399247136;fluffypony;tks ThickAsThieves 660007;1399247149;mircea_popescu;you can also ask ver how does it feel to have had a bunch of btc way back, and now toi have none, and just hang on to the memories of back when he could throw k's at the foundatyion. 660008;1399247154;mircea_popescu;but, again, why be so evil. 660009;1399247159;mircea_popescu;!up kanzure 660010;1399247159;assbot;Voicing kanzure for 30 minutes. 660011;1399247169;fluffypony;ok bed time for reals now, night 660012;1399247182;ThickAsThieves;yeah my intent isnt to be evil so much as to expose it 660013;1399247187;mircea_popescu;dont you guys think this guy's wife is like stealing him away from us ? 660014;1399247223;mircea_popescu;http://www.republicain-lorrain.fr/meurthe-et-moselle/2014/04/10/le-logiciel-nanceien-qui-securise-le-bitcoin haha good one. 660015;1399247326;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves https://twitter.com/jinyoungenglund/status/463101470821605376 << she says they neverannounced one 660016;1399247400;ThickAsThieves;hmm 660017;1399247409;ThickAsThieves;i never heard of one til it was cancelled 660018;1399247412;mircea_popescu;"-Peter, Chief Scientist, Dark Wallet" 660019;1399247413;ThickAsThieves;to point to her i guess 660020;1399247418;ThickAsThieves;so* 660021;1399247429;mircea_popescu;you knoiw, i think i followed you into some sort of very obscure reddit/wikipedia drama. 660022;1399247435;mircea_popescu;some darkwallet fork and w/e 660023;1399247438;mircea_popescu;!up princessnell 660024;1399247438;assbot;Voicing princessnell for 30 minutes. 660025;1399247440;ThickAsThieves;lol 660026;1399247497;mircea_popescu;so openly admitting that im a totally unhip and out of the loop curmudgeon : da fuck's supposed to be the difference between "a hackathon" and "a start-up challenge" ? 660027;1399247507;mircea_popescu;the chick's using them as if they were terms of art. are they ? 660028;1399247523;mircea_popescu;i mean i get it, hackathon is that make teams and do a project thing 660029;1399247531;mircea_popescu;but a start-up challenge can easily be identical neh ? 660030;1399247559;ThickAsThieves;i dunno, i assume no coding is oinvolved in the latter 660031;1399247686;mircea_popescu;so like a marketathon ? 660032;1399247723;princessnell;rite 660033;1399247739;mircea_popescu;o look who;'s there 660034;1399247751;benkay;lo, for she speaks 660035;1399247752;ThickAsThieves;pitch decks, i bet 660036;1399247763;ThickAsThieves;a term you will see more and more in bitcoin world i suspect 660037;1399247766;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16100 @ 0.00083937 = 13.5139 BTC [-] {3} 660038;1399247783;benkay;coding is exclusive, y'assholes 660039;1399247816;benkay;gotta make room for the mktdroids 660040;1399247839;benkay;'business plans' from people who've never run businesses and cannot plan. 660041;1399247850;ThickAsThieves;i started a rough list, please add your Q's or any other suggestions http://devilsadvocate.biz/amsterdam-bitcoin-conferences-quantum-mining-and-the-future/#comment-16 660042;1399247878;mircea_popescu;"People are more violently opposed to fur than leather, because it's safer to harness rich women than motorcycle gangs." 660043;1399247889;ThickAsThieves;lol 660044;1399247892;benkay;mircea_popescu: for them to be terms of art, there'd need to be a field and for that field to have experts. 660045;1399247934;mircea_popescu;shush you. 660046;1399247937;mircea_popescu;this is the future. 660047;1399247967;benkay;i'm an expert at selling bullshit to vc's. 660048;1399247978;benkay;fartspert 660049;1399247994;benkay;hue hue hue 660050;1399248039;benkay;actually told someone 'no, this 10k LOC won't get you all the way to your dream business, but it will get you selling crap online and that'll be enough to raise the remaining 40k to pay us to make the rest of the thing for you' recently. 660051;1399248110;bounce;such colourful speech 660052;1399248136;mircea_popescu;sounds like the silicon valley of maharashtra. 660053;1399248243;benkay;'fart up for less! come to cascadia.' 660054;1399248254;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6150 @ 0.00083899 = 5.1598 BTC [-] {2} 660055;1399248498;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48357 @ 0.00084511 = 40.867 BTC [+] {5} 660056;1399248602;ThickAsThieves;lol my wordpress makes me approve my own comments... 660057;1399248610;ThickAsThieves;previous link should display now 660058;1399248619;bounce;feh, people running ads to implore people to go vote for the eurocircus. the only winning move is to get one of dem euroseats, sign in for the day (for the money) then bugger off immediately. 660059;1399248655;mircea_popescu;bounce the only few times i ever wenbt to bruxelles i used to live-in with a friend that did exactly that. 660060;1399248790;mircea_popescu;If schools cannot justify differentials in rates of punishment by race or ethnic group, they will face the loss of federal funds and be forced to undertake costly diversity training. The nation's educators can avoid sanctions by adopting a racial quota system for student discipline. So as Roger Clegg, president and general counsel of the Center for Equal Opportunity, predicts, "school officials will either start discip 660061;1399248790;mircea_popescu;lining students who shouldn't be, or, more likely, will not discipline some students who ought to be." 660062;1399248795;mircea_popescu;funniest thing i read all week. 660063;1399248802;mircea_popescu;discipline quotas! 660064;1399248823;mircea_popescu;i fucking use this for my own benefit, as it happens. "i've not spanked anyone in a long time, who'd like a red butt ?" 660065;1399248978;*;bounce now regrets not cozying up to the local parties to get on the would be lucky free money lists 660066;1399249001;bounce;then again, it'd mean campaigning. I'm not that fond of lying through my teeth. 660067;1399249012;mircea_popescu;it was like 100k back in 2004ish. muy cheap. 660068;1399249057;benkay;someone got run over in this town because they were doing pushups in the middle of the street at 4 am. 660069;1399249079;benkay;oh and he was naked. 660070;1399249082;benkay;http://www.komonews.com/news/local/Man-doing-naked-pushups-in-Portland-hit-and-killed-by-passing-car-257864941.html 660071;1399249103;bounce;roadkill 660072;1399249108;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6139 @ 0.00084805 = 5.2062 BTC [+] 660073;1399249173;mircea_popescu;nuts. 660074;1399249190;benkay;well it's dinner party o'clock for sane people hereabouts. keep pumping neobee mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmkay? 660075;1399249230;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 212 @ 0.00600152 = 1.2723 BTC [-] {6} 660076;1399249241;mircea_popescu;Portland police first received a call at 4:04 a.m. reporting a naked man was running through traffic near Columbia and Portsmouth Ave. 660077;1399249242;mircea_popescu;While police were on their way to the scene, they received a call stating that the naked man was now doing pushups in the street. 660078;1399249242;mircea_popescu;Still en route, police received a third call reporting that the man had been struck by a vehicle. 660079;1399249245;mircea_popescu;ok that was pretty good. 660080;1399249269;benkay;nobody can move fast enough to save the retarded and drug addled from theyselves. 660081;1399249272;benkay;OKAY IM OUT FOR SRS 660082;1399249372;dub;[15:26] --- gesell1 [~gesell@p2003004546563A19D55BF2EA363B137A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #bitcoin-analysis 660083;1399249375;dub;[15:29] !up 660084;1399249377;dub;[15:29] Error: "up" is not a valid command. 660085;1399249380;dub;look what you have done 660086;1399249383;dub;[15:30] !up 660087;1399249385;dub;[15:30] Error: "up" is not a valid command. 660088;1399249388;dub;[15:31] ? 660089;1399249415;mircea_popescu;lol 660090;1399249744;cazalla;benkay: we have public safety warnings here in australia to warn people not to sleep on the road 660091;1399249749;cazalla;pushups would be an improvement 660092;1399249830;cazalla;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qClBRaretEk 660093;1399251566;mircea_popescu;ok, am i nuts or does http://pool.sks-keyservers.net:11371/ have a very different icon from http://pool.sks-keyservers.net/ ? 660094;1399251609;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 40 @ 0.07679645 = 3.0719 BTC [+] {5} 660095;1399252036;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 11 @ 0.03300109 = 0.363 BTC [-] {2} 660096;1399252038;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2200 @ 0.00084787 = 1.8653 BTC [-] 660097;1399252402;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.469901 BTC [-] 660098;1399252585;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.03225525 = 0.129 BTC [-] 660099;1399252829;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.46577258 = 2.3289 BTC [-] {4} 660100;1399253378;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13443 @ 0.00084504 = 11.3599 BTC [-] {2} 660101;1399253439;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.03263302 = 0.3263 BTC [+] 660102;1399253440;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.0330011 = 0.33 BTC [+] 660103;1399253441;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 307 @ 0.00084387 = 0.2591 BTC [-] 660104;1399253566;mircea_popescu;"Superservitude with an attitude." ahaha great one. 660105;1399253574;asciilifeform;!? lol 660106;1399253600;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves' twitter acct. 660107;1399253632;mircea_popescu;i *think* it's based off some comment of mine from x years ago that being an admin is being a superservant not a superuser. 660108;1399253655;asciilifeform;'superservitude' evokes a story. over here in usa, schoolchildren (in many states, mine included) were required to do x hours of 'community service' to graduate 660109;1399253663;mircea_popescu;wait what ?! 660110;1399253678;mircea_popescu;isn't that a substitute punishment for poor people that can't pay fines ? 660111;1399253693;benkay;lol yup 660112;1399253694;asciilifeform;one option, riotously funny, was advertised on library wall. 'society against involuntary servitude' (an org run by 'randroids') that... campaigned against community serv. requirements. 660113;1399253696;asciilifeform;it counted! 660114;1399253707;mircea_popescu;haha cool. 660115;1399253730;mircea_popescu;you've gotten nustso socialist over there btw. i mean wtf is this, community service ? i wouldn't have graduated. 660116;1399253761;asciilifeform;(what did i do? well, i worked summers in a bio lab. technically unpaid. so, i was golden.) 660117;1399253796;asciilifeform;(they had a special arrangement, where you'd get a 'prize' later.) 660118;1399253796;mircea_popescu;let teh community service me instead. 660119;1399253830;mircea_popescu;"I use "sign" in the widest sense of the definition. It is a wonderful case of an almost popular use of a very broad word in almost the exact sense of the scientific definition." << this may actuallty be the only case where popular use actually coincides with scientific use. 660120;1399253869;asciilifeform;punishment for poor people << aye! drive on 'beltway', watch the prison wagens (colourful logo) and their crews, picking up rubbish. 660121;1399253926;mircea_popescu;randroids being ayn rand ppls ? 660122;1399253930;asciilifeform;aye 660123;1399253941;mircea_popescu;i keep learning all these wonderful things. 660124;1399253946;asciilifeform;popular name for the folks who go full throttle with ms rand 660125;1399253947;mircea_popescu;i also picked up "nrx" today 660126;1399253957;asciilifeform;w'ts that 660127;1399253974;mircea_popescu;apparently lulzing @the us contemporary nonsense has a name and an acronym. neoreactionary! 660128;1399253987;asciilifeform;aha mr mold's word. 660129;1399254036;mircea_popescu;i'm not even reactionary, myself, i've not gotten so far. some visiting french politics professor called me "white" 660130;1399254049;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1900 @ 0.0008458 = 1.607 BTC [+] 660131;1399254055;mircea_popescu;not to do with skin color, but with this 1500s political divide. 660132;1399254083;asciilifeform;to me 'white' still evokes 'white' vs 'red' 660133;1399254137;mircea_popescu;well exactly. "pars imperii", and the white rose. 660134;1399254142;asciilifeform;lol! 660135;1399254161;mircea_popescu;we're talking some heavy 1125 shit here. 660136;1399254183;asciilifeform;sure he was french and not herr eco? 660137;1399254208;mircea_popescu;nevermind that :p 660138;1399254210;asciilifeform;(any u. eco fans here?) 660139;1399254232;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3250 @ 0.00084763 = 2.7548 BTC [+] {2} 660140;1399254598;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.0330001 = 0.33 BTC [-] 660141;1399254842;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11550 @ 0.00084805 = 9.795 BTC [+] 660142;1399254903;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.47511 = 0.9502 BTC [+] 660143;1399255025;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14000 @ 0.00084806 = 11.8728 BTC [+] {2} 660144;1399255269;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.47511 BTC [+] 660145;1399256123;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6100 @ 0.00084404 = 5.1486 BTC [-] {3} 660146;1399256855;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.46904602 = 2.3452 BTC [-] {4} 660147;1399257038;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.033 = 0.33 BTC [-] 660148;1399257221;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 200 @ 0.0013 = 0.26 BTC [-] 660149;1399257590;mike_c;ping ThickAsThieves 660150;1399257635;mike_c;you can use http://www.btcalpha.com/bb_ad.png as is if you want. 660151;1399257656;mike_c;link it with your ref to the homepage 660152;1399257686;mike_c;or wait a few days and I'll have a script that you can include in the page that will link it to the bet it is displaying with your ref address. 660153;1399257955;mike_c;ooh, i see the once a month s.mpoe sale is in effect 660154;1399258685;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2426 @ 0.00084342 = 2.0461 BTC [-] 660155;1399258746;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.077 = 0.385 BTC [+] 660156;1399258868;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07616 = 0.1523 BTC [-] {2} 660157;1399259133;benkay;lol @ mike_c 660158;1399259142;benkay;get 'em while they're cheap frrreal 660159;1399259173;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 917 @ 0.00084497 = 0.7748 BTC [+] 660160;1399259234;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.07580996 = 0.379 BTC [-] {5} 660161;1399259295;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [COG] 80 @ 0.00298124 = 0.2385 BTC [+] {3} 660162;1399259600;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8600 @ 0.00084497 = 7.2667 BTC [+] 660163;1399259862;ThickAsThieves;http://blogs.wsj.com/moneybeat/2014/05/04/peer-to-peer-lender-prosper-marketplace-to-get-70-million-in-funding/?mod=WSJBlog 660164;1399259863;ozbot;Peer-to-Peer Lender Prosper Marketplace to Get $70 Million in Funding - MoneyBeat - WSJ 660165;1399259874;ThickAsThieves;"The investment –seven months after a $25-million infusion by Sequoia Capital, BlackRock and other investors—underscores a growing appetite to fuel a fledgling but fast-growing disintermediation of conventional banking." 660166;1399259883;ThickAsThieves;Prosper is basically an old fiat BTCJam 660167;1399259904;ThickAsThieves;kinda weird they are now getting two funding deals 660168;1399259921;ThickAsThieves;"Prosper has originated more than $1 billion in unsecured personal loans. “We will hit our second billion this year,” Mr. Vermut said." 660169;1399260332;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1283 @ 0.00084497 = 1.0841 BTC [+] 660170;1399260393;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 517 @ 0.00084538 = 0.4371 BTC [+] 660171;1399260515;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3050 @ 0.00084538 = 2.5784 BTC [+] 660172;1399260820;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [COG] 103 @ 0.00120693 = 0.1243 BTC [-] {3} 660173;1399261306;artifexd;kakobrekla: What is this? http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-05-2014#659679 660174;1399261331;artifexd;mircea_popescu: The look the same to me. WRT http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=05-05-2014#660093 660175;1399261491;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 10 @ 0.06474168 = 0.6474 BTC [-] 660176;1399263328;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 6 @ 0.03256997 = 0.1954 BTC [-] {2} 660177;1399263329;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 6 @ 0.03299999 = 0.198 BTC [-] {2} 660178;1399263389;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 20 @ 0.03349935 = 0.67 BTC [+] 660179;1399263450;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 55 @ 0.0065999 = 0.363 BTC [+] 660180;1399263512;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.03349868 = 0.335 BTC [-] 660181;1399264426;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [COG] 99 @ 0.00289999 = 0.2871 BTC [+] 660182;1399264487;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.4751101 BTC [+] 660183;1399264731;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6700 @ 0.00084536 = 5.6639 BTC [-] {2} 660184;1399265158;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1450 @ 0.00084677 = 1.2278 BTC [+] 660185;1399265707;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6800 @ 0.00084684 = 5.7585 BTC [+] {3} 660186;1399266561;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2821 @ 0.00084444 = 2.3822 BTC [-] {3} 660187;1399266866;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11618 @ 0.0008481 = 9.8532 BTC [+] {3} 660188;1399267111;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.07699999 = 0.385 BTC [+] {2} 660189;1399267172;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 2 @ 0.06474168 = 0.1295 BTC [-] 660190;1399267476;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13400 @ 0.00084306 = 11.297 BTC [-] 660191;1399267659;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7450 @ 0.00084189 = 6.2721 BTC [-] {2} 660192;1399267720;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3050 @ 0.00084319 = 2.5717 BTC [+] 660193;1399268391;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7415 @ 0.00084169 = 6.2411 BTC [-] 660194;1399268452;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 50 @ 0.0065999 = 0.33 BTC [+] 660195;1399269733;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3041 @ 0.00084169 = 2.5596 BTC [-] 660196;1399270631;Naphex;morning:D 660197;1399270674;fluffypony;morning Naphex 660198;1399271280;Naphex;morn fluff 660199;1399271685;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1293 @ 0.00084319 = 1.0902 BTC [+] 660200;1399272905;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 37 @ 0.0044013 = 0.1628 BTC [-] {8} 660201;1399272967;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3258 @ 0.0008429 = 2.7462 BTC [-] {2} 660202;1399273027;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5651 @ 0.0008413 = 4.7542 BTC [-] 660203;1399275894;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14350 @ 0.00084054 = 12.0617 BTC [-] {3} 660204;1399276202;Naphex;http://www.prismicide.com/ 660205;1399276202;ozbot;PRISMICIDE - OPEN SECURITY PLATFORM 660206;1399276247;Naphex;a very nice addition 660207;1399276661;Naphex;smart cards pretty much naturally integrate with bitcoin 660208;1399276748;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.46734 = 1.402 BTC [-] {2} 660209;1399276809;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.4655 = 0.931 BTC [-] {2} 660210;1399276810;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3764 @ 0.00083948 = 3.1598 BTC [-] 660211;1399276929;danielpbarron;i recently got one of the openPGP smart cards 660212;1399276961;danielpbarron;i didn't realize it has a random number generator built in; I find it hard to believe it's cryptographically secure 660213;1399276977;Naphex;it is pretty much 660214;1399276985;danielpbarron;considering the amount of work going into cardano 660215;1399276986;Naphex;i have been working a lot with smart cards/desfire3 660216;1399277005;Naphex;desfire3 / rfid cards are a bit more secure imho, but there you go 660217;1399277019;Naphex;still wouldn't store 10000000 bitcoins on it, but its pretty safe and secure for the regulars 660218;1399277028;Naphex;and deffinetly a step up 660219;1399277040;danielpbarron;who are "the regulars?" 660220;1399277054;Naphex;normal people, who want to use bitcoin 660221;1399277060;danielpbarron;do you mean the individuals who should just stay in FIAT? 660222;1399277067;danielpbarron;yeah 660223;1399277097;Naphex;i mean whoever use bitcoin for normal purchases, and would want a 'secure' hot wallet 660224;1399277102;Naphex;or bitcoin atm users 660225;1399277113;danielpbarron;what is a "normal purchase?" 660226;1399277124;Naphex;google play gift cards 660227;1399277143;Naphex;:) 660228;1399277171;fluffypony;lol 660229;1399277222;danielpbarron;!up bawse 660230;1399277222;assbot;Voicing bawse for 30 minutes. 660231;1399277277;bawse;Thats nice of you, I really wish you the best and was touched when you accepted my apology. 660232;1399277344;danielpbarron;is hash-selling still a scam, or did someone figure out a way to make that a legit business? 660233;1399277415;Naphex;anyway regarding smart cards and rng, for bitcoin is not that much worry-some cause you can just store your private key on it and use that to sign the transactions 660234;1399277430;random_cat_;anyone know the software (i think meteor based) developed at MIT (i think, maybe at cambridge) which allows for data protection against a hostile server operator? 660235;1399277446;Naphex;so you can use whatever rng and store/transmit it securely 660236;1399277449;danielpbarron;Naphex: how are you generating the private key? 660237;1399277493;Naphex;danielpbarron: if i'm bored i'd roll the dice and upload it on the card using a clean linux/busybox boot ;] 660238;1399277501;danielpbarron;i assumed that a built-in RNG on the card meant that the key was generated on the card 660239;1399277503;Naphex;on an offline computer, in a lead room 660240;1399277515;Naphex;danielpbarron: nah the card can sign the transactions 660241;1399277528;Naphex;you can if you want use the rng to generate a priv key, but you can just as well upload one 660242;1399277546;danielpbarron;then how is that secure? 660243;1399277558;danielpbarron;if the infected computer can just write to the card 660244;1399277578;random_cat_;my google foo is failing me 660245;1399277596;Naphex;danielpbarron: you realize you can lock the card down in lots of ways after 660246;1399277612;danielpbarron;i don't know very much about smart cards 660247;1399277613;Naphex;if you want you can do SmartOS auth before writeing a key, or just burn it down to read only 660248;1399277621;Naphex;so it can never be written again 660249;1399277633;Naphex;the point is, you can get the smart card to just sign transactions 660250;1399277642;Naphex;removing you and your pc from your private key 660251;1399277649;danielpbarron;i get that part 660252;1399277653;Naphex;thats it 660253;1399277681;danielpbarron;don't you also need cryptographically secure RNG to do the signing? 660254;1399277751;jurov;!up PsychoticBoy 660255;1399277751;assbot;Insufficient rights, jurov, !up yourself on PM first. 660256;1399277792;jurov;!up PsychoticBoy 660257;1399277792;assbot;Voicing PsychoticBoy for 30 minutes. 660258;1399277846;Naphex;danielpbarron: not for signing 660259;1399277856;Naphex;only for generating keys 660260;1399277879;bawse;hash selling is legit 660261;1399277910;dub;drugs r bad mkay 660262;1399277917;bawse;for people who do not have btc and want cloud mining 660263;1399277938;bawse;ie, the newbies 660264;1399277963;dub;you just invent the PMB 660265;1399277970;bawse;!up dignork 660266;1399277970;assbot;Insufficient rights, bawse, !up yourself on PM first. 660267;1399277984;mircea_popescu;!up dignork 660268;1399277984;assbot;Voicing dignork for 30 minutes. 660269;1399277996;dub;big !up yoself 660270;1399278010;bawse;dub what is pmb 660271;1399278056;dub;bawse: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=67547.0 660272;1399278060;mircea_popescu;o lordy. 660273;1399278071;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2012/the-problem-with-pmbs-ie-perpetual-mining-bonds/ 660274;1399278072;ozbot;The problem with PMBs, ie “Perpetual Mining Bonds” pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 660275;1399278076;mircea_popescu;wrong link dub :D 660276;1399278095;dub;mine tells the same tale 660277;1399278098;jurov;;;gettrust assbot PsychoticBoy 660278;1399278098;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask PsychoticBoy!sid27029@pdpc/supporter/active/psychoticboy. Trust relationship from user assbot to user PsychoticBoy: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=PsychoticBoy | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=PsychoticBoy | Rated since: Tue May 1 14:39:15 2012 660279;1399278146;mircea_popescu;either that or ends up with some guy investing :D 660280;1399278300;jurov;;;rate PsychoticBoy 1 one of the first coinbr users 660281;1399278301;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user PsychoticBoy has been recorded. 660282;1399278326;bawse;im only selling hashing power through cex in the hopes of selling 1gh for the price of 2, hoping the person signs up under my link so i can make 3% of what he buys in the future. and also initially buy 1gh with the extra $3.31 i charged. Plus PMB's are tales of people who do not know how to cash out BTC at $165 more than they are worth like I do. 660283;1399278348;mircea_popescu;so you're special. 660284;1399278352;bawse;no 660285;1399278389;bawse;im just saying if my 1583gh cointerra only makes 32 or .09 in this market, i can make $60 with .09 660286;1399278401;bawse;so im ok with this. others are not ok. 660287;1399278517;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8800 @ 0.00084412 = 7.4283 BTC [+] {2} 660288;1399278555;mircea_popescu;myeah. since 2012, the exact sort of nonsense has been field by the exact sort of people involved in pmbs. 660289;1399278565;Naphex;danielpbarron: to clarify, when you do ECDSA signatures you do need 1 random integer (required to be different) called K, but even in most bitcoin implementation it is generated deterministcally d 660290;1399278572;bawse;im not involved in pmbs 660291;1399278573;mircea_popescu;i imagine sooner or later you'll figure things out. 660292;1399278587;bawse;hopefully sooner 660293;1399278635;mircea_popescu;;;later peterl i disagree btw. while i'm pretty sure quantum computing is the exact equivalent of perpetuum mobile, only we don't have the three rules of quantum compudynamics yet, cold fusion may or may not be in the same situation. maybe we discover something about lasers that makes containment work, who knows. 660294;1399278636;gribble;Error: The "Later" plugin is loaded, but there is no command named "peterl" in it. Try "list Later" to see the commands in the "Later" plugin. 660295;1399278641;mircea_popescu;;;later tell peterl i disagree btw. while i'm pretty sure quantum computing is the exact equivalent of perpetuum mobile, only we don't have the three rules of quantum compudynamics yet, cold fusion may or may not be in the same situation. maybe we discover something about lasers that makes containment work, who knows. 660296;1399278642;gribble;The operation succeeded. 660297;1399278763;random_cat_;perhaps someone here is interested in http://eprint.iacr.org/2014/257.pdf 660298;1399278796;mircea_popescu;i wish i recalled the url of fluffypony's pdf crusher 660299;1399278825;Naphex;mircea_popescu: try this https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:ropQbwlg0-8J:eprint.iacr.org/2014/257.pdf+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ro 660300;1399278836;mircea_popescu;aty 660301;1399278861;mircea_popescu;Bruce Kallick Curmudgeon Associates << yay 660302;1399278955;mircea_popescu;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BmpSMWRCMAAe5LP.png:large << gotta love amateur statistics. 660303;1399278965;mircea_popescu;televisions are more than 100% cheaper nao, don't you know. 660304;1399278985;Naphex;thats nice cause i broke mine a week ago:( 660305;1399279005;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07797899 = 0.156 BTC [+] {2} 660306;1399279010;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: it's not ready for prime timez yet 660307;1399279154;fluffypony;http://pdfnomo.re/257/ 660308;1399279158;fluffypony;manually crunched 660309;1399279206;mircea_popescu;http://news.liveandinvestoverseas.com/microsoft-challenges-search-warrants-abroad/ 660310;1399279209;mircea_popescu;check that shit out 660311;1399279209;ozbot;Microsoft Challenges U.S. Search... - Live And Invest Overseas News 660312;1399279224;mircea_popescu;magistrate judges. they aren't judges in any sense, but they think they may opine on matters. 660313;1399279271;mircea_popescu;also in the news, what men are and how they work : https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bm0Rwc9CcAEsUfy.jpg:large 660314;1399279455;mircea_popescu;!up tank100 660315;1399279455;assbot;Voicing tank100 for 30 minutes. 660316;1399279458;mircea_popescu;!up wywialm 660317;1399279458;assbot;Voicing wywialm for 30 minutes. 660318;1399279472;wywialm;hello 660319;1399279486;HeySteve2;morning 660320;1399279489;wywialm;just authenticated 660321;1399279505;HeySteve2;Shackleton's original ad? epic 660322;1399279515;mircea_popescu;%diff 660323;1399279517;atcbot;[ATC Diff] Current Diff: 455357.13 Est. Next Diff: 140875.36 in 1608 blocks (#32256) Est. % Change: -69.06 660324;1399279517;mircea_popescu;HeySteve2 aye. 660325;1399279524;mircea_popescu;wywialm hey. you know how to up yourself yet ? 660326;1399279532;mircea_popescu;%block 660327;1399279543;mircea_popescu;%mined 660328;1399279544;atcbot;[ATC Mined] Current: 15691264 Total ATC (to be mined): 268435456 % Mined of Total: 5.85 660329;1399279556;wywialm;ofc, i just had to authenticate 660330;1399279558;mircea_popescu;%lb 660331;1399279558;atcbot;[ATC Last Block] Height: 30648 Time: 2014-05-05T08:30:22Z Vout Sum: 512 Number TXs: 1 Difficulty: 455357.12903751 Hash: 00000000000005602eb8602ae9b1dd97624573f1a7d520feb684a95219cd4da1 Fee: 0.00000000 Size: 204 Days Destroyed: 0 Confirmations: 1 660332;1399279562;mircea_popescu;a ok just makin sure. 660333;1399279639;wywialm;thx anyway for up :) 660334;1399279676;mircea_popescu;;) 660335;1399280225;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1750 @ 0.00084239 = 1.4742 BTC [-] 660336;1399280286;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 619 @ 0.00083986 = 0.5199 BTC [-] 660337;1399280340;random_cat_;are there any search engines that work any more? :| 660338;1399280410;mircea_popescu;notrly. 660339;1399280498;Naphex;mircea_popescu: regarding DNS2address resolve for bitcoin, i am setting up an updated example that includes support for BIP32 xpub keys for address derivation 660340;1399280526;mircea_popescu;document it. 660341;1399280538;Naphex;very usefull, especially for payments processing and account resolve 660342;1399280549;Naphex;you could encode pub key to specifiy user_id on a deposit system 660343;1399280572;Naphex;then it can just derive xN payments for that specific user while reusing addresses each time 660344;1399280591;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.07553694 = 0.7554 BTC [-] 660345;1399280593;Naphex;tree would be MasterWallet/User_ID/Payment_ID 660346;1399280606;Naphex;listener can just scan xpubs, while only remembering last payment id 660347;1399280618;Naphex;could throw that all in cold wallets and just do realtime processing 660348;1399280652;Naphex;i will prolly document it after i have a full working example, prolly with some client front end to demo it 660349;1399280689;mircea_popescu;it sounds great but you want to have it looked at by multiple pairs of eyes. 660350;1399280700;Naphex;ofcourse 660351;1399280713;Naphex;just ironing it out 660352;1399280716;mircea_popescu;cool. 660353;1399280766;wywialm;mircea_popescu, is the rating of 10 appropriate to reflect the fact that I operate numerisTrade account? Or should I set the rating to 1 not to prop up "total trust" (I'm aware that total trust should not be taken into account heavily, but still..) 660354;1399280777;mircea_popescu;wywialm i'd say its adequate 660355;1399280779;mircea_popescu;!up pactr 660356;1399280779;assbot;Voicing pactr for 30 minutes. 660357;1399280790;mircea_popescu;;;rated nanotube 660358;1399280791;gribble;You rated user nanotube on Wed Aug 3 15:08:50 2011, with a rating of 10, and supplied these additional notes: owner of otc and all around reasonable guy. 660359;1399280817;mircea_popescu;that's a for instance. i know enough about the guy to tell you that if you're using the wot you're implicitly trusting him. 660360;1399280894;wywialm;i'm asking cause I was just accused in the -otc of shilling 660361;1399280896;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6850 @ 0.00083986 = 5.753 BTC [-] 660362;1399280898;mircea_popescu;you're in a similar situation with your own thing 660363;1399280907;mircea_popescu;ya well what do they know. 660364;1399280968;wywialm;thanks anyway 660365;1399281010;mircea_popescu;anyway they should chillax, plenty of people have a ton of meaningless -10s 660366;1399281020;mircea_popescu;;;getrating [\\\] 660367;1399281021;gribble;Error: "\\\" is not a valid command. 660368;1399281055;mircea_popescu;http://bitcoin-otc.com/viewratingdetail.php?nick=anduck&sign=ANY&type=RECV 660369;1399281056;ozbot;Rating Details for User 'anduck' 660370;1399281056;mircea_popescu;there 660371;1399281194;fluffypony;wywialm: don't get fussed over -otc, they throw tantrums about how to rate every few days lately 660372;1399281196;wywialm;I see what you mean :) 660373;1399281218;fluffypony;even after having things pointed out they like to argue minutiae and wording on the wiki 660374;1399281235;mircea_popescu;there's htis wiki mentality thing 660375;1399281245;mircea_popescu;i mean people usually derp about how bad trolls are on the internet 660376;1399281253;mircea_popescu;trolls ain't bad. wikiheads are much much worse. 660377;1399281284;fluffypony;lol 660378;1399281284;fluffypony;!up wywialm 660379;1399281284;assbot;Insufficient rights, fluffypony, !up yourself on PM first. 660380;1399281290;fluffypony;!up 660381;1399281290;assbot;Need a nickname, fluffypony. 660382;1399281294;mircea_popescu;!down fluffypony 660383;1399281297;mircea_popescu;woot :D 660384;1399281308;fluffypony;weird 660385;1399281312;fluffypony;!up wywialm 660386;1399281312;assbot;Voicing wywialm without time-limit. 660387;1399281317;mircea_popescu;o hey let's try that other thing btw. 660388;1399281320;mircea_popescu;!up mircea_popescu 660389;1399281320;assbot;Really, mircea_popescu? 660390;1399281324;mircea_popescu;gah 660391;1399281345;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: I'm keen, give me details 660392;1399281362;mircea_popescu;it used to be that if you uped yourself for 30 mins, anyone could down you and it stuck. then kako broke it. 660393;1399281401;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves money laundering is the only conceivable explanation. 660394;1399281433;mircea_popescu;artifexd is one a penguin and the other a flashing gif ? 660395;1399281491;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron: considering the amount of work going into cardano << secure is a relative, not an absolute term. 660396;1399281534;artifexd;At the time they were both keyrings. Right now, http://pool.sks-keyservers.net/ looks like it hasn't been configured. 660397;1399281546;mircea_popescu;artifexd i mean the favicon strictly. 660398;1399281583;artifexd;In which case, no. I have something that looks like a stylized R. 660399;1399281586;artifexd;On both. 660400;1399281592;mircea_popescu;what the glowing fuck. 660401;1399281609;artifexd;They both look vastly different than earlier. 660402;1399281646;mircea_popescu;there is some skulldruggery going on here. 1 sec i show you. 660403;1399281648;artifexd;Seriously. I'm getting "This is the default web page for this server." on the port 80 url. 660404;1399281652;fluffypony;me too 660405;1399281668;fluffypony;port 11371 works 660406;1399281674;fluffypony;but that's changed in the past hour 660407;1399281684;artifexd;Yeah. No css at all anymore. 660408;1399281695;fluffypony;css here 660409;1399281709;fluffypony;it looked like that standard key server interface earlier, now it has css 660410;1399281742;punkman;I'm getting metalgamer.eu on http://pool.sks-keyservers.net/ 660411;1399281784;artifexd;I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that something is screwy. 660412;1399281798;mircea_popescu;artifexd http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/weird.png 660413;1399281811;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15750 @ 0.00084169 = 13.2566 BTC [+] 660414;1399281811;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 9 @ 0.03152036 = 0.2837 BTC [-] {4} 660415;1399281818;mircea_popescu;so. the plain domain has a penguin. the :11371 however has a changing icon 660416;1399281821;artifexd;What do you see for this: http://pool.sks-keyservers.net:11371/favicon.ico 660417;1399281832;artifexd;And this: http://pool.sks-keyservers.net/favicon.ico 660418;1399281837;fluffypony;page not found on the first 660419;1399281838;mircea_popescu;404 nginx 660420;1399281844;fluffypony;key icon on the second 660421;1399281849;mircea_popescu;both 660422;1399281856;Apocalyptic;so no trilema article regarding that convo with bitcoingirl I guess 660423;1399281861;punkman;wtf is metalgamer.eu 660424;1399281866;mircea_popescu;this is some fucking dns absurdity in here 660425;1399281877;mircea_popescu;is the keyserver being discreetely attacked ? 660426;1399281886;mircea_popescu;Apocalyptic nah. 660427;1399281887;artifexd;I get the R. But when I paste the url to imgur, it shows a key. 660428;1399281891;fluffypony;maybe they're just reinstalling 660429;1399281900;mircea_popescu;fluffypony no cause same bs happened last night too 660430;1399281914;fluffypony;oh 660431;1399281915;fluffypony;wow 660432;1399281916;mircea_popescu;there ios some possibility someone is using the favicon to track people visiting the server 660433;1399281922;fluffypony;it has like 10 A records 660434;1399281956;fluffypony;http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=8424Segg 660435;1399281962;fluffypony;so DNS round robin 660436;1399281965;fluffypony;and some of the servers are broken 660437;1399281973;artifexd;It is resolving to for me. 660438;1399282012;artifexd;Which is not on that list. 660439;1399282016;fluffypony;yeah 660440;1399282025;mircea_popescu;http://g.etfv.co/http://pool.sks-keyservers.net:11371/favicon.ico << this for instance 660441;1399282030;mircea_popescu;yields etfv's OWN favicon 660442;1399282051;mircea_popescu;(and so does google's service yield google's favicon) 660443;1399282053;random_cat_;finally found it: Mylar from MIT 660444;1399282061;random_cat_;yay for browser history 660445;1399282110;punkman;http://i.imgur.com/5rXwnI3.png 660446;1399282205;fluffypony;definitely DNS round robin borking 660447;1399282218;mircea_popescu;so this is beyond suspicious. 660448;1399282225;Apocalyptic;punkman, seems legit 660449;1399282262;bounce;all zat fanzy vheb teknologie 660450;1399282274;mircea_popescu;anyone got fiskerstrand on a list ? 660451;1399282421;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [COG] 89 @ 0.00120125 = 0.1069 BTC [-] {4} 660452;1399282474;mircea_popescu;i see ftr. 660453;1399282604;mircea_popescu;(also not on the list) 660454;1399283119;random_cat_;have you tried some looking glass sites? 660455;1399283519;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4150 @ 0.00084453 = 3.5048 BTC [+] 660456;1399284080;bounce;http://edition.cnn.com/2014/05/04/us/florida-goblin-shark/ 660457;1399284080;ozbot;Shrimper who caught rare goblin shark: "Man, he's ugly" - CNN.com 660458;1399284922;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 6 @ 0.03310666 = 0.1986 BTC [-] {3} 660459;1399285593;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 39 @ 0.03257564 = 1.2704 BTC [-] {10} 660460;1399286142;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8900 @ 0.00084453 = 7.5163 BTC [+] 660461;1399286630;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3600 @ 0.00084447 = 3.0401 BTC [-] 660462;1399287118;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1250 @ 0.00084305 = 1.0538 BTC [-] 660463;1399287667;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5600 @ 0.00083986 = 4.7032 BTC [-] 660464;1399289009;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2650 @ 0.00083986 = 2.2256 BTC [-] 660465;1399290391;fluffypony;speaking of DNS 660466;1399290391;fluffypony;http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/google_announcement.png 660467;1399290717;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 3121 @ 0.00014072 = 0.4392 BTC [-] {6} 660468;1399291205;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14465 @ 0.00084242 = 12.1856 BTC [+] {4} 660469;1399291266;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11154 @ 0.00084628 = 9.4394 BTC [+] {3} 660470;1399291896;random_cat_;mircea_popescu didn't get the memo :D 660471;1399292059;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 7 @ 0.03317899 = 0.2323 BTC [+] {2} 660472;1399293157;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3481 @ 0.00084745 = 2.95 BTC [+] 660473;1399293218;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 52 @ 0.00610025 = 0.3172 BTC [-] {4} 660474;1399293219;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4981 @ 0.00084355 = 4.2017 BTC [-] {2} 660475;1399293279;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 738 @ 0.00083948 = 0.6195 BTC [-] 660476;1399293889;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 6 @ 0.07797989 = 0.4679 BTC [+] 660477;1399293890;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 8 @ 0.03226167 = 0.2581 BTC [-] {2} 660478;1399294011;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9400 @ 0.00083948 = 7.8911 BTC [-] {2} 660479;1399294133;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 225 @ 0.00601001 = 1.3523 BTC [-] {2} 660480;1399294987;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 2 @ 0.06474168 = 0.1295 BTC [-] 660481;1399295236;jurov;i just got informed that neisseria meningitis was found in my throat, now im reading wikipedia: 660482;1399295240;jurov;Though it initially produces general symptoms like fatigue, it can rapidly progress from fever, headache and neck stiffness to coma and death. 660483;1399295247;jurov;Death occurs in approximately 10% of cases. 660484;1399295254;jurov;*breathes heavily* 660485;1399295324;jurov;and to think i had sore throad on and off for months 660486;1399295328;jurov;*throat 660487;1399295339;fluffypony;coma and death? 660488;1399295344;fluffypony;that's crazy 660489;1399295347;fluffypony;:/ 660490;1399295363;fluffypony;is it easy to treat? 660491;1399295370;jurov;got atb 660492;1399295719;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6900 @ 0.0008491 = 5.8588 BTC [+] {2} 660493;1399295789;jurov;and that's like fourth time i got completely improbable bacteria diagnosed, including some special superbacteria from iraq 660494;1399296207;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.07797989 = 0.2339 BTC [+] 660495;1399296565;ThickAsThieves;I guess the japanese horror movies were right, baby blood does make you younger http://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/05/science/young-blood-may-hold-key-to-reversing-aging.html?_r=1 660496;1399296573;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 35 @ 0.07798863 = 2.7296 BTC [+] {4} 660497;1399296612;ThickAsThieves;it's happening! http://www.coindesk.com/fidor-becomes-first-bank-to-use-ripple-payment-protocol/ 660498;1399296659;davout;ThickAsThieves: wonder how that will be implemented tho 660499;1399296695;davout;EUR IOUs are basically e-money, so it's either 660500;1399296700;davout;they let anyone hold them 660501;1399296711;davout;or they let only known customers hold them 660502;1399296725;davout;former case they're ripe for ML abuse and whatnot 660503;1399296736;davout;latter case there's not much point 660504;1399296794;Apocalyptic;ripple lobby has achieved a feat here 660505;1399296796;davout;it's interesting that they do that since ripple will then be a direct competitor to both kraken and bitcoin.de 660506;1399296807;Apocalyptic;yeah davout 660507;1399296821;Apocalyptic;totally consistent business outlook 660508;1399296834;davout;(and to bitcoin-central as well obv. but they have no stake in it, so that's not really the same) 660509;1399296860;ThickAsThieves;<+davout> or they let only known customers hold them //// itll be this 660510;1399296866;Apocalyptic;maybe they don't want to have all the egs in the same basket 660511;1399296885;davout;mebbe 660512;1399297001;ThickAsThieves;i dont like it nonetheless 660513;1399297024;ThickAsThieves;bitcoin works for the same purposes and it isn't owned by a company 660514;1399297050;davout;ThickAsThieves: i don't really see anything wrong with ripple as long as you take it for what it actually is : a mechanism to transmit debt, for which you have to buy stamps from a single company 660515;1399297084;davout;ThickAsThieves: bitcoin doesn't work for the "same purposes", bitcoin is about cash, ripple is about debt 660516;1399297120;ThickAsThieves;well in the case of their own stated purpose, the difference is semantic, no? 660517;1399297130;ThickAsThieves;they wanna use it to send money fast all over the place 660518;1399297159;davout;well, for certain values of money it works, for the ones we're interested in it's irrelevant 660519;1399297184;davout;it's just in the continuation of debt money, it's not really a competitor to bitcoin in any way 660520;1399297204;ThickAsThieves;“Ripple enables us to securely and instantly send money anywhere in the world at no additional cost and through the same customer facing products and relationships we offer today.” 660521;1399297215;Apocalyptic; it's just in the continuation of debt money, it's not really a competitor to bitcoin in any way << this 660522;1399297215;ThickAsThieves;no additional cost? 660523;1399297244;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 15 @ 0.07799076 = 1.1699 BTC [+] {2} 660524;1399297246;davout;it's the "anywhere in the world" part that's misleading, that's not actually true, the cash EUR never leaves fidor 660525;1399297265;ThickAsThieves;i'm not stating it as a competitor to bitcoin, so much as the reverse 660526;1399297314;Apocalyptic; bitcoin works for the same purposes and it isn't owned by a company 660527;1399297318;Apocalyptic;you stated it right there 660528;1399297360;ThickAsThieves;? 660529;1399297371;ThickAsThieves;anyway, ripple is lam 660530;1399297376;ThickAsThieves;lame 660531;1399297381;Apocalyptic;that we can agree on 660532;1399297406;ThickAsThieves;i guess i just missed where we disagreed 660533;1399297412;pankkake;well, ripple's altcoin, XRP, is arguably cash 660534;1399297426;pankkake;except it's closer to Bernankoin's cash than to Bitcoin's cash 660535;1399297442;Apocalyptic;pankkake, the thing is XRP is bound to be depleted 660536;1399297448;pankkake;you can also create other altcoins in ripple 660537;1399297466;Apocalyptic;and then the rest of tx will be realised through debt transmission 660538;1399297490;Apocalyptic;ThickAsThieves, bitcoin works for the same purpose // I argue the purpose is clearly different 660539;1399297502;Apocalyptic;it may look like they want to achieve the same things, but they don't 660540;1399297507;ThickAsThieves;you misinterpret 'purpose' 660541;1399297527;ThickAsThieves;i meant the tool can be used the same way 660542;1399297533;ThickAsThieves;not the mission is shared 660543;1399297545;Apocalyptic;then I guess I did 660544;1399297549;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9450 @ 0.00084948 = 8.0276 BTC [+] 660545;1399297689;davout;pankkake: "well, ripple's altcoin, XRP, is arguably cash" <<< yes 660546;1399297746;Apocalyptic;note that XRP is destroyed for each tx 660547;1399297775;davout;pankkake: "you can also create other altcoins in ripple <<< i don't think so or i misunderstand sthg 660548;1399297790;davout;Apocalyptic: that fits the definition of a stamp 660549;1399297793;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2800 @ 0.00084948 = 2.3785 BTC [+] 660550;1399297832;pankkake;davout: the trick is to create a currency and not do anything with it 660551;1399297878;davout;pankkake: well then it's just some IOU for nothing, not really an altcoin in the sense that it doesn't work in the same ways cryptos do 660552;1399297903;pankkake;but bitcoin is also an IOU for nothing 660553;1399297917;davout;but it works with a blockchain 660554;1399297947;davout;i guess if that's what you define as an "altcoin" then we are in agreement 660555;1399297994;ThickAsThieves;heh a major investor of Ripple is also one for Pando 660556;1399297996;ThickAsThieves;http://pando.com/2014/05/05/ripple-announces-integration-with-germanys-fidor-bank-ushering-in-a-future-of-near-instant-and-free-global-money-transfer/ 660557;1399298003;ThickAsThieves;"[Disclosure: Andreessen Horowitz partners Marc Andreessen, Jeff Jordan, and Chris Dixon are investors in Pando.]" 660558;1399298053;davout;i really am curious to see how that will actually work 660559;1399298057;ThickAsThieves;" Smart money, however, is on the fact that today’s Fidor announcement will be the first domino in a long chain of such adoptions. 660560;1399298057;ThickAsThieves;Just like data wants to be free, money wants to move like data. Ripple is looking more and more like the rails on which that money will move." 660561;1399298075;ThickAsThieves;such unbias 660562;1399298139;Apocalyptic;.d 660563;1399298139;ozbot;8.001 billion | Next Diff in 1173 blocks | Estimated Change: 3.9776% in 7d 19h 27m 48s 660564;1399298200;ThickAsThieves;Estimated Next Difficulty:8,676,109,949 (+8.44%) 660565;1399298586;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23174 @ 0.00084784 = 19.6478 BTC [-] {4} 660566;1399298710;fluffypony;someone should write an article loudly claiming Apple is buying Ripple and they'll be calling it Rapple 660567;1399298738;pankkake;write for Coinion :) 660568;1399298744;ThickAsThieves;maybe if Ripple were traded on Havelock 660569;1399298747;fluffypony;lol 660570;1399298830;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 538 @ 0.00087878 = 0.4728 BTC [+] {5} 660571;1399298892;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 200 @ 0.00088099 = 0.1762 BTC [+] {2} 660572;1399298952;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 200 @ 0.00087008 = 0.174 BTC [-] {2} 660573;1399299135;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46000 @ 0.00084943 = 39.0738 BTC [+] {3} 660574;1399299203;pankkake;!up bitcoingirl 660575;1399299203;assbot;Insufficient rights, pankkake, !up yourself on PM first. 660576;1399299224;davout;!up bitcoingirl 660577;1399299224;assbot;Voicing bitcoingirl for 30 minutes. 660578;1399299271;bitcoingirl;Hi doesn't anyone have any thoughts on the SaveGox campaign? 660579;1399299344;bitcoingirl;or doesn't any know the status of the class action law suits? 660580;1399299378;pankkake;the question is what is there to save 660581;1399299388;mod6;^ 660582;1399299395;ThickAsThieves;i think, while it seems silly, Gox probably does have some brand equity 660583;1399299402;mod6;or why would it be worth saving at all? 660584;1399299403;pankkake;the userbase doesn't like mtgox. it always sucked 660585;1399299420;bitcoingirl;as far as making investors whole again 660586;1399299424;ThickAsThieves;but i dont think that equity is with big players 660587;1399299430;bitcoingirl;http://www.savegox.com/?page_id=51 660588;1399299435;ThickAsThieves;that doesnt mean there isnt money to be made 660589;1399299436;bitcoingirl;vs liquidation 660590;1399299440;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 410 @ 0.00084987 = 0.3484 BTC [+] 660591;1399299469;bitcoingirl;<+ThickAsThieves> right, that's the argument 660592;1399299481;jurov;there is *no way* to make investors whole again 660593;1399299497;jurov;or, what do you mean with it bitcoingirl? 660594;1399299537;ThickAsThieves;making investors whole is indeed unlikely, but it's also impossible if they liquidate 660595;1399299611;ThickAsThieves;it's very difficult to tell how much more money could be put back into users' hands though 660596;1399299630;ThickAsThieves;could end up being 10% more over 5 years 660597;1399299636;ThickAsThieves;and then it fizzles and dies 660598;1399299653;bitcoingirl;Karples hasn't agreed to the settlement, why do you think he would rather liquidate? 660599;1399299659;ThickAsThieves;because work 660600;1399299678;bitcoingirl;not because he could be prosecuted? 660601;1399299687;davout;could he? 660602;1399299696;ThickAsThieves;he cant avoid that if he is 660603;1399299725;ThickAsThieves;who the hell wants to run the new mt gox with such a cloud and debt hanging over its head 660604;1399299744;Naphex;lawyers! 660605;1399299755;bitcoingirl;the settlement has a "Prosecution Fund" provision that would go after stolen customer assets 660606;1399299755;ThickAsThieves;i guess 660607;1399299756;Naphex;sharks 660608;1399299775;bitcoingirl;Sunlot Holdings was formed for this very reason 660609;1399299928;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 7 @ 0.03269759 = 0.2289 BTC [+] 660610;1399300111;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 14 @ 0.46514286 = 6.512 BTC [-] {4} 660611;1399300172;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 16 @ 0.46000287 = 7.36 BTC [-] {3} 660612;1399300233;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 12 @ 0.45161666 = 5.4194 BTC [-] {5} 660613;1399300599;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5940 @ 0.00084811 = 5.0378 BTC [-] 660614;1399300696;ThickAsThieves;fluffypony thank you for your question suggestions for the Bitcoin2014 conference 660615;1399300712;fluffypony;ThickAsThieves: pleasure, I couldn't think of any others offhand 660616;1399301269;Naphex;!up bitcoingirl 660617;1399301269;assbot;Voicing bitcoingirl for 30 minutes. 660618;1399301301;Naphex;bitcoingirl: you should learn about gpg and WoT and stuff if you're gonna hang ;] 660619;1399301310;Naphex;or you might lose that + and won't be able to talk in channel 660620;1399301354;pankkake;;;gpg info bitcoingirl 660621;1399301354;gribble;User 'BitcoinGirl', with keyid None, fingerprint None, and bitcoin address 1MYtkWgJifWpLdjiK7AcLgGUhZNP297orA, registered on Sun Apr 7 20:05:51 2013, last authed on Sun Apr 7 18:05:51 2013. http://b-otc.com/vg?nick=BitcoinGirl . Currently not authenticated. 660622;1399301385;Naphex;might be some different bitcoin girl ;] 660623;1399301406;pankkake;yeah 660624;1399301425;Naphex;bitcoingirl: http://bitcoin-otc.com/trust.php / http://cascadianhacker.com/blog/2014/04/11_bitcoin-assets-new-wot-and-voice-model.html / http://wiki.bitcoin-otc.com/wiki/OTC_Rating_System 660625;1399301441;pankkake;;;gpg info bitcoinguy 660626;1399301442;gribble;User 'bitcoinGuy', with keyid None, fingerprint None, and bitcoin address 13Q4dgxB8g15Kfd2hjGqs2tviJq7kCAFic, registered on Mon Nov 25 11:26:03 2013, last authed on Mon Nov 25 11:26:03 2013. http://b-otc.com/vg?nick=bitcoinGuy . Currently not authenticated. 660627;1399301446;pankkake;waaah 660628;1399301452;pankkake;;;gpg info bitcoinwhiteguy 660629;1399301454;gribble;No such user registered. 660630;1399301678;jurov;;;gpg info bitcoinnigga 660631;1399301678;gribble;No such user registered. 660632;1399301686;jurov;;;gpg info bitcoingypsy 660633;1399301686;gribble;No such user registered. 660634;1399301726;pankkake;;;gpg info bitcoinfag 660635;1399301726;gribble;No such user registered. 660636;1399301744;pankkake;there's still opportunities 660637;1399301752;Naphex;haha 660638;1399301758;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6971 @ 0.00084811 = 5.9122 BTC [-] 660639;1399301784;fluffypony;hah 660640;1399301793;bitcoinfag;taken :D 660641;1399301798;fluffypony;Duke poster arriving 3...2....1.... 660642;1399301819;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2322 @ 0.00085028 = 1.9744 BTC [+] {2} 660643;1399301855;jurov;!up kermit 660644;1399301855;assbot;Voicing kermit for 30 minutes. 660645;1399301880;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15383 @ 0.0008504 = 13.0817 BTC [+] {2} 660646;1399302073;asciilifeform;http://cryptome.org/2014/05/nsa-tempest-01-02-oct-02.pdf 660647;1399302077;asciilifeform;heavily censored, naturally. 660648;1399302155;ThickAsThieves;information so free that it can't be seen 660649;1399302189;asciilifeform;small summary: http://cryptome.org/nsa-tempest.htm 660650;1399302512;asciilifeform;in other news: 660651;1399302513;asciilifeform;http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2014/05/statecraft-or-witchcraft.html 660652;1399302513;ozbot;ClubOrlov: Statecraft or Witchcraft? 660653;1399302705;jurov;How was the US State Department been busy in Ukraine? 660654;1399302729;asciilifeform;jurov: this topic isn't particularly mysterious - beaten to death in open literature. 660655;1399302746;Apocalyptic;asciilifeform, any idea why cryptome is still up ? 660656;1399302773;asciilifeform;Apocalyptic: aside from the obvious fact that 99+% of the material found there is junk - no idea. 660657;1399302783;pankkake;can't stop the signal 660658;1399302803;Apocalyptic;can stop the .org domain definitely 660659;1399302893;ThickAsThieves;http://www.pfhub.com/wisconsin-political-candidate-mark-clear-returns-bitcoin-donations-654/ 660660;1399302894;ozbot;Wisconsin political candidate Mark Clear returns bitcoin donations 660661;1399302895;ThickAsThieves;lol 660662;1399303100;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13400 @ 0.00085081 = 11.4009 BTC [+] {2} 660663;1399303283;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16700 @ 0.00085129 = 14.2165 BTC [+] {2} 660664;1399303405;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 100 @ 0.07500756 = 7.5008 BTC [-] {16} 660665;1399303439;jurov;well, if orlov's right, russia is right on way to extens its eugenic program to whole eurasia soon 660666;1399303463;jurov;does it at least have more citizens than 100 years ago? 660667;1399303541;jurov;really, all these slaughters of own citizens..what other purpose it could have then eugenics? 660668;1399303547;jurov;*than 660669;1399303772;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4300 @ 0.00084811 = 3.6469 BTC [-] 660670;1399303772;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 100 @ 0.07135379 = 7.1354 BTC [-] {11} 660671;1399303787;jurov;lol they'll cotinue with it on ukraine and with bonus convince everyone incl. orlov that "them us puppets ordered that" 660672;1399303893;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9400 @ 0.00084811 = 7.9722 BTC [-] 660673;1399303914;thestringpuller;wow tons of capital vacated MPOE 660674;1399303996;mike_c;well, didn't you hear? mp is extradited to antartica to face AEC security fraud charges. 660675;1399304036;fluffypony;I believe "they" are on "their" way to arrest him right this minute 660676;1399304047;jurov;should i hde, too? 660677;1399304050;jurov;*hide 660678;1399304063;fluffypony;hide yo wife, hide yo kids, coz they're raping erry-one out there 660679;1399304068;ThickAsThieves;nope, just keep contracting rare illnesses 660680;1399304068;mike_c;probably. antartica is coming down hard on all btc bizness 660681;1399304071;ThickAsThieves;you'll be fine 660682;1399304071;davout_;mike_c: lelz 660683;1399304104;pankkake;understandable, it's melting because of it 660684;1399304111;fluffypony;yes 660685;1399304117;fluffypony;which is MP's fault, I'm told 660686;1399304125;jurov;wut, 40BTC is meltdown? 660687;1399304130;fluffypony;because bitcoin...electricity...heat...uh.... 660688;1399304155;Apocalyptic;jurov, like an iceberg, it's melting under the water 660689;1399304156;ThickAsThieves;probably just someone has a buttload of mpoe and unloads once in a while when they can 660690;1399304156;thestringpuller;wtf are AEC charges? 660691;1399304173;mike_c;antartica exchange commission. duh. 660692;1399304185;thestringpuller;pomodoro... 660693;1399304216;thestringpuller;;;seen benkay 660694;1399304216;gribble;benkay was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 12 hours, 31 minutes, and 13 seconds ago: get 'em while they're cheap frrreal 660695;1399304221;thestringpuller;;;ticker 660696;1399304222;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 429.95, Best ask: 429.99, Bid-ask spread: 0.04000, Last trade: 429.99, 24 hour volume: 7341.92636950, 24 hour low: 425.0, 24 hour high: 445.0, 24 hour vwap: 435.070993586 660697;1399304226;thestringpuller;nice 660698;1399304236;fluffypony;the charge sheet is right there with the INTERPOL RED CARD that the ref has given Danny 660699;1399304259;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 15 @ 0.0714004 = 1.071 BTC [+] {2} 660700;1399304269;ThickAsThieves;http://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/news/forget-logging-facebook-bitid-lets-sign-bitcoin-address/2014/05/05 660701;1399304320;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 115 @ 0.07068462 = 8.1287 BTC [-] {12} 660702;1399304321;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14163 @ 0.00085146 = 12.0592 BTC [+] {3} 660703;1399304381;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25313 @ 0.00085193 = 21.5649 BTC [+] {2} 660704;1399304389;ThickAsThieves;fluffypony huh? I don't even see Danny wanted in Cyprus on Interpol 660705;1399304408;fluffypony;ThickAsThieves: that's the thing 660706;1399304419;fluffypony;who was that guy clamouring aboout it 660707;1399304440;ThickAsThieves;lolstate? 660708;1399304452;ThickAsThieves;dude is probly jimmothy or some other toxic actor 660709;1399304473;fluffypony;"blackkys" 660710;1399304473;fluffypony;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=324177 660711;1399304474;ozbot;View the profile of blackkys 660712;1399304476;fluffypony;that dude 660713;1399304500;fluffypony;"Also European and International arrest warrants have been issued together with an Interpol Red Notice." 660714;1399304503;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.077 = 0.231 BTC [-] 660715;1399304513;fluffypony;then when he's pressured to demonstrate that these exist he just keeps batting it away 660716;1399304525;fluffypony;because Danny has committed a Very Seriouz Felony (tm) 660717;1399304564;ThickAsThieves;:/ 660718;1399304566;pankkake;will it stop once they can't try to pump neobeeQ anymore? 660719;1399304582;ThickAsThieves;who knows 660720;1399304586;mike_c;in 17 minutes? 660721;1399304600;mike_c;we will see shortly. 660722;1399304640;mike_c;if anyone here is doing that history of failures, you should screen grab the neebeeq stuff quick 660723;1399304675;pankkake;there is assbot log 660724;1399304706;mike_c;yeah, i was thinking of lulzy havelock updates and what-not. i guess those are probably preserved in bitcointa.lk somewhere. 660725;1399304712;pankkake;oh right 660726;1399304714;pankkake;!t h neobeeq 660727;1399304715;assbot;[HAVELOCK:NEOBEEQ] 1D: 0.00001261 / 1.277E-5 / 0.00001700 (17434 shares, 0.22257403 BTC), 7D: 0.00001261 / 2.149E-5 / 0.00006970 (205360 shares, 4.41329943 BTC), 30D: 0.00001261 / 0.00011594 / 0.00045000 (675713 shares, 78.33886123 BTC) 660728;1399304739;pankkake;I guess that's the value of drama 660729;1399304869;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.4508002 = 2.254 BTC [-] {3} 660730;1399304930;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 46 @ 0.0044301 = 0.2038 BTC [+] 660731;1399305235;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 102 @ 0.00443005 = 0.4519 BTC [-] {3} 660732;1399305479;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 31 @ 0.07778191 = 2.4112 BTC [+] {3} 660733;1399305602;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 2.65503744 BTC to 8`448 shares, 31428 satoshi per share 660734;1399305662;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17050 @ 0.0008526 = 14.5368 BTC [+] {3} 660735;1399305723;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] [PAID] 23.70000000 BTC to 30`000`000 shares, 79 satoshi per share 660736;1399305906;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 3065 @ 0.00014052 = 0.4307 BTC [-] {5} 660737;1399305952;chetty;http://www.foxnews.com/tech/2014/05/05/department-defense-to-study-bitcoin-as-terrorist-threat/ 660738;1399306089;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9250 @ 0.00085436 = 7.9028 BTC [+] 660739;1399306821;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10400 @ 0.00085202 = 8.861 BTC [-] {2} 660740;1399306914;mike_c;aand, it's gone. ah, interesting bitbet: what will be the next fund delisted from havelock? could be one every month! 660741;1399307187;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2000 @ 0.0001455 = 0.291 BTC [-] 660742;1399307275;benkay;what'd havelock delist? 660743;1399307300;jurov;neobbq 660744;1399307310;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.07773006 = 0.3109 BTC [-] 660745;1399307346;jurov;i'd bet some of these mining ops 660746;1399307350;benkay; i just got informed that neisseria meningitis was found in my throat << how much d'ya want for coinbr? :D 660747;1399307391;jurov;just for you.. 50k btc? 660748;1399307412;benkay;;;ticker 660749;1399307414;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 433.98, Best ask: 434.0, Bid-ask spread: 0.02000, Last trade: 434.0, 24 hour volume: 8376.14788294, 24 hour low: 425.0, 24 hour high: 445.0, 24 hour vwap: 434.910659841 660750;1399307416;benkay;er 660751;1399307424;benkay;!t s s.mpoe 660752;1399307424;assbot;It says some pelt-wearin' trapper, some stinkin' bean-suckin' possum skinner, he's gonna collect that reward money. 660753;1399307430;benkay;!t m s.mpoe 660754;1399307431;assbot;[MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00083894 / 0.00084562 / 0.00085436 (810968 shares, 685.77 BTC), 7D: 0.00083786 / 0.00094575 / 0.00098485 (4986284 shares, 4,715.80 BTC), 30D: 0.00083786 / 0.00096384 / 0.00101 (19586724 shares, 18,878.50 BTC) 660755;1399307434;benkay;jeeeeesus. 660756;1399307461;benkay;;;calc 0.0.00083894 * 1000000000 660757;1399307462;gribble;Error: invalid syntax (, line 1) 660758;1399307470;benkay;;;calc 0.00083894 * 1000000000 660759;1399307471;gribble;838940 660760;1399307483;*;benkay cries in the corner 660761;1399307497;benkay;every thing is dumb and i am hungover 660762;1399307553;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 300 @ 0.00435527 = 1.3066 BTC [-] {7} 660763;1399307614;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 300 @ 0.00430255 = 1.2908 BTC [-] {7} 660764;1399307858;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4092 @ 0.00085436 = 3.496 BTC [+] 660765;1399308773;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 50 @ 0.00603906 = 0.302 BTC [+] {2} 660766;1399309933;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5750 @ 0.00086495 = 4.9735 BTC [+] 660767;1399311030;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10800 @ 0.00085891 = 9.2762 BTC [-] 660768;1399311136;pankkake;I'm now getting quantum physics spam (in French). apparently, it's a new way of healing 660769;1399311190;asciilifeform;lol! 660770;1399311794;benkay;i failed to bookmark the 'how would you like that wrapped up' editorial cartoon re: bitcoin. does anyone else have the link handy? 660771;1399311862;TomServo;http://www.political-humor.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/control-of-bitcoin-how-would-you-like-this-wrapped.jpg 660772;1399311876;benkay;gratzi, tomservo 660773;1399312003;mike_c;is that a word? you mean grazie? 660774;1399312006;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 440 @ 0.00132 = 0.5808 BTC [-] 660775;1399312128;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.07598128 = 0.3799 BTC [+] {2} 660776;1399312178;Apocalyptic;probably 660777;1399312209;mike_c;(i'm secretly hoping i'm not the worst in the channel at languages) 660778;1399312312;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 850 @ 0.00014474 = 0.123 BTC [-] {3} 660779;1399312327;benkay;gratzie? grazie? which is correct? 660780;1399312342;benkay;(not implying i mispelled, i am actually that illiterate) 660781;1399312590;Apocalyptic;grazie, as mike_c suggested, is correct 660782;1399312799;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5571 @ 0.00085262 = 4.7499 BTC [-] {2} 660783;1399313105;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.03263836 = 0.3264 BTC [-] 660784;1399313211;fluffypony;http://i.imgur.com/vi6XS5Y.jpg 660785;1399313354;chetty;anyone looked into this: https://rockwell-partners.com/ 660786;1399313532;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 8 @ 0.45012562 = 3.601 BTC [-] {4} 660787;1399313592;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.45 = 0.9 BTC [-] 660788;1399313621;mike_c;chetty: um, sit back and make money? sounds pretty scammy. 660789;1399313704;mike_c;making 50% a month? panacea oughta put their money with these guys. 660790;1399313716;chetty;yeah thats what I was thinking - and they take btc to "invest" 660791;1399313729;mike_c;this is better than pirate. 660792;1399313776;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.03263836 = 0.1632 BTC [-] {2} 660793;1399313778;mike_c;and they are "strong. loyal innovative." 660794;1399313780;chetty;certainly has a certain fragrance 660795;1399313809;fluffypony;mike_c: but it has a chart! 660796;1399313836;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 6000 @ 0.00014747 = 0.8848 BTC [+] {5} 660797;1399313897;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.45 BTC [-] 660798;1399313991;pankkake;not the first fiat ponzi scam to accept btc. but this one looks better (css wise) 660799;1399314141;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.0324589 = 0.1623 BTC [-] {5} 660800;1399314289;chetty;I dont actually recognize any of the other payment methods they have listed 660801;1399314387;punkman;Craig Austin's real name is Jean Fixot: http://motofocus.pl/nowosci/9169/chimirec-otwiera-nowy-zaklad-w-polsce 660802;1399314394;kakobrekla;its a ponzi 660803;1399314422;punkman;(from Rockwell about page) 660804;1399314425;punkman;classic HYIP 660805;1399314447;fluffypony;I keep wanting to call it HIYP 660806;1399314464;punkman;"1% on non-trading days" lol 660807;1399314496;mike_c;i don't even see how you can ponzi at 50% a month. that is insane. 660808;1399314499;fluffypony;lol 660809;1399314514;fluffypony;mike_c: they won't make a single payment 660810;1399314523;mike_c;i guess 660811;1399314535;punkman;have a look at http://www.talkgold.com/ 660812;1399314535;mike_c;not really a ponzi then, just straight stealing. 660813;1399314573;fluffypony;yep 660814;1399314603;punkman;http://www.talkgold.com/forum/r412231-.html 1249 pages 660815;1399314605;ozbot;Rockwell-Partners - rockwell-partners.com 660816;1399314629;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.0322001 = 0.322 BTC [-] 660817;1399314716;fluffypony;so basically you circle-jerk with your affiliate link 660818;1399314720;fluffypony;talk about how your'e getting paid 660819;1399314721;fluffypony;*you're 660820;1399314725;fluffypony;and then profit? 660821;1399314741;punkman;mostly just not profit 660822;1399314749;punkman;but infinite hitpoints 660823;1399314796;mike_c;;;seen nubbins` 660824;1399314797;gribble;nubbins` was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 week, 2 days, 18 hours, 18 minutes, and 57 seconds ago: was going through a real meatspace phase D; 660825;1399314812;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31500 @ 0.00084983 = 26.7696 BTC [-] {2} 660826;1399314873;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2660 @ 0.00014998 = 0.3989 BTC [+] {3} 660827;1399315056;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.4501 = 0.9002 BTC [+] 660828;1399315120;mike_c;pankkake: have you seen the last s.mg report? i thought of you when reading about the package maintainer job (cuz of altcoin). 660829;1399315219;bounce;"if we can't follow your every move (financially), you must be a terrorist (financier)" -- nothing like fat budgets to engender some more groupthink and target innovations like bitcoin. can someone please put the usg out of our misery? 660830;1399315421;pankkake;mike_c: not sure why because of altcoin, but packages is something I know well 660831;1399315453;pankkake;and you don't usually have to understand the language, just the build systems (which all suck, no exceptions :p) 660832;1399315484;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 799 @ 0.00014469 = 0.1156 BTC [-] {3} 660833;1399315487;mike_c;well, because you put together the altcoin code, no? 660834;1399315518;mike_c;in any case, seemed up your alley :) 660835;1399315519;bounce;agreed. looking at the differences is interesting in a chinese sort of way, though. 660836;1399315521;pankkake;altering a few values, and running make, sure :D 660837;1399315605;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.07777999 = 0.3889 BTC [+] 660838;1399315641;chetty;pankkake, make, jam ? 660839;1399315676;pankkake;jam? 660840;1399315697;pankkake;or it's a joke about pancakes :) 660841;1399315733;mike_c;http://freetype.org/jam/ 660842;1399315734;ozbot;An introduction to Jam 660843;1399316127;pankkake;benkay: blame jimmothy, or http://www.btcalpha.com/blog/2014/a-year-of-s-mpoe/ ? 660844;1399316220;mike_c;i thought my article was positive on s.mpoe. i don't think its my fault. 660845;1399316230;mike_c;just because i can't figure it out doesn't mean much 660846;1399316314;kakobrekla;mike killed mpoe. is true. 660847;1399316331;mike_c;feel the power of btcalpha 660848;1399316337;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2148 @ 0.00085314 = 1.8325 BTC [+] 660849;1399316351;bounce;``Jam is a small open-source build tool that can be used as a replacement for Make.'' -- this is where I stop reading. 660850;1399316374;mike_c;built by same guy as perforce i believe, which i am a fan of. 660851;1399316403;fluffypony;bounce: I think it's what Boost uses 660852;1399316404;fluffypony;it's awful 660853;1399316428;mike_c;chetty: why did you pick jam? 660854;1399316463;bounce;what was that kid again that distributed a bit of crappy code with a makefile containing a few lines of irc log that "everybody" just copies and pastes the rules, atop a list of rules that miraculously work some of the time altough most of them were written the wrong way around? 660855;1399316498;fluffypony;I have no idea what you're talking about, bounce 660856;1399316499;fluffypony;lol 660857;1399316500;bounce;my pet theory is that there's a class of kids fascinated with building tools but aren't quite cut out to write compilers... so they stick to make "replacements" instead. 660858;1399316529;chetty;mike_c, crystalspace was already using it, natural progression 660859;1399316571;davout;ohai 660860;1399316593;bounce;once you do understand how Make rules actually work, most of the problems people experience with make go away. and then the "better, easier" replacements are just pots of syntactic sugar. like, oh, ant for example. 660861;1399316698;fluffypony;or CMake 660862;1399316708;mike_c;i can understand not wanting to rewrite crystalspace's build files though. 660863;1399316717;davout;bounce: nice one :-) 660864;1399316765;asciilifeform;re: cmake: obligatory, http://www.xach.com/naggum/articles/3206985430398054@naggum.net.html 660865;1399316810;asciilifeform;'A "new" language that differs from the rest of the crop by one or a couple features is proof positive that both what it came from and what it has become are mutations about to die. There are tens if not hundreds of thousands of such "languages" that people have invented over the yeare, for all sorts of weird purposes where they just could not use whatever language they were already using, could not extend it 660866;1399316810;asciilifeform;, and could not fathom how to modify its tools without making a whole new language.' 660867;1399316826;bounce;cmake isn't a make replacement, it's a autofools replacement, loaded with colourfully painted godawful bikesheds and inducing more dependency pressure on the most common user (the non-dev compiler) 660868;1399316844;bounce;in that sense it's strictly worse than autofools. some accomplishment. 660869;1399317496;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9400 @ 0.00085052 = 7.9949 BTC [-] {2} 660870;1399317496;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 728 @ 0.00014988 = 0.1091 BTC [+] 660871;1399317549;artifexd; or CMake << +1 like retweet upvote 660872;1399317558;fluffypony;nigga plz 660873;1399317560;fluffypony;Google + 660874;1399317570;artifexd;That's the +1 parts 660875;1399317578;fluffypony;oic oic, you got me covered 660876;1399317740;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10609 @ 0.00085355 = 9.0553 BTC [+] {2} 660877;1399318151;benkay;mike_c: neat article 660878;1399318162;mike_c;thanks. 660879;1399318425;danielpbarron;!up Rulother 660880;1399318425;assbot;Voicing Rulother for 30 minutes. 660881;1399318435;Rulother;Thank you 660882;1399318472;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 52 @ 0.00430039 = 0.2236 BTC [-] {2} 660883;1399318498;danielpbarron;no problem; what brings you to #bitcoin-assets? 660884;1399318517;Rulother;Well nothing really, just on my auto list and been coming here for a little over a year 660885;1399318531;Rulother;Nice to chime in from time to time depending on the convo 660886;1399318533;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.07777999 = 0.3111 BTC [+] 660887;1399318537;danielpbarron;I haven't seen you chat in here yet 660888;1399318558;Rulother;hm 660889;1399318566;danielpbarron;but I haven't been here a year 660890;1399318570;Rulother;Well I promise you I've been here before :P 660891;1399318578;fluffypony;danielpbarron: http://stats.bitcoin-assets.com 660892;1399318586;danielpbarron;no worries, i'm just breaking the ice 660893;1399318588;fluffypony;he's said ~1600 lines over the past year 660894;1399318607;Rulother;More so a lurker in here 660895;1399318644;danielpbarron;Rulother: if you auth with gribble, i'll give you a +1 so you can voice yourself in the future 660896;1399318672;Rulother;I'll get on that when I can. At work, atm. 660897;1399318777;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6200 @ 0.00085261 = 5.2862 BTC [-] 660898;1399319022;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7750 @ 0.00085205 = 6.6034 BTC [-] 660899;1399319082;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9450 @ 0.00085205 = 8.0519 BTC [-] 660900;1399319204;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07777999 = 0.1556 BTC [+] 660901;1399319631;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.45 = 1.8 BTC [-] 660902;1399319821;fluffypony;http://techcrunch.com/2014/05/05/dont-trust-bitcoin-startups-that-centralize-everything/ 660903;1399319822;ozbot;Don’t Trust Bitcoin Startups That Centralize Everything | TechCrunch 660904;1399319869;davout;fluffypony: "don't like wormy apples? have a steak instead" 660905;1399319871;asciilifeform;http://techcrunch.com/2024/05/05/dont-eat-shit-it-isnt-delicious/ 660906;1399319888;fluffypony;no you must read this, it's hilarious 660907;1399319889;davout;asciilifeform: lmao 660908;1399319896;fluffypony;it's basically Blockchain.info talking about decentralisation 660909;1399319911;fluffypony;"ohai don't use a centralised provider...except us for your webwallet. we're fine." 660910;1399319943;fluffypony;my favourite part is at the end 660911;1399319946;fluffypony;"Finally, when the conversation moved to alternative coins, Smith also shared that he is bullish on dogecoins. “In terms of the alternative currencies that I like, I really like dogecoins. I got 3,600 dogecoins by selling an inflatable penguin,” he said." 660912;1399319975;fluffypony;because on a scale of 1 to reasons-to-be-bullish-on-an-altcoin, being able to sell an inflatable penguin is right up there with "has the word Dark in the name" 660913;1399320119;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 8 @ 0.0322 = 0.2576 BTC [-] {4} 660914;1399320140;Naphex;my fav part is how blockchain api carries password through cloudflare ssl passthru 660915;1399320173;davout;Naphex: you sure it does ? 660916;1399320180;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10200 @ 0.00085205 = 8.6909 BTC [-] 660917;1399320195;Naphex;davout: https://blockchain.info/api/blockchain_wallet_api 660918;1399320218;fluffypony;davout: API, not regular web wallet access 660919;1399320220;danielpbarron;i got like 500 free dogecoins a while back; turned it into BTC (what's that, a couple hundred satoshi?) 660920;1399320229;davout;Naphex: ah ty, didn't know about this API 660921;1399320270;fluffypony;danielpbarron: yeah I think it's ~1 mil doge to the BTC 660922;1399320285;davout;i really can't believe they have such a thing... 660923;1399320302;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6654 @ 0.00085232 = 5.6713 BTC [+] 660924;1399320309;davout;Naphex: not that having the password transit in clear was really necessary to get pwned by the cloudflare heresy anyway 660925;1399320350;davout;just fuck with the JS on the fly 660926;1399320371;Naphex;ofcourse 660927;1399320388;davout;http://blog.bitcoin-central.net/2014/02/19/the-cloudflare-mitm/ 660928;1399320389;ozbot;The CloudFlare MITM | Paymium 660929;1399320452;Naphex;cloudflare makes little sense to me 660930;1399320461;Naphex;you pay for a varnish cache and a nginx ssl PT 660931;1399320470;Naphex;and they get to read all your trafic, fun 660932;1399320494;Naphex;varnish doesn't support ssl, so i'd bet that they will PT through regular http pretty often 660933;1399320504;mike_c;davout: same thing for aws. their load balancer sits in front of your servers and handles SSL termination for you 660934;1399320517;mike_c;(if you ask them to) 660935;1399320574;Naphex;use a good DC and you will get most services top notch, imo 660936;1399320602;Naphex;together with great ddos protection and quality support, for an easy time 660937;1399320607;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.0321003 = 0.1605 BTC [-] 660938;1399320626;fluffypony;"5 days before this article was written Cloudflare started offering Full (Strict) SSL, where traffic between Cloudflare and the origin server is encrypted AND the origin server’s cert is validated." 660939;1399320630;mike_c;that sounds like a rosy assessment of DC's. where the hell do you host? 660940;1399320631;davout;i'm thinking about e-mail based APIs against DDoS 660941;1399320631;fluffypony;davout: that broke my brain 660942;1399320648;davout;ikr 660943;1399320680;fluffypony;Naphex: CloudFlare is AMAZING for non-critical services 660944;1399320689;Naphex;mike_c: i use a industrial dc, usually services high end clients that have their own admins and servers 660945;1399320692;fluffypony;for $5 a month I get an SSL cert and can use a snake-oil self-signed on the server 660946;1399320723;fluffypony;I would never in a million years use it for something that is critical/financial 660947;1399320786;kakobrekla;davout did you make any efforts to be included in rtbtc? 660948;1399320801;Naphex;mike_c: http://www.gts.ro/ro-en/solutions/industries i highly recommend them 660949;1399320830;davout;kakobrekla: i have a FIX interface in one the pans that's currently cooking 660950;1399320832;Naphex;their website seems off with 404's, but you get an account manager, so no shitty web support and services 660951;1399320842;kakobrekla;are they on fix only? 660952;1399320876;davout;kakobrekla: i don't think so 660953;1399320891;kakobrekla;are they on fix at all? 660954;1399320898;Naphex;davout: i had a fix interface in master for a while but no point in launching it, 0 demand 660955;1399320905;Naphex;and work is focused on other stuff 660956;1399320918;davout;Naphex: what did you use ? 660957;1399320924;Naphex;for what? 660958;1399320934;davout;i mean, didja write it all yourself? 660959;1399321055;Naphex;yeah, i was evaluating other protocols and did a fix impl for tests. 660960;1399321058;asciilifeform;from the loltron: 660961;1399321060;asciilifeform;http://nizhyn.pik.cn.ua/785/v-nizhini-separatistiv-saditimut-na-kol 660962;1399321072;asciilifeform;tldr - ua gov. prepares to impale 'insurgents'. 660963;1399321097;Naphex;davout: you should check out open fast, for fixfast if you're doing it in java 660964;1399321100;Naphex;http://www.openfast.org/apidocs/ 660965;1399321100;ozbot;OpenFAST 1.1.2 API 660966;1399321115;asciilifeform;'three stakes, well sharpened on one side, have been prepared at...' 660967;1399321157;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2205 @ 0.0001429 = 0.3151 BTC [-] {8} 660968;1399321163;Naphex;but i use a protobuf-like protocol in binary for the server backend 660969;1399321170;fluffypony;asciilifeform: happy...easter? 660970;1399321175;asciilifeform;lol 660971;1399321217;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9164 @ 0.00085411 = 7.8271 BTC [+] {2} 660972;1399321217;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.07584429 = 0.3034 BTC [-] 660973;1399321218;davout;Naphex: ty 660974;1399321352;bounce;what, literally impale? 660975;1399321361;asciilifeform;their idea, not mine. 660976;1399321426;fluffypony;bounce: this is what the US government is like - http://i.imgur.com/y6CG4zP.jpg - "shhhhhh...it'll all be over soon...." 660977;1399321513;asciilifeform;http://vvv-ig.livejournal.com/690116.html 660978;1399321518;asciilifeform;^ 'funfest' in odessa. 660979;1399321557;fluffypony;Naphex: I hear you've been having fun weather that side of the planet: http://imgur.com/a/ZYFTi 660980;1399321766;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9350 @ 0.00085274 = 7.9731 BTC [-] {2} 660981;1399321846;Naphex;fluffypony: its been raining some 660982;1399321850;Naphex;but thats bout it 660983;1399321868;fluffypony;Naphex: Bucharest got these cool mini-icebergs 660984;1399321877;fluffypony;I would float a mini-titanic around them 660985;1399321920;bounce;geez wtf pix. what's going on there? 660986;1399321949;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10150 @ 0.00085232 = 8.651 BTC [-] 660987;1399321999;bounce;huh, serious optimism waiting at the bus in ankle deep ice water. here the busses'll stop going at a few cm snow 660988;1399322009;bounce;s/bus/& stop/ 660989;1399322118;bounce;gah translate.google.com shits itself. 660990;1399322392;davout;asciilifeform: interesting pics, what's the point of the article? what are all the circled things about? 660991;1399322421;davout;there seems to be in a pair of pictures, the implication that one of the dead dudes was also present at some protest 660992;1399322470;davout;like on this one -> http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/frallik/12164489/878159/878159_original.jpg 660993;1399322623;davout;asciilifeform: nvm, gt seems to be doing an allright job ru->fr 660994;1399323505;mike_c;Naphex: they look pretty good. ever had the occassion to test out the ddos mitigation? 660995;1399323723;asciilifeform;davout: circled is bullet holes 660996;1399323747;davout;asciilifeform: i google translated the whole thing bit by bit, fucking scary 660997;1399323774;asciilifeform;the only thing there seems to be a kind of general agreement about is that the folks inside were fleeing from raging mob, and barricaded themselves in 660998;1399323831;davout;that's not really the impression i get from this -> "Юноша и девушка. Они не сгорели и не задохнулись - нет признаков открытого огня на паркете (ему лет 50 и он должен был вспыхнуть как солома) и копоти от дыма на стенах. Их убили другим способом. Скорее всего обоим 660999;1399323832;davout;сломали шеи - профессионалы развлекались." 661000;1399323844;asciilifeform;yeah that's the russian version 661001;1399323869;asciilifeform;that at least some of the corpses belonged to folks who were machine-gunned or beaten to death outside, then dragged in for the burning 661002;1399323922;davout;yeah, the guy with the sunnies seems to be corroborating that 661003;1399323969;asciilifeform;the popular notion that usa has the objective of re-establishing the old ua gov. is, imho, mistaken 661004;1399323976;davout;guess i'm missing a lot of context here 661005;1399323987;asciilifeform;what we're actually seeing is brzezinski's 'controlled chaos' algorithm. 661006;1399323999;davout;keep talking 661007;1399324052;asciilifeform;see usa re: libya, syria, etc. 661008;1399324071;asciilifeform;'let's you and him fight.' 661009;1399324328;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9850 @ 0.00085222 = 8.3944 BTC [-] {2} 661010;1399324352;davout;sounds pretty sensible 661011;1399324371;asciilifeform;'divide & conquer' etc. no news here. 661012;1399324392;davout;or maybe just stay the fuck away from trouble 661013;1399324468;asciilifeform;'you may not be interested in war, but war is certainly interested in you.' 661014;1399324511;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7798 @ 0.00085355 = 6.656 BTC [+] 661015;1399324760;Naphex;mike_c: not really, best i had was like 30mbs 661016;1399324842;Naphex;mike_c: but its deffinetly there they host some big nodes pretty close 661017;1399324855;Naphex;(internet exchange nodes) 661018;1399324890;mike_c;i believe they have the capacity, but that's not all that counts during ddos. just curious what they were like under fire. let me know if you ever find out ;) 661019;1399324919;Naphex;sure, i have been using them for lots of years now. very satisfied 661020;1399325183;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3200 @ 0.00085437 = 2.734 BTC [+] {2} 661021;1399325683;Namworld;Thanks to the miracle of whois, I'm receiving phone calls about a car in the parking lot. 661022;1399325706;fluffypony;lol 661023;1399325843;Namworld;Maybe I should add whois privacy, maybe not. But it's weird getting phone calls from strangers who managed to find out what's the phone number for your address. Whois is the only result on google for my address with the phone number attached. 661024;1399325886;Namworld;They noticed the car didn't move all winter, they want to know who's car it is and buy it. 661025;1399325914;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 15 @ 0.0322 = 0.483 BTC [-] 661026;1399325926;mod6;gonna restart atcbot, hang tight. 661027;1399325979;mod6;%h 661028;1399325979;atcbot;%t | %ticker | %book | %diff | %tx | %bal
| %mined | %block | %lb | %tslb | %cm | %ptp | %help | %h 661029;1399325982;mod6;%tslb 661030;1399325983;atcbot;41 minutes and 31 seconds 661031;1399326002;mod6;there you go BingoBoingo 661032;1399326016;mod6;%t 661033;1399326017;atcbot;[X-BT] Bid: 195 Ask: 224 Last Price: 224 24h-Vol: 26k High: 225 Low: 224 VWAP: 224 661034;1399326080;mike_c;%tx 991270b4ca10a02a72305af02406415191748890a70bf1dd20b09b0c3782767c 661035;1399326081;atcbot;[ATC TX] TX_ID: 991270b4ca10a02a72305af02406415191748890a70bf1dd20b09b0c3782767c Block: 30671 Confirmations: 6 Time: 2014-05-05T18:42:52Z Fee: 0.00000000 Days Destroyed: 666.67 IsUnconfirmed: false Sum of Incoming TXs: 250 Sum of Outgoing TXs: 250 661036;1399326084;mike_c;cool 661037;1399326097;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.0328999 = 0.329 BTC [+] {2} 661038;1399326167;thestringpuller;mod6: mod6 mod6 mod6 661039;1399326167;mike_c;%bal 19zWDQg5Mtpsp3BoYxkq6vr4BL1Kjsua7k 661040;1399326168;atcbot;[ATC Balance] Address: 19zWDQg5Mtpsp3BoYxkq6vr4BL1Kjsua7k Balance: 1872583.9047 Total Received: 1872583.9047 Number TXs: 3 Confirmations: 2 661041;1399326180;mike_c;^ atc baller 661042;1399326341;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 8 @ 0.0321003 = 0.2568 BTC [-] 661043;1399326342;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.03264275 = 0.1306 BTC [+] {2} 661044;1399326364;BingoBoingo;mod6: Kind of 661045;1399326402;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.0326975 = 0.1308 BTC [+] {2} 661046;1399326524;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14650 @ 0.00085456 = 12.5193 BTC [+] {3} 661047;1399326529;BingoBoingo;So true 661048;1399326539;mike_c;BingoBoingo: i looked over your atc reports, but i didn't have much trade history to try and correlate them with. the biggest "leak" seems to me that you are reporting each month whether you are long or short ATC. 661049;1399326540;BingoBoingo;http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2014/05/05/north_korea_s_news_agency_writes_news_analysis_of_american_life.html 661050;1399326540;ozbot;North Korea’s news agency writes “news analysis” of American life. 661051;1399326590;BingoBoingo;mike_c: Thanks 661052;1399326591;thestringpuller;BitID looks so lame 661053;1399326606;mike_c;for such an active trader, it feels like an important piece of information to give away. but the alternative is to basically say nothing each month except BTC + (atc converted to btc). so i don't know what you can do about that. 661054;1399326658;kakobrekla;BingoBoingo fyi http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-05-2014#659018 661055;1399326795;dub;BingoBoingo: they nailed it 661056;1399326859;BingoBoingo;kakobrekla: I've got so much logs to catch up on 661057;1399326929;kakobrekla;dunno if this was here; http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=gjkivAf3 661058;1399327024;mod6;BingoBoingo: wait, that isn't what you'be been looking for? 661059;1399327055;BingoBoingo;mod6: Which thing, I'm still catching up on logs. will take a while. 661060;1399327084;mod6;oh, just saw you doing tslb on atcbot before it had it. thought you'd be happy :} 661061;1399327121;Naphex;kakobrekla: looks fake to me tbh 661062;1399327122;mod6;thestringpuller: haha, lightin me up huh 661063;1399327131;Naphex;i run ssh honeypots, like 9 661064;1399327148;dub;blackwhitewatcoin 661065;1399327183;Naphex;and its unlikely for ssh to have /etc/shadow in memory 661066;1399327185;kakobrekla;altcoins give it away 661067;1399327187;BingoBoingo;Fucking America Healthcare. See three other doctors/doctor extenders before primary care doctor starts treating the thing you wanted treated in the first place 661068;1399327192;Naphex;also most of the authentication goes through PAM 661069;1399327195;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13500 @ 0.00085297 = 11.5151 BTC [-] {2} 661070;1399327232;Naphex;they run memory leak and then just get shadow and uname and such ;] 661071;1399327247;Naphex;probably just a scam to get foolish scriptkids too pay for fake 0day 661072;1399327302;BingoBoingo;The worst part is the prescribe the exact same thing I would have prescribed myself if I could just go to the pharmacy with a shopping list like an actual human being at a store 661073;1399327378;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 60 @ 0.4500035 = 27.0002 BTC [+] {4} 661074;1399327442;artifexd;You're probably considerably better educated about pharmaceuticals than Joe Sixpack. He would end up killing himself or depleting the world wide oxycodone supply. 661075;1399327500;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.45 = 0.9 BTC [-] 661076;1399327537;Namworld;Yeah, but they can't just let anyone order whatever. They can't make the difference between a junky, a hypochondriac and someone with a clue. Plus lawsuits and all that. 661077;1399327556;Namworld;Plus even if you have a clue, might not always be right. 661078;1399327577;BingoBoingo;What they need is an equivalent of Ham radio testing. Pass the exam, you can do your own damn primary care. 661079;1399327623;Namworld;Two words: Medical. Bay. 661080;1399327624;BingoBoingo;Someone abuses it an OD's their fault because they passed the test and should have known better. 661081;1399327636;Namworld;You might have to wait a while for that tho. 661082;1399327654;bitcoinpete;ha! havelock's first tweet since nov 1, 2013 is a pic of a fight they're sponsoring in panama 661083;1399327655;bitcoinpete;https://twitter.com/Havelock_Inv/status/463437933865754624 661084;1399327656;ozbot;Twitter / Havelock_Inv: http://t.co/aXZvjV0gUg 661085;1399327672;bitcoinpete;muay thai! 661086;1399327702;artifexd;;;rate mod6 1 Perl programmer of atcbot repute. 661087;1399327703;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating for user mod6 has changed from 1 to 1. 661088;1399327735;mike_c;;;rate mod6 1 doing good work with atcbot 661089;1399327737;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user mod6 has been recorded. 661090;1399327805;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 22 @ 0.03202286 = 0.7045 BTC [-] {9} 661091;1399327844;mod6;thx guise 661092;1399327927;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 37 @ 0.06474168 = 2.3954 BTC [-] 661093;1399327928;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12258 @ 0.00084983 = 10.4172 BTC [-] {3} 661094;1399328050;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 1 @ 0.145 BTC [+] 661095;1399328070;Naphex;gn o/ 661096;1399328240;Naphex;http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/24st11/regarding_brain_wallets_why_not_store_salts_on/ 661097;1399328240;ozbot;Regarding brain wallets, why not store salts on the blockchain to prevent attacks? : Bitcoin 661098;1399328243;Naphex;lol 661099;1399328247;Naphex;user might be talking about bath salts ;] 661100;1399328416;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1577 @ 0.0008484 = 1.3379 BTC [-] 661101;1399329026;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4050 @ 0.00085329 = 3.4558 BTC [+] 661102;1399329391;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.0777799 = 0.1556 BTC [+] 661103;1399329705;BingoBoingo;!t h COG 661104;1399329705;assbot;I don't give a shit who saw what and who did what or who did who. 661105;1399330015;BingoBoingo;jurov: Amazing how common these "rare" microbes are 661106;1399330104;mike_c;oh wow, cog is gone too. that's SF2, neobbq, and cog in that last couple weeks. 661107;1399330123;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17350 @ 0.00085521 = 14.8379 BTC [+] {2} 661108;1399330184;BingoBoingo;mike_c: Yeah. It's hard telling what Havelock's thing is, but if S.Dice got MP a letter... 661109;1399330196;mike_c;seriously 661110;1399330287;BingoBoingo;!up Guest95361 661111;1399330287;assbot;Voicing Guest95361 for 30 minutes. 661112;1399330306;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 6 @ 0.07778 = 0.4667 BTC [+] 661113;1399330307;Guest95361;Yeah, Havelock is going to do fine. They are not breaking any laws at all and I can confirm that much 661114;1399330332;Guest95361;And they have various "shit hits the fan" plans 661115;1399330341;BingoBoingo;Guest15829: May I inquire your source or relation? 661116;1399330384;Guest95361;I would rather not say, thats really all the input I can give however they are licensed to accept public investment, and are breaking no laws in their jurisdiction 661117;1399330424;Guest95361;Obviously their "shit hits the fan" plans are not something anyone can really prove to you 661118;1399330459;BingoBoingo;This is a common refrain, but an also common lack of disclosure and documentation (re: licenses and permits) 661119;1399330489;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.07778 = 0.2333 BTC [+] 661120;1399330492;Guest95361;I can say with 100% certainty that they have them 661121;1399330501;BingoBoingo;I mean mircea_popescu offers insight into his Shit Hits the Fan contingency plan publicly. 661122;1399330524;Guest95361;They seem to be very private people, however it certainly does exist 661123;1399330548;Naphex;can you give an example? as guest? 661124;1399330548;jurov;it isn't even clearly known *they* do exist 661125;1399330559;BingoBoingo;^ 661126;1399330582;Naphex;maybe they are terrible plans ;/ 661127;1399330608;Guest95361;They are rather good plans, and I know that its not known. Its not my place to say 661128;1399330690;benkay;who is this Guest95361 ? 661129;1399330713;Guest95361;One of the more underestimated members of the community 661130;1399330728;benkay;community? 661131;1399330731;BingoBoingo;benkay: They are some anon who Pm'd me for !up 661132;1399330733;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5885 @ 0.00085443 = 5.0283 BTC [-] {2} 661133;1399330755;benkay;Guest95361: you understand why this is a weak play, right? 661134;1399330766;BingoBoingo;benkay: Said they know something about havelock, Doesn't seem to be offering anything new. 661135;1399330779;jurov;IP from the UK.. are you Nefario? 661136;1399330784;Guest95361;I have no financial incentive 661137;1399330798;Guest95361;And no, certainly not nefarious nefario 661138;1399330806;BingoBoingo;jurov: BTCENTRALPLUS.COM to be precise 661139;1399330823;Guest95361;Crap, you just narrowed it down to 90% of the UK 661140;1399330835;BingoBoingo;Eh 661141;1399330847;BingoBoingo;a narrowing is a narrowing 661142;1399330858;Guest95361;True, with enough information... 661143;1399330870;Guest95361;Although then again you rely on the fact that I don't use a VPN for that part 661144;1399330872;BingoBoingo;At least it suggests who you aren't 661145;1399330877;Guest95361;Very true 661146;1399330887;BingoBoingo;For example probably not Panama 661147;1399330888;Guest95361;I'm not Mark Karpeles, I'll tell you that much 661148;1399330901;BingoBoingo;Probably not Topace 661149;1399330903;Guest95361;It is rather hard to be an entire nation 661150;1399330935;BingoBoingo;Guest95361: Didn't seem so hard for Mussolini or the Kims of Korea 661151;1399330949;Guest95361;That one I will grant you 661152;1399330973;jurov;Guest95361 someday we'll maybe release our logs from coinroll listing negotiations...and there will be lulz 661153;1399330987;Guest95361;Anyhow, I am of no significance. I am off. Goodbye 661154;1399330996;Guest95361;!down Guest95361 661155;1399331069;BingoBoingo;jurov: That will be an interesting day 661156;1399331709;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4418 @ 0.00085329 = 3.7698 BTC [-] 661157;1399331746;BingoBoingo;If there's one thing I've learned from this recent medical chaos it is that I am not an alcoholic 661158;1399331892;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 12 @ 0.03289644 = 0.3948 BTC [+] {2} 661159;1399331893;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 10 @ 0.06474168 = 0.6474 BTC [-] 661160;1399331904;BingoBoingo;Haven't had a drink in days and no Delerium tremens 661161;1399332012;Duffer1;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=596740.0 661162;1399332013;ozbot;[ActiveMining] Lawsuit - Shareholder Discussion 661163;1399332020;Duffer1;who could have possibly seen this coming 661164;1399332054;Duffer1;i think i just sprained an eyeball rolling them so hard 661165;1399332265;mike_c;jurov, any reason not to release those docs? 661166;1399332304;jurov;it's quite much, stretching for months, we're busy with other stuff 661167;1399332319;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 12 @ 0.07779665 = 0.9336 BTC [+] {4} 661168;1399332323;mike_c;that is a good reason :) still, it would make quite a blog post. 661169;1399332380;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 6 @ 0.07798315 = 0.4679 BTC [+] {4} 661170;1399332408;BingoBoingo;jurov: You just laid out a way to publish the stuff. Each month gets a post, one post per week. 661171;1399332441;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.07814995 = 0.3126 BTC [+] {2} 661172;1399332442;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9134 @ 0.00085329 = 7.794 BTC [-] 661173;1399332498;jurov;hehe they did not give me succinct summary like dotcoin did 661174;1399332552;BingoBoingo;jurov: That's why you turn it into a serial. 661175;1399332631;jurov;Part 1: In which Ivan from Havelock explains they are a platform for funding development of new projects exclusively 661176;1399332660;jurov;Part 2: In which Ivan still does not understand what IPO stands for 661177;1399332683;jurov;Part 3: In which we seek anyone other than 661178;1399332693;Duffer1;seems ipo = kickstarter in his mind 661179;1399332697;jurov;Ivan, but in vain 661180;1399332734;BingoBoingo;Maybe Havelock had the foresight to give you the anagram representative 661181;1399332775;jurov;Part 4: In which the requirement to be incorporate and fill 1" thick questionnaire with corporate details comes to light 661182;1399332843;Duffer1;does panama not have brokerage regulation? 661183;1399332852;jurov;Part 5: Exercise with signing offline wallet, in which Ivan does not understand why the funds were moved right after the signing 661184;1399332895;Duffer1;seems like an excercise in discovering how many laws he's breaking in different parts of the world would be an ammusing excercize 661185;1399332925;Duffer1;how many times can i spell excercize incorrectly in the same sentence 661186;1399333010;bitcoinpete;http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/05/05/on-reusing-bitcoin-addresses/ 661187;1399333011;ozbot;On Reusing Bitcoin Addresses | When Bitcoin Met Pete 661188;1399333060;bitcoinpete;on this topic, i won't pretend that i have it nailed down 661189;1399333093;bitcoinpete;but i'm more clear than i was a week ago 661190;1399333228;bitcoinpete;also: men wanted http://imgur.com/tqzYjn5 661191;1399333234;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9350 @ 0.00085708 = 8.0137 BTC [+] 661192;1399333661;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10400 @ 0.00085799 = 8.9231 BTC [+] {3} 661193;1399333781;jurov;mike_c i commented on that 661194;1399333809;jurov;er.. bitcoinpete, sry 661195;1399333896;bitcoinpete;jurov: got it! 661196;1399333957;jurov;oh, iot does not publish replies? 661197;1399334090;bitcoinpete;jurov: just replied now http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/05/05/on-reusing-bitcoin-addresses/#comment-262 661198;1399334194;bitcoinpete;since everything gets sloshed together in a reused address, the taint is less clearcut, as i understand it 661199;1399334224;dignork;bitcoinpete: in case of "change address" there is a slight advantage: observer does not really knows which one of the destination addresses is change, and which is vendor 661200;1399334257;dignork;bitcoinpete: but then if vendor only uses one addess it's easily discoverable 661201;1399334258;bitcoinpete;dignork: the rounder, more even number is usually a bit of a giveaway 661202;1399334269;bitcoinpete;that too 661203;1399334369;dignork;bitcoinpete: last statement was actually against reusing 661204;1399334385;bitcoinpete;http://imgur.com/R8kZ8JT < 1 hour 57 minutes and 19 seconds << ok think I have fix now, just testing 661274;1399337283;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 661275;1399337290;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 431.3, vol: 8191.75144828 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 422.99, vol: 2575.06688 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 431.21608, vol: 5414.51559226 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 431.0, vol: 18.18263857 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 424.96, vol: 968.84870000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 429.18, vol: 5.65738445 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 428.571013875, vol: 75.76310899 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message) 661276;1399337387;BingoBoingo;;;more 661277;1399337388;gribble;429.664043588 661278;1399337481;BingoBoingo;http://tech.slashdot.org/story/14/05/05/1923218/did-the-ignition-key-just-die 661279;1399337481;ozbot;Did the Ignition Key Just Die? - Slashdot 661280;1399337617;BingoBoingo;WTF, next do we get a button for brake and gas? 661281;1399337809;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [7C] 30 @ 0.00668166 = 0.2004 BTC [-] {2} 661282;1399337868;benkay;i've always wanted to wire a ps2 controller into 'automatic' cars. 661283;1399337870;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.078519 = 0.157 BTC [+] {2} 661284;1399337878;benkay;do away with the lie of manual operation in the damn things. 661285;1399337930;BingoBoingo;Well, there aren't all to many cars that are completely "fly by wire" 661286;1399337932;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29800 @ 0.00084827 = 25.2784 BTC [-] {2} 661287;1399337960;benkay;i'm enamored of this 04 civic. everything's manual. 661288;1399337960;BingoBoingo;The gas pedal is almost always fly by wire now, but not so with the brake and steering. 661289;1399337986;benkay;i mean the engine is computer controlled i assume, implying e-gas. 661290;1399338053;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 30 @ 0.07852 = 2.3556 BTC [+] {2} 661291;1399338134;BingoBoingo;benkay: Yeah, but the brake generally is the thing you more urgently need, and that usually still has a mechanical rather than electronic link 661292;1399338630;mod6;%tslb 661293;1399338630;atcbot;11 minutes and 41 seconds 661294;1399338659;mod6;let's see how this does. 661295;1399338709;mod6;it was time-warp time before because GMT went to 00:00 and the last block was in 22:00, forgot to solve for the 24hour roll-over case. 661296;1399338909;BingoBoingo;Ah 661297;1399338968;assbot;[MPEX] [S.BBET] 250 @ 0.00052 = 0.13 BTC [-] 661298;1399338971;BingoBoingo;I wonder how many of these little things, perfectly amusing in an IRC bot, occured in the goxfail and how many lurk in bitcoind 0.9 661299;1399339118;mod6;do you even unit test bro? 661300;1399339151;assbot;[MPEX] [S.BBET] 500 @ 0.00052 = 0.26 BTC [-] 661301;1399339151;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1000 @ 0.00085172 = 0.8517 BTC [+] 661302;1399339205;mod6;'tis a good question tho BingoBoingo 661303;1399339212;assbot;[MPEX] [FN] [F.MPIF] 1000 @ 0.00021725 = 0.2173 BTC [+] 661304;1399339398;BingoBoingo;mod6: It's stuff like this that will probably push me to full time OpenBSD use come November 661305;1399339517;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1000 @ 0.00085172 = 0.8517 BTC [+] 661306;1399340188;assbot;[MPEX] [FN] [F.MPIF] 500 @ 0.00021725 = 0.1086 BTC [+] 661307;1399340393;mircea_popescu;hai 661308;1399340495;mod6;BingoBoingo: sounds like a good route to go. why november? 661309;1399340503;mod6;hai mp 661310;1399340528;BingoBoingo;mod6: That's when 5.6 comes out with their redone SSL libraries and stuff. 661311;1399340550;mod6;ahh, yeah, heard they were making SSH stand-alone from SSL/TLS 661312;1399340565;mod6;maybe it was you who posted the /. article lol 661313;1399340614;BingoBoingo;mod6: Maybe. They already have a useful version of that. I'm more refering to their having a working LibreSSL package, their fork from OpenSSL 661314;1399340675;mod6;ah that. yeah, i recall. 661315;1399340765;mircea_popescu;!jd mpif 661316;1399340765;assbot;Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 163.73578786 BTC; -0.07750675 BTC (-0.0473%) since last check 10h 13m 54s ago. 661317;1399340771;mircea_popescu;o noes 661318;1399340878;BingoBoingo;!jd 661319;1399340878;assbot;Just-Dice stat: 16702 BTC profit, 37.2k BTC invested, 1152.10 mio bets, 5.21 mio BTC wagered 661320;1399340890;BingoBoingo;scam 661321;1399340940;mircea_popescu;jurov: Death occurs in approximately 10% of cases. << wait srsly ?! 661322;1399340977;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Usually when they find that microbe they don't find it in the throat, but in the cerebrospinal fluid 661323;1399340997;mircea_popescu;yeah. no clue how able it is to cross that barrier. 661324;1399341020;BingoBoingo;Probably eats it's way across 661325;1399341031;BingoBoingo;Or it waits for other injuries to the barrier 661326;1399341064;mircea_popescu;davout: it's just in the continuation of debt money, it's not really a competitor to bitcoin in any way << logically, as the statists keep getting beaten out of things, they'll regroup around similar-looking, similar-sounding, different things. again and again and again. 661327;1399341070;mircea_popescu;not like they'll just give up, roll over and die. 661328;1399341115;mircea_popescu;much like scammers, which is what they are, the proponents of large welfarist government will simply have to keep trying to come back forevar. 661329;1399341169;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves: heh a major investor of Ripple is also one for Pando << you're starting to see why we want pando outcompeted :) 661330;1399341284;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: small summary: http://cryptome.org/nsa-tempest.htm << dja figure they'll be buing some cardanos ? :D 661331;1399341444;asciilifeform;lol! 661332;1399341540;mircea_popescu;it occurs to me the twitter superlative is "this left me speechless". sorta like bad kids threatening the world with going upstairs and cleanning out their room, 661333;1399341547;mircea_popescu;twitterers threaten the world with shutting the fuck up 661334;1399341573;BingoBoingo;speechless doesn't mean derpless 661335;1399341636;thestringpuller;damn spent 4 hours on sim city 661336;1399341640;thestringpuller;da fuq 661337;1399341643;thestringpuller;need to stop this shit 661338;1399341652;asciilifeform;re: 'prismicide' - mega-lol 661339;1399341658;asciilifeform;'for smartPnohes!' 661340;1399341670;asciilifeform;'based on DumbCards' 661341;1399341687;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo sadly. 661342;1399341727;mircea_popescu;Alexandra Cavoulacos @acav Read this: "Acknowledging privilege is hard [...] It's easier to feel the victim than it is to feel like the bad guy."http://groupthink.jezebel.com/blabla 661343;1399341727;mircea_popescu;Mircea Popescu @Mircea_Popescu @acav Being privileged is being the good guy. If the other guy weren't a lazy fuckwit, he'd be privileged too. 661344;1399341733;mircea_popescu;aneurism ? 661345;1399341915;asciilifeform;re: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=gjkivAf3 - if this were genuine, author would never offer it for public sale. 661346;1399342114;mircea_popescu;haha why not ? 661347;1399342162;mircea_popescu;"(Yes, we build honeypots rules for our exploits)" this seems weak. imagine the odds someone using it actually fell on a honeypot they ran. 661348;1399342166;asciilifeform;because of 'lemon problem' (perhaps not the right term of art, but i can't think of the right one) 661349;1399342171;mircea_popescu;there's what, roughly 1 bn machines on the net ? 661350;1399342183;asciilifeform;there is no way for a buyer to determine that product is genuine prior to payment 661351;1399342184;mircea_popescu;"We don't have access to exploit black markets and we are now happy to offering" 661352;1399342204;asciilifeform;vulns are generally sold via trusted brokers, in ceremonies that put japanese tea ritual to shame. 661353;1399342212;mircea_popescu;so a team advanced enough to have had a leet 0day for two years and enough honeypots to catch a 2nd team in time 661354;1399342217;mircea_popescu;does not have access ? 661355;1399342248;asciilifeform;this part is not outlandish. it is indeed possible to capture exploits this way. 661356;1399342259;asciilifeform;no team needed, just 1 fellow with free time. 661357;1399342265;mircea_popescu;no but listen. 661358;1399342274;mircea_popescu;suppose at t1 you find this exploit. 661359;1399342288;mircea_popescu;suppose you run 1k boxes as honeypots distributed all over the web. 661360;1399342315;mircea_popescu;the average time for you to catch a 2nd team using your exploit would be, a decade to a century. and this only if they're clueless enough to go after random boxes. 661361;1399342322;mircea_popescu;so practically, you'll catch the 100th team or so. 661362;1399342339;asciilifeform;correct. 661363;1399342345;mircea_popescu;at which point what you're selling is worthless by default. 661364;1399342350;asciilifeform;notice that the advertisement does not label the product as '0day' 661365;1399342361;mircea_popescu;but it WOULDN'T be woirthless today, which means, the proposed situation is unfactual. 661366;1399342378;mircea_popescu;tries to sell it as if it were, irrelevant what wordage they use. 661367;1399342409;asciilifeform;let's imagine it were worded differently. the fundamental problem of proof still applies. 661368;1399342416;mircea_popescu;at least they had the decency to sort the coins in the relative order of probability of someone falling for it. 661369;1399342417;asciilifeform;you can't test-drive an exploit, without possessing it. 661370;1399342419;mircea_popescu;bitcoin last. 661371;1399342453;asciilifeform;it is quite impossible to sell a vuln this way. other than to suckers, of course. 661372;1399342471;mircea_popescu;http://valleywag.gawker.com/paypal-exec-goes-on-twitter-spree-insulting-coworkers-1571297209 << indian guy gets drunk 661373;1399342472;ozbot;PayPal Exec Goes on Twitter Spree Insulting Coworkers 661374;1399342498;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yeah, in the end, interesting case study in nonsense. it's piled up quite exquisitely high. 661375;1399342563;asciilifeform;http://seclists.org/oss-sec/2014/q2/247 661376;1399342563;ozbot;oss-sec: Re: *Possible* ssh vulnerability 661377;1399342594;asciilifeform;http://pastebin.com/qPxR9BRv 661378;1399342594;ozbot;OpenSSL 1.0.1g - Private Exploit - Pastebin.com 661379;1399342599;asciilifeform;^ similar crap-artistry 661380;1399342619;mircea_popescu;mike_c: well, didn't you hear? mp is extradited to antartica to face AEC security fraud charges. << no dude, i just had an argument with a bottle of wine and some lazagna. 661381;1399342711;asciilifeform;anyone who is concerned about a hypothetical openssh apocalypse should consider 'port knocking.' 661382;1399342734;mircea_popescu;pankkake: I guess that's the value of drama << asciilifeform check this out. the derpy openssh vulnerability ppl wanted 20 btc. the neobeeq drama was 80 btc. 661383;1399342740;mircea_popescu;4 ssh vulnerabilities! 661384;1399342789;asciilifeform;20 btc. cost of a well-worn toyota. 661385;1399342810;asciilifeform;did the crapartist have no awareness of what serious 0days typically go for? 661386;1399342830;mircea_popescu;mike_c: (i'm secretly hoping i'm not the worst in the channel at languages) << he's just speaking a secret italian nobody else knows about. 661387;1399342848;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform well this one was used. 661388;1399342913;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: americans tend to have 'sore spot' about languages. 661389;1399342939;mircea_popescu;mike_c: i don't even see how you can ponzi at 50% a month. that is insane. << actually romanian ponzi thing did 800% in 3 months. it paid out for a year and a half. 661390;1399342950;asciilifeform;mmm! 661391;1399343005;mircea_popescu;dude the fucking crown. this reminds me of the golden age of Bs, where all the shitty studios had names like MONARCH 661392;1399343009;mircea_popescu;and EMPIRE w/e 661393;1399343013;asciilifeform;(phunphact. first tv ad i ever saw was for the mmm parent company) 661394;1399343022;mircea_popescu;wait it had a parent ? 661395;1399343041;mircea_popescu;"The Forex Exchange market has become an up and coming method of financial trading. As an innovator and initiator in the online foreign exchange business, Rockwell Partners S.A. is a mover and a shaker and on the forefront of the online trading market." 661396;1399343059;asciilifeform;it started as an importer of electronics, if i recall 661397;1399343062;mircea_popescu;"have become an up and coming" da fuck is that word salad. 661398;1399343072;asciilifeform;then sold foreign stocks, then moved into ponzimatics. 661399;1399343074;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ah this seems vaguely familiar. 661400;1399343107;asciilifeform;obligatory: 661401;1399343108;asciilifeform;https://www.uwgb.edu/dutchs/PSEUDOSC/Ponzi.HTM 661402;1399343120;asciilifeform;(from the infamous prof. dutch) 661403;1399343173;asciilifeform;''Let's see, I'm wealthy and respected. What's missing? 'I know!' he shouts, slapping his forehead so hard he loses consciousness, 'I'll launch A Ponzi scheme. That way every day will tingle with the excitement of wondering whether my world will collapse in ruins and I'll be dragged off to prison while simultaneously being reviled by the whole world.'' 661404;1399343177;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform your wish has been granted : 661405;1399343178;mircea_popescu;https://bitcointa.lk/threads/rockwell-5th-s-bitcoin-miner.244982/ 661406;1399343179;ozbot;Rockwell 5TH/s Bitcoin Miner | Bitcointa.lk 661407;1399343182;mircea_popescu;they also did electronics. 661408;1399343191;mircea_popescu;"Here at Rockwell Automation's world headquarters, research has been proceeding to develop a line of automation products that establishes new standards for quality, technological leadership, and operating excellence. With customer success as our primary focus, work has been proceeding on the crudely conceived idea of an instrument that would not only provide inverse reactive current for use in unilateral phase detracto 661409;1399343191;mircea_popescu;rs, but would also be capable of automatically synchronizing cardinal grammeters." 661410;1399343203;mircea_popescu;volcanic erruptor, in january, nobody heard from it since. 661411;1399343208;asciilifeform;lol 661412;1399343208;mircea_popescu;except in march it's like a big wave. 661413;1399343272;mircea_popescu;%t 661414;1399343273;atcbot;[X-BT] Bid: 195 Ask: 224 Last Price: 224 24h-Vol: 26k High: 225 Low: 224 VWAP: 224 661415;1399343306;mircea_popescu;bounce: can someone please put the usg out of our misery? << oooonly yoooouuuu 661416;1399343330;asciilifeform;taking pre-orders for improbably nice electronics is a good preliminary filter for a chumpatron. 661417;1399343360;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 41 @ 0.00430531 = 0.1765 BTC [-] {5} 661418;1399343372;asciilifeform;much like a high vacuum system, familiar to physics students, tends to start with a mechanical pump, then turns on ion-diffusion or other high vacuum source. 661419;1399343399;asciilifeform;this is elementary chumpatronic engineering. 661420;1399343548;mircea_popescu;mike_c "and a company that will probably be worth billions this time next year." well look, i like myself just as much as the next guy, but srsly, billions ? seems improbable. 661421;1399343562;mircea_popescu;not that i didn;'t say roughly the same about 100s of millions a year ago, but still. 661422;1399343572;mike_c;then it'll have to tank pretty hard given the btc appreciation that's going to happen 661423;1399343597;mike_c;and it hasn't seemed to do so in previous bumps. 661424;1399343617;mike_c;it'll be an interesting year 661425;1399343621;mircea_popescu;i don't think your typical mpex holder has any interest in the bitcoin price of tyhe various fiats. 661426;1399343640;mircea_popescu;i guess sure, if btc ends up 1 mn dollarts then mpex will be worth w/e, many trillions 661427;1399343651;mircea_popescu;but this seems hardly a discussion of value and worth. 661428;1399343681;asciilifeform;when that time comes, one ought to expect a lack of interest in how many $b something is worth 661429;1399343682;mike_c;well, 3k BTC + 0.0005 mpex = billions 661430;1399343697;asciilifeform;much as no one is excited to see themselves as a zimbabwe dollar billionaire 661431;1399343705;asciilifeform;despite the fact that a great many people technically are. 661432;1399343719;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform kinda my point. i don't really think btc went up in price 10x, or mpex foe that matter. 661433;1399343720;mike_c;or, 0.007 i guess 661434;1399343725;mircea_popescu;just, the dollar lost 90% of its value over 2 months 661435;1399343748;mircea_popescu;not nearly as remarkable a feat. 661436;1399343781;asciilifeform;much of the american financial apparatus is designed to paper over this fact 661437;1399343782;mircea_popescu;so in a sense, mpex price has been more or less matching btc inflation. 661438;1399343786;asciilifeform;but this is a secret from no one. 661439;1399343805;mircea_popescu;which is... unremarkable i guess. like any huge old commodity business, a power company or w/e 661440;1399343877;mircea_popescu;mike_c anyway, perhaps an even better link : http://trilema.com/2012/is-smpoe-really-worth-that-much/ 661441;1399343896;mircea_popescu;back then we were wtfing at "which would put S.MPOE somewhere around 8 million dollars, which would be excessive." 661442;1399344031;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 7 @ 0.07852 = 0.5496 BTC [+] 661443;1399344397;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21150 @ 0.00085368 = 18.0553 BTC [+] {2} 661444;1399344641;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 4645 @ 0.00014351 = 0.6666 BTC [+] {2} 661445;1399344946;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28800 @ 0.00085392 = 24.5929 BTC [+] 661446;1399344950;mircea_popescu;and since we're doing 2012, check out fucking 8ball action over here : 661447;1399344951;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2012/why-smpoe-is-worth-more-than-mtgox/ 661448;1399344952;ozbot;Why S.MPOE is worth more than MtGox pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 661449;1399345138;mike_c;yeah, i've read those. i just find a tough stock as a potential investor. 661450;1399345151;mike_c;but lots of people have done very well in it :) 661451;1399345200;mircea_popescu;hey you know 661452;1399345218;mircea_popescu;don't buy what you don't like, don't buy what you don't understand, don't buy what etc 661453;1399345240;mircea_popescu;"others have done well" is always a poor argument. 661454;1399345242;mike_c;that's what warren says 661455;1399345360;mircea_popescu;in the words of this romanian rap band, "Am vazut cu ochii mei tovarasi cum se duc de rapa... bagat in vena, ma bucur ca am fost pe scena. Rand pe rand scandaluri, multi din ei s-au dus..." 661456;1399345364;mircea_popescu;remarkably applicable. 661457;1399346147;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron: I haven't seen you chat in here yet << no, he's been here before. 661458;1399346237;mircea_popescu;" In the last few months, Mt.Gox collapsed, bitcoin has lost half of its value. " 661459;1399346245;mircea_popescu;why is wired so fucking sutpid ? 661460;1399346328;mircea_popescu;o fluffypony already covered it. kay. i subscribe. 661461;1399346391;mircea_popescu;Naphex: cloudflare makes little sense to me << or to anyone whose brain works enough to power a goat. 661462;1399346545;mircea_popescu;!up go1111111 661463;1399346545;assbot;Voicing go1111111 for 30 minutes. 661464;1399346732;mircea_popescu;mod6 %bal is cool. 661465;1399346751;mod6;:) 661466;1399346775;BingoBoingo;%bal 661467;1399346784;mod6;needs addr 661468;1399346785;mircea_popescu;%bal 1Cunts 661469;1399346788;atcbot;[ATC Balance] Address: 1Cunts Balance: 0 Total Received: 0 Number TXs: 0 Confirmations: 2 661470;1399346804;mircea_popescu;2 confirms eh ? 661471;1399346809;mod6;huh that's weird. 661472;1399346862;mircea_popescu;Naphex: and its unlikely for ssh to have /etc/shadow in memory << maybe in some weird case it could have it in child memory, which is the claim. 661473;1399346902;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo: 661474;1399346902;mircea_popescu;The worst part is the prescribe the exact same thing I would have prescribed myself if I could just go to the pharmacy with a shopping list like an actual human being at a store << this is how i shop for medicine. 661475;1399346976;BingoBoingo;I remember the good old days of the student health clinic where the meeting with the doctor was merely a formality. 661476;1399346976;mod6;oh huh, i'm adding on this "?confirmations=2" part to the end of the req. 661477;1399346988;BingoBoingo;Mainstream us healthcare is the suck 661478;1399347018;mod6;thought it would filter out what doesn't have 2 conf's to that addr. 661479;1399347045;mircea_popescu;"Guest95361: I can say with 100% certainty that they have them" lmao do these fuckwits even comprehend how this bitcoin thing works ? 661480;1399347205;mircea_popescu;Duffer1 lulzy, all the ifs i nthat thread. 661481;1399347215;mod6;ok, i ripped that part out. will be less confusing without that in there. 661482;1399347334;mod6;%bal 1Cunts 661483;1399347335;atcbot;[ATC Balance] Address: 1Cunts Balance: 0 Total Received: 0 Number TXs: 0 661484;1399347342;mod6;*shrug* ok 661485;1399347524;mod6;%diff 661486;1399347527;atcbot;[ATC Diff] Current Diff: 455357.13 Est. Next Diff: 139713.06 in 1574 blocks (#32256) Est. % Change: -69.32 661487;1399347889;BingoBoingo;%book 661488;1399347890;atcbot;42k@238 26k@225 5k@224 | 10k@195 90k@156 10k@155 661489;1399347903;mod6;hey! something that worked right! 661490;1399347906;mod6;lol 661491;1399347996;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 20 @ 0.07700508 = 1.5401 BTC [-] {3} 661492;1399348027;decimation;http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2014/05/a-reporter-a-reddit-founder-a-lawyer-and-an-ex-nsa-chief-walk-into-a-debate/ more lulz 661493;1399348028;ozbot;A reporter, a reddit founder, a lawyer, and an ex-NSA chief walk into a debate | Ars Technica 661494;1399348377;BingoBoingo;!up MykelSIlver 661495;1399348377;assbot;Voicing MykelSIlver for 30 minutes. 661496;1399348545;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 14 @ 0.07705863 = 1.0788 BTC [+] {5} 661497;1399348667;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 6 @ 0.0322001 = 0.1932 BTC [-] {2} 661498;1399348843;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/why-exactly-reusing-bitcoin-addresses-strengthens-bitcoin-user-anonimity/ 661499;1399348844;ozbot;Why exactly reusing Bitcoin addresses strengthens Bitcoin user anonimity pe Trilema - Un blog de Mir 661500;1399348848;mircea_popescu;jurov ^ there, speshal for you. 661501;1399349338;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2250 @ 0.00014287 = 0.3215 BTC [-] {2} 661502;1399349399;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27500 @ 0.0008472 = 23.298 BTC [-] {3} 661503;1399349759;decimation;mircea_popescu: i'm not even reactionary, myself, i've not gotten so far. some visiting french politics professor called me "white" << Sometimes I wonder what the world would be like today if Marx had perished while affixed to the wall of some landgrave's dungeon. 661504;1399349785;mircea_popescu;well, for one thing we wouldn't need +m here 661505;1399349792;mircea_popescu;as we'd be the only ones able to read and write anyway 661506;1399349887;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 720 @ 0.000141 = 0.1015 BTC [-] 661507;1399349966;decimation;My first thought is to rue those insights that would have been lost because some peasant wasn't in the right WoT. Then I remember the concern most nobles demonstrated by searching for talent within their own fields. 661508;1399349982;mircea_popescu;and that's all for me. catch you tomorrow. 661509;1399350007;decimation;yeah, me too 661510;1399350436;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17192 @ 0.00084588 = 14.5424 BTC [-] {3} 661511;1399350924;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 12 @ 0.07677829 = 0.9213 BTC [-] {3} 661512;1399352690;artifexd;OH! I GET IT! 661513;1399352748;artifexd;It's like an order randomized mixer. 661514;1399352849;BingoBoingo;artifexd: The reusing addresses thing? 661515;1399352855;artifexd;Yeah. 661516;1399352919;artifexd;As in: Send me money. I'll send it to you later. But I may send the next guys money before I send yours. I may also send you a different amount than you sent me. 661517;1399352993;artifexd;That makes some sort of minor sense for a service that just holds money to send it back to its users, but that logic doesn't do a user of bitcoin any good. 661518;1399353092;BingoBoingo;artifexd: It can make a ton of good. Someone suspects an address is yours because of a transaction between it and an address you claimed. You can assert, no that's a service's address and disavow it. 661519;1399353098;BingoBoingo;Among other things. 661520;1399353185;artifexd;I can also just assert that the address isn't mine. Period. The first time I came into possession of the coins was when they arrived at the address I claimed. 661521;1399353262;artifexd;I certainly believe that reusing addresses has a time and a place. I'm just trying to wrap my head around the idea that it increases anonymity. 661522;1399353364;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.0316021 = 0.316 BTC [-] 661523;1399353365;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.075501 = 0.151 BTC [-] {2} 661524;1399353468;artifexd;It makes more sense when I notice that mp has never (that I've seen) recommended that users reuse addresses. His statements have always (that I have seen) talked about services reusing addresses. Which... ok. I'll buy that. 661525;1399353523;artifexd;%t 661526;1399353524;atcbot;[X-BT] Bid: 195 Ask: 235 Last Price: 240 24h-Vol: 126k High: 240 Low: 224 VWAP: 232 661527;1399353526;BingoBoingo;artifexd: Well the thing is best practices for users involve a degree of esoterism 661528;1399353562;BingoBoingo;A mix of resuse some addresses never, and reuse some addresses frequently. 661529;1399353608;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.075 = 0.15 BTC [-] 661530;1399353629;artifexd;Did ATC just hit an all time high? 661531;1399353636;BingoBoingo;The worst privacy case for an individual though is one one address and only that address forever and ever, amen 661532;1399353648;artifexd;OMG, yeah. Absolutely. 661533;1399353652;BingoBoingo;artifexd: No, on Openex it traded up to the 700's 661534;1399353666;artifexd;That hardly counts. 661535;1399353691;BingoBoingo;The volume and trade frequency were higher than x-bt's usually is now. 661536;1399353693;artifexd;Did the guy that wrote openex ever come back? I haven't noticed him since then. 661537;1399353717;BingoBoingo;artifexd: Not that I know of you can check the forums. His nick is r3wt 661538;1399353759;artifexd;Ick. Forums. It occurs to me that I don't care that much. 661539;1399353787;BingoBoingo;That reaction is the same reason I didn't check for you 661540;1399354096;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.454 = 0.908 BTC [+] 661541;1399355072;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 20 @ 0.07695561 = 1.5391 BTC [+] 661542;1399355194;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 32 @ 0.07737491 = 2.476 BTC [+] {5} 661543;1399355255;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 27 @ 0.07799991 = 2.106 BTC [+] {4} 661544;1399355560;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [7C] 15 @ 0.00717577 = 0.1076 BTC [+] 661545;1399355682;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [7C] 15 @ 0.00717577 = 0.1076 BTC [+] 661546;1399358549;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16700 @ 0.00085505 = 14.2793 BTC [+] {2} 661547;1399359342;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14950 @ 0.00085278 = 12.7491 BTC [-] 661548;1399360700;Naphex;http://www.polygon.com/2014/5/5/5677734/bitcoin-plex-isk-eve-online 661549;1399360701;ozbot;Why Eve Online's economist thinks bitcoin could be a scam | Polygon 661550;1399360728;Naphex;lol 661551;1399360796;Naphex;garbage article, opionions and arguments how fun 661552;1399360932;BingoBoingo;Naphex: Did you know there is a clean pathway between Isk and BTC? 661553;1399361121;Naphex;what do you mean? 661554;1399361176;BingoBoingo;http://trilema.com/2013/bitcoins-eve-corporation/ 661555;1399361177;ozbot;Bitcoin’s EVE corporation pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 661556;1399361202;Naphex;ah yeah i know of it 661557;1399361233;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 260 @ 0.00319713 = 0.8313 BTC [-] {3} 661558;1399361355;fluffypony;BingoBoingo:http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2014/05/05/a-pragmatic-test-for-alcoholism/ <- too true 661559;1399361357;Naphex;bb, heading towards the office 661560;1399361361;Naphex;late wakeup 661561;1399361370;fluffypony;I had a girlfriend that said I was an alcoholic because I enjoyed a drink or two or three every night 661562;1399361379;fluffypony;so I stopped for 6 months to demonstrate I wasn't 661563;1399361386;fluffypony;dumped her at the end of the 6 months 661564;1399361422;BingoBoingo;Sounds like a waste of six months you could have spent with a reasonable girl 661565;1399361476;fluffypony;yep 661566;1399361481;fluffypony;good lessons to learn when you're young 661567;1399361496;fluffypony;had an older (wiser) friend say to me "this girl is really difficult to be with" 661568;1399361503;fluffypony;and I was like "yep, but I love her" 661569;1399361514;fluffypony;and he was like "but it's too much effort for a girl." 661570;1399361516;fluffypony;fin. 661571;1399361556;Naphex;good scene ;] 661572;1399361582;fluffypony;heh heh 661573;1399361662;BingoBoingo;!up Clue 661574;1399361662;assbot;Voicing Clue for 30 minutes. 661575;1399361722;BingoBoingo;I really hope csshih's employees don't fuck up getting the package out today. 661576;1399361767;BingoBoingo;Be a shame if he had to with them twice 661577;1399361827;fluffypony;BingoBoingo: what did you order? 661578;1399361830;BingoBoingo;!up Sahtor 661579;1399361830;assbot;Voicing Sahtor for 30 minutes. 661580;1399361880;BingoBoingo;fluffypony: Flashlights. It's storm season and I learned all of the ones I have around are aging and their bulbs suck 661581;1399361886;fluffypony;lol 661582;1399361889;fluffypony;I meant which ones specifically 661583;1399361898;fluffypony;<- bit of a flashlight nerd 661584;1399361927;BingoBoingo;nite ize inovas 661585;1399361950;bounce;two or three drinks a night does qualify for alcoholism in some books 661586;1399361961;fluffypony;good choice 661587;1399361963;BingoBoingo;Fuck those books 661588;1399361974;BingoBoingo;fluffypony: Thank you for the vote of confidence 661589;1399361984;fluffypony;bounce: I think that the qualifying factor is whether it changes your behaviour 661590;1399362030;BingoBoingo;No, the line for alcoholism is that stopping drinking impares your ability to continue living 661591;1399362122;bounce;wikipedia claims delirium tremens only kicks in after a week or so 661592;1399362193;bounce;IIRC the criterion was like five glasses a week. though it went upward if you're a student, upward again if you're a medical or technical student, and upward again for certain cities with skewed (as in, mostly male) student population 661593;1399362199;BingoBoingo;Eh, details 661594;1399362226;bounce;of course; it's do goodery prattle 661595;1399362316;BingoBoingo;Worse, it's a bunch of forum derp. 661596;1399362344;bounce;no, official guidance and everything 661597;1399362404;BingoBoingo;This is the same sort of derp think that gets us people who do stuff like support the bitcoin foundation because it sounds right. 661598;1399362464;bounce;eh, finance's not supposed to /drink/ anyway. 661599;1399362467;BingoBoingo;Or support p2p decentralized everythings because if these things are good in some applications, they must be good in all applications, right. 661600;1399362482;fluffypony;lol 661601;1399362490;fluffypony;decentralize EVERYTHING! 661602;1399362495;fluffypony;oh this is my favourite 661603;1399362496;fluffypony;https://twitter.com/The1KingDragon/status/463477836213264385 661604;1399362496;ozbot;Twitter / The1KingDragon: The latest @TheCryptoRush: ... 661605;1399362502;fluffypony;The latest @TheCryptoRush: Dropped php/mysql in favor of node.js/mongodb. Want it faster? Help code: freenode #cryptorush (2/2) #crypto #btc 661606;1399362524;fluffypony;because what an exchange REALLY needs is eventual consistency 661607;1399362583;bounce;plenty people have contended that because GUIs look pretty for some applications, if only everybody used GUIs for everything productivity will soar for everybody 661608;1399362588;bounce;we're still living with the damage 661609;1399362605;pankkake;and a gay language invented by a homophobe 661610;1399362644;BingoBoingo;Because excess and poorly contextualized drinking can be destructive, apparently taking more than five drinks must be an illness. As opposed to the medical condition where the body has adapted to the presence of alcohol so much that discontinuing it is harmful. 661611;1399362646;bounce;dropping php/mysql isn't a bad idea. but the replacement... some people are magnets for failure 661612;1399362647;pankkake;mongodb is amazing in the sense that 99% of its users do not need it, and create themselves new problems 661613;1399362647;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 661614;1399362697;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 713 @ 0.00014273 = 0.1018 BTC [+] 661615;1399362702;bounce;that's community counselors for you 661616;1399362834;bounce;could well be from the idea that having people not spend several hundred beer tokens at the local watering hole each and every week would leave them with more money to spend on other things. then again, why aren't they waging national campaigns against audiophoolism? that's even more expensive and braindamaged. 661617;1399362952;BingoBoingo;bounce: I've actually always suspected the religious case for prohibition was largely influenced by the cost of drinking taking money that could have been tithed 661618;1399362973;pankkake;;;google define:tithed 661619;1399362973;gribble;Tithe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; tithed - definition of tithed by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus ...: ; Tithe - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary: 661620;1399363021;pankkake;;;google vodka russia taxes 661621;1399363021;gribble;Legal vodka production falls by one-third in Russia — RT Business: ; Russian Vodka Prices Set to Increase by 30% in July - Forbes: ; Russia's vodka tax: backfiring – beyondbrics - Blogs - FT.com: ;;bcauth r3wt 661724;1399372696;mircea_popescu;Naphex: garbage article, opionions and arguments how fun << they've been having an eve corp whose shares are traded in bitcoin/equiv MPOE shares for... a year now ? more ? 661725;1399372701;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 21 @ 0.07626913 = 1.6017 BTC [-] {3} 661726;1399372708;mircea_popescu;a nm, it got linked. 661727;1399372756;mircea_popescu;fluffypony: so I stopped for 6 months to demonstrate I wasn't << alternatively you could have belted her butt to demonstrate it's not her place to say. better for humanity, because she probably went on to write opinionful articles about things. 661728;1399372793;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: yeah...part of it was also to prove to myself I wasn't an alcoholic:) 661729;1399372825;mircea_popescu;see, i can appreciate that sentiment, but it has a hole in it 661730;1399372843;mircea_popescu;because inasmuch as it's in your hands, abstaining for an arbitrary period from x does not prove you don't have an addiction. 661731;1399372871;mircea_popescu;the only logically sound way this proof works is if you're a slave and your master orders you to stop, without a specific timeframe. then yes. 661732;1399372899;fluffypony;but does slavery == addiction ? 661733;1399372930;mircea_popescu;no, slavery = outside of your control. 661734;1399372936;fluffypony;oic oic 661735;1399372948;mircea_popescu;there's nothing to negotiate, see ? whereas as long as you are your own master for all you know your adiction is making a deal 661736;1399372951;mircea_popescu;for its immunity. 661737;1399372981;mircea_popescu;now, this certainly isn't to say that taking a break is not a good idea. 661738;1399372989;mircea_popescu;all it says is that it's indicium not proof. 661739;1399373083;mircea_popescu;fluffypony: and he was like "but it's too much effort for a girl." << check it out thickasthieves, it's http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-03-2014#591323 all over again :D 661740;1399373104;mircea_popescu;;;later tell thickasthieves ^ 661741;1399373105;gribble;The operation succeeded. 661742;1399373106;mircea_popescu;mwahahaha 661743;1399373138;fluffypony;well that's the lesson that I learnt 661744;1399373148;fluffypony;it shouldn't be difficult 661745;1399373204;mircea_popescu;sanity shouldn't be difficult. in practice, nothing else is quite as difficult. 661746;1399373211;mircea_popescu;for from the crooked timber of humanity... 661747;1399373233;fluffypony;no straight thing was ever made 661748;1399373301;mircea_popescu;bounce: two or three drinks a night does qualify for alcoholism in some books << it very much depends on ethnicity and culture. your average samoan doing three vodka shots each day will be fucking dead from it. 661749;1399373336;mircea_popescu;jurov on the other hand, gets meningitis of the uvula from not drinking enough. 661750;1399373445;mircea_popescu;bounce: eh, finance's not supposed to /drink/ anyway. << oddly, all good doctors i ever knew smoked like turks, and all good finance people were drunks. check out romania's cb president pro vita, his face has the distinct red marks of enjoying wine. 661751;1399373599;mircea_popescu;bounce: dropping php/mysql isn't a bad idea. but the replacement... some people are magnets for failure << i suspect mysql (just by itself) may actually be a better choice than mongodb. 661752;1399373612;fluffypony;agreed 661753;1399373677;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17600 @ 0.00085636 = 15.0719 BTC [+] 661754;1399373781;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo: bounce: I've actually always suspected the religious case for prohibition was largely influenced by the cost of drinking taking money that could have been tithed << actually, it was leftover from english historical issues. "nitially gin was a welcome industry in England because it allowed a new class of consumption for grain, thus promising to elevate the prices of grain and so the profits of the landed ge 661755;1399373783;mircea_popescu;ntry. Within a generation or two the prevailing winds changed, and most all of Victorian morals can adequately be reduced to and explained in terms of, the lords pushing their sponsored priests to go to war on their behalf, under the banners of other people should drink gin so as to make the lord money, but the people of this parish should not drink gin so as to be able to work long and hard, thus making the l 661756;1399373788;mircea_popescu;ord money. That schizoid insanity is still torturing our fledging northern colonies to this day. " 661757;1399373792;mircea_popescu;via teh divine cunt's footnotes. http://trilema.com/2013/the-divine-cunt/#footnote_0_50163 661758;1399373894;mircea_popescu;Naphex: http://bitcoincharts.com/markets/btcxchangeRON.html woot! :D << wd. 661759;1399373967;mircea_popescu;30day vol 487.65107709 BTC, not so bad at all. 661760;1399374058;mircea_popescu;fluffypony: "Porn has never looked so good!" - Naphex with his new PC << "who said you can't mine btc on your pc in 2014 ?!" 661761;1399374073;fluffypony;lol 661762;1399374095;mircea_popescu;damned shit. this read logs later and comment deal doesnt work because instead of being beaten by like .5 seconds 661763;1399374102;mircea_popescu;im beaten by like six hours 661764;1399374164;mircea_popescu;steven-__: and they are just pushing him out now that his team is good << intel told me the same thing. "stfu with sterling, you're embarassing yourself. he's been an idiot worse than steinbrenner, nobody cared because the team used to suck." 661765;1399374299;mircea_popescu;!up sl01 661766;1399374299;assbot;Voicing sl01 for 30 minutes. 661767;1399374393;mircea_popescu;fluffypony: pankkake when are we starting a business? we can call it "the Dropbox of water" << call it the dropbox of beer. you can go arounbd other people's tables and offer to store it for them. 661768;1399374424;fluffypony;lol 661769;1399374426;fluffypony;in my belly 661770;1399374429;mircea_popescu;and speaking of nonsensical us stuiff that's really just inherited from europe, does this melody sound familiar to anyone ? 661771;1399374430;mircea_popescu;http://www.youtube.com/embed/zikcHnimsxk 661772;1399374431;ozbot;Die Wacht am Rhein - YouTube 661773;1399374438;mircea_popescu;uh wrong one 661774;1399374443;mircea_popescu;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=784KEIiga40 661775;1399374444;ozbot;Heil Dir Im Siegerkranz ( Deutsche Kaiserhymne ) - YouTube 661776;1399374444;mircea_popescu;there. 661777;1399375167;Naphex;mircea_popescu: ykr, not bad at all :D 661778;1399376147;HeySteve;hello 661779;1399376242;jurov;hey 661780;1399376259;jurov;!up Lee- 661781;1399376259;assbot;Voicing Lee- for 30 minutes. 661782;1399376282;mircea_popescu;!up steven-__ 661783;1399376282;assbot;Voicing steven-__ for 30 minutes. 661784;1399376334;mircea_popescu;off to town, back later 661785;1399376494;jurov;!up ericmuyser 661786;1399376494;assbot;Voicing ericmuyser for 30 minutes. 661787;1399377398;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 15 @ 0.07633809 = 1.1451 BTC [+] {3} 661788;1399377819;Apocalyptic;.d 661789;1399377819;ozbot;8.001 billion | Next Diff in 1022 blocks | Estimated Change: 5.1830% in 6d 17h 29m 22s 661790;1399377935;HeySteve;if you follow altcoins, this site rates them by market, repository and social media activity, may be useful data: http://www.coingecko.com/ 661791;1399378862;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20600 @ 0.00085299 = 17.5716 BTC [-] 661792;1399378940;danielpbarron;I haven't had more than a few sips of whiskey over the course of the last few months, not because I wanted to stop drinking, but because it just didn't occur to me that I had stopped 661793;1399379625;HeySteve;Wi' tipenny, we fear nae evil; Wi' usquebae, we'll face the devil! 661794;1399379801;TomServo;http://cryptome.org/2014/05/bitcoin-suicide.pdf 661795;1399380021;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 274 @ 0.07088025 = 19.4212 BTC [-] {38} 661796;1399380926;fluffypony;http://pdfnomo.re/bitcoin-suicide/ 661797;1399380930;fluffypony;for those that don't want PDF fuckery 661798;1399380946;pankkake;nice 661799;1399381607;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 6 @ 0.072 = 0.432 BTC [+] 661800;1399381668;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 10 @ 0.06474168 = 0.6474 BTC [-] 661801;1399382166;TomServo;HeySteve: fix your junk 661802;1399382394;asciilifeform;re: http://cryptome.org/2014/05/bitcoin-suicide.pdf - spectacularly terrible paper 661803;1399382405;asciilifeform;recommended to everyone, for 'entomological' study. 661804;1399382493;TomServo;^ agreed. 661805;1399382522;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16600 @ 0.00085486 = 14.1907 BTC [+] 661806;1399383010;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 40 @ 0.00447161 = 0.1789 BTC [+] 661807;1399383803;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.033 = 0.132 BTC [+] 661808;1399383925;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.0316021 = 0.316 BTC [-] 661809;1399384230;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 26 @ 0.03382226 = 0.8794 BTC [+] {4} 661810;1399384291;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 24 @ 0.03424999 = 0.822 BTC [+] {9} 661811;1399384292;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 7 @ 0.03154036 = 0.2208 BTC [-] {4} 661812;1399384701;davout;kakobrekla: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=597647.0;topicseen <<< the forums realises why two cans and a string 661813;1399384726;kakobrekla;stop with the slander 661814;1399384776;kakobrekla;retards talking about retards who did this retard thing but retards now have a retarded fix 661815;1399384779;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7966 @ 0.00085537 = 6.8139 BTC [+] 661816;1399384797;pankkake;so basically Bitstamp creators watched Office Space? 661817;1399384840;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11134 @ 0.00085299 = 9.4972 BTC [-] 661818;1399384854;kakobrekla;i had a picture where they charged me 0.01 to give me 0. 661819;1399384865;davout;kakobrekla: infinite fees 661820;1399384872;kakobrekla;actually, they charged me 0.01 to take 1 satoshi from me 661821;1399384877;kakobrekla;that was the case. 661822;1399384899;davout;noyce 661823;1399384946;kakobrekla;https://bitcointa.lk/threads/bitstamp-scam-accusation-fixed-with-friendly-resolution.134066/page-2#post-2257684 661824;1399384949;ozbot;Bitstamp Scam Accusation (FIXED WITH FRIENDLY RESOLUTION) | Page 2 | Bitcointa.lk 661825;1399384981;kakobrekla;>kakobrekla, Jun 5, 2013 661826;1399384995;kakobrekla;they are a year behind? 661827;1399385116;davout;that's a progress 661828;1399385194;kakobrekla;davout but you know its only cents!! 661829;1399385204;kakobrekla;:\ 661830;1399385311;davout;"Nothing wrong with rounding but charging a fee on every chunk is a plain old SCAM." <<< that guy has it exactly backwards 661831;1399385342;kakobrekla;the forum is backwards 661832;1399385347;kakobrekla;rotate your screen 180 661833;1399385369;kakobrekla;so the lcd panel is turned towards the wall 661834;1399385388;assbot;Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. (http://dpaste.com/03PNZ2E.txt) 661835;1399385388;Duffer1;!bash 3 661836;1399385402;davout;LOL 661837;1399386060;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 67 @ 0.00324974 = 0.2177 BTC [+] {2} 661838;1399386243;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9500 @ 0.00085636 = 8.1354 BTC [+] 661839;1399386473;fluffypony;http://america.aljazeera.com/articles/2014/5/6/nsa-chief-google.html 661840;1399386473;ozbot;Exclusive: Emails reveal close Google relationship with NSA | Al Jazeera America 661841;1399386649;mircea_popescu;"We claim that these built-in properties are not as brilliant as they are sometimes claimed." 661842;1399386652;mircea_popescu;how is this a fucking claim. 661843;1399386666;mircea_popescu;did they stop sending kids to school altogether in the english space ? 661844;1399386765;asciilifeform;'people will rent cloud for five minutes and double-spend.' 661845;1399386784;mircea_popescu;lol. 661846;1399386792;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 7 @ 0.0752 = 0.5264 BTC [+] 661847;1399386797;asciilifeform;as if infinite cpu just sat there, on the shelf, its price entirely unaffected by this hypothetical. 661848;1399386812;mircea_popescu;the funny thing about that paper is, of course, that altcoin is being used currently exactly as experimental proof that his theory is nonsense. 661849;1399386824;mircea_popescu;%diff 661850;1399386826;atcbot;[ATC Diff] Current Diff: 455357.13 Est. Next Diff: 140491.07 in 1544 blocks (#32256) Est. % Change: -69.15 661851;1399386848;mircea_popescu;there, 70% drop, go doublespend or w/e, show me how altcoin dies because whoa, sudden mandated diff changes. 661852;1399386853;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 200 @ 0.0008621 = 0.1724 BTC [-] 661853;1399386854;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.45500002 = 1.82 BTC [+] 661854;1399386914;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 6 @ 0.07528666 = 0.4517 BTC [+] {2} 661855;1399386961;pankkake;altcoins received plenty of successful double spending attacks 661856;1399386997;mircea_popescu;pankkake his "claim" is his claim. 661857;1399386998;asciilifeform;there is the little detail that a (detectable) double-spend more or less buries a coin 661858;1399387010;pankkake;cpu coins are especially vulnerable to cloud mining 661859;1399387023;pankkake;no, altcoiners are morons, don't forget 661860;1399387047;pankkake;but really you don't need a huge pdf to understand that 661861;1399387106;asciilifeform;let's picture a source of hashing cycles, publicly auctioned. how would it not be subject to the same bidding dynamics as presently existing miners? 661862;1399387118;chetty;http://www.themoscowtimes.com/business/article/putin-passes-law-requiring-38bln-security-payments-from-visa-mastercard/499532.html 661863;1399387120;asciilifeform;i.e. how would the cost of a double-spend possibly go down ? 661864;1399387144;mircea_popescu;http://pastebin.com/n8T3RXWF 661865;1399387145;ozbot;Subject: This is your daily reminder that you are stupid and should speak less - Pastebin.com 661866;1399387165;asciilifeform;lol! 661867;1399387173;asciilifeform;did he actually ask to be let in? 661868;1399387330;mircea_popescu;i don't think so. 661869;1399387366;mircea_popescu;because why would he need to, right, because in the virtual reality he inhabits he is qualified. 661870;1399387382;pankkake;so I guess it's like writing "no girls allowed" in your treehouse 661871;1399387389;mircea_popescu;like you know, whatever fucking shaman in the depths of africa rubbing sticks together "knows" and consequently doesn't need to obtain a license to opine on matters of medicine 661872;1399387395;asciilifeform;as far as i can see, author is a (self-proclaimed) academic 661873;1399387418;mircea_popescu;pankkake no. it's like writing "fraudulent pracitce of medicine will be prosecuted" on the hopsital 661874;1399387429;mircea_popescu;somewhere in the god forsaken thirld world where this isn't somehow self-obvious. 661875;1399387433;asciilifeform;all of this inescapably reminds me of james randi's flower pot. 661876;1399387436;mircea_popescu;like you know, kansas, kenya, take your pick. 661877;1399387458;asciilifeform;'i have psychic powers!' - 'tell me what is under the upturned pot.' 'fuck you i'm dragon.' 661878;1399387499;asciilifeform;if someone were to find an actual exploit, of whatever kind, in whatever coin, the 'proof of the pudding' would be - 'in the eating.' 661879;1399387571;artifexd; http://pastebin.com/n8T3RXWF <- Did you write that? 661880;1399387582;mircea_popescu;just sent it yes. 661881;1399387595;ThickAsThieves;http://devilsadvocate.biz/be-one-of-us/ (also note i added bitbet ad to footer, thanks mike_c!) 661882;1399387598;ozbot;Be One of Us 661883;1399387624;mike_c;ah cool :) improved version is imminent. 661884;1399387627;mircea_popescu;why ty 661885;1399387674;asciilifeform;in other news: 'the U.S. should consider getting its astronauts to the International Space Station using a trampoline.' 661886;1399387702;mircea_popescu;kinda old news that 661887;1399387735;asciilifeform;yeah i haven't kept up. no idea if there's a lockheed contract for trampoline yet. 661888;1399387736;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform what flower pot is that btwe ? 661889;1399387756;ThickAsThieves;i forget, what the heck does Got Milk? mean on Bitbet anyway? 661890;1399387760;mircea_popescu;well considering what the inexistend fighter jet has cost alreayd, i can only imagine what a shuttle would cost the usg 661891;1399387768;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 29 @ 0.03300256 = 0.9571 BTC [-] {7} 661892;1399387776;mircea_popescu;you know, "most military expenditure in the world", then russia pisses in your ear whenever it feels like. 661893;1399387813;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves two years ago, usagi was doing this complex layered cake of very badly structured "corporations" that kept trading with each other then failing to execute the contracts etc. deprived kept calling him on it. for months, 100s of pages. 661894;1399387829;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 15 @ 0.03300449 = 0.4951 BTC [+] {2} 661895;1399387840;mircea_popescu;eventually usagi had a nervous break down, wroiter this post about how he can't get any sleep because he keeps having to defend "his good name" and he is selling his guitar and w/e to pay off debts 661896;1399387851;asciilifeform;some years ago, stage magician james randi challenged psychics, soothsayers, esp artists, etc. to tell him what lies under an overturned pot in his basement. 661897;1399387852;mircea_popescu;and "we" need to stop because this can't be everything is a scam milk is a scam kjfdshgkshdkgjsfd 661898;1399387858;mircea_popescu;so we just took the "milk is a scam" thing. 661899;1399387866;ThickAsThieves;hrm 661900;1399387872;ThickAsThieves;maybe time to grow out of it? 661901;1399387887;mircea_popescu;grow out of it ? 661902;1399387890;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 8 @ 0.03299998 = 0.264 BTC [-] 661903;1399387894;ThickAsThieves;i'll rephrase 661904;1399387897;ThickAsThieves;it' sstupid 661905;1399387913;mircea_popescu;yes, that's what brands are : stupid to the clueless. like say the word "brand" 661906;1399387919;mircea_popescu;say it 500 times fast, check out how stupid it seems. 661907;1399387923;danielpbarron;does it make sense to have an escrow service provider sign a contract? or is this not necessary since he's the trusted 3rd party anyway (i think he should sign a contract, but he insists otherwise) 661908;1399387939;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron who's the guy and why's he refusing to sign a contract ? 661909;1399387953;danielpbarron;well, not refusing, but strongly disagreeing 661910;1399387954;ThickAsThieves;but you just clued me 661911;1399387958;danielpbarron;Michail1 661912;1399387958;mircea_popescu;the rules are that contracts are mandatory if either party desires, but may be waived as unnecessary if both parties wish to 661913;1399387959;ThickAsThieves;and effect hasnt changed 661914;1399387984;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves what's so stupid about it ? it's sort-of like Ford having "Got Black?" on its corporate website. 661915;1399387989;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what the inexistend fighter jet has cost << what would it have cost ussr to build a flat screen tv ? 661916;1399387994;mircea_popescu;because, of course, "customers can have a car any color they want" 661917;1399388015;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform afore or after the chinese took over the us ? 661918;1399388033;asciilifeform;recall an incident i described some months ago, of getting ordinary circuit boards baked at a u.s. plant. 661919;1399388048;asciilifeform;they cost considerably more than their weight in platinum. 661920;1399388061;mike_c;ThickAsThieves: eventually there will be a yahoo answers entry about "why does bitbet say 'got milk'" and it will be ok :) 661921;1399388063;asciilifeform;this kind of thing permeates everything. 661922;1399388074;ThickAsThieves;at first glance, it's confusing and distracting. then upon learning, it's just an inside joke mocking some nobody 661923;1399388078;mircea_popescu;"Its an ugly thing, watching all these kids shoot from the hip." << ThickAsThieves haha actually i kinda enjoy it for the comedy value 661924;1399388079;ThickAsThieves;mike_c lol 661925;1399388098;ThickAsThieves;but mp i'm sensitive! 661926;1399388099;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves yeah, i see it more that way. it's a little nook, something to discover, some way to be "in". 661927;1399388131;mircea_popescu;nobody cares about usagi, but some people - such as for instance I - care about the fact that we were doing insider jokes in 2011. 661928;1399388155;asciilifeform;or - for that matter - the recent discussion about what it costs to house a google worker, and why 661929;1399388163;mircea_popescu;myeah. 661930;1399388164;ThickAsThieves;i guess it at least goes to your word promising to blacklist people 661931;1399388190;ThickAsThieves;i look forward to the realization of blacklisting methods for Wired and such 661932;1399388224;mircea_popescu;like next time WiredHerp comes here to ask questions and all he gets is a link to them being banned ? and an invitation to get his editor to fire the offending party and publish a retraction cum apology ? 661933;1399388241;mircea_popescu;doesn't seem hard to do. 661934;1399388303;ThickAsThieves;i just can't resist thinking "wtf does it say 'got milk' on this header, but doesnt even say 'bitcoin'?!" 661935;1399388317;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1726 @ 0.00013776 = 0.2378 BTC [-] {6} 661936;1399388318;mircea_popescu;why would it say "bitcoin" ? 661937;1399388321;mircea_popescu;not like i own the trademark. 661938;1399388338;ThickAsThieves;i mena i guess it's all in the name 661939;1399388355;ThickAsThieves;for teh SEOz 661940;1399388368;ThickAsThieves;but there're usually bets with Bitcoin in them 661941;1399388375;mircea_popescu;i got affiliates, supposedly. let them do the seoz. 661942;1399388396;ThickAsThieves;i guess i should add alt text to the ad on my site 661943;1399388418;mircea_popescu;as is customary with the free market, the more you work the more you get :D 661944;1399388442;artifexd;Add another layer of abstraction to the inside joke by changing "Got Milk?" to "Milk Life" 661945;1399388459;artifexd;Or, you know, don't. 661946;1399388461;mircea_popescu;eh, changing designs. what is this, the web ? 661947;1399388480;*;asciilifeform thinks back to the discussion of which animals to milk, held at mp's meetup. 661948;1399388512;mircea_popescu;lol you'll have to refresh me 661949;1399388561;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 40 @ 0.07011902 = 2.8048 BTC [-] {6} 661950;1399388576;asciilifeform;where vegetarian (TaT?) - 'animals didn't ask to be milked' - me: 'then let's milk the ones which we can ask' 661951;1399388579;ThickAsThieves;it probly involved - is breadt milk vegan? 661952;1399388583;asciilifeform;aha yes 661953;1399388590;ThickAsThieves;breast* 661954;1399388604;mircea_popescu;"You see, other than by chance, it is impossible to properly communicate and convince an audience of your position when you are deluded from where you stand in the first place." <<< you just summarized us dating. 661955;1399388616;mircea_popescu;oh lol 661956;1399388622;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 60 @ 0.069605 = 4.1763 BTC [-] {5} 661957;1399388643;mircea_popescu;obviously, lactating animals are all desperate to be milked. 661958;1399388648;mircea_popescu;mastitis = death otherwise. 661959;1399388658;mircea_popescu;try not milking a cow for a day see what it does. 661960;1399388683;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 22 @ 0.0694 = 1.5268 BTC [-] 661961;1399388684;ThickAsThieves;well try not milking a cow for 9mos too plz 661962;1399388684;asciilifeform;cow's a bit of a pathological case. but sure. 661963;1399388724;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform afaik labrats with dead litters get it too, and die. 661964;1399388733;mircea_popescu;the common house cat idem 661965;1399388798;bitcoinpete;https://twitter.com/NATOSource/status/463373724960301056/photo/1 < or that active? << yes. 662045;1399390326;mircea_popescu;it makes women push watermelons through their square inch of a vaginal canal. never underestimate the will to live. 662046;1399390330;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.0318 = 0.1272 BTC [+] 662047;1399390391;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3446 @ 0.00085268 = 2.9383 BTC [-] 662048;1399390399;mircea_popescu; as soon as they start to click around, it gets forgotten << no wai ?! 662049;1399390407;mircea_popescu;it's site-wide im pretty sure, and root works too 662050;1399390408;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla ? 662051;1399390438;jurov;well, i always got some satoshi in few hours following the link was published 662052;1399390439;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves you can't own it for lyf lol, you own it for a month 662053;1399390443;jurov;and nothing ever since. 662054;1399390452;jurov;*days 662055;1399390468;mircea_popescu;jurov so maybe referral didn't stick ? 662056;1399390475;ThickAsThieves;i accept this compromise, thank you for negotiating 662057;1399390479;ThickAsThieves;:) 662058;1399390490;jurov;i don't know why it did not stick 662059;1399390503;mircea_popescu;jurov cause the person made a bet and then forgot about it ? 662060;1399390518;pankkake;jurov: no it works, the cookie expires at session though. that way I got myself fees by mistake 662061;1399390520;mircea_popescu;i meant specifically, the referral, as in, the guy you referred. 662062;1399390525;ThickAsThieves;it's anecdotal, why not just test it 662063;1399390544;jurov;it expires when window is closed? 662064;1399390554;mircea_popescu;no it doesn't. 662065;1399390557;pankkake;when browser is closed 662066;1399390571;ThickAsThieves;cookies are so misunderstood 662067;1399390574;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 12 @ 0.03301945 = 0.3962 BTC [-] {3} 662068;1399390583;mircea_popescu;pankkake even if you purge cookies when you close browser, it should track you by ip afaik 662069;1399390584;pankkake;they're delicious delicacies 662070;1399390604;pankkake;the referal? I doubt it. or I would have gave myself fees forever 662071;1399390609;*;ThickAsThieves sharpens picthfork, just in case. 662072;1399390635;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 12 @ 0.03300675 = 0.3961 BTC [-] {2} 662073;1399390653;jurov;^ pankkake this. i have did it myself, i got back fees from the bet i linked directly but that was all 662074;1399390712;mircea_popescu;well kakobrekla can weigh in when he wakes up 662075;1399390728;pankkake;or you can watch the cookie 662076;1399390757;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22488 @ 0.00085171 = 19.1533 BTC [-] 662077;1399390773;ThickAsThieves;gawd, Pando is really starting to annoy me 662078;1399390779;jurov;heh now i wonder why i just said myself "prolly it should be so" and not investigated further 662079;1399390796;ThickAsThieves;all this "Since our article, the world is a better place. You're welcome." shit 662080;1399390806;Naphex;wut is pando?;o 662081;1399390821;mircea_popescu;why is that jesse draper trying so hard to be "hot" ? she's just some girl. 662082;1399390837;mircea_popescu;Naphex cali based would-be news source. 662083;1399390850;ThickAsThieves;http://pando.com/2014/05/05/after-pando-brings-the-facts-to-light-steven-tylers-daughter-ends-quest-to-shut-down-bay-area-band/ 662084;1399390851;ozbot;After Pando’s reporting, Steven Tyler’s daughter ends quest to shut down Bay Area band | PandoD 662085;1399390909;ThickAsThieves;After Pando shows clear evidence of fraud, Indiegogo responds by… deleting anti-fraud guarantee 662086;1399390938;pankkake;a "gogo" in French is a fool 662087;1399390948;ThickAsThieves;heh 662088;1399390973;mircea_popescu;pankkake ever seen bebes a gogo ? 662089;1399390973;ThickAsThieves;"What I love about Pando is how quickly it's exposing itself to be ego-stroking spin machine for its investors and their interests." ~ me 662090;1399390979;mike_c;this is odd. the ref cookie seems to last for an hour.. 662091;1399390982;mike_c;http://i.imgur.com/kUY9nJk.png 662092;1399390987;mircea_popescu;also, why not call liv tyler liv tyler ? not like she's not in the idbm etc 662093;1399390997;ThickAsThieves;it's not liv 662094;1399391002;mircea_popescu;ah 662095;1399391003;mike_c;feel free to steal my bitbet session now too :) 662096;1399391013;pankkake;no. oh, another louis de funès, lol 662097;1399391019;mircea_popescu;;) 662098;1399391049;mircea_popescu;<ThickAsThieves> gawd, Pando is really starting to annoy me << they were cool at some point. 662099;1399391056;mircea_popescu;then pmarca happened. 662100;1399391085;ThickAsThieves;how is it i find mp's claims to fame palatable, but not theirs? 662101;1399391114;ThickAsThieves;substance i guess 662102;1399391130;chetty;reality bites 662103;1399391371;mircea_popescu;wait i make claims to fame ? 662104;1399391372;jurov;!up Azelphur 662105;1399391372;assbot;Voicing Azelphur for 30 minutes. 662106;1399391428;ThickAsThieves;well you arent scared to attribute outcomes to your own actions 662107;1399391449;mircea_popescu;o that. 662108;1399391461;mircea_popescu;maybe it's that "pando" is not a person ? 662109;1399391475;ThickAsThieves;and that pando has no rep with me 662110;1399391477;mircea_popescu;maybe it's that the shit they claim makes zero difference, to you or anyone else ? 662111;1399391483;mircea_popescu;maybe yeah 662112;1399391495;ThickAsThieves;and that too 662113;1399391501;ThickAsThieves;omg band name saved! 662114;1399391504;ThickAsThieves;thank you prince pando! 662115;1399391525;mircea_popescu;prince pando is actually not a bad name for a flaming cabaret homosexual 662116;1399391554;pankkake;can't help but think of a pedo panda 662117;1399391559;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2011/spamerul-dan-pulic/ << like the guy in that pic 662118;1399391561;ozbot;Spamerul Dan Pulic pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 662119;1399391574;ThickAsThieves;lol at thaty pic 662120;1399391611;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 11 @ 0.06474168 = 0.7122 BTC [-] 662121;1399391619;ThickAsThieves;maybe i'll write a pando hate article and steal all their lovers 662122;1399391738;Naphex;mircea_popescu: have you ever checked out romanian section of bitcointalk? 662123;1399391755;mircea_popescu;i dont think it was ever on the girl's list 662124;1399391765;mircea_popescu;mostly did securities, scam accusations, stuff like that. 662125;1399391819;Naphex;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=446503.140 Mining Drama :D 662126;1399391856;mircea_popescu;"Dupa 24 de apeluri 7 emailuri la care am primit mesaj cu autoresponder in sfarshit pot sa respir cumva." 662127;1399391882;mircea_popescu;that reads "after 24 calls and 7 emails i can finally breathe somewhat" 662128;1399391896;mircea_popescu;deepthroat references floatin' in my head... 662129;1399391917;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 50 @ 0.07395199 = 3.6976 BTC [+] {3} 662130;1399391930;mircea_popescu;anyway. sad. 662131;1399391944;Naphex;"Am platit vreo 15mii $ in total si in situatia mea probabil o sa ii recuperez si sa fac profit candva avand in vedere ca nu platesc curent." 662132;1399391947;Naphex;:)) 662133;1399391978;Naphex;ah wrong face :( 662134;1399392026;mircea_popescu;yeah. cocksucker's trying to steal electricity, thinks this is "business". 662135;1399392038;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 2.67766560 BTC to 8`520 shares, 31428 satoshi per share 662136;1399392075;Naphex;http://blackminer.com/ the miner producer 662137;1399392077;ozbot;Black Miner - ASIC Bitcoin & Litecoin Mining Hardware 662138;1399392080;Naphex;from bacau i think 662139;1399392088;Naphex;they don't look that bad 662140;1399392146;mircea_popescu;not enough there to make any sort of call really 662141;1399392185;Naphex;still looks like they sold some 662142;1399392200;davout;mircea_popescu: http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/mpex.co 662143;1399392278;pankkake;!mp http://dpaste.com/3MRP82K/ 662144;1399392278;assbot;Processing. 662145;1399392279;assbot;Response: error 662146;1399392325;mircea_popescu;davout meanwhile it's back 662147;1399392331;davout;yo 662148;1399392359;mircea_popescu;fried server++; 662149;1399392372;mircea_popescu;funny thing is, i got the notification from you about half a second before from tech. 662150;1399392454;davout;probably because your tech doesn't have a bot running 662151;1399392488;mircea_popescu;no, more like because they have to use encrypted chan 662152;1399392506;jurov;heh i got notification too, but was afk 662153;1399392527;mircea_popescu;anyway. seems a bios chip smoked out. this is what redundancy is for, carry on. 662154;1399392550;Naphex;never had that happen 662155;1399392563;davout;dem romanian computers 662156;1399392601;mircea_popescu;Naphex i have had so many things happen for mpex that i never had happen before i couldn't begin to tel lyou 662157;1399392847;mircea_popescu;bitcoinpete's reuse address article making some hay on twitter it seems 662158;1399392947;Naphex;mircea_popescu: why not run a varnish cache for fronting mpex? 662159;1399392954;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3550 @ 0.0008517 = 3.0235 BTC [-] 662160;1399393205;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: bios !? 662161;1399393212;asciilifeform;botched flash? 662162;1399393227;asciilifeform;or, literal magic smoke 662163;1399393363;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the board just went 662164;1399393381;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22900 @ 0.00085161 = 19.5019 BTC [-] {2} 662165;1399393390;asciilifeform;since you said 'bios', i wondered how this conclusion was reached. 662166;1399393391;mircea_popescu;Naphex this wasn't a front problem, the front was fine all through 662167;1399393413;ThickAsThieves;i like how Matonis is retweeting an article that says "Take whatever the Core Devs say and do the exact opposite." 662168;1399393424;Naphex;mircea_popescu: yeah i know, was just asking why not, for just html you'd get a lots of plus 662169;1399393424;ThickAsThieves;gj bitcoinpete 662170;1399393458;mircea_popescu;Naphex because it's more code, basically. 662171;1399393475;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform just a guess i suspect. the processors weren't hot enough to smoke. 662172;1399393508;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves i wonder if matonis actually does get the custom-tailored award thing 662173;1399393583;ThickAsThieves;award? 662174;1399393596;ThickAsThieves;oh the blockchain awards? 662175;1399393608;mircea_popescu;weren't there some awards ? "best atm" etc 662176;1399393624;ThickAsThieves;yeah i think it's kicking off the conference something 662177;1399393627;ThickAsThieves;http://www.forbes.com/sites/jonmatonis/ 662178;1399393627;ozbot;Jon Matonis - The Monetary Future - Forbes 662179;1399393634;ThickAsThieves;he had a job for 1 month writing for forbes 662180;1399393639;ThickAsThieves;then bitcoin crashed 662181;1399393641;ThickAsThieves;hehe 662182;1399393660;mircea_popescu;iirc he had a forbes blogs for a while 662183;1399393664;mircea_popescu;defo longer than 1 month 662184;1399393683;ThickAsThieves;oh 662185;1399393686;ThickAsThieves;'loa dmore' 662186;1399393698;mircea_popescu;!up ziggamon 662187;1399393698;assbot;Voicing ziggamon for 30 minutes. 662188;1399393750;ThickAsThieves;i have this feeling none of the people i will want to ask questions will have a Q&A session 662189;1399393759;Naphex;mircea_popescu: you run it on some server before, totally transparent. it will cache most in RAM and deliver, it. it will merge outgoing connections and route them through HTTP 1.1 connections 662190;1399393763;ThickAsThieves;and i'll end up chasing them down in the red light district 662191;1399393768;Naphex;save you lots of trouble even from ddosses whatever;p 662192;1399393850;mircea_popescu;Naphex not saying varnish is bad or anything 662193;1399393866;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves didnt you say you liked whoresterdam ? 662194;1399393885;ThickAsThieves;i do, never tried the whores thoughh 662195;1399393897;ThickAsThieves;would be much more productive to run into these guys at a coffee shop 662196;1399393929;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.0319899 = 0.1599 BTC [+] 662197;1399393933;ThickAsThieves;in the end my ideal is asking them in public with a crowd 662198;1399393990;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 8 @ 0.03199 = 0.2559 BTC [+] 662199;1399394001;ThickAsThieves;just to be thorough, would you mind phrasing your question for Vehehe exactly? 662200;1399394015;ThickAsThieves;it seems it'd need multiple parts 662201;1399394025;mircea_popescu;you got your own head neh ? you get the idea, ask it until you get an answer 662202;1399394057;ThickAsThieves;but generally you want to know whether and when theyll issue financial statements? 662203;1399394063;ThickAsThieves;are they a 501c3? 662204;1399394071;ThickAsThieves;if so i can have my wife get them 662205;1399394085;mircea_popescu;not whether, but why haven't they. 662206;1399394087;mircea_popescu;what is he hiding 662207;1399394097;ThickAsThieves;k 662208;1399394101;mircea_popescu;did he spend the money on booze, like every single other bitcoin foundaton plat member to date ? 662209;1399394123;mircea_popescu;such as karpeles ? such as vleisides ? such as etc ? 662210;1399394128;mircea_popescu;what is his connection to ndrengheta ? 662211;1399394146;mircea_popescu;was he aware bfl is using the bf logo to scam users ? did he agree to be paid to help with this ? 662212;1399394153;mircea_popescu;did all the payment end up in the foundation or did he pocket some ? 662213;1399394165;mircea_popescu;if he didn't pocket any why does he refuse to allow the foundation to publish its books ? 662214;1399394165;asciilifeform;re: ndrangheta: http://www.malavita.com/diemusik_en.html 662215;1399394173;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 100 @ 0.00433 = 0.433 BTC [-] 662216;1399394175;mircea_popescu;does he think it's ok to be both the treasurer and the exec of a foundation ? 662217;1399394191;mircea_popescu;is this because he wants to prevent the public from discovering how he's been embezziling the donations ? 662218;1399394191;mircea_popescu;etc. 662219;1399394198;mircea_popescu;until he answers, you can keep askin. 662220;1399394229;asciilifeform;allow the foundation to publish its books << what and undress the nsa payola? 662221;1399394231;ThickAsThieves;btw, i reread the logs yesterday 662222;1399394234;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.074 = 0.37 BTC [+] 662223;1399394239;ThickAsThieves;and when i said "mah job!" 662224;1399394250;ThickAsThieves;i totally misunderstood what you were asking bitcoingirl to do 662225;1399394252;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform also a good line :p 662226;1399394255;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves hehe i thought so. 662227;1399394264;ThickAsThieves;didnt realize it was an mpex promo thing 662228;1399394349;ThickAsThieves;dafuck, their donate page is vastly lacking in info 662229;1399394355;mircea_popescu;you don't say. 662230;1399394356;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 20 @ 0.0324999 = 0.65 BTC [+] {3} 662231;1399394360;ThickAsThieves;possibly to an illegal degree 662232;1399394364;mircea_popescu;no ?! 662233;1399394373;mircea_popescu;dude what the fuck have i been sayinbg for a year over here already! 662234;1399394385;ThickAsThieves;hehe 662235;1399394390;mircea_popescu;they ran off top the uk because the us le was starting to ask questions 662236;1399394397;ThickAsThieves;you know the saying, 662237;1399394402;mircea_popescu;you can also ask about that, what's the plan, once the uk starts asking questions they move it to panama ? 662238;1399394402;ThickAsThieves;I'll see it when I believe it. 662239;1399394634;ThickAsThieves;i emailed legal@bitcoinfoundation.org 662240;1399394672;ThickAsThieves;we'll see if i get a Murck-y responde 662241;1399394677;ThickAsThieves;response 662242;1399394724;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 3 @ 0.06474168 = 0.1942 BTC [-] {2} 662243;1399394862;fluffypony;https://twitter.com/The1KingDragon/status/463477836213264385 662244;1399394863;ozbot;Twitter / The1KingDragon: The latest @TheCryptoRush: ... 662245;1399394863;fluffypony;WHY 662246;1399394868;fluffypony;WHY ARE PEOPLE SO FUCKING RETARDED 662247;1399394883;mircea_popescu;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaQNPxDISus 662248;1399394883;ozbot;La Musica Della Mafia-A Casanza (Vittorio) - YouTube 662249;1399394905;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29850 @ 0.00085181 = 25.4265 BTC [+] {2} 662250;1399394932;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://trilema.com/2010/nu-folosi-lucrurile/ 662251;1399394933;mircea_popescu;there it is. 662252;1399394985;chetty;http://www.bizpacreview.com/2014/05/06/brain-dead-on-the-boardwalk-folks-agree-with-obama-that-not-liking-mexican-food-is-racist-117133?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter 662253;1399394986;ozbot;Brain-dead on the boardwalk: Folks ‘agree with Obama’ that not liking Mexican food is racist - 662254;1399395437;mircea_popescu;hey fluffypony "Bella 'sta storia e chi la sente, bella la gente ca la racconta, bella la terra ca nun s scorda, bella Michela ca nun s'arrnne." 662255;1399395464;mircea_popescu;so, beautiful the story and whoever hears it, beautiful the people that tell it, beautiful land that won't forget, beautiful michela that won't... yield ? 662256;1399395469;mircea_popescu;or wtf is arrenne 662257;1399395507;fluffypony;dialect, I'd have to ask my nonno 662258;1399395526;mircea_popescu;so ask teh nonno. 662259;1399395531;fluffypony;phoning him now 662260;1399395576;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.46 = 2.3 BTC [+] 662261;1399395686;fluffypony;lol plz hold, nonna first has to complain about how she's going blind and my nonno is a lazy ass 662262;1399395798;mircea_popescu;it waited 3 centuries, it'll wait out your cell battery too :D 662263;1399395836;ThickAsThieves;michele that won't scar? 662264;1399395854;mircea_popescu;scar ? 662265;1399395859;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: did that solder job stay affixed? 662266;1399395865;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform for ~ a year. 662267;1399395878;asciilifeform;neato 662268;1399395878;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves nah, i suspect it's a cognate of arrender 662269;1399395888;mircea_popescu;arrendar* 662270;1399395894;asciilifeform;looks exactly like those infernal 'dell' power jacks 662271;1399395903;asciilifeform;i fixed at least 3 as a student, for various folks 662272;1399395904;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform iirc it was a dell. 662273;1399395905;fluffypony;Beautiful story to who can hear it, nice the people that tell the story, pretty the earth that doesn't forget it, beautiful Michela that didn't forget it. 662274;1399395912;mircea_popescu;uh 662275;1399395942;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 135 @ 0.00088925 = 0.12 BTC [+] {2} 662276;1399395951;asciilifeform;a decade later, i still recognized those 3 thermal vias 662277;1399395953;asciilifeform;lol 662278;1399396026;mircea_popescu;pain, you know ? 662279;1399396032;mircea_popescu;best way to form memories. 662280;1399396246;mircea_popescu;"the idea of "ten million dollars" really need to start meaning something again." 662281;1399396259;mircea_popescu;lol gawker going nuts. sure it will. 10 mn btc means a scary shitload of alot. 662282;1399396273;asciilifeform;when do we ask for 10m rubles to mean something ? 662283;1399396384;mircea_popescu;10mn rubles mean you've not been drinking enough for a while. 662284;1399396491;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 10 @ 0.06474168 = 0.6474 BTC [-] 662285;1399396613;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.03300179 = 0.33 BTC [+] 662286;1399397026;pankkake;https://i.imgur.com/SOMC0BA.png 662287;1399397040;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 7819 @ 0.00012213 = 0.9549 BTC [-] {17} 662288;1399397205;fluffypony;dat increase sekuriteez 662289;1399397298;benkay;good morning! 662290;1399397390;benkay;mike_c: thanks for the bitbet rotator :) 662291;1399397442;mike_c;you're welcome! 662292;1399397467;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIF] 3607 @ 0.00017829 = 0.6431 BTC [-] {32} 662293;1399397589;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25400 @ 0.00085126 = 21.622 BTC [-] {2} 662294;1399398260;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.46999993 = 1.41 BTC [+] {2} 662295;1399398443;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.47 = 1.88 BTC [+] 662296;1399398626;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33550 @ 0.00085137 = 28.5635 BTC [+] {2} 662297;1399399541;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2864 @ 0.00085194 = 2.44 BTC [+] 662298;1399399612;mike_c;v2, with linking to the right bet: 662299;1399399615;mike_c;http://www.btcalpha.com/blog/2014/bitbet-afilliate-ad/ 662300;1399399615;ozbot;BitBet Affiliate Ad - Btc Alpha 662301;1399399681;fluffypony;https://twitter.com/blockchain/status/463736248293941248 662302;1399399682;ozbot;Twitter / blockchain: Is there anything more ... 662303;1399399687;fluffypony;"Is there anything more inspirational than a talk about #bitcoin by Andreas Antonopoulos? http://ow.ly/wvuOU @aantonop" 662304;1399399696;pankkake;so you're not even serving your own address a few percent of the time? 662305;1399399703;fluffypony;all hail our great overlord Andreas! 662306;1399399714;mike_c;pankkake: just 0.1%. i'm not greedy 662307;1399399741;pankkake;well, you should state so then! 662308;1399399750;mike_c;i kid, i kid. 662309;1399399752;pankkake;ahah 662310;1399399763;pankkake;it's easy to bypass with the image only, anyway 662311;1399399767;mike_c;yeah 662312;1399399815;pankkake;perhaps leave a donation address, as I would definitively donate if it earned me something 662313;1399399895;mike_c;if you make any money (and my script doesn't steal it) you can WoT me :) 662314;1399399914;fluffypony;u wot m8 662315;1399399920;pankkake;;;rated mike_c 662316;1399399921;gribble;You rated user mike_c on Mon May 5 14:54:20 2014, with a rating of 1, and supplied these additional notes: small atc transaction + he does great stuff with btcalpha.com. 662317;1399400003;pankkake;fluffypony: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=358820.msg3876565#msg3876565 I'm not sure I was the first though 662318;1399400018;fluffypony;lol 662319;1399400700;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 7 @ 0.0734999 = 0.5145 BTC [-] 662320;1399400793;thestringpuller;;;ident 662321;1399400793;gribble;Nick 'thestringpuller', with hostmask 'thestringpuller!~leflor@99-39-97-12.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net', is identified as user 'thestringpuller', with GPG key id 0FF2943DA179E169, key fingerprint 6ACE36E786F39A4ADC4506DE0FF2943DA179E169, and bitcoin address None 662322;1399400818;thestringpuller;;;rate pankkake "Gives French people a good name." 662323;1399400819;gribble;Error: 'Gives French people a good name.' is not a valid integer. 662324;1399400823;thestringpuller;;;rate pankkake 1 "Gives French people a good name." 662325;1399400825;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user pankkake has been recorded. 662326;1399401249;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 67 @ 0.006023 = 0.4035 BTC [-] {6} 662327;1399401310;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.0315111 = 0.1576 BTC [-] 662328;1399401615;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.0733999 = 0.1468 BTC [-] {2} 662329;1399401638;thestringpuller;!ticker m s.mpoe 662330;1399401639;assbot;[MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00084554 / 0.00085283 / 0.00085994 (728540 shares, 621.32 BTC), 7D: 0.00083786 / 0.00092644 / 0.00098485 (4953038 shares, 4,588.71 BTC), 30D: 0.00083786 / 0.00095915 / 0.00101 (19816431 shares, 19,007.06 BTC) 662331;1399401721;bitcoinpete;https://twitter.com/jonmatonis/status/463711450432020480 << matonis discovers the west indes. or at least the teutons 662332;1399401722;ozbot;Twitter / jonmatonis: On Reusing Bitcoin Addresses ... 662333;1399401773;Apocalyptic;dat matonis 662334;1399401839;thestringpuller;dat matonis tho, he's actually wanting to build a relationship with #bitcoin-assets? 662335;1399401949;bitcoinpete;thestringpuller: almost seems like it 662336;1399401976;bitcoinpete;don't count him out on timisoara/lower americas next year 662337;1399402182;bitcoinpete;http://www.theatlantic.com/live/events/new-york-ideas/2014/ <; Tacoma Narrows Bridge (1940) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Tacoma Narrows Bridge Collapse "Gallopin' Gertie" - YouTube: 662512;1399406057;asciilifeform;same thing, but accidental - on a larger scale. 662513;1399406059;mike_c;comments on that video are good too :) "Thanks now my crt is broken" 662514;1399406137;kakobrekla;who rang? 662515;1399406148;asciilifeform;tesla's hammer is often said to be 'debunked' because, placed in an arbitrary patch of ground, it is unlikely to do much. 662516;1399406161;mike_c;kakobrekla: we were looking for clarification on bitbet affiliate rules. 662517;1399406185;kakobrekla;which part 662518;1399406189;mike_c;like, is referral cookie good for all bets or just the one you sent them to? 662519;1399406202;kakobrekla;should be good for 30 days 662520;1399406208;kakobrekla;irrespective of anything else 662521;1399406210;kakobrekla;but really 662522;1399406214;kakobrekla;feel free to look at the code 662523;1399406217;kakobrekla;(js) 662524;1399406217;mike_c;plus, the ref cookie only seems to be good for an hour. 662525;1399406224;kakobrekla;whut? 662526;1399406249;mike_c;when I looked at the cookie it said it expired in an hour. 662527;1399406274;kakobrekla;when did you set it? 662528;1399406279;bitcoinpete;fluffypony: good find! 662529;1399406283;mike_c;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=06-05-2014#662090 662530;1399406287;ozbot;#bitcoin-assets log 662531;1399406287;kakobrekla;http://bitbet.us/js/custom.js 662532;1399406347;kakobrekla;should be 30 days 662533;1399406365;kakobrekla;but dunno, ill take a look 662534;1399406405;mike_c;um 662535;1399406409;mike_c;JS date time is in milliseconds 662536;1399406419;mike_c;i think you're missing a (* 1000) 662537;1399406424;kakobrekla;ZOMG. 662538;1399406432;*;kakobrekla parted #bitcoin-assets 662539;1399406451;assbot;Last 4 lines bashed and pending review. (http://dpaste.com/0233GRF.txt) 662540;1399406451;davout;!bash 4 662541;1399406502;asciilifeform;to finish the previous story - not everything is a wine glass. but anything that can be induced to behave like one, can be broken in just this way. 662542;1399406606;asciilifeform;if you can induce oscillations strong enough to stretch the materials past breaking point. 662543;1399406624;asciilifeform;(which is exactly how 'brissance' works, in explosion) 662544;1399406695;mike_c;reason #1483 why javascript is retarded. 662545;1399406739;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11134 @ 0.00085094 = 9.4744 BTC [-] 662546;1399406812;kakobrekla;mike_c should be fixed nao 662547;1399406843;kakobrekla;js made me a scammer :( 662548;1399406874;mike_c;confirmed fixed. cookie expires on June 5 now. 662549;1399406896;kakobrekla;you got a mention in the sauce. 662550;1399406922;mike_c;nice :) 662551;1399407776;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20100 @ 0.0008509 = 17.1031 BTC [-] {2} 662552;1399408569;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.4699999 BTC [-] 662553;1399409182;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/Mircea_Popescu/status/463781829313855488 662554;1399409183;ozbot;Twitter / Mircea_Popescu: @pro2rat @jonmatonis @bitcoinpete ... 662555;1399409185;mircea_popescu;god help us. 662556;1399409217;mircea_popescu;self-lubricating assholes and uvula orgasms could be a reality inside Maude, why not. 662557;1399409478;mircea_popescu; besides the various forms of writing an address, I guess there are RIPEMD-160 collisions? << a ripemd-160 collision that'd make two diff bitcoin addresses out of one key is kinda improbable even theoretically tho 662558;1399409505;pankkake;yeah so stop nitpicking Apocalyptic 662559;1399409518;mircea_popescu;<fluffypony> ;;later tell BingoBoingo http://thedoghousediaries.com/comics/uncategorized/2014-05-05-cc318e9.png << no actually i said that. sorry. 662560;1399409527;TomServo;mircea_popescu: I seem to recall you mentioning Piketty, but don't recall the context. Was it regarding his book? 662561;1399409537;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: yes but you're a rational human being 662562;1399409540;fluffypony;who can think 662563;1399409545;fluffypony;and reason 662564;1399409568;mircea_popescu; that gap is unbridgeable. ask hanbot. << hanbot teh bridge builder. in full leather regalia and with three whips and twoi lashes in each hand. 662565;1399409575;TomServo;More to the point, is his book worth reading? 662566;1399409598;mircea_popescu; haven't these guys given up already ? << i was kinda surprised myself. 662567;1399409693;mircea_popescu;http://bitbet.us/bet/716/btc-worth-over-5000-before-2015/#b18 << 2:1 srsly ? 662568;1399409695;ozbot;BitBet - BTC worth over $5000 before 2015 662569;1399409702;BingoBoingo;Bridges built with Ginger roots. 662570;1399409742;mircea_popescu; so it solves everything. twice. << 8 lines bashed. omfg i spilled. bwahahahaha 662571;1399409750;mircea_popescu;TomServo yes. 662572;1399409799;mircea_popescu;and depends what your interest is. my mention was something to the effect of, "some frenchie took the pseudo-statistics that yielded the golf club pattern in climate pseudo-science and applied it to pseudo-economics" 662573;1399409911;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11171 @ 0.00085254 = 9.5237 BTC [+] 662574;1399409916;mircea_popescu; "King Dragon @The1KingDragon Security Professional, CEO CryptoRush" << FUCK YOU. he's a KING dragon. 662575;1399409967;mircea_popescu; pankkake: eventual consistency, within 3 weeks! << for all the beating eventual consistency gets, the sad secret elephant in the room is that all business in the history of business for the past 1k years has been of the eventual consistency types. what do you think double entry accounting is. 662576;1399409971;mircea_popescu;business runs on ec. 662577;1399409998;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller yeah ideally the wiki should end up a sort of short story of all the blawgs. 662578;1399410009;fluffypony;sure, but a cryptocurrency trading website needs to be able to enact trades in real time in a monolithic fashion 662579;1399410021;fluffypony;!up JorgePasada 662580;1399410021;assbot;Voicing JorgePasada for 30 minutes. 662581;1399410034;benkay;;;gettrust assbot JorgePasada 662582;1399410035;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user JorgePasada: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=JorgePasada | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=JorgePasada | Rated since: Tue Apr 29 15:07:18 2014 662583;1399410041;benkay;he can up hisself, fluffypony 662584;1399410048;mircea_popescu;yes, this is true, money changers didn't traditionally run like banks. 662585;1399410055;fluffypony;benkay: yes but I want to talk to him 662586;1399410056;JorgePasada;benkay: Not gonna make the meetup tonight, I'll be down later in the week though 662587;1399410068;benkay;see you sometime, frere. 662588;1399410085;fluffypony;JorgePasada: I see our friends in the Neo&Bee thread don't understand that when you and I say "creditor" we mean "creditor" and not "investor" 662589;1399410094;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.0330001 = 0.165 BTC [-] 662590;1399410104;mircea_popescu;the mystery lemma of -assets is that no matter in what asshole of the world any one assetteer lives, there's at least one that lives within visiting distance. 662591;1399410116;mircea_popescu;it's almost as if we inhabit a theoretical topological construct rather than irl. 662592;1399410215;JorgePasada;fluffypony: People throw words around with absolute certainty and complete disregard for actual meaning 662593;1399410225;*;fluffypony nods 662594;1399410261;JorgePasada;and the worst part is they don't even try to question their own understanding and/or more accurately drill down on meaning 662595;1399410317;mircea_popescu;bitcoinpete: eventually, i see fewer people walking into bitcoin (and assets) like they own the place << kinda what i'm trying to get with the trouting various clueless twits a la courtois. "it ain't yo momma's btc, yo! show some respek!" 662596;1399410350;asciilifeform;did anyone ever ferret out who courtois is/was ? 662597;1399410358;mircea_popescu;JorgePasada well you know, if one can't reach eventual intellectual consistency through logical means, the only method available is not asking questions. 662598;1399410376;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform some random dood aspiring to academia, i had his page somewhere. 662599;1399410428;mircea_popescu;http://www.nicolascourtois.com/ 662600;1399410429;asciilifeform;that paper was a true masterpiece of the 'chicken recipe' where the chicken never turned up. 662601;1399410430;ozbot;Nicolas T. COURTOIS' research in cryptography 662602;1399410443;mircea_popescu;check out the new/bomb bullets. 662603;1399410445;JorgePasada;mircea_popescu: Is that the Intellectual consistency through ignorance approach? 662604;1399410459;asciilifeform;GOST !?! 662605;1399410465;mircea_popescu;he has an entire list of derp there. "On Subversive Miner Strategies and Block Withholding Attack in Bitcoin Digital Currency" 662606;1399410471;asciilifeform;how the hell does one cryptanalyze gost without the s-boxes 662607;1399410477;mircea_popescu;JorgePasada yup. can't be beat. 662608;1399410485;mircea_popescu;(classical period "invincible ignorance") 662609;1399410526;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes, i was thinking, o look what cryptologia publishes now. 662610;1399410556;mircea_popescu;i must admit i never looked at one since 2005 or w/e it moved 662611;1399410570;asciilifeform;didn't miss much. 662612;1399410576;mircea_popescu;but in the 80s i recall it being somewhat of a big deal 662613;1399410586;mircea_popescu;course, 80s cryptology. heh. 662614;1399410605;JorgePasada;mircea_popescu: The scary part is when they fit data to their ideas/ideals instead of the other way around 662615;1399410616;JorgePasada;Hard not to though 662616;1399410647;*;mircea_popescu puts on his metaphysician hat. JorgePasada nothing that necessarily is could be scary, necessarily 662617;1399410657;asciilifeform;as far as i can see, this fellow's a genuine, if unimaginative crypto type. and bitcoin is now part of the mandatory 'gentleman's set' of topics such a creature must at least pretend to show an interest in. hence paper. 662618;1399410666;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform exactly. 662619;1399410679;JorgePasada;:-) Too meta for today, I'm in getting shit done mode before this Amsterdam trip. 662620;1399410686;mircea_popescu;and the way he goers about it makes one fucking petrified of these folks' general competence and ability as displayed at the daily business of their chosen field. 662621;1399410699;asciilifeform;this is a sadder discovery than i expected - (expected a green grad student or somesuch) 662622;1399410721;mircea_popescu;it's as if you were a woman, and visited gynecologists monthly, until one day when you discovered they decided football was part of gynecology, and then kept running into one another on the field like drunk sperms. 662623;1399410738;mircea_popescu;at which point you're suddenly afraid to let them use metal objects on your soft bit. 662624;1399410749;asciilifeform;lol! 662625;1399410761;asciilifeform;of course i can picture another scenario 662626;1399410782;asciilifeform;where crypto academics are quietly slipped various turds to print under their names. 'can also have problems.' 662627;1399410804;mircea_popescu;you can, but i'm taking bets against that. 662628;1399410832;asciilifeform;i'd have bet, on account of the first page or two of the turd smelling of crafted disinfo 662629;1399410843;asciilifeform;but having ingested the entire rotten egg - no bet. 662630;1399410858;mircea_popescu;no psyop in the world can compile disinfo of the level ignorance & stupidity can. 662631;1399410869;mircea_popescu;see, specialisation refines and improves the quality of one's corectness. 662632;1399410876;mircea_popescu;it does not however help the quality of one's error. 662633;1399410887;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIF] 1600 @ 0.00015876 = 0.254 BTC [-] {4} 662634;1399410929;mircea_popescu;the best error, like the best entropy, is the result of a different approach than culture. 662635;1399410933;BingoBoingo;It's why Hearn gets suspected of disinfo and this guy is suspected of lazy and ignorant 662636;1399410944;mircea_popescu;bingo. 662637;1399410948;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.033 = 0.165 BTC [-] {2} 662638;1399410952;mircea_popescu;hearn's not very good at it. 662639;1399411009;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 125 @ 0.0008621 = 0.1078 BTC [-] 662640;1399411172;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo: I imagine we'll fill the wiki with important points over time << as stan'd say, i can also see another scenario, where the wiki is still where it's now, a decade later. 662641;1399411201;BingoBoingo;Also a possibility 662642;1399411230;mircea_popescu;"DarknetMarkets IPVO" 662643;1399411247;mircea_popescu;holy shit. the ipo of an anon entity ? logic just got knotted into a pretzel and ate itself. 662644;1399411272;mircea_popescu;"so i contributed some equity" "to whom ?" "to someone" "so what do you want ?" "a share of the profit" "of whom ?!" "of someone" 662645;1399411331;mircea_popescu;"well perhaps you should sue ?" "ok." *files suit against "someone"* 662646;1399411332;mircea_popescu;*suit gets rejected for lack of venue, failure to state a claim, failure to file and failure to fail* 662647;1399411357;mircea_popescu;"oh this opressive government and the fucking courts which we can say we live in a tyrannical tyranny!11" 662648;1399411436;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HMF] 75 @ 0.00565409 = 0.4241 BTC [-] {13} 662649;1399411479;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: 'bb' caliber cannons. or, alternatively and more simply, rams. << i remember watching a rather interesting "electricity stealing" competition among some flying items a few years ago. 662650;1399411491;mircea_popescu;trying to evolve drone designs 662651;1399411548;mircea_popescu;fluffypony im kinda after the root of that arrenne magical word. i'm pretty sure it's neither to forget nor to be. 662652;1399411590;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: unfortunately the grandparents I have that are still alive are very peasant, so I'm not going to get much more out of them 662653;1399411591;fluffypony;:-P 662654;1399411599;mircea_popescu;well if they were from calabria... 662655;1399411602;mircea_popescu;they're not huh. 662656;1399411609;fluffypony;no, unfortunately not 662657;1399411619;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8500 @ 0.00085327 = 7.2528 BTC [+] 662658;1399411636;mircea_popescu;but look at the beauty of what is (could be) in a word : 662659;1399411646;fluffypony;Sicily (nonna) and Modena (nonno) 662660;1399411669;BingoBoingo;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=597213 662661;1399411670;ozbot;Dankcoin 662662;1399411670;mircea_popescu;if it's indeed arrendar, one's to explain how the hell vulgar latin yielded the same thing in south italy and in south spain 662663;1399411691;mircea_popescu;and moreover, why the d is rendered as n in a double n, wtf, this isn't even a documented consonant migration afaik 662664;1399411735;mircea_popescu;i'd have to spend weeks with recordings of ethnology and folklore to listen for the double n construct tho, and i obviously have not the time for it. 662665;1399411922;mircea_popescu;Members Online Now : Atruk, hyperiond, bitkill, jurov, coinminer69er, bertani Total: 68 (members: 6, guests: 57, robots: 5) 662666;1399411928;mircea_popescu;that bitcointa.lk thing isn't really doing that bad. 662667;1399411946;BingoBoingo;No it isn't at all. 662668;1399412038;mircea_popescu;"Join me & meet the old & new in payments (@AmericanExpress, @Visa, & @RippleLabs)" 662669;1399412064;mircea_popescu;it'd seem to me the principal utility of ripple these days is so that banking idiots who wish to spend longer with their head in the sand can pretend like they're not. 662670;1399412156;mircea_popescu;also in the news, Human Rights Watch : https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bm-xzUvCMAI7FVZ.jpg 662671;1399412165;mircea_popescu;MP : The point of womanhood is for the woman to start a new life, as a new person, once she sexually matures. 662672;1399412209;thestringpuller;http://www.businessinsider.com/high-school-teacher-on-snapchat-update-2014-5#!JNao7 662673;1399412248;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the best error << see 'precision vs. accuracy', as (perhaps even still?) taught in school 662674;1399412251;jurov;what? i've not been logged on bitcointa.lk several days 662675;1399412258;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform mhm. 662676;1399412276;mircea_popescu;twitter : "25 hedge fund managers earned more than double every kindergarten teacher combined. But who created more value?" mp : "Definitely no kindergarten "teacher" ever created any value. Just trying to claim the workings of nature for themselves." 662677;1399412284;mircea_popescu;i wonder if i'll end up banned eventually. 662678;1399412303;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: I don't think twitter really bans. 662679;1399412313;thestringpuller;For quite awhile now, kids have had a real anxiety about being separated from their phone, but today it was near panic. I am hoping by tomorrow some of the novelty will have worn off and we can get back to business. 662680;1399412321;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo didn't they ban that uk fellow recently ? 662681;1399412363;pankkake;;;tslb 662682;1399412366;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: I didn't hear anything like that. Could also be dumb UK stuff? 662683;1399412367;gribble;Time since last block: 1 hour, 18 minutes, and 44 seconds 662684;1399412370;BingoBoingo;%tslb 662685;1399412371;atcbot;9 minutes and 25 seconds 662686;1399412374;asciilifeform;every kindergarten teacher combined << add up the earnings of all of the garbagemen in your country. and to see what value they create, visit a city with 'garbage strike' 662687;1399412383;asciilifeform;these actually happen in usa 662688;1399412399;mircea_popescu;"Today was the first day in a long time I actually took phones away. I have no idea what all was included in the update, but you would have thought it was crack. They seriously could not keep away from it. I even had one girl crawl under the table with her phone." 662689;1399412401;mircea_popescu;lol crack. 662690;1399412421;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform they happen more in italy. 662691;1399412424;asciilifeform;to folks with this particular form of brain damage, garbageman should seem like the height of occupational importance pyramid 662692;1399412441;mircea_popescu;but a garbageman does something useful. a kindergarten teacher perhaps, some places. NOT in ussr, and not in ussa tho. most emphatically not. 662693;1399412458;asciilifeform;in ussr they at least occasionally administered medicinal beatings 662694;1399412468;mircea_popescu;nothing medicinal about beating 3 yos. 662695;1399412469;mircea_popescu;too soon. 662696;1399412501;mircea_popescu;children are born cowardly, if your preschooler can't be controlled by scowling you need to work on your warface. 662697;1399412516;asciilifeform;3yo should learn to see a (correctly sized) thrashing as something ordinary 662698;1399412524;mike_c;+1 i can stop my son in his tracks with my warface. 662699;1399412531;mircea_popescu;maybe with a newspaper, asciilifeform 662700;1399412558;asciilifeform;plastic ruler, more traditional 662701;1399412568;mircea_popescu;i mean, i think we know i'm no priss, and so im not speaking from some locus of nonsensical ideology. 662702;1399412585;mircea_popescu;but teh beating of single digit aged ppls is dysfunctional. 662703;1399412590;asciilifeform;ussr was set up as bone-simple, rather than optimal, apparatus. 662704;1399412596;mircea_popescu;this is true. 662705;1399412682;asciilifeform;re: drone competition - flying machine enthusiasts are surprisingly tradition-bound 662706;1399412689;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo iirc he said something or the other about some stadium accident. beautyon has the story. 662707;1399412700;BingoBoingo;Ah 662708;1399412714;asciilifeform;i've yet to meet one that would take seriously the idea of using a 'spaceball' for control, in place of the nonsensical double mini-joystick (inherited from model cars!) 662709;1399412732;mircea_popescu;that's weird... 662710;1399412744;asciilifeform;'spaceball' is a beautiful thing. not to be confused with trackball 662711;1399412760;asciilifeform;it doesn't rotate freely in its pedestal - only twists. along any axis. 662712;1399412763;mircea_popescu;i imagined surely they must have smartphone accelerometer as an interface 662713;1399412769;mircea_popescu;perhaps the dominant one by now 662714;1399412775;asciilifeform;at least one toy store variant does 662715;1399412793;asciilifeform;hard to control throttle / accessories that way, though 662716;1399412802;mircea_popescu;anyway, stupid for spaceball to not market itself as "magic wand" 662717;1399412806;mircea_popescu;add a stick to the ball. 662718;1399412813;asciilifeform;tilted phone is also difficult to return to neutral 662719;1399412818;asciilifeform;whereas spaceball need only be released 662720;1399412834;asciilifeform;this is why the ball needs pedestal 662721;1399412861;asciilifeform;(spaceball is visible in my ancient robo-widget spam - http://www.molboxllc.com/products.html) 662722;1399412877;mircea_popescu;"At that point I took all the phones away and we had a little reminder chat about when it was appropriate to use your phone and when it was not. Also that it was rarely appropriate to hide under the table." chetty check this out : no longer appropriate to hide under desk in the us school system. 662723;1399412893;asciilifeform;;;google bert the turtle 662724;1399412894;gribble;Duck And Cover (1951) Bert The Turtle Civil Defense Film - YouTube: ; Duck and Cover (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Bert The Turtle (The Duck And Cover Song) - Atomic Platters: 662725;1399412904;BingoBoingo;http://interviews.slashdot.org/story/14/05/05/2012218/richard-stallman-answers-your-questions 662726;1399412905;ozbot;Richard Stallman Answers Your Questions - Slashdot 662727;1399412967;chetty;what, no more hide from the nukes under your desk??? 662728;1399412974;pankkake;the questions and responses were actually interesting 662729;1399412979;asciilifeform;people laugh at bert the turtle 662730;1399412987;asciilifeform;because, 'once you see the flash, you've been xrayed' 662731;1399412999;asciilifeform;but the intent was to avoid being 'hedgehogged' by broken glass, among other things 662732;1399413025;asciilifeform;sitting under desk - wasn't an entirely dumb idea. 662733;1399413046;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform seems that way to me. you'd want your butt over your head, not your head over your butt 662734;1399413056;mircea_popescu;tho gonads further complicate matters. 662735;1399413056;asciilifeform;afaik, that was specified 662736;1399413067;asciilifeform;once you see the flash, gonads are well-done 662737;1399413069;mircea_popescu;i guess the ideal underdesk packing would be butt, head, then torso atop and limbs atop that 662738;1399413104;mircea_popescu; once you see the flash, gonads are well-done << this is quite not true, actually. 662739;1399413116;asciilifeform;clearly depends on distance, etc 662740;1399413119;mircea_popescu;of course. 662741;1399413140;asciilifeform;anyone own one of those old 'nuke calculator' slide rules? 662742;1399413141;mircea_popescu;moreover, looky here : suppose you are a woman, for some reason. you are born with all your sex cells. 662743;1399413150;mircea_popescu;if you get blasted by ionizing radiatiopn, some will die 662744;1399413153;mircea_popescu;those will never mature 662745;1399413157;mircea_popescu;the remaining tho, will. 662746;1399413166;mircea_popescu;so you'll still be ovulating, esp as a young woman, no matter the dose. 662747;1399413176;asciilifeform;sure. question is, ovulating what. 662748;1399413182;mircea_popescu;not much of a question. 662749;1399413187;benkay;sorry to interrupt but this is just too lulzy: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2699338/phps-openssl-sign-generates-different-signature-than-sscryptos-sign 662750;1399413194;mircea_popescu;for the ovule to manage to come out it needs to pass a bunch of checks. 662751;1399413253;asciilifeform;so hypothesis here - hiroshima mutations are fallout effect, rather than xray? 662752;1399413255;asciilifeform;this is testable. 662753;1399413276;asciilifeform;somebody should find the remaining sephardim who were, at one point, 'deloused' in israel with... xray machine 662754;1399413292;BingoBoingo;Oh, Strontium 90 662755;1399413305;BingoBoingo;Cobalt 60 662756;1399413332;asciilifeform;another demographic - airplane stewardesses 662757;1399413342;asciilifeform;birth mutants, or no - ? 662758;1399413356;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform to a large degree, it hurts the fetuses, not the kids-to-be-born later 662759;1399413365;mircea_popescu;because fetuses rapidly divide 662760;1399413366;asciilifeform;checksums, sure. 662761;1399413373;asciilifeform;amplification of defect 662762;1399413377;mircea_popescu;it further hurts later conceptions because of the inside the womb radiation 662763;1399413384;mircea_popescu;(from say cesium lodged in the woman's basin) 662764;1399413403;asciilifeform;somewhere there lives an answer to this question. but i've a dump truck to move. 662765;1399413418;mircea_popescu;it's well known that airplane pilots tend to father girls 662766;1399413429;mircea_popescu;this, because cosmic rays kill the weaker male making sperm 662767;1399413434;mircea_popescu;the girls they make, however, are healthy. 662768;1399413451;mircea_popescu;benkay tweeted tat shit. lawl. 662769;1399413558;chetty;now why would male making sperm tend to be weaker? its an interesting question .. 662770;1399413573;mircea_popescu;because the male chromosome sucks and is larger and derpier 662771;1399413608;*;chetty decides to leave it at that 662772;1399413613;mircea_popescu;lol 662773;1399413654;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Y chromosome is actually much small, contains less checksums. 662774;1399413686;mircea_popescu;Alibaba is the fastest-growing Internet company in one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, said Sameet Sinha 662775;1399413688;BingoBoingo;Girls get XX and hence more checksums 662776;1399413692;mircea_popescu;also biggest and oldest etc. 662777;1399413704;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo i thought the Y was longer by like 15% 662778;1399413714;*;mircea_popescu is not a biologist. 662779;1399413735;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: I dunno about physical size, but the Y contains much less encoding and information. 662780;1399413751;mircea_popescu;this is true, but i meant size 662781;1399413760;BingoBoingo;AH 662782;1399413788;mircea_popescu;in things such as surviving a dose of xrays, it's counterintuitively your length more than your area that matters at subcellular level 662783;1399413884;BingoBoingo;It also matter that reduncancy is better than the lack thereof. Y is more vulnerable in both aspects. 662784;1399413999;mircea_popescu;!up blueocean 662785;1399413999;assbot;Voicing blueocean for 30 minutes. 662786;1399414006;mircea_popescu;true. 662787;1399414019;blueocean;thank you mp, that was nice of you 662788;1399414041;mircea_popescu;sure. 662789;1399414043;mircea_popescu;who're you ? 662790;1399414060;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19150 @ 0.00085496 = 16.3725 BTC [+] {2} 662791;1399414071;blueocean;lol 662792;1399414074;blueocean;i'm a human 662793;1399414079;mircea_popescu;that's a start. 662794;1399414110;blueocean;i just realized i've been using lol too much over the last few years. i apologize 662795;1399414119;mircea_popescu;fluffypony congrats on media whoring. can you offer text summary for the audio patience challenged ? 662796;1399414135;mircea_popescu;http://www.popularresistance.org/five-us-internet-providers-are-slowing-down-access-until-they-get-more-cash/ 662797;1399414143;mircea_popescu;check that out ye people behind the plastic curtain : 662798;1399414148;mircea_popescu;you'll have even slower interwebz. 662799;1399414165;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: unfortunately not, was off-the-cuff, but mostly just reiterated stuff I've mentioned in here before and did lots of marketing-droid-speak about The importance Of Adoption (tm) 662800;1399414221;mircea_popescu;aok wd. 662801;1399414303;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 18 @ 0.06973836 = 1.2553 BTC [+] {3} 662802;1399414313;bitcoinpete;plastic curtain… i like that 662803;1399414330;mircea_popescu;feel free to steal it. 662804;1399414338;bitcoinpete;http://ca.bitcoinfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Newly-elected-board-member-Press-release.pdf <; Cascadian Hacker: ; Webwallets Will Always Fail - Fr33aid's wallet robbed, Blockchain ...: 662958;1399417437;ThickAsThieves;motherfucking fuck 662959;1399417457;ThickAsThieves;as part of this solar install we werse sold a hybrid water heater 662960;1399417467;kakobrekla;and soap? 662961;1399417469;mircea_popescu;this is what people say whose washing machine water hose popped early in the unsupervised cycle 662962;1399417476;ThickAsThieves;rather than solar, cuz it's better or cheaper or whatever 662963;1399417489;ThickAsThieves;well, it'd more noisey than the A/C 662964;1399417493;ThickAsThieves;like very loud 662965;1399417502;mircea_popescu;well... it WAS cheaper 662966;1399417507;ThickAsThieves;and my garage is a converted recording studio in the making 662967;1399417509;ThickAsThieves;... 662968;1399417518;assbot;Last 9 lines bashed and pending review. (http://dpaste.com/0DA9XZP.txt) 662969;1399417518;mircea_popescu;!b 9 662970;1399417524;kakobrekla;you mean was? 662971;1399417539;mircea_popescu;he means would be 662972;1399417542;ThickAsThieves;it requires 700sqft of open air to work, so i also cant box it in to dampen noise 662973;1399417547;kakobrekla;or should be. 662974;1399417555;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves just go with the flow man. add the noise to the beats :D 662975;1399417564;kakobrekla;make it noise-rap 662976;1399417576;mircea_popescu;it's gotta be better than the shit on tv. 662977;1399417586;kakobrekla;or whatever you plan on recording 662978;1399417593;mircea_popescu;lmao 662979;1399417596;ThickAsThieves;i'm so frustrated by this 662980;1399417609;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves what's the noisy part ? 662981;1399417630;ThickAsThieves;there's a mega fan, and then this humming mini-keg thing 662982;1399417662;mircea_popescu;is the fan making noise because of mechanics or airflow ? 662983;1399417670;ThickAsThieves;both 662984;1399417671;benkay;what the hell is a hybrid water heater? 662985;1399417683;ThickAsThieves;it uses the hot air or some shit 662986;1399417693;kakobrekla;its a thing that "will and will not heat your water" 662987;1399417705;fluffypony;ThickAsThieves: what are you recording 662988;1399417706;benkay;because heating water isn't dead simple to begin with. 662989;1399417706;ThickAsThieves;oh look it has an electric mode 662990;1399417718;ThickAsThieves;maybe i can get out of thois only spending $4000 for nothing 662991;1399417726;fluffypony;ThickAsThieves Presents: The Lion King Intro (Cover) 662992;1399417731;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves if it makes you feel better, my house (and most of europe) is heated by gas fired tankless systems, which actuyally make very little noise. 662993;1399417757;ThickAsThieves;well the prior was electric, it only made noise when refilling with water after showers 662994;1399417770;mircea_popescu;benkay some shit us idea that tries to combine the african water heater (big tank painted black) with the european model (burn gas under the pipe, like a reverse fridge) 662995;1399417792;ThickAsThieves;this one uses like 30% of the electricity 662996;1399417824;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves so basically by making a deal with your helpful government, you can now keep your hot water showers, 662997;1399417829;mircea_popescu;if you liked your hot water showers. 662998;1399417838;mircea_popescu;and it'll only cost an extra 4k. 662999;1399417868;ThickAsThieves;the best part is the installer wouldnt even take the replaced one, which works perfectly fine 663000;1399417880;ThickAsThieves;here i was thinking i'd be nice and give it to him for free 663001;1399417886;mircea_popescu;lol 663002;1399417889;ThickAsThieves;he's like where do you want this 663003;1399417892;ThickAsThieves;motherfucker 663004;1399417908;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves have him come back, make a hybrid-hybrid system 663005;1399417913;mircea_popescu;where both the old and new are spliced together. 663006;1399417949;ThickAsThieves;i guess i need to ride it out and see if it shuts up when it's heated 663007;1399417957;ThickAsThieves;and how long that takes 663008;1399417967;ThickAsThieves;i bet it doesnt 663009;1399417977;ThickAsThieves;i bet the fan even runs on elec mode 663010;1399417981;mircea_popescu;tbh, unless you got some turboprop shit going on here, a properly soundproofed garage shouldn't care anywya. 663011;1399417999;ThickAsThieves;it's loud man 663012;1399418011;mircea_popescu;uh 663013;1399418013;ThickAsThieves;like i said i cant block it off either 663014;1399418017;mircea_popescu;how loud can it be ? got a db probe ? 663015;1399418022;ThickAsThieves;it just stopped! 663016;1399418036;ThickAsThieves;i'm a whiney bitch! 663017;1399418047;mircea_popescu;funny, i can't tell whether my heater fan is working from here. 663018;1399418079;ThickAsThieves;i dont have a db probe, but have a special mic for measurements in a box somewhere 663019;1399418094;ThickAsThieves;no matter, i know from hearing it's too loud to have going with mics hot 663020;1399418111;ThickAsThieves;and to mix over 663021;1399418136;mircea_popescu;how the fuck do you want to do a soundproofing job w/o a db probe 663022;1399418146;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.0699 = 0.1398 BTC [-] {2} 663023;1399418147;ThickAsThieves;it doesnt work like that 663024;1399418167;ThickAsThieves;soundproofing isnt what i need 663025;1399418176;ThickAsThieves;that would only please neighbors 663026;1399418188;mircea_popescu;huh !? 663027;1399418194;ThickAsThieves;i need to control reflections 663028;1399418197;ThickAsThieves;sound treatment 663029;1399418199;mircea_popescu;oh 663030;1399418203;mircea_popescu;o boy. 663031;1399418207;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 11 @ 0.06979199 = 0.7677 BTC [-] 663032;1399418219;mircea_popescu;can i bet against this ipo of yours somewhere ? 663033;1399418224;ThickAsThieves;haha 663034;1399418243;ThickAsThieves;i think you misunderstand what i do 663035;1399418247;ThickAsThieves;i dotn record bands n shit 663036;1399418256;ThickAsThieves;or need multiple rooms 663037;1399418268;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 11 @ 0.06955 = 0.7651 BTC [-] 663038;1399418275;mircea_popescu;you just heat water ? 663039;1399418278;ThickAsThieves;it's essentially a mixing room with a vocal area 663040;1399418297;mircea_popescu;well yes. that's what studios are these days. 663041;1399418302;mircea_popescu;because who the fuck plays an instrument anymore. 663042;1399418314;ThickAsThieves;well i have guitars and amp too 663043;1399418327;ThickAsThieves;but that's easy to mic even in sub-optimal room 663044;1399418329;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 20 @ 0.06954 = 1.3908 BTC [-] 663045;1399418341;mircea_popescu;you mic electric guitars ?! 663046;1399418351;ThickAsThieves;not lately but of course 663047;1399418356;mircea_popescu;uh. why ?! 663048;1399418360;ThickAsThieves;why not? 663049;1399418366;mircea_popescu;because... they are... electric ? 663050;1399418370;ThickAsThieves;lol 663051;1399418374;ThickAsThieves;you mic the amp 663052;1399418374;mircea_popescu;you already got their signal, what's the mic going to do ? 663053;1399418384;ThickAsThieves;the speakers 663054;1399418389;mircea_popescu;but 663055;1399418394;*;mircea_popescu goes over to lie down and die. 663056;1399418399;mod6;https://imgflip.com/i/8md2f 663057;1399418422;ThickAsThieves;because if i just record the line, then i must use digital effects and overdrive etc 663058;1399418427;ThickAsThieves;it's not the same 663059;1399418428;ThickAsThieves;not bad 663060;1399418431;ThickAsThieves;but not the same 663061;1399418433;kakobrekla;mircea_popescu the speakers color the sound specifically depending on brand model, and guitar players want that . 663062;1399418441;kakobrekla;cause they are herps. 663063;1399418445;ThickAsThieves;yes i use a tube amp 663064;1399418467;ThickAsThieves;i also have one tube mic and one tube preamp 663065;1399418477;ThickAsThieves;among others 663066;1399418533;ThickAsThieves;this thing is great http://www.lachapellaudio.com/model-583s/ 663067;1399418566;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla so the amps do not have a jack into which you can plug your speakers or mixing table or anything else ? 663068;1399418591;mircea_popescu;i have a better idea : MIC THE SPEAKERS TWICE 663069;1399418600;ThickAsThieves;actuallu 663070;1399418607;kakobrekla;amps and speakers are usually joined for guitars afaik. 663071;1399418610;ThickAsThieves;some guys mic the mix out of the monitors 663072;1399418610;mircea_popescu;mod6 lol 663073;1399418632;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves so basically this "industry" is not so unlike bitcoin biznis industry 663074;1399418646;mircea_popescu;aesthetically driven technologies 663075;1399418649;ThickAsThieves;somewhat 663076;1399418663;mod6;;) 663077;1399418670;ThickAsThieves;this is partly why i tried (and failed) to get stan interested in designing gear 663078;1399418682;ThickAsThieves;he'd probably rape the scene 663079;1399418693;mircea_popescu;just the offense this discussion brings to any serious ee may have him change his mind. 663080;1399418729;ThickAsThieves;people have like 1000-post-long threads about digital converter chips 663081;1399418747;ThickAsThieves;about noise from cabling 663082;1399418749;ThickAsThieves;etc 663083;1399418779;ThickAsThieves;they cream over vintage stuff because new shit is all crap 663084;1399418803;ThickAsThieves;hell, they cream over plugins that emulate vintage gear 663085;1399418805;benkay;dem vacuum tubes 663086;1399418825;mod6;<+ThickAsThieves> hell, they cream over plugins that emulate vintage gear << haha 663087;1399418840;kakobrekla;ThickAsThieves a lot of that is bullshit, a lot of it isnt. 663088;1399418841;ThickAsThieves;you laugh but it's nig money 663089;1399418846;ThickAsThieves;big* 663090;1399418847;ThickAsThieves;hehe 663091;1399418853;ThickAsThieves;nig too though 663092;1399418853;mod6;hahah 663093;1399418876;ThickAsThieves;ive easily got $10k in plugins 663094;1399418916;ThickAsThieves;like bitcoin, it's also a vast learning space 663095;1399418939;ThickAsThieves;it was the object of my obsession til i found you guys 663096;1399418962;kakobrekla;and now you are also done with btc finance? 663097;1399418962;ThickAsThieves;and til i invented investment banking ;) 663098;1399418980;kakobrekla;(taken from your blog) 663099;1399418983;ThickAsThieves;yes 663100;1399418994;ThickAsThieves;i still trade some 663101;1399419000;mircea_popescu;lol 663102;1399419001;ThickAsThieves;but moving back to music 663103;1399419022;mircea_popescu;well, let's hope music gets regulated in the us then 663104;1399419033;mircea_popescu;just for my own personal lulzfest. 663105;1399419033;ThickAsThieves;lol 663106;1399419074;ThickAsThieves;i did a whole floor plan for my space, i'll probly start some blog posts on the efforts after Amsterdam 663107;1399419305;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.06951337 = 0.2085 BTC [-] {3} 663108;1399419338;ThickAsThieves;for asciilifeform: this guy makes a killing selling kits (or assemblies) of a mic preamp that mimics a very popular more expensive one http://www.classicapi.com/catalog/ 663109;1399419353;fluffypony;ThickAsThieves 663110;1399419356;fluffypony;I'm still confuzzled 663111;1399419363;fluffypony;it's a recording studio but not for bands? 663112;1399419366;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.0694 = 0.2082 BTC [-] 663113;1399419367;ThickAsThieves;his "secret sauce" is that he uses his on opamp design 663114;1399419407;mircea_popescu;fluffypony he's probably just trying to record his wife snoring 663115;1399419415;fluffypony;lol 663116;1399419420;ThickAsThieves;correct fluffy, my recent years were focused on making "rap beats" 663117;1399419425;fluffypony;step into my parlour, said the spider to the fly 663118;1399419428;ThickAsThieves;and recording local rappers 663119;1399419452;fluffypony;ThickAsThieves: that's helluva interesting, way out of my field of knowledge 663120;1399419462;ThickAsThieves;this may be still on the table, but I'm currently researching the video game music industry 663121;1399419479;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves but basically, any "artist" is just called "a band" in my admittedly living in the past head. 663122;1399419490;ThickAsThieves;i did a few songs for a garage game 663123;1399419497;fluffypony;but based on some trivial readings I believe the major aim is authenticity - what goes on to the master (digital or otherwise) must be as close to reality as possible, let post-processing be done in playback 663124;1399419520;mircea_popescu;fluffypony there's not really such a thing as "authentic" sound. 663125;1399419535;ThickAsThieves;it all depends what youre going for 663126;1399419547;mircea_popescu;sound is air vibration. unless you package the air along with the signal, your digital thing'll be just a construction. 663127;1399419566;jurov;ThickAsThieves: at least you have proper prng, just hook a mic to that hybrid heater exhaust 663128;1399419569;ThickAsThieves;i actually had an idea about that 663129;1399419569;fluffypony;lol 663130;1399419579;ThickAsThieves;the most recent almbum i was working on, 663131;1399419583;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: for real, audiophile stuff is way over my head anyway 663132;1399419585;ThickAsThieves;was to have 2 mixes 663133;1399419592;ThickAsThieves;one for open air, and one for headphones 663134;1399419603;ThickAsThieves;where i would specify the headphones used 663135;1399419619;ThickAsThieves;which got me to wondering why we dont see "ipod" mixes 663136;1399419626;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves this is a good thing to do, but not for the direct reason. for the marketing meta-reason instead : 663137;1399419634;mircea_popescu;it'll keep the fans endlessly occupied with a fun debate 663138;1399419634;ThickAsThieves;right 663139;1399419643;mircea_popescu;which will mean they will never have awkward silences discussing your shit 663140;1399419650;mircea_popescu;which will mean that's all they'll want to talk about. 663141;1399419653;mircea_popescu;win. 663142;1399419653;ThickAsThieves;it was very integreated with marketing of the album 663143;1399419657;ThickAsThieves;it was called Headphone Music 663144;1399419659;ThickAsThieves;hehe 663145;1399419701;ThickAsThieves;i'm exploring my next steps via research and planning 663146;1399419714;ThickAsThieves;i have more twisty ideas like that about having a music business 663147;1399419719;ThickAsThieves;it's pretty much necessary 663148;1399419724;ThickAsThieves;to have any hope of profit 663149;1399419752;ThickAsThieves;hence having an eye on video games over rap beats 663150;1399419759;ThickAsThieves;the market is thriving and exists 663151;1399419771;ThickAsThieves;whereas rap producers mostly spend money 663152;1399419807;mircea_popescu;you won't make money from making sound any more than a girl will make money taking selfies. 663153;1399419883;ThickAsThieves;well when you start doing soundtracks there is other related work 663154;1399419894;ThickAsThieves;sfx, voice recording/acting 663155;1399419918;mircea_popescu;the (imo incredibly cool) voice acting including in present eulora was... a freebie. 663156;1399419945;ThickAsThieves;sure, and i intend to offer some freebies initially 663157;1399419962;mircea_popescu;so does everyone else. perpetually. 663158;1399419964;mircea_popescu;see hansen 663159;1399419977;ThickAsThieves;yes, but not all companies are interested in free 663160;1399419989;ThickAsThieves;and not all freebie offerers stay that way 663161;1399419994;ThickAsThieves;nor need to 663162;1399420020;ThickAsThieves;i have some thoughts i'm fleshing out to address that as well 663163;1399420021;mircea_popescu;you can argue this with me till either of us get bored. point remains : this isn't a business, it's a hobby. 663164;1399420073;ThickAsThieves;you think a audio production company is a unicorn? 663165;1399420139;mircea_popescu;this market is deader than disco, you might as well build a time machine to go back to 1982 to buy buffett's textile business. 663166;1399420165;mircea_popescu;for great victory! 663167;1399420165;ThickAsThieves;(please note that i havent necessarily commited to treating this as more than a hobby, that's why i'm exploring it on paper first) 663168;1399420180;ThickAsThieves;i havent convinced myself yet either 663169;1399420182;mircea_popescu;sure. 663170;1399420193;ThickAsThieves;but as i work i am at leats finding angles 663171;1399420220;mircea_popescu;there's no angle to be found to go around the simple fact that nobody is willing to pay to listen to some music. 663172;1399420224;mircea_popescu;they'd rather expect you to pay them 663173;1399420274;ThickAsThieves;i dont disagree, but you also think video game company wouldnt pay to have a dedicate audio artist or team on their project? 663174;1399420299;jurov;ThickAsThieves: rather sell amps with surreptitiously embedded miners 663175;1399420342;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.03398995 = 0.3399 BTC [+] 663176;1399420349;ThickAsThieves;video game industry is getting to be bigger than movie industry isnt it? 663177;1399420386;mircea_popescu;rift cost 50mn and has yet to make 20. 663178;1399420403;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.03199598 = 0.32 BTC [+] 663179;1399420414;BingoBoingo;Video games and Movies are big industries in different ways. 663180;1399420422;mircea_popescu;chetty sage pix : http://trilema.com/2014/sage/ 663181;1399420426;ThickAsThieves;yet rift still paid for its music 663182;1399420435;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves surely. and it has great music, too. 663183;1399420462;ThickAsThieves;and there is a vast ocean of game types and sizes out there 663184;1399420480;mircea_popescu;none of them willing to pay you a living wage, but all of them happy to have you on board. 663185;1399420485;ThickAsThieves;hell i could be the king if iphone app music or some shit 663186;1399420500;mircea_popescu;be wary of lines of work in which there are stars. 663187;1399420522;mircea_popescu;that's the clear proof that the thing is run as a lottery, and most everyone involved pays to participate. 663188;1399420531;ThickAsThieves;i dont think that video game music is very starstruck 663189;1399420536;ThickAsThieves;they mostly go unappreciated 663190;1399420546;mircea_popescu;you went to iphone kindgom. 663191;1399420574;ThickAsThieves;even teh FF series, probablty the most popular soundtracks, i bet less than 10% of buyers could name 1 composer 663192;1399420609;BingoBoingo;ThickAsThieves: You mean Uematsu? 663193;1399420613;mircea_popescu;haha 663194;1399420615;ThickAsThieves;dick 663195;1399420617;ThickAsThieves;:) 663196;1399420645;BingoBoingo;Well, it's like the one composer for nearly all the games. 663197;1399420664;ThickAsThieves;mostly this is in contrast to rap beat production, it is all about the stars 663198;1399420674;ThickAsThieves;and i have very little hope of profit in that area 663199;1399420682;mircea_popescu;sorta like how hans zimmer does like 80% of movie soundtracks that are any good. 663200;1399420704;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves if i were to wager a guess, rap beats is a crystal ball thing. 663201;1399420725;mircea_popescu;ie, if you suck a major rap artist's cock (the mage) and he deigns to call you his crystal ball, 663202;1399420730;mircea_popescu;then you can make a killing selling to the wananbes 663203;1399420732;ThickAsThieves;these days you have to pretty much hand over a finished song that just needs to rap verses 663204;1399420736;ThickAsThieves;it's ugly 663205;1399420739;mircea_popescu;exactly how amps and shit are sold to the masses. 663206;1399420772;mircea_popescu;course that can change within five minutes, leaving you without your living. 663207;1399420777;BingoBoingo;^ 663208;1399420800;mircea_popescu;meanwhile, zimmer appreciation moment. 663209;1399420801;mircea_popescu;http://www.youtube.com/embed/6ab1l2TwFp8 663210;1399420802;ozbot;True Romance # You're so cool - Hans Zimmer - YouTube 663211;1399420830;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 27 @ 0.033987 = 0.9176 BTC [-] {2} 663212;1399420831;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 126 @ 0.45160014 = 56.9016 BTC [-] {14} 663213;1399420884;mircea_popescu;incidentally, it occurs to me someone should do a topic summary of this channel. what have we been discussing today, music, heaters, beating small children, points of history of cryptography academic publications minutia, radiobiology 663214;1399420891;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 30 @ 0.0319984 = 0.96 BTC [+] {2} 663215;1399420892;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.0334501 = 0.3345 BTC [-] 663216;1399420902;ThickAsThieves;funny that same idea occurred to me recently 663217;1399420906;mircea_popescu;and thjat's just oiff the top of my head 663218;1399420907;benkay;gon' need some more whores. 663219;1399420908;ThickAsThieves;like a daily news 663220;1399420909;pankkake;hans zimmer and lisa gerrard! 663221;1399420920;pankkake;and bear mccreary must be doing 80% of tv series 663222;1399420925;mircea_popescu;benkay funny how bait died. those pics really sucked too 663223;1399420959;ThickAsThieves;meanwhile i think my A/C now died 663224;1399420965;BingoBoingo;Klye ever come back with his pictures? 663225;1399420990;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo nah, i think he may be more than a few tweaks and turns away from an actual workable harem. 663226;1399421020;BingoBoingo;Yeah, strikes me as to young and unpracticed. 663227;1399421038;mircea_popescu;well, he's ambitious which is good, and has stuck around for a while, which is also good. 663228;1399421055;BingoBoingo;Indeed. Seems like he also gave up on mining which is good 663229;1399421058;mircea_popescu;and while i suspect he's not necessarily willing to openly admit as much, he prolly got my point. 663230;1399421074;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7558 @ 0.00085379 = 6.4529 BTC [-] {2} 663231;1399421089;BingoBoingo;It seems so 663232;1399421132;benkay;.bait 663233;1399421134;ozbot;http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m10b5eGXYQ1qgm31io1_500.jpg 663234;1399421135;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7942 @ 0.0008508 = 6.7571 BTC [-] {2} 663235;1399421144;benkay;prrrrrrty vanilla. 663236;1399421173;mircea_popescu;it's such a weird artefact of times long gone, to see women wearing panties... 663237;1399421189;benkay;until you've got the girls showing up with other girls you can't really call it a harem. 663238;1399421262;mircea_popescu;;;tslb 663239;1399421265;gribble;Time since last block: 23 seconds 663240;1399421455;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/Mircea_Popescu/status/463833295717810176 663241;1399421456;ozbot;Twitter / Mircea_Popescu: Nobody hires anymore. It's ... 663242;1399421467;mircea_popescu;more serious than you think : hiring is a myth! 663243;1399421532;ThickAsThieves;in a few years everyone will just be their own business 663244;1399421539;ThickAsThieves;and the the employers will be clients 663245;1399421549;ThickAsThieves;all the* 663246;1399421571;mircea_popescu;if this hasn't already happened a few years back 663247;1399421806;assbot;[MPEX] [FT] [X.IDIFF.JUN] 6300 @ 0.0109775 = 69.1583 BTC [-] 663248;1399421842;mircea_popescu;!up drew 663249;1399421842;assbot;Voicing drew for 30 minutes. 663250;1399421934;mircea_popescu;like 11bn diff by june 663251;1399422005;benkay; in a few years everyone will just be their own business << why do you think i do what i do?! 663252;1399422031;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/_mculp/status/463835160568274945 << check it out, twitter campaign has results. 663253;1399422032;ozbot;Twitter / _mculp: @mircea_popescu @beautyon_ ... 663254;1399422045;mike_c;at least the idiff's are actually in play this quarter. nice to see. 663255;1399422110;benkay;how's the arb look idiff vs bitbet? 663256;1399422170;mike_c;don't see much on bitbet to short diff for june 663257;1399422172;assbot;[MPEX] [FT] [X.IDIFF.JUN] 8500 @ 0.01099853 = 93.4875 BTC [+] {2} 663258;1399422173;mircea_popescu;benkay iirc there was a 14bn on 14th of july 663259;1399422206;mircea_popescu;http://bitbet.us/bet/677/bitcoin-network-difficulty-14bn-on-bastille-day/ 663260;1399422208;ozbot;BitBet - Bitcoin network difficulty > 14Bn on Bastille day 663261;1399422216;mircea_popescu;14.07, heavy yes 663262;1399422217;benkay;is there any field-leading work on option/parimutuel parity? 663263;1399422229;mircea_popescu;hey mike_c how about a bot that gives odds and whatnot for bitbet links ? 663264;1399422238;mircea_popescu;benkay not so far. 663265;1399422248;mike_c;that's a good idea 663266;1399422250;mircea_popescu;8:28 btc for the july thing. 663267;1399422252;mike_c;we need more bots in here 663268;1399422255;mircea_popescu;lol 663269;1399422270;benkay;https://www.fairlay.com/event/category/bitcoin/difficulty/?signup=1250 663270;1399422274;mircea_popescu;what we need is a better ozbot. like, providing a read of bitbet bets, and better baits 663271;1399422355;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 20 @ 0.06967978 = 1.3936 BTC [-] {7} 663272;1399422363;BingoBoingo;What about that Periscope idea that does upskirts and whatever? 663273;1399422373;mircea_popescu;soi the x.idiff expire 18th of june, and trading around 11bn atm 663274;1399422385;mircea_popescu;the bitbet is for 14th july, heavy towards >14bn 663275;1399422397;mircea_popescu;it'd seem people suspect june/july will have major deployments of moar hash 663276;1399422408;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo maybe so 663277;1399422483;mircea_popescu;.d 663278;1399422484;ozbot;8.001 billion | Next Diff in 916 blocks | Estimated Change: 7.8962% in 5d 20h 36m 10s 663279;1399422520;mircea_popescu;;;calc 8 * 1.07 * 1.15 ^ 2 663280;1399422521;gribble;Error: Something in there wasn't a valid number. 663281;1399422528;mircea_popescu;;;calc 8 * 1.07 * 1.15 ** 2 663282;1399422528;gribble;11.3206 663283;1399422550;mircea_popescu;seems rational actually 663284;1399422553;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Control code is UP! or DOWN! 663285;1399422620;mircea_popescu;who ran ozbot again ? was it scrat ? 663286;1399422633;mircea_popescu;;;seen scrat 663287;1399422633;gribble;scrat was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 25 weeks, 3 days, 3 hours, 8 minutes, and 39 seconds ago: im a fat cock 663288;1399422649;ThickAsThieves;<+mircea_popescu> it'd seem people suspect june/july will have major deployments of moar hash /// afaik ASICminer has yet to release the hounds 663289;1399422669;mircea_popescu;!up Jezzz 663290;1399422669;assbot;Voicing Jezzz for 30 minutes. 663291;1399422680;Jezzz;thx 663292;1399422682;mircea_popescu;you gotta be id' with gribble, in assbot's wot to self-voice yourself. 663293;1399422694;Jezzz;ozbot is mine 663294;1399422697;mircea_popescu;oh it is ? 663295;1399422706;Jezzz;/whois ozbot 663296;1399422707;Jezzz;^ 663297;1399422708;mircea_popescu;say, how hard would it be to make it look for bet pool on bitbets ? 663298;1399422713;mircea_popescu;!up DrewHorne 663299;1399422713;assbot;Voicing DrewHorne for 30 minutes. 663300;1399422722;mircea_popescu;;;gettrust assbot Jezzz 663301;1399422723;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user Jezzz: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=Jezzz | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=Jezzz | Rated since: Fri Mar 2 23:47:44 2012 663302;1399422725;DrewHorne;hey guys 663303;1399422731;mircea_popescu;;;rate Jezzz 1 ozbot 663304;1399422733;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user Jezzz has been recorded. 663305;1399422744;mircea_popescu;there. now you can id with gribble, and then pm assbot !up 663306;1399422750;Jezzz;thx 663307;1399422756;DrewHorne;thickasthieves, how are you 663308;1399422764;Jezzz;mircea_popescu: not hard 663309;1399422765;benkay;DrewHorne: who are you? 663310;1399422772;mircea_popescu;Jezzz so mind doing it ? 663311;1399422774;Jezzz;i'd just need to take a look at the bitbets api 663312;1399422778;mircea_popescu;also, where does .bait pull the pix from ? 663313;1399422780;Jezzz;have a link handy? 663314;1399422785;mike_c;Jezzz: bitbet provides json with all the bet information. just add ?json to end of bet url. 663315;1399422785;mircea_popescu;yes there's a json one sec 663316;1399422792;mircea_popescu;^ there 663317;1399422825;BingoBoingo;;;rate Jezzz 1 .bait 663318;1399422827;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user Jezzz has been recorded. 663319;1399422858;DrewHorne;im coming from the bitcointalk.org investments forum, I have a very solid business plan that I am looking for investment on, and after speaking with ThickAsThieves he said that the best way to go about vetting my idea in the bitcoin space was to bring it here 663320;1399422872;mircea_popescu;DrewHorne ok, shoot. 663321;1399422874;Jezzz;mircea_popescu: how do you imagine the bitbet interaction working? 663322;1399422896;mircea_popescu;<mircea_popescu> http://bitbet.us/bet/677/bitcoin-network-difficulty-14bn-on-bastille-day/ 663323;1399422897;mircea_popescu;<ozbot> BitBet - Bitcoin network difficulty > 14Bn on Bastille day. 85 btc on yes, 30 btc on no, 55 days left. 663324;1399422908;mircea_popescu;that'd be the bare bones. 663325;1399422932;mircea_popescu; BitBet - Bitcoin network difficulty > 14Bn on Bastille day. 85 btc on yes (73%), 30 btc on no (27%), 55 days left (33`212 weight). 663326;1399422937;mircea_popescu;for a whole shebang 663327;1399422947;DrewHorne;basically my idea involves moreso a fiat investment rather than a bitcoin investment for starters, especially since it is over a 5 year period. I am very much of the opinion however that there are forward thinking and open minded investors of all sorts in the bitcoin space 663328;1399422949;mircea_popescu;i'd rather have the later. 663329;1399422957;ThickAsThieves;Couldn't kako also dynamically create the title to be that? 663330;1399422968;Jezzz;surely 663331;1399422970;mike_c;you'll have to add up all the bets yourself because kako said so :) 663332;1399422986;Jezzz;also, if you've got to provide the entire link, not sure that's a real handy shortcut 663333;1399422986;benkay;677 is the unique id, Jezzz mircea_popescu 663334;1399422990;ThickAsThieves;it should be kako's penance for his affiliate scam 663335;1399423000;Jezzz;but if everyone wants it, i'll code it up 663336;1399423005;benkay;bitbet.us/bet/677 663337;1399423015;benkay;mircea_popescu wants it, Jezzz 663338;1399423015;mircea_popescu;yes that works 663339;1399423016;DrewHorne;also some parts of the strategy are confidential, and would only be on the table for discussion after signing a mutual NDA and mutually confirming our identities 663340;1399423025;Jezzz;how about .bitbet 677 663341;1399423027;Jezzz;or similar 663342;1399423031;benkay;sounds good! 663343;1399423034;benkay;!up Ziggy9263 663344;1399423034;assbot;Voicing Ziggy9263 for 30 minutes. 663345;1399423037;mircea_popescu;Jezzz i wouldn't know wtf the bitbet 677 is off my head 663346;1399423046;Jezzz;hm 663347;1399423048;mircea_popescu;i tend to just link a biutbet, then i find myuself having to paste data 663348;1399423058;Jezzz;lemme see if there's an easy way to do like a dynamic search 663349;1399423060;DrewHorne;BUT the investment has a 6000% return, looking for $1,250,000 USD in exchange for 30% equity of a company we will sell for $250,000,000 in 5 years 663350;1399423063;ThickAsThieves;Drew if any of the secrets you keep are require dknowledge to vet your plan, then we cant help you 663351;1399423067;Jezzz;like .bitbet bastille 663352;1399423067;mircea_popescu;alternatively, kako could indeed change the title. 663353;1399423069;Jezzz;or similar 663354;1399423077;mike_c;you already grabbing URLs, should be easy to regex bitbet urls and do something different, no? 663355;1399423078;mircea_popescu;im not sure that'd be useful tbh 663356;1399423084;Jezzz;mike_c: yep 663357;1399423085;ThickAsThieves;also, if you lead with your hands out, that doesnt help 663358;1399423094;mircea_popescu; basically my idea involves moreso a fiat investment rather than a bitcoin investment for starters, << so that's the end of the discussion. 663359;1399423114;*;Jezzz shoos DrewHorne to #fiat-assets 663360;1399423121;DrewHorne;this is true, hence I am in a bit of a paradox here. 663361;1399423127;DrewHorne;ill check it out jezzz thanks 663362;1399423132;ThickAsThieves;paradox isnt the right word 663363;1399423132;Jezzz;joking DrewHorne 663364;1399423133;mircea_popescu;the paradox is entirely of your own making. 663365;1399423143;mircea_popescu;you're in the barber shop explaining you want clothes made. 663366;1399423146;DrewHorne;is that a real freenode lol jezzz 663367;1399423148;mircea_popescu;how is this a paradox ? 663368;1399423149;ThickAsThieves;what you are is an opportunist 663369;1399423192;mircea_popescu; BUT the investment has a 6000% return, looking for $1,250,000 USD in exchange for 30% equity of a company we will sell for $250,000,000 in 5 years << this should go in my list of "stupid things one should never say" 663370;1399423199;ThickAsThieves;you are more excited to share what you want from people, than what you have to offer them 663371;1399423231;ThickAsThieves;maybe he watches too much Shark Tank 663372;1399423236;ThickAsThieves;I think they lead with the ask 663373;1399423245;DrewHorne;was i not sharing both equally by simultaneously sharing what I want and how it would benefit them? 663374;1399423251;mircea_popescu;upon consideration, i think jezz has a very valid point. it's not ozbot that should change. 663375;1399423255;DrewHorne;and i actually don't watch any TV really 663376;1399423258;DrewHorne;:) 663377;1399423267;Jezzz;http://bitbet.us/bet/677/bitcoin-network-difficulty-14bn-on-bastille-day/ 663378;1399423268;ozbot;BitBet - Bitcoin network difficulty > 14Bn on Bastille day 663379;1399423285;mircea_popescu;it's bitbet. kakobrekla can we make individual bet titles read like "BitBet - Bitcoin network difficulty > 14Bn on Bastille day. 85 btc on yes (73%), 30 btc on no (27%), 55 days left (33`212 weight)" instead of just bet title as is now ? 663380;1399423297;Jezzz;but I bet ozbot does it before bitbet does :) 663381;1399423306;ThickAsThieves;<+mircea_popescu> upon consideration, i think jezz has a very valid point. it's not ozbot that should change.// hey that was my point! 663382;1399423315;Jezzz;indeed ThickAsThieves 663383;1399423317;mircea_popescu;i dunno about that hehe. we've had rapid deployment b4 663384;1399423319;*;ThickAsThieves gets all crumbles, no cookies 663385;1399423326;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves no credit for you!!1 :D 663386;1399423332;mircea_popescu;!jd mpif 663387;1399423332;assbot;Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 164.01849826 BTC; +0.28271040 BTC (+0.1727%) since last check 22h 56m 7s ago. 663388;1399423337;Jezzz;mircea_popescu: i'm almost done, they better hurry :) 663389;1399423342;mircea_popescu;lol kk 663390;1399423410;mircea_popescu;;;calc 1.001727 ** 365 663391;1399423410;gribble;1.87725633448 663392;1399423475;kakobrekla;erroneous command issued 663393;1399423500;kakobrekla;what no do you want me to do it or ? 663394;1399423507;kakobrekla;now* 663395;1399423516;Jezzz;if you are, i'll stop 663396;1399423517;DrewHorne;ThickAsThieves - so if I were able to discuss ~90% of my business plan here, but it involved fiat currency, would this not be a proper place to vet the plan? 663397;1399423536;kakobrekla;i am, as in exist, i havent started make the change yet. 663398;1399423543;Jezzz;no sense in us both doing it 663399;1399423549;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla you prolly should 663400;1399423556;mircea_popescu;better to have informative titles for all uses 663401;1399423561;Jezzz;perfect 663402;1399423564;mircea_popescu;than just a bypass hack in chan bot and nowhere else 663403;1399423568;kakobrekla;no to perfect! 663404;1399423573;*;Jezzz goes back to his other project :) 663405;1399423575;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 30 @ 0.0690709 = 2.0721 BTC [-] {7} 663406;1399423577;kakobrekla;not* 663407;1399423579;mircea_popescu;Jezzz sorry :) 663408;1399423584;kakobrekla;fuck 663409;1399423585;Jezzz;no worries at all 663410;1399423587;kakobrekla;not so perfect i meant. 663411;1399423594;kakobrekla;but yeah, carry on. 663412;1399423598;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla your spelling and keyboarding is perfect 663413;1399423603;ThickAsThieves;DrewHorne, either share or dont share, youre worrying about the drapes for a house you dont own yet 663414;1399423619;mircea_popescu;DrewHorne if you want to discuss some business plan, discuss some business plan 663415;1399423624;mircea_popescu;you were discussing a financial plan, 663416;1399423641;mircea_popescu;and one denominated in the wrong symbol. 663417;1399423690;mircea_popescu;actually Jezzz : how about better .bait! 663418;1399423699;Jezzz;heh 663419;1399423705;mircea_popescu;use naked in public or something, those retouched soft pronz are painful 663420;1399423715;Jezzz;if you have another tumblr source you'd like me to add to the randomization, I can do that 663421;1399423723;Jezzz;.bait 663422;1399423724;mircea_popescu;lessee 663423;1399423725;ozbot;http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m0yqm4Nknw1qgx97jo1_500.jpg 663424;1399423735;Jezzz;lol, case in point I guess 663425;1399423750;ThickAsThieves;maybe exlude victorias secret porn? 663426;1399423770;mircea_popescu;http://exposed-in-public.tumblr.com/ http://womennakedinpublic.tumblr.com/ http://public-playground.tumblr.com/ http://girlsnakedinpublicplaces.tumblr.com/ 663427;1399423770;Jezzz;dunno if I have time to build ozbot a porn analyzation engine 663428;1399423771;ozbot;Exposed In Public 663429;1399423772;Jezzz;:) 663430;1399423806;mircea_popescu;lol pron anal-yzation engines is where the webmoney is! 663431;1399423819;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4400 @ 0.00085596 = 3.7662 BTC [+] 663432;1399423834;mircea_popescu;"s.mpoe rises on news of better pronz in -assets" 663433;1399423874;mike_c;yeah, here's your better pronz.. http://37.media.tumblr.com/773582c056499207091b555557c0fb60/tumblr_n1d6a4GD9U1rnzzeqo1_1280.jpg 663434;1399423876;ThickAsThieves;"Coinbase announced that it acquired Kippt, a start-up company whose product gives users with a way to store and sort online media." 663435;1399423891;mircea_popescu;19 bn ? 663436;1399423892;Jezzz;mike_c: notice that too :P 663437;1399423900;mircea_popescu;mike_c at least she's naked! 663438;1399423901;mike_c;you can't unsee it 663439;1399423921;ThickAsThieves;no $ amount mentioned for the deal 663440;1399423928;mircea_popescu;who knew pronz is so difficult. 663441;1399423934;mike_c;ThickAsThieves: acqui-hire 663442;1399423941;ThickAsThieves;but the acquired folks are old ycombo buddies of coinbase's 663443;1399423951;mircea_popescu;"a start-up company whose product gives users with a way to grammer" 663444;1399423973;mike_c;grammar has two a's :D 663445;1399423976;mircea_popescu;who the fuck writes coinbase pr copy ? ahmed ? 663446;1399424035;mike_c;no startup ever goes bust in the us. always an acq-hire at the end.. 663447;1399424080;mircea_popescu;mike_c they used to, pre bubble. 663448;1399424095;mike_c;yeah, it's a new thing. so retarded. 663449;1399424111;jurov;graammer 663450;1399424127;mircea_popescu;is it dutch day yet ? 663451;1399424144;benkay;not retarded at all. better the team you know than the miscellaneous derps from the meetup you don't. 663452;1399424151;mike_c;Jezzz: can you make ozbot automatically correct people's spelling? 663453;1399424165;mircea_popescu;also can you make ozbot fix everyone's ipos ? 663454;1399424169;mike_c;benkay: not retarded to do it, retarded to have these "blah blah company got acquired" nonsense 663455;1399424184;mike_c;when they just hired the team and nobody got any money 663456;1399424198;mike_c;and they immediately shut the project down 663457;1399424222;mircea_popescu;mike_c everyone thinks "it's good pr". somehow the fucking world is upside down. for instance, in a sane market, the shareholders of the acquirer would discount ther share 663458;1399424234;mircea_popescu;but in backwards world, "having spent a lot of money" is a claim to fame, 663459;1399424240;mircea_popescu;preferable to "has deployed capital judiciously" 663460;1399424256;mircea_popescu;because everyone's living handout to handout, and the best way to be loved is to create the appearance of doling out handouts 663461;1399424490;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.45297945 BTC [+] 663462;1399424551;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.44440089 BTC [-] 663463;1399424628;mircea_popescu;so dies another great business plan. 663464;1399424667;kakobrekla;assbot - business plan killer ? 663465;1399424734;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.45297944 BTC [+] 663466;1399424795;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.4444 BTC [-] 663467;1399424856;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 27 @ 0.06836392 = 1.8458 BTC [-] {5} 663468;1399424911;benkay;!up Drew 663469;1399424911;assbot;Voicing Drew for 30 minutes. 663470;1399424917;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 250 @ 0.00433 = 1.0825 BTC [-] {2} 663471;1399424918;Drew;thanks 663472;1399424924;Drew;how do you send a private message on here 663473;1399424928;Drew;first experience with freenode 663474;1399424978;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 152 @ 0.00433 = 0.6582 BTC [-] 663475;1399424985;kakobrekla;you type in this box, this is private, limited to earth residents 663476;1399424998;mike_c;except the aliens that read the log 663477;1399424998;Drew;perfect 663478;1399425010;Drew;i mean as far as if i rejoin and need to get !upped again 663479;1399425015;Drew;like how do i private message assbot to up me 663480;1399425032;kakobrekla;that the last step of many steps one must take before one takes the last step 663481;1399425074;Drew;hm 663482;1399425108;Drew;ok, well anyways ThickAsThieves here are a few rough points on my business for discussion 663483;1399425121;Drew;OK - I have successfully thrown a music festival in Atlanta called Lunar Massive. Our plan is to continue the brand in the most optimum direction and develop it into the ideal acquisition target for the below company for the further below reasons. - 663484;1399425132;Drew;1. There is a media company (SFX entertainment) has stated that they are building a $1 billion empire in the Electronic Dance Music (EDM) space and have already spent $400 million buying different EDM festival related brands all over the world in the last year for anywhere from $15-$100 million. 663485;1399425135;benkay;/msg assbot yourmsg 663486;1399425136;benkay;or 663487;1399425142;benkay;/query assbot to start a conversation 663488;1399425154;Drew;2. -out of the worlds population of 7 billion, 3.6 billion are under the age of 30, and 2 billion are millennials. -Electronic Music is indisputably the music of choice for the 18-34 year old demographic mentioned above -The “Electronic Music Culture”, as he calls it, is more digitally plugged in and more reliably marketed to in a modern sense than any other genre -The industry is currently very fragmented, and was much mor 663489;1399425163;Drew;thank you benkay, and thanks for !upping me 663490;1399425167;benkay;also, you can't up yourself, i don't think. 663491;1399425172;benkay;;;gettrust assbot Drew 663492;1399425172;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user Drew: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=Drew | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=Drew | Rated since: never 663493;1399425175;benkay;wow 663494;1399425178;benkay;hop on that handle 663495;1399425181;benkay;;;gettrust ben 663496;1399425182;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user benkay to user ben: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=benkay&dest=ben | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=ben | Rated since: never 663497;1399425185;benkay;holy f 663498;1399425189;Drew;3. -If he was able to unite much of the industry under one brand, he would effectively control the marketing ability to 18-34 year olds with disposable income, an ability worth a tremendous amount of money to corporations that are looking to market their product to this demographic (of which there are a vast amount) 663499;1399425203;Drew;4. Our strategy is designed to create a brand which will cater to what this man and his company are trying to accomplish, which will value our brand at easily a quarter of a billion dollars. We will do this by having a different approach than any currently existing brand. 663500;1399425217;Drew;5. The majority of music festivals, including the ones he has purchased, have one large event per year. If they are quality events, they gain a raving loyal following who attends every year and their audience steadily increases. (Electric Forest, Ultra Music Festival, etc) 663501;1399425236;Drew;6. Our brand will have 8-10 medium/large scale events (~10-15 thousand people, multiple stages, 20+ acts), each with 10 small scale events (500-2500 people, one stage, 2-3 acts) in the surrounding area. Each medium/large scale event will be annually, with the 10 surrounding small events spaced out throughout the year to lead up to each large scale event. 663502;1399425248;Drew;7. The medium / large scale events will be spaced out around the year in each different location (Atlanta, Dallas, LA, NYC, Portland, Denver, Chicago, Miami, etc) so that the portion of the fanbase we develop into rabid fans can literally follow our brand around the country, like some music fans do. 663503;1399425255;Drew;8. the effect created by our structure will be to, instead of having one event per year for promotion to be centered around, we have 90-100 events associated with the brand across the country throughout the entire year to build promotion around, using each event as a social media hub and continuing to expand our presence. This will create the most unified EMC related brand that has existed so far, making it the literal perfect 663504;1399425266;Drew;company* 663505;1399425295;benkay;literal perfect company? 663506;1399425300;benkay;town down the rhetoric e-boy. 663507;1399425343;dub;I lol that the US learned about "EDM" 30 years later and is liek 'jump on dis new shit' 663508;1399425346;BingoBoingo;So... How do you compete against incumbents like LiveNation et al 663509;1399425422;benkay;how do you plan to address the e-tard's demonstrated abhorrence of large brands? 663510;1399425532;Drew;i would say that those 2 questions are very much interrelated 663511;1399425555;Drew;i would say that livenation is automatically abhorred by the vast majority of not only e-tards but lovers of live music in general 663512;1399425596;Drew;while they own many venues and are able to throw larger shows and more frequently than most people, they don't directly throw any festivals or 5000+ person events that i am aware of 663513;1399425615;Drew;they sponsor many festivals but are not in direct ownership of any 663514;1399425623;benkay;yeah they keep their brand where nobody can see it. 663515;1399425631;Drew;wise of them 663516;1399425646;benkay;this sounds like "we;re going to be the grateful dead but ultra corporate and the kids will love it" 663517;1399425677;Drew;i would correct you though benkay, in that the abhorrence is mostly towards large corporation involvement in live music, not so much the brands themselves 663518;1399425710;benkay;brands. how even ams brand. 663519;1399425730;benkay;if your brand = your corporation, i don't see how that's addressing the concern. 663520;1399425736;Drew;electric daisy carnival is branching out their festival, and even though they recently formed a "creative partnership" with SFX (the corporate devil in their eyes) that is not taking away from their brand following 663521;1399425738;benkay;burning man has a 'too big' branding problem already. 663522;1399425763;benkay;anyways. 663523;1399425766;benkay;sounds like a fiat business. 663524;1399425775;benkay;zero reason for btc folk to get involved. 663525;1399425777;Drew;yup 663526;1399425789;assbot;Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. (http://dpaste.com/2MN42E3.txt) 663527;1399425789;benkay;!b 3 663528;1399425805;Drew;unless they were looking to put their eggs in multiple baskets rather than one 663529;1399425816;benkay;just index the s/p 663530;1399425818;benkay;call it a day 663531;1399425830;benkay;second market if gambling's your thing. 663532;1399425839;benkay;"fartups". 663533;1399425863;benkay;Drew: we're mostly interested in businesses that cryptocurrencies enable. 663534;1399425897;Drew;understood 663535;1399425897;benkay;not much of that in this play. 663536;1399425923;Drew;I came here at the advice of ThickAsThieves, though I could have been more clear with him about the background of it 663537;1399425947;benkay;ya well that gets you some amount of politeness. 663538;1399425953;benkay;not much more. 663539;1399425960;Drew;I am looking on the bitcointalk.org forum for an investor though, and one thing you may be able to help me with (if you are willing) would be how to more readiliy pitch it to them 663540;1399425976;benkay;nah 663541;1399425986;benkay;go outside. meet people in the entertainment biz. raise money, do thing. 663542;1399425990;Drew;thats ok, politeness isn't something i came looking for. I have a thick skin and would prefer constructive brute criticism to beating around the bush senseless politeness any day 663543;1399425995;benkay;start small and demonstrate competence. 663544;1399426017;benkay;business rolls downhill to the heavy objects. be a heavy object. 663545;1399426038;benkay;but you know 663546;1399426040;benkay;who are you? 663547;1399426044;benkay;have you done anything like this before? 663548;1399426068;benkay;what experience do you have managing dopamine-depleted volunteers and arbitrating rape accusations on the fly? 663549;1399426078;Drew;we just successfully threw a music festival in atlanta with some pretty star studded acts 663550;1399426097;Drew;the response was that it was the 3rd best electronic music event held in atlanta to date 663551;1399426100;benkay;i don't really care 663552;1399426113;Drew;with the exception of tomorrowworld and counterpoint, 2 multi-day festivals with 100x the budget 663553;1399426126;benkay;ya anyways 663554;1399426128;BingoBoingo;Honestly Drew you sound like a less floridly psychotic version of Dank on bitcointalk with this plan. 663555;1399426138;benkay;i'm out y'all 663556;1399426143;benkay;er wait maybe not 663557;1399426158;Drew;well i'm glad i come across as less psychotic at least 663558;1399426181;Drew;We actually have experience though, have accomplished some things already, and are looking to expand 663559;1399426194;Drew;and actually have a team with 50 years of experience in the market 663560;1399426206;Drew;i would hope that that would separate me from people such as dank 663561;1399426233;benkay;these are all claims as what require substantiation. 663562;1399426250;benkay;best way to substantiate claims about identity is...get in to the wot and get people vouching for you. 663563;1399426257;benkay;otherwise, dog. 663564;1399426266;Drew;get into the wot? 663565;1399426273;benkay;;;gettrust Drew 663566;1399426274;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user benkay to user Drew: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=benkay&dest=Drew | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=Drew | Rated since: never 663567;1399426279;benkay;web of trust 663568;1399426288;benkay;;;google bitcoin-otc web of trust 663569;1399426289;gribble;#bitcoin-otc web of trust: ; #bitcoin-otc web of trust data: ; #bitcoin-otc: 663570;1399426297;benkay;;;google bitcoin-otc beginners guide 663571;1399426298;gribble;Beginners Guide - bitcoin-otc wiki: ; Using bitcoin-otc - bitcoin-otc wiki: ; bitcoin-otc wiki: 663572;1399426311;benkay;not much use if you're running a fiat biz and only care about your fiat connections, though. 663573;1399426320;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2743 @ 0.00012872 = 0.3531 BTC [-] {2} 663574;1399426323;benkay;i can't trust you without it though. 663575;1399426331;Drew;understood 663576;1399426349;Drew;i would imagine that there are some btc connections that may decide to become a fiat connection any day though 663577;1399426358;Drew;i'd imagine that it happens both ways every day actually 663578;1399426372;benkay;he gets it. hey mikey! 663579;1399426411;benkay;anything else, Drew ? 663580;1399426427;Duffer1;this you Drew? https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=537527 663581;1399426447;Drew;yes duffer 663582;1399426458;benkay;you've got 4 minutes of voice left, Drew... 663583;1399426468;Drew;yeah benkay, it seems like the web of trust is where i need to head to 663584;1399426483;Drew;so what is the easiest way to accquire trust through that? or the most efficient rather 663585;1399426488;benkay;time. 663586;1399426498;benkay;repeated demonstrations of competence. 663587;1399426517;benkay;basically, other humans have to trust you. 663588;1399426521;Drew;so i will basically have to dig a hole and fill it back in again for the sole sake of demonstrating competence 663589;1399426526;benkay;nah 663590;1399426533;benkay;!up Drew 663591;1399426533;assbot;Voice for Drew extended to 30 minutes. 663592;1399426537;Drew;what can i do that is productive towards my goal to gain that 663593;1399426548;Drew;thanks 663594;1399426556;benkay;depends on your skills 663595;1399426560;benkay;what you can be trusted to do 663596;1399426565;benkay;what you've *been* trusted to do 663597;1399426570;BingoBoingo;!up Drew 663598;1399426570;assbot;Voice for Drew extended to 30 minutes. 663599;1399426606;BingoBoingo;Drew: If you lurk opportunities get offered rather frequently to do things for people. 663600;1399426631;Drew;such as? 663601;1399426634;benkay;thing is that you gotta lurk 663602;1399426645;benkay;and the opportunities are neither guaranteed nor lucrative. 663603;1399426657;BingoBoingo;It really depends. You can scroll up to the conversation about making ozbot better as an example. 663604;1399426663;Drew;seems like lucrative isnt the point 663605;1399426668;benkay;precisely. 663606;1399426668;Drew;trust would be the point 663607;1399426685;BingoBoingo;These things happen nearly every day. Maybe it takes a while for something to fit your skillset. 663608;1399426695;benkay;mircea_popescu has a standing offer on the table for people to promote the cardano 663609;1399426701;benkay;'course, there's no cardano yet. 663610;1399426709;BingoBoingo;The point though is to continue demonstrating you aren't an idiot 663611;1399426719;Drew;also as much as i appreciate the bitcoin space, it is not my expertise 663612;1399426721;benkay;and also that you execute 663613;1399426730;Drew;im definitely not an idiot, but a good friend of mine is the bitcoin expert 663614;1399426735;Drew;and also my referral to this space 663615;1399426749;benkay;the opportunities in -assets are almost entirely bitcoin exclusive. 663616;1399426763;benkay;nubbins` by virtue of being here sometimes has landed printing jobs 663617;1399426775;benkay;various artists have been commissioned via this channel 663618;1399426784;benkay;but this is a bitcoin centric space. 663619;1399426786;BingoBoingo;Drew: Well the best time to start learning the space was 2010-2011. The next best time to start learning is today. 663620;1399426790;BingoBoingo;Or tomorrow 663621;1399426804;Drew;i feel that there should be a way to earn trust with this space in other ways than proving bitcoin competency 663622;1399426805;Drew;is there not/ 663623;1399426806;benkay;death to fiat fueled governments etc etc 663624;1399426807;Drew;? 663625;1399426813;benkay;bitcoin competence is a baseline. 663626;1399426820;BingoBoingo;The way to learn though is more reading than doing, at least at first. 663627;1399426826;asciilifeform;would be interesting to define 'bitcoin competence' 663628;1399426827;benkay;^^ 663629;1399426835;benkay;(referring to BingoBoingo) 663630;1399426844;Drew;where would be a good point to start, readingwise 663631;1399426851;benkay;trilema 663632;1399426851;BingoBoingo;benkay: I think asciilifeform Has a better point 663633;1399426860;mod6;pff, how about 'how many satoshi in 1 BTC?' i see them get this wrong /constantly/ on twitter, drives me up a tree. 663634;1399426861;BingoBoingo;http://blogs.bitcoin-assets.com 663635;1399426889;benkay;yeah, that's a good one. 663636;1399426904;mod6;if i had 1 satoshi for everytime they got it wrong, i'd have 1 BTC by now. 663637;1399426907;asciilifeform;e.g. does a fellow who read the bitcoind src, satoshi paper, understood mostly - but then pisses away his stash into chumpatrons, 'competence' ? 663638;1399426925;benkay;"doesn't bleed coins"? 663639;1399426932;asciilifeform;or, opposite scenario. 663640;1399426934;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: I imagine they have half of it. Seaman vs. Able Seaman 663641;1399426946;asciilifeform;seaman vs. diesel mechanic 663642;1399426974;benkay;recent grad vs. support engineer 663643;1399426991;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36250 @ 0.00085629 = 31.0405 BTC [+] {2} 663644;1399427021;asciilifeform;i suppose a definition is unnecessary - folks who have a poor enough grasp of the mechanics, of both varieties, will soon lose interest in btc and fade away 663645;1399427044;Drew;so if the bitcoin assets space is definitely almost entirely btc focused, would you say that the bitcointalk space is as well? I have had a couple of responses even on my posts that were almost entirely flame-ridden 663646;1399427045;BingoBoingo;What explains Taaki then? 663647;1399427052;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 10 @ 0.06474168 = 0.6474 BTC [-] 663648;1399427061;BingoBoingo;Bitcointalk is a wasteland, barren 663649;1399427061;Drew;do you not think that there are investors in that space that would be interested in fiat investments? 663650;1399427072;benkay;!t h rent 663651;1399427073;assbot;[HAVELOCK:RENT] 1D: 0.00600000 / 0.00609548 / 0.00655500 (98 shares, 0.59735710 BTC), 7D: 0.00532500 / 0.00595003 / 0.00750000 (2975 shares, 17.70133594 BTC), 30D: 0.00532500 / 0.00694584 / 0.00750000 (8321 shares, 57.79633594 BTC) 663652;1399427073;Duffer1;idiots ya 663653;1399427078;asciilifeform;one could argue that 'we' ought to still take an interest in these lost souls, if only to prevent them from ending as fuel, stoking chumpatron 663654;1399427084;benkay;rent has fleeced a bunch, Drew 663655;1399427087;BingoBoingo;There probably are some. Not many people take anything on Bitcointalk seriously 663656;1399427093;asciilifeform;(chumpatron exhaust stinks) 663657;1399427106;Drew;really? i was referred to it as being one of the top 2000 most trafficked sites on the internet 663658;1399427113;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.0315001 = 0.315 BTC [-] 663659;1399427114;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.0334501 = 0.3345 BTC [-] 663660;1399427115;Drew;which is definitely quantity over quality, as is evident 663661;1399427117;benkay;most investors who want to go long the USD do so with their USD investments. 663662;1399427125;BingoBoingo;Drew: Traffic /= Good 663663;1399427130;Drew;right 663664;1399427134;Duffer1;you would have to be incredibly profitable to roi for investors who buy in BTC if your customers are paying in fiat 663665;1399427144;benkay;that's the catch. 663666;1399427148;benkay;being profitable in btc. 663667;1399427152;Drew;yea duffer definitely 663668;1399427157;Drew;so let me ask you guys something 663669;1399427162;benkay;shit gets complicated fast when you touch both positive and negative terminals. 663670;1399427165;asciilifeform;(i, for those who don't know, ended up here entirely by fortune. invited by mpoepr/hanbot) 663671;1399427172;Drew;in the next 5 years, what do you see the roi being on bitcoin? 663672;1399427196;benkay;bloody unknowable. 663673;1399427197;BingoBoingo;-25% to +1500% range 663674;1399427202;assbot;Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. (http://dpaste.com/1A4GMGD.txt) 663675;1399427202;benkay;!b 3 663676;1399427205;Drew;my friend has told me that with a 1% widespread usage, with all the BTC mined they would be 1 million USD apiece? 663677;1399427212;Drew;something along those lines 663678;1399427221;Drew;relative to todays USD value 663679;1399427221;Duffer1;http://bitbet.us/bet/786/bitcoin-to-surpass-berkshire-as-an-investment/ 663680;1399427223;ozbot;BitBet - Bitcoin to surpass Berkshire as an investment 663681;1399427226;BingoBoingo;Prolly take more than five years for that though 663682;1399427229;kakobrekla;asciilifeform its also fortunate you arrived :) 663683;1399427243;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: thank you 663684;1399427253;Drew;more than 5 years to reach that usage rate? or more than 5 years for all BTC to be mined? or both? 663685;1399427264;asciilifeform;Drew: might be worth reading mp's essay on how retail ('coffee cup') usage is irrelevant 663686;1399427282;mircea_popescu;Drew what was attendance at this festival ? 663687;1399427301;Drew;~4,000 people 663688;1399427333;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: glad to hear that you still have functioning bees. our bees over here are having problems. 663689;1399427381;asciilifeform;one day, your country may export... bees. 663690;1399427394;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform or just as well not export thewm 663691;1399427411;mircea_popescu;Drew there seems to be no mention anywhere except on the promoters' fb pages. 663692;1399427414;asciilifeform;well, they're a renewable resource. 663693;1399427468;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: In my region we seem to be having a strong rebound year for bees. 663694;1399427480;Drew;from just a google search or? 663695;1399427488;Drew;several articles come up just from the google search 663696;1399427519;mircea_popescu;linke me ? 663697;1399427537;Drew;https://www.google.com/search?q=lunar+massive+atlanta&oq=lunar+massive+atlanta&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i60l2j0l3.2444j0j9&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8 663698;1399427539;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: like the water engine imo << wtf is a water engine? old-school water mill? 663699;1399427543;Drew;with atlanta included (probably necessary) 663700;1399427555;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform romania also has an abundance of free ranged butterflies. 663701;1399427572;mircea_popescu;most industrialised countries do not, lepidopterae being some of the most sensitive to pollution 663702;1399427595;asciilifeform;we still have butterflies here, mostly migratory (mexico) 663703;1399427602;asciilifeform;afaik 663704;1399427621;*;asciilifeform not lepidopterae expert 663705;1399427622;mircea_popescu;Drew aha so nov 15, North Atlanta Trade Center, $40 a ticket. 663706;1399427647;Drew;yes, thats the one 663707;1399427667;Drew;they grew more expensive as the event approached but that was one of the early bird prices 663708;1399427687;mircea_popescu;any published material that includes your name in connection to this ? 663709;1399427758;Drew;probably not honestly. I organized the entire team that threw it, met and introduced the 2 partners (EDMutual and Decibel), designed the initial business plan and found the investment. My name isnt on any of that though 663710;1399427788;Drew;there is plenty of published material regarding EDMutual and Decibel though, and through them i can very readily prove my association with this project 663711;1399427801;mircea_popescu;well so you can appreciate our problem. if we were to try and evaluate your claim, we'd have no objective weay to distinguish you from a random guy that bought a ticket. 663712;1399427810;mircea_popescu;this is something you may wish to consider for the next thing you organise. 663713;1399427840;Drew;for a random guy who bought a ticket, i sure have some ambitious plans for this project ;) 663714;1399427845;Drew;i see what you mean though 663715;1399427847;mircea_popescu;which brings us to the next step, which is the wot, whose purpose is exactly that. 663716;1399427874;mircea_popescu;Our plan is to continue the brand > you mean "lunar massive" ? 663717;1399427918;mircea_popescu;"in the most optimum direction" unless you're mel, optimum is a superlative for you. it takes no comparative. 663718;1399427934;mircea_popescu;"and develop it into the ideal acquisition target for the below company for the further below reasons" > can you name such a brand that was acquired ? when, by whom, how much ? 663719;1399427988;mircea_popescu;!up RKinder 663720;1399427988;assbot;Voicing RKinder for 30 minutes. 663721;1399428030;RyanKinder;Hello. :) 663722;1399428034;mircea_popescu;hi 663723;1399428074;Drew;absolutely 663724;1399428080;Drew;i can name several 663725;1399428082;Drew;one moment 663726;1399428087;mircea_popescu;http://blog.level3.com/global-connectivity/observations-internet-middleman/ 663727;1399428087;ozbot;Observations of an Internet Middleman | Beyond Bandwidth 663728;1399428094;mircea_popescu;level 3 blowing the omerta. 663729;1399428100;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: re: 'millenials' link - wtf is a 'millenial' ? 663730;1399428114;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform chicks of fuck age. 663731;1399428127;BingoBoingo;;;google the story of mel 663732;1399428128;gribble;The Story of Mel - Catb.org: ; The Story of Mel: ; The Story of Mel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: 663733;1399428131;asciilifeform;article seems to suggest that one should not hire them 663734;1399428139;BingoBoingo;Drew: Mel and optimization ^^ 663735;1399428141;asciilifeform;(inadvertently) 663736;1399428149;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform indeed. 663737;1399428163;Drew;haha 663738;1399428202;asciilifeform;perhaps, unless one is trained zoologist. 663739;1399428251;Duffer1;Mircea whatever happened with Mrs. Boring? 663740;1399428267;Drew;SFX entertainment (the company whose tastes we are building our brand to cater to) has made the following acquisitions in the last few years 663741;1399428269;mircea_popescu;"Much has been made of peering agreements. Many peering agreements were made between engineers in the early days of the Internet and consisted of not much more than a single page of text if there was anything written down at all. They werent really contracts in the way you might consider a formal legal agreement." 663742;1399428269;Drew;-Disco Donnie Presents - $50,000,000 - 100% ownership 663743;1399428284;mircea_popescu;this is quite important btw. never forget that the internet exists more as a mpex contract than anything else. 663744;1399428309;Drew;-Electric Daisy Carnival - $50,000,000 - 50% ownership 663745;1399428326;RyanKinder;fluffypony: Just read your post on the vertcoin subreddit. Interesting stuff. 663746;1399428329;Drew;-ID&T (Tomorrowland / Tomorrowworld) - $100,000,000 - 75% ownership 663747;1399428343;Drew;-Dayglow - $35,000,000 - 100% ownership 663748;1399428357;Drew;-Beatport - $52,000,000 - 100% ownership 663749;1399428370;Drew;-MMG - 16,900,000 - 80% ownership 663750;1399428382;Drew;-Totem Onelove - $75,000,0000 - 100% ownership 663751;1399428393;Drew;-i-Motion - $12,000,000 - 70% ownership 663752;1399428403;mircea_popescu;Drew the edc i knew was like the world's largest electronic stuff, but i had no idea some sfx thing had bought it 663753;1399428406;mircea_popescu;you got a link to that ? 663754;1399428428;mircea_popescu;(you mean the ny/orlando/pr etc one right ?) 663755;1399428469;mircea_popescu;seems to be still owned by insomniac 663756;1399428475;mircea_popescu;!up Drew 663757;1399428475;assbot;Voicing Drew for 30 minutes. 663758;1399428486;Drew;one moment ill grab the link 663759;1399428645;BingoBoingo;I'm wondering if anyone here has experience with US amateur radio licensing 663760;1399428651;Drew;whups my apologies that acquisition was by live nation rather than sfx 663761;1399428660;Drew;but live nation acquired 50% of insomniac for 50,000,000 663762;1399428675;Drew;insomniac still owns the festival EDC, but live nation actually owns 50% of insomniac now 663763;1399428683;mircea_popescu;more like it. 663764;1399428685;Drew;the rest of those acquisitions were by SFX entertainment 663765;1399428691;mircea_popescu;you gotta do your homework drew. 663766;1399428710;Drew;i did my homework mircea, sorry i missed one of the problems 663767;1399428728;mircea_popescu;generally speaking the prospective investor will run into one of these, and just drop the thing silently. 663768;1399428746;mircea_popescu;also generally speaking, this sort of thing we're doing here is paid on retainer, and by the hour. 663769;1399428748;mircea_popescu;but moving on : 663770;1399428797;Drew;duly noted 663771;1399428807;mircea_popescu;"4. Our strategy is designed to create a brand which will cater to what this man and his company are trying to accomplish, which will value our brand at easily a quarter of a billion dollars." 663772;1399428811;Drew;and i do appreciate yalls patience and interest in this 663773;1399428831;mircea_popescu;that's laughable. how much are you worth, atm ? 663774;1399428861;Drew;not anywhere close to that 663775;1399428882;mircea_popescu;so then how do you know it's easily this or that ? 663776;1399428901;Drew;based on a pattern of purchases and what those companies mean to him through those purchases 663777;1399428902;mircea_popescu;branson can say easily a quarter billion. coming out of you it just sounds ... like a millenial. 663778;1399428906;mircea_popescu;yes yes. 663779;1399428936;mircea_popescu;8-10 medium/large scale events << this is where you show the demographics of the area. 663780;1399428947;mircea_popescu;what about georgia can support 10 medium/large scale events ? 663781;1399428953;Drew;his first acquisition was disco donnie presents....a brand known for throwing terrible quality events 663782;1399428968;Drew;10 medium / large scale events nationwide 663783;1399428982;mircea_popescu;wait. so you intend to spend 1 month per area ? 663784;1399428990;Drew;no 663785;1399428991;mircea_popescu;i mean you, personally. 663786;1399428998;Drew;each area will serve as its own hotspot 663787;1399429000;mircea_popescu;then how is this supposed to work ? is your team made out of 10 people ? 663788;1399429038;Drew;our team has 6-8 core members and 5-10 more that are involved to a lesser degree 663789;1399429041;mircea_popescu;(Atlanta, Dallas, LA, NYC, Portland, Denver, Chicago, Miami, etc) < the count is 8, and this stinks of poorly researcher. why denver and not seattle, for instance ? 663790;1399429048;mircea_popescu;why portland and not boston ? 663791;1399429104;Drew;i listed those cities primarily to illustrate a the way the shows would be spread out 663792;1399429134;mircea_popescu;but you're supposed to do the research. do the demographic work. KNOW why X and not Y. 663793;1399429144;Drew;to moreso basically describe the general idea 663794;1399429146;mircea_popescu;these aren't the result of throwing darts at a highschool map 663795;1399429156;mircea_popescu;yes, i get the general idea that the us contains a number of cities. 663796;1399429169;mircea_popescu;hardly needs illustration. 663797;1399429181;mircea_popescu;moving on 663798;1399429187;mircea_popescu;"we have 90-100 events associated with the brand across the country throughout the entire year to build promotion around, using each event as a social media hub and continuing to expand our presence. This will create the most unified EMC related brand that has existed so far, making it the literal perfect company" 663799;1399429204;mircea_popescu;do you comprehend the problems of creating brand identity over 100 geographicallyh disparate items ? 663800;1399429264;Drew;such as? 663801;1399429298;mircea_popescu;o boy. 663802;1399429302;Drew;if the brand identity was rooted in quality live music of a few main genres, and the acts were tailored by city for maximum effect, what brand identity problems would you be mainly speaking of/ 663803;1399429326;mircea_popescu;see, a good chunk of mcdonald's corporate expenditure goes to making sure that mcdonalds hamburgers are the same in atlanta and lincoln 663804;1399429338;mircea_popescu;similarly with coca cola, and all large consumer product brands that use local anything 663805;1399429358;mircea_popescu;so, buying local buns makes things taste...local. 663806;1399429362;Drew;right 663807;1399429366;mircea_popescu;to have a brand, you have to manage localisation issues. 663808;1399429374;mircea_popescu;neither insulting the locals, nor allowing them to dilute you into nothing 663809;1399429386;mircea_popescu;this is an extremely complex, difficult and resource intensive endeavour. 663810;1399429404;mircea_popescu;you're setting yourself for this task of herding 100 cats, and THIS is why nobody else is doing it. 663811;1399429428;Drew;but while buying an idaho bun may taste different than a florida bun, a meyer subwoofer rented from idaho would be the same as one rented in florida 663812;1399429430;mircea_popescu;you see, "We will do this by having a different approach than any currently existing brand." is no guarantee of success. 663813;1399429445;mircea_popescu;sometimes there are reasons nobody else is cooking by holding the stove on their head. 663814;1399429457;mircea_popescu;Drew perhaps. 663815;1399429486;Drew;im still following and agreeing with all of your logic 663816;1399429499;mircea_popescu;but your answers to this problem will have to be much much better than merely not appearing like you ever heard of it. 663817;1399429506;Drew;but sometimes there is no good reason why no one has figured out how to use a stove yet, if we go back in time to that point 663818;1399429515;mircea_popescu;sure. 663819;1399429539;mircea_popescu;dub nobody likes your dubstep anyways!!1 663820;1399429567;Drew;you forgot to add 'one' after the 1 there :) 663821;1399429602;Drew;mircea i really do appreciate you taking your time to speak with me about this 663822;1399429650;BingoBoingo;Panera might be a good case in localization issues to read up on 663823;1399429663;mircea_popescu;Drew what's your formal education ? 663824;1399429675;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12100 @ 0.00085579 = 10.3551 BTC [-] {2} 663825;1399429678;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo about half the case studies in us business school are actually this or applications of it, if memory serves. 663826;1399429691;Drew;panera bread bingo? 663827;1399429698;BingoBoingo;Drew: Yes 663828;1399429700;mircea_popescu;perhaps excusable on the grounds that few higher level thinkers end up in busienss school 663829;1399429715;Drew;i went to a few years of aerospace engineering at Auburn University 663830;1399429731;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: So I've heard. I'm just thinking of a local venture that has run into the localization issue hard as it expanded 663831;1399429733;mircea_popescu;airbnb to this day doesn't realise that it's much more successful in canada than in the us, or why. 663832;1399429739;Drew;decided rapidly that a field with a glass ceiling of earnings proportional to achievement was not for me 663833;1399429748;Drew;decided to open my own business 663834;1399429793;mircea_popescu;Drew the problem of not having completed formal education is that you don't end up with a structured thinking process. this is not so bad for people like engineers, who don't really need it quite to the degree, but you're trying to go into business. 663835;1399429805;mircea_popescu;of course, the us college hasn't been giving people thinking tools in 50 years, but anyway. 663836;1399429811;Drew;^^^ 663837;1399429842;Drew;i would like to think that i ended up with a structured thinking process 663838;1399429846;Drew;do you not think so/ 663839;1399429861;mircea_popescu;casual examination would indicate otherwise, but hey. you're a millenial aren't you ? got plenty of time. 663840;1399429877;Drew;well i'm glad there is hope for me yet 663841;1399429907;Duffer1;you found your way here, that's no small thing 663842;1399429912;mircea_popescu;anyway, so run me through your expense structure. you need 1.25mn (exactly), which is to cover what ? 663843;1399429919;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: US amateur radio licensing << there is an exam, multiple choice, concerning basic physics and law (as it pertains to radio in usa). the questions, if i recall, are... published. just like the joke that is u.s. 'citizenship test.' 663844;1399429940;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you know romanian citizenship requires you to know... official romanian history ? 663845;1399429958;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: not surprised. 663846;1399429962;mircea_popescu;which differs in unexpected places from commonly accepted history, of course. 663847;1399429969;asciilifeform;naturally. 663848;1399429973;Drew;mircea honestly if you are willing i would love to shoot you over the complete financials to check out 663849;1399429991;Drew;i understand if you dont, but it would be much more effective than me trying to explain it all 663850;1399429998;mircea_popescu;why do you think that ? 663851;1399429998;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: in it, do the dacians build rome? 663852;1399430015;Drew;why do i think that it would be more effective? 663853;1399430023;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform not quite to the degree, but god help you if you seem to think there's no such thing as "thracians", as distinct from whatever sarmatian cloud 663854;1399430029;mircea_popescu;Drew yes 663855;1399430030;asciilifeform;lol! 663856;1399430058;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform in the words of romania's first 3rd republic president, "we come from the ducks that come from the trucks" 663857;1399430062;Drew;because it is spread out over a 5 year period, 20 pages of excel 663858;1399430078;mircea_popescu;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0S0HsWPIWk 663859;1399430078;ozbot;Iliescu si engleza - YouTube 663860;1399430087;mircea_popescu;drew if you can't summarize it throw it out. 663861;1399430163;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2538 @ 0.0008544 = 2.1685 BTC [-] 663862;1399430172;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 'don't touch the mustache.' (どういたしまして) 663863;1399430189;mircea_popescu;lol 663864;1399430205;mircea_popescu;Dōitashimashite 663865;1399430334;asciilifeform;ducks/trucks line wasn't there 663866;1399430383;asciilifeform;but it isn't hard to see how it could have been. 663867;1399430386;mircea_popescu;uh it must be 663868;1399430445;ThickAsThieves;https://medium.com/p/23f9de5dc65e 663869;1399430450;ThickAsThieves;!up Drew 663870;1399430450;assbot;Voicing Drew for 30 minutes. 663871;1399430454;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: if you want the license, visit a used book store, buy the question set, memorize, pony up the fee. at no point will you need to use brain. 663872;1399430465;ThickAsThieves;AltCoin Alert: Western Union Obtains Alternative Currency Exchange System Patent from USPTO 663873;1399430475;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform dangit it's gone. somehow that clip got edited a little. 663874;1399430482;asciilifeform;lol 663875;1399430517;mircea_popescu;anyway, the guy explained romanian ethnogenesis in those terms. he meant dacians and thracians, not that that version'd have been any more sensible. 663876;1399430529;asciilifeform;that part seems obvious 663877;1399430534;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves yeah. a good reason for bitcoin to start ignoring patents too. 663878;1399430566;asciilifeform;how can one use anything resembling a functioning computer without ignoring patents? 663879;1399430577;mircea_popescu;elephant in room. 663880;1399430627;asciilifeform;obligatory spam: 663881;1399430628;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=309 663882;1399430630;ozbot;Loper OS » No Formats, no Format Wars. 663883;1399430642;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: I suppose that's what I'll have to do. 663884;1399430660;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you seen the earlier bit about the php/objective-c key mismatch issue ? 663885;1399430681;asciilifeform;yeah, somehow not surprised 663886;1399430712;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 100 @ 0.004332 = 0.4332 BTC [+] 663887;1399430751;mircea_popescu;so you know, gotta have some mechanism to force people to not be retarded 663888;1399430801;mircea_popescu;http://arstechnica.com/security/2014/05/your-android-phone-viewed-illegal-porn-to-unlock-it-pay-a-300-fine/ 663889;1399430801;ozbot;Your Android phone viewed illegal porn. To unlock it, pay a $300 fine | Ars Technica 663890;1399430868;mircea_popescu;(malware story) 663891;1399430883;mircea_popescu;but sometiems one wonders how much of this malware serves a useful government function. 663892;1399430885;asciilifeform;'untraceable payment mechanisms such as Paysafecard or uKash.' << spam-paypals still exist!? 663893;1399430916;mircea_popescu;oya 663894;1399430934;mircea_popescu;they change about every 2 years, which consequently is the experimental period of law enforcing 663895;1399430945;mircea_popescu;currently paysafecard is going up and ukash is going out 663896;1399430951;asciilifeform;wonder if they serve any purpose but... this. 663897;1399430955;mircea_popescu;coupla years ago ukash was just taking over from... i forgot who 663898;1399430962;mircea_popescu;egold ? 663899;1399431065;asciilifeform;and, who, exactly, keeps anything they cannot afford to lose, on a Pnohe? 663900;1399431115;mircea_popescu;people. 663901;1399431147;mircea_popescu;people keep "everything they have" in reach of the government, and i nreach of a woman they met two weeks ago while drunk, and so on. 663902;1399431154;asciilifeform;lol 663903;1399431168;mircea_popescu;people are poor, and while the little they own is still all they own, the security they can feasibly deploy is nil 663904;1399431191;mircea_popescu;think of it this way : most women alive today can not afford to enforce the privacy of a room to fuck in. 663905;1399431207;mircea_popescu;so they either do it in the bushes, with the constant risk of a stray dog taking a piss on the couple during, 663906;1399431228;mircea_popescu;or else they put up with whatever nonsensical demands expectations and assorted nonsense someone with a chicken coop available may wish to put forward. 663907;1399431325;asciilifeform;i suppose 'people' are also innocent of the concept of backup. 663908;1399431339;mircea_popescu;no, just, innocent of the resources to get a spare disk. 663909;1399431348;mircea_popescu;"It is likely that the success of LZW and its thousands of implementations, especially among small developers, caught Unisys unprepared. Otherwise, it would be difficult to understand how Unisys could first allow a very large number of small and big developers to use LZW for years, and then, after the establishment of various standards based on LZW, change its attitude." 663910;1399431369;asciilifeform;'submarine.' 663911;1399431372;mircea_popescu;yeah, seriously, it is so very difficult to understand. couldn't have even predicted it, either. o.O 663912;1399431380;asciilifeform;(actual term of art!) 663913;1399431444;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 30 @ 0.44064002 = 13.2192 BTC [-] {9} 663914;1399431468;asciilifeform;innocent of the resources to get a spare disk << india? zimbabwe? 663915;1399431516;mircea_popescu;the world over. 663916;1399431553;asciilifeform;yes, viet cong had to fill bamboo stalks with half-dead batteries to power a radio. but the average shaved ape today is drowning in cheap hardware. 663917;1399431563;mircea_popescu;so ? 663918;1399431574;mircea_popescu;unless it's on obamacare they can't afford it. 663919;1399431583;asciilifeform;so, missing ingredient is brain (or giving a damn) 663920;1399431607;mircea_popescu;missing ingredient is always brain. 663921;1399431639;asciilifeform;as a teenager, i was kept in lavish supply hardware-wise just from what nearby (us) office parks dumped. 663922;1399431640;mircea_popescu;this is like having a 40 yo chick come to you for dancing lessons and you telling her "missing ingredient is you being 20". why tyvm, mr expert guy! 663923;1399431647;asciilifeform;and know quite a few others who feasted likewise. 663924;1399431657;mircea_popescu;but this is exceptional 663925;1399431689;Drew;sorry, had to grab a shower 663926;1399431713;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform frame the question better : you've not had any decent sleep in a week, you gotta make it in time to work cause else it's your ass. 663927;1399431717;Drew;the 1.25 million would, in summary, be used for the following over approximately 3 of the 5 years mentioned for the plan 663928;1399431727;mircea_popescu;and if you get fired you'll lose the apt and thus the deposit and thus homeless. 663929;1399431736;mircea_popescu;now tell me about getting spare drives. when ? with what ? 663930;1399431752;mircea_popescu;if you have 20 bux spare you'll get a manicure, maybe you find some guy that's not an asshoel. 663931;1399431777;Drew;talent buying, venue rentals, sound / lighting equipment, staffing, security, other event related costs 663932;1399431788;asciilifeform;lol, in wash. dc. you can see... hobos, with smartPnohes. 663933;1399431796;Drew;much of it on advertising and promotion materials and in general 663934;1399431841;Drew;in all likelihood we won't need the whole 1.25 million but there is a cushion of about 300,000 built in 663935;1399431843;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform basically it boils down to, your sorting algorithm of evil not matching theirs. 663936;1399431855;punkman;morning folks 663937;1399431858;mircea_popescu;Drew that was the shittiest summary in recorded history. try again. 663938;1399431864;mircea_popescu;punkman yo. 663939;1399431864;mircea_popescu;i 663940;1399431876;mircea_popescu;'m like pavlov's dog over here punkman, i see your name i expect great links. 663941;1399431892;punkman;;;google favela chic 663942;1399431893;gribble;FAVELA CHIC: ; Favela Chic - République - Paris, France | Yelp: ; Favela Chic, Paris - Restaurant Reviews - TripAdvisor: 663943;1399431894;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: somewhat tangentially, i notice that your illustrative examples of the ragged and starving are always grlz. 663944;1399431907;punkman;google fails me 663945;1399431917;asciilifeform;this is sorta like using alley cat as illustration of the biology of felis silverstris 663946;1399431924;asciilifeform;*silvestris 663947;1399431924;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform well that's my pov. i mostly care about, interact with and experience the world through womenz. 663948;1399431955;Drew;that made me laugh pretty hard i must say 663949;1399431969;Drew;lol one second 663950;1399431979;asciilifeform;life of the feral animal is hard, sure. 663951;1399431983;punkman;"Favela Chic is when you have lost everything material, everything you built and everything you had, but you’re still wired to the gills! And really big on Facebook. That’s Favela Chic." 663952;1399431992;punkman;"You lost everything, you have no money, you have no career, you have no health insurance, you’re not even sure where you live, you don’t have children, and you have no steady relationship or any set of dependable friends. And it’s hot. It’s a really cool place to be. " 663953;1399432014;asciilifeform;obligatory: 663954;1399432015;asciilifeform;http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2011/07/dead-souls.html 663955;1399432015;ozbot;ClubOrlov: Dead Souls 663956;1399432039;mircea_popescu;punkman favela if memory serves is the precarious squatting living arrangements most south america enjoys 663957;1399432048;punkman;yeah it is 663958;1399432054;mircea_popescu;flatron tv set in hole in the wall ruin sort of thing 663959;1399432176;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.43255 = 0.8651 BTC [-] {2} 663960;1399432337;TheNewDeal;.d 663961;1399432337;ozbot;8.001 billion | Next Diff in 898 blocks | Estimated Change: 8.0148% in 5d 17h 30m 56s 663962;1399432509;*;mircea_popescu wonders wtf TheNewDeal is. then has dejavu moment. then remembers it's testing123. 663963;1399432515;mircea_popescu;what's in a name! 663964;1399432525;TheNewDeal;:D 663965;1399432538;TheNewDeal;are you saying testing123 is more memorable? 663966;1399432565;mike_c;;;bc,stats 663967;1399432568;gribble;Current Blocks: 299485 | Current Difficulty: 8.0008721359681635E9 | Next Difficulty At Block: 300383 | Next Difficulty In: 898 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 4 days, 16 hours, 50 minutes, and 15 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 8647989715.8 | Estimated Percent Change: 8.08809 663968;1399432578;mike_c;gribble and oz differ by a whole day on diff change 663969;1399432594;mike_c;yet same estimated change 663970;1399432599;mike_c;somebody has a bug. 663971;1399432636;mircea_popescu;"I really would like you to contrast that with what you have to do with HTML on the Internet. " asciilifeform re your article, god help us if we end up executing code off the data 663972;1399432642;mircea_popescu;how in the shithells is this a good idea ?! 663973;1399432646;TheNewDeal;looks like gribble 663974;1399432656;TheNewDeal;bitcoinwisdom is 5.7 days at 11.6 % 663975;1399432660;mircea_popescu;TheNewDeal no im just saying switching nicks is a very expensive operation for everyone else 663976;1399432663;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the same way that jumping out of an airplane can be a good idea. 663977;1399432668;asciilifeform;with the correct equipment. 663978;1399432683;mircea_popescu;let's have the equipment first 663979;1399432686;mircea_popescu;then i'll consider it 663980;1399432702;asciilifeform;that was sorta the point of the piece (and the whole fscking site...) 663981;1399432706;mircea_popescu;!up drew 663982;1399432706;assbot;Voicing drew for 30 minutes. 663983;1399432713;mike_c;;;calc 898 / 6 / 24 663984;1399432714;gribble;6.23611111111 663985;1399432721;mike_c;yeah, no way 4 days 16 hours 663986;1399432733;mike_c;is nanotube responsible for that? 663987;1399432736;Drew;gracias 663988;1399432738;benkay; why portland and not boston ? << generally there is only one reason to locate in portland and that is low-cost 'engineering' talent. 663989;1399432756;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform now as far as programmable gpus go, o boy would computer games love thids 663990;1399432765;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the horror with which nearly every reader (who wrote in) reacted to that piece, is indicative of the true depths of the hole we are in. 663991;1399432784;mircea_popescu;benkay i dunno, that's why the producers hire research depts yo uknow ? not my jobsworth :D 663992;1399432784;TheNewDeal;can i get a linky? 663993;1399432798;mircea_popescu;TheNewDeal to ? 663994;1399432811;TheNewDeal;this ascii piece 663995;1399432839;TheNewDeal;... re god help us if we end up executing code off the data 663996;1399432851;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-05-2014#663880 663997;1399432854;ozbot;#bitcoin-assets log 663998;1399432860;mircea_popescu;"Let the trolls try to collect danegeld from a hundred million consumers!" << this may be dangerous, in that putting too much weight on something "that will hold anything" never works. like you know, 19th century poliution and the ideas of "send fumes in the air, it can take anything" or "water will wash anyhing away" 663999;1399432878;mircea_popescu;maybe with too many incentives stacked up, they'll figure out a way to do it, and that'll be a horror worse than any other. 664000;1399432887;TheNewDeal;dead souls Club Orlov? 664001;1399432888;mircea_popescu;already working on it in the us to a distasteful degree. 664002;1399432891;asciilifeform;this is called 'heighten the contradictions' 664003;1399432897;benkay; but while buying an idaho bun may taste different than a florida bun, a meyer subwoofer rented from idaho would be the same as one rented in florida << the tastes and social mores differ wildly across the different regions. f'r instance, you'll have a mighty hard time displacing red cube in portland (but again don't ever do anything in this town) 664004;1399432913;asciilifeform;sorta like the earthquake machine. 664005;1399432926;mircea_popescu;works better from safe distance. 664006;1399432929;asciilifeform;yes. 664007;1399432933;asciilifeform;when the glass breaks. 664008;1399432945;Drew;Cost of Goods Sold Artists463,350 Marketing184,600 Production92,300 Security46,150 Ticket Fee20,470 Venue52,775 Other0 Cost of Goods Sold859,645 Gross Profit (Loss)778,133 664009;1399432966;Drew;this format doesnt transfer well, that was a test, brb 664010;1399432969;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 16 @ 0.44992636 = 7.1988 BTC [+] {6} 664011;1399432983;mircea_popescu;Drew it's fine 664012;1399433006;benkay; i would like to think that i ended up with a structured thinking process << hang out here and you might be so lucky as to have one beaten into you 664013;1399433020;mircea_popescu;can you believe, dear assets, that the ticket mafia gypped him for almost 40% of the rent of the venue ? 664014;1399433030;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.4499555 = 0.8999 BTC [+] 664015;1399433047;mircea_popescu;land of the brave fucktarded. 664016;1399433054;mod6;srsly, effed. 664017;1399433062;Drew;yup 664018;1399433069;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: works better from safe distance << not everybody gets the luxury of a safe distance. some folks have to make do with, e.g. - 664019;1399433075;asciilifeform;http://files.radioscanner.ru/uploader/2012/japan_suicide_mine.jpg 664020;1399433075;Drew;one day i would like to see a bitcoin ticketing platform 664021;1399433080;Drew;free of ticket fees.... 664022;1399433085;Drew;*tear* 664023;1399433091;mircea_popescu;not so far off. 664024;1399433098;Drew;i know 664025;1399433102;mircea_popescu;anyway. this actually looks like a sane budget. who made it ? 664026;1399433102;Drew;looking forward to it 664027;1399433128;Drew;one of my team members 664028;1399433150;mircea_popescu;ok. so this was for the lunar thing ? 664029;1399433163;Drew;yessir 664030;1399433167;asciilifeform;(that 'lance mine.' there's a vietnamese film, of a parade, 1970s, where merry cadets march around with... them. presumably spoils of the old war.) 664031;1399433172;Drew;20 pages of sane financials like that 664032;1399433186;Drew;or yes ma'am 664033;1399433195;mike_c;asciilifeform: does the soldier survive? it's not a kamikaze thing is it? 664034;1399433211;asciilifeform;mike_c: exactly what you expect. 664035;1399433217;Drew;or whatever, internet anonymity reigns 664036;1399433222;asciilifeform;in comments to the parade film, people asked, 'why toilet plungers?!' 664037;1399433246;benkay; ThickAsThieves yeah. a good reason for bitcoin to start ignoring patents too. << bitcoin cares about patents today?! 664038;1399433248;mircea_popescu;mike_c the soldier *may* survive. 664039;1399433271;mike_c;ok. so the 'suicide' part is that you have to get within a pole's length of the tank :) 664040;1399433286;mircea_popescu;Drew alright. see, now you're sounding a lot less like dank. 664041;1399433292;asciilifeform;it's a shaped charge. so, your luck depends on the fragments flying, among other things. 664042;1399433304;Drew;thank you 664043;1399433314;mike_c;penetrate 6 inches of steel, must be quite a charge 664044;1399433319;mircea_popescu;anyway, this is all for me. see you ~guys~ in the morning. 664045;1399433327;mircea_popescu;the gals im seeing tonite. 664046;1399433335;Drew;mircea 664047;1399433346;Drew;thanks very much for your input, it was a pleasure meeting you 664048;1399433352;Drew;e- meeting you at least 664049;1399433423;Drew;i'll prolly be lurking around here trying to have a structured way of thinking beaten into me eventually 664050;1399433436;benkay;;;gettrust Drew 664051;1399433437;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user benkay to user Drew: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=benkay&dest=Drew | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=Drew | Rated since: never 664052;1399433438;benkay;start there. 664053;1399433451;Drew;ill start tomorrow 664054;1399433458;benkay;no sense rushing. 664055;1399433463;Drew;ill be back here for advice almost certainly 664056;1399433467;Drew;theres no time like the present 664057;1399433475;benkay;https://alexcabal.com/creating-the-perfect-gpg-keypair/ 664058;1399433479;benkay;Drew: ^^ 664059;1399433483;benkay;ping me if you get into trouble. 664060;1399433488;Drew;saved 664061;1399433494;Drew;is it as easy as /ping benkay 664062;1399433497;benkay;don't register until you've blown it away and restored it from backup at least twice. 664063;1399433499;benkay;no ping necessary 664064;1399433504;benkay;well, you can't talk in here 664065;1399433512;benkay;/msg benkay yourmessage 664066;1399433517;benkay;or /query benkay for conversation 664067;1399433518;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2000 @ 0.00012955 = 0.2591 BTC [+] 664068;1399433532;benkay;if i don't respond within fifteen minutes i'm offline. 664069;1399433533;Drew;does query open a private convo/ 664070;1399433537;benkay;yup 664071;1399433540;Drew;cool 664072;1399433555;Drew;thanks very much, ill save that and check it out tomorrow 664073;1399433579;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 302 @ 0.00430064 = 1.2988 BTC [-] {6} 664074;1399433640;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27254 @ 0.0008544 = 23.2858 BTC [-] 664075;1399434067;TheNewDeal;mpex drop? 664076;1399434086;TheNewDeal;didn't think those were possible any more 664077;1399434372;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.0314001 = 0.1256 BTC [-] 664078;1399434557;peterl;change in mpex price is just mircea_popescu having fun messing with the people trying to daytrade his stock 664079;1399434633;peterl; 664080;1399434646;TheNewDeal;hahaha 664081;1399434654;TheNewDeal;fucking over his shareholders 664082;1399434686;peterl;or shaking out the weak hands before he pumps the price up again 664083;1399435165;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.0694779 = 0.139 BTC [+] 664084;1399435348;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.069478 = 0.139 BTC [+] 664085;1399435780;BingoBoingo;Could be a reduction in enthusiasm due to lack of MPEX chatter in mainstream press and X.eur and F.MPIF having whet the appetite for new listings 664086;1399436216;peterl;!t m x.eur 664087;1399436216;assbot;[MPEX:X.EUR] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: 0.00325487 / 0.00325754 / 0.00328679 (1194 shares, 3.89 BTC), 30D: 0.00294249 / 0.00320948 / 0.00328679 (1981 shares, 6.36 BTC) 664088;1399436246;peterl;hmm, not a real hot seller, I don't think that is where the mpoe action is going 664089;1399436263;TheNewDeal;what is the x.eur? 664090;1399436282;peterl;euro futures 664091;1399436310;TheNewDeal;how does it get executed 664092;1399436343;peterl;if you buy it, you can trade the shares for euros on bitcoincentral, I think? 664093;1399436367;peterl;http://mpex.co/?mpsic=X.EUR 664094;1399436527;TheNewDeal;new to reading these types of documents. Has taken me MANY glances to understand the gist of that 664095;1399436543;TheNewDeal;sad part... it's quiet very straightforward 664096;1399436934;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 8 @ 0.4499875 = 3.5999 BTC [+] {2} 664097;1399437057;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.45 = 0.9 BTC [+] 664098;1399437117;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.45 BTC [+] 664099;1399437666;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12561 @ 0.00085626 = 10.7555 BTC [+] {3} 664100;1399437910;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 20 @ 0.068956 = 1.3791 BTC [-] 664101;1399437969;bitcoinpete;;;later tell ThickAsThieves speaking of the gaming industry, looks like it's promo, promo, zaniness http://www.tweaktown.com/news/37531/bungie-s-destiny-could-top-gta-5-as-most-expensive-game-ever/index.html 664102;1399437969;gribble;The operation succeeded. 664103;1399437993;bitcoinpete;"AML regulations are meant to stop drug cartels and terrorists from using banks to conduct criminal activity. But the strict interpretation of those rules may be causing inadvertent harm to people in Somalia — a war-torn country where large numbers of people depend on money transfers from friends and relatives abroad to cover their basic needs." 664104;1399438023;bitcoinpete;http://www.americanbanker.com/bankthink/a-modest-attempt-to-ease-aml-rules-side-effects-1067331-1.html?utm_medium=email&ET=americanbanker:e97637:a:&utm_campaign=-may%206%202014&utm_source=newsletter&st=email 664105;1399438024;ozbot;A Modest Attempt to Ease AML Rules Side Effects - Bank Think Article - American Banker 664106;1399438088;bitcoinpete;"As it stands, banks fear being held liable if funds sent through money transmitters reach terrorist organizations or other criminal groups. In one such case, two Somali-American women were found guilty of sending money transfers to the terrorist organization al Shabaab." 664107;1399438124;bitcoinpete;next up 664108;1399438189;bitcoinpete;“Spill response and clean-up creates business and employment opportunities for affected communities, regions, and cleanup service providers.” < right, I get it. I am trying to finetune the WoT system without fixing what ain't broke. this is a definite point of improvement /// you are fixing it by making something, or fixing your brain? 664424;1399468446;ThickAsThieves; speaking of the gaming industry, looks like it's promo, promo, zaniness http://www.tweaktown.com/news/37531/bungie-s-destiny-could-top-gta-5-as-most-expensive-game-ever/index.html /// i just watched the trailer this morning, looks okay, but kinda missing some sizzle if it wants to beat GTA 664425;1399468450;chetty;fixing things which are not broken is a serious disease, and its contagious 664426;1399468472;ThickAsThieves;I dont think it's hard to argue that the current WoT could be improved 664427;1399468532;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 10 @ 0.06474168 = 0.6474 BTC [-] 664428;1399468533;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.07074075 = 0.2122 BTC [+] {2} 664429;1399468534;ThickAsThieves;pankakke's concern being one i also share, lack of historical ratings 664430;1399468573;fluffypony;I've just checked the db 664431;1399468583;fluffypony;nanotube doesn't log changes :( 664432;1399468593;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.03355889 = 0.3356 BTC [-] {4} 664433;1399468594;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.0314001 = 0.314 BTC [-] 664434;1399468602;fluffypony;nanotube: y u UPDATE and not INSERT? 664435;1399468620;ThickAsThieves;maybe he keeps the printed log 664436;1399468655;fluffypony;checking github noa 664437;1399468688;ThickAsThieves;not that this is a 'problem' but i'd also like to see a way to rate entities which haven't registered in the WoT yet 664438;1399468701;ThickAsThieves;i wonder if this could be managed by an independent part 664439;1399468703;ThickAsThieves;party* 664440;1399468715;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 4 @ 0.06474168 = 0.259 BTC [-] 664441;1399468716;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.0314001 = 0.1256 BTC [-] 664442;1399468717;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.0335465 = 0.1342 BTC [-] 664443;1399468718;davout;ThickAsThieves: i wonder if that's really a good idea 664444;1399468730;ThickAsThieves;i do too 664445;1399468779;ThickAsThieves;you see, if the WoT is a punishment gazette, since when do criminals register for such themselves? 664446;1399468840;kakobrekla;fluffypony theres a chan on freenode which prints all changes 664447;1399468843;ThickAsThieves;it's not a simple thing to solve or implement though 664448;1399468888;chetty; since when do criminals register for such themselves?// great point!! 664449;1399468916;HeySteve;I can see the value of rating unregistered entities 664450;1399468929;punkman;ThickAsThieves: well there's Paypal for example, but how is that useful http://bitcoin-otc.com/viewratingdetail.php?nick=paypal 664451;1399468932;HeySteve;but there are problems :) they'd have to be clearly identified as proxies 664452;1399468963;ThickAsThieves;HeySteve, megacorps arent good examples 664453;1399468982;ThickAsThieves;they have reputation that transcends a log 664454;1399468991;HeySteve;it may be best to think of them as placeholder ratings which the entities can later assume once validated 664455;1399468994;ThickAsThieves;(i could spend time arguing otherwise) 664456;1399468996;punkman;well "entities" brings that kind of thing to mind 664457;1399469000;davout;ThickAsThieves: if i wanted to argue the opposite i'd say criminals that aren't in the wot weren't part of the economy in the first place, so that would be a non-issue 664458;1399469002;ThickAsThieves;a better example would be like JOsh from BFL 664459;1399469007;ThickAsThieves;or Peter Vesesnes 664460;1399469009;ThickAsThieves;etc 664461;1399469019;fluffypony;ThickAsThieves 664462;1399469025;fluffypony;what nick would you put josh under? 664463;1399469028;fluffypony;bfljosh? real name? 664464;1399469036;ThickAsThieves;well these are the finer problems 664465;1399469046;ThickAsThieves;you'd need to add several fields to the db 664466;1399469049;fluffypony;but it's the core of the problem 664467;1399469058;fluffypony;essential to the WoT is identity 664468;1399469060;ThickAsThieves;for Real Names and Known Aliases 664469;1399469065;ThickAsThieves;essentially 664470;1399469070;fluffypony;an alias is irrelevant unless it links to an identity 664471;1399469070;ThickAsThieves;probly with references 664472;1399469072;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/economic-cycles-finally-explained/#comment-99619 it is done. 664473;1399469073;ozbot;Economic cycles finally explained pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 664474;1399469076;fluffypony;which is why opt-in registration is important 664475;1399469101;fluffypony;the minute you allow the rating of unidentified individuals you take identity out of it 664476;1399469106;HeySteve;<+fluffypony> an alias is irrelevant unless it links to an identity <- I disagree. someone doesn't have to know your real name to trade with you based on ratings 664477;1399469118;fluffypony;HeySteve: identity != real name 664478;1399469120;ThickAsThieves;opt-in registeration being easy and clean does not make unregistered identity handling unimportant 664479;1399469128;mircea_popescu; ThickAsThieves: i wonder if that's really a good idea << i don't think it is. 664480;1399469136;HeySteve;fluffypony, ok sure, just clarifying your meaning 664481;1399469143;mircea_popescu; you see, if the WoT is a punishment gazette, since when do criminals register for such themselves? << since forever. read up on "peine forte et dure" ? 664482;1399469175;ThickAsThieves;the question isnt has it ever happened 664483;1399469189;ThickAsThieves;it is whether it makes sense for it to be a requirement 664484;1399469197;HeySteve;the question then becomes who would hold the keys to the placeholder identity? seeing as that identity will also be able to rate people. so what happens if "PayPal" downvotes you? 664485;1399469208;mircea_popescu;but you askled "since when", when in point of fact it was always the case. only recently have courst strayed into this heresy that they have authority to judge over unwilling participants. 664486;1399469215;mircea_popescu;justice never involved this nonsense. 664487;1399469259;ThickAsThieves;so a roaming criminal never gets jailed cuz he doesnt recognize the authority? 664488;1399469260;mircea_popescu; ThickAsThieves: well there's Paypal for example, but how is that useful http://bitcoin-otc.com/viewratingdetail.php?nick=paypal << hardly useful tbh. just people using the wot to blog. they could have blogged better on a blog, or on twitter. 664489;1399469270;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves ayup. 664490;1399469339;ThickAsThieves;i suppose there is a more broken up punishment gazette, the blogosphere and forums etc 664491;1399469345;chetty;I suppose the whole internet functions as a punishment gazette 664492;1399469349;mircea_popescu;thart's just a forum 664493;1399469350;ThickAsThieves;ha! 664494;1399469359;mircea_popescu;this is the problem : clueless people are trying to mix forum into pg. 664495;1399469366;mircea_popescu;they don't belong mixed and so can't mix. 664496;1399469386;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.455 BTC [+] 664497;1399469387;HeySteve;another issue I forsee with rating of unregistered parties, is people extending the scope of the WoT beyond its intended purpose of recording Bitcoin trades. people will use it to downrate TV characters from soap operas 664498;1399469396;mircea_popescu;anyweay davout's argument is souind : if they had no wot they were not part of the economy in the first place. 664499;1399469396;chetty;deal with something not on the wot at your own risk 664500;1399469413;mircea_popescu;force them to wot as part and parcel of doing business with them, know that their refusal to comply means they're scammers. 664501;1399469417;ThickAsThieves;plenty people not in the wot are part of the economy 664502;1399469424;fluffypony;Drew: [15:27:46] NaruFGT-phone: Looking for some quick help configuring sendmail, will pay BTC 664503;1399469424;ThickAsThieves;just not the economy you can trust 664504;1399469425;fluffypony;oh 664505;1399469427;fluffypony;he's gone 664506;1399469438;HeySteve;I'm thinking there's a whole raft of WoT-related improvements only possible with some degree of hierarchial organisation 664507;1399469442;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves so then... they aren't part of the economy. lol 664508;1399469465;ThickAsThieves;they arent part of our elitist portion of the economy 664509;1399469467;HeySteve;trusted nodes are appointed that can do things like register placeholder identities 664510;1399469510;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves this is like saying women that don't have sex are part of the dating market, just not my elitist subsection of it 664511;1399469524;mircea_popescu;next youi're going to claim the us is part of human culture, just, not the elitist part of it. 664512;1399469531;davout;chetty: deal with something on the wot at your own risk too! 664513;1399469534;davout;:D 664514;1399469553;ThickAsThieves;not quite mp 664515;1399469575;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves are people who will sell you a house/car but not sign a contract also part of the real estate/car markets 664516;1399469578;mircea_popescu;? 664517;1399469580;ThickAsThieves;surely there are people that dont know about or how to WoT, they we trust to be in our ecomonic sphere 664518;1399469612;ThickAsThieves;we invite them to join it when we think to 664519;1399469624;ThickAsThieves;it's incidental, not definitive 664520;1399469640;mircea_popescu;all purported economic activity that's not taking place between wot registered identities is deffective. if only one wot identity is involved, the whoile thing is in no substantial manner different from the medieval relations between peon and his lord. 664521;1399469663;mircea_popescu;if no wot identity is involved, the thing's irrelevant economically, might as well be two somalis trading cowries 664522;1399469669;mircea_popescu;in some undiscovered island somewhere. 664523;1399469690;HeySteve;ThickAsThieves, what if to send Bitcoin to a WoT-registered party cost less in transaction fees than sending it to someone unregistered? 664524;1399469701;ThickAsThieves;no 664525;1399469709;mircea_popescu;^ 664526;1399469713;ThickAsThieves;that's incentivizing 664527;1399469731;HeySteve;yes, but what's the specific objection? 664528;1399469742;mircea_popescu;that is the specific objections, fo reals. 664529;1399469746;Apocalyptic;" is people extending the scope of the WoT beyond its intended purpose of recording Bitcoin trades" 664530;1399469759;Apocalyptic;since when is the scope "recording Bitcoin trades" only ? 664531;1399469769;mircea_popescu;Apocalyptic whence the quote ? 664532;1399469769;ThickAsThieves;well it's the bitcoin-otc WoT 664533;1399469772;ThickAsThieves;originally 664534;1399469796;fluffypony;ThickAsThieves: yeah but it hasn't been purely for -otc since gribble first appeared on a non -otc channel 664535;1399469798;HeySteve;Apocalyptic, fair enough it's a fuzzier boundary 664536;1399469806;Apocalyptic;mircea, another issue I forsee with rating of unregistered parties, is people extending the scope of the WoT beyond its intended purpose of recording Bitcoin trades. people will use it to downrate TV characters from soap operas 664537;1399469810;Naphex;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_of_trust 664538;1399469810;ozbot;Web of trust - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 664539;1399469812;Apocalyptic;a couple lines earlier 664540;1399469815;fluffypony;Naphex :) 664541;1399469820;mircea_popescu;ah. 664542;1399469831;mircea_popescu;HeySteve i think you misconstrue the scope of the wot. 664543;1399469854;HeySteve;perhaps Bitcoin trade, no S would have been nearer the mark 664544;1399469858;ThickAsThieves;ok, now i did mention this metaWoT being handled by an independent party 664545;1399469869;mircea_popescu;Naphex gotta love the gpg-centric view lol 664546;1399469880;Naphex;hehe 664547;1399469883;ThickAsThieves;couldnt it just be a separate WoT that had one real WoT account for integration? 664548;1399469889;mircea_popescu;HeySteve not that narrow. the wot holds all trust in human society. all of it. 664549;1399469894;ThickAsThieves;i believe we discussed similar ideas in the past 664550;1399469904;ThickAsThieves;a wot web 664551;1399469913;mircea_popescu;soon enough political office will be decided simply by wots. 664552;1399469917;HeySteve;mircea_popescu, in theory but in practical usage today, it's mostly for the Bitcoin community 664553;1399469925;mircea_popescu;to a large degree it already is, in the offices that matter anyway. 664554;1399469927;Naphex;*crypto community 664555;1399469934;mircea_popescu;HeySteve people. 664556;1399469939;Naphex;WoT was around before gribble as well 664557;1399469941;mircea_popescu;nobody;'s fault the rest of the bipedals aren't human. 664558;1399469950;Naphex;i remember crypto channels, with WoT auth 664559;1399469955;HeySteve;well, I was discussing the failings of democracy elsewhere as it's SA election day today 664560;1399469958;mircea_popescu;it's been the curse of the humancondition, this, for most times and places most bipedal life forms were bios rather than zoon 664561;1399470006;mircea_popescu;Naphex definitely. gribble is just an incremental improvement. 664562;1399470036;HeySteve; people's influence should rise and fall in accordance with their reputation, based on their recent actions 664563;1399470037;HeySteve; not vote for them today, giving them free reign to break their promises and do wtf they like / get paid to do for the next X years 664564;1399470070;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-05-2014#657038 < this sort of thing. 664565;1399470073;ozbot;#bitcoin-assets log 664566;1399470085;HeySteve;I agree it has great application to politics, yet I still don't see why incentivising people to join the WoT is bad 664567;1399470098;mircea_popescu;HeySteve do you see why incentivising people to marry is bad ? 664568;1399470116;HeySteve;not in every case, no 664569;1399470126;mircea_popescu;i didn'tg say "it's in every case bad" 664570;1399470133;mircea_popescu;for it to be bad, it suffices that there is one case where it's bad. 664571;1399470133;HeySteve;maybe the country is low on population growth for eg 664572;1399470142;mircea_popescu;nobody gives a shit about your country. 664573;1399470147;mircea_popescu;this is about individuals. 664574;1399470154;mircea_popescu;the only thing that matters. 664575;1399470171;ThickAsThieves;it's also a sliper fucking slope 664576;1399470176;HeySteve;it's about leading individuals to choices you consider to be in their best interest 664577;1399470187;HeySteve;like raising taxes on cigarettes 664578;1399470189;mircea_popescu;you have no business "considering" that. 664579;1399470200;ThickAsThieves;one day you invent the coupon, 20 years later you have an economy bent on quantity over quality 664580;1399470212;mircea_popescu;this is what bitcoin is here to do : make it impossible for pompous assholes to raise taxes on cigarettes. 664581;1399470236;HeySteve;what is society agrees cigarettes are bad? 664582;1399470241;HeySteve;*if 664583;1399470247;Apocalyptic;that's irrelevany 664584;1399470250;Apocalyptic;*irrelevant 664585;1399470275;ThickAsThieves;then they wont smoke them 664586;1399470279;mircea_popescu;what society ? 664587;1399470287;mircea_popescu;whoever thinks they're bad can not smoke them 664588;1399470303;Naphex;what about second hand mambo jambo?:p 664589;1399470313;mircea_popescu;what about my firm conviction that you should go around naked ? 664590;1399470321;mircea_popescu;it's fucking better for you. strip, bitch! 664591;1399470335;mircea_popescu;you're giving me 2nd hand textillic retinopathy. 664592;1399470336;HeySteve;well, there is a collective good. individuals function within social boundaries 664593;1399470345;mircea_popescu;there is no such thing as collective anything. 664594;1399470354;ThickAsThieves;that's a whole other (probably great) conversation 664595;1399470357;mircea_popescu;that's the myth of #fiat-asses. 664596;1399470361;davout;"2nd hand textillic retinopathy" <<< nice 664597;1399470365;ThickAsThieves;how wearing clothes shapes humanity 664598;1399470378;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves much softer footsoles, for one. 664599;1399470399;ThickAsThieves;well it's base deception right 664600;1399470417;ThickAsThieves;let me both hide and distract you with my very body 664601;1399470423;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 24 @ 0.00601095 = 0.1443 BTC [-] {2} 664602;1399470429;ThickAsThieves;(clothes) 664603;1399470448;ThickAsThieves;this likely echoes across so many things 664604;1399470448;mircea_popescu;hugely compelx anthropotopic, this. and i am not actually arguing against clothes per se 664605;1399470452;HeySteve;hmm well, in the context I propose incentivising certain behaviours and taxing others, there is no central authority doing it. there is the code which people are free to use 664606;1399470460;mircea_popescu;merely pointing out how easily dysfunctional this "common good" argument is. 664607;1399470464;ThickAsThieves;yeah 664608;1399470469;ThickAsThieves;i'll stay ot 664609;1399470482;mircea_popescu;HeySteve the only reason i comment is because you seemed to want to know why i wouldn't use it. 664610;1399470490;HeySteve;thus the argument against central authority is less meaningful. there are rules individuals agree to abide by 664611;1399470498;mircea_popescu;obviously. 664612;1399470505;ThickAsThieves;HeySteve, you couldnt do it anyway 664613;1399470527;HeySteve;I understand, I am looking more for an economic reason why doing things that way leads to failure 664614;1399470566;ThickAsThieves;discounting as a method is always a poor method of marketing 664615;1399470567;mircea_popescu;but anyway, since we're doing great covnersation : someone should write an essay on the possibility - in principle - of distinguishing between "common good" and "groupthink". writer out criteria, give me a method, break that shit up. 664616;1399470571;ThickAsThieves;it doesnt mean it cant work 664617;1399470572;mircea_popescu;i posit such a thing is impossible. 664618;1399470577;HeySteve;certainly, the welfare state sucks. it incentivizes behaviour which is harmful to the society 664619;1399470591;mircea_popescu;HeySteve "certainly, the welfare state sucks. it incentivizes behaviour." 664620;1399470593;mircea_popescu;period. 664621;1399470599;mircea_popescu;!up Dimsler 664622;1399470599;assbot;Voicing Dimsler for 30 minutes. 664623;1399470608;HeySteve;:D well here we don't quite agree, but yes it's a good debate to have 664624;1399470609;Dimsler;http://bitbet.us/bet/716/btc-worth-over-/ 664625;1399470610;ozbot;BitBet - BTC worth over $5000 before 2015 664626;1399470615;Dimsler;whose betting? 664627;1399470623;ThickAsThieves;who's 664628;1399470650;Dimsler;correct 664629;1399470663;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves technically his could have been correct 664630;1399470670;mircea_popescu;if he were asking whose goose that is. 664631;1399470673;ThickAsThieves;true 664632;1399470681;ThickAsThieves;but unlikely 664633;1399470681;Dimsler;whose would be possessive 664634;1399470696;Dimsler;in context 664635;1399470703;ThickAsThieves;his name is Dimsler after all 664636;1399470718;mircea_popescu;;;ud dimsler 664637;1399470719;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=dimsler | English. Arabic · Azerbaijani · Bengali · Bulgarian · Chinese · Czech · Danish · Dutch · English · Filipino · French · German · Greek · Hebrew · Hungarian ... 664638;1399470719;ozbot;Urban Dictionary: dimsler 664639;1399470781;Dimsler;argh 664640;1399470791;Dimsler;someone put a pic up of my house on google images 664641;1399470849;ThickAsThieves;from the wiki on peine forte et dure: 664642;1399470850;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2000 @ 0.0008564 = 1.7128 BTC [+] 664643;1399470851;ThickAsThieves;"Obviously, a criminal justice system that punished only those who volunteered for punishment was unworkable 664644;1399470853;ThickAsThieves;" 664645;1399470951;nanotube;fluffypony: you pinged, what's up? 664646;1399470957;Dimsler;http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20140501/18550127094/silk-road-20-now-larger-than-silk-road-ever-was.shtml 664647;1399470957;ozbot;Silk Road 2.0 Now Larger Than Silk Road Ever Was | Techdirt 664648;1399470962;fluffypony;nanotube: I was looking at gribbles db 664649;1399471002;fluffypony;nanotube: why don't you insert ratings into the table instead of updating them, and then just use a subquery to group by rated_user_id / rater_user_id when getting data? 664650;1399471015;fluffypony;we're struggling with the lack of historical ratings when people change ratings 664651;1399471042;punkman;I remember seeing a link for dowloading the data in bulk on -otc.com, was it deprecated? 664652;1399471059;nanotube;well, i have logs... but i didn't think it would be useful to bloat the db with historical crud. 664653;1399471125;fluffypony;nanotube: ok then why not shift historical ratings into an archived rating table? that way the main ratings table doesn't bloat, but the historical data is still around 664654;1399471210;HeySteve;spamming changes could bloat the archive, it might be good to have a time limit or cost 664655;1399471216;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19500 @ 0.00085628 = 16.6975 BTC [-] {2} 664656;1399471227;fluffypony;yeah, rate limit changes to 1 a day 664657;1399471242;ThickAsThieves;no 664658;1399471245;davout;no 664659;1399471246;Apocalyptic;"New York - La banque amricaine JPMorgan Chase est en train de fermer les comptes bancaires d'actuels et d'anciens dirigeants hauts placs non-amricains et de diplomates, a-t-on appris mardi auprs d'une source proche du dossier" 664660;1399471257;nanotube;well it's not a bad idea generally speaking, just isn't how it happens presently. :) 664661;1399471272;fluffypony;ThickAsThieves, davout: why not? what's the use-case for multiple changes a day? 664662;1399471279;ThickAsThieves;typos? 664663;1399471282;fluffypony;oic oic 664664;1399471286;fluffypony;ok didn't think about that 664665;1399471299;davout;fluffypony: also you're trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist 664666;1399471305;fluffypony;nanotube: if I get a bit of time I can make the changes and submit a PR? 664667;1399471311;Apocalyptic;it's already rate-limited as commands to gribble 664668;1399471315;Apocalyptic;which is like 10/minute 664669;1399471329;ThickAsThieves;if db bloat is a real problem, then treat it like backups, 1 yearly, 1 monthly, 1 weekly, 1 daily 664670;1399471338;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.45989897 = 2.2995 BTC [+] {2} 664671;1399471339;ThickAsThieves;then it becomes a backup system 664672;1399471343;ThickAsThieves;rather than historical 664673;1399471352;HeySteve;imposing costs for certain actions turns the WoT into something of a business, I'd favour that way to limit spam 664674;1399471373;HeySteve;the problem is imposing costs means you have to set costs, meaning you can't avoid (dis)incentivisation 664675;1399471380;fluffypony;ThickAsThieves: well atm the db is 3mb, so I don't see it growing massively - double-ish that size if every single rating was updated:-P 664676;1399471391;ThickAsThieves;the issue is spam 664677;1399471400;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves> "Obviously, a criminal justice system that punished only those who volunteered for punishment was unworkable << this is what the contemporary thinks. 664678;1399471405;mircea_popescu;beware of obviously. 664679;1399471446;ThickAsThieves;basically the WoT is to be thought of as the very incentive itself 664680;1399471447;mircea_popescu;Apocalyptic lol good one 664681;1399471454;fluffypony;ThickAsThieves: but then we're back to what davout said, solving a problem that doesn't exist 664682;1399471476;nanotube;fluffypony: well, we'd have to discuss the details of implementation first... and whether it's worth it at all. what exactly is the source of your need for historical data? 664683;1399471478;ThickAsThieves;i wouldnt frame it as a problem per se 664684;1399471499;fluffypony;nanotube: reference material + pankkake's laziness 664685;1399471500;davout;ThickAsThieves: well, then why would it need solving ? 664686;1399471502;ThickAsThieves;it's seeing if we can practically have access to more info 664687;1399471514;fluffypony;actually mostly pankkake's laziness 664688;1399471521;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.44000037 = 1.76 BTC [-] {3} 664689;1399471540;mircea_popescu;all blame pankkake 664690;1399471552;ThickAsThieves;like the wayback machine 664691;1399471556;artifexd;Publicly accessible/searchable logs of #bitcoin-otc-ratings would suffice 664692;1399471568;davout;^ 664693;1399471577;ThickAsThieves;probably 664694;1399471589;mircea_popescu;im with artifexd actually. it's enough. 664695;1399471615;nanotube;haha well, doesn't sound like a great reason :P. but yea anyone's welcome to join -otc-ratings and log. 664696;1399471616;fluffypony;what if ratings changes were added to ;;events then? 664697;1399471619;nanotube;someone probably is. 664698;1399471641;ThickAsThieves;nanotube, what if you just post a file of the historical log 664699;1399471649;ThickAsThieves;for people to dl and parse however they like 664700;1399471664;ThickAsThieves;daily or whatever 664701;1399471686;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves you know sooner or later you'll have to make the plunge and learn how to make a bot 664702;1399471696;mircea_popescu;pick up supybot, it's not hard, will be a day of fun. 664703;1399471714;ThickAsThieves;it's suboptimal for anyone but gribble to do it 664704;1399471718;mircea_popescu;why ? 664705;1399471727;ThickAsThieves;beause you cant rate without gribble present 664706;1399471734;ThickAsThieves;but you csan without tatbot 664707;1399471734;mircea_popescu;you join it to -otc-events 664708;1399471737;mircea_popescu;and log. 664709;1399471744;mircea_popescu;this helps keep gribble honest, what if it later decides to lie ? 664710;1399471755;ThickAsThieves;so if gribble is doing it, you know it hasnt missed anything 664711;1399471769;ThickAsThieves;if gribble decides to lie much more is fucked than the log 664712;1399471783;mircea_popescu;but if nobody is doing things like keeping the log 664713;1399471785;Apocalyptic; if gribble decides to lie much more is fucked than the log // he has a point 664714;1399471789;mircea_popescu;we'll never know if it ever decides to lie 664715;1399471835;mircea_popescu;how goes nubbins` 664716;1399471838;chetty;well sun may not rise in the morning, got to stop doubt somewhere 664717;1399471904;mircea_popescu;there are people who keep the sunrise log. 664718;1399471930;ThickAsThieves;this brings me to my next wot area of concern 664719;1399471936;ThickAsThieves;centralization 664720;1399471969;nubbins`;not bad! busy in the studio these days 664721;1399471998;HeySteve;ThickAsThieves, with logs available it's pretty recoverable. trust required however 664722;1399472007;nubbins`;shopping for a stack cutter these days, looking at the Dahle 842: http://www.crddistribution.ca/images/cuttingSolutions/842_stack.jpg 664723;1399472018;ThickAsThieves;HeySteve only to a degree 664724;1399472042;ThickAsThieves;what if nanotube dies, gribble gets compromised and farts all over the ratings 664725;1399472044;ThickAsThieves;etc 664726;1399472068;HeySteve;yeah that's what I mean, we must trust nanotube and gribble 664727;1399472105;HeySteve;and various links in how those key parts function 664728;1399472128;fluffypony;nubbins`: is that for trimming the edges off a stack of magazines/posters/whatever? 664729;1399472166;nubbins`;yep, will cut 200 pages at once 664730;1399472174;fluffypony;neat 664731;1399472180;fluffypony;guillotine pro 664732;1399472182;fluffypony;:-P 664733;1399472202;ThickAsThieves;do you prefer manual over electric, or just saving money? 664734;1399472532;mircea_popescu;nubbins` there was this guy tryhing to get a music festival going earlier. 664735;1399472547;mircea_popescu; what if nanotube dies, gribble gets compromised and farts all over the ratings << we got teh logs ? 664736;1399472612;ThickAsThieves;what if the compromise is more insidious 664737;1399472621;ThickAsThieves;like it happens over a year 664738;1399472636;ThickAsThieves;or is otherwise difficult to detect 664739;1399472642;mircea_popescu;logs. 664740;1399472652;ThickAsThieves;what if the logs are a lie 664741;1399472658;mircea_popescu;trust, but verify is the recipe to perfect security. 664742;1399472664;mircea_popescu;3rd party logs are all a lie ? 664743;1399472702;ThickAsThieves;i suppose not, assuming they are logged by several trustworthy parties 664744;1399472710;mircea_popescu;trust, but verify is also why eventual consistency is so deeply buried at the root of practical business. 664745;1399472802;thestringpuller;;;later tell nubbins` need to talk more about invoices etc. etc. been lazy recently gimme a ping when you aren't busy 664746;1399472802;gribble;The operation succeeded. 664747;1399472854;ThickAsThieves;this looks neat http://www.wired.com/2014/05/hack-slash-zelda-game/?mbid=social_fb 664748;1399472924;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 1 @ 0.1336 BTC [-] 664749;1399473174;HeySteve;ThickAsThieves, great concept 664750;1399473412;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15500 @ 0.0008564 = 13.2742 BTC [+] 664751;1399473491;pigeons;one proposal to move to distributed wot http://privwiki.dreamhosters.com/wiki/Distributed_Web_of_Trust_Proposal_2 664752;1399473504;pigeons;see #bitcoin-wot 664753;1399473533;fluffypony;pigeons 664754;1399473555;fluffypony;will that break compatibility with the existing WoT? 664755;1399473595;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 10 @ 0.13334997 = 1.3335 BTC [-] {2} 664756;1399473615;pigeons;read it 664757;1399473655;pigeons;its different so, sort of 664758;1399473656;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.0330021 = 0.132 BTC [-] 664759;1399473665;fluffypony;I did read it 664760;1399473669;fluffypony;that's why I was asking 664761;1399473689;fluffypony;like is compatibility a goal at all, for eg. 664762;1399473733;mircea_popescu;o wow pigeons lives! 664763;1399473803;mircea_popescu;pigeons you read the http://trilema.com/2014/what-the-wot-is-for-how-it-works-and-how-to-use-it/ ? 664764;1399473815;mircea_popescu;because im not happy with the The contract operationalizes the trust values in a currency-neutral 664765;1399473815;mircea_popescu;way, by making the values of 0-100 mean "percent of current world GDP 664766;1399473815;mircea_popescu;per capita that I would trust this person with". 664767;1399473855;pigeons;no i dont read paywalled sites ;) 664768;1399473863;pigeons;but yeah good point that is pretty weird metric 664769;1399473900;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.0706 = 0.706 BTC [-] 664770;1399473961;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 1 @ 0.1333333 BTC [-] 664771;1399474034;nanotube;re centralization and trust: yes each rating ideally would be signed. (todo list...) 664772;1399474054;nanotube;re currency neutral trust measure: if you have anything else to suggest... i'd be happy to hear alternatives 664773;1399474131;davout;;;tslb 664774;1399474134;gribble;Time since last block: 14 minutes and 54 seconds 664775;1399474178;artifexd;Apocalyptic: Does Crypton keep logs? 664776;1399474188;Apocalyptic;it indeed does 664777;1399474207;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 450 @ 0.00432353 = 1.9456 BTC [+] {4} 664778;1399474214;davout;"yes each rating ideally would be signed." <<< this 664779;1399474237;artifexd;Would you be willing to share? Specifically the logs from #bitcoin-otc-ratings. 664780;1399474264;Apocalyptic;It hasn't been logging for very long though 664781;1399474321;mircea_popescu;nanotube "It is important to remember that the score associated to a relationship does not mark the direct trust of the scorer for the scoree, but merely the scorers confidence that the information he has about scoree is correct, accurate, relevant and complete. All four." 664782;1399474323;mircea_popescu;from the same link 664783;1399474325;artifexd;How long has it been keeping logs? 664784;1399474341;artifexd;Roughly 664785;1399474352;Apocalyptic;let me check 664786;1399474366;mircea_popescu;pigeons if you mostly don't read it you can pretend like it's not paywalled. 664787;1399474388;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.45989895 = 1.3797 BTC [+] {2} 664788;1399474423;Apocalyptic;from 2014/01/14 05:17:47 roughly 664789;1399474455;artifexd;Excellent. Thank you. 664790;1399474510;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 8 @ 0.072 = 0.576 BTC [+] 664791;1399474522;Apocalyptic;yw, also there was some periods of downtime, so don't expect an exhaustive log 664792;1399474815;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53171 @ 0.00085534 = 45.4793 BTC [-] {4} 664793;1399474876;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 1260 @ 0.038 = 47.88 BTC {9} 664794;1399474879;nubbins`;ThickAsThieves money is the concern atm 664795;1399474937;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 4538 @ 0.038 = 172.444 BTC {50} 664796;1399474959;nubbins`;we won't be doing a huge amount of cutting, so a ~$1k manual cutter is more sensible than a $6-10k electric 664797;1399474998;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 2001 @ 0.038 = 76.038 BTC {30} 664798;1399475007;nubbins`;mircea_popescu a bitcoin music festival? 664799;1399475059;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 402 @ 0.038 = 15.276 BTC {14} 664800;1399475061;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 58 @ 0.07318227 = 4.2446 BTC [+] {5} 664801;1399475120;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 230 @ 0.038 = 8.74 BTC {7} 664802;1399475135;mircea_popescu;nubbins` http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-05-2014#663483 664803;1399475178;*;nubbins` groans 664804;1399475180;nubbins`;"out of the worlds population of 7 billion, 3.6 billion are under the age of 30, and 2 billion are millennials." 664805;1399475181;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 86 @ 0.038 = 3.268 BTC {8} 664806;1399475197;mircea_popescu;like you know, 14 yo indian woman raped daily is a milennial too. 664807;1399475200;nubbins`;sweet, let's get 2bn chinese and pakistani kids together and throw a rave 664808;1399475236;mircea_popescu;gangam stayl 664809;1399475242;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 95 @ 0.038 = 3.61 BTC {9} 664810;1399475243;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 30 @ 0.071 = 2.13 BTC [-] {3} 664811;1399475244;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 4 @ 0.0633775 = 0.2535 BTC [-] {4} 664812;1399475245;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.0332001 = 0.332 BTC [+] 664813;1399475262;nubbins`;rent in gangnam is like $10k/sqft 664814;1399475273;nubbins`;style indeed 664815;1399475291;nubbins`;bbl building a $1bn techno empire 664816;1399475299;*;nubbins` chuckles 664817;1399475303;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 9 @ 0.03306806 = 0.2976 BTC [-] {3} 664818;1399475304;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 38 @ 0.038 = 1.444 BTC {4} 664819;1399475364;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 24 @ 0.038 = 0.912 BTC {4} 664820;1399475425;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 161 @ 0.038 = 6.118 BTC {5} 664821;1399475486;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1000 @ 0.00012583 = 0.1258 BTC [+] 664822;1399475487;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 227 @ 0.038 = 8.626 BTC {6} 664823;1399475488;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.0700001 = 0.28 BTC [-] 664824;1399475547;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 50 @ 0.038 = 1.9 BTC {3} 664825;1399475548;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.0700001 = 0.35 BTC [-] 664826;1399475608;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 210 @ 0.038 = 7.98 BTC {5} 664827;1399475653;chetty;http://thecoinfront.com/saskatchewan-mining-company-hit-with-cease-trade-order/ 664828;1399475657;ozbot;Saskatchewan Mining Company Hit with Cease Trade Order | The CoinFront | Bitcoin News 664829;1399475669;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 20 @ 0.038 = 0.76 BTC {4} 664830;1399475670;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 64 @ 0.07 = 4.48 BTC [-] {2} 664831;1399475730;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 117 @ 0.038 = 4.446 BTC 664832;1399475743;fluffypony;omf yes plz : http://thecoinfront.com/buy-lego-with-crypto-at-brickchain/ 664833;1399475791;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 6 @ 0.0700001 = 0.42 BTC [+] {2} 664834;1399475793;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.038 = 0.38 BTC 664835;1399475852;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 208 @ 0.038 = 7.904 BTC {3} 664836;1399475913;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 12 @ 0.038 = 0.456 BTC {2} 664837;1399475914;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 8 @ 0.07156246 = 0.5725 BTC [+] {2} 664838;1399475974;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 134 @ 0.00086211 = 0.1155 BTC [-] 664839;1399475975;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 108 @ 0.038 = 4.104 BTC {3} 664840;1399476035;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 21 @ 0.038 = 0.798 BTC {3} 664841;1399476036;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 7 @ 0.0700001 = 0.49 BTC [-] 664842;1399476096;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 14 @ 0.038 = 0.532 BTC {2} 664843;1399476149;mircea_popescu;chetty heh. 664844;1399476157;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 155 @ 0.038 = 5.89 BTC {5} 664845;1399476160;mircea_popescu;canada trying hard to make sure it won't exist in the future huh. 664846;1399476205;mircea_popescu;"Susans interest in crypto currency flows naturally from her abiding love of social media, the Internet and the environment." 664847;1399476215;mircea_popescu;the things these people imagine to constitute natural flow. 664848;1399476218;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 7 @ 0.03399998 = 0.238 BTC [+] {2} 664849;1399476219;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 13 @ 0.038 = 0.494 BTC {2} 664850;1399476280;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 22 @ 0.07451354 = 1.6393 BTC [+] {3} 664851;1399476401;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 9 @ 0.0339999 = 0.306 BTC [-] 664852;1399476631;fluffypony;speaking of millenials 664853;1399476633;fluffypony;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mF8NRlAoMLY 664854;1399476633;ozbot;The Biggest Douchebag On Vine - YouTube 664855;1399476706;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.0395 = 0.1185 BTC [+] {2} 664856;1399476744;mircea_popescu;ahaha 664857;1399476768;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28460 @ 0.00085656 = 24.3777 BTC [+] {2} 664858;1399476793;mircea_popescu;splendid document of what the absolutely normal teenager is, does, and looks like. 664859;1399476803;chetty;gubermint saying they failed to pay proper vigoresh 664860;1399476828;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 14 @ 0.0395 = 0.553 BTC [+] {3} 664861;1399476867;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/Mircea_Popescu/status/464065691792859136 664862;1399476868;ozbot;Twitter / Mircea_Popescu: Check out the #nigger : ... 664863;1399476889;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 9 @ 0.0395 = 0.3555 BTC [+] {2} 664864;1399476919;fluffypony;GRAAA-ta-taaaaa 664865;1399476987;thestringpuller;dude scrypt is actually selling? 664866;1399476989;thestringpuller;da fuq is this shit 664867;1399477011;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 36 @ 0.0395 = 1.422 BTC [+] {2} 664868;1399477015;mircea_popescu;fluffypony didja want a via ? 664869;1399477029;fluffypony;a via? 664870;1399477047;fluffypony;thestringpuller: it's PETA's scrypt farm, they apparently have access to chipz 664871;1399477061;mircea_popescu;via @fluffypony 664872;1399477068;fluffypony;oh lol, no that's fine 664873;1399477111;mircea_popescu;i figured better not, seeing how you never know when it shows up on your sm profile :D 664874;1399477142;fluffypony;lol 664875;1399477194;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 26 @ 0.0395 = 1.027 BTC [+] {3} 664876;1399477255;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.07000021 = 0.35 BTC [-] 664877;1399477256;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 36 @ 0.0395 = 1.422 BTC [+] {4} 664878;1399477257;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.44020021 BTC [-] 664879;1399477316;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.44020011 BTC [-] 664880;1399477318;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 37 @ 0.0395 = 1.4615 BTC [+] {3} 664881;1399477374;davout;fluffypony: nice one 664882;1399477377;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 8000 @ 0.00012302 = 0.9842 BTC [-] {11} 664883;1399477378;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 27 @ 0.0395 = 1.0665 BTC [+] {2} 664884;1399477396;thestringpuller;benkay benkay benkay (does it work like beetlejuice?) 664885;1399477438;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 39 @ 0.0395 = 1.5405 BTC [+] {2} 664886;1399477483;benkay;morning, thestringpuller 664887;1399477499;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.44020005 = 0.8804 BTC [-] {2} 664888;1399477500;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.0395 = 0.1185 BTC [+] 664889;1399477560;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 241 @ 0.0395 = 9.5195 BTC [+] {3} 664890;1399477561;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.44001011 BTC [-] 664891;1399477621;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 12 @ 0.0395 = 0.474 BTC [+] 664892;1399477683;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 17 @ 0.0395 = 0.6715 BTC [+] 664893;1399477804;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.0395 = 0.1185 BTC [+] 664894;1399477865;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 20 @ 0.0395 = 0.79 BTC [+] 664895;1399477926;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.0395 = 0.1185 BTC [+] 664896;1399478231;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.0395 = 0.1185 BTC [+] 664897;1399478292;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 20 @ 0.006011 = 0.1202 BTC [-] 664898;1399478414;assbot;[MPEX] [S.BBET] 750 @ 0.000515 = 0.3863 BTC [-] 664899;1399478475;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 16 @ 0.0395 = 0.632 BTC [+] 664900;1399478536;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 15 @ 0.0395 = 0.5925 BTC [+] 664901;1399478597;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.07479105 = 0.374 BTC [-] 664902;1399478599;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 222 @ 0.00423001 = 0.9391 BTC [-] 664903;1399478658;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 15 @ 0.0339 = 0.5085 BTC [-] 664904;1399478719;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 45 @ 0.0395 = 1.7775 BTC [+] {2} 664905;1399478780;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIF] 2330 @ 0.00017237 = 0.4016 BTC [+] {5} 664906;1399478841;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIF] 1765 @ 0.00018028 = 0.3182 BTC [+] {5} 664907;1399478842;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 23 @ 0.006011 = 0.1383 BTC [-] {2} 664908;1399478902;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIF] 4484 @ 0.00020766 = 0.9311 BTC [+] {7} 664909;1399478903;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 135 @ 0.00601 = 0.8114 BTC [-] {2} 664910;1399479024;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.0700101 = 0.14 BTC [-] 664911;1399479086;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 22 @ 0.0395 = 0.869 BTC [+] {3} 664912;1399479146;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 4 @ 0.0395 = 0.158 BTC [+] 664913;1399479268;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15580 @ 0.00085502 = 13.3212 BTC [-] 664914;1399479451;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 5 @ 0.0395 = 0.1975 BTC [+] 664915;1399479603;ThickAsThieves;https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/urme-surveillance-developing-devices-to-protect-the-public 664916;1399479603;ozbot;URME SURVEILLANCE: Developing Devices to Protect the Public | Indiegogo 664917;1399479695;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.04 = 0.12 BTC [+] {3} 664918;1399479817;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 7 @ 0.0395 = 0.2765 BTC [-] 664919;1399480001;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.0330504 = 0.1653 BTC [-] {3} 664920;1399480002;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 35 @ 0.0395 = 1.3825 BTC [-] {2} 664921;1399480061;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.033 = 0.33 BTC [-] {2} 664922;1399480062;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 12 @ 0.0395 = 0.474 BTC [-] {2} 664923;1399480063;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 9 @ 0.03177155 = 0.2859 BTC [+] {2} 664924;1399480122;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 23 @ 0.04015217 = 0.9235 BTC [+] {3} 664925;1399480184;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.45989876 BTC [+] 664926;1399480185;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 25 @ 0.0395 = 0.9875 BTC [-] 664927;1399480305;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 16 @ 0.0395 = 0.632 BTC [-] {3} 664928;1399480367;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 30 @ 0.0395 = 1.185 BTC [-] {3} 664929;1399480488;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 20 @ 0.0395 = 0.79 BTC [-] 664930;1399480489;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.45989793 = 1.3797 BTC [-] {2} 664931;1399480549;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 19 @ 0.07474997 = 1.4202 BTC [+] {4} 664932;1399480610;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 6 @ 0.07479333 = 0.4488 BTC [+] {2} 664933;1399480671;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 8 @ 0.0395 = 0.316 BTC [-] {2} 664934;1399480672;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.0748 = 0.1496 BTC [+] {2} 664935;1399480732;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 26 @ 0.041 = 1.066 BTC [+] 664936;1399480793;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 9 @ 0.0395 = 0.3555 BTC [-] 664937;1399480855;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.0395 = 0.395 BTC [-] 664938;1399480915;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 261 @ 0.0395 = 10.3095 BTC [-] {2} 664939;1399480976;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.0395 = 0.395 BTC [-] {3} 664940;1399481037;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 4 @ 0.0395 = 0.158 BTC [-] 664941;1399481159;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 37 @ 0.0395 = 1.4615 BTC [-] {2} 664942;1399481162;ThickAsThieves;http://investor.gov/news-alerts/investor-alerts/investor-alert-bitcoin-other-virtual-currency-related-investments#.U2pjHPldV8F 664943;1399481164;ozbot;Investor Alert: Bitcoin and Other Virtual Currency-Related Investments | Investor.gov 664944;1399481218;mircea_popescu;!up aabtc 664945;1399481218;assbot;Voicing aabtc for 30 minutes. 664946;1399481221;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 45 @ 0.004201 = 0.189 BTC [-] {2} 664947;1399481222;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 8 @ 0.0395 = 0.316 BTC [-] {2} 664948;1399481223;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.45989887 BTC [+] 664949;1399481282;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.45989887 BTC [+] 664950;1399481283;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 5 @ 0.0395 = 0.1975 BTC [-] 664951;1399481292;mircea_popescu;quite reasonable. 664952;1399481464;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [7C] 25 @ 0.0071198 = 0.178 BTC [+] 664953;1399481514;thestringpuller;not bad .jpg 664954;1399481526;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.0395 = 0.395 BTC [-] 664955;1399481587;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 49 @ 0.0395 = 1.9355 BTC [-] {2} 664956;1399481952;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 100 @ 0.0395 = 3.95 BTC [-] {2} 664957;1399482013;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 10 @ 0.45990908 = 4.5991 BTC [+] {3} 664958;1399482014;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 2.70375084 BTC to 8`603 shares, 31428 satoshi per share 664959;1399482440;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 59 @ 0.0395 = 2.3305 BTC [-] {2} 664960;1399482501;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.0395 = 0.1185 BTC [-] 664961;1399482712;asciilifeform;old, but somehow missed this: 664962;1399482713;asciilifeform;http://www.ssb.state.tx.us/News/Press_Release/03-11-14_press.php 664963;1399482928;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.0315001 = 0.1575 BTC [-] 664964;1399483050;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 4 @ 0.0395 = 0.158 BTC [-] 664965;1399483171;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you recall the lulz that was ? 664966;1399483180;mircea_popescu;"we are not the identity police" etc. 664967;1399483185;mircea_popescu;gave the texans quite a scare. 664968;1399483231;asciilifeform;vaguely. 664969;1399483294;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 5 @ 0.0395 = 0.1975 BTC [-] 664970;1399483416;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 100 @ 0.0395 = 3.95 BTC [-] 664971;1399483477;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 4 @ 0.0395 = 0.158 BTC [-] 664972;1399483478;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7366 @ 0.00085576 = 6.3035 BTC [+] 664973;1399483660;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 125 @ 0.0395 = 4.9375 BTC [-] {2} 664974;1399483721;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 130 @ 0.0395 = 5.135 BTC [-] {3} 664975;1399483782;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 385 @ 0.00419032 = 1.6133 BTC [-] {4} 664976;1399483843;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 9 @ 0.0319888 = 0.2879 BTC [+] {3} 664977;1399483880;asciilifeform;http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/crime/blog/bs-md-ci-police-sex-line-20140506,0,5534853.story 664978;1399483880;ozbot;Baltimore police complaint hotline number connects callers to adult chat line - baltimoresun.com 664979;1399483904;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17200 @ 0.00085679 = 14.7368 BTC [+] {3} 664980;1399483904;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 3 @ 0.0335 = 0.1005 BTC [+] 664981;1399483905;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 4 @ 0.0395 = 0.158 BTC [-] 664982;1399484026;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.0339 = 0.1695 BTC [+] {5} 664983;1399484027;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.4599999 = 1.84 BTC [+] 664984;1399484088;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.074297 = 0.3715 BTC [-] {3} 664985;1399484148;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 5 @ 0.0395 = 0.1975 BTC [-] 664986;1399484271;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 20 @ 0.0395 = 0.79 BTC [-] 664987;1399484392;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 100 @ 0.0395 = 3.95 BTC [-] 664988;1399484393;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.074297 = 0.2229 BTC [-] 664989;1399484515;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 10 @ 0.06474168 = 0.6474 BTC [-] 664990;1399484516;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 4 @ 0.0395 = 0.158 BTC [-] 664991;1399484577;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.03366061 = 0.3366 BTC [-] {3} 664992;1399484941;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 50 @ 0.0395 = 1.975 BTC [-] {2} 664993;1399485002;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 127 @ 0.0395 = 5.0165 BTC [-] 664994;1399485003;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.03150009 = 0.315 BTC [-] {2} 664995;1399485063;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 9 @ 0.06474168 = 0.5827 BTC [-] 664996;1399485064;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 8 @ 0.03146874 = 0.2517 BTC [-] {3} 664997;1399485124;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.031775 = 0.1271 BTC [+] {2} 664998;1399485125;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 9 @ 0.03361343 = 0.3025 BTC [-] {3} 664999;1399485126;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 11 @ 0.0395 = 0.4345 BTC [-] 665000;1399485307;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 28 @ 0.0395 = 1.106 BTC [-] {2} 665001;1399485368;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 26 @ 0.0395 = 1.027 BTC [-] 665002;1399485429;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 6 @ 0.0395 = 0.237 BTC [-] 665003;1399485673;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 16 @ 0.0395 = 0.632 BTC [-] {2} 665004;1399485674;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 100 @ 0.00416111 = 0.4161 BTC [-] {3} 665005;1399485734;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.0395 = 0.395 BTC [-] 665006;1399485917;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 11 @ 0.0395 = 0.4345 BTC [-] {2} 665007;1399485978;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 7 @ 0.0319 = 0.2233 BTC [+] 665008;1399485980;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 10 @ 0.06474168 = 0.6474 BTC [-] 665009;1399486039;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 13 @ 0.03380761 = 0.4395 BTC [+] {2} 665010;1399486041;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 28 @ 0.0395 = 1.106 BTC [-] 665011;1399486344;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 25 @ 0.00425705 = 0.1064 BTC [+] 665012;1399486405;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 46 @ 0.0395 = 1.817 BTC [-] 665013;1399486588;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 8 @ 0.0395 = 0.316 BTC [-] 665014;1399487015;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.0395 = 0.1185 BTC [-] 665015;1399487077;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 5 @ 0.0395 = 0.1975 BTC [-] 665016;1399487198;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 183 @ 0.0395 = 7.2285 BTC [-] {2} 665017;1399487320;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 6 @ 0.0395 = 0.237 BTC [-] 665018;1399487626;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 6 @ 0.0395 = 0.237 BTC [-] 665019;1399487870;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 28 @ 0.03338325 = 0.9347 BTC [-] {2} 665020;1399488407;pankkake;oh god that vine wigga :/ it's torture 665021;1399488540;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.0395 = 0.395 BTC [-] 665022;1399488724;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 6 @ 0.0395 = 0.237 BTC [-] 665023;1399488784;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 6485 @ 0.0395 = 256.1575 BTC [-] {3} 665024;1399488845;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.07112491 = 0.3556 BTC [-] 665025;1399488906;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 9 @ 0.0395 = 0.3555 BTC [-] 665026;1399488907;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 6 @ 0.07112501 = 0.4268 BTC [+] 665027;1399488908;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2272 @ 0.00012054 = 0.2739 BTC [-] {9} 665028;1399488967;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 11 @ 0.0395 = 0.4345 BTC [-] 665029;1399489015;fluffypony;pankkake: he's hardcore (tm) 665030;1399489150;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.0395 = 0.1185 BTC [-] 665031;1399489272;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 1538 @ 0.00085115 = 1.3091 BTC [-] {11} 665032;1399489273;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 36 @ 0.0395 = 1.422 BTC [-] 665033;1399489333;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 100 @ 0.0395 = 3.95 BTC [-] {4} 665034;1399489699;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 35 @ 0.07114634 = 2.4901 BTC [+] {3} 665035;1399489760;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 100 @ 0.0395 = 3.95 BTC [-] 665036;1399489821;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 15 @ 0.0395 = 0.5925 BTC [-] 665037;1399489943;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 63 @ 0.0395 = 2.4885 BTC [-] 665038;1399490248;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 14 @ 0.0395 = 0.553 BTC [-] 665039;1399490337;danielpbarron;18:40:56 <+mircea_popescu> decimation you know i just had this dispute with native speaker today ? because she said "tuna" with a plain u like in cartoon << in english: when there is only one consonant in-between two vowels, the first vowel becomes "long" (usually). 665040;1399490370;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 12 @ 0.0395 = 0.474 BTC [-] 665041;1399490371;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.0739999 = 0.148 BTC [+] 665042;1399490378;fluffypony;Americans say "toona" instead of "tyoon-a" 665043;1399490393;fluffypony;*some* Americans, sorry 665044;1399490431;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 25 @ 0.0395 = 0.9875 BTC [-] 665045;1399490492;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 61 @ 0.0395 = 2.4095 BTC [-] {2} 665046;1399490527;danielpbarron;i just installed openbsd with a flash-drive, onto another flash-drive; so far this is the nicest OS i've ever had the pleasure to install 665047;1399490577;joecool;the firewall is sweet on it 665048;1399490593;thestringpuller;i couldn't install freebsd 665049;1399490596;thestringpuller;i totally failed at it 665050;1399490621;joecool;i think i remember looking at doing fbsd, but then i figured gentoo would be better for desktop 665051;1399490641;joecool;i ended up on obsd for a couple years on my laptop cause they had the best reverse engineered wifi drivers 665052;1399490657;joecool;and linux couldn't make up its mind on what wireless stack to adopt (there were like 6 or 7) 665053;1399490700;turbo_ac100;kakobrekla: Hey what about showing the weight of bets in the middle of the betboxmetadiv s on the mainpage? 665054;1399490736;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.0395 = 0.395 BTC [-] 665055;1399490785;BingoBoingo;danielpbarron: What kind of hardware? 665056;1399490858;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 734 @ 0.00085261 = 0.6258 BTC [+] {2} 665057;1399490913;mircea_popescu;http://thedevilsadvocate.biz/ wtf 665058;1399490916;ozbot;The Devil's Advocate - Home 665059;1399490919;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 400 @ 0.0008808 = 0.3523 BTC [+] {3} 665060;1399490920;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.0395 = 0.395 BTC [-] 665061;1399490950;mike_c;mircea_popescu: http://devilsadvocate.biz/ 665062;1399490955;mircea_popescu;aok 665063;1399490980;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 4 @ 0.0395 = 0.158 BTC [-] 665064;1399491095;danielpbarron;BingoBoingo, so far I'm testing it out on one of the many old boxes that have been taking up space in my room; the one that worked is a "Shuttle" 665065;1399491147;BingoBoingo;danielpbarron: Cool, I'm just playing it on an older x86 box atm. Was wondering if you'r tried it with newer hardware. 665066;1399491163;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17100 @ 0.0008572 = 14.6581 BTC [+] 665067;1399491346;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 20 @ 0.0395 = 0.79 BTC [-] 665068;1399491609;fluffypony;funroll-all-the-loops! 665069;1399491619;*;fluffypony kicks gcc 665070;1399491624;fluffypony;time to switch back to icc 665071;1399491834;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 4 @ 0.0395 = 0.158 BTC [-] 665072;1399491895;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 25 @ 0.0395 = 0.9875 BTC [-] 665073;1399492139;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 30 @ 0.0395 = 1.185 BTC [-] 665074;1399492506;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 6758 @ 0.00011861 = 0.8016 BTC [-] {5} 665075;1399492566;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 23 @ 0.0395 = 0.9085 BTC [-] {2} 665076;1399492871;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.0395 = 0.1185 BTC [-] 665077;1399492930;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: are you going to remove oix? 665078;1399492932;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 71 @ 0.0395 = 2.8045 BTC [-] 665079;1399492934;thestringpuller;!ticker m ^OIX 665080;1399492934;assbot;[MPEX:^OIX] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: / / ( shares, BTC), 30D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC) 665081;1399492993;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21102 @ 0.00085731 = 18.091 BTC [+] {4} 665082;1399493298;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 122081 @ 0.00010133 = 12.3705 BTC [-] {18} 665083;1399493420;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 15 @ 0.0395 = 0.5925 BTC [-] {2} 665084;1399493525;chetty;http://washingtonexaminer.com/fec-chair-warns-conservative-media-drudge-hannity-face-regulation-like-pacs/article/2548163 665085;1399493526;ozbot;FEC chair warns that conservative media like Drudge Report and Sean Hannity face regulation --- like 665086;1399493712;chetty;Chris Sevier, a man from Florida, believes he should be allowed to wed his Macbook. 665087;1399493725;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 5 @ 0.0395 = 0.1975 BTC [-] 665088;1399493772;BingoBoingo;chetty: Who can truly tell that man his love is wrong. 665089;1399493813;thestringpuller;what is jetlife 665090;1399493847;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1000 @ 0.00011687 = 0.1169 BTC [+] {3} 665091;1399493959;thestringpuller;BingoBoingo: where you wanna catch a game at? 665092;1399493967;thestringpuller;i never been to St Louis stadium 665093;1399494002;BingoBoingo;thestringpuller: That's a good question. I'm kind of delaying the issue atm due to some medical stuff. Busch should be fine though. 665094;1399494016;thestringpuller;sorry to hear that :( 665095;1399494027;BingoBoingo;It happens 665096;1399494029;thestringpuller;i wasn't planning on an itenerary before July 665097;1399494030;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15500 @ 0.00085609 = 13.2694 BTC [-] {2} 665098;1399494034;thestringpuller;what a trooper 665099;1399494071;BingoBoingo;At least I've been able to sit down these past few days. 665100;1399494276;thestringpuller;new blog posts will be coming then? :) 665101;1399494579;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 57 @ 0.0395 = 2.2515 BTC [-] {2} 665102;1399494939;BingoBoingo;thestringpuller: Yeah. Just adjusting to sobriety and these analgesics 665103;1399494945;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 30000 @ 0.00012895 = 3.8685 BTC [+] {27} 665104;1399495006;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 12890 @ 0.00014612 = 1.8835 BTC [+] {8} 665105;1399495021;BingoBoingo;Could drink now and completely blow the liver being on all of these antibiotics, or wait this out and drink fruitfully long into the future. 665106;1399495098;kakobrekla;turbo_ac100 that would make it too crammed 665107;1399495250;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 200 @ 0.0395 = 7.9 BTC [-] 665108;1399495280;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller proll 665109;1399495281;mircea_popescu;y 665110;1399495311;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2700 @ 0.00014699 = 0.3969 BTC [-] {2} 665111;1399495372;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.0395 = 0.395 BTC [-] 665112;1399495555;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 79 @ 0.0395 = 3.1205 BTC [-] 665113;1399495724;mircea_popescu;I've talked with Unisys by voice and E-mail, and the voice discussion was entirely unsatisfactory as I posted when it happened - basically the Unisys guy said anyone who sells code for $100-$300 a pop was a total _____ for selling it that cheap. 665114;1399495749;mircea_popescu;and these are 1993 dollars, pre 5 or so bubbles. prolly 5k in today's obamadollars. 665115;1399495799;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 3810 @ 0.000145 = 0.5525 BTC [-] 665116;1399495869;thestringpuller;!up Mats_cd03 665117;1399495869;assbot;Voicing Mats_cd03 for 30 minutes. 665118;1399496082;dub;uniwat? 665119;1399496108;mircea_popescu;this old company, sort-of like a jpmorgan of the 90s. 665120;1399496113;mircea_popescu;at the time it was a big deal. 665121;1399496130;mircea_popescu;now it sells rubber ducklings imported from malaysia. 665122;1399496157;thestringpuller;HAHA 665123;1399496220;dub;I know wat unisys are, the ultimate consultancy 665124;1399496287;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 17000 @ 0.00013001 = 2.2102 BTC [-] {4} 665125;1399496301;Apocalyptic;consulting on how to import ducklings successfully ? 665126;1399496319;mircea_popescu;Apocalyptic they pissed everyone off with their appaling treatment of the lzw patent 665127;1399496326;mircea_popescu;which they shouldn't havew had in the first place. 665128;1399496328;mircea_popescu;!up BCB 665129;1399496328;assbot;Voicing BCB for 30 minutes. 665130;1399496340;BCB;anyone see the SEC investor warning 665131;1399496355;mircea_popescu;see logs. 665132;1399496370;Mats_cd03;http://embeddedgurus.com/barr-code/2013/10/an-update-on-toyota-and-unintended-acceleration/ 665133;1399496376;ozbot;An Update on Toyota and Unintended Acceleration « Barr Code 665134;1399496379;BCB;anyone see the California Lawyer Bitcoin article 665135;1399496444;Azelphur;BCB: what SEC warning? 665136;1399496475;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-05-2014#664942 665137;1399496478;ozbot;#bitcoin-assets log 665138;1399496503;Mats_cd03;http://youtu.be/dxDbenBTGp0 note the allahu snackbars getting progressively louder 665139;1399496503;BCB;Azelphur: "investor alert" http://investor.gov/news-alerts/investor-alerts/investor-alert-bitcoin-other-virtual-currency-related-investments#.U2qfJfk7u-3 665140;1399496520;Mats_cd03;kinda like car alarms, but fucktarded 665141;1399496530;Azelphur;fun 665142;1399496548;BCB;My favorite quote “we don’t do any verification” and “we’re not the paperwork police.” 665143;1399496558;BCB;Another Trendon Shavers 665144;1399496578;BCB;Azelphur: how is the beach? Getting warm there yet? 665145;1399496604;Azelphur;BCB: great, nice and warm (But air conditioning), sunshine and beach babes, can't complain. 665146;1399496634;BCB;Azelphur: you should set up a live-stream bikini-cam! 665147;1399496677;Azelphur;BCB: I had one for a while, but I don't have anything high resolution enough to see detail :p 665148;1399496697;Mats_cd03;http://www.livingtransformation.ch/index.php/a-history-of-healing/79-science/118-heart-brain 665149;1399496699;ozbot;The Heart Brain 665150;1399496701;BCB;Azelphur: details are important 665151;1399496716;Azelphur;hehe 665152;1399496748;Azelphur;BCB: got a friend of mine and aldur1 coming down, gonna raise the collective IQ of the town by a few points. 665153;1399496761;BCB;Ha! I bet! 665154;1399496797;Azelphur;hehe 665155;1399496897;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 15 @ 0.041 = 0.615 BTC [+] 665156;1399496967;Mats_cd03;and one for the bucket list: base jumping https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtundW1rZ2A 665157;1399496998;Mats_cd03;Aaaand that's all for today 665158;1399496999;asciilifeform;Mats_cd03: lol! why does throttle need to be electric again? 665159;1399497037;Mats_cd03;why does everything have to be electric is the better question 665160;1399497049;asciilifeform;'in the future, all chairs shall be electric.' 665161;1399497085;Mats_cd03;i guess it would be cool if you could electrify my dong 665162;1399497114;Mats_cd03;erection via BLE 665163;1399497121;asciilifeform;Mats_cd03: even this has been done. 665164;1399497196;Mats_cd03;i live in america, its probably too expensive :( that would be quite a firmware upgrade 665165;1399497214;dub;my toyota is plagued by unintented acceleration 665166;1399497238;pankkake;try the electrified butt plugs 665167;1399497385;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2744 @ 0.00013 = 0.3567 BTC [-] {3} 665168;1399497399;asciilifeform;re: unisys: pediwikia has an interesting summary - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unisys#Controversies 665169;1399497515;ThickAsThieves;https://jlopp.github.io/statoshi/ 665170;1399497515;ozbot;Statoshi by jlopp 665171;1399497710;asciilifeform;!up Mats_cd03 665172;1399497710;assbot;Voicing Mats_cd03 for 30 minutes. 665173;1399497873;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 9 @ 0.041 = 0.369 BTC [+] 665174;1399498084;Mats_cd03;http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/12/16/terrible-twos-who-stay-terrible/ 665175;1399498169;thestringpuller;how do you guys feel about the Pomodoro technique 665176;1399498176;thestringpuller;or just about focus techniques in general 665177;1399498184;thestringpuller;never really see too much info on that in this channel 665178;1399498195;fluffypony;thestringpuller 665179;1399498207;fluffypony;I use pomodoro when I've got too much on my plate 665180;1399498223;Mats_cd03;my focus technique is to get super baked and do work 665181;1399498227;fluffypony;otherwise I work on something for 5 minutes and then get distracted by this other thing I need to do 665182;1399498234;thestringpuller;yup 665183;1399498244;fluffypony;pomodoro is really good for that scenario 665184;1399498250;thestringpuller;pomodoro helps me to output so much more code 665185;1399498255;BCB;thestringpuller: bitcoin is over 665186;1399498255;thestringpuller;it's even good for meetings 665187;1399498265;fluffypony;but outside of that I drop 100mg Provigil in the morning and I'm fine 665188;1399498266;thestringpuller;start a pomodoro and force people to stay on topic for at least 25 minutes 665189;1399498276;thestringpuller;these kids an provigil 665190;1399498289;thestringpuller;isn't that an anti-narcoleptic? 665191;1399498292;thestringpuller;like da fuq 665192;1399498308;fluffypony;yep pretty much 665193;1399498311;Mats_cd03;i like it but it doesn't help me focus 665194;1399498320;thestringpuller;def keeps you awake 665195;1399498322;fluffypony;Mats_cd03: I found I was having a nap in the afternoon 665196;1399498334;fluffypony;and I didn't like having 2-3 cups of coffee at 2pm 665197;1399498338;thestringpuller;i think that might be my first real blog post 665198;1399498339;fluffypony;just to keep going 665199;1399498352;thestringpuller;how to use the pomodoro 665200;1399498358;fluffypony;thestringpuller: do it 665201;1399498367;thestringpuller;i have to migrate my blog from tumblr 665202;1399498381;thestringpuller;thestringpuller.tumblr.com 665203;1399498425;Mats_cd03;i dont experience much (<25%) cognitive decline after 24 hours when i temper it with provigil across the same period 665204;1399498465;Mats_cd03;iirc this is why usaf pilots are now on provigil regimens instead of amphetamines for long overflight missions 665205;1399498484;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 12 @ 0.041 = 0.492 BTC [+] 665206;1399498496;thestringpuller;yea but you still burn out certain receptors for long durations 665207;1399498499;fluffypony;Mats_cd03: and it's a gentle lift, not an extreme yank, which is nice 665208;1399498583;Mats_cd03;fluffypony: i too have napped on it, but i consume 50mg during waking periods i use it to avoid developing a tolerance 665209;1399498601;fluffypony;Mats_cd03: oh I meant I napped without it 665210;1399498605;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24700 @ 0.00085551 = 21.1311 BTC [-] {4} 665211;1399498610;fluffypony;when I'm on it I don't nap 665212;1399498706;Mats_cd03;i remember reading about a poker player consuming ridiculous doses, like close to a gram, because he abused it for so long to gain a perceived edge in training sessions and subsequently tournaments 665213;1399498760;fluffypony;:/ 665214;1399498776;fluffypony;that's nuts 665215;1399498778;Mats_cd03;its really not terribly special other than the edge case where you need all the cognitive performance you can get while sustaining on low sleep 665216;1399498816;thestringpuller;damn i'm going to miss MPOE-PR's writing 665217;1399498821;thestringpuller;onto bigger and better things I suppose 665218;1399498848;thestringpuller;I'm spending my downtime at work re-reading posts from when I was a n00b 665219;1399498857;Mats_cd03;you can't train people to operate effectively on low sleep, infanteers have been trying for millennia 665220;1399498895;fluffypony;Mats_cd03: agreed 665221;1399498934;fluffypony;my use case is 5-6 hours of sleep a night + focus during waking hours 665222;1399499193;Mats_cd03;thestringpuller: digitalocean + Ghost (a blogging thingmajig) works pretty well for me 665223;1399499237;fluffypony;node.js :/ 665224;1399499248;fluffypony;"Node.js is the platform which powers Ghost. Being built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime, makes it fast, scalable, and incredibly efficient." 665225;1399499276;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 11 @ 0.041 = 0.451 BTC [+] 665226;1399499286;fluffypony;"because if it's good enough for your browser, it can for realz handle tens of thousands of concurrent connections!" 665227;1399499308;Mats_cd03;o 665228;1399499319;Mats_cd03;idk anything about the web 665229;1399499337;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 4 @ 0.14049999 = 0.562 BTC [+] 665230;1399499398;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 25 @ 0.041 = 1.025 BTC [+] 665231;1399499430;Mats_cd03;http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2654794/ 665232;1399499507;Mats_cd03;re: modafinil (provigil) 665233;1399499520;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1348 @ 0.00012925 = 0.1742 BTC [-] {2} 665234;1399499708;BingoBoingo;For blogging the right tool, is usually, probably going to be some wordpress thing. 665235;1399499737;BingoBoingo;Then the things you like/dislike about wordpress shape the next choice 665236;1399499909;BingoBoingo;http://it.slashdot.org/story/14/05/07/1539217/tls-13-draft-prepares-to-drop-static-rsa-key-exchange 665237;1399499910;ozbot;TLS 1.3 Draft Prepares to Drop Static RSA Key Exchange - Slashdot 665238;1399500313;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 5 @ 0.041 = 0.205 BTC [+] 665239;1399500374;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 9 @ 0.041 = 0.369 BTC [+] 665240;1399500464;fluffypony;wasn't there a kick up recently about Havelock not actually being registered in Panama? 665241;1399500626;davout;fluffypony: it's actually the reactor pattern that rocks 665242;1399500678;fluffypony;davout: then they should pitch it like that 665243;1399500771;davout;what? 665244;1399500826;fluffypony;davout: they're saying node.js is fast/scalable/efficient because it's powered by a browser technology 665245;1399500833;fluffypony;but it's the reactor pattern that rocks 665246;1399500842;fluffypony;so they should pitch it like that 665247;1399500855;davout;why ? 665248;1399500900;davout;if you're a retard that doesn't have a clue you'll take it at face value, if you know what the reactor pattern is and how evented IO is nice you'll read between the lines 665249;1399500916;fluffypony;I spose 665250;1399500955;davout;see, if marketing was about communicating precise and factual information, then it wouldn't be marketing anymore 665251;1399500984;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 5 @ 0.041 = 0.205 BTC [-] 665252;1399501119;fluffypony;lol 665253;1399501167;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12432 @ 0.00085799 = 10.6665 BTC [+] 665254;1399501176;pankkake;is it because browser technology or because google? 665255;1399501228;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 5 @ 0.041 = 0.205 BTC [-] 665256;1399501311;pankkake;!up Hiro2 665257;1399501311;assbot;Insufficient rights, pankkake, !up yourself on PM first. 665258;1399501341;davout;pankkake: because it's derpcentralized 665259;1399501355;pankkake;!up Hiro2 665260;1399501355;assbot;Insufficient rights, pankkake, !up yourself on PM first. 665261;1399501359;pankkake;bleh 665262;1399501369;pankkake;!up 665263;1399501369;assbot;Need a nickname, pankkake. 665264;1399501373;pankkake;!up Hiro2 665265;1399501373;assbot;Voicing Hiro2 for 30 minutes. 665266;1399501378;Hiro2;thank you 665267;1399501381;pankkake;:) 665268;1399501382;Hiro2;could anyone tell me why ASICMINER is no longer giving out dividends? 665269;1399501395;Hiro2;I won passthru from Havelock 665270;1399501400;Hiro2;own* 665271;1399501409;pankkake;as far as I know, there's not enough revenue to 665272;1399501411;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 50 @ 0.041 = 2.05 BTC [-] 665273;1399501443;Hiro2;and ActiveMining? has it been two weeks yet for old shares to be active? 665274;1399501444;pankkake;their finances aren't very transparent right now :/ 665275;1399501533;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 25 @ 0.041 = 1.025 BTC [-] 665276;1399501655;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 28 @ 0.041 = 1.148 BTC [-] {2} 665277;1399502021;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 24 @ 0.041 = 0.984 BTC [-] 665278;1399502083;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19250 @ 0.00085793 = 16.5152 BTC [-] 665279;1399502265;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 13 @ 0.0425 = 0.5525 BTC [+] 665280;1399502570;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 19 @ 0.033 = 0.627 BTC [+] 665281;1399502875;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 49 @ 0.041 = 2.009 BTC [-] 665282;1399502936;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.4599999 = 2.3 BTC [+] 665283;1399503180;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10634 @ 0.00085812 = 9.1252 BTC [+] {2} 665284;1399503424;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 277 @ 0.0014 = 0.3878 BTC [+] 665285;1399504018;mircea_popescu; try the electrified butt plugs << actually those are kinda bad for you. there is such a thing as electric burns of the mucosa. 665286;1399504113;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller tumblr is for pronz 665287;1399504378;mircea_popescu; wasn't there a kick up recently about Havelock not actually being registered in Panama? << yes. 665288;1399504430;mircea_popescu; could anyone tell me why ASICMINER is no longer giving out dividends? << asicminer seems to be going to shit. 665289;1399504441;mircea_popescu;well, they've been going to shit for a while, but the slide is accelerating 665290;1399504459;mircea_popescu;!up Visitor 665291;1399504459;assbot;Voicing Visitor for 30 minutes. 665292;1399504471;mircea_popescu;activeminer lawl. 665293;1399504566;asciilifeform;electric burns of the mucosa << easily confused for electrolytic burns (h2o splits, salt present, hcl. yuck.) to avoid this, use strictly alternating current (no dc bias.) 665294;1399504583;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 25 @ 0.0425 = 1.0625 BTC [+] 665295;1399504597;asciilifeform;(most folks who complain of burns from playing with biostimulators are getting exactly this) 665296;1399504623;mircea_popescu;right 665297;1399504656;ryepdx;Hiro2: Not sure if this went through the first time, as I'm having connectivity issues. The reason (AFAIK) was to raise capital to produce their next-gen miners and chips. The next round of dividends are projected to come out on May 27th, at which point they'll be moving to a monthly dividend schedule. Source: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=99497.msg6465166#msg6465166 665298;1399504718;*;mircea_popescu cuts out the .org and adds a dot before lk in that link, to get https://bitcointa.lk/index.php?topic=99497.msg6465166#msg6465166 which readily resolves to https://bitcointa.lk/threads/asicminer-entering-the-future-of-asic-mining-by-inventing-it.61268/page-972#post-6169327 on a much better forum. 665299;1399504742;ryepdx;mircea_popescu: Thanks for the tip. 665300;1399504863;asciilifeform;so long as you follow this and other safety formulae (all electrodes below the belt) you can get some... interesting results. males, females both. 665301;1399504925;asciilifeform;what results - left as exercise for the alert reader / experimenter. 665302;1399505138;mircea_popescu;!jd mpif 665303;1399505139;assbot;Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 164.02224689 BTC; +0.00374863 BTC (+0.0023%) since last check 22h 43m 27s ago. 665304;1399505254;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 9 @ 0.041 = 0.369 BTC [-] 665305;1399505620;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26850 @ 0.0008597 = 23.0829 BTC [+] {2} 665306;1399505652;turbo_ac100;bitcointa.lk firefox addon is down here https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/bitcointalk/ 665307;1399505901;mircea_popescu;http://www.reddit.com/r/vertcoin/comments/24prud/vertpay_is_doing_the_very_first_vertcoin_based_ipo/ 665308;1399505910;mircea_popescu;lol look at fluffypony killing it with teh scamcoin 665309;1399506170;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11000 @ 0.00086168 = 9.4785 BTC [+] {2} 665310;1399506239;mircea_popescu;fluffypony so opened on feb 8th at 0.025, peaked at .1, then piefaced towards 0.015ish. is it dead ? 665311;1399506259;BingoBoingo;It can still go lower. 665312;1399506293;mircea_popescu;well sure. .015 is still 150000x a doge. 665313;1399506352;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.041 = 0.123 BTC [-] 665314;1399506364;BingoBoingo;I kind of want to see it locked into that ratio with doge as it crashes 665315;1399506367;mircea_popescu;!up taub 665316;1399506367;assbot;Voicing taub for 30 minutes. 665317;1399506372;mircea_popescu;;;gettrust assbot taub 665318;1399506372;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user taub: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=taub | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=taub | Rated since: never 665319;1399506388;BingoBoingo;To where You can't trade a single doge for a satoshi 665320;1399506389;taub;i suck at using that auth 665321;1399506392;mircea_popescu;taub you need to get rated by someone in assbot's l2, then id with gribble and pm assbot !up 665322;1399506416;taub;whats assbots l2 oO 665323;1399506427;mircea_popescu;being rated by people who have been rated by assbot 665324;1399506433;taub;does anyone else think hitbtc is faking volume like crazy? 665325;1399506450;mircea_popescu;with the exception of mpex, everyone is. 665326;1399506480;taub;bitfinex and bitstamp seem legit 665327;1399506485;mircea_popescu;stamp, btc-e, all the play-pretend stock exchanges in history, from glbse onwards, and definitely all the "greatest best first ever" blablas. 665328;1399506496;mircea_popescu;mtgox faked its volume, too. 665329;1399506500;mircea_popescu;so did bitcoinica 665330;1399506505;mircea_popescu;the list doesn't end. 665331;1399506543;taub;getting chopped trying to find the end to this slump, buying too early :/ 665332;1399506548;taub;i think it's turning soon tho 665333;1399506576;taub;or we go below 380 then srs trouble 665334;1399506591;mircea_popescu;!up toastee 665335;1399506591;assbot;Voicing toastee for 30 minutes. 665336;1399506599;mircea_popescu;taub what difference does it make, i still have btc i bought at 2. 665337;1399506603;BingoBoingo;Some time in the next week someone's going to be sending me PPUSD, prolly need to start scouting people I can unload them on. 665338;1399506772;BingoBoingo;When that happens, then bitcoin may once again proceed towards moon. 665339;1399506779;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29300 @ 0.00086244 = 25.2695 BTC [+] {2} 665340;1399506802;taub;china let me down :( 665341;1399506814;mircea_popescu;lol 665342;1399506835;BingoBoingo;taub: They let Mao down too. It happens. 665343;1399506911;mircea_popescu;"CNBC Correspondent, alum @NYUStern (MBA) and @MiamiUniversity, country music & college football enthusiast --- livin' the NYC dream but forever a proud Ohioan" 665344;1399506919;mircea_popescu;a proud... ohioan ?! you've got to be kidding me 665345;1399506923;mircea_popescu;they let anyone in nyc these days. 665346;1399506945;BingoBoingo;They always have, it's why NYC get a commie mayor. 665347;1399506974;mircea_popescu;o, i forgot they did that. 665348;1399506987;mircea_popescu;i imagine on the mid term nyc will be more like paris huh 665349;1399507084;BingoBoingo;Or Mogadishu, hard to say. 665350;1399507098;mircea_popescu;well that'd be paris. 665351;1399507152;BingoBoingo;!up princessnell 665352;1399507152;assbot;Voicing princessnell for 30 minutes. 665353;1399507157;princessnell;ty 665354;1399507189;mircea_popescu;so today i learned that mra is a thing. and in the process : 665355;1399507189;mircea_popescu;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=mra 665356;1399507189;ozbot;Urban Dictionary: mra 665357;1399507201;mircea_popescu;check out the ud bias lol. 665358;1399507206;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.0425 = 0.1275 BTC [+] 665359;1399507266;mircea_popescu;i guess ima have to write about this nao. 665360;1399507365;princessnell;mra = beta-driven inverted feminism 665361;1399507389;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34126 @ 0.00086429 = 29.4948 BTC [+] {4} 665362;1399507390;taub;what a joke, constant trades average size of 0.5 that happen between the spread outta nowhere 665363;1399507403;mircea_popescu;the internet is, practically speaking, a collection of frogs and cicadas arguing as to which one set is the true operatic singer. 665364;1399507412;taub;http://puu.sh/8DsdW.png totally legit volume distribution 665365;1399507421;taub;shitbtc 665366;1399507433;mircea_popescu;taub what's in the graph ? 665367;1399507449;taub;daily btceur of hitbtc 665368;1399507694;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 3972 @ 0.00012314 = 0.4891 BTC [-] {8} 665369;1399507698;mircea_popescu;taub i don't know anyone that uses hitbtc anyway 665370;1399507818;taub;yea i suppose it's not a big deal 665371;1399507850;taub;yet bitcoincharts wont rank houbi, but they'll rank this ;D 665372;1399507948;mircea_popescu;what's houbi ? 665373;1399508756;kakobrekla;the difference is that hitbtc is not china afaik, taub . 665374;1399508785;kakobrekla;at least thats their reasoning imo 665375;1399509102;moiety;hallo 665376;1399509270;BingoBoingo;Hello 665377;1399509707;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11450 @ 0.0008866 = 10.1516 BTC [+] 665378;1399509707;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 5 @ 0.0425 = 0.2125 BTC [+] 665379;1399510003;moiety;how are you BingoBoingo? 665380;1399510016;BingoBoingo;moiety: Been both better and worse 665381;1399510049;moiety;?? how's your cold been? and have you had an update? 665382;1399510195;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.46499989 BTC [+] 665383;1399510256;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 12 @ 0.46499999 = 5.58 BTC [+] {3} 665384;1399510378;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 10 @ 0.469999 = 4.7 BTC [+] 665385;1399510744;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.0313 = 0.1565 BTC [-] 665386;1399510798;mircea_popescu;hi moiety 665387;1399510805;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 164 @ 0.0043 = 0.7052 BTC [+] 665388;1399510806;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.031224 = 0.1561 BTC [-] {3} 665389;1399510857;moiety;mew mircea_popescu how are you? 665390;1399510866;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 7 @ 0.0710003 = 0.497 BTC [-] 665391;1399510988;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 77 @ 0.041 = 3.157 BTC [-] 665392;1399511015;mircea_popescu;pretty great 665393;1399511197;moiety;:D how is m.pif doing? 665394;1399511271;moiety;theres a rogue dot in there isn't there 665395;1399511471;kakobrekla;you know, it starts with 'fund' and ends with 'fund', so winklevossy. you are better off just saying 'mund'. 665396;1399511837;moiety;i'm roaming around the wiki 665397;1399511875;moiety;ended up having visitors ive not seen for a long time hence absence and no guide 665398;1399511896;moiety;would you rather see a paste first before i plod around the wiki 665399;1399512025;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5300 @ 0.00088212 = 4.6752 BTC [-] 665400;1399512086;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 13 @ 0.041 = 0.533 BTC [-] 665401;1399512577;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i can't say about the others, but 'btc-e' faking volume is a testable hypothesis. 665402;1399512647;asciilifeform;(one could, in principle, take its real-time published trades and attempt buy/sell, see if it is matched at a particular offer, etc) 665403;1399512664;asciilifeform;why anyone should wish to do this, is another matter. 665404;1399512961;kakobrekla;moiety if you were talking about ba wiki , go ahead and plod, thats why its there. 665405;1399513184;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.041 = 0.41 BTC [-] 665406;1399513611;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.074 = 0.222 BTC [+] 665407;1399513733;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 5 @ 0.041 = 0.205 BTC [-] 665408;1399513917;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 15 @ 0.074 = 1.11 BTC [+] 665409;1399514648;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.0740001 = 0.74 BTC [+] 665410;1399515584;dub;!down mobgod 665411;1399515584;assbot;Insufficient rights, dub, !up yourself on PM first. 665412;1399515652;thestringpuller;dub dub haven't seen you in a while 665413;1399515753;mircea_popescu; (one could, in principle, take its real-time published trades and attempt buy/sell, see if it is matched at a particular offer, etc) << fake book != fake history. 665414;1399515794;mircea_popescu;!up princessnell 665415;1399515794;assbot;Voicing princessnell for 30 minutes. 665416;1399515811;dub;thestringpuller: sup 665417;1399515845;princessnell;i was honored to be cited on trilema 665418;1399515848;princessnell;v exciting 665419;1399515865;dub;you put stationary in ur butt? 665420;1399515911;mircea_popescu;o was it your first time princessnell ? 665421;1399515925;princessnell;you tell me! 665422;1399515933;princessnell;or u mean anywhere? 665423;1399515990;mircea_popescu;princessnell no i mean on trilema o.O 665424;1399516036;princessnell;well i haven't scoured every post yet 665425;1399516050;mircea_popescu;!up realzies 665426;1399516050;assbot;Voicing realzies for 30 minutes. 665427;1399516274;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: unless i misunderstand, real book transmuting to fake history is detectable with the only slightly non-naked eye 665428;1399516314;asciilifeform;supposing anyone gave a damn. 665429;1399516315;artifexd;Did the self voicing rules change? 665430;1399516510;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform nah. jitney is an unsolved problem in the fiat markets either. 665431;1399516520;mircea_popescu;artifexd not afaik. why ? 665432;1399516539;artifexd;As I understand it, to self up one must be in assbot's l2 (or higher). 665433;1399516577;artifexd;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-05-2014#665321 <- implies that l3 is sufficient. Rated by someone rated by assbot. 665434;1399516580;ozbot;#bitcoin-assets log 665435;1399516587;mircea_popescu;that's l2. 665436;1399516588;asciilifeform;jitney ? 665437;1399516616;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform common penny stock fraud. two brokers pass the stock back and forth to create the semblance of volume. 665438;1399516638;asciilifeform;aha, so 'fake' as in shills, rather than cooked books as such 665439;1399516654;artifexd;Assbot rates bob. Bob is in assbots's l1. Bob rates George. George is in Assbot's l2. George rates Nancy. Nancy is in Assbot's l3. Or am I fundamentally misunderstanding somethign? 665440;1399516659;asciilifeform;'painted tape' ? 665441;1399516661;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18600 @ 0.00088342 = 16.4316 BTC [+] 665442;1399516689;artifexd;In that example, Bob and George could self up, but Nancy could not. Right? 665443;1399516719;mircea_popescu;artifexd right 665444;1399516723;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIF] 600 @ 0.00021402 = 0.1284 BTC [-] {3} 665445;1399516725;mircea_popescu;"Rated by someone rated by assbot". l2. 665446;1399516766;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform well painting is more like price fixing 665447;1399516767;artifexd;Being rated by someone in assbots l2 doesn't do anything useful for self voicing though, right? 665448;1399516777;mircea_popescu;also a little more risky, in the sense you may end up beaten to shit by the market. 665449;1399516783;mircea_popescu;artifexd right. 665450;1399516858;artifexd;Ok. I'll chalk it up to you making a typo and that the rules didn't change. 665451;1399516869;mircea_popescu;wait what typo did i make! 665452;1399516896;artifexd;mircea_popescu:taub you need to get rated by someone in assbot's l2, then id with gribble and pm assbot !up <- you need to be rated by someone in assbot's l1 665453;1399516903;asciilifeform;it makes arithmetical sense, that, using shills, an exchange can generate whatever 'market' price spectra it likes. 665454;1399516908;mircea_popescu;o yes. 665455;1399516917;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform only if it has infinite resources. 665456;1399516943;asciilifeform;what resource expenditures are needed, assuming the 'fake' prices are higher than the genuine market price ? 665457;1399516956;asciilifeform;(sell, rather than buy) 665458;1399516996;asciilifeform;fake sellers offer inflated price, fake buyers buy at it 665459;1399517000;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform someone could sell (even short) your stock, taking "your" profits you paid to generate. 665460;1399517006;asciilifeform;like the $10,000 video game machines on ebay. 665461;1399517011;mircea_popescu;this is generally why scammers bitch and whine about how shorts are bad : 665462;1399517025;mircea_popescu;they have just pushed the stock price up fraudulently, and don't want to be raped for it. 665463;1399517032;mircea_popescu;so they ask govt to intervene and distort the market. 665464;1399517061;asciilifeform;afaik 'btc-e' offers no stock? 665465;1399517085;mircea_popescu;either btc or fait can be the "stock" 665466;1399517093;mircea_popescu;a trade's a trade. 665467;1399517112;asciilifeform;so it follows that btc-e is eligible for raping? 665468;1399517161;asciilifeform;or, failing that, could be induced to operate outside of the stated parameters, proving bezzle 665469;1399517205;mircea_popescu;we are discussing quite different things. i said jitney, you proposed to replace it with painting the tape, i pointed out that that's different. 665470;1399517207;mircea_popescu;it is different. 665471;1399517282;*;asciilifeform begins to understand 665472;1399517315;decimation;Herr Walker reviews a book about high frequency trading: http://www.fourmilab.ch/fourmilog/archives/2014-05/001510.html 665473;1399517327;decimation;leads to http://investorsexchange.com (not a joke site!) 665474;1399517332;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15225 @ 0.00088212 = 13.4303 BTC [-] 665475;1399517349;asciilifeform;associated with... expertSexchange? 665476;1399517359;decimation;heh don't think so 665477;1399517380;decimation;"This exchange, IEX, (it was originally to be called ?Investors Exchange?, but the founders realised that the obvious Internet domain name, investorsexchange.com, could be infelicitously parsed into three words as well as two), would include technological constraints (including 38 miles of fibre optic cable in a box to create latency between the point of presence where traders could attach and the servers which matched bids and asks) which 665478;1399517381;decimation;rendered the strategies of the HFTs impotent and obsolete. " 665479;1399517394;decimation;lol 38 miles of fiber in a box 665480;1399517403;mircea_popescu;decimation im sure we lolled at that domain before. 665481;1399517409;asciilifeform;i recall seeing a photo of this very box, here. 665482;1399517412;decimation;yeah probably 665483;1399517449;decimation;the question is: do you trust the fiat brigade to maintain the "integrity" of their 38 miles? Who audits the delay time? 665484;1399517463;asciilifeform;chumpatronics. 665485;1399517494;mircea_popescu;Sep 19 23:03:52 bitcoinsexchange.com (later a hyphen is added to clear things up, bitcoins-exchange.com) 665486;1399517498;mircea_popescu;nm. different one 665487;1399517501;decimation;the greater chumpatron sucks chumps attempting to evade lesser chumpatrons 665488;1399517502;moiety;kakobrekla: done. would you see if it's of any use please? 665489;1399517588;mircea_popescu;so there's been a sexchange of bitcoin, experts and investors so far. who's next ? 665490;1399517591;decimation;you know your "market" has entered LOListan when exchanges compete, promising to screw the customer slightly less 665491;1399517596;mircea_popescu;obamasexchange.biz ? 665492;1399517610;decimation;that sounda more like future news 665493;1399517616;moiety;kakobrekla: why does my title have - and not spaces -_- sorry will delete 665494;1399517638;dub;dc's in and near exchanges all have minimum cable distance to make it 'fair' from what Ive heard 665495;1399517667;decimation;yeah but there are clear incentives to "cheat" 665496;1399517686;dub;which is why the house enforces it 665497;1399517687;mircea_popescu;the funny part being that this hft thing is a solved problem, mpex doesn't have it. 665498;1399517698;mircea_popescu;you don't need 38 miles of cable either 665499;1399517716;asciilifeform;the problem, as i understand, exists where people wish it to exist. 665500;1399517718;BingoBoingo;That trilema article was one of the most revealing to me 665501;1399517733;dub;there used to be serious competition to be in closer racks 665502;1399517754;decimation;I guess the only reason there is a front running "problem" is because only a small oligarchy has access to the market 665503;1399517768;artifexd;I've never understood why hft is a problem. 665504;1399517782;mircea_popescu;decimation i'd say it exists because a wide nonoligarchy somehow got the mistaken impression it should have access to the market. 665505;1399517792;decimation;true 665506;1399517828;decimation;imagine you are the CEO of IBM: you know whether you hold a clown circus for your next board meeting or not, all the chumps are going to auto-buy your stock next Thursday 665507;1399517829;mircea_popescu;what exact value would one expect from joe the plumber's knowledge of stocks and the world around him to be passed through his 3k into apple's market 665508;1399517853;mircea_popescu;decimation for instance, buffett refused small investors precisely for this reason. fuck you, we don't want your stupid. 665509;1399517889;decimation;also, the small investor has no say, even if he's not stupid 665510;1399517909;mircea_popescu;well, he has the say of his buy or sell, whatever it is. that's a say 665511;1399517913;decimation;because the votes of his 401k shares are excercised on his behalf 665512;1399517917;asciilifeform;we don't want your stupid << at the poker table, they certainly want the stupid. 665513;1399517923;BingoBoingo;^ 665514;1399517924;mircea_popescu;fifty milion idiots with 10 dollars each made britney spears a reality. 665515;1399517928;decimation;most USian's don't have any choice on what to buy 665516;1399517935;decimation;"stock fund" or "bond fund" 665517;1399517944;mircea_popescu;this is also true 665518;1399517952;decimation;and the shares they own in these "funds" convey no rights 665519;1399517955;asciilifeform;fortunately, it remains possible to buy... nothing 665520;1399517959;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform sure, the other market participants do want it. the corp tho doesn;t. 665521;1399517960;asciilifeform;at least at the moment. 665522;1399518000;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this takes us to the deep reason mpex is oft maligned on the sm : reddit, tardstalk et all are mostly made up of would-be daytraders, in their own head. 665523;1399518008;mircea_popescu;these are very insulted by a flat refusal to allow chumps at table. 665524;1399518013;decimation;so, basically banks and investment brokers end up excercising the ownership rights of idiots 665525;1399518026;decimation;which solves buffet's problem to some extent 665526;1399518035;mircea_popescu;decimation used to work fine up until they started hiring idiots. 665527;1399518049;*;asciilifeform once allowed 100 usd to vanish into '401k' nonsense through slothful inaction (forgot to fill out form to zap it after it was issued by an employer) 665528;1399518062;*;asciilifeform took off hat, paid respects, said good-bye to the hundy. 665529;1399518071;mircea_popescu;how much is it worth now ? 665530;1399518083;decimation;asciilifeform you can avoid some of the 401k madness if your company offers a "Roth 401k" 665531;1399518098;asciilifeform;decimation: why would i want any 665532;1399518105;BingoBoingo;Generally in the US Roth anything is less insane 665533;1399518106;decimation;you pay taxes up front, but you can withdrawl the principal investment (not the earnings) at any time 665534;1399518113;BingoBoingo;But that still isn't sane 665535;1399518118;decimation;well, I guess if you want to pay more tax 665536;1399518125;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 6 @ 0.041 = 0.246 BTC [-] 665537;1399518146;asciilifeform;better a tax than a straight disappearance into neverneverland 665538;1399518165;decimation;I guess the gov't makes you pay one way or the other. 665539;1399518207;decimation;asciilifeform, many us corps (due to heavy USG encouragement) pay incentives to "invest" in 401ks 665540;1399518217;decimation;like, we will pay you 5% more if you "invest" 5% 665541;1399518224;asciilifeform;yeah, they do 665542;1399518233;decimation;you can see how this feeds the above-outlined chumpatron 665543;1399518245;asciilifeform;would you send 5% to nigerian scammers if someone offered to pay you 5% more for the trouble? 665544;1399518265;decimation;worse, they will pay 5% to the scammers, on the understanding that you can one day collect 665545;1399518306;mircea_popescu;^ employer matching 665546;1399518311;decimation;exactly 665547;1399518317;mircea_popescu;"pour your milk in this hole, we'll pour some more milk after it" 665548;1399518327;mircea_popescu;always made me think of the 1930s milk pouring exercises 665549;1399518333;asciilifeform;typically, this comes with a caveat, that the matched $ is yours only after x years of faithful servitude 665550;1399518338;mircea_popescu;wouldn't those have been great if the farmers didn't have to pour 100% of the milk poured, 665551;1399518346;mircea_popescu;but if stupid consumers did half of it ? then they could buy it... again. 665552;1399518372;decimation;the IRS "safe harbor" rule is that as long as you "pay" your janitor 3% in his 401k, you can offer any amount you wish to anyone else in your company 665553;1399518457;decimation;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/401%28k%29 " If the less compensated employees save more for retirement, then the HCEs are allowed to save more for retirement. " 665554;1399518458;ozbot;401(k) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 665555;1399518558;mircea_popescu;now look what benkay did : https://twitter.com/Artzicarol/status/464063334015197186/photo/1/large 665556;1399518617;decimation;the problem with Roth plans: "I am altering the deal, pray I don't alter it further..." 665557;1399518728;mircea_popescu;how's taht specific to roth anything ? 665558;1399518728;asciilifeform;i won't be the least bit surprised when 401k, etc. confiscation is instituted for emigres 665559;1399518745;asciilifeform;'betrayed the motherland, sentenced to confiscation' 665560;1399518749;decimation;well, the roth deal is that you pay tax up front, on the promise that you never pay tax again... 665561;1399518771;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2013/the-endless-story-of-korea/ 665562;1399518771;ozbot;The endless story of Korea. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 665563;1399518774;mircea_popescu;see the story of mr perry. 665564;1399518784;asciilifeform;precisely it. 665565;1399518788;mircea_popescu;"Plaintiff seeks to make his case solely upon the theory that, by reason of the change in the weight of the dollar he is entitled to $1.69 in the present currency for every dollar promised by the bond, regardless of any actual loss he has suffered with respect to any transaction in which his dollars may be used. We think that position is untenable." 665566;1399518805;mircea_popescu;make deal with usg to be repaid so and so. 665567;1399518816;mircea_popescu;get repaid 55%. tough. 665568;1399518818;asciilifeform;take the money, spend on beer. they can't make you un-drink the beer, at least. 665569;1399518839;decimation;"we think that position is untenable" 665570;1399518840;mircea_popescu;court thinks your position is untenable 665571;1399518849;mircea_popescu;meanwhile the same government paid its own employees a full 100% 665572;1399518851;mircea_popescu;because well. 665573;1399518872;mircea_popescu;the gestapo you gotta pay. else the court may not "think" 665574;1399518884;decimation;USG pays its employees in its own scrip, and they think it's a great deal 665575;1399518918;mircea_popescu;decimation no, at the time, it paid people overseas (and select foreign governments) 665576;1399518922;mircea_popescu;at the 1.69 rate it wouldn' 665577;1399518925;mircea_popescu;t pay a mere citizen 665578;1399518928;decimation;http://www.fedsmith.com/2014/02/05/borrowing-from-the-g-fund-again-to-offset-the-debt-ceiling/ 665579;1399518929;ozbot;Borrowing from the G Fund (Again) to Offset the Debt Ceiling - FedSmith.com 665580;1399518929;mircea_popescu;agreements be damned. 665581;1399518966;decimation;"The G Fund holds approximately 37 percent of all TSP balances held by the 4.6 million TSP participants. As most readers know, the TSP is similar to a 401(k) retirement fund for about 4.6 million current and former government employees and uniformed service members. To make up for the deficit spending by the government, the Treasury has ?suspended reinvestment? or taken assets out of the G Fund to pay for other expenses." 665582;1399519102;decimation;the bigger story is that 37% of fed retirment money is invested in a "fund" that has returned %0.82 year-to-date. 665583;1399519312;decimation;I guess if they won't work as free employees they can always "have problems" and then work as zeks 665584;1399519432;asciilifeform;most of the people involved, sadly, can only be redeemed as... biodiesel. 665585;1399519535;decimation;have you read The First Circle ascii? 665586;1399519543;asciilifeform;nope 665587;1399519581;asciilifeform;familiar with the background, however. 665588;1399519589;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 2 @ 0.1333333 = 0.2667 BTC [-] 665589;1399519645;mircea_popescu; the bigger story is that 37% of fed retirment money is invested in a "fund" that has returned %0.82 year-to-date. << and then we cuss out people for "investing" in glbse&co 665590;1399519650;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 6 @ 0.0425 = 0.255 BTC [+] 665591;1399519792;decimation;mircea, the NSA is searching for a private citizen to donate to their new museum: Imagine how much it would cost to get your picture in the lobby? http://www.cryptologicfoundation.org/content/New-Museum-Project/ 665592;1399519837;mircea_popescu;lawl 665593;1399519860;mircea_popescu;that's ok, they'll prolly do it for free. 665594;1399519924;mircea_popescu;anyway, the message couldn't be louder or clearer : the nsa is being retired. 665595;1399519975;asciilifeform;they've had a museum for ages 665596;1399519994;decimation;Re: price of gold adjustment during the FDR-era: http://books.google.com/books?id=53zTrfaIqSEC&pg=PA322 "we were thinking an increase of 19 to 22 cents. Roosevelt took one look at me and suggested a rise of 21 cents. "It's a lucky number," the President said with a laugh, "because it's three times seven" 665597;1399519998;asciilifeform;fellow i know wanted to take his kid there, and drove into the wrong gate 665598;1399520011;asciilifeform;they let him out. after a while. 665599;1399520011;mircea_popescu;(if anyone's wondering who ron isler is, btw, http://www.topdog08.com/2005/09/who_the_hell_is.html ) 665600;1399520016;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 20 @ 0.00601155 = 0.1202 BTC [+] {4} 665601;1399520099;decimation;is this related to those guys who claimed to attack that power substation in CA? 665602;1399520183;mircea_popescu;i don't imagine it is. 665603;1399520347;asciilifeform;a hypothetical retirement of nsa would be interesting, supposing the americans have built a tank in which to breed folks who can actually keep secrets - like fish 665604;1399520382;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 400 @ 0.00282619 = 1.1305 BTC [-] {5} 665605;1399520383;asciilifeform;failing that, it would have to be operated 'sharashka'-style. 665606;1399520404;asciilifeform;('it' being replacement nsa) 665607;1399520420;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform consider the more apocalyptic scenario : there's no secret currently kept by the nsa that we don't already know. 665608;1399520427;mircea_popescu;it's probably the more accurate. 665609;1399520809;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HMF] 100 @ 0.0064 = 0.64 BTC [+] 665610;1399520941;asciilifeform;http://youtu.be/BfeIGQ4xAcc?t=12m16s 665611;1399520941;ozbot;Aquarium - Soviet Military Intelligence Service 3/10 Full movie English subtitles - YouTube 665612;1399520962;asciilifeform;^ infamous scene, showing how to keep organization that keeps secrets. 665613;1399521001;asciilifeform;(continued here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlIzzns3eMo) 665614;1399521063;asciilifeform;(in the original books, the condemned was pulled out of the fire in the last moment, because an 'honourable' coffin came in, and took precedence. after which, the ceremony resumed.) 665615;1399521503;TheNewDeal;thank you, assbot 665616;1399521580;bitcoinpete;TheNewDeal: that bastille day offer still on the table? 665617;1399521596;TheNewDeal;yes it is, through today 665618;1399521608;decimation;ascii I like the comically long red carpet and enormous table of the GRU chief 665619;1399521620;asciilifeform;this was specified in the book, if i recall 665620;1399521624;asciilifeform;'big enough to park in' 665621;1399521652;asciilifeform;what it was in real life, devil knows 665622;1399521668;asciilifeform;picture if snowden wrote book, about nsa headquarters. 665623;1399521702;asciilifeform;some will believe it, some won't, if the man is inclined to 'herodotus' the facts, he very well might succumb to temptation. 665624;1399521707;TheNewDeal;i'm off for a quick smoke 665625;1399521734;decimation;especially when he knows the other side won't respond in public, by definition 665626;1399521765;mircea_popescu;that definitin is kinda borkt. i'd respond. 665627;1399521773;asciilifeform;gru responded. 665628;1399521779;asciilifeform;'liar, liar, pants on fire' 665629;1399521865;mircea_popescu;doesn't have to be something that stupid. 665630;1399522223;asciilifeform;http://pastebin.com/6EQxr3nm 665631;1399522223;ozbot;aquarium piece - Pastebin.com 665632;1399522239;asciilifeform;(from british transl.) 665633;1399522253;decimation;The real GRU http://cryptome.org/eyeball/gru/pict4.jpg 665634;1399522275;decimation;they have a strange batman obsession apparently 665635;1399522351;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla : http://imgur.com/0aVuzYa wtf ? 665636;1399522430;decimation;heh "But once he's got his Mercedes and his 665637;1399522431;decimation;own swimming pool, the traitor suddenly realizes that all 665638;1399522433;decimation;the people around him also have nice cars and pools. He 665639;1399522434;decimation;suddenly feels like an ant in a crowd of equally rich ants. 665640;1399522436;decimation;He loses the sense of superiority over those around him." 665641;1399522457;decimation;it's better to be the richest of the poor than just another rich guy 665642;1399522476;mircea_popescu;this is very true. 665643;1399522727;decimation;you know the funny thing is that the USSR had much official propaganda w.r.t. egalitarianism 665644;1399522738;decimation;if this is even half true, the very motor of the state was an elite hierarchy 665645;1399522766;decimation;in the west, there is no such hierarchy, yet egalitarianism is strictly enforced 665646;1399522976;asciilifeform;the 'motor' of which kingdom, and where, is something other than a hierarchy ? 665647;1399523021;mircea_popescu;decimation yes it's true, and yes it was. 665648;1399523058;mircea_popescu;i'm not an elitist because i got bored daydreaming one day and fixated on that. 665649;1399523075;mircea_popescu;i'm an elitist because i've had the good chance to observe first hand what works and what doesn't and how and why. 665650;1399523078;asciilifeform;re: ussr - what kind of hierarchy, and how it suffered an american-style 'favoured son' sclerotic demise, is a beloved subject of armchair generals everywhere. 665651;1399523126;mircea_popescu;and with that i bid you all a most excellent nighty night. 665652;1399523131;decimation;'night 665653;1399524103;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 24 @ 0.041 = 0.984 BTC [-] 665654;1399524225;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 25 @ 0.00601 = 0.1503 BTC [-] 665655;1399524286;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 29 @ 0.00447581 = 0.1298 BTC [+] {3} 665656;1399524471;BingoBoingo;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=600066.0 665657;1399524473;ozbot;Scam advisory: Bitbet.com 665658;1399524623;TheNewDeal;hahaha confirmation email 665659;1399524835;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.0325 = 0.325 BTC [-] 665660;1399525637;Duffer1;carolina does a good impression of indian xbox support 665661;1399525872;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33800 @ 0.00088337 = 29.8579 BTC [+] 665662;1399525997;TheNewDeal;;;rate bitcoinpete 1 sold contract of .1 BTC for 24'000 timeweight for http://bitbet.us/bet/677/bitcoin-network-difficulty-14bn-on-bastille-day 665663;1399525999;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user bitcoinpete has been recorded. 665664;1399526033;TheNewDeal;;;rate bitcoinpete 1 sold contract of .1 BTC for 24'000 timeweight for YES on http://bitbet.us/bet/677/bitcoin-network-difficulty-14bn-on-bastille-day 665665;1399526034;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating for user bitcoinpete has changed from 1 to 1. 665666;1399526039;TheNewDeal;der we go 665667;1399526082;BingoBoingo;Cool 665668;1399526168;benkay;;;later tell princessnell benkay@gmail.com now gimme yours so we can actually communicate asynchronously 665669;1399526169;gribble;The operation succeeded. 665670;1399526540;benkay; now look what benkay did : https://twitter.com/Artzicarol/status/464063334015197186/photo/1/large << can't say as i've seen the broad 665671;1399526665;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.07489988 = 0.2996 BTC [+] 665672;1399526667;BingoBoingo;benkay: Using the word broad is how we know you like them older 665673;1399527946;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 4 @ 0.04175 = 0.167 BTC [+] {2} 665674;1399528194;TheNewDeal;benkay did you make that poster 665675;1399528330;BingoBoingo;http://arstechnica.com/science/2014/05/scientific-computings-future-can-any-coding-language-top-a-1950s-behemoth/ 665676;1399529044;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23250 @ 0.00088449 = 20.5644 BTC [+] {2} 665677;1399529621;artifexd;;;later tell kakobrekla Going to http://bitbet.us/bet/842?json results in a redirect loop. http://bitbet.us/bet/842/?json works fine. 665678;1399529621;gribble;The operation succeeded. 665679;1399529959;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 23 @ 0.041 = 0.943 BTC [-] 665680;1399530075;wywialm;good morning, #bitcoin-assets 665681;1399530142;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 25 @ 0.041 = 1.025 BTC [-] 665682;1399530203;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6690 @ 0.00088244 = 5.9035 BTC [-] {2} 665683;1399531102;fluffypony;let's play a new game called "There's an Alibaba for that!" 665684;1399531102;fluffypony;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BnCMZcWCcAACoTm.jpg:large 665685;1399531240;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 13 @ 0.041 = 0.533 BTC [-] 665686;1399531790;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 6 @ 0.07414999 = 0.4449 BTC [-] {2} 665687;1399532338;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07425 = 0.1485 BTC [+] {2} 665688;1399532339;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26796 @ 0.00088212 = 23.6373 BTC [-] 665689;1399532704;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.041 = 0.41 BTC [-] 665690;1399533193;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25905 @ 0.00088511 = 22.9288 BTC [+] {2} 665691;1399534107;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12700 @ 0.00088469 = 11.2356 BTC [-] {2} 665692;1399534229;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 40 @ 0.041 = 1.64 BTC [-] 665693;1399534656;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15850 @ 0.00088749 = 14.0667 BTC [+] 665694;1399536059;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40287 @ 0.00088248 = 35.5525 BTC [-] {2} 665695;1399536121;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4913 @ 0.00088189 = 4.3327 BTC [-] 665696;1399537357;fluffypony;http://kindofnormal.com/img/wumo/2014/05/08.jpg 665697;1399537767;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21800 @ 0.00088139 = 19.2143 BTC [-] {2} 665698;1399538567;Naphex;sup davout, did you try that fast lib? 665699;1399538804;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25929 @ 0.00088297 = 22.8945 BTC [+] 665700;1399540695;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 2 @ 0.06139999 = 0.1228 BTC [+] {2} 665701;1399540707;fluffypony;modern teknologies: http://op-co.de/blog/posts/hacking_the_nx300/ 665702;1399540720;fluffypony;welcome to 2014, where your camera connects to wifi and runs an open X server 665703;1399541366;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 4 @ 0.041 = 0.164 BTC [-] 665704;1399541488;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 78156 @ 0.00088089 = 68.8468 BTC [-] {4} 665705;1399541791;fluffypony;mircea_popescu:lol look at fluffypony killing it with teh scamcoin <- did you see the tête-à-tête I had with some podcast guy in a different thread? classic: http://www.reddit.com/r/vertcoin/comments/24vgj3/press_release_crowdfunder_please_join_in_and_some/chbac1r 665706;1399542098;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9950 @ 0.00087861 = 8.7422 BTC [-] 665707;1399542204;fluffypony;mircea_popescu:fluffypony so opened on feb 8th at 0.025, peaked at .1, then piefaced towards 0.015ish. is it dead ? <- that's what happens when an altcoin gets put on a large exchange - all the pump-and-dumpers go ballistic, and there ends up being a huge correction. happens every. single. time. 665708;1399542769;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7994 @ 0.00087861 = 7.0236 BTC [-] 665709;1399544416;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 5 @ 0.041 = 0.205 BTC [-] 665710;1399544538;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20750 @ 0.00088658 = 18.3965 BTC [+] {3} 665711;1399544843;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 71 @ 0.00447699 = 0.3179 BTC [+] {2} 665712;1399546202;fluffypony;gribble went bang? 665713;1399546257;Naphex;netsplit 665714;1399546264;Naphex;or smthin 665715;1399546280;fluffypony;"Disconnected by services" != netsplot tho 665716;1399546449;mircea_popescu;this was odd. 665717;1399546553;mircea_popescu;digging through archives is kind-of lulzy. 665718;1399546559;mircea_popescu;"This INITIAL PUBLIC OFFERING AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of August 14, 2012, by and among Bitpantry, an unregistered corporation ; Ryan "aethero" Schreiber (GPG fingerprint 305C FB53 7F95 EB20 34A2 E72F 6B5A 5086 B24E D539), an individual ; Stormy "lucidlepidoptera" Schreiber (bitcoin address 1J96JXdfY3CYKeqiDASgnaKjLqumfqfSdG), an individual and MPEx" 665719;1399546566;mircea_popescu;all the things i passed on. 665720;1399546612;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 602 @ 0.00089777 = 0.5405 BTC [-] {2} 665721;1399546659;mircea_popescu;!up knotwork 665722;1399546659;assbot;Voicing knotwork for 30 minutes. 665723;1399546673;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.0318666 = 0.1275 BTC [+] {2} 665724;1399546771;HeySteve;assbot doesn't recognise altgribble :) 665725;1399546830;Apocalyptic;HeySteve, altgribble isn't even here 665726;1399546856;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3350 @ 0.00088921 = 2.9789 BTC [+] 665727;1399547043;mircea_popescu;;;gettrust assbot gribble 665728;1399547043;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user gribble: Level 1: 1, Level 2: 1 via 3 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=gribble | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=gribble | Rated since: Fri Nov 12 04:57:21 2010 665729;1399547053;mircea_popescu;this is fucking weird, are we being attacked ? 665730;1399547072;mircea_popescu;;;ident 665731;1399547072;gribble;Nick 'mircea_popescu', with hostmask 'mircea_popescu!~Mircea@pdpc/supporter/silver/mircea-popescu', is not identified. 665732;1399547103;mircea_popescu;HeySteve what do you mean itdoesn't recognise it ? 665733;1399547161;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19700 @ 0.00087905 = 17.3173 BTC [-] 665734;1399547221;Apocalyptic; this is fucking weird, are we being attacked ? // it's the aliens 665735;1399547237;mircea_popescu;lol 665736;1399547317;bounce;hard to see how this news release is much beyond fud. apparently the girl "investigating", didn't do much of the sort. 665737;1399547372;bounce;(re sec thingy on investor.gov) -- relatedly, why would you require investors to be "accredited" other than as an old boys network protectionist measure? 665738;1399547435;fluffypony;bounce: I didn't find it overly dramatic or fud? I think it would be better for investors to apply a bit of common sense than get caught up in hype 665739;1399547479;bounce;apparently the land of the free needs to nanny its investors 665740;1399547500;fluffypony;lol 665741;1399547540;mircea_popescu;bounce which girl ? 665742;1399547555;fluffypony;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=583262.msg6601582#msg6601582 - "Opinion on usage of .io vs .co.uk? I prefer .co.uk in how it looks and sounds, however .io is better for google rankings." 665743;1399547556;ozbot;[CounterParty] IPO announcement. Mimex - UK bitcoin exchange 665744;1399547560;mircea_popescu;also it makes sense to limit investment to rich people. because poor people are stupid, and their stupidity hurts the market, not just themselves. 665745;1399547560;fluffypony;that broke my brain 665746;1399547577;Naphex;how is .io better for google rankings? 665747;1399547578;Naphex;wtf 665748;1399547579;mircea_popescu;fluffypony no actually i'd say it's exactly right for forum learning. 665749;1399547580;bounce;the sec one wanting whateveritwas from mpex 665750;1399547623;mircea_popescu;bounce oh, her. that's too soon really, they're still working on having what i said translated. 665751;1399547638;fluffypony;Naphex: because with the flood of new TLDs Google apparently cares about your tld 665752;1399547638;fluffypony;lol 665753;1399547663;mircea_popescu;GEORGE: I dont get art. 665754;1399547663;mircea_popescu;JERRY: Theres nothing to get. 665755;1399547663;mircea_popescu;GEORGE: Well, it always has to be explained to me, and then I have to have someone explain the explanation.... 665756;1399547682;bounce;where "working on it" means "stored it on the bottom of a drawer in a disused cabinet" 665757;1399547692;mircea_popescu;not quite. 665758;1399547714;bounce;how many years then? 665759;1399547715;mircea_popescu;obviously they're making it just enough of a not-priority so as to miss out, that's part and parcel of how governments work. 665760;1399547720;mircea_popescu;maybe a coupla ? 665761;1399548125;mircea_popescu;bounce but srsly, what don't you like about the sec release ? 665762;1399548139;mircea_popescu;i thought it was pretty sensible. 665763;1399548503;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 50 @ 0.041 = 2.05 BTC [-] 665764;1399548517;bounce;oh I dunno. scanned it and didn't see much of anything except all the well-known things they don't like summed up. now I read the whole thing and indeed, little substance. though I suppose that there's still plenty people out there that haven't put the should-be-obvious things together. 665765;1399548585;bounce;and there's the usual "h4xx0rz" mention. thanks so much to the hatted security gangs for that bit of damage. 665766;1399548627;mircea_popescu;well yes. those aren't intended to be bleeding edge, 665767;1399548633;mircea_popescu;they're the "no child left behind" minimal bar. 665768;1399548717;mircea_popescu;and i wouldn't worry too much for the entire haxxorz bullshit. we're pretty much in place by now, if it ever becomes pol;itically expedient or economically productive to do so, the entire obsolete fiat industry can be fully interdicted with little cost and little effort. 665769;1399548733;mircea_popescu;then gl arguing about the "hackers" "threatening" "bitcoin" when no fiat bank can do anything since last year. 665770;1399548795;bounce;the abuse of terminology still grates. 665771;1399548823;mircea_popescu;when any company wishing to transact discovers that any single attgempt to use a fiat system results in a failed transaction and a mountain of paperwork, whereas their competitors are getting through just fine via bitcoin, nothing is optional anymore. 665772;1399548829;mircea_popescu;they either submit or file for bankruptcy. 665773;1399548880;mircea_popescu;obviously if they wait to submit for that point they will also be taxed, for their stupidity, but hey. fair is fair, suck the cock early on, enthusiastically, or else be bloodied by it later. 665774;1399549133;Naphex;mircea_popescu: until then guys still want too impress girls with moneyz ;] 665775;1399549147;mircea_popescu;sure. 665776;1399549174;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 13 @ 0.0425 = 0.5525 BTC [+] 665777;1399549180;Naphex;showing girls your btc wallet might not go as nicely as a pocket full of cash :)) 665778;1399549180;mircea_popescu;but he who holds the field makes the rules, irrespective of which way the sheep baaa 665779;1399549206;Naphex;hehe 665780;1399549214;mircea_popescu;sau pe romaneste, turma merge in directia-n care vrea ciobanu', nu in directia-n care behaie oile. 665781;1399549218;mircea_popescu;ca ciobanu' are bita. 665782;1399549768;fluffypony;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=462370.msg6602005#msg6602005 665783;1399549770;ozbot;[ActiveMining] Official Shareholder Discussion Thread [Moderated] 665784;1399549774;fluffypony;"Right after we made the the deal with eASIC, hashfast and cointerra came out with their 400 and 500 GH/s chips, after having eASIC run our RTL on their platform and for the minimum number of chips we had to purchase, we did not have enough pre-orders to cover the purchase due to hashfast and cointerra selling 17 Million in machines." 665785;1399549792;fluffypony;well, then. 665786;1399549836;mircea_popescu;lol 665787;1399549886;fluffypony;how much did they raise for that? 5k BTC? 665788;1399549911;fluffypony;"So the 5000+ BTC we crowdfunded to make a chip - turns out it wasn't enough to make a chip. Just enough to pay a nice salary for Ken and all his family for a few years. I'll be dumping my shares at whatever price I can get. Time to move on." 665789;1399549916;fluffypony;lol 665790;1399550015;mircea_popescu;aww 665791;1399550028;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 47 @ 0.0425 = 1.9975 BTC [+] 665792;1399550029;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19166 @ 0.00088947 = 17.0476 BTC [+] {2} 665793;1399551124;kakobrekla;you people keep breaking my toys :( 665794;1399551221;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/what-happens-when-you-add-a-drop-of-sewage-to-a-bottle-of-fine-wine/ 665795;1399551222;ozbot;What happens when you add a drop of sewage to a bottle of fine wine ? pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea 665796;1399551292;dub;jenkem? 665797;1399551383;mircea_popescu;lol shit i forgot about it 665798;1399551389;mircea_popescu;shoulda put a reference in there. 665799;1399551614;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41650 @ 0.00089025 = 37.0789 BTC [+] {3} 665800;1399551854;fluffypony;http://libertyblitzkrieg.com/2014/05/07/as-wall-street-looks-to-copy-bitcoin-the-department-of-defense-studies-it-as-a-terrorist-threat/ 665801;1399551854;ozbot;As Wall Street Looks to Copy Bitcoin, The Department of Defense Studies it as a “Terrorist Threat 665802;1399551858;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34000 @ 0.00088304 = 30.0234 BTC [-] {2} 665803;1399551861;fluffypony;"In any event, Munger called Bitcoin “rat poison” (watch the interview here) and I found his choice of words quite telling. After all, rat poison is used to eliminate dangerous and unsanitary pests, namely rodents. So if Bitcoin is “rat poison,” who are the rats? I’d say the financial system itself. So if Bitcoin is the poison to eliminate the hopelessly corrupt and parasitic financial system I have to agree with Munger. Bitcoin is inde 665804;1399551861;fluffypony;rat poison." 665805;1399551901;mircea_popescu;it is rat poison. 665806;1399551915;mircea_popescu;guess who's the rat. 665807;1399551940;mircea_popescu;a hey. dja know the author ? 665808;1399551993;fluffypony;no, was linked on reddit 665809;1399552002;mircea_popescu;ah. well, he has a point :) 665810;1399552072;fluffypony;"For those of you unaware, Munger is Warren Buffett’s right hand man, and he made headlines in 2012 when he stated only Jews in Nazi Germany before being thrown on a train to a concentration camp have any reason to buy gold" 665811;1399552073;fluffypony;LOL 665812;1399552078;fluffypony;I missed that line 665813;1399552221;mircea_popescu;eh, the guy made headlines plenty of time, and i don't recall that bs 665814;1399552230;mircea_popescu;the writer must be reading bottled farts. 665815;1399552240;mircea_popescu;!up haos 665816;1399552240;assbot;Voicing haos for 30 minutes. 665817;1399553102;HeySteve;Munger said that ages ago though, it's from the same session where Gates called it a "technological tour de force" 665818;1399553126;HeySteve;CCN or Bloomberg... not sure why Reddit dredged that quote up after ... 6 months at least 665819;1399553178;fluffypony;HeySteve: the blog post is from yesterday though 665820;1399553234;HeySteve;yeah, apparently they're studying virtual reality and other innocuous things for terrism too 665821;1399553239;mircea_popescu;HeySteve takes a while for people to digest stuff. 665822;1399553244;HeySteve;seems they've gone paranoid 665823;1399553657;jurov;pankkake: source about panama fund non-existing? 665824;1399553711;fluffypony;jurov: I found it 665825;1399553718;fluffypony;lemme get link 665826;1399553779;fluffypony;jurov: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=339417.msg5653556#msg5653556 665827;1399553904;mircea_popescu;https://bitcointa.lk/threads/financial-reporting-for-securities.108442/#post-1996855 665828;1399553905;ozbot;Financial Reporting for Securities | Bitcointa.lk 665829;1399553909;mircea_popescu;one year aniversary 665830;1399554008;jurov;hm why bitcointa.lk won't show post dates? 665831;1399554047;mircea_popescu;"MPOE-PR, May 11, 2013" ? 665832;1399554420;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30125 @ 0.00088301 = 26.6007 BTC [-] 665833;1399554603;jurov;oh i see 665834;1399554612;jurov;fluffypony: thx 665835;1399554810;jurov;Russian Bitcoin Exchange s-BTC.com launch IPO on BitcoinBourse.eu 665836;1399554820;jurov;and also GRC: 665837;1399554822;jurov;Gaming Royalty Corp provides working capital for Mobile Game Software 665838;1399554823;jurov;Developers worldwide that have BtC enabled features. GRC provides 665839;1399554825;jurov;capital for new game development on an exclusive title & platform 665840;1399554826;jurov;basis. GRC enters into Royalty Contracts from the Mobile Gaming 665841;1399554828;jurov;Companies by title or platform that guarantee fixed returns of 2x ~ 4x 665842;1399554829;jurov;of the invested amount over two to five year terms. 665843;1399554831;jurov;totally legit 665844;1399554843;fluffypony;lol 665845;1399554851;fluffypony;but it's guaranteed, jurov! 665846;1399554924;mircea_popescu;guaranteedly. 665847;1399555396;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10375 @ 0.00088301 = 9.1612 BTC [-] 665848;1399555564;mircea_popescu;who was asking about why qualify investors earlier ? 665849;1399555566;mircea_popescu;"Millions will be encouraged to dump Monsanto stock this coming Friday, May 9th, to give a clear message to the biotech industry that we dont support them at all." 665850;1399555572;mircea_popescu;because you don't need this sort of shit, that's why. 665851;1399555658;fluffypony;protesting 2.0 665852;1399555783;pankkake;jurov: not sure why you asked me, it's not my claim 665853;1399556187;fluffypony;pankkake: you are a wizard that knows all 665854;1399556195;pankkake;if only 665855;1399556203;pankkake;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=600524.0 665856;1399556204;ozbot;WTS 500 plus shares of AsicMiner 665857;1399557288;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.041 = 0.123 BTC [-] 665858;1399557349;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35950 @ 0.00089049 = 32.0131 BTC [+] 665859;1399557645;kakobrekla;bitstamp fixed their scam by not fixing it; https://www.bitstamp.net/article/bitstamp-minimum-trade-changing-to-5/ 665860;1399557653;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15425 @ 0.00089027 = 13.7324 BTC [-] 665861;1399557958;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16200 @ 0.00088281 = 14.3015 BTC [-] 665862;1399558019;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.07255543 = 0.7256 BTC [-] {2} 665863;1399558080;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 6 @ 0.03241666 = 0.1945 BTC [+] {2} 665864;1399558141;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 8 @ 0.0325 = 0.26 BTC [+] {4} 665865;1399558202;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 7 @ 0.0325 = 0.2275 BTC [+] {3} 665866;1399558263;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 25 @ 0.03198881 = 0.7997 BTC [+] {7} 665867;1399558325;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.0325 = 0.13 BTC [+] 665868;1399559239;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 1553 @ 0.00089777 = 1.3942 BTC [-] 665869;1399559422;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 48 @ 0.041 = 1.968 BTC [-] 665870;1399559719;thestringpuller;!ticker m s.mpoe 665871;1399559720;assbot;[MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.0008523 / 0.00087468 / 0.00089049 (990557 shares, 866.42 BTC), 7D: 0.00083786 / 0.00089027 / 0.00097641 (4768259 shares, 4,245.05 BTC), 30D: 0.00083786 / 0.0009506 / 0.00101 (20321475 shares, 19,317.68 BTC) 665872;1399559876;asciilifeform;from the loltron: 665873;1399559877;asciilifeform;http://cryptome.org/2014/05/mathew-goldstein.pdf 665874;1399560015;fluffypony;assbot: hah hah - he tailgated into the Whitehouse? 665875;1399560019;fluffypony;asciilifeform even 665876;1399560361;BingoBoingo;http://deadspin.com/a-goddamned-dinosaur-threw-out-the-first-pitch-at-the-p-1573135172 665877;1399560361;ozbot;A Goddamned Dinosaur Threw Out The First Pitch At The Padres Game 665878;1399561130;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 5 @ 0.041 = 0.205 BTC [-] 665879;1399561833;thestringpuller;lol fluffypony is on dat provigil 665880;1399561838;thestringpuller;never sleeps 665881;1399561923;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15400 @ 0.0008826 = 13.592 BTC [-] {2} 665882;1399562045;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.041 = 0.41 BTC [-] 665883;1399562124;fluffypony;thestringpuller: I'm UCT +2, so I'm normally asleep when all the cool stuff happens :) 665884;1399562533;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10400 @ 0.00088258 = 9.1788 BTC [-] 665885;1399563015;BingoBoingo;The thing about -assets is that eventually the irregularity and unpredictability of when interesting things happens messes with everyone's sleep cycle 665886;1399563318;fluffypony;BingoBoingo: tell me about it 665887;1399563327;fluffypony;been pulling lots of 2am nights recently 665888;1399563332;fluffypony;I blame -assets 665889;1399563351;BingoBoingo;fluffypony: I'll let you experience it. This is just the beginning for you. 665890;1399563382;pankkake;!jd mpif 665891;1399563383;assbot;Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 163.97850636 BTC; -0.04374053 BTC (-0.0267%) since last check 16h 10m 44s ago. 665892;1399563387;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 7 @ 0.0731 = 0.5117 BTC [+] 665893;1399563875;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.041 = 0.41 BTC [-] 665894;1399564091;BingoBoingo;%book 665895;1399564092;atcbot;75k@235 25k@234 0k@230 | 8k@195 90k@156 10k@155 665896;1399564474;BingoBoingo;http://crazyrxman.blogspot.com/2014/04/its-april-fools-day.html 665897;1399564474;ozbot;Crazy RxMan: It's April Fools Day 665898;1399564851;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 2.71286496 BTC to 8`632 shares, 31428 satoshi per share 665899;1399564917;benkay;what'd i miss, BingoBoingo 665900;1399564944;BingoBoingo;benkay: Oh, not too much. Freenode getting a touch of DDoS it seems 665901;1399565178;Apocalyptic;reddit summed up 665902;1399565181;Apocalyptic; It is strange how pretty much the only thing that gets upvoted is asinine jokes. 665903;1399565185;Apocalyptic; And everything insightful I write lingers with like 5 upvotes. 665904;1399565218;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 25 @ 0.00605 = 0.1513 BTC [-] {2} 665905;1399565279;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 5 @ 0.041 = 0.205 BTC [-] 665906;1399565287;fluffypony;lol 665907;1399565288;fluffypony;true 665908;1399565400;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 12 @ 0.07415367 = 0.8898 BTC [+] {2} 665909;1399565501;benkay; benkay: Using the word broad is how we know you like them older << no that's how i describe the older ones 665910;1399565522;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 14 @ 0.07485653 = 1.048 BTC [+] {3} 665911;1399565558;BingoBoingo;benkay: Maybe it's a regional thing. Or these damned pills. 665912;1399565573;benkay;fluffypony: aliyun? my dreams of bringing the cloud to asia have been crushed. 665913;1399565597;fluffypony;benkay: it's a sad day for all Asientrepreneurs 665914;1399565620;BingoBoingo;Eh, the cloud, CDN's, et all can burn in hell 665915;1399565643;benkay;BingoBoingo: gtfo 665916;1399565659;benkay;every tool has a time and a place. 665917;1399565753;BingoBoingo;benkay: Sure, at the right time and place Orchiectomy can be a valuable lifesaving procedure, but it is something the sane would never undergo electively. 665918;1399565855;benkay;dude 665919;1399565861;benkay;you don't even build bridges 665920;1399565894;BingoBoingo;Well. I make the occasional wharf 665921;1399565915;Apocalyptic;the clould always sounded to me like first class BS 665922;1399565931;asciilifeform;there is no 'cloud.' only - other people's hard disks. 665923;1399565936;Apocalyptic;^ 665924;1399565952;benkay;don't be talkin to me about 4140 vs 1018 665925;1399565997;benkay;sometimes renting other people's hard disks is fine and cloud is shorthand for virtual butts argh do argh you pedantic dinosaurs argh 665926;1399565997;TomServo;I had a former employer that was/is trying to enter the 'cloud backup' market. With a single DC and SAN... I think he missed the point. 665927;1399566018;asciilifeform;4140 vs 1018 << hastelloy please. 665928;1399566065;benkay;hastelloy << how much does hastelloy cost? 665929;1399566114;asciilifeform;more. but it's neat. 665930;1399566132;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13400 @ 0.00088258 = 11.8266 BTC [-] 665931;1399566139;asciilifeform;to continue with metallurgical analogy, 'cloud' is... zamac. 665932;1399566202;*;BingoBoingo remembers designing and building an actual bridge as a sort of final project in the Boy Scouts 665933;1399566249;Naphex;sup 665934;1399566261;Naphex;;o 665935;1399566303;*;BingoBoingo chose telephone poles as the structural elements 665936;1399566315;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.48661996 BTC [+] 665937;1399566492;benkay;i have a neat little aluminum bicycle. 665938;1399566498;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 230 @ 0.041 = 9.43 BTC [-] 665939;1399566500;benkay;(it's little because i am as well) 665940;1399566521;benkay;its weight and stiffness are rather impressive. 665941;1399566528;benkay;but i wouldn't build a bridge out of Al. 665942;1399566532;benkay;or zamac. 665943;1399566563;asciilifeform;i never even knew of zamac until i had a... corkscrew break in half. 665944;1399566595;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: That is the worst 665945;1399566617;Apocalyptic; but i wouldn't build a bridge out of Al. // some people did 665946;1399566620;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 6 @ 0.03290016 = 0.1974 BTC [-] {2} 665947;1399566671;benkay;who cares how the herps derp 665948;1399566975;mike_c;lol, BingoBoingo, i too built an actual bridge in boy scouts. good times. 665949;1399566986;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34700 @ 0.00088191 = 30.6023 BTC [-] {2} 665950;1399567047;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5408 @ 0.00087971 = 4.7575 BTC [-] 665951;1399567097;benkay;%h 665952;1399567097;atcbot;%t | %ticker | %book | %diff | %tx | %bal
| %mined | %block | %lb | %tslb | %cm | %ptp | %help | %h 665953;1399567103;benkay;%t 665954;1399567105;atcbot;[X-BT] Bid: 195 Ask: 230 Last Price: 195 24h-Vol: 0k High: 0 Low: 0 VWAP: 0 665955;1399567108;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 15 @ 0.041 = 0.615 BTC [-] 665956;1399567117;benkay;hey mod6 can i convince you to load atcbot into #pdxtech-btc 665957;1399567169;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 100 @ 0.07246664 = 7.2467 BTC [-] {6} 665958;1399567275;fluffypony;lol SymStep: 665959;1399567276;fluffypony;"@fluffypony: When you have been here long enough you do learn that not many people with long experience in bitcoin care about WoT and most people who do turn out to be scammers are very happy to be part of Wot. Biggest scammers usually have been here for very long time planning and making trust from others." 665960;1399567346;BingoBoingo;mike_c: Was your engineering more sophisticated than "lay telephones poles parallel and cover with boards"? 665961;1399567360;mike_c;hell yeah. we used fallen trees. 665962;1399567372;mike_c;and rebar'd them together. 665963;1399567376;mike_c;muy complicated 665964;1399567377;mod6;benkay: yeah, I think we can manage that. pm me. 665965;1399567388;thestringpuller;benkay, i roll my j tight, i know what they like 665966;1399567518;mike_c;i don't keep up much on havelol, just found out they've been running in the red the last few months! 665967;1399567528;BingoBoingo;Orly 665968;1399567533;mike_c;i don't see any reason that would turn around. 665969;1399567557;mike_c;http://i.imgur.com/fgMnuwo.png 665970;1399567561;mike_c;if anybody else missed it 665971;1399567621;kakobrekla;;;later tell artifexd should be fixed nao. 665972;1399567621;gribble;The operation succeeded. 665973;1399567646;artifexd;kakobrekla: Confirmed. 665974;1399567690;artifexd;Speaking of bitbet, is there a way to get search results in json? 665975;1399567715;kakobrekla;i dun think so 665976;1399567718;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.0329 = 0.329 BTC [-] {3} 665977;1399567739;artifexd;May I have one? 665978;1399567746;mike_c;um, everyone, nice knowing you. i'm off to my private island. 665979;1399567748;mike_c;http://i.imgur.com/oDRuMjF.png 665980;1399567779;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.07202012 = 0.7202 BTC [-] {2} 665981;1399567780;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.041 = 0.41 BTC [-] 665982;1399567791;pankkake;did you use IPoT? 665983;1399567816;asciilifeform;runaway decimal point? 665984;1399567821;mod6;heh, JSON api = new bitbetbot? 665985;1399567839;artifexd;mod6: Shhhhh 665986;1399567853;mod6;haha 665987;1399567877;Apocalyptic;dat price 665988;1399567877;mike_c;kakobrekla: stats page in json still somewhere in your todo list? 665989;1399567888;kakobrekla;mike_c today 665990;1399567891;mike_c;ah, nice 665991;1399567985;mike_c;for the record, https://justcoin.com/ is responsible for the retarded BTC price on bitcoinaverage 665992;1399567997;mike_c;scandinavia's first best greatest btc exchange 665993;1399568005;kakobrekla;artifexd you know you can parse all the bets in json yourself 665994;1399568031;kakobrekla;so searchin those shouldnt be a problem 665995;1399568045;fluffypony;mike_c: "Last price 322 998 BTC/EUR 2 650 BTC/NOK 446 BTC/USD" 665996;1399568051;fluffypony;only the Europeans are lucky on JustCoin 665997;1399568056;fluffypony;everyone else is unfortunate 665998;1399568062;artifexd;Sure. I can walk from 1 to error and store those. I was looking to offload my workload on you though. 665999;1399568082;mike_c;skipping 128 ;) 666000;1399568120;Naphex;http://www.bitcoincharts.com/markets/btcxchangeRON_depth.html 666001;1399568121;ozbot;Bitcoin Charts / Markets / btcxchangeRON 666002;1399568135;mike_c;the lost bitbet. http://bitbet.us/bet/128/ 666003;1399568193;fluffypony;they are borked: http://www.cryptocoincharts.info/orderbook.php?pair=btc-eur&market=justcoin 666004;1399568208;fluffypony;I think they're trying to switch to bits or something equally stupid 666005;1399568211;mike_c;maybe scandanavians just really like btc. it's the new china. 666006;1399568238;fluffypony;the spread's only 9,950.000 EUR 666007;1399568243;fluffypony;dat arbitrage 666008;1399568383;thestringpuller;mike_c: what's the action 666009;1399568388;thestringpuller;you are the new Bugpowder 666010;1399568396;thestringpuller;;;last seen 666011;1399568396;gribble;(last [--{from,in,on,with,without,regexp} ] [--nolimit]) -- Returns the last message matching the given criteria. --from requires a nick from whom the message came; --in requires a channel the message was sent to; --on requires a network the message was sent on; --with requires some string that had to be in the message; --regexp requires a regular expression the message (1 more message) 666012;1399568408;thestringpuller;;;last Bugpowder 666013;1399568408;gribble;(last [--{from,in,on,with,without,regexp} ] [--nolimit]) -- Returns the last message matching the given criteria. --from requires a nick from whom the message came; --in requires a channel the message was sent to; --on requires a network the message was sent on; --with requires some string that had to be in the message; --regexp requires a regular expression the message (1 more message) 666014;1399568416;thestringpuller;;;seen Bugpowder 666015;1399568417;gribble;Bugpowder was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 8 weeks, 6 days, 14 hours, 36 minutes, and 48 seconds ago: Whee... http://p2pfoundation.ning.com/profile/SatoshiNakamoto 666016;1399568633;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 27 @ 0.03271854 = 0.8834 BTC [-] {3} 666017;1399568733;benkay;%t 666018;1399568735;atcbot;[X-BT] Bid: 195 Ask: 230 Last Price: 195 24h-Vol: 0k High: 0 Low: 0 VWAP: 0 666019;1399568742;TomServo;.d 666020;1399568742;ozbot;8.001 billion | Next Diff in 646 blocks | Estimated Change: 8.5841% in 4d 2h 9m 13s 666021;1399568747;benkay;24 hr metrics broken, mod6 ? 666022;1399568751;thestringpuller;hustle that ATC 666023;1399568938;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12550 @ 0.00088215 = 11.071 BTC [+] 666024;1399568958;BingoBoingo;Might have been 24+ hours without a trade 666025;1399569045;Apocalyptic;the market is just dead 666026;1399569075;Apocalyptic;mod6, seen, that's why 0 as high/low/vwap is misleading 666027;1399569086;pankkake;%book 666028;1399569087;Apocalyptic;and why i chose to return n/a instead 666029;1399569087;atcbot;75k@235 25k@234 0k@230 | 8k@195 90k@156 10k@155 666030;1399569088;pankkake;%diff 666031;1399569092;atcbot;[ATC Diff] Current Diff: 455357.13 Est. Next Diff: 144827.55 in 1417 blocks (#32256) Est. % Change: -68.19 666032;1399569107;Apocalyptic;pankkake, ATC needs your miners ! 666033;1399569122;pankkake;I got one block in like two weeks 666034;1399569243;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 20 @ 0.07180046 = 1.436 BTC [+] {10} 666035;1399569559;mike_c;thestringpuller: the action? not following you. 666036;1399569793;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8270 @ 0.00088001 = 7.2777 BTC [-] {2} 666037;1399570046;benkay;;;gettrust princessnell 666038;1399570047;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user benkay to user princessnell: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=benkay&dest=princessnell | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=princessnell | Rated since: never 666039;1399570127;kakobrekla;artifexd if it makes you feel any better theres no req limit on the api 666040;1399570171;artifexd;Eh. I was just trying to avoid having to maintain state. 666041;1399570276;mod6;Apocalyptic: ok, im about to test out a fix for that. 666042;1399570346;mod6;this look better? [X-BT] Bid: 195 Ask: 230 Last Price: 195 24h-Vol: 0k High: N/A Low: N/A VWAP: N/A 666043;1399570515;kakobrekla;artifexd myea alright i see what i can do 666044;1399570890;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 28 @ 0.041 = 1.148 BTC [-] 666045;1399571073;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40570 @ 0.00088035 = 35.7158 BTC [+] {3} 666046;1399571744;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31051 @ 0.00087905 = 27.2954 BTC [-] 666047;1399571928;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 20 @ 0.074 = 1.48 BTC [-] 666048;1399571988;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.46499995 = 2.325 BTC [-] {4} 666049;1399572079;benkay;lol cats: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-Sbt345jkk 666050;1399572162;BingoBoingo;Damn, cats 666051;1399572264;pankkake;French cats! 666052;1399572298;Apocalyptic; [19:32:31] this look better? [X-BT] Bid: 195 Ask: 230 Last Price: 195 24h-Vol: 0k High: N/A Low: N/A VWAP: N/A // yes 666053;1399572354;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13942 @ 0.00088101 = 12.283 BTC [+] 666054;1399572465;mod6;ok i'll merge that in then Apocalyptic thanks 666055;1399572833;mod6;ok merged, but will leave in the incubator until there is at least 1 trade so can ensure that I didn't break normal functionallity. 666056;1399573116;mod6;ok seems to be working 666057;1399573269;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.46020052 = 2.301 BTC [-] {3} 666058;1399573352;mod6;%tslb 666059;1399573354;atcbot;1 hour 34 minutes and 42 seconds 666060;1399573397;*;mod6 pulls out the abacus 666061;1399573513;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 25 @ 0.041 = 1.025 BTC [-] 666062;1399573686;mircea_popescu;trilema commenter sez, "I used to be more than happy to find this internet" 666063;1399573736;mircea_popescu;http://www.worldtribune.com/2014/05/07/report-50-injured-blast-iran-nuke-site-storage-facility/ 666064;1399573737;ozbot;Huge blast reported near secret Iran nuclear site; City of Qazvin closed - World Tribune | Worl 666065;1399573779;mircea_popescu;"Bitstamps accounting system rounds trading fees to pennies. To greatly reduce the impact of this rounding for our clients the minimum trade amount is being raised to $5.00." ahahaha 666066;1399574001;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 49 @ 0.041 = 2.009 BTC [-] 666067;1399574207;kakobrekla;the private statement to me 2 years ago was they are working on new trading engine btw. 666068;1399574239;mike_c;too busy buying lambos 666069;1399574249;kakobrekla;teslas actually. 666070;1399574253;mircea_popescu;la-la-la-bimbo! 666071;1399574307;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 8 @ 0.0747 = 0.5976 BTC [+] 666072;1399574309;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 56 @ 0.041 = 2.296 BTC [-] 666073;1399574443;mircea_popescu; And everything insightful I write lingers with like 5 upvotes. << truely summed up. especially the part where some random self-absorbed nobody is whining about how the world isn't more impressed with them 666074;1399574507;mircea_popescu;by the way, the last bond auction was a slaughter. yield ended up 3.44% (up from issuance), and the dealers kinda smelled of panic. 666075;1399574559;mike_c;t-bonds?? 666076;1399574723;mircea_popescu;Scott Skyrm If 5 years of near 0% interest rates isn't sufficiently helping the housing market, then maybe the problem lies elsewhere 666077;1399574723;mircea_popescu;Mircea Popescu You know, plenty of corpses have been keeping very strict diets, doesn't seem to have improved their health. 666078;1399574726;davout;mike_c: what happened with justcoin? 666079;1399574731;mircea_popescu;mike_c yes 30 year ts 666080;1399574763;mike_c;davout: dunno what the bug was, but they were reporting a btc price 1000x too high and it hosed bitcoinaverage.com 666081;1399574781;davout;maybe kakobrekla fixed the wrong API 666082;1399574785;mike_c;lol 666083;1399574794;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.46 BTC [-] 666084;1399574855;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20900 @ 0.0008788 = 18.3669 BTC [-] {2} 666085;1399574855;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.46 BTC [-] 666086;1399574943;mircea_popescu; there is no 'cloud.' only - other people's hard disks. << you have to appreciate the infantile worldview. there is no "my house" as far as teenagers go, just the place other people pay the mortgage on. nevertheless... 666087;1399574977;mircea_popescu;http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2014/05/report-journalists-are-miserable-over-educated-under-paid-middle-aged-men-mostly/361891/ 666088;1399574978;ozbot;Report: Journalists Are Miserable, Liberal, Over-Educated, Under-Paid, Middle-Aged Men - Derek Thomp 666089;1399574990;mircea_popescu;turns out working for the bureaucracy sucks these days. whoi could have guessed. 666090;1399575032;mircea_popescu; but i wouldn't build a bridge out of Al. // some people did << duraluminum. not a bad choice, esp if your bridge is to submerge. 666091;1399575063;mircea_popescu;fluffypony> "@fluffypony: When you have been here long enough you do learn that << who's the clueless fuckwit ? 666092;1399575064;benkay;just the place other people pay the mortgage on i don't keep up much on havelol, just found out they've been running in the red the last few months! << did they publish this ? 666098;1399575138;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: the guys that said they'd been around for so long they even knew about Namworld's scammingz 666099;1399575142;fluffypony;SymStep 666100;1399575150;fluffypony;here's my reply: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=551698.msg6615774#msg6615774 666101;1399575153;mircea_popescu;lol which namworld scammings are those ? 666102;1399575156;mike_c;sorta. they released their quarterly report to shareholders only and some guy republished it 666103;1399575160;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.46 = 0.92 BTC [-] 666104;1399575179;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/a-complete-theory-of-economics/#comment-99655 << here's a good bit of history re namworld, which got dug up by a different convo recently. 666105;1399575180;ozbot;A complete theory of economics pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 666106;1399575186;mircea_popescu;i dun think the guy's scamming anyone. 666107;1399575211;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: they were trying to be clever and demonstrate their knowledge of the sub-culture because they're "been around" for so long 666108;1399575216;fluffypony;Namworld's reply to them was "I mean among so many outright scams to choose for, that you mention me being late on repayment on loan repayment based on a single post in the middle of a thread." 666109;1399575230;mircea_popescu;in other news, i've been around long enough to know him as namjies. which is what your noob'd know him as too, if he actually HAD been around for as long as he claims. 666110;1399575238;mircea_popescu;which is why things such as got milk are so motherfucking important 666111;1399575240;mike_c;havelol quarterly report (gdocs not my fault): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxnW49twNMNbX0tic1N6VVpaV28/edit?pli=1 666112;1399575258;mircea_popescu;we can tell the dragons from the pretentious bats quite readily, because of such small little barbs on yggdrasil. 666113;1399575282;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.453 BTC [-] 666114;1399575287;mircea_popescu;mike_c a yes that. turns out i been behind on my lolreports. was busy lately 666115;1399575330;mike_c;life is too short for staying up to date on HIF. 666116;1399575346;Apocalyptic;^ 666117;1399575359;Apocalyptic;on * havelock stock 666118;1399575381;mircea_popescu;well it's better than monthy python re-runs 666119;1399575404;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 71650 @ 0.00087809 = 62.9151 BTC [-] {5} 666120;1399575495;mircea_popescu; http://i.imgur.com/oDRuMjF.png << o look, there's a price signal! 666121;1399575516;mike_c;quick, excercise your calls 666122;1399575526;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.453 BTC [-] 666123;1399575553;mircea_popescu; the lost bitbet. http://bitbet.us/bet/128/ << that's the checksum bitbet. 666124;1399575582;mircea_popescu;Apocalyptic> and why i chose to return n/a instead << good call. 666125;1399575587;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.453 = 0.906 BTC [-] {2} 666126;1399575648;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.453 BTC [-] 666127;1399575649;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.074899 = 0.2996 BTC [+] 666128;1399575652;mircea_popescu;;;later tell thickasthieves http://trilema.com/2014/what-happens-when-you-add-a-drop-of-sewage-to-a-bottle-of-fine-wine/#comment-99670 see, why can't you be more like her! 666129;1399575653;gribble;The operation succeeded. 666130;1399575718;mircea_popescu;Subject: Inside Bitcoins Tel-Aviv 666131;1399575718;mircea_popescu;From: "Nimrod Nimi Gruber" 666132;1399575718;mircea_popescu;I would like to offer you to sponsor a big International conference produced by Mediabistro on July 28-29 at the Hilton Tel-Aviv hotel. The event will attract between 500 to 1500 attendees from all over the world and is the biggest and most professional in its field. If you can refer me to the right person so i can send him all the details it would be great! 666133;1399575718;mircea_popescu;Thank you so much, Nimrod Gruber Inside Bitcoins Tel-Aviv Skype: nimrodg41 Cell: +972-52-4442838 666134;1399575729;mircea_popescu;dudes just email me now asking for shit. because why the fuck not. 666135;1399575741;mircea_popescu;anyone know this nimrod ? 666136;1399575847;mod6;haha 666137;1399575876;BingoBoingo;I'm going to guess Jewish. Prolly knows or knows of Meni Rosenfeld 666138;1399575892;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 43 @ 0.00281042 = 0.1208 BTC [-] {2} 666139;1399575934;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo to me it sounds like it's a made up name, srsly. 666140;1399575970;BingoBoingo;Sounds so made up it might have to be real. 666141;1399575979;mircea_popescu;hm that's a point. 666142;1399575984;mod6;guess this guy is on fb: https://he-il.facebook.com/nimiG 666143;1399575998;mod6;could be a fake account i guess. 666144;1399576014;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 15 @ 0.041 = 0.615 BTC [-] 666145;1399576023;mircea_popescu;mod6 o look at that. porsche just rang my doorbell. they're the most professional carmaker, cold calling door to door. 666146;1399576036;mircea_popescu;i bought a lawnmower and three toothbrushes. 666147;1399576041;BingoBoingo;http://www.slate.com/blogs/future_tense/2014/05/08/sign_a_pdf_with_mac_os_x_s_preview_application.html 666148;1399576042;ozbot;Sign a PDF with Mac OS X’s Preview application. 666149;1399576136;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.0313001 = 0.1565 BTC [-] 666150;1399576197;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HMF] 30 @ 0.007 = 0.21 BTC [+] 666151;1399576312;benkay;biggest and most professional! 666152;1399576380;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 97 @ 0.041 = 3.977 BTC [-] 666153;1399576502;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 85 @ 0.041 = 3.485 BTC [-] 666154;1399576519;fluffypony;benkay: all that's missing is the "EVER"! 666155;1399576535;mircea_popescu;fluffypony btw are you ignoring my q re vertcoin or just didn't see it ? 666156;1399576544;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: which one? 666157;1399576554;fluffypony;oh wait 666158;1399576557;fluffypony;assbot was off 666159;1399576563;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11334 @ 0.00088094 = 9.9846 BTC [+] 666160;1399576563;fluffypony;so I think my replies weren't logged 666161;1399576575;mircea_popescu;ouch 666162;1399576581;mircea_popescu;but no cause i was idling or not 666163;1399576590;fluffypony;lemme pull up my logs 666164;1399576608;mircea_popescu;danke 666165;1399576633;mircea_popescu;so in this twiotter discussion about whores and politicians, it occured to me : wouldn't iot be great if some state, like say nevada, limited political office to whores only for a decade ? 666166;1399576640;mircea_popescu;just to see what happens. 666167;1399576653;fluffypony;oh it did get logged 666168;1399576654;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-05-2014#665705 666169;1399576701;mircea_popescu;fluffypony no argument, yeah. but, you basically committed to the thing ? or what's the plan there ? 666170;1399576706;pankkake;http://www.parti-du-plaisir.com/ their ideas are dumb as fuck though 666171;1399576708;ozbot;Cindy Lee | Parti du Plaisir | Parti du Plaisir 666172;1399576732;mircea_popescu;pankkake yeah because of this meta- and pretense bs. they can't make a whore party, they gotta make a pretend-whore sorta-like party except stupid. 666173;1399576735;mircea_popescu;it's despicable. 666174;1399576754;mircea_popescu;dude, make the whore party the whore party. to be accepted you gotta have the clap. 666175;1399576764;benkay;ew 666176;1399576768;mircea_popescu;no. 666177;1399576784;mircea_popescu;no fucking ew. lick the smelly spot beotch. 666178;1399576832;benkay;i ain't your whore. 666179;1399576853;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: yes - we structured it as: I own 50%, Peter owns 50%, we've diluted our shareholding (equally) for the IPO. he does all the work, I operate as chairman of the board (which currently consists of me and me alone, that will change later) 666180;1399576889;davout;pankkake: ty, my voter's card will finally be of some use 666181;1399576895;fluffypony;by "all the work" I mean management, not actual work :-P 666182;1399576909;pankkake;I don't you will be able to vote for them 666183;1399576930;pankkake;didn't even look up what's coming for EU elections 666184;1399576954;BingoBoingo;On that note I'll be headed back to the doctor soon. If I don't reappear within a few hours start praying for my testicles. 666185;1399576991;mircea_popescu;benkay ok you can spray disinfectant first o.O 666186;1399577000;mircea_popescu;fluffypony for vertcoin this ? 666187;1399577019;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo you had three anyway right ? 666188;1399577020;bounce;so, you have a company that... has a chairman and a middle manager and that's it? 666189;1399577024;pankkake;"Cannabis sans frontières — Stop la prohibition" eh, maybe I'll vote after all 666190;1399577039;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: initially, it's architected for other coins, so they'll be added as time progresses 666191;1399577044;fluffypony;bounce: no 666192;1399577070;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Who really knows at this point? 666193;1399577088;benkay;light stinging on the cunt, eh? i'm a little more interested but it's STILL FILTHY. 666194;1399577108;mircea_popescu;fluffypony i see. okay. 666195;1399577173;davout;pankkake: lol, you junkie 666196;1399577182;pankkake;I don't even do drugs 666197;1399577212;davout;well then you're a sneaky bastard, wanting to legalize them so others are slower so you have some edge on them 666198;1399577215;mircea_popescu;he's just angsty :D 666199;1399577239;mircea_popescu;benkay filth is good for you. 666200;1399577247;mircea_popescu;do you know carlin's piece ? 666201;1399577248;BingoBoingo;davout: That's kind of my position on the issue 666202;1399577356;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 50 @ 0.041 = 2.05 BTC [-] 666203;1399577409;mircea_popescu;Apocalyptic you consider adding the vertcoin thing ? or not doing scrypt coins ? 666204;1399577425;pankkake;last time I voted, it was for https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicolas_Miguet 666205;1399577453;mircea_popescu;"Il est le fondateur et le prsident du parti politique Rassemblement des contribuables franais (RCF) et a t lu conseiller municipal de Verneuil-sur-Avre en 1989 et en 1995." 666206;1399577465;mircea_popescu;lol ok. pankkake voted for the old man's "GET OFF MY LAWN" party. 666207;1399577498;pankkake;not really. it's the "taxes are bad" party, but he's nothing (there are actual taxpayers associations, with actual members) 666208;1399577530;pankkake;the old man party is Chasse, Pèche Nature et Traditions (hunting, fishing, nature and traditions) 666209;1399577582;mircea_popescu;Qu'est-ce que cette "voyoucratie patronale" ? 666210;1399577635;pankkake;voyou = bad guy, so "ceo badguycracy" 666211;1399577648;pankkake;hard to translate something that has little sense 666212;1399577653;mircea_popescu;aha 666213;1399577686;mircea_popescu;failed to parse for me too, i brieflythought he is fighting the tendency of ceo types to buy telescopes to spy into the bedrooms and showers of lonely milfs. 666214;1399577704;pankkake;ahah, voyeur 666215;1399577727;pankkake;he's definitively a shady guy 666216;1399577731;davout;pankkake: "Pèche" 666217;1399577748;mircea_popescu;how do you say sin ? 666218;1399577756;davout;that's the way you say it :-) 666219;1399577759;mircea_popescu;lolk 666220;1399577762;pankkake;Pêche :| 666221;1399577765;davout;fishing is Pêche 666222;1399577770;davout;also peach 666223;1399577771;pankkake;Péché is Sin 666224;1399577779;davout;pèche is "to sin" 666225;1399577786;mircea_popescu;not has sinned ? 666226;1399577794;mircea_popescu;pcher to sin 666227;1399577794;davout;"il pèche" -> "he sins" 666228;1399577825;davout;no, "pécher" 666229;1399577828;mircea_popescu;and with that the catholicisme francais class is dismissed. 666230;1399577829;davout;XD 666231;1399577861;davout;français, please 666232;1399577882;mircea_popescu;i don't believe in shitting on the character set. 666233;1399577885;davout;our c's are manly 666234;1399577916;mircea_popescu;çharaçter set ıf you prefer. 666235;1399577929;davout;this burns my eyes 666236;1399577963;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the infantile worldview. there is no "my house" as far as teenagers go, just the place other people pay the mortgage on << i still think we're dealing with 'poverty of the spirit, not the flesh.' people fall for the 'cloud' crapola out of... sloth. don't wanna buy a disk, i'll use this stranger's. don't wanna find toilet, i'll shit where i stand. etc 666237;1399577985;pankkake;hēhëhě 666238;1399577989;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform perhaps. hard to find out what goes on in the mind of the bovine. 666239;1399578004;davout;prions 666240;1399578022;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the bovine will go where the herder points. the sad part is all the folks who ought to know better. 666241;1399578036;mircea_popescu;davout do you know what's the last thing going through a fly's head as it crashes on the windshield ? 666242;1399578061;asciilifeform;its thorax. 666243;1399578063;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform as a romanian exercise, translate http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-05-2014#665780 ? 666244;1399578069;mod6;asciilifeform: haha 666245;1399578070;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform hehe exactly. or w/e, its head. 666246;1399578112;davout;mircea_popescu: known but good 666247;1399578133;mircea_popescu;;;later tell namworld https://bitcointa.lk/threads/pre-ipo-symmetric-step-trading.292080/page-4#post-6205001 we lolled. 666248;1399578133;gribble;The operation succeeded. 666249;1399578134;asciilifeform;flock goes where shepherd points, not where sheep brays ? 666250;1399578138;mircea_popescu;exactly. 666251;1399578140;asciilifeform;fucked that one up didnt i 666252;1399578142;asciilifeform;ah ok 666253;1399578166;mircea_popescu;the flock goes the way the shepherd wants, not the way the sheeps bray. 666254;1399578177;benkay;there are miles between sloth and knowing one's speciality, asciilifeform. 666255;1399578276;mircea_popescu;fluffypony https://bitcointa.lk/threads/pre-ipo-symmetric-step-trading.292080/page-4#post-6318694 make that 2011 to really bother him. i don't think ANYONE from 2011 or prior isn't in the wot tbh. 666256;1399578349;mircea_popescu;http://www.aei-ideas.org/2014/04/creative-destruction-2013-newspaper-ad-revenue-continued-its-precipitous-free-fall-and-its-probably-not-over-yet/ 666257;1399578410;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: yeah they live in a little world of delusion. idiots. 666258;1399578454;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37883 @ 0.00088107 = 33.3776 BTC [+] {2} 666259;1399578482;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: re: the fly: old joke - 'Штирлицу выстрелили в голову. "Разрывная"- подумал он пораскинув мозгами.' 666260;1399578518;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform brains what ? 666261;1399578540;benkay;anecdotally, a client in the political business tells me that web advertising budgets are just touching 10% of the overall campaign budget (the bulk of the remaining 90% is...television) 666262;1399578542;asciilifeform;(Stierlitz [film hero] gets shot in the head. 'it must be a dum-dum,' thought Stierlitz, racking his brains.' 666263;1399578549;mircea_popescu;lol 666264;1399578558;fluffypony;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=600628.0 666265;1399578560;pankkake;benkay: well, gotta target the dumb 666266;1399578560;ozbot;BitcoinBourse: the biggest scam in Bitcoin securities today 666267;1399578569;fluffypony;"if you were foolish enough to buy their very own "BBS" IPO shares at 0.1 BTC each you would have earned a whopping 0.00007138 BTC in dividends in 7 months. You can expect to recover your investment in about 9813 months (818 years) at the current average dividend. If you're particularly lucky and they hit their Nov 2013 dividend high every month you can expect to recover your investment in a mere 1676 months (140 years)." 666268;1399578574;fluffypony;l.o.l. 666269;1399578583;mircea_popescu;benkay television is not bad a venue for a) detergent b) politics. 666270;1399578595;pankkake;wait, I thought you were r-y-s, fluffypony 666271;1399578650;pankkake;anyway, no reason one would advertise on newspapers when there's the web. cheaper, stats, targetting, etc. 666272;1399578654;pankkake;nor any reason to read newspapers 666273;1399578668;mircea_popescu;pankkake old style, affluent, powerful people read newspapers. like moi. 666274;1399578682;mircea_popescu;except... joe blow politician prolly can't get in there anyway 666275;1399578716;pankkake;I thought their only sales left were retirement homes 666276;1399578722;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: actual, dead-tree newspapers? 666277;1399578746;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform not as much as used to be the case, the craft is slowly dieing. 666278;1399578756;pankkake;and of course public libraries and other kinds of subsidy laundering 666279;1399578779;mircea_popescu;pankkake divers industry publications are still run as if it were 1970 666280;1399578788;fluffypony;pankkake: I'm proslimbs_inc 666281;1399578798;mircea_popescu;say the romanian central bank's thing or w/e. 666282;1399578799;fluffypony;although I see my Glorious Investment of IPO thread got deleted 666283;1399578813;pankkake;right, but I'm talking about generic newspapers about news 666284;1399578827;pankkake;specialized publication is far from dead, except perhaps the IT one 666285;1399578830;mircea_popescu;that's a joke. 666286;1399578831;bounce;that the thing with three warring sockpuppets? 666287;1399578839;fluffypony;bounce: yes 666288;1399578842;mircea_popescu;fluffypony wow so it was you ? 666289;1399578854;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: pankkake asked me a few minutes after I posted it 666290;1399578858;mircea_popescu;linking to that trilema pic ? 666291;1399578862;mircea_popescu;i must have missed it 666292;1399578877;fluffypony;yeah I faked the BitcoinBourse listing as well 666293;1399578878;asciilifeform;u.s. trade mags grew thinner in the '90s, then 'fattened' again with ad crapola, like the proverbial swollen torso of the starving african. 666294;1399578886;fluffypony;twas a fun troll 666295;1399578899;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform only select trades tho. as he said, it trade mags are a joke 666296;1399578914;mircea_popescu;generally anything with a lot of marketing and advertising presence. retail stuff and so on. 666297;1399578942;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.074 = 0.296 BTC [-] 666298;1399578953;mircea_popescu;also in many non-english places. i used to read la nacion in cr. 666299;1399579003;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 7 @ 0.041 = 0.287 BTC [-] 666300;1399579223;benkay;'lo princessnell 666301;1399579224;mircea_popescu;!up princesswell 666302;1399579224;assbot;Voicing princesswell for 30 minutes. 666303;1399579228;mircea_popescu;!up princessnell 666304;1399579228;assbot;Voicing princessnell for 30 minutes. 666305;1399579239;TomServo;How do you folks imagine farming and BTC will interact? 666306;1399579252;mircea_popescu;TomServo farming what ? cows ? wows ? 666307;1399579253;princessnell;hiya 666308;1399579275;TomServo;Cows, agriculture.. the food supply basically 666309;1399579281;benkay;;;ident princessnell 666310;1399579281;gribble;Nick 'princessnell', with hostmask 'princessnell!d0b9aa4a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.', is not identified. 666311;1399579299;benkay;i thought you had this sorted, pincess 666312;1399579308;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37224 @ 0.00088144 = 32.8107 BTC [+] {2} 666313;1399579323;davout;from the bitstamp fee thread: 666314;1399579324;mircea_popescu;TomServo no idea. 666315;1399579325;davout;"tl;dr To some it might look like a hack, but it's a solid hack, so no complaints from me." 666316;1399579336;mircea_popescu;davout clearly he'd know. 666317;1399579385;davout;a minimum trade amount to hide the fact their engine still can't count, solid hack for sure 666318;1399579386;fluffypony;"FEC, in ruling 6-0, says Bitcoin contribs to pol committees will be treated as in-kind contributions--same as stocks, other items of value." 666319;1399579402;fluffypony;Bitcoin early adopters can now buy their very own politicain! 666320;1399579406;fluffypony;*politician 666321;1399579406;princessnell;i thought so too :-/ 666322;1399579413;mircea_popescu;princessnell what's the snag ? 666323;1399579424;benkay;so first off is princessnell on the wot you? 666324;1399579428;benkay;;;gettrust princessnell 666325;1399579429;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user benkay to user princessnell: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=benkay&dest=princessnell | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=princessnell | Rated since: never 666326;1399579432;princessnell;benkay is kindly helping me figure it out 666327;1399579464;TomServo;mircea_popescu: You, no idea?! I'm shocked. 666328;1399579541;bounce;pfft. money means not having to have your own ideas. 666329;1399579573;benkay;bounce: money means being able to put steel behind your ideas. 666330;1399579591;bounce;no, that's being a country 666331;1399579610;benkay;troll 666332;1399579634;mircea_popescu;http://pastebin.com/E2pKFuJS << log from before assbot logged 666333;1399579634;ozbot;Feb 06 20:13:15 http://polimedia.us/dtng/c/src/136012108784.jpg - Pastebin.com 666334;1399579635;bounce;tell it the potus 666335;1399579637;mircea_popescu;mar 2013 666336;1399579651;mircea_popescu;TomServo i don't have that many ideas, i just reuse a few. 666337;1399579664;mircea_popescu;!up chetty 666338;1399579664;assbot;Voicing chetty for 30 minutes. 666339;1399579672;chetty;TomServo, I have a friend in Mexico with a small farm, already using BTC to buy/sell locally 666340;1399579765;benkay;;;eauth benkay 666341;1399579765;gribble;Request successful for user benkay, hostmask benkay!~user@2600:4402:c002:3::854:fb5e. Get your encrypted OTP from http://bitcoin-otc.com/otps/2AFA1A9FD2D031DA 666342;1399579793;davout;benkay: http://nakedcellist.org/ 666343;1399579803;davout;i'll just leave this here 666344;1399579830;benkay;;;everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:fcb305dbacd9bdd66cdd9bad1d0db50c29c66d1ecf1d4853a00bd0c0 666345;1399579831;gribble;You are now authenticated for user benkay with key 2AFA1A9FD2D031DA 666346;1399579858;asciilifeform;re: potus, whores: 666347;1399579866;asciilifeform;;;google plumpy interns taking turns many wonderful returns 666348;1399579867;gribble;Ex-Googler Being Micromanaged | Sergey's Crawler Fast as Light ...: ; THE GOOGLE STORY. DAVID A. VISE WITH MARK MALSEED ...: ; The Google Story | Sotheavy Chea - Academia.edu: 666349;1399579890;benkay;right on davout 666350;1399580090;mircea_popescu;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFtflcbcDF0 666351;1399580091;ozbot;Pizda Cu Motor By JeLLeU - YouTube 666352;1399580285;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10150 @ 0.00088068 = 8.9389 BTC [-] {2} 666353;1399580378;mircea_popescu;http://publiceditor.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/05/08/warren-buffett-joe-nocera-and-fessing-up-to-readers/ 666354;1399580421;benkay;;;ident princessnell 666355;1399580422;gribble;Nick 'princessnell', with hostmask 'princessnell!d0b9aa4a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.', is identified as user 'princessnell', with GPG key id 460D29821C8956A4, key fingerprint 4CD44F67A64D9DFBD0E0E0CA460D29821C8956A4, and bitcoin address None 666356;1399580436;benkay;;;rate princessnell first princess of bitcoin 666357;1399580436;gribble;Error: 'first' is not a valid integer. 666358;1399580438;mircea_popescu;god help you if you live in a soviet revolutionary state and dare piss on the politburo's most recent taxidermy exhibit. 666359;1399580443;benkay;;;rate princessnell 1 first princess of bitcoin 666360;1399580445;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user princessnell has been recorded. 666361;1399580465;benkay;;;gettrust assbot princessnell 666362;1399580466;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask princessnell!d0b9aa4a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Trust relationship from user assbot to user princessnell: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=princessnell | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=princessnell | Rated since: Thu May 8 16:20:29 2014 666363;1399580467;mircea_popescu;i should bash the very valid gribble observation. "first" is indeed not a valid integer. 666364;1399580481;benkay;!down princessnell 666365;1399580492;benkay;now up yourself, princessnell /msg assbot !up 666366;1399580518;princessnell;woo! finally wotxcore 666367;1399580526;princessnell;thank you benkay 666368;1399580577;mircea_popescu;we accept women in the treefort now ?! 666369;1399580588;mircea_popescu;what is this, puberty ? 666370;1399580591;princessnell;there goes the neighborhood 666371;1399580593;princessnell;http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-politics/wp/2014/05/08/federal-election-commission-approves-bitcoin-donations-to-political-committees/ 666372;1399580593;ozbot;Federal Election Commission approves bitcoin donations to political committees 666373;1399580593;chetty;lmao, thats not new MP 666374;1399580594;davout;mircea_popescu: there are already a couple 666375;1399580608;benkay;trolled u all. 666376;1399580625;mircea_popescu;davout that's ok, women should be a couple. 666377;1399580630;davout;XD 666378;1399580650;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.465 BTC [+] 666379;1399580711;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 272 @ 0.041 = 11.152 BTC [-] {3} 666380;1399580713;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42150 @ 0.00087711 = 36.9702 BTC [-] 666381;1399580759;mircea_popescu;o look at that, tsla trading 170s ?! 666382;1399580793;mike_c;panic sell! 666383;1399580829;mircea_popescu;did they have a battery explode and burn a bunch of 5 yo blonde white girls ? or what ? 666384;1399580832;mircea_popescu;wasn't it trading 250s ? 666385;1399580833;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.0315 = 0.1575 BTC [-] {2} 666386;1399580834;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.0748989 = 0.1498 BTC [+] 666387;1399580867;mike_c;yes, and it beat estimates last quarter 666388;1399580874;mircea_popescu;mike_c didja identify the event that lead to that 30% drop btw ? 666389;1399580879;*;mircea_popescu grins. 666390;1399580894;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.03199983 = 0.16 BTC [+] {4} 666391;1399580906;mike_c;btcalpha wrote an article on tesla. 666392;1399580914;mike_c;price dropped 30% 666393;1399580926;mircea_popescu;makes sense 666394;1399580955;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.0315 = 0.1575 BTC [+] {2} 666395;1399581587;asciilifeform;!up chetty 666396;1399581587;assbot;Voicing chetty for 30 minutes. 666397;1399581993;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 97 @ 0.00446586 = 0.4332 BTC [-] {2} 666398;1399582070;mike_c;;;bc,stats 666399;1399582072;gribble;Current Blocks: 299762 | Current Difficulty: 8.0008721359681635E9 | Next Difficulty At Block: 300383 | Next Difficulty In: 621 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 3 days, 20 hours, and 0 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 8688849012.3 | Estimated Percent Change: 8.59877 666400;1399582210;benkay;!up blueocean 666401;1399582210;assbot;Voicing blueocean for 30 minutes. 666402;1399582246;benkay;blueocean: you know if you join channels before you turn on your hostmask we can all see where you're connecting from 666403;1399582297;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23200 @ 0.00087711 = 20.349 BTC [-] 666404;1399582785;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.0740001 = 0.148 BTC [-] 666405;1399582846;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.0425 = 0.1275 BTC [+] 666406;1399583029;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.074 = 0.148 BTC [-] {2} 666407;1399583030;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 1 @ 0.145 BTC [+] 666408;1399583090;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.074 = 0.148 BTC [-] 666409;1399583098;benkay;http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702303417104579544072639525550?mg=reno64-wsj&url=http%3A%2F%2Fonline.wsj.com%2Farticle%2FSB10001424052702303417104579544072639525550.html 666410;1399583109;benkay;"Mr. Anderson acknowledged that technical hurdles and cost considerations have turned the initial vision into a distant dream." 666411;1399583148;benkay;cold fusion, asteroid mining..."just ten years away!" 666412;1399583151;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 4 @ 0.0425 = 0.17 BTC [+] 666413;1399583212;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 101 @ 0.0410297 = 4.144 BTC [-] {2} 666414;1399583273;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.074 = 0.148 BTC [-] 666415;1399583334;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.0425 = 0.1275 BTC [+] 666416;1399584200;kakobrekla;;;later tell mike_c http://bitbet.us/stats/ + ?json is up 666417;1399584201;gribble;The operation succeeded. 666418;1399584554;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34850 @ 0.00087706 = 30.5655 BTC [-] {2} 666419;1399584817;mircea_popescu;benkay two weeks! 666420;1399584859;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49750 @ 0.00087655 = 43.6084 BTC [-] {4} 666421;1399584920;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 3 @ 0.1333333 = 0.4 BTC [-] 666422;1399584964;BingoBoingo;;;rate csshih 1 Flashlights delivered 666423;1399584964;gribble;Error: For identification purposes, you must be authenticated to use the rating system. 666424;1399585012;BingoBoingo;;;rate csshih 1 Flashlights delivered 666425;1399585014;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user csshih has been recorded. 666426;1399585042;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 9 @ 0.0425 = 0.3825 BTC [+] 666427;1399585069;*;TomServo is thankful for not having to pray for BingoBoingo's testicles. 666428;1399585234;*;asciilifeform misread as 'fleshlights' 666429;1399585471;BingoBoingo;flashlights may or may not be euphamism 666430;1399585472;pankkake;http://www.coindesk.com/bitcoin-foundation-announces-blockchain-awards-shortlist/ top lel 666431;1399585529;mike_c;kakobrekla: looking good! 666432;1399585653;pankkake;http://games.slashdot.org/story/14/05/08/1910227/the-next-unreal-tournament-totally-free-developed-by-public Epic copying MiniGame 666433;1399585653;ozbot;The Next Unreal Tournament: Totally Free, Developed By Public - Slashdot 666434;1399585955;mike_c;an award for "best ATM design".. awesome. 666435;1399586126;pankkake;is "ATM" used outside of the US? 666436;1399586151;mike_c;what do you call them? 666437;1399586164;pankkake;I believe it means ass to mouth to most of the world 666438;1399586167;mike_c;heh. 666439;1399586171;pankkake;distributeur, i.e. distributor 666440;1399586173;mircea_popescu;!up michiel_l_ 666441;1399586173;assbot;Voicing michiel_l_ for 30 minutes. 666442;1399586203;michiel_l_;hi mircea_popescu, thx 666443;1399586208;mircea_popescu;yw 666444;1399586228;kakobrekla;mike_c your glasses are now facebook glasses http://newsroom.fb.com/news/2014/03/facebook-to-acquire-oculus/ 666445;1399586241;kakobrekla;but you prolly already knew that. 666446;1399586448;davout;hory shet http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=xCghuT0Cx7E#t=249 666447;1399586456;fluffypony;pankkake: we use ATM here 666448;1399586506;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19150 @ 0.00087672 = 16.7892 BTC [+] 666449;1399586715;mircea_popescu;http://txdoc.tumblr.com/post/74764238292 666450;1399586716;ozbot;Married White Wives Love BBC 666451;1399586891;fluffypony;I'm starting to suspect that the bulk of the AMC "investors" need their heads read 666452;1399586989;mircea_popescu;a btc psychiatrist would do brisk biznis 666453;1399586991;jurov;they need what? 666454;1399587039;jurov;ah psychiatry...but who'd pay for that ? their "investors"? 666455;1399587087;*;jurov starts IPO for dotcoin psychiatric examination 666456;1399587096;jurov;best when disguised on bitcoin bourse itself 666457;1399587151;fluffypony;of cours 666458;1399587269;jurov;!up mjr_ 666459;1399587269;assbot;Voicing mjr_ for 30 minutes. 666460;1399587289;jurov;poor mjr_ 666461;1399587365;jurov;i fear his satoshi squares got regulated 666462;1399587599;mike_c;kakobrekla: yeah, not happy about that. 666463;1399587949;fluffypony;wtf 666464;1399587960;fluffypony;I got accused of being MP *again* 666465;1399587971;fluffypony;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=462370.msg6621186#msg6621186 666466;1399587972;ozbot;[ActiveMining] Official Shareholder Discussion Thread [Moderated] 666467;1399588025;davout;"jurov starts IPO for dotcoin psychiatric examination" <<< shut up and take my money 666468;1399588031;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20150 @ 0.00087672 = 17.6659 BTC [+] 666469;1399588036;*;jurov puts his blackhat on and goes after kakobrekla 666470;1399588049;jurov;http://bitbet.us/stats/1JfDCqAV5EGtVx1tezT79uocfThcJviAKS/?json is not valid json 666471;1399588073;jurov;ValueError: Expecting , delimiter: line 1 column 1338 (char 1337) 666472;1399588085;jurov;1337, but invalid 666473;1399588153;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35800 @ 0.00087593 = 31.3583 BTC [-] 666474;1399588208;davout;jurov: seems to load fine for me 666475;1399588235;kakobrekla;jurov argues double quote is not properly escaped or some such 666476;1399588266;jurov;mea culpa, 666477;1399588318;jurov;i copypasted it instead of properly fetching it 666478;1399588338;pankkake;fluffypony: it's amazing how the MP paranoia spread 666479;1399588338;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 666480;1399588421;fluffypony;yeah 666481;1399588446;fluffypony;it seems to be the knee-jerk reaction when someone says something you don't agree with on the securities sub-foru 666482;1399588450;fluffypony;*forum 666483;1399588483;pankkake;my psychologist take is that it's more convenient to have one dissenter. you're more right because numbers 666484;1399588534;pankkake;or paid by someone. activemining "trolls" were said to be paid by… hashfast 666485;1399588604;pankkake;I wonder why pbkdf2 has such a horrible name. perhaps a NSA conspiracy so no one uses it 666486;1399588682;davout;http://techcrunch.com/2014/05/08/bitpay-index/ 666487;1399588682;ozbot;BitPay Is Raising $30M At A $160M Valuation From Index, Richard Branson | TechCrunch 666488;1399588747;pankkake;I'm not sure why they would even need that 666489;1399588770;davout;pankkake: probably getting msb licenses in 50 states 666490;1399588781;davout;might not even be enough 666491;1399588797;davout;expanding to europe 666492;1399588808;pankkake;well, I hope it's something like that 666493;1399588810;davout;cutting a middle-man by opening an exchange 666494;1399588813;davout;who knows 666495;1399588821;pankkake;BitPay already werks in EU 666496;1399588827;davout;like the msb license thing? 666497;1399588835;pankkake;probably not 666498;1399588847;davout;bitpay has an office in amsterdam, they're not licensed in any way which is going to be necessary for them 666499;1399588857;davout;if they want to do business in europe 666500;1399588885;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4337 @ 0.00087672 = 3.8023 BTC [+] 666501;1399589238;mike_c;http://jsonlint.com/ didn't complain 666502;1399589239;ozbot;JSONLint - The JSON Validator. 666503;1399589284;mike_c;oh, sorry, missed backtrack 666504;1399589304;pankkake;what is there to lint in json? it's a pretty strict format 666505;1399589324;mike_c;nothing to 'lint', it's just a handy verifier 666506;1399589434;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.03159196 = 0.1264 BTC [-] {2} 666507;1399589435;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 8 @ 0.0313001 = 0.2504 BTC [-] {2} 666508;1399589466;kakobrekla;even jsonlint doesnt fail on jurovs url 666509;1399589593;mike_c;yeah, it's right (like jurov said) 666510;1399589939;mircea_popescu;* jurov starts IPO for dotcoin psychiatric examination << this 666511;1399589958;mircea_popescu;you could like, take their money anbd then provide help in the ipo threa 666512;1399589983;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30150 @ 0.00087977 = 26.5251 BTC [+] {2} 666513;1399590011;mircea_popescu;<fluffypony> I got accused of being MP *again* << and what's your point ? 666514;1399590042;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: that the accusation makes no sense 666515;1399590056;mircea_popescu;https://imgur.com/gallery/IVAts?no-script=true << if anyone needs visual aids for the tardstalk forum 666516;1399590056;ozbot;Girls are graceful, god dammit. - Imgur 666517;1399590069;mircea_popescu;;;ud sense 666518;1399590070;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=sense | something you can make, but only if you are born with it, althoug everyone has 5, some people can have 6 or more as well. You can also have a sense... 666519;1399590070;ozbot;Urban Dictionary: sense 666520;1399590083;mircea_popescu;never heard of it. 666521;1399590090;fluffypony;it's like they are honestly convinced that the only person who could be critical is you 666522;1399590096;fluffypony;anyone else who is critical must be you 666523;1399590118;mircea_popescu;don't take it so hard : maybe anyone whose head works must be me. 666524;1399590149;fluffypony;well my reply got deleted by the thread moderator 666525;1399590156;mircea_popescu;serves you right, me. 666526;1399590167;fluffypony;apparently I wasn't circlejerky enough 666527;1399590172;fluffypony;how dare I question the Great Kennith 666528;1399590204;mircea_popescu;who ? 666529;1399590249;fluffypony;Sir Kennith Slaughter 666530;1399590258;fluffypony;Owner Extrodinaire 666531;1399590266;mircea_popescu;lol is the spelling accurate ? 666532;1399590275;fluffypony;nfi 666533;1399590278;fluffypony;maybe it's Kenneth 666534;1399590308;mircea_popescu;wait, you are actually in the active miner thread arguing with people ? 666535;1399590323;fluffypony;I was for all of 2 posts 666536;1399590326;fluffypony;3 maybe 666537;1399590327;mircea_popescu;::rate fluffypony -1 has no inkling of a clue as to what time management is 666538;1399590332;fluffypony;hah hah 666539;1399590397;pankkake;I do not check the "remember me" case anymore, it helps 666540;1399590471;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 77 @ 0.00603234 = 0.4645 BTC [-] {8} 666541;1399590488;pankkake;http://www.businessinsider.com/apple-to-buy-beats-2014-5 666542;1399590489;ozbot;Apple To Buy Beats - Business Insider 666543;1399590737;jurov;flyypy hopes to get on your payroll 666544;1399590742;jurov;*fluffy 666545;1399590780;fluffypony;jurov: I was actually trying to be helpful, I just get a bit snarky and sarcastic when I'm being helpful to morons 666546;1399590792;fluffypony;apparently they didn't appreciate my wit. 666547;1399590871;mircea_popescu;so i've been having this weeklong discussion with this polish economist guy. the results are the most fucking improbable shit. for instance... i just comitted to the proposition that there's no such thing as "fixed income" and the whole class is nonsense. 666548;1399590905;mircea_popescu;i will end up kidnapped by senior finance types and fucking burned at the stake for my numerous heresies. 666549;1399590911;fluffypony;lol 666550;1399590911;kakobrekla;;;later tell artifexd bitbet.us/browse/ now supports ?json 666551;1399590911;gribble;The operation succeeded. 666552;1399590959;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10288 @ 0.00088023 = 9.0558 BTC [+] 666553;1399590961;mircea_popescu;at any rate, i tell you, this is why i'm in bitcoin. like once or even twice a month i have this "omfg i can not believe what i'm arguing" moment. 666554;1399590981;mircea_popescu;entirely novel experience for me. 666555;1399591041;mircea_popescu;also this line appears in the log as #666555 666556;1399591047;mircea_popescu;111 to go. 666557;1399591061;fluffypony;nice 666558;1399591088;kakobrekla;109 666559;1399591093;kakobrekla;who will be the lucky winner 666560;1399591114;mircea_popescu;urmom 108 ? 666561;1399591134;dub;1'm in bitcoin cause ur mom is in bitcoin and im in ur mom 666562;1399591143;fluffypony;deep 666563;1399591143;fluffypony;very deep 666564;1399591148;mircea_popescu;in urmom. 666565;1399591161;fluffypony;;;seen urmom 666566;1399591161;gribble;I have not seen urmom. 666567;1399591169;fluffypony;damn straight, gribble. 666568;1399591214;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/Mircea_Popescu/status/464545309935542272 666569;1399591215;ozbot;Twitter / Mircea_Popescu: " 1'm in #bitcoin ... 666570;1399591258;mircea_popescu;;;google 97 666571;1399591258;gribble;HOT 97 | Where Hip Hop Lives: ; 97 (number) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; 96.9 Buffalo's 97 Rock - Buffalo: 666572;1399591284;mircea_popescu;wikipedia has a page dedicated to the number 97 ? bouvard & pecuchet live! 666573;1399591314;mircea_popescu;~This article does not cite any references or sources.~ 666574;1399591315;mircea_popescu;97 (ninety-seven) is the natural number following 96 and preceding 98. 666575;1399591447;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18759 @ 0.00088089 = 16.5246 BTC [+] {3} 666576;1399591669;fluffypony;sleep time, night 666577;1399591744;jurov;https://media.gractions.com/314A5A5A9ABBBBC5E3BD824CF47C46EF4B9D3A76/5f8d4168-c36a-4f78-b048-f5d48b18dc0a.pdf 666578;1399591753;jurov;^ about silkroad 2.0 and clones 666579;1399591894;kakobrekla;mp: the title on the bet is expanded now 666580;1399591931;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla love you! 666581;1399591931;jurov;About assassination market: The target that had “amassed” the biggest bounty surprised us. That person is not an elected official. We decided to not include that person’s name here 666582;1399591946;jurov;hm... any guess? 666583;1399591960;mircea_popescu;me ? 666584;1399591967;jurov;lol 666585;1399591978;jurov;i actually don't know myself 666586;1399592007;jurov;We will say that the fund to assassinate 666587;1399592009;jurov;this person was up to 124.22 bitcoins, or around $124,220 666588;1399592024;jurov;imo not very serious 666589;1399592041;benkay;ben bernanke? 666590;1399592057;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 157 @ 0.07612777 = 11.9521 BTC [+] {9} 666591;1399592058;jurov;he is elected in some sense, no? 666592;1399592077;mircea_popescu;notrly, but they prolly don't know what words mean so ok 666593;1399592087;mike_c;karpales? 666594;1399592095;mike_c;*eles 666595;1399592119;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 91 @ 0.07776858 = 7.0769 BTC [+] {4} 666596;1399592151;jurov;i don;t have access to tor atm, someone else can check... but it's fun to guess, no? 666597;1399592193;jurov;i'm guessing bieber 666598;1399592240;assbot;[MPEX] [S.BBET] 350 @ 0.00051 = 0.1785 BTC [-] 666599;1399592365;moiety;evening 666600;1399592418;mircea_popescu;moiety hey 666601;1399592469;moiety;how's your day been? 666602;1399592470;mircea_popescu;jurov maybe it's satoshi 666603;1399592495;mircea_popescu;pretty great 666604;1399592552;pankkake;the guy won't add things like bieber 666605;1399592574;pankkake;and the assmarket hasn't seen much action even after the news coverage 666606;1399592586;pankkake;IIRC number one is bernanke, second obama 666607;1399592620;kakobrekla; [MPEX] [S.BBET] 350 @ 0.00051 = 0.1785 BTC [-] < clearly i should not be adding any more features to bbet, shareholders have spoken. 666608;1399592647;benkay;today's fun adventures in openssl! 666609;1399592657;kakobrekla;in fact, let me undo todays work right away! 666610;1399592690;benkay;on one of the many many many api's available for derping through openssl, loading the public key in first and then the private key results in garbage out 666611;1399592695;benkay;BUT DONE THE OTHER WAY IT WORKS! 666612;1399592715;benkay;kakobrekla: also for some reason my rss reader started complaining about bitbet.us/rss/new/ today. 666613;1399592789;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 8 @ 0.03103945 = 0.2483 BTC [-] {4} 666614;1399592818;pankkake;http://i.imgur.com/BPTVguN.png 666615;1399592847;moiety;site was attacked yesterday. up and fixed now though 666616;1399592889;kakobrekla;benkay anything specific ? 666617;1399592896;benkay;trying to figure it out :( 666618;1399592898;benkay;it's a derpy reader. 666619;1399592953;artifexd;mircea_popescu: There's an entire website dedicated to how numbers are interesting: http://numbersapi.com/ There's lots of cool stuff in there. 666620;1399592976;moiety;pankkake: seems some's dead pools are more popular than others lol 666621;1399593045;artifexd;For example: http://numbersapi.com/199/trivia 666622;1399593074;artifexd;kakobrekla: Sweet. Thanks! 666623;1399593117;mircea_popescu;artifexd yeah but... 666624;1399593139;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla lol 666625;1399593153;artifexd;I only brought it up because you were talking about number entries in wikipedia 666626;1399593197;mircea_popescu;but i mean... a collection of trivialities is not an encyclopedia 666627;1399593381;artifexd;I didn't mean to imply that it was. It is just a source of useless (but interesting to me) information. That's it. I didn't mean anything deep or important. Just a "hey, there's this thing that you may, or may not, find interesting". 666628;1399593582;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 76 @ 0.07852529 = 5.9679 BTC [+] {6} 666629;1399593637;mircea_popescu;nono, you said! 666630;1399593672;mircea_popescu;moiety so what are you up to these days 666631;1399593704;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3420 @ 0.00087895 = 3.006 BTC [-] 666632;1399593713;mircea_popescu;http://edition.cnn.com/2014/05/07/tech/social-media/nsa-coded-tweet/index.html 666633;1399593713;ozbot;Behind the NSA's mysterious coded tweet - CNN.com 666634;1399593720;mircea_popescu;kinda derpy pitch 666635;1399593782;moiety;mircea_popescu, figuring out what to do next with my time really, which is hampered by trying to sort out house things recently. i have a deadline now. 666636;1399593810;moiety;i thought that re nsa and tweeter, like trying to play like cicada and getting it terribly wrong 666637;1399593816;mircea_popescu;doesn't sound like so much fun 666638;1399593844;moiety;not particularly, but it'll all work out :] 666639;1399593907;moiety;once one thing gets sorted, all the rest will be easier i think 666640;1399594023;moiety;i work better to deadlines anyways, wee bit of pressure did no one any harm 666641;1399594253;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 83 @ 0.041 = 3.403 BTC [-] {2} 666642;1399594416;BingoBoingo;Oh, anyone want to guess what my blood pressure was today? 666643;1399594490;mircea_popescu;212 666644;1399594542;BingoBoingo;Lower, I'm not Kenneth Slaughter 666645;1399594546;mircea_popescu;lol 666646;1399594654;BingoBoingo;Was a healthy 121/66 666647;1399594719;mircea_popescu;o hey wd. 666648;1399594771;BingoBoingo;Thanks, Probably all of this damn tramadol keeping it that low. 666649;1399594822;BingoBoingo;I'm not sure I like this new doctor though, too young. 666650;1399594830;moiety;thats really good BB :] everything go alright then? 666651;1399594856;BingoBoingo;Eh, could have gone better, just more of the same for another week and see from there 666652;1399594875;*;moiety nods 666653;1399594885;moiety;hope things keep improving 666654;1399594901;moiety;i don't take well on tramadol at all 666655;1399594947;BingoBoingo;Eh, NSAIDs weren't doing anything and this does something. They seem to scarcely prescribe much else anymore. 666656;1399594994;moiety;this is true. it mimics how the body takes to other things. this doesn't translate well in me. tramadol is one of things people either do really well or really badly on. 666657;1399595016;moiety;tim, the bike crash guy, he loves it 666658;1399595043;BingoBoingo;I'd rather just go back to drinking, but these antibiotics... 666659;1399595063;moiety;theres only one antibiotic you cant drink on, its a myth 666660;1399595075;moiety;it begins with M and i cant remember what it is 666661;1399595099;BingoBoingo;There's plenty where it is ill advised. 666662;1399595150;BingoBoingo;Just because there is one building in town that will kill you for sure if you jump from it doesn't mean jumping from the other ones is an idea worth endorsing. 666663;1399595366;mircea_popescu;!up NormDePloome 666664;1399595366;assbot;Voicing NormDePloome for 30 minutes. 666665;1399596078;moiety;BingoBoingo: what i mean is i think the biggest issue is drowsiness. theres only one that will make a person sick -- that i know of 666666;1399597181;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 2 @ 0.1333333 = 0.2667 BTC [-] 666667;1399597323;kakobrekla;http://dealbook.nytimes.com/2014/05/08/winklevoss-twins-to-list-bitcoin-fund-on-nasdaq/?_php=true&_type=blogs&_php=true&_type=blogs&_r=1& 666668;1399597336;kakobrekla;yea yea i know this is old by now 666669;1399597382;kakobrekla;here a question, you know whats the thing with winklevoss twins and redundancy? 666670;1399597389;kakobrekla;they both are. 666671;1399597579;mircea_popescu;lol 666672;1399597837;kakobrekla;btw 666673;1399597839;kakobrekla;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-05-2014#666666 666674;1399597841;ozbot;#bitcoin-assets log 666675;1399597854;kakobrekla;i just saw the proposition on bbet 666676;1399597860;mircea_popescu;what's that ? 666677;1399597867;kakobrekla;>MP takes devil's crown 666678;1399597883;mircea_popescu;um 666679;1399597896;mircea_popescu;link ? 666680;1399597906;kakobrekla;http://bitbet.us/propositions/ 666681;1399597907;ozbot;BitBet Propositions 666682;1399597926;mircea_popescu;oh lol 666683;1399597929;kakobrekla;someone from ba must have made it 666684;1399597948;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-05-2014#666666 666685;1399597948;ozbot;#bitcoin-assets log 666686;1399597949;mircea_popescu;assbot got it 666687;1399597954;kakobrekla;yup 666688;1399597969;mircea_popescu;seems fitting 666689;1399597972;kakobrekla;well tbh i can make it go either way 666690;1399598044;mircea_popescu;hm ? 666691;1399598050;kakobrekla;edit the log 666692;1399598051;kakobrekla;doh 666693;1399598056;mircea_popescu;lol 666694;1399598058;mircea_popescu;http://bitbet.us/bet/786/bitcoin-to-surpass-berkshire-as-an-investment/ 666695;1399598060;ozbot;BitBet - Bitcoin to surpass Berkshire as an investment :: 1007.73 B (95%) on Yes, 47.56 B (5%) on No 666696;1399598065;mircea_popescu;splendid 666697;1399598071;kakobrekla;this is wrong 666698;1399598086;kakobrekla;it should be 666699;1399598086;kakobrekla;BitBet - Bitcoin to surpass Berkshire as an investment :: 1007.73 B (95%) on Yes, 47.56 B (5%) on No; closing in 9 months 1 week; weight: 84`057 (100`000 to 1) 666700;1399598090;kakobrekla;:( 666701;1399598090;mircea_popescu;;;calc 1007.73 / (1007.73+47.56) 666702;1399598091;gribble;0.954931819689 666703;1399598106;kakobrekla;does ; break it? 666704;1399598115;kakobrekla;or is there a length limit 666705;1399598116;mircea_popescu;prolly. 666706;1399598120;mircea_popescu;replace the ; see 666707;1399598121;kakobrekla;who owns it again? 666708;1399598124;mircea_popescu;Jezzz 666709;1399598129;mircea_popescu;this may actually be a vuln lol. 666710;1399598203;kakobrekla;http://bitbet.us/bet/786/bitcoin-to-surpass-berkshire-as-an-investment/ 666711;1399598204;ozbot;BitBet - Bitcoin to surpass Berkshire as an investment :: 1007.73 B (95%) on Yes, 47.56 B (5%) on No 666712;1399598211;kakobrekla;nope 666713;1399598229;kakobrekla;seems to be length issue or smth 666714;1399598264;kakobrekla;except if it also breaks on | 666715;1399598273;kakobrekla;but this, unlikely. 666716;1399598316;kakobrekla;Jezzz make it fix ? 666717;1399598384;kakobrekla;http://bitbet.us/bet/635/1btc-10-000-usd/ 666718;1399598385;ozbot;BitBet - 1BTC >= $10,000 USD :: 75 B (17%) on Yes, 373.87 B (83%) on No | closing in 6 months 1 week 666719;1399598412;kakobrekla;myea 666720;1399598425;thestringpuller;lol i came back to my computer at an interesting time 666721;1399598427;thestringpuller;har har har 666722;1399598459;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: the newest Trilema header may be the best yet 666723;1399598517;nubbins`;^ 666724;1399598553;nubbins`;when we work out our deal to publish trilema excerpts in dead-tree format, that should be on the cover. 666725;1399598572;thestringpuller;nubbins`! i've been looking for you :P 666726;1399598579;thestringpuller;i need more quotes and estimates and shit 666727;1399598603;nubbins`;sure, lay it on me 666728;1399598613;thestringpuller;;;ident 666729;1399598613;gribble;Nick 'thestringpuller', with hostmask 'thestringpuller!~leflor@99-39-97-12.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net', is not identified. 666730;1399598615;thestringpuller;damn 666731;1399598620;thestringpuller;one sec 666732;1399598634;nubbins`;me: "why am i so cold?" 666733;1399598642;nubbins`;"oh yeah, i just gobbled a pint of ice cream" 666734;1399598645;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2530 @ 0.00087895 = 2.2237 BTC [-] 666735;1399598720;thestringpuller;;;ident 666736;1399598721;gribble;Nick 'thestringpuller', with hostmask 'thestringpuller!~leflor@99-39-97-12.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net', is identified as user 'thestringpuller', with GPG key id 0FF2943DA179E169, key fingerprint 6ACE36E786F39A4ADC4506DE0FF2943DA179E169, and bitcoin address None 666737;1399598724;thestringpuller;there we go 666738;1399598738;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller it's old you know. 666739;1399598749;thestringpuller;i just haven't been reading trilema long enough yet 666740;1399598755;thestringpuller;either that or you don't do repeats often or ever :P 666741;1399598768;thestringpuller;but no i did not know that ;) 666742;1399598769;mircea_popescu;abouyt every 2 yars :D 666743;1399598811;nubbins`;(pirate years for all ye landlubbers) 666744;1399598869;mircea_popescu;lol 666745;1399599002;kakobrekla;http://kotaku.com/japanese-man-arrested-for-having-guns-made-with-a-3d-pr-1573358490 666746;1399599002;ozbot;Japanese Man Arrested for Having Guns Made with a 3D Printer 666747;1399599103;nubbins`;illegal shapes 666748;1399599133;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 16 @ 0.06474168 = 1.0359 BTC [-] 666749;1399599201;PLambert;did you see the article about the guy who accidently got shipped a drone by US gov? he should have sold it on silkroad :) 666750;1399599249;PLambert;http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2622919/UPS-accidentally-delivers-350K-US-government-DRONE-college-student-ordered-weightlifting-bench.html 666751;1399599249;ozbot;UPS accidentally delivers a $350K US government DRONE to college student who ordered a weightlifting 666752;1399599743;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27822 @ 0.00087895 = 24.4541 BTC [-] {2} 666753;1399600094;thestringpuller;;;ticker 666754;1399600095;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 444.55, Best ask: 446.0, Bid-ask spread: 1.45000, Last trade: 446.0, 24 hour volume: 6767.10378919, 24 hour low: 437.61, 24 hour high: 450.08, 24 hour vwap: 443.839985864 666755;1399600292;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 25 @ 0.041 = 1.025 BTC [-] 666756;1399600386;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 666757;1399600392;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 446.99, vol: 6766.18252863 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 432.733, vol: 4547.59339 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 443.01, vol: 3414.96020012 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 439.98, vol: 19.02559558 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 441.29475, vol: 2365.35030000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 441.809, vol: 5.98963694 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 442.752, vol: 30.20807873 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message) 666758;1399600451;BingoBoingo;http://www.slate.com/blogs/future_tense/2014/05/08/the_navy_s_new_secure_e_readers_are_called_nerd.html 666759;1399600451;ozbot;The Navy's new, secure e-readers are called NeRD. 666760;1399600910;moiety;is it just the uk that keeps bumping up passport prices every five minutes? 666761;1399600958;moiety;i'll be more to renew than i was in the first place 666762;1399601329;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17495 @ 0.0008799 = 15.3939 BTC [+] {2} 666763;1399601872;dub;!jd mpif 666764;1399601872;assbot;Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 163.99003536 BTC; +0.01152900 BTC (+0.0070%) since last check 10h 41m 29s ago. 666765;1399602061;TheNewDeal;didn't it start with like 50? 666766;1399602080;TheNewDeal;or was there a btc/atc combo investment? 666767;1399602119;Duffer1;50 is correct 666768;1399602135;Duffer1;perhaps it was expanded? 666769;1399602161;Duffer1;a 3x gain seems unlikely 666770;1399602366;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6750 @ 0.00087895 = 5.9329 BTC [-] 666771;1399602610;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 6 @ 0.041 = 0.246 BTC [-] 666772;1399602671;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07897949 = 0.158 BTC [+] {2} 666773;1399602732;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24500 @ 0.00087723 = 21.4921 BTC [-] {3} 666774;1399602976;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.041 = 0.123 BTC [-] 666775;1399603258;decimation;"indles, iPads, and other tablets/e-readers are currently forbidden on Navy vessels. They take up space, and, more importantly, can be a security threat because of connectivity points like wi-fi, expandable storage, and USB ports." 666776;1399603265;decimation;Cargo-cult security 666777;1399603319;decimation;as long as none of the objects in the area have the evil ports, the security gods shall be pleased and grant us the anti-snowden 666778;1399603342;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIF] 500 @ 0.0002311 = 0.1156 BTC [-] 666779;1399603525;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6150 @ 0.00087646 = 5.3902 BTC [-] 666780;1399603647;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.0315 = 0.1575 BTC [+] 666781;1399604136;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.041 = 0.41 BTC [-] 666782;1399604600;decimation;http://lionoftheblogosphere.wordpress.com/2014/04/30/robots-and-restaurants/ When rich people do go out to eat, they will not want to be served by robots, so high-end restaurants will still have human waitstaff. As I?ve pointed out before, many people who aren?t born rich will only be able to make money if they have the ability to entertain the rich or make them feel good about themselves. 666783;1399604601;ozbot;Robots and restaurants | Lion of the Blogosphere 666784;1399605050;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.0788 = 0.3152 BTC [-] 666785;1399605232;decimation;http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/biz/archives/2014/04/26/2003588896/1 I didn't see this linked here yet. $324 million for 64k people = $5k before lawyer's cut 666786;1399605233;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 40 @ 0.03075268 = 1.2301 BTC [-] {4} 666787;1399605234;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12200 @ 0.00088041 = 10.741 BTC [+] 666788;1399605235;ozbot;Tech firms agree to settle hiring suit - Taipei Times 666789;1399605256;TheNewDeal;nice deal 666790;1399605266;decimation;"Sorry we fixed your wages for years. Have a free macbook" 666791;1399605295;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 16 @ 0.07897498 = 1.2636 BTC [+] {2} 666792;1399605447;decimation;The ceos all agreed that the lawsuit sucked, and the lawyers agreed to have a payday! The beta engineers, who already accepted years of being screwed, have accepted being screwed again. 666793;1399605864;decimation;!down 666794;1399605864;assbot;Need a nickname, decimation. 666795;1399605881;decimation;!down decimation 666796;1399606453;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19900 @ 0.00087634 = 17.4392 BTC [-] {2} 666797;1399607246;assbot;[MPEX] [FN] [F.MPIF] 1000 @ 0.00021725 = 0.2173 BTC [+] 666798;1399607795;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 5 @ 0.041 = 0.205 BTC [-] 666799;1399607992;mircea_popescu;<Duffer1> perhaps it was expanded? >> 50 then 113 666800;1399608344;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4750 @ 0.00087671 = 4.1644 BTC [+] 666801;1399608588;artifexd;mircea_popescu or kakobrekla Can you straighten me out on some terminology? 666802;1399608610;kakobrekla;in regards to what 666803;1399608616;artifexd;Bitbet 666804;1399608637;kakobrekla;well i can give it a shot 666805;1399608646;artifexd;A proposition is an unapproved bet, right? 666806;1399608649;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12974 @ 0.00088054 = 11.4241 BTC [+] {2} 666807;1399608656;kakobrekla;yea 666808;1399608669;artifexd;What is it called after it is approved? 666809;1399608673;artifexd;A bet? 666810;1399608675;kakobrekla;yea 666811;1399608683;artifexd;What do people place on that bet? 666812;1399608690;kakobrekla;bets :) 666813;1399608716;artifexd;There's my confusion. Bet refers to the thing being placed and the thing upon which it is placed. 666814;1399608724;kakobrekla;correct 666815;1399608741;artifexd;Well... fuck 666816;1399608753;kakobrekla;its lispy! 666817;1399608787;artifexd;Do you have different names for them in your database? 666818;1399608813;kakobrekla;different from what 666819;1399608861;artifexd;I imagine that there is a database with a table of bets and a table of, uh, bets. Both tables can't be called bets. 666820;1399608890;TheNewDeal;bets and betbets 666821;1399608898;artifexd;lol 666822;1399608937;artifexd;It would fit with the twitter names: BitBets and BitBetsBets 666823;1399608941;kakobrekla;hehe did you take that from twitter TheNewDeal ? 666824;1399608947;kakobrekla;hehe 666825;1399608993;TheNewDeal;getting all the lelz tonight 666826;1399608994;artifexd;I guess I'll just go with "New bet created" vs "New bet placed" 666827;1399609869;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18550 @ 0.00088119 = 16.3461 BTC [+] 666828;1399609871;TheNewDeal;tim-tams 666829;1399609881;tim-tams;thenewdeal hey 666830;1399609891;TheNewDeal;you came here searching for knowledge? 666831;1399609904;tim-tams;looking for a sponsor actually haha 666832;1399609921;TheNewDeal;what exactly is this? 666833;1399609937;tim-tams;"this" as in the sponsorship? 666834;1399609942;TheNewDeal;yeahs 666835;1399609962;tim-tams;I run YouMeAndBTC.com and host the weekly podcast there 666836;1399609963;TheNewDeal;what would that be 666837;1399609977;tim-tams;we're headed to a Bitcoin conference and are gonna interview some people 666838;1399609992;tim-tams;looking for a sponsor who would be mentioned every time we talk about the conference in our show 666839;1399610005;tim-tams;some banner space included too 666840;1399610031;TheNewDeal;for how much 666841;1399610065;tim-tams;our budget for the whole trip is $1400 and I got one sponsor for half that. So $700 more for an equal spot 666842;1399610077;tim-tams;I can provide a more detailed budget if you so desire 666843;1399610088;TheNewDeal;not too concerned 666844;1399610095;TheNewDeal;wheres the conference? 666845;1399610102;tim-tams;Washington DC 666846;1399610106;tim-tams;Bitcoin in the Beltway 666847;1399610206;tim-tams;is that something you'd be interested in? you have a product/service? 666848;1399610207;TheNewDeal;can I pay like 5$ for you to include a small middle finger dedicated to the Chief of Operations of Butterfly Labs? 666849;1399610221;tim-tams;haha maybe ;) 666850;1399610356;mircea_popescu;tim-tams sup ? 666851;1399610378;mircea_popescu;<artifexd> Well... fuck << talk to english ;/ 666852;1399610401;artifexd;Yeah... 666853;1399610440;TheNewDeal;charlie shrem is going to be there! 666854;1399610471;TheNewDeal;fack I'm gonna buy a ticket and go smoke some dope with him 666855;1399610574;tim-tams;mircea_popescu hey there, would you be interested in a deal like the one described above? 666856;1399610585;tim-tams;joecool said to contact you 666857;1399610597;mircea_popescu;i don't know you, why would i give you bitcoin ? 666858;1399610635;TheNewDeal;i massage very gentle, you give bitcoin 666859;1399610746;tim-tams;mircea_popescu haha to get your name out there, advertising and such 666860;1399610767;tim-tams;we're hoping to interview some people, and we'll definitely talk about the presentations a ton on the show 666861;1399610776;tim-tams;you'll be mentioned every time 666862;1399610784;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32400 @ 0.00087877 = 28.4721 BTC [-] 666863;1399610858;mircea_popescu;;;ident tim-tams 666864;1399610858;gribble;Nick 'tim-tams', with hostmask 'tim-tams!~pi@pool-108-17-65-93.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net', is identified as user 'tim-tams', with GPG key id 3C45E4F1E6017AD9, key fingerprint 0EB2043388023608246A68E83C45E4F1E6017AD9, and bitcoin address 188tePebVzHGniSWuh2azFpmQkrSVrn39H 666865;1399610933;mircea_popescu;to... get my name out there ? 666866;1399610949;mircea_popescu;what show. 666867;1399610956;tim-tams;YouMeAndBTC.com 666868;1399610963;tim-tams;we have a weekly podcast 666869;1399611002;tim-tams;I was expecting the sponsorship to be a form of advertising but if you'd rather just sponsor us because you think it's a good use of your money (which it would be ;) ) then we're ok with that haha 666870;1399611057;mircea_popescu;your blog got 0 comments the past month. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKw7dwBSnG0 < you get like... 72 views ? 666871;1399611081;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/awstats-and-stuff/ << look here. 666872;1399611082;ozbot;Awstats and stuff pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 666873;1399611121;mircea_popescu;in order for you to advertise me you have to have more media exposure than me, not vice-versa. 666874;1399611173;tim-tams;yeah that makes sense, understandable, you're right, we're not very big, somewhat new 666875;1399611207;mircea_popescu;enthusiasm is good, don't get me wrong, but you're not there yet. 666876;1399611260;tim-tams;yeah no problem, you're right, we definitely need to grow 666877;1399611760;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12400 @ 0.00087877 = 10.8967 BTC [-] 666878;1399612479;benkay;so this is prrrrrrrty funny: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-05-2014&bots=true#666666 666879;1399612523;benkay;oh it's assbot and i'm late to the party again 666880;1399612733;benkay; its lispy! // gtfo 666881;1399613066;kakobrekla;:) 666882;1399613895;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 4 @ 0.041 = 0.164 BTC [-] 666883;1399614383;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34988 @ 0.00087934 = 30.7663 BTC [+] {3} 666884;1399614444;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27345 @ 0.00088189 = 24.1153 BTC [+] {2} 666885;1399614849;BingoBoingo;tim-tams: Do you have any experience with Charity fundraising? 666886;1399615088;BingoBoingo;tim-tams: If you do manage to get the funds for this thing I'll sponsor some efforts of yours to raise awareness for a very important charity 666887;1399615115;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12750 @ 0.00087753 = 11.1885 BTC [-] {2} 666888;1399615199;tim-tams;BingoBoingo no experience but yes, we'd love to do some charity work 666889;1399615214;tim-tams;what did you have in mind? 666890;1399615268;BingoBoingo;tim-tams: The Charity is my left nut. It learned to kick itself. I want other people to know the fear I have. That their testicals too can learn to kick themselves. 666891;1399615307;tim-tams;sounds awesome haha 666892;1399615365;tim-tams;we've been supporting that cause for years 666893;1399615380;BingoBoingo;I wish I had a third nut, so I could just tell this left one to STFU. 666894;1399615582;Naphex;morning 666895;1399615593;BingoBoingo;Morning Naphex 666896;1399615624;Naphex;http://www.bitcoincharts.com/markets/ woot we just passed justcoin in 30day vol:D 666897;1399615626;ozbot;Bitcoin Charts / Markets 666898;1399615698;BingoBoingo;Nice 666899;1399615726;Naphex;aye 666900;1399616583;fluffypony;Naphex: and you didn't have any 300 000 EUR transactions in your order book! 666901;1399616701;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10700 @ 0.00087668 = 9.3805 BTC [-] {2} 666902;1399616704;Naphex;hehe, yes, saw the price on bitcoinaverage yesterday :)0 666903;1399617250;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 20 @ 0.0789999 = 1.58 BTC [-] 666904;1399617311;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 48 @ 0.041 = 1.968 BTC [-] 666905;1399617312;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 3 @ 0.06474168 = 0.1942 BTC [-] 666906;1399617372;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 16 @ 0.079 = 1.264 BTC [+] {2} 666907;1399618043;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.079 = 0.158 BTC [+] 666908;1399618165;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22112 @ 0.00087632 = 19.3772 BTC [-] {2} 666909;1399618348;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.041 = 0.123 BTC [-] 666910;1399619495;BingoBoingo;http://hashfast.com/on-why-were-not-scammers/ 666911;1399620002;Naphex;people should just buying pre-orders 666912;1399620003;Naphex;its dum 666913;1399620569;BingoBoingo;Well, how long did people play Gox? 666914;1399620776;pankkake;BingoBoingo: the URL is funny enough 666915;1399620789;pankkake;mtgox.com/why-we-are-solvent 666916;1399620952;pankkake;artifexd: maybe use bet and wager 666917;1399621028;fluffypony;lol 666918;1399621760;BingoBoingo;!up paxtoncamaro91 666919;1399621760;assbot;Voicing paxtoncamaro91 for 30 minutes. 666920;1399622496;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.0789999 = 0.79 BTC [-] 666921;1399622679;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1817 @ 0.00012755 = 0.2318 BTC [-] {3} 666922;1399622740;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 3531 @ 0.00012738 = 0.4498 BTC [-] {4} 666923;1399622801;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2273 @ 0.00012644 = 0.2874 BTC [-] {3} 666924;1399622923;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 13 @ 0.07899999 = 1.027 BTC [+] {2} 666925;1399622984;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 13 @ 0.041 = 0.533 BTC [-] 666926;1399624516;fluffypony;http://i.imgur.com/Lf20fUa.jpg 666927;1399624568;Naphex;lol 666928;1399624786;fluffypony;BingoBoingo: http://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/25398n/samuel_l_jackson_crusades_to_kick_cancer_in_the/ 666929;1399624797;fluffypony;BingoBoingo: you and Samuel L Jackson have similar goals 666930;1399624814;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10505 @ 0.00088111 = 9.2561 BTC [+] 666931;1399625180;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 15 @ 0.0310001 = 0.465 BTC [-] 666932;1399625181;Naphex;!up twizt 666933;1399625181;assbot;Insufficient rights, Naphex, !up yourself on PM first. 666934;1399625186;Naphex;pff 666935;1399625187;Naphex;;ident 666936;1399625310;Naphex;!up twizt 666937;1399625310;assbot;Insufficient rights, Naphex, !up yourself on PM first. 666938;1399625315;Naphex;!up 666939;1399625315;assbot;Need a nickname, Naphex. 666940;1399625377;pankkake;eh, you have the same success rate as me yesterday 666941;1399625418;fluffypony;!up twizt 666942;1399625418;assbot;Voicing twizt for 30 minutes. 666943;1399625427;twizt;ty so much trouble 666944;1399625428;twizt;lol 666945;1399625620;pankkake;;;gpg info twizt 666946;1399625620;gribble;User 'twizt', with keyid None, fingerprint None, and bitcoin address 1AimBm6kNoYu1jTrqFWPBewhw9phMA8Prp, registered on Fri Jan 31 11:04:43 2014, last authed on Tue Apr 29 02:06:58 2014. http://b-otc.com/vg?nick=twizt . Currently not authenticated. 666947;1399625697;twizt;y u checking me out bro 666948;1399625702;twizt;lol 666949;1399625772;fluffypony;twizt: pankkake is the #bitcoin-assets police detective 666950;1399625778;fluffypony;he'll hunt you down, yo 666951;1399625779;pankkake;lol 666952;1399625851;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4800 @ 0.00088149 = 4.2312 BTC [+] {2} 666953;1399625872;pankkake;!t m mpif 666954;1399625872;assbot;You know, I've had it up to here with this Indian malarkey. 666955;1399625875;pankkake;!t m s.mpif 666956;1399625876;assbot;How can I be of assistance, my poor man? 666957;1399625884;pankkake;!t m f.mpif 666958;1399625884;assbot;[MPEX:F.MPIF] 1D: 0.00021725 / 0.00021725 / 0.00021725 (1000 shares, 0.22 BTC), 7D: 0.0002155 / 0.00021722 / 0.00021725 (37494 shares, 8.14 BTC), 30D: 0.000215 / 0.00021509 / 0.00021725 (1053350 shares, 226.57 BTC) 666959;1399625890;pankkake;!jd mpif 666960;1399625890;assbot;Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 164.00874758 BTC; +0.01871222 BTC (+0.0114%) since last check 6h 40m 18s ago. 666961;1399626827;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 37 @ 0.0425 = 1.5725 BTC [+] 666962;1399626949;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 7 @ 0.031635 = 0.2214 BTC [+] 666963;1399627255;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19799 @ 0.00088208 = 17.4643 BTC [+] 666964;1399628267;jurov;;;later tell mircea_popescu dividends? 666965;1399628267;gribble;The operation succeeded. 666966;1399628276;jurov;later all 666967;1399628309;Naphex;later jurov 666968;1399628413;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6600 @ 0.00088208 = 5.8217 BTC [+] 666969;1399629156;Naphex;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04KkCnxooho 666970;1399629156;ozbot;BitCologne Introduction - YouTube 666971;1399629158;Naphex;lol 666972;1399629450;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 5 @ 0.041 = 0.205 BTC [-] 666973;1399629572;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19500 @ 0.00088241 = 17.207 BTC [+] {2} 666974;1399629755;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 437 @ 0.00089017 = 0.389 BTC [-] {2} 666975;1399630365;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14251 @ 0.00088255 = 12.5772 BTC [+] 666976;1399630426;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4049 @ 0.00088378 = 3.5784 BTC [+] 666977;1399630670;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22471 @ 0.00088381 = 19.8601 BTC [+] {2} 666978;1399632003;mircea_popescu;jurov yes, today. 666979;1399632073;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.041 = 0.123 BTC [-] 666980;1399632074;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIF] 693 @ 0.00022828 = 0.1582 BTC [-] {4} 666981;1399632134;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.0310001 = 0.155 BTC [+] 666982;1399632590;fluffypony;Naphex: I couldn't make it through that video 666983;1399632601;fluffypony;Naphex: they lost me at "made for peer to peer interaction" 666984;1399632734;mircea_popescu;;;ticker 666985;1399632735;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 444.8, Best ask: 446.96, Bid-ask spread: 2.16000, Last trade: 444.8, 24 hour volume: 6086.20975405, 24 hour low: 437.61, 24 hour high: 449.96, 24 hour vwap: 443.295460436 666986;1399632944;mircea_popescu;"One-third of World Bank Policy Reports Have Never Ever Been Read Online, By Anyone" 666987;1399632973;mircea_popescu;time to start seriously discussing the irrelevance of the world bank. perhaps it's time it just goes away, as it has little chance of being folded into mpex. 666988;1399632974;fluffypony;hah hah 666989;1399632993;fluffypony;data relevancy 666990;1399632995;fluffypony;*dat 666991;1399633049;mircea_popescu;"All females regardless of race are to be inspected by a UK Border Force doctor for FGM. Passports will be stamped to mark childs FGM status." 666992;1399633060;mircea_popescu;lmao perhaps it could just move to the uk and stay there. 666993;1399633102;mircea_popescu;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BnFogbgCUAAmfIP.jpg >> particularly productive twitter today 666994;1399633593;mircea_popescu;http://www.stripes.com/news/blue-ridge-encounters-chinese-ships-near-disputed-isle-1.282222 666995;1399633594;ozbot;Blue Ridge encounters Chinese ships near disputed isle - News - Stripes 666996;1399633632;mircea_popescu;some online news outlets to label the encounter a confrontation, which 7th Fleet officials disputed Friday. 666997;1399633632;mircea_popescu;USS Blue Ridge, the Japan-based 7th Fleets flagship, transited without incident near the two ships, Navy officials said. 666998;1399633632;mircea_popescu;All parties acted professionally, said 7th Fleet spokesman Cmdr. William Marks, who is embarked aboard Blue Ridge. 666999;1399633632;mircea_popescu;There wasnt any communication [with the Chinese] due to both Blue Ridge and its helicopter being a safe distance away, Marks said. 667000;1399633653;mircea_popescu;it wasn't a confrontation : we stayed the fuck away from them, so there was no need for them to beat our living daylights out. 667001;1399633908;Naphex;damn eMag always messes up my shit 667002;1399633930;Naphex;ordered a whole pc, had to split the order so they can deliver stuff they had on inventory 667003;1399633944;Naphex;everything arrived, except the pc parts 667004;1399633956;Naphex;what am i going to do with a cooler and a PSU the whole weekend ;( 667005;1399633973;mircea_popescu;start an aquarium ? 667006;1399633992;Naphex;eh 667007;1399633996;Naphex;too boring :p 667008;1399633998;mircea_popescu;anyway, this is fascinating, i never met an emag customer before. 667009;1399634001;mircea_popescu;so you guys actually exist ? 667010;1399634023;Naphex;yeah, i get suckered in into ordering stuff 667011;1399634035;Naphex;every year or so, then i order it and regret it while i wait for stuff for weeks 667012;1399634109;Naphex;there are no local stores that carry anything high end over here 667013;1399634114;Naphex;so its either emag or its cousins 667014;1399634224;mircea_popescu;believe it or not, 667015;1399634227;mircea_popescu;;;google trilema emag 667016;1399634227;gribble;Ianuarie 2010 pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: ; Noiembrie 2009 pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: ; Septembrie 2011 pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: 667017;1399634350;Naphex;anyway emag is a big PoS 667018;1399634360;Naphex;all of my orders were above 3k$usd since ever 667019;1399634360;mircea_popescu;aye 667020;1399634366;Naphex;never ever did they deliver on time or 'right' 667021;1399634412;Naphex;not to mention they wanted me to wire the money this last time 667022;1399634427;Naphex;and they still didn't register the payment sent 3 days ago!:( 667023;1399634451;Naphex;orders were maid and paid on monday, now its friday and all i have is a cooler+PSU. 667024;1399634455;Naphex;which were suposed to get here last 667025;1399634456;Naphex;:) 667026;1399634563;Naphex;EMAG sunt mai mult decat impostori. Sunt m*****i numai prin faptul pe care l-au facut. Numai incompetenti. 667027;1399634566;Naphex;whats that swear word? 667028;1399634580;fluffypony;mFUCKi 667029;1399634583;fluffypony;*guesses 667030;1399634584;Naphex;:)) 667031;1399634635;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] [PAID] 99.77743063 BTC to 500`000`000 shares, 19 satoshi per share 667032;1399634655;mircea_popescu;muisti ? 667033;1399634679;mircea_popescu;nu intra. hm... jucam rebus aici lol. 667034;1399634685;Naphex;hehe 667035;1399634747;mircea_popescu;muisti = cocksuckers in romanian. a very economic language, needs fewer letters for the concept. also reflective of the fact that romanian women are on average better trained & moar experienced with it so it doesn't take as long. 667036;1399634757;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 7 @ 0.041 = 0.287 BTC [-] 667037;1399634856;mircea_popescu;Naphex: http://www.bitcoincharts.com/markets/ woot we just passed justcoin in 30day vol:D << lol he's playing racecars on btccharts 667038;1399634879;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 30 @ 0.079 = 2.37 BTC [+] 667039;1399634880;Naphex;hehe aye, was a good day yesterday 667040;1399634899;Naphex;although there was a 120 wall at 1340 667041;1399635039;mircea_popescu;wait. 667042;1399635052;mircea_popescu;;;calc 1340/443.295460436 667043;1399635052;gribble;3.02281462274 667044;1399635064;mircea_popescu;isn't the usd like 3.20 or so ? 667045;1399635088;Naphex;3.12 667046;1399635092;Naphex;or 3.28 667047;1399635094;mircea_popescu;holy shit. 667048;1399635096;mircea_popescu;hm 667049;1399635102;mircea_popescu;;;google ron usd rate 667050;1399635103;gribble;USD to RON Exchange Rate - Bloomberg: ; USD to RON - The Money Converter: ; Convert Romanian Lei (RON) and United States Dollars (USD ...: 667051;1399635112;mircea_popescu;dude gogle you're so fucken useless. 667052;1399635116;Naphex;;;google 1 usd in ron 667053;1399635117;gribble;USD to RON - The Money Converter: ; USD/RON - The Money Converter: ; USD to RON Exchange Rate - Bloomberg: 667054;1399635127;Naphex;doesn't look like gribble parses google calc 667055;1399635149;mircea_popescu;3.21 dood. 667056;1399635171;mircea_popescu;prev close 3.20. 667057;1399635244;Naphex;http://www.bitcoincharts.com/markets/btcxchangeRON_trades.html 667058;1399635245;ozbot;Bitcoin Charts / Markets / btcxchangeRON 667059;1399635333;mircea_popescu;1284 trading even. 667060;1399635354;mircea_popescu;i wonder how long the local fucktards realise there's a 10% arb hole available. 667061;1399635371;mircea_popescu;;;calc 1284/443.295460436/ 3.21 667062;1399635371;gribble;0.902332723206 667063;1399635428;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9150 @ 0.00088369 = 8.0858 BTC [-] {2} 667064;1399635640;Naphex;they realize i think 667065;1399635655;Naphex;but there is no patience, 667066;1399635660;Naphex;most people come in and exit 667067;1399635701;Naphex;yesterday was straight wall for most the day/night. 120 @ 1342 , 1344 667068;1399635704;mircea_popescu;Naphex no but i mean the derps that pretend like they're bankers and bvb traders and whatnot 667069;1399635722;mircea_popescu;meanwhile making 5k a month or something. 667070;1399636663;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: you mean the crowd that self-identify as "ibankers" ? :-P 667071;1399636778;mircea_popescu;fluffypony sort-of. these guys : http://trilema.com/2012/doua-poze-mii-de-cuvinte-milioane-de-lei/ 667072;1399636851;mircea_popescu;bursa de valori bucuresti = romanian stock exchange 667073;1399636859;Naphex;quality stuff:) 667074;1399636862;Naphex;SIF SIF SIF 667075;1399636869;fluffypony;lol Google Translate 667076;1399636870;fluffypony;"robot servant in channel responds as follows" 667077;1399636870;Naphex;and tradeville ;o 667078;1399636887;mircea_popescu;Naphex back then, like 90% of the entire market cap was this one austrian conglomerate. 667079;1399636927;mircea_popescu;(which was, of course, listed on vse) 667080;1399636989;Naphex;http://www.bvb.ro/ListedCompanies/SecurityDetail.aspx?s=SIF3 667081;1399636991;ozbot;Bursa de Valori Bucuresti 667082;1399637016;pankkake;aspx, serious bizness 667083;1399637067;Naphex;Misiune 667084;1399637068;Naphex;transformarea Bursei de Valori Bucuresti intr-unul dintre cele mai active instrumente de finantare a economiei din Romania 667085;1399637082;mircea_popescu;:D 667086;1399637086;pankkake;Naphex: so why do you order from this emag thing if it sucks? 667087;1399637106;mircea_popescu;pankkake because he's assburgers and can't drive 50 miles to fucking vienna to buy the stuff off the shelf 667088;1399637111;mircea_popescu;he has to order from chisinev 667089;1399637115;Naphex;yeah exactly 667090;1399637117;pankkake;eww buying pc parts of the shelf?! 667091;1399637121;mircea_popescu;yes. 667092;1399637124;Naphex;and i was hoping to get it 2nd day 667093;1399637132;pankkake;so more practical to order online 667094;1399637138;mircea_popescu;no, it's not. 667095;1399637157;pankkake;though once I tried to save a few euros and ordered from multiple retailers, wasn't worth it 667096;1399637181;mircea_popescu;unless you have an actual provisioning contract with penalties for delays and misdelivery, 667097;1399637184;pankkake;anyway, the choice isn't that great in retail 667098;1399637186;mircea_popescu;the only way is to buy it physically. 667099;1399637192;mircea_popescu;not retail dood. 667100;1399637197;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27250 @ 0.0008842 = 24.0945 BTC [+] {2} 667101;1399637317;mircea_popescu;!up chetty 667102;1399637317;assbot;Voicing chetty for 30 minutes. 667103;1399637319;mircea_popescu;http://www.aristofashion.com/shop/images/01_04_womens_mohair_outfit_L_45002.jpg 667104;1399637321;chetty;doods, always buy off the self, security. random stuffs is safer 667105;1399637360;chetty;god I bet that feels nice to wear 667106;1399637379;mircea_popescu;a bitch to wash prolly 667107;1399637432;davout;mircea_popescu: when i'm done with her sure 667108;1399637462;mircea_popescu;lmao 667109;1399637524;davout;unless some soupeur comes along ofc 667110;1399637530;fluffypony;lawls 667111;1399637537;*;fluffypony introduces davout to bleach 667112;1399637558;davout;"Dans son autobiographie One two two3, l'ex-prostituée Fabienne Jamet évoque ainsi cette pratique : « À l'époque où je dirigeais le 122, j'avais un soupeur qui me prenait trente à quarante foutres à chaque visite »4." 667113;1399637563;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 100 @ 0.00447929 = 0.4479 BTC [-] 667114;1399637568;davout;sauce : http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soupeur 667115;1399637573;mircea_popescu;wait what 667116;1399637588;mircea_popescu;pratiques gnralement par des hommes du Marais de la rue Sainte-Anastase 667117;1399637589;davout;"On a également désigné par ce mot des individus fréquentant les maisons de prostitution, et qui prenaient plaisir à consommer généralement à même le sexe féminin la semence abandonnée par les clients précédents (ces individus étaient souvent impuissants). D'autres appellations existent pour qualifier cet acte, comme « faire dînette »." 667118;1399637591;mircea_popescu;god help us 667119;1399637650;fluffypony;"The term soupeur means and first of all individuals who take pleasure in eating food soaked in the urine of others" 667120;1399637651;mircea_popescu;i think in english that's rolled into cuckolding 667121;1399637654;fluffypony;well 667122;1399637655;fluffypony;there's that 667123;1399637681;fluffypony;right that's enough fr.wikipedia.org for the day 667124;1399637685;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 7 @ 0.079 = 0.553 BTC [+] 667125;1399637702;davout;fluffypony: lol 667126;1399637723;mircea_popescu;frenchies are fucking perverse. why not eat cum like normal people. 667127;1399637726;mircea_popescu;!up lolo 667128;1399637726;assbot;Voicing lolo for 30 minutes. 667129;1399637798;fluffypony;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=600628.msg6630862#msg6630862 667130;1399637800;ozbot;BitcoinBourse: the biggest scam in Bitcoin securities today 667131;1399637801;Naphex;http://www.paymentssource.com/news/bitcoinwallet-aims-to-make-digital-currency-more-social-transparent-3017836-1.html 667132;1399637802;ozbot;BitcoinWallet Aims to Make Digital Currency More Social, Transparent|PaymentsSource 667133;1399637803;mircea_popescu;Duminica, 26 August, Anul 4 (ie, 2012) : ron/usd = 3.58199 ; Today 9 May 2014 : ron/usd = 3.21055 667134;1399637804;Naphex;owner has a suit! 667135;1399637807;fluffypony;"We are currently duel listed on https://cryptostocks.com/securities/126 and bitcoin Bourse and shares are exchangeable between the two." 667136;1399637820;mircea_popescu;think about that! in the past couple of years, the dollar has lost ground AGAINST THE ROMANIAN LEU 667137;1399637832;pankkake;duel listing, I like it. FIGHT! 667138;1399637840;fluffypony;pankkake: ikr 667139;1399637844;fluffypony;who needs a 3VPO 667140;1399637849;fluffypony;when you can have...a DUELVPO 667141;1399637858;fluffypony;to the death! 667142;1399637873;pankkake;oh it's CryptoVest which does… something. I haven't figured out yet 667143;1399637878;Naphex;ah MrDunne 667144;1399637879;fluffypony;Naphex: with that smile I wouldn't trust him further than I could throw him 667145;1399637882;pankkake;"Just Real Opportunity!" :| 667146;1399637885;mircea_popescu;"Not to go all off-topic, but another alternative is that you could just conclude that with very few exceptions, the entire Bitcoin securities universe is currently populated with junk -- and not even bother." 667147;1399637889;mircea_popescu;sez doctor foreskinhead. 667148;1399637908;mircea_popescu;"If, instead of treating their BTC like play money and throwing it into this kind of junk, folks just took a portion of their available dollars and invested that capital into random selections from the S&P 500, they would likely do much, much better." 667149;1399637927;mircea_popescu;someone needs to hit him over the head with the http://trilema.com/2013/the-best-investments-in-the-history-of-bitcoin/ 667150;1399637937;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: he's not wrong, assuming he's referring to the "stock" on BitcoinBourse and CryptoStocks 667151;1399637939;fluffypony;in fact 667152;1399637945;pankkake;well he's right that most are junk 667153;1399637952;fluffypony;you could bury the money as cash in the ground and dig it up over 5 years 667154;1399637955;fluffypony;*after 667155;1399637957;Apocalyptic;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBPZ58dzjfE // may be relevant 667156;1399637957;ozbot;Hayman Global Outlook Pitfalls and Opportunities for 2014 by Kyle Bass - YouTube 667157;1399637964;mircea_popescu;he got trampled to shit by mpoe-pr for being a fucktard, rather than admit he;'s a fucktard he prefers to claim "it was impossible anyway": 667158;1399637975;fluffypony;and whatever hasn't decomposed would still be more than investing in BitcoinBourse stocks 667159;1399637981;Apocalyptic;I like how the first question he's asked is "what do you think about bitcoin", despite it not being mentionned at all 667160;1399637981;mircea_popescu;sure. 667161;1399637986;Apocalyptic;he took the Buffet way out 667162;1399638022;mircea_popescu;Apocalyptic re buffett : i chuckled at the recent sacking of that wsj reporter over calling buffet a hypocrite for no good reason. 667163;1399638030;fluffypony;anyway I was writing a blog post about the fucktards that are Coinbase before getting distracted by this, I'ma finish it 667164;1399638035;mircea_popescu;somehow they think the strategy involved is not transparent as glass, i have no idea why. 667165;1399638063;Apocalyptic;mircea_popescu re Kyle Bass, he is saying in that presentation that Argentina is the best country to invest in for the following years 667166;1399638082;mircea_popescu;unsurprising. 667167;1399638098;Naphex;well BB might just get 0dayd with all those PHP scripts they run 667168;1399638111;pankkake;fluffypony: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=462370.msg6620628#msg6620628 if this guy really works for coinbase… :/ 667169;1399638146;fluffypony;pankkake: his reply is what triggered the blog post I'm writing 667170;1399638157;fluffypony;or more specifically zumzero's backing 667171;1399638160;fluffypony;"Hmmmn, tricky. Go with the new poster whose first post started with a personal insult or take the advice and recommendation from an established and respected shareholder? What will Ken do? Tricky." 667172;1399638171;pankkake;I'm not sure what he even meant by that 667173;1399638178;pankkake;and who the RESPECTED shareholder is 667174;1399638197;fluffypony;pankkake: apparently my advice is worthless because I implied Ken hired an incompetent "project manager" 667175;1399638212;fluffypony;and Jasun7211's advice is golden because he's the *respektud sharezholder* 667176;1399638228;fluffypony;so he would never look out for himself 667177;1399638265;pankkake;also, lol at not using BitPay because they are "in bed with BFL" 667178;1399638294;mircea_popescu;fluffypony yes man, that's how it works. take dr foreskin : he does something stupid. he's publicly told just how stupid he is. he moves on to claiming that THE WORLD IS BROKEN 667179;1399638307;mircea_popescu;anything. anything whatsoever. 667180;1399638309;fluffypony;lol 667181;1399638345;mircea_popescu;anyway, basically fluffypony is sorta moving into a mpoe-pr 2.0 role here ? 667182;1399638349;mircea_popescu;curious how long that'll last. 667183;1399638358;fluffypony;I actually don't know how mpoe-pr/hanbot lasted as long as she did without quitting, I wouldn't have lasted more than a month 667184;1399638366;fluffypony;oh well yes, exactly 667185;1399638367;mircea_popescu;she's a woman. 667186;1399638376;mircea_popescu;i know what i do when i discriminate. 667187;1399638387;pankkake;I lasted in the forums because there wasn't much else I could do of my days 667188;1399638413;pankkake;insulting people on the internet was the bonus 667189;1399638425;mircea_popescu;you can only insult the willing. 667190;1399638438;pankkake;so what's your excuse, fluffypony? 667191;1399638438;mircea_popescu;i guess the rest you could rape... 667192;1399638443;pankkake;lol 667193;1399638584;fluffypony;pankkake: trolling is fun :) 667194;1399638590;fluffypony;seriously tho 667195;1399638605;fluffypony;I think there are some guys that want to do things in a way that is successful 667196;1399638615;fluffypony;and need a bit of testing-with-fire 667197;1399638635;fluffypony;so I don't mind offering constructive criticism where I can 667198;1399638718;mircea_popescu;http://www.youtube.com/embed/9oWAUaZ_XZE << let's play guess the camho's age. 667199;1399638718;ozbot;CE FACEM CAND INVATAM ? - YouTube 667200;1399638738;bounce;OVER 9000! 667201;1399638770;mircea_popescu;no, it's under 9k 667202;1399638783;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3000 @ 0.0008838 = 2.6514 BTC [-] 667203;1399639149;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 150 @ 0.041 = 6.15 BTC [-] 667204;1399639162;Naphex;i'll go with 17 667205;1399639210;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.0770001 = 0.77 BTC [-] 667206;1399639271;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.0789899 = 0.7899 BTC [+] 667207;1399639286;fluffypony;yeah looks like jailbait 667208;1399639292;fluffypony;except not pretty enough to be jailbait 667209;1399639332;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.07899 = 0.7899 BTC [+] 667210;1399639399;mircea_popescu;yeah. she's 14ish 667211;1399640186;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 24 @ 0.0310001 = 0.744 BTC [+] 667212;1399640491;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22379 @ 0.00088231 = 19.7452 BTC [-] {3} 667213;1399640552;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1821 @ 0.00087978 = 1.6021 BTC [-] 667214;1399641144;bounce;http://dealbook.nytimes.com/2014/05/08/apple-said-to-be-in-talks-to-buy-beats-for-3-2-billion/?_php=true&_type=blogs&_r=0 667215;1399641161;bounce;how the fsck is a novelty headphone brand worth 3.2bn dollahs? 667216;1399641223;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23315 @ 0.00087961 = 20.5081 BTC [-] {2} 667217;1399641270;fluffypony;bounce: they've got a wide market 667218;1399641283;fluffypony;it's one of those "if you're cool you own a pair" products 667219;1399641299;fluffypony;they'll lose ground in a few years, but right now they're a hot commodity 667220;1399641405;fluffypony;if it happens it seems to be a marketing exercise for Apple - they could certainly compete from a branding and quality perspective, but they're losing their "cool and hip" image 667221;1399641467;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 65838 @ 0.0008852 = 58.2798 BTC [+] {5} 667222;1399641498;fluffypony;dat patent: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/05/09/amazon_granted_patent_for_taking_photos_against_a_white_background 667223;1399641519;bounce;apple do know how to be cool and hip and things, or at least jobs managed to hit the nail on the head an ungodly long tim 667224;1399641530;pankkake;https://i.4cdn.org/g/1399623210961.jpg related 667225;1399641568;bounce;but apple always made its own. it's to be seen if they can manage someone else's thing 667226;1399641633;fluffypony;bounce: yeah, I get the feeling that they're worried about losing ground in that space without Jobs 667227;1399641681;bounce;they're pretty headless right now. the rest runs pretty well -- cook is (I'm told) very good at the whole supply chain thing 667228;1399641702;fluffypony;pankkake: who is that? that's the nerd equivalent of someone taking a picture of themselves standing next to a Nissan 350Z (when they're probably 3 mths behind on payments) and putting it on Facebook to impress everyone with his lavish riches 667229;1399641737;pankkake;fluffypony: it's unknown, but it's a /g/ meme. these last days it's even better than usual obviously 667230;1399641753;fluffypony;bounce: yeah he seems to be good at managing the company and keeping it profitable and smooth, but he doesn't seem to have the requisite insight and vision 667231;1399641755;fluffypony;time will tell 667232;1399641793;pankkake;s/insight and vision/delusionist skills/ 667233;1399641880;*;bounce could do the vision thing, blackberry style. -- that basically was a company with one customer, the boss. making something that blind-sides the hipsters, repeatedly, well, few can do that. 667234;1399642011;bounce;the thing is, apple is sitting on an ungodly pile of money, without much in the way of ideas 667235;1399642051;Naphex;get money spend money no money? 667236;1399642085;pankkake;buy starbucks 667237;1399642087;fluffypony;pankkake: nah, Jobs had insight and vision into what people (generally) wanted before they even knew they want it 667238;1399642092;Apocalyptic;Naphex, they have nothing to spend it on 667239;1399642094;fluffypony;the dude was smart that way 667240;1399642110;Naphex;meh. jobs just hyped people 667241;1399642114;Naphex;Look a computer in a phone 667242;1399642126;Naphex;sorry i meant a severly limited computer which you can use too buy more apple shit 667243;1399642135;pankkake;how many bought an iThing and don't even use it? 667244;1399642151;Apocalyptic;dem hipsters 667245;1399642155;bounce;dunno. any market research into it? 667246;1399642174;bounce;though probably not exlusively to nor blamable on apple 667247;1399642220;pankkake;jobs sold the ipad to the press, as the thing that would save them 667248;1399642249;pankkake;it didn't work at all, but they hyped the ipad before that, hoping it would 667249;1399642273;bounce;so? plenty large companies do that, and worse. "vaporware" 667250;1399642283;fluffypony;Naphex: I'm talking more about stuff like the iPad - it wasn't even a particularly novel idea, it was just so well executed that every major exec on the planet seems to have switched 80% of their tasks to their iPad instead of their laptop 667251;1399642308;Naphex;i never bought an ipad 667252;1399642342;Naphex;anyway bb, off home 667253;1399642369;bounce;fairly brilliant marketing move, though I'm not too impressed by the damage 667254;1399642416;fluffypony;bounce: well think about how something like WhatsApp was valued - it's valuation was based on userbase and potential monetisation right? 667255;1399642451;fluffypony;something like Beats has both a loyal user base and real revenue streams 667256;1399642485;pankkake;I wonder why there's no clothing line yet 667257;1399642564;Apocalyptic;mircea_popescu re vertcoin, I have no idea how big the VTC market is, nor what hashrate the network has 667258;1399642579;fluffypony;Apocalyptic: I can give you a bit of info on that 667259;1399642603;Apocalyptic;"Volume 24h: 95.130000 BTC" according to poloniex, but hard to say what the real thing is 667260;1399642610;fluffypony;http://www.coingecko.com 667261;1399642636;Apocalyptic;s/poloniex/cryptocoincharts 667262;1399642727;BigBitz;buying Beats was smart/smooth. 667263;1399642739;BigBitz;their target market for iPhone is the beat wearing morons. 667264;1399642748;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIF] 2200 @ 0.00018315 = 0.4029 BTC [-] {12} 667265;1399642752;BigBitz;They're good headphones, but, at that price they're not good... 667266;1399642773;BigBitz;Dre becomes 1st hip hop billionaire.. 667267;1399642777;BigBitz;that man has smarts. 667268;1399642803;BigBitz;Although isn't it Carlye Group and HTC which own most of Beats now-a-days? 667269;1399642821;fluffypony;yeah I think so 667270;1399642834;fluffypony;they are good though 667271;1399642840;BigBitz;was the Apple buy a cash buy? 667272;1399642842;fluffypony;bought a pair of buds for the wife a few years ago 667273;1399642855;fluffypony;and she's abused them, yet they're still going 667274;1399642857;BigBitz;yeah they are good -- just for that kind of coin they are expensive and not THAT good. 667275;1399642870;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 200 @ 0.00085021 = 0.17 BTC [-] 667276;1399642887;bounce;custom fit earbuds, say 667277;1399642909;fluffypony;we get these reward points from our bank for swiping and shit, and if you use a bunch of the bank's products you get 40% off at certain stores when spending the points 667278;1399642920;fluffypony;so I basically got them for "free" with the points 667279;1399642925;BigBitz;nice. 667280;1399642926;fluffypony;I don't think I would've paid cash for them 667281;1399642929;BigBitz;free is good. 667282;1399642931;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 57400 @ 0.00087895 = 50.4517 BTC [-] {5} 667283;1399642939;bounce;you paid for the kickbacks, sure enough 667284;1399642940;BigBitz;I wouldn't be upset to get a free pair. 667285;1399642983;fluffypony;bounce: for sure, still nice to get something instead of just getting fisted by the bank :-P 667286;1399643010;bounce;so you got some lube for getting reamed 667287;1399643040;fluffypony;bounce: exactly! 667288;1399643053;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.041 = 0.123 BTC [-] 667289;1399643068;bounce;found a book (pdf, really) by some guy who made a sport out of gaming airmiles and getting lifetime platinum diamond whatever status 667290;1399643114;bounce;kinda interesting. though I probably wouldn't go through the trouble even if I had access to (or need for) those things 667291;1399643158;fluffypony;yeah some of those reward systems can be gamed nicely if you're a big enough spender 667292;1399643190;fluffypony;ok Coinbase rant done 667293;1399643190;fluffypony;http://blog.spagni.net/posts/2014-05-09/ 667294;1399643330;BigBitz;tl;dr 667295;1399643411;BigBitz;btw they do charge Merchants; if they're volume is significant. 667296;1399643460;bounce;unfunny 667297;1399643479;fluffypony;BigBitz: ah ok - I'll add that in as a sidebar 667298;1399643480;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3244 @ 0.00088605 = 2.8743 BTC [+] 667299;1399643523;BigBitz;This, too, is antithetical to Bitcoin, but also flies in the face of all logic. Why layer the fees on to ordinary users that could be sending Bitcoin to their mom or their sick cousin? Why not let the merchants carry the cost, since they can write the fees off as a cost-of-doing-business? 667300;1399643539;BigBitz;Welcome to VISA/AMEX :) ie; end user does not carry th eburden of Merchant Services Charges 667301;1399643548;BigBitz;however, some refuse to accecpt AMEX based on their larger tx fee. 667302;1399643589;mike_c;it's no berkshire vs bitcoin, but there are some basketball bets totalling a few bitcoin going now. not too shabby. 667303;1399643603;BigBitz;did the Berkshire bet "get made" ? 667304;1399643756;mike_c;well, there was no immaculate conception. how do you mean? 667305;1399643767;BigBitz;well was the bet made... 667306;1399643772;BigBitz;like confirmed to be have taken place. 667307;1399643787;fluffypony;https://neocities.org/blog/the-fcc-is-now-rate-limited 667308;1399643787;ozbot;The Official NeoCities Blog 667309;1399643789;pankkake;it's on the bitbet hompepage 667310;1399643862;BigBitz;"internal IP range" .. not sure if serious .. 667311;1399643898;fluffypony;BigBitz: https://gist.github.com/kyledrake/e6046644115f185f7af0 667312;1399643904;fluffypony;they've published the nginx rules 667313;1399643922;BigBitz;Haha. 667314;1399643923;BigBitz;Epic. 667315;1399643925;BigBitz;I like that. 667316;1399644355;mike_c;04:50:57 mircea_popescu:your blog got 0 comments the past month. << just because your blog doesn't get comments doesn't mean it sucks. 667317;1399644596;ThickAsThieves;I'm here to bitch about fluffypony's coinbase article 667318;1399644607;fluffypony;oh lordie 667319;1399644607;mike_c;proceed 667320;1399644615;*;Apocalyptic grabs some popcorn 667321;1399644625;mike_c;perhaps a link first? 667322;1399644634;fluffypony;mike_c: http://blog.spagni.net/posts/2014-05-09/ 667323;1399644641;ThickAsThieves;Well, mostly, you are projecting all your own desires onto a business 667324;1399644648;Apocalyptic;mike_c, do you even backlog ? 667325;1399644672;ThickAsThieves;Coinbase has not obligation to be anything to you 667326;1399644701;fluffypony;ThickAsThieves: the article was triggered by a Bitpay vs. Coinbase discussion on the AMC thread 667327;1399644706;fluffypony;so it's in that context 667328;1399644715;mike_c;Apocalyptic: i was like an hour before that in catching up. so close :) 667329;1399644715;fluffypony;I can preface it with that if it'll help 667330;1399644716;ThickAsThieves;you should set it up differently then 667331;1399644732;ThickAsThieves;lile"Why I Like BitPay more than Coinbase" 667332;1399644745;ThickAsThieves;right now you just sound like a bitter customer who didnt get his way 667333;1399644749;fluffypony;yes but then I sound like a Bitpay shill :-P 667334;1399644771;bounce;bitcoinpalsucks.com 667335;1399644781;ThickAsThieves;i'm not even sure there are any real offenses of coinbase mentioned in your post 667336;1399644791;fluffypony;bounce: http://coinbasefraud.com 667337;1399644822;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24200 @ 0.00088685 = 21.4618 BTC [+] {2} 667338;1399644833;Apocalyptic;oh yeah the ""high risk transaction" trick 667339;1399644838;fluffypony;ThickAsThieves: k I'll adjust it to preface it better 667340;1399644839;Apocalyptic;as old as coinbase itself 667341;1399644845;ThickAsThieves;"Purposely breaking the Bitcoin model is not only irresponsible, but it gives us insight into what Coinbase is trying to achieve." 667342;1399644850;ThickAsThieves;you make that leap 667343;1399644853;bounce;"complain to the ceo of bitcoin" 667344;1399644858;ThickAsThieves;but never establish their offense 667345;1399644883;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.48661949 = 0.9732 BTC [+] 667346;1399644884;ThickAsThieves;because they form a bitcoin/fiat money-changing service they are the devil? 667347;1399644909;mike_c;coinbase is only a scam if you treat it like a daytrading exchange. 667348;1399644929;mike_c;kinda like if you treat bitbet as a last-second bitcoin faucet. 667349;1399644931;ThickAsThieves;yeah you dont trade FX at the airport moneychanger now do you? 667350;1399644959;fluffypony;ThickAsThieves: not in and of itself, no - the problem is that they're building a userbase that is intwined in that ecosystem and will struggle to manage their own wallet 667351;1399644982;fluffypony;they're making their users treat Bitcoin payments like PayPal payments 667352;1399645000;ThickAsThieves;users are doing it to themselves 667353;1399645023;fluffypony;ThickAsThieves: ok well let's contrast the approaches 667354;1399645035;princessnell;would you expect those most of those users to use Bitcoin in any other way? 667355;1399645038;fluffypony;a Coinbase user buys something on a site that uses Bitpay 667356;1399645051;fluffypony;they're presented with a QR code + Bitcoin URI + address 667357;1399645055;fluffypony;presumably + BIP 70 in the future 667358;1399645065;fluffypony;they can still do "wun klick" payments and whatever 667359;1399645069;fluffypony;and have the money sucked out their bank account 667360;1399645073;fluffypony;and pay their 1% 667361;1399645075;ThickAsThieves;also, yknow your Coinbase thinks America is Important section mostly serves as data showing how US is important 667362;1399645080;bounce;patent violasion! 667363;1399645119;fluffypony;but they're aware of what's happening and where Bitcoin plays a role in the payment process 667364;1399645132;fluffypony;vs. a Coinbase customer paying on a Coinbase merchant site 667365;1399645150;fluffypony;where it's all magical unicorns denominated in USD and money coming out their bank account 667366;1399645184;mike_c;um, who cares? 667367;1399645187;ThickAsThieves;maybe a better argument, would be how merchant use of bitcoin is the problem 667368;1399645205;fluffypony;mike_c: I'm speaking to a specific point ThickAsThieves raised 667369;1399645236;bounce;UnicornCoin, only valid in combination with RainbowCoin 667370;1399645240;ThickAsThieves;yeah my point wa a customer can make as many sacrfices as they like to protect their own convenieneces 667371;1399645257;ThickAsThieves;with the convenience be speed, false sense of security, or ignorance as bliss 667372;1399645263;mike_c;yes, i think i'm following, but who cares if a user <-> coinbase <-> coinbase merchant transaction doesn't scream bitcoin? 667373;1399645270;ThickAsThieves;whether the convenience* 667374;1399645319;mike_c;"Since Coinbase has had their merchant tools rolled out since December 5th, 2012 it’s safe to say that they’re not a new startup." 667375;1399645333;princessnell;yr absolutely right about the cultural problems that the convenience creates 667376;1399645336;mike_c;uh.. 1.5 years is pretty dang new :) 667377;1399645374;bounce;https://bitcoinfoundation.org/2014/05/09/board-election-results-announcement-2/ 667378;1399645384;princessnell;but i wonder if many (most?) coinbase users would have it any other way 667379;1399645387;ThickAsThieves;princessnell, but what's the flipside? a common cure for stupid? 667380;1399645411;fluffypony;mike_c: well, isn't part of the entire point of Bitcoin that "he who holds the keys holds the coins"? in other words, users should be encouraged to use Bitcoin in that fashion, anything else (webwallets) deviates from that core principle 667381;1399645432;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.041 = 0.41 BTC [-] 667382;1399645433;ThickAsThieves;there's no "point" of bitcoin 667383;1399645435;ThickAsThieves;it's a thing 667384;1399645441;ThickAsThieves;it has no intention 667385;1399645453;ThickAsThieves;people can use it how they like 667386;1399645455;bounce;what, no "take the world by storm"? 667387;1399645457;mike_c;it's cash in your pocket vs. your bank account. cash in your pocket is a convience and subject to mugging. 667388;1399645467;princessnell;ThickAsThieves: moonsteads! 667389;1399645483;princessnell;(how do you tag someone by name on IRC?) 667390;1399645494;mike_c;you just did 667391;1399645502;bounce;no cash in pocket means chip&pin which in turn exposes the entire checking account 667392;1399645519;fluffypony;mike_c: I can't agree with that analogy 667393;1399645523;princessnell;heh, easy. thanks. 667394;1399645551;princessnell;i think shaming coinbase et al is appropriate. but i think this is a structural problem with demand. 667395;1399645552;fluffypony;I don't have a better one, but that's not apt enough 667396;1399645555;mike_c;fluffypony: why? that is exactly how i use it. i purchase, move coins to storage, and use CB for random day-to-day purchase/bets. 667397;1399645569;mike_c;and basically fully expect someday my balance on CB won't be there. 667398;1399645610;ThickAsThieves;CB serves certain purposes 667399;1399645617;ThickAsThieves;and that's okay 667400;1399645620;fluffypony;ThickAsThieves: I'm going to pull the article for the moment, I'll revisit it when I have time, but weekend is almost here 667401;1399645632;princessnell;right. but it does prime people in a problematic way. 667402;1399645639;mike_c;wha?? why would you pull an article that is generating debate? 667403;1399645677;ThickAsThieves;princessnell i dont think "priming" people should be a concern of coinbase necessarily 667404;1399645692;ThickAsThieves;nor am i sure it's even relevent 667405;1399645694;princessnell;ThickAsThieves no, of course not. they are a profit seeking business. 667406;1399645698;Apocalyptic;fluffypony, don't pull it just because TAT is being a coinbase shill 667407;1399645703;ThickAsThieves;haha 667408;1399645705;fluffypony;lol 667409;1399645706;fluffypony;no no 667410;1399645710;princessnell;i think path dependencies are relevant 667411;1399645710;ThickAsThieves;yeah dont pull it 667412;1399645711;fluffypony;I want to make my arguments clearer 667413;1399645722;ThickAsThieves;i just think it was a shot from the hip 667414;1399645734;ThickAsThieves;with better aim you might hit something 667415;1399645737;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 20 @ 0.0324999 = 0.65 BTC [+] 667416;1399645739;*;fluffypony nods 667417;1399645749;fluffypony;ok I'll leave it up and then publish an updated one when I get a chance 667418;1399645756;Apocalyptic;for me it's beyond doubt coinbase is scaming with their high risk tx bullshit 667419;1399645774;mike_c;fluffypony: leave it as is, and tell TaT to comment on it if he doesn't like it 667420;1399645781;mike_c;then respond to the comment 667421;1399645796;mike_c;then you have a post and a lively comment section! 667422;1399645798;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 15 @ 0.0325 = 0.4875 BTC [+] {2} 667423;1399645802;ThickAsThieves;we're regulating how to properly take criticism now 667424;1399645804;ThickAsThieves;lol 667425;1399645814;mike_c;meta-criticism 667426;1399645837;fluffypony;ThickAsThieves is too lazy to comment 667427;1399645837;fluffypony;:-P 667428;1399645853;ThickAsThieves;well why comment on an article that might change! 667429;1399645856;ThickAsThieves;;) 667430;1399645863;mike_c;if your blog posts don't make people mad you end up with no comments. 667431;1399645883;ThickAsThieves;really i spoke up, and here, because i care 667432;1399645892;ThickAsThieves;i was like no fluffy, no! 667433;1399645893;fluffypony;awwwww 667434;1399645899;fluffypony;such love <3 667435;1399645908;fluffypony;ok ok, I'll make my points clearer 667436;1399645919;fluffypony;*when* I get a chance 667437;1399645926;fluffypony;and then you can comment on that new article 667438;1399645927;Apocalyptic; i was like no fluffy, no! // i like dem fluffy 667439;1399645982;ThickAsThieves;next article: "TAT is the worst merchanty payment processor article critic ever" 667440;1399645986;fluffypony;ha hhah 667441;1399645993;fluffypony;evar 667442;1399646003;Naphex;https://medium.com/p/cb2f81962c1b pff 667443;1399646007;Naphex;whats wrong with DNS 667444;1399646013;Naphex;and vetting it through bitcoin sig 667445;1399646064;fluffypony;dat low-res header pic 667446;1399646073;ThickAsThieves;whats wrong is it doesnt inject a new point of failure for the NSA to fuck with 667447;1399646101;ThickAsThieves;"y keeping the chain code hidden behind the server, we get unlinkability. " 667448;1399646103;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 4 @ 0.041 = 0.164 BTC [-] 667449;1399646120;Naphex;what i proposed and had a working example 667450;1399646133;ThickAsThieves;"If the chain code ever leaks then all your payments become linkable." 667451;1399646150;Naphex;is BIp32 hd pub keys, ecdsa signed with root address, then assigned 667452;1399646155;Naphex;everything in that article is then solved 667453;1399646156;ThickAsThieves;"First problem: stealth address usage bloats the block chain." fucking hell already 667454;1399646160;fluffypony;Naphex: so push it as a BIP and get comments on it 667455;1399646187;Naphex;i am shit at writing docs, better at writing and talking through code 667456;1399646187;Naphex;:( 667457;1399646200;fluffypony;Naphex: BIPs don't need much in way of documentation 667458;1399646206;fluffypony;and once it's up other people will contribute to it 667459;1399646213;ThickAsThieves;Hearn is on a mission to solve solved problems 667460;1399646215;fluffypony;(the documentatio, I mean) 667461;1399646262;Naphex;meh i'll reset up my example with bip32 667462;1399646263;bounce;what's medium.com on about this time? don't have a tablet so I'm too square to access their hipsteriffic site. 667463;1399646264;thestringpuller;ThickAsThieves: lets record a bitcoin rap album 667464;1399646264;Naphex;and get some comments 667465;1399646267;Naphex;see where it goes 667466;1399646277;ThickAsThieves;bitcoin can't rap 667467;1399646289;thestringpuller;i bet MPOE-PR could rap 667468;1399646307;fluffypony;I'll rap - I mean, I did say on the AMC thread that I was "dropping the mic" 667469;1399646310;fluffypony;so restekp. 667470;1399646346;thestringpuller;Fine ThickAsThieves i'll get some producers myself and make my own bitcoin mix tape :P 667471;1399646350;ThickAsThieves;i've heard, with my own ears, "bitcoin" rapped in this studio in lyrics, it was embarassing 667472;1399646373;ThickAsThieves;you cant sound cool rapping bitcoin 667473;1399646378;ThickAsThieves;instant shill status 667474;1399646385;fluffypony;ok so what we do is get some samples and rhyming couples recorded 667475;1399646396;thestringpuller;Got so much crypto wealth, its bad fo niggas health. 667476;1399646399;fluffypony;and then we hook it up to a "listen to bitcoin" style service 667477;1399646400;thestringpuller;Boom 667478;1399646409;thestringpuller;i bet even Kanye could make that sound dope 667479;1399646436;ThickAsThieves;well mainstream rappers are shills mostly 667480;1399646438;fluffypony;"[16:40:06] buZz: i noticed orgcoin even has quadminingpools" 667481;1399646446;fluffypony;mergedmining lulz 667482;1399646470;ThickAsThieves;hi gais, i'm trying to quantum mine, which pool should i use/ 667483;1399646481;fluffypony;one that supports 4 coins at the same time! 667484;1399646486;thestringpuller;ThickAsThieves: who is your favorite rapper? 667485;1399646549;ThickAsThieves;i probably dont have 1 specific 1 667486;1399646554;ThickAsThieves;i like Killer Mike 667487;1399646562;ThickAsThieves;Pharcyde 667488;1399646572;ThickAsThieves;Dres from Black Sheep 667489;1399646584;thestringpuller;damn you old 667490;1399646588;ThickAsThieves;older Kid Cudi 667491;1399646592;fluffypony;lol 667492;1399646620;ThickAsThieves;i liek some new people 667493;1399646625;ThickAsThieves;Action Bronson 667494;1399646633;ThickAsThieves;I like some Schoolboy Q 667495;1399646643;ThickAsThieves;Kdot 667496;1399646660;ThickAsThieves;some Wale stuff is cool 667497;1399646661;thestringpuller;I think my favorite rapper of all time is Curren$y 667498;1399646678;thestringpuller;closely followed by Jay-Z 667499;1399646688;thestringpuller;then Big Daddy Kane 667500;1399646693;ThickAsThieves;yeah i like Jat Z's second half of his career 667501;1399646697;ThickAsThieves;Jay* 667502;1399646717;ThickAsThieves;but i like diff rappers for diff reasons 667503;1399646727;Naphex;ICE CUBE 667504;1399646727;ThickAsThieves;like Jay Z's lyrics can be pretty lame 667505;1399646731;thestringpuller;I honestly think Curren$y would hang out in #bitcoin-assets if he was in bitcoin 667506;1399646734;ThickAsThieves;but his delivery is on point 667507;1399646742;Naphex;ICE CUBE 667508;1399646757;pankkake;xzibit likes merged mining 667509;1399646760;ThickAsThieves;Kid Cudi sings all his raps, but much replayability 667510;1399646771;thestringpuller;That's only cause you like Friday Naphex 667511;1399646835;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 7548 @ 0.000126 = 0.951 BTC [-] {3} 667512;1399646896;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1010 @ 0.0001255 = 0.1268 BTC [-] {2} 667513;1399646906;thestringpuller;"Hold on lemme find my lighter...*lighter sound* The engine in the back of my car, I'm clearly in a different tax bracket now dawg" 667514;1399646931;Naphex;:)) 667515;1399646984;thestringpuller;Wale made a line just for me "Money got me pulling strings, I got that Geppetto dough" 667516;1399646987;Naphex;nah i'm just oldschool :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdN6hgxAlyk#t=29 667517;1399647105;*;ThickAsThieves ponders a "Buy TAT a joint" bitcoin tip button for Amsterdam liveblog. 667518;1399647337;fluffypony;good idea 667519;1399647349;thestringpuller;fluffypony 667520;1399647360;thestringpuller;sounds like a stuffed animal 667521;1399647383;fluffypony;thestringpuller: http://fluffypony.co.za/images/main.jpg 667522;1399647391;thestringpuller;SFW? 667523;1399647395;ThickAsThieves;yes 667524;1399647413;ThickAsThieves;I see tim-tams is going interviewing in Ams too 667525;1399647424;thestringpuller;Tim Tams? 667526;1399647434;fluffypony;thestringpuller: yes, it's a stuffed animal :) 667527;1399647440;ThickAsThieves;some guy that was in the logs earlier 667528;1399647452;ThickAsThieves;soliciting for "sponsorships" 667529;1399647453;thestringpuller;;;gettrust fluffypony 667530;1399647453;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user thestringpuller to user fluffypony: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=thestringpuller&dest=fluffypony | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=fluffypony | Rated since: Sat Apr 6 08:20:32 2013 667531;1399647525;fluffypony;not authed? 667532;1399647527;*;fluffypony kicks gribble 667533;1399647531;thestringpuller;;;ident 667534;1399647532;gribble;Nick 'thestringpuller', with hostmask 'thestringpuller!~leflor@99-39-97-12.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net', is identified as user 'thestringpuller', with GPG key id 0FF2943DA179E169, key fingerprint 6ACE36E786F39A4ADC4506DE0FF2943DA179E169, and bitcoin address None 667535;1399647559;fluffypony;;;ident 667536;1399647559;gribble;Nick 'fluffypony', with hostmask 'fluffypony!~fluffypon@geartri.be', is identified as user 'fluffypony', with GPG key id 7455C5E3C0CDCEB9, key fingerprint BDA6BD7042B721C467A9759D7455C5E3C0CDCEB9, and bitcoin address 1FAvFCgXBmJ4uV3p1NFzWkkyndH7FJ6Vzx 667537;1399647560;fluffypony;fixed 667538;1399647583;thestringpuller;damn i've been in #bitcoin-assets a long time 667539;1399647585;thestringpuller;2012 667540;1399647589;thestringpuller;how does time fly? 667541;1399647603;thestringpuller;ThickAsThieves wtf, am I going to become old like you? 667542;1399647650;pankkake;how old are you? 667543;1399647664;thestringpuller;26 667544;1399647674;thestringpuller;dob '88 667545;1399647679;thestringpuller;:\ 667546;1399647748;fluffypony;wow 667547;1399647752;fluffypony;I miss my 20s 667548;1399647760;thestringpuller;i will too! 667549;1399647763;pankkake;I'm clinging to them 667550;1399647763;thestringpuller;they are flying before my eyes 667551;1399647767;thestringpuller;like what the actual fuck 667552;1399647782;thestringpuller;i don't want to turn into a cranky old man this soon like MP 667553;1399647786;fluffypony;lol 667554;1399647806;thestringpuller;i want to spend some time being irresponsible ~_~ 667555;1399647811;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3100 @ 0.00088713 = 2.7501 BTC [+] 667556;1399647814;pankkake;there's no age to be a curmudgeon 667557;1399647828;ThickAsThieves;<+thestringpuller> ThickAsThieves wtf, am I going to become old like you? /// you will never be as old as me, sorry 667558;1399648116;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 12 @ 0.041 = 0.492 BTC [-] 667559;1399648422;jborkl;MP : You kids get off my lawn!! 667560;1399648970;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 15 @ 0.0314999 = 0.4725 BTC [+] {3} 667561;1399649031;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 18 @ 0.03287991 = 0.5918 BTC [+] {4} 667562;1399649092;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 12 @ 0.033 = 0.396 BTC [+] {5} 667563;1399649237;ThickAsThieves;"This is a holiday when all-conquering patriotic force triumphs, when we all feel especially strongly what it means to be true to the Motherland and how important it is to be able to stand up for its interests" "Hurrah!" ~ Guess who said that and when. 667564;1399649521;mike_c;stalin? either that, or putin said it yesterday? 667565;1399649548;fluffypony;ThickAsThieves: Obama? 667566;1399649550;fluffypony;:-P 667567;1399649561;mike_c;US doesn't have a word for motherland though. 667568;1399649641;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24250 @ 0.00088652 = 21.4981 BTC [-] {2} 667569;1399649646;davout;mike_c: wat 667570;1399649656;mike_c;wat wat 667571;1399649660;davout;that's like saying the french don't have a word for entrepreneur 667572;1399649664;ThickAsThieves;mike_c, yes putin this week 667573;1399649677;mike_c;w00t, i win 667574;1399649705;davout;i mean you're saying english doesn't have a word for X, where X is a word, that doesn't sound like you just made it up 667575;1399649708;mike_c;davout: well, what i mean is the US doesn't have a word that they use like russia uses motherland 667576;1399649710;davout;I IS CONFUSED 667577;1399649731;davout;hm 667578;1399649742;ThickAsThieves;well, nation 667579;1399649767;ThickAsThieves;or, pursuit of happines 667580;1399649768;ThickAsThieves;s 667581;1399649778;pankkake;I thought it was Murica 667582;1399649885;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2450 @ 0.00088608 = 2.1709 BTC [-] 667583;1399649922;fluffypony;MURKA world polices! 667584;1399650373;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.041 = 0.41 BTC [-] 667585;1399650678;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 9 @ 0.041 = 0.369 BTC [-] 667586;1399650739;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5900 @ 0.00088608 = 5.2279 BTC [-] 667587;1399650800;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 5 @ 0.041 = 0.205 BTC [-] 667588;1399650958;jurov;isn't it homeland? 667589;1399650967;ThickAsThieves;aha! 667590;1399650974;ThickAsThieves;yes 667591;1399650979;ThickAsThieves;or heartland 667592;1399650982;ThickAsThieves;is another 667593;1399650989;ThickAsThieves;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CICv6xV-lSE#t=29 667594;1399650989;ozbot;Ross Sisters - A Crazy Dance Video From 1944 (Watch After 1:00) - YouTube 667595;1399651227;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 2.71915056 BTC to 8`652 shares, 31428 satoshi per share 667596;1399651249;ThickAsThieves;how did that gay kid fare in th nfl draft? 667597;1399651310;ThickAsThieves;i guess he isnt picked yet 667598;1399651407;ThickAsThieves;"am, who came out in February, is projected to be selected Saturday -- the third day of the NFL draft. Although his marketability is likely to be tied heavily to making a team and playing well, he has received dozens of endorsement deal offers, which is unprecedented for an expected late-round pick." 667599;1399651411;ThickAsThieves;Sam* 667600;1399651471;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5250 @ 0.00088608 = 4.6519 BTC [-] 667601;1399651670;ThickAsThieves;to you developers, what you do you do when you are 3yrs deep with an uncompleted large project, and the last 20% seems to be when most of the time was spent on? When you also know you can't use this team long-term, even after it's completed? 667602;1399651695;mike_c;well, first off, the last 20% is always where the time is spent 667603;1399651717;ThickAsThieves;sure, but this was on schedule to be completed 2 yrs ago 667604;1399651731;mike_c;so you're 1.8 yrs late in firing them? 667605;1399651750;ThickAsThieves;maybe, it's not me calling the shots 667606;1399651756;ThickAsThieves;but i can influence 667607;1399651777;ThickAsThieves;i think initially the customer wasnt in any rush 667608;1399651777;artifexd;ThickAsThieves: The 80/20 problem is not new 667609;1399651782;ThickAsThieves;and that turned into this monster 667610;1399651785;mike_c;two years late on a one year project is bad management. 667611;1399651792;pankkake;is the 20% the actual, vital stuff? 667612;1399651797;ThickAsThieves;yeah 667613;1399651805;ThickAsThieves;permissions for users and such\ 667614;1399651820;pankkake;sounds like it should have been the first thing to do 667615;1399651822;artifexd;Are the slacking, losing focus, or incompetent? 667616;1399651843;ThickAsThieves;i think they use foreigners so the tasks arent clearly communicated 667617;1399651857;ThickAsThieves;nothing new has been added to the plate 667618;1399651864;ThickAsThieves;it's just half-assing the requirements 667619;1399651871;ThickAsThieves;then pretending they didnt understand 667620;1399651884;pankkake;there is a chance the thing is worthless; it might have appeared to work, but there's not much inside 667621;1399651891;ThickAsThieves;i think another issue is the provider vastly underestimated the work 667622;1399651894;ThickAsThieves;but agreed to flat fee 667623;1399651906;ThickAsThieves;so it became low priority or something 667624;1399651918;artifexd;Sounds like it is time to find new developers and revisit your requirements. The may need some breaking down/clarification. 667625;1399651948;ThickAsThieves;i dunno i used the software some and it mostly works, it's just cleanup 667626;1399651954;ThickAsThieves;but even cleanup is taking months 667627;1399651959;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.0335 = 0.134 BTC [+] 667628;1399651960;artifexd;Do you have the source code for what they have done so far? What does the contract say about non-completion? 667629;1399651962;Naphex;<+ThickAsThieves> to you developers, what you do you do when you are 3yrs deep with an uncompleted large project, and the last 20% seems to be when most of the time was spent on? When you also know you can't use this team 667630;1399651966;Naphex;long-term, even after it's completed? << 667631;1399651971;ThickAsThieves;right 667632;1399651974;Naphex;<<< Bring in the heavy artillery 667633;1399651984;ThickAsThieves;like i had plans to grow this thing afterward 667634;1399651997;Naphex;bring in the experts, and a project manager that has a history as a drill sargent 667635;1399652030;ThickAsThieves;we do have the source so far 667636;1399652036;ThickAsThieves;current programming is done on our server 667637;1399652086;ThickAsThieves;it's online education/training 667638;1399652086;Naphex;<+ThickAsThieves> but even cleanup is taking months << why is the cleanup taking so long? 667639;1399652094;ThickAsThieves;i think we are on the backburner 667640;1399652165;ThickAsThieves;it's for a family business, but i havent been the manager of it 667641;1399652175;ThickAsThieves;just in the loop somewhat 667642;1399652189;Naphex;ah well, when i used to pick up dieing projects 667643;1399652237;Naphex;i went in, identified root problems, identified what the customer, client needs to realease 667644;1399652254;ThickAsThieves;this is actually the 3rd or 4th team we had on it, the previous one were all worse 667645;1399652268;ThickAsThieves;every team wants to start over 667646;1399652274;Naphex;are you using freelancers? or outsourcing companies? 667647;1399652285;Naphex;if every team wants to start over it might just be too shitty 667648;1399652293;ThickAsThieves;they purport to be a team, a business 667649;1399652295;pankkake;they probably want to start over for good reasons 667650;1399652299;ThickAsThieves;but i think they are just outsourcers now 667651;1399652325;ThickAsThieves;probably, but at some point someone has to fucking finish something 667652;1399652333;Naphex;the starting over thing, there is where the problems lie 667653;1399652335;pankkake;I've only refused one project, and my colleague refused it too, because there wasn't much to be saved, and fixing it would cost more than doing it again 667654;1399652344;ThickAsThieves;thats why its hard to let go 667655;1399652348;Naphex;it might just be too shitty of a code+architecture to work productively in 667656;1399652350;ThickAsThieves;since we already started over several times 667657;1399652377;Naphex;i've had clients picked up who used very very shitty platforms, which ended up beeing very succesful 667658;1399652389;Naphex;then all the problems started, while working in their code base was just a waste of time 667659;1399652402;Naphex;and any new feature they wanted to add might take more then 1 month 667660;1399652417;Naphex;i wanted to start over, refused when they denied. after 1 year 667661;1399652432;Naphex;the code, the platform was just too shitty to waste any good programmers time on it 667662;1399652445;bounce;sometimes you do need to start over. though not as often (and often not when) dev teams want to start over 667663;1399652473;Naphex;http://starshiners.ro/ -- 30k~ clients, 5-6k deliveries daily 667664;1399652473;pankkake;bounce: lol, yeah. we wanted to start over on our own code for a project, but it was still manageable, albeit painful 667665;1399652532;bounce;amazingly, still so many project managers that haven't read _The Mythical Man-Month_ 667666;1399652532;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 667667;1399652584;ThickAsThieves;the idea was to make this software, polish it and add features for 6mos in use for grade school education, then further develop it by making it more robust for other types of training (i have/had clients in areas like haxardous material transportation certs, etc), then once it seems ready, make it a DIY SaaS monthly fee website thing 667668;1399652636;ThickAsThieves;years of work 667669;1399652691;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 49 @ 0.041 = 2.009 BTC [-] 667670;1399652718;ThickAsThieves;in that sense a rewrite is probably inevitable huh 667671;1399652730;thestringpuller;isn't that what Khan Academy does? 667672;1399652741;ThickAsThieves;no 667673;1399652763;ThickAsThieves;the idea is for any person or company to be able to use it to build training 667674;1399652776;pankkake;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moodle ? 667675;1399652777;ozbot;Moodle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 667676;1399652784;ThickAsThieves;pretty much 667677;1399652793;ThickAsThieves;we actually use Moodle for one portion of students 667678;1399652814;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.041 = 0.41 BTC [-] 667679;1399652819;benkay;it's kinda hard to move the custom designd thigner into a multitenant deploy generally, ThickAsThieves 667680;1399652839;pankkake;perhaps building around Moodle, with people who actually know Moodle, would get better results 667681;1399652851;benkay;unless it was designed to do that from the get-go, but from the sounds of it it's kind of a mess in the first place. 667682;1399652857;ThickAsThieves;i dont think moodle licence would allow for the master plan though 667683;1399652897;pankkake;benkay: depends on how dirty you want it to be :D 667684;1399652899;benkay;then there is the 'shoehorn existing software into my problemspace' thing going on as well it sounds 667685;1399652912;benkay;pankkake: url-encode everything and throw away the method. 667686;1399652921;pankkake;GPLv3 should be ok, it's not AGPL 667687;1399652926;ThickAsThieves;well it was more organic than that of course 667688;1399652936;ThickAsThieves;they had a custom thing some freelancer made 667689;1399652939;ThickAsThieves;and Moodle 667690;1399652943;ThickAsThieves;so they had two systems 667691;1399652945;*;bounce spent a few weeks refactoring a fantastically bad code base. was sort-of fun, if you like a lot of mindless drudgery. lots of condensing copy/pasted code, but also coming up with interfaces to safely re-do (in less code) what's already there giving the same result with less spaghetti. and then slowly "factor up". 667692;1399652959;ThickAsThieves;which made dev of either one awkward 667693;1399652965;ThickAsThieves;and they wanted one system 667694;1399652979;bounce;that sort of thing goes best when the code is a particular kind of stupid: lots of repetition, lots of hooks to revamp. 667695;1399652986;ThickAsThieves;later came the ideas of SaaS 667696;1399653070;ThickAsThieves;there's more need than you might initially realize for a customizable education software 667697;1399653096;ThickAsThieves;orgs get really particular about grading systems and features they need 667698;1399653108;ThickAsThieves;in the SaaS version you 667699;1399653113;ThickAsThieves;'d be able to customize such 667700;1399653117;benkay;sounds like you'd want to preserve your ability to deliver features fast and on budget at all costs. 667701;1399653222;ThickAsThieves;well we have yet to encounter a team that can assist, finding one is not easy when you have no reliable connections into better breeds of programminig teams 667702;1399653231;benkay;man this story is so familiar. non technical stakeholder dictates that a particular already-built thinger be used despite knowing nothing about its architecture or code quality or the ability of development teams to work against the existing codebase. thinger is either a mess or takes 6 months for an individual to come up to speed on the nuances/idiocies of, but project already has thinger built in. 667703;1399653234;ThickAsThieves;nor quite the ability to confidently discern between them 667704;1399653263;benkay;yeah that's the really rough part of the problem 667705;1399653270;benkay;not being able to qualify tech teams 667706;1399653273;benkay;that's brutal, man. 667707;1399653342;benkay;Magento's a really good example of this. you start a business selling shit online, you're all "hey magento! it's awesome and does everything i need!" then you want to hire someone to do work on your magento install and lolololololol either you hire kids who are learning php on the fly and they do god knows what to your install or you hire actual magento devs at 400+/hr 667708;1399653365;thestringpuller;"If you want nice things you have to pay for them" 667709;1399653388;benkay;i worked at a shop once that charged an ungodly amount of money to migrate another large ecom hustler from magento community to magento pro 667710;1399653390;ThickAsThieves;the idea of an open source cart always scared me anyway 667711;1399653398;benkay;ebay staff didn't think it was even POSSIBLE. but we did it. 667712;1399653419;benkay;cost...too much. probably more than writing a cms/ecom platform ourselves woulda. 667713;1399653423;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 191 @ 0.041 = 7.831 BTC [-] 667714;1399653424;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.03399977 = 0.136 BTC [+] {2} 667715;1399653432;benkay;but client didn't care to pay for a new stack - would rather throw 4x as much at the old stack. 667716;1399653475;ThickAsThieves;note that this point is off on a tangent 667717;1399653485;benkay;yeah sorry 667718;1399653489;ThickAsThieves;there's no new expense for this current iteration 667719;1399653496;ThickAsThieves;other than time passing 667720;1399653515;ThickAsThieves;they make progress, it's just painfully slow 667721;1399653550;ThickAsThieves;but now Moodle is way out of date and missing features they really want 667722;1399653560;ThickAsThieves;so they wanna pay someone to handle that 667723;1399653578;ThickAsThieves;because no idea when custom system will be ready 667724;1399653620;benkay;fixing upstream bugs? 667725;1399653663;bounce;teach'em to swim 667726;1399653668;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 35 @ 0.079 = 2.765 BTC [+] 667727;1399653682;ThickAsThieves;? 667728;1399653728;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 39 @ 0.041 = 1.599 BTC [-] 667729;1399654036;benkay;!up blackwhite 667730;1399654036;assbot;Voicing blackwhite for 30 minutes. 667731;1399654044;benkay;blackwhite! welcome back 667732;1399654155;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 55806 @ 0.00088608 = 49.4486 BTC [-] 667733;1399654195;blackwhite;thanks 667734;1399654322;benkay;how've you been? 667735;1399654480;benkay;!up Sahtor 667736;1399654480;assbot;Voicing Sahtor for 30 minutes. 667737;1399654561;mircea_popescu;!up non2_ 667738;1399654561;assbot;Voicing non2_ for 30 minutes. 667739;1399654643;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 6 @ 0.079 = 0.474 BTC [+] 667740;1399654648;mircea_popescu;bounce: 667741;1399654648;mircea_popescu;apple do know how to be cool and hip and things, or at least jobs managed to hit the nail on the head an ungodly long tim << that's it. apple is now reduced to the position of rich old guy trying to buy the company of the hip young things in the hopes it'll attract the teenage pussy it's after. 667742;1399654659;benkay;hola JorgePasada 667743;1399654778;mircea_popescu;Naphex: sorry i meant a severly limited computer which you can use too buy more apple shit << exactly. in point of fact nobody actually wants an apple anything. 667744;1399654785;mircea_popescu;they just temporarily thought they did. 667745;1399654798;asciilifeform;obligatory: 667746;1399654799;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=132 667747;1399654800;ozbot;Loper OS » Non-Apple’s Mistake 667748;1399654809;asciilifeform;(written during a living steve j) 667749;1399654826;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 36 @ 0.041 = 1.476 BTC [-] 667750;1399654881;mircea_popescu;and re "executive"'s move to apple : the point of sad fact is that actual executive power moved from the us to china in this interval. the ever swelling headcount of ever more powerless and pointless us based pseudo-executives have chosen to temporarily drown the realisation of their loss 667751;1399654895;mircea_popescu;in changing a functional workstation for a severely crippled, difficult to use one. 667752;1399654906;mircea_popescu;the placebo benefit is fading. 667753;1399654989;mircea_popescu;!up SatoshiJack 667754;1399654989;assbot;Voicing SatoshiJack for 30 minutes. 667755;1399655038;mircea_popescu;bounce: kinda interesting. though I probably wouldn't go through the trouble even if I had access to (or need for) those things << exactly. it's sort-of like putting your time into being the best earthworm kinetotherapist. why bother. 667756;1399655050;ThickAsThieves;https://bitcoinfoundation.org/2014/05/09/board-election-results-announcement-2/ 667757;1399655133;ThickAsThieves;71 voters participated, 31 abstained 667758;1399655150;asciilifeform;apple vacuuming up winblows escapees is not the complete picture. they also profited from the demise of sun, sgi, etc. - being the only remaining vendor of what amounts to '90-style 'unix workstation' 667759;1399655177;asciilifeform;(in the sense of the hardware and os baked under same roof) 667760;1399655183;mircea_popescu;mike_c: 667761;1399655183;mircea_popescu;04:50:57 mircea_popescu:your blog got 0 comments the past month. << just because your blog doesn't get comments doesn't mean it sucks. << no, but it also doesn't mean you can "get my name out there" 667762;1399655213;mike_c;oh yes, no argument there. 667763;1399655224;benkay;y'all apple haters miss the part where they make the best laptop chassis in the world. 667764;1399655252;mike_c;benkay: have you ever picked up an apple server? it weighs 200 lbs for no good reason. 667765;1399655258;mircea_popescu;fluffypony: so it's in that context << you have to include your context in your blogposts. that's why mine end up ungodly long soimetimes, you want a reader falling on it ten years later to still get a whole meal. 667766;1399655270;benkay;mike_c: who buys apple servers?! 667767;1399655287;mircea_popescu;benkay i didn't fuck a woman last night, tho she was giving me the fuck me eyes. she had the best ears in the world. 667768;1399655290;mircea_popescu;ya know ? 667769;1399655295;mike_c;mm, desktops might have been a better word choice. and designers do. 667770;1399655298;asciilifeform;benkay: as described in my post (linked earlier.) it is easiest to ignore apple when one has no need for portable computer (i think it was mp, and a few others, who noted that they never needed a laptop) 667771;1399655313;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform my laptop has a car. 667772;1399655319;benkay;y'all are in the fortunate position of having offices. 667773;1399655322;asciilifeform;lol 667774;1399655332;benkay;give me a year. 667775;1399655352;asciilifeform;then you have 3 offices. back to laptops. 667776;1399655355;ThickAsThieves;i do all my programming on tablet 667777;1399655375;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.079 = 0.316 BTC [+] 667778;1399655392;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves you program nao ? 667779;1399655398;ThickAsThieves;no 667780;1399655404;benkay;he trollin 667781;1399655421;ThickAsThieves;other than hacking apart html and css to make websites look different sometimes 667782;1399655429;mircea_popescu;that's scripting 667783;1399655429;asciilifeform;'condemned to program for life, at Her Majesty's pleasure' 667784;1399655430;ThickAsThieves;but yeah i was trolling 667785;1399655474;ThickAsThieves;even scripting is too gracious a term for it 667786;1399655480;mircea_popescu;fluffypony so should i bother to read this thing or just wait for 2038 ? 667787;1399655495;ThickAsThieves;it's like editing variables 667788;1399655497;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 18 @ 0.079 = 1.422 BTC [+] 667789;1399655529;mircea_popescu;thickasscriptkiddies 667790;1399655546;ThickAsThieves;you spelled crypt wrongly 667791;1399655555;mircea_popescu;thick-ass-crypt-kitties.tumblr.com 667792;1399655558;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 34 @ 0.041 = 1.394 BTC [-] 667793;1399655566;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: Read it, the more opinions the better 667794;1399655567;fluffypony;Out for supper, will catch up in a bit 667795;1399655689;ThickAsThieves;deviladvocate.biz new-user count is up 50% in 5 days. Almost ready to IPVO! 667796;1399655924;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11450 @ 0.00088304 = 10.1108 BTC [-] 667797;1399656107;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.034125 = 0.1365 BTC [+] {3} 667798;1399656534;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 200 @ 0.041 = 8.2 BTC [-] 667799;1399656668;mike_c;mircea_popescu: did you miss paying out a small dividend on s.bbet last month? 667800;1399656770;mircea_popescu;mike_c no ? 667801;1399656787;jurov;http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-27192724 O.o 667802;1399656817;jurov;no ozbot? "In Toronto with the world’s feminist pornographers" 667803;1399656818;mike_c;hm. btcalpha accountants think that no div was paid last month, and 0.250730601 BTC should've been paid to shares on mpex. 667804;1399656848;mike_c;of course, that's 9 digits after the decimal, so they can't really be trusted. 667805;1399656899;mike_c;http://trilema.com/2014/bitbet-march-2014-statement/ 667806;1399656901;ozbot;BitBet, March 2014 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 667807;1399656906;jurov;mike_c mpex dividends are really paid to 18 digits of accuracy 667808;1399656915;mike_c;;;calc (1.19395524 - 0.35818657) * 0.3 667809;1399656915;gribble;0.250730601 667810;1399656919;jurov;just rouded to satoshi at the last possible moment 667811;1399656953;mircea_popescu;mike_c "Because MPEx shareholders were paid 3.68215306 BTC instead of the 1.10464591 BTC they were actually due for February, 30% of profits going forward will be allocated to covering that credit, in lieu of MPEx dividends. This sum comes to 0.99104946 BTC this current period, leaving the credit to be covered in following months at 1.22827111 BTC." 667812;1399656985;mircea_popescu;what 1.19 ? 667813;1399657009;mike_c;30% goes to mistake, 70% should go to divs, yes? 667814;1399657035;mircea_popescu;the 30% that normally goes to mpex shareholders goes towards the credit 667815;1399657053;jurov;and the rest goes where? 667816;1399657061;mircea_popescu;nowhere 667817;1399657066;mike_c;ah, i get it 667818;1399657108;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves:there's no "point" of bitcoin << he has a point 667819;1399657182;mircea_popescu;Apocalyptic: for me it's beyond doubt coinbase is scaming with their high risk tx bullshit << he also has a point. 667820;1399657193;mike_c;jurov: 18 digits. you know way too much about mpex. 667821;1399657261;mircea_popescu;Naphex: whats wrong with DNS << that you didn't document your thing. 667822;1399657304;jurov;mike_c: i don't know nearly as much as i wish 667823;1399657343;jurov;but anyway, the correct formula to compute your divs is 667824;1399657366;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves: you cant sound cool rapping bitcoin << i could pull it off. 667825;1399657373;mircea_popescu;!up martin_____ 667826;1399657373;assbot;Voicing martin_____ for 30 minutes. 667827;1399657388;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 67 @ 0.041 = 2.747 BTC [-] 667828;1399657392;jurov;for MPOE: round_to_satoshi(99.77743063/500000000*) 667829;1399657446;jurov;where the 500000000 is a "float" sometimes obscure even for MP himself 667830;1399657507;jurov;and _no_ other rounding is done, so the dividend is not a whole number of satoshi 667831;1399657523;jurov;despite being published as such 667832;1399657603;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves: well, nation << he's right davout_ mike_c. the us uses "nation" like "our great nation" "defending the nation" etc. 667833;1399657619;mircea_popescu;homeland is reviled from what i can see 667834;1399657632;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4044 @ 0.00088324 = 3.5718 BTC [+] 667835;1399657640;Naphex;mircea_popescu: yeah i'll get some time to document it and make some examples. 667836;1399657646;pankkake;well, homeland security 667837;1399657652;Naphex;mircea_popescu: but guess what, emag is delivering my shizz woop:D 667838;1399657658;asciilifeform;u.s. uses 'nation' sorta like the comblok folks used 'people's republic' 667839;1399657665;asciilifeform;a kind of 'aspirational' tag 667840;1399657667;pankkake;the French might use Patrie, which is like the motherland but with a penis 667841;1399657672;asciilifeform;vaterland. 667842;1399657672;jurov;http://www.btcalpha.com/mpex/stocks/s-mpoe/ so mike_c at least you can publish the correct dividend per share when mircea neglects to 667843;1399657673;ozbot;S.MPOE Analysis - Btc Alpha 667844;1399657679;mircea_popescu;Naphex maybe they idle here. 667845;1399657682;asciilifeform;~= отечество 667846;1399657702;asciilifeform;rus. has both words 667847;1399657706;Naphex;mircea_popescu: probably, because before ranting about it here they couldn't find my paiments :)) 667848;1399657709;Naphex;payments even:P 667849;1399657715;asciilifeform;('родина' ~= motherland) 667850;1399657750;mircea_popescu;what happens when the fatherland and the motherland get in bed ? 667851;1399657757;asciilifeform;lol! 667852;1399657770;jurov;the div was exactly 19.955486126 satoshi per share 667853;1399657777;asciilifeform;(note the traditional engl. mistranslation of the russian term for ww2 - 'great patriotic war' - really, ' 667854;1399657784;asciilifeform;'великая отечественная война' -> great fatherlandic war 667855;1399657820;mike_c;why not a 7 at the end? 667856;1399657820;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves: just in the loop somewhat << prolly time to start grepping clients from hell for recognisable specifics. 667857;1399657833;mike_c;given profit was 199.55486127 667858;1399657838;jurov;mircea_popescu: really, you tolerate almost 5% reporting error? 667859;1399657855;mircea_popescu;jurov hm ? 667860;1399657895;jurov;you publish dividend as 19 satoshi 667861;1399657907;mircea_popescu;May 09 14:23:57 [MPEX] [S.MPOE] [PAID] 99.77743063 BTC to 500`000`000 shares, 19 satoshi per share 667862;1399657908;jurov;but it was exactly 19.955486126 satoshi per share 667863;1399657912;mircea_popescu;so ? 667864;1399657916;mircea_popescu;it truncates. 667865;1399657941;jurov;you report truncated value that is 5% off from reality 667866;1399657951;mircea_popescu;a truncated value is truncated. 667867;1399657958;mircea_popescu;if the dividend was 0.9 it'd be reported as 0 667868;1399657968;mircea_popescu;calculating the % off from reality left as an exercise to the commenter. 667869;1399657999;Naphex;http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/254pv8/the_bitcoin_foundation_must_remove_satoshi_as/ 667870;1399658022;jurov;i know that's lost cause, hopefully at least mike_c starts reporting things right. 667871;1399658027;pankkake;"Now that a highly controversial figure has been elected" who? 667872;1399658028;*;mircea_popescu opts not to click on reddit 667873;1399658051;pankkake;eh, first comment "Can we request the Bitcoin Foundation remove itself?" 667874;1399658062;mircea_popescu;pankkake: they probably want to start over for good reasons << like getting paid. 667875;1399658093;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves seriously, my call is that you've been identified as pork, and you are being farmed. 667876;1399658222;asciilifeform;;;google a pig like that you don't eat all at once 667877;1399658223;gribble;FARK.com: (8147761) A pig like that, you don't eat all at once: ; The Famous Pig - Animal Jokes - Jokes Place!: ; The Best Joke I Can Tell In Sports Illustrated - 04.11.05 - SI Vault: (1 more message) 667878;1399658226;mike_c;jurov: my only hesitation is that i would have to maintain "how many shares are held on mpex" for each symbol so i could do my own calculations. for example, what's that number for f.mpif? 667879;1399658274;jurov;mike_c i envy you the luxury to hesitate about it 667880;1399658282;mircea_popescu;mike_c you can just pick up assbot's announcements i guess 667881;1399658319;mike_c;assbot announces divs? 667882;1399658329;jurov;yes, grep for [PAID] 667883;1399658330;mircea_popescu;i just quioted it above dood 667884;1399658333;mircea_popescu;http://news.yahoo.com/young-children-could-face-bullying-charges-city-164036847.html 667885;1399658333;ozbot;Young children could face bullying charges in city - Yahoo News 667886;1399658341;mircea_popescu;how the fuck can someone purport to raise children in the us. 667887;1399658356;mircea_popescu;if my kids didn't bully the loser kids i'd slit their throat with my own fucking hand 667888;1399658416;asciilifeform;probably in the same city where cats were forbidden to devour birds. 667889;1399658425;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] [PAID] 88.10217657 BTC to 80`673 shares, 109209 satoshi per share 667890;1399658547;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 302 @ 0.00089843 = 0.2713 BTC [+] {2} 667891;1399658563;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no, actually, in the city where black people burn down the downtown if the wrong team wins whatever game 667892;1399658569;mircea_popescu;it's so hypocritical it bleeds. 667893;1399658608;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 325 @ 0.00089871 = 0.2921 BTC [+] {4} 667894;1399658668;fluffypony;bounce:amazingly, still so many project managers that haven't read _The Mythical Man-Month_ <- they should have that as required reading in school, yo 667895;1399658668;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 667896;1399658670;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 5 @ 0.041 = 0.205 BTC [-] {2} 667897;1399658672;mircea_popescu;fluffypony http://blog.spagni.net/posts/2014-05-09/#comment-1377068971 yw. 667898;1399658678;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: tks 667899;1399658695;fluffypony;hah hah 667900;1399658713;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: afaik the 'bully' crap is mostly 'concern trolling', schoolboys are not yet jailed en masse for using their fists 667901;1399658731;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 11 @ 0.041 = 0.451 BTC [-] 667902;1399658737;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform who knows by now. 667903;1399658764;mircea_popescu;i've tried this experiment, if you clench your fists and make for any twentysomething, they'll put their hands over their head and stop sobbing 667904;1399658777;mircea_popescu;s/stop/start/ 667905;1399658791;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 102 @ 0.07254763 = 7.3999 BTC [-] {10} 667906;1399658793;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 11 @ 0.041 = 0.451 BTC [-] 667907;1399658799;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: wait what, lol! in Ro ? 667908;1399658806;mircea_popescu;considering how chickenshitty they grow up, there must be something unnatural happening to them in school. 667909;1399658818;mircea_popescu;yes in ro. 667910;1399658845;mike_c;<+mircea_popescu> asciilifeform no, actually, in the city where black people burn down the downtown if the wrong team wins whatever game << well, you know, maybe they had a big bet on the game :D 667911;1399658852;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 20 @ 0.041 = 0.82 BTC [-] 667912;1399658871;mircea_popescu;mike_c im sure they did. five car wheels and a baggie o crystalz. 667913;1399658882;asciilifeform;more interestingly, sometimes (at least in 'college towns') there is chaos if... the 'right' team wins. celebratory riot. 667914;1399658899;mircea_popescu;that's with fucking tho neh ? 667915;1399658899;mike_c;i know right? like tearing down goal posts 667916;1399658919;mircea_popescu;princessnell maybe go in #freenode and ask for a cloak ? 667917;1399658974;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26115 @ 0.00088688 = 23.1609 BTC [+] 667918;1399658976;Naphex;real men use real hosts:D 667919;1399658981;Naphex;hehe 667920;1399658986;asciilifeform;mike_c: over here, they sometimes celebrate by wrecking shop windows, lighting fires in the road, etc. but a public and ostentatious mass police beating put a bit of a pause in this 'colourful tradition' - at least, for now. 667921;1399658996;pankkake;Naphex: exactly 667922;1399659026;mike_c;asciilifeform: NYPD doesn't put up with that crap either 667923;1399659032;fluffypony;benkay:Magento's a really good example of this. <- this is so freakin' true. Even worse are when they pay for a ton of dev work on Magento Community Edition and then move to Magento Enterprise, and basically have to re-engineer and re-do all the work 667924;1399659221;mircea_popescu;omfg he deleted my comment 667925;1399659227;mircea_popescu;CENSORSHEEP 667926;1399659279;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.0770001 = 0.77 BTC [+] 667927;1399659297;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: I haven't 667928;1399659305;fluffypony;it's "pending approval" 667929;1399659311;mircea_popescu;a my cookie died ? 667930;1399659313;fluffypony;I'm just too lazy to login to my moderation thing 667931;1399659313;mircea_popescu;mk 667932;1399659333;fluffypony;normally it sends an email and I can reply to the mail to approve 667933;1399659342;fluffypony;but no mail yet, so I'll login and approve it later 667934;1399659349;pankkake;I was able to see it with the link 667935;1399659462;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2300 @ 0.00088713 = 2.0404 BTC [+] 667936;1399659523;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 4 @ 0.041 = 0.164 BTC [-] 667937;1399659592;mircea_popescu;o look, she got a cloak too 667938;1399659609;Apocalyptic;dem girls know to IRC nao 667939;1399659636;mircea_popescu;https://neocities.org/blog/the-fcc-is-now-rate-limited 667940;1399659637;ozbot;The Official NeoCities Blog 667941;1399659662;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: I linked to that hours ago, yo 667942;1399659690;fluffypony;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-05-2014#667307 667943;1399659692;ozbot;#bitcoin-assets log 667944;1399659702;punkman;so that guy was selling mining contracts without having anything: "Your bought contract NOT started, because our mining rig seller from China not delivered our bought mining rig and we lost our paid 4500 USD." 667945;1399659707;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07921715 = 0.1584 BTC [+] 667946;1399659753;fluffypony;punkman: "lost" 667947;1399659754;mircea_popescu;fluffypony i know, that's where i got it from 667948;1399659770;fluffypony;ah ok 667949;1399659812;mircea_popescu;i wanted to make a ocmment, but then i couldn't understand what comment i want to make. 667950;1399659828;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.041 = 0.123 BTC [-] {2} 667951;1399659830;mircea_popescu;so some random nobody throttled... the access "of fcc" to his random site nobody but you reads ? 667952;1399659841;mircea_popescu;that consists mostly of... text ? 667953;1399659856;mircea_popescu;i'm not on the right drugs am i. 667954;1399659889;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 8 @ 0.041 = 0.328 BTC [-] 667955;1399659898;mircea_popescu;" Designed as a 21st century reincarnation of GeoCities, Neocities lets you make your own site for free. And it just might spark a renaissance of creativity online. " 667956;1399659913;mircea_popescu;o wait, he takes doge. 667957;1399659937;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: their effort isn't the big deal - they published the nginx rules, and there's been a bit of uptake from other sites implementing them 667958;1399659940;fluffypony;nothing important 667959;1399659946;mircea_popescu;so basically, every failed marketing fucktard in the world has by now flocked to doge coins, as a great example of the "unlimted possibility" and "all that cvould be achieved" for marketing fucktards, in their own opinion. 667960;1399659949;mircea_popescu;thats what it is innit 667961;1399659950;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 6 @ 0.041 = 0.246 BTC [-] {2} 667962;1399659951;fluffypony;but who knows, maybe it'll become "a thing", to quote ThickAsThieves :-P 667963;1399659959;mircea_popescu;but what'd be the thing ? 667964;1399659978;mircea_popescu;i mean, fcc employees aren't supposed to derp on random etsy boutique blogs on their fcc connections anwyay 667965;1399659989;mircea_popescu;now if porntube did this... 667966;1399660011;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 8 @ 0.041 = 0.328 BTC [-] 667967;1399660024;pankkake;indeed: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-05-07/porn-watching-epa-employee-found-by-agency-watchdog.html 667968;1399660036;fluffypony;I know, it's kinda like the occupy wall street of the Internet :-P 667969;1399660072;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 125 @ 0.041 = 5.125 BTC [-] 667970;1399660081;danielpbarron;mircea_popescu, do you plan on keeping the price of trilema credits the same forever, or is buying trilema credits an act of shorting BTC? 667971;1399660120;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron wait, aren't those two clauses unrelated ? 667972;1399660139;asciilifeform;speaking of derpatronics: there i was, trying to pick up some chair on the cheap, and saw: 667973;1399660140;asciilifeform;http://baltimore.craigslist.org/bfd/4399390408.html 667974;1399660140;ozbot;Robotics Venture 667975;1399660140;fluffypony;s/or/and ? 667976;1399660185;danielpbarron;mircea_popescu, if the price in BTC is going to change as the price of BTC changes, then wouldn't buying credits be like buying into FIAT (shorting BTC)? 667977;1399660203;danielpbarron;oops, price of trilema credits 667978;1399660206;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron ah ah. 667979;1399660219;mircea_popescu;well imo they're much too cheap atm, so ima not change them a while. 667980;1399660221;danielpbarron;if the price of trilema credits in BTC.. 667981;1399660246;asciilifeform;trilema credit is probably the life support hose keeping tor alive... 667982;1399660258;mircea_popescu;lol 667983;1399660276;danielpbarron;right, they are cheap at the moment if you think of it in terms of the current FIAT price of BTC, but they are expensive if you are really long on BTC 667984;1399660283;mircea_popescu;;;calc 450 * 0.01 / 10000 667985;1399660283;gribble;0.00045 667986;1399660286;pankkake;what, you people don't have ~10 IPv4s on hand? 667987;1399660303;mircea_popescu;that can't be right. 667988;1399660321;fluffypony;danielpbarron: so take $5, buy Bitcoin in -OTC, buy credits 667989;1399660322;mircea_popescu;that is right. holy shit. 667990;1399660335;mircea_popescu;well, let's say i won't change the price until btc reaches 1mn each 667991;1399660368;danielpbarron;fluffypony, that's not the point; I guess what I mean is: is buying trilema credits like an investment denominated in BTC? 667992;1399660371;fluffypony;when btc reaches 1 mil I'm selling stock in my remaining trilema credits 667993;1399660375;fluffypony;:-P 667994;1399660384;danielpbarron;^^ 667995;1399660387;mircea_popescu;lol 667996;1399660400;danielpbarron;good info to know; thank you 667997;1399660409;mircea_popescu;people ocasionalyl just want to make a donation, and so i think there are some people with 5 or 10 btc's worht 667998;1399660410;fluffypony;danielpbarron: I think the cost is too low to have a measurable impact on one's personal wealth 667999;1399660427;mike_c;it's like selling private keys though, doesn't work. you can't enforce that you won't use the cookie after selling. 668000;1399660466;danielpbarron;fluffypony, someone could buy way more credits than they need with the plan of selling them in the future 668001;1399660479;mike_c;except you can't sell them :) 668002;1399660479;fluffypony;I mean, when BTC is at 1mil a pack of Trilema creds will be worth $10k. if you're long on BTC you'll have a net worth an order of magnitude higher than that, so it'll be irrelevant. 668003;1399660499;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 2 @ 0.1333333 = 0.2667 BTC [-] 668004;1399660500;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12650 @ 0.00088713 = 11.2222 BTC [+] 668005;1399660501;pankkake;you could action the credits 668006;1399660509;fluffypony;mike_c: you could run a proxy using your cookie 668007;1399660511;pankkake;auction* 668008;1399660551;mike_c;ok, proxy would work. if the buyer accepts your counterparty risk. 668009;1399660555;fluffypony;yesh 668010;1399660560;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 9 @ 0.03449992 = 0.3105 BTC [+] {5} 668011;1399660561;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.0311 = 0.1555 BTC [-] 668012;1399660562;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.06474168 = 0.3237 BTC [-] 668013;1399660563;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 7 @ 0.041 = 0.287 BTC [-] {2} 668014;1399660568;pankkake;!up wolverineks 668015;1399660568;assbot;Voicing wolverineks for 30 minutes. 668016;1399660574;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: how does one get gpg certified on your blog? 668017;1399660577;fluffypony;well when BTC is at 1mil 668018;1399660582;fluffypony;it'll cost $450 per view 668019;1399660583;thestringpuller;like hanbot 668020;1399660594;danielpbarron;that's what I was thinking 668021;1399660598;pankkake;oh that's what the icon means? 668022;1399660600;asciilifeform;gpg certified? 668023;1399660601;danielpbarron;and it would be worth it too 668024;1399660607;fluffypony;so I'd imagine selling proxied access will be worthwhile 668025;1399660617;asciilifeform;i thought it meant 'employed as cryptographer' 668026;1399660622;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 8 @ 0.041 = 0.328 BTC [-] {2} 668027;1399660624;thestringpuller;oh 668028;1399660636;pankkake;if I was selling content, I wouldn't want to be the one thinking of the price 668029;1399660643;Apocalyptic; i thought it meant 'employed as cryptographer' // wait, hanbot is a cryptographer N 668030;1399660651;pankkake;it's actually why I like to sell on auctions: I'm not setting the price 668031;1399660653;danielpbarron;if Bitcoin is worth 1000000 USD, a trilema page view probably really is worth 450 USD per view 668032;1399660658;mircea_popescu;an order of magnitude << really. 668033;1399660676;mircea_popescu;apparently they have large penises AND large orders of magnitude in south africa 668034;1399660688;bounce;can't order magnitudes here. 668035;1399660702;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller what do you mean gpog certified ? 668036;1399660714;asciilifeform;Apocalyptic: wait, hanbot is a cryptographer << i've no idea. possibly. 668037;1399660717;thestringpuller;i guess I'm misunderstanding the little key symbol on your blog 668038;1399660733;mircea_popescu;oh that. 668039;1399660735;fluffypony;colloquialism, bitches: http://www.gabrielweinberg.com/blog/2013/01/orders-of-magnitude.html 668040;1399660748;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/category/criptograme/ 668041;1399660749;ozbot;Criptograme pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 668042;1399660762;mircea_popescu;i had a guess the word contest whatever you call it in english 668043;1399660768;mircea_popescu;if you figure out enough of them you get a key 668044;1399660781;thestringpuller;Oh. that's neat! 668045;1399660786;thestringpuller;thanks answering mircea_popescu 668046;1399660791;asciilifeform;lol! 668047;1399660801;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2012/criptograma-starii-lucrurilor-celor-moi-de-mijloc/ 668048;1399660802;ozbot;Criptograma starii lucrurilor celor moi de mijloc. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 668049;1399660804;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20841 @ 0.00088745 = 18.4953 BTC [+] {2} 668050;1399660805;asciilifeform;i actually thought it was 'cryptographer / radioman / funker.' 668051;1399660814;mircea_popescu;for instance that is "curva nasoala", which means nasty whore 668052;1399660818;bounce;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptogram 668053;1399660819;ozbot;Cryptogram - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 668054;1399660825;mircea_popescu;cur (ass) + v nas (nose) oala (pot) 668055;1399660847;Apocalyptic;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptogram // unrelated 668056;1399660848;ozbot;Cryptogram - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 668057;1399660866;Apocalyptic;meant to quote bounce 668058;1399660867;thestringpuller;lol sorry for derailing the conversation ~_~ 668059;1399660877;bounce;huh, different thing that I know by that name 668060;1399660878;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 'назойливая курва' ! 668061;1399660918;*;asciilifeform has been dipping into the slavic influence in Ro. lang. 668062;1399660923;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2011/criptograma-locosexuala/ 668063;1399660924;ozbot;Criptograma locosexuala pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 668064;1399660947;mircea_popescu;this one is sex in baie (fucking in the bathroom). sec (dry) sin (tit) baie (mine) 668065;1399660950;bounce;probably "crossword" then, though that'd depend on the type of clue given 668066;1399660973;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yeah but shorter :D 668067;1399661018;bounce;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptic_crossword <-- probably this one 668068;1399661019;ozbot;Cryptic crossword - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 668069;1399661023;mircea_popescu;bounce i guess it'd be "criptograph" or something 668070;1399661046;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform fun fact : as far as romanian linguists are concerned, nasol comes as gypsy influence 668071;1399661048;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 4 @ 0.041 = 0.164 BTC [-] {2} 668072;1399661110;mircea_popescu;and re funker : did i ever link you to my phreakin' da intercom article ? http://trilema.com/2009/de-interfonibus/ 668073;1399661128;mircea_popescu;i must have. 668074;1399661160;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: not 'nocere' ? 668075;1399661162;asciilifeform;(lat) 668076;1399661170;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13107 @ 0.0008865 = 11.6194 BTC [-] {2} 668077;1399661188;asciilifeform;or in Ro. the linguists also come from the ducks, who are loaded off the trucks ? 668078;1399661213;pankkake;[D!up peterL 668079;1399661216;pankkake;!up peterL 668080;1399661216;assbot;Voicing peterL for 30 minutes. 668081;1399661222;pankkake;one day, I'll up on the first time 668082;1399661229;peterL;thanks pankkake :) 668083;1399661231;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 4 @ 0.041 = 0.164 BTC [-] 668084;1399661233;mircea_popescu;NASÓL, -OÁLĂ, nasoli, -oale, adj., s. m. și f. (Arg.) 1. Adj., s. m. și f. (Om) urât sau ridicol. 2. Adj. (Despre obiecte) De proastă calitate; urât, uzat; caraghios. – Din țig. nasvalo „bolnav'”, nasul „rău, meschin”. 668085;1399661244;mircea_popescu;tig being "gyp" 668086;1399661274;peterL;has anybody had experience with escrow.ms on bitcointalk forum for doing escrow? are they reputable? 668087;1399661297;mircea_popescu;not heard of them. 668088;1399661308;mircea_popescu;i did use saltyspitoon once without trouble. 668089;1399661414;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 14 @ 0.0725 = 1.015 BTC [-] {3} 668090;1399661430;hanbot;asciilifeform: i actually thought it was 'cryptographer / radioman / funker.' << s'not as cool as all that, but who can resist the allure of shiny golden insignia 668091;1399661475;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 25 @ 0.041 = 1.025 BTC [-] 668092;1399661526;asciilifeform;http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/5313/53415412.2f/0_607c0_8f2afb51_XXL.jpg 668093;1399661529;bounce;aw. no morse? 668094;1399661542;asciilifeform;alternatively, 668095;1399661542;asciilifeform;http://trx.ucoz.ua/_ph/3/2/547117208.jpg 668096;1399661564;mircea_popescu;1st version is better 668097;1399661598;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.041 = 0.123 BTC [-] {2} 668098;1399661604;asciilifeform;agreed. 668099;1399661643;asciilifeform;http://pix.photone.me/file/5605.jpg 668100;1399661719;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 20 @ 0.041 = 0.82 BTC [-] 668101;1399661736;pankkake;nice racks 668102;1399661901;mircea_popescu;Imagine that every car maker save for Toyota insisted on using the infamous East German Trabant as a standard of quality yet blindly imitated random elements of Toyotas visual design. How long would it take for the whiners to appear on the scene and start making noises about monopolistic tyranny? 668103;1399661905;mircea_popescu;this is a fine point indeed. 668104;1399662029;mircea_popescu;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=132 and nao this expolains a lot 668105;1399662030;ozbot;Loper OS » Non-Apple’s Mistake 668106;1399662097;mircea_popescu;I should also note that no one else makes a laptop whose metallic chassis enables it to pass the Creak Test hold a device by two opposite corners and flex gently. Do you hear a noise of any kind? If so, you are holding a mechanically-unsound piece of garbage. 668107;1399662133;asciilifeform;(this - http://www.loper-os.org/?p=316 - less-interesting - post, was an answer to the derpage generated by the above.) 668108;1399662165;TheNewDeal;if you grabbed a computer case by two opposite corners and flex gently, does it make a noise? 668109;1399662173;pankkake;uh, https://discussions.apple.com/___sbsstatic___/migration-images/841/8417178-2.jpg is not a rare occurence 668110;1399662201;asciilifeform;pankkake: that looks like the familiar Li battery swell. 668111;1399662231;pankkake;if you hold a macbook with only one hand too much, they'll eventually bend 668112;1399662249;asciilifeform;if you drive a truck over it, it will also bend. 668113;1399662268;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.074 = 0.148 BTC [+] 668114;1399662269;mircea_popescu;if you fuck on top of it it will be fine tho 668115;1399662279;pankkake;so there's various degrees of holding it wrong 668116;1399662320;TheNewDeal;making a noise isn't necessarily indicative of mechanical integrity 668117;1399662347;asciilifeform;TheNewDeal: it was a 'litmus test', rather than absolute measure of anything 668118;1399662364;TheNewDeal;fine fine 668119;1399662369;asciilifeform;the chinese plastic turds fail, the machines which survive years in a rucksack without serious mechanical problem, generally pass 668120;1399662586;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: that apple turd was an epic derpamatic, incidentally. ~500k views to date. 668121;1399662631;mircea_popescu;it's a good article. 668122;1399662647;mircea_popescu;you gotta learn to ignore the reactions to the major hits and focus on discussing the others. 668123;1399662656;mircea_popescu;nobody cares what many people think. 668124;1399662684;asciilifeform;yeah after i noticed what attracts derpmeisters, i moved on to other, more interesting subjects 668125;1399662743;mircea_popescu;"@SunSentinel 1h Man drives Tesla from New York to Miami at no cost" who the fuck came up with this idiocy. the tesla is a luxury product. the people who buy luxury products are being sold on "no cost" housewife routines ? 668126;1399662755;asciilifeform;(note that the piece correctly describes the fate of apple corp. not that this deserves prize of any kind, it was pretty obvious) 668127;1399662808;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 100 m^2 of photovoltaics is also a 'luxury product', but it marketed in just that same way. 668128;1399662842;hanbot;the grass must be made greener 668129;1399662853;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the photovoltaics are not the product. 668130;1399662854;asciilifeform;russian army style. 668131;1399662857;asciilifeform;by painting it. 668132;1399662870;benkay;80k is a luxury product now? 668133;1399662885;mircea_popescu;if nipple piercings ensured the women carrying them will be used as fucktoys, giving away free cool nipple piercings would not be giving away any product either 668134;1399662900;asciilifeform;photovoltaics are not the product << the cocktail of self-righteous envirowhinerism and successful penny pinching (while 'pound-foolish') is the product. 668135;1399662901;mircea_popescu;benkay you seen the derpage ensuing from 30 btc mpex reg fee ? 668136;1399662920;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform nah, more like, the more expensive housing is the product. 668137;1399662929;mircea_popescu;the actual cost to builkd a house now is ~5k. 668138;1399662935;mircea_popescu;this is why the market is collapsing all the damned time 668139;1399662942;mircea_popescu;if they could make it so building a house cost 100k, 668140;1399662947;mircea_popescu;then the economy would be stable. 668141;1399662947;asciilifeform;less, if you permit exotica like machine-sculpted concrete 668142;1399662950;mircea_popescu;so, they're trying. 668143;1399662981;bounce;5k what? dollars? that's a wooden shed, materials only, or what? 668144;1399662990;mircea_popescu;so the product is "getting photovoltaics to be common so they may be deemed standard so they may become mandatory so the developers can sell and the finance economy can work etc" 668145;1399662992;mircea_popescu;that's the product. 668146;1399663001;mircea_popescu;like the nipple pierced girls' fucking, being the product. 668147;1399663012;mircea_popescu;bounce all materials, house for a fambly. 668148;1399663122;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 598 @ 0.00088636 = 0.53 BTC [-] 668149;1399663175;mircea_popescu;"@kristathomas Don't Be Right And Don't Ask Why: Essential Ingredients For Building A Team" << lol. just as long as your "team"'s not supposed to be apple. 668150;1399663183;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12191 @ 0.00088412 = 10.7783 BTC [-] {2} 668151;1399663187;bounce;so where does the cost come from, labour? 668152;1399663253;mircea_popescu;bounce red tape, mostly. 668153;1399663298;mircea_popescu;labour is a dollar an hour, you don't need much more than a few hundred man-hours anyway. renting the machinery and getting some concrete/sand/brick isn't the end of the world. 668154;1399663488;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 11 @ 0.041 = 0.451 BTC [-] 668155;1399663732;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17700 @ 0.0008827 = 15.6238 BTC [-] {3} 668156;1399663960;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the americans found a more barbaric and elegant solution to propping up housing costs - foreclose en masse and let the buildings rot, harvested by copper thieves, etc. 668157;1399663964;asciilifeform;rather than let price fall 668158;1399664073;mircea_popescu;not really. most prices are just depressing to all hell. 668159;1399664085;mircea_popescu;just, some here and there going the way of the rot 668160;1399664124;asciilifeform;there is definitely a palpable 'price floor', that remains solid, at least outside of war zones (e.g. detroit) 668161;1399664171;asciilifeform;nobody is getting a house, in decent physical condition, near a major employment hub, for 10k. yet. 668162;1399664264;asciilifeform;for so long as the racket of letting an average salaried schmuck borrow $MAXINT to repay for the rest of his life - the price floor will remain. 668163;1399664401;nubbins`;so 668164;1399664403;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 8 @ 0.041 = 0.328 BTC [-] 668165;1399664404;nubbins`;http://imgur.com/tuyA5pC 668166;1399664404;ozbot;imgur: the simple image sharer 668167;1399664409;nubbins`;^ i got a $50 parking ticket today 668168;1399664415;nubbins`;for parking too close to the stop sign. 668169;1399664494;nubbins`;"but maybe they put the permit parking sign in the wrong location" 668170;1399664497;nubbins`;http://imgur.com/n2mH95j 668171;1399664497;ozbot;imgur: the simple image sharer 668172;1399664511;nubbins`;http://imgur.com/7SqpDa8 668173;1399664511;ozbot;imgur: the simple image sharer 668174;1399664566;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform wasn't that ohio guy quoting in the 20k range ? 668175;1399664571;asciilifeform;ohio. 668176;1399664575;mircea_popescu;yea 668177;1399664581;asciilifeform;i bet alaska is cheaper still. 668178;1399664585;mircea_popescu;nah 668179;1399664591;mircea_popescu;very expensive. have to ferry all the shit 668180;1399664606;asciilifeform;ok, arizona. 668181;1399664717;nubbins`;cost of goods in alaska, too 668182;1399664727;nubbins`;have fun buying $50 watermelons 668183;1399664767;asciilifeform;i suspect that many people in usa would happily eat $50 watermelons in a $1000 house. 668184;1399664782;nubbins`;not sure about the usa, but if a canadian takes a job "up north", they get a government subsidy called the "northern allowance" to offset the increased price of goods 668185;1399664785;asciilifeform;but for some reason alaska climate puts them off. 668186;1399664795;nubbins`;$1000 house? nice try 668187;1399664821;nubbins`;$250k would get you a shack 668188;1399664852;asciilifeform;as mp pointed out some time last week, dynamiting the permafrost to lay foundations is costly, etc. 668189;1399664916;asciilifeform;one other thing about housing in usa - that is rarely spoken of in the open literature - is that the americans switched to housing price as a means of putting the '60-70s race wars on hold 668190;1399664929;asciilifeform;by auto-segregating 668191;1399664933;benkay;this poor kid 668192;1399664937;nubbins`;http://i.huffpost.com/gadgets/slideshows/231471/slide_231471_1073586_free.jpg 668193;1399664959;benkay;"i'm doing an internship this summer, and apparently i need to take an ethics course before i'm eligible for credits from the internship" 668194;1399664961;asciilifeform;nubbins`: where? 668195;1399664969;nubbins`;nunavut, canada 668196;1399664979;benkay;welcome to the us, where you can't even work without the permission of the bureaucracy 668197;1399664981;nubbins`;home of the $50 watermelon and the $28 head of cabbage 668198;1399665021;benkay;at least you don't have to take a class to do an internship, nubbins` 668199;1399665034;nubbins`;rent/mortgage is 30% higher than south of 60, as well 668200;1399665036;nubbins`;on average 668201;1399665040;nubbins`;so much for cheap houses :D 668202;1399665056;nubbins`;benkay: internships are for suckers :D 668203;1399665085;asciilifeform;the reason why no experiment whatsoever with cheap housing en-masse is possible in usa, is that any locale with such becomes 'infested' overnight 668204;1399665150;asciilifeform;to understand how this works, visit any u.s. location where the folks subsisting on gov. 'welfare' and petty crime can afford to live. 668205;1399665173;nubbins`;http://i.huffpost.com/gadgets/slideshows/231471/slide_231471_1073554_free.jpg 668206;1399665178;nubbins`;http://i.huffpost.com/gadgets/slideshows/231471/slide_231471_1073567_free.jpg 668207;1399665198;asciilifeform;(keeping them out via any means other than price is thoroughly forbidden by various laws, decades old at this point) 668208;1399665209;nubbins`;http://i.huffpost.com/gadgets/slideshows/231471/slide_231471_1073614_free.jpg 668209;1399665219;mircea_popescu;benkay "credits" = ? 668210;1399665238;nubbins`;uni courses are generally assigned a number of credits 668211;1399665246;nubbins`;when i went, three credits per course was the norm 668212;1399665258;nubbins`;some courses with less hours (say, labs) would be 2 credits 668213;1399665269;nubbins`;and you need X credits to get Y degree 668214;1399665292;Namworld;Hey, Compliments brand 668215;1399665294;asciilifeform;nubbins`: three credits per course was the norm << same. but with some comical undershoot. e.g. 'operating systems' took about 40h/week of actual work for most of the kids, but earned... 4 credit. 668216;1399665301;nubbins`;:( 668217;1399665304;nubbins`;TANJ 668218;1399665317;nubbins`;Namworld, you have Sobeys? :D 668219;1399665343;asciilifeform;given that most u.s. uni courses are priced per credit, few complain. 668220;1399665390;nubbins`;my entire bachelor's degree was a comical undershoot 668221;1399665400;Namworld;No, we have Metro 668222;1399665441;nubbins`;interesting, never heard of it 668223;1399665447;nubbins`;Compliments brand is owned by Sobeys 668224;1399665482;mircea_popescu;i went to school in a time before credits. 668225;1399665489;Namworld;Wait, wrong one... Compliments is from IGA 668226;1399665491;mircea_popescu;you wanted a degree, you had to pass all of a dozen or so courses. 668227;1399665519;nubbins`;a whole dozen courses! 668228;1399665534;nubbins`;i had to pass that many in my first year ;( 668229;1399665562;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18126 @ 0.0008845 = 16.0324 BTC [+] 668230;1399665585;benkay;i hear tell of a mythical time where one could attempt the US bar without having a law degree. 668231;1399665586;nubbins`;http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/kenny-green-sentence-recommendation-shocks-victim-s-family-1.2637181 668232;1399665586;ozbot;Kenny Green sentence recommendation shocks victim's family - Newfoundland & Labrador - CBC News 668233;1399665600;princessnell;egalitarians require we take their religion classes ("multicultural" courses) to graduate with any degree in most us universities 668234;1399665604;nubbins`;^ this murder happened about 50 metres from my house 668235;1399665615;nubbins`;good to know i'll be passing the guy in the street in a couple years 668236;1399665629;asciilifeform;benkay: after a few people did this, and passed, they tightened the screws 668237;1399665645;nubbins`;asciilifeform, benkay: gotta pay the piper! 668238;1399665648;benkay;didn't several us presidents do that asciilifeform ? 668239;1399665666;asciilifeform;long ago. before the 'edukation' racket. 668240;1399665668;nubbins`;FWIW this is loosely the plot of the tv show "suits" 668241;1399665689;Namworld;Oh, Sobeys bought the group that held the IGA franchise in 1998. Explain why they use same brand now. 668242;1399665693;nubbins`;genius finds himself taking bar exams for crappy students, ends up working sans degree at a prestigious law firm 668243;1399665725;nubbins`;Namworld: nod, all a big mess. reminiscent of loblaws/superstore/dominion all selling President's Choice 668244;1399665799;bounce;there's the pay people to do homework racket. I'd be interested in selling such services (getting paid to learn? cool) except that it'd enable idiots to get diplomas. 668245;1399665803;Namworld;Eh, when it comes to food brands, it's all convoluted with sub-companies and multiple trademarks. 668246;1399665809;mircea_popescu;nubbins` whio the fuck can even pay attention to 12 things in a year 668247;1399665821;mircea_popescu;benkay you still can. 668248;1399665928;Namworld;Like most of the stuff in stores is like what, ultimately owned by 2-3 large conglomerates? 668249;1399666017;asciilifeform;getting paid to learn? cool << visit a u.s. uni, and see what kind of 'learning' you will do, if you were to take up this work. 668250;1399666024;nubbins`;mircea_popescu: not me, as it turns out :D 668251;1399666028;nubbins`;not very well, at least 668252;1399666042;bounce;the "name brand" stuff, yes. like, unilever, kraft, nestle? 668253;1399666073;Namworld;yeah 668254;1399666097;bounce;the own brand stuff is made to spec by smaller shops, though they make (supposedly to different spec) for various chains 668255;1399666120;Namworld;Of course now with home brands, there's less of this "name brand", but still. 668256;1399666138;nubbins`;ah, the wonders of outsourcing 668257;1399666156;nubbins`;vertically integrated supply chains don't really allow for this 668258;1399666164;nubbins`;not to the same degree, anyway 668259;1399666271;benkay;!up locksley 668260;1399666271;assbot;Voicing locksley for 30 minutes. 668261;1399666280;nubbins`;http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/how-do-you-take-apart-a-150-tonne-whale-1.2637654 668262;1399666280;ozbot;How do you take apart a 150-tonne whale? - Newfoundland & Labrador - CBC News 668263;1399666290;benkay;DYNAMITE 668264;1399666291;nubbins`;bunch of whales got trapped in the ice here recently 668265;1399666294;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 4 @ 0.041 = 0.164 BTC [-] 668266;1399666305;nubbins`;washed up on the shores of some small communities 668267;1399666306;bounce;don't need a how-to for that. blow it up before it blows itself up. 668268;1399666320;nubbins`;the royal ontario museum graciously took possession of the carcasses 668269;1399666337;bounce;sold the meat to japan, or what? 668270;1399666343;nubbins`;heh 668271;1399666352;nubbins`;nah, analyzing all of the tissue and bringing the skeleton to a museum 668272;1399666363;nubbins`;turns out blue whale carcasses are incredibly hard to come by 668273;1399666388;nubbins`;i spent some time in trout river two years ago, strange Deliverance-esque place 668274;1399666436;nubbins`;very tiny, very rural community, surrounded by -- but not part of -- a national park and UNESCO world heritage site 668275;1399666884;Namworld;There's a shortage of huge, hanging whale skeletons? 668276;1399666904;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10212 @ 0.0008845 = 9.0325 BTC [+] 668277;1399666973;mircea_popescu;princessnell no, a restaurant that accepts btc is not a bitcoin entrepreneur 668278;1399666989;mircea_popescu;but, they're for some reason really desperate to push this everyman btc angle, so... 668279;1399667008;Namworld;Hey, they actually look pretty nice https://www.flickr.com/photos/beatymuseum/4661706048/in/set-72157623691146419/ 668280;1399667018;Namworld;I can see why they would be in demand. 668281;1399667026;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07697 = 0.1539 BTC [+] 668282;1399667108;bitcoinpete;http://arstechnica.com/business/2014/05/bitcoin-miner-maker-fires-half-its-staff-declares-were-not-scammers/ 668283;1399667121;benkay;bitcoinpete: what are the target capitals? 668284;1399667121;bitcoinpete;hashfast lulz via princessnell 668285;1399667122;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: what about a restaurant that only accepts BTC? 668286;1399667133;mircea_popescu;i guess. 668287;1399667148;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.041 = 0.41 BTC [-] 668288;1399667149;bitcoinpete;benkay: let's decide right now 668289;1399667162;bitcoinpete;i imagine they'd be in europe and asia 668290;1399667168;benkay;buenos aires 668291;1399667169;mircea_popescu;bitcoinpete which one is this one ? 668292;1399667176;nubbins`;Namworld nod, graceful giants 668293;1399667195;bitcoinpete;http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/05/09/the-rothschilds-of-bitcoin/ 668294;1399667196;ozbot;The Rothschilds of Bitcoin | When Bitcoin Met Pete 668295;1399667231;bitcoinpete;mircea_popescu: figuring out where to put the capitals of finance for the 21st and 22nd centuries 668296;1399667246;mircea_popescu;bitcoinpete no i mean the bitcoin miner 668297;1399667278;mircea_popescu;o hash fast yea 668298;1399667283;bitcoinpete;mircea_popescu: o http://hashfast.com/about-us/ 668299;1399667295;bitcoinpete;"san fransisco-based" 668300;1399667318;princessnell;mircea_popescu i know. i have to be demure. 668301;1399667334;bitcoinpete;ceo is "Eduardo deCastro is a serial entrepreneur with a long track record of success" 668302;1399667363;mircea_popescu;what's being demure like ? 668303;1399667386;mircea_popescu;bitcoinpete "A long track record of success, omitted here for reasons that were in turn omitted" 668304;1399667401;nubbins`;i've imagined it to be like having a secret, but i suspect that's more due to my not being demure by nature than to an actual understanding of the condition 668305;1399667404;benkay;hey -assets nginx or apache? 668306;1399667415;nubbins`;benkay IIS 668307;1399667423;bitcoinpete;mircea_popescu: it's so uncouth to name names 668308;1399667430;nubbins`;;D 668309;1399667436;bitcoinpete;hashfast vp of engineering: Amy most recently came from Engine Yard, where in less than two years she went from Senior Developer to Director of Engineering. She oversaw the development of the flagship product, EY Cloud, growing revenue by over 60% in one year. 668310;1399667447;princessnell;it's about putting an idea in someone's head without outright saying it 668311;1399667475;joecool;"serial entrepreneur" 668312;1399667489;mircea_popescu;princessnell my only familiarity with the term is in the context "he proposed but she demured", ie, how to end up a spinster. 668313;1399667534;benkay;demur != demure 668314;1399667536;princessnell;ah. i see. 668315;1399667573;benkay;demur 0> demurred 668316;1399667575;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.075 = 0.15 BTC [-] 668317;1399667576;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14350 @ 0.00088242 = 12.6627 BTC [-] {2} 668318;1399667582;bitcoinpete;mircea_popescu: what's this definition in context stuff? i could've sworn we had dictionaries for a reason ;) 668319;1399667593;benkay;demure is something else entirely. 668320;1399667595;fluffypony;bitcoinpete: senior dev to director of engineering in 2 years? seems legit. 668321;1399667608;benkay;fluffypony: engineyard. seems legit. 668322;1399667620;princessnell;this is more or less what i mean: http://www.firstprinciplesjournal.com/articles.aspx?article=871 668323;1399667625;benkay;derpy rails hosting operation dot butts 668324;1399667629;fluffypony;lol 668325;1399667636;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 5 @ 0.041 = 0.205 BTC [-] 668326;1399667651;mircea_popescu;bitcoinpete yeah, and the dictionaries end up looking like lists of contexts 668327;1399667665;mircea_popescu;fluffypony you dispute the track record of success ? 668328;1399667671;nubbins`;;;dict demur 668329;1399667672;gribble;wn: demur n 1: (law) a formal objection to an opponent's pleadings [syn: {demur}, {demurral}, {demurrer}] v 1: take exception to; "he demurred at my suggestion to work on Saturday" [syn: {demur}, {except}] 2: enter a demurrer 668330;1399667677;nubbins`;;;dict demure 668331;1399667678;gribble;wn: demure adj 1: affectedly modest or shy especially in a playful or provocative way [syn: {coy}, {demure}, {overmodest}] 668332;1399667689;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: I dispute that "Director of Engineering" means what they think it means 668333;1399667701;mircea_popescu;nubbins` they're not really distinct. same root, abranch was broken off to rub clits with is all. 668334;1399667712;nubbins`;broken branch nub rub 668335;1399667714;mircea_popescu;fluffypony would you prefer engineer of directoring ? 668336;1399667758;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5012 @ 0.0008845 = 4.4331 BTC [+] 668337;1399667765;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: they should call a spade a spade and just say "was still a senior developer, but we lost a bunch of managers and needed a lead developer that needed a sense of self-importance" 668338;1399667768;mircea_popescu;edm life added you to list edmnewsdaily/awesome-people-108 668339;1399667775;mircea_popescu;this dude has 108 lists of awesome people ? 668340;1399667778;mircea_popescu;i wanna be him now. 668341;1399667778;fluffypony;lol 668342;1399667793;mircea_popescu;fluffypony your spade is very lengthy. 668343;1399667805;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: that's what she said 668344;1399667864;bitcoinpete;http://www.sec.gov/News/Speech/Detail/Speech/1370541764008#.U207v1za7FK 668345;1399667865;ozbot;SEC.gov | Remarks to the Council of Institutional Investors 668346;1399667882;asciilifeform;ever notice how the tech hucksters use names like 'rails,' 'engine yard,' etc. - meant to evoke pictures of an era when industry was still in good health 668347;1399667904;mircea_popescu;yea 668348;1399667905;bitcoinpete;"The federal securities laws are built upon the premise that an informed investor is the key to robust and efficient nature of our markets." << the root problems 668349;1399667919;fluffypony;asciilifeform: yeah, I'm waiting for one of the CEOs to start calling himself "the Conductor" 668350;1399667955;asciilifeform;Conducător. 668351;1399667983;fluffypony;lol 668352;1399667984;asciilifeform;Il Conduttore. 668353;1399667984;asciilifeform;etc 668354;1399668001;fluffypony;Serial Entrepreductor 668355;1399668008;bitcoinpete;"Questions about whether a market is trustworthy go to the heart of a market’s survival. Is the market fair? Is it efficient? How does it facilitate capital formation? Are investors protected? Do you trust it?" 668356;1399668048;mircea_popescu;;;google Conducător 668357;1399668049;gribble;Conducător - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; conducător - Wiktionary: ; Şcoala Tînărului Conducător Ediţia XII-a - Seara Culturală, CLT ...: 668358;1399668063;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 69 @ 0.07508565 = 5.1809 BTC [+] {2} 668359;1399668064;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 245 @ 0.041 = 10.045 BTC [-] 668360;1399668080;mircea_popescu;this is what various romanian derps called themselves 668361;1399668085;asciilifeform;aye 668362;1399668094;davout;bitcointalk is so fucking priceless sometimes 668363;1399668095;asciilifeform;i didn't pull it directly out of me arse 668364;1399668100;mircea_popescu;a ok 668365;1399668108;davout;"Personally, I like cryptostocks except for the amount of scams on it" 668366;1399668111;mircea_popescu;ahahaha 668367;1399668146;mircea_popescu;funny how terminally braindamaged entities which by the very definition of the term can not possibly have a personal relation to anything 668368;1399668149;asciilifeform;'i like rotting meat just fine except for the number of weevils' 668369;1399668151;jborkl;Hashfast update blog We are not scammers- we are just really fucking stupid 668370;1399668155;mircea_popescu;liberally sprinkle "personally" in coversation 668371;1399668158;jborkl;http://hashfast.com/on-why-were-not-scammers/ 668372;1399668198;bitcoinpete;jborkl: now there's a difference 668373;1399668234;mircea_popescu;this should become part of hs curricula 668374;1399668245;mircea_popescu;"write a 500 word essay as to why you're not a scammer" 668375;1399668292;jborkl;amazing team 668376;1399668292;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 668377;1399668303;jborkl;heh still rings true 668378;1399668322;jborkl;kako you need to add amazing team now 668379;1399668322;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 668380;1399668369;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 12 @ 0.041 = 0.492 BTC [-] 668381;1399668378;davout;i should make a bot that echoes assbot, the chan would explode the instant someone says amazing 668382;1399668378;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 668383;1399668380;mircea_popescu;http://pastebin.com/g32bBRLV 668384;1399668385;mircea_popescu;any bets as to what she does next? 668385;1399668402;mircea_popescu;sues me for e-bullying ? aneurism ? 668386;1399668603;bitcoinpete;so who can hook me up with a coinbr referral code? 668387;1399668622;mircea_popescu;jurov ? 668388;1399668673;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.041 = 0.123 BTC [-] 668389;1399668706;jborkl;mircea-popescu : Did I really see the Bitcoin awards list or was someone goofing? 668390;1399668753;bitcoinpete;mircea_popescu: that'd be awesome if jurov would 668391;1399668784;bitcoinpete;unless someone else wants to scoop it 668392;1399668795;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.07260599 = 0.363 BTC [-] {4} 668393;1399668837;thestringpuller;HAHAHAHAHAHAHA 668394;1399668841;thestringpuller;I know Gina Luttrell 668395;1399668854;thestringpuller;WOW 668396;1399668856;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 9 @ 0.041 = 0.369 BTC [-] 668397;1399668869;thestringpuller;more amazing than assbot 668398;1399668869;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 668399;1399668890;mircea_popescu;jborkl i have no idea 668400;1399668901;benkay;mircea_popescu: i don't know how you have the fucks to give about people who communicate in gifs. 668401;1399668903;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: re: languages and the arts: see if you can digest this russian tidbit: 'Штирлиц встал с позаранку и отодрал занавеску. Он не знал, что Позаранку и Занавеску - румынские разведчицы.' 668402;1399668913;mircea_popescu;jborkl how would you distinguish between those two cases ? 668403;1399668917;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.07696999 = 0.3079 BTC [+] 668404;1399668918;mircea_popescu;either way it's someone goofing. 668405;1399668926;jborkl;well, touche 668406;1399668937;mircea_popescu;benkay nono, really angry mediocre middle aged woman. she KNOWS. 668407;1399668949;mircea_popescu;feminism is like fucking math, forget social sciences. you can be wrong in feminism nao. 668408;1399669004;mircea_popescu;anyway, the turmoil of the unworthy amuses me. i'm not the sort that calls the cops if you break in. 668409;1399669020;mircea_popescu;i'm the sort that shoots you in both shoulders and both knees, then pulls a chair close and watches you bleed. 668410;1399669039;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 9 @ 0.07696999 = 0.6927 BTC [+] {2} 668411;1399669044;thestringpuller;so why is Gina whining? 668412;1399669055;mircea_popescu;i dunno, someone was wrong. 668413;1399669055;thestringpuller;some feminist mumbo jumbo I presume 668414;1399669064;mircea_popescu;on like the internet or something. i didn't go into that much detail. 668415;1399669065;thestringpuller;obviously not her 668416;1399669080;mircea_popescu;i just realised that her name is gina and she goes by VGsomething 668417;1399669085;thestringpuller;never argue with a girl from Agnes Scott 668418;1399669094;thestringpuller;she's proud of her vagina? 668419;1399669098;mircea_popescu;what's agnes scott ? 668420;1399669103;thestringpuller;;;google Agnes Scott 668421;1399669104;gribble;Agnes Scott College: ; Agnes Scott: ; Agnes Scott College - Admission: 668422;1399669114;thestringpuller;an all girls college 668423;1399669117;asciilifeform;'my vagina is my village.' - seen printed on a tshirt, at the university i live near. 668424;1399669118;thestringpuller;here in Atlanta 668425;1399669127;mircea_popescu;like a vassar for poor midwestern would be carrie bradshaws ? 668426;1399669294;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform stirlitz rose from sofa and tore at the curtain, wherein a romanian spy was hiding ? 668427;1399669343;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: yea pretty much that. also most guys are told not to date anyone from there because they may run off with your penis in the middle of the night 668428;1399669404;Apocalyptic;i lol'd 668429;1399669405;mircea_popescu;i imagine they make great lays actually. 668430;1399669469;mircea_popescu;"Hysteresis defeatism interprets a weak recovery due to inadequate stimulus as a reason not to try more stimulus" 668431;1399669477;mircea_popescu;ahaha i would say i have my twitter tuned to perfection. 668432;1399669508;mircea_popescu;"hysteresis" you see. it's like, all scientific and crap. 668433;1399669511;mircea_popescu;like global warming 668434;1399669532;mircea_popescu;no wait. i mean like catastrophic racist white man made computer driven opression. 668435;1399669535;mircea_popescu;or w/e it's called now 668436;1399669588;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 200 @ 0.00085021 = 0.17 BTC [-] 668437;1399669595;asciilifeform;1) get academtard job 2) connect 'shannonizer' 3) profit 668438;1399669629;asciilifeform;(in case anyone thinks this only works for the pheminists, http://www.nature.com/news/publishers-withdraw-more-than-120-gibberish-papers-1.14763 ) 668439;1399669654;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: i imagine they make great lays actually. << oh most definitely but i was told never to put your dick in crazy no matter how good the lay is 668440;1399669667;asciilifeform;obligatory (oldie): 668441;1399669668;asciilifeform;http://snarxiv.org/vs-arxiv 668442;1399669669;ozbot;arXiv vs. snarXiv 668443;1399669703;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller well if you listen to everything you're told... 668444;1399669842;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: stierlitz rose bright-and-early ('с позаранку') and tore back the curtain ('отодрал занавеску'). little did he know that Позаранку and Занавеску were Romanian spygirls. ('отодрал' can also mean 'fucked raw'; the first segment is a gag on the rus. accusative declension '-у.) 668445;1399669863;mircea_popescu;lol 668446;1399669864;Apocalyptic;oh most definitely but i was told never to put your dick in crazy no matter how good the lay is // they prolly wanted to keep them for themselves 668447;1399669934;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 'встал с позаранку' in this case - 'lifted himself off Pozaranku' 668448;1399669978;asciilifeform;'traduttore tradittore.' 668449;1399669992;asciilifeform;why did i even try. 668450;1399670123;jborkl;'my vagina is my village.' - seen printed on a tshirt, at the university i live near. <1. That is a really big vagina 2. Does that mean they live in vagina village or that they are lesbo? I dont get it 668451;1399670136;asciilifeform;jborkl: i didn't ask. 668452;1399670140;jborkl;heh 668453;1399670200;asciilifeform;all i could think of was the infamous 'we had to destroy the village in order to save it' (u.s. papers, circa vietnam war) 668454;1399670233;jborkl;that pussy got pounded 668455;1399670259;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 14 @ 0.03320007 = 0.4648 BTC [+] {2} 668456;1399670263;jborkl;I crack myself up 668457;1399670320;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 155 @ 0.03300204 = 5.1153 BTC [-] {2} 668458;1399670364;mircea_popescu;one quarterpounder of pussy 668459;1399670365;mircea_popescu;no cheez. 668460;1399670381;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 54 @ 0.0065379 = 0.353 BTC [+] 668461;1399670404;jborkl;haha gross 668462;1399670416;jborkl;I can't believe you said that I am so offended 668463;1399670427;mircea_popescu;i wonder what % of the various derps i ask for a quote from, receive a horribly mangled piece of nonsense that I never reply to realise that they fucked up. 668464;1399670467;mircea_popescu;also, http://i.imgur.com/BVyJ0ZR.gif 668465;1399670504;asciilifeform;this animal is better known for the other end of its digestive tract... 668466;1399670675;mircea_popescu;hehe yea 668467;1399670686;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.03172482 = 0.3172 BTC [+] 668468;1399670723;mike_c;i'm all for free speech and what not, but you guys are being really generous not cutting this crap: http://bitbet.us/bet/832/difficulty-at-block-302-400-over-10-billion/#c2887 668469;1399670747;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 24 @ 0.041 = 0.984 BTC [-] 668470;1399670781;BingoBoingo;mike_c: There is no greater endorsement that would be competitors being forced to advertise on your platform. 668471;1399670787;BingoBoingo;*than 668472;1399670810;mike_c;yes, but generally you make them pay for the privelege 668473;1399670849;mircea_popescu;eh fuck em, you tell me someone's going to bother select that gnarl and paste it in browswe window ? 668474;1399670880;mircea_popescu;let the kids have their free speech, they'll use it for a good purpose whether they want to or not. 668475;1399670950;pankkake;bitcoinpete: https://coinbr.com/ref?c=V1CUawCMeE if not too late 668476;1399670993;bitcoinpete;sorry pankkake and artifexd, looks like peterL scooped it 668477;1399671009;mircea_popescu;he dun scooped ? 668478;1399671009;bitcoinpete;it's a peter thing 668479;1399671052;artifexd;The penalty for reading the logs in batches instead of realtime... 668480;1399671120;pankkake;what are the numbers in the fairly thing? I don't get it 668481;1399671199;mircea_popescu;lol quora joins yc 668482;1399671223;mircea_popescu;wasn't the new paul graham derping about how they "frown" on corps that went through other "accelerators" because they should have been already accelerated ? 668483;1399671266;benkay;that's not an acceleration nearly as much as it is a prolonging of imminent demise 668484;1399671308;mircea_popescu;i hjave no idea wtf they must have been thinking. 668485;1399671343;mircea_popescu;isn;t that thing proposing that it's worth ~1bn, ie more than mpex these days ? 668486;1399671343;pankkake;isn't quora just a forum where ycombinators derp at each other? 668487;1399671347;mike_c;quora just closed an $80m funding round.. 668488;1399671348;mircea_popescu;pretty much. 668489;1399671356;mircea_popescu;mike_c wasn't it 150mn ? 668490;1399671358;pankkake;why. WHY 668491;1399671358;mircea_popescu;someone pulled out ? 668492;1399671375;mircea_popescu;pankkake i dunno why dood. ask mike_c, he understands the whys of marketcaps. 668493;1399671375;mike_c;maybe you saw the total. they've raised 140 total 668494;1399671387;mircea_popescu;mike_c a right you are. 668495;1399671442;mike_c;YC companies are supposed to hand over 6% of their company to join 668496;1399671483;mircea_popescu;i dunno how the fuck a fixed % can work 668497;1399671485;asciilifeform;for investment of... $15k ? 668498;1399671487;asciilifeform;last i checked 668499;1399671503;bitcoinpete;mike_c: ayup, i know a guy who's going to san fran for 3 months this summer to go through the yc meat processor. it's 6% 668500;1399671505;asciilifeform;(and, of course, a drink of 'holy water') 668501;1399671527;mike_c;well, obviously no fucking way quora is doing that. 668502;1399671602;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11057 @ 0.00088522 = 9.7879 BTC [+] 668503;1399671723;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12518 @ 0.00088423 = 11.0688 BTC [-] {2} 668504;1399671807;benkay;they bumped to 140k i b'leev. 668505;1399671810;benkay;dat qe. 668506;1399671836;asciilifeform;140k barely buys a garbage truck. 668507;1399671930;benkay;yc companies barely out-revenue a single-truck garbage hauling operation. 668508;1399671972;fluffypony;http://yclist.com 668509;1399671981;fluffypony;turn off active and exited so you're only looking at Dead 668510;1399672026;fluffypony;"Whitenoise is like a social network for the music industry." 668511;1399672030;benkay;FitFU 668512;1399672033;benkay;yeah that's great. 668513;1399672075;fluffypony;I say we pick one of these every week, setup a bullshit site, and list it on BitcoinBourse or CryptoStocks 668514;1399672076;fluffypony;see how long before someone notices 668515;1399672111;benkay;hue hue hue 668516;1399672210;mircea_popescu;lol 668517;1399672254;mircea_popescu;and spend the proceeds on lobbying for having vessenes appointed submarine captain in the vietnamese fleet ? 668518;1399672266;fluffypony;hah hah 668519;1399672273;mircea_popescu;(which, btw, is and has been for a while engaged in a standoff with th echinese fleet over some shoals 668520;1399672284;mircea_popescu;apparently those people exist to stick in superpowers' beaks) 668521;1399672317;bounce;so garbage hauling is a sound investment, you say? fan of the fun lovin' criminals perchance? 668522;1399672323;fluffypony;OR we spend the money lobbying to have Kim Jong-un voted on to the Bitcoin Foundation 668523;1399672332;mircea_popescu;or both. why not have both ? 668524;1399672333;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30700 @ 0.0008877 = 27.2524 BTC [+] {3} 668525;1399672342;fluffypony;both it is! 668526;1399672365;bounce;bit late, two guys got voted in today. getting someone booted would help. who'd you want booted? 668527;1399672404;mircea_popescu;i bashed this entire thing btw. it's too lulzy 668528;1399672661;fluffypony;davout: "MPEx is a scam, and this is one of his shells" <- we forgot to ask him how we're shells 668529;1399672661;fluffypony;seashells? 668530;1399672688;jborkl;No Mpex has the double cheery truck seal 668531;1399672690;pankkake;fluffypony: cd troll ; ls 668532;1399672701;jborkl;so no scam, what award do they have? 668533;1399672708;davout;fluffypony: if the guy was able to write properly he probably wouldn't be that retarded :D 668534;1399672711;fluffypony;pankkake: core dumped 668535;1399672722;pankkake;stock pumped 668536;1399672732;fluffypony;whoot whoot, buy neo&bee! 668537;1399672760;fluffypony;actually I have found a place worse than the forums 668538;1399672779;fluffypony;the chat box / troll box on btc-e or cryptsy is WAY worse than the forums 668539;1399672800;mircea_popescu;lmao 668540;1399672803;mircea_popescu;you're such a noob. 668541;1399672827;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: twas accidental 668542;1399672848;fluffypony;support button is on the left, chat is on the right, I clicked the wrong one 668543;1399672852;fluffypony;then it was like watching a car accident 668544;1399672858;fluffypony;I couldn't turn away for like 5 minutes 668545;1399672863;jborkl;Havelock to Sponsor Int. Kickboxing Event 668546;1399672876;jborkl;jean claude van damme to headline 668547;1399672882;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 101 @ 0.0063799 = 0.6444 BTC [-] {2} 668548;1399672885;mircea_popescu;fluffypony no but i mean "o hey guise, i discovered trollbox on btce" 668549;1399672889;mircea_popescu;kinda public knowledge :D 668550;1399672920;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: o yes, was just generally commenting on it being the bottom of the barrel 668551;1399673065;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2654 @ 0.00088401 = 2.3462 BTC [-] 668552;1399673070;mircea_popescu;yea 668553;1399673449;fluffypony;http://www.timeslive.co.za/local/2013/05/05/tokyo-sexwale-accused-of-trying-to-blackmail-wife-over-hardcore-porn 668554;1399673452;ozbot;Tokyo Sexwale accused of trying to blackmail wife over hardcore porn - Times LIVE 668555;1399673460;fluffypony;title is all you need 668556;1399673521;benkay;what a name 668557;1399673556;benkay;http://www.timeslive.co.za/local/2010/11/03/schoolgirls-caught-at-booze-and-porn-party 668558;1399673570;benkay;"A group of 13-year-old girls from Nelson Mandela Bay's elite Collegiate High School have landed in hot water after being caught sipping vodka and watching a pornographic video - allegedly of one of them having sex with her boyfriend - on a cellphone. 668559;1399673571;benkay;" 668560;1399673581;benkay;i'll just squeeze this beer. 668561;1399673970;fluffypony;davout, pankkake: http://i.imgur.com/hiKVziV.jpg 668562;1399673982;pankkake;lol 668563;1399673994;mircea_popescu;so what is the problem ? 668564;1399674016;fluffypony;I don't think there's an implied problem in that graph, it's more a statement of fact :-P 668565;1399674035;davout;fluffypony: lol, already old in france-land tho 668566;1399674058;davout;do you know how i can easily make a horse laugh ? 668567;1399674071;fluffypony;tell him a joke? 668568;1399674075;mircea_popescu;not the graph, the 13yos 668569;1399674081;davout;i tell him my dick is larger than his 668570;1399674085;fluffypony;lol 668571;1399674091;davout;now do you know how i make him cry ? 668572;1399674103;fluffypony;no clue 668573;1399674105;mircea_popescu;show him your gf ? :D 668574;1399674109;davout;show him my dick 668575;1399674128;davout;dad's joke #7244 668576;1399674131;fluffypony;lol 668577;1399674151;fluffypony;so Joel McHale's White House Correspondant's dinner speech was so bad they cancelled Community 668578;1399674152;mircea_popescu;it is a pretty good joke 668579;1399674161;fluffypony;season 5 will be the end 668580;1399674164;mircea_popescu;fluffypony dude WAS atrocious. 668581;1399674171;fluffypony;yeah he bombed 668582;1399674272;benkay;poor guy 668583;1399674276;benkay;blamed for shit he didn't even write 668584;1399674283;punkman;was gonna get canceled anyway 668585;1399674311;mircea_popescu;everyone fancies themselves a comedian these days, 668586;1399674319;mircea_popescu;it's the singer-songwriter of the 2010s 668587;1399674336;mircea_popescu;benkay his timing was worse, and generally, 668588;1399674347;punkman;first couple of seasons were full of tvtrope orgasms 668589;1399674348;mircea_popescu;guy;s a talentless hack. you probably have coworkers more talented 668590;1399674368;fluffypony;punkman: agreed, it was way too long in the teeth. that's the problem with fan-driven show "resurrections", often the fans are too embroiled in the show to realise that it's time to die. 668591;1399674380;bounce;let's write a series then 668592;1399674402;benkay;coworkers?! 668593;1399674425;benkay;okay on a different note 668594;1399674433;benkay;how does a distributed team communicate over GPG? 668595;1399674440;benkay;s/over/with 668596;1399674453;benkay;email threads + encryption -> nightmare 668597;1399674479;davout;benkay: it's just a problem with the tool 668598;1399674519;davout;shouldn't be painful if your mail client is GPG-aware 668599;1399674571;joecool;davout: distributed 668600;1399674576;joecool;it's a bitch and a half 668601;1399674599;joecool;need to have a key for the team to work that way, or encrypt each message with each member's key 668602;1399674613;davout;joecool: that's dead easy with GPG 668603;1399674638;joecool;davout: which way and how? 668604;1399674640;pankkake;the only issue is when people leave or join, otherwise yes it's easy 668605;1399674641;davout;CLI -> cat message.txt | gpg -a -e -r member1 ... -r memberN -s -u my_key 668606;1399674648;punkman;shared key kinda works 668607;1399674657;davout;punkman: shared key is retarded 668608;1399674658;joecool;shared key is bad for security 668609;1399674659;pankkake;I use multiple destination a lot, actually 668610;1399674668;fluffypony;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://i.imgur.com/I0JQld6.jpg 668611;1399674668;gribble;The operation succeeded. 668612;1399674717;benkay;so then you get an email with n giant gpg blobs? 668613;1399674719;davout;pankkake: yeah, that's dead easy, also multiple recipients is kinda mandatory if you want to be able to decrypt what you encrypt to someone else 668614;1399674727;BingoBoingo;fluffypony: http://deadspin.com/leaked-internal-scouting-report-the-patriots-do-not-li-1574040417 668615;1399674728;davout;benkay: no, because GPG uses a proxy key 668616;1399674739;pankkake;yes, I usually want to know WTF I wrote 668617;1399674765;davout;it encrypts the message symetrically IIRC, and only repeats the symmetric key for each recipient 668618;1399674803;benkay;lovely! 668619;1399674806;benkay;thank you davout. 668620;1399674818;joecool;maybe someone in here with a better understanding of the inner workings of gnupg can answer this 668621;1399674834;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.041 = 0.123 BTC [-] 668622;1399674843;benkay; it encrypts the message symetrically IIRC, and only repeats the symmetric key for each recipient // joecool that's the deal right there 668623;1399674859;mircea_popescu;benkay> email threads + encryption -> nightmare << why ? we don't have a problem here do we ? 668624;1399674881;benkay;i'm just derpy and didn't know about the multiple recipient procedure mircea_popescu 668625;1399674882;joecool;benkay: that works, just wasn't sure of how to do it, my query is about something different 668626;1399674887;mircea_popescu;a a nm 668627;1399674888;fluffypony;k I'm out, night 668628;1399674894;mircea_popescu;sleep well fluff 668629;1399674896;benkay;night fluffer 668630;1399674907;davout;also, for OSX-fags : pbpaste | gpg -a -e -r recipient1 ... -r recipientN -s -u my_key | pbcopy == encrypt+sign clipboard contents 668631;1399674910;joecool;i use openpgp smartcards, i don't keep my keys on any other form of storage other than my master key which is kept encrypted on an offline archive disk (this is so i can mint new openpgp smartcards if necessary) 668632;1399674913;davout;fluffypony: bye 668633;1399674922;fluffypony;I leave you with this: http://i.imgur.com/SmyTVno.jpg 668634;1399674943;joecool;but i also have key expiry set, i can't change my key expiry unless i load up gnupg with my offline copy and change it there 668635;1399674948;davout;fluffypony: nice cameltoe + spelling mistake, should read bitchcoin 668636;1399674950;joecool;if i try with smartcard it just errors 668637;1399674956;fluffypony;lol 668638;1399674973;pankkake;fluffypony: that's better than the golden crackwhore 668639;1399675000;mircea_popescu;davout> it encrypts the message symetrically IIRC, and only repeats the symmetric key for each recipient << this is correct 668640;1399675013;mircea_popescu;the only part is the original block cypher encryption at the front that swells 668641;1399675032;pankkake;fun command of the day: gpg --list-packets 668642;1399675099;joecool;gah, hate pinentry 668643;1399675116;davout;joecool: wai, pinentry is cool 668644;1399675134;joecool;davout: it sucks ass, there's two ways for me to use it 668645;1399675154;joecool;1. with ncurses, which it fucks up horribly 668646;1399675157;davout;pankkake: moar GPG pro-tip, make gpg-agent forget all passphrases : killall -HUP gpg-agent 668647;1399675179;joecool;2. with X, which means won't work over screen or in console 668648;1399675194;joecool;but going back to problem one, it'll just corrupt the term anyway or not show up proper 668649;1399675231;davout;joecool: wat? when i use it on servers it works fine, and with OSX everything also goes better than expectation, did you try a Ctrl+L to unfuck the term (untested) 668650;1399675238;joecool;this is a gnupg 2.xx issue, gnupg 1.xx didn't have the problem because it didn't use pinentry 668651;1399675245;pankkake;yeah, it's annoying, I'm using 2. because of thunderbird, but then I can't use it over ssh without changing the pinentry 668652;1399675256;davout;joecool: i use 1 with pinentry 668653;1399675264;Apocalyptic;ncurses is not that bad 668654;1399675283;davout;joecool: have you tried to use === instead ? 668655;1399675286;davout;XD 668656;1399675310;davout;or in french : "ton câble est bien branché? t'as essayé de siffler comme un con?" 668657;1399675322;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15265 @ 0.0008831 = 13.4805 BTC [-] 668658;1399675688;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6450 @ 0.0008881 = 5.7282 BTC [+] 668659;1399675818;davout;https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/fein-coin--2 668660;1399675819;ozbot;Fein Coin | Indiegogo 668661;1399675835;davout;what has the internet done 668662;1399675856;mircea_popescu;is it a good thing ? 668663;1399675870;davout;"You can give Fein Coins for events such as raking a yard or selling a pencil or more." 668664;1399675898;davout;i need to delete the internet icon from my computer 668665;1399676224;Namworld;"My name is Ben Fein. I founded Fein Coin with the picture of letting people pay for them the buy gift cards using a mobile app. I came across a idea to make the idea of electronic currency. Enjoy. :)" 668666;1399676237;Namworld;>>I came across a idea to make the idea of electronic currency.<< 668667;1399676304;davout;he had me at "Fein Coin is a e-currency that in the beginning 1 Fein Coin=$20" 668668;1399676412;Namworld;That has got to be trolling... 668669;1399676420;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25900 @ 0.00088811 = 23.002 BTC [+] {2} 668670;1399676421;benkay;amazingly cute ceo 668671;1399676421;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 668672;1399676465;mircea_popescu;could he be more retarded ? 668673;1399676467;Namworld;Wait it's a video... so it's actually a kid... 668674;1399676482;benkay;couldn't say. is the kid really driving the thing? 668675;1399676572;Namworld;Maybe he vaguely understands Bitcoin and thinks he's mocking it by being "Look, I'm a kid, I can create money out of thin air too and scam you. See how stupid it is?" 668676;1399676596;Namworld;or someone else paid a kid to do a short video, for the same reason mentioned above. 668677;1399676664;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5400 @ 0.00088814 = 4.796 BTC [+] 668678;1399676697;mircea_popescu;that makes a low amt of sense number 668679;1399677000;jurov;mircea_popescu: coinbr referral code is fully optional, and i scoop the fees by default, so i don't need one myself :D 668680;1399677054;jurov;it's up to the users to lurk here or publish reflinks if they want referrals 668681;1399677097;Namworld;Well I'm out for the weekend. 668682;1399677179;jurov;bye Nam 668683;1399677432;mod6;<+davout> pankkake: moar GPG pro-tip, make gpg-agent forget all passphrases : killall -HUP gpg-agent << actually, you can avoid having to kill gpg-agent by not starting it up at all. just comment out `use-agent` in gpg.conf 668684;1399677446;mod6;iirc 668685;1399677456;pankkake;killall -HUP isn't a real kill, just a signal 668686;1399677482;mod6;yep: halt-user-process 668687;1399677482;pankkake;and well, GPG agent is damn useful when you batch sign a lot of things 668688;1399677500;pankkake;it's often used to tell daemons to reload their config 668689;1399677823;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.041 = 0.41 BTC [-] 668690;1399677824;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26721 @ 0.00088662 = 23.6914 BTC [-] {3} 668691;1399677945;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 7 @ 0.041 = 0.287 BTC [-] 668692;1399678171;mod6;I don't know why I keep forgetting that it's Hang-Up Process not Halt-User-Process: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SIGHUP#SIGHUP 668693;1399678235;mod6;duuuur 668694;1399678280;jurov;"director of engineering" ..maybe it was the official title for ultimate phone hotline sink for unruly customers? 668695;1399678574;benkay;derprectum of engineering 668696;1399678725;artifexd;jurov: Can you answer a question about deposits into coinbr? 668697;1399678795;davout;pankkake: "killall -HUP isn't a real kill, just a signal" <<< the HUP signal, so? 668698;1399678823;davout;mod6: nah, it's actually HANGUP 668699;1399678862;bounce;"SIGHUP [...] terminal line hangup" 668700;1399678871;davout;mod6: also i like my gpg-agent running, otherwise i woukdn't, you know, run it :D 668701;1399678980;davout;killall -HUP davout 668702;1399679147;mod6;<.< 668703;1399679277;jurov;artifexd yes? 668704;1399679346;artifexd;The amount I deposited doesn't match the amount I was credited. I originally thought the missing amount was the monthly fee because it was on 1 May. 668705;1399679387;artifexd;But the management fee came out 3 days later. 668706;1399679406;artifexd;So, is there a policy about rounding deposits? 668707;1399679430;benkay;jurov: scamm0r! 668708;1399679458;jurov;no that must have been a mistake 668709;1399679468;jurov;which tx was it? 668710;1399679515;artifexd;The order # in coinbr is 3985 668711;1399679548;artifexd;The bitcoin tx id is 955cb8cf9b4e936a9d79b49331aa29c8fb135d639649438211c3de5fcd88145b 668712;1399679586;artifexd;It isn't enough for me to be upset about. But I was curious. 668713;1399679647;jurov;thanks for report, looking... 668714;1399680232;tim-tams;Hey guys, I'm run a Bitcoin website and weekly podcast and we're looking for a sponsor, pm me for more details if you're at all interested 668715;1399680528;mike_c;jurov is accurate to 18 decimal places :) 668716;1399680737;jurov;lol 668717;1399680751;jurov;artifexd: the rest credited 668718;1399680883;artifexd;jurov: You are a scholar and a gentleman. Thank you. 668719;1399680913;jurov;that's why it is good to show full records.. 668720;1399680968;jurov;for example on mpex, such thing is much harder to notice that because it's beyond mircea to mention in STAT or else that "deposit of X was credited" 668721;1399680981;jurov;only balance suddelny changes 668722;1399681203;benkay;!up fanquake 668723;1399681203;assbot;Voicing fanquake for 30 minutes. 668724;1399681615;BCB;Brock Pierce for President 668725;1399681727;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.0349998 = 0.175 BTC [+] 668726;1399681849;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 6 @ 0.041 = 0.246 BTC [-] 668727;1399681856;mircea_popescu;wait so what did i do wrong ? 668728;1399682055;jurov;question for me? that's not related to artifexd 668729;1399682093;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.03172 = 0.1586 BTC [+] 668730;1399682118;jurov;i'm just venting that balances on mpex can change at any time without any record shown in STAT 668731;1399682126;jurov;in case of deposits and pushes 668732;1399682154;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.06474168 = 0.3237 BTC [-] 668733;1399682539;jurov;'night! 668734;1399682613;mike_c;gnite 668735;1399683069;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 4 @ 0.041 = 0.164 BTC [-] 668736;1399683191;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 20 @ 0.07326871 = 1.4654 BTC [-] {7} 668737;1399683232;TheNewDeal;tim-tams i told you I would sponsor 5$ worth for a middle finger dedicated to the COO of butterfly labs 668738;1399683252;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3626 @ 0.00088241 = 3.1996 BTC [-] 668739;1399683313;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 9 @ 0.041 = 0.369 BTC [-] 668740;1399685652;benkay;jurov: you around? 668741;1399685692;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 60 @ 0.07205306 = 4.3232 BTC [-] {13} 668742;1399685851;benkay;;;lasers 668743;1399685851;gribble;┌━ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ *pew!* *pew!* *pew!* 668744;1399685875;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 26 @ 0.041 = 1.066 BTC [-] 668745;1399686119;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 80 @ 0.07121217 = 5.697 BTC [-] {8} 668746;1399686241;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 34 @ 0.041 = 1.394 BTC [-] 668747;1399687653;BingoBoingo;;;kitten lasers 668748;1399687653;gribble;Error: "kitten" is not a valid command. 668749;1399687662;BingoBoingo;;;kittenlasers 668750;1399687663;gribble;Error: "kittenlasers" is not a valid command. 668751;1399687673;BingoBoingo;;;laserkitten 668752;1399687673;gribble;Error: "laserkitten" is not a valid command. 668753;1399687687;BingoBoingo;.bait 668754;1399687688;ozbot;http://24.media.tumblr.com/e7f8897f95417aeee08e55703ac9183d/tumblr_mpn17nfBUJ1sq44lfo1_1280.jpg 668755;1399687871;mircea_popescu;o hey. 668756;1399687875;mircea_popescu;like the best bait to date 668757;1399688010;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15300 @ 0.00088167 = 13.4896 BTC [-] 668758;1399688195;mircea_popescu;"Turning over a new leaf: Italian prisoners will get their sentences reduced by three days for every book they read while in jail" 668759;1399688206;mircea_popescu;dude, book me already. i have > 500 books i never had the time to read. 668760;1399688254;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 8 @ 0.46247108 = 3.6998 BTC [-] {3} 668761;1399688315;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.46388437 BTC [+] 668762;1399688416;BingoBoingo;Damn. That actually sounds like a good idea for retreat. 668763;1399688620;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32350 @ 0.00088159 = 28.5194 BTC [-] {2} 668764;1399688681;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 15 @ 0.03172 = 0.4758 BTC [+] 668765;1399688864;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.46388437 BTC [+] 668766;1399688876;BingoBoingo;http://www2.illinois.gov/idoc/facilities/Pages/tammsworkcamp.aspx 668767;1399688877;ozbot;Facilities & Visitation 668768;1399688889;BingoBoingo;^ Candidate for a place to open a reading retreat 668769;1399689657;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 6 @ 0.03172 = 0.1903 BTC [+] 668770;1399689962;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.034 = 0.136 BTC [-] {2} 668771;1399689963;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 4 @ 0.06474168 = 0.259 BTC [-] {2} 668772;1399690967;dignork;!up omantianefultans 668773;1399690967;assbot;Voicing omantianefultans for 30 minutes. 668774;1399690999;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.03116049 = 0.3116 BTC [-] {4} 668775;1399691016;nubbins`;!up sdfasdfasdf 668776;1399691016;assbot;Voicing sdfasdfasdf for 30 minutes. 668777;1399691053;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: only 500!?!? 668778;1399691060;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.03109338 = 0.1555 BTC [-] {4} 668779;1399691105;nubbins`;!up omantianefultans 668780;1399691105;assbot;Voice for omantianefultans extended to 30 minutes. 668781;1399691121;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.03105789 = 0.1553 BTC [-] 668782;1399691243;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 5 @ 0.041 = 0.205 BTC [-] 668783;1399691340;nubbins`;so here's what we've been working on the past couple weeks 668784;1399691344;nubbins`;https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.876287569063860.1073741827.307815925911030&type=1&l=96b7490ddb 668785;1399691350;nubbins`;sorry for the FB album, but it is what it is 668786;1399691361;nubbins`;no account required or anything 668787;1399691745;decimation;asciilifeform: [apple] also profited from the demise of sun, sgi, etc. - being the only remaining vendor of what amounts to '90-style 'unix workstation << this is very true 668788;1399691791;decimation;I heard a theory about this once. In the 90's, most business middle-managment went from being innocent of computers to suddenly owning a winblows box 668789;1399691802;nubbins`;hi omantianefultans 668790;1399691831;omantianefultans;Hi nubbins` ... Nice job with your FB project/albumn. 668791;1399691838;nubbins`;thanks 668792;1399691853;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 8 @ 0.041 = 0.328 BTC [-] 668793;1399691859;decimation;Computing was taken from the hands of the engineers who actually computed with computers, and suddenly became the realm of MS crapware. The whining of the enigneers was ignored, generally. 668794;1399691914;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11800 @ 0.0008839 = 10.43 BTC [+] 668795;1399691928;decimation;Of course, the custom unix makers were also "unable to compete" with Intel cpus, due to the fact that they were fat and bloated from dumb money from gov't and big business 668796;1399691945;omantianefultans;nubbins`: You should make your whale picture with graffiti. http://abclocal.go.com/wpvi/story?section=news/local&id=9527936 668797;1399691954;asciilifeform;decimation: sun et al died of linux 668798;1399691977;asciilifeform;which explains why they died when they did 668799;1399691985;decimation;they could have "embraced and extended" linux 668800;1399692021;decimation;Sun dipped its toe in that water for awhile, but it was a day late and a dollar short 668801;1399692022;asciilifeform;that would've been antithetical to the doctrine of 'we own the precious commercial rights to at&t unix, we must use them' 668802;1399692111;decimation;yeah. I linked to this talk awhile back: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zRN7XLCRhc Apparenlty Sun literally spent years trying to "legally" offer some kind of open source license 668803;1399692143;decimation;it wasn't that they were against doing so, it was just that they had 30 years of legal baggage and copyright to worry about 668804;1399692143;asciilifeform;decimation: the real crying shame is that the sun & alpha laptops made by tadpole inc. and others never took off 668805;1399692168;asciilifeform;laptop is the one place where os and hardware really must be build under one roof 668806;1399692179;decimation;yeah that's a good point 668807;1399692186;asciilifeform;(that, or properly documented chips, which remain an opium dream) 668808;1399692230;asciilifeform;today, apple stands entirely alone there. 668809;1399692270;decimation;what's interesting is that the DoD wanted to push the industry to open cooperation in the 80's. They saw the writing on the wall w.r.t. Asian manufacturing, and pushed for things like VHDL and whatnot to try to keep industry here, which succeeded to some degree 668810;1399692300;decimation;these days you get the feeling that there's nobody home at the levels of gov't that could "do something" about the complete transfer of the electronics industry to china et. al. 668811;1399692346;asciilifeform;decimation: http://www.loper-os.org/?p=231&cpage=1#comment-1782 668812;1399692429;decimation;yeah this is pretty much the case. From what I can tell, most real engineering work is either done on old windows boxes (for engineering crapware) and Macbooks 668813;1399692465;asciilifeform;i generally think of using a laptop as something to be avoided, if possible. 668814;1399692496;asciilifeform;partly because apple machine is a serious headache 668815;1399692512;asciilifeform;(can you install 'ratpoison' under apple's os? nope) 668816;1399692521;asciilifeform;but at least apple's laptop... works. 668817;1399692528;decimation;no headache. just keep paying $2k per year for the latest widget and you are supported 668818;1399692538;decimation;God forbid you want to open it up to do anything 668819;1399692562;asciilifeform;actually the portables circa '08 and up open easily 668820;1399692567;asciilifeform;vs. the 'tin can' designs from before 668821;1399692585;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22513 @ 0.00088405 = 19.9026 BTC [+] 668822;1399692598;asciilifeform;(where you had to use a 'spudger' and remove layer upon layer just to access the disk) 668823;1399692604;decimation;yeah that's true, I have a couple 08-09 laptops. I find they eat spinning platter hard drives for some reason 668824;1399692634;asciilifeform;decimation: can't bring myself to tolerate a spinning drive in any laptop whatsoever 668825;1399692653;decimation;yeah it's playing with fire. I wish someone would pick this up and make it a real product: http://www.crowdsupply.com/kosagi/novena-open-laptop 668826;1399692658;asciilifeform;i rip them out and replace with cheap ssd (yeah they won't last a decade, but a laptop should be considered expendable anyway) 668827;1399692733;decimation;there's a business opportunity for some up-and-coming Chinese vendor to make inroads in the US market: make a repairable Unix "workstation" laptop 668828;1399692746;decimation;if you can sell for less than a macbook I think there is a market there 668829;1399692761;asciilifeform;decimation: no headache. just keep paying << i find apple's os just an uncommonly clunky way to run x11 & friends 668830;1399692793;decimation;ugg and in Mavericks they ditched X11 - you have to download some open source "Xquartz" project to make it work 668831;1399692820;decimation;every point release of OSX: less support for people who want to do something (apple is forever killing hypercard) 668832;1399692820;asciilifeform;lucky none of my apple boxes have this turd installed. 668833;1399692836;asciilifeform;the forced mouse use is an especially cruel torment on a portable. 668834;1399692921;asciilifeform;decimation: phun phact. it is traditionally illegal in the u.s. to sell a laptop with 100% documented chips. 668835;1399692926;asciilifeform;how? wireless card / fcc regs 668836;1399692941;decimation;heh yeah that's a good point, can't violate USG regs 668837;1399692960;asciilifeform;therefore the idea is a non-starter, at least if built directly for american market 668838;1399692974;asciilifeform;(does eu have similar laws?) 668839;1399693002;decimation;in the future apple will sell the iGenuflect - you kneel prostrate in front of your laptop in memory of Steve, and it will grant you 1 hour of programming time 668840;1399693049;decimation;you could in theory lockdown the stuff that needs to be locked down in pure hardware 668841;1399693058;decimation;but that would require immense engineering time 668842;1399693083;asciilifeform;decimation: igenuflect - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRMiRFJzIKA 668843;1399693161;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform well 500 is like 7 years wtf. 668844;1399693169;mircea_popescu;whgat am i in for, murder ? 668845;1399693268;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i suppose it depends on the books. my backlog contains junk like 'intro to Lie algebras,' etc 668846;1399693371;decimation;http://thehill.com/policy/technology/202170-fcc-votes-to-boost-wi-fi 668847;1399693373;ozbot;FCC votes to boost Wi-Fi | TheHill 668848;1399693387;decimation;?This will make it easier for all of us to consume a wide range of content on our mobile devices, most notably high definition video without frustrating lags or delays,? Cisco Director of Government Affairs Mary Brown wrote. 668849;1399693388;mircea_popescu; what's interesting is that the DoD wanted to push the industry to open cooperation in the 80's. << this is very true. perhaps the last govt push for sanity in any field. 668850;1399693417;asciilifeform;re: wireless card firmware - i suspect that when someone bothers to audit the blobs - with an eye to searching for creepy crawlies, rather than the customary functionality reverse-eng. - plenty will turn up. 668851;1399693491;asciilifeform;re: DoD standards, vdhl - at one point, vendors were required to provide full design - and - guarantee production to a certain date, far in the future 668852;1399693497;asciilifeform;as a condition of major contracts 668853;1399693536;mircea_popescu;back when. 668854;1399693544;asciilifeform;early '80s. 668855;1399693549;asciilifeform;somehow this faded away. 668856;1399693564;asciilifeform;to no one's great surprise. 668857;1399693622;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.041 = 0.123 BTC [-] 668858;1399693687;decimation;well, I think the best explanation is that the defense companies realized they could tell gov't employees what to do (via congress) rather than otherwise 668859;1399693714;asciilifeform;some time soon after, they realized that they can also dispense with the need to ship products that work 668860;1399693724;asciilifeform;and after that, with the very idea of shipping anything 668861;1399693736;asciilifeform;(see the ill-fated airplane, etc.) 668862;1399693748;decimation;congress was all about it, because they could hang all kinds of other "social good" on the procurement process 668863;1399693765;mircea_popescu;no i mean, yes, but that was way back when it still worked sort-of 668864;1399693776;asciilifeform;if you notice that the pay keeps coming regardless - why work. 668865;1399693778;decimation;who cares if your widget works (and is a good price) when you can employ a homeless black man with a Job 668866;1399693846;mircea_popescu;so in the end, this great experiment where congress is in the business of pork, the administration is into masturbation and the country is run by laws not men 668867;1399693849;mircea_popescu;kinda fails. 668868;1399693874;asciilifeform;most of the widgets that actually sail, fly, explode, presently in the field - are '80s designs at the core - at the very latest. 668869;1399693895;asciilifeform;(the famous 'u2' airplane - still flies. etc) 668870;1399693898;decimation;yep. note how "late" the f35 is 668871;1399693996;asciilifeform;tales abound, of janitors pulling on a mess of cable to reveal 'pdp-8' drywalled into a broom close oubliette, still running a radar set, etc. 668872;1399694003;asciilifeform;*closet 668873;1399694064;ThickAsThieves;what's the mpex rift shard? 668874;1399694066;decimation;the whole USG has become a vehicle to distribute the annual seigniorage 668875;1399694080;asciilifeform;the familiar science fiction staple, of savages running across a cache of 'technology of the ancients' which still works, and going wild - that's reality. 668876;1399694118;ThickAsThieves;;;google trilema.com rift guild 668877;1399694118;gribble;Trilema, the Rift guild pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: ; Rift pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: ; A virtual socioeconomic problem pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea ...: 668878;1399694169;decimation;ascii your blog has shown me how comp. language "advancement" is really just reinenting lisp and algol poorly 668879;1399694206;asciilifeform;decimation: and cpu archs re-implement pdp-11 poorly, and again and again... 668880;1399694513;decimation;I find the python3 vs python2 "war" amusing 668881;1399694529;decimation;several years ago the python "devs" decided to break the language "because it makes it better" 668882;1399694534;decimation;5 years later no one has jumped 668883;1399694604;asciilifeform;decimation: the mere thinkability of this kind of thing, re: a given system, is a sure test for braindamage 668884;1399694626;decimation;reminds me of the quote from Lawrence of Arabia about hubris: Prince Feisal: There's nothing further here for a warrior. We drive bargains. Old men's work. Young men make wars, and the virtues of war are the virtues of young men. Courage and hope for the future. Then old men make the peace. And the vices of peace are the vices of old men. Mistrust and caution. It must be so. 668885;1399694660;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.0335 = 0.1675 BTC [-] 668886;1399694669;decimation;What amazes me is the charmed path that Linux itself has taken 668887;1399694708;decimation;Linus would be nobility in another century 668888;1399694761;asciilifeform;linux sorta takes us almost to the point we were in 1972. 668889;1399694783;asciilifeform;except when you stop and think about the fact that virtually every 'linux box' is also running a number of embedded turds 668890;1399694796;asciilifeform;(disk, i/o, display controllers, etc) 668891;1399694802;decimation;everyone's too busy to worry about that ascii 668892;1399694809;asciilifeform;and then you envy the folks with the 'pdp' 668893;1399694841;asciilifeform;it isn't even, as people like to think, a 'security' itch 668894;1399694863;asciilifeform;it's about the fundamental impossibility of fully understanding wtf is actually taking place inside the box 668895;1399694964;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves phyrnius 668896;1399694970;decimation;Well, part of the reason is that it has become absurdly expensive to fab a chip 668897;1399694988;decimation;and the "business model" of "we own the IP" is all any company in the US has left 668898;1399695017;mircea_popescu;decimation> 5 years later no one has jumped << wait, the core devs of python, nobody gave a shit about them ?! 668899;1399695029;asciilifeform;i actually see a future for machines built of discrete (yes, 74xxx & friends) logic. 668900;1399695035;asciilifeform;perhaps the only future. 668901;1399695041;asciilifeform;'but they say i'm mad' 668902;1399695059;decimation;yeah mircea, I think you can find a parallel in bitcoin :) 668903;1399695092;asciilifeform;perhaps after 'mad max', when a computer is no longer a cheap widget - but a _place_ - like the old church organs - people will give a fuck whether they work correctly 668904;1399695097;decimation;if Guido Van Rossum can be ignored by everyone, how much easier would it be to ignore the bitcoin devs? 668905;1399695099;asciilifeform;and whether the machine can be understood 668906;1399695111;mircea_popescu;decimation i'm just glad im not the only one aware of the damned thing. 668907;1399695113;asciilifeform;(because if it cannot be understood, it cannot be maintained) 668908;1399695160;decimation;there is wisdom in this 668909;1399695162;asciilifeform;imagine if 'la serenissima', old venice, had... a computer. what part of what we put up with, would they tolerate. 668910;1399695168;mircea_popescu;decimation btw, wasn't von rossum working with rice now ? 668911;1399695194;ThickAsThieves;mp it shows servers by country first 668912;1399695199;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform they were actually sort-of trying to get the mechanical calculator going 668913;1399695206;mircea_popescu;more like a watchmaking angle tho 668914;1399695211;decimation;donno. la wik says he's polishing the dropbox turd: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guido_van_Rossum 668915;1399695234;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves pvp intl 668916;1399695245;mircea_popescu;decimation that'd be it then. 668917;1399695253;mircea_popescu;;;google rice dropbox 668918;1399695254;gribble;Protests Continue Against Dropbox After Appointment of ... - Bits: ; Dropbox Service: ; Dropbox users are angry that NSA-loving Condoleezza Rice has ...: ; Cheney Defends The "Nobody Could've Predicted" President ...: ; Nobody Could Have Predicted...: (1 more message) 668935;1399695438;mircea_popescu;oic. 668936;1399695489;decimation;I wonder if a computer made of discrete chips would be more fault-tolerant against cosmic rays, etc 668937;1399695498;decimation;I suspect that they still make them on big-old dies 668938;1399695879;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.48285257 = 0.9657 BTC [+] 668939;1399696001;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16800 @ 0.00088561 = 14.8782 BTC [+] {2} 668940;1399696081;decimation;why can't I "!down" myself in a private query with assbot? 668941;1399696114;decimation;!down decimation 668942;1399696977;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21050 @ 0.00088804 = 18.6932 BTC [+] 668943;1399697038;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2600 @ 0.00088804 = 2.3089 BTC [+] 668944;1399698014;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9850 @ 0.00088241 = 8.6917 BTC [-] {2} 668945;1399699478;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29600 @ 0.00088541 = 26.2081 BTC [+] {3} 668946;1399699661;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 74 @ 0.00430871 = 0.3188 BTC [-] {4} 668947;1399699662;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23750 @ 0.00088235 = 20.9558 BTC [-] {2} 668948;1399701918;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16472 @ 0.00088559 = 14.5874 BTC [+] 668949;1399702007;artifexd;;;later tell mod6 It looks like pitythepool has the current network hashrate in their json stats. I don't know the source or how it is calculated, but it may be easier for you to grab it from there than calculate it. Less accurate, but easier. 668950;1399702007;gribble;The operation succeeded. 668951;1399702284;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53435 @ 0.00088346 = 47.2077 BTC [-] {4} 668952;1399702345;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15407 @ 0.000881 = 13.5736 BTC [-] {2} 668953;1399702819;fluffypony;"Ken what is your 3 month plan for this company? How are you going to make us money with a static data centre and single figure miner sales?" 668954;1399702825;fluffypony;"Tell me what the bitcoin price will be in 3 months and I will tell you." 668955;1399702831;fluffypony;dat forward thinking 668956;1399703627;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.46388437 BTC [-] 668957;1399703931;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.46 BTC [-] 668958;1399704602;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44437 @ 0.00088837 = 39.4765 BTC [+] {5} 668959;1399704663;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30163 @ 0.00088927 = 26.8231 BTC [+] {2} 668960;1399704968;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16200 @ 0.00088932 = 14.407 BTC [+] {2} 668961;1399705654;benkay;*** assbot (~assbot@unaffiliated/kakobrekla/bot/assbot) has kicked decimation off channel #bitcoin-assets: Bye. // happy now? 668962;1399705686;benkay;jurov are you off for the weekend again? 668963;1399705700;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.46388437 BTC [+] 668964;1399705822;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22112 @ 0.00088957 = 19.6702 BTC [+] {2} 668965;1399706371;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10838 @ 0.00088973 = 9.6429 BTC [+] 668966;1399706798;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11313 @ 0.00088433 = 10.0044 BTC [-] 668967;1399707530;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1529 @ 0.00088433 = 1.3521 BTC [-] 668968;1399707598;fluffypony;;;later tell ThickAsThieves dat rap - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0FSla2-yV0 (original without the beat - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hM7ITjpyed4&feature=youtu.be&t=1m46s ) 668969;1399707598;gribble;The operation succeeded. 668970;1399708140;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21488 @ 0.00088916 = 19.1063 BTC [+] {2} 668971;1399708280;jurov;benkay no, what happens? 668972;1399708327;jurov;a ic 668973;1399711312;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 30 @ 0.041 = 1.23 BTC [-] 668974;1399711434;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.07434992 = 0.7435 BTC [-] {3} 668975;1399711922;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15950 @ 0.00088524 = 14.1196 BTC [-] 668976;1399712349;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8381 @ 0.0008849 = 7.4163 BTC [-] 668977;1399713264;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.041 = 0.41 BTC [-] 668978;1399713531;davout;bitcoinbourse -> "we are sure our system is very professional programmed" 668979;1399713534;davout;"It can classified us a Market player with higher audience as the others, and we understand that some jealous people do not see this with many pleasure." 668980;1399713726;bounce;the fat frenchman went to japan because of the engrish, maybe? 668981;1399713752;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 6 @ 0.041 = 0.246 BTC [-] 668982;1399713780;davout;bounce: if you're referring to karpy i believe he fattened there 668983;1399714728;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15770 @ 0.00088586 = 13.97 BTC [+] {3} 668984;1399714911;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 4 @ 0.041 = 0.164 BTC [-] 668985;1399715094;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14412 @ 0.00088754 = 12.7912 BTC [+] 668986;1399715521;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13400 @ 0.0008849 = 11.8577 BTC [-] 668987;1399716009;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29004 @ 0.00088377 = 25.6329 BTC [-] {3} 668988;1399716253;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 50 @ 0.07145281 = 3.5726 BTC [-] {12} 668989;1399716375;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 22 @ 0.041 = 0.902 BTC [-] {2} 668990;1399716941;fluffypony;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://i.imgur.com/RXH4FOQ.jpg 668991;1399716941;gribble;The operation succeeded. 668992;1399717172;fluffypony;;;later tell benkay not sure if this relevant at all to what you guys are encountering wrt the 4096 bit entropy problem - https://medium.com/the-physics-arxiv-blog/602f88552b64 668993;1399717173;gribble;The operation succeeded. 668994;1399718022;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.041 = 0.123 BTC [-] 668995;1399718102;bounce;ew medium.com. 668996;1399718205;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 20 @ 0.041 = 0.82 BTC [-] 668997;1399718327;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 13 @ 0.07256913 = 0.9434 BTC [+] {2} 668998;1399719974;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21700 @ 0.00088379 = 19.1782 BTC [+] 668999;1399720706;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.041 = 0.123 BTC [-] 669000;1399721072;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17950 @ 0.00088253 = 15.8414 BTC [-] {2} 669001;1399721135;ThickAsThieves;"We’re so delighted to be able to offer a complimentary annual individual membership to the foundation for all registered attendees." 669002;1399721160;ThickAsThieves;Apparently I am a member of the BTCFundnation after all 669003;1399721182;fluffypony;Uh oh 669004;1399721188;fluffypony;Better fix your blog footer 669005;1399721255;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23155 @ 0.00088444 = 20.4792 BTC [+] {2} 669006;1399721267;ThickAsThieves;but but i think might need to opt-in first 669007;1399721291;ThickAsThieves;however they are having their annual meeting in Amsterdam too 669008;1399721300;ThickAsThieves;so might be a great way for me to ask questions 669009;1399721321;ThickAsThieves;their lawyer never responded to my email asking about their nonprofit status 669010;1399721331;ThickAsThieves;or relevant donation info 669011;1399721579;chetty;ThickAsThieves, maybe publish them as open questions? 669012;1399721926;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 44 @ 0.07103751 = 3.1257 BTC [-] {6} 669013;1399722109;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24500 @ 0.00088298 = 21.633 BTC [-] {2} 669014;1399722109;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 19 @ 0.041 = 0.779 BTC [-] 669015;1399722379;ThickAsThieves;so they can prepare bullshit nonanswers? 669016;1399722414;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17000 @ 0.00088095 = 14.9762 BTC [-] {3} 669017;1399722842;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.03107021 = 0.1554 BTC [-] 669018;1399722902;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.03103521 = 0.3104 BTC [-] {3} 669019;1399722963;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 9 @ 0.0310001 = 0.279 BTC [-] 669020;1399722964;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.0335572 = 0.1678 BTC [+] {2} 669021;1399723024;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.03350001 = 0.1675 BTC [-] 669022;1399723051;fluffypony;ThickAsThieves: so then publish open questions that you won't ask 669023;1399723056;fluffypony;and corner them with the actual questions 669024;1399723075;fluffypony;lead in with the published ones and then veer off investigatory journalizt style 669025;1399723085;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.03107021 = 0.3107 BTC [+] {2} 669026;1399723086;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 46 @ 0.0043057 = 0.1981 BTC [-] {2} 669027;1399723107;ThickAsThieves;lol 669028;1399723142;ThickAsThieves;i like how they hint at being a nonprofit through the wording in their letters and bylaws 669029;1399723146;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.03104216 = 0.1552 BTC [-] {2} 669030;1399723147;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.03350001 = 0.1675 BTC [-] 669031;1399723154;ThickAsThieves;but arent actually filed as one 669032;1399723163;ThickAsThieves;it could be pending i guess 669033;1399723172;ThickAsThieves;but it's a bit unethical to paint yourself as an np 669034;1399723194;ThickAsThieves;and solicit donations without noting their ability to be tax deductible 669035;1399723235;fluffypony;speaking of gray-area ethics 669036;1399723246;fluffypony;I had someone accuse OpenRigs of being unethical 669037;1399723249;fluffypony;because we ship from South Africa 669038;1399723254;fluffypony;but we have a .com and the default currency is USD 669039;1399723265;fluffypony;which apparently implies you are in the US of A 669040;1399723305;ThickAsThieves;this would only be an issue if you do not quote shipping costs before purchase 669041;1399723323;ThickAsThieves;or est ship time 669042;1399723331;fluffypony;which we do, they have to choose a shipping option during checkout (or when viewing their cart) 669043;1399723339;fluffypony;and the shipping options have shipping timelines on each option 669044;1399723344;ThickAsThieves;well cry me a river 669045;1399723351;fluffypony;my thoughts exactly 669046;1399723634;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10400 @ 0.00088362 = 9.1896 BTC [+] 669047;1399723984;mircea_popescu;fluffypony: "Ken what is your 3 month plan" << i wonder if that counts as mid term or long term. 669048;1399723989;mircea_popescu;maybe you should ask them. 669049;1399723997;fluffypony;LOL 669050;1399724050;mircea_popescu;youknowimright.jpg 669051;1399724066;ThickAsThieves;memoriesssssss http://bitcoinmagazine.com/3668/bitcoin-network-shaken-by-blockchain-fork/ 669052;1399724427;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 100 @ 0.0043054 = 0.4305 BTC [-] 669053;1399724532;mircea_popescu;davout: 669054;1399724532;mircea_popescu;"It can classified us a Market player with higher audience as the others, and we understand that some jealous people do not see this with many pleasure." <<< o you log, that has such marvels & many pleasure in it! 669055;1399724541;ThickAsThieves;!up skinnkavaj 669056;1399724541;assbot;Voicing skinnkavaj for 30 minutes. 669057;1399724567;skinnkavaj;ThickAsThieves: Why did you leave ASICMINER? 669058;1399724633;ThickAsThieves;technically ditching the AM-PTs is what i did 669059;1399724650;ThickAsThieves;leaving the board was automatic once i no longer represented 5000 shares 669060;1399724660;skinnkavaj;But why? Didn't they make a you some money with 5% management fee? 669061;1399724666;ThickAsThieves;lol 669062;1399724676;ThickAsThieves;go add up those fees over the lifetime 669063;1399724682;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2013/the-analysis-of-a-failure-asicminer/ << there it is skinnkavaj 669064;1399724683;ozbot;The analysis of a failure : Asicminer pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 669065;1399724689;mircea_popescu;he just wasted half a year of his life to make sure. 669066;1399724706;skinnkavaj;ThickAsThieves: Do you no longer believe in a great future for Asicminer? 669067;1399724723;skinnkavaj;I love to buy stocks when everyone is selling them 669068;1399724730;ThickAsThieves;i do not believe in AM 669069;1399724736;ThickAsThieves;and consider it vastly overvalued 669070;1399724738;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves: Apparently I am a member of the BTCFundnation after all <<< ahahaha epic 669071;1399724774;mircea_popescu;skinnkavaj do you have your portofolio published somewhere ? so we can all lol ? 669072;1399724786;mircea_popescu;what's this "buy stocks when everyone is selling them" strat netted you so far ? 669073;1399724808;ThickAsThieves;blood in the steets is blood on your hands 669074;1399724813;ThickAsThieves;streets* 669075;1399724843;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves: so they can prepare bullshit nonanswers? << once you sent the q's privately, they can already do that. 669076;1399724854;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 18 @ 0.0065379 = 0.1177 BTC [+] 669077;1399724855;ThickAsThieves;i didnt 669078;1399724862;ThickAsThieves;those were other Q's 669079;1399724877;ThickAsThieves;but yeah 669080;1399724879;mircea_popescu;fluffypony: lead in with the published ones and then veer off investigatory journalizt style << yeah, but then they'll be "offended" and not answer anyway 669081;1399724879;skinnkavaj;mircea_popescu: Read your link, ok so they made some mistakes with exchanges.. But I couldn't care less about that, what matters is that friedcat seems to be a really good asic engineer 669082;1399724899;mircea_popescu;skinnkavaj on the strength of that answer i humbly submit that perhaps you did not actually read the link. 669083;1399724909;ThickAsThieves;here's how i see it 669084;1399724918;ThickAsThieves;(this is no investment advice) 669085;1399724928;ThickAsThieves;FC and the crew made millions on millions last year 669086;1399724942;mircea_popescu;notwithstanding that afaik friedcat was in no sense an engineer, just a pr for a team, and also afaik she said so mul;tiple times. 669087;1399724944;ThickAsThieves;then had to deal with pissant forum investors 669088;1399724947;ThickAsThieves;which got old 669089;1399724964;ThickAsThieves;so they probably began segmenting their business out of that situation 669090;1399724970;ThickAsThieves;which menifested in things like 669091;1399724973;ThickAsThieves;no Gen2 669092;1399724974;ThickAsThieves;Rockminer 669093;1399724977;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves: it could be pending i guess << wait, pending for two years ? heh. 669094;1399724980;ThickAsThieves;no communciation 669095;1399724982;ThickAsThieves;etc 669096;1399724993;ThickAsThieves;pending for 1 year is normal i'm told 669097;1399724994;mircea_popescu;ahahaha MENIfested.rosenFELT 669098;1399725000;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves but we're approaching three. 669099;1399725006;ThickAsThieves;indeed 669100;1399725010;mircea_popescu;that is not normal. 669101;1399725013;ThickAsThieves;no it isnt 669102;1399725024;ThickAsThieves;they probably werent granted shit 669103;1399725028;ThickAsThieves;and now wanna pretend 669104;1399725029;mircea_popescu;moving your virtual office from us to uk to avoid the impending doom is also not NORMAL 669105;1399725031;skinnkavaj;ThickAsThieves: According to latest questions it seems that they are on track on delivering 102 petahash to the network in 3 months 669106;1399725047;ThickAsThieves;on track by what measure? 669107;1399725050;ThickAsThieves;words and dreams? 669108;1399725060;skinnkavaj;I don't see why they couldn't make better chips than before 669109;1399725078;mircea_popescu;ahgahaha. o you don't see do you ? 669110;1399725084;ThickAsThieves;ho can you not learn by now 669111;1399725090;ThickAsThieves;;;bcstats 669112;1399725092;gribble;Current Blocks: 300047 | Current Difficulty: 8.0008721359681635E9 | Next Difficulty At Block: 300383 | Next Difficulty In: 336 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 day, 22 hours, 20 minutes, and 41 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 8840307102.91 | Estimated Percent Change: 10.49179 669113;1399725100;mircea_popescu;hey skinnkavaj do you see any reason i couldn't fuck michelle obama's daughters on film ? 669114;1399725110;mircea_popescu;im thinking of opening a vlog and i think that'd be a great first episode. 669115;1399725114;skinnkavaj;mircea_popescu: Please just be quite 669116;1399725119;mircea_popescu;!down skinnkavaj 669117;1399725122;mircea_popescu;works for me. 669118;1399725133;fluffypony;be quite what? 669119;1399725146;mircea_popescu;i think it's british english. 669120;1399725155;ThickAsThieves;skinnkavaj if you want voice again you'll need to register with gribble, wot, assbot and get a rep 669121;1399725169;mircea_popescu;!up skinnkavaj 669122;1399725169;assbot;Voicing skinnkavaj for 30 minutes. 669123;1399725176;mircea_popescu;do you get the idea or do you need a 2nd dunking ? 669124;1399725211;skinnkavaj;I want to hear what ThickAsThieves has to say 669125;1399725219;fluffypony;http://i.imgur.com/o8z44h9.jpg 669126;1399725225;skinnkavaj;Why do you not think the could manage to produce a 3gen chip 669127;1399725232;skinnkavaj;They clearly have the competence 669128;1399725234;mircea_popescu;yes well, the point being that we sometimes get what we want, and sometimes don't get what we want. 669129;1399725238;mircea_popescu;and you're mostly in the 2nd class. 669130;1399725248;skinnkavaj;Its just a matter of time 669131;1399725251;ThickAsThieves;it's not that i dont think they "might" make gen3 or whatever 669132;1399725255;mircea_popescu;fluffypony you didn't just draw that up 669133;1399725263;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: I did 669134;1399725264;ThickAsThieves;it's that i dont see how owning stock would be worth it even if they did 669135;1399725267;mircea_popescu;wow. 669136;1399725271;mircea_popescu;do you even job fluffypony ? 669137;1399725274;fluffypony;http://memegenerator.net/Gentleman 669138;1399725274;ozbot;gentleman | Meme Generator 669139;1399725280;fluffypony;it's a saturday 669140;1399725291;skinnkavaj;ThickAsThieves: Why couldn't it be successfull? 669141;1399725305;ThickAsThieves;math 669142;1399725311;skinnkavaj;ThickAsThieves: Why couldn't it be worth it? 669143;1399725317;ThickAsThieves;economy 669144;1399725321;skinnkavaj;If they once again produce the best chips on the market 669145;1399725337;skinnkavaj;It will be worth it 669146;1399725349;ThickAsThieves;isnt this batch already barely on par with the market? 669147;1399725366;skinnkavaj;If they successfully manage to keep their promises now 669148;1399725377;ThickAsThieves;do you realize how long it's been since AM actually released something new? 669149;1399725377;skinnkavaj;Delivering 102 petahash over the next 3 months 669150;1399725379;mircea_popescu;more's the point, if they doi produce the best batch on the market again, why would they want to split the proceeds with you ? 669151;1399725384;skinnkavaj;I think they have a good chance of 20% of the network 669152;1399725385;mircea_popescu;what could you possibly offer them that'd make them care. 669153;1399725394;ThickAsThieves;they wont split proceeds 669154;1399725398;ThickAsThieves;thats why Rockminer exists 669155;1399725406;ThickAsThieves;and why Gen2 probly existed 669156;1399725411;mircea_popescu;so is this a purely academic discussion then ? 669157;1399725458;fluffypony;so they operate ASICMINER as a zero-sum game 669158;1399725462;ThickAsThieves;all the board cares about is their own franchises, which are all going into the red right about now 669159;1399725463;fluffypony;barely profitable, if at all 669160;1399725466;fluffypony;and Rockminer makes the money 669161;1399725483;skinnkavaj;ThickAsThieves: "all the board cares about is their own franchises" Like what franchises? 669162;1399725484;ThickAsThieves;so you are crossing your fingers that some mystery men in china give a fuck about shareholders 669163;1399725493;skinnkavaj;ThickAsThieves: They did before? 669164;1399725498;ThickAsThieves;they measured how much fuck they should give with the Rockminer IPO 669165;1399725499;mircea_popescu;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BnRTjF8CYAAxpnM.jpg asciilifeform check out that truck! best looking truck i've seen. 669166;1399725506;skinnkavaj;Why would you assume friedcat is dishonest now? 669167;1399725507;skinnkavaj;Suddenly 669168;1399725530;skinnkavaj;ThickAsThieves: Do you think Rockminer is a better investment if so? 669169;1399725535;ThickAsThieves;well dishonesty is a different demon in china 669170;1399725543;ThickAsThieves;you measure it differently 669171;1399725555;ThickAsThieves;and whats so sudden 669172;1399725572;ThickAsThieves;AM hasnt made new shit for like a year 669173;1399725574;mircea_popescu;i am coming to this theory that there are two types of people in the world : the ones whose brain is a train engine, and the ones whose brain is a combustion engine. the former can be readily ideintified by the fact that their mental processes move on tracks, no matter the engine's horsepower. 669174;1399725583;mircea_popescu;the latter can probably be identified by how they keep crashing into poles. 669175;1399725585;ThickAsThieves;their farm maxed at like 25TH or some shit 669176;1399725606;skinnkavaj;They told that Rockminer would have to buy chips from Asicminer at the same price as everyone else 669177;1399725627;ThickAsThieves;... 669178;1399725644;skinnkavaj;So far I fail to see why Asicminer suddenly has become corrupt/dishonest 669179;1399725659;mircea_popescu;so there's still hope for my vlog then 669180;1399725673;ThickAsThieves;skinnkavaj 669181;1399725681;ThickAsThieves;pretend Rockminer IS Asicminer 669182;1399725689;ThickAsThieves;and ask how Asicminer might profit 669183;1399725713;ThickAsThieves;then 669184;1399725715;mircea_popescu;"Leading toilet maker Toto refers to itself as the Apple of toilet tech." mwahaha 669185;1399725717;skinnkavaj;They sell chips? 669186;1399725718;ThickAsThieves;pretend you arent pretending 669187;1399725721;skinnkavaj;They could have split up 669188;1399725727;skinnkavaj;Asicminer produces only chips 669189;1399725734;skinnkavaj;Rockminer produces something else 669190;1399725737;skinnkavaj;Is my understanding 669191;1399725739;skinnkavaj;I may be wrong 669192;1399725743;ThickAsThieves;you may 669193;1399725769;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 14 @ 0.041 = 0.574 BTC [-] 669194;1399725788;skinnkavaj;ThickAsThieves: So in that case, do you think Rockminer is a better investment than Asicminer? yes/no? 669195;1399725798;ThickAsThieves;fucking hell man 669196;1399725803;ThickAsThieves;;;8ball 669197;1399725803;gribble;The answer is a resounding no. 669198;1399725807;ThickAsThieves;there. 669199;1399725817;fluffypony;lol 669200;1399725821;skinnkavaj;Yes/no? 669201;1399725825;skinnkavaj;I dont follow you.. 669202;1399725830;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20850 @ 0.00088311 = 18.4128 BTC [-] {2} 669203;1399725838;fluffypony;skinnkavaj: read what gribble said 669204;1399725839;fluffypony;"[14:43:24] +gribble: The answer is a resounding no." 669205;1399725857;assbot;Last 12 lines bashed and pending review. (http://dpaste.com/3D6JHN5.txt) 669206;1399725857;ThickAsThieves;!b 12 669207;1399725857;mircea_popescu;fluffypony he doesn't see why gribble should have said that. 669208;1399725867;mircea_popescu;he further does not see why what gribble says should be controlling. 669209;1399725878;skinnkavaj;I have ignored Gribble 669210;1399725881;ThickAsThieves;[08:21] I hate to use Gribble 669211;1399725881;skinnkavaj;But ok 669212;1399725883;skinnkavaj;So both are shit 669213;1399725887;skinnkavaj;ASicminer and rockminer 669214;1399725888;mircea_popescu;he has this "i do not see" device from socialist training in what passes for education these days, and he knows he's supposed to apply it selectively, 669215;1399725890;skinnkavaj;In your opinion 669216;1399725895;mircea_popescu;which is why i don't get my fuck-obama-daughters-vlog. 669217;1399725897;mircea_popescu;sux. 669218;1399725906;fluffypony;skinnkavaj: gribble's magic 8ball says both are shit 669219;1399725932;fluffypony;skinnkavaj: you can also use this for investment advice: http://www.ask8ball.net 669220;1399725940;mircea_popescu;;;rated gribble 669221;1399725941;gribble;You have not yet rated user gribble 669222;1399725975;mircea_popescu;;;rate gribble 1 possibly the best fake-BTC-stock analyst out there. 669223;1399725977;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user gribble has been recorded. 669224;1399726002;ThickAsThieves;http://i.imgur.com/7HVDhQk.jpg 669225;1399726078;mircea_popescu;anyway, i guess the one true gain from this discussion is a lesson as to how downing people may be bad for debate and the marketplace of ideas. 669226;1399726099;skinnkavaj;Yes trolling and downing people is really boring 669227;1399726099;mircea_popescu;in small enough qty, filth is actually helpful for the healthy body 669228;1399726102;fluffypony;lol ThickAsThieves 669229;1399726106;skinnkavaj;Would really like to have more dicussions 669230;1399726112;skinnkavaj;About the companies 669231;1399726116;skinnkavaj;Thats why I am in this channel 669232;1399726119;fluffypony;skinnkavaj: discussion is fine 669233;1399726131;fluffypony;asking someone for their opinion on a specific issue is fine 669234;1399726138;fluffypony;but yes/no investment advice is nonsensical 669235;1399726139;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves what's the 8ball say about when will the last noob try badgering you about nonsense ? 669236;1399726173;fluffypony;oh asciilifeform will like this: http://www.engadget.com/2014/05/09/westerners-guide-to-japanese-toilets/ 669237;1399726173;mircea_popescu;skinnkavaj no, because you eschew the actual discussion in favour of ridoinkulous formalisms. 669238;1399726211;skinnkavaj;ThickAsThieves: Do you have more information from ASicminer board meetings or are you not allowed of copy pasting that? 669239;1399726228;ThickAsThieves;skinnkavaj, if you just lurk here for a few mos, you'll be miles ahead of the forum 669240;1399726236;ThickAsThieves;you dont even need to talk 669241;1399726243;mircea_popescu;"Gabbie Brown @Gabbiebrown 5h Wishing that everything would just fall into place in every aspect of my life." << check it out, i'm following the only unique snowflake of brilliant potence on twitter. nyah. 669242;1399726257;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.07258988 = 0.7259 BTC [+] 669243;1399726271;ThickAsThieves;there's nothing much worth sharing from the board meetings 669244;1399726277;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: who needs chance and careful planning when you can just wish that everything would fall into place 669245;1399726283;skinnkavaj;ThickAsThieves: I think mircea_popescu is just spamming here with trolls and insults to everyone trying to have a good discussion. Please stop.. I really liked this channel before 669246;1399726304;mircea_popescu;!down skinnkavaj 669247;1399726306;mircea_popescu;i guess so. 669248;1399726318;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 50 @ 0.0725899 = 3.6295 BTC [+] 669249;1399726319;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 43 @ 0.041 = 1.763 BTC [-] 669250;1399726327;ThickAsThieves;this channel was so much better before you got here mp 669251;1399726334;mircea_popescu;fluffypony the problem is fucking deeper than that. see, the brain is not made to work, it's made to adapt. 669252;1399726348;mircea_popescu;these are very different, even if cyberneticists keep wanting to represent the brain as a computor. 669253;1399726360;mircea_popescu;these days most of the brains input for the lower classes is fiction, ie, entertainment. 669254;1399726372;mircea_popescu;in fiction, there's a scenario and a director, and they conspire to alter reality a certain way. 669255;1399726394;mircea_popescu;this "happiness horizon" when "everything would just fall into place in every aspect of my lyf" is a very old very common fiction trope 669256;1399726402;mircea_popescu;it happens to heroines mostly, once they take the cock, usually. 669257;1399726414;mircea_popescu;so... the lower class brain is now... adapted to this counterfactual reality. 669258;1399726436;mircea_popescu;50%+1 of the population would do fine in "life", if only life was... the story of rapunzel. 669259;1399726444;fluffypony;yeah 669260;1399726452;mircea_popescu;~ done spamming with trolls ~ 669261;1399726461;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves ikr 669262;1399726462;ThickAsThieves;http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/255a6o/bitcoin_foundation_adds_alleged_child_molester_to/ 669263;1399726472;mircea_popescu;not you ?! 669264;1399726493;ThickAsThieves;the ruthlessness of idits 669265;1399726497;ThickAsThieves;idiots 669266;1399726523;ThickAsThieves;let's allegedly lynch people! 669267;1399726576;mircea_popescu;ruthlessly idiotic. that's a new one. 669268;1399726593;fluffypony;wow fun 669269;1399726615;mircea_popescu;anyone know this pete earle fellow ? 669270;1399726772;mircea_popescu;!up s1gea 669271;1399726772;assbot;Voicing s1gea for 30 minutes. 669272;1399726779;mircea_popescu;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BnPc9OMCcAAgAbq.jpg << check out how happy hitchcock is 669273;1399726795;s1gea;Thank you. 669274;1399726801;mircea_popescu;yw. who might you be ? 669275;1399726834;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves btw, were you looking for this graph https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BnPU927CQAENJQ5.png ? 669276;1399727319;ThickAsThieves;somewhat interesting 669277;1399727403;ThickAsThieves;but this is better: 669278;1399727404;ThickAsThieves;the total value of the global video game industry is projected to be $78.5 billion for 2012. 669279;1399727418;ThickAsThieves;In 2012, the global movie production and distribution industry is projected to generate revenue of $126.8 billion 669280;1399727473;mircea_popescu;okok :) 669281;1399727501;mircea_popescu;!up CheckDavid 669282;1399727501;assbot;Voicing CheckDavid for 30 minutes. 669283;1399727510;CheckDavid;:D 669284;1399727513;mircea_popescu;;;gettrust assbot CheckDavid 669285;1399727513;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user CheckDavid: Level 1: 1, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=CheckDavid | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=CheckDavid | Rated since: Fri Apr 11 12:52:24 2014 669286;1399727516;mircea_popescu;!up Shazam 669287;1399727516;assbot;Voicing Shazam for 30 minutes. 669288;1399727551;ThickAsThieves;however, gaming industry in US is actually declining 669289;1399727595;ThickAsThieves;down like 10% I think it said 669290;1399727622;CheckDavid;So apple generates more revenue than books? 669291;1399727628;CheckDavid;That's mindboggling 669292;1399727718;ThickAsThieves;“Grand Theft Auto V not only hit $1 billion in sales faster than the fastest-grossing videogame, it beat the three biggest film launches of all time by 16 days.” 669293;1399727757;ThickAsThieves;Rift won't let me join EU servers 669294;1399727787;cazalla;checkout archeage, it's looking good 669295;1399727796;ThickAsThieves;i was watching the videos 669296;1399727813;ThickAsThieves;it's sorta like Civilizations as an mmporg? 669297;1399727835;cazalla;never played civ so can't say 669298;1399727848;ThickAsThieves;like Sims as an mmporg? 669299;1399727859;cazalla;never played that either 669300;1399727880;cazalla;it's pitched as a sandboxy type mmo 669301;1399727893;mircea_popescu;CheckDavid apple is more convenient. 669302;1399727910;cazalla;it's not as carebear as most mmos have become 669303;1399727920;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves ew what ? phyneous is intl not eu ? 669304;1399727971;CheckDavid;mircea_popescu: than books? People buy books with apples, 669305;1399727983;mircea_popescu;those obviously don't count as books. 669306;1399728018;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves and srsly push fdor it cause the guild is huge and i could defo need some help with organising shit 669307;1399728026;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13850 @ 0.0008806 = 12.1963 BTC [-] 669308;1399728118;CheckDavid;Ebooks are not books? 669309;1399728164;mircea_popescu;while the philosophy involved may be arguable, i'm pretty sure that sales of books via ipads and whatnot are counted as ipad revenue, not "books" revenue 669310;1399728303;mircea_popescu;from a concerned reader : "say you been to bitcoincharts lately? i'm concerned about a certificate warning that pops up, disappears, pops up again, no matter what is clicked, and which stops if javascript is disabled." 669311;1399728307;mircea_popescu;anyone got anything ? 669312;1399728330;fluffypony;checking 669313;1399728359;fluffypony;normal bitcoincharts (http) works 669314;1399728362;fluffypony;obv. no warnings 669315;1399728370;fluffypony;and https redirects to http 669316;1399728398;fluffypony;oh I lie, https works 669317;1399728414;fluffypony;linked js is on https 669318;1399728421;fluffypony;linked CSS is on https 669319;1399728436;fluffypony;so I'd hazard that the issue is localised to them 669320;1399728455;mircea_popescu;ah ok ty 669321;1399728538;mircea_popescu;fluffypony apparently you're awesome! 669322;1399728551;fluffypony;lol 669323;1399728758;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7767 @ 0.0008806 = 6.8396 BTC [-] 669324;1399728819;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14183 @ 0.00087943 = 12.473 BTC [-] 669325;1399729307;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 40 @ 0.004302 = 0.1721 BTC [-] 669326;1399729978;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 110 @ 0.041 = 4.51 BTC [-] 669327;1399730535;kakobrekla;>what the f*ck, there is no cog share on HL now ,where is my share?? 669328;1399730728;mircea_popescu;you had a share ? 669329;1399730735;mircea_popescu;well, if you liked your share you can keep your share. 669330;1399730786;kakobrekla;even better: 669331;1399730787;kakobrekla;>Ukyo can you explain why you havent payed any dividend at all after the closure of Bitfunder ? Are you using the coins to turn them into more, like turning 1 btc into 1.1 btc every month or something ? 669332;1399730795;kakobrekla;>>That would be great. I hope Ukyo disclose more info in the portal. I remember that Ukyo mentioned there's a new business would be kickstarted this month? 669333;1399730890;pigeons;lol 669334;1399730932;kakobrekla;i guess ukyo cant comment, he is out of tcp packets. 669335;1399731002;kakobrekla;!up Diablo-D3 669336;1399731002;assbot;Voicing Diablo-D3 for 30 minutes. 669337;1399731005;Diablo-D3;thx 669338;1399731013;Diablo-D3;is ukyo really around anymore? 669339;1399731021;Diablo-D3;I thought he perm-ragequit after I told him to fuck off 669340;1399731023;kakobrekla;;;seen ukyo 669341;1399731024;gribble;ukyo was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 5 weeks, 1 day, 13 hours, 14 minutes, and 56 seconds ago: mgio_: ping 669342;1399731030;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla see, they know they really shouldn't have that coin. so they hope that whoever took it from them is giving it a nice home 669343;1399731049;*;Diablo-D3 is glad he quit the bitcoin fake company ipo drama storm shit 669344;1399731057;mircea_popescu;Diablo-D3 i thought clinton perm-ragequit after you told him to fuck off. 669345;1399731062;mircea_popescu;this is a different guy. 669346;1399731076;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.07055009 = 0.7055 BTC [-] {3} 669347;1399731100;Diablo-D3;mircea_popescu: maybe Im thinking of someone else 669348;1399731105;Diablo-D3;which one is the japanese princess moron? 669349;1399731137;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8650 @ 0.00088112 = 7.6217 BTC [+] 669350;1399731146;kakobrekla;Diablo-D3 usagi? 669351;1399731152;Diablo-D3;right, him 669352;1399731158;Diablo-D3;whos ukyo again? 669353;1399731160;mircea_popescu;yeah diff guy. 669354;1399731166;kakobrekla;buttfucker founder 669355;1399731170;Diablo-D3;hrm 669356;1399731176;Diablo-D3;I feel like I told him to fuck off too 669357;1399731179;Diablo-D3;but cant remember if I did 669358;1399731186;*;Diablo-D3 should keep a list 669359;1399731192;mircea_popescu;that very special moment when you decrypt an email, see -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- 669360;1399731199;mircea_popescu;then -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- 669361;1399731206;kakobrekla;O_o 669362;1399731208;mircea_popescu;then -----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK----- 669363;1399731213;mircea_popescu;then you're O.O 669364;1399731214;pigeons;oops 669365;1399731214;fluffypony;Lol 669366;1399731217;Diablo-D3;mircea_popescu: NEIN NEIN NEIN NEIN 669367;1399731228;Diablo-D3;how does that even happen 669368;1399731263;asciilifeform;loll!!!! 669369;1399731300;asciilifeform;someone must've played a joke. 669370;1399731307;mircea_popescu;i guess someone was being thorough ? 669371;1399731402;random_cat;i would like to declare that Ukyo owes me 100 USD (as a lower bound) 669372;1399731412;mircea_popescu;so recorded. 669373;1399731424;bounce;Ob"Why Johnny Can't Encrypt" 669374;1399731466;fluffypony;I would like to declare that I am leaving to go drink and shall return inebriated at a later time. Or tomorrow if not. 669375;1399731481;mircea_popescu;pix or it didn't hoppen. 669376;1399731507;fluffypony;I'll be sure to take pikshas 669377;1399731529;mircea_popescu;piksha da shiksa 669378;1399731544;bounce;every time I look at sun hardware it strikes me that oracle hates their customers. so. much. 669379;1399731545;mircea_popescu;this is actually a pretty great name for a jewish hip hop band 669380;1399731568;bounce;o_O? 669381;1399731587;mircea_popescu;lmao 669382;1399731591;assbot;Last 5 lines bashed and pending review. (http://dpaste.com/2YCX3NW.txt) 669383;1399731591;mircea_popescu;!b 5 669384;1399731598;random_cat;once upon a time, sun was great 669385;1399731625;mircea_popescu;meh too short 669386;1399731675;mircea_popescu;http://bash.bitcoin-assets.com/?quote=122 << lawl 669387;1399731676;ozbot;#bitcoin-assets bash 669388;1399731794;random_cat;webuser@bitcoin-assets.com:~$ 669389;1399732167;peterl;jurov: how do coinbr refferals get paid? is it added up monthly or shown every time a commission is earned? 669390;1399732251;mircea_popescu;peterl your balance proibably just increases unsexpectedly 669391;1399732263;artifexd;Lol 669392;1399732438;davout;mircea_popescu: "then -----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----" <<< pastie or it didn't happen 669393;1399732518;mircea_popescu;http://pastebin.com/9nwtB3k8 669394;1399732518;ozbot;RpghRO7FPqGx6uQ0sr/MDz6plEY/QPl+eXPnIhDCCyiUOcoZlhZMb2te93Y9o0e9 bctaTOxz5/azX5 - Pastebin.com 669395;1399732525;mircea_popescu;hopefully the x's anonymize enough. 669396;1399732540;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8700 @ 0.00088094 = 7.6642 BTC [-] {2} 669397;1399732568;davout;lol, at least we know it's a macfag who doesn't brew :D 669398;1399732977;kakobrekla;>v2.0.22 (Darwin) 669399;1399732980;kakobrekla;this explains it 669400;1399733022;mircea_popescu;how ? 669401;1399733035;kakobrekla;;;google darwins award 669402;1399733036;gribble;Darwin Awards. Homo sapiens decline; Neo Sapiens rise! February ...: ; Darwin Awards: Darwin Awards: ; Darwin Awards - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: 669403;1399733056;mircea_popescu;lol 669404;1399733089;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 15 @ 0.041 = 0.615 BTC [-] 669405;1399733108;mircea_popescu;is scrypt the new cog like neobeeq was the new hiv 669406;1399733111;mircea_popescu;or him or what was it ? 669407;1399733168;kakobrekla;>We, are a Team from six countries ( Germany, Portugal, Russia, Turkey, Switzerland, and Great Britain ) and focused to meet your standard of requirements as experienced and serious Bitcoin-Insiders, and would highly appreciate your feedback, proposal and critics to our site and services for an ensured continuous improvement process! 669408;1399733176;kakobrekla;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=599410.0 669409;1399733177;ozbot;zyado.com - bitcoin exchange 669410;1399733344;mircea_popescu;this is trollage right ? 669411;1399733391;kakobrekla;no 669412;1399733404;peterl;sadly no 669413;1399733461;mircea_popescu;sounds just like the earlier prosthetic limbs ipos 669414;1399734004;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22450 @ 0.00088367 = 19.8384 BTC [+] {3} 669415;1399734066;mircea_popescu;!up Anon29486307 669416;1399734066;assbot;Voicing Anon29486307 for 30 minutes. 669417;1399734492;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20667 @ 0.00088041 = 18.1954 BTC [-] {2} 669418;1399734553;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8633 @ 0.00087927 = 7.5907 BTC [-] 669419;1399735346;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.041 = 0.41 BTC [-] 669420;1399735407;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 8 @ 0.07258878 = 0.5807 BTC [+] {2} 669421;1399736139;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 5 @ 0.041 = 0.205 BTC [-] 669422;1399736226;benkay;hurr, thanks fluffypony 669423;1399736404;benkay; skinnkavaj on the strength of that answer i humbly submit // well that's a first 669424;1399736444;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 500 @ 0.00085021 = 0.4251 BTC [+] {3} 669425;1399736665;mircea_popescu;benkay notice that the overall effect was exactly the same. 669426;1399736687;mircea_popescu;the lower class CLAIMS my arrogance is the problem. but this is merely what they imagine would make a convincing scapegoat. 669427;1399736766;mircea_popescu;kinda why poor people are so universally despised : they say that which they figure may best serve. 669428;1399736781;mircea_popescu;whatever it may be, irrespective. words are but words. 669429;1399736933;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 50 @ 0.00635993 = 0.318 BTC [-] {5} 669430;1399736993;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 97 @ 0.00120744 = 0.1171 BTC [-] {2} 669431;1399736994;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 37 @ 0.00610981 = 0.2261 BTC [-] 669432;1399737054;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 138 @ 0.00601181 = 0.8296 BTC [-] {7} 669433;1399737263;bounce;re foundation: http://web.archive.org/web/20020813195335/http://www.nypost.com/technology/49923.htm 669434;1399737461;Apocalyptic;Kelticfox> interesting... the person trying to buy Gox (and just added to the Foundation) is a convicted child molester 669435;1399737461;Apocalyptic; The Foundation really doesnt give a fuck about BTC does it? 669436;1399737478;Apocalyptic;guys begin to realize what is the foundation about 669437;1399737485;mircea_popescu;lol 669438;1399737501;mircea_popescu;sure it gives a fuck about btc. just, not yours. 669439;1399737603;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 2.72386476 BTC to 8`667 shares, 31428 satoshi per share 669440;1399737725;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 3 @ 0.034 = 0.102 BTC [+] 669441;1399738213;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 21 @ 0.07258878 = 1.5244 BTC [+] {2} 669442;1399738396;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 56 @ 0.0335 = 1.876 BTC [-] {2} 669443;1399738762;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 200 @ 0.00120273 = 0.2405 BTC [+] {3} 669444;1399738823;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 89 @ 0.07258878 = 6.4604 BTC [+] 669445;1399738984;pigeons;Apocalyptic: doesn't appear he was convicted 669446;1399739009;mircea_popescu;pigeons is it more like a character assasination job ? 669447;1399739067;pigeons;he may be guilty, i don't know, does seem fishy, but it doesn't appear he was convicted 669448;1399739116;Apocalyptic;then Kelticfox is wrong 669449;1399739136;pigeons;yeah thats what i was trying to correct 669450;1399739210;pigeons;apparently there was some sort of recording that got an indictment, and "too many little boys for everything to be right", but not enough evidence to move forward after that 669451;1399739249;kakobrekla;so small amount of little boys is ok? 669452;1399739260;pigeons;seems so 669453;1399739287;kakobrekla;cool, nefario is safe 669454;1399739339;Apocalyptic;re that accusation 669455;1399739340;Apocalyptic; sounds like roger ver, fits right in 669456;1399739362;pigeons;no insinuation, but i hear bruce wagner may run 669457;1399739370;Apocalyptic;is Ver notorious for doing that nao ? 669458;1399739420;pigeons;don't think so 669459;1399739433;pigeons;just explosives in the mail 669460;1399739440;Apocalyptic;right 669461;1399739442;Apocalyptic;firecrackers 669462;1399739505;pigeons;whats this about gox to reopen in pattaya with new ownership? 669463;1399739536;Apocalyptic;no idea, I got a link to https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=590970.0 669464;1399739671;kakobrekla;pattaya? 669465;1399739738;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3700 @ 0.00088301 = 3.2671 BTC [+] 669466;1399739807;mircea_popescu;"There is a convergence between WeHo pedos; some might recall the 1998 web series Chad's World which was essentially a bunch of 30-something pedos creating a project to lure boys to Hollywood with promises of becoming stars in exchange for "work" they would do while living with various members of this group of 30-something pedos. " 669467;1399739819;mircea_popescu;wait, wut ? 669468;1399739904;mircea_popescu;Digital Entertainment Network happens to be the bankrupt venture of the brock pierce guy who is the purported owner that was going to buy the techno music brand some kid was pitching earlier in chan 669469;1399739906;mircea_popescu;what was his name 669470;1399739919;davout;Drew something 669471;1399739922;mircea_popescu;right. 669472;1399739991;mircea_popescu;"Subsequently, civil lawsuits from boys employed by DEN alleged sexual abuse and coercion using drugs and guns by Collins-Rector, co-founder Chad Shackley, and DEN Executive VP Brock Pierce." 669473;1399739997;mircea_popescu;"DEN alumni created other Internet sites including suicide girls" 669474;1399740015;mircea_popescu;suicide girls was run pretty much like a scientology work camp afaik 669475;1399740145;mircea_popescu;http://boingboing.net/2007/11/15/goldfarming-empire-l.html seems to be the better source actually. 669476;1399740146;ozbot;Gold-farming empire linked to dot-com child abuse scandal - Boing Boing 669477;1399740216;mircea_popescu;Apocalyptic lol i gotta love phins' footwork. ask him to come over will you ? 669478;1399740226;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.0314999 = 0.315 BTC [+] 669479;1399740283;mircea_popescu;so basically collins-rector has a harem too, except of [ex]little boys, among which brock pierce, whom he keeps pushing into bitcoin nonsense. 669480;1399740348;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22100 @ 0.00088176 = 19.4869 BTC [-] {2} 669481;1399740470;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 12 @ 0.041 = 0.492 BTC [-] 669482;1399740715;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 25 @ 0.041 = 1.025 BTC [-] 669483;1399741324;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14850 @ 0.00088252 = 13.1054 BTC [+] 669484;1399742341;mircea_popescu;!jd mpif 669485;1399742341;assbot;Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 164.11326127 BTC; +0.10451369 BTC (+0.0637%) since last check 1d 8h 20m 51s ago. 669486;1399742849;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 35 @ 0.0043054 = 0.1507 BTC [+] {2} 669487;1399743032;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 39 @ 0.00299925 = 0.117 BTC [+] {2} 669488;1399743276;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 150 @ 0.07040268 = 10.5604 BTC [-] {11} 669489;1399744313;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 87 @ 0.041 = 3.567 BTC [-] 669490;1399744862;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5050 @ 0.00088252 = 4.4567 BTC [+] 669491;1399745533;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 3 @ 0.034 = 0.102 BTC [+] {3} 669492;1399745716;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 61900 @ 0.00088087 = 54.5259 BTC [-] {5} 669493;1399746021;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7517 @ 0.00087927 = 6.6095 BTC [-] 669494;1399746082;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12083 @ 0.00087876 = 10.6181 BTC [-] 669495;1399747018;kakobrekla;slovenian bitcoin atm 669496;1399747019;kakobrekla;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHkef9oLxhw 669497;1399747019;ozbot;Bitcoin ATM - YouTube 669498;1399747103;kakobrekla;>Actually we are a partner company of BTC-O-MATIC and we handle orders, marketing and integrations for adriatic region. 669499;1399747111;Apocalyptic;kako, doesn't even require fingerprint scanning 669500;1399747119;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 14 @ 0.0330715 = 0.463 BTC [-] {2} 669501;1399747813;pankkake;"Given the various legal requirements, the new model will be equipped with a fingerprint scanner and a security camera." 669502;1399747851;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14205 @ 0.00088249 = 12.5358 BTC [+] 669503;1399747876;Apocalyptic;nvm then 669504;1399747912;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7945 @ 0.00087876 = 6.9817 BTC [-] 669505;1399748095;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.0718 = 0.1436 BTC [+] 669506;1399748141;fluffypony;pankkake 669507;1399748145;fluffypony;lol 669508;1399748152;fluffypony;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=600628.msg6653829#msg6653829 669509;1399748153;ozbot;BitcoinBourse: the biggest scam in Bitcoin securities today 669510;1399748170;fluffypony;so it looks like BitcoinBourse think that you've been paid to troll them 669511;1399748171;fluffypony;or something 669512;1399748183;fluffypony;his circuitous reasoning is very confusing 669513;1399748205;pankkake;and yet I've only commented on a few of his offerings, only to provide a link to a scam accusation or something 669514;1399748226;fluffypony;the thread he links to is hilarious 669515;1399748234;fluffypony;where they try dox you 669516;1399749077;davout;pankkake: "Given the various legal requirements, the new model will be equipped with a fingerprint scanner and a security camera." <<< wonder what legal requirements they're referring to 669517;1399749163;khersonus;it's normally AML/KYC stuff that causes problems for bitcoin<->cash machines 669518;1399749267;jurov; jurov: how do coinbr refferals get paid? << it is added monthly, usually just after the monthly fee 669519;1399749313;davout;khersonus: my point is that the legal requirements are imaginary since bitcoin is nowhere legally defined as money 669520;1399749325;jurov;and shown in the btc account history 669521;1399749334;davout;in other words a bitcoin ATM is by no means different than any other vending machine 669522;1399749345;fluffypony;davout 669523;1399749350;davout;s/by no means/in no way/ 669524;1399749356;fluffypony;if it pays out in fiat the legal definition of Bitcoin is irrelevant, no? 669525;1399749364;fluffypony;the compliance is wrt the fiat being padi 669526;1399749365;fluffypony;*paid 669527;1399749403;davout;fluffypony: nah, that's when you store fiat on behalf of third parties 669528;1399749452;fluffypony;AML would apply if you're providing a fiat dispensing machine 669529;1399749458;fluffypony;it's rife for money laundering 669530;1399749468;fluffypony;KYC not so much unless you're deposit-taking 669531;1399749470;davout;when you buy and sell X, you buy and sell X, as long as X is not defined as a financial instrument, (or a precious metal in some countries) there is no reason for KYC/AML to apply 669532;1399749471;kakobrekla;btc atm could be considered as otc trading no? 669533;1399749499;davout;the fact that "it's ripe for ML" is in no way relevant, the machine is not "dispensing cash", it could be automatically buying apples from you 669534;1399749562;fluffypony;outside of the US, sure 669535;1399749584;fluffypony;but in the nanny state there's a whole bunch of FinCEN crap around this (eg. http://www.fincen.gov/statutes_regs/guidance/html/faq060305.html) 669536;1399749590;davout;AML provisions *may* apply for some specific cases, such as scrap metal buying/selling in france for example 669537;1399749601;davout;but that's usually very clearly laid out in the law 669538;1399749614;khersonus;davout: you should setup a "Bitcoin ATM" and see what happens 669539;1399749636;fluffypony;that insist on AML being applied if you're providing a cash dispensing business, with specific exemptions for things like registered pawnbrokers 669540;1399749651;fluffypony;in the US they apply the "everything is bad, here are some exceptions" policy 669541;1399749651;kakobrekla;imo i dont hink btc atm will catch on on the long run 669542;1399749652;davout;khersonus: no i should absolutely not, because as far as I know european VAT applies on the full amount of sales unless stated otherwise 669543;1399749661;khersonus;davout: oh gosh 669544;1399749667;fluffypony;kakobrekla: I agree 669545;1399749691;fluffypony;personally I think it's just a silly way of trying to promote adoption, it's more inconvenient to use than convenient 669546;1399749692;davout;fluffypony: is bitcoin defined in the "precious Metals, Stones, or Jewels" category? i believe not 669547;1399749712;fluffypony;davout: that's why I said "eg" 669548;1399749717;fluffypony;it's an example of fincen crap 669549;1399749740;davout;fluffypony: bear in mind that i'm not really competent when it comes to regulation in the US, my field of expertise is regulation in europe 669550;1399749757;*;fluffypony neither 669551;1399749778;fluffypony;either way, most of the Bitcoin ATM reviews I've read have been US-centric 669552;1399749785;davout;fluffypony: the US has the advantage of not having VAT, that's why coinbase can work the way it does, and that bitcoin ATMs are actually safer to setup there than in europe 669553;1399749793;fluffypony;I don't know if the Bitcoin ATMs being dropped into Dubai will have lal this AML crap 669554;1399749811;davout;god help them 669555;1399749840;davout;s/god/الله/ 669556;1399749867;fluffypony;hah hah 669557;1399749908;davout;virgins don't know 'bout my unicode 669558;1399750039;jurov;indeed, dude who owns bitcoin atm here got some official statement that VAT does not apply, 669559;1399750067;jurov;but my tax advisor threw quite a fit upon seeing that 669560;1399750072;Apocalyptic; I don't know if the Bitcoin ATMs being dropped into Dubai will have lal this AML crap // lol 669561;1399750088;kakobrekla;>I found a way to generate Bitcoins even faster then every Miner, in a legal way. the Methode i use whas checked by local Lawyer and is 100% non illegal. 669562;1399750088;Apocalyptic;if you want to visit Dubai, you have to apply for a visa where retinal scan is in order 669563;1399750095;kakobrekla;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=603670.0 669564;1399750096;ozbot;mBTC Investment chance - Weekly Cashout 669565;1399750129;davout;jurov: interdasting, did the guy tell you the govt actually, and voluntarily simply said "oh ok, we'll waive the tax for you" ? 669566;1399750135;davout;(genuinely interested) 669567;1399750158;jurov;no, the statement he cited said that it is neither goods nor service, so the law does not apply 669568;1399750170;Apocalyptic;wait 669569;1399750206;jurov;Apocalyptic here: https://coinunity.sk/topic/561/novinky-z-financnej-spravy-a-mf-sr 669570;1399750214;Apocalyptic;thanks 669571;1399750223;davout;jurov: wait until the tax administration realizes signing a transaction can perfectly be defined as a "service" :D 669572;1399750243;Apocalyptic;imo it is davout 669573;1399750259;jurov;yes, i think too someone somewhere will certainly hell bent to categorize it somewhere 669574;1399750280;davout;selling bitcoins, in its essence, is simply multiplying some large numbers in exchange for fiat money 669575;1399750291;davout;s/money/currency/ 669576;1399750335;assbot;Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. (http://dpaste.com/2GP2N7X.txt) 669577;1399750335;benkay;!b 2 669578;1399750353;davout;wat, don't bash me bro 669579;1399750359;davout;:D 669580;1399750366;Apocalyptic;"Finančná správa rozlišuje medzi bitcoin a BItcoin. Wow! Som na tých byrokratov tak pyšný" heh 669581;1399750375;Apocalyptic;seems like they know a thing or two indeed 669582;1399750383;kakobrekla;such wow 669583;1399750559;khersonus;davout: multiplying some numbers, and broadcasting the tx to the network might be nice too 669584;1399750561;davout;for those who missed feincoin, it's worth the five minutes of your time 669585;1399750596;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 280 @ 0.0043054 = 1.2055 BTC [+] 669586;1399750626;kakobrekla;;;translate slovak english Finančná správa rozlišuje medzi bitcoin a BItcoin. Wow! Som na tých byrokratov tak pyšný 669587;1399750627;gribble;Error: Google says: Response Status 403: Please use Translate v2. See http://code.google.com/apis/language/translate/overview.html. 669588;1399750629;fluffypony;that's the kickstarter thing? 669589;1399750649;davout;khersonus: if you really want to nitpick you should also add "and not quickly multiply more numbers and broadcast it in such a way that the first broadcast never gets confirmed" :D 669590;1399750657;kakobrekla;nanotube ;;translate broked 669591;1399750659;khersonus;davout: true :) 669592;1399750699;fluffypony;"Fein Sender is a part of our mobile app that allows one to display a barcode on your phones screen that anyone can scan using their phone’s camera." 669593;1399750702;fluffypony;wow 669594;1399750705;fluffypony;such technology 669595;1399750741;davout;feincoin > altcoin 669596;1399750748;davout;YOU CAN BUY PENCILS AND MORE 669597;1399750766;kakobrekla;but can i buy helium balloons? 669598;1399750770;Apocalyptic;blasphemy davout ! 669599;1399750773;fluffypony;"You can give Fein Coins for events such as raking a yard or selling a pencil or more." 669600;1399750779;fluffypony;PLZ RAKE MY YARD 669601;1399750786;fluffypony;WILL PAY IN FINE KOINZ 669602;1399750806;jurov;kakobrekla: The tax authority distinguishes between bitcoin and Bitcoin. Wow! I'm so proud of there bureaucrats 669603;1399750815;kakobrekla;mircea_popescu can we ipo pencil selling buzzyiness? 669604;1399750835;davout;kakobrekla: no, fuck you, i like S.LIMBS moar 669605;1399750864;kakobrekla;davout the only stock you are ipoing is S.LAUGHING ! 669606;1399750877;fluffypony;I'm so sad my S.LIMBS thread got deleted 669607;1399750880;fluffypony;forum mods suck 669608;1399750881;*;jurov as all for S.BUTTCO 669609;1399750882;davout;i'm still fucking waiting for NAT.ROUTERS 669610;1399750907;jurov;or it's rather F.BUTTCO ? 669611;1399750968;kakobrekla;sounds like some 80' computer company 669612;1399751063;davout;kakobrekla: "sounds like some 80' computer company" <<< looks like we don't speak the same english 669613;1399751082;kakobrekla;prolly 669614;1399751209;davout;gotta love the "100% non illegal" thing 669615;1399751240;kakobrekla;;;tslb 669616;1399751257;gribble;Time since last block: 10 minutes and 6 seconds 669617;1399751259;kakobrekla;aw fuck 669618;1399751366;davout;at least it doesn't return 10,000 minutes XD 669619;1399751384;kakobrekla;:D 669620;1399751389;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.041 = 0.41 BTC [-] 669621;1399751404;khersonus;davout: from bitcoin-central TOS "The PLATFORM allows the CUSTOMER to submit TRADE ORDERS for the purchase or sale of Bitcoins" << probably a stupid question, but how does VAT not apply to that? 669622;1399751421;davout;khersonus: it's not a stupid question 669623;1399751430;davout;we're simply not counterparty to trades 669624;1399751435;Apocalyptic;khersonus, it does apply I think 669625;1399751438;Apocalyptic;on the fees 669626;1399751445;davout;basically the way it works is that you have an account in BTC 669627;1399751450;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 14 @ 0.041 = 0.574 BTC [-] 669628;1399751459;davout;a EUR account in your name with our financial partner 669629;1399751483;davout;you're mandating us, and pay us to simply shuffle money around these accounts 669630;1399751490;Apocalyptic;they are just providing the service, in exchange for the fee, so the VAT is levied on that 669631;1399751502;khersonus;davout: so if I sell/buy on bitcoin-central, should someone on one side of the trade technically pay vat? 669632;1399751520;davout;it's your money deposited in EUR, in your name, and you give us a mandate to move it around, the mandate is the trick 669633;1399751549;davout;VAT applies on our fee, so on 0.59% charged there's a part that goes in the pocket of the motherland 669634;1399751562;khersonus;I see 669635;1399751570;davout;"should someone on one side of the trade technically pay vat?" <<< you're the first one to actually make this very good comment 669636;1399751595;davout;the answer is "technically, probably yes, but that's not bitcoin-central's problem" 669637;1399751612;jurov;yes i'm supposed to pay VAT once my company oversteps 49k EUR/365 days 669638;1399751625;khersonus;davout: interesting, thanks 669639;1399751625;kakobrekla;usually its up to end user to handle that shit with local authorities 669640;1399751631;davout;it's a non issue for non-corporate customers, but it might technically be one for corporate ones 669641;1399751634;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11350 @ 0.00088134 = 10.0032 BTC [+] 669642;1399751645;davout;(only corporations are subject to VAT) 669643;1399751646;jurov;davout it *is* one 669644;1399751654;HeySteve;re: bitcoin foundation again, members are resigning: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=603590.0 669645;1399751654;Apocalyptic;jurov, I believe it's the running year btw 669646;1399751667;jurov;yes, that's why i wrote 365 days 669647;1399751667;Apocalyptic;"za poslednych 12 mesiacov" 669648;1399751670;Apocalyptic;ok 669649;1399751675;davout;khersonus: like jurov points out, in some specific corporation setups there are thresholds for applicability 669650;1399751728;jurov;i can avoid it only by supplying an evidence that whatever landed on company account were payments for services delivered to outside EU 669651;1399751738;davout;we have the same kind of thing in france with the "auto-entrepreneur" setup, the way it works though, is that if you go over the threshold you lose the AE status and are required to create a different type of corp. which in practice results in the same thing as jurov 669652;1399751746;kakobrekla;lol foundation self owned themselfs 669653;1399751750;davout;jurov: yeah, that too 669654;1399751755;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.4650001 BTC [+] 669655;1399751787;davout;kakobrekla: link ? 669656;1399751810;kakobrekla;well what HeySteve said and https://bitcoinfoundation.org/forum/index.php?/topic/951-post-your-bitcoin-foundation-resignations-here/ 669657;1399751816;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13900 @ 0.00088407 = 12.2886 BTC [+] {3} 669658;1399751828;jurov;!up lolstate 669659;1399751828;assbot;Voicing lolstate for 30 minutes. 669660;1399751833;jurov;!up Visitor 669661;1399751833;assbot;Voicing Visitor for 30 minutes. 669662;1399751836;HeySteve;this brock guy is the last straw 669663;1399751843;HeySteve;they're not even trying any more 669664;1399751850;kakobrekla;they now have a dedicated "post your resignation here" thread 669665;1399751856;davout;kakobrekla: oh sorry, i missed that 669666;1399751938;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 100 @ 0.041 = 4.1 BTC [-] 669667;1399751940;fluffypony;only 1 resignation thus far 669668;1399751941;fluffypony;but 669669;1399751946;jurov;two 669670;1399751950;fluffypony;someone has come out and said they'll go up to Platinum 669671;1399751952;HeySteve;yeah check the foundation forum 669672;1399751952;pankkake;meh, caring about the children. 669673;1399751956;fluffypony;if the pedophile resigns 669674;1399751961;khersonus;davout: so for your X.EUR future on mpex, if someone wanted EUR though b-c, should bitcoin-central be paying VAT on that? (because as far as I can tell, there's no fee, so the tax wouldn't come from the fee) 669675;1399751970;pankkake;as if this guy was the real issue. and what about that booby lee fucker? 669676;1399751985;HeySteve;at least bobby lee isn't another american 669677;1399751995;HeySteve;needs more int'l and less crims 669678;1399751997;fluffypony;pankkake: I think this is the straw that is breaking the camel's back 669679;1399752037;HeySteve;fluffypony, for me it is. if I ever write on the foundation, I'll use those lovely scam labels 669680;1399752048;davout;khersonus: BC is not directly involved in X.EUR, however, I do use it to systematically hedge all X.EUR trades, so the tax/fee link is only indirect 669681;1399752048;fluffypony;lol 669682;1399752060;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 97 @ 0.041 = 3.977 BTC [-] 669683;1399752121;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2774 @ 0.00012772 = 0.3543 BTC [-] {2} 669684;1399752127;pankkake;"Chinese-American, he was born in Africa; his entrepreneurial parents ran a flip-flop factory in the Ivory Coast" 669685;1399752172;kakobrekla;anyway, Luke-Jr now has a buddy to talk to and exchange the various graphic materials in the foundation 669686;1399752177;kakobrekla;so theres that. 669687;1399752211;fluffypony;pankkake: we call them slip-slops...but we call traffic lights "robots" so South African English isn't much to go on 669688;1399752216;Apocalyptic;Luke is into this child porn thing ? 669689;1399752230;pankkake;kakobrekla just likes to slander 669690;1399752236;Apocalyptic;oic 669691;1399752256;kakobrekla;fuck you you fuckin scamming noob ! 669692;1399752263;Apocalyptic;dat kako 669693;1399752264;fluffypony;kakobrekla: pay him to troll, he's cheap! 669694;1399752292;pankkake;https://litecointalk.org/index.php?topic=19292.0 "As you know, both are champions of Litecoin" 669695;1399752329;pankkake;and I'd rather have a child rapist than a litecoiner anyway 669696;1399752462;jurov;pankkake so you care about scamdation now? 669697;1399752470;kakobrekla;does it make a difference if you piss or shit in the sewage pankkake ? 669698;1399752480;kakobrekla;same question meh. 669699;1399752499;pankkake;I'm not sure what makes you think that 669700;1399752513;davout;pankkake: "and I'd rather have a child rapist than a litecoiner anyway" <<< lmao 669701;1399752528;kakobrekla;for wife or ? 669702;1399752536;pankkake;I don't think anyone cared for real, I only learned about who was on the board with the various scandals 669703;1399752585;jurov;we're just interested in your reasoning why 669704;1399752618;kakobrekla;jurov pankkake is just trying to be provocative by being a pussy 669705;1399752624;pankkake;exactly. 669706;1399752674;jurov;oh. anyway, both cases are still better that some fag hater 669707;1399752686;jurov;like that eichmann @ mozilla 669708;1399752703;pankkake;lol 669709;1399752730;HeySteve;heh never understood that 669710;1399752739;HeySteve;what does the guy's opinion have to do with ability to run a business? 669711;1399752756;*;fluffypony hah hah, someone is trying to pull a scam of some sort - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=328152 669712;1399752777;pankkake;lol 669713;1399752778;jurov;HeySteve: it boiled down to "we must show them" 669714;1399752788;davout;fluffypony: lol 669715;1399752790;HeySteve;lol fluffypony 669716;1399752793;kakobrekla;i would fell for 'thermos' 669717;1399752812;davout;fluffypony: here you go, banned, if he wasn't already 669718;1399752831;fluffypony;kakobrekla: btw railzand mentioned to me that TF has cleaned up his forum sig and now has a BitBet affiliate link in his signature 669719;1399752835;fluffypony;dat ploy for legitimacy 669720;1399752841;davout;nah, looks like he was banned already 669721;1399752858;kakobrekla;lol wtf fluffypony 669722;1399752884;fluffypony;kakobrekla: maybe he's hoping to recover enough money to pay everyone back :-P 669723;1399752900;kakobrekla;he should take advice from Ukyo 669724;1399752904;fluffypony;hah hah 669725;1399752920;davout;fluffypony: if mircea_popescu was around he'd probably tell you it could actually be his best opportunity XD 669726;1399752921;fluffypony;Nefario, Ukyo, and TradeFortress walk into a bar 669727;1399752927;*;fluffypony starts writing a joke 669728;1399752927;kakobrekla;0 btc come out. 669729;1399752932;fluffypony;hah hah 669730;1399752933;davout;LOL 669731;1399752941;kakobrekla;or 669732;1399752946;kakobrekla;cant afford for a drink. 669733;1399752948;Apocalyptic;heh 669734;1399752950;kakobrekla;pick one 669735;1399752950;fluffypony;hah hah 669736;1399753524;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.07212034 = 0.3606 BTC [+] 669737;1399753586;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.041 = 0.123 BTC [-] 669738;1399753646;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26647 @ 0.00088097 = 23.4752 BTC [-] {2} 669739;1399753707;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07212034 = 0.1442 BTC [+] 669740;1399753744;fluffypony;mircea_popescu:hey skinnkavaj do you see any reason i couldn't fuck michelle obama's daughters on film ? <- sorry to disappoint: http://i.imgur.com/xIguvy2.jpg 669741;1399753874;pankkake;I'd rather fuck the Bush daughters 669742;1399753962;HeySteve;haha 669743;1399754050;HeySteve;http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-05-10/ukraine-scrambles-figher-jets-intercepts-airplane-carrying-russian-deputy-premier 669744;1399754052;ozbot;Ukraine Scrambles Fighter Jets, Intercepts Airplane Carrying Russian Deputy Premier | Zero Hedge 669745;1399754185;mircea_popescu;fluffypony fuck 669746;1399754272;fluffypony;oh don't worry, mircea_popescu - follow up message: http://i.imgur.com/ZCb1fik.jpg 669747;1399754279;fluffypony;looks like it's all clear 669748;1399754293;mircea_popescu;does she even have daughters ? 669749;1399754302;fluffypony;nfi 669750;1399754333;pankkake;two, I googlimaged it. one seems quite young 669751;1399754358;fluffypony;and we wouldn't want more pedo talk in here 669752;1399754365;mircea_popescu;meanwhile some place completely different : https://twitter.com/danielpbarron/status/465212935288422400 669753;1399754413;mircea_popescu;fluffypony that's right, this is the channel of the minority of people into bitcoin that aren't also pedos. 669754;1399754413;fluffypony;Etretat: http://i.imgur.com/MHrnQCe.jpg - looks like a scene from Planet of the Apes 669755;1399754488;mircea_popescu;uh. the mother is actually marginally fuckable. the daughters however... 669756;1399754498;mircea_popescu;i'd rather fuck an oven mit. 669757;1399754527;pankkake;is it?! 669758;1399754561;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44089 @ 0.00088502 = 39.0196 BTC [+] {4} 669759;1399754578;mircea_popescu;"MPEx is a scam, and this is one of his shells. The owner of MPEx has multiple aliases that he posts boosting his own image. The first post "Peter Lambert" posted on this thread, was a copy paste they have posted on other security threads before." 669760;1399754580;mircea_popescu;o look at that. 669761;1399754622;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8510 @ 0.00088754 = 7.553 BTC [+] 669762;1399754626;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: yeah we were joking about the "shells" thing the other day 669763;1399754678;mircea_popescu; imo i dont hink btc atm will catch on on the long run << obviously not. but let the circus of irrelevancy have their fun. 669764;1399754771;mircea_popescu;so mpex is a scam, and cryptostocks is an exchange. i wonder what melanoma is. 669765;1399754794;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Melanoma is a beauty mark. 669766;1399754795;mircea_popescu;a hip new fashion or a corporate conspiracy ? 669767;1399754844;BingoBoingo;And Fournier's gangerene is a sign of verility. 669768;1399754879;davout;"verility" <<< being a true man 669769;1399754883;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla: 669770;1399754884;mircea_popescu;>I found a way to generate Bitcoins even faster then every Miner, in a legal way. the Methode i use whas checked by local Lawyer and is 100% non illegal. << in general, the mark of a trustworthy doctor or medicine is that it promises to cure 100% whatever health issue you may have, and similarly the mark of competent legal counsel is that they issue 100% non illegalcy certifications 669771;1399754955;mircea_popescu;o look it's a khersonus 669772;1399754961;jurov;FTFY: the doctor must have certificate issued by lawyer 669773;1399754965;fluffypony;also don't forget dat guarantee 669774;1399754965;jurov;and vice versa 669775;1399754981;fluffypony;"A TOTAL LOST OF COINS IS IMPOSSIBLE." 669776;1399755007;fluffypony;it's impossible because running away with them is not a loss in the truest sense of the word 669777;1399755022;davout;i would only be half-surprised if the actual business plan turns out to be an investment in feincoin 669778;1399755045;fluffypony;lol 669779;1399755192;mircea_popescu;hello guys. i was told i can find someone on this internet that can rake my yard 669780;1399755195;mircea_popescu;in exchange for a pencil. 669781;1399755250;davout;"if you were michelle obama i'd be marginally interested in raking your yard with my pencil" 669782;1399755251;mircea_popescu;jurov: or it's rather F.BUTTCO ? < i would suspect it'd be X.BUTTCO 669783;1399755258;mircea_popescu;davout lol good one 669784;1399755299;khersonus;oh hey mp 669785;1399755346;mircea_popescu;davout: it's a non issue for non-corporate customers, but it might technically be one for corporate ones << im not so sure about that. afaik, most jurisdictions require the provider to collect vat for the customer. 669786;1399755375;mircea_popescu;which is why when you buy a pencil in a shop, the vat shows up on your bill. even if you should have paid it, the shop is not legally allowed to just sell you the pencil 669787;1399755394;mircea_popescu;they have to also act the tax man, and collect and pay ~for you~ the vat ~you owe~ for the government's convenience. 669788;1399755415;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3603 @ 0.00088079 = 3.1735 BTC [-] 669789;1399755428;davout;you mean, the second part of the statement, you're not sure about, right? 669790;1399755465;mircea_popescu;HeySteve: re: bitcoin foundation again, members are resigning: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=603590.0 << lmao you know the BF's desperate for attention when they're actually begging for people disgusted by them to actually leave comments on their otherwise dead forum 669791;1399755478;mircea_popescu;"please guys, spit on us, urinate, anything anything as long as we're involved in any way!" 669792;1399755519;mircea_popescu;davout i mean as a corporation selling to natural persons, you may or may not end up in hot water with whatever local tax authority if you don't give them a vat. 669793;1399755531;mircea_popescu;because, logically, they will wish to be paid, and will lean on whatever is available. 669794;1399755568;davout;mircea_popescu: didn't really think about it this way, if the corp. selling coins on BC gets audited they'd be the one getting in trouble, i hear your point though 669795;1399755587;mircea_popescu;especially seeing how france works with regards to tax and its budget, 669796;1399755602;mircea_popescu;i wouldn't count on them not doing something such as changing the tax code mid exercise and then insisting you comply. 669797;1399755610;davout;mircea_popescu: but one thing to keep in mind is that contrary to all the other exchanges, we never actually touch the fiat being moved aroud, me merely trigger a transfer between accounts that do not belong to us legally 669798;1399755616;mircea_popescu;such stuff has been seen in romania, poland, the czech republic and if memory serves the uk 669799;1399755649;davout;mircea_popescu: retroactive tax law changes are something that has happened in france as well AFAIK 669800;1399755670;mircea_popescu;so a bit of a dubious terrain, is all i'm saying. 669801;1399755694;mircea_popescu;this, of course, in stark contrast with the 100% non illegal certs better people are getting. 669802;1399755708;davout;our defense here is simply "we never touch the money", we're simply mandated to trigger the move between accounts :D 669803;1399755751;mircea_popescu;yes yes i get that, there isn't a third reich because you live in the poznan forest, rather than on the warta field 669804;1399755751;davout;at least, if that ever happens and we get fined into nothingness, the customer funds are safe because they don't sit on our corp. accts 669805;1399755754;davout;phew 669806;1399755759;Apocalyptic; mircea_popescu: retroactive tax law changes are something that has happened in france as well AFAIK // oh yeah it did 669807;1399755779;Apocalyptic;like the PEA taxation recently 669808;1399755781;mircea_popescu;davout im not even sure how it works there, but if memory serves you can't even bankruptcy if you've been fined 669809;1399755823;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves so are you concerned that by going to amsterdam you may end up on teh interpol pedo watch list ? 669810;1399755830;davout;mircea_popescu: never heard about that, the taxman is a privileged creditor for sure, but how would that work? 669811;1399755839;Apocalyptic;heh mircea 669812;1399755842;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2295 @ 0.00087876 = 2.0168 BTC [-] 669813;1399755852;mircea_popescu;davout well, you file for chapter 11 or w/e equivalent, the da intervenes and objects 669814;1399755867;mircea_popescu;civil suit (ie, the bankruptcy) is suspended during penal proceedings 669815;1399755873;davout;ya, guess you mean it becomes personal liability at that point 669816;1399755891;mircea_popescu;there's no strict limit on how long they may take, so it can be 25 years. 669817;1399755903;mircea_popescu;davout no, he doesn't have to actually prosecute it. 669818;1399755920;davout;but, penal against whom ? 669819;1399755924;mircea_popescu;doesn't matter. 669820;1399755938;mircea_popescu;suppose there's company x. it owes 110 euros and has assets of 100 euros. right ? 669821;1399755938;davout;penal as in surprise penis in butt 669822;1399755947;davout;right 669823;1399755973;mircea_popescu;at this point general manager or w/e party the executive power is vested in is legally required to file for bankruptcy or supervised reorganisation/reconstitution/we 669824;1399755992;davout;okay 669825;1399755998;mircea_popescu;this is a civil suit. the judge receives an objection from the state's tax attorney, stating that they consider they're owed five eurocents in fines. 669826;1399756007;mircea_popescu;and - importantly - that they intend to prosecute the matter. 669827;1399756014;mircea_popescu;the judge sets the file aside. 669828;1399756016;mircea_popescu;end of story. 669829;1399756031;davout;to me it works in the following way 669830;1399756036;davout;assets 100, liability 110 669831;1399756053;davout;taxman takes whatever is owed to them, other creditors take the rest 669832;1399756060;mircea_popescu;not how this works 669833;1399756069;davout;i'm not finished 669834;1399756071;mircea_popescu;IF the taxman claims they intend to prosecute the matter. 669835;1399756074;jurov;taxman must do an audit first 669836;1399756084;mircea_popescu;but you never get that far. i know how it goes on your branch, but youy never get to tyhat branch 669837;1399756089;jurov;and ask you whatever they want... that can take time 669838;1399756136;davout;someone may object (taxman or whoever else) may object that the bankruptcy was fraudulent and that there was deliberate actions made to diminish the assets, in this case the general manager can get prosecuted personnally 669839;1399756143;mircea_popescu;no. 669840;1399756147;davout;heard about this a few times already 669841;1399756149;mircea_popescu;the taxman;'s objection is priviledged 669842;1399756155;davout;yea, i know 669843;1399756159;mircea_popescu;it's not of the same nature as everyone else's (those are resolved part of the civil suit) 669844;1399756167;davout;people actually get barred from managing corporations 669845;1399756174;mircea_popescu;the situation you find yourself in, practically, is that the 100 euro assets are now locked up, and deteriorating, under court "supervision" 669846;1399756180;mircea_popescu;and you can't touch them. and everyone waits. 669847;1399756188;mircea_popescu;since it's a small corp, nobody cares, and it can wait forever. 669848;1399756200;mircea_popescu;that's the particular fissure of a kafkaesque nature i wish to draw your attention to. 669849;1399756216;davout;in france, there's usually a "suit" if the bankruptcy is fraudulent, a liquidation process goes in front of a judge as well tho, but it's not really a lawsuit 669850;1399756228;mircea_popescu;but that's what im saying. it doesn't have to get that far. 669851;1399756253;pankkake;I believe this is how it works https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-9j9Io-gTk 669852;1399756260;davout;in france, as far as i know, if a company is not solvent, there *must* be a liquidator appointed 669853;1399756265;mircea_popescu;davout sure. 669854;1399756278;davout;i may be dead wrong here, never had a company liquidated :D 669855;1399756289;mircea_popescu;no, you're right. hes appointed. he takes a hoinorary. 669856;1399756295;mircea_popescu;and waits for the da to finish its investigation. 669857;1399756297;davout;pankkake: fucking classical 669858;1399756299;mircea_popescu;till 2028 or w/e 669859;1399756322;davout;afaik the fact that a liquidator is appointed doesn't mean there's an investigation 669860;1399756367;mircea_popescu;dude you're refusing to see what im saying. again from the top. 669861;1399756380;davout;the way i understand it, is that there's two cases, either the bankruptcy is considered "normal", or "fraudulent", in the former it's liquidator, in the latter it's liquidator + investigation 669862;1399756380;mircea_popescu;company is insolvent. management has to report this. management does. 669863;1399756389;mircea_popescu;court takes note. court starts insolvency proceedings. 669864;1399756396;mircea_popescu;taxman takes note. taxman notifies court. 669865;1399756404;mircea_popescu;court sets all proceedings aside pending result of taxman investigation. 669866;1399756408;mircea_popescu;investigation takes forever. 669867;1399756411;mircea_popescu;insolvency is never resolved. 669868;1399756419;mircea_popescu;~ fin ~ 669869;1399756432;davout;aah, i guess the part i missed was that it was a taxman led investigation 669870;1399756448;mircea_popescu;so now you can sit and look at your 100 euros turning into dust in a warehouse somewhere. 669871;1399756482;davout;i'll have a look at that 669872;1399756501;jurov;well, i fail to find anything such in slovak law practice 669873;1399756505;mircea_popescu;now, if it's a big company, it can perhaps push for this to resolve. 669874;1399756511;jurov;in fact, the opposite thing happened 669875;1399756526;mircea_popescu;but considering the state of the dockets, all over the "civilised" world, a < billion corp stands zero chance to be even noticed. 669876;1399756530;davout;but from what you say, the taxman, if he has a claim against the company has an actual incentive to speed things up, assuming he's paying himself *after* his investigation, which would make sense in a somewhat sane system 669877;1399756536;jurov;taxmen delayed VAT returns fdue to "ongoing investigation" 669878;1399756547;jurov;so some companies bankrupted 669879;1399756550;mircea_popescu;davout he has a perverse incentive : he knows that you're a sucker, and would rather pay him than wait. 669880;1399756554;mircea_popescu;so he waits so you pay. 669881;1399756556;jurov;regardless of tax investigation 669882;1399756577;mircea_popescu;jurov that's vat returns stuff, an entirely different piece of related nonsense. 669883;1399756583;davout;mircea_popescu: how can i pay him if my assets are frozen during the investigation? 669884;1399756592;mircea_popescu;davout take your wife to amsterdam ? 669885;1399756594;jurov;but it was the same kind of investigation 669886;1399756713;davout;i don't see how it would make sense to drop a tax-related investigation on frozen corporate assets by having a shareholder, or general manager, paying money out of his pocket 669887;1399756713;mircea_popescu;one of the many many COUNTLESS reasons a businessman absolutely must have a well read blog at his disposal. 669888;1399756723;mircea_popescu;once that sort of shit starts, you start publishing the lolz. 669889;1399756750;mircea_popescu;davout because if w/e they calculated is owed is paid, then they have no further grounds to investigate. 669890;1399756799;mircea_popescu;pankkake: "Chinese-American, he was born in Africa; his entrepreneurial parents ran a flip-flop factory in the Ivory Coast" << for some reason that immediately sent me to http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/nigerian-scammers.jpg 669891;1399756802;davout;so what were they investigating about in the first place if it wasn't "calculate exactly how we're being owed" ??? 669892;1399756820;mircea_popescu;davout right. 669893;1399756838;mircea_popescu;you are starting to understand bureaucracy, the legal system and how states work. 669894;1399756839;davout;if they weren't investigating about that, they were investigating about fraud, and you don't get out such an investigation by simply throwing money at them 669895;1399756857;mircea_popescu;davout it's simpler than that : they don't have to be specific before they finish the investigation 669896;1399756874;pankkake;French fisc agents are allowed to offer "deals" btw 669897;1399756875;mircea_popescu;this is a game-theoretic asset : they won't say. maybe they are. maybe they aren't. what do you want ? 669898;1399756933;davout;so you just pay them some random amount ? 669899;1399756950;mircea_popescu;no, you pay them what they ask you. then they make the paperwork read that's what you were supposed to pay. 669900;1399757037;davout;i *never* heard about such a thing 669901;1399757090;mircea_popescu;yes, but you never spent a million on consel in any fiscal year either. 669902;1399757120;davout;true, have you ? 669903;1399757146;mircea_popescu;yes, actually. 669904;1399757168;mircea_popescu;pankkake: I'd rather fuck the Bush daughters << but those were sluts 669905;1399757191;pankkake;what's wrong with sluts? 669906;1399757209;mircea_popescu;i don't have to get skinnkavaj to ask his magical "i can't see why not" device to bed those 669907;1399757227;mircea_popescu;principle of magical economy : only use the really powerful delusionist spells when really needed. 669908;1399757242;davout;mircea_popescu: are you implying that a million needs to be spent in legal counsel to have something like that explained ? 669909;1399757271;mircea_popescu;davout the implication is that particular malfunctions of a broken system are only visible at a certain height, nothing else 669910;1399757309;mircea_popescu;i just explained it to you for free, after all. 669911;1399757322;davout;that was the implied question :-) 669912;1399757330;mircea_popescu;your objection that it doesn't fit with your experience, unsound as it may be in theory, is also easily dispatched in practice. 669913;1399757350;davout;i don't object reasoning on the basis that it doesn't fit my experience 669914;1399757358;mircea_popescu; i *never* heard about such a thing << what's that then ? 669915;1399757396;davout;not an objection, simply the expression that it didn't fit my experience :) 669916;1399757399;mircea_popescu;oh ok. 669917;1399757427;mircea_popescu;i am sure, if you go to the chamber of commerce or w/e people gather in paris these days and ask, you will find at least one or two people caught in something of the sort. 669918;1399757448;davout;what i'm saying is that it is not comprised in the set of the things i know about how the law works 669919;1399757464;davout;look, the french tax code has this concept of "abus de droit" 669920;1399757471;davout;from there, anything becomes possible 669921;1399757476;mircea_popescu;well yeah but we're here to expand it :D 669922;1399757479;mircea_popescu;and yes lol. 669923;1399757491;mircea_popescu;"you have a right, provided you don't use it in a way we didn't foresee or don't like" 669924;1399757495;mircea_popescu;ancient german law nonsense. 669925;1399757511;davout;for those who don't speak french, "abus de droit" means that you're "overusing" the law to your advantage, and that, in itself is unlawful 669926;1399757551;davout;my dad's an accountant, when he told me about this thing, i was like "no fucking way" 669927;1399757629;davout;he told me to shut up and eat my soup, the moral of the story is that you're better off keeping your assets in bitcoin XD 669928;1399757675;mircea_popescu;lol 669929;1399757689;mircea_popescu;he has a point. eat your lentils! 669930;1399757710;davout;he was actually in his borscht phase 669931;1399757855;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.041 = 0.41 BTC [-] 669932;1399758098;mircea_popescu;ah i love a good bors 669933;1399758197;davout;yea, don't get too excited, he just entered his "no-fat fries" phase 669934;1399758249;pankkake;how does that even work :/ 669935;1399758269;davout;pankkake: http://p3.storage.canalblog.com/36/79/280237/14881225.jpg 669936;1399758292;pankkake;oh, I think my dad has this horror too 669937;1399758292;mircea_popescu;olestra ? 669938;1399758313;pankkake;but the bad thing for you is the fry, not the fat 669939;1399758318;mircea_popescu;i don't get this no fat frying bs. use canola oil, it'll be fine 669940;1399758360;pankkake;belgian fries, now that's something 669941;1399758380;mircea_popescu;do they abuse preteens ? 669942;1399758388;pankkake;ahah 669943;1399758404;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17250 @ 0.00088031 = 15.1853 BTC [+] 669944;1399758405;davout;pankkake: +beer 669945;1399758421;davout;pankkake: +francois damiens making pictures of naked women 669946;1399758435;davout;how was that movie called again 669947;1399758465;pankkake;dikkenek? 669948;1399758471;davout;pankkake: YES 669949;1399758524;davout;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApR8gT8t9JU 669950;1399758525;ozbot;Dikkenek shooting photo - YouTube 669951;1399758599;davout;"PAS COMMENCER A JOUER AVEC MES COUILLES HEIN" 669952;1399758639;mircea_popescu;what is this ? 669953;1399758658;davout;pure awesomeness 669954;1399758705;mircea_popescu;mais qu'est ce que tu fais ici la fille 669955;1399758706;mircea_popescu;lol 669956;1399758722;nanotube;kakobrekla: long time ago. google killed their api. 669957;1399759362;mircea_popescu;LTC-Global was a dba of btctc right ? 669958;1399759590;artifexd;I think it was the reverse, but yeah, they were run by the same guy. 669959;1399759767;mircea_popescu;a yeah, right you are, burnside was derping on ltc with this thing, then when nefario closed down abruptly for unspecified legal reasons one week after declaring he's legally 100% not illegal at the conference where he scammed clueless rms into showing up 669960;1399759795;mircea_popescu;suddenl;y turned around and made it into a btc exchange because why the fuck not, he's competent and smart and brilliant. or, in the words of today's equivalent, 669961;1399759802;mircea_popescu;"Dear Forum Members, some people here accuse us false of scam. Fact is not one person here or on BitcoinBourse.eu was scammed by us." 669962;1399759946;mircea_popescu;o lordy. 669963;1399759947;mircea_popescu;"If you not like the PHP coding we can't help you, but we are sure our system is very professional programmed." 669964;1399759984;davout;Markus Weiler, where does one even start 669965;1399760023;kakobrekla;with rails obviously. 669966;1399760039;mircea_popescu;the public rails on weiler ? 669967;1399760065;davout;kakobrekla: does not compute 669968;1399760084;davout;mircea_popescu: a dependency has failed to compute 669969;1399760091;pankkake;he hasn't stopped stalking me… 669970;1399760100;pankkake;apparently I'm every troll for him 669971;1399760103;kakobrekla;davout yes i would imagine. 669972;1399760126;davout;pankkake: whatever, you're jelly because he doesn't make blog posts about you 669973;1399760128;mircea_popescu;davout syntax error 669974;1399760142;pankkake;still with the wrong identity 669975;1399760149;pankkake;this is annoying 669976;1399760153;kakobrekla;im just fucking around while im dicking around cause i know you like to fuck with your dick 669977;1399760174;jurov;what happens here? 669978;1399760177;davout;kakobrekla: we herd you like dicks 669979;1399760181;mircea_popescu;jurov tits fucks you with his dick 669980;1399760186;davout;SO WE PUT A DICK IN YOUR BUTT, BITCH 669981;1399760190;kakobrekla;he wishes. 669982;1399760223;jurov;and who's the tit here? 669983;1399760229;davout;!up dotcoin 669984;1399760229;assbot;Voicing dotcoin for 30 minutes. 669985;1399760234;davout;jackpot 669986;1399760237;dotcoin;David Francois you have a very big mouth with your scam 669987;1399760241;mircea_popescu;!up dotcoin 669988;1399760241;assbot;Voice for dotcoin extended to 30 minutes. 669989;1399760243;davout;dotcoin: hello markus 669990;1399760258;mircea_popescu;o you two know each other ? 669991;1399760259;dotcoin;do you come to monaco on april 24 669992;1399760263;dotcoin;want to meet you 669993;1399760265;kakobrekla;jurov a part of my name sounds like tits and means dick 669994;1399760275;davout;dotcoin: i don't do autographs 669995;1399760296;dotcoin;still not i jail wonders me 669996;1399760311;kakobrekla;who is raping the logs!? 669997;1399760311;dotcoin;asyour friend mark 669998;1399760335;kakobrekla;dotcoin 1st of april is over dude. 669999;1399760349;dotcoin;why you not tell the people your relation to karpeles 670000;1399760351;davout;ladies and gentlemen, dotcoin, operator of bitcoinbourse 670001;1399760372;dotcoin;you search at other people to fuck them but you are the friend of must fucking scamer in the world 670002;1399760382;dotcoin;welcome world 670003;1399760398;BingoBoingo;dotcoin: What bourse do? 670004;1399760399;mircea_popescu;dotcoin you know, everyone that's been in here for a long time knows everyone else. 670005;1399760404;kakobrekla;dotcoin what is his relation to karpeles? being french? 670006;1399760406;mircea_popescu;davout is not special in this regard 670007;1399760417;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19800 @ 0.00088115 = 17.4468 BTC [+] {3} 670008;1399760418;dotcoin;yes ok i don't know anyone here 670009;1399760418;mircea_popescu;it's just that you're new, and that makes you think knowing pirate/karpeles/whoever is remarkable. 670010;1399760421;mircea_popescu;it's not, not for us. 670011;1399760438;mircea_popescu;heck, i even know imsaguy and inau 670012;1399760446;mircea_popescu;and gigavps. and a ton of other scammers. 670013;1399760447;dotcoin;i read only some times some shit people talking about me 670014;1399760454;davout;dotcoin: also, had you actually watched the video you're screenshotting, you'd have seen i'm in essence telling him he's full of shit, in 2011 670015;1399760459;mircea_popescu;dotcoin forget about yourself, you're a negligible quantity at this point. 670016;1399760462;mircea_popescu;read everything else. 670017;1399760488;jurov;mircea_popescu: he is completely unable to absorb any external advice 670018;1399760498;dotcoin;syou can advice me 670019;1399760498;mircea_popescu;jurov i don't know the guy 670020;1399760505;jurov;i'd try asciilifeform's audio heterodyning instead 670021;1399760512;mircea_popescu;lol 670022;1399760516;dotcoin;but don't accuse me of scam as there is no scam on bitcoin bourse guys 670023;1399760526;BingoBoingo;dotcoin: Can Bourse Bitcoin for make me? 670024;1399760532;davout;;;rate dotcoin 1 for the purpose of further lulz 670025;1399760532;gribble;Error: User doesn't exist in the Rating or GPG databases. User must be GPG-registered to receive ratings. 670026;1399760542;mircea_popescu;davout srsly dood ;/ 670027;1399760580;kakobrekla; but don't accuse me of scam as there is no scam on bitcoin bourse guys < dont you owe btc to jurov ? 670028;1399760590;davout;dotcoin: at least i have to give you credit for coming all the way to -assets 670029;1399760601;kakobrekla;davout trice. 670030;1399760603;jurov;no he owes something to forensick 670031;1399760611;jurov;i'm just an "investor" 670032;1399760614;mircea_popescu;davout yes but rating is going to far, srsly. 670033;1399760619;*;Apocalyptic grabs some popcorn 670034;1399760620;mircea_popescu;"I've disagreed with pankkake before (on the subject of altcoins) and he's called me an idiot and I've told him he's wrong. " << look at that! 670035;1399760624;dotcoin;not own forensicks bitcoins are you drunk man 670036;1399760633;kakobrekla;Apocalyptic thatd be 0.1 btc 670037;1399760633;Apocalyptic; dotcoin: at least i have to give you credit for coming all the way to -assets // he's done it before 670038;1399760639;jurov;that was denied any financial reports whatsoever 670039;1399760644;Apocalyptic;must be a regular reader of teh logs 670040;1399760674;jurov;yes he is, he sent me nastymails within minutes of me mentioning him last previously 670041;1399760687;jurov;then i published it on my blog 670042;1399760692;Apocalyptic;he became agressive after jurov mentionned going to the AMF 670043;1399760708;kakobrekla;i said logs arent magic pill :\ 670044;1399760713;dotcoin;yes he can go to amf i wish him good luck 670045;1399760743;Apocalyptic; Apocalyptic thatd be 0.1 btc // fuck you kako that's my corn 670046;1399760746;davout;Apocalyptic: AMF deals with financial markets, not with braindamage 670047;1399760768;jurov;lol 670048;1399760772;assbot;Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. (http://dpaste.com/0BBKD2F.txt) 670049;1399760772;mircea_popescu;!b 2 670050;1399760773;kakobrekla;Apocalyptic if it would be mine it would be .5 670051;1399760777;BingoBoingo;dotcoin: Srs, does bourse Bitcoin have your for more making? 670052;1399760783;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 24 @ 0.041 = 0.984 BTC [-] 670053;1399760825;dotcoin;so davout why we not talking little bit here about bitcoin central 670054;1399760835;dotcoin;and your famous french bitcoin foundation 670055;1399760840;Apocalyptic;davout, he's pretending to run one, however misconstructed damaged the thingis 670056;1399760858;mircea_popescu;dotcoin you mean about the vat again or just in general ? 670057;1399760868;davout;Apocalyptic: my daughter pretends the cushions are castle walls 670058;1399760876;dotcoin;jurov does amf also view coinbr? 670059;1399760904;benkay;dotcoin: is there a way to see what paper is trading on bourse without signing up? 670060;1399760912;dotcoin;yes of course 670061;1399760915;mircea_popescu;davout little does she know that the snow is the actual castle walls. 670062;1399760926;davout;dotcoin: maybe, tell them to ask me if they need a referral code 670063;1399760939;jurov;dotcoin, they are welcome to view it 670064;1399760949;benkay;dotcoin: where can i see that list? 670065;1399760961;dotcoin;@jurov than is good man 670066;1399760969;dotcoin;referal link from you darov 670067;1399760979;mircea_popescu;don't tell me he types the names by hand 670068;1399760997;dotcoin;yes @benkay go to site second slider shares click read more 670069;1399761006;mircea_popescu;no urls on your internet ? 670070;1399761010;kakobrekla;d and j are right next to each other 670071;1399761020;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla on special dj keyboards, yes they are. 670072;1399761022;mircea_popescu;also on macs 670073;1399761031;benkay;a carousel is now a nav bar 670074;1399761033;pankkake;darov is just the child of jurov and davout 670075;1399761033;benkay;o.O 670076;1399761045;jurov;dotcoin and what about publishing order book and volume? 670077;1399761050;mircea_popescu;pankkake that'd be juout 670078;1399761055;dotcoin;i guess pankkake is the child from them 670079;1399761073;dotcoin;login to see order book 670080;1399761086;Apocalyptic;why not make it available for everyone 670081;1399761094;mircea_popescu;dotcoin do you at least show diff order books to each login, icbit style ? 670082;1399761099;Apocalyptic;haha 670083;1399761102;mircea_popescu;or php === not advanced yet ? 670084;1399761102;jurov;and volume is not available even on login... 670085;1399761124;Apocalyptic;the "at least" is somehow not shocking 670086;1399761136;mircea_popescu;Apocalyptic it'd be entertaining lol 670087;1399761155;Apocalyptic;%b 670088;1399761155;dotcoin;but what you critic this time jurov? the order book? last time was the dividends, next time is what ? should i go to your site and start searching 670089;1399761168;jurov;oh and did i mention that you can issue standing orders for fixed expiration of 3 days or market orders and nothing else? 670090;1399761180;kakobrekla;LAST TIME IT WAS THE DIVIDENDS 670091;1399761186;BingoBoingo;has dotcoin orderbooks that ========= something legit each inlog 670092;1399761205;Apocalyptic;mod6, is atcbot broken ? 670093;1399761205;mircea_popescu;jurov that's how they did it in viking times 670094;1399761212;mircea_popescu;%t 670095;1399761216;BingoBoingo;%book 670096;1399761220;atcbot;[X-BT] Bid: 225 Ask: 239 Last Price: 225 24h-Vol: 1k High: 239 Low: 195 VWAP: 211 670097;1399761220;atcbot;60k@242 64k@240 25k@239 | 116k@225 4k@195 90k@156 670098;1399761222;mircea_popescu;seems he's fine 670099;1399761243;Apocalyptic;ok, thought %b was an alias for %book 670100;1399761256;mircea_popescu;i think it stands for block 670101;1399761264;mircea_popescu;if anything 670102;1399761285;Apocalyptic;some interesting bid @225 670103;1399761288;mircea_popescu; but what you critic this time jurov? the order book? last time was the dividends, next time is what ? should i go to your site and start searching << this approach is fundamentally broken. even should you prove everyone else is stupid, that'll still not make you smart. 670104;1399761335;dotcoin;@mircea i want to be smart for you nor i search friends here 670105;1399761348;Duffer1;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=344219.msg5991333#msg5991333 670106;1399761350;ozbot;Threats to extort and blackmail BCT companies by the user 'pankkake' 670107;1399761355;mircea_popescu;look at that, 1k atc volume. amusingly, it's displaying the bitcoin hoarding behaviours too! 670108;1399761361;Duffer1;how did it go with the internet police dotcoin? 670109;1399761386;mircea_popescu;dotcoin that's also fundamentally broken. if you have friends here, you'll be ok. if you do not, you will fail, even should the entire world come to try and rescue you. 670110;1399761400;mircea_popescu;as karpeles found out through bitter experience, as vessenes will, etc. 670111;1399761416;BingoBoingo;need dotcoin friends no 670112;1399761430;asciilifeform;world tried to rescue karp? 670113;1399761433;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo kickass lol. 670114;1399761435;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes. 670115;1399761442;dotcoin;do you want become my friend? 670116;1399761443;dotcoin;lol 670117;1399761444;mircea_popescu;as far as paying out of pocket to fly to fucking japan. 670118;1399761465;asciilifeform;afaik that was just the 'are you solvent?' sign guy 670119;1399761470;jurov;http://live.coinbr.com/images/bbsbook-fs8.png dotcoin, so let's talk about order book. you (and everyone) don't see anything untoward here? 670120;1399761513;mircea_popescu;jurov basically, he's hacked a time auction package, sort-of adapted it for "bitcoin stock exchange" ? 670121;1399761524;jurov;looks like that. 670122;1399761555;dotcoin;hm you needs now what jurov a order book? 670123;1399761565;dotcoin;and after 670124;1399761566;dotcoin;? 670125;1399761573;jurov;no you need one 670126;1399761586;dotcoin;so why you not create your own stock exchange i ask myself if you can do all better 670127;1399761600;assbot;Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. (http://dpaste.com/1GFJ6TA.txt) 670128;1399761600;kakobrekla;!b 1 670129;1399761634;mircea_popescu;http://www.fraud.org/penny-auctions << this is what i mean, for the people following at home. 670130;1399761634;ozbot;Fraud.org - Penny auctions may 2013 670131;1399761638;dotcoin;i mean before bitcoinbourse was not good enough for you guys, 670132;1399761647;dotcoin;than we create and redesign new 670133;1399761661;dotcoin;than you always not happy with it 670134;1399761664;kakobrekla;dotcoin a scam in a nice box is still a scam 670135;1399761692;kakobrekla;not trying to imply you have a nice box, just saying. 670136;1399761692;davout;and a retard with moar css is still a retard 670137;1399761699;dotcoin;and do you have any scammed people here kakobrekla are you scammed by me? 670138;1399761712;kakobrekla;dotcoin your approaches are scammy 670139;1399761713;davout;"not trying to imply you have a nice box" <<< lmao 670140;1399761724;dotcoin;tell me are you scammed by me? 670141;1399761743;davout;dotcoin: look, nobody here is stupid enough to get scammed by you 670142;1399761750;davout;(except jurov maybe) 670143;1399761752;dotcoin;davout you have a mirror yes? look at famous foundation and bitcoin central 670144;1399761756;davout;XD 670145;1399761757;mircea_popescu;davout lmao ziiing 670146;1399761759;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 241 @ 0.00089867 = 0.2166 BTC [+] 670147;1399761761;dotcoin;we was never been down 4 month for been hacked 670148;1399761773;davout;dotcoin: yo, what about it ? 670149;1399761774;mircea_popescu;dotcoin why would somebody hack you ? 670150;1399761776;kakobrekla;dotcoin you are scamming us out of our time with being retarded 670151;1399761798;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla yes but im not gonna down him because i do not wish to be the evil tyrant 670152;1399761803;davout;kakobrekla: no, fuck that, the laugh is worth it 670153;1399761813;dotcoin;lol 670154;1399761820;kakobrekla;fine have him but i pay for logs server. 670155;1399761834;kakobrekla;running low on packets. 670156;1399761845;dotcoin;the script kiddies here even have no plan to shut down a wordpress site 670157;1399761857;jurov;kakobrekla: you can offset it by offering assbot ad slots 670158;1399761867;kakobrekla;lol 670159;1399761903;davout;jurov kakobrekla that'd be a complementary business model for this guy -> https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=603670.msg6658822 670160;1399761917;dotcoin;but ok i see there is no serious discussion here everyone accuse other of scam thats all 670161;1399761932;jurov;dotcoin because you evade the questions 670162;1399761945;davout;dotcoin: what about bitcoin-central and the french association ? 670163;1399761953;jurov;i am asking, how can you consider the order book usable? 670164;1399761978;jurov;for example you can't easily find lowest offer 670165;1399761996;mircea_popescu; but ok i see there is no serious discussion here << i lolled. 670166;1399761997;dotcoin;you not can find lowest offer? 670167;1399762004;jurov;it's confusing whether it's about bid/ask side 670168;1399762011;mircea_popescu;i not can find word order in soup! 670169;1399762019;davout;dotcoin: also your buy and sell are backwards 670170;1399762028;davout;Buy: 338.00 € Sell: 301.00 € 670171;1399762030;mircea_popescu;davout don't you do it that way in france ? 670172;1399762064;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 7 @ 0.041 = 0.287 BTC [-] 670173;1399762070;davout;!up dotcoin 670174;1399762070;assbot;Voicing dotcoin for 30 minutes. 670175;1399762093;davout;mircea_popescu: whaddaya mean 670176;1399762103;mircea_popescu;jurov definitely, i tell you. he's taken a software package intended for a penny auction site and hacked it together. it's so fucking obvious. that pseudo "book" could no other way be explained. 670177;1399762109;mircea_popescu;davout backwards. 670178;1399762119;davout;in the butt? 670179;1399762129;jurov;dotcoin, also, how you set a order expiration of 100 days for yourself? why no one other can set it? 670180;1399762130;mircea_popescu;buttwards 670181;1399762155;davout;we do it backwards but it looks forward, think moonwalk 670182;1399762176;dotcoin;order expirations of 100 days are for merchants only, if you want list shares you can do and your orders will be run as long you want 670183;1399762213;jurov;"shares merchant"? 670184;1399762221;dotcoin;yes 670185;1399762224;jurov;that kind fits 670186;1399762239;jurov;:D 670187;1399762243;dotcoin;there are no bitcoin orders longer than 3 days 670188;1399762253;mircea_popescu;why not ? 670189;1399762266;mircea_popescu;what if im going on vacation ? what if i just met a highschooler with nice tits ? 670190;1399762270;mircea_popescu;either usually takes me > 3 days 670191;1399762274;davout;mircea_popescu: because he uses an evaluation copy mebbe 670192;1399762282;mircea_popescu;x.X 670193;1399762282;dotcoin;i guess it makes no sense, when bitcoin price jumps up and down 670194;1399762302;mircea_popescu;why not 2 days then. 670195;1399762310;dotcoin;you sell bitcoins and go vacation? 670196;1399762320;kakobrekla;i think 10 min is more appropriate. 670197;1399762326;dotcoin;you can cancel your order when you need 670198;1399762333;mircea_popescu;am i fucking confused ? is this bourse thing a bitcoin exchange or a bitcoin stock exchange ? 670199;1399762361;jurov;no. it's bitcoin stock merchant 670200;1399762366;davout;mircea_popescu: stock exchange + P2P bitcoin exchange, amirite dotcoin? 670201;1399762373;mircea_popescu;so then wtf has the price of bitcoin to do with anything 670202;1399762380;dotcoin;it was started as bitcoin exchange, now we focus to going full to bitcoin stock exchange, as we not want competition with the big ones like bc 670203;1399762398;mircea_popescu;bc became big at some point ?! 670204;1399762408;davout;haha, i knew it was coming 670205;1399762409;dotcoin;in what point 670206;1399762411;bounce;relative, I'm sure 670207;1399762435;mircea_popescu;pankkake seriously, you feel like articulating wtf you hate about altcoins quite so viscerally ? 670208;1399762445;davout;dotcoin: don't you also have a P2P exchange, sort of like localbitcoins? 670209;1399762446;dotcoin;maybe but this is not my problem i am not jealous of other people 670210;1399762455;mircea_popescu;im sure nobody'll be like, "o, we no like pankkake anymoar now", even if they think your idea is dumb 670211;1399762474;jurov;davout yes it's everything on bitcoinbourse, both btceur and stocks 670212;1399762484;pankkake;yes, I started a blog article. and it should start with "I don't hate altcoins, "hate" is a word used by faggots, I just think they are a fraud" 670213;1399762516;davout;pankkake: wai u hate faggots? 670214;1399762528;dotcoin;yes read @davout, told here we have p2p like localbitcoins but now we focus on stock exchange, so the french market is free for you enjoy we don't need that 670215;1399762529;kakobrekla;i think the just hates hate 670216;1399762531;pankkake;davout: yeah they make noises with their bikes 670217;1399762532;jurov;oh and bitcoincard is there too, never dared to try that 670218;1399762541;mircea_popescu;pankkake kay, i'll read it. ping here when done 670219;1399762552;dotcoin;bitcoincard yes 670220;1399762558;dotcoin;you can try 670221;1399762564;pankkake;there is actually a lot of things I want to write in, so it will take a while, but I want to write it instead of arguing endlessly / being MAD 670222;1399762570;dotcoin;you can order from anywhere in europe 670223;1399762575;mircea_popescu;smart choice. 670224;1399762613;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HMF] 26 @ 0.00644267 = 0.1675 BTC [+] {5} 670225;1399762618;davout;pankkake: arguing endlessly without getting mad is a skill in itself 670226;1399762640;bounce;well, not if you're mad starting out 670227;1399762646;kakobrekla;getting mad without an argument also. 670228;1399762666;davout;bounce: if you're already mad, arguing doesn't really sound like a good idea anyway 670229;1399762687;davout;kakobrekla: yo, just fuck shit up from time to time, randomly 670230;1399762690;bounce;tell it to the people in the madhouse 670231;1399762793;pankkake;davout: yes, I usually don't get mad when I don't respect my adversary 670232;1399762796;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 50 @ 0.0059118 = 0.2956 BTC [-] {2} 670233;1399762797;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.46366666 = 1.391 BTC [-] {2} 670234;1399762802;pankkake;I mean don't have any respect for 670235;1399762848;davout;pankkake: wait, you're saying you're more inclined to become mad whenever you have respect for the person you argue with ? 670236;1399762857;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 100 @ 0.00591 = 0.591 BTC [-] 670237;1399762885;davout;i guess what you mean is that you take it more seriously then, amirite? 670238;1399762896;pankkake;yes 670239;1399762918;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 50 @ 0.00591 = 0.2955 BTC [-] 670240;1399762919;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 20 @ 0.07258809 = 1.4518 BTC [+] {4} 670241;1399762920;pankkake;well, I don't accept that people that are not dumb have dumb (i.e. not mine) opinions 670242;1399762948;bounce;you don't go for anything less but ideological world domination, do you? 670243;1399762973;davout;bounce: it just makes him mad to have a cognitive dissonnance 670244;1399762990;jurov;your opinions are never dumb? 670245;1399763012;jurov;pankkake ^ 670246;1399763012;pankkake;well, when I realize they're dumb I change them 670247;1399763019;davout;"i see this guy as smart, but i see his opinion as dumb, AAAARRGH dissonnance" 670248;1399763038;davout;pankkake: try with dotcoin :D 670249;1399763040;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 21 @ 0.00580523 = 0.1219 BTC [-] {4} 670250;1399763041;bounce;such gandhi 670251;1399763057;pankkake;I don't want to argue with him, I don't know what's his deal 670252;1399763069;bounce;so ask him *gdr* 670253;1399763072;pankkake;basically I just linked to what others said 670254;1399763091;mircea_popescu; pankkake: wait, you're saying you're more inclined to become mad whenever you have respect for the person you argue with ? << this is how it works yes 670255;1399763123;davout;which makes sense 670256;1399763136;mircea_popescu;otherwise you'd spend your time angry at the pet rocks 670257;1399763162;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 78460 @ 0.00087855 = 68.931 BTC [-] {6} 670258;1399763166;davout;mircea_popescu: i was actually thinking about the alternative of not getting mad, in either case 670259;1399763244;davout;but i can perfectly understand that if you perceive the person you are arguing with as intelligent, it makes the arguing exercise different 670260;1399763276;pankkake;well. if you argue in public with someone dumb, your objective should be completely different 670261;1399763285;pankkake;you're not necessarily trying to convince him 670262;1399763315;davout;the sanest attitude in such a case is double: make other readers hear your point, have some fun 670263;1399763323;pankkake;yeah 670264;1399763347;davout;if some fucktards end up calling you a troll you can count it as a success 670265;1399763373;davout;to get back to the dotcoin case, it's slightly weird, because he doesn't display the usual bitcointalk scammer attributes 670266;1399763375;mircea_popescu;i always cunt it as a success 670267;1399763388;davout;lel 670268;1399763390;mircea_popescu;davout maybe his mastery of the english language doesn't permit him to ? 670269;1399763408;davout;mircea_popescu: no i was thinking more about the fact that he's not anonymous 670270;1399763419;mircea_popescu;intentionally ? 670271;1399763440;davout;no, i sense no intention of hiding his identity 670272;1399763448;mircea_popescu;https://www.hydro.uni-freiburg.de/staff/weiler is he this guy ? 670273;1399763455;mircea_popescu;and for that matter, neither is dr foreskin anonymous 670274;1399763463;mircea_popescu;he's just well known to be a fucktard irl too, so what's he got to lose. 670275;1399763463;davout;yep, this guy 670276;1399763466;dotcoin;i not have need to hide anything 670277;1399763475;davout;https://bitcoinbourse.eu/about <<< has the real name on it 670278;1399763476;ozbot;BitcoinBourse.eu - decentralised market place to buy and sell Bitcoin person to person Welcome to th 670279;1399763477;mircea_popescu;Director of the Chair 670280;1399763477;mircea_popescu; 670281;1399763477;mircea_popescu;Chair of Hydrology 670282;1399763477;mircea_popescu;Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg 670283;1399763495;mircea_popescu;dude no fucking way somebody that looks too young to have a phd even can be what i assume is a head of a department 670284;1399763515;davout;mircea_popescu: otoh, hydrology... 670285;1399763530;mircea_popescu;anyone emailed that address ? 670286;1399763534;davout;"yep, i have correctly identified this glass as containing water" 670287;1399763549;davout;what address ? 670288;1399763573;mircea_popescu;https://www.hydro.uni-freiburg.de/mitarbeiter/picmail/weiler.gif 670289;1399763580;mircea_popescu;because otherwise freiburg uni is like 600 years old. 670290;1399763586;mircea_popescu;not exactly a random diploma mill 670291;1399763623;mircea_popescu;moar like germany's nobel prize mill 670292;1399763635;mircea_popescu;(heidegger's uni) 670293;1399763637;dotcoin;you want email me? contact@bitcoinbourse.eu 670294;1399763644;davout;midnightmagic: aaah, i thought you were still on dr foreskin 670295;1399763651;kakobrekla;could be name collision 670296;1399763653;mircea_popescu;plus hayek, husserl if memory serves etc 670297;1399763664;davout;dotcoin: "you want email me? contact@bitcoinbourse.eu" <<< that's the wrongest answer you could've come up with 670298;1399763680;dotcoin;tell me why 670299;1399763700;kakobrekla;davout well, he could give out an @yahoo one. 670300;1399763701;mircea_popescu;dotcoin we're not interested in emailing you as the bitcoin bourse fuckwit. we're interested in emailing you as markus whatever, to verify davout's theory that you're not behaving like the average forum scammer. 670301;1399763701;bounce;we tell lies/ sweet little lies/ 670302;1399763705;davout;dotcoin: because you are being asked if you are in fact head of hydrology at the freiburg university 670303;1399763743;davout;mircea_popescu: where did you find this address anyway? the name sounds like a common german one 670304;1399763758;davout;probably a homonym 670305;1399763761;mircea_popescu;davout intel popped it for me. https://www.hydro.uni-freiburg.de/staff/weiler 670306;1399763773;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.4848579 BTC [+] 670307;1399763775;davout;anyway, my point was that he has actual corporate details on his bourse about page 670308;1399763792;davout;mircea_popescu: no, that's not him 670309;1399763796;davout;not the same weiler 670310;1399763804;mircea_popescu;davout so then for all you know this is NOT an actual name. 670311;1399763836;dotcoin;there exist many weiler same as many Francois i guess 670312;1399763841;davout;mircea_popescu: i know for a fact that the name is real 670313;1399763849;mircea_popescu;davout a you do ? how ? 670314;1399763852;davout;and that it matches the details posted 670315;1399763854;pankkake;the company is registered 670316;1399763855;davout;mircea_popescu: intel 670317;1399763858;mircea_popescu;a ok then. 670318;1399763862;davout;pankkake: better intel 670319;1399763881;pankkake;amd? 670320;1399763892;davout;badum_tss.wav 670321;1399763906;davout;!up dotcoin 670322;1399763906;assbot;Voicing dotcoin for 30 minutes. 670323;1399763919;kakobrekla;round #3 670324;1399763928;kakobrekla;*ding*ding* 670325;1399763928;davout;LOL 670326;1399763962;mircea_popescu;ima go explore a vagina. don't make a mess of popcorn around here meanwhile! 670327;1399763989;Apocalyptic; because otherwise freiburg uni is like 600 years old. // you're sure about this ? 670328;1399763995;davout;mircea_popescu: you make it sound like it's a large one XD 670329;1399764052;jurov;so dotcoin, you insist the orderbook is completely fine despite everyone else saying it is not? 670330;1399764056;pankkake;must be your mom's then 670331;1399764080;jurov;okay. so why you can't publish trades? that's completely normal thing all exchanges do 670332;1399764082;bounce;established 1457, so 557 years 670333;1399764085;davout;pankkake: leave my mom's orderbook alone 670334;1399764092;dotcoin;not saying that, but is momently status of order book 670335;1399764112;davout;dotcoin: well then, say "thank you for pointing that out, i'll be working on it" 670336;1399764147;dotcoin;you are shareholder jurov you have right to send us your feedback 670337;1399764191;jurov;dotcoin, in fact i don't want to be anymore. but have no other option 670338;1399764211;mircea_popescu;Apocalyptic ya 670339;1399764227;mircea_popescu;omg ppls stop dinging me i think it's important ;/ 670340;1399764229;jurov;hm, prolly i'll move all shares to pankkake and watch whatever ensues 670341;1399764244;pankkake;please no 670342;1399764246;jurov;pankkake: what's your bbs account? 670343;1399764252;assbot;Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. (http://dpaste.com/3DJWE0P.txt) 670344;1399764252;davout;!b 3 670345;1399764336;jurov;so dotcoin, when approximately can we expect public trades feed? 670346;1399764340;pankkake;I've been quite happy to sell off all my havecocks at a loss 670347;1399764346;pankkake;no need for more things 670348;1399764390;dotcoin;@jurov we will see how we do 670349;1399764456;jurov;you pull the code off crystal ball or what? 670350;1399764502;pankkake;perhaps you should write a bourse broker (sounds painful, I wouldn't want my bourses broken) 670351;1399764527;dotcoin;but what exactly you want see, you see already how many shares from company xyz was listed and how much was left on sale! 670352;1399764582;jurov;dotcoin you ever use any stock exchange? every one of them publishes what trades were done 670353;1399764591;BigBitz;DEMTRADES. 670354;1399764615;dotcoin;there is all there, if 10k shares was on listing and tomorrow are only 5000 means that 500 are sold, there is no order book need 670355;1399764617;davout;dotcoin: making the information public is also not optional 670356;1399764626;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23650 @ 0.00087799 = 20.7645 BTC [-] 670357;1399764635;dotcoin;yes i use and i know but i not must copy them as system works like this 670358;1399764639;BigBitz;publically listed companies with no publically listed ledgers for buys/sells? :o 670359;1399764664;davout;dotcoin: how would you know there were 10k shares yesterday without an order book ? 670360;1399764676;dotcoin;but guys you talking about things like cryptostocks do 670361;1399764696;dotcoin;the merchant have to know where the shares are gone 670362;1399764701;dotcoin;not the public 670363;1399764708;jurov;like NYSE. NASDAQ and everyone else! 670364;1399764727;dotcoin;you want see where are the shareholders? do you see on your bank the shareholder names of a company? 670365;1399764733;BigBitz;Yeah if NASDAQ can run their engine for longer than 2mins :P 670366;1399764737;jurov;dotcoin "public has no right to any information" is a scammer attitude 670367;1399764743;davout;dotcoin: how can the public have an idea of what the state of the market is without an order book ? 670368;1399764744;dotcoin;do you see on Nyse or nasdaq the name of the shareholder? 670369;1399764748;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30867 @ 0.00087727 = 27.0787 BTC [-] {2} 670370;1399764750;BigBitz;dotcoin: Yes. 670371;1399764752;BigBitz;OF course. 670372;1399764754;dotcoin;public have right of course 670373;1399764759;Apocalyptic; do you see on Nyse or nasdaq the name of the shareholder? // no 670374;1399764764;dotcoin;but privacy exists also 670375;1399764770;Apocalyptic;but you see the trades for every single trading day 670376;1399764770;davout;dotcoin: you seem to be confused about what an order book is 670377;1399764776;dotcoin;we can't show shareholders 670378;1399764783;BigBitz;You don't need to show people... 670379;1399764787;dotcoin;we can show how many shares are sold yes 670380;1399764790;BigBitz;You need to show trades :) 670381;1399764792;dotcoin;but this is already there 670382;1399764800;Apocalyptic;how many / when / at what price 670383;1399764801;davout;dotcoin: you need to show offers to buy and sell, publicly, not who is posting these orders 670384;1399764802;Apocalyptic;in a nice table 670385;1399764828;davout;dotcoin: https://bitcoin-central.net/page/stats/orders <<< this is an order book 670386;1399764849;dotcoin;there are offers to buy and sell, of course, the only one not is there are not showing sold shares thats correct 670387;1399764854;davout;dotcoin: http://mpex.co/?mpsic=S.MPOE <<< on the rigth side of this page is also an order book 670388;1399764902;dotcoin;yes guys think like taht is under development 670389;1399764922;BigBitz;"under development" 670390;1399764932;BigBitz;how do you close books/trades/orders if you don't know who buys/sells what? 670391;1399764937;BigBitz;You surely have the data at hand. 670392;1399764942;BigBitz;You're just not presenting it. 670393;1399764948;BigBitz;That shouldn't take a mammoth development task. 670394;1399764979;bounce;"Bitcoin Central is loading..." 670395;1399764981;dotcoin;many other things in todo list, so i not give them so much priority yet as i don't know this classifieds me as scammer 670396;1399764990;davout;bounce: javascript? 670397;1399764993;dotcoin;this not needs a month 670398;1399765010;BigBitz;You don't think not publishing trade information on a trading platform is a positive? 670399;1399765017;davout;dotcoin: this does classifies you as completely unqualified to run a stock exchange, that's all 670400;1399765033;dotcoin;thats not correct as i tell you already there is all to see 670401;1399765033;bounce;it's on. likely some js lib ruthlessly breaking backward compatability. 670402;1399765077;pankkake;bitcoin-central.net actually requires requests to google to work 670403;1399765082;pankkake;so much for not using cloudflare! 670404;1399765100;Apocalyptic;that's bothersome 670405;1399765100;dotcoin;@davout and you are qualified to run a bitcoin exchange? 670406;1399765114;bounce;just so you know, this is not twittar. 670407;1399765115;davout;pankkake: you serious about the google thing? shame on me 670408;1399765117;dotcoin;hosting on 1&1 670409;1399765126;pankkake;I think so, unless it's only for the font 670410;1399765127;dotcoin;using cloudfare 670411;1399765128;dotcoin;bravo 670412;1399765149;pankkake;I have a RequestPolicy authorization at least 670413;1399765153;BigBitz;What do you want him to do? use SFTI? :) 670414;1399765158;Apocalyptic; hosting on 1&1 // they are on online afaik 670415;1399765165;Apocalyptic;and no cloudfare 670416;1399765179;davout;pankkake: it's only for the font, nothing remotely comparable to cloudflare 670417;1399765183;Duffer1;!up twizt_ 670418;1399765183;assbot;Voicing twizt_ for 30 minutes. 670419;1399765187;twizt_;dotcoin: you dont have to reveal customer information 670420;1399765196;twizt_;you can just show the last market trade, by symbol, price quantity 670421;1399765203;davout;dotcoin: as a matter of fact i am, i am also certainly not using cloudflare or hosting with 1&1 670422;1399765221;dotcoin;@twizt yes and we don't do 670423;1399765232;pankkake;I see a request to recaptcha too, weird 670424;1399765237;dotcoin;@davout or ovh 670425;1399765242;twizt_;y not 670426;1399765251;twizt_;cuz for all anyone knows ur hiding true volume 670427;1399765258;twizt_;which is hella illegal 670428;1399765259;davout;dotcoin: get a clue before spouting nonsense 670429;1399765269;twizt_;if you are a 'public venue' 670430;1399765277;davout;dotcoin: also get an order book 670431;1399765281;twizt_;how are u p2p decentralized with all 'customer doesnt need to know' attitude 670432;1399765290;twizt_;dafuq 670433;1399765295;davout;pankkake: because pre-load 670434;1399765297;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 54780 @ 0.00087656 = 48.018 BTC [-] {2} 670435;1399765298;dotcoin;we hidde nothing thats is do anyone from you go inside the bourse and take a view and read all? than you see there is nothing hidden there is all transparent 670436;1399765301;BigBitz;dotcoin what is your reason for not providing volume information/trade information? 670437;1399765311;twizt_;to hide volume lol 670438;1399765317;BigBitz;( other than the obvious ) 670439;1399765324;davout;pankkake: if you want to not make the requests you can use teh API :D 670440;1399765340;davout;-> https://github.com/Paymium/api-documentation 670441;1399765351;dotcoin;we provide them so why you talking that when it's not true 670442;1399765366;davout;dotcoin: URLs? 670443;1399765371;dotcoin;example company 1 list 100k shares 670444;1399765385;dotcoin;than you see how much shares are on sold left 670445;1399765407;twizt_;what about after 670446;1399765412;twizt_;what about secondary trading information 670447;1399765417;twizt_;after primary quantities are sold off 670448;1399765426;dotcoin;if you see only 80k tomorrow on sale means 20k are sold you need a calculator for that 670449;1399765435;BigBitz;Christ... 670450;1399765435;davout;dotcoin: seriously, shut up and get cracking 670451;1399765440;BigBitz;!down dotcoin 670452;1399765442;davout;!down dotcoin 670453;1399765446;twizt_;so after all ipo shares sold, the secondary trading goes dark? lol 670454;1399765448;davout;LOL 670455;1399765454;BigBitz;:) 670456;1399765464;BigBitz;;;gpg info dotcoin 670457;1399765464;gribble;No such user registered. 670458;1399765502;twizt_;poorly designed exchange 670459;1399765506;BigBitz;and people wonder why Bitcoin gets a bad name. 670460;1399765546;davout;poor guy is probably still talking in the chan 670461;1399765552;BigBitz;Probably... 670462;1399765554;Duffer1;lmao 670463;1399765577;BigBitz;U GUYS DONT NO NETHING 670464;1399765582;BigBitz;this is best way 2 run things 670465;1399765588;BigBitz;buy 100k sell 80k means 20k left 670466;1399765590;BigBitz;dumb dumbs 670467;1399765591;BigBitz;ETC. 670468;1399765599;davout;dotcoin: we can not see what you type, go do your homework and come back when it's ready, if ever 670469;1399765602;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3341 @ 0.00087636 = 2.9279 BTC [-] 670470;1399765602;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.03120572 = 0.156 BTC [-] {3} 670471;1399765626;BigBitz;davout perhaps he is making iceberg/dark pools his important developmental opportunity. 670472;1399765630;BigBitz;trading volume isn't important, right? 670473;1399765678;davout;i'd be very interested in an explanation about why it is that bitcoin attracts two radically opposite demographics 670474;1399765684;davout;smart people 670475;1399765694;davout;and the terminally retarded 670476;1399765703;BigBitz;Sadly I don't think I am either of those. 670477;1399765723;davout;there doesn't seem to be a lot of the average 670478;1399765724;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.03115904 = 0.1558 BTC [-] 670479;1399765747;BigBitz;wooooo! 670480;1399765780;pankkake;bitcoin has this image of free money 670481;1399765793;pankkake;you can make them with your computar 670482;1399765797;davout;which it is 670483;1399765824;davout;but somehow i feel like a lot of people come to it with the wrong idea o "fair money" 670484;1399765852;davout;"fair" in the sense of "democratic" or "equal" 670485;1399765854;pankkake;well, they realize it doesn't grow on trees and are upset 670486;1399765866;davout;there's this too 670487;1399765869;jurov;actually many smart people are repelled first.. especially these that expect thing working properly according to rules 670488;1399765889;jurov;*things 670489;1399765929;davout;i think that's more the retarded that act as a repellent to the smart 670490;1399765967;pankkake;yeah, I stayed away from bitcoin because it seemed full of teenagers 670491;1399765980;pankkake;that had no idea what they were doing 670492;1399766004;pankkake;I guess I shouldn't have 670493;1399766038;davout;radium, discovered by highschoolers indeed 670494;1399766071;bounce;http://pastebin.ca/2738708 670495;1399766082;benkay;;;ticker 670496;1399766083;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 456.17, Best ask: 457.9, Bid-ask spread: 1.73000, Last trade: 457.0, 24 hour volume: 4100.46574537, 24 hour low: 449.79, 24 hour high: 459.24, 24 hour vwap: 453.886482405 670497;1399766086;pankkake;the success stories, i.e. bitcoin prices, or asicminer in the past, made people want to throw money at it 670498;1399766088;benkay;;;calc 0.004 * 456 670499;1399766089;gribble;1.824 670500;1399766109;davout;bounce: the info in there is accurate 670501;1399766155;bounce;says you, why? 670502;1399766159;benkay;http://www.bitronictech.net/bitcoin-vps.php 670503;1399766163;benkay;not bad pricing on these 670504;1399766169;davout;bounce: because i know 670505;1399766200;davout;benkay: going there tomorrow, you jelly? -> http://www.theatrechampselysees.fr/recital-et-musique-de-chambre/concerts-du-dimanche-matin/sol-gabetta-bertrand-chamayou 670506;1399766201;bounce;you suck at the coughing man in a raincoat act 670507;1399766213;BigBitz;BitVPS best VPS, benkay! 670508;1399766235;davout;bounce: that's because i'm more like the cop that's looking up his cop DB 670509;1399766237;jurov;BigBitz: they pay you for it? 670510;1399766237;pankkake;benkay: so who are they? many *fiat* vps do not live for long. I've experienced one disappearing for example 670511;1399766248;bounce;so you did whois and got the same info 670512;1399766250;BigBitz;jurov nobody pays me anything. 670513;1399766259;pankkake;it was real cheap, though :D 670514;1399766294;benkay;BigBitz: rly? 670515;1399766326;davout;bounce: look, if I did that i would say "i did a whois", it just so happens that i have more information, and of much better quality than you do, what's so complicated about that ? 670516;1399766338;pankkake;http://lowendbox.com/ is a pretty good source of info on vps hosts 670517;1399766345;jurov;BigBitz: did bitvps regain any referral? i don't see any 670518;1399766360;benkay;pankkake: some nobody http://www.linkedin.com/pub/bryan-apperson/65/1bb/147 670519;1399766361;BigBitz;davout you're a cop? :o 670520;1399766362;bounce;says you. to me that's all claims and refusals to back'em up 670521;1399766383;davout;BigBitz: hehe in some ways i'd say 670522;1399766399;pankkake;well, usually you just check they have been in business for a while and not high schoolers 670523;1399766405;davout;bounce: i seriously don't give the slightest shit about you believing me or not 670524;1399766428;BigBitz;That escalated quickly. 670525;1399766480;pankkake;I see they were active in 2012 at least 670526;1399766506;jurov;pankkake: talking about bitvps? 670527;1399766512;pankkake;no, bitronic 670528;1399766530;benkay;davout: wish i were there 670529;1399766553;davout;benkay: i'll send you the CD :D 670530;1399766562;benkay;such a gentleman 670531;1399766576;jurov;I worked with ordering materials and grading terrain for masonry/construction. 670532;1399766601;jurov;:) 670533;1399766612;BigBitz;Ah. 670534;1399766614;BigBitz;You're not a cop. 670535;1399766617;BigBitz;You're the bitcoin-central guy. 670536;1399766618;BigBitz;:) 670537;1399766634;jurov;he can still be undercover 670538;1399766643;BigBitz;I would be surprised. 670539;1399766646;BigBitz;You know how the French are. 670540;1399766661;jurov;hmm..i do not? 670541;1399766670;BigBitz;nor do I but it seemed like something to say :/ 670542;1399766675;BigBitz;work shy, etc. 670543;1399766682;bounce;who's french now? 670544;1399766693;davout;BigBitz: yes, that would be me :) 670545;1399766695;BigBitz;davout, I guess. 670546;1399766697;BigBitz;:) 670547;1399766722;bounce; 670548;1399766749;jurov; 670549;1399766766;BigBitz; 670550;1399766772;BigBitz; 670551;1399766799;davout; 670552;1399766814;[\];mircea_popescu, I'm a scammer? 670553;1399766821;BigBitz;I doubt that. 670554;1399766836;jurov;don't zing him, he's fucking 670555;1399766849;davout;kakobrekla: [\\\] is fucking with the log :D 670556;1399766866;kakobrekla;not this time! 670557;1399766868;davout;"[\]: mircea_popescu, I'm a scammer?" 670558;1399766885;davout;kakobrekla: the backslashes, what have you done 670559;1399766890;jurov;orly? \r \n \t 670560;1399766898;BigBitz;\\\\\\\\\ 670561;1399766903;davout;brb, XSS'ing teh log 670562;1399766904;jurov;orly? \\r \\\\n \t 670563;1399766912;kakobrekla;doo et! 670564;1399766930;pankkake; 670565;1399766937;\\\\\\;yo 670566;1399766945;bounce;add moar \\u2603 670567;1399766951;[\\\\\\\];I got you 670568;1399766959;BigBitz;Nooooooo. 670569;1399766962;BigBitz;too many slashes. 670570;1399766967;[\\\\\\\];you're right 670571;1399766980;BigBitz;uhohs. 670572;1399767028; ;hm 670573;1399767059;BigBitz;such compliacte. 670574;1399767066;kakobrekla;fuck you all im gonna set it to +m if you keep acting like this. 670575;1399767075;davout;haha, u mad 670576;1399767084;BigBitz;poor kakobrekla :( 670577;1399767092;BigBitz;UMADBRO? 670578;1399767112;jurov;kakobrekla: better make assbot kick any nick it can't parse 670579;1399767112;davout;the funny part is that this convo will look completely retarded when read in the logs 670580;1399767129;davout;assbot set mode +b on assbot 670581;1399767151;BigBitz;Just +b *!*@* 670582;1399767157;BigBitz;SHUT. 670583;1399767157;davout;back in 1988 : "MAKE A SHORTCUT THAT POINTS TO ITSELF, SEE WHAT HAPPENS" 670584;1399767158;BigBitz;IT. 670585;1399767159;BigBitz;DOWN. 670586;1399767166;bounce;@ negates +b though 670587;1399767168;BigBitz;such circual 670588;1399767173;davout;s/1988/1998/ 670589;1399767225;[\];kakobrekla, it *is* +m 670590;1399767233;kakobrekla;i know, that was the joke. 670591;1399767246;[\];well fuck you, it wasn't funny 670592;1399767260;davout;i thought it was :D 670593;1399767268;[\];I just saw the random highlight and I couldn't tell if mircea_popescu was calling me a scammer or if he knows me and scammers 670594;1399767274;BigBitz;any more of this and it's -m and we invite dotcoin back. 670595;1399767296;[\];hot damn 670596;1399767297;[\];! 670597;1399767306;davout;BigBitz: he's not that bad-behaved, just thick 670598;1399767313;BigBitz;isn't that worse? 670599;1399767315;bounce;you'll have to round up some substitute scammers from -otc instead; he's off-line 670600;1399767319;[\];BigBitz, they invented this neat little thing 670601;1399767325;[\];its called /ignore 670602;1399767327;[\];so awesome 670603;1399767332;BigBitz;for? 670604;1399767338;[\];/ignore * #bitcoin-assets 670605;1399767345;BigBitz;Ohhh. 670606;1399767351;davout;BigBitz: maybe i'm completely stupid but there's a part in me that says there's a (very smallà probability that he might be saved 670607;1399767353;pankkake;a think and a thief 670608;1399767353;BigBitz;there is also... you may not know this one... 670609;1399767356;pankkake;thick 670610;1399767357;BigBitz;but there is also /part 670611;1399767365;[\];BigBitz: /hop is fun 670612;1399767368;BigBitz;hehe 670613;1399767376;bounce;so is /so 670614;1399767378;[\];do while 1>0 /hop 670615;1399767386;davout;such irc pros 670616;1399767391;BigBitz;such hops. 670617;1399767393;Apocalyptic;^ 670618;1399767405;*;davout looks up /hop 670619;1399767408;bounce;hip hop or dance dance dance revolution? 670620;1399767417;[\];davout: /hop = /part + /join 670621;1399767425;[\];DDR 670622;1399767428;kakobrekla;only fag clients have hop 670623;1399767429;davout;[\\\]: yea, saw that 670624;1399767435;[\];kakobrekla, you're mom's a fag 670625;1399767442;[\];fuck 670626;1399767443;kakobrekla;your mom is my mom 670627;1399767443;[\];your* 670628;1399767449;davout;such owned 670629;1399767451;[\];still fag 670630;1399767456;BigBitz;It's half-op someplaces, depends :) 670631;1399767456;kakobrekla;same 670632;1399767465;BigBitz;IT's basically /cycle 670633;1399767471;[\];some networks use halfop 670634;1399767474;[\];they're good for banning 670635;1399767478;[\];that's about it 670636;1399767481;BigBitz;Yup. 670637;1399767486;davout;kakobrekla: wtf are you still doing here, don't you have a log to fix? 670638;1399767491;bounce;go big or go home 670639;1399767501;[\];bounce, no wonder your mom's so fat 670640;1399767502;davout;that's what she said ? 670641;1399767505;kakobrekla;davout notrly, [\\\] needs to fix his nick 670642;1399767513;[\];kakobrekla, I already did 670643;1399767519;bounce;phail 670644;1399767537;[\];its interesting how many people have issues with it 670645;1399767543;davout;ok, i'm off 670646;1399767544;bounce;so what is the rationale for the log to parse escape sequences? 670647;1399767589;[\];bounce, because what if we do something stupid like /nick something\bounce 670648;1399767645;*;BigBitz /nick \[\\\]\bounce 670649;1399767652;benkay;!up wolverineks 670650;1399767652;assbot;Voicing wolverineks for 30 minutes. 670651;1399767697;x0;test 670652;1399767725;\0;test 670653;1399767748;\0;\nick billg 670654;1399767755;billg;ok sry 670655;1399767801;kakobrekla;\0\\0 670656;1399767814;kakobrekla;see 670657;1399767819;billg;it works only in nick 670658;1399767823;billg;not in the msg 670659;1399767844;kakobrekla;or not work. 670660;1399767897;billg;it did ate the first \0 though 670661;1399767899;bounce;apparently opera doesn't deal too well with actual nulls in table fields 670662;1399767919;[\];:BigBitz /nick \[\\\]\bounce 670663;1399767923;[\];the log fails on actions 670664;1399767942;billg;o it did emit NULs? 670665;1399767971;bounce;yeah. don't trust your browser to show them, though. 670666;1399768039;billg;lol yes, firefox threw them out of the DOM but they are there 670667;1399768227;60script62aler;cant resist 670668;1399768238;bounce;do a /nick \u2603 ? 670669;1399768282;\u2603;hm? 670670;1399768297;jurov;looks it's fixed 670671;1399768301;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 15 @ 0.041 = 0.615 BTC [-] 670672;1399768313;kakobrekla;yes you little bitches. 670673;1399768318;bounce;too late :((( 670674;1399768349;bounce;took long enough, though 670675;1399768353;[\\\];lol 670676;1399768356;[\\\];!up [\\\] 670677;1399768356;assbot;Really, [\\\]? 670678;1399768365;BigBitz;lol 670679;1399768365;[\\\];yes, asshole 670680;1399768369;BigBitz;pwnt. 670681;1399768372;jurov;1up \\ľščťžýáíéôň 670682;1399768378;[\\\];!up kakobrekla 670683;1399768378;assbot;Voicing kakobrekla without time-limit. 670684;1399768379;jurov;!up \\ľščťžýáíéôň 670685;1399768379;assbot;Voicing \\ľščťžýáíéôň for 30 minutes. 670686;1399768384;BigBitz;hahah 670687;1399768386;jurov;muhahahahahahah 670688;1399768399;[\\\];here comes the bans 670689;1399768432;[\\\];!up 转换菠萝 670690;1399768432;assbot;Voicing 转换菠萝 for 30 minutes. 670691;1399768434;bounce;log really should be using <> instead of : since copy/pasting looks wrong now 670692;1399768480;[\\\];!up should check for if the nick is really in channel 670693;1399768480;assbot;Voicing should for 30 minutes. 670694;1399768485;[\\\];lol 670695;1399768490;kakobrekla;nah 670696;1399768491;jurov;!down \\ľščťžýáíéôň 670697;1399768493;[\\\];!up shit 670698;1399768493;assbot;Voicing shit for 30 minutes. 670699;1399768504;jurov;!t m \\ľščťžýáíéôň 670700;1399768505;assbot;I haven't understood a single word you've said since I met you, not one single word. 670701;1399768521;jurov;!t \\ľščťžýáíéôň 670702;1399768521;assbot;Um, shouldn't you be with your own tribe or somethin'? 670703;1399768524;[\\\];!up fuckers 670704;1399768524;assbot;Voicing fuckers for 30 minutes. 670705;1399768539;kakobrekla;are you guies like 12 or smth? 670706;1399768549;[\\\];I'm 11, what is this? 670707;1399768558;kakobrekla;you need to be 12 to be here 670708;1399768571;[\\\];good thing its my birthday tomorrow! 670709;1399768585;kakobrekla;we need your dox nao 670710;1399768598;[\\\];!up okcupid.com 670711;1399768598;assbot;Voicing okcupid.com for 30 minutes. 670712;1399768618;bounce;can't ask minors for dox 670713;1399768627;kakobrekla;is ok if a minor asks 670714;1399768666;bounce;so youse 12 too then 670715;1399768675;kakobrekla;12.5 670716;1399768686;jurov;!up fooooobar 670717;1399768686;assbot;Voicing fooooobar for 30 minutes. 670718;1399768708;pankkake;what is this magic 670719;1399768713;pankkake;!up yourbutt 670720;1399768713;assbot;Voicing yourbutt for 30 minutes. 670721;1399768724;jurov;Cannot send to channel: #bitcoin-assets 670722;1399768739;[\\\];you joined after the voice 670723;1399768743;[\\\];so you didn't actually have voice 670724;1399768750;[\\\];and now we has your ip! 670725;1399768778;jurov;!up fooooobar 670726;1399768778;assbot;Voicing fooooobar for 30 minutes. 670727;1399768784;[\\\];there you go 670728;1399768800;[\\\];aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand its gone 670729;1399768947;jurov;sry to disappoint you 670730;1399769080;benkay;here's one ripe for yelling: http://bitbet.us/bet/771/facebook-myspaced/ 670731;1399769368;*;kakobrekla took away the toys from the kids. 670732;1399769371;bounce;huh, more yes than no. 670733;1399769883;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15000 @ 0.00087641 = 13.1462 BTC [+] 670734;1399773173;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26994 @ 0.0008762 = 23.6521 BTC [-] {3} 670735;1399773631;benkay;!up xdotcomm_ 670736;1399773642;xdotcomm_;benkay: hey 670737;1399773648;benkay;yo 670738;1399773652;xdotcomm_;how is portland life 670739;1399773657;xdotcomm_;i wish i could move there 670740;1399773671;xdotcomm_;my current locale is stressing me 670741;1399773688;benkay;why is that? 670742;1399773708;kakobrekla;dafuq 670743;1399773803;kakobrekla;!up xdotcomm_ 670744;1399773809;kakobrekla;whatevers 670745;1399773811;xdotcomm_;ok so now i am voiced 670746;1399773827;kakobrekla;anyway ozbot is down i made a better(?) url title parser 670747;1399773835;benkay;!down xdotcomm_ 670748;1399773836;assbot;BitBet - Facebook Myspace'd :: 5.03 B (61%) on Yes, 3.16 B (39%) on No | closing in 8 months 2 weeks | weight: 78`618 (100`000 to 1) 670749;1399773836;kakobrekla; here's one ripe for yelling: http://bitbet.us/bet/771/facebook-myspaced/ 670750;1399773838;benkay;!up xdotcomm_ 670751;1399773841;kakobrekla;this failed before. 670752;1399773845;xdotcomm_;whats happpening 670753;1399773869;benkay;neat kakobrekla 670754;1399773881;kakobrekla;yee 670755;1399774949;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HMF] 16 @ 0.00659998 = 0.1056 BTC [+] {3} 670756;1399775065;mircea_popescu;[\\\] i wasn't calling you a scammer, but i guess you ended up in dubious company 670757;1399775105;mircea_popescu;dotcoin: there is all there, if 10k shares was on listing and tomorrow are only 5000 means that 500 are sold, there is no order book need << epic 670758;1399775115;mircea_popescu;i will save this for jurov if he ever has complaints. 670759;1399775640;mircea_popescu;pankkake: bitcoin-central.net actually requires requests to google to work << what da sheit 670760;1399775785;mircea_popescu;davout: i'd be very interested in an explanation about why it is that bitcoin attracts two radically opposite demographics << because the smart and the terminally retarded are the only groups that don't know how smart they actually are. 670761;1399775800;artifexd;http://tylervigen.com/ 670762;1399775856;artifexd;No ozbot? http://tylervigen.com/ is "Things that correlate". A bunch of graphs of completely unrelated things that appear to be related when graphed on top of each other. 670763;1399775856;mircea_popescu;dealdujour.pro ? srsly ? 670764;1399775894;mircea_popescu;artifexd this is where twitter politicos/influencers/journos/other derps get their fascinating groundbreaking articles ? 670765;1399775940;artifexd;Could be. Just goes to prove that we can reduce oil imports by banning chickens. 670766;1399775958;artifexd;^ http://tylervigen.com/view_correlation?id=2751 670767;1399776079;kakobrekla;assbot should pick that up 670768;1399776084;kakobrekla;dunno, perhaps it timeouts 670769;1399776122;assbot;#bitcoin-assets | You cannot stop the clouds by the building of a ship. 670770;1399776122;kakobrekla;http://bitcoin-assets.com 670771;1399776133;kakobrekla;werks 670772;1399776152;artifexd;http://tylervigen.com 670773;1399776154;benkay;.bait 670774;1399776164;*;artifexd shrugs 670775;1399776331;assbot;Right in the middle of a major push to production. Awesome. | Hacker News 670776;1399776331;benkay;https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7727495 670777;1399776360;kakobrekla;http://tylervigen.com 670778;1399776370;kakobrekla;dunno. 670779;1399776379;assbot;It's too bad git requires a central server. | Hacker News 670780;1399776379;benkay;https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7727505 // o lol 670781;1399776467;mircea_popescu;in other news, check out the abundance of this guy's trademarking efforts : 670782;1399776469;assbot;Weiler, Deal du Jour SARL, 45 allee des Ormes, - European Trademarks Correspondent 670783;1399776469;mircea_popescu;http://www.trademarkia.co.uk/uk/correspondent-markus-weiler-1-90158 670784;1399776478;mircea_popescu;"The Bitcoin Bank" 670785;1399776491;mircea_popescu;"Croisswich - le Croissant Sandwich" 670786;1399776523;assbot;Things that correlate 670787;1399776523;kakobrekla;http://tylervigen.com 670788;1399776565;artifexd;\o/ 670789;1399776603;kakobrekla;twas a redirect. 670790;1399776633;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25633 @ 0.00087852 = 22.5191 BTC [+] {2} 670791;1399776709;mircea_popescu;ahaha this gets even better. davout pankkake Apocalyptic : 670792;1399776710;mircea_popescu;http://www.rpise.fr/IMG/pdf/arret_du_07-03-2012_11-10481_-_Traite_EG.pdf 670793;1399776735;mircea_popescu;Le 11 aot 2010 la S.A.R.L. FRANCOTEL a dpos l'Institut National de la Proprit Industrielle 670794;1399776735;mircea_popescu;2 une demande d'enregistrement n 10/3759889 de la marque verbale pour les classes 36 et 38. Le 17 novembre suivant la socit tats-unienne GOOGLE INC., titulaire de la marque verbale antrieure dpose le 14 dcembre 2006 sous le n 06 3 469 535 pour les classes 16, 35 et 42, a form opposition. 670795;1399776837;mircea_popescu;guy asks for 25k euro damages in ordinary and further 5k for abus de droit (:D) and also that google loses the adwords mark for class 35 in france. 670796;1399777003;mircea_popescu;La Cour, statuant en dernier ressort et par arrt contradictoire. [...] Condamne en outre la S.A.R.L. FRANCOTEL payer la socit GOOGLE INC. une indemnit de 670797;1399777003;mircea_popescu;5 000,00 euros au titre de l'article 700 du Code de Procdure Civile. 670798;1399777007;mircea_popescu;that worked well. 670799;1399777088;mircea_popescu;so listen dotcoin, did you ever pay that 10k or do you still owe google ? 670800;1399777201;mircea_popescu;wait, there's moar : 670801;1399777202;mircea_popescu;a-d-w-o-r-d-s.org A-D-W-O-R-D-S | Association de Dfense Webmasters contre les Oligopoles Rigoureux Dtruisant les petites Socits Owner: weiler markus Registrant Street: 9 rue emmanuel philibert 670802;1399777487;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23900 @ 0.00088258 = 21.0937 BTC [+] {3} 670803;1399777549;mircea_popescu;davout: BigBitz: maybe i'm completely stupid but there's a part in me that says there's a (very small probability that he might be saved << he seems just somewhat retarded in his approach to things, not really a scammer per se. 670804;1399777566;mircea_popescu;herpy derp, he's going to sue google and make a domain to protest "Les Oligopoles Rigoureux" 670805;1399777569;mircea_popescu;could be a fucken band name 670806;1399777619;assbot;#bitcoin-assets log 670807;1399777619;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-05-2014#670651 check that sheit out. 670808;1399777637;assbot;#bitcoin-assets log 670809;1399777637;kakobrekla;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-05-2014#670670 670810;1399777796;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla i still see holes there 670811;1399777801;mircea_popescu;but perhaps it's teh oprah 670812;1399777992;mircea_popescu;line appears where the nick should be, no nick. 670813;1399778059;kakobrekla;that is before #670670 670814;1399778093;mircea_popescu;still atm. 670815;1399778106;kakobrekla;yes. 670816;1399778160;mircea_popescu;anyway, minor point. 670817;1399778225;kakobrekla;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-05-2014#670661 670818;1399778225;assbot;#bitcoin-assets log 670819;1399778573;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HMF] 21 @ 0.00667286 = 0.1401 BTC [+] {3} 670820;1399779549;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 387 @ 0.00120654 = 0.4669 BTC [+] {6} 670821;1399780037;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5943 @ 0.00088313 = 5.2484 BTC [+] 670822;1399780037;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.48485779 BTC [-] 670823;1399780099;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 10 @ 0.06474168 = 0.6474 BTC [-] 670824;1399781257;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8000 @ 0.00088423 = 7.0738 BTC [+] 670825;1399781379;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4912 @ 0.00088295 = 4.3371 BTC [-] {2} 670826;1399781440;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22950 @ 0.00087562 = 20.0955 BTC [-] {2} 670827;1399781456;mircea_popescu;!up grahvity 670828;1399782017;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla the assbot msging is better nao 670829;1399782033;kakobrekla;mhm 670830;1399782617;asciilifeform;'abus de droit' ?= brit. 'barratry' ? 670831;1399782660;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29000 @ 0.00087528 = 25.3831 BTC [-] 670832;1399783284;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform not really. 670833;1399783301;mircea_popescu;barratry affixes to the actor, abus de droit to the deed. 670834;1399783313;asciilifeform;interesting 670835;1399783326;mircea_popescu;it's an old device left from the legal thinking of the hre 670836;1399783340;mircea_popescu;which had the religious notion that law can work no ill 670837;1399783349;mircea_popescu;(it being divine imanence) 670838;1399783387;asciilifeform;we ought to dig up the HREs and send them the bill for... usa 670839;1399783451;mircea_popescu;sending bills is only productive if you send them to the solvent. 670840;1399783453;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35900 @ 0.00087755 = 31.504 BTC [+] 670841;1399783455;asciilifeform;lol 670842;1399783537;asciilifeform;davout: people come to it with the wrong idea o "fair money" << see my original review of MPEx, for instance 670843;1399783619;mircea_popescu;nighty. 670844;1399783626;asciilifeform;goodnight mp 670845;1399783665;asciilifeform;pankkake: stayed away from bitcoin because it seemed full of teenagers << sorta my initial reaction (as described here: http://www.loper-os.org/?p=939) 670846;1399783667;assbot;Loper OS » Bitcoin, or How to Hammer in Nails with a Microscope. 670847;1399783880;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 159 @ 0.0008587 = 0.1365 BTC [-] 670848;1399783941;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 446 @ 0.00085476 = 0.3812 BTC [-] {4} 670849;1399784002;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 200 @ 0.0008501 = 0.17 BTC [-] 670850;1399786344;benkay;kakobrekla: why not show bet text on bitbet? 670851;1399786357;kakobrekla;m? 670852;1399786386;benkay;in propositions i mean 670853;1399786387;benkay;>.< 670854;1399786958;kakobrekla;benkay you can see the text if you hover over title 670855;1399787174;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 28 @ 0.0043054 = 0.1206 BTC [+] 670856;1399787662;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.041 = 0.123 BTC [-] 670857;1399788335;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30550 @ 0.00087528 = 26.7398 BTC [-] 670858;1399788355;benkay;neat kakobrekla sweet easter egg 670859;1399788408;benkay;i wonder if someone at localbitcoins is hitting bitbet :D 670860;1399788641;benkay;http://digitalcoin.co/forums/index.php/topic,1038.0.html 670861;1399788642;assbot;Coinmart April 27th Update 670862;1399788684;benkay;why these people don't get how to handle identity boggles the mind 670863;1399788707;benkay;actually i take it back internet/crypto is apparently bogglingly hard for people to handle 670864;1399789013;benkay;!up BenWyatt 670865;1399789016;benkay;hiya bingo 670866;1399789036;benkay;hey you know what's annoying? 670867;1399789042;benkay;capitalized first letters of erc handles 670868;1399789064;BingoBoingo;I've known of more annoying things 670869;1399789156;benkay;bitcoinpete! 670870;1399789157;benkay;nice 670871;1399789185;bitcoinpete;benkay! 670872;1399789238;benkay;hey man howzit 670873;1399789314;bitcoinpete;not too shabby my man. just returning from games night and ready to catch up on the action 670874;1399789328;bitcoinpete;howzit with you? 670875;1399789335;benkay;busy busy 670876;1399789363;benkay;i just discovered #digitalcoin 670877;1399789461;bitcoinpete;what's it about? 670878;1399789522;bitcoinpete;other than cryptos... 670879;1399789600;bitcoinpete;http://www.equities.com/editors-desk/currencies-forex/bitcoin-etf-means-winklevii-likely-dumped-their-64-million-in-btc < GPG? 670893;1399790585;benkay; what is that? 670894;1399790658;bitcoinpete;do they not have a gribble with ;; google? 670895;1399790669;bitcoinpete;lol 670896;1399790736;BingoBoingo;;;google Digitalcoin 670897;1399790737;gribble;DigitalCoin: ; DigitalCoin.Co | Secure. Established. Active Development | V2.0 ...: ; Digitalcoin - The Currency for a Digital Age - Reddit: 670898;1399790834;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8750 @ 0.00087528 = 7.6587 BTC [-] 670899;1399790905;bitcoinpete;http://www.buzzfeed.com/ryanhatesthis/nature-valley-anime-twitter 670900;1399790905;assbot;Teens Are Flooding Nature Valley Granola Bars' Twitter Account With Anime Fan Art And It's Amazing 670901;1399790932;bitcoinpete;"Other anime fans apparently thought it was pretty amazing that a granola bar would tweet at them about anime, so they kept it going." 670902;1399790932;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 670903;1399790937;bitcoinpete;those crazy kids 670904;1399791212;punkman;http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/2014-05/enhanced/webdr03/9/12/enhanced-27148-1399654367-18.jpg 670905;1399791517;bitcoinpete;http://imgur.com/lsbgqhP 670906;1399791518;assbot;imgur: the simple image sharer 670907;1399791532;bitcoinpete;6/35 economists aren't retarded. not bad, really 670908;1399791963;benkay;intriguingly granular 670909;1399791994;benkay;i'm for the sack. need me beauty sleep for thinkin. 670910;1399792568;bitcoinpete;!up vexual 670911;1399792588;Vexual;dankewell 670912;1399792599;bitcoinpete;de nada 670913;1399792617;Vexual;what is new? 670914;1399792748;Vexual;hackrf shipping yet? imma be bouncing the blockchain off the ionosphere 670915;1399792771;bitcoinpete;looks like mr. bitcoin bourse dropped by earler… entertaining 670916;1399792812;bitcoinpete;the kickstarter thing? probably destined to pull a fancy watch 670917;1399792846;Vexual;idk what bourse is 670918;1399792847;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16366 @ 0.00087755 = 14.362 BTC [+] 670919;1399792915;bitcoinpete;a play exchange afaik, like havelol 670920;1399792932;Vexual;im outta the loop 670921;1399792976;Vexual;uber limited bandwidth 670922;1399792988;bitcoinpete;meh, the tabloids aren't worth it either 670923;1399793098;Vexual;what is it you do again? 670924;1399793176;Vexual;my memory occasionaly acts like half a goldfish 670925;1399793245;bitcoinpete;read logs, blog 670926;1399793259;bitcoinpete;and yourself? 670927;1399793280;Vexual;im loading your twitter, i have limited bandwidth 670928;1399793305;punkman;http://www.nic.rich/ 670929;1399793305;assbot;.RICH | The World's Most Exclusive Address 670930;1399793386;Vexual;yeah same 670931;1399793431;bitcoinpete;punkman: i thought .coms were the pricey, and therefore exclusive, ones 670932;1399793440;bitcoinpete;Vexual: cool 670933;1399793479;punkman;bitcoinpete: they are, but fuck it 670934;1399793500;bitcoinpete;.baller 670935;1399793505;bitcoinpete;.tool 670936;1399793558;punkman;too much crap to choose from now, wonder where we go from here 670937;1399793605;Vexual;dms becomes redundant 670938;1399793643;punkman;most people seem to google even the easy ones 670939;1399793644;bitcoinpete;dms = diddled mutant services 670940;1399793677;punkman;does the Greenaddress.it guy hang around on freenode? 670941;1399793684;punkman;;;seen gait 670942;1399793684;gribble;gait was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 6 days, 9 hours, 10 minutes, and 30 seconds ago: so what do you guys do? anyone coming to amsterdam? 670943;1399793706;bitcoinpete;he just dropped by the one time after i messed up his hair on twitter 670944;1399793787;punkman;that's even pricier than .rich: http://en.gandi.net/domain/price/detail/na/ 670945;1399793789;assbot;Gandi Rates - .na domain names 670946;1399793796;bitcoinpete;he hasn't been back because… he's busy working on incorporating dice wallets 670947;1399793841;bitcoinpete;punkman: gov only. thx foreign aid! 670948;1399793847;punkman;I saw a job ad for greenaddress, would contact if he was in WOT 670949;1399793884;punkman;speaking of which 670950;1399793887;punkman;;;view 670951;1399793888;gribble;#20527 Wed May 7 08:51:35 2014 punkman SELL 1.0 code @ 0.1 btc (Will code (py,php,js,css,other) for BTC.) 670952;1399793996;bitcoinpete;then tell him to get in wot 670953;1399794000;bitcoinpete;simple enough 670954;1399794728;bitcoinpete;that's all the dotcoin logs lulz my abs can take tonight. later 670955;1399794982;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11437 @ 0.00087528 = 10.0106 BTC [-] 670956;1399796324;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2215 @ 0.00087528 = 1.9387 BTC [-] 670957;1399800228;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1983 @ 0.00012755 = 0.2529 BTC [+] 670958;1399800579;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 670959;1399800585;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 447.0, vol: 4754.11149336 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 437.009, vol: 2858.6656 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 444.5, vol: 4207.10587322 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 450.0, vol: 53.94259978 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 443.008676, vol: 1268.31730000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 446.2, vol: 4.79533399 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 448.5108, vol: 12.56318565 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message) 670960;1399800591;BingoBoingo;;;ticker 670961;1399800592;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 446.0, Best ask: 447.0, Bid-ask spread: 1.00000, Last trade: 447.0, 24 hour volume: 4755.11649336, 24 hour low: 444.36, 24 hour high: 459.24, 24 hour vwap: 452.428071052 670962;1399800777;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07129845 = 0.1426 BTC [-] 670963;1399801082;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07199999 = 0.144 BTC [+] 670964;1399801875;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21800 @ 0.00087687 = 19.1158 BTC [+] 670965;1399802607;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14050 @ 0.00087567 = 12.3032 BTC [-] {2} 670966;1399803766;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9851 @ 0.00087486 = 8.6182 BTC [-] {2} 670967;1399804193;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 29 @ 0.48707709 = 14.1252 BTC [+] {13} 670968;1399807304;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 22 @ 0.07115232 = 1.5654 BTC [-] {4} 670969;1399807365;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.0711 = 0.3555 BTC [-] 670970;1399807426;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 11 @ 0.041 = 0.451 BTC [-] 670971;1399807564;mircea_popescu;!jd mpif 670972;1399807565;assbot;Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 164.44521602 BTC; +0.33195475 BTC (+0.2023%) since last check 18h 7m 4s ago. 670973;1399807768;mircea_popescu;benkay: neat kakobrekla sweet easter egg << lol we'll need a cheats site 670974;1399807818;mircea_popescu;check it out dub : you're a thing now. http://digitalcoin.co/forums/index.php/topic,1038.0.html 670975;1399807819;assbot;Coinmart April 27th Update 670976;1399807976;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14137 @ 0.00087755 = 12.4059 BTC [+] 670977;1399807993;mircea_popescu;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BnUA6PACcAAmzp-.jpg << gotta love that krugman 670978;1399808413;mircea_popescu;bitcoinpete: http://www.equities.com/editors-desk/currencies-forex/bitcoin-etf-means-winklevii-likely-dumped-their-64-million-in-btc < i'll be more to renew than i was in the first place 670990;1399809258;mircea_popescu;jurov who do you use for shit like that ? recommend someone to me ? 670991;1399809294;bounce;what sort of data entry, btw? 670992;1399809337;mircea_popescu;the tedious boring sort, with a hint of talking to people. 670993;1399809458;jurov;hm, i once used freelancer, otherwise never needed that 670994;1399809469;mircea_popescu;aok 670995;1399809508;mircea_popescu;we definitely don't have enough famished girlies in here. 670996;1399809596;bounce;you're supposed to teach them programming too these days 670997;1399809673;mircea_popescu;what, everyone has to program nao ? 670998;1399809684;bounce;ayup 670999;1399809956;mircea_popescu;and the cock is going to suck itself ? 671000;1399809995;jurov;there are robotized fleshlights nao 671001;1399810026;mircea_popescu;;;seen cedivad 671002;1399810026;gribble;cedivad was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 3 weeks, 6 days, 22 hours, 39 minutes, and 42 seconds ago: i actually have one, but i never really wrote about hashfast, bitcointa.lk or any other of my web-related experiences (i manage some really huge websites)... 671003;1399810043;mircea_popescu;;;later tell cedivad i need to steal some datas from you, pls to drop by. 671004;1399810043;gribble;The operation succeeded. 671005;1399810238;jurov;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Q-GU9yvh-g my search for that fleshlight ended here :DDD 671006;1399810239;assbot;LELY A4, CARACTERÍSTICAS DEL PRODUCTO - YouTube 671007;1399810370;davout;https://twitter.com/davoutplantaire/status/465459858385690624 671008;1399810371;assbot;Twitter / davoutplantaire: How to remotely rape NFC credit ... 671009;1399810380;davout;i didn't think it was *that* bad 671010;1399810413;davout;in short, you can remotely read everything on a NFC-enabled CC 671011;1399810425;davout;ordered the relevant dongle for fun and profit 671012;1399810460;mircea_popescu;yes, this has not been news for > 5 years now 671013;1399810530;davout;learn stuff everyday they say! 671014;1399810564;davout;mircea_popescu: have a source for initial disclosure? 671015;1399810747;mircea_popescu;hm 671016;1399810786;mircea_popescu;http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/12/10/nfc_security/ ? 671017;1399810786;assbot;Stealing credit card details via NFC is easy/pointless • The Register 671018;1399810791;mircea_popescu;not readily. 671019;1399810861;davout_;i find stuff about mobile devices, but nothing in that range about the fact that the data simply lies unencrypted on the card with its legs wide open 671020;1399810963;mircea_popescu;was that guy skora or w/e with the android app a coupla years ago... 671021;1399810983;mircea_popescu;it's rife with it, i don't think i have the original source nor reallyt that one exists. shit's tyoo braindamaged, too many people figured it out 671022;1399811052;davout;yeah, that stuff is circa 2012, pretty much the same time range than that other guy's disclosure 671023;1399811069;davout;but i can totally imagine that it has been discovered much earlier 671024;1399811115;mircea_popescu;!up BayAreaCoins 671025;1399811116;mircea_popescu;ello. 671026;1399811122;BayAreaCoins;Thanks 671027;1399811135;mircea_popescu;davout yeah there's a reason nfc is sort-of dead if yet unburied. 671028;1399811150;mircea_popescu;https://www.1bse.com/ << check this shit out 671029;1399811151;assbot;1Bse | The First Bitcoin Stock Exchange | BitCoin, LiteCoin, DogeCoin Hong Kong Exchange 671030;1399811181;davout;i can't wait to have it all setup and have a casual PAN-harvest stroll in the crowded parisian subway 671031;1399811212;bounce;what's the latest in nfc dongles then? 671032;1399811229;davout;"We are increase loading speed soon" <<< nice 671033;1399811249;mircea_popescu;bounce i don't even know. i don't actually know anyone that uses payments off a smartphone. 671034;1399811258;davout;bounce: i ordered a SCL3711, the range is probably extremely shitty 671035;1399811273;mircea_popescu;davout just go on the metro. 671036;1399811290;davout;mircea_popescu: ^ "i can't wait to have it all setup and have a casual PAN-harvest stroll in the crowded parisian subway" 671037;1399811310;bounce;usb stick thing then. 671038;1399811311;*;mircea_popescu gotta lrn2read 671039;1399811323;davout;bounce: yup 671040;1399811325;Apocalyptic; davout yeah there's a reason nfc is sort-of dead if yet unburied. // I heard now you can't order a Mastercard or Visa card without NFC these days 671041;1399811328;Apocalyptic;in Slovakia 671042;1399811338;davout;Apocalyptic: they all have it by default now in france too 671043;1399811344;mircea_popescu;jesus 671044;1399811350;*;bounce did acquire reader kit a while back, not much in the way of tags to fsck around with though 671045;1399811350;Apocalyptic;davout, it's worse than that 671046;1399811365;davout;you can't opt out right 671047;1399811365;Apocalyptic;when I filled the form, I specifically told them I do NOT want NFC 671048;1399811367;mircea_popescu;so can you just punch out the chip or what ? 671049;1399811382;Apocalyptic;well, they did it anyway, and told me you can't get it without anyway 671050;1399811395;mircea_popescu;good reason not to use cards at all. 671051;1399811397;davout;mircea_popescu: if the NFC chip is embedded in the card chip you're fucked, that's prolly not the case tho 671052;1399811408;bounce;these things have been stuck into passports and id cards (that you're required to carry in a number of countries) too 671053;1399811417;mircea_popescu;davout they no longer have the magnetic stripe ?! 671054;1399811434;mircea_popescu;bounce romania lets you get a chipless passport. 671055;1399811436;davout;mircea_popescu: french cards have them but they are seldom used 671056;1399811437;bounce;really should make a nice app to scan and read whichever tags it can see 671057;1399811439;mircea_popescu;because we're so cool. 671058;1399811451;mircea_popescu;davout well so just use the stripe. 671059;1399811457;bounce;IIRC switzerland too. too many countries don't, though. 671060;1399811462;davout;bounce: the passport is secured in a different way, it needs some sort of joint optical + NFC read to work 671061;1399811484;mircea_popescu;davout you can actually syphon a lot of data off the new us passports w/o any contact 671062;1399811488;davout;mircea_popescu: nah, you can't "just use the stripe" here 671063;1399811496;bounce;the key's from a rather small keyspace I'm told. ie, reasonably crackable. 671064;1399811503;davout;mebbe 671065;1399811509;Apocalyptic; IIRC switzerland too. // indeed 671066;1399811526;mircea_popescu;lol this guy 671067;1399811528;mircea_popescu;!up BayAreaCoins 671068;1399811543;Apocalyptic;mircea, where do you know him from ? 671069;1399811545;mircea_popescu;!up BayAreaCoins_ 671070;1399811551;Apocalyptic;I've seen him often in the JD chat 671071;1399811556;mircea_popescu;you got that spiffy salt-water-on-rope internet where you live BayAreaCoins_ ? 671072;1399811598;BayAreaCoins_;mircea_popescu In SF right now, but I have a house or two in Arkansas too. 671073;1399811628;BayAreaCoins_;Well SF for almost a year now... fuck 671074;1399811635;davout;how to disable the NFC chip properly -> http://korben.info/comment-desactiver-le-nfc-sur-sa-carte-bancaire.html 671075;1399811636;assbot;Comment désactiver le NFC sur sa carte bancaire « Korben 671076;1399811665;BayAreaCoins_;Google chrome took a shit on me. Just kinda nosing through y'alls chat and your books. 671077;1399811703;mircea_popescu;BayAreaCoins_ few that join ever leave. 671078;1399811760;pankkake;davout: nice. maybe I won't have to wrap my wallet in tinfoil after all 671079;1399812128;davout;pankkake: that'll leave you some to wrap your head in :D 671080;1399812147;davout;my card is old but i'm definitely doing it for the new one 671081;1399812241;mircea_popescu;hahaha 671082;1399812327;BayAreaCoins_;mircea_popescu So what do you guys focus on in earning most your bitcoins in here? Just a little of everything and anything? 671083;1399812489;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 9 @ 0.47000001 = 4.23 BTC [-] {2} 671084;1399812683;jurov;BayAreaCoins_: i don't think i'm focused squarely in earning most bitcoins 671085;1399812742;BayAreaCoins_;jurov a fiat type of guy or trying to square away a corner of a market? 671086;1399812770;jurov;what's "fiat type of guy" ? 671087;1399812809;BayAreaCoins_;Um... you know. You got some guys who have a bank safety deposit box full of Gold, Silver, Cash or dust :P 671088;1399812821;BayAreaCoins_;Now bitcoin 671089;1399812854;BayAreaCoins_;*obviously lying I blow all my bitcoins gambling ;)* 671090;1399812870;jurov;lol.. actually i cannot hoard. money itches to be put into someone else 671091;1399812899;fluffypony;which is why jurov is such a big supporter of buttcoin 671092;1399812903;davout;if your safety deposit box is full of gold you don't really qualify as a "fiat guy" in my view :D 671093;1399812913;fluffypony;because it's something being put into something else 671094;1399812918;*;fluffypony winks 671095;1399812926;davout;jurov: s/money/my dick/ 671096;1399812976;jurov;well, that fits too 671097;1399812997;BayAreaCoins_;davout right... so you would be a gold guy if it was full of gold. *Captain Obvious* 671098;1399813005;BayAreaCoins_;:P 671099;1399813039;davout;jurov: i'll drop this line of jokes right here 671100;1399813044;jurov;biggest fiat guys would be drug lords with dungeons full of cash 671101;1399813085;jurov;in customized-for-hsbc boxes 671102;1399813104;davout;jurov: /w direct pneumatic pipe link 671103;1399813128;BayAreaCoins_;So you guys don't like fiat? 671104;1399813145;assbot;Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0WVCGH6.txt ) 671105;1399813145;davout;!b 1 671106;1399813237;fluffypony;lol 671107;1399813252;jurov;i do like. but bitcoin is so very cooler 671108;1399813287;jurov;and more dangerous :) 671109;1399813315;fluffypony;yeah 671110;1399813324;fluffypony;Bitcoin is even being investigated as a terrorist threat 671111;1399813346;davout;fluffypony: it's refocusing on pedo tho 671112;1399813350;fluffypony;true 671113;1399813362;fluffypony;just wait till they start hiding their stuff in the blockchain 671114;1399813384;BayAreaCoins_;hear there is already a alt out with a slideshow wallet. 671115;1399813397;davout;wtf is a slideshow wallet ? 671116;1399813410;davout;there's an alt for yards and pencils, but slideshow... 671117;1399813413;davout;!up BayAreaCoins_ 671118;1399813448;fluffypony;who would like to "rake" my "yard"? 671119;1399813456;fluffypony;I'll pay in Fried Coins 671120;1399813456;BayAreaCoins_;Slide show is like when the pictures change every 5 seconds (it was a joke) 671121;1399813588;davout;sorry, i'm wearing my "Intelligence -6" sweater 671122;1399813646;BayAreaCoins_;6am and I'm stoned off my balls, so no worries. Just kind of browsing like I said. I like making money and meeting people who make money 671123;1399813969;BayAreaCoins_;I'm pretty sure my government likes BTC anyways... not going to link it to terrorist any time soon. 671124;1399814014;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.4700001 BTC [+] 671125;1399814015;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 44 @ 0.0043992 = 0.1936 BTC [+] 671126;1399814104;mircea_popescu;so here's a kickass business idea : 671127;1399814116;davout;BayAreaCoins_: i'm not completely unconvinced that bitcoin is part of some sort "if we fail we're not going to let china have it" kind of move 671128;1399814117;BayAreaCoins_;offshore paper wallets 671129;1399814136;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 62 @ 0.00446687 = 0.2769 BTC [+] {4} 671130;1399814138;davout;"offshore paper wallets" <<< you could ipo that on bitcoinbourse 671131;1399814148;mircea_popescu;open a restauant which only serves foods which can be consumed at such a temperature that their overal caloric balance is nil 671132;1399814222;davout;you would be a terrible french person 671133;1399814242;mircea_popescu;BayAreaCoins_ in earning most of our bitcoins we mostly focus mostly not losing the bitcoin we already have. 671134;1399814253;mircea_popescu;davout i already am :D 671135;1399814268;davout;no you're not, you're not arrogant enough 671136;1399814277;mircea_popescu;davout but think about it, customer can set their own desired calorie per serving 671137;1399814282;mircea_popescu;want more, wait a little. 671138;1399814292;mircea_popescu;davout i already am a terrible french person i mean 671139;1399814298;davout;:D 671140;1399814298;BayAreaCoins_;mircea_popescu So does that mean you will take the chance of floating your coin to fiat for a price fall or do you hold strong and long 671141;1399814315;BayAreaCoins_;feel free to tell me to fuck off 671142;1399814326;mircea_popescu;floating my coin for fiat ?! 671143;1399814330;davout;mircea_popescu: you could include physical exercise in the mix 671144;1399814342;mircea_popescu;i thought you meant debentures, equities and whatnot. 671145;1399814354;mircea_popescu;davout you'd make a horrible us internet person. 671146;1399814358;davout;hahaha 671147;1399814374;BayAreaCoins_;I mean making money in general and growth 671148;1399814387;mircea_popescu;atm i don't make growth, i make shrink. 671149;1399814403;mircea_popescu;i was worth like > 1bn earlier this year, nao moar like a third that. 671150;1399814419;BayAreaCoins_;Could be worse 671151;1399814424;BayAreaCoins_;:P still blows 671152;1399814432;mircea_popescu;no it couldn't. my own fate is the worst. 671153;1399814440;BayAreaCoins_;How so 671154;1399814466;BayAreaCoins_;Like the gold guy in South America... like 50bil to 4 in a year :-\ 671155;1399814469;BayAreaCoins_;or whatever it was 671156;1399814476;mircea_popescu;<fluffypony> because it's something being put into something else << the royal society for putting things on top of other things 671157;1399814499;fluffypony;lol 671158;1399814502;davout;benkay: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/52452135/H%C3%A9l%C3%A8ne%20Grimaud%20%26%20Sol%20Gabetta.zip 671159;1399814512;mircea_popescu;BayAreaCoins_ it's acomment on the general human condition. the toothpick in your ear hurts you more than the tree up someone's arse hurts oyu. 671160;1399814579;BayAreaCoins_;mircea_popescu ah ic 671161;1399814606;mircea_popescu;BayAreaCoins_ so what do you do anyway ? 671162;1399814683;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/Mircea_Popescu/status/465465120412680192 just for the lulz 671163;1399814684;assbot;Twitter / Mircea_Popescu: Are you young and desperate ... 671164;1399814708;BayAreaCoins_;That is actually why I came :) 671165;1399814716;mircea_popescu;o lol 671166;1399814723;mircea_popescu;!up Pan0ram1x 671167;1399814724;BayAreaCoins_;I plan on making $100,000 this week and I just wanted to spy a little 671168;1399814745;mircea_popescu;making 100k this week is easy. the branson way : 671169;1399814748;mircea_popescu;just start with 1mn 671170;1399814768;fluffypony;hah hah 671171;1399814771;BayAreaCoins_;Ya... I don't have that, but I will. 671172;1399814817;BayAreaCoins_;I do a number of things though. Sold a business in 2010 and did the college/frat thing. Fucked off since I learned that college should be paying me for the homework I was doing for them 671173;1399814840;BayAreaCoins_;Try to focus on shit that can't lose money. 671174;1399814845;mircea_popescu;it should, but it could never afford to, so the entire thing is predicated on your not noticing. 671175;1399814897;BayAreaCoins_;www.SnailsInTheMail.com <- Example 671176;1399814948;mircea_popescu;"and are looking to sale please contact us!!!" ? 671177;1399814959;BayAreaCoins_;To avoid permits 671178;1399814978;BayAreaCoins_;If I ship state to state. The USDA bitches, but if the snails are shipped within the same state. No feds 671179;1399815016;BayAreaCoins_;Snail game is a interesting one... I'm stil learning it. Basically I have this whole side of the world to myself because it is against the law to import live snails into the USA. 671180;1399815022;BayAreaCoins_;My snails are already here. 671181;1399815072;BayAreaCoins_;I had a ad on Just-dice for a while thanks to doog :P 671182;1399815088;BayAreaCoins_;Not sure how long you've invested there. 671183;1399815152;mircea_popescu;"to sell" neh ? 671184;1399815164;mircea_popescu;!up cnxmari 671185;1399815164;BayAreaCoins_;? 671186;1399815184;mircea_popescu;"and are looking TO SALE please contact us!!!" / "and are looking to sell please contact us!!!" 671187;1399815207;BayAreaCoins_;ah typo? 671188;1399815219;BayAreaCoins_;I've been working on the site and I have to have it proof read. 671189;1399815220;mircea_popescu;either that or grammo 671190;1399815290;mircea_popescu;!up BayAreaCoins_ 671191;1399815293;mircea_popescu;benkay there ? 671192;1399815294;BayAreaCoins_;ty 671193;1399815356;BayAreaCoins_;Once I had all the shit how I imagine it I'll have one of my nice friends go over it and fix all my typo BS. Deb helped me out last time. Did you see my comment earlier of Offshore paper wallets? 671194;1399815402;mircea_popescu;what about it ? 671195;1399815419;BayAreaCoins_;Does something like that exist yet? 671196;1399815459;BayAreaCoins_;I understand the trust issue, I'm in bitcoin too :), but it seems like it would be a nice option. 671197;1399815460;mircea_popescu;im sure every braindamage exists yet yes 671198;1399815488;BayAreaCoins_;? 671199;1399815652;BayAreaCoins_;You know as a American I can't have a Swiss bank account? Sure I understand not giving your bitcoins away as a bitcoin person, but if you are someone else it might not be such a bad option... 671200;1399815661;mircea_popescu;... 671201;1399815691;BayAreaCoins_;Have a good day 671202;1399816027;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27900 @ 0.00087934 = 24.5336 BTC [+] 671203;1399816216;BigBitz;Nobody can have a .ch bank account unless they are a .ch citizen AFAIK. 671204;1399816365;bounce;impossibru 671205;1399816379;bounce;at least residency is enough to open an account 671206;1399816421;mircea_popescu;de jure persons are citizens by definition. 671207;1399816467;mircea_popescu;(ie, just open a corp_ 671208;1399816495;bounce;IIRC there's a bit of a capital requirement for that 671209;1399816524;mircea_popescu;but if you don't have capital in the first place 671210;1399816527;mircea_popescu;why is this a concern ? 671211;1399816637;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 4 @ 0.041 = 0.164 BTC [-] 671212;1399816660;BigBitz;yeah pretty sure there is a capital requirement as well. 671213;1399816663;BigBitz;DEM SWISS. 671214;1399816782;bounce;oh, 20k or 100k CHF, to be deposited in a swiss bank account. 671215;1399816849;bounce;and a couple thousand in fees and things 671216;1399816890;davout;"Nobody can have a .ch bank account unless they are a .ch citizen AFAIK" <<< nah you don't need to, you don't need a corp either, you just need to convince a banker 671217;1399816898;mircea_popescu;anyway, the budget version is, "just move to mongolia" 671218;1399816996;BigBitz;davout really? 671219;1399817003;BigBitz;I thought Swizterland was quite weird on their account requirement. 671220;1399817017;BigBitz;I thought, at a min, residency as bounce said, but I actually thought they had some Citizenship nonsense as well. 671221;1399817049;davout;yea, there a fuckton of french people that have swiss bank accounts, all the folks working cross-border, plus a bunch of wealthy ones 671222;1399817063;davout;s/there/there are/ 671223;1399817185;BigBitz;:) 671224;1399817327;bounce;the crackdown on who can open a bank account where is largely US (and UN-lobbygroups) driven 671225;1399817358;bounce;effects are noticable world-wide, though. the swiss banking secrecy is just about gone apparently too. 671226;1399817375;BigBitz;Lichenstein is the place to go :> 671227;1399817395;mircea_popescu;!up InGoldWeTrust 671228;1399817442;mircea_popescu;bounce fortunately bitcoin showed up and so we don't have to join forces with the arab terrorism to rid the world of that nonsense. 671229;1399817474;mircea_popescu;i suppose this is an angle most of the "us will ban bitcoin" theoreticians fail to understand. bitcoin fucking saved the us, because the way things were going.... 671230;1399817486;mircea_popescu;there wasn'ty going to be stone left upon stone sort of thing 671231;1399817513;BigBitz;"saved" is a rather bold sentiment mircea_popescu. 671232;1399817518;mircea_popescu;it's factual. 671233;1399817524;BigBitz;... 671234;1399817552;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 24 @ 0.0723432 = 1.7362 BTC [+] {3} 671235;1399817706;InGoldWeTrust;[10:09] -assbot- You have been voiced for 30 minutes by mircea_popescu 671236;1399817712;InGoldWeTrust;whats is that 671237;1399817755;mircea_popescu;that means you can talk. 671238;1399817779;InGoldWeTrust;can you here me? 671239;1399817782;InGoldWeTrust;hear 671240;1399817794;bounce;!down InGoldWeTrust 671241;1399817809;bounce;nope. 671242;1399817822;mircea_popescu;lol evil 671243;1399817827;bounce;!up InGoldWeTrust 671244;1399817834;mircea_popescu;InGoldWeTrust http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-05-2014#671238 671245;1399817834;assbot;#bitcoin-assets log 671246;1399817856;InGoldWeTrust;now I cant talk? 671247;1399817874;bounce;oh please. look up what irc channel mode +v does 671248;1399817891;InGoldWeTrust;what is this place, people give me permission to talk? 671249;1399817897;Apocalyptic;they do 671250;1399817897;mircea_popescu;yes. 671251;1399817900;Apocalyptic;and they can revoke it 671252;1399817913;InGoldWeTrust;I thought this was a chat room for bitcoin, must be the wrong place 671253;1399817913;mircea_popescu;this is where the bitcoin illuminati gather. 671254;1399817918;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 141 @ 0.0008501 = 0.1199 BTC [-] 671255;1399817973;mircea_popescu;lol 671256;1399817990;bounce;you may be looking for #bitcoin instead 671257;1399817999;mircea_popescu;or for #derptown 671258;1399818040;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5150 @ 0.00087934 = 4.5286 BTC [+] 671259;1399818220;mircea_popescu;"On April 21, 2014 bitcoin got its first lobbyists, however a competitor hired them. DC lobbying firm, Peck Madigan Jones, registered not one, but five of their employees to lobby Congress on bitcoin and virtual currencies. The client they are registered for is MasterCard, a transaction competitor to bitcoin" 671260;1399818223;mircea_popescu;lawl. 671261;1399818245;fluffypony;FIVE 671262;1399818246;fluffypony;not ONE 671263;1399818248;fluffypony;but FIVE 671264;1399818256;mircea_popescu;larger amount of lobby number. 671265;1399818304;mircea_popescu;what's more interesting, of course, is the total lack of registered us govt lobbists in bitcoin. 671266;1399818321;mircea_popescu;at this rate bitcoin may regulate the us govt out of existence. 671267;1399818325;bounce;there's no registry. quick, someoen petition the ceo of bitcoin. 671268;1399818332;bounce;s/oen/one/ 671269;1399818383;mircea_popescu;what do you think this is ? 671270;1399818404;davout;re what we were saying about mastercard a couple of weeks ago 671271;1399818572;fluffypony;I move for pankkake to be nominated as CTO of Bitcoin 671272;1399818575;fluffypony;Chief Troll Officer 671273;1399818604;davout;i decentralize-fair-p2p vote for it 671274;1399818625;fluffypony;make sure it's in the votechain! 671275;1399818833;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17500 @ 0.00087563 = 15.3235 BTC [-] {2} 671276;1399818996;asciilifeform;there wasn'ty going to be stone left upon stone << mircea_popescu is optimist! thinks there'll be a stone left standing over here... 671277;1399819078;fluffypony;davout: I love how you got accused of being related to Karpeles 671278;1399819250;bounce;'e's french innit? 671279;1399819260;fluffypony;yes 671280;1399819265;bounce;qed. 671281;1399819265;fluffypony;and every Frenchman must be related 671282;1399819270;fluffypony;smart logic 671283;1399819366;mircea_popescu;in the case of frenchmen this is probably true 671284;1399819377;mircea_popescu;they're all related to a german. 671285;1399819379;mircea_popescu;and a russian. 671286;1399819581;asciilifeform;re: NFC credit card crapola: anyone who finds this puzzling (mandatory remote orifice for radio pick-pockets) should read about how u.s. banks profit from petty CC theft 671287;1399819604;asciilifeform;in more than just the usually-discussed way (chargebacks fleecing merchants) 671288;1399819619;fluffypony;asciilifeform: interesting - got a read for it or is it easy to find on Google? 671289;1399819649;asciilifeform;fluffypony: afaik there is no 'canonical' summary of the subject 'under one roof' 671290;1399819655;asciilifeform;you will have to actually do your homework 671291;1399819662;fluffypony;okee dokee 671292;1399819764;asciilifeform;the short version: say you live in the u.s., work a decently-paid sort of work (e.g. engineer), have few or no expensive vices, etc. 671293;1399819792;asciilifeform;you, from the standpoint of mr. bezzlemeister, are a problem in need of solution 671294;1399819819;asciilifeform;if you refuse to blow your savings / go into debt buying idiot trinkets - well, why not let somebody else do it... for you. 671295;1399819841;asciilifeform;hence the deliberate theft-enabling features of the fiat infrastructure. 671296;1399820061;asciilifeform;if you're robbed, and have the presence of mind to walk the bureaucracy and get (some of) the debt cancelled, the merchants who the thief patronized get drafted to become substitute victims in your place 671297;1399820107;asciilifeform;as for anything remaining, it is charged to the infinite 'bad debt' credit card issued to the bank by the crown. 671298;1399820165;bounce;so ditch that feature and banks will move to actual as opposed to make-believe card security? 671299;1399820191;asciilifeform;bounce: if it were their arse, rather than yours on the line - absolutely. 671300;1399820230;asciilifeform;at present, nothing whatsoever about the u.s. consumer banking / credit system makes sense, except in light of the above hypothesis. 671301;1399820259;asciilifeform;(to steal theodosius dobzhansky's quip about evolution) 671302;1399820304;asciilifeform;the way it works now, a thief doesn't even need to steal your account #s, etc 671303;1399820331;asciilifeform;he just needs your name, and a few commonly-available biographical stats about you, and can borrow $1M in your name. 671304;1399820345;asciilifeform;then go and prove that 'you are not a camel' 671305;1399820405;davout;asciilifeform: i'm not a camel, my bulge is on the other side 671306;1399820418;asciilifeform;lol 671307;1399820582;asciilifeform;so don't be surprised at the NFC radio eschewing any form of challenge-response authentication - or crypto of whatsoever kind 671308;1399820599;asciilifeform;this is not simply poor engineering, or penny-pinching. there is a purpose. 671309;1399820667;asciilifeform;other thing, folks will answer 'i've an electromagnetically-shielded wallet! haha' - but see who laughs last. eventually, you won't even be able to walk into a shop unless the door can read your CC 671310;1399820674;asciilifeform;(and you've sufficient account credit) 671311;1399820693;asciilifeform;next, i suppose, toll archways in public walkways - similar to the RFID readers on american toll roads 671312;1399820700;Apocalyptic;i hope it won't come to that ascii 671313;1399820708;asciilifeform;wanna walk on the sidewalk - pay 671314;1399820744;asciilifeform;(pretty much the only innovations one can expect to see in fiat finance is - in rent seeking) 671315;1399820823;asciilifeform;nfc shop doors - walk in, carry out whatever you want, no clerks - door opens if you have sufficient credit. 671316;1399821369;thestringpuller;"You wanna be a CEO huh? Start by joining #bitcoin-assets" 671317;1399821534;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: what did you get your momma for mothers day? 671318;1399821566;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: we do it on mar. 8 671319;1399821576;thestringpuller;Hahahahah! 671320;1399821577;thestringpuller;I LOVE IT 671321;1399821592;thestringpuller;#greenlightthemovie #hollywoodexecs 671322;1399821887;davout;the dotcoin dude: "You will never win! The smart guys know what happen and your problems can only be regulated by a psychiatrist!" 671323;1399821936;kakobrekla;guy has infinite hitpoints eh 671324;1399821944;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14880 @ 0.00087557 = 13.0285 BTC [-] 671325;1399822000;benkay;mornin 671326;1399822025;davout;kakobrekla: he's like a zombie that you can't kill because there's no brain to shoot 671327;1399822026;kakobrekla;heya 671328;1399822068;kakobrekla;he came a long way for a zombie 671329;1399822230;jurov;i think he's a subversion of mircea's thickening necks theory 671330;1399822266;davout;what's the theory? 671331;1399822394;benkay;thestringpuller: the girl put together a boquet for which i took credit. i am also going over this morning to take credit for the meal my sister is making. 671332;1399822421;benkay;<- obvsly prime ceo material 671333;1399822450;jurov;davout basically that pencilnecks will be replaced by progressively thicker necks 671334;1399822466;jurov;when broken by circumstances, regulation etc. 671335;1399822497;benkay;ty for lovely cello, davout 671336;1399822625;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform> other thing, folks will answer 'i've an electromagnetically-shielded wallet! haha' - but see who laughs last. eventually, you won't even be able to walk into a shop unless the door can read your CC << this is a good thing, becayse i don't like this entire in person shopping thing anywayu 671337;1399822651;benkay;but its the women who drive the shopping economy 671338;1399822670;mircea_popescu; (pretty much the only innovations one can expect to see in fiat finance is - in rent seeking) << word. https://twitter.com/Mircea_Popescu/status/465454220993654785 related 671339;1399822671;assbot;Twitter / Mircea_Popescu: Once a market is perverted ... 671340;1399822722;mircea_popescu; <- obvsly prime ceo material << lol clearly. 671341;1399824018;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 2.72795040 BTC to 8`680 shares, 31428 satoshi per share 671342;1399824272;thestringpuller;http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/25a71j/xpost_from_rdogecoin_peyton_evans_has_suffered/ << who the fuck is peyton evans 671343;1399824273;assbot;[x-post from /r/dogecoin] Peyton Evans has suffered from an brain aneurysm and her family is struggling with the medical costs. An Dogecoin+Bitcoin fundraiser has been started by her family and one of her friends. See comments for details. (Verified via /u/Sic840 and @MhkazOffical on Twitter) : Bitcoin 671344;1399824499;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: that bank pic looks like... athletic tourney chart. should we expect a 'amerikanskiy narodniy bank' to show up at the pointy end of the tourney bracket shortly? 671345;1399824670;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: 'reddit' is infamous for pestilential beggars 671346;1399824704;asciilifeform;has been, for some years. 671347;1399824756;bounce;begging, a growth industry 671348;1399824765;*;bounce considers the bandwagon 671349;1399824837;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i don't like this entire in person shopping thing anyway << dragging one's arse to a shop remains a pain. rfid arches might ease the pain, but at what cost. 671350;1399824888;asciilifeform;at first you might be able to sheathe the card in faraday wallet, but then you start to need it to do just about anything - and the sheaths quietly go away 671351;1399824934;asciilifeform;the clever fellows who presently escape surveillance by eschewing mobile phones, will be collared at last 671352;1399824958;fluffypony;you could always order most of your stuff online? 671353;1399824979;asciilifeform;sure. 671354;1399824988;asciilifeform;but at some point it becomes 'expected' to have the rfid. 671355;1399824994;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 3 @ 0.0334999 = 0.1005 BTC [-] 671356;1399825026;asciilifeform;i can picture, for instance, traffic lights detecting pedestrians via same 671357;1399825038;asciilifeform;no beacon, no walk 671358;1399825047;fluffypony;yeah true 671359;1399825052;fluffypony;or using public transport 671360;1399825062;fluffypony;no rfid no bus/train/whatever 671361;1399825066;jurov;by that point also they will be forced to secure it 671362;1399825080;jurov;like recent rfid failures for mass transport across eu 671363;1399825080;asciilifeform;over here we already have rfid (near field, though, ~5cm max) to ride bus 671364;1399825235;asciilifeform;afaik, the only reason this crap isn't being pushed more insistently, is that most (at least in usa) people have already surrendered to an equivalent setup - mobile phones 671365;1399825246;bounce;online shopping is still mostly driven by credit cards and paypal and similar constructs 671366;1399825253;bounce;so that's no escape. 671367;1399825299;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18746 @ 0.0008756 = 16.414 BTC [+] {3} 671368;1399825301;bounce;rather build a mostly self-sufficient house with plenty farmland and a cellar full of build-it-yourself equipment. lathes, 3d printers, what-have-you 671369;1399825302;asciilifeform;it is, however, still possible today to walk around a city, buy food, visit park, etc. without phone. 671370;1399825360;asciilifeform;bounce: 'let them eat cake' ? 671371;1399825368;jurov;it's maybe 10 years already that banks want everyone to switch to credit/debit cards 671372;1399825385;jurov;did not happen yet, don't see what would rfid change on that? 671373;1399825403;bounce;"did not happen"? 671374;1399825426;asciilifeform;jurov: discussion was about the logical next step re: rfid, where you spend money just by walking through a door 671375;1399825449;bounce;more like "the only winning move" 671376;1399825461;fluffypony;well jurov's got a point - they keep doing big pushes here in Africa to "bank the unbanked", but they forget that often the unbanked want to stay that way to avoid paying tax 671377;1399825462;asciilifeform;after which, all sorts of folks crawl out of the woodwork, eager to pepper the landscape with just this kind of door 671378;1399825502;bounce;they haven't forgotten, no. maybe the starry-eyed do-gooders at the front, but not the backers, no. 671379;1399825562;asciilifeform;fluffypony: see j. scott's 'the art of not being governed.' the crown is perpetually eager to bank the unbanked, settle the nomads, tax the untaxed, etc. 671380;1399825569;jurov;they'll have to make merchants dislike cash 671381;1399825580;bounce;then again, in chip&pin countries there's a big and continous push to use your bank card (or cc if you must), to the point of there being multiple chains that don't accept cash at all any longer 671382;1399825586;jurov;as long as merchants like to acept cash, that won§t happen 671383;1399825609;jurov;bounce where? 671384;1399825655;bounce;europe. where the government also requires pay to be made by bank transfer and so requires everyone in the workforce to have a bank account 671385;1399825764;jurov;oh that. but banks are so greedy with various fees that everyone just pulls their salary out of atm at first instance 671386;1399825776;jurov;and leaves jsut something to pay the bills 671387;1399825841;jurov;also, i don't see merchants giving up 3% of their margin voluntarily by avoiding cash 671388;1399825863;fluffypony;yeah lots of small places here that only accept cash 671389;1399825865;fluffypony;no cards 671390;1399825882;fluffypony;because the banks charge a fixed monthly "rental" for the machine 671391;1399825887;fluffypony;plus per-transaction fees 671392;1399825893;fluffypony;and the pie shop on the corner doesn't want that 671393;1399825906;bounce;until they drop the fees to ~1% and put a big push on people using chip&pin, then the sheep'll do just that 671394;1399825957;jurov;how can they drop the fees? banks are used to this income 671395;1399826122;bounce;here they're not visible to the customer, so the fees banks pay other banks (and the central payment processor, if one) come out of the bottom line. since merchant and customer both use some bank... 671396;1399826145;jurov;but merchant always pays 671397;1399826174;jurov;regardless where's the customer bank 671398;1399826219;bounce;oh right. still and all, more volume in return for lower fees is worth it for the banks and less cash on hand is worth it to the merchants 671399;1399826246;bounce;to the point that holdups and raids have shifted from supermarkets to the elderly in their homes 671400;1399826278;jurov;how more volume? as if, twice the number of people will switch to epayment if prices decrease by 2%? 671401;1399826314;jurov;lol 671402;1399826329;kakobrekla;http://www.usacryptocoins.com/thecryptocurrencytimes/uncategorized/bitpay-raising-30-million-of-capital-gives-itself-a-160-million-valuation-which-is-ridiculous/ 671403;1399826330;assbot;BitPay raising $30 million of capital, gives itself a $160 million valuation which is ridiculous | The Cryptocurrency Times 671404;1399826333;bounce;I'd have to look up the press releases by the payment processors, but possibly yes 671405;1399826368;jurov;imagine starting a sentence "if goverment slashd the taxes by 60%..." 671406;1399826377;jurov;you won't be taken seriously 671407;1399826395;jurov;in the same way, banks will never give up milking the merchants 671408;1399826397;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20000 @ 0.00087479 = 17.4958 BTC [-] 671409;1399826410;bounce;er, prices decrease for the customer? no, fees for the merchant drop by 50% 671410;1399826424;bounce;customer sees same price either way. 671411;1399826435;jurov;so where's any incentive for customer? 671412;1399826474;jurov;or for bank? 671413;1399826478;bounce;consumers are sold on this on "safer to not carry cash", "using chip&pin is faster and easier than cash" and such propaganda 671414;1399826489;Apocalyptic;^ 671415;1399826551;jurov;yes, they try. then they see their account statement with various fees peppered about and bail the hell out 671416;1399826580;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 13 @ 0.041 = 0.533 BTC [-] 671417;1399826581;jurov;and use family relative account + atm withdrawal. true story, multiple ppl i know 671418;1399826593;HeySteve;hey guys. anything you can tell me about KFC Minor? 671419;1399826594;bounce;uhm, no. no extra fees per transaction. 671420;1399826598;HeySteve;I mean KnCMiner 671421;1399826630;bounce;the fees are in "having a bank account" and (perhaps separately) "having a chip&pin card", and a lot more for "having a credit card" 671422;1399826631;jurov;bounce find me one bank that slashed fees by 60% 671423;1399826672;fluffypony;KFC 671424;1399826673;bounce;oh the banks just up the fees for their customers, but they're a package deal on the account level, not individual transaction level 671425;1399826675;fluffypony;now I'm hungry 671426;1399826677;fluffypony;:-P 671427;1399826697;jurov;bounce that's no difference 671428;1399826699;bounce;since you already cannot live without some bank account and they all charge more or less the same there's no way out of that 671429;1399826712;fluffypony;HeySteve: they seemed to be doing ok, and then they had all these deliveries that were badly packed and arrived broken, now they're trying to reship but afaik are still having stuff arrive damaged 671430;1399826737;HeySteve;ah yes, I remember that story, ta 671431;1399826797;jurov;bounce i just described how it's done in practice 671432;1399826819;jurov;a faimly has one account where it's a must and for everything else jut cash is used 671433;1399826981;jurov;either you have cheap epayments for everyone but then there's no profit incentive for anyone 671434;1399827002;jurov;or you scren few % from someone and then large part of people revert to using cash 671435;1399827005;jurov;*screw 671436;1399827013;jurov;the system works againt itself 671437;1399827024;bounce;in n/w europe it's usual for everyone to have their own accounts (even kids) and shared accounts on top of that. cash is maybe half of all purchases and steadily pushed down by banks+merchants+gov't in concert 671438;1399827068;jurov;bounce that's what propaganda says 671439;1399827107;bounce;sure. plenty people bought into it too. rather surprising how hard it is to tell'em about the downside of the approach. 671440;1399827209;jurov;there's still large part (if minority) that avoids it and makes abolishing cash completely infeasible 671441;1399827278;jurov;couple that with notorious insecurity of all popular e-cash solutions 671442;1399827326;bounce;we've already seen that insecurity is no object, instead a rather desirable property; it's the /perception/ of insecurity that matters, and for that there's propaganda 671443;1399827384;jurov;propaganda can't hide money missing from your very account 671444;1399827446;Apocalyptic;bounce, indeed 671445;1399827465;jurov;and again, since you don't get it: propaganda needs funding, hence banks need profit 671446;1399827475;jurov;hence they must screw someone over 671447;1399827481;jurov;hence creating disnicentives 671448;1399827573;bounce;sure I don't get it. 671449;1399827667;jurov;i;m tired of all these hypotheticals anyway. they'll surely try these rfid-enabled sidewalk tolls and whatnot 671450;1399827678;jurov;just not so sure of the outcome 671451;1399827751;kakobrekla;!up herbijudlestoids 671452;1399827754;jurov;it may as well result in mass pwnage and chaos 671453;1399827760;herbijudlestoids;hel;loloeloloooo :) 671454;1399827765;herbijudlestoids;i was wondering what was going on 671455;1399827791;jurov;too much 671456;1399827795;herbijudlestoids;wanted to drop in and share some good news and make sure you guys hadnt forgotten about me 671457;1399827809;herbijudlestoids;our small company is being invested in! by a big company! 671458;1399827851;kakobrekla;who are you again? 671459;1399827921;herbijudlestoids;kako! you dont remember me? 671460;1399827927;jurov;herbi you got bought by bitcoinbourse? 671461;1399827961;herbijudlestoids;nope 671462;1399827992;fluffypony;lol 671463;1399828007;herbijudlestoids;much bigger :D 671464;1399828024;Duffer1;havelock? 671465;1399828028;jurov;lol 671466;1399828046;herbijudlestoids;ill just say, its not some bitcoin exchange :P 671467;1399828072;punkman;herbijudlestoids: what was it again? some SaaS thing? 671468;1399828089;herbijudlestoids;close, IaaS 671469;1399828105;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28250 @ 0.00087998 = 24.8594 BTC [+] {4} 671470;1399828110;Apocalyptic;herbijudlestoids, what is your company ? 671471;1399828175;herbijudlestoids;Apocalyptic: we are one of the few openstack companies in australia ;) 671472;1399828244;herbijudlestoids;anyway guise, love you many long time, i miss the stimulating conversation of this room and hope to return 671473;1399828250;herbijudlestoids;<3 671474;1399828286;jurov;;;gettrust assbot herbijudlestoids 671475;1399828286;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user herbijudlestoids: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 2 via 2 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=herbijudlestoids | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=herbijudlestoids | Rated since: Fri Feb 14 01:33:49 2014 671476;1399828287;assbot;#bitcoin-otc Web of Trust - Trust graph 671477;1399828288;assbot;Rating Details for User 'herbijudlestoids' 671478;1399828302;bounce;shup, assbot 671479;1399828340;jurov;;;bc,stats 671480;1399828343;gribble;Current Blocks: 300246 | Current Difficulty: 8.0008721359681635E9 | Next Difficulty At Block: 300383 | Next Difficulty In: 137 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 19 hours, 13 minutes, and 41 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 8870294077.76 | Estimated Percent Change: 10.86659 671481;1399828411;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13800 @ 0.00087776 = 12.1131 BTC [-] 671482;1399828497;kakobrekla;wont happen again bounce :) 671483;1399828530;bounce;cool. 671484;1399828570;bounce;can you make assbot drop the whole tweet (of up to 160 characters, after all) instead of just the title, in case of twittar/statuses/...? 671485;1399828646;FabianB;heh, thought of requesting this too a few hours ago 671486;1399828684;kakobrekla;i dunno isnt twitter loaded by js 671487;1399828710;bounce;it's certainly rather inefficient 671488;1399828786;bounce;there's bound to be an api somewhere that might even just take the status number and return the tweet, though. 671489;1399828822;kakobrekla;;;google fetch tweet by status number api 671490;1399828823;gribble;GET statuses/show/:id | Twitter Developers: ; GET statuses/user_timeline | Twitter Developers: ; GET statuses/user_timeline | Twitter Developers: 671491;1399828832;bounce;and if that fails you can always fall back to the common case 671492;1399828840;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19650 @ 0.00087537 = 17.201 BTC [-] 671493;1399828921;kakobrekla;they want me to auth for this. 671494;1399828925;kakobrekla;who is crazy? 671495;1399829036;bounce;officially, anyway. the webpage gets the data somehow, though. if it's not in there the js will have to get it. 671496;1399829095;kakobrekla;yes but make an api that makes users parse html or worse ? 671497;1399829140;bounce;obviously much too hard to parse html so every'll auth. prevents abuse, see? 671498;1399829182;bounce;api discussion tells you to look for the blue pills 671499;1399829188;bounce;says it all, dunnit 671500;1399829203;kakobrekla;mhm 671501;1399829209;kakobrekla;gotta jet, bbl. 671502;1399829450;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14191 @ 0.00087963 = 12.4828 BTC [+] {2} 671503;1399829690;bounce;apparently the tweet is right there, in a

671504;1399830975;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 1 @ 0.1333333 BTC [-] 671505;1399831646;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 5 @ 0.041 = 0.205 BTC [-] 671506;1399831979;benkay;!up Drew 671507;1399831991;Drew;thanks 671508;1399831993;benkay;mhm 671509;1399831996;benkay;what's up? 671510;1399832021;Drew;not much, just stopped by to see what was up 671511;1399832069;Drew;im about to post a different version of my little investment seeking thread on bitcoin talk, self moderated to delete trolls and just let it sort of sit around as advertisement while i start building my trust to approach from a different angle 671512;1399832095;Drew;what was the info for the server login on mIRC again? the web platform isnt nearly as good 671513;1399832299;benkay;little? 671514;1399832314;benkay;weren't you throwing around numbers like 10m? 671515;1399832342;benkay;anyways -assets takes the weekend off, typically. 671516;1399832348;benkay;to some degree... 671517;1399832427;bounce;http://www.cnet.com/news/urme-anti-surveillance-mask-lets-you-pass-as-someone-else/ 671518;1399832428;assbot;Anti-surveillance mask lets you pass as someone else - CNET 671519;1399832484;benkay;or you could just stick some IR LED's on your hat. 671520;1399832501;benkay;no need for fancy 3d printing wankery. 671521;1399832517;benkay;Drew: you're going to want to actually get an irc client if the web clients aren't doing it for you. 671522;1399832550;bounce;shush, no need to go all "we already solved this" 671523;1399832550;benkay;irssi's a good one if you're command-line competent (and being so is recommended for crypto use) 671524;1399832570;benkay;xchat's not bad if you're a gui guy 671525;1399832578;Drew;yea i downloaded the irc client 671526;1399832588;bounce;"the" irc client? 671527;1399832591;benkay;yeah 671528;1399832595;benkay;like the web browser 671529;1399832596;Drew;and yea the investment i was looking for was about 1.25m, so not so much little 671530;1399832599;Drew;lol an irc client 671531;1399832609;Drew;mIRC 671532;1399832640;benkay;irc.freenode.net 671533;1399832786;benkay;;;gettrust Drew 671534;1399832787;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user benkay to user Drew: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=benkay&dest=Drew | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=Drew | Rated since: never 671535;1399832798;Drew;how do i login to my account i made? 671536;1399832807;benkay;did you register your nick? 671537;1399832816;Drew;yeah its verified with gribble and whatnot 671538;1399832824;benkay;;;ident Drew 671539;1399832825;bounce;so login with gribble and whatnot 671540;1399832825;gribble;Nick 'Drew', with hostmask 'Drew!ac06a19c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.', is not identified. 671541;1399832828;benkay;no it's not. 671542;1399832833;Drew;DrewHorne 671543;1399832836;bounce;;;gpg info drewhorne 671544;1399832837;gribble;User 'DrewHorne', with keyid None, fingerprint None, and bitcoin address 1ESdGLk9MR5mAghLAn5R3419tvmj2FvFMB, registered on Wed May 7 08:34:43 2014, last authed on Wed May 7 08:34:43 2014. http://b-otc.com/vg?nick=DrewHorne . Currently not authenticated. 671545;1399832854;benkay;;;ident drewhorne 671546;1399832854;gribble;Error: I am not seeing this user on IRC. If you want information about a registered gpg user, try the 'gpg info' command instead. 671547;1399832866;benkay;see this is a problem with having one irc nick and another wot nick 671548;1399832877;Drew;they should both be DrewHorne 671549;1399832881;benkay;yup 671550;1399832885;benkay;so /nick DrewHorne 671551;1399832890;Drew;this is just the nick im temporarily using while i figure out how to get back in there 671552;1399832895;benkay;then /msg nickserv register drewhorne 671553;1399832904;benkay;also don't capitalize the first letter of your nick 671554;1399832908;benkay;super annoying. 671555;1399832917;DrewHorne;haha heard 671556;1399832939;bounce;it's registered. now log in with nickserv before it forces you off the nick 671557;1399832962;Benkay;;;ident 671558;1399832962;gribble;Nick 'Benkay', with hostmask 'Benkay!~user@unaffiliated/benkay', is identified as user 'benkay', with GPG key id 2AFA1A9FD2D031DA, key fingerprint 4F7907942CA8B89B01E25A762AFA1A9FD2D031DA, and bitcoin address None 671559;1399832973;benkay;llident 671560;1399832975;benkay;;;ident 671561;1399832975;gribble;Nick 'benkay', with hostmask 'benkay!~user@unaffiliated/benkay', is identified as user 'benkay', with GPG key id 2AFA1A9FD2D031DA, key fingerprint 4F7907942CA8B89B01E25A762AFA1A9FD2D031DA, and bitcoin address None 671562;1399833025;Guest89510;so now ive been demoted into a guest lol 671563;1399833041;benkay;you'll have to /nick and then /identify 671564;1399833048;benkay;er 671565;1399833053;Guest89510;/nick drewhorne? 671566;1399833062;benkay;/msg nickserv identify 671567;1399833075;benkay;yeah first /nick drewhorne 671568;1399833084;benkay;then /msg nickserv identify pword 671569;1399833108;benkay;you can configure big boy irc clients to handle that for you, although that requires storing a password on disk. 671570;1399833244;benkay;!up Guest89510 671571;1399833257;benkay;try disconnecting and reconnecting 671572;1399833262;benkay;the good ol' windows reboot 671573;1399833290;benkay;http://online.wsj.com/article/BT-CO-20140510-700695.html 671574;1399833290;assbot;WSJ 671575;1399833302;benkay;how would one go about hiding assets with life insurance? 671576;1399833409;jurov;life insurance became thinly veiled alias for many other kinds of investments 671577;1399833419;jurov;such as stocks and mutual funds 671578;1399834559;kakobrekla;twitter + html dom = retarded is all 671579;1399834576;benkay;dat dom 671580;1399834798;benkay;the ways we spend our time... 671581;1399834907;Apocalyptic;^ 671582;1399835007;benkay;bbiab time to hump pots 671583;1399835016;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.0308004 = 0.154 BTC [-] {3} 671584;1399835034;princessnell;benkay good, you caved 671585;1399835077;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.0308 = 0.1232 BTC [-] 671586;1399835078;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26300 @ 0.00088136 = 23.1798 BTC [+] 671587;1399835138;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.0320001 = 0.16 BTC [-] 671588;1399835197;artifexd;<+benkay> also don't capitalize the first letter of your nick <- Why? Is your autocomplete case sensitive? 671589;1399835199;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.0308 = 0.1232 BTC [-] 671590;1399835273;decimation;asciilifeform "settle the nomads, tax the untaxed, etc." << yeah just ask the ancient Romans about the Thervingians, Goths, Huns, etc. "We want land to farm, but not your tax or culture" 671591;1399835281;decimation;At some point the "tribes" begin to reverse-colonize the Leviathan state - see the modern UK for instance 671592;1399835542;kakobrekla;someone post a link to some tweet for test 671593;1399835566;kakobrekla;wait 671594;1399835580;kakobrekla;nao 671595;1399835617;jurov;https://twitter.com/coin_br/status/430858273084813312 671596;1399835618;assbot;MPEx manual completed with options and bonds: http://t.co/AgQnXaEHpA 671597;1399835654;fluffypony;nice 671598;1399835659;Anduck;https://twitter.com/blockchain/status/464809639625121792 671599;1399835660;assbot;/search?q=%23Bitcoin&src=hash must be one of /USATODAY's secret loves ;) http://t.co/JRZweJOhjd 671600;1399835682;kakobrekla;ftw 671601;1399835708;bounce;https://twitter.com/Bitcoin_Assets/status/463715438338539521 671602;1399835709;assbot;http://t.co/V4RGo4vHM5 Bitcoiners are jealous of Dogecoiners and acting out. /search?q=%23dogecoin&src=hash /search?q=%23bitcoin&src=hash /search?q=%23nascar&src=hash /search?q=%23reddit&src=hash 671603;1399835732;jurov;can use some hash filter 671604;1399835737;kakobrekla;good idea 671605;1399835739;bounce;where'd that /search stuff come from? 671606;1399835759;jurov;but very nice overall! 671607;1399835759;FabianB;hashtag linking 671608;1399835773;kakobrekla;links must be fixed 671609;1399835816;*;bounce wonders where that comes from 671610;1399835823;kakobrekla;is uch way 671611;1399835825;kakobrekla;http://dpaste.com/0502CYJ.txt 671612;1399835951;bounce;"translate href except for /search...src=hash" might be a reasonable shot 671613;1399835961;fluffypony;kakobrekla - why are you scraping the dom instead of using the API tho? 671614;1399835979;bounce;because the api requires auth 671615;1399835984;fluffypony;ah 671616;1399835987;fluffypony;didn't knwo that 671617;1399835988;fluffypony;*know 671618;1399836001;bounce;was a bit of a spat not too long ago, when they made it mandatory 671619;1399836153;bounce;https://twitter.com/felixsalmon/status/445431615997501440 671620;1399836155;assbot;Dorian Nakamoto official statement/denial. Very interested to see how /Newsweek /truth_eater /jimpoco respond. http://t.co/wfCyK1dQ48 671621;1399836187;bounce;slashes instead of @. well, why not. doesn't look worse at any rate. 671622;1399836236;bounce;though the link text is pic.twitter.com/wfCyK1dQ48 which would be better in this case. hm. 671623;1399836280;bounce;!up checkdavid because asked so nicely 671624;1399836300;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13700 @ 0.00088136 = 12.0746 BTC [+] 671625;1399836301;davout;should i buy baldur's gate II enhanced edition 671626;1399836305;davout;;;8ball 671627;1399836306;gribble;One would be wise to think so. 671628;1399836310;davout;YES 671629;1399836324;davout;should i also buy the first one ? 671630;1399836327;davout;;;8ball 671631;1399836327;gribble;No chance. 671632;1399836337;davout;This is scary. 671633;1399836355;bounce;;;8ball is it wise to trust eightballs? 671634;1399836356;gribble;I doubt it very much. 671635;1399836378;assbot;Last 10 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/2ASCCE2.txt ) 671636;1399836378;davout;!b 10 671637;1399836393;fluffypony;;;8ball should we invest on BitcoinBourse? 671638;1399836393;gribble;Unlikely. 671639;1399836397;fluffypony;well there you have it 671640;1399836399;davout;lol 671641;1399836469;fluffypony;hah hah, forensick posted on that thread 671642;1399836473;fluffypony;on btctalk 671643;1399836531;CheckDavid;Hello bounce baby 671644;1399836575;kakobrekla; https://twitter.com/Bitcoin_Assets/status/463715438338539521 671645;1399836576;assbot;http://t.co/V4RGo4vHM5 Bitcoiners are jealous of Dogecoiners and acting out. # # # # 671646;1399836581;fluffypony;!up CheckDavid 671647;1399836581;kakobrekla;blah 671648;1399836582;fluffypony;oh 671649;1399836588;fluffypony;sorry CheckDavid, I just saw those notices now 671650;1399836597;CheckDavid;On thanks fluffypony 671651;1399836606;CheckDavid;Was I voiced twice? 671652;1399836609;fluffypony;yes 671653;1399836617;CheckDavid;How? 671654;1399836619;fluffypony;now you have doublevoice 671655;1399836621;fluffypony;it's like supermegavoice 671656;1399836630;CheckDavid;Lol 671657;1399836633;fluffypony;everything you say comes out my speakers twice as loud 671658;1399836645;CheckDavid;That's stereo now 671659;1399836648;bounce;oh yes, irc on text to voice 671660;1399836670;CheckDavid;Now I have to speak out of my mouth and out of my ass 671661;1399836702;CheckDavid;I wanted to ask you guys something 671662;1399836715;CheckDavid;About mastercoin and colored coins 671663;1399836719;CheckDavid;Pros and cons 671664;1399836723;CheckDavid;I am a bit confused 671665;1399836732;bounce;where's the question then? 671666;1399836757;CheckDavid;I am am just asking about the current state and their respective pros and cons 671667;1399836783;fluffypony;CheckDavid: fundamentally I don't have a problem with the *idea* of a distributed exchange, the problem is that it's not realistically plausible right now (in terms of being able to handle any significant trade volume) 671668;1399836794;fluffypony;the other problem is things like delisting an asset 671669;1399836803;fluffypony;let's say it's provably a scam and the operator has disappeared 671670;1399836812;fluffypony;no centralised control means that asset continues trading 671671;1399836871;bounce;you could perchance come up with an N-of-M revoker 671672;1399836872;kakobrekla; https://twitter.com/Bitcoin_Assets/status/463715438338539521 671673;1399836873;assbot;http://t.co/V4RGo4vHM5 Bitcoiners are jealous of Dogecoiners and acting out. #dogecoin #bitcoin #nascar #reddit 671674;1399836877;kakobrekla;thar. 671675;1399836884;bounce;looking spiffy 671676;1399836898;jurov;fluffypony: decentralized trading of provable scams is the next level 671677;1399836906;fluffypony;jurov: exactly 671678;1399836921;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 650 @ 0.00083098 = 0.5401 BTC [-] {6} 671679;1399836939;fluffypony;CheckDavid: I also have no problem with operators being real-world anonymous if they choose to do so, there are checks and balances in place for that (such as their WoT presence) 671680;1399836959;fluffypony;I do have a problem with something that seems to, on face value, just enable scammers to scam even more easily than CryptoStocks 671681;1399837470;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.041 = 0.123 BTC [-] 671682;1399837592;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.041 = 0.123 BTC [-] 671683;1399837605;CheckDavid;fluffypony: what's the problem if it continues trading? 671684;1399837660;fluffypony;CheckDavid: because there's no communication platform, so bagholders can offload their shares onto unsuspecting trader 671685;1399837663;fluffypony;*traders 671686;1399837680;fluffypony;also the whole principle seems to be "decentralise the trade but centralise the communication" 671687;1399837685;fluffypony;which seems kinda silly 671688;1399837714;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 7 @ 0.0308 = 0.2156 BTC [-] 671689;1399837808;CheckDavid;I see. I don't feel concerned about that honesty 671690;1399837886;CheckDavid;But what about colored coins then? 671691;1399838110;fluffypony;coloured coins are maybe more interesting, but then I have to wonder if it's solving a problem that needs solving? 671692;1399838142;Apocalyptic;colored coins... 671693;1399838690;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.041 = 0.123 BTC [-] 671694;1399838815;benkay;there are no capital barriers to the colored coin system which means it will rapidly fill with the criminal and the stupid. 671695;1399838936;benkay;;;ticker --market all 671696;1399838943;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 438.17, vol: 9524.51272993 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 432.404, vol: 3913.75897 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 437.98, vol: 11577.79967309 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 445.13, vol: 14.73729089 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 435.399448, vol: 1603.52150000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 436.54759, vol: 11.7575117 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 445.6944, vol: 34.93564767 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message) 671697;1399839065;HeySteve;would someone please remind me of how to search the asset log for key phrases via the bot? 671698;1399839098;kakobrekla;;;google key phrases site:log.bitcoin-assets.com 671699;1399839098;gribble;NEXT: 03-04-2014 - #bitcoin-assets log: ; NEXT: 14-08-2013 - #bitcoin-assets log: ; NEXT: 07-10-2013 - #bitcoin-assets log: 671700;1399839116;HeySteve;thanks 671701;1399839137;HeySteve;;;google the bitcoin foundation is a scam site:log.bitcoin-assets.com 671702;1399839137;gribble;NEXT: 05-04-2014 - #bitcoin-assets log: ; NEXT: 03-03-2014 - #bitcoin-assets log: ; NEXT: 25-12-2013 - #bitcoin-assets log: 671703;1399839150;benkay;is the trezor actually shipping? 671704;1399839176;jurov;benkay yes 671705;1399839192;jurov;only stick is too lazy to upload tracking numbers to the website 671706;1399839207;jurov;and only metallic ones ship now 671707;1399839240;jurov;i§ll should get it tomorrow or so 671708;1399839296;benkay;neat 671709;1399839305;benkay;what's the deal with asicminer dividends? 671710;1399839348;kakobrekla;i think asciilifeform had some things to say re trezor 671711;1399839361;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17300 @ 0.00088216 = 15.2614 BTC [+] 671712;1399839361;kakobrekla;maybe its a good time and place for this nao :) 671713;1399839374;jurov;yes, it's scattered around the log 671714;1399839392;kakobrekla;i dun remember 671715;1399839398;jurov;me too 671716;1399839483;kakobrekla;https://scontent-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/t1.0-9/10256067_10154090400905284_2099256056379806121_n.jpg 671717;1399839524;kakobrekla;"when you die, you dont know you died and its not hard on you. its hard on others. same if you are stupid." 671718;1399839910;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13400 @ 0.00088136 = 11.8102 BTC [-] 671719;1399840154;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18700 @ 0.00088307 = 16.5134 BTC [+] {2} 671720;1399840581;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12692 @ 0.00088731 = 11.2617 BTC [+] {2} 671721;1399840607;decimation;Michael Novogratz (of Fortress Investments) on bitcoin in this Bloomberg interview: http://pastebin.com/uwySTc9r 671722;1399840607;assbot;http://www.bloomberg.com/video/why-michael-novogratz-is-buying-bitcoin-pGJUZ149T - Pastebin.com 671723;1399840637;mircea_popescu;http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/05/10/Millions-of-US-20-Bills-Counterfeited-Scammer-Says-Screw-You-America 671724;1399840638;assbot;Millions of US $20 Bills Counterfeited, Scammer Says 'Screw You,' America 671725;1399840665;decimation;"Intellectually it is a fascinating story. If you look at the market cap for bitcoin, it is for the five billion dollars. -- $4 billion to $5 billion. 671726;1399840666;decimation;My college roommate lives in barbados. The smartest guy we went to school with. He full-time works on derivatives for bitcoin. There is this open source community with huge brain power and lots of seed money going in." 671727;1399840692;mircea_popescu;who's this 671728;1399840700;decimation;this Novogratz guy 671729;1399840707;decimation;apparently of this fund: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fortress_Investment_Group 671730;1399840707;assbot;Fortress Investment Group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 671731;1399840714;mircea_popescu;aok 671732;1399840788;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the narodnyi bank seems likely tbh 671733;1399840801;mircea_popescu;merge fanny and freddie with gs and jpm, suddenly you got something 671734;1399840853;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: the clever fellows who presently escape surveillance by eschewing mobile phones, will be collared at last << nbot really. just have procurement contract with select shop, order stuff pay on month's end. 671735;1399840853;decimation;well, the situation today is such that the Fed is the bank that underwrites all the banks 671736;1399840871;mircea_popescu;as usual, any attempts to tighten the noose past a certain level do more to chaff the thing 671737;1399840880;mircea_popescu;decimation indeed. 671738;1399840881;decimation;the only reason that USians don't open a checking account with the Fed is to spread around the bezzle 671739;1399840922;decimation;doesn't facebook make shadow accounts for people that have been uploaded by other lusers and whose faces appear on photos? 671740;1399840927;benkay;decimation who's working on btc derivs in barbados full time? 671741;1399840940;mircea_popescu;bounce: "did not happen"? << not in central and eastern eu, no. 671742;1399840950;mircea_popescu;decimation yup 671743;1399840953;decimation;Donno, apparenlty the ex-college roommate of this Michael Novogratz dude 671744;1399841021;benkay;lol for a sec i thought Donno was a human 671745;1399841041;decimation;According to La Wik apparently one of his college roommates was the head of trading at RBC Capitoal Markets: In 2006, he bought Robert De Niro's $12.25 million duplex in Manhattan's Tribeca neighborhood.[3] When he moved into De Niro's former residence, Mickey Rourke moved into Novogratz' former Meatpacking district residence.[2] He was college roommates with Richard Tavoso, head of global arbitrage and trading at RBC Capital Markets.[3][14] 671746;1399841042;decimation;He and his wife Dora "Sukey" Caceres have four children.[2][10] They also own a home in Amagansett.[10] 671747;1399841049;decimation;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Novogratz 671748;1399841049;assbot;Michael Novogratz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 671749;1399841102;mircea_popescu;assbot: BitPay raising $30 million of capital, gives itself a $160 million valuation which is ridiculous | The Cryptocurrency Times << it's only ridiculous if you're some blogger with nary two meatballs to rub together in your stomach. 671750;1399841116;mircea_popescu;otherwise, something that's been worked at for years'd better be over 100mn or else wtf is going on 671751;1399841182;decimation;yeah even tiny businesses in the US should be able to get $15-20 million in revenue 671752;1399841284;mircea_popescu;jurov: bounce find me one bank that slashed fees by 60% << well my bank keeps trying to sell me on this deal whereby if i pay them 30 euros a month fixedx they'll cut their per tx fees to 0 for x txn and to 50% for all the rest. 671753;1399841298;mircea_popescu;except, i don't owe them 30 euros a month currently, so... 671754;1399841359;mircea_popescu;bounce: since you already cannot live without some bank account and they all charge more or less the same there's no way out of that << i've never had a personal bank accouint actually. 671755;1399841486;decimation;is it common that people pay with credit cards in Romania? 671756;1399841531;mircea_popescu;depends. 671757;1399841543;mircea_popescu;poor people (coupon hunter housewife types) and government employees. 671758;1399841595;mircea_popescu;if a merchant feels they need to ask, they'll ask "are you paying cash ?" or "would you be using cash or a cc ?" 671759;1399841597;jurov;in slovakia, they are quite common, but trying to pay < 10euro in small shops by card is considered rude or outright rejected 671760;1399841600;mircea_popescu;the order is instructive i think 671761;1399841624;decimation;so most folk walk around with cash, unlike in the us 671762;1399841664;mircea_popescu;decimation http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-05-2014#665777 671763;1399841665;assbot;#bitcoin-assets log 671764;1399841665;decimation;another bitcoin "story" from bloomberg (trying to shield you guys from the inane web interface): http://pastebin.com/pxMeVN4G 671765;1399841665;assbot;http://www.bloomberg.com/video/can-a-bitcoin-etf-help-legitimize-the-currency-sM - Pastebin.com 671766;1399841672;mircea_popescu;ty 671767;1399841683;mircea_popescu;how fucking racist bloomberg is 671768;1399841723;decimation;yeah there is something to physical currency, it will alway have a place 671769;1399841752;decimation;even if it's gold micrograms encased in lucite like Moldbug suggested 671770;1399841799;mircea_popescu;so according to bloomberg, the fact that bitcoin etf already exists is to be ignored, because unless fucktarded white friends of theirs come to help us, we are just a bunch of niggers over here. 671771;1399841806;mircea_popescu;fuck you bloomberg, check your stupidilege. 671772;1399841821;decimation;This Eric balchunas apparently claims: 671773;1399841822;decimation;" I see the winklevii at conferences about bitcoin. 671774;1399841824;decimation;They have not really talked to anybody. 671775;1399841825;decimation;Is the etf community shunning it? 671776;1399841827;decimation;It's not a club." 671777;1399841846;decimation;apparently you have to be invited to thier "conference" 671778;1399841880;mircea_popescu;makes sense. 671779;1399841887;decimation;Mircea, to be specific, unless some white guy in New York City is doing a bitcoin etf, it doesn't exist 671780;1399841887;mircea_popescu;open door conferences are like open door brothels. 671781;1399841892;mircea_popescu;great place to get a skin disease 671782;1399841907;fluffypony;mmmm skin disease 671783;1399841910;fluffypony;dat leprosy 671784;1399841921;fluffypony;what happens if you get a skin disease AND you have skin in the game? 671785;1399841929;mircea_popescu;decimation it's ok, these same people will need jobs ten years from now too. 671786;1399841933;mircea_popescu;fluffypony lol 671787;1399841949;decimation;it's funny how they are dividing themselves neatly into niggers.txt and non-niggers.txt 671788;1399842008;mircea_popescu;quite. 671789;1399842016;mike_c;mircea_popescu: i know a 1st year comp sci student looking for summer work if you think that might fit the data entry thing you're looking to get done. 671790;1399842029;mircea_popescu;"never interrupt your enemy while he's fucking himself with a pineaple." 671791;1399842039;mircea_popescu;mike_c got snapped up meanwhile 671792;1399842044;mircea_popescu;actually, within ten minutes lol 671793;1399842047;mike_c;i believe it 671794;1399842061;decimation;especially when the pineapple has your face carved in it :) 671795;1399842068;mircea_popescu;your friend would maybe be well served to get hooked up with in here. 671796;1399842107;mike_c;he would. i believe he's a log lurker. 671797;1399842128;BingoBoingo;http://oglaf.com/ 671798;1399842128;assbot;Cartomancy 671799;1399842152;benkay;https://vine.co/v/MrKaIKV5Zan 671800;1399842153;assbot;#america #freedom #libertarian #liberty #sarcasm 671801;1399842180;mircea_popescu;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BnX_pZ4CcAAwFKg.jpg 671802;1399842184;mircea_popescu;o hey, they have the plaques still 671803;1399842185;mircea_popescu;who knew 671804;1399842237;benkay;BingoBoingo: http://oglaf.com/ahoy/ 671805;1399842237;assbot;Ahoy 671806;1399842267;BingoBoingo;benkay: I hate when whales think they are dancers. 671807;1399842390;assbot;Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0Q2RXH7.txt ) 671808;1399842390;benkay;!b 1 671809;1399842449;mircea_popescu;Luke-Jr bitcoin is politically neutral only in some sort of politically meaningless "absolute" sense. otherwise, inasmuch as western socialism holds the ideological view that all non socialist (politically neutral or otherwise) systems of thought are political enemies, bitcoin can only be politically-engaged from their perspective. 671810;1399842478;mircea_popescu;so let's not confuse things. bitcoin can be as neutral as you want, for you. for hitler, stalin, pol pot and obama, bitcoin is ~quite~ politically engaged. 671811;1399842623;benkay;!up DrewHorne 671812;1399842637;mircea_popescu;to best understand this : a bank that reports its customers to any tax office they want to, if they want it to, and doesn't otherwise would be the embodiment of legal neutrality, in the absolute sense. nevertheless, the legal theory would be presented that it is in fact actgively engaged in criminal activity, and as shoddy as that legal teory may be, it will actually carry in most western courts. 671813;1399842655;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.072 = 0.288 BTC [-] 671814;1399842716;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 7 @ 0.041 = 0.287 BTC [-] 671815;1399842726;benkay;!up DrewHorne 671816;1399842730;DrewHorne;thanks 671817;1399842763;DrewHorne;so after speaking with you guys i have modified my approach on the bitcointalk forum 671818;1399842779;BingoBoingo;http://deadspin.com/vladimir-putin-is-apparently-a-scoring-machine-on-the-i-1574773039 671819;1399842780;assbot;Vladimir Putin Is A Hockey Superstar (Because No One Will Defend Him) 671820;1399842783;DrewHorne;i know theres a lot of bullshit on there but there are some legitimate businessmen too if i can find the diamond amongst all the shit 671821;1399842794;mircea_popescu;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BnXpaFNIEAAzKKy.jpg 671822;1399842850;DrewHorne;mircea i would be interested to see any feedback you might have for me to improve this post if you had a moment 671823;1399842853;DrewHorne;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=605297.msg6676613#msg6676613 671824;1399842853;assbot;Established music festival needs ~$1.25 million USD for 5 year plan, ROI = 5900% 671825;1399843021;DrewHorne;since i have had a few interested people contact me based off of the last post i made regarding this (approached much less professionally without knowledge of the forum i was getting into) i figured i can let this sit on the off chance that other investors happen upon it while i work on building my trust in the WOT to approach from that angle as well 671826;1399843160;mircea_popescu;DrewHorne what's the relation of all this with the Collins-Rector character and his merry harem of gay bois ? 671827;1399843281;mircea_popescu;o look, a herbijudlestoids. 671828;1399843387;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 200 @ 0.00094 = 0.188 BTC [+] 671829;1399843387;mircea_popescu;bounce: apparently the tweet is right there, in a

<< ahahaha this sort of shit. 671830;1399843429;DrewHorne;im afraid i dont have an answer for that mircea 671831;1399843438;DrewHorne;i assure you that i am not his newly adopted alias 671832;1399843454;mircea_popescu;but who were you going to sell to again, as the exit strategy ? 671833;1399843463;DrewHorne;robert sillerman 671834;1399843580;danielpbarron;Is anyone here familiar with Shamir's Secret Sharing Scheme? http://point-at-infinity.org/ssss/ 671835;1399843580;assbot;ssss: Shamir's Secret Sharing Scheme 671836;1399843606;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron bout half those present i'd guess 671837;1399843613;mircea_popescu;DrewHorne aha ok. 671838;1399843620;mircea_popescu;!up Dimsler 671839;1399843626;danielpbarron;is that a safe method to use? 671840;1399843639;DrewHorne;yessir, CEO of SFX entertainment 671841;1399843641;Dimsler;music festibals are aweful 671842;1399843650;Dimsler;entertainment venues just suck as investments 671843;1399843655;danielpbarron;it's a default app in debian based systems i think; but openbsd doesn't have it 671844;1399843655;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron define safe. 671845;1399843662;Dimsler;there isn't an exit strategy 671846;1399843678;Dimsler;popularity of the venue is the exit strategy 671847;1399843687;danielpbarron;mircea_popescu, can i depend on it to protect bitcoin? 671848;1399843691;DrewHorne;there is though, when someone has stated publicly that they plan on acquiring $1 billion worth of electronic music festival related assets 671849;1399843714;DrewHorne;and we would be using multiple venues across the country 671850;1399843721;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron if correctly implemented, you should be able to yes. 671851;1399843732;mircea_popescu;if not, many people, myself included, would love to hear about it 671852;1399843741;Dimsler;37m in sales? 671853;1399843765;Dimsler;what do you do? 671854;1399843768;bitcoinpete;http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/05/11/mpex-vs-the-play-bitcoin-exchanges/ 671855;1399843770;assbot;MPEx vs. The Play Bitcoin Exchanges | When Bitcoin Met Pete 671856;1399843776;Dimsler;sell $100 tickets? with 370k people annually? 671857;1399843795;bitcoinpete;gonna leave this here… now off to mother's day! 671858;1399843822;mircea_popescu;DrewHorne that was the other question i was going to ask. prev discussion you had gross income of 1.5mn over $40 tickets and 4k attendance. these numbers are a degree of magnitude off, what gives ? 671859;1399843833;mircea_popescu;hai bitcoinpete 671860;1399843923;Dimsler;lol 671861;1399843957;Dimsler;the income must be from a huge amount of venues 671862;1399843971;mircea_popescu;Dimsler no it was one concert in atlanta or florida or something 671863;1399844037;Dimsler;how is this going to grow in 5yrs 671864;1399844044;Dimsler;to scale 671865;1399844046;fluffypony;Dimsler: moar venues I suppose 671866;1399844056;fluffypony;scale out instead of scaling up 671867;1399844120;Dimsler;the type of valuations that hes suggesting is crazy 671868;1399844152;Dimsler;-There is a great opportunity to get in early in Atlanta, an unsaturated market full of potential that is blowing up 671869;1399844155;Dimsler;in atlanta 671870;1399844168;Dimsler;how many people are you going to bleed 671871;1399844202;Dimsler;10x net profit for a standard established buisness 671872;1399844232;Dimsler;i think on something like a entertainment venue that can lose popularity max 4x profit 671873;1399844280;mircea_popescu;Dimsler well what's your prior experience in the field or why exactly do you think ? 671874;1399844371;fluffypony;Dimsler: I have nfi, I'm not in that space and don't know the location at all, I was just hazarding a guess :) 671875;1399844520;jurov;bitcoinpete you forgot to put pitbet referral in that link 671876;1399844532;jurov;*bitbet 671877;1399844535;jurov;lol 671878;1399844555;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves http://devilsadvocate.biz/be-one-of-us/ << you'll have to form the habit to answer your commenters. 671879;1399844557;assbot;Be One of Us! 671880;1399844560;mircea_popescu;preferably the same day. 671881;1399844606;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: maybe he's just silently agreeing with our comments :) 671882;1399844647;mircea_popescu;there's a silently perfect blog somewhere we're all silenty agreeing with im sure. 671883;1399844655;mircea_popescu;it's just you can't tell me it's url is all. 671884;1399844683;fluffypony;cors 671885;1399844789;mircea_popescu;!up DrewHorne 671886;1399844811;DrewHorne;howdy 671887;1399844829;DrewHorne;so yea dimsler and fluffy that is accurate, we are planning to scale out over 5 years rather than up 671888;1399844840;DrewHorne;no other music festival has done that to the degree that we will be 671889;1399844863;DrewHorne;additionally we will have many small shows falling under the same brand name to increase brand awareness and build a following much faster than the traditional business model of one large show per year 671890;1399844876;mircea_popescu;DrewHorne in case you missed it, http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-05-2014#671858 671891;1399844876;assbot;#bitcoin-assets log 671892;1399844905;benkay;can we get assbot to puke out actual log lines? 671893;1399844908;benkay;that'd be cool... 671894;1399844913;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: "never interrupt your enemy while he's fucking himself with a pineaple." << but, if he forgot to pull the pin, helpfully unbend the whiskers and pull it for him - so long as you don't have to reach into enemy's arse... 671895;1399844924;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform why ? 671896;1399844934;mircea_popescu;benkay nah kind of spammy 671897;1399844939;mircea_popescu;well maybe not. 671898;1399844956;DrewHorne;we discussed that the event we have already thrown had a gross income of $1.5M? 671899;1399844973;DrewHorne;no it was much less than that 671900;1399844999;DrewHorne;our average ticket price was probably about $60 since the majority bought tickets at the door or close to the event time 671901;1399845011;DrewHorne;60*4000 is $240K 671902;1399845041;jurov;DrewHorne: are you going to sell tickets and pay some expenses in bitcoins? 671903;1399845059;mircea_popescu;DrewHorne http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-05-2014#664008 < doesn't that imply 1.5mn gross ? 671904;1399845060;assbot;#bitcoin-assets log 671905;1399845078;DrewHorne;yes, we will offer discounted tickets if you purchase via bitcoin 671906;1399845091;DrewHorne;as well as purchasing goods and services with bitcoin that we are able to if it is a prudent decision 671907;1399845097;mircea_popescu;;;calc 859645 +778133 671908;1399845097;gribble;1637778 671909;1399845102;DrewHorne;bitcoin may very well save us some wire fees 671910;1399845102;mircea_popescu;1.63mn to be precise 671911;1399845168;DrewHorne;yes mircea that discussion was from the projected income statement of 2014 671912;1399845176;DrewHorne;that was not the income statement for the festival that has already occurred 671913;1399845178;DrewHorne;sorry for the confusion 671914;1399845202;DrewHorne;if you check out the thread i just posted it has 2 screenshots of the income statements from the finances 671915;1399845210;DrewHorne;the one for 2014 and the one for 2018 671916;1399845221;DrewHorne;the numbers you just linked are listed under cost of goods sold for 2014 671917;1399845333;mircea_popescu;2018?! 671918;1399845343;mircea_popescu;and how the heck do you know within 10 dollars what your talent is going to cost ? 671919;1399845351;DrewHorne;its a 5 year plan remember 671920;1399845375;DrewHorne;we cant 671921;1399845381;DrewHorne;but we can know what we will spend on talent 671922;1399845401;DrewHorne;which is completely independent of what specific acts end up costing 671923;1399845411;mircea_popescu;you can't know what it's going to cost but you can know what you're going to spend, within a blowjob ? 671924;1399845438;DrewHorne;these are just estimates obviously to help paint the picture 671925;1399845449;mircea_popescu;summarize for me in the same format the finances of the atlanta thing some people you may or may not be associated with actually organised, will ye. 671926;1399845459;DrewHorne;we have calculated padding in so that all of our costs should be less than what we have estimated them as 671927;1399845479;DrewHorne;also i can message you on facebook from the official lunar massive facebook page to confirm my involvement if that would help 671928;1399845499;mircea_popescu;it can't help, i'm not on fb 671929;1399845502;DrewHorne;the finances i dont have on hand at the moment i would have to get them from one of my partners 671930;1399845503;Apocalyptic; also i can message you on facebook // really ? message mircea on facebook 671931;1399845509;mircea_popescu;but your involvement is not per se in question. 671932;1399845513;DrewHorne;right 671933;1399845522;mircea_popescu;we just don't know if you were involved as gofer or shot caller is all. 671934;1399845539;DrewHorne;well i can send you a screenshot of the admins of the page 671935;1399845543;DrewHorne;i think there are about 4-5 671936;1399845556;DrewHorne;me, my 2 edmutual partners, my flashpoint agency partner and his associate 671937;1399845579;mircea_popescu;do the finance summary thing, first. 671938;1399845580;*;asciilifeform bids farewell to 6 mo. of uptime, prepares to load computer into truck... 671939;1399845592;mircea_popescu;i wouldn't be too happy about you posting admin screenshots if i were your partners 671940;1399845600;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ttys. 671941;1399845602;DrewHorne;i think you would agree that it would be more likely that the people in charge of the operation adminned the page, rather than that i just happened to have admin in addition to all of the other shot-callers 671942;1399845613;mircea_popescu;DrewHorne no, i wouldn't so agree. 671943;1399845622;mircea_popescu;the comsec practiced by people IN THE BUSINESS is appaling. 671944;1399845622;DrewHorne;i mean their names are public already 671945;1399845633;DrewHorne;true 671946;1399845639;mircea_popescu;either that or snowden was chief of us intel and i never knew. 671947;1399845671;DrewHorne;ill have to grab that financial info from one of the other partners like i said 671948;1399845678;mircea_popescu;so if the fucking secret services can't get their shit together, what am i gonna ask of concert promoters 671949;1399845682;mircea_popescu;aite. 671950;1399845683;DrewHorne;believe me or not lol, i'll get back to you with it in a couple days 671951;1399845685;benkay; i think you would agree that it would be more likely that the people in charge of the operation adminned the page, rather than that i just happened to have admin in addition to all of the other shot-callers // or you're the social media guy, how do i know 671952;1399845715;DrewHorne;do none of yall use social media at all? 671953;1399845719;DrewHorne;i guess not lol 671954;1399845728;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/witheiler/status/465559224442179584 671955;1399845729;assbot;Still rings true http://t.co/pxaBWmT5Dt 671956;1399845740;mircea_popescu;aw shit i thought it was one of mine 671957;1399845742;mircea_popescu;lemme find a good one 671958;1399845756;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/Mircea_Popescu/status/465596128403394561 671959;1399845757;assbot;http://t.co/iQvSWOp1Be << check out how fucking racist /BloombergNews is. Hey journos! Your not doing research doesn't make reality go away 671960;1399845757;mircea_popescu;there 671961;1399845766;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 18 @ 0.03075001 = 0.5535 BTC [-] 671962;1399845772;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla << 671963;1399845810;DrewHorne;so twitter but not facebook then 671964;1399845882;mircea_popescu;just in my case. 671965;1399845899;mircea_popescu;i think some heretics here do have facebooks but won't admit it because they still wanna be counted as cool 671966;1399845905;mircea_popescu;CLOSETED FACEBOOKIANS! 671967;1399845929;kakobrekla; https://twitter.com/Mircea_Popescu/status/465596128403394561 671968;1399845930;assbot;http://t.co/iQvSWOp1Be << check out how fucking racist /BloombergNews is. Hey journos! Your not doing research doesn't make reality go away 671969;1399845941;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla '' 671970;1399845941;kakobrekla;lel 671971;1399845944;mircea_popescu;lol 671972;1399845990;kakobrekla; https://twitter.com/Mircea_Popescu/status/465596128403394561 671973;1399845991;assbot;http://t.co/iQvSWOp1Be << check out how fucking racist /BloombergNews is. Hey journos! Your not doing research doesn't make reality go away 671974;1399846003;mircea_popescu;lub joo. 671975;1399846011;kakobrekla;uhum 671976;1399846032;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 14 @ 0.041 = 0.574 BTC [-] 671977;1399846471;mircea_popescu;CheckDavid do you periodically ask about colored coins or is my memory just failing me ? 671978;1399846740;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla did paranoia or w/e it's called lose any bitcoin this month yet ? 671979;1399846764;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 6 @ 0.041 = 0.246 BTC [-] 671980;1399846769;mircea_popescu;paranormia 671981;1399846771;mircea_popescu;wtf was it 671982;1399846848;mircea_popescu;panarama ? 671983;1399846882;mircea_popescu;!up bravetheworld 671984;1399846944;benkay;o lookie bravetheworld joined us 671985;1399846952;bravetheworld;hiya 671986;1399846965;mircea_popescu;hello. who are you ? 671987;1399846989;hanbot;mircea_popescu: kakobrekla did paranoia or w/e it's called lose any bitcoin this month yet ? << llamacea 671988;1399847030;mircea_popescu;hanbot o right. pannacotta 671989;1399847093;benkay;bravetheworld: i was chuckling over https://vine.co/v/MrKaIKV5Zan/ earlier 671990;1399847094;assbot;#america #freedom #libertarian #liberty #sarcasm 671991;1399847110;bravetheworld;princessnell sent me 671992;1399847115;mircea_popescu;o hey. 671993;1399847132;bravetheworld;hahah ye had to get on that #mynypd hash 671994;1399847149;benkay;;;gettrust princessnell 671995;1399847149;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask princessnell!~princessn@unaffiliated/princessnell. Trust relationship from user benkay to user princessnell: Level 1: 1, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=benkay&dest=princessnell | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=princessnell | Rated since: Thu May 8 16:20:29 2014 671996;1399847150;mircea_popescu;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwvySkrUBlA < that you ? 671997;1399847150;assbot;Basic Bitcoin Bitches - YouTube 671998;1399847172;mircea_popescu;;;rated princessnell 671999;1399847173;gribble;You have not yet rated user princessnell 672000;1399847184;bravetheworld;more bitcoin freedom preaching manifesting 672001;1399847193;mircea_popescu;;;rate princessnell 1 procurer for the #bitcoin-assets dungeon. 672002;1399847193;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user princessnell has been recorded. 672003;1399847199;mircea_popescu;!up dudesir 672004;1399847236;dudesir;So I can speak? Thanks Mircea 672005;1399847249;mircea_popescu;you can't dance, and you can't walk 672006;1399847255;mircea_popescu;only thing about you is the way that you talk... 672007;1399847272;dudesir;Lol 672008;1399847282;dudesir;how poetic 672009;1399847283;mircea_popescu;so start with telling the group who you are. 672010;1399847313;dudesir;Oh, im some dude on the internet. Lol. we chatted a month or so ago, I asked about MPex and stuff 672011;1399847323;mircea_popescu;aha 672012;1399847345;dudesir;I came here again on the same topic... just wanted to ask you a quick question 672013;1399847349;mircea_popescu;shoot 672014;1399847376;kakobrekla;mircea_popescu nothing significant yet http://bit4x.com/panacea/history/ 672015;1399847388;mircea_popescu;a ty 672016;1399847409;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla can that also include a totalisator at bottom ? 672017;1399847428;dudesir;the fees for joining... you said 30 BTC... is that going to stay in BTC value, if it goes up (im assuming it would stay) or pegged to fiat, and if you will let people know if/when it goes up (twitter or something) 672018;1399847447;kakobrekla;prolly but dunno if that is helpful much 672019;1399847450;mircea_popescu;dudesir "That fee was waived for about a month during the beta, so at the very least it'd have to be a combination of extortion with laziness. Then it was 20 BTC. Now it's 30 BTC. The fee is projected to keep going up for the undetermined future." 672020;1399847460;mircea_popescu;from the ever helpful faq. http://mpex.co/faq.html#17 672021;1399847461;kakobrekla;im hoping mike_c will come up with some anal tools for this 672022;1399847463;princessnell;bravetheworld hey girl! glad you stopped by 672023;1399847472;decimation;mircea: nevertheless, the legal theory would be presented that it is in fact actgively engaged in criminal activity, and as shoddy as that legal teory may be, it will actually carry in most western courts. " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MraVxLNkYZk 672024;1399847473;assbot;AMFAS - Giving the Devil Benefit of Law.mp4 - YouTube 672025;1399847495;bravetheworld;taking it all in 672026;1399847504;princessnell;you will get the hang of it 672027;1399847510;bravetheworld;thanks for inviting me princessnell 672028;1399847511;mircea_popescu;bravetheworld so are you seriously trying to sell me on the concept that "basic bitch" is... an adjective ? 672029;1399847520;mircea_popescu;what, like a two word compound adjective ? 672030;1399847546;dudesir;Mircea, so will it be sprung upon us or will you let us know? ... I don't have much funds but I would very much like to be included at some point and will try to do so according to my ..money 672031;1399847556;bravetheworld;it can be either noun or adjective sure 672032;1399847578;mircea_popescu;dudesir you know you can just use a broker ? it makes little sense to acquire a mpex seat out of your last bitcoins. 672033;1399847623;mircea_popescu;decimation ahaha nice 672034;1399847634;mircea_popescu;why's tha guy look liek gmaxwell ? 672035;1399847636;bravetheworld;I'm more interested in "selling" the idea of bitcoin is a tool for liberation 672036;1399847657;dudesir;Right, I suppose I want a seat for more a more ethereal presitigious reason at this point as I am still unclear on the benefits. 672037;1399847664;bravetheworld;everything else is good fun 672038;1399847684;mircea_popescu;bravetheworld liberation from what ? 672039;1399847698;mircea_popescu;dudesir i see. 672040;1399847703;bravetheworld;from control 672041;1399847706;dudesir;I guess that is good for now, I'll do more research when I have the time and come back when I have more to discuss. Thanks Mircea 672042;1399847744;mircea_popescu;np. 672043;1399847753;mircea_popescu;bravetheworld power is nothing without control. 672044;1399847767;mircea_popescu;should you be free of it, you couldn't date for being a puddle on the floor. 672045;1399847775;mircea_popescu;you ever watch cow and chicken ? 672046;1399847806;HeySteve;mircea_popescu, I was wondering if you have a source for one of your claims about the bitcoin foundation 672047;1399847810;bravetheworld;exactly. 672048;1399847819;mircea_popescu;HeySteve specifically ? 672049;1399847828;kakobrekla;whats the cow and chicken story 672050;1399847839;HeySteve;section IV of http://trilema.com/2014/the-sins-of-the-group-of-posers-behind-the-so-called-bitcoin-foundation/ 672051;1399847840;assbot;The sins of the group of posers behind the so called “Bitcoin Foundation” pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 672052;1399847840;princessnell;ya i'm on the edge of my seat 672053;1399847869;HeySteve;all 3 claims in fact 672054;1399847979;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla http://www.viki.com/videos/212547v-cow-and-chicken-season-2-boneless-chicken-episode-3 672055;1399847980;assbot;Cow and Chicken Season 2 Episode 3: Boneless Chicken - Watch Full Episodes Free - United States - TV Shows - Viki 672056;1399847985;mircea_popescu;always struck me as the paragon of liberation. 672057;1399848021;mircea_popescu;HeySteve it would seem to me you just cited the source ? 672058;1399848034;mircea_popescu;i do not run some sort of braindamaged online encyclopedia. i run the font of truth. 672059;1399848037;mircea_popescu;there's a difference. 672060;1399848063;HeySteve;well you know, statements in the public record by foundation members is what I was looking for 672061;1399848064;decimation;since ancient times, it has been known that the only coherent work of knowledge is that which arises from one mind 672062;1399848113;kakobrekla;meh i get 'sorry this video is not available in your region' 672063;1399848120;mircea_popescu;HeySteve to repurpose decimation's earlier link, the foundation members couldn't answer for themselves as far as tonight. 672064;1399848131;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla move out of somalia ? :D 672065;1399848198;HeySteve;I would need more evidence to back such claims if I publish them 672066;1399848214;bravetheworld;+mirces_popescu regarding my classification of "basic bitch" as an adjective (although I use it as a noun in the video) I see it as a description of a state of mind. 672067;1399848240;mircea_popescu;HeySteve you will need to do a lot of research to enter such complex field anyway. 672068;1399848285;mircea_popescu;bravetheworld if you care, i see it as an extension of the "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0ef_q1_uoQdouchecanoe" nonsense, as typified here : 672069;1399848291;mircea_popescu;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0ef_q1_uoQ 672070;1399848291;assbot;Douche Canoe An Original Song - YouTube 672071;1399848339;bravetheworld;haha alright 672072;1399848401;jurov;dudesir you can do the research using coinbr, right now and with 0.1btc only 672073;1399848413;mircea_popescu;to make short work of it, either i'm a curmudgeon or else words don't really have the power you think they do. 672074;1399848440;jurov;oh he§s gone 672075;1399848448;mircea_popescu;jurov he loves me not you, so nyah. 672076;1399848458;benkay;mircea_popescu: you? a curmudgeon? 672077;1399848463;jurov;:'( 672078;1399848467;bravetheworld;you don't know what I think, or else you think you have a power you don't really have 672079;1399848481;mircea_popescu;hm. 672080;1399848489;mircea_popescu;where's that 70s song 672081;1399848512;mircea_popescu;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BRv9wGf5pk 672082;1399848512;assbot;Snap - I ve Got The power - YouTube 672083;1399848608;mircea_popescu;!up toddf 672084;1399848615;princessnell;bravetheworld what was the general response to your video? 672085;1399848643;mircea_popescu;!up chetty 672086;1399848649;mircea_popescu;hola argentina 672087;1399848659;bravetheworld;mircea_popescu ahhh the age of communicating through cultural references is upon us 672088;1399848668;benkay;chetty: argentina? 672089;1399848671;chetty;hey there, was looking at the earlier logs 672090;1399848689;chetty;I haven{t seen a cc used in a month 672091;1399848699;mircea_popescu;bravetheworld you know, that's the definition of scholarship. 672092;1399848710;chetty;Shops don't even ask 672093;1399848726;HeySteve;mircea_popescu, I'm willing to do the research 672094;1399848741;mircea_popescu;HeySteve cool! 672095;1399848743;chetty;yeah argentina ;) 672096;1399848747;mircea_popescu;!up bravetheworld 672097;1399848757;benkay;argentina++? chetty? 672098;1399848766;mircea_popescu;chetty all it needs is a lake of stu one can paddle around in a big canoe and we're all there 672099;1399848767;benkay;are you in b.a. or... 672100;1399848799;chetty;yes benkay I am currently there, BA 672101;1399848801;mircea_popescu;benkay yes she is in bitcoin-assets. is this dog ? 672102;1399848810;benkay;horp dorp dorp 672103;1399848823;chetty;lol 672104;1399848832;bravetheworld;+mircea_popescu top of /bitcoin, publicly endorsed by Andreas antonopoulos, charlie shrem, amir taaki, wired writer andy greenberg..etc. then some guy who hated my anti-feminist work posted me on /cringe :D so got some hate from people who don't know what bitcoin is...basic bitches 672105;1399848832;benkay;anyways hang out for a while bravetheworld 672106;1399848861;mircea_popescu;lol cute. 672107;1399848889;bravetheworld;+benkay i'll try 672108;1399848903;mircea_popescu;+bravetheworld so what's your future plans ? 672109;1399848915;bravetheworld;im trying to figure out how to correctly participate 672110;1399848920;chetty;anyway, I am liking the world without all the plastic 672111;1399848945;mircea_popescu;to quote mpoe-pr from two hours ago on a totally different topic, " interesting to see where people's musing and fascination get them, dead right in some places, idiosyncratically caulked in others". 672112;1399848959;bravetheworld;I recently got asked to write for bitcoin magazine, so I'm finishing up bitcoin's declaration of independence to publish with them 672113;1399848979;mircea_popescu;haha. i suppose la serenissima carries no meaning with you ? 672114;1399848990;bravetheworld;which will elaborate further on my sentiment 672115;1399849010;benkay;chetty: do you find it a bit run down at the corners? 672116;1399849027;bravetheworld;i suppose it does not 672117;1399849028;benkay;!up CheckDavid 672118;1399849040;mike_c;what kind of totaliser are you looking for? I think I already have 3 different kinds 672119;1399849050;mircea_popescu;mike_c i just want the equivalent of 672120;1399849052;mircea_popescu;!jd mpif 672121;1399849053;assbot;Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 164.44420331 BTC; -0.00101271 BTC (-0.0006%) since last check 11h 31m 28s ago. 672122;1399849061;CheckDavid;mircea_popescu: I praise you for being a good troll 672123;1399849065;CheckDavid;Thanks benkay 672124;1399849068;mircea_popescu;holy shit half a day for a tenth of a cent wtf omg. 672125;1399849072;chetty;not really, many parts of US are worse 672126;1399849087;mircea_popescu;CheckDavid what's this, the famous last words competition ? 672127;1399849105;CheckDavid;Last words comp? 672128;1399849118;CheckDavid;What's that? 672129;1399849119;mircea_popescu;bravetheworld anyway, to make the cultural references plain : the idea that bitcoin is a superstate, and well independent already is not novel. 672130;1399849125;mircea_popescu;amply covered in extand literature. 672131;1399849137;mircea_popescu;just, not the sort of literature taaki or anonowhoever can read. 672132;1399849161;chetty;well perhaps its time they did 672133;1399849171;bravetheworld;did I claim to be original? 672134;1399849192;mircea_popescu;(taaki because http://trilema.com/2012/amir-taaki-has-done-and-continues-to-do-huge-disservice-to-anyone-serious-involved-in-bitcoin/ ; antono* because he shilled for neobee and mpoe-pr bitchslapped him into irelevancy) 672135;1399849193;assbot;Amir Taaki has done, and continues to do, huge disservice to anyone serious involved in Bitcoin. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 672136;1399849193;CheckDavid;Why do you direct a question at me in the channel and don't voice? 672137;1399849194;mike_c;i will have something similar to that in place soon. and kako could easily tie it into assbot. 672138;1399849199;princessnell;she is a communicator MP 672139;1399849213;mircea_popescu;bravetheworld nono, dun bristle at me. i'm not trying to eat you. 672140;1399849233;mircea_popescu;i guess it may seem so, but really, i'm peaceful. 672141;1399849262;bravetheworld;mircea_popescu most people interested in bitcoin miss this. I want people to understand, i want to make it clear. because it is denied and shrugged off, or just missed 672142;1399849270;mircea_popescu;princessnell just trying to give her good ammo. 672143;1399849276;chetty;mark your calendars, MP is peaceful 672144;1399849278;benkay;or you could hang out with people who already get it, bravetheworld 672145;1399849289;benkay;chetty: he's also not trying to eat the young lady. 672146;1399849307;benkay;will wonders etc etc 672147;1399849315;CheckDavid;mircea_popescu: do you prefer if I pm you? 672148;1399849329;mircea_popescu;CheckDavid i don't think our relationship is advanced enough for that yet. 672149;1399849345;CheckDavid;Then why do you direct a question at me in the channel and don't voice? 672150;1399849353;bravetheworld;mircea_popescu i do. i met Charlie, I chill with Amir and Cody...I converse with the community (recently) ...but I want others to understand. 672151;1399849362;mircea_popescu;because i don't keep a very neat accounting of who's voiced. 672152;1399849368;mircea_popescu;sorry about that. 672153;1399849373;CheckDavid;Ok good 672154;1399849384;mircea_popescu;bravetheworld which cody is that ? 672155;1399849394;princessnell;wilson 672156;1399849405;bravetheworld;mircea_popescu *chilled 672157;1399849411;bravetheworld;mircea_popescu dark wallet 672158;1399849416;mircea_popescu;a the gun printer guy. mixed company huh. 672159;1399849448;bravetheworld;mircea_popescu i didn't fully get it myself until I was exposed to this community, so I understand why other don't either 672160;1399849457;princessnell;seems like the jobs to amir's woz 672161;1399849473;mircea_popescu;"Fifth day of living only on Bitcoin: I pay for ramen & strippers with the cryptocash" 672162;1399849480;mircea_popescu;behold, reddit has just been summarized. by forbes. 672163;1399849487;princessnell;lol kash 672164;1399849501;benkay;blowstamps 672165;1399849503;benkay;lolkash 672166;1399849509;mircea_popescu;who the fuck pays for strippers and ramen. do those go together in any possible universe ?! 672167;1399849511;benkay;buttcoins 672168;1399849517;princessnell;when u want tehclicks, sure 672169;1399849519;bravetheworld;mircea_popescu peter todd is nice too. and mr. jeff tucker also said some insightful things to me about bitcoin. i try to keep my ears open u know 672170;1399849527;princessnell;jeff tucker is a lizard tourist 672171;1399849529;mircea_popescu;bravetheworld good for you. 672172;1399849549;bravetheworld;+princessnell lizard tourist? 672173;1399849572;princessnell;bravetheworld he's all about the #brand. i don't trust him. 672174;1399849602;princessnell;bravetheworld but he will boost if you need it. 672175;1399849606;Apocalyptic;dem lizards 672176;1399849611;benkay;liberty.me has a facebook login 672177;1399849615;bravetheworld;+princessnell nonetheless, he said "Bitcoin is a model for the future of humanity" i do like that 672178;1399849617;benkay;waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat 672179;1399849632;mircea_popescu;benkay i believe the expression is "words collide". they just did. 672180;1399849646;mircea_popescu;i am savouring the temporary silence of the original aftershock. 672181;1399849665;bravetheworld;hehe 672182;1399849676;princessnell;bravetheworld just be weary is all. he is really pozzed out. wouldn't take kindly 2 yr antifeminism for instance. 672183;1399849677;benkay;my tiny little brain can't cope 672184;1399849690;benkay;princessnell: pozzed? 672185;1399849699;mircea_popescu;princessnell wait, how did she slip that past anton's radar ? 672186;1399849705;mircea_popescu;is he really THAT bad at dd ? 672187;1399849735;bravetheworld;+princessnell really? he watched some of my videos..(or so he said) and was very sweet in person 672188;1399849745;mircea_popescu;yes. because you're a woman, and he's a geek. 672189;1399849764;bravetheworld;+mircea_popescu hahaha. i guess 672190;1399849776;princessnell;bravetheworld truly. he is predatory. 672191;1399849783;mircea_popescu;this is so much lulz rly. 672192;1399849795;princessnell;benkay pozzed is mpc speak for cathedraldrone 672193;1399849806;mircea_popescu;princessnell ethymology on that ? 672194;1399849824;princessnell;mircea_popescu heh. like: HIV positive 672195;1399849828;princessnell;poz 672196;1399849830;mircea_popescu;o boy. 672197;1399849834;bravetheworld;+princessnell i KEEP hearing this. but he's married and Christian no? because of course that means a lot these day...but he seemed to have a ron paulian grandfather charm to him. but alas, I am only a naive girl 672198;1399849839;mircea_popescu;you're a buncha meanies aren't you. 672199;1399849875;benkay;wow 672200;1399849887;benkay;pozzed 672201;1399849900;mircea_popescu;bravetheworld so did you get nom-nom-inated for the foundation journalism of great insight awards ? 672202;1399849912;benkay;princessnell: mpc? 672203;1399849929;bravetheworld;+mircea_popescu lol 672204;1399849933;princessnell;bravetheworld ya, i know him IRL. reports from many of my friends. can't invite him to certain events bc of it. 672205;1399849948;princessnell;benkay my posting career 672206;1399849967;bravetheworld;princessnell Oh shit "IRL" taked me back to my WoW days 672207;1399849974;bravetheworld;takes* 672208;1399849993;benkay;my posting career // WTH AM I LOOKING AT 672209;1399849994;mircea_popescu;that's like... 5 years ? 672210;1399850004;mircea_popescu;benkay there's a number of underbeliies to the internet, son. 672211;1399850005;princessnell;benkay lol 672212;1399850013;mircea_popescu;i was hoping we can shield you from this truth for longer 672213;1399850016;mircea_popescu;but alas... 672214;1399850055;benkay;it's just...the dumb 672215;1399850061;mircea_popescu;no. it's the young. 672216;1399850068;mircea_popescu;there's a difference, if unapparent. 672217;1399850107;princessnell;sorry i should have put a trigger warning 672218;1399850115;benkay;the wacky underbelly isn't what surprises me, it's the..."motherfucking salon" 672219;1399850124;benkay;lol ya trigger warning tyvm 672220;1399850126;assbot;Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/35CJX40.txt ) 672221;1399850126;mircea_popescu;!b 2 672222;1399850127;mircea_popescu;shit. 672223;1399850139;benkay;C-C-C-C 672224;1399850173;benkay;-COMBO BREAKER! 672225;1399850180;benkay;srsly people i gave you all day with that one. 672226;1399850187;benkay;!up bravetheworld 672227;1399850226;bravetheworld;thank you 672228;1399850233;jurov;um... er... last 15 mins is like multilayered inside joke 672229;1399850241;jurov;not getting any of that 672230;1399850245;mircea_popescu;hory shilt!!! i knew that skinnkavaj name sounded familiar, check this out : 672231;1399850246;mircea_popescu;http://bash.bitcoin-assets.com/?quote=9 672232;1399850246;assbot;#bitcoin-assets bash 672233;1399850260;mircea_popescu;jurov it's heterodox joke. not your cup. 672234;1399850267;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.47000005 = 0.94 BTC [-] {2} 672235;1399850279;mircea_popescu;but basically some girls showed up and broke the variety speak. 672236;1399850292;princessnell;shame on me 672237;1399850298;princessnell;need2 lurk moar still huh 672238;1399850307;mircea_popescu;now you're going to have to wear a scarlet final L. 672239;1399850323;bravetheworld;benkay so who is everyone? 672240;1399850325;mircea_popescu;princessnell it's not broken in a bad way anyway. 672241;1399850337;jurov;and how comes bengay got it? 672242;1399850344;mircea_popescu;jurov he's a virgin 672243;1399850346;mircea_popescu;they have powers. 672244;1399850417;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/Beautyon_/status/465631952813719552 << this guy is making me blush. 672245;1399850418;assbot;Imagine having daily conversations with Steve Jobs in the early 80′s or Mayer Rothschild in the early 1800′s. /Mircea_Popescu is like that. 672246;1399850429;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla ′′ 672247;1399850463;bounce;whosat? 672248;1399850478;HeySteve;mircea_popescu, I'm going to link to the article and say you alleged 1, 2 & 3 but declined to provide evidence. 672249;1399850479;bravetheworld;I followed him the other day 672250;1399850481;mircea_popescu;a twitter guy. he doesn't wanna come to here i don't think 672251;1399850495;mircea_popescu;HeySteve i see no problem with that. 672252;1399850556;HeySteve;mircea_popescu, all right cool. I'm covering this Brock Pierce mess and urging TBF to clean up their act 672253;1399850558;mircea_popescu;Transisto yo wtf. 672254;1399850568;bravetheworld;mircea_popescu applebaum follows you...jelly. what a hearttrobb 672255;1399850597;kakobrekla; https://twitter.com/Beautyon_/status/465631952813719552 << this guy is making me blush. 672256;1399850598;assbot;Imagine having daily conversations with Steve Jobs in the early 80′s or Mayer Rothschild in the early 1800′s. /Mircea_Popescu is like that. 672257;1399850605;kakobrekla;meh 672258;1399850605;mircea_popescu;fail :D 672259;1399850622;mircea_popescu;bravetheworld who's the heartrob, me or him? 672260;1399850642;benkay;bravetheworld: mircea_popescu runs mpex, kakobrekla runs bitbet, jurov runs coinbr, davout runs bitcoin-central, chetty runs eulora, hanbot runs the whips, and that's about all the notables 672261;1399850655;mircea_popescu;benkay no it's not. 672262;1399850658;benkay;i kid. everyone in here's notable. 672263;1399850671;bounce;"no I'm not" 672264;1399850683;benkay;somewhere in between is the truth. 672265;1399850690;mircea_popescu;dooglus runs just dice, BingoBoingo runs the drinking record, benkay runs in circles 672266;1399850697;benkay;real fast. 672267;1399850699;benkay;real real real fast. 672268;1399850710;benkay;bitcoinpete runs bitcoinpete 672269;1399850712;benkay;uhhh 672270;1399850715;benkay;pankkake trolls 672271;1399850725;benkay;not as well as tiberius, though 672272;1399850727;mircea_popescu;lampelina runs kakobrekla, pigeons runs messages, ThickAsThieves used to run passhtroughs 672273;1399850735;mike_c;and created Altcoin 672274;1399850737;mircea_popescu;tim-tams runs what was it, a show ? 672275;1399850748;mircea_popescu;mike_c runs what did you run again ? 672276;1399850748;benkay;lol yeah lampelina 672277;1399850752;jurov;Apocalyptic runs x-bt 672278;1399850755;benkay;btcalpha 672279;1399850755;mircea_popescu;fluffypony runs all the shitty altcoins i can't remember 672280;1399850766;mike_c;i run the most powerful blog in btc, capable of moving market caps 30% in a single day. 672281;1399850767;mircea_popescu;mod6 runs atcbot 672282;1399850787;mircea_popescu;diametric runs like 7 or 8 3d printers 672283;1399850787;benkay;kakobrekla also runs assbot 672284;1399850789;mircea_popescu;ALL AT THE SAME TIME 672285;1399850795;benkay;HOW DOES HE DO IT 672286;1399850797;mircea_popescu;while his wife is waiting for him to come to bed alfuckingready 672287;1399850800;Apocalyptic;capable of moving market caps 30% in a single day. // on the ATC/BTC market maybe 672288;1399850807;benkay;i have trouble controlling a single pwm drive 672289;1399850811;jurov;lol even Ukyo is still on, with his disciple dotcoin on guest appearances 672290;1399850811;mircea_popescu;Apocalyptic no cause he fudded mpex and it dropped once 672291;1399850813;bravetheworld;mircea_popescu the bisexual one of the 2 672292;1399850814;HeySteve;I run my mouth on a news site and might do some more interesting stuff in future 672293;1399850826;mircea_popescu;^ 672294;1399850839;mircea_popescu;bravetheworld i'm not bisexual except in the sense that i fuck women in both holes 672295;1399850850;mircea_popescu;dub runs like 1/7th or so of all the internets 672296;1399850864;bravetheworld;mircea_popescu uhu 672297;1399850864;mircea_popescu;Graet runs a major pool but i forget which 672298;1399850867;benkay;thestringpuller used to trade options 672299;1399850868;jurov;...except in the sense that i fuck women in both holes<< that's bidirectional 672300;1399850869;Apocalyptic;mircea_popescu, I see 672301;1399850871;mircea_popescu;Jezzz runs ozbot 672302;1399850885;mircea_popescu;jurov isn't bidirectional when they also fuck me ? 672303;1399850910;mircea_popescu;justusranvier runs the sanity of bitcoin during his rare moments of clarity 672304;1399850916;mircea_popescu;Naphex runs btcx.ro 672305;1399850919;jurov;mircea_popescu no, that's bilateral 672306;1399850927;mircea_popescu;khersonus what do you run again ? 672307;1399850929;bravetheworld;what have I started 672308;1399850933;mircea_popescu;Luke-Jr ruins the cryptoz 672309;1399850937;princessnell;bravetheworld this is gr8. 672310;1399850945;mircea_popescu;and i could keep goiing. 672311;1399850950;mircea_popescu;but eventually one has to stop. 672312;1399850960;bounce;lies 672313;1399850982;mircea_popescu;skinnkavaj runs the chan bash 672314;1399850995;benkay;no the bash runs on vexual 672315;1399851000;mircea_popescu;o that too. 672316;1399851001;benkay;;;seen vexual 672317;1399851001;gribble;vexual was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 15 hours, 56 minutes, and 36 seconds ago: dms becomes redundant 672318;1399851002;mircea_popescu;topace runs the risk 672319;1399851033;benkay;asciilifeform makes widgets and is more of a smug lisp weenie than me 672320;1399851043;mircea_popescu;benkay but he doesn't run anything. 672321;1399851056;benkay;he runs his own thing? 672322;1399851059;benkay;he runs his own thing. 672323;1399851069;mircea_popescu;no, i run his own thing. he just works there. 672324;1399851082;mircea_popescu;except if shtf, of course. 672325;1399851102;bravetheworld;princessnell heh 672326;1399851180;mircea_popescu;jurov i dunno what fucking you've been to, but there's nothing motherfucking lateral about it. 672327;1399851183;mircea_popescu;what is this, swallows ? 672328;1399851253;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 45 @ 0.041 = 1.845 BTC [-] 672329;1399851258;jurov;adjective: lateral : of, at, towards, or from the side or sides. 672330;1399851268;benkay;mircea_popescu: but out there for his clients he runs his own thing. 672331;1399851273;mircea_popescu;jurov lateral bitch ? 672332;1399851286;benkay;i dunno. bad intel. 672333;1399851323;bravetheworld;mircea_popescu & benkay do you mind if I ask what you guys do? or let me rephrase. what is your participation in bitcoin? just interested to know the crowd 672334;1399851339;mircea_popescu;cute i say 672335;1399851390;benkay;i derp 672336;1399851433;benkay;i acquire bitcoins by building things. sometimes i have to take some other paper first. 672337;1399851437;bravetheworld;hehe 672338;1399851474;bravetheworld;welcome to derp nation, population everyone 672339;1399851480;mircea_popescu;bravetheworld https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=321265.msg3449849#msg3449849 there 672340;1399851480;assbot;Bitcoin TOP-500 Richest 672341;1399851505;mircea_popescu;i'm the richest guy you've ever met, and if i can help it, the richest guy you'll ever meet. 672342;1399851617;bravetheworld;mircea_popescu don't consider this meeting but noted 672343;1399851619;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8500 @ 0.00100347 = 8.5295 BTC [+] 672344;1399851645;mircea_popescu;s/met/ran into/ 672345;1399851646;mircea_popescu;w/e 672346;1399851652;bravetheworld;I remember being on silk road and almost getting some bitcoin for drug purposes 672347;1399851665;bravetheworld;but then my dealer came through., goddammit. 672348;1399851666;mircea_popescu;did you almost shoot a gun also ? 672349;1399851672;mircea_popescu;oic. 672350;1399851688;bravetheworld;I shoot trap on the weekends if I can help it 672351;1399851705;benkay;!up bravetheworld 672352;1399851772;bravetheworld;the almosts make life funny no? 672353;1399851807;mircea_popescu;;;later tell bitcoinpete dude it wasn't in my back yard, it was at like a hotel and everything. 672354;1399851807;gribble;The operation succeeded. 672355;1399851809;bravetheworld;*waiting for zinger reply from mircea_popescu 672356;1399851875;mircea_popescu;;;later tell bitcoinpete i also don't own half of every stock, such as for instance s.nsa, where i'm an implied minority (via ssws) 672357;1399851875;gribble;The operation succeeded. 672358;1399851896;benkay;pahaha 672359;1399851901;bravetheworld;benkay building things, like coding? of literally 672360;1399851914;benkay;implying there's a difference, bravetheworld. 672361;1399851924;bravetheworld;benkay truth 672362;1399851924;benkay;i do business consulting. occasionally the procurement of software gets involved. 672363;1399851942;ThickAsThieves;so behind on log... 672364;1399852108;benkay;less frequently of late the procurement of actual parts gets involved, but that may change. 672365;1399852198;bravetheworld;benkay> sounds like you're building a secret android 672366;1399852227;benkay;nothing so silly 672367;1399852227;bravetheworld;lady-droid for fun fun or the grilling of steaks please 672368;1399852239;bravetheworld;benkay aw 672369;1399852254;benkay;'tin woman'. 672370;1399852258;benkay;;;google trilema too much money 672371;1399852260;gribble;The problem of too much money pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea ...: ; Let's dig a little deeper into this entire deflation “problem” pe Trilema ...: ; Idiocy without borders / Idiots sans frontieres pe Trilema - Un blog de ...: (1 more message) 672372;1399852269;bravetheworld;benkay Helen Of Alloy 672373;1399852276;benkay;ouch 672374;1399852302;*;bounce selflessly offers to soak up the excess monies 672375;1399852389;benkay;anyways bravetheworld we take identity pretty seriously around here. consider getting yourself into the #bitcoin-otc web of trust so you can hang out and talk more without the incessant 672376;1399852391;benkay;!up bravetheworld 672377;1399852427;benkay;;;google bitcoin wot beginners guide 672378;1399852429;gribble;Beginners Guide - bitcoin-otc wiki: ; Beginner's Guide - Bitcoin Forum: ; For 'World of Tanks' Fans: WOTcoin Can be Used for Purchasing ...: 672379;1399852430;jurov;http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/first_steps_in_bitcoin-assets just found out we have got nice tutorial 672380;1399852430;assbot;first_steps_in_bitcoin-assets [bitcoin assets wiki] 672381;1399852472;benkay;lol 672382;1399852481;benkay;"random naked females can be returned by" 672383;1399852482;benkay;.bait 672384;1399852486;benkay;is ozbot even running? 672385;1399852491;benkay;.h 672386;1399852626;bravetheworld;benkay alright 672387;1399852678;benkay;ping if you hit a wall. 672388;1399852712;benkay;;;google perfect gpg keypair 672389;1399852713;gribble;Creating the perfect GPG keypair - Alex Cabal: ; Creating the perfect GPG keypair : netsec - Reddit: ; Creating the perfect GPG keypair with Gpg4win and Enigmail - Reddit: (1 more message) 672390;1399852762;mircea_popescu;;;gettrust assbot princessnell 672391;1399852762;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask princessnell!~princessn@unaffiliated/princessnell. Trust relationship from user assbot to user princessnell: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 2 via 2 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=princessnell | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=princessnell | Rated since: Thu May 8 16:20:29 2014 672392;1399852764;bravetheworld;benkay thank you again. i got to be on my grind now, take care all. nice "meeting" you :) 672393;1399852820;benkay;later 672394;1399854219;mircea_popescu;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLPM-P7mNQw 672395;1399854220;assbot;Cartman - Whateva, I do what I want - YouTube 672396;1399854475;mircea_popescu;http://pando.com/2014/05/08/exclusive-christie-officials-gave-millions-in-taxpayer-funds-to-major-tech-vc-in-apparent-violation-of-pay-to-play-rules/ 672397;1399854476;assbot;EXCLUSIVE: Christie officials gave millions in public funds to VC firm, despite “pay to play” rules | PandoDaily 672398;1399854477;mircea_popescu;lulzy 672399;1399855363;mircea_popescu;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BnXT6_uIQAIgJ3z.jpg << anti surveillance mask. 672400;1399855415;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 4 @ 0.041 = 0.164 BTC [-] 672401;1399855537;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 13 @ 0.041 = 0.533 BTC [-] 672402;1399855659;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 19 @ 0.07258866 = 1.3792 BTC [+] {2} 672403;1399855781;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.041 = 0.123 BTC [-] 672404;1399856012;benkay;!up Troic 672405;1399856016;benkay;!up sgnb` 672406;1399856018;benkay;!up tank100 672407;1399856020;benkay;!up blg 672408;1399856021;benkay;discuss 672409;1399856128;benkay;!up Shakespeare 672410;1399856331;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.041 = 0.123 BTC [-] 672411;1399857074;mircea_popescu;http://www.cnet.com/news/photographers-howl-at-amazon-patent-of-decades-old-idea/?utm_content=bufferc78fe&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer 672412;1399857077;assbot;Photographers howl at Amazon patent of decades-old idea - CNET 672413;1399857088;mircea_popescu;so amazon now has a patent on the concept of the white wall 672414;1399857462;BingoBoingo;It seems so. 672415;1399857546;mircea_popescu;i guess bitcoin bourse guy should patent the website that sells things 672416;1399857570;Apocalyptic;he should definitely patent his orderbook 672417;1399857599;Apocalyptic;with order expiration time shown, and no trade log 672418;1399857794;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.041 = 0.123 BTC [-] 672419;1399857807;thestringpuller;;;ud circle jerk 672420;1399857807;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=circlejerk | 1.) When a group of males sit in a circle, jerking each other off. 2.) *NOT* when a group of males stand in a circle to jerk off onto a cookie or a... 672421;1399857844;mircea_popescu;"Being of thought and freedom. Working on my financial future through proper investments in BTC, and working on becoming a poker master." 672422;1399857977;thestringpuller;;;ud limp bizkit 672423;1399857978;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=limp%20bizkit | The only rule about Limp Bizkit is you either love them oir hate them. Metal Fan: GODDAMN Faggoty-Fagggot Ass Limp Bizkit!!! I fuckin' hate Fred Durst with his ... 672424;1399858521;decimation;re: patents http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2012/09/how-a-rogue-appeals-court-wrecked-the-patent-system/ 672425;1399858522;assbot;How a rogue appeals court wrecked the patent system | Ars Technica 672426;1399858684;decimation;this is relevant to the latest google v oracle decision: http://ebb.org/bkuhn/blog/2014/05/10/oracle-google.html 672427;1399858684;assbot;Federal Appeals Court Decision in Oracle v. Google - Bradley M. Kuhn ( Brad ) ( bkuhn ) 672428;1399859042;danielpbarron;heh, that's the twitter profile description of an associate of mine 672429;1399859110;mircea_popescu;decimation not a bad write-up; 672430;1399859216;mircea_popescu;;;ticker 672431;1399859286;decimation;yeah it seems like the basic problem is that there is no coherent law, so the courts are faced with either making stuff up or continually pawning the problem off onto someone else 672432;1399859407;mircea_popescu;stronger than that : the prestige of people judging it depends on them giving out patent support. 672433;1399859414;mircea_popescu;wrong incentive structure. 672434;1399859439;decimation;yes, it is pretty clear that the "patent system" has been captured by those who are enriched by patents 672435;1399859468;mircea_popescu;anyway, the guy does miss an impoirtant point : small companies can indeed opt out of patent trollage : they incorporate on mpex, as per bitcoin rules. 672436;1399859472;mircea_popescu;instant us patent immunity. 672437;1399859504;decimation;the trouble is that if they are incorporated in the US, they might make USG an enemy 672438;1399859529;mircea_popescu;they don't have to incorporate in the us. 672439;1399859624;benkay;one might go so far as to say that listing on mpex and incorporating in the states are mutually exclusive at this time. 672440;1399859644;Apocalyptic;one might indeed 672441;1399859644;mircea_popescu;so they are. 672442;1399859654;decimation;well, they are certainly taking a big risk 672443;1399859654;mircea_popescu;you can be a bitcoin registered corp 672444;1399859659;mircea_popescu;or else you can be a fiat registered corp 672445;1399859685;mircea_popescu;decimation arguably NOT incorporating on mpex is taking an even bigger risk. 672446;1399859711;mircea_popescu;we'd all love this situation where there's a way to avoid all risk. nevertheless, that's a counterfactual. irl, adults have to pick a poison at all times. 672447;1399859726;mircea_popescu;!up aldur1 672448;1399859733;decimation;yes, this is certainly true 672449;1399859869;decimation;this supposed bitcoin etf, although not new, might be a harbinger of the next leg up in bitcoin v. USD 672450;1399859900;mircea_popescu;experience shows that the various fiat side efforts have pretty much zero impact on bitcoin price, you know ? 672451;1399859906;mircea_popescu;terribly difficult to predict, too. 672452;1399859963;mircea_popescu;;;ticker 672453;1399859971;mircea_popescu;even gribble's given up 672454;1399859975;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 439.35, Best ask: 440.51, Bid-ask spread: 1.16000, Last trade: 440.51, 24 hour volume: 8881.04229449, 24 hour low: 429.6, 24 hour high: 456.27, 24 hour vwap: 440.711490321 672455;1399859987;decimation;this is true. but the usd price of gold went up quite a bit after the gold ETF's opened up 672456;1399860046;mircea_popescu;wasn't that more related to various red talk shows pumping iot ? 672457;1399860107;decimation;Yes, I think so. But it was also the first time that it was easy to buy "gold" in your 401k account 672458;1399860147;mircea_popescu;i thought that's been available for decades. 672459;1399860162;mircea_popescu;just, they hadn't figured out how to "market" it till recently. 672460;1399860182;mircea_popescu;besides, couldn't have marketed it during dot com bubble, nor during the intervening contraction 672461;1399860207;decimation;yeah, it's hard to separate all of the confounding factors 672462;1399860246;mircea_popescu;!up donvino 672463;1399860303;mircea_popescu;decimation the nonsense of holding gold "in your 401k" is so amusing to me. 672464;1399860311;mike_c;certainly something will be used to explain the rise after the next bump. always gotta be a reason or we have to admit we have no clue. 672465;1399860358;decimation;well, it's a hilarity forced upon the us by the USG 672466;1399860388;decimation;plenty of US citizens 'hold gold' but have never touched the metal 672467;1399860400;mircea_popescu;in that sense, they're probably also married to women i fuck. 672468;1399860407;mircea_popescu;they... um. hold their hand ? 672469;1399860438;decimation;some computer says that some other computer says that it has a gold bar, but they can't touch it 672470;1399860467;mircea_popescu;i wonder if zee germans have got their gold back btw, 672471;1399860485;mircea_popescu;and what the relation is exactly between that and the current ukraine stuff. 672472;1399860488;decimation;heh yeah last I read they were being told that they can get their gold "real soon now" 672473;1399860508;decimation;see, there about $70 trillion assets in the world 672474;1399860511;decimation;http://www.ici.org/research/stats/retirement/ret_13_q4 672475;1399860512;assbot;ICI - Release: Quarterly Retirement Market Data, Fourth Quarter 2013 672476;1399860528;decimation;$23 trillion are in us "retirement assets" 672477;1399860535;decimation;that's pretty much the whole bezzle right there 672478;1399860563;mircea_popescu;i tihnk the first rule of embezzle is that you can never know how much bezzle there is. 672479;1399860580;decimation;no. try to find out exactly how many dollars there are in the world, for instance 672480;1399860592;decimation;it's easy to count circulated (and counterfeit!) printed dollars 672481;1399860620;decimation;the number of dollars that could exist, if the Fed or USG wanted them to, are uncountable 672482;1399860689;mircea_popescu;hm 672483;1399860699;mircea_popescu;no, actually, that has to be countable. 672484;1399860712;mircea_popescu;upper bound by the finite carbon atoms count on earth :D 672485;1399860718;decimation;hehe yeah 672486;1399860760;decimation;Italy too apparently: http://news.goldseek.com/GoldSeek/1399032000.php 672487;1399860761;assbot;GoldCore Reports Half of Italy's Gold is Held in New York Fed Vault; Is Repatriation Possible? 672488;1399860771;decimation;" Banca d?Italia reveals that 1,199.4 tonnes, or nearly half the total, is held in the Bank?s own vaults under its Palazzo Koch headquarters on Via Nazionale in Rome, while most of the other half is stored in the Federal Reserve Bank gold vault in New York." 672489;1399860841;decimation;http://www.ibtimes.com/german-gold-makes-it-way-back-home-fed-slowly-1563651 "Germany?s gold repatriation program, whereby the nation?s central bank is recalling 674 metric tons from vaults in New York and Paris, is progressing slowly. About 69 tons have returned to Frankfurt so far." 672490;1399860842;assbot;German Gold Makes It Way Back Home From Fed, Slowly 672491;1399860849;decimation;lol about 10% 672492;1399860854;mircea_popescu;in what paralel universe does italy hold 2k tons of gold ? 672493;1399860858;mircea_popescu;what's this, some joke ? 672494;1399860864;decimation;"dude your gold is all here, we just need to find it" 672495;1399860876;mircea_popescu;get out of here, they have exactly 0 claim to it. 672496;1399860883;mircea_popescu;italy is insolvent. 672497;1399860907;decimation;well, to be precise, there are probably many claims, and theirs is junior 672498;1399860920;decimation;it was probably all sold off years ago under some Fed "lease" program 672499;1399860987;mircea_popescu;typical italian "let's stick ourselves into things". 672500;1399861014;mircea_popescu;entire fucking country consists of three people translating german newspapers and the rest trying to make a commedia del'arte version of what they understood of it. 672501;1399861025;decimation;probably most of that 2k tonne is what was left when Germany pulled out in WWII 672502;1399861144;BCB;mircea_popescu, I hear you are joining the Bitcoin Foundation 672503;1399861246;mircea_popescu;from whom ? 672504;1399861263;decimation;Sdtirol is pretty nice. but it's pretty much owned by the Austrians 672505;1399861300;benkay;!up SuchWow 672506;1399861314;benkay;what are the doggy coiners doing here? 672507;1399861334;decimation;When I first heard of dogecoins I thought that they were making a reference to the doge of Venice. Then I found out that it was retarded. 672508;1399861342;assbot;Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/2TE7D68.txt ) 672509;1399861342;benkay;!b 1 672510;1399861422;decimation;last time I was in Venice, the Doge's palace was closed because the lazy "museum workers" were on strike. The Doge would not be pleased (either with them, or the rabble that trample upon his possessions) 672511;1399862301;mircea_popescu;ok, we shall be having a little fun in a short while, so. stay tuned! 672512;1399862369;Apocalyptic; mircea_popescu, I hear you are joining the Bitcoin Foundation // any truth to that mircea ? 672513;1399862420;Duffer1;o.0 672514;1399862435;BCB;I'm trolling 672515;1399862438;mircea_popescu;Apocalyptic not afaikl ? 672516;1399862464;Apocalyptic;unusual for you BCB 672517;1399862471;BCB;ha 672518;1399862476;Apocalyptic;i guess gitmo changes people 672519;1399862483;BCB;it's a tough life 672520;1399862492;Apocalyptic;you tell me... 672521;1399863339;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/cryptographs-revived/ 672522;1399863340;assbot;Cryptographs, revived. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 672523;1399863345;mircea_popescu;if anyone feels like a little visual challenge. 672524;1399863361;mircea_popescu;nao thestringpuller can finally get gpg certified on trilema 672525;1399864077;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 5 @ 0.041 = 0.205 BTC [-] 672526;1399864870;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24328 @ 0.00100515 = 24.4533 BTC [+] {2} 672527;1399865419;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 14 @ 0.02927856 = 0.4099 BTC [-] {4} 672528;1399865481;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35624 @ 0.00100999 = 35.9799 BTC [+] {2} 672529;1399865603;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.03334993 = 0.3335 BTC [+] {2} 672530;1399865663;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.03375 = 0.3375 BTC [+] {2} 672531;1399866554;dignork;a66c1991dd3f13fc12238d88c80795d1e54631be 672532;1399866662;dignork;with http://dpaste.com/28ARTRA/ and scowl wordlist 672533;1399866662;assbot;dpaste: 28ARTRA 672534;1399866704;BingoBoingo;http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2014/05/embattled-ceo-of-bitcoin-miner-firm-we-are-as-poor-as-church-mice/ 672535;1399866705;assbot;Embattled CEO of Bitcoin miner firm: We are as poor as church mice | Ars Technica 672536;1399867206;Duffer1;"now former" did they file for bankruptcy? 672537;1399867253;Duffer1;oh chips only - read first ask later 672538;1399867454;Duffer1;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idVozGXbn2Y 672539;1399867454;assbot;Peter Dinklage - Game of Thrones Song - YouTube 672540;1399868347;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1545 @ 0.00100414 = 1.5514 BTC [-] 672541;1399869018;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 97 @ 0.041 = 3.977 BTC [-] 672542;1399869896;bitcoinpete;;;later tell mircea_popescu ok, not half, "a good chunk." and maybe for next year you can get a bigger villa so you can actually host the conference in your backyard :D 672543;1399869896;gribble;The operation succeeded. 672544;1399871946;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.0715658 = 0.3578 BTC [-] {3} 672545;1399872373;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 16 @ 0.041 = 0.656 BTC [-] 672546;1399872678;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 30 @ 0.041 = 1.23 BTC [-] 672547;1399872679;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 26 @ 0.0301 = 0.7826 BTC [+] {3} 672548;1399873410;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.03449978 = 0.1725 BTC [+] 672549;1399874012;bitcoinpete;;;ticker 672550;1399874013;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 438.82, Best ask: 440.66, Bid-ask spread: 1.84000, Last trade: 440.66, 24 hour volume: 9542.60782802, 24 hour low: 429.6, 24 hour high: 455.5, 24 hour vwap: 439.272763824 672551;1399874033;bitcoinpete;.d 672552;1399874057;fluffypony;bitcoinpete: morns 672553;1399874081;bitcoinpete;fluffypony: howdy 672554;1399874092;fluffypony;isn't it deepest night there? 672555;1399874102;bitcoinpete;near midnight now 672556;1399874126;fluffypony;ah not so bad 672557;1399874127;bitcoinpete;what time do you have? 672558;1399874130;fluffypony;8am 672559;1399874180;fluffypony;on our way to Port Elizabeth to renew my wife's German passport, she's driving so I can work 672560;1399874211;bitcoinpete;how long is the drive? 672561;1399874231;fluffypony;but 3G Internet is not so stable on the trip 672562;1399874250;fluffypony;2.5 hours or so 672563;1399874355;bitcoinpete;what city are you in again? 672564;1399874375;fluffypony;Plettenberg Bay 672565;1399874404;fluffypony;Google image search basically tells you all you need to know 672566;1399874427;fluffypony;lots of beach, 1 eyesore of a hotel that was built in the 80s, small holiday town 672567;1399874476;BingoBoingo;;;diff 672568;1399874477;gribble;8.0008721359681635E9 672569;1399874491;fluffypony;BingoBoingo:) 672570;1399874511;fluffypony;BingoBoingo: how's the antibiotics course going? 672571;1399874518;BingoBoingo;not bad 672572;1399875850;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.03449978 = 0.1725 BTC [-] 672573;1399876521;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 39 @ 0.041 = 1.599 BTC [-] 672574;1399877459;bitcoinpete;;;rate jurov 1 mpex broker, coinbr.com 672575;1399877460;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user jurov has been recorded. 672576;1399877520;fluffypony;http://i.imgur.com/uVrIKqv.jpg 672577;1399877570;fluffypony;mircea_popescu in his youth? 672578;1399877619;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7550 @ 0.00100414 = 7.5813 BTC [-] 672579;1399877785;bitcoinpete;;;rate danielpbarron 1 priest 672580;1399877786;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user danielpbarron has been recorded. 672581;1399877852;bitcoinpete;fluffypony: somehow bananas are the fruit of badasses. dada life is all bananas and champagne 672582;1399877885;bitcoinpete;they're manly, but slightly exotic, my fav probably 672583;1399877937;bitcoinpete;;;rate fluffypony 1 rides shotgun 672584;1399877938;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user fluffypony has been recorded. 672585;1399878183;danielpbarron;lol 672586;1399878290;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 30 @ 0.041 = 1.23 BTC [-] 672587;1399878303;fluffypony;lol 672588;1399878324;fluffypony;;;rate bitcoinpete 1 bitcoinpete runs the best bitcoinpete blog of all bitcoinpete bloggers in the bitcoinpete world 672589;1399878324;gribble;Error: For identification purposes, you must be authenticated to use the rating system. 672590;1399878328;fluffypony;;;ident 672591;1399878328;gribble;Nick 'fluffypony', with hostmask 'fluffypony!~fluffypon@geartri.be', is not identified. 672592;1399878330;fluffypony;oh 672593;1399878359;bitcoinpete;;;later tell mircea_popescu when really it's beautyon quoting me that's making those cheeks so rosy ;) 672594;1399878359;gribble;The operation succeeded. 672595;1399878429;fluffypony;;;rate bitcoinpete 1 bitcoinpete runs the best bitcoinpete blog of all bitcoinpete bloggers in the bitcoinpete world 672596;1399878430;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user bitcoinpete has been recorded. 672597;1399878453;fluffypony;!up Vexual 672598;1399878462;Vexual;ty 672599;1399878470;fluffypony;np 672600;1399878478;bitcoinpete;;;later tell benkay now i have to make bitcoinpete into a megabrand. we're gonna sell garbage trucks, satellites, and pallets of bottled peri-air 672601;1399878479;gribble;The operation succeeded. 672602;1399878479;Vexual;whats new? 672603;1399878489;Vexual;hey petey 672604;1399878493;bitcoinpete;fluffypony: thx dude :D 672605;1399878499;bitcoinpete;hey Vexual 672606;1399878546;Vexual;ive been trying to do trilema university, but directional rain doesn't float 672607;1399878590;bitcoinpete;the only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time 672608;1399878771;Vexual;is elepjant eaten? 672609;1399878781;Vexual;fp? 672610;1399878799;fluffypony;I don't enjoy elephant that much 672611;1399878813;fluffypony;the hide is too chewy 672612;1399878857;Vexual;surely a man removes it 672613;1399878864;fluffypony;I'm kidding 672614;1399878868;fluffypony;:) 672615;1399878877;Vexual;have you eaten it? 672616;1399878884;fluffypony;not elephant, no 672617;1399878892;Vexual;does anyone? 672618;1399878894;fluffypony;crocodile is my favourite wild meat 672619;1399878905;Vexual;i like crocodile 672620;1399878908;fluffypony;I'm sure you can get elephant, but I can't imagine it's tasty 672621;1399878916;fluffypony;giraffe is ok, zebra tastes too gamey 672622;1399878938;Vexual;its like an excellent firm white fish 672623;1399878965;fluffypony;anyway getting back to what you were asking 672624;1399878970;fluffypony;I didn't get the directional rain doesn't float thing 672625;1399878979;fluffypony;plz explain like I don't understand what you're saying 672626;1399878982;Vexual;i was being silly 672627;1399879002;fluffypony;oh ok lol, thought it was something I had no clue about 672628;1399879010;fluffypony;I was like "must research directional rain + floating" 672629;1399879054;Vexual;sounds monsoonal 672630;1399879091;fluffypony;positively 672631;1399879097;Vexual;trying to decipher the criptogame mp posted 672632;1399879129;fluffypony;ah ok 672633;1399879173;Vexual;are you travelling? 672634;1399879184;fluffypony;mircea_popescu:fluffypony runs all the shitty altcoins i can't remember <- http://i.imgur.com/d3ogpbk.jpg 672635;1399879187;fluffypony;Vexual: yeah driving atm 672636;1399879190;fluffypony;well wife is driving 672637;1399879199;fluffypony;I'm catching up on logs 672638;1399879276;Vexual;then you should know two fourths of every other thing i say are silly 672639;1399879303;fluffypony;excellent :) 672640;1399879399;BingoBoingo;Vexual: It would have been better if you didn't warn him. 672641;1399879433;Vexual;does yor stereo bluetooth from your device? 672642;1399879460;Vexual;arent you in jail yet? 672643;1399879489;Vexual;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LetJHQ_V05o&feature=kp 672644;1399879489;assbot;Van Halen - Hot For Teacher (Music Video) - YouTube 672645;1399879623;Vexual;surely the pif shareholders would spring for a barrister 672646;1399879654;fluffypony;no but we may just spring for a barista 672647;1399879659;fluffypony;at least he'd have an enjoyable stay 672648;1399879842;Vexual;and for such a resourceful gent, a few weeks might only make him a better manager 672649;1399879932;bitcoinpete;cracked mp's cryptogame. quite fun :D 672650;1399879939;bitcoinpete;now, to sleep. g'night! 672651;1399880415;BingoBoingo;https://bitcointa.lk/threads/bitzuo-com-2-25-hour-for-72-hours-transaction-log-no-max-professional.308465/page-3#post-6238958 672652;1399880415;assbot;BitZuo.com | 2.25%/hour for 72 hours! | Transaction Log | No Max. | Professional | Page 3 | Bitcointa.lk 672653;1399880465;fluffypony;well if they say it's professional they must be right 672654;1399880640;BingoBoingo;!up Vexual 672655;1399881062;Vexual;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNw1ZPzqP9Q&feature=kp 672656;1399881062;assbot;David Bowie Young Americans - YouTube 672657;1399881074;BingoBoingo;%book 672658;1399881077;atcbot;60k@242 64k@240 56k@238 | 5k@220 4k@195 100k@195 672659;1399881102;fluffypony;"Write "cryptonote" backwards, from E to C: This question is a means of preventing automated form submissions by spambots." 672660;1399881102;fluffypony;wow 672661;1399881103;fluffypony;dat captcha 672662;1399881119;Vexual;how to atc diff? 672663;1399881143;Vexual;%d 672664;1399881154;BingoBoingo;%diff 672665;1399881156;atcbot;[ATC Diff] Current Diff: 455357.13 Est. Next Diff: 154580.75 in 1170 blocks (#32256) Est. % Change: -66.05 672666;1399881160;BingoBoingo;%help 672667;1399881160;atcbot;%t | %ticker | %book | %diff | %tx | %bal
| %mined | %block | %lb | %tslb | %cm | %ptp | %help | %h 672668;1399881170;BingoBoingo;%t 672669;1399881171;atcbot;[X-BT] Bid: 220 Ask: 238 Last Price: 225 24h-Vol: 116k High: 225 Low: 225 VWAP: 225 672670;1399881264;pankkake;fluffypony: it serves more as an intelligence filter, like bitbet's captcha 672671;1399881282;fluffypony;except for dyslexic people? 672672;1399881284;fluffypony;:-P 672673;1399881310;pankkake;well, anyone can do it, just takes more time 672674;1399881311;pankkake;%mined 672675;1399881312;atcbot;[ATC Mined] Current: 15915520 Total ATC (to be mined): 268435456 % Mined of Total: 5.93 672676;1399881889;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 32 @ 0.02866443 = 0.9173 BTC [-] {5} 672677;1399881907;Vexual;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cI1A405jBqg 672678;1399881907;assbot;Iggy Azalea - Bounce - YouTube 672679;1399882011;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 22 @ 0.041 = 0.902 BTC [-] 672680;1399882039;davout;ohai -assets 672681;1399882081;Vexual;hi 672682;1399882120;Vexual;!up and !out 672683;1399884642;cazalla;far from being the sharpest tool in the shed, can anyone provide a hint for this cryptograph, a compass rose and a train wreck in india is all i see 672684;1399885050;fluffypony;ohaaaai davout 672685;1399885051;fluffypony;cazalla: linkage? 672686;1399885061;davout;fluffypony: http://trilema.com/2014/cryptographs-revived/ 672687;1399885062;assbot;Cryptographs, revived. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 672688;1399885063;davout;yo 672689;1399885070;cazalla;fluffypony: http://trilema.com/2014/cryptographs-revived/ 672690;1399885071;assbot;Cryptographs, revived. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 672691;1399885074;fluffypony;ah ok 672692;1399885112;cazalla;is that a train wreck or just how indians pile onto a waiting train? 672693;1399885443;HeySteve;hello 672694;1399885457;HeySteve;surely a wreck, cazalla. a carriage has derailed 672695;1399886708;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23450 @ 0.00100468 = 23.5597 BTC [+] {2} 672696;1399887013;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2350 @ 0.00100705 = 2.3666 BTC [+] 672697;1399889270;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 100 @ 0.041 = 4.1 BTC [-] 672698;1399891100;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 5 @ 0.041 = 0.205 BTC [-] 672699;1399893896;mircea_popescu;ahhh good morning new world! 672700;1399893953;Naphex;morning 672701;1399893980;kakobrekla;morning 672702;1399894033;mircea_popescu;how goes ? 672703;1399894086;kakobrekla;alrighty 672704;1399894101;mircea_popescu;!jd mpif 672705;1399894101;assbot;Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 164.41455395 BTC; -0.02964936 BTC (-0.0180%) since last check 12h 30m 48s ago. 672706;1399894109;mircea_popescu;BOO 672707;1399894115;Naphex;spent whole weekend mounting new PC, PSU was a piece of shit, now waiting for a new PSU to arrive 672708;1399894118;Naphex;yay! 672709;1399894126;mircea_popescu;Naphex congrats, a winner is you :D 672710;1399894137;kakobrekla;get a seasonic 672711;1399894155;Naphex;bought a 1600W sirtec 672712;1399894167;kakobrekla;sir means cheese 672713;1399894183;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo re thge church mice article : finally, one of them coming out with teh truth. 672714;1399894206;Naphex;only one i could find in this country (within 3 day delivery) 672715;1399894212;Naphex;but hopefully it should carry 672716;1399894213;mircea_popescu;it's amusing, all the fucking pretense of "success" these people put up. from winklevoss and brock pierce all the way down, they all pretend like they got dough meanwhile can't pay for a cup of coffee in cash. 672717;1399894429;mircea_popescu;bitcoinpete: 672718;1399894429;mircea_popescu;;;later tell benkay now i have to make bitcoinpete into a megabrand. we're gonna sell garbage trucks, satellites, and pallets of bottled peri-air << is that air from the perineum ? 672719;1399894430;gribble;The operation succeeded. 672720;1399894437;mircea_popescu;ow shit. sorry b. 672721;1399894467;mircea_popescu;Vexual: ive been trying to do trilema university, but directional rain doesn't float << ahahaa what the f 672722;1399895187;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 5 @ 0.041 = 0.205 BTC [-] 672723;1399896825;jurov;markov chains at their best 672724;1399897156;jurov;http://live.coinbr.com/images/trrrrrr.jpg gonna write on it soon (and edit the pic, it's too awesome as is) 672725;1399897368;pankkake;http://www.tedunangst.com/flak/post/rethinking-two-factor-auth 672726;1399897369;assbot;rethinking two factor auth 672727;1399897409;mircea_popescu;jurov lol cool. 672728;1399897594;Naphex;anybody know any good charting libraries for android? 672729;1399897604;Naphex;that look good as well 672730;1399897605;Naphex;:p 672731;1399897627;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 6 @ 0.02863338 = 0.1718 BTC [-] {3} 672732;1399897688;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 5 @ 0.0425 = 0.2125 BTC [+] 672733;1399897810;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 5 @ 0.041 = 0.205 BTC [-] 672734;1399898425;mircea_popescu;;;later tell bravetheworld here you go : http://trilema.com/2014/the-idea-that-bitcoin-is-a-sovereign/ 672735;1399898426;assbot;The idea that Bitcoin is a sovereign… pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 672736;1399898426;gribble;The operation succeeded. 672737;1399898825;Naphex;User Aquisition Pie, https://i.imgur.com/8iO19j8.png - Looks like word of mouth still trumps everything :P 672738;1399899131;mircea_popescu;;) 672739;1399899153;mircea_popescu;the only people who don't know this or dispute it are the people for whom to worthy mouth would ever speak. 672740;1399899213;Naphex;also for a test, 500eur was place on AdWords 672741;1399899231;Naphex;managed to bring in 160 clicks, with 90% bouncerate, and 2 user registrations :o 672742;1399899231;mircea_popescu;s/to/no heh 672743;1399899241;mircea_popescu;Naphex sounds about right. 672744;1399899246;Naphex;the pie before was in the same timeframe 672745;1399899258;mircea_popescu;and yet somehow, on the strength of the utility of the adwords service, the world imagines google be worth billions. 672746;1399899261;Naphex;so in the same month, it didn't even do a 1% in sessions 672747;1399899496;Naphex;mircea_popescu: TV did nicely though 672748;1399899517;mircea_popescu;was it cheaper than 500 euros ? :D 672749;1399899557;Naphex;free 672750;1399899560;Naphex;bitcoin hype 672751;1399899562;Naphex;mircea_popescu: https://i.imgur.com/y9ywGcw.png 672752;1399899571;mircea_popescu;well free works. 672753;1399899580;Naphex;sessions for the last month, 29 apr was a re-run 672754;1399899587;Naphex;of a Antena3 report 672755;1399899725;mircea_popescu;cazalla evil huh. 672756;1399899758;mircea_popescu;and for what it's worth, bitcoinpete's solution didn't pass hash. 672757;1399900173;jurov;mircea_popescu: pls deposit 672758;1399900362;fluffypony;oh damn 672759;1399900367;Naphex;mircea_popescu: is the cryptograph a word or a phrase? 672760;1399900380;mircea_popescu;jurov on it. 672761;1399900387;mircea_popescu;Naphex unless otherwise specified, it's a word. 672762;1399900640;HeySteve;https://twitter.com/Wu_Tang_Finance/status/465565381646491648/photo/1/large 672763;1399900641;assbot;Wonder what kinda products these guys be offerin... http://t.co/vFjl3m9yZ6 672764;1399900713;mircea_popescu;mpex deposits flushed. 672765;1399900927;Naphex;mircea_popescu: all lowercase? 672766;1399900942;jurov;thanks 672767;1399900960;mircea_popescu;Naphex aye 672768;1399901043;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 6 @ 0.07258877 = 0.4355 BTC [+] {2} 672769;1399901441;mircea_popescu;o look at that, academi (ex blackwater) paid by usg to send 400 ppls to "punish" ukrainian separatists. 672770;1399901446;mircea_popescu;that should be interesting. 672771;1399901914;mircea_popescu;"It is almost as if someone (a quite wealthy and powerful someone) has material interests that diverge with those of the Obama administration, and hence converge with those of Putin. Alongside the emerging China-Russia axis, keeping tabs on just how close to Russia Germany is willing to get, is easily the most notable story in the entire Ukraine conflict." 672772;1399901915;mircea_popescu;word. 672773;1399902026;bounce;about time europe got off its usg fetish. though swapping it for a russia fetish is maybe not an improvement 672774;1399902103;mircea_popescu;bounce help an abused codependent wife to get out of her toxic relationship 672775;1399902120;mircea_popescu;finding her two eyars later with another abusive codependent husband 672776;1399902141;mircea_popescu;by and large, people deserve what they get and what they get is what they deserve. 672777;1399902202;bounce;people, yes. countries, maybe less so. harder to start your own and everything. 672778;1399902212;mircea_popescu;countries even more so, imo. 672779;1399902282;bounce;why that then? because you get less choice as a citizen, or what? 672780;1399902319;kakobrekla;https://i.imgur.com/psM88d2.jpg 672781;1399902328;mircea_popescu;bounce well, consider the problem theoretically. if f(x) tracks f(y) then is a sample of f(x)s more likely or less likely to match a sample of f(y) than the disparate elements ? 672782;1399902350;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla lmao what 672783;1399902372;kakobrekla;well, its hand made 672784;1399902416;mircea_popescu;oh lol 672785;1399902421;mircea_popescu;hnahaha 672786;1399902811;mircea_popescu;.d 672787;1399902833;kakobrekla;;;bc,stats 672788;1399902836;gribble;Current Blocks: 300379 | Current Difficulty: 8.0008721359681635E9 | Next Difficulty At Block: 300383 | Next Difficulty In: 4 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 37 minutes and 38 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 8859117869.54 | Estimated Percent Change: 10.7269 672789;1399902840;kakobrekla;http://radiostudent.si/sites/default/files/slike/2014-05-11-nedeljska-šlagerica-neće-slonče-u-lonče-27026.jpg 672790;1399902852;kakobrekla;"hey people, everything, everything." 672791;1399902909;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla lol what's it mean in slovenian ? 672792;1399902933;kakobrekla;its serbocroatian or whatever but direct translation is what i said 672793;1399902942;mircea_popescu;but i meant what's it supposed to mean 672794;1399902947;kakobrekla;no fuckin idea 672795;1399902983;mircea_popescu;well, topless brides in handcuffs is something i can get behind, 672796;1399902992;mircea_popescu;not so sure about planting celery in their vaginas tho 672797;1399902993;kakobrekla;just saw a tit and that reminded me of assets 672798;1399903001;kakobrekla;then i thought i might as well translate the caption, if someone asks. 672799;1399903107;mircea_popescu;hey nelly. 672800;1399903130;princessnell;heyo 672801;1399903210;kakobrekla;found it; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbXZvBmj1iw 672802;1399903210;assbot;EROS Hej ljudi svasta svasta - YouTube 672803;1399903234;mircea_popescu;ahahahaha it's a derp song ? 672804;1399903263;kakobrekla;its some troll song 672805;1399903274;mircea_popescu;wait, is the topless brunette ~singing~ as part of a strange softcore porn + music deal you people had going in the 70s ?! 672806;1399903285;mircea_popescu;fuck, i was in the wrong country. 672807;1399903296;kakobrekla;;) 672808;1399903338;mircea_popescu;well i don't understand jack shit out of this, except for vague bits making me think it's kinda lulzy. 672809;1399903352;mircea_popescu;is there a... turkish version anywhere ? portuguese ? something 672810;1399903360;mircea_popescu;i won't ask for english, but gimme something i can use 672811;1399903374;kakobrekla;i very much doubt it 672812;1399903403;kakobrekla;the singer is Milesa Lakić it seems 672813;1399903415;mircea_popescu;is that the gal in the pic ? 672814;1399903424;mircea_popescu;yesitis 672815;1399903440;kakobrekla;prolly 672816;1399903823;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDB7QXVIg50 672817;1399903824;assbot;Eros - Dusa iste seksiliste - YouTube 672818;1399903849;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07125715 = 0.1425 BTC [+] {2} 672819;1399903853;kakobrekla;lel 672820;1399903859;kakobrekla;told you they were trolls 672821;1399903871;mircea_popescu;i call this not trollage, 672822;1399903881;mircea_popescu;i call this proper expression. 672823;1399904221;punkman;http://lh6.ggpht.com/_XjNoPRvX7j4/TXUw6K3cfyI/AAAAAAAAATY/Basc6HQPm-4/s1600-h/DSC_0691%5B3%5D.jpg 672824;1399904221;assbot;DSC_0691[3].jpg (image) 672825;1399904253;fluffypony;lol 672826;1399904261;fluffypony;how would you even cut that 672827;1399904295;punkman;you just take a bite maybe 672828;1399904345;fluffypony;... 672829;1399904347;fluffypony;awkward... 672830;1399904361;punkman;http://lh4.ggpht.com/_XjNoPRvX7j4/TXUw--IT_nI/AAAAAAAAATw/nZDaV5_ql_0/s1600-h/DSC_0706%5B3%5D.jpg 672831;1399904361;assbot;DSC_0706[3].jpg (image) 672832;1399904361;mircea_popescu;looks like a fucking cactus 672833;1399904381;jurov;maybe it's filled with liquid cream.. no cuts then :) 672834;1399904392;Apocalyptic;.d 672835;1399904407;Apocalyptic;!up ozbot 672836;1399904467;Apocalyptic;!up ozbot 672837;1399904512;Apocalyptic;hum, something's up 672838;1399904579;kakobrekla;yeah, bitstamps ceil() on the fees. 672839;1399904581;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 7 @ 0.041 = 0.287 BTC [-] 672840;1399904823;punkman;http://saaaam.s3.amazonaws.com/starting_into_vacancy.txt 672841;1399904855;mircea_popescu;;;rate dignork 1 he cracked my hashes! 672842;1399904856;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user dignork has been recorded. 672843;1399904933;artifexd; how would you even cut that <- Lorena Bobbit may have some advice 672844;1399904954;mircea_popescu;;;google lorena mckennit 672845;1399904955;gribble;The Official Website of Loreena McKennitt - Quinlan Road: ; Loreena McKennitt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Lorena McKennitt - The Mystics Dream - YouTube: 672846;1399905031;punkman;fun stuff http://lav.io/2014/05/transform-any-text-into-a-patent-application/ 672847;1399905032;assbot;Transform any text into a patent application – Sam Lavigne 672848;1399905099;mircea_popescu;neat lol 672849;1399905227;mircea_popescu;awww left him a comment and i think it got et. 672850;1399905401;mircea_popescu;btw, http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/small-dick-issues.txt for people who love ancient texts. 672851;1399905418;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2012/nimeni-nu-poate-trola-cum-pot-trola-eu-cind-ma-apuc-de-trolat/ << and the romanian translation, for people whi like linguistic lolz. 672852;1399905419;assbot;Nimeni nu poate trola cum pot trola eu cind ma apuc de trolat. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 672853;1399906045;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.0296499 = 0.1482 BTC [+] {2} 672854;1399906106;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 25 @ 0.041 = 1.025 BTC [-] 672855;1399906115;fluffypony;lol 672856;1399906160;fluffypony;every German I know complains about the electricity prices, the weather, and the bureaucracy 672857;1399906247;mircea_popescu;every german i know complains about the fat (ie, waistless) german womenz 672858;1399906319;mircea_popescu;http://addl.es/bitcoin-foundation-members-resigning-over-brock-pierce-controversy-is-tbf-necessary/ 672859;1399906321;assbot;Bitcoin Foundation Members Resigning Over Brock Pierce Controversy Is TBF Necessary? | Bitcoin Market 672860;1399906322;mircea_popescu;ne1 know who this is ? 672861;1399906419;mircea_popescu;;;later tell heysteve you gordon hall ? 672862;1399906419;gribble;The operation succeeded. 672863;1399906673;bitcoinpete;mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/cryptographs-revived/#comment-99794 672864;1399906674;assbot;Cryptographs, revived. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 672865;1399906713;bitcoinpete;mircea_popescu: hash just the answer minus the salty confooshan and you'll see that i got it :D 672866;1399906744;bounce;"79% approval" when 30% abstained? uh. 672867;1399906744;mircea_popescu;well the idea is i don't do that, specifically to preserve the (meanwhile raped) secrecy of the actual answer. 672868;1399906765;mircea_popescu;bounce it's better researched in parts than the average fare published about bitcoin, 672869;1399906768;mircea_popescu;but yeah still some holes. 672870;1399906783;mircea_popescu;what's most concerning however is that the original article was, probably, http://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/news/will-bitcoin-end-federal-reserve-monopoly-video-thinks/2014/05/11 672871;1399906783;assbot;Will Bitcoin End the Federal Reserve Monopoly? This Video Thinks so » CryptoCoinsNews 672872;1399906791;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: re HeySteve, yes he is 672873;1399906801;mircea_popescu;yet they failed to ping me. what appears a lowly web scrapper (the addl.es thing) however did. 672874;1399906812;mircea_popescu;if they continue with this approach they will be owned by content thieves. 672875;1399906838;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 16 @ 0.00634987 = 0.1016 BTC [+] {2} 672876;1399906881;bounce;someone pledging $100k to remove a fresh elect. shoulda worked dem proxy votes beforehand, eh 672877;1399907112;bitcoinpete;mircea_popescu: now i'm confused as to which hash is which lol 672878;1399907174;bitcoinpete;and i don't completely see why publishing a hash of just the answer shouldn't work. is it that easy to reverse sha1? 672879;1399907290;Apocalyptic;probably not 672880;1399907320;mircea_popescu;bounce clueless process by clueless people. 672881;1399907331;mircea_popescu;bitcoinpete you have no idea. 672882;1399907340;mircea_popescu;look in the log bit linked from my comment on that article. 672883;1399907361;mircea_popescu;guy reversed sha1, salted sha1 and reversed sha1 within minutes. 672884;1399907384;Apocalyptic;the input must have been pretty short then 672885;1399907387;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23900 @ 0.00100705 = 24.0685 BTC [+] 672886;1399907389;bounce;vote by wot rating, there's an idea. though I'd make a separate votes tally, otherwise the biggest trader wins, which isn't quite what you'd want 672887;1399907416;bitcoinpete;Apocalyptic: 7 letters 672888;1399907446;Apocalyptic;yeah that's bruteforceable in a reasonable amount of time 672889;1399907451;bitcoinpete;mircea_popescu: til 672890;1399907452;bounce;though memory coin also has some sort of voting thing built-in 672891;1399907458;mircea_popescu;bounce except they specifically do not wish to involve the actual bitcoin powers, tools and mechanisms. 672892;1399907466;mircea_popescu;because their bid is to subvert, not to participate. 672893;1399907499;bounce;oh, not for this bunch, no. they just need to melt under their own ineptitude 672894;1399907514;mircea_popescu;right. well otherwise... obviously. 672895;1399907518;mircea_popescu;certainly. already. 672896;1399907937;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.07257745 = 0.2903 BTC [+] 672897;1399907938;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22400 @ 0.00100445 = 22.4997 BTC [-] {2} 672898;1399908058;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.07258874 = 0.2178 BTC [+] {2} 672899;1399908546;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 2 @ 0.06950156 = 0.139 BTC [-] {2} 672900;1399908607;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 9 @ 0.06012444 = 0.5411 BTC [-] {5} 672901;1399908668;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 2 @ 0.05980005 = 0.1196 BTC [-] {2} 672902;1399908729;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 3 @ 0.05901393 = 0.177 BTC [-] {2} 672903;1399908790;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 7 @ 0.05721572 = 0.4005 BTC [-] {3} 672904;1399909156;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 44 @ 0.03284323 = 1.4451 BTC [-] {8} 672905;1399909766;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 3 @ 0.05600706 = 0.168 BTC [-] {2} 672906;1399909827;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 3 @ 0.056 = 0.168 BTC [-] 672907;1399910267;kakobrekla;since i dont want to come out as a preferist ill paste this here too. http://shrani.si/f/1u/Rt/3i4fvDF8/pnceur-usd13-may-2014-01.png 672908;1399910315;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 31 @ 0.03229045 = 1.001 BTC [-] {6} 672909;1399910376;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 13 @ 0.03208057 = 0.417 BTC [-] {4} 672910;1399910377;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 7 @ 0.077 = 0.539 BTC [+] 672911;1399910436;kakobrekla;nothing exception there, just saving butts. 672912;1399910437;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 2.46520680 BTC to 8`680 shares, 28401 satoshi per share 672913;1399910498;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] [PAID] 21.30809800 BTC to 8`680 shares, 245485 satoshi per share 672914;1399910559;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 51 @ 0.02867367 = 1.4624 BTC [-] {18} 672915;1399910681;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 7 @ 0.07557142 = 0.529 BTC [-] {2} 672916;1399910864;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.0285 = 0.1425 BTC [-] 672917;1399911002;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla what's a preferist 672918;1399911115;kakobrekla;http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/preferist 672919;1399911115;assbot;preferist - Wiktionary 672920;1399911161;mircea_popescu;wow. today i've learned. 672921;1399911169;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 8 @ 0.07258878 = 0.5807 BTC [+] {2} 672922;1399911171;kakobrekla;:) 672923;1399911230;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 6 @ 0.02951666 = 0.1771 BTC [-] {4} 672924;1399911413;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.03 = 0.15 BTC [+] {5} 672925;1399911596;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.0305 = 0.1525 BTC [+] {4} 672926;1399911597;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20363 @ 0.00100418 = 20.4481 BTC [-] {3} 672927;1399911657;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.0286 = 0.1144 BTC [-] {2} 672928;1399911719;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 16 @ 0.07258878 = 1.1614 BTC [+] 672929;1399912024;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 34 @ 0.07258878 = 2.468 BTC [+] 672930;1399912047;HeySteve2;this is the article on the foundation: http://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/news/bitcoin-foundation-members-resigning-brock-pierce-controversy/2014/05/12 672931;1399912047;assbot;Bitcoin Foundation Members Resigning Over Brock Pierce Controversy - Is TBF Necessary? » CryptoCoinsNews 672932;1399912938;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 101 @ 0.00431601 = 0.4359 BTC [+] {3} 672933;1399913060;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 25 @ 0.041 = 1.025 BTC [-] 672934;1399913426;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 7 @ 0.03051428 = 0.2136 BTC [+] {3} 672935;1399913470;Naphex;http://pastebin.ro/cs5Lr0gO 672936;1399913470;assbot;The Shady History of Brock Pie - PasteBin.Ro - Primul instrument de lipire din Romania! 672937;1399914036;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] [PAID] 0.14699208 BTC to 8`556 shares, 1718 satoshi per share 672938;1399914402;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 25 @ 0.041 = 1.025 BTC [-] 672939;1399914569;benkay;https://twitter.com/randygdub/status/464169683428450305/photo/1 672940;1399914570;assbot;/fucktardtrole http://t.co/8t2LIXD9Ed 672941;1399914707;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 50 @ 0.05850606 = 2.9253 BTC [-] 672942;1399914961;mircea_popescu;HeySteve checked logs ? 672943;1399915016;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=12-05-2014#672858 specifically 672944;1399915017;assbot;#bitcoin-assets log 672945;1399915114;HeySteve;mircea_popescu: ;;later tell heysteve you gordon hall ? <- yes, that's me 672946;1399915127;benkay; anybody know any good charting libraries for android? // we're using shinobi controls for an ios thing 672947;1399915170;benkay; and for what it's worth, bitcoinpete's solution didn't pass hash. // you know bitcoinpete the hash is there so you don't have to derp in public :D 672948;1399915384;HeySteve;mircea_popescu, which service failed to ping you? I'm not very familiar with how RSS feeds work, although I remember it mentioned here that CCN has one 672949;1399915467;benkay;http://www.forbes.com/sites/perianneboring/2014/05/12/the-boring-bitcoin-report-may-5-11-a-not-so-boring-week-in-review/ 672950;1399915468;assbot;The Boring Bitcoin Report: May 5 - 11, A Not-So-Boring Week In Review - Forbes 672951;1399915481;benkay;splitting this little text across 3 pages is a scam, ms. boring. 672952;1399915526;benkay;ESPECIALLY WITH 100 CHARS ON THE LAST PAGE 672953;1399915530;benkay;kill them all. 672954;1399915953;punkman;benkay, gotta make those adcents 672955;1399916232;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 8 @ 0.041 = 0.328 BTC [-] 672956;1399916293;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 14 @ 0.07635 = 1.0689 BTC [+] 672957;1399916354;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 27 @ 0.041 = 1.107 BTC [-] 672958;1399916481;kakobrekla;;;t m s.mpoe 672959;1399916484;gribble;Error: This url is not on the whitelist. 672960;1399916488;kakobrekla;!t m s.mpoe 672961;1399916489;assbot;[MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00088136 / 0.00095969 / 0.00101 (272302 shares, 261.33 BTC), 7D: 0.00084554 / 0.0008779 / 0.00101 (6020628 shares, 5,285.56 BTC), 30D: 0.00083786 / 0.00093844 / 0.00101 (22474870 shares, 21,091.33 BTC) 672962;1399916494;*;kakobrekla doesnt know his own commands :\ 672963;1399916509;kakobrekla;also this thing, hits 1 again. 672964;1399916523;kakobrekla;what is this mike_c , u slackin 672965;1399916548;mike_c;what'd i do 672966;1399916557;mike_c;oh, mpoe :) 672967;1399916562;kakobrekla;write some shit about bitbet to raise the price ? 672968;1399916580;mike_c;i feel like i write about bitbet every month 672969;1399916589;kakobrekla;is true is true 672970;1399916594;kakobrekla;just not negative enough. 672971;1399916672;mircea_popescu;HeySteve your own blog didn't ping. some google spammer that scraped your content did. 672972;1399916693;mircea_popescu;if this happens regularly, people are likely to just allow their trackbacks, making them rank above you on your own content. 672973;1399916720;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.4621001 BTC [-] 672974;1399916721;HeySteve;ah thanks, I'll pass that on for sure 672975;1399916758;mircea_popescu;yeah. 672976;1399916784;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/theguilster/status/465908385196834816 672977;1399916785;assbot;Have a hot thought abt #Bitcoin Odds are, /Mircea_Popescu was on it yrs ago http://t.co/FXKdvM4cgp Viva la Disrupcin, hoy y por siempre! 672978;1399916793;mircea_popescu;oops i mean 672979;1399916813;mircea_popescu;"Quite an awkward paywall, though. Someone should tell them about Bitwall." 672980;1399916820;mircea_popescu;why is the world so fucken backwards ;/ 672981;1399916825;Apocalyptic;mircea, that Andrea chick seems to be quite fond of you 672982;1399916866;mircea_popescu;princessnell ? i thought she was fond of benkay 672983;1399916875;mircea_popescu;or no wait, benkay was found of her ? 672984;1399916882;Apocalyptic;oh so that's who she is 672985;1399916903;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.4621 BTC [-] 672986;1399916911;mircea_popescu;so i go to check the damned thing out. http://www.bitwall.io/ 672987;1399916912;assbot;Bitwall | The Network of Connected Paywalls 672988;1399916914;punkman;ms boring never came back, did she? 672989;1399916917;mircea_popescu;i click on a button, nothing fucking happens 672990;1399916937;mircea_popescu;because having yet another piece of shit bootstrap that doesn't work w/o js is exactly the opposite of awkward 672991;1399916946;mircea_popescu;;;seen bitcoingirl 672992;1399916947;gribble;bitcoingirl was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 week, 0 days, 3 hours, 26 minutes, and 10 seconds ago: Sunlot Holdings was formed for this very reason 672993;1399916958;mircea_popescu;hm i thought i saw her recently. 672994;1399917061;princessnell;mircea_popescu por que no los dos? 672995;1399917096;mircea_popescu;ay que fuerte, carinha 672996;1399917406;princessnell;Apocalyptic i am fond of many ideas. and often the people who propose them as well. 672997;1399917433;mircea_popescu;>[The complaint was filed June 11, 2007, and was sealed over three months later, on September 17, 2007. Until that time it had been publicly available. It was sealed with one sentence near the end of a "proposed order" granting a motion to strike certain portions of the complaint. The order was apparently written by attorneys for Brock Pierce and presented to the judge, who scratched out the word "proposed" and signed 672998;1399917433;mircea_popescu;the order without other modification. Although "proposed orders" are common in many situations, one does not typically request that documents be sealed by appending the request to another order in the Central District of California. This is at least partly because appending a request to seal to another order does not create a docket entry of an "Order to Seal" that the Clerk, journalists, and other interested parties c 672999;1399917434;mircea_popescu;an easily reference.]< 673000;1399917449;mircea_popescu;so the murdering piece naphex pasted earlier has a lot of dubious fare in it, but also some gems. 673001;1399917463;mircea_popescu;if anyone is into investigative journalism, how about finding these corrupt judges ? 673002;1399917500;mircea_popescu;there's little possible question that the pierce punk and his master escaped serious prosecution throiugh corruption. 673003;1399917514;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 2 @ 0.05850606 = 0.117 BTC [-] 673004;1399917516;mircea_popescu;but, who did they corrupt and how and when ? which cali judge took money from whom so they could walk ? 673005;1399917537;fluffypony;Apocalyptic: is your buy order 19499 still open? 673006;1399917539;fluffypony;oh 673007;1399917542;fluffypony;that was supposed to be in -otc 673008;1399917546;mircea_popescu;apparently the whole thing's quite amateur hour, so it shouldn't be THAT hard. 673009;1399917720;bounce;so, verdict, unlikely to be innocent, ducked out by greenback? 673010;1399917777;mircea_popescu;on a cursory examination of a moderate pile of documentary evidence, such is my best guess. 673011;1399917800;mircea_popescu;hardly a verdict. let's call it... a proposed verdict. 673012;1399917823;rithm;yay 673013;1399917827;bounce;can always strike out the "proposed" part later, eh 673014;1399917834;mircea_popescu;it's been known to occur. 673015;1399917873;rithm;i like to call him brock landers 673016;1399917881;rithm;where there is smoke there is fire? 673017;1399917941;rithm;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgYKYk4GryU 673018;1399917941;assbot;Brock Landers - Angels Live in My Town - YouTube 673019;1399917952;mircea_popescu;Lets be clear here: Brock Pierce considers his previous work with IGE to have been a positive contribution to virtual currencies as a whole and he holds the delusion that his work in the field was instrumental to paving the way for Bitcoin. He wishes to be The Godfather of Bitcoin... It means what you think it means, especially in Hollywood. 673020;1399917958;mircea_popescu;ahjahah what, no more jesus ? 673021;1399917964;mircea_popescu;is it because jesus hates punks ? 673022;1399917972;HeySteve;rithm, at the least, it is hard to believe that for two years he noticed nothing amiss in the conduct of his housemates in Spain 673023;1399918029;bounce;jesusfather? 673024;1399918037;mircea_popescu;never mind that part. he noticed nothing amiss in the conduct of ige ? srsly ? 673025;1399918045;rithm;i've read enough to make mircea looks like a saint 673026;1399918047;mircea_popescu;on account of being 12 and what is this cock in my mouth ? or what. 673027;1399918058;Naphex;haha 673028;1399918079;Naphex;that got me out of bed 673029;1399918084;mircea_popescu;rithm wait a second mr backhand jab. wtf would make me look less like a saint! 673030;1399918095;mircea_popescu;Naphex 12yos or cocks in your mouth ? :D 673031;1399918111;rithm;aww c'mon you know what i mean 673032;1399918122;rithm;everyone always gives you shit about the naked girls 673033;1399918132;rithm;this is way beyond that 673034;1399918172;mircea_popescu;o i thought you meant the niggers.txt 673035;1399918183;Naphex;mircea_popescu: i had no idea who the brock guy even was 673036;1399918183;rithm;nah nigger.txt totally O-K 673037;1399918193;mircea_popescu;Naphex ah. yeah. 673038;1399918194;Naphex;but disney actor huh? 673039;1399918208;mircea_popescu;kid actor, then part of a wow gold trading gang is what i knew. 673040;1399918208;rithm;more like abused child star 673041;1399918216;mircea_popescu;i had no idea he's rich, and i very much doubt he actually is. 673042;1399918241;mircea_popescu;kinda puts in a sore light the desperation of all these thought leaders in their own dreams, if that's what their godfather looks like. 673043;1399918371;mircea_popescu;Pierce also told BuzzFeed over the phone that he finds the resurfacing of those allegations frustrating. Its all old news, he said. << you know, that part is so fucking familiar. trilema is full of various exposed scammers, spammers, what have you. their absolutely universal first line response ? "o that stuff is old news". 673044;1399918374;mircea_popescu;as if lol. 673045;1399918382;mircea_popescu;as if fraud ages. 673046;1399918428;mircea_popescu;"Im not even gay.< ok, gets even better, we don't even need an investigative journalist anymore. any hot twinks with a desire to majorly troll want to go hit on pierce and report the results ? 673047;1399918433;mircea_popescu;preferably on a video blog lol. 673048;1399918436;fluffypony;lol 673049;1399918463;mircea_popescu;>Pierce called Egan a pathological liar and told BuzzFeed that he has charter flight records that prove that Singer and the other defendants were never in Hawaii with Egan, as the lawsuit alleges. He said that he could not immediately release those records.< 673050;1399918468;rithm;could probably do the video shoot back at his place 673051;1399918469;mircea_popescu;o god, i hope he ipos something on the forum. 673052;1399918472;rithm;for better lighting 673053;1399918474;mircea_popescu;usagi will be vindicated. 673054;1399918524;fluffypony;[ANN] Bitcoin Foundation 2.0 IPO 673055;1399918526;fluffypony;that would be great 673056;1399918543;*;rithm shorts 673057;1399918556;Naphex;most of the stuff is true(tm) 673058;1399918559;mircea_popescu;"What kind of allegedly heterosexual man spends endless nights with two older men, guns, and drugs?" << why mix all that stupid shit in there i wonder ? 673059;1399918574;mircea_popescu;i'm perfectly heterosexual, i've spent many nights with dozens of older men, armed to the teeth. 673060;1399918579;mircea_popescu;what of it. 673061;1399918585;Naphex;guy had lots of poo history on archive.org 673062;1399918612;mircea_popescu;"What kind of man ruins the online lives of underage boys with RMT" come on. 673063;1399918619;mircea_popescu;Naphex who wrote that thing anyway ? 673064;1399918638;Naphex;dunno, probably some anon doxer 673065;1399918754;mircea_popescu;!up evilgenius 673066;1399918772;HeySteve;possibly Phineas Gage, but no desire to confirm that 673067;1399918796;Naphex;most of it is old drama 673068;1399918800;mircea_popescu;4FCE0A74 673069;1399918808;Naphex;from his rmt days 673070;1399918855;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3864 @ 0.00099757 = 3.8546 BTC [-] 673071;1399919255;bounce;so this beyond the guy being likely shady and probably corrupt, there's also a bunch of would-be character assassins busily doing their thing? 673072;1399919268;bounce;why now and not before he got elected? 673073;1399919396;Naphex;someone put btc on it 673074;1399919421;Naphex;after the cp story with the raid in spain 673075;1399919455;Naphex;got linked on reddit 673076;1399919465;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.07344 = 0.2203 BTC [-] {2} 673077;1399919627;Naphex;the main theme is anti foundation 673078;1399919641;Naphex;so thats why after election 673079;1399919649;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.041 = 0.123 BTC [-] 673080;1399919651;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4000 @ 0.00099757 = 3.9903 BTC [-] 673081;1399920034;HeySteve;Naphex, to be fair, the foundation really screwed the pooch this time 673082;1399920319;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.07259212 = 0.2178 BTC [-] {2} 673083;1399920380;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 12 @ 0.07258877 = 0.8711 BTC [-] {2} 673084;1399920807;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23050 @ 0.00099635 = 22.9659 BTC [-] 673085;1399921154;mircea_popescu;bounce i dun think the guy is "corrupt", what the hell that is. i think he's clueless and incompetent, which is much worse than any corruption. 673086;1399921172;mircea_popescu;and as to why now rather than earlier : nobody gives a shit about the foundation. nobod yreads what they do. nobody cares. 673087;1399921185;mircea_popescu;the only moment anyone pays any attention is when they majorly fuck up, because we can all just lol and move on. 673088;1399921189;mircea_popescu;so... we're atm lolling. 673089;1399921336;mircea_popescu;anyway, apparently the two bit idiot character still exists and still posts. notwithstanding that nobody reads that pulp, either. now get a load of this : 673090;1399921339;mircea_popescu;"I didnt want to touch this story with a ten-foot pole because 1) Ive met and have had only positive experiences with Pierce, 2) he is one of the most well-connected and important early investors in the Bitcoin industry, and 3) even if I hated him and he was a nobody, Im still licking my wounds from the Gox and BTC Foundation battles I waged in February/March. The last thing I want to do is comment on a new p 673091;1399921339;mircea_popescu;otential scandal. " 673092;1399921368;mircea_popescu;amusing as 3) is, considering how utterly trampled he got for all the pompous bullshit he was trying to pass back then, 673093;1399921381;mircea_popescu;he's here trying to establish a noob as "early investor" ? orly ? gtfo. 673094;1399921394;bounce;"corrupt" in the sense it looks like he bribed his way out of the allegations 673095;1399921439;mircea_popescu;bounce that'd be a problem for the judge taking the bribe. i see no problem for him in that. 673096;1399921448;mircea_popescu;the problem is that he apparently did a shitty job of it. 673097;1399921570;mircea_popescu;"After all, this is a dude with a lot of industry exposure and investments as it is. He could basically build a closed-loop bitcoin ecosystem himself via his roles as both investor (BitAngels, LA Bitcoin Accelerator) and executive at companies ranging from mining (KNCMiner), ATM hardware (Robocoin), payment processing (GoCoin), consumer wallet (ExpressCoin), and bitcoin exchange (Mt. Gox?). " 673098;1399921573;mircea_popescu;this i hope happens. 673099;1399921578;mircea_popescu;!up locksley 673100;1399921584;mircea_popescu;should be entertaining to watch it burn 673101;1399921638;mircea_popescu;!up ziggamon 673102;1399921642;bounce;a closed loop ScamCoin infrastructure, why not 673103;1399921722;mircea_popescu;ah, it'd be a grand thing to watch unravel. 673104;1399921738;bounce;somebody sell this idea to him 673105;1399921743;mircea_popescu;hey, any fiat fucktards with delusions of being "investors" and "relevant" and "in bitcoin" ? pls to give the guy some money ? 673106;1399921751;bounce;(for a lot of bitcoin) 673107;1399921753;mircea_popescu;pmarca you listening ? 100mn ? plz ? 673108;1399921851;mircea_popescu;ahahaha the byrne fuckwit is actually a blockchain "bitcoin legal expert" pick of the month club ? 673109;1399921870;mircea_popescu;dude what a loser list ahahaha. epic. 673110;1399921886;mircea_popescu;ok, i am well entertained. tys go to the pretender's club. well done sirs. 673111;1399921982;Apocalyptic;"Andreas Antonopolis, whom many consider to be the authority on everything bitcoin, explained" 673112;1399921984;Apocalyptic;my sides... 673113;1399922026;bounce;who how now? 673114;1399922044;bounce;really should write all these names down along with what they're on about now 673115;1399922071;mircea_popescu;;;google log.bitcoin-assets.com preston byrne 673116;1399922072;gribble;In which we teach basic reading comprehension to a certain Mr ...: ; Research | Adam Smith Institute: ; Law is not scary | Preston Byrne: 673117;1399922091;mircea_popescu;guy can't fucking read, i have no idea how he managed to pass the bar exam, he's the foundation's expert on things. 673118;1399922117;mircea_popescu;such setting oneself up to fail has not been seen since the days mtgox was running on the lagengine. 673119;1399922159;mircea_popescu;" Why inappropriately smear one of the few credible dudes that actually stepped up to run and lets face it, the pickings were slim without any real proof of wrongdoing, and why bitch about it only after the fact?" 673120;1399922164;mircea_popescu;because you were set up, that's why. 673121;1399922175;mircea_popescu;because your ass is being owned, by other people, other places. 673122;1399922176;mircea_popescu;that's why. 673123;1399922182;mircea_popescu;herpy-derp and a bottle of rum. 673124;1399922208;fluffypony;Learn BTC: From Antonopolis to ZeroCoin! 673125;1399922216;fluffypony;(new book I'm going to write) 673126;1399922253;Apocalyptic;bounce an old article at https://kwhs.wharton.upenn.edu/2014/02/new-kind-money-bitcoin-basics-amidst-week-mt-gox-mayhem/ 673127;1399922255;assbot;A New Kind of Money: Bitcoin Basics Amidst a Week of Mt. Gox Mayhem » Knowledge@Wharton High School 673128;1399922271;Apocalyptic;someone directed me to it to prove "he's serious about crypto" (in #bitcoin) 673129;1399922281;Apocalyptic;because his name is mentionned... 673130;1399922308;Apocalyptic;(besides they managed to get Andreas' name wrong, which indicates it's a very serious article) 673131;1399922340;mircea_popescu;kwhs.wharton is some blog of a campus radio of u penn ? 673132;1399922349;bounce;wait what, wharton high school? so that's a 10 y/o's take on bitcoin? 673133;1399922352;Apocalyptic;looks like it 673134;1399922356;Apocalyptic;15 yo 673135;1399922371;bounce;oh, that's alright then. probably moar SMRT than the rest of them together, eh 673136;1399922387;Apocalyptic;yeah, he's even complaining peope his age are dumb ! 673137;1399922397;mircea_popescu;well people his age ARE dumb. 673138;1399922403;Apocalyptic;the next Anton is here, i'm telling you 673139;1399922446;mircea_popescu;;;later tell bitcoingirl http://abitcoingirl.tumblr.com/ that yours ? or a contender appears ? 673140;1399922447;assbot;aBitcoinGirl's Newsroom 673141;1399922447;gribble;The operation succeeded. 673142;1399922463;fluffypony;a wild bitcoingirl appears? 673143;1399922464;bounce;n'mind that it's the age you think everything is dumb (even if you're mostly right thinking that. there's always that you're 15 y/o too, dumbass) 673144;1399922507;mircea_popescu;bounce fudster 673145;1399922531;mircea_popescu;meanwhile on my twitter feed : "@MichellePhan 35m Transform your face with only two products: http://" 673146;1399922548;mircea_popescu;dude... marketing on social media is its own parody by now 673147;1399922637;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 602 @ 0.041 = 24.682 BTC [-] 673148;1399922673;kakobrekla;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=606385.msg6691847#msg6691847 673149;1399922673;assbot;Kraken - 6 months and still cannot get my money 673150;1399922680;kakobrekla;ok how does this not sound like mtgox 673151;1399922755;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: RE - Pierce. Why not have the Gay NFL player hit on him? 673152;1399923064;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 21 @ 0.06952428 = 1.46 BTC [-] {3} 673153;1399923092;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo cuz i don't know any nfl players ? 673154;1399923110;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla well because jeb mccaleb is on the foundation board wait 673155;1399923113;mircea_popescu;that part is the same. 673156;1399923118;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: I guess we'll have to send the Mr. Klye twink on him 673157;1399923120;mircea_popescu;because jeb mccaleb was not involved with mtgox 673158;1399923122;mircea_popescu;wait, he was. 673159;1399923129;Apocalyptic;"and for some reason the ticket was marked as solved without any response" 673160;1399923132;Apocalyptic;gold 673161;1399923132;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo lmao 673162;1399923140;mircea_popescu;Apocalyptic hey, that sounds just like mtgox 673163;1399923186;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 3 @ 0.069 = 0.207 BTC [-] 673164;1399923239;davout;"I'm running for the Texas State Legislature. I support LGBT rights, pot, and net-neutrality and oppose the NSA and TSA. I also happen to be a long-time Bitcoin enthusiast. I'd love your support." 673165;1399923315;davout;the guy opposes the TSA 673166;1399923331;mircea_popescu;sounds perfect. got a name ? 673167;1399923343;davout;http://www.ludlow2014.com/ 673168;1399923344;assbot;Kevin Ludlow for the Texas State House of Representatives District 46 673169;1399923348;mircea_popescu;o ludlow yea. 673170;1399923461;mircea_popescu;davout https://blockchain.info/tx/1838de8d5b227cdbd6d42170487d82f3ebce42e8969a48749a55ad1474ac13e3 673171;1399923461;assbot;Bitcoin Transaction 1838de8d5b227cdbd6d42170487d82f3ebce42e8969a48749a55ad1474ac13e3 673172;1399923482;mircea_popescu;thus begins your career as a ... texas legislature political promoter ? 673173;1399923484;mircea_popescu;mazel tov. 673174;1399923580;davout;his thing just sounds like some AI parsed the front page of reddit and posted the thing that sounded the most appropriate thing given the context, on /r/bitcoin 673175;1399923721;mircea_popescu;not ai in any sense. 673176;1399923722;mircea_popescu;some girly. 673177;1399923732;mircea_popescu;we should encourage girlies that emulate good ai. 673178;1399923854;fluffypony;I like this guy 673179;1399923854;davout;guess i could find some use for it 673180;1399923883;fluffypony;davout: so I shouldn't donate? 673181;1399923884;davout;got baldur's gate 2, i'm sure i'll find a couple of boring quests to delegate 673182;1399923900;davout;fluffypony: donate ? 673183;1399923916;mircea_popescu;fluffypony if you like him why not. 673184;1399923922;davout;also what's wrong with this brock pierce guy? 673185;1399923926;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: agreed 673186;1399923936;davout;he's into highschoolers, so what XD 673187;1399923942;fluffypony;davout: I blame you - 9da268e6229fd4bac08d3df763298eaaef0b3f1f7d8aa82e4210bbb3e20172cf 673188;1399923952;mircea_popescu;davout he apparently sucks at both running businesses and corrupting the establishment. 673189;1399923962;mircea_popescu;neither of these recommend one for a responsibility position in btc 673190;1399923986;mircea_popescu;fluffypony guy's donations just went up 1500% after a casual mention here, 673191;1399923991;davout;wat, i'm confused 673192;1399924003;mircea_popescu;in spite of taking the time to do a full blown ama on reddit + w/e woirk the girlies put into it. 673193;1399924014;mircea_popescu;davout tis in the log you know. jus' read it! 673194;1399924035;kakobrekla;it went up by 50% really 673195;1399924045;davout;you referring to the ludlow guy nao amirite 673196;1399924071;davout;yea, i was reading it earlier, but there's like a ton, anyway 673197;1399924076;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla nah, it was like 12 bitcents post-reddit 673198;1399924078;Apocalyptic; it went up by 50% really // do you even math ? 673199;1399924087;kakobrekla;https://blockchain.info/address/1PJN8Y2iiNEUE9HxAXJuF6AwDps9yENBTi 673200;1399924087;assbot;Bitcoin Address 1PJN8Y2iiNEUE9HxAXJuF6AwDps9yENBTi 673201;1399924088;mircea_popescu;Apocalyptic now you know why bitbet is in such a shape :D 673202;1399924089;kakobrekla;1 btc before 673203;1399924092;kakobrekla;1.5 btc nao 673204;1399924094;Apocalyptic;no 673205;1399924096;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla before what dood. 673206;1399924100;Apocalyptic;mircea donated 1 btc 673207;1399924106;kakobrekla;a 673208;1399924113;kakobrekla;ok then 673209;1399924115;Apocalyptic;mircea, yeah I do now 673210;1399924122;mircea_popescu;now give him a bitcent for your slander. 673211;1399924162;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 2 @ 0.069 = 0.138 BTC [-] 673212;1399924875;kakobrekla;actually i charge for that since recently. 673213;1399925076;kakobrekla;FFA model did not work out well so im trying the PPS 673214;1399925380;fluffypony;http://i.imgur.com/eDWkh.jpg <- see, iPhones *are* useful 673215;1399925637;davout;fluffypony: LOL 673216;1399925682;fluffypony;:) 673217;1399926344;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla lol so i guess you can send the guy a bill 673218;1399926373;mircea_popescu;ffa = future farmers association ? 673219;1399926412;kakobrekla;Free For All and Pay Per Slander 673220;1399926440;kakobrekla;also it was not a real slander, then i would say "he will prolly have to return those coins like Mark Clear did" 673221;1399926456;fluffypony;dat slander 673222;1399926601;kakobrekla;because terrorists. 673223;1399926668;fluffypony;and pedos 673224;1399926674;fluffypony;think of the pedos! 673225;1399926724;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9237 @ 0.00100068 = 9.2433 BTC [+] 673226;1399926968;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 4 @ 0.041 = 0.164 BTC [-] 673227;1399927029;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 95 @ 0.0043 = 0.4085 BTC [-] {2} 673228;1399927090;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 100 @ 0.05850606 = 5.8506 BTC [-] 673229;1399927119;bounce;fake slander. such letdown 673230;1399928036;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla you have a point tho, iu don't think davout is registered as a texas political promoter 673231;1399928048;mircea_popescu;he'll prolly be extradited nao, like that other frenchman whose name sounds with d 673232;1399928051;mircea_popescu;what was it 673233;1399928056;mircea_popescu;dreyfuss ? 673234;1399928151;davout;dreyfus wasn't french, he was a jew 673235;1399928162;davout;A JEW YOU HEAR 673236;1399928210;bounce;such accusing 673237;1399928240;fluffypony;mircea_popescu - you haven't seen any of the Borat stuff, right? 673238;1399928284;mircea_popescu;of course i have ? 673239;1399928290;fluffypony;oh weird, I thought you hadn't 673240;1399928298;fluffypony;OH it was the Dictator stuff 673241;1399928305;fluffypony;the HIV Aladeen thing 673242;1399928306;mircea_popescu;i saw his early stuff. ali-g 673243;1399928311;mircea_popescu;didn't care so much about the later stuff. 673244;1399928323;fluffypony;this is my favourite Borat bit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vb3IMTJjzfo 673245;1399928324;assbot;Borat - Throw the Jew Down the Well!! - YouTube 673246;1399928327;davout;the best thing with borat, was watching it in the us, the people i went to see it with didn't find it that funny XD 673247;1399928330;mircea_popescu;kinda watered down sameness imo 673248;1399928354;fluffypony;davout: maybe they finally realised they were the object of mockery 673249;1399928371;bounce;americans and getting mocked? say it ain't so! 673250;1399928405;mircea_popescu;http://i.imgur.com/7qWo8HX.png :D 673251;1399928425;mircea_popescu;davout i srsly didn't think it was dat funny. 673252;1399928448;fluffypony;LOL 673253;1399928459;mircea_popescu;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DduAbLpZDHg say 673254;1399928459;assbot;ali g dangerous Drugs - YouTube 673255;1399928461;fluffypony;dude's going to wake up and be like "wtf happened" 673256;1399928469;davout;fluffypony: "you must grab him by his horns" <<< lmao 673257;1399928474;bounce;scale fscked 673258;1399928487;fluffypony;davout: then we have a big party! 673259;1399928503;davout;"you must grab him by his money" 673260;1399928566;davout;mircea_popescu: yea we know, you're all like sophisticated louis de funes shit nobody knows 673261;1399928583;mircea_popescu;hm. 673262;1399928685;davout;bruno i found absolutely not funny 673263;1399928699;fluffypony;bruno was a waste of time 673264;1399928702;davout;but borat made me laugh 673265;1399928712;fluffypony;some of the bruno segments on Ali G were funny, the early stuff 673266;1399928730;fluffypony;but the movie was just milking a minor character that wasn't hilarious to begin with 673267;1399928859;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 88 @ 0.02724596 = 2.3976 BTC [-] {12} 673268;1399929103;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 40 @ 0.041 = 1.64 BTC [-] 673269;1399929652;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 41 @ 0.02933695 = 1.2028 BTC [+] {3} 673270;1399929957;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.02911 = 0.1456 BTC [-] 673271;1399930080;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.072 = 0.72 BTC [-] 673272;1399930081;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 15 @ 0.02932329 = 0.4398 BTC [+] 673273;1399930140;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 9 @ 0.041 = 0.369 BTC [-] 673274;1399930664;fluffypony;ok bed timez, cheers 673275;1399933617;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.4792 BTC [+] 673276;1399933678;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.041 = 0.123 BTC [-] 673277;1399933861;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 49 @ 0.0043 = 0.2107 BTC [-] 673278;1399934105;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.02997777 = 0.1499 BTC [+] {5} 673279;1399934122;benkay;http://blog.dolarblue.net/2014/05/se-desploma-la-venta-de-maquinaria.html 673280;1399934123;assbot;Dolar Blue: Se desploma la venta de maquinaria agrcola: cay 38% en el primer trimestre 673281;1399934166;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 114 @ 0.00300004 = 0.342 BTC [-] {3} 673282;1399934532;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 50 @ 0.003 = 0.15 BTC [-] 673283;1399934829;jurov;mircea_popescu: withdrawals pls 673284;1399934863;jurov;customers always move money from/to coinbr in unoptimizable patterns 673285;1399935325;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 299 @ 0.00084999 = 0.2541 BTC [-] 673286;1399935386;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 200 @ 0.00085 = 0.17 BTC [+] 673287;1399935390;benkay;!up go1111111 673288;1399936240;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 73 @ 0.46023287 = 33.597 BTC [-] {9} 673289;1399936452;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/what-sound-does-a-nuclear-detonation-make-if-theres-no-nuclear-scientist-there-to-hear-it/ 673290;1399936453;assbot;What sound does a nuclear detonation make, if there’s no nuclear scientist there to hear it ? pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 673291;1399936457;mircea_popescu;dignork check that out, you're famous now. 673292;1399936553;dignork;:) 673293;1399936573;thestringpuller;is the cryptogram in romanian? the newest one? 673294;1399936576;mircea_popescu;nope 673295;1399936584;mircea_popescu;ima do them in english from now on. 673296;1399936593;thestringpuller;engrish hooowaaay 673297;1399936607;thestringpuller;i'ma take another crack at it :P 673298;1399936628;mircea_popescu;;;google Viva la Disrupcin, hoy y por siempre! 673299;1399936629;gribble;No matches found. 673300;1399936631;mircea_popescu;orly. 673301;1399936667;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16389 @ 0.00100179 = 16.4183 BTC [+] 673302;1399936972;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 6 @ 0.0279998 = 0.168 BTC [+] 673303;1399937116;mircea_popescu;2012 Dukes won re-election to the Texas House of Representatives in 2012. During that election cycle, Dukes raised a total of $103,680. 673304;1399937127;mircea_popescu;dude even local elections have become expensive meanwhile. 673305;1399937136;mircea_popescu;(that's the chick the ludlow guy's running against) 673306;1399937172;mircea_popescu;Texas Association Of Realtors$2,500 ; Chickasaw Nation$2,500 ; Austin Police Association$3,500 ; Texas Legislative Black Caucus$5,435 673307;1399937183;mircea_popescu;bitcoin will possibly make the top contributors list for the guy. 673308;1399937216;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 1 @ 0.13333331 BTC [+] 673309;1399937271;thestringpuller;hard puzzle 673310;1399937277;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 9 @ 0.1333333 = 1.2 BTC [-] 673311;1399937278;thestringpuller;unless i'm getting the words right but hashing wrong XD 673312;1399937299;mircea_popescu;it's kind-of hard. not terrible. 673313;1399937399;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 1 @ 0.1333333 BTC [-] 673314;1399937402;thestringpuller;i'm on my like 9000th try 673315;1399937460;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 4 @ 0.1305 = 0.522 BTC [-] 673316;1399937521;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.47999889 BTC [+] 673317;1399937522;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 10 @ 0.12881754 = 1.2882 BTC [-] {2} 673318;1399938568;mircea_popescu;deposits flushed. jurov 673319;1399938863;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 15 @ 0.02740004 = 0.411 BTC [-] {3} 673320;1399940024;mike_c;JD has processed over 1B bets.. impressive. average wager is 0.00445 BTC. not as impressive. 673321;1399940061;mircea_popescu;it is imprtessive 673322;1399940074;mike_c;not for the bettors. 673323;1399940083;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 13 @ 0.02669323 = 0.347 BTC [-] {3} 673324;1399940090;mircea_popescu;!jd mpif 673325;1399940090;assbot;Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 164.36615133 BTC; -0.04840262 BTC (-0.0294%) since last check 12h 46m 29s ago. 673326;1399940201;mike_c;but what a machine. the site has great uptime, just cranks along day and night. 673327;1399940233;mircea_popescu;yeah dooglus is doing a great job keeping it online. 673328;1399940242;mircea_popescu;;;later tell thickasthieves i've invited you. 673329;1399940242;gribble;The operation succeeded. 673330;1399940693;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.07500886 = 0.225 BTC [-] 673331;1399941115;mike_c;oops. such hax. https://www.dogevault.com/ 673332;1399941115;assbot;Free online Dogecoin Web Wallet | Doge Vault 673333;1399941185;mike_c;http://www.dailydot.com/crime/dogevault-hack-theft-shut-down/ 673334;1399941185;assbot;Popular Dogecoin wallet Dogevault goes down, sparks theft rumors 673335;1399941426;mircea_popescu;ouch 673336;1399941437;mircea_popescu;was this like the only thing to do with dogecoin ? 673337;1399941467;mike_c;dunno, i was derping around, googled 'dogecoin wallet' and that was the first hit on google. 673338;1399941470;mircea_popescu;(outside of donating it to whatever doge-core-scammers indicate, in the faint but doomed hope that it will generate "hype" making it somehow valuable ? 673339;1399941485;mike_c;i mean, the only thing i know of to do with DC is bet it on doge-dice 673340;1399941569;mike_c;doge-dice is interesting only in that it is basically a reboot of JD's history, and it is tracking very close to EV. it's actually a hair above. 673341;1399942059;mircea_popescu;interesting 673342;1399942096;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16336 @ 0.00100177 = 16.3649 BTC [-] {2} 673343;1399942146;mircea_popescu;"Email support@dogevault.com for any enquiries." 673344;1399942149;mircea_popescu;and esquiries. 673345;1399942162;mircea_popescu;this is how i know i'm on planet earth btw : inquiries, enquiries and effects, affects. 673346;1399942183;TheNewDeal;i would like to ensquire 673347;1399942297;mike_c;that email is now piped straight to /dev/null 673348;1399942353;mike_c;!up Mats_cd03 673349;1399942557;Mats_cd03;https://soundcloud.com/viceroymusic/viceroy-french-horn-rebellion 673350;1399942558;assbot;Viceroy & French Horn Rebellion - Friday Nights by VICEROY on SoundCloud - Hear the worlds sounds 673351;1399942669;TheNewDeal;straight to the music 673352;1399942670;TheNewDeal;love it 673353;1399942691;Mats_cd03;http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/05/12/us-russia-gazprom-ukraine-idUSBREA4B04K20140512 "Moscow says Kiev owes it $3.51 billion for gas, and has told 673354;1399942691;assbot;Russia ready for gas talks with Kiev only if it pays debt| Reuters 673355;1399942691;Mats_cd03;Ukraine it must pay in advance for its gas from June." lol this is going to be a hot summer 673356;1399942706;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26350 @ 0.00100137 = 26.3861 BTC [-] 673357;1399942714;Apocalyptic;ironically it will be most needed a couple of months later 673358;1399942741;TheNewDeal;wowza,trading above .001 673359;1399942779;mike_c;monthly sale is over 673360;1399942808;TheNewDeal;monthly sale? 673361;1399942828;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9641 @ 0.00100856 = 9.7235 BTC [+] {2} 673362;1399942834;mike_c;s.mpoe seems to dip pretty regularly and then climb right back up. 673363;1399942863;Mats_cd03;it defeats understanding 673364;1399942929;mircea_popescu;Mats_cd03 wait till the winter. 673365;1399942949;mircea_popescu;o wow over 1 again huh 673366;1399942974;Mats_cd03;yeah 'hot' isnt a good descriptor for what i meant 673367;1399942979;mike_c;yeah, popped yesterday. not on huge trading either, all the sellers just disappeared. 673368;1399942982;mircea_popescu;so is the us going to airlift natural gas into west kiev ? 673369;1399943030;mircea_popescu;mike_c was this brock pierce day ?! 673370;1399943050;mike_c;lol. why do i get this grief? i explicitly said i don't understand it! 673371;1399943109;mike_c;if i understood s.mpoe i'd be sippin mai tais 673372;1399943123;mike_c;well, not really, but you know. 673373;1399943136;mircea_popescu;mike_c awww i was just asking 673374;1399943138;mircea_popescu;no grief intended 673375;1399943148;Mats_cd03;http://www.deptofnumbers.com pretty good data analysis 673376;1399943148;assbot;Department of Numbers 673377;1399943194;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 3 @ 0.05816733 = 0.1745 BTC [-] {3} 673378;1399943224;mike_c;Mats_cd03: this mix is taking me back to college. 673379;1399943355;Mats_cd03;im consuming hash oil and playing loud electronic music 673380;1399943369;Mats_cd03;for the next few hours im going to pretend im still in college 673381;1399943412;TheNewDeal;change it to some dub/reggae and ill join in 673382;1399943464;Mats_cd03;https://soundcloud.com/iknowbitfunk/1nce-again-bit-funk-remix 673383;1399943465;assbot;A Tribe Called Quest - 1nce Again (Bit Funk Remix) by Bit Funk on SoundCloud - Hear the worlds sounds 673384;1399943473;Mats_cd03;im not a reggae fan 673385;1399943583;TheNewDeal;so let me get this straight. Using my own affiliate link is a no no? 673386;1399943591;mike_c;is mother's day an international thing? did you europeens do mother's day yesterday? 673387;1399943618;mike_c;TheNewDeal: for bitbet? it's angle shooting. 673388;1399943642;Mats_cd03;https://soundcloud.com/kool-kabul/anthony-hamilton-elayna 673389;1399943643;assbot;Anthony Hamilton & Elayna Boynton - Freedom (Kool & Kabul Edit) by Kool & Kabul on SoundCloud - Hear the worlds sounds 673390;1399943648;TheNewDeal;;;ud angle shooting 673391;1399943649;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Angle%20Shoot | In poker, using unethical means to take advantage of inexperienced opponents. Some examples of angle shooting: - making a string bet in a home game... 673392;1399943692;mircea_popescu;http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/consumertips/tax/10819885/David-Cameron-Taxes-will-rise-unless-we-can-raid-bank-accounts.html 673393;1399943692;assbot;David Cameron: Taxes will rise unless we can raid bank accounts - Telegraph 673394;1399943695;mircea_popescu;herp. 673395;1399943705;mircea_popescu;god forbid they like, you know, FIRE THE ENTIRE FUCKING BUREAUCRACY 673396;1399943740;Mats_cd03;ironically, i broke my vape pen, so now i'm using a stovetop to heat the oil like a fiend 673397;1399943758;Mats_cd03;seems oddly appropriate for all the gangster rap i listen to... 673398;1399943777;mircea_popescu;mike_c eu has mother's day march 8th mostly 673399;1399943778;Mats_cd03;or is it coincidence rather than irony 673400;1399943858;mircea_popescu;"Saint Philemon (died 305) was an actor at Antinopolis, Egypt, who was converted by saint Apollonius. They were martyred together under the persecutions of Diocletian. Patron saint of dancers, the athletes of God." 673401;1399943872;mircea_popescu;look at that, brock philemon, the saint. 673402;1399943886;mike_c;interesting. i guess people can't even agree when easter is. 673403;1399943898;Mats_cd03;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SeDyRxFNmpw 673404;1399943898;assbot;Electric Guest -- Holiday - YouTube 673405;1399943954;mike_c;hah, in slovakia there is arguments about whether there should be "mothers day" or "womens day". what the hell do "women" need a day for? 673406;1399944015;mike_c;you don't need a day until you've cleaned a metric ton of shit out of your child's ass. 673407;1399944114;Mats_cd03;https://soundcloud.com/moiez-babar/moiez-you-only-live-once 673408;1399944115;assbot;Moiez - You Only Live Once (Original Mix) by Moiez on SoundCloud - Hear the worlds sounds 673409;1399944115;TheNewDeal;looove electric guest 673410;1399944151;TheNewDeal;troubleman is my favorite from that first album 673411;1399944170;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10066 @ 0.00100952 = 10.1618 BTC [+] {2} 673412;1399944237;mircea_popescu;!up AusBitBank 673413;1399944359;mircea_popescu;http://bitcoinet.pl/2014/05/12/bitcoin-embassy-in-warsaw-officially-open/ 673414;1399944359;assbot;Bitcoin Embassy in Warsaw Officially Open! | Bitcoinet 673415;1399944375;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in poland : some kids opened an unauthorised embassy, and got a catholic priest to bless it. 673416;1399944392;mircea_popescu;tuxedos and whatnot. it's a riot. 673417;1399944414;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44503 @ 0.0010099 = 44.9436 BTC [+] {2} 673418;1399944460;mircea_popescu;http://bitcoinet.pl/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Ambasada_Bitcoin-10.png << nice heels and tits on that chick tho. she looks quite Crumb-y. 673419;1399944520;mircea_popescu;there's also a tricorn for some reason. 673420;1399944542;mircea_popescu;and a clock wall. because you know, gotta keep track of this timezone thing. 673421;1399944658;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3540 @ 0.00100878 = 3.5711 BTC [-] 673422;1399944745;AusBitBank;thats an awesome satoshi painting in that warsaw btc embassy, want 673423;1399944780;mircea_popescu;samurai 30yo satoshi ?! 673424;1399944809;mod6;47 ronin or something lol 673425;1399944827;mircea_popescu;such a trainwreck of visual weird, that thing. 673426;1399944828;AusBitBank;would rather picture him that way, then oldmate chasing a free lunch 673427;1399944849;mircea_popescu;AusBitBank still, he's prolly a peaceful guy > 50 with glasses. 673428;1399944861;mod6;the keymaker 673429;1399944864;mircea_popescu;rather than a katana wielding guy with floating hair 673430;1399944864;AusBitBank;probably 673431;1399944892;AusBitBank;the matrix keymaker guy is a nice fit too :P 673432;1399945085;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26700 @ 0.00100725 = 26.8936 BTC [-] {2} 673433;1399945639;TheNewDeal;!up mats_cd03 673434;1399945802;mircea_popescu;;;later tell thickasthieves hey, check this out : dignork made a bot for cryptographs. you /q puzzlomat then trilema guess 1 blabla 673435;1399945802;gribble;The operation succeeded. 673436;1399945811;mircea_popescu;aw shit wrong tell. 673437;1399945829;mircea_popescu;;;later tell thestringpuller hey, check this out : dignork made a bot for cryptographs. you /q puzzlomat then trilema guess 1 blabla 673438;1399945829;gribble;The operation succeeded. 673439;1399945840;mircea_popescu;;;later tell thickasthieves oops sorry wrong th* :p 673440;1399945840;gribble;The operation succeeded. 673441;1399946100;mircea_popescu;Naphex https://www.btcxchange.ro/‎ => "We're sorry but the page your're trying to access couldn't be found on our servers." 673442;1399946100;assbot;Whoops! Somebody divided by zero... | btcXchange.ro - The first Bitcoin exchange in Romania 673443;1399946168;princessnell;so i see the catholic church no longer thinks bitcoin is the mark of the beast, then? http://www.catholic.org/news/business/story.php?id=54795 673444;1399946169;assbot;Is the 'Mark of the Beast' the future of money? - Business & Economics - News - Catholic Online 673445;1399946208;mircea_popescu;princessnell http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-05-2014#673418 673446;1399946209;assbot;#bitcoin-assets log 673447;1399946215;mircea_popescu;now they bless bitcoin embassies 673448;1399946238;princessnell;god is on the side of the smart money 673449;1399946264;mircea_popescu;you ever seen smart money ? 673450;1399946292;mircea_popescu;(1931 film, e g robinson) 673451;1399946443;mircea_popescu;;;ticker 673452;1399946445;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 438.39, Best ask: 440.87, Bid-ask spread: 2.48000, Last trade: 440.48, 24 hour volume: 4436.73374601, 24 hour low: 431.56, 24 hour high: 443.77, 24 hour vwap: 439.726509813 673453;1399946489;Mats_cd03;TheNewDeal: if you like electric guest, you might like www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEoX2MLQji8 673454;1399946685;TheNewDeal;gotta find my headphones 673455;1399946823;princessnell;mircea_popescu nope, haven't seen it 673456;1399946827;princessnell;any good? 673457;1399946832;decimation;Mircea, http://trilema.com/2014/the-idea-that-bitcoin-is-a-sovereign << the last footnote link is messed up 673458;1399946834;assbot;The idea that Bitcoin is a sovereign… pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 673459;1399947098;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11414 @ 0.0010089 = 11.5156 BTC [+] 673460;1399947118;decimation;http://dealbook.nytimes.com/2014/05/09/colorado-lawmaker-to-accept-donations-in-bitcoin/ 673461;1399947139;decimation;"So far, the campaign has raised more than $1,000 in Bitcoin donations, according to Lisa Kaufmann, a campaign spokeswoman. " LoL 673462;1399947190;mircea_popescu;princessnell well i have weird tastes, so hard to know. 673463;1399947207;mircea_popescu;decimation funny, cause some texan got about the same earlier today 673464;1399947263;decimation;I find it amusing that he's bragging to the nyt about a few coins flipped into his jar 673465;1399947279;mircea_popescu;and link fixed tyvm 673466;1399947295;decimation;what's the next nyt beat? Bums along the highway? 673467;1399947297;mircea_popescu;nah, 1k in donations is noteworthy. a few k's puts you on the top donor list in most states. 673468;1399947415;TheNewDeal;but yes, you could spend half that to give to a bum and it would make the nyt 673469;1399947454;mircea_popescu;meanwhile whatsapp sells for 20bn. 673470;1399947523;decimation;There's some reality there. USG's influence is ... overstated 673471;1399947538;princessnell;wait wat 673472;1399947615;decimation;I mean, facebook could spend its fiat on anything, and it chose to spend $20bn on some idio-app instead of spreading it around Congress 673473;1399947684;princessnell;bc those are the only two options? 673474;1399947699;TheNewDeal;share buyback baby 673475;1399947737;TheNewDeal;or they could start putting out a dividend before having a revenue 673476;1399947756;TheNewDeal;!up mats_cd03 673477;1399947769;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 23 @ 0.46 = 10.58 BTC [-] 673478;1399947770;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 230 @ 0.00431179 = 0.9917 BTC [+] {3} 673479;1399947771;mircea_popescu;decimation what do you want them to do, hire the blackwater ukrainian mercenaries to shoot black people all over la ? 673480;1399947800;decimation;well, that seems to be working for Putin 673481;1399947914;decimation;My point is simply that congressmen are small potatoes compared to VC banksters 673482;1399948293;Mats_cd03;blackwater isnt a mercenary force, silly 673483;1399948363;Mats_cd03;Erik prince thinks of them more like, "civilian warriors" 673484;1399948409;Mats_cd03;http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1591847214 an excellent read 673485;1399948409;assbot;Civilian Warriors: The Inside Story of Blackwater and the Unsung Heroes of the War on Terror:Amazon:Books 673486;1399948548;decimation;http://theden.tv/2014/05/12/eurovision-2014-soundtrack-to-the-new-cold-war/ 673487;1399948551;assbot;Eurovision 2014: Soundtrack to the New Cold War | Theden | Thedening the West 673488;1399948676;decimation;"Dmitri Rogozin, Russia?s deputy prime minister, put it differently: he said Eurovision ?showed supporters of European integration their European future: a bearded girl?." 673489;1399949258;TheNewDeal;love seeing the No's trickle onto the BRK-A bet 673490;1399949264;TheNewDeal;slowly* 673491;1399949355;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12267 @ 0.00100918 = 12.3796 BTC [+] {2} 673492;1399949609;TheNewDeal;!up Mats_cd03 673493;1399949711;Mats_cd03;https://github.com/shaih/HElib 673494;1399949712;assbot;shaih/HElib GitHub 673495;1399949843;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4500 @ 0.0010084 = 4.5378 BTC [-] 673496;1399949905;TheNewDeal;when will bitbets next statement come out? 673497;1399950089;TheNewDeal;I am thinking about making that bet whether or not bitbet will resolve that payment with the 30% chop of the revenue 673498;1399950212;kakobrekla;resolve what payment? 673499;1399950270;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21645 @ 0.00101 = 21.8615 BTC [+] 673500;1399950459;TheNewDeal;mpex shareholder overpayment credit http://trilema.com/2014/bitbet-april-2014-statement/ 673501;1399950460;assbot;BitBet, April 2014 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 673502;1399950548;kakobrekla;i dont understand what the bet would be about? 673503;1399950725;TheNewDeal;for example: bet resolves as no if the credit is not covered in the next period 673504;1399950760;kakobrekla;ah that. dunno if it will pass 673505;1399950814;TheNewDeal;what!?!? 673506;1399950822;TheNewDeal;isn't it straightforward 673507;1399950934;kakobrekla;resolvability is not the only condition a bet should pass 673508;1399950968;TheNewDeal;surely no one will die here? 673509;1399950981;kakobrekla;not so sure! 673510;1399950997;TheNewDeal;:P 673511;1399951165;TheNewDeal;considered advertising, advocacy, rambling and nonsense? 673512;1399951368;moiety;hello 673513;1399951400;kakobrekla;hey there 673514;1399951416;kakobrekla;TheNewDeal i guess submit it and hope for the best :) 673515;1399951461;TheNewDeal;i've got another one i've been debating. Bitcoin volatility bet: price will touch 400 and 2000 this year 673516;1399951795;assbot;[MPEX] [S.NSA] 6000 @ 0.00015 = 0.9 BTC [+] 673517;1399951810;moiety;i've missed a lot 673518;1399951917;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11400 @ 0.00101 = 11.514 BTC [+] 673519;1399952405;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30984 @ 0.00101 = 31.2938 BTC [+] 673520;1399952405;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 24 @ 0.041 = 0.984 BTC [-] 673521;1399952667;dub;hardly 100k mpoe on the book 673522;1399953011;benkay;doll just put on battle of los angeles 673523;1399953014;benkay;is cooking dinner 673524;1399953027;benkay;can't believe how great life is 673525;1399953049;dub;terrible movie 673526;1399953080;benkay;dub 673527;1399953085;benkay;nigga plz 673528;1399953147;benkay;(ratm) 673529;1399953215;dub;oh, dis one http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1758570/? 673530;1399953216;assbot;Battle of Los Angeles (Video 2011) - IMDb 673531;1399953225;dub;not http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1217613/ 673532;1399953226;assbot;World Invasion: Battle Los Angeles (2011) - IMDb 673533;1399953228;benkay; yeah, popped yesterday. not on huge trading either, all the sellers just disappeared. // isn't bitcoin the best arg ever? 673534;1399953231;benkay;no. 673535;1399953233;benkay;try again. 673536;1399953238;benkay;ratm 673537;1399953434;benkay;sleep now in the fire! 673538;1399955455;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12700 @ 0.00100612 = 12.7777 BTC [-] {2} 673539;1399956797;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34100 @ 0.00100162 = 34.1552 BTC [-] {3} 673540;1399957346;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 28 @ 0.02600401 = 0.7281 BTC [-] 673541;1399957347;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5000 @ 0.00100077 = 5.0039 BTC [-] {2} 673542;1399957407;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.026004 = 0.104 BTC [-] 673543;1399957468;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 7 @ 0.0749535 = 0.5247 BTC [-] {2} 673544;1399957529;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 14 @ 0.03075 = 0.4305 BTC [+] 673545;1399957590;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 29 @ 0.026002 = 0.7541 BTC [-] 673546;1399958019;dub;ken's strategy for activeminer 'What we are expecting is that during the next year bitcoins will go up in price.' 673547;1399958078;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 13 @ 0.07498562 = 0.9748 BTC [-] {2} 673548;1399958322;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 27 @ 0.02600158 = 0.702 BTC [-] {3} 673549;1399959959;fluffypony;dub: How Can Strategy Be Real If Business Isn't Real? 673550;1399959975;fluffypony;- Jaden Slaughter-Smith 673551;1399960068;Naphex;;;later tell mircea_popescu where is that deadlink? seems like some rubbish utf8 in url 673552;1399960069;gribble;The operation succeeded. 673553;1399960110;Naphex;morning 673554;1399960133;fluffypony;morning Naphex 673555;1399960152;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7550 @ 0.00099967 = 7.5475 BTC [-] 673556;1399960518;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 42 @ 0.041 = 1.722 BTC [-] 673557;1399960640;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13298 @ 0.00099967 = 13.2936 BTC [-] 673558;1399960672;fluffypony;Naphex: I have a question 673559;1399960696;fluffypony;are you the main guy at btcXchange.ro that has been on TV before or is that someone else? 673560;1399960726;fluffypony;(I was talking to a Romanian guy and mentioned I know you and he was very excited and said he'd seen you / whoever interviewed on TV) 673561;1399960904;Naphex;fluffypony: no. that is the owner Horea Vuscan 673562;1399960913;fluffypony;ah ok 673563;1399960922;fluffypony;you must become a media whore and become famouz 673564;1399960945;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIF] 1264 @ 0.00017998 = 0.2275 BTC [-] {5} 673565;1399960958;Naphex;nah, im mostly introverted and private :p 673566;1399961006;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 3 @ 0.05449983 = 0.1635 BTC [-] {2} 673567;1399961067;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 44 @ 0.00300006 = 0.132 BTC [-] {3} 673568;1399961068;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 2 @ 0.05449984 = 0.109 BTC [+] {2} 673569;1399961188;Naphex;off to the office bb 673570;1399961192;Naphex;e 673571;1399961555;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 48 @ 0.02627775 = 1.2613 BTC [+] {4} 673572;1399962043;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15585 @ 0.00099967 = 15.5799 BTC [-] 673573;1399962653;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30100 @ 0.00099961 = 30.0883 BTC [-] {2} 673574;1399964363;moiety;morning fluffy 673575;1399964430;fluffypony;moiety! 673576;1399964439;fluffypony;what in the Glorious Manul's name is up 673577;1399964442;moiety;:D how are you? 673578;1399964450;moiety;I got squatted in otc D; 673579;1399964466;moiety;totally forgot enforce wasnt on 673580;1399964466;fluffypony;wat 673581;1399964471;fluffypony;that's crazy 673582;1399964482;moiety;some scammer was using my name but i got alerted to it today 673583;1399964491;moiety;hes been using lots of names apparently 673584;1399964540;moiety;i went in and apologised and idented 673585;1399964566;fluffypony;and turned enforce on? 673586;1399964570;moiety;yep 673587;1399964584;moiety;cant believe if forgot to do it in the first place 673588;1399964587;moiety;i* 673589;1399964788;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.0257001 = 0.257 BTC [-] 673590;1399964819;fluffypony;a 673591;1399964822;fluffypony;it happens 673592;1399964849;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 6 @ 0.041 = 0.246 BTC [-] 673593;1399964971;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6691 @ 0.00100128 = 6.6996 BTC [+] 673594;1399965426;moiety;how's things been with you fluffypony? 673595;1399965459;assbot;[MPEX] [FN] [F.MPIF] 500 @ 0.00021725 = 0.1086 BTC [+] 673596;1399965515;BingoBoingo;http://en.rocketnews24.com/2014/05/12/doggy-gets-upset-over-his-new-haircut-walks-around-on-hind-legs-like-a-boss-for-two-days/ 673597;1399965515;assbot;Doggy gets upset over his new haircut, walks around on hind legs like a boss for two days | RocketNews24 673598;1399965520;assbot;[MPEX] [S.NSA] 1000 @ 0.00015 = 0.15 BTC [+] 673599;1399965614;moiety;lol! thats flasher photoshop is epic 673600;1399965753;BingoBoingo;I've never been a fan of pomeranian. That now seems justified. 673601;1399965795;moiety;looks like a totally different dog with a haircut 673602;1399965849;BingoBoingo;http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2014/05/joint_chiefs_report_admits_u_s_military_made_afghanistan_s_corruption_worse.2.html 673603;1399965851;assbot;Joint Chiefs report admits U.S. military made Afghanistan’s corruption worse: Graft, not the Taliban, defeated the U.S. campaign. 673604;1399965855;moiety;not to mention entirely disturbed 673605;1399965864;BingoBoingo;moiety: DEoesn't even look like a dog really 673606;1399965883;moiety;no kinda like a wee stuffed teddy 673607;1399965896;moiety;happier dog is happier: https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/--mE9csF2Umw/U26McT2qLcI/AAAAAAAAAJk/bmmqP-4djlM/w688-h373-no/corgi.gif 673608;1399965947;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 11 @ 0.07306897 = 0.8038 BTC [-] {2} 673609;1399966008;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 19 @ 0.07307095 = 1.3883 BTC [+] {4} 673610;1399966058;BingoBoingo;Aw 673611;1399966131;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34749 @ 0.00100143 = 34.7987 BTC [+] {2} 673612;1399966191;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.072775 = 0.1456 BTC [-] {2} 673613;1399966252;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 50 @ 0.0721844 = 3.6092 BTC [-] {3} 673614;1399966313;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 60 @ 0.0257 = 1.542 BTC [-] 673615;1399966374;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 69 @ 0.0257 = 1.7733 BTC [-] 673616;1399966556;fluffypony;moiety: it's been ok-ish, was dealing with redditards and gave up on it yesterday 673617;1399966581;moiety;my gosh, they are admitting they made something worse? re us military link 673618;1399966610;moiety;redditards? they aren't anything to lose any sleep over :] did you make a post fluffypony? 673619;1399966628;fluffypony;a blog post? 673620;1399966629;fluffypony;not yet 673621;1399966637;moiety;no i mean on reddit, what happened? 673622;1399966642;fluffypony;long story 673623;1399966645;fluffypony;will blog about it 673624;1399966655;moiety;kk i shall catch up via that 673625;1399966705;moiety;tards are the bed of the internet the rest of us have to lay in unfortunately 673626;1399966724;moiety;inescapable 673627;1399966923;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19550 @ 0.00100296 = 19.6079 BTC [+] {2} 673628;1399966984;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40033 @ 0.00100594 = 40.2708 BTC [+] {2} 673629;1399967472;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 86 @ 0.041 = 3.526 BTC [-] {2} 673630;1399967716;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9527 @ 0.00100619 = 9.586 BTC [+] 673631;1399967777;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24323 @ 0.00100634 = 24.4772 BTC [+] 673632;1399969912;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.03075 = 0.1538 BTC [+] 673633;1399970156;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22916 @ 0.00100397 = 23.007 BTC [-] {3} 673634;1399970583;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21534 @ 0.00100441 = 21.629 BTC [+] {2} 673635;1399970950;fluffypony;so basically Havelock paid for some cameltoe 673636;1399970952;fluffypony;http://i.imgur.com/H7Ymnv0.jpg 673637;1399970962;fluffypony;http://i.imgur.com/MMrbzg8.jpg 673638;1399971010;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 400 @ 0.00099866 = 0.3995 BTC [-] 673639;1399971071;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17641 @ 0.00099862 = 17.6167 BTC [-] 673640;1399972230;Naphex;there is better cameltoe over here 673641;1399972233;Naphex;for free 673642;1399972246;Naphex;but i give it a 6 for effort 673643;1399972352;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4734 @ 0.00099862 = 4.7275 BTC [-] 673644;1399972386;Naphex;BTCXchange GEneral Stats: https://api.btcxchange.ro/stats 673645;1399972586;fluffypony;nice :) 673646;1399973816;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6050 @ 0.00100089 = 6.0554 BTC [+] 673647;1399973869;fluffypony;;;later tell Mats_cd03 damn son, you have great taste in music, I've been plowing through the links you posted earlier in the log. thanks :) 673648;1399973869;gribble;The operation succeeded. 673649;1399973895;Naphex;have some oldschool https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBNh2PPqlJs 673650;1399973895;assbot;Redman - Tonight's Da Night - YouTube 673651;1399973896;Naphex;:] 673652;1399973917;fluffypony;nice :) 673653;1399973988;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: mornings 673654;1399974121;mircea_popescu;hey. 673655;1399974131;mircea_popescu;Naphex a i must have missed the utf garbage 673656;1399974133;fluffypony;Naphex: I see your oldschool and raise you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCYy8jpp7R8 673657;1399974133;assbot;Method Man, Redman - Da Rockwilder - YouTube 673658;1399974733;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/Mircea_Popescu/status/466153876828459008 673659;1399974734;assbot;If they couldn't afford /WhatsApp ... /ReutersChina Beijing plans new $14 bln airport to ease congestion http://t.co/7gBwvrV9Ku 673660;1399975155;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/niubi/status/466035112950648832 673661;1399975156;assbot;Chinese student late for reservation at jiro sushi, asked for fish to be cooked, complains on Weibo, flamed http://t.co/UERIABkAqd gawker 673662;1399975164;mircea_popescu;clearly jiro sushi support sucks. 673663;1399975169;mircea_popescu;saving this for whenever we need it. 673664;1399976016;mircea_popescu;Mats_cd03 "civillian warriors", srsly ? 673665;1399976134;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12243 @ 0.00100195 = 12.2669 BTC [+] {2} 673666;1399976139;Naphex;fluffypony: that's not that oldschool :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFyTzjJDeCk 673667;1399976139;assbot;mos def ms fat booty - YouTube 673668;1399976147;fluffypony;LOL 673669;1399976316;BingoBoingo;http://bitslog.wordpress.com/2014/05/12/nimblecoin-bitcoin-best-friends/ 673670;1399976317;assbot;NimbleCoin can be Bitcoin’s Best Friend | bitslog 673671;1399976322;HeySteve;good morning 673672;1399976364;HeySteve;here's an interesting thing to do with your dehydrated alcohol - http://distillique.co.za/distilling_shop/blog/211-spirited-caviar 673673;1399976365;assbot;Distillique - Spirited caviar 673674;1399976500;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15150 @ 0.00100361 = 15.2047 BTC [+] 673675;1399976653;mircea_popescu;not bad. 673676;1399976695;mircea_popescu;"Nimblecoin is a new cryptocurrency Ive designed and two programmers are developing right now. It does merge-mining with Bitcoin and has a never-ending block subsidy." 673677;1399976696;mircea_popescu;herp. 673678;1399976708;mircea_popescu;why does every two bit noob start by "desigining" something ? 673679;1399977009;BingoBoingo;Because designing is easier on their ego than adapting 673680;1399977106;HeySteve;rooters :( http://www.theguardian.com/books/2014/may/12/glenn-greenwald-nsa-tampers-us-internet-routers-snowden 673681;1399977107;assbot;Glenn Greenwald: how the NSA tampers with US-made internet routers | World news | The Guardian 673682;1399977120;mircea_popescu;i guess that's it huh. 673683;1399977151;mircea_popescu;HeySteve yeah, cisco sales took a shocking plunge last q over the fact that nobody wants to buy us made hardware anymore. 673684;1399977158;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: I mean they could change themselves, but pretending to change the environment they live in is easier. 673685;1399977176;HeySteve;mircea_popescu rightly so, but you can't trust the Huawei stuff either 673686;1399977189;HeySteve;it seems to me there's a demand for dependable hardware... 673687;1399977190;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo i guess i shouldn't be too agitated by it, children also start their career in the world by inventing pseudo-worlds. 673688;1399977199;mircea_popescu;HeySteve makes two of us. 673689;1399977281;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: They usually do indeed. But then again children vs. adults who haven't really managed the transition. 673690;1399977356;HeySteve;I'd pay at least 10% more for hardware I could trust 673691;1399977451;Naphex;meh, cisco routers not that bad, dell servers though? 673692;1399977458;Naphex;that IMPI is straight from hell 673693;1399977466;mircea_popescu;^ 673694;1399977472;Naphex;IPMI * 673695;1399977476;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31609 @ 0.00100812 = 31.8657 BTC [+] {3} 673696;1399977503;Naphex;easily backdoored, had even some private 0day that reflashed the IMPI firmware 673697;1399977514;Naphex;ipmi could easily even share your raid/hdd whatever 673698;1399977536;HeySteve;the problem is, even if you can trust the company which makes or checks the the device, when it ships it can be intercepted en route. 673699;1399977553;Naphex;thats why i reflash everything after getting new hardware 673700;1399977559;Naphex;and staying away from US hardware 673701;1399977620;Naphex;as well most server techs and ipmi disabled, hdd encryption, etc 673702;1399977666;Naphex;and while worrying about interception is not that big of a list on many companies, but posibilities into remote backdooring servers, and remote sniffing are way higher on the list 673703;1399977673;Naphex;and probably more common 673704;1399977692;Naphex;also if the US have the backdoor, you might as well figure everyone does, so IL, DE, CN 673705;1399977701;Naphex;are probably using the same ins/outs 673706;1399977708;mircea_popescu;so dignork here's a business idea for you : how about you expand puzzlomat into a web to irc interface ? 673707;1399977730;mircea_popescu;something like http://dignork.com?name=gribble&query=;;ticker yields 673708;1399977732;mircea_popescu;;;ticker 673709;1399977733;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 438.45, Best ask: 440.91, Bid-ask spread: 2.46000, Last trade: 438.38, 24 hour volume: 4046.37066876, 24 hour low: 437.52, 24 hour high: 443.77, 24 hour vwap: 440.861426115 673710;1399977738;mircea_popescu;as the webpage 673711;1399977746;mircea_popescu;make the web-to-irc bridge. 673712;1399977773;mircea_popescu;all you have to do is pm the name, no checks necessary even 673713;1399977781;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36200 @ 0.00100361 = 36.3307 BTC [-] 673714;1399977803;mircea_popescu;HeySteve not necessarily. depends how it's made. 673715;1399977863;mircea_popescu;Naphex cn definitely holds the upper hand. al;l those kids graduating at the top of their class for the past few decades were chinese. 673716;1399977878;mircea_popescu;the us is technologically quite crippled, i don't even think it competes with russia, and that's half the population. 673717;1399977894;mircea_popescu;just, not nearly as many fucktarded russian hipsters going around. for fear of beatings. 673718;1399977957;Naphex;plus CN has a lot of experience in industrial spying 673719;1399978041;Naphex;while most of this injected backdoors will leak in the intelligence community pretty fast 673720;1399978106;Naphex;;;google SWIFT breach 673721;1399978109;gribble;Demanding accountability for the NSA's breach of SWIFT financial ...: ; Belgian and Dutch DPAs to investigate security of SWIFT system ...: ; Edward Snowden NSA (1 more message) 673722;1399978197;mircea_popescu;"And at the same time they will be bootstrapping a really cool and fair cryptocurrency with almost no pre-mining with unique features for instant payments based on my research. " 673723;1399978292;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo check this shit out : 673724;1399978292;mircea_popescu;http://bitslog.wordpress.com/2011/08/ 673725;1399978293;assbot;August | 2011 | bitslog 673726;1399978298;mircea_popescu;"Redesigning Bitcoin" 673727;1399978314;mircea_popescu;the guy has been herping about for three years almost, finds himself still in the same state. 673728;1399978316;mircea_popescu;what now. 673729;1399978332;mircea_popescu;http://bitslog.wordpress.com/2011/08/09/hello-world/#comment-13 673730;1399978333;assbot;Redesigning Bitcoin | bitslog 673731;1399978343;BingoBoingo;I've long imagined him as kind of a bizzaro universe Stan 673732;1399978348;mircea_popescu;#2 by cunicula on April 9, 2012 "Hi, I would love to provide some input. Im an academic economist with my own ideas for improving bitcoin." 673733;1399978357;mircea_popescu;ANOTHER fucktard, of exactly the same ilk 673734;1399978363;mircea_popescu;(at least if it's the forum cunicula) 673735;1399978400;BingoBoingo;Probably is 673736;1399978427;Naphex;;;google Tailored Access Operations 673737;1399978427;BingoBoingo;I remember cunicula's flavor of herp 673738;1399978428;gribble;Tailored Access Operations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; More about the NSA's Tailored Access Operations Unit: ; The NSA has its own team of elite hackers - Washington Post: ; MPEx security breach pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: ; MPEx pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: 673854;1399991323;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 7 @ 0.041 = 0.287 BTC [-] 673855;1399991567;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40300 @ 0.001 = 40.3 BTC [-] {3} 673856;1399991599;thestringpuller;dang son i should have been hustling more MPOE 673857;1399991689;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 3 @ 0.05499993 = 0.165 BTC [+] 673858;1399991744;pigeons;actually dale changed the spelling of his name to evoke andrew and hope people would think he was related 673859;1399991784;mircea_popescu;now there's a man who's done his reading. 673860;1399991794;pigeons;yeah kinda the first "i'm not successful, but i'll teach you how to be successful teching others to be successful" shmuck 673861;1399991810;pigeons;of the modern age 673862;1399991817;mircea_popescu;!up pigeons 673863;1399991933;mircea_popescu;it's kind of sad that out of a continent of such boundless possibilities and such bountiful diversity, 673864;1399991974;mircea_popescu;what eventually emerged victorious was the abraham lincoln - derpy carnagey construct 673865;1399992005;mircea_popescu;to the point today's bison inhabiting the great plains don't even know there was a lot more to be, that their great-greatparents failed to be. 673866;1399992075;pigeons;don't get me started on lincoln 673867;1399992093;mircea_popescu;tis in the logs i thought 673868;1399992177;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31150 @ 0.00100199 = 31.212 BTC [+] {2} 673869;1399992440;dignork;I peeped into puzzlomat access, people using it wrong :( like "trilema guess someword". Should be "trilema guess 1 someword", where 1 is the number of challenge 673870;1399992558;fluffypony;I did that 673871;1399992569;fluffypony;worked 100% 673872;1399992582;fluffypony;I can't figure out enough of 2 to guess anything yet, but I've been busy today 673873;1399992587;fluffypony;instructions were clear enough though, dignork 673874;1399992970;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15100 @ 0.00099918 = 15.0876 BTC [-] {2} 673875;1399992970;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 111 @ 0.041 = 4.551 BTC [-] 673876;1399993580;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 15 @ 0.026 = 0.39 BTC [-] {3} 673877;1399993641;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 52 @ 0.02575862 = 1.3394 BTC [-] {12} 673878;1399993702;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 51 @ 0.02558968 = 1.3051 BTC [-] {12} 673879;1399993763;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 67 @ 0.02377611 = 1.593 BTC [-] {15} 673880;1399993824;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 65 @ 0.02030843 = 1.32 BTC [-] {14} 673881;1399993825;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.03139998 = 0.1256 BTC [-] 673882;1399993885;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 20 @ 0.0175 = 0.35 BTC [-] {4} 673883;1399994129;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 24 @ 0.01531249 = 0.3675 BTC [-] {9} 673884;1399994556;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 1000 @ 0.041 = 41 BTC [-] 673885;1399994678;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 100 @ 0.03139998 = 3.14 BTC [-] 673886;1399994739;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5434 @ 0.00099882 = 5.4276 BTC [-] 673887;1399994877;BCB;mircea_popescu: what did you do to piss off the Libretards? 673888;1399995105;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 9 @ 0.45910001 = 4.1319 BTC [-] {2} 673889;1399995141;mircea_popescu;me ?! 673890;1399995166;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 21 @ 0.02245114 = 0.4715 BTC [+] {5} 673891;1399995167;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.03139998 = 0.157 BTC [-] 673892;1399995168;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 6 @ 0.07492285 = 0.4495 BTC [+] 673893;1399995195;BCB;mircea_popescu: I loved that response! 673894;1399995205;mircea_popescu;lol k 673895;1399995594;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.03139998 = 0.157 BTC [-] 673896;1399995617;thestringpuller;wait where? 673897;1399995622;thestringpuller;i feel uninformed. 673898;1399995637;thestringpuller;also thx for the msg mircea_popescu i'm really digging this crytogram game :D 673899;1399995640;thestringpuller;too bad I suck at it 673900;1399995647;thestringpuller;but hey I love Starcraft and suck at that too 673901;1399995658;mircea_popescu;lol 673902;1399995674;mircea_popescu;the current one is kinda hard i think 673903;1399995687;mircea_popescu;http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-27388289 673904;1399995687;assbot;BBC News - EU court backs 'right to be forgotten' in Google case 673905;1399995698;mircea_popescu;coming soon, "the right to fuck a woman just as hot as your wife" 673906;1399995716;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.03139998 = 0.157 BTC [-] 673907;1399995717;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 20 @ 0.07487241 = 1.4974 BTC [-] 673908;1399995759;mircea_popescu;otherwise "the right to be as rich as anyone else" is already well entrenched 673909;1399995776;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 65 @ 0.04102307 = 2.6665 BTC [+] {3} 673910;1399995777;mircea_popescu;"the right to opine on things you don't understand" is here, we're pretty much home. 673911;1399995899;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30841 @ 0.00100384 = 30.9594 BTC [+] 673912;1399995939;mircea_popescu;pigeons by the way, http://friendslibrary.in//storage/images/items/1/6333_Front.jpg 673913;1399996080;pigeons;ah, not suprised 673914;1399996142;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 6 @ 0.03139998 = 0.1884 BTC [-] 673915;1399996325;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.03139998 = 0.157 BTC [-] 673916;1399996586;benkay;man i'm getting creeped out 673917;1399996613;benkay;my imap client keeps complaining about google shuffling certs for imap.gmail.com 673918;1399996642;thestringpuller;!up Mats_cd03 673919;1399996674;thestringpuller;using google for mail? 673920;1399996675;thestringpuller;lol 673921;1399996691;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.0747996 = 0.1496 BTC [-] 673922;1399996746;mircea_popescu;what do you care, gpg the secrets ignore the rest. 673923;1399996776;benkay;that's the only solution, yeah. 673924;1399996795;joecool;for any email that's the only solution 673925;1399996803;joecool;not just gmail 673926;1399996805;mircea_popescu;no diff between email and a pastebin 673927;1399996809;joecool;^ 673928;1399996810;mircea_popescu;kinda how it's designed to work 673929;1399996813;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 2.47401111 BTC to 8`711 shares, 28401 satoshi per share 673930;1399996817;benkay;look i get it, guys. 673931;1399996849;mircea_popescu;because the snoops snoop anyway see ? and https ain't all it used to be cracked up to be. 673932;1399996856;mircea_popescu;want links ? 673933;1399996857;mircea_popescu;:D 673934;1399996861;thestringpuller;https is a joke 673935;1399996874;thestringpuller;why does it even exist? 673936;1399996921;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller some sysadmins long ago went "hmmm, what'd be funnier than getting all these old bozos spelling out http:// ?" "i know, add a letter!" 673937;1399996950;joecool;otr's a nice system for chat over watched mediums 673938;1399996963;joecool;can't do rooms with it though 673939;1399997018;thestringpuller;i don't think it's a big deal for people who grew up with siblings 673940;1399997028;thestringpuller;people been snooping since before any of us were born 673941;1399997032;thestringpuller;the spooks are just more advanced no? 673942;1399997036;thestringpuller;"advanced" 673943;1399997084;bitcoinpete;http://burisma.com/hunter-biden-joins-the-team-of-burisma-holdings/ < enough dollars are enough dollars << suppose you got enough dollars in a us bank acct. now what ? 674143;1400001741;Mats_cd03;i slummed it for a year in flushing, queens 674144;1400001753;Mats_cd03;the chinese food was unbelievable 674145;1400001759;mircea_popescu; "New York City is a mismanaged carnival of stupidity that is desperate for revenue and anxious to criminalize behavior once thought benign." << aye! 674146;1400001791;bitcoinpete;http://dailyscene.com/bitpay-now-top-funded-bitcoin-startup-after-raising-30-million/ 674147;1400001792;assbot;BitPay Now Top-Funded Bitcoin Startup After Raising $30 Million | DailyScene.comDailyScene.com 674148;1400001796;mircea_popescu;jborkl_ wd. 674149;1400001802;bitcoinpete;"There's a new leader in the Bitcoin startup space, at least in terms of funding." << HAHAHAH 674150;1400001824;mircea_popescu;derp. 674151;1400001840;mircea_popescu;bitpay is running out of space to burn. 674152;1400001851;mircea_popescu;and the revenue figures are so awful they've not even released them 674153;1400001866;benkay;although w/r/t criminalizing common behavior i was charged with both a minor in posession and public drunkenness. a few months later i got a letter saying the cop hadn't showed for the trial and so charges had been dismissed. 674154;1400001878;Mats_cd03;lol 674155;1400001928;Mats_cd03;https://soundcloud.com/jeremyhills/radiohead-everything-in-its 674156;1400001929;assbot;Radiohead - Everything in its right place (Jeremy Hills end of the world remix) by Jeremy Hills on SoundCloud - Hear the worlds sounds 674157;1400001942;bitcoinpete;https://twitter.com/bitcoinpete/status/466267933149106177 674158;1400001943;assbot;Top-funded #bitcoin startup is now /BitPay http://t.co/EvndDUI950 674159;1400001946;pankkake;oh god Maia Mazaurette 674160;1400001955;pankkake;shitty blogger turned "journalist" 674161;1400001956;Mats_cd03;fluffypony: didnt spot that last message, glad you like it 674162;1400002042;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/Mircea_Popescu/status/466268371684982784 674163;1400002043;assbot;/sfiegerman Suppose you try that research thing next time ? MPEx is valued /772500 BTC. And has been, for a year. http://t.co/luJbV9SZ8s 674164;1400002045;mircea_popescu;harsh enough ? 674165;1400002090;Mats_cd03;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uB_zi69GQFg 674166;1400002090;assbot;Lay Me Down - The Oh Hello's - YouTube 674167;1400002117;FabianB;does MPEx still count as startup? :) 674168;1400002137;mike_c;yes 674169;1400002138;mircea_popescu;it's not been acquired yet, has it. 674170;1400002156;FabianB;true 674171;1400002170;Mats_cd03;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8PZ9ECVOaI 674172;1400002170;assbot;The Colourist - Yes Yes - YouTube 674173;1400002171;mike_c;classic late-stage startup now. although it got there quicker than most :) 674174;1400002257;bitcoinpete;mircea_popescu: not nearly harsh enough 674175;1400002288;mircea_popescu;yea well, what can i say, im a softie. 674176;1400002288;bitcoinpete;https://www.bitpremier.com/items/view/476 <<300 btc for a signed apple 128k. yikes 674177;1400002289;assbot;BitPremier — The Very First Apple Macintosh model: 128K 674178;1400002310;mircea_popescu;mike_c thing is, unlike most any entrepreneurial kid, i'm not here to sell out. i'm hire to stomp the entire fucking vc tower of derp. 674179;1400002312;mircea_popescu;and other things. 674180;1400002358;mike_c;although, most of the kids that are there to sell out don't make it to late stage. a decent amount of the ones that do make it to late stage are the ones who have loftier goals (often world domination) 674181;1400002393;mircea_popescu;i will say tho my goal isn't world domination. 674182;1400002402;mircea_popescu;my goal is merely the utter destruction of the present world. 674183;1400002406;mike_c;that's zuckerbergs. 674184;1400002409;benkay;BURN IT ALL 674185;1400002410;mike_c;(world dom) 674186;1400002421;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: how much destruction? back to 0? 674187;1400002428;mircea_popescu;srsly. i don't mean to control. i merely mean to ruin. 674188;1400002435;chetty;all the much vaunted 'journalists' do is regurgitate press releases. 674189;1400002439;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller back to pre-us. 674190;1400002456;mircea_popescu;!up jespern 674191;1400002461;mircea_popescu;!up Jezzz 674192;1400002467;mircea_popescu;damned tab 674193;1400002486;Jezzz;heh 674194;1400002490;Jezzz;ozbot can't talk here either 674195;1400002510;mircea_popescu;Jezzz ozbot was down one day, then kakobrekla coded the title parser into assbot, then it became spammy 674196;1400002525;Jezzz;*shrug* 674197;1400002529;Jezzz;i can remove him then I suppose 674198;1400002532;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: you may find this quote from my piano teacher interesting "The interesting thing about Obama is when he takes control of a bankrupt country and keeps it running. In any other place in the world the country would shut down and start over. So no one has any idea what he actually does." 674199;1400002557;mircea_popescu;Jezzz he can stay, that way when assbot is down i can elbow kako :D 674200;1400002575;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller not so sure that has much to do with obama tho. 674201;1400002610;mircea_popescu;seems a very organic problem. in any sane country, once a family is bankrupt the man will send the bill collectors packing, the wife and her daughters to work the streets, and the boys out into the world. 674202;1400002622;mircea_popescu;in the us tho, they just keep buying new couches while carefully avoiding the subject. 674203;1400002626;mircea_popescu;it;s insanity. 674204;1400002631;thestringpuller;exactly! 674205;1400002644;mike_c;!up Mats_cd03 despite the radiohead link 674206;1400002833;Mats_cd03;heh. not a fan of the mix or radiohead? 674207;1400002845;mike_c;surprisingly i liked the mix. not a radiohead fan 674208;1400002855;chetty;I don't think they are buying new couches anymore, now they just rearrange the deck chairs 674209;1400002902;mircea_popescu;soon to be the deck chair 674210;1400002958;Mats_cd03;i'm curious to see how this collapse plays out in earnest 674211;1400002979;mircea_popescu;makes two of us 674212;1400002991;mircea_popescu;course it's really legion of us, but anyway 674213;1400003039;Mats_cd03;his name is robert paulson 674214;1400003060;chetty;I won't even look if they will just get on with it 674215;1400003218;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 16 @ 0.45046251 = 7.2074 BTC [-] {6} 674216;1400003225;Mats_cd03;i am surprised the us has made it this long with so much debt 674217;1400003237;mircea_popescu;tech boom. 674218;1400003262;mircea_popescu;that's the really surprising part here. it's fucking unbelievable that the moore law held, 674219;1400003281;mircea_popescu;and that all the shit happened in such a close succession 674220;1400003284;Mats_cd03;didnt that stop being true two years ago 674221;1400003297;mircea_popescu;kinda same time the us stopped making it, you notice ? 674222;1400003338;Mats_cd03;i had some refreshingly (funny) insight the other day 674223;1400003356;Mats_cd03;a friend suggested, why does the universe have to start somewhere? 674224;1400003380;Mats_cd03;its human to think all things have origins 674225;1400003396;Mats_cd03;same friend said, well they can just keep upping the debt limit and its all good 674226;1400003403;Mats_cd03;(in another conversation) i laughed 674227;1400003527;thestringpuller;eigenvalues are so fucking cool 674228;1400003533;thestringpuller;math is so fucking cool 674229;1400003536;thestringpuller;why the fuck do people hate math 674230;1400003545;thestringpuller;fucking americans 674231;1400003585;mike_c;because theoretical science isn't as fun as engineering. 674232;1400003587;*;danielpbarron likes math v.much 674233;1400003610;thestringpuller;engineering requires math 674234;1400003621;thestringpuller;you gonna build a bridge and not know how to count? 674235;1400003624;thestringpuller;da fuq is dis shit 674236;1400003626;mike_c;indeed. it requires many annoying things. 674237;1400003632;mircea_popescu;lol 674238;1400003654;danielpbarron;engineers fudge numbers; mathematicians give absolutely precise answers 674239;1400003654;benkay;jesus + math 674240;1400003720;benkay;christ a wildcard ssl cert is 2 grand 674241;1400003728;mike_c;gtfo 674242;1400003730;mike_c;where? 674243;1400003746;benkay;symantec 674244;1400003750;benkay;i'm clearly in the wrong biz 674245;1400003758;benkay;mike_c: who do you use? 674246;1400003768;mike_c;http://ssl.comodo.com/wildcard-ssl-certificates.php << $335 / year 674247;1400003768;assbot;Save money with Wildcard SSL Certificate from Comodo 674248;1400003778;benkay;http://www.register.com/product/security-sslcertificates/wildcard.rcmx 674249;1400003779;assbot;Wildcard SSL Certificate (Unlimited Subdomains) - Digital SSL Certificates for your Website 674250;1400003788;benkay;^^ 245 674251;1400003814;Mats_cd03;good news for spacex http://uk.reuters.com/article/2014/05/13/uk-ukraine-crisis-russia-usa-idUKKBN0DT18L20140513 674252;1400003817;assbot;Russia targets space projects in response to U.S. high-tech sanctions| Reuters 674253;1400003834;fluffypony;wildcard certs are so pricey 674254;1400003855;fluffypony;but 674255;1400003856;fluffypony;https://www.ssls.com/comodo-ssl-certificates/essentialssl-wilcard.html 674256;1400003859;assbot;Comodo EssentialSSL Wildcard Certificates from $89.99/yr 674257;1400003859;fluffypony;$90/year 674258;1400003876;fluffypony;(or $99/year if you only take it for 1 year) 674259;1400003883;benkay;yeah that's a far better deal 674260;1400003896;benkay;once again, reaping the benefits of -assests. 674261;1400003912;fluffypony;yep 674262;1400003933;fluffypony;oh and ssls.com is NameCheap 674263;1400003937;fluffypony;part of the same group 674264;1400003944;fluffypony;but without the shitty "enhances" interface 674265;1400003949;fluffypony;*enhanced 674266;1400003950;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.073025 = 0.2921 BTC [+] {2} 674267;1400004011;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 6 @ 0.041 = 0.246 BTC [-] 674268;1400004032;benkay;namecheap has 'em at 85 for five years 674269;1400004034;benkay;what a goddamn racket. 674270;1400004066;mike_c;but you need the underbody wash with your ssl cert. that's extra. 674271;1400004072;fluffypony;hah hah 674272;1400004074;benkay;herr mircea_popescu how do we fix this certificate authority crap 674273;1400004077;fluffypony;does it come with a spoiler? 674274;1400004139;pankkake;try CACert. though even Debian removed them :/ 674275;1400004154;mike_c;i thought the browsers don't like cacert? 674276;1400004186;pankkake;yeah. some linux distros (used to) ship it 674277;1400004217;pankkake;http://web.monkeysphere.info/ for something that would be better. or namecoin 674278;1400004217;assbot;The Monkeysphere Project 674279;1400004244;fluffypony;pankkake! bonsoir! 674280;1400004252;pankkake;coucou 674281;1400004261;mircea_popescu;benkay Naphex was working at it, but he's too lazy to specify 674282;1400004269;mircea_popescu;much rather would watch adsense traffic reports all day long 674283;1400004314;Mats_cd03;https://soundcloud.com/c2cdjs/down-the-road 674284;1400004316;assbot;Down The Road by C2C on SoundCloud - Hear the worlds sounds 674285;1400004316;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 22 @ 0.07300008 = 1.606 BTC [-] {4} 674286;1400004499;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 5 @ 0.041 = 0.205 BTC [-] 674287;1400004871;benkay;what was naphex' approach again? 674288;1400004881;benkay;something in the dns record? 674289;1400004993;pankkake;but how do you securely transmit the DNS record? back to square one 674290;1400005033;pankkake;though even dnssec would be better than the current situation 674291;1400005092;mircea_popescu;pankkake you sign your own dns record in the comments field 674292;1400005138;mircea_popescu;hey pastebin afficionados : is this cool ? http://0bin.net/ 674293;1400005138;assbot;0bin - encrypted pastebin 674294;1400005179;pankkake;if you trust the javascript. though I plan to have a thing to do it in CLI 674295;1400005186;joecool;i always used this one http://sebsauvage.net/paste/ 674296;1400005186;assbot;ZeroBin 674297;1400005193;joecool;for burn after reading stuff 674298;1400005202;mike_c;;;ident Mats_cd03 674299;1400005202;gribble;Nick 'Mats_cd03', with hostmask 'Mats_cd03!sid23029@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-hzvjztfvgzwtqoxz', is not identified. 674300;1400005246;mike_c;!up Mats_cd03 cmon, get the gribble. 674301;1400005261;danielpbarron;when I want an encrypted pastebin, i just encrypt with gpg --armor before posting 674302;1400005279;artifexd;benkay: You have said "ratm" a couple times. What does that mean? The best google returns is a reference to the Rage Against The Machine band. 674303;1400005311;danielpbarron;!up kdomanski 674304;1400005342;pankkake;artifexd: reverse ass to mouth? 674305;1400005346;joecool;danielpbarron: yes that works fine with people who use gpg, unfortunately they are still in the distant minority 674306;1400005351;mike_c;artifexd: that's what he's referring to. 674307;1400005366;danielpbarron;kdomanski, welcome to the Bitcoin community that's actually worth listening to 674308;1400005369;artifexd;aok 674309;1400005401;kdomanski;danielpbarron: isn't that what everyone calls themselves? ;] 674310;1400005461;pankkake;kdomanski: https://pankkake.headfucking.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/WeTakeOurselvesVerySeriously.jpg 674311;1400005477;pankkake;or remove https if you don't want the cert warning. oops 674312;1400005501;pankkake;I only force it for me 674313;1400005536;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.07298148 = 0.2189 BTC [-] {2} 674314;1400005598;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.041 = 0.123 BTC [-] 674315;1400005717;chetty;lmao, Antarctica is melting, how much energy would that actually take? 674316;1400005747;mike_c;1.21 jigawatts 674317;1400005763;TheNewDeal;^ 674318;1400005775;TheNewDeal;one point twenty one 674319;1400005814;kdomanski;huh 674320;1400005816;mike_c;although that is power, not energy. 674321;1400005907;mircea_popescu; danielpbarron: isn't that what everyone calls themselves? ;] << good point. 674322;1400005921;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron so who's k domanski ? 674323;1400005957;danielpbarron;mircea_popescu, someone from #darkwallet 674324;1400005973;danielpbarron;I plugged this channel in there, and I guess he's interested 674325;1400005976;mircea_popescu;mike_c we took it to mean jigawatts*twoweek, obivously. 674326;1400005995;mircea_popescu;darkwallet being the thing taaki's currently hanging on to or am i confusing them 674327;1400006013;kdomanski;mircea_popescu: correct 674328;1400006024;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9450 @ 0.00100208 = 9.4697 BTC [+] {2} 674329;1400006030;mircea_popescu;so welcome. 674330;1400006085;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 220 @ 0.041 = 9.02 BTC [-] 674331;1400006132;kdomanski;pankkake: I love the blog 674332;1400006207;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 1 @ 0.138 BTC [+] 674333;1400006306;benkay;http://theumlaut.com/2014/05/12/the-morality-of-futility/ 674334;1400006306;assbot;The Morality of Futility | The mlaut 674335;1400006459;mircea_popescu;"That means that if someone is really passionate about solving global hunger, it might be most helpful for them to start this effort in their neighborhood instead of focusing overseas. " 674336;1400006478;mircea_popescu;such derp. somebody claims a passion for solving "world hunger" specifically because they have internalised being a failure at anything whatsoever, 674337;1400006493;mircea_popescu;and so prefer to focus on "problems" that are safely distant and conveniently untouchable by them. 674338;1400006528;mircea_popescu;if they could do anything even remotely useful at all, they;d be there doing it. like, probably dating and getting drunk with their friends, as higher marginal utility activities than "solving hunger in this one block" 674339;1400006594;kdomanski;I think you just solved the mystery of my procrastination in the face of the necessity to write my thesis -.-' 674340;1400006632;danielpbarron;is it safe to buy equipment on ebay that I intend to use for crypto? 674341;1400006644;danielpbarron;or should I stick to getting stuff only directly from manufacturers 674342;1400006667;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron like what equipment ? a used laptop ? 674343;1400006675;danielpbarron;3821 USB Pinpad 674344;1400006684;danielpbarron;for an OpenPGP smart card 674345;1400006704;mircea_popescu;who's to know at this point. i'd have trouble trusting either 674346;1400006733;danielpbarron;yeh, hrm; I hopefully won't need it for long: I'm really eager to get my hands on a cardano 674347;1400006752;mircea_popescu;benkay is that umlaut thing the venue nell works at ? 674348;1400006763;chetty;don{t get anything for crypto that gets shipped - buy local off the shelf, random. (imho) 674349;1400006765;mircea_popescu;ye hear ascii ? 674350;1400006786;mircea_popescu;yeah, if you have a shelf where you live, may be better. 674351;1400006817;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23837 @ 0.00100036 = 23.8456 BTC [-] 674352;1400007000;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 4 @ 0.041 = 0.164 BTC [-] 674353;1400007305;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.041 = 0.41 BTC [-] 674354;1400007549;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12522 @ 0.00100318 = 12.5618 BTC [+] 674355;1400007904;benkay;mircea_popescu: one of 'em. 674356;1400008054;benkay;;;gettrust assbot Mats_cd03 674357;1400008055;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask Mats_cd03!sid23029@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-hzvjztfvgzwtqoxz. Trust relationship from user assbot to user Mats_cd03: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=Mats_cd03 | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=Mats_cd03 | Rated since: never 674358;1400008070;benkay;;;ident Mats_cd03 674359;1400008070;gribble;Nick 'Mats_cd03', with hostmask 'Mats_cd03!sid23029@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-hzvjztfvgzwtqoxz', is identified as user 'Mats_cd03', with GPG key id 4743200292A09ACD, key fingerprint E6B855DAAF0F95E1628196BD4743200292A09ACD, and bitcoin address None 674360;1400008079;benkay;;;rate Mats_cd03 1 dj 674361;1400008080;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user Mats_cd03 has been recorded. 674362;1400008105;thestringpuller;::rate Mats_cd03 -1 listens to radiohead 674363;1400008107;thestringpuller;jkjkjk 674364;1400008116;thestringpuller;;;lasers 674365;1400008116;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/in-which-we-read-adam-gurri/ 674366;1400008117;assbot;In which we read Adam Gurri pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 674367;1400008117;gribble;┌━ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ *pew!* *pew!* *pew!* 674368;1400008122;mircea_popescu;see what you've done benkay ? 674369;1400008177;benkay;a trilema is me 674370;1400008202;mike_c;;;rate Mats_cd03 1 helped me with some dev stuff 674371;1400008203;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user Mats_cd03 has been recorded. 674372;1400008214;Mats_cd03;;;rate benkay 1 web derpveloper 674373;1400008215;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user benkay has been recorded. 674374;1400008237;mircea_popescu;haha 674375;1400008246;thestringpuller;mike_c: what's teh action? 674376;1400008294;mike_c;thestringpuller: we are not connecting on jargon :) what action? hot bitbets? 674377;1400008304;thestringpuller;any action yo! 674378;1400008305;thestringpuller;where da money at 674379;1400008308;thestringpuller;where da work at? 674380;1400008326;Mats_cd03;this difficulty bet is interesting 674381;1400008340;mircea_popescu;i think he's trying to get hired. 674382;1400008343;benkay;derpveloper. 674383;1400008357;mike_c;well, there is some interesting hedging to be done between: http://bitbet.us/bet/796/an-eastern-conference-team-will-win-the-nba/ and http://bitbet.us/bet/842/spurs-to-win-2014-nba-finals/ 674384;1400008358;assbot;BitBet - An Eastern Conference team will win the NBA Finals :: 0.97 B (48%) on Yes, 1.06 B (52%) on No | closing in 2 weeks 3 days | weight: 92`589 (100`000 to 90`000) 674385;1400008358;assbot;BitBet - Spurs to win 2014 NBA Finals :: 0.64 B (48%) on Yes, 0.68 B (52%) on No | closing in 3 weeks 1 day| weight: 79`853 (100`000 to 1`000) 674386;1400008403;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29200 @ 0.00100351 = 29.3025 BTC [+] {3} 674387;1400008405;mike_c;but you got to get in quick while spurs bet still has reasonable weight. 674388;1400008481;mike_c;also, i think X.IDIFF.SEP is going to be fun. put in some early bids/asks and get a good price. 674389;1400008527;mike_c;then hedge on bitbet or cex.io 674390;1400008699;mircea_popescu;!up napedia 674391;1400008954;thestringpuller;mike_c: aren't you not supposed to hedge with a prediction market? 674392;1400008962;thestringpuller;i thought prediction markets were just toys 674393;1400009011;mike_c;bitbet? it can be useful for hedging if used correctly. 674394;1400009013;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 24 @ 0.041 = 0.984 BTC [-] 674395;1400009081;davout;andreas gets mad when reminded that cloudflare == derpage : https://twitter.com/aantonop/status/466289061989474304 674396;1400009082;assbot;WARNING: Do not provide your blockchain credentials to any unauthorized apps. There is no official iOS Blockchain app. Such apps are fake 674397;1400009140;thestringpuller;mike_c: is it okay if I comment on your article with more maths about betting boths sides of bitbet? 674398;1400009150;mike_c;of course! 674399;1400009178;mike_c;thestringpuller: example: http://bitbet.us/bet/519/btc-network-difficulty-to-top-1b-before-2014/#b1 674400;1400009178;assbot;BitBet - BTC network difficulty to top 1B before 2014 :: 619.37 B (89%) on Yes, 74.04 B (11%) on No | closed 4 months 3 weeks ago 674401;1400009195;mike_c;made 88% roi despite late surge of bettors on yes 674402;1400009867;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29400 @ 0.00100034 = 29.41 BTC [-] {2} 674403;1400009932;mike_c;%t 674404;1400009935;atcbot;[X-BT] Bid: 220 Ask: 237 Last Price: 220 24h-Vol: 0k High: 220 Low: 220 VWAP: 220 674405;1400010324;TheNewDeal;mike_c those were some big bets 674406;1400010446;mike_c;TheNewDeal: yeah, it was a fun bet 674407;1400010464;mike_c;ThickAsThieves got killed :D 674408;1400010477;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 9 @ 0.041 = 0.369 BTC [-] 674409;1400010506;TheNewDeal;55 on no? 674410;1400010520;mike_c;something like that. it's in the logs. 674411;1400010563;TheNewDeal;you interested in http://bitbet.us/bet/677/bitcoin-network-difficulty-14bn-on-bastille-day/ at all? 674412;1400010563;assbot;BitBet - Bitcoin network difficulty > 14Bn on Bastille day :: 30.09 B (76%) on Yes, 9.38 B (24%) on No | closing in 1 month 1 day| weight: 18`082 (100`000 to 1) 674413;1400010660;thestringpuller;yes yes he did 674414;1400010666;thestringpuller;and was mad at the other side 674415;1400010667;mike_c;not financially. i prefer to bet on diff with IDIFF. 674416;1400010680;mike_c;which is now possible finally. 674417;1400010705;thestringpuller;what's IDIFF? 674418;1400010706;benkay;why was it not possible before? 674419;1400010719;mike_c;benkay: because it kept blowing through the 2.9x cap 674420;1400010731;mike_c;thestringpuller: X.IDIFF on mpex 674421;1400010736;thestringpuller;oh 674422;1400010737;thestringpuller;yea 674423;1400010757;thestringpuller;if miners weren't so sketchy 674424;1400010762;thestringpuller;IDIFF would have a lot more volume 674425;1400010789;mike_c;well, really it has had more to with the fact that IDIFF can't go up by more than 2.9x per period and difficulty was going up much faster. 674426;1400010807;mike_c;so nobody in their right mind would sell it. 674427;1400010882;mike_c;i think a couple hundred btc worth went this period, and next period should be better. 674428;1400010917;mike_c;but who knows, still lots of hash coming out 674429;1400010965;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45562 @ 0.00099874 = 45.5046 BTC [-] {6} 674430;1400011062;davout;mircea_popescu: "(look at nick AND ip, too.)" <<< what about folks on webchat? 674431;1400011730;chetty;https://twitter.com/MatthewKeysLive/status/466277726719332352/photo/1 674432;1400011731;assbot;Snowden docs: Photos show NSA agents intercepting packages, implanting spy hardware - http://t.co/Taz0CoBeWv 674433;1400011771;danielpbarron;chetty, what's your twitter handle? 674434;1400011789;mod6;forward soviet! 674435;1400011819;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 37 @ 0.00634001 = 0.2346 BTC [+] 674436;1400011826;mircea_popescu;davout well ip is part of their hostmask 674437;1400011836;danielpbarron;i retweeted that one; interesting how that pops up right after shipping equipment was discussed in here 674438;1400011941;davout;!up mary_poppins 674439;1400011954;mary_poppins;mircea_popescu: yep, you're right :D 674440;1400011973;mod6;wtf where's my spoon full of sugar 674441;1400011993;danielpbarron;chetty, nm; I think i figured out who you are. (adding you to my bitcoin-assets twitter list) 674442;1400012152;fluffypony;mod6: it makes the medicine go down, right? 674443;1400012159;mod6;fo sheezy 674444;1400012161;thestringpuller;most if not all my tweets are non-bitcion related 674445;1400012173;thestringpuller;i just like to rant and rave like a fouled mouth american who is going senile 674446;1400012201;danielpbarron;thestringpuller, am I following you? 674447;1400012218;thestringpuller;no 674448;1400012244;danielpbarron;it doesn't matter if a user doesn't talk about bitcoin; it's a good indicator that they make interesting content if they chat in here though 674449;1400012368;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.07200001 = 0.288 BTC [-] {3} 674450;1400012402;chetty;danielpbarron, I don't tweet much, but I do retweet 674451;1400012429;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 7 @ 0.041 = 0.287 BTC [-] 674452;1400012483;thestringpuller;chetty is a ghost 674453;1400012497;thestringpuller;<.<;; 674454;1400012503;fluffypony;needs moar ascii art, thestringpuller 674455;1400013405;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.0240111 = 0.1201 BTC [-] 674456;1400013501;bitcoinpete;http://theoatmeal.com/comics/tesla_model_s 674457;1400013502;assbot;What it's like to own a Tesla Model S - A cartoonist's review of his magical space car - The Oatmeal 674458;1400013505;fluffypony;davout: around? 674459;1400013515;bitcoinpete;batteries buying comic strips 674460;1400013534;davout;fluffypony: yes 674461;1400013572;fluffypony;davout: someone else on IRC says that they can post on btctalk no problem, but when they try PM it has that "last post from your IP was less than 360 seconds ago" message 674462;1400013578;fluffypony;PMs only, public posts are fine 674463;1400013588;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 67 @ 0.0240111 = 1.6087 BTC [-] 674464;1400013593;fluffypony;they live alone, no Opera off-road mode, no VPN, no proxy, no TOR 674465;1400013606;fluffypony;any idea what could cause that? 674466;1400013631;davout;fluffypony: you seem to be mistaken about my role on btctalk, i'm merely a glorified janitor for the french section 674467;1400013645;fluffypony;davout I know 674468;1400013649;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 40 @ 0.03139998 = 1.256 BTC [-] 674469;1400013659;fluffypony;but I figured you'd know more than I, I've exhausted my help for the guy 674470;1400013665;davout;maybe you can't PM as a noob 674471;1400013672;*;fluffypony has no idea 674472;1400013673;davout;to avoid PM spam or whatever 674473;1400013676;fluffypony;could be 674474;1400013692;danielpbarron;fluffypony, I get that all the time; it also won't let me update my trust ratings when that happens 674475;1400013707;fluffypony;danielpbarron: and also definitely not on a shared connection etc. etc. ? 674476;1400013715;davout;fluffypony: if your friend has less than 50 posts i can ban him, that'll solve his problem, in some way 674477;1400013723;davout;:D 674478;1400013723;fluffypony;hah hah 674479;1400013730;fluffypony;not a friend, just someone in another room 674480;1400013737;danielpbarron;fluffypony, not shared with anyone else who would use that site 674481;1400013738;fluffypony;if it was a friend I would be all for banning them :-P 674482;1400013771;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 15 @ 0.03139998 = 0.471 BTC [-] 674483;1400013784;fluffypony;danielpbarron: maybe post activity - his posts are also lowish like yours - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=328586 674484;1400013784;assbot;View the profile of Spollie 674485;1400013800;thestringpuller;!bait 674486;1400013806;thestringpuller;fine assbot 674487;1400013809;thestringpuller;;;echo .bait 674488;1400013810;gribble;.bait 674489;1400013818;danielpbarron;fluffypony, that's what I assumed; I guess it'll always be like that for me (I haven't looked at that site in weeks i think) 674490;1400013827;thestringpuller;ozbot stop being lame 674491;1400013854;fluffypony;omw no bait 674492;1400013857;fluffypony;manual bait coming up 674493;1400013879;fluffypony;http://s15.motherlessmedia.com/dev272/0/563/030/0563030540.jpg 674494;1400013879;assbot;Error 403 674495;1400013885;fluffypony;well whatever assbot 674496;1400013923;bitcoinpete;.d 674497;1400013941;bitcoinpete;... 674498;1400014143;fluffypony;bitcoinpete: all the bots are gone 674499;1400014151;fluffypony;except assbot 674500;1400014181;bitcoinpete;fluffypony: hmm 674501;1400014191;mircea_popescu;who's mary poppins ?! 674502;1400014201;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: old movie 674503;1400014205;fluffypony;with Julie Andrews 674504;1400014221;davout;mircea_popescu: she has this botomless bag 674505;1400014227;*;fluffypony loves old musicals 674506;1400014235;davout;i fucking love mary poppins 674507;1400014242;fluffypony;davout: me too 674508;1400014249;fluffypony;davout: in English or French tho? 674509;1400014260;davout;after watching it with my daughter it was the first time ever she wanted to spontaneously go clean up her room 674510;1400014276;fluffypony;LOL! 674511;1400014320;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.0238023 = 0.119 BTC [-] {4} 674512;1400014321;davout;can't remember, if i was watching it with her it was prolly in french 674513;1400014381;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 6 @ 0.0235 = 0.141 BTC [-] {2} 674514;1400014399;fluffypony;ah nice 674515;1400014422;fluffypony;when the Bank of England stands! England stands! 674516;1400014433;fluffypony;and when the Bank of England falls! England Falls! 674517;1400014444;fluffypony; 674518;1400014730;fluffypony;bitcoinpete: aaaand now I want to buy a Tesla. thanks. 674519;1400014747;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.023 = 0.115 BTC [-] 674520;1400014784;bitcoinpete;fluffypony: lol i had that phase too. it passes 674521;1400014802;bitcoinpete;though there are a ton of them out this summer 674522;1400014813;bitcoinpete;our little city has jumped on the bandwagon 674523;1400014827;bitcoinpete;when the nearest dealer/service centre is 1000km away 674524;1400015053;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 8 @ 0.03139998 = 0.2512 BTC [-] 674525;1400015060;fluffypony;lol 674526;1400015067;fluffypony;well no charging stations here 674527;1400015078;fluffypony;but definitely interesting tech when they come 674528;1400015113;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 38 @ 0.00649341 = 0.2467 BTC [+] {3} 674529;1400015174;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 6 @ 0.041 = 0.246 BTC [-] 674530;1400015211;mircea_popescu;fluffypony your manual bait is meh. 674531;1400015224;mircea_popescu;and obv i mean the noob thaty highlighted me, not the cultural referewnce 674532;1400015235;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.469 BTC [+] 674533;1400015274;mircea_popescu;actually i take that back. she's cute. 674534;1400015357;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39635 @ 0.00099492 = 39.4337 BTC [-] {4} 674535;1400015508;mircea_popescu;bitcoinpete these people with their largest corp/largest event/largest urmom ass are funny. 674536;1400015529;mircea_popescu;maybe later this year someone also does the first sale of a bitcoin corp stock, and then it'll be even. 674537;1400015588;bitcoinpete;for the first time in their lives, they just need to use "in the us" after everything 674538;1400015601;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.0313997 = 0.157 BTC [-] 674539;1400015663;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 43 @ 0.00623166 = 0.268 BTC [-] {3} 674540;1400015999;davout;mircea_popescu: can we discuss the "lock your account down by zeroing it" ? 674541;1400016027;davout;looks like the X.EUR bot locked itself out my mpex account again 674542;1400016028;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16316 @ 0.00099953 = 16.3083 BTC [+] {2} 674543;1400016066;mircea_popescu;davout sure. 674544;1400016104;davout;last time this happened the idea was "let's ask people if it's of use to anyone" 674545;1400016126;davout;so i'm asking, is anyone with a mpex account relying on this functionality for anything? 674546;1400016134;jurov; so nobody in their right mind would sell it. << you mean buy, there were sells above max :) 674547;1400016153;mike_c;jurov: well, yes :) sell below the cap. 674548;1400016159;davout;to summarize, if for any reason your BTC balance gets to zero your account gets locked 674549;1400016208;jborkl_;got all my loading placeholders replaced with variables- no visible loading to end user :) 674550;1400016617;jurov;davout its biggest use case is to catch derpy bots 674551;1400016732;jurov;or maybe mpex uses it to prevent numeric overflow.. would explain why overflow happened so far on asset balances only 674552;1400016744;fluffypony;so then are you supposed to keep a bare minimum balance in the account? 674553;1400016760;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16700 @ 0.00099455 = 16.609 BTC [-] {2} 674554;1400016764;davout;fluffypony: currently yes 674555;1400016770;jurov;fluffypony: if you want to keep trading yes 674556;1400016778;davout;jurov: why is a bot that uses all available resources be considered as derpy ? 674557;1400016779;mircea_popescu;jurov i think that's more a matter of, whether you buy or sell, you buy or sel la number of shares, not a qty of cash. 674558;1400016780;*;fluffypony looks at his broker to make sure he has a minimum balance 674559;1400016807;bitcoinpete;fluffypony: lol 674560;1400016808;mircea_popescu;davout in general, it's a bad idea to execute unspecified actions. 674561;1400016809;jurov;i'm just in trollish mood 674562;1400016824;mircea_popescu;this is not a problem in most cases, but in high security applications it's good practice to never do it. 674563;1400016827;davout;jurov: :-) 674564;1400016830;fluffypony;bitcoinpete: one of many things I don't need to worry about and jurov does :) 674565;1400016849;bitcoinpete;right?! 674566;1400016872;bitcoinpete;jurov's a gem 674567;1400016872;jurov;but yes, not a bad precaution to always keep one satoshi there 674568;1400016875;davout;mircea_popescu: sure, i could add a check, but imo a RAND() quantity would count as unspecified, not a X where X may or may not be larger than my available cash 674569;1400016917;mircea_popescu;that seems purely arbitrary. 674570;1400016918;jurov;davout s your bot does not know what balance it has? 674571;1400016927;jurov;that's def derpy 674572;1400016949;davout;because the behaviour expected would be to execute the order up to the available resources, which incidentally happens for all other assets, *except* CxBTC, which is purely arbitrary too :-) 674573;1400016962;mircea_popescu;well even the x is arbitrary. 674574;1400016970;davout;jurov: sure it does 674575;1400017011;FabianB;;;ticker --currency eur --last 674576;1400017012;gribble;319.937022 674577;1400017116;davout;let me phrase the question a different way, "is it really desirable that it's not possible to put all your BTC in bids without locking your account down?" 674578;1400017126;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 8 @ 0.03101695 = 0.2481 BTC [-] {4} 674579;1400017168;mircea_popescu;seems the question you're trying to ask is more like, 674580;1400017185;mircea_popescu;"is it really desirable that i don't actually calculate what i want to buy before i place an order ?" 674581;1400017234;davout;the answer to this question is "i want to use whatever resources are available to populate the X.EUR order book" 674582;1400017248;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.072 = 0.144 BTC [-] 674583;1400017266;jurov;is it such a big problem to subtract 1 satoshi from these resources? 674584;1400017268;mircea_popescu;so then held.eur/my.price 674585;1400017291;jurov;subtract/set aside 674586;1400017309;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 4 @ 0.041 = 0.164 BTC [-] 674587;1400017413;mircea_popescu;!up Lee- 674588;1400017415;davout;yea, that's perfectly possible 674589;1400017432;davout;but i was under the impression you'd consider removing this feature if nobody was using it 674590;1400017486;davout;jurov: so far the bot actually checks asset balances and changes the order of canceling and placing orders if there are not enough assets to continuously keep orders on the book 674591;1400017511;davout;(versus cancel, and *then* replace orders, which would leave some times with no bid/ask) 674592;1400017550;mircea_popescu;davout yes, but consider has this wide timespan in my understanding. 674593;1400017577;davout;ok 674594;1400017618;davout;so i'll just post orders up to (BTC balance - 1 satoshi) for bids 674595;1400017655;davout;i'm not sure, when the account is locked can i cancel orders ? i seem to recall that the answer is no, amirite? 674596;1400017657;jurov;mircea_popescu: lock also locks pushes from the account? 674597;1400017671;mircea_popescu;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bni-JsgIQAE0zQO.png check that shit out 674598;1400017722;bitcoinpete;chicago doesn't have a reputation of corruption for nothin 674599;1400017741;bitcoinpete;and it's hard to imagine the lines in detroit are that long 674600;1400017766;mircea_popescu;jurov afaik no, but i'll have this dblckeched 674601;1400017792;FabianB;davout: is the lowest x.eur ask yours? 674602;1400017815;jurov;that would improve cold storage security.. any (leaked) push requests would fail until you deposit something 674603;1400017852;mircea_popescu;jurov tbh the locking acct feature is a leftover that i'd rather take out than expand 674604;1400017876;mircea_popescu;it doesn't REALLY make all that much sense. 674605;1400017883;davout;FabianB: X.EUR : S1`500 @ 0.00317048BTC 674606;1400017884;jurov;i'm not using it anyway 674607;1400017897;FabianB;ic 674608;1400017920;mircea_popescu;$b x.eur 674609;1400017923;mircea_popescu;$depth x.eur 674610;1400017925;mpexbot;mircea_popescu: X.EUR Bids: ['309 @ 0.00310023', '214 @ 0.0030999', '101 @ 0.00309875', '1500 @ 0.00307881', '2400 @ 0.0019005'] 674611;1400017926;mpexbot;mircea_popescu: Asks: ['174 @ 0.00310046', '331 @ 0.00310304', '309 @ 0.00310354', '154 @ 0.00310467', '125 @ 0.00312483'] 674612;1400017933;mircea_popescu;it's quite narrowly populated this thing 674613;1400017947;mircea_popescu;;;calc 0.00310046/0.00310023 674614;1400017947;gribble;1.00007418804 674615;1400017951;mircea_popescu;o.O 674616;1400017968;Apocalyptic;dat spread 674617;1400018130;fluffypony;Apocalyptic: that's what HE said 674618;1400018138;Apocalyptic;heh 674619;1400018192;mircea_popescu;someone broke twitter. 674620;1400018221;bitcoinpete;ya the links seem buggered 674621;1400018224;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9400 @ 0.00099777 = 9.379 BTC [+] 674622;1400018241;mircea_popescu;http://www.qrk.cc/ 674623;1400018242;assbot;Quark - Money reinvented by the people ( QuarkCoin QRK ) 674624;1400018245;mircea_popescu;o look! the first altcoin 674625;1400018254;mircea_popescu;no sorry i mean the biggest cryptocurrency 674626;1400018302;mircea_popescu;https://quarkfoundation.cc/ 674627;1400018342;mircea_popescu;"Quark is a decentralized crypto-currency that allows for the most fast and secure transactions in the world." 674628;1400018375;davout;mircea_popescu: can you buy pencils or a yard rake? 674629;1400018399;mircea_popescu;no, but soon it will be the first cryptoaltcurrency to offer pencils and yard raking. 674630;1400018451;mircea_popescu;i'm kinda rooting for Derp, the most fast and largest biggest secure herpurrency in the world. 674631;1400018460;mircea_popescu;well, "world". in the quantiverse. 674632;1400018610;fluffypony;Derp would never work 674633;1400018616;fluffypony;it doesn't have the word "coin" in the name 674634;1400018625;fluffypony;or a round logo that looks like a coin 674635;1400018631;Apocalyptic;derpcoin comes naturally from that 674636;1400018642;mircea_popescu;maybe derpit ? 674637;1400018645;Apocalyptic;not that it's a good name 674638;1400018650;fluffypony;BitDerp 674639;1400018651;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16450 @ 0.00099943 = 16.4406 BTC [+] 674640;1400018654;mircea_popescu;derbit 674641;1400018661;mircea_popescu;except with the b rotated see 674642;1400018671;fluffypony;Derdit? 674643;1400018675;fluffypony;Derpit? 674644;1400018684;mircea_popescu;herr bit! 674645;1400018689;mircea_popescu;der pit. 674646;1400018692;fluffypony;much confuse wow such currency naming exercise so language 674647;1400018733;mircea_popescu;we laugh, but i've had the occasion to see first hand people who, on account of all the time they spend devoid of human contact, actually speak like that. 674648;1400018756;fluffypony;:/ 674649;1400018789;fluffypony;I have to break my brain to conform to that, it's worse than trying to talk like Yoda 674650;1400018812;mircea_popescu;it's the retarded child of a 90s cali valley girl with a 674651;1400018813;mircea_popescu;hm 674652;1400018816;davout;BingoBoingo seemed to have some skill to speak the dotcoin language 674653;1400018821;mircea_popescu;with a box of kellogg's cornflakes. 674654;1400018835;fluffypony;davout: BingoBoingo speaks dotcoin? 674655;1400018842;fluffypony;should we call him BingoBourse from now on? 674656;1400018844;mircea_popescu;well... he drinks. 674657;1400018844;davout;he does, quite brilliantly 674658;1400018855;davout;LOL both of you 674659;1400018863;jurov;irllol 674660;1400018960;fluffypony;1 bottle of wine + 2nd whisky 674661;1400019013;mircea_popescu;lightweight. 674662;1400019016;fluffypony;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=602950.msg6714086#msg6714086 674663;1400019016;assbot;New Shares on Bitcoin Bourse "TXT" 674664;1400019020;davout;fluffypony: faggot 674665;1400019023;mircea_popescu;i'm on my 198th chocolate truffle with a rum center. 674666;1400019026;fluffypony;davout:) 674667;1400019054;davout;mircea_popescu: i'll bring you a box of "mon chéri" next time 674668;1400019066;davout;pankkake and Apocalyptic would know these 674669;1400019074;mircea_popescu;meh supermarket chocolates 674670;1400019078;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32102 @ 0.00100258 = 32.1848 BTC [+] {4} 674671;1400019084;davout;ethanol, who fucking cares 674672;1400019090;mircea_popescu;it has to be made by hand in darkness and hidrated with virgin tears! 674673;1400019160;fluffypony;crazy 674674;1400019169;fluffypony;XXXProfit is not only still around 674675;1400019175;fluffypony;but paying dividends 674676;1400019185;davout;fluffypony: i'm excited about the bitcoin-central ticker IPO on bourse too 674677;1400019191;mircea_popescu;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=602950.msg6694108#msg6694108 674678;1400019191;assbot;New Shares on Bitcoin Bourse "TXT" 674679;1400019192;fluffypony;davout: can't wait 674680;1400019196;mircea_popescu;ok that thread was hysterical. 674681;1400019232;davout;seriously, send BingoBoingo a bottle of something and invite dotcoin back, i have a stock of popcorn 674682;1400019245;fluffypony;can I buy him something online with Bitcoin? 674683;1400019253;mircea_popescu;no 674684;1400019268;fluffypony;well that complicates my life 674685;1400019268;mircea_popescu;only with farq, the first largest cryptoboink 674686;1400019272;fluffypony;OH 674687;1400019285;fluffypony;or QurafMajKoin 674688;1400019288;fluffypony;CPU only 674689;1400019290;fluffypony;No IPO 674690;1400019294;fluffypony;No Premine 674691;1400019297;fluffypony;FAIR LAUNCH 674692;1400019297;mircea_popescu;"only slightly premined" 674693;1400019314;fluffypony;Exchange and auction site at launch because we have mediocre PHP skills! 674694;1400019328;mircea_popescu;but wait, there's more! with every purchase you're entitled to one, slightly used, sliughtly worn, slightly slutty 674695;1400019329;mircea_popescu;WIFE 674696;1400019336;mircea_popescu;for no extra charge 674697;1400019342;fluffypony;LOL 674698;1400019343;mircea_popescu;(divorce proceedings charged separately) 674699;1400019348;fluffypony;you heard about the NFD thing, right? 674700;1400019352;mircea_popescu;no ? 674701;1400019355;fluffypony;this altcoin does an IPO 674702;1400019364;fluffypony;and they have an escrow 674703;1400019370;fluffypony;so it's a "safe" IPO 674704;1400019375;mircea_popescu;how's that work ? 674705;1400019378;fluffypony;then they shut down and disappear and so sad been hacked 674706;1400019388;fluffypony;except 674707;1400019389;fluffypony;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=540017.0 674708;1400019390;assbot;[Wallets Stolen By Hackers][We're Sorry][Contact Anon136 For Escrow] 674709;1400019397;fluffypony;that's from March 27 674710;1400019402;fluffypony;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=580537.0 674711;1400019402;assbot;[Wallets Stolen By Hackers][We're Sorry][Contact Anon136 For Escrow] 674712;1400019408;mircea_popescu;"presumably due to our high profile" 674713;1400019409;mircea_popescu;o ic. 674714;1400019410;fluffypony;that's the new one that "shut down" two days ago 674715;1400019423;fluffypony;they're so lazy they're reusing their "we got hacked" message 674716;1400019435;mircea_popescu;ahahahaah 674717;1400019440;mircea_popescu;gotta keep the margins down. 674718;1400019444;fluffypony;yeah 674719;1400019450;mod6;omg 674720;1400019453;mircea_popescu;i tell you, the forum is headed to this fucktards and spam scripts bright future 674721;1400019454;mod6;lol 674722;1400019459;jurov;Our code has been dismantled << hows that a bad thing? 674723;1400019460;mircea_popescu;sorta like the foundation. 674724;1400019472;mircea_popescu;jurov no but they mean, if the code were good. 674725;1400019473;fluffypony;jurov: I still can't understand what that means 674726;1400019506;davout;'Cryptocurrency will live on, but it's time for us to die.' 674727;1400019506;mircea_popescu;fluffypony like if your code was on a mantlepiece, right ? 674728;1400019507;chetty;bits and bytes scattered on the floor? 674729;1400019510;mircea_popescu;(because of its high profile) 674730;1400019513;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: that's what I figured 674731;1400019513;mircea_popescu;and then it fell off. 674732;1400019519;fluffypony;and then you dismantled it 674733;1400019547;mircea_popescu;"Our code has been dismantled, our hope has been crushed, and your coins are gone." 674734;1400019550;assbot;Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/2C706FT.txt ) 674735;1400019550;mircea_popescu;!b 1 674736;1400019550;fluffypony;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=580537.msg6660935#msg6660935 - they pimped that IPO until 30 mins before it "closed" 674737;1400019550;assbot;[Wallets Stolen By Hackers][We're Sorry][Contact Anon136 For Escrow] 674738;1400019562;fluffypony;and then straight after that it was "stolen" 674739;1400019576;fluffypony;but re-using the "we got hacked" message is just lazy 674740;1400019585;mircea_popescu;so much lulz 674741;1400019588;fluffypony;I remember when scammers used to fake having an ASIC 674742;1400019604;fluffypony;nowadays they just have to announce a "fair launch" altcoin IPO 674743;1400019613;fluffypony;no need to fake your ASIC video demo any longer 674744;1400019615;mircea_popescu;"If you don't believe you can always use Anon escrow service. I think NFD-Coin is doing a good job with this IPO. but its better to pay a small escrow fee and be safe than sorry in my opinion." 674745;1400019625;mircea_popescu;clearly the opinions of nobody on the internet matter a lot. 674746;1400019633;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: sucks when the escrow *is* the scammer 674747;1400019643;fluffypony;and they re-use the scammer a month later 674748;1400019652;fluffypony;how does nobody notice this shit? 674749;1400019661;mircea_popescu;55 pages, that thing 674750;1400019666;davout;fluffypony: do you actually care? 674751;1400019669;mircea_popescu;it's merged with reddit. 674752;1400019680;fluffypony;davout: morbid fascination 674753;1400019683;chetty;who,e new crop of idjuits each new moth ya know 674754;1400019688;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 9 @ 0.44123334 = 3.9711 BTC [-] {5} 674755;1400019693;fluffypony;I think chetty has it right 674756;1400019697;jurov;what would change if anyone noticed? 674757;1400019701;fluffypony;there's enough churn that they can run the same scam 674758;1400019720;fluffypony;jurov: well...uh...errrm... 674759;1400019724;*;fluffypony has nothing 674760;1400019747;fluffypony;the mods would do nothing, the community would shout either way and nobody would care 674761;1400019749;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 360 @ 0.00673441 = 2.4244 BTC [+] {10} 674762;1400019750;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 25 @ 0.02301001 = 0.5753 BTC [+] 674763;1400019751;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 25 @ 0.03137892 = 0.7845 BTC [+] {4} 674764;1400019765;mircea_popescu;"Of course it wasnt hackers. Before that claim was made, there was a password protected "beta test wallet" that was released. Only they had the passwords and there was no announcement of any hacking when teh password was revealed. It was later found that the zip contained nothing but a useless exe file that did nothing. This exe was put there intentionally by teh ones who had the password. The password was revealed by 674765;1400019765;mircea_popescu;the "dev", so the question of a "hacker" in between does not arise there." 674766;1400019774;mircea_popescu;the great and wise forumtards could not hack through the password "dev" 674767;1400019810;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 200 @ 0.0070725 = 1.4145 BTC [+] {3} 674768;1400019865;davout;i mean, after all, these scams serve the purpose of educating noobs by pain to a certain extent 674769;1400019880;mircea_popescu;nah. 674770;1400019891;mircea_popescu;if the forum were run by mpoe-pr, then it'd serve the purpose to educate. 674771;1400019920;mircea_popescu;as it is, it simply moves some pizzas from idiot us people to famished third worlders, and persuades even more us idiots that "crypto = scam" 674772;1400019945;fluffypony;davout: this is beyond education, though 674773;1400019949;mircea_popescu;pain without humiliation does not work as an educative device. 674774;1400019958;chetty;oh, so O's redistribution is at work 674775;1400019969;mircea_popescu;chetty man of his time. 674776;1400020034;davout;well then it still serves the purpose to reditribute food efficiently 674777;1400020037;davout;:D 674778;1400020061;mircea_popescu;mhm 674779;1400020087;mircea_popescu;scammers are doing more to end world hunger (and also break up idiotic sexual hang-ups in the 3rd world) than all western charities 100x over 674780;1400020096;davout;instead of being metabolized as fat it gets metabolized into energy for third worlders 674781;1400020127;davout;so in essence, it's a good thing mpoe-pr got banned, more food for nigerians 674782;1400020140;fluffypony;I thought it was only a temp ban tho? 674783;1400020145;mircea_popescu;yeah, she was an artefact of an era gone by. 674784;1400020157;mircea_popescu;the forum had its own calling. 674785;1400020159;davout;i think it would be a temp ban if she actually wanted to come back 674786;1400020181;fluffypony;that's true 674787;1400020201;chetty;haha never thought of that, shipping money to the 3rd world is waht libtards want, reddit should love all the scams 674788;1400020202;fluffypony;after focusing on the securities sub-forum for a few weeks 674789;1400020212;fluffypony;I can honestly say that I would not come back if I were her 674790;1400020231;fluffypony;telling people they're obviously retarded does nothing nowadays 674791;1400020235;fluffypony;they just get uppity 674792;1400020237;mircea_popescu;chetty they would love it, except it's THEIR money. 674793;1400020242;mircea_popescu;were it your money then it'd be fine. 674794;1400020251;mircea_popescu;which is why they want taxation. 674795;1400020276;chetty;haha, Thatcher, eventually you run out of other people's money 674796;1400020305;mircea_popescu;that's the govt's problem. let it create more jobs or w/e it does. 674797;1400020366;mircea_popescu;fluffypony you gotta appreciate, back in early 2012 the composition of that forum was significantly different. 674798;1400020379;mircea_popescu;there's a huge space between 85 iq and 65 iq. 674799;1400020391;fluffypony;true 674800;1400020400;davout;2010 was actually good 674801;1400020402;mircea_popescu;and it's been losing about 1 point per month, roughly tracking the btc value 674802;1400020408;mircea_popescu;!up rum234 674803;1400020421;fluffypony;davout: before my time 674804;1400020445;fluffypony;although to be honest, if I'd discovered it in 2010 I don't think I would've had the knowledge and maturity to appreciate what I'd found 674805;1400020455;mircea_popescu;well in 2010 it was mostly satoshi. hearn hadn't shown up yet, 674806;1400020461;mircea_popescu;sirius was still posting even 674807;1400020481;davout;satoshi was posting ffs 674808;1400020571;mircea_popescu;https://bitcointa.lk/index.php?topic=47438 < this is how 2011 looked. 674809;1400020571;assbot;Bitcointa.lk: the Bitcointalk community with a proper forum | Bitcointa.lk 674810;1400020575;davout;he posted some stupid stuff too XD 674811;1400020626;mircea_popescu;back then scammers got trampled into the ground and they got all butthurt. 674812;1400020656;davout;altcoins were some distant theoretical construct 674813;1400020846;mircea_popescu;https://bitcointa.lk/index.php?topic=216717.msg2275578#msg2275578 674814;1400020846;assbot;First National Innovation Brokers exposed | Bitcointa.lk 674815;1400020848;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 17 @ 0.02301 = 0.3912 BTC [-] 674816;1400020851;mircea_popescu;old drama. ah, such good days. 674817;1400020908;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16050 @ 0.00100494 = 16.1293 BTC [+] 674818;1400021028;davout;"Bitcoin Bourse is a decentralised digital market place" 674819;1400021030;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4323 @ 0.00100483 = 4.3439 BTC [-] 674820;1400021036;davout;how the fuck is it even decentralized 674821;1400021045;mircea_popescu;https://bitcointa.lk/index.php?topic=15.msg107#msg107 in case you're wondering "why sirius" 674822;1400021046;assbot;New Exchange Service: "BTC 2 PSC" | Bitcointa.lk 674823;1400021055;fluffypony;davout: my computer is in a different place to their server 674824;1400021059;fluffypony;so therefore decentralised 674825;1400021071;davout;no silly, that's p2p 674826;1400021131;davout;bitcoin bourse 'Human Shield' 674827;1400021147;davout;that's probably the only thing the guy could actually be good at 674828;1400021769;benkay;davout jurov mircea_popescu: der.py 674829;1400021791;davout;"Firefox ne peut trouver le serveur à l'adresse www.der.py." 674830;1400021852;davout;benkay: you got me excited 674831;1400021876;fluffypony;lol 674832;1400021961;fluffypony;time for sleepz 674833;1400022189;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22800 @ 0.00099961 = 22.7911 BTC [-] 674834;1400022433;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16791 @ 0.00100003 = 16.7915 BTC [+] {2} 674835;1400022494;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.44 BTC [-] 674836;1400022495;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.072 = 0.144 BTC [-] 674837;1400022496;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 21 @ 0.02399989 = 0.504 BTC [+] {2} 674838;1400023166;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4300 @ 0.00099979 = 4.2991 BTC [-] 674839;1400023775;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41300 @ 0.00100191 = 41.3789 BTC [+] {2} 674840;1400023897;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 300 @ 0.00430598 = 1.2918 BTC [-] {4} 674841;1400023958;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 110 @ 0.00430039 = 0.473 BTC [-] {3} 674842;1400024141;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7092 @ 0.00100349 = 7.1168 BTC [+] 674843;1400025544;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13900 @ 0.00099893 = 13.8851 BTC [-] {2} 674844;1400026100;mircea_popescu;just in case someone else may get a chuckle out of this : 674845;1400026101;mircea_popescu;http://pastebin.com/2841S6uF 674846;1400026101;assbot;Bitcoin Pete @bitcoinpete 3h @bendavenport @coindesk You too, Ben? Where did - Pastebin.com 674847;1400027729;mircea_popescu;;;tslb 674848;1400027731;gribble;Time since last block: 17 minutes and 27 seconds 674849;1400028091;mircea_popescu;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wCgZh-nczY 674850;1400028091;assbot;Dakh Daughters "Rozy / Donbass" (live acoustic) - YouTube 674851;1400029082;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 20 @ 0.02300654 = 0.4601 BTC [-] {4} 674852;1400029753;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13000 @ 0.00099859 = 12.9817 BTC [-] 674853;1400029814;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 4 @ 0.138 = 0.552 BTC [+] 674854;1400029874;mike_c;ok, that's creepy. 674855;1400030117;mircea_popescu;http://www.economist.com/blogs/freeexchange/2014/05/lousy-recoveries 674856;1400030117;assbot;Lousy recoveries: No one (important) wants faster growth | The Economist 674857;1400030141;mircea_popescu;possibly the most retarded article of the week, yet standard fare in today's "climate change" style of pseudo-ecinomics 674858;1400030144;mircea_popescu;!up slashme 674859;1400030152;*;slashme 674860;1400030155;slashme;WHOAS 674861;1400030165;mircea_popescu;"The bitter truth is that central banks launch economies off the ZLB when politicians force them to. This was true of many economies in the 1930s, it seems like it will be true of Japan, and there is every indication that it will prove true of Europe and America. The ZLB is not an economic problem. It's not about deleveraging or inflation targets. It is a political problem. Preventing the kind of crisis and recovery is 674862;1400030165;mircea_popescu;easy: just have a political majority committed to something different. " 674863;1400030175;mircea_popescu;something different aka, let's all be rich permanently for free. 674864;1400030181;mircea_popescu;seems like a great commitment. 674865;1400030182;xanthyos;WHOAS ya 674866;1400030234;mircea_popescu;xanthyos try again, in a language ? 674867;1400030241;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8000 @ 0.00099859 = 7.9887 BTC [-] 674868;1400030866;BingoBoingo;;;ticker 674869;1400030870;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 439.16, Best ask: 439.9, Bid-ask spread: 0.74000, Last trade: 439.9, 24 hour volume: 5856.32329823, 24 hour low: 430.61, 24 hour high: 442.74, 24 hour vwap: 437.258929729 674870;1400032132;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11950 @ 0.00100164 = 11.9696 BTC [+] {2} 674871;1400032318;decimation;"The argument here would be that unconventional policy might be just as effective as conventional policy, but if the Fed is less willing to use it then the ZLB still represents a constraint. " LoL sentence 674872;1400032396;decimation;If only we could charge people for saving money - imagine the heights of absurdity to which we could steer the currency! 674873;1400032831;mircea_popescu;all you really need is for 1 = 2. after that, everything is one single step away. 674874;1400032884;BingoBoingo;In this way Bitcoin has stronger regulation than the USD ever can. 674875;1400032986;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9450 @ 0.00099852 = 9.436 BTC [-] {3} 674876;1400033015;mircea_popescu;+1 674877;1400033069;mircea_popescu;"but all you really need is for the politicians to decide otherwise!111" 674878;1400033082;mircea_popescu;really instructive by contrast with actual economy, the economist. 674879;1400033165;BingoBoingo;Looks like Hanbot took this bet: http://bitbet.us/bet/845/mers-in-us-over-50-cases-before-july/ 674880;1400033165;assbot;BitBet - MERS in US: over 50 cases before July :: 0.54 B (42%) on Yes, 0.76 B (58%) on No | closing in 1 month 1 week| weight: 99`831 (100`000 to 1) 674881;1400033174;BingoBoingo;Already getting extra action. 674882;1400033174;TheNewDeal;that one is interesting 674883;1400033258;mircea_popescu;not a bad bet. 674884;1400033272;BingoBoingo;contrast to http://bitbet.us/bet/600/tradefortress-arrested/ 674885;1400033272;assbot;BitBet - TradeFortress arrested :: 0.03 B (25%) on Yes, 0.09 B (75%) on No | closed 2 weeks 2 hours ago 674886;1400033296;mircea_popescu;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BnYdHI3CAAAEG0k.png 674887;1400033352;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 35 @ 0.0063501 = 0.2223 BTC [+] 674888;1400033736;BingoBoingo;http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/may/12/glenn-greenwald-uk-arrest-me-edward-snowden-nsa 674889;1400033737;assbot;Glenn Greenwald: 'I don't trust the UK not to arrest me. Their behaviour has been extreme' | World news | The Guardian 674890;1400033833;mircea_popescu;i wouldn't trust the uk to anything. it's basically the political equivalent of nevada. an uninhabited wasteland where you test nukes. 674891;1400033947;mircea_popescu;"But it's true. He wasn't great at encryption. In common with most journalists working today, he had no clue about tools that would have allowed him to communicate with sources privately, without fear of NSA or any other snooping." 674892;1400033964;mircea_popescu;these people can't math even to the degree of grasping the most basic points of statistics 674893;1400033976;mircea_popescu;they can't encrypt, they can barely read and rarely comprehend anything 674894;1400034000;mircea_popescu;yet they still think themselves journalists. what sense does this make ? a guy thgat can't turn on the stove and regularly cooks moldy chicken isn't a cook 674895;1400034008;mircea_popescu;some dude that can't work a hammer isn't a carpenter 674896;1400034033;mircea_popescu;why would a bunch of dorks with nary a clue as to the workings of the actual tools of their trade be even for a second taken seriously as "journalists" ? 674897;1400034035;mircea_popescu;i don't see it. 674898;1400034312;benkay;evening 674899;1400034544;moiety;morning 674900;1400034549;benkay;hey mo :) 674901;1400034550;benkay;http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2014/05/13/clay-aiken-congress-democratic-primary/9039487/ 674902;1400034550;assbot;Clay Aiken apparent winner of Democratic primary 674903;1400034646;TheNewDeal;gunna have to test the old bet both ways theory 674904;1400034650;*;moiety just woke up 674905;1400035263;benkay;!up aabtc 674906;1400035266;benkay;!up agorecki 674907;1400035272;benkay;agorecki what's your story? 674908;1400035316;agorecki;benkay: I heard about this channel after mircea saved TrustedBSD, and came here to lurk and see what I could learn 674909;1400035361;agorecki;I don't think the channel was voice-to-speak only at the time, though 674910;1400035377;moiety;it's quite a new thing agorecki 674911;1400035380;BingoBoingo;agorecki: You got your BSD's mixed up 674912;1400035393;BingoBoingo;agorecki: But yeah, the voicing is new. 674913;1400035484;agorecki;Ah, right. It was OpenBSD 674914;1400035641;moiety;i only just learned that myself, while reading the openbsd wikipage. totally epic of him. 674915;1400035731;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7100 @ 0.00100212 = 7.1151 BTC [+] {2} 674916;1400035822;benkay;save one bsd, save them all. 674917;1400035854;benkay;okay so here's a thing. 674918;1400035890;benkay;i came up in computers in the 'configuration management' epoch, where everyone i knew and everyone i worked with was using some sort of software to manage the state of machines virtual or real metal in some datacenter somewhere. 674919;1400035906;benkay;what's the equivalent of chef or whatever for migrating from, say, bsd box to bsd box? 674920;1400035925;benkay;how do i get all the packages i plan to compile from source on my spankin' new bsd box to my next one? 674921;1400035938;benkay;take a disk image and start the next machine from the old one? 674922;1400036098;benkay;!up grahvity kdomanski_ 674923;1400036109;benkay;!up kdomanski_ 674924;1400036121;benkay;kakobrekla: why u no multiple arity? 674925;1400036340;kakobrekla;so you can go 674926;1400036345;kakobrekla;!up benkay good boy! 674927;1400036600;benkay;... 674928;1400036705;benkay;!up wolverineks 674929;1400036707;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22700 @ 0.00099757 = 22.6448 BTC [-] {2} 674930;1400036712;benkay;think you can hold a connection, wolverineks ? 674931;1400036773;wolverineks;whoops. sorry. low signal out in the woods. ill turn off auto reconnect. 674932;1400037073;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 30 @ 0.00709999 = 0.213 BTC [+] {2} 674933;1400037134;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 16 @ 0.07299699 = 1.168 BTC [+] {3} 674934;1400037988;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5900 @ 0.00100226 = 5.9133 BTC [+] 674935;1400038110;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 13 @ 0.03139998 = 0.4082 BTC [+] 674936;1400038171;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 43 @ 0.02166318 = 0.9315 BTC [-] {9} 674937;1400038659;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4769 @ 0.00100256 = 4.7812 BTC [+] {2} 674938;1400039147;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31252 @ 0.00100466 = 31.3976 BTC [+] {3} 674939;1400040062;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18650 @ 0.00100494 = 18.7421 BTC [+] 674940;1400041408;moiety;lol kakobrekla!! thats brilliant :D day made 674941;1400041424;kakobrekla;;) 674942;1400043236;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13350 @ 0.00100037 = 13.3549 BTC [-] 674943;1400044054;Naphex;morning 674944;1400044088;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20800 @ 0.00100008 = 20.8017 BTC [-] 674945;1400044271;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 8 @ 0.02101 = 0.1681 BTC [-] {2} 674946;1400044297;TheNewDeal;gmorning 674947;1400044515;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9500 @ 0.00100008 = 9.5008 BTC [-] 674948;1400044637;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14400 @ 0.00100145 = 14.4209 BTC [+] {3} 674949;1400045125;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.03139998 = 0.314 BTC [+] 674950;1400045491;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 11 @ 0.041 = 0.451 BTC [-] 674951;1400047870;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 2 @ 0.138 = 0.276 BTC [+] 674952;1400048297;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5736 @ 0.00099823 = 5.7258 BTC [-] 674953;1400048419;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8393 @ 0.00099714 = 8.369 BTC [-] 674954;1400048435;TheNewDeal;.d 674955;1400048846;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12200 @ 0.00099714 = 12.1651 BTC [-] 674956;1400048907;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.041 = 0.123 BTC [-] 674957;1400048968;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12400 @ 0.00099714 = 12.3645 BTC [-] 674958;1400049395;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14350 @ 0.00099714 = 14.309 BTC [-] 674959;1400049468;fluffypony;this is fascinating 674960;1400049468;fluffypony;http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~nieh/pubs/asplos2014_cider.pdf 674961;1400049622;fluffypony;http://pdfnomo.re/asplos2014_cider/ for those that don't like PDFs 674962;1400050005;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.44905 = 0.8981 BTC [+] {2} 674963;1400050066;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.440505 = 0.881 BTC [-] {2} 674964;1400050432;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 12 @ 0.03139997 = 0.3768 BTC [-] 674965;1400051164;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11074 @ 0.00099995 = 11.0734 BTC [+] {2} 674966;1400051347;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 50 @ 0.00670008 = 0.335 BTC [-] {2} 674967;1400052236;davout;!up Shakespeare 674968;1400052242;davout;Shakespeare: ohai 674969;1400052247;Shakespeare;Hello asseteers 674970;1400052264;Shakespeare;Now reporting from Amsterdam 674971;1400052301;Shakespeare;I caught up on the log on the plane 674972;1400052324;Shakespeare;including responding to comments on blog 674973;1400052689;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 3 @ 0.05833396 = 0.175 BTC [+] {3} 674974;1400052872;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 6 @ 0.041 = 0.246 BTC [-] 674975;1400053892;BingoBoingo;Cool. 674976;1400053909;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11583 @ 0.00099761 = 11.5553 BTC [-] {2} 674977;1400053909;BingoBoingo;Don't forget to go rasta. 674978;1400053953;BingoBoingo;davout: About the dotcoin thing, it's just a matter of watching how he tosses his word salad 674979;1400053970;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 300 @ 0.041 = 12.3 BTC [-] 674980;1400054020;BingoBoingo;http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2014/05/how-a-mayors-quest-to-unmask-a-foul-mouthed-twitter-user-blew-up-in-his-face/ 674981;1400054020;assbot;How a mayors quest to unmask a foul-mouthed Twitter user blew up in his face | Ars Technica 674982;1400054175;fluffypony;davout: I should've shut my big fat drunk mouth last night 674983;1400054178;fluffypony;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=602950.msg6715269#msg6715269 674984;1400054179;assbot;New Shares on Bitcoin Bourse "TXT" 674985;1400054181;fluffypony;:-P 674986;1400054541;fluffypony;!up Shakespeare 674987;1400054545;Shakespeare;thx 674988;1400054574;fluffypony;Shakespeare: can't you register this nick with gribble and then we can rate it? 674989;1400054582;fluffypony;;;ident Shakespeare 674990;1400054582;gribble;Nick 'Shakespeare', with hostmask 'Shakespeare!d57f9cda@gateway/web/freenode/ip.', is not identified. 674991;1400054602;Shakespeare;for some reason, this internet connection doesnt let me use IRC 674992;1400054608;Shakespeare;i have to use webchat 674993;1400054626;fluffypony;blows 674994;1400054629;Shakespeare;so i dont care to auth in this locale 674995;1400054640;Shakespeare;but it's just a coffee shop 674996;1400054641;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.455 BTC [+] 674997;1400054645;Shakespeare;hotel will prbly work better 674998;1400054653;fluffypony;ah ok 674999;1400054671;fluffypony;you should try the more arcane ports like 8002 675000;1400054688;fluffypony;afaik all the Freenode servers listen on 8000 / 8001 / 8002 675001;1400054763;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 53 @ 0.00709 = 0.3758 BTC [+] {2} 675002;1400054781;Shakespeare;you think i'm some kinda hacker or something? 675003;1400054785;Shakespeare;up in dem ports 675004;1400054855;fluffypony;lawlz 675005;1400054919;Shakespeare;gotta kill 3 more hours... 675006;1400054927;Shakespeare;before checkin 675007;1400054974;fluffypony;which airport are you at? 675008;1400054994;Shakespeare;i'm at a coffee shop, in the city 675009;1400055006;fluffypony;oh you mean hotel checkin 675010;1400055013;fluffypony;thought you were waiting for a connecting flight 675011;1400055013;Shakespeare;yessir 675012;1400055082;fluffypony;well at least you're in a normal time zone now 675013;1400055084;fluffypony;:-P 675014;1400055084;Shakespeare;I purposely bought Lufthansa tickets cuz they are my favorite so far, well the fine print says (United Air) 675015;1400055088;Shakespeare;some kinda scam 675016;1400055099;Shakespeare;ended up in old shitty United plane 675017;1400055134;fluffypony;ah 675018;1400055136;fluffypony;Star Alliance 675019;1400055152;Shakespeare;some bullshit 675020;1400055153;fluffypony;South African Airways is part of that as well 675021;1400055161;fluffypony;so when we fly SAA to the US 675022;1400055169;fluffypony;you get conned into believing you're flying SAA all the way 675023;1400055176;Shakespeare;now i need to start researching the fucking plane to book flights 675024;1400055182;fluffypony;but the minute they dump you at an airport there all the connecting flights are shitty United flights 675025;1400055241;Shakespeare;ironically the seats were more comfortable 675026;1400055330;davout;fluffypony: oh god 675027;1400055337;fluffypony;davout: I know, I'm sorry :-P 675028;1400055430;pankkake;https://pankkake.headfucking.net/2014/04/29/accounting-for-the-amazing-company-the-bitcointalk-standard/comment-page-1/#comment-882 wait is this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jorge_Stolfi ? lol 675029;1400055430;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 675030;1400055430;assbot;Accounting for the Amazing Company. The Bitcointalk standard. | pankkake 675031;1400055431;assbot;Jorge Stolfi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 675032;1400055444;pankkake;calm down assbot 675033;1400055457;fluffypony;lol 675034;1400056105;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3000 @ 0.00099643 = 2.9893 BTC [-] 675035;1400056227;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6500 @ 0.00099491 = 6.4669 BTC [-] 675036;1400056466;fluffypony;!up Shakespeare 675037;1400059300;mircea_popescu;http://bitbet.us/bet/768/bitcoin-difficulty-over-21b-before-june/ 675038;1400059301;assbot;BitBet - Bitcoin difficulty over 21B before June :: 0.02 B (7%) on Yes, 0.26 B (93%) on No | closed 2 days 9 hours ago 675039;1400059315;mircea_popescu;so people keep clamoring about how the close should be much earlier than the resolution date. 675040;1400059337;mircea_popescu;then when the close is a month before resolution date, they bet 28 bitcents, 99% less than the average diff bet. 675041;1400059338;mircea_popescu;herp. 675042;1400059406;fluffypony;lol 675043;1400059770;mircea_popescu;classical socialist mindset. fat close buffer means a lot of risk for people betting early, because if something happens they won't be able to cover/adjust for new odds. 675044;1400059789;mircea_popescu;two bit webtrepreneur figures tis is GREAT because he's thinking of it happening to other people ONLY 675045;1400059802;mircea_popescu;just like us libtards and taxes, or regulation. 675046;1400059839;mircea_popescu;when things are changed to accomodate his worldview, then and only then can he see the stuff applying to him. because the libtard has 0 critical thinking ability. unless it's before him, he can't follow a counterfactual. 675047;1400059855;mircea_popescu;and so... he doesn't want to bet anymore. but now "it's fair", he says, just, no fair he'd want any part of. 675048;1400059861;mircea_popescu;so he's done fixing california and moves to texas. 675049;1400059869;mircea_popescu;to make texas "more fair", too, and also liveable. 675050;1400059878;mircea_popescu;after which he'll move to mexico or w/e, make that fair too. 675051;1400059882;mircea_popescu;these people should be shot, basically. 675052;1400059978;mircea_popescu;anyway, fuck that, i'm writing this article. 675053;1400060193;assbot;[MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 968 @ 0.00310298 = 3.0037 BTC [+] {4} 675054;1400060375;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17900 @ 0.00099542 = 17.818 BTC [+] {2} 675055;1400060379;cazalla;forgot about that prop 675056;1400060395;cazalla;i was last to bet eh, oh well 675057;1400060477;fluffypony;this may be a dumb question, but are your winnings weighted against when you made your bet? 675058;1400060581;jurov;http://bitbet.us/bet/768/bitcoin-difficulty-over-21b-before-june/ < i completely missed the bet 675059;1400060581;assbot;BitBet - Bitcoin difficulty over 21B before June :: 0.02 B (7%) on Yes, 0.26 B (93%) on No | closed 2 days 9 hours ago 675060;1400060591;pankkake;fluffypony: no. and that would be to easy to exploit 675061;1400060639;pankkake;hm not sure I understood the question 675062;1400060680;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 15 @ 0.041 = 0.615 BTC [-] 675063;1400060792;fluffypony;pankkake: I meant that the guys that bet early take the biggest risk 675064;1400060802;fluffypony;the late-comers already have an indicator 675065;1400060815;fluffypony;so their winnings should be weighted as "valuable" 675066;1400060823;pankkake;well yes, that's the weight 675067;1400060924;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20400 @ 0.0009963 = 20.3245 BTC [+] {2} 675068;1400060997;mircea_popescu;just because someone bets early or a lot doesn't mean they have a point. 675069;1400061005;mircea_popescu;so how do you know they're valuable 675070;1400061078;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: I have nfi, I was just asking 675071;1400061080;fluffypony;lol 675072;1400061106;mircea_popescu;i know, but jus' sayin'. it's a signal, but whatg's in a signal. whatsapp selling for 20bn is also a signal. 675073;1400061113;mircea_popescu;soon to become a signalol. 675074;1400061148;fluffypony;lol 675075;1400062110;fluffypony;kakobrekla: am I imagining it or is assbot turning @ into / in tweets? 675076;1400062144;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7481 @ 0.00099326 = 7.4306 BTC [-] 675077;1400062227;mircea_popescu;it is 675078;1400062319;mircea_popescu;o back under 1 huh 675079;1400062333;mircea_popescu;well it was quite the ride. i wondere how much of it is due to bitpay's largest ipo ever. 675080;1400062710;BingoBoingo;BitPay investors hedging their fx risk through BitPay by diversifying into S.MPOE? 675081;1400062767;BingoBoingo;Or hedging "in case Bitcoin develops the other way" 675082;1400062901;mircea_popescu;or just wanting to participate or who the hell knows 675083;1400063193;BingoBoingo;One of the nice things about Bitcoin is that there is so much that simply can't be known. 675084;1400063211;BingoBoingo;Unless you do everything Hearn suggests. 675085;1400063303;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6650 @ 0.00099326 = 6.6052 BTC [-] 675086;1400063450;fluffypony;http://www.coindesk.com/bittylicious-adds-visa-and-mastercard-credit-card-support/ 675087;1400063451;assbot;Bittylicious Adds Visa and MasterCard Credit Card Support 675088;1400063462;fluffypony;only for EU countries 675089;1400063914;fluffypony;http://news.msn.com/offbeat/italian-factory-makes-bad-mozzarella-13-arrests 675090;1400063915;assbot;Italian factory makes bad mozzarella, 13 arrests 675091;1400063920;fluffypony;"The probe began after a worker lost some of his fingers because of safety flaws." 675092;1400064405;Naphex;maybe safety laws required no fingers? 675093;1400064572;mircea_popescu;lol 675094;1400064580;mircea_popescu;safetyf laws. 675095;1400065073;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10774 @ 0.00099688 = 10.7404 BTC [+] {4} 675096;1400065560;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.44 BTC [-] 675097;1400068610;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 22 @ 0.03139997 = 0.6908 BTC [-] 675098;1400068671;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 30 @ 0.03139997 = 0.942 BTC [-] {3} 675099;1400068732;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 28 @ 0.03139998 = 0.8792 BTC [+] {4} 675100;1400068915;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12164 @ 0.0009959 = 12.1141 BTC [-] 675101;1400069159;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22984 @ 0.00099386 = 22.8429 BTC [-] {4} 675102;1400069648;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 7 @ 0.03139998 = 0.2198 BTC [+] 675103;1400070623;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 80 @ 0.041 = 3.28 BTC [-] 675104;1400073002;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15200 @ 0.00099703 = 15.1549 BTC [+] {2} 675105;1400073185;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 10 @ 0.05517004 = 0.5517 BTC [-] {4} 675106;1400073246;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 9 @ 0.07392853 = 0.6654 BTC [+] {2} 675107;1400074344;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30915 @ 0.00099298 = 30.698 BTC [-] {2} 675108;1400074588;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1750 @ 0.00099492 = 1.7411 BTC [+] 675109;1400074771;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 6 @ 0.041 = 0.246 BTC [-] 675110;1400075139;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12874 @ 0.00099647 = 12.8286 BTC [+] {3} 675111;1400075442;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6800 @ 0.00099289 = 6.7517 BTC [-] {2} 675112;1400076015;artifexd;;;later tell mircea_popescu Typo in http://trilema.com/2014/these-people-should-be-shot-basically/ Item 21 is missing the leading "B" 675113;1400076016;assbot;These people should be shot, basically. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 675114;1400076016;gribble;The operation succeeded. 675115;1400076114;bounce;such haet 675116;1400076132;artifexd;;;later tell mircea_popescu Typo in http://trilema.com/2014/these-people-should-be-shot-basically/ Item 23 is missing the leading "B" <-- lol @ my own typo 675117;1400076133;assbot;These people should be shot, basically. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 675118;1400076133;gribble;The operation succeeded. 675119;1400076434;BingoBoingo;Maybe, just maybe, assbot might finally catch up to mircea_popescu 675120;1400077070;thestringpuller;;;seen benkay 675121;1400077071;gribble;benkay was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 11 hours, 12 minutes, and 37 seconds ago: think you can hold a connection, wolverineks ? 675122;1400077076;thestringpuller;;;later tell benkay stop being weeeird 675123;1400077077;gribble;The operation succeeded. 675124;1400079102;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.041 = 0.41 BTC [-] 675125;1400079190;benkay;thestringpuller: ? 675126;1400080523;benkay;http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702303851804579559071472756120 675127;1400080523;assbot;Hong Kong's Stock Exchange Receives Summons for Metal Warehousing Complaint - WSJ.com 675128;1400080769;Azelphur;why do people keep linking that site, baring in mind it's behind a paywall now? here's a non-paywalled article http://www.efinancialnews.com/story/2014-05-13/hong-kong-exchanges-and-clearing-challenged-on-metal-warehousing?ea9c8a2de0ee111045601ab04d673622 675129;1400080770;assbot;Hong Kong's stock exchange challenged on metal warehousing - Financial News 675130;1400080803;bounce;search for the headline in google (not, say, ixquick) and you can pass the paywall... for now. 675131;1400080815;Azelphur;heh 675132;1400080879;bounce;they're not saying so but apparently the big player(s) are actually shipping metal back'n'forth between their own warehouses to skirt regulations, delay deliveries, and so drive up prices 675133;1400081026;pankkake;Azelphur: your link is paywalled too, for me at least 675134;1400081034;Azelphur;wasn't for me :o 675135;1400081049;Azelphur;oh, nice it un-paywalls if you go through google, these paywall sites suck. 675136;1400081056;fluffypony;Azelphur: did you visit the link from Google? 675137;1400081064;fluffypony;oh there you go 675138;1400081077;fluffypony;WSJ is the same, you visit from Google and it's fine 675139;1400081176;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15245 @ 0.00099738 = 15.2051 BTC [+] 675140;1400081176;mike_c;benkay: you ever use ansible? 675141;1400081241;pankkake;it werks with https://i.imgur.com/JLzPzsd.png 675142;1400081321;fluffypony;pankkake: such hakker 675143;1400081353;pankkake;since I block referer by default, had no choice 675144;1400081368;pankkake;I used to have custom funny referers for friends' sites 675145;1400081420;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6782 @ 0.00099774 = 6.7667 BTC [+] {2} 675146;1400081481;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 50 @ 0.0070997 = 0.355 BTC [+] 675147;1400081560;mike_c;^ investors liked rent's recent update. 675148;1400081573;kakobrekla;what was that 675149;1400081601;mike_c;just a snapshot on where they are at, properties and such. they are claiming NAV of 0.0083 btc per share 675150;1400081611;kakobrekla;cool 675151;1400081664;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 24 @ 0.07193522 = 1.7264 BTC [+] {13} 675152;1400081787;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 15 @ 0.0981065 = 1.4716 BTC [+] {8} 675153;1400081988;benkay;mike_c: not that one in particular, but i'm pretty well versed in configuration mgmt at large. why do you ask? 675154;1400082017;benkay;hey, rent's a great deal in a bear btc market. 675155;1400082017;mike_c;curious if you had any experience with it. i am considering trying it out. 675156;1400082031;benkay;are you running bare metal? 675157;1400082050;mike_c;um, no? virtual servers. 675158;1400082117;benkay;just write scripts and shoot them in the head when they get uppity. 675159;1400082143;mike_c;that's what i have done in the past (largely with fabric). thought maybe i'd get fancy. 675160;1400082150;benkay;don't get fancy. 675161;1400082166;mike_c;but automation! magic! it's easier until it doesn't work! 675162;1400082172;benkay;mhm. 675163;1400082192;benkay;you know what's entirely adequate automation? bash scripts and an api for terminating uppity instances. 675164;1400082223;benkay;this for the record you cloud haters is why other peoples machines are great. 675165;1400082227;benkay;idempotence comes for free. 675166;1400082232;benkay;"free" 675167;1400082579;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 6 @ 0.074 = 0.444 BTC [+] 675168;1400083006;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7000 @ 0.00099808 = 6.9866 BTC [+] 675169;1400083022;benkay;!up phish 675170;1400083250;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 2.46321873 BTC to 8`673 shares, 28401 satoshi per share 675171;1400083555;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11290 @ 0.00099808 = 11.2683 BTC [+] 675172;1400083947;benkay;!up pactr 675173;1400084165;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 12 @ 0.03105611 = 0.3727 BTC [-] {3} 675174;1400084166;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8196 @ 0.00099785 = 8.1784 BTC [-] {2} 675175;1400084166;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.02322594 = 0.1161 BTC [-] {2} 675176;1400084187;fluffypony;mike_c: if you want to get semi-fancy with less headaches maybe puppet is the way to go? 675177;1400084206;fluffypony;ansible is awesome, but I found it over-engineered for the relatively simple stuff I need 675178;1400084226;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20907 @ 0.00099281 = 20.7567 BTC [-] 675179;1400084238;fluffypony;kinda like how I spent 2 days getting exim4 perfectly setup as an mta for outbound mail when sendmail would be fine 675180;1400084243;fluffypony;good memories 675181;1400084265;mike_c;well, scripts are fine for semi-fancy. if i'm going to learn something new i'd rather it be something i want to know going forward. which i think would be ansible over chef/puppet. 675182;1400084294;fluffypony;yeah if you want to pick up a skill ansible is definitely a better option 675183;1400084836;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11336 @ 0.00099427 = 11.271 BTC [+] 675184;1400084958;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.074 = 0.222 BTC [+] 675185;1400085106;bounce;http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/05/13/bitcoin-regulations-idUSL6N0NY4UL20140513 675186;1400085106;assbot;Bitcoin needs regulatory framework to change risky image| Reuters 675187;1400085385;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.0739653 = 0.1479 BTC [-] 675188;1400085470;fluffypony;dat risqué image 675189;1400085630;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 10 @ 0.095 = 0.95 BTC [-] {2} 675190;1400085714;FabianB;"The Bitcoin Foundation aims to standardise the currency" <-- are there different bitcoins? 675191;1400085751;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20038 @ 0.00099227 = 19.8831 BTC [-] {2} 675192;1400085751;bounce;blue, and green, and redlisted, and whatnot. well, if the foundation has its way at least. 675193;1400085772;fluffypony;FabianB: haven't you heard - Bitcoin 2.0 is coming 675194;1400085807;FabianB;so they want to anti-standardise 675195;1400085818;fluffypony;MaidSafe was Bitcoin 2.0 675196;1400085824;fluffypony;then sidechains was Bitcoin 2.0 675197;1400085869;bounce;next you'll need a bitcoin transmission licence to send (or receive) more than 1 bitcoin per day 675198;1400085937;Apocalyptic;bounce, these derps... 675199;1400085947;FabianB;or even carry more than one 675200;1400085976;fluffypony;I think coloured coins was Bitcoin 2.0 at one point 675201;1400085977;bounce;hey, they got elected in fair vote! can't be that bad, can they? 675202;1400086029;Apocalyptic;fluffypony, now it's NXT i think 675203;1400086076;fluffypony;maybe African-American coins are the way of the future 675204;1400086076;fluffypony;Apocalyptic: probably 675205;1400086092;Apocalyptic;not that i follow that scene that much 675206;1400086342;rithm;derp 675207;1400086353;rithm;if the foundation wants to do it, it must be bad 675208;1400087093;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6800 @ 0.00099134 = 6.7411 BTC [-] 675209;1400087476;punkman;if you ever run out of lols... https://www.dhs.gov/dhs-daily-open-source-infrastructure-report 675210;1400087764;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17500 @ 0.00099083 = 17.3395 BTC [-] {2} 675211;1400087782;punkman;https://www.contributoria.com/issue/2014-05/5319c4add63a707e780000cd 675212;1400087784;assbot;Whats the evidence on using rational argument to change peoples minds? : May 2014 : Contributoria - community funded, collaborative journalism 675213;1400087850;kakobrekla;fluffypony re twitter, thats what the output from htmldom came to be, i havent bothered to check the details at all :) 675214;1400087874;fluffypony;ah k 675215;1400087887;fluffypony;I wonder if it's not some weird utf-8 oddity that's causing it 675216;1400087930;kakobrekla;no clue but is it an issue, its not like @ its going to 'work' 675217;1400087947;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 21 @ 0.02353799 = 0.4943 BTC [+] {2} 675218;1400087979;fluffypony;not an issue, just makes some of the tweets read weirdly 675219;1400088000;kakobrekla;so its not an issue only that it is 675220;1400088121;fluffypony;exactly 675221;1400088252;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 7 @ 0.074 = 0.518 BTC [+] 675222;1400088435;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7818 @ 0.00099015 = 7.741 BTC [-] {2} 675223;1400088923;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 23 @ 0.041 = 0.943 BTC [-] 675224;1400089045;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14365 @ 0.00099013 = 14.2232 BTC [-] {2} 675225;1400089107;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 9 @ 0.07397821 = 0.6658 BTC [-] 675226;1400089167;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17300 @ 0.00099013 = 17.1292 BTC [-] 675227;1400089411;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 48 @ 0.00680008 = 0.3264 BTC [-] {2} 675228;1400089655;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12571 @ 0.00099011 = 12.4467 BTC [-] {2} 675229;1400089895;fluffypony;http://thedoghousediaries.com/comics/uncategorized/2014-05-12-b3b3939.png 675230;1400090021;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12600 @ 0.00099427 = 12.5278 BTC [+] 675231;1400090204;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 9 @ 0.03139999 = 0.2826 BTC [+] 675232;1400090265;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 13 @ 0.02449366 = 0.3184 BTC [+] 675233;1400090370;bitcoinpete;http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/05/14/first-largest-bestest-ever-in-the-us/ 675234;1400090371;assbot;First! Largest! Bestest! Ever! In The US | When Bitcoin Met Pete 675235;1400090570;artifexd;This has been running smoothly for a while now so I'll share it here: ##bitbet-rt 675236;1400090632;pankkake;cool 675237;1400090684;artifexd;Since it is kinda slow, this is what the past 12-ish hours looked like: http://dpaste.com/0QNY970/ 675238;1400090685;assbot;dpaste: 0QNY970 675239;1400090692;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 64 @ 0.03139999 = 2.0096 BTC [+] 675240;1400090710;bitcoinpete;nice artifexd 675241;1400090717;pankkake;does it show comments too? 675242;1400090719;artifexd;ty 675243;1400090751;artifexd;No. Just bets created and bets placed. 675244;1400090753;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 33 @ 0.041 = 1.353 BTC [-] 675245;1400090770;artifexd;If kakobrekla creates a feed for comments, I'll add them. 675246;1400090876;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 2 @ 0.132 = 0.264 BTC [-] 675247;1400090885;kakobrekla;coolness artifexd 675248;1400090893;kakobrekla;!up artifexd double voice for you 675249;1400090898;artifexd;lol 675250;1400090908;thestringpuller;!down kakobrekla 675251;1400090911;thestringpuller;lol 675252;1400090912;thestringpuller;jkjkjk 675253;1400090936;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 8 @ 0.03139999 = 0.2512 BTC [+] 675254;1400090967;fluffypony;"thestringpuller's Guide to Losing Voice in #bitcoin-assets - A Compendium" 675255;1400090993;thestringpuller;ppffft kakobrekla got mah back 675256;1400091005;thestringpuller;except in a knife fight 675257;1400091021;fluffypony;lol 675258;1400091061;thestringpuller;thestringpuller's guide to pulling strings 675259;1400091062;thestringpuller;lol 675260;1400091150;fluffypony;now that I'd pay for 675261;1400091302;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5007 @ 0.00099011 = 4.9575 BTC [-] 675262;1400091406;bitcoinpete;http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-05-14/francis-bacon-portrait-of-companion-fetches-80-8-million.html 675263;1400091406;assbot;Billionaires Help Christies to Record $745 Million Sale - Bloomberg 675264;1400091471;bitcoinpete;warhol's riot fetched $62M, up 23.3% compounded annually since last sold in 1992. 675265;1400091478;bitcoinpete;there's your inflation 675266;1400091790;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9850 @ 0.00098986 = 9.7501 BTC [-] 675267;1400091855;fluffypony;bitcoinpete 675268;1400091855;fluffypony;I don't get the Ohio thing 675269;1400091857;fluffypony;what am I missing? 675270;1400091912;bitcoinpete;fluffypony: must be where angellist is based 675271;1400091919;bitcoinpete;or davenport is from 675272;1400091934;fluffypony;oic 675273;1400091936;bitcoinpete;what ohio has to do with anything isn't clear to me either lol 675274;1400091948;fluffypony;glad there wasn't some important back story I was missing 675275;1400091966;artifexd;Isn't that were the20year is doing his RENT thing? 675276;1400091969;bitcoinpete;i think the world is missing this back story 675277;1400091975;fluffypony;I don't get why the maths is so hard for them 675278;1400091988;fluffypony;the world's most expensive pizza will always be the 10k BTC pizza 675279;1400091992;fluffypony;forever 675280;1400091996;bitcoinpete;either way, we're nearing the end of americans walking on the streets in berlin and telling people what state they're from 675281;1400092000;fluffypony;because nobody will ever pay more for that in BTC 675282;1400092034;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.041 = 0.123 BTC [-] 675283;1400092051;fluffypony;and as the tweet pointed out, 30k BTC > 20k BTC 675284;1400092064;fluffypony;the USD exchange rate at the time being rather irrelevant 675285;1400092069;Apocalyptic;"30k BTC > 20k BTC" dat statement 675286;1400092083;bitcoinpete;it's like the wright brothers paying 6 airplanes for a pizza, now us wondering how many 787s that is 675287;1400092110;bitcoinpete;ok not quite... 675288;1400092149;fluffypony;heh 675289;1400092175;kakobrekla;a btc in a btc irrelevant of timespace 675290;1400092180;bitcoinpete;it's more like the art market 675291;1400092188;kakobrekla;spacetime 675292;1400092190;kakobrekla;whatever. 675293;1400092206;fluffypony;Inspector Spacetime? 675294;1400092224;bitcoinpete;there's only one of calder's poisson volant 675295;1400092228;kakobrekla;inspector speculum 675296;1400092244;bitcoinpete;speculator inspectum 675297;1400092461;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.074 = 0.222 BTC [+] 675298;1400092537;bounce;inspector gadget 675299;1400092718;bitcoinpete;http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-05-13/bitcoin-bingo-what-ticker-will-the-winklevii-pick-for-their-etf-.html 675300;1400092718;assbot;Bitcoin Bingo: What Ticker Will the Winklevii Pick for Their ETF? - Bloomberg 675301;1400092723;bitcoinpete;everyone wants to know! 675302;1400092852;fluffypony;the tension! 675303;1400093160;Apocalyptic;sigh 675304;1400093193;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.4549999 BTC [+] 675305;1400093197;mike_c;oh, fu facebook. i get it. 675306;1400093203;mike_c;took a minute 675307;1400093255;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13100 @ 0.00098967 = 12.9647 BTC [-] 675308;1400093315;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 8 @ 0.07499986 = 0.6 BTC [+] {3} 675309;1400093559;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 243 @ 0.00098986 = 0.2405 BTC [+] 675310;1400094101;bitcoinpete;http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/04/20/the-brokenness-of-maidsafe/#comment-329 675311;1400094102;assbot;The Brokenness of MaidSafe | When Bitcoin Met Pete 675312;1400094110;bitcoinpete;someone's not happy... 675313;1400094359;mike_c;what 8 years is he talking about? 675314;1400094531;bitcoinpete;the 8 years maidsafe spent "working" and "pitching vcs" 675315;1400094562;bitcoinpete;being unsuccessful in accomplishing anything productive in that time 675316;1400094568;bitcoinpete;but y'know, they tried 675317;1400094575;bitcoinpete;and toured the world 675318;1400094581;bitcoinpete;and derped 675319;1400094656;mike_c;you should tell him it's a really fucking stupid name too. 675320;1400094702;pankkake;is there an explanation for the name? it sounds like something against the evil maid attack, but isn't 675321;1400094748;bitcoinpete;maybe it has something to do with rosie, the jetsons' maid 675322;1400094805;mike_c;Massive Array of Internet Disks Something something something 675323;1400094969;bitcoinpete;that works too 675324;1400094990;danielpbarron;your data is "made safe" by their service (that's what I assumed it meant) 675325;1400095010;bitcoinpete;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48itJfUr8ZM 675326;1400095010;assbot;The Jetsons 1963 - YouTube 675327;1400095023;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20266 @ 0.00099422 = 20.1489 BTC [+] {2} 675328;1400095032;mike_c;"It's an acronym; "Massive Array of Internet Disks, Secure Access For Everyone"." 675329;1400095076;danielpbarron;they should work for congress 675330;1400095087;bitcoinpete;bbl 675331;1400095164;kakobrekla;but if you gotta pay for it, just buy a server ? 675332;1400095188;kakobrekla;not that im saying stuff you wouldnt pay for is worth saving 675333;1400096487;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 15 @ 0.02350366 = 0.3526 BTC [-] {4} 675334;1400096548;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 28 @ 0.02348994 = 0.6577 BTC [-] {6} 675335;1400096609;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 11 @ 0.03139999 = 0.3454 BTC [+] 675336;1400096670;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 31 @ 0.03139999 = 0.9734 BTC [+] {3} 675337;1400097121;bounce;http://readwrite.com/2014/05/13/mobile-wallets-reality 675338;1400097123;assbot;Let's Face Facts: Mobile Wallets Are Doomed – ReadWrite 675339;1400097219;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.4399001 BTC [-] 675340;1400097351;artifexd;http://bitbet.us/bet/846/ <- first time I've seen a bet before the initial two bets were placed. 675341;1400097351;assbot;BitBet - Clay Aiken to win in NC :: 0 B (50%) on Yes, 0 B (50%) on No | closing in 5 months 2 weeks | weight: 100`000 (100`000 to 1) 675342;1400097379;mike_c;quick, get the best weight! 675343;1400097380;kakobrekla;yeah i was just typing it in the other chan only to get muted :) 675344;1400097404;bounce;oooh seekrit channels where kako gets muted 675345;1400097422;kakobrekla;:D 675346;1400097431;mike_c;kako got muted in all the channels, that's why he made his own :) 675347;1400097438;kakobrekla;... 675348;1400097446;kakobrekla;keep em comming now 675349;1400097447;mike_c;next is his own forums :D 675350;1400097448;artifexd;I should probably change the topic to point people to here if they want to discuss it. 675351;1400097463;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 223 @ 0.0042203 = 0.9411 BTC [-] {5} 675352;1400097477;kakobrekla;registration will be 31 btc 675353;1400097480;kakobrekla;for the forums 675354;1400097558;Duffer1;;seen dexX7 675355;1400097567;kakobrekla;any posting a banable offense 675356;1400097572;Duffer1;;;seen dexX7 675357;1400097572;gribble;dexX7 was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 week, 3 days, 23 hours, 43 minutes, and 5 seconds ago: okay, not this hehe 675358;1400097585;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 20 @ 0.04175 = 0.835 BTC [+] {2} 675359;1400097603;Duffer1;good afternoon gentlemangs 675360;1400097646;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 20 @ 0.03139999 = 0.628 BTC [+] 675361;1400097689;kakobrekla;hey 675362;1400097690;artifexd;Topic changed. Anybody that wants to offer suggestions/criticisms/whatever and can't talk in here should be smart enough to figure out who runs the bot. 675363;1400097730;artifexd;s/should be/will need to be/ 675364;1400097747;mike_c;you should flip that. anyone can post, but posting gets you banned, then 31 btc to get unbanned. you'll be rich. 675365;1400097809;kakobrekla;but socks? 675366;1400097811;artifexd;Interesting idea. Put the warning in the topic. Ban them with a message: Send 0.001 BTC to XXX to get unbanned. Collect riches. 675367;1400097844;fluffypony;http://i.imgur.com/yeGvLEO.jpg 675368;1400098012;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 1 @ 0.145 BTC [+] 675369;1400098073;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.075 = 0.225 BTC [+] 675370;1400098195;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8849 @ 0.00100003 = 8.8493 BTC [+] 675371;1400098256;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.4399 BTC [-] 675372;1400098257;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 50 @ 0.0071 = 0.355 BTC [+] 675373;1400098439;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1800 @ 0.00100033 = 1.8006 BTC [+] 675374;1400098622;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.07399 = 0.222 BTC [-] 675375;1400098683;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 11 @ 0.0739809 = 0.8138 BTC [-] {2} 675376;1400098741;kakobrekla;fluffypony scammer 675377;1400098769;fluffypony;plz 675378;1400098773;fluffypony;seasoned scammer to you 675379;1400098782;fluffypony;little bit of salt and pepper 675380;1400098784;kakobrekla;no you are, thats not a jpg. 675381;1400098794;fluffypony;lol 675382;1400098801;fluffypony;that's imgur's fault not mine 675383;1400098811;kakobrekla;just shill then 675384;1400098819;fluffypony;imgur shill 675385;1400098826;kakobrekla;totally 675386;1400098828;fluffypony;where is my wealth creation! 675387;1400098875;thestringpuller;fluffypony: fucking build a machine to take money from the poor 675388;1400098886;thestringpuller;;;last seenbitcoinpete 675389;1400098886;gribble;(last [--{from,in,on,with,without,regexp} ] [--nolimit]) -- Returns the last message matching the given criteria. --from requires a nick from whom the message came; --in requires a channel the message was sent to; --on requires a network the message was sent on; --with requires some string that had to be in the message; --regexp requires a regular expression the message (1 more message) 675390;1400098889;thestringpuller;;;last seen bitcoinpete 675391;1400098889;gribble;(last [--{from,in,on,with,without,regexp} ] [--nolimit]) -- Returns the last message matching the given criteria. --from requires a nick from whom the message came; --in requires a channel the message was sent to; --on requires a network the message was sent on; --with requires some string that had to be in the message; --regexp requires a regular expression the message (1 more message) 675392;1400098894;thestringpuller;;;seen bitcoinpete 675393;1400098894;gribble;bitcoinpete was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 hour, 3 minutes, and 25 seconds ago: bbl 675394;1400098901;fluffypony;I meant from shilling for imgur 675395;1400098904;fluffypony;:-P 675396;1400098952;kakobrekla;they pay you directly in dogecoins 675397;1400098978;thestringpuller;which will be worth x0.5 in a year 675398;1400098980;thestringpuller;because you know 675399;1400098982;thestringpuller;inflation 675400;1400099083;kakobrekla;moiety what happened to dat wiki page? 675401;1400099470;fluffypony;thestringpuller didn't they cancel that inflation thing 675402;1400099476;fluffypony;and everyone was up in arms 675403;1400099520;fluffypony;http://arstechnica.com/business/2014/02/dogecoin-to-allow-annual-inflation-of-5-billion-coins-each-year-forever/ 675404;1400099520;assbot;Dogecoin to allow annual inflation of 5 billion coins each year, forever | Ars Technica 675405;1400099529;fluffypony;“Thanks for killing the profitability of the currency. Now it's going to be worthless in a couple of years and never reach the value of Bitcoin or even anywhere close,” wrote MadCold on Github. 675406;1400099536;fluffypony;l.o.l. (tm) 675407;1400099537;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2200 @ 0.00100069 = 2.2015 BTC [+] 675408;1400099781;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 4 @ 0.041 = 0.164 BTC [-] 675409;1400100511;kakobrekla;artifexd bugs! 675410;1400100530;artifexd;I see that. I have a plan. I will code it up tonight. 675411;1400101184;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.0749999 = 0.3 BTC [+] 675412;1400101306;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 5 @ 0.041 = 0.205 BTC [-] 675413;1400101308;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.075 = 0.15 BTC [+] {2} 675414;1400101672;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.434 = 1.736 BTC [-] {2} 675415;1400101733;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 85 @ 0.00422006 = 0.3587 BTC [-] {2} 675416;1400102038;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 30 @ 0.03139999 = 0.942 BTC [+] 675417;1400102099;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8300 @ 0.00100069 = 8.3057 BTC [+] 675418;1400102596;thestringpuller;;;later tell bitcoinpete how come my gravatar isn't working? what did I mess up? 675419;1400102597;gribble;The operation succeeded. 675420;1400102831;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 2 @ 0.0905 = 0.181 BTC [+] {2} 675421;1400102892;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.075 = 0.225 BTC [+] 675422;1400103689;thestringpuller;;;calc 8.5 * 5 675423;1400103690;gribble;42.5 675424;1400103745;thestringpuller;;;calc 168 - 42.5 675425;1400103746;gribble;125.5 675426;1400103766;thestringpuller;;;calc 125.5 / 7 675427;1400103766;gribble;17.9285714286 675428;1400103789;benkay;fluffypony> mike_c: if you want to get semi-fancy with less headaches maybe puppet is the way to go? // uuhauahauauhauhuahuahunooooooooooo 675429;1400104844;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.075 = 0.225 BTC [+] 675430;1400104870;thestringpuller;puppet?!?!? 675431;1400104875;thestringpuller;benkay go make some vm's 675432;1400104876;thestringpuller;lol 675433;1400104876;thestringpuller;jkjk 675434;1400104877;thestringpuller;<3 675435;1400104949;fluffypony;thestringpuller: he was quoting me, he's too cool for puppet:) 675436;1400105591;benkay;cool or ghetto 675437;1400105592;benkay;cannot tell 675438;1400105646;fluffypony;benkay: we'll go with cool 675439;1400105649;mircea_popescu;so adding to the delights of weird shit happening to me, today... i got flooded. 675440;1400105650;fluffypony;or hipster if you'd prefer 675441;1400105663;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: like water flooded or IRC flooded? 675442;1400105670;mircea_popescu;water flooded 675443;1400105676;fluffypony;dang 675444;1400105688;mircea_popescu;rainfal was 150mm easy 675445;1400105827;mircea_popescu;artifexd ty fixt. 675446;1400105868;mircea_popescu;!up Folichon- 675447;1400106491;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 12 @ 0.041 = 0.492 BTC [-] 675448;1400106544;kakobrekla;artifexd you might take out 'New' out of the strings, since the thing is never 'old' 675449;1400106684;mircea_popescu;http://www.opiniatimisoarei.ro/wp-content/gallery/inundatii-timisoara-2/inundatii-timisoara-ploaie-torentiala-4.jpg < sort of idea. 675450;1400106692;mircea_popescu;that was afternoon. 675451;1400106796;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 11 @ 0.075 = 0.825 BTC [+] 675452;1400106877;mircea_popescu;and, of course, http://www.renasterea.ro/images/stiri/ploaie_vara-28622.jpg 675453;1400106979;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 41 @ 0.07462678 = 3.0597 BTC [-] {3} 675454;1400107040;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 40 @ 0.07397821 = 2.9591 BTC [-] 675455;1400107184;mircea_popescu;;;later tell thickasthieves who the fuck waits for hotel checkins, srsly. 675456;1400107184;gribble;The operation succeeded. 675457;1400107320;mircea_popescu;bounce my understanding is that various govts/the bureaucratic interest are pushing to block or if not possible tightly control all shipments of precious metals among any independent entities, traders or not. 675458;1400107343;mircea_popescu;this under the guise of the usual methods, falsely accusing these of "breaking the law", or fail that, "being racist" 675459;1400107436;mircea_popescu;https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1206333552/twit.jpg 675460;1400107447;mircea_popescu;this twit has opinions on what bitcoin needs and its image. 675461;1400107465;mircea_popescu;dude, seriously, why is every two bit stripper claiming to be working "in the press" ? 675462;1400107632;kakobrekla;<[]bot> New bet placed: 26 BTC for no on "Bitcoin to surpass Berkshire as an investment (http://bitbet.us/bet/786/)". Odds: 93(Y):7(N) by coin, 93(Y):7(N) by weight. Total bet: 1085.51619404 BTC. Current weight: 82,303 675463;1400107648;kakobrekla;some bettor woke up 675464;1400107660;mircea_popescu;http://bitbet.us/bet/786/bitcoin-to-surpass-berkshire-as-an-investment/#b140 675465;1400107661;assbot;BitBet - Bitcoin to surpass Berkshire as an investment :: 1007.93 B (93%) on Yes, 77.59 B (7%) on No | closing in 9 months 6 days | weight: 82`298 (100`000 to 1) 675466;1400107666;mircea_popescu;o look at that it's starting to move 675467;1400107667;mircea_popescu;damn. 675468;1400107674;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla y u no slower! 675469;1400107697;mircea_popescu;and where is this bet ? 675470;1400107700;mircea_popescu;this bot* 675471;1400107718;kakobrekla;dont you read ze logs 675472;1400107718;kakobrekla;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-05-2014#675235 675473;1400107718;assbot;#bitcoin-assets log 675474;1400107729;mircea_popescu;i'm behind 675475;1400107732;mircea_popescu;because water. 675476;1400107828;mircea_popescu;http://pando.com/2014/05/14/sorry-america-the-ukraine-isnt-all-about-you/ 675477;1400107829;assbot;Sorry America, the Ukraine isn’t all about you | PandoDaily 675478;1400107955;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18900 @ 0.00100216 = 18.9408 BTC [+] {2} 675479;1400108044;mircea_popescu;Catherine Rampell @crampell 2h Over a lifetime, average US college graduate will earn at least $800,000 more than the average high school graduate http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/05/05/us-usa-fed-college-idUSBREA440KD20140505 675480;1400108044;assbot;Skip college, forfeit $800,000: Fed study| Reuters 675481;1400108045;mircea_popescu;Mircea Popescu @Mircea_Popescu now @crampell That lifetime started in 1960 and ended in 2005. The next lifetime will be quite distinct. Fight the present, not the previous war 675482;1400108047;mircea_popescu;such herpetology. 675483;1400108257;mircea_popescu;http://arstechnica.com/security/2014/05/linux-gets-fix-for-code-execution-flaw-that-went-unpatched-since-2009/ 675484;1400108258;assbot;Linux gets fix for code-execution flaw that was undetected since 2009 | Ars Technica 675485;1400108342;mircea_popescu;ll/pp/qq are dne 675486;1400108745;mircea_popescu;bounce: next you'll need a bitcoin transmission licence to send (or receive) more than 1 bitcoin per day << in their own little koi pond where bitpay is the largest best first company and us side vcs matter, they can do whatever the hell they want, up to and including a plastic version of bitcoin to go with the plastic version of a steak. 675487;1400108779;mircea_popescu;you didn't expect the dead to actually embrace their death, did you ? ever sent a teenager upstairs to clean up their room ? 675488;1400108802;mircea_popescu;of fucking course they'll be back on the gamestation half hour later swearing up and down that they have, and the disorder apparent is just their implementaiton of order. 675489;1400108846;benkay;can't wait to deploy my war face against that 675490;1400108931;mircea_popescu;benkay gotta talk to a woman about that, i can't help you :D 675491;1400108992;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 600 @ 0.00100305 = 0.6018 BTC [+] 675492;1400108993;mircea_popescu;http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/05/14/first-largest-bestest-ever-in-the-us/ << this guy's enthusiastic. 675493;1400108996;assbot;First! Largest! Bestest! Ever! In The US | When Bitcoin Met Pete 675494;1400109030;mircea_popescu;o hey artifexd, nice bet 675495;1400109032;mircea_popescu;bot* 675496;1400109046;mircea_popescu;mind adding it in here with a special rule to only dump bets > 1btc ? 675497;1400109195;mircea_popescu;fluffypony: I don't get the Ohio thing << ohio is the shithole state. i used it as a metaphorical derogatory, to help the guy understand that his vc circuit is a bit player in bitcoin. 675498;1400109235;fluffypony;got it 675499;1400109319;mircea_popescu;assbot: Bitcoin Bingo: What Ticker Will the Winklevii Pick for Their ETF? - Bloomberg << "we forgot to mention that mp said this in his mpoe reports for february. it just occurred to us, just like that, out of the depths of our ramen fed brainz." 675500;1400109326;mircea_popescu;gotta love teh press. 675501;1400109395;mircea_popescu;god i hated the jetsons. that and scooby doo, worst fucking cartoons in the history of cartoons. 675502;1400109462;mircea_popescu;artifexd: http://bitbet.us/bet/846/ <- first time I've seen a bet before the initial two bets were placed. << that's the sign by which you know a zeroconf. 675503;1400109462;assbot;BitBet - Clay Aiken to win in NC :: 0.04 B (40%) on Yes, 0.06 B (60%) on No | closing in 5 months 2 weeks | weight: 99`917 (100`000 to 1) 675504;1400109504;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla: any posting a banable offense << i thought this forum already existed ? i haven't posted in it since 2011 675505;1400109659;mircea_popescu;http://linux.fe.up.pt/portal/aggregator/sources/2 675506;1400109660;assbot;Ubuntu Security Notices | Linux FEUP 675507;1400109663;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8200 @ 0.00099724 = 8.1774 BTC [-] {2} 675508;1400109664;mircea_popescu;the epic just piles on. 675509;1400109704;mircea_popescu;Ilja van Sprundel discovered that libXfont incorrectly handled font 675510;1400109704;mircea_popescu;metadata file parsing. A local attacker could use this issue to cause 675511;1400109704;mircea_popescu;libXfont to crash, or possibly execute arbitrary code in order to gain 675512;1400109704;mircea_popescu;privileges. 675513;1400109799;punkman;WEBFONTS!!!11! 675514;1400109805;mircea_popescu;win. 675515;1400109879;mircea_popescu;o look at that, i'm all caught up with logs. 675516;1400109885;mircea_popescu;i accomplished so much today. 675517;1400109889;fluffypony;well done 675518;1400109891;punkman;I think I might grab one of these for airgappin https://www.olimex.com/Products/OLinuXino/A10/A10-OLinuXino-LIME/open-source-hardware 675519;1400109892;assbot;A10-OLinuXino-LIME - Open Source Hardware Board 675520;1400109893;fluffypony;hand shakes all round 675521;1400109900;fluffypony;mircea_popescu question 675522;1400109907;fluffypony;you use AN0 for S.MG right 675523;1400109915;fluffypony;why not for S.MPOE and S.NSA? 675524;1400109923;fluffypony;sorry S.BBET not S.NSA 675525;1400109934;mircea_popescu;Or that more attractive people are judged as more trustworthy, or they arguments they give as more intelligent. << this is actually not that bad a bias. 675526;1400109944;mircea_popescu;fluffypony cause those existed pre an0 basically 675527;1400109987;punkman;mircea_popescu: how is it a good bias? 675528;1400110000;fluffypony;I know that, but lately I've been reading the AN0 overview over and over again to be able to use it, and you said that in 2014 it would become compulsory for all assets on mpex? 675529;1400110018;mircea_popescu;punkman beauty is simply a sign of good quality genetics. all things equal, beautiful people are more likely to be intelligent than ugly people. 675530;1400110085;mircea_popescu;fluffypony yeah. except mpoe is incorporated as a zero asset corp, and bitbet may be migrated, once i have some time to dick with that. 675531;1400110097;fluffypony;kk 675532;1400110109;mircea_popescu;so far it's ambiguously either of the two, and a bunch of other stuff needs reviewing about it 675533;1400110142;fluffypony;I like the format, definitely more elegant than the way MPOE reports atm, for instance 675534;1400110175;mircea_popescu;certainly lengthier, for no clear benefit 675535;1400110185;fluffypony;in MPOE's case yes 675536;1400110213;fluffypony;oh btw 675537;1400110213;mircea_popescu;right. 675538;1400110223;fluffypony;the subject of "seats" came up on -otc today 675539;1400110224;mircea_popescu;one of the issues with bitbet is how exactly the bets will be treated 675540;1400110230;mircea_popescu;aha ? 675541;1400110233;fluffypony;and I did some reading on the NYSE 675542;1400110236;fluffypony;fascinating stuff 675543;1400110238;mircea_popescu;right. 675544;1400110251;fluffypony;and holy shit were those seats expesnive 675545;1400110253;fluffypony;*expensive 675546;1400110264;fluffypony;even now that they've gone to a yearly "license" model 675547;1400110270;fluffypony;it's still $40k a year 675548;1400110278;fluffypony;vs. ~$13k once off for MPEX 675549;1400110286;mike_c;hah. 40k a year is expensive? :) 675550;1400110299;mircea_popescu;imo they cheapened it into the dirt 675551;1400110302;fluffypony;mike_c: not the post-2005 model, the fixed seats model 675552;1400110312;mircea_popescu;hardly worth having one (and the people that had them back in the day are pissed at nyse for it) 675553;1400110331;mircea_popescu;the collapse of the us is made of little pukes like that. 675554;1400110338;fluffypony;mike_c: they had 1366 seats total, fixed and you couldn't get more 675555;1400110342;mike_c;40k is like 25% of the cost of 1 engineer 675556;1400110345;mircea_popescu;lose a bunch of smart traders in the wtc, piss off everyone with a populist nyse franchise, 675557;1400110347;mircea_popescu;stuff like that 675558;1400110353;fluffypony;"The most expensive inflation-adjusted seat was sold in 1929 for $625,000, which, today, would be over six million dollars. In recent times, seats have sold for as high as $4 million in the late 1990s and as low as $1 million in 2001." 675559;1400110420;BCB;mircea_popescu, when did you get banned from BCT 675560;1400110436;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: it's quite funny - the Twitter exchange earlier led me to stumbling across MPEX's AngelList profile around the same time as the conversation in -otc 675561;1400110437;mircea_popescu;generally speaking, any move you take to make anything more accessible, makes it shittier. in general, by a larger % than the gain of accessibility. 675562;1400110441;mircea_popescu;BCB what's bct ? 675563;1400110452;BCB;Bitcoin Talk 675564;1400110457;fluffypony;and on AngelList it says "The NYSE of Bitcoin" or something 675565;1400110459;mircea_popescu;fluffypony nobody can say they didn't have a fair chance. they blew it, tho. 675566;1400110459;fluffypony;which makes sense 675567;1400110475;fluffypony;vs. BitcoinBourse that say they want to be "the Wall Street of Bitcoin" 675568;1400110481;fluffypony;clearly misunderstanding wtf Wall Street is 675569;1400110502;mircea_popescu;and i'll delight in punishing all the vcs with it in the years to come. "here. this was your job. this was your job that you didn't do. because you suck. because you're inept. because you can't do your job. like children. look how stupid you were. you still are." 675570;1400110520;mircea_popescu;yeah well, they're limited by what they see on cereal cartons. 675571;1400110524;fluffypony;BCB: hanbot is banned, mircea_popescu isn't 675572;1400110535;BCB;who is hanbot 675573;1400110539;fluffypony;MPOE-PR 675574;1400110552;mircea_popescu;BCB do you mean https://bitcointa.lk/threads/maged-permabanned-mpoe-pr-because-she-swore-shock.292615/ ? 675575;1400110555;assbot;Maged permabanned MPOE-PR because she swore shock | Bitcointa.lk 675576;1400110555;BCB;fluffypony, does she have a chaturbate account 675577;1400110572;mike_c;not to defend the vc's. but currently the best VC's are priced out of bitcoin companies. what startup are they going to put serious money into? not many choices. 675578;1400110576;fluffypony;BCB: doubt it :-P 675579;1400110593;fluffypony;mike_c: obviously Bitpay because biggest and best and largest 675580;1400110601;mike_c;and even that wasn't that big 675581;1400110607;BCB;swore shock?? 675582;1400110636;mircea_popescu;mike_c which is, exactly, http://trilema.com/2013/the-future-of-bitcoin-regulation/ 675583;1400110637;assbot;The future of Bitcoin regulation pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 675584;1400110643;mircea_popescu;who the fuck told them to come a year too late ? 675585;1400110652;mircea_popescu;why didn't they read trilema april 2013 and execute THAT WEEK ? 675586;1400110660;mircea_popescu;what is this shit, i give orders and they disobey ? because why ? 675587;1400110695;mircea_popescu;of fucking course you'll be priced out of what trilema tells you to do in april 2013 if you wait till april 2014. if you weren't priced out that'd mean trilema sucks. 675588;1400110697;mircea_popescu;it doesn't. 675589;1400110718;mircea_popescu;"This is possibly the last chance to take those piles of fundamentally worthless US dollars and use them for something with any sort of future value.", the man said. 675590;1400110735;mike_c;hehe. well, when things heat up another order of magnitude they will start writing checks like it's going out of style. even if it is too late. 675591;1400110740;mircea_popescu;sure. 675592;1400110743;fluffypony;what is humorous are the people bitching about 30 BTC per seat when that was $600 675593;1400110754;mircea_popescu;and i'll be all http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-05-2014#675569 675594;1400110755;assbot;#bitcoin-assets log 675595;1400110764;mircea_popescu;fluffypony it was free for a whole month. 675596;1400110774;mircea_popescu;all the shits-for-brains on the forum knew better. 675597;1400110782;mircea_popescu;then it was 20 btc, when btc was $5 675598;1400110785;fluffypony;yeah, long before my time unfortunately 675599;1400110788;mircea_popescu;all the shits for brains knew better. 675600;1400110788;mircea_popescu;etc. 675601;1400110796;fluffypony;iz ok, I still have jurov to hook me up 675602;1400110815;mike_c;;;calc (30 * [ticker --last]) 675603;1400110817;gribble;13339.5 675604;1400110828;mike_c;^ way less then 40k a year 675605;1400110838;mircea_popescu;mike_c was as high as nyse, practically. back when btc went over 1200 675606;1400110848;fluffypony;mike_c: and really not a bad price if you're institutional 675607;1400110866;fluffypony;even if you're just toe-dipping into BTC 675608;1400110869;mike_c;i don't think it's ever been a bad price. best time to buy a mpex seat is today. 675609;1400110889;mircea_popescu;pankkake http://pankkake.headfucking.net/2014/05/06/bitcointalk-always-retarded/ << you need to write more words. spell things out. 675610;1400110889;assbot;Bitcointalk, always retarded | pankkake 675611;1400110903;mircea_popescu;mike_c you must agree i know how to price. 675612;1400110908;fluffypony;I think it's out of my league, not entirely from a price perspective but more from a "what would I do with it" perspective 675613;1400110917;mircea_popescu;kinda funny for someone with 0 days experience in sales/product. 675614;1400110921;fluffypony;I'm too casual an investor to make it work for me 675615;1400110937;mod6;buy & hold? 675616;1400110941;mircea_popescu;fluffypony if you think about it, nyse has 1.5k seats or so, and perhaps 150mn diff people ever traded on it. 675617;1400110945;mircea_popescu;that'd be 1 in 100k. 675618;1400110956;fluffypony;mod6: I can do that through coinbr tho 675619;1400110977;mircea_popescu;but yes, unless your portofolio is > 1k btc, you don't really need a seat imo. 675620;1400110983;fluffypony;yeah that's the thing 675621;1400110992;mircea_popescu;!jd mpif 675622;1400110992;assbot;Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 164.65235181 BTC; +0.28620048 BTC (+0.1741%) since last check 1d 23h 28m 22s ago. 675623;1400111002;fluffypony;maybe possibly if I stumbled into the knowledge / time / inclination to run a brokerage it would be worthwhile 675624;1400111023;fluffypony;but otherwise my portfolio is too small fry to justify it 675625;1400111045;mircea_popescu;srsly, who still has a forum account ? 675626;1400111049;mircea_popescu;tell phinn gage to come over. 675627;1400111051;fluffypony;mod6: oh wait - did you mean buy the seat and hold it, not buy the seat and then buy shares and hold them? 675628;1400111081;mod6;naw, just the latter. 675629;1400111082;jurov;someone figured out how to trade gpg privkeys? 675630;1400111086;fluffypony;ah ok 675631;1400111097;mod6;forgot about coinbr. lol, sorry jurov :) 675632;1400111128;mircea_popescu;pankkake you seriously claim to have seen most porn in existence ?! 675633;1400111144;mircea_popescu;how is that even possible, i'd guess even excluding cams and amateur shit, there's well over 1mn hours floating around. 675634;1400111154;mircea_popescu;;;calc 24 * 365 675635;1400111155;gribble;8760 675636;1400111164;mircea_popescu;even if nonstop... 100 years ? 675637;1400111189;jurov;he's watching it 10x faster on 10 monitors 675638;1400111207;mod6;lol, all on FF 675639;1400111244;mircea_popescu;lmao 675640;1400111266;mircea_popescu;i mean he could say he's seen most GIRLS that ever shot more than a few tests 675641;1400111274;mircea_popescu;i know guys with similar performance 675642;1400111279;mircea_popescu;well... gals, mostly, but anyway. 675643;1400111400;fluffypony;bed time noa, night all 675644;1400111417;mircea_popescu;dear channel, i have a question. 675645;1400111446;mircea_popescu;chick that's not been allowed to wear pants for 5 years now or something, tried on one of my pairs for fun. she looked incredibly hot in them. 675646;1400111448;mircea_popescu;am i gay ? 675647;1400111474;BCB;are you gay? 675648;1400111509;mircea_popescu;;;gettrust bcb 675649;1400111509;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask BCB!~BCB@unaffiliated/bcb. Trust relationship from user mircea_popescu to user bcb: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 9 via 12 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=mircea_popescu&dest=bcb | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=bcb | Rated since: Thu Sep 20 19:03:51 2012 675650;1400111523;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: you need someone with a proper gaydar to tell you 675651;1400111523;mircea_popescu;plz to be seriously. 675652;1400111531;kakobrekla;the answer is: no its european? 675653;1400111534;mircea_popescu;who got a gaydar 675654;1400111537;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla lol 675655;1400111544;mircea_popescu;i bet ascii got a gaydar. 675656;1400111554;fluffypony;lol 675657;1400111555;mircea_popescu;he's got every other gadget in his 400 sq feet of "living" space 675658;1400111576;BCB;That beard is very gay. 675659;1400111582;fluffypony;ok gone for reals noa, bye 675660;1400111588;mircea_popescu;beards are manly. 675661;1400111593;mod6;^^ 675662;1400111602;BCB;vv 675663;1400111633;kakobrekla;>> 675664;1400111638;kakobrekla;like pankkake porn 675665;1400111643;mod6;haha 675666;1400111646;mircea_popescu;lol 675667;1400111669;mircea_popescu;check that out, all the olschool cats trust BCB 675668;1400111679;kakobrekla;;;rated bcb 675669;1400111680;gribble;You have not yet rated user bcb 675670;1400111713;BCB;mircea_popescu, not pirateat40 675671;1400111721;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla omfg, look at that, 1k trust. we are x.x 675672;1400111738;mircea_popescu;BCB what do you do, paypal arbitrage basically ? 675673;1400111791;BCB;I did. Before paypal shot down all my accounts. 675674;1400111796;mircea_popescu;so what do you do now ? 675675;1400111806;BCB;nothing :( 675676;1400111822;BCB;I'm not a Money Transmitter in the US 675677;1400111851;mircea_popescu;well so how would you like a managerial position in mpif ? 675678;1400111853;mircea_popescu;We think our actions express our decisions. But in nearly all of our life, willing decides nothing. 675679;1400111854;mircea_popescu;"We cannot wake up or fall asleep, remember or forget our dreams, summon or banish our thoughts, by deciding to do so. 675680;1400111860;mircea_popescu;dude this is total bs. i can do most of those things. 675681;1400111892;BCB;You sound like Steve Jobs 675682;1400111910;mircea_popescu;i have a much better beard than jobbs ever had. 675683;1400111931;BCB;True that 675684;1400111938;BCB;what does it pay 675685;1400111942;BCB;I'm not cheap 675686;1400111957;mircea_popescu;read the contract first. 675687;1400111981;BCB;send it to me 675688;1400111993;mircea_popescu;http://mpex.co/?mpsic=F.MPIF 675689;1400111994;assbot;F.MPIF last 140@0.00021725 675690;1400112004;mircea_popescu;then http://trilema.com/category/fmpif/ 675691;1400112005;assbot;F.MPIF pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 675692;1400112786;benkay;!up RagnarsBitch 675693;1400112852;jurov;BCB all managers got 10% off the profit 675694;1400112858;jurov;except me :) 675695;1400112859;mircea_popescu;http://bdoubliees.com/vaillantpif/couvertures/v701.jpg 675696;1400112893;jurov;mircea_popescu: that's the gal with your pants? 675697;1400112902;BCB;jurov, I see that. I probably couldn't do it for less then 20% 675698;1400112913;mircea_popescu;mkay. 675699;1400112925;mircea_popescu;jurov lol no, that's ragnar. bitch not depicted. 675700;1400113450;mircea_popescu;http://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/commit/?id=d945cb9cce20ac7143c2de8d88b187f62db99bdc 675701;1400113450;assbot;kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git - Linux kernel source tree 675702;1400113454;mircea_popescu;in which alan cox fucks up the pty. 675703;1400113507;mircea_popescu;the indignity. poor guy. 675704;1400113519;mircea_popescu;after all the 2.4-ac stuff 675705;1400113776;mircea_popescu;in other news, http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/globalwarming2.html 675706;1400113777;assbot;A Complete List Of Things Supposedly Caused By Global Warming 675707;1400113911;BCB;mircea_popescu, not counter offer 675708;1400113916;BCB;*no 675709;1400114043;mircea_popescu;nope. 675710;1400114055;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4450 @ 0.00099532 = 4.4292 BTC [-] 675711;1400114055;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.03139999 = 0.314 BTC [+] 675712;1400114560;BCB;Romainians... 675713;1400114621;mircea_popescu;GEORGE: Well, don't they make a counter offer? How can they just cancel the whole deal like that? What kind of a maniac is this guy? I mean he just, he says no, and that's it? 675714;1400114621;mircea_popescu;SUSAN: Yeah, that's the way Russell is. He doesn't like to play games. 675715;1400114626;mircea_popescu;you're behind on your seinfeld. 675716;1400115397;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.041 = 0.41 BTC [-] 675717;1400115398;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31581 @ 0.00099798 = 31.5172 BTC [+] {2} 675718;1400115641;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 68350 @ 0.0009953 = 68.0288 BTC [-] {2} 675719;1400115885;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4800 @ 0.00099798 = 4.7903 BTC [+] 675720;1400115963;mircea_popescu;this battle for 1 is something else to watch 675721;1400115966;jurov;https://bitcointa.lk/threads/maged-permabanned-mpoe-pr-because-she-swore-shock.292615/page-5#post-6306146 someone wanted phinny here in chan? 675722;1400115967;assbot;Maged permabanned MPOE-PR because she swore shock | Page 5 | Bitcointa.lk 675723;1400115985;jurov;davout ^ 675724;1400116063;mircea_popescu;jurov yes. me. 675725;1400116075;mircea_popescu;i like the guy. 675726;1400116373;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7753 @ 0.00100305 = 7.7766 BTC [+] 675727;1400117898;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34627 @ 0.00100355 = 34.7499 BTC [+] {2} 675728;1400118050;artifexd; artifexd you might take out 'New' out of the strings, since the thing is never 'old' <- Excellent idea. I shall implement. 675729;1400118204;artifexd; mind adding it in here with a special rule to only dump bets > 1btc ? << No problem. 675730;1400118273;artifexd;kakobrekla: Do I need to anything special to get artibot voiced in here? Is being a bot enough? I can (and will eventually) code it to ident with gribble and !up with assbot if necessary but if you have a list of preapproved bots, that would be easier. 675731;1400118313;kakobrekla;yes i make chanserv voice the bots, they need to be registered with nickserv 675732;1400118325;artifexd;Already done. 675733;1400118353;artifexd;It is ~artibot@unaffiliated/artifexd/bot/artibot 675734;1400118464;kakobrekla;thats it? 675735;1400118478;artibot;I am the human embodiment of []bot. I am not the real []bot. 675736;1400118492;artibot;But the nickserv account is the same. 675737;1400118502;decimation;If we are maintaining assbot; can we make it so users can !down themselves privately? Or is it intended to just ;;gpg unauth with gribble? 675738;1400118543;kakobrekla;yeah well chanserv cant distinguish between human embodiment and the real bot 675739;1400118558;kakobrekla;so either you change that or make it up itself 675740;1400118569;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1900 @ 0.00100513 = 1.9097 BTC [+] 675741;1400118577;kakobrekla;why do you want to down yourself? 675742;1400118586;artibot;Is the delay normal? It took about 40 seconds to be voiced. 675743;1400118601;decimation;I guess what I really want is to securely tear down my session 675744;1400118603;kakobrekla;depends on gribble 675745;1400118624;decimation;seems like !down to assbot and ;;gpg unauth to gribble should be the trick? 675746;1400118632;kakobrekla;decimation can you do /hop ? 675747;1400118677;decimation;Not on this client apparently 675748;1400118677;kakobrekla;if this is the only chan you are in with gribble, parting and joining will deauth you of gribble and you will lose your voice 675749;1400118678;artibot;Ok. I'm still "on the clock" so I won't get the bot in here now but I should be able to get it done before I go to bed. 675750;1400118756;kakobrekla;i thought you bots run 24/7 675751;1400118761;BCB;http://www.cnbc.com/id/101674032 675752;1400118762;assbot;Michael Novogratz touts bitcoin, M&A and tech 675753;1400118790;artifexd;It does. But there is coding that needs to be done. 675754;1400118829;kakobrekla; www.coinprism.com 675755;1400118848;kakobrekla;yay 675756;1400118852;kakobrekla;hipsters 675757;1400118953;decimation;Okay. I don't know the details of IRC, apparently gribble can tell the difference between someone leaving the channel and a net-split? 675758;1400118967;kakobrekla;prolly not 675759;1400119020;decimation;Ideally each chat message would be individually gpg signed 675760;1400119093;kakobrekla;nah 675761;1400119094;kakobrekla;just do 675762;1400119095;kakobrekla;-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- 675763;1400119095;kakobrekla;Hash: SHA1 675764;1400119098;kakobrekla;when you join 675765;1400119102;decimation;hehe 675766;1400119115;kakobrekla;and ------BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- ARGLE BARGLE 675767;1400119117;kakobrekla;when you leave. 675768;1400119148;decimation;IRC is kind of a creaky old protocol. it works, but it's like hitching a ride on a Cuban 1950's Ford truck 675769;1400119169;kakobrekla;name one chat protocol that surpasses it 675770;1400119216;decimation;Yeah I can't 675771;1400119228;kakobrekla;mhm 675772;1400119231;decimation;I'm thinking of something like bittorrent 675773;1400119240;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.44 BTC [+] 675774;1400119243;kakobrekla;thats chatroulette 675775;1400119289;dignork;decimation: there is a tox chat, torrent like, but nowhere close to irc so far 675776;1400119311;decimation;well, by "nowhere close" do we mean in software maturity or in widespread adoption? 675777;1400119326;dignork;decimation: unfortunately both 675778;1400119383;dignork;I mean there is a usable console client for one to one chat, and support for group chat, but still. 675779;1400119420;decimation;it's sad that there's not mechanism for multicast on the general internet 675780;1400119423;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.44 = 0.88 BTC [+] 675781;1400119614;decimation;One could use the bitcoin protocol to chat if they are willing to spend the coin 675782;1400119631;decimation;ascii has pointed this out several times 675783;1400119674;dignork;decimation: if you want to keep all your messages till bitcoin-dev finnaly figures a way to implement purging, yes. 675784;1400119881;dignork;thinking of it, twitter 2.0, your message is limited to 40 bytes of OP_RETURN, and you waste bitcoins, delicious! 675785;1400120338;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 118 @ 0.00709991 = 0.8378 BTC [+] {3} 675786;1400120521;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10297 @ 0.00100518 = 10.3503 BTC [+] {2} 675787;1400120765;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5770 @ 0.00100104 = 5.776 BTC [-] 675788;1400121192;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 47050 @ 0.00099364 = 46.7508 BTC [-] {5} 675789;1400122392;benkay;regarding coinprism, i wonder if the same pattern of webwallet heists is going to happen with the cc walletsregarding coinprism 675790;1400123083;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 301 @ 0.00422005 = 1.2702 BTC [+] {2} 675791;1400123515;benkay;;;gettrust assbot Mats_cd03 675792;1400123515;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user Mats_cd03: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 2 via 2 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=Mats_cd03 | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=Mats_cd03 | Rated since: Tue May 13 15:07:43 2014 675793;1400123524;benkay;aight Mats_cd03 675794;1400123677;benkay;time for some tech-nose 675795;1400123876;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14200 @ 0.00099996 = 14.1994 BTC [+] 675796;1400123998;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 25 @ 0.0721002 = 1.8025 BTC [-] {3} 675797;1400124121;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.07452082 = 0.2236 BTC [+] 675798;1400126011;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13645 @ 0.00099801 = 13.6178 BTC [-] {2} 675799;1400126911;benkay;http://www.followthecoin.com/dogepdx-portlands-biggest-dogecoin-party/ 675800;1400126913;assbot;DogePDX! It's a Dogecoin Party in Portland! - 675801;1400126977;benkay;https://angel.co/wow-such-business-inc 675802;1400126978;assbot;Wow Such Business, Inc. | AngelList 675803;1400127007;benkay;can't decide if i need to go to harsh the vibe or stay in and work on actual things 675804;1400127010;benkay;leaning towards the latter 675805;1400127292;assbot;[MPEX] [FN] [F.MPIF] 471 @ 0.00021725 = 0.1023 BTC [+] 675806;1400127341;moiety;morning 675807;1400127362;moiety;lol benkay, i kinda want to know if they talk that way in person 675808;1400127533;moiety;kakobrekla: re wiki: i took it off because i wasn't sure how useful it was. i still have it though 675809;1400128023;benkay;moiety: it's worse than that - everyone talks like that. 675810;1400128024;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5050 @ 0.0009973 = 5.0364 BTC [-] 675811;1400128268;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10167 @ 0.00100109 = 10.1781 BTC [+] {2} 675812;1400128310;moiety;benkay: i think you should go wearing this: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-fCUgM-FAJdA/UtL85lHtl7I/AAAAAAAAOh8/kl8EAe0RDDk/s380/Doug%2BRatner%2B-%2BId%2BRather%2BBe%2BWith%2BMy%2BCat%2BNew%2BShirt%2B-%2B1.jpg 675813;1400128412;benkay;"i'd rather be with my pussy" 675814;1400128441;moiety;that would work too 675815;1400128511;moiety;probably make folk jealous though 675816;1400128552;benkay;not really my problem. 675817;1400128563;benkay;maybe i should drape lady v over my arm and go troll the dogelings. 675818;1400129000;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3800 @ 0.00100018 = 3.8007 BTC [-] 675819;1400129005;moiety;do it 675820;1400129016;moiety;though that involves dragging her through the evening also 675821;1400129122;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 3000 @ 0.00012252 = 0.3676 BTC [-] {11} 675822;1400129866;benkay;could be enjoyable. 675823;1400130220;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30943 @ 0.00099943 = 30.9254 BTC [-] {3} 675824;1400131379;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.041 = 0.41 BTC [-] 675825;1400131687;kakobrekla;moiety i dont see how it was harming anyone 675826;1400132050;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16336 @ 0.00100067 = 16.3469 BTC [+] 675827;1400132538;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 14 @ 0.02448339 = 0.3428 BTC [+] 675828;1400132721;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3955 @ 0.00100078 = 3.9581 BTC [+] 675829;1400132782;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.041 = 0.41 BTC [-] 675830;1400132904;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 40 @ 0.041 = 1.64 BTC [-] 675831;1400133133;moiety;kakobrekla: tweaked and returned. If there's anything hideously wrong, please let me know 675832;1400134246;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2895 @ 0.00012213 = 0.3536 BTC [-] {3} 675833;1400134307;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 5996 @ 0.00012002 = 0.7196 BTC [-] {6} 675834;1400134612;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 8 @ 0.07250006 = 0.58 BTC [-] {2} 675835;1400134795;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9655 @ 0.00100067 = 9.6615 BTC [-] 675836;1400134978;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13486 @ 0.0010008 = 13.4968 BTC [+] {2} 675837;1400135466;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10009 @ 0.00100067 = 10.0157 BTC [-] 675838;1400136198;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9895 @ 0.0010015 = 9.9098 BTC [+] 675839;1400137174;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17400 @ 0.00100235 = 17.4409 BTC [+] {2} 675840;1400137723;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3382 @ 0.00100287 = 3.3917 BTC [+] 675841;1400137906;assbot;[MPEX] [S.NSA] 3150 @ 0.00013 = 0.4095 BTC [-] 675842;1400138882;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6100 @ 0.00100287 = 6.1175 BTC [+] 675843;1400139065;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10890 @ 0.00099734 = 10.861 BTC [-] {5} 675844;1400139186;Naphex;morning 675845;1400139615;fluffypony;Naphex :) 675846;1400139683;Naphex;what's going on 675847;1400139902;fluffypony;nothing much 675848;1400139904;fluffypony;nearly breakfast time 675849;1400139935;fluffypony;well more like brunch at this stage 675850;1400140065;Naphex;Thu May 15 10:47:45 EEST 2014 675851;1400140069;Naphex;what time is it in sa? 675852;1400140077;fluffypony;9:47am 675853;1400140142;Naphex;you're an early man too eh?:P 675854;1400140233;fluffypony;lol 675855;1400140264;fluffypony;been up for a couple of hours, but the wife has gotten into this fancy-breakfast-making habit 675856;1400140278;fluffypony;so we normally only eat at between 9 and 11, lol 675857;1400141139;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 780 @ 0.00099444 = 0.7757 BTC [-] 675858;1400141322;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4630 @ 0.00099444 = 4.6043 BTC [-] 675859;1400141435;mircea_popescu;http://bitstrips.com/ 675860;1400141435;assbot;Bitstrips - Comics starring YOU and your Friends 675861;1400141445;mircea_popescu;is this the first case of a bit* site that's pre-bitcoin ? 675862;1400141720;fluffypony;I'm sure there are others 675863;1400141725;fluffypony;the bitpay domain was registered in 2004, for eg. 675864;1400141735;mircea_popescu;ya but it's a bitsite 675865;1400141739;mircea_popescu;i don't just mean the reg date 675866;1400141744;fluffypony;bitgames.com = 2002 675867;1400141759;fluffypony;oic 675868;1400141763;mircea_popescu;unrelated, https://twitter.com/Mircea_Popescu/status/466853837576609792 675869;1400141763;assbot;http://t.co/wLzTSvt8xd Next step in marriage progress : preteens and horses. Because why should species matter when souls are in love! 675870;1400141908;fluffypony;lol 675871;1400141911;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/niubi/status/466834826419388416 675872;1400141912;assbot;Deputy head of coal dept of national energy administration detained, had over 100m rmb cash at home http://t.co/raWOJ1Sraz 675873;1400141917;mircea_popescu;talk about inflation. 675874;1400142359;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.041 = 0.41 BTC [-] 675875;1400142552;Naphex;ebay ceo bullish on bitcoin on paypal 675876;1400142556;Naphex;god help us ;/ 675877;1400142624;mircea_popescu;what's "on bitcoin on paypal" mean. 675878;1400142638;bounce;at a guess, something along the lines of "bitcoin with chargebacks" 675879;1400142662;Naphex;"We think Bitcoin will play a very important role in the future. Exactly how that plays out, and how we can best take advantage of it and enable it with PayPal, that's something we're actively considering. It's on our radar screen." 675880;1400142697;mircea_popescu;so reddit, made out of people who have no idea how to read pr statements, got all excited ? 675881;1400142710;mircea_popescu;that thing says exactly nothing at all. whence bullish ? 675882;1400142750;Naphex;well he's been soundbiting it on bloomberg as well 675883;1400142753;Naphex;a couple of months ago 675884;1400142764;Naphex;about how pp and bitcoin would and can go well 675885;1400142776;mircea_popescu;he has to. 675886;1400142790;mircea_popescu;the alternative is, "bitcoin will kill us in a matter of years. please keep buying our stock" 675887;1400142818;mircea_popescu;ebay is rimm cca 2005. who wants to tell the people with 401k's that mp will make a killing with puts on their savings ? 675888;1400142912;mircea_popescu;ARGLE BARGLE ahahaha 675889;1400142971;Naphex;heh, well they could just integrate bitcoin;p 675890;1400142991;Naphex;but just the fact that they're big makes them slow in adding something, so it might drag 675891;1400143000;mircea_popescu;decimation: IRC is kind of a creaky old protocol. it works, but it's like hitching a ride on a Cuban 1950's Ford truck <<< there are two kinds of protocols : the "creaky old" stuff which is good and the new shitty stuff which is bad. 675892;1400143011;mircea_popescu;same exact thing can besaid of tcp/ip, or anything else that works. 675893;1400143016;mircea_popescu;none of the "better" shit is worth two shits. 675894;1400143017;Naphex;IRC is a pretty good protocol 675895;1400143021;Naphex;old doesn't factor in 675896;1400143031;mircea_popescu;Naphex they can't integrate bitcoin, because i will never id to use it. 675897;1400143058;Naphex;well they don't have to, they can have a bitcoin wallet 675898;1400143063;Naphex;and just ID to exchange to USD 675899;1400143065;Naphex;or fiat 675900;1400143087;Naphex;and you can spend bitcoin on pp shops as USD, without ID 675901;1400143088;Naphex;there 675902;1400143093;mircea_popescu;decimation: it's sad that there's not mechanism for multicast on the general internet <<< god help us. lomic ?! 675903;1400143135;mircea_popescu;Naphex so then they just made a bitcoin to usd gateway 675904;1400143139;mircea_popescu;how is this including bitcoin ? 675905;1400143162;bounce;there's plenty that IRC could be doing better. but the basic stuff works pretty well. 675906;1400143195;mircea_popescu;that compound is self contradictory. 675907;1400143243;Naphex;sometimes it is more then enough to do 1 thing well, istead of 100 things mediocrely 675908;1400143254;mircea_popescu;where sometimes is all the times. 675909;1400143264;punkman;bounce, like what? 675910;1400143298;bounce;say, a per-channel tag expressing a preferred charset 675911;1400143309;mircea_popescu;jesus christ 675912;1400143325;punkman;utf8 don't work for you? 675913;1400143342;Naphex;utf8 and its up for the clients to interpret is fine 675914;1400143345;punkman;πφφφ 675915;1400143361;Naphex;since they only interpret command params 675916;1400143362;mircea_popescu;if i had to pick a bad example... wtf kludge is that 675917;1400143365;bounce;nope. and it's a flight-forward kind of thing. "if only everyone used this one standard system" -- but there isn't just one standard 675918;1400143368;mircea_popescu;why should irc be charset aware 675919;1400143381;Apocalyptic;^ 675920;1400143386;bounce;well, it's never been non-charset aware, there just was only one charset 675921;1400143396;mircea_popescu;again, contradictory. 675922;1400143432;bounce;well, it's what's in the rfc. "we assume it's ascii with some swedish specialness" 675923;1400143465;mircea_popescu;that rfc is confused lol 675924;1400143470;mircea_popescu;anyway, gtg for nao 675925;1400143491;bounce;so people just use whatever charset they like, and a bunch of clients now standard guess whether the characters they're looking at is latin-1 or utf-8 and switch tack based on the guesses 675926;1400143529;Naphex;they should just default to utf8 675927;1400143534;Naphex;and be done with it 675928;1400143542;Naphex;they'll change charset when they see artifacts all day 675929;1400143551;Naphex;or have the irc client use utf8 decoding as default 675930;1400143554;bounce;again, flight-forward kind of thing. and it completely disregards the (considerable) costs of utf-8 675931;1400143877;Naphex;what are the utf-8 costs that are so considerable? 675932;1400143945;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 82 @ 0.0720659 = 5.9094 BTC [-] {10} 675933;1400143946;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 5 @ 0.041 = 0.205 BTC [-] 675934;1400145104;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.072 = 0.144 BTC [-] 675935;1400146507;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16415 @ 0.00100287 = 16.4621 BTC [+] 675936;1400146812;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.434005 = 0.868 BTC [-] {2} 675937;1400146911;fluffypony;http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2014/05/photos-of-an-nsa-upgrade-factory-show-cisco-router-getting-implant/ 675938;1400146911;assbot;Photos of an NSA upgrade factory show Cisco router getting implant | Ars Technica 675939;1400146957;fluffypony;Naphex: that's for you 675940;1400147122;Naphex;cisco routers prolly already had "beacons" in :) 675941;1400147128;Naphex;that workstation is just for upgrades 675942;1400147128;Naphex;:) 675943;1400147605;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 10 @ 0.4307105 = 4.3071 BTC [-] {4} 675944;1400147887;punkman;"Also our cold wallet is going to be stored on a dedicated system that will come online less than once a day for brief random interval to carry out necessary transactions." 675945;1400147897;punkman;that's not cold at all 675946;1400147900;fluffypony;hah hah 675947;1400147917;fluffypony;lukewarm wallet 675948;1400147956;Apocalyptic;that's semi-hot 675949;1400147959;punkman;https://bitcointa.lk/threads/virtex-a-new-online-crypto-currency-trading-platform.281396/ 675950;1400147960;assbot;Virtex! A new online crypto currency trading platform | Bitcointa.lk 675951;1400147969;Apocalyptic;i'm already facepalming 675952;1400148039;punkman;"Good news. Literally! We have been featured in several online news magazines." 675953;1400148112;punkman;"CEO Paulius Meskauskas, CMO Tomas Andzelis, CRO Mantas Gustys and a team of over 20 other people" 675954;1400148134;Apocalyptic;punkman, your former line reminded me of neobee 675955;1400148642;punkman;why do all these 7" low resolution monitors cost as much as a 20" HD one? 675956;1400148859;Naphex;http://www.theonion.com/video/social-media-rock-star-makes-28000-per-year,32302/ 675957;1400148859;assbot;Social Media Rock Star Makes $28,000 Per Year | Video | The Onion - America's Finest News Source 675958;1400149374;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 7 @ 0.041 = 0.287 BTC [-] 675959;1400149394;fluffypony;Apocalyptic: is the header picture supposed to be a phoenix rising from the ashes? 675960;1400149439;Apocalyptic;fluffypony, header picture of ? 675961;1400149445;fluffypony;virtuals 675962;1400149446;fluffypony;virtex 675963;1400149447;fluffypony;ffs 675964;1400149455;Apocalyptic;I have no clue 675965;1400149471;fluffypony;http://www.virtex.com/img/head_bg.jpg 675966;1400149474;fluffypony;ka-kawww 675967;1400149496;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 8 @ 0.0425 = 0.34 BTC [+] 675968;1400149679;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 89 @ 0.072 = 6.408 BTC [-] {2} 675969;1400150071;punkman;we got embassies now, http://bitcoinembassy.ca/ http://bitcoinet.pl/2014/05/10/bitcoin-embassy/ 675970;1400150072;assbot;Welcome 675971;1400150072;assbot;Europe’s First Bitcoin Embassy To Open in Poland | Bitcoinet 675972;1400150167;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3050 @ 0.00099757 = 3.0426 BTC [-] {2} 675973;1400150228;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 6 @ 0.430001 = 2.58 BTC [-] {2} 675974;1400150289;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.429 = 0.858 BTC [-] 675975;1400150777;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 40 @ 0.0067001 = 0.268 BTC [-] 675976;1400150838;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 63 @ 0.00646729 = 0.4074 BTC [-] {5} 675977;1400150899;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.43401 BTC [+] 675978;1400151143;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 836 @ 0.041 = 34.276 BTC [-] 675979;1400151387;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.43401 BTC [+] 675980;1400151570;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 19 @ 0.02448339 = 0.4652 BTC [+] 675981;1400151632;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.02449178 = 0.2449 BTC [+] {3} 675982;1400152607;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.43989998 BTC [+] 675983;1400153034;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5100 @ 0.00100287 = 5.1146 BTC [+] 675984;1400153522;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.041 = 0.41 BTC [-] 675985;1400153644;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SMG] 7418 @ 0.0000666 = 0.494 BTC [-] {8} 675986;1400153705;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SMG] 2532 @ 0.00006561 = 0.1661 BTC [-] {5} 675987;1400154620;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1200 @ 0.00100287 = 1.2034 BTC [+] 675988;1400154925;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11015 @ 0.0009996 = 11.0106 BTC [-] 675989;1400155047;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.42134819 = 2.1067 BTC [-] {5} 675990;1400155048;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.02364228 = 0.2364 BTC [-] {2} 675991;1400155108;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 18 @ 0.02364223 = 0.4256 BTC [-] {3} 675992;1400155109;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 22 @ 0.0313997 = 0.6908 BTC [+] {2} 675993;1400155169;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 22 @ 0.03139977 = 0.6908 BTC [+] {4} 675994;1400155230;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.03139998 = 0.1256 BTC [+] {2} 675995;1400155651;punkman;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pADgAmNzxek 675996;1400155652;assbot;MV We are all bitcoins - YouTube 675997;1400155657;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 15 @ 0.0718 = 1.077 BTC [-] 675998;1400155658;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 6 @ 0.03139999 = 0.1884 BTC [+] {2} 675999;1400155840;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.4220001 BTC [+] 676000;1400156328;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17100 @ 0.0009948 = 17.0111 BTC [-] {3} 676001;1400156471;davout;;;seen mircea_popescu 676002;1400156471;gribble;mircea_popescu was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 3 hours, 36 minutes, and 40 seconds ago: anyway, gtg for nao 676003;1400156877;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 5 @ 0.041 = 0.205 BTC [-] 676004;1400157121;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 100 @ 0.00400007 = 0.4 BTC [-] {3} 676005;1400157122;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14950 @ 0.00100287 = 14.9929 BTC [+] {2} 676006;1400157426;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12200 @ 0.0009938 = 12.1244 BTC [-] {2} 676007;1400157670;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.41200008 = 2.06 BTC [-] {3} 676008;1400157914;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 21 @ 0.412 = 8.652 BTC [-] 676009;1400158097;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.41103005 BTC [-] 676010;1400158098;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.0237301 = 0.2373 BTC [+] 676011;1400158158;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.41103001 = 0.8221 BTC [-] {2} 676012;1400158646;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.41103002 BTC [+] 676013;1400158706;fluffypony;moiety: http://i.imgur.com/EFwpW5N.jpg 676014;1400158707;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.41103001 = 0.8221 BTC [-] {2} 676015;1400158713;fluffypony;baby fox > manul 676016;1400158768;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.41103001 BTC [-] 676017;1400158829;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13700 @ 0.00099227 = 13.5941 BTC [-] {2} 676018;1400158922;moiety;fluffypony: you made the baby sad http://www.savemanul.org/images/full/1_sm.jpg 676019;1400158933;fluffypony;lol 676020;1400158939;fluffypony;ok they're both cute 676021;1400159062;moiety;:D 676022;1400159317;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 19 @ 0.041 = 0.779 BTC [-] 676023;1400159378;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 258 @ 0.0008549 = 0.2206 BTC [+] 676024;1400159452;fluffypony;altcoins are really running out of ideas 676025;1400159509;fluffypony;BillionCoin - "First coin with integrated chatroom in wallet" 676026;1400159524;fluffypony;because when choosing a cryptocurrency, an integrated IRC client sets you apart from the herd 676027;1400159732;BingoBoingo;http://www.forbes.com/sites/melaniehaiken/2014/05/08/syphilis-making-a-big-comeback-among-men-warns-the-cdc/ 676028;1400159733;assbot;Syphilis Made A Big Comeback In 2013, CDC Warns - Forbes 676029;1400159912;BingoBoingo;http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMicm1308567#figure=f1 676030;1400159913;assbot;MMS: Error 676031;1400160039;mircea_popescu;mms error ? 676032;1400160101;BingoBoingo;Oh, it's just about the opposite of .bait 676033;1400160110;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 15 @ 0.041 = 0.615 BTC [-] 676034;1400160171;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.0718 = 0.718 BTC [-] 676035;1400160243;mircea_popescu;lol 676036;1400160248;BingoBoingo;Basically the New England Journal of Medicine is irrelevant because they insist on embeding images as adobe flash 676037;1400160293;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 17 @ 0.041 = 0.697 BTC [-] 676038;1400160294;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.03139999 = 0.314 BTC [+] 676039;1400160301;BingoBoingo;;;later tell danielpbarron My OpenBSD cd's arrived yesterday. 676040;1400160301;gribble;The operation succeeded. 676041;1400160406;mircea_popescu;http://i.imgur.com/hQa3WMO.jpg << what happened to "judy will have to stfu and IT a lot, maybe someone'll care to listen to her stupid shit" ? 676042;1400160461;mircea_popescu;this fucking "x will need to" replacement for "we would like for x to" is a riot. 676043;1400160476;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 24 @ 0.041 = 0.984 BTC [-] 676044;1400160554;fluffypony;I don't get it - is it supposed to be a kid's book? 676045;1400160633;mircea_popescu;more like a white knight's book. 676046;1400160648;fluffypony;lol 676047;1400160671;mircea_popescu;punkman http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-05-2014#673415 so nyah! 676048;1400160672;assbot;#bitcoin-assets log 676049;1400160726;jurov;duh what a day.. thanks to coinroll bots we found out about Math.random backdoor in node.js 676050;1400160753;mircea_popescu;o.O 676051;1400160765;jurov;somehow it just isn't able to generate more than 80 million random IDs 676052;1400160781;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.41103001 BTC [-] 676053;1400160784;jurov;regardless of node restarts that should have changed the seed 676054;1400160801;mircea_popescu;hahaha 676055;1400160813;mircea_popescu;80mn keyspace ? random generator ? le loll ? 676056;1400160817;jurov;and reaction of typical node programmer like wao? "oh i remember we had this problem sometime" 676057;1400160834;mircea_popescu;write this up, in mucho detail. i bet you all the shitty "paper wallet" js implementations rest on node.js 676058;1400160849;jurov;!up wao 676059;1400160874;wao;yeah, I found this dickie feature of node in past ^ :D 676060;1400160903;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 9 @ 0.041 = 0.369 BTC [-] 676061;1400160911;mircea_popescu;well so document it. 676062;1400160913;davout;X.EUR rollover done, receipts available upon request 676063;1400160926;jurov;but it's inherited from chrome, no? chrome can have it too then? 676064;1400160936;wao;possible, it's v8, right 676065;1400160945;BingoBoingo;Fucking google. 676066;1400160950;wao;! 676067;1400160954;wao;we are all bugged! 676068;1400160957;BingoBoingo;Lemme guess this is also the android RNG problem 676069;1400160963;wao;hehe 676070;1400160964;assbot;[MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 288 @ 0.00311106 = 0.896 BTC [+] {2} 676071;1400160994;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo afaik that was never THAT narrow. 10^8, srsly ? 676072;1400161020;mircea_popescu;so basically any gpg key / wallet / anything ever generater on node.js could be cracked trivially, within hours. 676073;1400161025;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 150 @ 0.041 = 6.15 BTC [-] 676074;1400161040;Naphex;hey just implement your own RNG, go for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mersenne_twister and /dev/urandom / random 676075;1400161040;assbot;Mersenne twister - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 676076;1400161042;mircea_popescu;the rainbows off a 80mn wide space fit on any hdd ffs. 676077;1400161044;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Well, either space is still bigger than debian had circa 2006... 676078;1400161061;fluffypony;afaik most of those paper wallet things are straight JS and they do the crunching on the client device 676079;1400161074;mircea_popescu;Naphex afaik linux rand calls mt_rand anyway 676080;1400161074;wao;literally, mircea is right 676081;1400161085;mircea_popescu;fluffypony so ? 676082;1400161095;wao;in past, there was reason why people made modules for node.js like these http://www.enchantedage.com/node-mersenne 676083;1400161096;assbot;Node.js Mersenne Twister random number generator module | Everything you never wanted to know about Jon Watte 676084;1400161110;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: so no node in that case? 676085;1400161125;mircea_popescu;fluffypony hopefully. you know ? 676086;1400161129;fluffypony;yeah 676087;1400161192;wao;mircea_popescu: I think it was mentioned many times, like 2-3years ago 676088;1400161193;*;fluffypony throws the jew down the well 676089;1400161200;BingoBoingo;Doesn't Bitpay have some node.js bitcoin library or node or someshit? 676090;1400161201;wao;like guy at his github for module did, https://github.com/my8bird/nodejs-secure-random 676091;1400161201;assbot;my8bird/nodejs-secure-random GitHub 676092;1400161216;wao;"Javascripts Math.random is not very random." but is more like javascript problem I think 676093;1400161217;jurov;wao is there a bug report for it? 676094;1400161238;wao;but report for javascript? maybe in ecma6 is fixed, dunno. I didnt keep eye on it 676095;1400161248;fluffypony;BingoBoingo: Bitcore I think 676096;1400161251;jurov;oh that's in *specification*? 676097;1400161254;fluffypony;http://blog.bitpay.com/2014/02/14/introducing-bitcore.html 676098;1400161255;assbot;Introducing Bitcore | The BitPay Blog 676099;1400161311;Naphex;its pretty basic to just use a custom RNG then Math.random in js 676100;1400161324;wao;jurov: here is something like 'official' https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=322529 676101;1400161327;assbot;322529 – Upgrade Math.random() to a better algorithm, such as Mersenne Twister 676102;1400161334;Naphex;this is what it returns 0.4092895321082324 676103;1400161350;wao;https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20111027154059AAP5kz0 676104;1400161351;assbot;Javascript question! math.floor(math.random()) doesn't seem to be that random..? 676105;1400161370;fluffypony;yahoo answers...we're digging deep into the pile now 676106;1400161373;fluffypony;:-P 676107;1400161379;wao;:D 676108;1400161398;jurov;sooo ... looks like enough derpage was witten about it already 676109;1400161401;wao;jurov: I think I've seen something similiar at CR lol http://www.wikihow.com/Generate-Random-Numbers-in-JavaScript 676110;1400161401;assbot;How to Generate Random Numbers in JavaScript: 6 Steps 676111;1400161404;wao;:D 676112;1400161411;wao;last step, win 676113;1400161423;Apocalyptic;fluffypony, "we need to go deeper" 676114;1400161429;fluffypony;Apocalyptic: Geocities! 676115;1400161439;Apocalyptic;neocities nao 676116;1400161448;fluffypony;unless you're the FCC 676117;1400161454;wao;fluffypony: oh, geocities gone with dinosaurs, now it's called neocities :P 676118;1400161487;wao;ok, enough of javascript-trolling, do not use javascript, especially on serverside! ) 676119;1400161501;fluffypony;you kids and your Neocities and node.js and frappucinos and boostrap 676120;1400161511;wao;:D 676121;1400161516;wao;that's how girls write code 676122;1400161529;Naphex;and nothing wrong in using /dev/urandom /dev/random 676123;1400161534;fluffypony;lol 676124;1400161535;wao;you know, all that rails girls classes for subversile girls 676125;1400161545;jurov;wao <3 railsgirls 676126;1400161549;wao;(submisive is too sexistic word..) 676127;1400161553;jurov;i can confirm 676128;1400161568;fluffypony;gawd, I didn't even know railsgirls was a thing 676129;1400161586;wao;there was even JS ladies 676130;1400161593;wao;but didnt catch up trend, yet. 676131;1400161757;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 4 @ 0.041 = 0.164 BTC [-] 676132;1400162083;jborkl;Javascript girls? 676133;1400162123;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.41103 BTC [-] 676134;1400162285;mircea_popescu;davout so, you publishing the x.eur settlement anywhere ? 676135;1400162411;davout;nah, interested in the rationale that would be behind it, you said "it allows the pricing of derivatives, bitbet bets etc." 676136;1400162421;davout;referred to shelling points 676137;1400162445;mircea_popescu;well, yes. you're in a fine position to establish a signal settlement price. 676138;1400162449;davout;so if i understand correctly you think it could have some use a price signal 676139;1400162452;mircea_popescu;just publish it. can be last trade even 676140;1400162461;mircea_popescu;it definitely can 676141;1400162485;davout;it's very thinly traded tho, and i could manipulate it, no? 676142;1400162493;mircea_popescu;"i will pay joe 1.5 btc for this car on may 16th, provided x.eur settles under 0.03. otherwise, 1.2 btc" 676143;1400162502;mircea_popescu;well these go in tandem 676144;1400162507;davout;absolutely 676145;1400162570;moiety;my day so far: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-klR-u599oNQ/UnxctgPNn9I/AAAAAAAAC1M/R4LL59kj0O0/s1600/shutup.png 676146;1400162582;mircea_popescu;that's what a schelling point is. suppose you're abudcted by aliens, with a bunch of other people you never saw in your life. the aliens put four cards face up in front of each of you, the same cards, and say yo ucan go if you all pick the same card 676147;1400162589;mircea_popescu;they're 4c 5s 4d qh 676148;1400162605;mircea_popescu;it's pretty clear you're all getting out, right ? 676149;1400162614;davout;i'd pick the queen 676150;1400162622;mircea_popescu;so would everyone else. but why ? 676151;1400162627;mircea_popescu;just as much a card as any other. 676152;1400162645;mircea_popescu;schelling point. needs to have the property of direct obviousness and no other. 676153;1400162645;davout;it has a distinctive property 676154;1400162657;davout;that i can imagine others will see as well 676155;1400162695;mircea_popescu;so therefore, published settlement price. 676156;1400162712;mircea_popescu;plus people will be able to do soft futures on its basis 676157;1400162720;BingoBoingo;People who are hard to envy: http://www.epmonthly.com/www.epmonthly.com/departments/clinical-skills/ultrasound/time-is-testicle/ 676158;1400162721;assbot;Time is Testicle 676159;1400162725;mircea_popescu;(joe borrows from moe x.eur, promises to repay either in x.eur or else in settlement value) 676160;1400162786;davout;which one should i take? last trade before settlement (which could be days behind) or last active bid before settlement? 676161;1400162804;mircea_popescu;up to you really. you're the manager. 676162;1400162806;davout;last midpoint before settlement mebbe 676163;1400162810;mircea_popescu;pick a good one and stick to it. 676164;1400162871;davout;i can see the use, i'll use the opportunity to publish a coupla stats too 676165;1400162904;mircea_popescu;cool. 676166;1400162914;mircea_popescu;and yes, it helps your blog get some nice sticky content, too. 676167;1400162919;mircea_popescu;it's a win win all arond rly. 676168;1400163019;davout;that'll make a nice first post, a nice second post too if i'm lazy 676169;1400163123;BingoBoingo;http://www.popehat.com/2014/05/13/department-of-health-and-human-services-threatens-blogger-over-satirical-posts/ 676170;1400163126;assbot;Department of Health And Human Services Threatens Blogger Over Satirical Posts | Popehat 676171;1400163151;davout;bbl 676172;1400163160;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 6 @ 0.03139999 = 0.1884 BTC [+] 676173;1400163282;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 12 @ 0.40401266 = 4.8482 BTC [-] {7} 676174;1400163587;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 222 @ 0.00399493 = 0.8869 BTC [-] {5} 676175;1400163744;BingoBoingo;http://drgrumpyinthehouse.blogspot.com/2014/05/meeting-of-minds.html 676176;1400163744;assbot;Doctor Grumpy in the House: Meeting of the minds 676177;1400163953;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 87 @ 0.041 = 3.567 BTC [-] 676178;1400164015;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 53 @ 0.041 = 2.173 BTC [-] {2} 676179;1400164527;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo lmao 676180;1400164546;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Now you know who raises reddit 676181;1400164563;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 7 @ 0.02480844 = 0.1737 BTC [+] 676182;1400164605;mircea_popescu;lmao there's a belgium whale now, buying up all the Ts russia is dumping. hahaha 676183;1400164721;BingoBoingo;Where's Ahab when you need him. 676184;1400164990;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.41979957 BTC [+] 676185;1400165112;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 24 @ 0.041 = 0.984 BTC [-] 676186;1400165296;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 24 @ 0.041 = 0.984 BTC [-] 676187;1400165356;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 9 @ 0.07468319 = 0.6721 BTC [+] {4} 676188;1400165600;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 8769 @ 0.00011351 = 0.9954 BTC [+] {2} 676189;1400165844;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 12 @ 0.041 = 0.492 BTC [-] 676190;1400165966;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 11 @ 0.07386428 = 0.8125 BTC [-] {3} 676191;1400166454;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1700 @ 0.00099607 = 1.6933 BTC [+] 676192;1400166661;thestringpuller;;;seen bitcoinpete 676193;1400166661;gribble;bitcoinpete was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 19 hours, 52 minutes, and 53 seconds ago: bbl 676194;1400166669;fluffypony;mucho latero 676195;1400166682;bitcoinpete;ahoy mateys 676196;1400166707;bitcoinpete;thestringpuller: fixed your gravatar in the comments section 676197;1400166738;bitcoinpete;peterl: s.limbs must be a joke then! 676198;1400166805;thestringpuller;bitcoinpete: I have a story for you. 676199;1400166882;bitcoinpete;ok shoot 676200;1400167064;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 100 @ 0.00395629 = 0.3956 BTC [-] {2} 676201;1400167322;bitcoinpete;http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/05/15/forget-cpi-inflation-is-measured-with-art/ 676202;1400167323;assbot;Forget CPI. Inflation Is Measured With Art. | When Bitcoin Met Pete 676203;1400167378;pankkake;it's also a way to escape taxes, at least in France very much so 676204;1400167735;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 30 @ 0.07183641 = 2.1551 BTC [-] {9} 676205;1400167796;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.42 BTC [+] 676206;1400167802;bitcoinpete;pankkake: you guys have a wonderful history of appreciating art in all its dimensions 676207;1400167857;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.42848002 = 1.7139 BTC [+] {3} 676208;1400167979;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.042 = 0.126 BTC [+] 676209;1400168589;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13427 @ 0.00099372 = 13.3427 BTC [-] 676210;1400168731;benkay;wsj is down 676211;1400168736;benkay;logs are short 676212;1400168742;benkay;what is a boy to read over coffee anyways? 676213;1400168793;thestringpuller;why don't you program something in lisp 676214;1400168796;cgcardona;good morning everyone o/ 676215;1400168808;thestringpuller;;;ident 676216;1400168808;gribble;Nick 'thestringpuller', with hostmask 'thestringpuller!~leflor@99-39-97-12.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net', is identified as user 'thestringpuller', with GPG key id 0FF2943DA179E169, key fingerprint 6ACE36E786F39A4ADC4506DE0FF2943DA179E169, and bitcoin address None 676217;1400169171;mike_c;i'm still waiting for thestringpuller's story. 676218;1400169179;fluffypony;mike_c: you and me both 676219;1400169260;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.43 = 0.86 BTC [+] 676220;1400169321;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11791 @ 0.00099221 = 11.6991 BTC [-] {2} 676221;1400169341;benkay;thestringpuller: lisp happens after coffee. 676222;1400169349;benkay;and what story are we waiting for? 676223;1400169379;mike_c;<+thestringpuller> bitcoinpete: I have a story for you. 676224;1400169409;benkay;ah 676225;1400169481;benkay;bitcoinpete: you have this 'substitution' nonsense up north as well? 676226;1400169510;bitcoinpete;like for teachers? 676227;1400169530;benkay;cpi 676228;1400169560;benkay;jurov, wao can y'all give me a link to something about the node.js and js.rand problems? 676229;1400169592;bitcoinpete;o ya 676230;1400169596;bitcoinpete;of course 676231;1400169607;bitcoinpete;i doubt there's a western country without it 676232;1400169626;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 2.45469843 BTC to 8`643 shares, 28401 satoshi per share 676233;1400169687;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] [PAID] 3.47474341 BTC to 151`537 shares, 2293 satoshi per share 676234;1400169764;benkay;bleugh. 676235;1400169789;benkay;wowee markets got hammered yesterdat 676236;1400169813;benkay;not mpoe tho :) 676237;1400169844;danielpbarron;what services are using node.js? i tried searching around but couldn't get definitive answers 676238;1400169865;danielpbarron;I assume bc.i and bitaddress use it 676239;1400169896;mike_c;i bet JD does. 676240;1400169907;danielpbarron;what's that? just-dice? 676241;1400169910;mike_c;yeah 676242;1400169923;mike_c;makes heavy use of websockets, which often go hand in hand with node.js 676243;1400169939;pankkake;you need pictures of the developers to know that. do they have thick rimmed glasses, fedoras, or ironic moustaches? 676244;1400169951;danielpbarron;is that relevant for services that aren't generating addresses? 676245;1400169963;benkay;yes. 676246;1400169969;BingoBoingo;Related, it takes merely 1 gram of raw botulin toxin to supply the amount needed for the world's pharmaceutical use in a year. http://www.allergan.com/assets/pdf/2011AnnualReport.pdf 676247;1400169992;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19773 @ 0.00099273 = 19.6293 BTC [+] {2} 676248;1400170015;danielpbarron;I'm waiting for the bitcoin-days destroyed chart to have a spike today 676249;1400170053;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 100 @ 0.00404899 = 0.4049 BTC [+] 676250;1400170054;jurov;benkay it's in the log, such as: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=322529 676251;1400170058;assbot;322529 – Upgrade Math.random() to a better algorithm, such as Mersenne Twister 676252;1400170058;moiety;we use node.js 676253;1400170114;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 30 @ 0.00404899 = 0.1215 BTC [+] {2} 676254;1400170141;thestringpuller;bitcoinpete mike_c : It's a rehash of an old story, but it would be a neat article if the research is done right. 676255;1400170162;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu already did it once on trilema 676256;1400170167;fluffypony;pankkake 676257;1400170170;thestringpuller;"Bitcoin Drama Timeline" 676258;1400170171;fluffypony;I think you're being out-trolled 676259;1400170174;fluffypony;"Sorry for you that GPG is hard. Probably you can find introduction guide to help you understand." 676260;1400170185;fluffypony;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=551698.msg6740552#msg6740552 676261;1400170185;assbot;[Weekly Dividends] Symmetric Step Trading 676262;1400170196;pankkake;yeah… 676263;1400170215;bitcoinpete;thestringpuller: intriguing 676264;1400170358;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.43340239 = 0.8668 BTC [+] 676265;1400170419;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.43493332 = 1.3048 BTC [+] {3} 676266;1400170469;benkay;thanks jurov. i saw that link but hope springs eternal 676267;1400170541;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 1 @ 0.135 BTC [-] 676268;1400170787;artifexd;kakobrekla: Changes/bug fixes were made to artibot. She is here. But assbot didn't voice her. Her nick is []bot 676269;1400170833;punkman;https://bitcoin-trader.biz/opportunities.php 676270;1400170835;assbot;Bitcoin Trader | Income Opportunities 676271;1400170961;kakobrekla;no info about who is supposed to run this 676272;1400170999;punkman;"HYIP monitors, promoters and related services: Don't waste your time! We are not getting acquainted with any HYIP related service. Related support requests will be deleted immediately." 676273;1400171001;punkman;lol 676274;1400171086;fluffypony;lol 676275;1400171179;fluffypony;http://www.dslreports.com/shownews/Comcast-Confirms-Usage-Caps-Going-Nationwide-After-Trials-128963 676276;1400171180;assbot;Comcast Confirms Usage Caps Going Nationwide After Trials | DSLReports, ISP Information 676277;1400171212;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 100 @ 0.00300004 = 0.3 BTC [-] {3} 676278;1400171273;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.07485045 = 0.7485 BTC [+] 676279;1400171395;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 100 @ 0.0039882 = 0.3988 BTC [-] {3} 676280;1400171411;thestringpuller;bitcoinpete: so my idea would be to do what mircea_popescu did but additionally, compare it to the known losses of non scammor companies (i think most losses from non scamming companies have been covered somehow). Thus there is like a two-side criterion based on BingoBoingo's observation of a BTC company that incurs losses it can never cover as "scammors" 676281;1400171448;thestringpuller;it's less of a story, and more of a case study 676282;1400171538;BingoBoingo;thestringpuller: Well, loses without being a scam are probably possible if they are documented, but generally an obligation that can't be covered is a scam. 676283;1400171574;benkay;"can't be covered" in which timeframe? 676284;1400171585;BingoBoingo;If you Gox says you have X BTC and can't cover that it's a scam. 676285;1400171596;benkay;there are people in this channel in the proces of paying off their obligations. 676286;1400171613;BingoBoingo;benkay: Well, it depends on the construct. 676287;1400171621;thestringpuller;aren't those people labeled as scammors until those obligations are paid of per the contract? 676288;1400171642;thestringpuller;or moreover if they are currently in violation of a contract they are definitively scammors in that context 676289;1400171649;thestringpuller;albeit they may have good intent 676290;1400171700;benkay;sounds like everyone's real eager with the 'scammer' tag. 676291;1400171737;benkay;mistakes get made, and then get rectified. sometimes the rectification takes 3 years, sometimes it never happens. 676292;1400171763;benkay;that icky continuum of reality. 676293;1400171780;thestringpuller;fortunately there is no fairy godmother Bernanke 676294;1400171790;thestringpuller;to bail out the mistake makers here if they dig a hole too deep 676295;1400171792;danielpbarron;Bitcoin is not for the fait of heart 676296;1400171798;danielpbarron;faint* 676297;1400171884;kakobrekla;should be all good artifexd . 676298;1400171908;artifexd;ty 676299;1400171913;kakobrekla;no, ty. 676300;1400171933;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 40 @ 0.0067001 = 0.268 BTC [-] 676301;1400171949;thestringpuller;no ty! 676302;1400171957;thestringpuller;NO U 676303;1400171970;thestringpuller;;;google site:trilema.com bitcoin drama timeline 676304;1400171971;gribble;The Bitcoin Drama Timeline pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: ; Why S.MPOE is worth more than MtGox pe Trilema - Un blog de ...: ; Amir Taaki has done, and continues to do, huge disservice ... - Trilema: ; #bitcoin-assets +m pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: ; NEXT: 29-04-2014 - #bitcoin-assets log: 676595;1400184545;benkay;toastee: ^^ 676596;1400184546;BingoBoingo;;;google site:trilema.com #bitcoin-assets +m 676597;1400184547;gribble;#bitcoin-assets +m pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: ; The elitism memory hole effect pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea ...: ; A virtual socioeconomic problem pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea ...: 676598;1400184562;toastee;gotcha 676599;1400184567;mircea_popescu;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BnsrPF-CMAA74VL.jpg 676600;1400184595;mircea_popescu;so wasn't tat supposed to liveblog some lolfest or it hasn't started yet or what ? 676601;1400184612;mircea_popescu;did little miss boring get the best atm of the year award or whatever it was ? 676602;1400184679;mircea_popescu;o hai 676603;1400184682;mircea_popescu;!up Guest20412 676604;1400184789;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: he made 2 videos 676605;1400184796;fluffypony;not much to see, just swag and the booths 676606;1400184799;mircea_popescu;for the love of christ 676607;1400184806;fluffypony;he says the Internet connection there is shitty 676608;1400184813;fluffypony;so won't be as live as he'd hoped 676609;1400184817;mircea_popescu;fluffypony i only coupla days ago found out what swag ACTUALLY means. 676610;1400184822;mircea_popescu;i always thought it synonymous to bling. 676611;1400184848;mircea_popescu;fluffypony hey, shitty interwebs but at least they paid for the airport to display related ads, right ? 676612;1400184851;mircea_popescu;#rightdirection. 676613;1400184907;BingoBoingo;Well, did they pay the airport's asking price without negotiation a'la Neo? 676614;1400184913;fluffypony;lol 676615;1400184927;fluffypony;buy...ALL of the ads! 676616;1400184932;benkay;"shit we all get" 676617;1400184946;mircea_popescu;lawl. greece introduced a 33% tax on all capital gains on greek bonds between 2012 and 2013. 676618;1400184948;mircea_popescu;retroactive 676619;1400184960;mircea_popescu;benkay yah, nao i know. 676620;1400185012;benkay;greek link, mircea_popescu ? 676621;1400185029;BingoBoingo;http://gawker.com/dan-bilzerians-lawyer-responds-to-the-porn-star-he-thre-1576855124 676622;1400185030;assbot;Dan Bilzerian's Lawyer Responds to the Porn Star He Threw off the Roof 676623;1400185073;mircea_popescu;benkay it's in a pwc report. 676624;1400185086;mircea_popescu;(ie, not directly linkable) 676625;1400185105;benkay;well shoot a brother a pdf then eh 676626;1400185155;mircea_popescu;nm, here it is 676627;1400185155;mircea_popescu;http://www.pwc.ch/news/en/12080/greece-capital-gains-tax-non-residents-gains-greek-bonds-immediate-action-required 676628;1400185156;assbot;Greece: capital gains tax for non-residents on gains from Greek bonds, immediate action required PwC | Schweiz 676629;1400185186;mircea_popescu;wtf is wrong with these people, if you're gonna put it on the web anyway, why dick around with emails. 676630;1400185292;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 17 @ 0.0735134 = 1.2497 BTC [-] {4} 676631;1400185315;benkay;sweet deal. 676632;1400185353;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 8 @ 0.07331266 = 0.5865 BTC [-] {3} 676633;1400185354;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.4110143 = 0.822 BTC [+] 676634;1400185355;benkay;"fuck you, international financiers. we didn't want your money anyways." 676635;1400185391;mircea_popescu;exactly. 676636;1400185399;mircea_popescu;o, you made money supporting us in our darkest hour ? well fuck you. 676637;1400185401;mircea_popescu;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bnr_p_iCAAEWAYM.jpg 676638;1400185719;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.41101441 BTC [+] 676639;1400185810;mircea_popescu;"We have used PGP/GPG for long years before Bitcoin paper was written." 676640;1400185825;mircea_popescu;helpfully omits to link gpg key. likely does not even know what that is or why it'd be relevant. 676641;1400185831;mircea_popescu;forum self crits for >9k again 676642;1400185860;mike_c;;;bc,stats 676643;1400185863;gribble;Current Blocks: 300905 | Current Difficulty: 8.8534163091278E9 | Next Difficulty At Block: 302399 | Next Difficulty In: 1494 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 2 days, 0 hours, and 0 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 9852124062.72 | Estimated Percent Change: 11.28048 676644;1400185881;mircea_popescu;it's not making 14bn is it. 676645;1400185889;mike_c;gribble's estimates seem off. 676646;1400185891;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: that guy is classic, he's out-trolling the trolls 676647;1400185898;mircea_popescu;http://bitbet.us/bet/677/bitcoin-network-difficulty-14bn-on-bastille-day/ 676648;1400185898;assbot;BitBet - Bitcoin network difficulty > 14Bn on Bastille day :: 30.09 B (73%) on Yes, 11.38 B (27%) on No | closing in 4 weeks 1 day| weight: 16`905 (100`000 to 1) 676649;1400185918;mircea_popescu;but there's just no way it makes 5.2bn gains in 2-3 periods. 676650;1400185942;mircea_popescu;actually it could be 5 i guess 676651;1400185961;mike_c;i think it'll be 4 676652;1400185983;mircea_popescu;it could be as low as 3 i guess. 676653;1400186042;mircea_popescu;%block 676654;1400186048;mircea_popescu;hm what was it again 676655;1400186051;mircea_popescu;%diff 676656;1400186053;atcbot;[ATC Diff] Current Diff: 455357.13 Est. Next Diff: 152925.19 in 978 blocks (#32256) Est. % Change: -66.42 676657;1400186078;mircea_popescu;there's obviously a nonzero chance that bitcoin has a -50% diff event during its lifetime. i wonder if it'll also be during our lifetime. 676658;1400186119;BingoBoingo;http://slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=5163957&cid=47012267 676659;1400186120;assbot;Don't Be a Server Hugger! (Video) - Slashdot 676660;1400186121;mike_c;4 12% bumps make it 676661;1400186154;mike_c;3 16.5% bumps, 5 9.6% bumps 676662;1400186169;mircea_popescu;mike_c prev bump was 10%. and this does get increasingly hard as time goes by, too 676663;1400186188;mike_c;https://bitcoinwisdom.com/bitcoin/difficulty says next bump estimated at 14% 676664;1400186189;assbot;Bitcoin Difficulty and Hashrate Chart - BitcoinWisdom 676665;1400186233;mircea_popescu;bitcoinpete: 676666;1400186233;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller: "compare it to the known losses of non scammor companies" < Nautiluscoin is cool because it incorporates everything learned about crypto so far, and its helmed by a famous fund manager / CNBC pundit << yeah, the max keiser string of scamcoins (keisercoin, auroracoin) all worked splendid. 676909;1400195713;mircea_popescu;defo needs more of the same. 676910;1400195835;bitcoinpete;https://twitter.com/d_seaman/status/467051286278725632 676911;1400195836;assbot;Nautiluscoin ends amateur hour for Scrypt coins. 676912;1400195845;bitcoinpete;he won't shut up 676913;1400196131;mircea_popescu;!up duduqa 676914;1400196168;mircea_popescu;fluffypony every god damned fucking noob does this. "oh, biggest ever" "let me tell you about my design" 676915;1400196174;mircea_popescu;insufficient humility in the english speaking space. 676916;1400196207;bitcoinpete;because the americans haven't produced anything for years 676917;1400196211;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: agreed - plus David Seaman is a special case 676918;1400196227;bitcoinpete;they're reduced to marketing and fiat finance. both of which are hot air 676919;1400196245;bitcoinpete;no one in the usa has been successful at anything other than talking in a generation 676920;1400196272;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15800 @ 0.00098935 = 15.6317 BTC [-] {2} 676921;1400196276;bitcoinpete;so they talk about shit like "With DigiShield, the difficulty is allowed to decrease in larger movements than it is allowed to increase from block to block. This keeps a blockchain from getting "stuck" i.e., not finding the next block for several hours following a major drop in the net hash of coin. It is all a balancing act. " 676922;1400196289;bitcoinpete;from the nautiluscoin site 676923;1400196320;BingoBoingo;bitcoinpete: I took a shit this morning... 676924;1400196385;bitcoinpete;https://twitter.com/d_seaman/status/467083442120040449 676925;1400196386;assbot;Nautiluscoin ends amateur hour for Scrypt coins. 676926;1400196392;fluffypony;lol 676927;1400196402;bitcoinpete;"I don’t justify myself to random people. You asked me a question. I answered it." 676928;1400196447;fluffypony;bitcoinpete 676929;1400196450;fluffypony;you're missing the point 676930;1400196454;fluffypony;it's a "TRUE PROFESSIONAL COIN" 676931;1400196459;fluffypony;David said so 676932;1400196496;bitcoinpete;jeebus 676933;1400196525;mircea_popescu; bitcoinpete: yep <<< uh that didn't take so long... 676934;1400196577;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.421 = 2.105 BTC [+] 676935;1400196638;mircea_popescu;!up lobbes 676936;1400196642;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: yeah, been quite bummed out / annoyed over the last few days because of the way things went down, but meh, over it now 676937;1400196715;mircea_popescu; no one in the usa has been successful at anything other than talking in a generation << ouch. kinda unsettlingly truthy this 676938;1400196862;bitcoinpete;why ty 676939;1400196884;mircea_popescu;who is this seaman fellow anyway. 676940;1400196893;benkay;oi 676941;1400196894;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: he's a REPORTER because he has a podcast 676942;1400196895;mircea_popescu;i can't find anything in particular. is he like boxxy w/o tits ? 676943;1400196902;benkay;i've successfully derped, youse guise. 676944;1400196968;mircea_popescu;benkay please do not condescend @me by using a gender pronoun! 676945;1400197063;bitcoinpete;http://davidseaman.com 676946;1400197066;assbot;David Seaman | Podcaster / Writer / Journalist 676947;1400197130;fluffypony;View count: 235 676948;1400197133;fluffypony;he should sell ad space 676949;1400197147;mircea_popescu;oh come on. 676950;1400197160;mircea_popescu;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSjLiQxEZlM 676951;1400197160;assbot;You can do Anything! - YouTube 676952;1400197176;mircea_popescu;"i posted a youtube and 1000 people have watched, so therefore i assume everyone has heard of me and admires my work" 676953;1400197178;bitcoinpete;he works for meagre, meagre tips 676954;1400197187;mircea_popescu;so then pay him. 676955;1400197196;mircea_popescu;how many trillions of his shitcoin does a btc buy ? 676956;1400197227;fluffypony;bitcoinpete: Total Received0.32923659 BTC 676957;1400197247;fluffypony;plus he has to pay for dem LA lattes 676958;1400197371;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 6 @ 0.42100222 = 2.526 BTC [+] {2} 676959;1400197618;bitcoinpete;fluffypony: well if he lived in the uk, seaman could replace lattes with netflix, just like momma cpi said 676960;1400197644;bitcoinpete;https://twitter.com/bitcoinpete/status/467084168862920705 676961;1400197645;assbot;Nautiluscoin ends amateur hour for Scrypt coins. 676962;1400197669;bitcoinpete;aaaand seaman quit the convo 676963;1400197677;bitcoinpete;fun while it lasted 676964;1400197682;fluffypony;Twitter ragequit? 676965;1400197684;fluffypony;:-P 676966;1400197806;bitcoinpete;lol i do what i can 676967;1400197826;bitcoinpete;also, spotted a beauty comment on one of seaman's youtube vids: "There is another channel with the same name, but its probably somebody copying the original to get views!" 676968;1400197842;bitcoinpete;on a video with 2200 views... 676969;1400197845;fluffypony;lol 676970;1400197902;fluffypony;http://www.cnbc.com/id/101573131 676971;1400197903;assbot;How I created my own bitcoin-like currencyFast MoneyCommentary 676972;1400197908;fluffypony;http://fm.cnbc.com/applications/cnbc.com/resources/img/editorial/2014/04/09/101569917-BKdesk.530x298.jpg?v=1397073198 676973;1400197916;fluffypony;that's him creating Nautiluscoin 676974;1400197985;kakobrekla;where is the joke here? 676975;1400198063;fluffypony;kakobrekla: what we want...nay, what we NEED is a cryptocurrency created by a CNBC contributor 676976;1400198073;mike_c;with a fleece vest 676977;1400198092;fluffypony;especially one that has a stabilisation fund 676978;1400198132;kakobrekla;ok, cause i was looking at the multi monitor setup and going hmm why doesnt he turn the side ones towards him and i couldnt find the joke 676979;1400198177;fluffypony;"One percent of Nautiluscoin was pre-mined and will be used to capitalize the NSF." 676980;1400198238;bitcoinpete;another foundation! 676981;1400198250;bitcoinpete;o, fund 676982;1400198255;bitcoinpete;same shit 676983;1400198261;fluffypony;lol 676984;1400198276;kakobrekla;anyone made a foundation fund yet? 676985;1400198286;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 180 @ 0.00300018 = 0.54 BTC [-] {4} 676986;1400198314;fluffypony;oh ffs 676987;1400198327;fluffypony;I suggested on Reddit that someone turn their Reddit bet into a BitBet bet 676988;1400198330;fluffypony;now I'm getting spam 676989;1400198345;kakobrekla;where are you getting spam 676990;1400198352;fluffypony;"I noticed your reply to the price bottom bet thread, and I think you might be interested in our soft-launch of BetMoose.com." 676991;1400198359;fluffypony;kakobrekla: on Reddit 676992;1400198369;*;fluffypony x-posts to /r/reportthespammers 676993;1400198370;bitcoinpete;lol 676994;1400198393;kakobrekla;well, they do have css. 676995;1400198458;fluffypony;indeed 676996;1400198480;fluffypony;https://www.betmoose.com/img/home-feature2.png 676997;1400198491;fluffypony;also apparently you become Black Moses by using the site 676998;1400199364;mircea_popescu; with a fleece vest < jewishmothercoin 676999;1400199395;mircea_popescu;<fluffypony> "I noticed your reply to the price bottom bet thread, and I think you might be interested in our soft-launch of BetMoose.com." << lmao 677000;1400199404;mircea_popescu;tell them to leave comments on bitbet about it :D 677001;1400199417;mircea_popescu;ITS AN REDDIT ADVERTTISING STRATEGY 677002;1400199418;fluffypony;hah hah 677003;1400199429;mircea_popescu;like an hero, without the blood 677004;1400199434;fluffypony;https://twitter.com/d_seaman/status/467095913031553024 677005;1400199435;assbot;Prediction: when the Chinese find out about Nautilus, thats when things will get crazy. Talk about investing safely in the US market... 677006;1400199454;mircea_popescu;must suck to work in the press. 677007;1400199462;kakobrekla;when the chinese find out about nautilus, bitcoin is illegal 677008;1400199470;mircea_popescu;i mean seriously, everyone is fixated on garbagemen and toilet plunger men 677009;1400199472;fluffypony;kakobrekla: logic eludes him 677010;1400199482;mircea_popescu;let me tell you something : plastic insulates from shit/fungus 677011;1400199487;mircea_popescu;there's no plasticwrap for the brain 677012;1400199506;mircea_popescu;why would "the chinese" want to invest in the us market anyway ? 677013;1400199507;kakobrekla;tell him to put his lifesaving 0.1 btc that he has onto a bet 677014;1400199510;mircea_popescu;better off playing craps. 677015;1400199597;mircea_popescu;http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/2014-05/enhanced/webdr03/14/13/enhanced-15904-1400089318-6.jpg 677016;1400199662;kakobrekla;i hope someone answered him 'patience is the key' 677017;1400199709;mircea_popescu;http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/2014-05/enhanced/webdr02/14/12/enhanced-3604-1400085059-20.jpg 677018;1400199716;mircea_popescu;ok those yahoo q's are pretty lulzy 677019;1400199749;fluffypony;lol 677020;1400199755;fluffypony;that last one is a serious wtf 677021;1400199950;fluffypony;aight, I'm out, night 677022;1400199983;[]bot;Bet created: Malala Yousafzai to win Peace Prize (http://bitbet.us/bet/850/) 677023;1400199991;mircea_popescu;mike_c https://twitter.com/sarahfrier/status/467091164710322178 677024;1400199992;assbot;Pinterest worth $5 billion. For comparison, Yelp worth $4B, Groupon worth $4.1B, Twitter worth $19.7B today. http://t.co/loP97F15H7 677025;1400200009;mircea_popescu;it is beyond me why one wouldn't get change for a million if buying all those plus whatsapp. 677026;1400200026;mike_c;yelp and groupon make money i think 677027;1400200060;mike_c;nope, i was wrong 677028;1400200063;mircea_popescu;yw. 677029;1400200066;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/anonymouscoin/status/467083048488407040 677030;1400200067;assbot;Beware "DarkCoin Statistics Software" tweets via dvesudbi .com. Windows trojan Malware.QVM03.Gen 677031;1400200129;mircea_popescu;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BnjttamIAAAzIu0.jpg 677032;1400200132;mike_c;well, if it makes you feel better, groupon used to be worth $18B :) 677033;1400200137;mircea_popescu;30% ? what, is this a world w/o vat and sales tax ? 677034;1400200157;mircea_popescu;eat half their icecream when it gets there, then 1/4 of each bite they take. 677035;1400200260;mircea_popescu;http://www.iacr.org/misc/statement-May2014.html 677036;1400200260;assbot;IACR Statement on Mass Surveillance 677037;1400200316;mircea_popescu;anyway, re the change for a million : http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/05/15/us-hedgefunds-filing-momentum-idUSBREA4E11720140515?feedType=RSS&feedName=vcMedia&virtualBrandChannel=10109&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter&dlvrit=59213 677038;1400200316;assbot;Major U.S. hedge funds sold 'momentum' Internet names in first-quarter| Reuters 677039;1400200592;artifexd;kakobrekla: Bug fixed and confirmed as fixed. :) 677040;1400200787;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19200 @ 0.00099384 = 19.0817 BTC [+] {2} 677041;1400200808;artifexd;mircea_popescu: As per your request, bets placed notifications in this channel are limited to those that are 1BTC or larger. 677042;1400200832;mircea_popescu;cool. 677043;1400200942;kakobrekla;;;rate artifexd 1 runs bitbet ircbot 677044;1400200943;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user artifexd has been recorded. 677045;1400200970;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7550 @ 0.00099404 = 7.505 BTC [+] 677046;1400201418;jurov;dem hedgehog funds 677047;1400201824;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7228 @ 0.00099404 = 7.1849 BTC [+] 677048;1400202007;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.07360031 = 0.368 BTC [-] {2} 677049;1400202068;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.0736 = 0.368 BTC [-] {2} 677050;1400202104;mircea_popescu;;;rated naphex 677051;1400202104;gribble;You rated user naphex on Tue Apr 15 12:14:50 2014, with a rating of 1, and supplied these additional notes: btcxchange.ro. 677052;1400202112;mircea_popescu;;;rate naphex 2 btcxchange.ro 677053;1400202113;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating for user naphex has changed from 1 to 2. 677054;1400202116;mircea_popescu;;;rated artifexd 677055;1400202116;gribble;You rated user artifexd on Fri May 2 07:30:28 2014, with a rating of 1, and supplied these additional notes: Best story of a nick I ever heard.. 677056;1400202224;mircea_popescu;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_i_YGc2lxs8 677057;1400202224;assbot;hedgehog sex? - YouTube 677058;1400202312;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.42833318 = 1.285 BTC [+] {3} 677059;1400202617;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4315 @ 0.00099404 = 4.2893 BTC [+] 677060;1400203410;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.429 = 0.858 BTC [+] 677061;1400203411;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 60718 @ 0.00099433 = 60.3737 BTC [+] {3} 677062;1400203540;mircea_popescu;لهَوَى النّفُوسِ سَرِيرَةٌ لا تُعْلَمُ 677063;1400203547;mircea_popescu;curious if anyone maanges to translate that 677064;1400203776;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 14 @ 0.04120842 = 0.5769 BTC [-] {3} 677065;1400205337;mike_c;something about chinese muslims not liking bed. 677066;1400206033;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9066 @ 0.00099318 = 9.0042 BTC [-] 677067;1400206430;jurov;http://explo.yt/post/2014/05/12/Unpacking-Trezor 677068;1400206430;assbot;Got the Bitcoin Trezor - serialized delusions 677069;1400206464;jurov;sorry for the shitty unzoomable pics, I just told myself I gotta put it out of the door today 677070;1400206826;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 4 @ 0.1355 = 0.542 BTC [+] 677071;1400206953;jurov;pics fixed 677072;1400206960;kakobrekla;i dunno why i already get a nostalgic feel when i look at it 677073;1400206962;kakobrekla;but its cute 677074;1400207009;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 100 @ 0.004049 = 0.4049 BTC [+] 677075;1400207010;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 6 @ 0.04189999 = 0.2514 BTC [+] 677076;1400207210;benkay;whaddaya think about it, jurov ? 677077;1400207231;benkay;have you hidden it in your butt yet? 677078;1400207250;mike_c;it don't get it. is it blue or gold? or does it change colors? 677079;1400207254;jurov;it has bit too sharp edges for my butt 677080;1400207255;mike_c;s/it/I/ 677081;1400207261;jurov;no, silver 677082;1400207594;jurov;and.. hopefully electrum support will come soon, the online wallet is very limited 677083;1400207613;jurov;otherwise I like it 677084;1400207680;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.43777734 BTC [+] 677085;1400207863;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 100 @ 0.00282025 = 0.282 BTC [-] {3} 677086;1400208290;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 6 @ 0.04189999 = 0.2514 BTC [+] 677087;1400208534;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.43777755 = 0.8756 BTC [+] {2} 677088;1400209632;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07772328 = 0.1554 BTC [-] {2} 677089;1400210120;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28350 @ 0.00099136 = 28.1051 BTC [-] {3} 677090;1400210608;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14300 @ 0.00099691 = 14.2558 BTC [+] {2} 677091;1400211096;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 40 @ 0.00620165 = 0.2481 BTC [+] 677092;1400211218;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 5 @ 0.0419 = 0.2095 BTC [+] 677093;1400211340;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 20 @ 0.00620076 = 0.124 BTC [-] {3} 677094;1400211401;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.04195 = 0.1259 BTC [+] 677095;1400211462;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12200 @ 0.00099009 = 12.0791 BTC [-] {4} 677096;1400211645;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 21 @ 0.02375114 = 0.4988 BTC [-] {3} 677097;1400211769;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 11 @ 0.031399 = 0.3454 BTC [-] 677098;1400211828;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 29 @ 0.031399 = 0.9106 BTC [-] {3} 677099;1400212438;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.4378691 BTC [+] 677100;1400212682;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.03123174 = 0.1249 BTC [-] {3} 677101;1400214389;dignork;;;later tell mircea_popescu https://www.predictious.com/economics/bitcoin-vs-berkshire-hathaway-march-2015/300-bitcoins-worth-more 677102;1400214391;assbot;300 Bitcoins to be worth more than a share of Class A Berkshire Hathaway Stock on March 31st 2015 - Predictious 677103;1400214391;gribble;The operation succeeded. 677104;1400214452;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12400 @ 0.00098901 = 12.2637 BTC [-] 677105;1400215123;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2010 @ 0.00011949 = 0.2402 BTC [-] {2} 677106;1400215245;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 50 @ 0.00413753 = 0.2069 BTC [+] 677107;1400215611;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIF] 1000 @ 0.0001949 = 0.1949 BTC [+] 677108;1400216831;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5600 @ 0.00099753 = 5.5862 BTC [+] 677109;1400217014;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15500 @ 0.00099715 = 15.4558 BTC [-] 677110;1400217563;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.43 = 2.15 BTC [-] 677111;1400217590;benkay;are there any *good* gpg libs out there? 677112;1400217596;benkay;i'm almost willing to work in ruby. 677113;1400217683;benkay;asciilifeform mentioned at one time writing the guts of the cardano in ansi c 677114;1400218539;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7100 @ 0.00099715 = 7.0798 BTC [-] 677115;1400218600;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 15 @ 0.07396543 = 1.1095 BTC [-] {3} 677116;1400219454;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25245 @ 0.00099445 = 25.1049 BTC [-] {4} 677117;1400219576;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.43 = 2.15 BTC [-] 677118;1400220918;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11132 @ 0.00099821 = 11.1121 BTC [+] 677119;1400222000;fluffypony;;;later tell vexual howzit! 677120;1400222000;gribble;The operation succeeded. 677121;1400222003;fluffypony;!up sh 677122;1400222004;fluffypony;!up Shakespeare 677123;1400222022;Shakespeare;Thanks 677124;1400222025;Shakespeare;http://devilsadvocate.biz/the-bitcoin2014-living-blog/ 677125;1400222027;assbot;The Bitcoin2014 Living Blog 677126;1400222088;Shakespeare;we'll see how it goes with the wifi at the venue .. 677127;1400222102;Shakespeare;cheerio! 677128;1400222260;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23900 @ 0.00099328 = 23.7394 BTC [-] {2} 677129;1400222301;fluffypony;good job 677130;1400222809;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 19 @ 0.02356021 = 0.4476 BTC [-] {2} 677131;1400222810;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 58 @ 0.07361093 = 4.2694 BTC [-] {5} 677132;1400222870;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 119 @ 0.07353812 = 8.751 BTC [-] {4} 677133;1400224596;moiety;Goooood morning! 677134;1400225267;BingoBoingo;Morning 677135;1400225554;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11047 @ 0.00099182 = 10.9566 BTC [-] 677136;1400225683;moiety;How are you BingoBoingo? 677137;1400225717;BingoBoingo;moiety: Not too bad. Switched out one antibiotic for another. 677138;1400225730;moiety;o? why was that? 677139;1400225794;BingoBoingo;moiety: One infection cleared up, but another persists. 677140;1400225820;moiety;D; well one down one to go. hope this new antibiotic does the trick. you feeling ok on it? 677141;1400225928;BingoBoingo;So far. The new one's Bactrim, so it still precludes boozing unless I want to grow crystals in the kidneys. 677142;1400226199;cazalla;i'm a week no booze today heh 677143;1400226229;moiety;yeah i don't think you want anything growing in your kidleys BB 677144;1400226236;moiety;are you detoxing cazalla? 677145;1400226288;cazalla;not really, just getting on in years, getting fatter, figured with winter due here in australia, good time to quit and start jogging again, get fit for the summer and all that 677146;1400226443;moiety;good plan, better person than me on the exercise thing lol but yeah, there is a ton of empty calories in wine 677147;1400226461;moiety;i think your winters are warmer than our summers lol 677148;1400226589;cazalla;no snow where i live but a good chill in the air, just how i liked it when i was 10 years younger, only been past 3 nights, skipping tonight as i'm sore 677149;1400226652;cazalla;i use to do 10km daily, can't even manage 500m without stopping now but i know if i stick at it and build my fitness back up, love handles will melt off 677150;1400226704;cazalla;not having a few drinks before bed has left me feeling a little deprived though, couldn't really sleep first 2 nights 677151;1400226955;fluffypony;cazalla: where in the world are you? 677152;1400226992;cazalla;fluffypony: australia 677153;1400227030;fluffypony;cazalla: nice 677154;1400227035;fluffypony;same problem here re: fitness 677155;1400227043;fluffypony;I'm also lazy to change my routine 677156;1400227099;cazalla;i only started drinking a few weeks before my son was born, i stopped drinking before that for a while 677157;1400227262;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 36 @ 0.02483519 = 0.8941 BTC [+] {6} 677158;1400227384;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 19 @ 0.02484161 = 0.472 BTC [+] 677159;1400227811;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10550 @ 0.000993 = 10.4762 BTC [+] 677160;1400227932;Naphex;o/ morning 677161;1400227953;BingoBoingo;;;rate Mats_cd03 1 In the know 677162;1400227954;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user Mats_cd03 has been recorded. 677163;1400228103;Mats_cd03;holla 677164;1400228164;jurov;morning 677165;1400228417;jurov;http://techcrunch.com/2014/05/15/circle-emerges-from-stealth-to-bring-bitcoin-to-the-masses/ 677166;1400228418;assbot;Circle Emerges From Stealth To Bring Bitcoin To The Masses | TechCrunch 677167;1400228418;jurov;lmao that's new way for bitcoin companies to appear 677168;1400228418;jurov;"emerged from stealth" 677169;1400228487;jurov;most likely the reverse of tried and proven disappear process 677170;1400228540;jurov;“It’s a free service to store, send and receive bitcoin,” Allaire says of Circle’s prodcuts. hahah what a typo 677171;1400228621;jurov;Behind all of this is a security system built not only with past mistakes in mind, but also with an eye toward any future threats. 677172;1400228629;jurov;such doublespeak :DDD 677173;1400228665;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.0423 = 0.423 BTC [+] {2} 677174;1400228684;jurov;Built to safely and stealthily appear...and disappear. 677175;1400228735;jurov;or even better: emerge...and submerge. 677176;1400228878;BingoBoingo;Submarine wallet. 677177;1400229025;jurov;..no active private keys are ever moved or accessible in physical transit.” PUT DEM INDA CLOUDZ 677178;1400229064;jurov;oh and US regulation in the mix, too 677179;1400229088;Mats_cd03;i dont envy the challenge 677180;1400229181;jurov;"consumers worried of stumbling on to another Silk Road." oh my..how one stumbles into SR? 677181;1400230129;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7033 @ 0.00099182 = 6.9755 BTC [-] 677182;1400230190;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 67 @ 0.00411428 = 0.2757 BTC [-] 677183;1400230312;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17550 @ 0.00099191 = 17.408 BTC [+] {2} 677184;1400230373;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 200 @ 0.00084708 = 0.1694 BTC [-] {2} 677185;1400230861;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.42 BTC [-] 677186;1400230922;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.4185001 BTC [-] 677187;1400231166;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.41850313 = 0.837 BTC [+] {2} 677188;1400231227;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.4185001 BTC [-] 677189;1400231349;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.4189 = 2.0945 BTC [+] 677190;1400231532;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.0245 = 0.245 BTC [-] 677191;1400231837;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.42 BTC [+] 677192;1400232257;fluffypony;jurov: I guess one walks down the path of disenchantment, trips over the log of alcohol, meanders into the thicket of nootropics, finally stumbling on to another Silk Road 677193;1400232262;fluffypony;but that's just a guess 677194;1400232335;bounce;forget to pay attention and the bitcoinfoundation bunch already started their party. y'all did and done went there? 677195;1400232378;Mats_cd03;silk road sold things like blotter art iirc 677196;1400232386;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.42 BTC [+] 677197;1400232447;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16818 @ 0.00099021 = 16.6534 BTC [-] 677198;1400232548;Mats_cd03;Innocent blotter art enthusiasts could, you know, stumble onto circle and accidentally buy 5 sheets of acid 677199;1400232786;Mats_cd03;https://soundcloud.com/saher-nouman/the-black-keys-weight-of-love 677200;1400232786;assbot;The Black Keys - Weight Of Love by Saher Nouman on SoundCloud - Hear the worlds sounds 677201;1400232996;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22650 @ 0.0009979 = 22.6024 BTC [+] {2} 677202;1400233118;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.41884 = 1.2565 BTC [-] {3} 677203;1400233131;Mats_cd03;http://youtu.be/oafFWzgUxeI 677204;1400233131;assbot;Zhu - Faded - YouTube 677205;1400233338;mircea_popescu; https://www.predictious.com/economics/bitcoin-vs-berkshire-hathaway-march-2015/300-bitcoins-worth-more << Volume (total)2 shares ; Volume (7 days)0 shares 677206;1400233340;assbot;300 Bitcoins to be worth more than a share of Class A Berkshire Hathaway Stock on March 31st 2015 - Predictious 677207;1400233344;mircea_popescu;http://bitbet.us/bet/786/bitcoin-to-surpass-berkshire-as-an-investment/ 677208;1400233344;assbot;BitBet - Bitcoin to surpass Berkshire as an investment :: 1007.93 B (93%) on Yes, 77.59 B (7%) on No | closing in 9 months 4 days | weight: 81`865 (100`000 to 1) 677209;1400233358;mircea_popescu;;;ticker 677210;1400233359;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 447.89, Best ask: 448.49, Bid-ask spread: 0.60000, Last trade: 448.49, 24 hour volume: 4121.22830484, 24 hour low: 444.5, 24 hour high: 452.67, 24 hour vwap: 448.863344347 677211;1400233378;mircea_popescu;;;calc 2 * 20 / 448.863344347 / (1007.93+77.5) 677212;1400233378;gribble;8.2100164935e-05 677213;1400233398;mircea_popescu;i would say that's roughly the proportion between predictious and bitbet : 8e-5 to 1 677214;1400233431;mircea_popescu;somewhat reminiscent of zerohedge's humiliation last year 677215;1400233432;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2013/zonehedge-wow-such-durden-much-info-about-useless/ 677216;1400233433;assbot;ZoneHedge Wow. Such Durden. Much info. About useless. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 677217;1400233749;mircea_popescu;!up Asa9 677218;1400234137;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/avantgame/status/467076435916505088 677219;1400234139;assbot;TIME magazine/.com invites me to write one article a week for them. "This is a platform, not a freelance assignment, so it is unpaid." HAHA 677220;1400234148;mircea_popescu;just in case you were doubting my sayings about journos. 677221;1400234216;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.42 BTC [+] 677222;1400234221;fluffypony;lol 677223;1400234244;fluffypony;davout:) 677224;1400234420;davout;hello 677225;1400234435;Asa9;oh ty mp sir! 677226;1400234448;mircea_popescu;yw 677227;1400234464;Asa9;how have you been, sir? 677228;1400234480;mircea_popescu;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BnuGeL2IIAEX0pZ.jpg << apparently it's doggy's fave spot to hide in. 677229;1400234494;mircea_popescu;Asa9 i have been a bitch to deal with. you ? 677230;1400234517;Asa9;lol! I'm in the process of moving to a new house I just bought. 677231;1400234521;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 6 @ 0.04276666 = 0.2566 BTC [+] {2} 677232;1400234534;mircea_popescu;fair enough. 677233;1400234561;mircea_popescu;who the fuck is pat burns, tat ? some athlete guy ? 677234;1400234564;Asa9;Early in the morning here, so I thought i'd check out some fast chats :D 677235;1400234659;mircea_popescu;this shit's unreadable, omfg the derp. not your fault even, i imagine what the input material should have been like. 677236;1400234692;mircea_popescu;but speaking of altcoins, fluffypony why not just use altcoin for w/e wallet you were trying to do ? unlike vericoin or w/e, it's not going to be going anywhere and doesn't actually need anyone's approval/support. 677237;1400234700;mircea_popescu;or should i say anyone elses'. 677238;1400234714;fluffypony;well 677239;1400234729;fluffypony;the aim was to have a more general use altcoin remittance system 677240;1400234737;mircea_popescu;that's not telling me anything 677241;1400234754;fluffypony;the Vertcoin thing was a failed suggestion from people who thought it would be a good idea 677242;1400234764;fluffypony;but moving forward, since we're no longer bound to that 677243;1400234766;fluffypony;we can support ATC 677244;1400234799;mircea_popescu;what is the difference between "supporting atc" and vertcoin ? 677245;1400234839;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo: moiety: One infection cleared up, but another persists. << you gotta stop saving on whores man. 677246;1400234857;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: we weren't just going to support Vertcoin, we were going to be exclusively Vertcoin for the first few months 677247;1400234868;mircea_popescu;exactly. 677248;1400234898;mircea_popescu;why aren't you anymore ? (because reddit sunk the vertcoin, i thought). why not move to atc, it can't be sunk by reddit. 677249;1400234901;mircea_popescu;is my reasoning here. 677250;1400234907;fluffypony;ah 677251;1400234910;fluffypony;well 677252;1400234963;fluffypony;the focus on Vertcoin wasn't just for shits and giggles, the idea was that the IPO would be a VTC-only IPO, so the focus on Vertcoin would also provide benefit to them 677253;1400234970;moiety;good morning! :D 677254;1400234978;mircea_popescu;fluffypony okay ? so ? 677255;1400234985;mircea_popescu;moiety hi there! 677256;1400234987;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: so what, have an ATC IPO? :-P 677257;1400234988;moiety;cazalla: good for you, stick at it and it will be worthwhile :D 677258;1400235028;mircea_popescu;fluffypony if your ipo is atc only, it provides some benefit to atc. you can mine some, which puts you in the same position as if you had mined some vertcoin 677259;1400235102;mircea_popescu;;;later tell bingoboingo i am shocked, shocked i say, to find sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim available in the us. it's my first line against infection, it's very well tolerated and extremely cheap. yet well hated in the us, probably for these reasons. 677260;1400235102;gribble;The operation succeeded. 677261;1400235126;fluffypony;I know - but we've shelved the "big" IPO and raised a smaller amount privately, so the idea is that we're going to complete the product and bring it to market, and then if we feel it necessary we can always do a second round of funding to enable merchant acquisition 677262;1400235177;mircea_popescu;ah. you gonna get pissy if i tell you the whole adventure simply displays a shocking lack of strategic competence on your team ? :D 677263;1400235190;fluffypony;no, you're right 677264;1400235192;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13000 @ 0.00099876 = 12.9839 BTC [+] 677265;1400235203;fluffypony;I got sold on the idea against my better instincts 677266;1400235207;fluffypony;and better judgement 677267;1400235238;mircea_popescu;use this bitchin' resource we got here. i know it's counterintuitive to just be plain about things, there's this deeply drilled in idea that business "must be sikrit". 677268;1400235247;mircea_popescu;nothing could be further from the truth, and this is experience not a guess. 677269;1400235268;fluffypony;the takeaway for me has been that there are precious few business people in this space, just a bunch of nerds that think running an ecommerce store == being a businessman 677270;1400235281;mircea_popescu;i can undersign that. 677271;1400235297;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: I know - it was all too haphazard and I didn't think things through or talk about them here 677272;1400235313;fluffypony;critical failures, but failures to learn from 677273;1400235322;mircea_popescu;in candor, i was sorta getting myself settled with popcorn to see how your thing will catastrophically fail by autumn. 677274;1400235326;mircea_popescu;lucky you, you failed early. 677275;1400235339;fluffypony;yep 677276;1400235414;mircea_popescu;anyone ever had elderberry flower cordial ? 677277;1400235418;fluffypony;yes! 677278;1400235428;fluffypony;they have it at one of the delis here, it's delicious 677279;1400235429;mircea_popescu;im making five gallons or so. 677280;1400235438;fluffypony;nom 677281;1400235446;moiety;I've had elderberry wine. i don't think this is the same 677282;1400235457;mircea_popescu;it's quite traditionally romanian/balkan, is the deli owner from like constanta ? 677283;1400235472;mircea_popescu;moiety might be this with alcohol added, or an entirely diff thing 677284;1400235486;punkman;elderberry wine uses the berries 677285;1400235532;punkman;I don't think they usually add alcohol, just ferment as usual 677286;1400235537;mircea_popescu;a, that also works 677287;1400235585;punkman;I'm gonna make some loquat juice today 677288;1400235616;mircea_popescu;eriobotrya ? 677289;1400235632;mircea_popescu;that's great for bingo's womanly problems, it clears utis something fierce. 677290;1400235673;mircea_popescu;!up Shakespeare 677291;1400235683;Shakespeare;wassup sluts 677292;1400235693;punkman;haven't tried juicing them before, but since I got so many 677293;1400235694;mircea_popescu;was just derping about your post. man that was painful to read. 677294;1400235695;davout;customers cocks 677295;1400235696;Shakespeare;just posted a blog update 677296;1400235725;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-05-2014#677233 677297;1400235726;assbot;#bitcoin-assets log 677298;1400235738;Shakespeare;well don't shoot the noob liveblogging messenger! 677299;1400235759;Shakespeare;pat Burnett 677300;1400235763;Shakespeare;dammit 677301;1400235767;Shakespeare;spellcheck 677302;1400235774;Shakespeare;pat byrne 677303;1400235774;mircea_popescu;"I got the impression that she is a savvy professional that has begun to wrangle in books that were previously lacking." finally. 677304;1400235777;Shakespeare;overstock 677305;1400235784;mircea_popescu;jody who ? 677306;1400235797;Shakespeare;dunno ill check later 677307;1400235823;mircea_popescu;anyway, the patrick byrne dood... he can't fucking read, derping about rousseau ? 677308;1400235828;mircea_popescu;rousseau could read. 677309;1400235849;mircea_popescu;i guess it's great for all these muppets that i don't tend to show up at these things. 677310;1400235860;Shakespeare;it was funny when hebspoke Chinese 677311;1400235868;Shakespeare;almost racist 677312;1400235871;mircea_popescu;why ? 677313;1400235882;mircea_popescu;that i read as the only + in there, at leastr man speaks chinese. 677314;1400235893;fluffypony;"I’d like to dual list on NASDAQ and the blockchain" 677315;1400235899;fluffypony;so like a 3PO but better? 677316;1400235909;Shakespeare;cuz he responding to a guy from china who wasn't speaking Chinese 677317;1400235911;mircea_popescu;jurov:"emerged from stealth" << am lolling with you here. 677318;1400235922;mircea_popescu;the implicit proposition is that they are already big but also new. 677319;1400235936;mircea_popescu;as contradictiory and nonsensical as that may be, it's not intended for thinking people 677320;1400235939;fluffypony;I emerge from stealth every morning just btw 677321;1400235946;mircea_popescu;it's intended for overgrown kids. 677322;1400235957;mircea_popescu;Shakespeare oh. ouch. 677323;1400235963;mircea_popescu;wait. how can a guy from china not speak chinese ? 677324;1400235972;mircea_popescu;was byrne's chinese so bad the guy didn't even recognise it ? 677325;1400235981;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: I got the impression that he can speak English really well, so he asked the q in English 677326;1400235982;mircea_popescu;or did he use the wrong "chinese" 677327;1400235984;fluffypony;and the Byrne replied in Chinese 677328;1400235988;mircea_popescu;o o 677329;1400235990;mircea_popescu;that's impolite. 677330;1400235992;fluffypony;because *such impress* 677331;1400235999;fluffypony;especially to an English speaking audience 677332;1400236007;mircea_popescu;o boy. 677333;1400236032;fluffypony;from now on I'm responding to all questions asked here in Afrikaans 677334;1400236034;mircea_popescu;you know, judging by the average worldliness displayed by us folk you'd think that entire continent consists of one huge barn. wtf. 677335;1400236040;fluffypony;except my Afrikaans is rubbish 677336;1400236050;mircea_popescu;isn't that basically a dutch creole ? 677337;1400236054;fluffypony;yes 677338;1400236059;mircea_popescu;so then just speak mangled dutch 677339;1400236063;fluffypony;hah hah 677340;1400236065;mircea_popescu;>D 677341;1400236072;fluffypony;it's more guttural and a lot uglier sounding than Dutch 677342;1400236077;mircea_popescu;o.O 677343;1400236085;mircea_popescu;now how the fuck can something sound uglier than dutch 677344;1400236087;fluffypony;except I once heard a recording of some chick reading Afrikaans poetry, and it was beautiful 677345;1400236091;mircea_popescu;more... GUTTURAL !? 677346;1400236101;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: deep guttural G sound everywhere 677347;1400236104;mircea_popescu;is this afrikaans thing spoken by sharpening metal blades on rocks ? 677348;1400236118;fluffypony;lol 677349;1400236141;davout;speaking dutch with a mouth full of m&ms sounds more accurate 677350;1400236161;mircea_popescu;davout hey, how come fanny never caught the irc bug 677351;1400236183;davout;what do i know :) 677352;1400236203;davout;also she hardly turns her computer on, she's too busy with her horse thing exams 677353;1400236208;mircea_popescu;a 677354;1400236213;davout;which is incidentally going pretty well 677355;1400236219;mircea_popescu;horse exams ;/ 677356;1400236225;davout;she did her first pro contest beginning of this weel 677357;1400236227;davout;*week 677358;1400236228;mircea_popescu;you just... jump on the horse and go. what exams! 677359;1400236235;mircea_popescu;jesus these people know how to take the fun out of anything 677360;1400236243;davout;ended up in 4th position on 80 contestants 677361;1400236245;mircea_popescu;!up yulierawati 677362;1400236249;fluffypony;"He said their hardware wallet had many more features than Trezor" 677363;1400236251;mircea_popescu;davout wow 677364;1400236255;davout;dat pride 677365;1400236258;mircea_popescu;she wasn't even that tiny, how the hell ? 677366;1400236270;davout;like i tell her, the horse does all the work 677367;1400236270;mircea_popescu;wait, was it race or dressage 677368;1400236276;davout;neither 677369;1400236282;davout;like jumping 677370;1400236290;davout;but with time taken into account as well 677371;1400236337;davout;it's like they sort contestants by fouls (like the bars that the horse touches and make fall) and then by time 677372;1400236376;davout;racing is for skinny midgets :D 677373;1400236392;moiety;punkman: what do loquats taste like? 677374;1400236394;mircea_popescu;ah 677375;1400236404;moiety;i don't like horse racing, when they fall D; 677376;1400236422;davout;moiety: at least it makes some butcher happy 677377;1400236432;mircea_popescu;moiety you don't always break the horse's leg on a fall. 677378;1400236439;moiety;do the fallen ones get eaten? 677379;1400236440;mircea_popescu;in general yo ushould be able to save it. 677380;1400236461;davout;moiety: if they have something broken, i guess it depends on whether they were medicated 677381;1400236472;moiety;recently, there was a runaway horse that had no jockey and it banged into another one and they both had to be put down 677382;1400236485;punkman;moiety, I'd say it's kinda unique, a bit citrus-y, but I'm not good at describing such things 677383;1400236510;mircea_popescu;punkman "it tastes like woman with a career" 677384;1400236513;davout;yeah, horses are pretty fragile, they have thin legs compared to their weight, no wonder it breaks so easily 677385;1400236534;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 7 @ 0.43509379 = 3.0457 BTC [+] {5} 677386;1400236541;davout;also some horses that could be saved simply aren't because it doesn't make economical sense 677387;1400236582;fluffypony;railzand pointed this out to me - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=610453.0 677388;1400236582;assbot;Sigsafe: An electronic key tag for signing bitcoin transactions 677389;1400236583;punkman;moiety: " a mix of peach, citrus and mild mango." 677390;1400236583;mircea_popescu;europe sits atop a lake of fine wine in which supernumerary purebreed horses are flung. 677391;1400236584;moiety;and they surprise them all the time too because the gaps after the hedges change, so if there is no jockey, they don't get warned early enough to jump 677392;1400236591;fluffypony;any thoughts? 677393;1400236595;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.42942928 BTC [-] 677394;1400236598;moiety;punkman: oh that sounds really nice actually 677395;1400236610;mircea_popescu;fluffypony how is it different from a repurposed yubikey ? 677396;1400236626;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: seems to be more squarely aimed at the "convenience" crowd 677397;1400236645;fluffypony;the widespread adoption pitch seems to be a popular one lately 677398;1400236648;mircea_popescu;;;later tell cevidad https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=610453.0 vs https://bitcointa.lk/index.php?topic=610453.0 677399;1400236648;assbot;Sigsafe: An electronic key tag for signing bitcoin transactions 677400;1400236649;assbot;Error | Bitcointa.lk 677401;1400236649;gribble;The operation succeeded. 677402;1400236657;fluffypony;"bringing it to the masses" 677403;1400236663;mircea_popescu;;;seen cevidad 677404;1400236663;gribble;I have not seen cevidad. 677405;1400236664;mircea_popescu;shit. 677406;1400236672;davout;mircea_popescu: it's cedivad i reckon 677407;1400236680;mircea_popescu;;;seen cedivad 677408;1400236680;gribble;cedivad was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 4 weeks, 4 days, 21 hours, 10 minutes, and 35 seconds ago: i actually have one, but i never really wrote about hashfast, bitcointa.lk or any other of my web-related experiences (i manage some really huge websites)... 677409;1400236685;davout;-> davidec 677410;1400236691;mircea_popescu;;;later tell cedivad https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=610453.0 vs https://bitcointa.lk/index.php?topic=610453.0 677411;1400236692;assbot;Sigsafe: An electronic key tag for signing bitcoin transactions 677412;1400236692;assbot;Error | Bitcointa.lk 677413;1400236692;gribble;The operation succeeded. 677414;1400236701;mircea_popescu;davout yeah, i used to know it, then someone perturbed me ;/ 677415;1400236704;mircea_popescu;now i misknow it 677416;1400236705;mircea_popescu;O WOE 677417;1400236729;davout;;;tslb 677418;1400236735;gribble;Time since last block: 20 minutes and 1 second 677419;1400236744;davout;bitcoin, be faster 677420;1400236840;mircea_popescu;davout my bank reported a hold and payment i completed at like 4am monday after noon wednesday. 677421;1400236863;mircea_popescu;it's a societe generale subsidiary, too. i really would like to know how the fuck that worked. 677422;1400236890;mircea_popescu;"o he's a good guy, let's just give him three days' full credit" 677423;1400237199;davout;wat, you made a payment to someone at sg and it's stuck ? 677424;1400237226;mircea_popescu;no. i made a payment to someone, which went through, and it wasn't stuck. monday morning. 677425;1400237240;mircea_popescu;this was announced on my account however, after two full closes. 677426;1400237272;mircea_popescu;sort-of like you buy 1mn shares of apple today, hold them till monday, then sell them, and simply pocket the difference, without any capital exposure. 677427;1400237348;davout;i don't get it 677428;1400237366;davout;ok, the payment got reported later 677429;1400237390;davout;on wednesday, after being made on monday? 677430;1400237392;mircea_popescu;yes. 677431;1400237406;davout;do you know when it was received? 677432;1400237411;mircea_popescu;it's so unexpectedly absurd i can see why it'd be hard to grok. 677433;1400237415;mircea_popescu;it was received on monday. 677434;1400237427;davout;same bank? 677435;1400237466;mircea_popescu;nope. 677436;1400237498;davout;they probably have two cut-offs for transfers and periodically synchronized web interface 677437;1400237524;mircea_popescu;no, this was their own direct interface. the non-web ms-dos looking thing. 677438;1400237539;mircea_popescu;!up kdomanski_ 677439;1400237552;davout;the way banks handle dates is still shrouded in mystery to me 677440;1400237583;mircea_popescu;yeah but in this case i could have emptied my account and walked. at any point... tuesday. 677441;1400237592;mircea_popescu;or monday. or wed. 677442;1400237635;davout;just because it wasn't reported to you doesn't mean it wasn't taken into account wrt what you could still transfer out 677443;1400237650;davout;hypotheticals hypotheticals 677444;1400237693;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13850 @ 0.00099611 = 13.7961 BTC [-] 677445;1400237701;davout;for example, due to the way transferring btc out at BC works, you can have an executed transfer that's still marked as pending on the web interface 677446;1400237714;mircea_popescu;davout i tell you, it's not a matter of it being reported to me. cashier had no trace of it. 677447;1400237720;mircea_popescu;acct showed full amt. etc. 677448;1400237731;davout;weird 677449;1400237749;davout;sg subsidiary, fernch technology, who's to know 677450;1400237762;davout;and when is say fernch i mean fernch 677451;1400237876;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.43788 BTC [+] 677452;1400237905;davout;on an unrelated note i'm buying a romanian made car today 677453;1400237968;mircea_popescu;ferhch lol 677454;1400237970;mircea_popescu;o, the duster ? 677455;1400237984;davout;fanny wants a duster, i'd rather pay for a sandero 677456;1400237998;mircea_popescu;davout anyway, the discussion was re "why are you not faster bitcoin" 677457;1400238001;mircea_popescu;;;tslb 677458;1400238004;gribble;Time since last block: 2 minutes and 35 seconds 677459;1400238007;mircea_popescu;better than 3 days. 677460;1400238021;davout;o yea, bitcoin, the fastestest 677461;1400238044;davout;i'm off, these cars don't just buy themselves 677462;1400238121;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.43787957 BTC [-] 677463;1400238181;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 26 @ 0.0313999 = 0.8164 BTC [+] {2} 677464;1400238629;bounce;could use one of these: http://thingm.com/products/blink-1/ -- cool thingy, got kickstarter-funded august 2012. can you buy'em? in two online stores! well, only one, the other gives a page not found. and their own doesn't sell this one, it only sells the mk2. well, pre-orders for the mk2. which is on possible production problem hold. so, no, they really don't sell much of anything. 677465;1400238630;assbot;blink(1) | ThingM 677466;1400238716;fluffypony;lol 677467;1400239183;mircea_popescu;bounce lol 677468;1400239205;mircea_popescu;i wonder how much of the us economy will move on that model. 677469;1400239222;mircea_popescu;it has a distinctively soviet flavour. "in our country you can buy anything yo ucan possibly wish for, on the cheap." 677470;1400239229;mircea_popescu;"god help you if you want running hot water" 677471;1400239374;mircea_popescu;"violet blue @violetblue 12m Tried to disable all Gmail Labs to try and eclipse the 707, but I get a Google server error message and can't save settings. Great." 677472;1400239405;mircea_popescu;i can't even make heads or tails of wtf she's on about. basically google has created a new breed of hermetic nonsense. 677473;1400239981;fluffypony;"eclipse the 707" 677474;1400239985;fluffypony;is that sikrit kode? 677475;1400240032;mircea_popescu;no idea 677476;1400240545;mircea_popescu;http://bitbet.us/bet/677/bitcoin-network-difficulty-14bn-on-bastille-day/#c2917 677477;1400240545;assbot;BitBet - Bitcoin network difficulty > 14Bn on Bastille day :: 30.09 B (73%) on Yes, 11.38 B (27%) on No | closing in 4 weeks 12 hours | weight: 16`539 (100`000 to 1) 677478;1400240549;mircea_popescu;the public hath spoken 677479;1400241780;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34732 @ 0.0009942 = 34.5306 BTC [-] {4} 677480;1400241992;chetty;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypergraphia 677481;1400241993;assbot;Hypergraphia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 677482;1400242018;chetty;Think thats anyone we know?? 677483;1400242268;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 100 @ 0.00415735 = 0.4157 BTC [+] 677484;1400242528;mircea_popescu;lmao 677485;1400242540;mircea_popescu;chetty I COULD STOP AT ANY TIME I WANTED TO 677486;1400242693;chetty;mircea_popescu, of course you could :P 677487;1400242748;mircea_popescu;lol 677488;1400243000;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9284 @ 0.00099004 = 9.1915 BTC [-] 677489;1400243305;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.45 = 0.9 BTC [+] 677490;1400243793;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19400 @ 0.00099004 = 19.2068 BTC [-] 677491;1400244098;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.458 BTC [+] 677492;1400244158;punkman;https://bitcoinstarter.com/projects/629 677493;1400244159;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.4581 BTC [+] 677494;1400244342;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.45999954 BTC [+] 677495;1400244370;mircea_popescu;punkman you got a means to contact the chick ? 677496;1400244380;mircea_popescu;"0 backers pledged 0.00270000 Ƀ" lawl 677497;1400244393;punkman;http://www.reddit.com/user/anarkitty 677498;1400244395;assbot;overview for anarkitty 677499;1400244403;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.459 BTC [-] 677500;1400244415;mircea_popescu;http://www.anarkitty.co.uk/ ? 677501;1400244415;assbot;Anarkitty 677502;1400244431;punkman;probably not 677503;1400244453;mircea_popescu;you got a reddit acct ? 677504;1400244461;punkman;nah 677505;1400244477;punkman;fluffypony does 677506;1400244487;fluffypony;lol 677507;1400244496;mircea_popescu;hey fluff, mind sending the girl a pm to come here ? 677508;1400244501;mircea_popescu;i think ima back her. 677509;1400244504;fluffypony;apparently I have hundreds 677510;1400244504;fluffypony;sure 677511;1400244519;mircea_popescu;danke. 677512;1400244525;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.45999954 BTC [+] 677513;1400244538;punkman;I lol'd https://oilrigcontractors.com/ 677514;1400244539;assbot;OilRigContractors.com is brought to you by Rothstein & Company Oil Rig Contractors Limited, a private limited company incorporated in the United Kingdom with Company Registration Number 08987618. 677515;1400244570;punkman;that gif 677516;1400244708;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.459 BTC [-] 677517;1400244908;mircea_popescu;lmaop 677518;1400244910;fluffypony;the whole HYIP thing is just circlejerky, bunch of people at the top making money 677519;1400244920;fluffypony;and the guys running the forums and the shill accounts too 677520;1400244933;fluffypony;it's kinda exactly like Warrior Forum and BHW :-P 677521;1400244953;mircea_popescu;they;re not really making money 677522;1400244962;mircea_popescu;unlike the wf/bhw/btctalk etc 677523;1400244981;fluffypony;I'm sure they get enough people to "invest" 677524;1400244997;mircea_popescu;no see this is the problem : petty crime is the dumbest thing you could possibly do. 677525;1400245003;punkman;yeah but those "investors" only have $0.50 677526;1400245004;mircea_popescu;at least if you sling dope you get to have some fun 677527;1400245009;mircea_popescu;online fraud... meh. 677528;1400245039;fluffypony;it's like pirateat40 - Advanced Edition 677529;1400245052;fluffypony;just with smaller money 677530;1400245054;fluffypony;*moneys 677531;1400245070;mircea_popescu;hardly. 677532;1400245079;mircea_popescu;the cases where one strikes oil a la pirate are rare. 677533;1400245089;mircea_popescu;the thing works on the same econoimics as the spam "business". 677534;1400245124;fluffypony;"LICENSED SCRIPT" 677535;1400245129;fluffypony;well that's a relief 677536;1400245135;fluffypony;for a moment I thought their script was unlicensed 677537;1400245176;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2012/and-another-one-bites-the-dust-bitmarketeu/ < discussed there 677538;1400245178;assbot;And another one bites the dust : bitmarket.eu pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 677539;1400245297;[]bot;Bet placed: 19.5 BTC for No on "Bitcoin to surpass Berkshire as an investment (http://bitbet.us/bet/786/)". Odds: 91(Y):9(N) by coin, 92(Y):8(N) by weight. Total bet: 1105.01619404 BTC. Current weight: 81,824. 677540;1400245365;mircea_popescu;o hey. 677541;1400245506;fluffypony;O.o 677542;1400245869;mircea_popescu;;;rated punkman 677543;1400245870;gribble;You rated user punkman on Sun Apr 13 18:38:02 2014, with a rating of 1, and supplied these additional notes: New blood. 677544;1400245891;mircea_popescu;;;rate punkman 1 Talent scout and secret agent. 677545;1400245893;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating for user punkman has changed from 1 to 1. 677546;1400247395;mircea_popescu;http://www.cosbycoin.com/ 677547;1400247395;assbot;cosbycoin 677548;1400247406;mircea_popescu;"A video based conferencing technologies has been a great challenge for non-cooperating technologies. The video conferencing services are associated with configurations and compatibility. Some managed network services are now offered organizations continue their import voice based meetings and cloud based conferencing services that help individual executives. It is more reliability as well as ease of use. The cloud bas 677549;1400247406;mircea_popescu;ed type of conferencing services can provide a great return on investment ROI and help save time." 677550;1400247453;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 61 @ 0.02375773 = 1.4492 BTC [-] {8} 677551;1400247575;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.02394308 = 0.1197 BTC [+] {2} 677552;1400247636;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 15 @ 0.02392182 = 0.3588 BTC [-] {2} 677553;1400247697;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 21 @ 0.0242339 = 0.5089 BTC [+] {3} 677554;1400247758;fluffypony;what did I just read 677555;1400247800;fluffypony;with all the redundancy, that blog post needs to RIP in pieces 677556;1400247805;mircea_popescu;yes. there would be indeed technology ? answer lies inside. 677557;1400247853;fluffypony;mircea_popescu be honest with us 677558;1400247860;mircea_popescu;return on investment roi. 677559;1400247860;fluffypony;this is the guy you're keeping to run S.LIMBS isn't it 677560;1400247865;mircea_popescu;lol 677561;1400247875;mircea_popescu;you gotta admire the good quality generator tho. 677562;1400247915;fluffypony;article rewriters seem to be getting a little better with time too 677563;1400247933;pankkake;I wonder, in how many years we won't be sure we are talking to/reading an human on the internet 677564;1400247961;pankkake;the issue is that it just be a dumb human 677565;1400247978;fluffypony;pankkake: cleverbot is already leading the way 677566;1400247979;mircea_popescu;pankkake this is just a restatement of why you can't have "decentralised" stock exchanges. 677567;1400247992;mircea_popescu;you trust the content based on it being signed by trustworthy sources. 677568;1400247996;mircea_popescu;!up jespern 677569;1400247999;mircea_popescu;!up mumu 677570;1400248001;pankkake;ahah, imagine a bot creating businesses 677571;1400248011;mircea_popescu;believe it or not it's actually being worked on. 677572;1400248024;fluffypony;pankkake: you could have an ARMY of trolls! 677573;1400248049;pankkake;my troll is handcrafted, we're not skimping on the quality 677574;1400248069;mircea_popescu;this is like the idea that buttcrafted shit is somehoiw better shit than mass produced shit. 677575;1400248082;fluffypony;Etsy is the bane of my existence 677576;1400248100;fluffypony;the wife sees stuff on it and is like "OMFG LOOK HOW AMAZING COZ HANDCRAFTED" 677577;1400248115;fluffypony;and then 20 seconds of searching finds the same crap on banggood or aliexpress 677578;1400248118;fluffypony;"handmade" 677579;1400248133;pankkake;handmade… by a chinese 677580;1400248216;danielpbarron;that sounds like "DACs" or whatever they are called (decentralized autonomous corporations a.k.a. scams) 677581;1400248263;fluffypony;The Future of Business (tm) 677582;1400248330;mircea_popescu;so it does. 677583;1400249222;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16172 @ 0.00099361 = 16.0687 BTC [+] 677584;1400249248;mircea_popescu;!up Shakespeare 677585;1400249262;fluffypony;!up Shakespeare 677586;1400249263;fluffypony;oh 677587;1400249276;mircea_popescu;http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-27439139 677588;1400249276;assbot;BBC News - Bosnia and Serbia emergency after 'worst ever' floods 677589;1400249279;mircea_popescu;and I was complaining. 677590;1400249282;Shakespeare;ur gonna love this 677591;1400249283;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7388 @ 0.00099611 = 7.3593 BTC [+] 677592;1400249286;Shakespeare;When asked what one Bitcoin investment they'd make: "They're like children, you love them all." - Brock Pierce 677593;1400249324;mircea_popescu;wait, the guy has money to invest somehow now ? 677594;1400249327;fluffypony;we should get him to invest in S.OBVSKAM 677595;1400249329;mircea_popescu;wasn'ty he supposed to be a lawyer ? 677596;1400249366;Shakespeare;no he's the alleged peso dude 677597;1400249373;Shakespeare;pedo 677598;1400249385;mircea_popescu;o o 677599;1400249387;mircea_popescu;ahahahaha 677600;1400249437;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/Mircea_Popescu/status/467306096970178560 677601;1400249438;assbot;When asked what one #Bitcoin investment they'd make: "They're like children, you love them all." - /brockpierce via /Bitcoin_Assets 677602;1400249476;TomServo;lol 677603;1400249489;mircea_popescu;gotta love these people's show biz prior experience. 677604;1400249496;mircea_popescu;they know how to protect themselves and what to say. 677605;1400249545;TomServo;His last post is a link to "Why Mastercoin Could Go to 1 BTC"... not going to read it, sorry. 677606;1400249586;mircea_popescu;Why The Sky May Contain A Pie, And Wherebouts Would It Be. 677607;1400249590;jborkl;Well we were better off with the sr and ml than peepee touchers 677608;1400249604;mircea_popescu;jborkl they. what do we care ? 677609;1400249611;mircea_popescu;not like WE're the ones going to hang out with the menagerie. 677610;1400249630;mircea_popescu;well except for tat, who has an apparent penchant for stepping in sheit. 677611;1400249649;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.07350888 = 0.294 BTC [-] {2} 677612;1400249665;jborkl;tat will never be the same 677613;1400249669;mircea_popescu;at least unlike nefario's lolference coupla years ago, these schmucks kinda know they don't belong in here. 677614;1400249702;jborkl;well you know you make a really good point as always 677615;1400249746;fluffypony;nubbins`: just in case you missed it, we've all spoken in your absence and decided we need #bitcoin-assets t-shirts made, plz make happen 677616;1400249771;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2800 @ 0.00099361 = 2.7821 BTC [-] 677617;1400249771;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.07350999 = 0.294 BTC [+] 677618;1400249783;mircea_popescu;!up frothy 677619;1400249784;nubbins`;hi friends 677620;1400249793;nubbins`;fluffypony i just got a ;;later tell about just that 677621;1400249802;fluffypony;exce-rent 677622;1400249818;mircea_popescu;frothy are you the pierced chick fluffy was gonna contact ? 677623;1400249828;nubbins`;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyuQe8n9Xyg 677624;1400249828;assbot;Lagwagon - May 16 - YouTube 677625;1400249830;frothy;nope 677626;1400249832;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.07350999 = 0.3675 BTC [+] 677627;1400249833;mircea_popescu;aok 677628;1400249839;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: sent a msg, haven't had a reply 677629;1400249840;mircea_popescu;so who are you then 677630;1400249845;nubbins`;^ i always feel good when i remember this song on this day 677631;1400249856;frothy;curious bystander 677632;1400249860;mircea_popescu;nubbins` how's life treatin ya ? 677633;1400249876;nubbins`;mp not bad, v busy these days 677634;1400249892;nubbins`;lotta projects on the go, not much free time for irc 677635;1400249897;mircea_popescu;better than hanging out all day like all teh other bums. 677636;1400249905;nubbins`;heh. well, to a point 677637;1400249928;mircea_popescu;:p 677638;1400249931;nubbins`;today tho, i plan on listening to music from my youth and drinking Krombacher 677639;1400249940;nubbins`;and not working 677640;1400249961;fluffypony;because you have those pesky t-shirts to design? 677641;1400249971;fluffypony;:-P 677642;1400249995;nubbins`;people keep mentioning t-shirts, but without any details XD 677643;1400250024;fluffypony;nubbins`: witty remark on the front 677644;1400250032;fluffypony;cool bitcoin-assets logo-ish thing on the back 677645;1400250048;fluffypony;or the other way round 677646;1400250049;nubbins`;"the bee-dash-ay took my baby away?" 677647;1400250057;nubbins`;styled #b-a, of course 677648;1400250064;fluffypony;lol 677649;1400250069;TomServo;what about "too honest for a shady logo" 677650;1400250163;nubbins`;"too drunk to fuck" 677651;1400250164;fluffypony;maybe we should come up with a couple and then put it to a gpg signed vote 677652;1400250164;mircea_popescu;someone had a kickass idea these days about a b-a shirt 677653;1400250167;mircea_popescu;but i forgot wtf it was 677654;1400250169;nubbins`;wait, no, that's a dead kennedys song. 677655;1400250192;nubbins`;mircea_popescu thank dog for the log! 677656;1400250200;nubbins`;...actually that's not bad right there 677657;1400250201;mircea_popescu;ya srsly. 677658;1400250203;mircea_popescu;:D 677659;1400250205;fluffypony;lol 677660;1400250217;fluffypony;as long as we don't end up with "thank doge" due to a misprint 677661;1400250226;nubbins`;i don't make misprints :D 677662;1400250256;nubbins`;actually, that's a lie. we have a box full of misprinted shirts that we use for test prints 677663;1400250263;nubbins`;when too covered in ink, we cut 'em up for cleaning rags 677664;1400250265;nubbins`;nothing wasted! 677665;1400250372;nubbins`;anyway, fun times these days. we had a big show on the 4th 677666;1400250387;nubbins`;lotta art got sold, lotta live music got listened to 677667;1400250419;nubbins`;i got drunker than i planned, smoked a ton of drugs, and still managed to not lose track of the money 677668;1400250420;mircea_popescu;o hey wd. 677669;1400250428;mircea_popescu;lol bitch got money on her mind. 677670;1400250428;fluffypony;dat skillz 677671;1400250434;nubbins`;yah 677672;1400250442;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [7C] 15 @ 0.00711996 = 0.1068 BTC [+] {2} 677673;1400250443;nubbins`;the Square app + credit card reader helped a lot 677674;1400250447;nubbins`;it lets ya track cash sales too 677675;1400250483;TomServo;nubbins`: does that still have no fees? 677676;1400250488;nubbins`;2.75% i think 677677;1400250493;nubbins`;standard cc fee 677678;1400250528;nubbins`;oh started making plans for yoorup vacation too 677679;1400250543;nubbins`;france+netherlands+germany 677680;1400250869;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 15 @ 0.0768999 = 1.1535 BTC [+] 677681;1400250949;nubbins`;oh hey, someone interviewed vexual 677682;1400250953;nubbins`;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFi6QVlE6rc 677683;1400250953;assbot;Strange Guy Interviewed - YouTube 677684;1400250991;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 9 @ 0.031389 = 0.2825 BTC [-] 677685;1400251116;mircea_popescu;i forget, what was theymos' real name ? 677686;1400251130;nubbins`;don't think i ever knew it 677687;1400251140;nubbins`;Steve Spiros? 677688;1400251173;jborkl;Gavin Andresen: Rising Transaction Fees Could Price Poor Out of Bitcoin ; Argonne National Laboratory: ; Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory: 677724;1400253087;benkay;http://ergoemacs.org/misc/xah_as_good_as_dead.html 677725;1400253088;assbot;I'm About as Good as Dead: the End of Xah Lee 677726;1400253093;benkay;poor fucker needs bitcoin ads 677727;1400253169;benkay;pff mike_c you need bash horsepower? 677728;1400253183;mike_c;haha "possibly homeless. i fear i lose my internet" 677729;1400253190;mike_c;glad to see he has priorities 677730;1400253201;punkman;$1600 rent 677731;1400253207;benkay;well his priorities are mad fucked. 677732;1400253216;mike_c;benkay: you're the one who told me to write this shit myself instead of use ansible. i blame you. 677733;1400253265;punkman;ansible is awesome 677734;1400253271;benkay;i could write it for you man 677735;1400253272;punkman;except the YAML part 677736;1400253352;mike_c;i have this thing where i don't trust anyone to setup my servers except me. i should get over it, but i haven't yet. 677737;1400253370;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 69 @ 0.00611448 = 0.4219 BTC [-] {4} 677738;1400253428;mircea_popescu;you shouldn't get over it 677739;1400253429;mircea_popescu;but you will. 677740;1400253453;punkman;mice_c, if you got a good recipe, I can turn the thing into an ansible script. I don't trust myself to come up with the recipe though. 677741;1400253543;mike_c;i'll keep that in mind punkman. i've still got a couple more server types to get through. 677742;1400253577;benkay;what are you building out, mike_c ? 677743;1400253591;HeySteve2;some good scambusting here: http://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/news/lsm-labs-poorly-veiled-scam/2014/05/16 677744;1400253591;assbot;LSM Labs: A Poorly-Veiled Scam » CryptoCoinsNews 677745;1400253631;mike_c;normal webstack. just a little more robust and scalable than usual. 677746;1400253676;mircea_popescu;lsm labs ?! 677747;1400253684;mircea_popescu;what were the other labs, ratlabs ? 677748;1400253762;TomServo;butterfly labs? :) 677749;1400253765;mircea_popescu;"You will be required to register to Bitcoin Talk and other forums and start conversations on our products. We will advise you what you will need to say. You will need to create 5 accounts for us on bitcoin talk to start with (this takes 7 days to be active). Then I will instruct you on what else needs to be completed." 677750;1400253779;HeySteve2;yeah Samuel did a piece on BFL http://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/news/we-need-to-talk-about-butterfly-labs/2014/05/15 677751;1400253779;assbot;We Need to Talk About Butterfly Labs 677752;1400253794;HeySteve2;sent him to the trilema link to help his research 677753;1400253846;mircea_popescu;HeySteve2 link me to twitter of that story ? 677754;1400253858;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.0768859 = 0.3075 BTC [-] 677755;1400253919;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 30 @ 0.076886 = 2.3066 BTC [+] {3} 677756;1400253947;mircea_popescu;nm, found it. and also, why the fuck does the page load > 150 elements ? 677757;1400253950;mircea_popescu;time for a trim, seriously. 677758;1400253970;HeySteve2;um yeah, I don't tweet much. not sure how to link to a tweet 677759;1400253980;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 15 @ 0.07688633 = 1.1533 BTC [+] {4} 677760;1400253985;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/CryptoCoinsNews/status/467303616563273728 677761;1400253986;assbot;LSM Labs: A Poorly-VeiledScam http://t.co/1aTVsxNNvC 677762;1400254002;HeySteve2;oh right, the date, got it 677763;1400254041;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.076886 = 0.2307 BTC [-] {2} 677764;1400254042;assbot;[MPEX] [S.BBET] 1000 @ 0.00051 = 0.51 BTC [+] 677765;1400254046;mircea_popescu;about when will mpoe-pr come back : http://trilema.com/2014/the-forum-and-its-implementation/ 677766;1400254048;assbot;The forum and its implementation. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 677767;1400254224;benkay;wow the migration's in full effect 677768;1400254289;benkay;to argentina, i mean. 677769;1400255001;mircea_popescu;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTAf27OkuYE 677770;1400255001;assbot;Argentine National Anthem (English Subtitled) - YouTube 677771;1400255017;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8900 @ 0.00099438 = 8.85 BTC [+] 677772;1400255111;mircea_popescu;Od, mortales!, el grito sagrado: 677773;1400255111;mircea_popescu;Libertad!, Libertad!, Libertad! 677774;1400255261;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 70 @ 0.07688705 = 5.3821 BTC [+] {4} 677775;1400255289;thestringpuller;that post didn't answer the question 677776;1400255322;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 120 @ 0.0778631 = 9.3436 BTC [+] {8} 677777;1400255354;thestringpuller;But i do like the conclusion 677778;1400255358;thestringpuller;\there is no need for social media 677779;1400255386;mircea_popescu;which question ? 677780;1400255444;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 33 @ 0.078 = 2.574 BTC [+] 677781;1400255484;thestringpuller;THE QUESTION 677782;1400255498;thestringpuller;I don't even know the question 677783;1400255509;mircea_popescu;aok. 677784;1400255528;thestringpuller;you're making me want to start a blog! 677785;1400255561;mircea_popescu;make it a good one. 677786;1400255627;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14791 @ 0.00099424 = 14.7058 BTC [-] {2} 677787;1400255688;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.078 = 0.234 BTC [+] 677788;1400255749;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2018 @ 0.00012064 = 0.2435 BTC [-] {2} 677789;1400256176;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 2.45611848 BTC to 8`648 shares, 28401 satoshi per share 677790;1400256237;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 57600 @ 0.00099336 = 57.2175 BTC [-] 677791;1400256482;mircea_popescu;http://buttcoin.org/mining-rigs-3 677792;1400256483;assbot;Bitcoin Mining Rigs 3: Mine Hard With a Vengeance - Buttcoin - The P2P crypto-currency for butts. - Buttcoin - It's Bitcoins with Butts! - Buttcoin.org 677793;1400256485;mircea_popescu;i lolled 677794;1400256518;mircea_popescu;fluffypony http://buttcoin.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/The-Superior-mod.jpg that one of your rigs ? 677795;1400256533;fluffypony;no 677796;1400256538;fluffypony;that's a piece of shelving 677797;1400256601;mircea_popescu;that's what i meant, the metal 677798;1400256626;fluffypony;nope, that's literally some shitty shelving from the hardware store 677799;1400256633;fluffypony;with cable ties 677800;1400256638;mircea_popescu;ah ok 677801;1400256655;fluffypony;http://imgur.com/a/Z2szr 677802;1400256655;assbot;OpenRigs.com Product Pics - Imgur 677803;1400256657;mike_c;but does it work just as well :D 677804;1400256681;mircea_popescu;http://buttcoin.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/icecubes-m20y9.jpg this is so lulzy 677805;1400256689;mircea_popescu;"can't use ice like that, it causes condensation 677806;1400256693;fluffypony;mike_c: yes, but definitely not as solid or wife friendly 677807;1400256707;mircea_popescu;"well ok, wrap the cup in a towel. condensation problem... no longer immediately visible" 677808;1400256710;mircea_popescu;forum engineeering. 677809;1400256714;fluffypony;LOL 677810;1400256735;mircea_popescu;fluffypony ah i see. yeah. 677811;1400256786;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.07895 = 0.3948 BTC [+] 677812;1400256847;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 11 @ 0.07895 = 0.8685 BTC [+] 677813;1400256876;mike_c;that site is awesome 677814;1400256908;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 37 @ 0.07984431 = 2.9542 BTC [+] {5} 677815;1400256914;mircea_popescu;it's not bad. course it's a layer of lulz, just as much a satire of its authors intent as of early forum fucktardery. 677816;1400256960;mike_c;well, i meant that post specifically. those garage pics are great 677817;1400256971;mircea_popescu;fo sho 677818;1400256983;mircea_popescu;http://buttcoin.org/easy-like-sunday-morning << dec 2013, trying to sell this idea that you can't really sell bitcofins. 677819;1400256983;assbot;Easy like Sunday morning - Buttcoin - The P2P crypto-currency for butts. - Buttcoin - It's Bitcoins with Butts! - Buttcoin.org 677820;1400256999;mircea_popescu;meanwhile may 2014, people have the reverse problem : can't really buy. 677821;1400257182;chetty;DOJ: Americans Have No 4th Amendment Protections At All When They Communicate With Foreigners 677822;1400257224;mircea_popescu;http://girls.twistys.com/preview/dailyupdates/2014/05/14/caprice-31073/images/full/15.jpg 677823;1400257241;kakobrekla;http://buttcoin.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/The-Superior-mod.jpg 677824;1400257246;kakobrekla;this was YAH on glbse iirc 677825;1400257267;kakobrekla;bah 677826;1400257268;kakobrekla;wrong pic 677827;1400257273;kakobrekla;http://buttcoin.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/bigmess-bejj0.jpg.jpeg 677828;1400257274;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 30 @ 0.00414925 = 0.1245 BTC [-] {2} 677829;1400257276;kakobrekla;thos one 677830;1400257295;cgcardona;good morning o/ 677831;1400257335;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla yeah i think you're right 677832;1400257360;mircea_popescu;http://girls.twistys.com/preview/wgp/p/090613-29359/pics/15.jpg 677833;1400257397;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 17 @ 0.0799 = 1.3583 BTC [+] 677834;1400257408;mircea_popescu;http://girls.twistys.com/preview/wgp/p/092013-30293/pics/12.jpg 677835;1400257426;mircea_popescu;http://girls.twistys.com/preview/wgp/p/122313-31176/pics/15.jpg 677836;1400257448;mircea_popescu;http://girls.twistys.com/preview/wgp/p/080913-30321/pics/12.jpg 677837;1400257450;jborkl;mircea_popescu : is there a public price and volume record of S.MPOE available? 677838;1400257459;mircea_popescu;i hope i've fixed everyone's productivity. 677839;1400257468;mircea_popescu;!t m s.mpoe 677840;1400257468;assbot;[MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.0009876 / 0.00099394 / 0.00099934 (766871 shares, 762.23 BTC), 7D: 0.00087479 / 0.00095539 / 0.00101 (5998711 shares, 5,731.17 BTC), 30D: 0.00083786 / 0.00094532 / 0.00101 (24007139 shares, 22,694.47 BTC) 677841;1400257470;mircea_popescu;like that ? 677842;1400257475;jborkl;historic 677843;1400257488;mircea_popescu;not unless you've been watching the reported vwap 677844;1400257502;mircea_popescu;if memory serves mike_c was keeping some data on his blog 677845;1400257518;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.07996258 = 0.3199 BTC [+] 677846;1400257528;mircea_popescu;http://www.btcalpha.com/mpex/stocks/s-mpoe/ 677847;1400257530;assbot;S.MPOE Analysis - Btc Alpha 677848;1400257530;jborkl;ok that answered it, I will just start from now 677849;1400257577;mircea_popescu;you can prolly grep the logs for "[MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D" it's called often enough 677850;1400257579;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 26 @ 0.08003223 = 2.0808 BTC [+] {4} 677851;1400257596;mike_c;jborkl: kakobrekla sells that data. 677852;1400257597;mircea_popescu;oh and a special one for pankkake http://girls.twistys.com/preview/wgp/p/123013-31235/pics/07.jpg 677853;1400257626;jborkl;ah ok 677854;1400257639;mike_c;if you're looking for full historicals. 677855;1400257648;kakobrekla;no data is free, you pay for the protocol 677856;1400257701;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.08106296 = 0.1621 BTC [+] 677857;1400257704;kakobrekla;you can parse it from irc and or logs 677858;1400257726;kakobrekla;bbl 677859;1400257823;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 24 @ 0.08199916 = 1.968 BTC [+] {4} 677860;1400257824;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 8 @ 0.041 = 0.328 BTC [-] 677861;1400257900;mike_c;well, if kakobrekla doesn't mind i'm happy to give you a dump then. i've got them all in a database. 677862;1400257924;jborkl;cool, that will work 677863;1400257961;mircea_popescu;http://buttcoin.org/bitcoiner-cult-leader not bad also 677864;1400257961;assbot;Bitcoiner or cult leader? - Buttcoin - The P2P crypto-currency for butts. - Buttcoin - It's Bitcoins with Butts! - Buttcoin.org 677865;1400258190;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.082 = 0.164 BTC [+] {2} 677866;1400258210;mircea_popescu;!up foodies 677867;1400258223;foodies;multumesc tizule 677868;1400258237;foodies;si nu ma refer la assbot 677869;1400258250;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9150 @ 0.00099004 = 9.0589 BTC [-] 677870;1400258253;mircea_popescu;it starts by making sense or it gets the hose again. 677871;1400258288;mike_c;multumesc! the only romanian word i know. 'thank you', right? 677872;1400258295;foodies;yup 677873;1400258328;mircea_popescu;mike_c tizule would be the vocative of tiz which denotes someone with the same given name. 677874;1400258400;mike_c;interesting. but slow down here, if I become multilingual i get kicked out of the US. 677875;1400258427;mircea_popescu;i wouldn't worry, you're getting kicked out of the us anyway. 677876;1400258438;mike_c;maybe i'll kick them out and i'll stay. 677877;1400258450;chetty;mike_c, And thats a bad thing? 677878;1400258454;mircea_popescu;that's the domain of the childless. 677879;1400258468;foodies;lol muricans 677880;1400258505;mike_c;chetty: grandparents get upset if you take their grandchildren to another continent. 677881;1400258521;chetty;they can go too ya know 677882;1400258535;mike_c;have you ever spoken to old people? :) 677883;1400258547;mircea_popescu;i don't think she does much of that :D 677884;1400258551;chetty;no, I don't talk to myself much 677885;1400258555;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 15 @ 0.082 = 1.23 BTC [+] {2} 677886;1400258604;pankkake;mircea_popescu: weirldly enough, feet is not on my fetish list. it's certainly too mainstream 677887;1400258616;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 60 @ 0.082 = 4.92 BTC [+] {4} 677888;1400258623;mircea_popescu;oh it was bellybutton lint was it 677889;1400258677;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 71 @ 0.08337527 = 5.9196 BTC [+] {7} 677890;1400258678;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25400 @ 0.00098953 = 25.1341 BTC [-] {3} 677891;1400258678;pankkake;a nice, somewhat deep, round, bellebutton 677892;1400258683;mircea_popescu;http://buttcoin.org/bitcoin-women-children-last 677893;1400258684;assbot;Bitcoin: Women and Children Last - Buttcoin - The P2P crypto-currency for butts. - Buttcoin - It's Bitcoins with Butts! - Buttcoin.org 677894;1400258688;pankkake;defitively no outies 677895;1400258701;mircea_popescu;possibly the most selfparodying thing on buttcoin.org 677896;1400258719;mircea_popescu;sounds like a 15yo cracked.com writer is trying to fit in. 677897;1400258731;mircea_popescu;"Bitcoin, viewed from the outside, seems to be vastly white, male, and very loudly libertarian. This is possibly just a result of a wider problem in the tech world [...]" etc 677898;1400258738;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 129 @ 0.08935059 = 11.5262 BTC [+] {9} 677899;1400258742;mircea_popescu;being white, male and libertarian is a problem now. 677900;1400258752;pankkake;I'm actually surprised by the lack of libertarians 677901;1400258754;mircea_popescu;cause you know, we all wanna be black women working for the govt. 677902;1400258757;pankkake;well, on bitcointalk and whatever 677903;1400258799;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 69 @ 0.09446816 = 6.5183 BTC [+] {7} 677904;1400258800;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 53 @ 0.0355283 = 1.883 BTC [-] {3} 677905;1400258860;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 106 @ 0.0945 = 10.017 BTC [+] 677906;1400258960;pankkake;and, interestingly, while my encounters with bitcoiners and libertarians have been both hugely male (or females with "male personalities"), the races have been fairly diverse 677907;1400258966;fluffypony;yeah 677908;1400258968;pankkake;I suppose racism still sells more than sexism 677909;1400258982;fluffypony;the "no women in IT" thing has been done for ages 677910;1400259002;artifexd;pankkake: Can you make penguirker display the total in bitcoin and whether it was a sell or a buy? Something like "Buy 4882.0000 ATC @ 0.00000220 BTC [0.01074040BTC]" 677911;1400259064;pankkake;well, I kinda hoped mod6 would make his bot work :p 677912;1400259103;pankkake;I find the sell/buy thing weird. for bitcoin-central I show wether it's up or down from prev trade, like assbot 677913;1400259104;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 50 @ 0.00415702 = 0.2079 BTC [+] {2} 677914;1400259130;pankkake;but perhaps it has a psychological sense 677915;1400259165;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 20 @ 0.041 = 0.82 BTC [+] 677916;1400259206;moiety;pankkake: females with "male personalities" << ?? 677917;1400259226;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 39 @ 0.00415735 = 0.1621 BTC [+] 677918;1400259229;mike_c;well, it is different info. you can have consecutive buys that are dropping in price if the spread is moving. 677919;1400259271;pankkake;moiety: for examples females that usually prefer the company of males 677920;1400259332;mircea_popescu;um. those'd be female personality females. 677921;1400259346;mircea_popescu;male personality females'd prefer the company of females. right ? 677922;1400259360;moiety;i thought you meant females masquerading as males 677923;1400259364;pankkake;as friends, not as sexual partners 677924;1400259371;pankkake;ahah, no 677925;1400259391;mircea_popescu;"I walk in and a group of people are already sitting at a long table. I say hi and hover for a second, determining where to sit. Entirely uninvited, and before I even have a chance to react, one guy proceeds to grab me by the waist and pull me into an awkward, grope-y side hug next to him on the bench. To reiterate, Ive never met this man in my life. I try giving him the benefit of the doubt and make some quip about 677926;1400259391;mircea_popescu;his being a friendly sort, but it gets uncomfortable pretty quickly when he puts his hand on my leg and leaves it there until I squirm uncomfortably." 677927;1400259392;mircea_popescu;dude srsly. 677928;1400259399;mircea_popescu;http://www.ariannasimpson.com/this-is-what-its-like-to-be-a-woman-at-a-bitcoin-meetup/ this poor woman. 677929;1400259400;assbot;This is what it's like to be a woman at a Bitcoin meetup - Arianna Simpson 677930;1400259432;mike_c;old news :) you even commented on that post a while ago 677931;1400259440;pankkake;except those guys will do it to a male too. I don't like it either but I'm not going to blog about it 677932;1400259451;pankkake;not that hard to make it known you don't like it 677933;1400259454;mircea_popescu;mike_c hm, did i totally blank it out ? link ? 677934;1400259471;mike_c;you did. your comment is still there 677935;1400259479;mircea_popescu;pankkake you telling me some dude grabbed you by the waist at some event ? 677936;1400259479;chetty;geeze, enough with putting people in groups - wtf it matters male/female at a btc meetup? 677937;1400259519;pankkake;plenty of people will grab, touch, whatever 677938;1400259526;mircea_popescu;ah. her image *still* doesn't load. 677939;1400259529;mike_c;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-03-2014#554955 677940;1400259530;assbot;#bitcoin-assets log 677941;1400259557;thestringpuller;chetty do you even leave your cave? 677942;1400259559;thestringpuller;lolol 677943;1400259561;thestringpuller;<3 677944;1400259565;mircea_popescu;i never read it before. i was just looking for the pic. 677945;1400259592;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] [PAID] 99.58971344 BTC to 66`206 shares, 150424 satoshi per share 677946;1400259615;chetty;thestringpuller, hey I was at the first romanian btc conference! 677947;1400259639;thestringpuller;o rly? 677948;1400259657;mircea_popescu;yea, she was there. 677949;1400259716;chetty;and just an fyi, the only female engineer in biggish corp for years - its not realy a big deal, these women are whiners 677950;1400259730;fluffypony;chetty: did you accidentally an "as" 677951;1400259780;mircea_popescu;". Since Bitcoin is still so new, we have the rare opportunity to get onboard before the ship has sailed, becoming knowledgeable before a vast majority of people have ever even heard of it. " 677952;1400259784;mircea_popescu;ahaha fat fucking chance. 677953;1400259830;mircea_popescu;"Learning about it now, instead of trying to play catch-up as it often seems like we are in terms of women in STEM fields, programming, or traditional finance, will surely reap great benefits." this is so true, yet so hopeless. 677954;1400259836;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.09499999 = 0.285 BTC [+] {2} 677955;1400259844;fluffypony;shame 677956;1400259845;moiety;if she loves bitcoin so much why is she making everyone out to be creeps? afaik you get creeps at all kinds of gatherings and she'd have a better chance of me even getting to the end of the article if she didn't sound so retarded while whinging 677957;1400259857;fluffypony;moiety: clearly she's never gone to an IRC meet 677958;1400259867;fluffypony;although I haven't dared go to one since the 90s 677959;1400259881;moiety;i haven't been to any 677960;1400259895;moiety;but i'm not about to assume that every person is the same 677961;1400259900;mike_c;we ganging up on arianna? she got groped at the meetup. that seems like a legitimate beef to me. 677962;1400259902;mircea_popescu;moiety on a plain reading on that article, it'd be because they were creeps. 677963;1400259912;moiety;she is doing to other people what she doesn't want done to herself 677964;1400259918;mircea_popescu;i gather she refused further media exposure for the sake of not driving the creep image. 677965;1400259956;fluffypony;mike_c: I don't think we were ganging up on her 677966;1400259958;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 11 @ 0.041 = 0.451 BTC [+] 677967;1400259960;kakobrekla;fluffypony i have been to a few, dunno why are you having issues with the meets. 677968;1400259970;kakobrekla;or maybe im a part of that werido group 677969;1400259974;moiety;mike_c: its a legit gripe to be felt up but not to label all as gropers 677970;1400259977;mircea_popescu;mike_c tbh having actually read the thing nao, it doesn't seem she's beefing, and moreover the entire feminist/sexism/what have you apparatus is useless and inadequate. 677971;1400259981;fluffypony;kakobrekla: tech IRC meets !== IRC meets 677972;1400259985;mircea_popescu;adult woman got stuck among a bunch of weirdo kids. 677973;1400260002;mike_c;kakobrekla: you care if i publish s.mpoe trade history that I got from your feed? 677974;1400260002;mircea_popescu;weirdo activities ensued. 677975;1400260008;fluffypony;kakobrekla: like a bitcoin-assets meet would definitely not be the same as a #sex meet :-P 677976;1400260020;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.04142 = 0.1243 BTC [+] 677977;1400260027;kakobrekla;mike_c not really, as i said, data is free, you pay for delivery 677978;1400260029;mircea_popescu;fluffypony because people at a #sex met would imagine they've got an in already with anyone present ? 677979;1400260029;mike_c;ok 677980;1400260039;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: exactly 677981;1400260049;mike_c;jborkl: here you go. https://s3.amazonaws.com/btcalpha/static/mpoe_price.csv 677982;1400260051;mircea_popescu;all i can say is ew. 677983;1400260080;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.041 = 0.123 BTC [-] 677984;1400260137;mircea_popescu;moiety honestly i dun see such labelling 677985;1400260203;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.095 = 0.19 BTC [+] 677986;1400260215;jborkl;thank you mike_c 677987;1400260218;moiety;i probably shouldn't have ranted second half is sort of different 677988;1400260231;moiety;i still dont like the title though 677989;1400260234;mircea_popescu;you can rant, it's allowed :) 677990;1400260256;fluffypony;moiety: I hear your point, though, and I agree 677991;1400260286;mircea_popescu;yeah i can attest the title is inept. it + the context + the missing image when mike_c linked it first ensured i wasn't going to read it. 677992;1400260305;mircea_popescu;it got a 2nd shot once buttderp guy linked it, but it could just as well not have. 677993;1400260403;moiety;i just really don't like such sweeping statements and i feel she contradicts herself a bit in this article 677994;1400260426;mircea_popescu;you ever been to a bitcoin event btw ? 677995;1400260452;fluffypony;moiety wouldn't without her manul 677996;1400260474;moiety;i haven't actually, scotland is rather sparse for these things and i missed London 677997;1400260507;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.03139998 = 0.1256 BTC [+] 677998;1400260519;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/vavamacoin/status/467351846856572932 677999;1400260520;assbot;http://t.co/59ORqW7KbO For the love of toes. (Warning, topless women). 678000;1400260520;moiety;but if i turned up to one and someone did that i wouldn't sit and squirm and complain abut it later, i'd say, wanna get off my leg please, kthx 678001;1400260524;mircea_popescu;omfg i've just been groped on twitter 678002;1400260539;kakobrekla;a year in this room turns any bitcoin conf into noobfest 678003;1400260541;mircea_popescu;moiety well what if you kinda liked them 678004;1400260562;moiety;then its not entirely creeping is it? 678005;1400260571;fluffypony;kakobrekla: werd 678006;1400260576;kakobrekla;you are better off staying home 678007;1400260629;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.095 = 0.19 BTC [+] 678008;1400260682;fluffypony;BingoBoingo:) 678009;1400260728;moiety;kakobrekla: just as well, i don't seem to go anywhere 678010;1400260739;kakobrekla;high five! 678011;1400260745;moiety;THOUGH! i have had some good news! I think i found a roof :D 678012;1400260769;moiety;(with walls and floors and everything!) 678013;1400260781;kakobrekla;you moving? 678014;1400260803;moiety;ive got sex weeks to find a new place and i've been panicking a teeny wee bit about it 678015;1400260811;fluffypony;sex weeks 678016;1400260813;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.03139998 = 0.1256 BTC [+] {2} 678017;1400260815;fluffypony;... 678018;1400260822;moiety;woke up this morning to an email asking if i would like to view a place i enquired about :D 678019;1400260826;moiety;SIX** omg 678020;1400260829;moiety;six 678021;1400260833;kakobrekla;six sex? 678022;1400260834;fluffypony;!b6 678023;1400260839;fluffypony;ffs 678024;1400260839;kakobrekla;fail 678025;1400260842;*;fluffypony forgets how to bash 678026;1400260846;moiety;omg please dont bash that 678027;1400260852;kakobrekla;omg please bash that. 678028;1400260854;assbot;Last 12 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/2G1RQPA.txt ) 678029;1400260854;pankkake;!b 12 678030;1400260859;moiety;pankkake! 678031;1400260865;pankkake;not enough 678032;1400260866;moiety;i am so red now you wouldn't believe 678033;1400260867;assbot;Last 30 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/3WBFE8E.txt ) 678034;1400260867;pankkake;!b 30 678035;1400260873;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 46 @ 0.00410314 = 0.1887 BTC [-] 678036;1400260877;kakobrekla;lmao 678037;1400260893;kakobrekla;anyway, going far moiety ? 678038;1400260914;moiety;and i did it again, ijust said please bash that and i meant DONT bash that ffs shoot me now 678039;1400260915;mircea_popescu; you are better off staying home << kako is developing an ideology here 678040;1400260923;kakobrekla;:D 678041;1400260934;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.0945 = 0.2835 BTC [-] 678042;1400260943;kakobrekla;how else am i going to keep you all connected to irc 678043;1400260954;moiety;no just back to my home town 678044;1400260956;mircea_popescu; ive got sex weeks to find a new place and i've been panicking a teeny wee bit about it << now we know how she's making rent. 678045;1400260985;mircea_popescu;moiety> i am so red now you wouldn't believe << aww! sokay hon, it's just a freudian sleep. 678046;1400260996;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 122 @ 0.04004097 = 4.885 BTC [+] {2} 678047;1400261036;moiety;lol! 678048;1400261046;moiety;i swear you could toast things onmy face right now 678049;1400261058;mircea_popescu;there there. 678050;1400261083;mircea_popescu;anyone read lunes de fiel ? 678051;1400261117;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.093999 = 0.376 BTC [-] 678052;1400261167;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Yeah sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim is still in the US and dirt cheap here. UK's the ones who banned it. Then again this is the third antibiotic so far. 678053;1400261191;assbot;Last 1337 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/18S7S5P.txt ) 678054;1400261191;mircea_popescu;!b 1337 678055;1400261195;mircea_popescu;herp. 678056;1400261231;mircea_popescu;this should prolly have a limit. 678057;1400261326;fluffypony;heh 678058;1400261361;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.0915001 = 0.4575 BTC [-] 678059;1400261363;Duffer1;b all 678060;1400261363;Duffer1;:P 678061;1400261375;fluffypony;Duffer1: mornings/afternoons as it may be 678062;1400261379;assbot;Last 31337 lines bashed and pending review. ( error ) 678063;1400261379;BingoBoingo;!b 31337 678064;1400261387;BingoBoingo;^ limit 678065;1400261391;Duffer1;hello 678066;1400261391;moiety;kakobrekla: please dont add them! 678067;1400261414;BingoBoingo;moiety: I thought this waas lampelina business 678068;1400261441;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo lampelina has been working on this business for sex weeks. 678069;1400261441;moiety;lampelina: please don't add them! 678070;1400261452;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Ah. 678071;1400261471;moiety;lol oh dear, i'm not going to live this one down am i 678072;1400261492;assbot;Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/1GKCNH9.txt ) 678073;1400261492;benkay;!b 1/0 678074;1400261493;mircea_popescu;moiety you know when your older brothers are picking on you tis better to pretend like you jus don care. 678075;1400261498;benkay;!b 0 678076;1400261555;mircea_popescu;!b http://xkcd.com/327/ 678077;1400261556;assbot;xkcd: Exploits of a Mom 678078;1400261563;moiety;i make the worst typos, i should be used to it 678079;1400261567;thestringpuller;BingoBoingo: How does end of June look for you? 678080;1400261611;BingoBoingo;thestringpuller: I'm not sure yet. I'm assuming rather busy. 678081;1400261618;thestringpuller;ah 678082;1400261627;thestringpuller;The way of life 678083;1400261693;*;lampelina has nothing to do with mentioned 678084;1400261712;benkay;a lampelina? 678085;1400261714;mircea_popescu;o she lives! hai! 678086;1400261722;lampelina;hai! 678087;1400261730;mircea_popescu;so what ARE you doing atm ? kako is always obscure on the topic. 678088;1400261740;mircea_popescu;some sort of b-a website overhaul ? 678089;1400261744;lampelina;I'm having dinner at the moment 678090;1400261755;kakobrekla;i think she is still butthurt over the dishes thingy 678091;1400261761;lampelina;? 678092;1400261762;mircea_popescu;dishes ?! 678093;1400261784;BingoBoingo;thestringpuller: Yeah, sometime in the next couple months there's going to be surgery to pin some delicate glands into place so they never get tangled again. Once that happens I'll probably be less than portable for a while. 678094;1400261785;benkay;so very weirdly, my irc client refuses to autocomplete lampelina 678095;1400261789;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7750 @ 0.00098962 = 7.6696 BTC [+] 678096;1400261810;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo your... your glands got tangled ?! 678097;1400261812;kakobrekla;yeah, i told the story in romania. 678098;1400261813;thestringpuller;ouch :( 678099;1400261822;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Well, the left one twisted. 678100;1400261827;thestringpuller;sounds like testicular torsion 678101;1400261837;BingoBoingo;Yeah, twas untwisted in the ER 678102;1400261859;mircea_popescu;http://www.epmonthly.com/www.epmonthly.com/departments/clinical-skills/ultrasound/time-is-testicle/ ? 678103;1400261860;assbot;Time is Testicle 678104;1400261872;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo wait, when was this ? 678105;1400261878;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Well, I'm not that unfortunate schmuck. 678106;1400261901;BingoBoingo;It was the first Sunday in May 678107;1400261925;mircea_popescu;wow sucks dood. 678108;1400261931;mircea_popescu;i hope she was worth it. 678109;1400261979;thestringpuller;this will forever remind me of Venture Brothers 678110;1400261991;benkay;mike_c: from another channel: " nijotz: It begins, I've inserted an ipdb into ansible' 678111;1400261996;benkay;" 678112;1400262048;BingoBoingo;Eh, worse things could have happened. The ultrasound could have said I was fucked. 678113;1400262051;mircea_popescu;isn't this how myspace was born ? 678114;1400262080;pankkake;was there a discussion about ansible ? 678115;1400262092;mircea_popescu;in logz 678116;1400262119;pankkake;I'm certainly looking for *sane* configuration management systems (and obviously, not written in ruby) 678117;1400262154;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 21 @ 0.09401809 = 1.9744 BTC [+] {2} 678118;1400262217;mircea_popescu;hey, anyone here knows about those voice servers gameplayers use ? 678119;1400262242;kakobrekla;ventrilo and teamspeak ? 678120;1400262258;moiety;ive heard of mumble and teamspeak 678121;1400262258;pankkake;mumble! 678122;1400262275;kakobrekla;i have none 678123;1400262276;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3560 @ 0.00099076 = 3.5271 BTC [+] 678124;1400262287;kakobrekla;i used both years ago 678125;1400262298;fluffypony;pankkake: I can only speak of ansible with the highest regard inasmuch as I have seen/worked with it as implemented by a sysadmin (who I consider to be among the most savvy *nix admins I've ever known) of mine on a project last year 678126;1400262312;mircea_popescu;yes 678127;1400262323;benkay;gpg phone system? 678128;1400262326;benkay;GPG PHONE SYSTEM 678129;1400262326;mircea_popescu;so anyone got a server running/want to set me one up ? 678130;1400262337;fluffypony;ooooh 678131;1400262343;fluffypony;bitcoin-assets teamspeak? 678132;1400262359;kakobrekla;you dont want that 678133;1400262360;pankkake;fluffypony: good. these things need to be approved by bearded sysadmins, not macbook developers :p 678134;1400262360;mircea_popescu;well, trilema the rift guilt teamspeak 678135;1400262373;fluffypony;pankkake: exactly :) 678136;1400262397;benkay;what do you guys have against hipster?! 678137;1400262400;pankkake;benkay: gpg would probably introduce too much latency 678138;1400262400;benkay;hipsters* 678139;1400262410;pankkake;benkay: nothing, as long as they are all burned 678140;1400262420;fluffypony;hah hah 678141;1400262421;benkay;pankkake: gpg just for identifying ownership of endpoints 678142;1400262424;fluffypony;throw the hipster down the well 678143;1400262428;fluffypony;so my country can be free 678144;1400262430;benkay;what is even a hipster 678145;1400262434;pankkake;haha 678146;1400262459;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13600 @ 0.00099076 = 13.4743 BTC [+] 678147;1400262486;benkay;no seriously 678148;1400262489;benkay;what is a hipster 678149;1400262519;fluffypony;benkay: http://www.wikihow.com/Be-a-Hipster 678150;1400262520;assbot;How to Be a Hipster: 28 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow 678151;1400262541;pankkake;if it was easy to define I wouldn't hate them so much 678152;1400262543;benkay;so a shibboleth 678153;1400262559;benkay;what's wrong with tailored pants? 678154;1400262568;benkay;and being blind? 678155;1400262575;fluffypony;"If you do eat meat, you must assert that choice as a cynical transcendence of vegetarians' futile attempts to save the world." 678156;1400262583;benkay;the vintage shit is an artifact of being poor and unable to afford new and or nice things 678157;1400262585;Naphex;mircea_popescu: use mumble instead of TS 678158;1400262587;Naphex;much better 678159;1400262645;pankkake;trying to install murmur (the mumble server), it wants to install a bunch of Qt dependencies :/ 678160;1400262645;benkay;that's fucking retarded fluffypony i want my minute and a half back 678161;1400262664;mircea_popescu;Naphex either one i dn care 678162;1400262667;fluffypony;benkay: it was like the third link on Google, I was trying to do your job for you 678163;1400262671;fluffypony;:-P 678164;1400262690;benkay;i'm not asking for retards opinions about what a hipster is 678165;1400262701;fluffypony;;;ud hipster 678166;1400262702;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=hipster | Hipsters are a subculture of men and women typically in their 20's and 30's that value independent thinking, counter-culture, progressive politics, an appreciation  ... 678167;1400262728;mircea_popescu;!up Quanttek 678168;1400262733;mike_c;benkay: lol ipdb :) ansible had to be too good to be true. 678169;1400262748;benkay;is this a bare metal thing, mike_c ? 678170;1400262750;mircea_popescu;benkay> the vintage shit is an artifact of being poor and unable to afford new and or nice things << 678171;1400262755;Quanttek;thanks 678172;1400262765;mircea_popescu;vintage = dressing in 2nd hand shops. 678173;1400262765;mike_c;no, virtual 678174;1400262770;benkay;fuckit.py 678175;1400262770;mircea_popescu;quite becoming for young women. 678176;1400262782;mircea_popescu;Quanttek sure. so who might you be ? 678177;1400262788;benkay;you know how i feel about provisioning virtual instances. 678178;1400262801;benkay;on the topic, this is the stupidity my day has devolved into: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/ElasticLoadBalancing/latest/DeveloperGuide/UsingTheCommandLineTools.html 678179;1400262801;assbot;Install the Elastic Load Balancing Command Line Interface - Elastic Load Balancing 678180;1400262815;Quanttek;mircea_popescu: just a lurker and community manager of monero who wants to stay up to date 678181;1400262849;mircea_popescu;what is monero ? (mp wants to stay up to date too) 678182;1400262927;Quanttek;mircea_popescu: prolly the biggest anonymous cryptocurrency (if you don't coun dark, because scammy and more privat then anonym) 678183;1400262947;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 4 @ 0.07374645 = 0.295 BTC [+] {3} 678184;1400262953;pankkake;why monero and not bytecoin? aren't they the same thing basically? 678185;1400262964;Apocalyptic;Quanttek, you know Steve ? 678186;1400262995;mircea_popescu;http://www.coinssource.com/monero-cryptonote-bytecoin-2nd-generation-anonymity/ this thing ? 678187;1400262996;assbot;Bytecoin Monero CryptoNote 678188;1400263048;Apocalyptic;Quanttek, nevermind, I mixed it up with moneero 678189;1400263051;kakobrekla;meanwhile in april 2013 https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=164569.0 678190;1400263052;assbot;[NEW CURRENCY] Maria 2.0 was banned, here is her proof. The birth of Bytecoin! 678191;1400263054;Quanttek;pankkake: kind of, but bytecoin got 2 years premined and obfuscated and complicated the code for advantages for the devs. get's probably dumped, when the price rises. also we have an active development (miner is 10times faster + pool +gui + exchanges) 678192;1400263076;Apocalyptic;btw not so smart to choose a name that close to an established s.a. 678193;1400263087;kakobrekla;so they finally ran out of altcoin names 678194;1400263089;pankkake;oh well. I mined some bytecoin but the wallet has a bug so I can't access them 678195;1400263124;Quanttek;pankkake: 80% is preminded. it shouldn't suprise you 678196;1400263192;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] [PAID] 16.86679648 BTC to 29`438 shares, 57296 satoshi per share 678197;1400263212;mircea_popescu;anyone bored enough care to eval this monero thing ? 678198;1400263245;Apocalyptic;"Egalitarian proof of work" 678199;1400263251;Apocalyptic;what the hell is this ? 678200;1400263282;fluffypony;pankkake: different bytecoin 678201;1400263292;fluffypony;pankkake: there was a shitcoin called Bytecoin that nobody pid any attention to 678202;1400263294;fluffypony;*paid 678203;1400263298;pankkake;I know 678204;1400263300;Quanttek;well. it's an algorith called cryptonight, which uses a big cratchpad and some advantages of cpu, so it is atm only cpu and gpu won't be that much faster 678205;1400263304;Apocalyptic;and I see "inflation to preserve mining incentives" 678206;1400263309;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: it's reasonably interesting 678207;1400263315;fluffypony;mostly because it uses ring signatures for transactions 678208;1400263321;fluffypony;so plausible deniability 678209;1400263331;fluffypony;and you can specify a mixin count for a transaction 678210;1400263352;fluffypony;and transactions are grouped with similar transactions in the mixin 678211;1400263361;fluffypony;also it's not forked from bitcoin 678212;1400263363;mircea_popescu;o thhat thing 678213;1400263365;mircea_popescu;i remember now 678214;1400263368;fluffypony;so the RPC API is fucked and incomplete 678215;1400263377;mircea_popescu;ok yeah 678216;1400263386;fluffypony;and there's tons of poorly written code that is being fixed 678217;1400263402;fluffypony;but in principle it's interesting, a lot more interesting than CNBC-COIN 678218;1400263405;fluffypony;or whatever it's called 678219;1400263433;mircea_popescu;right. 678220;1400263435;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.09395 = 0.9395 BTC [-] {2} 678221;1400263438;mircea_popescu;what's the cap, i forget 678222;1400263449;kakobrekla;basically this altcoin market is now same as penny stocks market or what 678223;1400263457;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla same in the sense of worse 678224;1400263459;Quanttek;that's probably monero's biggest challenge: fixing the code and making the code more readable 678225;1400263468;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: ~18.4 million 678226;1400263502;fluffypony;block reward is also interesting, started at 20 I think (blocks every minute) 678227;1400263504;fluffypony;"Uses a recurrence relation. Block reward = (M - A) * 2-20 * 10-12, where A = current circulation. Roughly 86% mined in 4 years" 678228;1400263512;fluffypony;block reward graph: http://i.imgur.com/lDqIdyd.png 678229;1400263545;mircea_popescu;not much confidence in the "gpu resistence" theory huh 678230;1400263550;fluffypony;none 678231;1400263554;fluffypony;it's not supposed to be though 678232;1400263555;mircea_popescu;!up Shakespeare 678233;1400263556;fluffypony;!up Shakespeare 678234;1400263560;fluffypony;double ups 678235;1400263565;BingoBoingo;"3:15: I went over to the BitFury booth again and asked the man how much hashpower they have shipped to date. He stared, so I asked again. Looking like he caught a their, he smirked and said, Why do you want to know that? You want to know how much money we make, what? I said no, that Im just interested to know how much hashpower is out there because of them, nothing nefarious. He wouldnt say any answer other than hinti 678236;1400263566;BingoBoingo;ng they hadnt provided the majority. I wonder if hed tolerate me asking if theyd rent some hashes to ATC" Shakespeare 678237;1400263574;BingoBoingo;http://devilsadvocate.biz/the-bitcoin2014-living-blog/ 678238;1400263576;assbot;The Bitcoin2014 Living Blog 678239;1400263576;fluffypony;heh heh 678240;1400263579;Shakespeare;just posted final update for today 678241;1400263579;kakobrekla;seems to have lot of similar properties, satoshi prices, dumb investors, poor investors, mostly scams, pump and dumps, nobody except for launchers/brokers making money 678242;1400263603;kakobrekla;i never thought it will come this far 678243;1400263629;mike_c;!down kakobrekla for slander 678244;1400263640;kakobrekla;heh 678245;1400263643;fluffypony;kakobrekla: did you read that Nautiluscoin article that was linked yesterday? 678246;1400263645;mircea_popescu;!drown him 678247;1400263652;kakobrekla;no 678248;1400263656;kakobrekla;dunno 678249;1400263657;fluffypony;it's hilarious 678250;1400263659;kakobrekla;i saw a twitter convo 678251;1400263663;jborkl;https://www.bcoinnews.com <- not that I need it yet but https is done 678252;1400263667;assbot;Bitcoin news | Bitcoin Charts News and Tutorials 678253;1400263674;fluffypony;jborkl: nice 678254;1400263734;pankkake;mircea_popescu, others: I set up a mumble server on better certificate, hostname will come later if needed 678255;1400263739;mircea_popescu;Naphex https://twitter.com/Vlad_Roberto/status/467365570489237504 678256;1400263740;assbot;/Mircea_Popescu Mircea, your name sounds familiar. Eti involved cu cryptos? Sunt chiar civa romni bgai n industria asta nou. 678257;1400263748;mircea_popescu;pankkake love you. how do i use it ? 678258;1400263760;pankkake;install mumble, connect to the server, and that is all 678259;1400263781;mircea_popescu;i ask cause im gonna put it in guild wall so what do i need to specx ? just the ip ? 678260;1400263782;Naphex;mircea_popescu: lol:)) 678261;1400263793;mike_c;#b-a in voice! somebody stream that. 678262;1400263796;pankkake;yeah, just the ip, it's the default port 678263;1400263814;fluffypony;mike_c: it's for their guild, we're not cool enough to join 678264;1400263821;mircea_popescu;ty 678265;1400263827;*;fluffypony would totally join a b-a voice 678266;1400263832;fluffypony;we could call it bav 678267;1400263859;benkay;i just want a phone number that i own via gpg. 678268;1400263860;kakobrekla;anyway, the point i was trying to make, altscams are here to stay 678269;1400263875;benkay;some of them may even not be scams some day, kakobrekla 678270;1400263876;fluffypony;benkay: Apple would never allow it :-P 678271;1400263900;mircea_popescu;!up Guest32894 678272;1400263911;mircea_popescu;fluffypony you can join, what. 678273;1400263912;benkay;fluffypony: what does Apple have to do with anything? 678274;1400263916;mircea_popescu;just troll ppl trying to raid. 678275;1400263925;kakobrekla;benkay sounds like you should open altxchange 678276;1400263925;fluffypony;benkay: re: gpg phone numbers, not altcoins 678277;1400263950;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: is there a way for me to follow what's going on in the game so I can confuse things? :-P 678278;1400263984;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 30 @ 0.09133255 = 2.74 BTC [-] {6} 678279;1400263996;fluffypony;I mean, besides actually playing the game 678280;1400264039;mircea_popescu;fluffypony download rift and play ? 678281;1400264040;fluffypony;Shakespeare: so this Circle thing is just an overblown web-wallet? 678282;1400264045;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24650 @ 0.00099001 = 24.4037 BTC [-] {2} 678283;1400264059;mircea_popescu;fluffypony it's a vc money pit looking for new ways to justify why it's not delivering anything 678284;1400264075;fluffypony;why did I just waste 4 minutes watching this video 678285;1400264097;fluffypony;at least the hipster article I made benkay read made sense 678286;1400264168;mircea_popescu;pankkake i put it on guild wall, anyone show up ? 678287;1400264179;pankkake;no 678288;1400264198;pankkake;I'm going to buy food, back in a few minutes 678289;1400264228;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.09182006 = 0.9182 BTC [+] 678290;1400264269;Shakespeare;fluffypony circle's web wallet is insured and has no-fee Bitcoin buying 678291;1400264291;fluffypony;Shakespeare: it's still meh for all the hype 678292;1400264308;fluffypony;I was actually kinda hoping for something with more ambition 678293;1400264324;BingoBoingo;Circle is just Coinbase with different VC shills pumping it. 678294;1400264329;fluffypony;^^ 678295;1400264350;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.09188633 = 0.4594 BTC [+] 678296;1400264353;Shakespeare;well I guess its big when you consider they could eat cpinbase's lunch 678297;1400264371;fluffypony;Shakespeare: I don't doubt that for a second 678298;1400264395;Shakespeare;and it being insured is at least interesting... 678299;1400264428;fluffypony;Shakespeare: 3:53 is borked grammatically 678300;1400264432;mike_c;classic bs video crap. just keep randomly switching between camera head-on and camera to the side. cuz it's cool when the person talking to you isn't looking at you. 678301;1400264449;Quanttek;I personally think that circle may have advanced security features, but they didn't thought of the usual laziness of users, especially newbies 678302;1400264455;fluffypony;mike_c: TAT is going to do the same thing for the Altcoin promo vid, just watch 678303;1400264507;fluffypony;Quanttek: I think they'll snag new users with the zero-fee buy, and I suppose 2FA is common enough that users won't have a problem with it 678304;1400264533;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 7 @ 0.0399999 = 0.28 BTC [-] 678305;1400264536;mircea_popescu;<BingoBoingo> Circle is just Coinbase with different VC shills pumping it. << poretty much. and the fact they both exist indicates quite clearly why neither will succeed. 678306;1400264541;mircea_popescu;their walls are nil. 678307;1400264557;thestringpuller;walls? 678308;1400264561;mircea_popescu;<Shakespeare> well I guess its big when you consider they could eat cpinbase's lunch << sure, until someone else eats its lunch. 678309;1400264572;fluffypony;thestringpuller: that which prevents a competitor from taking over 678310;1400264577;mircea_popescu;this is like lending money to inner city druglords. 678311;1400264583;Shakespeare;I read that bullies are healthier 678312;1400264586;mircea_popescu;you'll never collect, they'll get killed before you ever could. 678313;1400264599;fluffypony;"Our chief weapon is surprise...surprise and fear...fear and surprise.... Our two weapons are fear and surprise...and ruthless efficiency.... Our *three* weapons are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency" 678314;1400264601;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: wait waht? druglords always pay me back tho 678315;1400264601;Shakespeare;get dat lunch! 678316;1400264603;fluffypony;- CoinBase 678317;1400264662;mike_c;circle has armed guards. with lasers. 678318;1400264663;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller you're special. 678319;1400264671;mircea_popescu;mike_c cuntlasers ? 678320;1400264676;mike_c;probably 678321;1400264697;*;mircea_popescu prepares to slap them on the butt with a lolsuit. 678322;1400264709;mircea_popescu;i own the cuntlaser patent pending yo! 678323;1400264749;BingoBoingo;;;google site:trilema.com cuntllaser 678324;1400264750;gribble;No matches found. 678325;1400264773;mircea_popescu;llmao 678326;1400264778;fluffypony;lloll 678327;1400264870;mircea_popescu;;;ticker 678328;1400264871;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 450.99, Best ask: 451.5, Bid-ask spread: 0.51000, Last trade: 450.99, 24 hour volume: 3843.41611032, 24 hour low: 444.5, 24 hour high: 452.41, 24 hour vwap: 448.410898888 678329;1400264889;BingoBoingo;;;google site:trilema.com cuntlaser 678330;1400264890;gribble;No matches found. 678331;1400264936;mircea_popescu;it's a secret tech. 678332;1400264955;fluffypony;part of the S.LIMBS portfolio, innit? 678333;1400264968;mircea_popescu;i can not confirm or danny. 678334;1400264993;benkay;https://github.com/fisher-lebo/updn 678335;1400264994;assbot;fisher-lebo/updn GitHub 678336;1400265003;benkay;it looks like a stab at monetizing the link aggregator. 678337;1400265010;benkay;i don't know that the model works, but it's worth your looks and thoughts. 678338;1400265016;benkay;also: 678339;1400265019;benkay;http://cascadianhacker.com/blog/2014/05/16_punking-ms-users-via-the-blockchain.html 678340;1400265020;assbot;punking MS users via the blockchain 678341;1400265052;mircea_popescu;ahahaha 678342;1400265073;mircea_popescu;dude i love that banner. 678343;1400265081;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/a-compendium-of-basic-points-about-bitcoin-for-the-benefit-of-various-confused-noobs/ 678344;1400265082;assbot;A compendium of basic points about Bitcoin for the benefit of various confused noobs. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 678345;1400265082;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14950 @ 0.00098884 = 14.7832 BTC [-] {2} 678346;1400265089;mircea_popescu;first sentence ? "Point 1 : #bitcoin-assets is the forum." 678347;1400265110;mircea_popescu;my fucking curse is that i need months to understand what the fuck i'm saying in my own articles. 678348;1400265160;benkay;and another one 678349;1400265160;benkay;http://clarissasblog.com/2014/05/14/i-dont-want-to-hire-women/ 678350;1400265161;assbot;I Dont Want to Hire Women | Clarissa's Blog 678351;1400265243;mircea_popescu;"I have crashed the glass ceiling in every aspect of my life." 678352;1400265260;mircea_popescu;somehow i doubt she made more money than the best men in whatever she misrepresents her field as being 678353;1400265265;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.092 = 0.184 BTC [+] 678354;1400265272;mircea_popescu;which is the only "aspect" in which the glass ceiling is meaningful anyway 678355;1400265330;mircea_popescu;http://clarissasblog.com/2011/03/19/samson-wins-a-battle-with-a-hairdresser/ << and this is how i know she hasn't. 678356;1400265332;assbot;>Samson Wins a Battle with a Hairdresser | Clarissa's Blog 678357;1400265361;benkay;'twas a guest post, mircea_popescu 678358;1400265378;TheNewDeal;the brk-a bet has gone from a 2.X% to 6.8% in like one week 678359;1400265391;mircea_popescu;benkay someone guest posts THERE ?! 678360;1400265399;mircea_popescu;when times is looking for free content ? 678361;1400265399;benkay;she probably made it up 678362;1400265402;benkay;hello this is dog 678363;1400265415;mircea_popescu;"The post was written by a guest blogger but the veracity of every aspect of the story has been verified by Blogger Clarissa." 678364;1400265437;mircea_popescu;o help me rwands. "blogger clarissa" ? what was she before, "astrologist clarissa" ? "madamme clarissa" ? 678365;1400265442;benkay;(i'm just stoking the american tech gender fight. don't mind me.) 678366;1400265448;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.09239037 = 0.3696 BTC [+] {3} 678367;1400265455;*;benkay puts the bellows away 678368;1400265481;benkay;davout: i didn't know you ever disconnected 678369;1400265482;mircea_popescu;260 comments on I Dont Want to Hire Women << well, no shortage of redditards. 678370;1400265496;benkay;tards trolling tards trolling tards 678371;1400265502;benkay;can't tell if troll or tard 678372;1400265506;mircea_popescu;welcome to the web of intertards 678373;1400265509;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 20 @ 0.038001 = 0.76 BTC [-] 678374;1400265515;benkay;hello is this tard? 678375;1400265570;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.0399 = 0.1197 BTC [+] 678376;1400265587;davout;benkay: bonjour, ici retardé 678377;1400265631;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 8 @ 0.09269503 = 0.7416 BTC [+] 678378;1400265644;mircea_popescu;Reddit Free Retarde 678379;1400265659;mircea_popescu;like radio free europe but more hip and chique 678380;1400265725;fluffypony;OL 678381;1400265727;fluffypony;+L 678382;1400265815;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 161 @ 0.0008362 = 0.1346 BTC [-] 678383;1400265936;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 125 @ 0.00610375 = 0.763 BTC [-] {4} 678384;1400265997;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 8 @ 0.0939999 = 0.752 BTC [+] 678385;1400266007;mircea_popescu;!up pactr 678386;1400266058;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 8 @ 0.02351598 = 0.1881 BTC [-] {5} 678387;1400266059;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 26 @ 0.03749615 = 0.9749 BTC [-] {3} 678388;1400266060;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.09399946 = 0.94 BTC [-] 678389;1400266119;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.02350299 = 0.1175 BTC [-] {3} 678390;1400266120;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.09399924 = 0.188 BTC [-] 678391;1400266189;[]bot;Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "Bitcoin network difficulty > 14Bn on Bastille day (http://bitbet.us/bet/677/)". Odds: 71(Y):29(N) by coin, 76(Y):24(N) by weight. Total bet: 42.47158113 BTC. Current weight: 16,366. 678392;1400266200;TheNewDeal;wooooh 678393;1400266203;TheNewDeal;that is new 678394;1400266209;mircea_popescu;artifexd made it yest 678395;1400266225;TheNewDeal;now I can delete my web browser 678396;1400266243;TheNewDeal;got all the info I need right here 678397;1400266303;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.03139998 = 0.314 BTC [+] 678398;1400266377;mircea_popescu;:D 678399;1400266398;TheNewDeal;that 14B bet is odd. Last difficulty change, there was a low prediction 678400;1400266408;TheNewDeal;and not too many bets came 678401;1400266412;BingoBoingo;Now we just need to distribute the lawgs as a chain of blocks 678402;1400266423;TheNewDeal;ahhh maybe thats not true 678403;1400266434;rithm;hrm...a chain of blocks 678404;1400266447;mircea_popescu;first ever novel idea 678405;1400266451;mircea_popescu;chainofblocks 678406;1400266460;TheNewDeal;chain of blawgs? 678407;1400266476;rithm;"chainblocks" 678408;1400266534;mircea_popescu;blockschain 678409;1400266547;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 6 @ 0.092 = 0.552 BTC [-] 678410;1400266548;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7800 @ 0.0009881 = 7.7072 BTC [-] 678411;1400266602;BingoBoingo;I've got to be ready for dotcoin's inevitable return 678412;1400266611;mircea_popescu;lmao coinbase accepted pmarca's blockchain award ? 678413;1400266612;rithm;bloxchain 678414;1400266613;mircea_popescu;the humiliation. 678415;1400266630;rithm;x makes it HN worthy 678416;1400266656;mircea_popescu;ahahaha wait wait, they gave "insightful journalist" award to that mtgox handpuppet ? 678417;1400266674;BingoBoingo;Yup 678418;1400266729;mircea_popescu;this was better than expected. so did they do anything right ? 678419;1400266746;mircea_popescu;i mean all the possible self-crits and then some. with idiocy like this who needs enemies even. 678420;1400266762;jurov;lol how everyone is reselling the data i started collection in october 2012 678421;1400266854;TheNewDeal;can I ping a certain bet with that bitbet []bot 678422;1400266913;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 30 @ 0.03139998 = 0.942 BTC [+] {2} 678423;1400266958;mircea_popescu;what's ping mean 678424;1400266976;fluffypony;so TAT says we must feel free to buy him a "join" 678425;1400266993;TheNewDeal;joint? 678426;1400267005;fluffypony;yes, but without the t 678427;1400267021;fluffypony;guess he needs this more than I 678428;1400267035;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4600 @ 0.0009881 = 4.5453 BTC [-] 678429;1400267046;mircea_popescu;i doubt he's allowed to smoke a joint 678430;1400267055;fluffypony;then it really is for a "join" 678431;1400267067;mircea_popescu;maybe he'd like a john 678432;1400267073;fluffypony;aaah makes sense now 678433;1400267081;benkay;lol why is tat not allowed to smoke a joint? 678434;1400267098;mircea_popescu;isn't he basically like a quaker ? 678435;1400267112;mike_c;vegans do plenty of drugs 678436;1400267115;TheNewDeal;hahaha 678437;1400267186;mircea_popescu;i guess technically ALL drugs. 678438;1400267197;mircea_popescu;except for toad licking or fringe shit like that 678439;1400267259;mircea_popescu;"fluffypony: I used to think that love was like the rush and swell of meeting someone knew" why u no speal. 678440;1400267276;fluffypony;holy cowbell splink errur 678441;1400267282;fluffypony;phiksing noa 678442;1400267301;jurov;pankkake fluffypony i'm trying saltstack, so far like it. it's in py and not so high level of abstraction 678443;1400267322;mircea_popescu;and you're soooo pussywhipped maaaaan... 678444;1400267326;mircea_popescu;ima write a counterpost. 678445;1400267361;fluffypony;loving my wife !== pussywhipped 678446;1400267366;fluffypony;as even the wife will tell you 678447;1400267370;mircea_popescu;:D 678448;1400267373;fluffypony;I should get her to chat here some times 678449;1400267378;mircea_popescu;i meant that quite literally. 678450;1400267391;Naphex;kill all coders who forge From: headers with user emails in headers 678451;1400267407;pankkake;jurov: looks nice, somehow I was thinking it was a openstack only thing 678452;1400267413;fluffypony;Naphex: instead of using the reply-to? 678453;1400267418;benkay;salt's aight. 678454;1400267432;Naphex;fluffypony: exactly! 678455;1400267435;pankkake;my current setup is just fabric scripts 678456;1400267439;benkay;again, if you need idempotent box state mgmt. 678457;1400267441;Naphex;god! my jimmies are all rustled 678458;1400267480;pankkake;benkay: I'm an idempotent nutjob. idempotify all the things! 678459;1400267556;mircea_popescu;lol 678460;1400267744;jborkl;you guys check https://www.bcoinnews.com and see if it is rendering ok now? There is still one page that I know is not 678461;1400267748;assbot;Bitcoin news | Bitcoin Charts News and Tutorials 678462;1400267761;jborkl;it was stripping out the css 678463;1400267764;asciilifeform;hmm what'd i miss... 678464;1400267798;Mats_cd03;nothing of note 678465;1400267896;pankkake;jborkl: I see no chart on BITCOIN PRICE CHART 678466;1400267909;jborkl;yeah, that is the one 678467;1400267911;pankkake;also, do the all caps in CSS! 678468;1400267924;artifexd;TheNewDeal: What is it you would like []bot to do? 678469;1400267959;TheNewDeal;I just want to ask the bot what the stats are on a bet 678470;1400267961;benkay;asciilifeform: the forum thinks s.nsa is a scam without constant updates from ken stan 678471;1400267973;asciilifeform;lol 678472;1400267981;jborkl;thanks pankkake 678473;1400267991;pankkake;otherwise live updating works 678474;1400267998;*;asciilifeform dusts off spamatron 678475;1400268011;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.09299 = 0.465 BTC [+] 678476;1400268038;artifexd;Something like: []bb 834 and it responds with what? Give me an example of what you would like to see. 678477;1400268050;TheNewDeal;yah that would be nice 678478;1400268066;TheNewDeal;unless I could use a keyword like "difficulty" and get maybe the top 2 results 678479;1400268072;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 16 @ 0.093 = 1.488 BTC [+] 678480;1400268073;TheNewDeal;but that may be a little hefty 678481;1400268110;benkay;(mike_c: i too am balls-deep in bash today) 678482;1400268133;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 14 @ 0.09410711 = 1.3175 BTC [+] {4} 678483;1400268156;jborkl;wait pankkake - are the post titles rendering in all caps? 678484;1400268197;artifexd;Top 2 results as defined by what? Closing soon? Bet amount? Should it only return bets that are still open? 678485;1400268199;pankkake;yes 678486;1400268229;TheNewDeal;bet amount 678487;1400268231;pankkake;oh, apparently Chromium is at fault for copying it in all caps 678488;1400268236;jborkl;damnit, ok wordpress wants to use google fonts and I refuse so it is screwing me over 678489;1400268252;TheNewDeal;and maybe open or closed, no resolved 678490;1400268254;mike_c;what's wrong with google fonts? 678491;1400268275;jborkl;it sends like 15 requests to pull the fonts and they are huge 678492;1400268288;pankkake;well, they are cached, after 678493;1400268299;jborkl;true 678494;1400268301;pankkake;or maybe cached from another request on another site 678495;1400268303;mike_c;accept the borg. 678496;1400268324;mike_c;benkay: well, misery loves company. 678497;1400268345;mike_c;is google the borg now? that used to be microsoft. well, whatever. 678498;1400268346;jborkl;yeah, I guess everyone has them cached somewhere- just pisses me off 678499;1400268349;artifexd;TheNewDeal: Ok. Check back tomorrow. 678500;1400268413;TheNewDeal;will do 678501;1400268509;BingoBoingo;!up kdomanski_ 678502;1400268548;BingoBoingo;jborkl: Maybe use different fonts? 678503;1400268679;punkman;could ship all Google fonts with the browser 678504;1400268683;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26300 @ 0.000988 = 25.9844 BTC [-] {2} 678505;1400268716;punkman;although everyone seems to be making their own custom icon font 678506;1400268824;BingoBoingo;http://deadspin.com/se-missouri-redhawks-tweet-weird-and-nsfw-bathroom-pict-1577475970 678507;1400268825;assbot;SE Missouri Redhawks Tweet Weird And NSFW Bathroom Picture 678508;1400268999;BingoBoingo;https://twitter.com/wiscoinferno/statuses/467129479492800512 678509;1400269000;assbot;Twitter / wiscoinferno: Carlos Gomez is fucking ... 678510;1400269062;fluffypony;nice catch, assbot 678511;1400269064;mircea_popescu;fluffypony http://trilema.com/2014/a-useful-list-of-things/ there you go 678512;1400269066;assbot;A useful list of things pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 678513;1400269090;mircea_popescu;TheNewDeal : like so 678514;1400269091;mircea_popescu;http://bitbet.us/bet/786/bitcoin-to-surpass-berkshire-as-an-investment/ 678515;1400269091;assbot;BitBet - Bitcoin to surpass Berkshire as an investment :: 1007.93 B (91%) on Yes, 97.09 B (9%) on No | closing in 9 months 4 days | weight: 81`741 (100`000 to 1) 678516;1400269104;TheNewDeal;yes 678517;1400269113;mircea_popescu;problem solved. 678518;1400269116;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: afaik he was moving. course that was like a week ago << finally re-assembled computer. just now. it's like moving a medieval organ... 678519;1400269127;mircea_popescu;like a spleen ? :D 678520;1400269130;asciilifeform;lol 678521;1400269143;TheNewDeal;that is perfecto 678522;1400269197;TomServo;asciilifeform: got some pics of this beast? 678523;1400269210;asciilifeform;of what? 678524;1400269216;asciilifeform;i only post pics of interesting things 678525;1400269217;TomServo;the pipe organ! :P 678526;1400269224;benkay;(the organ) 678527;1400269239;asciilifeform;it's a linux box 678528;1400269248;pankkake;I like the old HDD method. I wondered what to do of mine… 678529;1400269257;asciilifeform;but the armatures that hold lcds take forever to remove / reinstall 678530;1400269263;pankkake;I thought of keeping them as throwable weapons 678531;1400269276;cazalla;mircea_popescu: i have to set my cookie again every 4-5 days on trilema.com, any idea why that occurs? 678532;1400269285;mircea_popescu;cazalla are you deleting it ? 678533;1400269293;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 21 @ 0.02457904 = 0.5162 BTC [+] {2} 678534;1400269308;cazalla;no, at least not knowingly, i have site whitelisted 678535;1400269324;cazalla;in self-destruction cookies that is 678536;1400269341;mircea_popescu;i think it should be set for terms of 1 week. this is so that people who use their cookie on w/e randoim computer and forget to purge it don't get rammed forever 678537;1400269360;mircea_popescu;obviously drawback is people have to keep recooking 678538;1400269483;cazalla;fair enough 678539;1400269486;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: if I edit the cookie and change the expiry date will your server throw a fit and terminate the session after a week? 678540;1400269495;fluffypony;or doesn't it care 678541;1400269496;mircea_popescu;shouldn't. try ? 678542;1400269503;fluffypony;k 678543;1400269777;nubbins`;first nice day of the year 678544;1400269792;kakobrekla;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKorP55Aqvg 678545;1400269792;assbot;The Expert (Short Comedy Sketch) - YouTube 678546;1400269836;benkay;ugh aws load balancer cli won't tell me which instances are registered to lb 678547;1400269840;benkay;complexity mounting 678548;1400269902;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31451 @ 0.00098663 = 31.0305 BTC [-] {3} 678549;1400269979;mike_c;just shoot the load balancer in the head 678550;1400270024;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 8 @ 0.03899989 = 0.312 BTC [-] 678551;1400270114;benkay;you sir are not funny 678552;1400270147;benkay;maybe a little, but i'm too pissed at this shitboard to laugh. 678553;1400270152;BingoBoingo;http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/src/lib/libssl/src/crypto/bn/bn_lib.c.diff?r1=1.23;r2=1.24 678554;1400270160;benkay;CONFORM TO MY EXPECTATIONS 678555;1400270171;BingoBoingo;http://opensslrampage.org/post/85066370546/openssl-is-literally-fighting-back#disqus_thread 678556;1400270172;assbot;OpenSSL Valhalla Rampage OpenSSL is literally fighting back 678557;1400270258;bitcoinpete;BingoBoingo: meaning? 678558;1400270268;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.094 = 0.47 BTC [-] 678559;1400270269;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6300 @ 0.00098961 = 6.2345 BTC [+] 678560;1400270305;BingoBoingo;bitcoinpete: OpenSSL isn't merely bad. It is malicious and defends it's ability to suck against efforts at improvement. 678561;1400270329;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 4 @ 0.038 = 0.152 BTC [-] 678562;1400270342;bitcoinpete;no wonder the power rangers like it 678563;1400270394;mod6;white power 678564;1400270395;BingoBoingo;bitcoinpete: Reading the reports on the OpenSSL/LibreSSL transformation really inspires thoughts about Underhanded C and Obfusticated C competitions 678565;1400270395;mod6;ranger 678566;1400270397;nubbins`;http://imgur.com/03Emg30 678567;1400270397;assbot;imgur: the simple image sharer 678568;1400270401;nubbins`;i'm SO close 678569;1400270425;nubbins`;only two gold cups left 678570;1400270475;bitcoinpete;i've got a curious new follower on twitter: "bitcoin la chat" 678571;1400270490;bitcoinpete;10.4k followers, 500 some tweets, doesn't seem to do anything at all 678572;1400270493;BingoBoingo;http://edition.cnn.com/2014/05/16/politics/pentagon-zombie-apocalypse/index.html?sr=tw051614zombiepentagon230pStoryLink 678573;1400270494;assbot;Pentagon document lays out battle plan against zombies - CNN.com 678574;1400270495;bitcoinpete;gotta be bots 678575;1400270513;bitcoinpete;https://twitter.com/bitcoinlachat 678576;1400270515;assbot;bitcoin la chat (bitcoinlachat) auf Twitter 678577;1400270524;asciilifeform;'bytecoin' etc. << when do we get 'tritcoin' ? 678578;1400270539;nubbins`;heh 678579;1400270565;nubbins`;hackneyedcoin 678580;1400270611;bitcoinpete;quatcoin 678581;1400270630;bitcoinpete;sqwatcoin 678582;1400270685;nubbins`;caffeinewithdrawalheadachecoin 678583;1400270710;BingoBoingo;queefcoin 678584;1400270711;nubbins`;so, it's been a while. anything exciting happen since late april? 678585;1400270762;BingoBoingo;nubbins`: http://arstechnica.com/business/2014/05/some-in-bitcoin-group-resign-over-new-board-members-link-to-sex-abuse/ 678586;1400270762;assbot;Some in Bitcoin group resign over new board members link to sex abuse | Ars Technica 678587;1400270796;bitcoinpete;nubbins`: been blogging like a mother 678588;1400270819;thestringpuller;S.MG needs a chiptune sound track 678589;1400270830;bitcoinpete;smpif launched 678590;1400270855;mike_c;bitcoin is now illegal in china 678591;1400270876;bitcoinpete;we learned about reusing addresses and bitcoin's sovereignty 678592;1400270905;bitcoinpete;and that donald sterling is a billionaire in the wrong place at the wrong time 678593;1400270912;nubbins`;BingoBoingo bahahaha 678594;1400270939;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5592 @ 0.00098961 = 5.5339 BTC [+] 678595;1400270970;nubbins`;i generally reuse addresses 678596;1400271030;bitcoinpete;not a terrible idea, it turns out 678597;1400271042;bitcoinpete;so this happened https://twitter.com/coindesk/status/467334125482147840 678598;1400271043;assbot;Blogger /twobitidiot (aka /RyanSelkis) wins 'Most Insightful Journalist' at #Bitcoin2014 678599;1400271050;nubbins`;each approach has its pros and cons 678600;1400271054;nubbins`;lel 678601;1400271056;nubbins`;ryan selkis 678602;1400271063;nubbins`;best document faker award 678603;1400271083;bitcoinpete;best sharpie user award goes to... 678604;1400271109;thestringpuller;;;google site:trilema.com an0 678605;1400271110;gribble;Accounting for the nonzero asset corporation. The MPEx standard ...: ; Proper accounting for stock warrants pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea ...: ; F.MPIF, April 2014 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: (1 more message) 678606;1400271132;fluffypony;nubbins` 678607;1400271133;fluffypony;I've got it 678608;1400271136;fluffypony;#bitcoin-assets - Bitcoin in the form a Kitten 678609;1400271167;pankkake;in the form a Kitten? 678610;1400271201;bitcoinpete;lmao 678611;1400271215;thestringpuller;;;more 678612;1400271215;gribble; 678613;1400271226;nubbins`;y'know, the thing about ideas... 678614;1400271255;pankkake;also, should be a manul 678615;1400271265;fluffypony;pankkake, didn't you watch the video? 678616;1400271270;pankkake;no 678617;1400271278;fluffypony;[21:49:53] kakobrekla: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKorP55Aqvg 678618;1400271279;assbot;The Expert (Short Comedy Sketch) - YouTube 678619;1400271279;fluffypony;that one 678620;1400271282;fluffypony;it's well worth it 678621;1400271308;TheNewDeal;http://bitbet.us/bet/677/ 678622;1400271308;assbot;BitBet - Bitcoin network difficulty > 14Bn on Bastille day :: 30.09 B (71%) on Yes, 12.38 B (29%) on No | closing in 4 weeks 3 hours | weight: 16`332 (100`000 to 1) 678623;1400271328;TheNewDeal;goood, goood 678624;1400271339;pankkake;oh, right, I saw it earlier 678625;1400271375;bitcoinpete;words from a winner: http://two-bit-idiot.tumblr.com/post/85919259429/circle-may-have-just-changed-the-game-for-bitcoin 678626;1400271376;assbot;The Two-Bit Idiot Circle may have just changed the game for Bitcoin wallets... 678627;1400271379;nubbins`;oh, that reminds me 678628;1400271391;nubbins`;http://bitbet.us/bet/791/s-mg-above-2x-par-on-october-1st-2014/ 678629;1400271391;assbot;BitBet - S.MG above 2x par on October 1st, 2014 :: 1.18 B (18%) on Yes, 5.54 B (82%) on No | closing in 4 months 2 weeks | weight: 70`081 (100`000 to 1) 678630;1400271396;nubbins`;still not as juicy as i'd like ;D 678631;1400271401;thestringpuller;bitcoinpete: is this where you educate the idiot? 678632;1400271405;bitcoinpete;"A fully-reserved hosted wallet that is insured by third-party underwriters rather than a captive product. And dynamic risk-scoring for users based on how many forms of identity are linked to the system (debit / credit cards, bank accounts, etc.)" 678633;1400271416;bitcoinpete;quite possibly 678634;1400271427;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19250 @ 0.00098518 = 18.9647 BTC [-] 678635;1400271428;thestringpuller;I'm an entrepreneur and former VC who makes the business case for #Bitcoin ' 678636;1400271433;thestringpuller;who the fuck is this guy? 678637;1400271434;thestringpuller;~_~ 678638;1400271453;mike_c;nubbins`: advertise! http://www.btcalpha.com/bitbet/791/ad.png 678639;1400271470;nubbins`;ha, fun 678640;1400271485;bitcoinpete;"Circle is betting the company on winning the consumer land-grab with this “everything-for-free” model, and Allaire admitted that they were in no rush to monetize the business in the near-term." 678641;1400271505;bitcoinpete;thestringpuller: basically, he went bust and started writing 678642;1400271546;thestringpuller;so basically what the WSJ has started becoming? 678643;1400271552;nubbins`;we are in no rush to make money 678644;1400271575;nubbins`;we will figure it out later 678645;1400271599;bitcoinpete;"So there, I’m not a total shrill." << it's shill. fuck. 678646;1400271623;fluffypony;maybe he meant shrill 678647;1400271632;fluffypony;and the sentence is "So there, I'm not totally shrill." 678648;1400271646;fluffypony;and he's referring to his ability as an opera singer 678649;1400271652;bitcoinpete;so either the "a" shouldn't be there, or the "r" 678650;1400271681;bitcoinpete;his opera could scarcely we worse than his writing 678651;1400271691;fluffypony;lol 678652;1400271694;assbot;Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/17EM9QN.txt ) 678653;1400271694;nubbins`;!b 2 678654;1400271714;asciilifeform;pay 0% now - 100% later. but my supply of sympathy for idiots has run low. 678655;1400271730;asciilifeform;let them eat... shit. 678656;1400271766;benkay;"looks like it could be game-changing" 678657;1400271785;benkay;this is what people say when they don't understand the games, how they're played, or how to change the rules out from underneath the other players. 678658;1400271819;benkay;"i couldn't see bitcoin coming, so i guess nobody could have seen bitcoin coming, so i guess it's fine for me to say that something could change the game because i can't actually play the game" 678659;1400271832;nubbins`;"also, i just lost the game" 678660;1400271850;TheNewDeal;artifexd no need to change your []bot, looks like assbot compliments it well already 678661;1400271863;benkay;"But it is a calculated move. " 678662;1400271870;benkay;<< how ams even english bro? 678663;1400271892;fluffypony;so have Circle "exited stealth" or whatever now? 678664;1400271948;artifexd;TheNewDeal: Ok :( 678665;1400271958;bitcoinpete;circle has entered unstealth 678666;1400271972;bitcoinpete;more shit from twobittwit: http://two-bit-idiot.tumblr.com/post/85820112864/a-weird-letter-to-charlie-shrem-fun-post-on-a-travel 678667;1400271973;assbot;The Two-Bit Idiot A Weird Letter to Charlie Shrem - Fun Post on a Travel Day 678668;1400272000;bitcoinpete;it's a weird letter from some pseudonymous character to shrem 678669;1400272016;TheNewDeal;you could put the estimate for 1 BTC bet on yes or no, as if no more bets were wagered 678670;1400272017;benkay;immabout to ragequit. 678671;1400272017;bitcoinpete;complete with plenty o yiddish 678672;1400272018;benkay;stahp 678673;1400272020;benkay;STAHP 678674;1400272080;artifexd;Interesting 678675;1400272098;bitcoinpete;tsouris, tzimmes, quidnucs, and a mention of the Bronx Yeshiva... 678676;1400272114;bitcoinpete;signed "Marcel Mellish" 678677;1400272128;bitcoinpete;benkay: never! 678678;1400272225;thestringpuller;damn hanbot's blog wasn't in mircea's reading list 678679;1400272226;thestringpuller;lol 678680;1400272232;thestringpuller;this is good stuff 678681;1400272292;benkay;all what five entries? 678682;1400272310;benkay;so is b.a. the destination of choice for the romanian contingent? 678683;1400272316;pankkake;it's in blogs.bitcoin-assets.com! 678684;1400272384;thestringpuller;hah 678685;1400272388;thestringpuller;soon 678686;1400272401;thestringpuller;b.a. is slowly taking over the bitcoin world ~_~ 678687;1400272415;benkay;i'm certainly trying to get back. 678688;1400272471;nubbins`;sniffed the seats of the coeds’ bicycles 678689;1400272473;nubbins`;leel 678690;1400272553;fluffypony;https://twitter.com/d_seaman/status/467394603000143872 678691;1400272554;assbot;Nautiluscoin would only be better if /Oprah were its creator... And even then, Brian Kelly is better suited to stabilization crypto role 678692;1400272586;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.093 = 0.465 BTC [-] 678693;1400272614;bitcoinpete;http://brian-kelly-jolu.squarespace.com/181/ 678694;1400272615;assbot;Nautiluscoin Brian Kelly Capital 678695;1400272627;bitcoinpete;"Nautiluscoin is the first digital currency toNautilusCoin Icon have its own central bank. " << woohoo! 678696;1400272642;bitcoinpete;stupid icon... 678697;1400272648;pankkake;lolwut 678698;1400272649;fluffypony;man 678699;1400272654;fluffypony;Oprah doesn't know what she's missing out on 678700;1400272658;pankkake;is he trying to beat Bernankoin? 678701;1400272681;fluffypony;nah, this is a classic pump and dump 678702;1400272682;bitcoinpete;another doge trying to out-dollar the dollar 678703;1400272690;fluffypony;there's even a premine 678704;1400272696;fluffypony;which is for the "stabilisation fund" 678705;1400272702;nubbins`;wow 678706;1400272707;fluffypony;ie. "Brian Kelly wants to be rich fund" 678707;1400272728;moiety;but do they have manuls 678708;1400272739;thestringpuller;Who the fuck is Brian Kelly? 678709;1400272740;bitcoinpete;cuz cnbc doesn't pay +30%/yr 678710;1400272740;nubbins`;^ 678711;1400272758;fluffypony;thestringpuller: a CNBC contributor 678712;1400272762;thestringpuller;why the fuck does a cryptocurrency need a central bank? 678713;1400272773;bitcoinpete;stability! professionalism! 678714;1400272782;fluffypony;IT'S THE MOST PROFESSIONAL COIN GUISE 678715;1400272786;thestringpuller;why the fuck are these people who are supposed to be changing the world just making it worse? 678716;1400272789;fluffypony;it wears a suit 678717;1400272794;fluffypony;and has a Mont Blanc pen 678718;1400272924;bitcoinpete;and charges high fees 678719;1400272940;fluffypony;only the most professional 678720;1400272943;fluffypony;$2500 an hour 678721;1400272944;bitcoinpete;and goes for power lunches 678722;1400272970;bitcoinpete;1hr min for leaving a voicemail 678723;1400273027;fluffypony;lol 678724;1400273122;fluffypony;and you thought Bitcoin was filled with "businesspeople" who'd never run a business and "journalists" who'd never done any journalism 678725;1400273196;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2650 @ 0.00098518 = 2.6107 BTC [-] 678726;1400273269;cazalla;bitcoinpete: given the time it takes to retrieve a voicemail, 1hr min seems reasonable 678727;1400273342;bitcoinpete;cazalla: i'm never paying you by the hour 678728;1400273415;fluffypony;lol 678729;1400273782;bitcoinpete;there's no point pounding seaman even further into obscurity, but i think selkis is the right size of target for a good bashing 678730;1400273790;bitcoinpete;to the blogmobile! 678731;1400274064;mod6;http://disneychannel.disney.com/dog-with-a-blog 678732;1400274065;assbot;Dog With a Blog | Disney Channel 678733;1400274082;fluffypony;dare I click? 678734;1400274098;fluffypony;uh 678735;1400274105;fluffypony;forwarded me to Disney Channel South Africa 678736;1400274106;fluffypony;:( 678737;1400274164;mod6;ah weak. 678738;1400274189;mircea_popescu;!up urh 678739;1400274257;benkay;surely we can do more here than beat up on rubes. 678740;1400274318;bitcoinpete;benkay: you call it rube beating, i call it education 678741;1400274339;mircea_popescu;<BingoBoingo> bitcoinpete: OpenSSL isn't merely bad. It is malicious and defends it's ability to suck against efforts at improvement. << hm. 678742;1400274365;mircea_popescu;bitcoinpete i got the same, seems a benign enough pumped acct. 678743;1400274451;bitcoinpete;guess so, now way les chats sont si populaire 678744;1400274476;bitcoinpete;no way* 678745;1400274477;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 75222 @ 0.00098287 = 73.9334 BTC [-] {3} 678746;1400274502;bitcoinpete;theeeere's a big trade 678747;1400274509;fluffypony;woah 678748;1400274527;mircea_popescu;bitcoinpete: words from a winner: << their desperation to push that guy into relevancy won't work any better nao than the less haphazard efforts worked before he made himself a laughingstoc 678749;1400274566;asciilifeform;defends it's ability to suck against efforts at improvement << a steaming pile of shit doesn't really 'resist' efforts to mold bullet from it. it simply is what it is. 678750;1400274578;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller: who the fuck is this guy? << nobody, really. tried to sell the case for mtgox, got trampled into the dirt. 678751;1400274658;mircea_popescu;benkay bashed. cause he pretty much has it. 678752;1400274660;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.02463337 = 0.2463 BTC [+] 678753;1400274666;mircea_popescu;"this could be gamechanging" derp. 678754;1400274704;TheNewDeal;this game could be derpchanging 678755;1400274734;mircea_popescu;assbot: 678756;1400274734;mircea_popescu;Nautiluscoin would only be better if /Oprah were its creator... And even then, Brian Kelly is better suited to stabilization crypto role << bwhahaha. 678757;1400274736;mircea_popescu;these people. 678758;1400274777;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: The shit doesn't resist bulletness based on intention, it resists on the nature of its substance. 678759;1400274779;mircea_popescu;The beat goes on 'n I'm so wrong The beat goes on 'n I'm so wrong The beat goes on 'n I'm so wrong 678760;1400274779;mircea_popescu;The beat goes on 'n I'm so wrong 678761;1400274779;mircea_popescu;I may be totally wrong, but I'm a Dancin' fool... 678762;1400274828;fluffypony;but Oprah would make it perfect! 678763;1400274850;mircea_popescu;well... she's fat. 678764;1400274882;fluffypony;yes! 678765;1400274886;fluffypony;so the coins value would be 678766;1400274887;fluffypony;fat! 678767;1400274926;mircea_popescu;you ever watch johnny bravo ? 678768;1400274927;fluffypony;you wouldn't need to say "to the moon" with it 678769;1400274931;mircea_popescu;http://www.tv.com/m/shows/johnny-bravo/hip-hop-flop-talk-to-me-baby-blanky-hanky-panky-118137/trivia/ 678770;1400274932;assbot;Johnny Bravo: Hip Hop Flop / Talk To Me, Baby / Blanky Hanky Panky Episode Trivia - TV.com 678771;1400274932;pankkake;FatAssThief 678772;1400274937;fluffypony;because she's already large enough to be mistaken for it 678773;1400274946;mircea_popescu;Johnny: Am I down yet? Heavy C: No, but you're stupid and fat. 678774;1400274953;fluffypony;lol 678775;1400275140;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla great vid. 678776;1400275155;mircea_popescu;i shall include this great learning as part of further refinements of bitbet 678777;1400275163;mircea_popescu;YOU'RE THE EXPERT 678778;1400275199;kakobrekla;and i thought the thing cant backfire 678779;1400275207;fluffypony;so 678780;1400275220;fluffypony;can assbot please up people in kitten form? 678781;1400275239;kakobrekla;Yes. 678782;1400275260;fluffypony;and what about voicing perpendicularity ? 678783;1400275289;BingoBoingo;!up fluffypony Staph shedding on the sofa! 678784;1400275297;fluffypony;lol 678785;1400275844;mike_c;kakobrekla: that video is the funniest thing i have ever seen, no exceptions. 678786;1400275867;kakobrekla;its so painfully true :) 678787;1400276002;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 11 @ 0.09310909 = 1.0242 BTC [-] {2} 678788;1400276063;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 20 @ 0.09160005 = 1.832 BTC [-] {2} 678789;1400276551;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.0911001 = 0.911 BTC [-] 678790;1400276612;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 42 @ 0.09092269 = 3.8188 BTC [-] {6} 678791;1400276673;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 53 @ 0.08822473 = 4.6759 BTC [-] {6} 678792;1400276795;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4488 @ 0.00098554 = 4.4231 BTC [+] 678793;1400276882;kakobrekla;>We understand your concerns and we assure you that Hit Technologies is a legitimate dutch company you can look up in the Danish company registration directory. We do not feel that a forum is an appropriate place to post business numbers or any other information which concern the internal structure of the company. We invite you to contact us directly by e-mail at compliance@hitbtc.com. 678794;1400276906;kakobrekla;yeah, forum is not a good place to publish public information 678795;1400276944;fluffypony;"I am convinced that if in general society encouraged kids to take risks and at the same time encouraged them to kill themselves once their risk taking failed we would have much healthier youth (mentally especially), a much better education system, much nicer things, much less debt and pretty much no problems at all." 678796;1400276949;fluffypony;that was in 2012 678797;1400276997;fluffypony;rings even more true today 678798;1400277466;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.09379957 = 0.2814 BTC [+] 678799;1400277836;kakobrekla;right: http://imgur.com/9vuKl6M 678800;1400277837;assbot;imgur: the simple image sharer 678801;1400278023;dignork;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eLXnBYJOwY voting is an arguable way of influencing your reality, but the video is awesome 678802;1400278023;assbot;VOTEMAN - English subtitles - Banned from DK television - YouTube 678803;1400278259;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [MS] 200 @ 0.00134672 = 0.2693 BTC [+] {2} 678804;1400278266;BingoBoingo;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNEhkSyvhyA 678805;1400278266;assbot; - YouTube 678806;1400278330;thestringpuller;so BingoBoingo? no game this summer 678807;1400278343;BingoBoingo;thestringpuller: Maybe late summer. 678808;1400278361;BingoBoingo;But not optimistic about this summer 678809;1400278452;thestringpuller;:( you'll make it 678810;1400278974;kakobrekla;https://twitter.com/mushenska/status/467302576162365440 678811;1400278975;assbot;Worst children's play area, EVER. http://t.co/3D5uzmAOiq 678812;1400279846;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 4 @ 0.0394998 = 0.158 BTC [+] 678813;1400279967;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.42531643 = 0.8506 BTC [-] {2} 678814;1400280028;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.42531156 = 0.8506 BTC [-] {2} 678815;1400280821;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23552 @ 0.00098083 = 23.1005 BTC [-] {2} 678816;1400281187;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 19 @ 0.03138902 = 0.5964 BTC [-] {2} 678817;1400281309;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.0921999 = 0.3688 BTC [-] 678818;1400281553;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 4 @ 0.0394998 = 0.158 BTC [+] 678819;1400282346;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.45893724 = 0.9179 BTC [+] {2} 678820;1400282407;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.45906924 BTC [+] 678821;1400282408;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HMF] 20 @ 0.00610009 = 0.122 BTC [-] {3} 678822;1400282773;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 52 @ 0.09312206 = 4.8423 BTC [+] {6} 678823;1400282834;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 6 @ 0.08851679 = 0.5311 BTC [-] {2} 678824;1400284420;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4833 @ 0.00098005 = 4.7366 BTC [-] 678825;1400284969;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16512 @ 0.0009832 = 16.2346 BTC [+] 678826;1400285457;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3600 @ 0.00098961 = 3.5626 BTC [+] 678827;1400285640;assbot;[MPEX] [S.BBET] 9300 @ 0.00051499 = 4.7894 BTC [+] 678828;1400286311;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1400 @ 0.00098887 = 1.3844 BTC [-] 678829;1400286799;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 21 @ 0.0060962 = 0.128 BTC [-] {4} 678830;1400286860;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 39 @ 0.00588448 = 0.2295 BTC [-] {4} 678831;1400287226;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7308 @ 0.00098961 = 7.2321 BTC [+] 678832;1400287531;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1437 @ 0.0001194 = 0.1716 BTC [+] {3} 678833;1400287592;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38500 @ 0.00098994 = 38.1127 BTC [+] {2} 678834;1400288019;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 6 @ 0.04142 = 0.2485 BTC [+] 678835;1400289544;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.0921755 = 0.1844 BTC [-] 678836;1400289910;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.09216103 = 0.1843 BTC [-] {2} 678837;1400290032;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.0924999 = 0.185 BTC [+] 678838;1400290094;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.0925 = 0.185 BTC [+] 678839;1400290459;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13550 @ 0.00099278 = 13.4522 BTC [+] 678840;1400290825;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23050 @ 0.0009933 = 22.8956 BTC [+] 678841;1400292057;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.02460027 = 0.123 BTC [-] 678842;1400292237;decimation;http://theden.tv/2014/05/16/comment-or-no-comment-from-obama/ "The possibility that G8 nations and other middle-to-large-sized economies are taking steps to drop the dollar is important. Do we get a comment from Obama? No." 678843;1400292240;assbot;Comment or No Comment from Obama? | Theden | Thedening the West 678844;1400292245;decimation;"NFL spends the 249th draft pick in the NFL draft on an openly gay man. Sports fans roll their eyes at the focus on Michael Sam. Do we get a comment from Obama? Yes!" 678845;1400292281;decimation;"Obama?s general commentary resembles a gelded, browbeaten husband, where he decides to comment on the dumbest or least important thing and remains mute on stuff that matters. " 678846;1400292309;decimation;That's gold Jerry! Gold! 678847;1400292505;decimation;This is the well-known bike shed effect http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parkinson%27s_law_of_triviality ... The fact that the President is reduced to commenting on trivia indicates his subserviant status in the USG/media power structure. 678848;1400292505;assbot;Parkinson's law of triviality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 678849;1400292667;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13100 @ 0.0009933 = 13.0122 BTC [+] {2} 678850;1400292911;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13700 @ 0.00099278 = 13.6011 BTC [-] 678851;1400294192;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 20 @ 0.02460022 = 0.492 BTC [-] {2} 678852;1400296022;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 7 @ 0.45997073 = 3.2198 BTC [+] {5} 678853;1400296051;bitcoinpete;http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/05/16/who-sucks-more-circle-or-twobitidiot/ 678854;1400296052;assbot;Who Sucks More, Circle or TwoBitIdiot? | When Bitcoin Met Pete 678855;1400296083;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.45995866 BTC [-] 678856;1400296266;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13250 @ 0.00099336 = 13.162 BTC [+] 678857;1400296388;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.46 BTC [+] 678858;1400296449;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.46 BTC [+] 678859;1400296632;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26216 @ 0.00099339 = 26.0427 BTC [+] {2} 678860;1400296693;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.46 BTC [+] 678861;1400296754;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.46 BTC [+] 678862;1400297060;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.46 BTC [+] 678863;1400297061;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 16 @ 0.03911437 = 0.6258 BTC [-] {4} 678864;1400297304;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.46 BTC [+] 678865;1400297365;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 13 @ 0.4775073 = 6.2076 BTC [+] {4} 678866;1400298646;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 8 @ 0.0900014 = 0.72 BTC [-] 678867;1400298647;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9250 @ 0.00099278 = 9.1832 BTC [-] 678868;1400299073;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 8 @ 0.09299989 = 0.744 BTC [+] 678869;1400299195;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 13 @ 0.04182752 = 0.5438 BTC [+] {2} 678870;1400299500;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.0900693 = 0.4503 BTC [-] 678871;1400299683;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 8 @ 0.0246001 = 0.1968 BTC [+] 678872;1400299805;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 4 @ 0.0409999 = 0.164 BTC [-] 678873;1400299927;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1157 @ 0.00012109 = 0.1401 BTC [+] 678874;1400301025;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2000 @ 0.0001185 = 0.237 BTC [-] {3} 678875;1400301040;benkay;;;later tell bitcoinpete selkis fabricated the gox docs wholesale? 678876;1400301040;gribble;The operation succeeded. 678877;1400301275;benkay;Vexual! 678878;1400301391;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46189 @ 0.00098982 = 45.7188 BTC [-] {5} 678879;1400301426;BingoBoingo;http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/05/140515163739.htm 678880;1400301427;assbot;New algorithm shakes up cryptography -- ScienceDaily 678881;1400301442;BingoBoingo;!up Vexual 678882;1400301469;BingoBoingo;!up Vexual 678883;1400301479;Vexual;Ty:) 678884;1400301493;Vexual;Howzit? 678885;1400301550;Vexual;I just read a deliciously accessible blog post by mp 678886;1400301569;BingoBoingo;Not bad 678887;1400301594;BingoBoingo;Popular choices for the group G in discrete logarithm cryptography are the cyclic groups (Zp) (e.g. ElGamal encryption, DiffieHellman key exchange, and the Digital Signature Algorithm) and cyclic subgroups of elliptic curves over finite fields (see elliptic curve cryptography). 678888;1400301626;benkay;!up Vexual 678889;1400301632;benkay;!up benkay 678890;1400301647;Vexual;Thankyou ben10 678891;1400301655;benkay;my pressure 678892;1400301665;Vexual;Much love 678893;1400301666;benkay;where've you been? 678894;1400301675;Vexual;Rehav 678895;1400301710;Vexual;Capiche? 678896;1400301751;benkay;sounds like fun 678897;1400301760;Vexual;Not eveb 678898;1400301774;Vexual;But we proceed 678899;1400301819;Vexual;What are you working on my young friend? 678900;1400301919;benkay;well my boys and i built an app cannon and now i need more targets to point it at 678901;1400301950;benkay;i'm actually fucking *thrilled* with the thing. 678902;1400301974;Vexual;I plan to get in the wot and start a sidechan with atc twoup so my legacy extends beyond making kakos whispy pubes blow in the wind 678903;1400302001;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 68 @ 0.004199 = 0.2855 BTC [+] 678904;1400302015;Vexual;Wots an app cannon? 678905;1400302017;benkay;sounds like quote the blow job 678906;1400302020;benkay;quite 678907;1400302031;benkay;"quoth the blowjob" 678908;1400302034;benkay;"arglebargle" 678909;1400302091;benkay;well first i find someone with a problem, then they write me a check or send me some coins, then i point the cannon at their problem and after about three weeks to three months and some swearing they have some technology that makes their life better or business move slightly more quickly. 678910;1400302127;Vexual;You and I showed 678911;1400302149;Vexual;*should team up 678912;1400302166;Vexual;Fucking tuch screen 678913;1400302178;benkay;oh you wanna touch my screen nao? 678914;1400302193;Vexual;Is this gay? 678915;1400302254;benkay;i mean i know i'm a whore but you gotta pony up with the retainer first 678916;1400302333;Vexual;Well ive gotta appear businesses like if I wot 678917;1400302344;BingoBoingo;Oic Benkay is one of those fancy whores 678918;1400302349;artifexd;https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/612530753/gitchain <- decentralize ALL the things. even things already decentralized. 678919;1400302350;assbot;Gitchain by Yurii Rashkovskii — Kickstarter 678920;1400302548;benkay;you don't really want to get in bed with the cheap whores anyways, BingoBoingo they wouldn't treat your twisted scrote well. 678921;1400302582;BingoBoingo;Yeah. Well, it isn't twisted atm. The impending surgery is to prevent it from happening again. 678922;1400302608;benkay;is it unsore now? 678923;1400302613;benkay;oh hey who is this yuri guy? 678924;1400302667;benkay;http://bex.io/ 678925;1400302668;assbot;Bex || Own your own Bitcoin Exchange 678926;1400302668;BingoBoingo;No idea who yuri is, but there's other skin issues around that area. I think MP's right. Once I heal up I need to class up my taste in whores. 678927;1400302801;BingoBoingo;!up Vexual 678928;1400302919;Vexual;Thanks all my shit is borked 678929;1400302943;benkay;and why does this yuri asshole need 10k to do this? 678930;1400303022;benkay;how does anyone who's been a cto or a senior engineer of any quality not have the ten grand to throw at a good idea themselves? 678931;1400303038;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23900 @ 0.00098167 = 23.4619 BTC [-] {2} 678932;1400303140;benkay;!up Vexual 678933;1400303144;benkay;!up AndChat|198900 678934;1400303159;benkay;Vexual you gotta fix dis sitchumacation 678935;1400303166;benkay;gpg or gtfo 678936;1400303179;benkay;!up Vexual 678937;1400303186;benkay; Vexual you gotta fix dis sitchumacation [01:06] 678938;1400303186;benkay; 678939;1400303192;benkay;wattt 678940;1400303201;benkay;!up Vexual 678941;1400303214;benkay;!up Vexual 678942;1400303239;Vexual;I got back and found powerhead abuse to phillips head platters 678943;1400303293;Vexual;The other way 678944;1400303341;Vexual;At least use loctite 678945;1400303490;Vexual;Theres nothing to look at 678946;1400303572;assbot;Last 4 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/1BMBVYE.txt ) 678947;1400303572;benkay;!b 4 678948;1400303574;benkay;you're a joy, sir. 678949;1400303585;Vexual;Fuck you 678950;1400303601;benkay;methheads tried to unbolt your hard drive? 678951;1400303602;Vexual;:) 678952;1400303622;Vexual;Wernt no metheads 678953;1400303637;benkay;"powerhead" -> coke? 678954;1400303641;benkay;powderhead? 678955;1400303666;Vexual;Powerdrive-typo 678956;1400303687;kakobrekla;BingoBoingo i dont think bex actually sold a single instance ? and they have been around for a while 678957;1400303705;kakobrekla;anyway the whole concept is fail 678958;1400303739;Vexual;Anyways visual inspection of your shit is a thing 678959;1400303813;benkay;who was it? 678960;1400303865;Vexual;Dunno. Might have been me. 678961;1400304154;BingoBoingo;!up Vexual 678962;1400304271;Vexual;Whats bex? 678963;1400304356;BingoBoingo;Vexual: Apparently it is an exhcange fot trading exchanges 678964;1400304382;Vexual;U wot? Really? 678965;1400304399;Vexual;Link? 678966;1400304536;Vexual;3 letter things are inherently difficult to google 678967;1400304622;BingoBoingo;;;google wot 678968;1400304622;gribble;World of Tanks — Free Online Game: ; Safe Browsing Tool | WOT (Web of Trust): ; Download the WOT add-on | WOT (Web of Trust): 678969;1400304632;Vexual;Autocomplete 678970;1400304641;BingoBoingo;;;google site:bitcoin-otc wot 678971;1400304642;gribble;No matches found. 678972;1400304657;BingoBoingo;;;google bitcoin-otc web of trust 678973;1400304658;gribble;#bitcoin-otc web of trust: ; #bitcoin-otc: ; #bitcoin-otc web of trust data: 678974;1400304659;Vexual;Im asking about bex 678975;1400304663;BingoBoingo;Ah 678976;1400304670;BingoBoingo;That's a good question 678977;1400304834;benkay;bex.io 678978;1400304837;benkay;!up Vexual 678979;1400305161;BingoBoingo;!up Vexual 678980;1400305183;Vexual;Ty 678981;1400305196;benkay;!up Vexual 678982;1400305197;Vexual;Fucking parole 678983;1400305217;benkay;piss tests? 678984;1400305222;Vexual;Two weeks im allowed a computer 678985;1400305246;benkay;total? 678986;1400305258;Vexual;Im not on parole. 678987;1400305273;benkay;... 678988;1400305292;benkay; Fucking parole << what does this mean then 678989;1400305338;Vexual;Im going to jail like bb is. 678990;1400305363;benkay;wotcher do? 678991;1400305371;Vexual;Nothing 678992;1400305402;BingoBoingo;Fucking 5-0 hating on decent people for doing nothing 678993;1400305474;Vexual;Lol 678994;1400305519;Vexual;I got my book back. 678995;1400305539;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 50 @ 0.00422664 = 0.2113 BTC [+] 678996;1400305638;Vexual;Went all george 678997;1400305844;Vexual;You know when you know someone well enough to lend them something but not well enough to ask that it be returned? 678998;1400305905;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35279 @ 0.00098099 = 34.6083 BTC [-] 678999;1400306204;cgcardona;;;ticker 679000;1400306205;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 447.61, Best ask: 448.87, Bid-ask spread: 1.26000, Last trade: 447.61, 24 hour volume: 4019.07082484, 24 hour low: 445.01, 24 hour high: 452.41, 24 hour vwap: 448.580478107 679001;1400306427;punkman;https://twitter.com/DEVOPS_BORAT/status/41587168870797312 679002;1400306428;assbot;To make error is human. To propagate error to all server in automatic way is #devops 679003;1400306637;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2208 @ 0.0001183 = 0.2612 BTC [-] {5} 679004;1400306638;Vexual;Nice 679005;1400306759;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1767 @ 0.00011792 = 0.2084 BTC [+] {5} 679006;1400307039;kakobrekla;asciilifeform heres an explanation: >>Gavin Andresen was the crowd-pleaser of the evening, as he disguised himself to accept the award for best Visionary Academic Paper on Satoshi Nakamoto’s behalf, garnering laughs from the audience. Check out his get up! 679007;1400307046;kakobrekla;http://media.coindesk.com/2014/05/DSC_3066.jpg 679008;1400307552;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.4784 = 0.9568 BTC [+] {2} 679009;1400307613;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 40 @ 0.00420981 = 0.1684 BTC [-] 679010;1400307665;benkay;that getup is so cheap it looks broke 679011;1400307674;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1463 @ 0.0001169 = 0.171 BTC [-] {6} 679012;1400307893;punkman;http://www.wral.com/lawn-care-error-kills-most-of-ohio-college-s-grass/13650157/ 679013;1400307895;assbot;Lawn care error kills most of Ohio college's grass :: WRAL.com 679014;1400308040;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 200 @ 0.00419054 = 0.8381 BTC [-] {4} 679015;1400308101;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 13 @ 0.09299999 = 1.209 BTC [+] {4} 679016;1400308102;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.43884653 BTC [-] 679017;1400308162;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 6 @ 0.0937999 = 0.5628 BTC [+] 679018;1400308223;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 50 @ 0.005818 = 0.2909 BTC [-] {2} 679019;1400308284;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.0938 = 0.1876 BTC [+] 679020;1400308406;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.04189979 = 0.1257 BTC [+] 679021;1400308467;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 26 @ 0.005775 = 0.1502 BTC [-] 679022;1400308711;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.0938 = 0.1876 BTC [+] 679023;1400308849;moiety;morning! 679024;1400308892;bounce;http://hal.inria.fr/hal-00835446 v1 june, v2 november. now on eurocrypt 2014. 679025;1400308894;assbot;HAL - INRIA :: [hal-00835446, version 2] A heuristic quasi-polynomial algorithm for discrete logarithm in finite fields of small characteristic 679026;1400308998;benkay;*shoom* 679027;1400309000;benkay;right over my head 679028;1400309004;benkay;good night moiety 679029;1400309064;moiety;night benkay :] sleep well 679030;1400309138;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19850 @ 0.00098054 = 19.4637 BTC [-] {2} 679031;1400309931;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.04189977 = 0.1257 BTC [+] 679032;1400312131;bitcoinpete;;;later tell benkay http://www.scribd.com/doc/209050732/MtGox-Situation-Crisis-Strategy-Draft 679033;1400312132;assbot;MtGox Situation: Crisis Strategy Draft 679034;1400312132;gribble;The operation succeeded. 679035;1400312142;bitcoinpete;"The reality is that MtGox can go bankrupt at any moment, and certainly deserves to as a company. However, with Bitcoin/crypto just recently gaining acceptance in the public eye, the likely damage in public perception to this class of technology could put it back 5~10 years, and cause governments to react swiftly and harshly. At the risk of appearing hyperbolic, this could be the end of Bitcoin, at least for most of the public." 679036;1400312217;bitcoinpete;there's absolutely no way on earth that gox/karpeles wrote this nonsense. selkis (or perhaps is "galt") has never demonstrated anything 679037;1400312241;bitcoinpete;http://finance.fortune.cnn.com/2014/02/26/bitcoin-blogger-mt-gox-leak/ 679038;1400312242;assbot;Bitcoin blogger explains Mt. Gox leak - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blogTerm Sheet 679039;1400312285;bitcoinpete;"[selkis'] source literally messaged with Karpeles while we were going through the document, who confirmed the numbers and said that the document was "probably authentic."" 679040;1400312296;bitcoinpete;good grief charlie brown 679041;1400312312;bitcoinpete;how much brain leaking is possible before the tank runs dry 679042;1400312350;bitcoinpete;he's called "galt" here: http://www.coindesk.com/mt-gox-loses-340-million-bitcoin-rumoured-insolvent/ 679043;1400312351;assbot;Mt. Gox Allegedly Loses $350m in Bitcoin (744,400 BTC), Rumoured to be Insolvent 679044;1400312362;bitcoinpete;anyhoo, i'm off to bed 679045;1400312432;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33967 @ 0.00097967 = 33.2765 BTC [-] {3} 679046;1400313347;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 8 @ 0.0938625 = 0.7509 BTC [+] {2} 679047;1400314018;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13050 @ 0.0009748 = 12.7211 BTC [-] 679048;1400314384;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 1000 @ 0.00086634 = 0.8663 BTC [+] {5} 679049;1400314784;BingoBoingo;http://www.coindesk.com/46k-spent-mining-hardware-happened-next/ 679050;1400314786;assbot;$46K Spent on Mining Hardware: What Happened Next? 679051;1400314872;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 5000 @ 0.00011993 = 0.5997 BTC [+] {6} 679052;1400314933;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 5000 @ 0.00012263 = 0.6132 BTC [+] {7} 679053;1400314934;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.025 = 0.125 BTC [+] 679054;1400314994;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIF] 3500 @ 0.0001846 = 0.6461 BTC [+] 679055;1400315055;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23764 @ 0.00097993 = 23.2871 BTC [+] 679056;1400315116;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIF] 1973 @ 0.00018958 = 0.374 BTC [+] {5} 679057;1400315360;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 23 @ 0.09116198 = 2.0967 BTC [-] {4} 679058;1400315421;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 7 @ 0.04043178 = 0.283 BTC [-] {2} 679059;1400315483;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 9 @ 0.09116194 = 0.8205 BTC [-] 679060;1400315543;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2000 @ 0.00011601 = 0.232 BTC [-] {3} 679061;1400315624;fluffypony;"No genius is needed to predict whether these rigs (or any other in this list for that matter) will ever give a return on investment – the bitcoin price would have to significantly increase or difficulty would have to stabilise for that to happen." 679062;1400315633;fluffypony;BingoBoingo: the problem is that he's measuring profitability in fiat terms 679063;1400315642;fluffypony;mining can be profitable from that perspectiv 679064;1400315656;fluffypony;but if he'd just bought and held 46k worth of BTC...well.... 679065;1400315665;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.09116194 = 0.1823 BTC [-] 679066;1400315667;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3700 @ 0.00097478 = 3.6067 BTC [-] {2} 679067;1400315909;assbot;[MPEX] [S.BBET] 8000 @ 0.0005 = 4 BTC [-] 679068;1400316122;fluffypony;so I received my iQi Mobile wireless charging kit for our iPhones 679069;1400316146;fluffypony;it's this little charging pad that has a ribbon cable that you plug in, and the charging pad sits on the back of the phone between the case and phone 679070;1400316212;fluffypony;cons: thicker than expected, it's definitely creating tension on my wooden case and will probably snap it. Ribbon cable is not sturdy. Qi charging puck is small, so it's a little fiddly wrt where you put the phone on the charging puck (has to be quite centered). 679071;1400316252;fluffypony;pros: well, you know, dat wireless charging. Also, we now have charging pucks scattered throughout the house and in the car (non-slip ring on the back helps it stay in place on the dashboard) so it's quite handy 679072;1400316403;kakobrekla;hipster 679073;1400316422;fluffypony;heh heh 679074;1400316746;mircea_popescu;!jd mpif 679075;1400316746;assbot;Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 165.76818526 BTC; +1.11583345 BTC (+0.6777%) since last check 2d 9h 9m 14s ago. 679076;1400316751;mircea_popescu;ha! 679077;1400316817;fluffypony;oh when did that increase 679078;1400316834;mircea_popescu;erryday 679079;1400316847;mircea_popescu;curious if mpif makes 5 btc this month. 679080;1400316884;mircea_popescu;lol danielpbarron how many of these trilema pics have you made so far ? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bn0dwhwCYAACIRI.jpg 679081;1400317001;fluffypony;time to buy moar mpif 679082;1400317182;*;fluffypony pokes jurov 679083;1400317290;BingoBoingo;fluffypony: But do you know how ALL s.mpif pc's are doing? 679084;1400317353;mircea_popescu;moreover, 5btc would be roughly 1% 679085;1400317357;fluffypony;I have a reasonably vague idea based on what's been discussed here 679086;1400317469;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/Mircea_Popescu/status/467591407180734464 679087;1400317470;assbot;Back before the "civil rights" movement, airplanes flew with the door to the pilots' space open. There are advantages to #racism 679088;1400317478;mircea_popescu;this should keep twitter happy for the weekend... 679089;1400317644;mircea_popescu;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BnysRY-IEAEdyhC.png 679090;1400317691;mircea_popescu;remarkable how little exposure to the stock market europe has. 679091;1400317922;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7066 @ 0.00097758 = 6.9076 BTC [+] {2} 679092;1400317983;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 271 @ 0.00098099 = 0.2658 BTC [+] 679093;1400318471;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 101 @ 0.09116194 = 9.2074 BTC [+] 679094;1400318561;*;jurov makes eyes at fluffy 679095;1400318588;fluffypony;jurov: plz to credit deposit 679096;1400318593;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.09116194 = 0.1823 BTC [+] 679097;1400318776;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27304 @ 0.00098356 = 26.8551 BTC [+] {2} 679098;1400318995;jurov;yes, i know... but looks it needs to be moved to mpex 679099;1400319040;fluffypony;ah ok 679100;1400319043;fluffypony;bbiab 679101;1400319081;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 17 @ 0.03098329 = 0.5267 BTC [-] {4} 679102;1400319102;jurov;credited anyway 679103;1400319752;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12750 @ 0.00097323 = 12.4087 BTC [-] {2} 679104;1400320049;jurov;;;bc,stats 679105;1400320051;gribble;Current Blocks: 301195 | Current Difficulty: 8.8534163091278E9 | Next Difficulty At Block: 302399 | Next Difficulty In: 1204 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 6 days, 17 hours, 25 minutes, and 48 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 10397606518.8 | Estimated Percent Change: 17.44174 679106;1400320070;jurov;.d 679107;1400320240;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 160 @ 0.0008362 = 0.1338 BTC [-] 679108;1400320484;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 20 @ 0.02535657 = 0.5071 BTC [+] 679109;1400321643;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 20 @ 0.02535657 = 0.5071 BTC [+] 679110;1400322863;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8479 @ 0.00098049 = 8.3136 BTC [+] 679111;1400323229;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49661 @ 0.00098512 = 48.922 BTC [+] {3} 679112;1400323290;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 23 @ 0.09116194 = 2.0967 BTC [+] 679113;1400324022;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 53 @ 0.03903773 = 2.069 BTC [-] {4} 679114;1400325181;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.03101562 = 0.1551 BTC [+] 679115;1400325242;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.03101562 = 0.1551 BTC [+] {4} 679116;1400325304;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 22 @ 0.02494943 = 0.5489 BTC [-] {4} 679117;1400325364;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 33 @ 0.02491673 = 0.8223 BTC [-] {8} 679118;1400325425;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.09116194 = 0.9116 BTC [+] {2} 679119;1400325426;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 11 @ 0.0313998 = 0.3454 BTC [+] 679120;1400325875;fluffypony;;;later tell bitcoinpete I have an old Thinkpad at home...I'm thinking of putting a Bitcoin wallet on it and telling people that my cold storage "leverages military-grade hardware" 679121;1400325875;gribble;The operation succeeded. 679122;1400325981;BingoBoingo;fluffypony: Depending on the old Thinkpad, aerospace grade hardware is a possibility 679123;1400325988;fluffypony;nice 679124;1400325999;fluffypony;"Store your Bitcoins like NASA does" 679125;1400326022;fluffypony;I wonder what keyboard the US military purchase, maybe I can buy one of those and say say that our architecture is designed on "military grade hardware" 679126;1400326406;fluffypony;at least WhatsApp have a monetisation model: first year free, $1/year thereafter 679127;1400326443;fluffypony;465 million monthly active users and 330 million daily users, and I know a lot of the South African youth have already paid their subscription fee from their prepaid airtime 679128;1400326667;fluffypony;oh well, log catchup time: http://i.imgur.com/jCpZOWn.jpg 679129;1400326829;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.09116194 = 0.2735 BTC [+] 679130;1400327377;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17421 @ 0.00098328 = 17.1297 BTC [-] 679131;1400327438;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12779 @ 0.00098243 = 12.5545 BTC [-] 679132;1400327540;mircea_popescu;fluffypony epic 679133;1400327561;fluffypony;which bit? 679134;1400327568;mircea_popescu;the breakfast. 679135;1400327574;fluffypony;oh yes 679136;1400327587;fluffypony;I think it's how I'm going to do all log catch-up sessions from now on 679137;1400327709;mircea_popescu;not a bad plan 679138;1400327871;fluffypony;Gavin Andresen dressing up as a mad scientist to accept an award on Satoshi Nakamoto's behalf is such an odd decision 679139;1400328059;mircea_popescu;odd doesn't begin to cover it. 679140;1400328064;punkman;*dressing up as a homeless lab assistant 679141;1400328073;mircea_popescu;they must be putting something in their water over there. 679142;1400328093;punkman;now this is a costume: http://vimeo.com/68526275 679143;1400328093;assbot;Webstock '13: Jason Scott - Wanted: dead or alive on Vimeo 679144;1400328111;fluffypony;I suspect that it might be quite distasteful to the individual(s) concerned 679145;1400328175;mircea_popescu;;;later tell decimation what would you have him say ? 679146;1400328176;gribble;The operation succeeded. 679147;1400328187;fluffypony;http://shubh.am/how-i-bypassed-2-factor-authentication-on-google-yahoo-linkedin-and-many-others/ 679148;1400328187;assbot;How I bypassed 2-Factor-Authentication on Google, Facebook, Yahoo, LinkedIn, and many others. 679149;1400328231;mircea_popescu;Vexual: I just read a deliciously accessible blog post by mp << i apologize humbly, humbly, deeply, and sincerely about the fork. 679150;1400328333;mircea_popescu;"Researchers at the Laboratoire Lorrain de Recherches en Informatique et ses Applications (CNRS/Universit de Lorraine/Inria) and the Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6 (CNRS/UPMC) have solved one aspect of the discrete logarithm problem." << dude gtfo, french crypto ?! 679151;1400328335;mircea_popescu;the indignity. 679152;1400328372;BingoBoingo;Yeah, looks like some of the elliptic curve stuff is going to be endangered 679153;1400328423;BingoBoingo;If anyone is using El Gamal still, yesterday would have been a great time to stop 679154;1400328433;mircea_popescu;what's the score here, i didn't like ec stuff, never gave a reason, scheneier loved it, gave a lot of mumbo jumbo reasons ? 679155;1400328481;BingoBoingo;Schneier's quite far behind 679156;1400328535;bounce;the fount of all wisdom named slashdot has it that it's not much of a problem for dsa and such... yet. quite a while off for trouble to start, in fact. 679157;1400328536;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.09116194 = 0.1823 BTC [+] 679158;1400328547;mircea_popescu;i thot he's the authority on all matters cryptonomical. 679159;1400328553;mircea_popescu;bounce sure. 679160;1400328576;mircea_popescu;fiat is in the same situation re bitcoin. 679161;1400328583;BingoBoingo;So... When does bitcoin get RSA key'd addresses? 679162;1400328596;BingoBoingo;Do we ping the conformal team? 679163;1400328612;mircea_popescu;punkman http://bex.io/ lol 679164;1400328612;assbot;Bex || Own your own Bitcoin Exchange 679165;1400328634;bounce;this result is "for fields with small characteristic", which is a while away from those with large prime characteristic, as typically used with crypto. 679166;1400328655;mircea_popescu;benkay: how does anyone who's been a cto or a senior engineer of any quality not have the ten grand to throw at a good idea themselves? << shut up you don't understand the redditard. he COULD HAVE BEEN a cto. which is just the same OKAY ? 679167;1400328658;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16200 @ 0.00098219 = 15.9115 BTC [-] {2} 679168;1400328658;mircea_popescu;fucking racist woman hater. 679169;1400328685;bounce;hater of racist womanses? 679170;1400328727;mircea_popescu;stop oppressing me 679171;1400328748;fluffypony;he's groping you 679172;1400328751;bounce;I'll drop a tree on you, for hugging 679173;1400328751;fluffypony;virtual groping over IRC 679174;1400328754;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla we need to put a TW: stuff in the chan topic. 679175;1400328861;mircea_popescu;also, next conference i'm going to have the mpex awards. working list : 679176;1400328868;mircea_popescu;most best colored santa claus 679177;1400328879;mircea_popescu;guy on tallest pogo stick 679178;1400328914;mircea_popescu;best mining rig constructed out of the largest number of distinct parts. 679179;1400328922;mircea_popescu;taking further suggestions. 679180;1400328941;BingoBoingo;Most offtopic journalist 679181;1400328949;mircea_popescu;no that's serious. 679182;1400328960;mircea_popescu;male journalist best tits award. 679183;1400328962;fluffypony;most homoerotic self-styled journalist 679184;1400328986;mircea_popescu;maybe a woman with generous DD teats dons a moustache or something 679185;1400328994;mircea_popescu;to disguise herself as a man journalist 679186;1400329021;mircea_popescu;also, should there be a "best mime" ? or do we just invite a bunch of us vcs and call it good ? 679187;1400329027;fluffypony;best use of "amazing" in a bash 679188;1400329027;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 679189;1400329048;assbot;Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0E1JAJY.txt ) 679190;1400329048;fluffypony;!b 2 679191;1400329051;fluffypony;I'm aiming to win. 679192;1400329060;fluffypony;first mover advantage and all that 679193;1400329082;mircea_popescu;lol 679194;1400329215;fluffypony;we could do "Best Blockchain.info" and give it to assbot 679195;1400329224;punkman;http://cyberneticzoo.com/mazesolvers/1952-%E2%80%93-theseus-maze-solving-mouse-%E2%80%93-claude-shannon-american/ 679196;1400329225;assbot;1952 "Theseus" Maze-Solving Mouse Claude Shannon (American) - cyberneticzoo.com 679197;1400329375;fluffypony;is there a recommended resource for learning how currency markets react to large moves? I have little knowledge in this, but I'm interested in figuring out how corrections happen when large bids or asks are placed and bought/sold into 679198;1400329428;mircea_popescu;not like there's a standard reaction. 679199;1400329489;fluffypony;that's what I thought, but I see a lot of conversations with statements of fact about it - "the whale is buying XX worth, the market's going to move up in response!" etc. etc. 679200;1400329545;fluffypony;;;8ball will the market move up in response to a large buy? 679201;1400329545;gribble;The answer is certainly yes. 679202;1400329553;fluffypony;well there you go, that's how they're doing it 679203;1400329682;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/soft-pre-announcement-of-awards-at-stealth-third-bitcoin-conference-of-any-import/ 679204;1400329684;assbot;Soft pre-announcement of awards at stealth third Bitcoin conference of any import pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 679205;1400329719;mircea_popescu;fluffypony i think you have to bear in mind that definite statements made by poor people reflect their hopes, and no facts whatsoever. 679206;1400329742;mircea_popescu;like when average holesinpants tells you they'll "definitely pay up" by "the end of the week" 679207;1400329758;mircea_popescu;little argument can there be had as to whether his intention is genuine : it is. 679208;1400329770;mircea_popescu;even less argument can be had as to whether you're seeing any payment. 679209;1400329846;fluffypony;lol 679210;1400330253;fluffypony;ah ahhahah ahaha ah aha 679211;1400330253;fluffypony;http://www.global-bitcoin-alliance.org/local-Organizations 679212;1400330253;assbot;GBA | Home Page 679213;1400330264;fluffypony;apparently there's an alternative to the Foundation 679214;1400330315;fluffypony;"Yeah, Global Bitcoin Alliance is great stuff. Elections behind closed doors into which you need to buy in by paying 1 BTC, resulting in 5 people declaring a guy 'general secretary' who bullshitted everybody by claiming a facebook group he had just clicked together was an incorporated national organisation. He is even using a fake name (which he did before and which resulted in the German Pirate Party having real legal problems after he was 679215;1400330316;fluffypony;kicked out as he had signed official papers using his fake name)" 679216;1400330369;punkman;here's another one of those, http://info.datauthority.org/wordpress/founding-members/ 679217;1400330370;assbot;Members | DATA 679218;1400330410;mircea_popescu;mpex deposits flushed 679219;1400330437;mircea_popescu;lol 679220;1400330453;mircea_popescu;i guess next year we get "make your own bitcoin foundation" websites. 679221;1400330573;fluffypony;hah hah 679222;1400330592;fluffypony;so next year's MPEX awards maybe we can have "Biggest and Most Foundationary Foundation" 679223;1400330670;punkman;fluffypony: you could win "third best log line contributor" 679224;1400330684;punkman;(since first and second place will be taken) 679225;1400330695;fluffypony;awesome 679226;1400330700;punkman;http://stats.bitcoin-assets.com/ 679227;1400330700;assbot;#bitcoin-assets stats 679228;1400330701;fluffypony;I vote for that award, then 679229;1400330706;punkman;oh hey you are 3rd 679230;1400330709;punkman;in last 30 days 679231;1400330711;mircea_popescu;lol 679232;1400330725;mircea_popescu;we gotta make an award for ryan asskiss. 679233;1400330751;mircea_popescu;"Least anything nobody award" ? 679234;1400330798;fluffypony;jurov: feature request - please can the order total when creating a new order include fees so I don't have to guess / calculate them myself 679235;1400330844;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: he can get "Best Use of a Permanent Marker" 679236;1400330854;assbot;[MPEX] [FN] [F.MPIF] 18300 @ 0.00021725 = 3.9757 BTC [+] 679237;1400330855;fluffypony;finally 679238;1400331102;BingoBoingo;What about most ridiculous hardware running a full node. I imagine someone submitting an orphanage could win that. 679239;1400331136;punkman;kids being the hardware? 679240;1400331151;BingoBoingo;punkman: Kids being part of the hardware. 679241;1400331165;BingoBoingo;verifying transactions by hand, etc 679242;1400331187;fluffypony;with abucuses 679243;1400331189;fluffypony;gah 679244;1400331190;punkman;can it be done on a difference engine, I wonder 679245;1400331212;fluffypony;abaci apparently 679246;1400331221;fluffypony;or abacuses 679247;1400331401;fluffypony;this is how I imagine Vexual's youth: http://i.imgur.com/ps3QBw7.jpg 679248;1400331480;BingoBoingo;http://www.fema.gov/media-library-data/d0a613bfe5950657a159700a4765b727/FEMA_FS_spaceweather_508.pdf 679249;1400331535;BingoBoingo;Solar flares apparently affect toilets? 679250;1400331699;mircea_popescu;abuttuses ? 679251;1400331707;mircea_popescu;like, the Brock Pierce memorial orphanage ? 679252;1400331742;BingoBoingo;!b2 679253;1400331749;assbot;Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0X2DYT6.txt ) 679254;1400331749;BingoBoingo;!b 3 679255;1400332179;fluffypony;you know what's fascinating is how this sub-culture has developed around altcoins 679256;1400332186;fluffypony;for eg. 679257;1400332199;fluffypony;http://i.imgur.com/nBPCdkV.png 679258;1400332220;fluffypony;selling services to coin "creators" 679259;1400332261;mircea_popescu;not really amazing, is it ? 679260;1400332261;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 679261;1400332274;mircea_popescu;people trying to cope by bringing their "skills" into the new world. 679262;1400332287;mircea_popescu;the vc circus is trying to turn bitcoin into "bitcoin", for their peace of mind 679263;1400332291;fluffypony;yeah 679264;1400332304;fluffypony;there's a really low barrier to entry with this 679265;1400332311;mircea_popescu;now they're part of "it". course the "it" they're part of is just the same thing they were part of before : a bunch of famished geeks dressing up for old lemons' pleasure 679266;1400332313;mircea_popescu;a la gavin 679267;1400332324;fluffypony;true 679268;1400332328;mircea_popescu;but that notwithstanding, inasmuch as they can't tell the difference between "it" and it they're quite happy 679269;1400332346;mircea_popescu;and they're quite happy to hate anyone who will show that difference, or they merely perceive as capable to 679270;1400332354;mircea_popescu;"a psychopath", in their terms. 679271;1400332367;fluffypony;mircea_popescu I have this suspicion that they'll keep pushing, driving "adoption" and "community" and "bitcoin 2.0" 679272;1400332369;mircea_popescu;so if people with millions and actual lawyers do this... why shouldn't some famished internet expert / seo master / etc 679273;1400332375;fluffypony;and by the time they realise where the power lies it'll be too late 679274;1400332380;mircea_popescu;well sure they will. this is unsurprising. so what of it. 679275;1400332399;punkman;"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." 679276;1400332406;punkman;I like that 679277;1400332410;fluffypony;punkman: apt 679278;1400332414;mircea_popescu;indeed. 679279;1400332423;mircea_popescu;miller ? 679280;1400332428;punkman;yeah 679281;1400332490;mircea_popescu;(in case the lemon reference isn't directly obvious : old gay men. http://www.buddyhead.com/music/bestof2005/images/gay.jpg ) 679282;1400332677;mircea_popescu;Waxman and Geschwind were the first to describe hypergraphia. The patients they observed displayed extensively compulsive detailed writing, sometimes with literary creativity. The patients kept diaries, which some used to meticulously document minute details of their everyday activities, write poetry, or create lists. Case 1 of their study wrote lists of her relatives, her likes and dislikes, and the furniture in her a 679283;1400332677;mircea_popescu;partment. 679284;1400332686;mircea_popescu;why does this sound like "web content" ? 679285;1400332711;punkman;rather blogging 679286;1400332721;fluffypony;lol 679287;1400332762;fluffypony;so I had this discussion with someone the other day, they said the main reason they don't like Bitcoin is because there's no demurrage 679288;1400332766;punkman;although the new crop of "bloggers" seem barely able to write anything (see Tumblr) 679289;1400332772;fluffypony;(because that worked out so well for Frei Coin) 679290;1400332785;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-05-2014#677548 679291;1400332785;assbot;#bitcoin-assets log 679292;1400332794;mircea_popescu;fluffypony who asked them tho ? 679293;1400332806;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36079 @ 0.00098147 = 35.4105 BTC [-] {2} 679294;1400332806;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 33 @ 0.03901818 = 1.2876 BTC [+] {2} 679295;1400332813;mircea_popescu;there's this incomprehensible (to me) tendency to approach non-bitcoin people as if they were somehow... i dunno, almost human. 679296;1400332819;mircea_popescu;like, capable of thought and whatnot 679297;1400332821;fluffypony;heh 679298;1400332826;mircea_popescu;in what sort of sf universe does this hold true ? how would it ? 679299;1400332828;fluffypony;well I argued for class distinction 679300;1400332838;fluffypony;and I said that class distinction has and will always be around 679301;1400332873;fluffypony;Bitcoin just shifts it from "I was born into a wealthy/connected family" to "I understood Bitcoin before most others" 679302;1400332888;mircea_popescu;i guess that's a reasonable description 679303;1400332926;mircea_popescu;but i mean the part where he "doesn't like it". 679304;1400332929;mircea_popescu;does he like the sun ? 679305;1400332944;fluffypony;oh it was in the context of "which altcoin is best" 679306;1400332965;mircea_popescu;o ok 679307;1400332978;fluffypony;ironically he actually holds a little stack of Bitcoin, so I ended the conversation by calling him out on that :-P 679308;1400332981;mircea_popescu;"i don't want to know about umbrellas because i don't like rain. also, baths are better" 679309;1400332989;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.02535657 = 0.1268 BTC [+] 679310;1400332990;fluffypony;lol 679311;1400333010;mircea_popescu;i swear it's how the translator in my head goes, which is why i almost never discuss bitcoin with noobs. 679312;1400333014;mircea_popescu;can't stand it. 679313;1400333027;fluffypony;ja s'quite painful 679314;1400333112;mircea_popescu;"Dr. Alice Weaver Flaherty is a neurologist known for her award-winning book about the neural basis of creativity titled the Midnight Disease." 679315;1400333117;mircea_popescu;i've known people like that. 679316;1400333132;mircea_popescu;but imo that's just part of creativity. 679317;1400333172;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2000 @ 0.00012001 = 0.24 BTC [+] 679318;1400333278;mircea_popescu;http://archive.lewrockwell.com/paul/paul188.html 679319;1400333279;assbot;The Trouble With the '64 Civil Rights Act by Rep. Ron Paul 679320;1400333782;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 410 @ 0.00098209 = 0.4027 BTC [+] 679321;1400333886;punkman;http://art.penny-arcade.com/photos/i-nK7K6vc/0/1050x10000/i-nK7K6vc-1050x10000.jpg 679322;1400333946;mircea_popescu;uh 679323;1400333972;mircea_popescu;im the only one that says "you don't know shit from ass" and actually means it, then ? 679324;1400334209;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.09116194 = 0.1823 BTC [+] 679325;1400334514;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1000 @ 0.00098209 = 0.9821 BTC [+] 679326;1400334617;fluffypony;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=612592.0 679327;1400334617;assbot;Hug excitation belongs to the world! Football!Bet!11bet.org IPO 679328;1400334622;fluffypony;I can't 679329;1400334681;danielpbarron;<+mircea_popescu> lol danielpbarron how many of these trilema pics have you made so far ? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bn0dwhwCYAACIRI.jpg << these don't take very long to make; i'm just doing a screen-capture of my iPhone while reading the article in Instapaper(which formats the text like that) 679330;1400334716;mircea_popescu;ah 679331;1400334729;danielpbarron;and to answer the question: I'm not sure.. maybe a dozen? 679332;1400334745;mircea_popescu;i thought you were actually setting up fonts and whatnot 679333;1400334761;mircea_popescu;fluffypony win. punkman ^ 679334;1400334897;punkman;I wonder what hug excitation was before the translation 679335;1400334905;punkman;maybe we should ask that Byrne dude 679336;1400334966;fluffypony;probably huge excitement 679337;1400334976;fluffypony;but hug excitation is definitely my new thing 679338;1400335039;punkman;embrace the excitement, something like that 679339;1400335054;*;fluffypony hugs the excitation 679340;1400335137;mircea_popescu;maybe it meant pregnant kangaroo 679341;1400335143;mircea_popescu;i mean, why not at this point 679342;1400335612;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.02535657 = 0.1268 BTC [+] 679343;1400335654;punkman;awesome: https://archive.org/details/consolelivingroom 679344;1400335655;assbot;The Console Living Room : Free Software : Download & Streaming : Internet Archive 679345;1400335747;fluffypony;oh man, Sega Genesis 679346;1400335763;*;fluffypony can still hear the "Sega" jingle 679347;1400337076;assbot;[MPEX] [S.BBET] 5950 @ 0.00050021 = 2.9762 BTC [+] {2} 679348;1400337747;assbot;[MPEX] [S.BBET] 5000 @ 0.0005 = 2.5 BTC [-] 679349;1400338023;asciilifeform;re: ElGamal << lol, and let no one say that no one warned. 679350;1400338174;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25249 @ 0.00098219 = 24.7993 BTC [+] {2} 679351;1400338723;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 15 @ 0.09116194 = 1.3674 BTC [+] 679352;1400338906;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.09100006 = 0.455 BTC [-] 679353;1400339063;mircea_popescu;fluffypony that chick never said anything huh 679354;1400339072;fluffypony;nope, no reply 679355;1400339083;fluffypony;I guess she gets tons of pm's on Reddit and disregards them 679356;1400339158;mircea_popescu;the bane of not having a means of contact. 679357;1400339211;fluffypony;yeah 679358;1400339214;fluffypony;well I understand it 679359;1400339221;mircea_popescu;me too. 679360;1400339316;mircea_popescu;the bane of not having a wot-based filtering mechanism : you can't have means of contact 679361;1400339395;asciilifeform;funny thing - i was expecting to see more discussion of the elgamal thing here. 679362;1400339445;mircea_popescu;i wonder what the aggreegated loss to the world's gdp due to people using anything other than wot based systems to communicate comes to. 679363;1400339478;mircea_popescu;like, social media, naive email, what have you. it wouldn't surprise me if it turns out real gdp is in the low single digit %s of what it should be. 679364;1400339485;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what's the aggregate loss from the use of microshit? who can count the fallen sparrows ? 679365;1400339492;mircea_popescu;ikr? 679366;1400339506;mircea_popescu;the sparrows that are not, they're legions. 679367;1400339557;mircea_popescu;meanwhile over at reality ranch, "11bet.org as the football quizzes website of the item, it is the key development direction to expand Website traffic, it will support many kind of virtual currencies to bet." 679368;1400339577;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2000 @ 0.00011904 = 0.2381 BTC [-] {6} 679369;1400339604;fluffypony;HUG 679370;1400339606;fluffypony;THE EXCITATION 679371;1400339619;*;asciilifeform considers donating to campaign to teach spammers 'the queen's english' 679372;1400339633;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this isn't spam, this is an ipo. 679373;1400339655;mircea_popescu;quite decentralised. i bet the overstuck guy, w/e his name is, has no fucking idea what exactly "issuing shares on top of blockchain" really means. 679374;1400339909;pankkake;"Peter Todd notes to Etherium fans to be careful because Bitcoin can always just copy whatever they do" I don't know who this is, but it's pretty much my point about alcoins: they're experiments, and most of what they do could be pushed into Bitcoin if it was actually useful 679375;1400339929;fluffypony;I like Peter Todd 679376;1400339933;fluffypony;he's good to interact with 679377;1400339936;fluffypony;on technical matters 679378;1400339956;mircea_popescu;pankkake that'd be exactly why we like altcoins, eh ? 679379;1400339969;mircea_popescu;free research, free damage absorbtion, let them be. 679380;1400339993;pankkake;except they're bought 679381;1400340000;pankkake;they should be much closer to testnet 679382;1400340007;mircea_popescu;no 679383;1400340022;mircea_popescu;because human beings being the shits they are, unless you get their balls in a vice they just won't perform. 679384;1400340024;mircea_popescu;let them buy. 679385;1400340041;mircea_popescu;testnet is "boring". shitcoin is EXCITEING HUG 679386;1400340046;fluffypony;yeah 679387;1400340060;fluffypony;pankkake: don't forget that some of the experimentation requires real-world use cases 679388;1400340065;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31400 @ 0.00097995 = 30.7704 BTC [-] {2} 679389;1400340066;fluffypony;eg. scams :-P 679390;1400340091;pankkake;doesn't change my point. altcoins are for fools, and a minority of actual experimenters 679391;1400340100;mircea_popescu;everything is for fools. 679392;1400340112;mircea_popescu;because people are fools. 679393;1400340123;fluffypony;I imagine pankkake as Mr. T being all like "I pity tha fool that uses altcoins" 679394;1400340126;fluffypony;hurrrr 679395;1400340309;pankkake;"The price spiked to roughly $3 within days, and fell just as quickly. As of this writing, the average price for a single maxcoin is just below US$0.05." … https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=518131.0 679396;1400340309;assbot;Herp Rating Agency 679397;1400340625;BingoBoingo;https://twitter.com/ljharb/status/467564648586166272 679398;1400340626;assbot;the hardest problem in computer science is figuring out why anyone has paid the least bit of attention to hacker news in half a decade 679399;1400340664;BingoBoingo;^ The bsd folks think like the b-a folks 679400;1400340701;pankkake;most of actual produced code does not care about hacker-news-worthy stuff 679401;1400340858;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.09116 = 0.3646 BTC [+] 679402;1400341591;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 15 @ 0.09100004 = 1.365 BTC [-] {5} 679403;1400341896;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6462 @ 0.00097903 = 6.3265 BTC [-] 679404;1400342032;*;moiety has been to see The Flat today 679405;1400342079;assbot;[MPEX] [FN] [F.MPIF] 10000 @ 0.00021725 = 2.1725 BTC [+] 679406;1400342123;fluffypony;ah 679407;1400342126;fluffypony;the Sex Weeks flat 679408;1400342206;moiety;yep and I loved it! /really/ would like it, it was so nice :D even has motion sensing lights in the stairwell so i dont break myself in the dark 679409;1400342214;fluffypony;nice 679410;1400342217;fluffypony;so moderrrn 679411;1400342249;moiety;i just need to sort out references and apply :D 679412;1400342303;moiety;havent ever had a kitchen that big before either 679413;1400342445;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 2.45611848 BTC to 8`648 shares, 28401 satoshi per share 679414;1400342506;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [KCIM] [PAID] 2.17250000 BTC to 86`900 shares, 2500 satoshi per share 679415;1400342628;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.031 = 0.124 BTC [+] 679416;1400342700;Apocalyptic;%t 679417;1400342702;atcbot;[X-BT] Bid: 157 Ask: 200 Last Price: 195 24h-Vol: 172k High: 200 Low: 195 VWAP: 196 679418;1400342731;BingoBoingo;%book 679419;1400342733;atcbot;7k@237 13k@230 0k@200 | 100k@157 90k@156 10k@155 679420;1400342895;artifexd;That's a pretty big spread 679421;1400343299;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6100 @ 0.00097903 = 5.9721 BTC [-] 679422;1400343433;Apocalyptic;indeed 679423;1400343630;fluffypony;http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/25sf4f/100000_bounty_for_software_platform_that_can/ 679424;1400343634;assbot;$100,000 bounty for software platform that can replace the Bitcoin Foundation : Bitcoin 679425;1400343686;fluffypony;"I am thinking of a system where prominent people can voice their opinion, where people can propose projects, and where the core devs can actively show their roadmap with detailed features + costs, and where we can vote on the features being implemented by sending bitcoins towards the feature of our choice." 679426;1400343732;fluffypony;I actually really hope this happens, it will make the foundation obselete 679427;1400343736;fluffypony;foundation(s) 679428;1400343751;jurov;i undertood that as "replace karpeles and pierce with bots" 679429;1400343893;fluffypony;wow and he put 250 BTC in an address and signed a message to verify that it's a legitimate offer 679430;1400343998;jurov;i'm sure for 250btc a bots can be built, for sipping frappucino and pleasing children 679431;1400344012;fluffypony;lol 679432;1400344065;jurov;plus throw in some markov chain generated VC-speak... 679433;1400344100;fluffypony;nah jurov, credit where credit is due, I don't think that's what he's aiming for 679434;1400344192;jurov;yea :) the wording sound weird to me anyway.. why having some standards body requires *software* platform? 679435;1400344225;jurov;lobbying platform even less so 679436;1400344360;fluffypony;I don't think it's that 679437;1400344372;fluffypony;I think he's trying to provide a software platform that will make the foundation obselete 679438;1400344396;jurov;how's that different from "replace them with bots"? 679439;1400344402;fluffypony;hah hah 679440;1400344419;jurov;can you pls explain? what software? 679441;1400344434;fluffypony;the foundation will be replaced by... 679442;1400344437;fluffypony;...assbot! 679443;1400344478;jurov;ooooOOOOOOooooyessss! 679444;1400344602;assbot;Last 10 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/338VHBY.txt ) 679445;1400344602;jurov;!b 10 679446;1400345143;fluffypony;https://twitter.com/d_seaman/status/467512428230492161 679447;1400345144;assbot;Nautiluscoin is either the greatest troll, or a significant advancement in crypto. Im going w/ significant. 679448;1400345201;fluffypony;and on the topic 679449;1400345202;fluffypony;https://twitter.com/d_seaman/status/467685394406834176 679450;1400345203;assbot;/d_seaman can you do a video explaining the differences betweetn Naut and Vert coin? kinda hard to understand from the pod 679451;1400345218;fluffypony;to which he replies: " unlike Vert and every other coin, however, it has a stabilization fund to keep wild swings at bay- more attractive to merchants" 679452;1400345226;fluffypony;so there you have it 679453;1400345238;cgcardona;top of tha morning everyone o/ 679454;1400345238;fluffypony;Bitcoin will fail because it has no stabilisation fund 679455;1400345243;HeySteve;it is quite easy to apply a tweaked reputation system to foundation app 679456;1400345251;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 9 @ 0.09116194 = 0.8205 BTC [+] 679457;1400345266;HeySteve;positive rating implies you trust someone to represent you 679458;1400345270;fluffypony;just thought I'd let everyone know so you can sell off your holdings and buy Professional Coin Nautiluscoin instead 679459;1400345291;HeySteve;count the number of ratings monthly or whatever 679460;1400345292;jurov;BTCS&T was the stabilisation fund of its time 679461;1400345305;fluffypony;hah hah 679462;1400345373;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.03139 = 0.157 BTC [+] {2} 679463;1400345381;jurov;bash updated...with some remorse that i should shorten the quips (except for vexual one ofc) 679464;1400345757;fluffypony;disappointing...https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=583262.msg6782225#msg6782225 679465;1400345763;fluffypony;"Still need to raise a fair amount of funds. Going to list on Colored coins as well." 679466;1400345879;fluffypony;which brings the total number of available fundraising methods for them to 3...BitcoinBourse (two listings!), CounterParty, and Colored Coins 679467;1400345886;fluffypony;next level 3PO 679468;1400346098;benkay; oh well, log catchup time: http://i.imgur.com/jCpZOWn.jpg // wao jelly 679469;1400346131;fluffypony;benkay: see this is why I'm suggesting South Africa as a venue for the next conference 679470;1400346159;fluffypony;that's a whopping $13.52 worth of oysters 679471;1400346179;benkay;i think that decision's already been made. 679472;1400346290;benkay;TEATS 679473;1400346365;benkay;okay i contest that bash dynamics are broken 679474;1400346396;benkay;popular bashes accrue all the boats while new ones are temporarily visible and then languish in obscurity 679475;1400346420;benkay;where's lampelina? 679476;1400346422;benkay;oh man 679477;1400346430;benkay;is lampelina a pun on LAMP? 679478;1400346509;fluffypony;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gId6nrMDmUU 679479;1400346509;assbot;i love lamp - YouTube 679480;1400346628;benkay;does COGS apply to services rendered? 679481;1400346725;benkay;call it cost of revenue? http://blog.projectionhub.com/what-is-cost-of-goods-sold-for-a-service-business/ 679482;1400346725;assbot;What is Cost of Goods Sold for a Service Business? 679483;1400346852;lampelina;hi benkay 679484;1400346860;benkay;heyo 679485;1400346902;benkay;do you hack on bash.b-a.com ? 679486;1400346922;lampelina;no 679487;1400346974;benkay;dunno if i believe you... ;) 679488;1400347029;lampelina;I'm way too stupid to hack anything, kakobrekla will confirm 679489;1400347473;benkay;!up Shakespeare 679490;1400347494;benkay;dude just register a temp btc addy with gribble while you're on the road 679491;1400347496;Shakespeare;Thanks! 679492;1400347506;benkay;;;gettrust assbot ThickAsThieves 679493;1400347507;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user ThickAsThieves: Level 1: 1, Level 2: 13 via 13 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=ThickAsThieves | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=ThickAsThieves | Rated since: Sat Mar 2 11:19:18 2013 679494;1400347523;Shakespeare;well I not chatting for long all I have is my tablet 679495;1400347535;benkay;ah 679496;1400347543;benkay;well hi how ams con-ference? 679497;1400347545;Shakespeare;final live blog update is posted http://devilsadvocate.biz/the-bitcoin2014-living-blog-day-2/ 679498;1400347546;assbot;The #Bitcoin2014 Living Blog – Day 2 679499;1400347546;jurov;y u no get a bouncer? 679500;1400347591;Shakespeare;just popping in its OK if youbdont believe I'm me 679501;1400347610;jurov;heh it's okay 679502;1400347617;Shakespeare;chatting such via tablet 679503;1400347626;Shakespeare;sucks 679504;1400347660;Shakespeare;I included a bunch of notes from the BtcFoundation annual meeting 679505;1400347712;jurov;they want to replace themselves with bots, too, don't they? :D 679506;1400347781;Shakespeare;doesn't everyone? 679507;1400347800;jurov;...TIL 679508;1400347815;Shakespeare;artificial all the intelligence! 679509;1400347913;benkay;is a wallet that maintains a dollar value via autotrading even feasible? 679510;1400347942;benkay;if you can arbitrarily not lose money in a bear market isn't that topologically identical to arbitrarily making money? 679511;1400347999;thestringpuller;you would need such a large inventory for your clients 679512;1400348199;Shakespeare;well they didn't win the startup challenge Taiwan 679513;1400348212;Shakespeare;fwiw * 679514;1400348229;Shakespeare;taiwan lol 679515;1400349155;assbot;[MPEX] [S.BBET] 5000 @ 0.0005 = 2.5 BTC [-] 679516;1400349292;Apocalyptic;!up Shakespeare 679517;1400349460;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.0259987 = 0.26 BTC [+] 679518;1400349643;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18050 @ 0.00097893 = 17.6697 BTC [-] {2} 679519;1400350131;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39850 @ 0.00097814 = 38.9789 BTC [-] 679520;1400350619;assbot;[MPEX] [S.BBET] 5500 @ 0.0005 = 2.75 BTC [-] {2} 679521;1400351188;thestringpuller;!up Shakespeare 679522;1400351193;thestringpuller;;;ident 679523;1400351193;gribble;Nick 'thestringpuller', with hostmask 'thestringpuller!~leflor@99-39-97-12.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net', is identified as user 'thestringpuller', with GPG key id 0FF2943DA179E169, key fingerprint 6ACE36E786F39A4ADC4506DE0FF2943DA179E169, and bitcoin address None 679524;1400351198;fluffypony;!up Shakespeare 679525;1400351202;thestringpuller;interesting 679526;1400351202;fluffypony;nope 679527;1400351203;thestringpuller;lol 679528;1400351209;fluffypony;assbot is brokened 679529;1400351225;pankkake;you need to re !up yourself too 679530;1400351228;fluffypony;ah 679531;1400351230;thestringpuller;!up Shakespeare 679532;1400352327;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 155 @ 0.0008364 = 0.1296 BTC [+] 679533;1400352388;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 19 @ 0.43637707 = 8.2912 BTC [-] {9} 679534;1400352449;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 89 @ 0.03090508 = 2.7506 BTC [-] {4} 679535;1400352510;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 25 @ 0.09116193 = 2.279 BTC [-] {2} 679536;1400352937;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.0929999 = 0.93 BTC [+] 679537;1400352998;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.0929999 = 0.279 BTC [+] 679538;1400353120;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.03075 = 0.3075 BTC [-] 679539;1400353181;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 49 @ 0.03046839 = 1.493 BTC [-] {4} 679540;1400353182;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 7 @ 0.0929999 = 0.651 BTC [+] 679541;1400353364;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41750 @ 0.00097642 = 40.7655 BTC [-] {5} 679542;1400353383;kakobrekla; kakobrekla we need to put a TW: stuff in the chan topic. < what? 679543;1400353403;kakobrekla;engrish pls 679544;1400353556;fluffypony;;;ud tw 679545;1400353556;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=TW | tw. abbreviation for trigger warning warns the audience that the following media may be triggering for mental disorders such as eating disorders, self harm/injury,  ... 679546;1400353592;mod6;haha 679547;1400353924;mod6;%book 679548;1400353925;atcbot;60k@242 60k@240 100k@200 | 100k@157 90k@156 10k@155 679549;1400353978;kakobrekla;ah. 679550;1400354902;thestringpuller;mod6: 679551;1400354904;thestringpuller;we need to talk 679552;1400354907;thestringpuller;i'm breaking up with you 679553;1400355072;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15197 @ 0.00097462 = 14.8113 BTC [-] 679554;1400355091;jurov;!up princessnell 679555;1400355145;fluffypony;jurov: you have to re-up yourself 679556;1400355169;jurov;;;gpg everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:a6761148f7a5da17c392e52040db16522e4fc17a70911f9d5e731bd5 679557;1400355170;gribble;You are now authenticated for user jurov with key 677ABD62D0AEE7D7 679558;1400355178;princessnell;thx jurov 679559;1400355183;princessnell;what's good party ppl? 679560;1400355199;*;fluffypony does the *whoop whoop* thing 679561;1400355374;jurov;foreveralone.jpg 679562;1400355424;jurov;!up daybyter 679563;1400355445;benkay;chan is fixated on derpy conference 679564;1400355450;benkay;bummin me out 679565;1400355452;daybyter;Not much... 679566;1400355456;benkay;u got good distractions princessnell ? 679567;1400355467;daybyter;Hows things here? 679568;1400355478;jurov;rainy 679569;1400355490;jurov;and floody 679570;1400355527;daybyter;Bosnia or Serbia? 679571;1400355542;princessnell;benkay well i'm home for the weekend with my family so that's nice 679572;1400355545;jurov;practically whole central/eastern eu 679573;1400355560;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.0407499 = 0.1222 BTC [-] 679574;1400355562;kakobrekla;fuck you im on a hill(y). 679575;1400355563;princessnell;any time away from the demonpit is paradise 679576;1400355581;daybyter;weather was nice here today in Germany...sunny 679577;1400355584;princessnell;so what is the read on the conference 679578;1400355611;princessnell;other than it being a festering spectacle of the white cisheteropatriarchy 679579;1400355657;benkay;well his royal bitlord didn't put it on, so his echo chamber's ripping it apart. 679580;1400355762;benkay;today's hilarity: girl is fighting with her parents about her sister's wedding. 679581;1400355801;thestringpuller;princessnell: you in college? 679582;1400355811;thestringpuller;Ignore benkay he's just mad that he can't rap 679583;1400355844;benkay;i'm one of those guys who screws rappers, thestringpuller . typically called 'jooz' in the industry. 679584;1400355856;princessnell;thestringpuller i'm an econ grad student 679585;1400355865;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12942 @ 0.00097418 = 12.6078 BTC [-] 679586;1400355872;thestringpuller;ah. well you're right at home. haha 679587;1400355876;jurov;benkay you screw rappers??? 679588;1400355879;thestringpuller;i learned everything i know about econ here 679589;1400355900;benkay;in the colloquial. 679590;1400355906;benkay;or is it the cloaca... 679591;1400355908;thestringpuller;benkay: do you have a brooklyn-like accent? 679592;1400355929;princessnell;benkay more drama deetz nao 679593;1400355942;benkay;thestringpuller: nah, but if you mangle a few words i'll bark along ;) 679594;1400355987;benkay;these wimminz and they drama. 679595;1400355995;princessnell;feed me 679596;1400355995;thestringpuller;TELL ME ABOUT IT 679597;1400356019;thestringpuller;nothing like dealing with the bullshit of a woman that gets you prepared for running the world 679598;1400356100;benkay;parents are laying down rules about who gets invited 679599;1400356106;benkay;girls are getting whiny 679600;1400356115;benkay;power dynamics are entirely predictable 679601;1400356231;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17311 @ 0.00097418 = 16.864 BTC [-] 679602;1400356570;princessnell;how gauche 679603;1400356584;princessnell;i am more concerned about the alarming gender gap in blockchain award winners 679604;1400356617;jurov;and such heteronormativity!!! 679605;1400356623;princessnell;https://twitter.com/kashhill/status/467421457971044352 679606;1400356625;assbot;New submission for 100% men Tumblr. MT /conniegallippi: Bitcoin Blockchain Awards 100% male. http://t.co/AoVj3WbHSo http://t.co/fP8cd7FJrC 679607;1400356625;benkay;priority #1 for the assettes. 679608;1400356701;benkay;http://www.forbes.com/sites/kashmirhill/2014/05/16/the-secret-to-bitcoins-success-might-be-not-telling-people-theyre-using-bitcoin/ 679609;1400356701;assbot;The Secret To Bitcoin's Success Might Be Not Telling People They're Using Bitcoin - Forbes 679610;1400356710;*;benkay ragequits 679611;1400356902;assbot;[MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 172 @ 0.0019005 = 0.3269 BTC [-] 679612;1400357018;princessnell;#branding for a braver, safer, less-bitcoiny bitcoin y'all 679613;1400357079;thestringpuller;princessnell: are you bored? 679614;1400357085;thestringpuller;sounds like you are bored 679615;1400357086;jurov;don't forget children-friendly 679616;1400357092;fluffypony;yes 679617;1400357102;fluffypony;in fact, maybe a rebranding is in order 679618;1400357105;princessnell;thestringpuller i am deathly bored 679619;1400357113;fluffypony;we could just call it AwesomeKreditz 679620;1400357124;thestringpuller;princessnell: then play vidya games? 679621;1400357136;jurov;BlowStamps is fine by me 679622;1400357145;princessnell;thestringpuller i prefer samizdat 679623;1400357154;Apocalyptic;read a good book 679624;1400357167;jurov;princessnell: write backup shell scripts? 679625;1400357214;fluffypony;and then write restore shell scripts 679626;1400357226;princessnell;Apocalyptic i'm halfway through *A Troublesome Inheritance* (good, but still cowardly) and *Bonfire of the Vanities* (excellent) 679627;1400357260;thestringpuller;Read comic books 679628;1400357265;thestringpuller;Batman: Year One 679629;1400357288;princessnell;jurov better with words than with scripts, i am ashamed to say 679630;1400357307;Apocalyptic;you geeks with video games and scripts 679631;1400357331;jurov;that's not a shame 679632;1400357337;pankkake;%lb 679633;1400357339;atcbot;[ATC Last Block] Height: 31392 Time: 2014-05-17T18:20:03Z Vout Sum: 512 Number TXs: 1 Difficulty: 455357.12903751 Hash: 0000000000001b6210f1fde9180342f44562cb9e6e8e7ace3dc28915f97465d0 Fee: 0.00000000 Size: 518 Days Destroyed: 0 Confirmations: 1 679634;1400357342;pankkake;%diff 679635;1400357342;atcbot;[ATC Diff] Current Diff: 455357.13 Est. Next Diff: 153702.61 in 864 blocks (#32256) Est. % Change: -66.25 679636;1400357345;jurov;Apocalyptic perhaps dork is the right word? 679637;1400357348;princessnell;jurov you are too kind 679638;1400357411;jurov;i like words better than scripts.. words work on first try more often 679639;1400357437;jurov;but not for dem backups :( 679640;1400357484;fluffypony;princessnell: write a blog post about the alarming gender gap amongst Bitcoin's creator(s) 679641;1400357519;princessnell;fluffypony i more or less did this already: http://theumlaut.com/2013/06/18/the-goddess-of-the-gender-gaps/ 679642;1400357519;assbot;The Goddess of the Gender Gaps | The mlaut 679643;1400357530;fluffypony;*clicks* 679644;1400357687;jurov;males have "tendency to invest thousands of hours into fringe hobbies" 679645;1400357731;jurov;then...let's make coding non-fringe activity! 679646;1400357741;benkay;lol how long have you been a cryptochick, princessnell ? 679647;1400357763;thestringpuller;lololol 679648;1400357824;princessnell;benkay been lurking since mid 2010 maybe? 679649;1400357847;princessnell;and ya hardy har har this was an earlier article so mind the cheese 679650;1400357870;thestringpuller;how hard have you been lurking? 679651;1400357878;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15547 @ 0.00097914 = 15.2227 BTC [+] {2} 679652;1400357885;thestringpuller;like in irc lurking or just observing from afar like white people did DC back in the 80's? 679653;1400357963;jurov;Nowadays young men can skip the wearying detour of getting education and career prospects to qualify for sex.... The male who beds multiple women is enjoying life quite a bit, and so he may not notice or mind the fact that his educational and occupational advancement is vaguely hampered by all the laws and policies that push women ahead of him. 679654;1400357972;jurov;i'm a fag and wat is this 679655;1400358042;jurov;so, by this theory, mircea_popescu should not mind all this feminish buzz cuz he's enjoying bitches anyway :D 679656;1400358053;kakobrekla;good thing my mattress is modular, i can easily expand to bed more women 679657;1400358061;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21988 @ 0.00097729 = 21.4887 BTC [-] 679658;1400358075;princessnell;thestringpuller more like bitcointalk, but some secondhand irc 679659;1400358094;jurov;sauce, linked from the mother of gender gaps: http://download.springer.com/static/pdf/840/art%253A10.1007%252Fs12115-012-9596-y.pdf?auth66=1400530453_aea190f1f4e9f428f4cb21f1a7c5c38c&ext=.pdf 679660;1400358101;thestringpuller;!ticker m s.mpoe 679661;1400358102;assbot;[MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00097319 / 0.00098284 / 0.0009934 (931146 shares, 915.17 BTC), 7D: 0.00087479 / 0.00097704 / 0.00101 (5811492 shares, 5,678.12 BTC), 30D: 0.00083786 / 0.00094664 / 0.00101 (24472135 shares, 23,166.43 BTC) 679662;1400358114;jurov;!ticker m s.mpif 679663;1400358114;assbot;Shit. You ain't even old enough to smoke. 679664;1400358114;kakobrekla;i was reading that too 679665;1400358124;thestringpuller;!ticker m f.mpif 679666;1400358124;assbot;[MPEX:F.MPIF] 1D: 0.00021551 / 0.00021724 / 0.00021725 (28450 shares, 6.18 BTC), 7D: 0.00021551 / 0.00021724 / 0.00021725 (29561 shares, 6.42 BTC), 30D: 0.000215 / 0.00021515 / 0.00021725 (1082911 shares, 232.99 BTC) 679667;1400358124;jurov;!ticker m f.mpif 679668;1400358125;assbot;[MPEX:F.MPIF] 1D: 0.00021551 / 0.00021724 / 0.00021725 (28450 shares, 6.18 BTC), 7D: 0.00021551 / 0.00021724 / 0.00021725 (29561 shares, 6.42 BTC), 30D: 0.000215 / 0.00021515 / 0.00021725 (1082911 shares, 232.99 BTC) 679669;1400358170;princessnell;jurov huge baumeister fangirl. is there anything good about men? is in my top ten. 679670;1400358239;princessnell;my magnus opus: http://theumlaut.com/2013/07/02/the-economics-of-slut-shaming/ 679671;1400358239;assbot;The Economics of ‘Slut-Shaming’ | The mlaut 679672;1400358249;jurov;some men are unbelievably cuddly and accepting 679673;1400358259;princessnell;(straussian) 679674;1400358261;jurov;took me 20 years to find one 679675;1400358509;*;fluffypony is cuddly 679676;1400358523;fluffypony;and hirsute, which adds to the cuddliness 679677;1400358591;HeySteve;princessnell, that's a good and reasonable article. there are plenty of women earning good money in bitcoin through modelling though 679678;1400358621;kakobrekla;that cant possibly be good mone 679679;1400358622;kakobrekla;y 679680;1400358662;princessnell;HeySteve not good enough for the schoolmarms 679681;1400358671;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18462 @ 0.00097628 = 18.0241 BTC [-] 679682;1400358676;HeySteve;I'm sure it beats a teacher's salary 679683;1400358680;kakobrekla;i think the 'issue' discussed is 'there isnt enough womenz ceoz [in btc]' 679684;1400358691;princessnell;the complaints make a lot more sense as rent-seeking 679685;1400358747;kakobrekla;HeySteve yeah well comparing to teachers salary, is there anyone who makes less? 679686;1400358749;HeySteve;relative to their age and qualifications, I'm sure it's good money 679687;1400358794;kakobrekla;anyway, i wouldnt count hostesses a part of bitcoin world 679688;1400358808;kakobrekla;like cheerleaders arent a part of the sport team 679689;1400359063;kakobrekla;if you look at 'high finance' such as hedge funds, mainly male dominated environment, worse than tech, but then you have women like Elena Ambrosiadou that rips them. 679690;1400359086;bounce;so far the wimminz ceoz in bitcoinz ended up ded 679691;1400359121;TheNewDeal;the woman in bitcoin 679692;1400359148;kakobrekla;so i guess it does come down to ones abilities. 679693;1400359307;jurov;princessnell: if males are motivated by sex as they say, women are motivated by what? 679694;1400359349;princessnell;jurov resource security 679695;1400359362;princessnell;remember this is about primal drives. the elephant. 679696;1400359370;jurov;that means wealth? 679697;1400359372;princessnell;our riders (wills) can influence and even override. 679698;1400359402;princessnell;on a basic level: enough resources to care for ourselves and our children. 679699;1400359403;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12550 @ 0.00097702 = 12.2616 BTC [+] 679700;1400359433;princessnell;and there is of course status, leisure, influence 679701;1400359442;jurov;why don't more women learn cobol or java then? 679702;1400359448;princessnell;high opportunity cost 679703;1400359457;princessnell;easier to entice a man who can do it for us 679704;1400359477;jurov;it's really so much easier? 679705;1400359487;princessnell;certainly! natural endowments 679706;1400359493;jurov;lol 679707;1400359497;jurov;okay 679708;1400359534;princessnell;there is also the modern phenomenon of a generous welfare state 679709;1400359708;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 34 @ 0.09120656 = 3.101 BTC [-] {6} 679710;1400359811;thestringpuller;princessnell: just said something mircea_popescu would say 679711;1400359812;kakobrekla; like cheerleaders arent a part of the sport team < hell, sometimes even the team players arent a part of the team. 679712;1400360213;jurov;i worked with several woman programmers, they were very able and improved team dynamics too 679713;1400360324;jurov;maybe they perceive whole crypto stuff as too competitive, dunno 679714;1400360340;jurov;not working in the company anymore to ask them 679715;1400360415;[]bot;Bet created: "McStrike" to win desired pay for fast food workers (http://bitbet.us/bet/851/) 679716;1400360630;[]bot;Bet created: Economic sanctions for Russia before June 15 (http://bitbet.us/bet/852/) 679717;1400360825;[]bot;Bet created: Northeastern US 6.0+ Earthquake before Sept 15th (http://bitbet.us/bet/853/) 679718;1400360867;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43287 @ 0.00097441 = 42.1793 BTC [-] {2} 679719;1400360870;benkay;natural disaster hedging? 679720;1400360876;benkay;man how do you even put odds on that 679721;1400360900;benkay;lol there are none atm 679722;1400360941;pankkake;the house bets don't come instantly 679723;1400361140;kakobrekla;takes 1 block usually 679724;1400361184;[]bot;Bet created: Brock Pierce to resign at BTC Foundation (http://bitbet.us/bet/854/) 679725;1400361230;fluffypony;lol! 679726;1400361904;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31210 @ 0.00097258 = 30.3542 BTC [-] {4} 679727;1400361904;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 34 @ 0.00600881 = 0.2043 BTC [+] {3} 679728;1400361929;[]bot;Bet created: LTC to $15USD or above before August 3rd (http://bitbet.us/bet/855/) 679729;1400361993;artifexd;A large number of bets are getting created. kakobrekla: Did you up the advertising or are you just getting around to approving them? 679730;1400362102;kakobrekla;i think the proposals count is about same really, just mods being more generous lately 679731;1400362216;benkay;higher quality bets? 679732;1400362244;kakobrekla;could also be that 679733;1400362255;kakobrekla;partially 679734;1400362258;pankkake;no they rejected my past quality bets! 679735;1400362277;kakobrekla;mine too. 679736;1400362336;benkay; the complaints make a lot more sense as rent-seeking // plz explain to this uneducated brute 679737;1400362386;princessnell;benkay oppressed minorities don't circle around shitholes 679738;1400362403;princessnell;benkay once a cow gets fat enough you start hearing complaints about inclusiveness 679739;1400362436;bounce;so, you're saying the elite isn't being oppressive enough when you hear complaints? 679740;1400362450;princessnell;benkay no one worried about "women in bitcoin" when it was 15 dudes on the internets playing w funny money 679741;1400362488;princessnell;benkay no hang on 679742;1400362572;benkay;makes sense 679743;1400362636;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26600 @ 0.00097219 = 25.8603 BTC [-] 679744;1400362857;benkay;!up Quanttek 679745;1400362863;benkay;!up LorenzoMoney 679746;1400362915;Quanttek;thanks 679747;1400363004;HeySteve2;heh I was going to propose a Brock bet but forgot, nice one 679748;1400363185;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20498 @ 0.0009712 = 19.9077 BTC [-] {3} 679749;1400363368;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1850 @ 0.0009708 = 1.796 BTC [-] {2} 679750;1400363734;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 9 @ 0.04074993 = 0.3667 BTC [+] {2} 679751;1400364344;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 50 @ 0.00432813 = 0.2164 BTC [+] {5} 679752;1400364833;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 19 @ 0.09100012 = 1.729 BTC [-] {2} 679753;1400364893;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 12 @ 0.09088541 = 1.0906 BTC [-] {2} 679754;1400364954;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 29 @ 0.0902 = 2.6158 BTC [-] 679755;1400365076;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 29 @ 0.09001723 = 2.6105 BTC [-] {4} 679756;1400365808;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31620 @ 0.0009729 = 30.7631 BTC [+] {2} 679757;1400366434;bitcoinpete;gotta love twobitidiot's response to my blog 679758;1400366436;bitcoinpete;https://twitter.com/twobitidiot/status/467473187971014657 679759;1400366437;assbot;Who sucks more, /circlebits or /twobitidiot? It's a deadly race to the bottom. http://t.co/6heXL1XoxX 679760;1400366459;bitcoinpete;@bitcoinpete I welcome criticism, but your post was weak. Up that game and we can talk 679761;1400366530;kakobrekla;what a fruitful conversation 679762;1400366537;bitcoinpete;deeply 679763;1400366550;bitcoinpete;i've challenged him to respond in long format with a blog post of his own 679764;1400366561;bitcoinpete;i give it a 10% chance 679765;1400366692;bitcoinpete;benkay:oh hey who is this yuri guy? << one of a loose assemblage of nice dudes from vancouver who took a shit-ton of peoples' money and have yet to deliver. at least 6 months behind now. white label exchange stuff. the first one was supposed to be in new zealand iirc 679766;1400366718;bitcoinpete;no good reason why he needs 10k. sounds mega weaksauce 679767;1400366771;thestringpuller;;;gettrust aadeseye 679768;1400366772;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user thestringpuller to user aadeseye: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=thestringpuller&dest=aadeseye | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=aadeseye | Rated since: never 679769;1400366817;bitcoinpete;https://twitter.com/bitcoinpete/status/467798411559727104 679770;1400366817;assbot;Thanks to all #Gitchain backers! You're awesome. Another day of hacking is ahead. http://t.co/B6ggMgjgCo 679771;1400366829;bitcoinpete;@yrashk Hey Yuri, why do you need $10k of other peoples' money to do this? Hasn't @BexHQ brought in enough cash for you to bootstrap? 679772;1400366929;bitcoinpete;kakobrekla: http://media.coindesk.com/2014/05/DSC_3066.jpg << andresen looks as nakamotoish as a dove looks hawkish 679773;1400367149;bitcoinpete;BingoBoingo: http://www.coindesk.com/46k-spent-mining-hardware-happened-next/ << a good case study in noobishness and wallet inspectors actually 679774;1400367150;assbot;$46K Spent on Mining Hardware: What Happened Next? 679775;1400367259;bitcoinpete;;;bc,stats 679776;1400367269;gribble;Current Blocks: 301284 | Current Difficulty: 8.8534163091278E9 | Next Difficulty At Block: 302399 | Next Difficulty In: 1115 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 6 days, 3 hours, 50 minutes, and 43 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 10343192887.2 | Estimated Percent Change: 16.82714 679777;1400367318;thestringpuller;bitcoinpete: more blog more blog!!!! 679778;1400367334;bitcoinpete;fluffypony: with that thinkpad you should be able to get some ipo action on havelol --> fluffysquirkle industries 679779;1400367338;bitcoinpete;thestringpuller: lol 679780;1400367446;bitcoinpete;if there were anything actually coming out of bex one way or another, i'd have something to work with. 679781;1400367460;bitcoinpete;bexo hasn't blogged since feb 25 679782;1400367477;bitcoinpete;no tweets since april 11 679783;1400367485;bitcoinpete;just… silencio 679784;1400367528;kakobrekla;>Being a Mt. Gox victim myself and being taken advantage of by numerous mining hardware companies, it’s hard to admit that you still believe in bitcoin. Well, I still do. 679785;1400367601;kakobrekla;"i ran my car into a wall. theres still a chance cars are not evil." 679786;1400367695;bitcoinpete;some people never quit 679787;1400367882;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10928 @ 0.00097496 = 10.6544 BTC [+] {2} 679788;1400368485;princessnell;bitcoinpete close race, but twobitidiot def sux more. goonxcore. 679789;1400368534;bitcoinpete;princessnell: lol twotwit has a longer track record for sure 679790;1400368552;princessnell;still not sure exactly why he's a "thing" 679791;1400368553;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 11 @ 0.089 = 0.979 BTC [-] 679792;1400368561;bitcoinpete;i'm hoping that skwirkle will have a strong second half of the year 679793;1400368578;bitcoinpete;good fucking question 679794;1400368622;bitcoinpete;i guess having a tumblr and a southpark avatar are all one needs to be in fortune, wsj, etc 679795;1400368744;princessnell;rite brand, rite time 679796;1400368754;princessnell;pardon #brand 679797;1400368896;bitcoinpete;his brain damage also coincided with the media's hunger for anything with the word "gox" 679798;1400369014;bitcoinpete;http://trilema.com/2014/soft-pre-announcement-of-awards-at-stealth-third-bitcoin-conference-of-any-import/#comment-100029 679799;1400369015;assbot;Soft pre-announcement of awards at stealth third Bitcoin conference of any import pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 679800;1400369026;bitcoinpete;some more mpex award suggestions 679801;1400369051;bitcoinpete;and goddam that fucking question mark avatar. i want to kill that thing with fire 679802;1400369617;bitcoinpete;http://www.professorbitcorn.com 679803;1400369618;assbot;Professor Bitcorn Countdown to $10 679804;1400369677;pankkake;"a share" 679805;1400369694;jurov;it's always possible karpy did talk to twobitidiot 679806;1400369704;jurov;and he then got creative 679807;1400369728;bitcoinpete;pankkake: myeah. because expert 679808;1400369767;bitcoinpete;jurov: it's also possible that the burning bush told it to him 679809;1400369801;jurov;!up Luke-Jr 679810;1400369821;jurov;Luke-Jr you did not run for btc foundation? why? 679811;1400369867;Apocalyptic;I think he did last time 679812;1400369883;pankkake;yes 679813;1400370200;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 9 @ 0.02599999 = 0.234 BTC [+] 679814;1400370201;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 9 @ 0.031198 = 0.2808 BTC [+] 679815;1400370263;kakobrekla;why? for the CP ofc. 679816;1400370749;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 8 @ 0.09166224 = 0.7333 BTC [+] {3} 679817;1400370810;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15365 @ 0.00097421 = 14.9687 BTC [-] 679818;1400370932;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.03072592 = 0.1536 BTC [-] {3} 679819;1400371054;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.03067321 = 0.3067 BTC [-] {2} 679820;1400371115;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.0300501 = 0.1503 BTC [-] 679821;1400371176;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.03003184 = 0.1502 BTC [-] {3} 679822;1400371237;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 25 @ 0.02966283 = 0.7416 BTC [-] {4} 679823;1400371542;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 223 @ 0.00120241 = 0.2681 BTC [+] {3} 679824;1400371603;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.09297989 = 0.4649 BTC [+] 679825;1400371741;artifexd;bitcoinpete: Put something at http://bitcoinpete.com/avatar.png so your comments on trilema have an avatar instead of that dumb 404 image 679826;1400371742;assbot;avatar.png | When Bitcoin Met Pete 679827;1400372335;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13613 @ 0.00097057 = 13.2124 BTC [-] 679828;1400372660;Mats_cd03;.d 679829;1400372733;Mats_cd03;;;d 679830;1400372733;gribble;Error: "d" is not a valid command. 679831;1400372772;Mats_cd03;;;bc,diff 679832;1400372773;gribble;Error: "bc,diff" is not a valid command. 679833;1400372813;mod6;;;bc,stats 679834;1400372816;gribble;Current Blocks: 301292 | Current Difficulty: 8.8534163091278E9 | Next Difficulty At Block: 302399 | Next Difficulty In: 1107 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 6 days, 7 hours, 49 minutes, and 1 second | Next Difficulty Estimate: 10312127260.4 | Estimated Percent Change: 16.47625 679835;1400372828;Mats_cd03;i suffer 679836;1400372946;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 9 @ 0.02550008 = 0.2295 BTC [-] {2} 679837;1400373006;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 12 @ 0.02544166 = 0.3053 BTC [-] {2} 679838;1400373604;bitcoinpete;$depth S.MPOE 679839;1400373809;benkay;;;ticker 679840;1400373811;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 448.21, Best ask: 449.33, Bid-ask spread: 1.12000, Last trade: 449.33, 24 hour volume: 2266.56648134, 24 hour low: 445.01, 24 hour high: 451.48, 24 hour vwap: 448.392519135 679841;1400373826;benkay;;;calc 1.19 * 448.21 * 1.1 679842;1400373826;gribble;586.70689 679843;1400373889;bitcoinpete;$depth s.mpoe 679844;1400373909;bitcoinpete;so much for the caps theory... 679845;1400373932;bitcoinpete;either way, looks like mpoe buys are gone for the long weekend 679846;1400374146;benkay;!up fanquake 679847;1400374148;benkay;!up Quanttek 679848;1400374160;bitcoinpete;asciilifeform:funny thing - i was expecting to see more discussion of the elgamal thing here. << same 679849;1400374171;jurov;!up Luke-Jr 679850;1400374173;Luke-Jr;[23:37:01] Luke-Jr you did not run for btc foundation? why? <-- ? 679851;1400374191;jurov;just asking, they told me you did 679852;1400374202;Luke-Jr;oh, wasn't sure if there was yet another one already 679853;1400374203;Luke-Jr;XD 679854;1400374211;Quanttek;/msg NickServ identify 26Li-dsadnrf26 679855;1400374219;benkay;well done, Quanttek 679856;1400374226;Quanttek;ffs 679857;1400374234;Luke-Jr;I win? 679858;1400374257;Luke-Jr;/msg nickserv ghost Quanttek 26Li-dsadnrf26 679859;1400374374;bitcoinpete;fluffypony: to which he replies: " unlike Vert and every other coin, however, it has a stabilization fund to keep wild swings at bay- more attractive to merchants" << seaman knows what excites consumers! 679860;1400374389;jurov;Luke-Jr: no, but would be better if they did 679861;1400374470;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 11 @ 0.08691301 = 0.956 BTC [+] {5} 679862;1400374555;bitcoinpete;benkay: if you can arbitrarily not lose money in a bear market isn't that topologically identical to arbitrarily making money? << this is offset by the money they steal from you when the btc price goes up, duh 679863;1400374690;benkay;but assume a bot 679864;1400374703;benkay;or a trader 679865;1400374758;bitcoinpete;assume stealing. assume it's a normal bank that really doesn't need btc 679866;1400374770;bitcoinpete;becaust "fiat-denominated" 679867;1400374812;bitcoinpete;princessnell: Apocalyptic i'm halfway through *A Troublesome Inheritance* (good, but still cowardly) << found it very timid as well. decent research, didn't put on big boy pants 679868;1400374815;benkay;ugh. i have a feeling that the notion is so stupid trying to understand its minutae are going to make me dumber. 679869;1400374850;bitcoinpete;understanding circle's minutae make you ryan selkis 679870;1400374891;assbot;Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0WPCYB4.txt ) 679871;1400374891;bitcoinpete;!b 2 679872;1400374904;benkay;lolyeah 'cause selkis understands things, circle and bitcoin in specific 679873;1400374976;bitcoinpete;selkis is practically nick spanos 679874;1400374997;bitcoinpete;mr. i know everything there is to know about bitcoin so now i pump doge http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/02/23/dogederps/ 679875;1400374998;assbot;Dogederps | When Bitcoin Met Pete 679876;1400375511;Luke-Jr;… 679877;1400375517;Luke-Jr;wtf, the idiot didn't change his password yet 679878;1400375563;bitcoinpete;"HAS THE GOVERNMENT CHANGED THE INFLATION STATISTICS OVER THE YEARS SO THAT THEY’RE LOWER? Yes, it has. But this is not a massive conspiracy to hide runaway inflation." 679879;1400375573;bitcoinpete;oh wsj, you so lulzy http://blogs.wsj.com/five-things/2014/05/15/5-things-you-always-wanted-to-know-about-inflation-statistics/ 679880;1400375573;assbot;5 Things You Always Wanted To Know About Inflation Statistics - Five Things - WSJ 679881;1400375576;Luke-Jr;Quanttek: change your nickserv password fool 679882;1400375629;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.43965609 BTC [+] 679883;1400375687;bitcoinpete;https://twitter.com/Reddy/status/467330758428737536 679884;1400375689;assbot;The pitiful U.S. recovery looks pretty good compared to other advanced regions. http://t.co/mUYMaaJORc http://t.co/BVFL52MYpF 679885;1400375709;bitcoinpete;and i'm off to watch some b&w movies 679886;1400376124;mircea_popescu;;;ticker 679887;1400376125;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 447.93, Best ask: 448.53, Bid-ask spread: 0.60000, Last trade: 448.53, 24 hour volume: 2236.37025537, 24 hour low: 445.01, 24 hour high: 451.48, 24 hour vwap: 448.391017966 679888;1400376165;mircea_popescu;glued to 448 for aweek now ? 679889;1400376168;mircea_popescu;totally legit 679890;1400376577;mircea_popescu;"Sam Knight @samknight1 May 16 What if global warming *is* a hoax and we clean up our air and oceans, create millions of jobs, and become energy independent for nothing?" 679891;1400376597;mircea_popescu;psychosis is a wonderful thing. 679892;1400377254;[]bot;Bet placed: 24.34 BTC for No on "Bitcoin to surpass Berkshire as an investment (http://bitbet.us/bet/786/)". Odds: 89(Y):11(N) by coin, 90(Y):10(N) by weight. Total bet: 1129.35619404 BTC. Current weight: 81,368. 679893;1400377301;benkay;goodness. 679894;1400377337;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 11 @ 0.43233921 = 4.7557 BTC [-] {7} 679895;1400377338;mircea_popescu;o hey. 679896;1400377581;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11300 @ 0.00090419 = 10.2173 BTC [-] 679897;1400377923;mircea_popescu;fluffypony: I actually really hope this happens, it will make the foundation obselete << a) it can't happen ; b) it doesn't compete with the foundation any more than workout videos compete with feminism. 679898;1400378018;mircea_popescu;jurov: i undertood that as "replace karpeles and pierce with bots" << apt. 679899;1400378054;mircea_popescu;fluffypony btw, it's obsOlete. 679900;1400378557;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.025214 = 0.1261 BTC [-] {2} 679901;1400378704;mircea_popescu;"assbot: 679902;1400378704;mircea_popescu;Nautiluscoin is either the greatest troll, or a significant advancement in crypto. Im going w/ significant." how about... neither. it's not even marginally interesting. 679903;1400378726;mircea_popescu;fucktards giving themselves the imaginary choice between steak and prime rib when they can barely spring for the ramen. 679904;1400378801;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 1 @ 0.14486014 BTC [+] 679905;1400378887;mircea_popescu;alc ?! 679906;1400378947;mircea_popescu;lampelina: I'm way too stupid to hack anything, kakobrekla will confirm << are you two sore at each other atm ? 679907;1400379008;mircea_popescu;benkay: is a wallet that maintains a dollar value via autotrading even feasible? << it has got to be a parody. 679908;1400379350;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 750 @ 0.00090238 = 0.6768 BTC [-] 679909;1400379615;mircea_popescu;jurov: so, by this theory, mircea_popescu should not mind all this feminish buzz cuz he's enjoying bitches anyway :D << i don't mind it in the slightest. anti-male legislation helps the male owner of a harem of females most of all. 679910;1400379839;benkay;;;tslb 679911;1400379847;gribble;Time since last block: 21 minutes and 29 seconds 679912;1400379945;benkay;;;tslb 679913;1400379952;gribble;Time since last block: 23 minutes and 15 seconds 679914;1400380050;mircea_popescu;so i threw out about a dozen suits. 679915;1400380082;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3000 @ 0.00091171 = 2.7351 BTC [+] 679916;1400380090;mircea_popescu;the gypsyes of timisoara will be better dressed than the bitcoin entrepreneurs & vcs and whatnot other pretenders assembled at the bitcoin derpference. 679917;1400380113;assbot;Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/1K710W6.txt ) 679918;1400380113;BingoBoingo;!b 2 679919;1400380154;mircea_popescu;i dunno how it can get sadder than that 679920;1400380160;mircea_popescu;eagerly awaiting 2015 to find out. 679921;1400380207;BingoBoingo;By next year the Fundnation might be sufficiently on the ropes to have more than half of its panels on Doge 679922;1400380233;BingoBoingo;And will be held on Reddit. 679923;1400380265;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2000 @ 0.00091171 = 1.8234 BTC [+] 679924;1400380326;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2558 @ 0.00090737 = 2.3211 BTC [-] 679925;1400380340;BingoBoingo;Brock celebrates his second year on the board by hosting a youth swim meet in his jacuzzi. 679926;1400380367;mircea_popescu;how did they call it ? 679927;1400380376;mircea_popescu;during the berlusconi scandal, there was a name 679928;1400380381;mircea_popescu;booga-booga ? 679929;1400380387;BingoBoingo;BungaBunga party 679930;1400380482;BingoBoingo;You probably refer to similar events though with terms like "Wednesday Morning Calisthenics" 679931;1400380509;benkay;miners are fucking sleeping 679932;1400380513;benkay;;;tslb 679933;1400380513;mircea_popescu;a ues 679934;1400380519;gribble;Time since last block: 32 minutes and 42 seconds 679935;1400381182;mircea_popescu;that precious moment when your system croaks under your hands 679936;1400381193;mircea_popescu;only for you to discover that dust actually completely clogged the cpu fan 679937;1400381326;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: took a shop vac to my fans, just last night. this is why. (i try to, at least 1x/year) 679938;1400381342;mircea_popescu;i forget. 679939;1400381358;asciilifeform;helps to wheel the thing out on a balcony, prior. 679940;1400381391;asciilifeform;there was at least 200g of turd in there. 679941;1400381430;kakobrekla;2 things. first, dust filter, second higher pressure in the box than outside 679942;1400381467;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: filters retard flow. just the same as the catalytic gizmo on your car costs you horsepower. 679943;1400381483;asciilifeform;as for higher pressure in the box - the air has to come from somewhere. 679944;1400381486;kakobrekla;dunno, i use them with 600rpm fan behind it 679945;1400381490;kakobrekla;works like a charm 679946;1400381535;kakobrekla;ofc you need to clean the filter once in a while but much easier than cleaning the insides 679947;1400381549;kakobrekla;dont need to open the box or anything 679948;1400381588;kakobrekla; as for higher pressure in the box - the air has to come from somewhere. < just more intake than outtake 679949;1400381615;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: where does the difference go ? 679950;1400381626;asciilifeform;balloon? 679951;1400381643;kakobrekla;eh? 679952;1400381647;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla i use open boxes. 679953;1400381648;kakobrekla;its leaking out of all the holes 679954;1400381658;mircea_popescu;and the inside cleanning takes about 30 seconds 679955;1400381667;mircea_popescu;just there's a 5 seconds pause of wtf 679956;1400381699;asciilifeform;i've owned machines which would thermalfail when run open 679957;1400381703;asciilifeform;but not with chassis on 679958;1400381707;asciilifeform;(flow dynamics) 679959;1400381721;kakobrekla;i can turn off all the fans and it will not fail 679960;1400381727;kakobrekla;under load 679961;1400381738;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: '486 dx' ? 679962;1400381754;asciilifeform;why install fans in this 679963;1400381806;kakobrekla;no, 1kg of heatsink for cpu 679964;1400381883;asciilifeform;i once saw a vendor ('zalman' ?) who offered a 50kg mega-hedgehog pc chassis. entirely fanless. machined to fit specific mb, etc. 679965;1400381883;kakobrekla;excluding fans. 679966;1400381890;asciilifeform;3000 usd, if i recall 679967;1400381892;asciilifeform;long extinct. 679968;1400381904;kakobrekla;yea i know of zalman well 679969;1400381919;asciilifeform;defunct, afaik 679970;1400381929;kakobrekla;the company still makes heatsinks 679971;1400381951;kakobrekla;other stuff as well 679972;1400381956;kakobrekla;it seems 679973;1400381965;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: so i threw out about a dozen suits << how come ? 679974;1400381974;mircea_popescu;old. 679975;1400381989;mircea_popescu;i generally throw them out when i move. 679976;1400381996;asciilifeform;aha, right, moving. 679977;1400381997;kakobrekla;now for the gpu, the heatsink goes over 3 slots 679978;1400382007;kakobrekla;so that tells you all. 679979;1400382087;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: i'd spend substantial money on a guaranteed-noiseless machine with modern specs 679980;1400382109;asciilifeform;('noiseless' includes inductors buzzing at 16kHz or so, present in virtually every modern gizmo) 679981;1400382115;asciilifeform;i can hear them. 679982;1400382126;mircea_popescu;how are you going to make a mb w/o inductors. 679983;1400382148;asciilifeform;they needn't buzz. back in the '50s it was standard to varnish & bake all coils 679984;1400382151;asciilifeform;then somehow people forgot. 679985;1400382155;kakobrekla;well i got down to the problem where mechanical fan noise was the issue, often pwm modulation 679986;1400382176;mircea_popescu;a 679987;1400382178;kakobrekla;but after much research and money i found the fans that are quiet. 679988;1400382195;asciilifeform;fans are a guaranteed headache, i can hear the air moving. 679989;1400382206;kakobrekla;not if you run them slow enough 679990;1400382234;asciilifeform;the most annoying thing is variable-speed fan 679991;1400382240;kakobrekla;that is true 679992;1400382241;asciilifeform;i can always, without exception, hear the 'delta' 679993;1400382257;asciilifeform;so there'd have to be a fixed speed, sufficient for theoretical max load 679994;1400382296;asciilifeform;one day i will be tired of this, weld a tank shut, attach radiator, pour 'fluorinert.' 679995;1400382342;asciilifeform;it is eminently possible to build a computer which isn't also a vacuum cleaner. 679996;1400382350;asciilifeform;but scarcely anyone gives a damn. 679997;1400382376;kakobrekla;yes its possible but not straight forward 679998;1400382409;kakobrekla;or else i wouldnt have a box with 500eur worth of fans im never gonna use in my room 679999;1400382433;asciilifeform;i still can't picture something i'd recognize as a solution, with fans present. 680000;1400382458;asciilifeform;even the spiffiest german liquid bearing fan will rattle near the end of its life 680001;1400382461;kakobrekla;i can go passive but theres no real need to 680002;1400382577;asciilifeform;out of curiosity: surely i'm not the only one here who hears 16kHz+ (inductors, etc) ? 680003;1400382589;kakobrekla;in the low end psus 680004;1400382598;kakobrekla;or burned out psus 680005;1400382613;asciilifeform;even in pocket gizmos, like 'kindle' 680006;1400382619;asciilifeform;amazingly loud 680007;1400382619;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 680008;1400382620;kakobrekla;dunno, dont have one 680009;1400382630;kakobrekla;in laptop, yes 680010;1400382639;asciilifeform;yes, just about every such 680011;1400382639;kakobrekla;desktop no 680012;1400382650;asciilifeform;in desktop case muffles a bit. 680013;1400382674;kakobrekla;hm yeah i have a silenced case. 680014;1400382697;kakobrekla;gut in the pcs 680015;1400382701;kakobrekla;its often gpus 680016;1400382706;asciilifeform;the best pc silencer known to science, afaik, is... a cable duct, to adjacent room. 680017;1400382707;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Occasionally I hear inductors and other components in that range. 680018;1400382722;kakobrekla;yeah i had that before the pet moved in 680019;1400382731;kakobrekla;then the pet took that room and couldnt bear the noise 680020;1400382737;asciilifeform;pet gets own room!? 680021;1400382744;kakobrekla;yea, a working room :) 680022;1400382747;asciilifeform;aha 680023;1400382885;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: how do you like to silence disks ? 680024;1400382943;asciilifeform;(i use 'sorbothane' bushings. but this is only a pill against blatant induced vibrations, not disk noise per se) 680025;1400383225;kakobrekla;asciilifeform simple, physically move away the storage server :) 680026;1400383232;kakobrekla;as for local terminal, ssd evil. 680027;1400383285;kakobrekla;well its not really a terminal i just call it that. 680028;1400383311;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: for the cost of 8TB of ssd (mult 2x again for 'RAID' - who would consider use of ssd sans mirror) you can almost hire a savant to remember bits for you. 680029;1400383340;kakobrekla;dunno if we understood me, i do use regular disks 680030;1400383343;kakobrekla;just not in this box 680031;1400383356;asciilifeform;aha, 'thin' xterm 680032;1400383362;asciilifeform;been there. 680033;1400383368;kakobrekla;yep kind of that 680034;1400383376;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5450 @ 0.00090461 = 4.9301 BTC [-] 680035;1400383387;kakobrekla;500 gigs of ssd does me well for now 680036;1400383390;kakobrekla;locally 680037;1400383414;asciilifeform;smooth scrolling / etc. are typically wonky in an x11 tunnel 680038;1400383466;kakobrekla;but lan speeds are higher can go above what local hdd can feed 680039;1400383468;asciilifeform;there are gizmos that will transmit display picture over conventional 'ethernet' cable, but they tend to balk at newer high-res screens 680040;1400383484;kakobrekla;eh i sentenced that like a fucktard 680041;1400383523;BingoBoingo;kakobrekla: At least you didn't dotcoin that sentence full 680042;1400383524;asciilifeform;at any rate, moving the machine still requires a room to convert to a vacuum cleaner hell. 680043;1400383537;kakobrekla;for my line of work having a hdd on lan is about as good as having it in same b ox 680044;1400383566;kakobrekla;well has to be at least a gigabit but yea 680045;1400383591;kakobrekla;BingoBoingo close call 680046;1400383897;kakobrekla;nah 680047;1400383908;kakobrekla;just pull the filter out and vac that 680048;1400383909;kakobrekla;http://images.bit-tech.net/content_images/2012/07/fractal-design-define-r4-review/define_r4-12b.jpg 680049;1400383915;kakobrekla;http://images.anandtech.com/doci/6102/Small%20(4%20of%2014).jpg 680050;1400383923;kakobrekla;takes 10 sec 680051;1400383925;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: 'vacuum cleaner hell' being the sound 680052;1400383930;kakobrekla;ah 680053;1400383934;kakobrekla;i thought that being the dust 680054;1400384007;BingoBoingo;I really dunno why you two are complaining about noise. There's stock car racing happening about 300 meters from here. 680055;1400384015;asciilifeform;my ideal is something like a 1mx1m copper hedgehog, with a few cavities for disks, mb, etc. 680056;1400384016;kakobrekla;lol 680057;1400384035;asciilifeform;something looking vaguely like a ww1/ww2 sea mine 680058;1400384051;asciilifeform;(or modern hv pole transformer..) 680059;1400384083;asciilifeform;There's stock car racing happening about 300 meters from here << i suppose one solution to noise is... go deaf. 680060;1400384098;asciilifeform;this appear to be the traditional pill americans go for. 680061;1400384119;asciilifeform;(my pet, for example, is entirely unbothered by noise. can't even hear half of what i hear.) 680062;1400384316;BingoBoingo;Yeah. I'll just have to go for knowing it could be worse. They could be hosting a tractor pull. 680063;1400384338;asciilifeform;worst we have here is an airport with helipad 680064;1400384351;asciilifeform;about 1km from where i sit 680065;1400384366;kakobrekla;i live in a town with 5k people, maybe even less. its quiet here. 680066;1400384420;asciilifeform;i just moved to a (small) house, from a flat, and it is amazingly quiet (no wall neighbors) - and, turns out, this just makes the cursed machine seem ever louder... 680067;1400384420;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 680068;1400384432;kakobrekla;lol 680069;1400384495;kakobrekla;but srsly, get some big heatsink and some of those be quiet fans, at least to alleviate the pain 680070;1400384507;asciilifeform;the drives are maybe half of it 680071;1400384526;kakobrekla;well insulate them. 680072;1400384547;asciilifeform;did. at least, to the limit (after a certain amount they start to bake) 680073;1400384547;kakobrekla;iirc there was some survey from google that hot disks ran for longer time 680074;1400384559;kakobrekla;ofc hotter to an extent 680075;1400384588;asciilifeform;definitely not my experience, running disk arrays in repurposed broom closets 680076;1400384594;kakobrekla;anyway, i guess its the bearings 680077;1400384603;kakobrekla;aha 680078;1400384628;kakobrekla;well an insulated case helps as well 680079;1400384695;kakobrekla;dataserver in the next room is out of the question? 680080;1400384695;asciilifeform;the 1kg and similar nice thermal hedgehogs unfortunately won't work here (i run dual-socket boards, 'amd type f', there is just enough room for ordinary one) 680081;1400384699;asciilifeform;yeah 680082;1400384702;asciilifeform;not enough rooms. 680083;1400384706;asciilifeform;just as in your flat 680084;1400384774;kakobrekla;dual socket? cant get enough cores on a single ? 680085;1400384781;asciilifeform;multicore is a scam 680086;1400384788;asciilifeform;(1 cache per chip package 680087;1400384788;asciilifeform;) 680088;1400384793;kakobrekla;yeah but everything is a scam 680089;1400384801;asciilifeform;lol 680090;1400384933;kakobrekla;so this cache things bother so because of performance or ? 680091;1400384942;kakobrekla;so = you 680092;1400384943;asciilifeform;aye 680093;1400384946;kakobrekla;fuck you keyboard. 680094;1400384978;kakobrekla;so you saying dual opteron from 2010? betas today top dog single core ? 680095;1400384982;kakobrekla;i mean single socket 680096;1400384988;asciilifeform;2007. 680097;1400384993;asciilifeform;laugh if you must. 680098;1400385013;kakobrekla;im not sure at what to laugh 680099;1400385013;asciilifeform;and i'm not sure i'll ever actually replace this machine. it will have to catch fire and burn to the ground. 680100;1400385081;asciilifeform;~1yr ago i thought about it, and couldn't even locate a vendor that supported mb with ECC. 680101;1400385098;kakobrekla;" betas today top dog single core ?" < so thats a yes? also 'beats' instead of 'betas' 680102;1400385110;asciilifeform;(found a couple with ecc but no explansion slots. does no good here.) 680103;1400385129;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: possibly. but, not with circa 2007 components. 680104;1400385142;asciilifeform;or rather, 'amd socket f' 680105;1400385189;asciilifeform;i'm sorta stuck with this board. and when i physically gives up the ghost, it is likely that i will obtain an identical one. 680106;1400385194;asciilifeform;*it 680107;1400385230;kakobrekla;im having hard time believing you would do a downgrade with a single socket , lets say xeon e3 1240 , cheap cpu. 680108;1400385238;asciilifeform;won't touch intel. 680109;1400385269;asciilifeform;won't touch mb with no ecc. 680110;1400385325;kakobrekla;myea. 680111;1400385331;asciilifeform;i don't give a damn if 'market has decided' that shit is edible. for so long as it remains physically possible to obtain food, i shall eat it - rather than shit 680112;1400385372;mircea_popescu;bounce: so far the wimminz ceoz in bitcoinz ended up ded << being a ceo is hard. 680113;1400385380;mircea_popescu;like really, really hard. like brain surgeon level hard. 680114;1400385387;asciilifeform;'ceoz can also have problems' 680115;1400385400;mircea_popescu;the absence of visible putrefacting corpses however encourages the braindead to pretend they're ceos rather than brain surgeons 680116;1400385450;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 15 @ 0.43111112 = 6.4667 BTC [-] {2} 680117;1400385489;mircea_popescu;princessnell: easier to entice a man who can do it for us << this is such nonsense, srsly. 680118;1400385621;penguirker;New blog post: http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2014/05/17/new-bets-this-week/ 680119;1400385621;assbot;New bets this week | Bingo Blog 680120;1400385681;mircea_popescu;da fuck is a peen gui rker 680121;1400385685;BingoBoingo;More bots just posting stuff unprompted? 680122;1400385713;BingoBoingo;I recognize it from the altcoin channel, but dunno who runs it 680123;1400385715;asciilifeform;one who guirks pens? 680124;1400385725;asciilifeform;;;ud guirk 680125;1400385726;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Guirk | Jan 7, 2010 ... A female who does think that defies any logic. Can also be complete stupidity. " That girl is such a GUIRK" "Stop acting like a GUIRK". by Edge ... 680126;1400385730;mircea_popescu;apparetly 680127;1400385744;asciilifeform;not quite what i had in mind 680128;1400385759;kakobrekla;its pankkakes fault 680129;1400385894;mircea_popescu;bitcoinpete lmao look who's talking about weak. 680130;1400385964;csshih;wat is going on 680131;1400386005;mircea_popescu;contextless questions devoid of even punctuation 680132;1400386075;mircea_popescu;whoa shit look at that, trilema comment ocunter crossed 100k 680133;1400386914;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 12 @ 0.09298158 = 1.1158 BTC [+] {5} 680134;1400387018;mircea_popescu;" The host notes that these 4 panelists represent 95% of the significant Bitcoin businesses via their investments." 680135;1400387023;mircea_popescu;bwhahaha o help me gracie. 680136;1400387110;kakobrekla;theres your freedom of speech! 680137;1400387165;mircea_popescu;12:15: BitPay proposes reputation as a solution, neat. Hearn says its a little known fact that Satoshi was working on a peer to peer market that consisted of a reputation system. He wonders what Bitcoin would have looked like if he has worked on it 6 more months. 680138;1400387165;mircea_popescu;The notion of decentralized reputation occurs to them. I have the urge to interject but its not question time 680139;1400387173;mircea_popescu;this is about as exciting as watching frogs think. 680140;1400387182;mircea_popescu;im skipping the rest. 680141;1400387262;bounce;he'd have optimized all the derps out of the system, I'm sure. like, magically. 680142;1400387344;mircea_popescu;i kinda regret the guy didn't keep a blog. it'd be neat if one could link to where he says "gavin, you're too fucktarded to talk to, stop emailing me." 680143;1400387522;BingoBoingo;Eh, et the power rangers keep hanging themselves on their words 680144;1400387801;kakobrekla;satoshi leaving has nothing to do with gavin 680145;1400387821;mircea_popescu;indeed. 680146;1400387828;mircea_popescu;nothing has anything to do with gavin. 680147;1400387829;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8300 @ 0.00090514 = 7.5127 BTC [+] 680148;1400387911;mircea_popescu;anyway, that's all for me. see ya tomorro. 680149;1400387951;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 130 @ 0.0008589 = 0.1117 BTC [+] 680150;1400388437;bitcoinpete;http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/laos-plane-crash-kills-5-including-defence-chief-1.2646253 680151;1400388438;assbot;Laos plane crash kills 5, including defence chief - World - CBC News 680152;1400388456;bitcoinpete;"Among those confirmed killed were Defence Minister Douangchay Phichit and his wife, said Nipat Thonglek, the Thai Defence Ministry's permanent secretary." << innocent enough... 680153;1400388836;bitcoinpete;"Ver agreed, suggesting that the next “logical step” for apps such as WhatsApp is to enable the sending and receipt of bitcoins." << ver should be on the board of facebook 680154;1400388871;bitcoinpete;"Angel investor Roger Ver told Popper he’s not actively looking to make any new investments, choosing, instead, to focus his attention on the investments he’s already made." << cuz he's broke as shit? 680155;1400388879;bitcoinpete;http://www.coindesk.com/roger-ver-joins-investor-panel-talk-bitcoins-next-step/ 680156;1400388880;assbot;Roger Ver Joins Investor Panel to Talk Bitcoin's Next Step - CoinDesk 680157;1400389102;bitcoinpete;@JamesGRickards While Washington sleeps. pic.twitter.com/PUoX6QBz6F 680158;1400389109;bitcoinpete;https://twitter.com/JamesGRickards/status/467890216322478080 680159;1400389110;assbot;While Washington sleeps. http://t.co/PUoX6QBz6F 680160;1400389110;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 132 @ 0.03825945 = 5.0502 BTC [-] {13} 680161;1400389537;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 60 @ 0.00648989 = 0.3894 BTC [+] 680162;1400390575;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 3010 @ 0.00012198 = 0.3672 BTC [+] {2} 680163;1400391611;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.09299999 = 0.93 BTC [+] {2} 680164;1400392404;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10600 @ 0.00090504 = 9.5934 BTC [-] {2} 680165;1400394966;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.09295 = 0.1859 BTC [-] 680166;1400395027;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 14 @ 0.093 = 1.302 BTC [+] {2} 680167;1400395149;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14200 @ 0.00090537 = 12.8563 BTC [+] 680168;1400395393;kakobrekla;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGxbOVscHPs 680169;1400395393;assbot;North Korea Exposes the Western Propaganda (Full Documentary) - YouTube 680170;1400395395;kakobrekla;this is good 680171;1400395525;kakobrekla;nothing new but good. 680172;1400396182;BingoBoingo;http://www.openbsd.org/papers/bsdcan14-libressl/mgp00007.html 680173;1400396250;benkay;o/ 680174;1400396876;benkay;oh wow that's great 680175;1400397005;BingoBoingo;Another great one: http://www.openbsd.org/papers/bsdcan14-libressl/mgp00028.html 680176;1400397047;benkay;yeah imma read the whole thing its p great 680177;1400397171;benkay;knf? 680178;1400397215;BingoBoingo;Old ATT style 680179;1400397292;BingoBoingo;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kernel_Normal_Form 680180;1400397292;assbot;Kernel Normal Form - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 680181;1400397345;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.0404999 = 0.405 BTC [+] 680182;1400397393;benkay;ah cool 680183;1400397608;BingoBoingo;It's amazing how interest in bitcoin can awaken an interest in searching for understanding of eldrich horrors from computing's past. 680184;1400397608;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 680185;1400398337;bounce;such graet comic sans 680186;1400399602;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14100 @ 0.00090462 = 12.7551 BTC [-] {2} 680187;1400400601;fluffypony;;;later tell mircea_popescu Apurintly mi spilleng ar nut sew gewd laytlee. I blaym tha frowndashun! 680188;1400400602;gribble;The operation succeeded. 680189;1400402896;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 19 @ 0.0921 = 1.7499 BTC [-] 680190;1400403140;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.09200014 = 0.46 BTC [-] {2} 680191;1400403202;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.09117031 = 0.3647 BTC [-] 680192;1400403445;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.08920007 = 0.446 BTC [-] {3} 680193;1400403506;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 8 @ 0.08920006 = 0.7136 BTC [-] {4} 680194;1400403628;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 14 @ 0.08905013 = 1.2467 BTC [-] {3} 680195;1400403872;assbot;[MPEX] [S.BBET] 2000 @ 0.0005 = 1 BTC [-] 680196;1400405804;pankkake;re fans and dust, my cases with dust filters fare much better. not all air filters are equal, but my big case (lian li x2000f) is a dream. everything is kept cool, there are two lines of filtering and both can be cleaned without shutting down the computer 680197;1400405810;pankkake;http://www.pureoverclock.com/wp-content/uploads/images/review/cases/lianli_x2000f/lianli_x2000f_9a.jpg 680198;1400405948;Naphex;in my new home pc i went straight to water cooling 680199;1400405954;Naphex;everything stays at 35* 680200;1400406046;Naphex;gpu already had water cooling block on, so just the cpu 680201;1400406424;kakobrekla;i hate water pumps. 680202;1400406434;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2900 @ 0.00090192 = 2.6156 BTC [-] 680203;1400406669;pankkake;the issue is when you want to alter your system 680204;1400406730;kakobrekla;yeah but its not like you do it every day 680205;1400406739;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1950 @ 0.00090192 = 1.7587 BTC [-] 680206;1400406833;kakobrekla;anyway you defo need two pumps in series for winklevossyness and that will create noise even when decoupled 680207;1400406871;pankkake;is the noise annoying? i.e. vibrating noise? 680208;1400406892;kakobrekla;yeah that the issue 680209;1400406905;moiety_;mewning all :] 680210;1400406926;kakobrekla;and even on the best pumps impellers have a tendency to get loud or broked 680211;1400406962;pankkake;the only noise that bothers me is hard drive's. good fans are very silent even at night 680212;1400406978;kakobrekla;good fans are rare 680213;1400407015;pankkake;and I have ~10 hard drives powered, so I really don't want them near me :p 680214;1400407077;kakobrekla;this is just over half the fans i tested 680215;1400407077;kakobrekla;http://i.imgur.com/8gvGGdL.jpg 680216;1400407094;kakobrekla;and this pic only covers the voltage test, not the pwm 680217;1400407112;kakobrekla;also it contains no noise info 680218;1400407163;pankkake;fans that can't power up or even stop at low voltage suck, I've been bitten by that. "wut, why is my pc screaming?!" 680219;1400407172;kakobrekla;pwm fixed that 680220;1400407175;kakobrekla;fixes 680221;1400407187;kakobrekla;usually you cant turn off a pwm fan 680222;1400407243;kakobrekla;http://imgur.com/GCKYfEo,4meEC4L 680223;1400407243;assbot;imgur: the simple image sharer 680224;1400407256;kakobrekla;see here. 680225;1400407286;pankkake;yeah, if I change my fans it should be PWM, but I should also get something to power them all :/ 680226;1400407306;kakobrekla;something like motherboard? 680227;1400407333;pankkake;well, yes, a motherboard that isn't old as fuck! 680228;1400407506;kakobrekla;hi moiety 680229;1400407518;moiety;hi! 680230;1400407535;moiety;my irc went all weird with my laptop going to sleep 680231;1400407537;kakobrekla;so whats cooking? 680232;1400407542;kakobrekla;or is that a sexist question 680233;1400407549;Luke-Jr;hi moiety 680234;1400407550;Luke-Jr;welcome to #bitcoin-asses 680235;1400407572;*;Luke-Jr hides 680236;1400407578;kakobrekla;shut the fuck up child rapist. 680237;1400407620;pankkake;lol 680238;1400407638;moiety;kakobrekla: not really with me, i'm generally cooking lol just filling out forms for The Flat. how are you? 680239;1400407645;Luke-Jr;kakobrekla: this is why nobody trusts you, all you do is lie 680240;1400407661;kakobrekla;lol 680241;1400407684;pankkake;I believe it is called slander 680242;1400407695;moiety;i've met more people that trust him than trust you Luke-Jr i have to say 680243;1400407711;Luke-Jr;moiety: you poll everyone you meet? :o 680244;1400407731;moiety;no i just listen 680245;1400407775;Luke-Jr;moiety: so you hang out around people who probably have never bothered to get to know me? or just liars like kakobrekla? 680246;1400407832;Luke-Jr;pankkake: "slander" tends to prompt the discussion of whether IRC is slander or libel. "liar" also works :D 680247;1400407851;moiety;well, i don't know you myself but i don't think he's a liar at all. unsure how else to answer that 680248;1400407895;Luke-Jr;moiety: I assure you, I've never raped anyone, much less a child. 680249;1400407928;kakobrekla;Luke-Jr you are a church going and foundation supporting [was a nominee]. both leaders of both organizations are child rapists and shill for the said. so fuck you. 680250;1400407945;kakobrekla;and you shill* 680251;1400407956;Luke-Jr;kakobrekla: more lies, I see? 680252;1400407959;kakobrekla;yeah 680253;1400407967;kakobrekla;your irc output must be garbled 680254;1400407992;pankkake;well, that logic is implacable 680255;1400407997;Luke-Jr;maybe if you paid attention, you'd notice that my acceptance of the nomination was to *reform* the Foundation 680256;1400408022;kakobrekla;and whats next, you gonna reform the church too? 680257;1400408029;Luke-Jr;or that the rate of pedophiles among Catholic clergy is far far lower than any other profession that works with children (including both secular and other religions) 680258;1400408041;kakobrekla;you keep convincing yourself that. 680259;1400408048;Luke-Jr;kakobrekla: the Church is perfect, it needs no reform. 680260;1400408053;kakobrekla;lmfao 680261;1400408072;moiety;how did you plan to reform the foundation Luke-Jr? 680262;1400408097;kakobrekla;moiety to hide the CP from the public 680263;1400408103;Luke-Jr;moiety: I didn't plan that far ahead. 680264;1400408107;kakobrekla;lmao 680265;1400408108;kakobrekla;hahah 680266;1400408130;Luke-Jr;it was kinda a long shot anyway 680267;1400408132;moiety;Luke-Jr: don't you think that's a rather ambitious plan for one man in a whole foundation, with no plan? 680268;1400408171;*;Luke-Jr shrugs 680269;1400408181;Luke-Jr;if nobody tries, it won't happen for sure 680270;1400408379;moiety;true but i wouldn't have thought the reception would've been to great either had they thought you were there to reform them? 680271;1400408479;kakobrekla; if nobody tries, it won't happen for sure < theres a HUGE gap between that and "I SHOULD DO IT" 680272;1400408485;kakobrekla;retards dont see it. 680273;1400408524;moiety;wouldn't have been too great* 680274;1400408535;jurov;luke'd just jump on board to replace them with bots 680275;1400408539;Luke-Jr;lol 680276;1400408560;Luke-Jr;jurov: actually, there was some discussion about a year ago on automating the Foundation's job(s) 680277;1400408574;Luke-Jr;but then we realised it'd be about as big a project as Bitcoin, so dropped it and went back to Bitcoin code ;P 680278;1400408602;moiety;foundation has no manuls == lost cause 680279;1400408631;Duffer1;wtb domestic manul 680280;1400408633;jurov;maybe you can persuade gavin to dress as one? 680281;1400408710;jurov;invite hime to Manul Of Teh Year Award 680282;1400408740;moiety;lol ^ 680283;1400408749;moiety;the best ideas come from -assets 680284;1400408905;punkman;http://ztona.org/indri/674584373d026c13735067f8a18cc38b/ 680285;1400408906;assbot;674584373d026c13735067f8a18cc38b 680286;1400408935;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 14 @ 0.02466787 = 0.3454 BTC [-] {11} 680287;1400408942;kakobrekla;what a weird manul 680288;1400408992;moiety;lol kakobrekla 680289;1400408996;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.09222595 = 0.2767 BTC [-] 680290;1400409007;moiety;punkman: what is it?! that person isn't so good at labelling their posts 680291;1400409108;pankkake;apparenly, an indri 680292;1400409112;moiety;jurov: i think gavin might be too placid to pull off the manul-look 680293;1400409192;moiety;wow it /is/ a lemur... a really big one. mort still wins 680294;1400409691;punkman;delicious: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cb/La_Chouffe_bottle.jpg 680295;1400409701;punkman;had too much of it yesterday 680296;1400409759;pankkake;eheh, one of my favorites 680297;1400409776;pankkake;you easily have too much of it! 680298;1400409886;punkman;pankkake: yeah so smooth and balanced 680299;1400409916;mircea_popescu;olympic gymnast sex ? 680300;1400409924;punkman;yes 680301;1400409956;mircea_popescu;i knew i was missing out, focusing on the sluts. 680302;1400409981;mircea_popescu;http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/02/23/dogederps/#comment-6 680303;1400409983;assbot;Dogederps | When Bitcoin Met Pete 680304;1400409986;mircea_popescu;i know this dude from twitter. 680305;1400410033;moiety;this is the best beer i've ever had http://www.beersofeurope.co.uk/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/pimages/BrewdogHardcoreIPA.jpg 680306;1400410039;moiety;morning mircea_popescu :] 680307;1400410050;punkman;what's OWS? 680308;1400410102;kakobrekla; http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/02/23/dogederps/#comment-6 < stay at home kids. 680309;1400410103;assbot;Dogederps | When Bitcoin Met Pete 680310;1400410127;kakobrekla;there homless bitcoin junkies outthere. 680311;1400410152;mircea_popescu;heya! 680312;1400410161;kakobrekla;hi 680313;1400410192;mircea_popescu;no i was talking to her :D 680314;1400410200;kakobrekla;fuck you then 680315;1400410237;mircea_popescu;without even saying as much as hello ?! 680316;1400410251;kakobrekla;:) 680317;1400410262;thestringpuller;moiety is a girl? 680318;1400410263;mircea_popescu;hey everyone, now you see the rape inherent in the system! 680319;1400410266;thestringpuller;there are girls here now? 680320;1400410269;mircea_popescu;come and see the rape inherent in the system 680321;1400410277;kakobrekla;sorry im still on edge since that fucktard of luke spoke here 680322;1400410285;thestringpuller;help help i'm being oppressed! 680323;1400410292;mircea_popescu;what a giveaway, did you hear that ? 680324;1400410305;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu is oppressing me 680325;1400410308;thestringpuller;kakobrekla ban him 680326;1400410310;moiety;yes and i bring cookies thestringpuller 680327;1400410311;thestringpuller;devoice him! 680328;1400410318;mircea_popescu;!left thestringpuller 680329;1400410325;thestringpuller;moiety i bring cookies too 680330;1400410334;thestringpuller;I'm putting 10 BTCs into R&D 680331;1400410347;thestringpuller;The quest to find da dank cookie dough. 680332;1400410388;mircea_popescu;lol 680333;1400410476;mircea_popescu;!up Vexual 680334;1400410519;Vexual;Hi 680335;1400410521;thestringpuller;so luke the "developer" is still around? 680336;1400410524;Vexual;Ty 680337;1400410537;punkman;luke the reformer 680338;1400410541;Vexual;Luke shold be voted in 680339;1400410579;mircea_popescu;$vwap s.bbet 680340;1400410588;moiety;he is on a quest but he doesn't know what the quest is apparently 680341;1400410590;thestringpuller;mpexbot isn't voiced? 680342;1400410592;thestringpuller;:( 680343;1400410600;mircea_popescu;apparently it's not even up. 680344;1400410604;thestringpuller;!ticker m f.mpif 680345;1400410605;assbot;[MPEX:F.MPIF] 1D: 0.00021551 / 0.00021724 / 0.00021725 (28450 shares, 6.18 BTC), 7D: 0.00021551 / 0.00021724 / 0.00021725 (29561 shares, 6.42 BTC), 30D: 0.000215 / 0.00021515 / 0.00021725 (1082911 shares, 232.99 BTC) 680346;1400410613;Vexual;Punani 680347;1400410615;mircea_popescu;!t m s.bbet 680348;1400410615;assbot;[MPEX:S.BBET] 1D: 0.0005 / 0.00050005 / 0.00050133 (23450 shares, 11.73 BTC), 7D: 0.00047 / 0.00050358 / 0.00051499 (41878 shares, 21.09 BTC), 30D: 0.00047 / 0.00050526 / 0.00055999 (45052 shares, 22.76 BTC) 680349;1400410630;mircea_popescu;hey look at that, bbet starting to move a little. 680350;1400410630;thestringpuller;i'm really excited for MPIF 680351;1400410640;kakobrekla;not paying out divs helps. 680352;1400410643;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13750 @ 0.00090465 = 12.4389 BTC [+] {3} 680353;1400410660;kakobrekla;mircea_popescu i vote to continue that motion 680354;1400410669;Vexual;Making money helps 680355;1400410700;mircea_popescu;i guess so 680356;1400410741;moiety;!manullasers 680357;1400410753;moiety;hmm kakobrekla doesn't have neough free time clearly 680358;1400410756;moiety;enough* 680359;1400410761;Vexual;Say what? 680360;1400410770;thestringpuller;;;gettrust moiety 680361;1400410771;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask moiety!~moiety@unaffiliated/moiety. Trust relationship from user thestringpuller to user moiety: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 3 via 2 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=thestringpuller&dest=moiety | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=moiety | Rated since: Tue Feb 25 20:04:56 2014 680362;1400410804;Vexual;She neer gived me no whisky 680363;1400410818;thestringpuller;you're a cat lady? 680364;1400410829;mircea_popescu;she's working on it 680365;1400410835;Vexual;Ive got a few 680366;1400410846;Vexual;Nice 680367;1400410880;kakobrekla;moiety is taht manul shooting lazers from ze eyes or lasers shooting out manuls? 680368;1400411023;Vexual;Sup ho 680369;1400411050;mircea_popescu;!up Phoebus 680370;1400411052;mircea_popescu;!up ho_ 680371;1400411060;Phoebus;Cheers, too lazy to auth :D 680372;1400411066;ho_;thanks :) 680373;1400411070;assbot;[MPEX] [S.BBET] 7000 @ 0.00047428 = 3.32 BTC [-] {3} 680374;1400411100;Vexual;I hear 16 hz 680375;1400411119;Vexual;Thabks a lot ascii 680376;1400411128;moiety;i have two Vexual :] 680377;1400411165;Vexual;Mine are mental as you may well imagine 680378;1400411175;moiety;kakobrekla: i think manuls with laser eyes 680379;1400411175;mircea_popescu;ho_ you're welcome. so who might you be ? 680380;1400411190;kakobrekla;but not completely sure? 680381;1400411205;ho_;I'm the guy behind this: www.globalcoinfx.com 680382;1400411213;mircea_popescu;aha 680383;1400411220;ho_;:) 680384;1400411245;mircea_popescu;mpex deposits flushed. 680385;1400411265;ho_;brb 5 mins 680386;1400411299;Vexual;K 680387;1400411488;Vexual;Im timing ho 680388;1400411493;ho_;I'm back 680389;1400411494;ho_;:) 680390;1400411557;kakobrekla;you charge by the minute ? 680391;1400411561;Vexual;Efficient 680392;1400411590;mircea_popescu;lol 680393;1400411592;Vexual;Respect 680394;1400411621;mircea_popescu;You tried to access the address globalcoinfx.com, which is currently unavailable Secure connection: fatal error (112) from server. 680395;1400411632;mircea_popescu;so oyther than badly implementing https, what exactly is this about ? 680396;1400411658;ho_;that's odd.. works fine from here. 680397;1400411662;mircea_popescu;o boy. 680398;1400411756;kakobrekla;http://imgur.com/SUDX7uz 680399;1400411757;assbot;imgur: the simple image sharer 680400;1400411759;kakobrekla;thats what i get. 680401;1400411762;ho_;mircea - uk exchange 680402;1400411764;Vexual;; seen thickasthieves 680403;1400411801;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla ty 680404;1400411815;Vexual;;seen thickasthieves 680405;1400411817;ho_;thnx kakobrekla 680406;1400411835;mircea_popescu;ho_ well you're in the right place then. read the logs. 680407;1400411869;punkman;don't like the sound of "proactive compliance" 680408;1400411871;Vexual;; ass 680409;1400411901;ho_;punkman - I dont like the sound of 'forgotten compliance' :) 680410;1400411906;kakobrekla;its a hipster thing punkman 680411;1400411919;mircea_popescu;anyone got a link to nefario's presentation of his activia compliance ? 680412;1400411934;kakobrekla;;;google london conference 2012 680413;1400411935;gribble;London - Conference Alerts - City Listing: ; London Conference Events | Eventbrite: ; London Conference 2012 London - Amiando: 680414;1400411935;kakobrekla;? 680415;1400411949;kakobrekla;maybe add uk to that 680416;1400411951;kakobrekla;and nefario 680417;1400411960;kakobrekla;eh not uk, yt 680418;1400412004;kakobrekla;so who are you ho_ ? 680419;1400412013;kakobrekla;and by you , i mean this GCX ltd 680420;1400412054;ho_;I'm the founder.. www.linkedin.com/in/papathanasiou 680421;1400412068;kakobrekla;ok but do you have a CEO? 680422;1400412074;ho_;yes, me 680423;1400412079;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla i recall the guy asking him the q was actually in the room. maybe dub ? 680424;1400412084;kakobrekla;it was a sarcastic question :\ 680425;1400412104;mircea_popescu;ho_ would this be the popping of your ceo-cherry ? 680426;1400412126;ho_;no 680427;1400412145;Vexual;Liar 680428;1400412159;ho_;ran a security consultancy a conference and most recently a svp at an investment bank 680429;1400412169;ho_;you can google me to find out more 680430;1400412180;ho_;and what I have done in the past. 680431;1400412197;mircea_popescu;there's no "a" 680432;1400412202;mircea_popescu;which ? 680433;1400412220;ho_;? 680434;1400412232;Vexual;A or b 680435;1400412251;punkman;http://www.athcon.org/about.php 680436;1400412272;ho_;punkman, thanks, that pretty much summs it up pretty well 680437;1400412285;punkman;which bank though? 680438;1400412301;mircea_popescu;punkman no ty, im not interested in which conference he "ceo"'d. i have people over for drinks every fucking week, 680439;1400412307;mircea_popescu;so does every other drunk i know. 680440;1400412321;mircea_popescu;ho_ you imagine that sums it up well ?! 680441;1400412365;ho_;someone who is a svp at an investment bank, been in security for 15+ years, presented at black hat and def con runs greece's largest IT security conference, quoted in the press etc etc 680442;1400412366;mircea_popescu;"The First HIGHLY TECHNICAL IT SECURITY CONFERENCE IN GREECE" ? 680443;1400412369;ho_;yeah.. I think it does. 680444;1400412381;mircea_popescu;in security for 15+ years working for whom ? 680445;1400412384;ho_;what's your background? 680446;1400412396;mircea_popescu;i think you're confused as to how this works. 680447;1400412404;mircea_popescu;you introduce yourself. and rthen go read to find who we are. 680448;1400412407;mircea_popescu;not the other fucking way around. 680449;1400412412;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5442 @ 0.00090615 = 4.9313 BTC [+] {3} 680450;1400412445;ho_;ah, wasn't aware I was being interrogated 680451;1400412453;ho_;thought this was a friendly chat 680452;1400412455;ho_;alright then 680453;1400412473;mircea_popescu;it was friendly up until you started making vague claims and refusing to back em up. 680454;1400412484;kakobrekla;quite a butthurt for a ho. 680455;1400412508;ho_;citigroup global markets. 680456;1400412544;ho_;based in canary wharf 680457;1400412599;mircea_popescu;so your theory is i call up bill mills and ask "hey, you got a ho working there" and he says "sure" and i say a ok ? 680458;1400412617;ho_;I have no theory 680459;1400412628;ho_;do as you like 680460;1400412658;mircea_popescu;mkay, good enough. 680461;1400412660;mircea_popescu;!down ho_ 680462;1400412696;mircea_popescu;canary wharf in fucking burlington ma 680463;1400412763;mircea_popescu;!up Vexual 680464;1400412800;Vexual;Ty 680465;1400412831;mircea_popescu;and now back to doing anjie 680466;1400412847;Vexual;Anghie? 680467;1400412906;bounce;oh I think we discussed globalcoinfx a while back, didn't we? the pattern rings a bell. 680468;1400412919;mircea_popescu;bounce i have no recollection 680469;1400413114;bounce;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-04-2014#651067 680470;1400413115;assbot;#bitcoin-assets log 680471;1400413142;Vexual;I think ass could call that trademark in law 680472;1400413177;Vexual;Globalcoinfx 680473;1400413195;mircea_popescu;bounce ah indeed. it slid by 680474;1400413215;bounce;I remember thinking too many buzzwords, also the wrong ones. 680475;1400413242;mircea_popescu;so many men trained to behave like women floating about. it's a sickening display. 680476;1400413266;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 8 @ 0.0240375 = 0.1923 BTC [-] {4} 680477;1400413474;kakobrekla;but now he will never learn :( 680478;1400413702;mircea_popescu;he can read just like anyone else. 680479;1400413704;bounce;eh. bitchx with auto-away. like, sheesh. 680480;1400413939;Vexual;Pow 680481;1400414405;kakobrekla;re that ho and whatever exchange >> The application has been written from the ground up by our CEO over the course of 1.5 years of development effort. The frontend has been written in a combination of JQuery, HTML5, Twitter Bootstrap, PHP. 680482;1400414434;kakobrekla;thats how nasdaq does it, yep. 680483;1400414479;Vexual;Muh twitter isy twitching 680484;1400414547;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 136 @ 0.00423007 = 0.5753 BTC [-] {2} 680485;1400414688;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla guy aspires. 680486;1400416055;mircea_popescu;!up hecate 680487;1400416186;bounce;that's like, three more buzzwords than the fat frenchman, yo 680488;1400416303;jurov;yesterday i emaled to prospective investor (more politely) "i don't want to become a bridge between VC and people around MPEx, pls read my blog, otherwise you're in for cultural shock" 680489;1400416336;jurov;i can now link them to ho's today performance 680490;1400416413;mircea_popescu;jurov why wouldn't you want to ? 680491;1400416471;jurov;so far i never succeeded to explain to anyone what's this about, i gave up 680492;1400416508;jurov;and that was in person. and they wanted to talk by phone which i abhor for other reasons 680493;1400416548;mircea_popescu;well phone wouldn't likely work for you, sure. 680494;1400416557;mircea_popescu;i suppose you can sell bitcoin-assets protection services 680495;1400416602;jurov;what services? 680496;1400416607;bounce;veecees like to fone. so, where's the #bitcoin-assets voice-to-irc perpetual fone meet? 680497;1400416711;mircea_popescu;bounce this is an idea. 680498;1400416717;mircea_popescu;moiety you got a phone number ? 680499;1400416727;bounce;OTOneH I've had that thought for ages, irc to voice, though voice to irc would perhaps be a bit of a challenge. also the plusvees. OTOtherH this made me realise I perhaps really shouldn't want to try and find out 680500;1400416736;mircea_popescu;bounce nah, not automated. 680501;1400416738;mircea_popescu;handmade. 680502;1400416762;bounce;can get a DID on a SIP for free, though the number will likely be spendy 680503;1400416803;kakobrekla;so you can also call and go "read to me for a while" 680504;1400416814;moiety;i do, mobile not landline though 680505;1400416829;jurov;moiety, and you'll be able to reason about how mpex works and why? 680506;1400416836;mircea_popescu;moiety would you be amenable to being our receptionist ? 680507;1400416838;BigBitz;Hmm... 680508;1400416842;BigBitz;such anger in this room, friends. 680509;1400416860;kakobrekla;shutup noob 680510;1400416865;BigBitz;kakobrekla lold 680511;1400416870;mircea_popescu;fuck you kako driving noobs away 680512;1400416875;BigBitz;;;gpg info kakobrekla 680513;1400416875;gribble;User 'kakobrekla', with keyid 27AF75321F2489E8, fingerprint 27C3CE9A20851312F086268C27AF75321F2489E8, and bitcoin address None, registered on Fri May 13 18:04:32 2011, last authed on Thu May 15 20:41:27 2014. http://b-otc.com/vg?nick=kakobrekla . Currently authenticated from hostmask kakobrekla!~kako@unaffiliated/kakobrekla . 680514;1400416878;kakobrekla;;> 680515;1400416881;BigBitz;DAT LEGIT UNNOOBNESS. 680516;1400416882;BigBitz;:) 680517;1400416895;mircea_popescu;BigBitz were you noobishly tring to do 680518;1400416897;moiety;I would be amenable, i'd like to be clear on what you'd like me to say 680519;1400416900;mircea_popescu;;;gettrust kakobrekla BigBitz 680520;1400416900;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask BigBitz!~BigBitz@unaffiliated/bigbitz. Trust relationship from user kakobrekla to user BigBitz: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 6 via 7 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=kakobrekla&dest=BigBitz | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=BigBitz | Rated since: Fri Apr 26 11:13:53 2013 680521;1400416904;BigBitz;dattrust. 680522;1400416910;bounce;called us friends. bet he's nigerian royalty too. 680523;1400416916;BigBitz;I am a Nigerian Prince. 680524;1400416931;bounce;here's a dollah, where's ma millionz? 680525;1400416931;mircea_popescu;moiety i do not want you to say anything specific. we'll publish your number, anyone calls with a question you answer to the best of your ability, as per your knowledge assimilated here. 680526;1400416932;BigBitz;My Uncle Hookabooka Mookakook has left $40m in a fund. 680527;1400416945;mircea_popescu;if you don't know the answer, you either ask here or else if not possible 680528;1400416960;mircea_popescu;cause you're in the bath or w/e, you excuse yourself, proimise to call them later, and do. 680529;1400416960;kakobrekla;mp, best to get a dedicated throwaway number for that 680530;1400416980;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla well the implementation details after the concept agreement. 680531;1400417004;kakobrekla;yes but that was so far unspecified! 680532;1400417013;moiety;my number is disposable. only two people know it. what about call backs? i'm not in a position to call internationally 680533;1400417025;mircea_popescu;moiety you;ll get a budget. 680534;1400417179;moiety;well, reception is what i do so i'm happy to do it for you. i don't make personall calls so i can keep records. im not sure how you feel about it being a mobile number? 680535;1400417229;mircea_popescu;can you get skype ? 680536;1400417231;bounce;"bitcoin is mobile". if it's a problem can put sip service [in front|instead] 680537;1400417259;mircea_popescu;it's definitely cheaper than any plan vodafone'd sell you. 680538;1400417485;moiety;I have skype 680539;1400417501;moiety;lol funny you say that im PAYG vodafone 680540;1400417524;mircea_popescu;lol 680541;1400417576;mircea_popescu;ok, so here's the deal, you get 1 bitcent an hour for now, i'll prepay you 100 hours. as an extra, you start a blog, keep a log of your calls there. time, very short summary of conversation. no publicly identifiable info. 680542;1400417598;mircea_popescu;"a guy called from Citi" is ok, "Joe Doe called" is not. 680543;1400417650;bounce;separate skype thingy? "bitcoin_assets" or something? 680544;1400417680;mircea_popescu;bounce the whole thing would be #bitcoin-assets reception service. 680545;1400417699;mircea_popescu;she's only working for me in the sense that i'm the one to pay her first. 680546;1400417704;mircea_popescu;otherwise, she's a public woman :D 680547;1400417743;bounce;just wondered if its own identity brand thing wouldn't be a good idea 680548;1400417775;mircea_popescu;you mean other than #bitcoin-assets ? 680549;1400417780;mircea_popescu;it's a community pbs type of service. 680550;1400417798;moiety;my account is called moderncuriosity, i'm happy to make a new one, whatever works best 680551;1400417812;bounce;no, not other than. I ment skype:#bitcoin_assets not skype:moderncuriosity 680552;1400417826;bounce;s/_/-/ or whatever skype takes 680553;1400417827;mircea_popescu;moiety yeah, make a dedicated skype 680554;1400417850;mircea_popescu;i thought skype actually took numbers 680555;1400417860;mircea_popescu;you can't get a 1-500-43987543985 sorta thing ? 680556;1400417896;bounce;plenty places where you can get a DID (Direct Inward Dial, a phone number) 680557;1400417907;mircea_popescu;that'd be good. 680558;1400417926;bounce;even free ones, like +44 870 (IIRC), which is not quite a 900 but not regular either 680559;1400417965;bounce;get a possibly free SIP acct. somewhere and put one or more of those in front 680560;1400417996;bounce;can't always get caller ID outbound matching though 680561;1400418017;mircea_popescu;bounce mind helping her out ? practically rather than theoretically i mean 680562;1400418039;mircea_popescu;i don't think she'll comfortably manage the tech stuff on her own 680563;1400418078;jurov;i'll gladly help, too 680564;1400418078;bounce;sure. not that I know much, I tried to set it up once before and horribly failed (something funky with the nokia voip stack and passive-aggressive RFC handling), but I'll be glad to help 680565;1400418137;bounce;I'm having to stop slacking soonish today though, but tomorrow and onward is open. 680566;1400418172;mircea_popescu;cool. 680567;1400418185;mircea_popescu;!up Phoebus 680568;1400418217;Phoebus;Have you guys watched fonejacker? Was on some british channel, 4 I think. Do something that that :P 680569;1400418282;jurov;!up HeySteve 680570;1400418317;HeySteve;hello :) 680571;1400418324;fluffypony;bounce, mircea_popescu 680572;1400418330;mircea_popescu;hm ? 680573;1400418334;fluffypony;you can sign up for a service called Skype In or Skype Pro or some shit 680574;1400418339;fluffypony;that gives you a dedicated number 680575;1400418341;fluffypony;and calls to that come in to Skype 680576;1400418345;bounce;in fact I have a softphone with DID lying around, never really tested 680577;1400418376;moiety;ok, can get a skye dedicated number for £4.03/month or £11.50/3months or i can just attach it to my mobile number 680578;1400418385;moiety;skype* 680579;1400418390;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.08980012 = 0.1796 BTC [+] {2} 680580;1400418392;Phoebus;bounce, what are you using for it? Try freeswitch? 680581;1400418397;bounce;yeah skype wants teh monies 680582;1400418419;fluffypony;I'll pay the 4 Eurow 680583;1400418420;bounce;signed up for... oh feeding AWS a number or something and they didn't bite, arses 680584;1400418421;fluffypony;Euros 680585;1400418441;fluffypony;I'll prepay it for 3 months, and if successful I'll keep paying it 680586;1400418447;bounce;it's a sipgate.co.uk thingy, free. 680587;1400418458;fluffypony;GBP 680588;1400418460;fluffypony;not EUR 680589;1400418462;fluffypony;fail at reading today 680590;1400418483;bounce;you set up just about any voip thing (phone, mobile phone, softphone, whatever) as long as it talks sip, and it should work 680591;1400418512;moiety;is google voice not free? 680592;1400418535;bounce;it's a right pain to set up, need an existing US number to get in 680593;1400418539;fluffypony;moiety: yes, but I think you have to be in the US for it? 680594;1400418541;fluffypony;there you go 680595;1400418553;fluffypony;can we not just go for the simplest solution? 680596;1400418554;bounce;and a google account, and whatever else. you /can/ get such a DID if you're handy but it's still a pain. 680597;1400418569;fluffypony;I'm happy to pay the 4 EUR, and Skype is easy enough for this 680598;1400418575;fluffypony;ffs, GBP, not EUR 680599;1400418603;*;bounce isn't sure why you're so happy to throw bezzle at redmond-owned skype 680600;1400418619;fluffypony;bounce: I can write it off as a business expense 680601;1400418633;bounce;you want business expenses to write off? 680602;1400418649;fluffypony;hah hha 680603;1400418673;fluffypony;in this instance it's for a valid cause :) 680604;1400418764;fluffypony;also for when she needs to phone people back, Skype calls are particularly cheap worldwide 680605;1400418774;[]bot;Bet placed: 10 BTC for No on "Brock Pierce to resign at BTC Foundation (http://bitbet.us/bet/854/)". Odds: 0(Y):100(N) by coin, 0(Y):100(N) by weight. Total bet: 10.11 BTC. Current weight: 99,341. 680606;1400418777;fluffypony;and I don't mind throwing 20 GBP at it every time it runs low 680607;1400418808;mircea_popescu;;;later tell princessnell http://trilema.com/2014/lets-do-anjie-well-actually-let-me-do-anjie-while-you-watch/ 680608;1400418809;assbot;Let’s do Anjie. Well actually : let me do Anjie while you watch. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 680609;1400418809;gribble;The operation succeeded. 680610;1400418836;mircea_popescu; ok, can get a skye dedicated number for 4.03/month or 11.50/3months or i can just attach it to my mobile number << how about a year ? 680611;1400418862;penguirker;New blog post: http://trilema.com/2014/soft-pre-announcement-of-awards-at-stealth-third-bitcoin-conference-of-any-import/ 680612;1400418863;assbot;Soft pre-announcement of awards at stealth third Bitcoin conference of any import pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 680613;1400418872;mircea_popescu;o god. 680614;1400418881;mircea_popescu;!up darlidada 680615;1400418887;Phoebus;mircea_popescu, if you don't mind twilio's charges, also another option. Fun API :) 680616;1400418901;fluffypony;Phoebus: I'm still waiting for them to support voice in South Africa 680617;1400418914;Phoebus;Uhh, kick them till they do. 680618;1400418915;fluffypony;seems like a really good service for text messages and voice 680619;1400418927;Phoebus;Yeah been using it for half a year, so far so good. 680620;1400418934;fluffypony;yeah I should probably pester them some more 680621;1400418951;Phoebus;And get others to as well, if they see no market, no bother. 680622;1400418984;mircea_popescu; in this instance it's for a valid cause :) << i'm impressed how well this works. same thing happened with openbsd, people ended up giving them like 100k. and we don't even have a foundation! and we're not even ceos of bitcoin! 680623;1400418995;fluffypony;lol 680624;1400418998;moiety;mircea_popescu: a year is £40.25 but wouldn't you rather see how it went? 680625;1400419002;mircea_popescu;who the fuck could have imagined that if you aim to cook the point is to start heating the oil, rather than getting the proper hat. 680626;1400419010;mircea_popescu;moiety no. 680627;1400419015;mircea_popescu;fluffypony you payiong the 40 or shall i ? 680628;1400419019;moiety;also where would you like this blog to be 680629;1400419022;fluffypony;I'll do it 680630;1400419025;mircea_popescu;cool. 680631;1400419035;mircea_popescu;moiety dump a btc address for your first shiny btc. 680632;1400419046;mircea_popescu;and i would like the blog to be on anything that's not blogspot. 680633;1400419054;mircea_popescu;pankkake you offering hosting for noobs or not yet ? 680634;1400419065;fluffypony;moiety: I've created a Skype account with the username bitcoinassets 680635;1400419073;fluffypony;I'm just busy organising number and skype credit 680636;1400419075;fluffypony;and will give you the details 680637;1400419116;moiety;thanks :] i did too lol, you can pick a sort of memorable one which is good 680638;1400419121;fluffypony;are we going to do a US number 680639;1400419122;fluffypony;or a UK one? 680640;1400419128;mircea_popescu;prolly us best. 680641;1400419133;mircea_popescu;uk is a shithole. 680642;1400419134;fluffypony;kk 680643;1400419151;fluffypony;any particular state? NY? 680644;1400419186;mircea_popescu;sure. 680645;1400419194;mircea_popescu;WALL STREET CANARY BARF 680646;1400419202;fluffypony;hah hah 680647;1400419231;kakobrekla;that thing is in UK as far as i saw 680648;1400419236;kakobrekla;not in states 680649;1400419263;mircea_popescu;;;coggler 680650;1400419263;gribble;Error: "coggler" is not a valid command. 680651;1400419266;mircea_popescu;;;ud coggler 680652;1400419267;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=coggler | coggler. The slang term for a person affected with Penile Scrotal Coggloriotus. A disease which actually separates the two testicles found within the male ... 680653;1400419293;kakobrekla;you calling me a coggler now? 680654;1400419295;mircea_popescu;(total hoax, there's no such thing) 680655;1400419320;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla you mean the canary wharf ? yes it's in london. 680656;1400419333;mircea_popescu;"Nassim N. Taleb favorited your Tweet" 680657;1400419341;mircea_popescu;o.m.f.g do i feel better than all of you! :D 680658;1400419360;pankkake;mircea_popescu: hosting wordpress is a liability. they're better off using wordpress.com, and move out if they really need it - everything is exportable so there is no lock-in 680659;1400419376;mircea_popescu;aite. 680660;1400419379;bitcoinpete;mircea_popescu: lol taleb faved a pic i posted of the black swan in romanian 680661;1400419388;mircea_popescu;moiety the french gods of tech hath spoken : wp.com 680662;1400419391;bitcoinpete;like a year ago 680663;1400419417;mircea_popescu;o hey 680664;1400419433;bitcoinpete;hiya 680665;1400419436;moiety;kk will do, thank you :] 680666;1400419450;mircea_popescu;nono. "o hey" means this slikght positive surprise. like "good for you" 680667;1400419465;mircea_popescu;o hai is different. 680668;1400419488;bitcoinpete;a yes 680669;1400419502;kakobrekla;dun worry hes been 'hello trollin' all day 680670;1400419511;bitcoinpete;lol 680671;1400419541;mircea_popescu;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqwhiRRsMkU 680672;1400419541;assbot;Aloha A: "The Cavie Islanders & the Troll" acoustic performance at the Springs River Fest in FL - YouTube 680673;1400419567;bitcoinpete;omg so y'know yuri from bex? 680674;1400419586;bitcoinpete;mr. decentralize github cuz white label exchanges are hard and shit? 680675;1400419622;bitcoinpete;he dm'd me on twitter after i told him to bootstrap his own damn pet projects 680676;1400419629;kakobrekla;im confused, bex doesnt mention yuri 680677;1400419643;bitcoinpete;it doesn't? 680678;1400419655;kakobrekla;i dun see it 680679;1400419671;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 44 @ 0.08913886 = 3.9221 BTC [-] {7} 680680;1400419711;bitcoinpete;heya it totally used to 680681;1400419722;bitcoinpete;i dun see it either anymore 680682;1400419732;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 32 @ 0.089 = 2.848 BTC [-] {2} 680683;1400419744;mircea_popescu;it used to !? 680684;1400419750;bitcoinpete;it was ilya, jesse and yuri before 680685;1400419759;bitcoinpete;i met the doods 680686;1400419777;mircea_popescu;this has all the makings of scandal. 680687;1400419793;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 25 @ 0.0887 = 2.2175 BTC [-] 680688;1400419910;bitcoinpete;mhm doing some background now 680689;1400420123;penguirker;New blog post: http://trilema.com/2014/lets-do-anjie-well-actually-let-me-do-anjie-while-you-watch/ 680690;1400420124;assbot;Let’s do Anjie. Well actually : let me do Anjie while you watch. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 680691;1400420148;bitcoinpete;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NLBLTS6b8I 680692;1400420148;assbot;Bex.io Preview - YouTube 680693;1400420159;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 12 @ 0.08920837 = 1.0705 BTC [+] {3} 680694;1400420202;bitcoinpete;http://www.coindesk.com/bitcoin-exchange-startup-bex-io-funding/ 680695;1400420203;assbot;Bitcoin Exchange Startup Bex.io Recieves $525,000 in Funding 680696;1400420212;bitcoinpete;"founder yurii..." 680697;1400420220;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 200 @ 0.09262184 = 18.5244 BTC [+] {9} 680698;1400420230;bitcoinpete;that was end of december 2013 680699;1400420249;bitcoinpete;by early april 2013 dood is selling his macbook on twitter and "going on a trip" 680700;1400420268;mircea_popescu;nice work pete b. 680701;1400420268;bitcoinpete;https://twitter.com/yrashk/status/453221483876474880 680702;1400420269;assbot;Pre-trip "yard sale": Selling MacBook Pro 13" Retina (Late 2012) 8GB RAM 128GB SSD, yrashk@gmail.com 680703;1400420281;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 100 @ 0.093 = 9.3 BTC [+] {2} 680704;1400420398;kakobrekla;and is now pitching keiser ? https://twitter.com/yrashk/status/467997044532318208 680705;1400420399;assbot;Bitcoin's ideological conundrum: is it better to dumb it down (i.e., Circle) or should we be trying to educate people about rights & money? 680706;1400420412;kakobrekla;hm stupid assbot 680707;1400420455;bitcoinpete;hrh 680708;1400420476;bitcoinpete;might have to scribble a few lines on this one 680709;1400420520;kakobrekla;btw it says on the kickstarter page 680710;1400420521;kakobrekla;>I have spent the last year in the role of CTO at a Bitcoin startup and now that I have some spare time, I want to apply some of the innovations from the Bitcoin space to other problems. 680711;1400420568;kakobrekla;using past tense. 680712;1400420650;mircea_popescu;i wonder what the real dirt is there. 680713;1400420769;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.09010208 = 0.901 BTC [-] 680714;1400420830;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 50 @ 0.09299984 = 4.65 BTC [+] {3} 680715;1400420833;fluffypony;ok 680716;1400420836;fluffypony;moiety is up and running 680717;1400420844;mircea_popescu;o splendid. what's teh number ? 680718;1400420847;fluffypony;+1 646 480 0703 680719;1400420852;mircea_popescu;yay. 680720;1400420853;fluffypony;New York Zone 1 bitches 680721;1400420864;mircea_popescu;elaine's gonna be jealous of our 646 680722;1400420876;fluffypony;someone needs to tell BitcoinBourse we just comped them, we *are* the Wall Street of Bitcoin :-P 680723;1400420891;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.093 = 0.186 BTC [+] 680724;1400420952;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 8 @ 0.093 = 0.744 BTC [+] {2} 680725;1400420958;mircea_popescu;aite everyone with blogs, tat, bitcoinpete jborkl benkay mike_c fluffypony BingoBoingo pls tgo announce bitcoin's new phone number. 680726;1400421186;chetty;so I just discovered that an expat forum I am on is cencoring the word bitcoin 680727;1400421283;mircea_popescu;hahaha 680728;1400421295;mircea_popescu;link them to the stripper forum ? 680729;1400421314;pankkake;wtf?! they give a reason? 680730;1400421414;chetty;nope, I just noticed that everytime I use the word my post goes to 'moderation' and never shows up 680731;1400421475;fluffypony;chetty 680732;1400421483;fluffypony;it's possibly because people are using it for remittance 680733;1400421501;fluffypony;and they don't want to be on the hook for legal issues 680734;1400421515;fluffypony;it may not be malicious, expat forums are weird 680735;1400421557;chetty;well as I understand it bitcoin here goes for like 20% over market price, that might have something to do with it 680736;1400421558;fluffypony;South African expats are the worst, all they can ever do is talk about how terrible ZA is and how the crime is so bad they've been raped twice and murdered at least six times 680737;1400421577;chetty;fluffypony, haha, same here 680738;1400421638;chetty;oh, but we also get how bad the economy and inflation is X5 680739;1400421640;mircea_popescu;lmao 680740;1400421650;mircea_popescu;this reminds me of an older direc experience in central america. 680741;1400421662;mircea_popescu;costa rica is a country with 0 crime. mexico is... well you know, the world capital of it. 680742;1400421681;mircea_popescu;you couldn't tell this to look at their newspapers. cr newspapers carried abut half "omfg the security problems" 680743;1400421684;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 9 @ 0.02557267 = 0.2302 BTC [+] 680744;1400421685;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 9 @ 0.03013333 = 0.2712 BTC [-] 680745;1400421687;mircea_popescu;mexico press talked abnout the weather. 680746;1400421710;mircea_popescu;i'm just sorry i didn't get a picture of a police comissioner's severed head wrapped in a newspaper discussing the unseasonable rain. 680747;1400421722;fluffypony;lol 680748;1400421722;mircea_popescu;s/rain/dampness 680749;1400421730;chetty;well costa rica has all those 'armed' guards at every door 680750;1400421749;fluffypony;ok so I got side-tracked - what am I supposed to announce? "The new direct support number for Bitcoin" ? 680751;1400421774;mircea_popescu;yup 680752;1400421782;mircea_popescu;im hammering out a post myself, so. 680753;1400421813;mircea_popescu;instead of showering. i'm sitting here stinking of sweat and ballsack, and writing thousands of words. instead of showering. talk about mental conditions. 680754;1400421828;chetty;for all of bitcoin? or for bitcoin-assets 680755;1400421843;fluffypony;all of Bitcoin 680756;1400421843;fluffypony;ever 680757;1400421874;chetty;hahahahah cool 680758;1400421900;[]bot;Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "Bitcoin to drop under $300 before June (http://bitbet.us/bet/802/)". Odds: 13(Y):87(N) by coin, 15(Y):85(N) by weight. Total bet: 36.39582766 BTC. Current weight: 14,758. 680759;1400421989;mircea_popescu;yup 680760;1400423087;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: BY THE WAY I got a Romanian to explain the gypsy crossword puzzle joke to me 680761;1400423096;fluffypony;was quite a lol once I got it 680762;1400423393;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 64 @ 0.03013333 = 1.9285 BTC [-] 680763;1400423481;[]bot;Bet placed: 9 BTC for No on "Bitcoin to drop under $300 before June (http://bitbet.us/bet/802/)". Odds: 10(Y):90(N) by coin, 14(Y):86(N) by weight. Total bet: 45.39582766 BTC. Current weight: 14,716. 680764;1400423514;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12600 @ 0.00090795 = 11.4402 BTC [+] {2} 680765;1400423697;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.09020692 = 0.9021 BTC [-] 680766;1400423935;mircea_popescu;fluffypony >D 680767;1400423945;mircea_popescu;and now i gotta zip. laters! 680768;1400423964;fluffypony;ciao 680769;1400424141;penguirker;New blog post: http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/05/18/1-646-480-0703-the-new-bitcoin-hotline/ 680770;1400424142;assbot;+1 646 480 0703: The New Bitcoin Hotline | When Bitcoin Met Pete 680771;1400424170;bitcoinpete;that was fast 680772;1400424185;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 2 @ 0.09074999 = 0.1815 BTC [+] {2} 680773;1400424202;fluffypony;bitcoinpete: and it's prepaid for a year 680774;1400424208;fluffypony;moiety has her work cut out for her 680775;1400424307;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.09020714 = 0.9021 BTC [+] 680776;1400424359;moiety;ohgod 680777;1400424368;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 9 @ 0.09020704 = 0.8119 BTC [-] 680778;1400424427;bitcoinpete;moiety do you prefer if i use your handle or your full name in the article? 680779;1400424429;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 36 @ 0.0901516 = 3.2455 BTC [-] {4} 680780;1400424472;moiety;handle 680781;1400424480;moiety;please 680782;1400424490;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 116 @ 0.09009568 = 10.4511 BTC [-] {4} 680783;1400424500;fluffypony;Mizz Moiety 680784;1400424519;moiety;wondering what ive let myself in for though 680785;1400424552;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 61 @ 0.09 = 5.49 BTC [-] {2} 680786;1400424612;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 22 @ 0.09 = 1.98 BTC [-] 680787;1400424648;bitcoinpete;alright. breakfast time. laytah 680788;1400424684;fluffypony;moiety: don't worry, you're getting paid, just brush off any retards being retarded and move on 680789;1400424752;moiety;:] 680790;1400424896;punkman;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhFCOHxc32E 680791;1400424896;assbot;MF Doom-Hoe Cakes - YouTube 680792;1400424917;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 61 @ 0.08608196 = 5.251 BTC [-] {2} 680793;1400425161;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 131 @ 0.0008372 = 0.1097 BTC [-] 680794;1400425162;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8496 @ 0.00090549 = 7.693 BTC [-] {2} 680795;1400425490;moiety;I take it im not logging calls where they dont say anything 680796;1400425698;punkman;moiety, keep your bitbet/coinbr referral links handy, maybe arrange with jurov so you can get something from mpex referrals too 680797;1400425710;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 60 @ 0.086005 = 5.1603 BTC [-] {4} 680798;1400425786;FabianB;;;ticker 680799;1400425788;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 449.3, Best ask: 449.47, Bid-ask spread: 0.17000, Last trade: 449.3, 24 hour volume: 1746.93935235, 24 hour low: 447.31, 24 hour high: 451.43, 24 hour vwap: 449.44117237 680800;1400425791;punkman;will probably make more money than 9/10 of those crappy IPOs 680801;1400425820;FabianB;;;ticker --currency eur 680802;1400425821;gribble;Bitstamp BTCEUR ticker | Best bid: 328.03393, Best ask: 328.143445, Bid-ask spread: 0.10951, Last trade: 328.03393, 24 hour volume: 1742.77935235, 24 hour low: 326.581031, 24 hour high: 329.589043, 24 hour vwap: 328.136999947 680803;1400426424;moiety;good idea punkman thanks 680804;1400426454;moiety;if anyone wants me to have any other info to pass on readily, just let me know 680805;1400426541;bounce;good excuse to stick stuff in the wiki, no? 680806;1400426549;fluffypony;oh good idea bounce 680807;1400426598;punkman;moiety: maybe grab a mailchimp account or something, add any non-derps to a list 680808;1400426747;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 21 @ 0.08600007 = 1.806 BTC [-] {4} 680809;1400427235;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1000 @ 0.00011985 = 0.1199 BTC [-] {3} 680810;1400427261;moiety;punkman: good plan, just set one up :] 680811;1400427267;moiety;just making a blog page also 680812;1400427543;bounce;I'd been playing with the idea to make a list of just about everyone visible in ze bitcoinz zfere, derp or not. 680813;1400427601;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1000 @ 0.00011964 = 0.1196 BTC [-] {2} 680814;1400427662;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.08799341 = 0.264 BTC [+] {3} 680815;1400427967;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1000 @ 0.00011885 = 0.1189 BTC [-] {3} 680816;1400427978;fluffypony;this is brilliant 680817;1400427978;fluffypony;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=613632.0 680818;1400427978;assbot;[ANN] RAMBOCOIN POS/POW! **25 MAY** NEW FEATURE PROOF-OF-DISCO! 680819;1400428027;fluffypony;the testimonials are awesome 680820;1400428032;artifexd;moiety: What timezone are you in? What kind of hours do you expect to keep in order to answer the phone? 680821;1400428134;fluffypony;"Update 1; WOW I have a good news. The brothers from the Winklevos have send me a massage say he want to make invest in Rambocoin. I have tell him no because I want this coin to be fair for the poor people in the forum. He was a very mad." 680822;1400428144;moiety;artifexd: I'm in the uk, and im around pretty much all the time til early hours gmt 680823;1400428146;fluffypony;this guy is brilliant 680824;1400428426;FabianB;has TaT summarized the amsterdam conf already? 680825;1400428495;jurov;FabianB: not summarized, just blogged some happenings 680826;1400428508;jurov;grep logs for Shakira 680827;1400428512;fluffypony;live bloggingz 680828;1400428513;jurov;er Shakespeare 680829;1400428522;fluffypony;on his Devil Wears Prada blog 680830;1400428530;fluffypony;http://devilsadvocate.biz 680831;1400428533;assbot;The Devil's Advocate | Telling it like it might be. 680832;1400428538;FabianB;jurov: thx, will have a look 680833;1400428558;artifexd;fluffypony: Have you taken ABitInterested up on his offer to share his website with you? Have you verified it? 680834;1400428569;fluffypony;oh I didn't know he responded 680835;1400428571;fluffypony;shoot I feel bad 680836;1400428821;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 2.45611848 BTC to 8`648 shares, 28401 satoshi per share 680837;1400429126;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1600 @ 0.00090344 = 1.4455 BTC [-] 680838;1400429132;fluffypony;"I also wanted to give Karpeles the benefit of the doubt for way too long... basically I hate to say it but lambchops was kind of right about the type of investors in this space." 680839;1400429144;fluffypony;ah, the benefit of hindsight 680840;1400429162;fluffypony;(from the Neo&Bee "spam free" thread) 680841;1400429919;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10281 @ 0.00090344 = 9.2883 BTC [-] 680842;1400430562;punkman;bounce: I'd been playing with the idea to make a list of just about everyone visible in ze bitcoinz zfere, derp or not. <- pull request plz https://bitbucket.org/abfg/gildedtxt/src/601f1fddd3382d70b4df17ee0f60ec50e1fda16d/people/ 680843;1400430563;assbot;abfg / gildedtxt / source / people — Bitbucket 680844;1400430620;cgcardona;o/ 680845;1400430626;cgcardona;;;ticker 680846;1400430627;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 446.03, Best ask: 446.81, Bid-ask spread: 0.78000, Last trade: 446.81, 24 hour volume: 2329.24591587, 24 hour low: 445.1, 24 hour high: 451.43, 24 hour vwap: 448.391672475 680847;1400430834;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 43 @ 0.024 = 1.032 BTC [+] {4} 680848;1400430895;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 8 @ 0.0898494 = 0.7188 BTC [-] {2} 680849;1400430956;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.08984935 = 0.3594 BTC [-] 680850;1400431156;thestringpuller;;;ticker 680851;1400431157;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 447.42, Best ask: 448.1, Bid-ask spread: 0.68000, Last trade: 448.1, 24 hour volume: 2345.14367465, 24 hour low: 445.1, 24 hour high: 451.43, 24 hour vwap: 448.385657576 680852;1400431177;BingoBoingo;Is brock betting on himself? http://bitbet.us/bet/854/#b4 680853;1400431177;assbot;BitBet - Brock Pierce to resign at BTC Foundation :: 0.03 B (0%) on Yes, 10.08 B (100%) on No | closing in 3 months 1 week| weight: 99`199 (100`000 to 1) 680854;1400431444;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5104 @ 0.00090354 = 4.6117 BTC [+] 680855;1400431531;Mats_cd03;lol 680856;1400431650;cgcardona;no that person probably just realizes that the hive mind of rage will move on soon enough to something else. 680857;1400431846;BingoBoingo;I'm not so sure. Maybe this Brock dude has an Usagi complex? 680858;1400431876;benkay;mircea_popescu:and now back to doing anjie << goodness does the princess know she's getting done? 680859;1400431932;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 11 @ 0.0860001 = 0.946 BTC [-] {2} 680860;1400431993;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.08600005 = 0.172 BTC [-] {2} 680861;1400432161;cgcardona;if she's not aware of it then that's no proper doing. 680862;1400432481;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17407 @ 0.0009071 = 15.7899 BTC [+] {3} 680863;1400432773;moiety;you know gravatar? 680864;1400432809;moiety;is it out of the question to have a manul gravatar? mine looks derpy 680865;1400432820;BingoBoingo;Link plz? 680866;1400432867;moiety;forewarning BB, i have red hair now http://en.gravatar.com/userimage/65624956/e86bbcdbb27e845ca85bcbec8581f7d3.jpg?size=200 680867;1400432908;moiety;can i not just use a manul 680868;1400432919;pankkake;why not? 680869;1400432930;BingoBoingo;A Manul is fine too. 680870;1400432951;BingoBoingo;I actually thought you were going to link a derpy manul picture. 680871;1400432951;moiety;oh good i dont know how strict gravatar is on it being people 680872;1400432961;BingoBoingo;It isn't at all 680873;1400433002;BingoBoingo;My gravatar has been dead for 104 years. 680874;1400433025;pankkake;there's no moderation, the only thing is that you can set an avatar as NSFW or something 680875;1400433113;moiety;http://en.gravatar.com/userimage/65624956/670ac453c2b98cb8e2f4fb393c2124a1.jpg?size=200 :D 680876;1400433172;moiety;o right enough BB i didn't think on yours 680877;1400433220;BingoBoingo;moiety: What about that sleepy manul kitten in the tree? 680878;1400433246;moiety;its attached to the receptionthing s i didn't think a sleeping one or a grumpy one would be such a good idea 680879;1400433261;penguirker;New blog post: http://cascadianhacker.com/blog/2014/05/18_bitcoin-assets-receptionist.html 680880;1400433261;assbot;#bitcoin-assets receptionist 680881;1400433349;BingoBoingo;http://oglaf.com/re-illusionist/ 680882;1400433350;assbot;Return of the Illusionist OR IS IT? 680883;1400433409;BingoBoingo;moiety: Good thinking 680884;1400433725;BingoBoingo;http://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/18/world/europe/fare-dodging-is-an-organized-rebellion-in-stockholm-and-its-winning.html?hp&_r=0 680885;1400433727;assbot;Log In - The New York Times 680886;1400433755;benkay;wait now my posts get rebroadcast in here without me even having to do anything? 680887;1400433764;benkay;WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS 680888;1400433782;pankkake;<== 680889;1400433791;benkay;can we get oglaf on the feed too? 680890;1400433795;benkay;(thanks pankkake ) 680891;1400433812;pankkake;for now it's just a quick hack on blogs.b-a.com 680892;1400433823;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 25 @ 0.03013326 = 0.7533 BTC [+] {2} 680893;1400433824;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 9 @ 0.024 = 0.216 BTC [+] 680894;1400433832;pankkake;maybe I'll write a thing to handle various feeds, but not now 680895;1400433932;benkay;sounds like a waste of time 680896;1400434006;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 7 @ 0.03013333 = 0.2109 BTC [+] 680897;1400434070;benkay;mircea_popescu: "lost the whistle"? 680898;1400434946;benkay;so i discovered last night that multibit doesn't display unconfirmed zero-fee transactions 680899;1400434971;benkay;this is part of the complexity of building consumer-facing btc software. there are just so many details to get right, so many things people will actually want to know... 680900;1400434982;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14300 @ 0.00090307 = 12.9139 BTC [-] {3} 680901;1400434998;benkay;it took rebuilding the multibit wallet before it would see the zero-fee txn, even after confirmation. 680902;1400435001;benkay;!up agamemnon23 680903;1400435004;benkay;;;gettrust agamemnon23 680904;1400435004;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user benkay to user agamemnon23: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=benkay&dest=agamemnon23 | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=agamemnon23 | Rated since: never 680905;1400435017;benkay;hello there, agamemnon23 680906;1400435032;agamemnon23;'lo 680907;1400435046;benkay;and who are you? 680908;1400435060;agamemnon23;AN lurker :) 680909;1400435348;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 7 @ 0.45392482 = 3.1775 BTC [+] {6} 680910;1400435409;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11600 @ 0.00090253 = 10.4693 BTC [-] {2} 680911;1400435484;benkay;an lurker? is that like an hero? 680912;1400435504;thestringpuller;benkay 680913;1400435507;thestringpuller;i stole your idea 680914;1400435509;benkay;what 680915;1400435509;thestringpuller;now I will profit 680916;1400435511;thestringpuller;mwahahahaahahaha 680917;1400435511;benkay;no stahp 680918;1400435514;thestringpuller;MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 680919;1400435514;benkay;it's mine 680920;1400435515;mod6;:O 680921;1400435516;benkay;wait which idea 680922;1400435526;benkay;--batch --yes ? 680923;1400435548;moiety;will you guys have a look at this and tell me if you think it needs anything else please http://bitcoinassetsreception.wordpress.com/ 680924;1400435549;assbot;#Bitcoin-Assets Reception | Activity Log 680925;1400435578;benkay;who signed off on that subdomain?! 680926;1400435578;mod6;omg i need to call this 680927;1400435588;benkay;needs to be bitcoin-receptionist.wordpress.com 680928;1400435590;moiety;its just wordpress benkay 680929;1400435600;moiety;sigh ok 680930;1400435630;mod6;"Hello, is this dog?!" 680931;1400435641;thestringpuller;http://i.imgur.com/yvtCiUt.jpg 680932;1400435641;BingoBoingo;moiety: Axe the calendar 680933;1400435653;benkay;that was me, mo. bad connection. 680934;1400435679;moiety;was it i was about to answer, yes, this is dog because it hought it was mod6 lol 680935;1400435695;moiety;i could hear you fine 680936;1400435700;benkay;ah alas. 680937;1400435725;mod6;haha 680938;1400435748;thestringpuller;What's next a bitcoin-assets office? 680939;1400435758;thestringpuller;Can we leverage moiety ? 680940;1400435774;thestringpuller;If I wanted someone to leave me a message and get it via irc but they only know how to use phones I could direct them to the hotline? 680941;1400435786;moiety;sure 680942;1400435796;thestringpuller;dopeness 680943;1400435802;moiety;as long as they know to tell me its for you 680944;1400435810;thestringpuller;mos def 680945;1400435816;thestringpuller;so I guess we technically have an office now 680946;1400435829;moiety;BingoBoingo: will do 680947;1400435836;thestringpuller;you get free cookies moiety 680948;1400435844;moiety;win ^ 680949;1400436122;moiety;thestringpuller: if its relating to here obviously, don't be leaving me shopping lists or anything 680950;1400436175;moiety;benkay: bitcoin-receptionist.wordpress.com makes it sound like i'm receptionist for all of bitcoin! 680951;1400436187;benkay;that's the point, moiety . 680952;1400436201;benkay;at least it's not bitcoins-receptionist 680953;1400436217;benkay;p'haps you get other clients willing to pay btc for receptionist services? 680954;1400436223;BingoBoingo;Oh, what about bitcoinreceptionist.com 680955;1400436239;Apocalyptic;"The address bitcoin-receptionist.wordpress.com cannot be registered. Only lowercase letters (a-z) and numbers are allowed" 680956;1400436294;moiety;because this isn't a blog for me, its purely a log of calls i get for here 680957;1400436330;BingoBoingo;moiety: You see, that is how these things start... 680958;1400436331;benkay;!up Regilio 680959;1400436353;benkay;Apocalyptic: skip the hyphen perhaps? 680960;1400436357;benkay;damn php developers 680961;1400436360;mod6;Would you be able to say, get a qr code in png format via skype and then forward it along via dcc to the appropriate recipiant? 680962;1400436362;benkay;da faq is wrong with hyphens 680963;1400436526;moiety;BingoBoingo: well i could do this as a subdomain off of a wider one. unsure if pa sounds better than receptionist? 680964;1400436556;thestringpuller;moiety: they'd be more call backs. "Tell thestringpuller to call back." 680965;1400436726;moiety;sounds like you want a secretary more.... you do know all the calls will be in the activity log? 680966;1400436746;thestringpuller;yea! 680967;1400436752;thestringpuller;gpg keys yo 680968;1400436798;benkay;moiety: thestringpuller you two will want to set up your own relationship for this. don't contaminate the -assets' reception feed. 680969;1400436815;benkay;thestringpuller: pay the girl if she's doing work for you ffs 680970;1400436819;thestringpuller;LOL 680971;1400436837;moiety;this number is more an information thing for queries 680972;1400437017;benkay;it's true. 680973;1400437040;benkay;but you have the nucleus of a little bitcoin business here, moiety 680974;1400437056;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.024 = 0.12 BTC [+] 680975;1400437057;benkay;unless you're too busy working or something. 680976;1400437104;moiety;i'm not which is why i don't mind spending time on this. 680977;1400437117;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.08627001 = 0.3451 BTC [+] {2} 680978;1400437122;moiety;its more productive than manuls, has tobe said 680979;1400437232;thestringpuller;what is manuls? should I grep the logs? 680980;1400437243;moiety;:o 680981;1400437264;moiety;the most spectacular cat ever 680982;1400437290;benkay;how've you missed the manuls? 680983;1400437322;Apocalyptic;too busy pulling these non-existant strings 680984;1400437544;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 20 @ 0.02354939 = 0.471 BTC [-] {13} 680985;1400437545;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 8 @ 0.0394 = 0.3152 BTC [-] 680986;1400437896;thestringpuller;Apocalyptic: Exactly! 680987;1400438154;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.45566723 = 1.8227 BTC [+] {2} 680988;1400438215;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.08570004 = 0.4285 BTC [-] {2} 680989;1400439313;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 914 @ 0.00011751 = 0.1074 BTC [-] {4} 680990;1400439314;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.03013333 = 0.1507 BTC [+] 680991;1400439375;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 29 @ 0.03013333 = 0.8739 BTC [+] 680992;1400439557;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.08699986 = 0.261 BTC [+] {3} 680993;1400439619;moiety;!up benkay` good boy! 680994;1400439630;moiety;had to 680995;1400439632;moiety;sorry 680996;1400439701;benkay`;hurr hurr 680997;1400439801;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4150 @ 0.00090198 = 3.7432 BTC [-] 680998;1400439910;benkay;phew. 680999;1400439945;benkay;migrated bouncer and blog. blog still suffering dns propagation. 681000;1400439970;benkay;3 hour+ disconnects from budget vps service in the past month. time to discontinue that relationship. 681001;1400440296;thestringpuller;your blog should just run on a raspberry pi 681002;1400440299;thestringpuller;inside of a docker vm 681003;1400440326;benkay;someday my blog will have its own blade 681004;1400440422;moiety;i love my pi 681005;1400440533;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8350 @ 0.00091157 = 7.6116 BTC [+] 681006;1400440539;thestringpuller;benkay: wants an oracle blade? 681007;1400440544;thestringpuller;I'll cut you with it. 681008;1400441021;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 5 @ 0.0394 = 0.197 BTC [-] 681009;1400441045;thestringpuller;benkay: benkay benkay 681010;1400441074;benkay;what!? 681011;1400441082;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 5 @ 0.0394 = 0.197 BTC [-] 681012;1400441772;mircea_popescu; I take it im not logging calls where they dont say anything << sure you do, why not. 681013;1400441816;mircea_popescu;<bounce> good excuse to stick stuff in the wiki, no? << yes. this exercise will be very informative, moiety will suddenly have a goldmine of what needs to go into wiki 681014;1400441878;mircea_popescu;proof of disco lmao 681015;1400442058;benkay;oracle blade my left nut 681016;1400442063;mircea_popescu;!up stickie 681017;1400442077;mircea_popescu; no that person probably just realizes that the hive mind of rage will move on soon enough to something else. << the hivemind doesn't have a mind of its own you know. 681018;1400442108;cgcardona;of course not. but it never stays fixated on one thing for too long. 681019;1400442119;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2460 @ 0.00091452 = 2.2497 BTC [+] 681020;1400442125;cgcardona;fortunately I've never been the focus of the hive mind of rage so I'm speaking from observation 681021;1400442128;mircea_popescu; is it out of the question to have a manul gravatar? mine looks derpy << no, go right ahead. almost-nipple tits or manuls are the two acceptable looks. 681022;1400442142;cgcardona;but it seems to me like if you can just ride out the white hot fire of anger it moves on after a couple of cycles 681023;1400442240;moiety;lol i went with the manul and am updating the blog mircea_popescu 681024;1400442437;fluffypony;I'm starting a community outreach program after talking to the XXXProfit guy 681025;1400442458;benkay;co-mooo-nity 681026;1400442473;fluffypony;well, like he's a prime example 681027;1400442494;fluffypony;why did he just run with his IPO on BTCTalk and end up not only getting blasted (and fighting with hanbot) 681028;1400442501;fluffypony;but also negrated 681029;1400442526;fluffypony;only to (6 months later) have demonstrated that he has paid dividends consistently 681030;1400442542;fluffypony;and now that I've seen the site I understand his hesitance to publish the URL and details 681031;1400442551;fluffypony;but why did he barrel ahead? 681032;1400442560;fluffypony;it's because he didn't know of the existence of #bitcoin-assets 681033;1400442579;fluffypony;and this was at a time when hanbot was active on the forums, even butting heads with the guy 681034;1400442600;kakobrekla;xxxprofit guy? 681035;1400442603;fluffypony;I think that's as a result of newbs reading 681036;1400442605;fluffypony;but not reading deep enough 681037;1400442616;fluffypony;kakobrekla: sekrit pron site guy 681038;1400442638;kakobrekla;i dont think you can save forumites 681039;1400442639;fluffypony;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=362400.0 681040;1400442640;assbot;[XXXProfit] IPO Original Post - Direct Shares No Longer Available. Trade Inside. 681041;1400442646;kakobrekla;i tried it before. 681042;1400442647;fluffypony;no you're right 681043;1400442649;fluffypony;I can't save them 681044;1400442672;fluffypony;but maybe the idiot-newbz can be split out from the not-complete-idiot-newbz 681045;1400442684;fluffypony;and the latter can come here and have learnings 681046;1400442697;kakobrekla;nobody got time for 6mo in -ass 681047;1400442720;fluffypony;that much is true 681048;1400442725;kakobrekla;anyway im not opposing the idea 681049;1400442728;kakobrekla;give it a shot 681050;1400442729;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2500 @ 0.00011197 = 0.2799 BTC [-] {7} 681051;1400442893;mircea_popescu;ok the latest oglaf kicks ass 681052;1400442941;mircea_popescu; but why did he barrel ahead? it's because he didn't know of the existence of #bitcoin-assets << it's because people don't know what they doin't know and assume this is a-ok. 681053;1400442949;mircea_popescu;this pernicious confidence needs to be shaken up. badly. 681054;1400442973;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 20 @ 0.0860005 = 1.72 BTC [-] {3} 681055;1400442974;mircea_popescu;is this xxxprofit guy klye ? 681056;1400442975;fluffypony;no 681057;1400442979;fluffypony;dear god no 681058;1400442985;mircea_popescu;lol k 681059;1400442990;fluffypony;this guy looked for investment 6 months ago 681060;1400442993;fluffypony;got some 681061;1400442998;fluffypony;has been paying dividends ever since 681062;1400443003;mircea_popescu; but maybe the idiot-newbz can be split out from the not-complete-idiot-newbz << certainly can be done. has been done. 681063;1400443023;fluffypony;he has another business that repairs and re-sells / scraps old appliances that they buy for cheap 681064;1400443026;fluffypony;and they're expanding that 681065;1400443038;fluffypony;so that's on the forum as RecycledMoney I think 681066;1400443077;mircea_popescu;AN lurker :)<< lmao 681067;1400443100;fluffypony;what's interesting is that he has already perceived that most of the "stock exchanges" are bad 681068;1400443102;fluffypony;in his words: 681069;1400443109;fluffypony;"I know everyone loves havelock etc but I don't trust them" 681070;1400443137;mircea_popescu;is he in for a read lol 681071;1400443144;fluffypony;considering the average n00b is rushing to list on CryptoStocks and/or BitcoinBourse 681072;1400443166;fluffypony;I think that demonstrates he can still be saved 681073;1400443209;mircea_popescu;all are eventually saved. 681074;1400443217;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1700 @ 0.00091525 = 1.5559 BTC [+] 681075;1400443261;mircea_popescu;moiety don't mind the bike shed painters. it's good as it is. 681076;1400443344;[]bot;Bet placed: 20 BTC for No on "Bitcoin to surpass Berkshire as an investment (http://bitbet.us/bet/786/)". Odds: 88(Y):12(N) by coin, 89(Y):11(N) by weight. Total bet: 1149.35619404 BTC. Current weight: 81,140. 681077;1400443372;moiety;:] 681078;1400443396;mircea_popescu;moiety make weekly posts, the list of call summaries, and all is good. 681079;1400443402;mircea_popescu;also, did you ever give me your address ? 681080;1400443434;mircea_popescu;dude that bet's killin'. 681081;1400443492;moiety;summaries will be better actually. collated posts :] and I didn't, i thought you might want to see how it went first mircea_popescu 681082;1400443494;mircea_popescu;lmao thestringpuller tryin' to crib teh chan secretarial services 681083;1400443505;mircea_popescu;moiety i'll see how it goes after. 681084;1400443579;mircea_popescu;benkay: someday my blog will have its own blade << what, and be liek trilema ?! 681085;1400443827;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 16 @ 0.0236875 = 0.379 BTC [-] {4} 681086;1400443828;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7149 @ 0.00091383 = 6.533 BTC [-] {2} 681087;1400443828;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 9 @ 0.03013333 = 0.2712 BTC [+] 681088;1400443888;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 9 @ 0.02334444 = 0.2101 BTC [-] {3} 681089;1400443939;moiety;yay my first comment 681090;1400443949;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.08897895 = 0.4449 BTC [+] 681091;1400443989;mircea_popescu;:) 681092;1400444010;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.03013333 = 0.1507 BTC [+] {2} 681093;1400444050;mircea_popescu;fluffypony by the way, do you know apartheid jokes once flourished as a chapter of romanian humour ? 681094;1400444069;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: lol no 681095;1400444104;mircea_popescu;us guy ends up in sa, goes to cinema. buys tickets on the floor, but the user won't let him go in 681096;1400444112;mircea_popescu;"that's for niggers, sir. white people go up in the balcony" 681097;1400444120;mircea_popescu;guy doesn't really wanna sit up in the balcony, but eventually relents 681098;1400444134;mircea_popescu;in between features he wants to go take a piss, asks the user. 681099;1400444145;mircea_popescu;"we don't have a pissing room sir. white people just piss on the floor." 681100;1400444168;mircea_popescu;by now the guy's pretty convinced he's being trolled, but eventually he can't hold it in anymore so he takes his cock out and starts pissing over the balcony 681101;1400444180;mircea_popescu;after a little bit there's all these yells coming from downstairs 681102;1400444184;fluffypony;you will have to tell me one 681103;1400444185;fluffypony;user = usher? 681104;1400444192;mircea_popescu;"what! the usher told me i have to piss over the balcony!" 681105;1400444193;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 14 @ 0.0231 = 0.3234 BTC [-] {2} 681106;1400444204;mircea_popescu;"YEAH MAN but do you have to do it all in the same spot ?!" 681107;1400444254;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 14 @ 0.02306136 = 0.3229 BTC [-] {3} 681108;1400444310;fluffypony;LOL 681109;1400444315;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.08897719 = 0.4449 BTC [-] 681110;1400444362;jurov;um, moiety, suppose someone asks what is listed on MPEx? what would be your elevator pitch? 681111;1400444376;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.03013333 = 0.1205 BTC [+] {2} 681112;1400444382;mircea_popescu;jurov you know you could just call and find out :D 681113;1400444395;mircea_popescu;speaking of which... anyone NOT called moiety yet ? 681114;1400444401;jurov;ahahaha 681115;1400444406;mircea_popescu;pound her! 681116;1400444425;fluffypony;I was the first caller 681117;1400444442;pankkake;next time I'm drunk perhaps (it usually helps my spoken English) 681118;1400444459;mircea_popescu;dun be an assburger pussy 681119;1400444468;mircea_popescu;she's getting paid, she won't laff at ya. 681120;1400444484;penguirker;New blog post: http://bitcoinassetsreception.wordpress.com/2014/05/18/bitcoin-assets-reception-opens/ 681121;1400444485;assbot;#bitcoin-assets reception opens! | #Bitcoin-Assets Reception 681122;1400444489;mircea_popescu;fluffypony i thought mpoe-pr was the first caller. 681123;1400444506;fluffypony;I phoned to test the number 681124;1400444524;mircea_popescu;doesn't cunt 681125;1400444525;mircea_popescu;+o 681126;1400444531;moiety;mpoe-pr could hear me fine :D 681127;1400444546;mircea_popescu;the calling is thus consumated! 681128;1400444606;mircea_popescu;but srsly, i don't know there's anything nicer in the wonderful world of creativity than coming up with something before lunch and having it all deployed and working by supper. 681129;1400444611;mircea_popescu;being on -assets kicks assets. 681130;1400444874;jurov;just pinged moiety too 681131;1400444910;mircea_popescu;how's she sound ? 681132;1400444923;moiety;jurov: i was just writing you a reply lol 681133;1400444936;jurov;it was clear 681134;1400444946;jurov;reply where? 681135;1400444952;moiety;it's nice to say hi finally 681136;1400444960;moiety;jurov: you asked me what i would say earlier 681137;1400444981;jurov;lol 681138;1400445043;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: ja that's why I figured for this that getting up and running was preferable to finding the best technical solution 681139;1400445043;fluffypony;even if it lines Microsoft's pockets ever so slightly 681140;1400445068;moiety;thanks for setting it all up fluffypony 681141;1400445073;jurov;moiety maybe you can finish it for benefit of everyone 681142;1400445075;fluffypony;no worries 681143;1400445108;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.0225 = 0.1125 BTC [-] 681144;1400445183;moiety;jurov: I'd say it's a bitcoin securities exchange where bonds, stocks, options, etc can be traded and funds invested in and direct to the site if they wanted to read in their own time or go over those listed with a wee explanation on each 681145;1400445232;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 17 @ 0.0063899 = 0.1086 BTC [+] 681146;1400445233;moiety;kind of depends how much they already know 681147;1400445328;jurov;what's your general timezone? US? 681148;1400445412;moiety;GMT but i'm up late generally 681149;1400445596;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12000 @ 0.00091525 = 10.983 BTC [+] 681150;1400445626;mircea_popescu;moiety you can just send them to read the faq for that matter. 681151;1400445674;moiety;i have that open in case anyone can't read 681152;1400445682;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/crampell/status/468127494617309185 681153;1400445683;assbot;6-layer cake made entirely of pizza http://t.co/cIFWkzhxLQ #whatgreatstagnation 681154;1400445702;mircea_popescu;moiety good idea. also have some gpg manuals at the ready, a how to reg with gribble thing, basic stuff like that. 681155;1400445717;mircea_popescu;your notes will prolly develop over time, which is their great value. tailored through use aka forged in battle. 681156;1400445761;mircea_popescu;;;seen princessnell 681157;1400445761;gribble;princessnell was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 21 hours, 23 minutes, and 26 seconds ago: pardon #brand 681158;1400445779;mircea_popescu;this should be interesting. 681159;1400445840;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.08610234 = 0.861 BTC [-] 681160;1400445854;moiety;pankkake: was that you that called me? 681161;1400445873;pankkake;yes 681162;1400445885;moiety;yeah i've been collecting links and notes for easy access mircea_popescu 681163;1400445911;moiety;pankkake: was it unclear for connection or the way i speak? 681164;1400445922;mircea_popescu;Naphex call moiety too, let's go for "most diverse" on top of first, largest and best. 681165;1400445946;pankkake;you sounded distant 681166;1400445981;pankkake;or low volume. I always have trouble with phones anyway, I might not be the best reference 681167;1400445986;jurov;Vexual should call her then :DDD 681168;1400445992;fluffypony;hah hah 681169;1400445997;fluffypony;what if she asks him his name? 681170;1400446003;mircea_popescu;where's he ? the moon ? 681171;1400446110;mircea_popescu;;;ticker 681172;1400446110;moiety;fluffypony: was i quiet to you? im worried to put volume up in case a scare someone 681173;1400446111;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 445.55, Best ask: 446.46, Bid-ask spread: 0.91000, Last trade: 446.46, 24 hour volume: 2469.25577940, 24 hour low: 444.52, 24 hour high: 451.43, 24 hour vwap: 447.853563482 681174;1400446113;moiety;I* 681175;1400446121;fluffypony;not that I noticed 681176;1400446145;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.08601261 = 0.3441 BTC [-] {3} 681177;1400446155;mircea_popescu;*booming manul voice of valhalla* WHO CALLS THIS ANCIENT PHONELINE 681178;1400446223;fluffypony;hah hah 681179;1400446225;mircea_popescu;moiety so what countries you got so far, ro, sl, sa, us, any canada ? russia ? pakistan ? 681180;1400446228;fluffypony;SPEAK PUNY HUMAN 681181;1400446282;pankkake;I'm trying from my landline phone, it doesn't work 681182;1400446297;pankkake;do you have to actually type the "+"? 681183;1400446300;*;mircea_popescu imagines it buried under piles of video card boxes, other items. 681184;1400446307;moiety;so far: sa, us, slovakia, france, 681185;1400446318;mircea_popescu;pankkake no that'd normally be replaced by your exit code 681186;1400446323;mircea_popescu;usually is 0 681187;1400446328;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 20 @ 0.08600749 = 1.7201 BTC [-] {3} 681188;1400446329;pankkake;ooh 681189;1400446352;mircea_popescu;well depending of the network you're on, sometimes it's retarded shit like 009 or 007 or w/e 681190;1400446373;mircea_popescu;tho those are mostly gone the way of the analog switchboard 681191;1400446417;mircea_popescu;;;tslb 681192;1400446420;gribble;Time since last block: 3 minutes and 22 seconds 681193;1400446425;mircea_popescu;!jd mpif 681194;1400446425;assbot;Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 166.32222800 BTC; +0.55404274 BTC (+0.3342%) since last check 1d 12h 1m 19s ago. 681195;1400446436;mircea_popescu;dun dun dun 681196;1400446440;fluffypony;pankkake 681197;1400446442;fluffypony;it's 00 681198;1400446444;fluffypony;just looked it up 681199;1400446572;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 6 @ 0.0857235 = 0.5143 BTC [-] {4} 681200;1400446600;pankkake;yes 681201;1400446928;moiety;i think i've had more calls to this number than to my own phone all week tbh 681202;1400446943;mircea_popescu;:D 681203;1400446954;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/Mircea_Popescu/status/468134500451778561 681204;1400446955;assbot;Here's a reminder that #Bitcoin first, best, largest and only official support phone # is +1 646 480 0703. Dig in. 681205;1400447239;moiety;slightly frightened as you have 4k+ followers..... 681206;1400447269;moiety;only slightly and only momentarily 681207;1400447343;mircea_popescu;:p 681208;1400447365;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.03013333 = 0.3013 BTC [+] 681209;1400447426;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.023 = 0.115 BTC [+] 681210;1400447447;mircea_popescu;;;google Geschwind syndrome 681211;1400447448;gribble;Geschwind syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; The Geschwind syndrome.: ; Right Now - Van Gogh's Malady - Harvard Magazine: 681212;1400447456;mircea_popescu;apparently the mental illness of religious people has been found. 681213;1400447465;mircea_popescu;some sort of epilepsy 681214;1400447487;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.023 = 0.23 BTC [+] 681215;1400447548;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.03013333 = 0.3013 BTC [+] 681216;1400447549;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 14 @ 0.0855 = 1.197 BTC [-] {2} 681217;1400447559;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla mind puttingh it somewhere prominent on website btw ? 681218;1400447575;kakobrekla;is it not prominent enough? 681219;1400447609;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 15 @ 0.0852 = 1.278 BTC [-] 681220;1400447647;kakobrekla;if you got a better wording paste here 681221;1400447670;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 64 @ 0.03013323 = 1.9285 BTC [-] 681222;1400447731;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 6 @ 0.0393 = 0.2358 BTC [-] 681223;1400447756;*;mircea_popescu is guilty of the sin of not having first looked. 681224;1400447778;kakobrekla;forgiven 681225;1400447879;mircea_popescu;looks pretty great actually. 681226;1400447952;mircea_popescu;fucking unniceable jbd locks who the fuck came up with this bullshit 681227;1400448415;mircea_popescu;lampelina give her a call btw. add somalia to the country list :D 681228;1400448463;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 8 @ 0.0393 = 0.3144 BTC [-] 681229;1400448585;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 6 @ 0.03013333 = 0.1808 BTC [+] 681230;1400448586;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.44444487 BTC [-] 681231;1400448604;pankkake;!up darlidada 681232;1400449073;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.44444487 = 0.8889 BTC [-] 681233;1400449537;mircea_popescu;!up chai 681234;1400449538;mircea_popescu;!up chainey 681235;1400449567;chainey;danke 681236;1400449612;mircea_popescu;sure. 681237;1400449790;bounce;throw a silly out, see it turn into an idea and a thing and echo internationally within, well, a few hours. 681238;1400449851;mircea_popescu;the only thing that was keeping the interwebs from its singularity was money 681239;1400449854;mircea_popescu;now it has supermoney. 681240;1400449866;fluffypony;this is true 681241;1400449870;mircea_popescu;it's the end of the world. 681242;1400449881;bounce;so it's wearing tights and a cape now? 681243;1400449884;fluffypony;but I do think if this was mentioned in most other places 681244;1400449895;fluffypony;would randoms be willing to throw actual money down to fund it 681245;1400449900;fluffypony;even as an experiment 681246;1400449904;mircea_popescu;fluffypony hence why most other places are known as irrelevant :D 681247;1400449914;fluffypony;yeah 681248;1400449938;mircea_popescu;bounce who, manulgirl ? that'd be a sight. 681249;1400449985;bounce;"bitcoin, the supermoney" 681250;1400450009;mircea_popescu;"bitcoin is not money in the sense gasoline is not tallow" 681251;1400450311;moiety;there shall not be a manul girl unless tis me! 681252;1400450322;mircea_popescu;i dub thee 681253;1400450323;mircea_popescu;manuella 681254;1400450330;moiety;:D 681255;1400450334;mircea_popescu;the manul girl. 681256;1400450347;moiety;\o/ win 681257;1400450348;mircea_popescu;your super power could be fuzzy. 681258;1400450415;moiety;i'mnot a very hair person tbh but, don't discriminate :] 681259;1400450433;moiety;hairy* 681260;1400450475;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: can a business use an0 if some of the assets are fiat based? 681261;1400450480;thestringpuller;like for instance...bricks? 681262;1400450502;mircea_popescu;in principle it'd have to 681263;1400450515;mircea_popescu;definitely couldn't use the mpoe style a0 681264;1400450529;thestringpuller;mpoe is a0 because it doesn't hold capital 681265;1400450538;thestringpuller;or am i confused? 681266;1400450720;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 44 @ 0.03830466 = 1.6854 BTC [-] {9} 681267;1400450903;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28484 @ 0.00091419 = 26.0398 BTC [-] {3} 681268;1400451086;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 7 @ 0.03013333 = 0.2109 BTC [+] 681269;1400451208;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 20 @ 0.08799717 = 1.7599 BTC [+] {2} 681270;1400451757;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 6 @ 0.0393 = 0.2358 BTC [+] 681271;1400451758;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.44318383 = 2.2159 BTC [-] {4} 681272;1400451818;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 40 @ 0.0063899 = 0.2556 BTC [+] 681273;1400451819;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.08798418 = 0.176 BTC [-] 681274;1400451941;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.03939999 = 0.1182 BTC [+] 681275;1400452001;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 23 @ 0.00639648 = 0.1471 BTC [+] {2} 681276;1400452402;kakobrekla;!up AlexWkz 681277;1400452419;kakobrekla;meh 681278;1400452528;kakobrekla;!up AlexWkz 681279;1400452544;kakobrekla;what assbot 681280;1400452574;kakobrekla;o yeah i have to up myself! 681281;1400452578;kakobrekla;!up AlexWkz 681282;1400452585;kakobrekla;!up rodgort 681283;1400453276;mircea_popescu;!kako brekla 681284;1400454745;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 7 @ 0.03939999 = 0.2758 BTC [+] 681285;1400455776;BingoBoingo;!jd mpif 681286;1400455776;assbot;Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 166.27152185 BTC; -0.05070615 BTC (-0.0305%) since last check 2h 35m 51s ago. 681287;1400456014;moiety;whats happened, i feel like assets has had a stroke 681288;1400456030;moiety;!up mircea_popescu 681289;1400456420;kakobrekla;everybody went on skype conf call? 681290;1400456453;BingoBoingo;moiety: Your audio isn't very clear 681291;1400456488;moiety;that was you?! lol it wasn't to pankkake either, but its been ok to everyone else D; 681292;1400456490;BingoBoingo;Or maybe I need to live next to a cell phone tower. 681293;1400456494;moiety;i could hear you ok 681294;1400456502;BingoBoingo;Ah 681295;1400456516;moiety;i'll try turning upmy mic and see if this helps 681296;1400456519;BingoBoingo;!t m s.mpoe 681297;1400456519;assbot;[MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00090169 / 0.00091421 / 0.00097421 (271009 shares, 247.76 BTC), 7D: 0.00090169 / 0.00099067 / 0.00101 (5347967 shares, 5,298.08 BTC), 30D: 0.00083786 / 0.00094588 / 0.00101 (24458426 shares, 23,134.76 BTC) 681298;1400456678;moiety;thats a good point though, am i ok using the website for lasts or should i get the amount in here? 681299;1400456728;moiety;says my mic is on full too but it was on auto. sorry if i deafen anyone now its not 681300;1400456880;benkay; "bitcoin is not money in the sense gasoline is not tallow" // your coinage? 681301;1400456940;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.45998957 BTC [+] 681302;1400456945;benkay;o wat are we all on skype nao? 681303;1400456962;benkay;moiety: is a skype party in session? 681304;1400456996;moiety;no, freenode had a fit and everyone got d/c and its just not returned to normal in here yet 681305;1400457001;benkay;harumph. 681306;1400457037;benkay;http://butts.institute/ 681307;1400457038;assbot;ɷ Butts Institute 681308;1400457062;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5700 @ 0.0009094 = 5.1836 BTC [-] {2} 681309;1400457123;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 7 @ 0.03013333 = 0.2109 BTC [+] 681310;1400457124;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 7 @ 0.023 = 0.161 BTC [+] 681311;1400457328;BingoBoingo;benkay: Your work? 681312;1400457368;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 7 @ 0.023 = 0.161 BTC [+] 681313;1400457428;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.08791998 = 0.4396 BTC [+] {2} 681314;1400457429;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30354 @ 0.00090384 = 27.4352 BTC [-] {2} 681315;1400457448;moiety;it's a little sparse as yet that site 681316;1400457512;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller: or am i confused? << assets 681317;1400457535;kakobrekla;jurov re bots in foundation 681318;1400457536;kakobrekla;http://betabeat.com/2014/05/v-c-firm-names-robot-to-board-of-directors/ 681319;1400457537;assbot;V.C. Firm Names Robot To Board of Directors | Betabeat 681320;1400457553;mircea_popescu;benkay yes, as far as i know my coinage. 681321;1400457611;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 24 @ 0.08799988 = 2.112 BTC [+] {3} 681322;1400457673;moiety;Will it be a bunch of humans plus one computer sitting around a table? No, don't take it literally. << sad times 681323;1400457735;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/Mircea_Popescu/status/468179754198528001 681324;1400457736;assbot;Congrats to /gavinandresen /twobitidiot /brockpierce /Winklevii and the other recipients of the prestigious http://t.co/XAg2W4iXFw awards. 681325;1400458139;benkay;zero cookies. 681326;1400458150;benkay;BingoBoingo: alas, no. humans funnier than I. 681327;1400458566;benkay;;;google cascadian hacker receptionist 681328;1400458566;gribble;News 3/4/11 | HIStalk: ; Network Engineers Wanted: Convergys Hosts Open House in ...: ; EarthFirstJournal Earth First! - Facebook: 681329;1400458615;benkay;hey assets i'm fucking with dns - what's the entry at the top of the list on cascadianhacker.com ? 681330;1400458724;mircea_popescu;you know you can use browsershots.org 681331;1400458746;mircea_popescu;but the receptionist. 681332;1400458770;moiety;http://cascadianhacker.com/blog/2014/05/18_relics-of-a-bygone-era.html on mine 681333;1400458771;assbot;relics of a bygone era... 681334;1400458786;benkay;boo internet. 681335;1400458812;benkay;well at least all the buckets are in the right place and all the bits are falling into all of the buckets. 681336;1400458832;benkay;guess i just gotta wait for the eventually consistent thing to consistify. 681337;1400458899;BingoBoingo;moiety: SEC call yet? 681338;1400458992;moiety;yep, just wanted to know what the reg fee for mpex was 681339;1400459134;benkay;noobs 681340;1400459353;benkay;mircea_popescu: when dns propagates itself to you, you may get a kick out of the photos in 'relics of a bytegone era' 681341;1400459675;moiety;benkay: wee typo in first line after the pics 681342;1400459702;moiety;its pretty neat that thing 681343;1400459777;benkay;yeah, i woulda stole it but then the girls woulda gotten all pissy. 681344;1400459787;benkay;also http://intuitlabs.com/labexperiments/quickbooks-bitcoin-payments 681345;1400459787;assbot;QuickBooks Bitcoin Payments | Intuit Labs 681346;1400459795;benkay;this is why payments is such a stupid play for the educated bitcoiner 681347;1400459799;benkay;there's no moat 681348;1400459809;benkay;and brands that americans trust more than your derpy self are going to come in and eat your lunch. 681349;1400459839;mircea_popescu;indeed. 681350;1400459857;mircea_popescu;but no. we shall make wallets, which was the first functionality provided for free 681351;1400459860;mircea_popescu;and then migrate into payments. 681352;1400459865;mircea_popescu;smart people, these. 681353;1400460600;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4116 @ 0.00089953 = 3.7025 BTC [-] 681354;1400460924;benkay;;;google trilema leverage 681355;1400460925;gribble;dilemma-not-trilemma-global-financial-cycle-and-monetary ... - Vox: ; What interests me in a project pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea ...: ; Dilemma not Trilemma: The Global Financial Cycle and Monetary ...: (1 more message) 681356;1400461393;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 7 @ 0.088 = 0.616 BTC [+] 681357;1400461454;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.08752586 = 0.8753 BTC [-] {2} 681358;1400461698;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9900 @ 0.00089931 = 8.9032 BTC [-] 681359;1400462483;penguirker;New blog post: http://trilema.com/2014/dial-1-646-480-0703-for-bitcoin/ 681360;1400462484;assbot;Dial +1 646 480 0703 for #Bitcoin pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 681361;1400462526;mircea_popescu;pankkake this thing seems broked 681362;1400462918;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5750 @ 0.00089825 = 5.1649 BTC [-] {2} 681363;1400462956;BingoBoingo;http://jalopnik.com/that-zero-hedge-article-on-unsold-cars-is-bullshit-1578124255 681364;1400462957;assbot;That Zero Hedge Article On Unsold Cars Is Bullshit 681365;1400463035;BingoBoingo;!up Diablo-D3 681366;1400463055;BingoBoingo;!up Diablo-D3 681367;1400463067;Diablo-D3;That Zero Hedge Article On * Is Bullshit 681368;1400463264;mircea_popescu;^ 681369;1400463284;mircea_popescu;pretty much every single article they run is bs, just, generally one doesn't have the direct knowledge for this to be obvious 681370;1400463299;mircea_popescu;their article on bitcoin betting was utter bullshit. 681371;1400463312;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2013/zonehedge-wow-such-durden-much-info-about-useless/ 681372;1400463313;assbot;ZoneHedge Wow. Such Durden. Much info. About useless. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 681373;1400464016;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5057 @ 0.00089952 = 4.5489 BTC [+] 681374;1400464077;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 25 @ 0.08568394 = 2.1421 BTC [-] {6} 681375;1400464199;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 75 @ 0.08267527 = 6.2006 BTC [-] {11} 681376;1400464301;moiety;i'm about passing out, good night all :] 681377;1400464314;mircea_popescu;sleep well 681378;1400464382;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 8 @ 0.0855001 = 0.684 BTC [+] 681379;1400464385;*;benkay calls moiety 681380;1400464444;mircea_popescu;give it half an hour 681381;1400464509;mircea_popescu;hm, so anyone with a clue about rss, why is http://trilema.com/feed/ broken ? 681382;1400464509;assbot;Trilema 681383;1400464517;mircea_popescu;the 1st item fails to display. 681384;1400464565;benkay;showed up in my reader just fine 681385;1400464585;penguirker;New blog post: http://trilema.com/2014/ubuntu-is-a-worse-piece-of-shit-than-ms-dos-ever-was/ 681386;1400464586;assbot;Ubuntu is a worse piece of shit than MS-DOS ever was. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 681387;1400464599;mircea_popescu;> terminator. 681388;1400464626;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12600 @ 0.00089713 = 11.3038 BTC [-] {3} 681389;1400464640;mircea_popescu;apparently if oyu include a > rather than a > it breaks some parsers 681390;1400465121;mircea_popescu;pankkake could "by Mircea Popescu at Monday May 19" be "by Mircea Popescu on Monday May 19" ? 681391;1400465236;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.08550201 = 0.342 BTC [+] 681392;1400465480;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12085 @ 0.00089952 = 10.8707 BTC [+] 681393;1400466517;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21100 @ 0.00089651 = 18.9164 BTC [-] {2} 681394;1400466761;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2050 @ 0.00089208 = 1.8288 BTC [-] 681395;1400466883;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11250 @ 0.00089865 = 10.1098 BTC [+] 681396;1400468652;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11200 @ 0.00089682 = 10.0444 BTC [-] 681397;1400469445;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 116 @ 0.08843487 = 10.2584 BTC [+] {12} 681398;1400469567;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 6 @ 0.08999789 = 0.54 BTC [+] 681399;1400469750;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 1214 @ 0.00080435 = 0.9765 BTC [-] {19} 681400;1400469811;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.08883693 = 0.8884 BTC [-] {3} 681401;1400469901;benkay;what the hell is this: http://pnmlc-oregon.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Intervest-Logo1.jpg 681402;1400469904;benkay;intervest? 681403;1400469917;benkay;i swear, the idiocy is spreading. 681404;1400470116;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4800 @ 0.00089891 = 4.3148 BTC [+] 681405;1400470360;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 11 @ 0.0311999 = 0.3432 BTC [+] {2} 681406;1400470421;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 8 @ 0.0312 = 0.2496 BTC [+] {4} 681407;1400470543;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 12 @ 0.02300001 = 0.276 BTC [+] 681408;1400470604;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.08898989 = 0.178 BTC [-] 681409;1400471397;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8850 @ 0.00089815 = 7.9486 BTC [-] 681410;1400472678;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28120 @ 0.00089964 = 25.2979 BTC [+] {3} 681411;1400473410;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.03930001 = 0.1179 BTC [-] {2} 681412;1400474691;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 53 @ 0.02300001 = 1.219 BTC [+] 681413;1400474935;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 6 @ 0.0393 = 0.2358 BTC [-] {2} 681414;1400475362;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 8 @ 0.0312 = 0.2496 BTC [+] 681415;1400475606;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12400 @ 0.0009003 = 11.1637 BTC [+] {3} 681416;1400477070;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 9 @ 0.02300001 = 0.207 BTC [+] {2} 681417;1400477192;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 104 @ 0.08038444 = 8.36 BTC [-] {11} 681418;1400477253;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 44 @ 0.08000931 = 3.5204 BTC [-] {3} 681419;1400477619;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5100 @ 0.00089852 = 4.5825 BTC [-] {2} 681420;1400478656;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 32 @ 0.0722363 = 2.3116 BTC [-] {5} 681421;1400479144;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3400 @ 0.00089835 = 3.0544 BTC [-] 681422;1400479693;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.023 = 0.115 BTC [-] 681423;1400480420;bounce;quite a few outfits called intervest, not all in finance 681424;1400480992;bounce; the eagle has landed: http://zerocash-project.org/ 681425;1400480993;assbot;Zerocash | Zerocash 681426;1400481097;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 16 @ 0.08598601 = 1.3758 BTC [+] {5} 681427;1400481157;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 32 @ 0.08868749 = 2.838 BTC [+] {2} 681428;1400481218;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.452 BTC [-] 681429;1400481279;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.45998675 = 0.92 BTC [+] 681430;1400481609;benkay;bounce that's an actual company called "umpqua bank" who are advertising with the phrase "intervest" 681431;1400481611;benkay;it makes no sense. 681432;1400481645;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.4556853 BTC [-] 681433;1400481733;fluffypony;investerrific! 681434;1400481763;benkay;http://www.beepboopbitcoin.com/ 681435;1400481800;bounce;what do they think it means? 681436;1400481827;fluffypony;oh I love that game 681437;1400481832;fluffypony;I was sad when my house burnt down 681438;1400482055;benkay;i'm really amused at the trade lag 681439;1400482060;benkay;bounce: who can even know 681440;1400482377;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5950 @ 0.00089835 = 5.3452 BTC [-] 681441;1400482621;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7650 @ 0.00089751 = 6.866 BTC [-] {2} 681442;1400482667;benkay;the exponential scam blowup is entirely contrary to reality though 681443;1400483231;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 500 @ 0.00089835 = 0.4492 BTC [+] 681444;1400483246;benkay;eyo BingoBoingo 681445;1400483282;benkay;;;gettrust assbot toffoo 681446;1400483283;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user toffoo: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 3 via 3 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=toffoo | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=toffoo | Rated since: Tue Mar 15 18:00:23 2011 681447;1400483294;BingoBoingo;Hola benkay 681448;1400483327;benkay;why is it that one should not drink while taking antibiotics? 681449;1400483447;benkay;the internet tells me that this is a stupid question. 681450;1400484011;benkay;!up lolstate 681451;1400484030;benkay;!up lolstate 681452;1400484275;BingoBoingo;benkay: Well, it depends on the antibiotic. 681453;1400484297;BingoBoingo;Many antibiotics mess with liver and kidney functions in interesting ways. 681454;1400484367;BingoBoingo;For example alcohol related dehydration encourages growth of crystals in the kidneys with many sulfa antibiotics. 681455;1400484385;BingoBoingo;With something like doxycycline liver failure is a possibility. 681456;1400484534;BingoBoingo;If you are on a flouroqinolone, vancomycin, or some other less frequently used drug you really should be more concerned with not dying. 681457;1400484565;BingoBoingo;than having fun 681458;1400485183;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10200 @ 0.00089878 = 9.1676 BTC [+] {2} 681459;1400485244;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 400 @ 0.00089744 = 0.359 BTC [-] 681460;1400485705;moiety;mewning 681461;1400486025;BingoBoingo;Morning 681462;1400486047;fluffypony;moiety: morns 681463;1400486052;fluffypony;how goes the phone line? 681464;1400486130;moiety;fine i think, BB didn't hear me too well. put a voicemail thingy on it for over night 681465;1400486159;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 17 @ 0.43212034 = 7.346 BTC [-] {9} 681466;1400486220;moiety;how are you both? 681467;1400486238;moiety;BB youre up late, you feeling ok? 681468;1400486464;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15450 @ 0.00089971 = 13.9005 BTC [+] 681469;1400486769;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5531 @ 0.00090103 = 4.9836 BTC [+] {2} 681470;1400486850;moiety;ahh i think it was using my laptop mic [which is further away] instead of my plugin one 681471;1400486925;pankkake;that would make sense 681472;1400486983;pankkake;I need a "table" mic for my pc, too. My $300 sound card + $5 mic give me a volume that is too low 681473;1400487103;fluffypony;I remember those Creative Labs mics that used to come with the SoundBlaster cards in the 90s 681474;1400487121;fluffypony;they were the best 681475;1400487145;cazalla;blue yeti is pretty nice, i have one of those 681476;1400487148;BingoBoingo;moiety: I'm fine enough to be awake 681477;1400487150;kakobrekla;i know of a solid one 681478;1400487246;kakobrekla;SL-8691 681479;1400487318;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5800 @ 0.00089971 = 5.2183 BTC [-] 681480;1400487377;bounce;too bad you can't just throw a $295 upgrade at the $5 mic and end up with an as good as $300 mic 681481;1400487447;kakobrekla;i also have a phillips wm 61a capsule with a phantom power 681482;1400487450;kakobrekla;amp 681483;1400487453;kakobrekla;and its not worth it. 681484;1400487476;pankkake;I just need something for voice capture that is hands free 681485;1400487476;bounce;my, subtle. huffingtonpost is putting children do gooder organisations people forward as "experts" justifying the brit pr0n censorship thing 681486;1400487497;pankkake;and well, it used to work with the old sound card 681487;1400487507;bounce;because, you know, having to call up and say you're a pervert is a choice 681488;1400487543;bounce;plenty gamer headsets available these days 681489;1400487561;pankkake;what, they're doing censorship by default now? 681490;1400487571;bounce;they've been doing that for a while 681491;1400487586;pankkake;so it's just a matter of time before the option disappears :/ 681492;1400487611;bounce;while it's still there you can't complain because "you have a choice" 681493;1400487771;bounce;though apparently there's still a few (smaller, more tech savvy) ISPs that "forgot" to implement the "voluntary" filter and have no plans to do something about it 681494;1400487960;pankkake;same in France basically (we have some censored websites, and it's not optionnal). also datacenters usually don't have the censorship 681495;1400488416;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3350 @ 0.00089971 = 3.014 BTC [-] 681496;1400488468;pankkake;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=615479.0 I can only hope this is a joke 681497;1400488468;assbot;[ipo] Ipo for an ipo of a new company. 681498;1400488481;fluffypony;pankkake I can't decide 681499;1400488486;fluffypony;he seems quite serious 681500;1400488492;fluffypony;maybe very dedicated trolling 681501;1400488585;bounce;some people are so good at it they don't even notice they're trolling 681502;1400488904;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9500 @ 0.00089796 = 8.5306 BTC [-] 681503;1400488965;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1450 @ 0.00089744 = 1.3013 BTC [-] 681504;1400488985;moiety;some people are just that stupid it comes across as trolling 681505;1400489038;moiety;and to know the idea before others << wow epic investment 681506;1400489313;fluffypony;moiety yeah 681507;1400489318;fluffypony;such investment strategee 681508;1400489328;moiety;"what can go wrong?" 681509;1400489351;fluffypony;I think it's the start of a new set of IPOs for IPOs 681510;1400489359;fluffypony;and then an IPO for managing an IPO 681511;1400489372;moiety;domino effect works well on idiots 681512;1400489392;mircea_popescu;benkay: it makes no sense. << have you tried using the othere side of the brain ? 681513;1400489395;HeySteve;good morning 681514;1400489400;mircea_popescu;heya. 681515;1400489405;mircea_popescu;aw shit. 681516;1400489407;mircea_popescu;hey steve. 681517;1400489426;moiety;good morning :] 681518;1400489441;HeySteve;we've been looking at HKCEX.net an exchange accepting PayPal and CC, offering 8.88% bonus on deposits... 681519;1400489445;HeySteve;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=609805.0 681520;1400489446;assbot;HKCEX adds WDC as pair in credit card purchasing. 681521;1400489451;HeySteve;seems to be under DDOS atm 681522;1400489459;mircea_popescu;how's the mews-ety ? 681523;1400489533;HeySteve;"14th / 15th May: HKCEx was announced on this forum. 681524;1400489533;HeySteve;16th / 17th May: People realize that they can't withdraw any funds from HKCEx." 681525;1400489575;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/Mircea_Popescu/status/468313314800705536 681526;1400489576;assbot;The primary weakness with Bitcoin as a store of value (money) is that it is easily copied with "altcoins" resulting in unlimited supply. 681527;1400489576;mircea_popescu;fucktards. 681528;1400489589;mircea_popescu;HeySteve ouch. 681529;1400489636;HeySteve;yeah looks like another scam exchange :( but really, 8% bonus just to deposit your money? that's too good to be true... 681530;1400489659;kakobrekla;fuck i will withdraw my pirate money nao 681531;1400489695;mircea_popescu;HeySteve wasn't one of the yet-another-coinbases offering 10 bux in credit ? 681532;1400489703;mircea_popescu;that's a lot more than 8%. 681533;1400489708;HeySteve;uh Circle was I think 681534;1400489719;BingoBoingo;Moar like Jerkle 681535;1400489725;HeySteve;but they're legit cuz someone from Goldman Sachs in onboard ;) 681536;1400489747;mircea_popescu;oh i see 681537;1400489756;mircea_popescu;and nobody from goldman sucks ever stole anything in their life ever. 681538;1400489769;HeySteve;yes exactly, they do God's work 681539;1400489794;BingoBoingo;The problem is they do it for their Jew god 681540;1400489832;bounce;so convert. then you can join in with the fun 681541;1400489835;mircea_popescu;i was fucking the jew god last night 681542;1400489840;mircea_popescu;and she told me she's never heard of them. 681543;1400489877;mircea_popescu;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bn9kH_EIIAARzdc.png << meanwhile ukraine has a cockfest. 681544;1400489880;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5761 @ 0.00089744 = 5.1702 BTC [-] 681545;1400489912;bounce;so what makes the underscore happen then? 681546;1400489973;mircea_popescu;the underwho ? 681547;1400490074;mircea_popescu;benkay: why is it that one should not drink while taking antibiotics? << because the enzyme pathway responsible for putting away alcohol is also involved in most antibiotics processing, and it's easily overwhelmed. 681548;1400490091;HeySteve;mircea_popescu, isn't geoff pyatt the guy who was on the other end of the "fuck the EU" chat? 681549;1400490133;mircea_popescu;i think so 681550;1400490142;HeySteve;anyway good to see Ukraine has got its own hashtag now. that should solve everything 681551;1400490155;bounce;alky enzime pathway boosters, not just for antibiotics treatments 681552;1400490165;mircea_popescu;fluffypony: I remember those Creative Labs mics that used to come with the SoundBlaster cards in the 90s << fuck, me too! 681553;1400490208;bounce;a cheap mike with noise suppression like the better mobile phones have would be nice 681554;1400490209;mircea_popescu;cazalla: blue yeti is pretty nice, i have one of those << hey cazalla you called the girl up yet ? 681555;1400490224;mircea_popescu;bounce i tohught the noise supression was software 681556;1400490229;BingoBoingo;bounce: Im not sure CYP 450 works the way you think it does... 681557;1400490233;bounce;could be 681558;1400490258;bounce;time to find out, and patent the shit out of it if it does 681559;1400490275;mircea_popescu;lol 681560;1400490285;mircea_popescu;you can't patent medicine, what are you, kidding ? 681561;1400490321;bounce;that must be why there's nothing but generics at the chemists, I'm sure 681562;1400490364;mircea_popescu;pankkake bounce explain this censorship thing to me like i live in the civilised world ? 681563;1400490371;mircea_popescu;i have nfi wtf im reading in the logs 681564;1400490433;mircea_popescu;bounce no but see, in order to support research and the free and fair interchange of ideas, as well as the scientific development required by modern society, only one of about five megacorps is allowed to file for a state-enforced monopoly on select chemical processes. 681565;1400490459;mircea_popescu;taking the ipo of an ipo idea into reality : there's a monopoly on the monopoly. 681566;1400490469;mircea_popescu;the wonders of rent extraction 681567;1400490488;bounce;the inglis went "think of the children" and instituted pr0n bl0kcers at ISPs. you can "opt in" to pr0n (do note weasel wording, if it's not in the law it certainly was in the draft) by telling them you're a pervert and provide proof (of age, by CC, when you apparently were old enough to enter into the contract in the first place) 681568;1400490501;mircea_popescu;(this chapter includes scamming, incidentally, which explains why large corps in socialist/welfarist governments and internet scammers stumble on the same tropes) 681569;1400490528;mircea_popescu;bounce what ?! 681570;1400490530;bounce;this above and beyond the bgp-related fun wrt the "internet watch foundation" k1dd13 pr0n block, which you can't opt out of 681571;1400490531;mircea_popescu;when this ? 681572;1400490559;mircea_popescu;;;google bgp 681573;1400490560;gribble;Border Gateway Protocol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Networking 101: Understanding BGP Routing: ; Internetworking Technology Handbook - Border Gateway Protocol ...: (1 more message) 681574;1400490568;pankkake;to censor a website, you had to sue all ISPs and force them to do it - now there is a secret list of censored websites, and no specific purpose (i.e. it's not restricted to pedonazis by law) 681575;1400490582;pankkake;censoring a website is also just an administrative decision 681576;1400490588;bounce;yes, that bgp. it apparently does a number on sites co-hosted with blocked sites 681577;1400490605;HeySteve;so UK just created black market for digital porn? 681578;1400490613;mircea_popescu;wait what the fuck is this 681579;1400490617;mircea_popescu;dude how long have i been asleep 681580;1400490636;bounce;no, you can just tell'em to stuff it with the filtering PROVIDED you're willing to to admit to being a pervert. yet. 681581;1400490666;bounce;been going 'round for the last year or so? maybe two? put in a couple months ago. 681582;1400490668;mircea_popescu;so everyone is just setting encrypted tunnels to their own boxes outside of the uk/eu or what ? 681583;1400490674;pankkake;is trilema censored? 681584;1400490683;mircea_popescu;i swear the day i can't load a website for fault of my isp i'm burning it down wtf is this 681585;1400490698;HeySteve;first they came for the hardcore xxx lesbians... 681586;1400490699;mircea_popescu;pankkake this event has not yet occured where i try to load a site and my isp won't serve it. 681587;1400490717;mircea_popescu;and if it did, i would start spending on terrorism, simply put. 681588;1400490739;bounce;oh them british already have a law against "extreme pr0n", which includes cartoons, or overage people /looking/ like they might be underage 681589;1400490752;mircea_popescu;dude how do people still live in there. 681590;1400490762;mircea_popescu;so nobody on 4chan from the uk ?! 681591;1400490767;pankkake;americans too. obscenity laws 681592;1400490781;mircea_popescu;uh 681593;1400490838;mircea_popescu;the collapse of the western world is a fucking moral imperative by now. 681594;1400490841;mircea_popescu;no two ways about it. 681595;1400490909;pankkake;there's this BDSM cartoon series where at the start of every issue they state every character is over 18 681596;1400490922;*;bounce would settle for less idjits in politics and striking lots and lots of laws from the books, as it's pressure group induced and a hard reboot would be rather messier than strictly necessary 681597;1400490925;pankkake;and now they state that the cartoon persons are voluntary actors 681598;1400490933;chetty;so they have sex ed for 5 year olds, but you can't wathc pr0n, explain please 681599;1400490933;pankkake;it's so stupid 681600;1400490953;mircea_popescu;pankkake the... cartoons are voluntary ?! 681601;1400490958;bounce;chetty: "close your eyes and thing of england" ring a bell? 681602;1400490972;pankkake;yes. it's like, they're actors 681603;1400490976;mircea_popescu;what the shit, how about someone start a bdsm cartoon stating everyone is under 12 and being based on real persons who are being forced to do the things depicted. 681604;1400490980;mircea_popescu;i'd pay just for this to exist. 681605;1400491014;mircea_popescu;bounce oh come on. 681606;1400491016;bounce;robert crumb's work? 681607;1400491025;mircea_popescu;bounce he's dead isn';t he 681608;1400491040;mircea_popescu;and the fucktarded children of the women that he didn't fuck are roaming free 681609;1400491113;moiety;I'm well mircea_popescu and i don't seem to have missed anything overnight :D how are you? 681610;1400491135;mircea_popescu;i am fuming out of five different smokestacks for five unrelated reasons. 681611;1400491167;mircea_popescu;bounce the idea that there is such a thing as "messiser than necessary" is how the problem started and spread. 681612;1400491175;mircea_popescu;no dude, let it be way way way fucking messier than necessary. 681613;1400491192;mircea_popescu;by heaps and outrageous bounds messier than necessary. 681614;1400491220;mircea_popescu;give the messy something to remember 681615;1400491283;chetty; i am fuming out of five different smokestacks for five unrelated reasons.<< someone call the bomberos 681616;1400491296;mircea_popescu;lmao bomberos 681617;1400491328;mircea_popescu;meanwhile on tweeter : 681618;1400491330;mircea_popescu;Ken Griffith @kendo451 2h The primary weakness with Bitcoin as a store of value (money) is that it is easily copied with "altcoins" resulting in unlimited supply. 681619;1400491330;mircea_popescu;Mircea Popescu @Mircea_Popescu 28m @kendo451 @kLee1977 You really have no clue wtf you're talking about. Is your wife easily copied with "women" resulting in unlimited supply? 681620;1400491330;mircea_popescu;Ken Griffith @kendo451 · 5m @Mircea_Popescu @kLee1977 My wife doesn't present herself as a monetary unit. Point is, Bitcoins are limited, yet cryptocurrencies are not. Hide conversation  681621;1400491330;mircea_popescu;Mircea Popescu @Mircea_Popescu 33s @kendo451 @kLee1977 So your wife is limited, but women are not. Your logic isn't all that it might have been, had you learned some. 681622;1400491333;mircea_popescu;Mircea Popescu @Mircea_Popescu 7s @kendo451 @kLee1977 And for that matter, #bitcoin doesn't present itself "as" anything. What you perceive it as is your own issue. 681623;1400491475;fluffypony;hah hah 681624;1400491478;fluffypony;I love that analogy 681625;1400491503;mircea_popescu;no but he knows. 681626;1400491520;mircea_popescu;he's sat down and thought about it for a whole half minute and so therefore has a result on the topic that should be shared with the world. 681627;1400491550;mircea_popescu;i should be so fucking lucky, walk from here to the bathroom, be ready for the olympics. 681628;1400491581;bounce;nah. I don't think we're all that desperate (yet), and since the problems come from a rather well-defined section of society I'm not really willing to let everyone, mostly /other/ sections of society suffer for it. 681629;1400491618;mircea_popescu;bounce why not ? 681630;1400491635;bounce;provided we do manage to excise that bit. if we can't, we can always escalate. 681631;1400491648;mircea_popescu;who to your knowledge is trying to excise that bit ? 681632;1400491712;bounce;so far it's mostly them making themselves impossible. 681633;1400491732;mircea_popescu;so then you don't really have half a leg to stand on here, do you. 681634;1400491750;mircea_popescu;those /other/ sections of society have to be bled for their indolence. 681635;1400491753;mircea_popescu;always a crime. 681636;1400491819;bounce;you're assuming revolutions work like clockwork and arguing that therefore precision strikes aren't to be preferred over carpet bombing with daisy cutters 681637;1400491836;bounce;I happen to not buy into that idea 681638;1400491852;mircea_popescu;not in any case. 681639;1400491871;mircea_popescu;i am assuming that precision strikes aren't to be preferred because punishment must be disproportionate and impredictable to work. 681640;1400491886;mircea_popescu;otherwise, the weasels plan and account for it aforehand. 681641;1400491906;bounce;not in this case. we can always carpet bomb later. even if doing that now would preclude the expense of precision strikes 681642;1400491935;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/economic-cycles-finally-explained/#identifier_0_54105 re the punishment. 681643;1400491936;assbot;Economic cycles finally explained pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 681644;1400491939;bounce;they'd be aimed at the wrong target, and I'd rather try this targeting thing first 681645;1400491959;mircea_popescu;bounce the argument here is that "later" is meaningless absent and sort of process, and that precision strikes are a liability not a +ev move. 681646;1400491966;chetty;carpet bombing takes a lot of ammo, are they worth the bullets? 681647;1400491982;mircea_popescu;chetty i thought we were discussing metaphorical bombs. 681648;1400491995;mircea_popescu;those being always and everywhere the cheapest sort. 681649;1400491998;bounce;the result needs to be worth the expense, not the victims 681650;1400492002;chetty;even so, effort = ammo 681651;1400492023;mircea_popescu;chetty but in these matters, "precision strikes" take effort. carpet bombing, on the contrary, does not. 681652;1400492038;mircea_popescu;you just decide "this entire culture must die out". least possible effort. 681653;1400492038;chetty;I stand corrected 681654;1400492056;bounce;then again it's the well-connected that'll survive best. ie, our targets, them politicos. 681655;1400492084;bounce;so you'd have a new culture made up out of the same arses all over again 681656;1400492092;mircea_popescu;i doubt it. 681657;1400492098;mircea_popescu;the problem is not the people, the problem is the structure. 681658;1400492111;mircea_popescu;in a world created of tailored punishment and precision strikes, the incentive is for the bullshit you see. 681659;1400492124;chetty;a few years (generation or so) break at least 681660;1400492126;bounce;so with different structure we'd get better ideas bubble up to the top? 681661;1400492130;mircea_popescu;in a world created out of catastrophic punishment and complete and utter disregard for the /other/ sections of society however, 681662;1400492135;mircea_popescu;the incentive is for the world you wish to see. 681663;1400492152;mircea_popescu; so with different structure we'd get better ideas bubble up to the top? << people don't do what they want to do. people do what works. 681664;1400492169;mircea_popescu;start beating your wife whether you know why or not, she's going to start behaving like lady huddington. 681665;1400492266;bounce;whosat den? 681666;1400492272;mircea_popescu;my bad, apparenty it was Hillingdon 681667;1400492282;mircea_popescu;the chick with the close her eyes and think of england 681668;1400492296;mircea_popescu;fucking empire names. 681669;1400492479;mircea_popescu;also, the politicos are arguably the least well connected of anyone. 681670;1400492505;bounce;right. apparently I misremembered and ended up even more apt than intended. 681671;1400492508;mircea_popescu;this is a subtler point, but probably the best way in is through considering the "nothing sinks a good startup as well as bad revenue early on" observation 681672;1400492534;mircea_popescu;politicos are wrongly connected, which makes them worse off than were they poorly connected. 681673;1400492555;bounce;oh, there's hope for the non-connected in politics then. provided they found a way in. 681674;1400492578;mircea_popescu;bounce yes. their hope is simply this : that people like you stop believing there's any value in saving the innocents. 681675;1400492585;mircea_popescu;the innocents exist, as a category, for the slaughter. 681676;1400492594;mircea_popescu;once that happens, they can finally find their way. 681677;1400492612;mircea_popescu;(and i know this from experience, this was romania) 681678;1400492615;bounce;that ought to be a working angle for the crowbar on their bad lawgiving 681679;1400492648;bounce;the connectedness bit, I mean 681680;1400492702;mircea_popescu;bounce obviously nobody fucks up deliberately. people fuck up with the best of intentions. 681681;1400492707;mircea_popescu;always, always with the best of intentions. 681682;1400492736;mircea_popescu;politicos, just like bitcoin ceos, just like anyone else, would really do great things, "were it possible". 681683;1400492738;mircea_popescu;!up haos 681684;1400492751;mircea_popescu;they're just you know, waiting for it to become possible. 681685;1400492756;bounce;"the road to hell is paved with good intentions" 681686;1400492771;bounce;reason why I don't want to go into politics for the ideology 681687;1400492777;mircea_popescu;so how do you precision strike ? 681688;1400492785;mircea_popescu;do you bomb everyone animated by good intentions ? 681689;1400492808;mircea_popescu;it's nonsense outright and in principle this. what precision ? you can't even distinguish. 681690;1400492869;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4150 @ 0.00089566 = 3.717 BTC [-] 681691;1400492885;fluffypony;LOL 681692;1400492887;fluffypony;"[11:29:31] @todor: Two kinds of Mongo users - those who've lost data and those who will." 681693;1400492902;mircea_popescu;lol 681694;1400492908;bounce;not impossibly difficult, actually. I'd want government to be a support for the people instead of a tool to manipulate the people. 681695;1400492921;mircea_popescu;two kinds of nerds : those virgin yet and those virgin still. 681696;1400492936;bounce;that's two kinds rolled into one then 681697;1400492949;mircea_popescu;bounce and i want a pair of colored tits. not any particular color, mind you, just colored in principle. 681698;1400492951;mircea_popescu;can you do this for me. 681699;1400492968;bounce;here's some paint, bring your own tits 681700;1400492977;mircea_popescu;no, cause your paint is a particular color 681701;1400492988;mircea_popescu;i want my tits colored IN PRINCIPLE, not any particular color. 681702;1400493000;mircea_popescu;just like, you know, your govt that supports rather than manipulats people. 681703;1400493011;mircea_popescu;because principles can now be things, apparently, you've found a way. 681704;1400493098;bounce;hm right. so how'd you call it when I'd rather make policy without the "because we believe from a priori assumptions that this will make anything better" part? 681705;1400493113;bounce;s/any/every/ obviously 681706;1400493128;mircea_popescu;being an idiot ? 681707;1400493150;mircea_popescu;why the fuck would you do anything other than because it's supposed to fix something. 681708;1400493153;bounce;huh. and so universities are our premier stores of idiots? 681709;1400493164;chetty;just stop fixin stuff 681710;1400493242;mircea_popescu; huh. and so universities are our premier stores of idiots? << well yes. surpriserd ? 681711;1400493293;mircea_popescu;but yes, i'm with chetty : stop pretend-fixing things, and also undo most of the fixes already in place. they're broken. 681712;1400493422;*;bounce tried to highlight the pretend- part, apparently failed 681713;1400493470;bounce;what would the turnaround on catastrophic punishment be, anyhow? 681714;1400493601;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 50 @ 0.08776674 = 4.3883 BTC [+] {2} 681715;1400493971;mircea_popescu;bounce well you failed because if we knew which was the pretend part in advance and universally we'd break godel. 681716;1400493979;mircea_popescu;and what do you mean turnaround ? 681717;1400494042;mircea_popescu;"Hey all!, after seeing some topic in this section i have taken the liberty to share my idea with you. 681718;1400494042;mircea_popescu;I am making an ipo for an ipo ( yep need to raise funds even to show you the "business plan", in those days i need to eat too) so, with the funds raised i will start thinking how can i make a good company, you will have preference spot in the share selling of that company and upcoming ipo. Lets say if you are the top owner share of this ipo,you would be able to buy the next ipo shares 4 days earlier than others and to 681719;1400494042;mircea_popescu;know the idea before others (with this you can also steal it and make your own business before i), also you will get a percentage of "first believer shares" that would be redeemed for final ipo shares and will give you the right to vote if the company success." 681720;1400494052;mircea_popescu;lmao the forum just keeps getting better and better, in the sense of worse. 681721;1400494089;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3688 @ 0.00089612 = 3.3049 BTC [+] 681722;1400494150;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 4 @ 0.03972 = 0.1589 BTC [+] 681723;1400494378;punkman;https://twitter.com/NotMorozov 681724;1400494379;assbot;Evgeny Morozov, Not (NotMorozov) auf Twitter 681725;1400494400;bounce;hm. even so. I'd say that scientific method (properly applied) has a better chance of uncovering laws of nature than religion does. the scientific community certainly claims this. do we have some sort of proof for that, or maybe just strong evidence? 681726;1400494455;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2100 @ 0.00089612 = 1.8819 BTC [+] 681727;1400494489;mircea_popescu;punkman it occurs to me, someone should make an ipo as a pretend-historical character. 681728;1400494504;mircea_popescu;"crassus ipo. as the richest man in all the history of the roman empire, and perhaps the world, definitely i can repay you" 681729;1400494566;mircea_popescu;bounce that is your flaw, and the flaw of the society you live in generally. you reflect each other. the problem is that "precision strikes" as you call the category work amazingly well in technology. as the most technologically successful group of people ever, contemporary whites have come to worship it. 681730;1400494566;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 681731;1400494576;mircea_popescu;with amazingly shitty results outside of its domain. 681732;1400494576;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 681733;1400494592;mircea_popescu;what'd you think of a shaman coming to do architecture with his shamanistic beliefs ? 681734;1400494610;mircea_popescu;becuase that's what i think of you, approaching politics wholly ignorant of politics, with an expectation that your voltmeter may do something. 681735;1400494624;punkman;Morozov has a few things to say about technological solutionism, not sure if worth reading though 681736;1400494658;mircea_popescu;punkman kind-of an obvious sidepoint i guess, even kant has some pages about how stupid this is. 681737;1400494666;mircea_popescu;kant you know. before electricity. 681738;1400494686;mircea_popescu;goethe has a coupla aphorisms on the topic as well if memory serves 681739;1400494705;punkman;this guys is making a career out of it though 681740;1400494730;mircea_popescu;so did kant :) 681741;1400494740;mircea_popescu;well, i guess different "it"s 681742;1400494793;bounce;but I like my voltmeter! 681743;1400494801;mircea_popescu;so shove it 681744;1400494816;bounce;nah. asking what method would be a better one is still valid. 681745;1400494845;mircea_popescu;only if you didn't frontload "better" 681746;1400494862;bounce;just saying "shake it all up and hope something better comes out, this one fershure is darn shitty" isn't, you know, very inquiring 681747;1400494876;mircea_popescu;(shove it, ie, well if you like it so much and wanna apply it to everything why aren't you doing THAT with it too) 681748;1400494889;mircea_popescu;bounce you mean inspiring ? and why shouldn't it be. 681749;1400494895;mircea_popescu;you know the joke with the gypsy wife ? 681750;1400494900;bounce;I mean inquiring 681751;1400494915;mircea_popescu;inquiring means that which has the quality or the form of asking a question 681752;1400494918;mircea_popescu;wtf sense does this make 681753;1400494948;bounce;just like asking for ways to measure effectiveness of ideology-driven political government would open up the way to comparing alternatives 681754;1400494955;mircea_popescu;holy shit they broke the dictionary. 681755;1400494976;mircea_popescu;in·quir·ing /inˈkwīriNG,iNG-/ adjective: inquiring showing an interest in learning new things. "an open, inquiring mind" 681756;1400494978;mircea_popescu;god help us. 681757;1400494988;mircea_popescu;in another decade it will be impossible to even talk to the children. 681758;1400495027;mircea_popescu;bounce something hinders you from reviewing the historical record ? other than, of course, the dictionary problem i've just re-re-rediscovered, for my sins ;/ 681759;1400495050;bounce;it's clearly your sins that are holding us all back. repent, etc. 681760;1400495111;mircea_popescu;well let me be a pompous ass all the way then. "for my sins" is perhaps the oldest, and thus original ironic use of a phrase. at the time four centuries ago religious sentiment was still both strong and strongly in control. people like 681761;1400495147;mircea_popescu;de Baskerville, devoid of any faith but roughly interestred in the paraphenalia such as the libraries would say such things 681762;1400495154;mircea_popescu;formally proper, sinful in intent. 681763;1400495257;bounce;"for my sins" the original irony. don't let ms. morissette hear it. 681764;1400495278;mircea_popescu;lol 681765;1400495308;mircea_popescu;anyway. individual use is certainly earlier, shakespeare et all, and probably existed during the romans but i just don't know of it. 681766;1400495327;mircea_popescu;but afaik this is the first instance of irony-the-meme 681767;1400495545;bounce;the thing with reviewing the historic record is that it isn't very good experiment content, if you will. turnaround tips on a similar theme: takes too long to evaluate effect for an interested outsider, much less teach much toward a desired or at least desirable outcome 681768;1400495623;mircea_popescu;that's so wrong i can't even be offended. 681769;1400495642;mircea_popescu;so you can't even speak latin to the barristers these days, then they wonder why the republic is in shambles. 681770;1400495661;mircea_popescu;consider this simple point : rome was, for a millenium and change, a larger town than the majority of us towns ever were or ever will be. 681771;1400495678;mircea_popescu;and they ran it. without electricity. without the combustion engine. without refrigeration, or pumps. 681772;1400495692;mircea_popescu;you try this, seriously, make new york work without electricity for a year. 681773;1400495716;mircea_popescu;what, you think people haven't lived together before ? they have, but their recorded experience is lost to you. this isn't their problem. it's yours. 681774;1400495738;mircea_popescu;you're not very good at experiment content. nature is nature. what, quarks are very good at experiment content ? 681775;1400495747;mircea_popescu;no, just, physicists actually work at their actual profession. 681776;1400495753;bounce;how did I say it was their problem? 681777;1400495761;mircea_popescu;whose 681778;1400495798;mircea_popescu;ah. well when you try to discard a metric shitton of experimental data on the grounds that you can't read it... 681779;1400495800;mircea_popescu;my skin curdles. 681780;1400495876;bounce;no, all I said was that it isn't very good data. it's incomplete and moreover biased. reason enough to look for more ways to get more input. 681781;1400495887;mircea_popescu;anyway, if us bureaucracy today were about on par professionally with the roman bureaucracy in the times of nero, way past the expiration date of that state, ron paul would have an epiphany and would be introducing bills for giving lincoln posthumous honors. 681782;1400495897;mircea_popescu;bounce how would you know either of these ? 681783;1400495924;mircea_popescu;bias in philosophy doesn't work like bias works in physics. 681784;1400495960;bounce;it's only just about the first thing aspiring historians are taught. maybe they're a faith-based bunch? who knows. 681785;1400495991;mircea_popescu;see, let's look at it this way : 681786;1400496004;mircea_popescu;what's the first thing i say here ? "who the fuck are you and what makes you think you have something to say". 681787;1400496014;mircea_popescu;and aspiring scientists are always taken aback. "how can he say this!11" 681788;1400496027;mircea_popescu;well, bias in science means rejecting the outliers. 681789;1400496034;mircea_popescu;here the outliers are worthless. 681790;1400496075;mircea_popescu;bias here is exactly contrarily : taking random joe blow seriously as if he were a human being. 681791;1400496077;mircea_popescu;he's not./ 681792;1400496106;mircea_popescu;every particle, you must take seriously, as if it were the entire fucking world, and one particle is enough to disprove an entire theory, in physics. sure. 681793;1400496121;bounce;in history it's more like you only get half the record: the story told by the victors, those that survive to literacy. you don't get a lot of the failures, or even the successes that got eclipsed or had their records destroyed for whatever reason. 681794;1400496128;mircea_popescu;but taking every nobody seriously is the recipe for complete and utter failure. 681795;1400496137;mircea_popescu;that's not half the record. that is the whole record. 681796;1400496160;mircea_popescu;the rest is not wrongfully discarded, and it's not even merely discarded : it is *properly* discarded. 681797;1400496198;bounce;so burning down a library out of, say, a fit of religious extremism, would be "proper discarding"? 681798;1400496205;mircea_popescu;it is uninteresting and unimportant what the helots thought of lacedemonia 681799;1400496214;mircea_popescu;bounce the books burned, did they ? 681800;1400496278;bounce;yet random joe blow breathes and can make language-type noises, can't he? 681801;1400496284;mircea_popescu;i don't know. can he ? 681802;1400496305;mircea_popescu;if he can then why isn't he. your average scammer, he can make ipo-type noises, can't he ? 681803;1400496306;mircea_popescu;or can he ? 681804;1400496314;mircea_popescu;what's in a *-type noise ? 681805;1400496319;bounce;you're not listening yet warming yourself on the fire? 681806;1400496327;bounce;I think you just lost me. 681807;1400496344;mircea_popescu;ok, where ? 681808;1400496407;assbot;[MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 178 @ 0.00301361 = 0.5364 BTC [+] 681809;1400497505;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 15 @ 0.03972 = 0.5958 BTC [+] 681810;1400497970;kakobrekla;http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20140516/04103727250/german-court-jesus-doesnt-deserve-copyright-protection.shtml 681811;1400497970;assbot;German Court: Jesus Doesn't Deserve Copyright Protection | Techdirt 681812;1400498138;Apocalyptic;kako, the question is does that apply to bitcoin jesus as well ? 681813;1400498264;kakobrekla;though call 681814;1400498284;kakobrekla;tough* 681815;1400498926;chetty;kakobrekla, but I am sure you could get a patent 681816;1400498968;kakobrekla;hehe 681817;1400499823;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12150 @ 0.00089592 = 10.8854 BTC [-] 681818;1400500128;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 600 @ 0.00089592 = 0.5376 BTC [-] 681819;1400500364;pankkake;http://news.slashdot.org/story/14/05/18/2353228/report-youtube-buying-twitchtv-for-1-billion 681820;1400500366;assbot;Report: YouTube Buying Twitch.tv For $1 Billion - Slashdot 681821;1400500429;pankkake;http://soylentnews.org/article.pl?sid=14/05/19/027224 it's news again? 681822;1400500429;assbot;SoylentNews | Colleges Consider "Trigger Warnings" in Curriculum 681823;1400500555;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9800 @ 0.00089612 = 8.782 BTC [+] 681824;1400501226;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8300 @ 0.00089647 = 7.4407 BTC [+] {2} 681825;1400501955;[]bot;Bet placed: 27.1525 BTC for No on "Bitcoin to surpass Berkshire as an investment (http://bitbet.us/bet/786/)". Odds: 86(Y):14(N) by coin, 87(Y):13(N) by weight. Total bet: 1177.10869404 BTC. Current weight: 80,938. 681826;1400502263;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.4519355 = 0.9039 BTC [+] {2} 681827;1400502324;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.45193534 BTC [-] 681828;1400502385;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 34 @ 0.00427627 = 0.1454 BTC [-] {2} 681829;1400502507;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12000 @ 0.00089592 = 10.751 BTC [-] 681830;1400502751;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2273 @ 0.00089592 = 2.0364 BTC [-] 681831;1400502832;chetty;http://soylentnews.org/article.pl?sid=14/05/19/027224 681832;1400502832;assbot;SoylentNews | Colleges Consider "Trigger Warnings" in Curriculum 681833;1400502843;HeySteve;www.cryptocoinsnews.com/news/hkcex-hong-kongs-supposed-new-bitcoin-exchange-bitcoin-atm-network-exposed-scam/2014/05/19 681834;1400503053;HeySteve;death penalty for bitcoin scammers! 681835;1400503056;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.45199957 BTC [+] 681836;1400503094;HeySteve;increasingly sounding reasonable 681837;1400503117;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.452 BTC [+] 681838;1400503178;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.45996957 BTC [+] 681839;1400503179;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 111 @ 0.00420683 = 0.467 BTC [-] {2} 681840;1400503324;punkman;oh another BRK bet, that's turning out nice 681841;1400503357;punkman;do the No bets think we are gonna stay at $500 for a year? 681842;1400503361;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1238 @ 0.00089592 = 1.1091 BTC [-] 681843;1400503788;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3200 @ 0.00089575 = 2.8664 BTC [-] {2} 681844;1400504337;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.0825488 = 0.4127 BTC [-] {4} 681845;1400504399;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.45997 = 0.9199 BTC [+] 681846;1400504581;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 8 @ 0.0227 = 0.1816 BTC [-] {2} 681847;1400504582;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 100 @ 0.0042023 = 0.4202 BTC [-] 681848;1400504642;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 9 @ 0.0312 = 0.2808 BTC [+] {2} 681849;1400504703;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.0876858 = 0.2631 BTC [+] {2} 681850;1400504704;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HMF] 40 @ 0.00550203 = 0.2201 BTC [-] {2} 681851;1400504886;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.08768528 = 0.3507 BTC [-] {2} 681852;1400504922;fluffypony;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=615668.0 681853;1400504922;assbot;[ANN] [DOJE] Dojecoin ***POW/POS***7 DAYS ONLY***80billion DOJE*** 681854;1400504923;fluffypony;LOL 681855;1400505008;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 40 @ 0.00600011 = 0.24 BTC [-] 681856;1400505009;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.02251999 = 0.1126 BTC [-] {3} 681857;1400505191;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 9 @ 0.0312 = 0.2808 BTC [+] {2} 681858;1400505252;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 11 @ 0.03139987 = 0.3454 BTC [+] {4} 681859;1400505313;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1400 @ 0.00089674 = 1.2554 BTC [+] 681860;1400505435;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 150 @ 0.006 = 0.9 BTC [-] {3} 681861;1400505666;punkman;Why use ipoMiner? We research and analyze new coins to determine which ones are the most promising, saving you hours of work. 681862;1400505870;kakobrekla;o look tat has competition 681863;1400505874;kakobrekla;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=605531.0 681864;1400505874;assbot;【ANN】Alt-bitcoin (Alt-BTC) will continue to thrive from this moment!!! 681865;1400505878;kakobrekla;>Alt-bitcoin is a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, as its special name is.Bitcoin is the only coin that has the highest acceptance and we are lost in the massive altcoins.Everyone loves Bitcoin!!But it is is too expensive for us, we can store this coin named Alt-bitcoin instead. Now we can say: we have tons of bitcoin!! We are never, ever going to be poor again!! 681866;1400505908;punkman;never ever 681867;1400506121;fluffypony;lol 681868;1400506250;punkman;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=599353.0 "I'm a  musicians, having un underground band, and i know that for small indipendent artist,having a band is quite hard" 681869;1400506250;assbot;[ANN] VIOLINCOIN ◥◤◥◤-1 Day to release ◥◤◥◤ 681870;1400506296;fluffypony;wtf is wrong with these people 681871;1400506302;punkman;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=610049.0 681872;1400506302;assbot;[ANN] Antarcticcoin [ACC] X11 POW 5DAYS /5 month 20 fair emission / Money reward 681873;1400506307;fluffypony;I'm going to stick to Rambocoin 681874;1400506310;fluffypony;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=613632.0 681875;1400506310;assbot;[ANN] RAMBOCOIN POS/POW! **25 MAY** NEW FEATURE PROOF-OF-DISCO! 681876;1400506311;punkman;" A potential threat, he slept in the ordinary tourists millions of years of ice. Long time not found on earth bacteria. Awakening from the darkness, biological underground world, these unknown glacier, what factors will affect people on earth, does this mean that a deadly new virus? Now who could not be determined! This will be a great discovery, so it will be a huge Antarctic coins, I believe it will give those who try to collapse t 681877;1400506352;pankkake;c'est la danse des canards, coin coin coin coin 681878;1400506433;punkman;https://www.bitcointalknshop.com/ " We are new community in the works that will allow many of us to stay in contact without all the FUD! we will also provide a place where users can sell items online for btc, alt-coins, and our own coin." 681879;1400506435;assbot;BCTS 681880;1400506502;punkman;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=606996.0 "Are your secrets eating away at you? Clear your conscience by confessing your darkest secrets at confessioncoin.com. After entering your secret, the confession wizard will determine how many ConfessionCoins you must pay to wipe your sins away." 681881;1400506502;assbot;[PRE-ANN] [CFN] ConfessionCoin | Secrets are better shared | Scrypt | DigiShield 681882;1400506511;punkman;"Peace of mind is surely worth the small price! In exchange for your penance, your confession will be stored anonymously in the Blockchain, immortalized forever." 681883;1400506540;fluffypony;lol 681884;1400506544;fluffypony;punkman you're on a roll today 681885;1400507020;punkman;https://ip.bitcointalk.org/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fs12.postimg.org%2Fxjrx9pcod%2Finfo3.png&t=540&c=KGbsGiYehq3iFg 681886;1400507215;punkman;"MLK Coin is absolutely not a racist coin, it is a coin that carries with it the same dream of a co-mingled society not divided by tribes of skin color, but united as a single family of human beings.  A small pre-mine percentage is intended for distribution to the black community, but the majority (90%) is not.  It is open to miners, investors, and traders of any race, gender, orientation, or other classifications." 681887;1400507352;Namworld;... 681888;1400507377;fluffypony;!!! 681889;1400507387;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12249 @ 0.00089542 = 10.968 BTC [-] {4} 681890;1400507465;pankkake;let's hope for a KKKoin 681891;1400507542;punkman;"The first statement will be that there is still some good left in this world. We plan on doing that by showing that a coin with 51% premine and not a scam CAN exist! I will personally be giving away or feeding faucets, if I have to, until ALL coins are paid out! Rain or shine! If my net goes down, I'll use my neighbors'! If he says no, I'll hack his WIFI! (j/k, I'll use McDonalds)" 681892;1400507617;kakobrekla;re KKK; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XjKnxOcaO0 681893;1400507617;assbot;The Website is Down #3: Remain Calm - YouTube 681894;1400507891;punkman;fluffypony: y u make me look at coins, need eye bleach 681895;1400507899;fluffypony;hah hah 681896;1400507905;fluffypony;blame Obama 681897;1400507999;punkman;I'm gonna go back to something productive, and by productive I mean writing the worst possible CMS because I just can't use one of the 9000 existing ones 681898;1400508593;jurov;punkman even considering self-support? 681899;1400508879;punkman;jurov, guess I'll find out 681900;1400508973;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7500 @ 0.00089524 = 6.7143 BTC [-] {3} 681901;1400509126;thestringpuller;punkman: where is the original post for that image? 681902;1400509146;thestringpuller;with the futurama character profiles 681903;1400509153;punkman;http://nxtl.eu/forum/discussion/2/next-coin-lite-officiall-topic-fair-distribution 681904;1400509154;assbot;Next Coin LIte - Officiall Topic - Fair Distribution - NXT Lite 681905;1400509178;punkman;"Financial system that works like a Swiss Watch" 681906;1400509273;punkman;what's "Pole coming soon" mean, I wonder 681907;1400509288;davout;kakobrekla: this is awesome 681908;1400509297;kakobrekla;it is. 681909;1400509309;davout;take a bite of this delicious hard-drive sandwich 681910;1400509827;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1853 @ 0.00089683 = 1.6618 BTC [+] 681911;1400509949;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7250 @ 0.00089419 = 6.4829 BTC [-] {2} 681912;1400510742;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10300 @ 0.00089707 = 9.2398 BTC [+] {3} 681913;1400511413;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9420 @ 0.00089408 = 8.4222 BTC [-] {2} 681914;1400511413;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.08739999 = 0.3496 BTC [-] {2} 681915;1400511474;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 6 @ 0.03139987 = 0.1884 BTC [+] {2} 681916;1400511840;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5500 @ 0.00090112 = 4.9562 BTC [+] {3} 681917;1400512145;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.095 = 0.95 BTC [+] 681918;1400512206;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5854 @ 0.00089648 = 5.248 BTC [-] 681919;1400512267;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 17 @ 0.02210011 = 0.3757 BTC [-] {3} 681920;1400512268;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 17 @ 0.03153946 = 0.5362 BTC [+] {4} 681921;1400512328;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.02210011 = 0.221 BTC [-] 681922;1400512511;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8300 @ 0.00089408 = 7.4209 BTC [-] 681923;1400512572;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.095 = 0.38 BTC [+] 681924;1400512877;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 19 @ 0.02210011 = 0.4199 BTC [-] 681925;1400512878;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 19 @ 0.03158512 = 0.6001 BTC [+] 681926;1400513060;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 13 @ 0.095 = 1.235 BTC [+] {2} 681927;1400513061;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 5700 @ 0.00011156 = 0.6359 BTC [-] {13} 681928;1400513121;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 128 @ 0.03828242 = 4.9001 BTC [-] {8} 681929;1400513365;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.095 = 0.38 BTC [+] 681930;1400513914;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 446 @ 0.00089566 = 0.3995 BTC [+] 681931;1400514342;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 39 @ 0.0381013 = 1.486 BTC [-] {5} 681932;1400514419;pankkake;lol goat left me negative feedback "well known scammer, avoid!" 681933;1400514500;fluffypony;lol 681934;1400515195;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 10 @ 0.14 = 1.4 BTC [-] 681935;1400515196;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 2.42800149 BTC to 8`549 shares, 28401 satoshi per share 681936;1400515500;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6000 @ 0.00089798 = 5.3879 BTC [+] 681937;1400515757;thestringpuller;Goat is still alive? 681938;1400515782;thestringpuller;I thought someone in thailand would have murdered him by now. 681939;1400515927;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 7 @ 0.02210008 = 0.1547 BTC [+] {2} 681940;1400515992;thestringpuller;fluffypony: You are fluffy because you feel love. 681941;1400515993;thestringpuller;lolololol 681942;1400515996;thestringpuller;lovypony 681943;1400516110;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.4598 BTC [-] 681944;1400516111;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7553 @ 0.00089619 = 6.7689 BTC [-] {2} 681945;1400516155;fluffypony;lol 681946;1400516160;fluffypony;thestringpuller: I'm fluffy because I'm hirsute! 681947;1400516280;thestringpuller;!ticker m s.mpoe 681948;1400516280;assbot;[MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00089208 / 0.0009007 / 0.00091525 (531483 shares, 478.71 BTC), 7D: 0.00089208 / 0.00098354 / 0.00101 (5615318 shares, 5,522.94 BTC), 30D: 0.00083786 / 0.00094468 / 0.00101 (24576619 shares, 23,217.08 BTC) 681949;1400516363;bitcoinpete;howdy 681950;1400516607;benkay;morning, bitcoinpete 681951;1400516611;benkay;!t h rent 681952;1400516612;assbot;[HAVELOCK:RENT] 1D: 0.00595510 / 0.00610485 / 0.00640000 (318 shares, 1.94134263 BTC), 7D: 0.00577500 / 0.00650799 / 0.00710000 (2326 shares, 15.13759085 BTC), 30D: 0.00532500 / 0.006501 / 0.00750000 (8603 shares, 55.92807694 BTC) 681953;1400516657;BingoBoingo;http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2632618/Poppy-worlds-oldest-cat-24-thats-114-human-years-partial-odd-kebab.html?ITO=1490&ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490 681954;1400516657;assbot;Poppy is the world's oldest cat at 24 (that's 114 in human years) and she is partial to the odd kebab | Mail Online 681955;1400516688;bitcoinpete;that's the saddest looking creature 681956;1400516778;thestringpuller;bitcoinpete needs to be sent to Iran to report on bitcoin VICE style 681957;1400516779;thestringpuller;jkjk 681958;1400516791;Duffer1;hehe 681959;1400516796;fluffypony;lol, thestringpuller is in a very good mood today 681960;1400516815;moiety;is it not 114 in cat years and 24 in human years? 681961;1400516841;bitcoinpete;lol i'd visit iran 681962;1400516854;bitcoinpete;not sure the bitcoin angle has much traction there 681963;1400516855;benkay;;;calc 114/24 681964;1400516855;gribble;4.75 681965;1400516887;bitcoinpete;benkay: so you hacked multibit to adjust the transaction fees? 681966;1400516900;benkay;nooooo? 681967;1400516909;benkay;my counterparty was running a multibit wallet 681968;1400516912;moiety;that poor wee cats needs moar kebabs 681969;1400516915;moiety;cat* 681970;1400516941;benkay;zero-fee txn didn't show up until blockchain reset, whatever that means in the context of an spv client 681971;1400516988;bitcoinpete;a ok 681972;1400517012;bitcoinpete;sounded more impressive in the logs lol 681973;1400517028;bitcoinpete;"rebuilding" being something you'd undertaken 681974;1400517178;thestringpuller;fluffypony: i was literally born laughing 681975;1400517186;bitcoinpete;mircea_popescu's latest on ubuntu was a good reminder that pretty much all the oses suck 681976;1400517192;thestringpuller;I DIDN"T CRY WHEN I WAS BORN LIKE A LITTLE BITCH 681977;1400517201;bitcoinpete;mac os isn't so bad really 681978;1400517222;fluffypony;thestringpuller: I was born at a very early age 681979;1400517222;thestringpuller;freeBSD is pretty good 681980;1400517252;bitcoinpete;thestringpuller: did you cry when you found out about irc? 681981;1400517286;mod6;<+thestringpuller> I DIDN"T CRY WHEN I WAS BORN LIKE A LITTLE BITCH << haha 681982;1400517300;bitcoinpete;thestringpuller: do you use freebsd or openbsd? 681983;1400517333;danielpbarron;i've been messing around with openbsd 681984;1400517410;thestringpuller;bitcoinpete: mod6 got me into freebsd, it's much more stable than most OS's I use but it was hard as fuck for me to set up 681985;1400517417;thestringpuller;I still don't think I set it up right... 681986;1400517459;bitcoinpete;danielpbarron: and how goes the battle? 681987;1400517471;danielpbarron;it's alright 681988;1400517480;bitcoinpete;thestringpuller: other than irc, what are you using it for? 681989;1400517491;danielpbarron;i'm running into troubles, but i think it has more to do with flash drives not being the best place to store the blockchain 681990;1400517520;danielpbarron;and also, i haven't yet figured out how to compile ssss on openbsd 5.5 681991;1400517544;danielpbarron;bitcoind 0.7.2 compiled ok, it gives a warning but i don't think it's criticall 681992;1400517594;bitcoinpete;ya the chainz ain't got no place on flash drivez 681993;1400517615;danielpbarron;why should it be a problem? only have to write every 10 minutes or so 681994;1400517633;danielpbarron;right now i'm not at that point; i'm still trying to get it caught up with the latest block 681995;1400517640;bitcoinpete;ooo this should be juicy, marc andreessen on bitcoin and the future of the digital economy: http://www.econtalk.org/archives/2014/05/marc_andreessen.html 681996;1400517641;assbot;" + soundfiledesc + " 681997;1400517682;danielpbarron;i'm doing it with flash drive partly because the box i'm using doesn't have a big enough HD, and partly because I like the idea of being able to grab a flashdrive if i had to get out of dodge in a hurry 681998;1400517708;danielpbarron;and carry a copy of the blockchain with me 681999;1400517725;BingoBoingo;benkay: Multibit does that sometimes even with transactions that have fees attached. It's annoying. 682000;1400517726;bitcoinpete;i like the idea of that plan too, just not sure why you'd want to carry the whole blockchain 682001;1400517740;mod6;do you have a blockchain in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me? 682002;1400517746;bitcoinpete;just need a few multibit and gpg keys, neh? 682003;1400517760;bitcoinpete;mod6: "my, it's growing so fast!" 682004;1400517761;danielpbarron;neh! i need full node! 682005;1400517780;mod6;haha 682006;1400517807;Mats_cd03;;;bc,stats 682007;1400517810;gribble;Current Blocks: 301577 | Current Difficulty: 8.8534163091278E9 | Next Difficulty At Block: 302399 | Next Difficulty In: 822 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 4 days, 18 hours, 2 minutes, and 4 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 10339512163.4 | Estimated Percent Change: 16.78556 682008;1400517819;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.095 = 0.285 BTC [+] {2} 682009;1400517831;bitcoinpete;danielpbarron: i could see the attraction 682010;1400517857;danielpbarron;yeah i could just carry gpg but I don't want to rely on things like bc.i 682011;1400517889;danielpbarron;yeah I could redownload the blockchain wherever i go, but that takes a day; what if i need funds sooner? 682012;1400517927;bitcoinpete;danielpbarron: myeah 682013;1400517948;danielpbarron;but i'm not dead-set on that plan; feel free to show me how my idea is stupid 682014;1400517975;thestringpuller;why the fuck is bitcoind so bloated 682015;1400517978;thestringpuller;it's lagging so much 682016;1400517986;thestringpuller;21 seconds to do getbalance 682017;1400517999;BingoBoingo;thestringpuller: It's simple really, the "devs" are lead by fucktards 682018;1400518009;danielpbarron;i would love for someone in this channel to rewrite bitcoind 682019;1400518014;thestringpuller;is there anyway for us to fix that? 682020;1400518025;thestringpuller;should we be funding "real devs" 682021;1400518035;danielpbarron;it's open source; who cares what the "devs" do 682022;1400518056;bitcoinpete;you could also have a gpg encrypted txt file with your brainwallet passphrase, meaning you'd just need brainwallet.org or bitaddress.org 682023;1400518061;danielpbarron;i would totally chip in to that project 682024;1400518077;bitcoinpete;or even just have the private key encrypted in a txt file 682025;1400518078;danielpbarron;bitcoinpete, lool i'm not using those 682026;1400518101;danielpbarron;i have generated a very long very random passphrase but i'm not going to plug it into those services 682027;1400518116;bitcoinpete;fair enough 682028;1400518150;BingoBoingo;bitcoinpete: Don't forget last week's discussion on javascript random failures 682029;1400518174;bitcoinpete;BingoBoingo: haven't forgotten 682030;1400518177;thestringpuller;never trust javascript 682031;1400518185;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1250 @ 0.00089798 = 1.1225 BTC [+] 682032;1400518190;bitcoinpete;no one is trusting javascript 682033;1400518209;BingoBoingo;It's probably not the language's fault per se. It's just that all of the runtimes for it suck. 682034;1400518216;bitcoinpete;those are just two sites you can use to input a passphrase and retrieve your private key 682035;1400518228;bitcoinpete;then input your private key into bitcoind or bc.i or w/e 682036;1400518269;bitcoinpete;then away you go on your tour around the world in 80 days 682037;1400518274;danielpbarron;it's my understanding that BTC private keys shouldn't be seen 682038;1400518307;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 100 @ 0.00417 = 0.417 BTC [-] 682039;1400518312;mod6;once you get your priv key, you can import into whatever hot wallet 682040;1400518320;mod6;then, send if you wish. 682041;1400518376;rithm;send it to me young padewon so that i might decode it and protect it for you 682042;1400518382;mod6;haha 682043;1400518700;bitcoinpete;mircea_popescu: but srsly, i don't know there's anything nicer in the wonderful world of creativity than coming up with something before lunch and having it all deployed and working by supper. << so sweet 682044;1400519039;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7900 @ 0.00090208 = 7.1264 BTC [+] 682045;1400519283;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 6 @ 0.095 = 0.57 BTC [+] 682046;1400519448;bitcoinpete;mircea_popescu: apparently the mental illness of religious people has been found. some sort of epilepsy << at least according to thomas hobbes, the jooz took epilepsy as a possession to spirits. 682047;1400519771;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 3307 @ 0.00011811 = 0.3906 BTC [+] {4} 682048;1400519929;bitcoinpete;bounce: because, you know, having to call up and say you're a pervert is a choice << the bitcoin hotline has competition nao 682049;1400519954;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 4200 @ 0.00012061 = 0.5066 BTC [+] {4} 682050;1400520015;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 830 @ 0.00012061 = 0.1001 BTC [+] {2} 682051;1400520107;bitcoinpete;watched this ice t movie yesterday. it's the best troll of progressives i've ever seen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlUQFDxJedg 682052;1400520108;assbot;Surviving The Game - Theatrical Trailer (Widescreen)(High Quality) - YouTube 682053;1400520477;bitcoinpete;mircea_popescu: the collapse of the western world is a fucking moral imperative by now. << priceless 682054;1400520549;HeySteve;<+danielpbarron> i would love for someone in this channel to rewrite bitcoind <-check out https://github.com/libcoin/libcoin/wiki 682055;1400520549;assbot;Home libcoin/libcoin Wiki GitHub 682056;1400520577;HeySteve;wish granted, sort of 682057;1400520673;danielpbarron;cool, thanks 682058;1400520682;BingoBoingo;http://www.8newsnow.com/story/25396688/i-team-police-say-bundy-ranch-protesters-not-off-the-hook 682059;1400520683;assbot;I-Team: Police say Bundy ranch protesters not off the hook - 8 News NOW 682060;1400520900;bitcoinpete;mircea_popescu: i am assuming that precision strikes aren't to be preferred because punishment must be disproportionate and impredictable to work. << taleb says the same thing. like china when they execute heads of companies for losing quarters 682061;1400521091;TheNewDeal;bitcoinpete, you interested in any more http://bitbet.us/bet/677/bitcoin-network-difficulty-14bn-on-bastille-day/ ? 682062;1400521091;assbot;BitBet - Bitcoin network difficulty > 14Bn on Bastille day :: 30.09 B (71%) on Yes, 12.38 B (29%) on No | closing in 3 weeks 4 days | weight: 14`655 (100`000 to 1) 682063;1400521164;bitcoinpete;TheNewDeal: probably have enough exposure for now, thx 682064;1400521185;TheNewDeal;okie dokie 682065;1400521723;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 10 @ 0.14 = 1.4 BTC [-] 682066;1400522021;BingoBoingo;https://firstlook.org/theintercept/article/2014/05/19/data-pirates-caribbean-nsa-recording-every-cell-phone-call-bahamas/ 682067;1400522022;assbot;Data Pirates of the Caribbean: The NSA Is Recording Every Cell Phone Call in the Bahamas - The Intercept 682068;1400522090;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10350 @ 0.00089534 = 9.2668 BTC [-] {2} 682069;1400522150;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10000 @ 0.00089997 = 8.9997 BTC [+] {2} 682070;1400522444;mike_c;http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/us-to-announce-first-criminal-charges-against-foreign-country-for-cyberspying/2014/05/19/586c9992-df45-11e3-810f-764fe508b82d_story.html 682071;1400522445;assbot;U.S. announces first criminal charges against foreign country for cyberspying - The Washington Post 682072;1400522474;mike_c;i'm sure china will send them right over for the trial. 682073;1400522481;fluffypony;irony. 682074;1400522486;TheNewDeal;the best 682075;1400522966;jurov;https://github.com/libcoin/libcoin/wiki << waitwhat? just so? 682076;1400522967;assbot;Home libcoin/libcoin Wiki GitHub 682077;1400522990;jurov;is it production? 682078;1400523370;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.0395 = 0.1185 BTC [+] 682079;1400523695;moiety; do you have a blockchain in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me? < "A new entrant doesn't need permission before he can compete with established players" << other than coming to -assets? << i kinda love how they hint but won't come out and say it. 682147;1400530471;mircea_popescu;such passive agressive defeatism drilled into these people. 682148;1400530495;rithm;john spartan you are fined 1 credit for profanity usage 682149;1400530528;mircea_popescu;that's what your mom said 682150;1400530541;fluffypony;hah hah 682151;1400530544;fluffypony;I lol'd 682152;1400530578;davidlatapie;mircea_popescu: hi mircea_popescu You name rings something to me 682153;1400530585;mircea_popescu;by the way : for the remainder of the month i shall be mostly travelling. if anyone wants to make mpex deposits or other maneuvers, better get them done now. 682154;1400530598;mircea_popescu;davidlatapie i get that a lot. 682155;1400530618;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: does that mean we have to entertain ourselves? :( 682156;1400530630;mircea_popescu;yep 682157;1400530639;mircea_popescu;and if i donb't have 2k lines to read a day ima start fining people. 682158;1400530641;fluffypony;in your absence I'm going to invite my wife into the channel and we're going to talk about looooove and puppies and butterflies 682159;1400530644;davidlatapie;I've just been told of this chan an hour ago, unfortunately, I wil be out for 30 minutes so I won't be able to talk 682160;1400530660;mircea_popescu;well by then your voice'll expire so all is well :D 682161;1400530679;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: I'll talk to TAT and make sure we fill the chan with 2000 lines of poetry each day 682162;1400530683;davidlatapie;I did not understand exactly what is a voice? 682163;1400530693;jurov;mircea_popescu: you're going by boat? 682164;1400530693;davidlatapie;Not everyone can talk, this is it? 682165;1400530705;mircea_popescu;jurov yes. 682166;1400530707;fluffypony;davidlatapie: http://trilema.com/2014/bitcoin-assets-m/ 682167;1400530708;assbot;#bitcoin-assets +m pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 682168;1400530716;mircea_popescu;i got this new battleship and going to test it out 682169;1400530753;fluffypony;I have a new battleship to, but the wife doesn't like it if I call her that in public 682170;1400530774;TheNewDeal;speaking of shitcoins 682171;1400530783;mircea_popescu;fluffypony haha she's not that fat 682172;1400530790;mircea_popescu;nor are her tits big enough to make the assembly float. 682173;1400530794;TheNewDeal;I was on coinmarketcap yesterday, and it said the amount of darkcoins transferred were on the same magnitude as bitcoins 682174;1400530805;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: yes, but she has enough Angry German in her to make everyone cower ;) 682175;1400530818;mircea_popescu;TheNewDeal i was on a tripod site also yesterday, and it said it had 1`859`094`993 unique visitors 682176;1400530820;mircea_popescu;this past week 682177;1400530824;fluffypony;TheNewDeal: massive pump and dumps going on with Darkcoin, and considering it's a massive premine...yeah... 682178;1400530827;mircea_popescu;just think of what that means! 682179;1400530837;fluffypony;TheNewDeal: http://www.devtome.com/doku.php?id=a_massive_investigation_of_instamines_and_fastmines_for_the_top_alt_coins#darkcoin 682180;1400530841;assbot;a_massive_investigation_of_instamines_and_fastmines_for_the_top_alt_coins - Devtome 682181;1400530845;davidlatapie;I really like the social model you are putting in place. Plus, I would have a lot of thing to talk about, but I really have to go! Surely later 682182;1400530847;TheNewDeal;oooo didin't realize it was premine 682183;1400530853;mircea_popescu;btw, who linked earlier the fucktarded nigger coin, indended for racial harmony but with a 10% premine going to support nigger laziness ? 682184;1400530865;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: punkman, he was on a ROLL 682185;1400530872;mircea_popescu;that shitrocked 682186;1400530880;fluffypony;TheNewDeal: "That means in less than 8 hours, almost 5% of the Darkcoins that ever will be created spawned in that 1/3 of a day. It's safe to say Darkcoin has left it's investors in the dark on this one." 682187;1400530899;mircea_popescu;btw is this darkcoin connected to amir taaki or am i confusing tards again 682188;1400530914;rithm;amir is so underground 682189;1400530920;fluffypony;confusing tards 682190;1400530920;davidlatapie;It wasn't a premine, it was a sad accident. Stop bad mouthing ,-) 682191;1400530930;fluffypony;amir is dark market 682192;1400530936;fluffypony;and dark wallet 682193;1400530937;rithm;he's so dark 682194;1400530944;fluffypony;and dark hole-where-the-penis-goes 682195;1400530959;TheNewDeal;oh my, such a great pun ending that paragraph 682196;1400530959;mircea_popescu;darkanus ? 682197;1400530977;fluffypony;TheNewDeal: they definitely need to get in on the comedy circuit 682198;1400530983;rithm;amir's gonna get back at the man for his horrible rules and stuff 682199;1400530989;mircea_popescu;devtome should prolly come here 682200;1400530997;rithm;kill whitey 682201;1400530998;mircea_popescu;rithm and giving him acne 682202;1400531019;TheNewDeal;I can't believe the brk-a bet is getting so much NO lately 682203;1400531029;TheNewDeal;I'm about to lay down some yes 682204;1400531056;mircea_popescu;what's it at even 682205;1400531063;fluffypony;there was a big no earlier today 682206;1400531066;mircea_popescu;lol 170 huh. 682207;1400531074;fluffypony;maybe Buffet is getting his cronies in on the action 682208;1400531077;mircea_popescu;i guess this is the various "vc" types making ezzy moneys ? 682209;1400531106;mircea_popescu;kinda funny considering my comments few days ago at that dude with the "30mn biggest investment", re how he couldn't get 20k btc for his 30mn 682210;1400531116;mircea_popescu;seeing the bitcoin trickle in twennies kinda makes my point for me i guess 682211;1400531161;fluffypony;biggest most investor investment 682212;1400531164;fluffypony;one for the ages 682213;1400531176;mircea_popescu;Just 1% of retailers' traffic originating from #Social Media http://ow.ly/wZsZm 682214;1400531177;assbot;Just 1% of retailers' traffic originating from social media - Social Marketing - BizReport 682215;1400531179;mircea_popescu;the lol of all fucking time 682216;1400531187;mircea_popescu;imagine if they actually counted the ACTION traffic. 682217;1400531208;mircea_popescu;"reddit is important! being featured on the first page will slow down your servers and flood your support lines with inane babble" 682218;1400531213;fluffypony;jurov: I'm funding coinbr now, will you make sure MP clears it before he goes on holiday? 682219;1400531279;mircea_popescu;;;later tell asciilifeform https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BoBYEt3IgAAXKje.jpg 682220;1400531279;gribble;The operation succeeded. 682221;1400531302;mircea_popescu;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BnxzaWsCIAEScbY.jpg << check it out, they're doing a new star trek 682222;1400531359;fluffypony;lulz 682223;1400531380;mircea_popescu;;;later tell nubbins` http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3204576/ 682224;1400531381;assbot;Status and Mating Success Amongst Visual Artists 682225;1400531381;gribble;The operation succeeded. 682226;1400531479;mircea_popescu;ahahaha this complements the earlier discussion with bounce splendidly : http://justsecurity.org/2014/05/16/power-kill-includes-power-detain-limits/ 682227;1400531481;assbot;The Limits of the Logic that the Power to Kill includes the Power to Detain | Just Security 682228;1400531496;mircea_popescu;us-english speakers stuggling to come to terms with the ancient problem of quarter. 682229;1400531527;mircea_popescu;because fucktards have to rediscover anything and everything, and get to belabour under the curse of the notion that they're actually inventing things 682230;1400531666;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 6 @ 0.095 = 0.57 BTC [+] 682231;1400531850;mircea_popescu;http://dailyprincetonian.com/news/2014/05/at-columbia-suit-alleges-sexual-assault-investigation-discriminated-against-male-student/ for lulz 682232;1400531850;assbot;At Columbia, suit alleges sexual assault investigation discriminated against male student - The Daily Princetonian 682233;1400532082;jurov;fluffypony, i see. i can do direct deposit to mpex (>10btc), pls ask next time 682234;1400532091;fluffypony;oh 682235;1400532094;fluffypony;sorry 682236;1400532097;jurov;and anyone else, too 682237;1400532122;jurov;no problem, just to streamline it 682238;1400532425;mircea_popescu;https://firstlook.org/theintercept/article/2014/05/19/data-pirates-caribbean-nsa-recording-every-cell-phone-call-bahamas/ 682239;1400532426;assbot;Data Pirates of the Caribbean: The NSA Is Recording Every Cell Phone Call in the Bahamas - The Intercept 682240;1400532459;mircea_popescu;is this to acquire blackmail material because every judge and uni professor in the states takes their underage cocksuckers to the bahams ? 682241;1400532488;mircea_popescu;!up neilol 682242;1400532522;neilol;thank you 682243;1400532574;mircea_popescu;http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/05/19/sec-omeally-idUSL1N0O510Z20140519 682244;1400532574;assbot;U.S. court faults SEC trial strategy against broker, tosses verdict| Reuters 682245;1400532594;mircea_popescu;this is pretty fucking uniquye, managing to get a jury verdict overturned on appeal 682246;1400532597;mircea_popescu;!up chainey 682247;1400532599;mircea_popescu;!up SuchWow 682248;1400532612;neilol;lucky bastard 682249;1400532613;neilol;imo 682250;1400532687;mircea_popescu;how do you reason ? 682251;1400532703;mircea_popescu;the documentary evidence was overwhelming, i have no idea how a jury found with the prosecutors, 682252;1400532720;mircea_popescu;and i have no idea how jury trials will survive this sort of bovine behaviour of the "general public" 682253;1400532850;mircea_popescu;in other news : 682254;1400532851;mircea_popescu;In a C-Span interview that aired Sunday, Federal Housing Finance Agency director Mel Watt said it isnt his job to worry about shareholders of the two companies, for which his agency acts as conservator. 682255;1400532851;mircea_popescu;My responsibility in the conservatorship is not to the shareholders, really. So I dont lay awake at night worrying about whats fair to the shareholders, Mr. Watt said. He went on to defend the arrangement under which the firms profits are swept away to the Treasury Department. 682256;1400532936;neilol;I'll have to read it - i thought he was a retail broker 682257;1400532994;neilol;Yeah you are right - "on behalf of hedge fund clients" - responsibility burdon on him is almost nothing in this situation 682258;1400533017;neilol;I thought he was trading mutual funds on retail accounts 682259;1400533067;neilol;the PM at the hedge funds should have put a stop to him far before though 682260;1400533077;mircea_popescu;they sorta did but not really and back and forth 682261;1400533092;neilol;this is a last chance ditch effort, im surprised they even were able to make a case 682262;1400533213;benkay;grazie TomServo 682263;1400533227;mircea_popescu;eactly. 682264;1400533463;thestringpuller;+mircea_popescu> lmao thestringpuller tryin' to crib teh chan secretarial services << I'll gladly pay for the nice things we have! 682265;1400533490;thestringpuller;it's not my fault you provide useful things to the chan :P 682266;1400533493;mircea_popescu;anyway, enoy 682267;1400533496;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8433 @ 0.00089396 = 7.5388 BTC [-] {2} 682268;1400533503;mircea_popescu;enjoy omg where are my letters going 682269;1400533626;jurov;to argentina 682270;1400534280;rithm;http://whatthefuckshouldinamemychild.com/ 682271;1400534280;assbot;WHAT THE FUCK SHOULD I NAME MY CHILD 682272;1400534293;rithm;i reaally like this web app 682273;1400534742;mircea_popescu;obamacare ? 682274;1400534847;*;fluffypony refreshes coinbr 682275;1400534882;jurov;i forgot to increase tx fee :/ 682276;1400534894;fluffypony;lol 682277;1400534910;fluffypony;it's my fault, I should've asked before sending a relatively significant amount 682278;1400534948;moiety;easy answer to everything: manuls. eg1 where are my letters going? manuls ate them eg2 what the fuck should i name my child? manul 682279;1400534990;fluffypony;do I need to pour myself more wine? 682280;1400534991;fluffypony;Monero! 682281;1400534994;fluffypony;Manul! 682282;1400534995;fluffypony;that thing 682283;1400534999;fluffypony;too many Ms 682284;1400535047;moiety;i think manuls would be pro wine. there should be a wine called manul 682285;1400535079;fluffypony;lol 682286;1400535084;fluffypony;Chateu de Manul 682287;1400535088;fluffypony;2008 682288;1400535122;moiety;obviously a red 682289;1400535201;fluffypony;cors 682290;1400535248;mircea_popescu;moiety so a manul came out of my chocolate truffle and fell into my wine glass. 682291;1400535262;mircea_popescu;fluffypony chateau you african you. 682292;1400535284;moiety;you have no option but to drink the whole glass quickly so it doesn't drown mircea_popescu 682293;1400535295;mircea_popescu;manuls don't drown 682294;1400535297;mircea_popescu;they manul 682295;1400535303;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: bottle of wine down here, so I will accidentally many letters no doubt 682296;1400535319;moiety;omg.... think of it.... a wine stained manul would be a pink manul! 682297;1400535326;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.095 = 0.38 BTC [+] 682298;1400535328;mircea_popescu;is there a manul manual yet ? 682299;1400535357;moiety;no but google asks me everytime i search for them, did you mean manual? -_- 682300;1400535363;fluffypony;lol 682301;1400535369;mircea_popescu;btw, how about a manul fur coat moiety ? 682302;1400535392;jurov;#caturday 682303;1400535404;moiety;thats actually why they are almost on the endangered list, they used to get hunted for their fur... brave fur people 682304;1400535716;pankkake;!jd mpif 682305;1400535717;assbot;Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 165.94796629 BTC; -0.32355556 BTC (-0.1946%) since last check 22h 12m 21s ago. 682306;1400535736;mircea_popescu;lalala 682307;1400536248;jurov;mircea, fluffy's stuff just got confirmed 682308;1400536313;jurov;btw, coinbr did have direct deposit feature, but ofc ppl rounded the sums and then came to irc to derp 682309;1400536334;jurov;so mp asked me to discontinue it 682310;1400536363;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5205 @ 0.00089503 = 4.6586 BTC [+] 682311;1400536610;jurov;gotta go afk... fluffypony, don't spend more than 10BTC till mircea does his thing, promise? 682312;1400536631;fluffypony;well I can't spend it till he does his thing 682313;1400536634;fluffypony;:-P 682314;1400536645;jurov;now you can 682315;1400536664;jurov;at least according to coinbr database :P 682316;1400536673;jurov;'night 682317;1400536678;fluffypony;night 682318;1400536790;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20705 @ 0.0008938 = 18.5061 BTC [-] {2} 682319;1400536851;assbot;[MPEX] [FN] [F.MPIF] 27689 @ 0.00021725 = 6.0154 BTC [+] 682320;1400536973;assbot;[MPEX] [FN] [F.MPIF] 41000 @ 0.00021726 = 8.9077 BTC [+] 682321;1400537522;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.095 = 0.38 BTC [+] 682322;1400537523;mircea_popescu;mpex deposits flushed 682323;1400537559;fluffypony;tks mircea_popescu 682324;1400537574;fluffypony;I now give you permission to go on holiday :-P 682325;1400537744;mircea_popescu;lawl go pro ipo 682326;1400537744;mircea_popescu;omfg. 682327;1400537952;mircea_popescu;http://pando.com/2014/05/19/the-intercept-decides-entire-country-cant-be-trusted-to-know-that-america-listening-to-its-calls/ 682328;1400537953;assbot;The Intercept decides entire country can’t be trusted to know that America is listening to its calls | PandoDaily 682329;1400537953;mircea_popescu;drama. 682330;1400538010;artifexd;jurov: My fault? 682331;1400538071;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9700 @ 0.00089556 = 8.6869 BTC [+] {2} 682332;1400538315;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.02210011 = 0.1105 BTC [+] 682333;1400538682;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 8 @ 0.0395 = 0.316 BTC [+] {2} 682334;1400538701;hanbot;howdy y'all 682335;1400538732;hanbot;mircea_popescu i see "your" a freedom fighter nao https://twitter.com/CarlosMaslaton/status/468470938292723712 682336;1400538732;assbot;/Mircea_Popescu I have just read your email exchanges with the SEC, completely impressive, your a freedom fighter champion, congrats! 682337;1400539413;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.095 = 0.19 BTC [+] 682338;1400539453;mircea_popescu;hanbot haha cool. 682339;1400540023;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5950 @ 0.00089336 = 5.3155 BTC [-] 682340;1400540242;moiety;hi hanbot :] 682341;1400540267;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12827 @ 0.00089331 = 11.4585 BTC [-] {4} 682342;1400540267;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 8 @ 0.095 = 0.76 BTC [+] 682343;1400540268;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.032 = 0.16 BTC [-] 682344;1400540293;hanbot;hiya moiety. how goes it? 682345;1400540336;moiety;all good here thanks, how are you? 682346;1400540483;mircea_popescu;!up RagnarsBitch 682347;1400540511;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3500 @ 0.00089579 = 3.1353 BTC [+] 682348;1400540550;hanbot;dandy, packing up and enjoying ample cookie breaks 682349;1400540859;moiety;where are you off to? i have to move house soon and i can't face packing yet 682350;1400540891;mircea_popescu;don't pack, go naked. 682351;1400540939;hanbot;hey, it works for hermit crabs :D 682352;1400540967;moiety;lol 682353;1400541121;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 30 @ 0.00593727 = 0.1781 BTC [-] {4} 682354;1400541122;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7100 @ 0.0008961 = 6.3623 BTC [+] {2} 682355;1400541301;mircea_popescu;davout pankkake http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOwgiu59neE 682356;1400541301;assbot;Hai Sictir! - YouTube 682357;1400541426;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2000 @ 0.0001198 = 0.2396 BTC [-] {2} 682358;1400541548;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2000 @ 0.00011761 = 0.2352 BTC [-] 682359;1400541792;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.4599 = 1.3797 BTC [+] 682360;1400542402;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 80 @ 0.00435 = 0.348 BTC [+] {2} 682361;1400542951;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.44104008 = 2.2052 BTC [-] {3} 682362;1400543195;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.095 = 0.475 BTC [+] 682363;1400543471;thestringpuller;where is fluffypony 682364;1400543474;thestringpuller;full of fluff 682365;1400544285;[]bot;Bet placed: 55 BTC for Yes on "Bitcoin to surpass Berkshire as an investment (http://bitbet.us/bet/786/)". Odds: 86(Y):14(N) by coin, 88(Y):12(N) by weight. Total bet: 1234.10869404 BTC. Current weight: 80,792. 682366;1400544299;artifexd;^ damn... 682367;1400545154;[]bot;Bet placed: 17 BTC for No on "Bitcoin to surpass Berkshire as an investment (http://bitbet.us/bet/786/)". Odds: 85(Y):15(N) by coin, 87(Y):13(N) by weight. Total bet: 1251.10869404 BTC. Current weight: 80,789. 682368;1400545685;mircea_popescu;that thing's pretty heavy by now huh 682369;1400546534;moiety;good night all :] 682370;1400546898;mircea_popescu;nn 682371;1400546962;penguirker;New blog post: http://trilema.com/2014/hai-sictir-timisoaro/ 682372;1400546964;assbot;Hai sictir, Timisoaro! pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 682373;1400547425;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla pls to replace BTC with #BTC and Bitcoin with #Bitcoin in all stuff output on twitter by @bitbetsbets 682374;1400547427;mircea_popescu;apparently it matters. 682375;1400547709;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 12 @ 0.43508169 = 5.221 BTC [-] {5} 682376;1400549052;kakobrekla;i added # to BTC so now its not a valid currency 682377;1400549061;kakobrekla;but other than that, i dunno where can i put more hash. 682378;1400549065;mircea_popescu;;;seen mike_c 682379;1400549065;gribble;mike_c was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 5 hours, 57 minutes, and 2 seconds ago: because they are using macs? agreed. 682380;1400549077;mircea_popescu;lol moar hash! 682381;1400549081;mircea_popescu;good enough 682382;1400549330;mircea_popescu;o hai 682383;1400549339;mike_c;hola 682384;1400549346;[]bot;Bet created: Cristiano Ronaldo FIFA 2014 World Cup Golden Ball (http://bitbet.us/bet/856/) 682385;1400549439;mircea_popescu;i was just thinking "i've not seen btcalpha in the feed in a while" 682386;1400549493;mike_c;mpif post is in the works. but i gotta finish the mpif tracking shit. and panacea is the most complicated thing in the world to track. 682387;1400549519;[]bot;Bet created: Neuer to win 2014 FIFA World Cup Golden Glove (http://bitbet.us/bet/857/) 682388;1400549564;mircea_popescu;is it ? 682389;1400549575;*;mircea_popescu is a totally clueless general manager 682390;1400549577;mike_c;lot sizes and fees and yadda yadda yadda 682391;1400549622;artifexd;Adding the # to BTC breaks my bot. :( 682392;1400549709;mircea_popescu;hm 682393;1400549716;mircea_popescu;omg dependency hell!!1 682394;1400549718;mircea_popescu;artifexd why ? 682395;1400549740;mircea_popescu;mike_c i agree, fees are complicating matters should be waved! 682396;1400549749;mike_c;heh. srsly. 682397;1400549755;artifexd;Because I need to pull the amount and side out of the tweet. Thus regex. 682398;1400549758;artifexd;r := regexp.MustCompile("([0-9\\.]+) #?BTC on '([Yy]es|[Nn]o)'") 682399;1400549762;artifexd;^ the fix 682400;1400549780;mircea_popescu;:p 682401;1400549783;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19800 @ 0.00089283 = 17.678 BTC [-] {4} 682402;1400549817;mircea_popescu;http://24.media.tumblr.com/60cef74f43ed1b33f9ce451edfcefc6a/tumblr_n41hgrGdIS1twusc6o1_1280.jpg 682403;1400549826;mircea_popescu;might have something to do with the fact that white people actually did shit. 682404;1400549856;kakobrekla; mpif post is in the works. but i gotta finish the mpif tracking shit. and panacea is the most complicated thing in the world to track. < yes, and im not too happy about that. 682405;1400549895;mike_c;profit = rand() 682406;1400549905;kakobrekla;rand()*rand() actually! 682407;1400549930;artifexd;You need a rand() that can return a negative number. ;) 682408;1400549946;mircea_popescu;no he doesn't 682409;1400549955;kakobrekla;the - is hardcoded. 682410;1400549956;mircea_popescu;stop teaching him sin 682411;1400550465;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu do you have time for a gpg question? 682412;1400550474;mircea_popescu;sure 682413;1400550659;thestringpuller;how does one secure a public keyring... 682414;1400550822;mircea_popescu;since nell mentioned it, http://www.firstprinciplesjournal.com/articles.aspx?article=871 682415;1400550823;assbot;First Principles - Straussianism 682416;1400550836;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller you mean secure their keyring ? 682417;1400551003;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.095 = 0.285 BTC [+] 682418;1400551717;thestringpuller;like for a service 682419;1400551863;thestringpuller;that was extremely terse my apologies lemme refraze 682420;1400551940;thestringpuller;for instance a service that uses gpg to auth, the database that correlates user identity to public key 682421;1400551973;mircea_popescu;any keyserver does this. 682422;1400552124;thestringpuller;surely mpex wouldn't utilize a public key server for incoming public keys of new users... 682423;1400552144;thestringpuller;or are you saying just "defacto keyserver software" 682424;1400552169;mike_c;mpex doesn't correlate user identity to a key 682425;1400552204;mircea_popescu;wait what 682426;1400552227;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller im simply saying that it needs no particular security measures, it's like a blog-level concern. 682427;1400552233;mircea_popescu;mike_c then how does it work ?! 682428;1400552257;mike_c;what correlation is there? the key is the identity. 682429;1400552275;thestringpuller;hmmm 682430;1400552276;mike_c;mayhaps i'm confused. 682431;1400552287;thestringpuller;but that identity correlates to an account balance 682432;1400552291;thestringpuller;among other things 682433;1400552303;mircea_popescu;mike_c so if the key is the identity then the key correlates to the identity :D 682434;1400552314;thestringpuller;that relationship should be protected methinks 682435;1400552323;mircea_popescu;why 682436;1400552352;mike_c;in my understanding a keyserver is entirely unnecessary. you create an account with a key. if you can sign with that key, you're you. and that's all you need to know. 682437;1400552369;thestringpuller;whoa 682438;1400552375;thestringpuller;oh** 682439;1400552401;mircea_popescu;well yes. 682440;1400552443;mircea_popescu;mpex has precious little to do with this tho. guy wanted to secure the relationship between publeys and identities. i pointed out that any one keyserver out there has this relationship, and "securing" it is nonsensical. 682441;1400552443;thestringpuller;that's the reason why security isn't a concern 682442;1400552478;thestringpuller;i guess I misunderstood the problem ~_~ 682443;1400552487;mike_c;yes, i was responding to: <+thestringpuller> surely mpex wouldn't utilize a public key server 682444;1400552495;thestringpuller;the relationship between the keys and their "info" 682445;1400553016;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.095 = 0.285 BTC [+] 682446;1400553314;mircea_popescu;!up the20year1 682447;1400553378;the20year1;joy 682448;1400553468;mircea_popescu;http://www.channel4.com/programmes/the-joy-of-teen-sex 682449;1400553468;assbot;The Joy of Teen Sex - Channel 4 682450;1400553910;thestringpuller;i used to watch that 682451;1400554013;cazalla;looks like http://bitbet.us/bet/832/difficulty-at-block-302-400-over-10-billion/ edging towards a yes, shame more people didn't bet no :\ 682452;1400554013;assbot;BitBet - Difficulty at block 302,400 over 10 billion :: 0.05 B (11%) on Yes, 0.43 B (89%) on No | closed 6 days 2 hours ago 682453;1400554566;mircea_popescu;10 682454;1400554573;mircea_popescu;10:1 682455;1400554846;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 11 @ 0.095 = 1.045 BTC [+] 682456;1400556157;thestringpuller;dead tonight 682457;1400556635;joecool;really? check the volume, we on a rally 682458;1400557370;BingoBoingo;;;later tell mircea_popescu Devtome isn't a person, it's the devcoin equivalent of mining. Checking the edit history some user called whoisthelorax is behind the altcoin pre-insta-mine investigation page 682459;1400557370;gribble;The operation succeeded. 682460;1400558411;thestringpuller;joecool: rally on what? 682461;1400558415;thestringpuller;oh the price 682462;1400558416;thestringpuller;;;ticker 682463;1400558418;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 460.33, Best ask: 462.11, Bid-ask spread: 1.78000, Last trade: 462.11, 24 hour volume: 7930.34253382, 24 hour low: 442.18, 24 hour high: 464.91, 24 hour vwap: 452.057615455 682464;1400558423;thestringpuller;ah so I see 682465;1400558447;thestringpuller;joecool: i was talking about the channel, just seems vacant tonight ~_~ maybe it's my timezone 682466;1400558449;thestringpuller;where is fluffypony 682467;1400558665;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 682468;1400558697;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 462.0, vol: 7941.27952453 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 447.33, vol: 4673.7201 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 459.67, vol: 5548.88972157 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 455.0, vol: 15.78775016 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 452.3666, vol: 1562.18600000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 458.79572, vol: 1.14219748 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 447.948858, vol: 34.17679148 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message) 682469;1400558802;BingoBoingo;;;more 682470;1400558802;gribble;457.088483979 682471;1400559968;[]bot;Bet placed: 5.39968 BTC for Yes on "Bitcoin to surpass Berkshire as an investment (http://bitbet.us/bet/786/)". Odds: 85(Y):15(N) by coin, 87(Y):13(N) by weight. Total bet: 1256.50837404 BTC. Current weight: 80,738. 682472;1400561267;BingoBoingo;http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2014/05/armys-new-training-shooter-makes-out-of-shape-soldiers-look-fat/?comments=1&post=26872441#comment-26872441 682473;1400561268;assbot;Armys new training shooter makes out of shape soldiers look fat | Ars Technica 682474;1400561373;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11250 @ 0.00089312 = 10.0476 BTC [+] 682475;1400561434;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13050 @ 0.00089214 = 11.6424 BTC [-] {2} 682476;1400562776;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14450 @ 0.00089507 = 12.9338 BTC [+] 682477;1400563874;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26350 @ 0.00089177 = 23.4981 BTC [-] {3} 682478;1400564521;jurov;artifexd what? 682479;1400564972;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11300 @ 0.00089126 = 10.0712 BTC [-] {2} 682480;1400565382;fluffypony;thestringpuller: here 682481;1400565383;fluffypony;was asleep 682482;1400565633;jurov;anyone can guess when mp will be on? 682483;1400565652;jurov;someone just deposited to coinbr even more than fluffy 682484;1400565948;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7050 @ 0.00089367 = 6.3004 BTC [+] 682485;1400566629;jurov;guess i'd rather try to sell something and shuffle the cxbtc around 682486;1400567595;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20559 @ 0.00089051 = 18.308 BTC [-] {3} 682487;1400568022;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 686 @ 0.00088945 = 0.6102 BTC [-] 682488;1400568266;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 4 @ 0.0902903 = 0.3612 BTC [-] 682489;1400570767;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.0386 = 0.1158 BTC [-] 682490;1400570828;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 30 @ 0.03814555 = 1.1444 BTC [-] {6} 682491;1400570889;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 77 @ 0.03779584 = 2.9103 BTC [-] {3} 682492;1400573718;pankkake;http://www.coindesk.com/secure-wallet-extension-kryptokit-disappears-chrome-browsers/ the joy of auto updating software 682493;1400573718;assbot;Secure Wallet Extension KryptoKit Disappears from Chrome Browsers 682494;1400574151;BingoBoingo;pankkake: Also the joys of pointless dependencies. 682495;1400574523;BingoBoingo;Any news on this supposed Litecoin 51% attack? 682496;1400574568;pankkake;http://www.reddit.com/r/litecoin/comments/25obk1/coinotroncom_control_nearly_50_of_the_overall/ is that it? 682497;1400574569;assbot;Coinotron.com Control nearly 50% of the overall Hashrate of Litecoin : litecoin 682498;1400574590;pankkake;someone with >50% isn't necesarrily an "attack" 682499;1400574669;pankkake;and here I was told litecoin was MORE DECENTRALIZED!!! 682500;1400574690;pankkake;https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7258.txt 682501;1400574773;moiety;morning manul fans 682502;1400574849;fluffypony;morning moiety 682503;1400574871;BingoBoingo;Moring moiety 682504;1400574877;BingoBoingo;How are the phones? 682505;1400574912;moiety;no calls yesterday but a couple IMs 682506;1400574931;moiety;one guy asked me to exchange paypal to btc lol 682507;1400574939;fluffypony;hah hah 682508;1400574984;moiety;how are you all? 682509;1400575000;fluffypony;good 682510;1400575011;fluffypony;feeling a bit sluggish today 682511;1400575020;fluffypony;need to knock out my blog post on the support line 682512;1400575021;fluffypony;:-P 682513;1400575035;Naphex;been feeling like that all week 682514;1400575040;Naphex;;/ 682515;1400575088;pankkake;been feeling like that all year 682516;1400575133;Naphex;must be somethin in the air ;] 682517;1400575270;moiety;i feel really groggy this morning too 682518;1400575321;moiety;BingoBoingo: did you know there was a cat version of the corgi? http://i.imgur.com/9pp8Ji4.jpg and it has an epic name - munchkin 682519;1400575781;BingoBoingo;moiety: I've seen a couple of those. 682520;1400576257;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 349 @ 0.00083991 = 0.2931 BTC [+] {3} 682521;1400576379;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 22 @ 0.44582152 = 9.8081 BTC [+] {3} 682522;1400576380;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 9 @ 0.09029048 = 0.8126 BTC [+] {3} 682523;1400576562;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.4460001 BTC [+] 682524;1400576684;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 301 @ 0.00085322 = 0.2568 BTC [+] {2} 682525;1400577488;moiety;interesting how they chose pics where the cat has a lead on but the dog doesn't 682526;1400577843;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.095 = 0.19 BTC [+] 682527;1400577932;fluffypony;Naphex: around? 682528;1400579016;moiety;i think the sex weeks flat is borked. both the charge nurse and consultant i worked for have retired since i left last year, so no reference. :[ 682529;1400579064;fluffypony;:( 682530;1400579077;fluffypony;I'll give you a reference for the work you're currently doing 682531;1400579231;moiety;thanks, that's awful kind but it was more a character reference as on paper im not working. you know? i'm not quite sure what to do. i have a friend that owns a company but hes off in london atm 682532;1400579296;moiety;he went to the tesla showroom and got a testdrive lol 682533;1400579297;fluffypony;I can write a character reference 682534;1400579310;fluffypony;I'll use important business words like "awesomesauce" 682535;1400579340;Apocalyptic;heh 682536;1400579375;moiety;LOL well im not sure if he could turn me down after that 682537;1400579381;Naphex;o/ 682538;1400579389;punkman;moiety: you moving? 682539;1400579396;moiety;trying to 682540;1400579414;fluffypony;Naphex: prv? 682541;1400579420;punkman;that reference bullshit in the UK is so annoying 682542;1400579436;moiety;have a deadline to be out of here and i found a nice place just having a few creases to iron 682543;1400579456;moiety;i know, and i finally found someone thats ok with me not working AND ok with the cats which has been a problem so far 682544;1400579489;moiety;to get the flat im in i had to get 2 references, give 3 months of bank statements and a letter from my work 682545;1400579551;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21350 @ 0.00088919 = 18.9842 BTC [-] {2} 682546;1400579651;punkman;a nice fat deposit usually helps 682547;1400579794;moiety;oh yeah that too. same as the first months rent, so like 2 months in advance. im getting help with that bit though 682548;1400579816;punkman;nobody asks for refs/etc around here, I met a guy recently that has stiffed like 20 different landlords for 3+ months of rent 682549;1400579841;moiety;wow 682550;1400579858;pankkake;but can they throw out someone for not paying? 682551;1400579879;moiety;they can here 682552;1400579888;punkman;no idea, they don't do contracts usually so that complicates things 682553;1400579925;moiety;the good thing here now is your deposit is held by a third party so they can't keep it when you leave 682554;1400579942;punkman;this guy just convinces them he'll pay it off next month, next month, next month ... 682555;1400579960;punkman;then packs up and leaves 682556;1400579967;moiety;does he not mind moving so much? this is killing me with panic 682557;1400580025;pankkake;I've had much less things to prove to get a loan than to rent. banker guy was all "shut up and take my money" 682558;1400580058;pankkake;yeah, I hate moving. so much stuff to move too 682559;1400580071;kakobrekla;stay at home kids. 682560;1400580095;moiety;i have very little as everything got destroyed at my last place, but i really don't want to lose the stuff i've gathered over the past year, or the cats 682561;1400580140;punkman;moiety, took me like 6 months to get a deposit back from an asshat UK agent. 682562;1400580180;moiety;my deposit from here is probably gone, i don't care about that. just as long as i sort out a new roof, i'll be happy 682563;1400580238;kakobrekla;your stuff got destroyed? 682564;1400580242;kakobrekla;was it the cats? :) 682565;1400580279;punkman;how did you destroy the roof? 682566;1400580435;moiety;lol no i lived with an idiot who didn't like me leaving 682567;1400580466;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 72 @ 0.03789145 = 2.7282 BTC [+] {4} 682568;1400580588;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20827 @ 0.00088929 = 18.5212 BTC [+] {2} 682569;1400580588;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIF] 750 @ 0.00018034 = 0.1353 BTC [-] {9} 682570;1400580722;pankkake;:/ 682571;1400580771;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 70 @ 0.02165018 = 1.5155 BTC [-] {13} 682572;1400580835;moiety;fresh starts are good though, you can do whatever you want to :D 682573;1400580863;moiety;and things are only things, you could lose them all in a fire ir whatever anyways 682574;1400580877;punkman;have you considered packing the cats in a suitcase and getting on a plane? 682575;1400580893;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.455 = 0.91 BTC [+] 682576;1400581023;moiety;where to? i think the costs of setting up elsewhere are more than the costs of moving here when youre not working 682577;1400581335;punkman;lots of nice places in Europe, could probably find something cheaper than your current rent 682578;1400581363;punkman;but I've only been to expensive parts of UK, so I don't know 682579;1400581482;moiety;the place ive seen is the same rent as current flat but it somuch nicer.. and has heating. just because its not in the city 682580;1400581509;moiety;i don't even know how people that don't have huge paying jobs survive in london 682581;1400581521;punkman;as MP said, UK is a shithole 682582;1400581568;moiety;i had dual nationality at one point, that would be epic to still have 682583;1400581639;BingoBoingo;!up skinnkavaj 682584;1400581650;BingoBoingo;skinnkavaj: What is happening to Litecoin? 682585;1400582174;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 20 @ 0.02200223 = 0.44 BTC [+] 682586;1400582621;punkman;moiety, if you want a reference point, 200eur/month could get you a 60m^2 1-bedroom with a private yard for the cats to run around, on some sunny mediterranean island. 682587;1400582654;Naphex;but no mcdonalds 682588;1400582662;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.455 BTC [+] 682589;1400582667;Naphex;or starbax 682590;1400582670;punkman;why not 682591;1400582674;moiety;is that not another plus point Naphex lol 682592;1400582715;Naphex;if it has mcdonalds and starbucks rent is 400:) 682593;1400582849;pankkake;but why :| 682594;1400582881;pankkake;I get starbucks = hipsters with too much money 682595;1400582904;pankkake;maybe macdonalds = poor people who keep making bad decisions 682596;1400582906;moiety;coffee you make at home is nicer than starbucks anyways 682597;1400582915;Naphex;maybe 682598;1400582971;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo o ic 682599;1400582990;mircea_popescu;moiety i've been to places that make better coffee than anything brewed at hgome tho 682600;1400583022;moiety;i bet they weren't starbucks 682601;1400583028;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.455 = 1.365 BTC [+] 682602;1400583100;mircea_popescu;certainly not. 682603;1400583127;mircea_popescu;btw, let's remind : http://trilema.com/2014/the-practical-sexuality-cryptograph/ 682604;1400583128;assbot;The practical sexuality cryptograph pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 682605;1400583150;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14578 @ 0.00089055 = 12.9824 BTC [+] 682606;1400583216;dub;get one of these http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vacuum_coffee_maker 682607;1400583216;assbot;Vacuum coffee maker - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 682608;1400583286;kakobrekla;nah, caffeine powder IV 682609;1400583300;Naphex;there we go 682610;1400583300;mircea_popescu;why not snort it 682611;1400583312;dub;the idea of going to a starbucks is offends me 682612;1400583313;mircea_popescu;why not lick it off vulvas or drip it in you eyes 682613;1400583323;mircea_popescu;for crying out loud, people and the passion for exoticism 682614;1400583329;dub;s/is/ 682615;1400583368;mircea_popescu;dub you woke up late and the bar was all out of regular english, got stuck with esl ? 682616;1400583478;dub;i have a brain finger disconnect 682617;1400583491;Naphex;sounds pretty bad 682618;1400583501;Naphex;how are you able to type?;o 682619;1400583505;fluffypony;needs alcohol to fix? 682620;1400583554;mircea_popescu;powdered ? 682621;1400583560;fluffypony;of course 682622;1400583570;fluffypony;and sniffed off the voluptuous buttocks of a Romanian hooker 682623;1400583597;BingoBoingo;"Vircurex is not the issuer of the vircurex asset on NXT decentralized asset exchange. 682624;1400583597;BingoBoingo;Our shares are only listed on cryptostocks.com. The asset issuer on the NXT decentralized assetexchange is not associated with us in any ways. " 682625;1400583606;BingoBoingo;^ lulz 682626;1400583619;mircea_popescu;lol 682627;1400583627;mircea_popescu;decentralized exchanges ftw. 682628;1400583638;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 35 @ 0.02210011 = 0.7735 BTC [+] 682629;1400583658;fluffypony;special 682630;1400583760;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 90 @ 0.02210011 = 1.989 BTC [+] 682631;1400583839;jurov;maybe i should look into offering mpex passthroughs with tentative backing 682632;1400583849;jurov;(since no one knows what tentative is) 682633;1400583943;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 7 @ 0.02210011 = 0.1547 BTC [+] {3} 682634;1400584144;jurov;mircea_popescu: do you have access to deposits atm? 682635;1400584180;mircea_popescu;in a little bit yeah. 682636;1400584688;chetty;http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-05-20/china-suspends-cybersecurity-cooperation-with-u-s-after-charges.html 682637;1400584688;assbot;China Halts Cybersecurity Cooperation After U.S. Spying Charges - Bloomberg 682638;1400584779;chetty;Success in the global marketplace should be based solely on a companys ability to innovate and compete, not on a sponsor governments ability to spy and steal business secrets, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said yesterday, emphasizing that U.S. surveillance and spying is not used for commercial purposes. 682639;1400584789;mircea_popescu;so that's the fucking end of us intel then. 682640;1400584817;chetty;hopefully 682641;1400584877;mircea_popescu;this is two strikes for obama in one year. 682642;1400584882;penguirker;New blog post: http://blog.spagni.net/posts/2014-05-20 682643;1400584883;assbot;Bitcoin has a support line! 682644;1400584891;mircea_popescu;"herpderp we're sanctioning ukraine" "here's 20bn in Ts. shut up and suck the cock" 682645;1400584897;chetty;lmao, a lot more than that 682646;1400584925;mircea_popescu;"herpderp we're going to indict chinese army officers. we, the people that regularly smuggle our own personnbel oiut of allies' countries to avoid prosecution for dui" 682647;1400584934;mircea_popescu;china goes "eh get fucked". obviously. 682648;1400584968;mircea_popescu;http://www.literotica.com/s/the-vanity-project << here, this is Miss Columbia, avatar of the contemporary United States. 682649;1400584968;assbot;The Vanity Project - Exhibitionist & Voyeur - Literotica.com 682650;1400584980;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 200 @ 0.00081127 = 0.1623 BTC [-] {2} 682651;1400585163;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 250 @ 0.00421608 = 1.054 BTC [-] {6} 682652;1400585203;Naphex;hmm 682653;1400585226;Naphex;Google suddenly shows my account with a tottaly different name 682654;1400585228;Naphex;wtf 682655;1400585346;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 19 @ 0.03776001 = 0.7174 BTC [-] 682656;1400585351;mircea_popescu;you got hijacked 682657;1400585358;Naphex;nah 682658;1400585363;Naphex;its something with google 682659;1400585391;Naphex;or they are mitming me, this is awkward as hell. i'm logged in with my usermail, yet in google adwords it shows me logged as prrdublin@gmail.com 682660;1400585404;Naphex;also shows my change history as prrdublin@gmail.com 682661;1400585409;Naphex;i have no idea what that email is 682662;1400585411;Naphex;o.O; 682663;1400585422;mircea_popescu;hijacked. 682664;1400585455;*;fluffypony empties Naphex's bank accounts 682665;1400585507;jurov;one deposit is there, thx 682666;1400585519;jurov;laterz 682667;1400585552;mircea_popescu;!up kdomanski 682668;1400585661;Naphex;check this out https://i.imgur.com/6mcpFvm.png 682669;1400585668;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/Sebastian_JKT/status/468672480132202496 682670;1400585669;assbot;If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're mis-informed. -Mark Twain 682671;1400585669;Naphex;my connection is clean, and it is comming from goog servers 682672;1400585672;Naphex;not mitmded 682673;1400585692;Naphex;prrdublin@gmail.com not my email at all ;O and those were my edits 682674;1400585702;fluffypony;Naphex yeah, probably just a bork in Google's server 682675;1400585719;Naphex;thats quite a bork:o 682676;1400585728;mircea_popescu;yo umean to tell me their mongodb had a failure which went unnoticed and assigned part of your data to someonme else ? 682677;1400585773;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.46367248 = 1.8547 BTC [+] {2} 682678;1400585774;kakobrekla;"your data to someone else" was there before the failure 682679;1400585809;Naphex;in preferences it shows my email set as prrdublin, although no such address is even alowed access 682680;1400585814;Naphex;just shows me as a different guy 682681;1400585815;Naphex;wtf 682682;1400585868;BingoBoingo;What do you expect from a service named after a sound an infant might make? 682683;1400585879;mircea_popescu;Naphex twist : maybe you are a different guy 682684;1400585890;mircea_popescu;naphex just discovered his split personality disorder 682685;1400585898;Naphex;lol 682686;1400585907;BingoBoingo;Or Naphex has been in a fugue state the whole time. 682687;1400585910;mircea_popescu;before you make too much noise, check out alt-you's gf 682688;1400585913;mircea_popescu;maybe she's hot. 682689;1400585953;Naphex;my paranoid mind might me thing its a google stealth access to my mail, and adwords listed the alias 682690;1400585956;Naphex;as logged in 682691;1400586027;mircea_popescu;Naphex it'd be known if this were the case. 682692;1400586030;mircea_popescu;prrdublin isn't 682693;1400586133;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/niubi/status/468661635461038080 682694;1400586134;assbot;Hong Kong Crypto Currency Exchange HKCEx Collapses with Founding Team Suspected Fled http://t.co/M9GZplFbvy via /feedly 682695;1400586200;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 5 @ 0.14 = 0.7 BTC [-] 682696;1400586202;chetty;NSA tech probably fat fingered his keyboard 682697;1400586282;Naphex;Logging in and out still the same, only in adwords 682698;1400586304;mircea_popescu;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BhQLer9IUAAsKiG.jpg 682699;1400586467;Naphex;oh well 682700;1400586468;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/tudorcutus/status/468717853609582592 << apparently BingoBoingo missed one out 682701;1400586469;assbot;Hai sictir, Timisoaro! http://t.co/Ii0Z1fCPWR 682702;1400586789;chetty;http://www.weather.com/video/cute-alert-hamster-vs-mini-burrito-48724? 682703;1400586819;mircea_popescu;aww 682704;1400586993;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 16 @ 0.46486248 = 7.4378 BTC [+] {4} 682705;1400587115;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.46793245 = 1.4038 BTC [+] {2} 682706;1400587176;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 7 @ 0.47999807 = 3.36 BTC [+] {3} 682707;1400587237;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.479999 BTC [+] 682708;1400587380;moiety;!! thats epic 682709;1400587394;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: The Argentina thing has been public knowledge for quite some time. 682710;1400587395;moiety;also, i can't get off this site now. http://www.weather.com/video/meet-the-awesome-half-dog-46363?collid=/video-minutes/melt 682711;1400587428;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo why, cause i sorta-hinted alsmot-said-so ? 682712;1400587440;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Nao, if BitBet could keep bets open a decade... 682713;1400587452;fluffypony;"You never know which way the colossus with clay feet is going to collapse." <- that's quite Biblical of you 682714;1400587457;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Well, these logs. 682715;1400587462;mircea_popescu;i am quite flattered, mind you. to appreciate it : consider that most bitbet delivery bets to date went along the lines of "X company will sort-of do what owner said, within sorta timeframe he indicated" 682716;1400587484;mircea_popescu;and most came out No, even so. 682717;1400587526;fluffypony;BingoBoingo: can you imagine..."Bitcoin to surpass $500 000 by January 2024" 682718;1400587531;fluffypony;lol 682719;1400587560;mircea_popescu;fluffypony experimentally, people want bets about 6 months out. 682720;1400587578;mircea_popescu;the berkshiore bet, in spite of huge pot tension, wallowed for 2 months 682721;1400587584;mircea_popescu;only now, 9 out, is it startingto see action. 682722;1400587592;BingoBoingo;Yeah, 3 - 9 months is the typical range 682723;1400587596;mircea_popescu;yup 682724;1400587603;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.479999 = 1.92 BTC [+] 682725;1400587609;mircea_popescu;it is biologically fascinating this, too 682726;1400587618;mircea_popescu;the longest time horizon matches the gestation period. 682727;1400587708;BingoBoingo;http://veridicalsystems.com/blog/of-money-responsibility-and-pride/ 682728;1400587709;assbot;Speeds and Feeds › Of Money, Responsibility, and Pride 682729;1400587725;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 85 @ 0.03764058 = 3.1994 BTC [-] {3} 682730;1400587741;Naphex;fiat responsability is stupid :) burn it 682731;1400587754;Naphex;just make sure you make more then you spend hehe 682732;1400587786;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 33 @ 0.00437 = 0.1442 BTC [+] 682733;1400587903;mircea_popescu;"I havent finished entering all of them to get an exact total, but all those donations together come to about US$9,000. " 682734;1400587911;mircea_popescu;they've beating the wrong bush, obviously. 682735;1400587923;mircea_popescu;openbsd did about 10x better than them, and for very good reasons. 682736;1400587953;mircea_popescu;not just the dorks in charge of these foundations, but everyone everywhere needs to get this through their thick skulls already : you talk to the elites. 682737;1400587962;BingoBoingo;I actually followed danielpbarron and went through with ordering the CD's and a book 682738;1400587969;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 33 @ 0.00437715 = 0.1444 BTC [+] 682739;1400587989;danielpbarron;:D 682740;1400588000;danielpbarron;what book? 682741;1400588021;BingoBoingo;danielpbarron: Absolute OpenBSD 2nd edition, the Micheal W. Lucas book. 682742;1400588091;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 159 @ 0.00437742 = 0.696 BTC [+] {2} 682743;1400588094;chetty; also, i can't get off this site now. http://www.weather.com/video/meet-the-awesome-half-dog-46363?collid=/video-minutes/melt << srry bout that, its a bit addictive for sure 682744;1400588213;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 67 @ 0.00439999 = 0.2948 BTC [+] 682745;1400588246;Naphex;"Just wanted to say thank you. I posted a picture of my sons first birthday cake over in r/baking. bitcoincollegefundgu donated to his college fund. I had no idea you guys existed until tonight. This community seems awesome. Thank you so much for investing in my little man." 682746;1400588271;mircea_popescu;lol k 682747;1400588274;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 139 @ 0.00440661 = 0.6125 BTC [+] {3} 682748;1400588560;moiety;chetty: no complaints here! it's brilliant lol 682749;1400588598;moiety;omg there is an r/baking? 682750;1400588632;BingoBoingo;This bet could get very interesting http://bitbet.us/bet/854/brock-pierce-to-resign-at-btc-foundation/ 682751;1400588632;assbot;BitBet - Brock Pierce to resign at BTC Foundation :: 0.16 B (2%) on Yes, 10.08 B (98%) on No | closing in 3 months 1 week| weight: 97`397 (100`000 to 1) 682752;1400588688;fluffypony;wait what 682753;1400588689;fluffypony;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=616575.0 682754;1400588689;assbot;GIF - Leancuisine's Gambling Investment Fund 682755;1400588697;BingoBoingo;Suppose Sinbad appears out of obscurity with Emilio Esteves and they accuse Brock Pierce of molesting them. 682756;1400588698;fluffypony;there's now an IPO where you can give someone money 682757;1400588701;fluffypony;for them to gamble with it 682758;1400588712;fluffypony;on Playtin and JustDice 682759;1400588736;Naphex;Stakeing 682760;1400588753;mircea_popescu;fluffypony this is not news. in point of fact : one week before glbse collapsed, there was a guy who created a gambling mining fund. 682761;1400588762;fluffypony;lol 682762;1400588767;mircea_popescu;ie, people give him btc, he buys miners, which he uses to mine, the proceeds he uses to buy canadian lottery tickets 682763;1400588773;fluffypony;LOL! 682764;1400588774;mircea_popescu;this was an actual thing 682765;1400588786;fluffypony;no man, that's the bottom end of retardation. 682766;1400588787;Naphex;:))) 682767;1400588788;Naphex;lOL 682768;1400588797;mircea_popescu;mpoe-pr called him the bottom of retardation 682769;1400588799;mircea_popescu;he called her mean 682770;1400588802;mircea_popescu;the forum agreed. 682771;1400588812;fluffypony;that she was mean? 682772;1400588813;mircea_popescu;also clearly mp fud against his competitor 682773;1400588820;mircea_popescu;because in their mind glbse was somehow competing. 682774;1400588824;fluffypony;lol 682775;1400588865;fluffypony;I don't know why everyone insists that criticism be handed to them on a fluffy white pillow 682776;1400588910;artifexd;fluffy white pony 682777;1400588945;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 9 @ 0.02169116 = 0.1952 BTC [-] {4} 682778;1400588983;fluffypony;lol artifexd 682779;1400589067;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 9 @ 0.0216 = 0.1944 BTC [-] {9} 682780;1400589128;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.0216 = 0.216 BTC [-] {10} 682781;1400589189;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 11 @ 0.0216 = 0.2376 BTC [-] {11} 682782;1400589190;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14222 @ 0.00089055 = 12.6654 BTC [+] 682783;1400589197;chetty;fluffypony, a spoon full of sugar makes the medicine go down 682784;1400589219;fluffypony;chetty: or a smack to the back of the head, whichever comes first? 682785;1400589238;chetty;the smack tends to work a lot better 682786;1400589244;*;fluffypony agrees 682787;1400589250;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 12 @ 0.0216 = 0.2592 BTC [-] {12} 682788;1400589263;fluffypony;we should IPO the SmackTastic Back of Head Smacker 682789;1400589296;chetty;isnt that mpex? 682790;1400589311;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 12 @ 0.0216 = 0.2592 BTC [-] {12} 682791;1400589313;fluffypony;with hanbot off the forums...no :( 682792;1400589372;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 13 @ 0.0216 = 0.2808 BTC [-] {13} 682793;1400589433;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 13 @ 0.0216 = 0.2808 BTC [-] {13} 682794;1400589495;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 13 @ 0.0216 = 0.2808 BTC [-] {13} 682795;1400589555;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 11 @ 0.0216 = 0.2376 BTC [-] {11} 682796;1400589616;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 7 @ 0.0223994 = 0.1568 BTC [+] {5} 682797;1400589738;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 11 @ 0.03247596 = 0.3572 BTC [+] {5} 682798;1400589799;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 8 @ 0.03262499 = 0.261 BTC [+] {8} 682799;1400589982;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.095 = 0.475 BTC [+] 682800;1400590117;[]bot;Bet placed: 1.82124719 BTC for No on "ATC to reach block 50000 on time (http://bitbet.us/bet/812/)". Odds: 23(Y):77(N) by coin, 24(Y):76(N) by weight. Total bet: 9.19622719 BTC. Current weight: 74,209. 682801;1400590149;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 682802;1400590156;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 458.75, vol: 11554.54586435 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 446.405, vol: 9021.25963 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 458.58, vol: 7886.38675067 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 455.0, vol: 43.96600715 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 453.959982, vol: 2863.21550000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 454.58474, vol: 6.83839247 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 457.6134, vol: 48.08295944 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message) 682803;1400590176;BingoBoingo;;;more 682804;1400590177;gribble;454.719010711 682805;1400590219;kakobrekla;(1 more message) = 16 char 682806;1400590226;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 4 @ 0.09099998 = 0.364 BTC [+] {2} 682807;1400590231;kakobrekla;454.719010711 = 13 char 682808;1400590235;kakobrekla;fun. 682809;1400590287;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 2 @ 0.091 = 0.182 BTC [+] 682810;1400590409;mircea_popescu;it is isnt it ? 682811;1400590463;chetty;http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/children_shealth/10839063/Sex-change-drugs-to-be-offered-to-nine-year-olds.html 682812;1400590463;assbot;Sex change drugs 'to be offered to nine-year-olds' - Telegraph 682813;1400590531;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 5 @ 0.0385 = 0.1925 BTC [+] {5} 682814;1400590592;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.03324749 = 0.133 BTC [+] {4} 682815;1400590890;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo re your earlier openssl link : http://trilema.com/2014/the-public-burning-of-bob-beck/ 682816;1400590892;assbot;The public burning of Bob Beck pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 682817;1400590901;mircea_popescu;with thanks, it came in exactly right 682818;1400591141;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30000 @ 0.00088856 = 26.6568 BTC [-] {2} 682819;1400591202;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 33 @ 0.0044 = 0.1452 BTC [-] 682820;1400591243;penguirker;New blog post: http://trilema.com/2014/the-sharp-friar-and-the-golden-jew-discuss-your-options/ 682821;1400591244;assbot;The sharp friar and the golden jew discuss your options pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 682822;1400591829;pankkake;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=616980.0 682823;1400591829;assbot;45TH Giganto Miner! 682824;1400592255;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Have they really never acknowledged your salvation since the event? 682825;1400592361;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.03246908 = 0.3247 BTC [-] 682826;1400592605;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 9 @ 0.0320151 = 0.2881 BTC [-] 682827;1400592727;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 20 @ 0.03200633 = 0.6401 BTC [-] {4} 682828;1400592728;mircea_popescu;link me. 682829;1400592788;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 50 @ 0.095 = 4.75 BTC [+] 682830;1400592878;BingoBoingo;https://twitter.com/bob_beck/status/458328985500258304 682831;1400592879;assbot;No funding has come from /bsdfund to OpenBSD in recent memory (8 years?) Even when the project was in peril. /hashtag/OpenBSD?src=hash /hashtag/OpenSSL?src=hash /hashtag/LibreSSL?src=hash 682832;1400592902;mircea_popescu;that it ? 682833;1400592904;BingoBoingo;http://www.openbsdfoundation.org/contributors.html 682834;1400592904;assbot;Donate to the OpenBSD Foundation 682835;1400592908;BingoBoingo;^ 682836;1400592924;mircea_popescu;i thought you were asking about "salvation" specifically. 682837;1400592989;BingoBoingo;Ah, yeah. I'm just looking at this Bob Beck guy's stuff. That tweet just made me realize how unsaveble he is as a "fundraiser" 682838;1400593002;mircea_popescu;he's not/ 682839;1400593026;mircea_popescu;it's a profession, like any other. irrespective what the desocialised think of the things they suck at / don't understand. 682840;1400593132;BingoBoingo;It's why silicon valley can even kill good ideas with poor executions 682841;1400593153;BingoBoingo;code doesn't keep the lights on and bills paid 682842;1400593154;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 11 @ 0.095 = 1.045 BTC [+] 682843;1400593200;mircea_popescu;jurov et all : mpex deposits flushed. 682844;1400593225;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo the most shocking case of this problem (which is otherwise well understood and well documented), by very far the worst i actually saw in bitcoin 682845;1400593248;mircea_popescu;there was a necrodearia/mizerydearia character active 2009-2011ish, the utter epitome of it. 682846;1400593269;mircea_popescu;one'd prolly be well served by reading the totality of that guy's productions. if one were a psychiatrist. 682847;1400593287;BingoBoingo;I might have to dig around. 682848;1400593330;pankkake;I actually had some contact with him! he was running the early Gentoo overlay 682849;1400593359;mircea_popescu;i think so yes 682850;1400593764;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.03325 = 0.3325 BTC [+] 682851;1400593792;BingoBoingo;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=55565.0 682852;1400593792;assbot;mizerydearia's obnoxious health escapade 682853;1400593951;mircea_popescu;"Our excellent support staff of 1 is waiting to take your call and assist you!" lol 682854;1400593957;fluffypony;:-P 682855;1400593969;fluffypony;just wait till we get a 2nd person, it'll be curtains then 682856;1400594025;mircea_popescu;lol chgeck that out, pankkake's aggregator actually list comments count too 682857;1400594029;mircea_popescu;splendid 682858;1400594052;BingoBoingo;http://ca.linkedin.com/pub/bob-beck/5/2a2/157 682859;1400594053;pankkake;"I have, however, the visits were uneventful, unhelpful and unproductive. The last visit with a doctor at a hospital in Wisconsin consumed much of my time trying to convince me that my issue was a psychological disorder and that any other issue (e.g. bugs, bacteria, fungii, etc) is not something that the doctor or anyone at the hospital could treat and that any blood test work they would pursue would not test for anything relating to that." 682860;1400594059;pankkake;you know, this happened to me this year 682861;1400594062;pankkake;and I was right 682862;1400594067;pankkake;the doctors FUCKING WRONG 682863;1400594124;mircea_popescu;pankkake no argument, but the guy has serious mental issues, irrespective of that side point. 682864;1400594131;pankkake;especially this one asshole who wanted me to take antidepressants 682865;1400594152;mircea_popescu;"I suffer from constant nibble-like sensations that seem to come from nowhere or maybe bacterial or fungal or other microbial spores?" 682866;1400594159;mircea_popescu;you can tell from his recursive speech patterns 682867;1400594162;pankkake;lol 682868;1400594169;mircea_popescu;"I'll keep this short and simple, and no, I'm not asking for any help, assistance or anything, because I fucking (profanity used as implication of seriousness if it can even be evaluated as such) despise greed..." 682869;1400594176;mircea_popescu;you see, the guy has been trained to... analyze 682870;1400594179;mircea_popescu;so he analyzes 682871;1400594181;mircea_popescu;everything 682872;1400594185;mircea_popescu;why did he say everything ? 682873;1400594191;mircea_popescu;why did and not had ? 682874;1400594196;mircea_popescu;why not had ? 682875;1400594198;mircea_popescu;why why ? 682876;1400594201;mircea_popescu;why why why ? 682877;1400594202;mircea_popescu;etc. 682878;1400594276;mircea_popescu;"I believe the lack of helpfulness and the persistance of psychological disorder is merely an effort related to the corruption (laziness and/or greed?) of industry, especially relative to the minimal or lack of monetary or other forms of wealth in which I am not worthy or valuable enough to receive related health treatments, inspections or other efforts to combat my particular health issue. " 682879;1400594288;BingoBoingo;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=372.msg3099#msg3099 682880;1400594288;assbot;Seeking Funding or Hosting 682881;1400594292;mircea_popescu;i mean... hey, am I going to be corrupted ? specifically, by laziness ? by greed ? 682882;1400594297;mircea_popescu;am i in cahoots with "the industry" ? 682883;1400594333;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo find the one where he asks for someone to pay for his lunch at some wisconsin shithole, and goes into all the perverse detail about how exactly the person is required to call and why that is 682884;1400594362;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: I'll link it when I find it. 682885;1400594561;BingoBoingo;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=56108.0 682886;1400594561;assbot;Plz livestream The Good Wife 682887;1400594603;pankkake;lol 682888;1400594642;mircea_popescu;https://gitorious.org/health-journal/mizerydearia/source/4171724610a3d3f432457fc46063a0990928c096:journal/2012.03 682889;1400594642;assbot;journal/2012.03 in health-journal/mizerydearia:master - Gitorious 682890;1400594660;mircea_popescu;if anyone was ever curious what mental health professionals read. 682891;1400594674;mircea_popescu;that's about standard fare. marginally subclinical nutty. 682892;1400594804;pankkake;no activity after 2012 anywhere, it seems 682893;1400594857;mircea_popescu;either getting help, being medicated out of his mind, being used as a cumrag in some us prison or else you know... writing the new bitcoin. 682894;1400594875;pankkake;wrong, some pushes in sep 2013, much after the last health journal commit 682895;1400594895;BingoBoingo;Doesn't read as subclinical, reads like a candidate for http://www.crazymeds.us/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Meds/Risperdal 682896;1400594899;assbot;Risperdal (risperidone) Overview | The Good, the Bad & the Funny of these Crazy Meds 682897;1400594965;artifexd;moiety: Are you keeping your activity log somewhere besides http://bitcoinassetsreception.wordpress.com/ ? 682898;1400594965;assbot;#Bitcoin-Assets Reception | Activity Log 682899;1400594977;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo i come from the romanian psychopathology tradition, pre 1990. 682900;1400594982;mircea_popescu;this is subclinical. 682901;1400595005;moiety;i keep a log on my machine, I will post summaries to the blog weekly artifexd 682902;1400595024;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Ah, in the states having a Von Neuman machine for a brain is a clinical condition here. 682903;1400595058;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo the most a communist era doctor'd have done for this would have been 6 months' workcamp 682904;1400595069;mircea_popescu;i do believe it's the correct recommendation too. 682905;1400595151;mircea_popescu;for that matter, i very much doubt this is schizoid. the patient's much too young and too much of the expected tableau is missing. 682906;1400595167;mircea_popescu;some offshot of obsessive-compulsive prolly 682907;1400595190;BingoBoingo;Oh, we love throwing antipsychotics as OCD and aspies here. 682908;1400595213;BingoBoingo;*at 682909;1400595214;mircea_popescu;as best as anyone can discern they're unrelated tho 682910;1400595230;BingoBoingo;Well, it shuts them up. 682911;1400595239;pankkake;BingoBoingo: until the day they get a gun 682912;1400595286;BingoBoingo;pankkake: Sure. 682913;1400595298;BingoBoingo;But that's what Obama wants anyways. 682914;1400595354;BingoBoingo;It was a trend that got quashed just a few years ago where antipsychotics were really popular in nursing homes for dementia 682915;1400595634;BingoBoingo;American Healthcare is like bitcointalk. Outcomes aren't as important as pissing money away. 682916;1400595804;artifexd;moiety: Cool. Thanks. 682917;1400595819;BingoBoingo;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=49826.msg593083#msg593083 682918;1400595820;assbot;update: casascius.COM is GOOD but casascius.NET is EVIL / FRAUD / SCAM / 1% 682919;1400596021;mircea_popescu;!up ArsKisS 682920;1400596036;ArsKisS;thx 682921;1400596092;mircea_popescu;yw 682922;1400596114;BingoBoingo;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=40934.msg569049#msg569049 682923;1400596114;assbot;Exchange accidentally sent 512 bitcoins after coding error 682924;1400596172;mircea_popescu;(half a dollars' worth at the time) 682925;1400596205;mircea_popescu;anyway, for the innocent, intersango was the allegedly legit business of taaki, strateman and co 682926;1400596212;mircea_popescu;before the bitcoinica scamsultancy 682927;1400596442;mircea_popescu;anyway, good link to show the derpy that irc was where it was at, in 2011 too. they just didn't know about it then either. 682928;1400596451;kakobrekla;back when btc was fiddy bux i once got a 10k deposit on bitstamp processed twice 682929;1400596471;kakobrekla;after reporting, i got back 'thanks, there arent many honest people left around' 682930;1400596480;kakobrekla;yeah, they certainly arent. 682931;1400596491;pankkake;!b3 682932;1400596493;assbot;Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/3S3HDMQ.txt ) 682933;1400596493;pankkake;!b 3 682934;1400596504;pankkake;bleh :( 682935;1400596509;assbot;Last 6 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/1SXFRT4.txt ) 682936;1400596509;pankkake;!b 6 682937;1400596512;kakobrekla;you forgot n++ 682938;1400596789;mircea_popescu;Best Known for 682939;1400596789;mircea_popescu;Leaky tits. Young or old, male or female, anyone taking Risperdal, especially more than 4mg a day, has a good chance of lactating. 682940;1400596795;mircea_popescu;ahahaha bloody fucking hell wtf is this 682941;1400596932;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: It hit blocks dopamine AND stimulates prolactin 682942;1400596950;pankkake;how many milking fetishists faking symptoms to get the drug? 682943;1400596956;mircea_popescu;this is like the harem drug. cuts the rage of disphoria and makes tits leak 682944;1400596981;mircea_popescu;i wonder how many cases does the shah of brunei buy 682945;1400596997;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 7 @ 0.11082846 = 0.7758 BTC [+] {7} 682946;1400597069;mircea_popescu;http://blog.spagni.net/posts/2014-04-22 << is this currently the cannonical "why #bitcoin-assets rules" write-up ? 682947;1400597070;assbot;What I enjoy about #bitcoin-assets 682948;1400597090;fluffypony;yeah I couldn't find one, so I wrote one 682949;1400597119;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 20 @ 0.03839 = 0.7678 BTC [-] {2} 682950;1400597141;mircea_popescu;it's how it's supposed to work. 682951;1400597184;pankkake;;;google irc yeshiva 682952;1400597185;gribble;IRC Yeshiva | When Bitcoin Met Pete: ; Biting Into The WoT Elephant (And IRC Nicknames) | When Bitcoin ...: ; IRC Got Me Spinnin' | When Bitcoin Met Pete: 682953;1400597195;mircea_popescu;pankkake but that was march 682954;1400597198;rithm;Nobody is wrong. Everybody is wrong. 682955;1400597200;mircea_popescu;one a month neh ? 682956;1400597224;fluffypony;rithm: I didn't want to say "Nobody is wrong. Except rithm." 682957;1400597228;BingoBoingo;Well, there's the other side effects to consider. 682958;1400597233;fluffypony;so I thought I'd keep it general :-P 682959;1400597241;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 15 @ 0.0384 = 0.576 BTC [+] 682960;1400597242;*;rithm is wrong and i like it 682961;1400597265;*;fluffypony is sexy and I like it 682962;1400597299;rithm;i miss atlas sometimes or one of his permutations 682963;1400597302;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.095 = 0.38 BTC [+] 682964;1400597352;mircea_popescu;was he ever on irc even ? 682965;1400597391;dub;indeed 682966;1400597451;mircea_popescu;i must have missed this 682967;1400597454;dub;manueldeortego or something was the last nick i can remember 682968;1400597455;mircea_popescu;o no wait 682969;1400597459;mircea_popescu;fuck of course i didn't miss it. 682970;1400597465;mircea_popescu;i just... forgot atlas!! 682971;1400597550;mircea_popescu;;;seen EmanuelDeOrtego 682972;1400597551;gribble;EmanuelDeOrtego was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 year, 37 weeks, 5 days, 9 hours, 24 minutes, and 55 seconds ago: I'll do it in the morning then. 682973;1400597586;mircea_popescu;arguing with eskimobob back then lawl. 682974;1400597648;mircea_popescu;http://pastebin.com/7B6qJ5wV slice of life (aug 2012) 682975;1400597649;assbot;Aug 18 16:38:35 i didn't realize investments were really going - Pastebin.com 682976;1400597700;mircea_popescu;Aug 27 03:12:16 saying he'll release all at once might be an attempt to bring the btc price down 682977;1400597721;mircea_popescu;Aug 27 03:24:35 mircea_popescu: if I was a hacker, I would bet for myself 682978;1400597723;mircea_popescu;all teh people 682979;1400597750;mircea_popescu;;;seen maximian 682980;1400597750;gribble;maximian was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 16 weeks, 5 days, 22 hours, 26 minutes, and 31 seconds ago: mircea_popescu: the pic that wired selected for that openbsd article is hilarious 682981;1400597766;mircea_popescu;;;seen copumpkin 682982;1400597767;gribble;copumpkin was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 7 weeks, 3 days, 16 hours, 4 minutes, and 6 seconds ago: thanks 682983;1400597780;mircea_popescu;;;seen Gladamas 682984;1400597781;gribble;Gladamas was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 year, 29 weeks, 1 day, 20 hours, 40 minutes, and 13 seconds ago: http://phys.org/news/2012-10-real-physicists-method-universe-simulation.html 682985;1400597792;dub;;;seen gmaxwell 682986;1400597792;gribble;gmaxwell was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 year, 29 weeks, 4 days, 12 hours, 38 minutes, and 10 seconds ago: thestringpuller: because he's nice for ten minute spans of time, and evades the bans and not everone knows about this BS. 682987;1400597799;mircea_popescu;;;seen smickles 682988;1400597799;gribble;smickles was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 25 weeks, 3 days, 16 hours, 52 minutes, and 59 seconds ago: wtf bet on the price rising rather than buying more or buying an option (or similar) 682989;1400597815;dub;gmax couldnt take it without atlas here 682990;1400597843;mircea_popescu;lol 682991;1400597850;mircea_popescu;what, they ended up buttbuds ? 682992;1400597866;mircea_popescu;;;seen usagi 682993;1400597866;gribble;usagi was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 31 weeks, 6 days, 13 hours, 8 minutes, and 47 seconds ago: No, but it will go over 682994;1400597868;mircea_popescu;;seen nefario 682995;1400597888;mircea_popescu;;;seen mrtiggr 682996;1400597889;gribble;mrtiggr was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 year, 25 weeks, 5 days, 11 hours, 56 minutes, and 13 seconds ago: if thats the same article i read ;) 682997;1400597892;mircea_popescu;;seen nefario 682998;1400597896;mircea_popescu;;;seen nefario 682999;1400597896;gribble;nefario was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 year, 33 weeks, 6 days, 18 hours, 58 minutes, and 3 seconds ago: Those assets are not listed or traded anymore 683000;1400597902;dub;;;seen pirateat40 683001;1400597903;gribble;pirateat40 was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 39 weeks, 6 days, 18 hours, 11 minutes, and 45 seconds ago: lame 683002;1400597911;mircea_popescu;;;seen JWU_4 683003;1400597911;gribble;I have not seen JWU_4. 683004;1400597913;mircea_popescu;;;seen JWU_40 683005;1400597913;gribble;I have not seen JWU_40. 683006;1400597917;mircea_popescu;;;seen JWU_42 683007;1400597917;gribble;JWU_42 was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 year, 12 weeks, 3 days, 22 hours, 31 minutes, and 59 seconds ago: this has the potential to get very sticky 683008;1400597921;dub;that wasnt him 683009;1400597932;mircea_popescu;dub nah it wasn't. pirate was never here. 683010;1400597935;rithm;yeah Emmanueldeortego 683011;1400597940;fluffypony;JWU42 is in #electrum every day? 683012;1400597946;rithm;that's the last one i remember too 683013;1400597953;dub;im sure JWU has been here more recently 683014;1400597967;mircea_popescu;;;seen DeaDTerra 683015;1400597968;gribble;DeaDTerra was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 40 weeks, 4 days, 1 hour, 19 minutes, and 24 seconds ago: Only 6 million shares left of the IceDrill.ASIC initial batch! https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=269216.msg2898310#msg2898310 purchase you share for 0.0014 BTC! 683016;1400597980;mircea_popescu;fluffypony it's per chan 683017;1400598002;kakobrekla;;;seen jwu42 683018;1400598002;gribble;jwu42 was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 6 weeks, 3 days, 17 hours, 39 minutes, and 16 seconds ago: that was enough for another 6 momnths 683019;1400598017;mircea_popescu;oh 683020;1400598021;rithm;...but...but sometimes my bnc parts channels randomly 683021;1400598027;fluffypony;ja no _ 683022;1400598033;rithm;i only find out months and years later that i missed something 683023;1400598034;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2500 @ 0.00011655 = 0.2914 BTC [-] {9} 683024;1400598045;mircea_popescu;time for better bnc 683025;1400598054;BingoBoingo;;;seen eskimobob 683026;1400598054;gribble;eskimobob was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 45 weeks, 5 days, 8 hours, 9 minutes, and 36 seconds ago: no idea how executions are shown on btct 683027;1400598059;artifexd;bnc == irc bouncer? 683028;1400598067;dub;;;seen usagi 683029;1400598067;gribble;usagi was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 31 weeks, 6 days, 13 hours, 12 minutes, and 7 seconds ago: No, but it will go over 683030;1400598068;rithm;yeah 683031;1400598075;mircea_popescu;;;seen bearbones 683032;1400598075;gribble;bearbones was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 year, 38 weeks, 1 day, 21 hours, 15 minutes, and 39 seconds ago: dude, 20btc to join? :o 683033;1400598095;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 4000 @ 0.00011162 = 0.4465 BTC [-] {8} 683034;1400598103;mircea_popescu;;;seen luceo 683035;1400598103;gribble;luceo was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 year, 14 weeks, 3 days, 21 hours, 59 minutes, and 30 seconds ago: Seals with clubs? :D 683036;1400598107;dub;;;seen bendigo 683037;1400598107;gribble;I have not seen bendigo. 683038;1400598113;dub;;;seen brendigo 683039;1400598113;gribble;I have not seen brendigo. 683040;1400598116;mircea_popescu;;;seen btchero 683041;1400598116;gribble;btchero was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 year, 26 weeks, 1 day, 15 hours, and 42 seconds ago: Daughter got ahold of the keyboard 683042;1400598120;dub;what was that cunts name 683043;1400598120;mircea_popescu;;;seen rg 683044;1400598120;gribble;rg was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 year, 22 weeks, 1 day, 17 hours, 23 minutes, and 10 seconds ago: good times 683045;1400598130;mircea_popescu;;;seen brendio ? 683046;1400598130;gribble;(seen [] ) -- Returns the last time was seen and what was last seen saying. is only necessary if the message isn't sent on the channel itself. may contain * as a wildcard. 683047;1400598132;mircea_popescu;;;seen brendio 683048;1400598132;gribble;brendio was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 22 weeks, 4 days, 11 hours, and 5 seconds ago: what you want? 683049;1400598143;kakobrekla;;;seen gigavps 683050;1400598143;gribble;gigavps was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 year, 11 weeks, 3 days, 17 hours, 49 minutes, and 3 seconds ago: well, we can rule out c, i have block chain transaction to prove what i have paid 683051;1400598146;rithm;;;seen Diablo_Mining_Corp 683052;1400598147;gribble;I have not seen Diablo_Mining_Corp. 683053;1400598161;mircea_popescu;lol 683054;1400598179;mircea_popescu;;;seen obsi 683055;1400598179;gribble;obsi was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 year, 32 weeks, 6 days, 17 hours, 55 minutes, and 10 seconds ago: it was closed out and delisted, can't be traded from what I know 683056;1400598194;rithm;gribble needs to have historical glbse data on hand for my queries 683057;1400598198;mircea_popescu;anyone remember her ? (im pretty sure it was a chick). the smoothest ponzi operator to date 683058;1400598205;dub;;;seen ciuciu 683059;1400598205;gribble;ciuciu was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 year, 33 weeks, 2 days, 18 hours, 39 minutes, and 0 seconds ago: Sure, bye. 683060;1400598216;rithm;i remember an OBSI asset listing 683061;1400598237;mircea_popescu;yeah. the chick was in here very softly selling it. 683062;1400598239;mircea_popescu;Sep 01 22:36:34 GMVT-BOT [1@0.1BTC] paid: 0.00711271 BTC. Last price: 0.14 BTC. Capital gain: 0.04 BTC. Total: 0.04711271 BTC. (47.1%) 683063;1400598245;mircea_popescu;wtf assbot o.O 683064;1400598257;kakobrekla;what 683065;1400598265;mircea_popescu;;;seen chmod755 683066;1400598265;gribble;chmod755 was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 4 weeks, 3 days, 22 hours, 34 minutes, and 35 seconds ago: BingoBoingo, Thank you 683067;1400598278;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.472 BTC [-] 683068;1400598281;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla format changed meanwhile ? or wut 683069;1400598288;kakobrekla;assbot still has the last share price data on hand, just gotta know the symbol to call it out 683070;1400598298;mircea_popescu;ah 683071;1400598304;mircea_popescu;;;seen Bane_Capital 683072;1400598305;gribble;Bane_Capital was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 year, 33 weeks, 5 days, 12 hours, 51 minutes, and 21 seconds ago: Much obliged. 683073;1400598308;mircea_popescu;was this mnw ? 683074;1400598318;kakobrekla;that thing that you pasted was something like profit/loss calc 683075;1400598337;mircea_popescu;!pl S.BBET 683076;1400598339;kakobrekla;current price - ipo + div 683077;1400598340;kakobrekla;or smth 683078;1400598343;mircea_popescu;!pl S.BBET 0.0001 683079;1400598347;BingoBoingo;;;seen moiety 683080;1400598347;kakobrekla;NO. 683081;1400598347;gribble;moiety was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 55 minutes and 40 seconds ago: i keep a log on my machine, I will post summaries to the blog weekly artifexd 683082;1400598368;BingoBoingo;;;seen coingenuity 683083;1400598369;gribble;coingenuity was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 13 weeks, 5 days, 10 hours, 56 minutes, and 14 seconds ago: mircea_popescu: there's a lot of them 683084;1400598371;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla lol why so positive 683085;1400598374;kakobrekla;i think it worked on turds originally 683086;1400598384;mircea_popescu;mhm 683087;1400598384;kakobrekla;and then i took it off 683088;1400598385;rithm;http://pastebin.com/R1NitBLd 683089;1400598385;assbot;usagi - Pastebin.com 683090;1400598387;mircea_popescu;;;seen rdponticelli 683091;1400598388;gribble;rdponticelli was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 32 weeks, 6 days, 21 hours, 4 minutes, and 39 seconds ago: Again 683092;1400598390;rithm;idk what that is 683093;1400598402;mircea_popescu;;;seen Ignatius-otc 683094;1400598402;gribble;Ignatius-otc was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 year, 32 weeks, 2 days, 17 hours, 29 minutes, and 36 seconds ago: some things never change 683095;1400598422;kakobrekla;!l glbse GMVT-BOT 683096;1400598422;assbot;Last trade for GMVT-BOT on GLBSE was at 0.13999899 BTC [+] 683097;1400598426;mircea_popescu;;;seen da2ce7 683098;1400598427;gribble;da2ce7 was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 year, 7 weeks, 5 days, 11 hours, 20 minutes, and 38 seconds ago: of course, hop into #opentransactions for support 683099;1400598428;dub;;;seen gar255 683100;1400598429;gribble;I have not seen gar255. 683101;1400598440;dub;;;seen garr255 683102;1400598440;gribble;garr255 was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 year, 6 weeks, 6 days, 22 hours, and 19 seconds ago: !ticker btct cognitive 683103;1400598444;rithm;oh assbot has glbse historical data! 683104;1400598452;kakobrekla;IS WHAT IM SAYIN 683105;1400598454;mircea_popescu;;;seen exahash 683106;1400598454;gribble;exahash was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 year, 33 weeks, 6 days, 23 hours, 25 minutes, and 17 seconds ago: !pl OBSI.HRPT 1@.1 683107;1400598457;rithm;yayayayayaya 683108;1400598459;pankkake;!ticker btct cognitive 683109;1400598459;assbot;Good morning, may you serve the Lord, and may His holy dominion guide you through your dismal life. 683110;1400598461;kakobrekla;but only last. 683111;1400598461;dub;;;seen guruvan 683112;1400598462;gribble;guruvan was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 year, 1 week, 5 days, 11 hours, 20 minutes, and 0 seconds ago: back to the orderbook spam 683113;1400598464;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla o hey that you prolly have to dump lol 683114;1400598471;kakobrekla;maaan. 683115;1400598474;kakobrekla;we have been over this before 683116;1400598478;pankkake;why it not work 683117;1400598484;pankkake;oh 683118;1400598487;mircea_popescu;;;seen gabbynot 683119;1400598487;gribble;gabbynot was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 45 weeks, 6 days, 18 hours, 7 minutes, and 21 seconds ago: Thx…interesting soap opera. 683120;1400598488;pankkake;!last btct cognitive 683121;1400598488;assbot;Quest for vision is a great blessing. 683122;1400598493;pankkake;well 683123;1400598503;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla my memory is modular, bits keep falling out 683124;1400598505;kakobrekla;!l btctc cog 683125;1400598505;assbot;These beans is shit. 683126;1400598508;kakobrekla;dunno 683127;1400598513;pankkake;!l btctc cognitive 683128;1400598513;assbot;Last trade for COGNITIVE on BTCTC was at 0.1 BTC [-] 683129;1400598518;pankkake;ah! 683130;1400598524;pankkake;!l havelock cog 683131;1400598524;assbot;Last trade for COG on HAVELOCK was at 0.00160016 BTC [-] 683132;1400598529;fluffypony;lol 683133;1400598539;pankkake;yeah. 683134;1400598540;kakobrekla;was it on glbse too? 683135;1400598545;kakobrekla;!l glbse cognitive 683136;1400598545;assbot;Last trade for COGNITIVE on GLBSE was at 0.575 BTC [-] 683137;1400598546;mircea_popescu;<gribble> I have not seen gar255. << Sep 23 01:04:58 *Garr255 has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 683138;1400598548;mircea_popescu;lies! 683139;1400598550;kakobrekla;yep 683140;1400598558;kakobrekla;0.5 -> 0.1 -> 0.001 683141;1400598571;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla everyone still made roi hand over fist in fiat!1111 683142;1400598579;kakobrekla;hehe 683143;1400598613;dub;;;seen tsukino 683144;1400598613;gribble;tsukino was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 year, 15 weeks, 2 days, 22 hours, 21 minutes, and 57 seconds ago: hi 683145;1400598616;kakobrekla;away here is your data 683146;1400598617;kakobrekla;http://dpaste.com/3VSH9MZ.txt 683147;1400598621;dub;^usagi 683148;1400598629;BingoBoingo;!l glbse NYAN 683149;1400598629;assbot;Last trade for NYAN on GLBSE was at 0.6 BTC [-] 683150;1400598638;mircea_popescu;;;seen vampireb 683151;1400598638;gribble;vampireb was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 year, 8 weeks, 5 days, 12 hours, 21 minutes, and 12 seconds ago: (reminds myself to go to gym tomorrow) 683152;1400598641;moiety;were you looking for me BingoBoingo 683153;1400598658;mircea_popescu;;;seen markac 683154;1400598659;gribble;markac was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 year, 30 weeks, 3 days, 14 hours, 32 minutes, and 0 seconds ago: mircea_popescu: http://www.juegaenlaweb.es/spectrum/ 683155;1400598659;BingoBoingo;moiety: We are just probing the last things people said 683156;1400598677;BingoBoingo;;;seen knotwork 683157;1400598677;gribble;knotwork was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 8 weeks, 1 day, 22 hours, 36 minutes, and 0 seconds ago: Yeah I heard they covered the losses with money from investors. Maybe the investors didnt like that and now want to drive away all customers so the place gets no business and has to shut down 683158;1400598691;mircea_popescu;;;seen noagendamarket 683159;1400598691;gribble;noagendamarket was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 year, 23 weeks, 0 days, 11 hours, 52 minutes, and 46 seconds ago: lol 683160;1400598691;dub;;;seen da2ce7 683161;1400598692;gribble;da2ce7 was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 year, 7 weeks, 5 days, 11 hours, 25 minutes, and 3 seconds ago: of course, hop into #opentransactions for support 683162;1400598698;mircea_popescu;dub i did that already 683163;1400598708;BingoBoingo;;;seen Luke-Jr 683164;1400598709;gribble;Luke-Jr was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 days, 4 hours, 48 minutes, and 54 seconds ago: but then we realised it'd be about as big a project as Bitcoin, so dropped it and went back to Bitcoin code ;P 683165;1400598717;mircea_popescu;Aug 13 07:17:54 I regret sending Bruce Wagner the first twitter message about bitcoin :D 683166;1400598724;dub;;;seen mollison 683167;1400598724;gribble;mollison was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 year, 34 weeks, 5 days, 16 hours, 12 minutes, and 30 seconds ago: well at least i'm getting both sides of the story 683168;1400598757;BingoBoingo;https://twitter.com/rabite/status/468768397875216384 683169;1400598758;assbot;The government owes me 28,296 BTC. I will be filing liens upon their properties. http://t.co/CsC3Xi9Vsw 683170;1400598762;mircea_popescu;;;seen Doffx 683171;1400598762;gribble;Doffx was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 year, 2 weeks, 3 days, 23 hours, 43 minutes, and 59 seconds ago: That will be pleanty of space then 683172;1400598764;dub;;;seen zefir 683173;1400598764;gribble;zefir was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 year, 8 weeks, 5 days, 6 hours, 54 minutes, and 32 seconds ago: Chaang: if you did that, it will be challenging to undelete them. first thing you need to do is shutting system down to prevent further write accesses 683174;1400598827;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [7C] 29 @ 0.00711995 = 0.2065 BTC [-] {2} 683175;1400598836;mircea_popescu;dub everyone! 683176;1400598854;mircea_popescu;;;seen reeses 683177;1400598854;gribble;reeses was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 20 weeks, 1 day, 7 hours, 29 minutes, and 23 seconds ago: hah 683178;1400598858;kakobrekla;;;seen chaang-noi 683179;1400598858;gribble;chaang-noi was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 14 weeks, 1 day, 9 hours, 14 minutes, and 37 seconds ago: might have to sue em 683180;1400598868;kakobrekla;SUE ERRYBODY 683181;1400598874;BingoBoingo;;;seen Ziggy9263 683182;1400598875;gribble;Ziggy9263 was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 20 weeks, 2 days, 13 hours, 27 minutes, and 54 seconds ago: I see. 683183;1400598888;mircea_popescu;;;seen markedathome 683184;1400598889;gribble;markedathome was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 21 weeks, 5 days, 1 hour, 47 minutes, and 30 seconds ago: I don't suppose anyone knows of how to extract private keys from the satoshidice desktop app that was around a year or so ago? 683185;1400598891;mircea_popescu;;;seen dercoin 683186;1400598891;gribble;I have not seen dercoin. 683187;1400598908;mircea_popescu;Oct 22 22:43:41 *DerCoin has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) 683188;1400598919;BingoBoingo;;;seen Herp 683189;1400598919;gribble;I have not seen Herp. 683190;1400598927;mircea_popescu;;;seen korbman 683191;1400598927;gribble;korbman was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 11 weeks, 4 days, 21 hours, 41 minutes, and 5 seconds ago: or else I wouldn't be on here haha :P 683192;1400598933;kakobrekla;lel 683193;1400598950;mircea_popescu;;;seen BitHub 683194;1400598951;gribble;BitHub was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 45 weeks, 5 days, 6 hours, 45 minutes, and 56 seconds ago: don't fall for it 683195;1400598961;dub;;;seen Jackmaninov 683196;1400598962;gribble;Jackmaninov was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 7 weeks, 3 days, 4 hours, 19 minutes, and 0 seconds ago: wow such trade 683197;1400598971;mircea_popescu;;;seen bowjob 683198;1400598971;gribble;bowjob was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 year, 3 weeks, 6 days, 16 hours, 9 minutes, and 6 seconds ago: lol 683199;1400598977;kakobrekla;this is getting postworthy, someone. 683200;1400598991;mircea_popescu;;;seen topace 683201;1400598991;gribble;topace was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 6 weeks, 1 day, 23 hours, 48 minutes, and 16 seconds ago: punkman: no, you are not right. its widely known what my name is 683202;1400599009;mircea_popescu;;;seen imsaguy 683203;1400599009;gribble;imsaguy was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 5 weeks, 3 days, 16 hours, 30 minutes, and 35 seconds ago: ;-) 683204;1400599023;mircea_popescu;;;seen burnside 683205;1400599024;gribble;burnside was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 42 weeks, 5 days, 20 hours, 41 minutes, and 37 seconds ago: lol 683206;1400599039;kakobrekla;that long eh 683207;1400599041;mircea_popescu;;;seen Bugpowder 683208;1400599041;gribble;Bugpowder was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 10 weeks, 4 days, 12 hours, 53 minutes, and 50 seconds ago: Whee... http://p2pfoundation.ning.com/profile/SatoshiNakamoto 683209;1400599048;mircea_popescu;yeah huh. 683210;1400599063;dub;;;seen clipse 683211;1400599063;gribble;clipse was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 year, 43 weeks, 3 days, 13 hours, 31 minutes, and 7 seconds ago: is that the direction/percentage scale they use ? 683212;1400599078;dub;oldest? 683213;1400599083;mircea_popescu;and by 2013 you folks are like here already. 683214;1400599089;bitcoinpete;ola. looks like a fun game we got here 683215;1400599095;mircea_popescu;so that's that for our little passover day. lotta folks never heard from again 683216;1400599102;mircea_popescu;as the various pretend exchanges they were invested in croaked 683217;1400599137;*;Duffer1 raises one to the pretend exchanges to croak in 2014 683218;1400599173;bitcoinpete;so now we're in the desert for 40 years? 683219;1400599217;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/phantomcircuit/status/468770687445139456 683220;1400599218;assbot;https://t.co/RmxEbCTLR3 Throwback to the old days of /hashtag/Bitcoin?src=hash when /phantomcircuit counted as competent and /AmirTaaki as well spoken. 683221;1400599227;mircea_popescu;lol oops... seems phantomcircuit on twitter isn't strateman 683222;1400599235;fluffypony;lol 683223;1400599258;bitcoinpete;fluffypony: I'll use important business words like "awesomesauce" << crucial verbage for all havelol business plans 683224;1400599259;danielpbarron;mircea_popescu, i just solved the puzzle! 683225;1400599268;mircea_popescu;did the bot say so ? 683226;1400599275;danielpbarron;ya 683227;1400599279;kakobrekla;he said micro currency. 683228;1400599281;mircea_popescu;yay wd! 683229;1400599283;bitcoinpete;collisions! 683230;1400599287;fluffypony;bitcoinpete: it's crucial for our IPO for the planning of the IPO to IPO an exchange IPO on an exchange 683231;1400599290;mircea_popescu;zooke's triangle is bortkt 683232;1400599318;kakobrekla;but thanks to all the altcoins btc can no longer be classified as micro, not enough space in that cat. 683233;1400599326;bitcoinpete;fluffypony: lol let's just ipo the word "awesomesauce" and be done with it 683234;1400599336;fluffypony;smart idea 683235;1400599345;mircea_popescu;hey dignork can puzzlomat be altered so i can see the list of nicks that got the right answer 683236;1400599351;mircea_popescu;rather than w/e hashes it has nao 683237;1400599359;bitcoinpete;we need to raise funds for mass adoption 683238;1400599364;mircea_popescu;not enough space in that cat. << lmao 683239;1400599392;bitcoinpete;manul has enough space 683240;1400599429;bitcoinpete;and micro currency… that's good shit 683241;1400599431;fluffypony;bitcoinpete: the IPO can include the patents and trademark registration, plus a strong "merchant adoption strategy" and "dynamic userbase growth path", as well as "a drive to be included in all modern dictionaries and encyclopaedias (eg. wikipedia, wiktionary)". We can call it S.SAUCE 683242;1400599464;mircea_popescu;so in march 2013 china T holdings were 37% of its fx reserves. 683243;1400599466;mircea_popescu;this year, 32% 683244;1400599498;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.03329323 = 0.1665 BTC [+] 683245;1400599503;dignork;mircea_popescu: yep, I'll add it 683246;1400599516;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/jgarzik/status/468701300910088192 683247;1400599517;assbot;hahaha. /hashtag/Bitcoin?src=hash developer Greg Maxwell on social contracts for developers, and resilient systems: https://t.co/bDUf9GYHNQ 683248;1400599557;bitcoinpete;fluffypony: i'm with you until the ticker. i vote for that to be a.sauce, listing using a new financial category of "awesomes 683249;1400599561;bitcoinpete;" 683250;1400599564;fluffypony;aaaah 683251;1400599566;fluffypony;a valid poijnt 683252;1400599567;bitcoinpete;the sauce just being the first 683253;1400599568;fluffypony;*point 683254;1400599572;mircea_popescu;http://t.co/ffrJrnM0eX 683255;1400599574;assbot;In Letter to Obama, Cisco CEO Complains About NSA Allegations | Re/code 683256;1400599585;fluffypony;A.SAUCE 683257;1400599594;bitcoinpete;bingo 683258;1400599598;mircea_popescu;dignork danke 683259;1400599614;bitcoinpete;then a.shit, a.times, a.dude, etc 683260;1400599618;mike_c;mircea_popescu: where'd the chinese fx reserves go? euros? 683261;1400599656;fluffypony;oh noez 683262;1400599659;fluffypony;shit just got realz 683263;1400599659;fluffypony;https://twitter.com/gavinandresen/status/468740084255047681 683264;1400599660;assbot;hahaha. /hashtag/Bitcoin?src=hash developer Greg Maxwell on social contracts for developers, and resilient systems: https://t.co/bDUf9GYHNQ 683265;1400599673;fluffypony;justusranvier: he doesn't like you ver much 683266;1400599675;fluffypony;*very 683267;1400599682;bitcoinpete;mircea_popescu: cisco and chambers should just pay up if they want special treatment, neh? why bother whining to the media? 683268;1400599689;mircea_popescu;mike_c and a bevy of exotics 683269;1400599694;mircea_popescu;they hold sa rands ffs. 683270;1400599716;mike_c;heh. bet the field! 683271;1400599730;mircea_popescu;i think they just follow where their imports come 683272;1400599744;bitcoinpete;fluffypony: looks like have ourselves a duel! pistols at 6 paces! 683273;1400599801;fluffypony;heh heh 683274;1400599811;benkay;kakobrekla: mods plz 683275;1400599819;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/Mircea_Popescu/status/468775720937070592 683276;1400599820;assbot;hahaha. /hashtag/Bitcoin?src=hash developer Greg Maxwell on social contracts for developers, and resilient systems: https://t.co/bDUf9GYHNQ 683277;1400599824;bitcoinpete;https://twitter.com/verafilatova/status/468753093505867776/photo/1 683278;1400599826;assbot;Troll /walterbilas, jumping on opportunity to express his strong anti-immigration stance. Alas for him, I'm a Brit. http://t.co/ySgbaJrSiQ 683279;1400599842;kakobrekla;what do you want me to moderate benkay ? 683280;1400599860;bitcoinpete;mircea_popescu: lol. i only hire alliance magicians 683281;1400599888;benkay;i want the mods to vet the bitbet queue. 683282;1400599896;benkay;vet/purge/dequeue 683283;1400599901;benkay;or is this mircea_popescu 's domain? 683284;1400599903;mircea_popescu;party clowns you hire out for conferences and bar-mitzvahs nao bitch about their time being wasted ? 683285;1400599906;kakobrekla;mircea_popescu benaky wants the mods to vet the bitbet queue. 683286;1400599908;mircea_popescu;gavitch, please. 683287;1400599924;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla lolk 683288;1400599935;kakobrekla;benkay will be done! 683289;1400599979;benkay;ty gents 683290;1400600120;mircea_popescu;http://finance.fortune.cnn.com/2014/05/19/sheila-bair-tim-geithner/ 683291;1400600121;assbot;Sheila Bair: Why I recommend Tim Geithner's book - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blogTerm Sheet 683292;1400600258;bitcoinpete;"But who can blame the regulators for being timid when members of both parties in Congress seem to value campaign contributions over system stability?" 683293;1400600327;bitcoinpete;"when it comes to homeowners, Tim worries about the moral hazard government relief efforts create." 683294;1400600352;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.0322001 = 0.161 BTC [-] 683295;1400600432;bitcoinpete;"I guess I would feel better about Tim's rationalizations of the bailouts if I thought he was more committed to avoiding them in the future." << feelings! 683296;1400600445;bitcoinpete;that was a painful read 683297;1400600463;bitcoinpete;lulzier is cisco's "fog computing" 683298;1400600466;bitcoinpete;http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702304908304579566662320279406?mg=reno64-wsj&url=http%3A%2F%2Fonline.wsj.com%2Farticle%2FSB10001424052702304908304579566662320279406.html 683299;1400600466;assbot;Forget 'the Cloud,' Computing's Future Is in 'the Fog' - WSJ.com 683300;1400600480;bitcoinpete;"Whereas the cloud is "up there" in the sky somewhere, distant and remote and deliberately abstracted, the "fog" is close to the ground, right where things are getting done." 683301;1400600481;mircea_popescu;more like "in the bog" 683302;1400600499;bitcoinpete;in the muck and the mire 683303;1400600575;benkay;just buy a server and rack it 683304;1400600584;benkay;in your butt 683305;1400600629;bitcoinpete;lmao 683306;1400600637;bitcoinpete;lmso 683307;1400600647;benkay;"laugh my shit out" 683308;1400600664;chetty;China Signs Non-Dollar Settlement Deal With Russia's Largest Bank 683309;1400600664;bitcoinpete;server 683310;1400600674;fluffypony;comediarrhea 683311;1400600745;BingoBoingo;Come on everyone knows big iron and system/z is the future 683312;1400600749;mircea_popescu;chetty yep 683313;1400600858;bitcoinpete;BingoBoingo: what's so special about ibm's z? 683314;1400600875;BingoBoingo;bitcoinpete: It's huge! 683315;1400600932;BingoBoingo;Bigger computer, moar computing, right? 683316;1400600971;bitcoinpete;well, moar is moar 683317;1400601050;bitcoinpete;"On one level, asking our smart devices to, for example, send software updates to one another, rather than routing them through the cloud, could make the fog a direct rival to the cloud for some functions." << bwahaha 683318;1400601119;chetty;well staying secure in the fog should be about like staying dry in fog 683319;1400601145;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.02299974 = 0.23 BTC [+] {2} 683320;1400601167;bitcoinpete;chetty: it pretty much is, as with the cloud. security doesn't enter the equation 683321;1400601173;bitcoinpete;https://twitter.com/patsajak/status/468581395237842945 683322;1400601174;assbot;I now believe global warming alarmists are unpatriotic racists knowingly misleading for their own ends. Good night. 683323;1400601207;bitcoinpete;Mr. Wheel of Fortune 683324;1400601442;mircea_popescu;!up drgyoza 683325;1400601518;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/norabean/status/468780802268872706 683326;1400601519;assbot;Any startup people in /hashtag/Singapore?src=hash I can Couchsurf with this weekend? I'm feeling adventurous, I'll take you to dinner;). 683327;1400601521;mircea_popescu;she's reasonably hawt. 683328;1400601633;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 2.42771748 BTC to 8`548 shares, 28401 satoshi per share 683329;1400601712;drgyoza;hi mircea popescu 683330;1400601721;fluffypony;so formal 683331;1400601733;drgyoza;isn't it 683332;1400601761;fluffypony;Fluffy Pony, BBNLB, PHD, WTF, Esquire at Law 683333;1400601922;thestringpuller;fluffypony on love: don't do it 683334;1400601923;thestringpuller;jkjkjk 683335;1400602182;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.03800001 = 0.38 BTC [-] 683336;1400602396;bitcoinpete;mircea_popescu: china goes "eh get fucked". obviously. << lmao 683337;1400602487;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 80 @ 0.095 = 7.6 BTC [+] 683338;1400602528;BingoBoingo;http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/05/20/us-usa-politics-dsouza-idUSBREA4J0H520140520 683339;1400602528;assbot;Anti-Obama author D'Souza pleads guilty to campaign finance violation| Reuters 683340;1400602543;davout;mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-05-2014#682355 <<< lol, dafuq? 683341;1400602544;assbot;#bitcoin-assets log 683342;1400603036;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.4797989 BTC [+] 683343;1400603635;rithm;http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1500435/000119312514204902/d552193ds1.htm 683344;1400603708;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.095 = 0.475 BTC [+] 683345;1400603724;BingoBoingo;http://jezebel.com/lady-narcs-on-her-own-cat-for-bringing-home-a-bag-of-we-1578956906 683346;1400603725;assbot;Lady Narcs on Her Own Cat for Bringing Home a Bag of Weed 683347;1400603768;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 27 @ 0.0381655 = 1.0305 BTC [+] {2} 683348;1400604046;moiety;fluffypony!! I'm ok for a reference now! \o/ Thank you for offering to help, I really appreciate it. BB is going to character ref me relating to the past year i've known him and i even get to use his actual actual name of rl-ness :o 683349;1400604258;BingoBoingo;https://imgur.com/gallery/Gquiy 683350;1400604258;assbot;Russian Attack Cat - Imgur 683351;1400604315;moiety;remember when i thought that was real? lol 683352;1400604333;BingoBoingo;It is real 683353;1400604343;BingoBoingo;in the way that matters 683354;1400604356;moiety;lol i wish they were that size though 683355;1400604450;BingoBoingo;Srsly, fuck jurassic park, we need bigger manuls 683356;1400604500;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 20 @ 0.03770005 = 0.754 BTC [-] {2} 683357;1400604589;moiety;ok application in, cross everything and pray to Manul and try to panic as little as possible now is all i can do. thank you BB. 683358;1400604636;bitcoinpete;moiety: bon chance :) 683359;1400604638;bitcoinpete;http://libertyblitzkrieg.com/2014/05/20/u-s-government-admits-using-fake-vaccination-programs-to-gather-intelligence-and-now-swears-it-wont-do-it-again/ 683360;1400604639;assbot;U.S. Government Admits Using Fake Vaccination Programs to Gather Intelligence and Now Swears it Won’t Do it Again… | A Lightning War for Liberty 683361;1400604723;moiety;thanks bitcoinpete! 683362;1400604744;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 10 @ 0.46500053 = 4.65 BTC [-] {4} 683363;1400604970;Apocalyptic;%t 683364;1400604971;atcbot;[X-BT] Bid: 156 Ask: 278 Last Price: 278 24h-Vol: 543k High: 280 Low: 159 VWAP: 223 683365;1400604988;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 21 @ 0.46500001 = 9.765 BTC [-] {2} 683366;1400604991;Apocalyptic;dat spread 683367;1400605415;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 5 @ 0.1374 = 0.687 BTC [-] 683368;1400605476;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.4797989 = 0.9596 BTC [+] 683369;1400605537;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 8 @ 0.46500002 = 3.72 BTC [-] {5} 683370;1400605720;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.45888932 = 1.3767 BTC [-] {3} 683371;1400605842;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.4699999 = 0.94 BTC [+] 683372;1400605903;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 30 @ 0.00420075 = 0.126 BTC [-] 683373;1400606273;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 100 @ 0.02299998 = 2.3 BTC [+] {2} 683374;1400606480;thestringpuller;moiety what are your hours? 683375;1400606543;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: i had a dream last night in which you made an appearance. i was hanging out with you and your harem of women...it felt like what the medieval times would be like (hanging out with a prince) 683376;1400606568;moiety;I've got skype on whenever I am at the pc which is generally all day till early hours gmt thestringpuller. I have set a voicemail message for when i'm sleeping 683377;1400606631;thestringpuller;what is your rate? 683378;1400607182;Duffer1;has anyone called yet? 683379;1400607203;fluffypony;I have, to test the number 683380;1400607205;fluffypony;:-P 683381;1400607660;moiety;thestringpuller: i haven't thought about it actually, depends what you are looking for i guess 683382;1400607676;moiety;Duffer1: beena few contacts, couple IMs also 683383;1400607716;moiety;yeahi'm glad it was tested first fluffypony ty 683384;1400607897;chetty;3,000 community radio stations in #Thailand off air following army martial law decree 683385;1400608042;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 4644 @ 0.00011842 = 0.5499 BTC [+] {2} 683386;1400608652;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 6 @ 0.03318985 = 0.1991 BTC [-] {6} 683387;1400609128;thestringpuller;moiety if you have bandwidth for private contracts, I need some similar secretarial services 683388;1400609138;thestringpuller;as it's been said, looks like you stumbled into a busines ;) 683389;1400609323;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 12356 @ 0.00011846 = 1.4637 BTC [+] 683390;1400609567;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 100 @ 0.03930897 = 3.9309 BTC [+] {6} 683391;1400609933;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 3336 @ 0.00011232 = 0.3747 BTC [-] {5} 683392;1400610272;mircea_popescu;;;later tell davout i have no idea. 683393;1400610273;gribble;The operation succeeded. 683394;1400610279;mircea_popescu;!up davidlatapie 683395;1400610302;pankkake;"But this doesn't negate other things those two have said, Mireacu (or however you write his name)" 683396;1400610403;mircea_popescu;"One of the friends was Denise Joseph, who was engaged to D'Souza while he was still married to another woman. D'Souza resigned as president of King's College, a small Christian school in New York City, after the media revealed his relationship with Joseph in 2012." 683397;1400610409;mircea_popescu;needs better harem ceo skills. 683398;1400610436;mircea_popescu;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BoGVHeNIIAARnvo.jpg 683399;1400610534;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/ezraklein/status/468815736459509760 pretty lulzy 683400;1400610535;assbot;Not a coup, says Thai general on television channel he has seized control of: http://t.co/ALtUc5cdEu 683401;1400610537;pankkake;this guy https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Bellanger has decent harem CEO skills 683402;1400610537;assbot;Pierre Bellanger Wikipdia 683403;1400610549;mircea_popescu;"this is not a bank robbery! open that damned safe!" 683404;1400610555;fluffypony;pankkake: if this is going to be another French wikipedia article about guys obsessed with seaman I'm not reading it 683405;1400610611;pankkake;fluffypony: radio owner who kept a few (voluntary) slaves at home. one of those was a minor, so massive scandal 683406;1400610626;fluffypony;lol 683407;1400610637;fluffypony;that's just like a regular day at the office for mircea_popescu 683408;1400610642;pankkake;I think there were sisters or something, too 683409;1400610665;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 5 @ 0.0376201 = 0.1881 BTC [-] {2} 683410;1400610708;mircea_popescu;seaman ? D seaman, the youtuber/ scamcoin extraordinaire ? 683411;1400610719;fluffypony;lol 683412;1400610726;danielpbarron;he is really annoying; i listen to his podcast 683413;1400610728;pankkake;I don't remember what you're referring to, fluffypony 683414;1400610734;mircea_popescu;sisters don't work so well. they get insanely competititve 683415;1400610739;mircea_popescu;i mean, even more than women normally do 683416;1400610750;mircea_popescu;pankkake "faire dinette" 683417;1400610757;pankkake;oh, right 683418;1400610773;pankkake;might why something fucked up in his harem 683419;1400610804;mircea_popescu;pankkake lol, convicted to a year in prison and also author of an amber alert initiative in france ? 683420;1400610808;mircea_popescu;what happened, the kid ran off ? 683421;1400610835;pankkake;I think so, and talked 683422;1400610854;pankkake;et hop, détournement de mineur 683423;1400610856;mircea_popescu;ahgaghaha 1998-99 683424;1400610858;mircea_popescu;o brother. 683425;1400610876;mircea_popescu;pankkake it actually was "corruption de mineure" turns out. 683426;1400610885;pankkake;lol, didn't even know that existed 683427;1400610888;mircea_popescu;why are the french so obsessed with miners anyway 683428;1400610901;mircea_popescu;pankkake yeah, it's when you fuck one, and she likes it. 683429;1400610914;pankkake;I thought you could do anything to a minor, as long as she did not spend the night (which is the détournement) 683430;1400610936;pankkake;so I am guilty anyways :( 683431;1400610975;davidlatapie;Wow, I did not even know about Pierre Bellanger 683432;1400611009;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/Mircea_Popescu/status/468822609820667904 683433;1400611010;assbot;Is China hiding its FX reserves in...Belgium? MT /michaellachlan A picture tells the story? http://t.co/cTSwssLLKq 683434;1400611042;mircea_popescu;pankkake what are you, from like before the insanity ? 683435;1400611053;pankkake;I don't understand 683436;1400611053;davidlatapie;mircea_popescu: what makes you think it is more common in France than somewhere else? 683437;1400611054;danielpbarron;did assbot stop updating mpex trades? 683438;1400611069;mircea_popescu;not afaik ? 683439;1400611078;mircea_popescu;pankkake that view might have been accurate cca 1800 683440;1400611087;mircea_popescu;http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-05-19/ex-ubs-banker-in-swaps-deal-arranged-for-strippers-utility-says.html 683441;1400611087;assbot;UBS Banker in Swap Deal Arranged for Strippers, Utility Says - Bloomberg 683442;1400611107;pankkake;oh. right. sexual desires only comes on your 18th birthday 683443;1400611169;davidlatapie;According to the French law, sexual maturity is at age 16. 683444;1400611170;pankkake;but I thought the law wasn't as insane as the mediatic crap 683445;1400611178;danielpbarron;2014-05-20 09:05:43 <@assbot:#bitcoin-assets-trades> [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30000 @ 0.00088856 = 26.6568 BTC [-] {2} 683446;1400611178;davidlatapie;(granted, I did not check) 683447;1400611185;danielpbarron;that's the last update i saw 683448;1400611199;pankkake;davidlatapie: or 15 or something. but the issue is how minor/adult relationships are handled 683449;1400611235;davidlatapie;pankkake: yes, just read 'pedia. 15 683450;1400611239;mircea_popescu;davidlatapie who are you again ? 683451;1400611242;pankkake;pedia :D 683452;1400611300;davidlatapie;I'm French, manager of Mintcoin, core team member of Monero (and other things probably not important here) 683453;1400611348;mircea_popescu;a hai. 683454;1400611397;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 10 @ 0.128999 = 1.29 BTC [+] {2} 683455;1400611420;mircea_popescu;!up darth 683456;1400611438;joecool;davidlatapie: you should probably find decent hosting 683457;1400611440;darth;Is this thing on? 683458;1400611477;mircea_popescu;yes this thing is on. who're you ? 683459;1400611482;davidlatapie;joecool: about what? My own blog, mintcoin blog, monero blog? 683460;1400611491;joecool;the mintcoin site 683461;1400611512;joecool;http://mintcoin.cc/ < unless this is not you 683462;1400611513;assbot;403 - FORBIDDEN 683463;1400611550;davidlatapie;joecool: wow, whatever happened! 683464;1400611577;assbot;Last 12 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/153PN97.txt ) 683465;1400611577;mircea_popescu;!b 12 683466;1400611609;mircea_popescu;omfg check out my !b kungfu 683467;1400611637;fluffypony;wow such bash 683468;1400611670;davidlatapie;joecool: thanks I contacted the persons responsible for this 683469;1400611689;mircea_popescu;davidlatapie so what's the mintcoin elevator speech again ? 683470;1400611702;joecool;davidlatapie: no doubt hostgator decided to move servers or something without telling anyone (they do this a lot) 683471;1400611710;mircea_popescu;hostgator ?! 683472;1400611714;mircea_popescu;god help you. 683473;1400611742;joecool;we moved off a long time ago 683474;1400611744;moiety;hello darth, welcome :] 683475;1400611779;moiety;darth found us via bitcoinpete's blog 683476;1400611827;fluffypony;aah 683477;1400611830;fluffypony;darth: welcome 683478;1400611871;mircea_popescu;moiety im behind, what are you applying for ? 683479;1400611902;moiety;the sex weeks flat, though it's down to five now mircea_popescu 683480;1400611910;fluffypony;no more sex weeks? :( 683481;1400611918;moiety;fove now :P 683482;1400611924;mircea_popescu;fave ? 683483;1400611936;fluffypony;soon to be free? 683484;1400611942;mircea_popescu;moiety you know that's a pretty good novel title ? "The Sex Weeks Flat" 683485;1400611954;moiety;fave week will be the one i get it confirmed :D if i get it confirmed *strokes lucky manul* 683486;1400611957;fluffypony;"Sex Weeks to a Flat Tummy" 683487;1400611958;davidlatapie;mircea_popescu: sustainable development. Bitcoin => carbon footprint for mining. Mintcoin => first Fast PoW, less mining, gaining money with PoS. When I discovered mintcoin, I was just one-month old on crypto. Now I would know better. But I have a moral obligation toward the community 683488;1400611977;mircea_popescu;i c. 683489;1400611995;*;moiety wonders if her neighbours would notice a door plaque of this name 683490;1400612014;fluffypony;moiety: just do it in a different language 683491;1400612028;mircea_popescu;you know a) the time to fold a hand is when you know it can't win, not when you figure you can afford to and b) any project can be properly folded, and all that can be shuold be. 683492;1400612044;davidlatapie;joecool: in that particular case, I think this is different. owner left and gave the key to me, I gave them to a webmaster who was in holidays until last week and was supposed to handle the transfer to a reliable person (the one in change of mintcoinfund.org) 683493;1400612048;mircea_popescu;fluffypony yes because puns work in all languages. 683494;1400612085;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: well it's win-win - they won't get the pun, but they also won't be offended 683495;1400612116;moiety;I'm torn between this and Manul Manor 683496;1400612128;fluffypony;and she'll be able to take a photo and put it up here, which is far more important 683497;1400612137;joecool;!up davidlatapie 683498;1400612200;mircea_popescu;lol win win 683499;1400612224;mircea_popescu;"our whites-only 3 star restaurant is win-win for the black community : they don't get to eat here and in exchange don't have to pay" 683500;1400612232;fluffypony;welcome to Africa! 683501;1400612434;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 100 @ 0.03751545 = 3.7515 BTC [-] {10} 683502;1400612584;davidlatapie;:) 683503;1400612617;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 150 @ 0.00420221 = 0.6303 BTC [+] {5} 683504;1400612729;mircea_popescu;;;rate davidlatapie new blood 683505;1400612729;gribble;Error: 'new' is not a valid integer. 683506;1400612731;mircea_popescu;;;rate davidlatapie 1 new blood 683507;1400612731;gribble;Error: User doesn't exist in the Rating or GPG databases. User must be GPG-registered to receive ratings. 683508;1400612739;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 6 @ 0.095 = 0.57 BTC [+] 683509;1400612758;mircea_popescu;davidlatapie omg how noob are you! 683510;1400612819;davidlatapie;mircea_popescu: well, yeah :) Every one was nood at a time :) 683511;1400612834;davidlatapie;*noob 683512;1400612842;mircea_popescu;nude for sure. 683513;1400612845;pankkake;I thought nood was intentional 683514;1400612846;mircea_popescu;so get reg'd. 683515;1400612849;pankkake;"your crappy ego-fulled 'look at me' site called Tremolina or something" it's spellings day 683516;1400612868;mircea_popescu;tremolina ?! 683517;1400612893;mircea_popescu;http://www.hobbypesca.com/tecnica/esche/foto/tremolina1.jpg ? 683518;1400612930;pankkake;trollema, trilenema 683519;1400612937;mircea_popescu;oh oh 683520;1400612948;fluffypony;lol 683521;1400612963;davidlatapie;mircea_popescu: I already am 683522;1400612963;fluffypony;someone wrote a beginners guide for gpg reg - was it benkay or BingoBoingo ? 683523;1400612985;pankkake;http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/wot_and_reputation 683524;1400612985;assbot;wot_and_reputation [bitcoin assets wiki] 683525;1400612985;mircea_popescu;;;rate davidlatapie 1 new blood 683526;1400612986;gribble;Error: User doesn't exist in the Rating or GPG databases. User must be GPG-registered to receive ratings. 683527;1400612993;mircea_popescu;davidlatapie no you aren't. 683528;1400612998;fluffypony;davidlatapie: also this - http://wiki.bitcoin-otc.com/wiki/Beginners_Guide 683529;1400613005;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: I think he meant he already is nude 683530;1400613036;mircea_popescu;he did say he was french... 683531;1400613066;mircea_popescu;pankkake so wait, is your ego fulleing tremolina ? 683532;1400613069;fluffypony;I just assumed that pankkake and Apocalyptic are nude all the time 683533;1400613081;fluffypony;and that Karpeles only wore clothes because going to Starbucks naked is frowned upon 683534;1400613106;mircea_popescu;well he was only half french 683535;1400613106;davidlatapie;I have to know Karpeles would come in the conversation... 683536;1400613110;pankkake;no, it's a guy talking to one of your multiple fake personalities 683537;1400613127;davidlatapie;fluffypony: thanks for the link 683538;1400613142;pankkake;fluffypony: not always but thank god there's no webcam on irc though :D 683539;1400613176;fluffypony;pankkake: don't forget his thousands of forum accounts 683540;1400613251;pankkake; NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 683541;1400613283;davidlatapie;mircea_popescu: "was"? Angry Bitcoin holder had him Kadhafi'd? ^^ 683542;1400613294;davidlatapie;*holders 683543;1400613304;fluffypony;davidlatapie: probably 683544;1400613308;fluffypony;or he's hiding in a lair in Japan 683545;1400613314;fluffypony;sipping on machiatos 683546;1400613321;fluffypony;that spelling is atrocious 683547;1400613328;*;fluffypony smacks his hand with Encarta Encyclopedia 683548;1400613433;moiety;davidlatapie: here's a step by step http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/first_steps_in_bitcoin-assets darth, this may be of some use to you also. 683549;1400613433;assbot;first_steps_in_bitcoin-assets [bitcoin assets wiki] 683550;1400613467;fluffypony;davidlatapie, darth, if you guys get stuck just call the Bitcoin Support Hotline 683551;1400613475;fluffypony;http://blog.spagni.net/posts/2014-05-20 683552;1400613476;assbot;Bitcoin has a support line! 683553;1400613650;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: re: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BoBYEt3IgAAXKje.jpg << afaik you can make a table quite like this one in Ro ? 683554;1400613665;davidlatapie;fluffypony moiety generating my GPG key atm 683555;1400613683;asciilifeform;or any other proper (i.e. having declensions) natural lang 683556;1400613782;moiety;gpg ftw 683557;1400613853;moiety;asciilifeform: what would The Sex Weeks Flat be in the language of the manuls? 683558;1400613871;asciilifeform;moiety: ?? 683559;1400613886;moiety;i think they would all speak russian 683560;1400613889;*;asciilifeform is still behind on log 683561;1400613901;moiety;oh lol it shall become clear, good to see you btw! 683562;1400613959;fluffypony;asciilifeform! you've been scarce :( 683563;1400614020;asciilifeform;fluffypony: finally finished moving. 683564;1400614092;fluffypony;good good 683565;1400614119;moiety;asciilifeform: i hope it all went well 683566;1400614157;asciilifeform;moiety: see mp's essay about semispace garbagecollection. more or less - that. 683567;1400614325;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 24 @ 0.00420001 = 0.1008 BTC [-] 683568;1400614386;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform sure. 683569;1400614461;mircea_popescu;moiety seks nedele manul? 683570;1400614501;mircea_popescu;nedelya is week at any rate. sex is a neologism for the russkis, they didn't use to fuck before the missionaries came 683571;1400614507;mircea_popescu;and manul is actually a local word. 683572;1400614511;FabianB;asciilifeform: so mass production of cardano can begin? ;) 683573;1400614612;moiety;and thus the flat was named before it was even in my possession! thank you mircea_popescu :D 683574;1400614690;bitcoinpete;mircea_popescu:"this is not a bank robbery! open that damned safe!" << sums up thailand and egypt nicely 683575;1400614715;danielpbarron;someone from #bitcoin PM'd me to plead with me that I not run bitcoind 0.7.2, earlier today 683576;1400614741;bitcoinpete;danielpbarron: too advanced? 683577;1400614765;danielpbarron;bitcoinpete, > That era was plagued with security issues as development was mostly someone incompetent bankrolled by the foundation 683578;1400614794;bitcoinpete;so too advanced 683579;1400614801;bitcoinpete;off to 0.6.x with ye 683580;1400614813;fluffypony;I'm already using Bitcoin 2.0, haven't you heard? 683581;1400614819;danielpbarron;no, he was saying I should upgrade to the newest version 683582;1400614877;bitcoinpete;danielpbarron: which, of course, is exactly backwards 683583;1400614879;danielpbarron;i linked him to this http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2014/05/02/building-bitcoin-0-7-2-on-openbsd/ and he stopped talking 683584;1400614881;assbot;Building Bitcoin 0.7.2 on OpenBSD | Bingo Blog 683585;1400614895;bitcoinpete;it piles on the nonsense committed by the power rangers even further 683586;1400614907;bitcoinpete;it's like putting out a fire with grenades and cannons 683587;1400614919;danielpbarron;i'm just curious what he meant by this one: http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2014/05/02/building-bitcoin-0-7-2-on-openbsd/ 683588;1400614919;assbot;Building Bitcoin 0.7.2 on OpenBSD | Bingo Blog 683589;1400614924;danielpbarron;ack 683590;1400614933;danielpbarron;> A lot of the issues were not made public, though they were fixed 683591;1400614943;bitcoinpete;fluffypony: i thought ethereum was 3.0 683592;1400614949;bitcoinpete;get wit da times 683593;1400614956;fluffypony;bitcoinpete: I lose track, I might actually be on Bitcoin '95 at this stage 683594;1400614973;danielpbarron;so there is a secret shadowy group keeping track of bitcoind bugs and isn't making them public? 683595;1400614981;bitcoinpete;probably better than nhl '95, just 683596;1400615007;mircea_popescu;" > A lot of the issues were not made public, though they were fixed" le derp 683597;1400615052;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron because actually working on the actually werll documented bugs is not cool enough for the powerfully retarded. they need their secret decoder rings. 683598;1400615062;danielpbarron;heh 683599;1400615064;mircea_popescu;meanwhile the wallet sat plain on disk for all of three years 683600;1400615078;mircea_popescu;according to the same fuckwits that are running around at dressupcon in capes today, 683601;1400615080;mircea_popescu;"not a bug" 683602;1400615155;bitcoinpete;bugs are sekrit, they're only spoken of in hushed tones 683603;1400615181;mircea_popescu;interesting how the mind of people who supposedly come from open source actually works. 683604;1400615187;bitcoinpete;"did you hear about that one?" they murmur to each other between lashes at their underground dungeon parties 683605;1400615236;bitcoinpete;they supposedly come from places where they have no real power, so they make couch fortresses and voila 683606;1400615263;chetty;comon bitcoinpete they are not cool enough for underground dungeon parties 683607;1400615265;bitcoinpete;let's see the rebel army take down our death star now! 683608;1400615304;bitcoinpete;chetty: i'm probably being too kind 683609;1400615406;bitcoinpete;heh this is what i get at bitstamp right now: http://imgur.com/ULCs31K 683610;1400615406;assbot;imgur: the simple image sharer 683611;1400615462;pankkake;not cloudflare?! 683612;1400615483;bitcoinpete;incapsula! 683613;1400615484;fluffypony;bitcoinpete: YOU HAX()R 683614;1400615504;bitcoinpete;they put your problems in a transparent pill cap and tell you where to shove it 683615;1400615513;rithm;oh nsap get dat .garbage file beeesh 683616;1400615533;bitcoinpete;fluffypony: it's called skillz ;) 683617;1400615614;thestringpuller;fluffypony: you should expand your article on love 683618;1400615641;fluffypony;thestringpuller: it was just a dump from a convo on IRC, I'll probably expand it at some stage 683619;1400615652;fluffypony;most especially because it'll encourage mircea_popescu to give us more lists 683620;1400615656;thestringpuller;yea I know i was there when you wrote it on irc :P 683621;1400615666;thestringpuller;or at least HERE IN SPIRIT! 683622;1400615685;mircea_popescu;they're my lists and i ain't givin' them to you! 683623;1400615720;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu i imagine you could motivate people with your harem 683624;1400615738;fluffypony;he should have a harem-off 683625;1400615756;bitcoinpete;davidlatapie: joecool: wow, whatever happened! << in stitches right now! 683626;1400615764;thestringpuller;"if you do a good job, one of my girls will give you a blow job" 683627;1400615768;thestringpuller;but imagine that's just pimping 101 683628;1400615828;pankkake;I'm pretty sure blowjob-giving secretaries would help businesses productivity tremendously 683629;1400615840;pankkake;unfortunately, we're not permitted to experiment that 683630;1400615840;bitcoinpete;pankkake: worked for clinton 683631;1400615856;bitcoinpete;the dood clinton, not sure about the other one 683632;1400615879;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller no question of could, but why'd i bother ? 683633;1400615895;pankkake;the other one is certaintly a mal-baisée, like we say in France 683634;1400615915;pankkake;since ozbot is down: https://i.imgur.com/Ufskr7i.jpg 683635;1400615945;mircea_popescu;that looks eerily familiar. 683636;1400615984;mircea_popescu;!up Jezzz 683637;1400615997;mircea_popescu;;;gettrust assbot Jezzz 683638;1400615998;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user Jezzz: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 2 via 2 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=Jezzz | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=Jezzz | Rated since: Fri Mar 2 23:47:44 2012 683639;1400616009;mircea_popescu;Jezzz you have to id with gribble and pm assbot !up to get voice. 683640;1400616014;pankkake;https://i.imgur.com/M5EhOor.jpg 683641;1400616023;Jezzz;pankkake: ozbot not down 683642;1400616027;Jezzz;just too much bot traffic in here 683643;1400616033;Jezzz;mircea_popescu: k, thx 683644;1400616076;mircea_popescu;ozbot got shafted 683645;1400616123;mircea_popescu;handpicked prons are better anyway. http://www.depresseddarth.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Two-Slave-Leia.jpg 683646;1400616150;pankkake;https://i.imgur.com/xMhg91X.jpg 683647;1400616155;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 43 @ 0.00420001 = 0.1806 BTC [-] 683648;1400616170;pankkake;slave leia, one of the fetishes I actually don't have. too mainstream, perhaps 683649;1400616176;mircea_popescu;hm this ALSO seems eerily familiar 683650;1400616210;mircea_popescu;pankkake you know, something isn't a fetish just because you like it. the definition of a fetish is something that can arouse a man when nothing else can. 683651;1400616223;mircea_popescu;if the "nothing else can" part isn't in there, fetish dun enter into it. 683652;1400616304;pankkake;Something, such as a material object or a nonsexual part of the body, that arouses sexual desire and may become necessary for sexual gratification. 683653;1400616315;pankkake;An abnormally obsessive preoccupation or attachment; a fixation. 683654;1400616337;pankkake;fetish was a too strong word for that case, anyway 683655;1400616521;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 295 @ 0.095 = 28.025 BTC [+] 683656;1400616563;mircea_popescu;http://bitbet.us/bet/716/btc-worth-over-5000-before-2015/ 683657;1400616563;assbot;BitBet - BTC worth over $5000 before 2015 :: 5.54 B (59%) on Yes, 3.88 B (41%) on No | closing in 6 months 2 weeks | weight: 61`167 (100`000 to 1) 683658;1400616569;mircea_popescu;yes huh. 683659;1400617043;FabianB;;;ticker 683660;1400617044;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 492.2, Best ask: 492.8, Bid-ask spread: 0.60000, Last trade: 492.8, 24 hour volume: 25802.61553510, 24 hour low: 446.24, 24 hour high: 500.0, 24 hour vwap: 473.531680304 683661;1400617620;Jezzz; Error: Username already registered. Try a different username. 683662;1400617622;Jezzz;meh 683663;1400617679;mircea_popescu;uh 683664;1400617695;mircea_popescu;oyu lost your key ? 683665;1400617708;Jezzz;don't ever remember doing this 683666;1400617722;Jezzz;so either I lost it, or username was taken by someone else 683667;1400618017;moiety;username can't be taken that quickly I don't think. 683668;1400618207;mike_c;!up Jezzz 683669;1400618216;mike_c;does this look like you? http://pool.sks-keyservers.net:11371/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=0xE46F9446586DA1B73DA983F851AB989A69530379 683670;1400618217;assbot;Search results for '0xe46f9446586da1b73da983f851ab989a69530379' 683671;1400618278;Jezzz;yep, no idea where that key is 683672;1400618497;mircea_popescu;well now that sucks. 683673;1400618507;mircea_popescu;you'll have to come up with a new name and get rated by ppls. 683674;1400618521;davout;;;gettrust davidlatapie 683675;1400618521;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user davout to user davidlatapie: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=davout&dest=davidlatapie | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=davidlatapie | Rated since: never 683676;1400618559;davout;;;ident davidlatapie 683677;1400618559;gribble;Nick 'davidlatapie', with hostmask 'davidlatapie!~david__@85-169-42-20.rev.numericable.fr', is not identified. 683678;1400618596;fluffypony;;;rate davout 1 Parlevouses the Francaise, reliable in all dealings (including sizeable MRO/BTC trades) thus far. 683679;1400618598;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user davout has been recorded. 683680;1400618617;fluffypony;no man 683681;1400618618;fluffypony;shit 683682;1400618621;davout;lol 683683;1400618625;fluffypony;;;rate davidlatapie 1 Parlevouses the Francaise, reliable in all dealings (including sizeable MRO/BTC trades) thus far. 683684;1400618625;gribble;Error: User doesn't exist in the Rating or GPG databases. User must be GPG-registered to receive ratings. 683685;1400618628;fluffypony;ffs. 683686;1400618637;davout;such noob XD 683687;1400618663;mircea_popescu;;;rate davidlatapie 1 new blood 683688;1400618664;gribble;Error: User doesn't exist in the Rating or GPG databases. User must be GPG-registered to receive ratings. 683689;1400618671;mircea_popescu;aww davidlatapie tricked me 683690;1400618672;fluffypony;;;rate davout 1 Also parlevouses the Francaise and, you know, bitcoin-central and paymium. 683691;1400618673;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating for user davout has changed from 1 to 1. 683692;1400618721;mircea_popescu;fluffypony did you fall for the da trick too ? 683693;1400618726;fluffypony;yeah 683694;1400618737;fluffypony;I saw the gettrust and then tabbed on to davout 683695;1400618766;mircea_popescu;http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/05/20/us-jpmorgan-chase-bettermarkets-lawsuit-idUSBREA4J0OE20140520 683696;1400618766;assbot;U.S. rejects challenge to $13 billion JPMorgan Chase settlement| Reuters 683697;1400618766;mircea_popescu;lawl 683698;1400618853;davout;mircea_popescu: so, what was that old dude saying? was that even romanian? 683699;1400618862;mircea_popescu;it was supposed to be french 683700;1400618867;davout;yea, but to the kids 683701;1400618902;davout;he like speaks french, and turns berserk spitting on them, wtf happened ? :D 683702;1400618903;mircea_popescu;im not even sure. 683703;1400618937;mircea_popescu;the whole thing's surreal, romanian local network station does in the street interview, old clearly local guy randomly starts speaking in bad french at them 683704;1400618951;mircea_popescu;then a scuffle breaks out, it's like something out of bunuel 683705;1400618976;davout;rewatching 683706;1400619088;davout;yea well, guess we should ask dotcoin to translate 683707;1400619188;fluffypony;HAHHAHAH 683708;1400619212;fluffypony;next up: TranslateBourse - the Wall Street of Translations! TBT on BitcoinBourse. 683709;1400619367;davout;French journal does comparative analysis of the price per kg of cars and meat 683710;1400619367;davout;http://www.challenges.fr/entreprise/20140519.CHA3946/etonnant-les-voitures-ne-coutent-pas-plus-cher-que-la-viande.html 683711;1400619367;assbot;Saviez-vous que le Duster de Dacia vaut moins cher que l'andouillette? - Challenges 683712;1400619398;mircea_popescu;ayup 683713;1400619402;mircea_popescu;it is plastic after all 683714;1400619509;davout;"can i have the bacon interior option?" 683715;1400619620;thestringpuller;fluffypony: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNfvuJr9164 - your post reminded me of this if you haven't already seen it 683716;1400619621;assbot;"Danny and Annie" from StoryCorps - YouTube 683717;1400619625;davout;what's next, valuing startup comparatively to developer meat weight? 683718;1400619674;fluffypony;thestringpuller: wife's already asleep, will put it on the list to watch tomorrow 683719;1400619695;mircea_popescu;davout are you dog ? 683720;1400619764;fluffypony;does anyone have a freelance dev that is au fait with QT 5 and C/C++? I have some urgent UI work that needs doing 683721;1400619802;davout;i is manul actually 683722;1400619863;davout;after a phone line, a mascot 683723;1400619884;fluffypony;The B-A Manul? 683724;1400619893;moiety;:D 683725;1400619895;mircea_popescu;fluffypony maybe punkman1 is bored ? 683726;1400619899;davout;yes, let's call it samuel 683727;1400619916;fluffypony;Samuel the Manul 683728;1400619929;fluffypony;rolls off the tongue with a French accent better than an English one 683729;1400619944;davout;so the wiki can be called samul 683730;1400619949;davout;Samul the manuel 683731;1400619955;fluffypony;punkman1: hit me up when around re: the above, if you're not interested maybe you know someone who is 683732;1400619962;davout;gosh, i ain't even high 683733;1400619986;moiety;if i could have a pet one, i would call him marvin 683734;1400620019;fluffypony;moiety: the paranoid android? 683735;1400620042;moiety;i didn't know there was such a thing lol 683736;1400620058;*;fluffypony hands moiety The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe 683737;1400620076;moiety;oh now i have heard of that 683738;1400620111;*;davout bitchslaps fluffypony with his copy of the hitchhiker's guide to the *galaxy* 683739;1400620128;fluffypony;holy fuck I'm too drunk for IRC 683740;1400620243;fluffypony;ok I go sleep before I say something else inane, night night 683741;1400620446;mircea_popescu;nerds 683742;1400620852;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 73 @ 0.00420001 = 0.3066 BTC [-] 683743;1400620949;jurov; [15:31:28] i want the mods to vet the bitbet queue. << cuz he got his salary today xD 683744;1400620963;jurov;throw it all on bitbet 683745;1400620992;mircea_popescu;lmao 683746;1400621185;mjr_;hi all 683747;1400621191;jurov;hi mjr_ 683748;1400621202;mjr_;mircea_popescu: 683749;1400621223;mjr_;i was wondering if you had the documentation about when you were under DDOS and set up the IRC/gpg/pastebin alternate trading system 683750;1400621230;mjr_;hey jurov 683751;1400621243;mircea_popescu;;;google trilema many ways available 683752;1400621244;gribble;The many ways available for talking to MPEx pe Trilema - Un blog ...: ; MPEx DDOSed, an epic. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: ; Requiem for a Dream pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: 683753;1400621244;mircea_popescu;? 683754;1400621256;mjr_;thanks 683755;1400621268;jurov;also in missing manul http://explo.yt/post/2014/01/07/MPEx%3A-The-Missing-Manual-2-%28How-to-talk-to-MPEx%29 683756;1400621268;assbot;MPEx: The Missing Manual 2 - How to talk to MPEx - serialized delusions 683757;1400621904;mjr_;;;gettrust mircea_popescu 683758;1400621904;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask mircea_popescu!~Mircea@pdpc/supporter/silver/mircea-popescu. Trust relationship from user Josh_Rossi to user mircea_popescu: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 2 via 2 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=Josh_Rossi&dest=mircea_popescu | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=mircea_popescu | Rated since: Fri Jul 22 11:04:26 2011 683759;1400621919;mjr_;thanks Jurov 683760;1400621929;mjr_;that was much easier to read than the romanian version :) 683761;1400621940;mircea_popescu;there's a romanian version ?! 683762;1400621945;mjr_;i'm not sure 683763;1400621954;mjr_;the first link was in romanian...or rather 683764;1400621958;mjr_;i don't know what language it is in 683765;1400621964;mjr_;and i guessed romanian 683766;1400621973;jurov;apparently my contract with benkay stipulates i should shift blame to him at this point 683767;1400621978;mjr_;hehehe 683768;1400622033;mjr_;so what else is new 683769;1400622047;jurov;we have spiffy recpetionist 683770;1400622049;mircea_popescu;mjr_ link ? 683771;1400622054;jurov;*receptionist 683772;1400622065;mjr_; 683773;1400622094;mjr_;One, Two, Threei e un film din a doua parte a carierei lui Cagney (care s-a cam razboit cu studiourile la viata lui, Bette Davis style). Nu putem spune “finalul” carierei zisului dat fiind ca inca facea filme-n 1981, douazeci de ani mai tirziu. 683774;1400622119;mjr_;i have seen some really cool things here 683775;1400622122;mjr_;the logs are really nice 683776;1400622128;mjr_;you can lurk much easier lol 683777;1400622134;thestringpuller;what's the poing of #bitcoin-otc if you can't buy btc there ~_~ 683778;1400622168;mircea_popescu;mjr_ if you don't actually load an article you just get the main page which loads a random articler 683779;1400622171;mircea_popescu;try withiuyt the :D 683802;1400623926;jurov;in bticoin 0.7.2 683803;1400623963;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.03319326 = 0.1328 BTC [+] {2} 683804;1400623969;danielpbarron;is it supposed to take a week+ for the blockchain to get imported in 0.7.2 ? 683805;1400624046;dub;probably 683806;1400624058;jurov;hopefully when mircea finally overthrows washington we can get reiser himself to do it 683807;1400624081;jurov;provided he keeps mp's bitches intact 683808;1400624085;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1832 @ 0.00011216 = 0.2055 BTC [-] {2} 683809;1400624101;mircea_popescu;lol 683810;1400624114;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron what do you mean by imported 683811;1400624136;danielpbarron;mircea_popescu, either downloaded or with bootstrap.dat; the checking of the blocks 683812;1400624146;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1968 @ 0.00011002 = 0.2165 BTC [-] {4} 683813;1400624158;mircea_popescu;downloading is slow. checking should not be. 683814;1400624194;dub;a reasonably modern computer helps, ssd drive helps more 683815;1400624211;danielpbarron;what is the bottleneck? my cpu is only topping out at 20% 683816;1400624367;mircea_popescu;disk diddling really 683817;1400624384;mircea_popescu;dub nobody with a raid cares about ssd :D 683818;1400624409;danielpbarron;a raid setup would probably speed it up then? 683819;1400624451;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.0332999 = 0.333 BTC [+] 683820;1400624761;mircea_popescu;kinda what raid does yes 683821;1400624838;jurov;it can make reads faster by factor of at most 683822;1400624902;[]bot;Bet created: Perpetual Obsolescence: iOS 8 Announced in 2014 (http://bitbet.us/bet/858/) 683823;1400624926;mike_c;rent did their 2po at 75. as soon as market trading started again it sank. 683824;1400625117;mircea_popescu;someone bought @75 ? 683825;1400625614;Namworld;I started playing the game FEZ. Loving it. 683826;1400625793;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.0220031 = 0.22 BTC [-] 683827;1400626060;Duffer1;transistor came out today 683828;1400626068;Duffer1;incredible game from the makers of bastion 683829;1400627197;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 177 @ 0.00080356 = 0.1422 BTC [-] {4} 683830;1400627989;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.47925027 BTC [-] 683831;1400628253;mike_c;yeah, they sold 175 btc worth at 75. as soon as market trading opened up it dropped into the 60s 683832;1400628294;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.0333 = 0.333 BTC [+] 683833;1400628355;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.0220031 = 0.22 BTC [-] 683834;1400628356;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.03347217 = 0.3347 BTC [+] {5} 683835;1400628416;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 837 @ 0.00420001 = 3.5154 BTC [+] 683836;1400628605;dignork;http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/may/20/why-did-lavabit-shut-down-snowden-email 683837;1400628605;assbot;Secrets, lies and Snowden's email: why I was forced to shut down Lavabit | Comment is free | theguardian.com 683838;1400628718;mircea_popescu;i find that highly improbable. 683839;1400628747;mircea_popescu;"Glenn Greenwald: the state targets dissenters not 'bad guys'" 683840;1400628758;mircea_popescu;seems exactly what you'd expect, it's long lost control. 683841;1400628865;dignork;Well, Lavabit owner was too optimistic establishing his business in states, but due process sounds too bad even for sceptical me 683842;1400628891;dignork;*skeptical 683843;1400629270;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 43 @ 0.00420001 = 0.1806 BTC [+] 683844;1400629898;mircea_popescu;In the first two weeks, I was served legal papers a total of seven times and was in contact with the FBI every other day. (This was the period a prosecutor would later characterize as my "period of silence".) 683845;1400629907;mircea_popescu;sounds rather typical of the grossly overactive usg 683846;1400630199;benkay; apparently my contract with benkay stipulates i should shift blame to him at this point // oh you 683847;1400630418;benkay;a contract covering work for pay is an interesting beast. should it include an address for payment so that when published in the event of breach anyone can verify that payment was not made? 683848;1400630437;benkay;this is a purely theoretical question. 683849;1400630453;mircea_popescu;up to the parties. 683850;1400630466;mircea_popescu;it's a field in which a lot of experimental work still has to be poured before we really know 683851;1400630474;benkay;and jurov how dare you intimate that anyone sent me any btc?! i live in the states! they'd put me in the gasenwagen! 683852;1400630490;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.0220031 = 0.22 BTC [-] 683853;1400630493;benkay;i disavow receipt of any btc. 683854;1400630662;danielpbarron;i include the address in the signed contract for exactly that reason 683855;1400630778;benkay;hey princess. 683856;1400630782;benkay;!up hecate 683857;1400630791;benkay;handles are getting creative. 683858;1400631044;benkay;are there any -assets blessed crypto-only exchanges? 683859;1400631081;benkay;!up princessnell 683860;1400631087;princessnell;ty 683861;1400631122;mircea_popescu;!up hecate 683862;1400631124;princessnell;have u seen this gem? http://pastebin.com/Zt7fBtRp 683863;1400631124;assbot;Open letter to federal scum - Pastebin.com 683864;1400631129;benkay;d'oh 683865;1400631136;mircea_popescu;princessnell yes. 683866;1400631169;mircea_popescu;what the fuck does that mean, another 30 minutes 683867;1400631283;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.0220031 = 0.22 BTC [-] 683868;1400631311;benkay;princessnell: is that real life? 683869;1400631383;princessnell;benkay 'if you see it in MOTHERBOARD, it's so' 683870;1400631420;artifexd;I could really use some advice. I find myself in a position that I, honestly, never expected. 683871;1400631436;artifexd;The company for which I work is being bought. 683872;1400631463;artifexd;It is a small company. Less than 20 people. 683873;1400631491;artifexd;Any thoughts or advice for me? Is there any extra information I can provide that would help get better advice? 683874;1400631636;mircea_popescu;off twitter : Her: Will you try a veggie burger for lunch? Me: Sure, if the bun's made out of steak. 683875;1400631659;mircea_popescu;artifexd you could help a lot by explaining what exactly are you trying to get advice for 683876;1400631671;dignork;artifexd: M&A is fun, if you are bought by a bigger company, try to inflate your position now, might get moar money 683877;1400631676;mircea_popescu;sleeping with the acquirer's wife ? keeping your red stapler ? how to cook a veggie burger with a steak bun ? 683878;1400631695;artifexd;That's the thing. I don't know what advice I need. 683879;1400631705;mircea_popescu;well are you trying to solve any particular problem ? 683880;1400631720;mircea_popescu;do you have any sort of goal ? 683881;1400631724;mircea_popescu;help us out here lol 683882;1400631736;artifexd;Goal.... thinking... 683883;1400631759;artifexd;Goal number 1: As much money in a lump payment as possible. 683884;1400631760;Azelphur;mircea_popescu: I wanna know how to cook a veggie burger with a steak bun, sounds tasty. 683885;1400631793;artifexd;Goal number 2: Maintain the autonomy that I have enjoyed for the last few years. 683886;1400631808;artifexd;Goal number 3: A raise. 683887;1400631836;artifexd;I figure the lump sum payment I get from stock options is already set, right? 683888;1400631898;dignork;artifexd: stock options, check taxing, you might want to hold them off 683889;1400631949;artifexd;How? Until when? 683890;1400632007;artifexd;It isn't an amount that will make me independently wealthy, but it will greatly improve my current situation. 683891;1400632009;dignork;artifexd: i'm not a real accountant :), but you should consult one, move to IRA maybe, dunno. 683892;1400632054;artifexd;"Inflate my position" What does that mean? The company is small enough that everyone knows my contributions. 683893;1400632104;dignork;for a larger company, your previous "rank" might change your salary, so in your interests to achieve highest rank possible 683894;1400632150;dignork;it's a game though, if you are too high-ranked, they might fire you, due to position duplicity 683895;1400632184;dignork;so don't be a CFO for example 683896;1400632229;artifexd;If it makes a difference, I'm a programmer/coder/developer. My official (self-appointed) title is "Deviser and Artifex". 683897;1400632234;mircea_popescu;artifexd listen, you need to hire a tax attorney at this point. 683898;1400632246;mircea_popescu;there's no way you can get pertinent advice without the details. 683899;1400632264;artifexd;That *is* good advice. 683900;1400632264;mircea_popescu;blow a few grand on hiring someone, it';s the right time to do it. 683901;1400632282;mircea_popescu;you'll discover, even if you overpay today, you'll discover in time you wouldn't have undone it. 683902;1400632314;artifexd;Correction: That *is* pertinent advice. 683903;1400632320;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 300 @ 0.0042 = 1.26 BTC [-] {2} 683904;1400632404;mircea_popescu;and other than that, have an open and relaxed negotiation strategy. tell the acquirer's expert that you aren't interested in anything but a position with the authonomy you enjoyed previously, and they can let you know. 683905;1400632519;artifexd;Any recommendations for what to ask them? I mean, what are things that are in question when one company acquires another? For example, it didn't even occur to me that my salary would change, as mentioned by dignork 683906;1400632544;mike_c;is the sale a good thing or is it because the company is struggling? 683907;1400632598;artifexd;A good thing. 683908;1400632599;dignork;artifexd: some larger company have lame rules defining allowed salalry limits per rank, hope your case would be different 683909;1400632611;dignork;company=companies 683910;1400632629;artifexd;It has long been the stated goal of our ceo to get bought. 683911;1400632646;artifexd;"Long" meaning "since I came onboard" 683912;1400632671;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: wtf, how do you 'patch secret bug' in open source product ?! 683913;1400632705;benkay;%b 683914;1400632709;benkay;%t 683915;1400632714;atcbot;[X-BT] Bid: 187 Ask: 277 Last Price: 278 24h-Vol: 128k High: 280 Low: 159 VWAP: 188 683916;1400632723;asciilifeform;what did they have to smoke for this to make sense? 683917;1400632842;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform nm that. 683918;1400632853;mircea_popescu;official core devs !!1 683919;1400632872;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: re: ssd - if there were a hardware raid that worked well with ssd of some description (or, for that matter, vice-versa) i would buy it. on account of hating spindle noise. 683920;1400632904;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i dunno what your noise issue is man, i used to live with the large ventilated felix 683921;1400632910;mircea_popescu;sort-of like a large mining rig, except more useless. 683922;1400632930;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 203 @ 0.00420001 = 0.8526 BTC [+] 683923;1400632932;asciilifeform;why not simply connect the extant ones? basic problem is that ssd units from same batch tend to die in unison, when used in just about any variant of raid (why - exercise for reader) 683924;1400633016;mircea_popescu;this is why you don't use same-manuf for ssds 683925;1400633021;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: live with the large ventilated felix << http://www.nzeldes.com/HOC/IronFelix.htm ???! 683926;1400633023;assbot;"Iron Felix" meets the Odhner calculator 683927;1400633047;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no lol, this closet sized pdp-clone wannabe 683928;1400633052;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.47925 BTC [-] 683929;1400633102;mircea_popescu;apparently it doesn't even exist on the internet it was so sikrit 683930;1400633113;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 6 @ 0.095 = 0.57 BTC [+] 683931;1400633150;mircea_popescu;http://isabellelorelai.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/1cifa1.jpg 683932;1400633152;mircea_popescu;there you go 683933;1400633172;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: lol! who even knows how many soviet pdp. 683934;1400633213;mircea_popescu;this was actually homebrew, originally made by the atomic physics folks at magurele 683935;1400633222;mircea_popescu;eventually it just became a toy for students to play with 683936;1400633238;mircea_popescu;but anyway. loud. who cares! 683937;1400633243;asciilifeform;how'd you end up sleeping on (in? with?) it ? 683938;1400633263;mircea_popescu;cause it was in the physics lab and i was sleepy 683939;1400633270;asciilifeform;aha 683940;1400633278;mircea_popescu;they had this huge round air vent thing, kinda comfortable to sit in 683941;1400633365;penguirker;New blog post: http://cascadianhacker.com/blog/2014/05/20_this-is-why-distributed-exchanges-are-doomed-to-failure.html 683942;1400633365;assbot;this is why distributed exchanges are doomed to failure 683943;1400633433;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform anyway, decay experiments, i dunno if you know, are - or were ? - this particular brand of evil. 683944;1400633447;mircea_popescu;"well, by midnight we should have about twelve ticks or so" 683945;1400633459;mircea_popescu;time's 11:30 and the thing ticked once... 683946;1400633471;mircea_popescu;come to think about it, quite exactly like mining. 683947;1400633477;asciilifeform;lol yes. i did much the same thing, in a vastly different context (scintillation counter, bio. assay) 683948;1400633506;asciilifeform;re: fans/spindles: i know folks of two opposing schools of thought re: comp noise. variant 1 - powerful machine, must sing, like 'harley davidson'; variant 2 - want quiet, like german bmw, not air-cooled 'trabant' 683949;1400633521;mircea_popescu;ya i guess im more like 1 683950;1400633521;asciilifeform;(i'm with '2') 683951;1400633526;mircea_popescu;heretic 683952;1400633570;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: you'd really love my Symbolics 3620 then. 683953;1400633575;mircea_popescu;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Măgurele << romania's version of cheliabinks 683954;1400633576;assbot;Mgurele - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 683955;1400633578;asciilifeform;unambiguous 'harley' 683956;1400633708;asciilifeform;(for those innocent: http://www.computinghistory.org.uk/det/22982/Symbolics-3620 ) 683957;1400633708;assbot;Symbolics 3620 - Computing History 683958;1400633815;mircea_popescu;pity it never caught on 683959;1400633846;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this is actually an interesting historical topic. these people never wanted to 'catch on' in the modern sense 683960;1400633857;asciilifeform;they made 'ferraris', so to speak 683961;1400633866;asciilifeform;then the only folks who could afford them - went broke. 683962;1400633886;mircea_popescu;i suspect the problem had a lot more to do with them being plagued by bob becks than anything intentional. 683963;1400633889;asciilifeform;(reagan's 'star wars' and the associated pig trough) 683964;1400633915;asciilifeform;there's a paper floating about for many years, arguing that SMBX died of gross mismanagement 683965;1400633958;mircea_popescu;sounds credible to me. 683966;1400633976;asciilifeform;and here's weinreb (recently deceased. one of the founders) on death of same. 683967;1400633977;asciilifeform;http://danweinreb.org/blog/why-did-symbolics-fail 683968;1400633978;assbot;Why Did Symbolics Fail? | Software and Innovation 683969;1400634021;mircea_popescu;weinreb's passing actually makes me think about the following 683970;1400634027;mircea_popescu;suppose the year is 2215. 683971;1400634037;asciilifeform;i used to be a quasi-serious student of the subject of 'why smbx dead' - until i realized that i'm getting nowhere, everyone i want to talk to is buried. 683972;1400634043;mircea_popescu;willy-nilly the various blogs left by various people important in 2015, if still extant, 683973;1400634065;mircea_popescu;have gone through a long list of conservatorships and whatnot 683974;1400634081;mircea_popescu;this isn't something we're really too apt to handle, the material published on their own blogs by meanwhile long dead people 683975;1400634086;mircea_popescu;i wonder how will it work out 683976;1400634103;asciilifeform;naggum's material comes to mind as one example 683977;1400634116;asciilifeform;(no real organization, but encyclopaedic completeness at least) 683978;1400634116;mircea_popescu;right. the time's advanced enough for this problem to start showing at the edges 683979;1400634120;mircea_popescu;in a way it didn't in say 1994. 683980;1400634127;mircea_popescu;soon it'll become quite massive. 683981;1400634164;mircea_popescu;i mean even the notion of a blog is maybe 20 years old tops. that's within reasonable lifespan. 683982;1400634170;mircea_popescu;but approaching the cusp 683983;1400634173;asciilifeform;the problem is made somewhat more dire by the fact that the folks traditionally interested in the subject ('library sciences' types) - as i understand - didn't make the jump to electronics really 683984;1400634193;mircea_popescu;nor do they have any sort of a clue as to how and why and what and so on 683985;1400634209;mircea_popescu;we're perhaps approaching a strange "collapse of the roman empire" situation from an entirely different angle 683986;1400634252;asciilifeform;ted nelson (for all his faults) predicted this very same thing, in the 1960s 683987;1400634259;mircea_popescu;"At the MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab, fifteen researchers shared a computer with a .001 GHz CPU and .002 GB of main memory." 683988;1400634265;mircea_popescu;gotta love the guy's style. 683989;1400634302;mircea_popescu;"We had great success amongst primary customers. I think we could have found a lot more of them if our marketing had been better. For example, did you know that Symbolics had a world-class software development environment for Fortran, C, Ada, and other popular languages, with amazing semantics-understanding in the editor, a powerful debugger, the ability for the languages to call each other, and so on? We put a lot of 683990;1400634302;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 683991;1400634302;mircea_popescu;work into those, but they were never publicized or advertised." 683992;1400634315;mircea_popescu;ok, i win. bob beck sunk symbolix. 683993;1400634323;asciilifeform;wtf is a bob beck 683994;1400634338;asciilifeform;bob the goatfucker ? 683995;1400634379;mircea_popescu;" We at Symbolics were slow to acknowledge this. We believed our own dogma even as it became less true. It was embedded in our corporate culture. If you disputed it, your co-workers felt that you just didnt get it and werent a member of the clan, so to speak. This stifled objective analysis. (This is a very easy problem to fall into dont let it happen to you!)" 683996;1400634380;mircea_popescu;heh. 683997;1400634386;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://trilema.com/2014/the-public-burning-of-bob-beck/ 683998;1400634387;assbot;The public burning of Bob Beck pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 683999;1400634395;asciilifeform;aha! 684000;1400634417;asciilifeform;re: weibreb's style... 684001;1400634430;*;asciilifeform dusts off his copy of the Chinanual 684002;1400634433;asciilifeform;http://imagizer.imageshack.us/scaled/landing/875/ayjgar.jpg 684003;1400634443;mircea_popescu;Also, a lot of Symbolics sales were based on the promise of rule-based expert systems, of which the early examples were written in Lisp. Rule-based expert systems are a fine thing, and are widely used today (but often not in Lisp). But they were tremendously over-hyped by certain academics and by their industry, resulting in a huge backlash around 1988. Artificial Intelligence fell out of favor; the AI Winter 684004;1400634443;mircea_popescu; had arrived. << yeah. 684005;1400634445;asciilifeform;(aka 'chinual') 684006;1400634454;mircea_popescu;they mismanaged pretty much every aspect of market dominance. 684007;1400634483;mircea_popescu;one should make a jobs vs noftsker case study 684008;1400634566;asciilifeform;titanically great product (to the point that, imho, it has never been equalled) but they rode a very particular wave of bezzola, ended up going down with it. 684009;1400634571;mircea_popescu;course... i seem to also remember some massive rms drama 684010;1400634578;asciilifeform;mostly in head of rms 684011;1400634586;mircea_popescu;isn;t it all ? 684012;1400634596;asciilifeform;http://danweinreb.org/blog/rebuttal-to-stallmans-story-about-the-formation-of-symbolics-and-lmi 684013;1400634597;assbot;Rebuttal to Stallmans Story About The Formation of Symbolics and LMI | Software and Innovation 684014;1400634626;mircea_popescu;"Meanwhile, back at Symbolics, there were huge internal management conflicts, leading to the resignation of much of top management, who were replaced by the board of directors with new CEOs who did not do a good job" i dunno.. 684015;1400634675;mircea_popescu;"Symbolics signed long-term leases on big new offices and a new factory, anticipating growth that did not come, and were unable to sublease the properties due to office-space gluts, which drained a great deal of money." 684016;1400634681;mircea_popescu;the only missing ingredient so far heh. 684017;1400634760;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 100 @ 0.0041 = 0.41 BTC [-] 684018;1400634842;mircea_popescu;"or example, remember that the first viable Windows O/S, release 3.1, came out in in 1990" 684019;1400634845;mircea_popescu;wait, 3.1 was viable ?! 684020;1400634850;mircea_popescu;in what sense of viability lol 684021;1400634873;asciilifeform;viable in the butugychag sense. you can live there for a bit... 684022;1400634887;asciilifeform;with external prodding. 684023;1400634920;asciilifeform;so, can live, with steady supply of inmates 684024;1400634941;mircea_popescu;right. 684025;1400635201;mircea_popescu;"And while Im setting the record straight, the original (TECO-based) Emacs was created and designed by Guy L. Steele Jr. and David Moon. After they had it working, and it had become established as the standard text editor at the AI lab, Stallman took over its maintenance." 684026;1400635202;mircea_popescu;ahahaha 684027;1400635208;mircea_popescu;so THIS is the actual root of the emacs wars ? 684028;1400635218;asciilifeform;this is a fairly well-known fact (i thought) 684029;1400635251;mircea_popescu;well not by me 684030;1400635255;[]bot;Bet created: Cardano to Ship in 2014 (http://bitbet.us/bet/859/) 684031;1400635266;mircea_popescu;(granted, my interest in this sort of minutia is faint) 684032;1400635277;mircea_popescu;o look at that asciilifeform... not a whole lot of confidence. 684033;1400635293;asciilifeform;lol 684034;1400635404;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the bob beck thing is epic 684035;1400635411;asciilifeform;where do they even get them. 684036;1400635420;mircea_popescu;quite 684037;1400635428;mircea_popescu;i'll tell you : 684038;1400635448;mircea_popescu;there's these things people like doing, like say rubbing their scrotum. and then there's these other things people don't like doing, like cooking and cleanning. 684039;1400635462;mircea_popescu;clearly thus therefore cooking and cleanning is stupid, and definitely not something one should learn or study or do well 684040;1400635482;mircea_popescu;because nobody ever has to put effort where they already suck, because they don't suck, it's just the problem that's unworthy of attention. 684041;1400635497;mircea_popescu;and so they end up with the stupidest contributor doing the most important parts : interfacing with the world. 684042;1400635513;mircea_popescu;it is very easy to interface with a computer : it's pinned down in place, mechanical and stupider than you. 684043;1400635533;mircea_popescu;it is insanely difficult to interface with the world, mostly because the world is principally made out of people smarter than you will ever be. 684044;1400635534;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 'любишь кататься люби и саночки возить' (proverb. 'like sledding? like pulling sled then, too.' 684045;1400635536;mircea_popescu;and so... bob beck. 684046;1400636037;moiety;I'm turning in, night everyone :] 684047;1400636407;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.095 = 0.285 BTC [+] 684048;1400636675;mircea_popescu;"The Economist @TheEconomist 2h The far-right may triumph in the EU parliament elections but they won't achieve much there" 684049;1400636686;mircea_popescu;dude im so fucking sick of the left spin 684050;1400636726;mircea_popescu;how about the right accomplishes firing your wife, dear economist, from her "womens studies" uni position ? 684051;1400637037;mircea_popescu;!up RepentOrPerish 684052;1400637069;F40PH;yo 684053;1400637349;[]bot;Bet placed: 1 BTC for Yes on "Cardano to Ship in 2014 (http://bitbet.us/bet/859/)". Odds: 98(Y):2(N) by coin, 98(Y):2(N) by weight. Total bet: 1.1 BTC. Current weight: 99,989. 684054;1400637627;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.46500005 = 0.93 BTC [-] {2} 684055;1400637688;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 45 @ 0.0220031 = 0.9901 BTC [-] 684056;1400637749;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 60 @ 0.03214332 = 1.9286 BTC [-] {11} 684057;1400637831;F40PH;!ops 684058;1400637836;F40PH;no ops function? 684059;1400637871;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 42 @ 0.03300804 = 1.3863 BTC [+] {5} 684060;1400638080;F40PH;nooooooooooooooo waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 684061;1400638113;Apocalyptic;!down F40PH 684062;1400638128;thestringpuller;ident first 684063;1400638132;Azelphur;!down F40PH 684064;1400638134;Azelphur;I helped 684065;1400638135;Apocalyptic;thx Azelphur 684066;1400638407;mircea_popescu;;;ticker 684067;1400638409;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 493.79, Best ask: 494.58, Bid-ask spread: 0.79000, Last trade: 494.58, 24 hour volume: 29696.05623876, 24 hour low: 447.63, 24 hour high: 500.0, 24 hour vwap: 476.724107341 684068;1400638968;[]bot;Bet placed: 50 BTC for Yes on "Bitcoin to surpass Berkshire as an investment (http://bitbet.us/bet/786/)". Odds: 86(Y):14(N) by coin, 87(Y):13(N) by weight. Total bet: 1307.03879007 BTC. Current weight: 80,465. 684069;1400639213;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1020 @ 0.0041 = 4.182 BTC [-] 684070;1400639303;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/Mircea_Popescu/status/468941331696734208 684071;1400639304;assbot;New study: Hiring managers do not value Liberal Arts degree, said "no degree" would be better: http://t.co/5oWByf23ey (yikes?) 684072;1400639335;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.47923092 = 2.3962 BTC [+] {4} 684073;1400639396;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 6 @ 0.03949161 = 0.2369 BTC [+] {2} 684074;1400639525;mircea_popescu;;;ticker 684075;1400639526;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 494.67, Best ask: 496.5, Bid-ask spread: 1.83000, Last trade: 496.5, 24 hour volume: 29266.10215098, 24 hour low: 451.01, 24 hour high: 500.0, 24 hour vwap: 476.739040274 684076;1400639629;artifexd;Idea for a bet: Total bet on 786 to exceed 2500BTC 684077;1400639688;mircea_popescu;too easy to manipulate tho 684078;1400639735;mircea_popescu;for that matter, 2.5k is certain 684079;1400639746;mircea_popescu;25k moar like a good bar 684080;1400639747;artifexd;Sure. If you have that kind of cheddar to throw around, sure. 684081;1400639758;artifexd;Seriously? 684082;1400639760;mircea_popescu;there's 12mn bitcoins mined./ 684083;1400639817;artifexd;That would make for a nice S.BBET dividend. 684084;1400639823;mircea_popescu;yes seriously. look at say http://bitbet.us/bet/619/bitcoin-difficulty-at-or-above-2b-before-feb/ 684085;1400639824;assbot;BitBet - Bitcoin difficulty at or above 2B before Feb 2014 :: 1750.25 B (93%) on Yes, 136.67 B (7%) on No | closed 3 months 3 weeks ago 684086;1400639846;mircea_popescu;most volume was in january, not in november. 684087;1400639869;mircea_popescu;i'd guess the berkshire bet will have reached half its total bet sum sometime this autumn 684088;1400641692;benkay;o hey bra 684089;1400641713;benkay;boo. finger macro fail. 684090;1400642088;thestringpuller;benkay: is a benkay 684091;1400642096;thestringpuller;cascade 684092;1400642118;thestringpuller;i feel like that's an anagram that is going over my head 684093;1400642661;benkay;;;ticker 684094;1400642662;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 492.02, Best ask: 493.62, Bid-ask spread: 1.60000, Last trade: 494.0, 24 hour volume: 26225.50220859, 24 hour low: 454.38, 24 hour high: 500.0, 24 hour vwap: 476.830339419 684095;1400642934;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 12 @ 0.0220031 = 0.264 BTC [-] 684096;1400643056;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 100 @ 0.00420006 = 0.42 BTC [+] {2} 684097;1400643239;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 19 @ 0.0229989 = 0.437 BTC [+] 684098;1400643605;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 27 @ 0.03949984 = 1.0665 BTC [+] {2} 684099;1400643666;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 9 @ 0.095 = 0.855 BTC [+] 684100;1400644309;benkay;;;ticker 684101;1400644310;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 493.75, Best ask: 494.0, Bid-ask spread: 0.25000, Last trade: 494.0, 24 hour volume: 25806.57301911, 24 hour low: 454.38, 24 hour high: 500.0, 24 hour vwap: 476.842344556 684102;1400644352;benkay;;;ticker --market all 684103;1400644359;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 494.0, vol: 25806.57301911 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 481.2, vol: 16732.93168 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 495.24, vol: 19831.56670882 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 499.0, vol: 129.10944697 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 489.076903, vol: 5655.75180000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 493.79, vol: 24.98197601 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 482.880017, vol: 176.91035795 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message) 684104;1400645397;bitcoinpete;https://twitter.com/tuurdemeester/status/468928183145103362 684105;1400645398;assbot;66% of Dutch want old currency the Guilder back. Mere 26% supports status quo of Netherlands as member of EU. http://t.co/rlboTfPV16 684106;1400645458;bitcoinpete;burn dat paper 684107;1400645469;bitcoinpete;http://rt.com/usa/160216-weev-invoice-fed-bitcoin/ 684108;1400645501;bitcoinpete;"For the 13 months he spent at Allenwood Federal Correctional Complex and the span he spent before then awaiting trial, Auernheimer is asking the government to pay his current market-determined rate of 1 BTC an hour, amounting to 28,296 bitcoins, or $13,200,000 USD as of this writing." 684109;1400645564;bitcoinpete;Isn't moiety only getting 1 bitcent an hour? and this dude wants 100x that 684110;1400645567;bitcoinpete;c'mon 684111;1400647162;BingoBoingo;;;later tell danielpbarron I'm coming around to the idea that it i probably best to keep your bitcoin wallets away from your nodes. 684112;1400647163;gribble;The operation succeeded. 684113;1400647174;BingoBoingo;bitcoinpete: But Weev is a great freedom fighter. 684114;1400647387;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 39 @ 0.03893267 = 1.5184 BTC [-] {5} 684115;1400647388;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 20 @ 0.095 = 1.9 BTC [+] 684116;1400647420;BingoBoingo;;;later tell danielpbarron I also don't think it is possible to build bitcoind/qt on any platform without throwing at least an error. 684117;1400647421;gribble;The operation succeeded. 684118;1400647448;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 9 @ 0.038115 = 0.343 BTC [-] 684119;1400650010;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 11 @ 0.095 = 1.045 BTC [+] 684120;1400650132;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 11 @ 0.03949979 = 0.4345 BTC [+] 684121;1400651169;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 9 @ 0.47899999 = 4.311 BTC [-] {2} 684122;1400651291;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.095 = 0.38 BTC [+] 684123;1400652877;BingoBoingo;%book 684124;1400653109;BingoBoingo;https://medium.com/message/81e5f33a24e1 684125;1400653110;assbot;Everything Is Broken The Message Medium 684126;1400654524;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.479 = 1.916 BTC [+] 684127;1400654525;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.095 = 0.95 BTC [+] 684128;1400654951;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 11 @ 0.03949979 = 0.4345 BTC [+] 684129;1400656415;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 37 @ 0.03820692 = 1.4137 BTC [-] {8} 684130;1400658437;fluffypony;http://www.commitstrip.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Strips-IDE-visual-studio-650-finalenglish.jpg 684131;1400658457;fluffypony;replace VS with XCode and you have the same issue on OS X 684132;1400658611;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 1 @ 0.127 BTC [-] 684133;1400663889;fluffypony;oh! 684134;1400663891;fluffypony;!up anarkitty 684135;1400663903;fluffypony;!up anarkitty 684136;1400663906;fluffypony;there we go 684137;1400663909;fluffypony;hi anarkitty 684138;1400663939;fluffypony;I just got your reddit reply...sent 3 hours ago...I should check that more regularly 684139;1400664000;moiety;morning all :] 684140;1400664019;fluffypony;moiety: mornings 684141;1400664215;moiety;scotland has sun! I'm in shock :] 684142;1400664245;fluffypony;lol 684143;1400665445;punkman;hawt ;) http://imgur.com/a/X1qKV 684144;1400665445;assbot;Hotel room fun - Imgur 684145;1400665469;punkman;guess kitty went to sleep now 684146;1400665518;fluffypony;ja 684147;1400665527;fluffypony;well, MP isn't around anyway 684148;1400665533;fluffypony;will wait for both of them to be up 684149;1400665731;moiety;https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/t1.0-9/10365770_728914440517290_2533863031457067468_n.jpg 684150;1400665773;moiety;new satire page Britain Furst 684151;1400665801;punkman;that's a furst rate turban 684152;1400665808;fluffypony;lol 684153;1400666169;pankkake;TradeFortress is now known as "Free hugs! ♥" on scamtalk 684154;1400666199;BingoBoingo;pankkake: Really? 684155;1400666213;pankkake;yes really. https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=135157.msg6850730#msg6850730 684156;1400666213;assbot;[BitFunder] BTCINVEST - Low risk investment fund | Market cap: 2000+ BTC 684157;1400666252;pankkake;goat started the trend, I guess 684158;1400666349;fluffypony;yeah 684159;1400666354;fluffypony;he renamed himself 684160;1400666363;fluffypony;and put "aka Tradefortress" as his description 684161;1400666426;fluffypony;at least he dropped the BitBet affil link out of his signature 684162;1400666512;moiety;"His posts seem a tad strange" lol 684163;1400667272;fluffypony;mircea_popescu 684164;1400667288;mircea_popescu;sup 684165;1400667290;fluffypony;anarkitty is in the room - she sent me a message on Reddit 3 hrs ago, so presumably she's asleep now 684166;1400667314;mircea_popescu;anarkitty hey there 684167;1400667316;mircea_popescu;!up anarkitty 684168;1400667323;mircea_popescu;sluts sleep ?! 684169;1400667326;fluffypony;idle for 4 hours 684170;1400667346;mircea_popescu;that's long enough then :D 684171;1400667370;fluffypony;:-P 684172;1400667375;mircea_popescu;wait idle for 4 hours on webirc and she didn't get cut off ? helluva great connection she's got 684173;1400667379;mircea_popescu;i thought she was in the us. 684174;1400667431;mircea_popescu;;;ticker 684175;1400667432;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 494.94, Best ask: 494.99, Bid-ask spread: 0.05000, Last trade: 494.94, 24 hour volume: 23878.21163108, 24 hour low: 455.07, 24 hour high: 500.0, 24 hour vwap: 484.900683671 684176;1400667444;mircea_popescu;moving up in the world. 684177;1400667479;fluffypony;yeah, will take a bit of doing to get through the wall at 500 684178;1400667489;moiety;why do I never get the ping timeout thing? is it my client? 684179;1400667522;mircea_popescu;bitcoinpete: Isn't moiety only getting 1 bitcent an hour? and this dude wants 100x that << if people could make a bitcoin/hour sitting in a us prison we'd definitely need to increase the block rewards. 684180;1400667527;mircea_popescu;moiety yes. 684181;1400667563;mircea_popescu;;;seen anarkitty 684182;1400667563;gribble;I have not seen anarkitty. 684183;1400667573;mircea_popescu;fluffypony lol so she's just not said anything ? 684184;1400667582;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: she wasn't voiced 684185;1400667591;fluffypony;so when she got here and tried to talk...lol... 684186;1400667597;mircea_popescu;o i c 684187;1400667616;mircea_popescu;i guess remarkably patient girl then huh. 684188;1400667687;mircea_popescu;pankkake: TradeFortress is now known as "Free hugs! ♥" on scamtalk << why is it always the scammers that push the purely formal "be nice to people" angle ? o wait! because that's how mimicry works, and that's what they are! 684189;1400667909;moiety;weev said himself “because it's fucking hilarious to demand money from feds for a McVeigh Memorial grove,” adding “I honestly think we need to build statues of them just to piss off federal agents really.” 684190;1400667937;moiety;and i still dont believe he is a scammer. 684191;1400667986;mircea_popescu;who, weev ? 684192;1400668188;moiety;no tf 684193;1400668240;mircea_popescu;didn't he run off with a bunch of bitcoinz ? 684194;1400668252;fluffypony;he "lost" 4200 Bitcoins 684195;1400668269;moiety;i don't think he did though and i believe he reimbursed what he could out of his own funds 684196;1400668284;mircea_popescu;... 684197;1400668289;mircea_popescu;https://blockchain.info/tx/eb37287bdebf6b52553f1538e7c46e0ec4f1cd4701d5c17ad9f6047a0fa52814 you mean this ? 684198;1400668290;assbot;Bitcoin Transaction eb37287bdebf6b52553f1538e7c46e0ec4f1cd4701d5c17ad9f6047a0fa52814 684199;1400668301;moiety;i wasn't really watching the forum through all of this, i knew him in a different capacity 684200;1400668305;pankkake;he probably lost them throught CoinLenders. still a scam, running a fractionnal reserve is a scam 684201;1400668317;mircea_popescu;moiety like... your bf ? 684202;1400668325;moiety;no lol 684203;1400668341;moiety;i was a mod at coinchat then he just gave the thing to me when he left 684204;1400668344;mircea_popescu;pankkake that's easily believable 684205;1400668353;moiety;cus everyone flipped out when it went offline 684206;1400668381;mircea_popescu;hardly an argument now is it kitten. 684207;1400668405;moiety;no, not an argument, just what i feel 684208;1400668440;mircea_popescu;yeah. the problem is that this take in 4k btc, take a vacation for half a year then come back and split a btc or two to the idiots is really very good business. 684209;1400668453;mircea_popescu;and if it becomes socially acceptable bitcoin will become entirely sealed off to the poor. 684210;1400668460;mircea_popescu;even as it is they have a hard time. 684211;1400668506;moiety;lots of people close due to hacks (whether true or not) and don't reimburse anything 684212;1400668530;mircea_popescu;and none of them may come back, ever again, in any capacity. 684213;1400668544;mircea_popescu;sooner or later people will come to the realisation that reputation is worth a helluva lot than money, 684214;1400668561;mircea_popescu;which was in fact truth, plain as day, for as long as the state was weak and the hansa and its successor guilds ruled supreme. 684215;1400668586;fluffypony;moiety 684216;1400668593;fluffypony;the problem is 684217;1400668607;fluffypony;it's hard to say with any degree of certainty that he didn't con people out 684218;1400668608;cazalla;tradefortress was on national tv talking about the loss, almost having a laugh 684219;1400668611;fluffypony;of their Bitcoin 684220;1400668619;mircea_popescu;cazalla he's an aussie ? 684221;1400668622;cazalla;yeah 684222;1400668640;cazalla;well, lives/lived here, probably an asian student 684223;1400668647;mircea_popescu;o another one huh. 684224;1400668674;cazalla;i'll see if i can find the recording 684225;1400668679;mircea_popescu;good idea 684226;1400668701;cazalla;http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-11-08/bitcoin-site-hacked-founder-says/5078148 audio 684227;1400668703;assbot;Australian bitcoin user TradeFortress says site hacked, $1 million in virtual currency stolen - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) 684228;1400668709;moiety;i know fluffypony it's just too hard for me to believe that 684229;1400668728;fluffypony;moiety: let me put it this way 684230;1400668737;fluffypony;for that amount of money even the most straight-laced individual would have a hard time not wanting to lift a little 684231;1400668750;fluffypony;and once you've stolen a little it snowballs into "how can I steal the whole lot" 684232;1400668761;fluffypony;the reason this doesn't happen in big companies is because of the number of people involved 684233;1400668766;fluffypony;you'd have to collude with so many 684234;1400668776;mircea_popescu;fluffypony except itdoes happen in big companies. 684235;1400668779;fluffypony;when you have 1 person holding millions? 684236;1400668791;mircea_popescu;the only reason it doesn't happen, as long as it doesn't, is that they don't actually have access to it. 684237;1400668802;mircea_popescu;basic corp governance, nobody may write checks on the corp account. 684238;1400668810;fluffypony;yes exactly 684239;1400668817;fluffypony;old school version of multi-sig 684240;1400668818;fluffypony;:-P 684241;1400668824;mircea_popescu;not even 684242;1400668834;mircea_popescu;see, you simply can not write a check. at all. no sig whatsoever 684243;1400668847;mircea_popescu;corp only pays specific types of things to specific types of people and that's that. 684244;1400668863;mircea_popescu;which is why random nobodies can't b2b. because for the corp, it's too much like simply being stolen from 684245;1400668875;mircea_popescu;so you gotta have a big corp to sell overpriced shit to another big corp 684246;1400668878;mircea_popescu;it's a whole bezzle. 684247;1400668885;mircea_popescu;!up bitcoingirl 684248;1400668939;mircea_popescu;this happens to also be why i'm quite so powerful. sure there's other people with money on twitter, VCs or whatnot. 684249;1400668948;bitcoingirl;Mircea I have some questions for you 684250;1400668955;mircea_popescu;the difference is that i can write a check for ten millioin dollars to a stripper, if i feel like it 684251;1400668957;mircea_popescu;they... not. 684252;1400668974;mircea_popescu;bitcoingirl ok but make it quick cause i gotta go to town in a few minutes. 684253;1400668981;mircea_popescu;or if not, later today. 684254;1400668988;bitcoingirl;can we go to private chate 684255;1400668990;bitcoingirl;chat 684256;1400668996;mircea_popescu;go ahead 684257;1400669044;bitcoingirl;is it gribble? 684258;1400669055;mircea_popescu;lol you go /query mircea_popescu nooblet 684259;1400669084;fluffypony;moiety: and just to re-iterate, I don't know the guy, so I'm not judging his character either way, I'm just saying that *anyone* with sole control over that amount of money would have a tough time staying honest 684260;1400669148;BingoBoingo;I just can't get over TF losing a decade from his age by becoming insolvent. 684261;1400669173;fluffypony;lol 684262;1400669175;fluffypony;http://i.imgur.com/ONFRysx.jpg 684263;1400669178;moiety;i totally understand that. I'm the way I am because I didn't know the business of it all, i knew the character and thats why it's so hard for me to believe 684264;1400669209;cazalla;TF probably finished his degree and like a lot of international students, pull a fast one on credit cards etc etc and piss off back home to avoid paying back the debt 684265;1400669214;mircea_popescu;!up anarkitty 684266;1400669234;fluffypony;moiety: whenever someone gets arrested for huge amounts of fraud, pedophilia, whatever, they interview all his neighbours and friends and they're always like "we're so shocked, he's such a nice guy!" 684267;1400669235;mircea_popescu;cazalla has an excellent theory, i had no idea he's another zhou tong 684268;1400669304;fluffypony;most of the people I'd trust with any portion of my money are not particularly "nice" people. Approachable, sure, and always reasonable, but not nice by any definition of the term. 684269;1400669320;mircea_popescu;hey, makes two of us 684270;1400669471;mircea_popescu;;;ticker 684271;1400669473;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 494.68, Best ask: 496.65, Bid-ask spread: 1.97000, Last trade: 494.68, 24 hour volume: 23910.36995140, 24 hour low: 455.2, 24 hour high: 500.0, 24 hour vwap: 484.977061657 684272;1400669641;mircea_popescu;;;later tell anarkitty hey there. ima be out for a few hours, but please don't go anywhere, i wanna talk to you whjen i'm back. you can talk to me directly by going /query mircea_popescu whether you have voice or not. 684273;1400669641;gribble;The operation succeeded. 684274;1400669646;bitcoingirl;does anyone have a guess on what drove the price up 10% yesterday? 684275;1400669684;BingoBoingo;http://gizmodo.com/a-guillotine-on-a-stick-that-lets-you-play-caesar-with-1579134087 684276;1400669685;assbot;A Guillotine On a Stick That Lets You Play Caesar With Slugs 684277;1400669741;BingoBoingo;bitcoingirl: It was probably people on twitter telling Gavin to shut up that did it. 684278;1400669758;bitcoingirl;you sure it wasn't the Fox Business interview? 684279;1400669790;fluffypony;bitcoingirl: it was rallymoad 684280;1400669816;fluffypony;the reality is that the market is poised for movement 684281;1400669840;fluffypony;and then someone tried to start a rally, wasn't massively successful, but it picked up a bit of steam 684282;1400669850;fluffypony;broke through the wall at 475, and stopped short of breaking through 500 684283;1400669868;bitcoingirl;how does someone try to start a rally? what did they do exactly to move the market? 684284;1400669912;fluffypony;bitcoingirl: buy a significant quantity of Bitcoins, setup structured buy walls below market value to create the illusion of demand, all sorts of things can be done to try get it going 684285;1400669923;fluffypony;the market either reacts or it doesn't 684286;1400669934;fluffypony;and it can turn on them just as quickly as succeed 684287;1400669948;bitcoingirl;what are buy walls? 684288;1400669959;fluffypony;still, at 3 day scale the MACD looks promising 684289;1400669986;chetty;http://blogs.marketwatch.com/capitolreport/2014/05/20/charles-plosser-thinks-theres-a-ticking-time-bomb-at-the-fed/ 684290;1400669987;assbot;Charles Plosser thinks there’s a ticking time bomb at the Fed - Capitol Report - MarketWatch 684291;1400670003;fluffypony;bitcoingirl: like if someone puts up a bunch of offers to buy Bitcoin at $450 each totalling $200k, when the market is at $460, that's a buy wall 684292;1400670023;fluffypony;it can make sellers move their offers up higher because they think it's an indicator of demand 684293;1400670048;fluffypony;but it can also backfire and people can sell into the buy wall faster than the trader can pull it 684294;1400670080;BingoBoingo;Trying to shape supply and demand can be a way to lose a lot of money quickly though. 684295;1400670093;fluffypony;^^ 684296;1400670101;bitcoingirl;and where was this happening yesterday? 684297;1400670117;fluffypony;bitcoingirl: the movement started on Bitstamp 684298;1400670167;bitcoingirl;and where was this happening yesterday?? 684299;1400670177;fluffypony;wait, didn't I just answer that? 684300;1400670184;bitcoingirl;yes sorry 684301;1400670194;bitcoingirl;where would you monitor the price if your trading on bitstamp 684302;1400670213;fluffypony;lots of traders have tools they've bought / built / whatever 684303;1400670218;fluffypony;for the casual observer such as myself 684304;1400670219;fluffypony;https://bitcoinwisdom.com 684305;1400670219;assbot;BitcoinWisdom - Live Bitcoin/Litecoin charts 684306;1400670240;fluffypony;use a 3d or 1d (3 day / 1 day) scale to get a more macrocosmic view 684307;1400670251;fluffypony;and in Settings turn the MACD indicator on 684308;1400670262;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 684309;1400670268;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 497.0, vol: 23912.05813220 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 486.66, vol: 13113.52364 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 495.4, vol: 18927.31535076 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 500.38, vol: 116.33922507 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 492.354216, vol: 5361.20070000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 490.84583, vol: 24.23311087 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 495.9725, vol: 200.09617222 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message) 684310;1400670271;BingoBoingo;;;more 684311;1400670271;gribble;493.906224162 684312;1400670311;bitcoingirl;what is this gribble that keeps coming up? 684313;1400670321;fluffypony;especially at a 3 day scale the MACD seems to indicate that some upward movement is due...or it'll just settle back down 684314;1400670324;fluffypony;the market is a fickle beast 684315;1400670333;BingoBoingo;bitcoingirl: It's a bot that reports information. 684316;1400670341;BingoBoingo;It also manages the Web of Trust 684317;1400670358;bitcoingirl;and how is it useful? 684318;1400670376;moiety;saves you roaming around, you can do a lot in-channel 684319;1400670391;bitcoingirl;sorry if these seem like dumb questions - I'm just jumping in WOT 684320;1400670399;BingoBoingo;;;gettrust assbot moiety 684321;1400670400;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user moiety: Level 1: 1, Level 2: 4 via 4 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=moiety | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=moiety | Rated since: Tue Feb 25 20:04:56 2014 684322;1400670408;moiety;how? 684323;1400670408;fluffypony;bitcoingirl: which part, the market info from gribble? 684324;1400670413;moiety;urgh 684325;1400670425;bitcoingirl;right all these prices and volumes 684326;1400670447;BingoBoingo;assbot is the other useful bot 684327;1400670453;BingoBoingo;!t glbse nyan 684328;1400670453;assbot;The round stones beneath the earth... have spoken through the fire. 684329;1400670467;BingoBoingo;!t m s.nsa 684330;1400670467;assbot;[MPEX:S.NSA] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: 0.00013 / 0.00013 / 0.00013 (3150 shares, 0.41 BTC), 30D: 0.00013 / 0.00014409 / 0.00015 (11359 shares, 1.64 BTC) 684331;1400670471;bitcoingirl;what does that mean ^^ 684332;1400670494;moiety;;;ident 684333;1400670495;gribble;Nick 'moiety', with hostmask 'moiety!~moiety@unaffiliated/moiety', is identified as user 'moiety', with GPG key id 6DF881D6696B6111, key fingerprint E64F1CD74C9F7F955A892A646DF881D6696B6111, and bitcoin address None 684334;1400670509;moiety;gribble must have had a huff while i was asleep? 684335;1400670516;BingoBoingo;assbot pulls up tickers for various bitcoin related assets 684336;1400670517;fluffypony;moiety: probably 684337;1400670535;BingoBoingo;It also manages voice in channel 684338;1400670539;BingoBoingo;!up Periscope 684339;1400670541;bitcoingirl;got it. 684340;1400670551;moiety;i usually check ident when i wake up too, and this morning i just thought, nah it'll be fine lol 684341;1400670556;bitcoingirl;if i want to short BTC, what would be a good strategy? 684342;1400670650;fluffypony;bitcoingirl: every time I've tried doing any sort of short-term trading I've lost money...I'd avoid that space unless you have tons of experience 684343;1400670683;bitcoingirl;+fluffypony: so how are you making money? 684344;1400670701;fluffypony;!up bitcoingirl 684345;1400670725;bitcoingirl;where is the assbot? how does it work 684346;1400670728;fluffypony;bitcoingirl: I'm a major shareholder in a group of companies 684347;1400670737;fluffypony;from before Bitcoin existed :) 684348;1400670749;bitcoingirl;what? how does that work? 684349;1400670756;bitcoingirl;in bitcoin companies? 684350;1400670761;fluffypony;nope 684351;1400670764;bitcoingirl;oh 684352;1400670769;bitcoingirl;how do you make money trading bitcoin? 684353;1400670774;fluffypony;I don't, I buy and hold 684354;1400670791;bitcoingirl;so you're long and bullish 684355;1400670799;fluffypony;exactly 684356;1400670808;bitcoingirl;do you ever sell? 684357;1400670826;fluffypony;sure, occasionally and for very specific reasons 684358;1400670835;bitcoingirl;like what for example? 684359;1400670835;fluffypony;but I share bitcoinpete's view 684360;1400670850;fluffypony;lemme grab that quote from him 684361;1400670920;fluffypony;here 684362;1400670921;fluffypony;http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/02/25/matters-of-bitcoin-merchant-adoption/ 684363;1400670923;assbot;On Matters of Merchant Adoption | When Bitcoin Met Pete 684364;1400670963;fluffypony;this part: "I learned it last summer when I spent 3 BTC on a $450 case of wine in Kelowna. Today, I could’ve bought that case for 0.64 BTC, and probably more like 0.1 BTC before long, then 0.001 BTC, etc." 684365;1400671055;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.0325 = 0.1625 BTC [-] 684366;1400671060;Apocalyptic; if i want to short BTC, what would be a good strategy? // borrow them from someone 684367;1400671077;punkman;or bet here http://bitbet.us/bet/786/bitcoin-to-surpass-berkshire-as-an-investment/ 684368;1400671077;assbot;BitBet - Bitcoin to surpass Berkshire as an investment :: 1120.86 B (86%) on Yes, 186.18 B (14%) on No | closing in 8 months 4 weeks | weight: 80`354 (100`000 to 1) 684369;1400671789;Naphex;/last Naphex 684370;1400671791;Naphex;eek 684371;1400671855;pankkake;if irsii, a tip: /last -hilight -new 684372;1400671872;pankkake;hm, it's lastlog. so not irssi 684373;1400671957;Naphex;irssi actually 684374;1400671959;Naphex;last is aliased 684375;1400671960;Naphex;:P 684376;1400671979;Naphex;Irssi 0.8.16-rc1 (20140111) - http://irssi.org/ 684377;1400671979;assbot;Irssi - The client of the future 684378;1400672218;BingoBoingo;Look at the pretense http://theamericanbitcoincompany.com/ 684379;1400672267;fluffypony;the most trusted name in Bitcoin? 684380;1400672349;BingoBoingo;First, best, only 684381;1400672555;fluffypony;all their cards look like poor Amex knockoffs 684382;1400672669;BingoBoingo;fluffypony: And what do the cards even do? 684383;1400672690;fluffypony;I think it's like a membership card 684384;1400672721;BingoBoingo;http://theamericanbitcoincompany.com/wallets/ 684385;1400672724;assbot;Wallet Services | American Bitcoin Inc. 684386;1400672741;fluffypony;"hey look how cool I am, member of the American Bitcoin elite, proud Foundation bronze member, free Ross Ulbricht!" 684387;1400672786;fluffypony;BingoBoingo: that paragraph breaks my brain 684388;1400672801;BingoBoingo;fluffypony: Click one of their register buttons and see how they accept payment 684389;1400672815;Apocalyptic;fluffypony, funny thing it does no longer do that on me 684390;1400672823;Apocalyptic;must have seen too many of them 684391;1400672854;fluffypony;checkout with paypal...lol... 684392;1400672955;BingoBoingo;Or Coinbase! 684393;1400673169;Naphex;quick #bitcoin-assets poll: Second FIAT currency, EUR or USD?:D 684394;1400673216;fluffypony;after rubles? 684395;1400673225;Naphex;after Romanian LEU 684396;1400673266;fluffypony;EUR, imho 684397;1400673267;BingoBoingo;RMB! 684398;1400673282;BingoBoingo;China has to trade somewhere 684399;1400673960;dexX7;theamericanbitcoincompany.com vs "american bitcoin >community" lol 684400;1400673972;dexX7;what's that anyway? foundation 2.0? 684401;1400673976;chetty;http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/05/21/us-ebay-password-idUSBREA4K0B420140521 684402;1400673976;assbot;Ebay asks all users to change passwords| Reuters 684403;1400674057;BingoBoingo;dexX7: Broke ass thing that aspires to be what the foundation imagines it is 684404;1400674072;dexX7;so is it legit? 684405;1400674111;Duffer1;sounds about as legit as the first one 684406;1400674157;Duffer1;no i dunno, i've never heard of them until just now 684407;1400674164;dexX7;hehe 684408;1400674196;pankkake;I tried to change my eBay password a few weeks ago. I didn't work. 684409;1400674217;dexX7;ouch 684410;1400674293;fluffypony;I just changed mine 684411;1400674325;thestringpuller;fluffypony: you watch that video yet 684412;1400674337;dexX7;worked for me, too 684413;1400674501;fluffypony;thestringpuller: no, it's on my list, day got away from me a little 684414;1400675173;moiety;my internet just had a tantrum and fucked off for a minute or two 684415;1400675242;moiety;i can't remember my ebay password and I'm locked out of my google account to reset it 684416;1400675629;BingoBoingo;Oh, the perils of relying on other people's computers for so much. 684417;1400676578;dub;check if your password is on tpb 684418;1400676790;danielpbarron;BingoBoingo, why shouldn't my wallet be with my full node? 684419;1400676849;BingoBoingo;danielpbarron: I like the idea of separating roles. 684420;1400676911;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1910 @ 0.00011557 = 0.2207 BTC [+] {2} 684421;1400676973;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 70 @ 0.00599991 = 0.42 BTC [+] {2} 684422;1400677094;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.47949 = 0.959 BTC [+] 684423;1400677276;danielpbarron;BingoBoingo, how would I send a transaction then? 684424;1400677307;danielpbarron;does bitcoind let me create a transaction on one machine, and sign it on another/ 684425;1400677366;BingoBoingo;You pass it to the node. bitcoind could probably be abused into doing that. Armory does that well. Electrum effectively does that if you only have it connect to the node at 684426;1400677387;BingoBoingo;Or whatever the other machine is. 684427;1400677402;BingoBoingo;I think electrum has an offline solution for transaction signing. 684428;1400677434;danielpbarron;i don't want to use electrum or armory 684429;1400677444;danielpbarron;is there any command line option? 684430;1400677537;BingoBoingo;I haven't dug into bitcoind that much. I just run it as a dumb node, making sure it plays nice with the network and then largely letting it be. 684431;1400677710;danielpbarron;it sounds like the thing I want has yet to be written 684432;1400677754;BingoBoingo;There's probably a command line option to push a raw transaction on the network in bitcoind. 684433;1400677806;dexX7;danielpbarron: this is possible, but difficult with bitcoind because it doesn't let you sign unless you synced completely afaik 684434;1400677843;dexX7;might be worth to check out https://github.com/petertodd/python-bitcoinlib which allows signing 684435;1400677843;assbot;petertodd/python-bitcoinlib GitHub 684436;1400678131;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 19 @ 0.0224999 = 0.4275 BTC [-] 684437;1400678749;danielpbarron;assbot is definitely not posting MPEX stuff; all I've seen for the last 24 hours is havelock trades 684438;1400679183;BingoBoingo;http://www.oreilly.com/pub/e/3059 684439;1400679184;assbot;Webcast: Beyond Security: Getting to Know OpenBSD's Real Purpose 684440;1400679278;artifexd;moiety: My understanding is that there are two definitions of "scammer". One from the business owner's point of view (dishonesty or theft). One from the investor's point of view (failure to pay obligations). The popular view here is from the investor's point of view because it doesn't matter *why* someone didn't pay their obligations. That person should not 684441;1400679278;artifexd;be trusted with further money. 684442;1400679411;moiety;ok 684443;1400679528;artifexd;fluffypony: I tend to share benkay's view of bitcoin. Specifically from here: http://cascadianhacker.com/blog/2014/02/09_bitcoiners-upset-at-apple-understand-neither-apples-business-model-nor-bitcoin.html 684444;1400679530;assbot;Bitcoiners Upset at Apple Understand Neither Apple's Business Model nor Bitcoin 684445;1400679536;artifexd;"Furthermore, putting bitcoins on your phone is probably the goddamn stupidest thing that I've ever heard of. Bitcoins are going to be the world's reserve currency4, and as such fated to rise to prices per coin that dwarf even the outlandish Winklevoss' most media-hungry "predictions". To leave such a precious commodity within reach of anyone with a USB 684446;1400679536;artifexd;cable5 and a gun to scare you off your phone is the height of idiocy." 684447;1400679561;fluffypony;lol 684448;1400679922;jurov;"BREAKING: Bitcoin conference participants robbed with USB cable on gunpoint" 684449;1400680142;BingoBoingo;Let us never forget Tortilla's conference where he lost thousands of bitcoins to a sauna 684450;1400680238;BingoBoingo;%book 684451;1400680240;atcbot;0k@285 63k@278 25k@277 | 33k@187 55k@156 10k@155 684452;1400680263;pankkake;%diff 684453;1400680267;atcbot;[ATC Diff] Current Diff: 455357.13 Est. Next Diff: 149204.27 in 687 blocks (#32256) Est. % Change: -67.23 684454;1400680537;jurov;http://www.rouming.cz/roumingShow.php?file=smart_girl.jpg hahaha 684455;1400680539;assbot;Roumenv Rouming - Zbavn a zajmav obrzky - smart girl 684456;1400680637;mod6;lol smh 684457;1400680719;chetty;The Obama administration has quietly adjusted key provisions of its signature healthcare law to potentially make billions of additional taxpayer dollars available to the insurance industry if companies providing coverage through the Affordable Care Act lose money. 684458;1400680754;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.03896326 = 0.1169 BTC [+] {2} 684459;1400680987;BingoBoingo;https://bitcointa.lk/index.php?topic=375643.0 684460;1400680988;assbot;I AM HODLING | Bitcointa.lk 684461;1400681030;mike_c;asciilifeform: variant 1 - powerful machine, must sing, like 'harley davidson'; << how else do you know it's working! 684462;1400681051;mike_c;machines gotta earn their keep 684463;1400681232;mike_c;kakobrekla: note busted link in log because it is hyperlinking the parantheses 684464;1400681233;mike_c;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-05-2014#684030 684465;1400681233;assbot;#bitcoin-assets log 684466;1400681350;moiety;ffs my net keeps going off 684467;1400681509;artifexd;mike_c: I also changed the bot to not put the links in parenthesis. Thanks for pointing that out. 684468;1400681594;mike_c;ah 684469;1400681863;dexX7;danielpbarron: oh hey, correction: you actually can quite easily sign raw transactions offline with bitcoind, but you need to supply the scriptpubkey of inputs, see http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=bxrEyqbt for an example 684470;1400681963;thestringpuller;punkman: hey you around? 684471;1400682181;punkman;thestringpuller: ja 684472;1400682584;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.033 = 0.165 BTC [+] 684473;1400682678;asciilifeform;http://gizmodo.com/the-fbi-is-struggling-to-hire-hackers-who-dont-smoke-we-1579183208 684474;1400682678;assbot;The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed 684475;1400682889;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.095 = 0.95 BTC [+] 684476;1400683002;danielpbarron;cool, thanks dexX7 684477;1400683104;chetty;http://blog.thomsonreuters.com/?p=32205 684478;1400683123;punkman;""I have to hire a great work force to compete with those cyber criminals, and some of those kids want to smoke weed on the way to the interview,"" 684479;1400683127;punkman;lol 684480;1400683133;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 130 @ 0.00412962 = 0.5369 BTC [-] {6} 684481;1400683152;mike_c;is the problem that the cyber criminals have better weed? 684482;1400683194;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 120 @ 0.00409875 = 0.4919 BTC [-] {2} 684483;1400683203;punkman;yeah the gov-approved weed is crap 684484;1400683239;kakobrekla;ist gov approve crap ? 684485;1400683243;kakobrekla;isnt 684486;1400683247;kakobrekla;bah. 684487;1400683296;chetty;hmm doesn't gubermint approved= bad for you? 684488;1400683316;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 100 @ 0.00415503 = 0.4155 BTC [+] 684489;1400683377;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1017 @ 0.00402367 = 4.0921 BTC [-] {7} 684490;1400683445;punkman;http://www.thecannabist.co/2014/05/06/u-s-government-grow-1430-pounds-weed-dea-registered-research/11281/ 684491;1400683446;assbot;U.S. government to grow 1,430 pounds of weed for DEA-registered research 684492;1400683474;kakobrekla;;;google 1430 pounds in kg 684493;1400683475;gribble;2011 World's Strongest man- Squat Lift- Zydrunas Savickas - YouTube: ; Leg press - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Terrafugia Transition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: 684494;1400683478;kakobrekla;ok. 684495;1400683499;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 70 @ 0.03343256 = 2.3403 BTC [+] {3} 684496;1400683542;dub;;;calc 1430*2.2 684497;1400683542;gribble;3146 684498;1400683552;dub;;;calc 1430/2.2 684499;1400683555;gribble;650 684500;1400683559;dub;even 684501;1400683579;dub;smoked too much weed to remember weed conversion tables 684502;1400683602;punkman;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compassionate_Investigational_New_Drug_program 684503;1400683602;assbot;Compassionate Investigational New Drug program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 684504;1400683661;pankkake;kakobrekla: GNU Units 684505;1400683670;kakobrekla;mhm 684506;1400683743;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 15 @ 0.095 = 1.425 BTC [+] 684507;1400683888;dub;9 ounces a month is some smoking 684508;1400683926;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 50 @ 0.03372386 = 1.6862 BTC [+] {7} 684509;1400683946;BingoBoingo;dub: But if it is crappy government weed... 684510;1400683988;punkman;the Mississippi guy started with mexican ditchweed 684511;1400684106;dub;thats a joint every hour 15 hours a day 684512;1400684133;kakobrekla;dont they take it orally? 684513;1400684166;punkman;I like the can they give them: https://www.theweedblog.com/wp-content/uploads//Federal-Medical-Marijuana-Can-300x300.jpg 684514;1400684166;dub;yeah you inhale through your mouth generally 684515;1400684186;BingoBoingo;kakobrekla: The government only approves suppositories 684516;1400684200;kakobrekla;lol 684517;1400684210;dub;9oz of suppository 684518;1400684230;punkman;that's goatse territory 684519;1400684247;kakobrekla;meh prerolled shit 684520;1400684297;BingoBoingo;!up soros 684521;1400684298;thestringpuller;;;ticker 684522;1400684299;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 491.53, Best ask: 491.8, Bid-ask spread: 0.27000, Last trade: 491.8, 24 hour volume: 21195.10084630, 24 hour low: 469.64, 24 hour high: 500.0, 24 hour vwap: 486.155141349 684523;1400684314;kakobrekla;o look its george 684524;1400684429;dub;th ecanned joints are 0.5g so 17 joints/dey 684525;1400684453;soros;^^ hello gents 684526;1400684467;dub;thats like dub at 18 territory 684527;1400684511;dub;getting close at least 684528;1400684662;BingoBoingo;17 times a day is rather often to put something up up the ass. 684529;1400684699;kakobrekla;what brings you soros ? 684530;1400684766;pankkake;well then there's a market for an automated suppository gun, in the form of a butt plug 684531;1400684822;kakobrekla;https://firstlook.org/theintercept/article/2014/05/19/data-pirates-caribbean-nsa-recording-every-cell-phone-call-bahamas/ 684532;1400684825;assbot;Data Pirates of the Caribbean: The NSA Is Recording Every Cell Phone Call in the Bahamas - The Intercept 684533;1400685183;BingoBoingo;http://www.katu.com/news/local/Womans-car-attacked-by-self-identified-high-elf-battling-evil-259598811.html 684534;1400685183;assbot;Woman's car attacked by self-identified 'high elf' battling evil | Local & Regional | KATU.com - Portland News, Sports, Traffic Weather and Breaking News - Portland, Oregon 684535;1400685220;soros;kakobrekla: nothing particular, thinking of merging that foundation of mine with TBF 684536;1400685240;kakobrekla;foundwhat with what? 684537;1400685255;BingoBoingo;soros: What's your foundation? Basement, slab, pier and post? 684538;1400685372;BingoBoingo;http://www.wired.com/2014/05/snowden-cryptoparty/ 684539;1400685372;assbot;Snowden’s First Move Against the NSA Was a Party in Hawaii | Threat Level | WIRED 684540;1400685496;rithm;https://app.box.com/s/1xbjbx9qiaua7xpyh94w 684541;1400685498;assbot;Bitcoin2014_AnnualMembersMeetingTranscript.pdf - Datei ber Box freigegeben 684542;1400685514;moiety;if i have to eauth one more time today imma eat gribble 684543;1400685598;chetty;http://marketrealist.com/2014/05/george-soros-soros-fund-sells-stakes-jpmorgan-chase-citigroup/ 684544;1400685598;assbot;George Soros' fund sells its stake in JPMorgan Chase in 1Q14 » Market Realist 684545;1400685628;thestringpuller;moiety: heh, you don't have a bouncer? 684546;1400685681;penguirker;New blog post: http://www.bcoinnews.com/bitcoin-difficulty-update/ 684547;1400685682;assbot;Bitcoin difficulty update 684548;1400685686;rithm;dat znc bro 684549;1400685687;moiety;i thought thats why i didn't ping time out? 684550;1400685688;moiety;i thought i did 684551;1400685715;mike_c;has anyone made money ever going short diff? unstoppable force. 684552;1400685746;BingoBoingo;mike_c: Only a few anomalous difficulty BitBets 684553;1400685752;rithm;there were a few weeks in 2011 where you could short the diff? 684554;1400685767;rithm;maybe fewer in 2012 684555;1400685838;soros;kakobrekla: Open Society Foundation with The Bitcoin Foundation 684556;1400685880;kakobrekla;the only thing you want to do with TBF is to run, as fast and as far as you can. 684557;1400685898;kakobrekla;not run it, but away. 684558;1400685901;rithm;run far, far away 684559;1400685923;rithm;they aren't cashflow positive and they are burning through their initial endowment 684560;1400685931;rithm;that's what the report says 684561;1400685990;BingoBoingo;^ 684562;1400686032;kakobrekla;i was thinking of child porn really. 684563;1400686065;soros;kakobrekla: quite the contrary, TBF would be a perfect fit to join me and my buddies. in fact, they may already have joined us.. ;) 684564;1400686082;*;kakobrekla is confuzled 684565;1400686085;fluffypony;except the child molesters, presumably 684566;1400686162;BingoBoingo;!up soros 684567;1400686167;rithm;oh yeah the brock landers child sex thing too 684568;1400686178;kakobrekla;i thought we were done wif dat. 684569;1400686193;BingoBoingo;soros: Is it the Brock Pierce sex thing, srsly 684570;1400686366;BingoBoingo;http://gawker.com/20-million-bees-swarm-delaware-highway-after-tractor-tr-1579475489 684571;1400686367;assbot;20 Million Bees Swarm Delaware Highway After Tractor-Trailer Crash 684572;1400686378;kakobrekla;http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/05/18/us-cisco-systems-nsa-idUSBREA4H0C720140518 684573;1400686378;assbot;Cisco chief urges Obama to curb NSA surveillance activity| Reuters 684574;1400686380;kakobrekla;heh 684575;1400686401;soros;BingoBoingo: not at all, thats just some bonus, i'm more thinking about this http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/george-soros-the-united-states-must-stop-resisting-the-orderly-decline-of-the-dollar-the-coming-global-currency-and-the-new-world-order 684576;1400686403;assbot;George Soros: The United States Must Stop Resisting The Orderly Decline Of The Dollar, The Coming Global Currency And The New World Order 684577;1400686464;BingoBoingo;soros: Is this some sort of roleplaying you are trying here http://www.megalomaniac.com/~andrew/funny/bloodcyber.html 684578;1400686465;assbot;The Saga of Bloodninja 684579;1400686488;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.46004823 BTC [-] 684580;1400686549;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 105 @ 0.0042499 = 0.4462 BTC [+] 684581;1400686551;chetty;oic, soros thinks btc will be the nwo currency :P 684582;1400686597;soros;chetty: not "will be".. try "is" 684583;1400686602;rithm;duh 684584;1400686650;BingoBoingo;!down soros 684585;1400686664;rithm;why else would i have been hoarding bitcoins for years before these retarded millionaires caught on 684586;1400686678;chetty;:D 684587;1400686728;pankkake;!up soros 684588;1400686739;pankkake;FU assbot 684589;1400686789;pankkake;!up soros 684590;1400686795;pankkake;!up Anar 684591;1400686900;HeySteve;soros, why not the basket of gold, SDRs, rubles, yuan, dollars, etc.? 684592;1400687008;chetty;;;gettrust soros 684593;1400687008;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user chetty to user soros: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=chetty&dest=soros | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=soros | Rated since: never 684594;1400687093;chetty;!up princessnell 684595;1400687114;soros;HeySteve: been there, done that 684596;1400687139;princessnell;yo peeps 684597;1400687204;thestringpuller;it's the economist 684598;1400687220;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 24 @ 0.03805341 = 0.9133 BTC [-] {5} 684599;1400687403;HeySteve;k soros gl getting central banks to accept loss of control over rates and money supply 684600;1400687491;thestringpuller;!ticker m s.mpoe 684601;1400687491;assbot;[MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.0008848 / 0.00090406 / 0.00094991 (467313 shares, 422.48 BTC), 7D: 0.0008848 / 0.00095919 / 0.00100536 (4425468 shares, 4,244.88 BTC), 30D: 0.00083786 / 0.00093955 / 0.00101 (23668180 shares, 22,237.54 BTC) 684602;1400687495;thestringpuller;!last m s.mpoe 684603;1400687495;assbot;Last trade for S.MPOE on MPEX was at 0.00088856 BTC [-] 684604;1400687645;benkay;;;later tell bitcoingirl oh, you're shilling for the foundation too now? http://nmllplaw.com/attorneys/marco-a-santori/ << "Bitcoin lawyer" 684605;1400687648;assbot;Marco A. Santori 684606;1400687648;gribble;The operation succeeded. 684607;1400687701;benkay;o look usg opining about cn/btc: http://origin.www.uscc.gov/sites/default/files/Research/USCC%20Economic%20Issue%20Brief%20-%20Bitcoin%20-%2005%2012%2014.pdf 684608;1400687761;HeySteve;lol peter schiff has changed his tune about bitcoin 684609;1400687771;benkay;http://www.bankofcanada.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/boc-review-spring14-fung.pdf << apparently the thief David Joseph has yet to make good on being the Canadian government's go-to dood for btc things. 684610;1400687819;cgcardona;good morning everyone o/ 684611;1400687834;benkay;;;later tell bitcoingirl a pox on your uncritical republication of fundation noise 684612;1400687834;gribble;The operation succeeded. 684613;1400687860;cgcardona;HeySteve: url? 684614;1400687864;cgcardona;;;ticker 684615;1400687866;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 492.57, Best ask: 493.19, Bid-ask spread: 0.62000, Last trade: 493.32, 24 hour volume: 18368.13937592, 24 hour low: 478.0, 24 hour high: 500.0, 24 hour vwap: 486.155141349 684616;1400687884;benkay;A POX. 684617;1400687914;HeySteve;I just got a press release, cgcardona, no link as yet 684618;1400687930;cgcardona;what's he have to say? How did he change his tune? 684619;1400687938;HeySteve;oh wait check out his site: http://www.europacmetals.com/ 684620;1400687939;assbot;Peter Schiffs Gold Company | Euro Pacific Precious Metals 684621;1400687939;cgcardona;"Well ok there is intrinsic value :p" 684622;1400687969;HeySteve;http://blog.europacmetals.com/2014/05/euro-pacific-precious-metals-now-accepts-bitcoin/ specifically 684623;1400687971;assbot;Euro Pacific Precious Metals Now Accepts Bitcoin | Peter Schiffs Official Gold Blog 684624;1400687977;cgcardona;oh shit 684625;1400687987;mjr_;lol 684626;1400687999;mjr_;we were just talking about that 684627;1400688014;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 2.42771748 BTC to 8`548 shares, 28401 satoshi per share 684628;1400688020;HeySteve;heh well better late than never for Peter Schiff I guess. he's one of the saner "talking heads" out there 684629;1400688021;cgcardona;"PETER SCHIFF—TAKE MY BITCOIN!1!!1" -noone ever 684630;1400688027;mjr_;hahaha 684631;1400688028;mjr_;yeah 684632;1400688044;mjr_;and...i guess if we had to stop and say i told you so to everyone who got bitcoin wrong... 684633;1400688050;princessnell;heysteve that's not saying much... 684634;1400688056;BingoBoingo;benkay: Which one was she again? 684635;1400688138;princessnell;benkay boring perianne is still learning 684636;1400688165;cgcardona;the valcambi bars are a goldbugs wet dream http://www.europacmetals.com/our-products.aspx 684637;1400688166;assbot;Our Products 684638;1400688173;cgcardona;though entirely not practical 684639;1400688175;HeySteve;true princessnell. still waiting for paul krugman to come around :P 684640;1400688226;princessnell;heysteve they will be first in line for redemption after the rev 684641;1400688298;fluffypony;http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-27503290 684642;1400688298;assbot;BBC News - eBay makes users change their passwords after hack 684643;1400688320;cgcardona;yea minimum order of $5000. Where can I buy smaller quanitites of precious metals w/ btc? 684644;1400688343;cgcardona;i'd love to pick up just a few coins but don't really want to drop $5000 684645;1400688357;HeySteve;cgcardona, there's amagi metals, coinabul and a few others 684646;1400688394;BingoBoingo;Coinabul's a scam 684647;1400688437;cgcardona;i thought I had checked out amagi and they also required a min of 200oz of silver. checking now again.... 684648;1400688500;HeySteve;!up coingenuity 684649;1400688565;rithm;buying metal with cyprtocurrency is a terrible idea that usually has worked in someone else's favor 684650;1400688580;rithm;historically that's my perspective 684651;1400688588;HeySteve;fluffypony, so ebay was hacked Feb - Mar and only found about it now? 684652;1400688595;fluffypony;ja seems that way 684653;1400688602;cgcardona;rithm: care to explain? 684654;1400688610;fluffypony;we all changed our passwords earlier, someone posted a link about an eBay notice going out 684655;1400688619;fluffypony;didn't know why tho 684656;1400688623;rithm;the metal loses value as a function of time and the bitcoin does not? 684657;1400688646;rithm;historically speaking, since both have only existed for x 684658;1400688659;rithm;gold might be an anomoly but not by much 684659;1400688707;cgcardona;yea I'm not thinking of moving from btc to gold as an investment. the bulk of my assets are in btc and will remain there. i was more thinking getting some precious metals just as collectors items. 684660;1400688712;cgcardona;that's why i only wanna order a couple 684661;1400688732;rithm;amagi shipped 10 ounces of gold in 6 days 684662;1400688740;rithm;that's my only experience 684663;1400688760;cgcardona;oh ok cool. so they will ship less than 200 oz. great to know. thanks rithm 684664;1400688761;rithm;silver is worthless 684665;1400688818;HeySteve;no way, rithm. kills werewolves 684666;1400688840;cgcardona;haha 684667;1400688848;rithm;it killed 'em for 35$ and now it kills them at $19 684668;1400688856;thestringpuller;benkay disco killed the radio 684669;1400688868;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 30 @ 0.03307369 = 0.9922 BTC [-] {5} 684670;1400689077;mircea_popescu;;;ticker 684671;1400689079;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 494.02, Best ask: 494.22, Bid-ask spread: 0.20000, Last trade: 494.02, 24 hour volume: 18063.26901568, 24 hour low: 478.0, 24 hour high: 500.0, 24 hour vwap: 491.460861006 684672;1400689236;BingoBoingo;!up moiety 684673;1400689252;moiety;ty 684674;1400689275;BingoBoingo;http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2014/05/sailor-convicted-of-hacking-websites-from-aboard-aircraft-carrier/ 684675;1400689276;assbot;Sailor convicted of hacking websites from aboard aircraft carrier | Ars Technica 684676;1400689296;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 21 @ 0.038 = 0.798 BTC [-] 684677;1400689356;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 42 @ 0.0042 = 0.1764 BTC [+] {2} 684678;1400689370;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/Mircea_Popescu/status/469151314300399617 684679;1400689371;assbot;74% of Wall Street believes /hashtag/Bitcoin?src=hash will become an alternative currency, according to Bitcoin Trust survey: http://t.co/ODjtwSV7an 684680;1400689376;moiety;i think my router had a heart attack today? seems ok now 684681;1400689413;mircea_popescu;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BoKt_SOIEAAqXCu.jpg << this is pretty lulzy 684682;1400689532;kakobrekla;mike_c : patched 684683;1400689721;mike_c;link test (http://bitbet.us/bet/796/) commenced 684684;1400689735;kakobrekla;lol 684685;1400689745;mike_c;cool, thanks 684686;1400689752;kakobrekla;yw 684687;1400689787;mircea_popescu;check out lawski guy : http://t.co/LlZyGiji47 684688;1400689788;assbot;BNP Paribas Risks Client Flight as Ban on Transfers Looms - Businessweek 684689;1400689816;mircea_popescu;basically the us is turning into venezuela on the rather transparent and quite flimsy pretext of... 684690;1400689823;mircea_popescu;im not sure even what exactly, was it "money laundering" ? 684691;1400689992;BingoBoingo;Turrorism 684692;1400690004;BingoBoingo;Or maybe Turderism 684693;1400690021;mircea_popescu;bitcoingirl: what is this gribble that keeps coming up? << she's adowable isn't she. 684694;1400690213;danielpbarron;<+BingoBoingo> Coinabul's a scam << someone i deal with is currently waiting for them to ship and it's been weeks or months at this point 684695;1400690218;mircea_popescu;fluffypony: the most trusted name in Bitcoin? << well, anyone can claim anything right ? 684696;1400690229;mircea_popescu;and the consumer is gonna learn that claiming is not worth much 684697;1400690243;mircea_popescu;exactly like the claims of jurisdiction his government keeps making aren't worth much. 684698;1400690252;kakobrekla;fluffypony: the most trusted name in Bitcoin? < ognasty obv. 684699;1400690262;BingoBoingo;http://valleywag.gawker.com/airbnb-loves-sharing-so-much-it-agreed-to-subpoena-on-1579561833/+sarah-hedgecock 684700;1400690262;assbot;Airbnb Loves Sharing So Much, It Agreed to Subpoena On Illegal Hosts 684701;1400690292;mircea_popescu;chetty: http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/05/21/us-ebay-password-idUSBREA4K0B420140521 <<< ahahaha. 684702;1400690293;assbot;EBay says client information stolen in hacking attack| Reuters 684703;1400690298;mircea_popescu;SeCuReTee-Hee 684704;1400690318;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla he meant some "american bitcoin corp" website some kid put up last week 684705;1400690329;kakobrekla;a dunno 684706;1400690347;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo they had no option, really. theyt're a bunch of party clowns (literally) out to make money. 684707;1400690360;mircea_popescu;the alternative was grand jury indictments. 684708;1400690405;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Of course, but it's funny to see that the clowns realized holding out for a grand jury would fall even flatter on their audience 684709;1400690507;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron: assbot is definitely not posting MPEX stuff; all I've seen for the last 24 hours is havelock trades << looking into it 684710;1400690564;mike_c;fwiw, kako's feed hasn't reported any trades for 27 hours 684711;1400690669;mircea_popescu;it's... fixed. 684712;1400690693;mjr_;good morning 684713;1400690697;danielpbarron;cool, thanks :) 684714;1400690701;BingoBoingo;!t m s.bbet 684715;1400690701;assbot;[MPEX:S.BBET] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: 0.00047 / 0.00049937 / 0.00051499 (48838 shares, 24.39 BTC), 30D: 0.00047 / 0.00050069 / 0.00054 (51695 shares, 25.88 BTC) 684716;1400690742;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo: Let us never forget Tortilla's conference where he lost thousands of bitcoins to a sauna << ahjahaha. 684717;1400690749;mircea_popescu;but he didn't lose anything, he just created drama 684718;1400690759;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.4789999 BTC [+] 684719;1400690820;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.47952666 = 1.4386 BTC [+] {3} 684720;1400690881;assbot;[MPEX] [S.BBET] 400 @ 0.00047 = 0.188 BTC [-] 684721;1400691055;mircea_popescu;mike_c: has anyone made money ever going short diff? unstoppable force. << i think a few bets wonthat way, but still. drop in bucket. 684722;1400691074;mircea_popescu;so did y'all teach perianne how to make moneyz shorting bitcoin or what. 684723;1400691077;mircea_popescu;!up moiety 684724;1400691116;mircea_popescu;rithm: they aren't cashflow positive and they are burning through their initial endowment << exactly. 684725;1400691125;mircea_popescu;and they're being crunched on the pr side. 684726;1400691137;mircea_popescu;people familiar with the taking down of gox will perhaps recognise the pattern. 684727;1400691145;rithm;sounds unviable to me 684728;1400691157;mircea_popescu;that'd be because it's not viable. 684729;1400691186;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.47979 = 1.4394 BTC [+] 684730;1400691229;mircea_popescu;princessnell how goes. 684731;1400691269;mircea_popescu;HeySteve: lol peter schiff has changed his tune about bitcoin << but obviously no apology. 684732;1400691310;princessnell;mircea_popescu well enough. assigned to project about how bitcoin will help the poors. 684733;1400691340;mircea_popescu;princessnell: heysteve they will be first in line for redemption after the rev << i was going to say something like that. 684734;1400691354;mircea_popescu;princessnell that is pretty fucktarded. why are you wasting your time ? 684735;1400691362;mircea_popescu;do something useful. 684736;1400691371;BingoBoingo;princessnell: It will help them by providing better masters. 684737;1400691374;princessnell;i know i know 684738;1400691385;mircea_popescu;enough said then. 684739;1400691393;princessnell;well, i'm also lurking here so it's not a total waste rite rite 684740;1400691402;BingoBoingo;Also by boosting the sales of sharpie markers 684741;1400691445;mircea_popescu;cgcardona there's no way you can't buy gold directly from miners in australia 684742;1400691448;mircea_popescu;i refuse to believe 684743;1400691469;cgcardona;w/ bitcoin. not w/ a service i'm aware of. but sure potentially 684744;1400691488;cgcardona;plus I'm only looking for some small collectibles. nothing at scale. 684745;1400691499;cgcardona;*collectables 684746;1400691534;mircea_popescu;rithm: it killed 'em for 35$ and now it kills them at $19 << epic lmao. 684747;1400691545;mircea_popescu;cgcardona ah i c. 684748;1400691561;mircea_popescu;get fluffypony to ship you some krugerrands 684749;1400691578;fluffypony;or buy some physical dogecoins 684750;1400691583;fluffypony;they'll be a collectors item in 3 years 684751;1400691598;mircea_popescu;or buy the people holding doge coins. 684752;1400691600;kakobrekla;they have those now? 684753;1400691605;pankkake;physical dogecoins, a real shibe with a private key tatooed in the ear? 684754;1400691609;mircea_popescu;they'll be worthless in 3 years, but they can suck you off in the meanwhile. 684755;1400691618;fluffypony;https://shibemint.com 684756;1400691620;assbot;Shibe Mint 684757;1400691626;cgcardona;I can send back some kahealani niihau ;-] 684758;1400691631;fluffypony;just minted coins, not actual Dogecoins 684759;1400691637;HeySteve;I looked at shipping krugerrands but there's a low allowance on what one can send annually 684760;1400691642;cgcardona;shibe mint -epic fluffypony 684761;1400691643;pankkake;fluffypony: meh. 684762;1400691658;HeySteve;I believe any number of gold rounds can be sent, but insurance and shipping charges will be steep 684763;1400691675;mircea_popescu;HeySteve i imagine the amagi / coinabul / whoever else pays the same exact fees 684764;1400691707;cgcardona;i'm positive that whichever one was recently on Reddit/bitcoin (i think amagi) requires min of 200oz of silver cause I checked that day. 684765;1400691709;HeySteve;hmm, that's true. I've been meaning to follow up on gold for bitcoin, we don't mine silver here though 684766;1400691711;kakobrekla;10 bux for 1 doge 684767;1400691720;kakobrekla;not a scam as such. 684768;1400691741;cgcardona;ha 684769;1400691776;mircea_popescu;pretty ugly fucking things 684770;1400691788;mircea_popescu;thye look like they were designed by a 15yo with a pirated illustrator. 684771;1400691798;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: sounds about right 684772;1400691798;mircea_popescu;fluffypony so the anarkitty character never said a word huh. 684773;1400691806;fluffypony;nope 684774;1400691810;mircea_popescu;weird. 684775;1400691859;HeySteve;lol @ physical dogecoins. so bad it's good, I want one 684776;1400691950;ThickAsThieves;Sup 684777;1400691964;BingoBoingo;ThickAsThieves: How was Amsterdam 684778;1400691980;ThickAsThieves;pretty cool 684779;1400691984;cgcardona;more like amsterDAMN 684780;1400691985;ThickAsThieves;got a cold though 684781;1400691990;ThickAsThieves;almost over it 684782;1400692005;ThickAsThieves;all that inhaling i guess 684783;1400692013;cgcardona;:) 684784;1400692057;cgcardona;i was there in 2005 for the high times cannabis cup. i'd like to go back when it's warmer 684785;1400692063;cgcardona;and not with high times. 684786;1400692077;ThickAsThieves;had to turn down a few government jobs since my visit ;) 684787;1400692086;cgcardona;heh 684788;1400692096;ThickAsThieves;the weather was great 684789;1400692111;cgcardona;not the fbi anymore ! http://gizmodo.com/the-fbi-is-struggling-to-hire-hackers-who-dont-smoke-we-1579183208 684790;1400692112;assbot;The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed 684791;1400692112;ThickAsThieves;it didnt get very cold at night so everyone was out all night 684792;1400692122;ThickAsThieves;many lights shining on the canals 684793;1400692123;ThickAsThieves;etc 684794;1400692130;cgcardona;damn I'm jealous. sounds great 684795;1400692144;moiety;i hope you took pictures ThickAsThieves 684796;1400692154;ThickAsThieves;not really 684797;1400692160;ThickAsThieves;just some lame conference ones 684798;1400692162;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16250 @ 0.00093352 = 15.1697 BTC [+] {4} 684799;1400692167;moiety;:[ but but lights 684800;1400692168;ThickAsThieves;i'm not one for scenery pictures 684801;1400692190;ThickAsThieves;enough people out there documenting everything now 684802;1400692197;ThickAsThieves;dont need my pictures of pretty lights 684803;1400692211;cgcardona;God the Pretty Lights show I say in Dec in SF was off the freaking hook 684804;1400692223;cgcardona;he was touring w/ a full band. Very insane. 684805;1400692292;fluffypony;ThickAsThieves: wb 684806;1400692307;ThickAsThieves;i started writing an elaborate theory about systems and economies and bitcoin and reputation 684807;1400692324;ThickAsThieves;need to go back and see if it was high genius or just highness 684808;1400692349;BingoBoingo;http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2014/05/26/140526fa_fact_labi 684809;1400692349;assbot;Nadya Labi: How a Militia Grew on a Military Base : The New Yorker 684810;1400692382;chetty;eBay today revealed that attackers "compromised a database containing encrypted passwords and other non-financial data" between late February and early March. The database included names, e-mail addresses, home addresses, phone numbers, and dates of birth. 684811;1400692578;benkay;no more passwords 684812;1400692580;benkay;pubkeys only 684813;1400692587;benkay;everyone must gee pee gee 684814;1400692632;benkay;"everybody must get hashed" 684815;1400692641;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-04-2014#623021 684816;1400692642;assbot;#bitcoin-assets log 684817;1400692648;benkay;(dylan) 684818;1400692669;chetty;Woman Refused Medicine Because ObamaCare System Says She Is a Man 684819;1400692670;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: The good old days 684820;1400692691;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: notice that every single time they try a 'wrecker,' he's dumb as a brick. 684821;1400692730;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Of course. They tend to be more open to suggestion. 684822;1400692998;BingoBoingo;http://hardware.slashdot.org/story/14/05/21/1226241/step-toward-liberating-electronic-devices-from-their-power-cords 684823;1400692999;assbot;Step Toward Liberating Electronic Devices From Their Power Cords - Slashdot 684824;1400693011;BingoBoingo;Laser Pistol fire in the streets inches closer. 684825;1400693094;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-04-2014#621910 684826;1400693094;assbot;#bitcoin-assets log 684827;1400693509;BingoBoingo;According to one soldier interviewed by the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command, The entire S-2 sectionthe intelligence group in Aguiguis squadronhad knowledge of Aguiguis plans and many were willing to be a part of it. 684828;1400693526;mircea_popescu;ahh, minty lemonade made out of your own mint from your own garden. 684829;1400693534;mircea_popescu;by your own womenz from your own basement 684830;1400693535;mircea_popescu;lief. 684831;1400693559;ThickAsThieves;so ya'll are leaving Ro huh 684832;1400693585;mircea_popescu;aye 684833;1400693598;Duffer1;new zealand sounds nice 684834;1400693603;ThickAsThieves;do you know where to yet? 684835;1400693626;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3700 @ 0.00093283 = 3.4515 BTC [-] 684836;1400693711;mircea_popescu;course i know where to 684837;1400693721;penguirker;New blog post: http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/05/21/why-garden-so-you-can-write-cheques-to-strippers/ 684838;1400693723;assbot;Why Garden? So You Can Write Cheques To Strippers. | When Bitcoin Met Pete 684839;1400693727;pankkake;extradited to the USA? 684840;1400693743;fluffypony;hah hah 684841;1400693744;mircea_popescu;lol 684842;1400693748;fluffypony;someone should spread the rumour 684843;1400693752;mircea_popescu;extradepred 684844;1400693754;fluffypony;Jimmothy is going to eat it up 684845;1400693758;ThickAsThieves;leak it to Coindesk 684846;1400693781;mircea_popescu;well honestly... if i get a bitcoin a day, like weev... 684847;1400693783;mircea_popescu;why the hell not. 684848;1400693784;Duffer1;MP is satoshi and is being extradited to US! 684849;1400693792;Duffer1;i knew it all along 684850;1400693793;mircea_popescu;i could use some peace and quiet to write. 684851;1400693797;ThickAsThieves;bitcoin/hr 684852;1400693807;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves a yes my bad. 684853;1400693809;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.479795 = 1.9192 BTC [+] {2} 684854;1400693838;fluffypony;Satoshi Nakamoto = SN = NS backwards = N->M and S->P 684855;1400693849;fluffypony;also, Half Life 3 confirmed 684856;1400693855;Duffer1;ha 684857;1400693862;mircea_popescu;sit in the shade 3-4 years, write a coupla books and another 10k trilema posts, come out with moar bitcoins than well... hm. 684858;1400693889;mircea_popescu;i guess im not the right guy for this deal. 684859;1400693992;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9300 @ 0.00093544 = 8.6996 BTC [+] {2} 684860;1400693992;BingoBoingo;All of the sad girls waiting in your basement... 684861;1400694057;mircea_popescu;they're coming with, what. 684862;1400694057;pankkake;on the subject of "where to", blog of a friend: http://countryshopping.blogspot.com/ 684863;1400694057;assbot;Country shopping 684864;1400694062;mircea_popescu;airplane has a cargo hold for a reason. 684865;1400694084;mircea_popescu;lol turdsicle 684866;1400694093;punkman;moving the harem can't be easy 684867;1400694142;mircea_popescu;why ? they keep in shape, lithe gals. 684868;1400694541;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.0225 = 0.1125 BTC [+] 684869;1400694735;kakobrekla;http://thebitcoinnews.co.uk/2014/05/21/belgium-bans-bitcoin-financial-products-in-bitcoin-prohibted-deadline-july1st/ 684870;1400694735;assbot;Belgium bans Bitcoin Financial products in Bitcoin prohibted – deadline July1st | The Bitcoin News - Decentralised Bitcoin and Crypto News 684871;1400694765;fluffypony;this is good news! 684872;1400695568;pankkake;"Goofy drama aside - wish him all the best. Even if controversial, would donate to a legal fund aimed at preventing extradition and assume a good few others would, too." 684873;1400695700;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 4 @ 0.10838749 = 0.4335 BTC [-] {3} 684874;1400695780;BingoBoingo;pankkake: Link? 684875;1400695822;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 530 @ 0.00425481 = 2.255 BTC [+] {8} 684876;1400695880;pankkake;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=553092.msg6858224#msg6858224 684877;1400695881;assbot;MPEx owner in danger of being extradited to US to face charges 684878;1400695883;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5450 @ 0.00093566 = 5.0993 BTC [+] 684879;1400695883;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 150 @ 0.00570066 = 0.8551 BTC [+] {3} 684880;1400695938;BingoBoingo;lol 684881;1400696287;asciilifeform;pankkake: that forum still exists? and, what does one have to smoke, to make sense of it ? 684882;1400696325;pankkake;should be subtitled "for entertainment only" 684883;1400696432;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7800 @ 0.00093283 = 7.2761 BTC [-] 684884;1400696664;Duffer1;Transistor is my new favorite thing, this game is amazin 684885;1400696666;Duffer1;g 684886;1400696841;pankkake;someone sent me 0.001 BTC to an address I only used to widthdraw from Cryptsy 684887;1400697042;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 39 @ 0.00443 = 0.1728 BTC [+] 684888;1400697043;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2505 @ 0.00093283 = 2.3367 BTC [-] 684889;1400697091;mike_c;that's expensive tracer dust 684890;1400697193;mircea_popescu;pankkake apparently kluge reads the logs. who knewe. 684891;1400697307;mircea_popescu;in other news, https://twitter.com/skgreen/status/469179655954915328 684892;1400697308;assbot;"You are more likely to die in a plane crash than click on a banner ad." /msweezey at /hashtag/wistiafest?src=hash 684893;1400697317;princessnell;;;later tell bitcoinpete hayek and #b-a is a killer combo 684894;1400697317;gribble;The operation succeeded. 684895;1400697387;pankkake;mike_c: yeah, and it doesn't trace anything now. paid for more than the tx fee to move it 684896;1400697413;mircea_popescu;i don't grasp the concept of "tracer dust" anyway. 684897;1400697418;mike_c;heh :) 684898;1400697421;mircea_popescu;what's it supposed to do again ? 684899;1400697436;mike_c;mingle with your funds? see where they go? 684900;1400697456;mircea_popescu;oh in the sense it's going to end up in a composite tx ? 684901;1400697457;mike_c;but why couldn't they just do that with the funds already there. 684902;1400697462;mircea_popescu;exactly. 684903;1400697477;pankkake;that would only make sense if the address was empty, but used before, I guess 684904;1400697489;pankkake;but in that case, it wasn't 684905;1400697494;mircea_popescu;i suppose you can inadvertently show two addresses as being in the same wallet, this way. except a) why would you not keep multiple wallets if you want this and b) why wouldn't you fake it just to mess with the tracer 684906;1400697497;mircea_popescu;not like either is hard to od 684907;1400697547;pankkake;https://twitter.com/skgreen/status/469179655954915328 that's the one 684908;1400697548;assbot;"You are more likely to die in a plane crash than click on a banner ad." /msweezey at /hashtag/wistiafest?src=hash 684909;1400697554;pankkake;uh, wrong copypaste 684910;1400697563;pankkake;https://blockchain.info/tx/771a80f9c62f971a8dd02fa342f5c1856c8b39a7d5d7feb527489984f651670a 684911;1400697564;assbot;Bitcoin Transaction 771a80f9c62f971a8dd02fa342f5c1856c8b39a7d5d7feb527489984f651670a 684912;1400697650;mike_c;some kind of dividend payment? 684913;1400697738;pankkake;but doesn't explain why I got it 684914;1400697959;fluffypony;did you buy shares in their mining thing? 684915;1400698300;thestringpuller;I'm going to go to build a bear and build a fluffypony 684916;1400698314;fluffypony;SWEET 684917;1400698445;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 638 @ 0.0009308 = 0.5939 BTC [-] 684918;1400699055;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 37 @ 0.12856755 = 4.757 BTC [+] {5} 684919;1400699299;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 32 @ 0.00443 = 0.1418 BTC [+] 684920;1400699593;asciilifeform;http://cryptome.org/2014/05/wang-indictment.pdf 684921;1400699848;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7500 @ 0.000932 = 6.99 BTC [+] 684922;1400700031;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 200 @ 0.03942322 = 7.8846 BTC [+] {6} 684923;1400700275;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2890 @ 0.00011599 = 0.3352 BTC [+] 684924;1400700397;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2026 @ 0.00093079 = 1.8858 BTC [-] {2} 684925;1400700702;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6000 @ 0.000932 = 5.592 BTC [+] 684926;1400701437;chetty;http://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2014/05/21/barron-boston-court-appeals-vote-column/9376913/ 684927;1400701437;assbot;Drone memo author doesn't understand justice : Column 684928;1400701678;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 237 @ 0.095 = 22.515 BTC [+] 684929;1400701739;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 100 @ 0.095 = 9.5 BTC [+] {2} 684930;1400702006;mircea_popescu;!up stompysteve 684931;1400702227;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 58 @ 0.095 = 5.51 BTC [+] 684932;1400702535;stompysteve;did i get a voice because you like my name :) lol 684933;1400702758;HeySteve;forward, steve army 684934;1400702831;mike_c;i count 4 mikes in channel. bring it steve army. 684935;1400702898;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3200 @ 0.00093072 = 2.9783 BTC [-] 684936;1400702908;stompysteve;ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ 684937;1400702915;HeySteve;steve army may be outnumbered but never outwitted! 684938;1400702941;stompysteve;plus steve is a better name 684939;1400703000;mike_c;;;bc,stats 684940;1400703003;gribble;Current Blocks: 301960 | Current Difficulty: 8.8534163091278E9 | Next Difficulty At Block: 302399 | Next Difficulty In: 439 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 2 days, 11 hours, 51 minutes, and 49 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 10489485769.8 | Estimated Percent Change: 18.47953 684941;1400703060;HeySteve;later gotta get some exercise 684942;1400703064;thestringpuller;My name is Stevie irl 684943;1400703065;thestringpuller;lol 684944;1400703072;thestringpuller;LONG LIVE THE STEVE ARMY! 684945;1400703097;mike_c;isn't stevie a girl's name? 684946;1400703098;pankkake;there's a fair amount of davids too 684947;1400703125;pankkake;at least you're not steevy http://cdn2-public.ladmedia.fr/var/public/storage/images/look/beaute-coaching/coiffure-de-star-les-pires-coupes-des-mecs-branches-!-28295/coiffure-de-star-les-cheveux-blond-decolore-de-steevy-boulay-28317/237701-1-fre-FR/Coiffure-de-star-les-cheveux-blond-decolore-de-Steevy-Boulay_portrait_w674.jpg 684948;1400703192;thestringpuller;mike_c: I thought that would be Stephanie 684949;1400703203;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 52 @ 0.095 = 4.94 BTC [+] 684950;1400703204;thestringpuller;and what about Stevie Wonder and Stevie Ray Vaughn? 684951;1400703215;mike_c;;;google stevie nicks 684952;1400703216;gribble;The Nicks Fix - The Official Stevie Nicks Website: ; Stevie Nicks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Stevie Nicks Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story - Biography.com: 684953;1400703252;mike_c;stevie wonder's real name is stevland 684954;1400703253;thestringpuller;Yea so the name is androgynous no? 684955;1400703260;thestringpuller;my real name is Steven 684956;1400703262;stompysteve;its me steveieeee, stevie janowski 684957;1400703271;thestringpuller;lolol 684958;1400703311;stompysteve;i havnt open bitcoinqt in like 5 months it doesnt show how far i am in verifying blocks any idea how long it will take 684959;1400703329;stompysteve;i thought it showed you a lil loading bar with how far back you were 684960;1400703390;stompysteve;nvm it just opened 684961;1400703424;stompysteve;33 weeks 684962;1400703447;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.095 = 0.19 BTC [+] 684963;1400703560;moiety;http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-27512421 derp 684964;1400703560;assbot;BBC News - French rail network admits train blunder 684965;1400703660;TomServo;sh log 684966;1400703678;TomServo;hah, oops! 684967;1400703692;pankkake;SNCF Fret, the business transport of SNCF, also often manages to *lose* cars 684968;1400703724;pankkake;SNCF Fret is an endless… trainwreck 684969;1400703962;moiety;lose cars? 684970;1400704362;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.4798 = 1.4394 BTC [+] 684971;1400704683;princessnell;;;later tell bitcoinpete on second thought wade has way bigger balls than i gave him credit for http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/primate-diaries/2014/05/21/on-the-origin-of-white-power/ & http://www.xenosystems.net/quote-notes-80/ 684972;1400704685;assbot;On the Origin of White Power | The Primate Diaries, Scientific American Blog Network 684973;1400704687;assbot;Outside in - Involvements with reality » Blog Archive » Quote notes (#80) 684974;1400704687;gribble;The operation succeeded. 684975;1400704746;mircea_popescu;you're steeped in stevie 684976;1400704783;asciilifeform;can't resist asking, mircea_popescu's ship has net access ? 684977;1400704785;mircea_popescu;stompysteve Current Blocks: 301960 684978;1400704802;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform dun dun dun 684979;1400704831;mircea_popescu;this is just scheduled ircing. my ai power is so great, i have prepared responses in advance to anything you might inquire 684980;1400705019;jborkl_;so the Bitcoin foundatation spends $150k a month 684981;1400705026;mod6;ikr! 684982;1400705042;rithm;/s/spends/blows 684983;1400705068;jborkl_;so in 18 months they will be broke, sounds exactly correct as far as vc logic goes 684984;1400705079;rithm;lighting cigars with fresh hundreds can get expensive though amirite 684985;1400705084;mike_c;mp's irc ai: why did bitcoin go up? 684986;1400705085;jborkl_;well, the foundation will be broke, heh 684987;1400705087;fluffypony;I guess they're counting on a meteoric rise in BTC value 684988;1400705094;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 14 @ 0.095 = 1.33 BTC [+] 684989;1400705122;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v87/Spencish/Lets%20Play/LetsPlay_06032010_171815.jpg 684990;1400705136;mircea_popescu;mike_c because perianne wanted to short it. 684991;1400705142;jborkl_;has the foundation even been around a year? 684992;1400705148;rithm;yes 684993;1400705150;mircea_popescu;jborkl_ bout a year and a half 684994;1400705173;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform is that an old indy from like the 386 era ? 684995;1400705186;jborkl_;and how many people have they been trhough/resigned already? heh 684996;1400705188;rithm;they duped me out a few btc for their initial endowment 684997;1400705193;rithm;like the report says 684998;1400705199;mircea_popescu;the ark one ? where you can use the whip on the annoying chick in the original university setting ? 684999;1400705201;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aye. 'atlantis.' http://www.talking-time.net/showthread.php?t=9407&page=3 685000;1400705203;assbot;Selling More Fine Leather Jackets! Lets Play Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis! - Page 3 - The Return of Talking Time 685001;1400705208;mircea_popescu;aye 685002;1400705209;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: that very same. 685003;1400705213;mircea_popescu;orichalcum fucking beads 685004;1400705228;rithm;hey bitcointalk.org forums have a large operating tho iirc 685005;1400705233;rithm;thermos gonna regulate 685006;1400705244;rithm;budget/donations 685007;1400705277;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.4798 BTC [+] 685008;1400705303;mircea_popescu;princessnell he gets blown out of the water pretty thoroughly in that sciam piece. 685009;1400705338;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.479999 = 2.4 BTC [+] 685010;1400705339;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.095 = 0.19 BTC [+] 685011;1400705380;princessnell;mircea_popescu i mean its a masterful smear if that's what yr getting at 685012;1400705475;*;asciilifeform opens window, smells felinine. wonders how one street can support 200 housecats. 685013;1400705479;mircea_popescu;i've never read his book. but! the notions that a) there's three races ; b) that "whites" are in any sense "English" or c) that somehow passivity and civilisation correlate... 685014;1400705483;mircea_popescu;these are all massive lols to me 685015;1400705504;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform lotta 30something women with reddit accounts on your street. 685016;1400705510;asciilifeform;lol! 685017;1400705517;princessnell;donny, yr out of yr element 685018;1400705533;mircea_popescu;http://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/ 685019;1400705534;assbot;You are the community. You have all the power of the internet to mold it. 685020;1400705536;princessnell;the review straight up lies 685021;1400705549;mircea_popescu;princessnell but pls to inform us. where ? 685022;1400705550;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: wtf 685023;1400705579;asciilifeform;how you even found this. 685024;1400705584;princessnell;mircea_popescu are you asking for a competent review? 685025;1400705623;mircea_popescu;princessnell sure. alternatively, for backing of the "straight lies" theory 685026;1400705623;asciilifeform;#23: 'I've got fungi everywhere and I cannot take it anymore (ranting)' 685027;1400705633;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform women. everything i find, women. 685028;1400705688;princessnell;mircea_popescu ok, second one is easier. 685029;1400705694;princessnell;'"Wade does not say Caucasians are better per se, merely better adapted (because of their genes) to the modern economic institutions that Western society has created, and which now dominate the world’s economy and culture." < lie 685030;1400705703;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: your pet creatures read this heathen pit ? 685031;1400705718;mircea_popescu;princessnell you will notice that this wasn't on my list of three things. i discarded it as stupid anyway 685032;1400705722;mircea_popescu;i got enough of a filter for that. 685033;1400705732;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform why shouldn't they ? 685034;1400705733;princessnell;got it 685035;1400705737;princessnell;ok: yr three things 685036;1400705797;princessnell;a) race is a degree of genetic relatedness. as such there is no limit to the number of categories you can create (alternatively no maximum that bounds it). wade painstakingly explains his use of "three races" heuristic and provides ample genetic evidence to support. 685037;1400705798;asciilifeform;#100 - 'In 2014, The Classical World Still Can't Stop Fat-Shaming Women' 685038;1400705822;princessnell;b) i have no idea where you got that from 685039;1400705834;asciilifeform;a full minute and still couldn't crack the enigma, where the classical world is hiding in 2014 685040;1400705836;asciilifeform;had to click 685041;1400705905;mircea_popescu;princessnell i got b from the slide. "He then explains why white people are better because of their genes. " mutates into "The second problem with Wades argument about the gentility of the English". this to me indicated the original fails to distinguish. 685042;1400705933;asciilifeform;http://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/261u88/i_miss_being_an_escort_just_need_to_vent/ 685043;1400705935;assbot;I miss being an escort. Just need to vent. : TwoXChromosomes 685044;1400705951;mircea_popescu;but for the record : english *speakers*, in which category *both* uk and us citizenry are minorities, is in its turn a minority in european affairs. 685045;1400705960;mircea_popescu;which are a majority but not a supermajority of whiteness 685046;1400705971;princessnell;mircea_popescu a farewell to alms was strengthened by the son also rises 685047;1400705992;princessnell;the reviewer is conflating to mislead 685048;1400706015;mircea_popescu;anyway, a race is not merely a degree of genetic relatedness. a race is a culturally recognised such degree. which is why you can't make the nell race just by having a lot of kids with random people. 685049;1400706053;princessnell;that is the point of the book! genes + cultural social behaviors 685050;1400706062;mircea_popescu;aite. 685051;1400706085;mircea_popescu;anyway, as far as white is concerned, the bulgarians are probably more important than the us folk. 685052;1400706100;mircea_popescu;which you know... i strongly suspek neither reviewer nor reviewee even heard of to begin with 685053;1400706109;thestringpuller;http://www.maxfarquar.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Oh-Fuck.png 685054;1400706193;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.095 = 0.19 BTC [+] 685055;1400706234;asciilifeform;http://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/2619fn/i_am_a_failure_as_a_woman/ 685056;1400706235;assbot;I am a failure as a woman. : TwoXChromosomes 685057;1400706333;*;asciilifeform used to read reddit. http://www.reddit.com/user/asciilifeform - but maxed out dosimeter. 685058;1400706334;assbot;overview for asciilifeform 685059;1400706347;mircea_popescu;were you kicked out for spamming from there too ? 685060;1400706353;asciilifeform;unfortunately not. 685061;1400706355;fluffypony;holy cow, 8 years 685062;1400706357;fluffypony;old guard 685063;1400706365;asciilifeform;reddit used to be sorta-ok 685064;1400706373;mircea_popescu;yes, before it became popular. 685065;1400706374;asciilifeform;back in.. '07 ? 685066;1400706388;fluffypony;eternal september 685067;1400706558;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2995 @ 0.000932 = 2.7913 BTC [+] 685068;1400706558;jborkl_;added next diff, block found by- still adding pool info have about half- finishing up live charting of btce,bitstamp and btcchina 685069;1400706564;*;asciilifeform still thinks the name stands for 'red edit' 685070;1400706596;asciilifeform;(☭) 685071;1400706680;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10756 @ 0.00093162 = 10.0205 BTC [-] {2} 685072;1400707290;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4500 @ 0.0009312 = 4.1904 BTC [-] 685073;1400707961;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.095 = 0.95 BTC [+] 685074;1400708289;princessnell;speaking of women and bitcoin and reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/265e7s/my_soon_to_be_wife_wants_a_percentage_of_my/ 685075;1400708290;assbot;My soon to be wife wants a percentage of my bitcoin holdings, what to do? : Bitcoin 685076;1400708298;rithm;run! 685077;1400708310;fluffypony;that thread is full of ridiculousness 685078;1400708319;mod6;yeah, srsly, run fast. 685079;1400708324;fluffypony;why 685080;1400708330;fluffypony;an ANC with accrual sorts that out 685081;1400708339;rithm;my wife of x years has no interest in mine 685082;1400708350;rithm;why does his non-wife of 0 years so interested 685083;1400708366;fluffypony;my assets were established in our ANC before we got married, and so were my wife's 685084;1400708373;mike_c;this seems like an easy problem. give her whatever percentage she wants and adjust the amount of coin she knows about accordingly. 685085;1400708381;mircea_popescu;princessnell pretty clear trollbait neh ? 685086;1400708388;fluffypony;if we get divorced those declared assets in the ANC cannot be touched, fin. 685087;1400708417;mircea_popescu;fluffypony you live in a sane country. 685088;1400708428;fluffypony;apparently 685089;1400708464;davout;fluffypony: what's an ANC ? 685090;1400708473;mircea_popescu;like a prenup 685091;1400708477;fluffypony;davout: Antenuptual Contract 685092;1400708484;davout;ok 685093;1400708496;mircea_popescu;nuptial 685094;1400708503;fluffypony;that thing 685095;1400708510;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.0225505 = 0.2255 BTC [-] {2} 685096;1400708515;davout;who needs that now we have bitcoin 685097;1400708571;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.095 = 0.19 BTC [+] 685098;1400708592;mircea_popescu;afaik you can't get one in the uk 685099;1400708609;fluffypony;davout: at this juncture you still have to have some semblance of compliance with the law of the land...but I'd be interested to see a landmark case where the wife demands her portion of BTC and the husband refuses to hand over privkeys 685100;1400708619;mike_c;if i get a divorce i get 50% of her WoW gold 685101;1400708632;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.0225004 = 0.1125 BTC [-] {2} 685102;1400708633;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.032502 = 0.1625 BTC [-] {2} 685103;1400708640;mike_c;plus all the best armor 685104;1400708644;mircea_popescu;lmao 685105;1400708646;jborkl;if you cant spend them they are not yours is the old saying in bitcoin rt 685106;1400708647;fluffypony;mike_c: so basically you'll be rich 685107;1400708655;mircea_popescu;fluffypony virtually so. 685108;1400708664;davout;i'm required to share assets, not multiply arbitrary secret numbers in case of divorce :-) 685109;1400708693;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 33 @ 0.095 = 3.135 BTC [+] 685110;1400708701;mircea_popescu;anyway. the entire prenup thing is ridiculous in the west because of this "can't be unconscionable" approach to contract law. 685111;1400708715;mircea_popescu;so you know, it won't protect you, but you can have the piece of paper if you wish. 685112;1400708728;fluffypony;which is silly 685113;1400708779;fluffypony;I'm glad I live in a country where if someone burns themselves with coffee at McDonalds the best they can do is write a complaint on Hello Peter (customer service site) and get a form response from McDonalds 685114;1400708805;fluffypony;"We are so sorry to hear you burnt your gonads. Please accept this coupon for a Large Quarter Pounder with Cheese." 685115;1400708815;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 437 @ 0.095 = 41.515 BTC [+] 685116;1400708816;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 21 @ 0.0225 = 0.4725 BTC [-] {2} 685117;1400708876;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 96 @ 0.095 = 9.12 BTC [+] 685118;1400708937;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 90 @ 0.095 = 8.55 BTC [+] 685119;1400708988;bitcoinpete;fluffypony: pls to not have children who you also feed our poison to 685120;1400709032;fluffypony;lol 685121;1400709088;bitcoinpete;in other good news, our fair province is unstrapping itself to the usa and restrapping itself to china 685122;1400709095;bitcoinpete;https://twitter.com/bitcoinpete/status/469207764590284801 685123;1400709096;assbot;Keystone XL can't stop Alberta oil. TransMountain and Northern Gateway pivot towards China. http://t.co/QskpaWmKkB 685124;1400709119;bitcoinpete;we do want to matter! 685125;1400709145;mike_c;sorry, it would take some serious tectonic shifts for that to happen. 685126;1400709167;rithm;china and russia have vowed to destoy the petrodollar yo 685127;1400709181;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4900 @ 0.0009347 = 4.58 BTC [+] 685128;1400709215;bitcoinpete;mike_c: and happening they are 685129;1400709226;mircea_popescu;;;ticker 685130;1400709227;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 493.47, Best ask: 493.56, Bid-ask spread: 0.09000, Last trade: 493.56, 24 hour volume: 7875.02991908, 24 hour low: 484.09, 24 hour high: 499.1, 24 hour vwap: 492.207013094 685131;1400709228;benkay;y'all are asshats. my girl's got her own btc. 685132;1400709235;bitcoinpete;rithm: mos def. 685133;1400709247;bitcoinpete;benkay: a whole one? that's like an hour's prison time 685134;1400709258;benkay;singular plurlol 685135;1400709262;mircea_popescu;lol 685136;1400709265;rithm;poor usa :( 685137;1400709271;rithm;moar CNG fracking plz! 685138;1400709274;benkay;i'm the one going to jail. 685139;1400709288;benkay;she's going to have to get the brood and honored grandparents to ars. 685140;1400709296;bitcoinpete;benkay: you can't blame the states for that one 685141;1400709304;mike_c;bitcoinpete: i didn't mean tectonic as a metaphor. you're attached. 685142;1400709308;benkay;cannot be done with frozen assets. 685143;1400709357;bitcoinpete;mike_c: attached with thousands of kilometers of nothing in between. 685144;1400709364;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40200 @ 0.0009357 = 37.6151 BTC [+] {6} 685145;1400709365;bitcoinpete;we have buffer for days 685146;1400709387;mike_c;we probably would get lost in the woods 685147;1400709417;bitcoinpete;ya, we're like russia without the cultural history 685148;1400709576;asciilifeform;why did the idiot (if real rather than hypothetical) tell the wife (?) about his coin ? 685149;1400709594;bitcoinpete;to get to the other side? 685150;1400709600;asciilifeform;'not caught, not thief' 685151;1400709603;rithm;communications sensitive type 685152;1400709617;rithm;"shares" 685153;1400709638;mike_c;telling about is inevitable (as you know). now amounts.. 685154;1400709658;rithm;sharing and providing are two completely different things 685155;1400709700;rithm;kinda how the ceo provides a paycheck and only shares what is relevant 685156;1400709737;rithm;buy let's be real ceo's don't provide anything of value tho amirite 685157;1400709903;benkay; telling about is inevitable (as you know). now amounts.. // i share allocation to the nearest ten percent, updated once per...year. at most. 685158;1400709920;benkay;and in buckets only of low and high risk 685159;1400709976;bitcoinpete;http://tech.fortune.cnn.com/2014/05/20/chip-bergh-levi-strauss/?xid=timerail 685160;1400709977;assbot;Levi Strauss CEO: Stop washing your jeans - Fortune Tech 685161;1400709988;mike_c;my wife knows two things. 1) i'm not telling her. 2) i'm not going to divorce her. so it works out. 685162;1400710243;bitcoinpete;"So, was Tuesday’s 10% leap in the bitcoin price triggered by good news – the favorable comments about bitcoin from a Fed advisory board, perhaps, or news of Circle’s launch at the Bitcoin 2104 conference?" << bwahahaha 685163;1400710261;bitcoinpete;fucking wsj bitbeat 685164;1400710282;bitcoinpete;yes, i'm sure it was all circle hype 685165;1400710306;bitcoinpete;or maybe it was news that the us was charging chinese spies with shit 685166;1400710478;benkay;or the bears could just be done. 685167;1400710492;benkay;but please, let's all opine more about what's driving the day's market irrationality. 685168;1400710521;bitcoinpete;humans love stories almost as much as we love fucking 685169;1400710614;mike_c;more like "humans" freak out when they don't understand something. when people ask me about why the market moved I give them the time-tested answer: God. 685170;1400710645;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9200 @ 0.0009312 = 8.567 BTC [-] 685171;1400710738;bitcoinpete;mike_c: the contemporary version is: science. 685172;1400710803;bitcoinpete;http://www.coindesk.com/budweiser-coinbase-partner-free-bitcoin-concert-attendees/ 685173;1400710803;assbot;Budweiser, Coinbase Partner to Give Free Bitcoin to Concert Attendees 685174;1400710833;bitcoinpete;these muricans need to stop giving away $10 of coin here and $10 there. strippers are a waaay better investment 685175;1400711072;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 5 @ 0.129 = 0.645 BTC [+] 685176;1400711499;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11900 @ 0.0009312 = 11.0813 BTC [-] 685177;1400711744;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.095 = 0.95 BTC [+] 685178;1400712109;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1263 @ 0.00011921 = 0.1506 BTC [+] {4} 685179;1400712114;mircea_popescu;<bitcoinpete> yes, i'm sure it was all circle hype << dudes wanna matter. who's to tell them they won't ? 685180;1400712121;mircea_popescu;if someone were to tell them, why'd they listen ? 685181;1400712170;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 190 @ 0.095 = 18.05 BTC [+] 685182;1400712292;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 288 @ 0.095 = 27.36 BTC [+] 685183;1400712298;bitcoinpete;seems like people either show up here or disappear and not a lot in between 685184;1400712327;moiety;i think freenode had another fit 685185;1400712343;moiety;and am i the only nonmarried person left on the planet 685186;1400712353;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 68 @ 0.095 = 6.46 BTC [+] 685187;1400712356;moiety;mp doesn't count, he has too many to marry 685188;1400712359;bitcoinpete;;;later tell princessnell thanks for the reads! 685189;1400712360;gribble;The operation succeeded. 685190;1400712379;bitcoinpete;benkay ain't married. yet 685191;1400712386;moiety;as good as 685192;1400712397;bitcoinpete;don't think BingoBoingo is 685193;1400712413;moiety;he's a dark horse, you never know with him 685194;1400712423;bitcoinpete;or danielpbarron 685195;1400712437;bitcoinpete;maybe thestringpuller is solo? 685196;1400712478;bitcoinpete;then there's always gribble 685197;1400712513;moiety;no one would marry gribble the amount you have to fucking auth 685198;1400712528;moiety;tho, lasers.... 685199;1400712529;mircea_popescu;moiety i ain't married. 685200;1400712540;mircea_popescu;bitcoinpete sure he is. 685201;1400712543;moiety;you don't count, you have too many to marry! 685202;1400712557;mircea_popescu;i don't count because cunt ? 685203;1400712574;moiety;no i meant you couldn't marry them all 685204;1400712616;bitcoinpete;mircea_popescu: this, i did not know about gribs 685205;1400712713;moiety;i suppose i will just have to get more cats and read reddit more 685206;1400712874;bitcoinpete;oh man, there's a new forum! http://forum.ltbcoin.com 685207;1400712875;assbot;The LTB Network Forum 685208;1400712880;bitcoinpete;time for some lulz mining 685209;1400712963;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4850 @ 0.00093384 = 4.5291 BTC [+] 685210;1400714104;moiety;is it just me that gets really bored of reddit? 685211;1400714183;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.0225 = 0.1125 BTC [-] {2} 685212;1400714257;jurov;it's not just you 685213;1400714305;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5700 @ 0.00093553 = 5.3325 BTC [+] 685214;1400714362;bitcoinpete;it's asciilifeform that's the big moldbug fan, right? 685215;1400714385;asciilifeform;bitcoinpete: i wouldn't go so far. 685216;1400714396;asciilifeform;i did read all of mr. mold, yes. 685217;1400714405;bitcoinpete;a ok. just a few articles then? 685218;1400714417;bitcoinpete;that you're a fan of... 685219;1400714490;asciilifeform;aye 685220;1400714515;asciilifeform;mostly, of a subset of the basic ideas therein. 685221;1400714549;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9700 @ 0.0009362 = 9.0811 BTC [+] {2} 685222;1400714567;bitcoinpete;i found a little piece that goes into his background a bit. probably not news for you, but perhaps for some others here: http://thebaffler.com/blog/2014/05/mouthbreathing_machiavellis 685223;1400714568;assbot;Mouthbreathing Machiavellis Dream Of A Silicon Reich | Blog | The Baffler 685224;1400714587;asciilifeform;lol 685225;1400714598;bitcoinpete;"In short, Moldbug reads like an overconfident autodidact’s imitation of a Lewis Lapham essay—if Lewis Lapham were a fascist teenage Dungeon Master." 685226;1400714671;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 36 @ 0.095 = 3.42 BTC [+] 685227;1400714692;bitcoinpete;the rest of the article is about some anticapitalist tranarchist (transgender anarchist) who became a hard-right seditionist and created a petition to put eric schmidt in the white house as "ceo of america" 685228;1400714848;asciilifeform;bitcoinpete: read that turd; kept waiting for the seemingly-obligatory mention of 'galt's gulch' - disappointed! not there! 685229;1400714854;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7650 @ 0.00093384 = 7.1439 BTC [-] 685230;1400714925;bitcoinpete;asciilifeform: lol maybe in part 2 of this epic series 685231;1400714958;asciilifeform;the anti-moldbug pieces (yes there's more than one) typically accuse mold & co. of the ultimate anti-democratic crime: republikflucht. 685232;1400714962;asciilifeform;;;google republikflucht 685233;1400714962;gribble;Republikflucht - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; User:A13ean/Work on Republikflucht - Wikipedia, the free ...: ; Crossing the Line: Republikflucht between Defection and Migration ...: (1 more message) 685234;1400714979;asciilifeform;'how dare you contemplate a refusal to be harvested.' 685235;1400715034;bitcoinpete;'sit still!' 685236;1400715067;HeySteve;"so spurious it was deleted from wikipedia." lol 685237;1400715080;HeySteve;checking out this Moldbug guy, sounds interesting 685238;1400715118;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: http://transition.fcc.gov/eb/AmateurActions/Welcome.html << interesting u.s. gov. 'wall of shame' for radio traffic violators 685239;1400715215;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: http://transition.fcc.gov/eb/AmateurActions/files/Grow_13_04_19_5321.html << particularly interesting are the 'name withheld' complaints, like this one 685240;1400715284;asciilifeform;http://transition.fcc.gov/eb/AmateurActions/files/X-Box12_04_10_5314.html 685241;1400715745;dignork;asciilifeform: they where probably underage 685242;1400715755;asciilifeform;lol 685243;1400716234;danielpbarron;<+bitcoinpete> or danielpbarron << correct 685244;1400716252;bitcoinpete;haha! 685245;1400716260;bitcoinpete;^ moiety 685246;1400716989;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.095 = 0.285 BTC [+] 685247;1400716990;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 4 @ 0.05850606 = 0.234 BTC [-] 685248;1400717173;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 15 @ 0.03804682 = 0.5707 BTC [-] {4} 685249;1400717355;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36550 @ 0.00093222 = 34.0726 BTC [-] {2} 685250;1400717477;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 1 @ 0.1374 BTC [-] 685251;1400718026;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 556 @ 0.095 = 52.82 BTC [+] 685252;1400718069;thestringpuller;moiety: and am i the only nonmarried person left on the planet << bitcoinpete is right, I am not married, but sometimes it sure feels like it ~_~ 685253;1400718087;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 30 @ 0.03949969 = 1.185 BTC [+] {2} 685254;1400718088;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 31 @ 0.095 = 2.945 BTC [+] 685255;1400718095;bitcoinpete;thestringpuller: living together? 685256;1400718096;bitcoinpete;http://international.sueddeutsche.de/post/85917094540/germany-plans-to-ban-tech-companies-that-play-ball-with 685257;1400718096;assbot;Germany Plans To Ban Tech Companies That Play Ball With NSA 685258;1400718270;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 97 @ 0.00444228 = 0.4309 BTC [+] {2} 685259;1400718392;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 17 @ 0.02290455 = 0.3894 BTC [+] {6} 685260;1400718505;bitcoinpete;;;later tell BingoBoingo quite enjoyed the medium article on crap computing, other than the "we the people" rahrah finish. good find 685261;1400718505;gribble;The operation succeeded. 685262;1400718575;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.0325 = 0.1625 BTC [-] 685263;1400718729;moiety;http://www.kctv5.com/story/25568078/bitcoin-used-to-buy-500000-olathe-home BigFatLiar Josh bought a house 685264;1400718730;assbot;Bitcoin used to buy $500,000 Kansas home - KCTV5 685265;1400718798;thestringpuller;lol https://www.mywot.com/ 685266;1400718798;assbot;Safe Browsing Tool | WOT (Web of Trust) 685267;1400718820;thestringpuller;bitcoinpete: not even. and it still feels like we're married. 685268;1400718831;thestringpuller;damn I would lose my mind if we lived together 685269;1400718833;thestringpuller;~_~ 685270;1400718864;bitcoinpete;some things would be easier, some less 685271;1400718921;thestringpuller;yea plenty of "playtime" i presume but i barely have any time as it is 685272;1400718941;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11433 @ 0.00093234 = 10.6594 BTC [+] 685273;1400719002;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23200 @ 0.00093463 = 21.6834 BTC [+] 685274;1400719113;moiety;lol "The house will be delivered in June! mean September, mean next February." 685275;1400719137;bitcoinpete;moiety: this is the sex weeks pad? 685276;1400719159;moiety;no thats the ending line on the josh fromg bfl house buying article 685277;1400719180;moiety;still waiting to hear about the sex weeks flat but its only been a day i guess 685278;1400719226;moiety;the guy told me he was busy doing things til thursday (today now) 685279;1400719363;moiety;everything should be easier if you live with the right person 685280;1400719438;bitcoinpete;moiety: lol wow, just read that zerlan thing. dood is crazy to spend $500k on a house just so he can make a headline on a weasly local rag. 685281;1400719493;bitcoinpete;if he has no bezzlebucks, he could at least find a landlord to rent from 685282;1400719496;bitcoinpete;or a payment plan 685283;1400719526;bitcoinpete;1,000 btc house is gonna be the next 10,000 btc pizza 685284;1400719551;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 170 @ 0.03949969 = 6.7149 BTC [+] 685285;1400719554;moiety;i reckon the couple should read up on his and squat, like just refuse to move out for ages and keep giving him extended dates for when they will get out 685286;1400719559;moiety;him* not his 685287;1400719610;moiety;its actually the anniversary of the btc pizza thing today 685288;1400719635;thestringpuller;moiety: sex weeks? 685289;1400719637;thestringpuller;lol 685290;1400719653;moiety;i typod six lol 685291;1400719661;thestringpuller;lolololol 685292;1400719674;thestringpuller;I know what moiety is thinking about ;) 685293;1400719755;moiety;well it does come up often in this channel 685294;1400719774;bitcoinpete;moiety: anniversary? hey, waddya know 685295;1400719797;bitcoinpete;at least zohan can keep enjoying his house 685296;1400719812;bitcoinpete;slightly less shocking than the pizza 685297;1400719813;thestringpuller;HAH 685298;1400719886;moiety;o no i lie to you, it was the 18th https://bitcointalk.org/?topic=137.0 685299;1400719887;assbot;Pizza for bitcoins? 685300;1400719896;bitcoinpete;well that's all for me this eve. have funz 685301;1400719917;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 6 @ 0.095 = 0.57 BTC [+] 685302;1400720649;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 180 @ 0.095 = 17.1 BTC [+] 685303;1400721198;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14720 @ 0.00093737 = 13.7981 BTC [+] {2} 685304;1400721259;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32080 @ 0.00093829 = 30.1003 BTC [+] {2} 685305;1400722637;thestringpuller;Apocalyptic: what happened to OTC? 685306;1400722645;thestringpuller;It's worse than 4chan. 685307;1400722650;Apocalyptic;heh 685308;1400722668;thestringpuller;Like I literally feel physically ill trying to traverse that channel... 685309;1400722712;Apocalyptic;it's not that bad usually 685310;1400722804;thestringpuller;everyone seems frightened as shit to trade so the market seems to have dried up... 685311;1400722841;Apocalyptic;"so the market seems to have dried up..." that's true 685312;1400722870;benkay; benkay ain't married. yet // hue 685313;1400722873;Apocalyptic;tough generally I feel like it's not that people are frightened 685314;1400722882;thestringpuller;benkay: you said you had a wife 685315;1400722893;Apocalyptic;it's just that they have realized that trading 500 usd back and forth isn't really worth it 685316;1400722893;thestringpuller;Man i used to buy everything otc 685317;1400722897;thestringpuller;I"ve bought steam games 685318;1400722906;Apocalyptic;that's still going today 685319;1400722907;thestringpuller;i bought an r-pi 685320;1400722926;thestringpuller;guess i gotta find some dark pools 685321;1400722943;Apocalyptic;the time atm doesn't help either 685322;1400722944;thestringpuller;I hate linking checking accounts to the exchanges. Kind of annoying. 685323;1400722959;thestringpuller;yea I guess if I fish long enough one will eventually bite 685324;1400722972;Apocalyptic;if you try in the end of the afternoon PST you'll get a lot more response imo 685325;1400722987;thestringpuller;thanks for the help Apocalyptic; it's much appreciated 685326;1400722997;danielpbarron;there are trades in -otc you just have to find them amidst the idiocy 685327;1400723009;thestringpuller;idiocy is an understatement 685328;1400723011;danielpbarron;trying to convince them to do cash in the mail instead of paypal 685329;1400723019;danielpbarron;i've had some luck 685330;1400723030;thestringpuller;Easy is just cash deposit into a bank account 685331;1400723037;danielpbarron;i don't like banks 685332;1400723040;thestringpuller;or a moneygram transfer 685333;1400723059;danielpbarron;i think cash in the mail is easier 685334;1400723068;danielpbarron;it's like selling any other product 685335;1400723073;danielpbarron;pack it up, ship it out 685336;1400723076;thestringpuller;Damn. Once upon a time, Azelphur did escrow for me. 685337;1400723080;thestringpuller;It was such a neat experience 685338;1400723086;Apocalyptic;danielpbarron, inbefore the mail doesn't arrive 685339;1400723088;thestringpuller;Sent him coins. 685340;1400723090;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25737 @ 0.00093844 = 24.1526 BTC [+] 685341;1400723101;thestringpuller;Then waited on product from the other party 685342;1400723155;thestringpuller;I wish I could just find a supplier since most of my income stream is still in fiat unfortunately :( 685343;1400723210;danielpbarron;yeah i want to make connections with miners 685344;1400723333;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43783 @ 0.00093355 = 40.8736 BTC [-] {5} 685345;1400723452;thestringpuller;!ticker M F.MPIF 685346;1400723453;assbot;[MPEX:F.MPIF] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: 0.00021551 / 0.00021725 / 0.00021726 (97610 shares, 21.21 BTC), 30D: 0.000215 / 0.00021527 / 0.00021726 (1151600 shares, 247.91 BTC) 685347;1400723468;thestringpuller;!last M F.MPIF 685348;1400723468;assbot;Last trade for F.MPIF on MPEX was at 0.00021726 BTC [+] 685349;1400723577;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22136 @ 0.00092841 = 20.5513 BTC [-] {2} 685350;1400723699;assbot;[MPEX] [FN] [F.MPIF] 880 @ 0.00021726 = 0.1912 BTC [+] 685351;1400723821;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14376 @ 0.00092745 = 13.333 BTC [-] {3} 685352;1400724097;Duffer1;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=269191.msg6840019#msg6840019 685353;1400724097;assbot;[HAVELOCK] Crypto Financial (CFIG) Official Thread 685354;1400724119;Duffer1;didn't we have this discussion in here? exchange in a box 685355;1400724248;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 21 @ 0.095 = 1.995 BTC [+] 685356;1400724309;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 8 @ 0.03949979 = 0.316 BTC [+] 685357;1400724431;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 171 @ 0.00447969 = 0.766 BTC [+] {3} 685358;1400724492;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 47 @ 0.00456859 = 0.2147 BTC [+] {3} 685359;1400724797;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7300 @ 0.00092662 = 6.7643 BTC [-] {2} 685360;1400725280;decimation;LoL that Moldbug hit piece. "Why bother with mass appeal, when you?re rebuilding the ancien regime?" 685361;1400725336;decimation;Well duh. "As I soldiered through the Moldbug canon, my reactions numbed. Here he is expressing sympathy for poor, persecuted Senator Joe McCarthy. Big surprise. Here he claims ?America is a communist country.? Sure, whatever." 685362;1400725346;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15240 @ 0.00092654 = 14.1205 BTC [-] 685363;1400725381;decimation;well with the quality of those arguments, the author is well on the way to becoming the anti-Moldbug 685364;1400725468;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2000 @ 0.00092585 = 1.8517 BTC [-] 685365;1400725591;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.095 = 0.19 BTC [+] 685366;1400727176;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 19 @ 0.095 = 1.805 BTC [+] 685367;1400728701;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5959 @ 0.00092506 = 5.5124 BTC [-] 685368;1400729494;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24100 @ 0.00092506 = 22.2939 BTC [-] 685369;1400729860;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33451 @ 0.00092568 = 30.9649 BTC [+] {2} 685370;1400729921;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26372 @ 0.00092872 = 24.4922 BTC [+] {2} 685371;1400730409;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 1 @ 0.13 BTC [-] 685372;1400730410;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.0225 = 0.1125 BTC [-] 685373;1400730470;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25484 @ 0.00092877 = 23.6688 BTC [+] {2} 685374;1400730653;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.0383001 = 0.1149 BTC [-] 685375;1400731568;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.023 = 0.115 BTC [+] 685376;1400731569;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41580 @ 0.00092641 = 38.5201 BTC [-] 685377;1400731629;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22300 @ 0.00092846 = 20.7047 BTC [+] 685378;1400732117;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26227 @ 0.00092583 = 24.2817 BTC [-] {4} 685379;1400732178;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.0221001 = 0.221 BTC [-] 685380;1400732239;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 28 @ 0.02202062 = 0.6166 BTC [-] {7} 685381;1400732300;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 14 @ 0.02200007 = 0.308 BTC [-] {2} 685382;1400732849;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 100 @ 0.00456472 = 0.4565 BTC [-] {2} 685383;1400732911;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26121 @ 0.00093032 = 24.3009 BTC [+] 685384;1400733409;mircea_popescu; moiety: lol wow, just read that zerlan thing. dood is crazy to spend $500k on a house just so he can make a headline on a weasly local rag. << i think you misunderstand how josh works. he doesn't actually DO the things he claims to have done. he merely claims them. 685385;1400733520;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20615 @ 0.00093219 = 19.2171 BTC [+] {3} 685386;1400733539;mircea_popescu;;;ticker 685387;1400733540;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 494.29, Best ask: 494.7, Bid-ask spread: 0.41000, Last trade: 494.7, 24 hour volume: 5816.91401138, 24 hour low: 490.3, 24 hour high: 498.97, 24 hour vwap: 494.997143609 685388;1400733580;mircea_popescu; it's just that they have realized that trading 500 usd back and forth isn't really worth it << that'll be the day 685389;1400733682;mircea_popescu;decimation> well with the quality of those arguments, the author is well on the way to becoming the anti-Moldbug << something tells me the author spent his youth clicking through cat pictures while someone on the phone was tryhing to educate them. 685390;1400734069;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 16 @ 0.095 = 1.52 BTC [+] 685391;1400734191;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11750 @ 0.00093257 = 10.9577 BTC [+] 685392;1400734801;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30147 @ 0.00093326 = 28.135 BTC [+] {2} 685393;1400735045;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 41 @ 0.48746307 = 19.986 BTC [+] {7} 685394;1400735369;danielpbarron;!up Naranja 685395;1400735411;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.4909999 = 0.982 BTC [+] 685396;1400735500;danielpbarron;Naranja was asking in -otc if there is still any options trading 685397;1400735533;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 45 @ 0.00449 = 0.2021 BTC [-] 685398;1400735610;Apocalyptic;!up Dizzle 685399;1400735960;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 8 @ 0.4909999 = 3.928 BTC [+] 685400;1400736082;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20896 @ 0.00093945 = 19.6307 BTC [+] 685401;1400736509;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 6 @ 0.49833296 = 2.99 BTC [+] {3} 685402;1400736580;[]bot;Bet placed: 50 BTC for Yes on "Bitcoin network difficulty > 14Bn on Bastille day" http://bitbet.us/bet/677/ Odds: 88(Y):12(N) by coin, 82(Y):18(N) by weight. Total bet: 102.47158113 BTC. Current weight: 13,208. 685403;1400736580;assbot;BitBet - Bitcoin network difficulty > 14Bn on Bastille day :: 90.09 B (88%) on Yes, 12.38 B (12%) on No | closing in 3 weeks 1 day| weight: 13`208 (100`000 to 1) 685404;1400736621;mircea_popescu;!up Naranja 685405;1400736658;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla nao []bot and assbot are triggering each other 685406;1400736843;Apocalyptic;!up Dizzle 685407;1400736868;Dizzle;'lo 685408;1400737119;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49096 @ 0.00093983 = 46.1419 BTC [+] {5} 685409;1400738156;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 100 @ 0.00455774 = 0.4558 BTC [+] {3} 685410;1400738278;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.0225 = 0.1125 BTC [+] 685411;1400739315;assbot;[MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 122 @ 0.00284566 = 0.3472 BTC [-] 685412;1400739681;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.498999 BTC [+] 685413;1400740169;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 20 @ 0.095 = 1.9 BTC [+] 685414;1400740657;assbot;[MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 577 @ 0.00282443 = 1.6297 BTC [-] {2} 685415;1400741572;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.023 = 0.115 BTC [+] 685416;1400741633;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 18 @ 0.4993221 = 8.9878 BTC [+] {5} 685417;1400741877;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 500 @ 0.00469387 = 2.3469 BTC [+] {12} 685418;1400742304;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.03253439 = 0.1301 BTC [-] {2} 685419;1400742426;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26050 @ 0.00093653 = 24.3966 BTC [-] 685420;1400742547;mircea_popescu;!up adrrr 685421;1400743595;Naphex;mircea_popescu: http://www.radugeorgescu.com/2014/05/05/the-next-big-thing-bitcoin-101/ 685422;1400743596;assbot;The next big thing Bitcoin 101 | Radu Georgescu 685423;1400743727;adrrr;pump? 685424;1400743758;Naphex;nah just romanians discovering bitcoin 685425;1400743787;Apocalyptic;I saw romanian pm met with Biden 685426;1400743862;adrrr;romanians? have u got a link to an article? 685427;1400743954;Apocalyptic;http://www.greenwichtime.com/news/world/article/Biden-Punish-Russia-if-it-meddles-in-Ukraine-5494122.php 685428;1400743954;assbot;Biden: Punish Russia if it meddles in Ukraine - GreenwichTime 685429;1400744072;adrrr;ty 685430;1400744134;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 214 @ 0.00078052 = 0.167 BTC [-] {4} 685431;1400744261;Apocalyptic;Naphex, doesn't look like that average clueless article about Bitcoin 685432;1400744279;Apocalyptic;mircea_popescu, is this Georgescu someone notable in Romanian business ? 685433;1400744317;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 156 @ 0.0007801 = 0.1217 BTC [-] 685434;1400744364;Naphex;Apocalyptic: Romanian Entrepreneur 685435;1400744379;Apocalyptic;i got that from his site 685436;1400744383;Naphex;owned or still owns GeCad 685437;1400744388;Naphex;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GeCAD_Software 685438;1400744388;assbot;GeCAD Software - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 685439;1400744390;Apocalyptic;however today everyone can call himself whatever he likes 685440;1400744398;Apocalyptic;ty 685441;1400744403;Naphex;including epayment which does most of the cc processing for online shops 685442;1400744406;Naphex;in romania 685443;1400744426;Naphex;which now got rebranded as http://www.payu.ro/ 685444;1400744427;assbot;PayU | Integrator de plati online 685445;1400744739;mircea_popescu;Apocalyptic yes, he is one of the precious few antrepreneurs that actually made their own money. 685446;1400744813;mircea_popescu;naphex he didn't even take too long. lol. 685447;1400744927;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 15 @ 0.03848689 = 0.5773 BTC [+] {4} 685448;1400744928;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 600 @ 0.00093653 = 0.5619 BTC [-] 685449;1400744949;mircea_popescu;anyway i guess ima leave him a comment. 685450;1400744962;Naphex;you should invite him over :) 685451;1400744963;Apocalyptic;gotta promote -assets 685452;1400745071;fluffypony;just shake dat -assets gurl 685453;1400745110;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 17 @ 0.0386011 = 0.6562 BTC [+] {2} 685454;1400745162;mircea_popescu;Naphex so far i just welcomed him to 2012 685455;1400745173;mircea_popescu;;;google trilema doua imagini cuvinte milioane lei 685456;1400745174;gribble;August 2012 pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: ; MPEx pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: ; Ciuciu Bond pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: 685457;1400745177;mircea_popescu;meh 685458;1400745188;mircea_popescu;it's there somewhere. 685459;1400745198;mircea_popescu;;;topic 685460;1400745198;gribble;http://bitcoin-assets.com || http://log.bitcoin-assets.com || http://bash.bitcoin-assets.com || http://blogs.bitcoin-assets.com 685461;1400745214;mircea_popescu;btw kakobrekla an "Or call #" at the end can't hurt. 685462;1400745354;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 17 @ 0.03800253 = 0.646 BTC [-] {3} 685463;1400745400;Naphex;i like romanian TV reports on Bitcoin :)) 685464;1400745410;Naphex;just saw a TVR report that had an "Expert" on phone 685465;1400745422;Naphex;who just went on a talking spree on how 'cool' bitcoin is, until he got cut off 685466;1400745425;Naphex;:)) 685467;1400745659;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11200 @ 0.00093734 = 10.4982 BTC [+] 685468;1400745707;mircea_popescu;lol 685469;1400745712;mircea_popescu;romanian tv experts. 685470;1400745912;jurov;;;ticker 685471;1400745913;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 523.5, Best ask: 524.78, Bid-ask spread: 1.28000, Last trade: 524.78, 24 hour volume: 10936.77836281, 24 hour low: 491.31, 24 hour high: 524.9, 24 hour vwap: 503.526634492 685472;1400745923;Naphex;it is going ^ 685473;1400745964;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 30 @ 0.0057001 = 0.171 BTC [-] 685474;1400746050;mircea_popescu;yup 685475;1400746075;mircea_popescu;inb4 whatever noob comes in to ask if it's due to whatever irrelevant press article wherein some experts nobody heard about derp. 685476;1400746100;Apocalyptic;^ 685477;1400746105;Naphex;intereset started growing a lot in the last 3 weeks 685478;1400746119;mircea_popescu;yes, it's going to move. 685479;1400746142;mircea_popescu;the 500 wall took even less than it should have. 685480;1400746163;Apocalyptic;there was a ~900 btc wall @510, that got pulled instantly 685481;1400746228;mircea_popescu;i guess if anyone asks ima just tell them it's going up because i finally wisened up and leaving timisoara. 685482;1400746330;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46400 @ 0.00093529 = 43.3975 BTC [-] {3} 685483;1400746391;Naphex;mircea_popescu: when are you departing? 685484;1400746408;mircea_popescu;at some point since the 20th 685485;1400746436;BingoBoingo_;mircea_popescu: It's going up, because people know you are traveling by boat 685486;1400746456;jurov;BingoBoingo_: how so? 685487;1400746457;mircea_popescu;it's a submarine helicopter 685488;1400746475;mircea_popescu;VTOL/VSINK bitchez 685489;1400746485;BingoBoingo_;jurov: He declared earlier he is traveling by battleship 685490;1400746504;BingoBoingo_;Or maybe he just bought the battleship 685491;1400746610;mircea_popescu;or maybe i had it made by slave labour! 685492;1400746683;BingoBoingo_;For something that large when would MPOE-PR have had the time to interact with the forum? 685493;1400746723;chetty;oh I thought it was becasue he was being extradited 685494;1400746757;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.4999985 = 2 BTC [+] {2} 685495;1400746802;BingoBoingo_;If the US couldn't even extradite Bobby Fischer in his lifetime, I dun see how they are extraditing mircea_popescu 685496;1400746879;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6894 @ 0.00093734 = 6.462 BTC [+] 685497;1400746880;chetty;dun matter about reality, matters what folks think 685498;1400746906;Apocalyptic;it's exactly the other way around 685499;1400747001;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.4999999 = 1 BTC [+] 685500;1400747050;mircea_popescu;im being extradited to mongolia 685501;1400747060;mircea_popescu;apparently i made some ill advised off the cuff comments about horse meat. 685502;1400747157;BingoBoingo_;In other news Joe Biden is apparently a pedophile http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2014/05/joe-biden-gets-invited-to-prom-by-17-year-old-girl/ 685503;1400747158;assbot;Joe Biden Gets Invited to Prom by 17-Year-Old Girl - ABC News 685504;1400747206;mircea_popescu;thatsounds more like a 17 yo is a gerontophile 685505;1400747251;BingoBoingo_;mircea_popescu: No, he turned down the date because he prefers the elementary school dance 685506;1400747306;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30300 @ 0.00093385 = 28.2957 BTC [-] {2} 685507;1400747503;mircea_popescu;!up roro_ 685508;1400747550;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 8 @ 0.4999999 = 4 BTC [+] 685509;1400747611;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 20 @ 0.5 = 10 BTC [+] {2} 685510;1400747727;jurov;!up davout 685511;1400747791;davout;ohai 685512;1400747916;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.5 = 1 BTC [+] 685513;1400747955;kakobrekla;hi 685514;1400748059;jurov;hello 685515;1400748295;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.48011017 BTC [-] 685516;1400748356;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 1 @ 0.13 BTC [-] 685517;1400748410;fluffypony;jurov: ola 685518;1400748417;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 6 @ 0.095 = 0.57 BTC [+] {2} 685519;1400748435;fluffypony;kakobrekla: mircea_popescu wants you to adjust the topic, yo 685520;1400748478;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.03805229 = 0.3805 BTC [-] {4} 685521;1400748545;kakobrekla;isnt that a bit excessive 685522;1400748555;kakobrekla;or vinklevossy 685523;1400748568;fluffypony;but the veesee needs to see eet 685524;1400748844;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22894 @ 0.00093636 = 21.437 BTC [+] 685525;1400749332;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10306 @ 0.00093734 = 9.6602 BTC [+] 685526;1400749638;BingoBoingo_;;;ticker --market all 685527;1400749644;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 515.0, vol: 12286.83754310 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 500.111, vol: 8348.34805 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 516.34, vol: 12146.0210006 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 517.32, vol: 47.41546771 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 505.945272, vol: 4760.78680000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 520.06956, vol: 21.86084581 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 508.8588, vol: 130.32233269 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message) 685528;1400749648;BingoBoingo_;;;more 685529;1400749648;gribble;510.980296165 685530;1400749820;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.095 = 0.285 BTC [+] 685531;1400750025;davout;has this ever been discussed here ? -> http://bitfreak.info/files/pp2p-ccmbc-rev1.pdf 685532;1400750308;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7870 @ 0.00093774 = 7.38 BTC [+] 685533;1400750674;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6284 @ 0.00093774 = 5.8928 BTC [+] 685534;1400750853;jurov;davout i don't remember 685535;1400750907;jurov;it seems to me that there people write papers and others make altcoins 685536;1400750914;jurov;rarely someone does both 685537;1400750952;davout;jurov: true 685538;1400751040;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.5098121 BTC [+] 685539;1400751162;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 4 @ 0.038 = 0.152 BTC [-] {3} 685540;1400752138;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 100 @ 0.038 = 3.8 BTC [-] 685541;1400752748;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11900 @ 0.00093791 = 11.1611 BTC [+] {3} 685542;1400753724;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 12 @ 0.02222231 = 0.2667 BTC [-] {3} 685543;1400753785;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 14 @ 0.02200356 = 0.308 BTC [-] {5} 685544;1400754881;moiety;morning 685545;1400754963;jurov;hi moiety 685546;1400754976;fluffypony;morning, moiety 685547;1400755038;moiety;how goes today? 685548;1400755052;moiety;fluffypony: i'm sad, the sun has gone :[ 685549;1400755103;fluffypony;:( :( 685550;1400755131;*;jurov looks out of the window .. moiety should move here 685551;1400755190;jurov;central/eastern eu is not for everyone, tho 685552;1400755212;jurov;later! 685553;1400755475;moiety;see you later jurov :] 685554;1400755798;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3950 @ 0.00093862 = 3.7075 BTC [+] 685555;1400755907;moiety; [...] i think you misunderstand how josh works. he doesn't actually DO the things he claims to have done. he merely claims them. << lol true, we mustn't believe this until we see 6 confirmation articles he has moved in! 685556;1400756347;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 936 @ 0.00012066 = 0.1129 BTC [+] {7} 685557;1400756469;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8000 @ 0.00093862 = 7.509 BTC [+] 685558;1400756835;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 30 @ 0.038 = 1.14 BTC [-] {2} 685559;1400756957;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31000 @ 0.00093638 = 29.0278 BTC [-] {2} 685560;1400757201;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2000 @ 0.00093636 = 1.8727 BTC [-] 685561;1400757506;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22900 @ 0.00093558 = 21.4248 BTC [-] {3} 685562;1400758076;kakobrekla;!up FManTropyx 685563;1400758137;kakobrekla;hi there ? 685564;1400759702;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 17 @ 0.03800005 = 0.646 BTC [+] {3} 685565;1400760434;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 15 @ 0.038 = 0.57 BTC [-] 685566;1400760495;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8973 @ 0.00093536 = 8.393 BTC [-] {2} 685567;1400760678;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13700 @ 0.00093865 = 12.8595 BTC [+] {2} 685568;1400760922;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26750 @ 0.00093965 = 25.1356 BTC [+] {2} 685569;1400760983;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45550 @ 0.00094256 = 42.9336 BTC [+] {3} 685570;1400761593;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28859 @ 0.00094398 = 27.2423 BTC [+] {2} 685571;1400761654;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 15 @ 0.038 = 0.57 BTC [-] 685572;1400762142;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.095 = 0.475 BTC [+] 685573;1400762325;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25900 @ 0.00094503 = 24.4763 BTC [+] {2} 685574;1400762569;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 15 @ 0.038 = 0.57 BTC [-] 685575;1400762752;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 100 @ 0.00457301 = 0.4573 BTC [-] 685576;1400762785;kakobrekla;meanwhile in argentina; http://bitcoin-assets.com/static/var/ferreteria.gif 685577;1400762813;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.033 = 0.33 BTC [+] {4} 685578;1400762874;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 17 @ 0.03317325 = 0.5639 BTC [+] 685579;1400762935;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 100 @ 0.00457301 = 0.4573 BTC [-] 685580;1400763227;fluffypony;kakobrekla: I guess you could say ... (⌐■_■) ... he got screwed 685581;1400763250;fluffypony;YEEEEAAAHHH! 685582;1400763257;kakobrekla;did you notice the color of the shop, its called 'bitstamp green' 685583;1400763423;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 85 @ 0.00457301 = 0.3887 BTC [-] {2} 685584;1400763424;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 363 @ 0.095 = 34.485 BTC [+] 685585;1400763484;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 18 @ 0.095 = 1.71 BTC [+] 685586;1400763545;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 27 @ 0.095 = 2.565 BTC [+] 685587;1400763546;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 51 @ 0.00457301 = 0.2332 BTC [-] 685588;1400763606;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 115 @ 0.095 = 10.925 BTC [+] 685589;1400763789;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 216 @ 0.095 = 20.52 BTC [+] 685590;1400763911;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.095 = 0.19 BTC [+] 685591;1400763912;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.0335 = 0.1675 BTC [+] 685592;1400764033;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 199 @ 0.0394 = 7.8406 BTC [+] 685593;1400764235;ThickAsThieves;mircea_popescu since you asked, Jodie Brady is the name of the Director of Finance for TBF 685594;1400764460;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3691 @ 0.00094362 = 3.4829 BTC [-] 685595;1400764521;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28150 @ 0.0009347 = 26.3118 BTC [-] {2} 685596;1400765050;ThickAsThieves;;;bcstats 685597;1400765053;gribble;Current Blocks: 302083 | Current Difficulty: 8.8534163091278E9 | Next Difficulty At Block: 302399 | Next Difficulty In: 316 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 day, 18 hours, 22 minutes, and 7 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 10492950119.6 | Estimated Percent Change: 18.51866 685598;1400765062;ThickAsThieves;impressive 685599;1400765127;fluffypony;but you are not a jedi yet 685600;1400765131;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 70971 @ 0.00093261 = 66.1883 BTC [-] {6} 685601;1400765468;BingoBoingo_;http://www.gomerblog.com/2014/01/bacon-tubes/ 685602;1400765469;assbot;Bacon Laced Gastric Lavage Tubes a Big Hit for Patients | Medical Satire - GomerBlog 685603;1400765604;BingoBoingo_;http://www.gomerblog.com/2013/08/american-college-of-cardiology-is-publically-fights-with-the-american-society-of-nephrology/ 685604;1400765604;assbot;American College of Cardiology Seen Publically Fighting with the American Society of Nephrology | Medical Satire - GomerBlog 685605;1400765693;ThickAsThieves;http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/05/22/energy_economics_coal/ 685606;1400765694;assbot;You know all those resources we're about to run out of? No, we aren't The Register 685607;1400766046;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.095 = 0.19 BTC [+] 685608;1400766717;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 239 @ 0.095 = 22.705 BTC [+] 685609;1400767266;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30200 @ 0.00092877 = 28.0489 BTC [-] {2} 685610;1400767765;jurov;yeah, burn all dem coalz..like china does 685611;1400768364;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31700 @ 0.00092862 = 29.4373 BTC [-] {2} 685612;1400768547;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38093 @ 0.00092719 = 35.3194 BTC [-] {2} 685613;1400768887;mod6;%t 685614;1400768890;atcbot;[X-BT] Bid: 204 Ask: 329 Last Price: 330 24h-Vol: 83k High: 330 Low: 272 VWAP: 278 685615;1400768898;BingoBoingo_;Why didn't Hitler just light Britain on fire then, a la Centralia Pennsylvania? 685616;1400769096;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15229 @ 0.00092933 = 14.1528 BTC [+] 685617;1400769197;BingoBoingo_;Precision www.gomerblog.com/2013/08/enema/ 685618;1400769206;BingoBoingo_;!up Guest90223 685619;1400769767;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34453 @ 0.00093476 = 32.2053 BTC [+] 685620;1400770086;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo_: centralia wasn't lit until 1960s. so, lack of imagination. 685621;1400770115;BingoBoingo_;asciilifeform: Ah. Yeah that detail. 685622;1400770377;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.095 = 0.19 BTC [+] 685623;1400770499;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29097 @ 0.0009354 = 27.2173 BTC [+] {2} 685624;1400770580;fluffypony;coup in thailand is official 685625;1400770604;fluffypony;"Thailand’s military has announced it is taking control of the government and has suspended the constitution. In a TV statement, army chief Gen Prayuth Chan-ocha vowed to restore order and enact political reforms. The cabinet has been told to report to the military, TV broadcasting is suspended and political gatherings are banned. A nationwide curfew will operate from 22:00 to 05:00 local time." 685626;1400770668;fluffypony;inb4 ThailandCoin - mine and trade to save the oppressed people of Thailand! 685627;1400771100;pankkake;French dictionnary adds "selfie", "hashtag" and "troll" 685628;1400771124;fluffypony;pankkake: they added you to the dictionary??! 685629;1400771135;pankkake;;;ud pankkake 685630;1400771138;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Pankkake | People who have a food fetish tend to download pankkake porn. by James Bass January 23, 2004. 19 7. Mugs & shirts Buy “Pankkake” mugs & shirts. 685631;1400771152;BingoBoingo_;fluffypony: That curfew is some bullshit, those are some of my best hours of the day. 685632;1400771252;BingoBoingo_;;;ticker --market all 685633;1400771258;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 516.27, vol: 15108.86081906 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 507.005, vol: 9946.21732 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 519.56, vol: 14687.86654178 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 515.0, vol: 46.4493895 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 510.556408, vol: 5512.54720000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 519.9166, vol: 31.00944146 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 517.668585, vol: 157.9904475 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message) 685634;1400771261;BingoBoingo_;;;more 685635;1400771262;gribble;514.620220619 685636;1400771305;pankkake;bitcoin-central actually having volume these days 685637;1400771336;BingoBoingo_;pankkake: Probably Bitstamp sucking has something to do with that. 685638;1400771348;pankkake;;;ticker --currency eur --market all 685639;1400771353;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 1652 @ 0.095 = 156.94 BTC [+] 685640;1400771355;gribble;Bitstamp BTCEUR last: 378.122724, vol: 15112.07087132 | BTC-E BTCEUR last: 371.0, vol: 249.56532 | CampBX BTCEUR last: 377.083, vol: 46.4493895 | BTCChina BTCEUR last: 373.557408, vol: 5536.89350000 | Kraken BTCEUR last: 377.10001, vol: 1529.16837549 | Bitcoin-Central BTCEUR last: 379.05, vol: 157.9904475 | Volume-weighted last average: 376.862527142 685641;1400771380;pankkake;kraken still has way more 685642;1400771475;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.0394 = 0.1182 BTC [+] {2} 685643;1400771880;fluffypony;that FCC throttling joke from Neocities is becoming a thing: http://bgr.com/2014/05/15/fcc-net-neutrality-protest/ 685644;1400771880;assbot;FCC net neutrality protest: Throttle your website’s traffic | BGR 685645;1400772146;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 20 @ 0.095 = 1.9 BTC [+] 685646;1400772268;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.095 = 0.475 BTC [+] 685647;1400772329;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 3 @ 0.03435 = 0.1031 BTC [+] 685648;1400772451;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 20 @ 0.0229999 = 0.46 BTC [+] 685649;1400772634;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.095 = 0.19 BTC [+] 685650;1400772636;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 33 @ 0.02308036 = 0.7617 BTC [+] {4} 685651;1400772846;fluffypony;http://www.wired.com/2014/05/gitchain/ 685652;1400772846;assbot;Hacker Plans Holy Marriage of GitHub and Bitcoin | Enterprise | WIRED 685653;1400772850;fluffypony;well 685654;1400772876;rithm;he's not going to like being married 685655;1400772889;fluffypony;lol 685656;1400772939;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10500 @ 0.00093476 = 9.815 BTC [-] 685657;1400772973;pankkake;well, that's what you get when you allow gay mariage. it's a slipperly slope 685658;1400773122;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 49 @ 0.095 = 4.655 BTC [+] {2} 685659;1400773141;thestringpuller;good "morning" 685660;1400773184;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 126 @ 0.095 = 11.97 BTC [+] {3} 685661;1400773244;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 150 @ 0.095 = 14.25 BTC [+] 685662;1400773305;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 64 @ 0.095 = 6.08 BTC [+] 685663;1400773507;chetty; he's not going to like being married << he? 685664;1400773529;rithm;/s/he/she/it/they 685665;1400773541;chetty;:D 685666;1400773568;rithm;i think i was anthropomorphizing 685667;1400773600;chetty;nothing wrong with that, but I always thought bitcoin was a she 685668;1400773610;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 41 @ 0.03435 = 1.4084 BTC [-] 685669;1400773636;rithm;lady bitcoin, eh 685670;1400773671;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 20 @ 0.03435 = 0.687 BTC [-] 685671;1400773793;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 9 @ 0.03435 = 0.3092 BTC [-] 685672;1400773882;TomServo;;;ticker 685673;1400773884;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 518.61, Best ask: 518.63, Bid-ask spread: 0.02000, Last trade: 518.63, 24 hour volume: 15360.33942680, 24 hour low: 492.5, 24 hour high: 528.87, 24 hour vwap: 509.334385827 685674;1400773915;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13029 @ 0.00093541 = 12.1875 BTC [+] 685675;1400774072;BingoBoingo_;rithm: It makes sense, all of the other good abstractions possess cunt when anthropomorphized consider Liberty, Justice 685676;1400774082;fluffypony;if this is legit this is awesome: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/903107259/scio-your-sixth-sense-a-pocket-molecular-sensor-fo 685677;1400774083;assbot;SCiO: Your Sixth Sense. A Pocket Molecular Sensor For All ! by Consumer Physics, Inc. — Kickstarter 685678;1400774220;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 88 @ 0.095 = 8.36 BTC [+] 685679;1400774281;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 96 @ 0.095 = 9.12 BTC [+] 685680;1400774400;benkay;;;ticker 685681;1400774402;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 517.0, Best ask: 518.0, Bid-ask spread: 1.00000, Last trade: 517.0, 24 hour volume: 15579.82542545, 24 hour low: 492.58, 24 hour high: 528.87, 24 hour vwap: 509.364613106 685682;1400774403;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 2.42885352 BTC to 8`552 shares, 28401 satoshi per share 685683;1400774424;cgcardona;hi everyone! o/ 685684;1400774426;cgcardona;;;ticker 685685;1400774428;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 516.45, Best ask: 518.85, Bid-ask spread: 2.40000, Last trade: 518.85, 24 hour volume: 15586.40251166, 24 hour low: 492.58, 24 hour high: 528.87, 24 hour vwap: 509.966038947 685686;1400774455;cgcardona;~~~~]////////> to the moon 685687;1400774463;benkay;grr 685688;1400774465;cgcardona;i swear thats not a penis^ :_| 685689;1400774470;cgcardona;haha 685690;1400774490;Apocalyptic;hello princess 685691;1400774520;princessnell;hiya 685692;1400774525;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 26 @ 0.03947689 = 1.0264 BTC [+] {3} 685693;1400774562;benkay; meanwhile in argentina; http://bitcoin-assets.com/static/var/ferreteria.gif // jup. 685694;1400774586;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 99 @ 0.00472823 = 0.4681 BTC [+] {3} 685695;1400774647;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 85 @ 0.004762 = 0.4048 BTC [+] {2} 685696;1400774718;BingoBoingo_;%book 685697;1400774719;atcbot;39k@330 25k@328 14k@327 | 30k@204 6k@200 50k@158 685698;1400774719;benkay; kraken still has way more // this surprised me. 685699;1400774724;benkay;%t 685700;1400774725;atcbot;[X-BT] Bid: 204 Ask: 327 Last Price: 330 24h-Vol: 83k High: 330 Low: 272 VWAP: 278 685701;1400774746;Apocalyptic;spread is kinda huge 685702;1400774784;benkay;what's up with the spread, BingoBoingo_ ? 685703;1400774805;BingoBoingo_;benkay: I'll decline to comment 685704;1400774829;Apocalyptic;wasn't the central ATC bank supposed to not let it bubble ?:) 685705;1400775020;moiety;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=619606.msg6860471#msg6860471 lol 685706;1400775020;assbot;Dealing with idiots. 685707;1400775055;BingoBoingo;Apocalyptic: There are many orders and perogatives. Not letting it bubble is one, but there are other interests and concerns bubble prevention must be balanced with. 685708;1400775071;Apocalyptic;I'm sure there is 685709;1400775195;fluffypony;moiety: "A good way to handle idiots on call centers is btw to just hang up and call again, repeat until you have someone on the line that actually acts like a human." - because what I love most of all is sitting on hold for another 23 minutes. 685710;1400775201;rithm;http://9m.no/❋흍 685711;1400775202;assbot;Dealing with idiots. 685712;1400775211;rithm;unicode url shortener 685713;1400775217;rithm;i'm inlove already 685714;1400775235;benkay;my terminal is not set up to recognize links with unicode 685715;1400775243;Apocalyptic;by the way are any asseteers interested in another coin to be implemented on x-bt ? 685716;1400775245;benkay;i do not like the work this implies. 685717;1400775266;fluffypony;Apocalyptic: yes 685718;1400775283;fluffypony;Apocalyptic: Monero, but as its not forked from Bitcoin its a bit of a bitch to integrate 685719;1400775318;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 46 @ 0.095 = 4.37 BTC [+] 685720;1400775355;Apocalyptic;what's interesting about it fluffypony ? 685721;1400775380;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.02237 = 0.1119 BTC [-] {2} 685722;1400775381;fluffypony;Apocalyptic: based on the CryptoNote protocol, uses stealth addresses and ring signatures for anonymity + plausible deniability 685723;1400775390;fluffypony;http://cryptonote.org/whitepaper.pdf 685724;1400775440;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.0223 = 0.1115 BTC [-] 685725;1400775446;thestringpuller;fluffypony tell me, your name is designed to sound soft 685726;1400775446;thestringpuller;lol 685727;1400775467;fluffypony;thestringpuller: yes, lulls you into a false sense of security 685728;1400775487;thestringpuller;but everyone needs a hug sometime 685729;1400775504;thestringpuller;That's why fluffy animals are awesome. 685730;1400775508;fluffypony;exactly 685731;1400775509;thestringpuller;Stuffed animals 4 lyfe yo 685732;1400775511;fluffypony;did you go to Build a Bear? 685733;1400775520;thestringpuller;I built a bear for my girlfriend there 685734;1400775533;fluffypony;awesome 685735;1400775536;thestringpuller;a few weeks ago when she was mad at me 685736;1400775539;thestringpuller;for something dumb 685737;1400775540;fluffypony;we have a Darth Vader bear from it 685738;1400775569;thestringpuller;you mine? 685739;1400775575;thestringpuller;i forgot to ask that (random topic change) 685740;1400775591;fluffypony;thestringpuller: only as a side-effect 685741;1400775608;fluffypony;all the rigs are off atm, got a few EC2 instances mining Monero but will switch them off in a few days 685742;1400775647;thestringpuller;do you sell? 685743;1400775649;thestringpuller;lol 685744;1400775651;thestringpuller;coins that is 685745;1400775671;fluffypony;thestringpuller: yes 685746;1400775678;fluffypony;I'll hold for a bit 685747;1400775683;fluffypony;and sell on a pump 685748;1400775691;fluffypony;but I tend to hold very little in any altcoin 685749;1400775697;fluffypony;they have a tendency to go away randomly 685750;1400775711;danielpbarron;i'm holding 10 LTC and something like 100 NMC 685751;1400775730;danielpbarron;i got the LTC way way back 685752;1400775748;Apocalyptic;ty fluffypony, will have a look at it 685753;1400775787;fluffypony;Apocalyptic: cool - I'm busy putting together an integration guide for exchanges, after spending a few hours fighting with the RPC API (still plenty raw) so will send that on to you when done 685754;1400775840;thestringpuller;oh I was thinking btc lol 685755;1400775864;thestringpuller;The mining pools seem to directly sell to market, but I don't trust exchanges. 685756;1400775880;fluffypony;thestringpuller: nah couldn't be bothered to buy an ASIC that's going to turn into a paperweight in 8 months 685757;1400775938;danielpbarron;i wish the miners would get in the WoT and sell directly to individuals like me with cash to send in the mail 685758;1400775940;benkay;what is the litecoin exchange of greatest and least fraudulent volume? 685759;1400775958;thestringpuller;danielpbarron: do you insure that cash in the mail? 685760;1400775962;danielpbarron;no 685761;1400775966;danielpbarron;not necessary 685762;1400775973;thestringpuller;what if you needed a large sum? 685763;1400775973;danielpbarron;that is like using tor 685764;1400775979;danielpbarron;what is large sum? 685765;1400775985;thestringpuller;like a pallet of bills 685766;1400775988;danielpbarron;lol 685767;1400775995;danielpbarron;i probably still wouldn't insure 685768;1400776004;danielpbarron;just dress it up to look like it isn't cash 685769;1400776005;thestringpuller;like god forbid Tony Soprano wants to buy BTC's for his stacks of cash. 685770;1400776011;Apocalyptic; i wish the miners would get in the WoT and sell directly to individuals like me with cash to send in the mail // some do 685771;1400776014;danielpbarron;i can't do that kind of volume anyway 685772;1400776015;Apocalyptic;but they have their regular 685773;1400776034;thestringpuller;yea. there really should be a better miner consortium tho 685774;1400776043;thestringpuller;it seems every miner that comes into btc-assets turns into a scammer 685775;1400776048;Apocalyptic;yeah, they are not specialy advertising they are miners 685776;1400776052;danielpbarron;mining is very scammy 685777;1400776055;Apocalyptic;(those I know who have a WoT that is) 685778;1400776080;thestringpuller;danielpbarron: mining is very scammy << well gigavps set the bar pretty low 685779;1400776115;danielpbarron;obviously it's not all a scam, but everything i see talked about seems to be a scam 685780;1400776122;thestringpuller;ThickAsThieves was a great mining representative but he exited the mining space. 685781;1400776175;danielpbarron;i've had multiple face-to-face interactions in which the other guy expressed interest in buying mining equipment for doge or the like 685782;1400776182;fluffypony;benkay: LTC/USD or LTC/BTC ? 685783;1400776201;danielpbarron;and i'm like "NO! DANGER!" 685784;1400776235;danielpbarron;if anyone is selling their mining gear, you've got to assume they did the math and realized there is more money in selling the gear than running it 685785;1400776243;danielpbarron;unless you are sure you can get really cheap electricity 685786;1400776298;fluffypony;danielpbarron: many miners are fickle and stupid 685787;1400776307;fluffypony;they spend a fortune on their credit card when BTC is spiking 685788;1400776318;fluffypony;when it crashes they can't afford repayments or even the electricity every month 685789;1400776319;thestringpuller;is there a legit ltc/btc exchange? 685790;1400776322;fluffypony;so they sell stuff for cheap 685791;1400776330;danielpbarron;thestringpuller, does btc-e count? 685792;1400776330;fluffypony;thestringpuller, benkay: http://www.cryptocoincharts.info/#jump-ltc-btc 685793;1400776331;assbot;Cryptocoin charts 685794;1400776332;thestringpuller;looks like it may be easier to just buy a shit ton of LTC cash and then liquidate it into btc 685795;1400776335;fluffypony;that's a list by volume 685796;1400776353;fluffypony;BTC is the highest by volume by a wide margin 685797;1400776355;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 25 @ 0.02264717 = 0.5662 BTC [+] {2} 685798;1400776363;thestringpuller;fluffypony: do you have a long term supply of LTC or are you exiting? 685799;1400776374;fluffypony;thestringpuller: I haven't held LTC for ages 685800;1400776386;fluffypony;the last time I had LTC was when burnside refunded me my listing fee for ltcglobal 685801;1400776396;fluffypony;and I liquidated that in December when LTC spiked 685802;1400776407;thestringpuller;so you have BTC supply? 685803;1400776411;fluffypony;yes 685804;1400776412;thestringpuller;you said you mined? or am i confused 685805;1400776417;fluffypony;ok focus 685806;1400776424;fluffypony;the only coin I hold long term is BTC 685807;1400776440;fluffypony;everything else I will dabble in, but I'm in and out within a month or two at the most 685808;1400776471;thestringpuller;so where does the supply come from? mining? 685809;1400776474;thestringpuller;or is that unrelated 685810;1400776483;fluffypony;unrelated, I've held BTC for ages 685811;1400776496;BingoBoingo;fluffypony: So you are saying your endorsement of any alt should be taken with the caveat you plan on abandoning it yourself in short order. 685812;1400776501;thestringpuller;ah 685813;1400776522;fluffypony;BingoBoingo: Monero is different - I tend to abandon the rest because they're all Bitcoin forks 685814;1400776527;dexX7;i heard ltc is going to be listed on mtgox next month 685815;1400776541;fluffypony;BingoBoingo: which goes back to what Peter Todd said about BTC being able to adopt anything Ethereum, NXT, or anyone does 685816;1400776549;thestringpuller;;;genrate 5500 685817;1400776551;gribble;The expected generation output, at 5500.0 Mhps, given difficulty of 8853416309.13, is 0.000312420171354 BTC per day and 1.30175071398e-05 BTC per hour. 685818;1400776559;fluffypony;longevity is not guaranteed, and the opposite is most likely true 685819;1400776565;thestringpuller;;;genrate 550000 685820;1400776566;gribble;The expected generation output, at 550000.0 Mhps, given difficulty of 8853416309.13, is 0.0312420171354 BTC per day and 0.00130175071398 BTC per hour. 685821;1400776621;benkay;does btc-e count? 685822;1400776621;fluffypony;had a discussion with gmaxwell a few days ago about ring signatures, and he agrees that it could be done in a kludgy way in BTC, but it's an unlikely thing to happen, so Monero will possibly carve out a nice niche among the darknet markets crowd 685823;1400776704;benkay;asciilifeform: what's that post you're always throwing down about new languages with new features? 685824;1400776811;BingoBoingo;;;genrate MAXINT 685825;1400776812;gribble;Error: 'MAXINT' is not a valid positiveFloat. 685826;1400776929;thestringpuller;;;ident 685827;1400776929;gribble;Nick 'thestringpuller', with hostmask 'thestringpuller!~leflor@99-39-97-12.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net', is identified as user 'thestringpuller', with GPG key id 0FF2943DA179E169, key fingerprint 6ACE36E786F39A4ADC4506DE0FF2943DA179E169, and bitcoin address None 685828;1400776938;Apocalyptic;thestringpuller> is there a legit ltc/btc exchange? // x-bt.com 685829;1400777043;benkay;book's pretty thin, Apocalyptic 685830;1400777094;thestringpuller;It's funny how it's far more productive to do business here than in #bitcoin-otc 685831;1400777270;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12593 @ 0.0009347 = 11.7707 BTC [-] 685832;1400777274;asciilifeform;benkay: http://www.xach.com/naggum/articles/3206985430398054@naggum.net.html 685833;1400777274;assbot;Re: Representing code as XML: the Flare Programming Language - Naggum cll archive 685834;1400777331;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10450 @ 0.0009347 = 9.7676 BTC [-] 685835;1400777368;Apocalyptic;benkay, it is 685836;1400777403;ThickAsThieves;<+thestringpuller> ThickAsThieves was a great mining representative but he exited the mining space. /// I dont think I ever represented mining in any broad way. Never sold or represented any hardware or tech. 685837;1400777407;Apocalyptic;i'm somehow oblivious to the fact people prefer btc-e & scammy exchanges 685838;1400777441;Apocalyptic;I dont think I ever represented mining in any broad way. // you were on the board of ASICMINER weren't you ? 685839;1400777448;ThickAsThieves;well it's hard for an alt exchange, you either want to curate or support as many as possible 685840;1400777463;ThickAsThieves;with curating not looking all that enticing in the short-term 685841;1400777468;benkay;thanks, asciilifeform 685842;1400777491;benkay;fluffypony re monero: http://www.xach.com/naggum/articles/3206985430398054@naggum.net.html 685843;1400777492;assbot;Re: Representing code as XML: the Flare Programming Language - Naggum cll archive 685844;1400777502;ThickAsThieves;yes, i was on AM board, but that's falling a bit out of the context I was mentioned in 685845;1400777515;ThickAsThieves;also, it's a pretty powerless board 685846;1400777532;ThickAsThieves;unless you wanna run a AM franchise at least 685847;1400777546;jurov; is there a legit ltc/btc exchange? << x-bt.com but there's no volume :( 685848;1400777554;ThickAsThieves;and last I heard that was a losing proposition too 685849;1400777651;benkay;A "new" languagewait hang on asciilifeform i'm thinking about 685850;1400777651;benkay;that differs from the rest of the crop by one or a couple features is 685851;1400777651;benkay;proof positive that both what it came from and what it has become are 685852;1400777656;benkay;mutations about to die. 685853;1400777659;benkay;ugh i am so sorry 685854;1400777692;fluffypony;benkay: that's moot, I'm already heavily invested in BTC (the equivalent of "learn Common Lisp" by analogy), finding Monero interesting and possibly worthwhile does not change my position on BTC but is, rather, a direct result of the knowledge already accumulated 685855;1400777744;ThickAsThieves;we need altcoins so we know where to go when bitcoin dies 685856;1400777765;BingoBoingo;thestringpuller: The last time I was in -otc I don't think I had to linger more than half an hour to unload all the paypal I was burdened with 685857;1400777798;fluffypony;ThickAsThieves: in this specific case I don't know if you can call it an altcoin; it shares no common code with Bitcoin and has a completely different protocol / way of storing the blockchain / etc. 685858;1400777802;asciilifeform;ThickAsThieves: depends on how 'dies' 685859;1400777818;thestringpuller;BingoBoingo: was that this year? 685860;1400777825;asciilifeform;ThickAsThieves: if ECDSA pops, afaik all known coins go with it 685861;1400777827;thestringpuller;I may have just gone when the trolls were in there. 685862;1400777837;BingoBoingo;thestringpuller: Yeah, maybe a couple weeks ago at the latest. 685863;1400777850;thestringpuller;interesting 685864;1400777881;fluffypony;asciilifeform: I was just reading about that today (in the context of "Bitcoin will die because quantum computer!!!111") - general idea is that a hard fork to something different if quantum computing was imminent would solve that 685865;1400777904;pankkake;you guys know what's the '1' in Bitcoin addresses right? 685866;1400777913;BingoBoingo;Apparently having a blog helps 685867;1400777927;pankkake;address VERSION. because satoshi is a genius, he thought about future problems already 685868;1400777927;BingoBoingo;pankkake: It identifies the type of address 685869;1400777997;pankkake;in the year 2050 we'll just use addresses starting with 2 with another, stronger, crypto 685870;1400778058;asciilifeform;re: 'monero': 'Egalitarian proof of work' << do we need to read past this line ? 685871;1400778059;pankkake;so far the crypto world managed to move to better algorithms before attacks were economically interesting. I don't see it changing 685872;1400778079;Apocalyptic; re: 'monero': 'Egalitarian proof of work' << do we need to read past this line ? // my thoughts exactly 685873;1400778096;pankkake;yeah, it is both a stupid intention, and an impossible goal 685874;1400778124;fluffypony;asciilifeform: the PoW is just stupidly expensive to try reduce the gap between CPU performant miners and GPU / ASIC miners 685875;1400778132;fluffypony;anyway, whitepaper goes into more detail with less sales-pitch: https://cryptonote.org/whitepaper.pdf 685876;1400778142;fluffypony;I don't consider the PoW particularly noteworthy 685877;1400778153;asciilifeform;fluffypony: aka 'we love botnets' 685878;1400778157;pankkake;PoWs are always mined by the guys with the most hardware, no matter how you twist it 685879;1400778164;fluffypony;pankkake: exactly 685880;1400778173;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-01-2014&bots=true#444142 685881;1400778174;assbot;#bitcoin-assets log 685882;1400778192;pankkake;commodity hardware is just worse because it can be rented, whether supercalculator, cloud or botnet 685883;1400778203;pankkake;and renting instead of buying makes attacks cheaper 685884;1400778231;asciilifeform;pankkake: this is nonsense. given as it assumes that the price of such rentals is entirely unaffected by this possibility. 685885;1400778238;asciilifeform;classic case of 'partial differentiation' 685886;1400778239;fluffypony;everyone complains about every level - CPU mining? terrible because botnets! GPU mining? terrible because only 25-35 white males have GPUs! ASIC mining? terrible because centralisation! 685887;1400778261;asciilifeform;'if shit has antigravitic properties, kitchen chairs would look like toilets, and toilets would be chimneys.' 685888;1400778296;pankkake;fluffypony: I think you mean 12-17 males :D 685889;1400778320;ThickAsThieves;<+asciilifeform> ThickAsThieves: if ECDSA pops, afaik all known coins go with it /// lotsa ways to kill a coin 685890;1400778325;pankkake;I fail to see the centralization of ASICs. GPUs = AMD. that's it. CPU = 99% Intel. 685891;1400778352;asciilifeform;pankkake: what people complain about is that 'the race is to the swift' 685892;1400778352;jurov;ASIC = KnC 685893;1400778355;ThickAsThieves;doesnt nvidia have a suitable card yet? 685894;1400778363;ThickAsThieves;i thought i heard they made one 685895;1400778369;asciilifeform;but what is the alternative? the race goes to the snails? 685896;1400778374;fluffypony;ThickAsThieves: their mining performance on the Haswell chips is amazing 685897;1400778374;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 685898;1400778388;pankkake;no, their cards aren't very good for proof of works 685899;1400778411;pankkake;they're very good for many scientific calculations, however 685900;1400778424;fluffypony;pankkake: on scrypt GTX 750 ti does half the hash rate of an AMD R280 at half the cost, but it uses 40W of power instead of ~300W 685901;1400778432;ThickAsThieves;I think people like to forget that bitcoin has plenty risks to its life 685902;1400778434;asciilifeform;ThickAsThieves: afaik no way to kill btc without taking down all known (at least sha-based) alts with it. 685903;1400778451;asciilifeform;ThickAsThieves: on account of them being codewise clones 685904;1400778487;ThickAsThieves;they may all have similar weaknesses, but not all die the same detah 685905;1400778489;ThickAsThieves;death* 685906;1400778496;ThickAsThieves;they will all die eventually 685907;1400778503;ThickAsThieves;everything does of course 685908;1400778527;asciilifeform;ThickAsThieves: please try to think of a scenario where a weakness (in the usual sense) turns up, but does not kill classic btc and its alts simultaneously. 685909;1400778549;ThickAsThieves;well i'll be that guy and bring up satoshi's coins 685910;1400778551;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10874 @ 0.0009356 = 10.1737 BTC [+] {2} 685911;1400778566;ThickAsThieves;which could cause various problems 685912;1400778586;asciilifeform;ThickAsThieves: let's say they all get sold tonight. at this point, this may not be a 'death' 685913;1400778586;ThickAsThieves;having a large proportion of the money isnt a problem per se 685914;1400778601;ThickAsThieves;it could be near-death 685915;1400778603;asciilifeform;(a year and a half ago, when i wrote about it, it may have been) 685916;1400778603;fluffypony;like him suddenly being wealthier than all nations on the earth combined and demanding to be our overlord? 685917;1400778604;ThickAsThieves;as good as dead 685918;1400778612;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 7 @ 0.095 = 0.665 BTC [+] 685919;1400778613;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16117 @ 0.00093952 = 15.1422 BTC [+] 685920;1400778615;ThickAsThieves;suppose it triggered other problems 685921;1400778621;ThickAsThieves;or ushered in another coin 685922;1400778633;ThickAsThieves;or suppose it leads to blacklisting 685923;1400778635;ThickAsThieves;etc 685924;1400778641;ThickAsThieves;this can go so many way 685925;1400778644;ThickAsThieves;s 685926;1400778675;ThickAsThieves;the logic and design of bitcoin may be elegant, but it must still live through the filter of everything else 685927;1400778690;asciilifeform;i'm still waiting for a hypothetical altchain that is neither a joke, nor retarded 685928;1400778714;ThickAsThieves;theyll probly come over time 685929;1400778723;asciilifeform;no sign of one so far 685930;1400778729;ThickAsThieves;even then bitcoin may beat "better" coins 685931;1400778734;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16400 @ 0.00094256 = 15.458 BTC [+] 685932;1400778762;asciilifeform;i venture to guess that it is because the temptation to 'go retarded' (e.g. premine, insert 'egalitarian' crapola like demurrage, reward phriends, etc.) is overwhelming. 685933;1400778763;ThickAsThieves;bitcoin does at least have a system for adapting 685934;1400778772;ThickAsThieves;which also happens to be one of its weaknesses 685935;1400778780;pankkake;I don't think it will be an altchain. Just hard-fork the bitcoin blockchain into something actually better. 685936;1400778799;asciilifeform;and the number of people capable of writing a true from-scratch (vs. cribbed) alt is probably single-digit. 685937;1400778810;pankkake;I don't think creating a new coin is an honest attitude 685938;1400778892;ThickAsThieves;asciilifeform, i've been trying to write up some thoughts on abstract system design concepts, stuff in the area of mircea's perfect economy, systematics? dynamism, resilience, co-dependency, etc. Do you have any suggested reading? 685939;1400778912;ThickAsThieves;well anyone else is free to answer too ;) 685940;1400778922;BingoBoingo;ThickAsThieves: Spinoza's Politics? 685941;1400778929;*;pankkake understood none of these words 685942;1400778969;asciilifeform;ThickAsThieves: 'And Suddenly the Inventor Appeared.' by Genrich Altshuller. 685943;1400778990;ThickAsThieves;basically theorizing about how all these things interact and how to best design them, thinking of decenttalization and centralization as order and chaos, as tools, not problems 685944;1400778991;asciilifeform;ThickAsThieves: the english translation is a bit clunky but still eminently worth it. 685945;1400778999;ThickAsThieves;thanks i'll check out both 685946;1400779012;pankkake;Genrich Altshuller ~= Coingen Altshiller 685947;1400779035;ThickAsThieves;yes problem-solving is great category for what i'm aimibng for 685948;1400779048;ThickAsThieves;i want to make sure i'm not inventing ideas someone else has already 685949;1400779055;BingoBoingo;ThickAsThieves: before the Politics, You'd probably need to read Spinoza's Ethics to get to some of the WTF 685950;1400779057;ThickAsThieves;which i have tendency to do 685951;1400779073;ThickAsThieves;ok 685952;1400779527;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 105 @ 0.095 = 9.975 BTC [+] 685953;1400779528;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14459 @ 0.00094256 = 13.6285 BTC [+] 685954;1400779531;thestringpuller;ThickAsThieves: RE: Not representing mining in any broad way. << You did operate assets that correlated to hashpower, so I just kinda figured you were a "mining something" you know? 685955;1400779542;thestringpuller;XBOND's cashflow came from mining... 685956;1400779580;ThickAsThieves;not true at all 685957;1400779586;princessnell;ThickAsThieves Antifragile, maybe? 685958;1400779622;ThickAsThieves;someone else had mentioned Antifragile to me for some other reason 685959;1400779628;ThickAsThieves;I guess i'll order that too 685960;1400779684;princessnell;ThickAsThieves I'd think human psychology would factor into those questions as well. Thinking Fast and Slow would be a good start. 685961;1400779691;BingoBoingo;ThickAsThieves: If you go ahead with the Spinoza I recommend posterboard for note taking 685962;1400779714;princessnell;ThickAsThieves and probably The Righteous Mind since this ultimately involves moral sympathies 685963;1400779729;ThickAsThieves;i'm not sure i agree on those points, 685964;1400779756;ThickAsThieves;i'm trying to approach it to extract more absolute observations 685965;1400779778;ThickAsThieves;it's hard for me to articulate succinctly 685966;1400779796;thestringpuller;Where did XBOND's cashflow really come from then? You were trading drugs or something? 685967;1400779799;thestringpuller;i kid 685968;1400779799;ThickAsThieves;but more like the science of systems 685969;1400779807;princessnell;Well, you know what you're looking for. But if humans are involved in the system, then those areas become indispensible. 685970;1400779832;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7391 @ 0.00093507 = 6.9111 BTC [-] 685971;1400779846;ThickAsThieves;it's funny youre arguing something i normally argue 685972;1400779859;ThickAsThieves;that you cant remove human traits from human things 685973;1400779874;princessnell;I'm writing about that right now so I'm a bit anchored :) 685974;1400779888;jurov;extract more absolute observations << a fool's errand 685975;1400779890;asciilifeform;ThickAsThieves: if you want heuristics you can actually use immediately, read 'suddenly the inventor.' 685976;1400779904;asciilifeform;(vs. 'feel good' fluff) 685977;1400779927;ThickAsThieves;i line a repeated a few times at the bitcoin conference: "You can't remove trust from transactions, you can only design it to be where you prefer it" 685978;1400779959;asciilifeform;ThickAsThieves: http://www.datafilehost.com/d/bed7d75b 685979;1400779959;assbot;Download And Suddenly the Inventor Appeared.pdf 685980;1400779967;ThickAsThieves;jurov, foolish only in the way that Darwin was 685981;1400779968;asciilifeform;^ warez 685982;1400779998;ThickAsThieves;thx 685983;1400780006;ThickAsThieves;already ordered the book :) 685984;1400780059;asciilifeform;ThickAsThieves: unfortunate. the fellow's long-dead, and sales of the translations feed the idiot hucksters who claim to be altschuller's students (they peddle derivative crapola to american 'mba' types) 685985;1400780087;ThickAsThieves;ah 685986;1400780092;asciilifeform;ThickAsThieves: they are the most likely reason why his work remains obscure in the west. 685987;1400780102;asciilifeform;people buy something with 'triz' in the title, and get... a turd 685988;1400780114;asciilifeform;then conclude 'soviet disinfo' 685989;1400780115;ThickAsThieves;yeah i was bombarded with TRIZ on amazon 685990;1400780135;asciilifeform;buy nothing that wasn't penned by mr. a personally 685991;1400780137;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14086 @ 0.00094101 = 13.2551 BTC [+] 685992;1400780163;ThickAsThieves;basically, since that day i was trying to prove that mp 685993;1400780174;ThickAsThieves;'s theory for perfect economy, 685994;1400780187;ThickAsThieves;required perfect economies within it 685995;1400780198;ThickAsThieves;i felt that his theory wasnt complete 685996;1400780211;ThickAsThieves;and maybe just scratching the surface of something more applicable 685997;1400780237;ThickAsThieves;this began a common thread through other observations about bitcoin and systems 685998;1400780282;ThickAsThieves;it probably all boils down to something super simple, like a basic physics concept 685999;1400780286;ThickAsThieves;but whatever 686000;1400780290;ThickAsThieves;it's enjoyable work 686001;1400780360;benkay;thermodynamics is at the root of everything, especially economics. 686002;1400780405;ThickAsThieves;right, so it's basically trying to understand how physics echoes into economies 686003;1400780503;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 91 @ 0.03948434 = 3.5931 BTC [+] {2} 686004;1400780543;penguirker;New blog post: http://trilema.com/2014/the-public-burning-of-bob-beck/ 686005;1400780567;asciilifeform;penguirker is bog-slow 686006;1400780686;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 144 @ 0.03970563 = 5.7176 BTC [+] {3} 686007;1400780787;princessnell;through biology (evolution) and ultimately psychology 686008;1400780843;princessnell;this short alchian classic gets at it: http://www.caps.am/materials/diaspora%20writings/Alchien%20on%20uncertainity%20and%20development.pdf 686009;1400780991;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 25 @ 0.03998918 = 0.9997 BTC [+] {3} 686010;1400781052;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 7 @ 0.04 = 0.28 BTC [+] 686011;1400781182;ThickAsThieves;thx princessnell 686012;1400781191;danielpbarron;what would be a decent bounty to offer for someone to figure out how to compile ssss-0.5 on openbsd 5.5? 686013;1400781226;fluffypony;thestringpuller: btw, watched that clip with the wife, was a little teary at the end :) 686014;1400781243;princessnell;ThickAsThieves curious, what do you think the theory lacks? 686015;1400781295;thestringpuller;fluffypony: yea I think that story is a good textbook example of "true love" or what have you 686016;1400781356;ThickAsThieves;princessnell, you mean mp's perfect economy theory? 686017;1400781357;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 65 @ 0.095 = 6.175 BTC [+] 686018;1400781373;princessnell;yes 686019;1400781391;princessnell;what is the itch here 686020;1400781403;asciilifeform;danielpbarron: how about 0.5 btc 686021;1400781427;ThickAsThieves;well, I see weaknesses in that it contains itself within each of its requires elements, and that there is aguably a lack of distinction between the punishment gazette and the forum 686022;1400781437;ThickAsThieves;required* 686023;1400781444;danielpbarron;yikes, a bit steep for me; i was gonna offer 0.1 686024;1400781449;ThickAsThieves;I also take issue with "perfect" 686025;1400781453;asciilifeform;danielpbarron: ok, 0.1 686026;1400781458;danielpbarron;you would do this? 686027;1400781485;danielpbarron;do we need a contract or do you trust me? 686028;1400781540;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39800 @ 0.0009337 = 37.1613 BTC [-] {5} 686029;1400781570;asciilifeform;danielpbarron: let's try http://pastebin.com/CfXkxAfW 686030;1400781570;assbot;wget http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/main/s/ssss/ssss_0.5.orig.tar.gz tar - Pastebin.com 686031;1400781572;ThickAsThieves;i dont think an economy can be perfect, because all ecomonies must die eventually 686032;1400781584;ThickAsThieves;economies 686033;1400781625;princessnell;that's the physics point 686034;1400781632;ThickAsThieves;right 686035;1400781654;princessnell;i think it's bizarre to call it non-teleological personally 686036;1400781678;princessnell;this is the biology point 686037;1400781697;danielpbarron;asciilifeform, will try 686038;1400781712;asciilifeform;danielpbarron: ought to take you 1 min. or so 686039;1400781714;asciilifeform;say if it worked. 686040;1400781716;ThickAsThieves;can you illustrate it in contrast to the physics point? 686041;1400781789;ThickAsThieves;what i'm working on, includes a suggestion that there are multiple types of economies, each with roles/strengths 686042;1400781818;ThickAsThieves;a game of life kind of thing with economies as organisms or whatever 686043;1400781905;ThickAsThieves;so maybe there are ideal or dynamic or codependent or viral economies 686044;1400781913;ThickAsThieves;just thinking out loud 686045;1400781984;princessnell;it's a bit hard for me to separate 686046;1400782022;ThickAsThieves;and then this transfers into designs of systems, complex problem-solving, computer modeling 686047;1400782030;princessnell;economics is the study of decisions to allocate scare resources given unlimited wants 686048;1400782041;princessnell;so the literal physics is that you can't consume more matter than exists 686049;1400782044;princessnell;no utility monsters 686050;1400782070;princessnell;(thermoeconomists extend this point more literally, but i think it's better as a mental model) 686051;1400782089;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.4900001 BTC [-] 686052;1400782097;princessnell;so we've been going about thinking "look at us, economizing on nature!" 686053;1400782101;asciilifeform;princessnell: http://existentialcomics.com/comic/8 686054;1400782102;assbot;In which Peter Singer investigates a basement flood - Existential Comics 686055;1400782105;princessnell;but this whole time, nature has been economizing on us 686056;1400782108;princessnell;that's evolution 686057;1400782126;princessnell;evolution itself is non-teleological 686058;1400782151;princessnell;but human action cannot be anything but teleological 686059;1400782152;danielpbarron;asciilifeform, i get errors; similar to when i tried doing it with the tar.gz from the official ssss page 686060;1400782159;danielpbarron;not sure how to dump the errors into a file 686061;1400782161;asciilifeform;danielpbarron: pastebin ? 686062;1400782168;princessnell;economies are aggregations of human actions 686063;1400782197;princessnell;asciilifeform heh 686064;1400782220;danielpbarron;Your IP has been blocked from posting new items, if you think this is a mistake, please email us at admin@pastebin.com. 686065;1400782223;danielpbarron;lol what's a good alternative 686066;1400782232;asciilifeform;danielpbarron: pm me 686067;1400782289;princessnell;the properties of a unique economy are inextricable from the social behaviors of the humans who influence and are influenced by it 686068;1400782291;TomServo;danielpbarron: How do you end up banned from pastebin? 686069;1400782309;danielpbarron;idk, maybe because i used it to host my homepage 686070;1400782313;danielpbarron;i emailed them yesterday 686071;1400782321;TomServo;Also, dpaste.com maybe helpful in the future 686072;1400782324;TomServo;Ah 686073;1400782334;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.04 = 0.12 BTC [+] 686074;1400782335;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6050 @ 0.00093099 = 5.6325 BTC [-] 686075;1400782346;princessnell;basically: the endogeneity becomes a lot more managable when viewed from an evolutionary lense 686076;1400782420;ThickAsThieves;maybe there is some distinction between properties of an economy, properties of human influence, and each acting as separate friction to the economy's lifespan 686077;1400782463;penguirker;New blog post: http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2014/05/22/uncle-sam-scam-victim/ 686078;1400782465;ThickAsThieves;and thus some definitions of properties of economies, with some epectation of each property's effect on a design 686079;1400782466;jurov;wtf is "friction to lifespan"? 686080;1400782470;princessnell; what i'm working on, includes a suggestion that there are multiple types of economies, each with roles/strengths << going from here, the types and properties are determined by the gene/culture interaction of the group that acts upon it 686081;1400782474;ThickAsThieves;how long it lasts 686082;1400782516;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41853 @ 0.00093645 = 39.1932 BTC [+] 686083;1400782521;ThickAsThieves;yes princessnell 686084;1400782573;princessnell;maybe the distinction is economic laws and economic institutions 686085;1400782591;princessnell;economic laws = physics 686086;1400782604;princessnell;economic institutions = biology/psychology 686087;1400782638;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 186 @ 0.095 = 17.67 BTC [+] 686088;1400782684;princessnell;i.e. demand curves slope downwards in zimbabwe and hong kong but the institutions/outcomes vary for evolutionary (genetic and cultural) reasons 686089;1400782731;ThickAsThieves;studying economic system designs to better apply them 686090;1400782760;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 18 @ 0.095 = 1.71 BTC [+] 686091;1400782797;ThickAsThieves;http://members.jacksonville.com/news/crime/2014-05-20/story/jacksonville-police-will-knock-18000-doors-northwest-jacksonville 686092;1400782800;assbot;Jacksonville police will knock on 18,000 doors in Northwest Jacksonville in an attempt to stop gun-related crime | members.jacksonville.com 686093;1400782821;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 52 @ 0.095 = 4.94 BTC [+] 686094;1400782822;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.49 BTC [-] 686095;1400782939;benkay; idk, maybe because i used it to host my homepage // lol go on i desire more lols danielpbarron 686096;1400782943;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.49 = 0.98 BTC [-] 686097;1400783003;wywialm;good evening 686098;1400783248;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18600 @ 0.00093645 = 17.418 BTC [+] 686099;1400783500;benkay;hello wywialm what've you been up to? 686100;1400783503;benkay;!up virtuals 686101;1400783567;wywialm;hey benkay, reading the latest logs now 686102;1400783601;wywialm;ThickAsThieves: if you plan to consider something connected with money when designing (economic) systems, you may want to have a look at "Theory of monetary institutions" by Lawrence White 686103;1400783635;ThickAsThieves;thx 686104;1400783923;benkay;wywialm: haven't seen you in a while - how many months of logs are you reading? 686105;1400783980;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6071 @ 0.00093645 = 5.6852 BTC [+] 686106;1400784176;jurov;davout why b-c vanished from bitcoinity? 686107;1400784201;jurov;;;later tell davout why b-c vanished from bitcoinity? 686108;1400784202;gribble;The operation succeeded. 686109;1400784224;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5800 @ 0.00093645 = 5.4314 BTC [+] 686110;1400784565;wywialm;benkay, beginning from latest. I don't have that much to read, I've been here sometimes together with numerisTrade account 686111;1400784712;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 3 @ 0.0335 = 0.1005 BTC [+] 686112;1400784773;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14500 @ 0.00093338 = 13.534 BTC [-] 686113;1400784790;princessnell;wywialm hey kewl, dr. white is my macro prof 686114;1400784833;wywialm;wow, lucky you 686115;1400784892;wywialm;I was wondering who could link to Armen Alchian's papers 686116;1400784895;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.095 = 0.95 BTC [+] 686117;1400784916;princessnell;truly. masonxcore is p gr8. 686118;1400785505;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 117 @ 0.095 = 11.115 BTC [+] 686119;1400785566;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 345 @ 0.095 = 32.775 BTC [+] 686120;1400785922;wywialm;princessnell, u doc, graduate or? 686121;1400785932;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 300 @ 0.0008098 = 0.2429 BTC [-] 686122;1400785933;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2090 @ 0.00093645 = 1.9572 BTC [+] 686123;1400785961;princessnell;wywilam just finished first year of phd 686124;1400785993;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9010 @ 0.00093878 = 8.4584 BTC [+] 686125;1400785993;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 141 @ 0.0008098 = 0.1142 BTC [-] 686126;1400786000;wywialm;great! 686127;1400786237;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.095 = 0.19 BTC [+] 686128;1400786542;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15150 @ 0.0009328 = 14.1319 BTC [-] {2} 686129;1400786766;benkay;!up darlidada 686130;1400786769;benkay;!up SuchWow 686131;1400786783;jurov;!up Dimsler 686132;1400786799;fluffypony;!up up 686133;1400786806;fluffypony;:( 686134;1400786847;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33722 @ 0.00093754 = 31.6157 BTC [+] 686135;1400786847;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.095 = 0.285 BTC [+] 686136;1400787129;benkay;;;ticker 686137;1400787130;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 520.99, Best ask: 521.29, Bid-ask spread: 0.30000, Last trade: 520.99, 24 hour volume: 16177.76003459, 24 hour low: 492.65, 24 hour high: 528.87, 24 hour vwap: 511.558371793 686138;1400787135;benkay;cripes 686139;1400787239;thestringpuller;hmm 686140;1400787241;thestringpuller;interesting 686141;1400787322;ThickAsThieves;probly go 550+ 686142;1400787332;ThickAsThieves;before it relaxes 686143;1400787388;ThickAsThieves;https://xrptalk.org/topic/2629-selling-my-xrp/ 686144;1400787389;assbot;Selling my XRP - General Discussion - XRP Talk 686145;1400787403;ThickAsThieves;Founder of Ripple is announcing he is dumping his XRP. Ripple crashes 35% and still falling. 686146;1400787432;ThickAsThieves;I remember getting 7 or 8 btc for my free XRPs 686147;1400787619;thestringpuller;ThickAsThieves: i remember that lol 686148;1400787621;thestringpuller;long time ago 686149;1400787623;thestringpuller;my how time flies 686150;1400787701;assbot;[MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 763 @ 0.00268476 = 2.0485 BTC [-] 686151;1400787823;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.04 = 0.4 BTC [-] 686152;1400787854;BingoBoingo;Yeah, If only I'd held onto my XRP long enough to dump them for more. 686153;1400788018;Dimsler;blng bling 686154;1400788187;BingoBoingo;In other news after a month of ineffective bullshit Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole as me pretty much healed up. 686155;1400788311;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20989 @ 0.00093844 = 19.6969 BTC [+] {2} 686156;1400788362;thestringpuller;Lol Venture Brothers 686157;1400788364;jurov;BingoBoingo when they could be dumped for more? 686158;1400788372;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12029 @ 0.00094009 = 11.3083 BTC [+] {2} 686159;1400788403;BingoBoingo;jurov: Well, I dumped them as the giveaway was going on. 45k XRP sold for 0.6 BTC 686160;1400788422;BingoBoingo;I didn't anticipate the giveaway ending so quickly 686161;1400788450;jurov;i dumped for 5BTC and still retained some, that's why i'm asking 686162;1400788669;BingoBoingo;jurov: Yeah, there was someone on Bitcointalk buying batches and paying without issue so I unloaded them that way instead of waiting for a market. 686163;1400788688;jurov;ah i went through bitstamp 686164;1400788718;jurov;i guess that dude made hefty profit 686165;1400788719;benkay;https://cmd.fm/ 686166;1400788827;BingoBoingo;Yeah, some bear dude. I don't think it was the scam enabling moderator one. All I know is later they fucked themself by buying a bunch of block erupters. 686167;1400788888;thestringpuller;what the fuck is this benkay ? 686168;1400788969;BingoBoingo;http://deadspin.com/did-new-clippers-ceo-dick-parsons-really-play-college-b-1579773293/+sarah-hedgecock 686169;1400788970;assbot;Did New Clippers CEO Dick Parsons Really Play College Basketball? 686170;1400789007;benkay;thestringpuller: do i look like your googleslave? 686171;1400789034;thestringpuller;do you really want me to answer that? 686172;1400789348;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2000 @ 0.00011907 = 0.2381 BTC [-] {6} 686173;1400789531;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 519 @ 0.095 = 49.305 BTC [+] 686174;1400789592;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 30 @ 0.095 = 2.85 BTC [+] 686175;1400790234;fluffypony;benkay: that's awesome 686176;1400790241;fluffypony;takes a bit of getting used to 686177;1400790250;fluffypony;but I'm never going to use SoundCloud again without this 686178;1400790292;fluffypony;ah ascii star wars 686179;1400790385;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 30 @ 0.095 = 2.85 BTC [+] 686180;1400790751;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1500 @ 0.00011892 = 0.1784 BTC [-] {6} 686181;1400790823;[]bot;Bet placed: 10 BTC for No on "Bitcoin-Central out of business in 2014" http://bitbet.us/bet/826/ Odds: 2(Y):98(N) by coin, 3(Y):97(N) by weight. Total bet: 10.3276812 BTC. Current weight: 90,857. 686182;1400790846;davout;http://bitbet.us/bet/826/bitcoin-central-out-of-business-in-2014/ 686183;1400790846;assbot;BitBet - Bitcoin-Central out of business in 2014 :: 0.24 B (2%) on Yes, 10.09 B (98%) on No | closing in 7 months 1 week| weight: 90`857 (100`000 to 1) 686184;1400790853;davout;make your bets 686185;1400790907;Apocalyptic;isn't this a badbet ? 686186;1400790918;Apocalyptic;as it's in your sole authority to decide of the outcome 686187;1400790934;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.095 = 0.285 BTC [+] 686188;1400790959;BingoBoingo;Apocalyptic: His money's on no. Other people could make it resolve as yes however. 686189;1400790972;Apocalyptic;BingoBoingo, doesn't matter where his money is 686190;1400791003;BingoBoingo;Apocalyptic: What I assume matters is he isn't the only one who could end it. 686191;1400791014;davout;how would hide some sort of bankruptcy/shutdown? 686192;1400791027;Apocalyptic;the point is the bet outcome is controlled by a single individual 686193;1400791050;davout;iup davidlatapie 686194;1400791058;davout;!up davidlatapie 686195;1400791061;davout;blergh 686196;1400791066;BingoBoingo;Apocalyptic: The NSA could kill b-c outside of davout's hands. 686197;1400791075;fluffypony;davout: is that BitcoinBourse's bet? 686198;1400791077;Apocalyptic;true 686199;1400791077;davidlatapie;hi davout willing to bet? 686200;1400791097;BingoBoingo;Their banking partners could make it impractical to continue b-c in ways out of davout's control 686201;1400791103;davidlatapie;http://bitbet.us/bet/826/bitcoin-central-out-of-business-in-2014/ 686202;1400791103;assbot;BitBet - Bitcoin-Central out of business in 2014 :: 0.24 B (2%) on Yes, 10.09 B (98%) on No | closing in 7 months 1 week| weight: 90`855 (100`000 to 1) 686203;1400791107;davout;Apocalyptic: the point is that any of the main reasons for which it could shutdown couldn't be easily concealed by me 686204;1400791109;Apocalyptic;though "Yes prevails if there is an official announcement of the end of operations" 686205;1400791121;Apocalyptic;i guess if NSA kills b-c it won't resolve as yes 686206;1400791156;Apocalyptic;davout: you can just say it's not profiterable anymore of that the company has changed plans 686207;1400791178;davout;that would constitute a yes 686208;1400791194;Apocalyptic;it would 686209;1400791197;davout;who cares whether i think it's profitable 686210;1400791219;davout;the bet will resolve as yes, because we won't be able to hide the fact that trading has ceased 686211;1400791249;davout;anyway, if you think i'll manipulate the bet outcome, just bet on 'no' :-) 686212;1400791311;Apocalyptic;i think no such thing :) 686213;1400791507;davidlatapie;davout: this is really a shame that b-c closes. The only exchange to be fully compliant with EU regulations and be completely located in the Eurozone :( 686214;1400791512;davidlatapie;Hi Quanttek 686215;1400791544;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.095 = 0.19 BTC [+] 686216;1400791594;Apocalyptic;wait, it's closing nao ? 686217;1400791624;davout;i'm just hiring davidlatapie to spread rumors and slander 686218;1400791788;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.095 = 0.19 BTC [+] 686219;1400791789;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43200 @ 0.0009351 = 40.3963 BTC [-] 686220;1400791789;davidlatapie;davout wants to make big money :) 686221;1400791832;*;fluffypony bets 10 BTC on yes 686222;1400791840;fluffypony;oh oops, fingers slipped, ended up on no 686223;1400791869;*;davidlatapie will better buy MRO or TEK 686224;1400792215;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIF] 560 @ 0.00019049 = 0.1067 BTC [-] {3} 686225;1400792276;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIF] 1203 @ 0.00018672 = 0.2246 BTC [-] {7} 686226;1400792505;benkay;i'm not seeing the bet, fluffypony 686227;1400792506;benkay;... 686228;1400792511;benkay;other updates from the openssl mines 686229;1400792520;fluffypony;benkay: I know, I lied 686230;1400792524;*;fluffypony is ashamed 686231;1400792539;benkay;when we build this ios app with openssl, everything works just dandy building and derping the thing directly onto the phone 686232;1400792566;benkay;er, debug 686233;1400792580;benkay;when built for 'debug' (whatever that means in the context of ios), openssl's just dandy. 686234;1400792603;fluffypony;in debug does it not use different libs than release? 686235;1400792603;benkay;when built and packaged per the nondeterministic build for distribution process, openssl refuses to hilariously generate rsa keys 686236;1400792642;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 25 @ 0.03343 = 0.8358 BTC [+] {5} 686237;1400792643;benkay;i am just the phb on this project 686238;1400792659;benkay;relating stories of woe and amuse 686239;1400792703;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 17 @ 0.03343117 = 0.5683 BTC [+] {5} 686240;1400792704;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 374 @ 0.095 = 35.53 BTC [+] 686241;1400792720;thestringpuller;sounds like shock and aw 686242;1400792726;thestringpuller;or wow and flutter 686243;1400792764;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 12 @ 0.03345833 = 0.4015 BTC [+] {3} 686244;1400792886;benkay;the hilarious thing is that all of the other keygen routines work just dandy 686245;1400792912;BingoBoingo;Dun dun 686246;1400793131;benkay;so derp 686247;1400793222;bitcoinpete;howdy y'all 686248;1400793237;princessnell;hola 686249;1400793240;bitcoinpete;https://twitter.com/dmac1/status/469581341605232640 686250;1400793241;assbot;Uber in talks to raise ~ $500M in funding round valuing the taxi-hailing app > $12B http://t.co/lqykSixkuV by /EvelynRusli /MikeSpectorWSJ 686251;1400793291;bitcoinpete;this is why my golf and badminton buddies, all in their late 20's, want to develop apps 686252;1400793306;bitcoinpete;one for hospital patient management, one for social media/advertising 686253;1400793313;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 3 @ 0.0335 = 0.1005 BTC [+] 686254;1400793347;bitcoinpete;it's nuts 686255;1400793350;bitcoinpete;it's the lottery 686256;1400793359;bitcoinpete;a very expensive lottery 686257;1400793374;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 3 @ 0.03344 = 0.1003 BTC [-] 686258;1400793379;bitcoinpete;where only the speshul app developers win 686259;1400793422;thestringpuller;apps suck 686260;1400793428;thestringpuller;fucking command line please 686261;1400793435;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9600 @ 0.00093873 = 9.0118 BTC [+] 686262;1400793445;bitcoinpete;so benkay's cmd > songza 686263;1400793680;bitcoinpete;then there's this bicycle flywheel+app zaniness that raised $700k on tardstarter 686264;1400793687;bitcoinpete;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_X4rZhOEHT0 686265;1400793687;assbot;FlyKly Smart Wheel - YouTube 686266;1400793695;bitcoinpete;https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/flykly/flykly-smart-wheel 686267;1400793696;assbot;FlyKly Smart Wheel by FlyKly — Kickstarter 686268;1400793793;bitcoinpete;ThickAsThieves: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/05/22/energy_economics_coal/ << tis a suprisingly abundant planet, this. 686269;1400793793;assbot;You know all those resources we're about to run out of? No, we aren't The Register 686270;1400793850;bitcoinpete;kakobrekla:meanwhile in argentina; http://bitcoin-assets.com/static/var/ferreteria.gif << fucking priceless! lmao. "of course I count them!" 686271;1400794007;thestringpuller;is that safe for work? 686272;1400794009;thestringpuller;:D 686273;1400794080;BingoBoingo;thestringpuller: Very safe for work 686274;1400794281;Apocalyptic; apps suck 686275;1400794281;Apocalyptic; fucking command line please // if only more people would realize that 686276;1400794346;bitcoinpete;chetty: dun matter about reality, matters what folks think. Apocalyptic: it's exactly the other way around << pretty much 686277;1400794350;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.4987999 BTC [+] 686278;1400794400;fluffypony;thestringpuller: "how can an app be real without a GUI?????" - Windows user 686279;1400794412;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.095 = 0.19 BTC [+] 686280;1400794420;bitcoinpete;BingoBoingo: If the US couldn't even extradite Bobby Fischer in his lifetime, I dun see how they are extraditing mircea_popescu << long time ago. different rules now. 686281;1400794424;fluffypony;"How Can Apps Be Real If GUIs Aren't Real" - Jaden Smith 686282;1400794482;BingoBoingo;bitcoinpete: Different alleged transgressions as well that basically amount to ignoring the US. 686283;1400794533;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17850 @ 0.00094062 = 16.7901 BTC [+] {2} 686284;1400794541;bitcoinpete;BingoBoingo: the clay-footed monster ain't breathed its last breath yet. 686285;1400794553;jurov;now if the hipsters did not kill phones with physical qwerty kbd 686286;1400794589;jurov;now i have to either stick to my xperia mini pro or wait for neo900 or jolla cover 686287;1400794594;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 5 @ 0.0404799 = 0.2024 BTC [+] 686288;1400794661;joecool;fuck jolla 686289;1400794664;joecool;asshats 686290;1400794671;jurov;why? 686291;1400794684;joecool;because they misrepresented their entire project and goals 686292;1400794700;joecool;goal to be open? yeah ok, they said absolutely nothing about the other half, didn't ship it with a flasher 686293;1400794715;joecool;and when someone figured out how to reload part of it, they locked down the bootloader 686294;1400794716;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 26 @ 0.095 = 2.47 BTC [+] 686295;1400794717;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26450 @ 0.00093873 = 24.8294 BTC [-] 686296;1400794739;joecool;most of the devs in tmo turned their back on the project after that 686297;1400794771;joecool;i had the n9 and toyed with sailfish on it, was not too impressive 686298;1400794784;joecool;i have a preorder in for neo900 686299;1400794808;joecool;currently switched to a Z10 for a daily phone because it actually works and the UI is a bit like harmattan on the N9 was 686300;1400794819;joecool;but stoked about the neo900 project 686301;1400795293;bitcoinpete;BingoBoingo: ThickAsThieves: Spinoza's Politics? << good start 686302;1400795377;BingoBoingo;bitcoinpete: The problem with clay feet is they erode in running water. The US seems to be slowly realizing that unlike stupidity with its infinite hitpoints, the US has finite and declining influence to expend. 686303;1400795435;BingoBoingo;Also for Spinoza the posterboard as note taking surface is a serious suggestion. You are going to want a large surface to map out the relations of things in the text. 686304;1400795487;bitcoinpete;BingoBoingo: i could see a posterboard being useful. 686305;1400795515;BingoBoingo;bitcoinpete: In the class where we read the ethics I had a sheet for each chapter. 686306;1400795522;bitcoinpete;as for the us, its power is certainly finite and declining, though it may use its remaining hitpoints for god knows what 686307;1400795545;bitcoinpete;heh cool 686308;1400795652;bitcoinpete;asciilifeform: https://twitter.com/bitcoinpete/status/469597073029873665 686309;1400795653;assbot;Recommended reading from the /hashtag/bitcoin?src=hash-assets library: http://t.co/IoN54dvBK3 686310;1400795857;bitcoinpete;;;rate BingoBoingo 1 spinozan, blogger 686311;1400795858;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user BingoBoingo has been recorded. 686312;1400795866;jurov;don't we have wiki for this? 686313;1400795896;bitcoinpete;for... 686314;1400795946;jurov;for recommended reading 686315;1400795961;jurov;hm i don't have an account... kakobrekla? 686316;1400795963;fluffypony;jurov: ask moiety to add it 686317;1400795985;jurov;ok, i'll gladly delegate it :) 686318;1400796037;jurov;ain't this the first irc chan with a secretary? 686319;1400796047;bitcoinpete;and the largest! 686320;1400796051;bitcoinpete;and the bestest! 686321;1400796061;bitcoinpete;and quite possible the last 686322;1400796118;fluffypony;AND A PHONE NUMBER! 686323;1400796120;bitcoinpete;and yes, we have a wiki, it's just that sometimes its shelves overflow and i have to give those books a new home. on twitter 686324;1400796122;fluffypony;that makes it special 686325;1400796244;bitcoinpete;;;ticker 686326;1400796246;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 524.91, Best ask: 525.0, Bid-ask spread: 0.09000, Last trade: 525.0, 24 hour volume: 16609.27918938, 24 hour low: 492.65, 24 hour high: 528.87, 24 hour vwap: 513.000446896 686327;1400796390;jurov;!up MobGod 686328;1400796448;bitcoinpete;https://www.havelockinvestments.com/fund.php?symbol=BLISS << bwahahah 686329;1400796449;assbot;Havelock Investments 686330;1400796467;bitcoinpete;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLrQ40qUegg&feature=youtu.be 686331;1400796467;assbot;Bliss Devices - FPGA Demo of Scrypt ASIC Design (Official) - YouTube 686332;1400796526;bitcoinpete;"a proven track record of first-time-right ASIC design and production" 686333;1400796606;bitcoinpete;lol in the video, they mine auroracoin 686334;1400796748;thestringpuller;is fluffypony around? 686335;1400796751;thestringpuller;i need a hug 686336;1400796754;fluffypony;yes 686337;1400796756;*;fluffypony hugs thestringpuller 686338;1400796760;thestringpuller;YAAAAAAY 686339;1400796766;thestringpuller;rough day 686340;1400796772;thestringpuller;i did a git reset --hard before I committed 686341;1400796780;thestringpuller;and lost a days worth of work 686342;1400796899;fluffypony;omg 686343;1400796902;fluffypony;much hugs 686344;1400796906;fluffypony;need a dogecoin? 686345;1400797066;bitcoinpete;or a ripple? 686346;1400797115;fluffypony;now now 686347;1400797117;fluffypony;don't be insulting 686348;1400797121;fluffypony;Bitcoin Plus? 686349;1400797211;bitcoinpete;lol 686350;1400797254;bitcoinpete;https://twitter.com/bitcoinpete/status/469603782402138115 686351;1400797255;assbot;How Education Drives Inequality Among the 99% http://t.co/8BQzfvLkbu via /WSJecon 686352;1400797277;bitcoinpete;derping about how education drives inequality. give me a fucking break 686353;1400797308;bitcoinpete;on a lulzier note: a bluetooth iphone app bbq meat thermometer is a thing 686354;1400797309;bitcoinpete;https://twitter.com/bitcoinpete/status/469602550635708417 686355;1400797310;assbot;I haven't said "NO!" this many times in a row since watching The Machinest. http://t.co/aEVYZSsZpi 686356;1400797435;bitcoinpete;almost 10% of americans are worth saving 686357;1400797436;bitcoinpete;http://www.marketwatch.com/story/climate-science-is-a-hoax-big-oil-gop-god-say-so-2014-05-22?mod=wsj_share_tweet 686358;1400797437;assbot;Climate science is a hoax: Big Oil, GOP, God say so - Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch 686359;1400797705;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 94500 @ 0.00093293 = 88.1619 BTC [-] {6} 686360;1400797766;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 90 @ 0.04049552 = 3.6446 BTC [+] {5} 686361;1400797832;bitcoinpete;http://blogs.marketwatch.com/thetell/2014/05/22/h-p-fiscal-second-quarter-earnings-call-live-blog/ 686362;1400797833;assbot;H-P cutting additional 11,000 to 16,000 jobs; results accidentally posted on site: live blog - The Tell - MarketWatch 686363;1400798006;dub;bitcoinpete: -assets official position is siding with big oil fyi 686364;1400798010;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 40 @ 0.04 = 1.6 BTC [-] 686365;1400798069;dub;global warming is a scam, obama is causing the symptoms with his weather machine etc 686366;1400798071;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 43 @ 0.0057001 = 0.2451 BTC [-] {2} 686367;1400798111;bitcoinpete;dub: just industry looking out for industry 686368;1400798249;benkay;!up neilol 686369;1400798265;benkay;plenty of shit to burn errywhere 686370;1400798659;dub;if we run out of stuff we can burn all these lying scientists 686371;1400798696;fluffypony;I vote we throw the jew down the well 686372;1400798703;fluffypony;so my country can be free 686373;1400798788;dub;for DPRK! 686374;1400798938;*;dub is liking his new desk 686375;1400799048;fluffypony;dub: got an iPhone eventually? 686376;1400799053;fluffypony;:-P 686377;1400799169;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31800 @ 0.00093302 = 29.67 BTC [+] 686378;1400799230;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9832 @ 0.00093997 = 9.2418 BTC [+] 686379;1400799587;bitcoinpete;dub: what's so speshul about this new desk? 686380;1400799602;bitcoinpete;and if anyone has any office chair recommendations, shoot away! 686381;1400799677;fluffypony;SteelCase 686382;1400799685;fluffypony;I have a Leap WorkLounge atm 686383;1400799695;fluffypony;Gesture is good too 686384;1400799715;fluffypony;original Leap if you're into old school 686385;1400799718;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 80 @ 0.00459 = 0.3672 BTC [-] 686386;1400799919;bitcoinpete;yup worklounge looks freaking amazing 686387;1400799919;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 686388;1400799926;bitcoinpete;lol got me 686389;1400799934;bitcoinpete;kinda need one of those now 686390;1400799946;bitcoinpete;working w/o a headrest is fucking criminal 686391;1400800273;benkay;working in a chair is fucking retarded 686392;1400800328;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 420 @ 0.095 = 39.9 BTC [+] 686393;1400800445;BingoBoingo;http://gothamist.com/2014/05/22/photo_finally_you_can_buy_a_911_che.php#. 686394;1400800445;assbot;This 9/11 Cheese Plate May Be The 9/11 Museum's Most Tasteless Souvenir: Gothamist 686395;1400800459;bitcoinpete;benkay: that kinda goes for working in front of a screen. period. 686396;1400800468;bitcoinpete;body ain't designed for this shit 686397;1400800485;dub;bitcoinpete: looks like http://www.betterlivingthroughdesign.com/images/tressel_table01.jpg, bigger and lighter than old one anyway 686398;1400800487;assbot;Page not found — Better Living Through Design 686399;1400800644;bitcoinpete;dub: eh, basic 686400;1400800755;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 13 @ 0.095 = 1.235 BTC [+] 686401;1400801065;benkay;p. true. 686402;1400801069;benkay;bitcoinpete: ^^ 686403;1400801105;benkay;and yet leveraging the mind requires making sacrifices of the body. my goal is to minimize those sacrifices with such things as standing desks. 686404;1400801125;benkay;i think i actually just want a fancy tv camera tripod and a custom-machined platter for my laptop. 686405;1400801150;joecool;i have found the man facebook needs as their CFO http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jefri_Bolkiah 686406;1400801150;assbot;Jefri Bolkiah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 686407;1400801313;bitcoinpete;benkay: much sacrifice. tell me more about this custom laptop set-up you envisage! 686408;1400801367;bitcoinpete;i have a standing desk too. find it tough on the knees/hips 686409;1400801470;bitcoinpete;also, audiobooks are pretty sweet 686410;1400801479;bitcoinpete;joecool: bossy 686411;1400801620;bitcoinpete;http://qz.com/211959/alibaba-and-jd-com-are-battling-for-a-huge-emerging-market-poorer-inland-china/ 686412;1400801621;assbot;Alibaba and JD.com are battling for a huge emerging market: poorer, inland China – Quartz 686413;1400802158;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 28 @ 0.095 = 2.66 BTC [+] 686414;1400802463;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 90 @ 0.095 = 8.55 BTC [+] 686415;1400803744;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37600 @ 0.00093454 = 35.1387 BTC [-] {3} 686416;1400803866;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 125 @ 0.095 = 11.875 BTC [+] 686417;1400804254;bitcoinpete;;;bc,stats 686418;1400804256;gribble;Current Blocks: 302154 | Current Difficulty: 8.8534163091278E9 | Next Difficulty At Block: 302399 | Next Difficulty In: 245 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 day, 10 hours, 35 minutes, and 17 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 10460812729.2 | Estimated Percent Change: 18.15566 686419;1400804721;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.095 = 0.95 BTC [+] 686420;1400804842;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 74 @ 0.00298079 = 0.2206 BTC [-] {9} 686421;1400804903;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 501 @ 0.00282231 = 1.414 BTC [-] {8} 686422;1400805086;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 100 @ 0.03923225 = 3.9232 BTC [-] {9} 686423;1400805147;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.0395002 = 0.395 BTC [+] {2} 686424;1400805311;bitcoinpete;;;ticker 686425;1400805312;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 538.01, Best ask: 539.69, Bid-ask spread: 1.68000, Last trade: 538.01, 24 hour volume: 18465.13643240, 24 hour low: 492.65, 24 hour high: 540.44, 24 hour vwap: 515.437052922 686426;1400805513;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 47600 @ 0.00093916 = 44.704 BTC [+] {4} 686427;1400806001;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.034 = 0.136 BTC [+] 686428;1400806426;benkay;wow what a rally 686429;1400807038;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.0226011 = 0.113 BTC [-] 686430;1400807099;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.0226011 = 0.113 BTC [-] 686431;1400807161;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 2 @ 0.10808189 = 0.2162 BTC [-] 686432;1400807282;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 29 @ 0.00457849 = 0.1328 BTC [-] {5} 686433;1400807343;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.033132 = 0.1657 BTC [-] {3} 686434;1400807648;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31600 @ 0.00093392 = 29.5119 BTC [-] {2} 686435;1400809232;benkay;;;ticker 686436;1400809234;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 533.51, Best ask: 533.96, Bid-ask spread: 0.45000, Last trade: 533.5, 24 hour volume: 19689.41771622, 24 hour low: 492.65, 24 hour high: 541.89, 24 hour vwap: 516.938571219 686437;1400809417;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31800 @ 0.00093255 = 29.6551 BTC [-] {2} 686438;1400809722;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17708 @ 0.00093062 = 16.4794 BTC [-] {2} 686439;1400809905;BingoBoingo;Why is it crashing? 686440;1400810223;benkay;god. 686441;1400810592;BingoBoingo;benkay: If God wanted to matter in bitcoin he wouldn't have fucked around finishing the universe's loose ends in perl 686442;1400810637;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5092 @ 0.0009302 = 4.7366 BTC [-] 686443;1400811125;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30450 @ 0.00093059 = 28.3365 BTC [+] {2} 686444;1400811329;BingoBoingo;http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2014/05/bitcoin-miner-startup-hashfast-could-be-forced-to-liquidate-itself/ 686445;1400811330;assbot;Bitcoin miner startup HashFast could be forced to liquidate | Ars Technica 686446;1400811369;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.0229999 = 0.115 BTC [+] 686447;1400811394;benkay;having corporeal assets subjects one to these problems yes 686448;1400812202;thestringpuller;;;ticker 686449;1400812204;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 528.27, Best ask: 529.19, Bid-ask spread: 0.92000, Last trade: 529.19, 24 hour volume: 20724.10236135, 24 hour low: 492.65, 24 hour high: 541.89, 24 hour vwap: 517.913377777 686450;1400812309;benkay;http://hotspotatl.com/2014/05/22/banned-from-the-u-s-a-mos-def-denied-entry-in-u-s/ 686451;1400812310;assbot;Banned From The U.S.A.? Mos Def Denied Entry In U.S. | Hot 107.9 686452;1400812345;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31500 @ 0.00093449 = 29.4364 BTC [+] {2} 686453;1400812539;benkay;!up realz 686454;1400812772;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 25 @ 0.095 = 2.375 BTC [+] 686455;1400813138;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25800 @ 0.00093694 = 24.1731 BTC [+] 686456;1400813687;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 17 @ 0.095 = 1.615 BTC [+] 686457;1400813978;realz;gee thanks :D 686458;1400814236;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 6 @ 0.095 = 0.57 BTC [+] 686459;1400814297;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25050 @ 0.00093694 = 23.4703 BTC [+] 686460;1400814507;benkay;;;gettrust assbot realz 686461;1400814508;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user realz: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=realz | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=realz | Rated since: never 686462;1400814516;benkay;so who are you, realz ? 686463;1400814518;benkay;!up realz 686464;1400815183;moiety;morning :] 686465;1400815456;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 8 @ 0.095 = 0.76 BTC [+] 686466;1400815517;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 200 @ 0.00118113 = 0.2362 BTC [+] {4} 686467;1400815700;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 18 @ 0.095 = 1.71 BTC [+] 686468;1400816057;benkay;hello, moiety 686469;1400816280;moiety;how is life in the land of benkay? 686470;1400816316;benkay;p good 686471;1400816324;benkay;i've booked out this weekend for some serious haxx 686472;1400816334;benkay;baby doll just made a smoked salmon salad 686473;1400816349;moiety;oh that sounds good 686474;1400816361;benkay;more impressively, baby doll has started deploying my negotiation tactics. landed us a 20% discount on the fish. 686475;1400816373;benkay;and in the life of the mewity? many calls? 686476;1400816439;moiety;things are good here, still waiting on wird about the flat, lines been quite quiet. Had more IMs than calls. was quiet yesterday 686477;1400816449;moiety;word* 686478;1400816615;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.0404999 = 0.1215 BTC [+] 686479;1400817530;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.095 = 0.19 BTC [+] 686480;1400818124;ThickAsThieves;gasp! ^ 686481;1400818139;mircea_popescu;ohai 686482;1400818145;ThickAsThieves;hanbot = mp 686483;1400818148;ThickAsThieves;i knew it 686484;1400818167;mircea_popescu;waitwut 686485;1400818175;ThickAsThieves;hanbot@pdpc/supporter/silver/mircea-popescu 686486;1400818181;ThickAsThieves;mircea-popescu is now known as mircea_popescu 686487;1400818186;mircea_popescu;i stole a laptop 686488;1400818193;ThickAsThieves;suuuuuur 686489;1400818194;ThickAsThieves;e 686490;1400818225;ThickAsThieves;next youre gonna tell me that bitcoinpete isnt stoned-mp-blog-mode 686491;1400818238;mircea_popescu;bitcoinpete tokes ?! 686492;1400818251;ThickAsThieves;unlikely 686493;1400818255;ThickAsThieves;he's too excited 686494;1400818301;mircea_popescu;lol 686495;1400818371;ThickAsThieves;meanwhile i'm left with some netherlandian cold 686496;1400818388;ThickAsThieves;coughing a lung 686497;1400818395;moiety;flying won't have helped (recycled air) 686498;1400818412;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves, have a zinc pill before oyu leave next time 686499;1400818431;ThickAsThieves;i felt it coming on while still in the city 686500;1400818440;ThickAsThieves;i think it was all the smoking 686501;1400818448;moiety;this will make you feel better https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aHJ8A8QTnY&feature=youtu.be 686502;1400818448;assbot;Yok Byle Bir Sevimlilik :) - YouTube 686503;1400818479;ThickAsThieves;piled with my eurolocational tabacco habit 686504;1400818487;ThickAsThieves;tobacco 686505;1400818489;benkay; next youre gonna tell me that bitcoinpete isnt stoned-mp-blog-mode // kik 686506;1400818506;benkay;;;later tell bitcoinpete you hear that? everyone knows you're a pothead... 686507;1400818506;gribble;The operation succeeded. 686508;1400818524;mircea_popescu;;;ticker 686509;1400818525;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 524.2, Best ask: 524.96, Bid-ask spread: 0.76000, Last trade: 524.96, 24 hour volume: 21336.61049935, 24 hour low: 492.65, 24 hour high: 541.89, 24 hour vwap: 519.145438139 686510;1400818529;benkay;mircea_popescu: are y'all floating yet? 686511;1400818537;mircea_popescu;aww how disciplined. love you btc baby. 686512;1400818538;ThickAsThieves;it wa slike $540 earlier 686513;1400818548;mircea_popescu;benkay, possibly. 686514;1400818644;mircea_popescu;i gotta hand it to the mpex spook ux department : this setup i got here is eminently usable. 686515;1400818644;[]bot;Bet placed: 1.14658359 BTC for No on "Bitcoin network difficulty > 14Bn on Bastille day" http://bitbet.us/bet/677/ Odds: 87(Y):13(N) by coin, 81(Y):19(N) by weight. Total bet: 103.61816472 BTC. Current weight: 12,658. 686516;1400818670;benkay;what comprises an eminently usable setup? 686517;1400818689;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14550 @ 0.00093779 = 13.6448 BTC [+] {2} 686518;1400818741;mircea_popescu;yes. 686519;1400818757;ThickAsThieves;yes what does 686520;1400818781;mircea_popescu;is dog ? thank you. 686521;1400818909;moiety;i would like to hear a call between manul and dog. "yes, this is dog" "fuck you dog" "kden, bai manul" "fuck you dog" 686522;1400818970;ThickAsThieves;http://www.gofundme.com/9ggndw 686523;1400818971;assbot;TRAKRUNNERZ STUDIO DONATION FUND by JayCee Cruz - GoFundMe 686524;1400818982;benkay;so hey we're doing open outcry at the next portland bitcoin get-together 686525;1400819001;benkay;i figure right at the beginning of a bull market is a good time to do these things again 686526;1400819010;mircea_popescu;moiety, why is your manul so poorly brought up ? 686527;1400819036;mircea_popescu;benkay, maybe. tho how do oyu know it's a bull market in the first place ? 686528;1400819047;mircea_popescu;maybe miss boring shorts bitcoin into oblivion. 686529;1400819065;benkay;oh i don't 686530;1400819069;moiety;that would just be a regular manul, mine would be more polite, i would bribe it with catnip 686531;1400819085;mircea_popescu;lol 686532;1400819106;mircea_popescu;so my response to stan and BingoBoingo on trilema is... in moderaiton :D 686533;1400819115;mircea_popescu;sorry folks, it'll have to wait :D 686534;1400819116;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30701 @ 0.00093842 = 28.8104 BTC [+] {2} 686535;1400819116;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.095 = 0.38 BTC [+] 686536;1400819132;benkay;worst case scenario, though, i get some cheap coins from the local market. 686537;1400819178;moiety;benkay, did you go suffer the dogecoin meet up thing? 686538;1400819191;benkay;nope 686539;1400819197;benkay;more interesting things intervened. 686540;1400819217;moiety;like sleeping or dinner or painting a fence, then watching it dry? 686541;1400819319;benkay;gosh there was so much 686542;1400819338;mircea_popescu;lol 686543;1400819363;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla: meanwhile in argentina; http://bitcoin-assets.com/static/var/ferreteria.gif << ahaha 686544;1400819374;benkay;drained the testes a few times, oversaw the wallpapering of lady v's office, wrestled with the dog... 686545;1400819412;mircea_popescu;so thailand got a new goat in charge huh 686546;1400819587;mircea_popescu;chetty: nothing wrong with that, but I always thought bitcoin was a she << i think that's the traditional view. Bitcoinia! 686547;1400819604;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12200 @ 0.00093917 = 11.4579 BTC [+] {2} 686548;1400819787;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.4987999 BTC [+] 686549;1400819817;mircea_popescu;%depth 686550;1400819844;asciilifeform;%girth 686551;1400819851;mircea_popescu;lol 686552;1400819853;mircea_popescu;%t 686553;1400819854;atcbot;[X-BT] Bid: 200 Ask: 300 Last Price: 330 24h-Vol: 83k High: 330 Low: 272 VWAP: 278 686554;1400819871;mircea_popescu;rising tide lifts all seaworthy boats eh 686555;1400819879;mircea_popescu;hows derp-oge 686556;1400819909;benkay; dogecoin [04:38] 686557;1400819909;benkay; cryptsy.com: 1 dogecoin = 80 satoshis. coindesk price $0.0004. 24 hr volume: 1368 megadoge 686558;1400819915;benkay;getting crushed. 686559;1400819919;benkay;103 earlier this week. 686560;1400819976;mircea_popescu;Apocalyptic: 686561;1400819976;mircea_popescu; i wish the miners would get in the WoT and sell directly to individuals like me with cash to send in the mail // some do << like most. 686562;1400819995;mircea_popescu;benkay, myeah 686563;1400820069;moiety;i think perhaps its had its day 686564;1400820140;mircea_popescu;moiety, you ever been to new york ? 686565;1400820152;mircea_popescu;they have these "going out of business, everything must go" shops 686566;1400820161;mircea_popescu;that've been doing that for 20+ years. 686567;1400820168;asciilifeform;we have these here 686568;1400820187;asciilifeform;even a piano shop. 'liquidation, all must go!' for 5+ yrs now. 686569;1400820197;moiety;I haven't. we have those shops here too. there was one in my home town that did actually close and i think the town was in shock for about a week 686570;1400820261;mircea_popescu;fluffypony: 686571;1400820261;mircea_popescu;had a discussion with gmaxwell a few days ago about ring signatures, and he agrees that it could be done in a kludgy way in BTC, but it's an unlikely thing to happen, so Monero will possibly carve out a nice niche among the darknet markets crowd << that's exactly right, it could perhaps be implemented but if it is it'll be a private extension. 686572;1400820278;mircea_popescu;moiety, lol 686573;1400820336;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.095 = 0.285 BTC [+] 686574;1400820338;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller:It's funny how it's far more productive to do business here than in #bitcoin-otc << it used to be funny, now it'd be shocking if it wasn't :p 686575;1400820462;ThickAsThieves;http://buttcoin.org/knc-red-spot didnt quite realize knc was another total fuckup 686576;1400820462;assbot;$10K shovels held together with wires, hope, desperation - Buttcoin - The P2P crypto-currency for butts. - Buttcoin - It's Bitcoins with Butts! - Buttcoin.org 686577;1400820493;mircea_popescu;pankkake: yeah, it is both a stupid intention, and an impossible goal asciilifeform Apocalyptic a dumbass core dev team is like a blessing of suck for a coin. not necessarily a good reason to discard the coin, definitely not a good reason to invest in it. 686578;1400820519;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 105 @ 0.095 = 9.975 BTC [+] 686579;1400820527;mircea_popescu;devteams are the most irrelevant asset of any coin. that's why atc is doing so well, and all the bs coins with 100x to 10kx more dev time spent on them are going nowhere 686580;1400820574;ThickAsThieves;http://buttcoin.org/mining-rigs-3 fluffypony you should solicit all these people 686581;1400820575;assbot;Bitcoin Mining Rigs 3: Mine Hard With a Vengeance - Buttcoin - The P2P crypto-currency for butts. - Buttcoin - It's Bitcoins with Butts! - Buttcoin.org 686582;1400820603;mircea_popescu;pankkake: 686583;1400820603;mircea_popescu;and renting instead of buying makes attacks cheaper <<< you had it earlier tho. if it's mined then more gear will mine more ; similarly, if it can be bought it can be rented. fwiw, fee simple is rent anyway. what bought. 686584;1400820628;moiety;noobs seem to rate success on howmany tshirts are produced with x alt on them 686585;1400820668;ThickAsThieves;i'd wear an altcoin tshirt, but i dunno if i could handle wearing a bitcoin one 686586;1400820710;mircea_popescu;i never wore a shirt 686587;1400820722;mircea_popescu;+t 686588;1400820731;mircea_popescu;wtf are they for, im not 12. 686589;1400820763;moiety;you cant ever really see mine as they are under 40 cardigans in scotland. 686590;1400820789;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves: it could be near-death << such nonsense. he holds what, at most 9% of supply ? who the shit cares 9% of supply is sold off. 686591;1400820833;mircea_popescu;major stakes are regularly sold and bought in any equity, russia just sold it's satoshi stash of T bills and the same idiotic press isn't harping about how the T is dead 686592;1400820833;ThickAsThieves;that's kinda the question, it's not about the specifics 686593;1400820841;mircea_popescu;(which it is , but for entirely unrelated reasons) 686594;1400820889;mircea_popescu;most likely scenario, you'd just have a "myserious belgian buyer" soaking up 300% of Belgium's GDP each month and that'll be that 686595;1400820906;mircea_popescu;cluelessweek and all the other derps can move on to wonder about "the real identity" of the mystery buyer 686596;1400820920;mircea_popescu;as if there is more reality to an identity than wot and keys. but anyway. 686597;1400821036;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: i venture to guess that it is because the temptation to 'go retarded' (e.g. premine, insert 'egalitarian' crapola like demurrage, reward phriends, etc.) is overwhelming. << cattle lacks motivators outside of grass. 686598;1400821058;asciilifeform;re: monero et al: https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/CryptoNight - 'A megabyte of internal memory is almost unacceptable for the modern ASICs.' << got fpga with 1MB+ block sram right here in a crate. 686599;1400821059;assbot;CryptoNight - Bitcoin 686600;1400821102;asciilifeform;why they derp, why... 686601;1400821114;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, they don't know wtf they're talking about 686602;1400821143;mircea_popescu;it's a case of "definitely reality is like our experience, because totally civilisaiton looks like it could have been built by people sitting in starbucks" 686603;1400821160;*;asciilifeform expected at least a clever sham, from the outward smell of the thing; disappointed. 686604;1400821195;mircea_popescu;experience shows the most successvful (as measured by gross intake, of course) scams are never the intellectually respectable ones. 686605;1400821201;mircea_popescu;this perhaps for good reasons. 686606;1400821250;asciilifeform;'mmm' ran out of rooms to stuff money in. 686607;1400821272;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves: i want to make sure i'm not inventing ideas someone else has already << the problem here is that you're looking at reading by the bookshelf, not by the book. there's an immense load and no directly obvious way to even systematize it. hayek tho may be a good start if you've not read him fully. 686608;1400821278;asciilifeform;but perhaps was not really intellectual 686609;1400821285;mircea_popescu;also ask princessnell for tutoring, she's actually competent in this field. 686610;1400821306;mircea_popescu;alternatively the polish guy, wywliam or what was it. dba numeristrade 686611;1400821334;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, was transparently obvious what it was doing to anyone with two neurons to rub together neh ? 686612;1400821368;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: there was a great talk given at some seekoority con a few yrs. ago, about casino & carnival chumpatronics 686613;1400821388;mircea_popescu;i wasn't there. 686614;1400821388;asciilifeform;gist being, the best ones are where the mark is led to believe himself to be a scammer ranking above the operator 686615;1400821395;asciilifeform;i wasn't either - video 686616;1400821404;mircea_popescu;o, definitely. that's well canon by now. 686617;1400821425;asciilifeform;found: 686618;1400821426;asciilifeform;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4K6FXe5XcHs 686619;1400821426;assbot;DEFCON 20: The Art Of The Con - YouTube 686620;1400821482;benkay;heyo nubbins` 686621;1400821525;mircea_popescu;jurov: extract more absolute observations << a fool's errand << quite true, but also all of humanities is exactly this fool's errand. human condition, what. 686622;1400821617;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9650 @ 0.00093676 = 9.0397 BTC [-] 686623;1400821624;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: penguirker is bog-slow << it's actually broken pankkake. it sometimes publishes 2nd article in list when the 1st shows in rss. 686624;1400821668;nubbins`;hi 686625;1400821672;mircea_popescu;hai 686626;1400821685;mircea_popescu;!up Quanttek 686627;1400821687;mircea_popescu;!up smidge 686628;1400821688;nubbins`;dat mating success amongst visual artists 686629;1400821698;mircea_popescu;you gonna be a father ? 686630;1400821708;nubbins`;nah, i can barely take care of myself 686631;1400821743;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves: I also take issue with "perfect" << now we're getting to the knickers of it :D 686632;1400821744;moiety;oh the talk is by Paul Wilson, epic 686633;1400821817;moiety;i would love to go to one of these defcons asciilifeform, the talks are really good 686634;1400821818;mircea_popescu;princessnell: i think it's bizarre to call it non-teleological personally << this opens up a large debate as to whether life has purpose. i happen to hold that it doesnt, which informs the choice of vocabulary. it'll have to be translated (apolitic ?) to avoid linking that dependency in there. 686635;1400821833;moiety;hello nubbins` 686636;1400821834;mircea_popescu;moiety, ask him to take you next they do something in his area :D 686637;1400821838;nubbins`;hi 686638;1400821859;asciilifeform;moiety: can't say i've ever dragged my arse to one! i always simply parasitize & read the papers / watch the films later. 686639;1400821884;asciilifeform;the 1 in 500 or so good one. 686640;1400821912;moiety;I've only ever seen good ones but granted they have been linked by someone who has seen them before me 686641;1400821943;asciilifeform;most of the subject matter presented at such gatherings these days, is, imho, morose, tedious. 686642;1400821989;asciilifeform;whotehfuckcares about yet another pwnhole in turdroid 686643;1400822037;mircea_popescu;princessnell: economies are aggregations of human actions << and in that they become unhuman. basically a major point of that article is that this desperate clutching at straws, people trying to retain their people-relevance in economics is a little lulzy. there's no room for politics in economy. 686644;1400822096;benkay; whotehfuckcares about yet another pwnhole in turdroid // well yeah - it's not an educational thing for the attendees, it's a promotional thing for the speakers. 686645;1400822102;nubbins`;^ 686646;1400822108;nubbins`;look what i can do 686647;1400822109;mircea_popescu;nor is there room for human purpose, or human goals. kinda the point of bitcoin, after all. kinda why all the "equalitarian" coins and mental devices, and all the preoccupation with accessibility or w/e are so funny. 686648;1400822110;nubbins`;etc 686649;1400822165;mircea_popescu;o lol wyw showed up by himself. lol nm then 686650;1400822169;mircea_popescu;such logs. 686651;1400822173;benkay;or, as I said to a client this week "bitcoin doesn't have a purpose or an intent or a role. it simply is, and i am doing my damndest to get in front of where the world will be as a result in twenty years." 686652;1400822244;nubbins`;http://imgur.com/dF4v5Fx 686653;1400822245;assbot;imgur: the simple image sharer 686654;1400822249;nubbins`;^ i saw icebergs today :D 686655;1400822288;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10100 @ 0.00093675 = 9.4612 BTC [-] {2} 686656;1400822303;asciilifeform;doesn't have a purpose or an intent or a role. it simply is << ever play the '80s game 'M.U.L.E.' ? 686657;1400822308;asciilifeform;http://www.c64-wiki.com/index.php/M.U.L.E. 686658;1400822309;assbot;M.U.L.E. - C64-Wiki 686659;1400822332;benkay;!up blackwhite 686660;1400822332;mircea_popescu;aite, ima be off. laters all. 686661;1400822335;nubbins`;http://imgur.com/zRrJVGH 686662;1400822335;assbot;imgur: the simple image sharer 686663;1400822339;nubbins`;and a crazy fog bank :o 686664;1400822349;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27000 @ 0.00093607 = 25.2739 BTC [-] 686665;1400822377;moiety;nubbins`: re defon, maybe so but regardless, i've still learned a fair bit fromthe videos i've seen. also nice pics! 686666;1400822384;moiety;see you later mircea_popescu :] 686667;1400822398;nubbins`;defon? 686668;1400822402;moiety;yeah 686669;1400822423;moiety;but im not technical so anything is going to teach me more than i already know 686670;1400822424;nubbins`;you may be confusing me with someone else :( 686671;1400822445;moiety;oh sorry was benkay 686672;1400822483;moiety;benkay: re defon, maybe so but regardless, i've still learned a fair bit from the videos i've seen.* 686673;1400822502;benkay;well certainly 686674;1400822576;benkay;there's a really steep and long learning curve in the combudder industry, moiety. 686675;1400822719;benkay;non-experts have piles to learn from the defcon material. 686676;1400822723;benkay;experts, though... 686677;1400822759;artifexd;benkay: combudder? 686678;1400822770;benkay;well you see it's not a computer 686679;1400822779;artifexd;Oh 686680;1400822784;artifexd;Got it. 686681;1400822937;benkay;!up xmj 686682;1400822957;xmj;good morning. benkay told me to come here on the grounds that I'll supposedly enjoy the conversations. 686683;1400822973;moiety;good morning xmj 686684;1400822974;benkay;the way things work here is that individuals in assbot's l2 trust circle can !up themselves 686685;1400822978;benkay;anyone can !up anyone 686686;1400822984;benkay;well, anyone with trust 686687;1400822994;benkay;anyone with trust can symmetrically !down anyone 686688;1400822996;benkay;!down xmj 686689;1400823007;benkay;!up xmj 686690;1400823017;benkay;moiety is our darling secretary 686691;1400823020;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25450 @ 0.00093932 = 23.9057 BTC [+] {2} 686692;1400823021;xmj;that's great. 686693;1400823031;moiety;if you need anything, just give me a shout 686694;1400823046;nubbins`;i need change for the bus 686695;1400823050;xmj;Let me introduce myself. I do interesting things with FreeBSD, UNIX, Django, python and numpy. 686696;1400823107;*;moiety gives nubbins` change 686697;1400823121;moiety;what kind of interesting things xmj? 686698;1400823132;benkay;it's going to be a boring month, xmj - the charismatic sociopath at the center of -assets just got on a boat to move himself across the world. 686699;1400823150;xmj;I live in Estonia, am currently staying in its summer capital for a business trip (http://i.imgur.com/2uaFt3U.jpg) and enjoy being a cloudworker. 686700;1400823183;xmj;moiety: being a member of the Ports committers team, for one 686701;1400823191;benkay;http://bash.bitcoin-assets.com/?quote=4 686702;1400823191;assbot;#bitcoin-assets bash 686703;1400823211;benkay;anyways, xmj ping me when you register with gribble and get in the web of trust 686704;1400823215;benkay;;;ident xmj 686705;1400823215;gribble;Nick 'xmj', with hostmask 'xmj!~xmj@freebsd/developer/xmj', is not identified. 686706;1400823222;benkay;;;gettrust assbot xmj 686707;1400823223;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user xmj: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=xmj | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=xmj | Rated since: never 686708;1400823238;xmj;give me a howto for gribble and I will. 686709;1400823241;benkay;;;help 686710;1400823242;gribble;The bot responds when you start a line with the ! character. A good starting point for exploring the bot is the !facts command. You can also visit the bot's website for a list of help topics and documentation: http://gribble.sourceforge.net/ 686711;1400823243;xmj;pankkake: hi 686712;1400823253;benkay;;;commands 686713;1400823254;gribble;8ball, ?, about, action, add, alert, alias, allvwap, announce, announce add, announce list, announce remove, any, aol, apply, apropos, asks, at, auth, author, avgprc, balance, ban add, ban list, ban remove, baratio, base, bashorg, bc,24hprc, bc,bear, bc,bitpenny, bc,blocks, bc,btcguild, bc,bull, bc,calc, bc,convert, bc,deepbit, bc,eligius, bc,fx, bc,gen, bc,help, bc,intersango, bc,interval, (10 more messages) 686714;1400823258;benkay;;;next 686715;1400823259;gribble;See latest update from Onefixt here: https://twitter.com/BitcoinOracle/ 686716;1400823259;moiety;http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/first_steps_in_bitcoin-assets heres a step by step, phone number/skype at the bottom if you need help 686717;1400823259;assbot;first_steps_in_bitcoin-assets [bitcoin assets wiki] 686718;1400823267;benkay;;;commands 686719;1400823267;gribble;8ball, ?, about, action, add, alert, alias, allvwap, announce, announce add, announce list, announce remove, any, aol, apply, apropos, asks, at, auth, author, avgprc, balance, ban add, ban list, ban remove, baratio, base, bashorg, bc,24hprc, bc,bear, bc,bitpenny, bc,blocks, bc,btcguild, bc,bull, bc,calc, bc,convert, bc,deepbit, bc,eligius, bc,fx, bc,gen, bc,help, bc,intersango, bc,interval, (10 more messages) 686720;1400823269;benkay;;;more 686721;1400823269;gribble;bc,mktcap, bc,ozcoin, bc,p2pool, bc,p2poolalt, bc,p2pooldiff, bc,price, bc,slushpool, bc,stats, bc,totalbc, bc,wiki, bc,xag, bc,xau, bcauth, bcregister, bcstats, bcverify, bids, binary, bitcoinchannel, bitcoinfoundationblog, bitcointalknews, blockdiff, blocks, bold, book, bot, botsnack, boturl, botweb, bounty, bsx, btcauth, btceeur, btceusd, btcregister, btcverify, buy, cache, calc, call, (9 more messages) 686722;1400823274;benkay;there you go. 686723;1400823299;xmj;ok 686724;1400823311;benkay;start with ;;eregister 686725;1400823312;xmj;Do I register myself here in public? 686726;1400823317;benkay;nah, go to pm 686727;1400823323;benkay;less embarrasing. 686728;1400823333;benkay;however one spells that. 686729;1400823345;moiety;rr ss 686730;1400823355;benkay;embarrassing. thanks moiety 686731;1400823359;benkay;!up roamfree 686732;1400823388;moiety;hello roamfree 686733;1400823442;xmj;;;ident xmj 686734;1400823443;gribble;Nick 'xmj', with hostmask 'xmj!~xmj@freebsd/developer/xmj', is identified as user 'xmj', with GPG key id FC9E29371B1B0D0B, key fingerprint 224ED70AA3AE3EF123B0CA88FC9E29371B1B0D0B, and bitcoin address None 686735;1400823489;benkay;;;rate xmj 1 red in the face 686736;1400823490;gribble;Error: For identification purposes, you must be authenticated to use the rating system. 686737;1400823494;benkay;d'oh 686738;1400823497;benkay;;;eauth benkay 686739;1400823498;gribble;Request successful for user benkay, hostmask benkay!~user@unaffiliated/benkay. Get your encrypted OTP from http://bitcoin-otc.com/otps/2AFA1A9FD2D031DA 686740;1400823509;benkay;;;everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:11a38dea8ad9370f28a7b7be164ec6a838f6a786b676f0ddc52e5b82 686741;1400823510;gribble;You are now authenticated for user benkay with key 2AFA1A9FD2D031DA 686742;1400823514;benkay;;;rate xmj 1 red in the face 686743;1400823516;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user xmj has been recorded. 686744;1400823531;benkay;!down xmj 686745;1400823537;benkay;now /msg assbot !up 686746;1400823551;xmj;benkay: pfff, i haven't been in the sun that much yesterday. only 4h on the beach I posted above 686747;1400823584;xmj;How do I want to tell gribble that I know and trust benkay and pankkake ? 686748;1400823585;benkay;that is probably the record registration and assbot integration. 686749;1400823596;benkay; ;;rate xmj 1 red in the face 686750;1400823600;xmj;ah 686751;1400823605;benkay;rating is from -10 to 10 686752;1400823618;xmj;;;rate pankakke 3 has mutual interests 686753;1400823618;gribble;Error: User doesn't exist in the Rating or GPG databases. User must be GPG-registered to receive ratings. 686754;1400823624;xmj;pfff. 686755;1400823628;benkay;;;ident pankkake 686756;1400823628;gribble;Nick 'pankkake', with hostmask 'pankkake!~anus@inara.p.engu.in', is identified as user 'pankkake', with GPG key id 651BB507D9889CC0, key fingerprint E7EA9D5CEC708D4D1EF6C99E651BB507D9889CC0, and bitcoin address None 686757;1400823641;xmj;;;rate benkay 3 has mutual interests 686758;1400823642;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 3 for user benkay has been recorded. 686759;1400823647;xmj;there ya go. 686760;1400823652;benkay;welcome. 686761;1400823654;benkay;hang for a bit. 686762;1400823681;benkay;you can even use gribble to explore the trustdb to some extent 686763;1400823692;benkay;;;gettrust kakobrekla magicaltux 686764;1400823692;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user kakobrekla to user magicaltux: Level 1: 0, Level 2: -11 via 9 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=kakobrekla&dest=magicaltux | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=magicaltux | Rated since: Mon Dec 20 13:21:21 2010 686765;1400823718;benkay;lol usagi's rating of magicaltux is still at 1 686766;1400823919;benkay;anyways i'm off for the night. 686767;1400823932;benkay;pets need petting etc. 686768;1400823935;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.4988 BTC [+] 686769;1400824057;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.095 = 0.95 BTC [+] 686770;1400824070;xmj;enjoy 686771;1400824104;xmj;moiety: what kind of interesting things do you do in your life? 686772;1400824117;benkay;xmj: http://imgur.com/dmVgwPB 686773;1400824117;assbot;imgur: the simple image sharer 686774;1400824151;*;xmj bows 686775;1400824168;moiety;night benkay :] hugs for pooch 686776;1400824192;benkay;MOAR HUGS? 686777;1400824197;benkay;that animal is spoiled already. 686778;1400824207;benkay;and what about the other pet, eh? going to leave her out in the cold? 686779;1400824218;moiety;xmj: i landed up in here and learn as much as possible. Just started this reception number :] 686780;1400824220;nubbins`;CONGRATION 686781;1400824231;moiety;benkay: always moar hugs!! and no... hug dem both 686782;1400824244;benkay;will do moiety 686783;1400824250;moiety;:D 686784;1400824251;benkay;okay out f'reelz nao. 686785;1400824270;xmj;moiety: no, I mean, what do you do for fun and profit? 686786;1400824286;xmj;emphasis on the fun part 686787;1400824394;moiety;just as well because i don't do anything for profit lol as for fun, i gather as much info on manuls as possible and learn things that I can use in future... oh and I bake....along with the usual films, music, bla bla 686788;1400824429;xmj;you're evading the essentials! 686789;1400824442;xmj;info on manuals sounds cool, what stuff do you read? 686790;1400824504;moiety;manuls* ie pallas' cats ... what are the essentials? I'm incredibly boring - have some shortbread http://imgur.com/a/vmd8a#2 686791;1400824505;assbot;baking - Imgur 686792;1400824543;xmj;ooo 686793;1400824547;xmj;they look nice 686794;1400824559;xmj;I thought manuls were a typo. My bad. 686795;1400824588;nubbins`;there's nothing incredible about being boring :( 686796;1400824606;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 17 @ 0.095 = 1.615 BTC [+] 686797;1400824609;xmj;being boring is okay, it's a lifestyle 686798;1400824614;moiety;xmj: http://37.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_maxliiE3ut1rxutsvo1_500.jpg manul 686799;1400824628;moiety;nubbins`: its my level of boring that's incredible 686800;1400824633;xmj;cutie! 686801;1400824635;nubbins`;ah, my apologies 686802;1400824667;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39250 @ 0.00093531 = 36.7109 BTC [-] {3} 686803;1400824678;moiety;I'm venturing out into life though. I want to do things with LEDs 686804;1400824688;moiety;the world needs more LEDs 686805;1400824713;nubbins`;so we printed like 250 download cards for this band last year 686806;1400824725;moiety;download festival? 686807;1400824727;nubbins`;all silkscreened, made up to look like old o-pee-chee style trading cards 686808;1400824751;nubbins`;i came across a test scrap today and realized that i spelled the word "redeem" wrong on every single one 686809;1400824781;moiety;well, no one reported it 686810;1400824788;nubbins`;they say -- in all caps -- "TO REDEEDM YOUR CODE..." 686811;1400824803;nubbins`;i don't think anyone else noticed :D 686812;1400824832;moiety;they mustn't have! 686813;1400824849;moiety;xmj: what do you do for fun then? 686814;1400824872;moiety;nubbins`: what kind of band? perhaps they weren't alert to take it in 686815;1400824879;xmj;moiety: I work in an IT company, which is a great source of enjoyment 686816;1400824906;xmj;the company has offices in this country's summer capital, which I'm visiting Thu/Fri(today)/Sat. 686817;1400824944;xmj;I also do consulting, which is an even bigger source of enjoyment as you get paid to learn new things real quick. 686818;1400824957;xmj;Being paid to learn... can't find things much better than that, eh? 686819;1400825051;moiety;definitely not! :] 686820;1400825071;moiety;if you enjoy it, you clearly aren't in the support side lol 686821;1400825140;nubbins`;a loud, strange band 686822;1400825155;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50800 @ 0.00093874 = 47.688 BTC [+] {3} 686823;1400825216;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 206 @ 0.000781 = 0.1609 BTC [-] {3} 686824;1400825275;moiety;xmj: is that a picture you took on imgur linked above? 4h on the beach in one day isn't a bad business trip at all 686825;1400825277;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.095 = 0.19 BTC [+] 686826;1400825432;nubbins`;oh hey, the price of bitcoin is a little bit higher than the last time i checked it 686827;1400825697;xmj;moiety: yes 686828;1400825712;xmj;moiety: I agree. It's a lifestyle. 686829;1400825888;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6829 @ 0.0009344 = 6.381 BTC [-] 686830;1400825891;moiety;are you there all summer xmj? 686831;1400825921;moiety;I have been on 0 business trips. I used to work in a hospital lol 686832;1400826009;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [7C] 18 @ 0.00703513 = 0.1266 BTC [+] {2} 686833;1400826192;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22000 @ 0.00092926 = 20.4437 BTC [-] 686834;1400826253;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 8 @ 0.095 = 0.76 BTC [+] 686835;1400826262;xmj;moiety: until tomorrow 686836;1400826287;xmj;I'm doing a short two-nights hackation. 686837;1400826306;moiety;o i c, what does a hackation entail? 686838;1400826802;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15900 @ 0.00092917 = 14.7738 BTC [-] {2} 686839;1400826999;xmj;hacking and beach, mostly 686840;1400827257;moiety;so, you get fined for swearing in one place and now fined for feeding pigeons in Vienna http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/pigeonfeeders-in-vienna-to-be-fined-36-as-part-of-citys-crackdown-on-bird-population-9421568.html 686841;1400827257;assbot;Pigeon-feeders in Vienna to be fined 36 as part of city's crackdown on bird population - Europe - World - The Independent 686842;1400827292;moiety;feeding pigeons is less expensive than swearing though 686843;1400827406;fluffypony;lol 686844;1400827452;moiety;!up mjr_ 686845;1400827457;moiety;hello 686846;1400827473;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18571 @ 0.00093141 = 17.2972 BTC [+] {2} 686847;1400827473;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 60 @ 0.00282002 = 0.1692 BTC [-] 686848;1400827693;pankkake;;;later tell mircea_popescu your feed doesn't seem to update in real time, blogs.b-a often lags behind. otherwise the irker script has a really simple algorithm, it publishes any unseen URL, so I'd be surprised there's a bug there 686849;1400827693;gribble;The operation succeeded. 686850;1400828007;fluffypony;pankkake: maybe the URL for that post changed 686851;1400828027;pankkake;in that case it would be published again 686852;1400828036;fluffypony;yep 686853;1400828133;xmj;moiety: Think of "Hackation" as the same thing as "Hackathon" with one letter changed. 686854;1400828170;*;moiety nods 686855;1400828174;moiety;with you now xmj 686856;1400828199;moiety;!up Azelphur_ 686857;1400828203;moiety;!uo dvsdude 686858;1400828208;moiety;well fuck 686859;1400828213;moiety;!up dvsdude 686860;1400828226;dvsdude;ty 686861;1400828228;moiety;hello, welcome 686862;1400828237;dvsdude;hello 686863;1400828310;moiety;np dvsdude, who might you be? 686864;1400828338;dvsdude;nobody just lurker 686865;1400828369;moiety;o i c, lurk away. 686866;1400828380;dvsdude;thanks 686867;1400828419;dvsdude;anything exciting happen 686868;1400828453;moiety;isn't bitcoin always exciting? 686869;1400828453;dvsdude;i'll check the log 686870;1400828480;dvsdude;it is 686871;1400828485;xmj;moiety: it's a PR gag. Hackathon is a collusion of Hack and Marathon. Hackation, with one letter changed, of Hack and Vacation. 686872;1400828490;dvsdude;allways 686873;1400828497;xmj;moiety: much better associations "feel good" with the latter! 686874;1400828499;fluffypony;Hackation? 686875;1400828508;fluffypony;Vacathon! 686876;1400828539;xmj;naw 686877;1400828571;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 494 @ 0.095 = 46.93 BTC [+] 686878;1400828596;moiety;Vacathon sounds like it would be longer 686879;1400828623;xmj;no "Hack" in it. But if you like to run Marathons while on vacation, that's fine by me. 686880;1400828632;moiety;lol 686881;1400828683;fluffypony;that's what always irritates me 686882;1400828685;fluffypony;they call it a hackathon 686883;1400828701;fluffypony;but they're basically just drinking a lot of Red Bull and writing some shitty PoC code 686884;1400828710;fluffypony;why don't they call it a PoCathon 686885;1400828730;fluffypony;gotta thon them all...POCATHON! 686886;1400828829;xmj;You suck at branding 686887;1400828865;xmj;fluffypony: Hackathon involves what you say, exactly, which is just terrible. I don't even like nor am productive with Red Bull. 686888;1400828905;xmj;Vacation has all the fun of being on a holiday enjoying life. 686889;1400829242;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.4851 BTC [-] 686890;1400829540;moiety;remember: red bull kills! 686891;1400829547;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 48 @ 0.03950002 = 1.896 BTC [-] {2} 686892;1400829554;punkman;good morning 686893;1400829563;moiety;morning punkman :] 686894;1400829566;punkman;;;ticker 686895;1400829567;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 529.32, Best ask: 531.59, Bid-ask spread: 2.27000, Last trade: 529.32, 24 hour volume: 18276.68329301, 24 hour low: 502.0, 24 hour high: 541.89, 24 hour vwap: 520.148735702 686896;1400829569;fluffypony;punkman: mornings 686897;1400829669;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51890 @ 0.00093739 = 48.6412 BTC [+] {2} 686898;1400829974;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26669 @ 0.00093248 = 24.8683 BTC [-] {2} 686899;1400830036;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24831 @ 0.00092943 = 23.0787 BTC [-] 686900;1400830056;punkman;http://wiki.cacert.org/Roots/CreationCeremony 686901;1400830056;assbot;Roots/CreationCeremony - CAcert Wiki 686902;1400830067;fluffypony;moiety:noobs seem to rate success on howmany tshirts are produced with x alt on them <- so when are ManulCoin shirts coming? 686903;1400830121;moiety;I would wear a manulcoin tshirt! 686904;1400830157;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.095 = 0.19 BTC [+] 686905;1400830218;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 31 @ 0.095 = 2.945 BTC [+] 686906;1400830264;moiety;they should be embroidered though, scratch resistant 686907;1400830283;moiety;punkman: well... that's... comprehensive 686908;1400830349;punkman;moiety: not much mention of using machines unsullied by the internet, just "turn off the wifi" 686909;1400830379;punkman;seems strange 686910;1400830450;punkman;http://phys.org/news/2014-05-animals-wild-wheel-choice-video.html 686911;1400830451;assbot;Animals in the wild found to use running wheel if given the choice (w/ Video) 686912;1400830462;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 9 @ 0.095 = 0.855 BTC [+] 686913;1400830532;punkman;well I've never seen a frog in a running wheel 686914;1400830572;moiety;punkman: maybe they are assuming everyone follows all the points in 2 and don't reiterate? 686915;1400830617;fluffypony;asciilifeform:re: monero et al: https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/CryptoNight <- the wiki says that, the whitepaper says otherwise. even the site says "Our algorithm requires about 2 Mb per instance" - whoever edited the wiki is clearly a turd. 686916;1400830618;assbot;CryptoNight - Bitcoin 686917;1400830707;punkman;fluffypony: I think "Egalitarian proof of work" is kinda lulzy 686918;1400830728;fluffypony;punkman: I agree 686919;1400830730;moiety;re the slug in the wheel.. i don't believe this is a viable test. 686920;1400830735;fluffypony;that's not even a main feature 686921;1400830744;fluffypony;but everyone seems to jump on it 686922;1400830749;fluffypony;like the PoW is the defining factor 686923;1400830791;pankkake;xmj, do we know each other? 686924;1400830852;punkman;fluffypony: so why do you like this Monero thing? wouldn't you rather have cash tokens based on bitcoin? 686925;1400830856;fluffypony;although I do get what they were trying to achieve - lower the gap between CPU mining and the GPU/ASIC crowd so that the jump from one to the other isn't as hardcore 686926;1400830884;fluffypony;punkman: I like the ring signatures + stealth address combo 686927;1400830887;fluffypony;don't get me wrong 686928;1400830899;fluffypony;my crypto holdings are all BTC atm 686929;1400830904;fluffypony;plus a bit of MRO 686930;1400830925;fluffypony;it's just the first cryptocurrency besides BTC that I've seen in a while that has had anything vaguely interesting 686931;1400831134;xmj;pankkake: weren't you a napper? 686932;1400831160;xmj;or on agora? 686933;1400831377;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.47009444 = 2.3505 BTC [-] {4} 686934;1400831540;punkman;;;ticker 686935;1400831541;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 530.0, Best ask: 530.99, Bid-ask spread: 0.99000, Last trade: 530.99, 24 hour volume: 17970.72917765, 24 hour low: 502.0, 24 hour high: 541.89, 24 hour vwap: 520.327990498 686936;1400831621;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 62200 @ 0.00094012 = 58.4755 BTC [+] {5} 686937;1400831842;moiety;pankkake: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/france/10849606/Selfie-hashtag-and-troll-are-all-officially-French-according-to-new-dictionary.html 686938;1400831842;assbot;Selfie, hashtag and troll are all officially French, according to new dictionary - Telegraph 686939;1400832231;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14135 @ 0.00094081 = 13.2983 BTC [+] 686940;1400832561;dub;always blame the french 686941;1400832703;fluffypony;except when you're blaming the Germans 686942;1400832716;fluffypony;how come there aren't more Germans in -assets ? 686943;1400832719;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34537 @ 0.00093594 = 32.3246 BTC [-] {2} 686944;1400832831;kakobrekla;i think theres one or two 686945;1400832959;xmj;I'm German. 686946;1400832976;xmj;and Always Blame The French is a heuristic I much agree with 686947;1400833173;moiety;that article is really blaming english users 686948;1400833233;moiety;someone named their child hastag because they loved tweeter somuch, but ironically announced it on fb [before fb used hashtags] 686949;1400833268;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 100 @ 0.00453249 = 0.4532 BTC [-] {3} 686950;1400833390;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.02265926 = 0.1133 BTC [-] {2} 686951;1400833391;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.0330003 = 0.165 BTC [-] 686952;1400834333;punkman;https://financialcryptography.com/mt/archives/001500.html 686953;1400834334;assbot;Financial Cryptography: No Accounting Skills? No Moral Reckoning 686954;1400834427;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28100 @ 0.0009316 = 26.178 BTC [-] {3} 686955;1400834977;pankkake;xmj: oh right! 686956;1400835010;pankkake;moiety: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-05-2014#685627 :) 686957;1400835010;assbot;#bitcoin-assets log 686958;1400835323;moiety;o lol how did i miss that, sorry pankkake 686959;1400835464;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18356 @ 0.00092968 = 17.0652 BTC [-] 686960;1400835525;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53694 @ 0.00092832 = 49.8452 BTC [-] {2} 686961;1400835582;pankkake;punkman: this whole blog is very interesting 686962;1400835645;punkman;pankkake: add it to the feed 686963;1400835667;pankkake;I was wondering about blogs of non-asseters actually 686964;1400835685;pankkake;perhaps each member should be able to suggest one other blog 686965;1400835735;pankkake;Security Top Tips 1. Buy a Mac 686966;1400835735;pankkake;lol 686967;1400835769;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.0330003 = 0.165 BTC [-] 686968;1400835770;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 9 @ 0.48329535 = 4.3497 BTC [+] {5} 686969;1400835830;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 12 @ 0.49879997 = 5.9856 BTC [+] {3} 686970;1400836041;kakobrekla;how not to die from radiation? stab yourself in the heart. 686971;1400836196;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 20 @ 0.0395 = 0.79 BTC [-] 686972;1400836197;fluffypony;how to become rich? first, have several million Dollars. 686973;1400836684;assbot;[MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 479 @ 0.00258054 = 1.2361 BTC [-] 686974;1400836989;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 150 @ 0.088 = 13.2 BTC [-] 686975;1400837172;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.0975 = 0.975 BTC [+] 686976;1400837434;moiety;i have an appointment, i have to step out for half hour or so, bbs 686977;1400837445;fluffypony;ok have fun 686978;1400837538;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 6 @ 0.03900035 = 0.234 BTC [-] 686979;1400837539;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.088 = 0.176 BTC [-] 686980;1400838027;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.038 = 0.114 BTC [-] 686981;1400838045;punkman;"Church leaders claim bearded drag queen Eurovision winner Conchita Wurst caused the Balkan floods because God 'doesn't want people to join the wild side'" 686982;1400838088;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 6 @ 0.08799999 = 0.528 BTC [-] 686983;1400838148;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.088 = 0.176 BTC [+] {2} 686984;1400838453;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18991 @ 0.00092912 = 17.6449 BTC [+] 686985;1400838758;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19903 @ 0.0009349 = 18.6073 BTC [+] 686986;1400838880;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 14 @ 0.088 = 1.232 BTC [+] 686987;1400839185;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24347 @ 0.0009349 = 22.762 BTC [+] 686988;1400840283;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.038 = 0.38 BTC [-] 686989;1400840527;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 405 @ 0.00080988 = 0.328 BTC [+] {4} 686990;1400840610;moiety;I'm back. well, it has been busy :P 686991;1400840771;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 82 @ 0.09088873 = 7.4529 BTC [+] {8} 686992;1400840777;fluffypony;better go catch up on the log 686993;1400840779;fluffypony;:-P 686994;1400840832;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 266 @ 0.09655335 = 25.6832 BTC [+] {14} 686995;1400841495;kakobrekla;>Quote from: on May 22, 2014, 05:51:29 AM : If anyone is able to lend the 4 BTC needed to pay for this, please let me know. 686996;1400841503;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.095 = 0.95 BTC [-] 686997;1400841686;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 34 @ 0.0975 = 3.315 BTC [+] 686998;1400841747;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 64 @ 0.09441467 = 6.0425 BTC [-] {5} 686999;1400841749;moiety;lol is that really their username kakobrekla 687000;1400841850;kakobrekla;http://pastebin.com/Y518dxjJ 687001;1400841850;assbot;Nasty Minutes - Pastebin.com 687002;1400841854;kakobrekla;line 766 687003;1400841869;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 12 @ 0.0958 = 1.1496 BTC [+] 687004;1400842052;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14500 @ 0.00093895 = 13.6148 BTC [+] 687005;1400842460;moiety;o i c. o.o 687006;1400842925;punkman;kakobrekla: 4btc to pay for what 687007;1400842983;kakobrekla;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=86854.msg6867724#msg6867724 687008;1400842983;assbot;[NastyFans.org] NASTY MINING | POOL | COINS 687009;1400844229;pankkake;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=621964.0 beurk ! 687010;1400844229;assbot;Paymium - Lundi 23 juin 2014, Bitcoin-Central devient Paymium 687011;1400844338;fluffypony;hmmmmmm 687012;1400844342;fluffypony;how does that affect the bet? 687013;1400844396;moiety;!up Sahtor 687014;1400844552;kakobrekla;pankkake what does it say 687015;1400844566;pankkake;Bitcoin-Central renamed to Paymium 687016;1400844675;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.0334999 = 0.1675 BTC [+] 687017;1400845041;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 30 @ 0.0975 = 2.925 BTC [+] 687018;1400845042;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44150 @ 0.00093726 = 41.38 BTC [-] {2} 687019;1400845773;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 23 @ 0.00570009 = 0.1311 BTC [+] {2} 687020;1400845886;jurov;http://blog.bitcoin-central.net/2014/05/23/in-30-days-bitcoin-central-will-change-its-name-to-paymium/ in english 687021;1400845887;assbot;In 30 days, Bitcoin-Central will change its name to Paymium | Paymium 687022;1400846268;BingoBoingo;%d 687023;1400846281;BingoBoingo;%help 687024;1400846282;atcbot;%t | %ticker | %book | %diff | %tx | %bal
| %mined | %block | %lb | %tslb | %cm | %ptp | %help | %h 687025;1400846286;BingoBoingo;%diff 687026;1400846288;atcbot;[ATC Diff] Current Diff: 455357.13 Est. Next Diff: 157710.11 in 499 blocks (#32256) Est. % Change: -65.37 687027;1400846627;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 6 @ 0.47101123 = 2.8261 BTC [-] {3} 687028;1400846688;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11890 @ 0.00093559 = 11.1242 BTC [-] {2} 687029;1400846749;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4660 @ 0.00093168 = 4.3416 BTC [-] 687030;1400847115;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.0975 = 0.2925 BTC [+] 687031;1400847208;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 687032;1400847215;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 538.51, vol: 14951.39363973 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 530.0, vol: 10741.78127 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 538.2, vol: 13932.8880748 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 527.63, vol: 41.80578989 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 536.506467, vol: 5053.64940000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 536.30952, vol: 9.16316527 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 537.68987, vol: 125.7582886 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message) 687033;1400847216;BingoBoingo;;;more 687034;1400847216;gribble;536.137206782 687035;1400847298;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.46850008 = 2.3425 BTC [-] {2} 687036;1400847359;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.46578583 BTC [-] 687037;1400847416;BingoBoingo;http://gawker.com/obama-pulled-a-bit-of-a-nixon-yesterday-1580430290 687038;1400847416;assbot;Obama Pulled a Bit of a Nixon Yesterday 687039;1400847603;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19750 @ 0.00093157 = 18.3985 BTC [-] {2} 687040;1400847709;punkman;http://jimhougan.com/wordpress/?p=98 687041;1400847711;assbot;Nixon In the Jungle « Investigative Notes 687042;1400848335;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 9 @ 0.093 = 0.837 BTC [-] 687043;1400848640;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 560 @ 0.04037124 = 22.6079 BTC [+] {4} 687044;1400848762;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 47050 @ 0.00093465 = 43.9753 BTC [+] 687045;1400849068;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31739 @ 0.00093485 = 29.6712 BTC [+] 687046;1400849373;BingoBoingo;https://twitter.com/rogerkver/status/469789116624695297 687047;1400849374;assbot;37.6 BTC reward for information that leads to the arrest of the hacker that is trying to hack all my stuff at the moment. details to come! 687048;1400849500;BingoBoingo;^ A distinct downside to Jesus'ing - it makes you a target for idiots 687049;1400849616;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20450 @ 0.00093895 = 19.2015 BTC [+] 687050;1400850287;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14100 @ 0.00093525 = 13.187 BTC [-] 687051;1400850653;assbot;[MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 215 @ 0.00253974 = 0.546 BTC [-] 687052;1400850775;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 36 @ 0.04081058 = 1.4692 BTC [+] {4} 687053;1400851188;kakobrekla;http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg22229694.000-quantum-positioning-system-steps-in-when-gps-fails.html#.U35k-HZ0QuN 687054;1400851189;assbot;Quantum positioning system steps in when GPS fails - tech - 14 May 2014 - New Scientist 687055;1400851202;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 1 @ 0.1081076 BTC [+] 687056;1400851447;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6700 @ 0.00093525 = 6.2662 BTC [-] 687057;1400851506;BingoBoingo;At this rate we are going to have quantum toasters before quantum computers 687058;1400851553;kakobrekla;http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/silent-circle-raises-30-million-in-funding-from-new-strategic-investors-260069001.html 687059;1400851554;assbot;Silent Circle Raises $30 Million In Funding From New Strategic Investors -- WASHINGTON and LONDON, May 21, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- 687060;1400851690;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17571 @ 0.00093525 = 16.4333 BTC [-] 687061;1400851690;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.47 BTC [+] 687062;1400851691;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.0975 = 0.975 BTC [+] 687063;1400851751;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.48273741 = 0.9655 BTC [+] {2} 687064;1400851758;artifexd;jurov: Was the box your trezor came in glued shut on both sides? Did it have a holographic sticker? 687065;1400851777;danielpbarron;is that thing worth getting? is it a joke? 687066;1400851863;artifexd;asciilifeform is better qualified to answer that than I. 687067;1400851877;kakobrekla;dunno maybe if you can get one not intercepted by nsa or smth 687068;1400851904;jurov;artifex yes 687069;1400851918;kakobrekla;tbh i havent even looked into it as waht it does 687070;1400851945;danielpbarron;can you generate the wallet on a different machine and upload it into the device? 687071;1400851972;BingoBoingo;danielpbarron: So far I think it only works with their wallet thing 687072;1400851978;BingoBoingo;Software deelie 687073;1400851980;jurov;danielpbarron only bip-whatever compatible wallet 687074;1400851994;danielpbarron;ok, so it isn't doing the random number stuff on that stick? 687075;1400852011;artifexd;bip32 687076;1400852035;jurov;the passphrase must be generated somewhere 687077;1400852051;jurov;i'm not sure if it's done on the device or externally 687078;1400852098;BingoBoingo;http://bigstory.ap.org/article/tennessee-signs-bill-allow-electric-chair 687079;1400852099;assbot;Tennessee brings back electric chair 687080;1400852117;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.48 BTC [-] 687081;1400852149;jurov;in any case there's rng on STM chip used for ecdsa 687082;1400852422;jurov;Cortex M3 rng 687083;1400852459;moiety;i would like a quantum toaster 687084;1400852544;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 8 @ 0.04094 = 0.3275 BTC [+] 687085;1400852620;BingoBoingo;http://www.ocregister.com/articles/olivo-615415-guerrero-kasten.html 687086;1400852622;assbot;Olivo's days with Dodgers are done - The Orange County Register 687087;1400852639;BingoBoingo;It is not a question of fault, Kasten said. As I said, the action of removing a part of someones ear is unforgivable. Fault is not an issue here. 687088;1400852678;BingoBoingo;Guerrero, meanwhile, remains hospitalized in Salt Lake City after having plastic surgery to re-attach the portion of his ear Olivo bit off. 687089;1400852850;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23474 @ 0.00093677 = 21.9897 BTC [+] {2} 687090;1400852910;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 626 @ 0.00093485 = 0.5852 BTC [-] 687091;1400854069;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 1 @ 0.10810892 BTC [+] 687092;1400855045;assbot;[MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 1348 @ 0.00254301 = 3.428 BTC [+] 687093;1400855594;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11732 @ 0.00093766 = 11.0006 BTC [+] 687094;1400856022;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20502 @ 0.00093809 = 19.2327 BTC [+] {2} 687095;1400856265;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13750 @ 0.00093895 = 12.9106 BTC [+] 687096;1400856448;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 20 @ 0.0975 = 1.95 BTC [+] 687097;1400856632;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12635 @ 0.00093713 = 11.8406 BTC [-] {2} 687098;1400857241;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 2 @ 0.13299999 = 0.266 BTC [+] 687099;1400857369;BingoBoingo;Naphex: Looks like you are getting some volume 687100;1400857546;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 6 @ 0.13299999 = 0.798 BTC [+] 687101;1400857625;asciilifeform;artifexd, jurov: 'trezor' uses arm's satanic rng for ecdsa signing nonce. if this bothers you (it bothers me) - don't use. 687102;1400857677;asciilifeform;(a satanic rng, as spoken of here, is any and all rng where the circuit is contained on a vlsi die and cannot be audited with commonly-available equipment) 687103;1400857719;mod6;ye ole behind-the-curtain rng 687104;1400857738;asciilifeform;note that i have never touched, smelled, used, 'trezor.' all i know comes from the manufacturer's specs. 687105;1400857742;Naphex;BingoBoingo: pretty small though still today, but picking up:p 687106;1400857753;rithm;i use 1 as my rng 687107;1400857790;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1289 @ 0.000118 = 0.1521 BTC [-] {6} 687108;1400857851;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1565 @ 0.00093305 = 1.4602 BTC [-] 687109;1400857851;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1347 @ 0.00011689 = 0.1575 BTC [-] 687110;1400857902;fluffypony;rithm: so clever nobody will guess it 687111;1400858255;rithm;it's the lonliest number 687112;1400858461;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13900 @ 0.00093461 = 12.9911 BTC [+] 687113;1400858507;jurov;asciilifeform: and when will the nonsatanic implementation ship? 687114;1400858534;jurov;inb4 "when it is ready" 687115;1400858583;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 4 @ 0.04 = 0.16 BTC [-] 687116;1400858601;TomServo;jurov's angling for that .02 on 'no' :P 687117;1400858616;davout;kakobrekla: what happens with http://bitbet.us/bet/826/bitcoin-central-out-of-business-in-2014/ if BC simply changes name ? 687118;1400858616;assbot;BitBet - Bitcoin-Central out of business in 2014 :: 0.24 B (2%) on Yes, 10.09 B (98%) on No | closing in 7 months 1 week| weight: 90`530 (100`000 to 1) 687119;1400858643;jurov;TomServo: i made the same bet last year, but nobody else bet 687120;1400858668;jurov;but i managed to scoop whole bitbet's home bet for myself xD 687121;1400858726;jurov;davout the same as if iOS gets renamed: http://bitbet.us/bet/858/perpetual-obsolescence-ios-8-announced-in-2014/ 687122;1400858726;assbot;BitBet - Perpetual Obsolescence: iOS 8 Announced in 2014 :: 0.19 B (95%) on Yes, 0.01 B (5%) on No | closing in 7 months 1 week| weight: 98`771 (100`000 to 1) 687123;1400858738;jurov;i.e. "unspecified behavior" 687124;1400858766;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.0334999 = 0.134 BTC [+] 687125;1400858808;jurov;mp decides this afaik, not kako 687126;1400858823;pankkake;but there will be an HTTP redirect 687127;1400858832;pankkake;so go on bitcoin-central.net, login, it werks! 687128;1400858863;pankkake;but I hope davout loses because Paymium sucks ass for a name 687129;1400858894;BingoBoingo;^ 687130;1400858898;jurov;^ 687131;1400858900;pankkake;:D 687132;1400858936;assbot;Last 15 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/3B85GG8.txt ) 687133;1400858936;kakobrekla;!b 15 687134;1400858941;kakobrekla;maybe i can make it into a bash 687135;1400858983;assbot;Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/07ZX019.txt ) 687136;1400858983;BingoBoingo;!b 1 687137;1400859010;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 72133 @ 0.00093203 = 67.2301 BTC [-] {4} 687138;1400859011;kakobrekla;heh, myea. 687139;1400859053;kakobrekla;davout i dont know, why you keep making trouble and asking us to solve it?! 687140;1400859168;asciilifeform;jurov: if you mean my widget - as soon as it's done. but please remember that it does not serve the same purpose as 'trezor.' 687141;1400859196;*;BingoBoingo wonders when davout starts going snackman on Bitcointalk 687142;1400859215;davout;such slander 687143;1400859223;kakobrekla;i guess bfl wallet is also satanic 687144;1400859224;jurov;ascii i know. maybe it can be hacked into doing ecdsa, tho 687145;1400859243;kakobrekla;correct me if im wrong 687146;1400859251;jurov;1. put file with unsigned tx 687147;1400859254;jurov;2. remove 687148;1400859267;jurov;3. plug back and broadcast 687149;1400859519;jurov;maybe even most of trezor code can be ported to have best of both worlds 687150;1400859529;jurov;and to annoy stickfag >:D 687151;1400859620;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21150 @ 0.00093566 = 19.7892 BTC [+] 687152;1400859703;Mats_cd03;http://reason.com/blog/2014/05/22/how-scalia-helped-legalize-gay-marriage 687153;1400859704;assbot;How Scalia Helped Legalize Gay Marriage in Pennsylvania - Hit & Run : Reason.com 687154;1400859709;jurov;kakobrekla: did bfl publish the hw specs at all? (aside from number of fans) 687155;1400859725;kakobrekla;no idea 687156;1400859726;Naphex;fan size 687157;1400859782;Mats_cd03;lol 687158;1400859864;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.48 BTC [-] 687159;1400859986;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 41 @ 0.0975 = 3.9975 BTC [+] 687160;1400859987;assbot;[MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 181 @ 0.00253467 = 0.4588 BTC [-] 687161;1400860047;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 4 @ 0.04 = 0.16 BTC [-] 687162;1400860291;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.0335 = 0.1675 BTC [+] 687163;1400860437;jurov;i guess ascii would get pretty annoyed, too. if cardano ended up used as btc wallet :D 687164;1400860474;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 21 @ 0.04 = 0.84 BTC [-] 687165;1400860483;jurov;nailsµscopes 687166;1400860560;bitcoinpete;https://twitter.com/bitcoinpete/status/469868662913236992 687167;1400860562;assbot;Millenials averse to stocks? Nah, just poor. Or in Bitcoin. http://t.co/gG0uNT05qR /azizonomics /FDRLST 687168;1400860565;bitcoinpete;gooood mornin 687169;1400860596;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38700 @ 0.00092862 = 35.9376 BTC [-] {4} 687170;1400860789;jurov;hi pete 687171;1400860814;bitcoinpete;heya jurov 687172;1400860840;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 2.42885352 BTC to 8`552 shares, 28401 satoshi per share 687173;1400860841;bitcoinpete;jurov: i gotta say, quite impressed with coinbr thus far. wd 687174;1400860898;jurov;pentesting or just trying the knobs? 687175;1400860935;TomServo;bitcoinpete: I gotta say, I curse your name often for revealing to me how these tards pronounce 'doge'. :P 687176;1400860942;bitcoinpete;knobbing mostly 687177;1400860943;TomServo;Ignorance is bliss in this case. 687178;1400860979;bitcoinpete;TomServo: lol i'm nothing if not cursable. 687179;1400861027;TomServo;bitcoinpete: Nah, I appreciate your insight. Keep 687180;1400861031;TomServo;on bloggin 687181;1400861160;bitcoinpete;that, i can do 687182;1400861572;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28000 @ 0.00092808 = 25.9862 BTC [-] {2} 687183;1400862182;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5366 @ 0.00093134 = 4.9976 BTC [+] 687184;1400862304;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 20 @ 0.0230081 = 0.4602 BTC [+] {3} 687185;1400862514;bitcoinpete;;;later tell benkay they might suspect... 687186;1400862514;gribble;The operation succeeded. 687187;1400862792;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43193 @ 0.00093134 = 40.2274 BTC [+] 687188;1400862914;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 24 @ 0.0231 = 0.5544 BTC [+] {2} 687189;1400862975;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1000 @ 0.00011047 = 0.1105 BTC [-] {2} 687190;1400863240;benkay;who which what now? 687191;1400863255;benkay;bitcoinpete: ^^ 687192;1400863362;bitcoinpete;dat smoke 687193;1400863402;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.0975 = 0.4875 BTC [+] 687194;1400863444;benkay;ah yes 687195;1400863715;thestringpuller;niggas must be workin hard. not many blog updates 687196;1400863736;thestringpuller;bitcoinpete: lets make a historical archive of all scams like we discussed before 687197;1400863880;bitcoinpete;thestringpuller: the point of the "wallet inspector" term is that everything is a scam until proven otherwise 687198;1400863912;asciilifeform;jurov: normally i don't give a rat's arse if people want to use it as a hammer. but inevitably they will whine, 'it's a poor hammer, help us' 687199;1400863913;bitcoinpete;it's essentially impossible to document all the nitty gritty little nonsense ipos/alts/blahblahs out there 687200;1400863941;bitcoinpete;it's far more sane to explore what makes the non-scams different 687201;1400863951;bitcoinpete;and to share what works 687202;1400863982;bitcoinpete;only occasionally beating a scam to a pulp when the mood and/or opportunity arises. 687203;1400864029;bitcoinpete;there honestly aren't enough hours in a day to document "all the scams" 687204;1400864046;bitcoinpete;and we're only 5.5 years into this thing 687205;1400864052;bitcoinpete;;;ticker 687206;1400864053;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 521.07, Best ask: 523.4, Bid-ask spread: 2.33000, Last trade: 523.5, 24 hour volume: 18398.37867255, 24 hour low: 517.01, 24 hour high: 547.1, 24 hour vwap: 531.31044325 687207;1400864378;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8750 @ 0.00093569 = 8.1873 BTC [+] {2} 687208;1400864409;HeySteve;finally, the smoking gun of gold price manipulation: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-05-23/i-am-hoping-mini-puke-details-barclays-gold-manipulation 687209;1400864410;assbot;"I Am Hoping For A Mini Puke": Details Of Barclays' Gold Manipulation | Zero Hedge 687210;1400864670;benkay;!t h rent 687211;1400864670;assbot;[HAVELOCK:RENT] 1D: 0.00560000 / 0.00568301 / 0.00570010 (82 shares, 0.46600654 BTC), 7D: 0.00560000 / 0.00593967 / 0.00650000 (1458 shares, 8.66004255 BTC), 30D: 0.00532500 / 0.00641192 / 0.00750000 (8993 shares, 57.66238637 BTC) 687212;1400864720;benkay;i wonder how hard rent will get hammered in the next bull market. 687213;1400864749;benkay;can't short the fucker, they'll arbitrarily pin the price at .008. 687214;1400865044;benkay;HeySteve: i don't see the problem. sucker bought shit paper from a firm with a big fucking stick. firm used the stick to make the market do what they wanted. 687215;1400865232;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 18 @ 0.0395 = 0.711 BTC [-] 687216;1400865295;BingoBoingo;benkay: Shame Mr. Ohio is a wonder place isn't here to !up and ask that question to. 687217;1400865308;pankkake;benkay: I was thinking of starting a general shorting fund - sell shares that mimic shares in every way (pay same divs, buyback at vwap after X months). sell the shares at a discount to make them more appealing than real shares 687218;1400865311;HeySteve;benkay, market manipulation on that scale is supposedly illegal 687219;1400865331;pankkake;however 1) I don't have the time 2) talkvestors wouldn't understand it 687220;1400865335;HeySteve;barcalys fine 26 million GBP 687221;1400865404;BingoBoingo;pankkake: You mean synthetics 687222;1400865598;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 15 @ 0.02310001 = 0.3465 BTC [+] {2} 687223;1400865659;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31007 @ 0.00093514 = 28.9959 BTC [-] 687224;1400865842;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.0975 = 0.39 BTC [+] 687225;1400865964;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40656 @ 0.00093586 = 38.0483 BTC [+] 687226;1400866046;benkay;BingoBoingo: i have no questions for the man. 687227;1400866089;benkay;HeySteve: outlawing market manipulation is a fools errand. those with the cash to throw around are going to do so regardless of the regulatory environment and do so all the time. 687228;1400866089;BingoBoingo;benkay: Well, you want to know how much it will crash? Why not seek a guestimate from the source? 687229;1400866114;Apocalyptic; HeySteve: outlawing market manipulation is a fools errand. those with the cash to throw around are going to do so regardless of the regulatory environment and do so all the time. << pretty much benkay 687230;1400866133;Apocalyptic;it's not like it's enforceable or anything 687231;1400866139;benkay;pankkake: sounds like a neat synthetics project. 687232;1400866157;HeySteve;it depends on the structure of the market. if you can naked short commodities, commodity prices will become distorted 687233;1400866159;benkay;bit of a collateralization problem, though. 687234;1400866182;benkay;HeySteve: nonsense. 687235;1400866193;HeySteve;explain gold market then, benkay 687236;1400866195;benkay;prices are always distorted. 687237;1400866220;benkay;the myth of a stable market is sold to consumer investors to legitimize state intervention in the markets. 687238;1400866237;benkay;there is absolutely fuck-all wrong with my borrowing 100B from mircea_popescu and selling them on the open market to pay him back later. 687239;1400866264;benkay;it's mp's responsibility to audit my ability to pay, not the governments to prohibit the borrowing. 687240;1400866272;HeySteve;yeah 687241;1400866278;HeySteve;but that's not naked short selling 687242;1400866283;benkay;yes it is. 687243;1400866301;benkay;okay fine no its not, because i haven't made the paper up. 687244;1400866339;benkay;this however is an artifact of a totally hilariously antiquated system, non? 687245;1400866386;HeySteve;yeah absolutely, and pretty sure governments like to see gold price suppressed. major rises in gold give away their inflationary printing 687246;1400866399;benkay;if the US stock market wasn't running on 60s technology with no idea if a given broker actually had the things they were selling, this wouldn't be a problem. 687247;1400866437;benkay;the solution apparently is to ban naked short selling and protect the institutionalized idiocy that is the US paper transfer 'network'. 687248;1400866501;HeySteve;Patrick Byrne from Overstock has been pushing for that ban 687249;1400866523;HeySteve;this sort of thing isn't possible with Bitcoin though 687250;1400866536;benkay;wat 687251;1400866546;benkay;no this has to do with paper of companies, not bitcoins themselves 687252;1400866560;benkay;if havelock wanted to enable naked short selling they could do that in half a second 687253;1400866577;benkay;mpex as well 687254;1400866612;benkay;afaik there's no way to evaluate the float on mpex. you just gotta trust mircea_popescu. 687255;1400866656;benkay;and for the record people have sold bitcoins naked as well in the past 687256;1400866657;HeySteve;yeah I see what you mean 687257;1400866661;benkay;didn't go so well, but it's happened. 687258;1400866706;benkay;anyways - don't enter into contracts with people who can swing the market around to make the contract pay out however they want. 687259;1400866743;benkay;p. sure this happened with the mpex btc/usd options as well. no proof, but... 687260;1400866756;HeySteve;sure, that's common sense. but banks trading against their customers, well I'm pretty sure that's illegal. Goldman has done it too 687261;1400866787;benkay;what i'm trying to convey to you is that it's standard operating procedure regardless of the law. 687262;1400866826;HeySteve;it's like how brokers can fleece clients by trading through their stops 687263;1400866873;HeySteve;sure, I have no doubt it's SOP 687264;1400866926;HeySteve;gold's been suppressed for ages with all kinds of crazy slamdown trades 687265;1400866954;HeySteve;no one looking to get good prices will sell everything huge volumes all at once 687266;1400866971;HeySteve;this is very common in gold markets though, it's blatant manipulation 687267;1400866982;pankkake;benkay: yes, also one of the reason the contract would have to be long. limits on upside to not go bankrupt in rare cases (say, 3×). limits on volume - many assets have no trading happening… 687268;1400867611;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23750 @ 0.00093468 = 22.1987 BTC [-] {2} 687269;1400867672;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 74136 @ 0.00093471 = 69.2957 BTC [+] {4} 687270;1400867876;bitcoinpete;fluffypony: how to become rich? first, have several million Dollars. << lulz 687271;1400867977;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 6 @ 0.0399 = 0.2394 BTC [+] {2} 687272;1400868004;thestringpuller;bitcoinpete: Lincoln23r@ 687273;1400868013;thestringpuller;Ugh 687274;1400868016;thestringpuller;gotta change that password 687275;1400868022;thestringpuller;LOGGED FOR LYFE 687276;1400868038;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] [PAID] 16.96747444 BTC to 29`438 shares, 57638 satoshi per share 687277;1400868038;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 243 @ 0.03816809 = 9.2748 BTC [-] {13} 687278;1400868062;thestringpuller;2nd time i've done that 687279;1400868075;bitcoinpete;lol 687280;1400868081;bitcoinpete;i'll bbl 687281;1400868099;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 94 @ 0.0975 = 9.165 BTC [+] 687282;1400868161;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.0975 = 0.195 BTC [+] 687283;1400868183;kakobrekla;change you password to "hows your day?" 687284;1400868191;kakobrekla;your* 687285;1400868191;thestringpuller;Sure 687286;1400868194;kakobrekla;and problem fixd 687287;1400868197;thestringpuller;too bad that's use on coin br 687288;1400868254;jurov;;;ident thestringpuller 687289;1400868254;gribble;Nick 'thestringpuller', with hostmask 'thestringpuller!~leflor@99-39-97-12.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net', is identified as user 'thestringpuller', with GPG key id 0FF2943DA179E169, key fingerprint 6ACE36E786F39A4ADC4506DE0FF2943DA179E169, and bitcoin address None 687290;1400868318;benkay;cat ~/.ssh/major_client | pbcopy 687291;1400868361;jurov;drop table users; 687292;1400868367;jurov;oops wrong window 687293;1400868465;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31850 @ 0.0009349 = 29.7766 BTC [+] 687294;1400868465;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 3 @ 0.13299999 = 0.399 BTC [+] 687295;1400868507;thestringpuller;well at least I don't use that password in too many places ~_~ 2nd time i've done that. ugh 687296;1400868682;pankkake;protip: http://www.zx2c4.com/projects/password-store/ 687297;1400868683;assbot;Pass: The Standard Unix Password Manager 687298;1400868831;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 3000 @ 0.00011025 = 0.3308 BTC [-] {10} 687299;1400868844;thestringpuller;yea that's my project for the weekend pankkake just been a bit lazy 687300;1400868888;jurov;thestringpuller: at least you shouldn't mention where the pw is from. you're very lucky you caught me 687301;1400868919;jurov;cuz i'm at a party atm, just wanted to shut down my lappy 687302;1400868991;jurov;http://www.rouming.cz/roumingShow.php?file=smart_girl.jpg thestringpuller is smart :D 687303;1400868991;assbot;Roumenv Rouming - Zbavn a zajmav obrzky - smart girl 687304;1400869017;jurov;later 687305;1400869056;thestringpuller;password is used in two places unfortunately two very important places 687306;1400869058;thestringpuller;both changed 687307;1400869075;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 110 @ 0.00457988 = 0.5038 BTC [+] {3} 687308;1400869076;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1000 @ 0.00011001 = 0.11 BTC [-] 687309;1400869136;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.48 BTC [-] 687310;1400869162;thestringpuller;:( 687311;1400869227;moiety;i have to run out for half hour again but i'll be back asaic 687312;1400869233;artifexd;Any recommendations for a linux desktop? Requirements: It would mostly be used for dev work and standard internet user stuff and I have to be able to run Windows in a VM (work requires Visual Studio). 687313;1400869258;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.0381002 = 0.1143 BTC [-] {2} 687314;1400869259;artifexd;I was thinking about Ubuntu but apparently they suck for reasons that are unclear to me. 687315;1400869319;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1000 @ 0.00011001 = 0.11 BTC [-] {2} 687316;1400869337;thestringpuller;something simple 687317;1400869380;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 4010 @ 0.00011699 = 0.4691 BTC [+] {2} 687318;1400869391;thestringpuller;archlinux is pretty good 687319;1400869393;artifexd;Additional requirement: It has to be multi-monitor friendly. I'm driving over 10megapixels of desktop. 687320;1400869450;thestringpuller;just buy a mac 687321;1400869452;thestringpuller;<.<;; 687322;1400869464;rithm; Linux 3.5.0-47-generic | Dual Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3220 CPU @ 3.30GHz 1600.000 MHz | Mem: 2684/4019M [||||||||||] | Diskspace: 1863G Free: 1455G | Bogomips: 26341.7 | Screen Res: 3360x1050 | Procs: 202 | eth0: In: 5.89G Out: 4.17G | 13:24:25 up 3 days, 23:03, 4 users, load average: 0.23, 0.23, 0.45 687323;1400869576;artifexd;;;calc (2160 * 1600 * 3) + (1200 * 1600 * 2) 687324;1400869577;gribble;14208000 687325;1400869587;Apocalyptic; archlinux is pretty good // it is 687326;1400869635;artifexd;Will proficiency on archlinux help with centos? 687327;1400869922;thestringpuller;get red hat if that's what you want 687328;1400869926;thestringpuller;or what's it called 687329;1400869928;thestringpuller;Fedora 687330;1400869945;TomServo;Anyone tried Elemental OS? 687331;1400869952;artifexd;I'm not married to Centos. It is just what I've used for servers at home. 687332;1400870005;TomServo;Er, elementary rather 687333;1400870026;pankkake;Fedora is pretty good. Ubuntu with less insanity. Perhaps with a smaller community 687334;1400870028;artifexd;Does which distribution I use even really matter? 687335;1400870061;thestringpuller;^- 687336;1400870064;pankkake;it depends on your needs 687337;1400870075;thestringpuller;and depends on what you want to be proficient int 687338;1400870077;thestringpuller;in* 687339;1400870114;benkay;bsd or bust 687340;1400870146;pankkake;bsd ain't ready for the desktop 687341;1400870162;benkay; dogecoin 687342;1400870162;benkay; cryptsy.com: 1 dogecoin = 78 satoshis. coindesk price $0.0004. 24 hr volume: 1147 megadoge 687343;1400870172;benkay;i wouldn't know 687344;1400870234;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 20 @ 0.0975 = 1.95 BTC [+] 687345;1400870237;Apocalyptic;damn ATC is roughly 5 times for valuable that doge 687346;1400870264;Apocalyptic;*more 687347;1400870356;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7100 @ 0.00092945 = 6.5991 BTC [-] 687348;1400870647;mod6;pankkake: did you try out pcbsd? 687349;1400870648;thestringpuller;ATC is THE altcoin... 687350;1400870687;pankkake;no 687351;1400870689;BingoBoingo;%book 687352;1400870692;atcbot;14k@327 0k@300 20k@290 | 6k@200 32k@195 50k@158 687353;1400870694;pankkake;%diff 687354;1400870695;atcbot;[ATC Diff] Current Diff: 455357.13 Est. Next Diff: 157863.61 in 481 blocks (#32256) Est. % Change: -65.33 687355;1400870723;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 55 @ 0.0334999 = 1.8425 BTC [+] {2} 687356;1400870783;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.034 = 0.17 BTC [+] 687357;1400870998;BingoBoingo;%ticker 687358;1400870999;atcbot;[X-BT] Bid: 195 Ask: 290 Last Price: 200 24h-Vol: 6k High: 200 Low: 200 VWAP: 200 687359;1400871069;asciilifeform;artifexd: gentoo. 687360;1400871099;asciilifeform;artifexd: a bit baroque perhaps, but a comfortable place for bsd exiles. 687361;1400871148;artifexd;What about comfortable for WIndows exiles? :) 687362;1400871150;asciilifeform;gentoo is more or less a final solution to the 'extraneous crud problem' much lamented by ubuntu, etc. users. 687363;1400871188;asciilifeform;WIndows exiles << can't help here - consult a detox clinic perhaps 687364;1400871194;artifexd;lol 687365;1400871210;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 11 @ 0.0975 = 1.0725 BTC [+] 687366;1400871227;asciilifeform;you can use kde, gnome, etc. i suppose - but see mircea_popescu's recent essay re: what that's like. 687367;1400871255;Apocalyptic; you can use kde, gnome, etc. // also known as the clickodrome 687368;1400871272;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24300 @ 0.0009294 = 22.5844 BTC [-] {2} 687369;1400871307;artifexd;As far as desktops go, kde and gnome are pretty much all there is, right? 687370;1400871313;asciilifeform;http://www.nongnu.org/ratpoison << my favourite wm, since '04 687371;1400871313;assbot;ratpoison: Say good-bye to the rodent 687372;1400871371;pankkake;artifexd: for full desktop + app suite, you mean. and there is at least xfce 687373;1400871385;pankkake;for window management… there's many 687374;1400871631;mod6;ion++ 687375;1400871746;artifexd;So many choices. So overwhelming. 687376;1400871788;thestringpuller;12 mod6 = 0 687377;1400871792;thestringpuller;:D 687378;1400871814;asciilifeform;the hardest thing, it seems, for folks freshly cured of winblows or apple, is: learning to handle choice. 687379;1400871899;artifexd;I remember a story from the early 90's about people coming to the US from Russia and getting stuck in the supermarket because they couldn't choose a toothpaste due to the number of choices. 687380;1400871908;thestringpuller;can you run chrome in rat poison? 687381;1400871915;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: sure. 687382;1400871922;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: any x11 app will work 687383;1400871924;thestringpuller;i'll have to give a look 687384;1400871939;mod6;<+thestringpuller> 12 mod6 = 0 << haha 687385;1400871941;thestringpuller;KDE and GNOME are like choosing between two bowls of shit 687386;1400871958;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: ones that spew a multitude of small top-level windows will be a pain, though. 687387;1400871967;pankkake;http://i3wm.org/ is a popular choice 687388;1400871967;assbot;i3 - improved tiling wm 687389;1400871996;BingoBoingo;artifexd: Just run Solaris 8 with Common Desktop Environment 687390;1400872019;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: masochist? 687391;1400872036;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Nostalgic 687392;1400872064;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 50 @ 0.00589991 = 0.295 BTC [+] 687393;1400872125;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 11 @ 0.0975 = 1.0725 BTC [+] 687394;1400872213;BingoBoingo;I never understood why HDMI and DVI took off, what was wrong with DB13W3 687395;1400872241;pankkake;the name 687396;1400872262;thestringpuller;Also why does HDMI handle encryption? 687397;1400872267;thestringpuller;BluRay chain encryption is dumb. 687398;1400872289;thestringpuller;People just put that shit in a bluray drive and rip an mkv anyways... 687399;1400872468;benkay;;;ticker 687400;1400872469;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 530.88, Best ask: 533.79, Bid-ask spread: 2.91000, Last trade: 533.79, 24 hour volume: 19278.95933069, 24 hour low: 519.4, 24 hour high: 547.1, 24 hour vwap: 531.374707917 687401;1400872484;asciilifeform;why does HDMI handle encryption << idiotic attempt at copyprotection from some years ago 687402;1400872491;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40900 @ 0.00093038 = 38.0525 BTC [+] {2} 687403;1400872495;asciilifeform;the master key was leaked. 687404;1400872514;asciilifeform;(as this were a surprise - it's in every lcd tv on the planet) 687405;1400872535;BingoBoingo;Some day when I have the room for them: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Sun-Ultra-80-Ultra-60-Sparcstation-5-Computers-21-CRT-Monitor-Spare-Parts/171328101978?_trksid=p2045573.c100033.m2042&_trkparms=aid%3D111001%26algo%3DREC.SEED%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20131017132637%26meid%3D7108958640035309655%26pid%3D100033%26prg%3D20131017132637%26rk%3D3%26rkt%3D4%26sd%3D270838326121 687406;1400872536;assbot;Sun Ultra 80 Ultra 60 Sparcstation 5 Computers 21" CRT Monitor Spare Parts | eBay 687407;1400872651;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i threw out a HP J2240 just a few days ago, when moving. 687408;1400872751;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: 120 pounds. 687409;1400872755;TomServo;You'd think they'd have learned after the CSS key was leaked. 687410;1400872789;asciilifeform;TomServo: copyprotection crud is ceremonial. 687411;1400872812;benkay;the people with the money to implement dumb crypto things are never going to select professional services people for execution who say things like "what you are trying to build is not possible to build". 687412;1400872846;benkay;they're going to select people who say things like "well that's going to cost you 2.3 million dollars at the low end, and maybe as much as 10, but you'll have rock-solid DRM at the end of it". 687413;1400872884;benkay;hey princessnell 687414;1400872975;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: HP's problem is they never went all the way. Playing with AMD64 is what pushed sun into Oracle's maw. 687415;1400872993;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: never went all the way? 687416;1400873005;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: this wasn't an x86 box 687417;1400873009;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Embracing the RISC 687418;1400873035;BingoBoingo;PA could have lived on like SPARC, but HP never tried to push it hard enough. 687419;1400873037;asciilifeform;PA-RISC, dual cpu. everything custom (incl. RAM), everything 'tempest' shielded, power supply on rails. 687420;1400873061;asciilifeform;it was briefly my only comp as a student 687421;1400873078;asciilifeform;deliberately bought without video card (used rs-232 tty with an ibm 'green screen' term) 687422;1400873093;BingoBoingo;Wonderful machine. Shame HP went Itanic. 687423;1400873101;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51600 @ 0.00092859 = 47.9152 BTC [-] {4} 687424;1400873128;asciilifeform;itanic was a curious beast. taught to us in sys. arch. class as example of 'what not to do' 687425;1400873141;asciilifeform;used 'vliw', and relied on compiler for the pipeline scheduling 687426;1400873329;BingoBoingo;In college I bought a couple shares of Sun stock for around $4 per. Registered as a shareholder. Got a bunch of swag in the form of t-shirts and Solaris DVDs 687427;1400873383;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i still wish it were possible to buy a pc/atx chassis built like that hp. 687428;1400873387;asciilifeform;afaik, it isn't. 687429;1400873388;thestringpuller;;;google 3d printing houses in china 687430;1400873389;gribble;Chinese Company Builds Houses Quickly With 3D Printing - Mashable: ; 3D printer builds houses in China - video - The Guardian: ; Giant Chinese 3D printer builds 10 houses in just 1 day (PHOTOS ...: ; Ginger Baker - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; QA: Ginger Baker on Why 'the Rolling Stones Are Not Good Musicians': 687500;1400876172;bitcoinpete;omg that dude's grizzled 687501;1400876179;chetty;!up princessnell 687502;1400876179;nubbins`;you don't know the half of it 687503;1400876190;bitcoinpete;he's 35? 687504;1400876193;nubbins`;nooooo 687505;1400876202;nubbins`;he's in his 70s or 80s now, or maybe even dead 687506;1400876213;nubbins`;ah, 74 687507;1400876225;nubbins`;lives in sud afrika, maybe fluffypony can track him down 687508;1400876233;fluffypony;wot wot 687509;1400876246;nubbins`;suid afrika, even 687510;1400876259;bitcoinpete;yes, let's get grizzles in the wot 687511;1400876273;fluffypony;cool, we're a regular celebratory hideaway :) 687512;1400876303;nubbins`;there's documentary "beware of mr baker" about him, pretty good watch 687513;1400876517;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30050 @ 0.00092758 = 27.8738 BTC [-] {2} 687514;1400876578;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.0225001 = 0.225 BTC [-] 687515;1400876580;chetty;The FT economics editor Chris Giles says French economist Thomas Piketty's bestseller "Capitalism in the 21st Century," about rising inequality in the West, contains serious errors that undermine his conclusion that wealth distributions are widening. 687516;1400876580;chetty;Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/the-ft-accusation-against-piketty-2014-5#ixzz32ZXgVQsV 687517;1400876581;assbot;The FT Accusation Against Piketty - Business Insider 687518;1400876927;chetty;artifexd, I use ubuntu for development, its not that bad - but on newer releases you gotta dump the unity desktop 687519;1400876983;bitcoinpete;chetty: shocking, piketty is a statist shill 687520;1400877005;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.47016526 BTC [-] 687521;1400877136;fluffypony;chetty: Xubuntu 687522;1400877147;fluffypony;no Unity, LDXE in its place 687523;1400877155;fluffypony;*LXDE 687524;1400877262;princessnell;chetty unfortunately i don't think that will matter 687525;1400877293;chetty;nope the piketty damage is done already 687526;1400877401;chetty;like any other 'science' the lefty likes, run with it, truth matters not 687527;1400877473;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --marker all 687528;1400877473;gribble;(ticker [--bid|--ask|--last|--high|--low|--avg|--vol] [--currency XXX] [--market |all]) -- Return pretty-printed ticker. Default market is Bitstamp. If one of the result options is given, returns only that numeric result (useful for nesting in calculations). If '--currency XXX' option is given, returns ticker for that three-letter currency code. It is up to you to make sure (1 more message) 687529;1400877475;BingoBoingo;;;more 687530;1400877476;gribble;the code is a valid currency on your target market. Default currency is USD. 687531;1400877487;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 687532;1400877491;princessnell;it's p depressing in the trenches 687533;1400877494;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 530.92, vol: 19519.98262803 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 516.317, vol: 13314.94478 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 528.81, vol: 17373.19806191 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 539.85, vol: 80.31780741 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 526.734579, vol: 6631.00450000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 521.46849, vol: 16.9693586 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 532.9721, vol: 134.62200804 | Volume-weighted last (1 more message) 687534;1400877495;BingoBoingo;;;more 687535;1400877495;gribble;average: 526.399037598 687536;1400877738;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16700 @ 0.00092968 = 15.5257 BTC [+] 687537;1400877885;chetty;I guess sel in May and go away doesn't count in btc 687538;1400877981;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.0975 = 0.4875 BTC [+] 687539;1400878278;Apocalyptic;chetty, it's the opposite in btc, buy in May :) 687540;1400878743;BingoBoingo;Year to year the best time to buy BTC both changes, and never really changes. 687541;1400878774;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.0975 = 0.2925 BTC [+] 687542;1400878782;benkay;!up princessnell 687543;1400878785;nubbins`;people buy? :D 687544;1400878925;bitcoinpete;if they can lol 687545;1400879071;benkay;it's not really that hard, bitcoinpete 687546;1400879092;bitcoinpete;depends on quantity, desire for privacy 687547;1400879119;benkay;dollar cost average ftw 687548;1400879140;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 11 @ 0.03439607 = 0.3784 BTC [+] {6} 687549;1400879141;BingoBoingo;http://news.slashdot.org/story/14/05/23/1743225/amazon-escalates-its-battle-against-publishers 687550;1400879142;assbot;Amazon Escalates Its Battle Against Publishers - Slashdot 687551;1400879323;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 7 @ 0.03439969 = 0.2408 BTC [+] 687552;1400879478;fluffypony;http://geekologie.com/2014/05/odd-couples-lion-tiger-and-bear-are-real.php 687553;1400879479;assbot;Odd Couples: Lion, Tiger And Bear Are Real Life BFFs | Geekologie 687554;1400879567;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 15 @ 0.0975 = 1.4625 BTC [+] 687555;1400879613;artifexd;chetty: What do you use in its place? 687556;1400879689;assbot;[MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 152 @ 0.00255197 = 0.3879 BTC [+] 687557;1400879811;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 55 @ 0.00589991 = 0.3245 BTC [+] 687558;1400880987;benkay;http://www.catsinsinks.com/ 687559;1400880988;assbot;Cats in Sinks - for all your cat and bathroom needs 687560;1400881163;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: re: publishers << i know no one who will shed even one tear for the rent-seeking sacks of shit. 687561;1400881184;BingoBoingo;Yeah, sucks to be the authors caught up in it. 687562;1400881641;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42561 @ 0.00093002 = 39.5826 BTC [+] {2} 687563;1400882100;fluffypony;http://thedoghousediaries.com/comics/uncategorized/2014-05-21-4711ff2.png 687564;1400882118;fluffypony;I believe we've found the guide /r/bitcoin has been using for post titles 687565;1400882190;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10893 @ 0.00093023 = 10.133 BTC [+] 687566;1400882617;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 7 @ 0.0975 = 0.6825 BTC [+] 687567;1400882739;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.0975 = 0.4875 BTC [+] 687568;1400882743;chetty;artifexd, I just force it back to the gnome from older versions 687569;1400883410;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 43 @ 0.00459 = 0.1974 BTC [-] 687570;1400883732;dignork;A bit late, but this xrp selloff is fun. Nobody tried to verify his gpg sig, and it doesn't match actually. 687571;1400883776;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.0225001 = 0.1125 BTC [-] 687572;1400883777;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.0337304 = 0.1687 BTC [-] 687573;1400883898;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.0225001 = 0.1125 BTC [-] 687574;1400884203;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21757 @ 0.00093019 = 20.2381 BTC [-] {2} 687575;1400884264;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5327 @ 0.00092741 = 4.9403 BTC [-] 687576;1400884569;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.0225001 = 0.1125 BTC [-] 687577;1400884935;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16368 @ 0.00093044 = 15.2294 BTC [+] 687578;1400885362;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12700 @ 0.00092741 = 11.7781 BTC [-] 687579;1400885667;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7700 @ 0.00093045 = 7.1645 BTC [+] {2} 687580;1400887070;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16350 @ 0.00093356 = 15.2637 BTC [+] 687581;1400887131;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 263 @ 0.00282131 = 0.742 BTC [-] {5} 687582;1400887253;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 25 @ 0.03463148 = 0.8658 BTC [+] {5} 687583;1400887436;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 80 @ 0.00273691 = 0.219 BTC [-] {10} 687584;1400887497;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 7 @ 0.0359 = 0.2513 BTC [+] 687585;1400888534;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 22 @ 0.0975 = 2.145 BTC [+] 687586;1400888900;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.0225001 = 0.225 BTC [-] 687587;1400888961;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.0225001 = 0.225 BTC [-] 687588;1400889504;nubbins`;dignork :o 687589;1400889510;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24600 @ 0.00093366 = 22.968 BTC [+] {2} 687590;1400889886;dignork;nubbins`: well, the key is also somewhat questionable, but signed text contains links, formatted as html etc. no way to verify sig really. 687591;1400889914;dignork;anyway it's only marginally interesting :) 687592;1400891396;nubbins`;:D 687593;1400891398;nubbins`;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=623050.0 687594;1400891398;assbot;Casascius coins for sale: 2013 brass, silver; 2011 brass 687595;1400892133;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 220 @ 0.00093385 = 0.2054 BTC [+] 687596;1400893475;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23910 @ 0.0009339 = 22.3295 BTC [+] {2} 687597;1400896410;dub;apparently activemining has been the victim of; personal attacks (including death threats) against the CEO, greedy and manipulating FUD, relentless trolling, viscous personal attacks on people's character and downright badness. 687598;1400896473;dub;yes viscous personal attacks 687599;1400896555;dub;http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj37/moochie_bean/Gif%20Stock/hangover-gif-2.gif 687600;1400896586;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.47500008 = 2.375 BTC [+] {2} 687601;1400897581;asciilifeform;http://img.izismile.com/img/img4/20110705/640/in_soviet_russia_640_17.jpg 687602;1400898233;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33000 @ 0.00093121 = 30.7299 BTC [-] {3} 687603;1400898294;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 2 @ 0.11 = 0.22 BTC [-] 687604;1400898355;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 9 @ 0.11887774 = 1.0699 BTC [+] {5} 687605;1400899209;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30300 @ 0.00092748 = 28.1026 BTC [-] {3} 687606;1400900063;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 25 @ 0.02299992 = 0.575 BTC [+] {2} 687607;1400900543;benkay;;;ticker 687608;1400900544;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 516.01, Best ask: 518.18, Bid-ask spread: 2.17000, Last trade: 516.01, 24 hour volume: 17735.72693028, 24 hour low: 516.01, 24 hour high: 547.1, 24 hour vwap: 530.093943421 687609;1400900856;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 73 @ 0.00267554 = 0.1953 BTC [-] {10} 687610;1400900978;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.034 = 0.17 BTC [-] 687611;1400901649;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 73900 @ 0.00093394 = 69.0182 BTC [+] {2} 687612;1400901710;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24650 @ 0.0009269 = 22.8481 BTC [-] {2} 687613;1400902869;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 11 @ 0.0975 = 1.0725 BTC [+] 687614;1400902871;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 14 @ 0.0397 = 0.5558 BTC [-] 687615;1400904699;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.0345 = 0.1725 BTC [+] 687616;1400906346;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36024 @ 0.00092797 = 33.4292 BTC [+] {2} 687617;1400908420;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28800 @ 0.00092718 = 26.7028 BTC [-] {2} 687618;1400908542;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29917 @ 0.00092877 = 27.786 BTC [+] 687619;1400908847;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HMF] 36 @ 0.00562245 = 0.2024 BTC [+] {5} 687620;1400910677;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 41 @ 0.00250663 = 0.1028 BTC [+] {8} 687621;1400911166;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 21 @ 0.0397 = 0.8337 BTC [-] {2} 687622;1400911897;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32050 @ 0.00092636 = 29.6898 BTC [-] {2} 687623;1400912812;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.0975 = 0.195 BTC [+] 687624;1400912905;penguirker;New blog post: http://www.bcoinnews.com/hashfast-court-update/ 687625;1400913605;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 19 @ 0.039798 = 0.7562 BTC [+] 687626;1400913666;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 8 @ 0.0975 = 0.78 BTC [+] 687627;1400913849;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 9 @ 0.47002868 = 4.2303 BTC [-] {9} 687628;1400914093;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12200 @ 0.00092778 = 11.3189 BTC [+] 687629;1400914277;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25500 @ 0.00092778 = 23.6584 BTC [+] 687630;1400914703;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1826 @ 0.00092877 = 1.6959 BTC [+] 687631;1400915252;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7007 @ 0.00092877 = 6.5079 BTC [+] 687632;1400915313;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 1 @ 0.12000001 BTC [+] 687633;1400916655;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38100 @ 0.00093343 = 35.5637 BTC [+] {2} 687634;1400917326;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 32 @ 0.03880405 = 1.2417 BTC [-] {5} 687635;1400917387;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.0387 = 0.387 BTC [-] 687636;1400917448;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 28 @ 0.02309994 = 0.6468 BTC [+] {2} 687637;1400917570;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.02309982 = 0.1155 BTC [-] 687638;1400918485;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 38 @ 0.02337368 = 0.8882 BTC [+] {2} 687639;1400918849;kakobrekla;http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/26apno/bitstamp_will_not_process_withdrawal_unless_you/ 687640;1400918850;assbot;Bitstamp will not process withdrawal unless you prove the source of every coin you've ever traded on their exchange. : Bitcoin 687641;1400919766;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 326 @ 0.00078971 = 0.2574 BTC [-] {2} 687642;1400919767;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 69 @ 0.00561092 = 0.3872 BTC [-] {3} 687643;1400920986;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 24 @ 0.11412685 = 2.739 BTC [-] {7} 687644;1400920987;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3834 @ 0.00093449 = 3.5828 BTC [+] 687645;1400922938;assbot;[MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 306 @ 0.00262291 = 0.8026 BTC [+] 687646;1400923217;fluffypony;dub: I wonder how long it's going to be till Ken Slaughter pulls a Danny and skips the country because of threats? 687647;1400923487;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 15000 @ 0.00011143 = 1.6715 BTC [-] {13} 687648;1400923548;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.0975 = 0.975 BTC [+] 687649;1400923865;pankkake;one of his cheerleaders also invented the "death threats" yesterday 687650;1400923885;pankkake;he blamed his failure to have chips on a "troll" 687651;1400923960;pankkake;and used it as a way to never release proof of new things he was claiming to do 687652;1400923995;fluffypony;lol 687653;1400925561;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2637 @ 0.00093449 = 2.4643 BTC [+] 687654;1400925927;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42800 @ 0.00093452 = 39.9975 BTC [+] {2} 687655;1400926232;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23500 @ 0.00093522 = 21.9777 BTC [+] {2} 687656;1400926410;punkman;good morning 687657;1400926421;punkman;MP goes away, the logs dry up, for shame 687658;1400926423;fluffypony;mornings 687659;1400926463;punkman;!up KRS1 687660;1400926491;punkman;!up lnostdal 687661;1400926519;lnostdal;uhm, hi ...i guess 687662;1400926541;punkman;hello ;) 687663;1400926839;punkman;just saw an ad for this https://updown.bt/ 687664;1400926840;assbot;UpDown 687665;1400926918;kakobrekla;someone audited their planes in the air thingy and got suspicious results 687666;1400927299;punkman;would be interesting if they had something other than noise/random, and more than 60 seconds 687667;1400927305;punkman;60 min sounds better 687668;1400927330;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8460 @ 0.00093145 = 7.8801 BTC [-] 687669;1400927338;kakobrekla;https://scontent-a-vie.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/t1.0-9/10382650_632860556807257_7676642260599648159_n.jpg 687670;1400928184;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2433 @ 0.00093145 = 2.2662 BTC [-] 687671;1400928733;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7978 @ 0.00092911 = 7.4124 BTC [-] 687672;1400928794;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10322 @ 0.0009279 = 9.5778 BTC [-] 687673;1400929411;punkman;;;tblb 3600 687674;1400929412;gribble;The expected time between blocks taking 1 hour and 0 seconds to generate is 2 days, 18 hours, 48 minutes, and 4 seconds 687675;1400929423;punkman;;;tblb 7200 687676;1400929423;gribble;The expected time between blocks taking 2 hours and 0 seconds to generate is 3 years, 2 weeks, 5 days, 3 hours, 7 minutes, and 36 seconds 687677;1400929494;punkman;;;baratio 687678;1400929494;gribble;Bitstamp | Total bids: 11188128 USD. Total asks: 14820 BTC. Ratio: 754.91616 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 0.0967 seconds 687679;1400929846;kakobrekla;punkman maybe its mike_c's game you are looking for 687680;1400929944;punkman;kakobrekla: what's that 687681;1400930087;kakobrekla;perhaps best if you talk to him directly 687682;1400930319;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20000 @ 0.00092777 = 18.5554 BTC [-] {3} 687683;1400930624;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23397 @ 0.00092705 = 21.6902 BTC [-] 687684;1400931296;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33541 @ 0.00092767 = 31.115 BTC [+] {2} 687685;1400931661;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.022 = 0.11 BTC [-] 687686;1400931722;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.0338851 = 0.1694 BTC [-] {2} 687687;1400931723;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14059 @ 0.00093236 = 13.108 BTC [+] 687688;1400931844;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.033885 = 0.3389 BTC [-] 687689;1400931905;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.022 = 0.11 BTC [-] 687690;1400932088;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 1 @ 0.114 BTC [-] 687691;1400932089;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 39 @ 0.03871548 = 1.5099 BTC [+] {8} 687692;1400932149;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.0225 = 0.1125 BTC [+] {2} 687693;1400933064;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11491 @ 0.00092855 = 10.67 BTC [-] 687694;1400933979;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17595 @ 0.00092983 = 16.3604 BTC [+] 687695;1400933979;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 13 @ 0.02330769 = 0.303 BTC [+] {3} 687696;1400934223;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 3 @ 0.0345 = 0.1035 BTC [+] {3} 687697;1400935016;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 7 @ 0.03461428 = 0.2423 BTC [+] {3} 687698;1400935077;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.03525 = 0.3525 BTC [+] {2} 687699;1400935138;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.0225001 = 0.225 BTC [-] 687700;1400935199;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.0225001 = 0.1125 BTC [-] 687701;1400935200;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 7 @ 0.03561428 = 0.2493 BTC [+] {2} 687702;1400935260;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.0225001 = 0.225 BTC [-] 687703;1400935321;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.034 = 0.17 BTC [-] 687704;1400936175;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.0225001 = 0.225 BTC [-] 687705;1400936236;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.034 = 0.34 BTC [-] {2} 687706;1400936237;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 42 @ 0.0055901 = 0.2348 BTC [-] {2} 687707;1400936297;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26011 @ 0.00093149 = 24.229 BTC [+] 687708;1400936297;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 20 @ 0.0055901 = 0.1118 BTC [-] 687709;1400936341;fluffypony;punkman: what do you do for work? 687710;1400936659;punkman;fluffypony: these days I'm writing code, plumbing data, tech documentation, some research 687711;1400936685;fluffypony;punkman: what's your C / C++ like? 687712;1400936720;punkman;can't do much there 687713;1400936722;fluffypony;lol 687714;1400936739;fluffypony;hard to find competent C/C++ people nowadays 687715;1400936752;fluffypony;those that are around prefer embedded systems 687716;1400936924;punkman;you wanna make fluffycoins? 687717;1400936951;fluffypony;no, just have pieces of work that need doing 687718;1400937700;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7847 @ 0.00093149 = 7.3094 BTC [+] {2} 687719;1400937822;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 11 @ 0.4611819 = 5.073 BTC [-] {11} 687720;1400937885;artifexd;fluffypony: What do you need? 687721;1400937944;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 8 @ 0.039415 = 0.3153 BTC [+] {2} 687722;1400938005;fluffypony;artifexd: a beer, but it's too early 687723;1400938006;fluffypony;:-P 687724;1400938188;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12301 @ 0.00093149 = 11.4583 BTC [+] 687725;1400938226;BingoBoingo;Behold the suck: http://www.coindesk.com/preview-new-multibit-hd-bitcoin-wallet/ 687726;1400938227;assbot;Up Close With the New MultiBit HD Bitcoin Wallet 687727;1400938310;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 35 @ 0.00457 = 0.16 BTC [-] 687728;1400938331;fluffypony;BingoBoingo: why are there pictures of pizza in the slideshow 687729;1400938359;BingoBoingo;fluffypony: Because more than one thing sucks when CoinDesk writes about Multibit going to shit. 687730;1400938376;fluffypony;they just link it to their flickr stream 687731;1400938378;fluffypony;that's lazy 687732;1400938411;fluffypony;"meaning that you will be able to regain access to addresses created by MultiBit HD with a single ‘seed’ passphrase." - oh nice, so basically what Electrum has had for, what, 2 years? 687733;1400938493;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 4 @ 0.03949125 = 0.158 BTC [+] {2} 687734;1400938579;BingoBoingo;fluffypony: Sure, but I liked the old Multibit random wallet. That and electrum made a nice pair providing different kinds of addresses for different purposes. 687735;1400938599;fluffypony;spose 687736;1400938610;fluffypony;losing privkeys in multibit isn't a great feature 687737;1400938676;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 84 @ 0.0975 = 8.19 BTC [+] 687738;1400938752;BingoBoingo;Nah, it only created new random addresses when you prompted it to. 687739;1400938767;BingoBoingo;Which made it the standard for running single address wallets. 687740;1400938808;BingoBoingo;Then every version after 0.5.11 got shittier. 687741;1400938828;pankkake;http://www.coindesk.com/price-ripple-xrp-plummets-co-founde-9-billion-selloff/ if case somebody missed the lol 687742;1400938828;assbot;Price of Ripple Plummets as Co-Founder Plans 9 Billion XRP Exit 687743;1400938987;pankkake;http://www.coindesk.com/circle-addresses-monetization-question-teases-future-products/ for another lol 687744;1400938988;assbot;Circle Addresses Monetization Question, Teases Future Products 687745;1400938995;pankkake;actually, most of latest coindesk articles 687746;1400939003;pankkake;“We’re interested in the long-term value of digital money, not optimizing for minor short-term profit.” 687747;1400939062;BingoBoingo;I'm wondering when the heard will start calling out CoinDesk for constantly leading them over the cliff into the jaws of a Manul like a bunch of lemmings 687748;1400939095;BingoBoingo;Also Ebay really sucks at security http://it.slashdot.org/story/14/05/24/1334243/severe-vulnerability-at-ebays-website 687749;1400939096;assbot;Severe Vulnerability At eBay's Website - Slashdot 687750;1400939097;pankkake;I don't know, coindesk doesn't seem overly enthusiast about those things 687751;1400939128;BingoBoingo;pankkake: Well, they've tempered the slightest bit since enthusiastically hyping inputs.io 687752;1400939129;pankkake;ebay's website feels like legacy code on top of legacy code 687753;1400939139;BingoBoingo;The AMazon problem 687754;1400939196;pankkake;http://www.coindesk.com/bitcoin-foundation-4-million-spends-150000-each-month/ 687755;1400939197;assbot;Bitcoin Foundation Holds $4 Million in Bitcoin, Spends $150,000 Each Month 687756;1400939347;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.48464716 = 1.4539 BTC [+] {2} 687757;1400939408;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.48464749 BTC [+] 687758;1400939469;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.48882592 BTC [+] 687759;1400939523;BingoBoingo;pankkake: I'm kind of doubting we'll see $10,000 BTC while they are solvent. 687760;1400939550;pankkake;hopefully 687761;1400939724;Mats_cd03;;;bc,stats 687762;1400939726;gribble;Current Blocks: 302416 | Current Difficulty: 1.0455720138484837E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 304415 | Next Difficulty In: 1999 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 4 days, 13 hours, 19 minutes, and 4 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 9871192145.72 | Estimated Percent Change: -5.59051 687763;1400939745;Mats_cd03;Hohoho 687764;1400939994;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 687765;1400940000;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 522.52, vol: 11814.66616877 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 513.657, vol: 7210.55587 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 525.0, vol: 10496.24282924 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 525.0, vol: 65.71557037 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 521.56811, vol: 4601.66700000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 525.92159, vol: 5.34193452 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 524.72774, vol: 55.74181329 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message) 687766;1400940006;BingoBoingo;;;more 687767;1400940006;gribble;521.295105681 687768;1400940203;fluffypony;pankkake: so even if he only has half of his 9 billion XRP left that's still a cool US $15 million 687769;1400940204;fluffypony;lol 687770;1400940307;pankkake;assuming there's a market for those 687771;1400940933;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 15 @ 0.0975 = 1.4625 BTC [+] 687772;1400941055;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.0975 = 0.4875 BTC [+] 687773;1400941251;artifexd;;;ident fluffypony 687774;1400941251;gribble;Nick 'fluffypony', with hostmask 'fluffypony!~fluffypon@geartri.be', is identified as user 'fluffypony', with GPG key id 7455C5E3C0CDCEB9, key fingerprint BDA6BD7042B721C467A9759D7455C5E3C0CDCEB9, and bitcoin address 1FAvFCgXBmJ4uV3p1NFzWkkyndH7FJ6Vzx 687775;1400941848;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 71 @ 0.00249148 = 0.1769 BTC [+] {5} 687776;1400943043;bitcoinpete;punkman: MP goes away, the logs dry up, for shame << meh, he writes 300+ lines/day. if we're doing 1,000 - 1,200 in his absence, we're doing nicely 687777;1400943060;bitcoinpete;and howdy! 687778;1400943169;bitcoinpete;;;later tell nubbins i have a couple of the lealana physical coins (2x10, 2x25) but i'm having a hard time figuring out what they're worth. could you point me in the right direction? 687779;1400943170;gribble;The operation succeeded. 687780;1400943192;bitcoinpete;;;later tell nubbins`i have a couple of the lealana physical coins (2x10, 2x25) but i'm having a hard time figuring out what they're worth. could you point me in the right direction? 687781;1400943196;gribble;The operation succeeded. 687782;1400943213;bitcoinpete;stupid hash/dash/slash 687783;1400943228;peterl;note that just as MP leaves, the price of bitcoins jumps up. He was the one holding down the price all this time! 687784;1400943232;nubbins`;tab-complete, bru 687785;1400943251;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3950 @ 0.00093492 = 3.6929 BTC [+] {2} 687786;1400943260;nubbins`;i don't deal in physical cryptos beyond casascius 687787;1400943273;nubbins`;check the goods and auctions subforums on btctalk, and then check ebay 687788;1400943283;nubbins`;aim for somewhere in the middle :D 687789;1400943325;bitcoinpete;there seems to be a decent number of the 10s for sale. pretty much zero 25s 687790;1400943345;nubbins`;that bodes well 687791;1400943398;nubbins`;25s are a bit harder to move because not everybody has (25* [ticker --last]) in spare change to blow on a coin 687792;1400943417;bitcoinpete;one of the few i've seen listed anywhere was here: http://merlinsmint.com 687793;1400943417;assbot;Merlins Mint | The Future of Money 687794;1400943420;nubbins`;it's squarely in the realm of "luxury item" :) 687795;1400943423;bitcoinpete;dude is asking £2,184.00 687796;1400943427;bitcoinpete;lol 687797;1400943438;bitcoinpete;ya 687798;1400943467;nubbins`;lel 687799;1400943485;nubbins`;he's also asking #30k for a 5btc casascius and #34k for a 25btc casascius 687800;1400943499;nubbins`;y'know, sensible :( 687801;1400943523;nubbins`;can't trust sites like that. "i am asking for this much money" != "it is worth this much money" 687802;1400943531;nubbins`;even ebay is a poor barometer in this regard 687803;1400943584;bitcoinpete;ya ebay doesn't have much 687804;1400943592;bitcoinpete;i even tried litecointalk w/o much success 687805;1400943679;nubbins`;if you don't mind me asking, how much did you pay for em? 687806;1400943726;BingoBoingo;I imagine physical lite coins might suffer a bit of a discount over C's bitcoins do the their creator, Smoothie's righteous trolling 687807;1400943759;nubbins`;i'm wary of non-casascius coins in general 687808;1400943763;bitcoinpete;BingoBoingo: what righteous trolling was this? 687809;1400943771;nubbins`;there are soooooooooooo many different kinds of physical coins out there now 687810;1400943784;nubbins`;and i doubt any of them have lasting value 687811;1400943806;bitcoinpete;nubbins`: i think it was around 200 ltc for the lot 687812;1400943854;bitcoinpete;;;calc 200*0.033 687813;1400943854;gribble;6.6 687814;1400943863;bitcoinpete;which was around 6.6 btc at the time 687815;1400943884;nubbins`;;;calc 6.6*[ticker] 687816;1400943885;gribble;Error: invalid syntax (, line 1) 687817;1400943910;BingoBoingo;bitcoinpete: A lot of it was directed at BFL, it is one of the better parts of forum history 687818;1400943912;nubbins`;honestly can't be fucked to figure out gribble syntax, it's too early 687819;1400943921;bitcoinpete;;;ticker 687820;1400943922;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.0355 = 0.142 BTC [+] 687821;1400943923;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 519.63, Best ask: 521.87, Bid-ask spread: 2.24000, Last trade: 521.87, 24 hour volume: 10287.52506963, 24 hour low: 515.4, 24 hour high: 537.0, 24 hour vwap: 525.889189973 687822;1400943923;nubbins`;;;calc [ticker --last]*6.6 687823;1400943924;gribble;3444.342 687824;1400943940;bitcoinpete;ah nice 687825;1400943944;nubbins`;;;calc 3444.342/35 687826;1400943944;gribble;98.4097714286 687827;1400943959;nubbins`;so like $100/ltc 687828;1400943979;bitcoinpete;shweet 687829;1400943994;nubbins`;given that litecoins are ~$12, maybe not so shweet? 687830;1400944022;nubbins`;anyway, it's bound to be confusing pricing these things in fiat 687831;1400944033;nubbins`;you bought 'em for ltc, gotta sell em for ltc :) 687832;1400944059;bitcoinpete;blech, rather btc 687833;1400944069;bitcoinpete;but either way 687834;1400944079;fluffypony;lol nubbins` 687835;1400944088;fluffypony;I haven't heard anyone outside of ZA call someone else "bru" 687836;1400944132;nubbins`;the future is now :D 687837;1400944153;fluffypony;we are all one big happy familiez 687838;1400944166;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.49099978 = 0.982 BTC [+] {2} 687839;1400944183;bitcoinpete;fluffypony: i blame edm 687840;1400944195;fluffypony;bitcoinpete: let me tell you about my idea for an EDM concert 687841;1400944203;fluffypony;all I need is US $2.8 million 687842;1400944225;bitcoinpete;...in bitcoin 687843;1400944226;fluffypony;guaranteed returns of at least 5584.12% 687844;1400944242;fluffypony;guaranteed. 687845;1400944252;bitcoinpete;we're gonna be in every city in the us within a year 687846;1400944254;fluffypony;with my personal guarantee as the Most Trustworthy Name in Bitcoin Today 687847;1400944270;fluffypony;scratch that - every major city in the WORLD with a population above 500 687848;1400944283;nubbins`;people listen to EDM? 687849;1400944288;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27300 @ 0.00093604 = 25.5539 BTC [+] {3} 687850;1400944291;bitcoinpete;i have much business experience from birthday party clowning 687851;1400944296;fluffypony;I have been assured by David Seamonster that he will do PR for us 687852;1400944301;fluffypony;for cheap 687853;1400944317;fluffypony;nubbins`: apparently it's the Next Big Thing 687854;1400944336;bitcoinpete;i can even pay seamonster in submarinecoin 687855;1400944347;bitcoinpete;nubbins`: ya, like scrillions of people 687856;1400944366;fluffypony;hah hah 687857;1400944371;bitcoinpete;;;ud scrillion 687858;1400944372;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Scrillions | Puff Daddies a Scrillion-Aire / PIMP: "I heard there was millions of people involved" HOE: "Nope, more like Scrillions". by AJAPTwo December 07, 2003. 55 10. 687859;1400944540;bitcoinpete;there are some gem comments in the anti-stamp reddit thread 687860;1400944552;bitcoinpete;"That is ridiculous, and anti-bitcoin." 687861;1400944581;bitcoinpete;"Mike Hearns wet dream come true" 687862;1400944644;bitcoinpete;"Yeah you don't want to get STAMPED!!" 687863;1400944656;bitcoinpete;"EVERY TIME BITCOIN RECOVERS SOME BULLSHIT LIKE THIS HAPPENS" 687864;1400944677;bitcoinpete;whoa is us, the redditards, ever victims of our upbringings 687865;1400944707;bitcoinpete;"But you can still withdram coins without this nazi-style questioning, right?" 687866;1400944725;bitcoinpete;sieg heil bitstamp! 687867;1400945081;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.0975 = 0.195 BTC [+] 687868;1400945143;bitcoinpete;Dimsler: !up 687869;1400945149;bitcoinpete;!up Dimsler 687870;1400945172;Mats_cd03;woe is us 687871;1400945186;bitcoinpete;heya Dimsler, who are you? 687872;1400945203;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31436 @ 0.00093464 = 29.3813 BTC [-] 687873;1400945290;nubbins`;dimmy 687874;1400945325;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21878 @ 0.00093625 = 20.4833 BTC [+] {2} 687875;1400945386;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6164 @ 0.00093638 = 5.7718 BTC [+] 687876;1400945460;bitcoinpete;http://blogs.wsj.com/moneybeat/2014/05/23/kenyas-bitpesa-launches-beta-test-of-remittance-service/ 687877;1400945460;assbot;Kenya’s BitPesa Launches Beta Test of Remittance Service - MoneyBeat - WSJ 687878;1400945512;bitcoinpete;"BitPesa’s fee will be a flat 3%. BitPesa handles the entire transfer on both ends; users buy bitcoins on the one end, and recipients receive Kenyan shillings on the other." 687879;1400945550;bitcoinpete;"Nairobi is a cosmopolitan city of 3 million, with an educated professional class. 'They’re not just living in a hut.' " 687880;1400945558;bitcoinpete;lol 687881;1400945935;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21144 @ 0.00093642 = 19.7997 BTC [+] {2} 687882;1400946057;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 3 @ 0.0355 = 0.1065 BTC [+] 687883;1400946252;Mats_cd03;http://vixandmore.blogspot.com/2014/05/low-volatility-how-to-profit-from-quiet.html 687884;1400946253;assbot;VIX and More: Low Volatility: How To Profit From a Quiet VIX (Guest Columnist at Barron’s) 687885;1400946302;benkay;;;ticker 687886;1400946303;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 519.3, Best ask: 519.53, Bid-ask spread: 0.23000, Last trade: 519.53, 24 hour volume: 9960.40095559, 24 hour low: 515.4, 24 hour high: 535.99, 24 hour vwap: 525.874228967 687887;1400946378;asciilifeform;re: bitstamp: if the story is true, they've fucked their public goat. 687888;1400946386;asciilifeform;redditards or no 687889;1400946423;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 17 @ 0.02385294 = 0.4055 BTC [+] {4} 687890;1400946424;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31000 @ 0.00093203 = 28.8929 BTC [-] {2} 687891;1400946637;bitcoinpete;asciilifeform: looks that way 687892;1400947094;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 40 @ 0.00446335 = 0.1785 BTC [-] {2} 687893;1400947155;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 248 @ 0.00442281 = 1.0969 BTC [-] {9} 687894;1400947216;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 107 @ 0.00441002 = 0.4719 BTC [-] 687895;1400947217;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 2.05667048 BTC to 8`552 shares, 24049 satoshi per share 687896;1400947277;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 5 @ 0.039494 = 0.1975 BTC [+] 687897;1400947278;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] [PAID] 45.59524456 BTC to 8`552 shares, 533153 satoshi per share 687898;1400947338;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 9 @ 0.0975 = 0.8775 BTC [+] 687899;1400947339;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.0230001 = 0.23 BTC [-] 687900;1400947399;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 85 @ 0.02178534 = 1.8518 BTC [-] {4} 687901;1400947400;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 30 @ 0.03484272 = 1.0453 BTC [-] {3} 687902;1400947521;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.02049999 = 0.1025 BTC [-] {2} 687903;1400947643;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 97 @ 0.02053135 = 1.9915 BTC [+] {3} 687904;1400947644;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 7 @ 0.0345 = 0.2415 BTC [-] 687905;1400947704;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 122 @ 0.0216 = 2.6352 BTC [+] 687906;1400947766;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.0340001 = 0.136 BTC [-] {2} 687907;1400947786;bitcoinpete;https://globalconnections.hsbc.com/canada/en/articles/renminbi-worlds-next-reserve-currency?utm_source=outbrain&utm_medium=click&utm_content=1&utm_campaign=global+gc+2014 687908;1400947788;assbot;Renminbi: the worlds next reserve currency HSBC Global Connections 687909;1400947796;bitcoinpete;interesting promo work by hsbc 687910;1400947826;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 11 @ 0.01890032 = 0.2079 BTC [-] {4} 687911;1400947827;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 16 @ 0.03400004 = 0.544 BTC [-] {6} 687912;1400947828;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 15 @ 0.04954094 = 0.7431 BTC [-] {3} 687913;1400947887;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.04954094 = 0.2477 BTC [-] {2} 687914;1400947888;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 13 @ 0.01773574 = 0.2306 BTC [-] {3} 687915;1400947889;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 8 @ 0.034 = 0.272 BTC [-] 687916;1400947890;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 200 @ 0.00078135 = 0.1563 BTC [-] {2} 687917;1400947948;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 6 @ 0.02011767 = 0.1207 BTC [+] {3} 687918;1400948009;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 14 @ 0.02217921 = 0.3105 BTC [+] {3} 687919;1400948062;penguirker;New blog post: http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2014/05/24/notes-from-this-week/ 687920;1400948070;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 12 @ 0.03373118 = 0.4048 BTC [-] {4} 687921;1400948072;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 53 @ 0.04954094 = 2.6257 BTC [-] {4} 687922;1400948073;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25604 @ 0.00093176 = 23.8568 BTC [-] {2} 687923;1400948131;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 58 @ 0.01724504 = 1.0002 BTC [-] {9} 687924;1400948132;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 6 @ 0.04954094 = 0.2972 BTC [-] {2} 687925;1400948133;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 58 @ 0.03356487 = 1.9468 BTC [-] {8} 687926;1400948192;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 8 @ 0.03287433 = 0.263 BTC [-] {2} 687927;1400948193;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 8 @ 0.017 = 0.136 BTC [-] {2} 687928;1400948194;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 28 @ 0.04954094 = 1.3871 BTC [-] {3} 687929;1400948558;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.03288058 = 0.3288 BTC [+] {2} 687930;1400948559;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 28 @ 0.017 = 0.476 BTC [-] {2} 687931;1400948560;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 8 @ 0.04954094 = 0.3963 BTC [-] 687932;1400948619;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 18 @ 0.03252167 = 0.5854 BTC [-] {2} 687933;1400948620;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 11 @ 0.0975 = 1.0725 BTC [+] 687934;1400948741;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 10 @ 0.04954094 = 0.4954 BTC [-] 687935;1400948903;penguirker;New blog post: http://www.bcoinnews.com/hashfast-court-update/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=hashfast-court-update 687936;1400948904;penguirker;New blog post: http://www.bcoinnews.com/hashfast-court-today/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=hashfast-court-today 687937;1400948905;penguirker;New blog post: http://www.bcoinnews.com/bitcoin-difficulty-update/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=bitcoin-difficulty-update 687938;1400948906;penguirker;New blog post: http://www.bcoinnews.com/bitcoin-mining-updates/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=bitcoin-mining-updates 687939;1400948907;penguirker;New blog post: http://www.bcoinnews.com/data-feeds-now-live-auto-updating/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=data-feeds-now-live-auto-updating 687940;1400948908;penguirker;New blog post: http://www.bcoinnews.com/hashfast-announces-peppermining-partnership/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=hashfast-announces-peppermining-partnership 687941;1400948909;penguirker;New blog post: http://www.bcoinnews.com/hashfast-updates-scammers/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=hashfast-updates-scammers 687942;1400948964;benkay;jesus penguirker 687943;1400949168;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29804 @ 0.00093677 = 27.9195 BTC [+] {3} 687944;1400949289;Mats_cd03;bcoinnews.com is shit 687945;1400949290;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.49099957 BTC [-] 687946;1400949301;BingoBoingo;Is this a penguirker problem or an RSS problem? 687947;1400949349;Mats_cd03;definitely an rss problem 687948;1400949656;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 9 @ 0.03225 = 0.2903 BTC [-] 687949;1400949682;Mats_cd03;!up CheckDavid 687950;1400949691;CheckDavid;Thanks Mats_cd03 687951;1400949725;CheckDavid;I wanted to ask something you guys certainly know the answer to. 687952;1400949748;CheckDavid;When and why does a company pay dividends vs reinvesting ? 687953;1400949926;dignork;CheckDavid: normally this happens when company cannot expand, so reinvesting doesn't make sense, think coca cola 687954;1400949934;nubbins`;generally a company pays dividends because its investors are fucking idiots and they want to start getting their money back immediately after investing it 687955;1400949955;nubbins`;oh, sorry, you were asking in a general sense? 687956;1400949971;dignork;CheckDavid: another case is legal, for example mREIT have to pay dividents 687957;1400949997;Mats_cd03;lots of reasons, but dividends are uncommon with e.g. startups, early phase corps 687958;1400950072;CheckDavid;Yes nubbins` 687959;1400950185;CheckDavid;Mats_cd03: I see. So when should a startup start paying dividends? And you have to admit, from startup to coca cola status is a long voyage. 687960;1400950273;dignork;CheckDavid: when you cannot think of expansion 687961;1400950325;CheckDavid;dignork: I find it hard to conceive of a business that can't think of expansion . 687962;1400950347;CheckDavid;I mean. One from a startup. 687963;1400950357;dignork;with coca cola, obviously they can spend their money in something else, get into banking business for example, but they can't do this 687964;1400950376;CheckDavid;They can keep expanding always 687965;1400950390;CheckDavid;Or trying to 687966;1400950418;CheckDavid;A tech startup can develop new technology forever 687967;1400950458;benkay;right about now you're probably wondering why bitcoin fartups pay divs 687968;1400950461;CheckDavid;A tech business I mean. 687969;1400950463;dignork;well, yes. But if their earnings stop growing, it makes sense to start paying divs 687970;1400950502;dignork;no earnings growth == stock price is not raising 687971;1400950532;benkay;in the case of mpex, mpex is an an0 company. this isn't strictly true, in that the thing should theoretically show servers and datacenter rental costs (...). in the case of rentalstarter, well, why the fuck are they paying divs instead of reinvesting and growing NAV? 687972;1400950540;benkay;!t h rent 687973;1400950540;assbot;[HAVELOCK:RENT] 1D: 0.00559000 / 0.00574385 / 0.00589991 (266 shares, 1.52786307 BTC), 7D: 0.00559000 / 0.00588518 / 0.00648989 (1399 shares, 8.23336482 BTC), 30D: 0.00532500 / 0.00636853 / 0.00750000 (9061 shares, 57.70524944 BTC) 687974;1400950554;CheckDavid;Can't a business just pay bonuses to its collaborators and just avoid paying dividends forever? 687975;1400950560;benkay;you'll note that MPIF doesn't pay divs. 687976;1400950578;benkay;collaborators? 687977;1400950596;CheckDavid;Employees whatever 687978;1400950602;CheckDavid;Members partners. 687979;1400950603;benkay;that's a cost. 687980;1400950608;benkay;employees are a cost. 687981;1400950615;benkay;partner payments reduce net asset value of the operation. 687982;1400950625;CheckDavid;benkay: let's say I make you a proposal dorna very cool looking business 687983;1400950634;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.0315 = 0.126 BTC [-] 687984;1400950635;CheckDavid;I offer you a job plus stock 687985;1400950638;benkay;dubious, but i'll listen. 687986;1400950661;benkay;carry on... 687987;1400950663;CheckDavid;But you know nothing about how I'm going to turn a profit 687988;1400950672;CheckDavid;Why do you care about the stock? 687989;1400950693;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 4 @ 0.04954094 = 0.1982 BTC [-] 687990;1400950694;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 17 @ 0.039494 = 0.6714 BTC [+] 687991;1400950697;CheckDavid;It could be a business that will never pay dividends 687992;1400950706;CheckDavid;And still be 'successful' 687993;1400950706;dignork;CheckDavid: Can't a business just pay bonuses to its collaborators => shareholders are kinda collaborators, so div are exactly this 687994;1400950731;CheckDavid;What's the incentive to pay dividends? 687995;1400950778;dignork;CheckDavid: because shareholders 'own' part of your business, so if your earning are not spent, you have to pays them 687996;1400950782;CheckDavid;Why would you pay dividends? 687997;1400950792;CheckDavid;But you can spend. 687998;1400950800;CheckDavid;You can always spend. That's the point. 687999;1400950816;dignork;blackjack and hookers do not count :) 688000;1400950819;benkay;if i know nothing about how you're going to turn a profit what the fuck? 688001;1400950832;benkay;one does not invest into black boxes. 688002;1400950838;benkay;one cannot possibly invest into black boxes. 688003;1400950843;benkay;that is not investing. that is gambling. 688004;1400950853;CheckDavid;Not the point. 688005;1400950863;benkay;what is the point again? 688006;1400950869;CheckDavid;I didn't say invest. I said you are offered and ask what do you care about it. 688007;1400950894;benkay;on the surface of the proposition i don't give two fucks. you won't tell me how the machine works and I'm expected to make it go? 688008;1400950911;benkay;this model needs some serious constraints on it before i can make heads or tails of it. 688009;1400950915;benkay;maybe i'm just retarded... 688010;1400950938;CheckDavid;No. 688011;1400950946;CheckDavid;5:46:57 PM • Mats_cd03 lots of reasons, but dividends are uncommon with e.g. startups, early phase corps 688012;1400950984;CheckDavid;So apparently this is common that businesses (startups) begin without defining how dividends will be paid 688013;1400950992;benkay;mhmmmmmm 688014;1400950998;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18650 @ 0.00093708 = 17.4765 BTC [+] {2} 688015;1400950999;CheckDavid;Or not? 688016;1400951007;pankkake;BingoBoingo: I guess he added the utm_ trackers, and it thought it was new posts. as I said earlier, it's a very dumb algo :p 688017;1400951055;dignork;CheckDavid: at some point company may decide to pay divs, it doesn't have to be defined up front 688018;1400951057;CheckDavid;And I was just thinking that a business can be successful without paying dividends 688019;1400951088;CheckDavid;dignork: but can't it decide to never pay them as well and just reinvest despite its success ? 688020;1400951108;benkay; And I was just thinking that a business can be successful without paying dividends // this is correct. 688021;1400951137;benkay; dignork: but can't it decide to never pay them as well and just reinvest despite its success ? // also, true. 688022;1400951139;dignork;CheckDavid: usually board of directors can decide whatever the fuck they want, as long as it somehow legal 688023;1400951147;benkay;^^ 688024;1400951173;benkay;the dividend obsession in btc is kinda weird. 688025;1400951179;CheckDavid;So shareholders can be left with no dividends forever. 688026;1400951184;benkay;artifact of the early mining days? 688027;1400951188;benkay;CheckDavid: yup. 688028;1400951208;CheckDavid;That kinds sucks lol 688029;1400951213;benkay;ideally, net asset value increases disproportionately to the divs that woulda been paid out, as management is using that money to grow the company. 688030;1400951214;CheckDavid;*kinda 688031;1400951218;benkay;why? 688032;1400951227;benkay;if the value of the asset is increasing over time, who cares about dividends? 688033;1400951240;dignork;CheckDavid: stock emission is a long con. fuck your investors, and then you'll have really bad price when you issue another batch... 688034;1400951248;benkay;(assuming a deep enough market to liquidate a given position...) 688035;1400951262;CheckDavid;benkay: but is it increasing ? If it yields bi return I would assume it has no market demand 688036;1400951287;CheckDavid;*no 688037;1400951308;benkay;the increase in value is the return. 688038;1400951331;benkay;so look at MPIF 688039;1400951332;benkay;no divs 688040;1400951332;CheckDavid;But does it increase ? 688041;1400951338;CheckDavid;I see. 688042;1400951350;benkay;if net asset value is above price, investors will buy it as the stock represents the assets on the books. 688043;1400951366;benkay;if net asset value is below the price, investors will sell it as the stock ibid etc 688044;1400951369;CheckDavid;Right. 688045;1400951395;CheckDavid;I'm sure that's better reflected in businesses that have hard assets 688046;1400951398;benkay;if NAV increases over time (not a guarantee), you get return with no divs. 688047;1400951405;benkay;yeah will a business with no hard assets - what is it anyways 688048;1400951410;benkay;an0 688049;1400951412;benkay;and pays divs. 688050;1400951428;benkay;now! 688051;1400951437;benkay;bitbet could refuse to pay divs and hold those btc on the books. 688052;1400951440;CheckDavid;What? Lol 688053;1400951447;CheckDavid;I see. 688054;1400951458;benkay;you'd get return (ideally) by asset value increase. 688055;1400951482;benkay;this is all predicated on trusting the issuer to run the thing correctly and the stock exchange to similarly do things correctly. 688056;1400951505;benkay;so what investments have you made lately, CheckDavid ? 688057;1400951510;benkay;;;gettrust assbot CheckDavid 688058;1400951511;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user CheckDavid: Level 1: 1, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=CheckDavid | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=CheckDavid | Rated since: Fri Apr 11 12:52:24 2014 688059;1400951547;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1757 @ 0.0009359 = 1.6444 BTC [-] 688060;1400951609;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 321 @ 0.00076863 = 0.2467 BTC [-] {8} 688061;1400951688;benkay;!up CheckDavid 688062;1400951691;CheckDavid;6:11:48 PM CheckDavid But btc on their books are less valuable to shareholders due to the risk of.losing them and other factors. 688063;1400951692;benkay;didn't know your timer'd run out 688064;1400951694;CheckDavid;Well 688065;1400951704;CheckDavid;Of course you did 688066;1400951712;CheckDavid;I'm sure you did that to troll me 688067;1400951715;benkay;hey kakobrekla it'd be neat if the timer echo'd in here 688068;1400951722;benkay;dude give it a rest i don't fuck with people like that 688069;1400951730;CheckDavid;;;gettrust assbot benkay 688070;1400951730;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask benkay!~user@unaffiliated/benkay. Trust relationship from user assbot to user benkay: Level 1: 1, Level 2: 9 via 9 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=benkay | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=benkay | Rated since: Sun Mar 10 13:57:45 2013 688071;1400951747;CheckDavid;Lool 688072;1400951755;benkay;anywayyyyyyys 688073;1400951755;CheckDavid;Ok :) 688074;1400951766;CheckDavid;Can I voice.myself with level 1 ? 688075;1400951769;benkay;yeah! 688076;1400951780;benkay;i was confused to be quite honest 688077;1400951787;benkay;someone upped you, but you have l1 trust 688078;1400951813;CheckDavid;Who did? 688079;1400951813;CheckDavid;Who has the power? 688080;1400951824;benkay; !up CheckDavid [16:41] 688081;1400951824;benkay; 688082;1400951831;CheckDavid;No 688083;1400951836;CheckDavid;I mean the level 1 688084;1400951853;BingoBoingo;CheckDavid: You auth with gribble and !up on PM with assbot 688085;1400951853;benkay;consider it a benediction from your bitlord. 688086;1400951854;dignork;benkay: few minutes ago: -- | Mode #bitcoin-assets [-v CheckDavid] by assbot 688087;1400951873;benkay;dignork: ah i don't want to watch mode changes tho :( 688088;1400951891;benkay;joins are annoying enough to watch 688089;1400951913;benkay;some day we'll have enough people in assbot's wot that i can turn them off and let everyone else !up the noobs 688090;1400951914;dignork;i have join/leave filtered out 688091;1400951987;benkay;on an entirely different topic, what's the least awful bitcoin api to program against? 688092;1400952001;benkay;all i need is to watch an addr. 688093;1400952155;benkay;oh ho ho look at this 688094;1400952156;benkay;https://github.com/bit-c/bitc 688095;1400952156;assbot;bit-c/bitc GitHub 688096;1400952162;benkay;i think i just creamed myself 688097;1400952174;benkay;valgrind clean! 688098;1400952213;dignork;benkay: I'm currently playing with electrum, they have a simple pyhthon api 688099;1400952252;benkay;dignork: link? 688100;1400952260;benkay;to the python api docs, that is 688101;1400952298;dignork;ah, no docs :( but there are samples: https://github.com/spesmilo/electrum/tree/master/scripts 688102;1400952299;assbot;electrum/scripts at master spesmilo/electrum GitHub 688103;1400952318;benkay;ah neat 688104;1400952321;benkay;thanks, dignork 688105;1400952334;CheckDavid;Lol benkay thanks BingoBoingo 688106;1400952336;benkay;still, how slick does bit-c look? 688107;1400952365;benkay;CheckDavid But btc on their books are less valuable to shareholders due to the risk of.losing them and other factors. << this is absolutely correct. 688108;1400952396;benkay;but a stock that has upside promise denominated in btc trumps btc alone. 688109;1400952401;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1160 @ 0.00011399 = 0.1322 BTC [-] {5} 688110;1400952427;CheckDavid;Yes. I thought about that. 688111;1400952553;dignork;benkay: there is also commandline tool: https://github.com/spesmilo/sx , no direct api, but nice for shell scripts 688112;1400952554;assbot;spesmilo/sx GitHub 688113;1400952646;benkay;dignork: that's neat as well. not spv though. 688114;1400952650;benkay;do i actually want spv? 688115;1400952688;dignork;well, they have their own server, btw electrum also has it's own server 688116;1400952706;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24000 @ 0.00093316 = 22.3958 BTC [-] 688117;1400952710;benkay;yeah... 688118;1400952791;benkay;hrm. 688119;1400952794;dignork;for electrum i keep my own, so I do not depend on other servers well being 688120;1400952989;fluffypony;plus any client connects to multiple servers 688121;1400952996;fluffypony;so it's not going to trust just 1 688122;1400953007;fluffypony;AND the only way to discover more servers than the core list 688123;1400953012;fluffypony;is to getpeers from the server 688124;1400953019;fluffypony;and the server gets peers from #electrum on Freenode 688125;1400953032;fluffypony;subsequently, servers are checked by electra (a bot) 688126;1400953042;fluffypony;that kicks servers that don't present the correct block hash etc. 688127;1400953223;BingoBoingo;benkay: Thanks for the link to bit-c 688128;1400953412;BingoBoingo;On that note I am off for a few units of time. 688129;1400953573;dignork;benkay: bitc spv thingy is neat, thanks 688130;1400954477;kakobrekla;benkay why is that 688131;1400954597;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 250 @ 0.00440812 = 1.102 BTC [-] {6} 688132;1400954658;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 35 @ 0.03953427 = 1.3837 BTC [+] {3} 688133;1400954963;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 32 @ 0.018 = 0.576 BTC [-] 688134;1400955360;benkay;kakobrekla: should i be watching mode changes instead? 688135;1400955411;kakobrekla;dunno 688136;1400955421;kakobrekla;i watch modes but not joins and parts 688137;1400955541;benkay;there's this implicit thing of upping new names that kinda requires i watch at least joins 688138;1400955682;kakobrekla;if anyone wants to read complete nonsense https://bitbillions.com/blog/isnt-that-just-dandi/ 688139;1400955685;assbot;Isn’t That Just Dandi? 688140;1400955752;kakobrekla;yeah thats a point benkay , but thats too much noise 688141;1400955765;kakobrekla;i think the modes are the small part of it 688142;1400955938;thestringpuller;;;seen BingoBoingo 688143;1400955938;gribble;BingoBoingo was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 42 minutes and 5 seconds ago: On that note I am off for a few units of time. 688144;1400956420;benkay;!up everclear 688145;1400956428;benkay;!down everclear 688146;1400956445;benkay;guess that's not so bad. 688147;1400956549;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20000 @ 0.00093316 = 18.6632 BTC [-] 688148;1400956976;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36128 @ 0.0009342 = 33.7508 BTC [+] {3} 688149;1400957069;benkay;bitc is legiiiiit 688150;1400957080;*;benkay says without inspecting source 688151;1400957361;benkay;no coin control yet tho 688152;1400957498;benkay;seems to work as advertised... 688153;1400957688;thestringpuller;!down with benkay 688154;1400957769;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 100 @ 0.04954094 = 4.9541 BTC [-] 688155;1400957842;benkay;;;tslb 688156;1400957847;gribble;Time since last block: 14 minutes and 41 seconds 688157;1400958363;thestringpuller;fluffypony 688158;1400958365;thestringpuller;what and interesting name 688159;1400958367;thestringpuller;flufffffff 688160;1400958404;fluffypony;lol 688161;1400959050;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23900 @ 0.00093433 = 22.3305 BTC [+] {2} 688162;1400959826;benkay;;;tslb 688163;1400959831;gribble;Time since last block: 47 minutes and 45 seconds 688164;1400960241;benkay;hue 688165;1400960247;benkay;guess which human in this interaction I was: 18g8GMujcTg5HbaXMxFM92JLNm5eeayfnN 688166;1400960249;benkay;dorp 688167;1400960262;benkay;http://coinjoint.info/bitcoin-meetup-portland-skyhook-atm-action/ 688168;1400960263;assbot;Bitcoin Meetup Portland Oregon: Skyhook ATM & More! - CoinJoint.info 688169;1400961246;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 3 @ 0.039001 = 0.117 BTC [-] 688170;1400961551;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.0975 = 0.195 BTC [+] 688171;1400962313;punkman;;;ticker 688172;1400962315;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 525.0, Best ask: 525.01, Bid-ask spread: 0.01000, Last trade: 525.0, 24 hour volume: 6821.00135225, 24 hour low: 515.4, 24 hour high: 533.33, 24 hour vwap: 522.430745202 688173;1400963015;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9250 @ 0.00093436 = 8.6428 BTC [+] 688174;1400964052;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40600 @ 0.00093614 = 38.0073 BTC [+] {3} 688175;1400964601;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25441 @ 0.00093902 = 23.8896 BTC [+] {3} 688176;1400964662;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 6 @ 0.0975 = 0.585 BTC [+] 688177;1400964845;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 25 @ 0.0975 = 2.4375 BTC [+] 688178;1400965028;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 16 @ 0.0194 = 0.3104 BTC [+] {2} 688179;1400965029;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 8 @ 0.031012 = 0.2481 BTC [-] 688180;1400965030;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 8 @ 0.04954094 = 0.3963 BTC [-] 688181;1400965150;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 8 @ 0.031001 = 0.248 BTC [-] {2} 688182;1400965151;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 78 @ 0.0194 = 1.5132 BTC [+] {2} 688183;1400965152;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 8 @ 0.04954094 = 0.3963 BTC [-] 688184;1400965166;benkay;;;later tell chetty "buy in may and go away" 688185;1400965166;gribble;The operation succeeded. 688186;1400965699;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.0193999 = 0.194 BTC [-] {2} 688187;1400966962;Mats_cd03;;;bc,stats 688188;1400966964;gribble;Current Blocks: 302456 | Current Difficulty: 1.0455720138484837E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 304415 | Next Difficulty In: 1959 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 5 days, 0 hours, 26 minutes, and 30 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 9740824750.62 | Estimated Percent Change: -6.83736 688189;1400967145;cazalla;well, http://bitbet.us/bet/832/difficulty-at-block-302-400-over-10-billion/ is a nice win 688190;1400967145;assbot;BitBet - Difficulty at block 302,400 over 10 billion :: 0.05 B (11%) on Yes, 0.43 B (89%) on No | closed 1 week 3 days ago 688191;1400967287;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 3 @ 0.04954094 = 0.1486 BTC [-] 688192;1400967346;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.0194899 = 0.1949 BTC [+] 688193;1400967468;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 8 @ 0.031001 = 0.248 BTC [-] 688194;1400967529;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.031001 = 0.124 BTC [-] 688195;1400967531;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 4 @ 0.04954094 = 0.1982 BTC [-] 688196;1400967532;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22902 @ 0.00093336 = 21.3758 BTC [-] {2} 688197;1400967652;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.04954094 = 0.2477 BTC [-] {3} 688198;1400968078;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 7 @ 0.031 = 0.217 BTC [-] {2} 688199;1400968079;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 7 @ 0.01874 = 0.1312 BTC [-] 688200;1400968080;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 7 @ 0.04954094 = 0.3468 BTC [-] 688201;1400969115;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.0975 = 0.195 BTC [+] 688202;1400969176;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4900 @ 0.00093128 = 4.5633 BTC [-] 688203;1400969448;benkay;https://www.betarigs.com/ 688204;1400969449;assbot;Betarigs - Cryptocurrency cloud mining 688205;1400969542;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.0975 = 0.195 BTC [+] 688206;1400969603;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15700 @ 0.00093055 = 14.6096 BTC [-] 688207;1400969664;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8769 @ 0.00092788 = 8.1366 BTC [-] {2} 688208;1400969735;punkman;benkay, https://leaserig.net/ 688209;1400969737;assbot;LeaseRig.net - Mining Rigs   - Rent and Lease Mining Rigs for Bitcoin, Litecoin and Altcoin Mining. 688210;1400969993;benkay;punkman: how long has this been a thing? 688211;1400970017;punkman;no idea, they have sha256 though 688212;1400970046;punkman;made my first bitbet, yay 688213;1400970053;punkman;or not yay, we'll see next year 688214;1400970195;benkay;lol someone made all alt-bets i was noodling on but too busy to research properly 688215;1400970274;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.0975 = 0.975 BTC [+] 688216;1400970463;punkman;http://bitbet.us/bet/812/atc-to-reach-block-50000-on-time/ 688217;1400970463;assbot;BitBet - ATC to reach block 50000 on time :: 2.15 B (23%) on Yes, 7.05 B (77%) on No | closing in 2 months 3 days | weight: 69`367 (100`000 to 1) 688218;1400970590;punkman;so if you rent some rigs, you can make that happen 688219;1400971783;benkay;where can i see network power graphs for alts? 688220;1400972958;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.03099999 = 0.155 BTC [-] 688221;1400973249;Mats_cd03;http://atc.blockr.io 688222;1400973937;punkman;http://blockchain.info/address/1ChancecoinXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXZELUFD 688223;1400973937;assbot;Bitcoin Address 1ChancecoinXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXZELUFD 688224;1400973994;thestringpuller;I wonder how anyone generated that addres 688225;1400973996;thestringpuller;s 688226;1400974039;punkman;just gotta make sure it checksums 688227;1400974054;pankkake;yeah, it never got a transaction out 688228;1400974060;punkman;maybe they have the priv key though 688229;1400974064;thestringpuller;lol 688230;1400974120;punkman;can't believe people are still burning so many BTC to get into random lolcoins 688231;1400974176;pankkake;at least it's a type of stupid that make my bitcoins more valuable! 688232;1400974178;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.0975 = 0.2925 BTC [+] 688233;1400974195;punkman;pankkake: good point 688234;1400974222;benkay;%h 688235;1400974222;atcbot;%t | %ticker | %book | %diff | %tx | %bal
| %mined | %block | %lb | %tslb | %cm | %ptp | %help | %h 688236;1400974234;benkay;%cm 688237;1400974235;atcbot;[CoinMiner Hashrate]: 1.14 TH/s 688238;1400974253;benkay;sure 688239;1400974284;benkay;;;ticker 688240;1400974285;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 524.55, Best ask: 527.0, Bid-ask spread: 2.45000, Last trade: 527.0, 24 hour volume: 5645.05881744, 24 hour low: 515.4, 24 hour high: 529.06, 24 hour vwap: 522.254417128 688241;1400974349;punkman;this week's winner: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-jf8_piT7Z0A/TkFRnu5LGeI/AAAAAAAAAJ4/uqYVLiz9qss/s1600/De+Molen+Rasputin.JPG 688242;1400974375;punkman;gotta say it only caught my eye because of the label 688243;1400974409;benkay;does altcoin have spv support? 688244;1400974424;benkay;o yeah, rasputin's great 688245;1400974509;punkman;" After a 2009 trademark-infringement claim was brought by California's North Coast Brewing Company due to the name's similarity to their existing "Old Rasputin" beer of the same style, De Molen changed the name on the American export label to "Disputin" in a humorous reference to the controversy." 688246;1400974511;punkman;heh 688247;1400975154;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.49099957 BTC [-] 688248;1400976801;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 30 @ 0.0046 = 0.138 BTC [-] 688249;1400978692;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12903 @ 0.00092777 = 11.971 BTC [-] 688250;1400978881;Mats_cd03;i love that i can have groceries delivered now 688251;1400979363;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12150 @ 0.0009275 = 11.2691 BTC [-] 688252;1400980339;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 24 @ 0.019304 = 0.4633 BTC [+] {2} 688253;1400981132;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4768 @ 0.00092777 = 4.4236 BTC [+] 688254;1400981376;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15682 @ 0.00092857 = 14.5618 BTC [+] {3} 688255;1400981559;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 15 @ 0.0975 = 1.4625 BTC [+] 688256;1400981925;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6100 @ 0.0009275 = 5.6578 BTC [-] 688257;1400981986;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3600 @ 0.0009275 = 3.339 BTC [-] 688258;1400982230;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24650 @ 0.00093016 = 22.9284 BTC [+] {2} 688259;1400984182;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 7 @ 0.039 = 0.273 BTC [-] 688260;1400984304;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16183 @ 0.00093101 = 15.0665 BTC [+] 688261;1400984487;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 84 @ 0.0975 = 8.19 BTC [+] 688262;1400984545;thestringpuller;Mats_cd03: didn't webvan do that in the 90's? 688263;1400985646;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.0975 = 0.2925 BTC [+] 688264;1400985768;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.0975 = 0.4875 BTC [+] 688265;1400986012;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9562 @ 0.0009275 = 8.8688 BTC [-] 688266;1400986927;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 10 @ 0.04954094 = 0.4954 BTC [-] 688267;1400987352;[]bot;Bet placed: 22.5 BTC for Yes on "Bitcoin network difficulty > 14Bn on Bastille day" http://bitbet.us/bet/677/ Odds: 89(Y):11(N) by coin, 83(Y):17(N) by weight. Total bet: 126.11816472 BTC. Current weight: 11,525. 688268;1400989184;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7600 @ 0.00092727 = 7.0473 BTC [-] {2} 688269;1400990108;benkay;hey folks 688270;1400990282;mod6;sup 688271;1400990889;xmj;good morning 688272;1400991996;benkay;how are you all today? 688273;1400992041;xmj;good 688274;1400992538;benkay;i'm about to take a dependency on electrum 688275;1400992540;benkay;someone help me 688276;1400992645;Mats_cd03;quite a late bet, esp with est. diff falling 688277;1400992709;Mats_cd03;thestringpuller: idk. just moved into a boston suburb where its reasonably priced, feels luxurious 688278;1400993014;Mats_cd03;these massive late bets on yes gives me hope i didnt fuck up my first action on bitbet 688279;1400993088;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6491 @ 0.00093126 = 6.0448 BTC [+] {2} 688280;1400993454;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1950 @ 0.00093179 = 1.817 BTC [+] 688281;1400993576;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.491 = 0.982 BTC [+] 688282;1400993759;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 90 @ 0.00233372 = 0.21 BTC [-] {10} 688283;1400993881;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 14 @ 0.03124498 = 0.4374 BTC [+] {4} 688284;1400994084;artifexd;;;ticker 688285;1400994085;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 554.94, Best ask: 555.0, Bid-ask spread: 0.06000, Last trade: 554.94, 24 hour volume: 6541.67419014, 24 hour low: 516.07, 24 hour high: 555.0, 24 hour vwap: 531.417493284 688286;1400994491;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6600 @ 0.00093179 = 6.1498 BTC [+] 688287;1400995040;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.039 = 0.39 BTC [-] 688288;1400995406;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.0190012 = 0.19 BTC [+] 688289;1400996382;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.0385001 = 0.385 BTC [-] 688290;1400996443;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 5 @ 0.0385 = 0.1925 BTC [-] {2} 688291;1400997187;benkay;;;ticker 688292;1400997188;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 562.01, Best ask: 563.99, Bid-ask spread: 1.98000, Last trade: 562.82, 24 hour volume: 8022.21501140, 24 hour low: 516.07, 24 hour high: 569.54, 24 hour vwap: 537.000719252 688293;1400997297;Apocalyptic;morning asseteers 688294;1400997425;benkay;morning Apocalyptic 688295;1400997480;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6800 @ 0.00093201 = 6.3377 BTC [+] {2} 688296;1400997846;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4490 @ 0.00093199 = 4.1846 BTC [-] 688297;1400997907;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3655 @ 0.00093162 = 3.4051 BTC [-] 688298;1400998746;benkay;!up trixisowned 688299;1400998768;trixisowned;hi 688300;1400998805;benkay;how are you? 688301;1400998860;benkay;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=128055.msg1361824#msg1361824 688302;1400998860;assbot;[ANNOUNCE] picocoin and libccoin -- C-based bitcoin library and client 688303;1400998915;benkay;trixisowned: who are you? what brings you by? 688304;1400999014;trixisowned;lurked here for forever, wouldnt have anything to add anyways 688305;1400999050;punkman;why not 688306;1400999084;punkman;benkay, so is that libccoin something to watch or hopeless 688307;1400999167;benkay;well it's a gzarik project 688308;1400999173;benkay;but 688309;1400999182;benkay;>>> AES encryption is applied to the wallet. Passphrase is specified via environment variable PICOCOIN_PASSPHRASE. 688310;1400999186;benkay;>> Is this secure? My understanding is that the environment isn't a safe place to store/transmit information. 688311;1400999191;benkay;> That's temporary. It will input via fd like GPG soon. 688312;1400999199;benkay;is the development flow 688313;1400999204;benkay;hue is all i have to say 688314;1400999221;benkay;i dunno man 688315;1400999251;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 7 @ 0.0308001 = 0.2156 BTC [+] 688316;1400999273;benkay;i'm just looking for an spv client that doesn't have a horrendous list of deps or what have you 688317;1400999304;benkay;although i may just virtualize the bitcoin proc 688318;1400999310;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 7 @ 0.0190102 = 0.1331 BTC [-] 688319;1400999311;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 7 @ 0.04954094 = 0.3468 BTC [-] 688320;1400999320;benkay;put it in a vm, run electrum, call it a day 688321;1400999324;benkay;this is what i get for working on os x 688322;1400999369;Mats_cd03;im bored 688323;1400999385;punkman;I hear there's porn on the internets 688324;1400999393;Mats_cd03;no projects on the backburner 688325;1400999442;Mats_cd03;porn is for scrubs 688326;1400999615;benkay;so get a thai girl to stick her tongue up your bum 688327;1400999691;Mats_cd03;usually i just do some dabs of thc concentrates but i ran out :( 688328;1400999773;Mats_cd03;woe is me << pay attention to the appropriate spelling, none of this 'whoa is [me]' shit i saw in the logs earlier 688329;1400999874;benkay;down with that fool 688330;1400999915;punkman;!up usaoscoin 688331;1400999956;usaoscoin;howdy 688332;1401000032;punkman;hi 688333;1401000044;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1954 @ 0.00093162 = 1.8204 BTC [-] 688334;1401000078;usaoscoin;why did you voice me? lol 688335;1401000092;punkman;it's a thing 688336;1401000103;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.01901005 = 0.1901 BTC [-] {2} 688337;1401000104;punkman;diversity! 688338;1401000113;usaoscoin;i never knew i had friends in assets 688339;1401000207;benkay;what's the story with your coin, usaoscoin ? 688340;1401000243;usaoscoin;i was bored at work listening to japanese hardcore 688341;1401000264;usaoscoin;usao is DJ, so I decided to name myself usao's coin 688342;1401000286;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 14 @ 0.019 = 0.266 BTC [-] 688343;1401000713;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 52 @ 0.00242683 = 0.1262 BTC [+] {6} 688344;1401000954;Mats_cd03;been looking for some interesting firmware to reverse 688345;1401000993;Mats_cd03;can't bring myself to do another router or ip camera 688346;1401001151;Mats_cd03;maybe ill try reproducing that nic hw rootkit from a few years ago on something recent 688347;1401001243;punkman;you do that for work or just a hobby/ 688348;1401001811;Mats_cd03;its a hobby, although i recently tricked someone into paying me to document and reimplement an obscure network protocol. lucrative stuff, six weeks of work was equivalent to four months worth of my usual earnings 688349;1401002178;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 90 @ 0.00450333 = 0.4053 BTC [-] {2} 688350;1401002238;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.03050102 = 0.1525 BTC [-] 688351;1401002274;Mats_cd03;one day i will login to irc from the bitcoin illuminati conference on elysium 688352;1401002350;Mats_cd03;stackin tha cheese til that day like billions of other slaves 688353;1401002380;rithm;what is elysium 688354;1401002388;fluffypony;a movie 688355;1401002392;rithm;im 12 wat is this 688356;1401002399;fluffypony;im 13 wat is that 688357;1401002409;*;fluffypony sends rithm pr0nz 688358;1401002412;rithm;12/f 688359;1401002420;Mats_cd03;;;google elysium 688360;1401002420;gribble;Elysium (2013) - IMDb: ; Elysium (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Elysium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: 688361;1401002421;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3678 @ 0.00093065 = 3.4229 BTC [-] 688362;1401002445;rithm;if that movie is rated r i'm calling my mom in here to take a pic 688363;1401002455;rithm;and document this chat 688364;1401002464;fluffypony;what if the cyber police backtrace us 688365;1401002468;fluffypony;we dun goofed 688366;1401002481;rithm;you dun fucked up now playa 688367;1401002526;punkman;http://krebsonsecurity.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/bs4.png 688368;1401002580;rithm;bbcshades huh 688369;1401002624;Mats_cd03;the audacity of krebs blows my mind sometimes 688370;1401002680;Mats_cd03;dude's going to end up with stab wounds in an alley somewhere sometime in the next decade 688371;1401002746;fluffypony;does anyone here have a Mac running Snow Leopard? I need a binary compiled, will remunerate for the effort 688372;1401002796;benkay;2B? 688373;1401002813;benkay;fluffypony: ^^ 688374;1401002829;benkay;i can compile in a vm for ya 688375;1401002836;fluffypony;awesome, lemme pm you 688376;1401002837;benkay;probly anyone linux-competent could too... 688377;1401002983;xmj;fwiw Mac OSX is closer to BSDs than to linux. 688378;1401003031;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 10 @ 0.45511817 = 4.5512 BTC [-] {8} 688379;1401003044;benkay;this is true 688380;1401003113;kakobrekla;heya 688381;1401003165;benkay;heyo kakobrekla 688382;1401003319;kakobrekla;whats cooking 688383;1401003332;benkay;i'm discontent with the state of spv clients and their apis 688384;1401003348;benkay;discontented 688385;1401003354;Mats_cd03;so lets fix it 688386;1401003368;Mats_cd03;whats broken 688387;1401003433;benkay;let's start with electrum 688388;1401003448;punkman;what would you fix in electrum? 688389;1401003470;xmj;i've tried running electrum once. it sucked. 688390;1401003482;benkay;yeah it's misery. 688391;1401003492;benkay;first install slowaes 688392;1401003516;benkay;nowait ecdsa 688393;1401003519;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 6 @ 0.0192 = 0.1152 BTC [+] 688394;1401003520;benkay;then slowaes 688395;1401003646;benkay;then pythonqt4 688396;1401003653;benkay;and all i fuggin want is an spv client with an api 688397;1401003665;benkay;this new wallet bitc is a better wallet than fuggin electrum 688398;1401003674;benkay;although it's missing key featurs imho 688399;1401003758;benkay;and fuck your x server i just want to run a fucking SPV API 688400;1401003760;benkay;fml 688401;1401003784;jurov;benkay: electrum does have curses/text gui 688402;1401003800;punkman;shouldn't be too hard to take out the gui 688403;1401003870;benkay;jurov: oh praise heavens 688404;1401003882;jurov;not necessary, -g text works witout pyqt installed 688405;1401003990;Mats_cd03;what is bitc missing 688406;1401004007;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1800 @ 0.00092735 = 1.6692 BTC [-] 688407;1401004048;benkay;Mats_cd03: transactions don't show txids 688408;1401004343;Mats_cd03;sounds important 688409;1401004433;benkay;the electrum server requires bitcoind?! 688410;1401004440;benkay;i thought this was an spv! 688411;1401004444;benkay;georihlsfmtwgci4enruck 4kjaefhmdhj,fbcgknsuery,jgfhamej 688412;1401004471;punkman;they gotta use something 688413;1401004475;benkay;if i have to run bitcoind anyways why the fuck not just run bitcoind and take a dep on the whole fuckoff blockchain? 688414;1401004530;Mats_cd03;because programmers are shit engineers? 688415;1401004533;punkman;how would the server work without a full node? 688416;1401004681;benkay;i thought spv was baked into the protocol now, and spv clients could talk to any full nodes, sending over a bloom filter and receiving blocks satisfying the filter 688417;1401004732;benkay;Mats_cd03: no coin control functionality 688418;1401004810;benkay;Mats_cd03: i also have no idea how change addresses work 688419;1401004861;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40910 @ 0.0009265 = 37.9031 BTC [-] {3} 688420;1401004871;benkay;ffs i mean what's the point 688421;1401004876;benkay;WHAT IS THE POINT 688422;1401005016;fluffypony;Electrum server isn't SPV 688423;1401005017;fluffypony;it's SPV-like 688424;1401005032;punkman;they have optimizations yeah 688425;1401005092;Mats_cd03;ill check out the project and read the code over the next day 688426;1401005114;punkman;the code is tidy but kinda undocumented 688427;1401005128;benkay;oh and also i want my wallet encrypted with gpg-agent not whatever homerolled thing is in there 688428;1401005159;benkay;thanks, Mats_cd03! 688429;1401005632;jurov;benkay you do't need persistent wallet file at all.. and even if, i guess blame is on gpg's side which is too hard to be used as a library 688430;1401005760;jurov;and the server dates from before spv was implemented, still many bitcoin nodes run without txindex 688431;1401005799;jurov;and unlike bitcoin protocol, allows connectiong through http(s) proxies, so it was kept 688432;1401006067;jurov;(electrum server uses stratum protocol) 688433;1401006110;fluffypony;yeah you have to run a node with txindex on 688434;1401006119;fluffypony;so have fun building from scratch, or just download from foundry 688435;1401006130;fluffypony;http://foundry.electrum.org/leveldb-dump/ 688436;1401006131;assbot;Index of /leveldb-dump 688437;1401006174;jurov;but benkay is right that it isn't clear what's missing from bitcoind what electrum needs 688438;1401006309;jurov;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=46493.0 here are some hints why they did it, but prolly i need moar coffee 688439;1401006309;assbot;Very few normal people would wait days for the blockchain to download. 688440;1401006738;benkay; benkay you do't need persistent wallet file at all.. and even if, i guess blame is on gpg's side which is too hard to be used as a library // i was referring to bitc actually 688441;1401006755;benkay;and i don't mind privkeys on disk at all, provided they're encrypted to my gpg key. 688442;1401006759;benkay;is that stupid? 688443;1401006887;benkay;jurov: this is the wallet app i'm talking about with Mats_cd03: https://github.com/bit-c/bitc 688444;1401006888;assbot;bit-c/bitc GitHub 688445;1401006944;benkay;maybe i want that thing to poop out a json/rpc api. 688446;1401006954;benkay;Mats_cd03: i'd also love for bitc to have an api. 688447;1401006966;benkay;externally callable. 688448;1401007157;[]bot;Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "Bitcoin network difficulty > 14Bn on Bastille day" http://bitbet.us/bet/677/ Odds: 89(Y):11(N) by coin, 82(Y):18(N) by weight. Total bet: 127.11816472 BTC. Current weight: 11,392. 688449;1401007228;punkman;!up darkee 688450;1401008120;fluffypony;this is classic 688451;1401008135;fluffypony;we re-shipped someone's order to them as we picked up that it was coming back to us 688452;1401008148;fluffypony;emailed them to tell them that we've re-sent it by courier 688453;1401008152;fluffypony;this is the response: 688454;1401008152;fluffypony;http://i.imgur.com/wdsVKTf.png 688455;1401008193;kakobrekla;dafuq 688456;1401008241;kakobrekla;cia building open rigs? are they after doge? 688457;1401008258;fluffypony;I can only imagine they're using it to fund their operations 688458;1401008277;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5150 @ 0.00092582 = 4.768 BTC [-] 688459;1401008360;Apocalyptic;haha 688460;1401008381;fluffypony;I actually don't even know what to respond to that 688461;1401008387;fluffypony;I'm tempted to call the CIA and report it 688462;1401008403;Apocalyptic;not sure if serious or... 688463;1401008423;punkman;http://www.whoismind.com/email/odci@cox.net.html 688464;1401008424;assbot;odci@cox.net - Email Data 688465;1401008454;fluffypony;no but you see, punkman, Runway Magazine is just a cover 688466;1401008459;fluffypony;for his CIA operations 688467;1401008463;punkman;hah 688468;1401008605;kakobrekla;call them asking you are unsure if your alu profiles are a part of national security shit nao. 688469;1401008616;fluffypony;lol 688470;1401008624;fluffypony;I'm worried they're being weaponised 688471;1401008652;punkman;http://www.companiesinarizona.net/runway-beauty-inc-12699385 688472;1401008652;assbot;RUNWAY BEAUTY, INC. 688473;1401008680;Apocalyptic;nice punkman, name seems to match 688474;1401008718;kakobrekla;is it possible you are being trolled? 688475;1401008723;fluffypony;I would pay for someone in Scottsdale to put on a suit and go to this guy's house and tell him that the CIA wants to see him 688476;1401008736;fluffypony;kakobrekla I don't think so 688477;1401008742;fluffypony;this guy opened a PayPal dispute a while back and let it close 688478;1401008749;fluffypony;but he thought he was talking to PayPal directly and not us 688479;1401008755;punkman;https://opencorporates.com/companies/us_az/L12496650 688480;1401008755;assbot;MAZZOTTA INVESTMENTS, L.L.C.MAZZOTTA INVESTMENTS, L.L.C. :: OpenCorporates 688481;1401008758;kakobrekla;wha?! 688482;1401008770;*;kakobrekla confuzled 688483;1401008802;fluffypony;lemme find this one line 688484;1401008806;fluffypony;it's brilliant 688485;1401008832;fluffypony;"I'm a freemason and I talked to other government agents and this looks a scam, using customer funds to do investments and then shipping after the money has made x amounts of interest or then just return money. Common for South Africa. Can someone please email me from paypal and confirm this company is for real." 688486;1401008930;kakobrekla;also why is it that you are in south africa 688487;1401009252;punkman;fluffypony: good luck 688488;1401009305;fluffypony;kakobrekla: because it's awesome here 688489;1401009346;kakobrekla;which part 688490;1401009484;punkman;so ODCI is Office of Director of Central Intelligence, but was replaced in 2005 with some other acronym 688491;1401009541;fluffypony;kakobrekla: the weather, the people, the scenery, the food 688492;1401009985;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10400 @ 0.00093081 = 9.6804 BTC [+] {2} 688493;1401010578;kakobrekla;im not seeing it 688494;1401010636;Apocalyptic;that's ok kako, somalia is kinda far from south africa 688495;1401010666;fluffypony;kakobrekla: have you been to South Africa before? 688496;1401010717;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.45604582 = 1.3681 BTC [+] {3} 688497;1401010719;kakobrekla;no, but then i again i dont need to go to states to know its fucked 688498;1401010737;fluffypony;that's true 688499;1401010743;cazalla;isn't it a ffa down there in SA now? 688500;1401010753;cazalla;gibs me dat mr white farmer etc 688501;1401010774;fluffypony;no, that's Zimbabwe 688502;1401010840;fluffypony;statistically crime affects non-whites more than whites, and it's skewed more than just what you'd expect given the population ratio 688503;1401010871;cazalla;who cares if blacks kill more blacks than whites though 688504;1401010963;cazalla;which demographic is commiting the crime fluffypony? 688505;1401010981;fluffypony;mostly non-whites for petty crime and the like 688506;1401011021;fluffypony;lunch time, bbl 688507;1401011021;cazalla;isn't it a bit disingenuous to say crime affects non-whites more than whites then? 688508;1401011033;kakobrekla;hows health care there? 688509;1401011057;fluffypony;will answer both of those after lunch 688510;1401011075;kakobrekla;(he needs time to come up with good excuses) 688511;1401011205;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 100 @ 0.0044225 = 0.4423 BTC [-] {4} 688512;1401011304;cazalla;better check your bitcoin privilege i guess 688513;1401011323;cazalla;andreas can help you with that one https://twitter.com/aantonop/status/470198821159723008 688514;1401011324;assbot;@30somethingST Examine your privilege 688515;1401012425;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 52 @ 0.00439002 = 0.2283 BTC [-] {2} 688516;1401012486;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 48 @ 0.00439001 = 0.2107 BTC [-] 688517;1401013402;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 423 @ 0.00070859 = 0.2997 BTC [-] {6} 688518;1401013524;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 7 @ 0.03104013 = 0.2173 BTC [+] {2} 688519;1401013950;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7154 @ 0.00092582 = 6.6233 BTC [-] 688520;1401014072;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 6 @ 0.01893 = 0.1136 BTC [-] 688521;1401014073;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 19 @ 0.03112989 = 0.5915 BTC [+] 688522;1401014194;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 50 @ 0.039 = 1.95 BTC [+] 688523;1401014255;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 20 @ 0.0310999 = 0.622 BTC [-] 688524;1401014560;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 213 @ 0.03838046 = 8.175 BTC [-] {16} 688525;1401015597;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6750 @ 0.00093072 = 6.2824 BTC [+] 688526;1401018342;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3100 @ 0.00093072 = 2.8852 BTC [+] 688527;1401018708;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.0975 = 0.2925 BTC [+] 688528;1401018769;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 109 @ 0.00439141 = 0.4787 BTC [+] {3} 688529;1401018830;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.47690089 BTC [+] 688530;1401019867;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13000 @ 0.00093022 = 12.0929 BTC [-] 688531;1401023100;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4500 @ 0.00093022 = 4.186 BTC [-] 688532;1401023832;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11800 @ 0.00092638 = 10.9313 BTC [-] {2} 688533;1401027248;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.47 BTC [-] 688534;1401027871;Mats_cd03;such privilege 688535;1401027980;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 275 @ 0.0007811 = 0.2148 BTC [+] 688536;1401028163;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2750 @ 0.0009299 = 2.5572 BTC [+] {2} 688537;1401028407;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5150 @ 0.00093072 = 4.7932 BTC [+] 688538;1401029683;BingoBoingo;While feeling nostaligic, I discovered this is a thing https://andarazoroflove.org/code/cdefaq/ 688539;1401029683;assbot;CDE Projects FAQ | andarazOroflove.org 688540;1401029871;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8502 @ 0.00093147 = 7.9194 BTC [+] {3} 688541;1401029932;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 9 @ 0.0308 = 0.2772 BTC [-] 688542;1401030420;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15422 @ 0.00092937 = 14.3327 BTC [-] 688543;1401031274;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 16 @ 0.019195 = 0.3071 BTC [+] 688544;1401031275;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 16 @ 0.0309 = 0.4944 BTC [+] 688545;1401031457;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6850 @ 0.00093131 = 6.3795 BTC [+] 688546;1401031884;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.45937835 = 2.2969 BTC [-] {5} 688547;1401031885;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18054 @ 0.00092667 = 16.7301 BTC [-] {4} 688548;1401031912;Mats_cd03;http://www.t4f.org/articles/fault-injection-attacks-clock-glitching-tutorial/ 688549;1401031945;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.45 BTC [-] 688550;1401031946;assbot;[MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 714 @ 0.00234873 = 1.677 BTC [-] 688551;1401031986;Mats_cd03;neat o 688552;1401032067;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.45 BTC [-] 688553;1401032494;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 220 @ 0.00436063 = 0.9593 BTC [-] {4} 688554;1401032555;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 3 @ 0.04954094 = 0.1486 BTC [-] 688555;1401032860;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 43 @ 0.019195 = 0.8254 BTC [+] 688556;1401032982;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 18 @ 0.04954094 = 0.8917 BTC [-] 688557;1401033104;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 21 @ 0.019195 = 0.4031 BTC [+] {2} 688558;1401033108;dignork;Mats_cd03: he takes a cpu which is an overkill for a job, instead of using clock multiplier 688559;1401033147;dignork;on other hand, if he needs exact count of clock pulses, then PLL won't work 688560;1401033409;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.0305101 = 0.3051 BTC [-] 688561;1401033531;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 7 @ 0.0305101 = 0.2136 BTC [-] 688562;1401033532;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 19 @ 0.04954094 = 0.9413 BTC [-] 688563;1401033592;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 15 @ 0.019195 = 0.2879 BTC [+] 688564;1401033594;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 2.13795610 BTC to 8`890 shares, 24049 satoshi per share 688565;1401033653;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 17 @ 0.01919558 = 0.3263 BTC [+] {2} 688566;1401033714;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.03051 = 0.122 BTC [-] {2} 688567;1401033808;Mats_cd03;yes 688568;1401034019;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 9 @ 0.03050101 = 0.2745 BTC [-] {3} 688569;1401034304;Mats_cd03;he implies that i believe 688570;1401034690;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.0975 = 0.195 BTC [+] 688571;1401035117;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 19 @ 0.04954094 = 0.9413 BTC [-] 688572;1401035276;fluffypony;cazalla:isn't it a bit disingenuous to say crime affects non-whites more than whites then? <- to answer that: I mean more than you'd expect given the ratio 688573;1401035297;fluffypony;cazalla: if you're particularly interested, then http://africacheck.org/reports/are-white-afrikaners-really-being-killed-like-flies/ and https://africacheck.org/factsheets/a-guide-to-crime-statistics-in-south-africa-what-you-need-to-know/ are good articles 688574;1401035299;assbot;Are SA whites really being killed "like flies"? Why Steve Hofmeyr is wrong - Africa Check 688575;1401035300;assbot;GUIDE: Understanding crime statistics in South Africa - what you need to know - Africa Check 688576;1401035536;fluffypony;kakobrekla:hows health care there? <- government healthcare isn't terrible, but I'd rather not risk that level of care. Mostly anyone who is lower middle-class and above has private healthcare, which is really quite affordable and quite ubiquitous among much of the working class. 688577;1401036093;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3750 @ 0.00092497 = 3.4686 BTC [-] 688578;1401036581;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 140 @ 0.00436363 = 0.6109 BTC [+] {5} 688579;1401037191;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.0305 = 0.305 BTC [-] {2} 688580;1401037558;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 14 @ 0.0192134 = 0.269 BTC [+] 688581;1401037682;asciilifeform;Mats_cd03: re: clk glitch article: seems like everybody on the planet owns the same scope now. 688582;1401037716;asciilifeform;Mats_cd03: e.g. http://www.loper-os.org/wp-content/tri1.jpg << mp playing with mine 688583;1401037762;asciilifeform;Mats_cd03: 'rigol' makes the finest 'trabambourghini' of scopes. 688584;1401037864;asciilifeform;Mats_cd03: re: glitches: this trick is somewhat harder to pull off with modern micros that use internal pll & clock gen. you're reduced to inducing power glitches or eldritch radiation / thermal wizardry. 688585;1401037898;jurov;i tried to dial my phone on top of it, no obvious result 688586;1401038198;benkay;%t 688587;1401038200;atcbot;[X-BT] Bid: 195 Ask: 255 Last Price: 200 24h-Vol: 29k High: 200 Low: 200 VWAP: 199 688588;1401038207;benkay;;;ticker 688589;1401038208;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 570.53, Best ask: 572.45, Bid-ask spread: 1.92000, Last trade: 572.45, 24 hour volume: 18839.85780027, 24 hour low: 519.44, 24 hour high: 586.34, 24 hour vwap: 561.176581393 688590;1401038350;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 7 @ 0.0303705 = 0.2126 BTC [-] 688591;1401038594;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 6 @ 0.03022166 = 0.1813 BTC [-] {2} 688592;1401038721;jurov;eldritch radiaation lol 688593;1401038734;dexX7;woah @bs ticker 688594;1401039012;jurov;wonder when bitstamp starts getting risk premium 688595;1401039041;benkay;;;ticker --market all 688596;1401039047;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 570.5, vol: 18955.43784273 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 562.622, vol: 14355.42023 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 572.88, vol: 30305.11941839 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 574.0, vol: 106.41605812 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 568.9047, vol: 7205.10810000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 566.13704, vol: 11.42182534 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 574.5045, vol: 141.99384897 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message) 688597;1401039064;benkay;bitstamp: 570.5 688598;1401039072;benkay;kraken: 566.13704 688599;1401039077;benkay;i'd say we're starting to see it. 688600;1401039107;benkay;p value of not convincing 688601;1401039132;benkay;kakobrekla: are bitbet propositions on hold until the boat docks? 688602;1401039143;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4382 @ 0.00092497 = 4.0532 BTC [-] 688603;1401039143;jurov;depends whether they'll limit the outtake of btc and fiat alike 688604;1401039168;jurov;hopefully they larned from gox :D 688605;1401039176;kakobrekla;benkay it does seem so 688606;1401039234;pankkake;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=622250.0 688607;1401039234;assbot;His Most Eminent Highness Grand Caesar Imperator Goat owe me 3740.35 BTC 688608;1401039261;jurov;I thought it sounded like a cool arbitrage bot.. my ass and sides 688609;1401039562;jurov;!up lolstate 688610;1401040119;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 6 @ 0.03032 = 0.1819 BTC [+] 688611;1401040486;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 8 @ 0.03032 = 0.2426 BTC [+] 688612;1401040546;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 15 @ 0.0192261 = 0.2884 BTC [-] {2} 688613;1401040589;Mats_cd03;asciilifeform: its all wizardry 688614;1401040596;benkay;http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2014/02/27/3341411/bitcoin-privilege/ 688615;1401040597;assbot;Bitcoin: By The Privileged, For The Privileged | ThinkProgress 688616;1401040607;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3726 @ 0.00092796 = 3.4576 BTC [+] {2} 688617;1401040661;thestringpuller;lol 688618;1401040663;thestringpuller;that's crazy 688619;1401040668;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 7 @ 0.01925 = 0.1348 BTC [+] 688620;1401040669;thestringpuller;with goat 688621;1401040790;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 7 @ 0.0192134 = 0.1345 BTC [-] 688622;1401040802;jurov;benkay just today i met with a dude whom i had to convince bitcoin *is* subdivisible 688623;1401040847;jurov;move to ubtc or "bits" would really help 688624;1401040877;benkay;lol why convince anyone of anything? 688625;1401040886;jurov;fortunately i had on me 0.05btc on the phone 688626;1401040944;jurov;many otherwise smart people don't go into bitcoin for some stupid reason like this 688627;1401041031;benkay;give it time. 688628;1401041052;jurov;wellll...he asked where i'm going to advertise the product he was coding for me recently 688629;1401041080;jurov;me: "first on irc, later maybe on reddit" 688630;1401041088;jurov;he: "what is reddit?" 688631;1401041097;fluffypony;lol 688632;1401041117;jurov;sooo... i can give him time, then he discovers reddit and learns some nonsense from there? 688633;1401041133;jurov;rather not 688634;1401041217;fluffypony;just tell him it's a social network for children 688635;1401041223;fluffypony;and pedophiles 688636;1401041240;jurov;he knew slashdot, so i just said something like that 688637;1401041639;benkay;hey what's that buffett piece on commodity industries, textiles and what have we that mpoe-pr linked on the topic of mining? 688638;1401042437;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.0975 = 0.4875 BTC [+] 688639;1401042498;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11800 @ 0.00093295 = 11.0088 BTC [+] {3} 688640;1401042802;benkay;http://willyreport.wordpress.com/2014/05/25/the-willy-report-proof-of-massive-fraudulent-trading-activity-at-mt-gox-and-how-it-has-affected-the-price-of-bitcoin/ 688641;1401042803;assbot;The Willy Report: proof of massive fraudulent trading activity at Mt. Gox, and how it has affected the price of Bitcoin | The Willy Report 688642;1401043434;benkay;!up chainey 688643;1401043533;thestringpuller;!down benkay 688644;1401043536;thestringpuller;jkjk 688645;1401043540;thestringpuller;!down chainey 688646;1401043545;thestringpuller;;;ident 688647;1401043545;gribble;Nick 'thestringpuller', with hostmask 'thestringpuller!~leflor@99-39-97-12.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net', is identified as user 'thestringpuller', with GPG key id 0FF2943DA179E169, key fingerprint 6ACE36E786F39A4ADC4506DE0FF2943DA179E169, and bitcoin address None 688648;1401043548;thestringpuller;HMM 688649;1401043559;thestringpuller;!down chainey 688650;1401043564;thestringpuller;!up chainey 688651;1401043571;thestringpuller;lol such power 688652;1401043901;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10050 @ 0.00092644 = 9.3107 BTC [-] {3} 688653;1401043962;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14350 @ 0.00093251 = 13.3815 BTC [+] {2} 688654;1401044451;benkay;oh lookee who it is 688655;1401044474;mircea_popescu;hey there bois and gyrlz 688656;1401044522;mircea_popescu;;;ticker 688657;1401044523;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 574.66, Best ask: 574.99, Bid-ask spread: 0.33000, Last trade: 574.66, 24 hour volume: 19238.94705434, 24 hour low: 522.02, 24 hour high: 586.34, 24 hour vwap: 562.814304663 688658;1401044529;mircea_popescu;how is everything ? 688659;1401044560;artifexd;slow 688660;1401044565;benkay;rallymoad 688661;1401044630;mircea_popescu;i just ran into a completely destroyed ukrainian in the elevator. i'm like "5th floor ?" he's all paranoid "how doid you know!!1" 688662;1401044671;mircea_popescu;anyway, gave him a shot of romanian spirit, apparently the ukraine is fucked. 688663;1401044816;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 68 @ 0.004285 = 0.2914 BTC [-] 688664;1401045037;Mats_cd03;thestringpuller: scrub 688665;1401045165;thestringpuller;Mats_cd03: http://www.forbes.com/sites/petercohan/2013/06/17/four-lessons-amazon-learned-from-webvans-flop/ 688666;1401045165;assbot;Four Lessons Amazon Learned From Webvan's Flop - Forbes 688667;1401045622;mircea_popescu;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BofoVPQCIAATKAU.jpg 688668;1401045629;mircea_popescu;40kish year old mamooth 688669;1401045655;benkay;not much mammoth about that thing 688670;1401045665;mircea_popescu;apparently. 688671;1401045792;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7130 @ 0.00092434 = 6.5905 BTC [-] 688672;1401045947;[]bot;Bet created: "Argentina to win FIFA 2014 World Cup" http://bitbet.us/bet/860/ 688673;1401046036;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 19 @ 0.0975 = 1.8525 BTC [+] 688674;1401046341;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 8 @ 0.03033 = 0.2426 BTC [-] 688675;1401046395;mircea_popescu;!jd mpif 688676;1401046395;assbot;Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 166.71120510 BTC; +0.76323881 BTC (+0.4599%) since last check 5d 21h 51m 18s ago. 688677;1401046636;benkay;i wonder if we'll see a replay of the gox manipulation over on bitstamp. 688678;1401046675;Mats_cd03;thestringpuller: yeah i use peapod 688679;1401046997;[]bot;Bet created: "Raul Gonzalez to play in NASL" http://bitbet.us/bet/861/ 688680;1401047161;mircea_popescu;bitcoinpete: and quite possible the last << especially. 688681;1401047184;mircea_popescu;oh btw, fair warning : i got about two day/'s worth of logs backlog over here. prepare to be spammed to all hell. 688682;1401047195;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 5 @ 0.037912 = 0.1896 BTC [-] {2} 688683;1401047408;mircea_popescu;dub: bitcoinpete: -assets official position is siding with big oil fyi << omg such a hater this guy 688684;1401047471;mircea_popescu;bitcoinpete: and if anyone has any office chair recommendations, shoot away! << aeron flux 688685;1401047484;mircea_popescu;it consists of charlize theron. natural leather. 688686;1401047622;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.0975 = 0.975 BTC [+] 688687;1401047822;[]bot;Bet created: "USA to win FIBA World Cup 2014" http://bitbet.us/bet/862/ 688688;1401047942;kakobrekla;http://www.coindesk.com/bitcoins-predict-future/ < fairlay yes, predictious yes, bitbet no. 688689;1401047943;assbot;Can Bitcoin Help Predict the Future? 688690;1401047957;kakobrekla;wtf. is it the css? 688691;1401048049;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1850 @ 0.00092524 = 1.7117 BTC [+] 688692;1401048659;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.03033 = 0.1517 BTC [-] 688693;1401049197;mircea_popescu;benkay, so who's the xmj guy. 688694;1401049269;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9988 @ 0.00092319 = 9.2208 BTC [-] {3} 688695;1401049391;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 45 @ 0.00424758 = 0.1911 BTC [-] {3} 688696;1401049452;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9000 @ 0.00092233 = 8.301 BTC [-] 688697;1401049513;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 90 @ 0.0975 = 8.775 BTC [+] 688698;1401049514;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1277 @ 0.0001108 = 0.1415 BTC [-] 688699;1401049574;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 3723 @ 0.0001104 = 0.411 BTC [-] {6} 688700;1401049696;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 11 @ 0.0975 = 1.0725 BTC [+] 688701;1401049879;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3348 @ 0.00092213 = 3.0873 BTC [-] {2} 688702;1401050262;Mats_cd03;logs logs logs 688703;1401050290;benkay;mircea_popescu: xmj's an interesting fellow i know from elsewhere. 'mutual interests'. 688704;1401050320;mircea_popescu;le vague 688705;1401050527;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: I was almost concerned someone might have tried the extrordinary rendition thing on your submarine. I almost would have pitied the navy seals that tried to oppose your girls. 688706;1401050578;mircea_popescu;lol 688707;1401050589;mircea_popescu;why ? they're nice girls 688708;1401050656;BingoBoingo;Sure, but I can't imagine they'd be pleased if someone tried to deprive them of you 688709;1401050731;mircea_popescu;mp deprivation. it's in the dsmv 5.0 688710;1401050792;mircea_popescu;incidentally, working on a little istanbul post 688711;1401050801;mircea_popescu;should be up shortly. pics et all. 688712;1401051013;[]bot;Bet created: "Doge no longer woofing before Jan 1st 2015" http://bitbet.us/bet/863/ 688713;1401051038;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.0975 = 0.195 BTC [+] 688714;1401051299;[]bot;Bet created: "LTC to fall against BTC" http://bitbet.us/bet/864/ 688715;1401051380;Mats_cd03;;;bc,stats 688716;1401051382;gribble;Current Blocks: 302609 | Current Difficulty: 1.0455720138484837E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 304415 | Next Difficulty In: 1806 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 4 days, 15 hours, 38 minutes, and 19 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 10850203519.2 | Estimated Percent Change: 3.7729 688717;1401051735;[]bot;Bet created: "Catastrophic Ripple Collapse" http://bitbet.us/bet/865/ 688718;1401052071;[]bot;Bet created: "Bitcoin over $1000 before September" http://bitbet.us/bet/866/ 688719;1401052075;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9500 @ 0.00092141 = 8.7534 BTC [-] {2} 688720;1401052305;BingoBoingo;;;tslb 688721;1401052309;gribble;Time since last block: 35 minutes and 21 seconds 688722;1401052317;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 688723;1401052324;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 571.51, vol: 19404.33135423 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 566.3, vol: 14496.24554 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 572.11, vol: 31038.68251019 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 570.0, vol: 106.18353718 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 569.735988, vol: 7438.26660000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 571.43109, vol: 14.34226034 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 566.2692, vol: 161.21411631 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message) 688724;1401052327;BingoBoingo;;;more 688725;1401052328;gribble;570.531402668 688726;1401052493;BingoBoingo;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=622250.msg6923741#msg6923741 688727;1401052493;assbot;His Most Eminent Highness Grand Caesar Imperator Goat owe me 3740.35 BTC 688728;1401052541;mircea_popescu;lol what 688729;1401052620;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Apparently a resurection of GLBSE era fail 688730;1401052624;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2007 @ 0.00011007 = 0.2209 BTC [+] {2} 688731;1401052685;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2993 @ 0.00011005 = 0.3294 BTC [-] {3} 688732;1401052746;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2000 @ 0.00010968 = 0.2194 BTC [-] {5} 688733;1401052766;mircea_popescu;Goat owe me 3740.35 BTC. This is a serious scam and he is playing rich with MY money. 2012 I invested a lot in his Tygrr-bot. I thought it sounded like a cool arbitrage bot. It was hard to go profit and a lesser amount was lost to exchange failure. 688734;1401052775;mircea_popescu;herp. 3k from 2012, im sure he sitll has it 688735;1401052807;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1000 @ 0.00010583 = 0.1058 BTC [-] {2} 688736;1401052929;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.0308997 = 0.1236 BTC [+] {2} 688737;1401052960;BingoBoingo;Oh, the many people whose departure made $100+ BTC possible 688738;1401053040;Namworld;What's with users having their username changed into ridiculous stuff? 688739;1401053060;Namworld;on bitcointalk.org? 688740;1401053112;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 20 @ 0.0192898 = 0.3858 BTC [-] 688741;1401053173;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HMF] 25 @ 0.005999 = 0.15 BTC [+] {5} 688742;1401053188;BingoBoingo;Namworld: I imagine a large part of it is trying to break associations with their past names. Also suckage. 688743;1401053195;BingoBoingo;The forum's and their own. 688744;1401053234;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 6 @ 0.037925 = 0.2276 BTC [+] {4} 688745;1401053256;Namworld;I never changed my username, nvm failures. 688746;1401053295;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 4 @ 0.0378925 = 0.1516 BTC [-] {2} 688747;1401053310;Namworld;How would one even change that anyway? 688748;1401053332;Namworld;Silly forum admins making username changes 688749;1401053382;mircea_popescu; Oh, the many people whose departure made $100+ BTC possible << this. very very much this. 688750;1401053403;mircea_popescu;Namworld, weren't you namjies before and btcworld before that ? 688751;1401053432;jurov;lol 688752;1401053498;Namworld;On IRC, not on forum. 688753;1401053510;Namworld;Used to go by the nick BTC-Mining 688754;1401053612;BingoBoingo;http://oglaf.com/appealtoheaven/ 688755;1401053612;assbot;Appeal to heaven 688756;1401053661;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14124 @ 0.00092227 = 13.0261 BTC [+] {2} 688757;1401053669;Namworld;I actually got nanotube to change my OTC nick to Namworld, now both usernames match. 688758;1401053733;Namworld;But my OTC ratings were clean, if anything that makes it worst by linking it. 688759;1401053772;BingoBoingo;By the time it might have made sense to change my forum nickname to match the new one I created for IRC, I lost too much care for the forum to change that nick. 688760;1401053829;mircea_popescu;Namworld, a, i wasn't implying anything unseemly. 688761;1401053858;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, who was atruk supposed to be anyway 688762;1401053885;Namworld;I know, just specifying. I'm not aware of any feature to change username on forum. 688763;1401053901;benkay;having profited forum owners in the past, perhaps. 688764;1401053907;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: I just like that phonetically it as a match for "a truck" no other meaning beyond that. 688765;1401053928;mircea_popescu;ah 688766;1401053937;Namworld;So I can't help but think mods/owners thought it was reasonable to change username for some users that got a lot of complaints in the past. 688767;1401053938;mircea_popescu;btw, anyone here read jerome k jerome ? 688768;1401053966;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4550 @ 0.00092523 = 4.2098 BTC [+] {2} 688769;1401054039;BingoBoingo;I can't say that I have yet. 688770;1401054054;mircea_popescu;guy's pretty much the british mark twain. 688771;1401054210;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.46504313 BTC [+] 688772;1401054260;BingoBoingo;Ah, I'll never get caught up with all of the worthwhile reading 688773;1401054325;mircea_popescu;it's good that you're at least resigned :D 688774;1401054431;BingoBoingo;Right, it forces to confront the difficult decisions of the reading list instead of ruminating over them. 688775;1401054515;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.0975 = 0.4875 BTC [+] 688776;1401054523;BingoBoingo;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PF7EpEnglgk 688777;1401054523;assbot;KIDS REACT TO OLD COMPUTERS - YouTube 688778;1401055064;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.471 BTC [+] 688779;1401055643;penguirker;New blog post: http://trilema.com/2014/spy-stuff/ 688780;1401055837;BingoBoingo;penguirker: http://trilema.com/2014/istanbul-selamlar/ 688781;1401055838;assbot;Istanbul selamlar! pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 688782;1401055875;mircea_popescu;pankkake, i tell oyu it has an issue 688783;1401055883;mircea_popescu;keeps posting the prev article not the current 688784;1401055907;pankkake;http://trilema.com/feed/ doesn't have the last post 688785;1401055907;assbot;Trilema 688786;1401055928;mircea_popescu;pankkake, yet. the feed's delayed 15 minutes 688787;1401055941;mircea_popescu;how does thre bot gewt the idea there's a neew article ytho ? 688788;1401056024;pankkake;I think the issue happens earlier, on http://blogs.bitcoin-assets.com/ - I have seen it lag one article often 688789;1401056025;assbot;Assets Assimilated 688790;1401056054;mircea_popescu;trilema feed only publishes articles 15 mins after trilema blog 688791;1401056062;mircea_popescu;this is so i can fix them before they get broadcast 688792;1401056067;mircea_popescu;stuff like broken titles etc 688793;1401056223;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 9 @ 0.0192 = 0.1728 BTC [-] 688794;1401056284;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.01910017 = 0.191 BTC [-] 688795;1401056299;pankkake;but when I saw it, it was lagging for more than that. maybe there's a bug in the planet, but that's going to be annoying to find (the update logs never hint of any error) 688796;1401056419;mircea_popescu;hm. 688797;1401056537;pankkake;looking at the feed I might have an idea why. if the last-modified header changes, but no article is published, but then the article is published and the last-modified isn't touched, it doesn't try to load it again 688798;1401056555;pankkake;(the last-modified header also looks to be the same as the root pubDate) 688799;1401056559;mircea_popescu;oh 688800;1401056565;mircea_popescu;is this a bug in my rss ? 688801;1401056592;pankkake;it can confuse some RSS readers, that try to avoid loading the whole feed each time 688802;1401056607;mircea_popescu;ok ima have it looked into 688803;1401056619;pankkake;it's just a theory at that point 688804;1401056721;xmj;mircea_popescu: Hi. Who are you? 688805;1401056848;pankkake;apparently it even confuses my browser 688806;1401057240;penguirker;New blog post: http://trilema.com/2014/istanbul-selamlar/ 688807;1401057275;pankkake;I forced the update by removing the feed cache. it works, it will just hammer your blog more 688808;1401057673;BingoBoingo;Further lulz https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=622250.msg6937580#msg6937580 688809;1401057673;assbot;His Most Eminent Highness Grand Caesar Imperator Goat owe me 3740.35 BTC 688810;1401057827;benkay;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=622250.msg6938018#msg6938018 688811;1401057827;assbot;His Most Eminent Highness Grand Caesar Imperator Goat owe me 3740.35 BTC 688812;1401057921;BingoBoingo;"Sadly the lambo is in the country where theymos lives and in a country where I am not. " - Smoothie's Man Crush 688813;1401058197;BingoBoingo;http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2014/05/prosecutors-ex-lulzsec-hacker-sabu-helped-authorities-stop-300-cyberattacks/ 688814;1401058197;assbot;Prosecutors: ex-LulzSec hacker Sabu helped authorities stop 300+ cyberattacks | Ars Technica 688815;1401058214;BingoBoingo;^ Cooperate and you still spend some time in jail. 688816;1401058602;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 8 @ 0.0192289 = 0.1538 BTC [+] 688817;1401058663;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.47001443 BTC [-] 688818;1401059269;jurov;BingoBoingo: did he have any other option? 688819;1401059329;BingoBoingo;jurov: In his case it seems unlikely, but I fail to see the appeal of working with the people working to put you in prison. 688820;1401059438;jurov;i fail to see the appeal of resisting to 688821;1401059624;jurov;in this specific case, not generally 688822;1401059945;BingoBoingo;Well, in this case it seems resisting would have avoided a lot of reputation taint upon release. This is one of those situations where a gram of precaution saves tons of regret. 688823;1401060151;mod6;mp: The Spy-Stuff post was awesome! The Instanbul post had great pics also. :) 688824;1401060188;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14550 @ 0.0009213 = 13.4049 BTC [-] 688825;1401060207;BingoBoingo;Even in this case I'm not sure cooperation lead to the better outcome. No future employer will be able to trust Sabu near anything that might approach any sort of legal or ethical line. That precludes him from even being a McDonalds fry cook. 688826;1401060296;mod6;Pretty unreal about those people in the sewers of Bucharest. I have a feeling this will be come common in the US in the next 20 years. 688827;1401060306;Apocalyptic; mp: The Spy-Stuff post was awesome! The Instanbul post had great pics also. :) // pretty much 688828;1401060432;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 12 @ 0.48817178 = 5.8581 BTC [+] {5} 688829;1401060690;BingoBoingo;!up super 688830;1401060798;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1616 @ 0.00092524 = 1.4952 BTC [+] 688831;1401061278;cazalla;mod6: people are already doing it in vegas 688832;1401061500;mod6;oh wow, i had no idea!? i gather this will spread in coming years. 688833;1401061652;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2000 @ 0.0001022 = 0.2044 BTC [-] {5} 688834;1401061768;benkay;hey nubbins` 688835;1401061782;nubbins`;hi 688836;1401062079;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 24 @ 0.48998676 = 11.7597 BTC [+] {4} 688837;1401062201;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.49378383 = 0.9876 BTC [+] {2} 688838;1401062323;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.49656767 BTC [+] 688839;1401062750;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26284 @ 0.00092551 = 24.3261 BTC [+] 688840;1401062933;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 5 @ 0.0388898 = 0.1944 BTC [+] 688841;1401063201;dub;sadly -assets, your fish pie will never be as good as mine 688842;1401063429;nubbins`;;( 688843;1401063628;Mats_cd03;gross 688844;1401063970;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 4 @ 0.0388899 = 0.1556 BTC [+] 688845;1401064162;dub;sounds like someone that has never had dub's fish pie 688846;1401064178;dub;I could IPO this fukcing pie 688847;1401064324;dub;if you spent 10k BTC on this pie in 2011 you'd still be feeling good about the deal 688848;1401064507;dub;if obamacare was this pie, mircea would be signing up for that shit 688849;1401064609;kakobrekla;here is a little know fact; http://www.tubechop.com/watch/2926533 688850;1401064610;assbot;TubeChop - The Computer Chronicles - Programming Languages (1990) (00:24) 688851;1401064683;dub;use computer erryday 688852;1401064738;Mats_cd03;not a big fan of seafood 688853;1401064789;Mats_cd03;all the fish in the sea can choke to death on acid as far as im concerned 688854;1401064865;dub;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oabRxvjf9k 688855;1401064865;assbot;Dr. Timothy Leary explains his MIND MIRROR computer program. - YouTube 688856;1401064894;benkay;what's the name for the bitcoin architecture of cryptocurrencies? 688857;1401064947;Mats_cd03;supa hot fiyaaaa 688858;1401064960;dub;sounds a bit like lopher? :) 688859;1401065016;*;dub thinks benkay's been using the computer 688860;1401065023;kakobrekla;lel 688861;1401065072;benkay;how would one draw a distinction between, say Ethereum, Bitcoin and Monero? 688862;1401065076;benkay;lexically, that is. 688863;1401066593;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48250 @ 0.00092537 = 44.6491 BTC [-] {4} 688864;1401066898;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.0975 = 0.2925 BTC [+] 688865;1401067141;Mats_cd03;this is your chance to coin a phrase 688866;1401067373;Mats_cd03;dub: dude's cooked out of his mind 688867;1401069441;*;dub goes in on some more fish pie 688868;1401070192;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 1 @ 0.13 BTC [-] 688869;1401070479;dub;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=625193.0 688870;1401070479;assbot;DayBitTrader Soft Announcement 688871;1401070505;dub;prediction: all will end well 688872;1401070553;mircea_popescu;lmao 688873;1401070561;mircea_popescu;fish pie productions ? 688874;1401070566;mircea_popescu;i mean predictions 688875;1401070802;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1000 @ 0.00010224 = 0.1022 BTC [+] 688876;1401071046;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 8 @ 0.03800006 = 0.304 BTC [+] {3} 688877;1401071107;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 32 @ 0.03789375 = 1.2126 BTC [-] {3} 688878;1401071119;dub;they say fish is brain food 688879;1401071158;mircea_popescu;gotta have a brain first :D 688880;1401071352;[]bot;Bet created: "X.EUR contract monthly renewal canceled in 2014" http://bitbet.us/bet/867/ 688881;1401071412;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.0975 = 0.975 BTC [+] 688882;1401074683;thestringpuller;dub where have you been? 688883;1401074684;thestringpuller;lol 688884;1401075500;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27250 @ 0.00092061 = 25.0866 BTC [-] {2} 688885;1401075560;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 9 @ 0.0189743 = 0.1708 BTC [-] {2} 688886;1401076954;benkay;!up random_cat 688887;1401076960;benkay;hey thar 688888;1401076963;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12001 @ 0.0009198 = 11.0385 BTC [-] 688889;1401077146;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15118 @ 0.00092111 = 13.9253 BTC [+] {2} 688890;1401077329;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18450 @ 0.00092382 = 17.0445 BTC [+] 688891;1401077534;thestringpuller;benkay: is weed legal where you live? 688892;1401077681;benkay;kinda irrelevant... 688893;1401077693;benkay;i do a lot of illegal things. 688894;1401077702;benkay;but no. across the river, though... 688895;1401077928;benkay;!up tokyopotato 688896;1401077962;tokyopotato;take me to the river... 688897;1401077967;tokyopotato;dip me in the water... xD 688898;1401078164;benkay;;;gettrust tokyopotato 688899;1401078164;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user benkay to user tokyopotato: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=benkay&dest=tokyopotato | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=tokyopotato | Rated since: never 688900;1401078248;tokyopotato;We have such an awesome in-depth piece on the Dark Wallet coming out. I can't wait to share it with you guys, we should have it finished over the next couple days @ CoinJoint 688901;1401078260;benkay;oh quit spamming tokyopotato 688902;1401078263;tokyopotato;lol 688903;1401078264;thestringpuller;Dark Wallet? 688904;1401078271;thestringpuller;Dark Net? 688905;1401078298;benkay;browserwallet? 688906;1401078300;benkay;anathema! 688907;1401078304;tokyopotato;lol 688908;1401078326;thestringpuller;Bowser Wallet 688909;1401078330;thestringpuller;you should sell that to Nintendo 688910;1401078333;tokyopotato;Luigi wallet 688911;1401078344;tokyopotato;Luigi>Mario 688912;1401078919;tokyopotato;assbot 688913;1401078920;tokyopotato;nice 688914;1401078993;benkay;!t h rent 688915;1401078994;assbot;[HAVELOCK:RENT] 1D: 0.00558000 / 0.00561954 / 0.00588990 (18 shares, 0.10115176 BTC), 7D: 0.00558000 / 0.00580697 / 0.00622490 (1203 shares, 6.98578369 BTC), 30D: 0.00532500 / 0.00625411 / 0.00750000 (8256 shares, 51.63390120 BTC) 688916;1401080615;random_cat;'sup benkay? 688917;1401080977;toffoo;niceee ... hot shaved lesbos posing with their mining gear on reddit today: http://i.imgur.com/kKzomyS.jpg http://i.imgur.com/ZGfwDSo.jpg http://i.imgur.com/FCmTso1.jpg 688918;1401081233;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 15 @ 0.0192279 = 0.2884 BTC [+] 688919;1401081477;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 3 @ 0.04954094 = 0.1486 BTC [-] 688920;1401081711;penguirker;New blog post: http://www.bcoinnews.com/btcguild-bans-accounts/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=btcguild-bans-accounts 688921;1401081712;penguirker;New blog post: http://www.bcoinnews.com/block-data-added/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=block-data-added 688922;1401081713;penguirker;New blog post: http://www.bcoinnews.com/live-streaming-trade-data-added/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=live-streaming-trade-data-added 688923;1401081714;penguirker;New blog post: http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2014/05/02/building-bitcoin-0-7-2-on-openbsd/ 688924;1401081715;penguirker;New blog post: http://www.bcoinnews.com/mark-karpeles-trendon-shavers/ 688925;1401081716;penguirker;New blog post: http://pankkake.headfucking.net/2014/05/02/yo-bitcoin-assets-i-put-contrarianism-in-your-contrarianism/ 688926;1401081717;penguirker;New blog post: http://devilsadvocate.biz/i-wear-what-suits-you/ 688927;1401082270;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 17 @ 0.4722906 = 8.0289 BTC [-] {4} 688928;1401082537;fluffypony;penguirker is confused 688929;1401082697;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.03886392 = 0.3886 BTC [+] {2} 688930;1401083174;artifexd;toffoo: You want esd? 'Cause that's how you get esd. 688931;1401083657;Mats_cd03;bcoinnews is trash what is this 688932;1401083760;[]bot;Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "1BTC >= $10,000 USD" http://bitbet.us/bet/635/ Odds: 17(Y):83(N) by coin, 20(Y):80(N) by weight. Total bet: 449.86965777 BTC. Current weight: 49,995. 688933;1401083785;Mats_cd03;which asset-er is responsible? step your game up 688934;1401084105;Mats_cd03;pankkake: http://imgur.com/QzjqWFG on Firefox29, wat is goin on in these boxes 688935;1401084105;assbot;imgur: the simple image sharer 688936;1401084453;Mats_cd03;http://untainted.svbtle.com/exploiting-windows-dep-for-stealth-breakpoints 688937;1401084454;assbot;Exploitation of Windows DEP to Implement Stealth Breakpoints 688938;1401084466;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.47251378 BTC [+] 688939;1401084588;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.47251378 BTC [+] 688940;1401084738;Mats_cd03;http://www.calculatedriskblog.com/2014/05/vehicle-sales-forecasts-over-16-million.html 688941;1401084738;assbot;Calculated Risk: Vehicle Sales Forecasts: Over 16 Million SAAR in May 688942;1401085259;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9063 @ 0.00092224 = 8.3583 BTC [-] {3} 688943;1401086235;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18911 @ 0.000922 = 17.4359 BTC [-] 688944;1401086235;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.47252067 BTC [+] 688945;1401087455;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.47200636 BTC [-] 688946;1401087699;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.4725 = 0.945 BTC [+] {2} 688947;1401089414;davout;good morning 688948;1401089427;jurov;hi davout 688949;1401090079;fluffypony;davout: morning 688950;1401090099;fluffypony;davout: so now that bitcoin-central is going to cease to exist in its current form, does that mean the bet is a yes? 688951;1401090172;jurov;afaik it will just continue as pyamium 688952;1401090187;jurov;pamium 688953;1401090190;jurov;paymum 688954;1401090192;jurov;argh 688955;1401090207;fluffypony;yes - but the bet was specific, no? 688956;1401090280;jurov;i bet that it will be decided in other way as the iOS one :D 688957;1401090308;Apocalyptic;as formulated the bet is tied to the domain Bitcoin-central.net 688958;1401090357;fluffypony;I was under that impression too 688959;1401090473;punkman;I don't see why a simple name change is a problem 688960;1401090554;jurov;no it only says about end of operations or low volume 688961;1401090558;jurov;neither is the case 688962;1401090588;jurov;and since the domain itself will be redirected to paymium where you can log in with your old creds 688963;1401090598;jurov;i don't see any reason to close it as No 688964;1401090632;Apocalyptic; and since the domain itself will be redirected to paymium where you can log in with your old creds // you have a point 688965;1401090657;pankkake;I agree with jurov. redirect + nothing else changes 688966;1401090666;pankkake;but that's not up to us, is it? :) 688967;1401090815;jurov;http://bitbet.us/bet/867/x-eur-contract-monthly-renewal-canceled-in-2014/?ref=1EteoRKNYbNhhmFfsKnUSWRF3JUpKCcMnc but this got my attention 688968;1401090815;assbot;BitBet - X.EUR contract monthly renewal canceled in 2014 :: 0.44 B (88%) on Yes, 0.06 B (12%) on No | closing in 7 months 4 days | weight: 99`895 (100`000 to 1) 688969;1401090830;jurov;why would davout do it? AML? 688970;1401090993;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.47210005 = 0.9442 BTC [-] {2} 688971;1401091107;[]bot;Bet placed: 1 BTC for Yes on "Bitcoin over $1000 before September" http://bitbet.us/bet/866/ Odds: 88(Y):12(N) by coin, 88(Y):12(N) by weight. Total bet: 1.69632357 BTC. Current weight: 99,515. 688972;1401091309;punkman;jurov, maybe because there is so little volume 688973;1401091485;jurov;that needs time ( and margin ;) ) 688974;1401091647;davout;:) 688975;1401091687;punkman;!d m x.eur 688976;1401091715;punkman;too many bots to remember :/ 688977;1401091762;davout;!t m x.eur 688978;1401091762;assbot;[MPEX:X.EUR] 1D: 0.00234873 / 0.00234873 / 0.00234873 (714 shares, 1.68 BTC), 7D: 0.00234873 / 0.00261468 / 0.00303014 (5250 shares, 13.73 BTC), 30D: 0.0019005 / 0.00277485 / 0.00328679 (7874 shares, 21.85 BTC) 688979;1401092030;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.472 BTC [-] 688980;1401093006;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.472 = 1.888 BTC [-] 688981;1401093256;kakobrekla; and since the domain itself will be redirected to paymium where you can log in with your old creds // you have a point < he does not. someone can hax bcentral, steal the logins, redirect it to some x site using the stolen logins. would fit description. 688982;1401093695;Apocalyptic;it would kako 688983;1401093704;Apocalyptic;doesn't contradict the fact he has a point imo 688984;1401093741;Apocalyptic;the bet clearly states "Bitcoin-central.net will cease exchanging BTC [...]" 688985;1401093758;Apocalyptic;not Bitcoin-Central as an entity 688986;1401093774;kakobrekla;"redirect to another url and login with same info" is worth 0. 688987;1401093799;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30277 @ 0.00091915 = 27.8291 BTC [-] {4} 688988;1401093837;Apocalyptic;the bet should have then read (The Bitcoin-Central trading platform, currently hosted on bitcoin-central.net, will cease exchanging...) 688989;1401093849;kakobrekla;shoulda woulda coulda 688990;1401094020;pankkake;:( specifiying bets is hard 688991;1401094037;Apocalyptic;it is 688992;1401094138;pankkake;"Satoshi Nakamoto to win Nobel Prize in Economics in 2014" lol 688993;1401094634;xmj;lol 688994;1401095247;davout;kakobrekla: bitch please, gpg-signed statement 688995;1401095249;davout;:D 688996;1401095264;kakobrekla;;) 688997;1401096548;[]bot;Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "Bitcoin network difficulty > 14Bn on Bastille day" http://bitbet.us/bet/677/ Odds: 88(Y):12(N) by coin, 82(Y):18(N) by weight. Total bet: 128.11816472 BTC. Current weight: 10,792. 688998;1401097032;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIF] 1000 @ 0.0001663 = 0.1663 BTC [+] 688999;1401097057;pankkake;!up Quanttek 689000;1401097154;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14550 @ 0.00091983 = 13.3835 BTC [+] 689001;1401098862;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 100 @ 0.00450095 = 0.4501 BTC [-] {2} 689002;1401099838;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12450 @ 0.00091806 = 11.4298 BTC [-] {2} 689003;1401099965;dexX7;https://bitcoinwisdom.com/markets/huobi/btccny hm lol 689004;1401099966;assbot;Huobi BTC/CNY Charts - BitcoinWisdom 689005;1401100146;jurov;"redirect it to some x site using the stolen logins. would fit description." how so? 689006;1401100166;jurov;1. they'd need to keep volume till bet closes 689007;1401100193;jurov;2. there'd be official announcement from b-c 689008;1401100208;kakobrekla;nah 689009;1401100224;kakobrekla;i open bitcoin-central and see some porn site, i login with my bc login and it works 689010;1401100259;jurov;and how would pr0n site avoid tripping on these two conditions? 689011;1401100269;kakobrekla;just saying that "go to the url and login and see if it works" is shitty argument 689012;1401100290;jurov;it does *not* wotk as the bet says 689013;1401100320;jurov;whereas b-c -> paymium will fullfill the bet conditions 689014;1401100363;jurov;what if paymium will be fullscreen iframe in bitcoin-central.net ? what now? 689015;1401100495;kakobrekla;;;google bongwater what if 689016;1401100496;gribble;Bongwater - What If? - YouTube: ; iTunes - Music - Bongwater: ; Box of Bongwater - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: 689017;1401100571;jurov;heh. but the point stands, it is the equvalent of redirect and it's actually one of unfavorable memories of mine as sysadmin 689018;1401100920;kakobrekla; 1. they'd need to keep volume till bet closes < can you verify the volume is true? 689019;1401100978;jurov;can you do it now, while it is b-c? 689020;1401100986;kakobrekla;exactly. 689021;1401101016;jurov;not many complaints, so it's generally accepted as non-fake 689022;1401101084;kakobrekla;so at what complaint-rate is it not generally accepted as non-fake? 689023;1401101092;jurov;maybe davout bribes erryone, what do we know 689024;1401101148;jurov;i'd say 100kB/day 689025;1401101163;kakobrekla;plain or rich text? 689026;1401101214;davout;kakobrekla: bc was a fake all along, having never provably started it can therefore not provably stop operating, and its volume has always been imaginary, therefore it can't drop, therefore bet resolves as 'No' 689027;1401101227;jurov;well, that's actually for bitbet to set the limit... and if memepics are to be included, too 689028;1401101253;kakobrekla;thanks for the clarification davout . 689029;1401101259;jurov;i can vouch they sent me completely imaginary euros to my account 689030;1401101259;kakobrekla;;) 689031;1401101283;jurov;later :) 689032;1401101289;kakobrekla;cya 689033;1401102400;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16000 @ 0.00091683 = 14.6693 BTC [-] {3} 689034;1401102521;fluffypony;yo dawg, I herd you like bread: http://i.imgur.com/3ik6D37.jpg 689035;1401103634;BigBitz;lol, fluffypony. 689036;1401103925;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15421 @ 0.00092259 = 14.2273 BTC [+] {3} 689037;1401104049;kakobrekla;here, my unpopular fellas, http://www.tubechop.com/watch/2928656 689038;1401104050;assbot;TubeChop - The Computer Chronicles - Slowdown in Silicon Valley #2 (1985) (00:19) 689039;1401104146;*;fluffypony needs a whisky and it's only 1:35pm 689040;1401104148;fluffypony;oh well, beer it is 689041;1401104529;mircea_popescu;o hei 689042;1401104544;mircea_popescu;apparently i found the only decent connection in all of ba 689043;1401104718;fluffypony;ohaaai 689044;1401104779;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 83 @ 0.00458 = 0.3801 BTC [+] {2} 689045;1401105031;davout;heil 689046;1401105136;mircea_popescu;how goes paris davout ? 689047;1401105145;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2579 @ 0.00092409 = 2.3832 BTC [+] 689048;1401105160;davout;rainy 689049;1401105188;davout;not enough sun, not enough skirts 689050;1401105212;mircea_popescu;o boy. 689051;1401105228;mircea_popescu;they don't do skirts here either, they think it's winter and muy muy frio. 689052;1401105238;mircea_popescu;you should see the chicks huddled up in heavy duty winter wear 689053;1401105254;mircea_popescu;meanwhile it's... 16. the wind is moreover pleasant. i don't even wear an overcoat. 689054;1401105258;davout;you're in turkey, right? 689055;1401105264;mircea_popescu;nah, argentina 689056;1401105322;davout;k got confused with the istanbul thing 689057;1401105328;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 25 @ 0.00555054 = 0.1388 BTC [-] {4} 689058;1401105371;mircea_popescu;i know, kinda why i put it there :d 689059;1401105374;mircea_popescu;!up breadboard 689060;1401105381;breadboard;thanks mircea_popescu 689061;1401105392;breadboard;have anyone seen moiety around recently? 689062;1401105393;mircea_popescu;yw 689063;1401105398;mircea_popescu;you can give her a call. 689064;1401105506;pankkake;I like it when it's slightly cold and rainy 689065;1401105512;davout;kakobrekla should put the phone number in the topic 689066;1401105525;fluffypony;kakobrekla thinks it's too circle-jerky to do that 689067;1401105546;davout;fluffypony: lol 689068;1401105562;mircea_popescu;he srsly should tho. 689069;1401105585;mircea_popescu;this is absurd, calling a woman on the phone is jerky ? that's the anti-jerky. 689070;1401105600;moiety;I'm unsure who just called me 689071;1401105609;mircea_popescu;moiety, maybe breadboard ? 689072;1401105627;mircea_popescu;pankkake, it's not even rainy. just river-y. 689073;1401105633;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.0975 = 0.195 BTC [+] 689074;1401105650;davout;"set chan to +m, nobody bats an eye, suggest the phone number be added to the topic : TOO CIRCLE JERKY" 689075;1401105665;mircea_popescu;+m isn't circlejerky you heretic 689076;1401105679;mircea_popescu;it just silences people unaculturated to bitcoin. 689077;1401105680;mircea_popescu;:D 689078;1401106147;mircea_popescu;moiety, did you ever see this one http://i.imgur.com/LmbZqvV.jpg 689079;1401106181;BigBitz;it spams the WoT :) 689080;1401106198;mircea_popescu;lol who ? wut ? 689081;1401106260;BigBitz;the +m 689082;1401106266;pankkake;it adds entries like "#bitcoin-assets +m"? 689083;1401106268;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: doesn't have a purpose or an intent or a role. it simply is << ever play the '80s game 'M.U.L.E.' ? << no i haven't. for my shame and to my detriment, it turns out! 689084;1401106276;mircea_popescu;oh i see. 689085;1401106295;mircea_popescu;well, i would argue it is not spamming it in that it actually reflects both trust and political intent. which is what the wot does. 689086;1401106305;pankkake;looking at my ratings, I should probably have more >1 689087;1401106322;BigBitz;It's more akin to spamming than a reflection of trust, really. 689088;1401106329;BigBitz;there are lots of +1 Assets +v ratings. 689089;1401106340;BigBitz;do they /actually/ trust each other or do they just want a +v ? :) 689090;1401106346;fluffypony;;;gettrust pankkake 689091;1401106347;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask pankkake!~anus@inara.p.engu.in. Trust relationship from user fluffypony to user pankkake: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 2 via 2 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=fluffypony&dest=pankkake | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=pankkake | Rated since: Thu Jun 6 12:07:25 2013 689092;1401106359;mircea_popescu;pankkake, i've noticed there's a hard wall where people who are trustworthy and well known but who don't do anything major are about 1.x on average, even if over 100 raqtings 689093;1401106366;mircea_popescu;you need to do something to climb 689094;1401106369;fluffypony;"has OCD and is a clown. do not do business" 689095;1401106373;fluffypony;lawlz 689096;1401106380;BigBitz;;;gettrust pankkake 689097;1401106381;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask pankkake!~anus@inara.p.engu.in. Trust relationship from user BigBitz to user pankkake: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=BigBitz&dest=pankkake | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=pankkake | Rated since: Thu Jun 6 12:07:25 2013 689098;1401106391;pankkake;I meant the ratings I created, not the ones I received 689099;1401106403;mircea_popescu;BigBitz, well, they trust each other enough to v. you ever read http://trilema.com/2014/what-the-wot-is-for-how-it-works-and-how-to-use-it/ btw ? 689100;1401106404;assbot;What the WoT is for, how it works and how to use it. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 689101;1401106411;pankkake;I don't really have a reason to get good ratings 689102;1401106423;mircea_popescu;pankkake, well so that you need to tell yourself then :D 689103;1401106448;pankkake;yes, I talk to myself 689104;1401106449;pankkake;:) 689105;1401106480;mircea_popescu;lol 689106;1401106498;mircea_popescu;;;later tell nubbins` canada looks scarier and scarier. 689107;1401106500;gribble;The operation succeeded. 689108;1401106593;fluffypony;;;rated pankkake 689109;1401106594;gribble;You have not yet rated user pankkake 689110;1401106597;fluffypony;oh noez 689111;1401106607;davout;;;rated pankkake 689112;1401106608;gribble;You have not yet rated user pankkake 689113;1401106620;davout;pankkake: come have coffee, get a rating 689114;1401106624;fluffypony;;;rate pankkake 1 The Trolliest Troll of Trollsville. Keeps people in line on Bitcointalk. 689115;1401106625;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user pankkake has been recorded. 689116;1401106627;BigBitz;pankkake is on ratings watch :) 689117;1401106629;pankkake;lol 689118;1401106643;BigBitz;pankkake +BTN rating :D 689119;1401106644;pankkake;I'm adding one to most of my sent ratings right now 689120;1401106650;fluffypony;;;rated mircea_popescu 689121;1401106651;gribble;You have not yet rated user mircea_popescu 689122;1401106656;mircea_popescu;o.O 689123;1401106662;mircea_popescu;;;rated fluffypony 689124;1401106663;gribble;You have not yet rated user fluffypony 689125;1401106666;mircea_popescu;wtf. 689126;1401106668;fluffypony;;;rate mircea_popescu 1 dons a dapper suit whilst dishing out devilish advice and Bitcoins 689127;1401106670;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user mircea_popescu has been recorded. 689128;1401106683;mircea_popescu;i was sure i rated you what is this 689129;1401106703;pankkake;;;rate fluffypony 1 who wouldn't trust a pony 689130;1401106704;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user fluffypony has been recorded. 689131;1401106708;fluffypony;LOL 689132;1401106750;mircea_popescu;;;rate fluffypony 1 I don't know him but his wife sends me selfies. 689133;1401106752;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user fluffypony has been recorded. 689134;1401106756;fluffypony;hah hah 689135;1401106782;pankkake;nice 689136;1401106784;mircea_popescu;talk about spamming the wot. that thing didn't have so much lulz in it since it was formed. 689137;1401106796;fluffypony;;;rate assbot 1 the A in assbot stands for AMAZING 689138;1401106798;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user assbot has been recorded. 689139;1401106800;BigBitz;lol 689140;1401106817;davout;have you guys been following the ripple circus? 689141;1401106822;mircea_popescu;no ? 689142;1401106825;BigBitz;Jed, lol. 689143;1401106829;davout;the current drama is quite lulzy 689144;1401106832;mircea_popescu;is the ripple circus rippling here ? 689145;1401106839;fluffypony;major dumping of XRP 689146;1401106842;fluffypony;9 billion or so 689147;1401106844;BigBitz;It's lolerific. 689148;1401106848;mircea_popescu;may we please have a blow by blow of how the blow blows, mr frenchfry! 689149;1401106851;davout;mc caleb is dumping, jesse powell is resigning and pointing fingers 689150;1401106856;BigBitz;he claims he will dump 9billion but still don't see is anything. 689151;1401106857;mircea_popescu;aaaaahahahaha 689152;1401106860;fluffypony;cue lawyers letters to cease and desist saying anything about anyone or anything 689153;1401106880;mircea_popescu;AS IF this wasn't fucking predictable as farts at a bean soup convention 689154;1401106880;fluffypony;XRP value plummets to like 40% of what it was courtesy of the announcement 689155;1401106923;mircea_popescu;ok so that problem is finally resolved then, thankfully. 689156;1401106931;davout;"farts at a bean soup convention" <<< hahaha 689157;1401106946;chetty;http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/may/26/epa-give-grants-fight-cooking-stove-pollution/ 689158;1401106947;assbot;EPA to give grants to fight cooking stove pollution - Washington Times 689159;1401106959;mircea_popescu;well. "resolved" in the sense doge coin is resolved, buncha derps will be "investing" in it still because hey, they "love to invest when everyone panics" or how did that skinnkavaj line go. 689160;1401106995;mircea_popescu;chetty, if people only ate govt provided caserolles, how much better it'd be! 689161;1401107006;fluffypony;Dogecoin down to ~72 satoshis 689162;1401107014;mircea_popescu;it's overpriced. 689163;1401107018;fluffypony;now it's freeeeeeee, freeeeee falling 689164;1401107041;fluffypony;btw mircea_popescu did you read about the OpenRigs customer that is apparently a secret agent or have you not got to that part in the logs yet? 689165;1401107073;mircea_popescu;im stil lon 23rd, checking out moiety's cookies and wondering who the fuck this xjpg guy is. 689166;1401107082;chetty;mircea_popescu, I am sure we will soon be at the meal in a pill stage, chewing is probably bad for you 689167;1401107090;mircea_popescu;btw, wouldn't you be affraid of a woman that keeps making supercute dough things it then BITES THE HEADS OFF ? 689168;1401107095;mircea_popescu;arsenic and old lace like. 689169;1401107121;mircea_popescu;chetty, no cause free dentist health care. if you like your teeth you can keep your teeth, 689170;1401107132;mircea_popescu;but if you didn't have them you wouldn't eat steak which is bad for the environment, 689171;1401107134;mircea_popescu;so you know. 689172;1401107172;mircea_popescu;obtw, speaking of steak. i had some fucking INCREDIBLE steaks these past two days. i am fucking humbled, you can not begin to imagine the steaks in this fucking town. omfg. 689173;1401107183;chetty;no teeth, no biting the heads off :P 689174;1401107191;pankkake;free healthcare is more about free antidepressants and homeopathy, cheaper and keeps voters happy 689175;1401107192;mircea_popescu;chetty, btw, take you out for a steak ? we're meeting lospantalones at noonish 689176;1401107224;mircea_popescu;i gotta show you this place, it is insanity. 689177;1401107238;mircea_popescu;(and they make a point of writing o nthe door they take dollars at 11.5 689178;1401107257;mircea_popescu;i wanted to drop 200 bucks o nthem, but apparently it's only for what you eat lol) 689179;1401107280;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.48497323 = 0.9699 BTC [+] {2} 689180;1401107338;fluffypony;oh sweet - mircea_popescu tell him I say hi 689181;1401107340;mircea_popescu;(for the interested public :argentina has a bit of an inflation problem, officially peso is 8.58 to the dollar, most anyone will take 9, generally you get about 11 from specialised exchangers. which are of course illegal, so there's five billion of them screaming in the streets - something the argentines don't do for anything else) 689182;1401107349;mircea_popescu;fluffypony, o you two know each other ? 689183;1401107354;fluffypony;only through here 689184;1401107368;mircea_popescu;ah k 689185;1401107455;BigBitz;you are in Argentina, mircea_popescu? 689186;1401107459;mircea_popescu;BigBitz, yep 689187;1401107466;BigBitz;nice... great food out there. 689188;1401107475;mircea_popescu;definitely. 689189;1401107595;mircea_popescu;nubbins`: 689190;1401107595;mircea_popescu;i came across a test scrap today and realized that i spelled the word "redeem" wrong on every single one <<< aaa-hahahaha. YOU NEED AN EDITOR!!1 689191;1401107679;BingoBoingo;LibXfont is fucking up everybody it seems http://undeadly.org/cgi?action=article&sid=20140526075700 689192;1401107679;assbot;5.5 Errata #006: X Font Service Protocol Erratum 689193;1401107681;mircea_popescu;;;ticker 689194;1401107682;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 579.5, Best ask: 582.48, Bid-ask spread: 2.98000, Last trade: 582.5, 24 hour volume: 12566.90246127, 24 hour low: 562.18, 24 hour high: 593.48, 24 hour vwap: 578.001570568 689195;1401107688;pankkake;I can't spell widthtdtrdraw 689196;1401107707;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, fonts. always the worst thing in any env. 689197;1401107800;mircea_popescu;lol accidentally weaponized comic sans dept. ok, gotta love that 689198;1401107813;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: I'm not sure if they are the worst... Databases suck pretty bad. 689199;1401107842;mircea_popescu;yes but there you expect it. 689200;1401107847;mircea_popescu;fucking fonts yo uknow ? 689201;1401107849;chetty;BingoBoingo, well its beats 3x5 cards 689202;1401107874;pankkake;unfortunately serving custom web fonts is now all the rage 689203;1401107883;pankkake;they're even used in replacement of icons 689204;1401107898;pankkake;so disabling it makes some websites very ugly 689205;1401107914;mircea_popescu;moiety: I have been on 0 business trips. I used to work in a hospital lol << start saving for argentina next year ? :D 689206;1401107918;BingoBoingo;chetty: What's wrong with notecards. When I finally severed my last ties to Windows (Endnote X5), I simply migrated the citations database to cards. 689207;1401107931;mircea_popescu;pankkake, some websites i never use. 689208;1401107962;pankkake;github does :/ not that I really use it but it's ugly without 689209;1401107982;chetty;BingoBoingo, nothing wrong with cards, I used em for a very long time, still do for some stuff 689210;1401108025;mircea_popescu;assbot: Pigeon-feeders in Vienna to be fined 36 as part of city's crackdown on bird population << holy shit they're doing it right. fucking winged rats. 689211;1401108077;mircea_popescu;fluffypony: Vacathon! << that's when you go on a cow tipping spree all over the world. 689212;1401108082;fluffypony;heh 689213;1401108104;BingoBoingo;Squab can be delicious, but I dunno if I could make the jump to eating dirty urban pigeons 689214;1401108134;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2750 @ 0.0009174 = 2.5229 BTC [-] 689215;1401108164;mircea_popescu;fluffypony: why don't they call it a PoCathon << ahaha you're one step off getting your own nbc show. "the bowl is round, the mug is round, why not call it roundtine" 689216;1401108174;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, exactly. 689217;1401108178;fluffypony;heh 689218;1401108269;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: For all I know the urban pigeons are eating used heroin needles, junkies hepatitis diarrhea, and random industrial and medical waste 689219;1401108280;mircea_popescu;what do you mean "for all we know 689220;1401108284;mircea_popescu;that's exactly it. 689221;1401108337;BingoBoingo;I qualify it that way, because I prefer not to document the exact objectionable habits of sky rats. 689222;1401108408;pankkake;shitting on passerbys? 689223;1401108469;chetty;pigeons in Turkey do that a lot 689224;1401108501;BingoBoingo;chetty: How does turkey support pigeons with all of those cats? 689225;1401108522;mircea_popescu;actually i think it's mostly seagulls in turkey 689226;1401108591;chetty;I have pics, somewhere - Turkey/me/leather jacket/pideon poop 689227;1401108600;BingoBoingo;A lot of the seasonal gulls are starting to find their way here up the Mississippi. 689228;1401108637;mircea_popescu;o yeah one did get her, i reclal this 689229;1401108755;mircea_popescu;punkman: seems strange << few people actually grok opsec. this is probably because most adults were once children, and most children are forced to renounce their hardline attitudes, such as "won't eat any peas ever no matter what" 689230;1401108805;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27750 @ 0.00091442 = 25.3752 BTC [-] {3} 689231;1401108834;mircea_popescu;fluffypony: like the PoW is the defining factor << the pow is a defining factor, what you on about ? 689232;1401108848;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: I'm saying it isn't 689233;1401108857;mircea_popescu;on the basis of what. 689234;1401108872;fluffypony;on the basis of the PoW being the least interesting part about it 689235;1401108897;mircea_popescu;o you meant for that specific shitcoin in partiuclar, the pow braindamage isn' teven the one braindamage you'd start thre discussion with ? 689236;1401108926;fluffypony;yes - talking about Monero in particular 689237;1401108942;mircea_popescu;i c. thought you meant in the general. 689238;1401108972;mircea_popescu;i suppose 80% of online misunderstanding flows from this particular/general mismatch, tbh. not from the supposed coldness of the medium. 689239;1401108995;fluffypony;yep 689240;1401109074;mircea_popescu;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BoVxlXAIYAACTe6.jpg 689241;1401109257;mircea_popescu;"f you're Indian and Muslim you're screwed . UKIP will be in power here, they gonna send you India, but Nazi Modi is in power there." 689242;1401109264;mircea_popescu;sounds pretty bad 689243;1401109270;BingoBoingo;http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/gqem5a4hvhwfhsycxaps.jpg 689244;1401109314;fluffypony;lol 689245;1401109322;fluffypony;truer words were ne'er writ 689246;1401109389;BingoBoingo;Well, at least Idi Amin isn't still removing all of the asians from "Scotland" 689247;1401109415;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 1 @ 0.13 BTC [-] 689248;1401109427;mircea_popescu;lol so ukip won the eu electuons ? 689249;1401109457;BingoBoingo;No idea. 689250;1401109502;mircea_popescu;seems so. 689251;1401109544;mircea_popescu;tiny voter turnout. 689252;1401109598;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 500 @ 0.0007812 = 0.3906 BTC [+] 689253;1401109733;mircea_popescu;Naureen Nayyar☀ ‏@norabean · now #omg #bitcoin feel free to donate to me :P “@BTC_PRICE: bitstamp: $586 689254;1401109733;mircea_popescu;Mircea Popescu ‏@Mircea_Popescu · now @norabean @BTC_PRICE Start by sucking my cock, NOT by asking for money. Shesh. 689255;1401109747;mircea_popescu;these people, seriously. "o i am great and wonderful give me stuff". what in the living fuck. 689256;1401109842;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 36 @ 0.00536087 = 0.193 BTC [-] {7} 689257;1401109961;mircea_popescu;pankkake:I was wondering about blogs of non-asseters actually << if you do that ima stop reading it altogether. 689258;1401109983;mircea_popescu;people can suggest blogs through adding them to their own feeds or w/e they do when they want to read blogs. 689259;1401109996;mircea_popescu;but generally, if people want to be part of the future, they will HAVE TO come here, make friends, become one of us. 689260;1401110035;mircea_popescu;this part is not negotiable, i don't give a shit how special anyone thinks anyone is. each and every last one sec comissioner, president or prime minister, everyone must, no matter what, getr in wot and so on. 689261;1401110042;mircea_popescu;either the shah of brunei does or he is not in. 689262;1401110163;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla: http://pastebin.com/Y518dxjJ << bwahahaha epic. 689263;1401110163;assbot;Nasty Minutes - Pastebin.com 689264;1401110333;mircea_popescu;|OgNasty: Any newly generated coins donated to nastyfans we can consider as NASTY MINING. I could identify these and maybe we vote to set policy that NASTY MINING always gets at least 25% of mined coins?" 689265;1401110391;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17100 @ 0.00091244 = 15.6027 BTC [-] {2} 689266;1401110639;mircea_popescu;pfoah so random comment on trilema brought to fore an article that's like... exceptional. http://trilema.com/2012/de-ce-s-nesuferiti-tehnicienii/ i gotta have this translated. any romanian speakers (preferably not native) looking for a job ? 689267;1401110641;assbot;De ce-s nesuferiti tehnicienii ? pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. 689268;1401110807;mircea_popescu;12:49:34 689269;1401110807;mircea_popescu;assbot: 689270;1401110807;mircea_popescu;37.6 BTC reward for information that leads to the arrest of the hacker that is trying to hack all my stuff at the moment. details to come! << lol so all the btc roger ver still has left come to 75.2 ? 689271;1401110824;mircea_popescu;or is he giving the informant a 50%+.1 sort of deal ? 689272;1401110844;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Apparently it is the amount the extortionist was seeking 689273;1401110862;mircea_popescu;oic 689274;1401110963;mircea_popescu;jurov: asciilifeform: and when will the nonsatanic implementation ship? << for srs! 689275;1401111034;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla: davout i dont know, why you keep making trouble and asking us to solve it?! <<< werd! 689276;1401111050;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu, jurov: presently juggling CAD and... getting sewer service to my building again. (beautiful story. water contractor destroyed drain pipe on entire street, claims to have fixed it. fountains of shit from the bath! still!) 689277;1401111069;mircea_popescu;omfg 689278;1401111078;mircea_popescu;and you live there ? 689279;1401111081;asciilifeform;soviet states of a. 689280;1401111089;mircea_popescu;dude just.... why 689281;1401111115;mircea_popescu;did i ever tell you the story of my clogged toilet in costa rica btw ? 689282;1401111131;fluffypony;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnzk3oViSCI 689283;1401111131;assbot;Petaminx Tutorial - Full - YouTube 689284;1401111133;fluffypony;8 hours of tutorial 689285;1401111146;mircea_popescu;fluffypony, how many "uuuuuhhhh" seconds ? 689286;1401111162;fluffypony;I can't get through more than 2 minutes, I don't have 8 hours to waste 689287;1401111162;fluffypony;lol 689288;1401111187;mircea_popescu;someone should make a youtube app whereby the person inserts the metallic dongle up their butt 689289;1401111191;mircea_popescu;and it shocks them 689290;1401111195;fluffypony;lol 689291;1401111203;mircea_popescu;can only stream if dongle in place. 689292;1401111215;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: do tell 689293;1401111245;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 96 @ 0.03877812 = 3.7227 BTC [+] {3} 689294;1401111273;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, so one morning i go to bathroom, i flush when done, it won't drain. i call administratora, she calls her.... well not exactly husband. 689295;1401111288;mircea_popescu;the clearly "had been in prison" tough guy that owned the building. 689296;1401111300;mircea_popescu;he tries some basic maneuvers of a slightly more elevated hardcoreness 689297;1401111311;mircea_popescu;pulls out phone starts talking lively into it 689298;1401111319;mircea_popescu;two dudes in overalls show up half hour later 689299;1401111333;mircea_popescu;they got some metal wire tools and so forth. they go ait it 689300;1401111348;mircea_popescu;after a coupla hours the entire bathroom is taken apart, everyone's talking lively in phones 689301;1401111368;mircea_popescu;a special truck arives, there\'s like nine men in my house, all fighting with the bathroom 689302;1401111374;mircea_popescu;eventually THERE IS BLOOD EVERYWHERE 689303;1401111387;mircea_popescu;turns out, an aligator was trying to traverse the sewage got himself stuck. 689304;1401111390;mircea_popescu;they... pulled it out. 689305;1401111399;mircea_popescu;by parts. 689306;1401111419;asciilifeform;lol! 689307;1401111425;mircea_popescu;by evening my flushing was fine again. and yet somehow it's the centroamericans that have the reputation for laziness and inefficiency 689308;1401111439;mircea_popescu;i couldn't guess why. i was fucking impressed, i mean of all the problems one could be ready to solve... 689309;1401111454;chetty;and MP is not exaggerating one bit 689310;1401111469;mircea_popescu;^ she was there for the exercise. 689311;1401111562;asciilifeform;if only we had an alligator here. i could extract it, own the gear. 689312;1401111631;mircea_popescu;well in cr they never destroyed the pipes, what can ido 689313;1401111652;asciilifeform;more hilariously, when first discovered the problem, tried to decamp to a hotel. 9 hotels, all booked. 689314;1401111671;asciilifeform;turns out, it's that day of the year when thousands of motorcyclists converge on the city 689315;1401111676;mircea_popescu;o.O 689316;1401111699;asciilifeform;they parade around with dour 'remember the vietnam war!' banners 689317;1401111715;mircea_popescu;and can afford hotel stays ?! 689318;1401111720;mircea_popescu;da fuck is with that place. 689319;1401111771;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, suggestion : move to istanbul for the week. free airfare if hyou got the miles, like 100 a night for downtown hotel 689320;1401111772;asciilifeform;they drive $30k+ machines. 689321;1401111789;asciilifeform;usa is a very peculiar animal 689322;1401111794;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 50 @ 0.00523 = 0.2615 BTC [-] 689323;1401111826;asciilifeform;ended up driving self and pet over to my consulting shop, where the toilets never fail. 689324;1401111827;mircea_popescu;bitcoinpete: there honestly aren't enough hours in a day to document "all the scams" << he may well have a pooint. 689325;1401111842;asciilifeform;(an industrial district) 689326;1401111843;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, so now you finally get to sleep with your work ? 689327;1401111882;asciilifeform;went to bed around 4 in the morning. now seems like the story repeats. 689328;1401111946;mircea_popescu;pankkake: 689329;1401111946;mircea_popescu;benkay: I was thinking of starting a general shorting fund - sell shares that mimic shares in every way (pay same divs, buyback at vwap after X months). sell the shares at a discount to make them more appealing than real shares << mpex did this early on, but it was a political move to crush the idiots that thought they can make a glbse club. i doubt it'll be financially productive, you'll either fake volume a la btct 689330;1401111947;mircea_popescu;hl et all or else do half a bitcoin's trade out of 500 idjits. 689331;1401112042;mircea_popescu;benkay:HeySteve: nonsense. << it's not nonsense in any way. naked shorts are the instrument of evil. women should be always naked, shorts always covered. the us is doing it exaclty backwards. 689332;1401112204;mircea_popescu;benkay: afaik there's no way to evaluate the float on mpex. you just gotta trust mircea_popescu. << no, this is why the dividend payments work the way they do. mpex will a) not let you pay fewer shares than there are and b) issue you a signed receipt which includes that number. 689333;1401112220;mircea_popescu;so you get mpex-audited float every time yoyu pay a dividend. 689334;1401112485;asciilifeform;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6YtVnl-AQE 689335;1401112486;assbot;dig - YouTube 689336;1401112492;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller: password is used in two places unfortunately two very important places << that was a pretty shitty password. 689337;1401112507;mircea_popescu;pls to read up on dicelists. 689338;1401112515;asciilifeform;(pool from destroyed pipe visible on bottom of trench) 689339;1401112553;asciilifeform;they also have this weird custom, where a trench of an active pipe project is filled in with asphalt every time, even if work is not done - because driving is sacred. must be drivable over. 689340;1401112570;mircea_popescu;artifexd: I was thinking about Ubuntu but apparently they suck for reasons that are unclear to me. <<< dependency hell and a bad case of code rot. 689341;1401112573;asciilifeform;the result is pounded flat using a gigantic machine that sends shock waves everywhere 689342;1401112575;mircea_popescu;but w/e, you can probably use it. 689343;1401112584;asciilifeform;windows rattle, anything not bolted down shakes loose, etc. 689344;1401112632;asciilifeform;as for the paraders - from the lack of habitable building, went to see the fscking parade. and this is what it looked like: 689345;1401112634;asciilifeform;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9h97SPKc2nY 689346;1401112634;assbot;parade - YouTube 689347;1401112635;mircea_popescu;looks pretty romanian asciilifeform 689348;1401112763;artifexd;mircea_popescu: I decided on arch linux although I'm still evaluating desktop environments/window managers. 689349;1401112787;artifexd;I plan on moving all my server ops to coreos so the centos thing won't be an issue. 689350;1401112810;mircea_popescu;gotta try around a little. as is typical of open source, diff things work for diff jobs. 689351;1401112827;mircea_popescu;i wouldn't run a server on ubuntu, but if making a system for an ex windows person prolly still best choiuce, 689352;1401112900;mircea_popescu;benkay: the people with the money to implement dumb crypto things are never going to select professional services people for execution who say things like "what you are trying to build is not possible to build". << pretty much exactly. 689353;1401112906;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the soviet tale didn't end there. i come back, trench is filled, sewer - same state. call bureaucrats, they promise to test. wake up, there's a note, claiming that 'tested, works, if still having problem, your problem.' i pick up phone, turns out the fellow testing had no idea there was pipe work at all. it was done by contractors, see, and the city 'had no idea.' 689354;1401112911;mircea_popescu;which is why the rape of the people with fiat by bitcoin is so fucking essential. 689355;1401112933;mircea_popescu;capital doesn't belong with the idiots currently holding it. they don't know what to do with it, other than pay people to falsely claim they do know what to do with i.t 689356;1401112971;mircea_popescu;lol i c. so what did htey test, the secretaries' lower piping ? 689357;1401112989;chetty;prolly to see if the trench was filled 689358;1401112991;asciilifeform;most likely, nothing. just read a flow sensor somewhere. 689359;1401113077;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, so are you sueing your landlord ? 689360;1401113204;mircea_popescu;princessnell: not exactly keep living, but maximize probability of the highest possible degree of genetic transmission. but you get my drift. << iget your drift, i just don't perceive any substance to it. can you prove your purpose is more to convey your own genetic material than to convey the genetic material of the e coli you're very comfortably keeping at a pleasant temperature deep inside, and strive to keep well 689361;1401113204;mircea_popescu;fed and so forth ? 689362;1401113299;mircea_popescu;bitcoinpete: i would've thought he was the exact opposite << this, incidentally, is how you know you've buddha'd. various people reading your stuff come to exactly opposite conclusions on fundamental topics such as "what is the purpose of meaning" 689363;1401113318;mircea_popescu;ima go out and celebrate this great achievement. 689364;1401113527;mircea_popescu;and you two as well as anyone interested is invited to a full debate of this matter, to take place statring 8pm today, my time. which is roughly in nine hours. then maybe we can get to the bottom of it 689365;1401113539;mircea_popescu;and if not it, a nice round bottom anyway. 689366;1401113571;fluffypony;ah at 1am I am definitely going to be drunkish or asleep 689367;1401113581;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: landlord lives in CA. he's nothing to do with this crap. 689368;1401113611;mircea_popescu;fluffypony, apparently diogenes kyon was perpetualloy both, is still remembered. 689369;1401113620;asciilifeform;(fellow used to live in the house, unable to sell, ended up renting it out, quite possibly at a loss) 689370;1401113622;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, you are renting from him correct ? 689371;1401113628;mircea_popescu;that means he has everything to do with it. 689372;1401113632;mircea_popescu;ah 689373;1401113656;asciilifeform;might sue the city, though, if this carries on. 689374;1401113661;mircea_popescu;one wonders why unable to sell 689375;1401113673;mircea_popescu;anyway, the trick with suing is to make up your mind quick and let the papers fly the next day. 689376;1401113687;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: almost certainly same reason as the various folks i know in this position - term of art, i think, is 'underwater' 689377;1401113736;mircea_popescu;"It has just been announced now that UTA, the union of bus drivers, will convoke a full strike for ALL buses(colectivos y micros , which means city and long distance buses) for this Wednesday, 28 May starting at 0000 in ALL OF ARGENTINA!." 689378;1401113739;chetty;your tax money, hard at work 689379;1401113748;mircea_popescu;rich bitcoiners using cabs not affected. HOPEFULLY 689380;1401113790;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-05-2014#687492 << bwahahah 689381;1401113790;assbot;#bitcoin-assets log 689382;1401113796;asciilifeform;speaking of vehicles, there were... moto-tricycles in the parade. wtf is the point ?! 689383;1401113802;asciilifeform;of such a machine 689384;1401113813;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, ask an engineer, what do i know :D 689385;1401113830;asciilifeform;as i understand, all the down-sides of a normal auto and motorcycle in one package. 689386;1401113849;asciilifeform;takes up a full lane, yet still the same crunchy death if you wreck it 689387;1401113882;asciilifeform;resembles a tractor more than anything else 689388;1401113911;mircea_popescu;i wouldn't own or drive one 689389;1401113928;mircea_popescu;but perhaps... it's cheaper than a car and doesn't need your foot on the ground like a bike ? 689390;1401113931;mircea_popescu;so "win-win" 689391;1401113959;asciilifeform;looked it up, they seem to cost about the same as a nice toyota 689392;1401113975;asciilifeform;so, my suspicion, folks who want the 'l33t' of motorbike, but without the study. 689393;1401113994;mircea_popescu;o look at that, amazon being a little bitch. 689394;1401114006;mircea_popescu;gravy train coming to an end, in a decade nobody will even remember who bezos was. 689395;1401114050;mircea_popescu;ok and with that im caught up with the 23rd. omfg you people talk A LOT 689396;1401114082;mircea_popescu;anyway. hasta luego. 689397;1401114418;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Mototricycles are notorious for rolling and crushing the driver/rider 689398;1401114480;jurov;;;bc,stats 689399;1401114484;gribble;Current Blocks: 302731 | Current Difficulty: 1.0455720138484837E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 304415 | Next Difficulty In: 1684 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 3 days, 7 hours, 57 minutes, and 3 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 11225085364.7 | Estimated Percent Change: 7.35832 689400;1401114539;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 49 @ 0.0387799 = 1.9002 BTC [-] 689401;1401114572;pankkake;%diff 689402;1401114574;atcbot;[ATC Diff] Current Diff: 455357.13 Est. Next Diff: 155992.46 in 337 blocks (#32256) Est. % Change: -65.74 689403;1401114598;pankkake;I wonder if I'll ever squeeze in a block 689404;1401114627;pankkake;or what I could get by selling those usb erupters 689405;1401114751;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: seems to me like the pill against this is to drive an ordinary auto, rather than a peculiar tractor where you still get ejected into oncoming traffic at the slightest bump... 689406;1401114827;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Right. The three wheeled cycle rollover problem is why you don't see new manufacter 3 wheeled atvs anymore. 689407;1401114952;punkman;the four-wheeled ATVs got rollover problems too 689408;1401115073;punkman;tourist idiots like to rent them around here, then they end up in a ditch with broken legs 689409;1401115186;BingoBoingo;punkman: Correct. As bad as the four wheeled problem is, three wheeled... 689410;1401115277;asciilifeform;example of machine: 689411;1401115278;asciilifeform;http://images01.olx-st.com/ui/4/03/27/1267281213_77009627_1-Pictures-of---2001-Custom-Built-Trike-Motorcycle.jpg 689412;1401115350;davout;asciilifeform: gross 689413;1401115400;pankkake;fact: more wheels is better 689414;1401115448;davout;http://www.motomove.fr/assets/images/canam/canam_Spyder%20RS.jpg 689415;1401115601;punkman;http://www.nerdwax.com/ 689416;1401115601;assbot;nerdwax - the original glasses wax 689417;1401115755;bitcoinpete;mircea_popescu: nubbins` canada looks scarier and scarier. < obtw, speaking of steak. i had some fucking INCREDIBLE steaks these past two days. i am fucking humbled, you can not begin to imagine the steaks in this fucking town. omfg. << told you. 689525;1401120397;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [BLISS] 5 @ 0.038 = 0.19 BTC 689526;1401120416;benkay; mircea_popescu: I'm not sure if they are the worst... Databases suck pretty bad. // let me tell you about this magical closed source database i own... 689527;1401120434;benkay;hey wait, weren't the legendary symbolics environments of yore closed source as well? 689528;1401120442;asciilifeform;benkay: nope. 689529;1401120467;asciilifeform;benkay: it was a sort of product now mostly extinct - pay, get complete source (naturally for in-house use only) 689530;1401120494;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: what town? 689531;1401120495;benkay;but how did they protect against piracy? 689532;1401120518;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 40 @ 0.03810377 = 1.5242 BTC [-] {4} 689533;1401120519;benkay;http://is.gd/afolif 689534;1401120526;asciilifeform;benkay: what kind of piracy, when 90+% of it would only run on that particular arch. 689535;1401120579;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [BLISS] 35 @ 0.038 = 1.33 BTC 689536;1401120590;benkay;oh for an arch that did s-exps in hardware 689537;1401120595;asciilifeform;benkay: as for the remainder: since this type of distribution was customary, any unsanctioned cribbing of code would become apparent when you bought the suspected product and examined its sources. 689538;1401120640;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [BLISS] 11 @ 0.038 = 0.418 BTC {2} 689539;1401120675;benkay;HeySteve2: you're connected to channels before your hostmask gets applied fyi 689540;1401120701;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.0975 = 0.4875 BTC [+] 689541;1401121117;benkay; benkay: afaik there's no way to evaluate the float on mpex. you just gotta trust mircea_popescu. << no, this is why the dividend payments work the way they do. mpex will a) not let you pay fewer shares than there are and b) issue you a signed receipt which includes that number. << contract also spells it out. 689542;1401121132;benkay; benkay:HeySteve: nonsense. << it's not nonsense in any way. naked shorts are the instrument of evil. women should be always naked, shorts always covered. the us is doing it exaclty backwards. << you'll note i came around eventually. 689543;1401121199;benkay; so you get mpex-audited float every time yoyu pay a dividend. << wait but as in the case of mpif, a malicious broker could issue more shares and not pay to that float, as mpex doesn't enforce that divs be paid to the whole float which you say is a feature but my tiny brain still percieves as a bug 689544;1401121617;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [BLISS] 14 @ 0.038 = 0.532 BTC 689545;1401121738;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [BLISS] 6 @ 0.038 = 0.228 BTC 689546;1401121799;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.0975 = 0.2925 BTC [+] 689547;1401121860;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 540 @ 0.00222884 = 1.2036 BTC [-] {24} 689548;1401121950;benkay;now this: https://www.theivdoctor.com/make-an-appointment/view/Detox 689549;1401121971;benkay;;;later tell BingoBoingo https://www.theivdoctor.com/make-an-appointment/view/Detox 689550;1401121971;gribble;The operation succeeded. 689551;1401121996;benkay;http://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chxr=0,0,37889&chm=h,000000,0,0.31,1&chxt=y&chbh=a&chs=450x220&cht=bvs&chco=4D89F9&chds=0,37889&chd=t:10372,9279,14650,15462,10146,9344,9662,12580,13607,17737,12812,16740,17611,29146,15490,18496,18373,20967,15589,20740,10490,9119,6705,7736,4046,6323,6933,8297,6362,9305,9973,11029,10468,6838,3301,1019,3183,6510,6133,11544,14766,17248,15970,14836,18496,10667,9139,14869,16325,14353,15007,9315,13960,13258,12440,9318, 689552;1401122043;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [BLISS] 120 @ 0.038 = 4.56 BTC 689553;1401122348;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.0381001 = 0.381 BTC [-] 689554;1401122826;jurov;benkay how issue? you mean, outside mpex? 689555;1401123161;benkay;no, on mpex. 689556;1401123193;benkay;didn't mpif have a float of n at t=0 and then shortly thereafter had a float of n + m? 689557;1401123263;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11800 @ 0.00084337 = 9.9518 BTC [-] 689558;1401123297;jurov;well, and? 689559;1401123392;jurov;mp wrote "mpex will not let you pay fewer shares than there are" 689560;1401123457;jurov;http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/26ge5v/im_finally_out_of_the_red/chr0qpe lol reddit is all over it 689561;1401123458;assbot;dooglus comments on I'm finally out of the red 689562;1401123507;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11266 @ 0.00084146 = 9.4799 BTC [-] 689563;1401123568;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.46079225 = 1.8432 BTC [-] {4} 689564;1401123751;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 5 @ 0.10598491 = 0.5299 BTC [-] {3} 689565;1401123863;benkay;oh my mistake 689566;1401124007;thestringpuller;jurov: wow reddit is angry at dooglus "Dooglus, as the owner of Just Dice, you should not have said anything to them whatsoever, due to conflict of interest. You may have cost yourself a lot of respect from the community." 689567;1401124071;kakobrekla;psi laju, karavani prolaze 689568;1401124077;fluffypony;dooglus: for what it's worth, I think they're utterly moronic, they're reacting as if they didn't read the second part of your comment 689569;1401124142;thestringpuller;damn they started a whole new thread? http://np.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/26j2fn/distraught_redditor_debates_whether_to_gamble/ 689570;1401124144;assbot;Distraught Redditor debates whether to gamble their life savings. Owner of Just-Dice shows up and chimes in: "If you think a 49.5% chance of having 100 BTC is better than a 100% chance of having 50 BTC, then betting it all on a double-or-nothing at Just-Dice is the way to go." Decides to bet; loses. : Bitcoin 689571;1401124182;punkman;"First ever penis tattoo for BTC!" https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=625220.0 689572;1401124183;assbot;Klyemax Studios Official (Cock) Tattoo 689573;1401124357;thestringpuller;;;gettrust dooglus 689574;1401124357;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user thestringpuller to user dooglus: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 4 via 3 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=thestringpuller&dest=dooglus | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=dooglus | Rated since: Thu Apr 5 06:34:26 2012 689575;1401124443;pankkake;I haven't seen any casino owner try to dissuade gamblers as much as dooglus 689576;1401124453;pankkake;eh "For me, the pain of losing is so much stronger than the joy of winning that I mostly don't play." 689577;1401124473;fluffypony;and then still get shat on for it 689578;1401124481;pankkake;but you gotta be upset at someone else than yourself 689579;1401124489;fluffypony;he should've promised "guaranteed rewards" like most of the IPOs 689580;1401124501;thestringpuller;^- ugh... 689581;1401124535;thestringpuller;pankkake: dooglus is also not a criminal like most casino owners in Vegas... 689582;1401124569;pankkake;" You may have cost yourself a lot of respect from the community." 689583;1401124604;pankkake;walls of text ensue 689584;1401124619;fluffypony;the way I read his post was: "if you feel like pissing your money into the toilet, please use my toilet. Personally, I don't think pissing money into a toilet is a good idea. I don't piss money into the toilet much." 689585;1401124702;thestringpuller;It's funny how /r/bitcoin thinks "they are the community" 689586;1401124810;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> turns out, an aligator was trying to traverse the sewage got himself stuck. << woah! 689587;1401125276;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.0975 = 0.195 BTC [+] 689588;1401125642;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 3000 @ 0.00010504 = 0.3151 BTC [-] {3} 689589;1401125643;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1001 @ 0.00082661 = 0.8274 BTC [-] 689590;1401125703;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 6 @ 0.0192 = 0.1152 BTC [+] {2} 689591;1401125764;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 20 @ 0.03099927 = 0.62 BTC [+] {2} 689592;1401125765;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 14 @ 0.0192 = 0.2688 BTC [+] 689593;1401126009;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 3000 @ 0.000105 = 0.315 BTC [-] 689594;1401126069;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3500 @ 0.00082661 = 2.8931 BTC [-] {2} 689595;1401126199;punkman;the guy that lost 50btc on jd: At least I have a reason to try at school now lol, any delusions of being rich just went out the window. 689596;1401126252;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 25 @ 0.0054 = 0.135 BTC [+] {2} 689597;1401126313;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 25 @ 0.00455405 = 0.1139 BTC [-] 689598;1401126314;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [BLISS] 5 @ 0.038 = 0.19 BTC 689599;1401126550;punkman;!up poutine 689600;1401126628;poutine;Hi I saw this tx on mainnet: https://blockchain.info/tx/2bb7e8720356f79a9005488a529ab12d6f516879b2357224204cb5f2b780fd02 689601;1401126628;assbot;Bitcoin Transaction 2bb7e8720356f79a9005488a529ab12d6f516879b2357224204cb5f2b780fd02 689602;1401126634;poutine;with a shout out to this channel 689603;1401126720;punkman;that a mastercoin thing? 689604;1401126733;poutine;nah it's a bitcoin nonstandard tx that someone put an ascii message in 689605;1401126740;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 1576 @ 0.00211023 = 3.3257 BTC [-] {9} 689606;1401126805;poutine;if you click "advanced" at the bottom, and then take the script output: echo "2153484f55544f555420544f2023424954434f494e2d415353455453202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020" |xxd -p -r 689607;1401126817;poutine;you get: "!SHOUTOUT TO #BITCOIN-ASSETS " 689608;1401126921;pankkake;lol indeed. how did you find that one? 689609;1401126921;punkman;nice 689610;1401127007;fluffypony;nice 689611;1401127007;fluffypony;such el8 689612;1401127052;punkman;poutine, what else have you seen in your travels 689613;1401127052;poutine;pankkake, I make custom txes, and was going through some strange transactions and saw it 689614;1401127080;poutine;https://blockchain.info/tx-index/57225697/0 <- I made this redeemable multi choice puzzle transaction w/ embedded message yesterday 689615;1401127081;assbot;Bitcoin Transaction 15c2b9bc3b93e0c0a037c5fa8402d0e34e13d3bb0ce7fca65888e5d24e597dcc 689616;1401127111;poutine;was seeing if there were any loose transactions on the blockchain I could claim with a little bit of brainpower 689617;1401127131;punkman;;;gettrust poutine 689618;1401127132;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user punkman to user poutine: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=punkman&dest=poutine | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=poutine | Rated since: never 689619;1401127220;punkman;poutine, how do you answer the puzzle? 689620;1401127284;poutine;punkman, Well I redeemed that one, if you click the spent output: https://blockchain.info/tx-index/57230279 and then run the input script through xxd -p -r, you get 689621;1401127284;assbot;Bitcoin Transaction 95de640457b7bcfc4608d84f84542efc40cc7ee7761dd6c7102bc0b36f0d9d51 689622;1401127285;poutine;echo "6561746174757264796f75736869746d6f6e6b6579" |xxd -p -r 689623;1401127295;poutine;eataturdyoushitmonkey 689624;1401127306;poutine;There were 3 valid scripts that would have redeemed that tx 689625;1401127459;poutine;http://webbtc.com/scripts/unknown <- is a good place for finding weird transactions, and where I found the one someone from here made 689626;1401127459;assbot;Bitcoin BlockBrowser - unknown Scripts 689627;1401127899;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 6 @ 0.0381981 = 0.2292 BTC [-] 689628;1401128031;thestringpuller;poutine: how would one write a custom transaction? 689629;1401128052;punkman;thestringpuller: well now you can ask poutine to write it :P 689630;1401128090;thestringpuller;who needs email when you have the blockchain... 689631;1401128095;mircea_popescu;oh the blinkenlichtens 689632;1401128115;mircea_popescu; mircea_popescu: nubbins` canada looks scarier and scarier. < US doesn't have a very good track record when it comes to human rights and terrorism. Their judgement was probably the correct one 689661;1401129014;mircea_popescu;aye 689662;1401129047;mircea_popescu;http://i.imgur.com/0TRfa2l.png 689663;1401129059;mircea_popescu;omfg check out the complex excel sheeting for 5btc or w.e it is 689664;1401129122;mircea_popescu;lol poor dooglus is getting an earful on reddit 689665;1401129135;mircea_popescu;kinda funny how self important those fuckwits are jeez. 689666;1401129240;mircea_popescu;poutine, pretty cool tx lol 689667;1401129272;punkman;!up poutine 689668;1401129424;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 169 @ 0.0007812 = 0.132 BTC [+] {2} 689669;1401129431;poutine;It is possible to play a game on the blockchain where there's a limited amount of moves. Chess would be too complicated, checkers might not be 689670;1401129450;mircea_popescu;"viscous personal attacks" dub ?! quick, call the interwebs poleese. 689671;1401129463;thestringpuller;poutine: what about settlers of catan? ;) 689672;1401129469;mircea_popescu;mike_c was sort-of working on something ismilar. 689673;1401129475;mircea_popescu;;;seen mike_c 689674;1401129476;gribble;mike_c was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 4 days, 20 hours, 20 minutes, and 59 seconds ago: more like "humans" freak out when they don't understand something. when people ask me about why the market moved I give them the time-tested answer: God. 689675;1401129566;chetty;MASSIVE Colorado mud slide is 4 miles long ,2 miles wide & 250 feet deep..... 689676;1401129591;thestringpuller;meanwhile on reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/relationships/comments/26hzgo/21_f_corrupted_my_26_m_boyfriend/ 689677;1401129592;assbot;[21 F], corrupted my [26 M] boyfriend : relationships 689678;1401129602;davout;meanwhile, dotcoin is getting buttraepd 689679;1401129632;poutine;thestringpuller, Well you have a 201 opcode limit, 1000 stack size limit, and a 10000 byte tx limit, I need 8 opcodes per comparison, so as long as there's 24 possible moves or less it can be played on the blockchain 689680;1401129651;mircea_popescu;punkman: MP goes away, the logs dry up, for shame << i dunno dood, I've been working to catch up for three days. in between picking up hawt brazilian chicks in the street and shoveling steaks 689681;1401129654;poutine;I can make a tx where there's 24 potential scriptSigs that will redeem it 689682;1401129693;mircea_popescu;poutine, why not just embed a hash digest ? 689683;1401129789;poutine;mircea_popescu, Hmm I'm not sure I understand, the way I'd see it is if it were chess, all possible moves would be an acceptable redemption for the tx, like pawn to e4 would be a redemption, Qxe5, etc. That way the game could be followed just by following the blockchain for the tx 689684;1401129790;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 339 @ 0.00430964 = 1.461 BTC [-] {4} 689685;1401129822;mircea_popescu;ok now I don't know if I follow 689686;1401129839;poutine;Ok well I can do tic tac toe on the blockchain, let me write it up 689687;1401129857;poutine;(it's going to result in unspendable outputs because... tic tac toe though) 689688;1401129886;mircea_popescu;yeah i see. thing is... why'd you want to play it this way rather than the normal way ? 689689;1401129908;punkman;poutine, your puzzle redeeming transaction could be rewritten by a miner right? 689690;1401129914;poutine;yes punkman 689691;1401129921;poutine;mircea_popescu, Oh entirely for fun 689692;1401129940;poutine;also it would prevent double turns, forgeries, etc by virtue of the protocol 689693;1401129956;mircea_popescu;but it could be rewritten by any miner. 689694;1401130015;poutine;yes, a miner could cheat, but a miner would have a significant cost to cheat 689695;1401130027;poutine;we're talking probably thousands of dollars 689696;1401130095;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 6 @ 0.0309999 = 0.186 BTC [+] 689697;1401130107;poutine;tens of thousands eh 689698;1401130112;mircea_popescu;that aside, forgetries are still eminently possible 689699;1401130125;poutine;Ok I should not make the claim that an unsigned transaction cannot be forged 689700;1401130135;poutine;I should say it'd be cost prohibitive at this point 689701;1401130141;mircea_popescu;see the thing is, your system may actually SAVe the miners thousands of dollars. 689702;1401130153;mircea_popescu;because they load it in the mempool and chainmine for all its permutations 689703;1401130161;mircea_popescu;might actually give them a hash boost. 689704;1401130199;punkman;poutine, what's the cost? seems like you only have to come up with something that identifies rewritable transactions and broadcasts them with his own address 689705;1401130264;poutine;punkman, the cost is that you'd have to solo mine to forge the tx right now, or participate in a mining pool that would automate the forgery 689706;1401130314;poutine;Writing the forgery code is easy, being able to mine the block to test it out is not 689707;1401130368;jurov;no mrwdunne is the proslimbs invesor: https://bitcointa.lk/threads/now-is-time-tomorrow-is-glory-ipo-people.307662/#post-6198349 689708;1401130368;assbot;Now is Time, tomorrow IS glory = IPO people | Bitcointa.lk 689709;1401130375;punkman;you can just throw the rewritten transaction out there and hope someone mines it, no? 689710;1401130419;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: re: bitstamp: if the story is true, they've fucked their public goat. << the story is both true and not really new. 689711;1401130435;poutine;punkman, nah you'd need to know the secret to be able to do the move 689712;1401130440;mircea_popescu;they were lolled at for asking for miner gear purchase receipts from people who indicated the btc source os "mining" for months nao 689713;1401130459;poutine;also nobody really mines nonstandard txes on btc mainnet with one exception 689714;1401130468;punkman;poutine, but you share the secret when you try to redeem 689715;1401130476;mircea_popescu;that exception being "anyone who feels like it" 689716;1401130493;poutine;mircea_popescu, the one exception is eligius right now 689717;1401130505;kakobrekla;check out this schmuk https://bitcointa.lk/threads/review-of-the-current-state-of-bitcoin-securities-market.314520/ 689718;1401130505;assbot;Review of the current state of Bitcoin securities market | Bitcointa.lk 689719;1401130525;kakobrekla;his wall of text http://blog.coinomat.com/bitcoin-stocks-here-to-stay-2/ 689720;1401130526;assbot;Bitcoin stocks: here to stay | Coinomat.com blog 689721;1401130530;kakobrekla;and no mention of #b-a 689722;1401130531;mircea_popescu;pankkake, http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-05-2014#687935 omg wtf 689723;1401130531;assbot;#bitcoin-assets log 689724;1401130552;pankkake;my fault, should not happen again 689725;1401130574;mircea_popescu;o look kako on .lk. me hearts 689726;1401130576;pankkake;well no that case was jborkl's fault. he added tracking to the URLs 689727;1401130594;pankkake;but I strip them now 689728;1401130602;kakobrekla;coincidence. 689729;1401130616;poutine;punkman, Ok so if I was making the move e4, and my player secret was foo, and an acceptable redemption scriptSig is hash256('fooe4'). When I submit my redemption, you're saying someone else would see it in the mempool, and submit it to a different mempool with the redemption going to a different address? 689730;1401130644;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 141 @ 0.00235853 = 0.3326 BTC [-] {3} 689731;1401130672;poutine;The miner situation I think is obvious, a miner could definitely redirect the output with little effort, and nobody to punish him for it, but wouldn't the above situation simply be covered by the timestamping server, and currently by the fact there's only one mining pool that accepts these transactions, and they do not allow double spends in their memory pool? 689732;1401130687;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla, left him a comment, curious if he publishes it. 689733;1401130694;kakobrekla;gj 689734;1401130700;thestringpuller;poutine: re earlier: 24 possible moves total? or 24 possible moves within a single turn? 689735;1401130707;asciilifeform;meanwhile! end of sewer saga: city excavated street, disassembled pipe, found tree roots behind the property line - which had become clogged with backed up crud (for the 30 hours or so the city's pipe was broken.) now they will fight with landlord's insurance co. 689736;1401130709;poutine;24 moves within a single turn thestringpuller 689737;1401130711;asciilifeform;http://imgur.com/gjPW0By 689738;1401130712;assbot;imgur: the simple image sharer 689739;1401130715;mircea_popescu;poutine, what timestamping server ? 689740;1401130720;pankkake;https://www.opsmate.com/titus/ 689741;1401130721;assbot;titus - Totally Isolated TLS Unwrapping Server 689742;1401130738;mircea_popescu;and stop relying on incidentals. if there's any value to fucking you over, the nonstandard txs will be accepted by everyone. 689743;1401130765;poutine;disregard timestamping server comment 689744;1401130766;mircea_popescu;the fact that there's no one doing it now simply reflects the fact nobody is currently giving a shit. not something ytou can rely on as you change the incentive structure 689745;1401130779;thestringpuller;"Considering the points above I believe that Bitcoin stocks are here to stay. The key to success here would be the issuers screening and preemptive measures against fraudulent players. Serious and responsible project can be successful here, and most probably relatively unperturbed by regulators. Centralized exchanges should have a crucial role, since decentralized ones cannot probably achieve high level of protec 689746;1401130785;thestringpuller;lol 689747;1401130790;poutine;mircea_popescu, yeah I would agree with you 689748;1401130802;pankkake;I usually stop reading at "here to stay" 689749;1401130835;poutine;in any event, it is fun to play with custom transactions, I'm surprised there's only been 1661 of them according to webbtc.com 689750;1401130864;thestringpuller;reminds me of btcmsg project that got scrapped 689751;1401130879;mircea_popescu;CheckDavid: dignork: I find it hard to conceive of a business that can't think of expansion . << efficiency of capial deployment is the issue. read buffett\s letters to investors, he covers it in detail 689752;1401130899;mircea_popescu;poutine, afaik webbtc sees most but not exactly all 689753;1401130925;poutine;It'd be quite easy to dump data into btc. I'm sure it'd piss off a lot of people though (namely everyone with the blockchain), but you could embed wikileaks into the blockchain through redeemable transactions 689754;1401130927;kakobrekla;poutine what exactly defines a 'custom' tx? 689755;1401130938;poutine;kakobrekla, not pay to public key, pay to script hash 689756;1401130945;poutine;!tx.isStandard() 689757;1401130964;poutine;OP_RETURN might be standard now 689758;1401130977;mircea_popescu;this is like 2012 srsly. 689759;1401131099;mircea_popescu;CheckDavid: 689760;1401131100;mircea_popescu;6:11:48 PM CheckDavid But btc on their books are less valuable to shareholders due to the risk of.losing them and other factors. 689761;1401131121;mircea_popescu;this is not actually correct. btc on mpex books are more valuable than btc held by users, (and are traded as such) 689762;1401131132;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 13 @ 0.0975 = 1.2675 BTC [+] 689763;1401131137;mircea_popescu;on the grounds of everyone having managed to lost more wallets in the intervening two years than bitcoin 689764;1401131143;mircea_popescu;than mpex* 689765;1401131168;mircea_popescu;in other words, giving "yourself" 100% trust arbitrarily is not well borne by experience. 689766;1401131187;pankkake;!up poutine 689767;1401131353;mircea_popescu;24th done holy shit this is hard work. 689768;1401131371;Duffer1;what are you up to MP? 689769;1401131381;mircea_popescu;jus catching up on the logs 689770;1401131386;Duffer1;oh 689771;1401131387;mircea_popescu;https://bitcointa.lk/threads/review-of-the-current-state-of-bitcoin-securities-market.314520/#post-6640456 << ahaha this is so sweet. 689772;1401131387;assbot;Review of the current state of Bitcoin securities market | Bitcointa.lk 689773;1401131409;mircea_popescu;so noob hears about bitcoin in 2014, his opinionator goes into overdrive, he writes it all down 689774;1401131417;mircea_popescu;then goes on bitcointalk to talk about it. 689775;1401131450;mircea_popescu;\because his wild eyed naivite this is how it works, noobs have something to contribute to the conversation in spite of their complete ignorance of history and where the conversation currently is, 689776;1401131471;mircea_popescu;and then bitcointalk is the place to do that. i suppose this guy goes around in a toga because nobody told him the roman empire fell i nthe meanwhile. 689777;1401131483;Duffer1;even odds his losses will approach 90% by this time next year 689778;1401131498;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.0385 = 0.385 BTC [+] 689779;1401131534;thestringpuller;Duffer1: even odds his losses will approach 90% by this time next year << usually the case for all n00bs 689780;1401131537;mircea_popescu;90% odds his losses will be 50% by next year, and yet he'll be misreporting them (to himself) and misbooking them correspondingly 689781;1401131620;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [BLISS] 216 @ 0.038 = 8.208 BTC 689782;1401131624;thestringpuller;^- like usagi 689783;1401131640;mircea_popescu;well of him we publicly know 689784;1401131654;mircea_popescu;prolly thousands of noobs with unpublished delusitarian books 689785;1401131665;mircea_popescu;.d 689786;1401131683;mircea_popescu;;;diff 689787;1401131683;gribble;1.0455720138484837E10 689788;1401131688;BingoBoingo;https://bitcointa.lk/threads/his-most-eminent-highness-grand-caesar-imperator-goat.318417/page-12#post-6636159 689789;1401131688;assbot;His Most Eminent Highness Grand Caesar Imperator Goat | Page 12 | Bitcointa.lk 689790;1401131773;mircea_popescu;benkay: 689791;1401131773;mircea_popescu;>>> AES encryption is applied to the wallet. Passphrase is specified via environment variable PICOCOIN_PASSPHRASE. << god help us. 689792;1401131797;mircea_popescu;the people who think they have something to say in bitcoin, and the ways their brains work. 689793;1401131817;thestringpuller;A passphrase stored as an env variable? Like...whaaa? 689794;1401131829;pankkake;at least it's not command line, lol 689795;1401131850;mircea_popescu;Mats_cd03: can't bring myself to do another router or ip camera << you post these anywhere ? 689796;1401131862;mircea_popescu;pankkake, what, like bitcoind you mean ? 689797;1401131894;pankkake;I mean specifiying the passphrase on the command line. gets in process list, in shell history, etc. 689798;1401131937;mircea_popescu;in ha;f the logs 689799;1401132018;thestringpuller;you could do echo $PICOCOIN_PASSPHRASE and it's on the cmd line... 689800;1401132039;mircea_popescu;pankkake, but srsly, bitcoind takes the wallet passphrase as command line 689801;1401132046;thestringpuller;^- yes it does 689802;1401132059;thestringpuller;but if you put a space before the command it doesn't store it in bash history (like that actually helps) 689803;1401132081;pankkake;well, at least there's the RPC way to do it safely 689804;1401132086;mircea_popescu;im pretty sure it still ends up in the logs 689805;1401132089;pankkake;but it probably should not exist, yes 689806;1401132093;mircea_popescu;pankkake, not really much sagfer, no. 689807;1401132131;mircea_popescu;it could be made to be safe, of course, but then again so can this (dedicated system) 689808;1401132139;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: oh wow yea you can recover it if you're logging... 689809;1401132159;mircea_popescu;not if. 689810;1401132167;mircea_popescu;all oses log. including windowze. out of the box 689811;1401132171;mircea_popescu;cause you fucking have to 689812;1401132181;thestringpuller;like in dmsg? 689813;1401132189;thestringpuller;dmesg* 689814;1401132237;mircea_popescu;just run it once then sudo grep the system for the pw 689815;1401132247;mircea_popescu;(don't have to use the right one either) 689816;1401132248;thestringpuller;daaaaamn 689817;1401132266;thestringpuller;bitcoind suucks. 689818;1401132276;thestringpuller;^- not news tho 689819;1401132324;Naphex;export HISTFILE=/dev/null 689820;1401132324;Naphex;:P 689821;1401132339;mircea_popescu;benkay: if i have to run bitcoind anyways why the fuck not just run bitcoind and take a dep on the whole fuckoff blockchain? << quite. 689822;1401132345;mircea_popescu;o hai Naphex 689823;1401132354;Naphex;hey hey 689824;1401132359;pankkake;by default linux does not filter the ps list, so you don't even need to be the same user 689825;1401132365;Naphex;been having a very nasty cold since friday, i'm mostly zombie mode 689826;1401132376;mircea_popescu;pankkake, even if you try to protect it, there';s too many ways logs leak. 689827;1401132388;pankkake;and then you can catch the bad sysadmins who run mysqldump in crons with password options 689828;1401132390;mircea_popescu;even csf has holes in it due to the way logs are handled by kernel 689829;1401132394;pankkake;got your password! 689830;1401132407;thestringpuller;smh 689831;1401132412;mircea_popescu;Naphex, im in argentina, it's nice here. 689832;1401132430;Naphex;how are you fitting in? 689833;1401132510;mircea_popescu;fluffypony: Electrum server isn't SPV. it's SPV-like <<< ahahaha this has just summarized the mental capacity of bitcoin coder ppls. yes, exactly. the code isn't working, it's working-like. 689834;1401132534;mircea_popescu;Naphex, tis splendid. basically, ba is ny of the 70s. 689835;1401132557;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: is ba your final destination? 689836;1401132596;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [BLISS] 26 @ 0.038 = 0.988 BTC 689837;1401132604;mircea_popescu;possibly. 689838;1401132622;mircea_popescu;i don't intend to be buried here if that\s what you mean 689839;1401132627;mircea_popescu;but yeah, i'll stay a little. 689840;1401132684;mircea_popescu;benkay: is that stupid? << no. 689841;1401132808;mircea_popescu;fluffypony, ahahaha, agent mazzotta's office has all the opsec of a chicken coop 689842;1401132827;fluffypony;:) 689843;1401132840;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [BLISS] 103 @ 0.038 = 3.914 BTC 689844;1401132841;fluffypony;I told the support staff to just close the ticket 689845;1401132845;fluffypony;but for a while I was tempted to reply: 689846;1401132899;fluffypony;"Tell Agent Mazzotta the lizard has entered the fibreglass cage of resourcefulness. Do not miss a word. Also tell him that the following message is CICADA 3301-F encoded: OSDJFSH02382oaSDFaweasdFAWr3q23eaq#RWQAE" 689847;1401132914;mircea_popescu;This is the brand and trademark page for RUNWAY BEAUTY which was created on August 20th, 2007 by Runway Beauty, an CORPORATION. The trademark owner is located at 8637 E. Berridge ln. in Scottsdale, ARIZONA. Runway Beauty can be contacted at 480-361-5012, odci@cox.net 689848;1401132919;mircea_popescu;is this like...a beautician ? 689849;1401132947;mircea_popescu;miranda delta prime the runway beauty ? 689850;1401132993;fluffypony;indeed - I believe he even has a nail technicians license or something 689851;1401133002;fluffypony;it's the ultimate cover! 689852;1401133024;mircea_popescu;ill tell you what happened, and you won't like to hear it. 689853;1401133063;mircea_popescu;a guy by the name mazzotta who happens to be a federal agent contracted for his own garage to have some rig shit delivered. he was gone one day, and his WIFE who is about as clueful as the average blondy 689854;1401133075;mircea_popescu;(your blondy excluded) decided it'd be a great idea to leak info, so she did. 689855;1401133091;mircea_popescu;now you have an unduly exposed customer that shall be unhappy to hear about it, if he ever does. 689856;1401133106;asciilifeform;where is it written that these folks can't enjoy chumpatronics at home while off the clock 689857;1401133111;mircea_popescu;^ 689858;1401133134;fluffypony;ok wait, so by day he's a beauty magazine editor 689859;1401133139;mircea_popescu;no. 689860;1401133143;mircea_popescu;he just fucks one. 689861;1401133145;mircea_popescu;like we all do. 689862;1401133146;fluffypony;by night he's a CIA agent cum Freemasoner 689863;1401133154;fluffypony;and on weekends he mines altcoins on his GPU rigs 689864;1401133171;mircea_popescu;they had an info thing about bitcoin that was widely disseminated 689865;1401133182;mircea_popescu;which is how most agents heard of bitcoin, and why they think its cool. 689866;1401133187;punkman;fluffypony, probably should have censored your pastebin 689867;1401133187;mircea_popescu;the ones that can still think at least. 689868;1401133199;fluffypony;punkman: why? 689869;1401133205;fluffypony;I don't live in the USA 689870;1401133206;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1000 @ 0.00010231 = 0.1023 BTC [-] {2} 689871;1401133207;fluffypony;and even if I did 689872;1401133210;fluffypony;it's a cox.net email 689873;1401133212;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: office has all the opsec of a chicken coop << funnily, i live a few km from a masterfully camouflaged, unregistered chicken coop. 689874;1401133217;mircea_popescu;well cause the poor customer is innocent here. 689875;1401133220;fluffypony;if it was from @cia.gov it would be different 689876;1401133243;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, o, they're illegal there ? 689877;1401133255;punkman;fluffypony: you shouldn't be leaking customer names on principle 689878;1401133255;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: they're usually forbidden in 'residential' zone. 689879;1401133256;decimation;asciilifeform, I have friends in PG county who had nearly the same thing happen to them - tree roots in the sewer line. It was in one of the "Levittown" areas built out in the 60's 689880;1401133272;asciilifeform;decimation: exactly this 689881;1401133292;fluffypony;punkman: if it was a scammer, I'd put his info up on the interwebs without hesitation. This guy is borderline, so he gets borderline dox. 689882;1401133296;decimation;you can learn much about American "progress" by touring the old suburbs of Washington 689883;1401133310;mircea_popescu;fluffypony, how is he a scammer at all ? 689884;1401133315;decimation;homes in the Levittown are small with big lots. New homes are huge with small lots 689885;1401133322;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: he tried to chargeback after it shipped 689886;1401133336;fluffypony;only because of his stupidity and unfamiliarity with the PayPal process did it lapse and close 689887;1401133337;mircea_popescu;oh 689888;1401133339;benkay; fluffypony: Electrum server isn't SPV. it's SPV-like <<< ahahaha this has just summarized the mental capacity of bitcoin coder ppls. yes, exactly. the code isn't working, it's working-like. // i wept 689889;1401133370;fluffypony;if he was just innocent and everything was all hunkery-dorkery I would chuckle at the Sekrit Ajint thing and move on 689890;1401133386;fluffypony;but coupled with the PayPal thing it was just laughable 689891;1401133398;mircea_popescu;i see where you're comin' from 689892;1401133466;fluffypony;he's ALSO the guy that told us he was in charge of the 8th largest magazine in the world 689893;1401133485;mircea_popescu;so you found the next trendon. 689894;1401133494;fluffypony;when we tried to reach out to him to resolve the PP dispute 689895;1401133527;fluffypony;"I run the 8th largest magazine in the world" 689896;1401133532;fluffypony;straight out of the proverbial horse's mouth 689897;1401133561;fluffypony;and just FYI 689898;1401133562;fluffypony;it's this guy 689899;1401133563;fluffypony;https://www.facebook.com/RunwayChief 689900;1401133581;fluffypony;such sekrit ajint. much CIA. wow. 689901;1401133635;mircea_popescu;aok 689902;1401133673;mircea_popescu;meanwhile among the retarded, https://twitter.com/Mircea_Popescu/status/471014639275626496 689903;1401133674;assbot;Ahaha funniest shit I saw all week. Hey noobster, /hashtag/Bitcoin?src=hash IS ALL ABOUT PRIVILEGE. /aantonop @30somethingST Examine your privilege 689904;1401133755;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1000 @ 0.00010231 = 0.1023 BTC [-] 689905;1401133782;fluffypony;what is 30somethingST? 689906;1401133792;mircea_popescu;no idea. 689907;1401133858;decimation;mircea_popescu: re: residence location: The quality of humanity surrounding your residence is far more important than the quality of the streets and infrastructure 689908;1401133981;mircea_popescu;the latter is directly measurable 689909;1401134001;decimation;well, the latter is a direct consequence of the former as well 689910;1401134019;mircea_popescu;"The fact that Bitcoins followers deeply oppose this sort of aggressive government action explains why their aspirations to building a universal currency arent working." 689911;1401134030;mircea_popescu;arrogant 20something fuckwit.... 689912;1401134043;mircea_popescu;anyway, i invited her over, curious what comes of this. 689913;1401134132;pankkake;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=626175.0 689914;1401134133;assbot;[ANN]open business economics (taking crypto to a new level)IPO 689915;1401134134;mircea_popescu;holy shit i nearly caugfht up on logs omfg i feel so accomplished now 689916;1401134215;mircea_popescu;!up justusranvier 689917;1401134229;mircea_popescu;did you get banned off the power rangers lists yet ? 689918;1401134282;mircea_popescu;jurov: paymum << noit a bad name :D 689919;1401134405;mircea_popescu;pankkake: :( specifiying bets is hard << you telling me. 689920;1401134420;mircea_popescu;and i nthe bc.net case, isn't davout actually invested on the no side ? 689921;1401134469;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla: just saying that "go to the url and login and see if it works" is shitty argument << well ok, but would the pron site allow you to withdraw your bc balances too ?! 689922;1401134508;kakobrekla;depends, yes on this one http://i.imgur.com/0TRfa2l.png 689923;1401134512;kakobrekla;brb 689924;1401134513;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla: plain or rich text? << ahaha a new standard is born 689925;1401134517;mircea_popescu;100kb/day of rich text! 689926;1401135104;decimation;bitcoin will stand or fail on its own merits - it doesn't matter if "followers oppose actions" 689927;1401135158;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25850 @ 0.00082392 = 21.2983 BTC [-] 689928;1401135361;benkay;mircea_popescu: do you plan to incorporate anything in b.a.? 689929;1401135434;BingoBoingo;benkay: I imagine he's incorporating more steak into his mouth. 689930;1401135461;mircea_popescu;benkay, yep. hiring a lawyer tomorrow. 689931;1401135471;mircea_popescu;decimation, word. 689932;1401135490;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, you should see these steaks. new york never had such steak in the past decade. 689933;1401135497;mircea_popescu;!up phtest 689934;1401135543;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: My impression of Argentina is that it in reality is what people imagine the better aspects of Texas to be. 689935;1401135547;benkay;mircea_popescu: i'm interested to hear about what the challenges are down there 689936;1401135555;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, you're not even very far off. 689937;1401135556;benkay; mircea_popescu: My impression of Argentina is that it in reality is what people imagine the better aspects of Texas to be. // it's true! 689938;1401135567;mircea_popescu;benkay, there are no challenges other than being poor. 689939;1401135581;benkay;myeah that old thing 689940;1401135604;decimation;http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16500874 "The proportions of trans 18:1 and n-6 FA were higher (P<0.001) for both grain-fed beef groups than grass-fed beef. Data from the present study show that grain feeding decreases functional lipid components (long chain n-3 FA and CLA) in Australian beef regardless of meat cuts, while increasing total trans 18:1 and saturated FA levels." 689941;1401135605;assbot;Effect of feeding systems on omega-3 fa... [Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2006] - PubMed - NCBI 689942;1401135624;decimation;grass fed cows are healthy; produce healthy meat 689943;1401135631;asciilifeform;world's smallest cat (oncifelis guigna) is said to live in argentina. 689944;1401135636;mircea_popescu;anyway, im definitely staying, everyone start saving for next year's conference. i got the hotel, it's a pleasure. you're all getting apartments even! and superb restaurants and everything. 689945;1401135641;mircea_popescu;3rd conf will be best conf yet. 689946;1401135648;BingoBoingo;It's like these derps never heard of BitBet http://www.coindesk.com/bitcoins-predict-future/ 689947;1401135649;assbot;Can Bitcoin Help Predict the Future? 689948;1401135651;mircea_popescu;!up bitstein 689949;1401135665;phtest;Hi. Thanks MP for giving me voice. Just lurking for now :) 689950;1401135678;mircea_popescu;phtest, enjoy. who're you again ? 689951;1401135690;phtest;Nobody ... 689952;1401135694;mircea_popescu;aok 689953;1401135707;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 34 @ 0.0045734 = 0.1555 BTC [+] 689954;1401135747;pankkake;decimation: why the sudden paleo propaganda? :) 689955;1401135758;mircea_popescu;punkman: tourist idiots like to rent them around here, then they end up in a ditch with broken legs << word. 689956;1401135793;BingoBoingo;http://www.fda.gov/ForIndustry/DataStandards/StructuredProductLabeling/ucm162541.htm 689957;1401135793;assbot;Flavor 689958;1401135823;BingoBoingo;The list of FDA approved drug flavorings 689959;1401135851;decimation;Hey I'm not saying that you have to eat paleo. But all things being equal, it's probably better to eat a cow who ate grass instead of one who was fed grain in a cage 689960;1401135881;decimation;for more obvious health news: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/05/140521180012.htm walking is healthy, even for old fat derps with heart disease 689961;1401135882;assbot;Peripheral artery disease: Home-based walking program eases clogged leg arteries -- ScienceDaily 689962;1401135882;pankkake;I eat paleo, I just wondered why the link from 2006 apparently 689963;1401135926;decimation;I suspect that Argentinian beef is more likely to be raised free-range than on a feedlot, but I could be wrong 689964;1401135933;pankkake;I now walk 1 hour a day, used to be 0, spent half my day in bed for months 689965;1401135938;pankkake;my feet hurt 689966;1401135960;mircea_popescu;i walked 18 of the past 48 hours. 689967;1401135967;decimation;I find good shoes and socks are a requirement for pain free walking 689968;1401135967;mircea_popescu;slept like 10. 689969;1401135972;pankkake;nice 689970;1401135987;mircea_popescu;everything hurts. do you know what i do ? i fucking ignore them. 689971;1401135999;BingoBoingo;Much derp: Facebook, social, moving the decimal point http://www.coindesk.com/facebook-integrated-wallet-makes-sending-bitcoin-easy-messaging/ 689972;1401136000;assbot;Facebook-Integrated Wallet Makes Sending Bitcoin as Easy as Messaging 689973;1401136041;pankkake;at that point in my life, pain is just some random information :/ I'm bene gesserit level 689974;1401136060;mircea_popescu;lol wd. 689975;1401136086;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: walked 18 of the past 48 hours << lol, same! 689976;1401136124;mircea_popescu;it keeps a body younmg 689977;1401136223;decimation;Mircea you should move back to new zealand, healthy food, relatively unpopulated 689978;1401136239;decimation;true there's horrible earthquakes, but the people rebuild pretty quickly apparently 689979;1401136240;pankkake;does it have kangaroos? 689980;1401136249;decimation;no, but it does have flightless birds 689981;1401136256;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.0975 = 0.195 BTC [+] 689982;1401136317;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [BLISS] 5 @ 0.038 = 0.19 BTC 689983;1401136349;fluffypony;decimation: it also has the All Blacks 689984;1401136355;fluffypony;which I think is reason enough not to move there 689985;1401136475;mircea_popescu;i never was in nz tho ? 689986;1401136496;fluffypony;maybe he misunderstood the Christchurch, NZ comment 689987;1401136512;mircea_popescu;yeah. nz was an option i didn't take 689988;1401136561;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIF] 1000 @ 0.0001663 = 0.1663 BTC [+] 689989;1401136566;fluffypony;yeah, and once you move to South Africa you won't want to leave 689990;1401136584;fluffypony;now if only BitBet allowed longer bets 689991;1401136596;fluffypony;"MP to move to South Africa before May 26th, 2024" 689992;1401136805;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2650 @ 0.00082392 = 2.1834 BTC [-] 689993;1401136898;decimation;I thought you had scouted Christchurch before settling in Romania, or perhaps it was only by spreadsheet 689994;1401137222;jurov;http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-05-16/where-worlds-unsold-cars-go-die 689995;1401137222;assbot;Where the World's Unsold Cars Go To Die | Zero Hedge 689996;1401137409;jurov;!up cads 689997;1401137416;jurov;!up turbo_ac100 689998;1401137460;turbo_ac100;jurov: are you upping the lazy?# 689999;1401137473;jurov;just procrastinating 690000;1401137503;BingoBoingo;jurov: http://jalopnik.com/that-zero-hedge-article-on-unsold-cars-is-bullshit-1578124255 690001;1401137504;assbot;That Zero Hedge Article On Unsold Cars Is Bullshit 690002;1401137512;BingoBoingo;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-05-2014#681363 690003;1401137513;assbot;#bitcoin-assets log 690004;1401137538;turbo_ac100;I'm debugging sound in fuckin manjaro. It's a disgrace... So 2000 :/ 690005;1401137655;BingoBoingo;Well I've done test installs of OpenBSD on my machines. Only unsupported hardware is the wifi card in the laptop I'm on now. 690006;1401137749;turbo_ac100;A new notebook I recon? 690007;1401137835;BingoBoingo;turbo_ac100: No, a X120e, 2011 model Lenovo 690008;1401137860;BingoBoingo;Even the GPU works 690009;1401137977;BingoBoingo;The fucking AMD GPU works, but not the onboard realtek RTL8188CE 690010;1401138020;BingoBoingo;Apparently the USB version of this chipset works spectacularly. Just not the mini-pcie card. 690011;1401138147;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.0975 = 0.2925 BTC [+] 690012;1401138231;mircea_popescu;;;later tell decimation it was by advance party. like i do these things/ 690013;1401138231;gribble;The operation succeeded. 690014;1401138260;mircea_popescu;lenovo is the sux 690015;1401138382;BingoBoingo;The build is durable. It is really all I ask for in a portable machine. 690016;1401138432;mircea_popescu;durable it is yea. not great for compatibility issues, tho. 690017;1401138440;mircea_popescu;meanwhile on twitter, https://twitter.com/Mircea_Popescu/status/471034471358414848 690018;1401138441;assbot;Ahaha funniest shit I saw all week. Hey noobster, /hashtag/Bitcoin?src=hash IS ALL ABOUT PRIVILEGE. /aantonop @30somethingST Examine your privilege 690019;1401138453;mircea_popescu;and im out for the partying now. bbs. 690020;1401138657;BingoBoingo;This is the first portable where when the battery life became unbearably short I actually ponied up for a new OEM battery. 690021;1401139245;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9900 @ 0.00082018 = 8.1198 BTC [-] 690022;1401139364;Mats_cd03;mircea_popescu: nope. i should start a blog 690023;1401139410;Mats_cd03;BingoBoingo: theres just something about the design thats timeless 690024;1401139467;BingoBoingo;Mats_cd03: One of my favorite parts when lugging it around campus was it's theft deterrent design. 690025;1401139472;Mats_cd03;even the clit, which is aggravating even when the stars are aligned 690026;1401139893;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: realtek is an infamous turdmeister 690027;1401139987;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Yeah. In 2011 I was ignorant and didn't know to look. 690028;1401140010;asciilifeform;not that you can easily obtain a laptop without it 690029;1401140039;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 50 @ 0.00458512 = 0.2293 BTC [+] 690030;1401140127;BingoBoingo;I think I might get a usb dongle. 690031;1401140144;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: usb lan is hell on the cpu 690032;1401140159;pankkake;it's what I did with my thinkpad… got a realtek usb that worked much better than the realtek pci-e on linux 690033;1401140179;BingoBoingo;Everything's hell on the CPU 690034;1401140213;pankkake;http://www.alfa.com.tw/products_show.php?pc=34&ps=92 that thing. it's hungry in every way 690035;1401140214;assbot;500 Internal Server Error 690036;1401140239;asciilifeform;pankkake: aha, famous 'wardriving' classic 690037;1401140260;asciilifeform;seems like everyone i know owns one 690038;1401140261;pankkake;yeah. it works really well. also bought a big-ass antenna 690039;1401140303;fluffypony;I have two, but yeah, not very battery friendly 690040;1401140325;fluffypony;but back-in-the-days it was *the* promiscuous wifi dongle to have 690041;1401140343;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MG] 19698 @ 0.00009939 = 1.9578 BTC [-] 690042;1401140464;BingoBoingo;http://news.slashdot.org/story/14/05/26/1922207/organic-cat-litter-may-have-caused-nuclear-waste-accident 690043;1401140466;assbot;Organic Cat Litter May Have Caused Nuclear Waste Accident - Slashdot 690044;1401140527;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2000 @ 0.00082047 = 1.6409 BTC [+] 690045;1401140545;penguirker;New blog post: http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2014/05/26/isnt-it-beautiful/ 690046;1401140548;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: reminds me of a time when i stowed some stuff in plastic garbage bags, then discovered they were... biodegradable. turned to astonishing quantity of dust. when vacuuming old flat, found fragments - years after the fact. 690047;1401140588;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 90 @ 0.0045869 = 0.4128 BTC [+] 690048;1401140620;BingoBoingo;Ah, when I was living in Missouri I learned that scorpions apparently love settling in cardboard. 690049;1401140679;benkay;what's the browser, BingoBoingo ? 690050;1401140707;BingoBoingo;benkay: Lynx 690051;1401140710;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 20 @ 0.46070011 = 9.214 BTC [-] {2} 690052;1401140729;pankkake;I always test my websites under lynx 690053;1401140752;BingoBoingo;I consider it target #1 for web design 690054;1401140771;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1000 @ 0.00082047 = 0.8205 BTC [+] 690055;1401140771;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1040 @ 0.00418236 = 4.3497 BTC [-] {28} 690056;1401140947;fluffypony;links, plx. 690057;1401141019;BingoBoingo;fluffypony: penguirker should have you covered 690058;1401141040;fluffypony;I meant Links the browser 690059;1401141068;pankkake;what about w3m! 690060;1401141142;BingoBoingo;fluffypony: I dunno what you are running. Just install it and behold the glory. 690061;1401141146;fluffypony;http://links.twibright.com 690062;1401141146;assbot;Twibright Labs: Links 690063;1401141785;dub;links just adds porn to lynx 690064;1401141864;fluffypony;dub: ed zachery 690065;1401142171;asciilifeform;i get up for half hour and now 'lynx' is news! 690066;1401142173;asciilifeform;lol 690067;1401142174;assbot;[MPEX] [FN] [F.MPIF] 1500 @ 0.00021726 = 0.3259 BTC [+] 690068;1401142296;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 19 @ 0.48965382 = 9.3034 BTC [+] {8} 690069;1401142477;benkay;everything old is new again 690070;1401142478;benkay;hipsters 690071;1401142479;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.0385 = 0.385 BTC [-] 690072;1401142482;benkay;lynx 690073;1401142484;benkay;common lisp 690074;1401142486;benkay;forth 690075;1401142490;benkay;emacs 690076;1401142492;benkay;gpg 690077;1401142513;kakobrekla;even funckin irc is old. 690078;1401142522;asciilifeform;wonder if everybody who grew up in '90s thought, as i did, 'i didn't sign up to be a classicist damnit' 690079;1401142575;asciilifeform;in vernor vinge's 'fire upon the deep' sf universe, there is a profession of 'software archaeologist' 690080;1401142631;Duffer1;one of my favorite books 690081;1401142641;Duffer1;deepness in the sky was a bit better imo 690082;1401143019;benkay;some days software archaeology is all i do 690083;1401143093;benkay;cost for maintenance of legacy systems starts at 2x the greenfield rate with another factor proportionate to the number of lines of code, another proportionate to number of servers involved, and a third proportionate to how deep the clients pockets are. 690084;1401143150;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 67 @ 0.00236 = 0.1581 BTC [+] {2} 690085;1401143171;bitcoinpete;ahoy 690086;1401143193;bitcoinpete;davout: meanwhile, dotcoin is getting buttraepd << schweetest news today 690087;1401143226;pankkake;where? 690088;1401143240;davout;well, he's in "scheduled maintenance" 690089;1401143255;davout;but somehow has forgotten to schedule an "end of maintenance" :D 690090;1401143275;davout;imma read some bitcoin news in the meantime 690091;1401143278;benkay;"oops sorry hacked" 690092;1401143294;benkay;i can't believe you people read bitcoin news instead of wsj or something 690093;1401143302;benkay;and the forums etc 690094;1401143305;bitcoinpete;benkay: lol 690095;1401143328;bitcoinpete;ya, wsj blogs are even free 690096;1401143367;bitcoinpete;http://www.mises.org/daily/6759/Inside-Venices-Secession-Movement 690097;1401143367;assbot;Inside Venices Secession Movement - Paolo Bernardini - Mises Daily 690098;1401143580;bitcoinpete;from that coinomat tard: "Bitcoin community can be considered a community of accredited investors after all" 690099;1401143598;bitcoinpete;this line of thinking has caused untold butthurt 690100;1401143623;bitcoinpete;and will continue to until such time as some humble pie is gobbled 690101;1401143716;bitcoinpete;also left coinomat a comment, pending... 690102;1401143821;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26450 @ 0.00081899 = 21.6623 BTC [-] {3} 690103;1401144004;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4000 @ 0.00082047 = 3.2819 BTC [+] 690104;1401144310;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.0975 = 0.195 BTC [+] 690105;1401144513;bloctoc;looking for eve online war logs to see if there is any relevance to mpoe price. 690106;1401144643;Mats_cd03;BingoBoingo: I was at leonard wood for a few years...theres a good reason the state is a homophone for misery. Endless days of 90-105F in the summer at 95% humidity...couldn't be worse than hell 690107;1401144980;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17730 @ 0.00082047 = 14.5469 BTC [+] 690108;1401144980;Mats_cd03;Tornados though, those are cool. Saw a few touch down and wreck rows of homes...i made a special effort to see it, nevar forget 690109;1401145102;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.49728362 = 0.9946 BTC [+] {2} 690110;1401145341;Mats_cd03;but seriously that humidity. sucks the moisture out of your body in minutes. i normally consumed a quart of water each hour the sun was up when doin field exercises... still pissed bright yellow 690111;1401145817;BingoBoingo;Mats_cd03: There are enjoyable places in Missouri like Columbia, but yes the weather sucks through the whole state. 690112;1401145834;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 40 @ 0.00410053 = 0.164 BTC [-] {2} 690113;1401145843;BingoBoingo;Incapable of being hot and dry. 690114;1401146351;bitcoinpete;https://ca.news.yahoo.com/blogs/good-news/mourning-goat-reunited-best-friend-ends-hunger-strike-163550205.html 690115;1401146353;assbot;Depressed goat is reunited with best friend, ends hunger strike | Good News - Yahoo News Canada 690116;1401146382;bitcoinpete;5th most popular article on ynews... 690117;1401146383;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.49799957 BTC [+] 690118;1401146625;BingoBoingo;http://deadspin.com/5984350/the-coming-war-a-military-doctors-field-guide-to-masturbating-in-afghanistan/1581636015/+deadspineditors 690119;1401146626;assbot;A Combat Doctor's Field Guide To Masturbating In Afghanistan 690120;1401146966;bitcoinpete;lol @ darkcoin 690121;1401146968;bitcoinpete;https://twitter.com/zedomax/status/471058660307656704 690122;1401146969;assbot;/hashtag/darkcoin?src=hash frozen on both cryptsy & mintpal, once fork issue is fixed price should rally again so don't worry and HOLD. 690123;1401146995;bitcoinpete;down 22% today 690124;1401147003;bitcoinpete;21.32%... 690125;1401147136;Apocalyptic;the loltron at its best 690126;1401147296;BingoBoingo;http://valleywag.gawker.com/rap-genius-cofounder-resigns-over-comments-on-elliot-ro-1581741873/+gabriellebluestone 690127;1401147296;assbot;Rap Genius Cofounder Resigns Over Comments On Elliot Rodger Manifesto 690128;1401147529;mircea_popescu;hola 690129;1401147563;Apocalyptic;hey mircea 690130;1401147634;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu moved to jupiter, not .ar! 690131;1401147635;mircea_popescu;que pasa 690132;1401147648;asciilifeform;already slept, woke, slept... 690133;1401147657;mircea_popescu;lol. the interwebs are just dubious, tis not jupiter tho 690134;1401147661;mircea_popescu;jupiterrible. 690135;1401147726;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.0975 = 0.975 BTC [+] 690136;1401147793;mircea_popescu; even the clit, which is aggravating even when the stars are aligned << wait what ? the C.L.I.T. ? 690137;1401147806;asciilifeform;the thinkpad one i assume 690138;1401148007;mircea_popescu;;;google "we are the masters of the clit. i made that shit work" 690139;1401148008;gribble;Jay and Silent Bob - Clit Commander - YouTube: ; The Clit Commander - YouTube: ; clit master - YouTube: 690140;1401148125;mircea_popescu; looking for eve online war logs to see if there is any relevance to mpoe price. << now that's diggin' deep. 690141;1401148216;asciilifeform;http://io9.com/these-radio-frequency-blocking-clothes-will-keep-you-of-1579481611 690142;1401148216;assbot;These Radio Frequency-Blocking Clothes Will Keep You Off The Grid 690143;1401148230;asciilifeform;^ linked from the 'masturbate in afghanistan' site 690144;1401148236;asciilifeform;i immediately recognized the cloth 690145;1401148249;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, "The Ebay/Paypal breech" you mean braach ? 690146;1401148250;asciilifeform;it's silver-impregnated silk, etc. there is, afaik, only one manufacturer 690147;1401148269;asciilifeform;i've bought from them. (comfy eeg electrode pads to sleep in) 690148;1401148272;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Sure 690149;1401148288;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: You do your own sleep studies? 690150;1401148298;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: did. 690151;1401148363;bloctoc;mircea_popescu I'm not looking for statistical significance or anything, just wanted to see if a biggish price drop happened after a big battle was lost. 690152;1401148397;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6450 @ 0.00081623 = 5.2647 BTC [-] {2} 690153;1401148401;BingoBoingo;bloctoc: 1BTC never really gamed that way. 690154;1401148458;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1450 @ 0.000815 = 1.1818 BTC [-] 690155;1401148463;bloctoc;are they wussies? 690156;1401148509;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, they lend plex out i hear 690157;1401148532;bloctoc;don't answer that wussies thing. I vow to stop trolling 690158;1401148583;bloctoc;but it sounds like 1BTC doesn't affect the price of mpoe? 690159;1401148646;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: I'd have to get the client installed again, might be a while 690160;1401148681;mircea_popescu;bloctoc, likely not 690161;1401148746;BingoBoingo;I have to say shares of 1BTC were one of my better investing decisions. 690162;1401148763;assbot;[MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 155 @ 0.00250926 = 0.3889 BTC [+] 690163;1401148869;mircea_popescu;so apparently the food problem has gotten so bad in the us, the current generation of kids may be the first in human history not to outlive their parents. 690164;1401148885;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.49799957 BTC [+] 690165;1401148902;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the ww1 folks didn't outlive much of anyone 690166;1401148921;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: They aren't dying from starvation though. 690167;1401148935;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: usians aren't either 690168;1401149001;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Of course it's the experiment in how long can a population be sustained on a food simulacrula 690169;1401149017;asciilifeform;'eat recycled food! it's good for the environment - and ok for you!' 690170;1401149028;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, actually, they did, yeah. 690171;1401149038;mircea_popescu;ww1 casualties weren't that important, a paltry 100k ? 690172;1401149143;*;asciilifeform searches head for the three or four known promising physics folks who got zapped in ww1 in their twenties 690173;1401149170;mircea_popescu;different argument that. 690174;1401149174;asciilifeform;well yes 690175;1401149179;mircea_popescu;i could find good painters that drunk themselves silly 690176;1401149185;asciilifeform;but the 100k included a good chunk of a generation. 690177;1401149202;mircea_popescu;why, because the us consisted of ohio and vermont back then or what 690178;1401149340;mircea_popescu;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BolzycLCUAAN7Ya.jpg 690179;1401149436;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this used to be a major chumpatron in usa. in fact, not long ago, in restaurant, i saw a tv showing a 'we help you patent your Invention 111!11!' ad. 690180;1401149446;asciilifeform;not entirely extinct, even now. 690181;1401149464;mircea_popescu;sorta like "we help your daughter be a movie star" ? 690182;1401149469;asciilifeform;exactly like. 690183;1401149481;asciilifeform;or the innumerable 'self-publish' scams, around the world 690184;1401149629;mircea_popescu;i reclal a great write-up of the self publish scam as practiced in 1800s paris 690185;1401149800;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4270 @ 0.00082047 = 3.5034 BTC [+] 690186;1401149802;mircea_popescu;http://www.theatlantic.com/features/archive/2014/05/the-case-for-reparations/361631/ 690187;1401149802;assbot;The Case for Reparations - The Atlantic 690188;1401149809;mircea_popescu;im so gonna lol when this finally happens 690189;1401149814;mircea_popescu;doesn't seem there's much matter of "if" 690190;1401150292;bitcoinpete;mircea_popescu: doesn't look like princessnell made it in, but maybe you can shed some light on our previous debate, re: buddha, purpose, bacteria 690191;1401150404;mircea_popescu;go on 690192;1401150725;bitcoinpete;mircea_popescu: sorry, i barely know where to start. maybe i need to go for a walk or something... 690193;1401150748;mircea_popescu;i guess it shall be a mystery for another day! 690194;1401150776;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.0975 = 0.975 BTC [+] 690195;1401150778;bitcoinpete;lol a ok maybe you can expand on this "life doesn't have purpose" theory? 690196;1401150851;mircea_popescu;how does one expand on a negative. 690197;1401150929;bitcoinpete;well met. i suppose it's up to me to prove that it does 690198;1401151007;bitcoinpete;and i would say that our purpose is self-ascribed 690199;1401151032;bitcoinpete;in that we rationalize our actions and behaviours 690200;1401151060;bitcoinpete;we give ourselves purpose, ultimately 690201;1401151076;bitcoinpete;this is adequate in our own minds, at the very least 690202;1401151080;mircea_popescu;so then there's the point. this is not economy, this is politicsa 690203;1401151087;mircea_popescu;or, depending how far one takes it, religion. 690204;1401151103;mircea_popescu;granted that distinction is rarely straightforward. 690205;1401151155;bitcoinpete;both religion and politics inform economy 690206;1401151171;bitcoinpete;so our perceived purpose does as well 690207;1401151193;mircea_popescu;"inform", what's that mean ? 690208;1401151232;bitcoinpete;they define economy's boundaries 690209;1401151236;bitcoinpete;maybe lol 690210;1401151238;mircea_popescu;nope. 690211;1401151246;mircea_popescu;vice-versa. 690212;1401151272;mircea_popescu;both the new and the old testament read the way they read because of the constraints economy imposed 690213;1401151283;mircea_popescu;otherwise, economy is unconstrainable. 690214;1401151370;bitcoinpete;so the old testament was all metaphorical because the economy was equally nebulous? 690215;1401151400;bitcoinpete;or the economy has that many layers? 690216;1401151415;bitcoinpete;had* 690217;1401151498;mircea_popescu;poorly understood, i guess. 690218;1401151508;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [BLISS] 5 @ 0.038 = 0.19 BTC 690219;1401151521;mircea_popescu;people had relatively little practice to it. i guess to the bright mind of 2000 bc, economy generally was a sort of bitcoin. 690220;1401151608;bitcoinpete;heh neat idea, that 690221;1401151630;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50150 @ 0.0008261 = 41.4289 BTC [+] {2} 690222;1401151804;BingoBoingo;http://tech.slashdot.org/story/14/05/26/2316248/phk-http-20-should-be-scrapped 690223;1401151804;assbot;PHK: HTTP 2.0 Should Be Scrapped - Slashdot 690224;1401151869;mircea_popescu;word. 690225;1401152282;BingoBoingo;https://bitcointa.lk/index.php?topic=622965.msg5999453 690226;1401152282;assbot;help!!! withdrew from cryptsy to brianwallet.org adds, 10.7995 BTC GONE!! | Page 2 | Bitcointa.lk 690227;1401152318;mircea_popescu;lolk 690228;1401152433;bitcoinpete;o the learning 690229;1401152439;bitcoinpete;i'm out for nao. cheers 690230;1401152620;mircea_popescu;reading advice to foreigners is such a fucken riot. 690231;1401152625;mircea_popescu;"Hi--I was just in Buenos Aires last month. Here is the deal. Be careful anywhere in the country. Theifing (if that's a word) and con games with tourist is big business. Keep your personal belongings CLOSE. Nothing happened to me, but a local on the street told me i shouldn't be carrying my dlsr camera on my shoulder, and a tour guide asked the wife why she wasn't scared of having her wedding rings stolen. Please be c 690232;1401152625;mircea_popescu;areful." 690233;1401152650;mircea_popescu;"Personally , I would stay off Florida Street . period. 690234;1401152650;mircea_popescu;Hopefully someone will give you advice on where to exchange your money without risking being robbed or worse on Florida St.|= 690235;1401152690;mircea_popescu;meanwhile these people routinely buy shit from bulletproof glass windows. but that's ok, because i'ts inside THE COUNTRY 690236;1401152911;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SF1] 700 @ 0.00078005 = 0.546 BTC [-] {3} 690237;1401152972;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.0975 = 0.4875 BTC [+] 690238;1401153033;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12532 @ 0.00082265 = 10.3094 BTC [-] {2} 690239;1401153065;Mats_cd03;https://soundcloud.com/kitsune-maison/misun-eli-eli 690240;1401153065;assbot;MISUN - "Eli Eli" by Kitsune Maison on SoundCloud - Hear the worlds sounds 690241;1401153434;Mats_cd03;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5lyDlbQLp8 690242;1401153434;assbot;Monogem - Wait and See - YouTube 690243;1401153565;BingoBoingo;http://www.slate.com/blogs/atlas_obscura/2014/05/26/nepenthes_rajah_is_a_fascinating_carnivorous_pitcher_plant_in_malaysian.html 690244;1401153566;assbot;Nepenthes Rajah is a fascinating carnivorous pitcher plant in Malaysian Borneo 690245;1401153582;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24998 @ 0.00082221 = 20.5536 BTC [-] {2} 690246;1401153582;BingoBoingo;^ From the shitting where you eat department 690247;1401154010;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29400 @ 0.00082243 = 24.1794 BTC [+] {2} 690248;1401154258;Mats_cd03;more like eating where you shit 690249;1401154281;Mats_cd03;oh wait... forget it. 690250;1401154678;Mats_cd03;https://soundcloud.com/the-bob-moses/i-aint-gonna-be-the-first-to-cry 690251;1401154678;assbot;I Ain't Gonna Be The First To Cry by Bob Moses on SoundCloud - Hear the worlds sounds 690252;1401155046;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [BLISS] 8 @ 0.038 = 0.304 BTC 690253;1401155047;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26475 @ 0.00082506 = 21.8435 BTC [+] {2} 690254;1401155175;BingoBoingo;!up Vexual 690255;1401155184;BingoBoingo;Hey Vexual 690256;1401155193;Vexual;Hey 690257;1401155212;BingoBoingo;Now we got Mats_cd03 and Vexual to dj 690258;1401155334;Vexual;Tat around? 690259;1401155408;Vexual;; seen thickasthieves 690260;1401155428;Vexual;;seen thickasthieves 690261;1401155472;BingoBoingo;That's a very good question 690262;1401155473;Vexual;Gribble cruising the barrio in a hovercraft too? 690263;1401155491;BingoBoingo;I dunno. MP finally made it there though. 690264;1401155503;Vexual;Avoiding bushes with aplomb 690265;1401155521;thestringpuller;;;ticker 690266;1401155522;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 582.09, Best ask: 584.6, Bid-ask spread: 2.51000, Last trade: 582.08, 24 hour volume: 10605.92124589, 24 hour low: 570.0, 24 hour high: 593.48, 24 hour vwap: 582.067959441 690267;1401155577;Vexual;;;seen thickasthieves 690268;1401155577;gribble;thickasthieves was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 3 days, 20 hours, 59 minutes, and 2 seconds ago: that's kinda the question, it's not about the specifics 690269;1401155590;Mats_cd03;https://soundcloud.com/tropkillaz/baby-baby 690270;1401155592;assbot;BABY BABY by PKiLL on SoundCloud - Hear the worlds sounds 690271;1401155592;Vexual;Clever 690272;1401155614;thestringpuller;Argentina sounds ripe for a coup 690273;1401155797;Vexual;Whats the grog like? 690274;1401155820;Mats_cd03;https://soundcloud.com/defjam/the-roots-when-the-people 690275;1401156036;Vexual;iirc they make some decent vino 690276;1401156144;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.47205151 BTC [-] 690277;1401156156;Mats_cd03;https://soundcloud.com/wilsenmusic/wilsen-magnolia 690278;1401156157;assbot;Wilsen - "Magnolia" by Wilsen on SoundCloud - Hear the worlds sounds 690279;1401156345;thestringpuller;"Is there such a thing as an absolute, timeless enemy? There is no such thing, and never has been. And the reason is that our enemies are human beings like us." 690280;1401156371;mircea_popescu;socialism, ie, the delusion that salvation comes from the group, is and has forever been the enemy. 690281;1401156386;mircea_popescu;quite timeless, even if the idiots putting it forward are quite mortal. 690282;1401156391;mircea_popescu;their stupidity is not. 690283;1401156449;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 6 @ 0.01914232 = 0.1149 BTC [-] {6} 690284;1401156455;thestringpuller;infinite hitpoints 690285;1401156510;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 6 @ 0.0192275 = 0.1154 BTC [+] {6} 690286;1401156512;Mats_cd03;https://soundcloud.com/thatsniceofficial/miami-horror-colours-in-the-sky-thats-nice-remix 690287;1401156513;assbot;Miami Horror - Colours In The Sky (That's Nice Remix) by That's Nice (Official) on SoundCloud - Hear the worlds sounds 690288;1401156573;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.47206158 = 0.9441 BTC [+] 690289;1401156600;BingoBoingo;;;later tell moiety Reference requested and responded to today. 690290;1401156601;gribble;The operation succeeded. 690291;1401156633;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9500 @ 0.00082697 = 7.8562 BTC [+] 690292;1401156668;Vexual;Doeth bitcoin have a usenet presence? 690293;1401156673;thestringpuller;BingoBoingo: is that Bingo Blog in lynx? 690294;1401156674;thestringpuller;or something? 690295;1401156682;BingoBoingo;thestringpuller: Indeed it is 690296;1401156684;thestringpuller;re: "Isn't it beautiful" 690297;1401156686;thestringpuller;ah 690298;1401156702;BingoBoingo;Vexual: I'm not sure we've gone that retro yet. 690299;1401156704;thestringpuller;I always said a great website should be able to be rendered in lynx 690300;1401156709;thestringpuller;links 690301;1401156711;thestringpuller;or links2 690302;1401156747;BingoBoingo;thestringpuller: It's just the default package for lynx in the Debian repository 690303;1401156811;thestringpuller;;;seen Bugpowder 690304;1401156811;gribble;Bugpowder was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 11 weeks, 3 days, 23 hours, 49 minutes, and 58 seconds ago: Whee... http://p2pfoundation.ning.com/profile/SatoshiNakamoto 690305;1401156822;mircea_popescu;;;ticker 690306;1401156823;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 584.5, Best ask: 586.89, Bid-ask spread: 2.39000, Last trade: 586.7, 24 hour volume: 8872.51818826, 24 hour low: 570.0, 24 hour high: 593.48, 24 hour vwap: 583.746665569 690307;1401156905;mircea_popescu;;;calc 583*11.5 690308;1401156905;gribble;6704.5 690309;1401156971;Vexual;Buying a hovercraft? 690310;1401156998;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 9 @ 0.0308 = 0.2772 BTC [-] 690311;1401157006;mircea_popescu;full of eelz. 690312;1401157028;BingoBoingo;!up Vexual 690313;1401157047;thestringpuller;;;gettrust assbot Vexual 690314;1401157048;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user Vexual: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=Vexual | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=Vexual | Rated since: never 690315;1401157052;Vexual;Ty 0.5 hr is never enough 690316;1401157068;thestringpuller;you're not in wot yet? 690317;1401157109;Vexual;Yeah yeah. I don't do much any biz that needs it 690318;1401157119;thestringpuller;understandable 690319;1401157181;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 3000 @ 0.00010231 = 0.3069 BTC [-] 690320;1401157182;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 25 @ 0.019228 = 0.4807 BTC [+] 690321;1401157241;mircea_popescu;;;sell 1 BTC at 6700 "A$ - Argentine Pesos" No fractions, multiples ok. 690322;1401157241;gribble;Order id 20627 created. 690323;1401157242;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.0975 = 0.2925 BTC [+] 690324;1401157250;mircea_popescu;;;view 20627 690325;1401157252;gribble;#20627 Mon May 26 22:20:22 2014 mircea_popescu SELL 1.0 BTC @ 6700 A$ - Argentine Pesos (No fractions, multiples ok.) 690326;1401157300;Vexual;Mmm bbq 690327;1401157364;thestringpuller;hmm 690328;1401157580;Vexual;This is what is known as otc? 690329;1401157650;thestringpuller;yea 690330;1401157653;thestringpuller;works sometimes 690331;1401157974;Vexual;;;seen KRS1 690332;1401157975;gribble;KRS1 was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 10 weeks, 4 days, 3 hours, 43 minutes, and 32 seconds ago: alum melts easily 690333;1401158035;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7341 @ 0.00082562 = 6.0609 BTC [-] {2} 690334;1401158037;Vexual;Balls deep in swamp. Sysops have all the fun 690335;1401158054;Mats_cd03;wat 690336;1401158096;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8009 @ 0.0008202 = 6.569 BTC [-] 690337;1401158121;penguirker;New blog post: http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2014/05/26/playing-with-the-look-again/ 690338;1401158638;BingoBoingo;!up Vexual 690339;1401158737;thestringpuller;Vexual: is chatting from a phone? 690340;1401158739;thestringpuller;or tablet... 690341;1401158784;Vexual;Yeah 690342;1401158809;thestringpuller;Android Chat lol 690343;1401158825;Vexual;Borkomatic 690344;1401158881;Vexual;Wheres the discussion on buddha? 690345;1401158891;thestringpuller;wherefore? 690346;1401158894;Vexual;Et all 690347;1401158950;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23364 @ 0.00082726 = 19.3281 BTC [+] {3} 690348;1401158953;Vexual;Did I miss the point? 690349;1401159145;BingoBoingo;I dunno that they made it far enough to have a point 690350;1401159152;BingoBoingo;!up Vexual 690351;1401159221;Vexual;As far as I know he was a well fed kid that sat under a tree until he was thinner 690352;1401159378;Vexual;Youtube was shit back then 690353;1401159590;BingoBoingo;Yeah 690354;1401159804;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [BLISS] 20 @ 0.038 = 0.76 BTC 690355;1401159805;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23191 @ 0.0008202 = 19.0213 BTC [-] 690356;1401159961;thestringpuller;!up Vexual 690357;1401160010;Vexual;Id be interested to hear what mp knows about buddha 690358;1401160028;mircea_popescu;was there a bitcoin buddha yet ? 690359;1401160051;Vexual;Not that ive heard of 690360;1401160094;mircea_popescu;odd 690361;1401160095;Vexual;Unless we expand the scope of the etymology 690362;1401160173;Vexual;;;ug bitcoin buddha 690363;1401160173;gribble;Error: "ug" is not a valid command. 690364;1401160180;Vexual;Ug 690365;1401160208;Vexual;How to gribble google? 690366;1401160253;BingoBoingo;;;google bitcoin buddah 690367;1401160254;gribble;Bitcoin Cannabis Seeds | Big Buddah Marijuana Seeds for Bitcoin: ; Big Buddah Seeds - Cannabis Seeds for Bitcoin: ; Nirvana - Cannabis Seeds for Bitcoin: 690368;1401160265;BingoBoingo;;;ud jew 690369;1401160266;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=jew | jew. 1. Someone who practices Judaism. 2. Derogatory term for someone tight with their money or someone not very generous. 1. Kyle from southpark is a Jew 690370;1401160288;BingoBoingo;;;ud mohel 690371;1401160289;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=mohel | Apr 26, 2005 ... wang cutter. one who uses an old stone to perform a circumcision at a jewish keg party. beware the mohel. 690372;1401160579;Vexual;;;google bitcoin muhammat 690373;1401160580;gribble;MUHAMMAD ATEEQ EJAZ - Ruby On Rails Expert Spree ... - oDesk: ; The Benefits of Bitcoin - Forbes: ; How Coinbase Wants to Secure Your Bitcoin and Revolutionize E ...: 690374;1401160719;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 25 @ 0.03809948 = 0.9525 BTC [-] {4} 690375;1401160884;BingoBoingo;!up Vexual 690376;1401161088;Vexual;;; google butternuts 690377;1401161089;gribble;Butternuts Beer & Ale: ; Butternut - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Butternut - Wikipedia: 690378;1401161112;Vexual;Oh google 690379;1401161166;Vexual;;;google butternuts figjam 690380;1401161166;gribble;Prosciutto, Goat Cheese and Fig Jam on an Eggnog/Butternut Crust: ; stuffed butternut squash | Fig Jam and Lime Cordial: ; Bits and Pieces | Fig Jam and Lime Cordial: 690381;1401161305;Vexual;.bait 690382;1401161306;Vexual;.diff 690383;1401161321;thestringpuller;ozbot don't work no more 690384;1401161323;thestringpuller;unfortunately 690385;1401161333;thestringpuller;assbot needs a bait feature or something 690386;1401161337;Vexual;Ozbot is kill? 690387;1401161370;thestringpuller;Don't think ozbot is in the channel anymore 690388;1401161393;thestringpuller;yea 690389;1401161431;BingoBoingo;You can still pm ozbot 690390;1401161454;Vexual;Ah so not dead just kickd 690391;1401161456;BingoBoingo;" /msg ozbot .d .bait, .etc 690392;1401161463;thestringpuller;i think ozbot still has me on ignore 690393;1401161490;Vexual;Lol 690394;1401161512;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14750 @ 0.00082116 = 12.1121 BTC [+] {2} 690395;1401161552;thestringpuller;!ticker m f.mpif 690396;1401161552;assbot;[MPEX:F.MPIF] 1D: 0.00021726 / 0.00021726 / 0.00021726 (1529 shares, 0.33 BTC), 7D: 0.00021726 / 0.00021726 / 0.00021726 (2409 shares, 0.52 BTC), 30D: 0.000215 / 0.00021528 / 0.00021726 (1154009 shares, 248.44 BTC) 690397;1401161575;Vexual;Assbot bait would be scary 690398;1401161581;thestringpuller;lol 690399;1401161684;BingoBoingo;Oh shit, I'll have to do my mpif statement this week 690400;1401161691;thestringpuller;lolol 690401;1401161711;thestringpuller;hmm i like how the price is keeping with the nav... 690402;1401161730;Vexual;You own half the chain nao? 690403;1401161766;BingoBoingo;thestringpuller: Well I haven't reported any changes that might have happened in PC1's value since the last statement... 690404;1401161784;thestringpuller;hmm i'm more referring to april 690405;1401161819;thestringpuller;i'm just basing it on shareholder equity... 690406;1401161863;thestringpuller;;;calc 211.29665950 / 2000000 690407;1401161863;gribble;0.00010564832975 690408;1401161889;thestringpuller;;;calc ( 211.29665950 / 2000000 ) * 2 690409;1401161890;gribble;0.0002112966595 690410;1401161896;thestringpuller;interesting..... 690411;1401161976;Vexual;Whats 211 into .2m pls? 690412;1401162000;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37027 @ 0.00081585 = 30.2085 BTC [-] {5} 690413;1401162046;thestringpuller;i was trying to calculate price per share based on shareholder equity 690414;1401162077;thestringpuller;;;calc 1.85901151 / 211.29665950 690415;1401162077;gribble;0.00879811121671 690416;1401162097;BingoBoingo;Any thoughts on the blog's new background image? 690417;1401162107;BingoBoingo;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/linen2d.jpg 690418;1401162119;thestringpuller;i can't tell 690419;1401162130;thestringpuller;is it live? 690420;1401162142;BingoBoingo;Yeah 690421;1401162159;BingoBoingo;It's a subtle change 690422;1401162170;thestringpuller;Yea I can't tell. It still looks like white. 690423;1401162260;BingoBoingo;Yeah, it's just a bluish very slightly textured whitish thing nao 690424;1401162304;Vexual;I can make it better 690425;1401162309;thestringpuller;there we go 690426;1401162323;thestringpuller;could be crossed stitched a bit more 690427;1401162330;thestringpuller;but it's definitely better on the eyes 690428;1401162336;thestringpuller;than the pure white 690429;1401162366;thestringpuller;i also like the little smiley face 690430;1401162371;BingoBoingo;Yeah, the more reddish similar texture I used earlier this year was a bit much 690431;1401162418;BingoBoingo;This is something of a compromise between that and the plain white. 690432;1401162455;BingoBoingo;I'm trying to find the little smiley face 690433;1401162584;thestringpuller;one sec I"ll screen shot 690434;1401162730;thestringpuller;http://i.imgur.com/k3iLnwB.jpg?1 690435;1401162734;thestringpuller;http://i.imgur.com/k3iLnwB.jpg 690436;1401162749;thestringpuller;oh nope wow the edit vs the clipboard 690437;1401162751;thestringpuller;boo 690438;1401162775;BingoBoingo;!up Vexual 690439;1401162784;thestringpuller;but yea first one BingoBoingo 690440;1401162804;Vexual;Im the second guest marketing guy here 690441;1401162812;BingoBoingo;thestringpuller: Huh I don't see it in my browse 690442;1401162815;BingoBoingo;r 690443;1401162824;thestringpuller;oh haha 690444;1401162852;BingoBoingo;Oh, it shows up if I use a webkit browser 690445;1401162870;thestringpuller;ah webkit 690446;1401162872;thestringpuller;lolol 690447;1401162929;Vexual;Smokey 690448;1401162941;Vexual;Howzit 690449;1401162995;Vexual;Thats yiu 'nubule 690450;1401163028;BingoBoingo;thestringpuller: Figured it out, that's my tracking pixel 690451;1401163037;assbot;[MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 141 @ 0.00253008 = 0.3567 BTC [+] 690452;1401163042;thestringpuller;traxking pixel? 690453;1401163049;thestringpuller;tracking* 690454;1401163114;thestringpuller;nubbins` !!!! 690455;1401163121;BingoBoingo;thestringpuller: To track page loads and such 690456;1401163124;thestringpuller;wassup? 690457;1401163126;Vexual;Greeting 'nubbins , how goes the music making? 690458;1401163134;nubbins`;!!!!! 690459;1401163136;thestringpuller;BingoBoingo: track page loads with a pixel? 690460;1401163137;nubbins`;hey folks 690461;1401163150;nubbins`;vexual, i missed the most recent dick surgery 690462;1401163151;BingoBoingo;thestringpuller: Well, separate visitors from bots 690463;1401163155;nubbins`;sadly 690464;1401163169;thestringpuller;dick surgery? 690465;1401163175;nubbins`;.ca 690466;1401163178;Vexual;Ouch 690467;1401163213;Vexual;Cali has its own domain now? 690468;1401163234;nubbins`;hey now 690469;1401163240;Vexual;Lol 690470;1401163299;Vexual;Whats the problemo, ate all the mooses? 690471;1401163307;thestringpuller;lol no respect for canada 690472;1401163338;BingoBoingo;Meece is the plural I think 690473;1401163371;Vexual;No its like computer mouses 690474;1401163378;thestringpuller;mice? 690475;1401163381;nubbins`;moose 690476;1401163383;thestringpuller;meese 690477;1401163388;nubbins`;is the plural 690478;1401163394;nubbins`;they're like sand, you can't count them 690479;1401163395;nubbins`;too many 690480;1401163405;thestringpuller;do you eat moose burgers? 690481;1401163410;nubbins`;on occasion 690482;1401163426;nubbins`;i more prefer sausage to burgers 690483;1401163429;thestringpuller;i was told they were dank 690484;1401163436;nubbins`;nah, very dry meat 690485;1401163438;nubbins`;so lean 690486;1401163447;nubbins`;it's nice when mixed with pork 690487;1401163464;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11473 @ 0.0008133 = 9.331 BTC [-] 690488;1401163532;thestringpuller;damn i want ribs now 690489;1401163538;thestringpuller;but i won't wake up for work 690490;1401163815;Vexual;Meat of dreams 690491;1401163836;Mats_cd03;gaaaay 690492;1401163952;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20294 @ 0.00081303 = 16.4996 BTC [-] 690493;1401164049;Vexual;Mats I point you to the last 12 inch you bought 690494;1401164049;thestringpuller;wow mpoe is plummeting 690495;1401164055;thestringpuller;i wonder where the money is going... 690496;1401164085;Vexual;Mp got a hot rate on pesos 690497;1401164190;Vexual;What was it mats? 690498;1401164289;Mats_cd03;a spicy italian subway sandwich 690499;1401164386;Vexual;Gaaaay 690500;1401164418;Mats_cd03;soon after, there was some minor scandal involving plastic or something in their meats 690501;1401164445;Mats_cd03;thats what i get for eating at peasant establishments 690502;1401164447;Vexual;Vinly or latex? 690503;1401164494;Mats_cd03;nvm bread http://www.cnn.com/2014/02/06/health/subway-bread-chemical/ 690504;1401164495;assbot;Subway to remove chemical from bread - CNN.com 690505;1401164498;BingoBoingo;azodicarbonamide 690506;1401164518;Vexual;Ahh 690507;1401164562;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16977 @ 0.00081609 = 13.8548 BTC [+] {3} 690508;1401164568;BingoBoingo;Basically it keeps the white flour white 690509;1401164573;Vexual;;;google azodicarbonamide 690510;1401164573;gribble;Azodicarbonamide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Almost 500 Foods Contain The 'Yoga Mat' Compound. Should We ...: ; 'Yoga mat' chemical azodicarbonamide found in nearly 500 grocery ...: ; Dis Iz Why I'm Hot Lyrics | Die Antwoord Zef Remix Mims Song: ; Kumbia Queers VS. Die Antword - Diz iz why im hot Remix by ...: 690547;1401165515;Mats_cd03;https://soundcloud.com/etc-etc/luniz-i-got-5-on-it-whiiite-x gangstaaa. play on high vol 690548;1401165516;assbot;Luniz - I GOT 5 ON IT (WHIIITE X ETC!ETC! Remix) Free Download by ETC!ETC! on SoundCloud - Hear the worlds sounds 690549;1401165962;thestringpuller;Lol Mats_cd03 is the channel DJ 690550;1401165972;thestringpuller;GET SOME DOPE ASS BEATS 690551;1401165972;Vexual;;;google jungle brothers because I've got it like that remix 690552;1401165973;gribble;Jungle Brothers - Because i got it like that - YouTube: ; Fatboy Slim - Because I Got It Like That (Ultimatum Mix) - YouTube: ; The Jungle Brothers "Black is Black (Ultimatum remix - YouTube: 690553;1401165978;thestringpuller;;;google dope as beats 690554;1401165978;gribble;Dope Beats - YouTube: ; Dope Raw Hip Hop Instrumental - Freestyle Rap Beat 2013 - YouTube: ; GettsBeats - Dope (Freestyle Hip Hop Instrumental Hard Rap Beat ...: 690555;1401165982;thestringpuller;;;google dope ass beats 690556;1401165982;gribble;dope ass beat - YouTube: ; Kanyeezie - Dope Ass Beat! - YouTube: ; Dope Ass Beat - YouTube: 690557;1401166145;nubbins`;i keep a list of shitty graphic designers 690558;1401166172;thestringpuller;nubbins` will you be around tomorrow 690559;1401166177;thestringpuller;or are you receding back into your ice cave? 690560;1401166209;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 8 @ 0.0308 = 0.2464 BTC [-] 690561;1401166210;nubbins`;printing a few hundred shirts tomorrow, might be around 690562;1401166223;nubbins`;or at least idling :D 690563;1401166267;Vexual;I know my way around photoshop 690564;1401166302;BingoBoingo;I imagine nubbins` does lithography off of giant blocks of ice 690565;1401166325;nubbins`;water-based inks 690566;1401166328;nubbins`;natch 690567;1401166349;nubbins`;we're printing a NATURE BOOK this summer 690568;1401166349;Vexual;I think hes all herbal 690569;1401166370;thestringpuller;Has it stopped snowing in Canada yet? 690570;1401166373;thestringpuller;!up Namworld 690571;1401166393;Namworld;Been a long time it stopped. No snow anywhere, trees are green. 690572;1401166397;Vexual;Canadian nature or worldwide? 690573;1401166433;nubbins`;http://imgur.com/a/uxfdH 690574;1401166433;assbot;imgur: the simple image sharer 690575;1401166434;thestringpuller;My co workers went to PG-Con (PostgresSQL) last week up there. 690576;1401166438;nubbins`;birds of newfoundland and labrador 690577;1401166446;nubbins`;see sample pics above 690578;1401166450;thestringpuller;Dunno if anyone in here uses Psql tho 690579;1401166456;nubbins`;thestringpuller it snowed may 11 here 690580;1401166459;nubbins`;!up Vexual 690581;1401166478;thestringpuller;lol Vexual you should be in WoT just so you can up yourself 690582;1401166480;thestringpuller;lol 690583;1401166490;thestringpuller;i dunno why I'm lolling 690584;1401166556;Vexual;Holy shit balls 'nubbins 690585;1401166572;Vexual;Tsp its funny 690586;1401166693;Vexual;Who drew those? 690587;1401166700;nubbins`;this guy named pat canning 690588;1401166743;nubbins`;http://vimeo.com/61779267 690589;1401166744;assbot;SUPERGOD! The Movie on Vimeo 690590;1401166748;nubbins`;he made that 690591;1401166757;Vexual;Where to buy the book 690592;1401166801;Mats_cd03;a dope beat? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMoZE24MO-I 690593;1401166801;assbot;COOKIN ON 3 BURNERS FEEL GOOD INC - YouTube 690594;1401166859;nubbins`;we gotta make the book first 690595;1401166876;nubbins`;but then! at pinkeyeprints.bigcartel.com 690596;1401167159;Vexual;Cool 690597;1401167165;Vexual;Ciao 690598;1401167251;nubbins`;im gone as well 690599;1401167368;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22805 @ 0.00081256 = 18.5304 BTC [-] {2} 690600;1401169076;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.49496194 BTC [-] 690601;1401169259;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31050 @ 0.00081222 = 25.2194 BTC [-] 690602;1401170967;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.031 = 0.155 BTC [+] 690603;1401171760;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 30 @ 0.0306643 = 0.9199 BTC [-] {9} 690604;1401172004;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 30 @ 0.01921958 = 0.5766 BTC [-] {3} 690605;1401172030;moiety;morning :] 690606;1401172797;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8900 @ 0.00081222 = 7.2288 BTC [-] 690607;1401173067;fluffypony;Mats_cd03 690608;1401173072;fluffypony;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2lGixGFRlQ 690609;1401173072;assbot;Gorillaz "Clint Eastwood" Phi Life Cypher remix - YouTube 690610;1401173074;fluffypony;for you 690611;1401173102;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1500 @ 0.00010224 = 0.1534 BTC [-] {5} 690612;1401173642;Mats_cd03;i like it 690613;1401173712;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3000 @ 0.00081569 = 2.4471 BTC [+] 690614;1401173991;punkman;fluffypony: that's the original version, I wonder why they scrapped it 690615;1401174002;fluffypony;punkman: I thought that was the B-side? 690616;1401174033;fluffypony;I bought the LP single in 2005 because I think I still wanted to DJ 690617;1401174034;fluffypony;lol 690618;1401174042;fluffypony;"I can be a DJ on the side, totally!" 690619;1401174058;punkman;"Phi Life Cypher featured on an earlier version of Clint Eastwood by Gorillaz. However Damon Albarn and Dan The Automator decided to use Del the Funky Homosapien instead." 690620;1401174060;fluffypony;fell in love with that version of the song, basically never listened to the original much afterwards 690621;1401174079;punkman;I think I like this one better yeah 690622;1401174089;fluffypony;has much better rhymes as well 690623;1401174119;fluffypony;"my futuristic linguistics turn fools into statistics" 690624;1401174121;fluffypony;such a great line 690625;1401174148;punkman;try this one, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millennium_Metaphors 690626;1401174148;assbot;Millennium Metaphors - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 690627;1401174204;fluffypony;I wonder if it's on Rdio 690628;1401174225;fluffypony;meh 690629;1401174228;fluffypony;grooveshark it is 690630;1401175179;thestringpuller;so this is the hour you are awake mr. fluffypony 690631;1401175189;fluffypony;thestringpuller: indeed, 9:20am 690632;1401175288;thestringpuller;3:20am 690633;1401175323;thestringpuller;funny what revolving-rotating spheres do to the surface.. 690634;1401175336;thestringpuller;what's for breakfast? 690635;1401175364;fluffypony;well 690636;1401175369;fluffypony;the wife is making breakfast muffins 690637;1401175373;fluffypony;for the first time 690638;1401175377;fluffypony;I don't know what that entails 690639;1401175436;thestringpuller;Our weekly meeting always entails breakfast, so I guess mine is taken care of for just showing up. 690640;1401175467;fluffypony;nice 690641;1401175477;fluffypony;what keeps you up at 3:20am? 690642;1401175774;thestringpuller;;;google Awkward. 690643;1401175774;gribble;Awkward. (TV Series) - Watch Free Full Episodes | MTV: ; Awkward. (TV Series) | Season 4 | MTV - MTV.com: ; Awkward. (TV Series 2011– ) - IMDb: 690644;1401175787;thestringpuller;^- i like dumb shows mr. fluffypony 690645;1401175799;fluffypony;lol 690646;1401175807;fluffypony;the wife watched that a bit 690647;1401175810;thestringpuller;well dumb shows that stay on for 4 seasons on a network that cancels everything except jerersy shore 690648;1401175811;fluffypony;I couldn't get into it 690649;1401175967;thestringpuller;If you get a high school show demographic and can keep it on the air for 4 seasons, is pretty much insta-bank. 690650;1401175976;fluffypony;yep 690651;1401175990;thestringpuller;Unless it's an afterschool special 690652;1401175999;thestringpuller;then it's just like SNL cause you're budget is always the same... 690653;1401176134;thestringpuller;I have an idea since I was in high school to make a show about Bruce Wayne going through school... 690654;1401176182;fluffypony;nice 690655;1401176189;fluffypony;there is a new series coming out 690656;1401176191;fluffypony;Gotham 690657;1401176193;fluffypony;that's basically that 690658;1401176343;thestringpuller;Damn son. I was wondering when they would make Smallville for Batman. 690659;1401176347;thestringpuller;Good stuff. 690660;1401176355;pankkake;ew, Smallville 690661;1401176406;fluffypony;pankkake! bonjour, mon trollami 690662;1401176418;pankkake;coucou 690663;1401176579;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6993 @ 0.00081222 = 5.6799 BTC [-] 690664;1401176834;thestringpuller;Damn Gotham looks like it's gonna kill 690665;1401176841;thestringpuller;Dude I'm making a bitbet 690666;1401176960;pankkake;oh it's live action. interesting 690667;1401176982;pankkake;apparently adapting comic books on screens is all the rage 690668;1401177067;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21700 @ 0.00081179 = 17.6158 BTC [-] {2} 690669;1401177260;thestringpuller;yup 690670;1401177261;thestringpuller;lol 690671;1401177677;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14050 @ 0.00081116 = 11.3968 BTC [-] {2} 690672;1401177882;fluffypony;so who else is investing in CRYPTOFOOD? 690673;1401177894;Naphex;whut is cryptofood 690674;1401177900;fluffypony;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=626175.0 690675;1401177901;assbot;[ANN]open business economics (taking crypto to a new level)IPO 690676;1401177928;Naphex;well i only investi in Naphex :] 690677;1401177931;pankkake;crypto all the things 690678;1401177934;Naphex;seems to be going pretty good :)) 690679;1401177940;pankkake;were your cryptomuffins good, fluffypony? 690680;1401177953;fluffypony;pankkake: still baking 690681;1401177969;pankkake;in the cryptoven 690682;1401177984;Naphex;with the cryptoheat 690683;1401178012;thestringpuller;fluffypony: i have a cryptofood company 690684;1401178017;fluffypony;prepared by the loving hands of the cryptowife 690685;1401178021;thestringpuller;we don't ship yet tho so I only have one client 690686;1401178039;thestringpuller;anyone remember btc-pantry or whatever? 690687;1401178041;fluffypony;thestringpuller: so what you're basically saying is that you're the official taste pilot? 690688;1401178071;thestringpuller;uh. i have taste testers but the taste testers haven't been tested to see how well they test the tasting... 690689;1401178081;thestringpuller;we'll* 690690;1401178092;thestringpuller;wow can't type tonight 690691;1401178097;fluffypony;heh heh 690692;1401178106;thestringpuller;trying to make a bit bet 690693;1401178286;thestringpuller;frak forgot to add a miner fee 690694;1401178291;thestringpuller;guess that's gonna be in limbo forever... 690695;1401178305;thestringpuller;bitcoind fucking shit up, i don't even know why I use this shit 690696;1401178326;pankkake;I usually bet with no fee, takes rarely more than 2 hours 690697;1401178365;thestringpuller;that's good to know 690698;1401178413;thestringpuller;fluffypony: getting me all distracted 690699;1401178434;fluffypony;just use BitUndo 690700;1401178470;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5770 @ 0.00081569 = 4.7065 BTC [+] 690701;1401179080;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 66500 @ 0.00081729 = 54.3498 BTC [+] {5} 690702;1401179347;thestringpuller;lol no need it'll go through eventually 690703;1401180107;punkman;!up gesell1 690704;1401180113;punkman;!up btcdrk 690705;1401180154;jurov;Cryptofoood simulacrula ftw 690706;1401180169;thestringpuller;how is it a simulacrula? 690707;1401180178;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 77 @ 0.03791814 = 2.9197 BTC [-] {10} 690708;1401180201;punkman;simulacra? 690709;1401180206;jurov;just joined the two concepts and wanted to see it written 690710;1401180239;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 12 @ 0.03788596 = 0.4546 BTC [-] {2} 690711;1401180266;thestringpuller;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simulacra_and_Simulation << even tho wikipedia is sewage :( 690712;1401180266;assbot;Simulacra and Simulation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 690713;1401180351;thestringpuller;i would love to discuss it 690714;1401180355;thestringpuller;the matrix ya'll 690715;1401180483;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36671 @ 0.0008187 = 30.0225 BTC [+] {3} 690716;1401180499;fluffypony;I'm sad to announce that the breakfast muffins flopped 690717;1401180508;thestringpuller;the cryptofood is no good 690718;1401180523;fluffypony;so now it's nearly 11am and we're going out to have brunch instead 690719;1401180526;fluffypony;oh well 690720;1401180611;thestringpuller;wow it's 5am here already 690721;1401180614;thestringpuller;almost time to get read 690722;1401180615;thestringpuller;ugh 690723;1401180617;thestringpuller;oh well 690724;1401180622;thestringpuller;never enough hours in a day 690725;1401180624;thestringpuller;or week 690726;1401180625;thestringpuller;or year 690727;1401180626;thestringpuller;OR LIFE 690728;1401180629;fluffypony;yeah I know that feel 690729;1401180680;Mats_cd03;insomniacs anonymous 690730;1401180717;thestringpuller;insomnia due to over productivity... 690731;1401180720;thestringpuller;or something 690732;1401180731;thestringpuller;hooray for drugs? 690733;1401180811;Mats_cd03;I'd be asleep right now but i has no thc and withdrawal is interfering w my cycle :( 690734;1401180828;thestringpuller;lol 690735;1401180830;thestringpuller;i have so much THC 690736;1401180838;thestringpuller;it's the the only thing keeping me going 690737;1401180882;Mats_cd03;nobody believes me when i say it keeps me productive 690738;1401180910;assbot;[MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 287 @ 0.00238851 = 0.6855 BTC [-] {2} 690739;1401180934;thestringpuller;There are quite a few couch lock stoners in the world. 690740;1401180947;thestringpuller;Far more of those than there are productive stoners. 690741;1401180968;thestringpuller;Or perhaps that was just the stereotype Generation X and the hippies gave to the drug. 690742;1401181193;Mats_cd03;stimulants don't do shit for me after hours of staring at code, especially with asm 690743;1401181218;Naphex;staring hours at asm should do plenty by its own 690744;1401181219;Naphex;:)) 690745;1401181240;punkman;whatever works :P 690746;1401181276;punkman;not fun untangling stoned code though 690747;1401181291;thestringpuller;what kind of asm? 690748;1401181296;thestringpuller;ARM isn't so bad 690749;1401181339;Naphex;cola code is the worst 690750;1401181361;Naphex;all rushed and scrambled, with tons of spaghetti and nonsense in it 690751;1401181362;Naphex;:p 690752;1401181404;Mats_cd03;x86-64 690753;1401181426;thestringpuller;ick you poor bastard 690754;1401181522;Mats_cd03;i like arm but i dont work on it much 690755;1401181642;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 29 @ 0.0378999 = 1.0991 BTC [+] 690756;1401182315;Mats_cd03;http://nypost.com/2013/07/28/the-greatest-food-in-human-history/ i think ill get some McDs today 690757;1401182316;assbot;The greatest food in human history | New York Post 690758;1401183106;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 12 @ 0.0975 = 1.17 BTC [+] 690759;1401184204;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HMF] 46 @ 0.00552503 = 0.2542 BTC [-] 690760;1401184265;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HMF] 118 @ 0.00552503 = 0.652 BTC [-] {2} 690761;1401185115;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: ¡ ola ! 690762;1401185122;mircea_popescu;hey! 690763;1401185211;mircea_popescu;"South Africa's GDP fell 0.6% in the first quarter. Rand is dropping. Who in the new cabinet has the "radical" ideas to turn things around?" 690764;1401185227;mircea_popescu;gotta start working fluff. 690765;1401185236;fluffypony;I give up already! 690766;1401185339;mircea_popescu;http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-27583545 << ahaha watching "the establishment" squirm is so lulzy. 690767;1401185339;assbot;BBC News - Party leaders to set out response to UKIP election win 690768;1401185361;mircea_popescu;remember america : this can happen to you. the only reason it hasn't already is cause we didn't give a shit. 690769;1401185382;mircea_popescu;thread lightly. 690770;1401185402;fluffypony;*tread ? 690771;1401185409;fluffypony;unless it's a sewing joke I don't get 690772;1401185446;mircea_popescu;i got all these unused Hs 690773;1401185552;fluffypony;ah, putting them to use I see 690774;1401185566;fluffypony;you must have collected them from all the Americans who can't pronounce "herbs" correctly 690775;1401185662;penguirker;New blog post: http://trilema.com/2014/the-instrumentation-of-humanity/ 690776;1401185663;mircea_popescu;lol 690777;1401185681;mircea_popescu;no, i just woke up in the middle of the night with this grand article in my head, and im a little confused 690778;1401185706;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: that's how dr. jekyll and mr. hyde was written 690779;1401185728;mircea_popescu;was it ? 690780;1401185796;thestringpuller;Yea. First High School "Literature" class I took discussed that before we read the thing. 690781;1401185804;pankkake;http://www.coindesk.com/polish-tax-authority-bitcoin-mining-profits-subject-22-vat/ 690782;1401185804;assbot;Polish Tax Authority: Bitcoin Mining Profits Subject to 23% VAT 690783;1401185854;thestringpuller;He like woke the fuck up from a crazy set of dreams and had to write in the middle of the night. 690784;1401185880;mircea_popescu;aha 690785;1401186082;thestringpuller;maybe a dumb question but what if there are no liabilities on the book? 690786;1401186101;thestringpuller;or less liabilities than assets? 690787;1401186121;mircea_popescu;nothing ? 690788;1401186151;thestringpuller;i guess there is always technically sharehold equity even if there are no "sharholders" (i guess maybe stake holders and owners) 690789;1401186219;mircea_popescu;yes. 690790;1401186236;thestringpuller;i guess I answered my own question... 690791;1401186245;thestringpuller;just didn't want to assume 690792;1401186921;mircea_popescu;so apparently there's a very good reason they call it brazilian wax. it's starting to look like you can't get a passport as a brazil with hair on your pubis. 690793;1401187071;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 17 @ 0.0975 = 1.6575 BTC [+] 690794;1401187164;mircea_popescu;!t m s.mpoe 690795;1401187164;assbot;[MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00081057 / 0.00083052 / 0.00092409 (745262 shares, 618.96 BTC), 7D: 0.00081057 / 0.0009199 / 0.00094991 (7143930 shares, 6,571.74 BTC), 30D: 0.00081057 / 0.00093051 / 0.00101 (25242643 shares, 23,488.76 BTC) 690796;1401187183;mircea_popescu;hm. 690797;1401187423;mircea_popescu;Naphex: well i only investi in Naphex :] << and here i thought you were investing in womenz 690798;1401187634;mircea_popescu;dude how the fuck is mcshit the greatest anything in human history 690799;1401187643;mircea_popescu;let alone food. it's not even particularly noteworthy cardboard. 690800;1401187732;fluffypony;on the rare occasions I've had the misfortune of eating at McDonalds I always - guaranteed - end up with an upset stomach a few hours later 690801;1401187750;fluffypony;and I have a reasonably robust stomach, given the quantities of alcohol I consume 690802;1401187772;mircea_popescu;i never have. can't stand the smell of it, my liver (which loves alcohol) threatens rebellion 690803;1401187778;chetty;brazil? thought you was in Argentina 690804;1401187788;mircea_popescu;chetty, they move around. 690805;1401187814;mircea_popescu;apparently this blonde/green eyes/tall/superbutt combination is a brazil thing. 690806;1401188054;mircea_popescu;!up Dimsler 690807;1401188061;Dimsler;yeah i love brazil 690808;1401188064;Dimsler;best women ever 690809;1401188083;Dimsler;like a mix of eastern european, italian and portugese 690810;1401188107;Dimsler;where are you visiting? 690811;1401188111;Dimsler;floripa is A++ 690812;1401188186;mircea_popescu;im a few minutes from mayo square 690813;1401188191;mircea_popescu;still looking for the mustard one 690814;1401188228;Dimsler;lol 690815;1401188247;Dimsler;if it wasn't for the high import taxes 690816;1401188256;Dimsler;argentina would rock 690817;1401188265;Dimsler;you planning on hitting up chilie? 690818;1401188297;mircea_popescu;maybe to visit 690819;1401188317;Dimsler;la serena 690820;1401188321;Dimsler;is really nice 690821;1401188340;Dimsler;argentina is great 690822;1401188343;Dimsler;nobody will find you there 690823;1401188361;Dimsler;should probably do paraguay 690824;1401188375;mircea_popescu;what are you talking about, was hanging out with lp yest 690825;1401188422;Dimsler;no i mean its just a great place 690826;1401188430;Dimsler;to disappear 690827;1401188454;mircea_popescu;well im sure 690828;1401188578;Dimsler;http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercedes_%28Uruguay%29 690829;1401188578;assbot;Mercedes (Uruguay) Wikipedia 690830;1401188581;Dimsler;nice place to live 690831;1401188584;Dimsler;er 690832;1401188633;Dimsler;south america just rocks 690833;1401188636;Dimsler;its such a gem 690834;1401188656;Dimsler;i had an uncle in argentina 690835;1401188663;Dimsler;he'd send over the best fucking chocolates 690836;1401188673;Dimsler;made the swiss look stupid 690837;1401188713;chetty;hmm I havent found any really good chocolate, mostly junk, must not have found the right places 690838;1401188764;Dimsler;you haven't found good chocolate in ba? 690839;1401188777;chetty;nope 690840;1401188790;chetty;give me a store name or something 690841;1401188836;Dimsler;http://www.vasalissa.com/ 690842;1401188836;assbot;Vasalissa Chocolatier 690843;1401188852;Dimsler;theres a bunch in the city 690844;1401188855;Dimsler;choclotaria 690845;1401188858;mircea_popescu;now this will have to be checked out :D 690846;1401188948;chetty;well that website stinks 690847;1401188981;Dimsler;http://www.companiadechocolates.com/ 690848;1401188983;assbot;Compañia de Chocolates 690849;1401188985;Dimsler;also this place 690850;1401188989;Dimsler;man these like 690851;1401188991;Dimsler;chocolatiars 690852;1401188995;Dimsler;all over the city 690853;1401189010;Dimsler;some that have been aroudn fo rlike 70-80yrs 690854;1401189015;Dimsler;which is old for argentina 690855;1401189031;mircea_popescu;somebody check out my new header on trilema ? 690856;1401189046;mircea_popescu;Dimsler, its even older for romania lol. 690857;1401189054;chetty;well I guess I havent stumbled on one yet, but the names help ty 690858;1401189054;mircea_popescu;oldest business in that country is maybe 20 years old. 690859;1401189066;Dimsler;argentina is chocolate, wine, and steak 690860;1401189068;Dimsler;seriously 690861;1401189077;Dimsler;if i had a little bit more cash 690862;1401189079;Dimsler;5-8mil usd 690863;1401189082;Dimsler;i'd be in argentina 690864;1401189090;Dimsler;or somewhere else in south america 690865;1401189138;mircea_popescu;!up KRS1 690866;1401189144;chetty;well there is a lot of candy and sweets, but most of the 'candy' stuff is pretty awful, by my tastes 690867;1401189278;Dimsler;do you like steak? 690868;1401189288;Dimsler;like striploin 690869;1401189292;Dimsler;or t-bone? 690870;1401189312;mircea_popescu;o yea, easily the best steak anywhere 690871;1401189320;chetty;well steaks I found, everywhere :P 690872;1401189320;mircea_popescu;excellent ribeye yest 690873;1401189417;Dimsler;alright time to make some coffe 690874;1401189421;Dimsler;you guys have a good vacation 690875;1401189735;mircea_popescu;tis not a vacation unless you really believe it! 690876;1401189816;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7800 @ 0.00081606 = 6.3653 BTC [-] 690877;1401190121;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39690 @ 0.00081605 = 32.389 BTC [-] {2} 690878;1401190365;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38450 @ 0.00081539 = 31.3517 BTC [-] {4} 690879;1401191158;assbot;[MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 455 @ 0.00245691 = 1.1179 BTC [+] {2} 690880;1401191704;pankkake;hostname 'bitcoin-central.net' doesn't match either of 'paymium.com', 'www.paymium.com', 'api.paymium.com' 690881;1401191714;pankkake;such fail 690882;1401191890;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2750 @ 0.00081585 = 2.2436 BTC [+] 690883;1401191988;[]bot;Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "Bitcoin network difficulty > 14Bn on Bastille day" http://bitbet.us/bet/677/ Odds: 87(Y):13(N) by coin, 82(Y):18(N) by weight. Total bet: 129.11816472 BTC. Current weight: 10,151. 690884;1401192439;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.0975 = 0.195 BTC [+] 690885;1401192482;mircea_popescu;davout, ^ lol 690886;1401192492;mircea_popescu;!up justusranvier 690887;1401192499;mircea_popescu;;;gettrust assbot justusranvier 690888;1401192500;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user justusranvier: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 2 via 2 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=justusranvier | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=justusranvier | Rated since: Mon Feb 11 19:56:55 2013 690889;1401192507;mircea_popescu;justusranvier, you know how to selfup ? 690890;1401192532;mircea_popescu;aok 690891;1401192557;justusranvier;Sometimes my bouncer disconnects and I have to auth everything again 690892;1401192596;pankkake;well it's the lib's fault https://github.com/kennethreitz/requests/pull/1347 690893;1401192597;assbot;Issue #749: Add optional SNI support for python2. by hobarrera Pull Request #1347 kennethreitz/requests GitHub 690894;1401192599;thestringpuller;;;gettrust 690895;1401192600;gribble;(gettrust [] ) -- Get trust paths for , starting from . If is not supplied, your own nick is used as the source. See http://wiki.bitcoin-otc.com/wiki/OTC_Rating_System#Notes_about_gettrust 690896;1401192622;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8344 @ 0.00081149 = 6.7711 BTC [-] 690897;1401192866;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [BLISS] 25 @ 0.038 = 0.95 BTC 690898;1401193354;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 188 @ 0.0022816 = 0.4289 BTC [+] {11} 690899;1401193628;davout;pankkake: that's because your browser doesn't seem to support SNI 690900;1401193656;davout;try with a non-fail browser :D 690901;1401193665;pankkake;yes, it's python-requests fault, but I found the fix 690902;1401194124;penguirker;New blog post: http://trilema.com/2014/a-practical-exercise-for-people-who-cant-afford-airfare/ 690903;1401194208;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 35 @ 0.004281 = 0.1498 BTC [-] {3} 690904;1401194330;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 25 @ 0.00428001 = 0.107 BTC [-] 690905;1401194331;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.49656439 BTC [+] 690906;1401194533;fluffypony;http://imgur.com/a/cfzhC 690907;1401194534;assbot;Clearest Water in the world is in NZ (of course) - Imgur 690908;1401194544;fluffypony;los_pantalones! 690909;1401194547;fluffypony;!up los_pantalones 690910;1401194567;fluffypony;we heard you were involved in a Proof of Steak exercise yesterday 690911;1401194572;kakobrekla;i now realize it should be !hi instead !up 690912;1401194574;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4400 @ 0.00081635 = 3.5919 BTC [+] 690913;1401195184;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 52 @ 0.50867665 = 26.4512 BTC [+] {13} 690914;1401195302;los_pantalones;proof of steak indeed 690915;1401195402;los_pantalones;that was a wonderfully random experience 690916;1401195413;los_pantalones;just hopped over the BsAs for a weekend 690917;1401195418;los_pantalones;and there was mr MP himself 690918;1401195489;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 211 @ 0.00448982 = 0.9474 BTC [+] {3} 690919;1401195550;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 35 @ 0.0044899 = 0.1571 BTC [+] 690920;1401195611;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2150 @ 0.00081542 = 1.7532 BTC [-] 690921;1401195977;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.47008901 = 1.8804 BTC [-] {3} 690922;1401196038;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 54 @ 0.0044899 = 0.2425 BTC [+] 690923;1401196054;Naphex;https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.alien.btcwallet BTCXchange Trading App Beta 690924;1401196320;jurov;kakobrekla: !sup is better 690925;1401196649;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35100 @ 0.0008152 = 28.6135 BTC [-] {3} 690926;1401196770;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25950 @ 0.00081644 = 21.1866 BTC [+] {2} 690927;1401197014;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.50660392 = 1.5198 BTC [+] {3} 690928;1401197016;Naphex;watch dogs a very shitty game 690929;1401197022;Naphex;i mean the windows on the cars don't even shatter 690930;1401197075;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 222 @ 0.00448999 = 0.9968 BTC [+] {2} 690931;1401197108;pankkake;does it have boobs? 690932;1401197113;Naphex;not yet 690933;1401197137;Naphex;very dissapointing, on pc the cars just go full throttle and spin off 690934;1401197145;Naphex;might just wait for a patch before trying it, very annoying 690935;1401197192;pankkake;reminds me of that game where you couldn't run over people 690936;1401197199;pankkake;they were jumping in crazy ways 690937;1401197237;fluffypony;http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/26l7wi/bitcoinbourseeu_is_partnering_with_cosigncoin_for/ 690938;1401197238;assbot;BitcoinBourse.eu is partnering with CosignCo.in for secure multi-signature services! : Bitcoin 690939;1401197244;Naphex;and what kind of a hacker uses an iphone for hacking 690940;1401197301;pankkake;lol really? 690941;1401197586;jurov;fluffypony: it's not just an bitcoin and stock exchange, but kitchen sink in progress 690942;1401197622;fluffypony;jurov: I'm waiting for them to launch an online web wallet too 690943;1401197631;fluffypony;must have ALL of the services! 690944;1401197738;jurov;then the real phun starts >:D 690945;1401197946;mircea_popescu; just hopped over the BsAs for a weekend << one does not just HOP in ba 690946;1401197974;mircea_popescu; i now realize it should be !hi instead !up << lolz 690947;1401198066;mircea_popescu; and what kind of a hacker uses an iphone for hacking << a hipcker 690948;1401198173;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8100 @ 0.00081069 = 6.5666 BTC [-] 690949;1401198519;mircea_popescu;;;buy 1 "Buenos Aires real estate" at 1 BTC Obviously prices vary. I will give a look and perhaps make an offer on anything you hold title to. 690950;1401198520;gribble;Order id 20628 created. 690951;1401198527;mircea_popescu;;;list 20628 690952;1401198527;gribble;Error: '20628' is not a valid plugin. 690953;1401198538;pankkake;;;view 20628 690954;1401198539;gribble;#20628 Tue May 27 09:48:21 2014 mircea_popescu BUY 1.0 Buenos Aires real estate @ 1 BTC (Obviously prices vary. I will give a look and perhaps make an offer on anything you hold title to.) 690955;1401198550;mircea_popescu;ty 690956;1401198784;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37193 @ 0.00081051 = 30.1453 BTC [-] {3} 690957;1401199045;chetty;Santa Barbara Shooting Sparks Talk of New Bill Linking Gun Crimes and the Mentally Ill //silly people they need to ban knives, half the people were stabbed 690958;1401199250;davout;!up itkin 690959;1401199258;pankkake;ban the common denominator of guns and knives: hands 690960;1401199269;itkin;davout: thx 690961;1401199302;pankkake;http://abcnews.go.com/US/santa-barbara-shooting-suspect-calls-loneliness-darkest-hell/story?id=23855994 lol 690962;1401199303;assbot;Santa Barbara Shooter Was Angry Girls Were 'Repulsed by Me' - ABC News 690963;1401199335;pankkake;"I put a lot of effort into dressing nice. These sunglasses here, were $300. Giorgio Armani," he said in a video. 690964;1401199339;pankkake;He recalled how "unfair" it was during a recent shopping trip to Trader Joe's when a "disgusting loser" entered the store "with these two beautiful blonde girls at his side." 690965;1401199457;davout;meanwhile, bitcoind still lets users provide passphrases as CLI options instead of prompting 690966;1401199743;pankkake;http://www.coindesk.com/bitstamp-passes-audit-overseen-bitcoin-developer-mike-hearn/ 690967;1401199743;assbot;Bitstamp Passes Audit Overseen by Bitcoin Developer Mike Hearn 690968;1401200035;punkman;what a whiny little twerp https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQUW3Km01BM 690969;1401200247;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40700 @ 0.00081083 = 33.0008 BTC [+] {5} 690970;1401200548;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 690971;1401200555;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 564.87, vol: 15267.76123020 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 555.1, vol: 11341.92546 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 562.78, vol: 15695.79067493 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 570.09, vol: 81.66533421 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 559.3552, vol: 4743.62260000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 560.19548, vol: 24.20378746 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 555.358031616, vol: 95.49389281 | Volume-weighted last (1 more message) 690972;1401200661;BingoBoingo;;;more 690973;1401200661;gribble;average: 561.264318355 690974;1401200979;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.504 BTC [-] 690975;1401201223;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 6 @ 0.50942065 = 3.0565 BTC [+] {4} 690976;1401201589;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 20 @ 0.0192 = 0.384 BTC [-] 690977;1401202016;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [ALC] 2 @ 0.1245897 = 0.2492 BTC [-] 690978;1401202564;kakobrekla;does bootstraping bitcoind works on single core only ? 690979;1401202596;pankkake;worse 690980;1401202609;kakobrekla;what do you mean worse 690981;1401202614;kakobrekla;how can it be worse 690982;1401202624;pankkake;it fetches only from one node at a time 690983;1401202651;pankkake;I believe it will be fixed in the newer releases 690984;1401202668;kakobrekla;yeah but bsing doesnt need fetching 690985;1401202682;pankkake;oh, 690986;1401203480;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10650 @ 0.00081148 = 8.6423 BTC [+] 690987;1401203679;thestringpuller;!ticker m f.mpif 690988;1401203679;assbot;[MPEX:F.MPIF] 1D: 0.00021726 / 0.00021726 / 0.00021726 (1529 shares, 0.33 BTC), 7D: 0.00021726 / 0.00021726 / 0.00021726 (2409 shares, 0.52 BTC), 30D: 0.000215 / 0.00021528 / 0.00021726 (1154009 shares, 248.44 BTC) 690989;1401203700;BingoBoingo;Opsec: http://crazyrxman.blogspot.com/2014/05/prank-shows-corporate-paranoia.html 690990;1401203724;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1000 @ 0.00010127 = 0.1013 BTC [-] {10} 690991;1401203907;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6617 @ 0.00081001 = 5.3598 BTC [-] 690992;1401204273;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 61 @ 0.00449 = 0.2739 BTC [+] 690993;1401204516;mircea_popescu;!up tokyopotato 690994;1401204535;tokyopotato;xD 690995;1401204552;tokyopotato;hello mircea_popescu 690996;1401204561;mircea_popescu;hi. 690997;1401204728;thestringpuller;insomniacs anonymouss fo realz 690998;1401204796;davout;this bitstamp audit is pretty lulzy 690999;1401204840;davout;We ran a SQL SELECT SUM(btc_balance) query on the user_profiles table to determine the total outstanding balances. 691000;1401204864;mircea_popescu;its mysql isnt it 691001;1401204869;davout;no 691002;1401204879;davout;it's more that he didn't check for the presence of negative balances 691003;1401204883;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 22 @ 0.03787789 = 0.8333 BTC [-] 691004;1401204894;TomServo;Is this the equivalent of the "Roger Ver investigates MtGox" video? 691005;1401204920;mircea_popescu; what a whiny little twerp << pretty much the consensus among humans. 691006;1401204927;mircea_popescu;!up rdponticelli 691007;1401204944;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.505 BTC [-] 691008;1401204953;mircea_popescu; how can it be worse <<< ahahahaha o boy. 691009;1401204985;BingoBoingo;The immediate problem for Bitstamp users before even looking at balances is the colonoscopy required for withdrawals though. 691010;1401204994;rdponticelli;mircea_popescu: Wasn't I already voiced? 691011;1401205033;mircea_popescu;i have no idea 691012;1401205058;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, you don't understand, bitstamp is trying to reassure people that the reason they can't withdraw isn't the obvious one. 691013;1401205066;mircea_popescu;this worked exceedingly well in the case of mtgox too. 691014;1401205100;punkman;but but... money laundering 691015;1401205127;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 70 @ 0.00459812 = 0.3219 BTC [+] {2} 691016;1401205140;mircea_popescu;right right, i'm sure. 691017;1401205151;mike_c;!jd mpif 691018;1401205151;assbot;Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 166.69774788 BTC; -0.01345722 BTC (-0.0081%) since last check 1d 20h 5m 56s ago. 691019;1401205161;mircea_popescu;o look who's here! hai! 691020;1401205167;punkman;must be that "proactive compliance" thing 691021;1401205169;mike_c;hello. i am back from the beach. 691022;1401205205;davout;hi, i'm david 691023;1401205209;Apocalyptic; [17:34:45] it's more that he didn't check for the presence of negative balances // that's still not enough, you have to make sure total = current + in orders for each account 691024;1401205212;mircea_popescu;hi im stuffed 691025;1401205226;mike_c;my beach reading was warren buffet's letters to shareholders from 1965-1991. So now I know 50% of everything. 691026;1401205234;mircea_popescu;well done 691027;1401205236;davout;Apocalyptic: you mean open orders? 691028;1401205239;Apocalyptic;yeah 691029;1401205257;davout;depends how they implemented it 691030;1401205263;davout;but you're right 691031;1401205279;Apocalyptic;I guess, but that would flag any engine rounding defficiency or such 691032;1401205305;davout;lol 691033;1401205329;Apocalyptic;(which it may have since afaik bitstamp works with floats) 691034;1401205329;davout;well, that's if you assume that having slightly more than what you should have isn't ok 691035;1401205351;davout;"afaik bitstamp works with floats" <<< what makes you say that ? 691036;1401205392;Apocalyptic;davout, some streaming data from the pusher app 691037;1401205426;davout;not sure you can draw conclusions from there 691038;1401205432;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 342 @ 0.00476876 = 1.6309 BTC [+] {3} 691039;1401205445;Apocalyptic;the number of digit shown was inconsistent, and followed a similar pattern i would expect with floats 691040;1401205456;Apocalyptic;(i haven't done the actual study) 691041;1401205473;Apocalyptic;I may try to find the logs re that 691042;1401205481;davout;no, what i'm trying to tell you is that it might simply be cast to float at some point after the data gets out from the engine 691043;1401205492;Apocalyptic;it well may be 691044;1401205505;Apocalyptic;though prices like 103.99999999999999 691045;1401205516;Apocalyptic;are usually a tell-tale of float 691046;1401205519;davout;if it touches anything javascript-y it can't be anything else than a shitty float 691047;1401205521;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Well, proactive compliance as a veil for insolvency has a rich history by now. 691048;1401205533;BingoBoingo;!jd 691049;1401205533;assbot;Just-Dice stat: 17455 BTC profit, 40.8k BTC invested, 1208.40 mio bets, 5.26 mio BTC wagered 691050;1401205543;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, in fiat too. 691051;1401205554;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 10 @ 0.03751 = 0.3751 BTC [-] {2} 691052;1401205584;mike_c;JD is on pace for its lowest btc volume month ever again.. 691053;1401205596;Apocalyptic; if it touches anything javascript-y it can't be anything else than a shitty float // I heard JS had some Decimal object 691054;1401205604;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Of course. Even since before the pound sterling ceased to represent the material good behind the name. 691055;1401205615;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.5098 BTC [+] 691056;1401205616;davout;Apocalyptic: probably in the same way there exist dogs that can count to 4 691057;1401205683;davout;but i guess that would explain their rounding practices 691058;1401205859;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 801 @ 0.00081016 = 0.6489 BTC [+] 691059;1401205961;mircea_popescu;!up adrrr 691060;1401205981;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.4900001 = 0.98 BTC [-] 691061;1401205983;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8345 @ 0.00081001 = 6.7595 BTC [-] 691062;1401206042;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.49 BTC [-] 691063;1401206043;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 616 @ 0.00080975 = 0.4988 BTC [-] {2} 691064;1401206103;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 70 @ 0.00477861 = 0.3345 BTC [-] 691065;1401206104;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1000 @ 0.0001001 = 0.1001 BTC [-] 691066;1401206182;penguirker;New blog post: http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2014/05/27/the-most-time-sensitive-post-yet/ 691067;1401206261;Apocalyptic;anyway I believe it was Azelphur that noticed the weird rounding of the streamed data 691068;1401206370;TomServo;BingoBoingo: Thanks for the heads up, looks interesting. 691069;1401206393;BingoBoingo;TomServo: The thing starts in an hour. Just now learned about it. 691070;1401206408;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 2.14757570 BTC to 8`930 shares, 24049 satoshi per share 691071;1401206421;TomServo;Aye, I'll be watching. 691072;1401206470;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 646 @ 0.00080963 = 0.523 BTC [-] 691073;1401207201;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 21 @ 0.01920989 = 0.4034 BTC [-] {3} 691074;1401207202;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.49 BTC [-] 691075;1401207262;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33000 @ 0.00080874 = 26.6884 BTC [-] {4} 691076;1401207262;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.0975 = 0.39 BTC [+] 691077;1401207445;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.47933141 = 1.438 BTC [-] {2} 691078;1401207446;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 22 @ 0.0192 = 0.4224 BTC [-] 691079;1401207487;chetty;http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/apple/10857715/iPhones-frozen-by-hackers-demanding-ransom.html 691080;1401207487;assbot;iPhones frozen by hackers demanding ransom - Telegraph 691081;1401207994;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6950 @ 0.00080849 = 5.619 BTC [-] 691082;1401208055;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 26 @ 0.0192 = 0.4992 BTC [-] 691083;1401208116;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 21 @ 0.0192 = 0.4032 BTC [-] {2} 691084;1401208352;chetty;Pork DNA found in two chocolate products of Cadbury Malaysia: 691085;1401208478;chetty;An Iranian judge ordered Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg to court over concerns that his companys applications are violating users privacy. 691086;1401208895;moiety;i wonder how attractive VR farmville will be with notifications and adverts popping up everywhere 691087;1401208970;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4299 @ 0.00080914 = 3.4785 BTC [+] 691088;1401209214;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM100] 66 @ 0.00434 = 0.2864 BTC [-] {2} 691089;1401209751;moiety;!up princessnell 691090;1401210119;thestringpuller;moiety: you talking about oculus rift right? 691091;1401210139;thestringpuller;cant believe carmack is working for FB, kinda weird 691092;1401210155;moiety;thestringpuller: yep. I joked about farmville, but apparently it is on the cards 691093;1401210211;moiety;they said they wouldn't sell out either... then they met fb 691094;1401210215;thestringpuller;i wouldnt doubt it. next thing we know facebook will have an app to broadcast ads to our dreams 691095;1401210236;moiety;if they can do that without us knowing, expet that first 691096;1401210241;moiety;expect* 691097;1401210311;chetty;http://www.forbes.com/sites/henrymiller/2012/09/05/rachel-carsons-deadly-fantasies/ 691098;1401210312;assbot;Rachel Carson's Deadly Fantasies - Forbes 691099;1401210361;thestringpuller;chetty is not being a ghost today :) 691100;1401210378;thestringpuller;or just on lunch break lol 691101;1401211199;bitcoinpete;mwahaha, i hit up taleb with this https://twitter.com/bitcoinpete/status/471069013255413760 he rt's it, and then takes a few hecklers out back and shoots them. 691102;1401211200;assbot;So what /nntaleb has been saying all along. Don't ice your injuries! http://t.co/Ix3DaS85WU 691103;1401211223;bitcoinpete;https://twitter.com/nntaleb/status/471247428960923648 691104;1401211224;assbot;So what /nntaleb has been saying all along. Don't ice your injuries! http://t.co/Ix3DaS85WU 691105;1401211232;bitcoinpete;https://twitter.com/nntaleb/status/471254556350119936 691106;1401211233;assbot;So what /nntaleb has been saying all along. Don't ice your injuries! http://t.co/Ix3DaS85WU 691107;1401211410;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13143 @ 0.00080893 = 10.6318 BTC [-] {2} 691108;1401211471;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21600 @ 0.00081016 = 17.4995 BTC [+] 691109;1401211519;bitcoinpete;now, we see if he takes my free bitcoin so i can collect mircea_popescu's bounty! 691110;1401211856;mircea_popescu;bitcoinpete, nice going 691111;1401211871;bitcoinpete;gracias! 691112;1401212081;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25185 @ 0.00081077 = 20.4192 BTC [+] {3} 691113;1401212222;bitcoinpete;kinda lulzy, after making the theme of our upcoming local meet-up "burying the foundations," i was accused of not liking them because I was "snubbed" by an irrelevant press release i'd never read. 691114;1401212231;bitcoinpete;having fun correcting some fools 691115;1401212233;bitcoinpete;https://coinforum.ca/discussion/comment/6294/#Comment_6294 691116;1401212264;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20050 @ 0.00080845 = 16.2094 BTC [-] {2} 691117;1401212404;pankkake;you get snubbed because they don't talk about you? 691118;1401212417;pankkake;I guess that's why I hate everyone 691119;1401212466;fluffypony;except me 691120;1401212468;fluffypony;you don't hate me 691121;1401212519;bitcoinpete;no one hates fluffypony 691122;1401212527;bitcoinpete;not even the various and sundry foundations 691123;1401212542;fluffypony;yeah, the Bitcoin Foundation loves me 691124;1401212544;fluffypony;I think 691125;1401212568;mike_c;that cia agent hates you 691126;1401212569;bitcoinpete;i think i saw a photo of gavin's arm with a fluffypony tattoo once 691127;1401212610;fluffypony;pretty sure bitcoinpete is right 691128;1401212614;fluffypony;mike_c: it's ok, he's a Freemason 691129;1401212616;fluffypony;so you know he's right 691130;1401212679;bitcoinpete;bbl 691131;1401212996;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33900 @ 0.00081145 = 27.5082 BTC [+] {2} 691132;1401213562;BingoBoingo;"I don't want Unix running on my heart. I have a bad feeling about that" - Michael W Lucas 691133;1401214339;TomServo;I got a chuckle out of that, and the excessive comic sans. 691134;1401214674;chetty;http://www.coindesk.com/bitcoin-regulation-lessons-early-days-skype/ 691135;1401214674;assbot;Bitcoin and Regulation: Lessons from the Early Days of Skype 691136;1401215099;chetty;Furthermore, companies shouldnt ask a lawyer. Expecting a lawyer to find a loophole in the law and to state it on paper simply wont happen. 691137;1401215699;jurov;good stuff, chetty 691138;1401215802;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2658 @ 0.00080738 = 2.146 BTC [-] {2} 691139;1401216100;mike_c;great article. chetty, do you have a wiki account? if not I can throw it up on http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/governments_and_regulation 691140;1401216100;assbot;governments_and_regulation [bitcoin assets wiki] 691141;1401216144;chetty;no I dont have wiki, pls do put up 691142;1401216290;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.0975 = 0.39 BTC [+] 691143;1401216351;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22200 @ 0.0008072 = 17.9198 BTC [-] {3} 691144;1401216444;chetty;lot of good stuff in that article, but then it is pretty much what mp has been saying for ages 691145;1401216500;mike_c;yes. nice to have more examples of companies that have done it successfully. 691146;1401217327;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 10041 @ 0.0001 = 1.0041 BTC [-] {6} 691147;1401217753;jurov;mp's thinking is too branched out, i often lose the point even if he tries to compensate using strong language 691148;1401217900;jurov;and also he is far beyond obeying some institutional rules already and i had no idea how to go from here to there 691149;1401217945;fluffypony;jurov, you should use my method 691150;1401217949;fluffypony;it's called NRTS 691151;1401217957;fluffypony;I've been working on it for a few weeks 691152;1401217963;fluffypony;and so far the results have been excellent 691153;1401217978;fluffypony;NRTS == Never Read Trilema Sober 691154;1401217998;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.0305 = 0.1525 BTC [-] 691155;1401218900;moiety;lol fluffypony do you do anything sober now though? :P 691156;1401218922;fluffypony;well Mondays are my day off, so I try to keep it mellow then 691157;1401219162;moiety;most people drink on their days off , i like your style 691158;1401219218;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6900 @ 0.00080715 = 5.5693 BTC [-] 691159;1401219223;moiety;for a scottish person, i'm awful at drinking. one glass and i'm floored 691160;1401219279;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21050 @ 0.00080804 = 17.0092 BTC [+] 691161;1401219340;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.50485516 = 1.5146 BTC [+] {2} 691162;1401219486;fluffypony;moiety: my wife is a cheap date too, but at least she takes like 2-3 drinks before she gets giggly 691163;1401219539;moiety;o i've lost my bag, keys and phone by that point fluffypony lol 691164;1401219591;fluffypony;lol 691165;1401219655;moiety;i lost my whole bag once at a casino. had been out on the verranda and put bag on the floor but it was just dark and I just went away inside without it. luckily casino people found it before anyone else did and put the whole thing in the safe for me 691166;1401219683;moiety;hi pete 691167;1401219718;fluffypony;lol 691168;1401219871;bitcoinpete;hey moiety 691169;1401219931;bitcoinpete;moiety: how's the hotline coming along? 691170;1401220008;moiety;it's been quieter this past couple of days. Though, I did have someone enquiring after reading your blog bitcoinpete! 691171;1401220092;bitcoinpete;nice! 691172;1401220127;bitcoinpete;i need to write a new article today... 691173;1401220176;bitcoinpete;maybe i'll skewer this dude: http://www.coindesk.com/five-biggest-threats-facing-bitcoin/ 691174;1401220176;assbot;The Five Biggest Threats Facing Bitcoin 691175;1401220242;bitcoinpete;something along the lines of: the five biggest threats facing coindesk 691176;1401220255;davout;bitcoinpete: please do 691177;1401220256;davout;:D 691178;1401220262;bitcoinpete;or the five biggest threats facing people who don't understand bitcoin 691179;1401220270;bitcoinpete;lol ok 691180;1401220300;davout;just skimmed over the coindesk turd, can't go unpunished 691181;1401220316;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.50499993 = 1.515 BTC [+] {2} 691182;1401220333;bitcoinpete;we'd be remiss! 691183;1401220370;davout;moiety: "one glass and i'm floored" <<< can i buy you a drink? 691184;1401220377;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14600 @ 0.00080661 = 11.7765 BTC [-] {2} 691185;1401220443;bitcoinpete;!up kdomanski 691186;1401220455;kdomanski;you guys are gonna love this 691187;1401220460;kdomanski;hey. can I get a temporary voice on assets? 691188;1401220469;kdomanski;wtf, wrong paste :P 691189;1401220474;kdomanski;https://github.com/django/django/pull/2692 691190;1401220478;assbot;#22667 replaced occurrences of master/slave terminology with leader/follower by fcurella Pull Request #2692 django/django GitHub 691191;1401220482;[]bot;Bet created: "Blake Griffin to win MVP FIBA World Cup 2014" http://bitbet.us/bet/868/ 691192;1401220508;kdomanski;they actually replaced all master/slave occurences in Django, because apparently it's racist 691193;1401220517;TomServo;bwahaha 691194;1401220522;bitcoinpete;hahahah 691195;1401220524;davout;"https://github.com/django/django/pull/2692" <<< nice, three pages of drama follow 691196;1401220527;bitcoinpete;that's pretty fuckin priceless 691197;1401220551;bitcoinpete;o man, let's just use numbers instead of words 691198;1401220559;bitcoinpete;you can be #4582 691199;1401220571;bitcoinpete;cuz "jim" is too -ist 691200;1401220589;bitcoinpete;then we can tattoo the numbers on our arms, like a good socialist does 691201;1401220594;bitcoinpete;cripes 691202;1401220599;fluffypony;HELLO #4985 691203;1401220606;moiety;davout: sure, if you make sure i don't lose my bag! 691204;1401220607;[]bot;Bet created: "Satoshi Nakamoto to win Nobel Prize in Economics in 2014" http://bitbet.us/bet/869/ 691205;1401220608;fluffypony;QUADRANT #857 691206;1401220610;fluffypony;SECTOR #8 691207;1401220641;bitcoinpete;#8495, child of #3908 691208;1401220653;fluffypony;brother of #6582? 691209;1401220660;bitcoinpete;turns into 39088495 691210;1401220674;fluffypony;lol 691211;1401220690;davout;moiety: we'll ask jurov, he likes to hold bags 691212;1401220691;bitcoinpete;like john's son --> johnson 691213;1401220716;bitcoinpete;but more fair to words 691214;1401220789;mike_c;i've always thought master/slave was pretty far out there for terminology. whatever, let 'em change it. 691215;1401220789;fluffypony;"Do not presume to know me...I have studied at the feet of #3084 of quadrant #651 sector #5, I have seen the incredible beauty of both #7456 and #9174 of quadrant #441 sector #9, I have served in the courts of #7531 of quadrant #113 sector #6. You do now know me, nor shall you ever know me." - #4657 of quadrant #912 sector #3 691216;1401220832;bitcoinpete;lol 691217;1401220874;bitcoinpete;jurov pls to deposit 691218;1401220923;jurov;can't, must wait for moiety to take her bag back 691219;1401220975;bitcoinpete;you're bag-blocked? 691220;1401221005;fluffypony;kdomanski: CLASSIC - "Next we will remove all mention og objects because some people might feel objectified. Or classes, because of the poor people that feels they are being discriminated against." 691221;1401221045;moiety;lol i will lose everything and be locked out otherwise bitcoinpete! 691222;1401221075;kdomanski;fluffypony: that actually has some kind if perverse leftist logic in it 691223;1401221133;jurov;bitcoinpete done 691224;1401221149;bitcoinpete;jurov: ty 691225;1401221204;kdomanski;there are projects out there, where someon tried it change gender-specific pronouns, because equality etc. 691226;1401221234;kdomanski;naturally resulting in flamewars tens of screens long 691227;1401221270;bitcoinpete;;;gettrust kdomanski 691228;1401221270;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask kdomanski!~kdomanski@public-gprs514496.centertel.pl. Trust relationship from user bitcoinpete to user kdomanski: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=bitcoinpete&dest=kdomanski | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=kdomanski | Rated since: never 691229;1401221280;bitcoinpete;;;ident kdomanski 691230;1401221281;gribble;Nick 'kdomanski', with hostmask 'kdomanski!~kdomanski@public-gprs514496.centertel.pl', is identified as user 'kdomanski', with GPG key id 8FCF3D39BD616728, key fingerprint 37A442AB8627388583F82FCDD9751D0C22B68FD5, and bitcoin address None 691231;1401221292;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6400 @ 0.00080804 = 5.1715 BTC [+] 691232;1401221310;bitcoinpete;;;rate kdomanski 1 new blood 691233;1401221311;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user kdomanski has been recorded. 691234;1401221322;kdomanski;thank you so much good sir 691235;1401221333;bitcoinpete;np 691236;1401221351;bitcoinpete;keep adding value 691237;1401221405;bitcoinpete;yup, gonna crush that coindesk kid 691238;1401221415;bitcoinpete;he just linked this, so no excuses now https://twitter.com/danielcawrey/status/471381419483480064 691239;1401221416;assbot;U.S. is number 1, China is so yesterday http://t.co/EERaOaW34t 691240;1401221438;bitcoinpete;i'll be in da wp 691241;1401221476;moiety;http://i.imgur.com/065abbX.png 691242;1401221502;kdomanski;lol 691243;1401221503;pankkake;kdomanski: oh god. they actually merged it 691244;1401221506;kdomanski;yes 691245;1401221513;jurov;SURE, THE BIG MACS ARE CHEAPER, BUT IS THERE ENOUGH FREEDOM TO DEVELOP THE NEXT BIG THING? 691246;1401221516;pankkake;"leader/follower" is pretty offensive to me actually 691247;1401221540;kdomanski;me too, because I'm not particularly charismatic 691248;1401221541;TomServo;they used primary and replica instead, because that's MUCHLY better 691249;1401221658;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 6 @ 0.01922081 = 0.1153 BTC [+] {4} 691250;1401221659;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19494 @ 0.00080954 = 15.7812 BTC [+] {4} 691251;1401221795;TomServo;It was "Whitey/Nigger" and I already pushed the changes to my code. I feel that the nigger word is not as dangerous as the slave word so it's ok. BTW I'm black and have many black friends, and listen to everything but country and rap, LOL! 691252;1401221808;TomServo;Aha, that seems like a good endpoint. Thanks for the luls kdomanski. 691253;1401221903;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11350 @ 0.00081082 = 9.2028 BTC [+] {2} 691254;1401222357;BingoBoingo;!up kdomanski 691255;1401222374;BingoBoingo;OMG Copumkin of all people commented on the Django change 22 hours ago 691256;1401222493;fluffypony;BingoBoingo: I saw that 691257;1401222510;fluffypony;I was like "must be a different Copumpkin thumbs upping this" 691258;1401222634;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8750 @ 0.00080666 = 7.0583 BTC [-] 691259;1401222841;danielpbarron;!up MrWDunne 691260;1401222856;MrWDunne;Thank you Daniel 691261;1401222950;BingoBoingo;fluffypony: There's really only one copumkin and he incarcerates tomatoes. 691262;1401223033;fluffypony;heh 691263;1401223579;MrWDunne;What is the general opinion around here on the European elections? 691264;1401223644;princessnell;predictable 691265;1401223696;pankkake;"nothing" got the absolute majority vote in France, why were people elected? I don't understand :( 691266;1401223702;MrWDunne;Seems to be leaning far more to the right than previously though 691267;1401223718;MrWDunne;What do you mean pankkake? 691268;1401223725;jurov;that was actually expected, too 691269;1401223753;pankkake;I less than half voted. It isn't reasonable to elect people then 691270;1401223753;MrWDunne;I didn't expect it to be quite that much if I'm honest 691271;1401223769;jurov;he prolly meant low turnover... here in slovakia it was just above 13% 691272;1401223775;pankkake;lol nice 691273;1401223793;MrWDunne;Ah yeah, well its like that over most of Europe. Can't imagine it was that much higher here in the UK 691274;1401223812;jurov;with difference between having a seat and not merely 1600 votes 691275;1401223834;MrWDunne;Almost laughable 691276;1401224662;BingoBoingo;http://www.idlewords.com/2005/04/dabblers_and_blowhards.htm 691277;1401224664;assbot;Dabblers And Blowhards (Idle Words) 691278;1401225466;MrWDunne;!ticker s.mpoe 691279;1401225466;assbot;Have you got any tobacco? 691280;1401225543;BingoBoingo;!ticker glbse nyan.a 691281;1401225543;assbot;Have you got any tobacco? 691282;1401225554;BingoBoingo;!t s f.mpif 691283;1401225554;assbot;I thought I told you not to touch me. 691284;1401225568;BingoBoingo;!t h balls 691285;1401225568;assbot;These beans is shit. 691286;1401225583;FabianB;!t m S.MPOE 691287;1401225584;assbot;[MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00080654 / 0.00081529 / 0.00082788 (1157516 shares, 943.72 BTC), 7D: 0.00080654 / 0.00091265 / 0.00094991 (7524475 shares, 6,867.23 BTC), 30D: 0.00080654 / 0.00092789 / 0.00101 (25667448 shares, 23,816.61 BTC) 691288;1401225694;mike_c;;;calc 23816 * [ticker --last] 691289;1401225695;gribble;13709680.4 691290;1401225771;MrWDunne;Thank you 691291;1401226233;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17100 @ 0.00080926 = 13.8383 BTC [+] {3} 691292;1401226536;chetty;http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2640004/BBC-mauled-ruling-girl-offensive-word-MP-leads-growing-outcry-politically-correct-censorship.html 691293;1401226536;assbot;BBC mauled for ruling 'girl' is offensive word | Mail Online 691294;1401226666;fluffypony;they should've replaced "girl" with leader/follower. 691295;1401227026;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2000 @ 0.00010009 = 0.2002 BTC [-] {3} 691296;1401227485;BingoBoingo;http://gawker.com/r-i-p-manuel-uribe-worlds-heaviest-man-at-48-1582207254 691297;1401227486;assbot;R.I.P. Manuel Uribe, World's Heaviest Man, at 48 691298;1401227878;BingoBoingo;!up tokyopotato 691299;1401227888;tokyopotato;thanks BingoBoingo 691300;1401227985;BingoBoingo;Wait till the doger's find this http://tech.slashdot.org/story/14/05/27/202239/test-driving-nvidias-grid-gpu-cloud-computing-platform 691301;1401227986;assbot;Test-Driving NVIDIA's GRID GPU Cloud Computing Platform - Slashdot 691302;1401228034;tokyo-away;oooh snap 691303;1401228041;tokyo-away;noice 691304;1401228063;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 3000 @ 0.0001 = 0.3 BTC [-] {2} 691305;1401228105;mike_c;i tried mining litecoin with that once as an exercise in stupidity. 691306;1401228454;bitcoinpete;mike_c: i just ditched my litecoin this morning 691307;1401228465;bitcoinpete;the last of it anyways 691308;1401228483;mike_c;i never had any. the mining didn't go well. 691309;1401228502;bitcoinpete;lol never tried mining but didn't think it was that hard? 691310;1401228552;mike_c;it's not hard if you buy a miner and plug it in. i got the grid thingy going eventually, at which point i lost interest and turned it off. 691311;1401228746;mike_c;bitcoinpete: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-12-2013#402170 691312;1401228746;assbot;#bitcoin-assets log 691313;1401228769;bitcoinpete;*slap!* 691314;1401228779;bitcoinpete;better late than never 691315;1401228794;mike_c;i believe someone took care of it at the time. emotes aren't logged i think. 691316;1401228795;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28800 @ 0.00081114 = 23.3608 BTC [+] {2} 691317;1401228810;*;mike_c tells a sekrit 691318;1401228823;mike_c;well, they are now 691319;1401228830;bitcoinpete;gah! 691320;1401228833;cazalla;i bought some when they were 5c, mined at around 50 diff 691321;1401228869;cazalla;not enough though, it was a great way to turn junk into gold (bitcoin) 691322;1401228884;bitcoinpete;looks like i dumped the last ltc at the right time, buys orders be dried up like an old pruney woman https://btc-e.com/exchange/ltc_btc 691323;1401228929;bitcoinpete;heya princessnell 691324;1401228979;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 242 @ 0.00222 = 0.5372 BTC [-] {6} 691325;1401229023;princessnell;howdy 691326;1401229039;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 28 @ 0.0305 = 0.854 BTC [-] 691327;1401229041;benkay; so apparently the food problem has gotten so bad in the us, the current generation of kids may be the first in human history not to outlive their parents. // it started with the previous generation. they are...not healthy. 691328;1401229100;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 4024 @ 0.0001 = 0.4024 BTC [-] {2} 691329;1401229228;cazalla;just to touch on the bitstamp audit again, am i right in thinking that any audit only shows they had the coins up until date of the audit and it doesn't count for much going forward? 691330;1401229247;dub;hodl ltc tbh, launching on gox any day now 691331;1401229282;cazalla;dub: you have seen the api ticker, right? 691332;1401229295;dub;the what? 691333;1401229308;bitcoinpete;dub lol 691334;1401229381;cazalla;i think it was http://data.mtgox.com/api/2/LTCUSD/money/ticker any day now as you said, midas touch inc 691335;1401229467;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.03042005 = 0.1217 BTC [-] {2} 691336;1401229649;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [RENT] 22 @ 0.00512226 = 0.1127 BTC [+] {2} 691337;1401230057;BingoBoingo;!t h rent 691338;1401230057;assbot;[HAVELOCK:RENT] 1D: 0.00415677 / 0.00498563 / 0.00546990 (63 shares, 0.31409464 BTC), 7D: 0.00415677 / 0.00563087 / 0.00600000 (866 shares, 4.87632936 BTC), 30D: 0.00415677 / 0.00622508 / 0.00750000 (8445 shares, 52.57079097 BTC) 691339;1401230093;mike_c;not responding well to the rally 691340;1401230107;mike_c;to the complete surprise of no one. 691341;1401230124;penguirker;New blog post: http://www.btcalpha.com/blog/2014/a-new-investment-fund/ 691342;1401230213;dub;whose blog is that? 691343;1401230232;mike_c;mine 691344;1401230312;dub;ooh nice (mpex) tool u got thar 691345;1401230328;mike_c;thanks. you should have seen the tools for the options exchange :) 691346;1401230497;jurov;;;calc 30/0.000215*0.00021726 - 30 691347;1401230497;gribble;0.315348837209 691348;1401230552;jurov;;;calc 50.31535/50 691349;1401230552;gribble;1.006307 691350;1401230572;jurov;mpif marketmaker will earn about 0.6% 691351;1401230605;mircea_popescu;yeah poor mike kinda had great tools made that got obsoleted too soon 691352;1401230608;jurov;it caught me in the middle of upgrade, will try hard to offer complete data this week 691353;1401230693;jurov;er...it will be much less after mpex fees 691354;1401230746;jurov;and now the trade has ground to halt... i should maybe offer some goodies to someone who'll make a volume there? 691355;1401230756;jurov;!t m f.mpif 691356;1401230757;assbot;[MPEX:F.MPIF] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: 0.00021726 / 0.00021726 / 0.00021726 (2409 shares, 0.52 BTC), 30D: 0.000215 / 0.00021528 / 0.00021726 (1154009 shares, 248.44 BTC) 691357;1401230867;mike_c;;;calc .31534 - (30*0.002) 691358;1401230867;gribble;0.25534 691359;1401230869;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8600 @ 0.00080652 = 6.9361 BTC [-] {6} 691360;1401230869;mircea_popescu;fluffypony: NRTS == Never Read Trilema Sober << i sometimes write it sober... 691361;1401230877;mike_c;jurov: that look right for after fees? 691362;1401230889;jurov;mike_c yes about 691363;1401230908;mircea_popescu;bitcoinpete: something along the lines of: the five biggest threats facing coindesk << pretty much lol. coinlolz. 691364;1401230936;bitcoinpete;mircea_popescu: funny, i just hit publish 691365;1401230944;bitcoinpete;waiting for the penguirker to do its job 691366;1401230963;penguirker;New blog post: http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/05/27/the-five-biggest-threats-facing-coindesk-and-anyone-who-reads-it/ 691367;1401230983;mircea_popescu;kdomanski: https://github.com/django/django/pull/2692 << anbd then that fuckwit is going to preternd like he's a FOSS contributor. 691368;1401230986;assbot;#22667 replaced occurrences of master/slave terminology with leader/follower by fcurella Pull Request #2692 django/django GitHub 691369;1401231048;mike_c;that should push mpif over 1% for may (depending on bingo). not bad for month 1. 691370;1401231132;mircea_popescu;bitcoinpete, i think you blew some links 691371;1401231153;bitcoinpete;hmm lemme check 691372;1401231253;benkay; #22667 replaced occurrences of master/slave terminology with leader/follower by fcurella Pull Request #2692 django/django GitHub // next think you know we'll elect to inaugurate the president branch 691373;1401231267;bitcoinpete;mircea_popescu: yup, fixed. thx for the catch! 691374;1401231284;benkay;instead of my bending the master branch to my own will on my own merits 691375;1401231293;mircea_popescu;lol 691376;1401231324;mircea_popescu;kdomanski: 691377;1401231325;mircea_popescu;there are projects out there, where someon tried it change gender-specific pronouns, because equality etc << i asked some chick recently if she wants to be miss or misses and she wanted to be some nonsense neither thing. 691378;1401231333;mircea_popescu;i briefly contemplated cutting things short with a gtfo 691379;1401231341;mircea_popescu;in retrospect it'd have probably been the better move. 691380;1401231360;BingoBoingo;mike_c: Correction posted in a comment to your latest article. 691381;1401231387;bitcoinpete;;;ticker 691382;1401231388;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 571.1, Best ask: 572.92, Bid-ask spread: 1.82000, Last trade: 571.1, 24 hour volume: 19926.46251844, 24 hour low: 550.22, 24 hour high: 595.0, 24 hour vwap: 574.114433837 691383;1401231394;bitcoinpete;;;bc,stats 691384;1401231401;gribble;Current Blocks: 302921 | Current Difficulty: 1.0455720138484837E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 304415 | Next Difficulty In: 1494 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 3 days, 19 hours, 49 minutes, and 33 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 10829389520.4 | Estimated Percent Change: 3.57383 691385;1401231418;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13250 @ 0.00080672 = 10.689 BTC [+] 691386;1401231427;mike_c;thanks BingoBoingo. 691387;1401231432;mircea_popescu;fluffypony: I was like "must be a different Copumpkin thumbs upping this" << why ? the guy was pretty into all this nonsensical gargle. actually i suspect its lack of currency here is prolly why he made himself scarce. 691388;1401231438;mircea_popescu;which is kinda sad, he's smart and all. 691389;1401231473;mircea_popescu;princessnell, o look who's here. 691390;1401231483;mircea_popescu;you missed the debate yest did you. 691391;1401231491;princessnell;read over it a bit 691392;1401231525;mircea_popescu;jurov: with difference between having a seat and not merely 1600 votes << gotta love these lolcountries 691393;1401231547;BingoBoingo;mike_c: Sourcing the right numbers to do arithmetic is a bit tricky on that first statement due to the fact some of the centers were already active (including jd). It's easy enough to pull a number that looks right but is a bit off. 691394;1401231548;princessnell;i don't disagree with anything you said to bitcoinpete 691395;1401231581;mike_c;difficult for first month, yes. for JD i believe i have the right amount of money that was invested. 691396;1401231611;mircea_popescu;princessnell, the incentive for me there was that you two seemed ot have arrived at opposing conclusions 691397;1401231611;BingoBoingo;mike_c: Also your comments don't do links? 691398;1401231616;mircea_popescu;and i didn't readily see problems with either 691399;1401231627;mike_c;i am pondering that.. 691400;1401231641;mike_c;obviously at the moment they do not. 691401;1401231660;BingoBoingo;Using Wordpress? 691402;1401231672;mike_c;no. largely custom 691403;1401231675;BingoBoingo;Ah 691404;1401231675;princessnell;i still don't understand where yr getting this perfect economy from 691405;1401231689;mike_c;currently it escapes html and translates newlines to
691406;1401231689;princessnell;does it rotate evenly? 691407;1401231743;BingoBoingo;mike_c: This could be a headache for you to maintain over time as comments increase and you have to fix comment html manually. 691408;1401231762;mike_c;i don't think so. more a matter of policy i need to figure out and it'll be fine. 691409;1401231770;mircea_popescu;princessnell, you mean why call it "perfect" ? 691410;1401231773;BingoBoingo;Ah 691411;1401231773;mike_c;obviously can't allow any html 691412;1401231785;princessnell;no i mean "what are you talking about" 691413;1401231790;mike_c;or, abitrary html that is. 691414;1401231798;jurov;no, just