1;1366934490;pgp3;just looked at chart... shit... a couple hours can be an eternity in bitcoin land... 2;1366934509;kakobrekla;:) 3;1366934540;mircea_popescu;what now 4;1366934543;mircea_popescu;;;ticker 5;1366934543;gribble;BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 142.16804, Best ask: 142.49990, Bid-ask spread: 0.33186, Last trade: 142.16804, 24 hour volume: 166821.51265896, 24 hour low: 120.08900, 24 hour high: 162.00000, 24 hour vwap: 143.49206 6;1366934546;mircea_popescu;heh 7;1366934569;pgp3;someone dumped A LOT of coin... jeez... 8;1366934614;tiberiusiv;not really 9;1366935019;gesell;can someone explain what happened that caused the drop to $90? 10;1366935047;KRS1;lol 11;1366935058;Scrat;pizza was delivered to the gox headquarters 12;1366935061;Scrat;the rest is history 13;1366935069;KRS1;this shit is nutty 14;1366935079;KRS1;some corn on the side too 15;1366935128;gesell;no really, i dont see much on reddit and wasnt around at the time 16;1366935132;gesell;so what really happened? 17;1366935148;jurov;should we tell him? 18;1366935174;KRS1;look, its like this..this shit is nuttier than a port-o-potty at a peanut festival 19;1366935176;Scrat;jurov: ssshhh 20;1366935188;pgp3;lol 21;1366935193;mod6;haha 22;1366935219;pgp3;what do you mean $90... I don't see that anywhere... 23;1366935245;KRS1;prolly a different exchange? 24;1366935247;gesell;25th at 22:25 for 91 25;1366935251;gesell;mtgoxusd 26;1366935303;pgp3;maybe that was the limit price? 27;1366935313;mircea_popescu;gesell someone fucked up the wash trading ? 28;1366935331;pgp3;low was around 120 29;1366935532;gesell;hmm... well i had a lot of orders at $88 that got fulfilled 30;1366935544;gesell;guess it was my fault 31;1366935659;gesell;oh blah 32;1366935660;gesell;my bad 33;1366935661;gesell;sorry 34;1366935665;gesell;just reading the gox emails wrong 35;1366935677;gesell;was from a long time ago 36;1366935770;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.16 BTC [-] 37;1366935962;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 1.705 BTC [-] 38;1366936119;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-GOLD] 1 @ 0.00111 BTC [-] 39;1366936319;thestringpuller;;;tiocker 40;1366936319;gribble;Error: "tiocker" is not a valid command. 41;1366936320;thestringpuller;;;ticker 42;1366936322;gribble;BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 142.25001, Best ask: 142.36000, Bid-ask spread: 0.10999, Last trade: 142.36000, 24 hour volume: 177752.29026620, 24 hour low: 120.08900, 24 hour high: 162.00000, 24 hour vwap: 143.50780 43;1366936338;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1293 @ 0.00069843 = 0.9031 BTC [+] 44;1366937090;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu, that's what they call you. bitcoin billi-on-aire, lots of niggas say it ain't fair. 45;1366937113;mircea_popescu;oddly, it's the crackers sayin' it ain't fair. 46;1366937127;thestringpuller;LOL 47;1366937139;thestringpuller;haters everywhere, tell em to grow a pair? 48;1366937174;thestringpuller;as you sit in your lair, surrounded by bitches shaved with nair. 49;1366937228;mircea_popescu;"The Less That You Wear, the More You Need Nair!" 50;1366937231;mircea_popescu;lmao that's retarded. 51;1366937280;thestringpuller;hahaha 52;1366937347;mircea_popescu;basically sodium hidroxide ?! ouch. 53;1366937439;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1550 @ 0.00069955 = 1.0843 BTC [+] 54;1366937575;assbot;[BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 1 @ 0.01629 BTC [+] 55;1366937642;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 1.7997 BTC [+] 56;1366937703;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 10 @ 0.4485 = 4.485 BTC [+] 57;1366937704;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 10 @ 0.4485 = 4.485 BTC [+] 58;1366938042;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5950 @ 0.00070076 = 4.1695 BTC [+] 59;1366938183;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 4 @ 0.4485 = 1.794 BTC [+] 60;1366939023;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 11 @ 0.4201 = 4.6211 BTC [-] 61;1366939024;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.42 BTC [-] 62;1366939142;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 4 @ 0.40070003 = 1.6028 BTC [-] 63;1366939143;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 25 @ 0.40070002 = 10.0175 BTC [-] 64;1366939503;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 1.7997 BTC [+] 65;1366939641;assbot;[BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.198 BTC [+] 66;1366939679;assbot;[BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 5 @ 0.1981 = 0.9905 BTC [+] 67;1366939796;assbot;[BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 5 @ 0.1983 = 0.9915 BTC [+] 68;1366940102;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 6 @ 0.009996 = 0.06 BTC [+] 69;1366940113;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 5 @ 0.009997 = 0.05 BTC [+] 70;1366940115;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9050 @ 0.00070076 = 6.3419 BTC [+] 71;1366940117;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11617 @ 0.00070092 = 8.1426 BTC [+] 72;1366940124;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 2 @ 0.009999 = 0.02 BTC [+] 73;1366940222;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 2 @ 0.28000002 = 0.56 BTC [-] 74;1366940224;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 10 @ 0.28000001 = 2.8 BTC [-] 75;1366940289;assbot;[BTCTC] [RSM] 1 @ 0.00303 BTC [-] 76;1366940292;assbot;[BTCTC] [RSM] 238 @ 0.00302 = 0.7188 BTC [-] 77;1366940806;Diablo-D3;;;ticker 78;1366940808;gribble;BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 140.10015, Best ask: 140.98999, Bid-ask spread: 0.88984, Last trade: 141.22614, 24 hour volume: 187759.77712509, 24 hour low: 120.08900, 24 hour high: 162.00000, 24 hour vwap: 143.12243 79;1366941175;asciilifeform;epic troll? http://www.americanbanker.com/bankthink/governments-must-co-opt-bitcoin-to-avert-disaster-1058380-1.html?zkPrintable=1&nopagination=1 80;1366941237;tiberiusiv;;;bids 50 81;1366941240;gribble;There are currently 151705.18 bitcoins demanded at or over 50.0 USD, worth 12737481.7987 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0082 seconds 82;1366941794;tiberiusiv;;;bids 120 83;1366941797;gribble;There are currently 21257.668 bitcoins demanded at or over 120.0 USD, worth 2718075.47269 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0060 seconds 84;1366941910;jcpham;http://www.nature.com/srep/2013/130425/srep01684/full/srep01684.html 85;1366941920;jcpham;hurt yourself reading what i'm reading 86;1366941991;asciilifeform;jcpham: idea: rape the algo traders who read this by implementing a contrarian algo 87;1366942622;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.29 BTC [+] 88;1366942625;mircea_popescu;A recent investigation has shown that the number of clicks on search results stemming from a given country correlates with the amount of investment in that country 89;1366942632;mircea_popescu;totally. this is so useful and everything. 90;1366942645;mircea_popescu;buncha onanists, these people. 91;1366943258;seongyupyoo;hi, i'm back with couple of questions 92;1366943263;seongyupyoo;mircea still here? 93;1366943280;mircea_popescu;yea 94;1366943347;seongyupyoo;cool, so i've been thinking really hard about destorying, and really the only way this system would be viable if the destroy funds are either really destroyed, sent to void, sent back to blockchain somehow 95;1366943394;seongyupyoo;i'm wondering what ways there are to do 1. really destroy bitcoins 2. blackhole it 3. give it back to blockchain 96;1366943401;seongyupyoo;could you help? 97;1366943431;ThickAsThieves;what's the difference between 1 and 2 98;1366943445;mircea_popescu;well, 1 justg send them to a fixed address like 1blackhole398759347589 99;1366943451;seongyupyoo;i don't know as i don't know how to do either 100;1366943467;ThickAsThieves;3 is best 101;1366943476;ThickAsThieves;you dont want to be a destroying coins 102;1366943483;ThickAsThieves;and you couldnt prove that you were 103;1366943490;seongyupyoo;ok so 1 and 2 are same 104;1366943490;mircea_popescu;seongyupyoo its simple, just send coins to an address that nobody has the key for. 105;1366943500;mircea_popescu;something arbitrary, like 1thisaddressisablackhole 106;1366943513;mircea_popescu;you'll need to calculatge the checksums so it validates, but that's no big deal 107;1366943522;seongyupyoo;ok 108;1366943537;mircea_popescu;3 you could just add it as miner fee in a tx. 109;1366943538;ThickAsThieves;but the problem there is you are accelerating deflation 110;1366943546;seongyupyoo;so i got that now 1 and 2 are same and you just send to an address that no one has key to 111;1366943549;mircea_popescu;like, make a tx with 100 btc inputs, 1 satoshi outputs 112;1366943584;seongyupyoo;i'm not following you when you say make tx with 100 input to and 1 output 113;1366943602;mircea_popescu;all bitcoin txs have some inputs and some outputs. 114;1366943603;seongyupyoo;how verifiable is adding as fee though? 115;1366943607;mircea_popescu;very. 116;1366943608;ThickAsThieves;he means .00000001 output 117;1366943618;seongyupyoo;people will need to be able to see that their exact fund amount has been destroyed at that time 118;1366943636;ThickAsThieves;easy you just link them to the tx 119;1366943639;mircea_popescu;you just check the tx in blockchain, it'll be there. 100 goes in, 1 goes out so 99 was miner fee 120;1366943650;mircea_popescu;or w/e actual numbers. 121;1366943658;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4033 @ 0.00070092 = 2.8268 BTC [+] 122;1366943660;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11595 @ 0.00070129 = 8.1315 BTC [+] 123;1366943694;seongyupyoo;so send money from my wallet to my wallet with 100 input and 1 output if i don't to give back 99? 124;1366943724;mircea_popescu;um 125;1366943728;mircea_popescu;come again ? 126;1366943753;seongyupyoo;i'm just trying to clarify how to make a transaction 127;1366943762;seongyupyoo;who is it going to and from? 128;1366943770;seongyupyoo;100 input and 1 output 129;1366943771;mircea_popescu;whoever you want. 130;1366943778;ThickAsThieves;you have to send an actual amount (i think) plus a tx fee 131;1366943782;mircea_popescu;i think you'll have to read up on how bitcoin txs work 132;1366943788;ThickAsThieves;most of the destroyed coin would be sent as the tx fee 133;1366943795;maximian;send 0.00000001 BTC to any address, and specify a fee of 99BTC 134;1366943795;ThickAsThieves;but you would send .00000001 of it to yourself 135;1366943796;seongyupyoo;i see so it is fee 136;1366943811;seongyupyoo;i understand that, i thought there was another way to manually setting input and output 137;1366943817;seongyupyoo;how bad is destroying to blackholeaddress? 138;1366943828;ThickAsThieves;i think its bad 139;1366943834;mircea_popescu;pretty bad yea. 140;1366943837;ThickAsThieves;and not necessary 141;1366943840;seongyupyoo;ok 142;1366943849;seongyupyoo;i think that settles it then 143;1366943865;ThickAsThieves;but do what mp said 144;1366943870;ThickAsThieves;learn more about tx 145;1366943872;ThickAsThieves;and blockchain 146;1366943877;ThickAsThieves;and what your options are 147;1366943880;seongyupyoo;i identified 4 big issues from all the feedback i gather today 148;1366943892;ThickAsThieves;because you might not want to send a 100btc tx fee 149;1366943903;ThickAsThieves;you might want to send a lot of small ones 150;1366943913;ThickAsThieves;depending on how mining pools snag them 151;1366943914;seongyupyoo;would you guys like to hear the 4 problems, and my plan to solve them? 152;1366943922;mircea_popescu;sure. 153;1366943950;seongyupyoo;well, if i send a lot of small ones, it would be hard for the traders to check their fund was destroyed 154;1366943965;ThickAsThieves;you can send more than one tx at once i think 155;1366943977;seongyupyoo;i should start running a pool where i keep the transaction fee lol 156;1366944001;seongyupyoo;then i'd need to provide many transation id as a proof of destruction 157;1366944022;seongyupyoo;i think big fee would be fine 158;1366944026;ThickAsThieves;maybe 159;1366944032;seongyupyoo;also i figured out a way so that nobody will ever have to risk 100 BTC 160;1366944039;seongyupyoo;probably 1 BTC to 10 BTC max 161;1366944067;seongyupyoo;so max destruction is going to be 20-40 BTC at most 162;1366944090;seongyupyoo;anyways, the first problem was issue of me running away with risk funds 163;1366944098;kakobrekla;you are now arbitrarily setting what is ok give to pool ops? 164;1366944119;seongyupyoo;I think I can remedy that by putting nashx under my current business of 7 years -> http://mosaically.com 165;1366944130;seongyupyoo;so nashx might run under nashx.mosaically.com 166;1366944150;seongyupyoo;what do you guys think? 167;1366944211;usagi;i don't know what's going on 168;1366944212;seongyupyoo;2nd problem was destroying of the destroyed funds, and i'll handle that by sending it back to blockchain as fee 169;1366944221;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46572 @ 0.000703 = 32.7401 BTC [+] 170;1366944269;seongyupyoo;3rd problem is transparency, basically the ability for people to be able to see all that is happening in terms of transactions 171;1366944313;seongyupyoo;i'll remedy that by making all transactions and messages between trader and such available for public view 172;1366944320;ThickAsThieves;1st problem seems like a non-problem with a non-solution 173;1366944333;usagi;What was the middle thing? 174;1366944378;usagi;I'm trying to understand this, so, you want to run a mining pool? 175;1366944380;seongyupyoo;well someone thought that it was an issue, you're right it might not really be an issue. and it really isn't, but it was brought up, and i can see how some people might see that as risk 176;1366944395;seongyupyoo;where as if it was under mosaically umbrella, then it would be under a corporation 177;1366944402;seongyupyoo;more legit 178;1366944418;ThickAsThieves;usagi: nashx.com/about 179;1366944419;seongyupyoo;no i don't, i just made something called nashx 180;1366944437;usagi;So your goal is to make it legit.. and your not planning to quit, as a result of that? you will see this through? 181;1366944440;seongyupyoo;last problem is problem of big transactions 182;1366944453;kakobrekla;seongyupyoo, balances and txes are public and audiable... so transparency is not a big issue 183;1366944458;seongyupyoo;yes i will see this through 184;1366944472;seongyupyoo;at least to the next version having solve these 4 problems 185;1366944479;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 35 @ 0.01 = 0.35 BTC [+] 186;1366944481;seongyupyoo;and i'll post it on reddit again, get feedback 187;1366944486;seongyupyoo;sholdn't take long 188;1366944491;ThickAsThieves;for the 3rd problem you can simply make your escrow address publicly known 189;1366944496;ThickAsThieves;or addresses 190;1366944506;usagi;Oh nashx. Thats a good idea, if it works you will be rich. 191;1366944510;ThickAsThieves;however if you escrow everything you slow it down 192;1366944525;seongyupyoo;we don't escrow 193;1366944532;usagi;So what your saying is, you are too legit to quit. Sounds good :) 194;1366944536;seongyupyoo;it's person-to-person 195;1366944556;ThickAsThieves;where are te collateral coins stored? 196;1366944562;seongyupyoo;well, i really feel that something like nashx needs to exist for everyone's benefit 197;1366944583;seongyupyoo;what collateral? there's no need 198;1366944592;ThickAsThieves;maybe i need to read it better 199;1366944599;seongyupyoo;yeah i think so... :) 200;1366944607;usagi;May I give you some free advice yupyoo? 201;1366944615;usagi;if I may call you yupyoo. 202;1366944622;seongyupyoo;sure 203;1366944628;seongyupyoo;my first name is seong yup 204;1366944630;mircea_popescu;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=154089.msg1946133#msg1946133 lol 205;1366944630;seongyupyoo;last name is yoo 206;1366944642;usagi;Oh, I am used to last name first 207;1366944659;usagi;I live here in asia you see. 208;1366944684;maximian;Bitcoin has a mechanism for multisig transactions - destruction isn't necessary 209;1366944692;maximian;https://blockchain.info/wallet/escrow 210;1366944699;usagi;I assume you are from Korea? Have you been to Jeju island? I hear it is so beautiful. 211;1366944723;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.27500001 BTC [-] 212;1366944746;usagi;Anyways, I don't like how you explain how you keep the destroyed funds, because until that moment you speak of the funds as "destroyed" 213;1366944752;maximian;unless I've misunderstood what you're trying to do 214;1366944771;usagi;so I would not try to justify how you do it, just state that you keep the funds "like a library fine" and leave it at that. 215;1366944787;usagi;That's essentially what your doing. It's like a late fee charged at a video store 216;1366944803;usagi;I don't think people are going to be concerned with that if your business takes off 217;1366944834;mircea_popescu;alrighty, i'm off. cya tomorro. 218;1366944867;deadweasel;gnight 219;1366944925;seongyupyoo;bye 220;1366944935;seongyupyoo;the problem usagi is that 221;1366944953;seongyupyoo;if i just leave it as is, i have incentive to make fake accounts and go on a destroying spree 222;1366944969;usagi;So, hire someone to audit your books. 223;1366945002;usagi;That's what I did with my company TU.SILVER. I have a registered CA looking at the books, and a highly trusted community member providing operational oversight 224;1366945006;seongyupyoo;well sending it back to blockchain is the best way as far as i can tell atm 225;1366945024;deadweasel;usagi, how is tu silver doing? 226;1366945035;seongyupyoo;i would prefer to have a system that is good by design than have to hire people to watch over it 227;1366945036;usagi;People place far too much faith in the long and winding road of procedure when in the end it boils down to trust anyways. 228;1366945066;usagi;deadweasel: it's going very well. 229;1366945089;seongyupyoo;that's true, but i think in this case, it is important to gain validation of smart people especially since bitcoin community has been hurt with so many scams 230;1366945112;usagi;The fact is silver went down, but compared to if we just leveraged pure silver on the way down, my investors made ovr 100% compared to the price of silver today 231;1366945122;seongyupyoo;i feel it must pass the standard of community on reddit in order for it to be adopted and used widely by the whole global community 232;1366945150;usagi;All I am concerned with now is providing 1:1 leverage with silver since I believe we are approaching a long-term bottom in silver priced in BTC 233;1366945166;seongyupyoo;what does your business do? 234;1366945209;usagi;i sell investment grade silver coins, like canadian maples, FMJ 1/2oz rounds, etc. 235;1366945229;seongyupyoo;maximilian, escrow does not work for my model because i don't want to be in the middle of people handling their transaction because of USD 236;1366945247;seongyupyoo;i see 237;1366945303;seongyupyoo;what do you do kakobrekla? 238;1366945364;usagi;deadweasel; total divs to date: 0.034788, sliver/btc/10 price is now .016 or so per unit, so, over 200% profit 239;1366945392;deadweasel;i understand the last part. 240;1366945412;deadweasel;hows your service? 241;1366945423;seongyupyoo;i need to get going, thanks for all your helps guys. i don't know how this chatroom operates exactly, but i will be back :) 242;1366945423;ThickAsThieves;i dont want to get into it but it should be said that usagi's bookkeeping did not stand up to a public audit 243;1366945427;usagi;free shipping 7 days anywhere in the world 244;1366945447;usagi;ThickAsThieves; there was no public audit. 245;1366945476;ThickAsThieves;if anyone is interested talk to Deprived on the forums 246;1366945510;usagi;Ahh, you mean when deprived stole our internal calculators and posted them on the forums? Those were internal company documents used to record buys and sells on bitfunder 247;1366945535;ThickAsThieves;i have no interest in tusilver but i do trust deprived's abilities 248;1366945539;usagi;They're not investment advice. 249;1366945567;usagi;And they're not for public dissemination precisely because they would be assumed to be investment advice. They're not. 250;1366945598;ThickAsThieves;;;ticker 251;1366945599;gribble;BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 140.99999, Best ask: 141.00000, Bid-ask spread: 0.00001, Last trade: 141.00000, 24 hour volume: 188586.01119054, 24 hour low: 120.08900, 24 hour high: 162.00000, 24 hour vwap: 142.90861 252;1366945640;usagi;If you want to know everything you need to know to build your own trading model, we use a coin and duty premium of $5 right now, which is less than the premium charged on the canadian maples we order exclusively from amagi metals 253;1366945671;usagi;Beyond that we have a 2% markup and we use the actual rates we've paid for shipping in the price to factor that in 254;1366945692;usagi;Now you know everything you need to know to calculate our value to within 5%, as our investment position has been disclosed. 255;1366945728;dub;beyond (and before) that it is a fairytale that we wish you would stfu about 256;1366945776;usagi;Yeah well I wish deprived would shut up about how I am selling shares unbacked by silver, but hey, if he has the right to lie then I have the right to correct him. 257;1366945794;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13007 @ 0.00069955 = 9.099 BTC [-] 258;1366945796;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1508 @ 0.00069458 = 1.0474 BTC [-] 259;1366945798;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2136 @ 0.00069316 = 1.4806 BTC [-] 260;1366945826;assbot;[BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.400002 = 0.8 BTC [-] 261;1366946334;tiberiusiv;usagi what is your website 262;1366946349;usagi;https://bitfunder.com/asset/TU.SILVER 263;1366946372;tiberiusiv;what is it a silver fund? 264;1366946395;tiberiusiv;now why would i want to own an industrial metal 265;1366946398;usagi;Sort of. The idea is to keep the price of units at the cost of silver plus shipping and secure storage 266;1366946427;usagi;You want my personal opinion? :p 267;1366946436;tiberiusiv;why would i risk money with your junk fund when i can purchase silver futures instead? 268;1366946447;tiberiusiv;offering me superior liquidity 269;1366946450;tiberiusiv;and price 270;1366946494;usagi;Well for one, when you try to get delivery in physical, you can be given a cash settlement by fiat 271;1366946503;tiberiusiv;um no. 272;1366946510;tiberiusiv;id recieve silver bars which are comex standard 273;1366946523;usagi;really? I heard they were shortt 274;1366946529;tiberiusiv;no they arent. 275;1366946546;usagi;I sure hope not. :) 276;1366946548;tiberiusiv;comex standard is 1000 oz bars 277;1366946556;usagi;Do you have to pay a fee when you take delivery? 278;1366946571;tiberiusiv;yea 279;1366946580;usagi;Ahh. 280;1366946585;tiberiusiv;but its not 30% above spot like your coins 281;1366946593;tiberiusiv;and your fund is completely illiquid 282;1366946597;usagi;Yeah we're sold out now and the market is setting the price. 283;1366946605;tiberiusiv;+ you have no reputation 284;1366946619;usagi;!getrating usagi 285;1366946629;usagi;oh 286;1366946632;usagi;;;getrating usagi 287;1366946632;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask usagi!Guest12477@122-121-246-63.dynamic.hinet.net . User Usagi, rated since Mon Jun 18 10:33:55 2012. Cumulative rating 33, from 32 total ratings. Received ratings: 28 positive, 4 negative. Sent ratings: 43 positive, 4 negative. Details: http://bitcoin-otc.com/viewratingdetail.php?nick=Usagi 288;1366946650;tiberiusiv;yea again why would i go to you when there is more safer, liquid and easier to access options? 289;1366946663;usagi;Only you can answer that question 290;1366946666;tiberiusiv;who checks what silver your fund is backed by 291;1366946688;usagi;Let me put it this way. We sold over 1,000 units into the market. Anyone is free to offer their units for sale. 292;1366946704;usagi;If you feel the price is too expensive, perhaps they know something you don't know? I dunno. I don't understand it myself. I just sell silver. 293;1366946725;usagi;The holders are public info on bitfunder, you can check it yourself. I own around 300 shares personally 294;1366946728;tiberiusiv;no i merely stated there is much better options 295;1366946738;usagi;There are, if you're merely concerned with price. 296;1366946739;tiberiusiv;vs some internet nerd operating on thin margins out of a basement 297;1366946749;tiberiusiv;like that coinabul clown 298;1366946760;usagi;Yeah but you're a little clueless when it comes to investing in silver, aren't you? 299;1366946768;tiberiusiv;no 300;1366946775;tiberiusiv;silver is not an investment. it produces no income 301;1366946780;usagi;Yeah you are :) First, you are speaking out about a fund you know zilch about. 302;1366946780;tiberiusiv;its a speculation and its an industrial metal 303;1366946800;tiberiusiv;there is no evidence silver acts as a protection in the event of a crisis 304;1366946801;usagi;For one, a 1000 oz delivery contract is vastly different than a guartantee on your choice of 1/2 oz rounds 305;1366946810;usagi;The coin premium on 1/2oz rounds is easily 20% or more 306;1366946812;tiberiusiv;sure its also 30% cheaper 307;1366946817;usagi;Which explains the entirety of the "30% cheaper" 308;1366946820;tiberiusiv;and more liquid via futures 309;1366946833;tiberiusiv;and what secure storage do you honestly have? 310;1366946838;tiberiusiv;your homes basement 311;1366946858;usagi;It is more liquid. We're small. That doesn't justify the "nerd", "junk fund", etc. 312;1366946870;tiberiusiv;yea just like that jay guy from coinabul 313;1366946887;tiberiusiv;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d46dFmAmnuc 314;1366946888;usagi;You are clueless, really :) Like that dub guy. 315;1366946899;tiberiusiv;lol who would send this fking vagabond loser any money? 316;1366946901;usagi;Want another example? You haven't read our contract. 317;1366946902;tiberiusiv;coinabul 318;1366946914;tiberiusiv;your contract means nothing you have no capital reserves 319;1366946924;tiberiusiv;secure storage is a apartment or basement to you 320;1366946926;usagi;Seriously, you're being retarded. You want to talk shit about how I do things and you don't know we deal in small denomination coins and haven't read our contract 321;1366946943;usagi;Then you want to call it a junk fund because it's less liquid than a 1000oz futures contract? 322;1366946947;tiberiusiv;why would i store small coins with you? 323;1366946952;usagi;Seriously, stop wasting my fucking time. 324;1366946955;tiberiusiv;no i call it a junk fund becuase you are SMALL time 325;1366946957;tiberiusiv;and broke. 326;1366946973;tiberiusiv;why would anyone want to store silver maples with a clown? 327;1366946982;tiberiusiv;that can vanish any day 328;1366946990;usagi;Why would anyone want to discuss the market with a clueless fuck like you? 329;1366946996;tiberiusiv;im not clueless 330;1366946999;usagi;Yes you are. 331;1366947002;tiberiusiv;you operate on tiny profit margins 332;1366947006;tiberiusiv;and have no capital reserves 333;1366947018;usagi;You're whining about how we're 30% more expensive than a futures contract because we deal in 1/2 oz coins. 334;1366947021;usagi;That's ignorant. 335;1366947027;usagi;That's laughable. 336;1366947028;tiberiusiv;no im not 337;1366947030;usagi;Is that the best you can do? 338;1366947037;tiberiusiv;im argueing why would i go buy coins and have them stored with YOU 339;1366947041;usagi;I don't care 340;1366947044;tiberiusiv;vs buying them from any other dealer ANYWHERE 341;1366947048;tiberiusiv;and storing them myself? 342;1366947056;tiberiusiv;since its fking $10 pieces 343;1366947058;usagi;We are already sold out. Look, I got stuff to do. Go read our contract. 344;1366947062;usagi;Go read our recent reports. 345;1366947066;tiberiusiv;no thanks. 346;1366947068;usagi;I don't give a shit if you buy on the market or not. Bye 347;1366947085;tiberiusiv;your like a bank for ultra poor bitcoiners 348;1366947088;usagi;But I will say this. it's fuckups like you and deprived that are the entire source of my problems. 349;1366947092;tiberiusiv;storing $10 silver coins 350;1366947102;tiberiusiv;no you are the problem. 351;1366947106;usagi;Not anything I did. Just a bunch of fucktards like dub who like to whine. 352;1366947114;tiberiusiv;its business's like you that fuckup bitcoin credibility 353;1366947131;tiberiusiv;lowlevel scum "selling" junk 354;1366947143;jamborambo_;;;bids 0 command 355;1366947143;gribble;(bids [--under] ) -- Calculate the amount of bitcoin demanded at or over . If '--under' option is given, find coins or at or under . 356;1366947153;jamborambo_;;;bids 1 command 357;1366947153;gribble;(bids [--under] ) -- Calculate the amount of bitcoin demanded at or over . If '--under' option is given, find coins or at or under . 358;1366947160;usagi;I'll answer you when you can explain why the market disagrees with you. Why is it, praytell, the people invested in tu.silver won't sell below .12/unit? Go argue with the market. 359;1366947171;kakobrekla;jamborambo_ , 360;1366947173;tiberiusiv;dude what are you talking about 361;1366947175;kakobrekla;;;bids 0 362;1366947176;jamborambo_;yes? 363;1366947178;tiberiusiv;i dont care what your junk fund sells at 364;1366947178;gribble;There are currently 33503613 bitcoins demanded at or over 0.0 USD, worth 18244987.8596 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0118 seconds 365;1366947182;tiberiusiv;you are a SCUMbag 366;1366947192;tiberiusiv;like jay @ coinabul and the other 50 broke ass precious metals dealers 367;1366947194;tiberiusiv;on bitcoin 368;1366947205;tiberiusiv;storing $10 coins. 369;1366947384;usagi;That didn't take long. I'm back. 370;1366947502;tiberiusiv;post pictures of your "secure storage" 371;1366947511;tiberiusiv;so we can all get a good laugh 372;1366947519;usagi;Oh it's you again. 373;1366947530;usagi;Look, if you have a question, or if there's something you want me to do, just ask. 374;1366947543;tiberiusiv;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=113708.0 375;1366947553;tiberiusiv;lol so you have a lengthy history of being a scum? 376;1366947565;usagi;But it's clear that you have no idea what my business is or what it does. We're not a futures contract. We sell small denomination coins and there are no fees. 377;1366947582;usagi;You haven't even read our contract. Go do some due dilligence before you come here and waste my time with "scumbag" 378;1366947587;tiberiusiv;stop repeating yourself 379;1366947594;tiberiusiv;you dont have a business 380;1366947599;tiberiusiv;small time nerd with no money 381;1366947599;usagi;Then stop repeating yourself. 382;1366947609;tiberiusiv;another coinabul scammer 383;1366947627;usagi;So tiberiusiv, how about that 6 BTC you owe me? 384;1366947630;kakobrekla;you two, #bitcoin-trolls mkay 385;1366947639;usagi;kakosan; roger. 386;1366947650;tiberiusiv;what 6 btc? 387;1366947657;tiberiusiv;i dont even know you lowlife 388;1366949163;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.4111 = 0.8222 BTC [+] 389;1366949222;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 1 @ 1.21000001 BTC [-] 390;1366949482;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13990 @ 0.00069316 = 9.6973 BTC [-] 391;1366949484;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7710 @ 0.00068557 = 5.2857 BTC [-] 392;1366949523;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.4111 = 0.8222 BTC [+] 393;1366949558;pgp2;my phone just got stolen.. fuckin' blows... 394;1366949574;mod6;:< 395;1366949578;kakobrekla;uh 396;1366949582;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 3 @ 0.4111 = 1.2333 BTC [+] 397;1366949594;kakobrekla;but i dont feel so bad for trashing it last time anymore 398;1366950144;dub;lol 399;1366950156;dub;tiberiusiv vs. usagi 400;1366950247;dub;tiberiusiv way out of his depth on that one 401;1366950446;tiberiusiv;lol 402;1366950447;usagi;I thought u hated me :/ 403;1366950458;tiberiusiv;usagi is scum 404;1366950542;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 15 @ 0.4421 = 6.6315 BTC [+] 405;1366950544;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 10 @ 0.44229999 = 4.423 BTC [+] 406;1366950545;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 8 @ 0.4424999 = 3.54 BTC [+] 407;1366950546;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 5 @ 0.443 = 2.215 BTC [+] 408;1366950547;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 5 @ 0.449 = 2.245 BTC [+] 409;1366951796;benkay;;;ticker 410;1366951796;gribble;BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 136.00000, Best ask: 136.26679, Bid-ask spread: 0.26679, Last trade: 136.00000, 24 hour volume: 205306.28466866, 24 hour low: 120.08900, 24 hour high: 162.00000, 24 hour vwap: 141.46468 411;1366951852;Diablo-D3;!icker 412;1366951852;Diablo-D3;er heh 413;1366951871;dub;tiberiusiv: quote for you > i made like 50 dollars off that dice thing on blockchain today 414;1366951887;tiberiusiv;lol 415;1366952236;benkay;;;goxlag 416;1366952237;gribble;MtGox lag is 1.415076 seconds. During this time, light travels 0.00283579646002 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin from Jupiter to its third largest moon, Io (0.002819 AU). 417;1366953000;benkay;is mircea_popescu around? 418;1366953060;dub;neg, sleepy|sexy tiem 419;1366953095;orkaa;:D 420;1366953106;thestringpuller;dub: no wub wub!!!! 421;1366953110;thestringpuller;STOP WITH TEH WUB WUB DUB 422;1366953125;dub;wat 423;1366953157;Diablo-D3;;;ticker 424;1366953158;gribble;BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 136.52000, Best ask: 136.97999, Bid-ask spread: 0.45999, Last trade: 136.52000, 24 hour volume: 207806.15950960, 24 hour low: 120.08900, 24 hour high: 162.00000, 24 hour vwap: 141.32468 425;1366953161;benkay;watman 426;1366953171;benkay;nananananananananananana 427;1366953173;benkay;wat mat 428;1366953177;benkay;watman* 429;1366953189;orkaa;O_o 430;1366953242;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 2 @ 1.21000001 = 2.42 BTC [-] 431;1366953319;benkay;http://blog.mkasprzyk.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/watman.jpg 432;1366953343;orkaa;makes sense 433;1366953399;dub;the watsign is a 3d projection of 2g1c onto a tall building 434;1366953695;benkay;*golf clap* 435;1366953707;benkay;+1 internet for you, sir. 436;1366954022;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.29989998 BTC [+] 437;1366954023;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.29989998 BTC [+] 438;1366954025;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.29989999 BTC [+] 439;1366954026;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 5 @ 0.2999 = 1.4995 BTC [+] 440;1366954142;ThickAsThieves;random childhood flashback http://cf.geekdo-images.com/images/pic327045_md.jpg 441;1366954406;orkaa;what's this? 442;1366954538;ThickAsThieves;they were toys 443;1366954540;ThickAsThieves;tops 444;1366954550;ThickAsThieves;they came with a little shooter 445;1366954558;ThickAsThieves;and they were all ninja themed 446;1366954564;ThickAsThieves;and there was a big arena 447;1366954575;ThickAsThieves;so you and a friend would launch your tops 448;1366954579;ThickAsThieves;to see who won 449;1366954589;ThickAsThieves;they'd bump into each other 450;1366954594;ThickAsThieves;til one stopped spinning 451;1366954600;ThickAsThieves;simple 452;1366954602;ThickAsThieves;but fun 453;1366954716;orkaa;never seen those 454;1366954895;orkaa;bah, sunrise :) 455;1366955386;dub; 456;1366955399;dub;in my day we made our own toys out of mud and sticks 457;1366955432;dub;at least until age 5 when we went to work in the mines 458;1366955522;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.29999999 BTC [+] 459;1366955553;orkaa;i had to walk 20km to school, uphill both ways, usually in deep snow 460;1366955582;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 2 @ 0.3 = 0.6 BTC [+] 461;1366955732;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.1002 BTC [-] 462;1366955744;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.1001 BTC [-] 463;1366955790;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.1 BTC [-] 464;1366955841;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.085 BTC [-] 465;1366955919;benkay;you forgot the barbed wire sandals, orkaa 466;1366955951;assbot;[BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 9 @ 0.198 = 1.782 BTC [-] 467;1366955951;orkaa;yeah, and wolves 468;1366957036;benkay;is kakobrekla's socket up? 469;1366957058;benkay;i gather not. 470;1366957256;benkay;hey orkaa 471;1366957271;orkaa;m? 472;1366957298;benkay;what is the timestamp that comes off of the wire from kakobrekla's socket? 473;1366957327;orkaa;hm, not sure 474;1366957333;orkaa;probably unix time? 475;1366957352;benkay;that's what i'm thinking 476;1366957380;benkay;yup. 477;1366957384;dub;orkaa: LUXURY 478;1366957399;benkay;apologies for wasting your time on something googleable. 479;1366957573;orkaa;np 480;1366957583;orkaa;gotta go to sleep 481;1366958202;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 15 @ 0.01 = 0.15 BTC [+] 482;1366959309;benkay;here's a fun piece of data 483;1366959329;benkay;by my calculations, mpex has had over 300k of BTC wagered on options alone 484;1366959433;benkay;and may have broken through 1M contracts traded total this month 485;1366959442;benkay;that latter's pretty likely, actually. 486;1366959456;benkay;i could get better numbers, but kako's socket's not responding :( 487;1366959472;benkay;and i don't feel like debugging a socket connection over code i didn't write myself tonight 488;1366966392;jurov;i supplied some data to kakobrekla and he found ISO format dates YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS+TZ unwieldy lol 489;1366966830;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.15 = 2.3 BTC [+] 490;1366966915;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.155 BTC [+] 491;1366966997;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.16 BTC [+] 492;1366967003;assbot;[BTCTC] [RSM] 1 @ 0.00303 BTC [+] 493;1366967148;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.1722 = 2.3444 BTC [+] 494;1366967244;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.1725 BTC [+] 495;1366967475;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 9 @ 1.1725 = 10.5525 BTC [+] 496;1366967523;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.1744 BTC [+] 497;1366967909;KRS1;u know whats unweildy? epoch time...I mean..why.. 498;1366967981;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 12 @ 1.09 = 13.08 BTC [-] 499;1366969873;Chaang-Noi;hey all 500;1366970007;KRS1;t'sup man 501;1366970102;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 45 @ 0.482 = 21.69 BTC [+] 502;1366970222;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 5 @ 0.482 = 2.41 BTC [+] 503;1366970224;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 7 @ 0.48249899 = 3.3775 BTC [+] 504;1366970280;Chaang-Noi;back from a week on the islands 505;1366970317;Chaang-Noi;yesterday had a big jump in ltc AM and btc, pretty crazy... these a crqazy ass swings to my portfolio... 506;1366970350;Chaang-Noi;id liek some stability... 507;1366970625;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6174 @ 0.00070057 = 4.3253 BTC [+] 508;1366970626;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7343 @ 0.00070059 = 5.1444 BTC [+] 509;1366970865;dub;bitcointalk, all is not completely lost https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=187698.msg1945197#msg1945197 510;1366972023;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 2 @ 0.28000001 = 0.56 BTC [-] 511;1366972263;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4824 BTC [-] 512;1366972933;assbot;[BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.400001 BTC [-] 513;1366973207;assbot;[BTCTC] [RSM] 1 @ 0.00303 BTC [+] 514;1366973569;truffles;massive gamble not paying that 75 dollars a year 515;1366973602;Chaang-Noi;? 516;1366973617;truffles;in that thread about taxes 517;1366973619;truffles;http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2011/12/07/9272989-firefighters-let-home-burn-over-75-fee-again#comments 518;1366973632;Chaang-Noi;ahh 519;1366976138;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5550 @ 0.00068747 = 3.8155 BTC [-] 520;1366976748;assbot;[BTCTC] [RSM] 1 @ 0.00302 BTC [-] 521;1366976816;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you'll have to one day sit down and write a full explanation as to why a. you think the us government matters at all and b. you think anyone other than you gives a shit. 522;1366976822;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 4 @ 1.7051 = 6.8204 BTC [-] 523;1366976831;mircea_popescu;but i mean, a serious, explicit, inquisitive piece like if you were writing a physics paper. 524;1366976919;kakobrekla;what is it down 525;1366977017;thestringpuller;i thought mp said "like writing a physics engine" 526;1366977254;mircea_popescu;lol 527;1366977305;mircea_popescu;it's kinda funny tho because unique among literate people americans have spent a century or maybe even two in the firm belief that their government is like... good etc. paying their taxes, trying to do what policeman says etc. 528;1366977324;mircea_popescu;this is a strictly american phenomenon, unheard of anywhere else, from france to morocco and from russia to iran 529;1366977593;kakobrekla;;;later tell benkay is ok now 530;1366977594;gribble;The operation succeeded. 531;1366977890;mircea_popescu;http://polimedia.us/dtng/c/src/134295962723.jpg 532;1366978002;kakobrekla;jurov i dont remember what i found it 533;1366978009;kakobrekla;but unix timestamp ftw 534;1366978464;MJR_;what the fuck is wrong with people who make public policy? 535;1366978514;MJR_;instead of actually just letting them pay the price that they say they would pay, we take the word for it and set a rate? how does that make any sense 536;1366978525;MJR_;apparently the swaps market is also rigged like LIBOR 537;1366978537;mircea_popescu;duh. 538;1366978549;MJR_;well, that is not surprising 539;1366978563;MJR_;but i just can't believe that no one actually does anything about it 540;1366978568;mircea_popescu;http://bitbet.us/bet/329/btc-network-difficulty-tops-10-million-by-end/ funny how disputed this one ended up being. 541;1366978591;mircea_popescu;somehow magically the bet submitter picked the exact spot where it'd be contentious. 542;1366978608;MJR_;like...if i went to the supermarket, and they did a survey asking everyone there how much an orange would cost me...instead of letting us just bid on the orange or w/e 543;1366978619;mircea_popescu;but this is more democratic. 544;1366978632;mircea_popescu;and less capitalistic. 545;1366978653;mircea_popescu;both these are good things. especially for people who need beatings, know they need beatings, want to get their ass beaten raw. 546;1366978674;MJR_;lol 547;1366978683;MJR_;its also funny cuz they are really DP'ing everyone 548;1366978694;MJR_;let's cheat and fix the interest rate... 549;1366978712;MJR_;and then let's cheat and fix the price it takes to switch from variable to fixed rate 550;1366978719;mircea_popescu;then people want banks to like bitcoin 551;1366978725;MJR_;how many other ways can you add corruption to a loan 552;1366978740;mircea_popescu;yes dude, totally. they'll love bitcoin, where they have to come to me with that nonsense and be shown the door 553;1366978745;mircea_popescu;they love this idea, pls moar. 554;1366978778;MJR_;well..."banks" is not a great word...there are banks and then there are banks 555;1366978792;MJR_;its not a monolithic structure... 556;1366978802;mircea_popescu;this is very true. 557;1366978815;MJR_;but, once you are in the club, then you have no worries 558;1366978824;mircea_popescu;on the other hand, i'm already buffing my cameras and mics for that glorious moment five or maybe three years down the road 559;1366978831;MJR_;hehehe 560;1366978834;MJR_;gonna be fun 561;1366978837;mircea_popescu;when random anon bank ceo/vp/etc comes to bitcoin assets to start w/e project 562;1366978842;mircea_popescu;and i go are you in the wot ? gtfo. 563;1366978863;mircea_popescu;come back 1 yr. 564;1366978870;kakobrekla;hehe 565;1366978874;kakobrekla;we all dreamin. 566;1366978884;mircea_popescu;and he's gonna be all whiny and i'm gonna be all dude, we've had this interdweeb nonsense for 3 or 5 years by now. 567;1366978888;mircea_popescu;stfu and do whart you're told. 568;1366978914;mircea_popescu;and so he's going to dig up the old protest threads on btctalk and bitch about how im a gypsy racist 569;1366978922;mircea_popescu;and then our victory will have been complete. 570;1366978927;kakobrekla;lol 571;1366978949;mircea_popescu;now don't any of you trolls quote this discussion then until after i'm done making teh banker my cockpuppet. 572;1366978950;MJR_;hehehe 573;1366978964;MJR_;ewwww, you want a banker for a cockpuppet? 574;1366978971;mircea_popescu;metaphorically speaking. 575;1366978971;MJR_;lol 576;1366978975;MJR_;i know of course 577;1366978979;mircea_popescu;i have a 10 foot cock, i can stick it into banker 578;1366978980;mircea_popescu;a little 579;1366978981;mircea_popescu;at the tip 580;1366979025;mircea_popescu;speaking of bankers, anyone have any favorite burlesque performers ? 581;1366979038;mircea_popescu;i'm going to do like l'oreal etc and have a mpex image chick. 582;1366979141;pizzaman1337;this is why I have logging turned on 583;1366979154;MJR_;HAHAHA 584;1366979155;kakobrekla;:D 585;1366979156;MJR_;yes 586;1366979167;MJR_;are we going to have the website to archive all of this? 587;1366979178;kakobrekla;yep 588;1366979180;MJR_;hmmm...what if we put everything from bitcoin-assets into the blockchain? 589;1366979187;pizzaman1337;no, bad idea 590;1366979190;pizzaman1337;blockchain is too big already 591;1366979197;MJR_;how future generations will judge us... 592;1366979203;kakobrekla;i was trying to add it like yesterday or something but i got distracted 593;1366979204;mircea_popescu;in fact this chan is growing faster than the blockchain 594;1366979206;pizzaman1337;we don't want everyone dropping their crap in the blockchain 595;1366979234;kakobrekla;irc is to blame 596;1366979250;mircea_popescu;scam. 597;1366979256;MJR_;i think it'd be hilarious, kinda like putting up posters of miley cyrus in the smithsonian 598;1366979268;MJR_;or doodling on the constitution 599;1366979268;mircea_popescu;MJR_ they've put seinfeld. 600;1366979281;MJR_;lol 601;1366979287;mircea_popescu;and in fairness, the blockchain isn't as bad as either miley cyrus or doodling. 602;1366979291;mircea_popescu;we could tolerate it on our chan 603;1366979306;MJR_;i just think that the whole idea of posterity is going away rather quickly 604;1366979325;MJR_;we still have the illusion (some of us anyway) that the older generations were respectable 605;1366979334;MJR_;our children will prob not have that illusion at all 606;1366979344;kakobrekla;loool 607;1366979361;kakobrekla;MJR_ is worried. 608;1366979411;MJR_;srsly 609;1366979427;MJR_;when your kids can google the things you tweeted as a teenager yourself... 610;1366979429;mircea_popescu;o hey, twitter delivers! >> @PaulFish This is what a CEO / founder needs to focus on. This is it. http://t.co/KopwO3Udpy 611;1366979440;MJR_;or even worse, if they see the pics you've posted of yourself 612;1366979440;mircea_popescu;then people wonder why i have the time to irc and chase skirts. 613;1366979463;mircea_popescu;MJR_ i think all future children will have to learn to be comfortable with the fact that their mother's goodies are public record. 614;1366979490;MJR_;yep 615;1366979880;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: it's kinda funny tho because unique among literate people americans have spent a century or maybe even two in the firm belief that their government is like... good etc. paying their taxes, trying to do what policeman says etc. << I would attribute that to the general populace being brainwashed into believing revolution is bad 616;1366979893;mircea_popescu;are you kidding ? 617;1366979898;mircea_popescu;it all started with revolution. 618;1366979915;mircea_popescu;pretty much the only people who believe revolution is good, other than romanians and who knows who else. 619;1366979916;thestringpuller;isn't that funny though?!?!? 620;1366979919;mircea_popescu;kinda 621;1366979958;thestringpuller;Sure we protest, and "get uppity", but in general you're taught all through childhood "do as your told", "don't question authority". 622;1366980026;thestringpuller;Maybe if everyone were more poor? Or perhaps there was truly a need to revolt? American's are very apathetic, and actually seem to "enjoy" the lethargy that arises from it. 623;1366980029;mircea_popescu;that's normal, good and common. 624;1366980045;mircea_popescu;people should do what they're told and not question authority in most cases. 625;1366980063;thestringpuller;People should not be lazy and educate themselves :P 626;1366980068;mircea_popescu;that's also 627;1366980083;mircea_popescu;but the society where people don't do what they're told and question authority a lot ends up something like france 628;1366980100;mircea_popescu;can't get a fucking train on schedule, even if the schedule lists hours only, no minutes. 629;1366980144;thestringpuller;Yea, or you get Detroit. 630;1366980149;thestringpuller;Have you ever been to Detroit? 631;1366980192;MJR_;i've been to detroit 632;1366980211;mircea_popescu;i avoided it. 633;1366980214;thestringpuller;I think mircea_popescu would very well enjoy Detroit. 634;1366980234;thestringpuller;You may need quite a few goons, and maybe a couple of drones... 635;1366980303;mircea_popescu;you think ? 636;1366980305;mircea_popescu;why ? 637;1366980332;thestringpuller;Dude you survive in Bitcoin land which is like the virtual Detroit. 638;1366980340;thestringpuller;Not only survive but thrive off it. 639;1366980351;thestringpuller;Detroit is yours for the taking I'd think. 640;1366980366;thestringpuller;You lived through the 90's Romanian revolution no? 641;1366980371;mircea_popescu;yea... 642;1366980395;mircea_popescu;what, i'm not affraid of "bad neighbourhoods" lol. 643;1366980426;mircea_popescu;heck, i took teh coindelberg group through one here, it was funnay. 644;1366980459;thestringpuller;is that like a pun? 645;1366980491;mircea_popescu;which one ? 646;1366980497;thestringpuller;coindelberg 647;1366980498;thestringpuller;lol 648;1366980509;mircea_popescu;lol. 649;1366980516;mircea_popescu;the endlessly hacked frenchie guy came up with it 650;1366980527;thestringpuller;Aw. And you were rooting for him. 651;1366980542;mircea_popescu;myeah. 652;1366980551;mircea_popescu;he has the luck of the irishman in reverse. 653;1366980608;thestringpuller;I wonder how they keep getting in... 654;1366980661;jurov;*that* was bad neighborhood? i failed to notice. no smell, hens or pigs 655;1366980668;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6100 @ 0.00069657 = 4.2491 BTC [+] 656;1366980692;thestringpuller;jurov's been to detroit? 657;1366980706;jurov;no, in bratislava 658;1366980707;mircea_popescu;jurov didja notice the gagle of 20 kids threatening to knife each other ? 659;1366980746;jurov;yes i noticed, just joking a bit 660;1366980798;mircea_popescu;was kinda funny, they were all "you ciocksucker, i bet you don't have 10 euros on you" "dude, if i do you suck my cock ???" "fuck you, show me" 661;1366980825;mircea_popescu;i was like, hey, cool, nobody here is worth less than a million or some shit like that, you people are arguing about who has ten euros. 662;1366980843;mircea_popescu;inequality ftw. 663;1366980856;jurov;srsly, we need them in -otc. complete with knives 664;1366980984;mircea_popescu;;;ticker 665;1366980985;gribble;BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 129.98000, Best ask: 130.00000, Bid-ask spread: 0.02000, Last trade: 130.00000, 24 hour volume: 240970.80932549, 24 hour low: 120.08900, 24 hour high: 159.66165, 24 hour vwap: 137.00610 666;1366981022;kakobrekla;50 here we come! 667;1366981034;mircea_popescu;lol 668;1366981043;thestringpuller;;;bids 125 669;1366981046;gribble;There are currently 3217.5402 bitcoins demanded at or over 125.0 USD, worth 406095.036857 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0053 seconds 670;1366981053;thestringpuller;;;asks 140 671;1366981053;gribble;There are currently 7155.5675 bitcoins offered at or under 140.0 USD, worth 974221.764505 USD in total. | Data vintage: 7.8159 seconds 672;1366981086;thestringpuller;;;bids 120 673;1366981086;gribble;There are currently 18144.077 bitcoins demanded at or over 120.0 USD, worth 2216699.76409 USD in total. | Data vintage: 40.3246 seconds 674;1366981182;MJR_;lol coindelberg? 675;1366981357;mircea_popescu;totally. 676;1366981374;truffles;top of the morning MJR 677;1366981397;jurov;all hail our Lord deCrypto 678;1366981414;jurov;http://www.reddit.com/r/deCrypto/ (nsfw) 679;1366981450;jurov;yay "This subreddit has been slow, as have my mining operations. I thought I'd freshen it up a bit!" 680;1366981450;mircea_popescu;kinda old this neh ? 681;1366981479;jurov;old but good 682;1366981486;truffles;any penis pics on reddit? 683;1366981548;truffles;oh its there 684;1366981560;truffles;scary looking ones 685;1366981567;MJR_;lol good morning truffles 686;1366981607;truffles;one looks like an eel omg 687;1366981659;truffles;this has go to be photo shop 688;1366981662;truffles;should i link? 689;1366981698;truffles;and its a redhead, spidey senses going off 690;1366981908;truffles;http://www.reddit.com/r/penis/comments/p7cme/not_mine_but_jesus_fuck/ top comment agrees with me 691;1366982135;jurov;trrrrrrufflesss? 692;1366982152;truffles;yes? 693;1366982165;jurov;*wink* 694;1366982170;truffles;we were getting nsfw in here so... 695;1366982186;jurov;so you had to be helpful. 696;1366982205;MJR_;lol, have you guys heard of rebecca martinson 697;1366982209;kakobrekla;truffles your kids will see that. 698;1366982217;truffles;i like to give a helping hand 699;1366982234;jurov;i need help, too 700;1366982236;truffles;well if i had kids penis wont be a bother 701;1366982265;mircea_popescu;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=188178.0 702;1366982270;mircea_popescu;seems btc-e was actuyally hacked last week ? 703;1366982283;Chaang-Noi;and we are back on topic 704;1366982286;mircea_popescu;what, is truffles posting nudes ? 705;1366982287;MJR_;http://gawker.com/5994974/the-most-deranged-sorority-girl-email-you-will-ever-read?popular=true 706;1366982295;MJR_;this is why i love american colleges 707;1366982343;mircea_popescu;[UPDATE 4/25: The sorority sister who authored the email has now resigned. Click here to read the sorority's official statement.] 708;1366982347;mircea_popescu;see, this sorty of shit... 709;1366982353;truffles;ofc mp wants nudes when a sea them are on the net 710;1366982361;mircea_popescu;i would have made her chapter queen for a week, and everyone had to serve her in the nude. 711;1366982415;truffles;"Last week, bitches got told. " wow 712;1366982460;MJR_;she is awesome 713;1366982474;MJR_;she basically is implying that the other girls should have put out more for social status 714;1366982508;mircea_popescu;yep 715;1366982512;mircea_popescu;do you know a name or anything ? 716;1366982515;mircea_popescu;i'm inviting her over. 717;1366982528;truffles;ofc she will want to go to Romania 718;1366982676;MJR_;rebecca martinson 719;1366982696;MJR_;my friend sent me that, i just asked one question...is she single 720;1366982710;mircea_popescu;http://www.betcheslovethis.com/article/50-shades-of-just-okay 721;1366982717;mircea_popescu;i dojn't give a flying fuck if she;s single. and tyvm. 722;1366982819;ThickAsThieves;the email doesnt seem that controversial, i expected worse from the hype 723;1366982834;truffles;lol 724;1366982909;truffles;that letter is long tldr 725;1366982912;MJR_;http://www.betcheslovethis.com/article/Themed-Parties 726;1366982928;MJR_;this one is great, sororities hobos and hoes theme parties 727;1366982937;MJR_;and people say america doesn't have a great educational system... 728;1366982989;kakobrekla;some dumb parents right there 729;1366983223;MJR_;lol, but...skateboards? 730;1366983302;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.29999998 BTC [+] 731;1366983538;MJR_;;;ud betch 732;1366983538;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=betch | A betch is another way of saying "Bitch" except it sounds a million times better and makes you feel cool! 733;1366983568;truffles;makes me think of Beth 734;1366983766;mircea_popescu;http://www.studentorg.umd.edu/ 735;1366983768;mircea_popescu;check that out lol 736;1366983801;Scrat;are college sororities/fraternities only a murcan thing? or do other western countries have them 737;1366983840;mircea_popescu;pretty much american 738;1366983863;truffles; 739;1366983899;kakobrekla;;;bc,stats 740;1366983902;gribble;Current Blocks: 233241 | Current Difficulty: 8974296.01488785 | Next Difficulty At Block: 233855 | Next Difficulty In: 614 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 3 days, 8 hours, 58 minutes, and 1 second | Next Difficulty Estimate: 9956757.41042 | Estimated Percent Change: 10.9475 741;1366983918;kakobrekla;so close to 10mil 742;1366983962;truffles;how many millioins is your share kakobrekla 743;1366983978;kakobrekla;21 744;1366983992;truffles;way over the stated amount 745;1366984001;truffles;baller 746;1366984002;kakobrekla;ya well its a scam! 747;1366984030;truffles;bitcoin is a scam, heard it here 1st 748;1366984063;KRS1;lol 749;1366984483;MJR_;;;ud cuntpunt 750;1366984484;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=cunt-punt | if a bitch/ minion gets wise with you, you kick and or punch them in their pussy. gets em everytime. If you talk back to me one more time, ill give ya a cunt punt, ... 751;1366984507;truffles;learning so much itc 752;1366984643;truffles;MJR_ which minion is getting out of line? 753;1366985714;assbot;[MPEX] [S.DICE] 309 @ 0.00278789 = 0.8615 BTC [-] 754;1366985822;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 2 @ 0.28000001 = 0.56 BTC [-] 755;1366986016;mircea_popescu;"And how do you know that none of the content was written by people behind it? (And even if it was not written, it was perfectly collected together.)The organization is 100% anonymous with bitcoin early developers and great programmers behind it. Satoshi Nakamoto, before he vanished, in the last interview in April said that he had "moved on to other things," how do you know that GBBG and their software is not that oth 756;1366986016;mircea_popescu;er thing." 757;1366986019;mircea_popescu;comedy gold. 758;1366986196;pgp2;mp: what is that in reference to? 759;1366986258;mircea_popescu;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=154089.msg1949434#msg1949434 760;1366986469;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4754 @ 0.00069657 = 3.3115 BTC [+] 761;1366986471;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15996 @ 0.00069481 = 11.1142 BTC [-] 762;1366987007;ThickAsThieves;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=99497.msg1950787#msg1950787 friedcat update 763;1366987207;Chaang-Noi;thanks 764;1366987232;Chaang-Noi;doubling in a week is pretty good 765;1366987239;Chaang-Noi;wish it was more however 766;1366987329;Chaang-Noi;138 again on btc, fucking all over the place 767;1366987335;Chaang-Noi;120 to 166 range is nuts... 768;1366987350;Chaang-Noi;;;bids 120 769;1366987353;gribble;There are currently 22399.07 bitcoins demanded at or over 120.0 USD, worth 2772336.48921 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0060 seconds 770;1366987360;Chaang-Noi;;;asks 166 771;1366987361;gribble;There are currently 33114.795 bitcoins offered at or under 166.0 USD, worth 5071504.2059 USD in total. | Data vintage: 8.3661 seconds 772;1366987392;Chaang-Noi;hmm 773;1366987397;Chaang-Noi;;;bids 0 774;1366987398;gribble;There are currently 33503993 bitcoins demanded at or over 0.0 USD, worth 19202524.8757 USD in total. | Data vintage: 44.8066 seconds 775;1366987404;Chaang-Noi;down a bit... 776;1366987637;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9650 @ 0.00070059 = 6.7607 BTC [+] 777;1366987873;assbot;[MPEX] [S.DICE] 1000 @ 0.00278789 = 2.7879 BTC [-] 778;1366987982;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 10 @ 0.28 = 2.8 BTC [-] 779;1366988069;error4733;;;next 780;1366988070;gribble;\*AWAY UNTIL April 28\* resistance: 132, 136, 138-140 | support: 120, 115, 110, 100, 90 | lower buy targets: 102, 96-100, 86 | updated by OneFixt at Apr 21 2013, 18:00 UTC ( tips: http://bit.ly/YnxUM4 ) | disclaimer: http://bit.ly/129bYJ6 | this is not investment or trading advice | #bitcoin-analysis | 4 days, 18 hours, 54 minutes, and 28 seconds ago 781;1366989371;Cylta;where I can read more about what exactly mean for example O.USD.C152N? 782;1366989441;ThickAsThieves;oddly i dont think there is a good description faq for mpex options on the mpex website 783;1366989455;ThickAsThieves;but i know full explanations exists in the forums 784;1366989524;mircea_popescu;Cylta call struck at 152 expiring next month 785;1366989659;error4733;MP blog no ? for a good description 786;1366990013;mircea_popescu;error4733 i thought they're explained to death everywhere, forum, blog etc. 787;1366990070;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.1629 BTC [+] 788;1366990084;assbot;[BTCTC] [RSM] 1 @ 0.00303 BTC [+] 789;1366990113;error4733;yes but not on MPEX #irony 790;1366990219;mircea_popescu;lol 791;1366990323;KRS-1;Very funny mircea popescu..Can I have my anal room back please 792;1366990344;KRS-1;why would you want bitcoin anal 793;1366990363;KRS-1;I'm not trying to be an ass 794;1366990385;KRS-1;Thats ok..I'll get it in the end 795;1366990393;truffles;#bitcoin-anal exists heh 796;1366990404;mircea_popescu;wait what ?! 797;1366990420;KRS-1;Says you registered my anal chat 798;1366990446;KRS-1;Can I have my anal chat room back pls 799;1366990453;truffles;i like that prank lol 800;1366990457;KRS-1;lol 801;1366990465;mircea_popescu;i have ?! 802;1366990470;KRS-1;[Notice] -ChanServ- #bitcoin-anal is already registered to mircea_popescu. 803;1366990477;truffles;rofl 804;1366990482;KRS-1;Isnt anything sacred anymore 805;1366990482;pgp2;lol 806;1366990494;mircea_popescu;whoa 807;1366990499;mircea_popescu;kickass. 808;1366990531;truffles;he really likes ass 809;1366990575;KRS-1;haha its a nice channel though 810;1366990575;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.163 = 2.326 BTC [+] 811;1366990621;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 7 @ 1.1638 = 8.1466 BTC [+] 812;1366990677;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.1635 BTC [-] 813;1366990828;MJR_;you jacked #bitcoin-anal?? 814;1366990839;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.1637 BTC [+] 815;1366990963;Cylta;If I understand correctly, asset "O.USD.C086T" is a call option from price of 86 usd per btc that will expire this month. Why people sell it, if price is already significally higher? and for what amount is this option? 816;1366991004;ThickAsThieves;Cylta, you need to wait until new options are created tonight/tomorrow 817;1366991012;ThickAsThieves;current prices are "glitched" 818;1366991023;ThickAsThieves;(not actually quoting anyone) 819;1366991037;mircea_popescu;Cylta you understand how options work, do you ? 820;1366991056;ThickAsThieves;he was looking for a full guide earlier 821;1366991063;ThickAsThieves;i dont have the link saved tho 822;1366991099;ThickAsThieves;you should post that shit at mpex.com 823;1366991102;ThickAsThieves;.co* 824;1366991124;Cylta;mircea_popescu: I did not expect, that you can buy\sell options with different price than current price. that's looks strange for me. 825;1366991195;error4733;http://polimedia.us/trilema/2013/mpex-btc-usd-options-denomination-change/ 826;1366991211;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.1637 BTC [+] 827;1366991243;error4733;http://daytrading.about.com/od/daytradingglossary/g/OptionsCallPut.htm 828;1366991278;Cylta;error4733: thanks! 829;1366991300;ThickAsThieves;neither of those links will help you enough 830;1366991301;mircea_popescu;Cylta https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=67302.0 831;1366991304;error4733;the price is not different, it's a like a bet ! 832;1366991304;mircea_popescu;prolly should start there. 833;1366991318;ThickAsThieves;thats the good one! 834;1366991355;ThickAsThieves;would you consider adding that link to the mpex faq? 835;1366991414;mircea_popescu;well the idea kinda is that the mpex faq is about mpex, and people should be learning about options other places. 836;1366991447;deadweasel;$acg 837;1366991451;deadweasel;$avg 838;1366991452;mpexbot;deadweasel: 135.85 839;1366991497;deadweasel;crap. hey mp, does the bot come online to buy back my calls at a fraction of the price I bought them for? 840;1366991526;ThickAsThieves;asking mp for something = always asking too much 841;1366991540;deadweasel;answers are usually rec'd. 842;1366991545;deadweasel;which is something. 843;1366991554;ThickAsThieves;"for" 844;1366991579;ThickAsThieves;he will speak to you, just not act for you 845;1366991582;deadweasel;we'll see. 846;1366991589;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.1637 BTC [+] 847;1366991591;deadweasel;all i want is an answer 848;1366991611;deadweasel;unless you want to buy some calls at 215 ThickAsThieves ! : 849;1366991616;deadweasel;:D 850;1366991641;ThickAsThieves;already burdened with Put at 89 851;1366991644;ThickAsThieves;Puts* 852;1366991665;deadweasel;ouchie, should exercised them demons... i did the avg ever come down that far? 853;1366991670;ThickAsThieves;and calls the mysteriously excercised at 0 854;1366991672;deadweasel;or was the 50 bounce too quick? 855;1366991687;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 150 @ 0.000641 = 0.0962 BTC [-] 856;1366991699;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 100 @ 0.00064 = 0.064 BTC [-] 857;1366991738;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 5 @ 0.00983 = 0.0492 BTC [-] 858;1366991741;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 1 @ 0.00983 BTC [-] 859;1366991747;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 8 @ 0.00982 = 0.0786 BTC [-] 860;1366991749;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 9 @ 0.000639 = 0.0058 BTC [-] 861;1366991754;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 15 @ 0.00981 = 0.1472 BTC [-] 862;1366991756;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 30 @ 0.000635 = 0.0191 BTC [-] 863;1366991768;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 10 @ 0.000631 = 0.0063 BTC [-] 864;1366991827;assbot;[BTCTC] [GSDPT] 30 @ 0.00281 = 0.0843 BTC [+] 865;1366991831;assbot;[BTCTC] [GSDPT] 1 @ 0.00281 BTC [+] 866;1366991834;assbot;[BTCTC] [GSDPT] 97 @ 0.0028 = 0.2716 BTC [-] 867;1366991856;assbot;[BTCTC] [GSDPT] 1 @ 0.0028 BTC [-] 868;1366991860;ThickAsThieves;my MPOE PT shares seem to be being held hostage by DeadTerra, who is disinclined to trasnfer them to Jurov for me. 869;1366991897;deadweasel;lol, i sold EVERYTHING. I don't want to hold of any of that crap right now. 870;1366991903;jurov;did he said as much? or is he just silent? 871;1366991907;ThickAsThieves;silent 872;1366991911;ThickAsThieves;after several messages 873;1366991918;ThickAsThieves;and sign-ons by him 874;1366991922;ThickAsThieves;in forum 875;1366991973;ThickAsThieves;maybe he's busy playing Starcraft or sumth 876;1366991999;kakobrekla;i wouldnt trust a guy who plays xbox 877;1366992027;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 1.1638 = 3.4914 BTC [+] 878;1366992032;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.1649 BTC [+] 879;1366992044;ThickAsThieves;AM is gonna rally again 880;1366992045;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 1.165 = 11.65 BTC [+] 881;1366992059;ThickAsThieves;friedcat confirmed 15TH will be online within a week 882;1366992106;mircea_popescu;ok so who wants to or knows anyone wanting to model tits for a new project of mine ? 883;1366992132;ThickAsThieves;MPOE-PR seems to be equipped 884;1366992178;mircea_popescu;im trying to spread bitcoin incomes to poor girls. 885;1366992182;mircea_popescu;she ain't poor. 886;1366992200;assbot;[BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 30 @ 0.01629 = 0.4887 BTC [+] 887;1366992225;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 150 @ 0.000679 = 0.1019 BTC [+] 888;1366992313;ThickAsThieves;Maybe reddit wants to help 889;1366992322;Cylta;mircea_popescu: http://www.reddit.com/r/GirlsGoneBitcoin ? i think many of them may help you 890;1366992333;KRS-1;I'm a poor girls. 891;1366992341;mircea_popescu;a ty 892;1366992347;mircea_popescu;KRS-1 you female ? 893;1366992352;KRS-1;i can be 894;1366992366;KRS-1;how much btc we talkin here 895;1366992372;mircea_popescu;talk to goat, i don't do ladyboiz 896;1366992381;KRS-1;lulz 897;1366992410;KRS-1;ok i'll settle for ltc ...? 898;1366992418;KRS-1;nmc? 899;1366992432;Cylta;KRS-1: may be xrp =) 900;1366992450;KRS-1;whats a xrp 901;1366992480;tiberiusiv;;;bids 50 902;1366992483;gribble;There are currently 165183.38 bitcoins demanded at or over 50.0 USD, worth 14103182.0003 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0086 seconds 903;1366992492;tiberiusiv;;;asks 200 904;1366992493;gribble;There are currently 69668.083 bitcoins offered at or under 200.0 USD, worth 11769976.7017 USD in total. | Data vintage: 9.4491 seconds 905;1366992504;Cylta;KRS-1: premined, centrelised, low-value, with-no-future coin =) 906;1366992513;davout;mircea_popescu: you could organize orgies in romania, get bitcoins spent, and poor girls richer 907;1366992536;mircea_popescu;o look who's back 908;1366992549;mircea_popescu;i think ima organise lockable cages webhosting first, frenchie :D 909;1366992554;kakobrekla;lol 910;1366992558;assbot;[BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 14 @ 0.41 = 5.74 BTC [+] 911;1366992560;davout;mircea_popescu: where do i sign? 912;1366992571;mircea_popescu;ovh.com/suckers-apply-here 913;1366992600;davout;yeah well 914;1366992644;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.1978 BTC [+] 915;1366992647;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.1979 BTC [+] 916;1366992647;mircea_popescu;so how's paris ? 917;1366992656;davout;being hit by the very thing you were discussing a couple of hours ago on #bitcoin-assets OH THE IRONY 918;1366992662;davout;dirty as usual 919;1366992669;MJR_;lol 920;1366992674;MJR_;hi davout 921;1366992683;davout;MJR_: hello 922;1366992702;MJR_;whats new 923;1366992707;KRS-1;whats up MJR- 924;1366992764;davout;MJR_: well. https://bitcoin-central.net pretty much sums it all up 925;1366992773;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.1979 BTC [+] 926;1366992782;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 12 @ 1.198 = 14.376 BTC [+] 927;1366992851;mircea_popescu;i do think the idea to reaudit the entire thing leisurely is best. 928;1366992853;mircea_popescu;who came up with it ? 929;1366992929;davout;mircea_popescu: the idea of re-auditing ? 930;1366992941;mircea_popescu;you know, take service down, check everything, no rush 931;1366992945;davout;i did 932;1366992950;mircea_popescu;good call. 933;1366992986;davout;my intelligence is limited, but i do have enough to see when taking a step back is needed 934;1366992990;davout;:-) 935;1366993109;mircea_popescu;;;getrating davout 936;1366993110;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. User davout, rated since Thu Jan 27 14:22:24 2011. Cumulative rating 14, from 4 total ratings. Received ratings: 4 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 2 positive, 0 negative. Details: http://bitcoin-otc.com/viewratingdetail.php?nick=davout 937;1366993148;mircea_popescu;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=188353.0 here we go 938;1366993197;jurov;replied 939;1366993271;MJR_;lol 940;1366993282;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 5 @ 0.003071 = 0.0154 BTC [-] 941;1366993282;MJR_;how much resemblance necessary? 942;1366993286;jurov;but dunno how many topless models frequent irc.. maybe usagi will volunteer? 943;1366993297;kakobrekla;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=174620.msg1950361#msg1950361 944;1366993303;MJR_;lol yeah 945;1366993319;kakobrekla;also scroll up wtf? 946;1366993322;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 8 @ 0.00307 = 0.0246 BTC [-] 947;1366993340;kakobrekla;who is the attention whore now 948;1366993377;assbot;[BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.17603 BTC [-] 949;1366993407;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 6 @ 0.00981 = 0.0589 BTC [-] 950;1366993410;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 4 @ 0.0098 = 0.0392 BTC [-] 951;1366993414;ThickAsThieves;nice pic, rivals even MP's pics 952;1366993424;jurov;My burn rate is currently about $200,000 per month if I continue at this level 953;1366993437;jurov;mpoe-pr should comment how much women if mp's burn rate 954;1366993442;jurov;*is 955;1366993537;kakobrekla;omg that thread 956;1366993547;kakobrekla;it continiues into total retarded noobishness 957;1366993550;bitcoin_lady;Hello :p 958;1366993559;mircea_popescu;heya bitcoin_lady 959;1366993563;j0w;:) 960;1366993572;ThickAsThieves;this should be fun 961;1366993589;kakobrekla;it it apropriate to say "tits or gtfo" ? 962;1366993625;bitcoin_lady;This is not /b/, faggot. 963;1366993636;kakobrekla;its a meta question, lady. 964;1366993655;mircea_popescu;haha cool. 965;1366993668;mircea_popescu;so this rpietila guy is trying to be me two years later basically ? 966;1366993679;mircea_popescu;bitcoin_lady to read your private messages click on the tab 967;1366993693;kakobrekla;mircea_popescu i think he is a liar ... saying he was 'around' first bubbl 968;1366993694;kakobrekla;e 969;1366993707;mircea_popescu;ya well. 970;1366993713;kakobrekla;dunno 971;1366993716;mircea_popescu;people love pumping themselves up for w/e reason. 972;1366993808;kakobrekla;i mean the guy sent 13 btc to some other guy 973;1366993811;kakobrekla;to prove he is rich 974;1366993816;kakobrekla;that only proves he is an idiot 975;1366993820;mircea_popescu;pretty much. 976;1366993836;error4733;? 977;1366993846;error4733;i check the address on blockchain 978;1366993854;error4733;he didnt sent 979;1366993868;kakobrekla;apparently was internal tx of easywallet 980;1366993875;kakobrekla;i mean its that or he has two accounts 981;1366993879;kakobrekla;and is self trolling 982;1366993881;mircea_popescu;lmao 983;1366993881;kakobrekla;and so incapable 984;1366993884;mircea_popescu;what idiot. 985;1366993889;kakobrekla;that he doesnt even do blockchain tx 986;1366993890;error4733;self trolling imo 987;1366993893;mircea_popescu;somebody drop a link to mpex's public addy, see what he says 988;1366994270;Cylta;why people sell options above 1btc? looks like profit may not break the edge of 1btc per option. 989;1366994286;Cylta;at lest for calls 990;1366994337;mircea_popescu;Cylta the bot is a little crazy currently. 991;1366994342;mircea_popescu;you can sell them for whatever you want tho. 992;1366994393;Cylta;but by math, any calls that are sold for more, than 1 btc is just waiting of buyers money :P kind of math exam? 993;1366994435;Chaang-Noi;kakobrekla that guy.. wtf was he thinking? 994;1366994444;kakobrekla;he wasnt 995;1366994449;kakobrekla;and isnt 996;1366994449;Chaang-Noi;you know he has a party or gathering or something in finland? 997;1366994451;kakobrekla;and wont be 998;1366994465;Chaang-Noi;he asked me to go, and then asked for btc :/ 999;1366994472;kakobrekla;omg 1000;1366994478;kakobrekla;how much 1001;1366994498;Chaang-Noi;i dont know, it goes up the longer i wait. but i guess there is hotel or something involved 1002;1366994505;Chaang-Noi;but there are no details that i can find 1003;1366994531;Chaang-Noi;im not going so i just sorta ignored it but then i saw this and was like wtf?? 1004;1366994536;kakobrekla;lol 1005;1366994557;kakobrekla;well this is bitcoin, everyone and their sister is the biggest expert 1006;1366994569;jurov;and their dog 1007;1366994589;jurov;yes, this is a dog. 1008;1366994664;Chaang-Noi;kako i cant tell if he is some silver hot shot invester who made money in the run up and now did well in btc in the last 4 months or is just a full scammer 1009;1366994689;Chaang-Noi;btw is he claiming to have 2.4k btc or 24k btc? 1010;1366994692;truffles;u jelly? 1011;1366994704;kakobrekla;i dont know 1012;1366994710;kakobrekla;he was buying at ~100 1013;1366994712;jurov;2.4k mbtc 1014;1366994718;Chaang-Noi;no i did very well in silver and then i did very well in btc/ltc and asicminer 1015;1366994720;jurov;he's givind errythign in mbtc 1016;1366994728;kakobrekla;yes retarded 1017;1366994732;Chaang-Noi;yeah buying at over 100 is not something id brag about 1018;1366994740;truffles;new money gets the stern look from everyone huh 1019;1366994756;Chaang-Noi;we are not even sure if he has money or is just a troll 1020;1366994775;Chaang-Noi;he tried to prove he had money by moving 13 btc and it never showed up on the block chain.... 1021;1366994800;Chaang-Noi;he might not have any btc 1022;1366994805;kakobrekla;dunno 1023;1366994856;kakobrekla;strange he is not aware that he cant sign an addy 1024;1366994863;kakobrekla;i mean 1025;1366994870;kakobrekla;sign something with priv key of an addy 1026;1366994898;Chaang-Noi;he sent from a fucking web wallet 1027;1366994901;Troic_;perhaps his web wallet, nm says it all 1028;1366994921;kakobrekla;you can sign from blockchain.info wallet 1029;1366994928;Chaang-Noi;who the fuck uses a web wallet? i understand maybe the troll had one but a guy with 24k or 2.4k lol 1030;1366994946;kakobrekla;o looky 1031;1366994946;kakobrekla;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=188304.0 1032;1366994951;Chaang-Noi;what is easywallet? iv never used it 1033;1366994955;kakobrekla;it must have rained recently 1034;1366994985;kakobrekla;"its time to make a change" cause you defo wont be "making a bank" 1035;1366995059;truffles;new channel for me 1036;1366995101;truffles;so many people in here 1037;1366995104;truffles;its buzzin 1038;1366995166;deadweasel;http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/everything-is-rigged-the-biggest-financial-scandal-yet-20130425 1039;1366995178;truffles;slow pony? 1040;1366995191;truffles;hi 1041;1366995201;deadweasel;howdy truf 1042;1366995224;truffles;are your panties in a bunch about new money too? 1043;1366995250;Chaang-Noi;what happened to tiberslav? 1044;1366995255;deadweasel;i was just impressed that rolling stone changed their position. my panties are in the laundry. 1045;1366995281;truffles;chaang he's in -offtopic 1046;1366995298;deadweasel;he's nowhere with /ignore! 1047;1366995305;kakobrekla;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=187469.0 1048;1366995306;kakobrekla;yes 1049;1366995311;truffles;ignore is for pussies 1050;1366995312;kakobrekla;i think they are that retarded. 1051;1366995326;truffles;toughen up 1052;1366995459;Chaang-Noi;1 btc = 1000 nBTC? 1053;1366995462;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.198 = 2.396 BTC [+] 1054;1366995462;Chaang-Noi;mBTC? 1055;1366995471;Cylta;Chaang-Noi: mBTC 1056;1366995482;Cylta;Chaang-Noi: 1 btc = 1 000 000 nBTC 1057;1366995485;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 1.198 = 3.594 BTC [+] 1058;1366995487;mircea_popescu; you know he has a party or gathering or something in finland? <<< Ahahahah 1059;1366995503;Cylta;oh, no.. 1 btc = 1 000 mBTC = 1 000 000 uBTC = 1 000 000 000 nBTC 1060;1366995506;Chaang-Noi;mp did you not get the invite? 1061;1366995508;mircea_popescu;dude this is so ridiculous 1062;1366995516;Chaang-Noi;its like in 2 weeks as well 1063;1366995533;ThickAsThieves;i am fond of the ignore function 1064;1366995540;assbot;[BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 3 @ 0.400001 = 1.2 BTC [-] 1065;1366995547;mircea_popescu;so did he hear about my thing and is trying to copy retardedly 1066;1366995550;mircea_popescu;or just natural retard ? 1067;1366995574;assbot;[BTCTC] [COG.F] 1 @ 2.3 BTC [-] 1068;1366995592;Chaang-Noi;i want to post in public is pm to me but i dont want to violate privacy issues 1069;1366995603;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 1.198 = 3.594 BTC [+] 1070;1366995613;truffles;good call 1071;1366995663;mircea_popescu;kinda worth it for the lulz, 1072;1366995665;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 44 @ 0.00307 = 0.1351 BTC [-] 1073;1366995667;mircea_popescu;kinda not worth it dfor the drama 1074;1366995681;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 98 @ 0.00306 = 0.2999 BTC [-] 1075;1366995688;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 570 @ 0.00306 = 1.7442 BTC [-] 1076;1366995703;Chaang-Noi;he said he was going to make it public somewhere 1077;1366995706;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 130 @ 0.00301 = 0.3913 BTC [-] 1078;1366995710;Chaang-Noi;but i never saw that 1079;1366995712;ThickAsThieves;sharing pms violates privacy issues? 1080;1366995723;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 6 @ 0.4244 = 2.5464 BTC [-] 1081;1366995738;ThickAsThieves;violates trust only, i thought 1082;1366995741;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.1999 = 2.3998 BTC [+] 1083;1366995742;Chaang-Noi;it is a personal invite to his party, i dont think i should share it word for word 1084;1366995755;Chaang-Noi;fine its a trust issue, 1085;1366995756;ThickAsThieves;oh i get it 1086;1366995765;ThickAsThieves;like it has personal info in it 1087;1366995779;Chaang-Noi;it has info he said he would make public 1088;1366995786;Chaang-Noi;but i dont know where or if he has 1089;1366995844;truffles;post the stuff he said he would make public 1090;1366995853;truffles;with him saying so 1091;1366995870;Chaang-Noi;hey kako that thread is self moderated 1092;1366995875;mircea_popescu;http://i.imgur.com/xQE0Tgsl.jpg 1093;1366995877;Chaang-Noi;he is going to get rid of all of that 1094;1366995885;mircea_popescu;ajhahaha dude bought a $5 ad in an ad paper 1095;1366995887;mircea_popescu;bwahahaha 1096;1366995894;mircea_popescu;dude never has so much been attempted with so little. 1097;1366995910;Girlfawkesy;I understand MP was looking for me? 1098;1366995922;Chaang-Noi;its a scam mp? 1099;1366995949;Girlfawkesy;I dunno, I got a message on reddit 1100;1366995958;Girlfawkesy;not much info was given, and I was curious 1101;1366995961;mircea_popescu;Girlfawkesy hey there. 1102;1366995972;jcpham;what is #bitcoin-assets? 1103;1366995979;jcpham;bitcoin-asshats? 1104;1366995982;imsaguy;gypsy bazaar 1105;1366995986;Troic_;its a virtual lobby for mp ? 1106;1366995987;Cylta;jcpham: temple of mircea_popescu =) 1107;1366995990;truffles;recruitment grounds 1108;1366995995;Technologov__;what is traded on this bazaar ? 1109;1366996002;mircea_popescu;imsaguy is alive ?! 1110;1366996003;kakobrekla;slaves 1111;1366996003;jcpham;mp has a following? 1112;1366996005;Chaang-Noi;tears 1113;1366996007;jcpham;sadness 1114;1366996009;Scrat;dreams 1115;1366996010;imsaguy;mircea_popescu: I was on a trip 1116;1366996014;mircea_popescu;Technologov__ its the place where bitcoin securities get discussed. 1117;1366996024;Technologov__;such as ? 1118;1366996028;Technologov__;Are there any ? ^^ 1119;1366996031;jcpham;these guys in otc are selling an ASIC startup 1120;1366996033;mircea_popescu;!ticker m s.mpoe 1121;1366996034;assbot;[MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00067399 / 0.00069538 / 0.000703 (298127 shares, 207.31 BTC), 7D: 0.00064141 / 0.0006982 / 0.00073891 (2649171 shares, 1,849.67 BTC), 30D: 0.00059218 / 0.00068714 / 0.00073891 (10288649 shares, 7,069.75 BTC) 1122;1366996036;mircea_popescu;!ticker m s.dice 1123;1366996037;jcpham;telling people 200% returns 1124;1366996038;assbot;[MPEX:S.DICE] 1D: 0.00278789 / 0.00278789 / 0.00278789 (1309 shares, 3.65 BTC), 7D: 0.0023263 / 0.00295308 / 0.00349995 (32043 shares, 94.63 BTC), 30D: 0.0012 / 0.00317689 / 0.00448 (1524631 shares, 4,843.59 BTC) 1125;1366996040;mircea_popescu;!ticker m s.bbet 1126;1366996041;assbot;[MPEX:S.BBET] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: / / ( shares, BTC), 30D: 0.00050015 / 0.00177875 / 0.00201395 (137670 shares, 244.88 BTC) 1127;1366996042;mircea_popescu;etc. 1128;1366996043;jcpham;i told 'em to come here! 1129;1366996069;imsaguy;I think asicminer needs a passthrough on mpex 1130;1366996078;imsaguy;they're everywhere else 1131;1366996078;Chaang-Noi;lol 1132;1366996084;jcpham;think asicminer needs to send me some blades 1133;1366996088;imsaguy;better yet 1134;1366996088;jcpham;so i can erupt some shit 1135;1366996094;Chaang-Noi;AM does not need it, mpex might need it 1136;1366996095;imsaguy;a passthrough for the passthroughs 1137;1366996098;imsaguy;make a synthetic 1138;1366996103;jcpham;we could proxy all the proxies 1139;1366996109;imsaguy;exactly 1140;1366996116;mircea_popescu;imsaguy the day they sign a contract. 1141;1366996119;Chaang-Noi;AM has all the funding they need, they dont need shit 1142;1366996122;jcpham; 1143;1366996133;Chaang-Noi;mp, friedcat will never sign a contract 1144;1366996136;imsaguy;mircea_popescu: AM needs to sign if its a passthrough? 1145;1366996144;imsaguy;mircea_popescu: can you read chinese? 1146;1366996152;mircea_popescu;they need to sign if its on mpex. 1147;1366996159;Chaang-Noi;they wont sign 1148;1366996171;Chaang-Noi;why take a risk with no gain? 1149;1366996173;imsaguy;those chinese won't sign anything unless its in chinese 1150;1366996180;mircea_popescu; 1151;1366996189;imsaguy;stupid china 1152;1366996202;ThickAsThieves;its a moot point, like Chaang says, they don't need anything 1153;1366996204;jcpham;forget about asicminer 1154;1366996204;mircea_popescu;i can't be stonewalled. he won't sign, he won't exist pretty much. 1155;1366996211;BTCOxygen;imsaguy: lol 1156;1366996214;jcpham;get in on the ground floor of peachMining 1157;1366996221;BTCOxygen;imsaguy: Use google translate.. 1158;1366996223;BTCOxygen;:P 1159;1366996227;Chaang-Noi;haha AM wont exist :) hahahah 1160;1366996230;imsaguy;jcpham, I'm goign to form my own asic company 1161;1366996237;jcpham;tell me more BTCOxygen 1162;1366996239;Chaang-Noi;10% of the network and soon to be 20% 1163;1366996239;Technologov__;There is an opportunity to Invest in Avalon ASIC chips. 1164;1366996240;Technologov__;Run by . 1165;1366996244;Technologov__;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=184305.0 1166;1366996249;jcpham;-otc is a terrible place to sell the idea 1167;1366996252;imsaguy;Chaang-Noi, they've been promising for a while 1168;1366996258;imsaguy;they're starting to sound like bfl 1169;1366996259;Scrat;imsaguy: cant help but misread your nick as imsogay :'( 1170;1366996260;imsaguy;always delays 1171;1366996262;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.29999997 BTC [+] 1172;1366996263;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.29999998 BTC [+] 1173;1366996268;mircea_popescu;Scrat for good reason. 1174;1366996273;Chaang-Noi;they ahve the chips, they dont have the power 1175;1366996274;imsaguy;Scrat: it happens to those with a reading level below the american fourth grade 1176;1366996276;jcpham;imsogay 1177;1366996278;Chaang-Noi;did you read his update today? 1178;1366996280;jcpham;so funny 1179;1366996284;Chaang-Noi;and anyway they have 7.7 TH 1180;1366996289;Chaang-Noi;that is much more than not existing 1181;1366996293;imsaguy;they're supposed to have like 12 TH 1182;1366996299;imsaguy;like 3 months ago 1183;1366996306;ThickAsThieves;^ 1184;1366996314;imsaguy;how are they going to add 50 more if they can't get teh original going? 1185;1366996316;ThickAsThieves;they did, they just didnt share 1186;1366996322;Chaang-Noi;my point was, MP claim of them not existing if they are not on his eschagne is lulz 1187;1366996325;imsaguy;ThickAsThieves, most likely 1188;1366996333;jcpham;so 2.8TH/s for 3500BTC? 1189;1366996337;imsaguy;Chaang-Noi: he meant they won't exist on the exchange, derp 1190;1366996342;jcpham;;;genrate 28000000 1191;1366996345;gribble;The expected generation output, at 28000000.0 Mhps, given difficulty of 8974296.01489, is 1569.07933912 BTC per day and 65.3783057965 BTC per hour. 1192;1366996345;Cylta;Can I create options? and do I have to keep a balance to cover them? (and what do I have to do with puts, because they may cost ~inf in case if price will go to 0)? 1193;1366996356;mircea_popescu;Cylta yes, you can create options. you need to cover them. 1194;1366996359;BTCOxygen;jcpham: 3TH/s. 1195;1366996365;Chaang-Noi;imsaguy and that is what i told you 1196;1366996367;BTCOxygen;Will update OP in few hours. 1197;1366996373;jcpham;;;calc 3500*[ticker --avg] 1198;1366996374;gribble;476259.42 1199;1366996377;Chaang-Noi;they dont need anything. 1200;1366996387;jcpham;;;bc,stats 1201;1366996390;gribble;Current Blocks: 233265 | Current Difficulty: 8974296.01488785 | Next Difficulty At Block: 233855 | Next Difficulty In: 590 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 3 days, 6 hours, 40 minutes, and 0 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 9964156.51421 | Estimated Percent Change: 11.02995 1202;1366996395;imsaguy;THey need content shareholders. 1203;1366996400;jcpham;what's the timeline until deployed BTCOxygen 1204;1366996403;imsaguy;Well, technically, they don't even need that. 1205;1366996408;ThickAsThieves;they have content shareholders 1206;1366996410;imsaguy;At this point, asicminer has the shareholders by the balls. 1207;1366996412;BTCOxygen;jcpham: ~July. 1208;1366996414;Scrat;jcpham thats one zero too many 1209;1366996421;jcpham;;;genrate 2800000 1210;1366996422;gribble;The expected generation output, at 2800000.0 Mhps, given difficulty of 8974296.01489, is 156.907933912 BTC per day and 6.53783057965 BTC per hour. 1211;1366996425;jcpham;? 1212;1366996436;BTCOxygen;;;generate 3000000 1213;1366996437;gribble;Error: "generate" is not a valid command. 1214;1366996445;BTCOxygen;;;genrate 3000000 1215;1366996447;gribble;The expected generation output, at 3000000.0 Mhps, given difficulty of 8974296.01489, is 168.115643477 BTC per day and 7.00481847819 BTC per hour. 1216;1366996473;jcpham;i'm betting we're way way over 20mil by july in diff 1217;1366996481;mircea_popescu;there's this crazy gbet about 10mn diff by end of month 1218;1366996485;mircea_popescu;im so curious which way it neds 1219;1366996493;mircea_popescu;like 10-20k riding on it 1220;1366996495;jcpham;;;genrate 3000000 20000000 1221;1366996496;gribble;The expected generation output, at 3000000.0 Mhps, given difficulty of 20000000.0, is 75.4359774646 BTC per day and 3.14316572769 BTC per hour. 1222;1366996499;imsaguy;mircea_popescu, which side are you on? 1223;1366996505;mircea_popescu;neither actually 1224;1366996508;BTCOxygen;jcpham: Even if difficulty hit 35mil you are still safe. 1225;1366996525;jcpham;;;calc 75*[ticker --avg]*30 1226;1366996525;gribble;306166.77 1227;1366996526;imsaguy;anyone saying a 10x diff hike is nbd is crazy 1228;1366996549;jcpham;at 20 mil difficulty who is selling the $306k in coins you mine in july 1229;1366996576;BTCOxygen;imsaguy: So you are saying that the difficulty will not hit 100m ? 1230;1366996581;jcpham;;;genrate 3000000 40000000 1231;1366996581;gribble;The expected generation output, at 3000000.0 Mhps, given difficulty of 40000000.0, is 37.7179887323 BTC per day and 1.57158286385 BTC per hour. 1232;1366996587;jcpham;follow up question 1233;1366996593;BTCOxygen;jcpham: Profits will be paid out to investors in Bitcoins. 1234;1366996594;jcpham;;;calc 37*[ticker --avg]*30 1235;1366996595;gribble;151040.4084 1236;1366996597;imsaguy;I know difficuilty will hit much higher than that 1237;1366996607;jcpham;who sel the 150k in coins the new month at 40 mil 1238;1366996618;jcpham;it difficult for me to trust 1239;1366996633;BTCOxygen;jcpham: Why sell the coins ? 1240;1366996644;jcpham;ic 1241;1366996650;jcpham;you are right 1242;1366996664;jcpham;but you want btc upfront? 1243;1366996677;BTCOxygen;jcpham: Dividends will be paid in Bitcoins. 1244;1366996688;BTCOxygen;jcpham: Yes we need funding for the project. 1245;1366996700;jcpham;name "we" 1246;1366996703;jcpham;publicly 1247;1366996754;BTCOxygen;Our team 1248;1366996764;BTCOxygen;Our = I and my partner. 1249;1366996786;imsaguy;This interview is going well. 1250;1366996790;imsaguy;<.< 1251;1366996791;BTCOxygen;team = The people working for us. 1252;1366996791;imsaguy;>.> 1253;1366996795;jcpham;you should get used to saying "me John Q Whatever and my partner Steven X> whocares" 1254;1366996797;Technologov__; 1255;1366996799;Scrat;the chinese 1256;1366996809;Scrat;BTCOxygen: are they chinese? 1257;1366996817;Technologov__;http://btcoxygen.com/ 1258;1366996825;jcpham;it's half mil in BTC up front 1259;1366996837;imsaguy;Technologov__: mining pool software is prepackaged these days. it doesn't take rocket science to run it. 1260;1366996859;jcpham;it's a great idea but you'll need more of a following 1261;1366996920;BTCOxygen;imsaguy: Yeah it does not need rocket science, Also we built our custom poolserver, Plus we have paid users without troubles. 1262;1366996931;BTCOxygen;Thats what brings the trust. 1263;1366996951;BTCOxygen;Paying users = trust. 1264;1366996962;imsaguy;you're right 1265;1366996964;imsaguy;I apologize 1266;1366996976;truffles;i dont like the name btcoxygen.. 1267;1366996980;imsaguy;http://ts3.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4868208981114978&pid=1.7 1268;1366997044;BTCOxygen;imsaguy: heh. 1269;1366997051;BTCOxygen;If anyone is interested please PM me. 1270;1366997090;Technologov__;jcpham, read: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=184305.0 1271;1366997176;jcpham;i'm not going to jump on the tread and be mean but like those guys are saying 1272;1366997192;jcpham;3500 btc upfront and AT BEST you'll generate 150BTC/monthly 1273;1366997198;jcpham;;;calc 3500/150 1274;1366997198;gribble;23.3333333333 1275;1366997202;jcpham;23 month roi 1276;1366997207;jcpham;assuming rainbows 1277;1366997215;jcpham;and there are no rainbows here 1278;1366997238;Scrat;it is 150 btc daily 1279;1366997245;jcpham;oh shit 1280;1366997252;jcpham;u right my maths is so bad 1281;1366997265;Scrat;but that doesn't make it anymore viable 1282;1366997265;jcpham;where do i sign up? I have 1 btc to contrtibute 1283;1366997273;Scrat;as you said it's a lot of dough upfront 1284;1366997280;jcpham;i'd like one share please. 1285;1366997299;jborkl;You owe Topace 20 btc right? 1286;1366997314;jborkl;that you have not paid in how long 1287;1366997316;jborkl;? 1288;1366997356;truffles;public shaming ftw 1289;1366997375;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2 BTC [+] 1290;1366997446;KRS-1;wow price of btc looks higer for once on btc-e 1291;1366997477;kakobrekla;its not 1292;1366997478;kakobrekla;http://jezus.si:81/render?target=bitcoin.*.transactions&height=500&width=1100&lineMode=connected 1293;1366997480;KRS-1;my bad cached 1294;1366997481;assbot;[BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 17 @ 0.09749 = 1.6573 BTC [-] 1295;1366997490;KRS-1;you're right 1296;1366997505;assbot;[BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 1 @ 0.09749 BTC [-] 1297;1366997527;BTCOxygen;jcpham: Pm me if interested. 1298;1366997545;BTCOxygen;jborkl: I have been paing him from my profits. 1299;1366997566;BTCOxygen;;;calc 3500/(150 * 30) 1300;1366997567;gribble;0.777777777778 1301;1366997576;BTCOxygen;jcpham: ^^^ 1302;1366997735;BTCOxygen;truffles: It sounds cool to me. 1303;1366997822;truffles;oprah already has oxygen network though 1304;1366997879;truffles;it would take getting used to 1305;1366997891;truffles;i just like bold names 1306;1366997969;Chilca;Nice site: http://www.satoshiplay.com/ 1307;1366998004;mircea_popescu;Proudly powered by WordPress. GamePress ? 1308;1366998291;mircea_popescu;"I think rpietila is very close to establishing cult of personality. What MP achieves with mental coercion, rpietila does using humour, and with ease." 1309;1366998302;MJR_;lol 1310;1366998306;MJR_;who is that guy? 1311;1366998309;mircea_popescu;no srlsy, the bitcointalk forum is like... seinfeld. 1312;1366998324;mircea_popescu;MJR_ i totally have no idea. 1313;1366998343;MJR_;hmmm i think i am going to do an otc transaction 1314;1366998344;mircea_popescu;"some douche" is the best i got out of mpoe-pr 1315;1366998346;MJR_;or at least try 1316;1366998364;Technologov__;So what kind of assets are here? 1317;1366998374;Technologov__;Any good Bitcoins companies traded ? 1318;1366998379;Technologov__;start-ups ? 1319;1366998397;truffles;*crickets* 1320;1366998438;mircea_popescu;yes. 1321;1366998569;assbot;[BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 46 @ 0.0975 = 4.485 BTC [+] 1322;1366998650;MJR_;hmmm 1323;1366998659;MJR_;anyone here know of a quick cash option? 1324;1366998665;jborkl;I feel dumb for reading part of that reptelia thread 1325;1366998680;jborkl;reminds me why I do not read the forum 1326;1366998687;mircea_popescu;MJR_ what do you mean quick cash option ? 1327;1366998730;cylta;MJR_: pirate? but unfortunately he temporarly suspended his project =) 1328;1366998765;BTCOxygen;cylta: FYI, He permenently suspended his project. 1329;1366998775;mircea_popescu;stop spreading fud 1330;1366998776;cylta;BTCOxygen: <\irony> 1331;1366998811;Technologov__;who is "he" ? 1332;1366998815;Technologov__;And which project ? 1333;1366999039;mircea_popescu;http://polimedia.us/dtng/c/src/136699181151.jpg check out the cat. 1334;1366999067;inhies;mircea_popescu: wat cat 1335;1366999097;jurov;yes a cat is there, zoom moar 1336;1366999116;mircea_popescu;jurov has immunity. 1337;1366999140;inhies;slightly intoxicated 1338;1366999142;inhies;i see no cat 1339;1366999147;inhies;not even in teh slightest bit 1340;1366999152;Cylta;I see two cats =) 1341;1366999155;mircea_popescu;maybe if upside down ? 1342;1366999161;jurov;two cats at 10 o'clock 1343;1366999166;davout;i smell pussy 1344;1366999173;mircea_popescu;so wash. 1345;1366999187;davout;:3 1346;1366999191;mircea_popescu;lol 1347;1366999214;inhies;˙ɹÇʇʇÇq ɥɔnɯ s,ʇÉɥʇ Ë™Êou ʇı ÇÇs ı 'Êžo É¥É :nÉ”sÇdod‾ÉÇɔɹıɯ 1348;1366999225;mircea_popescu;haha 1349;1366999257;topace;[11:27:57] You owe Topace 20 btc right? 1350;1366999264;topace;^ indeed he does 1351;1366999302;inhies;i read that as Tupac 1352;1366999304;inhies;=/ 1353;1366999355;mircea_popescu;that's intentional 1354;1366999364;mircea_popescu;he's trying to start a personality cult 1355;1366999413;truffles;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xxgRUyzgs0 one of my favorite songs 1356;1366999432;truffles;thanks to CM Punk.. 1357;1366999502;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 5 @ 0.4244 = 2.122 BTC [-] 1358;1366999742;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 4 @ 1.21 = 4.84 BTC [-] 1359;1367001415;hellohello;can someone help me?)) 1360;1367001455;kakobrekla;hello hellohello 1361;1367001595;BTCOxygen;Technologov__: pirateat40 was a scammer. 1362;1367001603;BTCOxygen;He ran away with the bitcoins. 1363;1367001615;Technologov__;??? I never ever heard of him. 1364;1367001630;Technologov__;How an investor be a scammer ? 1365;1367001636;BTCOxygen;Technologov__: Yeah because he ran away long ago. 1366;1367001638;Technologov__;Either he invests or he does not. 1367;1367001645;BTCOxygen;He is not an Investor. 1368;1367001657;BTCOxygen;He was running the project. 1369;1367001664;Technologov__;then what ? Which project ? 1370;1367001703;BTCOxygen;Technologov__: He was paying a high interest rate to users who invested with him. 1371;1367001715;Technologov__;aha. Typical ponzi. 1372;1367001722;BTCOxygen;yep. 1373;1367001750;Technologov__;There is no risk-free interest above government bonds. Really. 1374;1367001759;Technologov__;maybe 3% at most. 1375;1367001773;Technologov__;As a small investor, I know it for sure. 1376;1367001792;Technologov__;Anything above that takes risk (and time). 1377;1367001797;BTCOxygen;Technologov__: FYI, He ran away with 100,000 Bitcoins. 1378;1367001803;Technologov__;YAY ! 1379;1367001812;Technologov__;huge amount 1380;1367001812;Cylta;Technologov__: goverment bonds are not risk-free. 1381;1367001826;BTCOxygen;I don't want to do the math its painfull. 1382;1367001831;Technologov__;Cylta, why not ? gvmt can simply print money to return cash. 1383;1367001838;Technologov__;so it is risk-free. 1384;1367001850;mircea_popescu;heya hellohello 1385;1367001864;Technologov__;gvmt has no reason to default on own obligations. 1386;1367001871;hellohello;hi 1387;1367001876;Cylta;Technologov__: ahhh, in this meaning... yes. but money can default (or start to huperinflate) 1388;1367001877;BTCOxygen;;;calc 100000*[ticker --avg] 1389;1367001878;gribble;13572660.0 1390;1367001891;BTCOxygen;Technologov__: ^^^ Here is the math. 1391;1367001908;Technologov__;(only if they use someone else's money, like in Spain... those PIGS - pirtugal, italy, greece, spain) 1392;1367001918;Cylta;BTCOxygen: for such amount you should take 30d avg... 1393;1367001993;BTCOxygen;Also IIRC he converted bitcoins to USD as soon as he recieved them. 1394;1367002001;BTCOxygen;So hes not that rich. 1395;1367002022;Technologov__;converting 100,000 BTC takes time... 1396;1367002041;assbot;[MPEX] [S.DICE] 1791 @ 0.00278789 = 4.9931 BTC [-] 1397;1367002054;BTCOxygen;Technologov__: He recieved in small chunks with a total of 100,000 before he ran away. 1398;1367002059;mircea_popescu;not if you're in the wot. took him all of a day oir w./e 1399;1367002101;jcpham;http://www.wired.com/wiredenterprise/2013/04/butterfly/ 1400;1367002121;jcpham;2 more weeks! 1401;1367002123;jcpham;Meanwhile, Butterfly Labs is nowhere near full production capacity. The company says that its systems will continue to trickle out, with another 75 to 150 shipping in the next few weeks. 1402;1367002123;jcpham;In the meantime, if you have an questions about the Butterfly Labs machine, send us an email. 1403;1367002127;mircea_popescu;ahaha noway 1404;1367002150;Cylta;jcpham: i think I heared it somewhere already... 1405;1367002166;jcpham;wired says fuck you 1406;1367002170;jcpham;if you think it's fake 1407;1367002176;Technologov__;BTCOxygen, and I have a fear about similar fate with Avalon ASICs 1408;1367002176;Technologov__;that's why I wanna wait until ppl will start receiving first batch units 1409;1367002176;Technologov__;+ dev boards 1410;1367002176;Technologov__;I _do_ believe the ASICs are real 1411;1367002184;Technologov__;because of this: http://bitcoin.sipa.be/ 1412;1367002194;mircea_popescu;so when it turens out to be actually fakwe 1413;1367002199;Technologov__;But I highly doubt, that they will ship any. 1414;1367002200;mircea_popescu;i guess we all sue wired. this is good news. 1415;1367002216;mircea_popescu;conde nast actually has money, so... 1416;1367002220;mircea_popescu;i'm tickled pink over here. 1417;1367002234;Cylta;first batch of avalon already reached their customers, no? 1418;1367002240;mircea_popescu;yea. 1419;1367002244;Technologov__;More probably they will keep to themselves. (so their accepted BTC might be a scam) 1420;1367002273;jcpham;these guys at BFL are masters of hype 1421;1367002280;jcpham;i give them credit where it is due 1422;1367002297;mircea_popescu;jcpham its literally not that hard to do. get a journo dood to post nonsense ? 100 bux or w/e 1423;1367002302;BTCOxygen;Technologov__: There are 300 working units. 1424;1367002319;jcpham;but i mean like the company name is unassuming and disarming even "butterfly" 1425;1367002321;jcpham;wtf 1426;1367002326;BTCOxygen;I know 5-6 people personally who recieved their Avalon. 1427;1367002328;jcpham;it's all smoke and mirrors 1428;1367002345;jcpham;but they have produced a product 1429;1367002354;Technologov__;no. Only 3 developers IMO. 1430;1367002354;Technologov__;1st batch Avalons did *not* reach end-users (buyers). 1431;1367002354;Technologov__;jcpham, I doubt if Avalon are better 1432;1367002355;Technologov__;where? At their company ? 1433;1367002355;jcpham;so i digress for now until it collapses 1434;1367002355;Technologov__;Show me 20 users, whom actually _received_ any ASICs. 1435;1367002356;Technologov__;I could not find not on forums and not in chat 1436;1367002373;Technologov__;But this graph: http://bitcoin.sipa.be/ 1437;1367002384;Technologov__;Clearly says that ASICs are for real. 1438;1367002387;jcpham;i know of 3 actual avalons 1439;1367002396;jcpham;and the owners and i've spoken with them 1440;1367002399;jcpham;that's it 1441;1367002407;jcpham;my world is small though 1442;1367002439;BTCOxygen;Technologov__: I mean I know end-users. 1443;1367002452;BTCOxygen;There are 5 Avalons mining at my pool tho. 1444;1367002484;Technologov__;but the risk-reward is potentially so high, that it is worth the (limited) risk. 1445;1367002491;BTCOxygen;I think even imsaguy has an Avalon. 1446;1367002493;Technologov__;hmm, good to know. 1447;1367002525;mircea_popescu;BTCOxygen which pool is that again ? 1448;1367002532;Technologov__;BTCOxygen :) 1449;1367002548;BTCOxygen;http://btcoxygen.com 1450;1367002560;mircea_popescu;http://blockchain.info/pools ? 1451;1367002591;mircea_popescu;you telling me 5 avalons doesn't get you in the list ? 1452;1367002599;BTCOxygen;yes. 1453;1367002613;mircea_popescu;what's an avalon, 60gh ? 1454;1367002618;jcpham;300GH/s barely gets blocks 1455;1367002622;jcpham;need moar 1456;1367002622;BTCOxygen;Also they don't list blocks properly. 1457;1367002637;BTCOxygen;500GH/s 1458;1367002653;jcpham;how is 500 GH/s regular blocks? 1459;1367002656;jcpham;daily? 1460;1367002666;mircea_popescu;mk, otherwise : Top Hashers 63gh/s 1461;1367002675;mircea_popescu;seems there's one avalon there, and it does 80% or so of the pool ? 1462;1367002690;BTCOxygen; 1463;1367002695;BTCOxygen;check* 1464;1367002701;jcpham;100-400GH/s was struggling to keep up a few months back 1465;1367002706;jcpham;from talking with pool ops 1466;1367002715;jcpham;be interesting to see how it paces now 1467;1367002758;Technologov__;Now, the hash rate: 1468;1367002758;Technologov__;<-- Cylta has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 1469;1367002761;Technologov__;http://blockchain.info/charts/hash-rate 1470;1367002789;Technologov__;If this graph would be flat, I would buy a GPU, and not believe into ASIC lore. 1471;1367002807;Technologov__;But due to huge spike, I believe, that ASICs actually exist. 1472;1367002822;BTCOxygen;mircea_popescu: I see 3 Avalons. 1473;1367002835;mircea_popescu;where ? 1474;1367002852;BTCOxygen;2 users pointing 1/3 Avalon. 1475;1367002859;MJR_;otc is too stressful 1476;1367002885;KRS-1;must be BFL 1477;1367002897;error4733;testing for 4 month 1478;1367002897;KRS-1;my friend has some of their fpga stuff 1479;1367002902;mircea_popescu;#1 1510 62186 1480;1367002902;mircea_popescu;#2 1160 14981 1481;1367002902;mircea_popescu;#3 1210 14272 1482;1367002906;KRS-1;nice hardware 1483;1367002912;mircea_popescu;seems to me only 1st can be an avalon. right ? 1484;1367002919;BTCOxygen;imsaguy: you here? 1485;1367002928;jcpham;he has one BTCOxygen 1486;1367002937;BTCOxygen;mircea_popescu: 1st is full Avalon. 1487;1367002955;BTCOxygen;The other 2 are 1/3 Avalon. 1488;1367002961;jcpham;imsogay owns an avalon 1489;1367002986;Technologov__;1/3 avalon ? hmm... 20 GH/s ? 1490;1367002987;BTCOxygen;Also there a many users posting about their Avalon on bitcointalk. 1491;1367002989;Technologov__;hmm... 1492;1367003001;mircea_popescu;1/3 avalon ?! 1493;1367003002;imsaguy;wut 1494;1367003003;mircea_popescu;who dioes this lol 1495;1367003018;BTCOxygen;Its a cgminer feature. 1496;1367003032;imsaguy;load balancing of cgminer 1497;1367003041;BTCOxygen;imsaguy: Yeah. 1498;1367003054;imsaguy;why did you highlight me? 1499;1367003100;mircea_popescu;he would like to have your babies. 1500;1367003100;BTCOxygen;imsaguy: How many Avalon users do you know? 1501;1367003116;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 1.2 = 4.8 BTC [+] 1502;1367003240;imsaguy;mircea_popescu: that is quite impossible 1503;1367003250;imsaguy;BTCOxygen: a few. 1504;1367003273;jurov;you have been accues of having onw yourself 1505;1367003277;jurov;*accused 1506;1367003319;ezdiy;owning an asic is accusation now 1507;1367003319;ezdiy;hmm 1508;1367003334;jcpham;my bad 1509;1367003347;jcpham;i tell lies on the internet for fun 1510;1367003351;jcpham;no one owns asic 1511;1367003369;Technologov__;some ppl do. proof ? 1512;1367003382;jcpham;facedesk. 1513;1367003389;Technologov__;jcpham, http://blockchain.info/charts/hash-rate 1514;1367003397;jcpham;that's just a chart 1515;1367003403;jcpham;those numbers could be made up 1516;1367003406;BTCOxygen;Anyone who clains that there are no Avalons in the wild should read this whole thread. 1517;1367003406;BTCOxygen;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=137534.0 1518;1367003412;ezdiy;jurov: i think the rational explanation would be: give impression you want to get asics "out there so people dont lose trust" but in fact keep it private for as long as possible :) 1519;1367003417;Technologov__;going from 20 to 80 GH/s (in a MONTH !!!) can not be done via GPU. 1520;1367003429;BTCOxygen;Technologov__: yes. 1521;1367003430;jcpham;cpu mining botnet probably Technologov__ 1522;1367003436;BTCOxygen;lol 1523;1367003441;jcpham;;) 1524;1367003446;Technologov__;jcpham, LOL ! How u tried mining on CPU ? 1525;1367003458;BTCOxygen;Technologov__: rpcminr :P 1526;1367003459;jcpham;nah pool won't accept a share for shit 1527;1367003463;Technologov__;it is 100 times slower than GPU and 100,000 times slower than ASIC 1528;1367003463;jcpham;hurrrrrr 1529;1367003472;mircea_popescu;the conspiracy is strong in here. 1530;1367003490;Technologov__;CPU mining will cost you x100 more in electricity than Bitcoins you produce... 1531;1367003513;BTCOxygen;Technologov__: +100 for having that knowledge. 1532;1367003515;jcpham;i bet it's confusing talking to me. 1533;1367003520;jcpham;i believe asic exists. yes. 1534;1367003547;jurov;but really, i see it like either many asic users want to stay secret, or they are chinese not on btctalk 1535;1367003549;ezdiy;seeing is believing 1536;1367003558;jurov;or manufacturers mine themselves instead 1537;1367003572;jcpham;yeah the technology has made it like this 1538;1367003572;Technologov__;I would invest in ASIC company yes, but I dunno any. 1539;1367003584;jcpham;a device that makes thousands of bucks a day potentially is a security risk 1540;1367003586;ezdiy;jurov: even chinese guys reported selective vip treatment in regards to shipments from avalon 1541;1367003590;Technologov__;if BTCOxygen can find any, I might invest (@_@) 1542;1367003656;jcpham;http://mobile.news.com.au/national-news/killer-escaped-prison-after-being-issued-picture-of-master-key-to-all-locks 1543;1367003692;ezdiy;404 1544;1367003697;ezdiy;but title sounds interesting 1545;1367003702;jcpham;damnit 1546;1367003718;jcpham;http://mobile.news.com.au/national-news/killer-escaped-prison-after-being-issued-picture-of-master-key-to-all-locks/story-fncynjr2-1226629878591 1547;1367003724;jcpham;i cut off the numbers 1548;1367003741;error4733;saw that before !! some ppl make key with picture on flicker !! 1549;1367003754;jcpham;pretty dumb for a prison 1550;1367003782;ezdiy;maybe it was recruitment practice of mossad 1551;1367003785;jcpham;not sure a single master key falls under byzantine failover 1552;1367003798;ezdiy;you know, sieve through thousands of retarded criminals to find one smart enough 1553;1367003833;jcpham;perfect storm, a jeweler, a criminal, and a book 1554;1367003941;BTCOxygen;Technologov__: Oh I found a very interesting thread for you. 1555;1367003942;BTCOxygen;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=141154.0 1556;1367003946;error4733;oz story lol 1557;1367004019;truffles;oz is goat prison show 1558;1367004038;BTCOxygen;Here one user posted pictures of his Avalon. 1559;1367004039;BTCOxygen;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=141154.msg1699573#msg1699573 1560;1367004077;BTCOxygen;Anyone who is not sure if Avalon will ship should read this thread from page 1 to 11. 1561;1367004079;BTCOxygen;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=141154.0 1562;1367004085;truffles;"This bird has flown" such a boss 1563;1367004119;Technologov__; 1564;1367004132;truffles;knew theyd ship em, not rich enough to buy em 1565;1367004167;Technologov__;truffles, u can invest in Avalon here: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=184305.0 1566;1367004252;truffles;dont have any bitcoins 1567;1367004270;Technologov__;I did not had either until a week ago ^^ 1568;1367004279;Technologov__;I bought them via Western Union. 1569;1367004286;Technologov__;at #bitcoin-otc 1570;1367004310;Technologov__;because my $3000 Rig PC generates only 0.001 BTC per day. 1571;1367004320;Technologov__;(on dual GPUs) 1572;1367004348;benkay;just two? 1573;1367004352;benkay;;) 1574;1367004360;Technologov__;yeah, only 2. 1575;1367004367;truffles;those avalons remind me of this http://www.recipeapart.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/07/550x420xEniac-1.jpg.pagespeed.ic.BnzZ_VJDGR.jpg 1576;1367004409;Technologov__;and what ? I worked at Cisco Systems. There are *much* more cables there. I assure you. 1577;1367004455;Technologov__;any large company has a data-center those days. 1578;1367004464;truffles;knew ppl who just gushed over cisco systems.. 1579;1367004473;benkay;ew gross owning your own data centers 1580;1367004482;benkay;great way to keep your sysadmin costs high 1581;1367004506;benkay;<-- cloud ops 1582;1367004539;truffles;say no to skynet? 1583;1367004567;benkay;meh 1584;1367004571;benkay;depends on how we code it 1585;1367004582;benkay;if we write it to minimize entropy, that would be cool 1586;1367004722;jcpham;You rated user diatonic on Mon Mar 11 14:26:46 2013, giving him a rating of 1, and supplied these additional notes: Attempted and pre-paid for 24 hour mining lease. Unforseeable circumstances changed our plans.. 1587;1367004726;jcpham;wtf 1588;1367004740;jcpham;my paste is just doing it's own thing today 1589;1367004781;truffles;copy paste fail? 1590;1367004788;Scrat;;;slap jcpham 1591;1367004790;gribble; 1592;1367004793;jcpham;mmmmhmmmm' 1593;1367004837;Technologov__;truffles, what I'm trying to say, is that you can invest even without having Bitcoins. Just must buy them. 1594;1367004865;Technologov__;And as any start-up investments, it brings you a certain amount of risk-reward. 1595;1367004892;truffles;if i were a rich person id have no problems investing ofc, alas im not 1596;1367004919;Technologov__;come on... it is all about mind-set. Don't needs to be rich ^^ 1597;1367004943;truffles;isnt that why i would invest though 1598;1367004951;truffles;pile up my stacks 1599;1367004964;Technologov__;with what ? 1600;1367004969;truffles;stacks 1601;1367004978;Technologov__;That investment is a new company. 1602;1367004980;mircea_popescu;;;ticker 1603;1367004980;gribble;BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 137.02000, Best ask: 137.21000, Bid-ask spread: 0.19000, Last trade: 137.02000, 24 hour volume: 255394.07450224, 24 hour low: 120.08900, 24 hour high: 157.00000, 24 hour vwap: 135.59396 1604;1367004988;Technologov__;that will purchase and run Avalons for you 1605;1367004992;Technologov__;and send you proceeds 1606;1367005022;truffles;im not a potential investor sorry 1607;1367005030;Technologov__;so you don't need to waste time/lectricity/head-ache, customs bureaucracy and so forth 1608;1367005031;truffles;im here to discuss anything else if u wish 1609;1367005048;Technologov__;OK 1610;1367005067;truffles;even local dominatrix's if u wish 1611;1367005073;Technologov__;But isn't bitcoin-assets all about investing ? 1612;1367005081;truffles;not rly 1613;1367005087;mircea_popescu;investing != throwing money. 1614;1367005087;truffles;bunch of penis waving 1615;1367005097;Technologov__;about what ? 1616;1367005118;Technologov__;mircea_popescu, no one is throwing money. Just taking risks. 1617;1367005129;Technologov__;which is not the same 1618;1367005133;Cylta;mircea_popescu: is it illigal to buy\sell mpex accounts? 1619;1367005138;mircea_popescu;Cylta nope. 1620;1367005153;mircea_popescu;dubious from a security pov maybe 1621;1367005216;jcpham;i love it when doms throw money at me 1622;1367005218;Technologov__;I can take risk, but I like to be paid for it. 1623;1367005236;Guest00001;mp no way to change pgp key ? 1624;1367005243;Guest00001;if asked ? 1625;1367005325;truffles; i love it when doms throw money at me >>> go on 1626;1367005325;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.18 BTC [-] 1627;1367005335;jcpham;freak 1628;1367005342;truffles;haha 1629;1367005370;mircea_popescu;well you can register a new one and push to it. 1630;1367005449;error4733;just 30 btc 1631;1367005453;error4733;:) 1632;1367005490;truffles;whats the fee supposed to cover cost wise? 1633;1367005557;truffles;30 seems extreme 1634;1367005724;benkay;truffles, how much does a seat on the NYSE cost? 1635;1367005742;benkay;and truffles, how is that related to their operating costs? 1636;1367005756;benkay;rhetorical questions. too much for you to afford, and it's not. 1637;1367005763;truffles;lol 1638;1367005780;truffles;i guess one must pay for a seat .. 1639;1367005803;truffles;seeing that this is bitcoin i thought things would be a bit different 1640;1367005824;benkay;they are different 1641;1367005829;benkay;you encrypt orders with gpg 1642;1367005838;benkay;print them out 1643;1367005844;benkay;fly them to romania on a carrier pigeon 1644;1367005889;asciilifeform;benkay: may as well ask how the cost of a NYC taxi medallion relates to the cost of the bureaucrat's pen that signs the paperwork. 1645;1367005966;mircea_popescu;fucking unfair comparison of the century. i hate taxi medallions. 1646;1367005978;benkay;except that the bureaucrat doesn't own the medallion organization, the mob does 1647;1367005989;ezdiy;truffles: vipcoin is confusing, but otherwise legit 1648;1367005992;benkay;but i think we're making the same points. 1649;1367006005;ezdiy;truffles: here is exact process how 30 bitcoins are turned into vipcoin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQBOw88ksXA 1650;1367006011;mircea_popescu;what's vipcoin even ?! 1651;1367006018;benkay;and yet vipcoin doesn't break top page google 1652;1367006041;truffles;sounded like a legit altcoin 1653;1367006043;Technologov__;BTCOxygen, ping 1654;1367006090;truffles;hope this song is good 1655;1367006098;asciilifeform;IMHO taxi medallions are a fair comparison. They, just as the MPEx fee, exist to keep the riffraff out. 1656;1367006124;ezdiy;truffles: seek 1:40 for teenage girl 1657;1367006144;truffles;assuming i like girls 1658;1367006150;asciilifeform;Were it not for medallions, NYC would probably look like Shanghai (rickshaws, etc.) I'm fine with that, but the rulers of the place evidently aren't 1659;1367006153;ezdiy;teenage is the important part 1660;1367006190;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you're neglecting the entire geographical monopoly angle. 1661;1367006207;asciilifeform;MP has said, in essence, that he doesn't want MPEx to become a Shanghai crawling with the equivalent of rickshaws. 1662;1367006212;asciilifeform;If I understand correctly 1663;1367006229;truffles;exclusive club 1664;1367006235;ezdiy;yet payola is the realm of criminal forums 1665;1367006237;ezdiy;so which is it? 1666;1367006237;ezdiy;:) 1667;1367006275;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i don't have a problem with rickshaws per se. 1668;1367006287;mircea_popescu;there's historically been small corps listed, it's not that. 1669;1367006328;truffles; i enjoyed it 1670;1367006344;ezdiy;well 1671;1367006346;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: we were talking about the 30 BTC user account fee, right? rather than listings 1672;1367006349;ezdiy;thats what vip is about 1673;1367006359;ezdiy;teenage girls, database management and company lunches 1674;1367006380;truffles;i just want the lunches 1675;1367006393;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform there's easy access for someone even with 0.1 btc. there's pts, there's brokers. 1676;1367006402;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 12 @ 0.4248 = 5.0976 BTC [+] 1677;1367006408;ezdiy;truffles: no soup for you 1678;1367006429;ezdiy;i think mircea_popescu plays the soupnazi part well 1679;1367006457;benkay;no no no, the role of taxi medallions is to reduce the number of taxis on the street 1680;1367006460;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: that's like saying that "eTrade" with its $x/trade fees is a perfectly good alternative to a seat on the NYSE 1681;1367006482;mircea_popescu;well... would you say seat on nyse = london cab medallion ? 1682;1367006487;mircea_popescu;ezdiy ty 1683;1367006493;truffles; truffles: no soup for you >> soup nazi! 1684;1367006500;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: sure 1685;1367006501;benkay;mircea_popescu would be only too happy to have more traders on his exchange, he just doesn't want to deal with the riffraff. he wants others to aggregate riffraff orders and place them on MPEx. 1686;1367006532;benkay;at least I think that's what he wants. open to correction on that count. 1687;1367006534;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform well then everything's everything and wtf. 1688;1367006551;mircea_popescu;benkay there was some pretty good discussion with pgp on this, lemme d ig 1689;1367006565;benkay;thanks mircea_popescu, feel free to pm it over 1690;1367006572;truffles; wants more money and people to agree with whatever he says 1691;1367006575;asciilifeform;benkay: riffraff interested in automated trading are more or less written out of the script. MP runs his own house how he likes, I'm fine with that. But why not call things by their real names. 1692;1367006617;benkay;asciilifeform what's the real name, then? medallions are a competition inhibitor, the exchange seat fee is just an "are you serious" check 1693;1367006621;benkay;it's not even that much money 1694;1367006636;ezdiy;asciilifeform: real names are bad for pr 1695;1367006678;truffles;its working 1696;1367006687;orkaa;http://i.imgur.com/Haw7Qy4.jpg 1697;1367006688;orkaa;haha 1698;1367006711;mircea_popescu;lmao 1699;1367006712;asciilifeform;benkay: the bureaucrats (in practice) own NYC, and charge whatever the hell they want for taxi licenses. a bar can charge for entrance. nothing wrong with that. what I'm unclear on is why the MP fee is a different kind of animal. 1700;1367006721;truffles;omg what is that orkaa!!! 1701;1367006724;ezdiy;orkaa: +1 for underage, -1 not naked 1702;1367006748;ezdiy;asciilifeform: thats how it works 1703;1367006754;orkaa;i saw this on tv some time ago, it's real :) 1704;1367006755;ezdiy;asciilifeform: in general its called vendor lock-in 1705;1367006785;truffles;orkaa add metzitzah b'peh and its complete 1706;1367006788;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform is there a way i can run a cab in london just for a day ? 1707;1367006812;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: I imagine you could buy a medallion and sell it the next day, if you wanted to 1708;1367006821;asciilifeform;just like an MPEx account 1709;1367006883;mircea_popescu;can you actually sell those ? 1710;1367006893;benkay;probably 1711;1367006893;mircea_popescu;maybe the disagreement is borne out of me not understanding taxi medallions too well. 1712;1367006897;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: IDK about London, but in most places you can 1713;1367006907;mircea_popescu;afaik it's just this nonsense to keep people who would like to work off 1714;1367006911;mircea_popescu;sorta like a union 1715;1367006920;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: If I recall, most NYC drivers take out monstrous loans to buy medallions. 1716;1367006930;benkay;most don't even buy the medallions 1717;1367006934;benkay;others do 1718;1367006938;benkay;ibankers and whatnot 1719;1367006942;mircea_popescu;meh. 1720;1367006948;ezdiy;why people who dont understand basic market forces (if you have little competition, it makes sense to introduce artificial scarcity) want to trade on mpex? 1721;1367006967;mircea_popescu;ezdiy that absolutely isn't the rationale. 1722;1367006982;truffles;back him into a corner here 1723;1367006985;ezdiy;mircea_popescu: occam is cutting his veins though :) 1724;1367006998;mircea_popescu;i know. 1725;1367006998;ezdiy;mircea_popescu: i'm not dismissing it, whatever the reason its totally legit 1726;1367007006;mircea_popescu;the problem with cheapo/clueless investors is that they follow trends 1727;1367007016;mircea_popescu;this induces huge volatility which then wrecks assets. 1728;1367007019;asciilifeform;ezdiy: I'm not clamouring to buy an MPEx account for a penny, just objecting to the notion that the fee is somehow different from taxi medallions 1729;1367007027;mircea_popescu;i still think it is. 1730;1367007042;benkay;I agree. 1731;1367007046;benkay;not all customers are good customers. 1732;1367007068;benkay;and when money is involved as a core part of the business, many of your customers will in fact be bad customers without quality control. 1733;1367007069;ezdiy;mircea_popescu: you do that at the cost of huge spreads though 1734;1367007082;ezdiy;as long people are content with those, well why not 1735;1367007090;ezdiy;your idea of rate limiting the market holds water 1736;1367007117;mircea_popescu;well the problem with the "as long as people are content" argument 1737;1367007124;mircea_popescu;is that it's how we ended up with shit on tv. 1738;1367007140;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: How would you personally explain the apparent lack of competition to MPEx? Is it simply the fact that no one else has the "reputation capital" ? 1739;1367007143;mircea_popescu;people have this incredible ability to "be content" with anything. frog in boiling water experiment if you know it. 1740;1367007156;ezdiy;mircea_popescu: yup 1741;1367007159;ezdiy;boil em slow :) 1742;1367007159;truffles;reputation hhaha 1743;1367007170;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it's a complicated web. no one has the competence, or the capital, or the reputation, or the connections, etc etc 1744;1367007175;mircea_popescu;they just feed into each other. 1745;1367007198;asciilifeform;truffles: I meant the banal fact that MPEx works as it says on the box, and none of the vaguely similar services proved to do the same 1746;1367007205;jborkl;Mp, has a stellar reputation. Unless you beleive asshole trolls and other people that are poor 1747;1367007235;mircea_popescu;i think people grossly misrepresent what all is involved. 1748;1367007294;ezdiy;clouds can be cleared up only if youre open about it 1749;1367007304;ezdiy;heck even bitcoinica eventually became opensource :) 1750;1367007308;mircea_popescu;lmao 1751;1367007339;ezdiy;so people are ok w/ bitfinex because its obvious what theyre dealing with 1752;1367007403;ezdiy;black boxes give room to a lot of speculation 1753;1367007406;asciilifeform;Ok, let's see if I understand: the 30 BTC is for keeping MPEx a market full of people who measure 1000 times "before cutting once." No trendoids, etc. Now let's say Warren Buffet (or somesuch) opens WBEx, charging 1 BTC. 1754;1367007410;ezdiy;as well as affiliate marketing schemes for vipcoin 1755;1367007413;asciilifeform;it fills up with trendoids 1756;1367007432;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform problem with your let's suppose is that it's nonsensical. 1757;1367007437;mircea_popescu;last thing he'd do is that. 1758;1367007448;mircea_popescu;he'd open a 1000 btc one first, he'd partner with me 2nd. 1759;1367007457;asciilifeform;ok, someone else with a bag full of BTC and a resonably good meatspace reputation, then. 1760;1367007476;mircea_popescu;but do you understand your own example ? 1761;1367007493;mircea_popescu;buffy is famous for having told his bh specialist 1762;1367007503;mircea_popescu;"if the next trade happens a year or so from now i'll be very happy" 1763;1367007543;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 2 @ 1.7051 = 3.4102 BTC [-] 1764;1367007547;asciilifeform;what I'm rather hazy on is how well MPEx would hold up against a "good enough" clone that meets the basic criterion of "not being an outright scam" (AFAIK none of the MPEx competitors have met this standard) 1765;1367007565;ezdiy;it holds pretty well 1766;1367007575;truffles;make em sweat 1767;1367007611;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform im not sure what the incentive is exactly. you'd finance a clone rather than buy shares because ... ? 1768;1367007613;jborkl;Wait, I trust MP - so who is this you are proposing? Just some random asshole with a website? 1769;1367007621;mircea_popescu;s.dice competition never materialised EXACTLY because s.dice listed. 1770;1367007627;mircea_popescu;once that happened it's impossible to finance a clone anymore. 1771;1367007649;truffles;impossible nice word 1772;1367007653;asciilifeform;jborkl: no, not a random arse, someone with a good reputation, hypothetically 1773;1367007658;ezdiy;people really underestimate network effects 1774;1367007658;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.2 = 2.4 BTC [+] 1775;1367007669;jborkl;there is no one with enough sense and enough money currently 1776;1367007678;ezdiy;sdice, mtgox and mpex are examples of such 1777;1367007681;jborkl;strike one and two 1778;1367007702;mircea_popescu;so srsly asciilifeform, let's say your reputation is enoug, and you have 10k btc to burn. 1779;1367007710;mircea_popescu;you decide it has to burn in this space. 1780;1367007710;asciilifeform;jborkl: true, just as there is no semiconductor plant owner with the good sense to drop some of his pocket change on building a million ASIC miners and running them in his own mansion. 1781;1367007712;ezdiy;jborkl: competition eventually overcomes the network effect resistance 1782;1367007716;ezdiy;jborkl: inb4 bitvegas ipo 1783;1367007719;mircea_popescu;a. you buy s.mpoe shares b. you try and make a competitor. 1784;1367007721;mircea_popescu;which is your pick ? 1785;1367007775;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: By this logic Pepsi ought not to exist, they should just re-sell Coke? 1786;1367007784;mircea_popescu;they do. 1787;1367007790;ezdiy;they do? :) 1788;1367007794;jborkl;a shitty clone of it 1789;1367007799;kakobrekla;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=188177.0 1790;1367007822;ezdiy;mircea_popescu: how do i buy cola in kfc :) 1791;1367007864;ezdiy;what if bitvegas started kfc 1792;1367007869;ezdiy;and bundled their cola with it? 1793;1367007882;ezdiy;would it make sense to invest in mpex then? 1794;1367007894;mircea_popescu;im unsure wtf bitvegas is. 1795;1367007914;mircea_popescu;o the team fortress thing ? 1796;1367007920;ezdiy;mircea_popescu: :) 1797;1367007934;ezdiy;its easy to measure growth 1798;1367007938;ezdiy;where it is stalled and where it is not 1799;1367007942;jborkl;anyway, what time exactly do options expire MP? in UTC? 1800;1367007954;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: there could be logical reasons for starting one's own "MPEx, with blackjack and hookers." Say I want to use evil altchains. And, AFAIK MPEx shares are non-voting, so it isn't that I could buy enough of them to make MP do this deed. 1801;1367007966;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform now you're talking angles. 1802;1367007972;mircea_popescu;originally discussion was straight clone. 1803;1367007993;mircea_popescu;if you mean start a competitor with an angle, it all boils down to whether the angle a. actually helps you and b. is good enouigh to push you 1804;1367008009;ezdiy;mircea_popescu: copycats work perfectly good 1805;1367008015;ezdiy;be the underdog and wait for the uber dogs demise 1806;1367008021;ezdiy;lets see ... gblse? 1807;1367008022;ezdiy;:) 1808;1367008026;truffles;thats impossible 1809;1367008029;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: ok, let's stick to clones. Picture Bill Gates, a hypothetical BGEx with a 5 BTC fee. 1810;1367008043;mircea_popescu;ezdiy again people underestimate what goes on in the background. 1811;1367008044;ezdiy;truffles: not by market forces, but by something stupid 1812;1367008060;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform and he's doing this on pgp ? 1813;1367008073;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7513 @ 0.00070108 = 5.2672 BTC [+] 1814;1367008074;truffles;was being silly :) 1815;1367008079;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: sure, I agree, this is a stretch of the imagination. but let's imagine. 1816;1367008091;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: yes, pgp. 1817;1367008113;mircea_popescu;ok this i wish to see. 1818;1367008116;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: AFAIK you don't have a monopoly on PGP 1819;1367008125;ezdiy;asciilifeform: you're wasting your time, btw 1820;1367008127;mircea_popescu;so bill gates is making a mpex clone complete with pgp and everything. 1821;1367008141;mircea_popescu;+1000 points for me for being so cool. will any of the big people switch to him ? maybe so. maybe not. 1822;1367008152;mircea_popescu;i can probably exit to jpm for a billion at that point anyway. 1823;1367008160;ezdiy;mp stands, but might possibly fall, because mircea_popescu is uber consistent in everything 1824;1367008174;ezdiy;which also means you cant convince him by make believe arguments 1825;1367008177;mircea_popescu;at which poin tyhe deal becomes jpmpex vs bgex 1826;1367008181;mircea_popescu;and i gues jpmpex wins 1827;1367008187;mircea_popescu;i won't be there to see it likely, but anyway. 1828;1367008201;ezdiy;asciilifeform: the general term is jerk irl :) 1829;1367008215;truffles; i think he'll last a while, he has minions 1830;1367008221;ezdiy;yep 1831;1367008225;ezdiy;the bitch army is impressive 1832;1367008225;ezdiy;:) 1833;1367008228;asciilifeform;ezdiy: I think you misunderstand. I'm not trying to convince MP of anything in particular. Just playing out a thought experiment: what would happen if MPEx actually had competition. 1834;1367008231;ezdiy;jurov: ohai! 1835;1367008235;truffles;yep im impressed 1836;1367008285;ezdiy;truffles: rpietila took it from the other end 1837;1367008293;ezdiy;mp first build something tangible, then the bitch army 1838;1367008307;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: what on earth is a Bitcoin Supernode? 1839;1367008314;kakobrekla;yes! 1840;1367008315;ezdiy;rpietila is apparently starting with the bitch army and maybe turn out to be not elaborate troll and come up with something 1841;1367008327;mircea_popescu;ezdiy it's kinda funny to compare "pic of mp with people" vs "pic of foreveralone btctalk dud" 1842;1367008335;truffles;do u know he put mircea_popescu on ignore right after we were going to "debate" something he posted our comments on his blog then i refused to subscribe, right around the time he paid people to troll SomthingAwful forums 1843;1367008338;ezdiy;mircea_popescu: indeed :) 1844;1367008347;truffles;he =mp 1845;1367008347;kakobrekla;rpietila had too much cocaine 1846;1367008451;ezdiy;so much shame goat burned the cover 1847;1367008464;ezdiy;that thread was so full of gold 1848;1367008475;mircea_popescu;totally. 1849;1367008479;truffles;link? 1850;1367008490;mircea_popescu;goat gets confused in troll gold threads. 1851;1367008530;kakobrekla;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=174620.0;all 1852;1367008565;truffles;thanks kakobrekla 1853;1367008567;ezdiy;still 1854;1367008571;ezdiy;interesting phenomena 1855;1367008578;ezdiy;bitch armies, whiteknighting and all 1856;1367008585;ezdiy;because those are irrelevant 1857;1367008592;kakobrekla;i quote 1858;1367008593;kakobrekla;Think of this as a book, or at least as a quality blog, to be enjoyed with quality wine and cigars in candle light. 1859;1367008594;ezdiy;important is only network effect 1860;1367008602;kakobrekla;comedy central in that setting? 1861;1367008619;ezdiy;take mtgox, fe, everyone agrees their stuff is sub-par 1862;1367008628;ezdiy;no bitch army, everybody hates magicaltux's guts 1863;1367008633;ezdiy;yet its the biggest 1864;1367008664;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla lol candlelight and screen. sounds legit 1865;1367008676;ezdiy;kakobrekla: yup, thats how i understood it 1866;1367008690;ezdiy;i mean, the guy clearly stated to be not taken seriously 1867;1367008691;ezdiy;so hey 1868;1367008702;ezdiy;and then gives free advice of mid-range silver vendor 1869;1367008708;ezdiy;i'm ok with that 1870;1367008741;kakobrekla;oooo 1871;1367008742;kakobrekla;http://static.iltalehti.fi/uutiset/13549021_uu.jpg 1872;1367008744;kakobrekla;this delivers 1873;1367008760;jcpham;silver stackin 1874;1367008765;kakobrekla;imma gona print a shitload of qr codes 1875;1367008768;mircea_popescu;lmao 1876;1367008774;kakobrekla;stick it allover me 1877;1367008793;jcpham;i'll take pics of your qr codes and baby giraffe 1878;1367008802;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.4781 = 0.9562 BTC [+] 1879;1367008808;jcpham;oppulence 1880;1367008878;truffles; important is only network effect >> i dunno hypocrisy is annoying 1881;1367008894;ezdiy;truffles: what do you mean? 1882;1367008921;truffles;one set of behavior is okay for some people and diff rules apply for others 1883;1367008953;ezdiy; 1884;1367008955;ezdiy;no, still nothing 1885;1367008992;ezdiy;truffles: world is full of hypocrisy 1886;1367009087;truffles;to be feigned a bit in "polite society" id hope :) 1887;1367009118;ezdiy;well, there is that thing 1888;1367009229;truffles;i have no quality wine and cigars in candle light maybe i should stop reading 1889;1367009247;ColdHardMetal;https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApraDvGtZTsbdGxTZGxreXhHUTRCM0pmakNpU3NkQmc#gid=0 1890;1367009258;ezdiy;truffles: being a bitch means you strongly defend your cult figure while youre subject ot heir will 1891;1367009283;mircea_popescu;i thought it just meant being annoying. 1892;1367009285;ezdiy;truffles: being polite just means not giving a crap about things you cant change 1893;1367009288;ezdiy;for example, opionons 1894;1367009296;truffles;hehe 1895;1367009298;ezdiy;mircea_popescu: from the pov of dictator, it is :) 1896;1367009302;truffles;i like to hear them though 1897;1367009318;mircea_popescu;lolwut 1898;1367009336;ezdiy;subjects are always annyoing 1899;1367009338;ezdiy;you know 1900;1367009338;truffles;i think those ppl have tunnel vision, they wont get it 1901;1367009344;ezdiy;they have their stupid feelings and such 1902;1367009352;mircea_popescu;i dunno what dictators you've been hanging out with... 1903;1367009374;truffles;although mp certainly wont if he's got me on ignore hehe 1904;1367009389;ezdiy;cognitive dissonance is to be cherished 1905;1367009393;ezdiy;to manipulate 1906;1367009398;ezdiy;but its uber annoying at the same time 1907;1367009451;ezdiy;truffles: i think mp is strongwilled enough to just feign ignore 1908;1367009461;ezdiy;curiosity and strong will results just not responding :) 1909;1367009465;truffles;i doubt that 1910;1367009494;truffles;im just annoyed we couldnt "debate" before the ignore ... 1911;1367009577;ezdiy;truffles: better come up with some plot 1912;1367009582;ezdiy;to ignite the nuclear war again 1913;1367009588;truffles;haha 1914;1367009591;ezdiy;between soupnazi and kim jong un of finland 1915;1367009617;truffles;im focused on other times so its not a big deal 1916;1367009642;mircea_popescu;this is making so little sense... 1917;1367009642;truffles;im not a schemer or scammer 1918;1367009655;saulimus;why finland? 1919;1367009666;mircea_popescu;http://polimedia.us/dtng/c/src/134491269729.jpg have some water buffalo. 1920;1367009667;ezdiy;its the new bitcoin supernode 1921;1367009764;ezdiy;mircea_popescu: i'm yuzhe, btw 1922;1367009766;kakobrekla;i wish reptil dude would come around 1923;1367009767;ezdiy;"some douche", pfft 1924;1367009771;ezdiy;tell her shes fugly 1925;1367009785;ezdiy;kakobrekla: the circle would be complete! 1926;1367009790;mircea_popescu;man... i have no idea what's going on. 1927;1367009794;truffles;wow 1928;1367009809;truffles;ezdiy ure an interesting dude 1929;1367009821;kakobrekla;mircea_popescu, truffles is speaking 1930;1367009821;truffles;bet they still dont get it 1931;1367009842;mircea_popescu;so who's yuhzer 1932;1367009874;mircea_popescu;so i 1933;1367009916;SlipperySlope;mircea_popescu, can you say when the April MOPE statement will be published? 1934;1367009920;ezdiy;mircea_popescu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aURG-o7O-I 1935;1367009923;ezdiy;this is yuzhe :) 1936;1367009929;mircea_popescu;SlipperySlope yes, in a few hours 1937;1367009946;SlipperySlope;many thanks! 1938;1367009947;mircea_popescu;usually within a little of the last friday of the month ending 1939;1367010123;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 1 @ 1.21 BTC [-] 1940;1367010133;assbot;[BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 10 @ 0.1 = 1 BTC [+] 1941;1367010162;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.246999 BTC [+] 1942;1367010183;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 13 @ 0.4649 = 6.0437 BTC [-] 1943;1367010251;assbot;[BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 6 @ 0.101736 = 0.6104 BTC [+] 1944;1367010345;topace;incase anyone is curious, i solved the IP address leak from emails problem i was talking about yesterday 1945;1367010363;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 1.7899 BTC [+] 1946;1367010376;topace;the soluttion, is, essentially to run your own mailserver, on a separate ip (that will be revealed publicly) and have it strip the appropriate headers out of the messages as they fly thorugh 1947;1367010385;topace;i followed this post: http://www.stardothosting.com/blog/2010/07/remove-mail-headers-in-postfix-outgoing-mail/ 1948;1367010388;topace;worked like a c harm 1949;1367010389;topace;charm 1950;1367010428;mircea_popescu;sounds like a winner. 1951;1367010511;MJR_;ugh, otc is just such a scam fest 1952;1367010537;mircea_popescu;kinda. 1953;1367010545;MJR_;its not worth the hassle 1954;1367010554;mircea_popescu;i've not been there since 1955;1367010559;mircea_popescu;o hey. since last april. 1956;1367010567;MJR_;birthday cake! 1957;1367010569;mircea_popescu;1 yr 1958;1367010605;kakobrekla;hehe 1959;1367010635;kakobrekla; 1960;1367010849;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.246999 = 2.494 BTC [+] 1961;1367010999;jcpham;http://i.imgur.com/c5q3yfc.jpg 1962;1367011003;jcpham;LOOK AT MY JEFE 1963;1367011023;jcpham;he has the optional laser thermal vision 1964;1367011683;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 2 @ 1.7051 = 3.4102 BTC [-] 1965;1367012027;kakobrekla;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=174620.msg1954004#msg1954004 1966;1367012029;kakobrekla;O_o 1967;1367012065;kakobrekla;all the fun happens on forums :( 1968;1367012186;MJR_;the coolest guys in Bitcoin Universe 1969;1367012245;jborkl;when we start talking about mB? 1970;1367012268;MJR_;i don't know 1971;1367012273;MJR_;so far he is the only one i've seen do that 1972;1367012279;kakobrekla;thats in the other room #bitcoin-massets 1973;1367012289;kakobrekla;or #mbitcoin-assets 1974;1367012293;kakobrekla;whatever is it. 1975;1367012295;jborkl;or w\e it is- MPEX membership 30 milliion billion 1976;1367012299;KRS-1;#bitcoin-anal 1977;1367012338;kakobrekla;im reading reptilas posts and numbers but i still cant figure out is he rich or poor? 1978;1367012359;KRS-1;EL JEFE 1979;1367012360;kakobrekla;numbers are big 1980;1367012365;kakobrekla;but the units are kinda small 1981;1367012371;kakobrekla;%confused% 1982;1367012376;jborkl;too confusing for me, I think he has 2.4 Bitcoins 1983;1367012378;jcpham;what is this thread 1984;1367012383;jcpham;i'm readin kakobrekla 1985;1367012389;kakobrekla;hehe 1986;1367012391;jcpham;i don't even 1987;1367012527;jcpham;HOLY SHIT that guys running a 1.5 Class Supernode! 1988;1367012571;jborkl;wtf does that even mean? 1989;1367012584;jcpham;it's pretty badass 1990;1367012592;jcpham;if you haven't been paying attention 1991;1367012597;jborkl;I know what a class 1A Supernova is 1992;1367012614;jcpham;i know you want to be better than him but you can't 1993;1367012618;jborkl;but not a class 1.5 supernode 1994;1367012642;jcpham;shrug 1995;1367012646;jborkl;so is a class 1.2 supernode better or a class 1.7? 1996;1367012662;kakobrekla;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=174620.msg1911371#msg1911371 1997;1367012705;ThickAsThieves;i'm not sure if that helps explain or makes it worse 1998;1367012706;kakobrekla;how did you not know this 1999;1367012713;kakobrekla;are you completley uneducated? 2000;1367012722;kakobrekla;its like.. basic stuff! 2001;1367012722;ThickAsThieves;my impression is the guy is a car salesman 2002;1367012730;jcpham;ahahaha 2003;1367012738;jcpham;this is so good 2004;1367012742;jcpham;where did you find this 2005;1367012748;ThickAsThieves;he says all kindsa fancy things to impress idiots 2006;1367012757;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9176 @ 0.00070108 = 6.4331 BTC [+] 2007;1367012758;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10775 @ 0.00070158 = 7.5595 BTC [+] 2008;1367012760;ThickAsThieves;in the hopes of selling them a lemon 2009;1367012760;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7149 @ 0.00070497 = 5.0398 BTC [+] 2010;1367012781;jborkl;That made it worse, made no sense 2011;1367012790;jborkl;lol 2012;1367012810;jcpham;and he donated to the forum 2013;1367012813;jcpham;! 2014;1367012831;jcpham;President etc. of Silvervault, Hopea.fi, EIH among others. 2015;1367012840;jcpham;seriously "among others" is vain 2016;1367012845;jcpham;i can pick apart a sentence 2017;1367012856;jcpham;i like this guy 2018;1367012892;jborkl;badge of scammer, donated to forum 2019;1367012920;MJR_;badge of scammer among others 2020;1367012949;jborkl;Seeing $115 ever again seems unlikely to me. 2021;1367012951;jcpham;could just be cultural differences 2022;1367012961;jborkl;his quote 2023;1367012968;lippoper;;;bids 115 2024;1367012971;jborkl;it hit that yesterday 2025;1367012972;gribble;There are currently 33575.454 bitcoins demanded at or over 115.0 USD, worth 4106373.85398 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0059 seconds 2026;1367012973;jborkl;lol 2027;1367012982;jcpham;yeah we're one trade from $115 at all times 2028;1367012990;lippoper;if you sell $4 million worht, it'll come up 2029;1367012998;jcpham;one trade that sets off the rest of them 2030;1367013014;lippoper;;;market sell 33575 2031;1367013014;jcpham;then gox gets ddosed 2032;1367013015;gribble;A market order to sell 33575 bitcoins right now would net 4106321.6274 USD and would take the last price down to 115.0000 USD, resulting in an average price of 122.3030 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 42.8787 seconds 2033;1367013022;jcpham;then bitstamp closes 2034;1367013025;jborkl;lets see if I have this correct 2035;1367013028;jcpham;then bitinstant gets ddosd 2036;1367013032;jcpham;easy $115 2037;1367013038;lippoper;then another exchange shuts down 2038;1367013041;jcpham;that's more like $50 2039;1367013046;jborkl;sell a little at MTGOX, ddos MTGOX, then use the trollbox on btce 2040;1367013047;jcpham;but whatever 2041;1367013055;jborkl;$50 drop 2042;1367013060;jcpham;yeah 6 of us can make 115 happen 2043;1367013067;jcpham;if we put our heads together 2044;1367013073;lippoper;you mean coins together 2045;1367013078;jcpham;or that 2046;1367013093;jcpham;he doesn't understand yet 2047;1367013122;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 6 @ 0.4549 = 2.7294 BTC [-] 2048;1367013178;jborkl;his class 1.5 superchoad does not rely on the network for price though.. 2049;1367013210;kakobrekla;supertoad is disqualified. 2050;1367013226;kakobrekla;withdrawals depricated. 2051;1367013283;jborkl;better upgrade to aa class 1.4 superchoad just to be sure 2052;1367013783;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 3 @ 0.4499 = 1.3497 BTC [-] 2053;1367014704;jurov;am back, had another interesting btc-related discussion irl with a forex trader... so hard to explain how things work there 2054;1367014714;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.247 = 2.494 BTC [+] 2055;1367014721;jurov;hi ezdiy 2056;1367014774;jurov;he was like "you should haste, large players will come and make mp do their bidding" 2057;1367014817;jurov;when i explained my problems with mpex interface, why the development is so slow 2058;1367014905;jurov;btw, expect options on coinbr to be frozen on opex for a while 2059;1367014917;ThickAsThieves;k 2060;1367016387;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2201 @ 0.00070497 = 1.5516 BTC [+] 2061;1367016808;assbot;[MPEX] [S.DICE] 7 @ 0.00299999 = 0.021 BTC [+] 2062;1367016914;mircea_popescu; my impression is the guy is a car salesman <<< lol that makes us 2 2063;1367016994;kakobrekla;aww jurov you should send him to me 2064;1367017059;jurov;i will. but he's also webdesigner, willing to help me 2065;1367017092;mircea_popescu;forex trader slash web designer ? 2066;1367017100;mod6;ok wtf: https://twitter.com/maxkeiser/status/327879387292770305 2067;1367017142;mircea_popescu;i got "sorry, this tweet is too retarded for you to read. twitter does not allow very retarded tweets be read." 2068;1367017145;mircea_popescu;should i worry ? 2069;1367017179;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.246 = 2.492 BTC [-] 2070;1367017194;mod6;Price pegs never work -- why is that not clear to people, especially Max!? 2071;1367017198;Girlfawkesy;I love the reply to him though. 2072;1367017246;mircea_popescu;mod6 he's jealous that i pegged the bitcoin to the dollar at ~100 2073;1367017289;mod6;Heheheh. 2074;1367017301;mircea_popescu;apparently went out of his "omg 400 500 1546975867" 2075;1367017310;jurov;hes just trolling 2076;1367017320;mircea_popescu;course the retards that follow him can't remember 15 days ago so it's all good. 2077;1367017360;mod6;I liked him better when he only mentioned Bitcoin once in a while.. when he got all "bitcoin jesus" on everyone I'm like, you're not helping, you're just pushing people into something they don't understand yet. 2078;1367017397;mod6;And now, price pegs for bitcoin???! Eff no. Bitcoin is the last bastion of economic freedom in the world. 2079;1367017419;jurov;besides, it was already pegged to $5 some 9-10 months ago. but then pirate vanished. 2080;1367017438;jurov;dunno if fed can do a better job than pirate 2081;1367017438;mod6;there isn't any reason that there should be a price peg for such a thing. And besides what would be the point of options on bitcoins if the price was pegged? 2082;1367017464;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.1927 BTC [-] 2083;1367017473;mod6;i dont see the $5 level as a peg, it certainly wasn't stated anywhere, it was just suppression, and undervalued 2084;1367017516;jurov;jkjk 2085;1367017520;kakobrekla;you know that scam movie 'the secret' 2086;1367017531;kakobrekla;let me tell you, its the other way around 2087;1367017536;mod6;haha, no. but, lol 2088;1367017552;mod6;smh 2089;1367017556;jurov;but it would be really fanny for bernanke to have to calm markets when gox lag happens 2090;1367017557;kakobrekla;when you want fiat there is none, but when you got too much they throw it in your face 2091;1367017661;jurov;btw, did oprah endorse btc already? 2092;1367017672;kakobrekla;no, that was dr. phil 2093;1367017681;ThickAsThieves;she's still waiting for blockchain sync 2094;1367017683;jurov;i heard she has serious whales in audience 2095;1367017689;kakobrekla;lol 2096;1367017746;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45199 @ 0.00070749 = 31.9778 BTC [+] 2097;1367017753;mircea_popescu;im holding out for roger and cunty lee 2098;1367017815;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.21 BTC [+] 2099;1367017869;Girlfawkesy;lol @ thick 2100;1367017876;mod6;anyway, just had to come in here and vent a bit about this stuff. 2101;1367017893;mircea_popescu;lol jurov 2102;1367017923;mircea_popescu;btw, if anyone doesn't know Girlfawkesy, she's an actual girl. send her all your btc. 2103;1367017943;ThickAsThieves;what does she pay in in divs? 2104;1367017948;mod6;I mean, if anything, why not just peg like 1 satoshi to a certain unit of gold? Then it would have a sudo-peg via gold, correct? 2105;1367017955;jurov;did she qualify in topless? 2106;1367017971;ThickAsThieves;the peg idea is so moronic I bet we couldnt have come up with it if we were trying to be morons 2107;1367017972;kakobrekla;im wondering why is there no MaxCoin yet 2108;1367017991;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla he hasn't figured out the fork yet. 2109;1367017995;mircea_popescu;still working on spoon 2110;1367018001;kakobrekla;lol 2111;1367018005;mod6;ThickAsThieves: ok thank you. I was feeling pretty stupified for a few minutes there. 2112;1367018014;Girlfawkesy;<~~~ actual vagina 2113;1367018015;mircea_popescu;;;google pegging 2114;1367018015;mod6;lol still working on spoon 2115;1367018016;gribble;Pegging (sexual practice) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Pegging - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; If You Want a More Thoughtful Boyfriend, Try Pegging Him - Jezebel: 2116;1367018024;mircea_popescu;there. pegging. a sexual practice. 2117;1367018027;mircea_popescu;ginger up max's ass 2118;1367018044;Girlfawkesy;Actually, I was thinking about making a pegging set, but I dunno how thrilling that would be for you boys 2119;1367018047;jurov;mod6 satoshi's already practically pegged to some miliwatt or microwatt anyway 2120;1367018090;mod6;jurov: ahh, hmm. 2121;1367018095;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2466 BTC [+] 2122;1367018105;ThickAsThieves;but elec cost is variable too 2123;1367018126;mod6;I like the idea of only supply/demand governing the price, btc needs natural price signals. 2124;1367018129;ThickAsThieves;maybe we can peg it to untapped vagina inches? 2125;1367018170;ThickAsThieves;or centimters if you prefer 2126;1367018170;jurov;stfu ThickAsThieves with your imperial units 2127;1367018176;ThickAsThieves;^ 2128;1367018178;ThickAsThieves;:) 2129;1367018185;assbot;[BTCTC] [GSDPT] 1 @ 0.00281 BTC [+] 2130;1367018186;GirlfawkesyBTC;Use black vaginas and not asian vaginas 2131;1367018188;GirlfawkesyBTC;they're deeper 2132;1367018202;jurov;mp already presciently did the calculations on trilema 2133;1367018220;jurov;he'll prolly announce derivatives any moment 2134;1367018223;GirlfawkesyBTC;And MP, you were right, I forgot how much better a proper irc client is than the stupid webchat. 2135;1367018230;mircea_popescu;you're welcum 2136;1367018233;ThickAsThieves;[17:16] Use black vaginas and not asian vaginas <--- no one likes colored coins tho 2137;1367018240;mircea_popescu;bwahaha 2138;1367018271;GirlfawkesyBTC;lol 2139;1367018290;kakobrekla;connection overload 2140;1367018302;mircea_popescu;pff selfowned 2141;1367018424;ThickAsThieves;i tell my rackspace cloud manager to fix permissions on one folder and i get a wall of text about FACLs :( 2142;1367018683;mod6;(14:01) < jurov> hes just trolling << i guess this could be true. 2143;1367018702;mod6;people are so clueless about finance though, that you'd think that he'd try to stay more serious about the subject. 2144;1367018719;mircea_popescu;;;tcker 2145;1367018720;gribble;Error: "tcker" is not a valid command. 2146;1367018723;mircea_popescu;;;ticker 2147;1367018725;gribble;BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 136.30001, Best ask: 136.60000, Bid-ask spread: 0.29999, Last trade: 136.60000, 24 hour volume: 168982.74808586, 24 hour low: 121.45164, 24 hour high: 149.87970, 24 hour vwap: 134.31450 2148;1367018782;mod6;;;bc,stats 2149;1367018786;gribble;Current Blocks: 233309 | Current Difficulty: 8974296.01488785 | Next Difficulty At Block: 233855 | Next Difficulty In: 546 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 3 days, 2 hours, 52 minutes, and 48 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 9981977.43545 | Estimated Percent Change: 11.22853 2150;1367018797;mod6;wow 11.22853 2151;1367018835;ThickAsThieves;;;nethash 2152;1367018836;gribble;76784.2992817 2153;1367018844;ThickAsThieves;not bad 2154;1367018936;ThickAsThieves;mp, will options be a lil less timid to volatility next session? 2155;1367018963;mircea_popescu;indeed. 2156;1367018969;ThickAsThieves;cool cool 2157;1367018974;mircea_popescu;actually pilot new model should be coming online soonish 2158;1367019059;kakobrekla;but now btc will be 137 foreva 2159;1367019069;kakobrekla;pegged. 2160;1367019130;jurov;like "what if 137 is the new 5?" 2161;1367019186;GirlfawkesyBTC;until the next major country to undergo economic collapse... 2162;1367019210;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.1925 BTC [-] 2163;1367019217;kakobrekla;who is next on the list, somalia? 2164;1367019277;GirlfawkesyBTC;Spain isnt looking well these days 2165;1367019289;jurov;how can somalia further collapse? 2166;1367019297;kakobrekla;jurov my somalia. 2167;1367019340;jurov;oh at least slovakia can't collapse. cuz slovak banks all collapsed long ago, all we have are foreign subsidiaries 2168;1367019363;jurov;no stock market in bratislava, either 2169;1367019363;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 4 @ 0.4257 = 1.7028 BTC [-] 2170;1367019384;kakobrekla;;;ticker h vtx 2171;1367019385;gribble;(ticker [--bid|--ask|--last|--high|--low|--avg|--vol] [--currency XXX]) -- Return pretty-printed mtgox ticker. If one of the result options is given, returns only that numeric result (useful for nesting in calculations). If '--currency XXX' option is given, returns ticker for that three-letter currency code. It is up to you to make sure that the three letter code you enter is a valid (1 more message) 2172;1367019389;kakobrekla;!ticker h vtx 2173;1367019390;assbot;[HAVELOCK:VTX] 1D: 0.40070002 / 0.4458272 / 0.48249899 (224 shares, 99.86529265 BTC), 7D: 0.36100100 / 0.45177942 / 0.49750000 (1178 shares, 532.19615862 BTC), 30D: 0.18000000 / 0.40389269 / 0.61488800 (6234 shares, 2517.86702390 BTC) 2174;1367019429;mircea_popescu; 2175;1367019449;kakobrekla;vtx is kinda funny 2176;1367019465;kakobrekla;trading allover the place 2177;1367019489;jurov;and MPBPT closed at 0.098 (nominal value is 0.1) and no bids anymore... quite chilling mkt anticipation 2178;1367019491;KRS1;slovakia is NOT somalia 2179;1367019503;kakobrekla;too late nao! 2180;1367019505;mircea_popescu;KRS1 stop scamming us. we know. 2181;1367019518;KRS1;ok.. 2182;1367019558;jurov;krs1 is not scammer, just being anal 2183;1367019636;jurov;dunno, should i try to place 0.07 bid for mpbpt and cause panic? 2184;1367019783;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4261 BTC [+] 2185;1367019818;mod6;(14:32) < jurov> like "what if 137 is the new 5?" << http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3u499x/ 2186;1367019830;mod6;:D 2187;1367019874;jurov;mod6 thx had exactly that in mind...throwing it to -otc 2188;1367019915;jurov;should have thought about that mpbpt panic yesterday...i'm so slow recently 2189;1367019962;jurov;also vat report was due yesterday, fck that... 2190;1367020009;mod6;(14:44) < jurov> mod6 thx had exactly that in mind...throwing it to -otc << haha nice. 2191;1367020022;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4599 BTC [+] 2192;1367020024;jurov;so, you can expect coinbr to get seized by slovak tax office over vat not due in time :/ 2193;1367020058;mod6;no wai? 2194;1367020072;mod6;wtf is vat? 2195;1367020082;mircea_popescu;drama added taxc 2196;1367020096;jurov;^ yea. socialist yurp stuff 2197;1367020096;GirlfawkesyBTC;value added tax 2198;1367020096;mod6;oh value added ta 2199;1367020098;mod6;*tax 2200;1367020152;GirlfawkesyBTC;bullshit compound tax 2201;1367020158;jurov;i'm gonna have llc with external accounting, looking forward to it 2202;1367020164;jurov;then, blow & hookers 2203;1367020190;GirlfawkesyBTC;sigh...when am I going to get all my hookers? 2204;1367020210;mod6;hopefully soon. 2205;1367020249;mod6;jurov: but coinbr will live on, just a different structure 'eh 2206;1367020265;thestringpuller;wait coinbr is down? 2207;1367020271;thestringpuller;waaaat? 2208;1367020288;jurov;no, i'm jking 2209;1367020294;jurov;you can't access it? 2210;1367020342;thestringpuller;no I misunderstood 2211;1367020383;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 4 @ 0.4499 = 1.7996 BTC [-] 2212;1367020502;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 1.7051 BTC [-] 2213;1367020528;jurov;it's normal to be a bit late with tax declaration, no criminal stuff 2214;1367020546;jurov;plus i don't have anything to declare recently anyway 2215;1367020562;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 3 @ 1.7997 = 5.3991 BTC [+] 2216;1367020637;mod6;well good deal. Sail strong Coinbr! 2217;1367020746;jurov;i should kick myself every time i'm thinking of such dangerous jokes 2218;1367020923;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4449 BTC [-] 2219;1367021178;GirlfawkesyBTC;As a side note, thank you to everyone who has been politely educating me today. I've been away from btc for awhile, and before I throw myself into coinbr or other trading I'd like to feel rather competent. 2220;1367021313;jurov;"Before I throw myself into ... I'd like to feel rather competent." <<< I'm gonna to use this, thx 2221;1367021324;tiberiusiv;;;bids 50 2222;1367021324;gribble;There are currently 168990.8 bitcoins demanded at or over 50.0 USD, worth 14632147.5237 USD in total. | Data vintage: 70.0259 seconds 2223;1367021332;tiberiusiv;;;asks 200 2224;1367021332;gribble;There are currently 69365.632 bitcoins offered at or under 200.0 USD, worth 11722826.2462 USD in total. | Data vintage: 77.9878 seconds 2225;1367021709;GirlfawkesyBTC;I'm guessing thats something not many people do? 2226;1367021926;benkay;GirlfawkesyBTC do you plan to trade actively? 2227;1367022071;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.237 BTC [+] 2228;1367022122;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 1.7051 BTC [-] 2229;1367022243;kakobrekla;take that as a no. 2230;1367022368;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.237 BTC [+] 2231;1367022464;mircea_popescu;GBBG is MUCH MORE then the fund. The fund was started exclusively for members to give them something extra before the core GBBG product is released. The core product has been in development for more than 10 years. 2232;1367022488;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 1.24 = 12.4 BTC [+] 2233;1367022498;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.24699 BTC [+] 2234;1367022498;kakobrekla;the what 2235;1367022502;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 1.247 = 3.741 BTC [+] 2236;1367022512;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2479 BTC [+] 2237;1367022522;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 1.248 = 3.744 BTC [+] 2238;1367022527;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.249 BTC [+] 2239;1367022542;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.25 BTC [+] 2240;1367022546;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 1.25 = 3.75 BTC [+] 2241;1367022551;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 1.258 = 12.58 BTC [+] 2242;1367022554;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2879 BTC [+] 2243;1367022563;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 1.288 = 6.44 BTC [+] 2244;1367022568;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.289 BTC [+] 2245;1367022578;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 1.29 = 12.9 BTC [+] 2246;1367022757;mircea_popescu;yes. 2247;1367022760;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 7 @ 1.299 = 9.093 BTC [+] 2248;1367022801;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.299 BTC [+] 2249;1367022868;ThickAsThieves;when asicminer said they would put 12-15TH online some month(s) ago, the price rose from .6 to .9, now that they are actually doing it, it goes from .9 to 1.3 2250;1367022895;mircea_popescu;cool story huh. 2251;1367022933;ThickAsThieves;i wonder how much a truly pro btc co would fetch 2252;1367023006;ThickAsThieves;at 1.3, isn't it gonna take like a year or something to get that much in divs? 2253;1367023043;mircea_popescu;shhhh 2254;1367023071;ThickAsThieves;price will keep going up, no worries! 2255;1367023094;ThickAsThieves;in 3mos we'll have people saying "yeah but in USD we're still up!" 2256;1367023112;mircea_popescu;i'm sorta preparing a bucket of lulz for the first contractual dispute which won't be resolvable for lack of an actual contract. 2257;1367023152;ThickAsThieves;like how some of the shares were unsold? 2258;1367023171;ThickAsThieves;are* 2259;1367023177;mircea_popescu;i have no idea what'll it be, but... 2260;1367023187;mircea_popescu;the entire thing has a lot of promise baked in 2261;1367023645;mircea_popescu;http://money.cnn.com/2013/04/26/technology/security/livingsocial-hack/index.html lol 2262;1367023704;joecool;they are very fucked lol 2263;1367023717;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.25 BTC [-] 2264;1367023738;joecool;http://www.businessinsider.com/livingsocial-may-have-taken-debt-2013-2 2265;1367023854;mircea_popescu;o wow had no idea 2266;1367023910;jurov;$avg 2267;1367023911;mpexbot;jurov: 132.26 2268;1367024857;SlipperySlope;mircea_popescu, will you please mention something here when the April MPOE statement is posted on Trilema? 2269;1367024866;mircea_popescu;i always do. 2270;1367024984;jurov;please also mention the vwap used. i always forget to check it at the opex time :/ 2271;1367025009;mircea_popescu;you'll have to be dilligent :D 2272;1367025105;troc;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=101902.msg1955352#msg1955352 2273;1367025176;jcpham;yeah mircea_popescu 2274;1367025179;mircea_popescu;yeah yeah. everyone wants mpex to be an information platform 2275;1367025181;troc;3FTE on SD now ! 2276;1367025190;mircea_popescu;because blogs forums and news sites + email skype and whatever aren't enough 2277;1367025213;mircea_popescu;i should compete with twitter and facebook, since this is what you do on the internet. 2278;1367025217;jcpham;it's funny coming froma guy who basically doesn't run a site with any rel backend 2279;1367025226;jcpham;asking you to run one so he can send messages 2280;1367025264;jcpham;amirite cuz SD could you know register accounts and run a db and NOT USE the blockchain 2281;1367025288;mircea_popescu;i think they're planning to have sessions next. 2282;1367025291;jcpham; 2283;1367025565;jurov;i have posted better solution for erik 2284;1367025574;jcpham;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=174620.msg1955543#msg1955543 2285;1367025578;jcpham;mostly that though 2286;1367025834;assbot;[BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 1 @ 0.1 BTC [-] 2287;1367025873;mircea_popescu;i'm currently only operating a sub-level sector 8.3 bitcoin meganode. 2288;1367025874;mircea_popescu;lmao 2289;1367025920;mircea_popescu;jurov i srsly don'ty understand why that forum thread isn't good. 2290;1367025926;mircea_popescu;everyone already knows to watch it 2291;1367025973;jurov;? no i was talking about s.dice thread 2292;1367026045;troc;aren't sessions are too late to benefit of blockchain spam. SD proportion of transactions is going down. perhaps sessions to increase site stickyness 2293;1367026180;taub;Max Keiser gone full clown mode when sugggesting to peg bitcoin to dollar 2294;1367026190;taub;he doesnt know how the currency works at all 2295;1367026203;jurov;trying furiously to increase stickyness 2296;1367026226;troc;ok good 2297;1367027126;jurov;$avg 2298;1367027128;mpexbot;jurov: 131.83 2299;1367028054;jurov;$avg 2300;1367028055;mpexbot;jurov: 131.83 2301;1367028089;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2689 BTC [+] 2302;1367028122;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.478 = 0.956 BTC [+] 2303;1367028541;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.269 = 2.538 BTC [+] 2304;1367028661;assbot;[BTCTC] [GSDPT] 1 @ 0.00326 BTC [+] 2305;1367028750;assbot;[BTCTC] [GSDPT] 60 @ 0.00327 = 0.1962 BTC [+] 2306;1367028830;assbot;[BTCTC] [GSDPT] 50 @ 0.003332 = 0.1666 BTC [+] 2307;1367029094;assbot;[BTCTC] [GSDPT] 25 @ 0.003333 = 0.0833 BTC [+] 2308;1367029764;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.281 BTC [+] 2309;1367030264;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.255 BTC [-] 2310;1367030303;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.248 BTC [-] 2311;1367030320;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2401 BTC [-] 2312;1367030342;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.24 BTC [-] 2313;1367030367;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.23 BTC [-] 2314;1367031301;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.465 BTC [-] 2315;1367031544;jurov;$avg 2316;1367031545;mpexbot;jurov: 131.69 2317;1367031551;mircea_popescu;http://polimedia.us/trilema/2013/mpoe-april-2013-statement/ 2318;1367031553;mircea_popescu;there we go. 2319;1367031561;mircea_popescu;SlipperySlope ^ 2320;1367031711;jurov;*sigh* -36% 2321;1367031832;mircea_popescu;myeah. 2322;1367031841;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 3 @ 0.4501 = 1.3503 BTC [-] 2323;1367031929;tiberiusiv;lol. 2324;1367031935;tiberiusiv;another loss for mpoe 2325;1367031952;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12000 @ 0.00070663 = 8.4796 BTC [-] 2326;1367032423;pizzaman1337;mircea_popescu: I had some BTC deposited as surety for some old options contracts at $75, but it doesn't seem like I got it back 2327;1367032460;pizzaman1337;for O.BTCUSD.P750T options (old ones) 2328;1367032507;mircea_popescu;well ? 2329;1367032514;mircea_popescu;p750t is way underwater. 2330;1367032526;mircea_popescu;$avg 2331;1367032527;mpexbot;mircea_popescu: 131.45 2332;1367032533;pizzaman1337;ah, yeah 2333;1367032533;pizzaman1337;nvm 2334;1367032549;pizzaman1337;duh 2335;1367032949;mircea_popescu;;;ident pizzaman1337 2336;1367032949;gribble;Nick 'pizzaman1337', with hostmask 'pizzaman1337!~pizzaman1@unaffiliated/pizzaman1337', is not identified. 2337;1367033030;pizzaman1337;;;gpg eauth pizzaman1337 2338;1367033031;gribble;Request successful for user pizzaman1337, hostmask pizzaman1337!~pizzaman1@unaffiliated/pizzaman1337. Get your encrypted OTP from http://bitcoin-otc.com/otps/48BBF68A41783DF8 2339;1367033083;pizzaman1337;gpg everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:7e3f4363cef5553236faced3a80f1cbaefc58c06ccd1cb0fd70516d1 2340;1367033087;pizzaman1337;;;gpg everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:7e3f4363cef5553236faced3a80f1cbaefc58c06ccd1cb0fd70516d1 2341;1367033088;gribble;You are now authenticated for user pizzaman1337 with key 48BBF68A41783DF8 2342;1367033314;jurov;mpoe bot not online yet? 2343;1367033337;mircea_popescu;was a second ago 2344;1367033369;jurov;it's perhaps more timid now :) 2345;1367033467;mircea_popescu;lol 2346;1367033487;mircea_popescu;perhaps connectivity issues to blockcharts 2347;1367033662;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 4 @ 0.4619 = 1.8476 BTC [+] 2348;1367033679;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2797 BTC [+] 2349;1367033931;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2798 BTC [+] 2350;1367033940;pizzaman1337;ah yeah, looks like the spread for the bot dropped a ton: http://i.imgur.com/P5aQ53K.png 2351;1367026461;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 4 @ 0.4619 = 1.8476 BTC [+] 2352;1367026478;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2797 BTC [+] 2353;1367026724;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2798 BTC [+] 2354;1367026740;pizzaman1337;ah yeah, looks like the spread for the bot dropped a ton: http://i.imgur.com/P5aQ53K.png 2355;1367026821;mircea_popescu;nice graph pizzaman1337 2356;1367026843;pizzaman1337;thanks, I need to make a public site for these 2357;1367026869;mircea_popescu;srsly. 2358;1367026919;mircea_popescu;i find it pretty incredible that nobody moved into the midmarket during these ~2 weeks 2359;1367026969;jurov;they had better things to do with bitcoins than having them stuck as cover? 2360;1367026973;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2797 BTC [-] 2361;1367026977;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 1.28 = 5.12 BTC [+] 2362;1367026981;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.28 BTC [+] 2363;1367026986;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.287 = 2.574 BTC [+] 2364;1367026990;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.288 = 2.576 BTC [+] 2365;1367026999;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 1.288 = 3.864 BTC [+] 2366;1367027328;Diablo-D3;;;ticker 2367;1367027329;gribble;BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 135.45606, Best ask: 136.00000, Bid-ask spread: 0.54394, Last trade: 136.00000, 24 hour volume: 122987.25837791, 24 hour low: 121.45164, 24 hour high: 139.49743, 24 hour vwap: 131.92260 2368;1367027395;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.288 BTC [+] 2369;1367027581;assbot;[BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.198299 BTC [+] 2370;1367027665;jurov;bitcoincharts down indeed 2371;1367027711;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2471 BTC [-] 2372;1367027714;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.247 BTC [-] 2373;1367027724;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.245 BTC [-] 2374;1367028043;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.26 BTC [+] 2375;1367028221;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.25 BTC [-] 2376;1367028225;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 1.24 = 3.72 BTC [-] 2377;1367028471;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.28799 BTC [+] 2378;1367028720;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4571 BTC [-] 2379;1367028722;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4571 BTC [-] 2380;1367029138;assbot;[BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.40603 BTC [+] 2381;1367029380;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4581 BTC [+] 2382;1367029852;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2401 BTC [-] 2383;1367029856;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.24 BTC [-] 2384;1367029864;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.231 BTC [-] 2385;1367029867;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.23 BTC [-] 2386;1367029874;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 1.22 = 4.88 BTC [-] 2387;1367029879;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.21 BTC [-] 2388;1367029883;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2 BTC [-] 2389;1367030865;KRS1;whats your prediction diablo 2390;1367031260;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.25 BTC [+] 2391;1367031367;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 94% of MPEx April revenue from reg fees? 2392;1367031383;mircea_popescu;something like that 2393;1367031384;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: raise it to 1000 BTC, you could be in the black! 2394;1367031389;mircea_popescu;lol 2395;1367031412;mircea_popescu;after march a lot of people perked up. 2396;1367031517;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: perhaps your sales fee is too low? 2397;1367031603;ThickAsThieves;that might be shortsighted 2398;1367031623;joecool;mircea_popescu: dare i ask? do you give mpex registration discounts to OTC members? 2399;1367031641;mircea_popescu;joecool you mean wot ? 2400;1367031644;joecool;yes 2401;1367031695;mircea_popescu;i do, if you mention someone;'s key that's already registered you each get 5btc 2402;1367031735;joecool;regged on both mpex and wot? 2403;1367031739;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4364 @ 0.0007011 = 3.0596 BTC [-] 2404;1367031744;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2779 BTC [+] 2405;1367031753;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.278 = 2.556 BTC [+] 2406;1367031767;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.28 = 2.56 BTC [+] 2407;1367031787;mircea_popescu;just mpex. 2408;1367031808;joecool;oh, then mircea_popescu 2409;1367032872;jcpham;basically the guy revealed his postion on bitcoinica 2410;1367032873;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 5 @ 0.468 = 2.34 BTC [+] 2411;1367032874;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 5 @ 0.47 = 2.35 BTC [+] 2412;1367032875;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 3 @ 0.477999 = 1.434 BTC [+] 2413;1367032891;jcpham;and several people just went the other way with sufficient funding and he was force liquidated 2414;1367032898;ThickAsThieves;mp, link? 2415;1367032899;jcpham;because that's how bitcoinica worked 2416;1367032911;asciilifeform;jcpham: ok, that makes sense 2417;1367032936;mircea_popescu;http://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/27/technology/internet-sales-tax-coming-too-late-for-some-stores.html?_r=0 2418;1367032942;jcpham;yeah a channel full of guys playing games on bitcoinica is not someone you wanna share info like this with 2419;1367033001;jcpham;somewhere 2420;1367033023;jcpham;damn 10:1 leverage at that 2421;1367033082;joeykrim;mircea_popescu, i wrote my congress ppl to not pass that :x 2422;1367033092;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: The linked article suggests that the tax only applies to ebay sellers who gross over $1M 2423;1367033114;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: but yeah, the buraucrats "do what they must, because they can." 2424;1367033119;asciilifeform;*bureaucrats 2425;1367033187;ThickAsThieves;amazon is also having trouble eeking out good profits no? 2426;1367033290;joecool;it did take them like a decade to become profitable though 2427;1367033482;asciilifeform;speaking of idiot passwords, it looks like people have taken to "mining" brainwallets - with results. 2428;1367033513;jcpham;seems like i've seen that on reddit and elsewhere 2429;1367033522;jcpham;doesn't surprise me 2430;1367033530;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2718 BTC [-] 2431;1367033548;asciilifeform;wonder what the biggest brainmining find so far was 2432;1367033735;jcpham;https://sites.google.com/site/hannahlogo/screen-shots-4 2433;1367033738;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves no., they grew 22% 2434;1367033748;jcpham;lots of gold on that site about bitcoinica 2435;1367033753;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the mining brainwallets is real old news. 2436;1367033772;mircea_popescu;joeykrim they don't listen so well do they. 2437;1367033866;jcpham;that guys entire holding are detailed there jeez 2438;1367033870;ThickAsThieves;personally, i feel that amazon does to little branding 2439;1367033873;ThickAsThieves;too* 2440;1367033897;ThickAsThieves;they are not properly protecting what they are forgoing so much profit for 2441;1367033901;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.25 BTC [-] 2442;1367033938;jcpham;https://plus.google.com/100386605739064901646/posts/FSb5J3m9rxz 2443;1367033941;jcpham;i'm so boss 2444;1367033978;jcpham;http://i.imgur.com/mbAEE.png 2445;1367034045;jcpham;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=59969.0;all 2446;1367034047;jcpham;boom 2447;1367034074;mircea_popescu;haha wd 2448;1367034079;jcpham;this is exactly where the phrase zhoutonged originated 2449;1367034084;jcpham;know your bitcoin 2450;1367034101;jcpham;all of this lore laid out for you 2451;1367034184;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: I missed the brainmining thing when it started, and found out about it by sheer accident - ran across some published code which lets even idiots try their hand at it, while looking for something else 2452;1367034217;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i recall someone pointing out hashing god yields some btc years ago 2453;1367034225;mircea_popescu;jcpham totally. 2454;1367034303;joeykrim;mircea_popescu, lol .. no they sure dont 2455;1367034336;jcpham;also realize some of those thread commenters are pirate lenders 2456;1367034347;jcpham;oooh plot thickens 2457;1367034354;jcpham;let's write a novel 2458;1367034405;mircea_popescu;he thinks he can get away from this crime!!!! 2459;1367034448;jcpham;Who were interested in this liquidation? nobody would buy 20 000BTC just for fun, and nobody could get profit from this trade except..... right.. bitcoinica. 2460;1367034453;jcpham;epic last words 2461;1367034479;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4601 BTC [-] 2462;1367034481;jcpham;except he goes on to say "I am 7 years in trading, I know who make profits and how." 2463;1367034530;mircea_popescu;jcpham his argument that zhou was bucketshopping is convincing on the face 2464;1367034541;mircea_popescu;it's also supported by ulterior email leaks etc. 2465;1367034571;jcpham;oh i'm not saying he wasn't 2466;1367034594;jcpham;it's awesome how zhoutong chimes in after his customer just got force liquidated like nothing happened 2467;1367034609;jcpham;when at the tim 85% of mtgox's volume was bitcoinica 2468;1367034631;jcpham;so a trade gox is all it took 2469;1367034646;jcpham;isn't that wild? 2470;1367034652;joecool;it was that high from bitcoinica? 2471;1367034662;jcpham;right? 2472;1367034670;jcpham;know your bitcoin 2473;1367034678;mircea_popescu;A crime how, exactly? You do know what a bucket shop is, right? And you know why they aren't allowed in a regulated market? 2474;1367034678;mircea_popescu;Will the internet investigate? Where will he be jailed, or do you plan to have him digitized and encrypted in a flash drive? 2475;1367034679;mircea_popescu;totally. 2476;1367034680;joecool;jcpham: i know the bitcoin i lost in bitcoinica 2477;1367034688;joecool;that i never actually traded with 2478;1367034689;jcpham;dawww 2479;1367034691;joecool;lol 2480;1367034703;joecool;i put coin in like 2 days before shit went to hell 2481;1367034703;jcpham;i lost some usd i think but not enough to care about 2482;1367034716;joecool;i lost enough to sting a pretty good bit 2483;1367034737;jcpham;my condolences. bitcoinica and gox ran each other for a time 2484;1367034832;mircea_popescu;ACHTUNG! Alles touristen und non-technischen looken peepers! 2485;1367034832;mircea_popescu;Fingergrabbing and pressing the cnoeppkes from the computers is allowed for die experts only! 2486;1367034832;mircea_popescu;So relaxen und watchen das blinkenlights! 2487;1367034855;jcpham;i remember now why i remember that event 2488;1367034861;jcpham;tis a memorable one 2489;1367034872;ThickAsThieves;so many scammer tags in that thread 2490;1367034878;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: I once heard of a mutilated-English version of this warning, that hung in German machine rooms. 2491;1367034884;jcpham;it's like a who's who 2492;1367034902;jcpham;even the JRO ringcoin guy 2493;1367034907;jcpham;where is kronos.io 2494;1367034927;jcpham;there's more scandal 2495;1367034942;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves noticeably jrowens doesn't have one 2496;1367034947;jcpham;that whole thread exposes a seedy core 2497;1367034949;mircea_popescu;about half the scammers in there are tagged. 2498;1367034960;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 12 @ 0.3 = 3.6 BTC [-] 2499;1367034962;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2301 BTC [-] 2500;1367035007;jcpham;because for me it happened realtime in #bitcoin and #bitcoin-otc 2501;1367035079;thestringpuller;;;asks 138 2502;1367035079;gribble;There are currently 326.79324 bitcoins offered at or under 138.0 USD, worth 45081.833772 USD in total. | Data vintage: 61.8149 seconds 2503;1367035087;thestringpuller;;;bids 135 2504;1367035087;gribble;There are currently 1524.0918 bitcoins demanded at or over 135.0 USD, worth 206359.098706 USD in total. | Data vintage: 69.7801 seconds 2505;1367035096;mircea_popescu;"Trading what? Most traders I know don't know shit about trading something as volatile as this. Reading through, people appear to not understand how futures and options work, and now they are learning, are annoyed at their own ignorance." 2506;1367035102;mircea_popescu;this from... wait for it... harnett. 2507;1367035110;mircea_popescu;indeed lulzmine that thread jcpham 2508;1367035121;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 636 @ 0.0007011 = 0.4459 BTC [-] 2509;1367035123;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3000 @ 0.00069846 = 2.0954 BTC [-] 2510;1367035124;thestringpuller;lol harnett 2511;1367035130;thestringpuller;How many coins did Harnett lose? 2512;1367035136;thestringpuller;"Starfish Bank" lolol 2513;1367035141;jcpham;just document and wait for the right moment to link someone to it 2514;1367035146;thestringpuller;;;asks 139 2515;1367035148;gribble;There are currently 2311.797 bitcoins offered at or under 139.0 USD, worth 320766.335481 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0035 seconds 2516;1367035157;jcpham;there's people out there that need ot read it i'm sure 2517;1367035201;jcpham;-PR could probably ruin someone's day with if timed properly 2518;1367035207;jcpham;timing is everything, really 2519;1367035222;mircea_popescu;you kidding ? that's what she does, ruins people's days 2520;1367035225;mircea_popescu;on a daily basis 2521;1367035228;jcpham;hahha 2522;1367035230;KRS1;lmao 2523;1367035234;KRS1; I HAVE THOUSAND OF DOLLARS ON THE LINE MAKE UP YOUR MIND!!! 2524;1367035249;mircea_popescu;epic thread is epic. 2525;1367035251;KRS1;Holy shit maybe I shouldn't have fucked with him so much..a thousand dollars is a lot of loot lol 2526;1367035262;mircea_popescu;who's nadzerz 2527;1367035270;KRS1;apparently some noob 2528;1367035279;KRS1;he's in #mtgoxlive 2529;1367035292;KRS1; Definately sell. 2530;1367035292;KRS1; I mean buy!! Damnit sorry! 2531;1367035298;KRS1;oops :) 2532;1367035310;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.269899 BTC [+] 2533;1367035319;KRS1; i just bought my first whole bitcoin today...SELL. 2534;1367035320;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.269999 = 2.54 BTC [+] 2535;1367035398;jcpham;so everyone sits in mtgoxlive and provides free armchair analysis 2536;1367035404;jcpham;that's neat 2537;1367035464;mircea_popescu;*valuable* free armchair analysis 2538;1367035499;KRS1;mine wasn't bad until i went back and forth too many times..if they rate in there i'm doomed 2539;1367035518;KRS1;so like..if i say BUY 5 times and SELL 3 times, you will know what to do: BUY of course. 2540;1367035544;mircea_popescu;lmao! random forum guy : "wow that was racist borring and full of shit" mpoe-pr : "You only think it's racist because your mother was a whore." 2541;1367035555;KRS1;i'm sure of myself after like 8 or 9 times looking at the ticker making a decision 2542;1367035569;KRS1;heh 2543;1367035980;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4611 BTC [+] 2544;1367036142;jborkl;lol 2545;1367036153;jborkl;i love that lin 2546;1367036162;jborkl;line 2547;1367036173;KRS1;i like most lines 2548;1367036180;jborkl;i need to donate to pr just for the laugh 2549;1367036182;KRS1;o shit did i say that 2550;1367036230;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.24 BTC [-] 2551;1367036234;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2301 BTC [-] 2552;1367036238;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.21 BTC [-] 2553;1367036520;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 4 @ 0.4612 = 1.8448 BTC [+] 2554;1367036994;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.23 = 2.46 BTC [+] 2555;1367037008;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5537 @ 0.000692 = 3.8316 BTC [-] 2556;1367037010;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4000 @ 0.00068754 = 2.7502 BTC [-] 2557;1367037022;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14 @ 0.00068584 = 0.0096 BTC [-] 2558;1367037023;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3286 @ 0.00068584 = 2.2537 BTC [-] 2559;1367037036;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3163 @ 0.00068583 = 2.1693 BTC [-] 2560;1367037222;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.22 = 2.44 BTC [-] 2561;1367037936;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.24989 BTC [+] 2562;1367037941;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 1.24999 = 3.75 BTC [+] 2563;1367037971;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.24999 BTC [+] 2564;1367038772;[\];mircea_popescu, how has your girl not ripped into this one https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=187600 2565;1367038775;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2201 BTC [-] 2566;1367038779;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.21012 BTC [-] 2567;1367038797;mircea_popescu;;;title 2568;1367038798;gribble;(title ) -- Returns the HTML ... of a URL. 2569;1367038803;mircea_popescu;;;title https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=187600 2570;1367038806;gribble;Butterfly Labs 2571;1367038814;mircea_popescu;kinda stale by now neh ? 2572;1367038868;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 1.201 = 6.005 BTC [-] 2573;1367038902;Chaang-Noi;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=174620.msg1957020#msg1957020 lol 2574;1367038910;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2 BTC [-] 2575;1367039023;mircea_popescu;lol whoops, smoothie caught on ? 2576;1367039073;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3985 @ 0.00068583 = 2.733 BTC [-] 2577;1367039085;Chaang-Noi;after it was pointed out to him, but yes 2578;1367039103;Chaang-Noi;but the point is, if smoothie caught on, who can he trick? 2579;1367039107;[\];whats up with this hashpack place? 2580;1367039114;[\];do people not see it for the the ponzi it is? 2581;1367039126;Chaang-Noi;never heard of hashpack :/ 2582;1367039193;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 8 @ 1.19 = 9.52 BTC [-] 2583;1367039195;mircea_popescu;hashpower you mean ? 2584;1367039226;[\];no 2585;1367039228;[\];hashpack 2586;1367039240;[\];hashpack.com 2587;1367039244;[\];err 2588;1367039244;[\];no 2589;1367039249;[\];lemme find it again 2590;1367039265;[\];hashrack.com/hashpacks 2591;1367039294;mircea_popescu;um 2592;1367039296;mircea_popescu;needs moar hash 2593;1367039317;mircea_popescu;hash.ish/hashrack/hahspacks/hushhush 2594;1367039364;mircea_popescu;How much takes a hashpack to start mining? 2595;1367039364;mircea_popescu;This has variable timing, and it depends on different factors 2596;1367039365;mircea_popescu;totally. 2597;1367039459;assbot;[BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 1 @ 0.198 BTC [-] 2598;1367039460;[\];lol 2599;1367039468;[\];the broken english makes it more trustworthy 2600;1367039610;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 1.19 = 3.57 BTC [-] 2601;1367039661;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.261 BTC [+] 2602;1367039718;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.261 = 2.522 BTC [+] 2603;1367039749;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.2618 = 2.5236 BTC [+] 2604;1367039783;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2619 BTC [+] 2605;1367039818;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.262 BTC [+] 2606;1367039824;mircea_popescu;totally. 2607;1367039852;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.25 BTC [-] 2608;1367039918;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2629 BTC [+] 2609;1367039997;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2629 BTC [+] 2610;1367040149;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 6 @ 1.263 = 7.578 BTC [+] 2611;1367040240;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4687 BTC [+] 2612;1367040665;maximian;Interesting… S.DICE is on track to earn 4000BTC (0.00004 BTC / share) this month, which roughly matches the earnings for October. 2613;1367040686;maximian;sorry, matches the earnings for November 2614;1367040690;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2301 BTC [-] 2615;1367040741;assbot;[BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 2 @ 0.1 = 0.2 BTC [-] 2616;1367040810;Chaang-Noi;maximian i dont follow it well, is that good or bad ? 2617;1367040856;maximian;I think it's good, especially considering that the BTC/USD price increased 10x since then 2618;1367040906;maximian;S.DICE profits seem to be fairly resistant to exchange rate fluctuations 2619;1367040916;Chaang-Noi;thats good for sdice 2620;1367040923;maximian;yep, quite good 2621;1367040929;Chaang-Noi;stock price is still too high for me to buy in 2622;1367040962;maximian;I think the price is low due to uncertainty 2623;1367040976;Chaang-Noi;i think its too high due to hype 2624;1367040980;maximian;ha 2625;1367041003;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2251 BTC [-] 2626;1367041020;Chaang-Noi;AM now there is a undervalued stock:) 2627;1367041024;maximian;If it was clear that S.DICE would be around for 10 years, the price should probably be double or triple 2628;1367041030;maximian;AM is great for sure 2629;1367041116;Chaang-Noi;yes if sdice would be around for years then yeah 2630;1367041139;Chaang-Noi;honestly if they listed on an exchange where i could buy shares i would have bought a few when it was in the .2 range 2631;1367041174;Chaang-Noi;but they listed on an exchange that does not welcome users so lol. i dont have any high hopes for anything listed there 2632;1367041184;Chaang-Noi;and that is the only thing listed on that exchange right? 2633;1367041185;maximian;what about the passthroughs? 2634;1367041200;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4599 BTC [-] 2635;1367041209;maximian;s.mpoe and s.bbet 2636;1367041210;Chaang-Noi;i dont like 4th party risk 2637;1367041226;Chaang-Noi;i dont even like 3rd party risk but maybe a bit is okay 2638;1367041229;maximian;s.mpoe is overvalued imo 2639;1367041238;Chaang-Noi;id like to buy directly from the company like asic miner did 2640;1367041262;maximian;yeah, probably not gonna be possible with s.dice 2641;1367041293;Chaang-Noi;yeah im not too bothered 2642;1367041307;Chaang-Noi;but if i could take out the 3rd party risk odds are id buy 1 percent just cause 2643;1367041326;Chaang-Noi;mpex pulls a glbse lulz 2644;1367041380;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4549 BTC [-] 2645;1367041455;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2201 BTC [-] 2646;1367041581;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2001 BTC [-] 2647;1367041621;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 4 @ 0.4549 = 1.8196 BTC [-] 2648;1367041906;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.2593 = 2.5186 BTC [+] 2649;1367042340;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.1901 BTC [-] 2650;1367042384;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 11 @ 1.181 = 12.991 BTC [-] 2651;1367042388;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.18 BTC [-] 2652;1367042475;toffoo;so what would 1% of satoshi dice cost us? 2653;1367042689;Namworld;Let's see 2654;1367042715;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2586 BTC [+] 2655;1367042777;toffoo;i'm still looking for shares issued/outstanding 2656;1367042939;Namworld;100'000'000 shares issued, less outstanding 2657;1367042956;Namworld;But dividends are divided by 100'000'000 2658;1367042965;Namworld;So you need 1 million shares 2659;1367042966;Namworld;So 2660;1367042976;Namworld;5763.76788875 BTC with current orderbook 2661;1367043007;Namworld;Hitting asks all the way up to 0.0064995 BTC per share 2662;1367043102;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2496 @ 0.00068532 = 1.7106 BTC [-] 2663;1367043104;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2104 @ 0.000695 = 1.4623 BTC [+] 2664;1367043141;toffoo;right, seems the real answer isn't exactly straightforward ... 2665;1367043150;Chaang-Noi;i would have bought at ipo, not now at market lulz 2666;1367043185;toffoo;so they have 100 million shares, but IPOed just 10 million of them? 2667;1367043187;Chaang-Noi;id buy 1 percent now at .0002 or whatever if i could hold directly with the company 2668;1367043192;Chaang-Noi;yeah 2669;1367043195;Chaang-Noi;and sold off 3 later 2670;1367043200;toffoo;was there ever a secondary offering? 2671;1367043203;Chaang-Noi;i think it was mpex who sold his 10% 2672;1367043206;Namworld;Yes 2673;1367043208;Chaang-Noi;i mena mp 2674;1367043214;Namworld;But how much shares were sold doesn't matter 2675;1367043223;Chaang-Noi;he just got a free however many btc just for having it list onthe exchange 2676;1367043228;Chaang-Noi;i dont think he held anything 2677;1367043230;toffoo;and like evoorhees owns the other 90% but can't sell or something? 2678;1367043236;Chaang-Noi;he sold 3% 2679;1367043247;Chaang-Noi;also its not just him, he has a silent partner 2680;1367043248;Namworld;He can 2681;1367043255;Namworld;Just not more than 50% 2682;1367043259;Chaang-Noi;and from what i under stand the silent guy ownes more then eric 2683;1367043262;Namworld;As per MPEx rules 2684;1367043268;toffoo;clear as gravy 2685;1367043281;assbot;[BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.41 BTC [+] 2686;1367043282;Namworld;What does it matter? 2687;1367043284;Chaang-Noi;but yeah they cant just dump it all 2688;1367043301;Chaang-Noi;well i gota go see a man about a dog 2689;1367043302;Chaang-Noi;peace 2690;1367043588;assbot;[BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.1983 BTC [+] 2691;1367043720;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4581 BTC [+] 2692;1367043736;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.BBET-PT] 5 @ 0.00199 = 0.01 BTC [+] 2693;1367043780;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.25767 BTC [-] 2694;1367044280;assbot;[BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 4 @ 0.1983 = 0.7932 BTC [+] 2695;1367044921;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4611 BTC [+] 2696;1367044937;assbot;[BTCTC] [RSM] 1 @ 0.0044 BTC [+] 2697;1367045160;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4611 BTC [+] 2698;1367045381;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.25716 BTC [-] 2699;1367045395;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.25717 BTC [+] 2700;1367045700;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4641 BTC [+] 2701;1367046300;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4631 BTC [-] 2702;1367047572;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2001 BTC [-] 2703;1367047581;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2 BTC [-] 2704;1367048040;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4772 BTC [+] 2705;1367048193;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2572 BTC [+] 2706;1367049781;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 1.7051 BTC [-] 2707;1367050140;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 1.7899 BTC [+] 2708;1367051100;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 1.7053 BTC [-] 2709;1367051311;jurov;"Our MySQL server started to fail this night. We're migrating to postgres now, but this will take some time." 2710;1367051326;jurov;so full of win...no mention of mariadb? 2711;1367051795;assbot;[BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.41 BTC [+] 2712;1367052227;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16050 @ 0.000695 = 11.1548 BTC [+] 2713;1367053071;TheTortoise;hi 2714;1367053289;TheTortoise;hi 2715;1367053605;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5759 @ 0.000695 = 4.0025 BTC [+] 2716;1367054114;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2532 BTC [-] 2717;1367054121;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 19 @ 0.003535 = 0.0672 BTC [+] 2718;1367054229;BTCOxygen;jurov: Hi. 2719;1367054241;BTCOxygen;jurov: Which webpage do you operate ? 2720;1367054252;jurov;BTCOxygen: coinbr.com 2721;1367054259;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 1.2533 = 3.7599 BTC [+] 2722;1367054477;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 1.254 = 3.762 BTC [+] 2723;1367054541;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2564 BTC [+] 2724;1367054545;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 16 @ 1.25799 = 20.1278 BTC [+] 2725;1367054752;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.258 = 2.516 BTC [+] 2726;1367055339;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 8 @ 0.009998 = 0.08 BTC [+] 2727;1367055358;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5300 @ 0.00068661 = 3.639 BTC [-] 2728;1367055582;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2001 BTC [-] 2729;1367055641;jurov;btcoxygen, but that quote was from bitcoincharts 2730;1367055791;BTCOxygen; "Our MySQL server started to fail this night. We're migrating to postgres now, but this will take some time." ??? 2731;1367055800;BTCOxygen;wasnt this from coinbr ? 2732;1367055836;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2 BTC [-] 2733;1367055962;jurov;no, from bitcoincharts :) 2734;1367056001;jurov;i hope something lame never comes off coinbr 2735;1367056009;jurov;*so lame 2736;1367056680;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 9 @ 0.30000001 = 2.7 BTC [+] 2737;1367056682;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 45 @ 0.3 = 13.5 BTC [-] 2738;1367056878;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2579 BTC [+] 2739;1367058485;assbot;[BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 9 @ 0.101736 = 0.9156 BTC [+] 2740;1367058975;assbot;[BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 10 @ 0.01629 = 0.1629 BTC [+] 2741;1367060704;mircea_popescu;;;ticker 2742;1367060704;gribble;BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 135.99931, Best ask: 136.00000, Bid-ask spread: 0.00069, Last trade: 135.99930, 24 hour volume: 56750.66339492, 24 hour low: 129.51001, 24 hour high: 139.20000, 24 hour vwap: 135.88419 2743;1367060872;mircea_popescu;Our MySQL server started to fail this night. We're migrating to postgres now, but this will take some time. 2744;1367060874;mircea_popescu;sweet. 2745;1367061548;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.258 BTC [+] 2746;1367062093;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2400 @ 0.00069293 = 1.663 BTC [+] 2747;1367062421;Diablo-D3;;;ticker 487.54 * [ticker --last] 2748;1367062422;gribble;(ticker [--bid|--ask|--last|--high|--low|--avg|--vol] [--currency XXX]) -- Return pretty-printed mtgox ticker. If one of the result options is given, returns only that numeric result (useful for nesting in calculations). If '--currency XXX' option is given, returns ticker for that three-letter currency code. It is up to you to make sure that the three letter code you enter is a valid (1 more message) 2749;1367062430;Diablo-D3;;;calc 487.54 * [ticker --last] 2750;1367062430;gribble;66524.6721118 2751;1367062432;Diablo-D3;durr hurr 2752;1367062723;Cylta;why there is absolutely no options for sale\buy right now? 2753;1367062764;mircea_popescu;Cylta http://bitcoincharts.com/about/markets-api/ 2754;1367062833;Cylta;mircea_popescu: so, mpex.co need to have connection to bitcoincharts.com to func... 2755;1367062852;mircea_popescu;no. 2756;1367062868;mircea_popescu;the options bot uses that feed to price options. if no feed, no offers. 2757;1367062879;mircea_popescu;you can still make your own, sell them, buy others' etc. 2758;1367062896;Cylta;ah, so there is nobody from alive users, who want to sell\buy options? 2759;1367062940;mircea_popescu;the new month just started like 12 hours ago or w/e, i guess nobody has made any yet. 2760;1367063000;Cylta;but there was N section (for next month), and they should be transported in T section... but okay, i get it. 2761;1367063195;mircea_popescu;Cylta the book gets cleared 2762;1367063459;ColdHardMetal;anyone know the average price bot command? 2763;1367063472;kakobrekla;$avg 2764;1367063473;mpexbot;kakobrekla: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information. 2765;1367063479;kakobrekla;aa 2766;1367063490;kakobrekla;trap. 2767;1367063490;ColdHardMetal;feed down maybe? 2768;1367063504;mircea_popescu;scam 2769;1367063509;kakobrekla;milk 2770;1367063514;mircea_popescu;silk! 2771;1367063523;ColdHardMetal;when working, how is that calculated? 2772;1367063538;mircea_popescu;vwap of all trades past 24 hours across exchanges 2773;1367063573;ColdHardMetal;all exchanges or a selection? 2774;1367063595;Cylta;and if selection, then which of them 2775;1367063624;pizzaman1337;I'd assume from everything they connect too, you can see their list when they're back up 2776;1367063629;ColdHardMetal;is in channel the only place to get the stat or is it posted somewhere? 2777;1367063640;pizzaman1337;it's posted on the bitcoincharts site 2778;1367063657;ColdHardMetal;oh yeah? hadn't noticed it before. 2779;1367063659;pizzaman1337;normally it's this page: http://bitcoincharts.com/markets/currencies/ 2780;1367063699;ColdHardMetal;ok, cool. thanks all. 2781;1367063728;mircea_popescu;ColdHardMetal its the http://bitcoincharts.com/about/markets-api/ this feed 2782;1367063776;ColdHardMetal;mp: looks like I'll need to take your word for it for awhile :) 2783;1367063848;pizzaman1337;you can just look at the google cache, http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:ub2mLFjMpIwJ:bitcoincharts.com/about/markets-api/+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk 2784;1367063882;mircea_popescu;ColdHardMetal it's tctm's service you can prolly bug him 2785;1367063892;mircea_popescu;you know each other neh ? 2786;1367063910;ColdHardMetal;to a degree, yes. 2787;1367063944;mircea_popescu;tcatm* 2788;1367064593;mircea_popescu;check this out : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2mdYX1nF_Y 2789;1367064608;mircea_popescu;in 1999 milton friedman describes bitcoin as a future certainty 2790;1367064615;mircea_popescu;(he doesn't call it bitcoin of course) 2791;1367064822;kakobrekla;awww 2792;1367064827;kakobrekla;send him a coin 2793;1367064841;Diablo-D3;erm 2794;1367064852;mircea_popescu;he died 2795;1367064854;Diablo-D3;mircea_popescu: but isnt cryptomicon older than that? 2796;1367064877;mircea_popescu;Diablo-D3 afaik that's 2000 2797;1367064893;Diablo-D3;WIKIPEDIA, LAAAAAAUNCH! 2798;1367064902;mircea_popescu;not trying to say he invented it or anything. 2799;1367064912;Diablo-D3;nope, 1999. 2800;1367064913;Diablo-D3;heh. 2801;1367064934;Diablo-D3;mircea_popescu: no, but I keep thinking of some sort of mathematical currency thats older than this 2802;1367064943;Diablo-D3;but I can never quite remember what it is 2803;1367064980;mircea_popescu;see ? misterycoin 2804;1367064991;mircea_popescu;nobody can remember it ever. a little problematic for brain wallets. 2805;1367065015;Diablo-D3;no, its something I read like 20 years ago 2806;1367065063;mircea_popescu;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=188516.msg1958615#msg1958615 2807;1367065308;kakobrekla;meh 2808;1367065311;kakobrekla;such a sisyphus job 2809;1367065356;mircea_popescu;the drama that backs our bitcoinz 2810;1367065381;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 24 @ 0.3 = 7.2 BTC [-] 2811;1367065428;mircea_popescu;http://polimedia.us/dtng/c/thumb/136706164156s.jpg bwahahaha 2812;1367065430;mircea_popescu;who dunnit ? 2813;1367065487;Diablo-D3;er 2814;1367065495;Diablo-D3;thats the thumbnail, jackass 2815;1367065502;mircea_popescu;lol oops 2816;1367065510;mircea_popescu;http://polimedia.us/dtng/c/src/136706164156.jpg 2817;1367065564;kakobrekla;but but supernode 1.5! 2818;1367065575;Diablo-D3;mircea_popescu: I have no clue what that image means 2819;1367065586;mircea_popescu;o you're behind your drama / 2820;1367065595;mircea_popescu;there's this slightly weird finish guy 2821;1367065634;Diablo-D3;*finnish 2822;1367065650;mircea_popescu;people like smoothie and goat have been milking *him* for lulz all over the forum. 2823;1367065659;mircea_popescu;think! smoothie now has his own lolcow. 2824;1367065669;Diablo-D3;and this is why I dont read the forums often 2825;1367065766;mircea_popescu;i doubt anyone reads th forums anymore 2826;1367065768;mircea_popescu;people just post 2827;1367065980;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.3 BTC [-] 2828;1367066041;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.3 BTC [-] 2829;1367066972;kakobrekla;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=174620.msg1958908#msg1958908 2830;1367066974;kakobrekla;O_O 2831;1367066983;kakobrekla;this shit continiues to amaze me 2832;1367067107;truffles;some people know how to ruin a potentially good comedic thread 2833;1367067248;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 5 @ 0.0099 = 0.0495 BTC [-] 2834;1367067289;kakobrekla;we have a selloff 2835;1367067347;Cylta;922btc at once. not so much 2836;1367067528;kakobrekla;ok this is just silly 2837;1367067644;kakobrekla;2k sell to 130 and after that, 2k buy to 140 2838;1367067663;kakobrekla;maybe someone put order in the wrong box 2839;1367067827;Cylta;or it's his way to make a donation to poor traders =) 2840;1367067907;truffles;or a really rich person is in the fold 2841;1367067937;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8154 @ 0.00069293 = 5.6502 BTC [+] 2842;1367067938;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1546 @ 0.000695 = 1.0745 BTC [+] 2843;1367067949;jimbo2k;hey why is nobody trading on mtgox right now? 2844;1367067954;jimbo2k;why the silence? 2845;1367067979;kakobrekla;what silence 2846;1367068280;mircea_popescu;http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/story/2013/04/26/business-bitcoin-tax.htm 2847;1367068283;Diablo-D3;;;ticker 2848;1367068283;gribble;BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 133.50040, Best ask: 133.99027, Bid-ask spread: 0.48987, Last trade: 133.50030, 24 hour volume: 50817.48210313, 24 hour low: 131.00210, 24 hour high: 139.88000, 24 hour vwap: 135.92900 2849;1367068487;unbalanced_;No surprise there, these are not new rules. Nice to get an opinion from the CRA them though so people needn't stay away from Bitcoin due to FUD. 2850;1367068544;mircea_popescu;indeed, a news piece which basically says, when it rains outside use umbrella. 2851;1367068570;unbalanced_;Right, Canadians trading anything for anything else are supposed to pay tax on exchanges and on gains. 2852;1367068574;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4250 @ 0.00068661 = 2.9181 BTC [-] 2853;1367068575;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7585 @ 0.00068476 = 5.1939 BTC [-] 2854;1367068601;unbalanced_;I'm just grateful no one is talking about *new* laws to add another layer of cruft to the legal and tax system. 2855;1367068635;mircea_popescu;don't worry, it;'s coming 2856;1367068670;unbalanced_;No doubt 2857;1367068914;KRS1;so how can they tax btc? are they going to fork the blockchain or something 2858;1367068983;KRS1;at the exchange 2859;1367069257;Anduck;kakobrekla lol 2860;1367069260;copumpkin;they'd rely on you reporting things, probably 2861;1367069265;copumpkin;much as they do now 2862;1367069280;unbalanced_;2 parts: 1, a capital gains tax on trading gains and 2, a VAT (called GST or HST in most of Canada) if you sell goods/services for bitcoin 2863;1367069294;unbalanced_;But yes, you have to report it yourself. 2864;1367069314;tiberiusiv;why is no one discussing mircea_popescu the gypsys second large monthly loss 2865;1367069331;unbalanced_;So some people won't, and "legitimate" businesses will 2866;1367069335;unbalanced_;shut up 2867;1367069339;unbalanced_;:) 2868;1367069349;unbalanced_;I think you popped in out of nowhere to say that to me once. 2869;1367069427;tiberiusiv;why dont you shutup over capital gains tax 2870;1367069436;unbalanced_;I fig'd I'd ignore you then but couldn't resist. Added a smiley so you know I'm not a deliberate asshole. 2871;1367069442;tiberiusiv;of course if you are selling btc on canadian exchanges and deposting large $ 2872;1367069451;tiberiusiv;into your bank account its taxable 2873;1367069453;tiberiusiv;fking toolbag 2874;1367069473;KRS1;the exchanges could report your $ much the same way that banks can 2875;1367069476;tiberiusiv;same in US and in any other region that has cap gains 2876;1367069493;tiberiusiv;bitcoin is easy as fuck to tax. 2877;1367069508;unbalanced_;Before I go back to ignoring you, yes, taxes would apply on CAD equivalent just as they would for any other currency or commodity or local funny money. Old rules, nothing new. 2878;1367069509;tiberiusiv;your exchange buys and sells are all auditable 2879;1367069526;KRS1;unbalanced has the ticket 2880;1367069560;tiberiusiv;mircea popescu has delivered another massive loss to his investors 2881;1367069584;tiberiusiv;http://polimedia.us/trilema/2013/mpoe-april-2013-statement/ 2882;1367069698;Cylta;wooow... 2883;1367069815;tiberiusiv;In closing, I want to say that the bleeding red in the bondholders table makes me sad. It’s the people providing the capital for MPOE bonds that are helping stabilise Bitcoin. It’s them making it useful and usable. 2884;1367069818;tiberiusiv;this is the best part 2885;1367069832;tiberiusiv;people losing huge $ are doing their part in stabalising bitcoin. 2886;1367069833;tiberiusiv;rofl 2887;1367069865;Cylta;what does it mean, if bondholder crossed with a red line? 2888;1367069874;tiberiusiv;probably wiped out 2889;1367069894;Cylta;in meaning "they sold their assets" or "they are blocked"?.. 2890;1367069938;tiberiusiv;i predicted in here 4 weeks ago that mircea would have another massive losing month 2891;1367069941;tiberiusiv;nobody believed it 2892;1367069966;Cylta;open your magazine with predictions =) 2893;1367069978;tiberiusiv;how many more losses with mircea inflict on his greedy investors? 2894;1367070095;tiberiusiv;will* 2895;1367070115;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.249 BTC [-] 2896;1367070180;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.255 = 2.51 BTC [+] 2897;1367070310;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.255 BTC [+] 2898;1367070314;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 12 @ 1.249 = 14.988 BTC [-] 2899;1367070511;KRS1;tiberiusiv: what are they doing? trading really close to the highs and lows? 2900;1367070523;tiberiusiv;who? 2901;1367070535;tiberiusiv;no they lent mircea money 2902;1367070538;KRS1;you said that people are losing huge stabilizing btc 2903;1367070542;tiberiusiv;which he uses to sell insurance 2904;1367070549;tiberiusiv;against bitcoin volatility 2905;1367070564;tiberiusiv;his losses relative to his income are massive 2906;1367070571;assbot;[BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.4232 BTC [+] 2907;1367070582;tiberiusiv;i believe in the last 60 days mircea popescu the gypsy scum has lost over 30,000 btc 2908;1367070594;KRS1;but something tells me he really doesnt lose anything 2909;1367070604;tiberiusiv;well hes a fraud 2910;1367070609;tiberiusiv;so you are probably correct 2911;1367070618;KRS1;:/ 2912;1367070675;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.249 BTC [-] 2913;1367070686;KRS1;theres a long stretch between being a fraud and supplying a service (middleman) that you collect a small fee here and there for 2914;1367070861;tiberiusiv;you just said he wasnt taking losses 2915;1367070866;tiberiusiv;so you were implying hes lieing 2916;1367070884;tiberiusiv;which one is it? 2917;1367071284;assbot;[BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 5 @ 0.198 = 0.99 BTC [-] 2918;1367071480;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 10 @ 0.00353 = 0.0353 BTC [-] 2919;1367071701;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 45 @ 0.003535 = 0.1591 BTC [+] 2920;1367071798;ThickAsThieves;any reason why bot isnt selling? 2921;1367071799;assbot;[BTCTC] [BITVPS] 1 @ 0.00188 BTC [+] 2922;1367071814;ThickAsThieves;(optobot) 2923;1367072022;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 1.2514 = 5.0056 BTC [+] 2924;1367072266;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4841 @ 0.00068476 = 3.3149 BTC [-] 2925;1367072485;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2592 BTC [+] 2926;1367072714;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.24999 BTC [-] 2927;1367072785;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 7 @ 1.24999 = 8.7499 BTC [-] 2928;1367072910;assbot;[MPEX] [S.DICE] 500 @ 0.00320485 = 1.6024 BTC [+] 2929;1367073081;KRS1;tiberiusiv: you are somethin else dude..im not even gonna bother 2930;1367073115;KRS1;i'd stop with whatever drugs you're takin man.. 2931;1367073119;KRS1;try something else 2932;1367073410;tiberiusiv;thickasthieves um maybe because of huge losses taken by mircea last month? 2933;1367073441;tiberiusiv;;;bids 50 2934;1367073445;gribble;There are currently 164387.58 bitcoins demanded at or over 50.0 USD, worth 14228097.6008 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0096 seconds 2935;1367073451;tiberiusiv;;;asks 200 2936;1367073451;gribble;There are currently 72755.388 bitcoins offered at or under 200.0 USD, worth 12189626.4661 USD in total. | Data vintage: 6.3651 seconds 2937;1367074716;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2474 BTC [-] 2938;1367075133;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.24999 BTC [+] 2939;1367075138;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2555 BTC [+] 2940;1367075142;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 8 @ 1.2592 = 10.0736 BTC [+] 2941;1367076658;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2301 BTC [-] 2942;1367076742;thestringpuller;;;ticker 2943;1367076742;gribble;BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 134.02020, Best ask: 134.56000, Bid-ask spread: 0.53980, Last trade: 134.02020, 24 hour volume: 44677.75219501, 24 hour low: 131.00210, 24 hour high: 139.88000, 24 hour vwap: 135.74475 2944;1367077682;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-GOLD] 22 @ 0.00489 = 0.1076 BTC [+] 2945;1367077728;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-GOLD] 1 @ 0.0337 BTC [+] 2946;1367077892;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 50 @ 0.000695 = 0.0348 BTC [+] 2947;1367077902;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 30 @ 0.000695 = 0.0209 BTC [+] 2948;1367077907;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 9 @ 0.000695 = 0.0063 BTC [+] 2949;1367078366;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 50 @ 0.000696 = 0.0348 BTC [+] 2950;1367078367;assbot;[BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 12 @ 0.1983 = 2.3796 BTC [+] 2951;1367078417;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 80 @ 0.000696 = 0.0557 BTC [+] 2952;1367078557;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.254 BTC [+] 2953;1367079037;thestringpuller;;;bids 2954;1367079037;gribble;(bids [--under] ) -- Calculate the amount of bitcoin demanded at or over . If '--under' option is given, find coins or at or under . 2955;1367080058;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-GOLD] 2 @ 0.00111 = 0.0022 BTC [-] 2956;1367080287;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 10 @ 0.000696 = 0.007 BTC [+] 2957;1367080369;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.231 BTC [-] 2958;1367080372;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2302 BTC [-] 2959;1367080375;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.2301 = 2.4602 BTC [-] 2960;1367080719;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2201 BTC [-] 2961;1367080782;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.21011 BTC [-] 2962;1367080838;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4400 @ 0.00069357 = 3.0517 BTC [+] 2963;1367080853;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2012 BTC [-] 2964;1367081009;mod6;hey whats up 2965;1367081146;peterl;did mpoe pay their dividend yet for april? 2966;1367081161;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1100 @ 0.00069357 = 0.7629 BTC [+] 2967;1367081163;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3765 @ 0.00069724 = 2.6251 BTC [+] 2968;1367081165;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1685 @ 0.00069796 = 1.1761 BTC [+] 2969;1367081381;mod6;peterl: not yet 2970;1367081392;mod6;the monthly statement is out though... 2971;1367081465;Bugpowder;Hmmm.... gox queue down to 15,000 2972;1367081595;peterl;maybe people are trying to use other exchanges? 2973;1367081668;kakobrekla;oh 2974;1367081674;kakobrekla;so they stopped de-amling ppl 2975;1367081702;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.23 BTC [+] 2976;1367081709;Bugpowder;my friend has been trading ~500BTC on there with no verification 2977;1367081718;Bugpowder;they decided he needed to be verified to do that 2978;1367081725;Bugpowder;he is 15,000 now 2979;1367081731;kakobrekla;hm 2980;1367081824;assbot;[BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 1 @ 0.0163 BTC [+] 2981;1367082479;mod6;(05:09) < mircea_popescu> check this out : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2mdYX1nF_Y <<< Thanks for posting this Milton Friedman vid! 2982;1367082493;mod6;so awesome 2983;1367083619;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6600 @ 0.00069796 = 4.6065 BTC [+] 2984;1367084051;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.238 BTC [+] 2985;1367084091;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.239 BTC [+] 2986;1367084100;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.23955 = 2.4791 BTC [+] 2987;1367084456;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 100 @ 0.000642 = 0.0642 BTC [-] 2988;1367084459;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 5 @ 0.000642 = 0.0032 BTC [-] 2989;1367084462;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.32 BTC [+] 2990;1367084486;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 124 @ 0.000641 = 0.0795 BTC [-] 2991;1367085335;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 32 @ 0.003545 = 0.1134 BTC [+] 2992;1367085572;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 32 @ 0.00355 = 0.1136 BTC [+] 2993;1367086635;jurov;lol reptilia wants to outdo mp... by posting pics of girls? hahahaha 2994;1367087300;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2151 BTC [-] 2995;1367087647;jurov;$avg 2996;1367087650;mpexbot;jurov: 133.77 2997;1367087653;jurov;mircea_popescu: something happening? no bond/dividend payouts, mpoe bot absent despite bitcoincharts is online? 2998;1367087701;assbot;[MPEX] [S.DICE] 3000 @ 0.003 = 9 BTC [-] 2999;1367087806;deadweasel;That milton friedman video is the tits 3000;1367087807;deadweasel;thanks 3001;1367087843;deadweasel;mod6^ 3002;1367087851;deadweasel;or mp 3003;1367087983;mod6;ahh, werd. mp posted it. :] 3004;1367088412;Bugpowder;jurov: MPOE bot's algo was changed. Now it only tries to undercut existing bids ;-) 3005;1367088538;jurov;heh 3006;1367088554;deadweasel;$avg 3007;1367088556;mpexbot;deadweasel: 133.71 3008;1367089069;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2554 BTC [+] 3009;1367089152;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2555 BTC [+] 3010;1367089197;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 2 @ 0.00983 = 0.0197 BTC [-] 3011;1367089199;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2555 BTC [+] 3012;1367089254;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 30 @ 0.00982 = 0.2946 BTC [-] 3013;1367089265;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 1 @ 0.00982 BTC [-] 3014;1367089309;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-TRADING-PT] 1 @ 0.249 BTC [+] 3015;1367089387;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-TRADING-PT] 1 @ 0.2 BTC [-] 3016;1367089488;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 10 @ 0.00981 = 0.0981 BTC [-] 3017;1367089516;assbot;[BTCTC] [ESECURITYSABTC] 1 @ 0.33998 BTC [-] 3018;1367089647;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 3 @ 0.009999 = 0.03 BTC [+] 3019;1367089871;jurov;;;bc,stats 3020;1367089875;gribble;Current Blocks: 233446 | Current Difficulty: 8974296.01488785 | Next Difficulty At Block: 233855 | Next Difficulty In: 409 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 2 days, 13 hours, 44 minutes, and 9 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 9932920.63166 | Estimated Percent Change: 10.68189 3021;1367090059;usagi;hi guys 3022;1367090701;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.259 BTC [+] 3023;1367090940;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 1.7201 BTC [+] 3024;1367091031;jurov;;;gettrust aethero 3025;1367091032;gribble;Trust relationship from user jurov to user aethero: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 2 via 2 connections. Graph: http://serajewelks.bitcoin-otc.com/trustgraph.php?source=jurov&dest=aethero 3026;1367091184;usagi;lol @ supa http://serajewelks.bitcoin-otc.com/trustgraph.php?source=usagi&dest=aethero 3027;1367091737;jurov;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=188546.0 lol the hunt for satoshi signature 3028;1367091983;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.259 BTC [+] 3029;1367092249;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 465 @ 0.00069796 = 0.3246 BTC [+] 3030;1367092251;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4000 @ 0.00069909 = 2.7964 BTC [+] 3031;1367092261;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 635 @ 0.0006991 = 0.4439 BTC [+] 3032;1367092489;thestringpuller;;;asks 139 3033;1367092489;gribble;There are currently 8802.0334 bitcoins offered at or under 139.0 USD, worth 1180181.77601 USD in total. | Data vintage: 1.6649 seconds 3034;1367092501;thestringpuller;;;ticker 3035;1367092501;gribble;BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 126.00000, Best ask: 126.01001, Bid-ask spread: 0.01001, Last trade: 126.00000, 24 hour volume: 55701.10914739, 24 hour low: 124.03000, 24 hour high: 139.88000, 24 hour vwap: 133.15565 3036;1367092610;thestringpuller;PANIC SELL 3037;1367092612;thestringpuller;PANIC SELL 3038;1367092624;assbot;[BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.4199 BTC [-] 3039;1367092731;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.259 BTC [+] 3040;1367092740;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4611 BTC [-] 3041;1367092820;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2591 BTC [+] 3042;1367092839;error4733;;;ticker 3043;1367092840;gribble;BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 127.00010, Best ask: 127.99000, Bid-ask spread: 0.98990, Last trade: 127.99000, 24 hour volume: 56522.23429988, 24 hour low: 124.03000, 24 hour high: 139.88000, 24 hour vwap: 133.02704 3044;1367092849;error4733;;;ticker 3045;1367092850;gribble;BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 127.90327, Best ask: 127.98000, Bid-ask spread: 0.07673, Last trade: 127.98000, 24 hour volume: 56569.11167357, 24 hour low: 124.03000, 24 hour high: 139.88000, 24 hour vwap: 133.02114 3046;1367092876;error4733;;;ticker 3047;1367092876;gribble;BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 131.31197, Best ask: 132.49000, Bid-ask spread: 1.17803, Last trade: 132.49000, 24 hour volume: 56569.11167357, 24 hour low: 124.03000, 24 hour high: 139.88000, 24 hour vwap: 133.02114 3048;1367092894;error4733;PANIC BUY 3049;1367092897;error4733;PANIC BUY 3050;1367092917;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.2592 = 2.5184 BTC [+] 3051;1367093059;jurov;anyone would like to bet how much this auction ends up? https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=186198.20 3052;1367093140;jurov;seems casacius 1st series price is lifting off 3053;1367093301;error4733;120-150 3054;1367093354;jurov;that would be quite a madness 3055;1367093426;error4733;4/5 each ? easy ! its 900$ on ebay 3056;1367093543;jurov;i just bought one for 2.75 on bitmit... got good deal then 3057;1367093548;error4733;try to imagine same suppl but with 10x more collector 3058;1367093565;error4733;in 2/3 years 3059;1367093571;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.222201 BTC [-] 3060;1367093573;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.222101 BTC [-] 3061;1367093574;jurov;in 2/3 years, yea 3062;1367093581;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.222 BTC [-] 3063;1367093590;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.215 BTC [-] 3064;1367093616;error4733;or maybe its a scam bc with bct @1000$ no one would pay x5 premium 3065;1367093662;error4733;2.75 it's a good deal yep. Serie 1 ? 3066;1367093685;jurov;should be, wolf is reputable.. we'll see what comes 3067;1367093728;error4733;not a scam now 3068;1367093732;KRS1;lol i knew it would come down 3069;1367093760;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4776 BTC [+] 3070;1367094011;assbot;[BTCTC] [BITVPS] 10 @ 0.00188 = 0.0188 BTC [+] 3071;1367094211;inhies;i have two series 1 3072;1367094214;inhies;from september 3073;1367094218;inhies;considering selling one 3074;1367095170;jurov;lmao some swiss bank trollbox: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=182423.msg1958956#msg1958956 3075;1367095217;SlipperySlope;jurov, when do you expect MPOE bond payout? 3076;1367095493;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.237 BTC [+] 3077;1367095503;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.239 BTC [+] 3078;1367095860;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.30000001 BTC [-] 3079;1367096243;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2592 BTC [+] 3080;1367096249;jurov;SlipperySlope, don't know. I was asking mp here awhile ago, no reply yet. 3081;1367096252;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2592 BTC [+] 3082;1367096537;assbot;[BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 1 @ 0.1975 BTC [-] 3083;1367096852;jurov;;;seen mircea_popescu 3084;1367096852;gribble;mircea_popescu was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 7 hours, 50 minutes, and 17 seconds ago: don't worry, it;'s coming 3085;1367097039;KRS1;whats coming 3086;1367097050;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.238 BTC [-] 3087;1367097134;jurov;KRS1, read 10 lines back 3088;1367097213;jurov;cnat raed ... better crawl back to #bitcoin-anal 3089;1367097275;jurov;(my apologies if KRS-1 is someone else) 3090;1367097349;jurov;;) 3091;1367097551;kakobrekla;;;bc,stats 3092;1367097554;gribble;Current Blocks: 233461 | Current Difficulty: 8974296.01488785 | Next Difficulty At Block: 233855 | Next Difficulty In: 394 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 2 days, 14 hours, 12 minutes, and 37 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 9935074.73308 | Estimated Percent Change: 10.7059 3093;1367098499;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 2 @ 0.30000001 = 0.6 BTC [-] 3094;1367098922;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4571 BTC [-] 3095;1367098943;assbot;[BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.176101 BTC [-] 3096;1367099014;assbot;[BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.1761 BTC [-] 3097;1367099045;assbot;[BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.17602 BTC [-] 3098;1367099287;assbot;[BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.17 BTC [-] 3099;1367099550;mjr___;hi all 3100;1367099700;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 4 @ 0.4571 = 1.8284 BTC [-] 3101;1367100102;jurov;hi mjr___ 3102;1367100155;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 40 @ 0.00311 = 0.1244 BTC [-] 3103;1367100174;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 2 @ 0.0031 = 0.0062 BTC [-] 3104;1367100183;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 1 @ 0.0031 BTC [-] 3105;1367100241;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.4679 = 0.9358 BTC [+] 3106;1367101080;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 7 @ 0.4679 = 3.2753 BTC [+] 3107;1367101702;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6200 @ 0.00068812 = 4.2663 BTC [-] 3108;1367101704;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2300 @ 0.00068289 = 1.5706 BTC [-] 3109;1367101706;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1500 @ 0.00068967 = 1.0345 BTC [+] 3110;1367102160;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.477999 BTC [+] 3111;1367102460;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4641 BTC [-] 3112;1367102517;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2241 BTC [-] 3113;1367102600;mjr___;geez its hard to get bitcoins or sell bitcoins 3114;1367102629;mod6;can't just do an otc trade with someone? 3115;1367102690;mjr___;tough 3116;1367102696;mjr___;$20,000 USD in cash 3117;1367102715;mjr___;not easy to make that happen in one day 3118;1367102721;mjr___;gox verification queue 3119;1367102727;mjr___;limits on bitinstant 3120;1367102746;mjr___;what is the best escrow service? 3121;1367102769;mod6;not sure, could ask around in #bitcoin-escrow ? 3122;1367102792;joecool;!ident mjr___ 3123;1367102795;joecool;..ident mjr___ 3124;1367102801;joecool;meh 3125;1367102804;joecool;;;ident mjr___ 3126;1367102804;gribble;Nick 'mjr___', with hostmask 'mjr___!mjr_@cpe-68-174-114-54.nyc.res.rr.com', is identified as user Josh_Rossi, with GPG key id C286BB96FE9B6CD3, key fingerprint 3812AFD43A6B8A057F37D858C286BB96FE9B6CD3, and bitcoin address 1LokQrHj14NU93tC6pZfTZyyRHhAVakQmX 3127;1367102807;mjr___;;;ident mjr_ 3128;1367102807;gribble;Nick 'mjr_', with hostmask 'MJR_!~mjr_@', is identified as user Josh_Rossi, with GPG key id C286BB96FE9B6CD3, key fingerprint 3812AFD43A6B8A057F37D858C286BB96FE9B6CD3, and bitcoin address 1LokQrHj14NU93tC6pZfTZyyRHhAVakQmX 3129;1367102832;mjr___;that's me 3130;1367103060;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 7 @ 0.4641 = 3.2487 BTC [-] 3131;1367103521;assbot;[BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 1 @ 0.16 BTC [-] 3132;1367103525;assbot;[BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 1 @ 0.16 BTC [-] 3133;1367103688;ThickAsThieves;Is mpexbot selling options yet? 3134;1367103714;mod6;not yet 3135;1367103767;ThickAsThieves;is there a problem or just waiting til Monday or such? 3136;1367103864;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7330 @ 0.00068967 = 5.0553 BTC [+] 3137;1367103866;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1874 @ 0.00069036 = 1.2937 BTC [+] 3138;1367103944;mod6;ThickAsThieves: no idea 3139;1367103974;ThickAsThieves;:/ 3140;1367104201;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 8 @ 0.4778 = 3.8224 BTC [+] 3141;1367104586;dub;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=187730.msg1947140#msg1947140 3142;1367104596;dub;obvious usagi sock is obvious 3143;1367104680;nospinzy;what would be a good start up 3144;1367105540;ThickAsThieves;Groupon 3145;1367105613;mod6;lol 3146;1367105719;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.20296 BTC [-] 3147;1367105727;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.20295 BTC [-] 3148;1367105730;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.20241 BTC [-] 3149;1367105751;ThickAsThieves;love me some daily deals! 3150;1367105760;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4778 BTC [+] 3151;1367105811;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8476 @ 0.00069036 = 5.8515 BTC [+] 3152;1367105926;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2021 BTC [-] 3153;1367105929;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.202 BTC [-] 3154;1367106705;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2031 BTC [+] 3155;1367106709;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.203 BTC [-] 3156;1367106878;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4715 @ 0.0006991 = 3.2963 BTC [+] 3157;1367106880;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1885 @ 0.00069922 = 1.318 BTC [+] 3158;1367107020;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4778 BTC [+] 3159;1367107440;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 1 @ 1.210001 BTC [+] 3160;1367107955;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.237 BTC [+] 3161;1367107994;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2497 BTC [+] 3162;1367108039;mircea_popescu;whoa the miracle 3163;1367108076;mircea_popescu;jurov well the idea is i publish friday pay next day in case there's errors found or anything. 3164;1367108098;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2150 @ 0.00069922 = 1.5033 BTC [+] 3165;1367108128;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2497 BTC [+] 3166;1367108166;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 9 @ 1.2497 = 11.2473 BTC [+] 3167;1367108216;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2498 BTC [+] 3168;1367108220;mircea_popescu;so anyone know this Priambelenge guy / 3169;1367108234;jcpham;nope 3170;1367108248;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 6 @ 1.249899 = 7.4994 BTC [+] 3171;1367108250;jcpham;i noticed that retarded thread is still going though 3172;1367108256;jcpham;that guy and his diary 3173;1367108285;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2201 BTC [-] 3174;1367108292;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 25 @ 1.22 = 30.5 BTC [-] 3175;1367108301;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.259 BTC [+] 3176;1367108341;mircea_popescu;ya this guy is like, hi i'm organising an event we will have hedge funds would you like to speak. then he leaves. 3177;1367108349;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.263 BTC [+] 3178;1367108354;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.263 BTC [+] 3179;1367108355;mircea_popescu;i'm like... ok. so if i want to speak what do i do, send a message to your webchat ip ? 3180;1367108412;assbot;[BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.175 BTC [+] 3181;1367108425;assbot;[BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 35 @ 0.198 = 6.93 BTC [+] 3182;1367108447;assbot;[BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 2 @ 0.18 = 0.36 BTC [+] 3183;1367108569;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.201 BTC [-] 3184;1367108572;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 30 @ 1.2 = 36 BTC [-] 3185;1367108645;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.20101 BTC [+] 3186;1367108828;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.25899 BTC [+] 3187;1367108920;assbot;[MPEX] [O.USD.C320T] 20 @ 0.05733111 = 1.1466 BTC 3188;1367108997;assbot;[BTCTC] [ESECURITYSABTC] 1 @ 0.33998 BTC [-] 3189;1367109001;Namworld;C320? I can sell some of those anytime... 3190;1367109016;assbot;[BTCTC] [ESECURITYSABTC] 6 @ 0.33999 = 2.0399 BTC [+] 3191;1367109034;assbot;[BTCTC] [ESECURITYSABTC] 5 @ 0.34 = 1.7 BTC [+] 3192;1367109070;assbot;[BTCTC] [ESECURITYSABTC] 1 @ 0.33999 BTC [-] 3193;1367109074;assbot;[BTCTC] [ESECURITYSABTC] 1 @ 0.36879 BTC [+] 3194;1367109164;mircea_popescu;lol so offer for less than 5 cents 3195;1367109595;assbot;[MPEX] [O.USD.P056T] 50 @ 0.05154951 = 2.5775 BTC 3196;1367109718;mircea_popescu;!t ^oix 3197;1367109718;assbot;Your actions are useless. 3198;1367109722;mircea_popescu;!t , ^oix 3199;1367109722;assbot;Have you got any tobacco? 3200;1367109724;mircea_popescu;!t m ^oix 3201;1367109725;assbot;[MPEX:^OIX] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: 53.25474403 / 53.25474403 / (50 shares, 2.58 BTC), 30D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC) 3202;1367109732;mircea_popescu;sooo... it's back. lol 3203;1367109878;assbot;[MPEX] [O.USD.C260T] 20 @ 0.09950213 = 1.99 BTC [-] 3204;1367109937;mircea_popescu;!t m ^oix 3205;1367109937;assbot;[MPEX:^OIX] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: 53.25474403 / 141.37575896 / 339.46171704 (70 shares, 3.72 BTC), 30D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC) 3206;1367109949;mircea_popescu;and also balanced now. 3207;1367110020;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 15 @ 0.477999 = 7.17 BTC [+] 3208;1367110056;mircea_popescu;mod6 was pretty cool vid fo sho. 3209;1367110074;mircea_popescu; lol reptilia wants to outdo mp... by posting pics of girls? hahahaha << that thread is epic. 3210;1367110159;mircea_popescu;SlipperySlope the way this works is, mpoe results are published the weekend after close. i usually try and so far have managed to publish within 1-2 hours of actual close. 3211;1367110173;mircea_popescu;then the results sit for a day, if anyone finds errors or has q's or w/e. 3212;1367110176;mircea_popescu;then payments are made. 3213;1367110199;mircea_popescu;so reasonably anyone depending on mpoe payouts on the end of a month would be making payments no sooner than 24 hours after results published. 3214;1367110235;mircea_popescu; is there a problem or just waiting til Monday or such? << bitcoincharts was migrating servers or w/e 3215;1367110270;mircea_popescu; lol 3216;1367110318;mircea_popescu;o, almost forgot. 3217;1367110325;mircea_popescu;new gf ---> http://polimedia.us/dtng/c/src/136667488555.jpg 3218;1367110392;truffles;half the skirt is missing 3219;1367110711;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 2 @ 0.009999 = 0.02 BTC [+] 3220;1367110722;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 16 @ 0.009999 = 0.16 BTC [+] 3221;1367110971;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5465 @ 0.00069922 = 3.8212 BTC [+] 3222;1367110973;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4700 @ 0.00070335 = 3.3057 BTC [+] 3223;1367111590;kakobrekla;OUCH 3224;1367111591;kakobrekla;http://www.bloomberg.com/video/seeing-huge-increase-in-bitcoin-customers-karpeles-xsmrZuQxQ2CIkPQoeeDJsA.html 3225;1367111665;mircea_popescu;he's lieing. 3226;1367111765;kakobrekla;on which part 3227;1367111777;kakobrekla;did you see this vid? 3228;1367111806;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 15 @ 0.00302 = 0.0453 BTC [-] 3229;1367111942;mircea_popescu;on the "moar customers" opart. 3230;1367111945;KRS1;wtf he can't talk or is something stuck up his ass 3231;1367111977;usagi;For bloomberg TV he was the wrong person to put on I think 3232;1367111986;usagi;without a rehersal 3233;1367112001;ThickAsThieves;thx for the deets mp 3234;1367112004;KRS1;my gawd shes gorgeous 3235;1367112035;KRS1;without even looking at her face lol 3236;1367112058;usagi;I'm really suprised they would put him on live, having done TV a few times. They don't do that ever. 3237;1367112093;mircea_popescu;who ? 3238;1367112112;KRS1;what is wrong with this dude..what a horrible representation for the exchange 3239;1367112117;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 30 @ 0.003019 = 0.0906 BTC [-] 3240;1367112154;mircea_popescu;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=189093.0 3241;1367112158;mircea_popescu;bitcoin24 actually being prosecuted. 3242;1367112176;mircea_popescu;KRS1 no, actually, i think he's the perfect image of mtgox 3243;1367112179;mircea_popescu;bloated stupid shit. 3244;1367112230;KRS1;haha yeah guess you are right..im not impressed with the exchange at all..imo i'd rather have something on a console that actually works instead of something that renders pretty in a browser that doesnt 3245;1367112257;KRS1;console/terminal 3246;1367112310;assbot;[BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 8 @ 0.0163 = 0.1304 BTC [+] 3247;1367112490;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.264 BTC [+] 3248;1367112865;assbot;[BTCTC] [RSM] 1 @ 0.0044 BTC [+] 3249;1367113680;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4512 BTC [-] 3250;1367114094;ColdHardMetal;that BTC24 news is interesting. if that's ana ctual hand in the cookie jar investigation because "bitcoin!!", that's actually pretty good. 3251;1367114114;ColdHardMetal;not because bitcoin that should read 3252;1367114189;mircea_popescu;that;s not what it is. 3253;1367114200;mircea_popescu;german bank noticed phised money going to X account 3254;1367114216;mircea_popescu;they asked it be closed down and are investigating the idiot for being part of the ring. 3255;1367114251;ColdHardMetal;ok. well, if he's clean that's great, and if he's not well, he should go to jail. 3256;1367114283;ColdHardMetal;either way, investgation because of fraud better than investigation because "herp derp bitcoin evil" 3257;1367114284;mircea_popescu;he's going to jail anyway. what's clean mean ? 3258;1367114307;ColdHardMetal;clean in that he's not a knowledgeable party to the fraud. 3259;1367114338;mircea_popescu;i never heard of any actual prosecution where this was seriously contemplated. 3260;1367114345;mircea_popescu;fact remains phisher sent the money to his accoutn. 3261;1367114372;mircea_popescu;he didn't report it as undue with the bank or anything, he's in. 3262;1367114426;ColdHardMetal;fair enough. 3263;1367114475;assbot;[BTCTC] [GSDPT] 200 @ 0.003 = 0.6 BTC [-] 3264;1367114487;mircea_popescu;i mean sure, i'm convinced he's just some random guy who's been operating on some common misrepresentations of how the world works 3265;1367114511;mircea_popescu;ie, innocent in the ignorance sense of that term. 3266;1367114513;mircea_popescu;nevertheless... 3267;1367114528;ColdHardMetal;I'm just content that the legal action isn't being based just on the fact he was handling BTC. 3268;1367114541;ColdHardMetal;if it's a legit fraud investigation, than kind of no news really. 3269;1367114550;ColdHardMetal;BTCwise. 3270;1367114581;ColdHardMetal;whether mere fraud is the actual motivator behind it, I doubt we'll ever know. 3271;1367114594;ColdHardMetal;not mere fraud. 3272;1367114600;ColdHardMetal;actual fraud 3273;1367114608;ColdHardMetal;better turn of phrase. 3274;1367115001;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2301 BTC [-] 3275;1367115016;mircea_popescu;yeah 3276;1367115029;mircea_popescu;i'm pretty sure it's not per-btc, just per-fraud. 3277;1367115504;mircea_popescu;http://www.lysanderspooner.org/node/35 this is a must-read 3278;1367115523;assbot;[BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.41 BTC [-] 3279;1367115900;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4681 BTC [+] 3280;1367116138;assbot;[BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 20 @ 0.1999 = 3.998 BTC [+] 3281;1367116440;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.4788 = 0.9576 BTC [+] 3282;1367116441;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 3 @ 0.4683 = 1.4049 BTC [-] 3283;1367117040;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 3 @ 0.4651 = 1.3953 BTC [-] 3284;1367117080;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.23 BTC [-] 3285;1367117280;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 3 @ 0.4788 = 1.4364 BTC [+] 3286;1367117761;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 3 @ 0.4671 = 1.4013 BTC [-] 3287;1367117851;assbot;[BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.19 BTC [+] 3288;1367117940;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4788 BTC [+] 3289;1367117975;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2542 BTC [+] 3290;1367117984;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.269 BTC [+] 3291;1367118037;mircea_popescu;!t m ^oix 3292;1367118037;assbot;[MPEX:^OIX] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: 53.25474403 / 141.37575896 / 339.46171704 (70 shares, 3.72 BTC), 30D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC) 3293;1367118240;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.4788 = 0.9576 BTC [+] 3294;1367118773;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 1.269999 = 12.7 BTC [+] 3295;1367118820;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.288 BTC [+] 3296;1367118831;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 1.289 = 12.89 BTC [+] 3297;1367118839;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1585 @ 0.00070705 = 1.1207 BTC [+] 3298;1367118841;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2615 @ 0.00069449 = 1.8161 BTC [-] 3299;1367118883;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 1.299 = 12.99 BTC [+] 3300;1367118928;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2989 BTC [-] 3301;1367119561;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 3 @ 0.4788 = 1.4364 BTC [+] 3302;1367119622;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5700 @ 0.00071 = 4.047 BTC [+] 3303;1367119680;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 9 @ 0.46 = 4.14 BTC [-] 3304;1367120364;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13850 @ 0.00071 = 9.8335 BTC [+] 3305;1367120373;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 6 @ 1.29 = 7.74 BTC [-] 3306;1367121121;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 8 @ 0.4501 = 3.6008 BTC [-] 3307;1367121181;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.4501 = 0.9002 BTC [-] 3308;1367121205;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-TRADING-PT] 2 @ 0.2908 = 0.5816 BTC [+] 3309;1367121240;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.474 = 0.948 BTC [+] 3310;1367121350;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.299 BTC [+] 3311;1367121356;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 1.3 = 6.5 BTC [+] 3312;1367121360;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 9 @ 0.4749 = 4.2741 BTC [+] 3313;1367121600;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 5 @ 0.479 = 2.395 BTC [+] 3314;1367121629;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 7 @ 0.01 = 0.07 BTC [+] 3315;1367121660;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.45000001 = 0.9 BTC [-] 3316;1367121661;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.45 BTC [-] 3317;1367121781;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.45 BTC [-] 3318;1367121782;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.45 BTC [-] 3319;1367121784;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.45 BTC [-] 3320;1367121839;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.47889999 = 0.9578 BTC [+] 3321;1367121841;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 5 @ 0.4787 = 2.3935 BTC [-] 3322;1367121899;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4787 BTC [-] 3323;1367121960;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 11 @ 0.4501 = 4.9511 BTC [-] 3324;1367122019;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 3 @ 0.47899999 = 1.437 BTC [+] 3325;1367122021;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 10 @ 0.45 = 4.5 BTC [-] 3326;1367122080;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 5 @ 0.479 = 2.395 BTC [+] 3327;1367122140;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 3 @ 0.48 = 1.44 BTC [+] 3328;1367122141;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 3 @ 0.4824 = 1.4472 BTC [+] 3329;1367122200;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 3 @ 0.4824 = 1.4472 BTC [+] 3330;1367122341;assbot;[MPEX] [S.DICE] 380 @ 0.00302263 = 1.1486 BTC [+] 3331;1367123625;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1059 @ 0.00069449 = 0.7355 BTC [-] 3332;1367123638;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4050 @ 0.00068417 = 2.7709 BTC [-] 3333;1367123640;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5500 @ 0.00068289 = 3.7559 BTC [-] 3334;1367124120;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 3 @ 0.4669 = 1.4007 BTC [-] 3335;1367124252;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 1.298 = 6.49 BTC [-] 3336;1367124326;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 1.299899 = 6.4995 BTC [+] 3337;1367124420;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 8 @ 0.4426 = 3.5408 BTC [-] 3338;1367124480;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 3 @ 0.44250001 = 1.3275 BTC [-] 3339;1367124540;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 8 @ 0.4649 = 3.7192 BTC [+] 3340;1367124601;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4425 BTC [-] 3341;1367124602;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 4 @ 0.44138 = 1.7655 BTC [-] 3342;1367124661;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.44138 BTC [-] 3343;1367124720;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 5 @ 0.44135 = 2.2068 BTC [-] 3344;1367124781;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4412 BTC [-] 3345;1367124840;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 10 @ 0.47150001 = 4.715 BTC [+] 3346;1367124900;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.43505 = 0.8701 BTC [-] 3347;1367124960;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.44 = 0.88 BTC [+] 3348;1367125020;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.4305 = 0.861 BTC [-] 3349;1367125080;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4305 BTC [-] 3350;1367125081;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4305 BTC [-] 3351;1367125200;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 10 @ 0.4848999 = 4.849 BTC [+] 3352;1367125321;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4314 BTC [-] 3353;1367125322;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 4 @ 0.4313 = 1.7252 BTC [-] 3354;1367125470;assbot;[BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 3 @ 0.1 = 0.3 BTC [-] 3355;1367125501;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 17 @ 0.4314 = 7.3338 BTC [+] 3356;1367125560;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 6 @ 0.4754 = 2.8524 BTC [+] 3357;1367125561;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 3 @ 0.4798 = 1.4394 BTC [+] 3358;1367125562;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.47989999 BTC [+] 3359;1367125620;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 4 @ 0.47989999 = 1.9196 BTC [+] 3360;1367125691;topace_;wow vtx is on fire tonight 3361;1367125696;topace_;!ticker h vtx 3362;1367125697;assbot;[HAVELOCK:VTX] 1D: 0.43050000 / 0.46243864 / 0.48489990 (270 shares, 124.85843305 BTC), 7D: 0.39140000 / 0.45680882 / 0.49750000 (1142 shares, 521.67567442 BTC), 30D: 0.18000000 / 0.40186193 / 0.61488800 (6201 shares, 2491.94585868 BTC) 3363;1367125800;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 5 @ 0.47989999 = 2.3995 BTC [+] 3364;1367125802;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 10 @ 0.4370002 = 4.37 BTC [-] 3365;1367125813;dub;!seen burnside 3366;1367125828;dub;;;seen burnside 3367;1367125828;gribble;burnside was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 weeks, 3 days, 5 hours, 57 minutes, and 41 seconds ago: gonna be traveling for the next week or so. any inquiries PM me on the forums or send a support request via btct.co. 3368;1367125861;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 8 @ 0.4799 = 3.8392 BTC [+] 3369;1367126281;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 3 @ 0.4477 = 1.3431 BTC [-] 3370;1367126941;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 3 @ 0.44999999 = 1.35 BTC [+] 3371;1367126942;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 6 @ 0.434 = 2.604 BTC [-] 3372;1367127121;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 5 @ 0.4698 = 2.349 BTC [+] 3373;1367127660;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 3 @ 0.43415 = 1.3025 BTC [-] 3374;1367127720;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4341 BTC [-] 3375;1367127721;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 3 @ 0.4341 = 1.3023 BTC [-] 3376;1367127780;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 6 @ 0.4647 = 2.7882 BTC [+] 3377;1367127840;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 4 @ 0.4647 = 1.8588 BTC [+] 3378;1367127841;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4304 BTC [-] 3379;1367128016;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.BBET-PT] 5 @ 0.00171 = 0.0086 BTC [-] 3380;1367128080;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 18 @ 0.4304 = 7.7472 BTC [-] 3381;1367128140;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 3 @ 0.4744 = 1.4232 BTC [+] 3382;1367128141;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.4744 = 0.9488 BTC [+] 3383;1367128197;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2501 BTC [-] 3384;1367128201;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 3 @ 0.4752 = 1.4256 BTC [+] 3385;1367128202;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 6 @ 0.4752 = 2.8512 BTC [+] 3386;1367128203;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 1.25 = 3.75 BTC [-] 3387;1367128379;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 6 @ 0.4305 = 2.583 BTC [-] 3388;1367128381;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 4 @ 0.4304 = 1.7216 BTC [-] 3389;1367128440;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.4314 = 0.8628 BTC [+] 3390;1367128441;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.4314 = 0.8628 BTC [+] 3391;1367128442;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4304 BTC [-] 3392;1367128500;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 2 @ 1.210001 = 2.42 BTC [+] 3393;1367128740;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 4 @ 0.45 = 1.8 BTC [+] 3394;1367129336;assbot;[BTCTC] [RSM] 13 @ 0.0044 = 0.0572 BTC [+] 3395;1367129940;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 10 @ 0.4714 = 4.714 BTC [+] 3396;1367131380;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 3 @ 0.4649 = 1.3947 BTC [-] 3397;1367131710;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2969 BTC [+] 3398;1367131920;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.441 BTC [-] 3399;1367132160;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4639 BTC [+] 3400;1367132299;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2969 BTC [+] 3401;1367132880;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.44 = 0.88 BTC [-] 3402;1367132940;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.45499999 BTC [+] 3403;1367133060;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.459 BTC [+] 3404;1367133120;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.43030001 = 0.8606 BTC [-] 3405;1367133181;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.459 BTC [+] 3406;1367133361;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.435 = 0.87 BTC [-] 3407;1367133420;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.459 BTC [+] 3408;1367133481;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.459 BTC [+] 3409;1367133800;xait9;anyone wanna talk btc derivs 3410;1367134140;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 6 @ 0.4304 = 2.5824 BTC [-] 3411;1367134260;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.447 BTC [+] 3412;1367134321;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4304 BTC [-] 3413;1367134500;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4638 BTC [+] 3414;1367134679;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 5 @ 0.44 = 2.2 BTC [-] 3415;1367134740;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.4304 = 0.8608 BTC [-] 3416;1367134806;ThickAsThieves;;;seen jurov 3417;1367134806;gribble;jurov was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 9 hours, 38 minutes, and 23 seconds ago: hi mjr___ 3418;1367134853;jurov;yea i'm on it 3419;1367134866;ThickAsThieves;:) 3420;1367134879;jurov;but mpex must process it first 3421;1367134886;ThickAsThieves;thx 3422;1367134920;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.45 BTC [+] 3423;1367135279;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.455 = 0.91 BTC [+] 3424;1367135460;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.445 BTC [-] 3425;1367135520;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.453 = 0.906 BTC [+] 3426;1367135700;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.4306 = 0.8612 BTC [-] 3427;1367135701;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 7 @ 0.4306 = 3.0142 BTC [-] 3428;1367135821;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 7 @ 0.4538 = 3.1766 BTC [+] 3429;1367136069;jurov;;;later tell mircea_popescu "mpbor says 12%, but i received 12.5% on bonds. i don't mind but deprived will likely find out :D" 3430;1367136070;gribble;The operation succeeded. 3431;1367136420;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.4669 = 0.9338 BTC [+] 3432;1367136540;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.4308 = 0.8616 BTC [-] 3433;1367136601;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4668 BTC [+] 3434;1367136620;jurov;capital expenses : 805.64125 BTC (6`445.13 × 12.5%) seems it really should be 12.5% 3435;1367136720;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.431 BTC [-] 3436;1367136781;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.46666 BTC [+] 3437;1367136840;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.431 BTC [-] 3438;1367136901;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4666 BTC [+] 3439;1367136960;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.431 BTC [-] 3440;1367137020;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4666 BTC [+] 3441;1367137079;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.431 BTC [-] 3442;1367137637;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.295 BTC [-] 3443;1367137972;assbot;[BTCTC] [SYNERGY] 1 @ 0.099 BTC [-] 3444;1367138083;assbot;[BTCTC] [RSM] 1 @ 0.00499 BTC [+] 3445;1367138194;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 4 @ 0.01 = 0.04 BTC [+] 3446;1367138373;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 59 @ 0.01 = 0.59 BTC [+] 3447;1367138492;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.299 BTC [+] 3448;1367138815;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 9 @ 1.295 = 11.655 BTC [-] 3449;1367139069;seongyupyoo;Mircea here? 3450;1367139110;seongyupyoo;Does anybody know how to make a blackhole address? 3451;1367139297;diana_coman;seongyupyoo maybe this would help you? http://www.cotsweb.com/blog/setting-up-a-black-hole-email-address-327.html 3452;1367139543;Diablo-D3;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DdfLtOrBPU&list=PLA9B8CDA6BA83F981 3453;1367139780;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 8 @ 1.7798 = 14.2384 BTC [+] 3454;1367140259;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 2 @ 0.31999995 = 0.64 BTC [+] 3455;1367140553;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.299 BTC [+] 3456;1367140809;KRS1;u guys hear about the attack on ltc 3457;1367140814;KRS1;<+Luke-Jr> ne0futur: also, to demonstrate, work is underway to 51% litecoin 3458;1367140849;Chaang-Noi;?? 3459;1367140852;Chaang-Noi;is luke doing it? 3460;1367140863;KRS1;was going to ask him myself..idk 3461;1367140898;Chaang-Noi;seems hard to do 3462;1367140900;KRS1; dub: What channel is this luke-jr conversation taking place in - bitcoinb-otc ? 3463;1367140913;KRS1;idk not much speed/power going on there i think 3464;1367140928;Chaang-Noi;there are a lot of miners mining ltc 3465;1367140944;Luke-Jr;Chaang-Noi: ltc scrypt is super-weak to FPGAs 3466;1367140953;KRS1;heh there we go 3467;1367140974;Chaang-Noi;if they have the ram 3468;1367140979;Luke-Jr;Chaang-Noi: even without RAM 3469;1367141013;Chaang-Noi;it seems silly to me that someone would go to the trouble to make a bunch of fpgas just to attack a coin and not mine for profit 3470;1367141022;Luke-Jr;don't need to make them 3471;1367141030;Luke-Jr;just a bitstream for existing bitcoin fpgas 3472;1367141052;Chaang-Noi;so, this is your project then? 3473;1367141057;Luke-Jr;nope 3474;1367141066;Luke-Jr;not mine 3475;1367141080;Chaang-Noi;i kinda doubt someone go to that trouble to kill litecoin when they could make massive oney 3476;1367141096;Luke-Jr;well, they plan to do both :p 3477;1367141112;Chaang-Noi;who is they? 3478;1367141126;Luke-Jr;not telling that 3479;1367141142;Chaang-Noi;well they will need a shit load of fpgas anyway 3480;1367141148;Luke-Jr;10 is enough 3481;1367141160;Chaang-Noi;lol 3482;1367141161;Luke-Jr;maybe a few more if more GPUs switch 3483;1367141165;Chaang-Noi;i kinda doub that 3484;1367141175;Luke-Jr;k 3485;1367141208;Chaang-Noi;10 fpgas can out do 1000's if not 10,000s gpus 3486;1367141236;Chaang-Noi;i find that very hard to belive 3487;1367141288;Luke-Jr;well, we'll see when it's done 3488;1367141336;Chaang-Noi;yeah 3489;1367141407;maximian;luke-jr: i missed some of the conversation - is this attack underway or will it be soon? 3490;1367141451;Luke-Jr;maximian: probably in a few weeks 3491;1367141463;maximian;interesting 3492;1367141485;maximian;should be fun watching the trollbox :) 3493;1367141499;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.299 BTC [+] 3494;1367141923;Chaang-Noi;time to dump all my ltc (troll face) 3495;1367142985;mircea_popescu;jurov no it was 12.5 3496;1367143032;mircea_popescu;o i see, it's 12.5 in the capital expenses and 12 in mpbor line lol. ty. 3497;1367143221;mircea_popescu;http://polimedia.us/dtng/c/src/136711955998.jpg 3498;1367143227;mircea_popescu;and top o' da mornin' to everyone. 3499;1367143452;assbot;[BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 2 @ 0.0159 = 0.0318 BTC [-] 3500;1367143958;Chaang-Noi;,prning 3501;1367143963;Chaang-Noi;i mean morning 3502;1367144117;mircea_popescu;lol. hi. 3503;1367144123;mircea_popescu;how's the pietrilla conference ? 3504;1367144137;Chaang-Noi;i think he invited you 3505;1367144141;Chaang-Noi;he updated his thread 3506;1367144160;Chaang-Noi;honestly i dont think anyone will go 3507;1367144170;Chaang-Noi;even if it was going to do something its like a week away 3508;1367144173;Chaang-Noi;or 2 weeks 3509;1367144178;mircea_popescu;i have no idea why is he going so weird about things. 3510;1367144190;mircea_popescu;i mean, on the face of it : he seems to have a silver broker business or something. 3511;1367144217;mircea_popescu;instead of being sane he's been making himself this assclown all over the forum (way before this supernode thing, if you read his history) 3512;1367144218;Chaang-Noi;yeah 3513;1367144220;mircea_popescu;i just don't get it. 3514;1367144234;Chaang-Noi;i think he just made like a shit load of money and thinks it will keep going up at this rate 3515;1367144249;mircea_popescu;he doesn't really sound like that to me, but hey. 3516;1367144250;Chaang-Noi;if he bought his 2400 coins at $10 thats a good return for a few months 3517;1367144258;Chaang-Noi;maybe he just cant handle the wealthy 3518;1367144277;mircea_popescu;get out of here. 3519;1367144285;mircea_popescu;he bought his coins by selling silver and buying in the 1-200 range 3520;1367144291;mircea_popescu;he's said so, at that time. 3521;1367144301;Chaang-Noi;i see 3522;1367144303;Chaang-Noi;well... 3523;1367144310;Chaang-Noi;i dont know then 3524;1367144325;Chaang-Noi;maybe he just expects it to go to crazy, he said 300$ for mBTC in 2014 3525;1367144343;Chaang-Noi;thats like what 20k usd per coins? something silly... 3526;1367144355;mircea_popescu;300k per coin. 3527;1367144363;mircea_popescu;1btc = 1k mbtc neh ? 3528;1367144364;Chaang-Noi;thats a bit much 3529;1367144386;mircea_popescu;http://polimedia.us/trilema/2013/lets-capture-forum-bugs-in-amber/ 3530;1367144388;Chaang-Noi;maybe he is trying to be a btc player but is just too noob to know wtf he is doing 3531;1367144427;mircea_popescu;there. if he didn't sell during the collapse, he has some coins bought at 70ish 3532;1367144446;mircea_popescu;like 2k btc. 3533;1367144453;Chaang-Noi;he said he did not sell at the 200 but told others too 3534;1367144471;Chaang-Noi;he claims to have 2.4k ish btc 3535;1367144478;mircea_popescu;i mean, if he didn't sell in a panic back in march when btc collapsed to 50, 3536;1367144489;mircea_popescu;then he might still have 2, heck, 2.5k btc bought at 72 3537;1367144521;mircea_popescu;which is a pretty decent gains, whatever, 100k usd or what is it 3538;1367144526;Chaang-Noi;yeah i remember him talking about buying them at 70ish 3539;1367144532;Chaang-Noi;he was trying to get someone to buy for him 3540;1367144533;mircea_popescu;so then that's it. 3541;1367144540;Chaang-Noi;i wondered if he was a scammer at the time, guess not 3542;1367144552;mircea_popescu;well, this is all no proof. 3543;1367144555;Chaang-Noi;its in the now locked wall observer thread 3544;1367144570;mircea_popescu;it's just if we follow his own declarations there's a coherent construction that can be made. 3545;1367144582;Chaang-Noi;he could not even prove he had 13 btc, and lost it to a troll, that was fucking lulz 3546;1367144607;Chaang-Noi;im not sure what his conferance is really about, other than showing off how rich he/we are 3547;1367144609;Chaang-Noi;seems silly 3548;1367144627;mircea_popescu;well basically mpoe-pr was saying he's trying to copy mine 3549;1367144646;mircea_popescu;not necessarily a bad idea but he's going assbackwards about things 3550;1367144658;Chaang-Noi;you had a conferance? 3551;1367144789;mircea_popescu;well yes. 3552;1367144804;Chaang-Noi;i did not get the invite:) 3553;1367144824;mircea_popescu;well ya, most nobody did. 3554;1367144837;mircea_popescu;the select comittee on bitcoin affairs. 3555;1367144865;Chaang-Noi;lol 3556;1367144869;Chaang-Noi;was it in romania? 3557;1367144882;mircea_popescu;yup. 3558;1367144889;mircea_popescu;http://polimedia.us/trilema/2013/the-stuff-all-good-conspiracy-theories-start-with/ 3559;1367144894;mircea_popescu;there, see who you recognise. 3560;1367144923;Chaang-Noi;eric and you 3561;1367144957;Chaang-Noi;i think iv seen the guy on the far left 3562;1367144964;Chaang-Noi;on top photo 3563;1367144976;mircea_popescu;well that's something. 3564;1367144998;Chaang-Noi;then you pr girl on the lower one 3565;1367145011;Chaang-Noi;thats about it 3566;1367145020;mircea_popescu;next to her is my cfo and next to her is my lead counsel. 3567;1367145032;Chaang-Noi;yeah id not know them 3568;1367145047;mircea_popescu;and in the top pic right under me woman behind chair is martha mcculler, my cto 3569;1367145659;mircea_popescu;i guess this is the only biz in bitcoin with more women than men involved or some shit. 3570;1367145685;Chaang-Noi;what about the brothels that take btc? 3571;1367145721;mircea_popescu;do those exist yet ? 3572;1367145759;Chaang-Noi;iv been told they do, in eurpe 3573;1367145800;mircea_popescu;eh this legend with europe 3574;1367145818;mircea_popescu;before the btc brothel, everyone in bdsm was convinced there exist these magical dungeons "in europe" 3575;1367145843;mircea_popescu;for some reason everyone thinks everything they can dream up is in europe. sorta like a modern day xanadu 3576;1367145852;Chaang-Noi;iv seen an advertisemnt, could have been a hoax 3577;1367145868;mircea_popescu;link ? 3578;1367145881;Chaang-Noi;long time ago and it was on tor 3579;1367145899;Chaang-Noi;i dont know it was real or not 3580;1367145909;Chaang-Noi;i was just looking to see what btc operations were on tor 3581;1367145929;Chaang-Noi;evidently some freelancers take btc too 3582;1367145973;mircea_popescu;well ya. 3583;1367145986;mircea_popescu;it's weird tho, pretty much the money trail is the only way to make a prostitution bust stick 3584;1367145996;mircea_popescu;yet afaik the girls haven't figured out bitcoin. 3585;1367145998;mircea_popescu;stupid. 3586;1367146025;Chaang-Noi;well customers need to have it 3587;1367146035;usagi;it looks like nefario is in the second picture....... 3588;1367146051;usagi;lol that really does look like him doesn' tit 3589;1367146055;mircea_popescu;customers don't want their car impounded. 3590;1367146079;mircea_popescu;i'm not talking about being a lazy ass cokehead and taking whatwever customers have. 3591;1367146088;mircea_popescu;i'm talking about being smart. which actually many whores are. 3592;1367146094;Chaang-Noi;nefario? lol 3593;1367146100;mircea_popescu;lmao 3594;1367146479;mircea_popescu;;;bc,hash 5000 3595;1367146479;gribble;Error: "bc,hash" is not a valid command. 3596;1367146488;mircea_popescu;bah. what's the command to eval mining results ? 3597;1367146620;Chaang-Noi;no idea 3598;1367146633;mircea_popescu;;;genrate 5000 3599;1367146634;gribble;The expected generation output, at 5000.0 Mhps, given difficulty of 8974296.01489, is 0.280192739128 BTC per day and 0.0116746974637 BTC per hour. 3600;1367146650;Chaang-Noi;who is the guy left of eric in the tip photo? 3601;1367146659;mircea_popescu;so people are bidding 30 btc on those blade boards for a chance to make .3 a day ? 3602;1367146662;mircea_popescu;ridoinculous. 3603;1367146680;mircea_popescu;Chaang-Noi he's in this chan, all i'm gonna say. 3604;1367146719;Chaang-Noi;iv seen him before 3605;1367146724;Chaang-Noi;jurov? 3606;1367146727;Namworld;Everything mining related is now ridiculously expensive 3607;1367146738;mircea_popescu;Chaang-Noi no, jurov is in the other pic 3608;1367146756;Chaang-Noi;well i know iv seen him before 3609;1367146764;Chaang-Noi;if not met him 3610;1367146782;mircea_popescu;i'm curious if you remember. 3611;1367146802;Chaang-Noi;burtw? 3612;1367146808;mircea_popescu;Namworld yea i agree. i mean... 100 days to breakeven w/o power or any other costs 3613;1367146815;mircea_popescu;and then there's going to be a ton of these deployed 3614;1367146817;mircea_popescu;Chaang-Noi nah 3615;1367146834;mircea_popescu;burtw is not in this chan is he 3616;1367146841;Chaang-Noi;well i dont know, but im pretty sure iv seen him before somewhere 3617;1367146870;mircea_popescu;unless he wants to out himself... 3618;1367146896;Chaang-Noi;not a big deal 3619;1367147028;mircea_popescu;;;nethash 3620;1367147029;gribble;72692.2434045 3621;1367147042;mircea_popescu;72th, srsly ?! 3622;1367147054;mircea_popescu;boy we've grown. 3623;1367147066;Chaang-Noi;people are buying gpus to mine, no joke 3624;1367147077;mircea_popescu;yeah at this price... 3625;1367147085;Chaang-Noi;and i wonder if bfl is mining with their half working shit 3626;1367147097;Chaang-Noi;id almost buy shit too, and then mine ltc with it 3627;1367147103;Chaang-Noi;but im pretty lazy 3628;1367147152;Chaang-Noi;AM is adding as well 3629;1367147313;mircea_popescu;"if you get back all your btc, while me and others lost all our fiat, i will do everything to make the site owner life hard not to share the lost beetween customers" 3630;1367147318;mircea_popescu;lol. fiat sucks. get used to it. 3631;1367147405;assbot;[BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 4 @ 0.0159 = 0.0636 BTC [-] 3632;1367147472;assbot;[BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 21 @ 0.0163 = 0.3423 BTC [+] 3633;1367147565;assbot;[BTCTC] [LTC-MINING] 1 @ 0.4 BTC [+] 3634;1367147686;assbot;[BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 1 @ 0.1018 BTC [+] 3635;1367147752;assbot;[BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 1 @ 0.1025 BTC [+] 3636;1367147862;assbot;[BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 1 @ 0.103 BTC [+] 3637;1367147890;assbot;[BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 1 @ 0.104 BTC [+] 3638;1367148259;assbot;[BTCTC] [GSDPT] 2 @ 0.003322 = 0.0066 BTC [+] 3639;1367148719;KRS1;;;goxlag 3640;1367148720;gribble;MtGox lag is 0.860826 seconds. During this time, light travels 0.00172508566571 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin across the outer diameter of Saturn's rings (0.0024 AU). 3641;1367148740;kakobrekla;13:04.26 ( Chaang-Noi ) people are buying gpus to mine, no joke 3642;1367148748;kakobrekla;they are even buying ztex fpga 3643;1367148767;kakobrekla;which is like ~1k eur for less than a GH 3644;1367148778;kakobrekla;retaded 3645;1367148814;kakobrekla;also i have seen icarus which costs 500e or something to go for 15bt 3646;1367148824;kakobrekla;a used one ofc. 3647;1367148881;KRS1;wow..whats next? little kids wont even be able go get that new gpu they wanted to play space warriors X for Christmas? 3648;1367148904;mircea_popescu;pretty much. 3649;1367148914;mircea_popescu;luckily the good gpus (ati) are useless for mining 3650;1367148922;mircea_popescu;this may perversely actually destroy nvidia 3651;1367148932;mircea_popescu;as we buy all their products they're losing market share in the gaming mkt. 3652;1367148952;KRS1;ATI are useless for mining? Thats all I used to use..hell 3 6970's gave me 1.2 Ghash 3653;1367148961;mircea_popescu;or wait no 3654;1367148966;mircea_popescu;i got it backwards. nvidia. 3655;1367148970;KRS1;nvidia..the other way round =D 3656;1367148977;mircea_popescu;yeah. 3657;1367148986;KRS1;man did they miss the boat on that one 3658;1367149006;KRS1;they were looking for an entirely different market like weather modeling 3659;1367149167;KRS1;sorry for correcting you- easy mistake to make 3660;1367149200;KRS1;lol@bitpotato.com 3661;1367149204;Chaang-Noi;kakobrekla you saw on ebay some of the cassicus coins selling for 2k usd? 3662;1367149210;Chaang-Noi;people just want into btc 3663;1367149211;KRS1;wtf is next..tampons? 3664;1367149213;kakobrekla;yes 3665;1367149214;mircea_popescu;what do you mean sorry lol. if you hadn't said anything it'd still be there lol 3666;1367149218;kakobrekla;i have some of those coins 3667;1367149223;kakobrekla;but i dont have ebay acc 3668;1367149225;Chaang-Noi;i have some as well 3669;1367149231;Chaang-Noi;yeah same here, fuck ebay 3670;1367149233;kakobrekla;Chaang-Noi ill sell for 1k to you and you sell for 2k on bay 3671;1367149240;Chaang-Noi;lol 3672;1367149249;Chaang-Noi;i have my own but thanks:) also fuck ebay:) 3673;1367149254;kakobrekla;hehe 3674;1367149275;kakobrekla;this bitcoin is getting all fucked up 3675;1367149282;kakobrekla;too main stream 3676;1367149290;Chaang-Noi;haha 3677;1367149294;mircea_popescu;omg scam 3678;1367149304;mircea_popescu;you know, thios would be pretty cool, iof instead of claiming hack 3679;1367149309;Chaang-Noi;just wait until paypal and western union start using it 3680;1367149310;mircea_popescu;the scammer start claiming "too lame". 3681;1367149407;Chaang-Noi;AM selling 50 blades this time around 3682;1367149421;KRS1;how can i get in on them blades 3683;1367149429;Chaang-Noi;auction on the forum 3684;1367149441;kakobrekla;urlpls 3685;1367149442;Chaang-Noi;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=189248 3686;1367149448;mircea_popescu;ya it was like at 30 3687;1367149453;Chaang-Noi;no paypal 3688;1367149456;mircea_popescu;i was saying before, insanity. 3689;1367149473;Chaang-Noi;a day left still 3690;1367149476;kakobrekla;hmmm 3691;1367149478;Chaang-Noi;last went for 75 3692;1367149485;Chaang-Noi;these should go 50 ormore 3693;1367149495;kakobrekla;top ptice is 35 now 3694;1367149508;kakobrekla;::calc bc,convert eur 3695;1367149512;mircea_popescu;da fuck tho seriously. they are 5gh/s right ? 3696;1367149513;kakobrekla;wtf 3697;1367149516;kakobrekla;im half sleep 3698;1367149522;kakobrekla;;;bc,convert eur 3699;1367149523;gribble;1 BTC = 133.83000 U.S. dollars = 102.732786 Euros 3700;1367149530;kakobrekla;also half sheep 3701;1367149537;mircea_popescu;shleep 3702;1367149543;mircea_popescu;btw did you see the fluorescent sheeps ? 3703;1367149545;kakobrekla;hm 3704;1367149550;kakobrekla;i dont think so 3705;1367149563;Chaang-Noi;they are 10 ghs 3706;1367149564;mircea_popescu;http://www.nodeju.com/8327/fluorescent-sheep-born-in-uruguay.html 3707;1367149567;kakobrekla;;;bc,genrate 1 3708;1367149568;gribble;Error: "bc,genrate" is not a valid command. 3709;1367149571;kakobrekla;;;bc,gen 1 3710;1367149571;gribble;use the 'genrate' command instead 3711;1367149577;mircea_popescu;;;genrate 10000 3712;1367149578;gribble;The expected generation output, at 10000.0 Mhps, given difficulty of 8974296.01489, is 0.560385478255 BTC per day and 0.0233493949273 BTC per hour. 3713;1367149578;kakobrekla;dammit 3714;1367149581;kakobrekla;a 3715;1367149599;mircea_popescu;Chaang-Noi ok so not quite insane as i originally thought. still pretty insane 3716;1367149604;kakobrekla;thats 10 jigga hash right 3717;1367149611;mircea_popescu;ya 3718;1367149616;kakobrekla;sheesh 3719;1367149629;mircea_popescu;and! diff is for sure 10mn by end of month 3720;1367149636;mircea_popescu;or ealry next 3721;1367149638;kakobrekla;;;bc,stats 3722;1367149641;gribble;Current Blocks: 233564 | Current Difficulty: 8974296.01488785 | Next Difficulty At Block: 233855 | Next Difficulty In: 291 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 day, 21 hours, 21 minutes, and 2 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 9972380.59898 | Estimated Percent Change: 11.12159 3723;1367149650;kakobrekla;ha 3724;1367149653;kakobrekla;that bet 3725;1367149655;kakobrekla;... 3726;1367149659;mircea_popescu;ya lol 3727;1367149670;mircea_popescu;like JUST on the cusp. 3728;1367149676;mircea_popescu;incredible shit. 3729;1367149704;kakobrekla;so hm 3730;1367149715;kakobrekla;you need 100 days at current diff 3731;1367149721;kakobrekla;to get the money back 3732;1367149726;kakobrekla;which is more like 300 3733;1367149732;kakobrekla;on the end 3734;1367149741;kakobrekla;if the board lives that long 3735;1367149746;mircea_popescu;o look at this. Chaang-Noi apparently you're invited. 3736;1367149749;mircea_popescu;"Goat MP satoshi" 3737;1367149761;assbot;[BTCTC] [RSM] 398 @ 0.005 = 1.99 BTC [+] 3738;1367149761;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla ikr? 3739;1367149782;kakobrekla;myea 3740;1367149786;kakobrekla;i guess im out 3741;1367149822;mircea_popescu;"I purposely omitted people not in this forum from the list." 3742;1367149827;mircea_popescu;see ? i'm on the forum. you're not. 3743;1367149829;mircea_popescu;noob. 3744;1367149857;mircea_popescu;funny list tho 3745;1367149874;kakobrekla;where is that from? 3746;1367149880;mircea_popescu;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=174620.msg1965013#msg1965013 3747;1367149884;mircea_popescu;sorta informative, 3748;1367149893;mircea_popescu;shows us what the noobs think are the movers and shakers. 3749;1367149895;mircea_popescu;sirius etc. 3750;1367149910;mircea_popescu;sorta like asking the tv crowd their idea on who runs america 3751;1367149928;mircea_popescu;"that rap producer guy, that boxing promoter guy, obama and that chick on twitter". 3752;1367149992;kakobrekla;hm 3753;1367149996;kakobrekla;im not on the list. 3754;1367150003;mircea_popescu;"The reason there are pledges, which cost more and more when the # of participants is increasing, is that otherwise I would benefit too much from the tickets. The ticket income increases quadratically with the number of admissions, the costs go up perhaps in the 1.5th power. " 3755;1367150009;mircea_popescu;this math. bitcoin is based on it. 3756;1367150045;pigeons;maff 3757;1367150169;kakobrekla;imma just a sub node sector zappa 6b 3758;1367150175;kakobrekla;not relevant enough :( 3759;1367150289;kakobrekla;http://vimeo.com/26149808 3760;1367150803;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.299 = 2.598 BTC [+] 3761;1367150813;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.299 = 2.598 BTC [+] 3762;1367150817;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.299 BTC [+] 3763;1367150915;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.299899 = 2.5998 BTC [+] 3764;1367150924;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 25 @ 1.3 = 32.5 BTC [+] 3765;1367150929;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 1.3 = 6.5 BTC [+] 3766;1367150937;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 14 @ 1.3 = 18.2 BTC [+] 3767;1367151013;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla The mystery man came over and he said "I'm outta sight!" 3768;1367151013;mircea_popescu;He said for a nominal service charge I could reach nirvana tonight 3769;1367151151;KRS1;I wouldnt mind reaching nirvana at some point..i'm sure it involves a long legged blonde at some point 3770;1367151174;KRS1;d'oh 3771;1367151582;error4733;;;next 3772;1367151582;gribble;targets: 150, 160-164 | resistance: 136, 140 | support: 120, 118-114, 106-103 | updated by OneFixt at Apr 28 2013, 00:29 UTC ( tips: http://bit.ly/YnxUM4 ) | disclaimer: http://bit.ly/129bYJ6 | this is not investment or trading advice | #bitcoin-analysis | 11 hours, 50 minutes, and 42 seconds ago 3773;1367151832;Chaang-Noi;mp yeah i said you got invited and yeah me too, right along with satoshi, lulz 3774;1367151911;Chaang-Noi;mp that list is mostly people from the wall obeservation thread 3775;1367151911;Chaang-Noi;i would not mind going to findland but i really dont think much will come of this 3776;1367151978;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5000 @ 0.00066644 = 3.3322 BTC [-] 3777;1367151980;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5150 @ 0.00066643 = 3.4321 BTC [-] 3778;1367152069;Chaang-Noi;lol what? 3779;1367152080;assbot;[MPEX] [S.DICE] 1200 @ 0.00300427 = 3.6051 BTC [-] 3780;1367152258;Uglux;wow dat AM auction, and still one day left 3781;1367152675;ThickAsThieves;these call options are overpriced... 3782;1367152692;ThickAsThieves;$195 is best breakeven 3783;1367152754;error4733;Mp backstop ;) 3784;1367152776;ThickAsThieves;so now we need 50% swings to make any money... 3785;1367152788;ThickAsThieves;bastion of satbility that is 3786;1367152792;ThickAsThieves;stability* 3787;1367152814;error4733;how many 50% swing this month ? 3788;1367152850;error4733;4? 5? 3789;1367152883;ThickAsThieves;except when it was factoring those it was even worse 3790;1367152910;ThickAsThieves;also, what about the 2years of history before 3791;1367152927;ThickAsThieves;your point makes sense 3792;1367152935;ThickAsThieves;but it also cripples options 3793;1367153561;assbot;[MPEX] [O.USD.P161T] 1 @ 0.79690016 BTC 3794;1367153623;error4733;Haha, 3795;1367153641;assbot;[MPEX] [O.USD.C107T] 3 @ 0.45517597 = 1.3655 BTC [-] 3796;1367153667;ThickAsThieves;there :/ 3797;1367153679;ThickAsThieves;i'll dabble 3798;1367153683;error4733;i'm with you for the call 3799;1367153760;error4733;just need one drama monday 3800;1367153843;mircea_popescu;error4733 ya lol 3801;1367153966;error4733;black april is not finish yet... be ready for the final 3802;1367154023;mircea_popescu;"You can easily buy money with coolness. You can hardly buy coolness with money." 3803;1367154025;mircea_popescu;dude this thread is gomedy cold. 3804;1367154120;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla wtf, is assets +i now ? 3805;1367154142;kakobrekla;ops 3806;1367154143;kakobrekla;my bad 3807;1367154169;mircea_popescu;ppl were like "invite me plz" i was wtf ?! 3808;1367154190;KRS-1;ya well I started talking shit about obama and next thing i know my power went out 3809;1367154225;Chaang-Noi;i was kicked? 3810;1367154230;kakobrekla;not yet 3811;1367154235;mircea_popescu;Chaang-Noi well ironically i usually go to finland/estonia/whatever in summer 3812;1367154244;mircea_popescu;but april kinda early. 3813;1367154303;Chaang-Noi;* Cannot join #bitcoin-assets (Channel is invite only). 3814;1367154309;Chaang-Noi;well its in may but still 3815;1367154323;Chaang-Noi;id be tempted to go if some other btc people were going but its too soon 3816;1367154359;mircea_popescu;i kinda don't like these "let's do something everything" affairs tbh. 3817;1367154390;Chaang-Noi;yeah, i dont see what will be done, i also dont see who is going 3818;1367154432;KRS-1;Thank you Mircea, you were the only one I could think of. Who can I msg next time or who is ops that is usually here 3819;1367154499;mircea_popescu;i don't have ops lol 3820;1367154568;Chaang-Noi;kako has ops 3821;1367154839;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla if you want +i you probably need to add a whole list of +I first 3822;1367154845;mircea_popescu;might not even be the worst idea. 3823;1367154888;mircea_popescu;of course +r has the disadvantage that all the noob chicks wanting to go topless mpoe-pr keeps sending over won't be able to get it anymoar. 3824;1367155142;mircea_popescu;!t m ^oix 3825;1367155142;assbot;[MPEX:^OIX] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: 53.96737151 / 197.9610204 / 305.88369172 (94 shares, 7.88 BTC), 30D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC) 3826;1367155150;mircea_popescu;200 eh. 3827;1367155177;KRS-1;wtf 3828;1367155182;KRS-1;damnit gribble 3829;1367155208;KRS-1;noobs are buying up those potatos 3830;1367155754;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.3085 BTC [+] 3831;1367156076;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.3086 = 2.6172 BTC [+] 3832;1367156216;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.3085 = 2.617 BTC [-] 3833;1367156756;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.3085 BTC [-] 3834;1367156831;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 8 @ 0.00275 = 0.022 BTC [-] 3835;1367156853;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 1.3086 = 5.2344 BTC [+] 3836;1367157142;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 1.3086 = 3.9258 BTC [+] 3837;1367157157;assbot;[BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 1 @ 0.0163 BTC [+] 3838;1367157181;assbot;[BTCTC] [RSM] 1 @ 0.005 BTC [+] 3839;1367157471;kakobrekla;or +m and have a voicelist 3840;1367157492;kakobrekla;but whatever it will be, it will be after the boobs are found. 3841;1367157527;assbot;[BTCTC] [RSM] 316 @ 0.005 = 1.58 BTC [+] 3842;1367157695;mircea_popescu;yeah. trilema is +m and voicelisted. 3843;1367157796;KRS-1;anyone know this cat Betcoin was 6d825f55@gateway/web/freenode/ip. * 3844;1367157903;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 9 @ 1.28 = 11.52 BTC [-] 3845;1367158395;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15000 @ 0.00065421 = 9.8132 BTC [-] 3846;1367158397;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3450 @ 0.0006524 = 2.2508 BTC [-] 3847;1367158994;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.308 BTC [+] 3848;1367158999;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.3088 BTC [+] 3849;1367159004;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.319 BTC [+] 3850;1367159008;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.32 BTC [+] 3851;1367159317;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27200 @ 0.00066367 = 18.0518 BTC [+] 3852;1367159318;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3511 @ 0.00067064 = 2.3546 BTC [+] 3853;1367159980;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.32 = 2.64 BTC [+] 3854;1367160525;assbot;[BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 6 @ 0.015 = 0.09 BTC [-] 3855;1367160650;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2801 BTC [-] 3856;1367160709;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9851 @ 0.00067648 = 6.664 BTC [+] 3857;1367160820;assbot;[BTCTC] [BITVPS] 55 @ 0.001887 = 0.1038 BTC [+] 3858;1367161430;Chaang-Noi;nice to see AM at 1.28 bids:) 3859;1367161438;Chaang-Noi;should be really nice this time next week 3860;1367161574;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2801 BTC [-] 3861;1367162043;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.3199 BTC [+] 3862;1367162166;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.3 BTC [-] 3863;1367162180;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.29 BTC [-] 3864;1367163589;assbot;[BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 2 @ 0.1998 = 0.3996 BTC [-] 3865;1367163671;mircea_popescu;http://www.os-fashion.com/vcs-think-my-boobs-need-an-algorithm/ chick knows her shit. 3866;1367164452;truff1es;boobs arent all the same size thats why the algorithm duh 3867;1367165337;tiberiusiv;;;bids 50 3868;1367165339;gribble;There are currently 161577.74 bitcoins demanded at or over 50.0 USD, worth 13993939.8375 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0085 seconds 3869;1367165345;tiberiusiv;;;asks 200 3870;1367165345;gribble;There are currently 75062.168 bitcoins offered at or under 200.0 USD, worth 12494310.4521 USD in total. | Data vintage: 6.0760 seconds 3871;1367165486;thestringpuller;tiberiusiv: can we be friends? 3872;1367165502;thestringpuller;Or do you only take payment in bitcoin for your friend services? 3873;1367165569;thestringpuller;;;ticker 3874;1367165570;gribble;BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 136.00010, Best ask: 136.04000, Bid-ask spread: 0.03990, Last trade: 136.04000, 24 hour volume: 53937.13488029, 24 hour low: 122.71000, 24 hour high: 136.68000, 24 hour vwap: 129.76267 3875;1367165658;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu wouldn't you say this quote also applies to Paul Graham? >> " the crappy start-ups that got funding at high valuations are struggling and are unable to get Series B funding, dropping like flies, creating a tech bubble" 3876;1367165711;mircea_popescu;writing brb. 3877;1367165766;thestringpuller;Also mircea_popescu apparently she's the CEO of the company that produces this: http://www.blueseventy.com/products/2012-helix-full-suit 3878;1367165779;truff1es;i'll take friendship monies anytime 3879;1367165791;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller http://polimedia.us/trilema/2013/mind-your-step/ 3880;1367165813;mircea_popescu;aha ? not bad 3881;1367165918;thestringpuller;Alright mircea_popescu you win, lemme send you more coin for your paywall 3882;1367165928;thestringpuller;.01 gets me how many credits? 3883;1367165942;mircea_popescu;;;ticker 3884;1367165943;gribble;BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 135.60000, Best ask: 136.04000, Bid-ask spread: 0.44000, Last trade: 136.04000, 24 hour volume: 54078.06233830, 24 hour low: 122.71000, 24 hour high: 136.68000, 24 hour vwap: 129.78047 3885;1367165953;mircea_popescu;like 1.3k 3886;1367165957;thestringpuller;lets do un/pw this time 3887;1367165968;mircea_popescu;un/pw ? 3888;1367165975;thestringpuller;username password 3889;1367165979;thestringpuller;instead of based on ip 3890;1367165981;truff1es;dont subscribe ! 3891;1367165998;thestringpuller;don't subscribe to the NYT 3892;1367166007;thestringpuller;when you can use it as TP instead :P 3893;1367166008;mircea_popescu;a ywes. kk. 3894;1367166021;thestringpuller;what address should I send to? 3895;1367166151;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2911 BTC [+] 3896;1367166160;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.291 BTC [-] 3897;1367166266;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.291 BTC [-] 3898;1367166335;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.28 BTC [-] 3899;1367166367;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2801 BTC [+] 3900;1367167070;mircea_popescu;so apparently mtgox is writing a new trade engine 3901;1367167073;mircea_popescu;in brainfuck. 3902;1367167080;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 10 @ 0.4399 = 4.399 BTC [+] 3903;1367167097;mircea_popescu;++++++++++[>+++++++>++++++++++>+++>+<<<<-]>++.>+.+++++++..+++.>++.<<+++++++++++++++.>.+++.------.--------.>+.>. 3904;1367167140;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.4399 = 0.8798 BTC [+] 3905;1367167260;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4399 BTC [+] 3906;1367167262;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.4399 = 0.8798 BTC [+] 3907;1367167276;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: I once wrote a FORTH to Brainfuck compiler. Betcha they dug it out from the sands of time and are using it. 3908;1367167296;mircea_popescu;was it under 256 bytes ? 3909;1367167314;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: close to that 3910;1367167326;mircea_popescu;should fit in ram over 9000 times then 3911;1367167327;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: try it yourself, it isn't hard 3912;1367167440;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.44 BTC [+] 3913;1367167727;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu I feel as though you allude the biggest problem bitcoin faces is arrogance amongst n00bs... 3914;1367167748;mircea_popescu;nah. 3915;1367167749;thestringpuller;"I bought in at 10 dollars, now I'm rich" bullshit etc. 3916;1367167765;mircea_popescu;well not unless you expand noobs to mean everyone. 3917;1367167773;mircea_popescu;i guess arrogance is the universal problem. 3918;1367167786;thestringpuller;I would say Keiser is still a n00b. 3919;1367167792;mircea_popescu;"i'm too cool to suck cock" "i don't need to learn math" "why should i stop for red lights" etc. 3920;1367167797;thestringpuller;He just happens to have money in the bank. 3921;1367167819;thestringpuller;but people who say, "I don't need to learn math" end up coming up short when you give them money to do business. 3922;1367167822;thestringpuller;Like EVERYTIME 3923;1367167834;thestringpuller;"Oh I thought you wanted 1.40 per sale not 2 dollars" 3924;1367167871;thestringpuller;Okay maybe arrogance isn't the proper word. 3925;1367167876;thestringpuller;How about "delusional" 3926;1367167897;asciilifeform;problem is, "why should I stop for red light" is mere Darwin-food when the noob has a motorcycle. In the case of BTC, he has a trailer loaded with bricks. 3927;1367167901;mircea_popescu;well yes. the divergence between reality and representation and the complacency with the situation. source of all trouble. 3928;1367167979;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform then you question the wisdom of only allowing people on motorcycles until they show they drive well :D 3929;1367168060;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: I'm for the "mandatory pedestrian ram" plus "automatic liability of idiots" - method of traffic regulation. 3930;1367168075;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2701 BTC [-] 3931;1367168080;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.27 BTC [-] 3932;1367168115;asciilifeform;a la https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quarantine_(video_game) 3933;1367168131;mircea_popescu;hey. 3934;1367168135;mircea_popescu;you ever played death track ? 3935;1367168160;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 5 @ 0.4588 = 2.294 BTC [+] 3936;1367168161;thestringpuller;lol death track 3937;1367168161;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.46 = 0.92 BTC [+] 3938;1367168162;asciilifeform;yes 3939;1367168169;mircea_popescu;yeah. back in like 1990 3940;1367168175;thestringpuller;i didn't know they had video games in romania 3941;1367168180;mircea_popescu;we had gta, except only the cool kids with computers played it 3942;1367168189;thestringpuller;HAHAHAHAHA 3943;1367168190;thestringpuller;omg 3944;1367168192;thestringpuller;quote stolen 3945;1367168199;mircea_popescu;lol 3946;1367168243;thestringpuller;http://polimedia.us/dtng/c/src/136706164156.jpg < who is the guy on the top picture? 3947;1367168246;thestringpuller;btw 3948;1367168259;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller some forum clown 3949;1367168279;asciilifeform;is that the "Class X BTC Supernode" fellow? 3950;1367168280;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 5 @ 0.46 = 2.3 BTC [+] 3951;1367168412;mircea_popescu;yea 3952;1367168504;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu seems the billpay idea actually is working... 3953;1367168528;mircea_popescu;which one is that ? 3954;1367168580;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.312 BTC [-] 3955;1367168582;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.31200001 BTC [+] 3956;1367168582;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.31499999 BTC [+] 3957;1367168583;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 13 @ 0.315 = 4.095 BTC [+] 3958;1367168584;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 7 @ 0.31999995 = 2.24 BTC [+] 3959;1367168585;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.31999998 BTC [+] 3960;1367168609;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: http://billpayforcoins.com/ 3961;1367168619;thestringpuller;i'm sure that's crossed your browser at some point 3962;1367168642;assbot;[BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 10 @ 0.0163 = 0.163 BTC [+] 3963;1367168650;mircea_popescu;Update - 4/25/2013 3964;1367168650;mircea_popescu;Thank you all for checking us out. We are currently working on restructuring our payment backend to be in full compliance with all government regulations. We will be back up as soon as all our ducks are in a row. 3965;1367168654;mircea_popescu;i guess so much for it working. 3966;1367168674;thestringpuller;OH WOW 3967;1367168675;thestringpuller;hahahaha 3968;1367168677;troc;v.interesting, would the coins you spend that way be liable for any taxation as a benefit in kind ? 3969;1367168694;thestringpuller;troc: wouldn't that depend on where you pay from? 3970;1367168706;thestringpuller;pay via a server in africa I wouldn't think so... 3971;1367168730;thestringpuller;WHO THE FUCK IS THIS CLOWN 3972;1367168732;thestringpuller;Riley Alexander 3973;1367168733;thestringpuller;Co - Founder, Idea Engine, Master Hand Shaker 3974;1367168738;thestringpuller;Idea Engine? 3975;1367168741;thestringpuller;MASTER HAND SHAKER? 3976;1367168760;thestringpuller;"Two-Bit Entrepreneur" 3977;1367168761;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 6 @ 0.468 = 2.808 BTC [+] 3978;1367168762;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.298 BTC [+] 3979;1367168771;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.299 BTC [+] 3980;1367168787;mircea_popescu;well i dunno wtf that's all about. here you can pay other people's bills 3981;1367168793;mircea_popescu;i should know. 3982;1367168820;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 3 @ 0.4701 = 1.4103 BTC [+] 3983;1367168854;thestringpuller;come again mircea_popescu ? 3984;1367168872;mircea_popescu;i don't see what regulations they would be breaking. 3985;1367168879;mircea_popescu;so i pay X's bill. sooo ? 3986;1367168886;thestringpuller;ah 3987;1367168908;thestringpuller;I'm just sick of bitcoin entrepreneurs 3988;1367168920;thestringpuller;it's becoming worse than YCombinator shit 3989;1367168945;thestringpuller;"Hey man I have this AWESOME idea. Girls need bra's right? LETS MAKE A WEBSITE TO GET CUSTOM BRAS" 3990;1367168960;thestringpuller;As if Victoria Secret doesn't have that market seized already... 3991;1367168984;troc;billpay : say its the mortgage, it could be a neat way to avoid capital gains on BTC no ? 3992;1367169155;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller but no panties. 3993;1367169200;mircea_popescu;actually there was this french brand made a fortune by selling bra and panty sets 3994;1367169210;mircea_popescu;except they had one bra and FIVE matching panties in the pack. 3995;1367169216;mircea_popescu;wish i could recall da fuck it was called. 3996;1367169352;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.3297 BTC [+] 3997;1367169357;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.3298 BTC [+] 3998;1367169403;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2801 BTC [-] 3999;1367169498;assbot;[BTCTC] [SYNERGY] 1 @ 0.115 BTC [+] 4000;1367169718;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.32989 BTC [+] 4001;1367169724;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 1.32999 = 13.2999 BTC [+] 4002;1367169739;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 7 @ 1.331 = 9.317 BTC [+] 4003;1367169748;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.333334 BTC [+] 4004;1367170050;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.337 BTC [+] 4005;1367170079;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 27 @ 0.32 = 8.64 BTC [+] 4006;1367170125;assbot;[MPEX] [S.DICE] 1000 @ 0.00302262 = 3.0226 BTC [+] 4007;1367170340;assbot;[MPEX] [S.DICE] 3020 @ 0.00302263 = 9.1283 BTC [+] 4008;1367170371;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.346 BTC [+] 4009;1367170481;kakobrekla;moar? https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=188735.0 4010;1367170968;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.3202 BTC [-] 4011;1367170999;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.3202 BTC [-] 4012;1367171011;mircea_popescu;Our model Our platform is designed to allow the trading of bitcoin for bitcoin. 4013;1367171014;mircea_popescu;logical. 4014;1367171022;mircea_popescu;Who's behind it? Our team consists of seasoned traders with experience in some of the worlds most successful banks, investment banks and accounting firms. 4015;1367171027;mircea_popescu;sigh. 4016;1367171060;kakobrekla;hm 4017;1367171147;kakobrekla;well, dunno why is it so cryptic about it 4018;1367171153;kakobrekla;>BTC.sx is funded privately. We operate with a tier 1 total capital ratio level of 110% minimum. 4019;1367171157;kakobrekla;>Our team consists of seasoned traders with experience in some of the worlds most successful banks, investment banks and accounting firms. 4020;1367171166;kakobrekla;who again? 4021;1367171331;mircea_popescu;his mom. 4022;1367171359;mircea_popescu;"From what I've googled, I understand that scalping helps lower spreads but ultimately, aren't you just betting upon a upward or downward price movement?" 4023;1367171362;mircea_popescu;him in 2012. 4024;1367171373;mircea_popescu;meanwhile experience happened. at the world's most successful banks 4025;1367171376;mircea_popescu;apostrophe's on me. 4026;1367171848;arij;wrong channel 4027;1367171969;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.32 = 2.64 BTC [-] 4028;1367172039;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.339 BTC [+] 4029;1367172100;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.34698 = 2.694 BTC [+] 4030;1367172203;assbot;[MPEX] [O.USD.C134T] 85 @ 0.35903146 = 30.5177 BTC [+] 4031;1367172295;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.3171 BTC [-] 4032;1367172489;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.3 BTC [-] 4033;1367173258;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5600 @ 0.00065476 = 3.6667 BTC [-] 4034;1367173259;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3250 @ 0.0006524 = 2.1203 BTC [-] 4035;1367173262;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4450 @ 0.00064 = 2.848 BTC [-] 4036;1367173905;ThickAsThieves;;;nethash 4037;1367173906;gribble;73988.0257577 4038;1367173909;ThickAsThieves;;;tslb 4039;1367173914;gribble;Time since last block: 3 minutes and 7 seconds 4040;1367173918;ThickAsThieves;;;estimate 4041;1367173919;gribble;Next difficulty estimate | 9973647.0479 based on data since last change | 10335850.0809 based on data for last three days 4042;1367174205;assbot;[BTCTC] [GSDPT] 40 @ 0.00301 = 0.1204 BTC [-] 4043;1367174213;assbot;[BTCTC] [GSDPT] 510 @ 0.003 = 1.53 BTC [-] 4044;1367174298;kakobrekla;sooo, whats new 4045;1367174306;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 165 @ 0.01 = 1.65 BTC [+] 4046;1367174318;assbot;[BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 1 @ 0.1999 BTC [+] 4047;1367174421;mircea_popescu;there's a new bitcoin exchange 4048;1367174426;mircea_popescu;there's a new asic producer 4049;1367174434;mircea_popescu;there's a new "investment opportunity" 4050;1367174467;kakobrekla;there's a new "gtfo by mpoe-pr post" 4051;1367174501;truff1es;chat is lively today 4052;1367174506;mircea_popescu;that for sure. 4053;1367174526;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.31 BTC [+] 4054;1367174644;kakobrekla;anyone got cas coins for sale, i need a few moar 4055;1367174699;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=188735.msg1967971#msg1967971 4056;1367174704;mircea_popescu;ask and thou shalt recieve 4057;1367174739;kakobrekla;hm 4058;1367174752;kakobrekla;is the definition of who shouldnt be doing what getting broader? 4059;1367174815;mircea_popescu;how do you mean ? 4060;1367174976;kakobrekla;moar rant 4061;1367174976;kakobrekla;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=189895.msg1968364#msg1968364 4062;1367175032;kakobrekla;bah 4063;1367175033;kakobrekla;typo 4064;1367175054;kakobrekla;fixd 4065;1367175528;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4423 @ 0.00066115 = 2.9243 BTC [+] 4066;1367175530;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4965 @ 0.00068029 = 3.3776 BTC [+] 4067;1367175539;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5300 @ 0.00069403 = 3.6784 BTC [+] 4068;1367175541;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1200 @ 0.00069498 = 0.834 BTC [+] 4069;1367175541;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8000 @ 0.00069884 = 5.5907 BTC [+] 4070;1367175550;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3450 @ 0.00071 = 2.4495 BTC [+] 4071;1367175551;benkay;for all the bile and hate about children building technology from MPOEPR we have no idea who makes up mircea's team 4072;1367175568;mircea_popescu;not following the chan are you :p 4073;1367175582;kakobrekla;i think i got contacted by a scammer and he is trying to sell some cas coins (and i think he doest even know what that is) 4074;1367175583;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10000 @ 0.00071 = 7.1 BTC [+] 4075;1367175588;kakobrekla;lets have some fun 4076;1367175589;ThickAsThieves; Who's behind it? Our team consists of seasoned traders with experience in some of the worlds most successful banks, investment banks and accounting firms. 4077;1367175593;ThickAsThieves;kidding! 4078;1367175611;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10000 @ 0.00071 = 7.1 BTC [+] 4079;1367175620;benkay;chan's not terribly persistent or searchable 4080;1367175666;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3148 @ 0.00071 = 2.2351 BTC [+] 4081;1367175667;kakobrekla;assbot has been keeping logs for a few days now 4082;1367175667;mircea_popescu;benkay k 1 sec 4083;1367175676;kakobrekla;ill make it public soonish 4084;1367175681;kakobrekla;and searchable i guess 4085;1367175705;ThickAsThieves;I have logs for most of the past month or two 4086;1367175719;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49514 @ 0.00071 = 35.1549 BTC [+] 4087;1367175737;kakobrekla;i have logs from 1 year ago but they are all fucked up 4088;1367175741;benkay;i'm trying to highlight the double standard of "no pro-grade team called out on site, where team is expected to be called out" vs the MPEx approach which is "MPEx is run by someone well versed in power dynamics and getting people to do things. trust him to select the right people to do things." 4089;1367175753;benkay;chat logs are not public declaration of team makeup. 4090;1367175761;benkay;they're chat logs. 4091;1367175810;kakobrekla;thats another issue 4092;1367175813;truff1es;oh snap 4093;1367175831;mircea_popescu;benkay http://pastebin.com/VJ2W6xg4 4094;1367175832;mircea_popescu;towards the end 4095;1367175833;truff1es;benkay did u miss the show and tell picture 4096;1367175888;benkay;nope 4097;1367175891;benkay;but who are those humans? 4098;1367175902;benkay;"cfo" 4099;1367175906;benkay;"lead counsel" 4100;1367175908;truff1es;i dunno who are who 4101;1367175915;truff1es;just the woman and mp 4102;1367175916;benkay;"exercise to reader" 4103;1367175917;benkay;rly? 4104;1367175920;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 1 @ 0.00338 BTC [+] 4105;1367175929;benkay;no names 4106;1367175931;benkay;no employment histories 4107;1367175934;truff1es;those things dont concern me lol 4108;1367175936;mircea_popescu;heh. mkay. 4109;1367175941;benkay;no demonstrations of past success. 4110;1367175947;mircea_popescu;martha is already named there. she's named on the domain registratiosn too. 4111;1367175947;mircea_popescu;http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-ig/2002JulSep/0110.html 4112;1367175950;mircea_popescu;for instance. 4113;1367175960;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 1.775 BTC [-] 4114;1367175983;mircea_popescu;the famous court proceedings where i beat back the romanian govt had been amply linked but i guess you never saw that. 4115;1367175987;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 1 @ 0.00338 BTC [+] 4116;1367175991;mircea_popescu;guy's name is florin cristescu, it's all over that. 4117;1367175991;truff1es;trades should be concerned about separation of funds and profits imo 4118;1367175992;benkay;have not, not. 4119;1367176006;mircea_popescu;in other words : none of this is a secret, it's known by people who care to know as it were. 4120;1367176080;benkay;but if I say, 'dear mircea_popescu, where would I go to learn about the amazing team you've assembled to run your business?' your answer is 'do some research, child' 4121;1367176113;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 1 @ 0.002753 BTC [-] 4122;1367176118;mircea_popescu;you do see why dominant position would ensure one such luxury 4123;1367176118;benkay;which induces a bit of culture shock, in that i generally expect people to be proud of the team they work with, and eager to show that they're above board and real grownups etc. 4124;1367176122;benkay;oh of course 4125;1367176125;mircea_popescu;whereas being an upstart would not ? 4126;1367176131;assbot;[BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.17 BTC [-] 4127;1367176150;mircea_popescu;after all, i'm not proving myself to random unknown noob on the forum 4128;1367176153;mircea_popescu;he is proving himself to me. 4129;1367176159;mircea_popescu;trust is this directional affair. 4130;1367176177;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: I just sold some panties for 1 bitcoin 4131;1367176180;mircea_popescu;if he doesn't trust me that's pretty much of no import. if i don't trust him that's a serious impairment on his future. 4132;1367176226;thestringpuller;we should drop this exchange nonsense and get into the lingerie business yo 4133;1367176269;truff1es;used panties? 4134;1367176274;kakobrekla;hm panties4btc 4135;1367176314;benkay;I guess I'm just bemused by the difference in approach towards image in your area. 4136;1367176325;benkay;"but i lols so powerful image is nothing" 4137;1367176345;mircea_popescu;i don't follow benkay ? 4138;1367176362;benkay;big American companies are obsessed with image. 4139;1367176381;benkay;big American investors are obsessed with image. 4140;1367176384;benkay;transparency, etc. 4141;1367176403;FabianB;image != transparency 4142;1367176414;mircea_popescu;yeah i thin kthere's some conflation at work here. 4143;1367176416;benkay;image = f(transparency and other shit) 4144;1367176448;mircea_popescu;not really, no. but anyway. it isn't/never was a matter of "do some research child". in the sense that i answered if asked, but in general stuff is known. 4145;1367176530;benkay;so returning to culture shock, I'm accustomed to things being indexed instead of known 4146;1367176544;mircea_popescu;yeah. 4147;1367176554;mircea_popescu;hey, it's btc you know ? 4148;1367176563;mircea_popescu;i'm giving a slightly different approach a go. 4149;1367176568;benkay;and you're endeavoring to write new rules, I get it. 4150;1367176583;mircea_popescu;well at least make some motherfucking sense 4151;1367176585;ThickAsThieves;benkay, i suspect mp's people would prefer their privacy over "image" 4152;1367176592;ThickAsThieves;i know i would 4153;1367176595;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves some care more than others. 4154;1367176612;mircea_popescu;it's an issue here, i mean : for years the ONLY way you could get anyone with any sort of license to even consider bitcoin 4155;1367176622;mircea_popescu;is if you swore on dead saints you will never release their name 4156;1367176630;benkay;so this veers into philosophy and prognostication, but how much longer can anyone expect any information to remain unindexed? 4157;1367176638;mircea_popescu;this because being a financial professional is highly regulated, they'd have to get an ok from their compliance officer, 4158;1367176641;mircea_popescu;which would never happen etc. 4159;1367176668;benkay;consider bitcoin what? 4160;1367176672;mircea_popescu;benkay indefinitely in principle. unless something happens to show me the model is fundamentally flawed, i think it will carry on forever. 4161;1367176684;mircea_popescu;benkay consider bitcoin. in their head. 4162;1367176713;benkay;but if you hire them and their compliance officer?did you contract with existing financial firms to do accounting and backoffice etc? 4163;1367176750;benkay;also I hate asking questions that have been answered already. aversion to repetition and all that. 4164;1367176755;mircea_popescu;no listen. the year is 2011. i get excited about this new btc thing. i know what it needs to have a chance. i know i need help. i know whose help i need. 4165;1367176764;mircea_popescu;i talk to these people. well... they can't get involved. 4166;1367176767;mircea_popescu;so what now / 4167;1367176785;benkay;why can't they get involved? risking their licensure? 4168;1367176787;truff1es;its 2013 4169;1367176802;mircea_popescu;do you know how this profession is organised ? 4170;1367176817;benkay;in the us? to an extent. in romania? no clue. 4171;1367176825;benkay;and which profession? 4172;1367176878;ThickAsThieves;I'm not sure why eother of you think this conversation will go anywhere 4173;1367176888;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves naivite. 4174;1367176889;benkay;mp knows i'm actually trying to learn stuff 4175;1367176909;mircea_popescu;benkay basically, it's a team of people with various types of licenses, a boss, a compliance officer and some more sdupport roles. 4176;1367176925;mircea_popescu;the rule - simplified - is that nobody can get involved into ANYTHING related to their day job even vaguely 4177;1367176930;mircea_popescu;w/o clearing it with the compliance officer. 4178;1367176940;mircea_popescu;this includes things like giving interviews even. 4179;1367176949;benkay;got it. so everyone's doing this as a side job? 4180;1367176965;mircea_popescu;people (actual people in this chan) have been sacked for nonsense like, telling a reporter they make a lot of money and are living the life. 4181;1367176981;truff1es;that would suck 4182;1367176984;mircea_popescu;now. the compliance officer is NEVER going to ok something like "bitcoin". because he only ok's on positive factual knowledge it's ok. 4183;1367176993;mircea_popescu;so if it's dubious, then it's not gettiong ok. 4184;1367177059;mircea_popescu;so, to round this up : for all the bullshit "we're getting ws involved" coming out of purely puff style start-ups like coin-whatever, 4185;1367177067;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.3001 BTC [-] 4186;1367177071;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.3 BTC [-] 4187;1367177073;mircea_popescu;ws people were involved since 2011/early 2012, in the only way they could be. 4188;1367177078;mircea_popescu;which is, secretly. 4189;1367177079;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.3 = 2.6 BTC [-] 4190;1367177095;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.27 BTC [-] 4191;1367177112;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.269001 BTC [-] 4192;1367177115;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 15 @ 1.269 = 19.035 BTC [-] 4193;1367177177;benkay;that makes a startling amount of sense. 4194;1367177178;mircea_popescu;that's as to why you will likely never know who's on my short list of people i talk to / scream at / with on macroeconomic topics, finance etc. 4195;1367177190;mircea_popescu;now, the coders are often uninterested in talking to the public. 4196;1367177203;mircea_popescu;other than that, some people don't care, which is why you get the names/mugs of some people. 4197;1367177307;benkay;and you anticipate maintaining the privacy wall indefinitely? 4198;1367177319;mircea_popescu;0/1/infinity is the rule 4199;1367177326;benkay;hah 4200;1367177329;mircea_popescu;since i'm doing it it's not 0. unless some sort of obvious 1 hits me over the head 4201;1367177331;mircea_popescu;it's infinity. 4202;1367177370;ThickAsThieves;so at this get together, did some people not tell others who they were? 4203;1367177380;ThickAsThieves;or do all involved know eachother's identity 4204;1367177398;mircea_popescu;some people met in person lol. some haven't. each his cup of tea 4205;1367177421;benkay;0 information leakage is a secret kept by 1 person. some information leakage happens when more than 1 person knows stuff. eventually, all information will leak. infinity? 4206;1367177426;ThickAsThieves;its obv much cooler if some attendees used fake names 4207;1367177462;mircea_popescu;ya, eventually all information will leak which is why you know who killed kennedy or w/e 4208;1367177472;benkay;hm. 4209;1367177480;ThickAsThieves;hehe 4210;1367177489;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2681 BTC [-] 4211;1367177491;benkay;that's more of a signal to noise claim, sir. 4212;1367177506;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.268 = 2.536 BTC [-] 4213;1367177517;mircea_popescu;just making the point that information will leak is this proposition of statistics 4214;1367177522;mircea_popescu;it may be true, but it may not help you. 4215;1367177526;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2671 BTC [-] 4216;1367177539;benkay;oh granted 4217;1367177549;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 7 @ 1.267 = 8.869 BTC [-] 4218;1367177552;benkay;but there's lots of noise in the market and some traders manage to beat the mean year after year 4219;1367177554;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.265 BTC [-] 4220;1367177559;mircea_popescu;well other than that i was answering the q of how long im doing something 4221;1367177561;mircea_popescu;not how long it works 4222;1367177562;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.255 BTC [-] 4223;1367177579;ezdiy;mircea_popescu: what about information which leaks once its harmless? 4224;1367177586;ezdiy;to lump it all together does not seem right 4225;1367177592;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.251 BTC [-] 4226;1367177593;mircea_popescu;yeah. 4227;1367177608;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2501 BTC [-] 4228;1367177611;ThickAsThieves;it's amazing how this conversation gets more and more interesting 4229;1367177613;ezdiy;(but the statistics holds indeed) 4230;1367177616;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.25 BTC [-] 4231;1367177620;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 1.25 = 3.75 BTC [-] 4232;1367177627;kakobrekla;ThickAsThieves you just fucked it up 4233;1367177637;truff1es;yep wasnt even me 4234;1367177638;mircea_popescu;lol 4235;1367177643;ThickAsThieves;;) 4236;1367177652;ThickAsThieves;any time 4237;1367177704;ThickAsThieves;but really, it started as benkay asking what give mpoe-pr/mpex/mp the right to question others experience, and turned into, i dunno 4238;1367177716;benkay;no not question 4239;1367177720;benkay;everyone has the right to question 4240;1367177743;truff1es;i thought he wanted to know their level of experience or image.. 4241;1367177746;benkay;expressed shock at attitude of "who are you" when we know, like, MP 4242;1367177750;ThickAsThieves;sometimes my words mean more than what the dictionarys defines them as 4243;1367177766;kakobrekla;i think that means using it wrong 4244;1367177779;ThickAsThieves;i prefer "creatively" 4245;1367177789;truff1es;creatively failing 4246;1367177797;truff1es;benkay good chat 4247;1367177826;truff1es;even though it made mp look less of an ass to me, still gonna throw in my jabs 4248;1367177828;benkay;success in comms is expressing things in a way that everyone understands 4249;1367177839;benkay;failure in comms is ambiguity 4250;1367177848;ThickAsThieves;did realize what i said was so confusing... 4251;1367177859;ThickAsThieves;didnt* 4252;1367177875;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: do you have steam? 4253;1367177878;mircea_popescu;nope 4254;1367177879;thestringpuller;I'ma buy you the GTA complete pack 4255;1367177883;Scrat;boring conversation 4256;1367177886;Scrat;http://i.imgur.com/5nvlW.gif 4257;1367177936;truff1es;did not expect that at all 4258;1367177976;Scrat;(sfw) 4259;1367177988;truff1es;not 4260;1367178023;truff1es;if u linked it in -nsfw maybe expected 4261;1367178034;Scrat;I used to work close to the beach, would be sfw then 4262;1367178066;truff1es;not very many people fit into that, lifeguard? 4263;1367178212;Scrat;sadly no 4264;1367178726;jurov;folks, if there is anyone still interested in MPOE bonds passthrough or has workable ideas, 4265;1367178742;jurov;discuss here: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=131270.msg1968876#msg1968876 4266;1367178761;jurov;We have one month hiatus to come up with something. 4267;1367178777;dub;;;nethash 4268;1367178778;gribble;73971.4334572 4269;1367178991;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] [PAID] 378.21006095 BTC to 500`000`000 shares, 75 satoshi per share 4270;1367179038;benkay;wowee 4271;1367179069;jurov;ooooook 4272;1367179093;mircea_popescu;that's it, one full year of dividends ftw. 4273;1367179295;jurov;;;calc 37821006095/500000000 4274;1367179295;gribble;75.64201219 4275;1367179380;jurov;why my fkn code insists on 39 satoshi? 4276;1367179406;mircea_popescu;jurov maybe an idea is to get a limited hedging involved. 4277;1367179434;mircea_popescu;as in, buy some options on the same package as the bond. maybe everyone buying shares gets to vote which way to go, calls or puts 4278;1367179462;mircea_popescu;course all this is becoming rather complicated. 4279;1367179498;jurov;and then vote when they should be sold/exercised.. yeah 4280;1367179531;jurov;(that was ironic yeah) 4281;1367179552;mircea_popescu;yeah i know... 4282;1367179572;ThickAsThieves;I wanted to do an options fund, but current pricing makes it seem like it'd most likely be a loser as well 4283;1367179573;jurov;i had some preliminary idea with smickles to have alternative bot 4284;1367179583;jurov;that could also hedge per option sold 4285;1367179590;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves well listen you can't BOTH be losers. 4286;1367179604;jurov;but he's not around anymore 4287;1367179605;mircea_popescu;i am suspecting the bot is exactly right because everyone agrees price is making them lose money 4288;1367179628;ThickAsThieves;bot is def playing it smarter 4289;1367179652;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2551 BTC [+] 4290;1367179662;ThickAsThieves;but opportunity for profit for both bond holders and option buyers has been very minimized 4291;1367179667;mircea_popescu;no but let's run a model here. so, 1k btc bond. 4292;1367179686;mircea_popescu;if past data is any indication, say a 200% upswing or 60% downswing causes losses of about 25% 4293;1367179698;mircea_popescu;so then you need calls that will make 250 btc if price goes up 3x 4294;1367179706;mircea_popescu;and puts that make 250 btc if price goes down 60% 4295;1367179747;mircea_popescu;;;ticker 4296;1367179747;gribble;BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 132.10000, Best ask: 132.39998, Bid-ask spread: 0.29998, Last trade: 132.40000, 24 hour volume: 29432.97051216, 24 hour low: 126.01101, 24 hour high: 136.68000, 24 hour vwap: 132.09045 4297;1367179752;mircea_popescu;132*3 4298;1367179758;mircea_popescu;;;calc 132*3 4299;1367179758;gribble;396 4300;1367179784;mircea_popescu;O.USD.C302T for instance will make about .25 each if price goes there. so you need 100 these 4301;1367179785;ThickAsThieves;*could* happen... 4302;1367179791;mircea_popescu;i mean 1000 these 4303;1367179795;mircea_popescu;so they cost like 70 btc. 4304;1367179804;mircea_popescu;the call side cost to hedge the bond is then 7% 4305;1367179824;tiberiusiv;shut up mircea 4306;1367179827;mircea_popescu;(if these numbers are worth a shit at all) 4307;1367179837;tiberiusiv;youve lost enough bitcoins for people 4308;1367179843;tiberiusiv;nobody is going to lend your shitty bond fund more $ 4309;1367179855;tiberiusiv;the options emporium will be dead within 2-3 more months 4310;1367179873;tiberiusiv;who is stupid enough to continue insuring against bitcoin price volatility 4311;1367179892;ThickAsThieves;problem is, the price is more likely to move maybe 50% upward, or 25% downward this month (very roughly speaking) 4312;1367179900;tiberiusiv;no shit 4313;1367179910;Scrat;lol ThickAsThieves 4314;1367179939;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves so then sell short puts/calls 4315;1367179944;mircea_popescu;that'll make you money in that scenario 4316;1367180005;ThickAsThieves;i'm not interested in creating options 4317;1367180021;ThickAsThieves;too much risk ;) 4318;1367180030;ThickAsThieves;i want easy money obv 4319;1367180076;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.26502 BTC [+] 4320;1367180087;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.265 BTC [-] 4321;1367180102;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.255 BTC [-] 4322;1367180111;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.25 = 2.5 BTC [-] 4323;1367180269;mircea_popescu;ya well, sometimes those curves meet 4324;1367180278;mircea_popescu;fear, greed, cleverness 4325;1367180419;KRS-1;thickasthieves what a good buy point ya think 4326;1367180439;KRS-1;i cashed out at $147 for the most part 4327;1367180515;ThickAsThieves;isnt that kinda q what bitc-anal channel is for? 4328;1367180565;ThickAsThieves;but to answer your question, i have bids lined up incrementally from 126ish downward 4329;1367180691;mircea_popescu;“Birchbox requested 300,000 units of a product for free; in return, they said that could offer a conservative purchase order of 400 units for that product if it was received well by their sampling audience.” Birchbox also requested a special sample size, which Ms. Chan would need to create, that would yield at least 3 uses of the product. After Ms. Chan negotiated with them, they lowered the amount of requested fre 4330;1367180691;mircea_popescu;e product to 75,000 and then to 50,000 units (for a more targeted customer base). Birchbox only wanted to pay for a purchase order of 400 units after receiving 50,000 units for free. 4331;1367180706;mircea_popescu;lmao. basically people think cheek equals business nao 4332;1367180736;KRS-1;Mircea is the owner and master of #bitcoin-anal, if he can find it in his good will, I would not mind being Curator of all culture anal that is also bitcoin. 4333;1367180764;KRS-1;Ya thanks for your insight, thats where I was but I pulled down to $110-$105 and $100 when I saw the rising wedge pattern. 4334;1367180810;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 100 @ 0.01 = 1 BTC [+] 4335;1367180828;mircea_popescu;wait what ? 4336;1367180849;ThickAsThieves;hehe 4337;1367181007;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla you need a better forum avatar. 4338;1367181023;Scrat;me too 4339;1367181027;Scrat;too furry for my taste 4340;1367181055;mircea_popescu;http://polimedia.us/dtng/c/src/134679696766.jpg 4341;1367181058;mircea_popescu;crop that for instance. 4342;1367181060;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 8 @ 0.32 = 2.56 BTC [+] 4343;1367181534;assbot;[BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 59 @ 0.0163 = 0.9617 BTC [+] 4344;1367181575;KRS-1;I'd hit that 4345;1367181597;KRS-1;not my taste but damn 4346;1367181773;benkay;"big girls need love too" 4347;1367181942;jurov;lol i meant to have serious word with mpex staff, but was under impression they are not there 4348;1367181958;jurov;now i'm reading i sat practically next to the cto, martha 4349;1367182012;jurov;plus got blindsided by teh lawyer "we dun do english, it's unlike romanian" 4350;1367182029;mircea_popescu;jurov lol. he's not very english friendly 4351;1367182092;mircea_popescu;anyway, girl next to the lawyer is the cfo 4352;1367182094;mircea_popescu;money girl. 4353;1367182125;jurov;"and in the top pic right under me woman behind chair is martha mcculler, my cto" << so you accidentally a letter 4354;1367182149;jurov;oh there are wo women 4355;1367182168;ThickAsThieves;but who took the photos 4356;1367182170;ThickAsThieves;a slave? 4357;1367182189;jurov;ThickAsThieves: they have waitresses in romania, ya know 4358;1367182196;ThickAsThieves;pshaw 4359;1367182274;jurov;okay, nevermind 4360;1367182379;jurov;the lawyer was actually trying to do something in english. but then i mentioned german,and *then* he got derpy 4361;1367182440;assbot;[BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 5 @ 0.1999 = 0.9995 BTC [+] 4362;1367182441;jurov;so i should prolly learn french, italian, romanian, or gypsy or whatever to be able to talk to mpex lawyer... 4363;1367182475;ThickAsThieves;heh, there's a my little pony called Derpy https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTIF1scwXYZkmC1WaLxSZEq31VPMnkMGxnAjYuBhmtTBxcSt_VJ 4364;1367182574;jurov;mircea, tell him "te Å¡ukar Ähavo" from me 4365;1367182600;assbot;[BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 10 @ 0.17 = 1.7 BTC [-] 4366;1367182635;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.30839 BTC [+] 4367;1367182703;mircea_popescu;lol 4368;1367182717;mircea_popescu;what do you need romanian lawyer for anyway ? 4369;1367182726;jurov;just in case 4370;1367182732;mircea_popescu;haha 4371;1367182794;assbot;[BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 5 @ 0.0165 = 0.0825 BTC [+] 4372;1367182800;tiberiusiv;;;bids 50 4373;1367182803;gribble;There are currently 161956.19 bitcoins demanded at or over 50.0 USD, worth 14094287.1966 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0093 seconds 4374;1367182803;mircea_popescu;jurov actually when i paid on saturday i left a tip saying "and this is for excellent photographic services" poiting at the little cute girl that took pics 4375;1367182807;mircea_popescu;and she got all blushed up 4376;1367182818;tiberiusiv;;;bids 200 4377;1367182818;gribble;There are currently 0 bitcoins demanded at or over 200.0 USD, worth 0.0 USD in total. | Data vintage: 15.8877 seconds 4378;1367182824;tiberiusiv;;;asks 200 4379;1367182825;gribble;There are currently 77298.99 bitcoins offered at or under 200.0 USD, worth 12819857.1188 USD in total. | Data vintage: 22.0946 seconds 4380;1367182831;tiberiusiv;;;asks 150 4381;1367182831;gribble;There are currently 20345.892 bitcoins offered at or under 150.0 USD, worth 2904644.02498 USD in total. | Data vintage: 28.8253 seconds 4382;1367182838;mircea_popescu;this after me asking her if she knows about picture taking which i think she misunderstood as being asked whether she;'d like to pose for us 4383;1367182839;tiberiusiv;;;bids 120 4384;1367182840;gribble;There are currently 29728.823 bitcoins demanded at or over 120.0 USD, worth 3697689.88514 USD in total. | Data vintage: 37.0461 seconds 4385;1367182846;jurov;^^^ ThickAsThieves, you see: no slavery involved 4386;1367182921;ThickAsThieves;oh well 4387;1367183035;FabianB;jurov: so you're the one in dark clothes in front of mp? 4388;1367183121;jurov;no, mpoe-pr's knee points to me 4389;1367183170;ThickAsThieves;goatee and glasses? 4390;1367183177;ThickAsThieves;you look a LOT like my brother 4391;1367183224;jurov;no thanks. i have a doppelganger in my neighborhood already 4392;1367183255;jurov;actually i was waiting on a bus stop and got greeted "hi thomas.. uh.. it's you?" 4393;1367183263;ThickAsThieves;hehe 4394;1367183274;mircea_popescu;lol 4395;1367183344;mircea_popescu;i wonder how long it takes till everyone is identified 4396;1367183354;jurov;obv i never noticed him myself... prolly am not looking into mirror often enough 4397;1367183357;mircea_popescu;talking about benkay's eternal secrecy. 4398;1367183365;benkay;wat 4399;1367183369;mircea_popescu;apparently even posting pics takes > 1 week and even so it's mostly selfouting 4400;1367183399;benkay;watman 4401;1367183413;mircea_popescu;benkay conspiraci! 4402;1367183413;benkay;i hold that eternal secrecy is extremely difficult to enforce 4403;1367183423;mircea_popescu;well ya 4404;1367183435;benkay;but you have an edge in scale of conspiracy :) 4405;1367183446;benkay;big banks rig all of the things and it takes years for the proles to figure it out 4406;1367183451;benkay;but that's because proles 4407;1367183462;benkay;time to go bask in sun with wimmins 4408;1367183466;benkay;and dogs 4409;1367183469;benkay;later all 4410;1367183475;mircea_popescu;take pics 4411;1367183478;mircea_popescu;then we identify the dogs. 4412;1367183487;benkay;har 4413;1367183505;jurov;also, pigeons was there: 4414;1367183512;jurov;https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/923355_10151462244158710_569991901_n.jpg 4415;1367183745;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.3079 BTC [-] 4416;1367183810;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.3084 BTC [+] 4417;1367183832;ThickAsThieves;it would be fun to know which forum personalities were there and guess who was who 4418;1367183845;ThickAsThieves;i actually had guessed ccorrectly which was jurov 4419;1367183870;jurov;from the pigeons photo? congrats 4420;1367183907;ThickAsThieves;forum/irc 4421;1367183911;ThickAsThieves;no from the dinner photos 4422;1367184405;kakobrekla;mircea_popescu i need a better avatar?? 4423;1367184411;kakobrekla;whats wrong with this one 4424;1367184417;mircea_popescu;well wtf is it 4425;1367184435;kakobrekla;seriously? 4426;1367184470;mircea_popescu;well not that seriously :D 4427;1367184475;kakobrekla;its from space odyssey 2001 4428;1367184506;kakobrekla;i just really like clarke 4429;1367184559;mircea_popescu;https://code.google.com/p/google-glass-kernel-source/ 4430;1367184774;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34050 @ 0.00070741 = 24.0873 BTC [-] 4431;1367184783;kakobrekla;http://imgur.com/WxnxWDU 4432;1367184866;kakobrekla;lol bitstamp, email response after 12 days. 4433;1367184868;assbot;[MPEX] [O.USD.C140T] 240 @ 0.31992958 = 76.7831 BTC [+] 4434;1367184881;kakobrekla;they are acting all goxxy and shit 4435;1367184971;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.3146 BTC [+] 4436;1367185014;KRS-1;looks like we heading down son 4437;1367185028;mircea_popescu;lmao insanely bleak advice 4438;1367185107;KRS-1;i mean up 4439;1367185109;KRS-1;lol 4440;1367185126;mircea_popescu;;;ticker 4441;1367185127;gribble;BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 133.51485, Best ask: 134.26987, Bid-ask spread: 0.75502, Last trade: 133.51484, 24 hour volume: 27266.58910626, 24 hour low: 126.51000, 24 hour high: 136.68000, 24 hour vwap: 132.73170 4442;1367185137;assbot;[MPEX] [O.USD.C170N] 24 @ 0.41105585 = 9.8653 BTC 4443;1367185145;mircea_popescu;!t m ^oix 4444;1367185145;assbot;[MPEX:^OIX] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: 53.96737151 / 213.47292862 / 218.28703767 (419 shares, 115.18 BTC), 30D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC) 4445;1367185153;mircea_popescu;well if you believe the oix... 4446;1367185155;KRS-1;and down i dont mean by a lot, its been $135/$136 I mean down by $132/$130 maybe 4447;1367185167;KRS-1;im just looking at what i can see from orders 4448;1367185345;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10000 @ 0.00071 = 7.1 BTC [+] 4449;1367185540;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5000 @ 0.000714 = 3.57 BTC [+] 4450;1367185542;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 921 @ 0.00071424 = 0.6578 BTC [+] 4451;1367185543;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1779 @ 0.00071432 = 1.2708 BTC [+] 4452;1367185609;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2801 BTC [-] 4453;1367185648;assbot;[MPEX] [S.BBET] 82000 @ 0.00175 = 143.5 BTC [+] 4454;1367185788;truff1es; http://imgur.com/WxnxWDU >>> good times 4455;1367186001;truff1es;http://imgur.com/r/WTF/IopePxm that one is just too much, how can he not notice! 4456;1367186329;tiberiusiv;;;bids 120 4457;1367186332;gribble;There are currently 28426.554 bitcoins demanded at or over 120.0 USD, worth 3530329.68514 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0108 seconds 4458;1367186813;dub;HOLD ON 4459;1367186834;mircea_popescu;SoulKhan do i know you from twitter ? 4460;1367186849;SoulKhan;idk 4461;1367186854;mircea_popescu;a kk. 4462;1367186878;dub;you know him from the streets 4463;1367186898;dub;and your jew rap roots 4464;1367186902;SoulKhan;serving up those lyrical treats :) 4465;1367186915;SoulKhan;lol 4466;1367186919;mircea_popescu;lolk 4467;1367187106;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2801 BTC [-] 4468;1367187110;jurov;kakobrekla, you fiddling with modes again? ThickAsThieves can't go in 4469;1367187123;kakobrekla;eh? 4470;1367187161;jurov;Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services 4471;1367187402;ezdiy;jurov: romstina je neco jako stredoevropsky esperanto :) 4472;1367187508;jurov;a cestina svetovy jazyk :) 4473;1367187543;mircea_popescu;well why doesn't he register! 4474;1367187547;mircea_popescu;it's good for health 4475;1367187766;mjr___;hi all 4476;1367187831;jurov;mjr_ hi. have you seen latest reptilia's microeconomics lesson? 4477;1367187857;jurov;it caused me giggling attacks for several hours 4478;1367187860;peterl;hi mjr___ 4479;1367187884;peterl;what did reprillia do? 4480;1367187914;mircea_popescu;jurov link ? 4481;1367187933;jurov;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=174620.120;topicseen 4482;1367187952;jurov;his burn rate computations 4483;1367187961;jurov;lemme aim... 4484;1367188049;mircea_popescu;ty 4485;1367188060;jurov;whatever, just read it wohle carefully. seems everyone finds some different kind of utter ridiculousness there 4486;1367188094;jurov;I was operating at a peak $200k per month burnrate at that moment, so just out of curiosity I calculated, how large a stash of bitcoins would be needed, to keep up such a spending permanently. 4487;1367188098;mircea_popescu;we already had a round earlier, when he was inviting me goat and satoshi 4488;1367188118;ThickAsThieves;never had this ident problem before, if there's someone that can pm me to help set up mu mIRC properly, it'd be appreciated 4489;1367188123;jurov;yes, but i don't see anything about this burn rate theory 4490;1367188135;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves you seem id'd now 4491;1367188152;kakobrekla;I have currently increased the size of my organisation, and reserved some prime resources (such as the most expensive by far hotel suite in Finland) for my exclusive use. My burn rate is currently about $200,000 per month if I continue at this level. It may sound like much, but measured hourly, it is a more understandable $278 (about 2,000mBTC). Since most of the resources are contracted at a daily rate (such as the hotel) or even hourly ( 4492;1367188155;kakobrekla;what more do you want 4493;1367188161;kakobrekla;did it got cut? 4494;1367188169;ThickAsThieves;i thought i had it all in my settings already, but now i also need to know how to change my pass 4495;1367188178;ThickAsThieves;which doesnt seem to be in the options 4496;1367188181;kakobrekla;(most of the staff, taxi, etc.), I can adjust the burn rate in quick order if need be. I plan on spending at this rate until midnight (8.5 more hours), and keep the room till noon, tomorrow. After that my organisation will be readjusted at about $25 per hour (about 200mBTC). 4497;1367188189;jurov;yes. this should be teached in personal finance classes 4498;1367188259;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla roflmao 4499;1367188268;mjr___;lol, who is this guy? 4500;1367188276;kakobrekla;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=174620.msg1950796#msg1950796 4501;1367188278;kakobrekla;thar 4502;1367188316;mircea_popescu;mjr___ seems you're not on his invite list. 4503;1367188350;jurov;oh, and i forgot... shall we conspire to put ganjix on hisinvite list somehow? 4504;1367188402;jurov;maybe we can concoct something with wao 4505;1367188439;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2801 BTC [-] 4506;1367188445;mircea_popescu;jurov the part where he goes "I purposely omitted people not in this forum from the list." but then invites me is pretty cool. 4507;1367188520;jurov;also, phinnaeus and atlas would be prudent to have 4508;1367188538;assbot;[BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 2 @ 0.19989 = 0.3998 BTC [-] 4509;1367188539;mircea_popescu;well then go for maria too 4510;1367188558;asciilifeform;can somebody enlighten me re: what's interesting about the rpietila clown? is there proof that even one of the things he's claimed is true? 4511;1367188570;assbot;[BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 1 @ 0.1999 BTC [+] 4512;1367188597;kakobrekla;theres proof on facebook. 4513;1367188609;wao;hm? 4514;1367188616;asciilifeform;and has anyone checked the EXIF strings in his photos for interesting tidbits? 4515;1367188661;jurov;asciilifeform, it's not whether it is true, it's the epic ridiculousness of all and every detail 4516;1367188691;asciilifeform;to my untrained eye, he seems like a comedian trying to spoof MP 4517;1367188697;truff1es;sounds like you want to stalk him 4518;1367188716;mircea_popescu;why does everyone think he;'s trying to spoof me ? 4519;1367188720;asciilifeform;truffles: I don't believe the man exists as described 4520;1367188722;mircea_popescu;why not maxkeiser ? why not mega ? 4521;1367188732;mircea_popescu;why not whoever other bitcoin jezuz 4522;1367188752;truff1es;why couldnt he? 4523;1367188756;mircea_popescu;also : he deleted his post going "here is proof that at least 3 women attended" ?! 4524;1367188771;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the "BTC vampire billionaire" image 4525;1367188772;mircea_popescu;(of which one's the mother of the other two by the sour mouth) 4526;1367188886;asciilifeform;somebody intends to test the "pound of image is worth an once of performance" hypothesis 4527;1367188898;asciilifeform;*damn, reversed 4528;1367188911;jurov;lol 4529;1367189014;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-GOLD] 3 @ 0.00111 = 0.0033 BTC [-] 4530;1367189031;b0n1;who of you is coming here? https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=174620.msg1962101#msg1962101 4531;1367189106;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-GOLD] 18 @ 0.0011 = 0.0198 BTC [-] 4532;1367189120;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform that one ever worked in practice ? 4533;1367189144;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the bulk of the U.S. economy? 4534;1367189163;mircea_popescu;lol i am defeated 4535;1367189201;mjr___;hahaha 4536;1367189305;mircea_popescu;"We had the study of the hotel room dedicated to our dealing desk, which included precision scales, and storage containers for all kinds of valuables. EUR 50 (and below) notes will be weighted as well as the gold and silver, 100-500 notes are counted." 4537;1367189310;mircea_popescu;lmao what the fucking hell 4538;1367189331;mircea_popescu;The trading desk with computers and monitors was in the main bedroom, which was in rontus' command. I don't remember if we traded any, though. 4539;1367189333;jurov;there are tupperware containers with cash mentioned earlier 4540;1367189336;mircea_popescu;x.x 4541;1367189348;mircea_popescu;ok, i have just the thing for thisd 4542;1367189400;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4701 BTC [+] 4543;1367189411;mircea_popescu;http://www.youtube.com/embed/UDUE6u7EZqE 4544;1367189412;mircea_popescu;this. 4545;1367189465;ThickAsThieves;ok i'm registered for real for real now, thank you jurov 4546;1367189550;kakobrekla;i dont understand what are they singing 4547;1367189581;mircea_popescu;right. 4548;1367189598;jurov;and i miss cash flying in air 4549;1367189622;kakobrekla;they gonna fuck that dude with a bannana? 4550;1367189655;mircea_popescu;you wish. perv. 4551;1367189666;mircea_popescu;anyway, he's an ex garbage entrepreneur 4552;1367189678;mircea_popescu;who sold his biz and wanted to start a stardom career. 4553;1367189684;mircea_popescu;that was pretty much his only vid. 4554;1367189820;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4601 BTC [-] 4555;1367189823;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: garbage entrepreneur? literally, like V. Putin? 4556;1367189905;mircea_popescu;literally as in he ran the city dump 4557;1367189910;mircea_popescu;in whatever small town 4558;1367190054;jurov;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8uRDLQNcI8 jeeeeeeeeeez go to 3:03 4559;1367190070;jurov;ganjix v2.0 4560;1367190144;jurov;can't believe aljazeera fell for his charms, too :DDD 4561;1367190283;mjr___;omg 4562;1367190292;mjr___;lol 4563;1367190378;mjr___;ugh, how did amir taaki get back in the spotlight? 4564;1367190464;kakobrekla;how could one forget him? 4565;1367190467;mjr___;and their text at the bottom is pretty wrong 4566;1367190477;mjr___;the creators and users of bitcoin are always anonymous 4567;1367190488;mjr___;my name is Josh Rossi and I use bitcoins...pretty easy to disprove 4568;1367190541;kakobrekla;"techology like bitcoin is like hospitals" 4569;1367190546;kakobrekla;i think that sums it up 4570;1367190549;mjr___;yeah 4571;1367190567;mjr___;we have charts graphs 4572;1367190571;mjr___;LOLZ 4573;1367190574;kakobrekla;lol 4574;1367190580;kakobrekla;we also have skateboards 4575;1367190583;mjr___;hahaha 4576;1367190646;mjr___;i'm not sure if he understands 4577;1367190648;kakobrekla;lol they blacklisted him 4578;1367190660;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 15 @ 0.4601 = 6.9015 BTC [-] 4579;1367190661;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 5 @ 0.4601 = 2.3005 BTC [-] 4580;1367190664;kakobrekla;"bank closed my accounts" ... 4581;1367190670;mjr___;yeah 4582;1367190693;kakobrekla;good to say to attract new users 4583;1367190703;mjr___;i mean, the govt can tax bitcoin, bitcoin doesn't make tax impossible 4584;1367190728;mjr___;stateless; therefore cannot be taxed or frozen 4585;1367190741;mjr___;retarded... 4586;1367190745;ThickAsThieves;surprised they would take amir seriously, another embarassing bitcoin vid... 4587;1367190755;asciilifeform;mjr___: govt could proclaim a tax on taking a shit if it wanted to. collecting is another matter. 4588;1367190755;kakobrekla;omg 4589;1367190760;kakobrekla;this is getting worse and worse 4590;1367190767;mjr___;when everyone is sharing.... 4591;1367190769;kakobrekla;srsly this and tux 4592;1367190773;kakobrekla;sell all your coins now! 4593;1367190814;ThickAsThieves;he has pimple juice on his hoodie 4594;1367190836;ThickAsThieves;pro 4595;1367190870;kakobrekla;fuck fuck 4596;1367190883;mjr___;did he just say let's bring money laundering to the common people 4597;1367190890;mjr___;wtf 4598;1367190901;kakobrekla;he is so fucked 4599;1367190941;error4733;what the name in english when you take acid and stay in your trip 4600;1367190950;jurov;will someone do a transcription? i don't understand him in person, not even on tube 4601;1367190985;kakobrekla;hopefuly its not available in html5 and mp will do it 4602;1367191095;mjr___;bitcoins website getting hacked LOL 4603;1367191104;mjr___;where is this website? 4604;1367191172;mircea_popescu;lmao 4605;1367191209;mjr___;if only there was a way to use escrow's with bitcoin LOL 4606;1367191224;mjr___;its like these people don't have computers or dont know how to use google 4607;1367191254;mjr___;when bitcoin was hacked on wednesday LOLZ 4608;1367191322;mircea_popescu;wtf is this 4609;1367191326;mjr___;OMG 4610;1367191329;mircea_popescu;is he 12 ? 4611;1367191330;kakobrekla;yes this is dog. 4612;1367191336;mjr___;its not a fucking utopian dream 4613;1367191336;KRS-1;"bitcoin" was hacked wednesday? 4614;1367191340;mjr___;its just a free market 4615;1367191446;mjr___;what about people who can't read source code 4616;1367191608;mjr___;i have to say, for all its tons of misinformation, they actually seem like they want to understand 4617;1367191616;mjr___;just need a smarter person explaining it 4618;1367191621;kakobrekla;at least the hugo guy is making some sense 4619;1367191625;asciilifeform;mjr___: what about people who can't... read. evil discrimination11!1, etc 4620;1367191709;mircea_popescu;KRS-1 i will gladly hack bitcoin on wednesday for a hamburger today. 4621;1367191788;KRS-1;usually i charge a bj but a burger will do on a sunday 4622;1367191798;KRS-1;wtf is that thing on taaki's head 4623;1367191814;kakobrekla;he missed a spot shaving 4624;1367191824;mircea_popescu;such a chav, 4625;1367191828;mircea_popescu;aaanyway. 4626;1367191829;KRS-1;lol 4627;1367191862;mircea_popescu;@DRUDGE_REPORT 30m SHOCK POLL: Americans fear government more than terror. 4628;1367191866;mircea_popescu;what's so shocking about that. 4629;1367191870;KRS-1;oh wow that was a popeye reference..woa..long time 4630;1367191916;KRS-1;yeah, people here in the states are very reprehensive about our government. I heard that our Homeland Security department has been hording up ammunition..makes you wonder why them? 4631;1367191928;mircea_popescu;lol. 4632;1367191931;mircea_popescu;took you a minute. 4633;1367191952;dub;someone please shoot amir in th eface 4634;1367191953;KRS-1;How are things in Romania? I have been thinking of an exit strategy for years. Germany keeps coming to mind. 4635;1367191958;dub;do it now 4636;1367191967;dub;I want him to die 4637;1367191987;ThickAsThieves;but gutterpunks are so charming 4638;1367192027;ThickAsThieves;i feel wrong judging him superficially, but it's not like his words helped 4639;1367192031;mircea_popescu;KRS-1 i'd say things are okay in romania. 4640;1367192046;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves don't worry, we've been judging him unsuperficially for years. 4641;1367192058;mircea_popescu;it's just that in some cases what's deep down is equal with what's skin deep 4642;1367192063;mircea_popescu;mostly because there's nothing there. 4643;1367192163;mircea_popescu;(Pls somebody sell us more Goxmoney, we are out, we can pay intl wire in 2 days, spot-3%!!) 4644;1367192177;KRS-1;From what I understand gazpacho is more or less the national soup of Romania. Is this true? 4645;1367192179;mircea_popescu;wait, so the great supernode is out of cash burnrate of 200k a year for the next 8.5 hours ? 4646;1367192186;mircea_popescu;KRS-1 perfectly untrue. 4647;1367192187;kakobrekla;:DD 4648;1367192209;KRS-1;Amazing the strange views we have of other countries. 4649;1367192225;mircea_popescu;there's tripe soup, a chicken and homemade noodle-like thing soup and others that are popular. 4650;1367192262;mircea_popescu;gazpacho is spanish 4651;1367192274;KRS-1;oh thought that was russian 4652;1367192294;mircea_popescu;nope. 4653;1367192294;KRS-1;I just read the wiki on Romanian cuisine, I think the only thing I would like is the plum brandy. 4654;1367192305;mircea_popescu;haha. yeah, people liked it. 4655;1367192319;KRS-1;Eggplant is ok 4656;1367192321;mircea_popescu;trust me, you'll like anything. 4657;1367192401;KRS-1;Hmm..probably, it just sounds so different than whatever I've been used to eating. I have a pretty open mind approaching different cuisines. The only one I could never like is Indian food. 4658;1367192452;KRS-1;I'd definately do well in Japan- I love sushi/sashimi, although they eat some pretty weird stuff over there. If I ever have to leave the U.S.A., Japan is on the radar for me also. 4659;1367192460;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 6 @ 0.4623 = 2.7738 BTC [+] 4660;1367192462;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4622 BTC [-] 4661;1367192462;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.46 BTC [-] 4662;1367192470;KRS-1;Plus the young girls there have the Hello Kitty thing going on over there, so cute. 4663;1367192476;mircea_popescu;once you leave the us you suddenly discover what soert of shit you;'ve been eating 4664;1367192510;KRS-1;lol probably..as the years go on, I notice the food has gotten much worse. Many consider us the "bread basket" of the world too..eh. 4665;1367192526;KRS-1;Our "fast food" is the worst. 4666;1367192558;mircea_popescu;yeah it's pretty bad. 4667;1367192565;mircea_popescu;and yeah i imagine it;'s getting worse. 4668;1367192592;orkaa;at least you have fastfood 4669;1367192598;KRS-1;From what I understand lately they inject beef with dyes to appear red, not only that our livestock is cloned and drugged with all kinds of chemicals..you can actually taste the difference between real meat. 4670;1367192605;KRS-1;It doesnt even cook right. 4671;1367192605;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: eating shit is a strictly-voluntary business, even in the U.S. - at least, right now. 4672;1367192607;orkaa;if i went out this moment, i would only have 2 options 4673;1367192610;orkaa;burek and kebab 4674;1367192615;orkaa;ok, and pizza slices 4675;1367192625;KRS-1;Where are you orkaa? 4676;1367192630;KRS-1;I could live on Pizza 4677;1367192631;orkaa;ljubljana, slovenia 4678;1367192632;kakobrekla;somalia 4679;1367192634;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform not if you've never been out and dunno what food is. 4680;1367192637;kakobrekla;meh 4681;1367192641;KRS-1;Slovenia is NOT Somalia 4682;1367192654;dub;nobody considers america the bread basket of the world 4683;1367192656;KRS-1;right? 4684;1367192664;kakobrekla;not sure 4685;1367192669;KRS-1;lol 4686;1367192701;mircea_popescu;somalia has better food, slovenia better looking women 4687;1367192707;KRS-1;sorry- you are right, "its been said" that America is the bread basket of N. America 4688;1367192710;mircea_popescu;this because starvation after the age of 12 or so is actually beneficial. 4689;1367192759;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.46220001 = 0.9244 BTC [+] 4690;1367192761;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4599 BTC [-] 4691;1367192820;KRS-1;So, if I were to flee 1) Germany 2) Japan 3) Australia? Any other suggestions or does this seem like a pretty decent list? 4692;1367192848;kakobrekla;1 2 and 3 are all bad 4693;1367192855;KRS-1;damn 4694;1367192861;KRS-1;my view of the world is fsked 4695;1367192863;orkaa;germany is ok if you pick berlin 4696;1367192865;dub;yes, terrible choices 4697;1367192873;ThickAsThieves;i'd like to visit switzerland 4698;1367192889;KRS-1;seriously..in terms of national security and prosperity? 4699;1367192902;asciilifeform;KRS-1: it makes a difference exactly what you're running away from. 4700;1367192903;dub;australia is probably the best of that lot 4701;1367192912;dub;but populated entirely by criminals 4702;1367192914;troc;what would you be fleeing from ? or do you mean emigrate ? 4703;1367192914;orkaa;dub, i'd rather pick germany 4704;1367192917;mircea_popescu;ya srlsy. 4705;1367192941;mircea_popescu;you must go to finland and stay in the supernode 4706;1367192958;orkaa;finland has no sun 4707;1367192975;mircea_popescu;it doesn't need it 4708;1367192978;mircea_popescu;it has a burn rate. 4709;1367192980;KRS-1;lately there is a growing fear that we're in serious debt to China and they are asking that civilians be disarmed. Our Homeland Security department is hording ammunition (Who in the hell are they going to use it against except us?).. Much doubt about our currency..security.. 4710;1367192991;dub;germany has germans which are only tolerable in small doses 4711;1367192995;KRS-1;I think we've become the fat pig that can't even breathe under our own weight. 4712;1367193001;mircea_popescu;KRS-1 just go travelling about the world, see where you like it. 4713;1367193003;dub;japan is just completely fucked 4714;1367193022;mircea_popescu;dub the problem is the germanettes. more like manatees 4715;1367193022;KRS-1;mp: Thats good advice..hmm. 4716;1367193029;mjr___;http://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/insidestory/2013/04/20134572639241668.html 4717;1367193043;mjr___;http://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/insidestory/2013/04/20134572639241668.html#comment-878882931 4718;1367193053;mjr___;there is my comment 4719;1367193090;mjr___;why are people so retarded? 4720;1367193111;mjr___;Australia looks like a great place to live nowadays 4721;1367193123;mjr___;saw the best comparison of their gun control vs ours 4722;1367193145;mjr___;people have to be willfully ignorant to not see that you CAN make people safer 4723;1367193176;KRS-1;mjr: thats what i understand 4724;1367193184;KRS-1;I dont want to give up my firearms though 4725;1367193188;KRS-1;I have some nice weapons. 4726;1367193198;KRS-1;My fav is the Ruger SP-101 .357 Magnum 4727;1367193204;kakobrekla;i thought all you need to do is ban violent games 4728;1367193262;asciilifeform;I never understood why people brag about their boomsticks on the Net. Why would you want to shout for a priority seat in the gasenwagen? 4729;1367193273;dub;A really excellent discussion of bitcoin. Amir is an articulate, passionate advocate... 4730;1367193280;dub;what the everloving fuck 4731;1367193281;mjr___;LOL 4732;1367193291;dub;comment below yours 4733;1367193295;mjr___;i know i saw it 4734;1367193299;mjr___;hilarious 4735;1367193313;mjr___;how did that woman know amir's name? he's anonymous obvs 4736;1367193334;mircea_popescu;ajhahaha 4737;1367193338;mircea_popescu;ok, best line of the day. 4738;1367193342;mjr___;YAY 4739;1367193358;mjr___;srsly, retards 4740;1367193396;mircea_popescu;"how did that woman know amir's name? he's anonymous obviously!" 4741;1367193403;mircea_popescu;bweahaha 4742;1367193423;mjr___;how could they write that? did no one say, "wait, i know his name!" 4743;1367193428;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in other-retard-venue (ie http://www.cnbc.com/id/100675118 ) 4744;1367193434;mircea_popescu;"Bitcoin likely has a long way to go before regulators step in and start controlling the market, and once it does get there it may not be for the right reasons. " 4745;1367193450;mircea_popescu;right. because it's clear and established that anyone gives a shit about "Regulators" 4746;1367193457;mircea_popescu;and they speak english rathert tyhan chinese 4747;1367193458;mircea_popescu;and so forth. 4748;1367193496;mjr___;lolz 4749;1367193513;mjr___;i'm glad that their stupidity has crystalized my new heuristic 4750;1367193539;mjr___;whatever you are about to say, replace "bitcoin" with "dollar", do you sound retarded? If yes, don't say what you were about to say 4751;1367193569;mjr___;where is the website for the US Dollar? 4752;1367193575;mjr___;has the dollar been hacked? 4753;1367193583;mjr___;people use dollars for illegal transactions 4754;1367193611;mircea_popescu;yes. once done with that, replace bitcoin with math 4755;1367193619;mjr___;also good 4756;1367193621;mircea_popescu;then, "naked teenager chicks" 4757;1367193625;mircea_popescu;then, dodd frank 4758;1367193632;mircea_popescu;if it passes all these tests you may say it. 4759;1367193636;mjr___;hahaha 4760;1367193644;mjr___;that may be too advanced for them 4761;1367193664;mircea_popescu;has dodd frank hacked the math yet ? 4762;1367193793;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.275 BTC [-] 4763;1367193797;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4745 @ 0.00071432 = 3.3894 BTC [+] 4764;1367193799;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 905 @ 0.00071588 = 0.6479 BTC [+] 4765;1367193801;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 17 @ 1.27 = 21.59 BTC [-] 4766;1367193882;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: you should invest in YCombinator 4767;1367193887;thestringpuller;give Paul Graham some mo ney 4768;1367194033;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu mircea_popescu mircea_popescu 4769;1367194059;thestringpuller;dub dub dub wub wub wub 4770;1367194065;thestringpuller;wub wub wub wub dub dub dub 4771;1367194076;thestringpuller;dub step 4772;1367194536;KRS-1;mp: wait what 4773;1367194546;KRS-1;naked teenager chicks.. 4774;1367194562;KRS-1;you have that in Romania no 4775;1367194610;KRS-1;do you like skrillex? my fav song is voltage 4776;1367194679;truff1es;i cant find the soundtrack of this series 4777;1367194707;mjr___;i heard some skrillex at "heaven" in romania :) 4778;1367194755;truff1es;its like they dont want to make money off the soundtrack :( 4779;1367194811;kakobrekla;if heaven has asses like dat, imma go baptize myself rite nao 4780;1367194879;dub;thestringpuller: wtf 4781;1367194903;dub;that is the second time in 48 hours I've been highlighted with almost the same string 4782;1367194918;thestringpuller;dub wub dub wub dub wub dub 4783;1367194928;thestringpuller;you need a business partner with the handle wub 4784;1367194936;thestringpuller;FOR MY AMUSEMENT! 4785;1367194950;dub;has dubstep just landed in murica or something? 4786;1367194959;kakobrekla;take a chill pill thestringpuller 4787;1367194963;thestringpuller;it's what all the cool kids listen to 4788;1367194967;thestringpuller;I like to make fun of it 4789;1367194968;truff1es;dub step sure takes an appreciation 4790;1367194969;dub;the rest of the world has already relegated it to the tradpit 4791;1367194973;dub;tardpit 4792;1367194993;dub;its normal for the cool kids in murica to lag behind by a few years 4793;1367194998;mircea_popescu;whats skrillex ? 4794;1367195014;kakobrekla;dunno, some song or artist id guess 4795;1367195019;dub;skrillex is approx the worst music producer of all time 4796;1367195029;mircea_popescu;a ok 4797;1367195040;truff1es;haters gonna hate 4798;1367195123;KRS-1;skrillex is like the godfather of dubstep although some would dispute that 4799;1367195131;dub;he is nothing like that 4800;1367195146;KRS-1;no? 4801;1367195151;dub;no 4802;1367195159;mircea_popescu;dub knows his step 4803;1367195160;KRS-1;this is my fav song by skrillex- the video is kind of moving too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbsus0o0Muk 4804;1367195172;truff1es;SKRILLEX - Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites in enjoy that one 4805;1367195198;KRS-1;dub: what would you say skrillex is to dubstep then? 4806;1367195206;mjr___;lol, skrillex is in no way whatsoever the godfather of dubstep 4807;1367195218;mjr___;'he is an artist producing dubstep music 4808;1367195235;dub;skrillex scooped up the turd that the godfathers of dubstep left behind when they woke up from teh ketamine hole they had been in when they came up with it 4809;1367195236;mjr___;you could also say, one of the most popular current dubstep artists 4810;1367195240;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 950 @ 0.00071 = 0.6745 BTC [-] 4811;1367195241;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11106 @ 0.00070673 = 7.8489 BTC [-] 4812;1367195243;KRS-1;my bad then..thanks for letting me know. I'll have to read up a bit 4813;1367195264;KRS-1;at any rate he produces some badass music 4814;1367195272;dub;s/ass// 4815;1367195277;mjr___;ugh, the #bitcoin-nyc channel is already created 4816;1367195284;KRS-1;mjr: most popular thats probably what I should have said 4817;1367195286;mjr___;the fact that no one is in it, sucks 4818;1367195304;mjr___;i would like to use that chan, but i want to moderate... 4819;1367195307;mircea_popescu;mjr___ nyc is kind of marginal i guess :D 4820;1367195322;mjr___;#bitcoin-timisoara ? 4821;1367195336;mircea_popescu;you can prolly moderate that 4822;1367195338;dub;KRS-1: like most music fads its popularity is a wedge 4823;1367195353;orkaa;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6WJYe6n-l8 4824;1367195355;mjr___;i was going to use it for listing trades at the open air exchange 4825;1367195357;orkaa;this is one of the old tunes 4826;1367195378;mjr___;also thinking about maybe a twitter feed 4827;1367195396;kakobrekla;what open air exchage 4828;1367195404;KRS-1;Skrillex- Bangarang and Kyoto are imo the other best songs he did 4829;1367195426;mjr___;i plan on going to union square park 4830;1367195427;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla he wants to trade gypsies for moonshine 4831;1367195438;mjr___;and market making 4832;1367195439;truff1es; voltage pretty cool too, nostalgia.. 4833;1367195446;KRS-1;dub: yes and I'm thankful for the addition to our modern music..some of it is pretty good actually. 4834;1367195459;dub;how can you call somethign that is two weeks old nostalgic 4835;1367195465;mjr___;i figure, if everyone knows that between 4pm and 6pm monday through friday, you can buy or sell bitcoins at one location 4836;1367195476;KRS-1;dub: it might be two weeks old to you =) its been around 4837;1367195478;mjr___;it will bring liquidity to the market 4838;1367195482;mjr___;what do you guys think? 4839;1367195483;KRS-1;that fat dude in the bangarang video is a trip 4840;1367195502;KRS-1;mjr: not a bad idea at all 4841;1367195508;KRS-1;U might be onto something 4842;1367195514;kakobrekla;mjr___ local bitcoins? 4843;1367195518;mjr___;i will set the spread 4844;1367195521;kakobrekla;dot com 4845;1367195521;mjr___;localbitcoins is nice 4846;1367195523;mjr___;i used it 4847;1367195532;mjr___;but the problem is that you have to coordinate times 4848;1367195535;mjr___;and locations 4849;1367195538;mjr___;which can be a pain 4850;1367195554;mjr___;i have a few other people who want to hang out in the park and trade and set markets 4851;1367195556;dub;dubstep is the retarded cousin of dnb 4852;1367195572;mjr___;it sounds like someone is torturing computers...and i like it 4853;1367195589;mjr___;mircea_popescu: what do you think of this idea? 4854;1367195607;dub;it was concieved purely to make terrible dj's look better and so fat people won't look as out of place ont he dancefloow 4855;1367195611;truff1es; how can you call somethign that is two weeks old nostalgic >>> the feeling you get when you hear a really cool song 4856;1367195613;mircea_popescu;i think it sound s a lot like how gay subculture got started :D 4857;1367195634;mjr___;well...that seems to have taken off pretty well, not a bad model 4858;1367195646;mjr___;bitcoin eye for the straight guy 4859;1367195652;mjr___;i can live with that 4860;1367195654;mircea_popescu;anyway. grand central station. 4861;1367195667;kakobrekla;watch out that you dont get robbed 4862;1367195668;mjr___;you think grand central is better? 4863;1367195674;mjr___;yes, that is why i would be in the park 4864;1367195679;mjr___;police officers 4865;1367195693;mjr___;probably a webcam of union square park 4866;1367195708;mircea_popescu;i just thought it's much quicker. 4867;1367195712;mjr___;its my favorite area of NYC, and my office is a block away 4868;1367195732;mjr___;not to mention the weather is going to be great 4869;1367195741;mjr___;i figure i can make a decent amount of cash just market making 4870;1367195748;mjr___;and by cash i mean bitcoins 4871;1367195750;orkaa;parks are great for buying drugs so bitcoin should work too.. :) 4872;1367195765;mircea_popescu;can't hurt. 4873;1367195766;mjr___;union square can be tough for buying drugs 4874;1367195791;mjr___;in fact, most people just call their dealers...hard to find a vendor with a location LOL 4875;1367195820;mjr___;i was brokering a $20,000 bitcoin buy today 4876;1367195830;mjr___;hard to get coins quick 4877;1367195848;kakobrekla;where did you buy 4878;1367195850;mjr___;some guy is buying 10,000 chips from avalon 4879;1367195861;mjr___;and needs like 150 btc for his portion 4880;1367195865;mjr___;locally 4881;1367195867;mjr___;i didn't buy 4882;1367195869;mjr___;i just brokered 4883;1367195880;mjr___;deal isn't done yet 4884;1367195887;mjr___;but he paid like 148 per 4885;1367195889;mjr___;or around there 4886;1367195896;mjr___;think he needs another 50 coins tomorrow 4887;1367195916;mjr___;so, and this is pretty hilarious, i'm gonna sell yifu's coins to him, so he can pay yifu 4888;1367195956;mjr___;finally starting to get a good bitcoin sub-culture in nyc 4889;1367195963;tiberiusiv;;;bids 120 4890;1367195965;gribble;There are currently 28719.462 bitcoins demanded at or over 120.0 USD, worth 3571691.25347 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0060 seconds 4891;1367195976;mjr___;there are like almost 100 people in the facebook group bitcoinnyc 4892;1367195981;mjr___;and i hung out at EVR last night 4893;1367195994;kakobrekla;nice mjr___, must be all cognac and cigars over there 4894;1367195994;mjr___;charlie shrem's spot where they accept bitcoins 4895;1367196000;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 17 @ 0.4649 = 7.9033 BTC [+] 4896;1367196014;mjr___;lol, just jameson for me 4897;1367196018;mjr___;and cigarettes lol 4898;1367196027;tiberiusiv;well you are poor 4899;1367196032;mjr___;i'm more of a jameson and cigarettes guy than a cognac and cigars guy 4900;1367196032;tiberiusiv;surprised you were even allowed in 4901;1367196038;Diablo-D3;[08:37:32] some guy is buying 10,000 chips from avalon 4902;1367196039;dub;nothign wrong with jameson 4903;1367196043;dub;for cooking etc 4904;1367196043;Diablo-D3;thats HOW many ghash? 4905;1367196053;mjr___;hmmm 4906;1367196060;mjr___;think its 282 mh per chip 4907;1367196067;mjr___;10,000 is the minimum to buy 4908;1367196081;mjr___;and i think they've sold quite a few batches 4909;1367196090;mjr___;diff futures? 4910;1367196090;dub;seems like it 4911;1367196098;Diablo-D3;;;calc 10000 * 282 / 1000 / 1000 4912;1367196098;gribble;2.82 4913;1367196102;Diablo-D3;2.82 TH? lawls. 4914;1367196107;mjr___;yeah 4915;1367196114;mjr___;that is quite a bit 4916;1367196126;mjr___;how long to generate 780 btc with 2 terrahashes 4917;1367196139;dub;;;genrate 2000000 4918;1367196140;gribble;The expected generation output, at 2000000.0 Mhps, given difficulty of 8974296.01489, is 112.077095651 BTC per day and 4.66987898546 BTC per hour. 4919;1367196141;Diablo-D3;;;calc 2820000 4920;1367196141;gribble;2820000 4921;1367196145;Diablo-D3;er 4922;1367196148;Diablo-D3;;;genrate 282000 4923;1367196149;gribble;The expected generation output, at 282000.0 Mhps, given difficulty of 8974296.01489, is 15.8028704868 BTC per day and 0.65845293695 BTC per hour. 4924;1367196150;Diablo-D3;;;genrate 2820000 4925;1367196151;gribble;The expected generation output, at 2820000.0 Mhps, given difficulty of 8974296.01489, is 158.028704868 BTC per day and 6.5845293695 BTC per hour. 4926;1367196164;Diablo-D3;;;calc 780 / 158 4927;1367196164;gribble;4.93670886076 4928;1367196167;Diablo-D3;4.9 days 4929;1367196173;Diablo-D3;though remember, those chips are only half the cost 4930;1367196177;mjr___;of course 4931;1367196190;Diablo-D3;still have to fab the boards and mount components 4932;1367196193;Diablo-D3;also 4933;1367196200;kakobrekla;the biggest cost is time 4934;1367196201;mjr___;yep, he has electrical engineers etc 4935;1367196203;Diablo-D3;it was what 800 watts for 68gh? 4936;1367196221;mjr___;yep 4937;1367196230;mjr___;i'm not even sure what his end goal is 4938;1367196235;Diablo-D3;;;calc 2820 / 68 * 800 4939;1367196235;gribble;33176.4705882 4940;1367196237;mjr___;sell mining rigs? mine all himself? 4941;1367196241;Diablo-D3;33kw 4942;1367196258;truff1es; Skrillex- Bangarang and Kyoto are imo the other best songs >>> really enjoyed these *dances* 4943;1367196259;kakobrekla;mjr___ simple, mine while diff low and sell the hardware then 4944;1367196289;KRS-1;lol I'm more of a domestic beer, maybe southern comfort and cigarettes kind of guy..the country boy in me 4945;1367196294;Diablo-D3;kakobrekla: heh, Im even questioning my purchase of these asicminer blades 4946;1367196297;Diablo-D3;I may pull out of the bidding 4947;1367196317;kakobrekla;then what, dmc 6.0? 4948;1367196322;Diablo-D3;hurr 4949;1367196329;Diablo-D3;Im buying these for my private ownership 4950;1367196339;kakobrekla;a ok 4951;1367196356;Diablo-D3;I currently still have an active bid for 8 of them at 32 BTC each 4952;1367196402;kakobrekla;oh since when do you have that kind of money :) 4953;1367196419;KRS-1;truff1es: glad you like..thats what I like most about IRC, getting turned onto something that I would not have otherwise come across. 4954;1367196426;Diablo-D3;I sold 371 of my asicminer shares 4955;1367196438;mjr___;is there news on the asicminer front? 4956;1367196448;mircea_popescu;Diablo-D3 explain to me your reasoning there. 4957;1367196460;mircea_popescu;they will make maybe half a btc a day, if diff stays put 4958;1367196468;Diablo-D3;mircea_popescu: out of 1371. 4959;1367196479;mircea_popescu;no, blades at 32 4960;1367196489;Diablo-D3;oh 4961;1367196493;Diablo-D3;;;genrate 10000 4962;1367196494;gribble;The expected generation output, at 10000.0 Mhps, given difficulty of 8974296.01489, is 0.560385478255 BTC per day and 0.0233493949273 BTC per hour. 4963;1367196503;Diablo-D3;;;calc 32 / 0.56 4964;1367196503;gribble;57.1428571429 4965;1367196510;Diablo-D3;two months IF diff stays put 4966;1367196521;Diablo-D3;however that translates closer to a year since BFL apparently _is_ shipping 4967;1367196525;mircea_popescu;right. 4968;1367196531;mircea_popescu;so what sense does that make. 4969;1367196536;Diablo-D3;its closer to a year. 4970;1367196560;truff1es;KRS-1 do you like Blue Foundation - Eyes On Fire?` 4971;1367196568;Diablo-D3;thats what the difficulty projections are saying 4972;1367196570;mircea_popescu;and you won.t even get .5, seeing how next diff is +12% 4973;1367196578;thestringpuller;;;bc,stats 4974;1367196580;mircea_popescu;in like 50 blocks or w/e 4975;1367196584;gribble;Current Blocks: 233657 | Current Difficulty: 8974296.01488785 | Next Difficulty At Block: 233855 | Next Difficulty In: 198 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 day, 3 hours, 18 minutes, and 37 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 10010787.9429 | Estimated Percent Change: 11.54956 4976;1367196589;thestringpuller;HOLY FUCKING SHIT 4977;1367196597;mircea_popescu;whoa the 10mn is crossed! 4978;1367196597;kakobrekla;ha 4979;1367196600;Diablo-D3;mircea_popescu: Im not sure if I want to sit on that hardware for an entire year 4980;1367196601;kakobrekla;hehe 4981;1367196603;thestringpuller;Dude june futures would have made a killing back in March 4982;1367196604;thestringpuller;FUCK 4983;1367196606;mircea_popescu;iiincredible 4984;1367196624;dub;;;nethash 4985;1367196625;gribble;74111.2050128 4986;1367196629;Diablo-D3;mircea_popescu: I'd be better off waiting for a 28nm product. 4987;1367196638;mircea_popescu;i guess so. 4988;1367196650;KRS-1;ah closer tolerances is higher heat 4989;1367196665;KRS-1;anyone know if the 51% attack on litecoin is for real or not 4990;1367196678;mjr___;Butterfly lab for now have the most complete package when talking about power and power consumption <-----LOL 4991;1367196683;Diablo-D3;KRS-1: who cares, its litecoin 4992;1367196685;ThickAsThieves;only the attckers would know 4993;1367196719;KRS-1;true..but i'm interested, I dont care if its bitcoin, buttcoin, or fuckcoin, if it makes me a buck I'd like to try it. 4994;1367196726;KRS-1;heh 4995;1367196745;kakobrekla;wait the point of this is to make a buck? 4996;1367196749;kakobrekla;:\ 4997;1367196756;tiberiusiv;for the losers yes 4998;1367196787;mjr___;Diablo-D3: i hope to see a 28nm process chip soon 4999;1367196801;KRS-1;we all have our own interests, whatever turns our crank, namean? I don't think it necessarily makes you a loser if you are not part of the elite or mainstream. 5000;1367196838;mjr___;that is correct however, as of right now, i don't think BFL consumes any power! 5001;1367196844;mjr___;super efficient 5002;1367196882;kakobrekla;but i thought bitcoin is like hospital 5003;1367196889;kakobrekla;dunno 5004;1367196983;mjr___;hahaha 5005;1367197050;mjr___;srsly though, if any of these reporters were doing a research project for a freshman high school class, they would fail 5006;1367197066;mjr___;they can't take the time to plagiarize? 5007;1367197088;Diablo-D3;mjr___: 28/32 might be coming sometime next year. 5008;1367197135;KRS-1;thats sick..never thought i'd see that day 5009;1367197183;KRS-1;they say we'd eventually come down to tolerances close to the size of atoms, although not smaller than an electron, we might have to move to photons or something, although i think photons are bigger than electrons 5010;1367197203;Diablo-D3;KRS-1: you're conceptualizing it wrong 5011;1367197209;KRS-1;:/ 5012;1367197214;Diablo-D3;carbon nanotubes can get us below 5nm 5013;1367197323;Diablo-D3;KRS-1: btw no 5014;1367197331;Diablo-D3;photons may not have any physical size at all 5015;1367197341;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.3067 BTC [+] 5016;1367197346;KRS-1;but they have mass no? 5017;1367197356;KRS-1;only very slight 5018;1367197374;KRS-1;do you think the future of computing is light 5019;1367197384;KRS-1;im not so sure rly 5020;1367197388;Diablo-D3;intel is already experimenting with in chip light pipes 5021;1367197399;Diablo-D3;and no, photons have no mass 5022;1367197418;KRS-1;if so we can exploit some advantages of using quantum mechanics 5023;1367197423;Diablo-D3;although you'd have to figure out how to measure the rest mass of a photon 5024;1367197435;KRS-1;thats what i was thinking 5025;1367197457;KRS-1;some very exciting things are happening with light and quantum mechanics 5026;1367197467;KRS-1;i was blown away when i learned about entanglement 5027;1367197472;Diablo-D3;anyhow, the size of an electron is about 3 fermi 5028;1367197506;KRS-1;entanglement showed us that the primary rules of physics are secondary to entanglements..distance and time don't matter 5029;1367197539;tiberiusiv;why the fuck arent people in here outraged at mirceas second massive monthly loss 5030;1367197556;Diablo-D3;photons are around half a fermi 5031;1367197566;Diablo-D3;also Im lagging badly, wow 5032;1367197568;mircea_popescu;photons havce no rest mass 5033;1367197574;mircea_popescu;they have energy-mass if threy move 5034;1367197576;KRS-1;ah there we go...so photons do have a size but no mass- that makes much more sense. 5035;1367197582;Diablo-D3;mircea_popescu: traditionally this is considered true 5036;1367197584;mircea_popescu;but yes, they probably don't have a size in the classical sense 5037;1367197595;Diablo-D3;mircea_popescu: it has not been experimentally been proven 5038;1367197598;Diablo-D3;but its most likely true 5039;1367197601;KRS-1;they're maybe "in between" mass and energy then..since mass IS energy and vice versa 5040;1367197601;mircea_popescu;right. 5041;1367197603;Diablo-D3;otherwise physics would get very weird 5042;1367197617;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2094 @ 0.00070673 = 1.4799 BTC [-] 5043;1367197622;KRS-1;physics does get very weird in the quantums. 5044;1367197633;Diablo-D3;KRS-1: well, it has no mass because it moves at the speed of light 5045;1367197643;KRS-1;right 5046;1367197668;Diablo-D3;it DOES however have a limit of how close you can get to it 5047;1367197676;KRS-1;anyway the future of computing must involve these principles at some point unless we will enter dark ages..no significant discoveries..that would be sad. 5048;1367197688;KRS-1;that is where i think we will be going when moores law doesnt apply anymore. 5049;1367197691;truff1es;back to this subject again,quantum computing is far off in the future dont worry 5050;1367197703;mjr___;not quantum in this convo 5051;1367197706;thestringpuller;no quantum computing exists! 5052;1367197709;thestringpuller;it's secret 5053;1367197711;thestringpuller;super secret 5054;1367197712;KRS-1;they're using quantum computing for encryption atm 5055;1367197716;thestringpuller;BUT I'VE SEEN'T IT 5056;1367197720;Diablo-D3;KRS-1: since quantum space is quantized, we know what the grid size for photons are 5057;1367197722;mjr___;and yes quantum computing does exist right now... they've gotten 7 qubits 5058;1367197727;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2034 @ 0.0007008 = 1.4254 BTC [-] 5059;1367197729;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1666 @ 0.00069947 = 1.1653 BTC [-] 5060;1367197734;Diablo-D3;KRS-1: its about half a fermi 5061;1367197749;KRS-1;diablo: amazing..you my friend are very well informed. 5062;1367197750;mjr___;they were talking about smaller and smaller processes for chips 5063;1367197761;mjr___;but still traditional chips 5064;1367197768;Diablo-D3;KRS-1: now the thing is, its not the size of the particle but the size of the pipe 5065;1367197776;KRS-1;lol thats what SHE said 5066;1367197783;truff1es;haha 5067;1367197784;KRS-1;but yea..thats the hard part. 5068;1367197787;Diablo-D3;we're reaching the limits of ultraviolet lithography techniques 5069;1367197790;KRS-1;and managing the heat 5070;1367197802;mjr___;that is the hardest thing about bitcoin mining 5071;1367197802;KRS-1;which is the printing board for cpu's right? 5072;1367197804;truff1es;size hard heating 5073;1367197807;truff1es;what is this 5074;1367197823;mjr___;is that the entire chip is being used, and most chips rely on the fact that some parts can cool while others are hot 5075;1367197824;KRS-1;they must be massive on the actual design boards 5076;1367197828;KRS-1;before being shrunk 5077;1367197850;Diablo-D3;KRS-1: its not really a board, its a very thin wafer 5078;1367197922;KRS-1;thats where the chip design is actually carved out? I thought it was on these big chalk board looking things that are shrunk to the wafers before the lithography 5079;1367197930;KRS-1;anyway i'll read up on it- thanks! 5080;1367197932;Diablo-D3;KRS-1: with current lithography techniques, chemical polishing, and the other processes used to make these chips 5081;1367197941;Diablo-D3;you can get down to 14nm 5082;1367197947;KRS-1;oof ..wow. 5083;1367197948;Diablo-D3;below that, quantum tunneling becomes an issue 5084;1367197966;KRS-1;thats where the electrons dont know which path to take or whatnot 5085;1367197977;KRS-1;or actually split 5086;1367197981;Diablo-D3;well, its where they can jump right through material 5087;1367197987;KRS-1;amazing 5088;1367198005;taub;http://www.ctvnews.ca/business/bitcoin-dealers-grappling-with-big-banks-and-murky-financial-rules-1.1257645?utm_source=feedly 5089;1367198010;Diablo-D3;electrons in normal chips could jump 15nm 5090;1367198029;KRS-1;not sure if the future is indeed bright or if we will eventually lead to a dark age where there is minimal discovery..that kind of bothers me, because we're only improving but not changing 5091;1367198033;Diablo-D3;so if you're designing these you end up with much larger gaps between the features 5092;1367198049;Diablo-D3;btw, I mean 15nm in silicon. 5093;1367198052;Diablo-D3;just to make that clear. 5094;1367198061;KRS-1;right 5095;1367198069;KRS-1;perhaps a new novel material 5096;1367198076;KRS-1;probably carbon 5097;1367198083;Diablo-D3;well 5098;1367198095;Diablo-D3;also, intel is finishing construction on their 14nm facility in arizona 5099;1367198105;Diablo-D3;infact, it might already be done 5100;1367198119;Diablo-D3;they'll be shipping 14nm products mid 2014 from what I understand 5101;1367198123;KRS-1;who is right behind them or are they head and shoulders above the competition? 5102;1367198133;mjr___;lol 5103;1367198135;mjr___;nobody 5104;1367198137;mjr___;amd? 5105;1367198140;KRS-1;no not amd lol 5106;1367198142;Diablo-D3;nobody 5107;1367198145;Diablo-D3;and AMD doesnt fab chips 5108;1367198146;KRS-1;craziness 5109;1367198153;Diablo-D3;they split their fab division off as GloFo 5110;1367198154;mjr___;amd does design though don't they? 5111;1367198155;KRS-1;yea i heard that, but they once did i believe 5112;1367198169;Diablo-D3;mjr___: yes, but they stick with proven technologies 5113;1367198173;mjr___;yes 5114;1367198177;Diablo-D3;which is why they're at 32nm now 5115;1367198193;mjr___;diablo why does nvidia suck at mining? 5116;1367198214;Diablo-D3;they refuse to optimize for integer performance 5117;1367198235;Diablo-D3;KRS-1: now, samsung, hynix, and toshiba fab chips too 5118;1367198249;Diablo-D3;KRS-1: they're already working on 14nm processes 5119;1367198274;joecool;Diablo-D3: quantum tunnelling will be more of an issue at the 10nm process level 5120;1367198292;Diablo-D3;joecool: I said 14nm is as small as we get because of it 5121;1367198325;truff1es; http://www.ctvnews.ca/business/bitcoin-dealers-grappling-with-big-banks-and-murky-financial-rules-1.1257645?utm_source=feedly >>> sounds like will soon be like a bitcoin24 problem 5122;1367198347;Diablo-D3;joecool: it becomes impossible to design chips at 10nm 5123;1367198403;Diablo-D3;using existing HSQ and MSQ polymer dielectrics on silicon. 5124;1367198415;mjr___;Diablo-D3: do you think you could implement the sha-256 algo in a way that would be efficient for nvidia? 5125;1367198430;Diablo-D3;mjr___: no. and my kernel already implements it as efficient as possible. 5126;1367198455;Diablo-D3;mjr___: radeons execute integer add, xor, and rot in a single cycle 5127;1367198462;KRS-1;I dont know much about hynix and toshiba but I bet samsung is doing cool stuff. Hehe thinking back, I was a very big fan of Motorola. 5128;1367198463;Diablo-D3;nvidia does not do ANY of those in a single cycle 5129;1367198470;joecool;Diablo-D3: actually intel claimed they might skip 10nm and go to 8nm 5130;1367198470;mjr___;nice 5131;1367198471;Diablo-D3;and rotate is more expensive than add and xor on nvidia 5132;1367198483;mjr___;i see 5133;1367198485;Diablo-D3;joecool: 8nm is the half node size for 10 iirc, so its the same shit anyhow 5134;1367198515;mjr___;Diablo-D3: i think eventually we will need to use a larger bus, serial is a bottleneck 5135;1367198560;mjr___;you take 256 clock cycles just to get the hash in over a serial bus 5136;1367198586;mjr___;and with pipelining, the best you can hope for is one double hash per clock cycle 5137;1367198586;thestringpuller;WHY AREn'T YOU PEOPLE WATCHING GAME OF THRONES? 5138;1367198588;Diablo-D3;thats not an issue I have to care about 5139;1367198602;KRS-1;lol never even heard abou tit 5140;1367198610;KRS-1;but Diablo's got me glued 5141;1367198611;Diablo-D3;mjr___: and btw, I only upload the kernel arguments once every 2**32 hashes 5142;1367198632;Diablo-D3;mjr___: and the CUs set up the arguments as shared registers for the entire work group 5143;1367198643;mjr___;that is pretty cool 5144;1367198653;Diablo-D3;well, 2**32 if I use -f small-enough-number 5145;1367198656;Diablo-D3;but you get what I mean 5146;1367198661;Diablo-D3;its very infrequent 5147;1367198663;mjr___;right now we are working on a virtex 6 design 5148;1367198682;Diablo-D3;SO ANYHOW 5149;1367198683;mjr___;so it has a massive amount of block ram 5150;1367198701;Diablo-D3;IBM has produced a cabon nanotube transitor 5151;1367198712;KRS-1;thats craziness in itself.. 5152;1367198722;KRS-1;that could take us off on a completely different tangent 5153;1367198744;KRS-1;nano=extremely small + billions of transistors = CPU no? 5154;1367198765;Diablo-D3;and some research team from Korea has developed a working FinFET 5155;1367198774;Diablo-D3;KRS-1: well, nanotech starts at 10nm basically 5156;1367198806;KRS-1;but nanotube transistors is a deviation from traditional cpu design isnt it 5157;1367198817;Diablo-D3;nope 5158;1367198826;thestringpuller;lol nanotube 5159;1367198828;KRS-1;just smaller.. 5160;1367198830;Diablo-D3;you're replacing existing dielectrics with carbon. 5161;1367198834;thestringpuller;is gonna come back 5162;1367198844;joecool;just swapping material, can maintain the design 5163;1367198846;KRS-1;ah and thus a friction reduction 5164;1367198862;Diablo-D3;KRS-1: no 5165;1367198865;Diablo-D3;friction? wtf? 5166;1367198875;KRS-1;no friction at that scale? 5167;1367198885;Diablo-D3;what sort of friction are we talking about here? 5168;1367198893;Diablo-D3;theres no moving parts in my CPU =P 5169;1367198898;KRS-1;electrons moving about in a cpu cause friction, heat right? 5170;1367198901;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.3074 BTC [+] 5171;1367198907;Diablo-D3;thats not called friction 5172;1367198922;benkay;semantics 5173;1367198923;KRS-1;ok so bad use of the term but i think you know what im referring to? 5174;1367198948;Diablo-D3;yes, you mean resistance 5175;1367198951;KRS-1;right 5176;1367198964;Diablo-D3;the reason you decrease feature size is to decrease resistance through less voltage 5177;1367198975;Diablo-D3;thus less waste heat 5178;1367198986;mjr___;yeah the finfet operated on .7 volts at 28nm 5179;1367199027;Diablo-D3;mjr___: the korean one Im talking about was much smaller 5180;1367199061;mjr___;yeah, i was talking about the one from taiwan semi 5181;1367199138;mjr___;by the way, is asicminer an actual chip or a hardcoded fpga? 5182;1367199152;Diablo-D3;actual chip 5183;1367199154;Diablo-D3;so is avalon 5184;1367199157;Diablo-D3;who knows what bfl is 5185;1367199157;mjr___;really? 5186;1367199169;Diablo-D3;yeah, avalon is at 90nm, asicminer is at 130nm 5187;1367199173;joecool;bfl is an avalon with the name ground off 5188;1367199179;mjr___;thought avalon was 110nm 5189;1367199197;Diablo-D3;they both licensed existing IP from their fabs and spammed it on their chips with minimal routing and timing wiring 5190;1367199206;Diablo-D3;I thought 90, might be 110 5191;1367199263;assbot;[BTCTC] [GSDPT] 110 @ 0.00301 = 0.3311 BTC [+] 5192;1367199264;assbot;[BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.4233 BTC [+] 5193;1367199282;KRS-1;Diablo: We are getting more clever at improving what we do, but we are not changing how we do it. Example: ever smaller tolerances for CPU design. At some point moore's law will have to break down and not apply. Do you think we will enter a sort of "dark ages" where there will be little, if any discovery for a very long time? Or, do you think there will be great discovery on the 5194;1367199282;KRS-1;horizon where we will enter a "golden age" of discovery and or "enlightenment"? 5195;1367199310;mjr___;it depends on whether you think we need constant improvement 5196;1367199319;Diablo-D3;moore's law was just a really accurate prediction anyhow 5197;1367199325;KRS-1;whether we need it or not, it will happen 5198;1367199335;Diablo-D3;KRS-1: what we need is to quit writing software like shit 5199;1367199338;mjr___;no...if you are asking if we would enter a dark ages 5200;1367199341;assbot;[BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.1997 BTC [+] 5201;1367199343;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.3074 BTC [+] 5202;1367199347;Diablo-D3;its not the hardware thats the problem 5203;1367199348;Diablo-D3;its the software 5204;1367199354;mjr___;agree 5205;1367199357;Diablo-D3;protip: STOP USING THREADS, ASSHOLES 5206;1367199364;mjr___;hahaha 5207;1367199367;joecool;i wish battery technology would move along, that shit hasn't gone anywhere 5208;1367199371;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 33 @ 0.01 = 0.33 BTC [+] 5209;1367199380;Diablo-D3;IBM solved this fucking problem in the late fucking 60s 5210;1367199383;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.3075 BTC [+] 5211;1367199388;Diablo-D3;why the fuck do people keep doing it wrong 5212;1367199392;Diablo-D3;joecool: oh, batteries are dead 5213;1367199397;KRS-1;Basically, I am asking if we will come to a point where we stop discovering and keep concentrating on improving to the point where we can't anymore. Thus, no new discoveries, no new improvements. 5214;1367199410;joecool;Diablo-D3: well i don't have a fuel cell in my laptop either 5215;1367199426;mjr___;KRS-1: if you think science is understanding the universe we live in, then what happens once we understand it all? 5216;1367199426;Diablo-D3;joecool: graphite supercapacitors have no memory effect, instantly charge, and hold at least 10 times more power than existing shipping tech 5217;1367199455;Diablo-D3;and yes, I mean charge instantly, you will not be able to provide power to it fast enough. 5218;1367199470;joecool;well obv, copper wires have a limit 5219;1367199474;Diablo-D3;it will happily peg a 120v 15a plug. 5220;1367199482;KRS-1;mjr: I think science is a tool for understanding what we don't..but I don't know once we understand it all..maybe the answer is "42". 5221;1367199503;joecool;Diablo-D3: yet nothing is at market? 5222;1367199510;Diablo-D3;joecool: not until 2020. 5223;1367199523;KRS-1;Thanks for the chat Diablo- everyone. I'm going to be doing some followup reading. I appreciate the stimulating conversations. 5224;1367199524;mjr___;thats my point...it only matters to get better, faster, if you have a reason 5225;1367199542;Diablo-D3;which btw, Ive predicted the end of the world will be sometime in 2016. 5226;1367199546;Diablo-D3;so /me shrugs 5227;1367199557;KRS-1;Oh dear, I better cultivate those investments a little more. 5228;1367199582;Diablo-D3;but yeah basically 5229;1367199586;kakobrekla;why bother with anything then Diablo-D3 5230;1367199586;KRS-1;If you don't mind, a couple of sentences on why you think that in a private message would be most appreciated.. I won't reply but I'll follow up with my own research. 5231;1367199587;Diablo-D3;computes are completely async inside 5232;1367199603;Diablo-D3;*computers 5233;1367199606;joecool;kakobrekla: exactly, i'm gonna take up drinking 5234;1367199614;Diablo-D3;so why write code that requires highly synchronous action 5235;1367199626;kakobrekla;Diablo-D3 cause world will end in 3 years 5236;1367199628;mjr___;what would you use instead of threads? 5237;1367199630;Diablo-D3;just make everything concurrent single threaded processes and pipe everything 5238;1367199630;kakobrekla;nobody gives a fuck 5239;1367199636;kakobrekla;ya know 5240;1367199640;Diablo-D3;kakobrekla: that doesnt explain the last 40 years of programming. 5241;1367199661;Diablo-D3;seriously, the reason your computer is basically no faster than the 486 you used to have years ago on real world tasks? 5242;1367199664;Diablo-D3;threads. 5243;1367199670;kakobrekla;Diablo-D3 they thought it was gonna be 2012 5244;1367199673;kakobrekla;that explains it 5245;1367199687;Diablo-D3;kakobrekla: add 3 and a half years to december 21st 2012. 5246;1367199724;kakobrekla;why are you still bothering then 5247;1367199731;Diablo-D3;bored. 5248;1367199746;mjr___;have the best 3 and a half years possible? 5249;1367199752;kakobrekla;on irc! 5250;1367199945;Diablo-D3;kakobrekla: Im not on IRC nearly as much as people think I am 5251;1367199956;mjr___;IRC is probably my favorite thing 5252;1367199983;joecool;Diablo-D3: liar, you just move around a ton of channels 5253;1367200419;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 1 @ 0.01 BTC [+] 5254;1367200669;benkay;what does a struck-out bondholder on the MPBOR list mean? 5255;1367200950;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 155 @ 0.009901 = 1.5347 BTC [-] 5256;1367201067;assbot;[MPEX] [S.DICE] 1126 @ 0.003001 = 3.3791 BTC [-] 5257;1367201167;Diablo-D3;alright Im going to bed 5258;1367201169;Diablo-D3;night all 5259;1367201282;KRS-1;Did you guys feel that too? Diablo...just left. 5260;1367201289;KRS-1;woa 5261;1367201312;kakobrekla;what? 5262;1367201322;KRS-1;nothing..sry 5263;1367201521;truff1es;KRS-1 know any sad songs? 5264;1367201766;truff1es;Gloomy Sunday - Billie Holiday would fit.. 5265;1367201846;KRS-1;hmm 5266;1367201875;KRS-1;wow thats old. 5267;1367201889;KRS-1;gimme a min i can come up with something 5268;1367201912;truff1es;i couldnt think of anything i listen to normally 5269;1367202013;KRS-1;Ok- I have the perfect one. 5270;1367202023;truff1es;that song from man on fire 5271;1367202027;mjr___;january wedding avett brothers 5272;1367202029;KRS-1;This one has Annie Lennox in it, I think its a much better version. 5273;1367202030;mjr___;not sure if its sad 5274;1367202035;mjr___;or maybe bon iver blood bank 5275;1367202080;KRS-1;This was originally done by Neil Young but I like this version better: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1x6u1rkxS4 5276;1367202115;KRS-1;from one of my most fav. movies: American Beauty 5277;1367202155;KRS-1;goes great on a cold night with misty like rain 5278;1367202219;truff1es;this song's not bad 5279;1367202224;mjr___;which? 5280;1367202276;truff1es;Don´t let it bring you down- by Annie Lennox, now listening to blood bank 5281;1367202329;truff1es;its got the kinda sadness im looking for 5282;1367202388;truff1es;if not for these chatrooms id never encounter all these types of music 5283;1367202389;mjr___;blood bank? 5284;1367202397;truff1es;ya 5285;1367202404;mjr___;i figured that is what you were looking for 5286;1367202420;mjr___;its one of my favorites 5287;1367202452;mjr___;sad to me meant somewhat melancholy but not necessarily having sad lyrics 5288;1367202469;truff1es;yea 5289;1367202565;KRS-1;Thats what I said earlier truff1es- about chat rooms..Aint it great. 5290;1367202578;truff1es;yep 5291;1367202585;truff1es;u get what u want out of them 5292;1367202591;KRS-1;At first I thought- "Its been a while" by Staind, then I thought, nahhh not enough. Need MOAR. 5293;1367202596;truff1es;i aim for culture 5294;1367202604;KRS-1;ok I'll keep that in mind. 5295;1367202617;mjr___;you also might like jose gonzalez's veneer album 5296;1367202621;mjr___;its pretty great 5297;1367202631;KRS-1;checking that out now 5298;1367202642;mjr___;heartbeats is prob the best song on it 5299;1367202649;KRS-1;ok just gonna ask u that 5300;1367202650;mjr___;but there are otherse that are good too 5301;1367202695;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.3129 BTC [+] 5302;1367202711;mjr___;down the line is great 5303;1367202712;KRS-1;not bad, this is kinda cool mjr 5304;1367202722;KRS-1;I might be weird, but I thought this was f'n amazing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7knUFWY2P44 5305;1367202778;truff1es;José González - Save Your Day, I like 5306;1367202830;mjr___;i fell in love with a dead boy - antony and the johnsons 5307;1367202840;mjr___;the prayer is a great song too 5308;1367202847;truff1es;i heard that audition before 5309;1367202880;mjr___;KRS-1: that is a great video 5310;1367202908;truff1es;pieces of me thats a great one 5311;1367202939;truff1es;cant think of the band, might not be the title.. 5312;1367202964;mjr___;wagon wheel - old crow medicine show 5313;1367202975;mjr___;you don't know how it feels - tom petty 5314;1367202991;truff1es;reminds me of Phantom of the Opera 5315;1367203083;mjr___;in fact... 5316;1367203158;mjr___;http://www.pandora.com/land/station/5824683d717a52e9d6873c0d7bdf02ef2024179d9bdf3892?referrer=joshrossi&site=facebook&shareImp=true&seed=station 5317;1367203201;mjr___;that is the station i listen to, if you look at its details, you will see all the music choices, which tracks i put in, which artists, and my thumbs up history 5318;1367203238;mjr___;so that is the best list to show you what i usually listen to...its always evolving, but i think its pretty good 5319;1367203268;mjr___;and you can listen to samples of each song, to choose what you like 5320;1367203291;truff1es;too bad it doesnt work for me.. 5321;1367203296;mjr___;why not? 5322;1367203304;truff1es;... 5323;1367203316;mjr___;http://www.pandora.com/station/859797464278263737 5324;1367203319;mjr___;this link works? 5325;1367203362;truff1es;id need a proxy or something.. 5326;1367203376;mjr___;oh duh, i didn't realize that you weren't in the US 5327;1367203385;mjr___;couldn't you just use tor? 5328;1367203393;mjr___;or would it be too slow for a stream? 5329;1367203421;mjr___;its a pretty eclectic collection lol 5330;1367203423;KRS-1;mjr: That station you said you listen to- great stuff. 5331;1367203432;mjr___;why thank you 5332;1367203439;mjr___;its very eclectic 5333;1367203441;mjr___;i made it 5334;1367203446;mjr___;so its what i like 5335;1367203456;truff1es;i was trying to find my fav song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AyyCz9z1s_M 5336;1367203458;KRS-1;yeh kind of my taste, although i go all over the place at times. 5337;1367203469;KRS-1;Johnny Cash: Hurt- is a great song 5338;1367203474;mjr___;yeah 5339;1367203485;mjr___;that is why its called god's gonna cut you down radio 5340;1367203499;mjr___;cuz that was the song i started with 5341;1367203505;mjr___;then i added in a bunch of other stuff 5342;1367203513;mjr___;then thumbed up tracks i like 5343;1367203521;mjr___;so its been learning what i like 5344;1367203523;truff1es;ive got a mixed taste in music also 5345;1367203526;mjr___;but it usually works in waves 5346;1367203534;truff1es;i will have to try tor.. 5347;1367203537;mjr___;so you'll get maybe a 90's rock wave 5348;1367203550;mjr___;then maybe an lcd soundsystem type wave 5349;1367203559;mjr___;then a kinda country guitar wave 5350;1367203568;KRS-1;truff1es: interesting- I doubt i would ever listen to this, but thanks its got my ear now..hmm. 5351;1367203568;mjr___;which is kinda nice that it smooths it like that 5352;1367203580;KRS-1;90's rock is unreal 5353;1367203593;KRS-1;i think it might be my fav genre 5354;1367203601;truff1es;fav song out of the phantom of the opera not of all time 5355;1367203603;KRS-1;great to smoke to 5356;1367203605;mjr___;it is pretty nice 5357;1367203607;truff1es;i have many favorites 5358;1367203633;KRS-1;truff1es: same here, i can be all over the place at times..even country, but only the major hits and classics. 5359;1367203635;mjr___;so my station has rolling stones, violent femmes, pixies, lcd soundsystem, bruce springsteen...its kinda crazy but it works 5360;1367203655;KRS-1;never heard of lcd soundsystem 5361;1367203665;KRS-1;311 was one of my fav 90s rock 5362;1367203691;mjr___;dear mr. fantasy by traffic is a great song 5363;1367203697;KRS-1;Recently came across this that had me from the beginning, never heard it before: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEvjFThqmq0 5364;1367203710;KRS-1;Gonna check that one out now 5365;1367203760;mjr___;http://www.pandora.com/david-bowie/bowie-at-beeb-best-of-bbc-radio-sessions-68-72/ziggy-stardust-bbc-radio-version-live 5366;1367203792;KRS-1;not bad..makes me feel like I should have a beer in my hand. 5367;1367203826;mjr___;all i want is you - U2 5368;1367203839;mjr___;i've been a big fan of the avett brothers lately 5369;1367203839;truff1es;do u have to download tor browser? 5370;1367203848;mjr___;a perfect space is a good song by them\ 5371;1367203854;mjr___;truff1es: no i don't think so 5372;1367203857;mjr___;try this 5373;1367203928;truff1es;i might as well get it for future use 5374;1367203931;KRS-1;dear mr. fantasy by traffic: WOW 5375;1367203937;KRS-1;This pings me a bit 5376;1367203948;mjr___;http://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/04/22/tor_japan_police_ban/ This is not good 5377;1367203952;truff1es;sandbox wont cut it 5378;1367203973;mjr___;seven by david bowie 5379;1367203987;KRS-1;THANKS mjr- this is going into the collection 5380;1367203990;mjr___;hmmm i was thinking of the website that passes through 5381;1367203998;KRS-1;Its like..a smokey bar song. 5382;1367204018;KRS-1;Who are they to say the Internet SHOULDN'T be anonymous. Its far too personal as it is. 5383;1367204198;truff1es;flash and my pc are like enemies 5384;1367204267;mjr___;http://anonymouse.org/anonwww.html 5385;1367204270;mjr___;try that? 5386;1367204277;truff1es;got tor 5387;1367204292;mjr___;cool 5388;1367204298;truff1es;just need to refresh 5389;1367204327;KRS-1;those anonymizer sites are probably even more monitored than as if you don't even use em, but if you just don't want to be known by the server you are contacting then np 5390;1367204353;KRS-1;two different uses at hand 5391;1367204355;mjr___;eh, this is just to use pandora overseas 5392;1367204373;KRS-1;cant use pandora from outside the U.S.? 5393;1367204379;truff1es;why wont it recognized the update!! 5394;1367204387;mjr___;nope 5395;1367204389;truff1es;ok gotta try annon site 5396;1367204468;truff1es;do u normally restart after installing flash? 5397;1367204471;truff1es;i dont remember 5398;1367204480;mjr___;not sure, i don't think so...but i don't know 5399;1367204505;truff1es;i often end up deleting it and reinstalling when needed 5400;1367204513;truff1es;but i cant remember heh 5401;1367204530;mjr___;i'm on windows 7 and flash is installed 5402;1367204536;mjr___;i have virtual machines for other things 5403;1367204537;truff1es;anyways this songs great Antony & The Johnsons - I fell in Love with a Death Boy 5404;1367204546;mjr___;figured you would like it 5405;1367204572;truff1es;u couldnt know though 5406;1367204589;mjr___;KRS-1: Making Me Nervous - Brad Sucks 5407;1367204590;truff1es;my tastes somethings are borderline snobbery 5408;1367204605;mjr___;well, like i said, i figured you wanted a certain level of melancholy 5409;1367204619;truff1es;ya 5410;1367204622;mjr___;probably pretty voices, minor tonality 5411;1367204648;truff1es;i tend to zone in on vocalist 5412;1367204656;mjr___;yeah, i get that 5413;1367204668;truff1es;but i like dubstep : p 5414;1367204672;mjr___;me too 5415;1367204689;mjr___;like i said, everything from old appalachian string bands to skrillex 5416;1367204720;truff1es;omg this person is weird , is it a man? 5417;1367204760;mjr___;truff1es: seven by david bowie... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lj8y3cpSf6s 5418;1367204775;mjr___;truff1es: he is a gay guy i think 5419;1367204779;truff1es;im gonna have to come back to the pandora sometime 5420;1367204793;truff1es;too much going on on my screen 5421;1367204889;mjr___;cool 5422;1367204905;mjr___;did you like les miserables? 5423;1367204920;truff1es;yep 5424;1367204920;mjr___;ann hathaway almost brought tears to my eyes 5425;1367204953;truff1es;tragedies are prob auto like by me 5426;1367204984;assbot;[MPEX] [S.DICE] 8000 @ 0.003 = 24 BTC [-] 5427;1367204992;truff1es;seven is a good one 5428;1367205032;mjr___;truff1es: do you know of "the magnetic fields" 5429;1367205047;KRS-1;no? 5430;1367205055;mjr___;they have a ton of songs you will like i think 5431;1367205061;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.32000001 BTC [+] 5432;1367205062;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 79 @ 0.32 = 25.28 BTC [-] 5433;1367205069;KRS-1;if you can recomment their best one or biggest hit 5434;1367205083;mjr___;specifically look up "papa was a rodeo", "nothing matters when we're dancing", "the book of love"... 5435;1367205089;mjr___;check it out too KRS-1 5436;1367205116;KRS-1;ok ill do that now 5437;1367205141;KRS-1;HAH! Check out wax-rosanna: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0aRb4rAq0I 5438;1367205147;mjr___;fake plastic trees (acoustic version) by radiohead 5439;1367205148;KRS-1;This is an hilarious video 5440;1367205150;truff1es;not a fan of johnny cash.. 5441;1367205151;KRS-1;good song too 5442;1367205182;KRS-1;truff1es I wasnt either but somehow i got to listen to a few of his hits and broadened my horizons..idk how 5443;1367205183;truff1es;let me relisten to hurt before i say that again heh 5444;1367205194;KRS-1;exactly..i think thats the song that did it 5445;1367205219;mjr___;yes, that is my favorite 5446;1367205224;KRS-1;Magnetic Fields Papa was a Rodeo 5447;1367205234;KRS-1;nine inch nails did that one 5448;1367205241;mjr___;yeah 5449;1367205242;KRS-1;hmm this is interesting mjr 5450;1367205244;KRS-1;different 5451;1367205262;truff1es;yep still dont like mr cash 5452;1367205270;KRS-1;LOL truff1es 5453;1367205275;mjr___;it was almost all covers on american IV 5454;1367205276;KRS-1;not for everyone 5455;1367205280;KRS-1;similar in style to U2-numb 5456;1367205325;KRS-1;seems like magnetic fields is an acquired taste 5457;1367205326;truff1es;the magnetic fields voice is similar 5458;1367205336;KRS-1;yes sure seems like it 5459;1367205361;truff1es;have to be in a mood for that.. 5460;1367205386;mjr___;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHL1X0jV0dI 5461;1367205388;KRS-1;I've heard fake plastic trees (acoustic version) by radiohead..good one 5462;1367205407;mjr___;i just like this because its beautiful with the black and white video of people dancing back when america still had class LOL 5463;1367205431;KRS-1;mjr: u might like this 5464;1367205432;KRS-1;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0O0nzkESTI 5465;1367205434;mjr___;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHL1X0jV0dI 5466;1367205454;truff1es;i guess this is where our tastes clash 5467;1367205497;mjr___;hallelujah - jeff buckley ? 5468;1367205500;KRS-1;it happens 5469;1367205509;truff1es;yep good one 5470;1367205524;mjr___;did you not like this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHL1X0jV0dI ? 5471;1367205528;KRS-1;stone temple pilots- trippin on a hole in a paper heart This one revvs my engine 5472;1367205598;KRS-1;is it just me or am I still looking at a rising wedge here..i'm still holding on my orders. 5473;1367205699;truff1es;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfFi4Q7ueA8 if we must dance 5474;1367205765;mjr___;oh you will appreciate this KRS-1 5475;1367205787;mjr___;https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2218682996901&set=a.1092346279187.15249.1542422870&type=3&theater 5476;1367205872;truff1es;mjr are u a fan of mayer? 5477;1367205880;mjr___;john mayer? not really 5478;1367205881;KRS-1;HAHAHA yep thanks lol! 5479;1367205934;tiberiusiv;;;bids 50 5480;1367205937;gribble;There are currently 161598.23 bitcoins demanded at or over 50.0 USD, worth 14049360.2934 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0094 seconds 5481;1367206105;mjr___;i think that was from the network+ practice tests 5482;1367206118;truff1es;mjr and KRS-1 thanks for all the links, i bid u adieu 5483;1367206331;KRS-1;same 5484;1367206336;KRS-1;it was a pleasure, guys 5485;1367207504;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9934 @ 0.00069947 = 6.9485 BTC [-] 5486;1367207506;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11695 @ 0.00068747 = 8.04 BTC [-] 5487;1367207606;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5901 @ 0.00067424 = 3.9787 BTC [-] 5488;1367207812;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 5 @ 0.01 = 0.05 BTC [+] 5489;1367209192;assbot;[BTCTC] [RSM] 1 @ 0.0051 BTC [+] 5490;1367210068;Chaang-Noi;;;ticker 5491;1367210069;gribble;BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 135.10001, Best ask: 135.19900, Bid-ask spread: 0.09899, Last trade: 135.10000, 24 hour volume: 26423.91159310, 24 hour low: 129.02000, 24 hour high: 136.68000, 24 hour vwap: 134.04095 5492;1367210076;Chaang-Noi;morning all 5493;1367211936;assbot;[BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 10 @ 0.100005 = 1.0001 BTC [-] 5494;1367213955;assbot;[BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.4278 BTC [+] 5495;1367214419;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2651 BTC [-] 5496;1367214427;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.265 BTC [-] 5497;1367214441;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 1.261 = 5.044 BTC [-] 5498;1367214445;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.24 = 2.48 BTC [-] 5499;1367214459;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.22 BTC [-] 5500;1367214468;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.21 BTC [-] 5501;1367214473;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2 BTC [-] 5502;1367214480;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 1.2 = 3.6 BTC [-] 5503;1367215097;thestringpuller;;;seen mircea_popescu 5504;1367215097;gribble;mircea_popescu was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 4 hours, 51 minutes, and 34 seconds ago: right. 5505;1367215238;Chaang-Noi;http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-22292708 5506;1367215239;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6400 @ 0.00070324 = 4.5007 BTC [+] 5507;1367215245;Chaang-Noi;front page of bbc, crazy 5508;1367215253;Chaang-Noi;this keeps happening 5509;1367215780;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8200 @ 0.00070324 = 5.7666 BTC [+] 5510;1367215781;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8200 @ 0.00070324 = 5.7666 BTC [+] 5511;1367216774;KRS-1;powerful article 5512;1367216797;Chaang-Noi;im shocked very shocked by the amount of press btc has gotten 5513;1367217618;SoulKhan;knowledge reigns supreme 5514;1367220366;taub;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgLgaT2xhyY 5515;1367220369;taub;holy shit lmao 5516;1367220394;taub;is that mtux? giving the interview on a cyan gymnastic ball 5517;1367220400;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13858 @ 0.00069366 = 9.6127 BTC [-] 5518;1367220423;jurov;REVOLUTION http://i.imgur.com/VsIXO9R.png 5519;1367221061;b0n1;taub, i think so 5520;1367221091;b0n1;KRS-1, what article do you mean? 5521;1367221540;assbot;[BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.4278 BTC [+] 5522;1367222538;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4850 @ 0.00069806 = 3.3856 BTC [+] 5523;1367222540;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4743 @ 0.00070297 = 3.3342 BTC [+] 5524;1367222542;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 143 @ 0.00070377 = 0.1006 BTC [+] 5525;1367223001;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 10 @ 0.32000001 = 3.2 BTC [+] 5526;1367223002;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 90 @ 0.32 = 28.8 BTC [-] 5527;1367223721;assbot;[MPEX] [S.DICE] 408 @ 0.003 = 1.224 BTC [-] 5528;1367223822;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3107 @ 0.00070377 = 2.1866 BTC [+] 5529;1367223824;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3066 @ 0.00070885 = 2.1733 BTC [+] 5530;1367223835;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2400 @ 0.00071443 = 1.7146 BTC [+] 5531;1367223837;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5000 @ 0.00071488 = 3.5744 BTC [+] 5532;1367223838;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3277 @ 0.000715 = 2.3431 BTC [+] 5533;1367224265;assbot;[BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.4278 BTC [+] 5534;1367224308;assbot;[BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.428 BTC [+] 5535;1367224363;assbot;[BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 28 @ 0.016 = 0.448 BTC [-] 5536;1367224524;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 1 @ 0.01 BTC [+] 5537;1367225046;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8750 @ 0.00069366 = 6.0695 BTC [-] 5538;1367225066;assbot;[BTCTC] [RSM] 1 @ 0.0051 BTC [+] 5539;1367225161;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 81 @ 0.01 = 0.81 BTC [+] 5540;1367225173;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 89 @ 0.01 = 0.89 BTC [+] 5541;1367225327;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.27 BTC [+] 5542;1367225352;assbot;[BTCTC] [GSDPT] 1 @ 0.00329 BTC [+] 5543;1367226399;Diablo-D3;so hrm 5544;1367226404;Diablo-D3;still wondering if I want to bid on those units 5545;1367226998;KRS-1;b0n1: this article http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-22292708 5546;1367227616;b0n1;Diablo-D3, which units? 5547;1367227627;Diablo-D3;asicminer blades 5548;1367227679;dub;fuck dat 5549;1367227714;Diablo-D3;dub: well yeah 5550;1367227718;Diablo-D3;the prices have gone up too high 5551;1367227729;Diablo-D3;they cant pay for themselves in 2 months anymore 5552;1367227749;b0n1;yeah too risky 5553;1367227875;davout;how much are they being sold for ? 5554;1367227895;Diablo-D3;current bids are heading up towards 40 btc 5555;1367227908;davout;for which kind of hashrate ? 5556;1367227915;Diablo-D3;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=189248 5557;1367227918;Diablo-D3;davout: 10gh 5558;1367227965;davout;thanks! i'll have a look 5559;1367227987;Diablo-D3;how much did an avalon sell for? 5560;1367228347;Chaang-Noi;avolon is 60 or 80 ghs?> 5561;1367228350;Diablo-D3;68 5562;1367228362;Chaang-Noi;ok 5563;1367228450;Diablo-D3;the 4 blade ones are 88 5564;1367228457;Chaang-Noi;d3 you think that auction will get into the 60s? 5565;1367228468;Diablo-D3;Chaang-Noi: yes, I just said exactly that in the htread 5566;1367228481;Chaang-Noi;i know, im just shocked 5567;1367228487;Chaang-Noi;i dont think it will get into the 50s 5568;1367228494;Diablo-D3;whats the top bid now? 45? 5569;1367228506;Chaang-Noi;42.5 5570;1367228515;Chaang-Noi;but 36 now is still a valid bid 5571;1367228528;Chaang-Noi;no way we will get into the 60s 5572;1367228535;Chaang-Noi;maybe 50s... but i doubt that 5573;1367228749;Diablo-D3;look at the previous auction, it jumped like 30 btc during the last few hours 5574;1367228768;Chaang-Noi;well time will tell but id make a bet we dont go into the 60s :) 5575;1367229024;Diablo-D3;its probably not going to clear 70 5576;1367229030;Diablo-D3;I think we can both agree onthat 5577;1367229038;Chaang-Noi;well yeah :) 5578;1367229606;Chaang-Noi;mp that guy in finland just bought 700 more btc at 134.5 he said 5579;1367229618;assbot;[BTCTC] [GSDPT] 3 @ 0.00329 = 0.0099 BTC [+] 5580;1367229634;Chaang-Noi;i wonder what his average buy in price is 5581;1367229644;Chaang-Noi;but still, long term i bet he does well 5582;1367229712;mircea_popescu;well it's impossible to know. if he were sane then i'm sure he'd do well. has a silver business or w/e, bought some btc, sounds good 5583;1367229719;mircea_popescu;unfortunately he doesn't sound sane. 5584;1367229757;Chaang-Noi;i sold him the coin, i wanted to call his bluff, i did not think he had the fiat 5585;1367229775;Chaang-Noi;so we will see if the fiat comes in, if not lu;z will be had 5586;1367229799;mircea_popescu;well wait 5587;1367229804;mircea_popescu;you sent btc first ?! 5588;1367229805;Diablo-D3;how many BTC? 5589;1367229813;Chaang-Noi;ha 5590;1367229816;Chaang-Noi;no i did not send first 5591;1367229821;mircea_popescu;o, escrew ? 5592;1367229829;Chaang-Noi;he is going to send first, if/when i get the money i send btc 5593;1367229832;mircea_popescu;also in the news http://polimedia.us/dtng/c/src/133475342584.jpg 5594;1367229832;Chaang-Noi;no escrow 5595;1367229855;Diablo-D3;mircea_popescu: yuki's kitchen? 5596;1367229874;mircea_popescu;it's funny cause that's the first roast beast i've seen with the hair still on. 5597;1367229874;Chaang-Noi;so either he does send and we ahve a good trade or he does not send and i make some lulz 5598;1367229881;mircea_popescu;win-win 5599;1367229890;Diablo-D3;mircea_popescu: s/roast beast/long pig/ 5600;1367229896;Chaang-Noi;Forbidden 5601;1367229896;Chaang-Noi;You don't have permission to access /dtng/c/src/133475342584.jpg on this server. 5602;1367229896;Chaang-Noi;Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. 5603;1367229903;Chaang-Noi;why i fail mp? 5604;1367229912;mircea_popescu;possibly got banned ? 5605;1367229921;Chaang-Noi;im happy he is sending directly to me in thailand 5606;1367229928;Chaang-Noi;taxes suck... 5607;1367229934;Chaang-Noi;im not sure how i got banned 5608;1367229938;Chaang-Noi;iv never posted 5609;1367229949;mircea_popescu;maybe you're on a shared ip or som,ething ? 5610;1367229960;mircea_popescu;are you on one of those pool things ? 5611;1367229980;Chaang-Noi;its synamic, or changes or what not, but i doubt many people here in thailand post on your blog 5612;1367229987;Chaang-Noi;dynamic 5613;1367230012;mircea_popescu;post probably not, try to spam possibly. 5614;1367230021;Chaang-Noi;not a big deal, but your site rejects me about 255 of the time for some odd reason 5615;1367230035;Chaang-Noi;oh, thailand has some spammers 5616;1367230044;Chaang-Noi;im blocked from 4chan for that reason 5617;1367230053;mircea_popescu;yeah well that'sd explain it 5618;1367230089;PsychoticBoy;good morning all 5619;1367230094;Chaang-Noi;hi 5620;1367230095;PsychoticBoy;yes even you mircea 5621;1367230131;DiabloD3;mircea_popescu: since when did you enjoy cannibalism art? 5622;1367230157;PsychoticBoy;so whats up with the insane amount of btc ppl paying for ASICMINER eruptor blades?? 5623;1367230177;Chaang-Noi;no idea 5624;1367230177;mircea_popescu;since forever 5625;1367230187;Chaang-Noi;but as a stock holder im happy 5626;1367230199;PsychoticBoy;I would be too Goat 5627;1367230201;DiabloD3;yeah really 5628;1367230205;DiabloD3;Im a stock holder and Im happy 5629;1367230230;PsychoticBoy;I have 500 shares and I am happy only thing is, they (the buyers ) are stupid 5630;1367230233;Chaang-Noi;am should sell as many as they can now before bfl fixes their shit 5631;1367230267;mircea_popescu;Graet https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=164913.0 5632;1367230272;mircea_popescu;if you've not seen it 5633;1367230390;PsychoticBoy;but why should someone pay 40+ btc for a 10Gh/s miner? does it mean I can sell my 15Gh/s farm for 60+ btc? dont think so 5634;1367230412;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.297 BTC [+] 5635;1367230420;Chaang-Noi;if there is free electric then yeah 5636;1367230431;Chaang-Noi;asics as ytou know are awesome cuz energy use 5637;1367230457;PsychoticBoy;how much energy fot the blade? 200w 5638;1367230459;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2979 BTC [+] 5639;1367230496;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.298 BTC [+] 5640;1367230510;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 11 @ 0.01 = 0.11 BTC [+] 5641;1367230520;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 3 @ 0.01 = 0.03 BTC [+] 5642;1367230535;Chaang-Noi;i dont know 5643;1367230544;Chaang-Noi;but that seems high 5644;1367230589;mircea_popescu;CryptoTrader scammed me out of 500 FC 5645;1367230592;mircea_popescu;da fuck is a fc ? 5646;1367230607;PsychoticBoy;freicoin? 5647;1367230610;Chaang-Noi;feather coin? 5648;1367230611;PsychoticBoy;heilcoin 5649;1367230629;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.298 BTC [+] 5650;1367230632;PsychoticBoy;could be both 5651;1367230642;Chaang-Noi;yeah i dont know 5652;1367230849;mircea_popescu;Hi, I want to borrow 782.1 BTC. 5653;1367230857;Chaang-Noi;me too 5654;1367230860;mircea_popescu;;;calc 782 * 134 5655;1367230860;gribble;104788 5656;1367230871;mircea_popescu;100k loan w/o any of rthe paperwork. 5657;1367230903;mircea_popescu;he wants to copy zefir's plan, with opm 5658;1367230908;Chaang-Noi;well... that finland guy is suposidly sending me 1`00k with no paperwork 5659;1367230921;Chaang-Noi;opm? 5660;1367230928;mircea_popescu;other people's money 5661;1367230941;Scrat;any loan over 100 btc should require sexual favors for life 5662;1367230942;Chaang-Noi;ahh 5663;1367230952;Chaang-Noi;zefir is build the asics guy right? 5664;1367230957;Chaang-Noi;the avlon stuff? 5665;1367231023;mircea_popescu;yeah 5666;1367231026;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/ryandickherber/status/328178648463069186 5667;1367231036;mircea_popescu;lmao... wasn't i saying this last month ? 5668;1367231071;Chaang-Noi;charged with what? 5669;1367231137;mircea_popescu;the germans are investigationg a phishing ring 5670;1367231162;Chaang-Noi;oh really? 5671;1367231175;Chaang-Noi;i guess i just dont know enought about bitcoin 24 5672;1367231345;thestringpuller;oh wow mircea_popescu is awake 5673;1367231349;thestringpuller;but I guess it is like evening there 5674;1367231364;davout;it's actually noon in europe 5675;1367231370;thestringpuller;i know 5676;1367231382;thestringpuller;it's like 6 AM here 5677;1367231387;davout;oh, sorry you weren't talking about europe 5678;1367231390;thestringpuller;and probably fucking night time already in asian 5679;1367231395;thestringpuller;asia* 5680;1367231425;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu was last awake around the time Game of Thrones was on 5681;1367231437;thestringpuller;;;google install python-egg 5682;1367231438;gribble;A small introduction to Python Eggs - MrTopf: ; setuptools 0.6c11 : Python Package Index: ; [Tutor] How do you install EGG files - python.org Mailing Lists: 5683;1367231474;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller whence this fascination with times ? 5684;1367231487;Scrat;thestringpuller: it was a good ep 5685;1367231516;DiabloD3;lol fucking python eggs 5686;1367231521;assbot;[BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 5 @ 0.10629 = 0.5315 BTC [+] 5687;1367231523;DiabloD3;another reason not to use python 5688;1367231556;thestringpuller;:D 5689;1367231570;thestringpuller;I don't have time to write C. 5690;1367231582;thestringpuller;Nor teach anyone C. 5691;1367231587;DiabloD3;heh 5692;1367231595;thestringpuller;Yes C is awesome. Best language ever. 5693;1367231604;thestringpuller;But it takes a long time to learn, and a long time to use. 5694;1367231610;DiabloD3;although rust is looking pretty nifty 5695;1367231632;thestringpuller;You probably love C because it's more granular to optimize no? 5696;1367231644;Scrat;he loves C because he is into BDSM 5697;1367231647;Scrat;no other reason really 5698;1367231649;thestringpuller;Or even to debug per machine :P 5699;1367231653;DiabloD3;I like C because it doesn't enforce broken behavior 5700;1367231664;thestringpuller;LOL 5701;1367231681;thestringpuller;Because its like 30 years old. 5702;1367231696;DiabloD3;although I _really_ wish I didn't have to basically ignore the libc 5703;1367231707;DiabloD3;too much stuff written in C is thread safe 5704;1367231710;Scrat;i don't know why would anyone code in C anymore, unless they absolutely had to 5705;1367231719;DiabloD3;Scrat: because all other languages suck 5706;1367231752;DiabloD3;evernote:///view/30460238/s248/c188c52a-3db4-46c1-84d8-1a38d5b93181/c188c52a-3db4-46c1-84d8-1a38d5b93181/ 5707;1367231755;DiabloD3;errr 5708;1367231757;DiabloD3;thanks evernote 5709;1367231772;DiabloD3;https://www.evernote.com/shard/s248/sh/c188c52a-3db4-46c1-84d8-1a38d5b93181/0312b5aa06a4b1a4c8442272863e87a1 5710;1367231779;assbot;[BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 2 @ 0.016 = 0.032 BTC [-] 5711;1367231788;assbot;[BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 8 @ 0.0164 = 0.1312 BTC [+] 5712;1367231817;DiabloD3;there, find me a language that does all of that 5713;1367231877;KRS-1;some of this would be blasphemy in to java 5714;1367231892;DiabloD3;yes, java is one of those languages that are wrong. 5715;1367231904;KRS-1;for real 5716;1367231927;KRS-1;so are a lot of the java developers i've had to work with 5717;1367231931;Scrat;I think there are more important matters, for example why the fuck would you have to use an external lib to have simple things like hash maps? 5718;1367231935;Scrat;hurrr static typing 5719;1367231963;KRS-1;like..you hack code for a living?? really? never seen such people that don't take pride in their code in my life 5720;1367231989;DiabloD3;Scrat: well, with C, I'm working on a library that isnt just fucking shit. 5721;1367231993;KRS-1;where I work I have to support dev teams..some of the crap I've seen will make you cringe. 5722;1367232035;KRS-1;C is amazing..and been around a while..probably will be. 5723;1367232043;KRS-1;I never could grasp assembly though 5724;1367232053;KRS-1;its too primitive for me 5725;1367232060;Scrat;it will be around forever, probably like 90% of internet infrastructure is written in C 5726;1367232080;Scrat;C/C++ 5727;1367232100;Scrat;DiabloD3 just had an embolism when I added the ++ 5728;1367232187;KRS-1;LOL 5729;1367232213;Scrat;he is also a boost hater, and I'll agree with him there 5730;1367232219;Scrat;but it's needed to cover the suck 5731;1367232242;KRS-1;haha u have a cool way of putting things 5732;1367232284;DiabloD3;Scrat: thats why you dont use a shitty language to begin wtih 5733;1367232481;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1800 @ 0.00069685 = 1.2543 BTC [+] 5734;1367232487;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 365 @ 0.00069366 = 0.2532 BTC [-] 5735;1367232878;mircea_popescu;http://www.allgov.com/news/controversies/judge-sentenced-to-28-years-in-prison-for-selling-kids-to-private-prisons?news=843116 5736;1367233546;Chaang-Noi;28 years? the last time i heard about that or a differnt story they only got 2 years each 5737;1367233551;jurov;i like C. Except for string operations where I need pen and paper to visualize where the pointers end up. 5738;1367233562;Chaang-Noi;sell 700 btc, then we go up... lulz 5739;1367233607;jurov;wtf is "juvenile-prison developer"? 5740;1367233625;mircea_popescu;one that builds prisons for kids 5741;1367233639;jurov;oh, there is such a vocation in US nao? 5742;1367233641;Chaang-Noi;that page wont load for me, but im going to guess this is in the usa? 5743;1367233653;jurov;Chaang-Noi: just wait, takes time 5744;1367233661;mircea_popescu;jurov yeah. 5745;1367233662;Chaang-Noi;it failed twice for me 5746;1367233683;Chaang-Noi;Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete. 5747;1367233684;Chaang-Noi;lol 5748;1367233709;Chaang-Noi;HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable. 5749;1367233715;Chaang-Noi;pretty sure its just down 5750;1367233798;jurov;goat: here for ya http://bitbin.it/GFjNBnZt 5751;1367233832;Chaang-Noi;thanks 5752;1367233871;Chaang-Noi;this is from 2011 5753;1367233925;Chaang-Noi;i heard about this but thought the judges only got 2 years 5754;1367233932;Chaang-Noi;and i thought there were two of them 5755;1367233952;Chaang-Noi;i saw a documentry on the prision system of the usa and they had a bit on this place 5756;1367233969;Chaang-Noi;one boy got 10 months for tossing a steak at his dad 5757;1367234023;Chaang-Noi;http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-22334251 how can they drive that car??? 5758;1367234460;KRS-1;wtf i was dead wrong on market price everything i looked at told me it was supposed to go down 5759;1367234481;KRS-1;i was seeing bouncing cat at first then rising wedge..this must be hype? 5760;1367234481;Chaang-Noi;120 to 165 range for now 5761;1367234492;KRS-1;so mid day dip maybe 5762;1367234501;Chaang-Noi;there is a lot and lot of money pouring into btc now 5763;1367234529;Chaang-Noi;also i just sold 700 btc so there is that too:) it goes up if i sell 5764;1367234717;KRS-1;thanks a lot chaang-noi :P 5765;1367234725;KRS-1;no biggie i've been doing ok 5766;1367234806;jurov;;;ticker 5767;1367234806;gribble;BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 142.50000, Best ask: 142.96302, Bid-ask spread: 0.46302, Last trade: 142.50000, 24 hour volume: 38895.80757496, 24 hour low: 131.52300, 24 hour high: 143.00000, 24 hour vwap: 136.06785 5768;1367235040;Uglux;you sold 700 coins to rpietila? ^^ 5769;1367235189;mircea_popescu;Uglux well agreed to the sale. 5770;1367235701;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10000 @ 0.00069113 = 6.9113 BTC [-] 5771;1367235702;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1250 @ 0.00069036 = 0.863 BTC [-] 5772;1367236080;mircea_popescu;lol jurov i see usagi & co are trolling you hard 5773;1367236361;assbot;[BTCTC] [BITVPS] 2 @ 0.00072 = 0.0014 BTC [-] 5774;1367236365;assbot;[BTCTC] [BITVPS] 98 @ 0.00072 = 0.0706 BTC [-] 5775;1367236680;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1199 @ 0.00067649 = 0.8111 BTC [-] 5776;1367236809;ThickAsThieves;$avg 5777;1367236810;mpexbot;ThickAsThieves: 135.84 5778;1367236943;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 10 @ 0.000651 = 0.0065 BTC [+] 5779;1367236990;assbot;[MPEX] [S.DICE] 466 @ 0.003 = 1.398 BTC [-] 5780;1367236998;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 6 @ 0.00991 = 0.0595 BTC [-] 5781;1367237009;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 34 @ 0.009901 = 0.3366 BTC [-] 5782;1367237310;error4733;;;next 5783;1367237311;gribble;targets: 150, 160-164 | resistance: 136, 140 | support: 120, 118-114, 106-103 | updated by OneFixt at Apr 28 2013, 00:29 UTC ( tips: http://bit.ly/YnxUM4 ) | disclaimer: http://bit.ly/129bYJ6 | this is not investment or trading advice | #bitcoin-analysis | 1 day, 11 hours, 39 minutes, and 31 seconds ago 5784;1367237316;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 25 @ 0.000651 = 0.0163 BTC [+] 5785;1367237339;error4733;;;asks 151 5786;1367237341;gribble;There are currently 11295.425 bitcoins offered at or under 151.0 USD, worth 1664369.15133 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0038 seconds 5787;1367237356;error4733;;;bids 122 5788;1367237356;gribble;There are currently 27969.246 bitcoins demanded at or over 122.0 USD, worth 3617338.10143 USD in total. | Data vintage: 15.3214 seconds 5789;1367237383;error4733;;;eightball 160$ today ? 5790;1367237383;gribble;Naturally. 5791;1367237467;error4733;second mortgage house 5792;1367237475;error4733;Oups wrong windows 5793;1367238135;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 100 @ 0.002755 = 0.2755 BTC [+] 5794;1367238142;mircea_popescu;Explosion shakes central Prague, as many as 40 injured 5795;1367238181;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.321 BTC [+] 5796;1367238338;mircea_popescu;also, since i imagine this is what you folks 5797;1367238342;mircea_popescu;have been waiting for : 5798;1367238342;mircea_popescu;http://metro.co.uk/2013/04/27/lingerie-firm-launches-womens-underwear-for-men-3669208/ 5799;1367238423;kakobrekla;;;ticker 5800;1367238424;gribble;BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 143.32440, Best ask: 143.90000, Bid-ask spread: 0.57560, Last trade: 143.32440, 24 hour volume: 42689.49700892, 24 hour low: 131.52300, 24 hour high: 143.99000, 24 hour vwap: 136.88480 5801;1367238430;kakobrekla;what is this now 5802;1367238444;kakobrekla;i dun like it 5803;1367238545;assbot;[BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 6 @ 0.013 = 0.078 BTC [-] 5804;1367239263;kakobrekla;mircea_popescu make it stop 5805;1367239278;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla hm ? 5806;1367239278;kakobrekla;post a blog or a twitter or smth 5807;1367239287;mircea_popescu;lolwhat 5808;1367239289;mircea_popescu;;;ticker 5809;1367239289;gribble;BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 145.11000, Best ask: 145.11110, Bid-ask spread: 0.00110, Last trade: 145.11000, 24 hour volume: 47306.16273368, 24 hour low: 131.52300, 24 hour high: 146.56373, 24 hour vwap: 137.70079 5810;1367239301;mircea_popescu;so what's wrong with 145 5811;1367239323;kakobrekla;145 leads to 150 which leads to 160 which leads to 170 5812;1367239330;ThickAsThieves;madness 5813;1367239388;Uglux;http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/36523623.jpg 5814;1367239389;mircea_popescu;yes i agree. must be 0 5815;1367239391;mircea_popescu;safest. 5816;1367239516;ThickAsThieves;;;later tell Namworld please pm when you have a couple minutes, thanks! 5817;1367239516;gribble;The operation succeeded. 5818;1367239578;truff1es;;;seen bowjob 5819;1367239578;gribble;bowjob was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 6 days, 13 hours, 39 minutes, and 31 seconds ago: lol 5820;1367239980;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 10 @ 0.32 = 3.2 BTC [-] 5821;1367240074;mircea_popescu;http://polimedia.us/dtng/c/src/134573024371.jpg 5822;1367240084;mircea_popescu;books are good for you 5823;1367240117;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10860 @ 0.00067147 = 7.2922 BTC [-] 5824;1367240221;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42006 @ 0.00068157 = 28.63 BTC [+] 5825;1367240225;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15508 @ 0.00068592 = 10.6372 BTC [+] 5826;1367240227;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27935 @ 0.00069141 = 19.3145 BTC [+] 5827;1367240229;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12450 @ 0.00069621 = 8.6678 BTC [+] 5828;1367240230;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2101 @ 0.00069808 = 1.4667 BTC [+] 5829;1367240362;assbot;[MPEX] [O.USD.C140T] 200 @ 0.14768654 = 29.5373 BTC [-] 5830;1367240892;assbot;[BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 1 @ 0.103 BTC [-] 5831;1367241180;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 10 @ 0.4811 = 4.811 BTC [+] 5832;1367241181;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 35 @ 0.4812 = 16.842 BTC [+] 5833;1367241183;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 12 @ 0.482 = 5.784 BTC [+] 5834;1367241420;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 29 @ 0.32 = 9.28 BTC [-] 5835;1367241607;kakobrekla;;;ticker 5836;1367241608;gribble;BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 146.34300, Best ask: 146.99999, Bid-ask spread: 0.65699, Last trade: 146.99999, 24 hour volume: 58139.03194207, 24 hour low: 131.52300, 24 hour high: 149.08000, 24 hour vwap: 139.47241 5837;1367241670;kakobrekla;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=93445.msg1974697#msg1974697 5838;1367241673;kakobrekla;mmmmkay 5839;1367241688;kakobrekla;a great fuckin loan 5840;1367241694;kakobrekla;he got 5841;1367241729;kakobrekla;where do i sign up 5842;1367242343;jurov;eskimobob alive and kicking: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=131270.msg1843245#msg1843245 5843;1367242610;error4733;;;goxlag 5844;1367242611;gribble;MtGox lag is 19.402332 seconds. During this time, light travels 0.0388820560887 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin ten times between Earth and Moon (0.0257 AU). 5845;1367242655;error4733;;;goxlag 5846;1367242656;gribble;MtGox lag is 55.095492 seconds. During this time, light travels 0.110410749088 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin ten times between Jupiter and Callisto (0.12567 AU). 5847;1367242705;error4733;Monday shitstorm !! Goooooooooo ! i need more cheap coin ! 5848;1367242805;kakobrekla;doesnt look like cheap to me 5849;1367242840;error4733;;;goxlag 5850;1367242840;gribble;MtGox lag is 0.963318 seconds. During this time, light travels 0.00193047848615 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin across the outer diameter of Saturn's rings (0.0024 AU). 5851;1367242919;error4733;always a little hope when i see 1m lag ! 5852;1367243031;error4733;;;bids 0 5853;1367243031;gribble;There are currently 4.4809135e+08 bitcoins demanded at or over 0.0 USD, worth 20282289.5227 USD in total. | Data vintage: 11.9629 seconds 5854;1367243078;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 6 @ 0.010025 = 0.0602 BTC [+] 5855;1367243093;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 15 @ 0.010025 = 0.1504 BTC [+] 5856;1367243110;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 1 @ 0.010025 BTC [+] 5857;1367243114;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 3 @ 0.010026 = 0.0301 BTC [+] 5858;1367243169;thestringpuller;Edge cases such as the month April 2013. 5859;1367243352;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 1 @ 0.00338 BTC [+] 5860;1367243764;kakobrekla;o i got beta access to btc.sx 5861;1367243784;thestringpuller;kakobrekla: 5862;1367243789;thestringpuller;were you at the mpex first dinner? 5863;1367243795;thestringpuller;you were weren't you :P 5864;1367243830;kakobrekla;mebbe 5865;1367244265;mircea_popescu;btc sex ? 5866;1367244289;davout;kakobrekla: you found how to wake mircea_popescu up 5867;1367244306;mircea_popescu;i was up already! 5868;1367244360;mircea_popescu;http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lp8f57S9c11qmlqdvo1_1280.jpg << hello. this is dawg. 5869;1367244385;davout;this is dog indeed 5870;1367244445;kakobrekla;heh, i shared my access and apparently their site doesnt work with chrome but it works with ie 5871;1367244451;kakobrekla;kinda funny 5872;1367244497;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22799 @ 0.00069808 = 15.9155 BTC [+] 5873;1367245354;kakobrekla;A maximum of 2 positions may be opened in both directions. This is not recommended unless it is part of a hedging strategy. 5874;1367245355;kakobrekla;omg why 5875;1367245368;kakobrekla;ill just create 10 accounts then wtf 5876;1367245533;mircea_popescu;lol wut 5877;1367245621;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14433 @ 0.0007083 = 10.2229 BTC [+] 5878;1367245634;kakobrekla;this wont go far or end well 5879;1367246140;Chaang-Noi;good wine is good.... 5880;1367247315;mircea_popescu;Even after seven years of nonstop media hype, only 16 percent of Internet users tweet, the same as the percentage of 14-49-year-olds who have genital herpes. The difference being that the latter are not proud of their affliction, while the former never shut up about theirs. 5881;1367247345;kakobrekla;so 5882;1367247354;kakobrekla;gential herpes is more successful than twitter 5883;1367247420;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 2 @ 1.7798 = 3.5596 BTC [+] 5884;1367247421;lippoper1;and genital herpes has no advertisements 5885;1367247447;orkaa;should I safely assume that no one on twitter has genital herpes? 5886;1367247455;orkaa;that would be liberating to hear 5887;1367247456;orkaa;haha 5888;1367247475;mircea_popescu;lol 5889;1367247500;mircea_popescu;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=188516.0;all this shit is so utterly funny... 5890;1367247602;DiabloD3;mircea_popescu: moooooo 5891;1367247632;DiabloD3;wait I wonder if Im on that list 5892;1367247645;DiabloD3;seeing as I am an independent analyst for the bitcoin community 5893;1367247678;mircea_popescu;depends if you vote with the scammy Luke-Jr fuckwit. 5894;1367247686;DiabloD3;well the thing is 5895;1367247688;mircea_popescu;and incidentally, i have no idea how i forgot this one 5896;1367247688;DiabloD3;even if Im not on that list 5897;1367247691;DiabloD3;people still email me 5898;1367247701;mircea_popescu;;;everify mircea_popescu 5899;1367247702;gribble;Error: In order to authenticate, you must be present in one of the following channels: #bitcoin-otc;#bitcoin-otc-foyer;#bitcoin-otc-ru;#bitcoin-otc-eu;#bitcoin-otc-uk;#bitcoin-otc-ar;#bitcoin-otc-africa;#bitcoin-otc-bans;#bitcoin-dev;#gribble 5900;1367247716;DiabloD3;seriously, like, Ive gotten emails from people from a dozen major sites over the last month 5901;1367247722;mircea_popescu;;;eauth mircea_popescu 5902;1367247722;gribble;Request successful for user mircea_popescu, hostmask mircea_popescu!~Mircea@pdpc/supporter/silver/mircea-popescu. Get your encrypted OTP from http://bitcoin-otc.com/otps/8A736F0E2FB7B452 5903;1367247724;DiabloD3;trying to clarify points for upcoming bitcoin stories 5904;1367247753;mircea_popescu;;;everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:5ea2c50bc98b76e6ca36337ca6830abc919267f94dd8780773123bda 5905;1367247754;gribble;You are now authenticated for user mircea_popescu with key 8A736F0E2FB7B452 5906;1367247778;DiabloD3;er 5907;1367247793;DiabloD3;nanotube: add #bitcoin-assets to that list of authentication channels 5908;1367247813;mircea_popescu;;;rate Luke-Jr -1 Most recently, lied about BFL delivery (https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=165500.0;all). Old history of being untrustworthy. 5909;1367247814;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating for user Luke-Jr has changed from 1 to -1. 5910;1367247824;DiabloD3;you know what 5911;1367247827;DiabloD3;Im going to do that too 5912;1367247829;DiabloD3;Im tired of his shit 5913;1367247835;DiabloD3;mircea_popescu: you know what that cunt did recently? 5914;1367247840;DiabloD3;he +q'ed me in #-mining 5915;1367247849;DiabloD3;because I was telling the truth about BFL when someone asked me 5916;1367247856;mircea_popescu;lol ok 5917;1367247885;mircea_popescu;i'm all for it, the bfl/gigavps/lukeetc troop wish to be publicly humiliated, 5918;1367247892;mircea_popescu;there's plenty of public humiliation to drown them in. 5919;1367247903;DiabloD3;I dont even care if they ship anymore 5920;1367247905;DiabloD3;it no longer matters 5921;1367247915;mircea_popescu;the only thing people fail to graps in time is that i am not done when they can't take it anymore, 5922;1367247920;DiabloD3;asicminer is in the process of dealing with their 200TH batch 5923;1367247920;mircea_popescu;i;'m done when i'm done. so... 5924;1367247944;DiabloD3;the 200TH will be sold, shipped, and mining by the time BFL starts shipping en masse 5925;1367247953;error4733;Diablo u rly want some blade ? 5926;1367247959;DiabloD3;error4733: Im considering it 5927;1367247966;DiabloD3;the prices went nutty again 5928;1367247973;error4733;way way overpriced no ? 5929;1367247985;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3001 @ 0.00070612 = 2.1191 BTC [-] 5930;1367247986;DiabloD3;I think I may just wait for the next round 5931;1367247988;PsychoticBoy;WAY overpriced 5932;1367247996;Luke-Jr;;;rate mircea_popescu -2 Delusional troll. I wouldn't trust him with a penny. 5933;1367247997;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating for user mircea_popescu has changed from -2 to -2. 5934;1367248007;DiabloD3;;;eauth 5935;1367248007;gribble;(eauth ) -- Initiate authentication for user . You must have registered a GPG key with the bot for this to work. You will be given a link to a page which contains a one time password encrypted with your key. Decrypt, and use the 'everify' command with it. Your passphrase will expire in 10 minutes. 5936;1367248010;mircea_popescu;Luke-Jr get a penny one day, maybe that'll matter. 5937;1367248011;DiabloD3;;;eauth Diablo-D3 5938;1367248012;gribble;Request successful for user Diablo-D3, hostmask DiabloD3!~diablo@pool-70-16-101-85.port.east.myfairpoint.net. Get your encrypted OTP from http://bitcoin-otc.com/otps/85C235C280C197A4 5939;1367248020;PsychoticBoy;If I can get it for 25 btc I might take a lot 5940;1367248049;error4733;75 btc for first #, expect 45/55 for this one 5941;1367248051;lippoper1;Luke-Jr, is that the guy calling litecoin 51% attacked? 5942;1367248064;mircea_popescu;lippoper1 he's the guy running the shady pool. 5943;1367248077;mircea_popescu;or w/e, sold it after driving it into the ground/gave it away/we. 5944;1367248083;Luke-Jr;lippoper1: ? 5945;1367248103;DiabloD3;;;everify 5946;1367248103;gribble;(everify ) -- Verify the latest encrypt-authentication request by providing your decrypted one-time password. If verified, you'll be authenticated for the duration of the bot's or your IRC session on channel (whichever is shorter). 5947;1367248107;DiabloD3;;;everify Diablo-D3 5948;1367248108;gribble;Error: Incorrect one-time password. Try again. 5949;1367248112;DiabloD3;bah. 5950;1367248115;PsychoticBoy;lols 5951;1367248117;Scrat;you already authed 5952;1367248126;DiabloD3;Im already authed so I dont give a fuck. 5953;1367248129;PsychoticBoy;++ident Diablo?d3 5954;1367248136;DiabloD3;I just wonder how mp did that 5955;1367248142;PsychoticBoy;;;ident Diablo-D3\ 5956;1367248143;gribble;Error: I am not seeing this user on IRC. If you want information about a registered gpg user, try the 'gpg info' command instead. 5957;1367248145;PsychoticBoy;damn 5958;1367248154;PsychoticBoy;;;ident Diablo-D3 5959;1367248154;gribble;Error: I am not seeing this user on IRC. If you want information about a registered gpg user, try the 'gpg info' command instead. 5960;1367248164;mircea_popescu;DiabloD3 so read the scrollback neh 5961;1367248168;PsychoticBoy;;;ident DiabloD3 5962;1367248168;gribble;Nick 'DiabloD3', with hostmask 'DiabloD3!~diablo@pool-70-16-101-85.port.east.myfairpoint.net', is identified as user Diablo-D3, with GPG key id 85C235C280C197A4, key fingerprint 16D15E73E75E4BF688E4F2A685C235C280C197A4, and bitcoin address None 5963;1367248172;lippoper1;poor Luke-Jr 5964;1367248173;PsychoticBoy;hehe 5965;1367248182;DiabloD3;oh right Im missing the - 5966;1367248188;lippoper1;Litecoin 51% attack with fpga's 5967;1367248189;PsychoticBoy;lol 5968;1367248208;Luke-Jr;lippoper1: I know about that, what about it? 5969;1367248234;lippoper1;you're the one starting that thread, what do you know about it? or where can i read up on it? 5970;1367248252;Diablo-D3;;;rate Luke-Jr -10 Known troll. 5971;1367248253;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of -10 for user Luke-Jr has been recorded. 5972;1367248260;Diablo-D3;-10 is as far as it goes, right? 5973;1367248264;mircea_popescu;lol 5974;1367248265;lippoper1;i said poor Luke-Jr, cause mircea said you lost your pool or something 5975;1367248267;kakobrekla;-9000 5976;1367248267;mircea_popescu;is he even positive anymore ? 5977;1367248274;mircea_popescu;;;gettrust Luke-Jr 5978;1367248275;gribble;Trust relationship from user mircea_popescu to user Luke-Jr: Level 1: -1, Level 2: 19 via 10 connections. Graph: http://serajewelks.bitcoin-otc.com/trustgraph.php?source=mircea_popescu&dest=Luke-Jr 5979;1367248287;kakobrekla;;;getrating Luke-Jr 5980;1367248287;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask Luke-Jr!~luke-jr@2001:470:5:265:222:4dff:fe50:4c49 . User luke-jr, rated since Sat Feb 5 10:37:04 2011. Cumulative rating 12, from 67 total ratings. Received ratings: 53 positive, 14 negative. Sent ratings: 49 positive, 26 negative. Details: http://bitcoin-otc.com/viewratingdetail.php?nick=luke-jr 5981;1367248295;Luke-Jr;lippoper1: not at all, it's running great; I just don't have time for it, so I passed it on 5982;1367248314;Diablo-D3;;;getrating Diablo-D3 5983;1367248315;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask Diablo-D3!~diablo@pool-70-16-101-85.port.east.myfairpoint.net . User Diablo-D3, rated since Mon Apr 25 11:54:20 2011. Cumulative rating 10, from 9 total ratings. Received ratings: 7 positive, 2 negative. Sent ratings: 5 positive, 1 negative. Details: http://bitcoin-otc.com/viewratingdetail.php?nick=Diablo-D3 5984;1367248316;Luke-Jr;lippoper1: I didn't start that thread.. 5985;1367248328;lippoper1;can you point me to it? 5986;1367248338;Luke-Jr;no, I didn't know it existed until you said something lol 5987;1367248338;Diablo-D3;lol luke never fixed that lie 5988;1367248355;lippoper1;lol 5989;1367248357;Diablo-D3;WTF 5990;1367248363;Diablo-D3;who runs otc? 5991;1367248373;Diablo-D3;because lol supa thinks I can ban people on bitcointalk 5992;1367248388;Scrat;nanotube, and he won't remove ratings 5993;1367248392;PsychoticBoy;;;ident PsychoticBoy 5994;1367248392;gribble;Nick 'PsychoticBoy', with hostmask 'PsychoticBoy!~Psychotic@pdpc/supporter/active/psychoticboy', is identified as user PsychoticBoy, with GPG key id 06DC71AFE4DAC520, key fingerprint 9E476C16F877E988110787BC06DC71AFE4DAC520, and bitcoin address None 5995;1367248415;Diablo-D3;nanotube: remove the ratings from luke and supa. 5996;1367248422;PsychoticBoy;lol 5997;1367248428;mircea_popescu;lmao why ? 5998;1367248434;mircea_popescu;it's a graph dude, not a sum. 5999;1367248434;Scrat;he won't and he never has. it's against his policy 6000;1367248436;PsychoticBoy;;;getrating PsychoticBoy 6001;1367248436;gribble;Currently authenticated from hostmask PsychoticBoy!~Psychotic@pdpc/supporter/active/psychoticboy . User PsychoticBoy, rated since Tue May 1 12:39:15 2012. Cumulative rating 11, from 5 total ratings. Received ratings: 4 positive, 1 negative. Sent ratings: 4 positive, 0 negative. Details: http://bitcoin-otc.com/viewratingdetail.php?nick=PsychoticBoy 6002;1367248487;Luke-Jr;Diablo-D3: remove the ratings yourself 6003;1367248492;Luke-Jr;your ratings are the lies 6004;1367248521;Diablo-D3;really? you +q'ed me in mining because I told the truth about BFL being a scam 6005;1367248525;Luke-Jr;well, supa's ratings are probably lies too, but not my concern 6006;1367248532;Luke-Jr;Diablo-D3: because you lie 6007;1367248535;Luke-Jr;BFL isn't a scam at all 6008;1367248535;Diablo-D3;how did I lie? 6009;1367248538;Diablo-D3;did BFL ship? no. 6010;1367248544;Diablo-D3;even if they ship now, its too late 6011;1367248551;Diablo-D3;they cant undo the fact they're a scam 6012;1367248557;Diablo-D3;they can ship thousands of TH, and its too late 6013;1367248563;ThickAsThieves;articles say theyve shipped 40 or so units 6014;1367248563;Luke-Jr;yes 6015;1367248565;Luke-Jr;they did ship 6016;1367248567;mircea_popescu;that's quite besides the point anyway. bitcoin mining isd about mining. 6017;1367248572;ThickAsThieves;whatever thats worth 6018;1367248575;Luke-Jr;and they never were a scam 6019;1367248575;mircea_popescu;whether he's an idiot or not, Diablo-D3 still is part of bitcoin mining. 6020;1367248589;Luke-Jr;mircea_popescu: doesn't give him the right to slander others 6021;1367248605;Luke-Jr;I already told Diablo-D3 I'd remove the +q if he promised to stop that 6022;1367248606;Diablo-D3;how is it slander? I asked BFL repeatedly to prove there was development going on 6023;1367248608;mircea_popescu;no, you don't have the "right" to come up with offences. 6024;1367248612;ThickAsThieves;what do youc all sitting on people's money for a year, if not a scam? 6025;1367248612;Diablo-D3;they never even answered 6026;1367248618;mircea_popescu;whoever perceives they were "Slandered" is welcome to go to the courts. 6027;1367248619;Luke-Jr;Diablo-D3: BFL has no obligation to prove anything to you 6028;1367248626;mircea_popescu;that's where slander has a meaning. here, it's meaningless. 6029;1367248631;Diablo-D3;if BFL wants the community's money yes they fucking do 6030;1367248641;Diablo-D3;as a founding member of this community, I have a fucking right to ask the questions. 6031;1367248645;Luke-Jr;Diablo-D3: you don't represent the community 6032;1367248648;Luke-Jr;LOL 6033;1367248650;Luke-Jr;troll 6034;1367248651;mircea_popescu;this is a little ridiculous, we're arguing with some random lunatic who got a sandwich 6035;1367248659;mircea_popescu;so now he's going to what, spend his worthless time barking. 6036;1367248660;mircea_popescu;herp. 6037;1367248663;ThickAsThieves;but it's almost lunch time 6038;1367248676;lippoper1;BFL are scam artists 6039;1367248676;Diablo-D3;see, this is why I put people on ignore 6040;1367248681;ThickAsThieves;should be here in 2 weeks TM 6041;1367248684;Diablo-D3;Im just tired of this shit 6042;1367248688;lippoper1;they're jalapenos are nothing more than 6 fpgas running together 6043;1367248690;Scrat;this is so good, waiting for tiberiusiv to join in 6044;1367248698;Luke-Jr;lippoper1: 6 FPGAs don't use 30 W 6045;1367248701;mircea_popescu;Diablo-D3 he'd be on my ignore but normally he has the sense to stfu here so i never bothered. 6046;1367248705;kakobrekla;Diablo-D3 whats the point, its the end of the world in 2016 isnt it so? 6047;1367248712;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla no in 2012. 6048;1367248715;Diablo-D3;kakobrekla: I was kidding about that. 6049;1367248726;Diablo-D3;mircea_popescu: yeah, but everyone forgets to add 3.5 years on top of that 6050;1367248727;ThickAsThieves;end of the world = reward halving 6051;1367248729;Luke-Jr;lippoper1: also, my ASIC runs at 28 Gh/s, explain that 6052;1367248737;Diablo-D3;mircea_popescu: the reign of satan will be 3.5 years, as long as jesus's ministry 6053;1367248737;lippoper1;let me see it 6054;1367248755;mircea_popescu;to quote missy-pr, This thread is epic. Calling all neckbeards (jgarzick, gmaxwell, puke-jr &co): YOU FAIL 6055;1367248756;mircea_popescu;This is because you suck. You're not good enough. The only option you have is exactly how much public humiliation comes with your failure. 6056;1367248756;mircea_popescu;Knock yourselves out. 6057;1367248758;lippoper1;i want a youtube video of the whole thing running, no hidden cables, no hidden outlets 6058;1367248773;lippoper1;no cables that run off the field of view 6059;1367248782;Diablo-D3;mircea_popescu: hows this, pay me a thousand BTC, Ill just create a better coin 6060;1367248790;mircea_popescu;eh but why. 6061;1367248798;Luke-Jr;lippoper1: too bad, I don't have the time to get anywhere near that clean 6062;1367248799;kakobrekla;hey i got beard on my neck 6063;1367248803;mircea_popescu;this one is fine. so various idiots inexplicably think they matter in the contexrt. so ? 6064;1367248803;lippoper1;hahaha 6065;1367248805;ThickAsThieves;he wants BTC to create non-btc, hrm 6066;1367248805;Diablo-D3;because BFL morons wont be able to mine on it. 6067;1367248816;Diablo-D3;ThickAsThieves: mircea_popescu has more BTC than dollars. 6068;1367248822;lippoper1;i just want to see a non edited video of the thing in action 6069;1367248837;ThickAsThieves;i'm skeptical that mp doesnt have plenty fiat to match 6070;1367248838;Luke-Jr;lippoper1: there's plenty of those on the web now 6071;1367248840;lippoper1;and you follow the cables, haven't seen that in any of the 'unboxing' and whatnot videos 6072;1367248852;lippoper1;you went to BFL right? 6073;1367248858;Luke-Jr;lippoper1: enmaku even has a teardown video 6074;1367248862;lippoper1;in exchange they gave you an ASIC? 6075;1367248869;Diablo-D3;Luke-Jr: then by all means, post the fucking URL. 6076;1367248877;Luke-Jr;lippoper1: I bought my ASICs. 6077;1367248900;assbot;[BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.199199 BTC [-] 6078;1367248901;Luke-Jr;Diablo-D3: screw you, learn to google 6079;1367248901;lippoper1;sure, but yet you don't have any proof of it 6080;1367248905;ThickAsThieves;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6mmTRheUzg WARNING: neckbeard 6081;1367248909;lippoper1;wtf bud 6082;1367248911;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.25 BTC [-] 6083;1367248913;assbot;[BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.1992 BTC [+] 6084;1367248915;Diablo-D3;Luke-Jr: but you're the one claiming it exists 6085;1367248928;Luke-Jr;Diablo-D3: it does. proving it to you is not my problem. 6086;1367248933;Diablo-D3;bwhahaha 6087;1367248935;lippoper1;hahahaha 6088;1367248939;Diablo-D3;Nice Christian attitude there, bud. 6089;1367248940;Luke-Jr;I couldn't care less if you believe it or not. 6090;1367248947;lippoper1;I have a Litecoin ASIC miner 6091;1367248956;lippoper1;yeah it does 28GH/s 6092;1367248957;Diablo-D3;dude, I have a DiabloCoin ASIC miner 6093;1367248963;Diablo-D3;and I havent even written DiabloCoin yet 6094;1367248970;lippoper1;oh you don't believe me, that's too bad, it's not my burden to provide you proof 6095;1367248975;Diablo-D3;its a sad ASIC :< 6096;1367248985;ThickAsThieves;Micon trusts this video 6097;1367248994;Luke-Jr;lippoper1: yep, I don't believe you. too bad. 6098;1367248999;Diablo-D3;you know what, it is lunch time 6099;1367249009;lippoper1;fine Luke-Jr., I don't have to prove it to you 6100;1367249016;Luke-Jr;nope, you don't. 6101;1367249025;Luke-Jr;I'll just go on not believing you. 6102;1367249027;ThickAsThieves;the youtube i posted is an unboxing btw 6103;1367249027;lippoper1;but don't call me a liar or a scam artist for taking everyone's money for it 6104;1367249043;Diablo-D3;mircea_popescu: you know whats funny? 6105;1367249063;Luke-Jr;lippoper1: the difference is, the proof of BFL's ASICs exists. Diablo-D3 is just too lazy to look in obvious places for it 6106;1367249067;Diablo-D3;mircea_popescu: I wrote DiabloMiner, con ported it to C as cgminer, then Luke-Jr forked it because con didnt want to merge his shitty patches 6107;1367249075;lippoper1;I've looked at the so called proof 6108;1367249081;Luke-Jr;lol, you wish Diablo-D3 6109;1367249081;Diablo-D3;mircea_popescu: in other words, Luke-Jr's only fame relies on code I wrote. 6110;1367249089;lippoper1;i don't believe it, because they have hidden cables running behind the fucking laptop 6111;1367249103;mircea_popescu;ya well. the hope is that after another decade or so of getting people coffee he learns to code. 6112;1367249113;Diablo-D3;mircea_popescu: that will probably never happen 6113;1367249113;Luke-Jr;lippoper1: fine, then don't believe it. your problem, not mine. 6114;1367249117;mircea_popescu;supposedly this happens 6115;1367249121;Diablo-D3;mircea_popescu: really, the best programmers in the world all started young 6116;1367249122;lippoper1;either wya, it doesn't bother me one bit 6117;1367249123;kakobrekla;am i still a neckbard if i shave, just like you can be a chinese and a nigger. 6118;1367249125;Diablo-D3;its too late for him 6119;1367249129;Diablo-D3;hes like, what, 40? 6120;1367249138;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla the neckbeard is inside not outside 6121;1367249142;Luke-Jr;I'm 28, and have been programming since 6 or 7 6122;1367249163;Diablo-D3;so why the fuck do you still suck at it? 6123;1367249169;mircea_popescu;how long since you've not been taking your pills would be more interesting. 6124;1367249178;ezdiy;mp, didnt know you host a talkshow for neckbeards :( 6125;1367249182;Diablo-D3;mircea_popescu: ask luke about the catholic church 6126;1367249188;Luke-Jr;mircea_popescu: only delusional people such as yourself have pills 6127;1367249189;mircea_popescu;ezdiy anything to survive in this tough makret 6128;1367249200;Diablo-D3; I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE, BUT WHAT AM I 6129;1367249214;mircea_popescu;Diablo-D3 the neckbeard argument university. 6130;1367249228;Diablo-D3;mircea_popescu: he must have a fucking phd in that 6131;1367249273;Scrat;why did you stop? 6132;1367249309;lippoper1;ok, Diablo-D3, since you're amazing and all, can we start DiabloCoin? 6133;1367249313;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 2 @ 0.000651 = 0.0013 BTC [+] 6134;1367249316;mircea_popescu;Scrat out of mountain dew. 6135;1367249317;lippoper1;make it SHA-512 or something 6136;1367249323;Chaang-Noi;sd3 not even 50 6137;1367249325;Diablo-D3;lippoper1: no, probably Ill use scrypt correctly 6138;1367249330;Chaang-Noi;d3 not even 50 lol 6139;1367249352;Scrat;mircea_popescu: don't think there are any rednecks here 6140;1367249356;Diablo-D3;proof litecoin sucks dick: you can mine it on gpus. 6141;1367249381;Scrat;lippoper1: I've been saying this for months... someone with a clue needs to start an altcoin 6142;1367249394;Scrat;might as well be diablocoin 6143;1367249413;Diablo-D3;Scrat: Im seriously considering it 6144;1367249420;Diablo-D3;Im just not sure I want to sink that much time into it 6145;1367249428;ThickAsThieves;jalepeno teardown http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ciwfCqP8AiU 6146;1367249433;kakobrekla;yeah the bitcoin is too mainstream 6147;1367249438;ThickAsThieves;warning more neckbeard 6148;1367249440;kakobrekla;must get out. 6149;1367249461;lippoper1;yeah 6150;1367249465;lippoper1;we need a better altcoin 6151;1367249466;ThickAsThieves;neckbeard jumped from big guy to new guy 6152;1367249476;kakobrekla;looool 6153;1367249479;Diablo-D3;so Im thinking possibly rust 6154;1367249487;Diablo-D3;I really want to try it out 6155;1367249491;lippoper1;scrypt is cool but can't we just mine that with GPUs now? 6156;1367249503;Diablo-D3;lippoper1: no, litecoin uses scrypt wrong 6157;1367249507;Diablo-D3;which is very dangerous 6158;1367249517;lippoper1;NVC is the same way 6159;1367249520;lippoper1;can be gpu mined 6160;1367249523;lippoper1;using scrypt 6161;1367249526;Diablo-D3;I thought nvc was sha256? 6162;1367249552;Diablo-D3;but yeah, I want to see a return of cpu mining 6163;1367249552;lippoper1;NovaCoin scrypt 6164;1367249568;Diablo-D3;make gpus, fpgas, and asics impossible for the long term 6165;1367249582;kakobrekla;BFL Bitcoin ASIC Teardown, related: How to make caramel 6166;1367249587;kakobrekla;gotta love youtube 6167;1367249605;ezdiy;Diablo-D3: timekoin >:) 6168;1367249616;Diablo-D3;ezdiy: but only the Doctor would have a use for that 6169;1367249621;ezdiy;hehe 6170;1367249630;ezdiy;17:32 < Diablo-D3> make gpus, fpgas, and asics impossible for the long term 6171;1367249633;ezdiy;fills the bill tho 6172;1367249639;ThickAsThieves;most important thing about a new coin is a good name 6173;1367249643;Luke-Jr;lippoper1: you should use my altcoin 6174;1367249648;Diablo-D3;Im probably going to name it after a planet 6175;1367249649;imsaguy;ThickAsThieves: newcoin isn't taken yet 6176;1367249656;Diablo-D3;probably something lol like MarsCoin 6177;1367249657;Chaang-Noi;luke you have an alt coin? 6178;1367249658;BTCOxygen;Luke-Jr: Whats the name of your altcoin? 6179;1367249663;imsaguy;trollcoin? 6180;1367249669;Diablo-D3;software written explicitly for upcoming mars colonization missions 6181;1367249675;ThickAsThieves;newcoin is okay 6182;1367249675;ezdiy;Luke-Jr uses religious names 6183;1367249676;ezdiy;so um 6184;1367249678;ThickAsThieves;lacks sex 6185;1367249681;Luke-Jr;Chaang-Noi: yep, the very first one ever 6186;1367249684;Diablo-D3;ezdiy: I should too 6187;1367249685;Diablo-D3;JESUSCOIN 6188;1367249687;imsaguy;newsexcoin 6189;1367249690;Diablo-D3;NOW WITH EXTRA CROSS 6190;1367249691;Luke-Jr;Chaang-Noi: Tonal bitcoin 6191;1367249698;Chaang-Noi;oh right 6192;1367249701;BTCOxygen;Luke-Jr: lol 6193;1367249710;Diablo-D3;oh and btw 6194;1367249715;Diablo-D3;theres one change Im making 6195;1367249725;Diablo-D3;rewards will be low and never decrease 6196;1367249729;ThickAsThieves;decepticoin 6197;1367249734;imsaguy;aww, cute: 6198;1367249736;imsaguy;[2013/04/29 10:07:45] <+gribble> Rating change | Old rating 1 | New rating: luke-jr > -1 > diablo-d3 | I advanced him 8 BTC in exchange for 16 BTC worth of shares in the DMC IPO. But in conversation lately, he's been exceedingly dishonest, so I dunno.. 6199;1367249736;imsaguy;[2013/04/29 10:10:56] <+gribble> New rating | Diablo-D3 > -10 > Luke-Jr | Known troll. 6200;1367249745;lippoper1;hahaha 6201;1367249750;Diablo-D3;imsaguy: yeah, and luke still owns those DMC shares too 6202;1367249757;ThickAsThieves;autocoin 6203;1367249763;Diablo-D3;primecoin 6204;1367249770;lippoper1;name: GigaCoin 6205;1367249774;Diablo-D3;actually, lets just call it peniscoin 6206;1367249779;ThickAsThieves;metacoin 6207;1367249785;Diablo-D3;if we're going to troll, might as well push it up to 11 6208;1367249786;lippoper1;BetaCoin 6209;1367249796;BTCOxygen;Lukecoin 6210;1367249802;Diablo-D3;but yeah, we clearly need a silver to go with bitcoin's gold 6211;1367249804;lippoper1;LipCoin 6212;1367249810;BTCOxygen;Diablo-D3: Litecoin 6213;1367249817;Diablo-D3;litecoin is largely a failure 6214;1367249824;Diablo-D3;it never took off and it has no value 6215;1367249826;lippoper1;And we definitely need a Baryllium to the silver and gold coins 6216;1367249826;Uglux;wagnercoin :P 6217;1367249830;ezdiy;i think you need decent following to start a coin, so basically only contenders are RpiCoin and MPCoin 6218;1367249836;ThickAsThieves;cybercoin 6219;1367249844;lippoper1;litecoin is crap 6220;1367249847;Diablo-D3;do we even need coin in the name? 6221;1367249851;ThickAsThieves;no 6222;1367249852;ThickAsThieves;but 6223;1367249853;lippoper1;it's failing miserably right now 6224;1367249856;Diablo-D3;just call it Saturn 6225;1367249861;lippoper1;No 6226;1367249864;lippoper1;Call it pluto 6227;1367249864;ThickAsThieves;it might help in borrowing from bitcoins brand 6228;1367249867;Diablo-D3;each "coin" is a ring. 6229;1367249876;Diablo-D3;OH LOOK WHAT I DID THAR 6230;1367249884;Diablo-D3;Im a bad bad person. 6231;1367249909;ThickAsThieves;hashlings 6232;1367249915;Diablo-D3;fucking korea 6233;1367249941;ThickAsThieves;cryptobits 6234;1367249949;ThickAsThieves;taste great with milk! 6235;1367249964;Diablo-D3;cereal killer. 6236;1367249981;ThickAsThieves;digigold 6237;1367249999;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11302 @ 0.00068056 = 7.6917 BTC [-] 6238;1367250009;Diablo-D3;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enZ4P7Azxys 6239;1367250025;ThickAsThieves;hehe 6240;1367250065;ThickAsThieves;it's even in stereo 6241;1367250066;ThickAsThieves;fancy 6242;1367250102;Diablo-D3;that guy has lots of nifty shit 6243;1367250110;Diablo-D3;doom e1m1 is good too 6244;1367250147;Diablo-D3;so Im thinking 6245;1367250160;Diablo-D3;constant inflation, but the % of inflation decreases over time 6246;1367250205;lippoper1;ALTERA 6247;1367250214;Diablo-D3;use of network coding techniques to decrease the time of data dissemination 6248;1367250232;lippoper1;http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=ciwfCqP8AiU#t=597s 6249;1367250465;KRS1;Its a scam 6250;1367250476;Diablo-D3;I think we already covered that 6251;1367250478;lippoper1;yeah 6252;1367250482;lippoper1;it's the only unit in the wild 6253;1367250494;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2785 BTC [+] 6254;1367250518;Diablo-D3;hrm 6255;1367250520;Diablo-D3;its lunch time 6256;1367250530;Diablo-D3;not sure what I want to eat 6257;1367250616;imsaguy;cat 6258;1367250619;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2787 BTC [+] 6259;1367250643;Diablo-D3;imsaguy: no, I save eating pussy for dessert. 6260;1367250643;imsaguy;So what happens when bfl finally starts shipping in any sort of recognizable quantity 6261;1367250652;imsaguy;will it kill asicminer? 6262;1367250660;imsaguy;since their tech is newer 6263;1367250682;Diablo-D3;brb xchat is fucking up 6264;1367250742;Uglux;this is not a tech race (yet) more a delivery time race 6265;1367250758;Uglux;and bfl lost ^^ 6266;1367250758;Diablo-D3;[11:50:53] will it kill asicminer? 6267;1367250762;Diablo-D3;er, how does it kill asicminer? 6268;1367250772;Diablo-D3;asicminer will have 200th in customer's hands before bfl starts shipping en masse 6269;1367250781;Diablo-D3;if anything, BFL might as well just declare bankruptcy right now 6270;1367250785;ThickAsThieves;AM also has a lot of money to play with 6271;1367250789;Diablo-D3;yes 6272;1367250791;Diablo-D3;LOTS of money 6273;1367250802;Diablo-D3;and they're already working on a next generation process 6274;1367250803;Diablo-D3;er 6275;1367250807;Diablo-D3;I shouldnt have said that. 6276;1367250815;Diablo-D3;friedcat is going to be mad with me now =/ 6277;1367250829;Uglux;INSIDER TRADING :> 6278;1367250858;imsaguy;Well, they'd be stupid to not be working on a next generation process 6279;1367250900;lippoper1;seriously Diablo, you need to make the new altcoin 6280;1367250908;Uglux;will you guys buy alibaba stocks? 6281;1367250919;lippoper1;please put Feathercoin out of its misery 6282;1367250927;Diablo-D3;wtf is feathercoin anyhow 6283;1367250931;Diablo-D3;I keep hearing people talk about that 6284;1367250941;lippoper1;some ahole, made a litecoin clone 6285;1367250946;lippoper1;with 4x the coins 6286;1367250949;lippoper1;that's it 6287;1367250968;lippoper1;there is no improvement or anything else to it. 6288;1367250985;Diablo-D3;what. 6289;1367251009;lippoper1;yes, that's why i'm serious about you making a serious altcoin 6290;1367251030;lippoper1;with the support of the community and some actual improvements over what litecoin does now, i think it would take off eventually 6291;1367251052;lippoper1;these clones of litecoin like feathercoin/novacoin are a joke to me 6292;1367251148;lippoper1;butterflylabs support forum golden quote of the day: "at this point I think it's safe to expect my jalapeno could arrive around the same time as the rapture and the second coming of Christ." 6293;1367251207;lippoper1;http://benhohner.com/feathercoin/ 6294;1367251217;lippoper1;http://feathercoin.com/ 6295;1367251247;ThickAsThieves;if you want a good altcoin, you need a good name, minimal pre-mining, GPU mining, and support from at least one decent exchange 6296;1367251250;lippoper1;http://feathercoin.com/about/ 6297;1367251280;lippoper1;Exchange: http://cryptonit.net/exchange/ltc/ftc 6298;1367251288;Diablo-D3;lippoper1: you know whats funny? the rapture is not supported by the bible 6299;1367251290;jurov;Luke-Jr: if BFL is real, why no one buys difficulty future anymore? 6300;1367251295;ThickAsThieves;it also wouldnt hurt to ding the confidence of litecoin somehow 6301;1367251298;ThickAsThieves;with your new coin 6302;1367251369;ThickAsThieves;jurov, could also be your pricing 6303;1367251394;lippoper1;hahaha 6304;1367251412;jurov;the prices are below bfl pudits estimations. 6305;1367251421;jurov;or, let's agree about collateral and undercut me, go on 6306;1367251446;ThickAsThieves;i'd be safer posting futures on mpex, no? 6307;1367251463;lippoper1;stupid waiting game 6308;1367251464;lippoper1;;;ticker 6309;1367251465;gribble;BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 143.95000, Best ask: 143.96799, Bid-ask spread: 0.01799, Last trade: 143.96800, 24 hour volume: 65651.97862618, 24 hour low: 131.52300, 24 hour high: 149.08000, 24 hour vwap: 140.87244 6310;1367251507;jurov;ThickAsThieves, they are covered only up to 0.14 btc (no one knows for sure, tho) 6311;1367251533;jurov;so, not so much attractive 6312;1367251540;ThickAsThieves;i'm not saying your pricing is unreasonable, so much as priced perfectly above the likely hashrate 6313;1367251552;ThickAsThieves;you do well with your estimations 6314;1367251565;Uglux;lol @ bfl quote 6315;1367251594;ThickAsThieves;;;bc,stats 6316;1367251597;gribble;Current Blocks: 233770 | Current Difficulty: 8974296.01488785 | Next Difficulty At Block: 233855 | Next Difficulty In: 85 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 11 hours, 20 minutes, and 0 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 10068449.7588 | Estimated Percent Change: 12.19208 6317;1367251607;ThickAsThieves;;;estimate 6318;1367251608;gribble;Next difficulty estimate | 10068449.7588 based on data since last change | 10600052.17 based on data for last three days 6319;1367251786;ThickAsThieves;;;ticker 6320;1367251787;gribble;BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 143.80000, Best ask: 143.92220, Bid-ask spread: 0.12220, Last trade: 143.80000, 24 hour volume: 65712.09897859, 24 hour low: 131.52300, 24 hour high: 149.08000, 24 hour vwap: 140.88260 6321;1367251861;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 10 @ 0.32 = 3.2 BTC [-] 6322;1367251869;jurov;http://organofcorti.blogspot.com/2013/04/914-asic-earnings-23-april-2013.html says difficulty can be 40m on June 19 6323;1367251912;ThickAsThieves;unfortunately his predications have rarely worked out 6324;1367251913;jurov;and i'm selling iDiff-E for 26m satoshi only 6325;1367251931;ThickAsThieves;he keeps assuming people will ship ;) 6326;1367252018;jurov;shhhh ThickAsThieves 6327;1367252023;jurov;:) 6328;1367252110;ThickAsThieves;there will be a about 5 diff changes before the 19th (excluding tomorrow's maybe) 6329;1367252118;ThickAsThieves;even if diff goes up 20% each time 6330;1367252125;ThickAsThieves;you still dont hit 26 6331;1367252156;ThickAsThieves;depends on how many diffs 6332;1367252166;ThickAsThieves;if it actually went up 20% 6333;1367252171;ThickAsThieves;we might get more 6334;1367252177;ThickAsThieves;not gonna bother with the math 6335;1367252603;jurov;yes, i'll prolly update it tomorrow 6336;1367252855;mircea_popescu;http://polimedia.us/trilema/2013/the-future-of-bitcoin-regulation/ 6337;1367252862;mircea_popescu;Chilca asciilifeform ^ 6338;1367252887;Chilca;mircea_popescu: good morning 6339;1367252909;mircea_popescu;heya. 6340;1367252931;Chilca;do not understand what you sent me 6341;1367252933;topace;!ticker h vtx 6342;1367252934;assbot;[HAVELOCK:VTX] 1D: 0.43990000 / 0.467525 / 0.48200000 (144 shares, 67.32360002 BTC), 7D: 0.40001000 / 0.45536846 / 0.49750000 (1346 shares, 612.92594387 BTC), 30D: 0.18000000 / 0.40162429 / 0.61488800 (6309 shares, 2533.84767053 BTC) 6343;1367252955;jurov;http://trade.plus500.com lists bitcoin now, with 1:4 leverage 6344;1367252963;jurov;hi mircea 6345;1367252973;mircea_popescu;heya 6346;1367252979;mircea_popescu;Chilca i figure it's an article you'll enjoy. 6347;1367252988;mircea_popescu;line above. 6348;1367253001;Chilca;mircea_popescu: Great, will read it now!! thanks for share it. 6349;1367253031;mircea_popescu;jurov remarkable, i see a romanian page. 6350;1367253038;mircea_popescu;what's this like a poker site ? 6351;1367253061;jurov;trying to figure out, did not use it before 6352;1367253100;orkaa;i see a slovenian page 6353;1367253170;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 648 @ 0.00067673 = 0.4385 BTC [-] 6354;1367253300;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 1.7799 BTC [+] 6355;1367253301;jurov;it's multinational, CFDs trading. 6356;1367253322;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16019 @ 0.00068914 = 11.0393 BTC [+] 6357;1367253324;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43417 @ 0.0007083 = 30.7523 BTC [+] 6358;1367253327;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23566 @ 0.00071 = 16.7319 BTC [+] 6359;1367253361;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 2 @ 1.8 = 3.6 BTC [+] 6360;1367253404;kakobrekla;hm 6361;1367253408;kakobrekla;i dont see it 6362;1367253412;kakobrekla;jurov in their interface 6363;1367253416;jurov;search for it 6364;1367253444;kakobrekla;aha 6365;1367253446;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 86998 @ 0.00071 = 61.7686 BTC [+] 6366;1367253475;kakobrekla;aha 6367;1367253479;kakobrekla;they close the market for 1h 6368;1367253597;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5000 @ 0.00071488 = 3.5744 BTC [+] 6369;1367253599;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6723 @ 0.000715 = 4.8069 BTC [+] 6370;1367253601;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4353 @ 0.00071588 = 3.1162 BTC [+] 6371;1367253606;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17700 @ 0.00071598 = 12.6728 BTC [+] 6372;1367253607;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5546 @ 0.00071609 = 3.9714 BTC [+] 6373;1367253611;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1400 @ 0.00071814 = 1.0054 BTC [+] 6374;1367253613;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25000 @ 0.00072 = 18 BTC [+] 6375;1367254205;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.33479999 BTC [+] 6376;1367254261;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.492 = 0.984 BTC [+] 6377;1367254262;orkaa;http://www.trueactivist.com/frackin-reserve-a-fractional-reserve-banking-simulator/ 6378;1367254288;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2769 BTC [-] 6379;1367254348;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8200 @ 0.00072 = 5.904 BTC [+] 6380;1367254422;ThickAsThieves;why does mpoe have so much buying and selling action all the time? 6381;1367254613;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.277 BTC [+] 6382;1367254620;assbot;[MPEX] [O.USD.C134T] 10 @ 0.36831645 = 3.6832 BTC [+] 6383;1367254695;kakobrekla;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=188735.msg1976963#msg1976963 6384;1367254697;kakobrekla;bbl 6385;1367254747;assbot;[MPEX] [O.USD.P143T] 5 @ 0.49704849 = 2.4852 BTC [+] 6386;1367254912;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29479 @ 0.00072 = 21.2249 BTC [+] 6387;1367255047;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 463 @ 0.000651 = 0.3014 BTC [+] 6388;1367255127;assbot;[BTCTC] [GSDPT] 27 @ 0.003 = 0.081 BTC [-] 6389;1367255129;PsychoticBoy;ThickAsThieves> why does mpoe have so much buying and selling action all the time? 6390;1367255144;PsychoticBoy;^^ that is mircea trading ;) 6391;1367255169;PsychoticBoy;prentending there is volume 6392;1367255753;ThickAsThieves;not sure how that would benefit him 6393;1367255758;ThickAsThieves;it stays in a range 6394;1367255759;Diablo-D3;so 6395;1367255763;Diablo-D3;about an hour until the auction is done 6396;1367255775;Diablo-D3;I still may consider bidding on a single unit 6397;1367255790;ThickAsThieves;lotsa snipes last time, right? 6398;1367255822;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla lol win. 6399;1367255847;Diablo-D3;ThickAsThieves: LOTS of snipes last time 6400;1367255851;Diablo-D3;it traveled like 10btc last time 6401;1367255859;mircea_popescu;how much did it close for ? 6402;1367255882;ThickAsThieves;last time, like 74ish each i think 6403;1367255885;Diablo-D3;yeah 6404;1367255891;Diablo-D3;it was above 70 for all of the 10 boards 6405;1367255900;mircea_popescu;" changing your pass w/o the need of need to know the current one" da fuck ?! 6406;1367255903;mircea_popescu;can i change yours ? 6407;1367255906;Diablo-D3;wtf xchat, brb 6408;1367255942;Diablo-D3;but yeah 6409;1367255947;Diablo-D3;it'll probably clear 50 6410;1367255952;Diablo-D3;I think it might make it into the 60s 6411;1367255957;Diablo-D3;but dunno 6412;1367256057;ThickAsThieves;i like how he's including a free rack with purchase of 10 6413;1367256076;ThickAsThieves;firedcat was all like OMG when he saw those guys running theirs flat on a table 6414;1367256219;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11254 @ 0.00072 = 8.1029 BTC [+] 6415;1367256241;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.32 BTC [-] 6416;1367256416;lippoper1;link please 6417;1367256549;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 100000 @ 0.00072 = 72 BTC [+] 6418;1367256577;Diablo-D3;ThickAsThieves: actually, that was because of me 6419;1367256593;Diablo-D3;I said in the thread I'd consider continued bidding if I get a rack if I bid on 10 6420;1367256599;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 10 @ 0.32 = 3.2 BTC [-] 6421;1367256603;ThickAsThieves;nice 6422;1367256667;Diablo-D3;but prices are just way beyond what Im willing to bid on 6423;1367256667;error4733;ok take those $70k but give me a rack 6424;1367256670;error4733;seems legit 6425;1367256671;mircea_popescu;;;ticker 6426;1367256672;gribble;BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 141.27000, Best ask: 141.30000, Bid-ask spread: 0.03000, Last trade: 141.27000, 24 hour volume: 68300.17959196, 24 hour low: 131.52300, 24 hour high: 149.08000, 24 hour vwap: 141.22923 6427;1367256687;mircea_popescu;$depth O.USD.C141T 6428;1367256688;mpexbot;mircea_popescu: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information. 6429;1367256700;mircea_popescu;$depth O.USD.C140T 6430;1367256701;mpexbot;mircea_popescu: O.USD.C140T Bids: ['1000 @ 0.16376342', '1000 @ 0.16376342', '1000 @ 0.16376342'] 6431;1367256702;mpexbot;mircea_popescu: Asks: ['1000 @ 0.33695048', '1000 @ 0.33695048', '1000 @ 0.33695048'] 6432;1367256828;ThickAsThieves;how did this happen: [08:58] <@assbot> [MPEX] [O.USD.C140T] 200 @ 0.14768654 = 29.5373 BTC [-] 6433;1367256876;lippoper1;Diablo what auction, what's for sale? 6434;1367256877;mircea_popescu;shorting i guess 6435;1367256889;lippoper1;a true asic miner? 6436;1367256897;Diablo-D3;yes 6437;1367256901;Diablo-D3;asicminer is selling more blades 6438;1367256926;Diablo-D3;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=189248 6439;1367257044;mircea_popescu;Bang With Friends, the popular app that helps facilitate one-night stands with your Facebook friends, is reportedly raising a ~$1 million seed round, according to Business Insider. 6440;1367257046;mircea_popescu;sigh. 6441;1367257097;lippoper1;7. Is the blades compatible with P2Pool? 6442;1367257097;lippoper1;Our blades implements only the diff 1 getwork protocol. So p2pool is possible, but should be with proxies. 6443;1367257110;lippoper1;Wtf, does that mean it doesn't support stratum ;-) 6444;1367257234;mircea_popescu;yup 6445;1367257269;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/jonmatonis/status/328926763809918977 6446;1367257270;mircea_popescu;heh. 6447;1367257382;lippoper1;wow 6448;1367257388;ThickAsThieves;nice 6449;1367257391;lippoper1;cheapest blade available is at 41.5/42 6450;1367257393;lippoper1;btc 6451;1367257395;lippoper1;each 6452;1367257401;lippoper1;and they only put out 5gh/s 6453;1367257403;lippoper1;each 6454;1367257428;lippoper1;$5,880.00 a blade cheapest 6455;1367257431;lippoper1;buahahaha 6456;1367257436;mircea_popescu;wait, wasn't it 10ghs ? 6457;1367257439;lippoper1;that's like a lifetime to break even 6458;1367257464;topace;yea each blade is 10gh 6459;1367257466;topace;not 5 6460;1367257469;lippoper1;ohhh 6461;1367257503;mircea_popescu;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=163741.msg1974451#msg1974451 girl telling noob "you are the problem with bitcoin". priceless. 6462;1367257538;lippoper1;wow 6463;1367257552;lippoper1;only 3 months to pay off if network difficulty remained the same 6464;1367257681;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 5 @ 0.4554 = 2.277 BTC [-] 6465;1367257760;ll;;;genrate 10000 6466;1367257762;gribble;The expected generation output, at 10000.0 Mhps, given difficulty of 8974296.01489, is 0.560385478255 BTC per day and 0.0233493949273 BTC per hour. 6467;1367257868;lippoper1;;;calc 0.0233493949273 * 140.56 6468;1367257868;gribble;3.28199095098 6469;1367257876;lippoper1;per hour 6470;1367257899;ThickAsThieves;if they are lucky each blade will do 25btc in 2mos 6471;1367257916;mircea_popescu;if they are really lucky diff drops 6472;1367257971;ThickAsThieves;after 2mos, things will probly get pretty ugly 6473;1367257981;ll;;;estimate 6474;1367257982;error4733;The next auction's most probably on USB stick miners, in a week. (the 300mhz type. Tongue) 6475;1367257982;error4733;Be rest assured that the blades aren't coming again so soon. Smiley 6476;1367257982;gribble;Next difficulty estimate | 10099802.9685 based on data since last change | 10607627.5042 based on data for last three days 6477;1367257997;error4733;quote from john 6478;1367258013;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8208 @ 0.00072 = 5.9098 BTC [+] 6479;1367258014;ll;;;genrate 10000 10099803 6480;1367258015;gribble;The expected generation output, at 10000.0 Mhps, given difficulty of 10099803.0, is 0.497936956227 BTC per day and 0.0207473731761 BTC per hour. 6481;1367258074;topace;Diablo-D3: are you buying some blades? seems pricey at only 10GH for 45+ BTC 6482;1367258088;Diablo-D3;topace: I have no active bids on that 6483;1367258135;topace;very politically correct answer... 6484;1367258135;topace;going to bid with 3 seconds to spare? :p 6485;1367258171;Diablo-D3;nope 6486;1367258174;Diablo-D3;too high 6487;1367258177;Diablo-D3;my threshold was 30 BTC 6488;1367258202;topace;heh mine was 40 :( 6489;1367258220;Diablo-D3;half hour left on asicminer blade auction https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=189248.660 6490;1367258346;mircea_popescu;mine was like 4.5 6491;1367258355;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.276334 BTC [-] 6492;1367258382;Diablo-D3;I could reasonably make back 30 BTC in 2 months no matter how fast BFL ships units 6493;1367258388;Diablo-D3;any more than that probably not 6494;1367258414;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25000 @ 0.00072 = 18 BTC [+] 6495;1367258452;ThickAsThieves;waitll you see how absurd budding gets for the USB miners 6496;1367258458;ThickAsThieves;bidding* 6497;1367258523;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 37 @ 0.00338 = 0.1251 BTC [+] 6498;1367258535;Diablo-D3;ThickAsThieves: well, with those 6499;1367258551;Diablo-D3;I wonder if anyone makes a powered usb hub that can handle high power requirements 6500;1367258569;ThickAsThieves;i think one has been linked before 6501;1367258587;ThickAsThieves;but watch, people will pay like 5-8btc ea 6502;1367258591;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8318 @ 0.00072251 = 6.0098 BTC [+] 6503;1367258626;Diablo-D3;they're entirely USB powered so 6504;1367258637;Diablo-D3;each one uses 2.5 watts 6505;1367258644;Diablo-D3;or 0.5 amps 6506;1367258707;Diablo-D3;ThickAsThieves: those I'd probably do a blanket bid on all of them 1 BTC each 6507;1367258724;ThickAsThieves;not gonna be nearly enough 6508;1367258744;ThickAsThieves;so many people want one 6509;1367258752;Diablo-D3;I have 487 BTC. 6510;1367258782;Diablo-D3;http://www.newertech.com/products/7_port_powered_usb2_hub.php 6511;1367258784;Diablo-D3;hrm 6512;1367258822;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=191018.msg1977536#msg1977536 lol 6513;1367258837;kakobrekla;oh so now we delete the fuckups 6514;1367258839;Diablo-D3;that does 0.5 amps per plug for all 7 6515;1367258842;kakobrekla;that works. 6516;1367258879;mircea_popescu;guy was funny lol 6517;1367258884;Diablo-D3;https://www.thinkgeek.com/product/cef0/ 6518;1367258897;Diablo-D3;4.5 amps 6519;1367258903;Diablo-D3;so not enough for 16 6520;1367259040;truff1es;;;calc 487*135 6521;1367259040;gribble;65745 6522;1367259156;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25000 @ 0.000725 = 18.125 BTC [+] 6523;1367259686;Diablo-D3;auction has crossed 50 btc. 6524;1367259699;Uglux;how long does friedcat usually need for a share transfer? 6525;1367259731;Diablo-D3;Uglux: usually before the next dividend payment 6526;1367259737;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 15 @ 0.00338 = 0.0507 BTC [+] 6527;1367259785;Uglux;thanks 6528;1367259795;mircea_popescu;lmao 50 6529;1367259842;Uglux;its the goldrush :) 6530;1367259883;mircea_popescu;ddue wtf, a 10gh itam is never mining two full blocks. 6531;1367260024;Diablo-D3;auction is over 6532;1367260037;Diablo-D3;I think that bid for 53 made it 6533;1367260085;PsychoticBoy;so for 40 btc you could have a eruptor blade 6534;1367260112;PsychoticBoy;;;genrate 10000 6535;1367260114;gribble;The expected generation output, at 10000.0 Mhps, given difficulty of 8974296.01489, is 0.560385478255 BTC per day and 0.0233493949273 BTC per hour. 6536;1367260150;PsychoticBoy;lets say 0.5 a day for the next 2 weeks, after that 0.45 btc for 2 weeks hmmmn 6537;1367260164;PsychoticBoy;not such a great deal 6538;1367260181;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 100 @ 0.00338 = 0.338 BTC [+] 6539;1367260186;louong;but you get them now vs. (unknown time) with Avalon/BFL 6540;1367260190;Diablo-D3;mircea_popescu: was it you that said we wouldnt cross 50? 6541;1367260196;louong;part of the price includes the certainty 6542;1367260203;mircea_popescu;Diablo-D3 first off, diff is going up > 10% in a day 6543;1367260211;PsychoticBoy;true 6544;1367260214;Diablo-D3;I agree. 6545;1367260220;Diablo-D3;I didnt have any active bids. 6546;1367260248;Diablo-D3;http://organofcorti.blogspot.com/2013/04/915-fair-price-for-asic-miner.html 6547;1367260308;lippoper1;Diablo-D3: I have 487 BTC. 6548;1367260316;lippoper1;you mean 487k BTC? 6549;1367260342;Diablo-D3;no, 487. 6550;1367260388;PsychoticBoy;that belongs to DMC 6551;1367260392;PsychoticBoy;or what 6552;1367260405;Diablo-D3;no, mine. 6553;1367260412;lippoper1;why don't you have more? 6554;1367260418;lippoper1;did you also lose them day trading? 6555;1367260421;lippoper1;;-) 6556;1367260421;ThickAsThieves;how many shoulod he have? 6557;1367260422;PsychoticBoy;wow few months ago you were brooke 6558;1367260433;PsychoticBoy;sold your body lolz 6559;1367260437;Diablo-D3;lippoper1: why should I have more? 6560;1367260451;Diablo-D3;PsychoticBoy: no, I sold 371 shares of ASICMINER 6561;1367260458;lippoper1;You're a great part of the community, I would just assume you probably had more than 480'ish 6562;1367260460;PsychoticBoy;good deal 6563;1367260465;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.276334 = 2.5527 BTC [-] 6564;1367260484;assbot;[BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 1 @ 0.1 BTC [-] 6565;1367260487;Diablo-D3;lippoper1: I dont buy BTC, but I accept donations. 6566;1367260512;lippoper1;well, when you make our new Alt Coin, i will donate some DiabloCoins to you 6567;1367260515;ThickAsThieves;loppoper1, support your community send us all donations 6568;1367260538;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2768 BTC [+] 6569;1367260543;PsychoticBoy;1PsychoKoNsM4iMyw7hHAYBRx3HgNqE28t 6570;1367260548;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.277 BTC [+] 6571;1367260549;PsychoticBoy;lol 6572;1367260549;Diablo-D3;lippoper1: DiabloMiner probably hasnt even paid for itself 6573;1367260560;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.278 BTC [+] 6574;1367260562;Diablo-D3;if you realize that a programmer with my skills could get paid $100+/hr 6575;1367260597;ThickAsThieves;why code when you can IRC all day 6576;1367260601;PsychoticBoy;why dont you work? 6577;1367260603;Diablo-D3;ThickAsThieves: I dont IRC as much as I used to 6578;1367260612;ThickAsThieves;i dont work as much as I used too 6579;1367260614;ThickAsThieves;:/ 6580;1367260625;joecool;Diablo-D3: bullshit 6581;1367260626;Diablo-D3;PsychoticBoy: its not that I dont work 6582;1367260636;Diablo-D3;PsychoticBoy: its just I dont like working as a programmer fulltime 6583;1367260638;PsychoticBoy;I have a day time job although I dont need one 6584;1367260641;Diablo-D3;bosses tend to not understand the art 6585;1367260651;PsychoticBoy;true 6586;1367260656;joecool;you just diversify your channels on IRC more to make it look like you talk less (but in reality you just talk more in more places) 6587;1367260661;lippoper1;That's why you need to program something you love 6588;1367260669;Diablo-D3;lippoper1: exactly. 6589;1367260673;lippoper1;like a new Alt Coin with its own proprietary miner 6590;1367260694;Diablo-D3;well, my alt coin would be cpu only 6591;1367260697;Diablo-D3;so the miner would be built in 6592;1367260701;lippoper1;ok 6593;1367260708;lippoper1;i'm all for it 6594;1367260715;PsychoticBoy;like all clients begin with 6595;1367260724;lippoper1;except FeatherCoin 6596;1367260725;lippoper1;lol 6597;1367260750;PsychoticBoy;one blow and all your feathercoins are gone lol 6598;1367260755;lippoper1;hahaha 6599;1367260772;lippoper1;you can't even keep them in a pillowcase without them flying out somehow 6600;1367260785;Diablo-D3;heh. 6601;1367260788;Diablo-D3;thats only because of nude women 6602;1367260793;Diablo-D3;they always want pillow fights 6603;1367260824;assbot;[BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 10 @ 0.016 = 0.16 BTC [+] 6604;1367260843;mircea_popescu;Diablo-D3 http://metro.co.uk/2013/04/27/lingerie-firm-launches-womens-underwear-for-men-3669208/ 6605;1367260843;benkay;bosses want like 40 hours per week out of programmers 6606;1367260849;mircea_popescu;not women's fault 6607;1367260854;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 1.285 = 5.14 BTC [+] 6608;1367260855;Diablo-D3;mircea_popescu: the fuck? 6609;1367260861;Diablo-D3;benkay: which is actually fine 6610;1367260865;benkay;but I find an upper limit on my creative productivity at like 32 6611;1367260865;Diablo-D3;I program _more_ than 40 hours a week 6612;1367260870;Diablo-D3;the thing is 6613;1367260880;benkay;you probably also spend more time programming than I do 6614;1367260880;Diablo-D3;dont expect me to be doing anything than thinking about the problem for that. 6615;1367260883;benkay;i spend most of my time learning 6616;1367260896;Diablo-D3;btw, Ive found something rather productive 6617;1367260897;lippoper1;dude 6618;1367260906;Diablo-D3;macvim does fullscren. 6619;1367260909;lippoper1;let's make an alt coin with some benefits 6620;1367260917;lippoper1;that sounds like a great Diablo programmer task 6621;1367260925;Diablo-D3;benkay: I subscribe to the perl hubris type of school 6622;1367260934;Diablo-D3;90% thinking 10% actual coding 6623;1367260949;benkay;that's why i'm diving into clojure 6624;1367260950;Diablo-D3;why code it wrong 4 times when you can code it right once 6625;1367260954;lippoper1;that's my approach to life 6626;1367260959;lippoper1;that's why I barely do anything 6627;1367260971;Diablo-D3;seriously, if your code has bugs you probably didnt think enough 6628;1367260982;ThickAsThieves;that approach probly works better with coding than with life 6629;1367260983;benkay;i'm at a point in my development where i need to fail and iterate rapidly 6630;1367260989;ThickAsThieves;sometimes you just gotta do something 6631;1367260994;benkay;in my development development :) 6632;1367261000;Diablo-D3;like, Ive been trying to make a very fast malloc for single threaded apps 6633;1367261005;lippoper1;I sit there and I think about it for 90% of the time 6634;1367261008;Diablo-D3;I keep whamming right into KISS hard 6635;1367261016;ThickAsThieves;i'm a fan of iteration and learning by doing 6636;1367261018;benkay;did you grow into being able to see the right approach? or were you always a 90% think, 10% crank guy 6637;1367261021;ThickAsThieves;i'm also not a programmer 6638;1367261033;lippoper1;then I just come to the conclusion that with the remaining 10% of the time I will not be able to do it to the best of my ability and move on 6639;1367261034;Diablo-D3;benkay: I kind have always been that 6640;1367261044;Diablo-D3;I'll rapidly iterate multiple designs during the 10% though 6641;1367261045;benkay;Diablo-D3 how long have you been at it? 6642;1367261050;Diablo-D3;hrm, awhile 6643;1367261053;Diablo-D3;Ive been doing C for like 15 years 6644;1367261055;Diablo-D3;and Im 29 6645;1367261061;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.28 BTC [-] 6646;1367261069;benkay;coming up on mastery, it sounds like 6647;1367261076;lippoper1;wow you're sexy and you're 30 6648;1367261080;lippoper1;;-) 6649;1367261083;benkay;do you remember much about programming when you were 16? 6650;1367261085;benkay;or 17? 6651;1367261094;benkay;how was your process different then? 6652;1367261121;truff1es; wow you're sexy and you're 30>>>> hmmm 6653;1367261147;lippoper1;lol 6654;1367261207;ThickAsThieves;i was programming qbasic when i was in highschool, and some pascal, it was useful to learn coding concepts, especially since i got into web design after, but coding is much too tedious for me 6655;1367261225;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 1.285 = 3.855 BTC [+] 6656;1367261233;benkay;heh 6657;1367261236;ThickAsThieves;not the kind of brain i have 6658;1367261241;benkay;that was directed at Diablo-D3 6659;1367261303;benkay;buuuut, ThickAsThieves, what kind of brain *do* you have? where do you pull the currencies in from? 6660;1367261314;ThickAsThieves;i excel at other things 6661;1367261389;benkay;... 6662;1367261424;ThickAsThieves;surely we dont need to turn this into more of a circle jerk 6663;1367261469;lippoper1;anyone want to mine some PPC? 6664;1367261520;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 1.81 BTC [+] 6665;1367261580;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 1.8490998 BTC [+] 6666;1367261640;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 5 @ 1.84909999 = 9.2455 BTC [+] 6667;1367261646;lippoper1;anyone mine FTC? 6668;1367261653;lippoper1;anyone in here mining? 6669;1367261653;Diablo-D3;[02:44:44] do you remember much about programming when you were 16? 6670;1367261662;Diablo-D3;benkay: I was programming before that, C wasnt my first language 6671;1367261665;Diablo-D3;its just my favorite 6672;1367261676;Diablo-D3;I dont remember much of programming back then 6673;1367261699;Diablo-D3;[02:44:37] wow you're sexy and you're 30 6674;1367261699;Diablo-D3;[02:44:42] ;-) 6675;1367261701;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 2 @ 1.85 = 3.7 BTC [+] 6676;1367261704;Diablo-D3;I only want to hear those words out of a woman. 6677;1367261723;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15000 @ 0.000725 = 10.875 BTC [+] 6678;1367261759;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.32 BTC [-] 6679;1367261820;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 1.86979999 BTC [+] 6680;1367261822;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 6 @ 1.285 = 7.71 BTC [+] 6681;1367261849;assbot;[BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.428 = 0.856 BTC [+] 6682;1367261934;lippoper1;(2:55:05 PM) Diablo-D3: I only want to hear those words out of a woman. 6683;1367261985;Uglux;what is this? prison chat? 6684;1367261993;Uglux;:> 6685;1367262023;Diablo-D3;damnit, john k is still tallying those bids 6686;1367262039;error4733;its ok for you 6687;1367262043;Diablo-D3;THE SUSPENSE IS… well, not really doing anything for me at all. I get dividends no matter what. 6688;1367262049;error4733;8@53 ? 6689;1367262054;Diablo-D3;I just wanna know if that 53 btc bid went through 6690;1367262184;lippoper1;was it yours? 6691;1367262185;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10000 @ 0.000725 = 7.25 BTC [+] 6692;1367262216;Diablo-D3;no 6693;1367262518;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.285 BTC [+] 6694;1367262660;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 5 @ 1.9 = 9.5 BTC [+] 6695;1367262662;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 3 @ 1.9 = 5.7 BTC [+] 6696;1367262663;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 5 @ 1.9 = 9.5 BTC [+] 6697;1367262721;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 6 @ 1.94 = 11.64 BTC [+] 6698;1367262780;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 5 @ 1.95 = 9.75 BTC [+] 6699;1367262781;deadweasel;;;ticker 6700;1367262781;gribble;BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 142.79999, Best ask: 142.80000, Bid-ask spread: 0.00001, Last trade: 142.81200, 24 hour volume: 70443.15925752, 24 hour low: 131.52300, 24 hour high: 149.08000, 24 hour vwap: 141.37852 6701;1367262840;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 10 @ 1.96 = 19.6 BTC [+] 6702;1367263488;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.285 BTC [+] 6703;1367263561;assbot;[MPEX] [O.USD.C134T] 3 @ 0.36016613 = 1.0805 BTC [-] 6704;1367263572;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.285 BTC [+] 6705;1367263576;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.305 BTC [+] 6706;1367263586;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 1.305 = 5.22 BTC [+] 6707;1367263607;assbot;[MPEX] [O.USD.P161T] 2 @ 0.6489861 = 1.298 BTC [-] 6708;1367263695;kakobrekla;http://casascius.wordpress.com/2013/04/24/i-made-a-video-as-a-reply-to-ron-paul/ 6709;1367263819;Uglux;mike is a good eater 6710;1367263985;kakobrekla;the title should be bitcoin for kindergarden kids 6711;1367264278;Diablo-D3;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=189248.msg1960836#msg1960836 6712;1367264289;Diablo-D3;results posted 6713;1367264307;Diablo-D3;AHAHHA 6714;1367264311;Diablo-D3;IT WENT INTO THE 60S 6715;1367264317;Diablo-D3;I WIN 6716;1367264358;kakobrekla;interesting 6717;1367264360;Uglux;nerdgasm 6718;1367264364;kakobrekla;teek has ordered 10 units 6719;1367264369;kakobrekla;while not paying out his debts 6720;1367264373;kakobrekla;;;getrating teek 6721;1367264373;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. User teek, rated since Mon Jul 30 21:46:10 2012. Cumulative rating 4, from 2 total ratings. Received ratings: 2 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 2 positive, 0 negative. Details: http://bitcoin-otc.com/viewratingdetail.php?nick=teek 6722;1367264537;mircea_popescu;what debts he had ? 6723;1367264579;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1250 @ 0.00072584 = 0.9073 BTC [+] 6724;1367264634;assbot;[MPEX] [S.DICE] 4250 @ 0.00315598 = 13.4129 BTC [+] 6725;1367264759;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.462 = 0.924 BTC [+] 6726;1367264761;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 3 @ 0.456 = 1.368 BTC [-] 6727;1367264825;kakobrekla;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=188735.msg1978676#msg1978676 6728;1367264879;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3244 @ 0.00073602 = 2.3876 BTC [+] 6729;1367265024;dub;heh 6730;1367265083;dub;aethero isnt a scammer, everyone is just out to get him https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=146611.msg1972605#msg1972605 6731;1367265093;kakobrekla;no bitcoin for me-come back 1 year 6732;1367265199;mircea_popescu;The reason ZIGGAP is not currently up is because my competition has been selectively scamming me. You see the following organizations are all ran by the same group of organized crime and money launderers: 6733;1367265200;mircea_popescu;OKPay 6734;1367265200;mircea_popescu;BitInstant 6735;1367265200;mircea_popescu;Coinbase 6736;1367265200;mircea_popescu;Coinabul 6737;1367265201;mircea_popescu;BTC-E 6738;1367265203;mircea_popescu;MtGox 6739;1367265211;mircea_popescu;pretty good. so this is chiefly an issue of meds ? 6740;1367265263;mircea_popescu;BTCJam too 6741;1367265283;jurov;poor molecular, has to repay lost shipments in BTC after 6 months... https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=139787.msg1978669#msg1978669 6742;1367265298;mircea_popescu;this makes a nice narrative. dwolla was created just to ach money through bitinstant before coinbase came about, all the while being in cahoots with mtgox and btcjam. 6743;1367265327;ThickAsThieves;like anyone cares about btcjam 6744;1367265373;mircea_popescu;you know who else is in cahoots with mtgox ? bitme and localbitoins. 6745;1367265420;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.32 BTC [-] 6746;1367265452;kakobrekla;whats with localbitcoins 6747;1367265480;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.457 = 0.914 BTC [+] 6748;1367265484;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 30 @ 0.003389 = 0.1017 BTC [+] 6749;1367265489;benkay;how is lbtc in bed with gox? 6750;1367265494;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 20 @ 0.00355 = 0.071 BTC [+] 6751;1367265545;ezdiy;i knew it 6752;1367265568;ezdiy;so to get in the secret bitcoin market cabal one has to sell out half of the company, hmm 6753;1367265601;benkay;whatchoo mean, ezdiy? 6754;1367265651;ezdiy;http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1crk44/did_anybody_else_just_see_this_posted_and_quickly/ 6755;1367266223;assbot;[BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 10 @ 0.016 = 0.16 BTC [+] 6756;1367266321;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.33479999 BTC [+] 6757;1367266501;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 2 @ 0.3348 = 0.6696 BTC [+] 6758;1367267538;dub;I need some form of merit badge 6759;1367267556;Diablo-D3;wgy 6760;1367267557;Diablo-D3;why 6761;1367267565;dub;I'm the scam whisperer 6762;1367267611;Diablo-D3;oh? 6763;1367267713;kakobrekla;;;rate dub 1 some form of merit badge 6764;1367267714;gribble;Error: For identification purposes, you must be authenticated to use the rating system. 6765;1367267720;kakobrekla;blah 6766;1367267723;dub;lol 6767;1367268300;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4601 BTC [+] 6768;1367268570;assbot;[BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 3 @ 0.199 = 0.597 BTC [-] 6769;1367268600;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.32 BTC [-] 6770;1367268660;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 5 @ 0.4611 = 2.3055 BTC [+] 6771;1367269008;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 235 @ 0.01004 = 2.3594 BTC [+] 6772;1367269329;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15050 @ 0.000725 = 10.9113 BTC [-] 6773;1367269373;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.302 BTC [-] 6774;1367269377;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.302 BTC [-] 6775;1367269383;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 17 @ 1.305 = 22.185 BTC [+] 6776;1367269479;rikur;http://bitbet.us/bet/337/bfl-will-deliver-asic-devices-before-may-1st/ should be resolved as first miners have already been delivered and they are within +-10% of advertised specs (5.5 GH/s (+- 10% running variance)) 6777;1367269585;ThickAsThieves;if so, then the July one is also resolved 6778;1367270025;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 98 @ 0.00338 = 0.3312 BTC [-] 6779;1367270357;rikur;ThickAsThieves: agreed 6780;1367270363;rikur;both should be resolved 6781;1367270402;rikur;I only have a small vote on the May one :) 6782;1367270422;rikur;very risky bet, but seems like it paid off 6783;1367270634;ThickAsThieves;it will be debated surely 6784;1367270644;ThickAsThieves;not sure which side I would lean toward 6785;1367270664;ThickAsThieves;they do appear to have shipped more than just testing units 6786;1367270683;ThickAsThieves;they use more power than originally anticipated 6787;1367270693;ThickAsThieves;but the bet says "advertised specs" 6788;1367270699;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 1.3045 = 13.045 BTC [-] 6789;1367270704;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.3049 BTC [+] 6790;1367270705;mircea_popescu;you know in retrospect... that aethero post 6791;1367270709;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 9 @ 1.305 = 11.745 BTC [+] 6792;1367270711;ThickAsThieves;and does not limit when those specs can be advertised 6793;1367270716;mircea_popescu;i'm not even sure what's the take away. the dazzling display of paranoia 6794;1367270720;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.3075 BTC [+] 6795;1367270728;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.3099 = 2.6198 BTC [+] 6796;1367270730;ThickAsThieves;it was probly just a diversion 6797;1367270730;deadweasel;it's really thick on that post. somebody is using too many drugs. 6798;1367270732;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 1.30997 = 13.0997 BTC [+] 6799;1367270735;mircea_popescu;or the fact that bitcoin "businesses" and "infrastructure" are so shitty someone could end up with the impression he's being targetted 6800;1367270743;mircea_popescu;whereas they just naturally fail to work 6801;1367270744;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 1.30998 = 13.0998 BTC [+] 6802;1367270748;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 1.312499 = 3.9375 BTC [+] 6803;1367270753;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 30 @ 1.3199 = 39.597 BTC [+] 6804;1367270757;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 1.32 = 3.96 BTC [+] 6805;1367270762;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.32 BTC [+] 6806;1367270781;deadweasel;an unhealthy dose of paranoia and a shitty infrastructure = ranting and raving. 6807;1367270800;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.32475 BTC [+] 6808;1367270914;assbot;[BTCTC] [GSDPT] 36 @ 0.00328 = 0.1181 BTC [+] 6809;1367270937;savetheinternet;hey dumbasses 6810;1367270940;savetheinternet;how are you all doing tonight 6811;1367270961;jurov;fine till you arrived 6812;1367271041;assbot;[BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 2 @ 0.199 = 0.398 BTC [-] 6813;1367271275;ThickAsThieves;it's "Dumas" 6814;1367271357;dub;mircea_popescu: I got a distinctly manic response from him when I asked his wife about the legality of her internet bakery 6815;1367271397;truff1es;why r u asking wifes anything... 6816;1367271442;rikur;ThickAsThieves: the product page has never mentioned any wattage, just GH/s. I pre-ordered products twice and never saw wattage mentioned anywhere, so if you ask me the No voters are just coming up with excuses. 6817;1367271517;dub;mircea_popescu: this was 6 months or so back, I assumed there was a train wreck coming at that point 6818;1367271541;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 14 @ 1.9011 = 26.6154 BTC [-] 6819;1367271646;ThickAsThieves;rikur, I could swear that there used to be power specs on the page, also that the advertised GHs used to be higher for some products 6820;1367271677;ThickAsThieves;however even if so, what's advertised now, is still techincally meeting the terms of the bet text 6821;1367271705;ThickAsThieves;as it does not specify which specs advertised would be used 6822;1367271707;mircea_popescu;i think it was said a thousand times that a. specs are hash and power and b. the specs at the time of the bet count 6823;1367271725;ThickAsThieves;its not said in the bet 6824;1367271742;mircea_popescu;it is, inasmuch as it doesn't say otherwise. 6825;1367271798;ThickAsThieves;does that mean if specs were changed in the advertisment before the newer bets, that those specs will be referred to? 6826;1367271816;FabianB_;!t m S.MPOE 6827;1367271816;assbot;[MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00067147 / 0.00070786 / 0.00073602 (795906 shares, 563.40 BTC), 7D: 0.00064 / 0.00069667 / 0.00073762 (2506507 shares, 1,746.23 BTC), 30D: 0.00059218 / 0.00069187 / 0.00073891 (10333478 shares, 7,149.47 BTC) 6828;1367271816;kakobrekla;they were advertising 1gh/w 6829;1367271817;kakobrekla;big time 6830;1367271821;kakobrekla;you cant go around that 6831;1367271830;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves which do you mean ? 6832;1367271840;ThickAsThieves;not sure when they changed teh advertised specs 6833;1367271841;jborkl;they, since last year- have advertised 1gh/w 6834;1367271846;ThickAsThieves;but if a bet was made after that 6835;1367271850;jborkl;only recent changed 6836;1367271851;ThickAsThieves;then should not those specs be used 6837;1367271860;ThickAsThieves;made = created 6838;1367271869;rikur;ThickAsThieves: you can check the internet archive for the webby around the time the bet was made, no difference at all IIRC 6839;1367271872;mircea_popescu;well, since now bfl is not only a scammy piece of shit on all the other counts, 6840;1367271875;ThickAsThieves;and how do we determine what date the specs advertised were changed 6841;1367271879;mircea_popescu;but also on the count of altering specs 6842;1367271888;mircea_popescu;i would guess only bets clearly specifying it would be allowed. 6843;1367271894;jborkl;I do not have a bet at all 6844;1367271896;mircea_popescu;at the time these bets were allowed bfl hadn 6845;1367271900;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 2 @ 0.32000001 = 0.64 BTC [+] 6846;1367271901;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 18 @ 0.32 = 5.76 BTC [-] 6847;1367271902;mircea_popescu;'t pulled this particular dirty trick yet. 6848;1367271922;jborkl;but to me it would be clear that the specs are failed for the bet 6849;1367271927;ThickAsThieves;rikur you are wrong 6850;1367271932;ThickAsThieves;i'm pretty sure specs changed 6851;1367271942;jborkl;the Jala is much faster than specd and uses much more power 6852;1367271942;rikur;ThickAsThieves: just check the internet archive 6853;1367271944;mircea_popescu;fascinating what people are willing to say for a dime thi. 6854;1367271947;ThickAsThieves;no thanks 6855;1367271952;mircea_popescu;rikur you are lieing and you know it, stop already. 6856;1367271960;ThickAsThieves;wayback machine sux 6857;1367271975;ThickAsThieves;its only marginally useful 6858;1367271982;ThickAsThieves;particularly on dynamic pages 6859;1367272008;mircea_popescu;http://i.imgur.com/pXyy3.pngand 6860;1367272009;mircea_popescu;http://i.imgur.com/5MBoA.png 6861;1367272035;rikur;ThickAsThieves: you apparently don't know how the wayback machine works 6862;1367272053;ThickAsThieves;more that i dont care 6863;1367272064;ThickAsThieves;but sure 6864;1367272073;ThickAsThieves;you got me 6865;1367272103;rikur;mircea_popescu: sorry but no I 6866;1367272105;rikur;m not :) 6867;1367272120;mircea_popescu;quite clearly stated on their own forum. release specs : jalapeno 4.5 at 4.5 ; single 60 at 60 mini 1500 at 1500 6868;1367272122;ThickAsThieves;rikur did you look at those images mp just linked? 6869;1367272131;mircea_popescu;it's in the screenshot and ffs everyone knows it already. 6870;1367272133;kakobrekla;also says _FINAL_ spec 6871;1367272138;rikur;But I hope whoever resolves it really goes through the arguments and doesn't just pick one on a whim 6872;1367272157;ThickAsThieves;i do think them changing the specs advertised is sneaky 6873;1367272165;ThickAsThieves;and would find it amusing if that turned the bet 6874;1367272177;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves ya, well, bitbet isn't betsofbitcoin 6875;1367272202;jborkl;it also is running at 5.8 gh on average - so it fails at 5gh bet also 6876;1367272204;ThickAsThieves;also, rikur, it is not in your best interest to rush bet resolution 6877;1367272211;ThickAsThieves;just in case BFL fixes the specs 6878;1367272221;ThickAsThieves;and meets original claims 6879;1367272228;ThickAsThieves;more obviously 6880;1367272254;rikur;ThickAsThieves: those posts are from last year, when the bet was created the product page only advertised GH/s. 6881;1367272262;mircea_popescu;what are they doing anyway, 28 gh/s at 150w or ? 6882;1367272263;ThickAsThieves;prove it 6883;1367272293;jborkl;Jalapeno is doin 5.8 and approx 30w 6884;1367272301;kakobrekla;rikur so you would have been ok with a box of gpus? 6885;1367272314;ThickAsThieves;also, its likely that the forum posts stille xist 6886;1367272321;ThickAsThieves;or are quoted 6887;1367272339;ThickAsThieves;is a forum post an advertisement? 6888;1367272356;kakobrekla;http://i.imgur.com/pXyy3.png 6889;1367272361;kakobrekla;this is. 6890;1367272370;ThickAsThieves;it does say "announcem,ent" 6891;1367272381;kakobrekla;... 6892;1367272390;rikur;but not advertisement :) 6893;1367272392;rikur;http://web.archive.org/web/20130404210143/https://products.butterflylabs.com/homepage/5-gh-s-bitcoin-miner.html 6894;1367272402;kakobrekla;ofc is advertisment 6895;1367272404;kakobrekla;its their forum 6896;1367272428;mircea_popescu;why does someone care about the 4 april 2013 snapshot ? 6897;1367272429;rikur;That's the oldest Jalopeno page on wayback machine, it's after the bet but hey, it's better than nothing. Do you have a product page that has wattage mentioned anywhere? Didn't think so :p 6898;1367272434;mircea_popescu;ahahaha 6899;1367272440;mircea_popescu;so wait wait. 6900;1367272441;mircea_popescu;it 6901;1367272446;mircea_popescu;'s after the bet but hey ? 6902;1367272469;ThickAsThieves;^ 6903;1367272476;mircea_popescu;Y and 11 others followed you 6904;1367272479;mircea_popescu;dude i'm hot stuff. 6905;1367272480;kakobrekla;well you can see the jalapeno went from 1 usb cable 6906;1367272482;kakobrekla;to 2 usb cables 6907;1367272485;rikur;mircea_popescu: please show me a single product page link that has wattage mentioned, from any date. If you don't have one, I think the April 4th link is valuable :) 6908;1367272489;kakobrekla;to usb cable and a brick 6909;1367272501;rikur;kakobrekla: has nothing to do with performance though :) 6910;1367272502;jborkl;mircea_popescu, it is running at 5.8 -from very reliable sources - so the bet is a fail 6911;1367272508;kakobrekla;it has 6912;1367272508;mircea_popescu;so you think the link is valuable, good for you. 6913;1367272514;kakobrekla;peformance is gh/s/w 6914;1367272541;rikur;jborkl: wrong, the advertised performance was with +-10% variance and the bet said that it has to be +-10% of that 6915;1367272552;deadweasel;also, it should not crap out in two weeks time.. 6916;1367272568;mircea_popescu;jborkl tbh, the +- there is to be construed in their favour. at least this hash, no more than this wattage sort of thing. 6917;1367272569;kakobrekla;accually 6918;1367272569;deadweasel;that will be interesting... which bfl catches fire first? 6919;1367272573;kakobrekla;the case was not in the 10% 6920;1367272576;mircea_popescu;i don't think they'd count as failed for overdelivering 6921;1367272579;kakobrekla;case is much bigger 6922;1367272596;kakobrekla;peformance is also density 6923;1367272597;rikur;kakobrekla: size of a unit has nothing to do with performance, don't be silly 6924;1367272603;kakobrekla;sure 6925;1367272612;jborkl;oh, I would have rear the bet +- of 5gh or w\e 6926;1367272614;jborkl;read 6927;1367272631;mircea_popescu;your boatload of bfl jalapeno has arrived : http://www.imageblog.co.nz/images/20111018014140_failboatrena.jpg 6928;1367272639;kakobrekla;rikur they failed on so many levels you can just pick one favourite 6929;1367272647;ThickAsThieves;ta-da https://forums.butterflylabs.com/content/117-announcement-bfl-asic-release-specifications.html 6930;1367272687;jborkl;well, it was supposed to warm coffee also, it failed there also 6931;1367272695;kakobrekla;yep. 6932;1367272702;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves rikur still thinks the web archive is valuable. 6933;1367272722;mircea_popescu;"Power figures are +/- 10% of those listed while we finish optimizing our power subsystem." << that's where the 10% came from im pretty sure. 6934;1367272729;ThickAsThieves;rikur, what say you: https://forums.butterflylabs.com/content/117-announcement-bfl-asic-release-specifications.html 6935;1367272734;mircea_popescu;as in, whoever put the bets in trying to match whatever bfl was claiming at the time 6936;1367272810;rikur;ThickAsThieves: that's not an an advertisement. Forum moderators claims/behaviour can't be used against a company in court. 6937;1367272828;rikur;It's not just in case of BFL, but for any forum posts 6938;1367272830;ThickAsThieves;what does court have to do with it 6939;1367272847;rikur;ThickAsThieves: they're the ones that eventually solve conflicts 6940;1367272860;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 10 @ 0.4749 = 4.749 BTC [+] 6941;1367272862;mircea_popescu;the account is called BFL_office ;'/ 6942;1367272869;rikur;I might sue bitbet.us over this for sure :) 6943;1367272878;mircea_popescu;bwahaha 6944;1367272896;ThickAsThieves;ad·ver·tise·ment [ad-ver-tahyz-muhnt, ad-vur-tis-muhnt, -tiz-] noun 6945;1367272896;ThickAsThieves;1. a paid announcement, as of goods for sale, in newspapers or magazines, on radio or television, etc. 6946;1367272896;ThickAsThieves;2. a public notice, especially in print. 6947;1367272896;ThickAsThieves;3. the action of making generally known; a calling to the attention of the public 6948;1367272909;rikur;mircea_popescu: it only costs <300$ and I would win more bitcoins in this case, so it would be worth a shot 6949;1367272946;mircea_popescu;rikur http://www.duhaime.org/LegalDictionary/O/OrganizedPseudolegalCommercialArgumentLitigant.aspx 6950;1367272950;mircea_popescu;that's the term of art. 6951;1367272990;rikur;mircea_popescu: thanks, but I know my rights well enough 6952;1367273011;mircea_popescu;the problem would seem to be you imagine much more than you know. 6953;1367273017;rikur;sure 6954;1367273034;ThickAsThieves;rikur, your only argument is that the bet does not state what date of advertisement would be used, and you already see where mp lies on that 6955;1367273070;rikur;ThickAsThieves: nope, my argument is that the product page has never advertised wattage and I know this since I've ordered from them twice. 6956;1367273077;assbot;[MPEX] [S.DICE] 3 @ 0.00343999 = 0.0103 BTC [+] 6957;1367273085;ThickAsThieves;your anecdotal experience is not a factor 6958;1367273092;rikur;thus wayback machine 6959;1367273101;kakobrekla;where you ordered it from and what you have read has nothing to do with what they stated 6960;1367273104;ThickAsThieves;it's not just up to MP tho, he has a crew that decided the resolution 6961;1367273109;ThickAsThieves;so cross your fingers 6962;1367273117;ThickAsThieves;or tamper the jury pool 6963;1367273120;ThickAsThieves;or stop 6964;1367273145;assbot;[BTCTC] [MININGCO.ETF] 2 @ 0.679 = 1.358 BTC [+] 6965;1367273155;rikur;no like I said I just hope that they realy look into the arguments properly and take their time to resolve it in a fair way 6966;1367273160;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 18 @ 0.4571 = 8.2278 BTC [-] 6967;1367273164;ThickAsThieves;they will 6968;1367273164;kakobrekla;or sue, obviously 6969;1367273172;mircea_popescu;betty sue 6970;1367273182;ThickAsThieves;peggy sue 6971;1367273199;ThickAsThieves;a boy named sue 6972;1367273285;kakobrekla;btw, i just revived https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=119338.msg1979975#msg1979975 6973;1367273312;assbot;[BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.428 = 0.856 BTC [+] 6974;1367273767;ThickAsThieves;<+AssetBot> [Cado.AvalonB3] 1 @ 0.05000000 = 0.05000000 [+] 6975;1367273777;ThickAsThieves;and you thought people were overpaying for blades 6976;1367273805;ThickAsThieves;that is 1/11000 of an Avalon 6977;1367273809;mircea_popescu;i have no idea what that is. 6978;1367273827;ThickAsThieves;it's an asset on BitFunder 6979;1367273841;ThickAsThieves;guy is breaking up 3 Avalons on order into 33000 shares 6980;1367273890;kakobrekla;hey hey i got proprietary rights on that syntax 6981;1367273910;kakobrekla;scam. 6982;1367273917;ThickAsThieves;talk to Jezz 6983;1367273921;ThickAsThieves;Jezzz? 6984;1367273933;ThickAsThieves;i dunno, i think thats the guy who runs the BF bot 6985;1367273967;kakobrekla;say no more! 6986;1367274000;mircea_popescu;;;calc 33000 * 0.05 6987;1367274000;gribble;1650 6988;1367274004;mircea_popescu;bwahahaha what ? 6989;1367274009;ThickAsThieves;lol 6990;1367274016;mircea_popescu;eh get out. 6991;1367274022;ThickAsThieves;sales started at .03 tho 6992;1367274025;ThickAsThieves;so not AS bad 6993;1367274028;ThickAsThieves;but still 6994;1367274029;mircea_popescu;two hundred grand for three avalons ? what is this, sparta ? 6995;1367274031;ThickAsThieves;horrible 6996;1367274055;mircea_popescu;what are avalons anyway, 60 gh ? 6997;1367274063;jborkl;88 6998;1367274076;ThickAsThieves;shit i'm so stupid, I shouldve boght AM blades amd then IPO'd at 10x 6999;1367274079;ThickAsThieves;derp 7000;1367274108;kakobrekla;yeah douches do that. 7001;1367274126;kakobrekla;or maybe is just peoples maff 7002;1367274131;kakobrekla;not sure on this one 7003;1367274155;mircea_popescu;so wait. 7004;1367274164;mircea_popescu;;;calc 88 * 3 / 1650 7005;1367274164;gribble;0.16 7006;1367274170;ThickAsThieves;i think this is also evidence that a split share AM asset would do well 7007;1367274180;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 12 @ 0.4729 = 5.6748 BTC [+] 7008;1367274189;mircea_popescu;srsly ? 0.16 gh/btc ? 7009;1367274197;ThickAsThieves;no joke 7010;1367274206;mircea_popescu;;;calc 1650 * 142 / 88 / 3 7011;1367274206;gribble;887.5 7012;1367274207;ThickAsThieves;https://bitfunder.com/asset/Cado.AvalonB3 7013;1367274215;mircea_popescu;900 dollah PER GH ?! 7014;1367274220;mircea_popescu;this is more than gpus wtf. 7015;1367274227;ThickAsThieves;oh you have to pay elec + 1% mgmt fee too 7016;1367274230;kakobrekla;ztex fpga roughly 7017;1367274231;jborkl;not smart investment 7018;1367274250;jborkl;to say the least 7019;1367274263;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves well i'm not even counting the usual scammy " X % of shares are reserved for management" with sliding X 7020;1367274267;mircea_popescu;that's par foer the course 7021;1367274294;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10350 @ 0.000725 = 7.5038 BTC [-] 7022;1367274302;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla 80-100 mh/s gpus are about 70-100 bux neh ? 7023;1367274313;kakobrekla;less 7024;1367274326;kakobrekla;50 bux is 250 mhash or so 7025;1367274328;ThickAsThieves;you can get a 7970 for like 340 7026;1367274330;ThickAsThieves;$ 7027;1367274351;ThickAsThieves;which does about 680/s on litecoin (more profitable) 7028;1367274354;kakobrekla;5770 is 250 at ~50 bux 7029;1367274371;kakobrekla;at 110w 7030;1367274377;mircea_popescu;insanity. 7031;1367274416;ThickAsThieves;ignoranity 7032;1367274437;benkay;or you can buy a rack of gpus in a 6u mount from Elemental Technologies 7033;1367274444;benkay;stick it someone else's data center 7034;1367274465;benkay;their bread and butter is on-demand transcoding, so they may know what's up w/r/t box design 7035;1367274504;benkay;i'm about 1/10th of the way into talking my way into free development boxes from them 7036;1367274510;benkay;which i will ship to iceland 7037;1367274517;benkay;and generate bitcoins from geothermal power 7038;1367274523;benkay;or litecoins w/e 7039;1367274540;mircea_popescu;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=75883.msg1978571#msg1978571 7040;1367274545;mircea_popescu;doesn't this look more like a snowdick ? 7041;1367274585;benkay;wee bit lumpy 7042;1367274609;benkay;my sample size for comparison isn't statistically valid tho 7043;1367274625;mircea_popescu;"Mircea Popescu once again demonstrates his utterly superior intellect: http://polimedia.us/trilema/2013/the-future-of-bitcoin-regulation/ < Deep insight, prescience. Relentless logic." 7044;1367274629;mircea_popescu;ok, which one of you is this ? 7045;1367274706;ThickAsThieves;not me, but I do love the word prescience 7046;1367274707;unbalanced_;Not I, but good post man! 7047;1367274738;mircea_popescu;this is a fine example of why you shouldn't take twitter seriously. 7048;1367274749;dub;250mh from 5770? 7049;1367274750;mircea_popescu;also i hope nassim taleb reads that and gets all pissed off. 7050;1367274789;dub;i was lucky to break 200 and running so hot they barf after a few hours 7051;1367274804;mircea_popescu;ya but you're not cool enough. 7052;1367274815;mircea_popescu;also not running on geopornal thewor. 7053;1367275021;benkay;geopornal thewor 7054;1367275037;benkay;geonormal tower 7055;1367275065;benkay;log-normal grower 7056;1367275082;mircea_popescu;fogdood. 7057;1367275091;benkay;dello? this is hog. 7058;1367275095;mircea_popescu;bwahayha 7059;1367275122;Scrat;pig benis 7060;1367275138;benkay;penistower power! 7061;1367275179;Chaang-Noi;im a goat! 7062;1367275202;mircea_popescu;kengay. 7063;1367275260;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 10 @ 0.45711 = 4.5711 BTC [-] 7064;1367275290;benkay;Pope Mercey 7065;1367275292;benkay;fuck 7066;1367275296;benkay;Pope Mercy 7067;1367275320;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 1.93 BTC [+] 7068;1367275332;benkay;that's actually not a bad name for an ultradom like you 7069;1367275379;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 6 @ 0.46 = 2.76 BTC [+] 7070;1367275381;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4724 BTC [+] 7071;1367275398;mircea_popescu;lol 7072;1367275415;mircea_popescu;the pope, the antipope and the mercypope 7073;1367275500;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 6 @ 0.4724 = 2.8344 BTC [+] 7074;1367275627;jurov;and its rota 7075;1367275630;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6400 @ 0.00072792 = 4.6587 BTC [+] 7076;1367275684;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.32 BTC [-] 7077;1367275800;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 1.901 BTC [-] 7078;1367275921;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 6 @ 0.4601 = 2.7606 BTC [-] 7079;1367275980;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 7 @ 0.47239 = 3.3067 BTC [+] 7080;1367276041;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.47239 BTC [+] 7081;1367276211;inhies;well 7082;1367276217;inhies;lets hope the july bet gets closed soon :) 7083;1367276274;inhies;"Bets will not be cancelled because it became impossible for one side to win - in such cases bets are closed and paid early instead. " 7084;1367276303;jurov;btw just got a "why hammering nails with microscope" idea 7085;1367276304;inhies;seems like it should be closed early assuming the verdict is yes, the latest deliveries count 7086;1367276331;jurov;why casascius coins aren't charged after successful delivery only? 7087;1367276341;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 10 @ 0.45651 = 4.5651 BTC [-] 7088;1367276392;jurov;no trouble with insurance and btc rate then... 7089;1367276396;mircea_popescu;i think they also have gold content no ? 7090;1367276418;jurov;the 1btc ones do not.. and the 5btc only plating 7091;1367276443;mircea_popescu;ah ok 7092;1367276453;Chaang-Noi;5btc is solid nickle 7093;1367276457;Chaang-Noi;25 btc is plating 7094;1367276460;Chaang-Noi;10 btc is silver 7095;1367276463;Chaang-Noi;and the 1000 btc is gold 7096;1367276475;mircea_popescu;wait, 1k btc is gold ? 7097;1367276477;Chaang-Noi;the 25 btc is gold plated 7098;1367276483;mircea_popescu;1k btc = what, 100 oz fine gold / 7099;1367276491;Chaang-Noi;1000 btc coin is solid gold .999 i has one 7100;1367276497;Chaang-Noi;its 1 oz 7101;1367276501;mircea_popescu;ia but what, 1 ounce ? lol k. 7102;1367276506;mircea_popescu;so tghen still irrelevant, jurov's point stands 7103;1367276512;Namworld;1 oz of gold, + 1000 BTC key 7104;1367276514;Chaang-Noi;he has gold plated bars at 100 500 and 1000 7105;1367276516;Namworld;Inside it 7106;1367276523;Namworld;The coin itself is irrelevant, almost 7107;1367276533;Chaang-Noi;yeah, an oz of gold? fuck that lol 7108;1367276534;mircea_popescu;Namworld making the coin's value 99.9% btc 7109;1367276547;Namworld;Pretty much 7110;1367276554;mircea_popescu;ironic 7111;1367276557;mircea_popescu;here's this fine gold coin 7112;1367276562;Namworld;I'll take it wooden for all I care. 7113;1367276564;mircea_popescu;the gold in it is pretty much irrelevant. 7114;1367276567;Chaang-Noi;i did buy it when btc was worth much less than now 7115;1367276575;Namworld;Like, the sticker and key would burn in a fire anyway 7116;1367276584;Namworld;So why not a polished wooden coin? 7117;1367276594;Namworld;Stylish 7118;1367276595;Chaang-Noi;i have a bunch of the 10 btc silver ones and got them when 10 btc = an oz of silver 7119;1367276624;Chaang-Noi;my coins are in a 2 hour rates fire proof safe. no fire lol 7120;1367276691;Namworld;Firefighters take their sweet time, fire burns for 2.1 hour 7121;1367276725;Namworld;Hmm... do fireproof rating applies to content burning? 7122;1367276735;mircea_popescu;Namworld polished hardwood is pretty much impossible to catch on fire anyway 7123;1367276741;Namworld;Because plastic would melt way before burning 7124;1367276775;mircea_popescu;actually some plastic is thermosetting. it never melts. 7125;1367276841;Namworld;Yeah, idk what casascius uses... 7126;1367276864;jurov;biodegradable cellophane? 7127;1367276869;jurov;:D 7128;1367276870;mircea_popescu;whale mucus 7129;1367276881;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 9 @ 0.469899 = 4.2291 BTC [+] 7130;1367276933;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2675 BTC [-] 7131;1367276943;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.266 = 2.532 BTC [-] 7132;1367276955;mircea_popescu;fun fact of the day : chemically, cellophane, rayon and cellulose are polymers of glucose 7133;1367277000;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 10 @ 0.4565 = 4.565 BTC [-] 7134;1367277001;Namworld;Whale mucus? Why not ambergris? "Keeps that fresh Bitcoin smell longer than the competition!" 7135;1367277011;dub;at a guess I'd say he uses recycled mcdonalds burger wrappers 7136;1367277015;Chaang-Noi;yup 7137;1367277020;dub;which he will have in plentiful supply 7138;1367277060;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.469899 BTC [+] 7139;1367277061;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 5 @ 0.4699 = 2.3495 BTC [+] 7140;1367277062;Chaang-Noi;namworld a house almost never burns for more than 30 mins, there is no way that safe will get damaged 7141;1367277068;Chaang-Noi;well the coins 7142;1367277107;Chaang-Noi;the only plasic on the coins is the holograms 7143;1367277141;benkay;namworld are you really counseling someone to dial down their fire insurance? 7144;1367277146;assbot;[BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 100 @ 0.013001 = 1.3001 BTC [-] 7145;1367277180;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.469899 BTC [-] 7146;1367277626;Chaang-Noi;lol i dont think iv ever seen anyone type out ambergris or even know someone who knew what it was 7147;1367277660;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 10 @ 0.4565 = 4.565 BTC [-] 7148;1367277664;Chaang-Noi;namworld how do you know so much about whale vomit? 7149;1367277664;mircea_popescu;i know what it is. 7150;1367277682;Chaang-Noi;such a silly thing to know wh? 7151;1367277686;mircea_popescu;cause it's like very expensive 7152;1367277690;mircea_popescu;and also used in perfumery 7153;1367277693;Chaang-Noi;yeah it is 7154;1367277703;mircea_popescu;so that's two good reasons. 7155;1367277708;mircea_popescu;also he's canadian, thus weird. 7156;1367277720;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 5 @ 0.4698999 = 2.3495 BTC [+] 7157;1367277721;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4699 BTC [+] 7158;1367277743;Chaang-Noi;i bet the have a lot of whales in canada 7159;1367277746;Chaang-Noi;maybe that is why 7160;1367277748;dub;I hear theres some moosecock in space atm 7161;1367277781;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4698999 BTC [-] 7162;1367277840;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 5 @ 0.4699 = 2.3495 BTC [+] 7163;1367277873;Chaang-Noi;i slept 4 hours last night... if that... 7164;1367277887;Chaang-Noi;getting up before the sun is weird to me 7165;1367277901;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 10 @ 0.456001 = 4.56 BTC [-] 7166;1367278440;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 1 @ 1.4 BTC [+] 7167;1367278586;assbot;[BTCTC] [COG.F] 2 @ 2.4999 = 4.9998 BTC [+] 7168;1367278667;assbot;[BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 1 @ 0.19987 BTC [-] 7169;1367278676;assbot;[BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 4 @ 0.1999 = 0.7996 BTC [+] 7170;1367278886;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1800 @ 0.00072792 = 1.3103 BTC [+] 7171;1367278888;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 466 @ 0.00073999 = 0.3448 BTC [+] 7172;1367279226;truff1es;dont the days go by so quickly 7173;1367280026;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9534 @ 0.00073999 = 7.0551 BTC [+] 7174;1367280028;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1766 @ 0.00074202 = 1.3104 BTC [+] 7175;1367280029;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2950 @ 0.00074004 = 2.1831 BTC [-] 7176;1367281195;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5000 @ 0.00074202 = 3.7101 BTC [+] 7177;1367281201;dub;hrm AM offline on guild 7178;1367281202;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.32 BTC [-] 7179;1367281220;dub;;;nethash 7180;1367281221;gribble;78723.6093007 7181;1367281373;mircea_popescu;and yet... 7182;1367281680;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2998 BTC [+] 7183;1367282146;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2501 BTC [-] 7184;1367282154;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.25 BTC [-] 7185;1367282339;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.4651 = 0.9302 BTC [+] 7186;1367282341;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4651 BTC [+] 7187;1367282351;kakobrekla;https://forums.butterflylabs.com/bfl-forum-miscellaneous/632-getting-ready-april.html#post9395 7188;1367282400;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 3 @ 0.4749 = 1.4247 BTC [+] 7189;1367282402;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 6 @ 0.475 = 2.85 BTC [+] 7190;1367282410;dub;lol 7191;1367282418;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-TRADING-PT] 1 @ 0.1924 BTC [-] 7192;1367282422;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-TRADING-PT] 6 @ 0.1923 = 1.1538 BTC [-] 7193;1367282425;mircea_popescu;2weeks 7194;1367282430;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-TRADING-PT] 3 @ 0.1922 = 0.5766 BTC [-] 7195;1367282448;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-TRADING-PT] 1 @ 0.2168 BTC [+] 7196;1367282474;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 17 @ 0.000651 = 0.0111 BTC [+] 7197;1367282513;mircea_popescu;http://lewrockwell.com/rockwell/commissars-want-to-destroy-lrc.html this is distinctly insane. 7198;1367282534;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 100 @ 0.000679 = 0.0679 BTC [+] 7199;1367282538;assbot;[BTCTC] [BITVPS] 1 @ 0.00081 BTC [+] 7200;1367282542;assbot;[BTCTC] [BITVPS] 10 @ 0.0008 = 0.008 BTC [-] 7201;1367282623;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla https://twitter.com/Mircea_Popescu/status/329033253124190208 7202;1367282640;kakobrekla;:p 7203;1367282723;kakobrekla;Then stop demanding hard and fast timeframes for things that we can't give hard and fast timeframes for. Simple as that. I say multiple times "We aren't sure when " and a chorus of people respond back "BUT GIVE US AN ESTIMATE!!!!" Repeat that about 7204;1367282727;kakobrekla;20x and that describes the past 6+ months. Like I said earlier in this thread (or maybe it was another one) - the timelines were doled out long before I came on board with BFL. I have worked with what I was handed for this product cycle. Future product cycles, assuming I have 7205;1367282732;kakobrekla;the final authoritative say in the matter, will not contain shipping dates or definitive timelines. The one and only answer to "When?" is "When it's done." If you get something other than that from me on future product cycles, you'll either get it by that date or I have been 7206;1367282735;kakobrekla;overridden in my stance of not providing dates. I fully realize this statement will probably sneak up and bite me in the ass at some unspecified future date due to reasons I can't possibly imagine at the moment. 7207;1367282739;kakobrekla;fuck me 7208;1367282744;mircea_popescu;lmao spam! 7209;1367282758;kakobrekla;myea 7210;1367282764;kakobrekla;twas a bit much 7211;1367282777;mircea_popescu;stop demanding things in exchange for your money 7212;1367282779;mircea_popescu;this is bitcoin! 7213;1367282819;mircea_popescu;http://freemarketincome.com/the-future-of-bitcoin-regulation/ 7214;1367282826;mircea_popescu;repost my article, get the site name wryng 7215;1367282828;mircea_popescu;priceless. 7216;1367282887;peterl;polymedia? there should be a good joke in there somewhere ... 7217;1367282904;mircea_popescu;i guess there must be 7218;1367282959;assbot;[BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 2 @ 0.1991 = 0.3982 BTC [+] 7219;1367283000;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 10 @ 0.47498 = 4.7498 BTC [-] 7220;1367283196;mircea_popescu;so a little ago i used a flavoured condom to buttseks. the girl is now claiming she can taste teh flavour. 7221;1367283208;mircea_popescu;isthispossible.jpg 7222;1367283319;kakobrekla;taste the flavour by licking what? 7223;1367283340;mircea_popescu;not by licking anything. 7224;1367283354;taub;... gox should offer volume discounts based on $ value 7225;1367283355;taub;not btc 7226;1367283418;taub;i hate them so much :( 7227;1367283423;truffles;'Alcohol enemas': A frightening new hazing trend? 7228;1367283503;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu did you also give her a vodka filled tampon? 7229;1367283526;thestringpuller;btw mircea_popescu your april 2013 MPOE report was empowering... 7230;1367283527;mircea_popescu;mno 7231;1367283534;mircea_popescu;o ? 7232;1367283538;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2501 BTC [+] 7233;1367283542;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.25 = 2.5 BTC [-] 7234;1367283557;thestringpuller;You really rallied the troops in that one. 7235;1367283600;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.4651 = 0.9302 BTC [-] 7236;1367283651;thestringpuller;could you elaborate this statement a little more: Unfortunately the hordes of get-rich-quick noobs allied with the howling incompetence of so called .exchanges. have prevailed 7237;1367283677;mircea_popescu;that entire max keiser & co meets mtgox lag episode 7238;1367283693;thestringpuller;but are you saying it's a war against the speculators? 7239;1367283709;mircea_popescu;speculation is one thing. 7240;1367283741;mircea_popescu;this idiocy where "We all believe the US is the best in the world therefore it is because we agree" programme is not speculation, it's marauding stupidity. 7241;1367283810;mircea_popescu;bitcoin is a right phenomena. it's natural enemy is the left. this means the horde of like minded lemmings. 7242;1367283816;mircea_popescu;this is the meaning of "decentralised". 7243;1367284009;taub; 7244;1367284010;taub;Loss : -2`320.17106571 BTC 7245;1367284012;taub;ouch :( 7246;1367284075;thestringpuller;enemy of the left? 7247;1367284082;thestringpuller;you mean socialism in general? 7248;1367284108;taub;enemy of the collectivists 7249;1367284135;mircea_popescu;anyone who expects solutions to problems come from the group is left. 7250;1367284141;mircea_popescu;anyone who expects solutions come from the individual is right 7251;1367284148;mircea_popescu;that's pretty much the whole story there. 7252;1367284158;thestringpuller;but even you depend on a group for mpex...non? 7253;1367284169;thestringpuller;or am I viewing this from a confused viewpoint? 7254;1367284172;ThickAsThieves;but but what about groups of individuals? 7255;1367284176;mircea_popescu;i think so. how do i depend ? 7256;1367284239;dub;why use condom? 7257;1367284241;kakobrekla;we all depend on blockchain ;) 7258;1367284263;dub;what point in cornholing if it aint bareback 7259;1367284267;thestringpuller;You depend on MPOE-PR for you PR. You have a board of directors you refer to for advice as quoted here: "Unfortunately the hordes of get-rich-quick noobs allied with the howling incompetence of so called .exchanges. have prevailed" it is implied this "we" is a collective. 7260;1367284273;thestringpuller;oops 7261;1367284275;mircea_popescu;dub pff. i always use condoms. 7262;1367284281;dub;prude 7263;1367284289;thestringpuller;quoted here: "We.ve been working hard taking apart and examining the price model" 7264;1367284292;thestringpuller;take 2 7265;1367284304;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller but what's one to do with the other ? 7266;1367284305;dub;so an occaisional UTI results. deal with it 7267;1367284316;mircea_popescu;dub hehe i am dealing with it. 7268;1367284319;dub;take your vitamins 7269;1367284323;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: I misquoted I'm sorry. I meant the latter. 7270;1367284336;thestringpuller;"We've been working hard..." is the key phrase 7271;1367284347;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller no i get that part. but what's me having a board / employees to do with the group mindset ? 7272;1367284375;thestringpuller;Don't you all have to agree? Don't you bounce ideas off each other? Or is that still technically individualism? 7273;1367284392;taub;those groups are formed voluntarily 7274;1367284396;thestringpuller;When I think of pure individual contribution I think of people like Tesla. 7275;1367284400;taub;it's not a "everyone has to do their share or else" kinda deal 7276;1367284407;mircea_popescu;but what's "pure individual contribution" to do with anything ? 7277;1367284425;ThickAsThieves;i think mp's point may be when individuals release power of problem solving to a group 7278;1367284426;mircea_popescu;listen, there's kids sitting togetgher in a class. this is ideologically neutral. 7279;1367284436;mircea_popescu;there's kids working on the same homework. this is also ideologically neutral. 7280;1367284446;ThickAsThieves;or maybe rely on group thought? 7281;1367284460;mircea_popescu;if those kids were to go to the teacher and say "We're not doing our homework and you can't punish us cause you'd hacve to punish the whole class", that's socialist bs. 7282;1367284470;mircea_popescu;yet this is the "solution" of idiots since forever. 7283;1367284474;deadweasel;http://www.sierrachart.com/index.php?l=doc/Bitcoin.php 7284;1367284494;mircea_popescu;in the case at hand, "we will all buy btc and the price can only go up because of it and so we will all become millionaires" 7285;1367284502;ThickAsThieves;but that rgument seems to be used quite often by the right 7286;1367284507;mircea_popescu;they were going to pull themselves up by their own pants. 7287;1367284512;taub;using it already deadweasel :) 7288;1367284519;mircea_popescu;well inasmuch as it is used it's fakeright 7289;1367284522;taub;hope their live trading gets rolled out soon 7290;1367284529;deadweasel;how do you like it? 7291;1367284535;kakobrekla;its gonna suck 7292;1367284539;taub;its good, very stable stream 7293;1367284542;kakobrekla;its gonna be as bad as mtgox 7294;1367284552;taub;well yes, it's just a link to mtgox 7295;1367284557;kakobrekla;exactly 7296;1367284560;kakobrekla;thats why its gonna suck 7297;1367284561;mircea_popescu;heh 7298;1367284569;kakobrekla;gigo 7299;1367284575;taub;but its easier to trade directly off the charts than to log into the site and enter the order every time 7300;1367284585;deadweasel;use goxtool 7301;1367284593;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu isn't that a different issue altogether, as you state in your fact, "You can't pull yourself up by your own bootstraps" 7302;1367284597;thestringpuller;faq* 7303;1367284598;thestringpuller;WOW 7304;1367284599;taub;somehow buying doesnt work on there for me 7305;1367284604;thestringpuller;can't type today 7306;1367284630;mircea_popescu;where's the difference 7307;1367284634;dub;sierra should lease an API/socket feed 7308;1367284636;deadweasel;did you put in the api key? gox --add-secret= 7309;1367284642;deadweasel;goxtoo* 7310;1367284642;deadweasel;l 7311;1367284651;taub;yea, i can sell, but the buy function doesn't work dunno 7312;1367284656;deadweasel;balls 7313;1367284685;deadweasel;oh well. i don't trade enought to purchase charting sfotware. but i want it. 7314;1367284689;dub;have you got permissions set in gox? 7315;1367284713;dub;deadweasel: can you run the native feed without paying? 7316;1367284715;taub;yes, the window for order entry doesn't appear 7317;1367284725;deadweasel;using windows? 7318;1367284734;taub;putty 7319;1367284742;thestringpuller;i'm using putty too 7320;1367284744;deadweasel;ya, change to xterm r6 7321;1367284748;dub;dont use putty 7322;1367284753;deadweasel;i forget the settings tab 7323;1367284755;dub;use kitty 7324;1367284765;deadweasel;^ even bettah 7325;1367284785;deadweasel;but if you're already running putty, i know how to fix the keyboard fkeys issue. 7326;1367284798;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: there is no difference is there? The group came up, with Max Keiser as their defacto leader, "We can pull ourselves up by our belts", whereas that is a physical impossibility, yet people believed it anyways because other people "said it was so". No? 7327;1367284804;dub;kitty is putty 7328;1367284811;dub;putty is no longer maintained 7329;1367284831;taub;i'm already using some putty variant with clickable urls 7330;1367284839;deadweasel;then feed that kitty and putt it across the room! 7331;1367284900;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5200 @ 0.00072615 = 3.776 BTC [-] 7332;1367284902;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2300 @ 0.000725 = 1.6675 BTC [-] 7333;1367285058;taub;doesn't work in kitty :[ 7334;1367285075;thestringpuller;Good news mircea_popescu: "Facebook Is Losing Millions Of Users In The US And Other Mature Markets" 7335;1367285185;nospinzy;I WONDER WHY 7336;1367285202;nospinzy;cause all the narsasists have taken over 7337;1367285208;taub;okay i got it working deadweasel, had to change the keyboard settings, ty 7338;1367285209;nospinzy;and making people rage quit 7339;1367285220;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 1 @ 1.4 BTC [+] 7340;1367285221;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 2 @ 1.41 = 2.82 BTC [+] 7341;1367285222;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 2 @ 1.4588 = 2.9176 BTC [+] 7342;1367285267;ThickAsThieves;how doe facebook lose users anyway? people actually take the time to close accounts? 7343;1367285298;kakobrekla;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=174620.msg1978520#msg1978520 7344;1367285299;mircea_popescu;good q. 7345;1367285300;nospinzy;analytics 7346;1367285310;nospinzy;you can see how many people come to your website... 7347;1367285317;nospinzy;its pretty basic 7348;1367285342;thestringpuller;;;seen smickles 7349;1367285343;gribble;smickles was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 3 weeks, 4 days, 9 hours, 46 minutes, and 30 seconds ago: a bitcoin atm could be the easiest way to send money to a friend, each of you just goes to an atm 7350;1367285348;thestringpuller;lol 7351;1367285413;thestringpuller;ThickAsThieves: people go inactive, someone not logging in for X time is considered the same as losing a user to the social media world. 7352;1367285418;thestringpuller;as it depends on an active user base 7353;1367285431;ThickAsThieves;then they should just comment on user activity 7354;1367285435;ThickAsThieves;not user loss 7355;1367285452;ThickAsThieves;but i get it i guess 7356;1367285520;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.32 BTC [-] 7357;1367285580;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: idea: the gold in the casascius coin is a TEOTWAWKI "backup." 7358;1367285658;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2799 BTC [+] 7359;1367285729;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.28 BTC [+] 7360;1367285896;mircea_popescu;well it'd have to be the end of PART of the world then 7361;1367285917;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.2799 = 2.5598 BTC [-] 7362;1367285933;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: new idea. 7.62x39mm round with built-in BTC chip. 7363;1367285987;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: for those who await the lead, rather than the gold, standard. 7364;1367286035;mircea_popescu;lol 7365;1367286049;mircea_popescu;dude copumpkin is a twitter badass. check out what he dug up 7366;1367286054;mircea_popescu;http://finallyfeminism101.wordpress.com/2007/10/19/sexism-definition/ 7367;1367286063;mircea_popescu;Sexism is both discrimination based on gender and the attitudes, stereotypes, and the cultural elements that promote this discrimination. Given the historical and continued imbalance of power, where men as a class are privileged over women as a class (see male privilege), an important, but often overlooked, part of the term is that sexism is prejudice plus power. Thus feminists reject the notion that women can be sexis 7368;1367286063;mircea_popescu;t towards men because women lack the institutional power that men have. 7369;1367286074;mircea_popescu;also they reject e=mc2 as a sexed equation, 7370;1367286087;mircea_popescu;because it privileges the speed of light over other speeds that are much more important to us. 7371;1367286146;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: ho hum. there's a whole dark underworld of this crud, esp. in the U.S.; and the perpetrators are often salaried academics and their flunkies. 7372;1367286175;mircea_popescu;salaried pseudoacademics 7373;1367286200;mircea_popescu;doing whatever "social sciences" a la women's research or w/e 7374;1367286221;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: actual academics mostly went extinct after ww2. (you'll meet the occasional one, preserved, like the occasional panda still alive in some zoo) 7375;1367286244;mircea_popescu;i am currently pining all hopes of universalist humanity on the taleb fellow 7376;1367286252;mircea_popescu;he's been doing off the deep end superbly on twitter. 7377;1367286281;dub;kweli 7378;1367286285;dub;? 7379;1367286293;mircea_popescu;o look, she retweeted me too. dense is she. 7380;1367286299;mircea_popescu;dub nassim taleb 7381;1367286332;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/nntaleb/status/328902329015353345 sample 7382;1367286368;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: on the death of academia: http://unqualified-reservations.blogspot.com/2007/07/my-navrozov-moments.html (moldbug) 7383;1367286398;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 1.236 = 4.944 BTC [-] 7384;1367286406;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2351 BTC [-] 7385;1367286410;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.23505 = 2.4701 BTC [-] 7386;1367286413;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.23505 = 2.4701 BTC [-] 7387;1367286417;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.22 = 2.44 BTC [-] 7388;1367286421;mircea_popescu;aww grad school. poor modlbug 7389;1367286422;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.21 BTC [-] 7390;1367286431;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.205 BTC [-] 7391;1367286436;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 1.202 = 6.01 BTC [-] 7392;1367286442;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2 BTC [-] 7393;1367286447;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2 BTC [-] 7394;1367286448;orkaa;hah, nassim 7395;1367286449;dub;https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-prn1/c0.17.180.180/s160x160/24919_388859208374_202563_a.jpg heh 7396;1367286452;orkaa;i'm reading one of his books 7397;1367286468;orkaa;yeah, this one 7398;1367286471;orkaa;black swan 7399;1367286495;mircea_popescu;he's a clever fellow. 7400;1367286592;orkaa;yep, i like how he's questioning everything 7401;1367286600;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 1 @ 1.459 BTC [+] 7402;1367286602;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 2 @ 1.45989998 = 2.9198 BTC [+] 7403;1367286603;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 4 @ 1.46496 = 5.8598 BTC [+] 7404;1367286604;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 3 @ 1.46498 = 4.3949 BTC [+] 7405;1367286776;kakobrekla;is he really questioning everything? 7406;1367286777;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.19021 BTC [-] 7407;1367286779;mjr___;i loved antifragile 7408;1367286781;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.19011 BTC [-] 7409;1367286789;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 1.17005 = 5.8503 BTC [-] 7410;1367286792;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 1.17 = 5.85 BTC [-] 7411;1367286793;mjr___;it just felt so refreshing 7412;1367286795;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 8 @ 1.16914 = 9.3531 BTC [-] 7413;1367286809;kakobrekla;o hey mjr 7414;1367286811;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.167 BTC [-] 7415;1367286818;mjr___;hey guys 7416;1367286820;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 1.165 = 5.825 BTC [-] 7417;1367286828;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.164 BTC [-] 7418;1367286836;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 19 @ 1.152 = 21.888 BTC [-] 7419;1367286840;kakobrekla;where have you been, you missed like 5 dudes rolling by on their skateboards announcing new exchanges 7420;1367286899;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.152 BTC [-] 7421;1367286903;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.1512 BTC [-] 7422;1367286912;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.1512 BTC [-] 7423;1367286920;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 7 @ 1.1511 = 8.0577 BTC [-] 7424;1367286922;mjr___;kakobrekla: "The skateboard ride to Saks today was a little rough, but the skateboard back was great!" I am not joking that is the latest status update from coinsetter CEO...he's a nice guy 7425;1367286924;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.151 = 2.302 BTC [-] 7426;1367286926;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 1.150101 = 11.501 BTC [-] 7427;1367286935;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 1.1501 = 11.501 BTC [-] 7428;1367286938;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.15 BTC [-] 7429;1367286946;mjr___;but i can't help but laugh after our convo in romania lol 7430;1367286949;mircea_popescu;he sounds like permafriendzoned 7431;1367286958;kakobrekla;WTF really?! 7432;1367286965;kakobrekla;poor guy 7433;1367286967;mjr___;i am not joking 7434;1367286975;mjr___;he's cool, he's in nyc 7435;1367286979;kakobrekla;you met him? 7436;1367286981;mjr___;yeah 7437;1367286984;kakobrekla;when 7438;1367286994;mjr___;we were talking about working together, but couldn't get the equity to work... 7439;1367287003;mjr___;he already had prior investors etcf 7440;1367287008;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 1.13205 = 5.6603 BTC [-] 7441;1367287011;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.132 BTC [-] 7442;1367287015;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 1.13 = 3.39 BTC [-] 7443;1367287019;kakobrekla;hm 7444;1367287028;mjr___;they are opening sometime this summer i think? 7445;1367287060;mjr___;but mostly focusing on the shorting/margin side, from what i know...jaron from coinsetter 7446;1367287072;grubles;im selling my mpex account 7447;1367287076;grubles;if anyone is wanting one 7448;1367287080;grubles;there are no assets in it 7449;1367287113;grubles;it is mostly to get out of paying the ridiculous 30 btc fee 7450;1367287117;mjr___;https://kirillwashere.com/galleries/set-miami-april-25/photos/13384 <--- why i love and hate america 7451;1367287125;kakobrekla;mjr___ are they using gox or what 7452;1367287130;mjr___;grubles, how much? 7453;1367287156;mjr___;also...how would you guarantee you won't retain the key? 7454;1367287220;mjr___;kakobrekla: not sure, but we just got market data working and order flow 7455;1367287283;truffles;whats on the radio now mjr? 7456;1367287344;mjr___;Gods and Monsters by Lana Del Rey 7457;1367287424;truffles;:) 7458;1367287552;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28050 @ 0.000725 = 20.3363 BTC [-] 7459;1367287996;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.13112 BTC [+] 7460;1367288001;truffles;Lana Del Rey - Summertime Sadness very nice 7461;1367288003;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.13102 BTC [-] 7462;1367288096;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.13 = 2.26 BTC [-] 7463;1367288103;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 1.13 = 3.39 BTC [-] 7464;1367288414;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2397 BTC [+] 7465;1367288420;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2398 BTC [+] 7466;1367288424;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 12 @ 1.24 = 14.88 BTC [+] 7467;1367288782;grubles;mircea_popescu, 7468;1367288787;grubles;you around broseph 7469;1367289053;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2489 BTC [+] 7470;1367289064;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.249 BTC [+] 7471;1367289069;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 1.25 = 3.75 BTC [+] 7472;1367289321;dub;hrm, got an ex specops buddy traveling to italy next week, should get him to pay alberto a visit 7473;1367289379;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.25 = 2.5 BTC [+] 7474;1367290115;mircea_popescu;yeh 7475;1367290121;mircea_popescu;grubles sup 7476;1367290229;mjr___;mircea_popescu: hey what up 7477;1367290242;mircea_popescu;nothing much 7478;1367292388;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: you are one of my favorite people 7479;1367292397;thestringpuller;if I bring you women can I hang out with you in Romania? 7480;1367292399;thestringpuller;:D 7481;1367292407;thestringpuller;I need a vacation... 7482;1367292963;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2597 BTC [+] 7483;1367293002;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2599 BTC [+] 7484;1367293040;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 1.26 = 3.78 BTC [+] 7485;1367293135;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.26 BTC [+] 7486;1367293416;mircea_popescu;lol 7487;1367293465;grubles;y u laffin 7488;1367293494;grubles;asicminer price? 7489;1367293524;mircea_popescu;the guy and his women 7490;1367293544;grubles;he is offering you women 7491;1367293551;grubles;why must you laugh 7492;1367293611;mircea_popescu;im just that sorta guy. 7493;1367293639;grubles;what, homo? 7494;1367293879;mircea_popescu;no homo 7495;1367293916;thestringpuller;so deal, 3 women for 1 night stay? 7496;1367293918;thestringpuller;lololol 7497;1367293921;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.32 BTC [-] 7498;1367293929;thestringpuller;(it feels like medieval times) 7499;1367293989;grubles;you can stay at my place if you have 3 women 7500;1367294157;assbot;[BTCTC] [MININGCO.ETF] 2 @ 0.679 = 1.358 BTC [+] 7501;1367294270;mircea_popescu;where you gonna find 3 womenz. 7502;1367294366;grubles;strip bar 7503;1367294389;mircea_popescu;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBkYdUgl3-M&feature=player_embedded 7504;1367294417;grubles;mircea is yes homo 7505;1367294430;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: I will go to a mall, and promise 18 year olds louis vatton bags in exchange for me introducing them to mircea_popescu 7506;1367294463;thestringpuller;doesn't take a solution like MPEX to get da ladiez 7507;1367294498;grubles;they have malls in romania? 7508;1367294511;grubles;i figured romania was like a walmart parking lot 7509;1367294533;mircea_popescu;Vat on! 7510;1367294534;grubles;with the rich elite having RVs parked there for weeks 7511;1367294568;assbot;[BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.428 = 0.856 BTC [+] 7512;1367294913;mircea_popescu;http://www.google.com/trends/explore?hl=en-US#q=%22bitcoin%22 7513;1367295103;joecool;not too big in nigeria 7514;1367295445;thestrin1puller;waa 7515;1367295588;thestringpuller;;;seen mircea_popescu 7516;1367295588;gribble;mircea_popescu was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 11 minutes and 14 seconds ago: http://www.google.com/trends/explore?hl=en-US#q=%22bitcoin%22 7517;1367295753;thestringpuller;http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ly2167CprO1rnabkso1_1280.jpg 7518;1367296232;mircea_popescu;http://www.google.com/trends/explore?hl=en-US#q=%22bitcoin%22%2C%20obama&cmpt=q 7519;1367296235;mircea_popescu;soon we'll cross obama. 7520;1367296593;KRS-1;he can go to hell 7521;1367296657;KRS-1;and he is a degenerate 7522;1367296673;KRS-1;thats all. 7523;1367296678;KRS-1;for now. 7524;1367297309;mjr___;;;tell 7525;1367297310;gribble;(tell ) -- Tells the whatever is. Use nested commands to your benefit here. 7526;1367297322;mjr___;;;tell mircea_popescu Palihapitiya talked disdainfully about an instant messaging app that allows you to send photos of everything from an apple orchard to your genitalia, and that the message disappears after a short period of time 7527;1367297322;gribble;Error: I haven't seen mircea_popescu, I'll let you do the telling. 7528;1367297348;mjr___;;;say 7529;1367297348;gribble;(say ) -- Sends to . Can only send to if supybot.plugins.Anonymous.allowPrivateTarget is True. 7530;1367297361;mjr___;;;say mircea_popescu Palihapitiya talked disdainfully about an instant messaging app that allows you to send photos of everything from an apple orchard to your genitalia, and that the message disappears after a short period of time 7531;1367297361;gribble;Error: You must be registered to use this command. If you are already registered, you must either identify (using the identify command) or add a hostmask matching your current hostmask (using the "hostmask add" command). 7532;1367297809;mjr___;Palihapitiya talked disdainfully about an instant messaging app that allows you to send photos of everything from an apple orchard to your genitalia, and that the message disappears after a short period of time 7533;1367297880;joecool;;;later tell mjr___ you're doing it wrong 7534;1367297880;gribble;The operation succeeded. 7535;1367297905;mjr___;;;later tell mircea_popescu Palihapitiya talked disdainfully about an instant messaging app that allows you to send photos of everything from an apple orchard to your genitalia, and that the message disappears after a short period of time 7536;1367297905;gribble;The operation succeeded. 7537;1367297910;mjr___;yay, thanks joecool 7538;1367297949;joecool;also protip, more annoying /memoserv send mircea_popescu whatever you wanna say 7539;1367297956;joecool;that's a network service :P 7540;1367297969;mjr___;why is it more annoying? 7541;1367297981;joecool;because it works whether or not gribble sees you 7542;1367297985;mjr___;hahaha 7543;1367297987;mjr___;oh 7544;1367298168;mjr___;i like that silicon valley is getting sick of these stupid kids 7545;1367298186;mjr___;and saying "an app that sends pics that disappear after 5 seconds is stupid" 7546;1367300827;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8391 @ 0.00076489 = 6.4182 BTC [+] 7547;1367300828;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5909 @ 0.00074626 = 4.4097 BTC [-] 7548;1367301851;assbot;[MPEX] [S.DICE] 997 @ 0.00343999 = 3.4297 BTC [+] 7549;1367301851;assbot;[MPEX] [S.DICE] 1003 @ 0.00343999 = 3.4503 BTC [+] 7550;1367302475;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.245 BTC [-] 7551;1367302749;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 13 @ 0.0036 = 0.0468 BTC [+] 7552;1367303081;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.2595 = 2.519 BTC [+] 7553;1367304088;assbot;[BTCTC] [ESECURITYSABTC] 1 @ 0.36874 BTC [-] 7554;1367307085;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.259 BTC [-] 7555;1367310381;bitexchanger;Who is selling what? 7556;1367310618;Technologov;hi dudes ! Any assets here? 7557;1367310624;Technologov;Any stock shares ? 7558;1367310727;dub;I herd yo momma slangin rock 7559;1367310796;bitexchanger;139 people in a channel called assets and nobody is selling any assets? 7560;1367312500;assbot;[BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 3 @ 0.1999 = 0.5997 BTC [+] 7561;1367312527;thestringpuller;;;later tell mircea_popescu http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1dcn95/bitcoin_online_bank_idea/ << someone wants to play banker again? 7562;1367312528;gribble;The operation succeeded. 7563;1367312683;Technologov;bank = exchange ? (we have Mt.Gox) 7564;1367312695;Technologov;bank = lender? This will fail, due to deflationary currency. 7565;1367312759;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3962 @ 0.00076528 = 3.032 BTC [+] 7566;1367313164;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.2595 = 2.519 BTC [+] 7567;1367313977;thestringpuller;!ticker m ^OIX 7568;1367313977;assbot;[MPEX:^OIX] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: 59.0473661 / 191.28391806 / 197.76214913 (639 shares, 153.26 BTC), 30D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC) 7569;1367314270;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2411 BTC [-] 7570;1367314280;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.231 BTC [-] 7571;1367314292;Diablo-D3;http://nsnbc.me/2013/04/18/federal-reserve-refuses-to-submit-to-an-audit-of-germanys-gold-held-in-u-s-vaults-2/ 7572;1367314294;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.23 BTC [-] 7573;1367314298;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.21001 BTC [-] 7574;1367314307;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.21 BTC [-] 7575;1367314312;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.2 = 2.4 BTC [-] 7576;1367314456;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2301 BTC [+] 7577;1367316730;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5066 @ 0.00076528 = 3.8769 BTC [+] 7578;1367317766;assbot;[BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.428 = 0.856 BTC [+] 7579;1367317865;assbot;[BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.422 BTC [-] 7580;1367317904;assbot;[BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 3 @ 0.42101 = 1.263 BTC [-] 7581;1367318024;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.259 BTC [+] 7582;1367318034;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.259 BTC [+] 7583;1367318038;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.2595 = 2.519 BTC [+] 7584;1367318043;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.26 BTC [+] 7585;1367318054;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.26 BTC [+] 7586;1367318615;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8200 @ 0.00076208 = 6.2491 BTC [-] 7587;1367318617;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4363 @ 0.00075723 = 3.3038 BTC [-] 7588;1367318618;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36541 @ 0.00074626 = 27.2691 BTC [-] 7589;1367318620;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11100 @ 0.00074215 = 8.2379 BTC [-] 7590;1367318622;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10850 @ 0.00073665 = 7.9927 BTC [-] 7591;1367318633;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3511 @ 0.00073199 = 2.57 BTC [-] 7592;1367318634;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25435 @ 0.000725 = 18.4404 BTC [-] 7593;1367319541;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.32 BTC [-] 7594;1367320344;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.22565 BTC [-] 7595;1367320347;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.22555 BTC [-] 7596;1367320383;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.225 BTC [-] 7597;1367320798;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.25979 BTC [+] 7598;1367320808;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.25989 BTC [+] 7599;1367320813;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 6 @ 1.26 = 7.56 BTC [+] 7600;1367320822;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 1.2679 = 3.8037 BTC [+] 7601;1367320838;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.268 = 2.536 BTC [+] 7602;1367320842;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 1.285 = 3.855 BTC [+] 7603;1367320852;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.287 = 2.574 BTC [+] 7604;1367320862;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2875 BTC [+] 7605;1367320868;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.29 = 2.58 BTC [+] 7606;1367320873;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.2945 = 2.589 BTC [+] 7607;1367320878;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.295 BTC [+] 7608;1367320883;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.298 BTC [+] 7609;1367320893;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 18 @ 1.29998 = 23.3996 BTC [+] 7610;1367320898;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 8 @ 1.29998 = 10.3998 BTC [+] 7611;1367322507;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2334 @ 0.00073472 = 1.7148 BTC [+] 7612;1367322873;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2689 BTC [-] 7613;1367322883;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.269 BTC [+] 7614;1367323057;kakobrekla;hi 7615;1367323180;deadweasel;hi 7616;1367323186;deadweasel;o/ 7617;1367323237;kakobrekla;so 7618;1367323240;kakobrekla;fun fact of the day 7619;1367323251;kakobrekla;i have a position opened at btc.sx 7620;1367323253;kakobrekla;with negative balance 7621;1367323257;kakobrekla;yaaay! 7622;1367323407;deadweasel;interesting, how did you manage that? 7623;1367323500;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 1.8998 BTC [-] 7624;1367323685;kakobrekla;not sure 7625;1367323813;truffles;how've you been deadweasel 7626;1367323846;deadweasel;good truf, how about yourself? 7627;1367323874;deadweasel;that's a good article the FED gold scandal. I'm pretty sure they found some tungsten bars plated with gold recently. 7628;1367323909;deadweasel;kakobrekla, if you like negative balances, try coinbase! :D 7629;1367323919;kakobrekla;i like anti-bitcoins 7630;1367323931;truffles;ive been well thanks 7631;1367323938;truffles;i have yet to master the driving manual 7632;1367324600;thestringpuller;kakobrekla and mircea_popescu are the same person 7633;1367324607;thestringpuller;dun dun duuuuun 7634;1367325154;truffles; kakobrekla and mircea_popescu are the same person>>> not possible 7635;1367325240;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 2 @ 1.8998 = 3.7996 BTC [-] 7636;1367325350;KRS-1;No, mircea_popescu clearly has more class. 7637;1367325458;truffles;and more unstable 7638;1367325470;KRS-1;Plus he's secksy 7639;1367325489;truffles;too skinny 7640;1367325502;KRS-1;If I walked around town like he does with my shirt opened I'd probably get arrested. 7641;1367325512;KRS-1;He can actually pull that off. 7642;1367325572;ThickAsThieves;;;bc,stats 7643;1367325575;gribble;Current Blocks: 233903 | Current Difficulty: 1.0076292883418716E7 | Next Difficulty At Block: 235871 | Next Difficulty In: 1968 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 4 days, 20 hours, 31 minutes, and 48 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 10439563.7159 | Estimated Percent Change: 3.6052 7644;1367325593;ThickAsThieves;yay a milestone 7645;1367325660;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.4698 = 0.9396 BTC [+] 7646;1367325699;error4733;;;next 7647;1367325700;gribble;targets: 150, 160-164 | resistance: 136, 140 | support: 120, 118-114, 106-103 | updated by OneFixt at Apr 28 2013, 00:29 UTC ( tips: http://bit.ly/YnxUM4 ) | disclaimer: http://bit.ly/129bYJ6 | this is not investment or trading advice | #bitcoin-analysis | 2 days, 12 hours, 12 minutes, and 39 seconds ago 7648;1367325709;error4733;;;ticker 7649;1367325709;gribble;BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 145.86000, Best ask: 145.88868, Bid-ask spread: 0.02868, Last trade: 145.88868, 24 hour volume: 52774.55145091, 24 hour low: 140.50000, 24 hour high: 149.08000, 24 hour vwap: 144.43289 7650;1367325716;error4733;!bids 101 7651;1367325720;error4733;;;bids 101 7652;1367325722;gribble;There are currently 56503.831 bitcoins demanded at or over 101.0 USD, worth 6923090.22867 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0083 seconds 7653;1367325725;error4733;;;asks 199 7654;1367325725;gribble;There are currently 69644.598 bitcoins offered at or under 199.0 USD, worth 11661420.0121 USD in total. | Data vintage: 2.9826 seconds 7655;1367325800;KRS-1;when it says "support:" is that the lower-bound- that the price wont fall below 7656;1367325808;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5649 @ 0.00073215 = 4.1359 BTC [-] 7657;1367325810;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 900 @ 0.0007432 = 0.6689 BTC [+] 7658;1367325816;KRS-1;and the opposite for "resistance" 7659;1367326034;thestringpuller;;;next 7660;1367326034;gribble;targets: 150, 160-164 | resistance: 136, 140 | support: 120, 118-114, 106-103 | updated by OneFixt at Apr 28 2013, 00:29 UTC ( tips: http://bit.ly/YnxUM4 ) | disclaimer: http://bit.ly/129bYJ6 | this is not investment or trading advice | #bitcoin-analysis | 2 days, 12 hours, 18 minutes, and 14 seconds ago 7661;1367326129;thestringpuller;KRS-1: yea, the bid depth 7662;1367326158;thestringpuller;;;market sell 10000 7663;1367326158;gribble;A market order to sell 10000 bitcoins right now would net 1397470.9135 USD and would take the last price down to 135.6076 USD, resulting in an average price of 139.7471 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 53.4642 seconds 7664;1367326169;thestringpuller;;;market sell 100000 7665;1367326169;gribble;A market order to sell 100000 bitcoins right now would net 10589892.1644 USD and would take the last price down to 70.6183 USD, resulting in an average price of 105.8989 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 64.6405 seconds 7666;1367326178;thestringpuller;;;market sell 50000 7667;1367326178;gribble;A market order to sell 50000 bitcoins right now would net 6255951.3078 USD and would take the last price down to 106.1000 USD, resulting in an average price of 125.1190 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 73.4654 seconds 7668;1367326186;thestringpuller;;;market sell 30000 7669;1367326186;gribble;A market order to sell 30000 bitcoins right now would net 3948122.9843 USD and would take the last price down to 121.2623 USD, resulting in an average price of 131.6041 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 81.1408 seconds 7670;1367326198;thestringpuller;sorry for spam :( 7671;1367326267;KRS-1;thank you- 7672;1367326389;kakobrekla;!l m s.dice 7673;1367326389;assbot;Last trade for S.DICE on MPEX was at 0.00343999 BTC [+] 7674;1367326395;kakobrekla;pft 7675;1367326724;thestringpuller;;;ticker 7676;1367326724;gribble;BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 145.11000, Best ask: 145.19999, Bid-ask spread: 0.08999, Last trade: 145.11000, 24 hour volume: 47837.38617961, 24 hour low: 140.50000, 24 hour high: 149.08000, 24 hour vwap: 144.23882 7677;1367326779;error4733;mp gribble if you want ;) 7678;1367327315;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.299 BTC [+] 7679;1367327356;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 6 @ 1.29999 = 7.7999 BTC [+] 7680;1367327477;kakobrekla;http://shrani.si/f/3Y/oR/t9R1up2/position.png 7681;1367327789;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.29999 BTC [+] 7682;1367327821;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 1.8998 BTC [-] 7683;1367328060;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 2 @ 0.321 = 0.642 BTC [+] 7684;1367328181;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.321 BTC [+] 7685;1367328182;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.321 BTC [+] 7686;1367328420;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 2 @ 0.321 = 0.642 BTC [+] 7687;1367328667;Chaang-Noi;zup ya pervz ya 7688;1367328756;truffles;hi 7689;1367329080;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4951 @ 0.00074901 = 3.7083 BTC [+] 7690;1367329501;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.471 BTC [+] 7691;1367329620;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 10 @ 1.8998 = 18.998 BTC [-] 7692;1367329977;assbot;[MPEX] [O.USD.P320T] 1000 @ 1.25537321 = 1255.3732 BTC 7693;1367330019;ThickAsThieves;uh oh 7694;1367330109;ThickAsThieves;hrm 7695;1367330115;ThickAsThieves;those are already break even 7696;1367330168;ThickAsThieves;someone made and sold to bot 7697;1367330171;ThickAsThieves;interesting 7698;1367330222;assbot;[MPEX] [O.USD.P320T] 1000 @ 1.25521432 = 1255.2143 BTC [-] 7699;1367330396;ThickAsThieves;$avg 7700;1367330397;mpexbot;ThickAsThieves: 142.17 7701;1367330464;ThickAsThieves;How does the bot handle options it buys? Does it ever excercise, or try to resell? If it excercises, does it wait for a certain % of profit? 7702;1367330477;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.29998 BTC [-] 7703;1367330535;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 1 @ 0.01005 BTC [+] 7704;1367330607;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 15 @ 0.0101 = 0.1515 BTC [+] 7705;1367330765;assbot;[BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 1 @ 0.0142 BTC [+] 7706;1367330786;assbot;[MPEX] [O.USD.P320T] 1000 @ 1.25457896 = 1254.579 BTC [-] 7707;1367330872;mircea_popescu;"I dont know if something like this has been talked about but im sure it has crossed peoples minds. 7708;1367330873;mircea_popescu;Why doesnt someone open an online bitcoin bank? It could have a nice online interface" 7709;1367330882;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller totally. a nice interface. 7710;1367330899;mircea_popescu;it would be a website that's a bank and has a nice interface. whatcouldpossibly.pdf 7711;1367330932;ThickAsThieves;we could call it blockchain.info 7712;1367330974;assbot;[MPEX] [O.USD.C143T] 1000 @ 0.15528424 = 155.2842 BTC [-] 7713;1367330980;mircea_popescu;o hey. 7714;1367330990;mircea_popescu;$avg ^oix 7715;1367331024;mircea_popescu;hm what was it 7716;1367331029;jborkl;or we could call it mpex 7717;1367331031;mircea_popescu;$price ^oix 7718;1367331036;mircea_popescu;da fuck 7719;1367331041;ThickAsThieves;!ticker m ^OIX 7720;1367331042;assbot;[MPEX:^OIX] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: 59.0473661 / 191.28391806 / 197.76214913 (639 shares, 153.26 BTC), 30D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC) 7721;1367331052;ThickAsThieves;$avg 7722;1367331053;mpexbot;ThickAsThieves: 142.03 7723;1367331062;mircea_popescu;jborkl no because interface. 7724;1367331074;jborkl;oh, I like the interface 7725;1367331081;jborkl;very simple 7726;1367331083;mircea_popescu;$vwap ^oix 7727;1367331084;mpexbot;mircea_popescu: ^OIX 1 day: no data 7 day: average: 191.28391806 high: 197.76214913 low: 59.0473661 volume: 639 btc: 153.26152721 30 day: no data 7728;1367331098;mircea_popescu;jborkl it's not nice! stop trolling da reddit folk! you're a jerk! 7729;1367331115;ThickAsThieves;How does the bot handle options it buys? Does it ever excercise, or try to resell? If it excercises, does it wait for a certain % of profit? 7730;1367331116;jborkl;I missed something here, lol 7731;1367331130;assbot;[MPEX] [O.USD.P320T] 1000 @ 1.25680427 = 1256.8043 BTC [+] 7732;1367331132;mircea_popescu;my sarcasm :D 7733;1367331144;mircea_popescu;whoa nelly. 7734;1367331150;ThickAsThieves;thats the 4th sell 7735;1367331155;mircea_popescu;what srsly ? 7736;1367331168;mircea_popescu;hey, somebody 7737;1367331172;mircea_popescu;'s taking some serious positions. 7738;1367331185;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves the bot always tries to resell. that's why it always quotes both ends. 7739;1367331191;mircea_popescu;it sometimes exercises. 7740;1367331222;ThickAsThieves;so couldnt the bot just excercise these new puts and close this guys position 7741;1367331230;mircea_popescu;it could, yes. 7742;1367331234;ThickAsThieves;odd 7743;1367331245;mircea_popescu;why ? 7744;1367331269;mircea_popescu;;;netstat 7745;1367331269;gribble;Error: "netstat" is not a valid command. 7746;1367331271;ThickAsThieves;odd that he would sell those puts 7747;1367331277;ThickAsThieves;not odd that the bit would ex 7748;1367331278;jborkl;mostly put - this month put 320,s 7749;1367331280;ThickAsThieves;bot* 7750;1367331287;ThickAsThieves;[09:52] <@assbot> [MPEX] [O.USD.P320T] 1000 @ 1.25537321 = 1255.3732 BTC 7751;1367331287;ThickAsThieves;[09:56] <@assbot> [MPEX] [O.USD.P320T] 1000 @ 1.25521432 = 1255.2143 BTC [-] 7752;1367331287;ThickAsThieves;[10:05] <@assbot> [MPEX] [O.USD.P320T] 1000 @ 1.25457896 = 1254.579 BTC [-] 7753;1367331287;ThickAsThieves;[10:11] <@assbot> [MPEX] [O.USD.P320T] 1000 @ 1.25680427 = 1256.8043 BTC [+] 7754;1367331289;mircea_popescu;those are the max 7755;1367331312;assbot;[MPEX] [O.USD.C143T] 1000 @ 0.1543468 = 154.3468 BTC [-] 7756;1367331328;mircea_popescu;hm 7757;1367331332;ThickAsThieves;those are already in the money right? 7758;1367331340;mircea_popescu;;;calc 320 / 2.255 7759;1367331340;gribble;141.906873614 7760;1367331344;ThickAsThieves;so why sell those puts to the bot 7761;1367331347;mircea_popescu;whoa look at this! 7762;1367331361;mircea_popescu;so sold puts short, their break even is ~142, so also sold calls short at 143 7763;1367331373;mircea_popescu;basically this is an insured long play. 7764;1367331384;mircea_popescu;$vwap O.USD.P320T 7765;1367331385;mpexbot;mircea_popescu: O.USD.P320T 1 day: average: 1.25549269 high: 1.25680427 low: 1.25457896 volume: 4000 btc: 5021.97076 7 day: average: 1.25549269 high: 1.25680427 low: 1.25457896 volume: 4000 btc: 5021.97076 30 day: average: 1.25549269 high: 1.25680427 low: 1.25457896 volume: 4000 btc: 5021.97076 7766;1367331398;mircea_popescu;$vwap O.USD.C143T 7767;1367331399;mpexbot;mircea_popescu: O.USD.C143T 1 day: average: 0.15481552 high: 0.15528424 low: 0.1543468 volume: 2000 btc: 309.63104 7 day: average: 0.15481552 high: 0.15528424 low: 0.1543468 volume: 2000 btc: 309.63104 30 day: average: 0.18907858 high: 0.275176 low: 0.1543468 volume: 5375 btc: 1016.2973877 7768;1367331414;mircea_popescu;heh. i bet you there's two more sets of 143 on the pipe. 7769;1367331417;jborkl;this months 143c price is only .15? 7770;1367331424;ThickAsThieves;no 7771;1367331428;ThickAsThieves;thats someone selling to bot 7772;1367331433;mircea_popescu;jborkl bid side. 7773;1367331433;jborkl;oh yeah, nm 7774;1367331459;mircea_popescu;so basically if price stays over 143 makes money on the puts, if goes a little under makes money on the calls to somewhat compensate. 7775;1367331491;ThickAsThieves;except that bot could close him before he does 7776;1367331497;assbot;[MPEX] [O.USD.C143T] 1000 @ 0.15465646 = 154.6565 BTC [+] 7777;1367331508;mircea_popescu;yeah. 7778;1367331536;mircea_popescu;whiplash can be a serious problem for this position, so i guess it implicitly is a bet against whiplash 7779;1367331561;mircea_popescu;course... the bot could be closing him the other way too, ie, to protect itself. and since whiplash can go both ways 7780;1367331571;mircea_popescu;i suppose technically it's a bet that the bot closes correctly. 7781;1367331592;mircea_popescu;for an unspecified value of "correctly" 7782;1367331623;ThickAsThieves;i shoulda out bid the bot for the calls if i wanted some 7783;1367331626;ThickAsThieves;:/ 7784;1367331646;mircea_popescu;the golden rule of mpex is "it always pays to have positions in the book" 7785;1367331651;mircea_popescu;as the veterans can tell you. 7786;1367331673;jcpham;derp 7787;1367331685;assbot;[MPEX] [O.USD.C143T] 100 @ 0.15465646 = 15.4656 BTC [+] 7788;1367331693;ThickAsThieves;there 7789;1367331694;ThickAsThieves;:) 7790;1367331782;jcpham;http://www.ftc.gov/opa/2013/02/path.shtm 7791;1367331883;mircea_popescu;http://bitbet.us/bet/439/bitcoin-bigger-/ 7792;1367331886;mircea_popescu;haha check out this one 7793;1367332023;jborkl;it it clear what the puts were opened for now 7794;1367332055;ThickAsThieves;thats a big dump 7795;1367332089;assbot;[MPEX] [O.USD.C143T] 48 @ 0.152 = 7.296 BTC [-] 7796;1367332090;assbot;[MPEX] [O.USD.C143T] 852 @ 0.14277256 = 121.6422 BTC [-] 7797;1367332111;assbot;[MPEX] [S.BBET] 35000 @ 0.00100005 = 35.0018 BTC [-] 7798;1367332113;assbot;[MPEX] [S.BBET] 10 @ 0.001 = 0.01 BTC [-] 7799;1367332114;ThickAsThieves;well then 7800;1367332119;assbot;[MPEX] [S.BBET] 2000 @ 0.00099999 = 2 BTC [-] 7801;1367332124;assbot;[MPEX] [S.BBET] 100 @ 0.00199994 = 0.2 BTC [+] 7802;1367332206;ThickAsThieves;SR is shut down 7803;1367332212;ThickAsThieves;somewhat temporarily 7804;1367332243;mircea_popescu;o ? 7805;1367332243;error4733;;;goxlag 7806;1367332250;gribble;MtGox lag is 56.21932 seconds. During this time, light travels 0.112662887817 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin ten times between Jupiter and Callisto (0.12567 AU). 7807;1367332269;ThickAsThieves;apparently site is under attack 7808;1367332281;ThickAsThieves;and tor cant protect it without a change 7809;1367332308;error4733;every1 on BlackMarketreload :) 7810;1367332321;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 2 @ 0.33479993 = 0.6696 BTC [+] 7811;1367332334;ThickAsThieves;selling all those puts doesnt fit with this big dump though, right? 7812;1367332410;mircea_popescu;;;ticker 7813;1367332411;gribble;BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 139.12000, Best ask: 140.75000, Bid-ask spread: 1.63000, Last trade: 140.75000, 24 hour volume: 44073.82016531, 24 hour low: 137.45000, 24 hour high: 146.93000, 24 hour vwap: 143.02747 7814;1367332417;mircea_popescu;heh. not rly. 7815;1367332527;jborkl;I think I have it figured out, and it is pretty damn smart. If not, I am going to do it 7816;1367332552;mircea_popescu;jborkl do what ? 7817;1367332579;jborkl;What I think they are doing .. 7818;1367332632;ThickAsThieves;[10:34] I think I have it figured out, and it is pretty damn smart. If not, I am going to do it <--- so if it's dumb you're gonna join in? 7819;1367332650;ThickAsThieves;lemme see 7820;1367332653;ThickAsThieves;the sell the puts 7821;1367332657;ThickAsThieves;buy calls 7822;1367332661;ThickAsThieves;dump the btc 7823;1367332666;mircea_popescu;nah cause sold both 7824;1367332670;ThickAsThieves;ah 7825;1367332734;ThickAsThieves;is the goal to stabilize the price? 7826;1367332797;ThickAsThieves;if selling both, he wants neother to be profitable for the buyer 7827;1367332811;ThickAsThieves;neither* 7828;1367332822;ThickAsThieves;is that a safe assumption? 7829;1367332827;mircea_popescu;;;bcstats 7830;1367332830;gribble;Current Blocks: 233918 | Current Difficulty: 1.0076292883418716E7 | Next Difficulty At Block: 235871 | Next Difficulty In: 1953 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 5 days, 4 hours, 57 minutes, and 0 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 10612270.0477 | Estimated Percent Change: 5.31919 7831;1367332849;mircea_popescu;nanotube ^ E7 :D 7832;1367332874;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves i would imagine his thinking is that price is going up, so sold the puts, and in the case it goes a little under has the calls to pay him 7833;1367332923;ThickAsThieves;so the dump is coincidence? 7834;1367332962;mircea_popescu;well probably. 7835;1367332967;mircea_popescu;for that matter, the puts/calls could be coincidence 7836;1367332973;mircea_popescu;ie, two diff people doing it at the same time 7837;1367333066;ThickAsThieves;too many coincidences in that case, imo 7838;1367333096;mircea_popescu;i think in the future bitcoin will make THE BEST detective/mystery stories 7839;1367333101;ThickAsThieves;not that superstition is the best financial strategy 7840;1367333145;ThickAsThieves;i'm just glad i got some affordable calls 7841;1367333162;ThickAsThieves;probly a sign that i'm the sucker in the room... 7842;1367333220;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 1.8999 BTC [+] 7843;1367333225;mircea_popescu;$depth O.USD.C143T 7844;1367333226;mpexbot;mircea_popescu: O.USD.C143T Bids: ['400 @ 0.155', '1000 @ 0.14212607', '1000 @ 0.14212607'] 7845;1367333227;mpexbot;mircea_popescu: Asks: ['1000 @ 0.30647073', '1000 @ 0.30647073'] 7846;1367333234;mircea_popescu;i dunno, everyone seems to want them 7847;1367333306;ThickAsThieves;FF 7848;1367333336;ThickAsThieves;(fast fingers) 7849;1367333414;ThickAsThieves;what kind of collateral is need to write puts like that 7850;1367333428;ThickAsThieves;or is it done by peeps with credit accounts 7851;1367333643;mircea_popescu;thousands of btc and who knows, maybe. 7852;1367333760;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 10 @ 1.8601 = 18.601 BTC [-] 7853;1367334175;assbot;[MPEX] [S.DICE] 350 @ 0.00319322 = 1.1176 BTC [-] 7854;1367334452;ThickAsThieves;i assume more btc was paid to the seller, than the amount he has up for collateral? 7855;1367334510;ThickAsThieves;my idea is that the moves dont have so much to do with price movement, as accumulating more total btc 7856;1367334555;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.274 BTC [-] 7857;1367334563;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2701 BTC [-] 7858;1367334759;ThickAsThieves;okay, suppose the actor actually represents a great majority of the highest 5000btc of the bid book on Gox. Couldn't he sell those puts, dump 5000btc into mostly his own bids, driving price lower so he can now buy more btc at the new lower price? As long as he doesnt sell so low that he triggers the bot to excercise, he would be leveraging the btc to get more btc 7859;1367334845;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu how do you write so quickly 7860;1367334850;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2400 @ 0.000725 = 1.74 BTC [-] 7861;1367334854;thestringpuller;you write like a research paper worth of words a week 7862;1367334859;ThickAsThieves;this theory is obv half-baked, just thinking out loud 7863;1367334920;thestringpuller;ThickAsThieves: it's reasonable but the issue is the puts 7864;1367334924;thestringpuller;right? 7865;1367334934;ThickAsThieves;only if price drops too low 7866;1367334950;thestringpuller;yea but even then you can get whiplash like mircea indicated 7867;1367334960;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 1 @ 1.4689 BTC [+] 7868;1367334972;ThickAsThieves;maybe that depends on how large of a manipulator the actor really is 7869;1367334998;ThickAsThieves;if they can deal in 5000btc of puts, odds are they are a pretty big deal 7870;1367335142;thestringpuller;i think you underestimate the sensitive of the market panicking during "moves" 7871;1367335148;ThickAsThieves;there are other holes in my theory though 7872;1367335151;thestringpuller;sensitivity* 7873;1367335159;ThickAsThieves;like why fluff the bid book in this case 7874;1367335166;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller i have a spare pair of hands 7875;1367335179;mircea_popescu; i assume more btc was paid to the seller, than the amount he has up for collateral? << now what sense does this make !? 7876;1367335201;ThickAsThieves;none if i'm wrong 7877;1367335215;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: so you have four arms to finger four girls simultaneously 7878;1367335218;mircea_popescu;but the collateral you post is ALWAYS going to be more than what you get selling. 7879;1367335223;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller totally :D 7880;1367335244;mircea_popescu;but yes, i'm an intellectual. we write. 7881;1367335256;ThickAsThieves;but some actors have credit accounts no? 7882;1367335256;mircea_popescu;we read, we write, we process information. modern day mentats. 7883;1367335265;mircea_popescu;ThickAsThieves yeah. 7884;1367335275;thestringpuller;I try to write, but it's difficult to care. 7885;1367335275;ThickAsThieves;so in that case collateral is nil 7886;1367335295;mircea_popescu;well, if you withdraw from a margined account it goes to cover margin first. 7887;1367335300;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.289 BTC [+] 7888;1367335304;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.271 BTC [-] 7889;1367335305;thestringpuller;in the sense it's difficult to find the right words 7890;1367335305;ThickAsThieves;ah 7891;1367335307;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2701 BTC [-] 7892;1367335326;thestringpuller;dude I think we're gonna see a bear assembly soon 7893;1367335335;thestringpuller;;;market sell 10000 7894;1367335335;gribble;A market order to sell 10000 bitcoins right now would net 1351903.9426 USD and would take the last price down to 132.0000 USD, resulting in an average price of 135.1904 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 22.9025 seconds 7895;1367335337;mircea_popescu; like why fluff the bid book in this case << what's that mean ? 7896;1367335347;thestringpuller;;;market sell 20000 7897;1367335347;gribble;A market order to sell 20000 bitcoins right now would net 2637090.8720 USD and would take the last price down to 125.1100 USD, resulting in an average price of 131.8545 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 34.7641 seconds 7898;1367335356;thestringpuller;;;market sell 30000 7899;1367335356;gribble;A market order to sell 30000 bitcoins right now would net 3865234.4410 USD and would take the last price down to 121.1000 USD, resulting in an average price of 128.8411 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 44.3863 seconds 7900;1367335359;ThickAsThieves;dont worry, your answers make my theory totally wrong 7901;1367335395;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=188735.msg1985011#msg1985011 epic man. 7902;1367335399;mircea_popescu;just... epic. 7903;1367335408;thestringpuller;:P 7904;1367335453;mircea_popescu;also thestringpuller, you can finger two girls with one hand 7905;1367335487;ThickAsThieves;fingerbangonomics 7906;1367335490;thestringpuller;I've tried too hard. 7907;1367335773;thestringpuller;!ticker m ^OIX 7908;1367335773;assbot;[MPEX:^OIX] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: 59.0473661 / 191.28391806 / 197.76214913 (639 shares, 153.26 BTC), 30D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC) 7909;1367336020;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 24 @ 0.000679 = 0.0163 BTC [+] 7910;1367336030;assbot;[BTCTC] [RSM] 8 @ 0.0051 = 0.0408 BTC [+] 7911;1367336186;mircea_popescu;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=187730.0;all 7912;1367336192;mircea_popescu;i find it incredible how much time this person has. 7913;1367336247;ThickAsThieves;me too 7914;1367336261;ThickAsThieves;i gave up following the whole usagi thing 7915;1367336290;ThickAsThieves;anything that takes that much explaining can't be good 7916;1367336325;mircea_popescu;absolutely. 7917;1367336465;jborkl;all that for 100 oz of silver? so 16 btc market cap :/ 7918;1367336490;truffles; anything that takes that much explaining can't be good>>>> u dont like bitcoin? 7919;1367336768;mircea_popescu;tyeah 7920;1367336785;mircea_popescu;people somehow miss on this. options trade on mpex today ? 10k btc or w/e 7921;1367336794;mircea_popescu;usagi silve fund total nominal value ? 16 btc. 7922;1367336802;mircea_popescu;;;calc 10000/16 7923;1367336802;gribble;625 7924;1367336809;mircea_popescu;takes 625 usagis a day. 7925;1367336852;jcpham;http://jcph.am/2013/04/30/tuesday-music-trio/ 7926;1367336861;jcpham;listen to some music and forget about bitcoin 7927;1367336866;jcpham;especially the third one 7928;1367336872;mircea_popescu;there's three bitcoins ? 7929;1367336874;ThickAsThieves;truffles, no one had to justify bitocin to me 7930;1367336886;jcpham;yes only three bitcoins left 7931;1367336892;jcpham;act now. limite supplies. 7932;1367336916;truffles;oh its just that you said the difficult of the thing is why youre turned off to it 7933;1367336971;ThickAsThieves;not what i said 7934;1367336974;ThickAsThieves;also, context 7935;1367336974;jcpham;that's a lot of usagis 7936;1367337027;ThickAsThieves;english is not my first language 7937;1367337032;mircea_popescu;what srsly ?! 7938;1367337046;ThickAsThieves;kidding 7939;1367337048;jborkl;numa numa was just on the radio 7940;1367337060;jborkl;requested for mp 7941;1367337110;mircea_popescu;lol 7942;1367337121;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 4 @ 1.8601 = 7.4404 BTC [-] 7943;1367337708;truffles;ThickAsThieves sorry, i meant to say i interpreted it that way 7944;1367337981;ThickAsThieves;no worries, i know i can be a little loose with my words 7945;1367338141;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7149 @ 0.000725 = 5.183 BTC [-] 7946;1367338317;mircea_popescu;http://polimedia.us/trilema/2013/why-finance-shouldnt-be-open-to-your-average-schmoe/ 7947;1367338791;jborkl;I just went to BTCjam , never go there 7948;1367338800;jborkl;filter by otc - no listings 7949;1367339148;Girlfawkesy;what about the gox listings? 7950;1367339162;Girlfawkesy;not that I think this is a good idea 7951;1367339460;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.321 BTC [-] 7952;1367339690;assbot;[MPEX] [O.USD.C143T] 5 @ 0.30452304 = 1.5226 BTC [+] 7953;1367339846;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.24061 BTC [-] 7954;1367339855;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2406 BTC [-] 7955;1367339864;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.231021 BTC [-] 7956;1367339868;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 1.23102 = 6.1551 BTC [-] 7957;1367339877;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 1.23091 = 3.6927 BTC [-] 7958;1367339880;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2255 BTC [-] 7959;1367339889;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 8 @ 1.2254 = 9.8032 BTC [-] 7960;1367339898;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.225325 = 2.4507 BTC [-] 7961;1367339907;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.22523 = 2.4505 BTC [-] 7962;1367339910;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.225 BTC [-] 7963;1367339914;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.217 = 2.434 BTC [-] 7964;1367339922;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.216957 BTC [-] 7965;1367339940;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.471 BTC [+] 7966;1367339942;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.471699 BTC [+] 7967;1367339944;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.216957 BTC [-] 7968;1367340487;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.24001 BTC [+] 7969;1367340491;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.24 BTC [-] 7970;1367340615;assbot;[MPEX] [O.USD.P143T] 2 @ 0.49662084 = 0.9932 BTC [-] 7971;1367340688;assbot;[MPEX] [S.BBET] 15000 @ 0.00100005 = 15.0008 BTC [-] 7972;1367340705;assbot;[MPEX] [S.BBET] 100 @ 0.00199994 = 0.2 BTC [+] 7973;1367340821;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.24999 BTC [+] 7974;1367341014;mircea_popescu;27s Litecoin followed you 49s Devcoin followed you 1m Namecoin followed you 1m 7975;1367341014;mircea_popescu;PPCoins followed you 1m Bitcoin followed you 7976;1367341015;mircea_popescu;da fuck 7977;1367341225;Girlfawkesy;you forgot about feathercoins, the latest craze 7978;1367341405;mircea_popescu;well they forgot about me 7979;1367341410;mircea_popescu;i just got massfollowed by all the coinz 7980;1367341559;Girlfawkesy;too many coins, its a problem 7981;1367341803;jcpham;matonis linked this forbes article full of DPR quotes 7982;1367341815;jcpham;i've been readinf or some time now 7983;1367341894;jcpham;http://www.forbes.com/sites/andygreenberg/2013/04/29/collected-quotations-of-the-dread-pirate-roberts-founder-of-the-drug-site-silk-road-and-radical-libertarian/3/ 7984;1367341914;jcpham;there's a lot. he reads half adult/half child 7985;1367341917;jcpham;like peter pan 7986;1367341990;mircea_popescu;i saw some this morn in my digest 7987;1367341994;mircea_popescu;wasn't too impressed. 7988;1367342103;jcpham;i'm not going to be surprised to find out SR is run by a kid 7989;1367342109;jcpham;if/when that day comes 7990;1367342141;mircea_popescu;like 16 ? yeah. 7991;1367342254;Framedragger;well, SR used to run a mysqld with debugging mode enabled, so each time there was a DB error (and there were quite a few), users would get a specimen of the system's internals. 7992;1367342254;Framedragger;the internals seemed like a default LAMP stack to me. but afaik this has changed. well if they're a kid, they are surely learning to scale their infrastructure/business etc. :) 7993;1367342272;benkay;death is a downside cost of war? i thought it was a cheap way to get rid of excessively violent youths... 7994;1367342307;benkay;heh. 7995;1367342320;benkay;@ lamp stack 7996;1367342327;Framedragger;but yeah, the agorist sentiments are at a relatively naive level if i may say so. but hey.. :) 7997;1367342344;assbot;[BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 4 @ 0.1602 = 0.6408 BTC [-] 7998;1367342347;assbot;[BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 5 @ 0.1601 = 0.8005 BTC [-] 7999;1367342349;assbot;[BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 3 @ 0.16 = 0.48 BTC [-] 8000;1367342353;Framedragger;yeah, i'm quite sure that at least it used to be apache + mysql + php, probably with default configs on a default ubuntu or sth. :) 8001;1367342388;benkay;how many times has sr been hacked? 8002;1367342446;Framedragger;i only recall one (really) major security breach, pwd / pwd hashes stolen etc. it was a long time ago, probably in its LAMP infancy days 8003;1367342456;Framedragger;they hired folks to harden security / rewrite things 8004;1367342486;jcpham;http://nashx.com/About 8005;1367342490;jcpham;looks more interesting 8006;1367342680;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9450 @ 0.000725 = 6.8513 BTC [-] 8007;1367342714;Framedragger;nice one 8008;1367342714;Framedragger;"The amount you risk should be twice the amount you're trading in order to keep the deal in Nash equilibrium." 8009;1367342714;Framedragger;coolcool, actually looks interesting / i get the idea 8010;1367343163;assbot;[BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 7 @ 0.1991 = 1.3937 BTC [+] 8011;1367343382;mircea_popescu;he was here a fewe days ago discussing it. 8012;1367343400;mircea_popescu;;;eauth mircea_popescu 8013;1367343401;gribble;Request successful for user mircea_popescu, hostmask mircea_popescu!~Mircea@pdpc/supporter/silver/mircea-popescu. Get your encrypted OTP from http://bitcoin-otc.com/otps/8A736F0E2FB7B452 8014;1367343427;mircea_popescu;;;everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:0d7b2025f98ee246e08189ba63da58a91aa92dc3142a56e80c32a778 8015;1367343428;gribble;You are now authenticated for user mircea_popescu with key 8A736F0E2FB7B452 8016;1367343438;mircea_popescu;;;rate Girlfawkesy 1 my btc-e broker. 8017;1367343439;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user Girlfawkesy has been recorded. 8018;1367343500;jcpham;http://pastebin.com/skGagP0X 8019;1367343510;jcpham;something about OVH and bitcoin site 8020;1367343518;jcpham;and brute forcing a password function 8021;1367343549;mircea_popescu;;;later tell davout you seen http://pastebin.com/skGagP0X ? 8022;1367343549;gribble;The operation succeeded. 8023;1367343603;jcpham;looks pretty big 8024;1367343631;mircea_popescu;yah 8025;1367343691;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31498 @ 0.000725 = 22.8361 BTC [-] 8026;1367343693;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12350 @ 0.00072153 = 8.9109 BTC [-] 8027;1367343701;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2137 @ 0.00072 = 1.5386 BTC [-] 8028;1367343712;error4733;haha mp i'm sur davout saw that :) 8029;1367343735;mircea_popescu;error4733 i think it's likely too, but you know, just in case. 8030;1367343746;mircea_popescu;if he didn't and nobody said anything cause sure he did... sucks to be him lol 8031;1367343762;jcpham;https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5632479 8032;1367343777;jcpham;http://forums.ovh.net/showthread.php?p=548183 8033;1367343826;topace;!ticker m s.dice 8034;1367343827;assbot;[MPEX:S.DICE] 1D: 0.00315598 / 0.0032441 / 0.00343999 (6603 shares, 21.42 BTC), 7D: 0.0023263 / 0.00295439 / 0.00349938 (39083 shares, 115.47 BTC), 30D: 0.0012 / 0.00311033 / 0.00439999 (940537 shares, 2,925.39 BTC) 8035;1367343837;topace;!ticker h sdice 8036;1367343837;assbot;[HAVELOCK:SDICE] 1D: 0.32000000 / 0.322025 / 0.33480000 (40 shares, 12.88099987 BTC), 7D: 0.27500001 / 0.30852573 / 0.33480000 (633 shares, 195.29678962 BTC), 30D: 0.12500000 / 0.31325339 / 0.44969999 (6343 shares, 1986.96624734 BTC) 8037;1367343940;jcpham;TL;DR: Here's what happened. When a password reset is submitted, the user receives a random URL by email containing a random 21 letter string. The algorithm used was bad, so the random string could be brut-forced. 8038;1367343940;jcpham;The OVH team researched 3 years of password changelogs and found 3 customers who had been brute-forced that way, all in the "bitcoin community" 8039;1367343949;jcpham;sorry i wanted to make sense of what i read 8040;1367344022;mircea_popescu;yeah 8041;1367344046;imsaguy;because the bitcoin community typically has the maturity of a 12 y/o 8042;1367344061;imsaguy;"Here, hold all of my precious" 8043;1367344062;mircea_popescu;no, because the btc community has more money than all the internet combined. 8044;1367344070;jcpham;these cloud hoster will continually be infiltrated 8045;1367344076;jcpham;*hosters 8046;1367344091;jcpham;most likely that isn't going away 8047;1367344107;mircea_popescu;yea 8048;1367344107;imsaguy;anytime you put something in the cloud, you're risking it 8049;1367344109;jcpham;run a bitcoin based business on some rented platform -> get hacked 8050;1367344116;imsaguy;there's something to be said about physical security 8051;1367344126;jcpham;in this world, yes 8052;1367344126;imsaguy;the minute you give that up.. you'll be hosed 8053;1367344131;jcpham;for sure 8054;1367344132;imsaguy;its just a matter of time 8055;1367344735;mircea_popescu;We have been in contact with these clients but the quality of our exchanges did not allow us to get enough information that would help reveal an vulnerability on our side. Our developpers have in a completely independant way found the issue mentionned above, and only then have we realised that there was a link between our flaw and these 3 customers. We certainly have something to learn here about the best way to ensure 8056;1367344735;mircea_popescu;dialog with clients about this kind of issue. 8057;1367344740;mircea_popescu;this is some decent pr ovh has going. 8058;1367344816;assbot;[BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 9 @ 0.1 = 0.9 BTC [-] 8059;1367344852;Framedragger;ovh is typically not really good with client communication (personal limited experience) 8060;1367344943;benkay;all that said, there's no guarantee that owning your own boxes gets you anything 8061;1367344993;mircea_popescu;more generally, there's no guarantee. 8062;1367344998;mircea_popescu;also on the long term we're all hosed 8063;1367345000;mircea_popescu;in the burial way. 8064;1367345034;benkay;so have some damn fun! 8065;1367345083;Framedragger;in the entropy way, too.. 8066;1367345083;Framedragger;benkay: sure, unless you / or your hire really know(s) what you/they're doing. running bitcoind under multiple layers of virtualization/isolation (e.g. bsd jails + virtualbox + chroot) is a start 8067;1367345186;Framedragger;at the very least, that way you at least may attempt to evaluate your risks, possible attack vectors etc. not with cloud hosting / whatever - parts of the hosting infrastructure remain hidden from the client (or their implementations). which generally sucks when somebody discovers that times have changed and some of those hosted machines are now storing highly valuable assets 8068;1367345258;Framedragger;if you're going to run bitcoind on a $30 Kimsufi rented server with root password reset capabilities in your 'customer control panel', you're gonna have a hard time 8069;1367345421;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 7 @ 1.25396 = 8.7777 BTC [+] 8070;1367345751;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4815 @ 0.00071954 = 3.4646 BTC [-] 8071;1367345753;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2650 @ 0.00072491 = 1.921 BTC [+] 8072;1367345761;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9035 @ 0.00072623 = 6.5615 BTC [+] 8073;1367345935;KRS-1;lol this is madness today compared to lately 8074;1367345976;benkay;what's the madness, KRS-1? 8075;1367346036;mircea_popescu;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvPdgkD5LA8 lol 8076;1367346144;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.25398 BTC [+] 8077;1367346169;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.25398 BTC [+] 8078;1367346270;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15531 @ 0.00072623 = 11.2791 BTC [+] 8079;1367346550;KRS-1;oh just saying how the buy/sell order volume is there but then pulled back and then there again 8080;1367346570;KRS-1;its been pretty quiet til today, a bit more movement..maybe madness was overdoing it a bit 8081;1367346574;mircea_popescu;;;ticker 8082;1367346577;gribble;BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 136.88697, Best ask: 137.12099, Bid-ask spread: 0.23402, Last trade: 137.12100, 24 hour volume: 53204.21184346, 24 hour low: 136.00000, 24 hour high: 146.93000, 24 hour vwap: 141.41656 8083;1367346660;KRS-1;This is a pretty good song 8084;1367346676;KRS-1;Is that one dude in the background you? 8085;1367346694;KRS-1;lol 8086;1367346816;thestringpuller;what's causing the drop? 8087;1367346912;thestringpuller;I feel like the bondholders saw the puts that were sold to the bot and dropped the price... 8088;1367346917;thestringpuller;CONSPIRACY 8089;1367346972;mircea_popescu;lol 8090;1367347100;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.25399 BTC [+] 8091;1367347103;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 1.254 = 6.27 BTC [+] 8092;1367347111;thestringpuller;;;ticker 8093;1367347111;gribble;BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 135.31001, Best ask: 135.40000, Bid-ask spread: 0.08999, Last trade: 135.40000, 24 hour volume: 54369.04427953, 24 hour low: 135.48000, 24 hour high: 146.93000, 24 hour vwap: 141.29665 8094;1367347113;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 1.255 = 12.55 BTC [+] 8095;1367347115;tiberiusiv;bondholders are bagholders in mirceas scam 8096;1367347118;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 20 @ 1.259999 = 25.2 BTC [+] 8097;1367347123;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.26985 = 2.5397 BTC [+] 8098;1367347134;thestringpuller;tiberiusiv: what do you even do in bitcoinland 8099;1367347135;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 7 @ 1.27 = 8.89 BTC [+] 8100;1367347151;tiberiusiv;i dont scam people like mircea does. 8101;1367347153;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.27195 = 2.5439 BTC [+] 8102;1367347156;tiberiusiv;so doing nothing is better then that 8103;1367347163;thestringpuller;so you do nothing? 8104;1367347166;thestringpuller;COOL 8105;1367347168;tiberiusiv;mircea is nothing but a big fraud 8106;1367347169;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.27795 = 2.5559 BTC [+] 8107;1367347171;thestringpuller;Can I invest in you? 8108;1367347180;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.299 BTC [+] 8109;1367347186;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 1.2997 = 3.8991 BTC [+] 8110;1367347191;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.2998 BTC [+] 8111;1367347201;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 1.29998 = 5.1999 BTC [+] 8112;1367347222;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 1.29999 = 3.9 BTC [+] 8113;1367347229;thestringpuller;tiberiusiv the man who criticizes without any credentials 8114;1367347235;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 9 @ 1.3 = 11.7 BTC [+] 8115;1367347239;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 30 @ 1.3 = 39 BTC [+] 8116;1367347240;thestringpuller;intellectualism to the extreme! 8117;1367347241;tiberiusiv;ignored 8118;1367347248;thestringpuller;you must be the smartest person I know! 8119;1367347260;KRS-1;u mad tiberiusiv 8120;1367347270;KRS-1;y u mad brah 8121;1367347273;thestringpuller;;;gribble tell tiberiusiv I WON'T BE IGNORED!!!!!!! 8122;1367347273;gribble;yes I am gribble. why do you keep bothering me? 8123;1367347276;tiberiusiv;guy has like 2 btc 8124;1367347282;KRS-1;dun be mad brah 8125;1367347282;tiberiusiv;dont know why he bothers 8126;1367347288;thestringpuller;;;tell tiberiusiv I WON'T BE IGNORED!!!!!!! 8127;1367347294;KRS-1;seriously...u mad? 8128;1367347297;thestringpuller;;;later tell tiberiusiv I WON'T BE IGNORED!!!!!!! 8129;1367347298;gribble;The operation succeeded. 8130;1367347312;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.29999 BTC [-] 8131;1367347321;tiberiusiv;;;tell mircea_popescu you are a fraud and a scammer 8132;1367347324;thestringpuller;;;later tell tiberiusiv I have 75 btc now liquid. Soon I will have a few hundred as things grow. 8133;1367347324;gribble;The operation succeeded. 8134;1367347378;thestringpuller;;;later tell tiberiusiv You are a poop who has no rational statements to use because you'd rather be accusatory rather than contribute anything of value to society, like a greedy American addicted to the allure of wealth. 8135;1367347378;gribble;The operation succeeded. 8136;1367347381;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 1.898 BTC [+] 8137;1367347382;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 1.898 BTC [+] 8138;1367347406;thestringpuller;:D 8139;1367347431;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.30999 BTC [+] 8140;1367347456;tiberiusiv;all my statements are perfectly rational 8141;1367347463;tiberiusiv;i told everyone in here mircea_popesc the SCUM 8142;1367347471;tiberiusiv;would have another large losing month 8143;1367347473;tiberiusiv;and he did. 8144;1367347487;tiberiusiv;mircea popescu will end up losing/stealing more bitcoins then pirate ever dreamt of 8145;1367347516;thestringpuller;he's not pokceting coins dude 8146;1367347523;tiberiusiv;he sells worthless shares. 8147;1367347550;tiberiusiv;even if hes not pocketing bondholder coins 8148;1367347554;thestringpuller;they pay out pretty much the same dividends every month... 8149;1367347556;tiberiusiv;his risk management is so bad that he will be out of funds 8150;1367347559;tiberiusiv;to continue MPOE 8151;1367347566;tiberiusiv;thestringpuller are you stupid? 8152;1367347567;thestringpuller;MPOE doesn't keep any cash on hand 8153;1367347571;tiberiusiv;MPOE has lost HUGE 8154;1367347577;tiberiusiv;in the last 60 days alone. 8155;1367347584;tiberiusiv;either mircea is faking losses to steal bondholders coins 8156;1367347586;thestringpuller;It lost bondholder money 8157;1367347590;tiberiusiv;or hes one dumb fuck 8158;1367347590;thestringpuller;not any money of it's own 8159;1367347591;mircea_popescu;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=178535.0 8160;1367347597;mircea_popescu;betbtcnow.com ? never heard of it. 8161;1367347599;tiberiusiv;yea obviously. it has no money 8162;1367347611;tiberiusiv;why would scammer mircea risk his own money 8163;1367347622;thestringpuller;so your point is bondholders put up capital, .23~ loss per coin 8164;1367347623;tiberiusiv;MPOE has no "money of its own" 8165;1367347632;thestringpuller;= scam 8166;1367347633;tiberiusiv;bond holders have lost over 50% 8167;1367347637;tiberiusiv;in the last 60 days alone 8168;1367347645;tiberiusiv;mircea fakes trades in order to stimulate bids for his shitty stock 8169;1367347656;tiberiusiv;as he owns 90%+ of the float 8170;1367347663;tiberiusiv;everytime he sells a piece of the float its free money to him 8171;1367347665;thestringpuller;proof of faking trades? 8172;1367347677;tiberiusiv;um theres no one in here trading them? 8173;1367347684;tiberiusiv;its like a handful of people. 8174;1367347697;thestringpuller;anonymous shareholders != scam 8175;1367347700;tiberiusiv;mircea is running a textbook boiler room 8176;1367347705;tiberiusiv;there arent any shareholders. 8177;1367347708;tiberiusiv;its just mircea 8178;1367347713;tiberiusiv;hence why he still controls over 90% of float 8179;1367347726;tiberiusiv;he needs to get bids in to sell into 8180;1367347748;tiberiusiv;hence why he has the options bs going. 8181;1367347759;tiberiusiv;to show activities. 8182;1367347770;tiberiusiv;but mircea has lost more in the last 60 days then his ventures have EVER made in profit 8183;1367347771;thestringpuller;dude you're making bs claims with no evidence 8184;1367347778;tiberiusiv;theres plenty of evidence. 8185;1367347783;thestringpuller;in terms of faking tarades 8186;1367347787;tiberiusiv;mircea is a fraudster 8187;1367347794;tiberiusiv;he fucked over people in here too 8188;1367347797;tiberiusiv;like bugpowder 8189;1367347804;tiberiusiv;by cancelling trades out 8190;1367347806;thestringpuller;Bugpowder is up 1500% 8191;1367347813;tiberiusiv;and? 8192;1367347818;tiberiusiv;hes not up all the way 8193;1367347825;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2884 @ 0.00072623 = 2.0944 BTC [+] 8194;1367347826;tiberiusiv;theres many trades hes been cancelled out on. 8195;1367347846;tiberiusiv;mircea is an egomaniac fraudster that wont admit MPOE has been a huge failure 8196;1367347861;tiberiusiv;he honestly believes his options scam is actually influencing btc price. 8197;1367347863;thestringpuller;because it's not? 8198;1367347873;tiberiusiv;um losing 30,000 bitcoins in 60 days 8199;1367347875;tiberiusiv;is a failure to me. 8200;1367347893;thestringpuller;how? 8201;1367347910;tiberiusiv;he wont have enough bitcoins if losses continue 8202;1367347929;tiberiusiv;MPOE will shut down either way 8203;1367347931;thestringpuller;dude MPOE doesn't hold capital 8204;1367347934;tiberiusiv;unless hes lieing and just pocketing the coins 8205;1367347938;thestringpuller;so he won't run out of money 8206;1367347939;tiberiusiv;and rinse repeat 8207;1367347948;tiberiusiv;yes they do they hold bondholder capital. 8208;1367347954;tiberiusiv;thats what the bond gambles with. 8209;1367347956;tiberiusiv;DUH 8210;1367347967;tiberiusiv;yes he will unless he finds more suckers to give him bitcoins 8211;1367347983;thestringpuller;dude the bondholder list is huge 8212;1367347998;tiberiusiv;no it isnt. 8213;1367348006;tiberiusiv;why are you still tallking? 8214;1367348006;jcpham;apparently someone just sent 40 btc to SD in -otc and lost it 8215;1367348012;thestringpuller;because you're full of shit 8216;1367348014;jcpham;hurrr 8217;1367348020;tiberiusiv;mircea admits that over 90% of the bond portfolio is him 8218;1367348037;thestringpuller;it amuses me how accusatory you are 8219;1367348039;Framedragger;ouch re: 40btc 8220;1367348041;tiberiusiv;back on ignore the loser with 2 bitcoins who has no idea how anything works 8221;1367348047;tiberiusiv;if you had a clue you wouldnt be so broke 8222;1367348055;thestringpuller;i'm far from broke? 8223;1367348061;jcpham;tiberiusiv how can i make money 8224;1367348169;jcpham;fine ignore me 8225;1367348532;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 1 @ 0.003625 BTC [+] 8226;1367348592;assbot;[BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 99 @ 0.003625 = 0.3589 BTC [+] 8227;1367348835;benkay;thestringpuller: http://polimedia.us/trilema/2013/mpoe-march-2013-statement/ 8228;1367348849;benkay;mircea is 68K of 84K in bondholder capital 8229;1367348890;benkay;only 80.9% 8230;1367348947;benkay;and this month, only 6.4 kbtc in bonds were sold 8231;1367348970;benkay;but at 12.5% 8232;1367348977;benkay;that's a pretty steep rate 8233;1367349005;benkay;needs to be, to induce people to put up bonds that are almost guaranteed to take huge writedowns 8234;1367349070;mircea_popescu;benkay only 6.4 in bonds were needed. 8235;1367349089;deadweasel;projected expenses, right? 8236;1367349169;benkay;how is necessary bond capital determined? the bot says "I want to underwrite bonds!" and then does so? 8237;1367349184;mircea_popescu;retroactively. looks how much exposure it had at the point it had the most exposure. 8238;1367349236;tiberiusiv;benkay hahah 8239;1367349250;tiberiusiv;deadweasel projected expenses?| 8240;1367349253;tiberiusiv;are you fucking stupid. 8241;1367349265;tiberiusiv;how can you project losses from bitcoin volatility. 8242;1367349278;tiberiusiv;the price can go swing 50% either way 8243;1367349289;tiberiusiv;mircea popescu LOSES money when bitcoin is volatile 8244;1367349292;tiberiusiv;which is like 80% of the time 8245;1367349322;tiberiusiv;mircea the fraud/scammer had to put a 12.5% rate in order to get more greedy idiots to give him bitcoins 8246;1367349434;benkay;nobody's modeling anything 8247;1367349438;benkay;nobody's writing this shit up 8248;1367349443;tiberiusiv;no shit 8249;1367349447;benkay;it's just a bunch of opionions flying back and forth on irc 8250;1367349454;tiberiusiv;hes a fraud 8251;1367349462;benkay;you have a claim 8252;1367349463;tiberiusiv;needs the activity to stimulate bids for worthless mpex shares 8253;1367349466;tiberiusiv;that he sells 8254;1367349472;tiberiusiv;CLASSIC boiler room scheme 8255;1367349485;tiberiusiv;hence why he does it out of lawless romania where he is untouchable 8256;1367349500;benkay;so, what would be a good metric for evaluating this claim? 8257;1367349517;tiberiusiv;what claim? that mircea owns 90%+ of the float and he needs bids to dump into 8258;1367349529;Framedragger;"lawless romania" haha right 8259;1367349540;tiberiusiv;romania is the fraud capital of the world for a reason 8260;1367349553;tiberiusiv;you can buy police/judges quite easily 8261;1367349563;xire;dun dun dun dun dun da da 8262;1367349588;xire;here in romania, we make own rules 8263;1367349590;tiberiusiv;mircea is an egomaniac who wont admit to mistakes 8264;1367349593;Framedragger;kinda need citations to support these claims, only because ISPs do not prosecute scriptkiddies there does not mean much 8265;1367349603;tiberiusiv;citations? 8266;1367349608;tiberiusiv;its the internet fraud capital of the world. 8267;1367349612;tiberiusiv;go fucking get your own citations 8268;1367349620;tiberiusiv;a cop costs $200 8269;1367349631;Framedragger;to actual studies operationalizing such terms as (lol) 'fraud capital' :) 8270;1367349652;tiberiusiv;http://www.france24.com/en/20121207-reporters-romania-hackerville-ramnicu-valcea-cyber-crime-fraud-scams-hackers-internet-police-fbi-cia-bitdefender 8271;1367349655;Framedragger;i can also buy a cop in my hometown, though not sure of price :P 8272;1367349664;tiberiusiv;theres entire villages there where people dont do anything but internet scams 8273;1367349692;xire;tiberiusiv, what country are you from? 8274;1367349695;tiberiusiv;http://www.france24.com/en/20121207-reporters-romania-hackerville-ramnicu-valcea-cyber-crime-fraud-scams-hackers-internet-police-fbi-cia-bitdefender 8275;1367349706;tiberiusiv;http://www.nbcnews.com/id/3226837/ns/technology_and_science-security/t/how-romania-became-center-cybercrime/#.UYAZvMpVVLo 8276;1367349706;deadweasel;tiberiusiv: eat my cock, welcome to ignore for the 5th time this month. 8277;1367349725;tiberiusiv;how convenient mircea is in romania lol 8278;1367349747;tiberiusiv;poor ass gypsy who resorts to internet scams like his country men 8279;1367349835;Framedragger;lol, did you read the article you linked to mate, it doesn't really say anything apart from mentioning the keywords that matched your google query 8280;1367349889;deadweasel;tiberiusiv doesn't take anything in, he merely spews outward 8281;1367349893;tiberiusiv;theres plenty of articles 8282;1367349898;Framedragger;"But outside these run-down flats, the streets are full of expensive, fast cars that are a marked contrast to their surroundings. [same in many countries, saw that in sarajevo, etc] The hackers like to show off their wealth and power with these high-powered vehicles, which they race through the streets at night. [this does not follow from the prev sentence" 8283;1367349898;Framedragger;not sure why i'm responding though :( 8284;1367349902;tiberiusiv;mircea popescu is a fraud and you will lose 8285;1367349922;tiberiusiv;once he runs out of bagholders 8286;1367349926;jcpham;so tiberiusiv do you know mircea_popescu 8287;1367349937;jcpham;i'm curious about your motivations 8288;1367349964;jcpham;normally people are vocal about this sort of thing have some one else pulling the strings, so to speak 8289;1367349975;jcpham;so it seems odd, unfounded, not genuine. 8290;1367349975;tiberiusiv;right so its a conspiracy now 8291;1367349981;deadweasel;thestringpuller!!! it's you! 8292;1367349985;tiberiusiv;you a mircea cheerleader 8293;1367349992;jcpham;not really. fuck him 8294;1367349996;jcpham;i don't know him 8295;1367349996;deadweasel;^ 8296;1367350010;deadweasel;ditto 8297;1367350014;jcpham;but i am curious about your motivations 8298;1367350018;jcpham;at this point 8299;1367350019;tiberiusiv;i dont have any 8300;1367350026;tiberiusiv;merely pointing out how his boiler room scam works 8301;1367350028;jcpham;are you sure about that? 8302;1367350035;tiberiusiv;mircea needs bids to sell his worthless shares mpex. 8303;1367350044;jcpham;i'm going to believe you for now i guess 8304;1367350054;benkay;what about s.dice? is that a scam as well? 8305;1367350056;deadweasel;bitcoins at any price over 8$ are a scam, go tell #bitcoin-anal about it 8306;1367350058;jcpham;but your outspoken nature on romanians is highly suspect 8307;1367350071;benkay;so are MP's on "niggers" 8308;1367350071;tiberiusiv;benkay: sdice is shady but hard to tell if its a scam or not 8309;1367350080;mircea_popescu;pfff. 8310;1367350093;benkay;just elbowing you 8311;1367350094;tiberiusiv;mircea is a nigger himself 8312;1367350102;jcpham;smh 8313;1367350123;tiberiusiv;voorhees does hold a huge par tof the float 8314;1367350126;tiberiusiv;he loves dumping 8315;1367350127;mircea_popescu;so bitcoin is a scam or what 8316;1367350138;benkay;sdice is an awesome example of what happens in economies that think they're unregulatable 8317;1367350138;jcpham;i think it might be a scam mircea_popescu 8318;1367350146;tiberiusiv;bitcoin cant be a scam as it does not need endles new bidders 8319;1367350158;mircea_popescu;jcpham brb gotta post on my blog. 8320;1367350158;tiberiusiv;mpex does. 8321;1367350164;jcpham;oh wait tiberiusiv said it isn't a scam now 8322;1367350173;jcpham;i thought it was a scam a minute ago 8323;1367350177;tiberiusiv;i never said it was one 8324;1367350185;jcpham;my mistake. 8325;1367350186;tiberiusiv;i said MPEX and mircea are scams 8326;1367350187;jcpham;totally 8327;1367350188;tiberiusiv;not bitcoin. 8328;1367350198;jcpham;can i be a scam too? 8329;1367350199;tiberiusiv;guy cant even read probably another lowlife with a few coins 8330;1367350207;jcpham;will you tell people 8331;1367350213;tiberiusiv;yes 8332;1367350216;jcpham;super 8333;1367350262;mircea_popescu;wait what ? 8334;1367350263;jcpham;how many bitcoins do i need to posses to own a "few" 8335;1367350264;mircea_popescu;im confused. 8336;1367350278;jcpham;what's the arbitrary number 8337;1367350282;jcpham;that makes me cool 8338;1367350283;mircea_popescu;jcpham 13, as established by uppittytortilla 8339;1367350291;jcpham;i got that 8340;1367350298;jcpham;toattally in the cool kids club 8341;1367350299;mircea_popescu;k send them to me now 8342;1367350304;jcpham;psssh 8343;1367350306;jcpham;scammer 8344;1367350306;benkay;FOAR TEH BONDS 8345;1367350310;jcpham;romanian scammer 8346;1367350314;mircea_popescu;send them to me or you don't go to the supernode. 8347;1367350319;jcpham;fuck 8348;1367350324;jcpham;i need it for Helsinki 8349;1367350329;mircea_popescu;1sendhereorelsenosupernode1254 8350;1367350330;jcpham;1.5 class suernode 8351;1367350340;rigacrypto;anyone knows a good bitcoin trading channel ? 8352;1367350348;jcpham;not this one 8353;1367350363;tiberiusiv;there arent any rigacrypto 8354;1367350367;dub;#bitcoin-spacedicks 8355;1367350369;tiberiusiv;its mostly clowns with 1-2btc trying to get rich 8356;1367350377;tiberiusiv;#mircea_popescu 8357;1367350389;mircea_popescu;rigacrypto this but romanians aren't allowed so. 8358;1367350390;tiberiusiv;daily fraud seminars 8359;1367350404;jcpham;1-2 btc is not a percentage of my total ealth 8360;1367350406;tiberiusiv;2.99 BTC for the packet 8361;1367350409;jcpham;i do percentages 8362;1367350411;dub;jcpham is a semenair 8363;1367350426;mircea_popescu;1-2 btc is FIDDY PERCENTAGES 8364;1367350427;jcpham;dub what?!? thaere's semen in the air!>!?! 8365;1367350430;mircea_popescu;of your total poverty 8366;1367350448;jcpham;hundredaire 8367;1367350460;jcpham;popping cola bottles 8368;1367350488;rigacrypto;anybody shorting bitcoins ? 8369;1367350488;jcpham;i don't even think i can link you to wallet i controll with a lot of coins 8370;1367350494;jurov;you naughtaires 8371;1367350495;jcpham;sorry to disappoint 8372;1367350495;rigacrypto;what's your entry point and when do you plan to close the position ? 8373;1367350541;deadweasel;drinkin' tap water 8374;1367350549;jurov;rigacrypto: here ppl prefer mpoe options as "entry points" 8375;1367350551;jcpham;shorting? like long term shorting 8376;1367350552;jborkl;pfft , I won't use a 1.5 supernode 8377;1367350558;jborkl;only 1.49 or better 8378;1367350560;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.471 BTC [-] 8379;1367350560;jcpham;or just short term- shorting like today 8380;1367350578;rigacrypto;long term. never fight the bots 8381;1367350584;jcpham;wow 8382;1367350596;rigacrypto;@jurov: ok 8383;1367350599;jcpham;but the bots are the market 8384;1367350620;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.32701996 BTC [+] 8385;1367350627;jcpham;i have a hard time planning anything for more than afew hours 8386;1367350637;rigacrypto;the market is made of hype-controlled people 8387;1367350651;jcpham;or hype-producing people... 8388;1367350652;rigacrypto;analyze the hype cycle and you can guess the market 8389;1367350654;jurov;and rigacrypto, my ex-boss asked me the same some time ago 8390;1367350676;jurov;the best answer around was "don't buy bitcoins at all" 8391;1367350680;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.3211 BTC [-] 8392;1367350690;jcpham;rigacrypto i couldn't stay short for more than a few hours 8393;1367350714;jborkl;the hype circle jerk is in -otc and I would'nt stick micrea-popescus dick in that shithole of a channel 8394;1367350736;rigacrypto;a better strategy: long when it's low and short when it's high :D 8395;1367350737;jcpham;they are talking about btcjam loans still 8396;1367350763;jurov;rigacrypto: right now it is low or high? 8397;1367350772;jurov;a million bitcoins question :D 8398;1367350789;rigacrypto;at 160, my entry point, it was high; I wonder the same thing now :) 8399;1367350795;jcpham;i still think we're correcting to 4 digits 8400;1367350797;jborkl;i think right now there is one buyer and one seller 8401;1367350799;jcpham;might take 9 months 8402;1367350801;jcpham;though 8403;1367350828;jurov;let's divide us to bulls, bears and boars and vote 8404;1367350891;benkay;on what timeframe, jurov ;) ? 8405;1367350913;jurov;medium short-to-long term 8406;1367350923;dub;rigacrypto: there is #bitcoin-analysis but its turning into -otc 8407;1367351010;rigacrypto;the dumber the better. good proxy for market sentiment 8408;1367351016;rigacrypto;otc it is then 8409;1367351020;mircea_popescu;gl. 8410;1367351037;jurov;oh, then there's btc-e trollbox (but it's mostly about ltc) 8411;1367351196;dub;how is ltc doing, any panic from the looming lukepocalypse? 8412;1367351235;jurov;no change recently 8413;1367351259;jurov;hovering above 0.03 btc 8414;1367351311;jurov;i hope that attack coincides with mtgox launch...for moar drama 8415;1367351370;benkay;attack? 8416;1367351391;jurov;benkay, luke-jr promises to 51% litecoin 8417;1367351405;benkay;nice 8418;1367351414;benkay;why? 8419;1367351415;jurov;supposedly it users scrypt wrongly and prone to fpgas 8420;1367351436;dub;because alt coins are bad 8421;1367351444;dub;and bitcoin needs more drama 8422;1367351496;benkay;let's all waste the one asset we never get more of 8423;1367351555;jurov;maybe bitcoin became sentient AI and hates competitors and it's hungry for drama 8424;1367351570;jurov;and miners are his minions 8425;1367351574;mircea_popescu; why? << because he'd like people to think he still has miner relevance. 8426;1367351583;mircea_popescu;i guess in the end he'll attack ppcoin or something 8427;1367351618;dub;kinda surprised he hasnt 8428;1367351639;jurov;iirc ppcoin uses merged mining with btc 8429;1367351656;dub;no it doesnt, or he would have 8430;1367351689;ThickAsThieves;cuz attacking a coin is great for your rep 8431;1367351711;ThickAsThieves;look at how much we adored the devs after the bitcoin fork 8432;1367351719;mircea_popescu;lol 8433;1367351752;dub;there will be some ideological resason that makes sense only to the type of person that would rape his wife with his four kids in the bed next to them 8434;1367351757;jcpham;i'd help luke 51% litecoin 8435;1367351758;jcpham;for sure 8436;1367351771;truffles;why 8437;1367351771;jcpham;when does that happen 8438;1367351779;jcpham;because i can? 8439;1367351780;ThickAsThieves;it's the productive thing to do 8440;1367351784;mircea_popescu;wednesday after lent. 8441;1367351794;jcpham;litecoin has no value 8442;1367351802;jcpham;other than to hedge against bitcoin 8443;1367351806;mircea_popescu;dub pix ? 8444;1367351807;ThickAsThieves;thus attacking litecoin has value? 8445;1367351815;jcpham;it's neat and all....and that's a neat value 8446;1367351819;jcpham;but sort of pointless 8447;1367351834;mircea_popescu;http://polimedia.us/trilema/2013/why-finance-shouldnt-be-open-to-your-average-schmoe/#comment-92985 8448;1367351834;ThickAsThieves;making an attack even more pointless 8449;1367351836;mircea_popescu;is that tibby ? 8450;1367351857;jcpham;ThickAsThieves so i should quit now? 8451;1367351880;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5800 @ 0.00073864 = 4.2841 BTC [+] 8452;1367351891;jcpham;i hate litecoin because i missed the pump and dump 8453;1367351893;ThickAsThieves;let the kids have their fun i say 8454;1367351898;jcpham;during $260 bitcoins 8455;1367351901;mircea_popescu;jcpham you know what ? i missed it too 8456;1367351908;mircea_popescu;bought them cheap sold like 25% of the way up 8457;1367351910;jcpham;jeez it was epic 8458;1367351937;dub;mircea_popescu: I can answer that question:- because bitcoin 8459;1367351950;ThickAsThieves;i thought i was all fancy selling my litecoins at like .026 8460;1367351960;ThickAsThieves;then it kept going 8461;1367351966;jcpham;they got up to like $10 or something right 8462;1367351973;jcpham;maybe 5$ 8463;1367351975;ThickAsThieves;.04+ i think 8464;1367351976;jcpham;way too much 8465;1367351976;mircea_popescu;dub which q are you answering ? 8466;1367351985;ThickAsThieves;all questions 8467;1367351986;dub;why-finance-shouldnt-be-open-to-your-average-schmoe/ 8468;1367352006;mircea_popescu;a a. myeah. 8469;1367352044;jcpham;omg mircea_popescu 8470;1367352052;jcpham;i already clowned on him in -otc 8471;1367352061;jcpham;talk about a 1st owrld problem 8472;1367352068;jcpham;his house looks fine 8473;1367352078;mircea_popescu;no dude. 8474;1367352084;mircea_popescu;must spend 200 btc to add a balcony. 8475;1367352093;jcpham;retarded 8476;1367352111;ThickAsThieves;;;ticker 8477;1367352111;gribble;BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 136.01000, Best ask: 137.75000, Bid-ask spread: 1.74000, Last trade: 137.87980, 24 hour volume: 60555.46093699, 24 hour low: 134.00000, 24 hour high: 146.93000, 24 hour vwap: 140.33742 8478;1367352119;mircea_popescu;(i had no idea wtf he's doing at the time of writing, but anyway) 8479;1367352124;ThickAsThieves;nice spread 8480;1367352138;jcpham;it's a laughable forum post 8481;1367352421;assbot;[BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 5 @ 0.2 = 1 BTC [+] 8482;1367352430;assbot;[BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.2 BTC [+] 8483;1367352438;assbot;[BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.2 BTC [+] 8484;1367353532;mircea_popescu;ah finally! 8485;1367353545;mircea_popescu;;;eauth mircea_popescu 8486;1367353545;gribble;Request successful for user mircea_popescu, hostmask mircea_popescu!~Mircea@pdpc/supporter/silver/mircea-popescu. Get your encrypted OTP from http://bitcoin-otc.com/otps/8A736F0E2FB7B452 8487;1367353574;mircea_popescu;;;everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:8689fa94da1f1eb79f997983fc12ba991db3bad46a67ddd64eae7819 8488;1367353574;gribble;You are now authenticated for user mircea_popescu with key 8A736F0E2FB7B452 8489;1367353576;mircea_popescu;win. 8490;1367353581;mircea_popescu;it works here too now. 8491;1367353692;Framedragger;oh, nice. 8492;1367353767;mircea_popescu;"The difference between the Valley and Eastern Europe is that in the Valley spammers get VC funding. Also, the spam is beautifully designed." 8493;1367354278;KRS-1;p33r for now i have j00 key 8494;1367354578;assbot;[BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 5 @ 0.2 = 1 BTC [+] 8495;1367354910;Luke-Jr;jurov: eh, when did I promise that? 8496;1367354942;jurov;lemme check 8497;1367355058;assbot;[BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 1 @ 0.0101 BTC [+] 8498;1367355086;jurov;Luke-Jr: okay, seems you "just" 8499;1367355091;jurov;spread a rumor 8500;1367355123;Luke-Jr;also won't be me doing it 8501;1367355292;kakobrekla;a followup https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=188735.msg1988722#msg1988722 8502;1367355359;mircea_popescu;lmai 8503;1367355391;kakobrekla;is like 8504;1367355396;kakobrekla;id code it 10 years ago 8505;1367355398;kakobrekla;:\ 8506;1367355418;kakobrekla;(when i was 15) 8507;1367355453;kakobrekla;maybe id do a better job 8508;1367355462;kakobrekla;even. 8509;1367355505;mircea_popescu;ya i was thinking, yet anoither kid with php doing an exchange. 8510;1367355542;kakobrekla;well, its not the phps fault, just cause some idiots drive into a wall cars are not inheritly bad 8511;1367355627;mircea_popescu;o sure. 8512;1367355634;mircea_popescu;if anything it's php's fault for being too good. 8513;1367355639;mircea_popescu;so everyone uses it. 8514;1367355642;kakobrekla;:) 8515;1367355696;kakobrekla;i should be getting paid for this bashing! 8516;1367355702;kakobrekla;its too valuable 8517;1367355708;kakobrekla;to rant for free 8518;1367355711;jurov;stfu, you got 0.1btc..a fortune 8519;1367355721;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.24688 BTC [-] 8520;1367355722;kakobrekla;-assets got those 8521;1367355728;kakobrekla;to help kako with development! 8522;1367355730;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.245 BTC [-] 8523;1367355742;kakobrekla;accually i got nothing yet. 8524;1367355750;kakobrekla;just unfunded short position 8525;1367355754;mircea_popescu;lol 8526;1367355755;jurov;anyway, what's planned? 8527;1367355767;mircea_popescu;see, when i flatteded icbit i got like a few hundred out of it. 8528;1367355816;kakobrekla;ya but icbit accually half worked 8529;1367355818;kakobrekla;this doesnt. 8530;1367355848;ezdiy;hmm, btc.sx 8531;1367355859;ezdiy;why do people keep using zhoutongs code? 8532;1367355880;kakobrekla;you think its his? 8533;1367355906;kakobrekla;23:04.19 ( ezdiy ) why do people keep using zhoutongs code? < -- cause amir 8534;1367355928;ezdiy;ah 8535;1367355935;ezdiy;bitcoinica's code aint even zhoutongs? :) 8536;1367355948;kakobrekla;amir leaked it iirc? 8537;1367355971;ezdiy;yeah, who knows 8538;1367355988;ezdiy;maybe he wrote it 8539;1367355991;ezdiy;and zhoutong stole it 8540;1367355992;ezdiy;lol 8541;1367356001;kakobrekla;no no 8542;1367356009;kakobrekla;zhoutong is in the biz of stealing btc 8543;1367356011;kakobrekla;not stealing code 8544;1367356047;ezdiy;i think zhoutong was just pressed by the circumstances 8545;1367356055;kakobrekla;eh? 8546;1367356057;ezdiy;i mean, his bucketshop has been basically printing money 8547;1367356067;kakobrekla;what? 8548;1367356085;ezdiy;it made no sense to kill it 8549;1367356092;ezdiy;unless he got bored with it or something 8550;1367356101;mircea_popescu;ezdiy nah, zhoutong wriote it, then brought it "bitcoin consultancy" "experts" 8551;1367356110;ezdiy;mircea_popescu: i know 8552;1367356112;mircea_popescu;who supervised the next two hackjs and leaked the code 8553;1367356114;mircea_popescu;a ok 8554;1367356127;ezdiy;mircea_popescu: what is interesting the speculation which follows up 8555;1367356136;mircea_popescu;anyway, they were actually losing money with it. 8556;1367356156;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1950 @ 0.00073244 = 1.4283 BTC [-] 8557;1367356157;kakobrekla;were they? 8558;1367356181;ezdiy;from what i gather its been extremely profitable before it was sold to intersango :) 8559;1367356187;ezdiy;i mean 8560;1367356193;ezdiy;with spreads like 10% 8561;1367356216;ezdiy;you simply cant lose money 8562;1367356222;mircea_popescu;you gather wrongly. 8563;1367356233;mircea_popescu;there's emails leaked showing zhoutong taking no salary because they had losses. 8564;1367356241;ezdiy;sure 8565;1367356255;ezdiy;i'm talking before intersango took over 8566;1367356255;mircea_popescu;overall it probably never made enough to cover the sum total of hacks. 8567;1367356277;kakobrekla;im guessing losses was cause gox 8568;1367356280;ezdiy;after that i suspect zhoutong just asset stripped it 8569;1367356303;ezdiy;kakobrekla: yeah, the "hacks" 8570;1367356305;ezdiy;i mean 8571;1367356321;ezdiy;you dont just run with the money like some low life crook 8572;1367356329;ezdiy;you just claim you were hacked in bitcoin world :) 8573;1367356353;rexcrypto;what happened to the kid ? I heard about a mysterious "investor" putting 50K to "insure" bitfinex loans 8574;1367356353;kakobrekla;accually im suprised tux is still alive 8575;1367356375;rexcrypto;they took a loss during the recent volatile market, and eat it 8576;1367356379;mircea_popescu;rexcrypto sounds like bs and how is bitfinex related rly ? 8577;1367356384;ezdiy;rexcrypto: i'd not be surprised if he's alive and well, and pulling the strings 8578;1367356406;kakobrekla;i mean how much one must owe to get a hit 8579;1367356412;kakobrekla;on him/her 8580;1367356421;ezdiy;kakobrekla: to get a hit? 8581;1367356422;kakobrekla;? 8582;1367356428;rexcrypto;isn't bitfinex using the same source code ? 8583;1367356435;ezdiy;rexcrypto: yes 8584;1367356445;kakobrekla;ezdiy to wack him 8585;1367356453;ezdiy;rexcrypto: however its not as simple as that 8586;1367356461;ezdiy;rexcrypto: the house must be constantly adjusted to not lose money 8587;1367356472;kakobrekla;1mio usd ? 10 mio usd ? 100 mio? 8588;1367356482;ezdiy;i suspect only zhoutong could do that without throwing off people with outrageous spreads 8589;1367356559;ezdiy;kakobrekla: to get a hitman to the tune 100k imo 8590;1367356567;ezdiy;kakobrekla: its not imo about the money, but knowing the right people 8591;1367356568;jurov;not even a hitman 8592;1367356574;jurov;frozen account, etc. 8593;1367356577;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 816 @ 0.00073244 = 0.5977 BTC [-] 8594;1367356591;ezdiy;jurov: huh? 8595;1367356593;kakobrekla;100k? 8596;1367356598;kakobrekla;thats nothing. 8597;1367356600;jurov;i really wonder why this happened only to bitcoin-24 owner so far 8598;1367356606;jurov;and no other exchange 8599;1367356608;ezdiy;kakobrekla: yup 8600;1367356611;kakobrekla;he has like 20k coins 8601;1367356614;kakobrekla;from bitcoinica 8602;1367356616;kakobrekla;iirc 8603;1367356620;kakobrekla;;;ticker 8604;1367356621;gribble;BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 137.25041, Best ask: 137.50000, Bid-ask spread: 0.24959, Last trade: 137.50000, 24 hour volume: 63683.40158072, 24 hour low: 134.00000, 24 hour high: 146.93000, 24 hour vwap: 140.15166 8605;1367356627;kakobrekla;;;calc 20000*137 8606;1367356627;gribble;2740000 8607;1367356630;rexcrypto;the kid was chinese, right ? is it simply a coincidence bitfinex is in HK ? then they come up with mystery "investors" 8608;1367356634;ezdiy;kakobrekla: thats like 2 years ago 8609;1367356640;kakobrekla;so he holds like 3mio 8610;1367356650;kakobrekla;of other peoples money 8611;1367356659;kakobrekla;nothing compared to what bitfloor did 8612;1367356662;ezdiy;rexcrypto: i dont think hes in directly 8613;1367356663;kakobrekla;and they want to eat him alive 8614;1367356666;kakobrekla;aint that interesting. 8615;1367356667;ezdiy;that would be too dangerous 8616;1367356669;ezdiy;and stupid 8617;1367356674;ezdiy;but people forget quickly 8618;1367356678;ezdiy;so what do we know 8619;1367356699;assbot;[BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 5 @ 0.18 = 0.9 BTC [+] 8620;1367356741;ezdiy;kakobrekla: was there any banking fiat lost in bitcoinica hack? 8621;1367356746;ezdiy;or was it just mtgox codes? 8622;1367356760;ezdiy;because btc and mtgox codes .... lol, good luck suing someone just for that 8623;1367356776;ezdiy;if there is no legally binding record of transaction 8624;1367356799;kakobrekla;he admits it 8625;1367356849;rexcrypto;what ever happened to zhoutong's book ? 8626;1367356865;rexcrypto;he was planning to write the "bitcoin book" 8627;1367357156;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.23505 BTC [-] 8628;1367357261;louong;don't get Zhoutonged man 8629;1367357284;ezdiy;"How to zhoutong for fun and profit" 8630;1367357346;rexcrypto;bitfinex is the only bucket shop that can do a BTC short 8631;1367357349;louong;biggest troll ever Zhoutong 8632;1367357362;rexcrypto;so I'm probably getting zhoutonged as we speak 8633;1367357725;ezdiy;rexcrypto: yup 8634;1367357751;ezdiy;other than being in ruby, the bitcoinica code is actually pretty decent 8635;1367357781;ezdiy;the leaked version has some bugs so you can beat the house pretty quickly, that seems to be fixed on bitfinex now :( 8636;1367357871;kakobrekla;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=174620.msg1986595#msg1986595 8637;1367357872;kakobrekla;awww 8638;1367357880;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 1.85 BTC [-] 8639;1367357881;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 1.85 BTC [-] 8640;1367357929;mircea_popescu;ezdiy you tried it ? 8641;1367357973;mircea_popescu;bwahaha 8642;1367358072;kakobrekla;i was scammed in rl today 8643;1367358108;iz;i know, it's dumb, when they say "free refills", it's implied it means IN THAT VISIT 8644;1367358109;mircea_popescu;by a girl ? 8645;1367358117;iz;what a scam 8646;1367358162;kakobrekla;accually yea, a cahier ... and i was checkin the bill cause i though it was funny but aparently it went past me in the heat of the moment 8647;1367358168;assbot;[BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 2 @ 0.0142 = 0.0284 BTC [+] 8648;1367358224;mircea_popescu;so report her 8649;1367358225;ezdiy;kakobrekla: more often than not cashiers dont do it intentionally 8650;1367358228;ezdiy;unless they're vietnamese 8651;1367358233;mircea_popescu;she slipped you a mickey! 8652;1367358239;ezdiy;then count the change. twice. and check for fake bills. 8653;1367358254;kakobrekla;hm twas like 20 euro or so 8654;1367358263;kakobrekla;its gonna cost me more than that to try to fix it 8655;1367358279;assbot;[BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.21 BTC [+] 8656;1367358282;kakobrekla;so meh 8657;1367358300;mircea_popescu;fake 20 euro bill ?! 8658;1367358314;kakobrekla;no, the bill should be 100 instead of 120 8659;1367358326;mircea_popescu;um 8660;1367358329;mircea_popescu;a ok 8661;1367358360;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.47939799 BTC [+] 8662;1367358536;mircea_popescu;dudes if anyone is not reading that uppity tortilla thread.... you're missing out. 8663;1367358546;mircea_popescu;this is what something awful would be if they had any humor 8664;1367358574;kakobrekla;id pay him to come here 8665;1367358579;kakobrekla;so we dont need to check the forums 8666;1367358598;jurov;"We will also have a private forum in 48 hours max, for the delegates and people in the process." 8667;1367358606;jurov;we'll miss out soon :/ 8668;1367358646;kakobrekla;yeah installing phpbb takes 48hrs max 8669;1367358678;mircea_popescu;jurov there's going to be leaks. 8670;1367358689;mircea_popescu;pigeons is probably whetting his pastebins as we speak 8671;1367358704;kakobrekla;is mpoe-pr on the invite list under some other handle? 8672;1367358709;kakobrekla;a 8673;1367358767;jurov;yes, likely several 8674;1367358811;mircea_popescu;for the record 8675;1367358812;mircea_popescu;http://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g189934-d199923-Reviews-Hotel_Kamp-Helsinki_Southern_Finland.html 8676;1367358823;mircea_popescu;8 out of 69 in helsinki 8677;1367358825;mircea_popescu;premier in finland 8678;1367358876;mircea_popescu;200 dollah a night, mkay. 8679;1367358885;mircea_popescu;this dood needs to visit dubai. 8680;1367358902;kakobrekla;meh budai. 8681;1367358913;mircea_popescu;lol 8682;1367358919;jurov;"I did feel I wasn't taken as seriously as those who were wearing business dress, until the receptionist saw my booking... " 8683;1367358937;mircea_popescu;what issues people have ;/ 8684;1367358941;jurov;lol what will reception say to horde of bitcoiners 8685;1367358946;mircea_popescu;you need to be taken seriously by receptionists now ? 8686;1367358976;jurov;you know, equal treatment 8687;1367358992;mircea_popescu;First, thank you for the personal invitation. I'm flattered. 8688;1367358992;mircea_popescu;For all that I post here about Bitcoin, my own activities about it, and where I see it going in the future, at the moment I am still truly small potatoes. 50k minicoins - the theoretical price of one ticket if I take too long to decide - is a large portion of my total Bitcoin holdings. 8689;1367358994;mircea_popescu;lmao 8690;1367358996;mircea_popescu;poor guy. 8691;1367359017;kakobrekla;who is that 8692;1367359026;kakobrekla;and what is mini coin 8693;1367359060;jurov;mBTC 8694;1367359074;mircea_popescu;some guy he invited. 8695;1367359076;kakobrekla;you know fuck you and your SI prefixes, i have two shovels of coins. 8696;1367359082;mircea_popescu;haha 8697;1367359110;mircea_popescu;imo minicoin = leetc. 8698;1367359128;mircea_popescu;Goat sold me 700,000mBTC for 2.65M THB yesterday 8699;1367359129;mircea_popescu;da fuck. 8700;1367359144;kakobrekla;THB is like GBH but cheaper? 8701;1367359153;kakobrekla;GHB 8702;1367359206;mircea_popescu;lol i think it's thai baht 8703;1367359208;mircea_popescu;I have almost contracted a team of 3 bright and beautiful young women to help with the organising of the summit (+ being The Summit Secretariat during the event, if ever we reach 30 participants - which I doubt but will employ them anyway) 8704;1367359212;rexcrypto;are you talking about reptila's slumber party ? that man is utterly delusional 8705;1367359223;mircea_popescu;i have almost blown a loat in a girl's ass today. 8706;1367359228;mircea_popescu;except i did it yesterday. 8707;1367359239;mircea_popescu;rexcrypto he's funny :D 8708;1367359253;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.22 BTC [-] 8709;1367359305;truffles; i have almost blown a loat in a girl's ass today.>>>> so interesting 8710;1367359324;jurov;lol i almost googled loat... then realized it's prolly load 8711;1367359333;benkay;context is underrated 8712;1367359340;kakobrekla;;;ud loat 8713;1367359340;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=loat | a large, sometimes furry creature who fears interpersonal interaction and prefers to remain secluded from society in its own world; see also HERMIT, REJECT ... 8714;1367359358;rexcrypto;that's reptila 8715;1367359370;mircea_popescu;totally. 8716;1367359371;kakobrekla;loat is a large, sometimes furry crature. 8717;1367359373;benkay;hah imagine blowing a loat into some poor lady's hiney 8718;1367359376;kakobrekla;creature 8719;1367359383;benkay;do you stick it in first and then inflate it? 8720;1367359385;truffles;ewwww 8721;1367359394;mircea_popescu;benkay you can... 8722;1367359418;benkay;or inflate it on the outside and make her squirm during the insertion 8723;1367359421;mircea_popescu;http://i408.photobucket.com/albums/pp167/Sumerianhunter/Me/weird-guy-with-guns.jpg 8724;1367359423;mircea_popescu;original loat. 8725;1367359458;benkay;my eyes 8726;1367359465;benkay;damn you my eyes! 8727;1367359475;truffles;didnt click 8728;1367359484;mircea_popescu;subquestion : why of why is his upper left thigh yellow ? 8729;1367359499;rexcrypto;piss 8730;1367359524;jurov;benkay why eyes? rather brain is hurt trying to imagine how mircea was using it 8731;1367359548;benkay;that's easy 8732;1367359552;benkay;gaping's a thing 8733;1367359559;benkay;there's no banana for scale in there 8734;1367359562;benkay;he's actually not that large 8735;1367359566;mircea_popescu;wanna bet that guy's a pickup artist ? 8736;1367359568;benkay;if there were a banana we'd be able to tell 8737;1367359569;truffles;buttsex doesnt need a how, but a why 8738;1367359577;benkay;feels good. 8739;1367359579;benkay;end of story. 8740;1367359592;benkay;also dom/sub stuff but that may escape you. 8741;1367359597;jurov;but butbut... he got blown? must have been a mess 8742;1367359603;truffles;yea not my thing 8743;1367359613;benkay;i love the wii guitar 8744;1367359620;mircea_popescu;lol is that what that is ? 8745;1367359693;benkay;i think so 8746;1367359699;benkay;i keep opening the image and closing it again 8747;1367359708;benkay;haha 8748;1367359714;benkay;not one but two wii-tars 8749;1367359729;benkay;or rock band 8750;1367359740;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.331 BTC [+] 8751;1367359743;benkay;dude would probably froth hard at the wii implications, 8752;1367360881;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5100 @ 0.00071681 = 3.6557 BTC [-] 8753;1367360934;kakobrekla;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=191898.0 8754;1367360951;kakobrekla;will this have the same 'issues' ziggap had? 8755;1367361028;kakobrekla;>When Crypto Street launches, we'll hold massive funds within each exchange, eliminating the need to figure out this funneling. 8756;1367361085;mircea_popescu;yaright, 8757;1367361092;mod6;lol "it rhymes with marbitrage" 8758;1367361095;mircea_popescu;everyone has veteran bankers, massive funds and what else 8759;1367361103;mircea_popescu;sex, 8760;1367361104;kakobrekla;it also rhymes with skateboards 8761;1367361151;jurov;optimystic:signed up, excited to see and use 8762;1367362077;rexcrypto;reptila is getting desperate: he added a new ticket type "virtual delegate", 5BTC 8763;1367362082;rexcrypto;no chance to impress the receptionist tough 8764;1367362103;rexcrypto;oh, excuse me... 5000 mBTC 8765;1367362220;kakobrekla;a teaspoon of btc? 8766;1367362284;kakobrekla;;;calc 1 teaspoon in drops 8767;1367362284;gribble;Error: invalid syntax (, line 1) 8768;1367362367;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.21047 BTC [-] 8769;1367362816;kakobrekla;http://xkcd.com/1200/ 8770;1367363305;dub;gah 8771;1367363345;dub;I'd like to print that out on a bit of 4x2 and beat our new corp security clowns with it 8772;1367363932;mircea_popescu;its 2x4 8773;1367364332;benkay;pedant 8774;1367364354;jborkl;maybe i will suggest to reptelia the name ACE 8775;1367364370;jborkl;Ass Clown Exchange 8776;1367364392;benkay;IACEP 8777;1367364402;benkay;Insane Ass Clown Exchange Posse 8778;1367364404;benkay;Possee 8779;1367364407;benkay;Possee 8780;1367364412;benkay;goddamnit. posse. 8781;1367364644;dub;could call themselves juggleasses 8782;1367364802;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.229 BTC [+] 8783;1367365173;assbot;[BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 2 @ 0.201 = 0.402 BTC [-] 8784;1367365230;assbot;[BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.229 BTC [+] 8785;1367365733;mircea_popescu;im still waiting for them to produce 30 chicks. 8786;1367365773;mircea_popescu;perhaps somebody should whisper in his ear that at my thing i had the guests harassed by a drunken street whore. 8787;1367365776;mircea_popescu;top that, tortilla! 8788;1367365778;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6800 @ 0.00071681 = 4.8743 BTC [-] 8789;1367365945;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1234 @ 0.00072819 = 0.8986 BTC [+] 8790;1367365947;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1049 @ 0.00073864 = 0.7748 BTC [+] 8791;1367365950;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36 @ 0.00073864 = 0.0266 BTC [+] 8792;1367366221;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.32100003 BTC [-]