I have two fundamental objections : why is the class called "myacceptor", and why are you showing "thing isn't something that we'd normally do" ? I also have my reservations about a "define-easy-acceptor" macro etc, but we'll leave that for later. I'm very curious to see current MP-WP url schema interpretation in lisp tho. Very nice schema thing tho! Re "I've been using this piece of code for a while because my program requires it, but I don't trust it enough to sign it just yet" : for the default example, make a S-spyked-UBWS nick with its own key (standing for "Shit Spyked Uses But Won't Sign") and... sign it with that key. And rate it, from spyked, "-5 this asshole signs shitty code I use" or w/e. Then it's fucking clear, very specifically and most precisely WoT-wise : everyone's doing exactly their job, you're negrating the asshole, A+++ spyked would trade again ; and the asshole's being an asshole, A+++ asshole, would trade again also. In other words, there's no papering over the tulpas. You got multiple personality disorder when you're using and disawoving, your wot tree is stuck reflecting that. Can't just pretend it away. Besides, writing it down helps immensely in dealing with it, as any psychiatrist + lobbes can attest. PS. Holy shit, PPerlCRE ?!