LordMPofTMSR 38M Master 6h Not even kidding. CallMeMimi 25F babygirl 1h You’re not even kidding about what? LordMPofTMSR 38M Master 6m Think of it as an intelligence test. That you're failing. CallMeMimi 25F babygirl 1m I’m sorry you put a subject line too long to be able to see? Whose intelligence is failing now? Though, now after reading your profile, I assume it pertains to being a slave for you. Not at all interested. I’m too strong willed and willing to take control to be a slave. I wish you all the luck in the world on your endeavors. LordMPofTMSR 38M Master 1m You're not "strong willed" or anything like that, you're just dumb. Now get lost.